lBHyNBioUCu-00000-00000714-00000991 okay well we spent the morning trying to lBHyNBioUCu-00001-00000992-00001194 imagine what it was like to be a reserve lBHyNBioUCu-00002-00001195-00001519 manager here or living around the lBHyNBioUCu-00003-00001520-00001930 reserve and now we won't talk for the lBHyNBioUCu-00004-00001930-00002085 first time about climate change we've lBHyNBioUCu-00005-00002086-00002257 heard climate change mentioned at least lBHyNBioUCu-00006-00002258-00002463 the group that was with the reserve lBHyNBioUCu-00007-00002464-00002713 manager and his team heard about climate lBHyNBioUCu-00008-00002714-00002956 change little this morning and we've lBHyNBioUCu-00009-00002957-00003117 talked mentioned climate change several lBHyNBioUCu-00010-00003118-00003297 times and we'll have a couple of lBHyNBioUCu-00011-00003298-00003543 sessions on climate change this will be lBHyNBioUCu-00012-00003544-00003729 the first one initially this was going lBHyNBioUCu-00013-00003730-00003949 to be a lecture session about climate lBHyNBioUCu-00014-00003950-00004150 change but I think after this morning lBHyNBioUCu-00015-00004151-00004518 that would be deadly so instead of doing lBHyNBioUCu-00016-00004519-00004818 climate change lecture we're going to lBHyNBioUCu-00017-00004819-00005116 keep the reserve focus and we're going lBHyNBioUCu-00018-00005117-00005296 to think about what climate change may lBHyNBioUCu-00019-00005297-00005607 mean to an individual reserve so we lBHyNBioUCu-00020-00005608-00005953 talked this morning about all sorts of lBHyNBioUCu-00021-00005954-00006163 challenges that the reserve was facing lBHyNBioUCu-00022-00006164-00006514 very dense population outside grazing lBHyNBioUCu-00023-00006515-00006814 burning a lot of issues that they have lBHyNBioUCu-00024-00006815-00006966 to deal with they brought up climate lBHyNBioUCu-00025-00006967-00007191 change themselves and indeed climate lBHyNBioUCu-00026-00007192-00007363 change is now something that everybody's lBHyNBioUCu-00027-00007364-00007548 starting to think about it's not really lBHyNBioUCu-00028-00007550-00007734 you know sort of the last thing we lBHyNBioUCu-00029-00007735-00008034 needed was one more problem but it's a lBHyNBioUCu-00030-00008035-00008245 real thing and it's something we need to lBHyNBioUCu-00031-00008246-00008595 to cope with so what I want to do to lBHyNBioUCu-00032-00008596-00008835 have us visualize what it's like to lBHyNBioUCu-00033-00008836-00009052 manage a reserve for climate change is lBHyNBioUCu-00034-00009053-00009391 to transport you from the northeast lBHyNBioUCu-00035-00009392-00009609 corner of Africa clear to the southern lBHyNBioUCu-00036-00009610-00009838 tip of Africa and we're going to put you lBHyNBioUCu-00037-00009839-00010098 in charge of a reserve in South Africa lBHyNBioUCu-00038-00010099-00010239 and you're going to have to think lBHyNBioUCu-00039-00010240-00010410 through and we'll think through as a lBHyNBioUCu-00040-00010411-00010669 group a bit about how we manage our lBHyNBioUCu-00041-00010670-00011041 reserve for climate change so that's a lBHyNBioUCu-00042-00011042-00011212 big plane flight so the first thing lBHyNBioUCu-00043-00011213-00011409 we're going to do is get ourselves lBHyNBioUCu-00044-00011410-00011613 oriented and look at the place that lBHyNBioUCu-00045-00011614-00011862 we're going to it's worth mentioning lBHyNBioUCu-00046-00011863-00012213 that this little adventure that we're on lBHyNBioUCu-00047-00012214-00012430 is going to draw on a lot of the tools lBHyNBioUCu-00048-00012431-00012648 that we've learned in previous courses lBHyNBioUCu-00049-00012649-00012888 in this series and in this course lBHyNBioUCu-00050-00012889-00013099 satellite image obviously we've been lBHyNBioUCu-00051-00013100-00013303 talking about that a lot lately but lBHyNBioUCu-00052-00013304-00013450 we're also going to use species lBHyNBioUCu-00053-00013451-00013759 distribution models or niche models lBHyNBioUCu-00054-00013760-00013938 that we're taught in an earlier version lBHyNBioUCu-00055-00013940-00014221 of the course and we're going to do a lBHyNBioUCu-00056-00014222-00014541 lot with G basically with G is looking lBHyNBioUCu-00057-00014543-00014988 at maps or simulations of landscapes so lBHyNBioUCu-00058-00014988-00015259 where I'm transporting you to is the lBHyNBioUCu-00059-00015260-00015538 southern tip of Africa which is just cut lBHyNBioUCu-00060-00015538-00015736 off a little bit here in our slide cape lBHyNBioUCu-00061-00015737-00015883 agulhas is here which is the lBHyNBioUCu-00062-00015884-00016183 southernmost point in Africa cape point lBHyNBioUCu-00063-00016184-00016525 is here and Cape Town is here so we're lBHyNBioUCu-00064-00016526-00016851 in South Africa we're near Cape Town lBHyNBioUCu-00065-00016852-00017137 some of the really important features in lBHyNBioUCu-00066-00017138-00017353 the local topography but also for lBHyNBioUCu-00067-00017354-00017578 climate change are the Cape fold lBHyNBioUCu-00068-00017579-00017764 mountains which have an unusual lBHyNBioUCu-00069-00017765-00017947 orientation in that they're north and lBHyNBioUCu-00070-00017948-00018274 south in one part of their range and lBHyNBioUCu-00071-00018275-00018574 then there east west in the extension of lBHyNBioUCu-00072-00018575-00018799 their range and that's important because lBHyNBioUCu-00073-00018800-00019090 with climate change we expect things to lBHyNBioUCu-00074-00019091-00019375 be moving towards the pole to track lBHyNBioUCu-00075-00019376-00019675 warming conditions and we also expect lBHyNBioUCu-00076-00019676-00019903 them to be moving up slope so it's quite lBHyNBioUCu-00077-00019904-00020118 unusual that we would have upslope lBHyNBioUCu-00078-00020119-00020386 montagne environments that are oriented lBHyNBioUCu-00079-00020387-00020617 both in north and south and east and lBHyNBioUCu-00080-00020618-00020824 west directions both in the same place lBHyNBioUCu-00081-00020825-00021094 so that's kind of a neat unique feature lBHyNBioUCu-00082-00021095-00021337 of the cape and we're going to come back lBHyNBioUCu-00083-00021338-00021652 to this area and this part of the Cape lBHyNBioUCu-00084-00021653-00021943 as we look at climate change in the in lBHyNBioUCu-00085-00021944-00022135 the future in some of our future lBHyNBioUCu-00086-00022136-00022387 discussions of it and I'll show this lBHyNBioUCu-00087-00022388-00022627 satellite image again but I want you lBHyNBioUCu-00088-00022628-00022915 just to be aware of the orientation of lBHyNBioUCu-00089-00022916-00023221 things the fine boasts the sort of scrub lBHyNBioUCu-00090-00023222-00023506 Yvette Mediterranean vegetation is down lBHyNBioUCu-00091-00023507-00023845 here around Cape Town and the kuru more lBHyNBioUCu-00092-00023846-00024127 desert vegetation is up here and so lBHyNBioUCu-00093-00024128-00024382 we'll be exploring one of the three lBHyNBioUCu-00094-00024383-00024628 floral elements of the fame Bose which lBHyNBioUCu-00095-00024629-00025003 is which are the Proteus Proteus are big lBHyNBioUCu-00096-00025004-00025372 showy flowers that are in floral designs lBHyNBioUCu-00097-00025373-00025594 all over the world now the king protea lBHyNBioUCu-00098-00025595-00026097 is the national flower of South Africa lBHyNBioUCu-00099-00026098-00026433 the other two mates of the Proteus are lBHyNBioUCu-00100-00026435-00026743 one of three major floral elements that lBHyNBioUCu-00101-00026744-00026889 make the Cape very you lBHyNBioUCu-00102-00026891-00027229 in the plant kingdom the other two lBHyNBioUCu-00103-00027230-00027601 elements are the rest eo's which are lBHyNBioUCu-00104-00027602-00027876 sort of horse tail like plants and lBHyNBioUCu-00105-00027877-00028255 erica's which are basically Heath small lBHyNBioUCu-00106-00028256-00028564 leaved Heath plants but we're going to lBHyNBioUCu-00107-00028564-00028948 focus on the Proteus and the area we're lBHyNBioUCu-00108-00028949-00029116 going to focus on before i leave the lBHyNBioUCu-00109-00029117-00029358 satellite image is a place called the lBHyNBioUCu-00110-00029360-00029602 cederberg which is up here you can see lBHyNBioUCu-00111-00029602-00029782 it's part of the Cape fold mountains lBHyNBioUCu-00112-00029783-00030187 it's a high plateau that connects and lBHyNBioUCu-00113-00030188-00030424 arid area and the kuru so it's still lBHyNBioUCu-00114-00030425-00030652 fine boasts in the much of the lower lBHyNBioUCu-00115-00030652-00030958 elevation vegetation and then kuru very lBHyNBioUCu-00116-00030958-00031360 dry desert vegetation once you get over lBHyNBioUCu-00117-00031361-00031573 the cedarburg but the cederberg is a big lBHyNBioUCu-00118-00031574-00031810 plateau that sits between the coastal lBHyNBioUCu-00119-00031811-00032125 plain and the elevated interior and lBHyNBioUCu-00120-00032126-00032335 that's the reserve that we're going to lBHyNBioUCu-00121-00032336-00032589 ask you guys to manage and think about lBHyNBioUCu-00122-00032591-00032953 how you manage for climate change and as lBHyNBioUCu-00123-00032954-00033373 I mentioned ah as I mentioned the lBHyNBioUCu-00124-00033374-00033535 species we're going to focus on and lBHyNBioUCu-00125-00033536-00033718 they're not the only species in the area lBHyNBioUCu-00126-00033719-00033901 but they're certainly very important lBHyNBioUCu-00127-00033902-00034219 species are the Proteus and here you see lBHyNBioUCu-00128-00034220-00034375 several of them and you see that they lBHyNBioUCu-00129-00034376-00034614 have a variety of growth forms and lBHyNBioUCu-00130-00034615-00034921 inflorescences from little teeny flowers lBHyNBioUCu-00131-00034922-00035218 and little teeny leads to great big hand lBHyNBioUCu-00132-00035219-00035608 size flowers and giant leaves and these lBHyNBioUCu-00133-00035609-00035830 are plants that are very easily lBHyNBioUCu-00134-00035831-00036088 identifiable very show a very lBHyNBioUCu-00135-00036089-00036406 spectacular and one of the reasons we're lBHyNBioUCu-00136-00036407-00036646 going to focus on them is that they're lBHyNBioUCu-00137-00036647-00036907 so easy to identify that even a mature lBHyNBioUCu-00138-00036908-00037201 weekend hikers can identify Proteus lBHyNBioUCu-00139-00037202-00037477 reliably and there's been a project in lBHyNBioUCu-00140-00037478-00037783 the Cape for the last 20 years to have lBHyNBioUCu-00141-00037784-00038071 weakened hikers with GPS units or lBHyNBioUCu-00142-00038072-00038331 without going out and identifying lBHyNBioUCu-00143-00038332-00038596 Proteus in the field and then relaying lBHyNBioUCu-00144-00038597-00038800 the data back to the South Africa lBHyNBioUCu-00145-00038801-00039052 national biodiversity institutes and B lBHyNBioUCu-00146-00039053-00039274 which is located at the Kirsten Bosh lBHyNBioUCu-00147-00039275-00039487 botanical garden so they've been keeping lBHyNBioUCu-00148-00039488-00039712 these records of where Proteus actually lBHyNBioUCu-00149-00039713-00039982 exists in the field and that provides us lBHyNBioUCu-00150-00039983-00040153 with a really rich day lBHyNBioUCu-00151-00040154-00040480 a base to use for modeling both of where lBHyNBioUCu-00152-00040481-00040759 the Proteas are now but as our interest lBHyNBioUCu-00153-00040760-00041005 is in where the Proteas might move with lBHyNBioUCu-00154-00041006-00041245 climate change so we'll we'll show some lBHyNBioUCu-00155-00041246-00041512 simple models of of the Proteus and how lBHyNBioUCu-00156-00041513-00041719 they might move and what we'd like to do lBHyNBioUCu-00157-00041720-00041971 is think about then how we might manage lBHyNBioUCu-00158-00041972-00042202 this reserve in light of possible lBHyNBioUCu-00159-00042203-00042517 changes to this important plant element lBHyNBioUCu-00160-00042518-00042973 in the reserve so I'm going to show you lBHyNBioUCu-00161-00042974-00043233 a little bit about what that looks like lBHyNBioUCu-00162-00043234-00043666 so here's here's one of the Proteus lBHyNBioUCu-00163-00043667-00043963 adaiah Stella it's a teeny little pin lBHyNBioUCu-00164-00043964-00044368 cushiony flower and these and you can lBHyNBioUCu-00165-00044369-00044616 see here's a highly schematic version lBHyNBioUCu-00166-00044617-00044866 version of Cape Town we just looked at lBHyNBioUCu-00167-00044867-00045097 it in the satellite image I can go back lBHyNBioUCu-00168-00045098-00045379 if you want to get oriented but if you lBHyNBioUCu-00169-00045380-00045550 remember when i pointed out Cape Town lBHyNBioUCu-00170-00045551-00045763 there's this little hook of land k point lBHyNBioUCu-00171-00045764-00046060 is here and this is just the coastline lBHyNBioUCu-00172-00046061-00046359 around Cape Town and the black dots are lBHyNBioUCu-00173-00046360-00046675 records from the protea Atlas which is lBHyNBioUCu-00174-00046676-00046981 the this atlas of occurrences of these lBHyNBioUCu-00175-00046982-00047257 Proteus species so weekend hikers and lBHyNBioUCu-00176-00047258-00047485 botanists have been out and and they've lBHyNBioUCu-00177-00047486-00047683 either had a GPS or they've been on a lBHyNBioUCu-00178-00047684-00048085 trail that had been GPS registered and lBHyNBioUCu-00179-00048086-00048295 they've marked down where they observed lBHyNBioUCu-00180-00048296-00048544 the Proteus on this trail that has known lBHyNBioUCu-00181-00048545-00048787 GPS points for it which lets us have lBHyNBioUCu-00182-00048788-00048958 pretty accurate records of where the lBHyNBioUCu-00183-00048959-00049510 Proteus are and this lets us ask well lBHyNBioUCu-00184-00049511-00049738 what's the suitable climate for this lBHyNBioUCu-00185-00049739-00050155 particular protea and so one way to look lBHyNBioUCu-00186-00050156-00050395 at where this plant might be distributed lBHyNBioUCu-00187-00050396-00050755 is to ask what climatic space is filled lBHyNBioUCu-00188-00050756-00051004 by these points and then extrapolate out lBHyNBioUCu-00189-00051005-00051214 from that and say well we may not have lBHyNBioUCu-00190-00051215-00051499 observed this dye estella everywhere it lBHyNBioUCu-00191-00051500-00051739 exists but we know generally what the lBHyNBioUCu-00192-00051740-00052039 climate is that it prefers from the lBHyNBioUCu-00193-00052040-00052213 points where we do know that it exists lBHyNBioUCu-00194-00052214-00052690 and we can extrapolate out it's it's lBHyNBioUCu-00195-00052691-00053065 likely habitats by using the climate lBHyNBioUCu-00196-00053066-00053246 that we infer from where lBHyNBioUCu-00197-00053247-00053771 we actually observed it and so that can lBHyNBioUCu-00198-00053772-00054002 be done towns just left but i'll mention lBHyNBioUCu-00199-00054003-00054383 GARP anyway that sort of climate lBHyNBioUCu-00200-00054384-00054569 modeling can be done or species lBHyNBioUCu-00201-00054570-00054827 distribution or niche modeling can be lBHyNBioUCu-00202-00054828-00055085 done with a number of different types of lBHyNBioUCu-00203-00055086-00055427 software one of them is GARP which is lBHyNBioUCu-00204-00055428-00055811 the genetic algorithm for ruleset lBHyNBioUCu-00205-00055812-00056147 prediction I believe another is Mac lBHyNBioUCu-00206-00056148-00056363 scent which stands for maximum entropy lBHyNBioUCu-00207-00056364-00056675 and there are others that use the same lBHyNBioUCu-00208-00056676-00056891 basic principle of saying well where lBHyNBioUCu-00209-00056891-00057188 does the species occurred now what lBHyNBioUCu-00210-00057189-00057494 climatic space does that fill and then lBHyNBioUCu-00211-00057495-00057770 then extrapolating out to other places lBHyNBioUCu-00212-00057771-00058097 the species might exist so here's a a lBHyNBioUCu-00213-00058098-00058455 map from one of these models that lBHyNBioUCu-00214-00058457-00058769 simulates where this species exists and lBHyNBioUCu-00215-00058770-00059057 you see that it includes virtually all lBHyNBioUCu-00216-00059058-00059360 of the actual observation points but it lBHyNBioUCu-00217-00059361-00059798 includes many areas in which the plant lBHyNBioUCu-00218-00059799-00059987 has not actually been collected or lBHyNBioUCu-00219-00059988-00060296 observed now you'll notice that the map lBHyNBioUCu-00220-00060297-00060485 hat is made up of lots of little teeny lBHyNBioUCu-00221-00060486-00060782 squares right and so what do we call lBHyNBioUCu-00222-00060783-00061298 that kind of data in a GIS system raster lBHyNBioUCu-00223-00061299-00061784 raster so the model uses information in lBHyNBioUCu-00224-00061785-00061976 each one of these little grids to lBHyNBioUCu-00225-00061977-00062441 simulate where the species might be is lBHyNBioUCu-00226-00062441-00062579 there anything that strikes you about lBHyNBioUCu-00227-00062579-00063186 this simulation of the species lBHyNBioUCu-00228-00063187-00063663 any particular yeah oh do I have to come lBHyNBioUCu-00229-00063664-00064221 to you I bet I do lBHyNBioUCu-00230-00064222-00064569 yeah and then just any general comments lBHyNBioUCu-00231-00064570-00064937 what do you notice about it what's your lBHyNBioUCu-00232-00064938-00065229 question or comment either one my lBHyNBioUCu-00233-00065229-00065540 question is that how far can we trust lBHyNBioUCu-00234-00065541-00066354 okay yeah exactly well and then that lBHyNBioUCu-00235-00066355-00066693 that's a very good question so let's lBHyNBioUCu-00236-00066694-00066867 answer the simplest question first which lBHyNBioUCu-00237-00066868-00067143 is is there any soil data included in lBHyNBioUCu-00238-00067144-00067383 this model and in this case yes there is lBHyNBioUCu-00239-00067384-00067649 soil data included so it's not just lBHyNBioUCu-00240-00067650-00067917 climatic data but you can certainly use lBHyNBioUCu-00241-00067918-00068442 the models without soil data and you can lBHyNBioUCu-00242-00068443-00068739 use them with just climatic data and lBHyNBioUCu-00243-00068740-00068979 then clip out the soils that you believe lBHyNBioUCu-00244-00068980-00069252 are suitable for the species or if you lBHyNBioUCu-00245-00069253-00069441 don't have any soils data you may just lBHyNBioUCu-00246-00069442-00069708 use climatic data but as you recognize lBHyNBioUCu-00247-00069709-00069906 the soils are very important for lBHyNBioUCu-00248-00069907-00070077 determining where the plant occurs and lBHyNBioUCu-00249-00070078-00070383 so the climate only sort of models may lBHyNBioUCu-00250-00070384-00070620 look quite different than models that lBHyNBioUCu-00251-00070621-00070875 include soil characteristics if we lBHyNBioUCu-00252-00070876-00071133 include soils in this week typically use lBHyNBioUCu-00253-00071134-00071607 parameters like soil pH or depth that lBHyNBioUCu-00254-00071608-00071919 can be included in the model rather than lBHyNBioUCu-00255-00071920-00072156 just soil type although I suppose you lBHyNBioUCu-00256-00072157-00072453 could use just soil type as well then lBHyNBioUCu-00257-00072454-00073216 question or comment lBHyNBioUCu-00258-00073217-00073486 so when went running such mother do you lBHyNBioUCu-00259-00073487-00073701 also consider the previous range of the lBHyNBioUCu-00260-00073702-00074181 species uh-huh twice prayed before I was lBHyNBioUCu-00261-00074182-00074968 right okay great the question is when we lBHyNBioUCu-00262-00074969-00075190 look at these models do we consider the lBHyNBioUCu-00263-00075191-00075580 previous range of the species and that lBHyNBioUCu-00264-00075581-00075973 gets to the other question which is what lBHyNBioUCu-00265-00075974-00076117 gives us much confidence that these lBHyNBioUCu-00266-00076118-00076384 models are actually representing the lBHyNBioUCu-00267-00076385-00076644 real world so one of the things that you lBHyNBioUCu-00268-00076645-00076990 might notice about this model is that lBHyNBioUCu-00269-00076991-00077185 the species has been observed here and lBHyNBioUCu-00270-00077186-00077512 up here but it's never been recorded in lBHyNBioUCu-00271-00077513-00077838 here but the model says that the species lBHyNBioUCu-00272-00077839-00078175 should be occurring there so the lBHyNBioUCu-00273-00078176-00078400 question is then to sort of to address lBHyNBioUCu-00274-00078401-00078699 these questions of previous range and lBHyNBioUCu-00275-00078700-00078910 what do we think about whether these lBHyNBioUCu-00276-00078911-00079159 models are trustworthy you need to look lBHyNBioUCu-00277-00079160-00079396 at these models and ask questions about lBHyNBioUCu-00278-00079397-00079743 soil type other assumptions that are lBHyNBioUCu-00279-00079744-00079972 built into the model in this case one of lBHyNBioUCu-00280-00079973-00080137 the things you might do is look at this lBHyNBioUCu-00281-00080138-00080406 output and ask yourself well can we lBHyNBioUCu-00282-00080407-00080643 believe this model if there's an entire lBHyNBioUCu-00283-00080644-00080931 swath of area in which the plant has lBHyNBioUCu-00284-00080932-00081379 never been observed but the model says lBHyNBioUCu-00285-00081380-00081768 that it should be there and in fact in lBHyNBioUCu-00286-00081769-00082192 this case the fact that the plant has lBHyNBioUCu-00287-00082193-00082438 never been observed there paradoxically lBHyNBioUCu-00288-00082439-00082747 sort of actually confirms the fact that lBHyNBioUCu-00289-00082748-00083035 the model has some utility now this area lBHyNBioUCu-00290-00083036-00083238 where the plants never been observed are lBHyNBioUCu-00291-00083239-00083538 the Cape Flats and the Cape Flats are an lBHyNBioUCu-00292-00083539-00083785 area that have been cleared for about lBHyNBioUCu-00293-00083786-00084016 300 years when ships first started lBHyNBioUCu-00294-00084017-00084316 coming to the cape and the 1600s they lBHyNBioUCu-00295-00084317-00084593 would go into the Cape Flats and clear lBHyNBioUCu-00296-00084594-00084993 vegetation for fuel and firewood and so lBHyNBioUCu-00297-00084994-00085192 this area has been cleared for almost lBHyNBioUCu-00298-00085193-00085443 300 years so it's been cleared before lBHyNBioUCu-00299-00085444-00085656 even the first botanist started to take lBHyNBioUCu-00300-00085657-00085912 records in this area and today it's lBHyNBioUCu-00301-00085913-00086258 under City and and lBHyNBioUCu-00302-00086259-00086660 urban land uses so there's no there's no lBHyNBioUCu-00303-00086661-00086795 chance at all that we're ever going to lBHyNBioUCu-00304-00086796-00086978 get a record of this died Estella from lBHyNBioUCu-00305-00086979-00087305 this area now and in fact if we lBHyNBioUCu-00306-00087306-00087488 understand the history of the area it lBHyNBioUCu-00307-00087489-00087824 explains to us why this species has lBHyNBioUCu-00308-00087825-00088049 never been observed there before and lBHyNBioUCu-00309-00088050-00088247 those little black dots include lBHyNBioUCu-00310-00088248-00088457 herbarium records not just weekend lBHyNBioUCu-00311-00088458-00088673 hikers so this isn't just a modern lBHyNBioUCu-00312-00088674-00088856 artifact this is a thing that people lBHyNBioUCu-00313-00088857-00089054 have never collected this plant there lBHyNBioUCu-00314-00089055-00089213 but it's actually not terribly lBHyNBioUCu-00315-00089214-00089396 surprising once you understand the land lBHyNBioUCu-00316-00089397-00089777 use so i encourage you to always be lBHyNBioUCu-00317-00089778-00089969 thinking critically about these models lBHyNBioUCu-00318-00089970-00090200 about whether they include soils what lBHyNBioUCu-00319-00090201-00090449 sorts of information they contain and lBHyNBioUCu-00320-00090450-00090668 what sorts of assumptions their build on lBHyNBioUCu-00321-00090669-00090950 and a great way to do that is to look at lBHyNBioUCu-00322-00090951-00091199 the model outputs and ask yourself lBHyNBioUCu-00323-00091200-00091421 whether they make sense and when you see lBHyNBioUCu-00324-00091422-00091643 some patterns like this think about lBHyNBioUCu-00325-00091644-00091835 whether the models making sense and so lBHyNBioUCu-00326-00091836-00092051 this is actually a nice example of a lBHyNBioUCu-00327-00092052-00092204 case where you could look at this and go lBHyNBioUCu-00328-00092205-00092414 well maybe we shouldn't trust this model lBHyNBioUCu-00329-00092415-00092618 because it's projecting the species in lBHyNBioUCu-00330-00092619-00092795 places where it's never been collected lBHyNBioUCu-00331-00092796-00093035 in the last 200 years but in point of lBHyNBioUCu-00332-00093036-00093233 fact it's pretty logical but it hasn't lBHyNBioUCu-00333-00093234-00093496 been collected there and in a way that lBHyNBioUCu-00334-00093497-00093839 reinforces our the credibility of this lBHyNBioUCu-00335-00093840-00094156 model for this particular species for us lBHyNBioUCu-00336-00094157-00094430 okay then so this is but this is just lBHyNBioUCu-00337-00094431-00094661 the present distribution what this model lBHyNBioUCu-00338-00094662-00094829 tells us is that we added there you know lBHyNBioUCu-00339-00094830-00095003 there's some part of the Cape fold lBHyNBioUCu-00340-00095004-00095177 mountains now remember the Cape fold lBHyNBioUCu-00341-00095178-00095387 mountains are going like this and then lBHyNBioUCu-00342-00095388-00095653 coming out over here so this little lBHyNBioUCu-00343-00095654-00095843 population or this little piece of lBHyNBioUCu-00344-00095844-00096131 climatically suitable area is in the lBHyNBioUCu-00345-00096132-00096389 Cape fold mountains and you know which lBHyNBioUCu-00346-00096390-00096662 we've never observed this species there lBHyNBioUCu-00347-00096663-00096794 but if we wanted to look for new lBHyNBioUCu-00348-00096795-00097004 occurrences of the species we might want lBHyNBioUCu-00349-00097005-00097229 to send a biological survey team lBHyNBioUCu-00350-00097230-00097601 mountain to wherever this is to look for lBHyNBioUCu-00351-00097602-00097901 this particular species but this is just lBHyNBioUCu-00352-00097902-00098441 a present current climatic model of the lBHyNBioUCu-00353-00098442-00098698 suitable climatic space for the species lBHyNBioUCu-00354-00098699-00099158 what do we do if we want to look at the lBHyNBioUCu-00355-00099159-00099455 future possible distribution of the lBHyNBioUCu-00356-00099456-00099712 species as climate changes lBHyNBioUCu-00357-00099713-00100004 anybody what what sorts of tools would lBHyNBioUCu-00358-00100005-00100346 we want to use to do that using the same lBHyNBioUCu-00359-00100347-00100669 sort of modeling platform what else do lBHyNBioUCu-00360-00100670-00101003 you think we need to include to get a lBHyNBioUCu-00361-00101004-00101521 future projection out of this anybody lBHyNBioUCu-00362-00101522-00101974 Emily lBHyNBioUCu-00363-00101975-00102226 yep so you need a climate model right lBHyNBioUCu-00364-00102227-00102430 you need to have nobody knows what lBHyNBioUCu-00365-00102431-00102606 future climate is going to be like and lBHyNBioUCu-00366-00102607-00102805 so we'll talk about when we go into more lBHyNBioUCu-00367-00102806-00103042 lecture mode on climate change will talk lBHyNBioUCu-00368-00103043-00103536 about global climate models GCMs GCM lBHyNBioUCu-00369-00103538-00103680 actually stands for general circulation lBHyNBioUCu-00370-00103681-00103996 model and will explain why that is but lBHyNBioUCu-00371-00103997-00104191 it seems to stand for global climate lBHyNBioUCu-00372-00104192-00104469 model and that's exactly what it is and lBHyNBioUCu-00373-00104470-00104694 that's exactly what we need to use this lBHyNBioUCu-00374-00104695-00104956 same modeling tool to look at the lBHyNBioUCu-00375-00104957-00105186 possible future distribution of the lBHyNBioUCu-00376-00105188-00105517 species so the same global climate lBHyNBioUCu-00377-00105518-00105703 models that they're discussing in Paris lBHyNBioUCu-00378-00105704-00106042 right now they use these global climate lBHyNBioUCu-00379-00106043-00106219 models and think of them like a weather lBHyNBioUCu-00380-00106220-00106522 model that's a little bit coarser and is lBHyNBioUCu-00381-00106523-00106717 projected around the entire world and lBHyNBioUCu-00382-00106718-00106935 run for 50 years instead of the next lBHyNBioUCu-00383-00106936-00107194 five days it's exactly the same set of lBHyNBioUCu-00384-00107195-00107383 equations in the same sort of modeling lBHyNBioUCu-00385-00107383-00107643 platform run often on the very same lBHyNBioUCu-00386-00107644-00107971 supercomputers so the Canadian climate lBHyNBioUCu-00387-00107972-00108118 model runs on the very same lBHyNBioUCu-00388-00108119-00108343 supercomputer the Canada runs its lBHyNBioUCu-00389-00108344-00108649 weather forecasts on and Canada runs a lBHyNBioUCu-00390-00108650-00108841 weather forecast and they'll run the lBHyNBioUCu-00391-00108842-00109075 model out for five days or ten days on a lBHyNBioUCu-00392-00109076-00109329 very fine grain to try and project lBHyNBioUCu-00393-00109330-00109597 current climatic sorry current weather lBHyNBioUCu-00394-00109598-00109804 conditions and see how they're going to lBHyNBioUCu-00395-00109805-00109998 evolve over the next five or ten days lBHyNBioUCu-00396-00109999-00110254 and at night when the month when the lBHyNBioUCu-00397-00110255-00110518 computer isn't used very much the lBHyNBioUCu-00398-00110519-00110728 Canadian mod climate modelling team lBHyNBioUCu-00399-00110729-00111007 comes in runs a very similar kind of lBHyNBioUCu-00400-00111008-00111298 model but at much coarser scale 200 or lBHyNBioUCu-00401-00111299-00111622 300 kilometer grid cells raster cells lBHyNBioUCu-00402-00111623-00111865 and runs it for the entire planet for lBHyNBioUCu-00403-00111866-00112153 fifty or a hundred years and ask how is lBHyNBioUCu-00404-00112154-00112383 how our climatic conditions going to lBHyNBioUCu-00405-00112384-00112633 evolve over longer much longer time lBHyNBioUCu-00406-00112633-00112894 frames so we take those kinds of models lBHyNBioUCu-00407-00112895-00113248 and we use information from them to feed lBHyNBioUCu-00408-00113249-00113488 into this species distribution model so lBHyNBioUCu-00409-00113489-00113764 remember this niche model the species lBHyNBioUCu-00410-00113765-00114073 distribution model has taken climatic lBHyNBioUCu-00411-00114074-00114309 information and the species occurrences lBHyNBioUCu-00412-00114310-00114577 and said okay here's what we think might lBHyNBioUCu-00413-00114578-00114742 be the suitable climate for the species lBHyNBioUCu-00414-00114743-00114994 so if we know what the climate looks lBHyNBioUCu-00415-00114995-00115207 like in the future we can just take that lBHyNBioUCu-00416-00115208-00115353 same model and lBHyNBioUCu-00417-00115354-00115902 say hello and say where would that lBHyNBioUCu-00418-00115903-00116143 suitable climatic space move in the lBHyNBioUCu-00419-00116144-00116337 future which and this is the point at lBHyNBioUCu-00420-00116338-00116533 which I hit the key and we look at the lBHyNBioUCu-00421-00116533-00116746 future model but we're going to have to lBHyNBioUCu-00422-00116747-00116949 wait for a second so does that make lBHyNBioUCu-00423-00116950-00117297 sense to everybody in terms of the lBHyNBioUCu-00424-00117298-00117520 modeling tool we're using putting lBHyNBioUCu-00425-00117521-00117718 information from a global climate model lBHyNBioUCu-00426-00117719-00118033 into it and then asking where species lBHyNBioUCu-00427-00118033-00118410 maybe in the future based on that okay lBHyNBioUCu-00428-00118411-00118704 everybody good with that and we're lBHyNBioUCu-00429-00118705-00118945 talking about plants here and plants are lBHyNBioUCu-00430-00118946-00119190 good subjects for this kind of modeling lBHyNBioUCu-00431-00119191-00119391 because they're rooted in the soil they lBHyNBioUCu-00432-00119392-00119574 don't move around they don't sample a lBHyNBioUCu-00433-00119575-00119790 lot of climate space but you can lBHyNBioUCu-00434-00119791-00119944 certainly apply the same kind of lBHyNBioUCu-00435-00119945-00120135 modeling to birds or mammals or other lBHyNBioUCu-00436-00120136-00120343 species you may want to ask yourselves lBHyNBioUCu-00437-00120344-00120571 what the the assumptions are as you do lBHyNBioUCu-00438-00120572-00120753 that that you can certainly apply it to lBHyNBioUCu-00439-00120754-00120975 all kinds of species yes let me come to lBHyNBioUCu-00440-00120976-00121494 you question lBHyNBioUCu-00441-00121495-00122043 yeah I hear about some models axis is a lBHyNBioUCu-00442-00122044-00122384 hole uh-huh yep yep I don't know what lBHyNBioUCu-00443-00122385-00122748 okay good so model acronyms this will lBHyNBioUCu-00444-00122749-00123015 we'll get to that in lecture but those lBHyNBioUCu-00445-00123016-00123183 certs I don't know if everybody heard lBHyNBioUCu-00446-00123183-00123461 but the question was what about you hear lBHyNBioUCu-00447-00123463-00123918 about climate models like CSIRO or CCM lBHyNBioUCu-00448-00123919-00124281 what do these things mean lCu31gZzsiu-00000-00000016-00000223 okay lCu31gZzsiu-00001-00000224-00000487 welcome to week number two for sharon my lCu31gZzsiu-00002-00000488-00000686 name is jody bunting and this is our six lCu31gZzsiu-00003-00000687-00000839 week course for us slimmers are going to lCu31gZzsiu-00004-00000840-00001143 lose a stone in the next six weeks hi lCu31gZzsiu-00005-00001144-00001254 sharon lCu31gZzsiu-00006-00001255-00001439 hi josie okay lCu31gZzsiu-00007-00001440-00001614 you've got a very beautiful lighting lCu31gZzsiu-00008-00001616-00001759 today lCu31gZzsiu-00009-00001760-00001998 oh thank you you think it looks like lCu31gZzsiu-00010-00002000-00002263 you've got a nice purple uh ray coming lCu31gZzsiu-00011-00002264-00002350 on lCu31gZzsiu-00012-00002351-00002687 that'll be the marine tank that'll be lCu31gZzsiu-00013-00002688-00002902 marine tank yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00014-00002903-00003095 or is it just your lovely glow from lCu31gZzsiu-00015-00003096-00003711 working this evening yeah be my aura lCu31gZzsiu-00016-00003711-00004183 right so what happened on the scales oh lCu31gZzsiu-00017-00004184-00004447 um everything was fine lCu31gZzsiu-00018-00004448-00004679 until last wednesday when i got a call lCu31gZzsiu-00019-00004680-00004911 from ofsted to say they were coming to lCu31gZzsiu-00020-00004912-00005222 do my ofsted inspection the next day lCu31gZzsiu-00021-00005223-00005502 so that was like no sleep for all the lCu31gZzsiu-00022-00005503-00005631 next day lCu31gZzsiu-00023-00005632-00005854 until they've been and it was a good lCu31gZzsiu-00024-00005855-00005991 outcome lCu31gZzsiu-00025-00005992-00006095 um lCu31gZzsiu-00026-00006096-00006254 but yeah that did have a bit of an lCu31gZzsiu-00027-00006255-00006527 impact i would say lCu31gZzsiu-00028-00006528-00006767 because i didn't eat for a while since lCu31gZzsiu-00029-00006768-00006934 getting the phone call and then the lCu31gZzsiu-00030-00006936-00007270 inspection i didn't eat until after that lCu31gZzsiu-00031-00007272-00007510 so yeah bit of a blip but back on track lCu31gZzsiu-00032-00007511-00007606 now lCu31gZzsiu-00033-00007608-00007878 so what happened on the scales lCu31gZzsiu-00034-00007879-00008078 uh it went up a bit lCu31gZzsiu-00035-00008079-00008255 i don't know why because i didn't eat lCu31gZzsiu-00036-00008256-00008535 but obviously lCu31gZzsiu-00037-00008536-00008767 i don't know i don't know why lCu31gZzsiu-00038-00008768-00008974 but it went up and uh but it's coming lCu31gZzsiu-00039-00008975-00009263 back down again okay fab lCu31gZzsiu-00040-00009264-00009510 so have you been trekking lCu31gZzsiu-00041-00009511-00009759 i have we've been a bit better this week lCu31gZzsiu-00042-00009760-00010087 um and i've been to the gym um went on lCu31gZzsiu-00043-00010088-00010263 the treadmill for a bit lCu31gZzsiu-00044-00010264-00010374 and uh lCu31gZzsiu-00045-00010375-00010655 got rid of 370 calories so during an lCu31gZzsiu-00046-00010656-00010838 episode of heartbeat so that was quite lCu31gZzsiu-00047-00010839-00011063 good it made it a bit more pleasant than lCu31gZzsiu-00048-00011064-00011238 just pounding away lCu31gZzsiu-00049-00011239-00011503 um but i've realized this week that i'm lCu31gZzsiu-00050-00011504-00011806 just not being active enough i'm really lCu31gZzsiu-00051-00011807-00011895 not lCu31gZzsiu-00052-00011896-00012110 and that sculpted me last week because lCu31gZzsiu-00053-00012111-00012335 obviously it was all hands to the pump lCu31gZzsiu-00054-00012336-00012542 made sure dot in the eyes crossing the lCu31gZzsiu-00055-00012543-00012783 t's making sure it was lCu31gZzsiu-00056-00012784-00013015 um so yeah this week lCu31gZzsiu-00057-00013016-00013199 um you know i'm gonna do a lot more lCu31gZzsiu-00058-00013200-00013422 exercise lCu31gZzsiu-00059-00013423-00013622 um i've just weighed myself so it is lCu31gZzsiu-00060-00013623-00013783 coming back down lCu31gZzsiu-00061-00013784-00014071 fabulous that's good lCu31gZzsiu-00062-00014072-00014230 so let's have a little look through your lCu31gZzsiu-00063-00014231-00014430 food diary then so today you've had a lCu31gZzsiu-00064-00014431-00014758 bagel this morning with jam lCu31gZzsiu-00065-00014759-00014855 yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00066-00014856-00015086 and then that's what i really fancied lCu31gZzsiu-00067-00015087-00015222 that's okay lCu31gZzsiu-00068-00015223-00015483 uh for lunch you had salad with smoked lCu31gZzsiu-00069-00015484-00015807 salmon and lots of other salads and they lCu31gZzsiu-00070-00015808-00016030 even avocado lCu31gZzsiu-00071-00016031-00016335 yeah that's falsely very nice lCu31gZzsiu-00072-00016336-00016591 are you gonna have something tonight lCu31gZzsiu-00073-00016592-00016847 yeah see this is a problem but i made a lCu31gZzsiu-00074-00016848-00017086 chili earlier so i'm gonna have a little lCu31gZzsiu-00075-00017087-00017294 bowl of it i don't i'm not really hungry lCu31gZzsiu-00076-00017295-00017599 i don't really want too much um but liz lCu31gZzsiu-00077-00017600-00017799 liz has just bought grapes and uh lCu31gZzsiu-00078-00017800-00018111 doughnuts in oh that was a bit best lCu31gZzsiu-00079-00018112-00018647 but i took the grapes lCu31gZzsiu-00080-00018648-00018839 yeah that was it but at least she gave lCu31gZzsiu-00081-00018840-00019135 me an alternative yes but yeah i didn't lCu31gZzsiu-00082-00019136-00019303 really fancy the donuts it wasn't that lCu31gZzsiu-00083-00019304-00019535 hard to resist i thought no i'm gonna lCu31gZzsiu-00084-00019536-00019775 keep my head lCu31gZzsiu-00085-00019776-00019999 what kind of donuts were they lCu31gZzsiu-00086-00020000-00020214 oh they're like raspberry jam massive lCu31gZzsiu-00087-00020215-00020375 doughnuts yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00088-00020376-00020503 yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00089-00020504-00020661 i'll be around five minutes lCu31gZzsiu-00090-00020662-00021030 [Laughter] lCu31gZzsiu-00091-00021031-00021486 right lunch um yesterday was a chicken lCu31gZzsiu-00092-00021487-00021750 and bacon pesto salad lCu31gZzsiu-00093-00021751-00022014 with a pepperoni as a little snack lCu31gZzsiu-00094-00022015-00022255 yeah that was it and then for dinner lCu31gZzsiu-00095-00022256-00022599 with salmon with mozzarella tomatoes and lCu31gZzsiu-00096-00022600-00022743 lettuce lCu31gZzsiu-00097-00022744-00022911 and then the snacks were a couple of lCu31gZzsiu-00098-00022912-00023183 satsumas lCu31gZzsiu-00099-00023184-00023278 yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00100-00023279-00023558 sunday banana for breakfast lCu31gZzsiu-00101-00023559-00023894 uh seafood sticks and weetabix was this lCu31gZzsiu-00102-00023895-00024055 together in one bowl lCu31gZzsiu-00103-00024056-00024319 no i just when i got in from work was i lCu31gZzsiu-00104-00024320-00024527 think i worked sunday morning and when i lCu31gZzsiu-00105-00024528-00024703 came in at dinner i really fancied lCu31gZzsiu-00106-00024704-00024886 weetabix and i'd missed it for my lCu31gZzsiu-00107-00024887-00025103 breakfast i'd only added banana so i lCu31gZzsiu-00108-00025104-00025327 thought right i'm having my weecha bits lCu31gZzsiu-00109-00025328-00025550 so yeah but i keep going wild on these lCu31gZzsiu-00110-00025551-00025790 seafood sticks yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00111-00025791-00025943 but they're not too many calories i lCu31gZzsiu-00112-00025944-00026087 don't think so lCu31gZzsiu-00113-00026088-00026255 and they've got a bit of protein in as lCu31gZzsiu-00114-00026256-00026343 well lCu31gZzsiu-00115-00026344-00026502 yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00116-00026504-00026870 you had the chicken with rice and veg lCu31gZzsiu-00117-00026872-00027151 for your evening meal on sunday and lCu31gZzsiu-00118-00027152-00027367 yours oh yeah one of the lCu31gZzsiu-00119-00027368-00027711 rocky road skinny bars i did i went wild lCu31gZzsiu-00120-00027712-00027855 and had one of those lCu31gZzsiu-00121-00027856-00028135 i couldn't resist lCu31gZzsiu-00122-00028136-00028502 uh right friday morning you had a banana lCu31gZzsiu-00123-00028504-00028718 uh i know it's a bit boring lCu31gZzsiu-00124-00028719-00028951 that's all right i keep having a banana lCu31gZzsiu-00125-00028952-00029062 good morning lCu31gZzsiu-00126-00029063-00029287 for lunch you had fillet of fish lCu31gZzsiu-00127-00029288-00029679 uh some fries lCu31gZzsiu-00128-00029680-00029855 and a cheeseburger lCu31gZzsiu-00129-00029856-00030039 i did i went for it because i've not lCu31gZzsiu-00130-00030039-00030270 eaten for like god knows how many hours lCu31gZzsiu-00131-00030272-00030455 24 hours plus lCu31gZzsiu-00132-00030456-00030614 through the stress of lCu31gZzsiu-00133-00030616-00030974 the ofsted inspection lCu31gZzsiu-00134-00030975-00031343 wednesday uh banana for breakfast uh lCu31gZzsiu-00135-00031344-00031639 then you've had some veggie skewers uh lCu31gZzsiu-00136-00031639-00031814 sheesh kebab lCu31gZzsiu-00137-00031816-00032055 yeah which anybody who knows a kebab lCu31gZzsiu-00138-00032056-00032262 shish kebab is the healthiest kebab you lCu31gZzsiu-00139-00032263-00032543 can get so well done for making a good lCu31gZzsiu-00140-00032544-00032751 choice there lCu31gZzsiu-00141-00032752-00033023 and then last tuesday was porridge for lCu31gZzsiu-00142-00033024-00033302 breakfast with your banana lCu31gZzsiu-00143-00033303-00033583 and then a pear and then for lunch time lCu31gZzsiu-00144-00033584-00033951 you had some of the veggie skewers with lCu31gZzsiu-00145-00033952-00034087 salad lCu31gZzsiu-00146-00034088-00034262 yeah that was it lCu31gZzsiu-00147-00034263-00034567 yeah it's not bad really smells so uh lCu31gZzsiu-00148-00034568-00034751 yeah considering everything you've done lCu31gZzsiu-00149-00034752-00034951 well sharon to survive lCu31gZzsiu-00150-00034952-00035374 oh gosh i know tell me about it lCu31gZzsiu-00151-00035375-00035583 it's just a bit of an ordeal you know lCu31gZzsiu-00152-00035584-00035735 everything's going to be fine but if lCu31gZzsiu-00153-00035736-00035943 there's one piece of paper out of out of lCu31gZzsiu-00154-00035944-00036215 place that's it so yeah yeah it was all lCu31gZzsiu-00155-00036216-00036390 good lCu31gZzsiu-00156-00036391-00036574 and it's not what the job's all about lCu31gZzsiu-00157-00036575-00036839 the job's really good fun but uh that lCu31gZzsiu-00158-00036840-00037030 side of it is just a bit daunting i lCu31gZzsiu-00159-00037031-00037367 suppose yeah good old officer day lCu31gZzsiu-00160-00037368-00037559 yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00161-00037560-00037790 fab right so what is your goal for next lCu31gZzsiu-00162-00037791-00037935 week lCu31gZzsiu-00163-00037936-00038174 definitely get more active i really have lCu31gZzsiu-00164-00038175-00038407 got to start moving a lot more lCu31gZzsiu-00165-00038408-00038655 um which i thought i would do last week lCu31gZzsiu-00166-00038656-00038959 but with all that on my plate i didn't lCu31gZzsiu-00167-00038960-00039135 but yeah i'm determined for this week lCu31gZzsiu-00168-00039136-00039215 now lCu31gZzsiu-00169-00039216-00039743 so how do you lCu31gZzsiu-00170-00039744-00039846 um lCu31gZzsiu-00171-00039847-00040015 then i'm going to spend more time in the lCu31gZzsiu-00172-00040016-00040223 gym now i've been on that treadmill at lCu31gZzsiu-00173-00040224-00040455 the start when i saw oh i've burnt 15 lCu31gZzsiu-00174-00040456-00040679 calories but then at the end i was lCu31gZzsiu-00175-00040680-00040871 really happy with myself when i saw what lCu31gZzsiu-00176-00040872-00041071 i could do if i just did it for three lCu31gZzsiu-00177-00041072-00041215 quarters of an hour lCu31gZzsiu-00178-00041216-00041399 so yeah there'll be more of that this lCu31gZzsiu-00179-00041400-00041502 week lCu31gZzsiu-00180-00041503-00041855 but definite lCu31gZzsiu-00181-00041856-00042015 okay and lCu31gZzsiu-00182-00042016-00042199 just remind me if you got a fitbit or a lCu31gZzsiu-00183-00042200-00042399 calorie tracker lCu31gZzsiu-00184-00042400-00042623 my daughter amy is just offered to give lCu31gZzsiu-00185-00042624-00042862 me hers okay i was gonna buy one but lCu31gZzsiu-00186-00042863-00043062 she's giving me hers so lCu31gZzsiu-00187-00043063-00043318 yes that was gonna help as well so again lCu31gZzsiu-00188-00043319-00043518 this is just nice just to be able to see lCu31gZzsiu-00189-00043519-00043702 that you're not doing too much as well lCu31gZzsiu-00190-00043703-00043839 because you want to try and get to your lCu31gZzsiu-00191-00043840-00044102 10 000 steps every day but try not to lCu31gZzsiu-00192-00044103-00044287 overdo it as well lCu31gZzsiu-00193-00044288-00044374 yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00194-00044375-00044583 yeah i've been way below that i really lCu31gZzsiu-00195-00044584-00044671 have lCu31gZzsiu-00196-00044672-00044855 but yeah this week i'll have a way of lCu31gZzsiu-00197-00044856-00045046 monitoring it so that's good lCu31gZzsiu-00198-00045047-00045207 yeah yeah lCu31gZzsiu-00199-00045208-00045446 how many weeks have we got left lCu31gZzsiu-00200-00045447-00045743 to lose the stage weeks four more weeks lCu31gZzsiu-00201-00045744-00045983 and one of my other slimmers has lost a lCu31gZzsiu-00202-00045984-00046343 stone in four weeks so it's all possible lCu31gZzsiu-00203-00046344-00046479 that's good lCu31gZzsiu-00204-00046480-00046727 very good lCu31gZzsiu-00205-00046728-00046902 impressive lCu31gZzsiu-00206-00046903-00047039 all right just lCu31gZzsiu-00207-00047040-00047239 give me the motivation then i need to lCu31gZzsiu-00208-00047240-00047390 get moving more lCu31gZzsiu-00209-00047391-00047527 yes lCu31gZzsiu-00210-00047528-00047702 you can do it lCu31gZzsiu-00211-00047703-00048046 yeah i do feel quite positive about it lCu31gZzsiu-00212-00048047-00048383 fab right well have a good week uh and lCu31gZzsiu-00213-00048384-00048599 i'll see you in the morning at aqua lCu31gZzsiu-00214-00048600-00049011 yeah i'll see you lCu31gZzsiu-00215-00049012-00049384 there bye lDTRXEMfPVg-00000-00000016-00000262 hello here's my second spacey pick lDTRXEMfPVg-00001-00000263-00000471 uh this is going to be mae jemison mae lDTRXEMfPVg-00002-00000472-00000743 jemison was the first black woman in lDTRXEMfPVg-00003-00000744-00001039 space she she enrolled lDTRXEMfPVg-00004-00001040-00001287 the year after the challenger disaster lDTRXEMfPVg-00005-00001288-00001447 which must have taken a bit of guts to lDTRXEMfPVg-00006-00001448-00001775 be honest she'd already been a doctor at lDTRXEMfPVg-00007-00001776-00001998 this point a while and she had various lDTRXEMfPVg-00008-00002000-00002191 degrees and and in fact went to lDTRXEMfPVg-00009-00002192-00002463 university at 16 which is quite scary lDTRXEMfPVg-00010-00002464-00002631 leaving home in itself so she clearly lDTRXEMfPVg-00011-00002632-00002863 had confidence i believe that she lDTRXEMfPVg-00012-00002864-00003158 apparently mentioned michelle nichols in lDTRXEMfPVg-00013-00003159-00003447 star trek as a bit of an inspiration lDTRXEMfPVg-00014-00003447-00003695 which is just lovely really isn't it lDTRXEMfPVg-00015-00003696-00003903 it's so nice that something something we lDTRXEMfPVg-00016-00003904-00004086 all familiar with lDTRXEMfPVg-00017-00004087-00004351 is responsible for such an amazing lDTRXEMfPVg-00018-00004352-00004519 career like this lDTRXEMfPVg-00019-00004520-00004719 she in fact appeared in an episode of lDTRXEMfPVg-00020-00004720-00004870 next gen lDTRXEMfPVg-00021-00004871-00005095 and she was the first real astronaut to lDTRXEMfPVg-00022-00005096-00005422 actually appear on star trek lDTRXEMfPVg-00023-00005423-00005611 she's she's apparently got lDTRXEMfPVg-00024-00005612-00005918 127 orbits of the earth lDTRXEMfPVg-00025-00005919-00006151 whilst while she was in space it was a lDTRXEMfPVg-00026-00006152-00006383 it was a joint co-op mission with japan lDTRXEMfPVg-00027-00006384-00006646 and and they did tests into treatments lDTRXEMfPVg-00028-00006647-00006863 possible treatments for motion sickness lDTRXEMfPVg-00029-00006864-00007095 and anxiety and stress which is quite an lDTRXEMfPVg-00030-00007095-00007342 interesting thing which obviously used lDTRXEMfPVg-00031-00007343-00007559 her medical knowledge lDTRXEMfPVg-00032-00007559-00007783 after she got back from the space lab lDTRXEMfPVg-00033-00007784-00008046 mission uh she she left nasa a little lDTRXEMfPVg-00034-00008047-00008271 while after that and since then she's lDTRXEMfPVg-00035-00008272-00008503 done outreach stuff and i think she's lDTRXEMfPVg-00036-00008504-00008687 written a children's book and she's done lDTRXEMfPVg-00037-00008688-00008855 stuff geared towards encouraging young lDTRXEMfPVg-00038-00008856-00009071 people to enter the sciences which is lDTRXEMfPVg-00039-00009072-00009351 cool lDTRXEMfPVg-00040-00009352-00009836 anyway uh thanks for watching bye lDcHCCJWZQ8-00000-00000000-00000214 hello and welcome to our discussion on lDcHCCJWZQ8-00001-00000215-00000430 Lelouch lamparush the main protagonist lDcHCCJWZQ8-00002-00000431-00000676 of the anime series code GEOS Lelouch of lDcHCCJWZQ8-00003-00000677-00000886 the Rebellion today we'll be talking lDcHCCJWZQ8-00004-00000888-00001049 about what makes Lelouch such a lDcHCCJWZQ8-00005-00001050-00001187 compelling character and why he is lDcHCCJWZQ8-00006-00001188-00001397 considered one of the best in anime lDcHCCJWZQ8-00007-00001398-00001625 Lelouch is a complex character with many lDcHCCJWZQ8-00008-00001626-00001907 layers on the surface he appears to be a lDcHCCJWZQ8-00009-00001907-00002045 ruthless leader willing to do whatever lDcHCCJWZQ8-00010-00002046-00002260 it takes to achieve his goals lDcHCCJWZQ8-00011-00002261-00002507 but as we delve deeper into his story we lDcHCCJWZQ8-00012-00002508-00002681 see that he is driven by a desire to lDcHCCJWZQ8-00013-00002682-00002842 create a better world for his sister and lDcHCCJWZQ8-00014-00002843-00002968 for all those who have suffered under lDcHCCJWZQ8-00015-00002969-00003191 the tyranny of the britannian empire lDcHCCJWZQ8-00016-00003192-00003449 that's right lelouch's motivations are lDcHCCJWZQ8-00017-00003450-00003586 what make him such an interesting lDcHCCJWZQ8-00018-00003588-00003767 character he's not just a lDcHCCJWZQ8-00019-00003768-00003983 one-dimensional villain or hero he's a lDcHCCJWZQ8-00020-00003984-00004156 person with real emotions and desires lDcHCCJWZQ8-00021-00004157-00004319 and his actions are driven by those lDcHCCJWZQ8-00022-00004320-00004433 desires lDcHCCJWZQ8-00023-00004434-00004636 another aspect of lelouch's character lDcHCCJWZQ8-00024-00004637-00004804 that makes him so compelling is his lDcHCCJWZQ8-00025-00004805-00004913 intelligence lDcHCCJWZQ8-00026-00004914-00005122 he's a master strategist and tactician lDcHCCJWZQ8-00027-00005123-00005327 able to outmaneuver his enemies at every lDcHCCJWZQ8-00028-00005328-00005411 turn lDcHCCJWZQ8-00029-00005412-00005591 this makes for some truly thrilling lDcHCCJWZQ8-00030-00005592-00005783 moments in the series as we watch lulush lDcHCCJWZQ8-00031-00005784-00005956 outsmart his opponents lDcHCCJWZQ8-00032-00005957-00006172 and let's not forget about lelouch's lDcHCCJWZQ8-00033-00006173-00006388 Charisma he has a Magnetic Personality lDcHCCJWZQ8-00034-00006389-00006605 that draws people to him this is evident lDcHCCJWZQ8-00035-00006606-00006796 in the way he is able to Rally the Black lDcHCCJWZQ8-00036-00006797-00006983 Knights to his cause and Inspire them to lDcHCCJWZQ8-00037-00006984-00007114 fight for their freedom lDcHCCJWZQ8-00038-00007115-00007331 but it's not just lelouch's positive lDcHCCJWZQ8-00039-00007331-00007505 traits that make him such an interesting lDcHCCJWZQ8-00040-00007506-00007739 character he also has flaws and lDcHCCJWZQ8-00041-00007740-00007883 weaknesses that make him human and lDcHCCJWZQ8-00042-00007884-00008164 relatable for example he struggles with lDcHCCJWZQ8-00043-00008165-00008333 Guild over the things he has done in lDcHCCJWZQ8-00044-00008334-00008495 pursuit of his goals lDcHCCJWZQ8-00045-00008496-00008746 yes and this inner turmoil adds depth to lDcHCCJWZQ8-00046-00008747-00008896 his character and makes us care about lDcHCCJWZQ8-00047-00008897-00009160 him even more we see him wrestling with lDcHCCJWZQ8-00048-00009161-00009323 difficult decisions and trying to do lDcHCCJWZQ8-00049-00009324-00009509 what he believes is right even when it lDcHCCJWZQ8-00050-00009510-00009695 means making sacrifices lDcHCCJWZQ8-00051-00009696-00009910 another thing that makes Lelouch such a lDcHCCJWZQ8-00052-00009911-00010060 great character is his relationships lDcHCCJWZQ8-00053-00010061-00010259 with other characters in the series lDcHCCJWZQ8-00054-00010260-00010433 he has a deep bond with his sister lDcHCCJWZQ8-00055-00010434-00010589 Nunnally and their love for each other lDcHCCJWZQ8-00056-00010590-00010763 drives much of the story lDcHCCJWZQ8-00057-00010764-00011003 he also has complex relationships with lDcHCCJWZQ8-00058-00011004-00011231 characters like suzaku kururudi and CC lDcHCCJWZQ8-00059-00011232-00011405 which add even more depth to his lDcHCCJWZQ8-00060-00011406-00011495 character lDcHCCJWZQ8-00061-00011496-00011705 and let's not forget about lelouch's lDcHCCJWZQ8-00062-00011706-00011873 character development over the course of lDcHCCJWZQ8-00063-00011874-00011969 the series lDcHCCJWZQ8-00064-00011970-00012185 we see him grow and change as he faces lDcHCCJWZQ8-00065-00012186-00012395 new challenges and experiences lDcHCCJWZQ8-00066-00012396-00012599 he starts out as a young man seeking lDcHCCJWZQ8-00067-00012600-00012767 revenge against Britannia for what they lDcHCCJWZQ8-00068-00012768-00012977 did to his family but over time he comes lDcHCCJWZQ8-00069-00012978-00013121 to realize that there are bigger issues lDcHCCJWZQ8-00070-00013122-00013211 at Play lDcHCCJWZQ8-00071-00013212-00013457 yes and this realization leads him to lDcHCCJWZQ8-00072-00013458-00013594 make some difficult choices and lDcHCCJWZQ8-00073-00013595-00013757 sacrifices in order to achieve his lDcHCCJWZQ8-00074-00013758-00013925 ultimate goal of creating a better world lDcHCCJWZQ8-00075-00013926-00014158 for everyone it's this journey that lDcHCCJWZQ8-00076-00014159-00014338 makes Lelouch such an engaging character lDcHCCJWZQ8-00077-00014340-00014441 to watch lDcHCCJWZQ8-00078-00014441-00014638 all of these factors combine to make lDcHCCJWZQ8-00079-00014640-00014843 Lelouch lamparush one of the best anime lDcHCCJWZQ8-00080-00014844-00015005 characters of all time lDcHCCJWZQ8-00081-00015006-00015299 he's complex intelligent charismatic and lDcHCCJWZQ8-00082-00015300-00015485 driven by a desire to make the world a lDcHCCJWZQ8-00083-00015486-00015725 better place it's no wonder that he has lDcHCCJWZQ8-00084-00015726-00015958 captured the hearts of so many fans lDcHCCJWZQ8-00085-00015959-00016150 and let's not forget about the impact lDcHCCJWZQ8-00086-00016151-00016408 that Lelouch has had on popular culture lDcHCCJWZQ8-00087-00016409-00016594 he has become an iconic character lDcHCCJWZQ8-00088-00016595-00016799 inspiring countless fan works and lDcHCCJWZQ8-00089-00016800-00016900 discussions lDcHCCJWZQ8-00090-00016901-00017122 his legacy will continue to live on long lDcHCCJWZQ8-00091-00017123-00017386 after the series has ended thank you for lDcHCCJWZQ8-00092-00017387-00017549 joining us for this extended discussion lDcHCCJWZQ8-00093-00017550-00017830 on Lulu shlomperous we hope you enjoyed lDcHCCJWZQ8-00094-00017831-00018164 it and we'll see you next time lF9fuadt8PA-00000-00000008-00000303 portfolio update philippines lF9fuadt8PA-00001-00000304-00000847 stock market not investments so guys lF9fuadt8PA-00002-00000848-00000975 one portfolio specifically is the lF9fuadt8PA-00003-00000976-00001150 philippine market paramount gets near lF9fuadt8PA-00004-00001151-00001231 makita lF9fuadt8PA-00005-00001232-00001383 what we are investing in but please lF9fuadt8PA-00006-00001384-00003215 disclaimer lF9fuadt8PA-00007-00003215-00003415 we are experiencing investing in the lF9fuadt8PA-00008-00003415-00003886 stock market lF9fuadt8PA-00009-00003887-00004119 so without further ado let's get into lF9fuadt8PA-00010-00004120-00004270 the screenshot lF9fuadt8PA-00011-00004271-00004519 no of our philippine stock market so lF9fuadt8PA-00012-00004520-00004799 basically guys lF9fuadt8PA-00013-00004800-00005095 so the first one is portfolio as you can lF9fuadt8PA-00014-00005096-00005167 see lF9fuadt8PA-00015-00005168-00005535 is unprofitable and this is the first lF9fuadt8PA-00016-00005536-00006775 um reit lF9fuadt8PA-00017-00006776-00007031 is that you will be receiving dividends lF9fuadt8PA-00018-00007031-00007998 jude lF9fuadt8PA-00019-00008000-00008287 and then as you can see negative 11.48 lF9fuadt8PA-00020-00008288-00008374 percent lF9fuadt8PA-00021-00008375-00008687 but we decided to hold this stop and buy lF9fuadt8PA-00022-00008688-00009135 more it's because gusto mesa dividends lF9fuadt8PA-00023-00009136-00009503 and then in the future that it's still lF9fuadt8PA-00024-00009504-00009791 going to be good lF9fuadt8PA-00025-00009792-00010231 so i really don't understand lF9fuadt8PA-00026-00010232-00010391 but in the future i think it's going to lF9fuadt8PA-00027-00010392-00010551 be a good hedge because lF9fuadt8PA-00028-00010552-00010727 uh it's going to be a competitor it's a lF9fuadt8PA-00029-00010728-00010927 globe's appeal dt and lF9fuadt8PA-00030-00010928-00011159 offers the internet connection as they lF9fuadt8PA-00031-00011160-00011263 are promising lF9fuadt8PA-00032-00011264-00011510 then i think it will be a good um lF9fuadt8PA-00033-00011511-00011791 investment for long-term investors lF9fuadt8PA-00034-00011792-00012127 rather is fm etf which is lF9fuadt8PA-00035-00012128-00012335 copies or mimics the performance of the lF9fuadt8PA-00036-00012336-00012542 top 30 companies at pilipinas lF9fuadt8PA-00037-00012543-00013638 basically kumo palita and in lF9fuadt8PA-00038-00013640-00013927 by just owning this one stop and as of lF9fuadt8PA-00039-00013928-00014263 now negative 5.88 lF9fuadt8PA-00040-00014263-00014615 but in the future the index has proven lF9fuadt8PA-00041-00014616-00014783 to go up and sat as the reason why we lF9fuadt8PA-00042-00014784-00015279 are hedging on this in fact lF9fuadt8PA-00043-00015280-00017030 is first metro securities links a lF9fuadt8PA-00044-00017031-00017183 you have to understand what you're lF9fuadt8PA-00045-00017184-00017367 getting yourself into before lF9fuadt8PA-00046-00017368-00017630 kamag invest so question of the day long lF9fuadt8PA-00047-00017631-00017799 is this what do you think is going to lF9fuadt8PA-00048-00017800-00017999 happen to the philippine stock market in lF9fuadt8PA-00049-00018000-00018183 general regardless if you're from luzon lF9fuadt8PA-00050-00018184-00018391 visayas or mindanao let us know your lF9fuadt8PA-00051-00018392-00018535 thoughts in the comment section ke lF9fuadt8PA-00052-00018536-00018639 intrigue put me lF9fuadt8PA-00053-00018640-00018951 in about it lHUZmXx4CLo-00000-00000210-00000649 foreign lHUZmXx4CLo-00001-00000650-00000928 howdy y'all and welcome to Dallas where lHUZmXx4CLo-00002-00000930-00001127 we're proud to be live from Super lHUZmXx4CLo-00003-00001128-00001366 Computing 2022 my name is Savannah lHUZmXx4CLo-00004-00001367-00001691 Peterson joined here by my co-host David lHUZmXx4CLo-00005-00001692-00002039 on the cube and our first guest today is lHUZmXx4CLo-00006-00002039-00002333 a very exciting Visionary he's a leader lHUZmXx4CLo-00007-00002334-00002626 at Dell please welcome Travis v hill lHUZmXx4CLo-00008-00002627-00002800 Travis thank you so much for being here lHUZmXx4CLo-00009-00002801-00003071 thank you so much for having me how you lHUZmXx4CLo-00010-00003072-00003256 feeling I'm feeling like an exciting lHUZmXx4CLo-00011-00003257-00003503 Visionary you are that's that's the idea lHUZmXx4CLo-00012-00003504-00003790 that's why we team up for that great so lHUZmXx4CLo-00013-00003792-00004036 so tell us Dell had some huge lHUZmXx4CLo-00014-00004037-00004313 announcements last night and you get to lHUZmXx4CLo-00015-00004314-00004499 break it to the cube audience give us lHUZmXx4CLo-00016-00004500-00004769 the rundown yeah it's a really big show lHUZmXx4CLo-00017-00004770-00005093 for Dell we announced a brand new suite lHUZmXx4CLo-00018-00005094-00005501 of GPU enabled servers uh eight ways lHUZmXx4CLo-00019-00005502-00005885 four ways direct liquid cooling uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00020-00005886-00006088 really the first time in the history of lHUZmXx4CLo-00021-00006089-00006233 the portfolio that we've had this much lHUZmXx4CLo-00022-00006234-00006701 coverage across uh Intel AMD Nvidia uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00023-00006702-00007025 getting great uh reviews from the show lHUZmXx4CLo-00024-00007026-00007210 floor I had a chance earlier to be in lHUZmXx4CLo-00025-00007211-00007355 the whisper Suite to actually look at lHUZmXx4CLo-00026-00007356-00007564 the gear customers are buzzing over it lHUZmXx4CLo-00027-00007565-00007745 that's one thing I love about this show lHUZmXx4CLo-00028-00007745-00008027 is the gear is here yes it is it is a lHUZmXx4CLo-00029-00008028-00008207 Haven for Hardware nerds yes like like lHUZmXx4CLo-00030-00008208-00008363 well I'll include you in this group it lHUZmXx4CLo-00031-00008364-00008560 sounds like yes oh yeah absolutely I lHUZmXx4CLo-00032-00008561-00008746 know David is as well so no big screen lHUZmXx4CLo-00033-00008747-00008969 big time Big Time Hardware nerd and just lHUZmXx4CLo-00034-00008970-00009196 to be clear for the kids that will be lHUZmXx4CLo-00035-00009197-00009467 watching these videos yes we're not lHUZmXx4CLo-00036-00009468-00009673 talking about Alienware gaming systems lHUZmXx4CLo-00037-00009674-00010121 no right so there are yay big yay tall lHUZmXx4CLo-00038-00010122-00010427 200 pounds give us a price point on one lHUZmXx4CLo-00039-00010428-00010624 of these things retail suggested retail lHUZmXx4CLo-00040-00010625-00011051 price more than 10 grand oh yeah yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00041-00011052-00011291 to try another order of magnitude yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00042-00011292-00011453 yeah so this is this is the most lHUZmXx4CLo-00043-00011454-00011645 exciting stuff from an infrastructure lHUZmXx4CLo-00044-00011646-00011759 perspective so you can imagine lHUZmXx4CLo-00045-00011760-00012023 absolutely but what is it driving so lHUZmXx4CLo-00046-00012024-00012203 talk talk to us about lHUZmXx4CLo-00047-00012204-00012388 um where you see the world of high lHUZmXx4CLo-00048-00012389-00012599 performance Computing with your lHUZmXx4CLo-00049-00012600-00012731 customers what are they what are they lHUZmXx4CLo-00050-00012732-00012910 doing with this what do they expect to lHUZmXx4CLo-00051-00012911-00013108 do with this stuff in the future yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00052-00013109-00013265 you know it's it's a real interesting lHUZmXx4CLo-00053-00013266-00013451 time and and I know that the provenance lHUZmXx4CLo-00054-00013452-00013883 of this show is HPC focused but uh what lHUZmXx4CLo-00055-00013884-00014033 we're seeing and what we're hearing from lHUZmXx4CLo-00056-00014034-00014477 our customers is that uh Ai workloads lHUZmXx4CLo-00057-00014478-00014675 and traditional HPC workloads are lHUZmXx4CLo-00058-00014676-00014855 becoming almost indistinguishable lHUZmXx4CLo-00059-00014856-00015191 you need the right mix of compute you lHUZmXx4CLo-00060-00015191-00015403 need GPU acceleration lHUZmXx4CLo-00061-00015404-00015736 and you need the ability to take the lHUZmXx4CLo-00062-00015737-00015958 vast quantities of data that are being lHUZmXx4CLo-00063-00015959-00016175 generated and actually lHUZmXx4CLo-00064-00016176-00016421 gather Insight from them and so if you lHUZmXx4CLo-00065-00016422-00016594 look at what customers are trying to do lHUZmXx4CLo-00066-00016595-00016865 with you know Enterprise level AI it's lHUZmXx4CLo-00067-00016866-00017143 really you know how do I lHUZmXx4CLo-00068-00017144-00017591 classify and categorize my data but more lHUZmXx4CLo-00069-00017592-00017783 importantly how do I make sense of it lHUZmXx4CLo-00070-00017784-00018058 how do I derive insights from it and so lHUZmXx4CLo-00071-00018059-00018233 at the end of the day you know you look lHUZmXx4CLo-00072-00018234-00018371 you look at what customers are trying to lHUZmXx4CLo-00073-00018372-00018563 do it's it's take all the various lHUZmXx4CLo-00074-00018564-00018725 streams of data whether it be structured lHUZmXx4CLo-00075-00018726-00019013 data whether it be unstructured data lHUZmXx4CLo-00076-00019014-00019271 bring it together and make decisions lHUZmXx4CLo-00077-00019272-00019505 make business decisions and it's a lHUZmXx4CLo-00078-00019506-00019661 really exciting time because customers lHUZmXx4CLo-00079-00019662-00019883 are saying you know the same things that lHUZmXx4CLo-00080-00019884-00020105 that that you know research scientists lHUZmXx4CLo-00081-00020106-00020279 and universities have been trying to do lHUZmXx4CLo-00082-00020280-00020572 forever with HPC I want to do it on lHUZmXx4CLo-00083-00020573-00020830 Industrial scale but I want to do it in lHUZmXx4CLo-00084-00020831-00021149 a way that's more open more flexible you lHUZmXx4CLo-00085-00021150-00021514 know I call it AI for the rest of us and lHUZmXx4CLo-00086-00021515-00021730 uh and customers are here and they want lHUZmXx4CLo-00087-00021731-00022036 those systems but they want the lHUZmXx4CLo-00088-00022037-00022289 ecosystem to support ease of deployment lHUZmXx4CLo-00089-00022290-00022661 ease of use ease of scale and that's lHUZmXx4CLo-00090-00022662-00022799 what we're providing in addition to the lHUZmXx4CLo-00091-00022800-00023063 systems we we provide you know Dell is lHUZmXx4CLo-00092-00023064-00023236 one of the only providers on in the lHUZmXx4CLo-00093-00023237-00023422 industry that can provide not only the lHUZmXx4CLo-00094-00023423-00023789 the compute but the networking and the lHUZmXx4CLo-00095-00023790-00023950 storage and more importantly the lHUZmXx4CLo-00096-00023951-00024155 solutions that bring it all together lHUZmXx4CLo-00097-00024156-00024550 give you one example we we have what we lHUZmXx4CLo-00098-00024551-00024875 call a validated design for for AI and lHUZmXx4CLo-00099-00024876-00025085 that validated design we put together lHUZmXx4CLo-00100-00025086-00025361 all of these pieces provided the recipe lHUZmXx4CLo-00101-00025362-00025583 for customers so that they can take what lHUZmXx4CLo-00102-00025584-00025912 used to be two months to build and run a lHUZmXx4CLo-00103-00025913-00026008 model lHUZmXx4CLo-00104-00026010-00026261 we provide that capability 18 times lHUZmXx4CLo-00105-00026262-00026537 faster so we were talking about hours lHUZmXx4CLo-00106-00026538-00026723 versus months lHUZmXx4CLo-00107-00026724-00027011 so uh that's a lot 18 times faster I lHUZmXx4CLo-00108-00027012-00027190 just want to emphasize 18 times faster lHUZmXx4CLo-00109-00027191-00027311 we're talking about orders of magnitude lHUZmXx4CLo-00110-00027312-00027467 and whatnot yeah that makes a huge lHUZmXx4CLo-00111-00027468-00027617 difference in what people are able to do lHUZmXx4CLo-00112-00027618-00027857 absolutely and so I mean we've you know lHUZmXx4CLo-00113-00027858-00028007 you've been doing this for a while we've lHUZmXx4CLo-00114-00028008-00028264 been talking about the the Deluge of lHUZmXx4CLo-00115-00028266-00028462 data forever but it's gotten to the lHUZmXx4CLo-00116-00028463-00028685 point and it's you know the the lHUZmXx4CLo-00117-00028686-00028949 disparity of the data the fact that much lHUZmXx4CLo-00118-00028950-00029170 of it remains siled customers are lHUZmXx4CLo-00119-00029172-00029327 demanding that we provide solutions that lHUZmXx4CLo-00120-00029327-00029477 allow them to bring that data together lHUZmXx4CLo-00121-00029477-00029746 process it make decisions with it so lHUZmXx4CLo-00122-00029747-00029890 where where are we lHUZmXx4CLo-00123-00029891-00030143 in the adoption cycle because we've been lHUZmXx4CLo-00124-00030144-00030424 talking about Ai and ml for a while lHUZmXx4CLo-00125-00030425-00030587 um you you mentioned you know kind of lHUZmXx4CLo-00126-00030588-00030749 the Leading Edge of Academia and super lHUZmXx4CLo-00127-00030750-00030970 Computing and HPC and what that what lHUZmXx4CLo-00128-00030972-00031264 that conjures up in people's minds lHUZmXx4CLo-00129-00031266-00031337 um lHUZmXx4CLo-00130-00031338-00031601 do you have any numbers or you know any lHUZmXx4CLo-00131-00031602-00031745 thoughts about where we are in this lHUZmXx4CLo-00132-00031745-00031895 cycle how many how many people are lHUZmXx4CLo-00133-00031895-00032177 actually doing this in production versus lHUZmXx4CLo-00134-00032177-00032452 versus experimenting at this point lHUZmXx4CLo-00135-00032453-00032627 I think it's it's a reason there's so lHUZmXx4CLo-00136-00032627-00032867 much interest in what we're doing and so lHUZmXx4CLo-00137-00032868-00033131 much demand for not only the systems but lHUZmXx4CLo-00138-00033132-00033293 the solutions that bring the systems lHUZmXx4CLo-00139-00033294-00033455 together the ecosystem that brings this lHUZmXx4CLo-00140-00033456-00033743 the the systems together we did a study lHUZmXx4CLo-00141-00033744-00033899 recently lHUZmXx4CLo-00142-00033900-00034157 um and asked customers where they felt lHUZmXx4CLo-00143-00034158-00034373 they were at in terms of deploying best lHUZmXx4CLo-00144-00034374-00034733 practices for AI you know Mass lHUZmXx4CLo-00145-00034734-00034973 deployment of AI only 31 percent of lHUZmXx4CLo-00146-00034974-00035140 customers said that they felt that they lHUZmXx4CLo-00147-00035141-00035446 self-reported 31 said they felt that lHUZmXx4CLo-00148-00035447-00035633 they were deploying best practices for lHUZmXx4CLo-00149-00035634-00035989 their AI deployments so almost 70 lHUZmXx4CLo-00150-00035990-00036190 self-reported saying we're not doing it lHUZmXx4CLo-00151-00036191-00036490 right yet yeah and and and another uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00152-00036491-00036707 good stat is is three quarters of lHUZmXx4CLo-00153-00036708-00036995 customers have fewer than five AI lHUZmXx4CLo-00154-00036996-00037211 applications deployed at scale in their lHUZmXx4CLo-00155-00037212-00037540 uh in their uh it environments today so lHUZmXx4CLo-00156-00037541-00037721 you know I think we're on the you know lHUZmXx4CLo-00157-00037722-00037889 if you think about it as a traditional lHUZmXx4CLo-00158-00037890-00038039 s-curve I think we're at the first lHUZmXx4CLo-00159-00038040-00038255 inflection point and customers are lHUZmXx4CLo-00160-00038256-00038483 asking can I do it lHUZmXx4CLo-00161-00038484-00038740 um end to end can I do it with the best lHUZmXx4CLo-00162-00038741-00039095 of breed in terms of systems but Dell lHUZmXx4CLo-00163-00039096-00039418 can you also use an ecosystem that I lHUZmXx4CLo-00164-00039419-00039557 know and understand and I think that's lHUZmXx4CLo-00165-00039558-00039677 you know another great example of lHUZmXx4CLo-00166-00039678-00039874 something that Dell is doing is is we lHUZmXx4CLo-00167-00039875-00040067 have focused on lHUZmXx4CLo-00168-00040068-00040301 um ethernet as connectivity for many of lHUZmXx4CLo-00169-00040302-00040511 the solutions that we put together uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00170-00040512-00040757 again you know a provenance of HBC lHUZmXx4CLo-00171-00040758-00040990 infiniband it's infiniband is a great lHUZmXx4CLo-00172-00040991-00041315 connectivity option but uh you know lHUZmXx4CLo-00173-00041316-00041429 there's a lot of care and feeding that lHUZmXx4CLo-00174-00041430-00041590 goes along with infiniban and the fact lHUZmXx4CLo-00175-00041591-00041777 that you can do it both with infiniband lHUZmXx4CLo-00176-00041778-00042024 for those you know government class lHUZmXx4CLo-00177-00042025-00042449 scale government scale clusters or lHUZmXx4CLo-00178-00042450-00042839 university scale clusters and more of lHUZmXx4CLo-00179-00042840-00042983 our Enterprise customers can do it with lHUZmXx4CLo-00180-00042984-00043252 with ethernet on premises uh it's a lHUZmXx4CLo-00181-00043253-00043385 great option lHUZmXx4CLo-00182-00043386-00043559 yeah you've got so many things going on lHUZmXx4CLo-00183-00043560-00043715 I got to actually check out the million lHUZmXx4CLo-00184-00043716-00043877 dollar Hardware that you have just lHUZmXx4CLo-00185-00043878-00044087 casually sitting in your booth I feel lHUZmXx4CLo-00186-00044088-00044207 like I feel like an event like this is lHUZmXx4CLo-00187-00044208-00044327 probably one of the only times you can lHUZmXx4CLo-00188-00044328-00044555 let something like that out yeah and and lHUZmXx4CLo-00189-00044556-00044674 people would actually know what it is lHUZmXx4CLo-00190-00044675-00044818 you're working with we actually unveiled lHUZmXx4CLo-00191-00044819-00044980 it there was a sheet on it and we lHUZmXx4CLo-00192-00044981-00045155 actually unveiled it last night did you lHUZmXx4CLo-00193-00045156-00045329 get a lot of ooze and Oz you know you lHUZmXx4CLo-00194-00045330-00045485 said this was a show for Hardware nerds lHUZmXx4CLo-00195-00045486-00045724 it's been a long time since I've been at lHUZmXx4CLo-00196-00045725-00045935 a shoot a show where people cheer and lHUZmXx4CLo-00197-00045936-00046079 ooh and awe when you take the sheet off lHUZmXx4CLo-00198-00046080-00046385 the hardware and and yes yes it has the lHUZmXx4CLo-00199-00046386-00046546 reveal you had your moment exactly lHUZmXx4CLo-00200-00046547-00046799 exactly our three new systems speaking lHUZmXx4CLo-00201-00046800-00046937 of ooze and Oz I love that and I love lHUZmXx4CLo-00202-00046938-00047093 that everyone was excited as we all are lHUZmXx4CLo-00203-00047094-00047255 about it it's nice to be home with our lHUZmXx4CLo-00204-00047256-00047518 nerds speaking of of applications and lHUZmXx4CLo-00205-00047519-00047687 excitement you get to see a lot of lHUZmXx4CLo-00206-00047688-00047993 different customers across verticals is lHUZmXx4CLo-00207-00047994-00048208 there a sector or space that has you lHUZmXx4CLo-00208-00048209-00048430 personally most excited lHUZmXx4CLo-00209-00048431-00048724 how personally most excited um you know lHUZmXx4CLo-00210-00048725-00049162 for for credibility at home uh when when lHUZmXx4CLo-00211-00049163-00049373 the sector is media and entertainment lHUZmXx4CLo-00212-00049374-00049601 and the movie is one that your your lHUZmXx4CLo-00213-00049602-00049901 children have actually seen that one lHUZmXx4CLo-00214-00049902-00050111 gives me credibility exciting it's you lHUZmXx4CLo-00215-00050112-00050351 can talk to your friends about it at uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00216-00050352-00050617 at dinner parties and things like that lHUZmXx4CLo-00217-00050618-00051185 curing cancer Marvel movie at home crad lHUZmXx4CLo-00218-00051186-00051466 goes to the Marvel movie yeah but but uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00219-00051467-00051707 but you know what really excites me is lHUZmXx4CLo-00220-00051708-00051929 the variety of applications that AI is lHUZmXx4CLo-00221-00051929-00052252 being used used in healthcare you know lHUZmXx4CLo-00222-00052253-00052475 on a serious note uh Healthcare genomics lHUZmXx4CLo-00223-00052476-00052837 a huge and growing uh application area lHUZmXx4CLo-00224-00052838-00053135 that excites me you know doing doing lHUZmXx4CLo-00225-00053136-00053350 good in the world is something that's lHUZmXx4CLo-00226-00053351-00053519 very important to Dell you know a lHUZmXx4CLo-00227-00053520-00053644 sustainability is something that's very lHUZmXx4CLo-00228-00053645-00053854 important to Dell so any application lHUZmXx4CLo-00229-00053855-00054082 related to that is exciting to me and lHUZmXx4CLo-00230-00054083-00054215 then you know just pragmatically lHUZmXx4CLo-00231-00054216-00054353 speaking anything that helps our lHUZmXx4CLo-00232-00054354-00054503 customers make better It Better Business lHUZmXx4CLo-00233-00054504-00054850 decisions excites me so we're we're just lHUZmXx4CLo-00234-00054851-00055085 at the beginning of what I refer to as lHUZmXx4CLo-00235-00055086-00055432 this Rolling Thunder of CPU yes next lHUZmXx4CLo-00236-00055433-00055769 Generation releases recently from AMD in lHUZmXx4CLo-00237-00055770-00055954 the near future it'll be it'll be Intel lHUZmXx4CLo-00238-00055955-00056147 joining the party yeah going back and lHUZmXx4CLo-00239-00056148-00056441 forth back and forth along with that Gen lHUZmXx4CLo-00240-00056441-00056765 5 pcie at the motherboard level uh it's lHUZmXx4CLo-00241-00056766-00056915 very easy to look at it and say wow lHUZmXx4CLo-00242-00056916-00057238 previous gen wow double double it is lHUZmXx4CLo-00243-00057239-00057616 double it is it is however most of your lHUZmXx4CLo-00244-00057617-00057815 customers I would guess lHUZmXx4CLo-00245-00057816-00058097 a fair number of them might be not just lHUZmXx4CLo-00246-00058098-00058294 n minus one but n minus two looking at lHUZmXx4CLo-00247-00058295-00058529 an upgrade so for a lot of people the lHUZmXx4CLo-00248-00058529-00058799 upgrade season that's ahead of us is lHUZmXx4CLo-00249-00058800-00059063 going to be not a doubling but a 4X or lHUZmXx4CLo-00250-00059064-00059332 8X in a lot of in a lot of cases yeah so lHUZmXx4CLo-00251-00059333-00059597 the quantity of compute uh from these lHUZmXx4CLo-00252-00059598-00059842 new systems is going to be it's going to lHUZmXx4CLo-00253-00059844-00060011 be a massive increase from where we've lHUZmXx4CLo-00254-00060012-00060287 been in in in the recent past like as in lHUZmXx4CLo-00255-00060288-00060791 last last Tuesday oh so is there you lHUZmXx4CLo-00256-00060791-00060899 know this is sort of a philosophical lHUZmXx4CLo-00257-00060900-00061066 question we talked a little earlier lHUZmXx4CLo-00258-00061067-00061253 about this idea of the quantitative lHUZmXx4CLo-00259-00061254-00061504 versus qualitative difference in lHUZmXx4CLo-00260-00061505-00061765 Computing horsepower lHUZmXx4CLo-00261-00061766-00062015 do we feel like we're at a point where lHUZmXx4CLo-00262-00062016-00062141 there's going to be an inflection in lHUZmXx4CLo-00263-00062141-00062285 terms of what AI can actually deliver lHUZmXx4CLo-00264-00062286-00062566 yeah based on current technology just lHUZmXx4CLo-00265-00062567-00062830 doing it more better faster cheaper yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00266-00062832-00063113 or do we or do we need this leap to lHUZmXx4CLo-00267-00063114-00063485 Quantum Computing to to get there yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00268-00063486-00063761 look I think we're and I was having some lHUZmXx4CLo-00269-00063762-00063971 really interesting uh conversations with lHUZmXx4CLo-00270-00063972-00064247 with with customers that whose job it is lHUZmXx4CLo-00271-00064248-00064482 to run very very large very very complex lHUZmXx4CLo-00272-00064483-00064750 clusters and we're talking a little bit lHUZmXx4CLo-00273-00064751-00064973 about Quantum Computing interesting lHUZmXx4CLo-00274-00064974-00065129 thing about Quantum Computing is you lHUZmXx4CLo-00275-00065129-00065344 know I think we're we're ways off still lHUZmXx4CLo-00276-00065345-00065543 and in order to make Quantum Computing lHUZmXx4CLo-00277-00065544-00065675 work you still need to have classical lHUZmXx4CLo-00278-00065676-00065867 Computing surrounding right number one lHUZmXx4CLo-00279-00065868-00066244 number two uh with with the advances lHUZmXx4CLo-00280-00066245-00066449 that we're we're seeing generation on lHUZmXx4CLo-00281-00066450-00066731 generation with this you know what what lHUZmXx4CLo-00282-00066732-00066971 has moved from a kind of a three-year lHUZmXx4CLo-00283-00066972-00067126 you know call it a two to three year lHUZmXx4CLo-00284-00067127-00067319 upgrade cycle to to something that lHUZmXx4CLo-00285-00067320-00067517 because of all of the technology that's lHUZmXx4CLo-00286-00067518-00067655 being deployed into the industry is lHUZmXx4CLo-00287-00067656-00067865 almost more can continuous upgrade cycle lHUZmXx4CLo-00288-00067866-00068182 I I'm personally optimistic that we are lHUZmXx4CLo-00289-00068183-00068597 on the the cusp of a new level of lHUZmXx4CLo-00290-00068598-00068873 infrastructure modernization and it's lHUZmXx4CLo-00291-00068874-00069161 not just the the computing power it's lHUZmXx4CLo-00292-00069162-00069431 not just the increases in gpus it's not lHUZmXx4CLo-00293-00069432-00069653 you know those things are important but lHUZmXx4CLo-00294-00069654-00069887 it's things like uh power consumption lHUZmXx4CLo-00295-00069888-00070199 right one of the the ways that customers lHUZmXx4CLo-00296-00070200-00070463 can do better in terms of power lHUZmXx4CLo-00297-00070464-00070715 consumption and sustainability is by lHUZmXx4CLo-00298-00070716-00070925 modernizing infrastructure looking to lHUZmXx4CLo-00299-00070926-00071099 your point A lot of people are running n lHUZmXx4CLo-00300-00071100-00071297 minus one n minus two the stuff that's lHUZmXx4CLo-00301-00071298-00071561 coming out now is is much more energy lHUZmXx4CLo-00302-00071562-00071788 efficient and so I think there's a lot lHUZmXx4CLo-00303-00071789-00072113 of uh a lot of vectors that we're seeing lHUZmXx4CLo-00304-00072114-00072359 in in the market whether it be lHUZmXx4CLo-00305-00072360-00072635 Technology Innovation whether it be be a lHUZmXx4CLo-00306-00072636-00072793 drive for lHUZmXx4CLo-00307-00072794-00073032 Energy Efficiency lHUZmXx4CLo-00308-00073033-00073511 whether it be uh the rise of AI and ml lHUZmXx4CLo-00309-00073512-00073709 whether it be all of the new silicon lHUZmXx4CLo-00310-00073710-00073906 that's coming in into the portfolio lHUZmXx4CLo-00311-00073907-00074075 where customers are going to have a lHUZmXx4CLo-00312-00074076-00074255 continuous reason to upgrade lHUZmXx4CLo-00313-00074256-00074423 I mean that's that's my thought what do lHUZmXx4CLo-00314-00074424-00074506 you think lHUZmXx4CLo-00315-00074507-00074794 yeah no I think I think that the um the lHUZmXx4CLo-00316-00074795-00074987 the objective numbers that are going to lHUZmXx4CLo-00317-00074988-00075179 be rolling out yeah that are starting to lHUZmXx4CLo-00318-00075180-00075347 roll out now and in the near future lHUZmXx4CLo-00319-00075348-00075497 that's why it's really an exciting time lHUZmXx4CLo-00320-00075498-00075779 yeah uh I think that those numbers are lHUZmXx4CLo-00321-00075780-00075929 going to support your point yeah because lHUZmXx4CLo-00322-00075930-00076132 people will look and they'll say wait a lHUZmXx4CLo-00323-00076133-00076355 minute it used to be a dollar but now lHUZmXx4CLo-00324-00076356-00076529 it's two dollars that's more expensive lHUZmXx4CLo-00325-00076530-00076685 yeah but you're getting 10 times as much lHUZmXx4CLo-00326-00076686-00076841 yeah for half of the amount of power lHUZmXx4CLo-00327-00076842-00077038 boom and it's exactly and it's exactly lHUZmXx4CLo-00328-00077039-00077362 it's a TC it's a no-brainer it gets to lHUZmXx4CLo-00329-00077363-00077543 the point where it's you look at this lHUZmXx4CLo-00330-00077544-00077759 rack of amazing stuff that you have a lHUZmXx4CLo-00331-00077760-00077981 personal relationship with and you say I lHUZmXx4CLo-00332-00077982-00078088 can't afford to keep you plugged in lHUZmXx4CLo-00333-00078089-00078365 anymore yeah and right the power is such lHUZmXx4CLo-00334-00078366-00078671 a huge component huge huge our customer lHUZmXx4CLo-00335-00078672-00078917 I mean it's always a huge issue but our lHUZmXx4CLo-00336-00078918-00079121 customers especially in emea uh with lHUZmXx4CLo-00337-00079122-00079319 what's going on over there are are lHUZmXx4CLo-00338-00079320-00079576 saying I you know I need to upgrade lHUZmXx4CLo-00339-00079577-00079697 because I need to be more energy lHUZmXx4CLo-00340-00079698-00080015 efficient yeah yeah I I we were talking lHUZmXx4CLo-00341-00080016-00080147 about 20 years from now so you've been lHUZmXx4CLo-00342-00080148-00080399 at Dell over 18 years yeah it'll be 19 lHUZmXx4CLo-00343-00080400-00080741 in in May congratulations what what lHUZmXx4CLo-00344-00080742-00081106 commitment so 19 years from now in your lHUZmXx4CLo-00345-00081107-00081311 in your second Dell career yeah what are lHUZmXx4CLo-00346-00081312-00081461 we going to be able to say then that lHUZmXx4CLo-00347-00081462-00081797 perhaps we can't say now oh my gosh lHUZmXx4CLo-00348-00081798-00082055 wow 19 years from now yeah I love this lHUZmXx4CLo-00349-00082056-00082205 as an arbitrary number too this is great lHUZmXx4CLo-00350-00082206-00082303 yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00351-00082304-00082703 38 year Dell career yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00352-00082704-00082894 record yeah and if you'd like to share lHUZmXx4CLo-00353-00082895-00083129 the winners of the Super Bowls and uh lHUZmXx4CLo-00354-00083130-00083375 and and World Series in advance like the lHUZmXx4CLo-00355-00083376-00083603 world the sports salmon act from Back to lHUZmXx4CLo-00356-00083604-00083806 the Future so we can place our bets and lHUZmXx4CLo-00357-00083807-00084005 the Powerball but but anyway yeah I mean lHUZmXx4CLo-00358-00084006-00084179 this is what lHUZmXx4CLo-00359-00084180-00084425 what do you think AI what's AI going to lHUZmXx4CLo-00360-00084426-00084719 deliver in the next decade yeah I I look lHUZmXx4CLo-00361-00084720-00085031 I mean there are are you know Global lHUZmXx4CLo-00362-00085032-00085367 issues that advances in computing power lHUZmXx4CLo-00363-00085368-00085543 will help us solve lHUZmXx4CLo-00364-00085544-00085888 and uh you know the the models that are lHUZmXx4CLo-00365-00085889-00086075 being built lHUZmXx4CLo-00366-00086076-00086549 um the ability to generate a uh a lHUZmXx4CLo-00367-00086550-00086723 digital lHUZmXx4CLo-00368-00086724-00087082 um copy of the analog world and be able lHUZmXx4CLo-00369-00087083-00087461 to run models and simulations on it is lHUZmXx4CLo-00370-00087462-00087785 is amazing truly yeah you know I I was lHUZmXx4CLo-00371-00087786-00087959 uh looking at some lHUZmXx4CLo-00372-00087960-00088162 you know it's very it's a very simple lHUZmXx4CLo-00373-00088163-00088450 and pragmatic thing but I think it's it lHUZmXx4CLo-00374-00088451-00088741 it's uh an example of of what could be lHUZmXx4CLo-00375-00088742-00088985 uh we were with one of our technology lHUZmXx4CLo-00376-00088986-00089243 providers and they they were uh showing lHUZmXx4CLo-00377-00089244-00089662 us a digital simulation you know uh a lHUZmXx4CLo-00378-00089663-00089879 digital twin of a factory for a car lHUZmXx4CLo-00379-00089880-00090006 manufacturer lHUZmXx4CLo-00380-00090007-00090305 and they were saying that you know it lHUZmXx4CLo-00381-00090306-00090467 used to be you had to build the factory lHUZmXx4CLo-00382-00090468-00090641 you had to put the people in the factory lHUZmXx4CLo-00383-00090642-00090929 you had to you know run the cars through lHUZmXx4CLo-00384-00090930-00091097 the factory to figure out sort of how lHUZmXx4CLo-00385-00091098-00091247 you optimize and you know where lHUZmXx4CLo-00386-00091248-00091438 everything's placed yeah lHUZmXx4CLo-00387-00091439-00091618 they don't have to do that anymore right lHUZmXx4CLo-00388-00091619-00091973 they can do it all via simulation all lHUZmXx4CLo-00389-00091974-00092344 via digital you know copy of of analog lHUZmXx4CLo-00390-00092345-00092644 reality and so I mean I think the uh you lHUZmXx4CLo-00391-00092645-00092849 know the the the the possibilities are lHUZmXx4CLo-00392-00092850-00093137 endless and you know 19 years ago I had lHUZmXx4CLo-00393-00093138-00093353 no idea I'd be sitting here so excited lHUZmXx4CLo-00394-00093354-00093617 about Hardware you know we are baby I lHUZmXx4CLo-00395-00093618-00093791 think 19 years from now Hardware still lHUZmXx4CLo-00396-00093792-00093965 matters yeah Hardware still matters I lHUZmXx4CLo-00397-00093966-00094061 know software eats the world the lHUZmXx4CLo-00398-00094062-00094175 hardware still matters got around lHUZmXx4CLo-00399-00094176-00094373 something yeah and and we'll be talking lHUZmXx4CLo-00400-00094374-00094697 about you know that same type of of lHUZmXx4CLo-00401-00094698-00095003 example but at a broader and more global lHUZmXx4CLo-00402-00095004-00095159 scale well I'm the knucklehead who keeps lHUZmXx4CLo-00403-00095160-00095291 waving his phone around going there's lHUZmXx4CLo-00404-00095292-00095555 one turbine in here can you believe that lHUZmXx4CLo-00405-00095556-00095776 one terabyte because when you've been lHUZmXx4CLo-00406-00095777-00095971 around long enough it's like lHUZmXx4CLo-00407-00095972-00096311 you know like like uh I've been to NASA lHUZmXx4CLo-00408-00096312-00096461 I live in Texas I've been to NASA a lHUZmXx4CLo-00409-00096462-00096550 couple times they you know they talk lHUZmXx4CLo-00410-00096551-00096676 about they sent you know they sent lHUZmXx4CLo-00411-00096677-00096973 people to the moon on on way less lHUZmXx4CLo-00412-00096974-00097217 on our pocket computers yeah it's lHUZmXx4CLo-00413-00097218-00097571 amazing I am an optimist on where we're lHUZmXx4CLo-00414-00097572-00097738 going clearly and we're clearly an lHUZmXx4CLo-00415-00097739-00097918 exciting Visionary like we said exactly lHUZmXx4CLo-00416-00097919-00098111 it's no surprise that people are using lHUZmXx4CLo-00417-00098112-00098267 Dell's Tech to realize their AI lHUZmXx4CLo-00418-00098268-00098476 ecosystem dreams Travis thank you so lHUZmXx4CLo-00419-00098477-00098675 much for being here with us David always lHUZmXx4CLo-00420-00098676-00098897 a pleasure and thank you for tuning in lHUZmXx4CLo-00421-00098898-00099125 to the Cube live from Dallas Texas my lHUZmXx4CLo-00422-00099126-00099250 name is Savannah Peterson and we'll be lHUZmXx4CLo-00423-00099251-00100037 back with more Super Computing soon lHUZmXx4CLo-00424-00100038-00100327 foreign lJBrb_kI9nu-00000-00000007-00000415 [Music] lJBrb_kI9nu-00001-00000416-00000567 now i've warned you a couple times that lJBrb_kI9nu-00002-00000568-00000743 it's particularly important to pay lJBrb_kI9nu-00003-00000744-00000958 attention to whether the data is evenly lJBrb_kI9nu-00004-00000959-00001031 spaced lJBrb_kI9nu-00005-00001032-00001215 and whether it progresses in the lJBrb_kI9nu-00006-00001216-00001366 independent variable by lJBrb_kI9nu-00007-00001367-00001623 one unit or more than one unit we're lJBrb_kI9nu-00008-00001623-00001814 going to take a look at some data lJBrb_kI9nu-00009-00001816-00002039 that shows us the number of premium lJBrb_kI9nu-00010-00002039-00002318 spotify subscribers in millions lJBrb_kI9nu-00011-00002319-00002671 from 2012 to 2018. now lJBrb_kI9nu-00012-00002672-00002902 especially because i just warned you we lJBrb_kI9nu-00013-00002903-00003047 probably ought to check to see whether lJBrb_kI9nu-00014-00003048-00003134 the data is lJBrb_kI9nu-00015-00003135-00003375 evenly spaced we have two rows in our lJBrb_kI9nu-00016-00003376-00003559 data the top row is the year and the lJBrb_kI9nu-00017-00003560-00003783 bottom row is the premium subscribers in lJBrb_kI9nu-00018-00003784-00003854 millions lJBrb_kI9nu-00019-00003855-00004159 the top row has data 2012 lJBrb_kI9nu-00020-00004160-00004486 2014 2015 2016 lJBrb_kI9nu-00021-00004487-00004767 and 2018. we're counting by even years lJBrb_kI9nu-00022-00004768-00005038 except for that middle year that 2015. lJBrb_kI9nu-00023-00005039-00005254 i'm just going to make a note to myself lJBrb_kI9nu-00024-00005255-00005415 of what the spacing is lJBrb_kI9nu-00025-00005416-00005695 using a little arc above the years so lJBrb_kI9nu-00026-00005696-00005783 the difference between lJBrb_kI9nu-00027-00005784-00006175 2012 and 2014 is two years between 2014 lJBrb_kI9nu-00028-00006176-00006470 and 2015 is one year between 2015 and lJBrb_kI9nu-00029-00006472-00006655 2016 as one year lJBrb_kI9nu-00030-00006656-00006991 and between 2016 and 2018 is two years lJBrb_kI9nu-00031-00006992-00007231 so not evenly spaced data we are going lJBrb_kI9nu-00032-00007231-00007351 to start by still lJBrb_kI9nu-00033-00007352-00007527 finding the rate of change to see if lJBrb_kI9nu-00034-00007528-00007695 this data might be linear lJBrb_kI9nu-00035-00007695-00007934 now our rate of change won't be quite as lJBrb_kI9nu-00036-00007936-00008110 easy as it's been before lJBrb_kI9nu-00037-00008111-00008295 let me go ahead and redo the data in the lJBrb_kI9nu-00038-00008296-00008542 second row so the premium subscribers in lJBrb_kI9nu-00039-00008543-00008639 millions lJBrb_kI9nu-00040-00008640-00008987 in 2012 it was 4 million in 2014 lJBrb_kI9nu-00041-00008988-00009319 10.5 million in 2015 lJBrb_kI9nu-00042-00009320-00009623 22 million in 2016 lJBrb_kI9nu-00043-00009624-00010087 36 million and in 2018 83.5 million lJBrb_kI9nu-00044-00010088-00010319 the premium subscribers is the dependent lJBrb_kI9nu-00045-00010320-00010391 variable lJBrb_kI9nu-00046-00010392-00010646 and the year is the independent variable lJBrb_kI9nu-00047-00010647-00010806 let's start with our first lJBrb_kI9nu-00048-00010807-00011055 two data pairs to find the average rate lJBrb_kI9nu-00049-00011056-00011219 of change here we would do lJBrb_kI9nu-00050-00011220-00011567 10.5 minus 4 divided by lJBrb_kI9nu-00051-00011568-00011974 2014 minus 2012. what this is giving us lJBrb_kI9nu-00052-00011975-00012278 is 10.5 minus lJBrb_kI9nu-00053-00012279-00012619 4 divided by 2 and that comes out to be lJBrb_kI9nu-00054-00012620-00012735 3.25 lJBrb_kI9nu-00055-00012736-00013066 for my next pair i have 22 minus lJBrb_kI9nu-00056-00013068-00013358 10.5 and that's over 1 lJBrb_kI9nu-00057-00013359-00013671 which gives us 11.5 the next pair lJBrb_kI9nu-00058-00013672-00014055 is 36 minus 22 all over 1 lJBrb_kI9nu-00059-00014056-00014447 which is 14 and then 83.5 lJBrb_kI9nu-00060-00014447-00014838 minus 36 all over 2 lJBrb_kI9nu-00061-00014840-00015175 which is 23.75 lJBrb_kI9nu-00062-00015176-00015447 well these average rates of change are lJBrb_kI9nu-00063-00015447-00015615 all over the place lJBrb_kI9nu-00064-00015616-00015791 and because these are really lJBrb_kI9nu-00065-00015791-00015975 inconsistent i'm going to say this lJBrb_kI9nu-00066-00015976-00016286 is likely not going to be linear lJBrb_kI9nu-00067-00016287-00016471 let's move on and see if the data might lJBrb_kI9nu-00068-00016472-00016591 be exponential lJBrb_kI9nu-00069-00016592-00016871 now when we calculate growth ratios we lJBrb_kI9nu-00070-00016872-00017022 don't take into account lJBrb_kI9nu-00071-00017023-00017215 the fact that the years might not be lJBrb_kI9nu-00072-00017216-00017391 evenly spaced lJBrb_kI9nu-00073-00017392-00017615 for this reason i'm only going to use lJBrb_kI9nu-00074-00017616-00017727 the years that are lJBrb_kI9nu-00075-00017728-00017983 evenly spaced in other words i'm just lJBrb_kI9nu-00076-00017984-00018094 going to remove lJBrb_kI9nu-00077-00018095-00018399 the data point 2015-22 lJBrb_kI9nu-00078-00018400-00018622 from the set of data leaving me with lJBrb_kI9nu-00079-00018623-00018767 four pairs of data lJBrb_kI9nu-00080-00018768-00019119 that are evenly spaced now they are lJBrb_kI9nu-00081-00019120-00019358 evenly spaced by two so we will have to lJBrb_kI9nu-00082-00019359-00019575 pay attention to that later lJBrb_kI9nu-00083-00019576-00019839 somewhere that's going to come into play lJBrb_kI9nu-00084-00019840-00019983 i'll let you think about that for a lJBrb_kI9nu-00085-00019984-00020063 little while lJBrb_kI9nu-00086-00020064-00020230 let's go ahead and find the growth lJBrb_kI9nu-00087-00020231-00020391 ratios to start with lJBrb_kI9nu-00088-00020392-00020783 our first pair is 2012 to 2014. lJBrb_kI9nu-00089-00020784-00021111 the ratio would be 10.5 divided by lJBrb_kI9nu-00090-00021112-00021455 4 which is 2.625 lJBrb_kI9nu-00091-00021456-00021814 the next pair skipping over 2015 lJBrb_kI9nu-00092-00021815-00022327 would be 36 divided by 10.5 lJBrb_kI9nu-00093-00022328-00022663 that's 3.42 lJBrb_kI9nu-00094-00022664-00023039 and the last pair is 83.5 lJBrb_kI9nu-00095-00023040-00023547 divided by 36 and that one is lJBrb_kI9nu-00096-00023548-00023767 2.319 while these are lJBrb_kI9nu-00097-00023768-00024071 not perfectly the same they are lJBrb_kI9nu-00098-00024072-00024303 much much closer together than what we lJBrb_kI9nu-00099-00024304-00024527 saw in the test for linearity that we lJBrb_kI9nu-00100-00024528-00024558 did lJBrb_kI9nu-00101-00024559-00024775 we can calculate an average for these lJBrb_kI9nu-00102-00024776-00024863 three values lJBrb_kI9nu-00103-00024864-00025358 so 2.625 plus 3.429 lJBrb_kI9nu-00104-00025359-00025718 plus 2.319 all divided by lJBrb_kI9nu-00105-00025719-00026295 3 to give us an average of 2.791 lJBrb_kI9nu-00106-00026295-00026495 there's our growth factor so our guess lJBrb_kI9nu-00107-00026495-00026662 is that this is exponential lJBrb_kI9nu-00108-00026663-00026879 it's definitely not linear let's go lJBrb_kI9nu-00109-00026880-00027046 ahead and declare the variables lJBrb_kI9nu-00110-00027047-00027383 let's let t be the years since 2012. lJBrb_kI9nu-00111-00027383-00027802 so 2012 is year zero 2014 is year two lJBrb_kI9nu-00112-00027804-00028183 2015 would be year three 2016 lJBrb_kI9nu-00113-00028183-00028527 year 4 and 2018 year 6. lJBrb_kI9nu-00114-00028527-00028911 let's use a capital s for the premium lJBrb_kI9nu-00115-00028912-00029318 spotify subscribers in millions lJBrb_kI9nu-00116-00029319-00029599 we know the initial value at t equals lJBrb_kI9nu-00117-00029600-00029646 zero lJBrb_kI9nu-00118-00029647-00029967 that lowercase a is four and we have lJBrb_kI9nu-00119-00029968-00030202 something like a growth factor lJBrb_kI9nu-00120-00030203-00030614 2.791 but that's over two years lJBrb_kI9nu-00121-00030616-00030767 and so we're going to play around with lJBrb_kI9nu-00122-00030768-00030911 that a little bit and see if we can't lJBrb_kI9nu-00123-00030912-00031087 figure out how to get that to fit the lJBrb_kI9nu-00124-00031088-00031223 data properly lJBrb_kI9nu-00125-00031224-00031455 if you're not paying close attention you lJBrb_kI9nu-00126-00031456-00031607 might start with the model lJBrb_kI9nu-00127-00031608-00031918 capital s of t equals lJBrb_kI9nu-00128-00031919-00032423 4 times left parentheses 2.791 lJBrb_kI9nu-00129-00032424-00032727 right parentheses to the t and i'm going lJBrb_kI9nu-00130-00032727-00032918 to put a question mark like lJBrb_kI9nu-00131-00032919-00033167 next to this because it doesn't seem lJBrb_kI9nu-00132-00033168-00033327 like it should be that easy lJBrb_kI9nu-00133-00033328-00033574 if this is a growth rate for two years lJBrb_kI9nu-00134-00033575-00033727 instead of one year lJBrb_kI9nu-00135-00033728-00033895 let's go look at the data and see how lJBrb_kI9nu-00136-00033896-00034127 this particular model works out lJBrb_kI9nu-00137-00034128-00034351 seeing this data plotted it definitely lJBrb_kI9nu-00138-00034352-00034574 looks like it has the potential to be an lJBrb_kI9nu-00139-00034575-00034711 exponential function lJBrb_kI9nu-00140-00034712-00034927 i'm going to go ahead and include the lJBrb_kI9nu-00141-00034928-00035023 model s lJBrb_kI9nu-00142-00035024-00035455 of t equals 4 times 2.791 to the t lJBrb_kI9nu-00143-00035456-00035679 power and it doesn't match our data very lJBrb_kI9nu-00144-00035680-00035783 well at all lJBrb_kI9nu-00145-00035784-00035967 which might not be too much of a lJBrb_kI9nu-00146-00035968-00036118 surprise because lJBrb_kI9nu-00147-00036119-00036271 we knew there was something going on lJBrb_kI9nu-00148-00036272-00036430 with that 2 issue lJBrb_kI9nu-00149-00036431-00036630 this is where you might start to use lJBrb_kI9nu-00150-00036631-00036774 your wits lJBrb_kI9nu-00151-00036775-00037062 to help figure out what's going on here lJBrb_kI9nu-00152-00037063-00037223 let's mess around with the model a lJBrb_kI9nu-00153-00037224-00037271 little bit lJBrb_kI9nu-00154-00037272-00037511 what if we divide the growth factor by lJBrb_kI9nu-00155-00037512-00037599 two lJBrb_kI9nu-00156-00037600-00037799 well that stretches the exponential lJBrb_kI9nu-00157-00037800-00038055 function in the horizontal direction lJBrb_kI9nu-00158-00038056-00038359 way past the set of values we have that lJBrb_kI9nu-00159-00038360-00038559 didn't appear to be a good plan lJBrb_kI9nu-00160-00038560-00038799 maybe we need to multiply the exponent lJBrb_kI9nu-00161-00038800-00038879 by 2. lJBrb_kI9nu-00162-00038880-00039062 and that just makes the graph a bit lJBrb_kI9nu-00163-00039063-00039215 steeper lJBrb_kI9nu-00164-00039216-00039446 but what if we divide the exponent by lJBrb_kI9nu-00165-00039447-00039527 two lJBrb_kI9nu-00166-00039528-00039759 there we go that gives us a nice lJBrb_kI9nu-00167-00039760-00039951 approximation for the data lJBrb_kI9nu-00168-00039952-00040127 while the model doesn't go through every lJBrb_kI9nu-00169-00040128-00040383 data point it is very close to the lJBrb_kI9nu-00170-00040384-00040599 points that it does not go through lJBrb_kI9nu-00171-00040600-00040711 and it looks like a pretty good lJBrb_kI9nu-00172-00040712-00040967 approximation for the growth we see here lJBrb_kI9nu-00173-00040968-00041127 so the change we need to make to the lJBrb_kI9nu-00174-00041128-00041335 model is dividing that t lJBrb_kI9nu-00175-00041336-00041543 and the exponent by 2. so i'm going to lJBrb_kI9nu-00176-00041544-00041807 cross out the model i had written lJBrb_kI9nu-00177-00041808-00042135 and make a new one capital s of t lJBrb_kI9nu-00178-00042136-00042671 equals 4 left parentheses 2.791 lJBrb_kI9nu-00179-00042672-00043023 right parentheses to the t divided by 2. lJBrb_kI9nu-00180-00043024-00043158 now this actually makes it kind of lJBrb_kI9nu-00181-00043159-00043383 difficult to see what the true growth lJBrb_kI9nu-00182-00043384-00043462 factor is lJBrb_kI9nu-00183-00043463-00043711 because it's not raised to the t power lJBrb_kI9nu-00184-00043712-00043839 but we can do a little bit of lJBrb_kI9nu-00185-00043840-00043983 manipulation on this lJBrb_kI9nu-00186-00043984-00044255 using our amazing talents with exponents lJBrb_kI9nu-00187-00044256-00044390 let me just rewrite this lJBrb_kI9nu-00188-00044391-00044743 as 4 times left parentheses lJBrb_kI9nu-00189-00044744-00044987 times another left parenthesis and then lJBrb_kI9nu-00190-00044988-00045118 2.791 lJBrb_kI9nu-00191-00045119-00045495 right parentheses to the one-half power lJBrb_kI9nu-00192-00045496-00045751 right parentheses to the t power so you lJBrb_kI9nu-00193-00045752-00045799 can lJBrb_kI9nu-00194-00045800-00046158 see i've taken the 2.791 to the one-half lJBrb_kI9nu-00195-00046159-00046246 power lJBrb_kI9nu-00196-00046247-00046495 and moved it inside the parentheses with lJBrb_kI9nu-00197-00046496-00046679 the t on the outside lJBrb_kI9nu-00198-00046680-00047111 i can actually calculate that 2.791 lJBrb_kI9nu-00199-00047112-00047474 to the one-half power which gives us lJBrb_kI9nu-00200-00047475-00047646 1.671 lJBrb_kI9nu-00201-00047647-00047927 and then that's to the t power and now i lJBrb_kI9nu-00202-00047928-00048174 can actually see the growth factor lJBrb_kI9nu-00203-00048175-00048486 for this it's 1.671 lJBrb_kI9nu-00204-00048487-00048967 or a growth rate of 67.1 percent lJBrb_kI9nu-00205-00048968-00049311 per year which is a very high lJBrb_kI9nu-00206-00049312-00049671 growth rate just to recap we can test lJBrb_kI9nu-00207-00049672-00049879 for linearity by looking at the rate of lJBrb_kI9nu-00208-00049880-00049943 change lJBrb_kI9nu-00209-00049944-00050255 we can test for exponentiality looking lJBrb_kI9nu-00210-00050256-00050295 at lJBrb_kI9nu-00211-00050296-00050502 the growth ratio and you want to pay lJBrb_kI9nu-00212-00050503-00050615 very close attention lJBrb_kI9nu-00213-00050616-00050911 to whether your data is evenly spaced or lJBrb_kI9nu-00214-00050912-00050983 not lJBrb_kI9nu-00215-00050984-00051223 that's going to affect both the rate of lJBrb_kI9nu-00216-00051224-00051423 change and the growth ratios if you're lJBrb_kI9nu-00217-00051424-00051824 not paying close attention to it lNlVeTQ63CY-00000-00000004-00000204 foreign lNlVeTQ63CY-00001-00000206-00000861 [Laughter] lSpIL4nzdc4-00000-00000000-00000142 there was also token acknowledgement of lSpIL4nzdc4-00001-00000143-00000271 the muppet project that defined a lSpIL4nzdc4-00002-00000272-00000438 generation of muppet fans despite having lSpIL4nzdc4-00003-00000440-00000638 minimal involvement from jim himself lSpIL4nzdc4-00004-00000639-00000799 muppet babies produced by marvel lSpIL4nzdc4-00005-00000800-00000958 productions it was just a cavalcade of lSpIL4nzdc4-00006-00000959-00001358 things disney would buy later lSpIL4nzdc4-00007-00001359-00001771 so when does this mcu crossover happen lSpIL4nzdc4-00008-00001772-00002079 spider dog is here lSpIL4nzdc4-00009-00002080-00002407 hey who are you spider girl of course lSpIL4nzdc4-00010-00002408-00002807 hey hey you kids cut that out lSpIL4nzdc4-00011-00002808-00002950 don't you know there's only one lSpIL4nzdc4-00012-00002951-00003118 spider-man lSpIL4nzdc4-00013-00003119-00003279 at least that's what i thought they're lSpIL4nzdc4-00014-00003279-00003479 just gonna end up on a netflix series lSpIL4nzdc4-00015-00003479-00005575 like iron fist lSpIL4nzdc4-00016-00005576-00005784 you lTd4a-9Xyro-00000-00000000-00000346 um I heard some challenges in that first lTd4a-9Xyro-00001-00000347-00000638 panel discussion some challenges to the lTd4a-9Xyro-00002-00000639-00000958 private sector so it's good timing that lTd4a-9Xyro-00003-00000959-00001211 we have that panel coming up right now lTd4a-9Xyro-00004-00001212-00001705 and this panel is chaired by Shane lTd4a-9Xyro-00005-00001707-00001973 Copeland and Shane is one of those lTd4a-9Xyro-00006-00001973-00002240 people I mentioned in the beginning one lTd4a-9Xyro-00007-00002241-00002462 of those people that you can't stop from lTd4a-9Xyro-00008-00002463-00002996 collaborating and innovating chain so I lTd4a-9Xyro-00009-00002997-00003311 just like to invite my panelists to take lTd4a-9Xyro-00010-00003311-00003659 the stage here you could take a seat and lTd4a-9Xyro-00011-00003660-00004015 we will shortly begin the second panel lTd4a-9Xyro-00012-00004017-00004313 so ladies and gentlemen today we're lTd4a-9Xyro-00013-00004314-00004522 going to be talking about what those lTd4a-9Xyro-00014-00004523-00004727 open innovation mean for the European lTd4a-9Xyro-00015-00004728-00005036 ICT markets obviously a small and easy lTd4a-9Xyro-00016-00005037-00005356 to answer question when we say open lTd4a-9Xyro-00017-00005357-00005567 innovation for the context of this panel lTd4a-9Xyro-00018-00005568-00005840 what we mean is the big umbrella third lTd4a-9Xyro-00019-00005841-00006109 term we want something that covers open lTd4a-9Xyro-00020-00006110-00006379 source open standards open access open lTd4a-9Xyro-00021-00006380-00006725 data we're going to do a lightning tour lTd4a-9Xyro-00022-00006726-00007091 of the topics here on the panel today we lTd4a-9Xyro-00023-00007092-00007306 have some great thinkers that will help lTd4a-9Xyro-00024-00007308-00007508 give us the big picture all the way down lTd4a-9Xyro-00025-00007509-00008006 to specifics hello so I'm just lTd4a-9Xyro-00026-00008006-00008159 introducing people in the order in which lTd4a-9Xyro-00027-00008159-00008456 I'll ask them to speak we have keeper lTd4a-9Xyro-00028-00008457-00008639 gold the CEO of open innovation lTd4a-9Xyro-00029-00008640-00008924 invention network here talking about lTd4a-9Xyro-00030-00008925-00009249 innovation and IPR the big picture of lTd4a-9Xyro-00031-00009250-00009560 how do you innovate around intellectual lTd4a-9Xyro-00032-00009561-00009869 property we are going to then hear from lTd4a-9Xyro-00033-00009870-00010253 mike mike Bohannon from Red Hat talking lTd4a-9Xyro-00034-00010254-00010520 about cloud and innovation then we're lTd4a-9Xyro-00035-00010521-00010769 going to hear from dr. Matthews Kaiser lTd4a-9Xyro-00036-00010770-00011092 worth talking from IBM Research about lTd4a-9Xyro-00037-00011093-00011270 four technologies that will change the lTd4a-9Xyro-00038-00011271-00011573 world and finally on specifics Thomas lTd4a-9Xyro-00039-00011574-00011933 ulan talking from a mysql perspective lTd4a-9Xyro-00040-00011934-00012284 and open-source success story to kick it lTd4a-9Xyro-00041-00012285-00012524 off because time is quite limited let's lTd4a-9Xyro-00042-00012525-00012733 do the big picture of open innovation lTd4a-9Xyro-00043-00012734-00012971 we're going to get keep our goal to take lTd4a-9Xyro-00044-00012972-00013144 the stage for a few minutes to give us a lTd4a-9Xyro-00045-00013145-00013286 few words on how you lTd4a-9Xyro-00046-00013287-00013508 do open innovation in intellectual lTd4a-9Xyro-00047-00013509-00015122 property management assuming the slides lTd4a-9Xyro-00048-00015122-00015586 will work okay while the slides are put lTd4a-9Xyro-00049-00015587-00015800 up I'm just going to let you know that lTd4a-9Xyro-00050-00015801-00015977 after everyone talks we're going to take lTd4a-9Xyro-00051-00015978-00016472 questions thanks very much and thanks to lTd4a-9Xyro-00052-00016473-00016718 Shane and thanks to Graham for the kind lTd4a-9Xyro-00053-00016719-00016861 invitation it's a pleasure to be here lTd4a-9Xyro-00054-00016862-00017318 with you eight years ago IBM in lTd4a-9Xyro-00055-00017319-00017581 combination with redhat Novell sony NECN lTd4a-9Xyro-00056-00017582-00017819 phillips had the the awareness that we lTd4a-9Xyro-00057-00017820-00018022 were witnessing something quite lTd4a-9Xyro-00058-00018023-00018286 significant was actually probably dates lTd4a-9Xyro-00059-00018287-00018488 back to 99 that IBM made its first lTd4a-9Xyro-00060-00018489-00018775 billion dollar investment in in linux lTd4a-9Xyro-00061-00018776-00018986 that their awareness actually came to lTd4a-9Xyro-00062-00018987-00019222 the fore but i think what they lTd4a-9Xyro-00063-00019223-00019489 recognized together is that we were we lTd4a-9Xyro-00064-00019490-00019697 were witnessing a phase shift in the way lTd4a-9Xyro-00065-00019698-00019997 that we collaborate and compete among lTd4a-9Xyro-00066-00019998-00020275 companies and across economies and we lTd4a-9Xyro-00067-00020276-00020580 had a kind of a unique situation that lTd4a-9Xyro-00068-00020581-00020833 that presented itself with the first lTd4a-9Xyro-00069-00020834-00021200 major effect from litigation the schoo lTd4a-9Xyro-00070-00021201-00021458 litigation from the early part of the lTd4a-9Xyro-00071-00021459-00021644 last decade actually provided a wake-up lTd4a-9Xyro-00072-00021645-00021836 call to these companies recognizing that lTd4a-9Xyro-00073-00021837-00022000 because there was no one company that lTd4a-9Xyro-00074-00022001-00022381 rep that represented Linux and that open lTd4a-9Xyro-00075-00022382-00022625 source was such a powerful dynamic that lTd4a-9Xyro-00076-00022626-00022811 was changing the way we actually created lTd4a-9Xyro-00077-00022812-00023125 value in the new economy they also i lTd4a-9Xyro-00078-00023126-00023311 think explicitly understood that it's a lTd4a-9Xyro-00079-00023312-00023528 social phenomenon and the prior panel I lTd4a-9Xyro-00080-00023529-00023806 think this was this was with reinforced lTd4a-9Xyro-00081-00023807-00024128 is that open source is about a social lTd4a-9Xyro-00082-00024129-00024428 phenomenon of collaborating together and lTd4a-9Xyro-00083-00024429-00024578 cross-organizational ian lTd4a-9Xyro-00084-00024579-00024803 cross-culturally and once you actually lTd4a-9Xyro-00085-00024804-00024997 let the genie out of the bottle and you lTd4a-9Xyro-00086-00024998-00025411 move away from the 1960s almost in lTd4a-9Xyro-00087-00025412-00025675 humane approach that we had which was lTd4a-9Xyro-00088-00025676-00025996 which discouraged a coordination and any lTd4a-9Xyro-00089-00025997-00026177 discussion among competitive companies lTd4a-9Xyro-00090-00026177-00026330 for fear that there be a Justice lTd4a-9Xyro-00091-00026331-00026552 Department suit lTd4a-9Xyro-00092-00026552-00026833 or undo collaboration and unfairness to lTd4a-9Xyro-00093-00026835-00027083 ultimately the pricing and availability lTd4a-9Xyro-00094-00027083-00027364 for customers and so we moved away lTd4a-9Xyro-00095-00027366-00027545 completely and now we're in a realm lTd4a-9Xyro-00096-00027545-00027830 where the opportunities to collaborate lTd4a-9Xyro-00097-00027831-00028064 are so significant that we're creating a lTd4a-9Xyro-00098-00028064-00028235 dynamic which is threatening to those lTd4a-9Xyro-00099-00028236-00028451 companies that don't support openness lTd4a-9Xyro-00100-00028452-00028751 and collaboration so I'll talk to you lTd4a-9Xyro-00101-00028752-00029030 about is how oh I n was developed and lTd4a-9Xyro-00102-00029031-00029237 how it actually serves to be able to lTd4a-9Xyro-00103-00029238-00029642 support and enable and steward openness lTd4a-9Xyro-00104-00029643-00029960 and and basically choice for customers lTd4a-9Xyro-00105-00029961-00030455 suppliers vendors and partners oin is lTd4a-9Xyro-00106-00030456-00030623 essentially a model that was developed lTd4a-9Xyro-00107-00030624-00030863 as I said eight years ago by companies lTd4a-9Xyro-00108-00030864-00031043 would recognize that scho and similar lTd4a-9Xyro-00109-00031044-00031250 lawsuits could be used by companies who lTd4a-9Xyro-00110-00031251-00031408 are antagonistic to linux and open lTd4a-9Xyro-00111-00031410-00031795 source because of their commitment or lTd4a-9Xyro-00112-00031797-00032071 belief that that incremental innovation lTd4a-9Xyro-00113-00032072-00032294 was good enough and their comfort level lTd4a-9Xyro-00114-00032295-00032593 with with monopolistic and do opolis tix lTd4a-9Xyro-00115-00032594-00032879 environments we now move to an lTd4a-9Xyro-00116-00032880-00033107 environment in 10 years ago 12 years ago lTd4a-9Xyro-00117-00033108-00033290 actually 20 years ago with the the lTd4a-9Xyro-00118-00033291-00033512 advent of Linux where we started to see lTd4a-9Xyro-00119-00033513-00033704 that something was changing and that's lTd4a-9Xyro-00120-00033705-00033926 something was that that we were now lTd4a-9Xyro-00121-00033927-00034130 moving toward an toward an environment lTd4a-9Xyro-00122-00034131-00034310 where we were creating at a more lTd4a-9Xyro-00123-00034311-00034477 virulent level than we'd ever had we lTd4a-9Xyro-00124-00034478-00034742 ever had in the past what oh I n does is lTd4a-9Xyro-00125-00034743-00034979 essentially acquire patents and make lTd4a-9Xyro-00126-00034980-00035174 them available on a royalty-free basis lTd4a-9Xyro-00127-00035175-00035423 what we're looking to do is create a lTd4a-9Xyro-00128-00035424-00035648 patent no-fly zone around linux and open lTd4a-9Xyro-00129-00035649-00035951 source and give people choice and if the lTd4a-9Xyro-00130-00035952-00036167 choice is for an open source and a linux lTd4a-9Xyro-00131-00036168-00036359 based projects and products that come lTd4a-9Xyro-00132-00036360-00036577 from that that's great if the choice is lTd4a-9Xyro-00133-00036578-00036829 for a proprietary platform then so be it lTd4a-9Xyro-00134-00036830-00037139 we think that the ability to distill the lTd4a-9Xyro-00135-00037140-00037280 collective intelligence of literally lTd4a-9Xyro-00136-00037281-00037508 thousands of people hundreds of lTd4a-9Xyro-00137-00037509-00037671 thousands of people that are active in lTd4a-9Xyro-00138-00037672-00037943 projects around the world actually will lTd4a-9Xyro-00139-00037944-00038365 provide a difficult path for for lTd4a-9Xyro-00140-00038366-00038552 companies who are closed to actually lTd4a-9Xyro-00141-00038553-00038789 compete with so what oh I end is it does lTd4a-9Xyro-00142-00038790-00039140 is acquire patents we also invent we lTd4a-9Xyro-00143-00039141-00039311 participate in something called directed lTd4a-9Xyro-00144-00039312-00039638 invention activities we have over six lTd4a-9Xyro-00145-00039639-00039843 hundred patents and applications global lTd4a-9Xyro-00146-00039844-00040140 over 400 US patents and applications we lTd4a-9Xyro-00147-00040141-00040470 invent 40 to 50 patents a year we that's lTd4a-9Xyro-00148-00040471-00040725 what we file we've also introduced lTd4a-9Xyro-00149-00040726-00041031 taking a page out of IBM's history back lTd4a-9Xyro-00150-00041032-00041318 dating back to the early 70s by lTd4a-9Xyro-00151-00041319-00041577 producing defensive publications this is lTd4a-9Xyro-00152-00041578-00041894 an incredibly diverse and sometimes lTd4a-9Xyro-00153-00041895-00042249 paranoid community that I represent it lTd4a-9Xyro-00154-00042250-00042558 as a constituency and that constituency lTd4a-9Xyro-00155-00042559-00042783 needs needs a vehicle to be able to lTd4a-9Xyro-00156-00042784-00042957 codify what it's invented the lTd4a-9Xyro-00157-00042958-00043209 creativeness of the first 15 years of lTd4a-9Xyro-00158-00043210-00043386 Linux where most of the developers lTd4a-9Xyro-00159-00043387-00043572 actually were outside of large companies lTd4a-9Xyro-00160-00043573-00043839 was was lost in terms of prior art lTd4a-9Xyro-00161-00043840-00044058 because we have lots of code but it's lTd4a-9Xyro-00162-00044059-00044226 not searchable as an effective form of lTd4a-9Xyro-00163-00044227-00044499 prior art right now that's something lTd4a-9Xyro-00164-00044500-00044670 that some companies are working on but lTd4a-9Xyro-00165-00044671-00044949 not materialized as yet so as a result lTd4a-9Xyro-00166-00044950-00045138 for the future we're encouraging the use lTd4a-9Xyro-00167-00045139-00045294 of defensive publications we're lTd4a-9Xyro-00168-00045295-00045531 essentially our claim 'less patents that lTd4a-9Xyro-00169-00045532-00045738 allow statements of prior art to be out lTd4a-9Xyro-00170-00045739-00045942 there so that if we had done this from lTd4a-9Xyro-00171-00045943-00046290 the 1990s we would have tens of lTd4a-9Xyro-00172-00046291-00046587 thousands of statements of prior art lTd4a-9Xyro-00173-00046588-00046737 that will help with the quality issue lTd4a-9Xyro-00174-00046738-00046836 that we have in the patent system lTd4a-9Xyro-00175-00046837-00047115 helping raise the bar on what is in fact lTd4a-9Xyro-00176-00047116-00047427 patentable and what is in fact worthy of lTd4a-9Xyro-00177-00047428-00047820 being a patent so that's one program lTd4a-9Xyro-00178-00047821-00047973 we're working on we're doing we're lTd4a-9Xyro-00179-00047974-00048135 talking to companies and working with lTd4a-9Xyro-00180-00048136-00048354 them to implement defensive publication lTd4a-9Xyro-00181-00048355-00048600 programs we create a cross-licensing lTd4a-9Xyro-00182-00048601-00048810 commitment around our portfolio so that lTd4a-9Xyro-00183-00048811-00049026 if you take a license to oin for free lTd4a-9Xyro-00184-00049027-00049215 you have two obligations that are lTd4a-9Xyro-00185-00049216-00049452 elements of consideration one is that lTd4a-9Xyro-00186-00049453-00049638 you agree to cross-license your patents lTd4a-9Xyro-00187-00049639-00049764 that read on the Linux system definition lTd4a-9Xyro-00188-00049765-00050010 the other is that you agree to forbear lTd4a-9Xyro-00189-00050011-00050268 litigation against in Linux in Linux lTd4a-9Xyro-00190-00050269-00050703 related areas so really oin is a series lTd4a-9Xyro-00191-00050704-00050859 of industrial companies that had the lTd4a-9Xyro-00192-00050860-00051024 foresight to put tens of millions of lTd4a-9Xyro-00193-00051025-00051273 dollars into a fund and they get nothing lTd4a-9Xyro-00194-00051274-00051477 unique out of it they sign the same lTd4a-9Xyro-00195-00051478-00051707 license at every ordinary individual lTd4a-9Xyro-00196-00051708-00051882 company or individual it approaches lTd4a-9Xyro-00197-00051883-00052170 assigns so it's it's there's probably no lTd4a-9Xyro-00198-00052171-00052430 precedent in technology for oh I ends lTd4a-9Xyro-00199-00052432-00052674 existence but because of this phase lTd4a-9Xyro-00200-00052675-00052880 shift that we're at in the in society in lTd4a-9Xyro-00201-00052882-00053129 terms of moving from from closed and lTd4a-9Xyro-00202-00053130-00053163 part lTd4a-9Xyro-00203-00053164-00053427 Lee open to fully open we've changed the lTd4a-9Xyro-00204-00053428-00053628 weave it's almost required that lTd4a-9Xyro-00205-00053629-00053787 something like this would be created to lTd4a-9Xyro-00206-00053788-00053997 really be the patent conscience and the lTd4a-9Xyro-00207-00053998-00054225 patent Guardian The Guardian a patent lTd4a-9Xyro-00208-00054226-00054362 freedom for the open source community lTd4a-9Xyro-00209-00054363-00054641 we've also developed programs we've lTd4a-9Xyro-00210-00054642-00054879 utilized peer to patent as a model to be lTd4a-9Xyro-00211-00054879-00055130 able to help identify prior art on lTd4a-9Xyro-00212-00055132-00055470 published application so that lT8VR9JbcQY-00001-00006114-00006332 foreign lXiVH5eBK8y-00000-00000000-00000543 [Music] lXiVH5eBK8y-00001-00000544-00000759 hello and welcome to a simple lorawan lXiVH5eBK8y-00002-00000760-00001127 demo running on stm32wl lXiVH5eBK8y-00003-00001128-00001343 what do we need for this demo is a lXiVH5eBK8y-00004-00001344-00001519 modified repository lXiVH5eBK8y-00005-00001520-00001879 example called the endnote the original lXiVH5eBK8y-00006-00001880-00002079 example needs credentials and lXiVH5eBK8y-00007-00002080-00002191 commissioning lXiVH5eBK8y-00008-00002192-00002495 for registration of the specified node lXiVH5eBK8y-00009-00002496-00002783 and communicates with the things network lXiVH5eBK8y-00010-00002784-00002863 server lXiVH5eBK8y-00011-00002864-00003222 and can make devices to show the data lXiVH5eBK8y-00012-00003223-00003527 we will simplify this example lXiVH5eBK8y-00013-00003528-00003838 so that it will simulate an ac unit and lXiVH5eBK8y-00014-00003839-00003919 we will send lXiVH5eBK8y-00015-00003920-00004111 over the network on the measured lXiVH5eBK8y-00016-00004112-00004367 temperature and we will receive lXiVH5eBK8y-00017-00004368-00004599 either increase decrease or equal lXiVH5eBK8y-00018-00004600-00004735 temperature lXiVH5eBK8y-00019-00004736-00005063 so that the application will tell us lXiVH5eBK8y-00020-00005064-00005311 how to control the temperature then we lXiVH5eBK8y-00021-00005312-00005599 need stm32wl nucleo lXiVH5eBK8y-00022-00005600-00005863 which we will flash with this simple lXiVH5eBK8y-00023-00005864-00006038 application lXiVH5eBK8y-00024-00006039-00006295 and right after the flashing it will be lXiVH5eBK8y-00025-00006296-00006375 able to lXiVH5eBK8y-00026-00006376-00006567 send the data to the lorawan network lXiVH5eBK8y-00027-00006568-00006742 server in order to lXiVH5eBK8y-00028-00006743-00006919 send the data to the network server we lXiVH5eBK8y-00029-00006920-00007167 also need a packet forwarder lXiVH5eBK8y-00030-00007168-00007342 for the packet for verter we will use lXiVH5eBK8y-00031-00007343-00007591 the stm32f7 nucleo lXiVH5eBK8y-00032-00007592-00007895 plus rising hf module by simply lXiVH5eBK8y-00033-00007895-00008127 connecting it to a pc lXiVH5eBK8y-00034-00008128-00008367 then for the network server we will use lXiVH5eBK8y-00035-00008368-00008455 an open source lXiVH5eBK8y-00036-00008456-00008791 solution available in github which is lXiVH5eBK8y-00037-00008792-00009031 running directly on this local pc and lXiVH5eBK8y-00038-00009032-00009287 can run on any other pc lXiVH5eBK8y-00039-00009288-00009542 lastly for the application server we lXiVH5eBK8y-00040-00009543-00009631 will use lXiVH5eBK8y-00041-00009632-00009999 a node thread flow and it will simulate lXiVH5eBK8y-00042-00010000-00010303 our ac unit it will accept all the nodes lXiVH5eBK8y-00043-00010304-00010463 that wants to connect lXiVH5eBK8y-00044-00010464-00010742 no registration is then needed and it lXiVH5eBK8y-00045-00010743-00010919 will run the application lXiVH5eBK8y-00046-00010920-00011142 meaning it will provide us the increased lXiVH5eBK8y-00047-00011143-00011406 decrease and equal control lXiVH5eBK8y-00048-00011407-00011699 now to the data flow first of all the lXiVH5eBK8y-00049-00011700-00011927 stm32wl is the endnote lXiVH5eBK8y-00050-00011928-00012142 will send out the measured temperature lXiVH5eBK8y-00051-00012143-00012310 which will be then forwarded by the lXiVH5eBK8y-00052-00012311-00012495 simple f7 gateway lXiVH5eBK8y-00053-00012496-00012791 and then over the ethernet it will go to lXiVH5eBK8y-00054-00012792-00013127 the laptop running the network server lXiVH5eBK8y-00055-00013128-00013479 and finally through mqtt it will reach lXiVH5eBK8y-00056-00013480-00013615 the application server lXiVH5eBK8y-00057-00013616-00013894 which will decide which control scheme lXiVH5eBK8y-00058-00013895-00013966 to select lXiVH5eBK8y-00059-00013968-00014263 increase decrease or equal temperature lXiVH5eBK8y-00060-00014263-00014286 and lXiVH5eBK8y-00061-00014287-00014583 it will get sent again through the whole lXiVH5eBK8y-00062-00014584-00014686 system lXiVH5eBK8y-00063-00014687-00014991 back to the stm32wl lXiVH5eBK8y-00064-00014991-00015247 to start with the demo we will first of lXiVH5eBK8y-00065-00015247-00015335 all lXiVH5eBK8y-00066-00015336-00015543 load the application which i have lXiVH5eBK8y-00067-00015544-00015791 prepared in a binary format lXiVH5eBK8y-00068-00015791-00016175 and we will simply flash it by using the lXiVH5eBK8y-00069-00016176-00016543 mass storage of the steeling onboard of lXiVH5eBK8y-00070-00016544-00016575 the lXiVH5eBK8y-00071-00016576-00016958 nucleo so we will simply copy it lXiVH5eBK8y-00072-00016959-00017311 to the endnote it will reset and start lXiVH5eBK8y-00073-00017312-00017583 the application then when i connect with lXiVH5eBK8y-00074-00017584-00017894 the console application lXiVH5eBK8y-00075-00017895-00018303 i will see what the hardware is doing lXiVH5eBK8y-00076-00018304-00018550 this tempting to connect to my server lXiVH5eBK8y-00077-00018551-00018799 now it has joined lXiVH5eBK8y-00078-00018800-00019071 and now it will send some data over to lXiVH5eBK8y-00079-00019072-00019150 the lXiVH5eBK8y-00080-00019151-00019519 network server which i have running lXiVH5eBK8y-00081-00019520-00019863 right here lXiVH5eBK8y-00082-00019864-00020063 here is the latest join i have just lXiVH5eBK8y-00083-00020064-00020255 attempted lXiVH5eBK8y-00084-00020256-00020478 as you can see i have some tribes from lXiVH5eBK8y-00085-00020479-00020567 before lXiVH5eBK8y-00086-00020568-00020735 where i have already a response for the lXiVH5eBK8y-00087-00020736-00020958 data lXiVH5eBK8y-00088-00020959-00021167 in a couple of minutes there should be a lXiVH5eBK8y-00089-00021168-00021271 response lXiVH5eBK8y-00090-00021272-00021430 there should be a transmit data from the lXiVH5eBK8y-00091-00021431-00021663 node to the network server lXiVH5eBK8y-00092-00021664-00021886 so it will get here and then it will be lXiVH5eBK8y-00093-00021887-00022183 passed to the node application lXiVH5eBK8y-00094-00022184-00022511 as you can see here is the data received lXiVH5eBK8y-00095-00022512-00022799 it is parsed and now with a simple lXiVH5eBK8y-00096-00022800-00022975 threshold which is maybe too low for lXiVH5eBK8y-00097-00022976-00023047 this lXiVH5eBK8y-00098-00023048-00023278 particular application it will get lXiVH5eBK8y-00099-00023279-00023407 compared and it will lXiVH5eBK8y-00100-00023408-00023735 send some message lXiVH5eBK8y-00101-00023736-00024014 it is again parsed into json format and lXiVH5eBK8y-00102-00024015-00024111 then it's sent lXiVH5eBK8y-00103-00024112-00024358 back to the network server then the lXiVH5eBK8y-00104-00024359-00024486 network server lXiVH5eBK8y-00105-00024487-00025039 will handle the sending to the endnote lXiVH5eBK8y-00106-00025040-00025350 here is also the packet forwarder which lXiVH5eBK8y-00107-00025351-00025550 is initialized and ready lXiVH5eBK8y-00108-00025551-00025846 it's actually transmitting anything that lXiVH5eBK8y-00109-00025847-00026214 goes through lXiVH5eBK8y-00110-00026216-00026414 as you can see now the data has been lXiVH5eBK8y-00111-00026416-00026767 sent lXiVH5eBK8y-00112-00026768-00027079 we have sent some data and then lXiVH5eBK8y-00113-00027080-00027374 we have received that the application lXiVH5eBK8y-00114-00027375-00027414 should lXiVH5eBK8y-00115-00027416-00027695 decrease the temperature as you can see lXiVH5eBK8y-00116-00027695-00027974 it's on the dashboard as well lXiVH5eBK8y-00117-00027975-00028318 send some data and then it receives some lXiVH5eBK8y-00118-00028319-00028535 response from the backend from the node lXiVH5eBK8y-00119-00028536-00028702 red lXiVH5eBK8y-00120-00028704-00029007 here it is also visible that device with lXiVH5eBK8y-00121-00029008-00029095 this address lXiVH5eBK8y-00122-00029095-00029495 was sending some data the materials to lXiVH5eBK8y-00123-00029495-00029670 this demo will be provided lXiVH5eBK8y-00124-00029672-00029927 on the google drive available on this lXiVH5eBK8y-00125-00029927-00030014 link lXiVH5eBK8y-00126-00030016-00030270 it will be available after the 12th of lXiVH5eBK8y-00127-00030272-00030383 november lXiVH5eBK8y-00128-00030383-00030702 it will contain not only the binary but lXiVH5eBK8y-00129-00030703-00030767 also lXiVH5eBK8y-00130-00030768-00031151 a tutorial on how to set up your own lXiVH5eBK8y-00131-00031152-00031487 network server and application server lXiVH5eBK8y-00132-00031488-00031702 so this is how simple it is to send some lXiVH5eBK8y-00133-00031703-00031823 data over lXiVH5eBK8y-00134-00031824-00032231 loreman network with stm32wl lXiVH5eBK8y-00135-00032232-00032830 thank you for your attention lXiVH5eBK8y-00136-00032831-00033812 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00000-00000398-00001181 all right lY6yLCVnWy0-00001-00001182-00003419 um lY6yLCVnWy0-00002-00003420-00003736 uh for phone lY6yLCVnWy0-00003-00003738-00004204 okay guys lY6yLCVnWy0-00004-00004205-00004985 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00005-00004986-00005181 okay all right lY6yLCVnWy0-00006-00005182-00005788 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00007-00005789-00006472 um English lY6yLCVnWy0-00008-00006473-00006659 hormone lY6yLCVnWy0-00009-00006659-00006995 it's not mine why are you smiling in the lY6yLCVnWy0-00010-00006995-00007331 matter of but I think you'll find the lY6yLCVnWy0-00011-00007331-00007637 Power Star is that football there lY6yLCVnWy0-00012-00007638-00009773 stored and inside your breaking world lY6yLCVnWy0-00013-00009774-00010589 white mine lY6yLCVnWy0-00014-00010590-00010717 with lY6yLCVnWy0-00015-00010718-00010996 me and you lY6yLCVnWy0-00016-00010997-00011746 and we can do this into this here we go lY6yLCVnWy0-00017-00011747-00011867 oh lY6yLCVnWy0-00018-00011868-00012719 it can to be the bother to lY6yLCVnWy0-00019-00012720-00012910 all right lY6yLCVnWy0-00020-00012911-00013999 I took can to pitch you King babanda lY6yLCVnWy0-00021-00014000-00014303 your eyes lY6yLCVnWy0-00022-00014304-00014627 should be lY6yLCVnWy0-00023-00014628-00015011 here lY6yLCVnWy0-00024-00015012-00015847 expect your eyes lY6yLCVnWy0-00025-00015847-00017280 you can do lY6yLCVnWy0-00026-00017281-00017633 I sound good now lY6yLCVnWy0-00027-00017634-00018377 I don't think lY6yLCVnWy0-00028-00018378-00019183 I use Google lY6yLCVnWy0-00029-00019184-00019517 one is awesome night lY6yLCVnWy0-00030-00019518-00020014 stop lY6yLCVnWy0-00031-00020015-00020464 oh lY6yLCVnWy0-00032-00020465-00021161 with the Copa real quick lY6yLCVnWy0-00033-00021162-00021550 hey Mario this is too sad so you'll be lY6yLCVnWy0-00034-00021551-00021670 cool lY6yLCVnWy0-00035-00021671-00022072 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00036-00022073-00024329 foreign lY6yLCVnWy0-00037-00024330-00025372 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00038-00025373-00026505 [Applause] lY6yLCVnWy0-00039-00026506-00026739 [Laughter] lY6yLCVnWy0-00040-00026739-00027179 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00041-00027180-00028217 these are not one lY6yLCVnWy0-00042-00028218-00028427 ouch lY6yLCVnWy0-00043-00028427-00028870 it's a bad lY6yLCVnWy0-00044-00028872-00029867 no okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00045-00029868-00030112 coming here am I pretty lY6yLCVnWy0-00046-00030113-00030964 hey yeah I'm very helpful I'm gay lY6yLCVnWy0-00047-00030966-00031818 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00048-00031819-00032329 all right all right lY6yLCVnWy0-00049-00032330-00033227 shoot to the S line in the sky lY6yLCVnWy0-00050-00033228-00034087 open you can lY6yLCVnWy0-00051-00034088-00034289 thank you lY6yLCVnWy0-00052-00034290-00034624 okay over here to four come back up to lY6yLCVnWy0-00053-00034625-00034781 the second lY6yLCVnWy0-00054-00034782-00035915 yeah I'm ready lY6yLCVnWy0-00055-00035916-00037121 I love lY6yLCVnWy0-00056-00037122-00037324 oh lY6yLCVnWy0-00057-00037325-00037457 oh no lY6yLCVnWy0-00058-00037458-00037852 oh no he's good okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00059-00037853-00039274 yeah it's free time stop lY6yLCVnWy0-00060-00039275-00039668 your Oscar's freestyle foreign lY6yLCVnWy0-00061-00039669-00041405 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00062-00041406-00041611 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00063-00041612-00042983 ah oh my God all right lY6yLCVnWy0-00064-00042984-00043552 this is the way back to uh lY6yLCVnWy0-00065-00043553-00043658 enough lY6yLCVnWy0-00066-00043659-00043949 [Applause] lY6yLCVnWy0-00067-00043950-00045046 just industrophone lY6yLCVnWy0-00068-00045047-00045637 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00069-00045638-00045887 oh shoot lY6yLCVnWy0-00070-00045888-00046267 I uh lY6yLCVnWy0-00071-00046268-00046601 whatever uh lY6yLCVnWy0-00072-00046602-00046949 no lY6yLCVnWy0-00073-00046950-00047158 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00074-00047159-00048551 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00075-00048552-00048874 one right one two lY6yLCVnWy0-00076-00048875-00049607 that's cool lY6yLCVnWy0-00077-00049608-00050183 it's a bug lY6yLCVnWy0-00078-00050184-00051749 um lY6yLCVnWy0-00079-00051750-00051982 to find lY6yLCVnWy0-00081-00055583-00056116 is a more reviews lY6yLCVnWy0-00082-00056117-00056441 before lY6yLCVnWy0-00083-00056441-00057137 I came to win this guy lY6yLCVnWy0-00084-00057138-00057449 but I lY6yLCVnWy0-00085-00057450-00058135 go free chinchon lY6yLCVnWy0-00086-00058136-00058565 let's meet lY6yLCVnWy0-00087-00058566-00059357 no lY6yLCVnWy0-00088-00059358-00059479 no lY6yLCVnWy0-00089-00059479-00059830 I don't speak English lY6yLCVnWy0-00090-00059832-00060091 speak English lY6yLCVnWy0-00091-00060091-00060791 here we go lY6yLCVnWy0-00092-00060791-00061204 Chen Chomps again lY6yLCVnWy0-00093-00061205-00061565 I know one for lY6yLCVnWy0-00094-00061566-00062111 one dice lY6yLCVnWy0-00095-00062112-00062591 I thought you're okay yeah Mario all lY6yLCVnWy0-00096-00062591-00062716 right lY6yLCVnWy0-00097-00062717-00063029 all right lY6yLCVnWy0-00098-00063029-00063253 I I can do lY6yLCVnWy0-00099-00063254-00063479 open the door lY6yLCVnWy0-00100-00063479-00064180 okay lY6yLCVnWy0-00101-00064182-00065509 yeah I hope anyway slow lY6yLCVnWy0-00102-00065510-00066403 won't block lY6yLCVnWy0-00103-00066404-00066815 it's fun lY6yLCVnWy0-00104-00066816-00067169 as for me to speak English lY6yLCVnWy0-00105-00067170-00067594 um lY6yLCVnWy0-00106-00067595-00068987 let's speak English lY6yLCVnWy0-00107-00068988-00069431 okay Mario lY6yLCVnWy0-00108-00069432-00069744 yo lY6yLCVnWy0-00109-00069745-00070582 you don't make my ass lY6yLCVnWy0-00110-00070583-00070781 to follow you lY6yLCVnWy0-00111-00070782-00070973 bike lY6yLCVnWy0-00112-00070974-00071585 form make us lY6yLCVnWy0-00113-00071586-00071950 hello lY6yLCVnWy0-00114-00071951-00072221 thanks lY6yLCVnWy0-00115-00072222-00072815 for your staff lY6yLCVnWy0-00116-00072816-00073393 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00117-00073394-00074021 and so lY6yLCVnWy0-00118-00074022-00074488 first faster stuff also won lY6yLCVnWy0-00119-00074489-00076352 foreign lY6yLCVnWy0-00120-00076353-00077938 [Music] lY6yLCVnWy0-00121-00077939-00078665 why lY6yLCVnWy0-00122-00078666-00079417 I'm branch frontings lY6yLCVnWy0-00123-00079418-00079588 oh lY6yLCVnWy0-00124-00079589-00080076 Eddie oh man lY6yLCVnWy0-00125-00080077-00080731 thanks for watching the videos lY6yLCVnWy0-00126-00080732-00081122 thanks for watching the video lbJQnY_sA48-00000-00000008-00000303 hi i'm eleanor silverstein lbJQnY_sA48-00001-00000304-00000734 and um i am the cousin of moshe lbJQnY_sA48-00002-00000735-00000871 feldenkrais lbJQnY_sA48-00003-00000872-00001127 and it's not something i say very easily lbJQnY_sA48-00004-00001128-00001319 so that came out a little bit with some lbJQnY_sA48-00005-00001320-00001454 strain but lbJQnY_sA48-00006-00001455-00001647 um i would like to share with you a lbJQnY_sA48-00007-00001648-00002023 couple of stories of the time that i had lbJQnY_sA48-00008-00002023-00002263 the opportunity to live with him in the lbJQnY_sA48-00009-00002264-00002510 early 1980s lbJQnY_sA48-00010-00002511-00002615 and lbJQnY_sA48-00011-00002616-00002710 uh lbJQnY_sA48-00012-00002711-00002902 there was this time lbJQnY_sA48-00013-00002903-00003311 when john grinder and richard bandler lbJQnY_sA48-00014-00003311-00003638 the creators of nlp otherwise known as lbJQnY_sA48-00015-00003639-00003879 neuro-linguistic programming lbJQnY_sA48-00016-00003879-00004222 flew to his place in tel aviv on frug lbJQnY_sA48-00017-00004223-00004327 street lbJQnY_sA48-00018-00004328-00004519 and came to visit lbJQnY_sA48-00019-00004520-00004886 moshe was so excited lbJQnY_sA48-00020-00004887-00005095 that they were visiting lbJQnY_sA48-00021-00005096-00005391 because he admired them lbJQnY_sA48-00022-00005392-00005679 and he adored them lbJQnY_sA48-00023-00005680-00005870 and i remember sitting like a lbJQnY_sA48-00024-00005871-00006063 almost little mouse lbJQnY_sA48-00025-00006064-00006238 on the side of the room lbJQnY_sA48-00026-00006239-00006534 listening to with the two of them lbJQnY_sA48-00027-00006536-00006703 talk with him lbJQnY_sA48-00028-00006704-00006970 the excitement in their voices and the lbJQnY_sA48-00029-00006972-00007134 enthusiasm lbJQnY_sA48-00030-00007136-00007463 and expressions on moshe's face you know lbJQnY_sA48-00031-00007464-00007727 normally he was alone not so many lbJQnY_sA48-00032-00007728-00007967 visitors and he had a quietness and lbJQnY_sA48-00033-00007968-00008159 subduedness unless there was something lbJQnY_sA48-00034-00008159-00008471 really stimulating lbJQnY_sA48-00035-00008472-00008967 they really had him stimulated and that lbJQnY_sA48-00036-00008968-00009223 caught my interest i'm like what's the lbJQnY_sA48-00037-00009224-00009495 big deal i know moshe talked a lot about lbJQnY_sA48-00038-00009496-00009791 nlp he talked a lot about ericksonian lbJQnY_sA48-00039-00009792-00010055 hypnosis as a matter of fact when i lbJQnY_sA48-00040-00010056-00010278 asked him one day i said you know moshe lbJQnY_sA48-00041-00010279-00010455 when i graduate lbJQnY_sA48-00042-00010456-00010638 is there anything else i should do lbJQnY_sA48-00043-00010639-00010887 afterwards he goes you know if you do lbJQnY_sA48-00044-00010888-00011038 anything lbJQnY_sA48-00045-00011039-00011214 study nlp lbJQnY_sA48-00046-00011215-00011463 with john grinder and richard bandler lbJQnY_sA48-00047-00011464-00011687 with my friends and lbJQnY_sA48-00048-00011688-00011927 then he said study est with my friend lbJQnY_sA48-00049-00011928-00012135 werner earhart lbJQnY_sA48-00050-00012136-00012406 and study ericksonian hypnosis lbJQnY_sA48-00051-00012407-00012742 you don't need anything lbJQnY_sA48-00052-00012743-00012783 so else lbJQnY_sA48-00053-00012784-00012951 course by the time i graduate i was lbJQnY_sA48-00054-00012952-00013199 already on to them lbJQnY_sA48-00055-00013200-00013438 but this was my meeting lbJQnY_sA48-00056-00013440-00013703 sitting in the room watching them and at lbJQnY_sA48-00057-00013704-00013863 first it was this lbJQnY_sA48-00058-00013863-00014335 social opening a prelude a welcoming a lbJQnY_sA48-00059-00014336-00014591 talking back and forth and you could see lbJQnY_sA48-00060-00014591-00014871 it almost like a dance in the rhythm of lbJQnY_sA48-00061-00014872-00015166 energy in the air lbJQnY_sA48-00062-00015168-00015319 until lbJQnY_sA48-00063-00015319-00015630 i hear them ask moshe lbJQnY_sA48-00064-00015631-00015807 now that they felt they had him softened lbJQnY_sA48-00065-00015808-00015903 up lbJQnY_sA48-00066-00015904-00016063 like anybody could think they could have lbJQnY_sA48-00067-00016063-00016335 moshe so softened up lbJQnY_sA48-00068-00016336-00016575 they felt they had him softened up lbJQnY_sA48-00069-00016576-00016775 where one sat at one side of the room lbJQnY_sA48-00070-00016776-00016943 and the other sat at the other and i lbJQnY_sA48-00071-00016944-00017199 knew nothing about nlp but my goodness lbJQnY_sA48-00072-00017200-00017519 was it obvious i studied uh lbJQnY_sA48-00073-00017520-00017822 animal sciences in animal behavior so it lbJQnY_sA48-00074-00017823-00018055 was pretty clear what was going on in lbJQnY_sA48-00075-00018056-00018191 the room lbJQnY_sA48-00076-00018192-00018343 two terriers lbJQnY_sA48-00077-00018344-00018622 on each side one interior on each side lbJQnY_sA48-00078-00018623-00018886 of the other animal many meaning lbJQnY_sA48-00079-00018887-00019255 and so it was moshe lbJQnY_sA48-00080-00019256-00019439 would you allow us to bring in the lbJQnY_sA48-00081-00019440-00019630 feldenkrais method lbJQnY_sA48-00082-00019631-00019958 into nlp and they didn't use this word lbJQnY_sA48-00083-00019959-00020207 but they used something like that lbJQnY_sA48-00084-00020208-00020550 to basically nlpi's lbJQnY_sA48-00085-00020551-00020879 the feldenkrais method lbJQnY_sA48-00086-00020880-00021327 i'm sorry i don't mean to be laughing lbJQnY_sA48-00087-00021328-00021494 because lbJQnY_sA48-00088-00021495-00021767 moshe really gave it lbJQnY_sA48-00089-00021768-00021958 thought lbJQnY_sA48-00090-00021959-00022327 and he's like lbJQnY_sA48-00091-00022328-00022558 and then he starts to talk lbJQnY_sA48-00092-00022559-00022847 and so they talk some more lbJQnY_sA48-00093-00022848-00023007 and then they ask him again and this lbJQnY_sA48-00094-00023008-00023247 goes on back and forth lbJQnY_sA48-00095-00023248-00023375 until lbJQnY_sA48-00096-00023376-00023686 richard bandler lbJQnY_sA48-00097-00023687-00024078 he had a big beard stocky body lbJQnY_sA48-00098-00024079-00024367 more passionate in his way of being it's lbJQnY_sA48-00099-00024368-00024567 like moshe i'm trying to ask you lbJQnY_sA48-00100-00024568-00024750 something lbJQnY_sA48-00101-00024751-00025094 would you please consider allowing us lbJQnY_sA48-00102-00025095-00025239 to take lbJQnY_sA48-00103-00025240-00025471 this that you taught lbJQnY_sA48-00104-00025472-00025655 that your work lbJQnY_sA48-00105-00025656-00025822 and to put it into lbJQnY_sA48-00106-00025823-00026006 nlp lbJQnY_sA48-00107-00026007-00026407 and moshe's responding back with lbJQnY_sA48-00108-00026408-00026683 basically i would love lbJQnY_sA48-00109-00026683-00027358 to but you just don't get it lbJQnY_sA48-00110-00027360-00027655 i might have leaned forward in my chair lbJQnY_sA48-00111-00027656-00027823 i knew what he meant lbJQnY_sA48-00112-00027824-00028151 because basically for 40 minutes before lbJQnY_sA48-00113-00028152-00028374 he was actually interviewing them while lbJQnY_sA48-00114-00028375-00028518 they thought they were lbJQnY_sA48-00115-00028519-00028727 talking to him lbJQnY_sA48-00116-00028727-00028927 he was looking to see how much they lbJQnY_sA48-00117-00028927-00029190 understood lbJQnY_sA48-00118-00029191-00029551 understood the method lbJQnY_sA48-00119-00029552-00029879 and they did understand the method lbJQnY_sA48-00120-00029880-00030167 but more so they appreciated lbJQnY_sA48-00121-00030168-00030399 the method and they wanted the lbJQnY_sA48-00122-00030400-00030670 feldenkrais method to be known lbJQnY_sA48-00123-00030672-00030870 everywhere to be understood and lbJQnY_sA48-00124-00030872-00031031 incorporated and the way of the lbJQnY_sA48-00125-00031032-00031270 feldenkrais method to be incorporated lbJQnY_sA48-00126-00031272-00031407 they weren't going to steal the work lbJQnY_sA48-00127-00031408-00031937 they wanted to help the work grow lbJQnY_sA48-00128-00031938-00032174 [Music] lbJQnY_sA48-00129-00032175-00032631 but moshe said basically lbJQnY_sA48-00130-00032632-00032783 you can't lbJQnY_sA48-00131-00032784-00033223 because it can't be turned into nlp lbJQnY_sA48-00132-00033224-00033574 because it's not a thing lbJQnY_sA48-00133-00033575-00033839 it's not something you could hold in lbJQnY_sA48-00134-00033840-00034023 your hand lbJQnY_sA48-00135-00034024-00034155 it's a thinking lbJQnY_sA48-00136-00034156-00034374 [Music] lbJQnY_sA48-00137-00034375-00034639 it's a way of living lbJQnY_sA48-00138-00034640-00034999 it's a way of being lbJQnY_sA48-00139-00035000-00035079 it's lbJQnY_sA48-00140-00035080-00035271 not something lbJQnY_sA48-00141-00035272-00035518 that you can take a technique as lbJQnY_sA48-00142-00035519-00035790 beautiful as nlp lbJQnY_sA48-00143-00035791-00035879 and lbJQnY_sA48-00144-00035880-00036135 take this method and do that because lbJQnY_sA48-00145-00036136-00036439 what you'll be doing is limiting and lbJQnY_sA48-00146-00036440-00036646 narrowing lbJQnY_sA48-00147-00036647-00037255 what it is that i'm trying to teach lbJQnY_sA48-00148-00037256-00037567 but that's not all lbJQnY_sA48-00149-00037568-00037902 so those two men are very bright lbJQnY_sA48-00150-00037903-00038190 they got what he said lbJQnY_sA48-00151-00038191-00038415 so they said we got it lbJQnY_sA48-00152-00038416-00038535 right lbJQnY_sA48-00153-00038536-00038751 but we think we could take a component lbJQnY_sA48-00154-00038752-00038839 of it lbJQnY_sA48-00155-00038840-00039174 and use it in nlp very smart lbJQnY_sA48-00156-00039175-00039367 good businessman lbJQnY_sA48-00157-00039368-00039462 but lbJQnY_sA48-00158-00039463-00039751 above all it was their love lbJQnY_sA48-00159-00039752-00040199 and adoration for moshe lbJQnY_sA48-00160-00040200-00040583 they wanted to take the feldenkrais work lbJQnY_sA48-00161-00040584-00040679 and lbJQnY_sA48-00162-00040680-00041111 help more people with it lbJQnY_sA48-00163-00041112-00041255 it was beautiful lbJQnY_sA48-00164-00041256-00041607 i there they were so pleading i was i lbJQnY_sA48-00165-00041608-00041887 was on their side in my mind i wanted it lbJQnY_sA48-00166-00041888-00042007 to happen lbJQnY_sA48-00167-00042008-00042302 but i knew it wasn't gonna happen lbJQnY_sA48-00168-00042303-00042662 because he didn't want anybody to take a lbJQnY_sA48-00169-00042663-00042783 part lbJQnY_sA48-00170-00042784-00042951 one part of it lbJQnY_sA48-00171-00042952-00043158 and make it the thing lbJQnY_sA48-00172-00043159-00043415 because that's not the thing it's it's a lbJQnY_sA48-00173-00043416-00043679 philosophy it's a thinking it's a way of lbJQnY_sA48-00174-00043680-00043911 living it's a way of enacting your life lbJQnY_sA48-00175-00043912-00044135 it's the way you are that's different lbJQnY_sA48-00176-00044136-00044446 for each human being which is why you lbJQnY_sA48-00177-00044447-00044823 can't take a technique and technique lbJQnY_sA48-00178-00044824-00044927 eyes lbJQnY_sA48-00179-00044928-00045230 something that is different lbJQnY_sA48-00180-00045231-00045479 for each person lbJQnY_sA48-00181-00045480-00045687 so he wanted it lbJQnY_sA48-00182-00045688-00045895 and he let them know he wished that they lbJQnY_sA48-00183-00045896-00046071 could lbJQnY_sA48-00184-00046072-00046495 but it would narrow it and limit it lbJQnY_sA48-00185-00046496-00046630 of which point lbJQnY_sA48-00186-00046631-00046807 richard bandler didn't do so well with lbJQnY_sA48-00187-00046808-00047151 that response lbJQnY_sA48-00188-00047152-00047462 and so he kind he got more lbJQnY_sA48-00189-00047463-00047679 it looked like from my 20 something year lbJQnY_sA48-00190-00047680-00047967 old perspective he was desperate his lbJQnY_sA48-00191-00047968-00048199 voice got louder lbJQnY_sA48-00192-00048200-00048430 he was more strained lbJQnY_sA48-00193-00048431-00048846 he was leaning forward he was stressed lbJQnY_sA48-00194-00048847-00049271 and it looked like he was pleading lbJQnY_sA48-00195-00049272-00049518 and i understood i wish lbJQnY_sA48-00196-00049519-00049718 that they could have had it lbJQnY_sA48-00197-00049719-00050095 michelle had so much compassion saying i lbJQnY_sA48-00198-00050096-00050495 know i wish i could lbJQnY_sA48-00199-00050496-00050679 but i just have to say lbJQnY_sA48-00200-00050680-00050911 i can't have you do that because you'll lbJQnY_sA48-00201-00050912-00051167 turn it into something that it isn't lbJQnY_sA48-00202-00051168-00051390 even if i give you permission to take a lbJQnY_sA48-00203-00051391-00051494 part lbJQnY_sA48-00204-00051495-00051958 of it lbJQnY_sA48-00205-00051959-00052054 richard lbJQnY_sA48-00206-00052055-00052126 so lbJQnY_sA48-00207-00052127-00052350 so john grinder just sat back in his lbJQnY_sA48-00208-00052351-00052511 chair lbJQnY_sA48-00209-00052512-00052775 maybe defeated lbJQnY_sA48-00210-00052776-00052894 just the lbJQnY_sA48-00211-00052895-00053254 animal behavior part of me seeing the lbJQnY_sA48-00212-00053255-00053638 and richard bandler sobbed lbJQnY_sA48-00213-00053639-00054079 a grown man cried lbJQnY_sA48-00214-00054079-00054447 another man was defeated lbJQnY_sA48-00215-00054448-00054638 and another man who had love and lbJQnY_sA48-00216-00054639-00054935 compassion for both of them lbJQnY_sA48-00217-00054936-00055166 gave those two men lbJQnY_sA48-00218-00055167-00055566 so much of his love lbJQnY_sA48-00219-00055567-00055807 because a part of him wished lbJQnY_sA48-00220-00055808-00056142 that his work wasn't so expansive lbJQnY_sA48-00221-00056144-00056350 that he couldn't have given it to those lbJQnY_sA48-00222-00056351-00056726 two men if there were any two men lbJQnY_sA48-00223-00056727-00056903 on the planet lbJQnY_sA48-00224-00056904-00057103 he wanted to give it to lbJQnY_sA48-00225-00057104-00057607 was those two men lbJQnY_sA48-00226-00057608-00057950 and lbJQnY_sA48-00227-00057951-00058279 before they left left lbJQnY_sA48-00228-00058279-00058694 they asked if they could come back again lbJQnY_sA48-00229-00058695-00058854 right lbJQnY_sA48-00230-00058855-00059094 and uh moshe said you can come back lbJQnY_sA48-00231-00059095-00059671 again but my opinion won't change lbJQnY_sA48-00232-00059672-00060030 he knew what they were doing lbJQnY_sA48-00233-00060032-00060175 they did it lbJQnY_sA48-00234-00060176-00060582 so exquisitely well nlp with him and lbJQnY_sA48-00235-00060583-00060775 eriksonian lbJQnY_sA48-00236-00060776-00060935 with him lbJQnY_sA48-00237-00060936-00061326 moshe was masterful lbJQnY_sA48-00238-00061327-00061630 and his judo in him lbJQnY_sA48-00239-00061632-00061879 held him firm to the ground lbJQnY_sA48-00240-00061879-00062135 but with the ability to be moved in all lbJQnY_sA48-00241-00062136-00062342 cardinal directions in the conversation lbJQnY_sA48-00242-00062344-00062638 it was obvious it was clear lbJQnY_sA48-00243-00062639-00062935 when they left lbJQnY_sA48-00244-00062936-00063247 i sat with moshe and talked with him lbJQnY_sA48-00245-00063248-00063511 i just asked him i didn't talk i asked lbJQnY_sA48-00246-00063512-00063623 him lbJQnY_sA48-00247-00063624-00063926 tell me more lbJQnY_sA48-00248-00063927-00064391 and he says i love those two men lbJQnY_sA48-00249-00064391-00064542 but it would have taken the work in a lbJQnY_sA48-00250-00064544-00064694 different direction lbJQnY_sA48-00251-00064695-00065063 and this work is still new lbJQnY_sA48-00252-00065064-00065247 and there are many more trainings to lbJQnY_sA48-00253-00065248-00065711 come from this lbJQnY_sA48-00254-00065712-00065943 and i said to him lbJQnY_sA48-00255-00065944-00066150 but they could have expanded this work lbJQnY_sA48-00256-00066151-00066294 so fast lbJQnY_sA48-00257-00066295-00066559 he go and his response was nothing about lbJQnY_sA48-00258-00066560-00066743 this work lbJQnY_sA48-00259-00066744-00067079 is about expanding it fast lbJQnY_sA48-00260-00067080-00067279 so when practitioners complain why lbJQnY_sA48-00261-00067280-00067455 couldn't we market the feldenkrais lbJQnY_sA48-00262-00067456-00067671 method really fast and get it out there lbJQnY_sA48-00263-00067672-00067887 really fast lbJQnY_sA48-00264-00067888-00068215 this isn't about that development lbJQnY_sA48-00265-00068216-00068494 happens over time lbJQnY_sA48-00266-00068495-00068671 self growth lbJQnY_sA48-00267-00068672-00068999 happens over time lbJQnY_sA48-00268-00069000-00069126 and lbJQnY_sA48-00269-00069127-00069350 there's a word in hebrew lbJQnY_sA48-00270-00069351-00069894 that is lbJQnY_sA48-00271-00069895-00070391 it means patience lbJQnY_sA48-00272-00070392-00070567 you have to have patience for lbJQnY_sA48-00273-00070568-00070775 development lbJQnY_sA48-00274-00070776-00071094 and in humankind it takes us time lbJQnY_sA48-00275-00071095-00071343 and he knew that in this work it won't lbJQnY_sA48-00276-00071344-00071543 be fast lbJQnY_sA48-00277-00071544-00071743 but in the long run if we keep it going lbJQnY_sA48-00278-00071744-00072103 it'll be greatly appreciated lbJQnY_sA48-00279-00072104-00072279 and i would say thanks to the lbJQnY_sA48-00280-00072280-00072494 feldenkrais guild of north america lbJQnY_sA48-00281-00072495-00072759 thanks to the international guild and lbJQnY_sA48-00282-00072760-00073038 thanks to cynthia allen for creating her lbJQnY_sA48-00283-00073039-00073215 online summit lbJQnY_sA48-00284-00073216-00073415 that allows lbJQnY_sA48-00285-00073416-00073791 so many people to have the experience lbJQnY_sA48-00286-00073792-00074015 thanks for all the practitioners who go lbJQnY_sA48-00287-00074016-00074175 out there and teach the work they're lbJQnY_sA48-00288-00074176-00074350 doing what michelle was hoping we would lbJQnY_sA48-00289-00074351-00074655 do lbJQnY_sA48-00290-00074656-00074935 so lbJQnY_sA48-00291-00074936-00075167 it kind of makes me think of the song lbJQnY_sA48-00292-00075168-00075526 you can't always get what you want lbJQnY_sA48-00293-00075527-00075682 and that lbJQnY_sA48-00294-00075683-00076094 day there were two grown men lbJQnY_sA48-00295-00076095-00076279 that were used to figuring out how they lbJQnY_sA48-00296-00076280-00076719 could get what they wanted lbJQnY_sA48-00297-00076720-00076926 they taught how to teach people how to lbJQnY_sA48-00298-00076927-00077126 get what they wanted with ethics and lbJQnY_sA48-00299-00077127-00077406 morals lbJQnY_sA48-00300-00077407-00077743 but even those two the top in the field lbJQnY_sA48-00301-00077744-00078150 didn't get what they wanted lbJQnY_sA48-00302-00078151-00078350 there's a story behind that lbJQnY_sA48-00303-00078351-00078559 because there's growth it's something lbJQnY_sA48-00304-00078560-00078782 for you all to think about it doesn't lbJQnY_sA48-00305-00078783-00079103 always happen fast lbJQnY_sA48-00306-00079104-00079319 but it happens lbJQnY_sA48-00307-00079320-00079692 and for that i'm thankful lfCO5p31DMQ-00000-00000122-00000511 [Music] lfCO5p31DMQ-00001-00000512-00000759 how to create an additional web disk lfCO5p31DMQ-00002-00000760-00001023 account in cpanel lfCO5p31DMQ-00003-00001024-00001287 webdisk allows you to use an encrypted lfCO5p31DMQ-00004-00001288-00001566 connection and it is the most secure way lfCO5p31DMQ-00005-00001567-00001839 of file transfer in cpanel lfCO5p31DMQ-00006-00001839-00002079 login to your cpanel account and you lfCO5p31DMQ-00007-00002080-00002287 will be on this page lfCO5p31DMQ-00008-00002288-00002495 go to the files section and click the lfCO5p31DMQ-00009-00002496-00002758 web disk lfCO5p31DMQ-00010-00002759-00003015 here the main web disk account uses the lfCO5p31DMQ-00011-00003016-00003327 cpanel's user and login id and you may lfCO5p31DMQ-00012-00003328-00003551 need to give the account's login details lfCO5p31DMQ-00013-00003552-00003822 to other users of the domain lfCO5p31DMQ-00014-00003823-00004038 you can create an additional web disk lfCO5p31DMQ-00015-00004039-00004319 account and give it to other users lfCO5p31DMQ-00016-00004320-00004567 enter a username for webdisk account and lfCO5p31DMQ-00017-00004568-00005159 select a domain lfCO5p31DMQ-00018-00005160-00005406 you can enter a password manually or use lfCO5p31DMQ-00019-00005407-00005631 the password generator lfCO5p31DMQ-00020-00005632-00005879 to generate a password click password lfCO5p31DMQ-00021-00005880-00006143 generator lfCO5p31DMQ-00022-00006144-00006399 now copy and save the generated password lfCO5p31DMQ-00023-00006400-00006951 in a secure place lfCO5p31DMQ-00024-00006952-00007175 after saving the password click the lfCO5p31DMQ-00025-00007176-00007375 check box and then click the use lfCO5p31DMQ-00026-00007376-00007839 password button lfCO5p31DMQ-00027-00007840-00008039 it automatically fills the generated lfCO5p31DMQ-00028-00008040-00008310 password that is very strong lfCO5p31DMQ-00029-00008311-00008495 you can enter a directory for the lfCO5p31DMQ-00030-00008496-00008759 webdisk account to use you can limit the lfCO5p31DMQ-00031-00008760-00008967 access of the user to a particular lfCO5p31DMQ-00032-00008968-00009206 folder or file by entering a directory lfCO5p31DMQ-00033-00009207-00009327 here lfCO5p31DMQ-00034-00009328-00009559 the system already suggests one lfCO5p31DMQ-00035-00009560-00009767 directory for you lfCO5p31DMQ-00036-00009768-00009999 you can permit the user to review lfCO5p31DMQ-00037-00010000-00010214 download and alter the contents of the lfCO5p31DMQ-00038-00010215-00010471 directory by selecting the read write lfCO5p31DMQ-00039-00010472-00010646 option box lfCO5p31DMQ-00040-00010647-00010887 by selecting the read only option box lfCO5p31DMQ-00041-00010888-00011071 you can prevent the user from making lfCO5p31DMQ-00042-00011072-00011303 changes in the existing content of the lfCO5p31DMQ-00043-00011304-00011438 directory lfCO5p31DMQ-00044-00011439-00011646 it is important if you allow the user to lfCO5p31DMQ-00045-00011647-00011910 only read and download the data he won't lfCO5p31DMQ-00046-00011911-00012095 be able to alter it lfCO5p31DMQ-00047-00012096-00012287 if you are using the windows operating lfCO5p31DMQ-00048-00012288-00012503 system you will need to mark enable lfCO5p31DMQ-00049-00012504-00012902 digest authentication lfCO5p31DMQ-00050-00012903-00013111 however if the server has an authentic lfCO5p31DMQ-00051-00013112-00013415 ssl certificate and can make an ssl lfCO5p31DMQ-00052-00013416-00013751 connection then it can be left disabled lfCO5p31DMQ-00053-00013752-00014143 now click the create button lfCO5p31DMQ-00054-00014144-00014358 that's it we have successfully created lfCO5p31DMQ-00055-00014359-00014591 the web disk account lfCO5p31DMQ-00056-00014591-00014952 thank you for watching lfWyjArnW7Q-00000-00000012-00001647 [Music] lfWyjArnW7Q-00001-00001648-00001839 before you begin working in the state lfWyjArnW7Q-00002-00001839-00002014 the state of alaska requires all lfWyjArnW7Q-00003-00002016-00002663 contractors to have a license lfWyjArnW7Q-00004-00002664-00002918 a general contractor is a party lfWyjArnW7Q-00005-00002919-00003126 responsible for managing a construction lfWyjArnW7Q-00006-00003127-00003238 project lfWyjArnW7Q-00007-00003239-00003415 who concludes the prime contract with lfWyjArnW7Q-00008-00003415-00004015 the owner of the property lfWyjArnW7Q-00009-00004015-00004263 general contractors carry out lfWyjArnW7Q-00010-00004264-00004575 new home building commercial work lfWyjArnW7Q-00011-00004576-00005151 residential remodeling work lfWyjArnW7Q-00012-00005152-00005343 multiple licensing and registration lfWyjArnW7Q-00013-00005344-00005511 requirements must be met properly in lfWyjArnW7Q-00014-00005512-00005695 order to operate as a contractor in the lfWyjArnW7Q-00015-00005696-00006279 state of alaska lfWyjArnW7Q-00016-00006280-00006495 general contractors must lfWyjArnW7Q-00017-00006495-00006727 obtain an alaska business license lfWyjArnW7Q-00018-00006728-00007006 obtain applicable workers compensation lfWyjArnW7Q-00019-00007008-00007703 have liability insurance lfWyjArnW7Q-00020-00007704-00007895 pass the proper exams lfWyjArnW7Q-00021-00007895-00008207 fulfill contractor specific registration lfWyjArnW7Q-00022-00008208-00008910 met licensing requirements lfWyjArnW7Q-00023-00008911-00009103 you must complete alaska contractor lfWyjArnW7Q-00024-00009104-00009319 license registration application and lfWyjArnW7Q-00025-00009320-00010119 purchase alaska contractor license bond lfWyjArnW7Q-00026-00010120-00010367 the amounts of the bonds are as follows lfWyjArnW7Q-00027-00010368-00010599 general contractors twenty-five thousand lfWyjArnW7Q-00028-00010600-00010735 dollar bond lfWyjArnW7Q-00029-00010736-00010919 general contractors with residential lfWyjArnW7Q-00030-00010920-00011199 endorsement twenty thousand dollar bond lfWyjArnW7Q-00031-00011200-00011446 general contractors for small projects lfWyjArnW7Q-00032-00011447-00011774 under 5k five thousand dollar bond lfWyjArnW7Q-00033-00011775-00012014 specialty or mechanical contractors ten lfWyjArnW7Q-00034-00012015-00012727 thousand dollar bond lfWyjArnW7Q-00035-00012728-00012927 you must also get liability insurance lfWyjArnW7Q-00036-00012928-00013094 which must be issued by an insurance lfWyjArnW7Q-00037-00013095-00013727 agency lfWyjArnW7Q-00038-00013728-00013991 your coverage must be no less than lfWyjArnW7Q-00039-00013991-00014166 twenty thousand dollars for damage to lfWyjArnW7Q-00040-00014168-00014294 property lfWyjArnW7Q-00041-00014295-00014494 fifty thousand dollars for one person's lfWyjArnW7Q-00042-00014495-00014638 injury or death lfWyjArnW7Q-00043-00014640-00014815 one hundred thousand dollars for more lfWyjArnW7Q-00044-00014816-00015463 than one person's injury or death lfWyjArnW7Q-00045-00015463-00015638 the total fee is 300 lfWyjArnW7Q-00046-00015640-00015815 for new applicants lfWyjArnW7Q-00047-00015816-00016150 65 non-refundable request fee lfWyjArnW7Q-00048-00016151-00016919 a licensing fee of 235 lfWyjArnW7Q-00049-00016920-00017127 a mechanical and specialty contractor lfWyjArnW7Q-00050-00017128-00017294 license is easier to obtain than a lfWyjArnW7Q-00051-00017295-00018071 general contractor license in alaska lfWyjArnW7Q-00052-00018072-00018263 your license is valid for a duration of lfWyjArnW7Q-00053-00018264-00018886 two years lfWyjArnW7Q-00054-00018887-00019071 there is no reciprocity with other lfWyjArnW7Q-00055-00019072-00019247 states at this time for a contractor lfWyjArnW7Q-00056-00019248-00020831 license in alaska lfWyjArnW7Q-00057-00020832-00021503 [Music] lfWyjArnW7Q-00058-00021504-00021712 you lhw4MlriVjg-00000-00000007-00000329 hello everyone I'm mudarra Miranda I'm lhw4MlriVjg-00001-00000330-00000611 here to show you how to improve content lhw4MlriVjg-00002-00000612-00001010 quality and case Complutense that will lhw4MlriVjg-00003-00001011-00001187 the feature allows you to organize the lhw4MlriVjg-00004-00001188-00001436 documents it's easy to use user lhw4MlriVjg-00005-00001437-00001709 interface based on drag-and-drop and a lhw4MlriVjg-00006-00001710-00002075 graphic display you can add a new lhw4MlriVjg-00007-00002076-00002877 document add the page remove page lhw4MlriVjg-00008-00002878-00003164 organize your document the document lhw4MlriVjg-00009-00003165-00003668 content traceability is preservers the lhw4MlriVjg-00010-00003669-00003872 dock builder allows to reduce the world lhw4MlriVjg-00011-00003872-00004127 case processing time because all those lhw4MlriVjg-00012-00004128-00004319 operations are performed in a single lhw4MlriVjg-00013-00004320-00004640 other phase like a single user that's lhw4MlriVjg-00014-00004641-00004868 all for today you can discover more lhw4MlriVjg-00015-00004869-00005131 features at our website under that IO lhw4MlriVjg-00016-00005132-00005482 thanks for watching lj03JQyi91A-00000-00000096-00000335 hi there i think we've all heard in the lj03JQyi91A-00001-00000336-00000495 news many times about lj03JQyi91A-00002-00000496-00000799 watch out for scammers well have you lj03JQyi91A-00003-00000800-00001574 gotten scammed yet lj03JQyi91A-00004-00001575-00001823 well i can tell you getting scammed sure lj03JQyi91A-00005-00001823-00001967 does not make you feel good lj03JQyi91A-00006-00001968-00002247 inside my name is russ and on the russ lj03JQyi91A-00007-00002248-00002326 ride channel lj03JQyi91A-00008-00002327-00002510 i'll give you tips on how to improve lj03JQyi91A-00009-00002511-00002710 your earnings and ratings for food lj03JQyi91A-00010-00002711-00002863 delivery companies lj03JQyi91A-00011-00002864-00003166 most notably uber eats postmates lj03JQyi91A-00012-00003167-00003454 and doordash i'd like to give you some lj03JQyi91A-00013-00003455-00003679 information of what happened to me lj03JQyi91A-00014-00003679-00003879 and hopefully that can help you prevent lj03JQyi91A-00015-00003879-00004111 the same type of thing from happening lj03JQyi91A-00016-00004112-00004359 i was on post mates and i had an order lj03JQyi91A-00017-00004360-00004519 to el poyoloco lj03JQyi91A-00018-00004520-00004670 and i was in the middle of that when i lj03JQyi91A-00019-00004671-00004847 received another order for jack in the lj03JQyi91A-00020-00004848-00004902 box lj03JQyi91A-00021-00004903-00005191 so i accepted it and continued on once i lj03JQyi91A-00022-00005192-00005422 had the el poyoloco food in my car lj03JQyi91A-00023-00005423-00005615 i received a phone call and i'll play lj03JQyi91A-00024-00005616-00005822 that video next so that you can hear the lj03JQyi91A-00025-00005823-00006031 audio of what the scammer was trying to lj03JQyi91A-00026-00006032-00006527 get me to do lj03JQyi91A-00027-00006528-00007119 hi lj03JQyi91A-00028-00007120-00007278 your service hello how are you today lj03JQyi91A-00029-00007279-00007446 good lj03JQyi91A-00030-00007447-00007598 that's great we're reaching out in lj03JQyi91A-00031-00007600-00007751 regards to the jack-in-the-box order lj03JQyi91A-00032-00007752-00008127 you're competing for challenging shows lj03JQyi91A-00033-00008128-00008319 yeah that orders only for one value lj03JQyi91A-00034-00008320-00008471 prize today in the third cost lj03JQyi91A-00035-00008472-00008831 credit so we're actually going to help lj03JQyi91A-00036-00008832-00009031 you cancel out that order for a small lj03JQyi91A-00037-00009032-00009183 reimbursement today okay lj03JQyi91A-00038-00009184-00009431 okay all right sorry alrighty are you lj03JQyi91A-00039-00009432-00009599 somewhere pulled over we're gonna assume lj03JQyi91A-00040-00009600-00009719 how to do that and get that lj03JQyi91A-00041-00009720-00009935 reinforcement added oh lj03JQyi91A-00042-00009936-00010151 um i'm delivering the poyoloka order lj03JQyi91A-00043-00010152-00010351 right now lj03JQyi91A-00044-00010352-00010478 how far are you away from that the lj03JQyi91A-00045-00010479-00010663 nuclei just i'm so sorry i'm lj03JQyi91A-00046-00010664-00010799 at the restaurant still i'm in the lj03JQyi91A-00047-00010800-00011087 parking lot lj03JQyi91A-00048-00011088-00011631 oh wow this is lj03JQyi91A-00049-00011632-00011806 i'm not sure why they would have met lj03JQyi91A-00050-00011807-00012006 them lj03JQyi91A-00051-00012007-00012191 can you go to verify your phone or rehab lj03JQyi91A-00052-00012192-00012406 on file with it um lj03JQyi91A-00053-00012407-00012542 actually you should know what my phone lj03JQyi91A-00054-00012543-00012807 number is lj03JQyi91A-00055-00012808-00012966 we're asking you to verify your phone lj03JQyi91A-00056-00012967-00013127 number so we can fill up the account you lj03JQyi91A-00057-00013128-00013247 have on file with us lj03JQyi91A-00058-00013247-00013407 and have that reimbursement they can lj03JQyi91A-00059-00013408-00013679 help you um just one second let me lj03JQyi91A-00060-00013680-00013830 contact you guys after i do this lj03JQyi91A-00061-00013831-00014038 delivery lj03JQyi91A-00062-00014040-00014230 no problem all right thanks i'm gonna lj03JQyi91A-00063-00014231-00014343 give you a call back in about lj03JQyi91A-00064-00014344-00014566 five minutes all right sounds good all lj03JQyi91A-00065-00014568-00014775 right lj03JQyi91A-00066-00014776-00015071 anyway i usually don't answer my phone lj03JQyi91A-00067-00015072-00015271 if they're not in my contacts lj03JQyi91A-00068-00015272-00015430 not really sure why i answered it but lj03JQyi91A-00069-00015431-00015622 maybe it was from postmates lj03JQyi91A-00070-00015623-00015847 it's okay when i received that phone lj03JQyi91A-00071-00015847-00016022 call i didn't lj03JQyi91A-00072-00016023-00016191 connect the two right away that it was lj03JQyi91A-00073-00016191-00016383 the customer from the jack in the box lj03JQyi91A-00074-00016384-00016479 order lj03JQyi91A-00075-00016480-00016671 until they started talking about lj03JQyi91A-00076-00016672-00016822 refunding my account lj03JQyi91A-00077-00016823-00017175 for some charge etc i thought lj03JQyi91A-00078-00017176-00017327 that seems strange and they mentioned lj03JQyi91A-00079-00017328-00017558 the jack in the box so i thought okay lj03JQyi91A-00080-00017559-00017735 this is some kind of scam when they lj03JQyi91A-00081-00017736-00017886 asked me to confirm my number lj03JQyi91A-00082-00017887-00018063 i said hey you should already have this lj03JQyi91A-00083-00018064-00018279 information and here's a little trick lj03JQyi91A-00084-00018280-00018486 they tried on me they just said oh yeah lj03JQyi91A-00085-00018487-00018694 yeah we need you to confirm it and so lj03JQyi91A-00086-00018695-00018758 maybe lj03JQyi91A-00087-00018759-00018975 subconsciously i would think oh yes i lj03JQyi91A-00088-00018976-00019119 resisted them and i said lj03JQyi91A-00089-00019120-00019350 no but by them asking again i'm just lj03JQyi91A-00090-00019351-00019494 going to roll over and give them my lj03JQyi91A-00091-00019495-00019575 number lj03JQyi91A-00092-00019576-00019822 so pay attention to that technique just lj03JQyi91A-00093-00019823-00020007 by asking you again you may let your lj03JQyi91A-00094-00020008-00020094 guard down lj03JQyi91A-00095-00020095-00020391 and let out information you shouldn't so lj03JQyi91A-00096-00020392-00020575 i continued on with the order lj03JQyi91A-00097-00020576-00020814 and i said i would uh call them back and lj03JQyi91A-00098-00020815-00020983 then the gentleman said he would call me lj03JQyi91A-00099-00020984-00021143 in five minutes lj03JQyi91A-00100-00021144-00021350 sure and you can hear by the ton of my lj03JQyi91A-00101-00021351-00021535 voice and i said oh yeah yeah thanks lj03JQyi91A-00102-00021536-00021830 you know i was done with that so as soon lj03JQyi91A-00103-00021831-00022007 as i finished the order lj03JQyi91A-00104-00022008-00022335 i contacted postmates support and i was lj03JQyi91A-00105-00022336-00022486 texting them lj03JQyi91A-00106-00022487-00022655 because i guess the phone call thing lj03JQyi91A-00107-00022656-00022791 would take too long lj03JQyi91A-00108-00022792-00022991 so through text i let them know that lj03JQyi91A-00109-00022992-00023191 that customer from jack in the box had lj03JQyi91A-00110-00023192-00023286 been calling me lj03JQyi91A-00111-00023287-00023639 asking for my personal information and lj03JQyi91A-00112-00023640-00023814 they said that they would kick them off lj03JQyi91A-00113-00023815-00024014 the app immediately and that i didn't lj03JQyi91A-00114-00024015-00024142 need to cancel the order lj03JQyi91A-00115-00024143-00024407 that they would do it and what was lj03JQyi91A-00116-00024408-00024478 disruptive lj03JQyi91A-00117-00024479-00024630 in between this i was getting phone lj03JQyi91A-00118-00024631-00024799 calls from the scammer lj03JQyi91A-00119-00024800-00024991 of course trying to reconnect and steal lj03JQyi91A-00120-00024992-00025119 all my money lj03JQyi91A-00121-00025120-00025335 but i was ignoring them and then i'll lj03JQyi91A-00122-00025336-00025535 show you a text right here where i did lj03JQyi91A-00123-00025536-00025694 get confused because i was lj03JQyi91A-00124-00025695-00025927 messaging post mates and then the lj03JQyi91A-00125-00025927-00026206 customer started messaging me as well lj03JQyi91A-00126-00026207-00026439 and i did get confused and i wrote back lj03JQyi91A-00127-00026439-00026558 to the scammer saying lj03JQyi91A-00128-00026560-00026743 something like oh don't let this happen lj03JQyi91A-00129-00026744-00026935 to other people lj03JQyi91A-00130-00026936-00027270 you know to the postmates staff lj03JQyi91A-00131-00027272-00027543 anyway the lesson learned from all this lj03JQyi91A-00132-00027544-00027590 is lj03JQyi91A-00133-00027591-00027870 always be careful someone will try to lj03JQyi91A-00134-00027872-00028031 get your personal information lj03JQyi91A-00135-00028032-00028167 and you may think that they can't do lj03JQyi91A-00136-00028168-00028358 much with your phone number but i think lj03JQyi91A-00137-00028360-00028495 they probably can lj03JQyi91A-00138-00028495-00028695 and it's beyond the scope of this video lj03JQyi91A-00139-00028695-00028879 to get in how they would do that lj03JQyi91A-00140-00028880-00029039 but the point is no one needs your lj03JQyi91A-00141-00029039-00029255 personal information and if they do ask lj03JQyi91A-00142-00029256-00029423 for it then they're trying to rip you lj03JQyi91A-00143-00029424-00029502 off lj03JQyi91A-00144-00029504-00029727 so be very careful of that let's get out lj03JQyi91A-00145-00029727-00029855 there and get that bag lj03JQyi91A-00146-00029856-00030451 alright i'll see you in my next video lj03JQyi91A-00147-00030452-00030752 bye ljEP3afuViM-00000-00000750-00000973 today ljEP3afuViM-00002-00006743-00007570 foreign ljEP3afuViM-00003-00007572-00007895 [Music] ljEP3afuViM-00004-00007895-00008259 foreign ljEP3afuViM-00006-00013895-00015469 I agree ljEP3afuViM-00007-00015469-00015785 [Music] lmawM4AbEKE-00000-00000143-00000399 all right guys we are headed back to lmawM4AbEKE-00001-00000400-00000526 alberta lmawM4AbEKE-00002-00000527-00000719 first day lmawM4AbEKE-00003-00000720-00001023 we're right now at abbotsford lmawM4AbEKE-00004-00001024-00001183 and i'm just behind eddie and monica lmawM4AbEKE-00005-00001184-00001407 here lmawM4AbEKE-00006-00001408-00001614 and uh we're gonna go to princeton i lmawM4AbEKE-00007-00001616-00001798 think is the first place lmawM4AbEKE-00008-00001800-00001991 to stop for the night lmawM4AbEKE-00009-00001992-00002247 i'll go that way too lmawM4AbEKE-00010-00002248-00002575 okay guys we have made it to hope lmawM4AbEKE-00011-00002576-00002815 right lmawM4AbEKE-00012-00002816-00003191 she's telling me to keep right lmawM4AbEKE-00013-00003192-00003383 all right here we are at hope lmawM4AbEKE-00014-00003384-00003535 we just stopped in at the restaurant lmawM4AbEKE-00015-00003536-00003679 over here lmawM4AbEKE-00016-00003679-00004415 home restaurant lmawM4AbEKE-00017-00004416-00004879 look at this guys we have snow lmawM4AbEKE-00018-00004880-00005663 i think we're in the manning park area lmawM4AbEKE-00019-00005664-00005831 just a little treacherous in through lmawM4AbEKE-00020-00005832-00008246 here lmawM4AbEKE-00021-00008247-00008607 all right guys here we are at princeton lmawM4AbEKE-00022-00008608-00010103 there we are princeton guys lmawM4AbEKE-00023-00010104-00010527 now just coming into caramel's lmawM4AbEKE-00024-00010528-00010767 and this is the uh lmawM4AbEKE-00025-00010768-00010871 orchard lmawM4AbEKE-00026-00010872-00011135 country area lmawM4AbEKE-00027-00011136-00011283 caramias lmawM4AbEKE-00028-00011284-00011438 soyuz lmawM4AbEKE-00029-00011439-00011719 yeah like right here see this lmawM4AbEKE-00030-00011720-00011942 orchards lmawM4AbEKE-00031-00011943-00012287 apples cherries uh peaches lmawM4AbEKE-00032-00012288-00012670 grapes all kinds of lmawM4AbEKE-00033-00012671-00012910 fruit here lmawM4AbEKE-00034-00012911-00013286 beautiful lmawM4AbEKE-00035-00013287-00014319 heading into the soyuz lmawM4AbEKE-00036-00014319-00014622 this is orchard country here lmawM4AbEKE-00037-00014623-00015286 look at the orchards down there lmawM4AbEKE-00038-00015287-00015527 this is april so there's no lmawM4AbEKE-00039-00015528-00015886 fruit yet but lmawM4AbEKE-00040-00015887-00016055 when the season comes there's a lot of lmawM4AbEKE-00041-00016056-00016207 fruit here lmawM4AbEKE-00042-00016208-00016622 apples peaches pears plums lmawM4AbEKE-00043-00016623-00016958 everything lmawM4AbEKE-00044-00016959-00017263 downtown soyuz nice place lmawM4AbEKE-00045-00017264-00017750 quiet lmawM4AbEKE-00046-00017751-00018239 hustle and bustle of fruit time lmawM4AbEKE-00047-00018240-00018630 grand forks and castle gar this away lmawM4AbEKE-00048-00018631-00018911 look at this here lmawM4AbEKE-00049-00018912-00019327 boston pizza lmawM4AbEKE-00050-00019328-00019519 look at this apart from this block here lmawM4AbEKE-00051-00019520-00020239 holy lmawM4AbEKE-00052-00020240-00020391 lake lmawM4AbEKE-00053-00020392-00020519 here lmawM4AbEKE-00054-00020520-00021063 beautiful lmawM4AbEKE-00055-00021064-00021663 and then there's lmawM4AbEKE-00056-00021664-00021871 windows all full of lmawM4AbEKE-00057-00021872-00024167 dirt dust lmawM4AbEKE-00058-00024168-00025007 look at that guys wow lmawM4AbEKE-00059-00025008-00025191 sasquatch for you lmawM4AbEKE-00060-00025192-00027751 danny stayton lmawM4AbEKE-00061-00027752-00028046 just pulling into christina lake lmawM4AbEKE-00062-00028047-00028279 been here a few times lmawM4AbEKE-00063-00028280-00029287 there's a geocache just right over here lmawM4AbEKE-00064-00029288-00030335 this is christina lake lmawM4AbEKE-00065-00030336-00030583 very big lake lmawM4AbEKE-00066-00030583-00030758 there's some houses right down below me lmawM4AbEKE-00067-00030760-00031390 here down bottom of the hill here lmawM4AbEKE-00068-00031391-00031895 beautiful place been here many times lmawM4AbEKE-00069-00031895-00032167 massive lake lmawM4AbEKE-00070-00032168-00032607 christina lake lmawM4AbEKE-00071-00032608-00032815 just heading through lmawM4AbEKE-00072-00032816-00033335 creston lmawM4AbEKE-00073-00033336-00033695 and looks like cranbrook bernie lmawM4AbEKE-00074-00033696-00034207 down the road lmawM4AbEKE-00075-00034208-00034374 looks like highway 3 goes right through lmawM4AbEKE-00076-00034375-00034702 the center of creston here lmawM4AbEKE-00077-00034703-00034967 so that's where we're going lmawM4AbEKE-00078-00034968-00035502 right through downtown lmawM4AbEKE-00079-00035503-00035823 okay guys a spin through cranbrook we're lmawM4AbEKE-00080-00035824-00036127 finally at cranbrook here lmawM4AbEKE-00081-00036128-00036487 not far now i think lmawM4AbEKE-00082-00036488-00036727 i think i might just travel all the way lmawM4AbEKE-00083-00036728-00036999 to medicine hat and be there by lmawM4AbEKE-00084-00037000-00037367 tonight at eight o'clock lmawM4AbEKE-00085-00037368-00037943 it should be just daylight yet lmawM4AbEKE-00086-00037944-00039318 guys passing through the town of ferny lmawM4AbEKE-00087-00039319-00040302 not much lmawM4AbEKE-00088-00040303-00040767 looks like a big chainsaw lmawM4AbEKE-00089-00040768-00040871 okay lmawM4AbEKE-00090-00040872-00041095 here we go lmawM4AbEKE-00091-00041096-00041335 biggest truck in the world lmawM4AbEKE-00092-00041336-00042015 well maybe at one time lmawM4AbEKE-00093-00042016-00042246 but this is small compared to the ones lmawM4AbEKE-00094-00042247-00042911 they have now lmawM4AbEKE-00095-00042912-00043079 what the heck lmawM4AbEKE-00096-00043080-00043790 fuel tank lmawM4AbEKE-00097-00043791-00044543 holy look at the sharks lmawM4AbEKE-00098-00044544-00045462 wow lmawM4AbEKE-00099-00045463-00045767 big shock absorbers holy wow lmawM4AbEKE-00100-00045768-00046983 like i didn't know those were that big lmawM4AbEKE-00101-00046984-00047295 good tread left lmawM4AbEKE-00102-00047296-00047583 holy okay lmawM4AbEKE-00104-00051903-00052270 welcome to alberta lmawM4AbEKE-00105-00052271-00052719 wild rose country lmawM4AbEKE-00106-00052720-00052919 hey guys if you're coming from alberta lmawM4AbEKE-00107-00052920-00053103 to british columbia you should fill up lmawM4AbEKE-00108-00053104-00053550 right here last place 156 156.9 here lmawM4AbEKE-00109-00053551-00053671 in lmawM4AbEKE-00110-00053672-00053959 uh cone lmawM4AbEKE-00111-00053960-00054191 156 in alberta lmawM4AbEKE-00112-00054191-00054487 and 180s 188 lmawM4AbEKE-00113-00054488-00056071 in british columbia next town over lmawM4AbEKE-00114-00056072-00056382 all right here we are guys in fort lmawM4AbEKE-00115-00056383-00056566 mcleod lmawM4AbEKE-00116-00056567-00056879 fort mcleod alberta lmawM4AbEKE-00117-00056879-00057094 hop skip and jump from lethbridge lmawM4AbEKE-00118-00057095-00057311 heading to lethbridge for supper lmawM4AbEKE-00119-00057312-00058079 before i head home lmawM4AbEKE-00120-00058079-00058366 okay guys i didn't get much of lmawM4AbEKE-00121-00058367-00058494 lethbridge lmawM4AbEKE-00122-00058495-00058671 just the viaduct lmawM4AbEKE-00123-00058672-00058823 a bit there but lmawM4AbEKE-00124-00058824-00059119 we just left lethbridge on our way to lmawM4AbEKE-00125-00059120-00059335 medicine hat lmawM4AbEKE-00126-00059336-00059599 hometown lmawM4AbEKE-00127-00059600-00059942 another lmawM4AbEKE-00128-00059944-00060326 hour and a half lmawM4AbEKE-00129-00060327-00060615 hour and a half we'll get there 137 lmawM4AbEKE-00130-00060616-00060759 kilometers lmawM4AbEKE-00131-00060760-00060959 okay guys we'll get back at you when we lmawM4AbEKE-00132-00060960-00061279 get there moZPbE9Us1k-00000-00000039-00000318 welcome back everybody so today's lesson moZPbE9Us1k-00001-00000319-00000351 is moZPbE9Us1k-00002-00000352-00000534 all about preparing you for tomorrow's moZPbE9Us1k-00003-00000535-00000711 quiz so we've talked about moZPbE9Us1k-00004-00000712-00000878 several different sorting algorithms and moZPbE9Us1k-00005-00000880-00001007 today we'll do two things first of all moZPbE9Us1k-00006-00001008-00001127 we'll kind of do some review moZPbE9Us1k-00007-00001128-00001254 uh to get you ready for the quiz moZPbE9Us1k-00008-00001255-00001462 tomorrow um but we'll also talk a little moZPbE9Us1k-00009-00001463-00001535 bit about moZPbE9Us1k-00010-00001536-00001695 how you actually sort things in java moZPbE9Us1k-00011-00001696-00001902 right so we've been using sorting moZPbE9Us1k-00012-00001903-00002102 as an exercise as an algorithm that moZPbE9Us1k-00013-00002103-00002239 provides us with moZPbE9Us1k-00014-00002240-00002463 a fun chance to you know practice what moZPbE9Us1k-00015-00002464-00002631 we've learned throughout the semester moZPbE9Us1k-00016-00002632-00002823 um and to solve a real problem and to moZPbE9Us1k-00017-00002824-00002958 look at some interesting algorithmic moZPbE9Us1k-00018-00002959-00003126 trade-offs but when you're going to sort moZPbE9Us1k-00019-00003127-00003231 stuff in real life moZPbE9Us1k-00020-00003232-00003335 you're not going to write your own moZPbE9Us1k-00021-00003336-00003447 algorithm so we'll talk a little bit moZPbE9Us1k-00022-00003447-00003559 about how to do this moZPbE9Us1k-00023-00003560-00003727 for real if you actually need to sort moZPbE9Us1k-00024-00003728-00003943 something in job um tomorrow's quiz moZPbE9Us1k-00025-00003944-00004175 is on sorting um one thing i will point moZPbE9Us1k-00026-00004176-00004263 out about the quiz moZPbE9Us1k-00027-00004264-00004447 is that it's a little bit unusual in the moZPbE9Us1k-00028-00004448-00004622 sense that the conceptual questions will moZPbE9Us1k-00029-00004623-00004822 be unsorting but there are actually no moZPbE9Us1k-00030-00004823-00004983 programming questions on sorting and the moZPbE9Us1k-00031-00004984-00005118 reason is for you to answer the moZPbE9Us1k-00032-00005119-00005254 conceptual questions we have to show you moZPbE9Us1k-00033-00005255-00005375 the algorithms and then it's a little moZPbE9Us1k-00034-00005376-00005567 silly to ask you to implement them later moZPbE9Us1k-00035-00005568-00005743 on the same quiz so we won't do that moZPbE9Us1k-00036-00005744-00005847 there will be some sorting moZPbE9Us1k-00037-00005848-00006031 implementation questions that may sneak moZPbE9Us1k-00038-00006032-00006199 their way on to the final mentor moZPbE9Us1k-00039-00006200-00006431 so i hope the mp3 checkpoint uh treated moZPbE9Us1k-00040-00006431-00006510 you well moZPbE9Us1k-00041-00006511-00006814 uh this week we have lessons uh moZPbE9Us1k-00042-00006815-00006983 throughout the week uh all the way moZPbE9Us1k-00043-00006984-00007134 through friday although friday's lesson moZPbE9Us1k-00044-00007136-00007206 is a little bit of moZPbE9Us1k-00045-00007208-00007414 bonus content in fact on some level moZPbE9Us1k-00046-00007415-00007534 everything starting from moZPbE9Us1k-00047-00007536-00007703 wednesday is really bonus content this moZPbE9Us1k-00048-00007704-00007870 week um since moZPbE9Us1k-00049-00007872-00007998 you know we've hit the end of the moZPbE9Us1k-00050-00008000-00008199 semester and our goal once we get past moZPbE9Us1k-00051-00008200-00008278 this quiz moZPbE9Us1k-00052-00008279-00008446 is really to be on preparing you for the moZPbE9Us1k-00053-00008447-00008663 final midterm and getting you done with moZPbE9Us1k-00054-00008664-00008727 the mp moZPbE9Us1k-00055-00008728-00009039 so good luck uh wrapping up mp3 good moZPbE9Us1k-00056-00009040-00009167 luck on tomorrow's quiz moZPbE9Us1k-00057-00009168-00009319 i hope you had a great weekend i will moZPbE9Us1k-00058-00009320-00009656 see you again tomorrow m0JeqeW0eeE-00000-00000058-00000343 Rajasthan Hindustani pronunciation m0JeqeW0eeE-00001-00000344-00000638 Roddy's Tia n listen literally land of m0JeqeW0eeE-00002-00000639-00000947 Kings is a state in northern India the m0JeqeW0eeE-00003-00000948-00001406 state covers an area of 340 2239 square m0JeqeW0eeE-00004-00001407-00001859 kilometers 130 mm 139 square miles or m0JeqeW0eeE-00005-00001860-00002032 ten point four percent of the total m0JeqeW0eeE-00006-00002034-00002330 geographical area of India it is the m0JeqeW0eeE-00007-00002331-00002534 largest Indian state by area and the m0JeqeW0eeE-00008-00002535-00002846 seventh largest by population Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00009-00002847-00003058 is located on the north western side of m0JeqeW0eeE-00010-00003059-00003242 India where it comprises most of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00011-00003243-00003452 wide and inhospitable thar desert also m0JeqeW0eeE-00012-00003453-00003824 known as the Rajasthan desert and great m0JeqeW0eeE-00013-00003825-00004076 Indian desert and shares a border with m0JeqeW0eeE-00014-00004077-00004319 the Pakistani provinces of Punjab to the m0JeqeW0eeE-00015-00004320-00004531 northwest and sent to the west along the m0JeqeW0eeE-00016-00004532-00004811 subtle agenda stripper Bali elsewhere it m0JeqeW0eeE-00017-00004812-00004988 is bordered by five other Indian states m0JeqeW0eeE-00018-00004989-00005254 Punjab to the north korean de and Uttar m0JeqeW0eeE-00019-00005255-00005468 Pradesh to the northeast Madhya Pradesh m0JeqeW0eeE-00020-00005469-00005666 to the southeast and Gujarat to the m0JeqeW0eeE-00021-00005667-00005972 southwest major features include the m0JeqeW0eeE-00022-00005973-00006181 ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization m0JeqeW0eeE-00023-00006182-00006272 at calabaza m0JeqeW0eeE-00024-00006273-00006506 the dilwara temples a Jain pilgrimage m0JeqeW0eeE-00025-00006506-00006739 site at Rajasthan only hill station m0JeqeW0eeE-00026-00006740-00006944 mount abu in the ancient era valley m0JeqeW0eeE-00027-00006945-00007175 mountain range and in eastern rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00028-00007176-00007412 the KL a day o national park near bharat m0JeqeW0eeE-00029-00007413-00007619 poor a world heritage site known for its m0JeqeW0eeE-00030-00007620-00007906 bird life Rajasthan is also home to m0JeqeW0eeE-00031-00007908-00008120 three national tiger reserves the m0JeqeW0eeE-00032-00008120-00008309 Ranthambore National Park in Sawai m0JeqeW0eeE-00033-00008310-00008582 Madhopur sirisha tiger reserve in Alwar m0JeqeW0eeE-00034-00008583-00008824 and Mukund Rahill tiger reserve in Kota m0JeqeW0eeE-00035-00008825-00009089 the state was formed on the 30th of m0JeqeW0eeE-00036-00009090-00009385 March 1949 when Rajputana the name m0JeqeW0eeE-00037-00009386-00009574 adopted by the British Raj for its m0JeqeW0eeE-00038-00009575-00009764 dependencies in the region was merged m0JeqeW0eeE-00039-00009765-00010049 into the Dominion of India its capital m0JeqeW0eeE-00040-00010050-00010274 and largest city as jaipur other m0JeqeW0eeE-00041-00010275-00010481 important cities are Jodhpur Kota m0JeqeW0eeE-00042-00010482-00011187 Bikaner admirin new deep or m0JeqeW0eeE-00043-00011188-00011719 topic etymology m0JeqeW0eeE-00044-00011720-00012029 Rajasthan literally means land of kings m0JeqeW0eeE-00045-00012030-00012551 or Kings abode from Rajah chain and ston m0JeqeW0eeE-00046-00012552-00012922 land a boat from sanskrit sth na the m0JeqeW0eeE-00047-00012924-00013159 first mention of the name rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00048-00013160-00013499 appears in the 1829 publication annals m0JeqeW0eeE-00049-00013500-00013700 and antiquities of rajasthan or the m0JeqeW0eeE-00050-00013701-00013901 central and western Rajput states of m0JeqeW0eeE-00051-00013902-00014102 india while the earliest known record of m0JeqeW0eeE-00052-00014103-00014416 Rajputana as a name for the region is in m0JeqeW0eeE-00053-00014418-00014690 George Thomas's 1800 memoir military m0JeqeW0eeE-00054-00014691-00015022 memories John Key in his book India a m0JeqeW0eeE-00055-00015024-00015359 history stated that Rajputana was coined m0JeqeW0eeE-00056-00015360-00015622 by the British in 1829 John Briggs m0JeqeW0eeE-00057-00015624-00015854 translating Forrest his history of early m0JeqeW0eeE-00058-00015855-00016147 Islamic India used the phrase Rajput m0JeqeW0eeE-00059-00016149-00016475 rajput princess rather than Indian m0JeqeW0eeE-00060-00016476-00017053 princess m0JeqeW0eeE-00061-00017054-00017545 topic history m0JeqeW0eeE-00062-00017546-00017888 you m0JeqeW0eeE-00063-00017889-00018363 topic ancient m0JeqeW0eeE-00064-00018364-00018594 parts of what is now Rajasthan were m0JeqeW0eeE-00065-00018595-00018762 partly part of the Vedic civilization m0JeqeW0eeE-00066-00018763-00019071 and Indus Valley Civilisation Kalla m0JeqeW0eeE-00067-00019072-00019281 baingan in Hanuman guard district was a m0JeqeW0eeE-00068-00019282-00019485 major provincial capital of the Indus m0JeqeW0eeE-00069-00019486-00019701 Valley Civilisation Stone Age tools m0JeqeW0eeE-00070-00019702-00019929 dating from 5000 to 200 m0JeqeW0eeE-00071-00019930-00020181 ooo years were found in Bundy and Bull m0JeqeW0eeE-00072-00020182-00020373 whare districts of the state Maxia m0JeqeW0eeE-00073-00020374-00020565 kingdom of the Vedic civilization of m0JeqeW0eeE-00074-00020566-00020778 India is said to roughly correspond it m0JeqeW0eeE-00075-00020779-00020940 to the former state of Jaipur in m0JeqeW0eeE-00076-00020941-00021126 Rajasthan and included the whole of m0JeqeW0eeE-00077-00021127-00021390 Alwar with portions of Bharat poor the m0JeqeW0eeE-00078-00021391-00021606 capital of Matsya was at Virata Nagar m0JeqeW0eeE-00079-00021607-00021813 modern Bharat which is said to have been m0JeqeW0eeE-00080-00021814-00021969 named after its founder King Bharata m0JeqeW0eeE-00081-00021970-00022068 Bhargava m0JeqeW0eeE-00082-00022069-00022275 identifies the two districts of junju m0JeqeW0eeE-00083-00022276-00022461 new and Sekar in parts of Jaipur m0JeqeW0eeE-00084-00022462-00022659 district along with her iana districts m0JeqeW0eeE-00085-00022660-00022857 of Mahendra Garr and rewire as part of m0JeqeW0eeE-00086-00022858-00023112 vedic state of Brahma Varda Bhargava m0JeqeW0eeE-00087-00023113-00023343 also locates the present-day sahibi m0JeqeW0eeE-00088-00023344-00023532 river as the vedic drishya Watty river m0JeqeW0eeE-00089-00023533-00023754 which along with saraswati river formed m0JeqeW0eeE-00090-00023755-00023919 the borders of the vedic state of Brahma m0JeqeW0eeE-00091-00023920-00024186 Varda Manu and Bhrigu narrated the m0JeqeW0eeE-00092-00024187-00024414 minuite to a congregation of seers in m0JeqeW0eeE-00093-00024415-00024708 this area only ashrams of Vedic seers m0JeqeW0eeE-00094-00024709-00024953 bhrigu and his son Javon Russia for whom m0JeqeW0eeE-00095-00024954-00025152 Chia Wan prash was formulated were m0JeqeW0eeE-00096-00025153-00025356 neared OC hill part of which lies in m0JeqeW0eeE-00097-00025357-00025566 dosey village of junju new district of m0JeqeW0eeE-00098-00025567-00025782 rajasthan and part lies in Mahendra m0JeqeW0eeE-00099-00025783-00025983 guard district of haryana the Western m0JeqeW0eeE-00100-00025983-00026379 trap is 405 235 BC the Saka rulers m0JeqeW0eeE-00101-00026380-00026552 of the western part of India were m0JeqeW0eeE-00102-00026554-00026751 successors to the Indo Scythians and m0JeqeW0eeE-00103-00026752-00026927 were contemporaneous with the Kushans m0JeqeW0eeE-00104-00026929-00027071 who ruled the northern part of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00105-00027072-00027354 Indian subcontinent the Indo Scythians m0JeqeW0eeE-00106-00027355-00027539 invaded the area of Ujjain and m0JeqeW0eeE-00107-00027541-00027714 established the Sokka era with their m0JeqeW0eeE-00108-00027714-00027882 calendar marking the beginning of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00109-00027883-00028579 long-lived Sokka Western satraps state m0JeqeW0eeE-00110-00028580-00029058 topic classical m0JeqeW0eeE-00111-00029060-00029380 you m0JeqeW0eeE-00112-00029381-00029861 topic ger jars m0JeqeW0eeE-00113-00029862-00030104 girge ARS ruled for many dynasties in m0JeqeW0eeE-00114-00030105-00030305 this part of the country the region was m0JeqeW0eeE-00115-00030306-00030433 known as Gujarat rrah m0JeqeW0eeE-00116-00030435-00030725 up to the 10th century AD almost all of m0JeqeW0eeE-00117-00030726-00030941 North India acknowledged the supremacy m0JeqeW0eeE-00118-00030942-00031112 of the gur jars with their seat of power m0JeqeW0eeE-00119-00031113-00031650 at college m0JeqeW0eeE-00120-00031651-00032176 topic Karara pratyahara m0JeqeW0eeE-00121-00032177-00032439 the Gurpreet iha empire acted as a m0JeqeW0eeE-00122-00032441-00032632 barrier for arab invaders from the 8th m0JeqeW0eeE-00123-00032633-00032874 to the 11th century the chief m0JeqeW0eeE-00124-00032875-00033018 accomplishment of the Gir hara m0JeqeW0eeE-00125-00033019-00033249 pratyahara empire lies in its successful m0JeqeW0eeE-00126-00033250-00033462 resistance to foreign invasions from the m0JeqeW0eeE-00127-00033463-00033514 west m0JeqeW0eeE-00128-00033515-00033796 starting in the days of jade historian m0JeqeW0eeE-00129-00033797-00034036 RC Majumdar says that this was openly m0JeqeW0eeE-00130-00034037-00034285 acknowledged by the Arab writers he m0JeqeW0eeE-00131-00034286-00034480 further notes that historians of India m0JeqeW0eeE-00132-00034481-00034662 have wondered at the slow progress of m0JeqeW0eeE-00133-00034663-00034876 Muslim invaders in India as compared m0JeqeW0eeE-00134-00034877-00035055 with their rapid advance in other parts m0JeqeW0eeE-00135-00035056-00035277 of the world now there seems little m0JeqeW0eeE-00136-00035278-00035458 doubt that it was the power of the ger m0JeqeW0eeE-00137-00035459-00035671 Hara pratyahara army that effectively m0JeqeW0eeE-00138-00035672-00035860 barred the progress of the Arabs beyond m0JeqeW0eeE-00139-00035861-00035986 the confines of Sindh m0JeqeW0eeE-00140-00035987-00036199 they're only conquest for nearly 300 m0JeqeW0eeE-00141-00036200-00036715 years m0JeqeW0eeE-00142-00036716-00037277 topic medieval and early modern m0JeqeW0eeE-00143-00037278-00037607 you m0JeqeW0eeE-00144-00037608-00038162 topic historical tribes m0JeqeW0eeE-00145-00038163-00038394 traditionally the Rajput scourge ARS m0JeqeW0eeE-00146-00038395-00038733 Jats minas bills Rajpura hit sure ons m0JeqeW0eeE-00147-00038734-00039021 Yadav's vishnu ah meg wall thermals m0JeqeW0eeE-00148-00039022-00039132 formerly signee m0JeqeW0eeE-00149-00039133-00039276 and other tribes made a great m0JeqeW0eeE-00150-00039277-00039456 contribution in building the state of m0JeqeW0eeE-00151-00039457-00039723 rajasthan all these tribes suffered m0JeqeW0eeE-00152-00039724-00039906 great difficulties in protecting their m0JeqeW0eeE-00153-00039907-00040155 culture in the land millions of them m0JeqeW0eeE-00154-00040156-00040314 were killed trying to protect their land m0JeqeW0eeE-00155-00040315-00040623 bills once ruled Kota minas were rulers m0JeqeW0eeE-00156-00040624-00041283 of bundy head OT in the den här region m0JeqeW0eeE-00157-00041284-00041915 topic major rulers hemu the hindu m0JeqeW0eeE-00158-00041916-00042084 emperor was born in the village of m0JeqeW0eeE-00159-00042085-00042459 Meharry in Alwar district in 1501 he won m0JeqeW0eeE-00160-00042460-00042729 22 battles against afghans from punjab m0JeqeW0eeE-00161-00042730-00042942 to bengal including states of admah and m0JeqeW0eeE-00162-00042943-00043200 Alwar in rajasthan and defeated Akbar's m0JeqeW0eeE-00163-00043201-00043512 forces twice at agra and delhi in 1556 m0JeqeW0eeE-00164-00043513-00043722 at Battle of Delhi before exceeding to m0JeqeW0eeE-00165-00043723-00043905 the throne of Delhi and establishing the m0JeqeW0eeE-00166-00043906-00044244 Hindu Raj in North India albeit for a m0JeqeW0eeE-00167-00044245-00044489 short duration from purana qila in Delhi m0JeqeW0eeE-00168-00044490-00044703 hem Chandra was killed in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00169-00044704-00044898 battlefield at Second Battle of Panipat m0JeqeW0eeE-00170-00044899-00045111 fighting against Mughals on the 5th of m0JeqeW0eeE-00171-00045112-00045555 November 1556 maharana pratap of mawar m0JeqeW0eeE-00172-00045556-00045792 resisted akbar in the famous battle of m0JeqeW0eeE-00173-00045793-00046008 Hal Ducati 1576 m0JeqeW0eeE-00174-00046009-00046221 and later operated from hilly areas of m0JeqeW0eeE-00175-00046222-00046458 his kingdom the bills were Maher on his m0JeqeW0eeE-00176-00046459-00046710 main allies during these wars most of m0JeqeW0eeE-00177-00046711-00046881 these attacks were repulsed even though m0JeqeW0eeE-00178-00046882-00047049 the Mughal forces outnumbered mei-hua m0JeqeW0eeE-00179-00047050-00047268 Rajputs in all the wars fought between m0JeqeW0eeE-00180-00047269-00047511 them the Hal Ducati war was thought m0JeqeW0eeE-00181-00047512-00047811 between 10,000 me whereas and a 100,000 m0JeqeW0eeE-00182-00047812-00047994 strong mughal force including many m0JeqeW0eeE-00183-00047995-00048239 Rajputs like quechua whose from dan har m0JeqeW0eeE-00184-00048240-00048599 john king maharaja suraj mal february m0JeqeW0eeE-00185-00048600-00048996 1707 to the 25th of december 17 64 or m0JeqeW0eeE-00186-00048997-00049215 sujin singh was ruler of bharat poor in m0JeqeW0eeE-00187-00049216-00049521 rajasthan a contemporary historian has m0JeqeW0eeE-00188-00049522-00049761 described him as the Plato of the jot m0JeqeW0eeE-00189-00049762-00050079 people and by a modern writer as the JA m0JeqeW0eeE-00190-00050080-00050301 Odysseus because of his political m0JeqeW0eeE-00191-00050302-00050552 sagacity steady intellect and clear m0JeqeW0eeE-00192-00050553-00051046 vision m0JeqeW0eeE-00193-00051047-00051712 topic rajput marshal history rajput m0JeqeW0eeE-00194-00051713-00051925 families rose to prominence in the 6th m0JeqeW0eeE-00195-00051926-00052165 century seee the Rajputs put up m0JeqeW0eeE-00196-00052166-00052387 resistance to the Islamic invasions with m0JeqeW0eeE-00197-00052388-00052582 their warfare and chivalry for centuries m0JeqeW0eeE-00198-00052583-00052867 during the 12th century the Turks and m0JeqeW0eeE-00199-00052869-00053072 Afghans were able to get a firm grip on m0JeqeW0eeE-00200-00053073-00053362 Punjab Delhi and Bengal the rawness of m0JeqeW0eeE-00201-00053363-00053546 May war led other kingdoms in its m0JeqeW0eeE-00202-00053547-00053837 resistance to outside rule Ronda hammer m0JeqeW0eeE-00203-00053838-00054067 Singh defeated the tug Locke dynasty and m0JeqeW0eeE-00204-00054069-00054275 recovered a large portion of Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00205-00054276-00054572 the indomitable Rana Kumbha defeated the m0JeqeW0eeE-00206-00054573-00054773 Sultan's of Malwa and Gujarat and made m0JeqeW0eeE-00207-00054774-00054982 me are the most powerful Rajput Kingdom m0JeqeW0eeE-00208-00054983-00055300 in India the ambitious Rana Sanga United m0JeqeW0eeE-00209-00055301-00055490 the various Rajput clans and fought m0JeqeW0eeE-00210-00055491-00055766 against the foreign powers in India rana m0JeqeW0eeE-00211-00055766-00056021 sanga defeated the afghan lodi empire of m0JeqeW0eeE-00212-00056022-00056218 delhi and crushed the Turkic Sultanate m0JeqeW0eeE-00213-00056219-00056504 of Malwa in gujarat rana sanga then m0JeqeW0eeE-00214-00056504-00056713 tried to create an indian empire but was m0JeqeW0eeE-00215-00056714-00056893 defeated by the first mughal emperor m0JeqeW0eeE-00216-00056894-00057169 babur at kan wa the defeat was due to m0JeqeW0eeE-00217-00057170-00057388 betrayal by the tomar king sil hajiyev m0JeqeW0eeE-00218-00057389-00057667 raison after rana Tsongas death there m0JeqeW0eeE-00219-00057669-00057826 was no one who could check the rapid m0JeqeW0eeE-00220-00057827-00058022 expansion of the Mughal Empire during m0JeqeW0eeE-00221-00058023-00058250 Akbar reign most of the Rajput kings m0JeqeW0eeE-00222-00058251-00058450 accepted Mughal suzerainty but the m0JeqeW0eeE-00223-00058451-00058594 rulers of mei-hua Rana m0JeqeW0eeE-00224-00058595-00058850 Oh dicing - and Marwar Rao Chandra Singh m0JeqeW0eeE-00225-00058851-00059038 Rathore refused to have any form of m0JeqeW0eeE-00226-00059039-00059279 alliance with the Mughals to teach the m0JeqeW0eeE-00227-00059279-00059540 Rajput a lesson Akbar attacked Oh dicing m0JeqeW0eeE-00228-00059541-00059747 and killed Rajput commander Jaimal of m0JeqeW0eeE-00229-00059748-00059938 chatter and the citizens of may war in m0JeqeW0eeE-00230-00059939-00060325 large numbers Akbar killed 20 25,000 m0JeqeW0eeE-00231-00060326-00060505 unarmed citizens in Chittor on the m0JeqeW0eeE-00232-00060506-00060676 grounds that they had actively helped in m0JeqeW0eeE-00233-00060677-00060892 the resistance Maharana Pratap took an m0JeqeW0eeE-00234-00060894-00061066 oath to avenge the citizens of Chittor m0JeqeW0eeE-00235-00061067-00061241 he fought the Mughal Empire till his m0JeqeW0eeE-00236-00061241-00061421 death and liberated most of Mei war m0JeqeW0eeE-00237-00061422-00061685 apart from Chittor itself Maharana m0JeqeW0eeE-00238-00061686-00061894 Pratap soon became the most celebrated m0JeqeW0eeE-00239-00061895-00062116 warrior of Rajasthan and became famous m0JeqeW0eeE-00240-00062117-00062350 all over India for his sporadic warfare m0JeqeW0eeE-00241-00062351-00062632 and noble actions according to sadist m0JeqeW0eeE-00242-00062633-00062903 Chandra Rana Pratap ste faience of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00243-00062904-00063151 mighty Mughal Empire almost alone and m0JeqeW0eeE-00244-00063152-00063343 unaided by the other Rajput state m0JeqeW0eeE-00245-00063344-00063631 constitutes a glorious saga of Rajput m0JeqeW0eeE-00246-00063632-00063803 valour and the spirit of self-sacrifice m0JeqeW0eeE-00247-00063804-00064180 for cherished principles Rana Pratap m0JeqeW0eeE-00248-00064181-00064403 smething of sporadic warfare m0JeqeW0eeE-00249-00064404-00064654 later elaborated further by Malik Ambar m0JeqeW0eeE-00250-00064655-00065072 the decani general and by Shivaji Rana m0JeqeW0eeE-00251-00065073-00065317 amar Singh I continued his ancestors war m0JeqeW0eeE-00252-00065319-00065522 against the Mughals under Jehangir he m0JeqeW0eeE-00253-00065523-00065692 repelled the Mughal armies at dewar m0JeqeW0eeE-00254-00065693-00065981 later an expedition was again sent under m0JeqeW0eeE-00255-00065982-00066151 leadership of Prince Khurram which m0JeqeW0eeE-00256-00066152-00066343 caused much damage to life and property m0JeqeW0eeE-00257-00066344-00066607 of may war many temples were destroyed m0JeqeW0eeE-00258-00066608-00066862 several villages were put on fire and m0JeqeW0eeE-00259-00066863-00067051 ladies and children were captured and m0JeqeW0eeE-00260-00067052-00067225 tortured to make amar Singh accept m0JeqeW0eeE-00261-00067226-00067288 surrender m0JeqeW0eeE-00262-00067289-00067468 during Aurangzeb --zz rule Rana Raj m0JeqeW0eeE-00263-00067469-00067691 Singh I and veer durgadas Rathore were m0JeqeW0eeE-00264-00067692-00067823 chief among those who defied the m0JeqeW0eeE-00265-00067824-00068090 intolerant emperor of Delhi they took m0JeqeW0eeE-00266-00068091-00068285 advantage of the era Valley Hills and m0JeqeW0eeE-00267-00068286-00068486 caused heavy damage on the Mughal armies m0JeqeW0eeE-00268-00068487-00068678 that were trying to occupy Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00269-00068679-00068909 after Aurangzeb's death Bahadur Shah the m0JeqeW0eeE-00270-00068910-00069128 first tried to subjugate Rajasthan like m0JeqeW0eeE-00271-00069129-00069307 his ancestors but his plan backfired m0JeqeW0eeE-00272-00069308-00069574 when the three Rajput Rajas of amber who m0JeqeW0eeE-00273-00069575-00069740 died poor and Jodhpur made a joint m0JeqeW0eeE-00274-00069741-00070012 resistance to the Mughals the Rajputs m0JeqeW0eeE-00275-00070013-00070180 first expelled the common dance of m0JeqeW0eeE-00276-00070181-00070393 Jodhpur and baiana and recovered a mare m0JeqeW0eeE-00277-00070394-00070681 by a night attack the next killed syed m0JeqeW0eeE-00278-00070682-00070934 Hussain Khan bara the Commandant of mute m0JeqeW0eeE-00279-00070935-00071176 and many other Mughal officers the m0JeqeW0eeE-00280-00071177-00071344 hauteur Shah the first then in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00281-00071345-00071525 Deccan was forced to patch up a truce m0JeqeW0eeE-00282-00071526-00071851 with the Rajput Rajas over the years the m0JeqeW0eeE-00283-00071852-00072050 Mughals began to have internal disputes m0JeqeW0eeE-00284-00072051-00072229 which greatly distracted them at times m0JeqeW0eeE-00285-00072230-00072518 the Mughal Empire continued to weaken m0JeqeW0eeE-00286-00072519-00072650 and with the decline of the Mughal m0JeqeW0eeE-00287-00072651-00072841 Empire in the late 18th century m0JeqeW0eeE-00288-00072842-00073073 Rajputana came under the influence of m0JeqeW0eeE-00289-00073074-00073351 the Marathas the Marauder Empire which m0JeqeW0eeE-00290-00073352-00073543 had replaced the Mughal Empire as the m0JeqeW0eeE-00291-00073544-00073756 overlord of the subcontinent was finally m0JeqeW0eeE-00292-00073757-00074003 replaced by the British Empire in 1818 m0JeqeW0eeE-00293-00074004-00074350 in the 19th century the Rajput kingdoms m0JeqeW0eeE-00294-00074351-00074500 were exhausted they had been drained m0JeqeW0eeE-00295-00074501-00074696 financially and in manpower after m0JeqeW0eeE-00296-00074697-00074861 continuous Wars and due to heavy m0JeqeW0eeE-00297-00074862-00075080 tributes exacted by the Marauder Empire m0JeqeW0eeE-00298-00075081-00075323 in order to save their kingdoms from m0JeqeW0eeE-00299-00075324-00075568 instability rebellions and banditry the m0JeqeW0eeE-00300-00075569-00075787 Rajput kings concluded treaties with the m0JeqeW0eeE-00301-00075788-00075955 British in the early 19th century m0JeqeW0eeE-00302-00075956-00076207 accepting British suzerainty and control m0JeqeW0eeE-00303-00076208-00076393 over their External Affairs in return m0JeqeW0eeE-00304-00076394-00076999 for internal autonomy m0JeqeW0eeE-00305-00077000-00077460 topic modern m0JeqeW0eeE-00306-00077461-00077705 modern Rajasthan includes most of m0JeqeW0eeE-00307-00077706-00077936 Rajputana which comprises the erstwhile m0JeqeW0eeE-00308-00077937-00078185 19 princely states two chief ships and m0JeqeW0eeE-00309-00078186-00078418 the British district of Admiral wara m0JeqeW0eeE-00310-00078419-00078731 Jaisalmer Marwar Jodhpur Bikaner mei-hua m0JeqeW0eeE-00311-00078732-00079041 Chittorgarh Alwar and in har Jaipur m0JeqeW0eeE-00312-00079042-00079217 were some of the main Rajput princely m0JeqeW0eeE-00313-00079218-00079517 states bharat poor and Dholpur were jot m0JeqeW0eeE-00314-00079518-00079700 princely states whereas tonk was a m0JeqeW0eeE-00315-00079701-00079966 princely state under a muslim nawab m0JeqeW0eeE-00316-00079967-00080249 rajasthan formerly independent kingdoms m0JeqeW0eeE-00317-00080250-00080447 created a rich architectural and m0JeqeW0eeE-00318-00080448-00080663 cultural heritage seen even today in m0JeqeW0eeE-00319-00080664-00080882 their numerous forts and palaces Mahal's m0JeqeW0eeE-00320-00080883-00080954 and haveli m0JeqeW0eeE-00321-00080955-00081167 which are enriched by features of Rajput m0JeqeW0eeE-00322-00081168-00081380 and jain architecture the development of m0JeqeW0eeE-00323-00081381-00081585 frescoes in Rajasthan is linked with the m0JeqeW0eeE-00324-00081586-00081710 history of the marwari m0JeqeW0eeE-00325-00081711-00081905 Jodhpur Poli who played a crucial role m0JeqeW0eeE-00326-00081906-00082085 in the economic development of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00327-00082086-00082631 region m0JeqeW0eeE-00328-00082632-00083158 topic geography m0JeqeW0eeE-00329-00083159-00083434 the geographic features of Rajasthan are m0JeqeW0eeE-00330-00083435-00083620 the thar desert and the era Valley range m0JeqeW0eeE-00331-00083621-00083767 which runs through the state from m0JeqeW0eeE-00332-00083768-00083992 Southwest to Northeast almost from one m0JeqeW0eeE-00333-00083993-00084211 end to the other for more than 850 m0JeqeW0eeE-00334-00084212-00084613 kilometers 530 miles Mount Abu lies at m0JeqeW0eeE-00335-00084614-00084760 the southwestern end of the range m0JeqeW0eeE-00336-00084761-00084964 separated from the main ranges by the m0JeqeW0eeE-00337-00084965-00085168 West bondas River although a series of m0JeqeW0eeE-00338-00085169-00085393 broken ridges continues into her yonder m0JeqeW0eeE-00339-00085394-00085557 in the direction of Delhi where it can m0JeqeW0eeE-00340-00085558-00085744 be seen as outcrops in the form of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00341-00085745-00085900 Raisina Hill and the ridges farther m0JeqeW0eeE-00342-00085901-00086182 north about three fifths of Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00343-00086183-00086422 lies northwest of the era Valles leaving m0JeqeW0eeE-00344-00086423-00086581 two fifths on the east and south m0JeqeW0eeE-00345-00086582-00086878 direction the northwestern portion of m0JeqeW0eeE-00346-00086879-00087085 Rajasthan is generally sandy and dry m0JeqeW0eeE-00347-00087086-00087313 most of this region is covered by the m0JeqeW0eeE-00348-00087314-00087523 thar desert which extends into adjoining m0JeqeW0eeE-00349-00087524-00087790 portions of Pakistan the aera Valley m0JeqeW0eeE-00350-00087791-00087988 Range does not intercept the moisture m0JeqeW0eeE-00351-00087989-00088204 giving southwest monsoon winds off the m0JeqeW0eeE-00352-00088205-00088429 Arabian Sea as it lies in a direction m0JeqeW0eeE-00353-00088430-00088615 parallel to that of the coming monsoon m0JeqeW0eeE-00354-00088616-00088825 winds leaving the northwestern region in m0JeqeW0eeE-00355-00088826-00089092 a rain shadow the thar desert is thinly m0JeqeW0eeE-00356-00089093-00089305 populated the town of Jodhpur is the m0JeqeW0eeE-00357-00089306-00089500 largest city in the desert and known as m0JeqeW0eeE-00358-00089501-00089737 the Gateway of thar desert the desert m0JeqeW0eeE-00359-00089738-00089950 has some major districts like Jodhpur m0JeqeW0eeE-00360-00089951-00090286 Jaisalmer Barmer Bikaner and Nagor this m0JeqeW0eeE-00361-00090287-00090514 area is also important defense point of m0JeqeW0eeE-00362-00090515-00090760 view Jodhpur Air Base is India's largest m0JeqeW0eeE-00363-00090761-00091051 Air Base and military BSF bases are also m0JeqeW0eeE-00364-00091052-00091381 situated here a single civil airport is m0JeqeW0eeE-00365-00091382-00091594 also situated in Jodhpur the m0JeqeW0eeE-00366-00091595-00091819 northwestern thorn scrub forests lie in m0JeqeW0eeE-00367-00091820-00091999 a band around the thar desert between m0JeqeW0eeE-00368-00092000-00092230 the desert and the era Valles this m0JeqeW0eeE-00369-00092231-00092437 region receives less than 400 m0JeqeW0eeE-00370-00092438-00092667 millimetres of rain in an average year m0JeqeW0eeE-00371-00092668-00092944 temperatures can sometimes exceed 54 m0JeqeW0eeE-00372-00092945-00093150 degrees Celsius in the summer months or m0JeqeW0eeE-00373-00093151-00093427 129 degrees Fahrenheit and drop below m0JeqeW0eeE-00374-00093428-00093679 freezing in the winter the God War m0JeqeW0eeE-00375-00093680-00093931 Marwar and Cheka Wadi regions lie in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00376-00093932-00094126 thorn scrub forest zone along with the m0JeqeW0eeE-00377-00094127-00094384 city of Jodhpur the loonie River and m0JeqeW0eeE-00378-00094385-00094564 it's tributaries are the major river m0JeqeW0eeE-00379-00094565-00094786 system of God war and Marwar regions m0JeqeW0eeE-00380-00094787-00094954 draining the western slopes of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00381-00094955-00095161 Arabella sand emptying Southwest into m0JeqeW0eeE-00382-00095162-00095319 the great Rann of Kutch wetland in m0JeqeW0eeE-00383-00095320-00095551 neighbouring Gujarat this river is m0JeqeW0eeE-00384-00095552-00095737 saline in the lower reaches and remains m0JeqeW0eeE-00385-00095738-00095974 potable only up to below tarah in Barmer m0JeqeW0eeE-00386-00095975-00096205 district the gagger river which m0JeqeW0eeE-00387-00096206-00096439 originates in Haryana is an intermittent m0JeqeW0eeE-00388-00096440-00096535 stream that disappear m0JeqeW0eeE-00389-00096536-00096712 into the sands of the thar desert in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00390-00096713-00096898 northern corner of the state and a scene m0JeqeW0eeE-00391-00096899-00097084 as a remnant of the primitive sarasvati m0JeqeW0eeE-00392-00097085-00097401 River the aera Valley range in the lands m0JeqeW0eeE-00393-00097402-00097573 to the east and southeast of the range m0JeqeW0eeE-00394-00097574-00097753 are generally more fertile and better m0JeqeW0eeE-00395-00097754-00097999 watered this region is home to the m0JeqeW0eeE-00396-00098000-00098224 Kathiawar gur dry deciduous forests m0JeqeW0eeE-00397-00098225-00098419 ecoregion with tropical dry broadleaf m0JeqeW0eeE-00398-00098420-00098668 forests that include teak acacia and m0JeqeW0eeE-00399-00098669-00098974 other trees the hill eva god region home m0JeqeW0eeE-00400-00098975-00099156 to the cities of Dungarpur and bands m0JeqeW0eeE-00401-00099157-00099388 hora lies in southernmost rajasthan on m0JeqeW0eeE-00402-00099389-00099544 the border with Gujarat and Madhya m0JeqeW0eeE-00403-00099545-00099823 Pradesh with the exception of Mount Abu m0JeqeW0eeE-00404-00099824-00100009 the God is the wettest region in m0JeqeW0eeE-00405-00100010-00100226 Rajasthan and the most heavily forested m0JeqeW0eeE-00406-00100227-00100510 north of the God lies the malar region m0JeqeW0eeE-00407-00100511-00100690 home to the cities of who die poor and m0JeqeW0eeE-00408-00100691-00100978 Chittorgarh the head OT region lies to m0JeqeW0eeE-00409-00100979-00101167 the southeast on the border with Madhya m0JeqeW0eeE-00410-00101168-00101446 Pradesh north of head ot and may whare m0JeqeW0eeE-00411-00101447-00101638 lies the den här region home to the m0JeqeW0eeE-00412-00101639-00101911 state capital of Jaipur mu at the m0JeqeW0eeE-00413-00101912-00102142 easternmost region of Rajasthan borders m0JeqeW0eeE-00414-00102143-00102453 Haryana and Uttar Pradesh eastern and m0JeqeW0eeE-00415-00102454-00102660 southeastern Rajasthan is drained by the m0JeqeW0eeE-00416-00102661-00102903 bondas in Chambal rivers tributaries of m0JeqeW0eeE-00417-00102904-00103203 the Ganges the aera Valley range runs m0JeqeW0eeE-00418-00103204-00103402 across the state from the southwest peak m0JeqeW0eeE-00419-00103403-00103803 guru Shekhar Mount Abu which is 1722 m0JeqeW0eeE-00420-00103804-00104190 metres 5650 feet in height takechi in m0JeqeW0eeE-00421-00104191-00104446 the northeast this range divides the m0JeqeW0eeE-00422-00104447-00104677 state into 60% in the northwest of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00423-00104678-00104991 range and 40% in the southeast the m0JeqeW0eeE-00424-00104992-00105148 northwest tract is sandy and m0JeqeW0eeE-00425-00105149-00105333 unproductive with little water but m0JeqeW0eeE-00426-00105334-00105544 improves gradually from desert land in m0JeqeW0eeE-00427-00105545-00105703 the far west in northwest to m0JeqeW0eeE-00428-00105704-00105919 comparatively fertile inhabitable land m0JeqeW0eeE-00429-00105920-00106189 towards the east the area includes the m0JeqeW0eeE-00430-00106190-00106453 thar desert the southeastern area higher m0JeqeW0eeE-00431-00106454-00106779 in elevation 100 to 350 metres above sea m0JeqeW0eeE-00432-00106780-00106983 level and more fertile has a very m0JeqeW0eeE-00433-00106984-00107221 diversified topography in the south lies m0JeqeW0eeE-00434-00107222-00107458 the hilly tract of mae war in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00435-00107458-00107650 southeast a large area within the m0JeqeW0eeE-00436-00107651-00107839 districts of Kota and Bundy forms a m0JeqeW0eeE-00437-00107840-00108070 table and to the northeast of these m0JeqeW0eeE-00438-00108071-00108301 districts as a rugged region Badlands m0JeqeW0eeE-00439-00108302-00108483 following the line of the Chambal River m0JeqeW0eeE-00440-00108483-00108727 farther north the country levels out the m0JeqeW0eeE-00441-00108728-00108933 flat plains of the northeastern bharat m0JeqeW0eeE-00442-00108934-00109086 port district are part of an alluvial m0JeqeW0eeE-00443-00109088-00109348 basin merda city lies in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00444-00109349-00110013 geographical center of rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00445-00110014-00110570 topic flora and fauna m0JeqeW0eeE-00446-00110571-00110780 though a large percentage of the total m0JeqeW0eeE-00447-00110781-00111014 area is desert with little forest cover m0JeqeW0eeE-00448-00111015-00111248 Rajasthan has a rich and varied flora m0JeqeW0eeE-00449-00111249-00111535 and fauna the natural vegetation is m0JeqeW0eeE-00450-00111536-00111731 classed as northern desert thorn forest m0JeqeW0eeE-00451-00111732-00112100 champion 1936 these occur in small m0JeqeW0eeE-00452-00112101-00112285 clumps scattered in a more or less open m0JeqeW0eeE-00453-00112286-00112583 form the density and size of patches m0JeqeW0eeE-00454-00112583-00112769 increase from west to east following the m0JeqeW0eeE-00455-00112770-00113090 increase in rainfall the desert National m0JeqeW0eeE-00456-00113091-00113279 Park in jaisalmer has spread over an m0JeqeW0eeE-00457-00113280-00113798 area of 3162 square kilometers 1221 m0JeqeW0eeE-00458-00113799-00114050 square miles is an excellent example of m0JeqeW0eeE-00459-00114051-00114251 the ecosystem of the thar desert and its m0JeqeW0eeE-00460-00114252-00114524 diverse fauna seashells and massive m0JeqeW0eeE-00461-00114525-00114713 fossilized tree trunks in this park m0JeqeW0eeE-00462-00114714-00114917 record the geological history of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00463-00114918-00115157 desert the region is a haven for m0JeqeW0eeE-00464-00115158-00115333 migratory and resident birds of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00465-00115334-00115633 desert one can see many Eagles Harriers m0JeqeW0eeE-00466-00115634-00115853 falcons buzzards cholesterol and m0JeqeW0eeE-00467-00115854-00116171 vultures short toed snake Eagles Searcy m0JeqeW0eeE-00468-00116172-00116429 disg a locust tani Eagles Aquila rip axe m0JeqeW0eeE-00469-00116430-00116686 spotted Eagles aqua lake Langa lagertha m0JeqeW0eeE-00470-00116688-00116918 khun's falco Jagger and kestrels are the m0JeqeW0eeE-00471-00116919-00117184 Communists of these the Ranthambore m0JeqeW0eeE-00472-00117185-00117422 National Park located in Sawai Madhopur m0JeqeW0eeE-00473-00117423-00117647 one of the well known tiger reserves in m0JeqeW0eeE-00474-00117648-00117845 the country became a part of project m0JeqeW0eeE-00475-00117846-00118274 tiger in 1973 the dosey hill located in m0JeqeW0eeE-00476-00118275-00118451 the district of Jeonju knew known as m0JeqeW0eeE-00477-00118452-00118664 chavin Rishi's ashram where Chia Wan m0JeqeW0eeE-00478-00118665-00118865 prash was formulated for the first time m0JeqeW0eeE-00479-00118866-00119165 has unique and rare herbs growing the m0JeqeW0eeE-00480-00119166-00119410 sirisha tiger reserve located in Alwar m0JeqeW0eeE-00481-00119411-00119738 district 200 kilometers 120 miles from m0JeqeW0eeE-00482-00119739-00120058 Delhi and 107 kilometers sixty six miles m0JeqeW0eeE-00483-00120059-00120248 from Jaipur covers an area of m0JeqeW0eeE-00484-00120249-00120575 approximately 800 square kilometres 310 m0JeqeW0eeE-00485-00120576-00120854 square miles the area was declared a m0JeqeW0eeE-00486-00120855-00121250 national park in 1979 tall chapter m0JeqeW0eeE-00487-00121251-00121496 sanctuary is a very small sanctuary in m0JeqeW0eeE-00488-00121497-00121751 su-gyeong gar cheroo district 210 m0JeqeW0eeE-00489-00121752-00122048 kilometers 130 miles from Jaipur in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00490-00122049-00122357 Shikata region this sanctuary is home to m0JeqeW0eeE-00491-00122358-00122615 a large population of blackbuck desert m0JeqeW0eeE-00492-00122616-00122825 foxes in the caracal an apex predator m0JeqeW0eeE-00493-00122826-00123080 also known as the desert links can also m0JeqeW0eeE-00494-00123081-00123275 be spotted along with birds such as the m0JeqeW0eeE-00495-00123276-00123539 Partridge and sand grouse the great m0JeqeW0eeE-00496-00123540-00123749 Indian bustard known locally as the goat m0JeqeW0eeE-00497-00123750-00123944 oven and which is a state bird has m0JeqeW0eeE-00498-00123945-00124133 clast is critically endangered since m0JeqeW0eeE-00499-00124133-00124681 2011 m0JeqeW0eeE-00500-00124682-00125356 topic wildlife protection Rajasthan is m0JeqeW0eeE-00501-00125357-00125563 also noted for its national parks and m0JeqeW0eeE-00502-00125564-00125794 wildlife sanctuaries there are four m0JeqeW0eeE-00503-00125795-00126028 National Park and wildlife sanctuaries m0JeqeW0eeE-00504-00126029-00126265 Kayla do National Park of Bharat poor m0JeqeW0eeE-00505-00126266-00126466 sirisha tiger reserve of Alwar m0JeqeW0eeE-00506-00126467-00126667 Ranthambore National Park of Sawai m0JeqeW0eeE-00507-00126668-00126889 Madhopur and desert National Park of m0JeqeW0eeE-00508-00126890-00127177 jaisalmer a national level Institute m0JeqeW0eeE-00509-00127178-00127477 arid forest research institute afri an m0JeqeW0eeE-00510-00127478-00127672 autonomous Institute of the Ministry of m0JeqeW0eeE-00511-00127673-00127897 Forestry is situated in Jodhpur and m0JeqeW0eeE-00512-00127898-00128098 continuously work on desert flora and m0JeqeW0eeE-00513-00128099-00128344 their conservation ranthambore national m0JeqeW0eeE-00514-00128345-00128602 park is seven kilometers from Sawai m0JeqeW0eeE-00515-00128603-00128824 Madhopur railway station it is known m0JeqeW0eeE-00516-00128825-00129046 worldwide for its tiger population and m0JeqeW0eeE-00517-00129047-00129241 is considered by both wilderness lovers m0JeqeW0eeE-00518-00129242-00129411 and photographers as one of the best m0JeqeW0eeE-00519-00129413-00129700 place in India to spot Tigers at one m0JeqeW0eeE-00520-00129701-00129885 point due to poaching and negligence m0JeqeW0eeE-00521-00129886-00130123 Tigers became extinct at sir ishka but m0JeqeW0eeE-00522-00130124-00130338 five Tigers have been relocated there m0JeqeW0eeE-00523-00130339-00130600 prominent among the wildlife sanctuaries m0JeqeW0eeE-00524-00130601-00130831 are Mount Abu sanctuary bends rod gar m0JeqeW0eeE-00525-00130832-00131083 sanctuary Dara sanctuary Jessamine m0JeqeW0eeE-00526-00131084-00131341 sanctuary kumbhalgarh wildlife sanctuary m0JeqeW0eeE-00527-00131342-00131596 Jawahar Sagar sanctuary and Sita Mata m0JeqeW0eeE-00528-00131597-00132238 wildlife sanctuary m0JeqeW0eeE-00529-00132239-00132774 topic communication m0JeqeW0eeE-00530-00132775-00133068 major isp and telecom companies are m0JeqeW0eeE-00531-00133069-00133284 present in rajasthan including Airtel m0JeqeW0eeE-00532-00133285-00133545 data Infosys limited reliance limited m0JeqeW0eeE-00533-00133546-00133932 geo Rai LTE l software technology parks m0JeqeW0eeE-00534-00133933-00134261 of India s TPI Tata telecom and Vodafone m0JeqeW0eeE-00535-00134262-00134547 data Infosys was the first internet m0JeqeW0eeE-00536-00134548-00134799 service provider ISP to bring Internet m0JeqeW0eeE-00537-00134800-00135126 in Rajasthan in April 1999 and Oasis was m0JeqeW0eeE-00538-00135127-00135843 first private mobile telephone company m0JeqeW0eeE-00539-00135844-00136437 topic government and politics m0JeqeW0eeE-00540-00136438-00136698 the politics of Rajasthan has dominated m0JeqeW0eeE-00541-00136699-00136932 mainly by the Bharatiya Janata Party and m0JeqeW0eeE-00542-00136933-00137214 the Indian National Congress the Chief m0JeqeW0eeE-00543-00137215-00137415 Minister serving the second term is m0JeqeW0eeE-00544-00137416-00138058 Vasundhara Raja m0JeqeW0eeE-00545-00138059-00138769 topic administrative divisions Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00546-00138770-00138990 is divided into 33 districts within m0JeqeW0eeE-00547-00138991-00139507 seven divisions m0JeqeW0eeE-00548-00139508-00140214 topic economy rajasthan zi kana me is m0JeqeW0eeE-00549-00140215-00140487 primarily agricultural and pastoral weed m0JeqeW0eeE-00550-00140488-00140683 and barley are cultivated over large m0JeqeW0eeE-00551-00140684-00140937 areas as are pulses sugarcane and oil m0JeqeW0eeE-00552-00140938-00141225 seeds cotton and tobacco are the states m0JeqeW0eeE-00553-00141226-00141477 cash crops rajasthan is among the m0JeqeW0eeE-00554-00141478-00141687 largest producers of edible oils in m0JeqeW0eeE-00555-00141688-00141888 india and the second largest producer of m0JeqeW0eeE-00556-00141889-00142203 oil seeds rajasthan is also the biggest m0JeqeW0eeE-00557-00142204-00142413 wool producing state in india and the m0JeqeW0eeE-00558-00142414-00142684 main opium producer in consumer there m0JeqeW0eeE-00559-00142685-00142921 are mainly two crop seasons the water m0JeqeW0eeE-00560-00142922-00143115 for irrigation comes from wells and m0JeqeW0eeE-00561-00143116-00143385 tanks the Indira Gandhi canal irrigates m0JeqeW0eeE-00562-00143386-00143664 northwestern rajasthan the main m0JeqeW0eeE-00563-00143665-00143898 industries are mineral based agriculture m0JeqeW0eeE-00564-00143899-00144222 based and textile based Rajasthan as the m0JeqeW0eeE-00565-00144223-00144435 second largest producer of polyester m0JeqeW0eeE-00566-00144436-00144651 fiber in India several prominent m0JeqeW0eeE-00567-00144652-00144856 chemical and engineering companies are m0JeqeW0eeE-00568-00144857-00145072 located in the city of Kota in southern m0JeqeW0eeE-00569-00145073-00145377 Rajasthan Rajasthan is preeminent in m0JeqeW0eeE-00570-00145378-00145587 quarrying and mining in India the Taj m0JeqeW0eeE-00571-00145588-00145779 Mahal was built from the white marble m0JeqeW0eeE-00572-00145780-00145962 which was mined from a town called MEC m0JeqeW0eeE-00573-00145963-00146199 Rana the state is the second largest m0JeqeW0eeE-00574-00146200-00146454 source of cement in India it has rich m0JeqeW0eeE-00575-00146455-00146712 salt deposits at sambar copper mines at m0JeqeW0eeE-00576-00146713-00146976 Katri junju nu and zinc mines at de RIBA m0JeqeW0eeE-00577-00146977-00147196 Zawar mines and ramp Ora a gucchy m0JeqeW0eeE-00578-00147197-00147486 opencast near bull whare dimensional m0JeqeW0eeE-00579-00147487-00147682 stone mining is also undertaken in m0JeqeW0eeE-00580-00147683-00147943 Rajasthan Jodhpur sandstone is mostly m0JeqeW0eeE-00581-00147944-00148156 used in monuments important buildings m0JeqeW0eeE-00582-00148157-00148294 and residential buildings m0JeqeW0eeE-00583-00148295-00148640 this stone is termed as Pat har m0JeqeW0eeE-00584-00148641-00148911 jodhpur leads in handicraft and guar gum m0JeqeW0eeE-00585-00148912-00149262 industry Rajasthan is also a part of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00586-00149263-00149494 Mumbai Delhi industrial corridor is set m0JeqeW0eeE-00587-00149495-00149772 to benefit economically the state gets m0JeqeW0eeE-00588-00149773-00150102 39% of the DM IC with major districts of m0JeqeW0eeE-00589-00150103-00150319 Jaipur Alwar Kota and bull whare m0JeqeW0eeE-00590-00150320-00150631 benefitting crude oil and mineral stones m0JeqeW0eeE-00591-00150632-00150924 Rajasthan is earning 150 million rupees m0JeqeW0eeE-00592-00150925-00151290 approximately 2.5 million dollars per m0JeqeW0eeE-00593-00151291-00151487 day as revenue from the crude oil sector m0JeqeW0eeE-00594-00151488-00151803 this earning is expected to reach 250 m0JeqeW0eeE-00595-00151804-00152073 million rupees per day in 2013 which is m0JeqeW0eeE-00596-00152074-00152308 an increase of 100 million rupees or m0JeqeW0eeE-00597-00152309-00152598 more than 66 percent the Government of m0JeqeW0eeE-00598-00152599-00152799 India has given permission to extract m0JeqeW0eeE-00599-00152800-00152898 300 m0JeqeW0eeE-00600-00152899-00153096 and barrels of crude per day from Barmer m0JeqeW0eeE-00601-00153097-00153435 region which is now 175,000 barrels per m0JeqeW0eeE-00602-00153436-00153675 day once this limit is achieved m0JeqeW0eeE-00603-00153676-00153894 Rajasthan will become a leader in crude m0JeqeW0eeE-00604-00153895-00154194 extraction in country Bombay hai leads m0JeqeW0eeE-00605-00154195-00154443 with a production of 250,000 barrels m0JeqeW0eeE-00606-00154444-00154812 crude per day once the limit of 300,000 m0JeqeW0eeE-00607-00154813-00155013 barrels per day is reached the overall m0JeqeW0eeE-00608-00155014-00155187 production of the country will increase m0JeqeW0eeE-00609-00155188-00155313 by 15% m0JeqeW0eeE-00610-00155314-00155538 caryn India is doing the work of m0JeqeW0eeE-00611-00155539-00155754 exploration and extraction of crude oil m0JeqeW0eeE-00612-00155755-00156132 in Rajasthan Rajasthan also has reserves m0JeqeW0eeE-00613-00156133-00156722 of low silica limestone m0JeqeW0eeE-00614-00156723-00157400 topic agricultural production Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00615-00157401-00157591 is the largest producer of barley m0JeqeW0eeE-00616-00157592-00157832 mustard pearl millet coriander fenugreek m0JeqeW0eeE-00617-00157833-00158075 and guar in India Dhamma saw Mandy in m0JeqeW0eeE-00618-00158076-00158237 Kota district as the Asia's largest m0JeqeW0eeE-00619-00158238-00158558 Mandir market of coriander Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00620-00158559-00158849 produces over 72% of guar of the world m0JeqeW0eeE-00621-00158850-00159218 in 60% of india's barley rajasthan has m0JeqeW0eeE-00622-00159219-00159506 major producer of aloe vera Amla oranges m0JeqeW0eeE-00623-00159507-00159745 leading producer of maize groundnut m0JeqeW0eeE-00624-00159746-00159986 Rajasthan is second in production of m0JeqeW0eeE-00625-00159987-00160251 cumin gram and third in seed spices m0JeqeW0eeE-00626-00160252-00160523 Rajasthan government had initiated olive m0JeqeW0eeE-00627-00160524-00160721 cultivation with technical support from m0JeqeW0eeE-00628-00160722-00160934 Israel the current production of olives m0JeqeW0eeE-00629-00160935-00161212 in the state is around 100 to 110 tons m0JeqeW0eeE-00630-00161213-00161527 annually Rajasthan is India's second m0JeqeW0eeE-00631-00161528-00161795 largest producer of milk Rajasthan has m0JeqeW0eeE-00632-00161796-00161984 thirteen thousand eight hundred dairy m0JeqeW0eeE-00633-00161985-00162599 cooperative societies m0JeqeW0eeE-00634-00162600-00163292 topic transport Rajasthan is connected m0JeqeW0eeE-00635-00163293-00163541 by many National Highways most renowned m0JeqeW0eeE-00636-00163542-00163790 being NH 8 which is India's first four m0JeqeW0eeE-00637-00163791-00164108 to eight lane highway Rajasthan also has m0JeqeW0eeE-00638-00164109-00164324 an intercity surface transport system m0JeqeW0eeE-00639-00164325-00164498 both in terms of railways and bus m0JeqeW0eeE-00640-00164499-00164780 network all chief cities are connected m0JeqeW0eeE-00641-00164781-00165098 by air rail and road air there are six m0JeqeW0eeE-00642-00165099-00165323 main airports at Rajasthan Jaipur m0JeqeW0eeE-00643-00165324-00165548 International Airport Jodhpur Airport m0JeqeW0eeE-00644-00165549-00165737 who died poor Airport and the recently m0JeqeW0eeE-00645-00165738-00165992 started as Marrero Bikaner Airport in m0JeqeW0eeE-00646-00165993-00166241 jaisalmer these airports connect m0JeqeW0eeE-00647-00166242-00166463 Rajasthan with the major cities of India m0JeqeW0eeE-00648-00166464-00166601 such as Delhi and Mumbai m0JeqeW0eeE-00649-00166602-00166886 there is another Airport in Kota but is m0JeqeW0eeE-00650-00166887-00167084 not open for commercial civilian flights m0JeqeW0eeE-00651-00167085-00167531 yet rail Rajasthan disease of India by m0JeqeW0eeE-00652-00167532-00167912 rail Jaipur Kota Admiral Bharat poor m0JeqeW0eeE-00653-00167913-00168188 Bikaner Alwar Abu wrote in to die poor m0JeqeW0eeE-00654-00168189-00168377 are the principal railway stations in m0JeqeW0eeE-00655-00168378-00168635 Rajasthan Kota City is the only m0JeqeW0eeE-00656-00168636-00168833 electrified section served by three m0JeqeW0eeE-00657-00168834-00169055 Rajdhani expresses and trains to all m0JeqeW0eeE-00658-00169056-00169334 major cities of India there is also an m0JeqeW0eeE-00659-00169335-00169550 international railway the Thar Express m0JeqeW0eeE-00660-00169551-00169772 from Jodhpur India to Karachi Pakistan m0JeqeW0eeE-00661-00169773-00170018 however this is not open to foreign m0JeqeW0eeE-00662-00170019-00170300 nationals Road Rajasthan is well m0JeqeW0eeE-00663-00170301-00170468 connected to the main cities of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00664-00170469-00170687 country including Delhi Ahmedabad and m0JeqeW0eeE-00665-00170688-00170894 indoor by state and national highways m0JeqeW0eeE-00666-00170895-00171107 and served by Rajasthan State Road m0JeqeW0eeE-00667-00171108-00171440 Transport Corporation RS RTC and private m0JeqeW0eeE-00668-00171441-00171914 operators now in March 2017 75% of all m0JeqeW0eeE-00669-00171915-00172085 national highways being built in m0JeqeW0eeE-00670-00172086-00172265 Rajasthan according to the Public Works m0JeqeW0eeE-00671-00172266-00172922 Minister of Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00672-00172923-00173462 topic demographics m0JeqeW0eeE-00673-00173463-00173738 according to final results of 2011 m0JeqeW0eeE-00674-00173739-00173996 census of India Rajasthan has a total m0JeqeW0eeE-00675-00173997-00174353 population of 68 million 548 thousand m0JeqeW0eeE-00676-00174354-00174593 four hundred thirty seven the native m0JeqeW0eeE-00677-00174594-00174809 Rajasthani people make up the majority m0JeqeW0eeE-00678-00174810-00175061 of the state's population the state of m0JeqeW0eeE-00679-00175062-00175307 Rajasthan is also populated by Cyndi's m0JeqeW0eeE-00680-00175308-00175490 who came to Rajasthan from Sindh m0JeqeW0eeE-00681-00175491-00175691 province now in Pakistan during the m0JeqeW0eeE-00682-00175692-00176084 India Pakistan separation in 1947 as for m0JeqeW0eeE-00683-00176085-00176294 religion Rajasthan residents are mainly m0JeqeW0eeE-00684-00176295-00176471 Hindus who account for eighty eight m0JeqeW0eeE-00685-00176472-00176624 point four nine percent of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00686-00176625-00176918 population Muslims make up nine point m0JeqeW0eeE-00687-00176919-00177167 zero seven percent Sikhs one point two m0JeqeW0eeE-00688-00177168-00177398 seven percent in James zero point nine m0JeqeW0eeE-00689-00177399-00178040 one percent of the population m0JeqeW0eeE-00690-00178041-00178694 topic language Hindi is the official and m0JeqeW0eeE-00691-00178695-00178871 the most widely spoken language in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00692-00178872-00179111 state ninety point nine seven percent of m0JeqeW0eeE-00693-00179112-00179372 the population as per the 2001 census m0JeqeW0eeE-00694-00179373-00179768 followed by B Healy 4.60% Punjabi two m0JeqeW0eeE-00695-00179769-00179996 point zero one percent and Urdu one m0JeqeW0eeE-00696-00179997-00180239 point one seven percent Rajasthani is m0JeqeW0eeE-00697-00180240-00180431 one of the main spoken languages in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00698-00180432-00180749 state Rajasthani and various rajasthan d m0JeqeW0eeE-00699-00180750-00180944 dialects are counted under Hindi in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00700-00180945-00181280 national census in the 2001 census m0JeqeW0eeE-00701-00181281-00181529 standard Rajasthani had over 18 million m0JeqeW0eeE-00702-00181530-00181739 speakers as well as millions of other m0JeqeW0eeE-00703-00181740-00181991 speakers of Rajasthani dialects such as m0JeqeW0eeE-00704-00181992-00182360 Marwari the language is taught under the m0JeqeW0eeE-00705-00182361-00182528 three language formula our first m0JeqeW0eeE-00706-00182529-00182869 language Hindi second language English m0JeqeW0eeE-00707-00182870-00183248 third language Gujarati Punjabi Sanskrit m0JeqeW0eeE-00708-00183249-00183758 Scindia are due m0JeqeW0eeE-00709-00183759-00184457 topic culture Rajasthan is culturally m0JeqeW0eeE-00710-00184458-00184655 rich and has artistic and cultural m0JeqeW0eeE-00711-00184656-00184832 traditions which reflect the ancient m0JeqeW0eeE-00712-00184833-00185078 Indian way of life there is rich and m0JeqeW0eeE-00713-00185079-00185276 varied folk culture from villages which m0JeqeW0eeE-00714-00185277-00185453 are often depicted as a symbol of the m0JeqeW0eeE-00715-00185454-00185762 state highly cultivated classical music m0JeqeW0eeE-00716-00185763-00185966 and dance with its own distinct style as m0JeqeW0eeE-00717-00185967-00186119 part of the cultural tradition of m0JeqeW0eeE-00718-00186120-00186197 Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00719-00186198-00186419 the music has songs that depict m0JeqeW0eeE-00720-00186420-00186608 day-to-day relationships and chores m0JeqeW0eeE-00721-00186609-00186812 often focused around fetching water from m0JeqeW0eeE-00722-00186813-00187061 wells or ponds Rajasthani cooking was m0JeqeW0eeE-00723-00187062-00187211 influenced by both the warlike m0JeqeW0eeE-00724-00187212-00187406 lifestyles of its inhabitants and the m0JeqeW0eeE-00725-00187407-00187610 availability of ingredients in this arid m0JeqeW0eeE-00726-00187611-00187850 region food that could last for several m0JeqeW0eeE-00727-00187851-00188030 days and could be eaten without heating m0JeqeW0eeE-00728-00188031-00188306 was preferred the scarcity of water and m0JeqeW0eeE-00729-00188307-00188489 fresh green vegetables have all had m0JeqeW0eeE-00730-00188490-00188723 their effect on the cooking it is known m0JeqeW0eeE-00731-00188724-00188918 for its snacks like B canary bhujiya m0JeqeW0eeE-00732-00188919-00189191 other famous dishes include by rickie m0JeqeW0eeE-00733-00189192-00189440 roti millet bread and Lawson ki chutney m0JeqeW0eeE-00734-00189441-00189557 hot garlic paste m0JeqeW0eeE-00735-00189558-00189815 maava kachori Mirchi bada piaggio chewy m0JeqeW0eeE-00736-00189816-00190100 and ever from Jodhpur Alwar komova milk m0JeqeW0eeE-00737-00190101-00190346 cake kadhi kachori from a jammer mal Pao m0JeqeW0eeE-00738-00190347-00190613 is from pushkar dal kachori Kota kachori m0JeqeW0eeE-00739-00190614-00190864 from Kota and Rascals from Bikaner m0JeqeW0eeE-00740-00190865-00191087 originating from the Marwar region of m0JeqeW0eeE-00741-00191088-00191297 the state as the concept marwari big m0JeqeW0eeE-00742-00191298-00191555 Naya or vegetarian restaurants today m0JeqeW0eeE-00743-00191556-00191756 found in many parts of India which offer m0JeqeW0eeE-00744-00191757-00192004 vegetarian food of the marwari people m0JeqeW0eeE-00745-00192005-00192302 daal batty terma is very popular in m0JeqeW0eeE-00746-00192303-00192533 Rajasthan the traditional way to serve m0JeqeW0eeE-00747-00192534-00192737 it is to first coarsely mash the body m0JeqeW0eeE-00748-00192738-00193019 then pour pure ghee on top of it it is m0JeqeW0eeE-00749-00193020-00193226 served with adult lentils and spicy m0JeqeW0eeE-00750-00193227-00193511 garlic chutney also served with besan m0JeqeW0eeE-00751-00193512-00193778 gram flour ki khatti it is commonly m0JeqeW0eeE-00752-00193779-00193982 served at all festivities including m0JeqeW0eeE-00753-00193983-00194204 religious occasions wedding ceremonies m0JeqeW0eeE-00754-00194205-00194453 and birthday parties in Rajasthan dal m0JeqeW0eeE-00755-00194454-00194744 baati churma is a combination of three m0JeqeW0eeE-00756-00194745-00195032 different food items dolt lentils Botti m0JeqeW0eeE-00757-00195033-00195290 and termeh sweet it is a typical m0JeqeW0eeE-00758-00195291-00195605 Rajasthani dish the goomar dance from m0JeqeW0eeE-00759-00195606-00195815 jodhpur Marwar and kalbeliya dance of m0JeqeW0eeE-00760-00195816-00195953 jaisalmer have gained international m0JeqeW0eeE-00761-00195954-00196283 recognition folk music is a large part m0JeqeW0eeE-00762-00196284-00196580 of Rajasthani culture Kath put Lea dopa m0JeqeW0eeE-00763-00196581-00196898 Chong tera Tolley ginder kachori and two m0JeqeW0eeE-00764-00196899-00197135 Jaji are examples of traditional Rajas m0JeqeW0eeE-00765-00197136-00197393 any culture folk songs are commonly m0JeqeW0eeE-00766-00197394-00197612 ballads which relate heroic deeds and m0JeqeW0eeE-00767-00197613-00197831 love stories and religious or devotional m0JeqeW0eeE-00768-00197832-00198053 songs known as bhajans and bandits which m0JeqeW0eeE-00769-00198054-00198215 are often accompanied by musical m0JeqeW0eeE-00770-00198216-00198458 instruments like dholak sitar and sarang m0JeqeW0eeE-00771-00198459-00198766 they are also sung rajasthan is known m0JeqeW0eeE-00772-00198767-00198995 for its traditional colorful art the m0JeqeW0eeE-00773-00198996-00199226 block prints tie and dye prints the garu m0JeqeW0eeE-00774-00199227-00199429 prints sangun her prints and zari m0JeqeW0eeE-00775-00199430-00199643 embroidery our major export products m0JeqeW0eeE-00776-00199644-00199925 from rajasthan handicraft items like m0JeqeW0eeE-00777-00199926-00200159 wooden furniture and crafts carpets and m0JeqeW0eeE-00778-00200160-00200357 blue pottery are commonly found here m0JeqeW0eeE-00779-00200358-00200606 shopping reflects the colorful culture m0JeqeW0eeE-00780-00200607-00200843 Rajasthani clothes have a lot of mirror m0JeqeW0eeE-00781-00200844-00201074 work and embroidery a Rajasthani m0JeqeW0eeE-00782-00201075-00201344 traditional dress for females comprises m0JeqeW0eeE-00783-00201345-00201527 an ankle-length skirt and a short top m0JeqeW0eeE-00784-00201528-00201749 also known as a lehenga or a Chania m0JeqeW0eeE-00785-00201750-00202043 chole a piece of cloth is used to cover m0JeqeW0eeE-00786-00202044-00202232 the head both for protection from heat m0JeqeW0eeE-00787-00202233-00202511 and maintenance of modesty Rajasthani m0JeqeW0eeE-00788-00202512-00202709 dresses are usually designed in bright m0JeqeW0eeE-00789-00202710-00203024 colors like blue yellow and orange the m0JeqeW0eeE-00790-00203025-00203213 main religious festivals are dipawali m0JeqeW0eeE-00791-00203214-00203432 Holi gang or Teej m0JeqeW0eeE-00792-00203433-00203699 Goga ji Sridevi Narayan Jandy Makar m0JeqeW0eeE-00793-00203700-00203941 Sankranti and Janmashtami as the main m0JeqeW0eeE-00794-00203942-00204224 religion as Hinduism Rajasthan desert m0JeqeW0eeE-00795-00204225-00204410 festival is held once a year during m0JeqeW0eeE-00796-00204411-00204677 winter dressed in costumes the people of m0JeqeW0eeE-00797-00204678-00204934 the desert dance and sing ballets there m0JeqeW0eeE-00798-00204935-00205151 are fairs with snake charmers puppeteers m0JeqeW0eeE-00799-00205152-00205484 acrobats and folk performers camels play m0JeqeW0eeE-00800-00205485-00206081 a role in this festival m0JeqeW0eeE-00801-00206082-00206602 topic education m0JeqeW0eeE-00802-00206603-00206875 during recent years Rajasthan has worked m0JeqeW0eeE-00803-00206876-00207085 on improving education the state m0JeqeW0eeE-00804-00207086-00207253 government has been making sustained m0JeqeW0eeE-00805-00207254-00207936 efforts to raise the education standard m0JeqeW0eeE-00806-00207937-00208426 topic literacy m0JeqeW0eeE-00807-00208427-00208692 in recent decades the literacy rate of m0JeqeW0eeE-00808-00208694-00208991 Rajasthan has increased significantly in m0JeqeW0eeE-00809-00208992-00209271 1991 the states literacy rate was only m0JeqeW0eeE-00810-00209273-00209535 38 point five five percent fifty four m0JeqeW0eeE-00811-00209536-00209752 point nine nine percent male and twenty m0JeqeW0eeE-00812-00209753-00209935 point four four percent female m0JeqeW0eeE-00813-00209936-00210256 in 2001 the literacy rate increased to m0JeqeW0eeE-00814-00210257-00210498 60 point four one percent seventy five m0JeqeW0eeE-00815-00210500-00210748 point seven zero percent male and forty m0JeqeW0eeE-00816-00210748-00210934 three point eight five percent female m0JeqeW0eeE-00817-00210935-00211159 this was the highest leap in the m0JeqeW0eeE-00818-00211160-00211398 percentage of literacy recorded in India m0JeqeW0eeE-00819-00211400-00211617 the rise in female literacy being twenty m0JeqeW0eeE-00820-00211619-00211871 three percent at the census 2011 m0JeqeW0eeE-00821-00211873-00212146 Rajasthan had a literacy rate of sixty m0JeqeW0eeE-00822-00212146-00212341 seven point zero six percent eighty m0JeqeW0eeE-00823-00212342-00212677 point five one percent male and 52.6 six m0JeqeW0eeE-00824-00212678-00212776 percent female m0JeqeW0eeE-00825-00212777-00213042 although rajasthan literacy rate is m0JeqeW0eeE-00826-00213044-00213292 below the national average of 74 point m0JeqeW0eeE-00827-00213292-00213478 zero four percent and although it's m0JeqeW0eeE-00828-00213479-00213682 female literacy rate is the lowest in m0JeqeW0eeE-00829-00213683-00213862 the country the state has been praised m0JeqeW0eeE-00830-00213863-00214033 for its efforts and achievements in m0JeqeW0eeE-00831-00214034-00214267 raising literacy rates in rural areas of m0JeqeW0eeE-00832-00214267-00214498 rajasthan the literacy rate is seventy m0JeqeW0eeE-00833-00214498-00214723 six point one six percent for males and m0JeqeW0eeE-00834-00214723-00214896 forty five point eight percent for m0JeqeW0eeE-00835-00214898-00215184 females this has been debated across all m0JeqeW0eeE-00836-00215185-00215434 the party level except BJP when the m0JeqeW0eeE-00837-00215435-00215608 governor of Rajasthan set a minimum m0JeqeW0eeE-00838-00215609-00215821 educational qualification for the m0JeqeW0eeE-00839-00215821-00216442 village panchayat elections m0JeqeW0eeE-00840-00216444-00217187 topic schools Rajasthan has 55,000 m0JeqeW0eeE-00841-00217188-00217998 primary and 7400 secondary schools m0JeqeW0eeE-00842-00218000-00218532 topic higher education m0JeqeW0eeE-00843-00218533-00218838 in Rajasthan Kota Sekar Jodhpur our m0JeqeW0eeE-00844-00218839-00219146 major education hubs Kota is known for m0JeqeW0eeE-00845-00219148-00219363 its quality education in preparation for m0JeqeW0eeE-00846-00219364-00219612 competitive exams coaching for medical m0JeqeW0eeE-00847-00219613-00219825 and engineering exams while Jodhpur is m0JeqeW0eeE-00848-00219826-00219992 home to many higher education m0JeqeW0eeE-00849-00219994-00220346 institutions like IIT a IIM s national m0JeqeW0eeE-00850-00220348-00220584 law university sardar patel police m0JeqeW0eeE-00851-00220585-00220821 university National Institute of Fashion m0JeqeW0eeE-00852-00220821-00221123 Technology mbm engineering college etc m0JeqeW0eeE-00853-00221123-00221382 Kota is popularly referred to as m0JeqeW0eeE-00854-00221383-00221721 coaching capital of India other major m0JeqeW0eeE-00855-00221721-00221931 education institutions are Birla m0JeqeW0eeE-00856-00221932-00222111 Institute of Technology and science m0JeqeW0eeE-00857-00222112-00222317 Palani Indian Institute of Technology m0JeqeW0eeE-00858-00222317-00222585 Jodhpur Indian Institute of information m0JeqeW0eeE-00859-00222586-00222669 technology m0JeqeW0eeE-00860-00222669-00222894 Kota Malaviya National Institute of m0JeqeW0eeE-00861-00222894-00223257 Technology Jaipur IIM mood I pour AI IMS m0JeqeW0eeE-00862-00223258-00223683 Jodhpur and LNM IIT Rajasthan has nine m0JeqeW0eeE-00863-00223684-00223971 universities in more than 250 colleges m0JeqeW0eeE-00864-00223971-00224238 there are 41 engineering colleges with m0JeqeW0eeE-00865-00224239-00224529 an annual enrollment of about 11,500 m0JeqeW0eeE-00866-00224530-00224819 students apart from above there are 41 m0JeqeW0eeE-00867-00224821-00225096 private universities like Maharaja Ganga m0JeqeW0eeE-00868-00225096-00225303 Singh University Bikaner Madhav m0JeqeW0eeE-00869-00225304-00225576 University Singhania University MD m0JeqeW0eeE-00870-00225577-00225840 University Jaipur Mayo our University m0JeqeW0eeE-00871-00225841-00226167 Chittorgarh opj S University cheroo Modi m0JeqeW0eeE-00872-00226167-00226371 University of Technology and science m0JeqeW0eeE-00873-00226371-00226587 Lakshman GAR Women's University m0JeqeW0eeE-00874-00226588-00226892 Sekar R & B global university Bikaner m0JeqeW0eeE-00875-00226894-00227241 the state has 23 Polytechnic colleges m0JeqeW0eeE-00876-00227242-00227541 and 152 industrial training institutes m0JeqeW0eeE-00877-00227542-00227837 itís that impart vocational training in m0JeqeW0eeE-00878-00227838-00228150 2009 central university of rajasthan a m0JeqeW0eeE-00879-00228151-00228360 Central University fully funded by m0JeqeW0eeE-00880-00228361-00228582 Government of India came into force near m0JeqeW0eeE-00881-00228583-00228903 ki shankar in Adyar district topic m0JeqeW0eeE-00882-00228904-00229148 tourism rajasthan attracted total forty m0JeqeW0eeE-00883-00229150-00229434 five point nine million domestic and 1.6 m0JeqeW0eeE-00884-00229435-00229707 million foreign tourists in 2017 which m0JeqeW0eeE-00885-00229708-00229863 is the tenth highest in terms of m0JeqeW0eeE-00886-00229864-00230061 domestic visitors and fifth highest in m0JeqeW0eeE-00887-00230062-00230358 foreign tourists the tourism industry in m0JeqeW0eeE-00888-00230359-00230586 rajasthan growing effectively each year m0JeqeW0eeE-00889-00230587-00230757 and becoming one of the major income m0JeqeW0eeE-00890-00230758-00230939 sources for the state government m0JeqeW0eeE-00891-00230940-00231177 rajasthan is home to many splendid m0JeqeW0eeE-00892-00231178-00231366 travel attractions for domestic and m0JeqeW0eeE-00893-00231367-00231609 foreign travelers famously include forts m0JeqeW0eeE-00894-00231610-00231837 and palaces of Jaipur Lakes of who died m0JeqeW0eeE-00895-00231838-00231917 poor temple m0JeqeW0eeE-00896-00231919-00232146 of Raj Samand and Polly sand dunes of m0JeqeW0eeE-00897-00232146-00232392 jaisalmer and bikaner haveli zuv mandawa m0JeqeW0eeE-00898-00232392-00232646 and fatty poor Rajasthan wildlife of m0JeqeW0eeE-00899-00232648-00232866 Sawai Madhopur the scenic beauty of m0JeqeW0eeE-00900-00232867-00233091 Mount Abu tribes of Dungarpur and ban m0JeqeW0eeE-00901-00233092-00233435 swara cattle Farah pushkar Rajasthan is m0JeqeW0eeE-00902-00233436-00233630 famous for its custom culture colors m0JeqeW0eeE-00903-00233631-00233898 majestic forts and palaces folk dances m0JeqeW0eeE-00904-00233898-00234131 and music local festivals local food m0JeqeW0eeE-00905-00234132-00234378 sand dunes carved temples beautiful m0JeqeW0eeE-00906-00234379-00234698 haveli 'z Rajasthan Jaipur Jantar Mantar m0JeqeW0eeE-00907-00234700-00234990 Marion gar fort and stepwell of Jodhpur m0JeqeW0eeE-00908-00234991-00235251 dilwara temples Chittor fort lake palace m0JeqeW0eeE-00909-00235252-00235437 many at your paintings in bundi and m0JeqeW0eeE-00910-00235438-00235646 numerous city palaces and haveli czar m0JeqeW0eeE-00911-00235648-00235827 part of the architectural heritage of m0JeqeW0eeE-00912-00235828-00236166 india jaipur the pink city is noted for m0JeqeW0eeE-00913-00236167-00236321 the ancient houses made of a type of m0JeqeW0eeE-00914-00236323-00236584 sandstone dominated by a pink hue in m0JeqeW0eeE-00915-00236585-00236865 jodhpur maximum houses are painted blue m0JeqeW0eeE-00916-00236866-00237134 a tadmur there is white marble bara dari m0JeqeW0eeE-00917-00237135-00237405 on the a nossa girl ache jain temples m0JeqeW0eeE-00918-00237406-00237594 dot rajasthan from north to south and m0JeqeW0eeE-00919-00237594-00237908 east to west dilwara temples of mount m0JeqeW0eeE-00920-00237909-00238184 abu sri nithya temple of nithya Roenick m0JeqeW0eeE-00921-00238185-00238416 poor temple dedicated to lord Adinath in m0JeqeW0eeE-00922-00238417-00238634 pali district jain temples in the fort m0JeqeW0eeE-00923-00238635-00238851 complexes of Chittor jaisalmer and m0JeqeW0eeE-00924-00238852-00239081 kumbhalgarh low durva jain temples mir m0JeqeW0eeE-00925-00239082-00239328 poor jain temple of sirohi surin mata m0JeqeW0eeE-00926-00239329-00239573 temple cop put lee bond SR and karni m0JeqeW0eeE-00927-00239575-00239769 mata temple of Bikaner and man door of m0JeqeW0eeE-00928-00239769-00239975 jodhpur are some of the best examples m0JeqeW0eeE-00929-00239976-00240260 kala day o national park ranthambore m0JeqeW0eeE-00930-00240261-00240525 national park sirisha tiger reserve tall m0JeqeW0eeE-00931-00240526-00240726 chapter sanctuary are some of the best m0JeqeW0eeE-00932-00240727-00240935 wildlife attractions of Rajasthan for m0JeqeW0eeE-00933-00240936-00241203 every wildlife enthusiasts may our m0JeqeW0eeE-00934-00241204-00241440 festival of Buddha pour teach festival m0JeqeW0eeE-00935-00241441-00241682 and gang or festival in Jaipur desert m0JeqeW0eeE-00936-00241683-00241892 festival of Jodhpur bridge Holi of m0JeqeW0eeE-00937-00241894-00242123 Bharat poor mat see a festival of Alwar m0JeqeW0eeE-00938-00242125-00242388 kite festival of Jodhpur coli at fair in m0JeqeW0eeE-00939-00242389-00242565 Bikaner are some of the not to miss Fair m0JeqeW0eeE-00940-00242566-00243221 and festivals of Rajasthan m0JeqeW0eeE-00941-00243221-00243771 topic see also m0JeqeW0eeE-00942-00243773-00244126 outline of Rajasthan list of people from m0JeqeW0eeE-00943-00244127-00244615 Rajasthan tourism in Rajasthan m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00000-00000068-00000337 what's up guys I'm here to tell you how m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00001-00000338-00000641 to get call of duty mobile so what m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00002-00000642-00000853 you're gonna do is you're gonna go here m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00003-00000855-00001166 to this game loop you're gonna download m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00004-00001167-00001504 this and then you know Dubi Dubi and m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00005-00001505-00001787 then once you're done with that which m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00006-00001788-00002066 let me hit start and then it'll bring m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00007-00002067-00002195 you here you're gonna get all your m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00008-00002196-00002465 logins and all that fun stuff you know m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00009-00002466-00002882 engaging all its downloads but so you're m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00010-00002883-00003074 gonna just wait to that obvious you see m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00011-00003075-00003208 call of duty right there m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00012-00003209-00003575 this is like game loop is like your m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00013-00003576-00003842 platform where you can play like all the m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00014-00003843-00004097 mobile games well pretty much most of m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00015-00004098-00004460 them so I'm just gonna let this download m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00016-00004461-00004868 real quick I'm waiting for October 25th m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00017-00004869-00005077 when modern warfare it's gonna come out m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00018-00005078-00005431 cannot wait for that it's gonna be m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00019-00005432-00005686 streaming all well not all night that m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00020-00005687-00005972 night cuz that would be a Thursday but m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00021-00005973-00007278 that Friday I'll be streaming all night m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00022-00007279-00007489 pretty much that's all you do you're m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00023-00007490-00007735 just gonna install it you see it's m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00024-00007736-00008042 downloading right now so you just wait m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00025-00008043-00008396 until that's done and then you know get m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00026-00008397-00009173 into the game pretty simple as that so m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00027-00009174-00009599 yeah anyways um if you want believe it m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00028-00009600-00009841 call me you know tell me how it is and m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00029-00009842-00010085 if you're ready for modern Wars ready to m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00030-00010086-00010381 come out already like the beta oh my m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00031-00010382-00010646 gosh it was just too fun I couldn't get m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00032-00010647-00010942 off it honestly yeah you just wait until m1bKZM0f9ZQ-00033-00010943-00011252 it downloads and then you're good m3fr2JOxT7y-00000-00000360-00000543 hi hi everyone m3fr2JOxT7y-00001-00000544-00000751 welcome to b ways twice i am shwita m3fr2JOxT7y-00002-00000752-00000950 vandapani i am the community builder at m3fr2JOxT7y-00003-00000951-00001166 bbs twice uh today we are going to m3fr2JOxT7y-00004-00001167-00001374 discuss circular economy and we're gonna m3fr2JOxT7y-00005-00001375-00001558 the topic is circular economy meets m3fr2JOxT7y-00006-00001559-00001798 climate emergency we have emma barlow m3fr2JOxT7y-00007-00001800-00001910 who's the founder of lighthouse m3fr2JOxT7y-00008-00001911-00002151 sustainability who's m3fr2JOxT7y-00009-00002152-00002375 moderating and one of the speakers in m3fr2JOxT7y-00010-00002376-00002671 this webinar emma is going to interview m3fr2JOxT7y-00011-00002672-00002847 chris white who's a circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00012-00002848-00003079 specialist we are also supposed to have m3fr2JOxT7y-00013-00003080-00003247 rebecca griffiths join us who's the m3fr2JOxT7y-00014-00003247-00003503 founder and ceo at premise and uh she m3fr2JOxT7y-00015-00003504-00003686 will uh hopefully she will join us soon m3fr2JOxT7y-00016-00003688-00003790 enough m3fr2JOxT7y-00017-00003792-00003975 we have not been able to catch up with m3fr2JOxT7y-00018-00003976-00004286 her at the moment so uh we receive your m3fr2JOxT7y-00019-00004287-00004622 questions and uh we already passed them m3fr2JOxT7y-00020-00004623-00004775 on to the panelists and speakers so m3fr2JOxT7y-00021-00004776-00004911 please go ahead if you have any more m3fr2JOxT7y-00022-00004912-00005151 questions use the q a section so over to m3fr2JOxT7y-00023-00005152-00005327 you emma m3fr2JOxT7y-00024-00005328-00005527 thanks peter that's great thank you like m3fr2JOxT7y-00025-00005528-00005647 i said we're all waiting for another m3fr2JOxT7y-00026-00005648-00005863 panelist so we could hear from at any m3fr2JOxT7y-00027-00005864-00006079 time some technical trouble but we'll m3fr2JOxT7y-00028-00006080-00006199 carry on m3fr2JOxT7y-00029-00006200-00006478 um i'm really pleased to m3fr2JOxT7y-00030-00006479-00006759 um welcome chris white who's dialing in m3fr2JOxT7y-00031-00006759-00006855 from m3fr2JOxT7y-00032-00006856-00007110 near durban in south africa m3fr2JOxT7y-00033-00007111-00007334 so we've got a you know a nice global m3fr2JOxT7y-00034-00007336-00007643 footprint this morning i'm in the uk in m3fr2JOxT7y-00035-00007644-00007767 [Music] m3fr2JOxT7y-00036-00007768-00007991 the west in the west of the uk and as m3fr2JOxT7y-00037-00007992-00008223 street has said i've hosted quite a few m3fr2JOxT7y-00038-00008224-00008559 of these circular economy webinars now m3fr2JOxT7y-00039-00008560-00008807 so the topic that we're going to cover m3fr2JOxT7y-00040-00008808-00009031 today is one that i'm increasingly m3fr2JOxT7y-00041-00009032-00009351 working on or being asked about which is m3fr2JOxT7y-00042-00009352-00009559 where does circular economy fit m3fr2JOxT7y-00043-00009560-00009655 with m3fr2JOxT7y-00044-00009656-00009878 issues around climate change and net m3fr2JOxT7y-00045-00009879-00010206 zero so quite commonly when we talk m3fr2JOxT7y-00046-00010207-00010431 about net zero or climate change we m3fr2JOxT7y-00047-00010432-00010606 instantly hone in on energy m3fr2JOxT7y-00048-00010607-00010855 and renewables and transport and m3fr2JOxT7y-00049-00010856-00011038 building energy and that sort of thing m3fr2JOxT7y-00050-00011039-00011351 which is all fantastic but we know and m3fr2JOxT7y-00051-00011352-00011551 the element castle foundation have done m3fr2JOxT7y-00052-00011552-00011767 some work on this that we can't reach m3fr2JOxT7y-00053-00011768-00011910 our net zero m3fr2JOxT7y-00054-00011911-00012151 targets or climate neutral or m3fr2JOxT7y-00055-00012152-00012438 any of those targets without embracing a m3fr2JOxT7y-00056-00012439-00012695 circular economy because so much m3fr2JOxT7y-00057-00012696-00012894 of our carbon impact m3fr2JOxT7y-00058-00012895-00013127 uh at a national and a global level is m3fr2JOxT7y-00059-00013128-00013415 tied up in the resources that we use m3fr2JOxT7y-00060-00013416-00013751 and their supply chain etc etc m3fr2JOxT7y-00061-00013752-00013919 so i wanted to touch on this because m3fr2JOxT7y-00062-00013919-00014094 circular economy has traditionally at m3fr2JOxT7y-00063-00014095-00014303 least in my experience come from a waste m3fr2JOxT7y-00064-00014304-00014479 and recycling m3fr2JOxT7y-00065-00014480-00014591 background m3fr2JOxT7y-00066-00014591-00014830 and now it's kind of colliding with with m3fr2JOxT7y-00067-00014831-00015103 this you know big overarching problem m3fr2JOxT7y-00068-00015104-00015255 that we've got m3fr2JOxT7y-00069-00015256-00015422 so i invited m3fr2JOxT7y-00070-00015423-00015686 rebecca and chris to come and give their m3fr2JOxT7y-00071-00015687-00015958 um opinions on this today m3fr2JOxT7y-00072-00015959-00016247 so um i think if we're ready so we're m3fr2JOxT7y-00073-00016247-00016439 going to start off with the poll m3fr2JOxT7y-00074-00016440-00016719 are you able to great um i just want to m3fr2JOxT7y-00075-00016720-00016799 say m3fr2JOxT7y-00076-00016800-00017191 we've got 50 participants which is great m3fr2JOxT7y-00077-00017192-00017327 uh which one do you want to start off m3fr2JOxT7y-00078-00017328-00017455 with emma m3fr2JOxT7y-00079-00017456-00017639 uh what does circular economy mean to m3fr2JOxT7y-00080-00017640-00017863 you please m3fr2JOxT7y-00081-00017864-00018222 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00082-00018223-00018535 thanks everyone for joining if you could m3fr2JOxT7y-00083-00018536-00018719 break the ice by just helping us out m3fr2JOxT7y-00084-00018720-00019039 with this poll m3fr2JOxT7y-00085-00019040-00019358 it's a single choice m3fr2JOxT7y-00086-00019359-00019743 and i'm just trying to get a view on m3fr2JOxT7y-00087-00019744-00019975 your concept of circular economy because m3fr2JOxT7y-00088-00019976-00020135 i just said mine comes from a waste of m3fr2JOxT7y-00089-00020136-00020358 recycling background so that's my m3fr2JOxT7y-00090-00020359-00020607 perspective chris might have m3fr2JOxT7y-00091-00020608-00020799 a different perspective so i'm just m3fr2JOxT7y-00092-00020800-00021039 interested to know m3fr2JOxT7y-00093-00021040-00021503 what it means to you m3fr2JOxT7y-00094-00021504-00021847 we can't uh we can't participate chris m3fr2JOxT7y-00095-00021848-00022743 unfortunately m3fr2JOxT7y-00096-00022744-00022958 thank you there's results hopefully you m3fr2JOxT7y-00097-00022959-00023175 can all see that m3fr2JOxT7y-00098-00023176-00023286 wow m3fr2JOxT7y-00099-00023287-00023703 we have an educated audience today m3fr2JOxT7y-00100-00023704-00023950 that's interesting to see chris isn't it m3fr2JOxT7y-00101-00023951-00024111 because quite often m3fr2JOxT7y-00102-00024112-00024342 people press the recycling button almost m3fr2JOxT7y-00103-00024343-00024607 without thinking about it m3fr2JOxT7y-00104-00024608-00024742 so um m3fr2JOxT7y-00105-00024743-00024871 the numbers have gone a bit quick but i m3fr2JOxT7y-00106-00024872-00025191 think it was 71 percent m3fr2JOxT7y-00107-00025192-00025367 regenerate it really m3fr2JOxT7y-00108-00025368-00025622 regeneration i can share it again m3fr2JOxT7y-00109-00025623-00025790 could you sorry yeah we'll have a little m3fr2JOxT7y-00110-00025791-00025911 talk about it m3fr2JOxT7y-00111-00025912-00026167 and chris i'd love to see yeah you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00112-00026168-00026351 we'll kick off by um hearing your views m3fr2JOxT7y-00113-00026352-00026599 on the on the poll so i'm really really m3fr2JOxT7y-00114-00026600-00026743 uh m3fr2JOxT7y-00115-00026744-00026879 impressed by that i think that's great m3fr2JOxT7y-00116-00026880-00027102 it's obvious that the audience has got a m3fr2JOxT7y-00117-00027104-00027311 handle on m3fr2JOxT7y-00118-00027312-00027607 what circular economy does mean m3fr2JOxT7y-00119-00027608-00027958 um chris any thoughts on that m3fr2JOxT7y-00120-00027960-00028183 absolutely none of those uh answers are m3fr2JOxT7y-00121-00028183-00028295 wrong m3fr2JOxT7y-00122-00028295-00028590 yeah so it's just one as one is less m3fr2JOxT7y-00123-00028591-00028702 wrong m3fr2JOxT7y-00124-00028704-00028879 um yeah and i think what we need to try m3fr2JOxT7y-00125-00028880-00029127 and do is again move out of that concept m3fr2JOxT7y-00126-00029127-00029358 that that um it's just another buzz word m3fr2JOxT7y-00127-00029360-00029567 for recycling it couldn't be any further m3fr2JOxT7y-00128-00029568-00029718 from the truth m3fr2JOxT7y-00129-00029719-00029990 the circular economy is a multi-sectoral m3fr2JOxT7y-00130-00029991-00030183 multi-participant m3fr2JOxT7y-00131-00030183-00030399 approach in terms of embracing m3fr2JOxT7y-00132-00030400-00030599 different principles that have multiple m3fr2JOxT7y-00133-00030600-00030783 outcomes so when we talk about the m3fr2JOxT7y-00134-00030783-00031046 circular economy we talk about m3fr2JOxT7y-00135-00031047-00031383 agriculture energy water infrastructure m3fr2JOxT7y-00136-00031383-00031583 waste m3fr2JOxT7y-00137-00031583-00031790 health nutrition m3fr2JOxT7y-00138-00031791-00031967 these are all components that form part m3fr2JOxT7y-00139-00031968-00032158 of the circular economy so you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00140-00032160-00032502 often we we just discharge certain m3fr2JOxT7y-00141-00032503-00032655 elements of it that are actually part of m3fr2JOxT7y-00142-00032656-00032743 it so m3fr2JOxT7y-00143-00032744-00033071 a sharing economy um less consumption m3fr2JOxT7y-00144-00033072-00033279 low carbon transitions these are all m3fr2JOxT7y-00145-00033280-00033487 definite pointers towards a circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00146-00033488-00033583 economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00147-00033584-00033783 and often these can be outcomes or m3fr2JOxT7y-00148-00033784-00033967 impacts of the different projects and m3fr2JOxT7y-00149-00033968-00034151 developments and applications that we do m3fr2JOxT7y-00150-00034152-00034327 by the application of circuit economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00151-00034328-00034607 principles m3fr2JOxT7y-00152-00034608-00034799 yeah great so that's brilliant a really m3fr2JOxT7y-00153-00034800-00034999 good summary chris before i even got you m3fr2JOxT7y-00154-00035000-00035374 to introduce yourself as well so um m3fr2JOxT7y-00155-00035375-00035559 yeah no i think you're absolutely right m3fr2JOxT7y-00156-00035560-00035790 it's really all embracing you know i m3fr2JOxT7y-00157-00035791-00036007 sometimes sum it up as it's you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00158-00036008-00036143 it's a it's the next industrial m3fr2JOxT7y-00159-00036144-00036335 revolution so the industrial revolution m3fr2JOxT7y-00160-00036336-00036471 must have looked m3fr2JOxT7y-00161-00036472-00036702 you know big and complicated and m3fr2JOxT7y-00162-00036703-00036855 all-encompassing m3fr2JOxT7y-00163-00036856-00037159 to people in those in those uh in back m3fr2JOxT7y-00164-00037160-00037351 in those days and you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00165-00037352-00037590 and so this will now but the key word m3fr2JOxT7y-00166-00037591-00037751 being regenerative is really important m3fr2JOxT7y-00167-00037752-00037918 that we start using that because that m3fr2JOxT7y-00168-00037919-00038207 wasn't the case uh even five or ten m3fr2JOxT7y-00169-00038208-00038351 years ago we weren't talking about at m3fr2JOxT7y-00170-00038352-00038607 least outside of academic circles m3fr2JOxT7y-00171-00038608-00038807 so chris i'm going to kick off and um m3fr2JOxT7y-00172-00038808-00039023 give you a chance to briefly introduce m3fr2JOxT7y-00173-00039024-00039295 yourself if you don't mind um when did m3fr2JOxT7y-00174-00039296-00039487 you work when did you begin working in m3fr2JOxT7y-00175-00039488-00039623 circularity m3fr2JOxT7y-00176-00039624-00039839 slash sustainability and give us your m3fr2JOxT7y-00177-00039840-00039935 kind of m3fr2JOxT7y-00178-00039936-00040159 uh take on it if you like what's your m3fr2JOxT7y-00179-00040160-00040359 what's your position on sexual economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00180-00040360-00040679 and how do you help people understand it m3fr2JOxT7y-00181-00040680-00041046 my background has come from uh um m3fr2JOxT7y-00182-00041047-00041318 long diverse history um i'm a geologist m3fr2JOxT7y-00183-00041319-00041430 by training m3fr2JOxT7y-00184-00041431-00041623 right um i left university and started m3fr2JOxT7y-00185-00041624-00041902 off my own company um in gis which in m3fr2JOxT7y-00186-00041903-00042079 those days was really an academic tool m3fr2JOxT7y-00187-00042080-00042399 and people said you're an idiot um but m3fr2JOxT7y-00188-00042400-00042662 i did very well um but most of my work m3fr2JOxT7y-00189-00042663-00042815 was done on on the assessment of m3fr2JOxT7y-00190-00042816-00043030 geopotential geo botanical anomalies m3fr2JOxT7y-00191-00043031-00043183 looking at high resolution satellite m3fr2JOxT7y-00192-00043184-00043302 imaging m3fr2JOxT7y-00193-00043303-00043487 and that got me more into the vegetation m3fr2JOxT7y-00194-00043488-00043655 side which got into the environment m3fr2JOxT7y-00195-00043656-00043871 conservation etc m3fr2JOxT7y-00196-00043872-00044015 so i've always been in that sort of m3fr2JOxT7y-00197-00044016-00044127 field m3fr2JOxT7y-00198-00044128-00044399 but i was thrown into it by accident m3fr2JOxT7y-00199-00044400-00044623 in 1999 m3fr2JOxT7y-00200-00044624-00044862 when i was part of the local chamber of m3fr2JOxT7y-00201-00044863-00044967 business m3fr2JOxT7y-00202-00044968-00045167 and we had a problem with the landfill m3fr2JOxT7y-00203-00045168-00045367 site and they said m3fr2JOxT7y-00204-00045368-00045502 please can you do something about it at m3fr2JOxT7y-00205-00045503-00045679 that stage i was the m3fr2JOxT7y-00206-00045680-00045871 head of the environmental forum and city m3fr2JOxT7y-00207-00045872-00046055 affairs development forum m3fr2JOxT7y-00208-00046056-00046190 and the more i started looking into m3fr2JOxT7y-00209-00046191-00046327 waste the more i started to realize and m3fr2JOxT7y-00210-00046328-00046471 understand that you can't look at one m3fr2JOxT7y-00211-00046472-00046671 waste and isolation you also can't look m3fr2JOxT7y-00212-00046672-00047007 at it in terms of only being waste so m3fr2JOxT7y-00213-00047008-00047183 when um you know now that i've gone m3fr2JOxT7y-00214-00047184-00047271 through m3fr2JOxT7y-00215-00047272-00047527 multiple years of this experience and m3fr2JOxT7y-00216-00047528-00047718 i've been doing circular economy from m3fr2JOxT7y-00217-00047719-00047895 since long before it was called circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00218-00047896-00047999 economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00219-00048000-00048302 is to understand the um the life cycle m3fr2JOxT7y-00220-00048303-00048535 analysis perspective of what's going on m3fr2JOxT7y-00221-00048536-00048639 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00222-00048640-00048823 it's the m3fr2JOxT7y-00223-00048824-00048967 the requirement in terms of looking at m3fr2JOxT7y-00224-00048968-00049190 the impact so it's it's a human impact m3fr2JOxT7y-00225-00049191-00049327 it's an environmental impact it's an m3fr2JOxT7y-00226-00049328-00049495 economic impact m3fr2JOxT7y-00227-00049496-00049662 and the circular economy really is about m3fr2JOxT7y-00228-00049663-00049815 taking all of these buzzwords we've m3fr2JOxT7y-00229-00049816-00049911 heard m3fr2JOxT7y-00230-00049912-00050271 um in years gone by so green sustainable m3fr2JOxT7y-00231-00050272-00050502 um we went from cradle to cradle cradle m3fr2JOxT7y-00232-00050503-00050695 to graves m3fr2JOxT7y-00233-00050696-00050886 and now we're going into restorative and m3fr2JOxT7y-00234-00050887-00051086 regenerative yeah m3fr2JOxT7y-00235-00051087-00051302 it's all part of the same thing um but m3fr2JOxT7y-00236-00051303-00051414 what we need to do is we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-00237-00051415-00051654 understand those linkages between those m3fr2JOxT7y-00238-00051655-00051870 different sectors so m3fr2JOxT7y-00239-00051871-00052087 um i was in a chat this morning with the m3fr2JOxT7y-00240-00052088-00052326 western indian ocean island group and m3fr2JOxT7y-00241-00052327-00052550 they're talking about the the plastic m3fr2JOxT7y-00242-00052551-00052671 issue and i'm saying it's not about the m3fr2JOxT7y-00243-00052672-00052815 domestic issue you've got to look at it m3fr2JOxT7y-00244-00052816-00052942 in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00245-00052944-00053126 the impact with regards to m3fr2JOxT7y-00246-00053127-00053454 infrastructure impact um health um m3fr2JOxT7y-00247-00053455-00053711 education these are all parts of that m3fr2JOxT7y-00248-00053712-00053926 that same component and i had to try to m3fr2JOxT7y-00249-00053927-00054103 draw the lines between between them so m3fr2JOxT7y-00250-00054104-00054303 they get to understand those m3fr2JOxT7y-00251-00054304-00054463 so we've got to take this multi-sectoral m3fr2JOxT7y-00252-00054464-00054575 approach and m3fr2JOxT7y-00253-00054576-00054750 i'm in africa so m3fr2JOxT7y-00254-00054751-00054903 yeah we've got our biggest problem a lot m3fr2JOxT7y-00255-00054904-00055087 of the presentations that i give as i m3fr2JOxT7y-00256-00055088-00055230 talk about the problem with circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00257-00055232-00055415 economy is geometry m3fr2JOxT7y-00258-00055416-00055679 and we work in silos and boxes m3fr2JOxT7y-00259-00055679-00055823 right and that's basically how do you m3fr2JOxT7y-00260-00055824-00056038 put a square peg into a round hole but m3fr2JOxT7y-00261-00056039-00056126 uh m3fr2JOxT7y-00262-00056127-00056311 um circularity is about understanding m3fr2JOxT7y-00263-00056312-00056575 those interconnectivities m3fr2JOxT7y-00264-00056576-00056807 great so give us a little couple of m3fr2JOxT7y-00265-00056808-00056966 minutes on what's the african circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00266-00056967-00057207 economy network all about m3fr2JOxT7y-00267-00057208-00057279 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00268-00057279-00057423 ace in the african circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00269-00057424-00057742 network was established in 2016 started m3fr2JOxT7y-00270-00057744-00057935 off as a small npo with a bunch of m3fr2JOxT7y-00271-00057936-00058103 people with the same ideas saying we m3fr2JOxT7y-00272-00058104-00058319 need to take this concept and drive it m3fr2JOxT7y-00273-00058320-00058447 we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-00274-00058448-00058615 look at transitioning africa to a m3fr2JOxT7y-00275-00058616-00058823 circular economy there's such huge m3fr2JOxT7y-00276-00058824-00059071 opportunities to do that m3fr2JOxT7y-00277-00059072-00059359 and it's grown substantially so now the m3fr2JOxT7y-00278-00059360-00059526 the network has m3fr2JOxT7y-00279-00059527-00059903 over 30 african countries involved m3fr2JOxT7y-00280-00059904-00060206 we have over 130 m3fr2JOxT7y-00281-00060207-00060438 country representatives uh chapter leads m3fr2JOxT7y-00282-00060439-00060591 for different countries we have m3fr2JOxT7y-00283-00060591-00060766 different chapters m3fr2JOxT7y-00284-00060767-00060919 so there's a lot of functionality that's m3fr2JOxT7y-00285-00060920-00061063 going across m3fr2JOxT7y-00286-00061064-00061206 across africa m3fr2JOxT7y-00287-00061207-00061382 and to different extents you know we're m3fr2JOxT7y-00288-00061383-00061566 seeing that certain countries are m3fr2JOxT7y-00289-00061567-00061750 leading we're seeing a lot of drive from m3fr2JOxT7y-00290-00061751-00061991 the likes of nigeria kenya m3fr2JOxT7y-00291-00061991-00062150 rwanda m3fr2JOxT7y-00292-00062151-00062254 and m3fr2JOxT7y-00293-00062255-00062375 you know so we're getting different m3fr2JOxT7y-00294-00062376-00062526 drivers but m3fr2JOxT7y-00295-00062527-00062671 circular economy means different things m3fr2JOxT7y-00296-00062672-00062838 to different people because there's m3fr2JOxT7y-00297-00062839-00063038 different pain points wherever you look m3fr2JOxT7y-00298-00063039-00063135 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00299-00063136-00063335 in nigeria for example the biggest pain m3fr2JOxT7y-00300-00063336-00063487 point was the plastic waste issue we m3fr2JOxT7y-00301-00063488-00063775 said okay we understand that but then m3fr2JOxT7y-00302-00063776-00064038 the other issues are energy water and m3fr2JOxT7y-00303-00064039-00064238 massive urban infrastructure issues but m3fr2JOxT7y-00304-00064239-00064366 how did that m3fr2JOxT7y-00305-00064367-00064559 how do those join together and how do m3fr2JOxT7y-00306-00064560-00064735 you look at one problem m3fr2JOxT7y-00307-00064736-00065087 being a solution to another issue m3fr2JOxT7y-00308-00065088-00065238 so we've got to be able to look at m3fr2JOxT7y-00309-00065239-00065487 unpacking all those different components m3fr2JOxT7y-00310-00065488-00065703 but acen has been highly successful we m3fr2JOxT7y-00311-00065704-00065894 evolved from a non-profit organization m3fr2JOxT7y-00312-00065895-00066079 through to a non-profit corporation very m3fr2JOxT7y-00313-00066080-00066223 quickly because we needed the governance m3fr2JOxT7y-00314-00066224-00066447 structures and frameworks m3fr2JOxT7y-00315-00066448-00066615 and that's now evolved even further to m3fr2JOxT7y-00316-00066616-00066791 the async foundation i'm one of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00317-00066792-00067031 co-founders with offices in m3fr2JOxT7y-00318-00067032-00067287 it's based in in rotterdam m3fr2JOxT7y-00319-00067288-00067479 but now we have offices in nigeria south m3fr2JOxT7y-00320-00067480-00067703 africa cameroon ethiopia and we're now m3fr2JOxT7y-00321-00067704-00067959 looking at um at m3fr2JOxT7y-00322-00067960-00068126 kenya as well m3fr2JOxT7y-00323-00068127-00068255 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00324-00068256-00068526 the idea is to bring capacity to looking m3fr2JOxT7y-00325-00068527-00068679 at what the different issues are with m3fr2JOxT7y-00326-00068680-00068894 regards to circularity and how we drive m3fr2JOxT7y-00327-00068895-00069006 that forward m3fr2JOxT7y-00328-00069007-00069159 and educate people and get them to m3fr2JOxT7y-00329-00069160-00069367 understand that that is not just about m3fr2JOxT7y-00330-00069368-00069591 plastics or you know the the recycling m3fr2JOxT7y-00331-00069592-00069703 side of things m3fr2JOxT7y-00332-00069704-00069879 and what the impacts and outcomes are of m3fr2JOxT7y-00333-00069880-00070206 those different components m3fr2JOxT7y-00334-00070207-00070447 that's amazing and i'm so pleased to m3fr2JOxT7y-00335-00070448-00070694 hear how quickly that's expanded because m3fr2JOxT7y-00336-00070695-00070926 i was aware of of the network through m3fr2JOxT7y-00337-00070927-00071111 peter desmond who i who i know from the m3fr2JOxT7y-00338-00071112-00071311 uk m3fr2JOxT7y-00339-00071312-00071487 quite a few years ago and here it's m3fr2JOxT7y-00340-00071488-00071679 small and it was legending and it was m3fr2JOxT7y-00341-00071680-00071894 you know sort of hanging on in there to m3fr2JOxT7y-00342-00071895-00072094 try and get established it sounds like m3fr2JOxT7y-00343-00072095-00072326 it's really you know taken off i'd love m3fr2JOxT7y-00344-00072327-00072494 to hear from anybody m3fr2JOxT7y-00345-00072495-00072750 um in the q a or in the chat who is m3fr2JOxT7y-00346-00072751-00072903 caught you know listening today from m3fr2JOxT7y-00347-00072904-00073119 africa and maybe we can put you in touch m3fr2JOxT7y-00348-00073120-00073287 touch with chris because m3fr2JOxT7y-00349-00073288-00073535 these webinars are also about you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00350-00073536-00073687 networking as well and people quite m3fr2JOxT7y-00351-00073688-00073919 often connect so please do drop us a m3fr2JOxT7y-00352-00073920-00074143 line if either you've got connections in m3fr2JOxT7y-00353-00074144-00074326 africa that you could share m3fr2JOxT7y-00354-00074327-00074535 the network with or you've got questions m3fr2JOxT7y-00355-00074536-00074735 you know quite often we get questions m3fr2JOxT7y-00356-00074736-00074894 about um m3fr2JOxT7y-00357-00074895-00075038 from people who've got operations in m3fr2JOxT7y-00358-00075039-00075175 different countries m3fr2JOxT7y-00359-00075176-00075359 and i think what you touched on there is m3fr2JOxT7y-00360-00075360-00075494 really interesting so people are coming m3fr2JOxT7y-00361-00075495-00075662 at this from different m3fr2JOxT7y-00362-00075663-00075759 points m3fr2JOxT7y-00363-00075760-00075982 so their issue may be plastic or their m3fr2JOxT7y-00364-00075983-00076262 issue maybe water or in africa as lots m3fr2JOxT7y-00365-00076263-00076462 of countries electrical waste is a you m3fr2JOxT7y-00366-00076463-00076679 know really big driver m3fr2JOxT7y-00367-00076680-00076926 so how do we you know encapsulate all m3fr2JOxT7y-00368-00076927-00077103 that and you touched on a couple of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00369-00077104-00077359 terms but you know i've worked in m3fr2JOxT7y-00370-00077360-00077631 waste minimization resource efficiency m3fr2JOxT7y-00371-00077632-00077831 industrial symbiosis you know all these m3fr2JOxT7y-00372-00077832-00077967 things and i think m3fr2JOxT7y-00373-00077968-00078175 it's just important to make everyone m3fr2JOxT7y-00374-00078176-00078359 comfortable with the fact that it's all m3fr2JOxT7y-00375-00078360-00078567 part of the same big puzzle m3fr2JOxT7y-00376-00078568-00078694 you know we're all bringing something to m3fr2JOxT7y-00377-00078695-00078855 the table it's not kind of well we don't m3fr2JOxT7y-00378-00078856-00079047 do water because that's not this you m3fr2JOxT7y-00379-00079048-00079255 know it's all in there i think as soon m3fr2JOxT7y-00380-00079256-00079447 as we get our head around that m3fr2JOxT7y-00381-00079448-00079791 um and not you know not that we have to m3fr2JOxT7y-00382-00079792-00079950 delve into things differently in m3fr2JOxT7y-00383-00079951-00080159 different silos that the better m3fr2JOxT7y-00384-00080160-00080238 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00385-00080239-00080447 that sort of brings me on to the next m3fr2JOxT7y-00386-00080448-00080550 big m3fr2JOxT7y-00387-00080551-00080679 you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00388-00080680-00080926 terminology conundrum m3fr2JOxT7y-00389-00080927-00081206 um which is all things climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-00390-00081207-00081479 carbon neutral and net zero m3fr2JOxT7y-00391-00081480-00081647 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00392-00081648-00081855 chris can you give us your view in m3fr2JOxT7y-00393-00081856-00082159 simple terms the connection you make m3fr2JOxT7y-00394-00082160-00082367 between circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00395-00082368-00082455 and m3fr2JOxT7y-00396-00082456-00082838 our kind of climate goals m3fr2JOxT7y-00397-00082839-00083031 i apologize it's it's yeah it's a m3fr2JOxT7y-00398-00083032-00083231 suitcase suitcase question it's going to m3fr2JOxT7y-00399-00083232-00083479 take a lot of unpacking um because it is m3fr2JOxT7y-00400-00083480-00083759 again it's a multi-sectoral approach and m3fr2JOxT7y-00401-00083760-00084006 you know if one needs to to look at the m3fr2JOxT7y-00402-00084007-00084215 impact of climate change everything is m3fr2JOxT7y-00403-00084216-00084415 linked to carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-00404-00084416-00084735 um which i think is is perhaps wrong um m3fr2JOxT7y-00405-00084736-00084950 it's not just carbon it's uh it's our m3fr2JOxT7y-00406-00084951-00085150 it's our impact in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00407-00085151-00085518 of land use change biodiversity m3fr2JOxT7y-00408-00085519-00085679 and these are all m3fr2JOxT7y-00409-00085680-00085918 issues that that are um m3fr2JOxT7y-00410-00085919-00086071 really um m3fr2JOxT7y-00411-00086072-00086294 putting a strain on on the planet we m3fr2JOxT7y-00412-00086295-00086462 only have one planet m3fr2JOxT7y-00413-00086463-00086599 but when we look at unpacking the m3fr2JOxT7y-00414-00086600-00086735 different sectors m3fr2JOxT7y-00415-00086736-00086894 very few people understand that m3fr2JOxT7y-00416-00086895-00087055 something like water takes a huge amount m3fr2JOxT7y-00417-00087056-00087303 of energy we all live in in cities but m3fr2JOxT7y-00418-00087304-00087438 the water doesn't come from the city the m3fr2JOxT7y-00419-00087439-00087615 water comes from somewhere else m3fr2JOxT7y-00420-00087616-00087775 which means that you need massive m3fr2JOxT7y-00421-00087776-00087982 infrastructure and we need power to m3fr2JOxT7y-00422-00087983-00088238 drive that water to where it's needed m3fr2JOxT7y-00423-00088239-00088391 agriculture is the same thing you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00424-00088392-00088559 there's a huge amount of power that goes m3fr2JOxT7y-00425-00088560-00088743 into agriculture m3fr2JOxT7y-00426-00088744-00088918 and water that goes into agriculture and m3fr2JOxT7y-00427-00088919-00089279 power is energy and energy is is carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-00428-00089280-00089494 so how do we look at systems where we m3fr2JOxT7y-00429-00089495-00089671 become more self-sufficient we start m3fr2JOxT7y-00430-00089672-00089862 looking at renewable resources we start m3fr2JOxT7y-00431-00089863-00089982 looking at m3fr2JOxT7y-00432-00089983-00090231 biomass applications to m3fr2JOxT7y-00433-00090232-00090535 remove our independence on m3fr2JOxT7y-00434-00090536-00090671 on carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-00435-00090672-00090894 based fossil fuels m3fr2JOxT7y-00436-00090895-00091023 and there are so many different ways of m3fr2JOxT7y-00437-00091024-00091126 doing that m3fr2JOxT7y-00438-00091127-00091262 the team that i'm working with we're m3fr2JOxT7y-00439-00091263-00091415 busy with a number of different projects m3fr2JOxT7y-00440-00091416-00091679 now to look at driving the the biomass m3fr2JOxT7y-00441-00091680-00091894 energy sector which has huge m3fr2JOxT7y-00442-00091895-00092094 opportunities in terms of driving and m3fr2JOxT7y-00443-00092095-00092247 developing m3fr2JOxT7y-00444-00092248-00092431 sustainable development carbon capture m3fr2JOxT7y-00445-00092432-00092662 carbon sequestration and then providing m3fr2JOxT7y-00446-00092663-00092903 an offset product that m3fr2JOxT7y-00447-00092904-00093167 is has a coal parity offset in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00448-00093168-00093518 energy with 70 to 80 less co2 emissions m3fr2JOxT7y-00449-00093519-00093638 so m3fr2JOxT7y-00450-00093639-00093903 any of those that you try to unpack m3fr2JOxT7y-00451-00093904-00094055 we'll be able to show you the impact of m3fr2JOxT7y-00452-00094056-00094287 carbon the built environment is is m3fr2JOxT7y-00453-00094288-00094438 probably the biggest one so the built m3fr2JOxT7y-00454-00094439-00094743 environment people don't understand um m3fr2JOxT7y-00455-00094744-00094991 often the the impact that has but it is m3fr2JOxT7y-00456-00094992-00095135 well known that the built environment m3fr2JOxT7y-00457-00095136-00095462 contributes 39 of all carbon emissions m3fr2JOxT7y-00458-00095463-00095759 that contribute to global climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-00459-00095760-00095926 and it doesn't matter whether you're m3fr2JOxT7y-00460-00095927-00096262 living in the uk or india or africa m3fr2JOxT7y-00461-00096263-00096559 the reality is the same so we we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-00462-00096560-00096799 look at the embodied energy of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00463-00096800-00096991 buildings we live in as well as the m3fr2JOxT7y-00464-00096992-00097135 energy efficiency of those buildings m3fr2JOxT7y-00465-00097136-00097255 that we live in m3fr2JOxT7y-00466-00097256-00097462 and we've seen changes and often we m3fr2JOxT7y-00467-00097463-00097606 don't understand them but you know we've m3fr2JOxT7y-00468-00097607-00097823 gone from incandescent light bulbs to m3fr2JOxT7y-00469-00097824-00098031 cfls and and now we've realized those m3fr2JOxT7y-00470-00098032-00098150 are poisoning the planet so now we're m3fr2JOxT7y-00471-00098151-00098318 going to leds m3fr2JOxT7y-00472-00098319-00098550 um and now we're looking at m3fr2JOxT7y-00473-00098551-00098799 solar-based led systems which are m3fr2JOxT7y-00474-00098800-00098918 intelligent m3fr2JOxT7y-00475-00098919-00099159 and we're starting to reduce our energy m3fr2JOxT7y-00476-00099160-00099294 usage m3fr2JOxT7y-00477-00099295-00099431 and i think in the uk that's quite m3fr2JOxT7y-00478-00099432-00099559 important at the moment i've seen the m3fr2JOxT7y-00479-00099560-00099759 energy costs going up about four fold in m3fr2JOxT7y-00480-00099760-00099903 the last six months so i think m3fr2JOxT7y-00481-00099904-00100062 everyone's m3fr2JOxT7y-00482-00100063-00100231 feeling over there m3fr2JOxT7y-00483-00100232-00100447 but the the opportunity in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00484-00100448-00100615 energy um m3fr2JOxT7y-00485-00100616-00100838 if you look at the building structure m3fr2JOxT7y-00486-00100839-00101191 we're very much involved with uh um m3fr2JOxT7y-00487-00101192-00101399 conventional construction methodologies m3fr2JOxT7y-00488-00101400-00101623 uh cement and concrete m3fr2JOxT7y-00489-00101624-00101862 uh the cement industry alone contributes m3fr2JOxT7y-00490-00101863-00102103 eight percent of all global emissions um m3fr2JOxT7y-00491-00102104-00102343 towards towards climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-00492-00102344-00102654 um and it's an energy intensive product m3fr2JOxT7y-00493-00102655-00102830 but there are solutions there are m3fr2JOxT7y-00494-00102831-00103023 systems that have been developed m3fr2JOxT7y-00495-00103024-00103215 globally um through the work we're doing m3fr2JOxT7y-00496-00103216-00103351 in south africa we have some of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00497-00103352-00103575 foremost scientists in the world m3fr2JOxT7y-00498-00103576-00103751 developing geopolymers m3fr2JOxT7y-00499-00103752-00103990 which is using waste streams from fly m3fr2JOxT7y-00500-00103991-00104247 ash and mine slag to produce m3fr2JOxT7y-00501-00104248-00104494 alkali cement with 95 lower co2 m3fr2JOxT7y-00502-00104495-00104623 emissions m3fr2JOxT7y-00503-00104624-00104847 so how do you reduce that that co2 that m3fr2JOxT7y-00504-00104848-00105039 embedded co2 m3fr2JOxT7y-00505-00105040-00105351 but then also drive it in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00506-00105352-00105558 the energy efficiency or the thermal m3fr2JOxT7y-00507-00105559-00105775 efficiency of those buildings um to m3fr2JOxT7y-00508-00105776-00106023 ensure that we don't then spend m3fr2JOxT7y-00509-00106024-00106151 for the duration of the life of that m3fr2JOxT7y-00510-00106152-00106358 building 60 to 70 years m3fr2JOxT7y-00511-00106359-00106534 so much money on heating and cooling m3fr2JOxT7y-00512-00106535-00106654 that that m3fr2JOxT7y-00513-00106655-00106815 that building so that's where energy m3fr2JOxT7y-00514-00106816-00107078 efficiency active design passive design m3fr2JOxT7y-00515-00107079-00107302 are all vitally important so m3fr2JOxT7y-00516-00107303-00107471 i can go through every single sector and m3fr2JOxT7y-00517-00107472-00107678 unpack how it links into climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-00518-00107679-00108023 um and i mean that goes from health to m3fr2JOxT7y-00519-00108024-00108439 nutrition to education to um to waste m3fr2JOxT7y-00520-00108440-00108623 and all of those are linked into climate m3fr2JOxT7y-00521-00108624-00108863 change strongly so the circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00522-00108864-00109054 is the solution m3fr2JOxT7y-00523-00109055-00109431 for our battle against climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-00524-00109432-00109631 fabulous soundbite chris remember that m3fr2JOxT7y-00525-00109632-00109815 we'll come back to that at the end m3fr2JOxT7y-00526-00109816-00109990 i i thought something struck me while m3fr2JOxT7y-00527-00109991-00110151 you were talking there m3fr2JOxT7y-00528-00110152-00110334 all of these sectors m3fr2JOxT7y-00529-00110335-00110527 and all the the m3fr2JOxT7y-00530-00110528-00110727 very intelligent individuals working in m3fr2JOxT7y-00531-00110728-00110863 those sectors m3fr2JOxT7y-00532-00110864-00111078 now there's a real challenge here for us m3fr2JOxT7y-00533-00111079-00111343 to share all this learning so if you've m3fr2JOxT7y-00534-00111344-00111534 worked on building design you're an m3fr2JOxT7y-00535-00111535-00111727 architect you know all about building m3fr2JOxT7y-00536-00111728-00112007 standards you're an energy expert m3fr2JOxT7y-00537-00112008-00112247 have you ever made the link you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00538-00112248-00112399 with circular economy and even if you've m3fr2JOxT7y-00539-00112400-00112575 made the link how do you you know how do m3fr2JOxT7y-00540-00112576-00112727 you develop your learning and that sort m3fr2JOxT7y-00541-00112728-00112871 of thing i mean maybe we'll come back to m3fr2JOxT7y-00542-00112872-00113151 that like in in in terms of how m3fr2JOxT7y-00543-00113152-00113286 how we make this happen so i've just m3fr2JOxT7y-00544-00113288-00113527 seen a couple of questions m3fr2JOxT7y-00545-00113528-00113671 come up one of them's about sort of m3fr2JOxT7y-00546-00113672-00113839 strategies but that's something that m3fr2JOxT7y-00547-00113840-00113966 strikes me m3fr2JOxT7y-00548-00113967-00114183 and something that i work on m3fr2JOxT7y-00549-00114183-00114334 personally i've got a passion about it's m3fr2JOxT7y-00550-00114335-00114534 just sharing learning m3fr2JOxT7y-00551-00114535-00114766 because we've all you know we've all m3fr2JOxT7y-00552-00114767-00114886 done things in a certain way because m3fr2JOxT7y-00553-00114888-00115071 that's how our sector does it m3fr2JOxT7y-00554-00115072-00115366 um we've got this big overarching m3fr2JOxT7y-00555-00115367-00115590 elephant in the room now m3fr2JOxT7y-00556-00115591-00115751 so it's almost about like how do you m3fr2JOxT7y-00557-00115752-00115878 point people m3fr2JOxT7y-00558-00115879-00116127 uh to in the right direction but a great m3fr2JOxT7y-00559-00116128-00116302 answer thank you chris really really m3fr2JOxT7y-00560-00116303-00116454 knowledgeable clearly m3fr2JOxT7y-00561-00116455-00116543 um m3fr2JOxT7y-00562-00116544-00116783 so i'm going to jump over just because m3fr2JOxT7y-00563-00116783-00116966 we've mentioned your uh m3fr2JOxT7y-00564-00116967-00117127 calling in from africa there's a m3fr2JOxT7y-00565-00117128-00117271 question here m3fr2JOxT7y-00566-00117272-00117495 um what is and it's a great question m3fr2JOxT7y-00567-00117496-00117758 what is the ngo involvement in circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00568-00117759-00117966 economy in africa m3fr2JOxT7y-00569-00117967-00118271 um opportunities for barriers in europe m3fr2JOxT7y-00570-00118272-00118527 it is in large part thanks to ngos that m3fr2JOxT7y-00571-00118528-00118758 push hard for circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00572-00118759-00118958 related policies that's how you know the m3fr2JOxT7y-00573-00118959-00119143 whole movement got started was from the m3fr2JOxT7y-00574-00119144-00119254 ngo m3fr2JOxT7y-00575-00119255-00119495 how is it in africa chris just give us a m3fr2JOxT7y-00576-00119496-00119663 perspective m3fr2JOxT7y-00577-00119664-00119886 who's pushing the agenda m3fr2JOxT7y-00578-00119888-00120078 very much the same so m3fr2JOxT7y-00579-00120079-00120327 the um issue that we're we're seeing is m3fr2JOxT7y-00580-00120328-00120647 again the um the the slow response of m3fr2JOxT7y-00581-00120648-00120854 government um m3fr2JOxT7y-00582-00120855-00121047 government's about policies it's about m3fr2JOxT7y-00583-00121048-00121278 directives it's about m3fr2JOxT7y-00584-00121279-00121566 legislation um and it takes forever for m3fr2JOxT7y-00585-00121567-00121751 that to change and particularly in m3fr2JOxT7y-00586-00121752-00121863 africa m3fr2JOxT7y-00587-00121864-00122063 so a lot of the big change we have seen m3fr2JOxT7y-00588-00122064-00122358 has been from the uh from the ngo sector m3fr2JOxT7y-00589-00122359-00122686 acen uh specifically is an ngo m3fr2JOxT7y-00590-00122688-00122951 uh the asian foundation as well is also m3fr2JOxT7y-00591-00122952-00123199 an international ngo m3fr2JOxT7y-00592-00123200-00123510 and the push has been from interest m3fr2JOxT7y-00593-00123511-00123766 groups really um we're starting to see a m3fr2JOxT7y-00594-00123767-00123975 drive also with the big global m3fr2JOxT7y-00595-00123976-00124183 corporates who are having to toe the m3fr2JOxT7y-00596-00124183-00124486 line with strict european policies m3fr2JOxT7y-00597-00124488-00124734 and those big corporates often have um m3fr2JOxT7y-00598-00124735-00124943 their footprint in african countries and m3fr2JOxT7y-00599-00124944-00125134 other developing countries m3fr2JOxT7y-00600-00125135-00125358 um and they can't do their own thing in m3fr2JOxT7y-00601-00125359-00125471 that country they've got to follow m3fr2JOxT7y-00602-00125472-00125623 they've got to tow the line of of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00603-00125624-00125823 the mothership m3fr2JOxT7y-00604-00125824-00126063 and they've got to drive those systems m3fr2JOxT7y-00605-00126064-00126271 but we're also seeing that change with m3fr2JOxT7y-00606-00126272-00126478 um if you're trying to export any m3fr2JOxT7y-00607-00126479-00126678 products into europe you need to be m3fr2JOxT7y-00608-00126679-00126854 compliant with with their requirements m3fr2JOxT7y-00609-00126855-00127063 also for carbon and m3fr2JOxT7y-00610-00127064-00127214 circular economy and m3fr2JOxT7y-00611-00127215-00127358 green procurement m3fr2JOxT7y-00612-00127359-00127543 so there's a drive that's been coming m3fr2JOxT7y-00613-00127544-00127734 through there and the ngos have played m3fr2JOxT7y-00614-00127735-00127958 an enormous role um m3fr2JOxT7y-00615-00127959-00128214 i am way too busy with ngos so i'm i'm m3fr2JOxT7y-00616-00128215-00128399 part of uh i chair the case at n m3fr2JOxT7y-00617-00128400-00128558 recycling for on the k z business m3fr2JOxT7y-00618-00128559-00128743 sustainability forum circuit economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00619-00128744-00128902 club for durban m3fr2JOxT7y-00620-00128903-00129078 i'm an advisor on african marine waste m3fr2JOxT7y-00621-00129079-00129414 network um i'm on the institute of waste m3fr2JOxT7y-00622-00129415-00129527 management m3fr2JOxT7y-00623-00129528-00129814 and these are all ngos that are driving m3fr2JOxT7y-00624-00129815-00130175 an agenda so it's useful to have those m3fr2JOxT7y-00625-00130176-00130358 the big issue we're finding and i think m3fr2JOxT7y-00626-00130359-00130534 it's it's important to note that we've m3fr2JOxT7y-00627-00130535-00130710 got to start looking at working together m3fr2JOxT7y-00628-00130711-00130823 because m3fr2JOxT7y-00629-00130824-00131023 people are now trying to grab that space m3fr2JOxT7y-00630-00131024-00131175 in the circular economy space and we're m3fr2JOxT7y-00631-00131176-00131447 starting to see people m3fr2JOxT7y-00632-00131448-00131623 working against each other instead of m3fr2JOxT7y-00633-00131624-00131766 collaborating and circular economy is m3fr2JOxT7y-00634-00131767-00132047 about collaborations but partnerships m3fr2JOxT7y-00635-00132048-00132351 it's about driving the sdgs and sdg 17 m3fr2JOxT7y-00636-00132352-00132519 is partnerships for change and that is m3fr2JOxT7y-00637-00132520-00132735 the biggest opportunity m3fr2JOxT7y-00638-00132736-00132959 no single person no single country no m3fr2JOxT7y-00639-00132960-00133119 single organization can drive this m3fr2JOxT7y-00640-00133120-00133295 agenda by themselves and it's about m3fr2JOxT7y-00641-00133296-00133423 collaboration m3fr2JOxT7y-00642-00133424-00133743 uh cooperation and communication m3fr2JOxT7y-00643-00133744-00134039 great great segue into sdgs chris if m3fr2JOxT7y-00644-00134040-00134223 you're absolutely right you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00645-00134224-00134447 all roads you know lead to the same m3fr2JOxT7y-00646-00134448-00134799 place and i absolutely agree with you we m3fr2JOxT7y-00647-00134800-00135143 we cannot afford to see any level of m3fr2JOxT7y-00648-00135144-00135278 competition m3fr2JOxT7y-00649-00135279-00135366 or m3fr2JOxT7y-00650-00135367-00135631 you know proprietary ownership of things m3fr2JOxT7y-00651-00135632-00135831 or whatever and it's something i'm very m3fr2JOxT7y-00652-00135832-00136023 passionate about that i think you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00653-00136024-00136366 we must share openly it's almost a shame m3fr2JOxT7y-00654-00136367-00136543 that that thought that you know that m3fr2JOxT7y-00655-00136544-00136831 level of effort falls to the ngo sector m3fr2JOxT7y-00656-00136832-00136943 you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00657-00136944-00137214 um but i really liked your point about m3fr2JOxT7y-00658-00137215-00137375 the m3fr2JOxT7y-00659-00137376-00137639 african european connection m3fr2JOxT7y-00660-00137640-00137790 so you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00661-00137791-00137975 talking to the mothership i think that's m3fr2JOxT7y-00662-00137976-00138039 a m3fr2JOxT7y-00663-00138040-00138302 a really good takeaway and that probably m3fr2JOxT7y-00664-00138303-00138454 is the same in other countries as well m3fr2JOxT7y-00665-00138455-00138654 it'd be great if anyone's got any m3fr2JOxT7y-00666-00138655-00138847 examples of that m3fr2JOxT7y-00667-00138848-00139031 um i'm going to take another question m3fr2JOxT7y-00668-00139032-00139287 from from the floor because uh you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00669-00139288-00139471 i want i want people to keep giving us m3fr2JOxT7y-00670-00139472-00139807 as many questions as possible m3fr2JOxT7y-00671-00139808-00139966 what strategies and you mentioned m3fr2JOxT7y-00672-00139967-00140190 government and i've got some opinions on m3fr2JOxT7y-00673-00140191-00140399 on this too what strategies do you m3fr2JOxT7y-00674-00140400-00140543 believe governments need to take in m3fr2JOxT7y-00675-00140544-00140687 order to push a circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00676-00140688-00140799 narrative m3fr2JOxT7y-00677-00140800-00140966 um m3fr2JOxT7y-00678-00140967-00141166 i ask in relation to the current crisis m3fr2JOxT7y-00679-00141167-00141335 seen around the world m3fr2JOxT7y-00680-00141336-00141543 concerning the use of conventional m3fr2JOxT7y-00681-00141544-00141743 resources so m3fr2JOxT7y-00682-00141744-00141959 yeah you touched on the speed of m3fr2JOxT7y-00683-00141960-00142151 legislation there m3fr2JOxT7y-00684-00142152-00142711 what strategies would you advocate chris m3fr2JOxT7y-00685-00142712-00142871 oh you're on mute m3fr2JOxT7y-00686-00142872-00143014 sorry the biggest strategy that we're m3fr2JOxT7y-00687-00143015-00143199 not seeing is we're not seeing m3fr2JOxT7y-00688-00143200-00143519 collaboration across um m3fr2JOxT7y-00689-00143520-00143702 silos and i think that's the biggest m3fr2JOxT7y-00690-00143703-00143959 issue so if you look at south africa as m3fr2JOxT7y-00691-00143960-00144190 a prime example we have um one m3fr2JOxT7y-00692-00144191-00144343 department that is signing all these m3fr2JOxT7y-00693-00144344-00144478 climate agreements so we're signing the m3fr2JOxT7y-00694-00144479-00144687 paris climate agreement we're signing m3fr2JOxT7y-00695-00144688-00144871 unf triple c and we're making all these m3fr2JOxT7y-00696-00144872-00145031 promises and then you have a different m3fr2JOxT7y-00697-00145032-00145207 organization on the energy side which is m3fr2JOxT7y-00698-00145208-00145407 driving the coal agenda m3fr2JOxT7y-00699-00145408-00145743 um which is collapsing and m3fr2JOxT7y-00700-00145744-00145871 and um m3fr2JOxT7y-00701-00145872-00146143 really battling to keep up with demand m3fr2JOxT7y-00702-00146144-00146302 so we've got to look at that transition m3fr2JOxT7y-00703-00146303-00146478 so the issue we're seeing in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00704-00146479-00146654 governments trying to to make this m3fr2JOxT7y-00705-00146655-00146823 change is to look at overarching m3fr2JOxT7y-00706-00146824-00147047 policies that that are m3fr2JOxT7y-00707-00147048-00147151 um m3fr2JOxT7y-00708-00147152-00147335 embracing the principles of circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00709-00147336-00147590 economy across those different sectors m3fr2JOxT7y-00710-00147591-00147854 and and that's not what we're seeing um m3fr2JOxT7y-00711-00147855-00148039 in europe we're definitely seeing it now m3fr2JOxT7y-00712-00148040-00148231 and i think it's taken them 20 years to m3fr2JOxT7y-00713-00148232-00148383 get to understand m3fr2JOxT7y-00714-00148384-00148607 how they bring the policies and m3fr2JOxT7y-00715-00148608-00148790 structures from one component to one m3fr2JOxT7y-00716-00148791-00148966 sector into another m3fr2JOxT7y-00717-00148967-00149151 um we've got a lot to learn in africa m3fr2JOxT7y-00718-00149152-00149302 but we are seeing some really nice m3fr2JOxT7y-00719-00149303-00149495 examples of that so m3fr2JOxT7y-00720-00149496-00149663 there's some great policies coming out m3fr2JOxT7y-00721-00149664-00149854 from from rwanda m3fr2JOxT7y-00722-00149855-00150111 nigeria kenya in terms of driving the m3fr2JOxT7y-00723-00150112-00150311 circular economy focus m3fr2JOxT7y-00724-00150312-00150631 but the link is to create that direct um m3fr2JOxT7y-00725-00150632-00150863 comparison and and draw that into m3fr2JOxT7y-00726-00150864-00150983 bringing in m3fr2JOxT7y-00727-00150984-00151183 how that works with the private sector m3fr2JOxT7y-00728-00151184-00151383 how it works with civil society how it m3fr2JOxT7y-00729-00151384-00151647 works for the knowledge sector m3fr2JOxT7y-00730-00151648-00151814 and and how all those different m3fr2JOxT7y-00731-00151815-00152007 stakeholders work together m3fr2JOxT7y-00732-00152008-00152223 to be able to understand that a policy m3fr2JOxT7y-00733-00152224-00152575 is not just a system of um thou shalt do m3fr2JOxT7y-00734-00152576-00152702 this m3fr2JOxT7y-00735-00152703-00152871 it needs to be implemented it needs to m3fr2JOxT7y-00736-00152872-00153095 be monitored it needs to be audited it m3fr2JOxT7y-00737-00153096-00153375 needs to be adapted over time m3fr2JOxT7y-00738-00153376-00153543 and that's often the problem m3fr2JOxT7y-00739-00153544-00153807 we see with um with with legislation the m3fr2JOxT7y-00740-00153808-00153999 legislation is too restrictive and it's m3fr2JOxT7y-00741-00154000-00154247 too open to interpretation so m3fr2JOxT7y-00742-00154248-00154399 if you've got a good lawyer it's a lot m3fr2JOxT7y-00743-00154400-00154647 easier to to reinterpret law in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00744-00154648-00154775 your own m3fr2JOxT7y-00745-00154776-00154959 requirement and we see that quite a lot m3fr2JOxT7y-00746-00154960-00155102 in africa as well m3fr2JOxT7y-00747-00155103-00155343 but that requirement in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00748-00155344-00155566 collaboration is important in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00749-00155567-00155783 driving that narrative so we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-00750-00155784-00156071 push that far more m3fr2JOxT7y-00751-00156072-00156319 yeah i agree i agree the legislation m3fr2JOxT7y-00752-00156320-00156471 i've been involved in some of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00753-00156472-00156654 plastic bans work and that sort of thing m3fr2JOxT7y-00754-00156655-00156863 in the uk m3fr2JOxT7y-00755-00156864-00157031 it's frustrating because it it's very m3fr2JOxT7y-00756-00157032-00157254 narrow you know so we went you know went m3fr2JOxT7y-00757-00157255-00157431 ahead and flat and banned a few m3fr2JOxT7y-00758-00157432-00157607 single-use plastic items but they were m3fr2JOxT7y-00759-00157608-00157783 you know the the whole all the work and m3fr2JOxT7y-00760-00157784-00157902 i was involved in pulling some of the m3fr2JOxT7y-00761-00157903-00158175 evidence together was very narrow in its m3fr2JOxT7y-00762-00158176-00158375 range and scope so therefore it didn't m3fr2JOxT7y-00763-00158376-00158614 take in the bigger picture at all and m3fr2JOxT7y-00764-00158615-00158759 people sort of start to see these things m3fr2JOxT7y-00765-00158760-00158895 as a bit token m3fr2JOxT7y-00766-00158896-00159054 so we'll we'll kind of you know we'll m3fr2JOxT7y-00767-00159055-00159214 ban cotton buds but we won't look at m3fr2JOxT7y-00768-00159215-00159487 this bigger much bigger issue you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00769-00159488-00159759 um it's not a criticism because i know m3fr2JOxT7y-00770-00159760-00159951 that's due to the structure and that's m3fr2JOxT7y-00771-00159952-00160135 the way it has to work m3fr2JOxT7y-00772-00160136-00160423 um and also you know the power of m3fr2JOxT7y-00773-00160424-00160647 of um consultation new consultation is m3fr2JOxT7y-00774-00160648-00160847 an amazing thing but it allows the m3fr2JOxT7y-00775-00160848-00161102 strongest lobby to have you know the m3fr2JOxT7y-00776-00161103-00161407 strongest voice so um so yeah i think m3fr2JOxT7y-00777-00161408-00161639 the power of collaboration um and m3fr2JOxT7y-00778-00161640-00161887 remembering sdg 17 is is really m3fr2JOxT7y-00779-00161888-00162183 important it should maybe come first m3fr2JOxT7y-00780-00162184-00162351 you know if you can't do this without m3fr2JOxT7y-00781-00162352-00162478 collaboration m3fr2JOxT7y-00782-00162479-00162663 take it off the table m3fr2JOxT7y-00783-00162664-00162926 really interesting that's great so m3fr2JOxT7y-00784-00162927-00163135 i'm going to move back to my questions m3fr2JOxT7y-00785-00163136-00163375 and this is a sort of timing topical m3fr2JOxT7y-00786-00163376-00163559 question m3fr2JOxT7y-00787-00163560-00163759 we've got a big event coming up in m3fr2JOxT7y-00788-00163760-00163943 november and we're lucky to be hosting m3fr2JOxT7y-00789-00163944-00164263 it in glasgow in the uk m3fr2JOxT7y-00790-00164264-00164423 what do you personally think is going to m3fr2JOxT7y-00791-00164424-00164695 happen chris with circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-00792-00164696-00164878 slash climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-00793-00164879-00165054 there has been some rumblings and i m3fr2JOxT7y-00794-00165055-00165214 think adam reid has been done the m3fr2JOxT7y-00795-00165215-00165583 webinar here about how resources aren't m3fr2JOxT7y-00796-00165584-00165751 as much on the agenda maybe as they m3fr2JOxT7y-00797-00165752-00165878 could be m3fr2JOxT7y-00798-00165879-00166063 so how do you see this topic evolving m3fr2JOxT7y-00799-00166064-00166463 over the next couple of months m3fr2JOxT7y-00800-00166464-00166687 i'm actually quite encouraged by some of m3fr2JOxT7y-00801-00166688-00166959 the stuff that i've i've seen through um m3fr2JOxT7y-00802-00166960-00167199 the piccc reports and things that are m3fr2JOxT7y-00803-00167200-00167383 coming through so there's a lot of m3fr2JOxT7y-00804-00167384-00167551 knowledge that is coming behind the m3fr2JOxT7y-00805-00167552-00167719 decisions that that that are coming m3fr2JOxT7y-00806-00167720-00167863 through there's a lot of science behind m3fr2JOxT7y-00807-00167864-00167935 it m3fr2JOxT7y-00808-00167936-00168175 yeah so i think the connection is there m3fr2JOxT7y-00809-00168176-00168390 with the academics and and the and the m3fr2JOxT7y-00810-00168391-00168559 main role players who are going to be in m3fr2JOxT7y-00811-00168560-00168726 glasgow um m3fr2JOxT7y-00812-00168727-00168895 i'm very positive in terms of what m3fr2JOxT7y-00813-00168896-00169295 they're looking at the issue is politics m3fr2JOxT7y-00814-00169296-00169471 and that's always the problem is trying m3fr2JOxT7y-00815-00169472-00169654 to get alignment from a political m3fr2JOxT7y-00816-00169655-00169902 perspective um and and this jealousy m3fr2JOxT7y-00817-00169903-00170143 issue you know so it's like m3fr2JOxT7y-00818-00170144-00170319 america's saying why should i do that if m3fr2JOxT7y-00819-00170320-00170487 china's not doing it but that's not the m3fr2JOxT7y-00820-00170488-00170663 point just damn we'll do it because you m3fr2JOxT7y-00821-00170664-00170823 should be doing it m3fr2JOxT7y-00822-00170824-00170999 um and yet we're also seeing a m3fr2JOxT7y-00823-00171000-00171175 misalignment of policies so we're also m3fr2JOxT7y-00824-00171176-00171366 seeing china saying yes we're absolutely m3fr2JOxT7y-00825-00171367-00171575 we're going to drive um for a zero m3fr2JOxT7y-00826-00171576-00171759 carbon thing by 2060 but they're m3fr2JOxT7y-00827-00171760-00172023 investing billions into coal power m3fr2JOxT7y-00828-00172024-00172287 and investment across africa and asia m3fr2JOxT7y-00829-00172288-00172463 so yeah what they're saying what they do m3fr2JOxT7y-00830-00172464-00172566 are often two different things and m3fr2JOxT7y-00831-00172567-00172854 that's politicians unfortunately um what m3fr2JOxT7y-00832-00172855-00173054 we do need to get out of this and i m3fr2JOxT7y-00833-00173055-00173366 think um there's been a lot of m3fr2JOxT7y-00834-00173367-00173502 uh m3fr2JOxT7y-00835-00173503-00173807 hesitation stumbling over the last 20 m3fr2JOxT7y-00836-00173808-00173895 years m3fr2JOxT7y-00837-00173896-00174054 since kyoto m3fr2JOxT7y-00838-00174055-00174199 in terms of understanding carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-00839-00174200-00174326 financing m3fr2JOxT7y-00840-00174327-00174566 and carbon financing m3fr2JOxT7y-00841-00174567-00174895 really is an opportunity to look at m3fr2JOxT7y-00842-00174896-00175038 a balance between the haves and the m3fr2JOxT7y-00843-00175039-00175207 have-nots nots m3fr2JOxT7y-00844-00175208-00175438 so there are opportunities in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-00845-00175439-00175623 driving the carbon agenda m3fr2JOxT7y-00846-00175624-00175854 where you don't have a resource base but m3fr2JOxT7y-00847-00175855-00176014 you could then borrow off another m3fr2JOxT7y-00848-00176015-00176278 organization or company or country that m3fr2JOxT7y-00849-00176279-00176447 has the resource base to be able to look m3fr2JOxT7y-00850-00176448-00176590 at that balance across the system and m3fr2JOxT7y-00851-00176591-00176726 that's where it's important that we have m3fr2JOxT7y-00852-00176727-00176895 that collaboration m3fr2JOxT7y-00853-00176896-00177014 but we also need to get them to m3fr2JOxT7y-00854-00177015-00177231 understand that it's not just about m3fr2JOxT7y-00855-00177232-00177390 activism it's not about you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00856-00177391-00177543 stomping your foot and saying no more m3fr2JOxT7y-00857-00177544-00177654 call m3fr2JOxT7y-00858-00177655-00177926 the other reality is is that m3fr2JOxT7y-00859-00177927-00178190 we have systems technologies and and m3fr2JOxT7y-00860-00178191-00178390 knowledge now how to make qualified m3fr2JOxT7y-00861-00178391-00178663 power plants carbon neutral and we know m3fr2JOxT7y-00862-00178664-00178814 how to do it m3fr2JOxT7y-00863-00178815-00179014 so how do we implement those systems and m3fr2JOxT7y-00864-00179015-00179295 practices um you know the reality is is m3fr2JOxT7y-00865-00179296-00179438 that getting coal out of the ground is m3fr2JOxT7y-00866-00179439-00179599 actually the dirty part not so much what m3fr2JOxT7y-00867-00179600-00179775 we do with it afterwards but again m3fr2JOxT7y-00868-00179776-00179983 that's about understanding the systems m3fr2JOxT7y-00869-00179984-00180143 and the technologies and the knowledge m3fr2JOxT7y-00870-00180144-00180302 that are out there m3fr2JOxT7y-00871-00180303-00180495 so often it's about getting m3fr2JOxT7y-00872-00180496-00180719 the decision makers out there to embrace m3fr2JOxT7y-00873-00180720-00180887 technology m3fr2JOxT7y-00874-00180888-00181159 we're um pretty clever planet we've m3fr2JOxT7y-00875-00181160-00181326 managed to engineer our way into this m3fr2JOxT7y-00876-00181327-00181447 mess m3fr2JOxT7y-00877-00181448-00181735 and i'm convinced m3fr2JOxT7y-00878-00181736-00182078 so um it's what i'm hoping for is that m3fr2JOxT7y-00879-00182079-00182263 there's a linkage through the these m3fr2JOxT7y-00880-00182264-00182502 latest talks to stabilize m3fr2JOxT7y-00881-00182503-00182678 first of all the carbon markets that we m3fr2JOxT7y-00882-00182679-00182863 understand where we're going from m3fr2JOxT7y-00883-00182864-00183054 we can look to carbon sequestration m3fr2JOxT7y-00884-00183055-00183199 projects with a level of confidence m3fr2JOxT7y-00885-00183200-00183326 which we haven't been able to do for the m3fr2JOxT7y-00886-00183327-00183519 last decade or so m3fr2JOxT7y-00887-00183520-00183735 and get to understand the way forward m3fr2JOxT7y-00888-00183736-00183990 that is also looking at at not only m3fr2JOxT7y-00889-00183991-00184159 multi-sectoral m3fr2JOxT7y-00890-00184160-00184366 but interconnected globally m3fr2JOxT7y-00891-00184367-00184583 so one country cannot do it by itself m3fr2JOxT7y-00892-00184584-00184790 it's got to have its own systems but we m3fr2JOxT7y-00893-00184791-00184951 need to work together so that means m3fr2JOxT7y-00894-00184952-00185135 cross-country collaboration as well and m3fr2JOxT7y-00895-00185136-00185295 that means politicians need to pull m3fr2JOxT7y-00896-00185296-00185551 their watsets out of their rear ends m3fr2JOxT7y-00897-00185552-00185766 and get together and say right how are m3fr2JOxT7y-00898-00185767-00185911 we going to work together to to make m3fr2JOxT7y-00899-00185912-00186166 this change and as i said m3fr2JOxT7y-00900-00186167-00186319 we know how to do it m3fr2JOxT7y-00901-00186320-00186478 the systems and the technology there m3fr2JOxT7y-00902-00186479-00186671 let's just get on with it m3fr2JOxT7y-00903-00186672-00186871 yeah absolutely i had a m3fr2JOxT7y-00904-00186872-00187166 fascinating conversation last week m3fr2JOxT7y-00905-00187167-00187247 with m3fr2JOxT7y-00906-00187248-00187583 really experienced innovation um m3fr2JOxT7y-00907-00187584-00187743 coach i guess you know somebody's worked m3fr2JOxT7y-00908-00187744-00187878 in some really big companies lives in m3fr2JOxT7y-00909-00187879-00188007 california m3fr2JOxT7y-00910-00188008-00188302 and we were talking about silicon valley m3fr2JOxT7y-00911-00188303-00188559 and i said imagine this m3fr2JOxT7y-00912-00188560-00188759 he's worked his career has gone through m3fr2JOxT7y-00913-00188760-00189007 sort of digitization that era m3fr2JOxT7y-00914-00189008-00189135 and i said m3fr2JOxT7y-00915-00189136-00189335 you know imagine the resources that went m3fr2JOxT7y-00916-00189336-00189607 into silicon valley to move us from m3fr2JOxT7y-00917-00189608-00189799 analog to digital okay basically not m3fr2JOxT7y-00918-00189800-00189966 just silicon valley but every country m3fr2JOxT7y-00919-00189967-00190150 but driven by this enormous kind of m3fr2JOxT7y-00920-00190151-00190407 machine in in in silicon valley and a m3fr2JOxT7y-00921-00190408-00190702 desire and a want and an investment m3fr2JOxT7y-00922-00190703-00190919 i said imagine if we did that you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00923-00190920-00191159 in his eyes just lit up but he said yeah m3fr2JOxT7y-00924-00191160-00191487 he said every company on the planet has m3fr2JOxT7y-00925-00191488-00191790 embraced digitization apart from you m3fr2JOxT7y-00926-00191791-00192031 know a small minority but even if it's a m3fr2JOxT7y-00927-00192032-00192238 mobile phone that you take payments on m3fr2JOxT7y-00928-00192239-00192463 you know you've you've embraced it m3fr2JOxT7y-00929-00192464-00192702 um and so i think you know we talk about m3fr2JOxT7y-00930-00192703-00192887 transformation but i found it really m3fr2JOxT7y-00931-00192888-00193047 useful to actually hook it back onto m3fr2JOxT7y-00932-00193048-00193175 something m3fr2JOxT7y-00933-00193176-00193343 the industrial revolution is too far ago m3fr2JOxT7y-00934-00193344-00193526 people can't remember what it was like m3fr2JOxT7y-00935-00193527-00193711 when we got steam you know m3fr2JOxT7y-00936-00193712-00193911 so but we can remember when we went lots m3fr2JOxT7y-00937-00193912-00194038 of us can remember going from analog to m3fr2JOxT7y-00938-00194039-00194199 digital and particularly if you've run a m3fr2JOxT7y-00939-00194200-00194447 business during that time so i see it m3fr2JOxT7y-00940-00194448-00194654 very much just moving into the next era m3fr2JOxT7y-00941-00194655-00194838 and you have to take it m3fr2JOxT7y-00942-00194839-00195087 um as seriously as you took that so that m3fr2JOxT7y-00943-00195088-00195247 was a fascinating conversation just m3fr2JOxT7y-00944-00195248-00195487 about how do you suddenly gear up so i m3fr2JOxT7y-00945-00195488-00195702 like your point chris about m3fr2JOxT7y-00946-00195703-00195935 you need a confidence base m3fr2JOxT7y-00947-00195936-00196126 of that you need um you know a firm m3fr2JOxT7y-00948-00196127-00196302 foundation and we're a bit rocky at the m3fr2JOxT7y-00949-00196303-00196511 moment we're a bit rocky on finance m3fr2JOxT7y-00950-00196512-00196838 we're a bit rocky on collaboration m3fr2JOxT7y-00951-00196839-00197007 certainly rocky on politics i don't know m3fr2JOxT7y-00952-00197008-00197166 wherever it's gonna solve that but once m3fr2JOxT7y-00953-00197167-00197575 people seem to get a firmer footing m3fr2JOxT7y-00954-00197576-00197799 you know possibly next year we'll start m3fr2JOxT7y-00955-00197800-00197911 to m3fr2JOxT7y-00956-00197912-00197999 really m3fr2JOxT7y-00957-00198000-00198111 see some m3fr2JOxT7y-00958-00198112-00198326 see some transformative things that's m3fr2JOxT7y-00959-00198327-00198526 fabulous thank you for the answer m3fr2JOxT7y-00960-00198527-00198671 wow the questions are coming in thick m3fr2JOxT7y-00961-00198672-00198895 and fast so i'm gonna go over here m3fr2JOxT7y-00962-00198896-00199126 they're much better than my question so m3fr2JOxT7y-00963-00199127-00199231 um m3fr2JOxT7y-00964-00199232-00199390 we have got m3fr2JOxT7y-00965-00199391-00199566 a question here about private sector so m3fr2JOxT7y-00966-00199567-00199711 let's go from government's private m3fr2JOxT7y-00967-00199712-00199959 sector and i have had this question m3fr2JOxT7y-00968-00199960-00200095 quite a lot in the last couple of weeks m3fr2JOxT7y-00969-00200096-00200359 myself since from maria private sectors m3fr2JOxT7y-00970-00200360-00200519 complaining about a lot a lack of m3fr2JOxT7y-00971-00200520-00200654 funding and resources that would help m3fr2JOxT7y-00972-00200655-00200814 them escalate efforts towards circular m3fr2JOxT7y-00973-00200815-00201047 economy eg technology m3fr2JOxT7y-00974-00201048-00201311 needed for recycling plants or whatever m3fr2JOxT7y-00975-00201312-00201463 they're mostly looking for external m3fr2JOxT7y-00976-00201464-00201575 funding m3fr2JOxT7y-00977-00201576-00201799 uh since interest rates within their m3fr2JOxT7y-00978-00201800-00201926 country are very high i'm not sure what m3fr2JOxT7y-00979-00201927-00202087 country you're in here but that's m3fr2JOxT7y-00980-00202088-00202175 probably m3fr2JOxT7y-00981-00202176-00202375 a global issue m3fr2JOxT7y-00982-00202376-00202550 how can this challenge be tackled and is m3fr2JOxT7y-00983-00202551-00202711 that a mindset thing chris i'm just m3fr2JOxT7y-00984-00202712-00202887 going to throw that m3fr2JOxT7y-00985-00202888-00203054 on the end so m3fr2JOxT7y-00986-00203055-00203311 private sector asking for funding m3fr2JOxT7y-00987-00203312-00203519 it is a big issue and and you know the m3fr2JOxT7y-00988-00203520-00203711 simple reality if i look at funding a m3fr2JOxT7y-00989-00203712-00203878 lot of the projects that we're doing if m3fr2JOxT7y-00990-00203879-00204071 i was going to the bank and i was saying m3fr2JOxT7y-00991-00204072-00204295 i'm going to invest a million dollars m3fr2JOxT7y-00992-00204296-00204575 into a cookie factory m3fr2JOxT7y-00993-00204576-00204750 it's a lot easier to invest because the m3fr2JOxT7y-00994-00204751-00204927 banker understands what a cookie is they m3fr2JOxT7y-00995-00204928-00205158 understand that people need to eat m3fr2JOxT7y-00996-00205159-00205423 and they understand the system when you m3fr2JOxT7y-00997-00205423-00205598 start talking m3fr2JOxT7y-00998-00205600-00205775 about m3fr2JOxT7y-00999-00205776-00205942 hydrolysis applications through m3fr2JOxT7y-01000-00205944-00206198 dissolution in converting plastic waste m3fr2JOxT7y-01001-00206200-00206519 into high-value fuel systems they go m3fr2JOxT7y-01002-00206519-00206614 blank m3fr2JOxT7y-01003-00206615-00207031 um understandably maybe m3fr2JOxT7y-01004-00207032-00207246 so so there's a there's a technology gap m3fr2JOxT7y-01005-00207248-00207542 um in terms of the the conventional m3fr2JOxT7y-01006-00207544-00207862 financing systems and um and where we're m3fr2JOxT7y-01007-00207863-00208055 coming from yeah as as m3fr2JOxT7y-01008-00208056-00208190 innovators to bring projects to the m3fr2JOxT7y-01009-00208191-00208303 table m3fr2JOxT7y-01010-00208304-00208566 and that is an issue um your recycling m3fr2JOxT7y-01011-00208567-00208855 as uh as maria mentions there is is m3fr2JOxT7y-01012-00208856-00209046 getting better because it's more m3fr2JOxT7y-01013-00209048-00209198 understood what's happening with with m3fr2JOxT7y-01014-00209200-00209327 recycling m3fr2JOxT7y-01015-00209328-00209534 but also recycling has also been shown m3fr2JOxT7y-01016-00209535-00209751 that it's not the silver bullet that m3fr2JOxT7y-01017-00209752-00209951 recycling itself is often not m3fr2JOxT7y-01018-00209952-00210191 economically viable m3fr2JOxT7y-01019-00210192-00210439 so there's risks again so funding them m3fr2JOxT7y-01020-00210440-00210591 is very difficult m3fr2JOxT7y-01021-00210592-00210694 and that's where we need to look at m3fr2JOxT7y-01022-00210696-00210839 understanding all the different m3fr2JOxT7y-01023-00210840-00210998 components from a corporate perspective m3fr2JOxT7y-01024-00211000-00211119 and a government perspective to m3fr2JOxT7y-01025-00211119-00211342 understand the life cycle analysis of m3fr2JOxT7y-01026-00211344-00211575 the benefit of moving this way m3fr2JOxT7y-01027-00211576-00211767 so when you look at moving waste from a m3fr2JOxT7y-01028-00211767-00212087 landfill site into a processing facility m3fr2JOxT7y-01029-00212088-00212215 one should be looking at the fact that m3fr2JOxT7y-01030-00212216-00212471 you are saving on transport that you are m3fr2JOxT7y-01031-00212471-00212671 diverting waste from landfall which is m3fr2JOxT7y-01032-00212671-00212815 saving landfall m3fr2JOxT7y-01033-00212816-00213110 costs and airspace costs m3fr2JOxT7y-01034-00213111-00213382 that you are removing um elements m3fr2JOxT7y-01035-00213383-00213558 harmful to the environment that have m3fr2JOxT7y-01036-00213559-00213727 impacts on our health m3fr2JOxT7y-01037-00213728-00213975 that you are driving um opportunities in m3fr2JOxT7y-01038-00213976-00214263 terms of new skills development that um m3fr2JOxT7y-01039-00214264-00214446 we are looking at new product outputs m3fr2JOxT7y-01040-00214448-00214623 that could potentially m3fr2JOxT7y-01041-00214623-00214887 offset import costs and and m3fr2JOxT7y-01042-00214888-00215055 have a healthy impact on our balance of m3fr2JOxT7y-01043-00215056-00215151 trade m3fr2JOxT7y-01044-00215152-00215303 so we need to understand all those m3fr2JOxT7y-01045-00215304-00215439 impacts and again that's what circular m3fr2JOxT7y-01046-00215440-00215582 economy is all about it's about m3fr2JOxT7y-01047-00215583-00215863 understanding not just the the other the m3fr2JOxT7y-01048-00215864-00216063 piece of toast that's in front of you m3fr2JOxT7y-01049-00216064-00216191 but you know where did the wheat come m3fr2JOxT7y-01050-00216192-00216367 from how do we get the wheat who ground m3fr2JOxT7y-01051-00216367-00216567 the wheat um you know how do we move it m3fr2JOxT7y-01052-00216567-00216742 from a to b who made the bread where's m3fr2JOxT7y-01053-00216744-00216879 the bread made m3fr2JOxT7y-01054-00216880-00217031 all these things are very important in m3fr2JOxT7y-01055-00217032-00217191 terms of understanding the whole life m3fr2JOxT7y-01056-00217192-00217431 cycle analysis so that we start to get m3fr2JOxT7y-01057-00217432-00217639 conventional funders to work with m3fr2JOxT7y-01058-00217640-00217775 governments to understand that and it m3fr2JOxT7y-01059-00217776-00217998 means that we need to look at m3fr2JOxT7y-01060-00218000-00218206 blended financing because m3fr2JOxT7y-01061-00218207-00218358 banks are going to be m3fr2JOxT7y-01062-00218359-00218598 nervous for a long time they always are m3fr2JOxT7y-01063-00218600-00218742 but government needs to stand in in m3fr2JOxT7y-01064-00218744-00218887 terms of the social and the m3fr2JOxT7y-01065-00218888-00219079 environmental benefits and governments m3fr2JOxT7y-01066-00219080-00219303 need to stand in terms of their their m3fr2JOxT7y-01067-00219304-00219534 contribution towards developing a m3fr2JOxT7y-01068-00219535-00219782 sustainable future for their consumers m3fr2JOxT7y-01069-00219783-00220094 and being a responsible provider m3fr2JOxT7y-01070-00220096-00220255 those are all components that allow us m3fr2JOxT7y-01071-00220256-00220463 to start looking at how we fund these m3fr2JOxT7y-01072-00220464-00220575 different things and we're starting to m3fr2JOxT7y-01073-00220576-00220719 see that we're starting to see these m3fr2JOxT7y-01074-00220719-00220871 different funds coming through we're m3fr2JOxT7y-01075-00220871-00221023 starting to see m3fr2JOxT7y-01076-00221023-00221303 a focus on green economy m3fr2JOxT7y-01077-00221304-00221510 and circular economy applications and m3fr2JOxT7y-01078-00221511-00221823 new funding applications coming through m3fr2JOxT7y-01079-00221823-00222119 and even still um organizations moving m3fr2JOxT7y-01080-00222119-00222303 away we're seeing banks saying we're m3fr2JOxT7y-01081-00222304-00222567 going to move away from from coal m3fr2JOxT7y-01082-00222567-00222823 we're going to diversify away from oil m3fr2JOxT7y-01083-00222823-00222927 um m3fr2JOxT7y-01084-00222928-00223087 and that's all fantastic and it sounds m3fr2JOxT7y-01085-00223088-00223303 like it sounds like a great idea but you m3fr2JOxT7y-01086-00223304-00223471 know they're just responding to what m3fr2JOxT7y-01087-00223471-00223663 what's actually happening and and they m3fr2JOxT7y-01088-00223664-00223942 need they need to know that that um m3fr2JOxT7y-01089-00223944-00224134 you know when the guys in the oil fields m3fr2JOxT7y-01090-00224135-00224246 are seeing all these new electric m3fr2JOxT7y-01091-00224248-00224406 vehicles coming through they're sweating m3fr2JOxT7y-01092-00224407-00224671 believe me they're going okay um you m3fr2JOxT7y-01093-00224671-00224887 know we're sitting on a time bomb here m3fr2JOxT7y-01094-00224888-00225071 so it's how you diversify and work m3fr2JOxT7y-01095-00225071-00225239 together and look at understanding those m3fr2JOxT7y-01096-00225240-00225382 things but the funding is always a m3fr2JOxT7y-01097-00225383-00225527 critical issue but believe me there are m3fr2JOxT7y-01098-00225528-00225742 a lot of resources out there m3fr2JOxT7y-01099-00225744-00225879 first thing you do is do your homework m3fr2JOxT7y-01100-00225880-00225998 and trying to find out what the m3fr2JOxT7y-01101-00226000-00226151 different funding opportunities are out m3fr2JOxT7y-01102-00226152-00226294 there m3fr2JOxT7y-01103-00226296-00226423 yeah 100 m3fr2JOxT7y-01104-00226423-00226687 and i really like m3fr2JOxT7y-01105-00226688-00226934 the idea i mean i often when businesses m3fr2JOxT7y-01106-00226935-00227110 do ask me this question regularly in m3fr2JOxT7y-01107-00227111-00227279 fact i've got i've got a thread on m3fr2JOxT7y-01108-00227280-00227455 linkedin so if anyone at the moment on m3fr2JOxT7y-01109-00227456-00227687 this very question so if anyone has got m3fr2JOxT7y-01110-00227688-00227879 any idea about funding m3fr2JOxT7y-01111-00227880-00228087 real funding opportunities then head m3fr2JOxT7y-01112-00228088-00228271 over to my linkedin and put it on if you m3fr2JOxT7y-01113-00228271-00228542 can find the thread um but that's about m3fr2JOxT7y-01114-00228544-00228775 funding right so when you talk about m3fr2JOxT7y-01115-00228776-00229063 external funding but internal funding m3fr2JOxT7y-01116-00229064-00229279 there it you know there is money you m3fr2JOxT7y-01117-00229280-00229446 know that we i've just talked about m3fr2JOxT7y-01118-00229448-00229631 digital you know so we can find money m3fr2JOxT7y-01119-00229632-00229934 for certain things that we want so i m3fr2JOxT7y-01120-00229935-00230110 usually shift this conversation and you m3fr2JOxT7y-01121-00230111-00230255 touched on it a bit there chris the m3fr2JOxT7y-01122-00230256-00230487 priorities you know and what are you m3fr2JOxT7y-01123-00230488-00230639 going to prioritize m3fr2JOxT7y-01124-00230640-00230823 either you can make some savings in your m3fr2JOxT7y-01125-00230823-00231006 own business through circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-01126-00231007-00231255 you know that's quite possibly m3fr2JOxT7y-01127-00231256-00231439 quite possible it's always possible in m3fr2JOxT7y-01128-00231440-00231558 pretty much every business i've ever m3fr2JOxT7y-01129-00231559-00231687 been into m3fr2JOxT7y-01130-00231688-00231855 so i've just worked for the company for m3fr2JOxT7y-01131-00231856-00232006 example and they've m3fr2JOxT7y-01132-00232007-00232158 saved so much on that i know it's been m3fr2JOxT7y-01133-00232159-00232287 covered but they've saved so much on m3fr2JOxT7y-01134-00232288-00232415 their fuel bill they're going to change m3fr2JOxT7y-01135-00232416-00232551 their transport policy they're going to m3fr2JOxT7y-01136-00232552-00232758 fly less they're going to drive less m3fr2JOxT7y-01137-00232759-00232887 with the money they're putting in m3fr2JOxT7y-01138-00232888-00233127 electric charging points now two years m3fr2JOxT7y-01139-00233128-00233303 ago when we talked about it there was no m3fr2JOxT7y-01140-00233304-00233510 budget for electric charge points m3fr2JOxT7y-01141-00233511-00233742 so those that's a tiny example you're m3fr2JOxT7y-01142-00233744-00233910 talking about a couple hundred thousand m3fr2JOxT7y-01143-00233911-00234103 pounds but they've actually just m3fr2JOxT7y-01144-00234104-00234271 internalized that m3fr2JOxT7y-01145-00234271-00234487 but i liked your view more generally m3fr2JOxT7y-01146-00234488-00234815 about health about well-being about food m3fr2JOxT7y-01147-00234816-00234942 systems m3fr2JOxT7y-01148-00234944-00235151 you know um and i think that's really m3fr2JOxT7y-01149-00235152-00235279 important that we look a little bit m3fr2JOxT7y-01150-00235280-00235463 outside the box and we don't just say m3fr2JOxT7y-01151-00235464-00235679 it's a recycling plant you know or it's m3fr2JOxT7y-01152-00235680-00235751 a m3fr2JOxT7y-01153-00235752-00235910 reuse repair m3fr2JOxT7y-01154-00235911-00236063 outfit or whatever m3fr2JOxT7y-01155-00236064-00236198 but um m3fr2JOxT7y-01156-00236200-00236415 massive education challenge for that m3fr2JOxT7y-01157-00236416-00236575 whole sector m3fr2JOxT7y-01158-00236576-00236758 to get their head around like how do you m3fr2JOxT7y-01159-00236759-00236927 put a value on some of those benefits m3fr2JOxT7y-01160-00236928-00237063 but as you've said a couple of times m3fr2JOxT7y-01161-00237064-00237382 chris we know how to do this stuff m3fr2JOxT7y-01162-00237383-00237623 we're not trying to reinvent the moon we m3fr2JOxT7y-01163-00237623-00237775 just need to put the right experts in m3fr2JOxT7y-01164-00237776-00237991 the right place you know connect m3fr2JOxT7y-01165-00237992-00238142 to the right people m3fr2JOxT7y-01166-00238144-00238375 fabulous okay m3fr2JOxT7y-01167-00238376-00238542 rob m3fr2JOxT7y-01168-00238544-00238710 we do a lot of work with businesses m3fr2JOxT7y-01169-00238711-00238919 gonna stick on businesses for a bit m3fr2JOxT7y-01170-00238919-00239175 to identify investigate circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-01171-00239176-00239334 business ideas me too great why don't m3fr2JOxT7y-01172-00239335-00239646 rob uh to help them become comfortable m3fr2JOxT7y-01173-00239648-00239863 with the economic sustainability m3fr2JOxT7y-01174-00239864-00240023 side of things and changing their m3fr2JOxT7y-01175-00240023-00240303 offerings can chris give us any examples m3fr2JOxT7y-01176-00240304-00240398 of m3fr2JOxT7y-01177-00240400-00240575 similar implementation of the business m3fr2JOxT7y-01178-00240576-00240798 models at the ground level in africa m3fr2JOxT7y-01179-00240800-00240982 everyone loves examples chris let's go m3fr2JOxT7y-01180-00240983-00241134 for it what have you been working on m3fr2JOxT7y-01181-00241135-00241455 late uh lately m3fr2JOxT7y-01182-00241456-00241703 we're definitely seeing um a lot of m3fr2JOxT7y-01183-00241704-00241982 applications in terms of uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01184-00241983-00242215 this changing and m3fr2JOxT7y-01185-00242216-00242398 from business perspective for example m3fr2JOxT7y-01186-00242400-00242567 we're seeing a massive push now and m3fr2JOxT7y-01187-00242567-00242846 again as electricity gets more expensive m3fr2JOxT7y-01188-00242848-00242998 suddenly people going hang on a second m3fr2JOxT7y-01189-00243000-00243142 maybe i should be putting in led m3fr2JOxT7y-01190-00243144-00243327 lighting i should be putting in variable m3fr2JOxT7y-01191-00243328-00243542 speed drives i should be looking at how m3fr2JOxT7y-01192-00243544-00243703 i look at my hot water management my m3fr2JOxT7y-01193-00243704-00243927 steam management what do i do with my m3fr2JOxT7y-01194-00243928-00244142 waste energy m3fr2JOxT7y-01195-00244144-00244246 and they start to understand the m3fr2JOxT7y-01196-00244248-00244398 economic value of that and that's m3fr2JOxT7y-01197-00244400-00244710 changing mindsets so the economics are m3fr2JOxT7y-01198-00244711-00244998 often driving that change m3fr2JOxT7y-01199-00245000-00245206 but we are seeing big applications in m3fr2JOxT7y-01200-00245207-00245471 terms of industrial symbiosis um south m3fr2JOxT7y-01201-00245471-00245694 africa is is quite advanced in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-01202-00245696-00246079 that and it's had huge huge impacts m3fr2JOxT7y-01203-00246080-00246319 um but also we're starting to see m3fr2JOxT7y-01204-00246319-00246439 guidance coming through from m3fr2JOxT7y-01205-00246440-00246671 quasi-governmental type organizations so m3fr2JOxT7y-01206-00246671-00246791 in south africa we have the national m3fr2JOxT7y-01207-00246792-00246951 cleaner production center and they look m3fr2JOxT7y-01208-00246952-00247158 at these issues in terms of how you look m3fr2JOxT7y-01209-00247159-00247334 at efficiency m3fr2JOxT7y-01210-00247335-00247519 and that's really about reducing your m3fr2JOxT7y-01211-00247519-00247742 water needs your energy needs reducing m3fr2JOxT7y-01212-00247744-00247903 your waste costs m3fr2JOxT7y-01213-00247904-00248071 and and m3fr2JOxT7y-01214-00248071-00248246 corporates are seeing the benefits of m3fr2JOxT7y-01215-00248248-00248351 that m3fr2JOxT7y-01216-00248352-00248519 and again we need to understand that m3fr2JOxT7y-01217-00248519-00248646 that often m3fr2JOxT7y-01218-00248648-00248903 corporate won't see that conventionally m3fr2JOxT7y-01219-00248904-00249134 and and it's also a lack of skills you m3fr2JOxT7y-01220-00249135-00249303 know we've got every company has now got m3fr2JOxT7y-01221-00249304-00249503 a sustainability manager but m3fr2JOxT7y-01222-00249504-00249646 the number of times i see that the m3fr2JOxT7y-01223-00249648-00249855 sustainability manager has either you m3fr2JOxT7y-01224-00249856-00250023 know been promoted from health and m3fr2JOxT7y-01225-00250023-00250206 safety or from m3fr2JOxT7y-01226-00250207-00250415 um marketing communications and they're m3fr2JOxT7y-01227-00250416-00250598 not really sustainability professionals m3fr2JOxT7y-01228-00250600-00250671 so m3fr2JOxT7y-01229-00250671-00250815 they do business as usual and they're m3fr2JOxT7y-01230-00250816-00250998 trying to sugarcoat things but they m3fr2JOxT7y-01231-00251000-00251158 don't look at it from a helicopter view m3fr2JOxT7y-01232-00251159-00251334 with the outside perspective and m3fr2JOxT7y-01233-00251335-00251527 understand where those losses are in the m3fr2JOxT7y-01234-00251528-00251687 system and that's where you need m3fr2JOxT7y-01235-00251688-00251855 professionals to come in and say right m3fr2JOxT7y-01236-00251856-00252030 you've got a problem here in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-01237-00252031-00252127 your m3fr2JOxT7y-01238-00252128-00252334 uh your input feedstock this is how you m3fr2JOxT7y-01239-00252335-00252471 you're doing the wrong thing in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-01240-00252471-00252719 your management of of your wet waste or m3fr2JOxT7y-01241-00252719-00252887 your dry waste or m3fr2JOxT7y-01242-00252888-00253158 your space um or the resources in terms m3fr2JOxT7y-01243-00253159-00253303 of your energy so there's a lot of m3fr2JOxT7y-01244-00253304-00253455 things that are coming through there and m3fr2JOxT7y-01245-00253456-00253606 more people seeing what the neighbors m3fr2JOxT7y-01246-00253607-00253694 doing m3fr2JOxT7y-01247-00253696-00253839 the more they're saying right we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-01248-00253840-00254030 get involved with that as well yeah m3fr2JOxT7y-01249-00254031-00254239 yeah also at a broader level sort of m3fr2JOxT7y-01250-00254240-00254423 like the stuff we've done recently now m3fr2JOxT7y-01251-00254423-00254655 in uh in nigeria in terms of creating a m3fr2JOxT7y-01252-00254656-00254910 circular economy business platform m3fr2JOxT7y-01253-00254911-00255110 um where we're bringing together those m3fr2JOxT7y-01254-00255111-00255279 different stakeholders and all of a m3fr2JOxT7y-01255-00255280-00255487 sudden they're going hang on a second my m3fr2JOxT7y-01256-00255488-00255615 problem is not just my problem my m3fr2JOxT7y-01257-00255616-00255767 neighbor shares that same problem but m3fr2JOxT7y-01258-00255767-00255942 then my problem might become their m3fr2JOxT7y-01259-00255944-00256151 solution so we're starting to see this m3fr2JOxT7y-01260-00256152-00256358 exchange m3fr2JOxT7y-01261-00256359-00256567 and it really is taking on quite nicely m3fr2JOxT7y-01262-00256567-00256742 and i'm very excited about the future of m3fr2JOxT7y-01263-00256744-00256879 circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-01264-00256880-00257119 um within within africa but m3fr2JOxT7y-01265-00257119-00257342 it's driven by finance business models m3fr2JOxT7y-01266-00257344-00257558 driven by finance and circular economy m3fr2JOxT7y-01267-00257559-00257682 is the m3fr2JOxT7y-01268-00257683-00258071 answer great good stuff that's amazing m3fr2JOxT7y-01269-00258071-00258358 thank you m3fr2JOxT7y-01270-00258359-00258519 and i think the next question well m3fr2JOxT7y-01271-00258519-00258630 actually there's two a lot of people m3fr2JOxT7y-01272-00258631-00258758 wanting to know about africa i think m3fr2JOxT7y-01273-00258759-00258871 africa is m3fr2JOxT7y-01274-00258871-00258998 you know that's going to be the center m3fr2JOxT7y-01275-00259000-00259271 of the circular economy uh kind of hat m3fr2JOxT7y-01276-00259271-00259463 tip to europe for getting us going m3fr2JOxT7y-01277-00259464-00259710 africa's taking up the baton m3fr2JOxT7y-01278-00259711-00259894 so um m3fr2JOxT7y-01279-00259896-00260127 what's your take on waste to energy m3fr2JOxT7y-01280-00260128-00260375 projects that are pushed in africa you m3fr2JOxT7y-01281-00260376-00260510 tell me you know are they pushed in m3fr2JOxT7y-01282-00260511-00260742 africa oh it's now they are pushed in m3fr2JOxT7y-01283-00260744-00261094 africa and uh badly so um m3fr2JOxT7y-01284-00261096-00261230 i can even see where the question comes m3fr2JOxT7y-01285-00261231-00261310 from m3fr2JOxT7y-01286-00261311-00261606 a a good colleague of mine mr shimano m3fr2JOxT7y-01287-00261607-00261758 right okay m3fr2JOxT7y-01288-00261759-00261910 i know exactly where that's coming from m3fr2JOxT7y-01289-00261911-00262167 and we do tend to differ in in our m3fr2JOxT7y-01290-00262168-00262334 answers so m3fr2JOxT7y-01291-00262335-00262543 the large-scale waste energy systems m3fr2JOxT7y-01292-00262544-00262695 absolutely not they will never work in m3fr2JOxT7y-01293-00262696-00262934 this country um or in africa or in any m3fr2JOxT7y-01294-00262935-00263095 developing country because we don't have m3fr2JOxT7y-01295-00263096-00263239 the collection systems we don't have the m3fr2JOxT7y-01296-00263240-00263423 waste characterization systems we don't m3fr2JOxT7y-01297-00263424-00263527 have m3fr2JOxT7y-01298-00263528-00263767 the market off take for the energy or m3fr2JOxT7y-01299-00263768-00263910 the heat side of things which is half m3fr2JOxT7y-01300-00263911-00264071 the energy input m3fr2JOxT7y-01301-00264072-00264582 we have a very high volatile m3fr2JOxT7y-01302-00264583-00264743 characteristic of waste a lot of m3fr2JOxT7y-01303-00264744-00264887 organics m3fr2JOxT7y-01304-00264888-00265023 it's not the solution it's not the m3fr2JOxT7y-01305-00265024-00265199 solution for africa it's not the m3fr2JOxT7y-01306-00265200-00265479 solution for for any developing country m3fr2JOxT7y-01307-00265480-00265663 but there are some amazing technologies m3fr2JOxT7y-01308-00265664-00265847 that are happening at the small scale so m3fr2JOxT7y-01309-00265848-00266055 looking at specific um problematic m3fr2JOxT7y-01310-00266056-00266399 fractions like old oils um unrecyclable m3fr2JOxT7y-01311-00266400-00266510 plastics m3fr2JOxT7y-01312-00266511-00266719 and those can be put into small systems m3fr2JOxT7y-01313-00266720-00266871 redeveloping systems at the moment m3fr2JOxT7y-01314-00266872-00267063 they're as small as as 50 kilowatt m3fr2JOxT7y-01315-00267064-00267158 output m3fr2JOxT7y-01316-00267159-00267351 waste energy systems now now you can m3fr2JOxT7y-01317-00267352-00267551 look at at a m3fr2JOxT7y-01318-00267552-00267743 distribution center for example taking m3fr2JOxT7y-01319-00267744-00267999 on its own waste um making sure that you m3fr2JOxT7y-01320-00268000-00268215 maximize what's going into the recycling m3fr2JOxT7y-01321-00268216-00268399 sector that is recyclable m3fr2JOxT7y-01322-00268400-00268551 but then use the non-stuff the m3fr2JOxT7y-01323-00268552-00268719 non-recyclable stuff and make sure that m3fr2JOxT7y-01324-00268720-00268967 that's not going to landfall so it has a m3fr2JOxT7y-01325-00268968-00269279 place but not in terms of the context of m3fr2JOxT7y-01326-00269280-00269415 what we've seen in europe with these m3fr2JOxT7y-01327-00269416-00269671 massive waste energy systems just not m3fr2JOxT7y-01328-00269672-00269943 possible not economically viable locally m3fr2JOxT7y-01329-00269944-00270095 interesting yeah so we're going through m3fr2JOxT7y-01330-00270096-00270327 a similar journey in the uk and i'm sure m3fr2JOxT7y-01331-00270328-00270671 other other eu countries where we um so m3fr2JOxT7y-01332-00270672-00270791 i live in a county called m3fr2JOxT7y-01333-00270792-00271030 gloucestershire it's fairly rural county m3fr2JOxT7y-01334-00271031-00271247 um and so the m3fr2JOxT7y-01335-00271248-00271399 the biggest project m3fr2JOxT7y-01336-00271400-00271567 biggest finance the most money that's m3fr2JOxT7y-01337-00271568-00271791 ever been raised in the history of our m3fr2JOxT7y-01338-00271792-00271975 county has just gone on a waste to m3fr2JOxT7y-01339-00271976-00272182 energy plant so talk about putting all m3fr2JOxT7y-01340-00272183-00272503 your eggs in one basket it's uh yeah m3fr2JOxT7y-01341-00272504-00272593 so um m3fr2JOxT7y-01342-00272594-00272710 [Music] m3fr2JOxT7y-01343-00272711-00272958 it solves an immediate problem m3fr2JOxT7y-01344-00272959-00273182 um but it doesn't solve a future problem m3fr2JOxT7y-01345-00273183-00273310 yeah so m3fr2JOxT7y-01346-00273311-00273655 uh right so that's fascinating thank you m3fr2JOxT7y-01347-00273656-00273847 and just finally another just a final m3fr2JOxT7y-01348-00273848-00274039 sort of africa question before we m3fr2JOxT7y-01349-00274040-00274199 start to come back around to sort of m3fr2JOxT7y-01350-00274200-00274430 more general um you know which m3fr2JOxT7y-01351-00274431-00274671 how can we help uh move this this m3fr2JOxT7y-01352-00274672-00274903 forward um and i touched on this earlier m3fr2JOxT7y-01353-00274904-00275039 because i'm familiar with a couple of m3fr2JOxT7y-01354-00275040-00275223 projects in africa is the electronic m3fr2JOxT7y-01355-00275224-00275463 waste sex recycling sector m3fr2JOxT7y-01356-00275464-00275751 uh in africa is it really possible to m3fr2JOxT7y-01357-00275752-00275967 measure the circularity m3fr2JOxT7y-01358-00275968-00276239 in this process in a process that's m3fr2JOxT7y-01359-00276240-00276503 as into informal sector m3fr2JOxT7y-01360-00276504-00276791 so um and i guess you know this is the m3fr2JOxT7y-01361-00276792-00276967 case in in lots of developing countries m3fr2JOxT7y-01362-00276968-00277199 there are lots of projects or you know m3fr2JOxT7y-01363-00277200-00277447 really successful um m3fr2JOxT7y-01364-00277448-00277679 mechanisms going on and i guess this is m3fr2JOxT7y-01365-00277680-00277830 a question about how do we measure m3fr2JOxT7y-01366-00277831-00277934 whether that's m3fr2JOxT7y-01367-00277935-00278079 useful or not m3fr2JOxT7y-01368-00278080-00278223 working m3fr2JOxT7y-01369-00278224-00278423 you've got any examples m3fr2JOxT7y-01370-00278424-00278623 definitely it i think it's a huge m3fr2JOxT7y-01371-00278624-00278806 opportunity and you know the e-waste m3fr2JOxT7y-01372-00278807-00279006 sector is is a prime example of that you m3fr2JOxT7y-01373-00279007-00279223 know um right in south africa we're at m3fr2JOxT7y-01374-00279224-00279479 about 10 recycling and and it's not m3fr2JOxT7y-01375-00279480-00279655 based on on the fact that we don't have m3fr2JOxT7y-01376-00279656-00279823 people who want to recycle it it's based m3fr2JOxT7y-01377-00279824-00280039 on the flow of material uh it's the lack m3fr2JOxT7y-01378-00280040-00280287 of education so we're driving that m3fr2JOxT7y-01379-00280288-00280447 through systems there's just been an m3fr2JOxT7y-01380-00280448-00280719 e-waste ban that came into effect in in m3fr2JOxT7y-01381-00280720-00280934 august this year and and that now starts m3fr2JOxT7y-01382-00280935-00281079 to drive systems but then we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-01383-00281080-00281303 work with governments and corporates to m3fr2JOxT7y-01384-00281304-00281479 look at the asset disposal strategies m3fr2JOxT7y-01385-00281480-00281743 and how they follow duty of care and m3fr2JOxT7y-01386-00281744-00281903 take it through the right systems that m3fr2JOxT7y-01387-00281904-00282134 that are compliant m3fr2JOxT7y-01388-00282135-00282263 but what he's talking about in terms of m3fr2JOxT7y-01389-00282264-00282463 circularity with the informal sector is m3fr2JOxT7y-01390-00282464-00282647 very important m3fr2JOxT7y-01391-00282648-00282910 we rely in the developing countries very m3fr2JOxT7y-01392-00282911-00283134 much on the informal sector being the m3fr2JOxT7y-01393-00283135-00283334 key point of where the waste comes from m3fr2JOxT7y-01394-00283335-00283567 and and m3fr2JOxT7y-01395-00283568-00283703 depending on where you are in africa m3fr2JOxT7y-01396-00283704-00283934 that'll range between m3fr2JOxT7y-01397-00283935-00284239 60 and 95 of all waste that's getting m3fr2JOxT7y-01398-00284240-00284406 into the sector is coming from informal m3fr2JOxT7y-01399-00284407-00284534 collectives or what we would call m3fr2JOxT7y-01400-00284535-00284671 pickers m3fr2JOxT7y-01401-00284672-00285103 now i am not a supporter of um trying to m3fr2JOxT7y-01402-00285104-00285454 promote slavery modern-day slavery in in m3fr2JOxT7y-01403-00285455-00285647 any country and i believe that's exactly m3fr2JOxT7y-01404-00285648-00285775 what it is m3fr2JOxT7y-01405-00285776-00285999 we need to look at better systems better m3fr2JOxT7y-01406-00286000-00286191 formal systems that m3fr2JOxT7y-01407-00286192-00286447 are taking people out of that informal m3fr2JOxT7y-01408-00286448-00286558 economy m3fr2JOxT7y-01409-00286559-00286751 so that we have material flow where we m3fr2JOxT7y-01410-00286752-00286975 can look at formalizing those jobs into m3fr2JOxT7y-01411-00286976-00287295 decent jobs where people are m3fr2JOxT7y-01412-00287296-00287463 employed skilled m3fr2JOxT7y-01413-00287464-00287727 and developed in a m3fr2JOxT7y-01414-00287728-00288095 in in a 21st century manner m3fr2JOxT7y-01415-00288096-00288263 we've got to try and stop promoting m3fr2JOxT7y-01416-00288264-00288375 pickers m3fr2JOxT7y-01417-00288376-00288558 and start promoting the development of m3fr2JOxT7y-01418-00288559-00288695 the circular economy how do we take m3fr2JOxT7y-01419-00288696-00288863 those people skill them m3fr2JOxT7y-01420-00288864-00289015 and bring them into an entrepreneurial m3fr2JOxT7y-01421-00289016-00289143 type opportunity where they become m3fr2JOxT7y-01422-00289144-00289351 suppliers into the system and not the m3fr2JOxT7y-01423-00289352-00289503 bottom of the pyramid that's constantly m3fr2JOxT7y-01424-00289504-00289647 abused so m3fr2JOxT7y-01425-00289648-00289775 the circle economy provides m3fr2JOxT7y-01426-00289776-00289975 opportunities for that process and i m3fr2JOxT7y-01427-00289976-00290119 think we should all embrace those to try m3fr2JOxT7y-01428-00290120-00290279 and make sure that we drive this m3fr2JOxT7y-01429-00290280-00290510 transition forward i don't want to see m3fr2JOxT7y-01430-00290511-00290758 in 10 years time um landfill sites in m3fr2JOxT7y-01431-00290759-00290871 africa m3fr2JOxT7y-01432-00290872-00291087 covered with thousands of people in m3fr2JOxT7y-01433-00291088-00291282 inhumane m3fr2JOxT7y-01434-00291283-00291663 um situations picking waste out of dumps m3fr2JOxT7y-01435-00291664-00291823 it's it's inhumane m3fr2JOxT7y-01436-00291824-00291910 um m3fr2JOxT7y-01437-00291911-00292199 we can do better than that m3fr2JOxT7y-01438-00292200-00292351 yeah that's great chris and i can see m3fr2JOxT7y-01439-00292352-00292606 sveta uh peter um m3fr2JOxT7y-01440-00292607-00292799 agreeing i had the pleasure of being in m3fr2JOxT7y-01441-00292800-00292943 india a couple of years ago and i heard m3fr2JOxT7y-01442-00292944-00293054 about m3fr2JOxT7y-01443-00293055-00293247 a couple of great projects uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01444-00293248-00293447 large-scale projects m3fr2JOxT7y-01445-00293448-00293599 to uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01446-00293600-00293751 you know to bring this informal m3fr2JOxT7y-01447-00293752-00294006 workforce into a more formalized system m3fr2JOxT7y-01448-00294007-00294287 to pay living wages and to you know to m3fr2JOxT7y-01449-00294288-00294527 provide education and that sort of thing m3fr2JOxT7y-01450-00294528-00294815 um i'm hugely successful you know you m3fr2JOxT7y-01451-00294816-00295054 know just just a no-brainer that one you m3fr2JOxT7y-01452-00295055-00295247 know it's like m3fr2JOxT7y-01453-00295248-00295543 you know it's it's an opportunity and to m3fr2JOxT7y-01454-00295544-00295710 bring this background to climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-01455-00295711-00296006 kind of inequality is m3fr2JOxT7y-01456-00296007-00296230 the you know the biggest m3fr2JOxT7y-01457-00296231-00296454 um m3fr2JOxT7y-01458-00296455-00296727 you know outcome of climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-01459-00296728-00297039 you know we can't avoid that um m3fr2JOxT7y-01460-00297040-00297230 so why not embrace that and take that m3fr2JOxT7y-01461-00297231-00297447 opportunity to say you know you know m3fr2JOxT7y-01462-00297448-00297599 what we've got to look at climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-01463-00297600-00297743 but we've got to look at it in a m3fr2JOxT7y-01464-00297744-00298006 socially uh equitable way otherwise m3fr2JOxT7y-01465-00298007-00298151 we're just reinforcing all the damage m3fr2JOxT7y-01466-00298152-00298319 that we've been doing for 50 years or m3fr2JOxT7y-01467-00298320-00298439 100 years m3fr2JOxT7y-01468-00298440-00298534 so m3fr2JOxT7y-01469-00298535-00298758 that's been great to put that that mark m3fr2JOxT7y-01470-00298759-00298999 out there chris and and someone's put in m3fr2JOxT7y-01471-00299000-00299230 their chat actually about the one planet m3fr2JOxT7y-01472-00299231-00299487 living model which integrates circular m3fr2JOxT7y-01473-00299488-00299630 economy with health m3fr2JOxT7y-01474-00299631-00300015 happiness equity and local economy so if m3fr2JOxT7y-01475-00300016-00300143 if people haven't checked out the one m3fr2JOxT7y-01476-00300144-00300406 planet living model the sdgs again are a m3fr2JOxT7y-01477-00300407-00300639 really good model which says you know we m3fr2JOxT7y-01478-00300640-00300751 need to m3fr2JOxT7y-01479-00300752-00301206 integrate equality into everything we do m3fr2JOxT7y-01480-00301207-00301375 great i'm going to um m3fr2JOxT7y-01481-00301376-00301606 take one more question so we're going to m3fr2JOxT7y-01482-00301607-00301775 move on to m3fr2JOxT7y-01483-00301776-00301910 you know m3fr2JOxT7y-01484-00301911-00302087 what advice would we give you know to m3fr2JOxT7y-01485-00302088-00302254 people on the pa m3fr2JOxT7y-01486-00302255-00302471 in the audience today so what advice m3fr2JOxT7y-01487-00302472-00302639 would you give to someone m3fr2JOxT7y-01488-00302640-00302854 wanting to know how circularity can help m3fr2JOxT7y-01489-00302855-00303110 them reduce their carbon footprint so m3fr2JOxT7y-01490-00303111-00303271 imagine and you mentioned you just m3fr2JOxT7y-01491-00303272-00303558 landed in a sustainability manager's job m3fr2JOxT7y-01492-00303559-00303839 carbon footprint's your number one thing m3fr2JOxT7y-01493-00303840-00304063 on your desk m3fr2JOxT7y-01494-00304064-00304191 you know how do we m3fr2JOxT7y-01495-00304192-00304367 get people who have maybe been trained m3fr2JOxT7y-01496-00304368-00304495 in energy m3fr2JOxT7y-01497-00304496-00304727 renewables building fabric even m3fr2JOxT7y-01498-00304728-00304951 transport how do we get them to m3fr2JOxT7y-01499-00304952-00305063 uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01500-00305064-00305263 start embracing circular economy as a m3fr2JOxT7y-01501-00305264-00305703 means to reduce that footprint m3fr2JOxT7y-01502-00305704-00305879 it all starts at home m3fr2JOxT7y-01503-00305880-00306119 um the simple reality is is that i know m3fr2JOxT7y-01504-00306120-00306279 people who are in the sustainability and m3fr2JOxT7y-01505-00306280-00306430 recycling business who don't recycle at m3fr2JOxT7y-01506-00306431-00306591 home um m3fr2JOxT7y-01507-00306592-00306751 yes m3fr2JOxT7y-01508-00306752-00306903 there's people who talk about the water m3fr2JOxT7y-01509-00306904-00307054 issues but they're not harvesting rain m3fr2JOxT7y-01510-00307055-00307295 water at their own houses um yeah m3fr2JOxT7y-01511-00307296-00307430 there's a lot of people who are moaning m3fr2JOxT7y-01512-00307431-00307575 about it but they're not doing stuff m3fr2JOxT7y-01513-00307576-00307719 about it so m3fr2JOxT7y-01514-00307720-00308143 it all starts at home um and the the big m3fr2JOxT7y-01515-00308144-00308430 reality is that is that uh consumers m3fr2JOxT7y-01516-00308431-00308647 vote with their wallet so m3fr2JOxT7y-01517-00308648-00308879 if we want packaging to change first of m3fr2JOxT7y-01518-00308880-00309030 all we need to understand that issue but m3fr2JOxT7y-01519-00309031-00309167 we need to be able to go to our local m3fr2JOxT7y-01520-00309168-00309367 supermarket and say i'm not going to buy m3fr2JOxT7y-01521-00309368-00309551 your eggs because they're in a m3fr2JOxT7y-01522-00309552-00309727 thermoformed pet m3fr2JOxT7y-01523-00309728-00309975 structure which is unrecyclable m3fr2JOxT7y-01524-00309976-00310110 change or i'm going to go to another m3fr2JOxT7y-01525-00310111-00310303 shop that does that does so so that's m3fr2JOxT7y-01526-00310304-00310582 that's one of the key key components m3fr2JOxT7y-01527-00310583-00310823 um but then also to engage and talk to m3fr2JOxT7y-01528-00310824-00311015 others because nobody knows everything m3fr2JOxT7y-01529-00311016-00311119 um m3fr2JOxT7y-01530-00311120-00311239 i don't know everything you know i've m3fr2JOxT7y-01531-00311240-00311399 got a great network of people within the m3fr2JOxT7y-01532-00311400-00311582 african circle economy network who are m3fr2JOxT7y-01533-00311583-00311751 far clever at me at that specific m3fr2JOxT7y-01534-00311752-00311895 requirements and so when i need answers m3fr2JOxT7y-01535-00311896-00312030 i go to them m3fr2JOxT7y-01536-00312031-00312334 um yeah so it's communication understand m3fr2JOxT7y-01537-00312335-00312567 who is out there and who's doing what we m3fr2JOxT7y-01538-00312568-00312815 we all need to know and understand m3fr2JOxT7y-01539-00312816-00312975 from a broad perspective and that's why m3fr2JOxT7y-01540-00312976-00313110 this sort of thing is quite useful to m3fr2JOxT7y-01541-00313111-00313271 say listen what is circular economy how m3fr2JOxT7y-01542-00313272-00313415 do we look at this thing from a bigger m3fr2JOxT7y-01543-00313416-00313575 person m3fr2JOxT7y-01544-00313576-00313743 like a helicopter view of circular m3fr2JOxT7y-01545-00313744-00313910 economy and it's not about recycling m3fr2JOxT7y-01546-00313911-00314119 it's not about this it's not about that m3fr2JOxT7y-01547-00314120-00314382 it's about all of it um but we need to m3fr2JOxT7y-01548-00314383-00314558 understand the interconnectivity between m3fr2JOxT7y-01549-00314559-00314871 those and how we drive this as a m3fr2JOxT7y-01550-00314872-00315143 primary force of change to make this a m3fr2JOxT7y-01551-00315144-00315358 planet we all want to live in um i need m3fr2JOxT7y-01552-00315359-00315487 to make sure that my kids are still m3fr2JOxT7y-01553-00315488-00315743 gonna have a planet um and m3fr2JOxT7y-01554-00315744-00315951 and their kids and uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01555-00315952-00316199 at the moment we're doing a pretty bad m3fr2JOxT7y-01556-00316200-00316358 job of that so m3fr2JOxT7y-01557-00316359-00316519 stop talking m3fr2JOxT7y-01558-00316520-00316791 and and get on with it m3fr2JOxT7y-01559-00316792-00317023 yeah that's good and i i think the two m3fr2JOxT7y-01560-00317024-00317158 and i'm really interested to see what m3fr2JOxT7y-01561-00317159-00317319 happens after cop because i think the m3fr2JOxT7y-01562-00317320-00317558 two worlds of m3fr2JOxT7y-01563-00317559-00317639 uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01564-00317640-00317830 circular economy and m3fr2JOxT7y-01565-00317831-00318071 uh carbon management you know m3fr2JOxT7y-01566-00318072-00318254 just need to we need to just get on with m3fr2JOxT7y-01567-00318255-00318463 it and merge because we are still stuck m3fr2JOxT7y-01568-00318464-00318663 in wasted resources and these guys are m3fr2JOxT7y-01569-00318664-00318823 still stuck in energy m3fr2JOxT7y-01570-00318824-00319087 um and as you've put over so brilliantly m3fr2JOxT7y-01571-00319088-00319391 today chris the whole lot is is you know m3fr2JOxT7y-01572-00319392-00319582 one big combobulation and the sooner we m3fr2JOxT7y-01573-00319583-00319751 open our eyes to that m3fr2JOxT7y-01574-00319752-00319927 and the sooner you know it's a big thing m3fr2JOxT7y-01575-00319928-00320054 to get your head around but i think once m3fr2JOxT7y-01576-00320055-00320295 you kind of get it you're like yeah okay m3fr2JOxT7y-01577-00320296-00320503 all paths kind of lead to the same place m3fr2JOxT7y-01578-00320504-00320782 here and i often talk about m3fr2JOxT7y-01579-00320783-00320951 not being you know not waiting for m3fr2JOxT7y-01580-00320952-00321167 perfect and i say to businesses don't m3fr2JOxT7y-01581-00321168-00321351 wait till you've got all the data you've m3fr2JOxT7y-01582-00321352-00321510 got all the answers you've got it all m3fr2JOxT7y-01583-00321511-00321623 lined up m3fr2JOxT7y-01584-00321624-00321791 you know a someone else will have over m3fr2JOxT7y-01585-00321792-00321951 potentially overtaken you by then you'll m3fr2JOxT7y-01586-00321952-00322143 miss your first mover advantage is that m3fr2JOxT7y-01587-00322144-00322310 your satchel or you know the reason m3fr2JOxT7y-01588-00322311-00322447 you're doing it m3fr2JOxT7y-01589-00322448-00322671 but b you're going to learn on the way m3fr2JOxT7y-01590-00322672-00322871 you know so i quite often just say let's m3fr2JOxT7y-01591-00322872-00323054 go back to first principles m3fr2JOxT7y-01592-00323055-00323158 if you're making something more m3fr2JOxT7y-01593-00323159-00323423 efficient if you're reducing resource m3fr2JOxT7y-01594-00323424-00323510 use m3fr2JOxT7y-01595-00323511-00323815 if you are making something better m3fr2JOxT7y-01596-00323816-00323895 um m3fr2JOxT7y-01597-00323896-00324054 from a pollution point of view less m3fr2JOxT7y-01598-00324055-00324343 toxic if you are improving the social m3fr2JOxT7y-01599-00324344-00324519 value in your product you're not going m3fr2JOxT7y-01600-00324520-00324727 to go far wrong it's going to reduce m3fr2JOxT7y-01601-00324728-00324943 carbon along the way okay and people are m3fr2JOxT7y-01602-00324944-00325119 like oh right i thought i had to be able m3fr2JOxT7y-01603-00325120-00325351 to count it all and yeah yeah you do you m3fr2JOxT7y-01604-00325352-00325567 you will get there but um m3fr2JOxT7y-01605-00325568-00325719 you know i i'm seeing quite a few m3fr2JOxT7y-01606-00325720-00325854 businesses who are kind of hanging back m3fr2JOxT7y-01607-00325855-00326063 waiting for the answers m3fr2JOxT7y-01608-00326064-00326358 and so i you know my my advice would be m3fr2JOxT7y-01609-00326359-00326582 dive in have a go m3fr2JOxT7y-01610-00326583-00326791 guess what some things will fail you m3fr2JOxT7y-01611-00326792-00327054 know that's how innovation works m3fr2JOxT7y-01612-00327055-00327295 but have a very very open mind as to who m3fr2JOxT7y-01613-00327296-00327551 you need at the table and i was just m3fr2JOxT7y-01614-00327552-00327727 saying to a company i was with yesterday m3fr2JOxT7y-01615-00327728-00327982 you know invite somebody who you never m3fr2JOxT7y-01616-00327983-00328151 would consider coming to the board m3fr2JOxT7y-01617-00328152-00328327 meeting you know someone is an expert in m3fr2JOxT7y-01618-00328328-00328678 biodiversity or a child or whatever and m3fr2JOxT7y-01619-00328679-00328854 they're like why would you do that m3fr2JOxT7y-01620-00328855-00328967 because i give you a completely m3fr2JOxT7y-01621-00328968-00329143 different perspective and i think if the m3fr2JOxT7y-01622-00329144-00329358 energy guys and the and us from circular m3fr2JOxT7y-01623-00329359-00329567 economy world can work m3fr2JOxT7y-01624-00329568-00329734 much more closely together you know i'm m3fr2JOxT7y-01625-00329735-00329999 not an energy expert you know so i i'm m3fr2JOxT7y-01626-00330000-00330223 just like you chris i immediately pick m3fr2JOxT7y-01627-00330224-00330367 up the phone and m3fr2JOxT7y-01628-00330368-00330471 ask people who are carbon footprint m3fr2JOxT7y-01629-00330472-00330687 footprinting experts m3fr2JOxT7y-01630-00330688-00330934 um so we need to start working you know m3fr2JOxT7y-01631-00330935-00331215 much more collaboratively exactly and m3fr2JOxT7y-01632-00331216-00331334 the important thing is that people need m3fr2JOxT7y-01633-00331335-00331463 to understand a lot of people out there m3fr2JOxT7y-01634-00331464-00331639 saying how does it affect me i don't m3fr2JOxT7y-01635-00331640-00331919 care um you know it doesn't affect me m3fr2JOxT7y-01636-00331920-00332078 yes it does m3fr2JOxT7y-01637-00332079-00332239 it affects you in every way so it m3fr2JOxT7y-01638-00332240-00332423 affects you in terms of the house that m3fr2JOxT7y-01639-00332424-00332558 you're living in m3fr2JOxT7y-01640-00332559-00332695 the materials that you're exposing m3fr2JOxT7y-01641-00332696-00332895 yourself to the food that you eat the m3fr2JOxT7y-01642-00332896-00333063 air that you breathe the water that m3fr2JOxT7y-01643-00333064-00333182 you're drinking m3fr2JOxT7y-01644-00333183-00333382 these are all components that are going m3fr2JOxT7y-01645-00333383-00333639 to affect you directly so nobody can m3fr2JOxT7y-01646-00333640-00333758 stand back whether you're as an m3fr2JOxT7y-01647-00333759-00333934 individual or a corporate and say it's m3fr2JOxT7y-01648-00333935-00334110 not not my issue m3fr2JOxT7y-01649-00334111-00334303 i'm going to wait to see what happens um m3fr2JOxT7y-01650-00334304-00334430 do something now m3fr2JOxT7y-01651-00334431-00334654 yeah and i think cop might have a m3fr2JOxT7y-01652-00334655-00334934 mic in the same way that blue planet did m3fr2JOxT7y-01653-00334935-00335158 i'm i've got high hopes that cop you m3fr2JOxT7y-01654-00335159-00335303 know it's going to be on our news it's m3fr2JOxT7y-01655-00335304-00335399 going to be m3fr2JOxT7y-01656-00335400-00335703 um a lot of noise for a couple of weeks m3fr2JOxT7y-01657-00335704-00336063 probably more um and i think if m3fr2JOxT7y-01658-00336064-00336271 if we can get that if we can have that m3fr2JOxT7y-01659-00336272-00336527 kind of blue planet effect again to say m3fr2JOxT7y-01660-00336528-00336767 actually this is me but now it's about m3fr2JOxT7y-01661-00336768-00336967 the whole planet and it's about climate m3fr2JOxT7y-01662-00336968-00337263 change then um certainly you know a few m3fr2JOxT7y-01663-00337264-00337478 more pennies are going to start to drop m3fr2JOxT7y-01664-00337479-00337630 so one very quick question we've only m3fr2JOxT7y-01665-00337631-00337799 got a couple of minutes but it's quite a m3fr2JOxT7y-01666-00337800-00337895 big m3fr2JOxT7y-01667-00337896-00338063 wide range in one and i'm going to try m3fr2JOxT7y-01668-00338064-00338287 and sum it up economists m3fr2JOxT7y-01669-00338288-00338543 embrace global carbon taxes as a key m3fr2JOxT7y-01670-00338544-00338791 solution to climate change m3fr2JOxT7y-01671-00338792-00339054 so carbon taxes are we all going to move m3fr2JOxT7y-01672-00339055-00339134 to m3fr2JOxT7y-01673-00339135-00339367 a carbon economy are we all going to be m3fr2JOxT7y-01674-00339368-00339519 taxed on carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-01675-00339520-00339791 um and would that help you know circular m3fr2JOxT7y-01676-00339792-00340103 economy develop what's your view chris m3fr2JOxT7y-01677-00340104-00340343 there's no silver bullets two minutes m3fr2JOxT7y-01678-00340344-00340527 yeah there's no silver bullets so m3fr2JOxT7y-01679-00340528-00340695 absolutely m3fr2JOxT7y-01680-00340696-00340815 a m3fr2JOxT7y-01681-00340816-00341023 structured and a stable carbon platform m3fr2JOxT7y-01682-00341024-00341151 is certainly going to help us in terms m3fr2JOxT7y-01683-00341152-00341247 of looking at different project m3fr2JOxT7y-01684-00341248-00341391 developments and it provides a certain m3fr2JOxT7y-01685-00341392-00341558 level of impetus m3fr2JOxT7y-01686-00341559-00341847 my focus is first and foremost focus on m3fr2JOxT7y-01687-00341848-00342063 projects that are going to save carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-01688-00342064-00342239 and be more economically viable without m3fr2JOxT7y-01689-00342240-00342487 having to rely on any carbon credits m3fr2JOxT7y-01690-00342488-00342639 if you can't do that think twice about m3fr2JOxT7y-01691-00342640-00342847 the project um there's a lot of bigger m3fr2JOxT7y-01692-00342848-00343030 projects out there that would require a m3fr2JOxT7y-01693-00343031-00343278 carbon financing to be economically m3fr2JOxT7y-01694-00343279-00343439 viable and those are more on the social m3fr2JOxT7y-01695-00343440-00343534 good m3fr2JOxT7y-01696-00343535-00343839 um than than on the sort of economic m3fr2JOxT7y-01697-00343840-00344063 drive so yeah there's this great m3fr2JOxT7y-01698-00344064-00344215 technology out there as i said from an m3fr2JOxT7y-01699-00344216-00344382 engineering perspective m3fr2JOxT7y-01700-00344383-00344551 we can manufacture fuel out of the m3fr2JOxT7y-01701-00344552-00344767 carbon dioxide in the air it can be done m3fr2JOxT7y-01702-00344768-00345054 um it's just not economically viable um m3fr2JOxT7y-01703-00345055-00345223 so if we want to try and drive m3fr2JOxT7y-01704-00345224-00345439 unsustainable factors using m3fr2JOxT7y-01705-00345440-00345615 a carbon component m3fr2JOxT7y-01706-00345616-00345727 we need to understand it's not going to m3fr2JOxT7y-01707-00345728-00345958 be around forever um m3fr2JOxT7y-01708-00345959-00346167 that that financing is is important m3fr2JOxT7y-01709-00346168-00346303 first and foremost to make sure that m3fr2JOxT7y-01710-00346304-00346478 it's economically viable without relying m3fr2JOxT7y-01711-00346479-00346647 on carbon finance m3fr2JOxT7y-01712-00346648-00346830 if it comes in as a bonus i would like m3fr2JOxT7y-01713-00346831-00347039 to see carbon financing driving social m3fr2JOxT7y-01714-00347040-00347239 and environmental change not economic m3fr2JOxT7y-01715-00347240-00347567 change so if anything comes out of cop m3fr2JOxT7y-01716-00347568-00347863 16 or cop26 i would love to say yes m3fr2JOxT7y-01717-00347864-00347991 absolutely let's look at carbon m3fr2JOxT7y-01718-00347992-00348151 financing but let's put that carbon back m3fr2JOxT7y-01719-00348152-00348527 to the people and back to the planet m3fr2JOxT7y-01720-00348528-00348727 travelers what a great point to end on m3fr2JOxT7y-01721-00348728-00348991 chris um there's a couple of minutes i m3fr2JOxT7y-01722-00348992-00349191 just wanted to take that time to say m3fr2JOxT7y-01723-00349192-00349358 thank you chris m3fr2JOxT7y-01724-00349359-00349567 absolute mind of knowledge and i think a m3fr2JOxT7y-01725-00349568-00349767 couple of people made uh comments there m3fr2JOxT7y-01726-00349768-00349951 so we've never worked together till m3fr2JOxT7y-01727-00349952-00350215 today so i'm really thrilled um that m3fr2JOxT7y-01728-00350216-00350343 you've joined me m3fr2JOxT7y-01729-00350344-00350623 um and shared your knowledge with us uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01730-00350624-00350743 i'm sorry to a couple of people who m3fr2JOxT7y-01731-00350744-00350895 asked questions that we didn't have time m3fr2JOxT7y-01732-00350896-00351110 for but we've got one minute if people m3fr2JOxT7y-01733-00351111-00351303 want to throw any questions and chris m3fr2JOxT7y-01734-00351304-00351439 and i can get back to them we're happy m3fr2JOxT7y-01735-00351440-00351678 to do that um also if you want to you m3fr2JOxT7y-01736-00351679-00351910 know pop your name or your linkedin to m3fr2JOxT7y-01737-00351911-00352063 network with a couple of people pop that m3fr2JOxT7y-01738-00352064-00352295 in the chat uh in the last minute or so m3fr2JOxT7y-01739-00352296-00352399 because i want to try and encourage m3fr2JOxT7y-01740-00352400-00352575 people to talk a bit more m3fr2JOxT7y-01741-00352576-00352703 about the topics that we've covered m3fr2JOxT7y-01742-00352704-00352830 today m3fr2JOxT7y-01743-00352831-00353095 so thank you all and um m3fr2JOxT7y-01744-00353096-00353319 twitter over to you m3fr2JOxT7y-01745-00353320-00353582 thank you emma just adding to whatever i m3fr2JOxT7y-01746-00353583-00353751 had to say if i i see that a lot of m3fr2JOxT7y-01747-00353752-00353910 people want to connect with chris and i m3fr2JOxT7y-01748-00353911-00354119 must they're available on linkedin i'm m3fr2JOxT7y-01749-00354120-00354295 sure you'll find them there please go m3fr2JOxT7y-01750-00354296-00354575 ahead and look them up and thanks a lot m3fr2JOxT7y-01751-00354576-00354782 for being a very engaged audience uh m3fr2JOxT7y-01752-00354783-00354903 thank you everyone thank you chris for m3fr2JOxT7y-01753-00354904-00354999 your time m3fr2JOxT7y-01754-00355000-00355175 so this webinar will be up on our m3fr2JOxT7y-01755-00355176-00355447 website in about three weeks time so you m3fr2JOxT7y-01756-00355448-00355582 will all get to know if you've signed up m3fr2JOxT7y-01757-00355583-00355734 for a newsletter so please go ahead and m3fr2JOxT7y-01758-00355735-00355887 sign up to it m3fr2JOxT7y-01759-00355888-00356015 all right m3fr2JOxT7y-01760-00356016-00356175 bye have a good day m3fr2JOxT7y-01761-00356176-00356310 have a good day or m3fr2JOxT7y-01762-00356311-00356820 see you again bye thanks chris m6NpGV1p-sA-00000-00000065-00000316 information systems is a formal m6NpGV1p-sA-00001-00000317-00000572 socio-technical organizational systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00002-00000573-00000802 designed to collect process store and m6NpGV1p-sA-00003-00000803-00001082 distribute information in a socio m6NpGV1p-sA-00004-00001083-00001274 technical perspective information m6NpGV1p-sA-00005-00001275-00001502 systems are composed by four components m6NpGV1p-sA-00006-00001503-00001757 tasks people structure or roles and m6NpGV1p-sA-00007-00001757-00002021 technology a computer information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00008-00002022-00002198 is a system composed of people and m6NpGV1p-sA-00009-00002199-00002410 computers that processes or interprets m6NpGV1p-sA-00010-00002411-00002654 information the term is also sometimes m6NpGV1p-sA-00011-00002655-00002930 used in more restricted senses to refer m6NpGV1p-sA-00012-00002931-00003107 to only the software used to run a m6NpGV1p-sA-00013-00003108-00003311 computerized database or to refer to m6NpGV1p-sA-00014-00003311-00003595 only a computer system information m6NpGV1p-sA-00015-00003596-00003865 systems is an academic study of systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00016-00003867-00004072 with a specific reference to information m6NpGV1p-sA-00017-00004073-00004238 and the complimentary networks of m6NpGV1p-sA-00018-00004239-00004427 hardware and software that people and m6NpGV1p-sA-00019-00004428-00004654 organizations used to collect filter m6NpGV1p-sA-00020-00004655-00004906 process create and also distribute data m6NpGV1p-sA-00021-00004907-00005177 an emphasis is placed on an information m6NpGV1p-sA-00022-00005178-00005393 system having a definitive boundary m6NpGV1p-sA-00023-00005394-00005686 users processes storage inputs outputs m6NpGV1p-sA-00024-00005687-00005909 and the aforementioned communication m6NpGV1p-sA-00025-00005910-00006163 networks any specific information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00026-00006164-00006361 aims to support operations management m6NpGV1p-sA-00027-00006362-00006641 and decision making an information m6NpGV1p-sA-00028-00006642-00006794 system is the information and m6NpGV1p-sA-00029-00006795-00007058 communication technology ICT that an m6NpGV1p-sA-00030-00007059-00007298 organization uses and also the way in m6NpGV1p-sA-00031-00007298-00007442 which people interact with this m6NpGV1p-sA-00032-00007443-00007598 technology in support of business m6NpGV1p-sA-00033-00007598-00007834 processes some authors make a clear m6NpGV1p-sA-00034-00007836-00008045 distinction between information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00035-00008045-00008356 computer systems and business processes m6NpGV1p-sA-00036-00008357-00008606 information systems typically include an m6NpGV1p-sA-00037-00008607-00008803 ICT component but are not purely m6NpGV1p-sA-00038-00008804-00009038 concerned with ICT focusing instead on m6NpGV1p-sA-00039-00009039-00009301 the end use of information technology m6NpGV1p-sA-00040-00009302-00009542 information systems are also different m6NpGV1p-sA-00041-00009543-00009785 from business processes information m6NpGV1p-sA-00042-00009786-00009983 systems help to control the performance m6NpGV1p-sA-00043-00009984-00010205 of business processes alter argues for m6NpGV1p-sA-00044-00010206-00010381 advantages of viewing an information m6NpGV1p-sA-00045-00010382-00010601 system as a special type of work system m6NpGV1p-sA-00046-00010602-00010864 a work system is a system in which m6NpGV1p-sA-00047-00010865-00011108 humans or machines perform processes and m6NpGV1p-sA-00048-00011109-00011296 activities using resources to produce m6NpGV1p-sA-00049-00011297-00011510 specific products or services for m6NpGV1p-sA-00050-00011511-00011795 customers an information system is a m6NpGV1p-sA-00051-00011796-00012023 work system whose activities are devoted m6NpGV1p-sA-00052-00012024-00012233 to capturing transmitting storing m6NpGV1p-sA-00053-00012234-00012434 retrieving manipulating and displaying m6NpGV1p-sA-00054-00012435-00012695 information as such information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00055-00012696-00012905 interrelate with data systems on the one m6NpGV1p-sA-00056-00012906-00013088 hand and activity systems on the other m6NpGV1p-sA-00057-00013088-00013340 an information system is a m6NpGV1p-sA-00058-00013341-00013529 form of communication system in which m6NpGV1p-sA-00059-00013530-00013757 data represent in a processed as a form m6NpGV1p-sA-00060-00013758-00014036 of social memory an information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00061-00014037-00014243 can also be considered a semi formal m6NpGV1p-sA-00062-00014244-00014411 language which supports human m6NpGV1p-sA-00063-00014412-00014687 decision-making in action information m6NpGV1p-sA-00064-00014688-00014930 systems are the primary focus of study m6NpGV1p-sA-00065-00014931-00015319 for organizational informatics topic m6NpGV1p-sA-00066-00015321-00015668 overview silver at our 1995 provided two m6NpGV1p-sA-00067-00015669-00015851 views on is that includes software m6NpGV1p-sA-00068-00015852-00016222 hardware data people and procedures Jing m6NpGV1p-sA-00069-00016224-00016388 provided another system view of m6NpGV1p-sA-00070-00016389-00016577 information system which also adds m6NpGV1p-sA-00071-00016578-00016772 processes and essential system elements m6NpGV1p-sA-00072-00016773-00017030 like environment boundary purpose and m6NpGV1p-sA-00073-00017031-00017318 interactions the Association for m6NpGV1p-sA-00074-00017319-00017546 Computing Machinery defines information m6NpGV1p-sA-00075-00017547-00017756 system specialists as focusing on m6NpGV1p-sA-00076-00017757-00017966 integrating information technology m6NpGV1p-sA-00077-00017967-00018182 solutions and business processes to meet m6NpGV1p-sA-00078-00018183-00018362 the information needs of businesses and m6NpGV1p-sA-00079-00018363-00018557 other enterprises there are various m6NpGV1p-sA-00080-00018558-00018781 types of information systems for example m6NpGV1p-sA-00081-00018782-00019061 transaction processing systems decision m6NpGV1p-sA-00082-00019062-00019238 support systems knowledge management m6NpGV1p-sA-00083-00019239-00019469 systems learning management systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00084-00019470-00019709 database management systems and office m6NpGV1p-sA-00085-00019710-00019997 information systems critical to most m6NpGV1p-sA-00086-00019998-00020201 information systems or information m6NpGV1p-sA-00087-00020202-00020363 technologies which are typically m6NpGV1p-sA-00088-00020364-00020537 designed to enable humans to perform m6NpGV1p-sA-00089-00020538-00020774 tasks for which the human brain is not m6NpGV1p-sA-00090-00020775-00020972 well-suited such as handling large m6NpGV1p-sA-00091-00020973-00021161 amounts of information performing m6NpGV1p-sA-00092-00021162-00021380 complex calculations and controlling m6NpGV1p-sA-00093-00021381-00021676 many simultaneous processes information m6NpGV1p-sA-00094-00021677-00021902 technologies are a very important and m6NpGV1p-sA-00095-00021903-00022046 malleable resource available to m6NpGV1p-sA-00096-00022047-00022369 executives many companies have created a m6NpGV1p-sA-00097-00022370-00022571 position of chief information officer m6NpGV1p-sA-00098-00022572-00022811 CIO that sits on the executive board m6NpGV1p-sA-00099-00022812-00023021 with the chief executive officer CEO m6NpGV1p-sA-00100-00023022-00023321 chief financial officer CFO chief m6NpGV1p-sA-00101-00023322-00023555 operating officer CEO and chief m6NpGV1p-sA-00102-00023556-00023924 technical officer CTO the CTO may also m6NpGV1p-sA-00103-00023925-00024263 serve as CIO and vice versa the chief m6NpGV1p-sA-00104-00024264-00024530 information security officer C ISO m6NpGV1p-sA-00105-00024531-00024725 focuses on information security m6NpGV1p-sA-00106-00024726-00025013 management the six components that must m6NpGV1p-sA-00107-00025014-00025190 come together in order to produce an m6NpGV1p-sA-00108-00025191-00025385 information system are information m6NpGV1p-sA-00109-00025386-00025619 systems or organizational procedures and m6NpGV1p-sA-00110-00025620-00025828 do not need a computer or software this m6NpGV1p-sA-00111-00025829-00026059 data is erroneous ie an accounting m6NpGV1p-sA-00112-00026060-00026314 system in the 1400s using ledger anine m6NpGV1p-sA-00113-00026316-00026561 utilizes an information system hardware m6NpGV1p-sA-00114-00026562-00026676 the term hardware m6NpGV1p-sA-00115-00026677-00026930 refers to machinery this category m6NpGV1p-sA-00116-00026931-00027126 includes the computer itself which is m6NpGV1p-sA-00117-00027127-00027285 often referred to as the central m6NpGV1p-sA-00118-00027286-00027527 processing unit CPU and all of its m6NpGV1p-sA-00119-00027528-00027786 support equipment among the support m6NpGV1p-sA-00120-00027787-00027971 equipment are input and output devices m6NpGV1p-sA-00121-00027972-00028224 storage devices and communications m6NpGV1p-sA-00122-00028225-00028514 devices software the term software m6NpGV1p-sA-00123-00028515-00028736 refers to computer programs in the m6NpGV1p-sA-00124-00028737-00028952 manuals if any that support them m6NpGV1p-sA-00125-00028952-00029205 computer programs are machine readable m6NpGV1p-sA-00126-00029206-00029408 instructions that direct the circuitry m6NpGV1p-sA-00127-00029409-00029592 within the hardware parts of the system m6NpGV1p-sA-00128-00029593-00029774 to function in ways that produce useful m6NpGV1p-sA-00129-00029775-00030074 information from data programs are m6NpGV1p-sA-00130-00030075-00030273 generally stored on some input/output m6NpGV1p-sA-00131-00030274-00030596 medium often a disk or tape data data m6NpGV1p-sA-00132-00030597-00030801 effects that are used by programs to m6NpGV1p-sA-00133-00030802-00031104 produce useful information like programs m6NpGV1p-sA-00134-00031105-00031305 data are generally stored in machine m6NpGV1p-sA-00135-00031306-00031527 readable form on disk or tape until the m6NpGV1p-sA-00136-00031527-00031758 computer needs them procedures m6NpGV1p-sA-00137-00031758-00031943 procedures are the policies that govern m6NpGV1p-sA-00138-00031944-00032155 the operation of a computer system m6NpGV1p-sA-00139-00032156-00032412 procedures are to people what software m6NpGV1p-sA-00140-00032413-00032630 is to Hardware is a common analogy that m6NpGV1p-sA-00141-00032631-00032777 is used to illustrate the role of m6NpGV1p-sA-00142-00032778-00033077 procedures in a system people every m6NpGV1p-sA-00143-00033078-00033249 system needs people if it is to be m6NpGV1p-sA-00144-00033250-00033515 useful often the most overlooked element m6NpGV1p-sA-00145-00033516-00033699 of the system are the people probably m6NpGV1p-sA-00146-00033700-00033902 the component that most influence the m6NpGV1p-sA-00147-00033903-00034089 success or failure of information m6NpGV1p-sA-00148-00034090-00034404 systems this includes not only the users m6NpGV1p-sA-00149-00034405-00034583 but those who operate and service the m6NpGV1p-sA-00150-00034584-00034782 computers those who maintain the data m6NpGV1p-sA-00151-00034783-00034970 and those who support the network of m6NpGV1p-sA-00152-00034971-00035162 computers feedback it is another m6NpGV1p-sA-00153-00035163-00035364 component of the years that defines that m6NpGV1p-sA-00154-00035365-00035549 an is may be provided with a feedback m6NpGV1p-sA-00155-00035550-00035751 although this component isn't necessary m6NpGV1p-sA-00156-00035752-00035937 to function data is the bridge between m6NpGV1p-sA-00157-00035938-00036218 hardware and people this means that the m6NpGV1p-sA-00158-00036219-00036437 data we collect is only data until we m6NpGV1p-sA-00159-00036438-00036746 involve people at that point data is now m6NpGV1p-sA-00160-00036747-00037271 information m6NpGV1p-sA-00161-00037272-00037952 topic types of information system the m6NpGV1p-sA-00162-00037953-00038262 classic view of information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00163-00038263-00038514 found in the textbooks in the 1980s was m6NpGV1p-sA-00164-00038515-00038715 a pyramid of systems that reflected the m6NpGV1p-sA-00165-00038716-00038921 hierarchy of the organization usually m6NpGV1p-sA-00166-00038922-00039149 transaction processing systems at the m6NpGV1p-sA-00167-00039150-00039264 bottom of the pyramid m6NpGV1p-sA-00168-00039265-00039405 followed by management information m6NpGV1p-sA-00169-00039406-00039660 systems decision support systems and m6NpGV1p-sA-00170-00039661-00039801 ending with executive information m6NpGV1p-sA-00171-00039802-00039965 systems at the top m6NpGV1p-sA-00172-00039966-00040185 although the pyramid model remains m6NpGV1p-sA-00173-00040186-00040418 useful since it was first formulated a m6NpGV1p-sA-00174-00040419-00040605 number of new technologies have been m6NpGV1p-sA-00175-00040606-00040755 developed and new categories of m6NpGV1p-sA-00176-00040756-00040995 information systems have emerged some of m6NpGV1p-sA-00177-00040996-00041162 which no longer fit easily into the m6NpGV1p-sA-00178-00041163-00041490 original pyramid model some examples of m6NpGV1p-sA-00179-00041491-00041852 such systems are data warehouses m6NpGV1p-sA-00180-00041853-00042204 enterprise resource planning Enterprise m6NpGV1p-sA-00181-00042205-00042743 Systems Expert systems search engines m6NpGV1p-sA-00182-00042744-00043107 geographic information system global m6NpGV1p-sA-00183-00043108-00043433 information system office automation a m6NpGV1p-sA-00184-00043434-00043671 computer-based information system is m6NpGV1p-sA-00185-00043672-00043839 essentially in is using computer m6NpGV1p-sA-00186-00043840-00044033 technology to carry out some or all of m6NpGV1p-sA-00187-00044034-00044349 its planned tasks the basic components m6NpGV1p-sA-00188-00044350-00044550 of computer-based information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00189-00044551-00044843 are Hardware these are the devices like m6NpGV1p-sA-00190-00044844-00045042 the monitor processor printer and m6NpGV1p-sA-00191-00045043-00045233 keyboard all of which work together to m6NpGV1p-sA-00192-00045234-00045530 accept process show data and information m6NpGV1p-sA-00193-00045531-00045789 software are the programs that allow the m6NpGV1p-sA-00194-00045790-00046115 hardware to process the data databases m6NpGV1p-sA-00195-00046116-00046350 are the gathering of associated files or m6NpGV1p-sA-00196-00046351-00046689 tables containing related data networks m6NpGV1p-sA-00197-00046690-00046857 are a connecting system that allows m6NpGV1p-sA-00198-00046858-00047037 diverse computers to distribute m6NpGV1p-sA-00199-00047038-00047346 resources procedures are the commands m6NpGV1p-sA-00200-00047347-00047526 for combining the components above to m6NpGV1p-sA-00201-00047527-00047706 process information and produce the m6NpGV1p-sA-00202-00047707-00047871 preferred output the first four m6NpGV1p-sA-00203-00047872-00048111 components hardware software database m6NpGV1p-sA-00204-00048112-00048339 and network make up what is known as the m6NpGV1p-sA-00205-00048340-00048605 information technology platform m6NpGV1p-sA-00206-00048606-00048843 information technology workers could m6NpGV1p-sA-00207-00048844-00048996 then use these components to create m6NpGV1p-sA-00208-00048997-00049196 information systems that watch over m6NpGV1p-sA-00209-00049197-00049389 safety measures risk in the management m6NpGV1p-sA-00210-00049390-00049646 of data these actions are known as m6NpGV1p-sA-00211-00049647-00049905 information technology services certain m6NpGV1p-sA-00212-00049906-00050102 information systems support parts of m6NpGV1p-sA-00213-00050103-00050315 organizations others support entire m6NpGV1p-sA-00214-00050316-00050477 organizations and still m6NpGV1p-sA-00215-00050478-00050725 others support groups of organizations m6NpGV1p-sA-00216-00050726-00050945 recall that each department or m6NpGV1p-sA-00217-00050946-00051161 functional area within an organization m6NpGV1p-sA-00218-00051162-00051346 has its own collection of application m6NpGV1p-sA-00219-00051347-00051644 programs or information systems these m6NpGV1p-sA-00220-00051645-00051860 functional area information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00221-00051861-00052064 phase are supporting pillars for more m6NpGV1p-sA-00222-00052065-00052279 general is namely business intelligent m6NpGV1p-sA-00223-00052280-00052541 systems and dashboards as the name m6NpGV1p-sA-00224-00052541-00052751 suggests each phase support a particular m6NpGV1p-sA-00225-00052752-00052994 function within the organization eg m6NpGV1p-sA-00226-00052995-00053252 accounting is finances production m6NpGV1p-sA-00227-00053253-00053498 operation management pom is marketing is m6NpGV1p-sA-00228-00053499-00053819 and Human Resources is in finance and m6NpGV1p-sA-00229-00053820-00054067 accounting managers use IT systems to m6NpGV1p-sA-00230-00054069-00054284 forecast revenues and business activity m6NpGV1p-sA-00231-00054285-00054497 to determine the best sources and uses m6NpGV1p-sA-00232-00054498-00054682 of funds and to perform audits to ensure m6NpGV1p-sA-00233-00054683-00054916 that the organization is fundamentally m6NpGV1p-sA-00234-00054917-00055121 sound and that all financial reports and m6NpGV1p-sA-00235-00055122-00055382 documents are accurate other types of m6NpGV1p-sA-00236-00055383-00055601 organizational information systems are m6NpGV1p-sA-00237-00055602-00055832 phased transaction processing systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00238-00055833-00056045 enterprise resource planning office m6NpGV1p-sA-00239-00056046-00056249 automation system management information m6NpGV1p-sA-00240-00056250-00056528 system decision support system expert m6NpGV1p-sA-00241-00056529-00056789 system executive dashboard supply chain m6NpGV1p-sA-00242-00056790-00056980 management system and electronic m6NpGV1p-sA-00243-00056982-00057275 commerce system dashboards are a special m6NpGV1p-sA-00244-00057276-00057470 form of is that support all managers of m6NpGV1p-sA-00245-00057471-00057740 the organization they provide rapid m6NpGV1p-sA-00246-00057741-00057950 access to timely information and direct m6NpGV1p-sA-00247-00057951-00058148 access to structured information in the m6NpGV1p-sA-00248-00058149-00058457 form of reports expert systems attempt m6NpGV1p-sA-00249-00058458-00058657 to duplicate the work of human experts m6NpGV1p-sA-00250-00058658-00058813 by applying reasoning capabilities m6NpGV1p-sA-00251-00058814-00059054 knowledge and expertise within a m6NpGV1p-sA-00252-00059054-00059629 specific domain m6NpGV1p-sA-00253-00059629-00060274 topic information system development m6NpGV1p-sA-00254-00060275-00060524 information technology departments in m6NpGV1p-sA-00255-00060525-00060734 larger organizations tend to strongly m6NpGV1p-sA-00256-00060735-00060931 influence the development use and m6NpGV1p-sA-00257-00060932-00061162 application of information technology in m6NpGV1p-sA-00258-00061163-00061438 the organization's a series of m6NpGV1p-sA-00259-00061439-00061663 methodologies and processes can be used m6NpGV1p-sA-00260-00061664-00061881 to develop and use an information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00261-00061882-00062129 many developers use a systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00262-00062129-00062329 engineering approach such as the system m6NpGV1p-sA-00263-00062330-00062579 development life cycle SDLC to m6NpGV1p-sA-00264-00062579-00062767 systematically develop an information m6NpGV1p-sA-00265-00062769-00063050 system in stages the stages of the m6NpGV1p-sA-00266-00063051-00063221 system development lifecycle are m6NpGV1p-sA-00267-00063222-00063374 planning system analysis and m6NpGV1p-sA-00268-00063375-00063613 requirements system design development m6NpGV1p-sA-00269-00063614-00063866 integration and testing implementation m6NpGV1p-sA-00270-00063866-00064175 and operations and maintenance recent m6NpGV1p-sA-00271-00064176-00064373 research aims at enabling and measuring m6NpGV1p-sA-00272-00064374-00064555 the ongoing collective development of m6NpGV1p-sA-00273-00064557-00064775 such systems within an organization by m6NpGV1p-sA-00274-00064776-00064946 the entirety of human actors themselves m6NpGV1p-sA-00275-00064947-00065285 an information system can be developed m6NpGV1p-sA-00276-00065286-00065498 in-house within the organization or m6NpGV1p-sA-00277-00065499-00065585 outsourced m6NpGV1p-sA-00278-00065586-00065806 this can be accomplished by outsourcing m6NpGV1p-sA-00279-00065807-00065996 certain components or the entire system m6NpGV1p-sA-00280-00065997-00066331 a specific case is the geographical m6NpGV1p-sA-00281-00066332-00066487 distribution of the development team m6NpGV1p-sA-00282-00066488-00066807 offshoring global information system a m6NpGV1p-sA-00283-00066808-00067046 computer-based information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00284-00067047-00067237 following a definition of langer four's m6NpGV1p-sA-00285-00067238-00067468 is a technologically implemented medium m6NpGV1p-sA-00286-00067469-00067817 for recording storing and disseminating m6NpGV1p-sA-00287-00067818-00068119 linguistic expressions as well as for m6NpGV1p-sA-00288-00068120-00068263 drawing conclusions from such m6NpGV1p-sA-00289-00068264-00068435 expressions geographic information m6NpGV1p-sA-00290-00068436-00068713 systems land information systems and m6NpGV1p-sA-00291-00068714-00068912 disaster information systems are m6NpGV1p-sA-00292-00068913-00069134 examples of emerging information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00293-00069135-00069311 but they can be broadly considered as m6NpGV1p-sA-00294-00069312-00069637 spatial information systems system m6NpGV1p-sA-00295-00069638-00069824 development is done in stages which m6NpGV1p-sA-00296-00069825-00070091 include problem recognition and m6NpGV1p-sA-00297-00070092-00070419 specification information gathering m6NpGV1p-sA-00298-00070420-00070705 requirements specification for the new m6NpGV1p-sA-00299-00070706-00071226 system system design system construction m6NpGV1p-sA-00300-00071227-00071569 system implementation review and m6NpGV1p-sA-00301-00071570-00072113 maintenance m6NpGV1p-sA-00302-00072114-00072768 topic as an academic discipline the m6NpGV1p-sA-00303-00072769-00072945 field of study called information m6NpGV1p-sA-00304-00072946-00073161 systems encompasses a variety of topics m6NpGV1p-sA-00305-00073162-00073361 including systems analysis and design m6NpGV1p-sA-00306-00073362-00073650 computer networking information security m6NpGV1p-sA-00307-00073651-00073884 database management and decision support m6NpGV1p-sA-00308-00073885-00074172 systems information management deals m6NpGV1p-sA-00309-00074173-00074316 with the practical and theoretical m6NpGV1p-sA-00310-00074317-00074529 problems of collecting and analyzing m6NpGV1p-sA-00311-00074530-00074733 information in a business function area m6NpGV1p-sA-00312-00074734-00074937 including business productivity tools m6NpGV1p-sA-00313-00074938-00075111 applications programming and m6NpGV1p-sA-00314-00075112-00075297 implementation electronic commerce m6NpGV1p-sA-00315-00075298-00075561 digital media production data mining and m6NpGV1p-sA-00316-00075562-00075852 decision support communications and m6NpGV1p-sA-00317-00075853-00075978 networking deals with the m6NpGV1p-sA-00318-00075979-00076181 telecommunication technologies m6NpGV1p-sA-00319-00076182-00076491 information systems bridges business and m6NpGV1p-sA-00320-00076492-00076692 computer science using the theoretical m6NpGV1p-sA-00321-00076693-00076854 foundations of information and m6NpGV1p-sA-00322-00076855-00077067 computation to study various business m6NpGV1p-sA-00323-00077068-00077286 models and related algorithmic processes m6NpGV1p-sA-00324-00077287-00077496 on building the IT systems within a m6NpGV1p-sA-00325-00077497-00077775 computer science discipline computer m6NpGV1p-sA-00326-00077776-00078012 information systems sis is a field m6NpGV1p-sA-00327-00078013-00078177 studying computers and algorithmic m6NpGV1p-sA-00328-00078178-00078399 processes including their principles m6NpGV1p-sA-00329-00078400-00078579 their software and hardware designs m6NpGV1p-sA-00330-00078580-00078795 their applications and their impact on m6NpGV1p-sA-00331-00078796-00078996 society whereas is emphasizes m6NpGV1p-sA-00332-00078997-00079212 functionality over design several m6NpGV1p-sA-00333-00079213-00079395 scholars have debated the nature and m6NpGV1p-sA-00334-00079396-00079620 foundations of information systems which m6NpGV1p-sA-00335-00079621-00079776 have its roots in other reference m6NpGV1p-sA-00336-00079777-00079974 disciplines such as computer science m6NpGV1p-sA-00337-00079975-00080172 engineering mathematics management m6NpGV1p-sA-00338-00080173-00080456 science cybernetics and others m6NpGV1p-sA-00339-00080457-00080715 information systems also can be defined m6NpGV1p-sA-00340-00080716-00080892 as a collection of hardware software m6NpGV1p-sA-00341-00080893-00081132 data people and procedures that work m6NpGV1p-sA-00342-00081133-00081804 together to produce quality information m6NpGV1p-sA-00343-00081805-00082114 topic differentiating is from related m6NpGV1p-sA-00344-00082115-00082681 disciplines similar to computer science m6NpGV1p-sA-00345-00082682-00082885 other disciplines can be seen as both m6NpGV1p-sA-00346-00082886-00083115 related and foundation disciplines of is m6NpGV1p-sA-00347-00083116-00083383 the domain of study of is involves the m6NpGV1p-sA-00348-00083384-00083551 study of theories and practices related m6NpGV1p-sA-00349-00083552-00083713 to the social and technological m6NpGV1p-sA-00350-00083714-00083890 phenomena which determine the m6NpGV1p-sA-00351-00083891-00084076 development use and effects of m6NpGV1p-sA-00352-00084077-00084298 information systems in organization and m6NpGV1p-sA-00353-00084299-00084520 society but while there may be m6NpGV1p-sA-00354-00084521-00084721 considerable overlap of the disciplines m6NpGV1p-sA-00355-00084722-00084895 at the boundaries the disciplines are m6NpGV1p-sA-00356-00084896-00085084 still differentiated by the focus m6NpGV1p-sA-00357-00085085-00085273 purpose and orientation of their m6NpGV1p-sA-00358-00085274-00085498 activities in a broad scope the term m6NpGV1p-sA-00359-00085499-00085711 Information Systems is a scientific m6NpGV1p-sA-00360-00085712-00085894 field of study that addresses the range m6NpGV1p-sA-00361-00085895-00086158 of strategic managerial and operational m6NpGV1p-sA-00362-00086159-00086332 activities involved in the gathering m6NpGV1p-sA-00363-00086333-00086596 processing storing distributing and use m6NpGV1p-sA-00364-00086597-00086773 of information and its associated m6NpGV1p-sA-00365-00086774-00086944 technologies in society and m6NpGV1p-sA-00366-00086945-00087229 organizations the term Information m6NpGV1p-sA-00367-00087230-00087433 Systems is also used to describe an m6NpGV1p-sA-00368-00087434-00087643 organizational function that applies is m6NpGV1p-sA-00369-00087644-00087811 knowledge in industry government m6NpGV1p-sA-00370-00087812-00087976 agencies and not-for-profit m6NpGV1p-sA-00371-00087977-00088303 organizations information systems often m6NpGV1p-sA-00372-00088304-00088444 refers to the interaction between m6NpGV1p-sA-00373-00088445-00088690 algorithmic processes and technology m6NpGV1p-sA-00374-00088691-00088954 this interaction can occur within or m6NpGV1p-sA-00375-00088955-00089166 across organizational boundaries an m6NpGV1p-sA-00376-00089167-00089419 information system is the technology an m6NpGV1p-sA-00377-00089420-00089644 organization uses and also the way in m6NpGV1p-sA-00378-00089645-00089842 which the organizations interact with m6NpGV1p-sA-00379-00089843-00090022 the technology in the way in which the m6NpGV1p-sA-00380-00090023-00090238 technology works with the organization's m6NpGV1p-sA-00381-00090239-00090541 business processes information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00382-00090542-00090688 are distinct from information technology m6NpGV1p-sA-00383-00090689-00090973 it in that an information system has an m6NpGV1p-sA-00384-00090974-00091177 information technology component that m6NpGV1p-sA-00385-00091178-00091416 interacts with the processes components m6NpGV1p-sA-00386-00091417-00091675 one problem with that approach is that m6NpGV1p-sA-00387-00091676-00091837 it prevents these field from being m6NpGV1p-sA-00388-00091838-00092062 interested in non organizational use of m6NpGV1p-sA-00389-00092063-00092287 ICT such as in social networking m6NpGV1p-sA-00390-00092288-00092554 computer gaming mobile personal usage m6NpGV1p-sA-00391-00092555-00092812 etc a different way of differentiating m6NpGV1p-sA-00392-00092813-00093049 the is field from its neighbors is to m6NpGV1p-sA-00393-00093050-00093307 ask which aspects of reality are most m6NpGV1p-sA-00394-00093308-00093484 meaningful in these field and other m6NpGV1p-sA-00395-00093485-00093799 fields this approach based on philosophy m6NpGV1p-sA-00396-00093800-00094030 helps to define not just the focus m6NpGV1p-sA-00397-00094031-00094270 purpose and orientation but also the m6NpGV1p-sA-00398-00094271-00094507 dignity destiny and responsibility of m6NpGV1p-sA-00399-00094508-00094734 the field among other fields m6NpGV1p-sA-00400-00094735-00094951 International Journal of information m6NpGV1p-sA-00401-00094952-00095012 management m6NpGV1p-sA-00402-00095013-00095620 thirty thirteen to twenty m6NpGV1p-sA-00403-00095621-00096302 topic Career Pathways information m6NpGV1p-sA-00404-00096303-00096473 systems workers enter a number of m6NpGV1p-sA-00405-00096474-00096788 different careers information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00406-00096789-00097186 strategy management information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00407-00097187-00097499 project management enterprise m6NpGV1p-sA-00408-00097500-00097867 architecture his development his m6NpGV1p-sA-00409-00097868-00098362 organization is consulting his security m6NpGV1p-sA-00410-00098363-00098636 his audit or there is a wide variety of m6NpGV1p-sA-00411-00098637-00098840 career paths in the information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00412-00098841-00099092 discipline workers with specialized m6NpGV1p-sA-00413-00099093-00099260 technical knowledge and strong m6NpGV1p-sA-00414-00099261-00099488 communication skills will have the best m6NpGV1p-sA-00415-00099489-00099836 prospects workers with management skills m6NpGV1p-sA-00416-00099837-00100010 in an understanding of business m6NpGV1p-sA-00417-00100011-00100208 practices and principles will have m6NpGV1p-sA-00418-00100209-00100457 excellent opportunities as companies are m6NpGV1p-sA-00419-00100458-00100661 increasingly looking to technology to m6NpGV1p-sA-00420-00100662-00100933 drive their revenue information m6NpGV1p-sA-00421-00100934-00101189 technology is important to the operation m6NpGV1p-sA-00422-00101190-00101378 of contemporary businesses it offers m6NpGV1p-sA-00423-00101379-00101630 many employment opportunities the m6NpGV1p-sA-00424-00101631-00101843 information systems field includes the m6NpGV1p-sA-00425-00101844-00102047 people in organizations who design and m6NpGV1p-sA-00426-00102048-00102284 build information systems the people who m6NpGV1p-sA-00427-00102285-00102433 use those systems and the people m6NpGV1p-sA-00428-00102434-00102647 responsible for managing those systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00429-00102648-00103001 the demand for traditional IT staff such m6NpGV1p-sA-00430-00103002-00103247 as programmers business analysts systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00431-00103248-00103472 analysts and designer is significant m6NpGV1p-sA-00432-00103473-00103759 many well-paid jobs exist in areas of m6NpGV1p-sA-00433-00103760-00104008 information technology at the top of the m6NpGV1p-sA-00434-00104009-00104213 list is the chief information officer m6NpGV1p-sA-00435-00104214-00104615 CIO the CIO is the executive who is in m6NpGV1p-sA-00436-00104616-00104858 charge of the is function in most m6NpGV1p-sA-00437-00104858-00105109 organizations the CIO works with the m6NpGV1p-sA-00438-00105110-00105371 chief executive officer CEO the chief m6NpGV1p-sA-00439-00105372-00105551 financial officer CFO m6NpGV1p-sA-00440-00105552-00105883 and other senior executives therefore he m6NpGV1p-sA-00441-00105884-00106076 or she actively participates in the m6NpGV1p-sA-00442-00106077-00106258 organization's strategic planning m6NpGV1p-sA-00443-00106259-00106809 process m6NpGV1p-sA-00444-00106810-00107476 topic research information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00445-00107477-00107686 research is generally interdisciplinary m6NpGV1p-sA-00446-00107688-00107866 concerned with the study of the effects m6NpGV1p-sA-00447-00107867-00108061 of information systems on the behavior m6NpGV1p-sA-00448-00108063-00108343 of individuals groups and organizations m6NpGV1p-sA-00449-00108344-00108715 Heffner at our 2004 categorized research m6NpGV1p-sA-00450-00108716-00108928 in is into two scientific paradigms m6NpGV1p-sA-00451-00108929-00109138 including behavioral science which is to m6NpGV1p-sA-00452-00109139-00109324 develop and verify theories that explain m6NpGV1p-sA-00453-00109325-00109561 or predict human or organizational m6NpGV1p-sA-00454-00109563-00109733 behavior and design science which m6NpGV1p-sA-00455-00109733-00109907 extends the boundaries of human and m6NpGV1p-sA-00456-00109908-00110149 organizational capabilities by creating m6NpGV1p-sA-00457-00110150-00110476 new and innovative artifacts salvitore m6NpGV1p-sA-00458-00110477-00110677 March and Gerald Smith proposed a m6NpGV1p-sA-00459-00110678-00110822 framework for researching different m6NpGV1p-sA-00460-00110823-00111040 aspects of information technology m6NpGV1p-sA-00461-00111041-00111199 including outputs of the research m6NpGV1p-sA-00462-00111200-00111449 research outputs and activities to carry m6NpGV1p-sA-00463-00111450-00111666 out this research research activities m6NpGV1p-sA-00464-00111667-00111952 they identified research outputs as m6NpGV1p-sA-00465-00111953-00112247 follows constructs which are concepts m6NpGV1p-sA-00466-00112248-00112429 that form the vocabulary of the domain m6NpGV1p-sA-00467-00112430-00112753 they constitute a conceptualization used m6NpGV1p-sA-00468-00112754-00112936 to describe problems within the domain m6NpGV1p-sA-00469-00112937-00113263 and to specify their solutions a model m6NpGV1p-sA-00470-00113264-00113425 which is a set of propositions or m6NpGV1p-sA-00471-00113426-00113608 statements expressing relationships m6NpGV1p-sA-00472-00113609-00113933 among constructs a method which is a set m6NpGV1p-sA-00473-00113933-00114175 of steps an algorithm or guideline used m6NpGV1p-sA-00474-00114176-00114463 to perform a task methods are based on a m6NpGV1p-sA-00475-00114464-00114649 set of underlying constructs and a m6NpGV1p-sA-00476-00114650-00114850 representation model of the solution m6NpGV1p-sA-00477-00114851-00115150 space an instantiation is the m6NpGV1p-sA-00478-00115151-00115327 realization of an artifact in its m6NpGV1p-sA-00479-00115328-00115558 environment also research activities m6NpGV1p-sA-00480-00115559-00115861 including build an artifact to perform a m6NpGV1p-sA-00481-00115862-00116212 specific task evaluate the artifact to m6NpGV1p-sA-00482-00116213-00116362 determine if any progress has been m6NpGV1p-sA-00483-00116363-00116659 achieved given an artifact whose m6NpGV1p-sA-00484-00116660-00116860 performance has been evaluated it is m6NpGV1p-sA-00485-00116861-00117034 important to determine why and how the m6NpGV1p-sA-00486-00117035-00117238 artifact worked or did not work within m6NpGV1p-sA-00487-00117239-00117521 its environment therefore theorized and m6NpGV1p-sA-00488-00117522-00117766 justify theories about IT artifacts m6NpGV1p-sA-00489-00117767-00117934 although information systems as a m6NpGV1p-sA-00490-00117935-00118145 discipline has been evolving for over 30 m6NpGV1p-sA-00491-00118146-00118387 years now the core focus or identity of m6NpGV1p-sA-00492-00118388-00118583 his research is still subject to debate m6NpGV1p-sA-00493-00118583-00118868 among scholars there are two main views m6NpGV1p-sA-00494-00118869-00119035 around this debate a narrow a view m6NpGV1p-sA-00495-00119036-00119287 focusing on the IT artifact is the core m6NpGV1p-sA-00496-00119288-00119483 subject-matter of his research and a m6NpGV1p-sA-00497-00119483-00119681 broad view that focuses on the interplay m6NpGV1p-sA-00498-00119682-00119897 between social and technical aspects of m6NpGV1p-sA-00499-00119898-00120005 IT that is embed m6NpGV1p-sA-00500-00120006-00120323 into a dynamic evolving context a third m6NpGV1p-sA-00501-00120324-00120494 view calls on his scholars to pay m6NpGV1p-sA-00502-00120495-00120665 balanced attention to both the IT m6NpGV1p-sA-00503-00120666-00121022 artifact in its context since the study m6NpGV1p-sA-00504-00121023-00121217 of information systems is an applied m6NpGV1p-sA-00505-00121218-00121445 field industry practitioners expect m6NpGV1p-sA-00506-00121446-00121631 information systems research to generate m6NpGV1p-sA-00507-00121632-00121834 findings that are immediately applicable m6NpGV1p-sA-00508-00121835-00122126 in practice this is not always the case m6NpGV1p-sA-00509-00122127-00122333 however as information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00510-00122333-00122522 researchers often explore behavioral m6NpGV1p-sA-00511-00122523-00122672 issues in much more depth than m6NpGV1p-sA-00512-00122673-00122843 practitioners would expect them to do m6NpGV1p-sA-00513-00122844-00123122 this may render information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00514-00123123-00123334 research results difficult to understand m6NpGV1p-sA-00515-00123335-00123578 and has led to criticism in the last 10 m6NpGV1p-sA-00516-00123579-00123794 years the business trend is represented m6NpGV1p-sA-00517-00123795-00123956 by the considerable increasing of m6NpGV1p-sA-00518-00123957-00124205 information systems function is f role m6NpGV1p-sA-00519-00124206-00124406 especially with regard the enterprise m6NpGV1p-sA-00520-00124407-00124694 strategies and operations supporting it m6NpGV1p-sA-00521-00124695-00124861 became a key factor to increase m6NpGV1p-sA-00522-00124863-00125072 productivity and to support new value m6NpGV1p-sA-00523-00125073-00125359 creation to study an information system m6NpGV1p-sA-00524-00125360-00125540 itself rather than its effects m6NpGV1p-sA-00525-00125541-00125789 information systems models are used such m6NpGV1p-sA-00526-00125790-00126158 as EA T P UT the international body of m6NpGV1p-sA-00527-00126158-00126365 information systems researchers the m6NpGV1p-sA-00528-00126366-00126641 Association for information systems AIS m6NpGV1p-sA-00529-00126642-00126821 and its senior scholars forum m6NpGV1p-sA-00530-00126822-00127028 Subcommittee on journals the 23rd of m6NpGV1p-sA-00531-00127029-00127364 April 2007 proposed a basket of journals m6NpGV1p-sA-00532-00127365-00127561 that the AIS deems is excellent and m6NpGV1p-sA-00533-00127563-00127805 nominated management information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00534-00127806-00128075 quarterly Mis Q information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00535-00128076-00128279 research is our Journal of the m6NpGV1p-sA-00536-00128280-00128522 Association for information systems J m6NpGV1p-sA-00537-00128523-00128723 AIS Journal of management information m6NpGV1p-sA-00538-00128724-00129044 systems JM is European Journal of m6NpGV1p-sA-00539-00129045-00129272 Information Systems EJ is and m6NpGV1p-sA-00540-00129273-00129547 information systems journal is J a m6NpGV1p-sA-00541-00129548-00129803 number of annual information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00542-00129804-00130022 conferences are run in various parts of m6NpGV1p-sA-00543-00130023-00130217 the world the majority of which appear m6NpGV1p-sA-00544-00130218-00130523 reviewed the a is directly runs the m6NpGV1p-sA-00545-00130524-00130727 International Conference on information m6NpGV1p-sA-00546-00130728-00130967 systems IC is and the Americas m6NpGV1p-sA-00547-00130968-00131228 conference on information systems AMC is m6NpGV1p-sA-00548-00131229-00131489 while a is affiliated conferences m6NpGV1p-sA-00549-00131490-00131696 include the Pacific Asia conference on m6NpGV1p-sA-00550-00131697-00131993 information systems PA C is European m6NpGV1p-sA-00551-00131994-00132245 conference on information systems EC is m6NpGV1p-sA-00552-00132246-00132449 the Mediterranean conference on m6NpGV1p-sA-00553-00132450-00132692 information systems MC is the m6NpGV1p-sA-00554-00132693-00132850 international conference on information m6NpGV1p-sA-00555-00132851-00133189 resources management conf IRM and the m6NpGV1p-sA-00556-00133190-00133351 an international conference on m6NpGV1p-sA-00557-00133352-00133756 e-business whi CEB a is chapter m6NpGV1p-sA-00558-00133757-00133943 conferences include Australasian m6NpGV1p-sA-00559-00133944-00134185 conference on information systems ASIS m6NpGV1p-sA-00560-00134186-00134425 information systems research conference m6NpGV1p-sA-00561-00134426-00134695 in Scandinavia iris information systems m6NpGV1p-sA-00562-00134696-00134911 international conference is IC o---- m6NpGV1p-sA-00563-00134912-00135133 conference of the italian chapter of a m6NpGV1p-sA-00564-00135134-00135403 is attached annual Midwestern AIS m6NpGV1p-sA-00565-00135404-00135475 conference m6NpGV1p-sA-00566-00135476-00135730 MWA is an annual conference of the m6NpGV1p-sA-00567-00135731-00136129 southern AIS say us EDS IG which is the m6NpGV1p-sA-00568-00136130-00136336 special interest group on education of m6NpGV1p-sA-00569-00136337-00136582 the AIT P organizes the conference on m6NpGV1p-sA-00570-00136583-00136768 information systems in computing m6NpGV1p-sA-00571-00136769-00136927 education and the conference on m6NpGV1p-sA-00572-00136928-00137077 information systems Applied Research m6NpGV1p-sA-00573-00137078-00137812 which are both held annually in November m6NpGV1p-sA-00574-00137813-00138448 topic the impact on economic models m6NpGV1p-sA-00575-00138449-00138845 micro economic theory model transaction m6NpGV1p-sA-00576-00138846-00139295 cost theory agency theory equals equals m6NpGV1p-sA-00577-00139296-00139565 see also m7HeaI7Gevu-00000-00001739-00002135 Shalom from Israel I'm shirasaka wrong m7HeaI7Gevu-00001-00002136-00002447 and I want to welcome you to Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00002-00002448-00002735 frontline your guide to Israel and the m7HeaI7Gevu-00003-00002736-00002979 Middle East we want to give you m7HeaI7Gevu-00004-00002980-00003231 information you will probably not hear m7HeaI7Gevu-00005-00003232-00003518 in the mainstream media regarding life m7HeaI7Gevu-00006-00003519-00003777 in Israel and the israeli-arab conflict m7HeaI7Gevu-00007-00003778-00004188 and we'll add a biblical perspective to m7HeaI7Gevu-00008-00004189-00004446 our reality today we will continue m7HeaI7Gevu-00009-00004447-00004752 examining whether or not the State of m7HeaI7Gevu-00010-00004753-00005192 Israel has a legal right to exist as you m7HeaI7Gevu-00011-00005193-00005502 know the Muslim world publicly denies m7HeaI7Gevu-00012-00005503-00005822 this right in this third program of a m7HeaI7Gevu-00013-00005823-00006102 series of four we will analyze the m7HeaI7Gevu-00014-00006103-00006410 reactions of Jews and Muslims to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00015-00006411-00006684 United Nations resolution to grant m7HeaI7Gevu-00016-00006684-00007117 Israel full state membership into the UN m7HeaI7Gevu-00017-00007118-00007520 on the program today the UN partitions m7HeaI7Gevu-00018-00007522-00007887 Palestine the UN welcomes Israel as a m7HeaI7Gevu-00019-00007888-00008448 member state Israel's many wars finally m7HeaI7Gevu-00020-00008449-00008723 our panel guests will share their m7HeaI7Gevu-00021-00008724-00008989 perspectives on the Arab response in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00022-00008990-00009359 UN and the events which followed the m7HeaI7Gevu-00023-00009360-00009666 creation of the State of Israel the m7HeaI7Gevu-00024-00009667-00009920 League of Nations was the forerunner of m7HeaI7Gevu-00025-00009921-00010251 the United Nations both of these world m7HeaI7Gevu-00026-00010252-00010580 body's upheld the Balfour Declaration m7HeaI7Gevu-00027-00010581-00010871 which declared that great britain looked m7HeaI7Gevu-00028-00010872-00011177 with favor upon the establishment in m7HeaI7Gevu-00029-00011178-00011513 palestine a national home for the jewish m7HeaI7Gevu-00030-00011514-00011823 people but after decades of violence and m7HeaI7Gevu-00031-00011824-00012212 vicious rioting by the Arabs who refuse m7HeaI7Gevu-00032-00012213-00012428 to accept Jews living in the Middle East m7HeaI7Gevu-00033-00012429-00012804 the UN tried to figure out some formula m7HeaI7Gevu-00034-00012805-00013029 that would give the Jewish people a m7HeaI7Gevu-00035-00013030-00013386 homeland but also placate the Arab m7HeaI7Gevu-00036-00013387-00013653 nations so the UN divided what was left m7HeaI7Gevu-00037-00013654-00013935 of the British Mandate into three m7HeaI7Gevu-00038-00013936-00014175 separate little sections for Israel and m7HeaI7Gevu-00039-00014176-00014433 the rest for the Arabs look at the m7HeaI7Gevu-00040-00014434-00014763 sections of purple on the map Israel was m7HeaI7Gevu-00041-00014763-00015018 given a part of Galilee in the north m7HeaI7Gevu-00042-00015019-00015300 and a strip along the coast of the m7HeaI7Gevu-00043-00015301-00015585 Mediterranean the third and largest area m7HeaI7Gevu-00044-00015586-00015908 was Desert in the south these three m7HeaI7Gevu-00045-00015909-00016206 disconnected sections for Israel were m7HeaI7Gevu-00046-00016207-00016605 militarily unsustainable the green area m7HeaI7Gevu-00047-00016606-00016904 in Galilee and the center of the country m7HeaI7Gevu-00048-00016905-00017187 represents what was to be given to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00049-00017188-00017496 Arabs along with the Gaza Strip and an m7HeaI7Gevu-00050-00017497-00017706 area along the border with Egypt m7HeaI7Gevu-00051-00017707-00018041 remember that Britain had already given m7HeaI7Gevu-00052-00018042-00018327 seventy-six percent of the Holy Land to m7HeaI7Gevu-00053-00018328-00018597 the Arabs by creating the Hashemite m7HeaI7Gevu-00054-00018598-00019032 Kingdom of Jordan now the UN was again m7HeaI7Gevu-00055-00019033-00019257 prepared to divide what was left in m7HeaI7Gevu-00056-00019258-00019563 order to create a second arab state m7HeaI7Gevu-00057-00019564-00020001 alongside a Jewish state the ancient m7HeaI7Gevu-00058-00020002-00020343 land of Judah the heart of the area God m7HeaI7Gevu-00059-00020344-00020661 had specifically given to Abraham Isaac m7HeaI7Gevu-00060-00020662-00020883 and Jacob you can read it in the book of m7HeaI7Gevu-00061-00020884-00021252 Genesis was now being handed over to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00062-00021253-00021696 people of Allah as we will soon see even m7HeaI7Gevu-00063-00021697-00021978 though what the UN gave to Israel was m7HeaI7Gevu-00064-00021979-00022317 militarily unsustainable in a sea of m7HeaI7Gevu-00065-00022318-00022728 Islamic enemies Israel said yes to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00066-00022729-00023859 UN and the Arabs said no m7HeaI7Gevu-00067-00023860-00024276 when the UN resolution 181 was brought m7HeaI7Gevu-00068-00024277-00024623 to an affirmative vote Israel said yes m7HeaI7Gevu-00069-00024624-00024951 Israel agreed to receive this tiny piece m7HeaI7Gevu-00070-00024952-00025272 of land for her new state more than m7HeaI7Gevu-00071-00025273-00025593 mystifying is the fact that after six m7HeaI7Gevu-00072-00025594-00025881 million Jews had been murdered in that m7HeaI7Gevu-00073-00025882-00026235 very decade Britain could not bring m7HeaI7Gevu-00074-00026236-00026610 herself to cast her UN vote in favor of m7HeaI7Gevu-00075-00026611-00026939 Israel she was the only European state m7HeaI7Gevu-00076-00026941-00027279 that abstained even Russia voted for m7HeaI7Gevu-00077-00027280-00027591 Israel but every single Muslim nation in m7HeaI7Gevu-00078-00027592-00027945 the UN voted against Israel statehood it m7HeaI7Gevu-00079-00027945-00028335 was destiny that at that time the Muslim m7HeaI7Gevu-00080-00028336-00028650 countries and their close allies did not m7HeaI7Gevu-00081-00028651-00028952 yet have the majority vote in the UN m7HeaI7Gevu-00082-00028954-00029331 General Assembly as they do today Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00083-00029332-00029736 accepted UN resolution 181 and founding m7HeaI7Gevu-00084-00029737-00030099 father David ben-gurion declared Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00085-00030100-00030611 a free and independent state on May 14 m7HeaI7Gevu-00086-00030612-00031017 1948 the Arabs completely rejected the m7HeaI7Gevu-00087-00031018-00031416 UN resolution 181 and the very next day m7HeaI7Gevu-00088-00031417-00031674 after israel declared her independence m7HeaI7Gevu-00089-00031675-00032085 five Arab nations invaded Israel vowing m7HeaI7Gevu-00090-00032086-00032379 to destroy the nation-state when the m7HeaI7Gevu-00091-00032380-00032613 smoke cleared the Jordanians had m7HeaI7Gevu-00092-00032614-00032901 occupied Judea and Samaria known as the m7HeaI7Gevu-00093-00032902-00033213 West Bank and East Jerusalem for m7HeaI7Gevu-00094-00033214-00033519 themselves the Egyptians appropriated m7HeaI7Gevu-00095-00033520-00033819 Gaza for themselves they were able to do m7HeaI7Gevu-00096-00033820-00034041 this because there was no Palestinian m7HeaI7Gevu-00097-00034042-00034368 people or Palestinian state in existence m7HeaI7Gevu-00098-00034369-00034704 up until then the only rulers over m7HeaI7Gevu-00099-00034705-00035019 Palestine for the last 500 years had m7HeaI7Gevu-00100-00035020-00035321 been the Ottoman Turks and the British m7HeaI7Gevu-00101-00035322-00035667 four thousand Jews lost their lives in m7HeaI7Gevu-00102-00035668-00035913 that war of independence but Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00103-00035914-00036201 actually gained about sixty percent of m7HeaI7Gevu-00104-00036202-00036504 what the UN had offered the Arabs for m7HeaI7Gevu-00105-00036505-00036833 their state the CIA did not believe m7HeaI7Gevu-00106-00036834-00037097 Israel could possibly win m7HeaI7Gevu-00107-00037098-00037562 Israel only had some 20,000 to 30,000 m7HeaI7Gevu-00108-00037563-00037834 irregular troops for most of the war m7HeaI7Gevu-00109-00037835-00038159 many of them were new immigrants and m7HeaI7Gevu-00110-00038160-00038432 couldn't even understand their m7HeaI7Gevu-00111-00038433-00038711 commanders who spoke Hebrew while the m7HeaI7Gevu-00112-00038712-00039128 Arabs had large regular armies it was an m7HeaI7Gevu-00113-00039129-00039646 absolute miracle m7HeaI7Gevu-00114-00039647-00040030 19 years later Egypt Syria and Jordan m7HeaI7Gevu-00115-00040031-00040270 again threatened to throw Israel into m7HeaI7Gevu-00116-00040271-00040636 the sea and in an act of war blockaded m7HeaI7Gevu-00117-00040637-00041068 Israel's entrance to the Red Sea in 1967 m7HeaI7Gevu-00118-00041069-00041401 they expel the UN troops from the Sinai m7HeaI7Gevu-00119-00041402-00041668 Peninsula telling them they were going m7HeaI7Gevu-00120-00041669-00042049 to invade Israel five other Arab nations m7HeaI7Gevu-00121-00042050-00042316 delivered aircraft and even Pakistani m7HeaI7Gevu-00122-00042317-00042649 pilots took part in this war but in a m7HeaI7Gevu-00123-00042650-00042991 six-day war Israel struck back in a m7HeaI7Gevu-00124-00042992-00043357 lightning preemptive strike chasing the m7HeaI7Gevu-00125-00043358-00043732 Egyptians out of Gaza the Jordanians out m7HeaI7Gevu-00126-00043733-00043948 of Judea and Samaria that's the West m7HeaI7Gevu-00127-00043949-00044260 Bank an ancient Jerusalem Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00128-00044261-00044530 conquered the Sinai desert and captured m7HeaI7Gevu-00129-00044531-00044785 the Golan Heights from Syria ending the m7HeaI7Gevu-00130-00044786-00045052 decades-long constant terrorist attacks m7HeaI7Gevu-00131-00045053-00045307 from those Heights down on Jewish m7HeaI7Gevu-00132-00045308-00045652 villages and communities in Galilee in m7HeaI7Gevu-00133-00045653-00046012 six days one of the most remarkable m7HeaI7Gevu-00134-00046013-00046459 victories in the history of warfare the m7HeaI7Gevu-00135-00046460-00046777 Arab nations had no choice but to sign m7HeaI7Gevu-00136-00046778-00047107 ceasefire agreements with Israel but m7HeaI7Gevu-00137-00047108-00047383 they emphasized as they did back in 1949 m7HeaI7Gevu-00138-00047384-00047728 that they were not recognizing any m7HeaI7Gevu-00139-00047729-00048055 borders of any kind with israel since m7HeaI7Gevu-00140-00048056-00048331 they did not accept the existence of a m7HeaI7Gevu-00141-00048332-00048771 Jewish state no Israel no Jews no m7HeaI7Gevu-00142-00048772-00049120 borders six years later Arab nations m7HeaI7Gevu-00143-00049121-00049423 invaded Israel again with a surprise m7HeaI7Gevu-00144-00049424-00049696 attack on Israel's holiest day Yom m7HeaI7Gevu-00145-00049697-00050155 Kippur again miraculously though in dire m7HeaI7Gevu-00146-00050156-00050527 straits Israel pushed the Arabs back and m7HeaI7Gevu-00147-00050528-00050790 actually could have marched into Cairo m7HeaI7Gevu-00148-00050791-00051138 in the south and Damascus in the north m7HeaI7Gevu-00149-00051139-00051414 but by this time the UN powers-that-be m7HeaI7Gevu-00150-00051415-00051757 were almost hysterical and demanded that m7HeaI7Gevu-00151-00051758-00052032 Israel immediately halt another m7HeaI7Gevu-00152-00052033-00052402 ceasefire was arranged but again no m7HeaI7Gevu-00153-00052403-00052702 borders were designated because remember m7HeaI7Gevu-00154-00052703-00052990 the Arabs refused to recognize m7HeaI7Gevu-00155-00052991-00053284 the Jewish state and therefore would not m7HeaI7Gevu-00156-00053285-00053655 negotiate a peace agreement until today m7HeaI7Gevu-00157-00053657-00053932 no borders for Israel have been assigned m7HeaI7Gevu-00158-00053933-00054330 in written form by anyone only ceasefire m7HeaI7Gevu-00159-00054332-00054703 lines it is so absolutely ironic that m7HeaI7Gevu-00160-00054704-00054940 Palestinian leaders are demanding that m7HeaI7Gevu-00161-00054941-00055234 Israel returned to the pre six-day war m7HeaI7Gevu-00162-00055235-00055522 borders when they know very well there m7HeaI7Gevu-00163-00055523-00055834 is no such thing the nations of the m7HeaI7Gevu-00164-00055835-00056046 world play along with the charade m7HeaI7Gevu-00165-00056047-00056304 demanding Israel return to the nineteen m7HeaI7Gevu-00166-00056305-00056584 sixty-seven borders but not demanding m7HeaI7Gevu-00167-00056585-00056908 that the Palestinians recognize Israel's m7HeaI7Gevu-00168-00056909-00057649 right to exist as a Jewish nation the m7HeaI7Gevu-00169-00057650-00057907 Arabs and the newly created Palestinian m7HeaI7Gevu-00170-00057908-00058147 people have never given up the intention m7HeaI7Gevu-00171-00058148-00058408 of destroying Israel in the Second m7HeaI7Gevu-00172-00058409-00058704 Intifada which began in the year 2000 in m7HeaI7Gevu-00173-00058705-00058980 the West Bank there was every kind of m7HeaI7Gevu-00174-00058982-00059214 terror you could possibly imagine m7HeaI7Gevu-00175-00059215-00059554 suicide bombers at restaurants late m7HeaI7Gevu-00176-00059554-00059896 night commando raids bus bombings bar m7HeaI7Gevu-00177-00059897-00060163 mitzvah shootings random stabbings m7HeaI7Gevu-00178-00060164-00060633 street riots town sieges bicycle bombers m7HeaI7Gevu-00179-00060634-00061054 clashes at holy sites car bombs sniper m7HeaI7Gevu-00180-00061054-00061474 fire fights human shields mortar attacks m7HeaI7Gevu-00181-00061475-00061903 on towns and farms experts had warned m7HeaI7Gevu-00182-00061904-00062182 Israel that it is impossible to win m7HeaI7Gevu-00183-00062183-00062515 against guerrilla warfare which is what m7HeaI7Gevu-00184-00062516-00062890 the Intifada was however Israel had no m7HeaI7Gevu-00185-00062891-00063313 choice if she were to survive after 5800 m7HeaI7Gevu-00186-00063314-00063628 Arab militants were killed the Intifada m7HeaI7Gevu-00187-00063629-00064177 was over yes 1053 israeli men women and m7HeaI7Gevu-00188-00064178-00064684 children were murdered in 2267 israelis m7HeaI7Gevu-00189-00064685-00065191 injured 120 Arab suicide bombers made m7HeaI7Gevu-00190-00065191-00065497 themselves martyrs but what did the m7HeaI7Gevu-00191-00065498-00065890 Arabs in Judea and Samaria gain for a m7HeaI7Gevu-00192-00065891-00066217 start the loss of their fast growing m7HeaI7Gevu-00193-00066218-00066311 economy m7HeaI7Gevu-00194-00066312-00066653 and the hardships of many new Israeli m7HeaI7Gevu-00195-00066654-00066910 checkpoints and a protective fence m7HeaI7Gevu-00196-00066911-00067262 partially a wall which by the way the m7HeaI7Gevu-00197-00067263-00067547 world said was illegal but which kept m7HeaI7Gevu-00198-00067548-00067912 the suicide bombers out of Israel proper m7HeaI7Gevu-00199-00067913-00068300 sadly a hundred and ten thousand Arabs m7HeaI7Gevu-00200-00068301-00068606 from the West Bank lost their jobs in m7HeaI7Gevu-00201-00068607-00068846 Israel because of the many acts of m7HeaI7Gevu-00202-00068847-00069056 terror committed by some of these m7HeaI7Gevu-00203-00069057-00069464 employees because the educational system m7HeaI7Gevu-00204-00069465-00069869 in the West Bank like in Gaza is so full m7HeaI7Gevu-00205-00069870-00070184 of hatred and revenge and because of the m7HeaI7Gevu-00206-00070185-00070478 Islamic ideology that promises the m7HeaI7Gevu-00207-00070479-00070799 glorious paradise in the afterlife for m7HeaI7Gevu-00208-00070800-00071180 Islamic martyrs the youth of the m7HeaI7Gevu-00209-00071181-00071450 Palestinian Authority are groomed to m7HeaI7Gevu-00210-00071451-00071750 commit terrorist acts this is why the m7HeaI7Gevu-00211-00071751-00072068 West Bank will most likely continue to m7HeaI7Gevu-00212-00072069-00072386 experience waves of terror against the m7HeaI7Gevu-00213-00072387-00072670 Jewish people m7HeaI7Gevu-00214-00072671-00073057 it is important to add here that Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00215-00073058-00073347 is not a nation of citizens with wings m7HeaI7Gevu-00216-00073348-00073699 Israel has bigoted inhabitants who are m7HeaI7Gevu-00217-00073700-00073909 striking out against the Arabs in what m7HeaI7Gevu-00218-00073910-00074284 we call price tag attacks Jews tend not m7HeaI7Gevu-00219-00074285-00074647 to resort to murder thank God however m7HeaI7Gevu-00220-00074648-00074944 there have been extremist Jewish acts of m7HeaI7Gevu-00221-00074945-00075178 violence especially among the m7HeaI7Gevu-00222-00075179-00075487 ultra-orthodox Jews but I can clearly m7HeaI7Gevu-00223-00075488-00075781 say that Israel is no better or worse m7HeaI7Gevu-00224-00075782-00076114 than any other nation its citizens for m7HeaI7Gevu-00225-00076115-00076423 the most part do not yet follow God and m7HeaI7Gevu-00226-00076424-00076729 his Messiah as does not the rest of the m7HeaI7Gevu-00227-00076730-00077029 world therefore I wish to bring out m7HeaI7Gevu-00228-00077030-00077335 another issue that is critical to God m7HeaI7Gevu-00229-00077336-00077601 and therefore must be critical to us m7HeaI7Gevu-00230-00077602-00077968 Israel is our example that God has given m7HeaI7Gevu-00231-00077969-00078328 to us the scriptures say now these m7HeaI7Gevu-00232-00078329-00078643 things became our examples meaning from m7HeaI7Gevu-00233-00078644-00078862 the Old Testament and they were written m7HeaI7Gevu-00234-00078863-00079339 for our admonition through Israel God m7HeaI7Gevu-00235-00079340-00079588 reveals to us how he deals with all m7HeaI7Gevu-00236-00079589-00079915 human beings throughout the world in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00237-00079916-00080182 Bible when Israel sinned against God m7HeaI7Gevu-00238-00080183-00080419 through disobedience and coldness m7HeaI7Gevu-00239-00080420-00080812 towards their Creator the Lord allowed a m7HeaI7Gevu-00240-00080813-00081148 war plague and famine to come upon his m7HeaI7Gevu-00241-00081149-00081499 people when King Solomon dedicated the m7HeaI7Gevu-00242-00081500-00081802 beautiful temple to the Lord he prayed m7HeaI7Gevu-00243-00081803-00082102 that in times of famine and plagues or m7HeaI7Gevu-00244-00082103-00082414 when Israel was defeated or harassed by m7HeaI7Gevu-00245-00082415-00082681 her enemies that if they would return to m7HeaI7Gevu-00246-00082682-00083029 God repent of their sin and ask God to m7HeaI7Gevu-00247-00083030-00083323 heal and protect them he would answer m7HeaI7Gevu-00248-00083324-00083653 their prayers the Lord answered King m7HeaI7Gevu-00249-00083654-00084028 Solomon and said if my people who are m7HeaI7Gevu-00250-00084029-00084307 called by my name will humble themselves m7HeaI7Gevu-00251-00084308-00084739 and pray and seek my face and turn from m7HeaI7Gevu-00252-00084740-00085036 their wicked ways then I will hear from m7HeaI7Gevu-00253-00085037-00085362 heaven and will forgive their sin m7HeaI7Gevu-00254-00085363-00085731 and heal their land that promise is as m7HeaI7Gevu-00255-00085732-00086103 true today as it ever was Israel will be m7HeaI7Gevu-00256-00086104-00086340 delivered from her enemies completely m7HeaI7Gevu-00257-00086341-00086655 when the people of Israel returned to m7HeaI7Gevu-00258-00086656-00086910 the Lord God of Israel through the m7HeaI7Gevu-00259-00086911-00087335 revelation of his son Yeshua the Messiah m7HeaI7Gevu-00260-00087336-00087741 this is true for every nation repentance m7HeaI7Gevu-00261-00087742-00088059 and turning back to God will bring m7HeaI7Gevu-00262-00088060-00088557 victory from our enemies stay tuned we m7HeaI7Gevu-00263-00088558-00088761 will return shortly and have a m7HeaI7Gevu-00264-00088762-00089019 discussion with our panel of Israeli m7HeaI7Gevu-00265-00089020-00089445 guess one of the ways matos reaches out m7HeaI7Gevu-00266-00089446-00089709 to Israelis is by supporting the Hebrew m7HeaI7Gevu-00267-00089710-00089952 speaking spirit-filled congregation to m7HeaI7Gevu-00268-00089953-00090182 fair to assure in the heart of Tel Aviv m7HeaI7Gevu-00269-00090183-00090447 it is a place of intimate worship m7HeaI7Gevu-00270-00090448-00090702 corporate prayer and powerful teaching m7HeaI7Gevu-00271-00090703-00090960 for believers but non believers at the m7HeaI7Gevu-00272-00090961-00091233 services always marvel at the love they m7HeaI7Gevu-00273-00091234-00091473 receive from the people of God just as m7HeaI7Gevu-00274-00091474-00091731 Yeshua said through this love they will m7HeaI7Gevu-00275-00091732-00092010 know we are his disciples join us in m7HeaI7Gevu-00276-00092011-00092273 reaching Tel Aviv and all of Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00277-00092274-00092646 welcome back we will now ask our panel m7HeaI7Gevu-00278-00092647-00092859 to share their Israeli perspective on m7HeaI7Gevu-00279-00092860-00093210 the Israel Arab conflict today in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00280-00093211-00093504 studio with us our material shani m7HeaI7Gevu-00281-00093505-00093821 director of operations for TV n Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00282-00093822-00094218 from Jerusalem SHINee Ferguson m7HeaI7Gevu-00283-00094219-00094452 co-founder of Yeshua Israel ministries m7HeaI7Gevu-00284-00094453-00094814 also from Jerusalem and Israel puffs der m7HeaI7Gevu-00285-00094815-00095145 pastor of bait Khalil messianic m7HeaI7Gevu-00286-00095146-00095499 congregation from Ashdod in southern m7HeaI7Gevu-00287-00095500-00095898 Israel welcome and thank you for being m7HeaI7Gevu-00288-00095899-00096363 here great to be here well Israel how do m7HeaI7Gevu-00289-00096364-00096831 Messianic Jews in Israel relate to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00290-00096832-00097113 Arab Israel comfort first of all I would m7HeaI7Gevu-00291-00097114-00097416 say with compassion because there is m7HeaI7Gevu-00292-00097417-00097677 suffering us and everybody wants to have m7HeaI7Gevu-00293-00097678-00097890 peace for sure because peas always m7HeaI7Gevu-00294-00097891-00098007 better than m7HeaI7Gevu-00295-00098008-00098190 wars and conflicts so there is lots of m7HeaI7Gevu-00296-00098191-00098436 compassion going on for one side and of m7HeaI7Gevu-00297-00098437-00098637 course from another side also keeping in m7HeaI7Gevu-00298-00098638-00098901 perspective what God is doing in Middle m7HeaI7Gevu-00299-00098902-00099078 East what God is doing with Israel how m7HeaI7Gevu-00300-00099079-00099354 God is shaking in or allowed two nations m7HeaI7Gevu-00301-00099355-00099711 be shaken so it's both we see compassion m7HeaI7Gevu-00302-00099712-00099900 receivable sorry lots of people praying m7HeaI7Gevu-00303-00099901-00100170 for peace praying for our brothers our m7HeaI7Gevu-00304-00100171-00100398 brothers and just a Palestinian m7HeaI7Gevu-00305-00100399-00100704 population in Israel and in West Bank in m7HeaI7Gevu-00306-00100705-00101019 Gaza and etc so there's the rest book m7HeaI7Gevu-00307-00101020-00101379 but what I like to see it's a desire for m7HeaI7Gevu-00308-00101380-00101700 peace but also they're not really m7HeaI7Gevu-00309-00101701-00101922 compromising but they try to understand m7HeaI7Gevu-00310-00101923-00102144 what God is doing and there is a bigger m7HeaI7Gevu-00311-00102145-00102461 picture and promises of God but the same m7HeaI7Gevu-00312-00102463-00102627 time you see the sufferer of daily life m7HeaI7Gevu-00313-00102628-00102891 so I really both lots of compassion lots m7HeaI7Gevu-00314-00102892-00103290 of prayers and tears right I just want m7HeaI7Gevu-00315-00103291-00103488 to say there's for that for the outside m7HeaI7Gevu-00316-00103489-00103674 viewer I think it's hard to appreciate m7HeaI7Gevu-00317-00103675-00103953 how far the distances between the Jewish m7HeaI7Gevu-00318-00103954-00104127 and the Palestinian camellia i'm not m7HeaI7Gevu-00319-00104128-00104277 talking about israeli arabs who live m7HeaI7Gevu-00320-00104278-00104550 inside israel the palestinians many m7HeaI7Gevu-00321-00104551-00104711 people don't realize that our theology m7HeaI7Gevu-00322-00104713-00104925 any people is shaped by your life m7HeaI7Gevu-00323-00104926-00105168 circumstances right so you have you know m7HeaI7Gevu-00324-00105169-00105329 the Israelis who are living in a m7HeaI7Gevu-00325-00105330-00105606 predominantly you know victorious m7HeaI7Gevu-00326-00105607-00105756 country we've won all the wars we're m7HeaI7Gevu-00327-00105757-00105978 still here we're successful and the m7HeaI7Gevu-00328-00105979-00106160 Palestinians are living on entirely m7HeaI7Gevu-00329-00106161-00106358 different life circumstances living in m7HeaI7Gevu-00330-00106359-00106449 two people that doesn't have a m7HeaI7Gevu-00331-00106450-00106740 discussion of why they failed living in m7HeaI7Gevu-00332-00106741-00106869 people who's trying to shape their m7HeaI7Gevu-00333-00106870-00107031 identity find their identity so you have m7HeaI7Gevu-00334-00107032-00107336 this very very many levels this m7HeaI7Gevu-00335-00107338-00107469 dissonance in what they believe in m7HeaI7Gevu-00336-00107470-00107733 between the Messianic Jews Christian I m7HeaI7Gevu-00337-00107733-00107936 think also it's it's the Jewish m7HeaI7Gevu-00338-00107938-00108183 mentality of I will prosper where I am m7HeaI7Gevu-00339-00108183-00108450 has been throughout the HSN and I think m7HeaI7Gevu-00340-00108451-00108705 that part of the issue I mean you may m7HeaI7Gevu-00341-00108706-00108927 develop theology depending on how your m7HeaI7Gevu-00342-00108928-00109259 life is but you also have kind of like a m7HeaI7Gevu-00343-00109260-00109473 life perspective and the Palestinian m7HeaI7Gevu-00344-00109474-00109746 people as a people are very much a m7HeaI7Gevu-00345-00109747-00109971 victim like this is horrible for us and m7HeaI7Gevu-00346-00109972-00110151 we're just going to sit in this and say m7HeaI7Gevu-00347-00110152-00110285 how horrible it is until the world are m7HeaI7Gevu-00348-00110286-00110469 horrible instead of trying to prosper m7HeaI7Gevu-00349-00110470-00110631 where we are because Israel did not come m7HeaI7Gevu-00350-00110632-00110922 to this prosperous land like when when m7HeaI7Gevu-00351-00110923-00110972 they can m7HeaI7Gevu-00352-00110973-00111203 a min masses from all over the world it m7HeaI7Gevu-00353-00111204-00111422 was swamps it was mud there were like m7HeaI7Gevu-00354-00111423-00111608 small villages everywhere there was all m7HeaI7Gevu-00355-00111608-00111941 sorts of you know nomads that would come m7HeaI7Gevu-00356-00111942-00112103 and attack the villages like malaria m7HeaI7Gevu-00357-00112104-00112280 there was a number of things that they m7HeaI7Gevu-00358-00112281-00112457 just decided we're going to overcome m7HeaI7Gevu-00359-00112458-00112652 this and now do you think that the m7HeaI7Gevu-00360-00112653-00112841 reason that the Jewish people have been m7HeaI7Gevu-00361-00112842-00113227 so positive in the worst circumstances m7HeaI7Gevu-00362-00113228-00113567 whereas the Arabs have just suffered in m7HeaI7Gevu-00363-00113568-00113813 their victimhood do you think it's m7HeaI7Gevu-00364-00113814-00114200 because of Jewish people and Arab people m7HeaI7Gevu-00365-00114201-00114554 or is it from the Jewish religion and m7HeaI7Gevu-00366-00114555-00115024 the Islamic religion is very much from m7HeaI7Gevu-00367-00115025-00115456 historically how a people decides m7HeaI7Gevu-00368-00115457-00115718 they're going to go forward and I think m7HeaI7Gevu-00369-00115719-00115964 historically the Jews have had the m7HeaI7Gevu-00370-00115965-00116284 opportunity to say you know forget this m7HeaI7Gevu-00371-00116285-00116516 or our God said we're going to survive m7HeaI7Gevu-00372-00116517-00116633 he said we're going to come back to our m7HeaI7Gevu-00373-00116633-00116783 land he said we're going to prosper so m7HeaI7Gevu-00374-00116783-00116900 that's what we're going to believe and m7HeaI7Gevu-00375-00116901-00117122 and I think in again I think we'd part m7HeaI7Gevu-00376-00117123-00117317 with its leadership when leaders stand m7HeaI7Gevu-00377-00117318-00117464 up and said let's be strong let's m7HeaI7Gevu-00378-00117465-00117689 continue let's go forward or they will m7HeaI7Gevu-00379-00117690-00117920 say let's claim somebody let's find who m7HeaI7Gevu-00380-00117921-00118172 is guilty and let's cry together make a m7HeaI7Gevu-00381-00118173-00118304 difference sure the Palestinian m7HeaI7Gevu-00382-00118305-00118625 leadership has guided their people into m7HeaI7Gevu-00383-00118626-00118847 saying hey let's tell the world we're m7HeaI7Gevu-00384-00118848-00119063 poor puppies that constantly need help m7HeaI7Gevu-00385-00119064-00119276 and that's the motto we're going to go m7HeaI7Gevu-00386-00119277-00119492 with and so the people follow and so m7HeaI7Gevu-00387-00119493-00119615 they just kind of sit there and like m7HeaI7Gevu-00388-00119616-00119771 wait for the world to come rescue them m7HeaI7Gevu-00389-00119772-00120186 sumati what do you think this this m7HeaI7Gevu-00390-00120188-00120497 philosophy this religion of death it's m7HeaI7Gevu-00391-00120498-00120869 great to die it's super to go to m7HeaI7Gevu-00392-00120870-00121199 paradise if you're a martyr do you think m7HeaI7Gevu-00393-00121200-00121418 that that fits in there somehow to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00394-00121419-00121874 lack of success among Arab civilizations m7HeaI7Gevu-00395-00121875-00122195 or societies deepthi Allah more m7HeaI7Gevu-00396-00122196-00122579 philosophical question is Islam just to m7HeaI7Gevu-00397-00122580-00122855 be fair was very successful for time I m7HeaI7Gevu-00398-00122856-00123097 mean when it emerged in the 7th century m7HeaI7Gevu-00399-00123098-00123323 for almost six hundred years it was a m7HeaI7Gevu-00400-00123324-00123479 hugely successful sis but it was m7HeaI7Gevu-00401-00123480-00123707 basically by the sword no by the sword m7HeaI7Gevu-00402-00123708-00123920 but many many many cultures back then m7HeaI7Gevu-00403-00123921-00124223 also Christianity was by the sword was m7HeaI7Gevu-00404-00124224-00124313 very successful m7HeaI7Gevu-00405-00124314-00124541 time today the version of the summit m7HeaI7Gevu-00406-00124542-00124658 it's important to say that the version m7HeaI7Gevu-00407-00124658-00124819 of the Sun that we have today m7HeaI7Gevu-00408-00124820-00125083 controlling the Muslim countries is one m7HeaI7Gevu-00409-00125084-00125330 of extremism it's one of violence hatred m7HeaI7Gevu-00410-00125331-00125573 and there's a whole set of things that m7HeaI7Gevu-00411-00125574-00125761 go with that where I hatred to the Jews m7HeaI7Gevu-00412-00125763-00126068 hatred tribal hatred to women and rights m7HeaI7Gevu-00413-00126069-00126272 and civil rights and all all the things m7HeaI7Gevu-00414-00126273-00126385 that do with us where did that come from m7HeaI7Gevu-00415-00126386-00126725 i may do youth you're saying that in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00416-00126726-00127183 Middle Ages the Islamic religion was m7HeaI7Gevu-00417-00127184-00127553 more moderate definitely they had it m7HeaI7Gevu-00418-00127554-00127754 they had a discussion I think for many m7HeaI7Gevu-00419-00127755-00127916 if you look this is again we'll go to m7HeaI7Gevu-00420-00127917-00128165 very historical discussion but if you m7HeaI7Gevu-00421-00128166-00128306 look at what they had they had in their m7HeaI7Gevu-00422-00128307-00128504 society a discussion of what they m7HeaI7Gevu-00423-00128505-00128683 believe in and this is something you m7HeaI7Gevu-00424-00128684-00128831 mentioned Judaism before this is m7HeaI7Gevu-00425-00128832-00128993 something that's existed in Judaism m7HeaI7Gevu-00426-00128994-00129206 throughout history I think it's one of m7HeaI7Gevu-00427-00129207-00129334 the reasons we're still you know we're m7HeaI7Gevu-00428-00129335-00129515 still here as kids we had an ongoing m7HeaI7Gevu-00429-00129516-00129707 discussion of what we believe in as a m7HeaI7Gevu-00430-00129708-00129934 people and that sort of kept things m7HeaI7Gevu-00431-00129935-00130166 personal kept things alive Islam lost m7HeaI7Gevu-00432-00130167-00130313 touch with that it became dogmatic about m7HeaI7Gevu-00433-00130314-00130490 what they believe in and now it's become m7HeaI7Gevu-00434-00130491-00130766 this extremist violent religion where m7HeaI7Gevu-00435-00130767-00130922 it's religious where it's not it's a m7HeaI7Gevu-00436-00130923-00131099 different question and yet the West goes m7HeaI7Gevu-00437-00131100-00131342 ahead and says oh it's a peace-loving m7HeaI7Gevu-00438-00131343-00131600 religion you know but I do want to note m7HeaI7Gevu-00439-00131601-00131756 though that there are I mean because m7HeaI7Gevu-00440-00131757-00131903 we're making these blanket statements m7HeaI7Gevu-00441-00131904-00132305 yeah they there are people who you know m7HeaI7Gevu-00442-00132306-00132497 I know want to go to the states in m7HeaI7Gevu-00443-00132498-00132818 certain areas and they there are Arabs m7HeaI7Gevu-00444-00132819-00132911 that have immigrated from the Middle m7HeaI7Gevu-00445-00132912-00133106 East and they are extremely successful m7HeaI7Gevu-00446-00133107-00133340 business people so it's not for lack of m7HeaI7Gevu-00447-00133341-00133594 intelligence right not for lack of m7HeaI7Gevu-00448-00133595-00133832 stamina it just seems like in these m7HeaI7Gevu-00449-00133833-00134045 areas where these people do not have m7HeaI7Gevu-00450-00134046-00134339 freedom and you know just speak out and m7HeaI7Gevu-00451-00134340-00134594 say whether or to have discussions or to m7HeaI7Gevu-00452-00134595-00134765 develop themselves because they're told m7HeaI7Gevu-00453-00134766-00134951 like this is what we are we are these m7HeaI7Gevu-00454-00134952-00135134 people we are suffering well we need to m7HeaI7Gevu-00455-00135135-00135296 have our own state in order to thrive m7HeaI7Gevu-00456-00135297-00135470 which i think is a big mistake we need m7HeaI7Gevu-00457-00135471-00135713 to have our own state in order to thrive m7HeaI7Gevu-00458-00135714-00135932 is the argument that they're throwing m7HeaI7Gevu-00459-00135933-00136181 out which isn't if it's not how I had m7HeaI7Gevu-00460-00136182-00136337 the Jewish people were thriving where m7HeaI7Gevu-00461-00136338-00136487 they were even though they're you know m7HeaI7Gevu-00462-00136488-00136628 some level you know some place where m7HeaI7Gevu-00463-00136629-00136733 they're being my late but they were m7HeaI7Gevu-00464-00136734-00136874 thriving what they were and then they m7HeaI7Gevu-00465-00136875-00136904 came m7HeaI7Gevu-00466-00136905-00137126 and brought that thriving mentality into m7HeaI7Gevu-00467-00137127-00137549 Israel right so Israel what has been m7HeaI7Gevu-00468-00137550-00137827 interesting to me is that the Christian m7HeaI7Gevu-00469-00137828-00138159 population in the West Bank especially m7HeaI7Gevu-00470-00138160-00138413 because there's hardly any Christians in m7HeaI7Gevu-00471-00138414-00138660 Gaza that it to be in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00472-00138661-00138933 hamas-controlled area is not a healthy m7HeaI7Gevu-00473-00138934-00139211 thing for any Christian of any kind but m7HeaI7Gevu-00474-00139212-00139586 in the West Bank Christians usually say m7HeaI7Gevu-00475-00139587-00140027 we're not prospering because of Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00476-00140028-00140354 now why do they do that there is a m7HeaI7Gevu-00477-00140355-00140796 difference between historic Christian m7HeaI7Gevu-00478-00140797-00141072 churches and evangelicals that's for m7HeaI7Gevu-00479-00141073-00141266 sure there is a difference in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00480-00141267-00141510 percentage of people who are still angry m7HeaI7Gevu-00481-00141511-00141972 with with Israel but why why do the m7HeaI7Gevu-00482-00141973-00142349 Christians blame Israel these at least m7HeaI7Gevu-00483-00142350-00142746 the the the historic churches say it's m7HeaI7Gevu-00484-00142747-00142940 Israel's fault that everything is such a m7HeaI7Gevu-00485-00142941-00143276 mess in the West Bank yep you can see m7HeaI7Gevu-00486-00143277-00143489 this conflict from the two points of m7HeaI7Gevu-00487-00143490-00143777 view one it's a general point of God and m7HeaI7Gevu-00488-00143778-00143958 what God is doing with the nation's and m7HeaI7Gevu-00489-00143959-00144176 he's doing today and another one my m7HeaI7Gevu-00490-00144177-00144423 family circumstances and like we've been m7HeaI7Gevu-00491-00144424-00144708 speaking before people on daily basis m7HeaI7Gevu-00492-00144709-00145037 they are suffered and they see like day m7HeaI7Gevu-00493-00145038-00145296 by day in some points at sound check m7HeaI7Gevu-00494-00145297-00145553 post Israeli soldiers so it's easy but m7HeaI7Gevu-00495-00145554-00145748 also their surrounding the surrounded by m7HeaI7Gevu-00496-00145749-00146075 Muslims by you know a different type of m7HeaI7Gevu-00497-00146076-00146423 violence and it's kind of easy easy to m7HeaI7Gevu-00498-00146424-00146675 see that way so we really can understand m7HeaI7Gevu-00499-00146676-00147002 them and be more merciful to them even m7HeaI7Gevu-00500-00147003-00147258 though we like to see the bigger picture m7HeaI7Gevu-00501-00147259-00147546 and what God is really doing but suffer m7HeaI7Gevu-00502-00147547-00147735 suffer you know when I see a soldier by m7HeaI7Gevu-00503-00147736-00148004 my door I see soldier by my door so it's m7HeaI7Gevu-00504-00148005-00148185 this is their situation but also m7HeaI7Gevu-00505-00148186-00148448 Christians and they get smaller numbers m7HeaI7Gevu-00506-00148449-00148719 like 40 years ago the crucial population m7HeaI7Gevu-00507-00148720-00148949 in West Bank was much bigger than today m7HeaI7Gevu-00508-00148950-00149189 it's also gym aggression changing and m7HeaI7Gevu-00509-00149190-00149341 just pick up on a nice fellow saying m7HeaI7Gevu-00510-00149342-00149536 Christianity in the Middle East m7HeaI7Gevu-00511-00149537-00149752 regardless of Israel has been m7HeaI7Gevu-00512-00149753-00149992 klein for over a hundred years it's been m7HeaI7Gevu-00513-00149993-00150187 getting worse as Muslim governments take m7HeaI7Gevu-00514-00150188-00150400 over secular governments the West Bank m7HeaI7Gevu-00515-00150401-00150613 is since the same symptom that's been m7HeaI7Gevu-00516-00150614-00150784 happening everywhere else inside Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00517-00150785-00150943 the same thing is happening smaller m7HeaI7Gevu-00518-00150944-00151093 natural growth within the Christian m7HeaI7Gevu-00519-00151094-00151342 society larger within the Muslim they m7HeaI7Gevu-00520-00151343-00151513 leave when they can I mean I've recently m7HeaI7Gevu-00521-00151514-00151705 asked they leave when they can leave and m7HeaI7Gevu-00522-00151706-00151954 things have just gotten worse under the m7HeaI7Gevu-00523-00151955-00152176 Palestinian Authority and this is again m7HeaI7Gevu-00524-00152177-00152344 you mentioned directly it's the mainline m7HeaI7Gevu-00525-00152345-00152539 churches outside of that in the m7HeaI7Gevu-00526-00152540-00152689 evangelical word of what we call the m7HeaI7Gevu-00527-00152690-00152947 born-again world it's a it's an opposite m7HeaI7Gevu-00528-00152948-00153133 process there are people coming to faith m7HeaI7Gevu-00529-00153134-00153322 yes and not all those people coming to m7HeaI7Gevu-00530-00153323-00153481 faith are against Israel many of them m7HeaI7Gevu-00531-00153482-00153766 are pro as I would say they have a more m7HeaI7Gevu-00532-00153767-00153991 balanced a more diversified opinion m7HeaI7Gevu-00533-00153992-00154144 about the topic correct because they're m7HeaI7Gevu-00534-00154145-00154297 not coming out of the church are coming m7HeaI7Gevu-00535-00154298-00154615 out of a new expression of faith yes we m7HeaI7Gevu-00536-00154616-00154947 have contact with people who are m7HeaI7Gevu-00537-00154948-00155224 evangelizing and pastoring in the West m7HeaI7Gevu-00538-00155225-00155527 Bank I can tell you even there it's not m7HeaI7Gevu-00539-00155528-00155803 easy they have to be very careful that m7HeaI7Gevu-00540-00155804-00156079 to be very careful who they talk to and m7HeaI7Gevu-00541-00156080-00156286 especially if they are evangelizing m7HeaI7Gevu-00542-00156287-00156631 there are in they have to really really m7HeaI7Gevu-00543-00156632-00156874 watch themselves and yet it is going on m7HeaI7Gevu-00544-00156875-00157114 there is there are people coming to m7HeaI7Gevu-00545-00157115-00157324 faith in the West Bank you know it's m7HeaI7Gevu-00546-00157325-00157477 interesting I had a friend that went in m7HeaI7Gevu-00547-00157478-00157942 and was sharing the gospel with several m7HeaI7Gevu-00548-00157943-00158212 Arabs and he was Jewish and he was m7HeaI7Gevu-00549-00158213-00158683 saying that they encountered persecution m7HeaI7Gevu-00550-00158684-00158827 the Arabs that had received the Lord m7HeaI7Gevu-00551-00158828-00159043 counter persecution not because of their m7HeaI7Gevu-00552-00159044-00159427 belief in Yeshua but because the Hamas m7HeaI7Gevu-00553-00159428-00159622 was concerned that they had become m7HeaI7Gevu-00554-00159623-00159901 pro-israel in their views by accepting m7HeaI7Gevu-00555-00159902-00160252 issue and I think that I suspect that a m7HeaI7Gevu-00556-00160253-00160585 lot of this anti-israel thing that the m7HeaI7Gevu-00557-00160586-00160816 church you know the Palestinian m7HeaI7Gevu-00558-00160817-00161110 Christians have been adopting has to do m7HeaI7Gevu-00559-00161111-00161314 with the you know theology of necessity m7HeaI7Gevu-00560-00161315-00161518 with their life being surrounded by m7HeaI7Gevu-00561-00161519-00161695 Muslims who are constantly pounding m7HeaI7Gevu-00562-00161696-00161827 something and they're this tiny minority m7HeaI7Gevu-00563-00161828-00162127 so arguably they've just picked up the m7HeaI7Gevu-00564-00162128-00162277 same Islamic hate that's just around m7HeaI7Gevu-00565-00162278-00162427 them and it's not necessarily something m7HeaI7Gevu-00566-00162428-00162526 that they've looked at Scripture and m7HeaI7Gevu-00567-00162527-00162694 said oh wow this is revelation you know m7HeaI7Gevu-00568-00162695-00162970 God hates Israel fry well I think that's m7HeaI7Gevu-00569-00162971-00163099 about all the time we m7HeaI7Gevu-00570-00163100-00163407 have thank you very much panel here and m7HeaI7Gevu-00571-00163408-00163900 we'll see you next week that's all for m7HeaI7Gevu-00572-00163901-00164145 today's program of Israel frontline m7HeaI7Gevu-00573-00164146-00164494 thank you for watching and we hope we m7HeaI7Gevu-00574-00164495-00164695 were able to give you insight which will m7HeaI7Gevu-00575-00164696-00165028 keep you informed and help you pray for m7HeaI7Gevu-00576-00165029-00165346 Israel in a more focused way for more m7HeaI7Gevu-00577-00165347-00165583 articles about Israel sign up to the m7HeaI7Gevu-00578-00165584-00165949 free maayos is a report at maayos Israel m7HeaI7Gevu-00579-00165950-00166387 dot org slash sign up please join us m7HeaI7Gevu-00580-00166388-00166675 next week for the conclusion of our four m7HeaI7Gevu-00581-00166676-00167046 program series examining whether or not m7HeaI7Gevu-00582-00167047-00167476 Israel is really legal we will look at m7HeaI7Gevu-00583-00167477-00167719 what the Palestinians are doing in order m7HeaI7Gevu-00584-00167720-00168070 to get recognition as an official state m7HeaI7Gevu-00585-00168071-00168418 without recognizing Israel as a Jewish m7HeaI7Gevu-00586-00168419-00168840 state on behalf of our team and myself m7HeaI7Gevu-00587-00168841-00170875 blessings and Shalom from Tel Aviv m7HeaI7Gevu-00588-00170876-00171082 you m93te8Ry12E-00000-00000044-00001955 [Music] m93te8Ry12E-00001-00001957-00002291 rocket rocket m93te8Ry12E-00003-00008336-00008834 rocki rocki m93te8Ry12E-00005-00012602-00012844 rocki rocki rocki m93te8Ry12E-00007-00019001-00019236 rocki rocki m93te8Ry12E-00008-00019237-00021166 [Music] m93te8Ry12E-00009-00021167-00021436 Rocky mwEqx9p5z5I-00000-00000128-00000254 up to this point we have studied mwEqx9p5z5I-00001-00000256-00000407 one-dimensional kinematics in a fair bit mwEqx9p5z5I-00002-00000408-00000655 of detail using vectors and graphs and a mwEqx9p5z5I-00003-00000656-00000854 variety of other tools um in this mwEqx9p5z5I-00004-00000855-00000999 chapter we are going to study what mwEqx9p5z5I-00005-00001000-00001135 happens if we have more complicated mwEqx9p5z5I-00006-00001136-00001383 motions in two and three directions now mwEqx9p5z5I-00007-00001384-00001470 just as i said these are more mwEqx9p5z5I-00008-00001471-00001607 complicated they may not necessarily be mwEqx9p5z5I-00009-00001607-00001726 much more complicated and some of them mwEqx9p5z5I-00010-00001727-00001975 are fairly straightforward to study but mwEqx9p5z5I-00011-00001976-00002247 the basic approach is fairly similar to mwEqx9p5z5I-00012-00002248-00002463 what we did in one dimension and so i mwEqx9p5z5I-00013-00002464-00002607 had to watch a couple of videos of mwEqx9p5z5I-00014-00002608-00002815 demonstrations of two-dimensional motion mwEqx9p5z5I-00015-00002816-00002895 and mwEqx9p5z5I-00016-00002896-00003095 both of them showed the same concept in mwEqx9p5z5I-00017-00003096-00003222 in different ways and that concept was mwEqx9p5z5I-00018-00003223-00003438 that the motion in the x direction y mwEqx9p5z5I-00019-00003439-00003615 direction and z direction are all mwEqx9p5z5I-00020-00003615-00003806 independent of each other um in usual mwEqx9p5z5I-00021-00003807-00004063 cases so we can take the x direction um mwEqx9p5z5I-00022-00004064-00004254 and we can make plots we can consider mwEqx9p5z5I-00023-00004255-00004367 you know the accelerations and mwEqx9p5z5I-00024-00004368-00004502 everything in the x direction and then mwEqx9p5z5I-00025-00004503-00004606 we can mwEqx9p5z5I-00026-00004607-00004743 ignore the y and z direction in that mwEqx9p5z5I-00027-00004744-00004919 process then we can come back and mwEqx9p5z5I-00028-00004920-00005047 consider the motion in the y direction mwEqx9p5z5I-00029-00005048-00005159 and when we're doing that we can ignore mwEqx9p5z5I-00030-00005160-00005351 x and z uh and so on and so by mwEqx9p5z5I-00031-00005352-00005511 considering each of the three directions mwEqx9p5z5I-00032-00005512-00005679 independently that allows us to mwEqx9p5z5I-00033-00005680-00005822 understand the full three-dimensional mwEqx9p5z5I-00034-00005823-00006086 motion so the basic idea here is going mwEqx9p5z5I-00035-00006087-00006206 to be that mwEqx9p5z5I-00036-00006207-00006422 we consider mwEqx9p5z5I-00037-00006423-00006495 x mwEqx9p5z5I-00038-00006495-00006870 y and z separately mwEqx9p5z5I-00039-00006872-00007063 and often it'll be just x and y we don't mwEqx9p5z5I-00040-00007064-00007206 always have to consider all three um it mwEqx9p5z5I-00041-00007208-00007406 just depends on what the situation is mwEqx9p5z5I-00042-00007408-00007591 um so the way that we do that is by mwEqx9p5z5I-00043-00007592-00007798 considering a position vector um and our mwEqx9p5z5I-00044-00007800-00007934 position can change as a function of mwEqx9p5z5I-00045-00007936-00008134 time so i'll call that r of t and that's mwEqx9p5z5I-00046-00008136-00008327 really just three different um mwEqx9p5z5I-00047-00008328-00008495 one-dimensional motions right so that's mwEqx9p5z5I-00048-00008496-00008646 consists of an x coordinate which also mwEqx9p5z5I-00049-00008647-00008807 can change as a function of time a y mwEqx9p5z5I-00050-00008808-00008910 coordinate mwEqx9p5z5I-00051-00008911-00009055 which can change as a function of time mwEqx9p5z5I-00052-00009056-00009223 and a z coordinate that can change as a mwEqx9p5z5I-00053-00009224-00009423 function of time okay so um this is one mwEqx9p5z5I-00054-00009424-00009559 reason why we might use r sometimes for mwEqx9p5z5I-00055-00009560-00009710 position and x sometimes for position is mwEqx9p5z5I-00056-00009711-00009814 it just depends on if we want to mwEqx9p5z5I-00057-00009815-00009927 distinguish an x coordinate from the mwEqx9p5z5I-00058-00009928-00010119 overall position mwEqx9p5z5I-00059-00010120-00010231 just like we could with one-dimensional mwEqx9p5z5I-00060-00010232-00010399 motion we can find velocities in two or mwEqx9p5z5I-00061-00010400-00010567 three dimensions by taking a derivative mwEqx9p5z5I-00062-00010568-00010831 so the velocity as a function of time is mwEqx9p5z5I-00063-00010832-00010919 just mwEqx9p5z5I-00064-00010920-00011014 dr mwEqx9p5z5I-00065-00011015-00011151 by dt mwEqx9p5z5I-00066-00011152-00011335 which is itself a function of time mwEqx9p5z5I-00067-00011336-00011446 and that is mwEqx9p5z5I-00068-00011447-00011623 an x component of velocity which we'll mwEqx9p5z5I-00069-00011624-00011791 often write as v sub x mwEqx9p5z5I-00070-00011792-00011895 of t mwEqx9p5z5I-00071-00011896-00012070 and then there's a y component v sub y mwEqx9p5z5I-00072-00012071-00012391 of t and v sub z of t mwEqx9p5z5I-00073-00012392-00012551 okay so position is a vector we can mwEqx9p5z5I-00074-00012552-00012703 split it into components velocity is a mwEqx9p5z5I-00075-00012704-00012855 vector we can split into components and mwEqx9p5z5I-00076-00012856-00013063 likewise acceleration is as well so the mwEqx9p5z5I-00077-00013063-00013263 acceleration which can be varying as a mwEqx9p5z5I-00078-00013263-00013375 function of time mwEqx9p5z5I-00079-00013376-00013679 is dv by dt mwEqx9p5z5I-00080-00013680-00013838 which is a function of time and again we mwEqx9p5z5I-00081-00013840-00013927 have mwEqx9p5z5I-00082-00013928-00014151 an x component of acceleration mwEqx9p5z5I-00083-00014152-00014543 a y component mwEqx9p5z5I-00084-00014544-00014822 and a z component mwEqx9p5z5I-00085-00014823-00015135 right so this works in all cases um this mwEqx9p5z5I-00086-00015136-00015311 isn't an approximation or anything we mwEqx9p5z5I-00087-00015312-00015511 can consider the positions velocities mwEqx9p5z5I-00088-00015512-00015679 and accelerations um independently and mwEqx9p5z5I-00089-00015680-00015822 then put them back together at the end mwEqx9p5z5I-00090-00015823-00015943 because this is just the definition of mwEqx9p5z5I-00091-00015944-00016038 velocity and the definition of mwEqx9p5z5I-00092-00016040-00016215 acceleration um those are purely mwEqx9p5z5I-00093-00016216-00016311 descriptive we don't need to know mwEqx9p5z5I-00094-00016312-00016494 anything about the forces involved or mwEqx9p5z5I-00095-00016495-00016630 any of the other causes of motion we're mwEqx9p5z5I-00096-00016631-00016807 just describing what happens and one of mwEqx9p5z5I-00097-00016808-00016943 the things that is going to be most mwEqx9p5z5I-00098-00016944-00017055 interesting to do in two and three mwEqx9p5z5I-00099-00017056-00017215 dimensions is to consider cases where mwEqx9p5z5I-00100-00017216-00017367 objects are turning mwEqx9p5z5I-00101-00017368-00017463 okay and this is going to be the mwEqx9p5z5I-00102-00017464-00017655 approach we use um when we're studying mwEqx9p5z5I-00103-00017656-00017750 turning mwEqx9p5z5I-00104-00017751-00017911 okay remember that acceleration means a mwEqx9p5z5I-00105-00017912-00018055 change in velocity in some amount of mwEqx9p5z5I-00106-00018056-00018183 time and mwEqx9p5z5I-00107-00018184-00018303 that could mean speeding up or slowing mwEqx9p5z5I-00108-00018304-00018422 down which she studied before but it mwEqx9p5z5I-00109-00018423-00018558 could also mean turning and we'll see mwEqx9p5z5I-00110-00018559-00018923 how to handle that this week myrTOB1cl0u-00000-00000035-00000238 in in this video I'm going to show you myrTOB1cl0u-00001-00000239-00000617 how to use SQL Lite in Talent sqlite is myrTOB1cl0u-00002-00000618-00000923 a lightweight and database engine that myrTOB1cl0u-00003-00000924-00001199 allows us to do things to create things myrTOB1cl0u-00004-00001200-00001457 like embedded databases it's pretty myrTOB1cl0u-00005-00001458-00001667 simple to do that because you actually myrTOB1cl0u-00006-00001668-00001859 just have to create a file with a myrTOB1cl0u-00007-00001860-00002201 specific extension like sqlite or DB in myrTOB1cl0u-00008-00002202-00002518 order to be able to use that if you want myrTOB1cl0u-00009-00002519-00002795 to use that go to if you want myrTOB1cl0u-00010-00002796-00003041 to learn more today in this video I'm myrTOB1cl0u-00011-00003042-00003251 going to show you how to use sqlite in a myrTOB1cl0u-00012-00003252-00003520 talent specifically we need two things myrTOB1cl0u-00013-00003521-00003731 for this we need the connection string myrTOB1cl0u-00014-00003732-00003988 which is like the one here shown on the myrTOB1cl0u-00015-00003989-00004247 left side and then the corresponding myrTOB1cl0u-00016-00004248-00004463 components that allow us to work with myrTOB1cl0u-00017-00004464-00004906 sqlite in Talent so we will go for the myrTOB1cl0u-00018-00004907-00005104 demo I will show you what we're going to myrTOB1cl0u-00019-00005105-00005297 do here we're going to build in this myrTOB1cl0u-00020-00005298-00005518 jump first of all we connect to the myrTOB1cl0u-00021-00005519-00005801 database and in connect it to a poster myrTOB1cl0u-00022-00005802-00006070 and job we disconnect again from the myrTOB1cl0u-00023-00006071-00006317 and then the actual process is here myrTOB1cl0u-00024-00006318-00006617 writing some editor some customer data myrTOB1cl0u-00025-00006618-00006856 and generated by the row generator to myrTOB1cl0u-00026-00006858-00007114 the database and if everything goes fine myrTOB1cl0u-00027-00007115-00007625 again reading in this data in Talent so myrTOB1cl0u-00028-00007626-00007775 this is what we're going to build for myrTOB1cl0u-00029-00007776-00008069 this we need a database we start off myrTOB1cl0u-00030-00008070-00008407 with the empty database which is this myrTOB1cl0u-00031-00008408-00008645 touchtalent.dp comment here myrTOB1cl0u-00032-00008646-00008959 so just in one of my photos on my myrTOB1cl0u-00033-00008960-00009299 computer I create this empty database myrTOB1cl0u-00034-00009300-00009653 file and now I can use sqlite F3 to myrTOB1cl0u-00035-00009654-00009827 access this file by myrTOB1cl0u-00036-00009828-00010235 putting here dot open and then the file myrTOB1cl0u-00037-00010236-00010553 name talent.tb and here we can now say myrTOB1cl0u-00038-00010554-00010942 dot and sorry dotted tables to see if it myrTOB1cl0u-00039-00010943-00011278 has any content it does not have and we myrTOB1cl0u-00040-00011279-00011531 will come back here in a few minutes to myrTOB1cl0u-00041-00011532-00011735 verify on the result myrTOB1cl0u-00042-00011736-00012010 so in and talent we're first of all myrTOB1cl0u-00043-00012011-00012173 going to create a new database myrTOB1cl0u-00044-00012174-00012388 connection so right click create a myrTOB1cl0u-00045-00012389-00012664 connection for example called sqlite go myrTOB1cl0u-00046-00012665-00012757 to next myrTOB1cl0u-00047-00012758-00013093 select the corresponding database type myrTOB1cl0u-00048-00013094-00013366 and and then here browse for the file myrTOB1cl0u-00049-00013368-00013529 that you're going to use we're going myrTOB1cl0u-00050-00013530-00013805 we're having your myrTOB1cl0u-00051-00013806-00013894 um myrTOB1cl0u-00052-00013895-00014249 sqlite file okay you can see here it's myrTOB1cl0u-00053-00014250-00014435 already indicating in my case because myrTOB1cl0u-00054-00014436-00014680 it's one that already has data that is myrTOB1cl0u-00055-00014681-00014927 the sqlite3 and database the other one myrTOB1cl0u-00056-00014928-00015119 is still empty you can see here it has myrTOB1cl0u-00057-00015119-00015377 zero bytes but as the one I want to use myrTOB1cl0u-00058-00015378-00015622 I select this and now if you click on myrTOB1cl0u-00059-00015623-00015785 connection if you're doing this for the myrTOB1cl0u-00060-00015786-00016030 first time it may prompt you to download myrTOB1cl0u-00061-00016031-00016258 an additional driver to be able to use myrTOB1cl0u-00062-00016259-00016589 sqlite which should be pretty easy to myrTOB1cl0u-00063-00016590-00016835 click process in my case it directly myrTOB1cl0u-00064-00016836-00017027 shows that connection is successful I myrTOB1cl0u-00065-00017028-00017405 can hit OK and I finish now we want to myrTOB1cl0u-00066-00017406-00017615 recreate in this process here I'm going myrTOB1cl0u-00067-00017616-00017872 to copy the name just to make it easier myrTOB1cl0u-00068-00017873-00018100 for me and create a new job design here myrTOB1cl0u-00069-00018101-00018353 right click on job designs and add a 2 myrTOB1cl0u-00070-00018354-00018683 at the end to have a new and job name myrTOB1cl0u-00071-00018684-00018983 now I want to connect to the database myrTOB1cl0u-00072-00018984-00019217 first pre-jump and then at the end myrTOB1cl0u-00073-00019218-00019439 disconnect from the database also add a myrTOB1cl0u-00074-00019440-00019708 post and job component as well myrTOB1cl0u-00075-00019709-00019997 and for the connection I'm going to drag myrTOB1cl0u-00076-00019998-00020369 and drop my database connection into my myrTOB1cl0u-00077-00020370-00020608 job and convert it to sqlite connection myrTOB1cl0u-00078-00020609-00020764 component myrTOB1cl0u-00079-00020765-00021041 and so that this is executed before myrTOB1cl0u-00080-00021042-00021305 anything else I connect the trigger on myrTOB1cl0u-00081-00021306-00021599 componenter key to this DB connection myrTOB1cl0u-00082-00021600-00021953 component now for the SQ light close myrTOB1cl0u-00083-00021954-00022217 component I just left click somewhere myrTOB1cl0u-00084-00022218-00022433 here in the designer and I search for myrTOB1cl0u-00085-00022434-00022739 this sqlite C and there it is hit return myrTOB1cl0u-00086-00022740-00022997 and it's inserted and here we have to myrTOB1cl0u-00087-00022998-00023243 decide which connection to close and myrTOB1cl0u-00088-00023244-00023477 select the corresponding one which is myrTOB1cl0u-00089-00023478-00023771 the only one here in my job and again myrTOB1cl0u-00090-00023772-00024119 here also trigger on component okay is myrTOB1cl0u-00091-00024120-00024286 and the myrTOB1cl0u-00092-00024287-00024613 connection from post and job to DB close myrTOB1cl0u-00093-00024614-00024869 in order to make sure that we recently myrTOB1cl0u-00094-00024870-00025114 closed the connection after everything myrTOB1cl0u-00095-00025115-00025469 else in our process has finished now for myrTOB1cl0u-00096-00025470-00025618 the data that we're going to generate myrTOB1cl0u-00097-00025619-00025858 I'm going to make life easy for me I'm myrTOB1cl0u-00098-00025860-00026039 going to copy this zero generator and myrTOB1cl0u-00099-00026039-00026320 look at this and together with you and myrTOB1cl0u-00100-00026322-00026531 also in order not to bore you with the myrTOB1cl0u-00101-00026532-00026824 definition me typing and the definition myrTOB1cl0u-00102-00026825-00027101 this schema and so on so here if I click myrTOB1cl0u-00103-00027102-00027281 on real generator editor you can see myrTOB1cl0u-00104-00027282-00027605 what I have here it's four columns that myrTOB1cl0u-00105-00027606-00027857 are ID first name last name birth and myrTOB1cl0u-00106-00027858-00028133 date then a use existing functions here myrTOB1cl0u-00107-00028133-00028374 from Talent which is numeric sequence myrTOB1cl0u-00108-00028375-00028643 Talent data generator get first name and myrTOB1cl0u-00109-00028644-00028912 last name and then Talent indeed get myrTOB1cl0u-00110-00028913-00029273 random date Within These parameters and myrTOB1cl0u-00111-00029274-00029602 that you can see here okay for the last myrTOB1cl0u-00112-00029604-00029758 one for the country it should be a bit myrTOB1cl0u-00113-00029760-00030005 more interesting I use this empty myrTOB1cl0u-00114-00030006-00030233 function you could say but this means myrTOB1cl0u-00115-00030233-00030539 from the list that I provided here it myrTOB1cl0u-00116-00030539-00030785 would put randomly for each row one of myrTOB1cl0u-00117-00030786-00030989 these values how to provide them well myrTOB1cl0u-00118-00030989-00031193 you get to down here to this value field myrTOB1cl0u-00119-00031194-00031474 click on this three dot button and you myrTOB1cl0u-00120-00031475-00031714 can write a list like this for example I myrTOB1cl0u-00121-00031716-00032057 chose here to use some ISO free country myrTOB1cl0u-00122-00032058-00032561 codes for different countries and now I myrTOB1cl0u-00123-00032562-00032855 can change this number of rows I don't myrTOB1cl0u-00124-00032856-00033167 need a lot of data here 10 is okay and myrTOB1cl0u-00125-00033168-00033557 then hit OK in my process so you have an myrTOB1cl0u-00126-00033558-00033761 idea of what the data will be generated myrTOB1cl0u-00127-00033762-00034079 we first add a local component myrTOB1cl0u-00128-00034080-00034396 and we will again execute this and drop myrTOB1cl0u-00129-00034397-00034618 F6 on your keyboard and here we have an myrTOB1cl0u-00130-00034619-00034979 idea of what and data would be generated myrTOB1cl0u-00131-00034980-00035279 this is fine so I can delete this Largo myrTOB1cl0u-00132-00035280-00035627 component again and now add a t-map and myrTOB1cl0u-00133-00035628-00035831 the t-map receives this row generator myrTOB1cl0u-00134-00035832-00036118 input with row main input myrTOB1cl0u-00135-00036119-00036389 and now I double click on tmap to create myrTOB1cl0u-00136-00036390-00036593 a new output here on the top right side myrTOB1cl0u-00137-00036594-00036923 within the default name and take all the myrTOB1cl0u-00138-00036924-00037229 columns from the input to the output myrTOB1cl0u-00139-00037230-00037493 and a slight transformation a small myrTOB1cl0u-00140-00037494-00037685 transformation is what I'm going to do myrTOB1cl0u-00141-00037686-00037895 for the birth and date it comes in as a myrTOB1cl0u-00142-00037896-00038099 date and should be output as a string myrTOB1cl0u-00143-00038100-00038411 because sqlite would work like this with myrTOB1cl0u-00144-00038412-00038711 indeeds usually okay or in integer myrTOB1cl0u-00145-00038712-00039089 format but not stored as a indeed itself myrTOB1cl0u-00146-00039090-00039335 so how to do that how to convert how to myrTOB1cl0u-00147-00039336-00039574 form it and convert it to string well myrTOB1cl0u-00148-00039575-00039779 now for the Rogue one birth date here I myrTOB1cl0u-00149-00039780-00040030 click on this three dot button and in myrTOB1cl0u-00150-00040031-00040462 Talent it there is a talented a format a myrTOB1cl0u-00151-00040463-00040721 date function available already out of myrTOB1cl0u-00152-00040722-00041002 the box that I can use so just have to myrTOB1cl0u-00153-00041003-00041423 put this one here instead of my date and myrTOB1cl0u-00154-00041424-00041789 for this purpose I don't need the time myrTOB1cl0u-00155-00041790-00042139 portion thereof and these myrTOB1cl0u-00156-00042140-00042485 format that I provide okay so I go with myrTOB1cl0u-00157-00042486-00042743 this one and the last small thing here myrTOB1cl0u-00158-00042744-00042977 that I do at the end I add a DOT to myrTOB1cl0u-00159-00042978-00043396 string so this is converted and myrTOB1cl0u-00160-00043397-00043715 converting the date to this specific myrTOB1cl0u-00161-00043716-00044045 format and at the end making a string myrTOB1cl0u-00162-00044046-00044333 out of it okay so this is fine and myrTOB1cl0u-00163-00044334-00044668 should be good to go and I can confirm myrTOB1cl0u-00164-00044669-00044933 this by clicking OK here and I can again myrTOB1cl0u-00165-00044934-00045179 add a logo component just to verify myrTOB1cl0u-00166-00045180-00045527 before I try to write 2D database and myrTOB1cl0u-00167-00045528-00045665 sorry I don't want to create a new myrTOB1cl0u-00168-00045666-00045929 output I right click on tmap and select myrTOB1cl0u-00169-00045930-00046140 this out one here myrTOB1cl0u-00170-00046141-00046457 connected there there and it looks good myrTOB1cl0u-00171-00046458-00046805 so again no not again execute I can myrTOB1cl0u-00172-00046806-00047165 delete now this logo and myrTOB1cl0u-00173-00047166-00047465 take my database connection here from myrTOB1cl0u-00174-00047466-00047752 the metadata so I can drop that into my myrTOB1cl0u-00175-00047753-00048040 job in this case I want to write to a myrTOB1cl0u-00176-00048041-00048299 sqlite database so I select sqlite myrTOB1cl0u-00177-00048300-00048635 output component and hit OK and again myrTOB1cl0u-00178-00048636-00048937 here now row out one should be connected myrTOB1cl0u-00179-00048938-00049171 to and this myrTOB1cl0u-00180-00049172-00049468 component for this component we can myrTOB1cl0u-00181-00049469-00049679 first of all say use an existing myrTOB1cl0u-00182-00049680-00049895 connection which is DB connection one in myrTOB1cl0u-00183-00049896-00050201 my case give it a name for the table myrTOB1cl0u-00184-00050202-00050561 customer and if you want to rerun this myrTOB1cl0u-00185-00050562-00050795 example several times without changing myrTOB1cl0u-00186-00050796-00051196 anything it makes sense to select drop myrTOB1cl0u-00187-00051197-00051544 table if exists and create myrTOB1cl0u-00188-00051545-00051923 okay that's pretty close now we use the myrTOB1cl0u-00189-00051924-00052192 commit and rollback component so I look myrTOB1cl0u-00190-00052194-00052559 for this one SQL lights myrTOB1cl0u-00191-00052560-00052919 SC which gives me the no not the close myrTOB1cl0u-00192-00052920-00053249 component as key light myrTOB1cl0u-00193-00053250-00053687 a comment and D is key light a r form myrTOB1cl0u-00194-00053688-00054011 rollback which is and the one two ones myrTOB1cl0u-00195-00054012-00054280 that I want to use okay this first sub myrTOB1cl0u-00196-00054282-00054557 job here should be all fine for me to do myrTOB1cl0u-00197-00054558-00054826 the commit so I select here on the order myrTOB1cl0u-00198-00054827-00055019 generator which is the subject start myrTOB1cl0u-00199-00055020-00055313 component the trigger on sub job okay myrTOB1cl0u-00200-00055314-00055559 and connect it to this NDB commit myrTOB1cl0u-00201-00055560-00055775 component here I can select the myrTOB1cl0u-00202-00055776-00056035 connection and not close the connection myrTOB1cl0u-00203-00056036-00056285 explicitly here because I'm going to do myrTOB1cl0u-00204-00056286-00056650 that up there and similarly only with myrTOB1cl0u-00205-00056651-00056879 the trigger on sub job Arrow I'm doing myrTOB1cl0u-00206-00056879-00057191 it for DB rollback myrTOB1cl0u-00207-00057191-00057400 okay so also select the connection myrTOB1cl0u-00208-00057401-00057769 besides connecting this trigger and myrTOB1cl0u-00209-00057770-00058121 unchecking in this inbox a close and myrTOB1cl0u-00210-00058122-00058366 connection all right and with this we myrTOB1cl0u-00211-00058367-00058600 are ready to go to insert the data into myrTOB1cl0u-00212-00058601-00058913 our database I hit the Run button in my myrTOB1cl0u-00213-00058914-00059141 job it looks all fine also if I move myrTOB1cl0u-00214-00059141-00059338 that around here you can see myrTOB1cl0u-00215-00059339-00059638 and OK as a runtime information appears myrTOB1cl0u-00216-00059639-00060100 here on this subtropole key trigger and myrTOB1cl0u-00217-00060101-00060382 we can now verify here we have a table myrTOB1cl0u-00218-00060383-00060844 and it's a small data set with a few myrTOB1cl0u-00219-00060845-00061054 columns so it's okay to do something myrTOB1cl0u-00220-00061055-00061330 like this and we will see the myrTOB1cl0u-00221-00061332-00061654 corresponding data now if in talents we myrTOB1cl0u-00222-00061655-00061919 want to read again from a sqlite table myrTOB1cl0u-00223-00061920-00062176 we can use the sqlite input component myrTOB1cl0u-00224-00062177-00062399 but we don't have to configure that myrTOB1cl0u-00225-00062400-00062566 manually because the schema is now myrTOB1cl0u-00226-00062567-00062782 already present in the database so I can myrTOB1cl0u-00227-00062783-00062935 right click on my database connection myrTOB1cl0u-00228-00062936-00063325 select retrieve schema and go to next myrTOB1cl0u-00229-00063326-00063659 check my desired table here go to next myrTOB1cl0u-00230-00063660-00063994 and to finish and now this table I just myrTOB1cl0u-00231-00063995-00064259 drag and drop into my process convert it myrTOB1cl0u-00232-00064260-00064630 to DB input component and add a myrTOB1cl0u-00233-00064632-00064900 a logo component to this myrTOB1cl0u-00234-00064901-00065194 switch this to table mode myrTOB1cl0u-00235-00065195-00065435 and connect the two components with a myrTOB1cl0u-00236-00065436-00065705 row main connection and now I don't want myrTOB1cl0u-00237-00065706-00065963 to write again to the database so all myrTOB1cl0u-00238-00065964-00066203 this here I can deactivate either by myrTOB1cl0u-00239-00066204-00066479 selecting an alt and deactivate or just myrTOB1cl0u-00240-00066480-00066676 on the row generator right click and myrTOB1cl0u-00241-00066677-00067043 select deactivate whole sub shop so myrTOB1cl0u-00242-00067044-00067276 everything connected to this in summer myrTOB1cl0u-00243-00067277-00067643 form would get deactivated so that's myrTOB1cl0u-00244-00067644-00067900 fine with this I can read the data also myrTOB1cl0u-00245-00067901-00068147 in Talent again from the database here myrTOB1cl0u-00246-00068148-00068429 we can already see the output and it myrTOB1cl0u-00247-00068430-00068693 should be and the same as we see here on myrTOB1cl0u-00248-00068694-00068994 the console it's just slightly different myrTOB1cl0u-00249-00068995-00069449 formatted but besides this it's fine myrTOB1cl0u-00250-00069450-00069832 alright that's my sqlite example that I myrTOB1cl0u-00251-00069833-00070132 wanted to show you if you liked it and myrTOB1cl0u-00252-00070133-00070313 you want to learn more I have a myrTOB1cl0u-00253-00070314-00070571 comprehensive course on a talent data myrTOB1cl0u-00254-00070572-00070835 integration ETL big data and many other myrTOB1cl0u-00255-00070836-00071182 topics you can find it on slash myrTOB1cl0u-00256-00071183-00071482 Island and data if you liked the video myrTOB1cl0u-00257-00071483-00071705 please give it a thumbs up and don't myrTOB1cl0u-00258-00071706-00072157 forget to subscribe see you soon m-Uz_8yaW1A-00000-00000798-00000983 uh good morning everyone m-Uz_8yaW1A-00001-00000984-00001193 um it's a pleasure to be here m-Uz_8yaW1A-00002-00001194-00001420 um thank you to exchange for media for m-Uz_8yaW1A-00003-00001421-00001660 the warm introduction and uh for hosting m-Uz_8yaW1A-00004-00001661-00001823 us all today and thanks to all of you m-Uz_8yaW1A-00005-00001823-00002081 for for joining us for the uh sessions m-Uz_8yaW1A-00006-00002082-00002213 today m-Uz_8yaW1A-00007-00002214-00002357 um let me m-Uz_8yaW1A-00008-00002358-00002513 okay we're up and running uh as m-Uz_8yaW1A-00009-00002514-00002681 mentioned I'm Gavin Buxton so I lead up m-Uz_8yaW1A-00010-00002682-00002921 magnight for Asia including South Asia m-Uz_8yaW1A-00011-00002922-00003100 and India m-Uz_8yaW1A-00012-00003101-00003311 um and really delighted today to share m-Uz_8yaW1A-00013-00003311-00003611 with you a first look of some research m-Uz_8yaW1A-00014-00003611-00003743 that we're actually only launching today m-Uz_8yaW1A-00015-00003744-00003988 so this is genuinely hot off the press m-Uz_8yaW1A-00016-00003989-00004156 um to share with you all and we did an m-Uz_8yaW1A-00017-00004157-00004535 in-depth study into the digital video m-Uz_8yaW1A-00018-00004536-00004804 streaming audience in India and we're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00019-00004805-00004949 really delighted to share that with you m-Uz_8yaW1A-00020-00004950-00005093 today m-Uz_8yaW1A-00022-00008111-00008255 okay m-Uz_8yaW1A-00023-00008256-00008507 and so first of all those that are less m-Uz_8yaW1A-00024-00008508-00008663 familiar with Magma um just a short m-Uz_8yaW1A-00025-00008664-00008939 introduction uh so make my um we pride m-Uz_8yaW1A-00026-00008940-00009089 ourselves on being the largest m-Uz_8yaW1A-00027-00009090-00009317 independent omni-channel supply side m-Uz_8yaW1A-00028-00009318-00009514 platform SSP m-Uz_8yaW1A-00029-00009515-00009796 um we partner with uh broadcasters and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00030-00009797-00009953 media owners m-Uz_8yaW1A-00031-00009954-00010264 um to provide services tools um and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00032-00010265-00010492 Technology to best enable them to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00033-00010493-00010709 monetize their content across screens m-Uz_8yaW1A-00034-00010710-00011027 and across formats so those formats m-Uz_8yaW1A-00035-00011028-00011242 include Digital streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00036-00011243-00011609 Ott and TTV display video digital out of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00037-00011610-00011914 home and audio and we also partner with m-Uz_8yaW1A-00038-00011915-00012155 agencies and Brands to ensure that they m-Uz_8yaW1A-00039-00012156-00012467 can best connect with brand safe premium m-Uz_8yaW1A-00040-00012468-00012785 quality inventory when it comes to India m-Uz_8yaW1A-00041-00012786-00012994 we've been servicing and proud to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00042-00012995-00013193 service clients here in Mumbai and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00043-00013194-00013363 across India across a number of years m-Uz_8yaW1A-00044-00013363-00013691 with continued growth in this area and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00045-00013691-00013805 off the back of that we're actually m-Uz_8yaW1A-00046-00013806-00014051 opening up our Mumbai Office going into m-Uz_8yaW1A-00047-00014052-00014201 next year we have our first person on m-Uz_8yaW1A-00048-00014202-00014344 the ground Khan Academy who's here today m-Uz_8yaW1A-00049-00014345-00014543 and we actually have six open roles so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00050-00014544-00014813 we're proud to be servicing Partners in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00051-00014813-00015065 India and I'm proud to be in India um in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00052-00015066-00015215 in the coming months and being part of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00053-00015216-00015436 the community and giving back into that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00054-00015437-00015665 and part of that is running the research m-Uz_8yaW1A-00055-00015666-00015838 that we have done is to how we can m-Uz_8yaW1A-00056-00015840-00016091 educate and evangelize in the areas that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00057-00016091-00016433 we participate in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00058-00016434-00016630 um in in diving into the study that we m-Uz_8yaW1A-00059-00016631-00016769 undertook m-Uz_8yaW1A-00060-00016770-00017225 um we we partnered with uh m-Uz_8yaW1A-00061-00017226-00017422 thank you m-Uz_8yaW1A-00062-00017423-00017777 uh dinata I was a research company m-Uz_8yaW1A-00063-00017778-00018017 globally and has presence here in India m-Uz_8yaW1A-00064-00018018-00018289 this buddy the study had m-Uz_8yaW1A-00065-00018290-00018533 two and a half thousand interviewers m-Uz_8yaW1A-00066-00018534-00018791 were part of it looking to be an Indian m-Uz_8yaW1A-00067-00018792-00018994 representative audience of the adult m-Uz_8yaW1A-00068-00018995-00019294 audience it is focused on viewing so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00069-00019295-00019600 focused on TV viewing streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00070-00019601-00019894 um that people were connected online and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00071-00019895-00020141 categorized under NCC as a b households m-Uz_8yaW1A-00072-00020142-00020377 in tier one two three and four cities m-Uz_8yaW1A-00073-00020378-00020603 the study will be released you can use m-Uz_8yaW1A-00074-00020604-00020855 the QR team that's outside to download m-Uz_8yaW1A-00075-00020856-00021035 that and it goes into the full depths of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00076-00021036-00021353 the study before diving into it um m-Uz_8yaW1A-00077-00021354-00021557 something that was asked of us as to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00078-00021558-00022222 clarify m-Uz_8yaW1A-00079-00022223-00022735 foreign m-Uz_8yaW1A-00080-00022736-00022997 video streaming so video streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00081-00022998-00023164 represents any TV or movie content m-Uz_8yaW1A-00082-00023165-00023399 watched over the Internet or for a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00083-00023400-00023555 connected device before I carry on I m-Uz_8yaW1A-00084-00023556-00023663 thought before we go into our own m-Uz_8yaW1A-00085-00023664-00023861 research and to get you guys moving a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00086-00023862-00023980 little bit I thought I'd ask of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00087-00023981-00024203 yourselves uh based on the definition of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00088-00024204-00024341 video streaming if I can get people to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00089-00024342-00024575 put their hands up who's streaming at m-Uz_8yaW1A-00090-00024576-00024725 the moment through the internet their TV m-Uz_8yaW1A-00091-00024726-00024911 content if you could raise your hands up m-Uz_8yaW1A-00092-00024912-00025211 with this if you fall into this category m-Uz_8yaW1A-00093-00025212-00025433 uh watching uh TV continent and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00094-00025434-00025655 streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00095-00025656-00026014 okay I'd say about 60 70 of the audience m-Uz_8yaW1A-00096-00026016-00026279 uh within that another thing to Define m-Uz_8yaW1A-00097-00026280-00026573 in this is which is Ott and CTV so up m-Uz_8yaW1A-00098-00026574-00026723 here we have the the definition of video m-Uz_8yaW1A-00099-00026724-00026962 streaming which also falls into over the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00100-00026963-00027227 top of the delivery of content and that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00101-00027227-00027431 is into any device so here that could be m-Uz_8yaW1A-00102-00027432-00027731 into desktop into Mobile into tablet a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00103-00027732-00027887 sub category that's important to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00104-00027888-00028211 distinguish is then connected TV CTV and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00105-00028212-00028396 this is content that's delivered into m-Uz_8yaW1A-00106-00028397-00028612 your big screen at home either for a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00107-00028613-00028937 smart TV or through a set-top box or a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00108-00028938-00029158 gaming console and a number of the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00109-00029160-00029368 providers there including Netflix as m-Uz_8yaW1A-00110-00029369-00029764 well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00111-00029766-00029951 um so six key takeaways I wanted to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00112-00029952-00030233 touch on today uh firstly uh streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00113-00030233-00030383 is for everyone so for our research m-Uz_8yaW1A-00114-00030383-00030496 we're seeing that it's hit a mass m-Uz_8yaW1A-00115-00030497-00030611 audience m-Uz_8yaW1A-00116-00030612-00030773 um secondly streaming is preferred m-Uz_8yaW1A-00117-00030774-00031031 versus TV for the connected users that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00118-00031032-00031349 are out there thirdly mobile obviously m-Uz_8yaW1A-00119-00031350-00031570 uh mobile conference is the lead device m-Uz_8yaW1A-00120-00031572-00031817 and within that with CTV being a growth m-Uz_8yaW1A-00121-00031818-00032140 area ad funded is the preferred method m-Uz_8yaW1A-00122-00032141-00032327 of actually people accessing the content m-Uz_8yaW1A-00123-00032327-00032524 in terms of how they want to be able to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00124-00032525-00032764 receive it when it comes to the ads and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00125-00032766-00032902 these environments they're proving m-Uz_8yaW1A-00126-00032903-00033089 hugely attentive and effective in the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00127-00033090-00033335 outcomes they drive and lastly live m-Uz_8yaW1A-00128-00033336-00033652 streaming is becoming uh mainstream that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00129-00033653-00033929 being News sports linear TV so I'm going m-Uz_8yaW1A-00130-00033930-00034109 to dive into each of these over the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00131-00034110-00034433 course of the next 10 minutes so a key m-Uz_8yaW1A-00132-00034434-00034618 highlight that was identified in the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00133-00034619-00034811 study straight off the bat is 72 percent m-Uz_8yaW1A-00134-00034812-00035081 of people who live in urban areas with m-Uz_8yaW1A-00135-00035082-00035173 internet m-Uz_8yaW1A-00136-00035174-00035465 access are streamers so pretty much back m-Uz_8yaW1A-00137-00035466-00035674 to the audience space that we saw today m-Uz_8yaW1A-00138-00035675-00035999 in this in the in the room 72 of people m-Uz_8yaW1A-00139-00036000-00036161 are streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00140-00036162-00036365 um what does that represent in terms of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00141-00036366-00036557 an actual number well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00142-00036558-00036724 um e-marketeer ran a research as well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00143-00036725-00036929 and our our data is collaborating with m-Uz_8yaW1A-00144-00036930-00037259 this and the over 450 million m-Uz_8yaW1A-00145-00037260-00037540 um uh internet users are streamers in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00146-00037541-00037762 India so a significant amount so this is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00147-00037763-00037931 where we kind of really call out that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00148-00037932-00038111 streaming has come of age and has hit m-Uz_8yaW1A-00149-00038112-00038495 scale in India m-Uz_8yaW1A-00150-00038496-00038812 um additionally some information about m-Uz_8yaW1A-00151-00038813-00038951 the streamers m-Uz_8yaW1A-00152-00038952-00039167 um they skewed to a few key profiles m-Uz_8yaW1A-00153-00039168-00039468 that we see firstly they're young m-Uz_8yaW1A-00154-00039469-00039952 educated tech savvy generally Urban m-Uz_8yaW1A-00155-00039953-00040217 um live in a household with children and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00156-00040218-00040421 highly engaged across other devices m-Uz_8yaW1A-00157-00040422-00040757 Internet devices as well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00158-00040758-00040877 foreign m-Uz_8yaW1A-00159-00040878-00041140 into this data a little bit more um m-Uz_8yaW1A-00160-00041141-00041345 starting from the top left here in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00161-00041346-00041555 looking at the age demographics so one m-Uz_8yaW1A-00162-00041556-00041680 of the reasons we say that streaming is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00163-00041681-00041873 for everyone you'll see here that that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00164-00041874-00042040 demographic age profile is very similar m-Uz_8yaW1A-00165-00042041-00042233 to India as a whole so streamers are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00166-00042234-00042467 across all age brackets and within India m-Uz_8yaW1A-00167-00042468-00042701 obviously the younger SKU as well and so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00168-00042702-00042857 we're seeing that as well in the data m-Uz_8yaW1A-00169-00042858-00043096 for streamers so 73 are falling into the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00170-00043097-00043390 17 to 44 year old category gender is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00171-00043391-00043552 much in alignment with India as a whole m-Uz_8yaW1A-00172-00043553-00043907 as as is region on a on a tiering basis m-Uz_8yaW1A-00173-00043908-00044171 of cities the big metros and mini metros m-Uz_8yaW1A-00174-00044172-00044380 is where there's a higher skew of of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00175-00044381-00044668 these streamer audiences on a marital m-Uz_8yaW1A-00176-00044669-00044962 basis 70 are married similar to India as m-Uz_8yaW1A-00177-00044963-00045112 well when you apply it to a kind of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00178-00045113-00045499 younger skew and a household size and 65 m-Uz_8yaW1A-00179-00045500-00045796 have kids younger than 18 children m-Uz_8yaW1A-00180-00045797-00046217 younger than 18 at home m-Uz_8yaW1A-00181-00046218-00046421 um diving into the preferences of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00182-00046422-00046780 streamers so 66 of streamers prefer m-Uz_8yaW1A-00183-00046781-00046937 watching TV m-Uz_8yaW1A-00184-00046938-00047224 um Services 66 of streamers prefer m-Uz_8yaW1A-00185-00047225-00047423 watching free streaming devices versus m-Uz_8yaW1A-00186-00047424-00047693 traditional TV so some of the reasons on m-Uz_8yaW1A-00187-00047694-00048005 this that are shown is that original and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00188-00048006-00048185 variety of content is one of the reasons m-Uz_8yaW1A-00189-00048186-00048401 and the ease of seeing shows that we m-Uz_8yaW1A-00190-00048402-00048589 know in terms of picking and VOD m-Uz_8yaW1A-00191-00048590-00048833 environments when we're on Netflix or m-Uz_8yaW1A-00192-00048834-00049061 Disney hot star or others the ease of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00193-00049062-00049265 picking the shows we want is far easier m-Uz_8yaW1A-00194-00049266-00049457 and I think we're all susceptible to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00195-00049458-00049624 binge watching so it's another reason m-Uz_8yaW1A-00196-00049625-00049852 that people are diving into streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00197-00049853-00050152 over traditional TV in terms of how much m-Uz_8yaW1A-00198-00050153-00050345 uh people streaming this year versus m-Uz_8yaW1A-00199-00050346-00050471 last year m-Uz_8yaW1A-00200-00050472-00050657 um 75 percent of streamers are dreaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00201-00050658-00050915 more than they were a year ago again the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00202-00050916-00051083 content is a big part of that and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00203-00051084-00051232 there's more options against that and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00204-00051233-00051382 some of that's around language as well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00205-00051383-00051538 there's more options to watch in the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00206-00051539-00051713 language you prefer m-Uz_8yaW1A-00207-00051714-00051952 um better data plans are becoming a part m-Uz_8yaW1A-00208-00051953-00052187 of that and more time so the last who m-Uz_8yaW1A-00209-00052188-00052330 are really around Mobile in terms of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00210-00052332-00052516 those data options and having more time m-Uz_8yaW1A-00211-00052517-00052703 than we had before is really helping m-Uz_8yaW1A-00212-00052704-00052847 Drive the stream of growth into the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00213-00052848-00053080 mobile side so we're seeing huge growth m-Uz_8yaW1A-00214-00053082-00053230 already what can we expect to see for m-Uz_8yaW1A-00215-00053232-00053453 the year ahead well 66 percent of people m-Uz_8yaW1A-00216-00053454-00053603 have said that they're planning on m-Uz_8yaW1A-00217-00053604-00053866 streaming more in the year ahead so this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00218-00053867-00054041 this category is growing a lot already m-Uz_8yaW1A-00219-00054041-00054407 and only going to grow further m-Uz_8yaW1A-00220-00054408-00054557 what does that mean in the amount of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00221-00054558-00054850 hours well from a perspective amount of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00222-00054851-00055109 hours to streaming it's 18.5 hours a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00223-00055110-00055330 week of being consumed free streamers so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00224-00055332-00055516 significant amount of time but that's m-Uz_8yaW1A-00225-00055517-00055661 not to say they're not spending time m-Uz_8yaW1A-00226-00055662-00055915 elsewhere they're very cross-media m-Uz_8yaW1A-00227-00055916-00056182 consumption-led and so linear TV is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00228-00056183-00056309 still a big part of what they're doing m-Uz_8yaW1A-00229-00056310-00056591 user generated content social networking m-Uz_8yaW1A-00230-00056591-00056782 they're all clocking up about 16 hours m-Uz_8yaW1A-00231-00056783-00057016 each overall video consumption across m-Uz_8yaW1A-00232-00057017-00057257 all these areas is accounting to 66 m-Uz_8yaW1A-00233-00057258-00057515 hours a week but streaming taking a big m-Uz_8yaW1A-00234-00057516-00058073 part of that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00235-00058074-00058247 um going into a little bit more depth of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00236-00058248-00058397 detail around the content that's being m-Uz_8yaW1A-00237-00058398-00058619 consumed uh on the left here is the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00238-00058620-00058792 actual uh types of shows that have been m-Uz_8yaW1A-00239-00058794-00059032 consumed so uh comedy thriller action m-Uz_8yaW1A-00240-00059033-00059279 romance a big part of the the core m-Uz_8yaW1A-00241-00059279-00059399 categories m-Uz_8yaW1A-00242-00059400-00059549 um I touched on on language before and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00243-00059550-00059704 it was it was brought up before in terms m-Uz_8yaW1A-00244-00059705-00059963 of language of shows and language of ads m-Uz_8yaW1A-00245-00059964-00060125 um streaming is giving the choice to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00246-00060126-00060238 watch the shows that you want to watch m-Uz_8yaW1A-00247-00060239-00060371 and not just being forced to watch m-Uz_8yaW1A-00248-00060372-00060604 through linear and so seeing a broad m-Uz_8yaW1A-00249-00060605-00060742 spread of the languages coming through m-Uz_8yaW1A-00250-00060744-00061037 there with the rich diverse m-Uz_8yaW1A-00251-00061038-00061373 in India and with a core languages that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00252-00061374-00061516 come in the most are still on the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00253-00061517-00061841 English and Hindi side m-Uz_8yaW1A-00254-00061841-00062003 so next key takeaway that I want to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00255-00062004-00062285 touch on is mobile is the lead streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00256-00062286-00062494 device so on the right here is the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00257-00062495-00062687 devices that are being used and the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00258-00062688-00062891 amount of time being spent per week so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00259-00062891-00063137 88 of people are streaming on their m-Uz_8yaW1A-00260-00063138-00063437 mobile device and watching up to nine m-Uz_8yaW1A-00261-00063438-00063707 hours a week so this is to be expected m-Uz_8yaW1A-00262-00063708-00063935 as we touched on before the reduction in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00263-00063936-00064103 data plans watching what you want when m-Uz_8yaW1A-00264-00064104-00064313 you want on the go as being a big m-Uz_8yaW1A-00265-00064314-00064456 influence into the amount of time people m-Uz_8yaW1A-00266-00064457-00064697 are spending on mobile with streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00267-00064698-00065021 today from a perspective of CTV it is a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00268-00065022-00065261 growth area we're actually seeing 63 of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00269-00065262-00065519 streamers are watching on CTV a big m-Uz_8yaW1A-00270-00065520-00065819 factor of this is um Smart TVs with the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00271-00065820-00066065 likes of Samsung xiaomi as people are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00272-00066066-00066221 upgrading their TV sets we're starting m-Uz_8yaW1A-00273-00066222-00066382 to see more streaming taking place at m-Uz_8yaW1A-00274-00066383-00066593 home and up to eight hours per week m-Uz_8yaW1A-00275-00066594-00066791 within this environment set-top boxes m-Uz_8yaW1A-00276-00066792-00066971 and consoles are a driver of that as m-Uz_8yaW1A-00277-00066972-00067282 well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00278-00067283-00067456 um something that does come up um when m-Uz_8yaW1A-00279-00067457-00067643 it comes to streaming um I think m-Uz_8yaW1A-00280-00067644-00067853 especially from the us where we also do m-Uz_8yaW1A-00281-00067854-00067985 a lot of business m-Uz_8yaW1A-00282-00067986-00068153 um is that when it when it came to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00283-00068154-00068321 mobile streaming people kind of had a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00284-00068322-00068573 perception that in CTV it's a bigger and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00285-00068574-00068717 better experience and then for m-Uz_8yaW1A-00286-00068718-00068879 advertising is it going to be the same m-Uz_8yaW1A-00287-00068880-00069088 when it comes to Mobile so we asked this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00288-00069089-00069215 question actually off the back of other m-Uz_8yaW1A-00289-00069216-00069449 markets where we've run the study for m-Uz_8yaW1A-00290-00069450-00069629 Brands and for agencies is what's the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00291-00069630-00069832 perception of the experience for people m-Uz_8yaW1A-00292-00069833-00070031 when they're in Mobile versus in the big m-Uz_8yaW1A-00293-00070032-00070306 screen CTV so you can see here on m-Uz_8yaW1A-00294-00070307-00070487 smartphones 88 of people were saying m-Uz_8yaW1A-00295-00070488-00070703 it's a good or very good experience and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00296-00070704-00071038 versus 87 in Smart TV or Standard TV so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00297-00071039-00071200 from a consumer or view perspective m-Uz_8yaW1A-00298-00071201-00071332 you're watching at home with your your m-Uz_8yaW1A-00299-00071333-00071549 earphones in close up or you're watching m-Uz_8yaW1A-00300-00071550-00071741 back with the screen for the way the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00301-00071742-00071909 perspective is pretty much the same if m-Uz_8yaW1A-00302-00071910-00072035 anything when you're on your own you're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00303-00072036-00072226 less interrupted so we're seeing that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00304-00072227-00072406 that experience in smartphones is just m-Uz_8yaW1A-00305-00072407-00072587 as good as what people perceive on the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00306-00072588-00072731 big screen as well so something to take m-Uz_8yaW1A-00307-00072732-00072863 note for advertisers when they're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00308-00072864-00073126 considering this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00309-00073127-00073367 um in terms of when it comes to CTV m-Uz_8yaW1A-00310-00073368-00073588 um as has been done in traditional it's m-Uz_8yaW1A-00311-00073589-00073750 also worth calling out that it is a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00312-00073751-00073882 shared experience when it is on the big m-Uz_8yaW1A-00313-00073883-00074026 screen so we're seeing that people are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00314-00074027-00074159 still sharing that with their partners m-Uz_8yaW1A-00315-00074160-00074309 with their children uh when they're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00316-00074310-00074519 consuming on CTV um this is something m-Uz_8yaW1A-00317-00074520-00074729 for consideration in CTV in the future m-Uz_8yaW1A-00318-00074730-00074938 for measurement uh when we look at on a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00319-00074939-00075125 digital level we look at it a one by one m-Uz_8yaW1A-00320-00075126-00075250 but there's actually probably a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00321-00075251-00075785 multiplier that could be applied here m-Uz_8yaW1A-00322-00075786-00075971 um so we've seen that you know streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00323-00075972-00076132 is is grown it's only getting bigger m-Uz_8yaW1A-00324-00076133-00076355 it's only going to get bigger a key area m-Uz_8yaW1A-00325-00076356-00076511 of that is how are people planning on m-Uz_8yaW1A-00326-00076512-00076697 consuming it how are they consuming it m-Uz_8yaW1A-00327-00076698-00076906 um today so the question here is what's m-Uz_8yaW1A-00328-00076907-00077081 your your preference in terms of that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00329-00077082-00077243 value exchange of how you're going to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00330-00077244-00077573 receive that content so 41 of people are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00331-00077574-00077812 calling out that they prefer free which m-Uz_8yaW1A-00332-00077813-00078055 is AD funded and there's no cost to them m-Uz_8yaW1A-00333-00078056-00078311 39 of people are looking at an add light m-Uz_8yaW1A-00334-00078312-00078485 option they're open to spending some m-Uz_8yaW1A-00335-00078486-00078676 money on a subscription but they'd m-Uz_8yaW1A-00336-00078677-00078850 rather that fee is reduced and they can m-Uz_8yaW1A-00337-00078851-00079019 have some advertising within it and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00338-00079020-00079300 there's only 20 of viewers in India who m-Uz_8yaW1A-00339-00079301-00079421 are actually calling out that they want m-Uz_8yaW1A-00340-00079422-00079625 to add free experiences so the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00341-00079626-00079793 perception within viewing that people m-Uz_8yaW1A-00342-00079794-00080093 don't want ads is not the case as we can m-Uz_8yaW1A-00343-00080094-00080297 see here the value exchange is well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00344-00080298-00080506 understood from previous free-to-air m-Uz_8yaW1A-00345-00080507-00080729 experiences and you know lowering costs m-Uz_8yaW1A-00346-00080730-00080909 people are open to ads in these m-Uz_8yaW1A-00347-00080910-00081053 environments they in fact welcome them m-Uz_8yaW1A-00348-00081054-00081329 if it gives them great content to view m-Uz_8yaW1A-00349-00081330-00081455 um one of the things to call out is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00350-00081456-00081593 what's the average amount of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00351-00081594-00081844 subscriptions that people are leaning m-Uz_8yaW1A-00352-00081845-00082025 into today the actual number on that at m-Uz_8yaW1A-00353-00082026-00082282 the moment is five and so three of those m-Uz_8yaW1A-00354-00082283-00082535 are actually free um so completely ad m-Uz_8yaW1A-00355-00082536-00082750 funded one of them falls into the add m-Uz_8yaW1A-00356-00082751-00082937 light category and then one of the five m-Uz_8yaW1A-00357-00082938-00083176 people are subscribing for ad free some m-Uz_8yaW1A-00358-00083177-00083309 of that may be because there's not a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00359-00083310-00083482 choice yet we know that Netflix is about m-Uz_8yaW1A-00360-00083483-00083759 to launch their ad light option so this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00361-00083760-00083962 could actually change even further as m-Uz_8yaW1A-00362-00083963-00084193 those Services come to um to light m-Uz_8yaW1A-00363-00084194-00084425 additional question we asked was how m-Uz_8yaW1A-00364-00084426-00084659 many hours how many minutes per hour are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00365-00084660-00084905 you open to having ads for the hour of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00366-00084906-00085043 contact so this is this was an open m-Uz_8yaW1A-00367-00085044-00085253 question it wasn't forced so this is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00368-00085254-00085450 self-declared viewers were saying when m-Uz_8yaW1A-00369-00085451-00085625 it came to an add light option they're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00370-00085626-00085943 open to 8.3 minutes of ads per hour m-Uz_8yaW1A-00371-00085944-00086153 um additionally if it was a free service m-Uz_8yaW1A-00372-00086154-00086375 offering they're open to close to 11 m-Uz_8yaW1A-00373-00086376-00086561 minutes per hour so viewers are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00374-00086562-00086723 declaring they're open to this it's not m-Uz_8yaW1A-00375-00086724-00086915 like one minute or two minute and just m-Uz_8yaW1A-00376-00086916-00087065 give me enough that I can watch the free m-Uz_8yaW1A-00377-00087066-00087203 content there's really that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00378-00087204-00087382 understanding of a value Exchange in up m-Uz_8yaW1A-00379-00087383-00087581 to 11 minutes one thing to call out when m-Uz_8yaW1A-00380-00087582-00087761 it comes to kind of free to wear is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00381-00087762-00087982 around 10 to 20 minutes per hour so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00382-00087983-00088126 there is a slight reduction of that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00383-00088127-00088349 expectation but they're still open to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00384-00088350-00088750 ads in these environments m-Uz_8yaW1A-00385-00088751-00089050 when it comes to advertising another m-Uz_8yaW1A-00386-00089051-00089212 follow-up question we had with it was m-Uz_8yaW1A-00387-00089213-00089597 how receptive our viewers to advertising m-Uz_8yaW1A-00388-00089598-00089855 and how effective are they so we asked m-Uz_8yaW1A-00389-00089856-00089976 them a question m-Uz_8yaW1A-00390-00089977-00090226 how much attention are they likely to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00391-00090227-00090361 pay to ads in different environments m-Uz_8yaW1A-00392-00090362-00090803 from streaming and to social to web and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00393-00090804-00090953 64 m-Uz_8yaW1A-00394-00090954-00091126 um fed back that their attention is is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00395-00091127-00091385 highest likely in streaming so very m-Uz_8yaW1A-00396-00091386-00091649 strong correlation to them declaring m-Uz_8yaW1A-00397-00091650-00091756 what they'd like to see in the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00398-00091757-00091882 environments where they like to see m-Uz_8yaW1A-00399-00091883-00092009 those ads m-Uz_8yaW1A-00400-00092010-00092261 um 76 also um declared they pay more m-Uz_8yaW1A-00401-00092262-00092387 attention to the ads that are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00402-00092388-00092579 personalized to their Lifestyles and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00403-00092580-00092747 interests and there was another question m-Uz_8yaW1A-00404-00092748-00093023 that followed this that said 76 like ads m-Uz_8yaW1A-00405-00093024-00093215 that are also relevant to the content m-Uz_8yaW1A-00406-00093216-00093515 they watch so back to the PNG example of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00407-00093516-00093785 having ads in the same language as the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00408-00093786-00094000 content you're viewing and people are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00409-00094001-00094156 looking for you to take notice of what m-Uz_8yaW1A-00410-00094157-00094318 you're viewing what your interests are m-Uz_8yaW1A-00411-00094319-00094517 and delivering ads that are relevant to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00412-00094518-00094679 you and they're very receptive to it m-Uz_8yaW1A-00413-00094680-00094894 when you do it and the technology does m-Uz_8yaW1A-00414-00094895-00095093 exist and we can help with that of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00415-00095094-00095255 understanding that audience the content m-Uz_8yaW1A-00416-00095256-00095423 their interest to be able to deliver the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00417-00095424-00095626 best ads to them m-Uz_8yaW1A-00418-00095627-00095867 uh Beyond attention and we kind of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00419-00095868-00096035 followed the The Funnel of what's m-Uz_8yaW1A-00420-00096036-00096256 Happening next in terms of outcomes and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00421-00096257-00096544 actions that are taken so 93 of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00422-00096545-00096731 respondents they've watched streaming m-Uz_8yaW1A-00423-00096732-00096953 ads have taken an action out off the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00424-00096954-00097144 back of that only three percent have m-Uz_8yaW1A-00425-00097145-00097288 declared they haven't done anything of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00426-00097289-00097499 the back of watching a streaming ad m-Uz_8yaW1A-00427-00097500-00097744 um so a huge output in terms of the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00428-00097745-00097985 actions taken the top three actions m-Uz_8yaW1A-00429-00097986-00098188 there searched online visited a website m-Uz_8yaW1A-00430-00098189-00098411 uh read reviews m-Uz_8yaW1A-00431-00098412-00098543 um something to bear in mind in this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00432-00098544-00098699 especially with mobile is ensuring m-Uz_8yaW1A-00433-00098700-00098867 there's call to actions to drive that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00434-00098868-00099082 response obviously you can click in the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00435-00099083-00099275 streaming mobile environment so you can m-Uz_8yaW1A-00436-00099276-00099497 use that to your advantage even when it m-Uz_8yaW1A-00437-00099498-00099749 comes to CTV you can use QR codes to try m-Uz_8yaW1A-00438-00099750-00099988 and navigate that connection with the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00439-00099989-00100276 viewer 33 have actually gone on and made m-Uz_8yaW1A-00440-00100277-00100499 a purchase so as much as attentiveness m-Uz_8yaW1A-00441-00100500-00100709 and that final to purchase is very much m-Uz_8yaW1A-00442-00100710-00101212 taking place m-Uz_8yaW1A-00443-00101213-00101344 um the last area that we wanted to call m-Uz_8yaW1A-00444-00101345-00101494 out on the key takeaways was live m-Uz_8yaW1A-00445-00101495-00101674 streaming it came up in some of the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00446-00101675-00101837 topics earlier as well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00447-00101838-00101993 um when it comes to live streaming that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00448-00101994-00102268 being live linear live news live sports m-Uz_8yaW1A-00449-00102269-00102478 it's it's always been a huge area in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00450-00102479-00102628 many countries I think especially in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00451-00102629-00102778 India with the live sports side of m-Uz_8yaW1A-00452-00102779-00102856 things m-Uz_8yaW1A-00453-00102857-00103127 um 86 of streamers prefer to go into the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00454-00103128-00103282 the live streaming environments rather m-Uz_8yaW1A-00455-00103283-00103421 than their traditional m-Uz_8yaW1A-00456-00103422-00103654 um TV and so when it comes to the these m-Uz_8yaW1A-00457-00103655-00103775 live sports m-Uz_8yaW1A-00458-00103776-00103997 um it kind of inherently works if you're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00459-00103998-00104128 going to watch some live sports so it's m-Uz_8yaW1A-00460-00104129-00104290 a World Cup or otherwise you're not m-Uz_8yaW1A-00461-00104291-00104410 necessarily going to be at home at the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00462-00104411-00104584 time of watching it so being able to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00463-00104585-00104753 watch it on the go is kind of a natural m-Uz_8yaW1A-00464-00104754-00104939 place to go to and we're seeing that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00465-00104940-00105136 streamers are very much adapting and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00466-00105138-00105328 embracing this content I think this is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00467-00105329-00105484 an area that's kind of underutilized m-Uz_8yaW1A-00468-00105485-00105658 from advertisers to date a lot of it is m-Uz_8yaW1A-00469-00105659-00105863 the broadcast feed coming into these m-Uz_8yaW1A-00470-00105864-00105995 environments without investors being m-Uz_8yaW1A-00471-00105996-00106252 targeted advertising yet but we see this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00472-00106253-00106397 as a huge growth area we've seen it in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00473-00106398-00106607 other markets and specifically in India m-Uz_8yaW1A-00474-00106608-00106804 with sports and news we see this as a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00475-00106805-00107021 big opportunity ahead for broadcasters m-Uz_8yaW1A-00476-00107022-00107207 and for advertisers to connect act with m-Uz_8yaW1A-00477-00107208-00107425 audiences m-Uz_8yaW1A-00478-00107426-00107710 so that comes to back to the the key m-Uz_8yaW1A-00479-00107711-00108131 takeaways for today m-Uz_8yaW1A-00480-00108132-00108377 um as touched on I'm really excited to m-Uz_8yaW1A-00481-00108378-00108563 share this study there is an in-depth m-Uz_8yaW1A-00482-00108564-00108754 study behind it please to use the QR m-Uz_8yaW1A-00483-00108755-00108940 codes that's outside or come and speak m-Uz_8yaW1A-00484-00108941-00109223 to us but we're seeing huge growth in m-Uz_8yaW1A-00485-00109224-00109408 streaming overall it is very much m-Uz_8yaW1A-00486-00109409-00109660 reaching all of the population segments m-Uz_8yaW1A-00487-00109661-00109984 in India with that skew to younger tech m-Uz_8yaW1A-00488-00109985-00110239 savvy Urban audiences taking place m-Uz_8yaW1A-00489-00110240-00110447 streaming is their preference over m-Uz_8yaW1A-00490-00110448-00110675 watching traditional TV and we see that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00491-00110676-00110866 this is only likely to continue as m-Uz_8yaW1A-00492-00110867-00111143 people get more connected in India uh m-Uz_8yaW1A-00493-00111144-00111340 mobile is the lead device within that so m-Uz_8yaW1A-00494-00111341-00111497 it's another area of mobile marketing m-Uz_8yaW1A-00495-00111498-00111689 that can be best be utilized and m-Uz_8yaW1A-00496-00111690-00112007 engaging with audiences ad funded is the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00497-00112008-00112139 preference in that and we see that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00498-00112140-00112378 continuing to grow especially as Global m-Uz_8yaW1A-00499-00112379-00112727 providers are opening up adlight options m-Uz_8yaW1A-00500-00112728-00112913 um streaming ads are showing that m-Uz_8yaW1A-00501-00112914-00113045 they're effective from the top of the m-Uz_8yaW1A-00502-00113046-00113207 funnel in building Brands they're m-Uz_8yaW1A-00503-00113208-00113363 actually driving the response as well m-Uz_8yaW1A-00504-00113364-00113633 and live streaming is becoming a m-Uz_8yaW1A-00505-00113633-00113916 mainstream area for consideration m-Uz_8yaW1A-00506-00113917-00114245 uh with that I'd like to thank you for m-Uz_8yaW1A-00507-00114246-00114407 my uh for your time m-Uz_8yaW1A-00508-00114408-00114533 um it's been a delight to share this m-Uz_8yaW1A-00509-00114533-00114689 with you please do connect with me while m-Uz_8yaW1A-00510-00114690-00114928 I'm here or through QR code into m-Uz_8yaW1A-00511-00114929-00115204 LinkedIn or my email I'm really looking m-Uz_8yaW1A-00512-00115205-00115313 forward to spending the rest of the day m-Uz_8yaW1A-00513-00115314-00115481 hearing from other people as well thank m-Uz_8yaW1A-00514-00115482-00115694 you m_gtK3POSZy-00000-00000687-00001161 oh m_gtK3POSZy-00001-00001162-00003319 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00000-00000927-00001226 three two one m_zld_9Fqau-00003-00011861-00013727 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00004-00013728-00016591 three two m_zld_9Fqau-00005-00016592-00016900 three two one m_zld_9Fqau-00007-00025120-00025422 three two one m_zld_9Fqau-00008-00025423-00026327 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00009-00026327-00026446 left m_zld_9Fqau-00010-00026447-00026567 right m_zld_9Fqau-00011-00026568-00026679 left m_zld_9Fqau-00012-00026680-00026854 right m_zld_9Fqau-00013-00026855-00028767 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00014-00028768-00029446 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00015-00029447-00029657 down down m_zld_9Fqau-00016-00029658-00030930 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00017-00030931-00031655 [Music] m_zld_9Fqau-00018-00031656-00031863 you mATzUdQRUiu-00000-00000000-00000221 this is the recap and ending for the mATzUdQRUiu-00001-00000222-00000623 glory K drama episode 1. drives her car mATzUdQRUiu-00002-00000624-00000857 to arrive at the house she rented mATzUdQRUiu-00003-00000858-00001108 she watches the building when she eats mATzUdQRUiu-00004-00001109-00001307 landlord shows up mATzUdQRUiu-00005-00001308-00001601 she hands over the flower to donglim mATzUdQRUiu-00006-00001602-00001780 she breaks the pots mATzUdQRUiu-00007-00001782-00002014 dalmun remembers the girl falls to the mATzUdQRUiu-00008-00002016-00002099 ground mATzUdQRUiu-00009-00002100-00002392 she turns into the pieces like the pot mATzUdQRUiu-00010-00002393-00002692 daemun posts yunjin's photos on the wall mATzUdQRUiu-00011-00002693-00002950 she tells her that she hates summer mATzUdQRUiu-00012-00002951-00003155 yanjin shows up mATzUdQRUiu-00013-00003156-00003395 she asks donglin who she is mATzUdQRUiu-00014-00003396-00003659 Donald thinks yunjin doesn't know how to mATzUdQRUiu-00015-00003660-00003785 respect people mATzUdQRUiu-00016-00003786-00004006 she beats her with the stapler mATzUdQRUiu-00017-00004007-00004306 she blames her for not recognizing her mATzUdQRUiu-00018-00004307-00004553 yunjin laughs because she thinks dalmun mATzUdQRUiu-00019-00004554-00004697 cannot kill her mATzUdQRUiu-00020-00004698-00004919 Don Moon tells yunjin that she will try mATzUdQRUiu-00021-00004920-00005086 her best to kill her mATzUdQRUiu-00022-00005087-00005315 she tells her to wait for her mATzUdQRUiu-00023-00005316-00005501 it flashes back mATzUdQRUiu-00024-00005502-00005813 yanjun summons yunjin to his office mATzUdQRUiu-00025-00005814-00006017 he asks her why she bullied her mATzUdQRUiu-00026-00006018-00006275 classmate he tells her that her mother mATzUdQRUiu-00027-00006276-00006472 has told him about it to him mATzUdQRUiu-00028-00006473-00006706 it makes her interested in him and her mATzUdQRUiu-00029-00006708-00006875 mother's relationship mATzUdQRUiu-00030-00006876-00007084 he tells her that he and her mother are mATzUdQRUiu-00031-00007086-00007181 friends mATzUdQRUiu-00032-00007181-00007451 yunjin thinks yanjun has feelings for mATzUdQRUiu-00033-00007452-00007553 her mother mATzUdQRUiu-00034-00007554-00007745 she believes that he slept with her mATzUdQRUiu-00035-00007745-00007834 mother mATzUdQRUiu-00036-00007836-00008027 she leaves his office mATzUdQRUiu-00037-00008028-00008237 John Moon arrives at the police station mATzUdQRUiu-00038-00008238-00008417 to pick dongwin up mATzUdQRUiu-00039-00008418-00008674 he blames her for calling police mATzUdQRUiu-00040-00008675-00008896 yunjin's mother throws the rice to mATzUdQRUiu-00041-00008897-00009010 yunjin mATzUdQRUiu-00042-00009011-00009233 she tells her that she's disappointed in mATzUdQRUiu-00043-00009234-00009305 her mATzUdQRUiu-00044-00009306-00009509 yunjin's mother mentions what she said mATzUdQRUiu-00045-00009510-00009695 to yunjin that she can only hang out mATzUdQRUiu-00046-00009696-00009989 with jejun the guy brings donlin to mATzUdQRUiu-00047-00009990-00010319 yunjin yunjin apologizes to Dolmen for mATzUdQRUiu-00048-00010320-00010541 bullying when she holds her face mATzUdQRUiu-00049-00010542-00010769 she tells her that she wants to test if mATzUdQRUiu-00050-00010770-00010960 her iron is hot enough mATzUdQRUiu-00051-00010961-00011255 yunjin uses the iron to her donglin mATzUdQRUiu-00052-00011256-00011519 donglin cries to ask for help mATzUdQRUiu-00053-00011520-00011759 hi Joan tells dong Lun that nobody is mATzUdQRUiu-00054-00011760-00011956 going to come when he shows the keys to mATzUdQRUiu-00055-00011957-00012028 her mATzUdQRUiu-00056-00012029-00012263 dalmoon wonders why yunjin does it to mATzUdQRUiu-00057-00012264-00012335 her mATzUdQRUiu-00058-00012336-00012599 yunjin tells donlin that nobody is going mATzUdQRUiu-00059-00012600-00012857 to help her because she's a loser Don mATzUdQRUiu-00060-00012858-00013060 Moon asks school nurse for the hydrogen mATzUdQRUiu-00061-00013061-00013205 peroxide mATzUdQRUiu-00062-00013206-00013427 school nurse takes a look at donlin's mATzUdQRUiu-00063-00013428-00013505 arm mATzUdQRUiu-00064-00013506-00013733 she sees the wound on her arm mATzUdQRUiu-00065-00013734-00013972 she asks her who did it to her mATzUdQRUiu-00066-00013973-00014219 yanjin admits that the one who hurt Don mATzUdQRUiu-00067-00014219-00014344 Lun was her mATzUdQRUiu-00068-00014345-00014716 Darwin goes to see ESO ESO notes that mATzUdQRUiu-00069-00014718-00014977 donglin wears same shoes like her mother mATzUdQRUiu-00070-00014978-00015286 tells yiso that she knows she's yanjin's mATzUdQRUiu-00071-00015287-00015383 daughter mATzUdQRUiu-00072-00015384-00015569 she tells her that she hates her mother mATzUdQRUiu-00073-00015569-00015694 very much mATzUdQRUiu-00074-00015695-00015911 donglin returns home mATzUdQRUiu-00075-00015912-00016216 she's scared when she sees mile no he mATzUdQRUiu-00076-00016218-00016379 finds her piggy bank mATzUdQRUiu-00077-00016380-00016643 he tries to ruin her piggy bank mATzUdQRUiu-00078-00016644-00016877 she asks him to return the piggy bank to mATzUdQRUiu-00079-00016878-00017039 her because they're rich mATzUdQRUiu-00080-00017040-00017291 yunjin promises to return the piggy bank mATzUdQRUiu-00081-00017292-00017405 to download mATzUdQRUiu-00082-00017406-00017644 but she asks her to dance for her mATzUdQRUiu-00083-00017645-00017885 dong un goes to the Infirmary mATzUdQRUiu-00084-00017886-00018077 but she finds out that the place is mATzUdQRUiu-00085-00018078-00018197 closed mATzUdQRUiu-00086-00018198-00018461 she tries to jump off the Rooftop mATzUdQRUiu-00087-00018462-00018694 but she doesn't have the guts mATzUdQRUiu-00088-00018695-00018958 she has to sit on the snow to cry mATzUdQRUiu-00089-00018959-00019264 the snow drops on her wound on her legs mATzUdQRUiu-00090-00019265-00019558 she uses the snow to massage her body mATzUdQRUiu-00091-00019559-00019835 hijong gets a call from someone mATzUdQRUiu-00092-00019836-00020086 she's told that Tomlin dropped out and mATzUdQRUiu-00093-00020087-00020272 she listed them as the reason for her mATzUdQRUiu-00094-00020273-00020369 transfer mATzUdQRUiu-00095-00020370-00020591 it makes mile no laugh mATzUdQRUiu-00096-00020592-00020843 dalmoon gets a call from John Moon who mATzUdQRUiu-00097-00020844-00021017 asks her to come back and correct the mATzUdQRUiu-00098-00021018-00021094 reason mATzUdQRUiu-00099-00021095-00021317 the teacher reminds John Moon that it mATzUdQRUiu-00100-00021318-00021485 will affect her performance review if mATzUdQRUiu-00101-00021486-00021683 principal sees the list mATzUdQRUiu-00102-00021684-00022013 John Moon yells at dongloon he asks her mATzUdQRUiu-00103-00022014-00022180 why she made the list mATzUdQRUiu-00104-00022181-00022391 she mentions he did nothing when the mATzUdQRUiu-00105-00022392-00022643 students bullied her she shows her wound mATzUdQRUiu-00106-00022644-00022744 to him mATzUdQRUiu-00107-00022745-00023014 John Moon tries to slap Donald mATzUdQRUiu-00108-00023015-00023200 he thinks it's not a bullying because mATzUdQRUiu-00109-00023201-00023363 her legs are fine mATzUdQRUiu-00110-00023364-00023561 he believes that it's just a fight of mATzUdQRUiu-00111-00023562-00023657 friends mATzUdQRUiu-00112-00023658-00023867 so she asks him if he will bear it if mATzUdQRUiu-00113-00023868-00024100 his son is beaten by his friend mATzUdQRUiu-00114-00024101-00024408 he takes off his watch and slaps her mATzUdQRUiu-00115-00024409-00024647 yunjin's mother meets with darling's mATzUdQRUiu-00116-00024648-00024911 mother mihi she gives the cash to her mATzUdQRUiu-00117-00024912-00025144 and asks her to sign the contract mATzUdQRUiu-00118-00025145-00025433 me he signs the contract for the money mATzUdQRUiu-00119-00025434-00025661 dalmun goes to see her mother mATzUdQRUiu-00120-00025662-00025925 but she finds out that she left mATzUdQRUiu-00121-00025926-00026177 she finds the contract she signed mATzUdQRUiu-00122-00026177-00026464 Doman feels painful when she works mATzUdQRUiu-00123-00026466-00026662 she goes to the river mATzUdQRUiu-00124-00026663-00026885 she cries in front of the river mATzUdQRUiu-00125-00026886-00027161 jejun lies on yanjin's legs mATzUdQRUiu-00126-00027162-00027467 he asks her if Domin is pretty she's mATzUdQRUiu-00127-00027468-00027712 Furious to let him leave her download mATzUdQRUiu-00128-00027713-00027929 shows up when saree is bullying the mATzUdQRUiu-00129-00027930-00028043 student mATzUdQRUiu-00130-00028044-00028295 she asks yunjin if her dream is to be a mATzUdQRUiu-00131-00028295-00028468 wise mother and wife mATzUdQRUiu-00132-00028469-00028787 yanjin denies it she asks Tomlin about mATzUdQRUiu-00133-00028788-00028895 her dream mATzUdQRUiu-00134-00028895-00029129 domoon tells yenjin that her dream is mATzUdQRUiu-00135-00029130-00029212 her mATzUdQRUiu-00136-00029213-00029405 she tells her that she will see her mATzUdQRUiu-00137-00029406-00029489 again mATzUdQRUiu-00138-00029489-00029633 she laughs mATzUdQRUiu-00139-00029633-00029873 song Hui is excited after she knew that mATzUdQRUiu-00140-00029874-00030143 donglin is going to get into University mATzUdQRUiu-00141-00030144-00030335 he believes that she's going to get a mATzUdQRUiu-00142-00030336-00030443 boyfriend mATzUdQRUiu-00143-00030444-00030785 the glory K drama episode 1 ending mATzUdQRUiu-00144-00030786-00031043 episode 1 of The Glory K drama ends with mATzUdQRUiu-00145-00031044-00031246 donglin telling songhui that she's going mATzUdQRUiu-00146-00031247-00031396 to go to somewhere mATzUdQRUiu-00147-00031397-00031631 she leaves the factory and goes to the mATzUdQRUiu-00148-00031632-00031739 cafe mATzUdQRUiu-00149-00031739-00031985 she orders a cup of coffee and runs into mATzUdQRUiu-00150-00031986-00032296 yojong she walks out of the cafe and mATzUdQRUiu-00151-00032297-00032452 walks on the street mATzUdQRUiu-00152-00032453-00032771 she wishes to see yanjin yuso thinks mATzUdQRUiu-00153-00032772-00032999 it's a fairy tale after she heard dongun mATzUdQRUiu-00154-00033000-00033173 and her mother's story mATzUdQRUiu-00155-00033174-00033407 but domoon intends to use her hair iron mATzUdQRUiu-00156-00033408-00033743 to her Tianjin yuso wishes her mother to mATzUdQRUiu-00157-00033744-00033965 be the main role of the story mATzUdQRUiu-00158-00033966-00034193 Dao Moon tells you so that her mother is mATzUdQRUiu-00159-00034194-00034493 the main role yunjin becomes the anchor mATzUdQRUiu-00160-00034494-00034696 to present the weather forecast mATzUdQRUiu-00161-00034697-00034961 dong Moon turns off the TV mATzUdQRUiu-00162-00034962-00035207 she stares at the photos on the wall mATzUdQRUiu-00163-00035208-00035606 she decides to take revenge mB2uds1tE2E-00000-00000003-00000347 a pagoda is a tiered Tower with multiple mB2uds1tE2E-00001-00000348-00000590 eaves built in traditions originating as mB2uds1tE2E-00002-00000591-00000844 stupa in historic South Asia and further mB2uds1tE2E-00003-00000846-00001091 developed in East Asia with respect to mB2uds1tE2E-00004-00001092-00001319 those traditions common to nepal china mB2uds1tE2E-00005-00001320-00001763 japan korea vietnam myanmar india sri mB2uds1tE2E-00006-00001764-00002063 lanka and other parts of asia some mB2uds1tE2E-00007-00002064-00002297 pagodas are used as Taoist houses of mB2uds1tE2E-00008-00002298-00002560 worship most pagodas were built to have mB2uds1tE2E-00009-00002561-00002776 a religious function most commonly mB2uds1tE2E-00010-00002777-00002992 Buddhist and were often located in or mB2uds1tE2E-00011-00002993-00003295 near viharas in some countries the term mB2uds1tE2E-00012-00003296-00003538 may refer to other religious structures mB2uds1tE2E-00013-00003539-00003878 in Vietnam and Cambodia due to French mB2uds1tE2E-00014-00003879-00004136 translation the English term pagoda is a mB2uds1tE2E-00015-00004137-00004363 more generic term referring to a place mB2uds1tE2E-00016-00004364-00004433 of worship mB2uds1tE2E-00017-00004434-00004654 although pagoda is not an accurate word mB2uds1tE2E-00018-00004655-00004967 to describe a Buddhist Vihara the modern mB2uds1tE2E-00019-00004968-00005186 pagoda is an evolution of the stupa mB2uds1tE2E-00020-00005187-00005527 which originated in ancient Nepal stupas mB2uds1tE2E-00021-00005528-00005750 are a tomb like structure where sacred mB2uds1tE2E-00022-00005751-00005968 relics could be kept safe and venerated mB2uds1tE2E-00023-00005969-00006266 the architectural structure of the stupa mB2uds1tE2E-00024-00006267-00006493 has spread across Asia taking on many mB2uds1tE2E-00025-00006494-00006760 diverse forms as details specific to mB2uds1tE2E-00026-00006761-00006962 different regions are incorporated into mB2uds1tE2E-00027-00006963-00007285 the overall design many philippine bell mB2uds1tE2E-00028-00007286-00007534 towers are highly influenced by pagodas mB2uds1tE2E-00029-00007536-00007742 through chinese workers hired by the mB2uds1tE2E-00030-00007743-00008338 spaniards mB2uds1tE2E-00031-00008339-00008896 topic etymology mB2uds1tE2E-00032-00008897-00009167 one proposed etymology as from a South mB2uds1tE2E-00033-00009168-00009413 Chinese pronunciation of the term for an mB2uds1tE2E-00034-00009414-00009727 eight cornered tower Chinese Bogota and mB2uds1tE2E-00035-00009728-00009905 reinforced by the name of a famous mB2uds1tE2E-00036-00009906-00010127 pagoda encountered by many early mB2uds1tE2E-00037-00010128-00010471 European visitors to China the Picciotto mB2uds1tE2E-00038-00010472-00010826 Chinese pod Jota standing just south of mB2uds1tE2E-00039-00010827-00011089 Guangzhou at Whampoa Anchorage another mB2uds1tE2E-00040-00011090-00011351 proposed etymology is Persian baccata mB2uds1tE2E-00041-00011352-00011770 from but idle and kada temple dwelling mB2uds1tE2E-00042-00011771-00012083 another etymology found in many english mB2uds1tE2E-00043-00012084-00012319 language dictionaries is modern english mB2uds1tE2E-00044-00012320-00012548 pagoda from portuguese via Dravidian mB2uds1tE2E-00045-00012549-00012794 from sanskrit bhagavati feminine of mB2uds1tE2E-00046-00012795-00013408 Bhagavad blessed from bhag good fortune mB2uds1tE2E-00047-00013409-00013675 yet another etymology of pagoda as from mB2uds1tE2E-00048-00013676-00013869 the Sinhala word de gaba which is mB2uds1tE2E-00049-00013870-00014122 derived from sanskrit dato Garba or poly mB2uds1tE2E-00050-00014122-00014203 Dada gaba mB2uds1tE2E-00051-00014204-00014635 Relic womb chamber or reliquary shrine mB2uds1tE2E-00052-00014636-00015444 ie a stupa by way of Portuguese mB2uds1tE2E-00053-00015444-00015971 topic history mB2uds1tE2E-00054-00015972-00016229 the origin of the pagoda can be traced mB2uds1tE2E-00055-00016230-00016622 to the stupa third century BCE the Stupa mB2uds1tE2E-00056-00016623-00016862 a dome-shaped monument was used as a mB2uds1tE2E-00057-00016863-00017090 commemorative monument associated with mB2uds1tE2E-00058-00017091-00017429 storing sacred relics in East Asia the mB2uds1tE2E-00059-00017430-00017645 architecture of Chinese towers and mB2uds1tE2E-00060-00017646-00017870 Chinese pavilions blended into pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00061-00017871-00018128 architecture eventually also spreading mB2uds1tE2E-00062-00018129-00018449 to Southeast Asia the pagodas original mB2uds1tE2E-00063-00018450-00018653 purpose was to house relics and sacred mB2uds1tE2E-00064-00018654-00018941 writings this purpose was popularized mB2uds1tE2E-00065-00018942-00019106 due to the efforts of Buddhist mB2uds1tE2E-00066-00019107-00019337 missionaries pilgrims rulers and mB2uds1tE2E-00067-00019338-00019607 ordinary devotees to seek out distribute mB2uds1tE2E-00068-00019608-00019832 and extol Buddhist relics on the other mB2uds1tE2E-00069-00019833-00020087 side the stupa emerged as a distinctive mB2uds1tE2E-00070-00020088-00020306 style of nieuwe architecture of Nepal mB2uds1tE2E-00071-00020307-00020531 and was adopted in South East and East mB2uds1tE2E-00072-00020532-00020894 Asia Nepali architect Aaron Eko visited mB2uds1tE2E-00073-00020895-00021089 China and shared his skills to build mB2uds1tE2E-00074-00021090-00021353 stupa buildings in China these buildings mB2uds1tE2E-00075-00021354-00021614 pagoda stupa became prominent as mB2uds1tE2E-00076-00021615-00021830 Buddhist monuments used for enshrining mB2uds1tE2E-00077-00021831-00022430 sacred relics mB2uds1tE2E-00078-00022431-00022953 topic symbolism mB2uds1tE2E-00079-00022954-00023235 Chinese iconography is noticeable in mB2uds1tE2E-00080-00023236-00023460 chinese pagoda as well as other East mB2uds1tE2E-00081-00023461-00023789 Asian pagoda architectures the image of mB2uds1tE2E-00082-00023790-00024008 gautuma buddha in the abaya mudra is mB2uds1tE2E-00083-00024009-00024342 also noticeable in some pagodas Buddhist mB2uds1tE2E-00084-00024343-00024552 iconography can be observed throughout mB2uds1tE2E-00085-00024553-00024786 the pagoda symbolism in an article on mB2uds1tE2E-00086-00024787-00025047 Buddhist elements in Han Dynasty art woo mB2uds1tE2E-00087-00025048-00025236 hyung suggests that in these tombs mB2uds1tE2E-00088-00025237-00025439 Buddhist symbolism was so well mB2uds1tE2E-00089-00025440-00025617 incorporated into native Chinese mB2uds1tE2E-00090-00025618-00025827 traditions that a unique system of mB2uds1tE2E-00091-00025827-00026483 symbolism had been developed mB2uds1tE2E-00092-00026483-00027010 topic architecture mB2uds1tE2E-00093-00027011-00027246 pagodas attract lightning strikes mB2uds1tE2E-00094-00027247-00027489 because of their height many pagodas mB2uds1tE2E-00095-00027490-00027702 have a decorated finial at the top of mB2uds1tE2E-00096-00027703-00027892 the structure and when made of metal mB2uds1tE2E-00097-00027893-00028135 this finial sometimes referred to as a mB2uds1tE2E-00098-00028136-00028440 demon or rester can function as a mB2uds1tE2E-00099-00028441-00028743 lightning rod also pagodas come in many mB2uds1tE2E-00100-00028744-00029002 different sizes as some may be small and mB2uds1tE2E-00101-00029002-00029185 others may be large pagodas mB2uds1tE2E-00102-00029186-00029367 traditionally have an odd number of mB2uds1tE2E-00103-00029368-00029608 levels a notable exception being the mB2uds1tE2E-00104-00029608-00029862 18th century pagoda designed by Sir mB2uds1tE2E-00105-00029863-00030042 William chambers at the Royal Botanic mB2uds1tE2E-00106-00030043-00030430 Gardens Kew London the pagodas in mB2uds1tE2E-00107-00030431-00030745 Myanmar Thailand Laos and Cambodia are mB2uds1tE2E-00108-00030745-00030943 very different from Chinese and Japanese mB2uds1tE2E-00109-00030944-00031279 pagodas pagodas in those countries are mB2uds1tE2E-00110-00031280-00031982 derived from Dravidian architecture mB2uds1tE2E-00111-00031983-00032607 topic some notable pagodas mB2uds1tE2E-00112-00032608-00033008 tiered towers with multiple eaves Sonia mB2uds1tE2E-00113-00033009-00033321 a pagoda on Mount song Hanan China built mB2uds1tE2E-00114-00033322-00033858 in 523 mariksa attics on Korea built in mB2uds1tE2E-00115-00033859-00034214 the early 7th century bun Wang saw at mB2uds1tE2E-00116-00034215-00034736 Gyeongju Korea built in 634 zoomy pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00117-00034737-00035210 at jungang Hebei china built in 636 mB2uds1tE2E-00118-00035211-00035730 dodging pagoda in china built in 641 mB2uds1tE2E-00119-00035731-00035949 youngsil wooden nine story pagoda on mB2uds1tE2E-00120-00035950-00036265 Wang Yong su gyeong Joo Korea built in mB2uds1tE2E-00121-00036266-00036770 645 pagoda at Yuji Ikaruga Nara mB2uds1tE2E-00122-00036771-00037185 Japan built in the 7th century giant mB2uds1tE2E-00123-00037186-00037436 wild goose pagoda built in Xi'an China mB2uds1tE2E-00124-00037437-00037949 in 704 small wild goose pagoda built in mB2uds1tE2E-00125-00037950-00038393 Xi'an China in 709 set gate upon mB2uds1tE2E-00126-00038394-00038870 bulguksa Gyeongju Korea built in 751 mB2uds1tE2E-00127-00038871-00039221 Dabo tap on bulguksa Gyeongju Korea mB2uds1tE2E-00128-00039222-00039767 built in 751 tiger hill pagoda built in mB2uds1tE2E-00129-00039768-00040212 961 outside of Suzhou China Ling shalt mB2uds1tE2E-00130-00040213-00040493 pagoda at Jeong ding Hebei China built mB2uds1tE2E-00131-00040494-00040946 in 1045 iron pagoda of kaifeng built in mB2uds1tE2E-00132-00040947-00041367 1049 during the Song Dynasty lyudi mB2uds1tE2E-00133-00041368-00041687 pagoda of ding Joe built in 1055 during mB2uds1tE2E-00134-00041688-00042018 the Song Dynasty pagoda of fo gong mB2uds1tE2E-00135-00042019-00042302 temple built in 1056 in yang County mB2uds1tE2E-00136-00042303-00042770 Shanxi China PG pagoda of Lincoln temple mB2uds1tE2E-00137-00042771-00043257 Shandong China 11th century BC pagoda at mB2uds1tE2E-00138-00043258-00043802 SuJu jang-soo china built in 1162 lu hey mB2uds1tE2E-00139-00043803-00044154 pagoda of hangzhou built in 1165 during mB2uds1tE2E-00140-00044155-00044382 the Song Dynasty mB2uds1tE2E-00141-00044383-00044885 ichijo G Kasai hyogo japan built in 1171 mB2uds1tE2E-00142-00044886-00045198 the porcelain tower of nanjing built mB2uds1tE2E-00143-00045199-00045567 between 1402 and 1420 for a wonder of mB2uds1tE2E-00144-00045568-00045954 the medieval world in nanjing china Tsui mB2uds1tE2E-00145-00045955-00046251 sing loud pagoda in ping Shan Hong Kong mB2uds1tE2E-00146-00046252-00046728 built in 1486 dragon and tiger pagodas mB2uds1tE2E-00147-00046729-00047253 in Gao Xiang Taiwan built in 1976 seven mB2uds1tE2E-00148-00047254-00047484 storey pagoda in Chinese garden at mB2uds1tE2E-00149-00047485-00047900 Jurong East Singapore built in 1975 mB2uds1tE2E-00150-00047901-00048291 poggio pagoda on Whampoa Huang PU Island mB2uds1tE2E-00151-00048292-00048701 Guangzhou Canton China built in 1600 mB2uds1tE2E-00152-00048702-00048996 pagoda of the celestial lady in hue mB2uds1tE2E-00153-00048997-00049461 Vietnam will tin 1601 pulsing John a mB2uds1tE2E-00154-00049462-00049749 five story pagoda at B op jessa Korea mB2uds1tE2E-00155-00049750-00050190 built in 1605 to G the tallest wooden mB2uds1tE2E-00156-00050191-00050633 structure in Kyoto Japan built in 1644 mB2uds1tE2E-00157-00050634-00050976 yata Paulo at bhaktapur Kathmandu Valley mB2uds1tE2E-00158-00050977-00051459 built during 1701 to 1702 the great mB2uds1tE2E-00159-00051460-00051809 pagoda at Kew Gardens London UK built in mB2uds1tE2E-00160-00051810-00052283 1762 tran quoc pagoda hanoi vietnam mB2uds1tE2E-00161-00052284-00052650 founded in the 6th century reading mB2uds1tE2E-00162-00052651-00052892 pagoda of reading pennsylvania built in mB2uds1tE2E-00163-00052894-00053086 1908 mB2uds1tE2E-00164-00053087-00053398 kek lok sis main pagoda in penang mB2uds1tE2E-00165-00053399-00053647 malaysia exhibits a combination of mB2uds1tE2E-00166-00053648-00053866 chinese burmese and thai buddhist mB2uds1tE2E-00167-00053866-00054283 architecture built in 1930 the pagoda of mB2uds1tE2E-00168-00054284-00054577 Japan pavilion at epcot Florida built in mB2uds1tE2E-00169-00054578-00055003 1982 pagoda of tea anning temple the mB2uds1tE2E-00170-00055004-00055213 tallest pagoda in the world since its mB2uds1tE2E-00171-00055214-00055651 completion in April 2007 stands at 153 mB2uds1tE2E-00172-00055652-00055878 point seven meters in height mB2uds1tE2E-00173-00055879-00056149 Nepal peace pagoda in Brisbane Australia mB2uds1tE2E-00174-00056150-00056604 built for the World Expo 88 pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00175-00056604-00056875 Avalokitesvara indonesia tallest pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00176-00056876-00057202 in indonesia stands at 45 meters built mB2uds1tE2E-00177-00057203-00057703 in 2004 stupas called pagodas global mB2uds1tE2E-00178-00057704-00057942 Vipassana pagoda the largest unsupported mB2uds1tE2E-00179-00057944-00058327 dome stone structure in the world mingun mB2uds1tE2E-00180-00058328-00058582 pada dog we a monumental uncompleted mB2uds1tE2E-00181-00058583-00058948 stupa began by King Buddha paya in 1790 mB2uds1tE2E-00182-00058949-00059257 if completed it would be the largest in mB2uds1tE2E-00183-00059258-00059716 the world at 150 meters PHA that luang mB2uds1tE2E-00184-00059716-00060034 the holiest wat pagoda and stupa in laos mB2uds1tE2E-00185-00060035-00060463 in vientiane phra pata machete the mB2uds1tE2E-00186-00060464-00060688 highest pagoda or stupa in thailand mB2uds1tE2E-00187-00060689-00061057 nakhon pathom thailand shwedagon pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00188-00061058-00061504 a 98 meter 322 feet gilded pagoda and mB2uds1tE2E-00189-00061504-00061876 stupa located in Yangon Myanmar it is mB2uds1tE2E-00190-00061877-00062098 the most sacred Buddhist pagoda for the mB2uds1tE2E-00191-00062099-00062302 Burmese with relics of the past four mB2uds1tE2E-00192-00062303-00062599 buddhas enshrined within shwezigon mB2uds1tE2E-00193-00062600-00062998 pagoda in nu nu Myanmar completed during mB2uds1tE2E-00194-00062999-00063301 the reign of King Qian zetas in 1102 it mB2uds1tE2E-00195-00063302-00063670 is a prototype of Burmese stupas up at mB2uds1tE2E-00196-00063671-00063891 Asante pagoda a three hundred twenty mB2uds1tE2E-00197-00063892-00064111 five foot tall landmark in napier mB2uds1tE2E-00198-00064112-00064528 myanmar built from 2006 to 2009 which mB2uds1tE2E-00199-00064529-00064747 houses a Buddha Tooth Relic place is mB2uds1tE2E-00200-00064748-00065047 called pagoda but which are not tiered mB2uds1tE2E-00201-00065048-00065350 structures with multiple eaves one mB2uds1tE2E-00202-00065351-00065668 pillar pagoda hanoi vietnam is an icon mB2uds1tE2E-00203-00065669-00065902 of Vietnamese culture it was built in mB2uds1tE2E-00204-00065903-00066333 10:49 destroyed and rebuilt in 1954 mB2uds1tE2E-00205-00066334-00066532 structures that evoke pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00206-00066533-00066732 architecture mB2uds1tE2E-00207-00066733-00066975 the Dragon House of San Souci Park which mB2uds1tE2E-00208-00066976-00067215 is an 18th century German attempt at mB2uds1tE2E-00209-00067216-00067536 imitating Chinese architecture the mB2uds1tE2E-00210-00067537-00067821 Panasonic pagoda or pagoda tower at the mB2uds1tE2E-00211-00067822-00068022 Indianapolis Motor Speedway mB2uds1tE2E-00212-00068023-00068385 this 13 story pagoda used as the control mB2uds1tE2E-00213-00068386-00068679 tower for races such as the Indy 500 has mB2uds1tE2E-00214-00068680-00068916 been transformed several times since it mB2uds1tE2E-00215-00068917-00069363 was first built in 1913 jin mao tower in mB2uds1tE2E-00216-00069364-00069861 shanghai built between 1994 and 1999 mB2uds1tE2E-00217-00069862-00070134 Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur the mB2uds1tE2E-00218-00070135-00070434 tallest buildings in the world from 1998 mB2uds1tE2E-00219-00070435-00070857 to 2004 Taipei 101 in Taiwan mB2uds1tE2E-00220-00070858-00071162 record-setter for height 508 meters in mB2uds1tE2E-00221-00071163-00071433 2004 and currently the world's fourth mB2uds1tE2E-00222-00071434-00071739 tallest completed building structures mB2uds1tE2E-00223-00071740-00071976 not generally thought of as pagodas but mB2uds1tE2E-00224-00071977-00072104 which have some pagoda-like mB2uds1tE2E-00225-00072105-00072432 characteristics the hall of prayer for mB2uds1tE2E-00226-00072433-00072680 good harvests at the temple of heaven mB2uds1tE2E-00227-00072681-00073318 wanted an altar in Korea mB2uds1tE2E-00228-00073319-00073893 topic see also mB2uds1tE2E-00229-00073894-00074328 architecture of the Song Dynasty Cydia mB2uds1tE2E-00230-00074329-00074505 chaitya mB2uds1tE2E-00231-00074506-00074997 Chinese architecture taw Chinese pagodas mB2uds1tE2E-00232-00074998-00075118 gongbay mB2uds1tE2E-00233-00075119-00075367 Chinese Muslim mausoleum with pagoda mB2uds1tE2E-00234-00075368-00075838 style architecture stupa - Japanese mB2uds1tE2E-00235-00075839-00076504 pagodas vihara equals equals notes mK49QZWJohQ-00000-00000840-00001023 ramsay county uses accuvote ballot mK49QZWJohQ-00001-00001024-00001191 counters to count ballots on election mK49QZWJohQ-00002-00001192-00001383 day mK49QZWJohQ-00003-00001384-00001566 voters cast their completed ballot into mK49QZWJohQ-00004-00001567-00001807 this unit mK49QZWJohQ-00005-00001807-00001982 the precincts head judge will arrive at mK49QZWJohQ-00006-00001984-00002102 the polling place with the ballot mK49QZWJohQ-00007-00002103-00002191 counter mK49QZWJohQ-00008-00002192-00002350 the head judge is responsible for mK49QZWJohQ-00009-00002351-00002615 opening closing mK49QZWJohQ-00010-00002616-00002910 and managing the unit throughout the day mK49QZWJohQ-00011-00002911-00003087 when opening the ballot counter you will mK49QZWJohQ-00012-00003088-00003215 first need to gather the following mK49QZWJohQ-00013-00003215-00003359 materials mK49QZWJohQ-00014-00003360-00003590 the black ballot box mK49QZWJohQ-00015-00003592-00003799 the ballot counter mK49QZWJohQ-00016-00003800-00004015 voting equipment keys mK49QZWJohQ-00017-00004015-00004215 the power cord mK49QZWJohQ-00018-00004216-00004447 the green opening instructions mK49QZWJohQ-00019-00004448-00004735 and the accuvote certification form mK49QZWJohQ-00020-00004736-00004919 before opening the ballot counter you mK49QZWJohQ-00021-00004920-00005079 will need to confirm the seal number on mK49QZWJohQ-00022-00005080-00005295 the ballot counter's carrying case mK49QZWJohQ-00023-00005296-00005454 this number should match the one listed mK49QZWJohQ-00024-00005455-00005838 on the certification form mK49QZWJohQ-00025-00005839-00006054 to begin following the green opening mK49QZWJohQ-00026-00006055-00006222 instructions unlock the lids of the mK49QZWJohQ-00027-00006223-00006414 ballot box and verify that the box is mK49QZWJohQ-00028-00006415-00006783 empty mK49QZWJohQ-00029-00006784-00007095 next unlock remove and store the metal mK49QZWJohQ-00030-00007095-00007270 security plate mK49QZWJohQ-00031-00007272-00007406 make sure the lock is in the open mK49QZWJohQ-00032-00007408-00007598 position otherwise it will block ballots mK49QZWJohQ-00033-00007600-00007998 from entering the box mK49QZWJohQ-00034-00008000-00008223 unlock and lower the security panel mK49QZWJohQ-00035-00008224-00008503 remove the ballot counter from its case mK49QZWJohQ-00036-00008504-00008942 and slide the unit halfway into position mK49QZWJohQ-00037-00008943-00009103 connect the power cord to the ballot mK49QZWJohQ-00038-00009104-00009606 counter mK49QZWJohQ-00039-00009607-00009791 once the ballot counter is in place mK49QZWJohQ-00040-00009792-00010006 using the red key unlock and remove the mK49QZWJohQ-00041-00010007-00010303 printer cover mK49QZWJohQ-00042-00010304-00010527 using the official certification form mK49QZWJohQ-00043-00010528-00010687 have two judges from different political mK49QZWJohQ-00044-00010688-00010846 parties confirm that the number on the mK49QZWJohQ-00045-00010847-00011014 seal matches the number printed on the mK49QZWJohQ-00046-00011015-00011206 certification form mK49QZWJohQ-00047-00011207-00011431 once the certification is verified turn mK49QZWJohQ-00048-00011432-00011671 the unit on mK49QZWJohQ-00049-00011672-00011831 the zero tape should begin printing mK49QZWJohQ-00050-00011832-00012191 automatically mK49QZWJohQ-00051-00012192-00012399 once the zero tape has finished printing mK49QZWJohQ-00052-00012400-00012583 leave it attached the printer and verify mK49QZWJohQ-00053-00012584-00012735 that the information printed on the xero mK49QZWJohQ-00054-00012736-00012894 tape is correct mK49QZWJohQ-00055-00012895-00013063 to do this confirm that the precinct mK49QZWJohQ-00056-00013063-00013247 numbers printed on the xero tape match mK49QZWJohQ-00057-00013247-00013383 the precinct numbers on the bottom of mK49QZWJohQ-00058-00013384-00013527 the ballots mK49QZWJohQ-00059-00013528-00013758 also confirm that the candidate order on mK49QZWJohQ-00060-00013759-00013943 the xero tape matched the candidate mK49QZWJohQ-00061-00013944-00014415 order printed on the ballots mK49QZWJohQ-00062-00014416-00014638 the lcd screen of the accuvote will ask mK49QZWJohQ-00063-00014640-00014927 you if you'd like another copy press no mK49QZWJohQ-00064-00014928-00015111 the lcd screen should show the total mK49QZWJohQ-00065-00015112-00015566 count at zero mK49QZWJohQ-00066-00015568-00015750 once this is complete have all judges mK49QZWJohQ-00067-00015751-00015958 sign the bottom of the tape mK49QZWJohQ-00068-00015959-00016175 leave the tape attach the printer mK49QZWJohQ-00069-00016176-00016350 roll up the tape inside the printer unit mK49QZWJohQ-00070-00016351-00016886 and replace the cover mK49QZWJohQ-00071-00016887-00017086 slide the ballot counter into place and mK49QZWJohQ-00072-00017087-00017375 raise and lock the security cover mK49QZWJohQ-00073-00017376-00017527 the ballot counter is now ready to mK49QZWJohQ-00074-00017528-00017758 accept ballots mK49QZWJohQ-00075-00017759-00017927 if at any point you have questions about mK49QZWJohQ-00076-00017928-00018086 the setup and opening of the ballot mK49QZWJohQ-00077-00018087-00018286 counter please call the ramsey county mK49QZWJohQ-00078-00018287-00018584 elections hotline mLAendwF29U-00000-00000328-00000543 benq dms allows you to remotely keep mLAendwF29U-00001-00000544-00000767 your displays up to date with ota mLAendwF29U-00002-00000768-00000886 updates mLAendwF29U-00003-00000888-00001111 get the latest features mLAendwF29U-00004-00001112-00001343 and security updates mLAendwF29U-00005-00001344-00001519 to ensure that your displays are up to mLAendwF29U-00006-00001520-00001823 date go to mLAendwF29U-00007-00001823-00002002 and log into your benq account mLAendwF29U-00008-00002003-00002334 [Music] mLAendwF29U-00009-00002335-00002558 select a display and click the install mLAendwF29U-00010-00002559-00002671 button mLAendwF29U-00011-00002672-00003095 then click update device now and confirm mLAendwF29U-00012-00003096-00003311 your display will restart and be updated mLAendwF29U-00013-00003311-00003486 with the latest features and security mLAendwF29U-00014-00003488-00003631 patches mLAendwF29U-00015-00003632-00003879 that's it your displays are now up to mLAendwF29U-00016-00003879-00004831 date mLAendwF29U-00017-00004832-00005039 you mLANRBjhBgA-00000-00001309-00001641 thank you mLANRBjhBgA-00001-00001642-00002193 [Music] mLANRBjhBgA-00002-00002194-00002460 [Music] mLANRBjhBgA-00003-00002461-00002758 yeah the karma size Pub how you feeling mLANRBjhBgA-00004-00002759-00002892 tonight mLANRBjhBgA-00005-00002893-00003221 intimate crime is a hot crap hot crap mLANRBjhBgA-00006-00003222-00003497 guys all right guys give yourself a mLANRBjhBgA-00007-00003497-00003653 round of applause for coming around man mLANRBjhBgA-00008-00003654-00003979 we gotta mLANRBjhBgA-00009-00003979-00004253 tonight's lineup is awesome I'm so happy mLANRBjhBgA-00010-00004254-00004438 about it we also got drink specials mLANRBjhBgA-00011-00004439-00004588 tonight we got a nine dollar picture mLANRBjhBgA-00012-00004589-00004811 specials we also got 350 shooter mLANRBjhBgA-00013-00004812-00004979 specials ask Austin your bartender for mLANRBjhBgA-00014-00004980-00005188 more details and while we're at it give mLANRBjhBgA-00015-00005189-00005902 Austin a big round of applause mLANRBjhBgA-00016-00005903-00006293 I'll be your host Jesse Jarvis yes that mLANRBjhBgA-00017-00006294-00006598 sucks for all of you I'm sorry uh no I'm mLANRBjhBgA-00018-00006600-00006863 not [__] it I don't care but uh I'm a mLANRBjhBgA-00019-00006864-00007031 very really appreciate you all being mLANRBjhBgA-00020-00007031-00007169 here mLANRBjhBgA-00021-00007170-00007464 your love means nothing to me mLANRBjhBgA-00022-00007465-00007848 no no yeah it does yeah it does I am mLANRBjhBgA-00023-00007850-00008183 I went to uh I went to my girlfriend's mLANRBjhBgA-00024-00008184-00008399 High School reunion recently mLANRBjhBgA-00025-00008400-00008567 um which by the way if you're thinking mLANRBjhBgA-00026-00008568-00008705 about going to a high school yeah yeah mLANRBjhBgA-00027-00008706-00008873 you were there you were there for the mLANRBjhBgA-00028-00008874-00009095 whole thing here's how I'll tell you mLANRBjhBgA-00029-00009096-00009274 here's how my night went so like by the mLANRBjhBgA-00030-00009275-00009431 way if you're planning on going to a mLANRBjhBgA-00031-00009432-00009706 high school reunion don't it's [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00032-00009707-00010031 stupid it's a terrible idea like it's mLANRBjhBgA-00033-00010032-00010187 here's the thing High School reunions mLANRBjhBgA-00034-00010188-00010385 are exactly like high school you know mLANRBjhBgA-00035-00010386-00010577 the cool kids are in the cool Corner mLANRBjhBgA-00036-00010578-00010792 doing their cool people things girls are mLANRBjhBgA-00037-00010793-00011027 gossiping in the other Corner the creepy mLANRBjhBgA-00038-00011028-00011188 gym teachers getting all handy during mLANRBjhBgA-00039-00011189-00011453 the conga line like it's a book which by mLANRBjhBgA-00040-00011454-00011609 the way if there's a condo line like mLANRBjhBgA-00041-00011610-00011921 don't [__] go to that party is the mLANRBjhBgA-00042-00011922-00012233 worst idea ever but uh this this night mLANRBjhBgA-00043-00012234-00012442 was extra special here's why it was mLANRBjhBgA-00044-00012443-00012623 extra special I don't know if I told you mLANRBjhBgA-00045-00012624-00012880 about this that night uh I got to meet mLANRBjhBgA-00046-00012881-00013105 my girlfriend's ex-fiance mLANRBjhBgA-00047-00013106-00013366 yeah that was a nice fun thing that mLANRBjhBgA-00048-00013368-00013594 happened so like and here's the thing mLANRBjhBgA-00049-00013595-00013799 heard a lot of things about this guy not mLANRBjhBgA-00050-00013800-00014008 all good didn't know what to expect but mLANRBjhBgA-00051-00014009-00014249 you know what I I'm respectful I go up mLANRBjhBgA-00052-00014250-00014435 to him I want to shake the man's hand mLANRBjhBgA-00053-00014436-00014711 and as I'm shaking his hand it dawned to mLANRBjhBgA-00054-00014712-00014819 me I'm like mLANRBjhBgA-00055-00014819-00015035 oh holy [__] this guy's [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00056-00015036-00015316 beautiful God damn it really like like mLANRBjhBgA-00057-00015318-00015563 this guy had five inches of height on me mLANRBjhBgA-00058-00015563-00015851 and it's like insane chiseled jawline he mLANRBjhBgA-00059-00015852-00015988 looked like Captain America if you mLANRBjhBgA-00060-00015990-00016277 worked at a car dealership this guy was mLANRBjhBgA-00061-00016278-00016386 gorgeous mLANRBjhBgA-00062-00016387-00016715 but then like so we leave the reunion mLANRBjhBgA-00063-00016716-00016936 and uh as we're in the car we're driving mLANRBjhBgA-00064-00016937-00017080 away and I just turned to my girlfriend mLANRBjhBgA-00065-00017081-00017315 and she said what the hell is wrong with mLANRBjhBgA-00066-00017316-00017413 you mLANRBjhBgA-00067-00017414-00017615 she says what do you mean I was like mLANRBjhBgA-00068-00017616-00017819 your ass fiance he's gorgeous get your mLANRBjhBgA-00069-00017820-00017958 [__] together mLANRBjhBgA-00070-00017959-00018179 what do you mean I like being with you mLANRBjhBgA-00071-00018180-00018322 I'm like yeah well according to biology mLANRBjhBgA-00072-00018323-00018557 you were [__] lying to yourself what mLANRBjhBgA-00073-00018558-00018749 is wrong with you I don't know what mLANRBjhBgA-00074-00018750-00018863 you're talking about all right I'm just mLANRBjhBgA-00075-00018864-00019085 saying from a scientific standpoint this mLANRBjhBgA-00076-00019086-00019399 makes no sense whatsoever mLANRBjhBgA-00077-00019400-00019661 come on in guys come on in guys come on mLANRBjhBgA-00078-00019662-00019799 come on mLANRBjhBgA-00079-00019800-00020047 but it's gonna play I know I know I know mLANRBjhBgA-00080-00020048-00020399 hey guys mLANRBjhBgA-00081-00020400-00020543 well I was telling my girlfriend I was mLANRBjhBgA-00082-00020544-00020717 like from a scientific standpoint it mLANRBjhBgA-00083-00020718-00020914 makes no sense you know it's like if mLANRBjhBgA-00084-00020915-00021071 you're ha if you had your choice between mLANRBjhBgA-00085-00021072-00021208 Thor mLANRBjhBgA-00086-00021209-00021491 or Greg from accounting mLANRBjhBgA-00087-00021492-00021664 Vegas I'd say you're going to choose the mLANRBjhBgA-00088-00021665-00021808 dude with the two hammers you know what mLANRBjhBgA-00089-00021809-00021994 I mean like that's just how that works mLANRBjhBgA-00090-00021995-00022175 get your [__] together mLANRBjhBgA-00091-00022176-00022408 but that fiance he had a he had a kid mLANRBjhBgA-00092-00022409-00022613 since they broke up that was uh that was mLANRBjhBgA-00093-00022614-00023175 crazy like I mLANRBjhBgA-00094-00023176-00023500 [Music] mLANRBjhBgA-00095-00023501-00023764 sometime in the near future that's a mLANRBjhBgA-00096-00023765-00023999 terrible idea I'm too [__] dangerous mLANRBjhBgA-00097-00024000-00024328 like I'm not doing that like but here's mLANRBjhBgA-00098-00024329-00024508 the thing the eyes are there any parents mLANRBjhBgA-00099-00024509-00024647 here by the way mLANRBjhBgA-00100-00024648-00024808 yeah yeah you're drinking on a Wednesday mLANRBjhBgA-00101-00024809-00025122 night at home hope not mLANRBjhBgA-00102-00025123-00025475 but here's the link the idea of having a mLANRBjhBgA-00103-00025476-00025727 toddler you know the the the idea and mLANRBjhBgA-00104-00025727-00025912 like the stress and lack of sleep that mLANRBjhBgA-00105-00025913-00026044 you get from raising a small child mLANRBjhBgA-00106-00026045-00026243 that's not the part that scares me about mLANRBjhBgA-00107-00026244-00026423 being a parent I just don't want to mLANRBjhBgA-00108-00026424-00026639 [__] have a teenager like teenagers mLANRBjhBgA-00109-00026639-00026974 [__] suck like I I was a little [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00110-00026975-00027190 in high school and like I was one of the mLANRBjhBgA-00111-00027191-00027418 good ones you know because when you had mLANRBjhBgA-00112-00027419-00027635 a high schooler in your home they mLANRBjhBgA-00113-00027636-00027814 immediately become really you know mLANRBjhBgA-00114-00027816-00028018 they're hormonal they're full of Teen mLANRBjhBgA-00115-00028019-00028289 Angst they hate you like everything that mLANRBjhBgA-00116-00028289-00028487 goes wrong in their life suddenly mLANRBjhBgA-00117-00028488-00028679 becomes your fault that's [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00118-00028680-00028912 that's like that's like somebody blaming mLANRBjhBgA-00119-00028913-00029202 you for a felony that they committed mLANRBjhBgA-00120-00029204-00029512 so yeah yeah slap the US Air Marshal on mLANRBjhBgA-00121-00029513-00029674 a flight one time and they locked me up mLANRBjhBgA-00122-00029675-00029914 things for nothing [__] and then you mLANRBjhBgA-00123-00029916-00030335 give them gas money mLANRBjhBgA-00124-00030336-00030623 again I am this happened yeah this mLANRBjhBgA-00125-00030624-00030785 happened Monday I'm still kind of mLANRBjhBgA-00126-00030786-00030977 processing this I was I was at like one mLANRBjhBgA-00127-00030977-00031157 of those like hit cool coffee shops you mLANRBjhBgA-00128-00031158-00031361 know where like people look cool and say mLANRBjhBgA-00129-00031362-00031589 cool things you know like like one of mLANRBjhBgA-00130-00031589-00031762 those cool places where like we use mLANRBjhBgA-00131-00031763-00031955 recycled banana peels for our coffee mLANRBjhBgA-00132-00031956-00032290 filters like that kind of place but as mLANRBjhBgA-00133-00032291-00032512 of like I got my coffee and like as I'm mLANRBjhBgA-00134-00032513-00032764 enjoying my coffee like this guy he gets mLANRBjhBgA-00135-00032766-00032993 some it's 75 degrees outside it's mLANRBjhBgA-00136-00032994-00033143 beautiful and these dudes wearing a mLANRBjhBgA-00137-00033144-00033305 [__] scarf and I hate this guy mLANRBjhBgA-00138-00033306-00033509 already it's like I just want you to mLANRBjhBgA-00139-00033510-00033731 choke on a vegan corn dog and just die mLANRBjhBgA-00140-00033732-00033977 all right I don't like you I don't like mLANRBjhBgA-00141-00033978-00034211 you and then he made a comment that just mLANRBjhBgA-00142-00034212-00034523 just reiterated my hate for me he goes mLANRBjhBgA-00143-00034524-00034751 to the Barista perfectly nice guy and he mLANRBjhBgA-00144-00034752-00034961 just says do you have any coffee that's mLANRBjhBgA-00145-00034962-00035251 ethical mLANRBjhBgA-00146-00035252-00035531 and the bartender is like the brace is mLANRBjhBgA-00147-00035532-00035674 just like what do you mean well no no mLANRBjhBgA-00148-00035675-00035855 like do you have any coffee that's made mLANRBjhBgA-00149-00035856-00036077 ethically and you can just imagine what mLANRBjhBgA-00150-00036078-00036233 is what's in his head he's just like mLANRBjhBgA-00151-00036234-00036527 well I didn't kill any Jews while making mLANRBjhBgA-00152-00036528-00036689 the Seattle Rose is that what you're mLANRBjhBgA-00153-00036690-00036823 talking about mLANRBjhBgA-00154-00036824-00037145 no juice died so I'm good I'm good right mLANRBjhBgA-00155-00037146-00037343 and then he followed this up we said you mLANRBjhBgA-00156-00037344-00037511 know what I used to drink coffee just mLANRBjhBgA-00157-00037512-00037733 however I didn't care about the social mLANRBjhBgA-00158-00037734-00037937 aspects of it and now that I drink mLANRBjhBgA-00159-00037938-00038189 ethically uh made coffee I just feel mLANRBjhBgA-00160-00038190-00038449 like I can talk to people again mLANRBjhBgA-00161-00038450-00038771 what like here's the thing if the mLANRBjhBgA-00162-00038772-00039017 whether it's Maxwell House or like some mLANRBjhBgA-00163-00039018-00039221 Starbucks if that affects the way you mLANRBjhBgA-00164-00039222-00039389 communicate with humans like you're a mLANRBjhBgA-00165-00039390-00039659 [__] [__] like that like that's mLANRBjhBgA-00166-00039660-00039911 [__] that's like here's the thing mLANRBjhBgA-00167-00039912-00040157 this guy is like on his iPad looking up mLANRBjhBgA-00168-00040158-00040552 non-profit websites probably like all I mLANRBjhBgA-00169-00040553-00040715 can think is everything that gives you mLANRBjhBgA-00170-00040716-00041009 some form of comfort hasn't has some mLANRBjhBgA-00171-00041010-00041159 sort of suffering behind it you know mLANRBjhBgA-00172-00041160-00041374 like something had to die to make that mLANRBjhBgA-00173-00041375-00041543 dude's trendy Urban Outfitter boots mLANRBjhBgA-00174-00041544-00041693 happen you know what I mean like mLANRBjhBgA-00175-00041694-00041855 something had to die whether it was an mLANRBjhBgA-00176-00041856-00042101 animal or my respect for you like mLANRBjhBgA-00177-00042102-00042449 something [__] die you know but okay mLANRBjhBgA-00178-00042450-00042695 oh yeah I don't know I just assumed that mLANRBjhBgA-00179-00042696-00042827 guy's like one of those conspiracy mLANRBjhBgA-00180-00042828-00043007 theorist types anyway like any of you mLANRBjhBgA-00181-00043008-00043252 guys conspiracy theorist types yeah yeah mLANRBjhBgA-00182-00043253-00043487 nice mLANRBjhBgA-00183-00043488-00043709 there's the thing I wish I like I really mLANRBjhBgA-00184-00043710-00043907 wish I could be one of those conspiracy mLANRBjhBgA-00185-00043908-00044062 theorist types I really do not not mLANRBjhBgA-00186-00044063-00044261 because I believe in any of that stuff I mLANRBjhBgA-00187-00044262-00044387 just want to have a sense of purpose mLANRBjhBgA-00188-00044388-00044521 again you know mLANRBjhBgA-00189-00044522-00044929 things got weird after college mLANRBjhBgA-00190-00044930-00045130 so do you have like a favorite mLANRBjhBgA-00191-00045131-00045346 conspiracy theory mLANRBjhBgA-00192-00045347-00045527 is there one where like that's your mLANRBjhBgA-00193-00045528-00045671 favorite one in the region so like if mLANRBjhBgA-00194-00045672-00045874 somebody like posts about on BuzzFeed mLANRBjhBgA-00195-00045875-00046102 Rachel Maddow talks about it click like mLANRBjhBgA-00196-00046103-00046523 do you have one oh 911 stuff 9 11. mLANRBjhBgA-00197-00046524-00046717 that's a popular one mLANRBjhBgA-00198-00046718-00047611 I didn't like 9 11. mLANRBjhBgA-00199-00047612-00047837 here's the thing about the like mLANRBjhBgA-00200-00047838-00048029 conspiracy theorists I'm sure much like mLANRBjhBgA-00201-00048030-00048202 yourself they're very passionate about mLANRBjhBgA-00202-00048203-00048502 all of that stuff they're so and to be a mLANRBjhBgA-00203-00048503-00048671 conspiracy theorist I just think it mLANRBjhBgA-00204-00048672-00048851 would be fun to argue with somebody who mLANRBjhBgA-00205-00048852-00049024 gets all of their information from the mLANRBjhBgA-00206-00049025-00049265 internet that would be so much fun you mLANRBjhBgA-00207-00049266-00049415 know they're like oh yeah well if you mLANRBjhBgA-00208-00049416-00049571 look at the Moonlighting you know it's a mLANRBjhBgA-00209-00049572-00049715 hoax because there's no way they could mLANRBjhBgA-00210-00049716-00049895 have done the moon landing at the time mLANRBjhBgA-00211-00049896-00050152 portrayed by the media but uh if it did mLANRBjhBgA-00212-00050153-00050386 happen there were definitely aliens mLANRBjhBgA-00213-00050387-00050557 there mLANRBjhBgA-00214-00050558-00050843 all right so like you don't believe that mLANRBjhBgA-00215-00050844-00050993 this thing happened mLANRBjhBgA-00216-00050994-00051316 but if it did happen you know for a fact mLANRBjhBgA-00217-00051317-00051599 that there were aliens there yeah yeah mLANRBjhBgA-00218-00051600-00052057 you've been on Reddit right mLANRBjhBgA-00219-00052058-00052270 the thing is like that to me that's mLANRBjhBgA-00220-00052271-00052426 ridiculous to me that's like somebody's mLANRBjhBgA-00221-00052427-00052654 saying listen I don't believe Space Jam mLANRBjhBgA-00222-00052655-00052954 was a thing that actually happened mLANRBjhBgA-00223-00052955-00053315 but if Space Jam happened the monsters mLANRBjhBgA-00224-00053316-00053519 were totally paid off by the Illuminati mLANRBjhBgA-00225-00053520-00053776 to throw that down mLANRBjhBgA-00226-00053777-00054065 anyway guys my name is Justin Travis I mLANRBjhBgA-00227-00054066-00054241 will be your husband mLANRBjhBgA-00228-00054241-00054647 are you ready to fit that show started mLANRBjhBgA-00229-00054648-00054875 all right then we got a killer lineup mLANRBjhBgA-00230-00054876-00054994 tonight you're you're not gonna be mLANRBjhBgA-00231-00054995-00055126 disappointed by anybody on this show mLANRBjhBgA-00232-00055127-00055325 tonight your first comic of the evening mLANRBjhBgA-00233-00055326-00055637 he runs the 955 Comedy Club show every mLANRBjhBgA-00234-00055638-00055792 Monday night at Bottoms Up Pizza go mLANRBjhBgA-00235-00055794-00055949 check it out there it is always a good mLANRBjhBgA-00236-00055950-00056129 time but while we still got up here give mLANRBjhBgA-00237-00056129-00056525 it up for Mr Ray boy mLANRBjhBgA-00238-00056526-00056632 thank you mLANRBjhBgA-00239-00056633-00056891 people ones are just saying it's real mLANRBjhBgA-00240-00056891-00057115 people here to diagnosing your bartender mLANRBjhBgA-00241-00057116-00057503 and salad bars and buffets all you can mLANRBjhBgA-00242-00057504-00057688 eat in that guy we're in the Hat over mLANRBjhBgA-00243-00057689-00057941 there you that's you wear a hat like mLANRBjhBgA-00244-00057941-00058138 that out of public you say yes I do not mLANRBjhBgA-00245-00058139-00058342 give a [__] what anybody thinks about me mLANRBjhBgA-00246-00058344-00058697 I command you sir a block for that man a mLANRBjhBgA-00247-00058698-00058900 lot for him mLANRBjhBgA-00248-00058901-00059182 Amanda says I am looking for a woman who mLANRBjhBgA-00249-00059183-00059399 has read every single Harry Potter novel mLANRBjhBgA-00250-00059400-00059687 and I expect you sir because that's what mLANRBjhBgA-00251-00059688-00059879 I'm looking for as well I don't want me mLANRBjhBgA-00252-00059879-00060100 a nerd woman I don't give a flying [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00253-00060101-00060335 if you can do 15 crunches or you can mLANRBjhBgA-00254-00060336-00060641 name me what what are major shoes I want mLANRBjhBgA-00255-00060641-00060797 to know and who your [__] favorite mLANRBjhBgA-00256-00060798-00061079 Catching Fire character is that's what I mLANRBjhBgA-00257-00061079-00061271 want to know can you name all the people mLANRBjhBgA-00258-00061272-00061475 that were in The Fellowship of the Rings mLANRBjhBgA-00259-00061476-00061649 you can't I don't want to put my dick mLANRBjhBgA-00260-00061650-00061979 inside of you that's where I am people I mLANRBjhBgA-00261-00061979-00062159 don't like normal girls I don't like mLANRBjhBgA-00262-00062160-00062338 them and a lot of guys are like no man mLANRBjhBgA-00263-00062339-00062542 you understand this girls are sexy you mLANRBjhBgA-00264-00062544-00062747 know come on they could be lunch today mLANRBjhBgA-00265-00062748-00063013 it could be in one of my butt nip shirts mLANRBjhBgA-00266-00063014-00063394 thanks for trying [__] with my nerd mLANRBjhBgA-00267-00063395-00063550 girlfriend I can come home and be a mLANRBjhBgA-00268-00063551-00063791 grope from the X-Men Princess Leia oh mLANRBjhBgA-00269-00063791-00063971 nice I'm feeling squirrely Baloo the mLANRBjhBgA-00270-00063972-00064180 Bear from The Jungle Book we can make it mLANRBjhBgA-00271-00064182-00064782 happen people mLANRBjhBgA-00272-00064783-00064969 moving on mLANRBjhBgA-00273-00064970-00065219 I want to talk to the gentleman in the mLANRBjhBgA-00274-00065220-00065375 room for a quick second let me talk to mLANRBjhBgA-00275-00065376-00065506 you fellas let me speak to you real mLANRBjhBgA-00276-00065507-00065819 quick stop and I repeat this stop trying mLANRBjhBgA-00277-00065820-00066076 to get into a three-way with lesbians mLANRBjhBgA-00278-00066077-00066263 [__] stop it you're embarrassing us mLANRBjhBgA-00279-00066264-00066497 lesbians do not like having sex with men mLANRBjhBgA-00280-00066498-00066755 I know porn lied to all of us get the mLANRBjhBgA-00281-00066756-00066982 [__] over it all right do not mess with mLANRBjhBgA-00282-00066983-00067132 lesbians they will [__] your [__] up mLANRBjhBgA-00283-00067133-00067319 they will I have to do a couple of mLANRBjhBgA-00284-00067320-00067481 bisexual girls that's fine you want to mLANRBjhBgA-00285-00067482-00067637 get back at your father I'm there for mLANRBjhBgA-00286-00067638-00067925 you however is they do not want to [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00287-00067926-00068063 you here's what's going to happen if you mLANRBjhBgA-00288-00068064-00068219 try to get in the middle of two lesbians mLANRBjhBgA-00289-00068220-00068411 trying to have sex she's gonna cut your mLANRBjhBgA-00290-00068412-00068621 face with her box cutter wipe it off mLANRBjhBgA-00291-00068622-00068771 from the flannel shirt she has out in mLANRBjhBgA-00292-00068772-00068950 the truck build the deck faster than a mLANRBjhBgA-00293-00068951-00069076 Mexican and then she's gonna [__] your mLANRBjhBgA-00294-00069077-00069256 wife that's how that's gonna wipe out mLANRBjhBgA-00295-00069257-00069409 for you mLANRBjhBgA-00296-00069410-00069761 do not do it it's not a good thing for mLANRBjhBgA-00297-00069762-00070156 you it's bad ah have to be home in mLANRBjhBgA-00298-00070157-00070282 Virginia I just got back from mLANRBjhBgA-00299-00070283-00070450 Philadelphia where my fellow Virginia mLANRBjhBgA-00300-00070451-00070735 people at yeah mLANRBjhBgA-00301-00070736-00071009 uh this is my home I love it it's great mLANRBjhBgA-00302-00071010-00071291 not only that but Virginia the former mLANRBjhBgA-00303-00071292-00071573 capital of the Confederacy is joined in mLANRBjhBgA-00304-00071574-00071837 saying that all marriage is legal that mLANRBjhBgA-00305-00071838-00072143 is [__] awesome I think that is great mLANRBjhBgA-00306-00072144-00072455 yeah yeah not only because it is pretty mLANRBjhBgA-00307-00072456-00072719 much a [__] basic human rights but mLANRBjhBgA-00308-00072720-00072863 now we have the making for the greatest mLANRBjhBgA-00309-00072864-00073150 television show of all time gay Divorce mLANRBjhBgA-00310-00073151-00073399 Court mLANRBjhBgA-00311-00073400-00073643 I'm not talking about like you know like mLANRBjhBgA-00312-00073644-00073799 just two people going up like my best mLANRBjhBgA-00313-00073800-00073961 friend one of my best friends Lucy and mLANRBjhBgA-00314-00073962-00074105 her partner no I don't want to see them mLANRBjhBgA-00315-00074106-00074291 I want to see the bottom of the [__] mLANRBjhBgA-00316-00074292-00074423 Barrel I want to be like the Jerry mLANRBjhBgA-00317-00074424-00074638 Springer Show I want the guys with the mLANRBjhBgA-00318-00074639-00074806 yellow combat boots and the bedazzled mLANRBjhBgA-00319-00074807-00074956 shirt that says come dumpster on it mLANRBjhBgA-00320-00074957-00075100 that's what I want to see on that show mLANRBjhBgA-00321-00075101-00075376 no gavel just a big purple dildo just mLANRBjhBgA-00322-00075377-00075682 banging like under the cards with your mLANRBjhBgA-00323-00075683-00075881 celebrity judge host John Travolta just mLANRBjhBgA-00324-00075882-00076762 [__] coming down oh mLANRBjhBgA-00325-00076763-00078053 [Music] mLANRBjhBgA-00326-00078054-00078229 just pick that up anytime it's good mLANRBjhBgA-00327-00078230-00078461 we're gonna get out of here soon folks mLANRBjhBgA-00328-00078462-00078737 but who's hungry I am I'm fat uh what mLANRBjhBgA-00329-00078738-00079681 are my fat people I'm mLANRBjhBgA-00330-00079682-00079843 no mLANRBjhBgA-00331-00079844-00080291 I'm alone in high school again no I'm mLANRBjhBgA-00332-00080292-00080453 proud to be fat hey this is America mLANRBjhBgA-00333-00080454-00080656 we're supposed to be fat it's just mLANRBjhBgA-00334-00080657-00080806 kidding nothing's your mama didn't long mLANRBjhBgA-00335-00080807-00080975 enough to feed you she wanted you to die mLANRBjhBgA-00336-00080976-00081269 that's what happened I am I am proud of mLANRBjhBgA-00337-00081270-00081431 my sadness but like I said I'm also mLANRBjhBgA-00338-00081432-00081631 American American mLANRBjhBgA-00339-00081632-00081917 so when I see someone fatter than me I mLANRBjhBgA-00340-00081918-00082205 judge them that's not worse because I mLANRBjhBgA-00341-00082206-00082379 know how this happened people I'm well mLANRBjhBgA-00342-00082380-00082529 aware there have been many a night I mLANRBjhBgA-00343-00082530-00082709 said a tub of strawberry cake frosting mLANRBjhBgA-00344-00082710-00082871 and a pint of Ben and Jerry's chunky mLANRBjhBgA-00345-00082872-00083021 monkey ice cream sounded like a good mLANRBjhBgA-00346-00083022-00083261 idea so when I see someone fatter than mLANRBjhBgA-00347-00083262-00083579 me I have to ask what the [__] did you mLANRBjhBgA-00348-00083580-00083855 do did you walk into Golden Corral and mLANRBjhBgA-00349-00083856-00083932 go mLANRBjhBgA-00350-00083933-00084138 okay mLANRBjhBgA-00351-00084139-00084353 they need to shake at Golden Corral mLANRBjhBgA-00352-00084354-00084479 these stuff they need to change their mLANRBjhBgA-00353-00084480-00084635 name to type two just [__] go with mLANRBjhBgA-00354-00084636-00084881 you just write it down a few minutes let mLANRBjhBgA-00355-00084882-00084994 somebody else drive you home you plan on mLANRBjhBgA-00356-00084995-00085121 doing other things tonight don't [__] up mLANRBjhBgA-00357-00085122-00085331 [__] say see me open up for Lee camp mLANRBjhBgA-00358-00085332-00085523 this Saturday tonight 55 play thank you mLANRBjhBgA-00359-00085524-00086393 good night mLANRBjhBgA-00360-00086394-00086717 uh tickets are still on sale Ray's going mLANRBjhBgA-00361-00086718-00086891 to be opening for Lee Camp he's one of mLANRBjhBgA-00362-00086892-00087094 the writers of The Daily Show uh also mLANRBjhBgA-00363-00087095-00087269 Richmond native so go out and support mLANRBjhBgA-00364-00087270-00087526 that show check it out the boys are mLANRBjhBgA-00365-00087527-00087761 coming home but uh your next comic he's mLANRBjhBgA-00366-00087762-00087935 already here he's already home I love mLANRBjhBgA-00367-00087936-00088079 this dude uh one of my favorite mLANRBjhBgA-00368-00088080-00088265 newcomers to sing give it up for Mr Mike mLANRBjhBgA-00369-00088266-00088897 Engel mLANRBjhBgA-00370-00088898-00089549 hi everybody I'm Mike Engel hi hi hello mLANRBjhBgA-00371-00089550-00089759 um do you get excited that's good that's mLANRBjhBgA-00372-00089760-00089867 good mLANRBjhBgA-00373-00089868-00090167 um because you should be uh I don't know mLANRBjhBgA-00374-00090168-00090382 if you guys have heard of this new movie mLANRBjhBgA-00375-00090383-00090718 coming out called Jurassic world it's mLANRBjhBgA-00376-00090719-00091062 like yeah okay it's like Jurassic Park mLANRBjhBgA-00377-00091063-00091656 but the entire [__] world it is going mLANRBjhBgA-00378-00091657-00091956 you know mLANRBjhBgA-00379-00091957-00092171 feel how you're gonna feel about it mLANRBjhBgA-00380-00092172-00092381 because honestly Hollywood has ruined mLANRBjhBgA-00381-00092382-00092717 many childhoods throughout the years I I mLANRBjhBgA-00382-00092718-00092950 got [__] on uh Transformers I got mLANRBjhBgA-00383-00092951-00093175 [__] on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mLANRBjhBgA-00384-00093176-00093467 we don't need all these reboots but if mLANRBjhBgA-00385-00093468-00093767 you can't beat them join them I say and mLANRBjhBgA-00386-00093768-00094103 uh you know I I wrote this song for the mLANRBjhBgA-00387-00094104-00094312 original Jurassic world soundtrack it's mLANRBjhBgA-00388-00094313-00094823 gonna be sung by Kreayshawn and uh I got mLANRBjhBgA-00389-00094824-00094967 the hook for y'all right now here it mLANRBjhBgA-00390-00094968-00095376 goes this is gonna be on Jurassic World mLANRBjhBgA-00391-00095377-00095879 dinosaurs at the mall dinosaurs at the mLANRBjhBgA-00392-00095880-00096179 mall can you really find sneakers too mLANRBjhBgA-00393-00096180-00096479 fit those sounds can you realize because mLANRBjhBgA-00394-00096480-00096755 you fit those talents mLANRBjhBgA-00395-00096756-00097531 and we be stunning like dinosaurs mLANRBjhBgA-00396-00097532-00097793 Gucci Gucci she's like and we need mLANRBjhBgA-00397-00097794-00098044 something like that's the creation joke mLANRBjhBgA-00398-00098045-00098350 of that dinosaur's ball that I had to mLANRBjhBgA-00399-00098351-00098806 explain it that's okay you guys aren't mLANRBjhBgA-00400-00098807-00099071 into the internet apparently but that's mLANRBjhBgA-00401-00099072-00099437 fine uh I like uh I just also like the mLANRBjhBgA-00402-00099438-00099671 idea of letting you guys know like mLANRBjhBgA-00403-00099672-00100012 Raptors like pillaging around the mall mLANRBjhBgA-00404-00100013-00100276 trying to find Footwear I still got your mLANRBjhBgA-00405-00100277-00100559 brains and you laugh so I'm glad that's mLANRBjhBgA-00406-00100560-00100787 good mLANRBjhBgA-00407-00100788-00101074 so I'm a nerd I like Jurassic Park and mLANRBjhBgA-00408-00101075-00101200 all that [__] I like Dungeons and mLANRBjhBgA-00409-00101201-00101591 Dragons as a kid I was in a Costco which mLANRBjhBgA-00410-00101592-00101935 is like a warehouse disguises them all mLANRBjhBgA-00411-00101936-00102173 and that's because I was in the food mLANRBjhBgA-00412-00102174-00102610 court of Acosta getting pizza and uh mLANRBjhBgA-00413-00102611-00102766 there was this lady with a pin on her mLANRBjhBgA-00414-00102767-00102989 hat and it said math like Mothers mLANRBjhBgA-00415-00102990-00103247 Against Drunk Driving but upon upon mLANRBjhBgA-00416-00103248-00103439 closer inspection I saw that it said mLANRBjhBgA-00417-00103440-00104110 Mothers Against Dungeons and Dragons mLANRBjhBgA-00418-00104111-00104308 lady dude like mLANRBjhBgA-00419-00104309-00104560 like I rolled 25 to die and use my mLANRBjhBgA-00420-00104561-00104753 imagination with my friends what's your mLANRBjhBgA-00421-00104754-00104993 11 year old doing properly washing too mLANRBjhBgA-00422-00104994-00105173 much porn because you're a horrible mLANRBjhBgA-00423-00105174-00105521 person let alone mother so [__] you let mLANRBjhBgA-00424-00105522-00105695 your kids do what you what they want mLANRBjhBgA-00425-00105696-00105886 which is horrible I'm glad there's no mLANRBjhBgA-00426-00105888-00106060 parents in here we got that out of the mLANRBjhBgA-00427-00106061-00106271 way that's horrible parenting advice mLANRBjhBgA-00428-00106272-00106590 from a 24 year old man child mLANRBjhBgA-00429-00106591-00106771 and mLANRBjhBgA-00430-00106772-00107045 yeah I know so I saw this and was mLANRBjhBgA-00431-00107046-00107308 offended as an 11 year old I didn't know mLANRBjhBgA-00432-00107309-00107573 much about uh drunk drivers I did know a mLANRBjhBgA-00433-00107574-00107854 lot about dragons and fun fact about mLANRBjhBgA-00434-00107855-00108328 dragons they don't [__] exist drunk mLANRBjhBgA-00435-00108329-00108616 drivers do and I'm pretty sure they are mLANRBjhBgA-00436-00108617-00108833 more harmful to your children mLANRBjhBgA-00437-00108833-00109127 than a monster manual could ever be it mLANRBjhBgA-00438-00109128-00109254 says mLANRBjhBgA-00439-00109255-00109673 uh I also like pizza pizza is high up on mLANRBjhBgA-00440-00109674-00109973 the list with all my nerd [__] it's the mLANRBjhBgA-00441-00109974-00110273 food it's food for nerds is what it is I mLANRBjhBgA-00442-00110274-00110483 was walking around uh the fan recently mLANRBjhBgA-00443-00110483-00110723 and I saw my pizza guy and he was mLANRBjhBgA-00444-00110724-00110908 walking down the steps of a lucky Pizza mLANRBjhBgA-00445-00110909-00111295 recipient when he uh notices me mLANRBjhBgA-00446-00111296-00111539 recognizes who I am because of the mLANRBjhBgA-00447-00111540-00111943 frequency during which I order pizza mLANRBjhBgA-00448-00111944-00112307 and he engages in a bit with me and says mLANRBjhBgA-00449-00112308-00112433 hello mLANRBjhBgA-00450-00112433-00112690 at that moment I was like [__] I'm gonna mLANRBjhBgA-00451-00112691-00113008 be alone forever dude like it was not in mLANRBjhBgA-00452-00113009-00113195 my adult life plans to be best friends mLANRBjhBgA-00453-00113196-00113452 with the pizza guy that's just not what mLANRBjhBgA-00454-00113453-00113752 I wanted for myself as an adult mLANRBjhBgA-00455-00113753-00114131 but uh oh I'll end on this uh in middle mLANRBjhBgA-00456-00114132-00114323 school you're gonna see people's dicks mLANRBjhBgA-00457-00114324-00114593 that you didn't want to see it's just a mLANRBjhBgA-00458-00114594-00114886 part of growing up you're preparing and mLANRBjhBgA-00459-00114888-00115169 contrasting and so I had a couple mLANRBjhBgA-00460-00115170-00115516 friends who were doing this uh out of mLANRBjhBgA-00461-00115517-00115721 all of them I had the biggest balls we mLANRBjhBgA-00462-00115722-00115997 gave each other others superlatives but mLANRBjhBgA-00463-00115998-00116147 I had the biggest balls they were like mLANRBjhBgA-00464-00116148-00116393 you should see a doctor probably mLANRBjhBgA-00465-00116394-00116686 and so uh my friend was like oh your mLANRBjhBgA-00466-00116688-00116951 balls are the size of cantaloupes it mLANRBjhBgA-00467-00116952-00117095 doesn't matter yeah they're like mLANRBjhBgA-00468-00117096-00117334 antelopes they have horns mLANRBjhBgA-00469-00117335-00117593 and on that note I was like if maybe if mLANRBjhBgA-00470-00117594-00117802 you could castrate me and throw my balls mLANRBjhBgA-00471-00117803-00117958 in the middle of the pentagram that'd be mLANRBjhBgA-00472-00117959-00118183 pretty metal mLANRBjhBgA-00473-00118183-00118525 you could call him satanalopes mLANRBjhBgA-00474-00118526-00118757 and all right guys I'm in my jingle mLANRBjhBgA-00475-00118758-00119071 thanks everybody bye-bye mLANRBjhBgA-00476-00119072-00119440 [Applause] mLANRBjhBgA-00477-00119441-00120197 ankle mLANRBjhBgA-00478-00120198-00121499 right mLANRBjhBgA-00479-00121500-00121766 now mLVOSL4lhrQ-00000-00000042-00000782 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00001-00000783-00001469 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00002-00001470-00002112 Catan mattoon that makes it YouTube that mLVOSL4lhrQ-00003-00002113-00002174 was fun mLVOSL4lhrQ-00004-00002175-00002851 it's a magnificently whoo oh god I gotta mLVOSL4lhrQ-00005-00002852-00003320 wait tails hunting I don't know tails I mLVOSL4lhrQ-00006-00003321-00004228 think mLVOSL4lhrQ-00007-00004229-00004888 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00008-00004889-00005086 you jump on him as it comes down the mLVOSL4lhrQ-00009-00005087-00007327 level layout to like no dude mLVOSL4lhrQ-00010-00007328-00007656 oh thank God for the checkpoint Hey yeah mLVOSL4lhrQ-00011-00007658-00007868 Matt's not sucking now he's just mLVOSL4lhrQ-00012-00007869-00009035 complete coincidence Cory is pushing you mLVOSL4lhrQ-00013-00009036-00009977 stop stopping was there too cushy yes mLVOSL4lhrQ-00014-00009978-00011420 there we go okay jump now I did okay mLVOSL4lhrQ-00015-00011421-00011807 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00017-00017308-00018414 is the invincible oh I go Cory slapping mLVOSL4lhrQ-00018-00018415-00018799 him I got abuse mLVOSL4lhrQ-00019-00018800-00019195 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00020-00019196-00019447 I just [__] forward you can clap me mLVOSL4lhrQ-00021-00019448-00019720 go ahead told me in the state doesn't mLVOSL4lhrQ-00022-00019721-00021250 even wanna join Oh God oh no I know it mLVOSL4lhrQ-00023-00021251-00021433 gets a lot looking worse I just know mLVOSL4lhrQ-00024-00021434-00021862 that this is a point this bro it's only mLVOSL4lhrQ-00025-00021863-00022783 the second level yeah let's go back no mLVOSL4lhrQ-00026-00022784-00022945 I'll keep going God you keep going back mLVOSL4lhrQ-00027-00022946-00023154 no it's too late don't you boo me Mike mLVOSL4lhrQ-00028-00023155-00023484 easy going by the mighty secrets mLVOSL4lhrQ-00029-00023485-00023991 yeah yeah mLVOSL4lhrQ-00030-00023992-00024258 see get a kid ring see that lets you mLVOSL4lhrQ-00031-00024259-00024648 bring your beautiful enough oh my god mLVOSL4lhrQ-00032-00024649-00025530 yeah oh no you know it's pretty funny mLVOSL4lhrQ-00033-00025531-00025705 the fact that agen actually bought in mLVOSL4lhrQ-00035-00029087-00029599 sure you like that game okay yeah more mLVOSL4lhrQ-00036-00029600-00029758 time you have to collect rings there you mLVOSL4lhrQ-00037-00029758-00030599 go and the blue balls make it go faster mLVOSL4lhrQ-00038-00030600-00030864 come on get the ring off mLVOSL4lhrQ-00039-00030865-00031627 oh god you got this you got this mLVOSL4lhrQ-00040-00031627-00032743 sonic there we go mLVOSL4lhrQ-00041-00032744-00033624 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00042-00033625-00034512 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00043-00034513-00035517 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00045-00039128-00039387 you know this was hot first now imagine mLVOSL4lhrQ-00046-00039388-00039960 one Hussein like back in the nineties no mLVOSL4lhrQ-00047-00039961-00040680 we don't talk about oh god oh god oh god mLVOSL4lhrQ-00048-00040681-00041915 you got this oh god that's fine there mLVOSL4lhrQ-00049-00041916-00042399 are holes for a reason mLVOSL4lhrQ-00050-00042400-00043959 like it you got this come on now Oh mLVOSL4lhrQ-00051-00043960-00044671 faster black and on that no we're gonna mLVOSL4lhrQ-00052-00044672-00044947 end this episode here no no no we can mLVOSL4lhrQ-00053-00044948-00045112 move on to next episode we got rips mLVOSL4lhrQ-00054-00045113-00045424 alright it's fine inspire neither could mLVOSL4lhrQ-00055-00045425-00046074 we mLVOSL4lhrQ-00056-00046075-00046825 bye guys hey can you do the 1 2 3 all I mLVOSL4lhrQ-00057-00046826-00046999 can shut this little volume - great mLVOSL4lhrQ-00058-00047000-00047076 thank you mLVOSL4lhrQ-00059-00047077-00048411 jumping welcome back mLVOSL4lhrQ-00060-00048412-00048814 embrace the ready to Peter come embrace mLVOSL4lhrQ-00061-00048815-00049497 your embrace your inner khatallah me mLVOSL4lhrQ-00062-00049498-00049750 Alicia in the Canali mLVOSL4lhrQ-00063-00049751-00050549 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00064-00050550-00051190 [Applause] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00065-00051191-00053348 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00066-00053349-00054048 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00068-00057089-00057912 table stop being a useless cokes mLVOSL4lhrQ-00069-00057913-00058298 [Music] mLVOSL4lhrQ-00070-00058299-00058574 we wish League bounces right back so mLVOSL4lhrQ-00071-00058575-00058640 does this one mLVOSL4lhrQ-00072-00058641-00059357 oh my god yeah those I refused to go mLVOSL4lhrQ-00073-00059358-00059575 back in the water mLVOSL4lhrQ-00075-00063501-00063707 you mpq8eOziTMU-00000-00000003-00000260 hi I'm Darla gale I'm the CEO and mpq8eOziTMU-00001-00000261-00000539 founder of heartstrings counseling it's mpq8eOziTMU-00002-00000540-00000899 a non-profit 501c3 agency and the life mpq8eOziTMU-00003-00000900-00001120 is their family therapist I am here at mpq8eOziTMU-00004-00001121-00001412 the last day of the JumpStart spin I mpq8eOziTMU-00005-00001413-00001684 just start your marketing biz with mpq8eOziTMU-00006-00001685-00001979 Katrina Sawa who is amazing so a lot of mpq8eOziTMU-00007-00001980-00002185 energy here very glad to be here had a mpq8eOziTMU-00008-00002186-00002306 group three days mpq8eOziTMU-00009-00002307-00002723 and one thing that took away from this mpq8eOziTMU-00010-00002724-00002963 last weekend is delegating so I have two mpq8eOziTMU-00011-00002964-00003158 businesses I can't do it all myself mpq8eOziTMU-00012-00003159-00003431 so what Katrina does is she helped me to mpq8eOziTMU-00013-00003432-00003731 delegate and tell people what to do so mpq8eOziTMU-00014-00003732-00003936 you have to take all that on yourself mpq8eOziTMU-00015-00003937-00004241 I'm also part of her mastermind group mpq8eOziTMU-00016-00004242-00004658 which I joined her in August of 2016 mpq8eOziTMU-00017-00004659-00004877 I've only been with her for about eight mpq8eOziTMU-00018-00004878-00005216 months since then my private practice mpq8eOziTMU-00019-00005217-00005561 has doubled but doubled my income and mpq8eOziTMU-00020-00005562-00005836 what private practice s heartstrings I mpq8eOziTMU-00021-00005837-00006101 got rid of all of the negativity of all mpq8eOziTMU-00022-00006102-00006286 the negative employees I've brought on a mpq8eOziTMU-00023-00006287-00006628 whole group as a new therapist and mpq8eOziTMU-00024-00006629-00006908 restructured my entire board so that's mpq8eOziTMU-00025-00006909-00007081 what Katrina's done for me she's done mpq8eOziTMU-00026-00007083-00007273 like a list and list of things for me mpq8eOziTMU-00027-00007275-00007556 but those are the two like huge things mpq8eOziTMU-00028-00007556-00007828 she's done so happy to be here if you mpq8eOziTMU-00029-00007829-00008084 need a great coaches Katrina Sawa all mpq8eOziTMU-00030-00008084-00008234 the way you go girl mpq8eOziTMU-00031-00008235-00008957 and bye for now okay mpJqKFcI9K0-00000-00000836-00000914 [Laughter] mpJqKFcI9K0-00001-00000915-00001558 [Music] mpJqKFcI9K0-00002-00001559-00001926 most gracious mpJqKFcI9K0-00003-00001927-00002183 lord mpJqKFcI9K0-00004-00002184-00002367 no tender mpJqKFcI9K0-00005-00002368-00002534 voice mpJqKFcI9K0-00006-00002535-00002655 like the mpJqKFcI9K0-00007-00002656-00002847 thing mpJqKFcI9K0-00008-00002848-00003055 can peace mpJqKFcI9K0-00009-00003056-00003859 a mpJqKFcI9K0-00010-00003860-00004083 lord i mpJqKFcI9K0-00011-00004084-00004519 need thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00012-00004520-00004670 oh mpJqKFcI9K0-00013-00004671-00005227 i need thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00014-00005228-00005591 every hour mpJqKFcI9K0-00015-00005592-00005683 i mpJqKFcI9K0-00016-00005684-00006191 need thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00017-00006192-00006495 oh bless mpJqKFcI9K0-00018-00006495-00006663 me now mpJqKFcI9K0-00019-00006664-00006967 my savior mpJqKFcI9K0-00020-00006968-00007134 i come mpJqKFcI9K0-00021-00007136-00007319 to mpJqKFcI9K0-00022-00007320-00008014 thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00023-00008015-00008503 i need mpJqKFcI9K0-00024-00008504-00008814 every the mpJqKFcI9K0-00025-00008815-00009087 stay though mpJqKFcI9K0-00026-00009088-00009491 nearby mpJqKFcI9K0-00027-00009492-00009883 temptations lose their mpJqKFcI9K0-00028-00009884-00010071 power mpJqKFcI9K0-00029-00010072-00010271 when thou mpJqKFcI9K0-00030-00010272-00010788 art mpJqKFcI9K0-00031-00010789-00011283 [Music] mpJqKFcI9K0-00032-00011284-00011919 night i need thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00033-00011920-00012063 oh mpJqKFcI9K0-00034-00012064-00012879 i need mpJqKFcI9K0-00035-00012880-00013063 hour mpJqKFcI9K0-00036-00013063-00013230 i need mpJqKFcI9K0-00037-00013231-00013671 thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00038-00013672-00013879 oh bless mpJqKFcI9K0-00039-00013880-00014071 me now mpJqKFcI9K0-00040-00014072-00014543 my savior mpJqKFcI9K0-00041-00014544-00014743 i come mpJqKFcI9K0-00042-00014744-00014778 to mpJqKFcI9K0-00043-00014779-00015007 [Music] mpJqKFcI9K0-00044-00015008-00015731 thee mpJqKFcI9K0-00045-00015732-00017183 [Music] mpJqKFcI9K0-00046-00017184-00017392 you mQhbWVEJu78-00000-00000023-00000286 hey this is JJ made the owner of Zen mQhbWVEJu78-00001-00000287-00000505 windows Alabama we're here for the mQhbWVEJu78-00002-00000506-00000839 Brooks project 10 window installation on mQhbWVEJu78-00003-00000840-00001025 behalf of the Brooks family okay who is mQhbWVEJu78-00004-00001026-00001270 a very very deserving of your mQhbWVEJu78-00005-00001271-00001478 philanthropy on behalf of multiples and mQhbWVEJu78-00006-00001479-00001723 dealers that due to their philanthropies mQhbWVEJu78-00007-00001725-00001930 made this Brook project come through and mQhbWVEJu78-00008-00001932-00002189 a family's dream come true in reality we mQhbWVEJu78-00009-00002190-00002384 wanted to get it in by Christmas and and mQhbWVEJu78-00010-00002385-00002608 everything is going you know ask plan mQhbWVEJu78-00011-00002609-00002948 come here claiming this is eric brewer mQhbWVEJu78-00012-00002949-00003203 chair how you doing read the Eric book mQhbWVEJu78-00013-00003204-00003386 and I want to guess I don't know what I mQhbWVEJu78-00014-00003386-00003572 saw that I want to thank everybody for mQhbWVEJu78-00015-00003572-00003913 coming and helping me especially mr. JJ mQhbWVEJu78-00016-00003914-00004283 from being one mr. Erskine it's a mQhbWVEJu78-00017-00004284-00004451 blessing to God that you know we got mQhbWVEJu78-00018-00004452-00004775 people out there I I pretty getting mQhbWVEJu78-00019-00004776-00005129 motion but thank you so much hey mQhbWVEJu78-00020-00005130-00005329 everybody this JJ with Denise her skin mQhbWVEJu78-00021-00005330-00005618 hope outreach ministries she made the mQhbWVEJu78-00022-00005619-00005795 Brooks family dreams come true ok she mQhbWVEJu78-00023-00005796-00005977 reached out to the Zen dealers she's mQhbWVEJu78-00024-00005978-00006209 extremely nervous right now Denise mQhbWVEJu78-00025-00006210-00006527 erskine go to you my name is Denise our mQhbWVEJu78-00026-00006528-00006664 skin volunteer hope community church mQhbWVEJu78-00027-00006665-00006923 ministries of huntsville alabama on the mQhbWVEJu78-00028-00006923-00007114 behalf of the Brooks project I want to mQhbWVEJu78-00029-00007115-00007292 thank the sedan Hatcher of Zen windows mQhbWVEJu78-00030-00007293-00007583 of Texas also I want to thank JJ maze of mQhbWVEJu78-00031-00007584-00007856 Zen windows of Alabama Zen windows gives mQhbWVEJu78-00032-00007856-00008009 back thank you so much I really mQhbWVEJu78-00033-00008009-00008224 appreciate your contribution and and mQhbWVEJu78-00034-00008225-00008444 really making this family's dreams come mQhbWVEJu78-00035-00008445-00010482 true mQhbWVEJu78-00036-00010483-00010689 you mQrhJjlhj7y-00000-00000022-00000935 [Music] mQrhJjlhj7y-00002-00004591-00005234 [Music] mQrhJjlhj7y-00003-00005235-00005683 [Applause] mQrhJjlhj7y-00004-00005684-00005873 so mQrhJjlhj7y-00005-00005874-00006593 [Music] mQrhJjlhj7y-00007-00013459-00013906 [Applause] mQrhJjlhj7y-00008-00013907-00014796 [Music] mQrhJjlhj7y-00010-00021036-00022943 [Music] mQrhJjlhj7y-00011-00022944-00023151 you mRAN4f8nDRU-00000-00000059-00000395 mohamad Arabic mom'd pronounced Mohammed mRAN4f8nDRU-00001-00000396-00000900 c5 7dc the 8th of June 632 C II was the mRAN4f8nDRU-00002-00000901-00001206 founder of Islam according to Islamic mRAN4f8nDRU-00003-00001207-00001412 doctrine he was a prophet sent to mRAN4f8nDRU-00004-00001413-00001607 present and confirm the monotheistic mRAN4f8nDRU-00005-00001609-00001878 teachings preached previously by Adam mRAN4f8nDRU-00006-00001879-00002210 Abraham Moses Jesus and other prophets mRAN4f8nDRU-00007-00002211-00002508 he is viewed as the final prophet of God mRAN4f8nDRU-00008-00002509-00002745 in all the main branches of Islam though mRAN4f8nDRU-00009-00002746-00002973 some modern denominations diverge from mRAN4f8nDRU-00010-00002974-00003329 this belief Muhammad United Arabia into mRAN4f8nDRU-00011-00003331-00003581 a single Muslim polity with the Quran as mRAN4f8nDRU-00012-00003582-00003728 well as his teachings and practices mRAN4f8nDRU-00013-00003729-00004011 forming the basis of Islamic religious mRAN4f8nDRU-00014-00004011-00004470 belief born approximately 570 CE e year mRAN4f8nDRU-00015-00004471-00004679 of the elephant in the Arabian city of mRAN4f8nDRU-00016-00004680-00004881 Mecca Muhammad was orphaned at the age mRAN4f8nDRU-00017-00004882-00005190 of six he was raised under the care of mRAN4f8nDRU-00018-00005191-00005409 his paternal grandfather Abba dal mRAN4f8nDRU-00019-00005410-00005736 Mutallab then by his uncle Abu Talib in mRAN4f8nDRU-00020-00005737-00005958 later years he would periodically mRAN4f8nDRU-00021-00005959-00006195 seclude himself in a mountain cave named mRAN4f8nDRU-00022-00006196-00006494 Hira for several nights of prayer when mRAN4f8nDRU-00023-00006495-00006719 he was 40 Muhammad reported being mRAN4f8nDRU-00024-00006720-00006935 visited by Gabriel in the cave and mRAN4f8nDRU-00025-00006936-00007177 receiving his first revelation from God mRAN4f8nDRU-00026-00007178-00007548 three years later in 610 Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00027-00007548-00007709 started preaching these revelations mRAN4f8nDRU-00028-00007710-00008024 publicly proclaiming that God as one mRAN4f8nDRU-00029-00008025-00008469 that complete submission Islam to God as mRAN4f8nDRU-00030-00008470-00008676 the right way of life denne and that he mRAN4f8nDRU-00031-00008677-00008841 was a prophet and Messenger of God mRAN4f8nDRU-00032-00008842-00009105 similar to the other prophets in Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-00033-00009106-00009338 the followers of Muhammad were initially mRAN4f8nDRU-00034-00009339-00009596 few in number and experienced hostility mRAN4f8nDRU-00035-00009597-00009896 from Meccan polytheists he sent some of mRAN4f8nDRU-00036-00009897-00010235 his followers to Abyssinia in 615 to mRAN4f8nDRU-00037-00010236-00010466 shield them from prosecution before he mRAN4f8nDRU-00038-00010467-00010688 and his followers migrated from Mecca to mRAN4f8nDRU-00039-00010689-00011133 Medina then known as Yathrib in 622 this mRAN4f8nDRU-00040-00011134-00011366 event the hijra marks the beginning of mRAN4f8nDRU-00041-00011367-00011603 the Islamic calendar also known as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00042-00011604-00011981 hijra calendar in Medina Muhammad United mRAN4f8nDRU-00043-00011982-00012180 the tribes under the constitution of mRAN4f8nDRU-00044-00012181-00012587 Medina in December 629 after eight years mRAN4f8nDRU-00045-00012588-00012797 of intermittent fighting with Meccan mRAN4f8nDRU-00046-00012798-00013019 tribes Muhammad gathered an army of mRAN4f8nDRU-00047-00013021-00013272 10,000 Muslim converts and marched on mRAN4f8nDRU-00048-00013272-00013422 the city of Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00049-00013424-00013644 the conquest went largely uncontested mRAN4f8nDRU-00050-00013646-00013903 and Muhammad seized the city with little mRAN4f8nDRU-00051-00013904-00014308 bloodshed in 632 a few months after mRAN4f8nDRU-00052-00014309-00014479 returning from the farewell pilgrimage mRAN4f8nDRU-00053-00014480-00014833 he fell ill and died by the time of his mRAN4f8nDRU-00054-00014834-00015079 death most of the Arabian Peninsula had mRAN4f8nDRU-00055-00015080-00015319 converted to Islam the revelations each mRAN4f8nDRU-00056-00015319-00015672 known as aya lit sign of God which mRAN4f8nDRU-00057-00015674-00015907 Muhammad reported receiving until his mRAN4f8nDRU-00058-00015908-00016096 death form the verses of the Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-00059-00016097-00016375 regarded by Muslims as the verbatim word mRAN4f8nDRU-00060-00016376-00016654 of God and around which the religion is mRAN4f8nDRU-00061-00016655-00016711 based mRAN4f8nDRU-00062-00016712-00016999 besides the Quran Muhammad's teachings mRAN4f8nDRU-00063-00017000-00017251 and practices Sunna found in the hadith mRAN4f8nDRU-00064-00017252-00017527 and sira biography literature are also mRAN4f8nDRU-00065-00017528-00017770 upheld and used as sources of Islamic mRAN4f8nDRU-00066-00017771-00018408 law see Sharia mRAN4f8nDRU-00067-00018409-00019088 topic qur'anic names and Appalachians mRAN4f8nDRU-00068-00019089-00019423 the name Muhammad means praiseworthy and mRAN4f8nDRU-00069-00019424-00019733 appears four times in the Quran the mRAN4f8nDRU-00070-00019734-00019982 Quran addresses Muhammad in the second mRAN4f8nDRU-00071-00019983-00020237 person by various appellations prophet mRAN4f8nDRU-00072-00020238-00020522 messenger servant of God Abbot announcer mRAN4f8nDRU-00073-00020523-00020933 Bashir Quran - to 119 witness Shaheed mRAN4f8nDRU-00074-00020934-00021268 Quran 33 to 45 bearer of good tidings mRAN4f8nDRU-00075-00021269-00021641 Mubasher Warner nitor Quran 11 took - mRAN4f8nDRU-00076-00021642-00021992 reminder mud hack here Quran 88 to 21 mRAN4f8nDRU-00077-00021993-00022322 one who calls unto God dye Quran 12 to mRAN4f8nDRU-00078-00022323-00022748 108 light personified nor Quran 5:15 and mRAN4f8nDRU-00079-00022749-00022871 the like giving lamp mRAN4f8nDRU-00080-00022872-00023267 Siraj Munir Quran 33 to 46 Muhammad is mRAN4f8nDRU-00081-00023268-00023477 sometimes addressed by designations mRAN4f8nDRU-00082-00023478-00023681 deriving from his state at the time of mRAN4f8nDRU-00083-00023682-00023891 the address thus he is referred to as mRAN4f8nDRU-00084-00023892-00023957 the enrapt mRAN4f8nDRU-00085-00023958-00024284 all Muzammil in Quran 73 to one and the mRAN4f8nDRU-00086-00024285-00024479 shrouded all mud after in Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-00087-00024480-00024899 seventy-four to one in surah al-ahzab 33 mRAN4f8nDRU-00088-00024900-00025133 to 40 God singles out Muhammad as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00089-00025134-00025484 seal of the prophets or the last of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00090-00025485-00025742 prophets the Quran also refers to mRAN4f8nDRU-00091-00025743-00026034 Muhammad as Ahmad more praiseworthy mRAN4f8nDRU-00092-00026035-00026501 arabic surah as-saffat the name abu mRAN4f8nDRU-00093-00026502-00026774 al-qasim muhammad even Abid allah i mRAN4f8nDRU-00094-00026775-00027058 banaba Dal Mutallab Eibon Hashem begins mRAN4f8nDRU-00095-00027060-00027305 with the cunha abu which corresponds to mRAN4f8nDRU-00096-00027306-00027952 the English father mRAN4f8nDRU-00097-00027954-00028839 topic sources mRAN4f8nDRU-00098-00028841-00029345 topic Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-00099-00029345-00029620 the Quran is the central religious text mRAN4f8nDRU-00100-00029622-00029914 of Islam Muslims believe it represents mRAN4f8nDRU-00101-00029916-00030077 the words of God revealed by the mRAN4f8nDRU-00102-00030077-00030407 Archangel Gabriel to Muhammad the Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-00103-00030408-00030670 however provides minimal assistance for mRAN4f8nDRU-00104-00030672-00030929 Muhammad's chronological biography most mRAN4f8nDRU-00105-00030930-00031114 Quranic verses do not provide mRAN4f8nDRU-00106-00031116-00031830 significant historical context mRAN4f8nDRU-00107-00031831-00032419 topic early biographies mRAN4f8nDRU-00108-00032420-00032682 important sources regarding Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00109-00032683-00032907 life may be found in the historic works mRAN4f8nDRU-00110-00032908-00033122 by writers of the 2nd and 3rd centuries mRAN4f8nDRU-00111-00033123-00033365 of the Muslim era I ate the ninth mRAN4f8nDRU-00112-00033366-00033716 century CE II these include traditional mRAN4f8nDRU-00113-00033717-00033954 Muslim biographies of Muhammad which mRAN4f8nDRU-00114-00033955-00034145 provide additional information about mRAN4f8nDRU-00115-00034146-00034352 Muhammad's life the earliest surviving mRAN4f8nDRU-00116-00034353-00034632 written serie biographies of Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00117-00034633-00034860 and quotes attributed to him is ibin s mRAN4f8nDRU-00118-00034861-00035221 ox life of God's messenger written see mRAN4f8nDRU-00119-00035222-00035663 767 C II 150 oo although the work was mRAN4f8nDRU-00120-00035664-00035904 lost this serie was used at great length mRAN4f8nDRU-00121-00035905-00036164 by eben hashem and to a lesser extent by mRAN4f8nDRU-00122-00036165-00036539 all Tabari however eben hashem admits in mRAN4f8nDRU-00123-00036540-00036773 the preface to his biography of Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00124-00036774-00036983 that he omitted matters from ebony socks mRAN4f8nDRU-00125-00036984-00037248 biography that would distress certain mRAN4f8nDRU-00126-00037249-00037568 people another early history source as mRAN4f8nDRU-00127-00037569-00037799 the history of Muhammad's campaigns by mRAN4f8nDRU-00128-00037800-00038144 all wacky D death 207 of Muslim era and mRAN4f8nDRU-00129-00038145-00038381 the work of his secretary eben Saad al mRAN4f8nDRU-00130-00038382-00038726 Baghdadi death 230 of Muslim era many mRAN4f8nDRU-00131-00038727-00038973 scholars accept these early biographies mRAN4f8nDRU-00132-00038974-00039161 as authentic though their accuracy is mRAN4f8nDRU-00133-00039162-00039482 uncertain about recent studies have led mRAN4f8nDRU-00134-00039483-00039638 scholars to distinguish between mRAN4f8nDRU-00135-00039639-00039879 traditions touching legal matters and mRAN4f8nDRU-00136-00039880-00040193 purely historical events in the legal mRAN4f8nDRU-00137-00040194-00040412 group traditions could have been subject mRAN4f8nDRU-00138-00040413-00040667 to invention while historic events aside mRAN4f8nDRU-00139-00040668-00040871 from exceptional cases may have been mRAN4f8nDRU-00140-00040872-00041642 only subject to tendentially mRAN4f8nDRU-00141-00041643-00042118 topic hadith mRAN4f8nDRU-00142-00042119-00042373 other important sources include the mRAN4f8nDRU-00143-00042374-00042559 hadith collections accounts of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00144-00042560-00042748 verbal and physical teachings and mRAN4f8nDRU-00145-00042749-00043018 traditions of Muhammad hadiths were mRAN4f8nDRU-00146-00043019-00043264 compiled several generations after his mRAN4f8nDRU-00147-00043265-00043513 death by followers including muhammad al mRAN4f8nDRU-00148-00043514-00043837 bukhari muslim IBN al-hajjaj muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00149-00043838-00044122 eben issa at-tirmidhi abbot ar-rahman al mRAN4f8nDRU-00150-00044123-00044440 nasai abu dawood even maha malik i mRAN4f8nDRU-00151-00044441-00044686 bananas all derek nee some western mRAN4f8nDRU-00152-00044687-00044902 academics cautiously view the hadith mRAN4f8nDRU-00153-00044903-00045094 collections as accurate historical mRAN4f8nDRU-00154-00045095-00045430 sources scholars such as madelung do not mRAN4f8nDRU-00155-00045431-00045619 reject the narrations which have been mRAN4f8nDRU-00156-00045620-00045871 compiled in later periods but judge them mRAN4f8nDRU-00157-00045872-00046060 in the context of history and on the mRAN4f8nDRU-00158-00046061-00046258 basis of their compatibility with the mRAN4f8nDRU-00159-00046259-00046576 events and figures muslim scholars on mRAN4f8nDRU-00160-00046577-00046792 the other hand typically place a greater mRAN4f8nDRU-00161-00046793-00046938 emphasis on the hadith literature mRAN4f8nDRU-00162-00046939-00047209 instead of the biographical literature mRAN4f8nDRU-00163-00047210-00047428 since hadiths maintain a verifiable mRAN4f8nDRU-00164-00047429-00047665 chain of transmission is net the lack of mRAN4f8nDRU-00165-00047666-00047845 such a chain for the biographical mRAN4f8nDRU-00166-00047846-00048100 literature makes it less verifiable in mRAN4f8nDRU-00167-00048101-00048680 their eyes mRAN4f8nDRU-00168-00048681-00049309 topic pre-islamic Arabia mRAN4f8nDRU-00169-00049310-00049579 the Arabian Peninsula was and still is mRAN4f8nDRU-00170-00049580-00049846 largely arid with volcanic soil making mRAN4f8nDRU-00171-00049847-00050053 agriculture difficult to accept near mRAN4f8nDRU-00172-00050054-00050419 Oasis or Springs towns and cities dotted mRAN4f8nDRU-00173-00050420-00050638 the landscape two of the most prominent mRAN4f8nDRU-00174-00050639-00050938 being Mecca and Medina Medina was a mRAN4f8nDRU-00175-00050939-00051139 large flourishing agricultural mRAN4f8nDRU-00176-00051140-00051346 settlement while Mecca was an important mRAN4f8nDRU-00177-00051347-00051555 financial center for many surrounding mRAN4f8nDRU-00178-00051557-00051874 tribes communal life was essential for mRAN4f8nDRU-00179-00051875-00052035 survival in the desert conditions mRAN4f8nDRU-00180-00052036-00052300 supporting indigenous tribes against the mRAN4f8nDRU-00181-00052301-00052621 harsh environment and lifestyle tribal mRAN4f8nDRU-00182-00052622-00052866 affiliation whether based on kinship or mRAN4f8nDRU-00183-00052867-00053079 alliances was an important source of mRAN4f8nDRU-00184-00053080-00053398 social cohesion indigenous Arabs were mRAN4f8nDRU-00185-00053399-00053691 either nomadic or sedentary nomadic mRAN4f8nDRU-00186-00053692-00053932 groups constantly traveled seeking water mRAN4f8nDRU-00187-00053933-00054141 and pasture for their flocks while the mRAN4f8nDRU-00188-00054142-00054376 sedentary settled and focused on trade mRAN4f8nDRU-00189-00054377-00054721 in agriculture nomadic survival also mRAN4f8nDRU-00190-00054722-00054979 depended on raiding caravans or Oasis mRAN4f8nDRU-00191-00054979-00055240 nomads did not view this as a crime in mRAN4f8nDRU-00192-00055241-00055477 pre-islamic Arabia gods or goddesses mRAN4f8nDRU-00193-00055478-00055726 were viewed as protectors of individual mRAN4f8nDRU-00194-00055727-00055936 tribes their spirits being associated mRAN4f8nDRU-00195-00055937-00056245 with sacred trees stones Springs and mRAN4f8nDRU-00196-00056246-00056527 wells as well as being the site of an mRAN4f8nDRU-00197-00056528-00056758 annual pilgrimage the Kaaba shrine in mRAN4f8nDRU-00198-00056759-00057097 Mecca housed 360 idols of tribal patron mRAN4f8nDRU-00199-00057098-00057405 deities three goddesses were revered as mRAN4f8nDRU-00200-00057407-00057767 gods daughters allit manat and al-uzza mRAN4f8nDRU-00201-00057769-00058012 monotheistic communities existed in mRAN4f8nDRU-00202-00058013-00058251 Arabia including Christians and Jews mRAN4f8nDRU-00203-00058252-00058552 Hanif's native pre-islamic Arabs who mRAN4f8nDRU-00204-00058553-00058882 professed a rigid monotheism are also mRAN4f8nDRU-00205-00058883-00059142 sometimes listed alongside Jews and mRAN4f8nDRU-00206-00059144-00059316 Christians in pre-islamic Arabia mRAN4f8nDRU-00207-00059317-00059587 although their historic city is disputed mRAN4f8nDRU-00208-00059588-00059872 among scholars according to Muslim mRAN4f8nDRU-00209-00059873-00060127 tradition Muhammad himself was a Hanif mRAN4f8nDRU-00210-00060128-00060283 and one of the descendants of Ishmael mRAN4f8nDRU-00211-00060284-00060553 son of Abraham the second half of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00212-00060554-00060763 sixth century was a period of political mRAN4f8nDRU-00213-00060764-00061024 disorder in Arabia and communication mRAN4f8nDRU-00214-00061025-00061324 routes were no longer secure religious mRAN4f8nDRU-00215-00061325-00061537 divisions were an important cause of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00216-00061538-00061819 crisis Judaism became the dominant mRAN4f8nDRU-00217-00061820-00062044 religion in Yemen while Christianity mRAN4f8nDRU-00218-00062045-00062277 took root in the Persian Gulf area in mRAN4f8nDRU-00219-00062278-00062557 line with broader trends of the ancient mRAN4f8nDRU-00220-00062558-00062716 world the region witnessed mRAN4f8nDRU-00221-00062717-00062941 decline in the practice of polytheistic mRAN4f8nDRU-00222-00062942-00063146 cults and a growing interest in a more mRAN4f8nDRU-00223-00063147-00063442 spiritual form of religion while many mRAN4f8nDRU-00224-00063444-00063650 were reluctant to convert to a foreign mRAN4f8nDRU-00225-00063651-00063911 faith those faiths provided intellectual mRAN4f8nDRU-00226-00063912-00064136 and spiritual reference points during mRAN4f8nDRU-00227-00064137-00064346 the early years of Muhammad's life the mRAN4f8nDRU-00228-00064347-00064541 Quraish tribe he belonged to became a mRAN4f8nDRU-00229-00064541-00064850 dominant force in Western Arabia they mRAN4f8nDRU-00230-00064851-00065063 formed the cult association of humm's mRAN4f8nDRU-00231-00065064-00065294 which tied members of many tribes in mRAN4f8nDRU-00232-00065295-00065479 Western Arabia to the Kaaba and mRAN4f8nDRU-00233-00065480-00065687 reinforced the prestige of the Meccan mRAN4f8nDRU-00234-00065688-00065972 sanctuary to counter the effects of mRAN4f8nDRU-00235-00065973-00066242 Anarchy Quraish upheld the institution mRAN4f8nDRU-00236-00066243-00066410 of sacred months during which all mRAN4f8nDRU-00237-00066411-00066605 violence was forbidden and it was mRAN4f8nDRU-00238-00066606-00066857 possible to participate in pilgrimages mRAN4f8nDRU-00239-00066858-00067136 and fairs without danger thus although mRAN4f8nDRU-00240-00067137-00067394 the association of hums was primarily mRAN4f8nDRU-00241-00067395-00067670 religious it also had important economic mRAN4f8nDRU-00242-00067671-00068344 consequences for the city mRAN4f8nDRU-00243-00068345-00068868 topic life mRAN4f8nDRU-00244-00068869-00069202 you mRAN4f8nDRU-00245-00069203-00069822 topic childhood and early life mRAN4f8nDRU-00246-00069823-00070155 abu al-qasim muhammad eben abbott allah mRAN4f8nDRU-00247-00070156-00070245 i banaba mRAN4f8nDRU-00248-00070246-00070506 al Mutallab eben hashem was born about mRAN4f8nDRU-00249-00070507-00070770 the year 570 and his birthday is mRAN4f8nDRU-00250-00070771-00070932 believed to be in the month of Rabi mRAN4f8nDRU-00251-00070933-00071238 al-awwal he belonged to the band knew mRAN4f8nDRU-00252-00071239-00071427 hashem clan part of the Quraysh tribe mRAN4f8nDRU-00253-00071428-00071646 and was one of mecca's prominent mRAN4f8nDRU-00254-00071647-00071823 families although it appears less mRAN4f8nDRU-00255-00071824-00072012 prosperous during Muhammad's early mRAN4f8nDRU-00256-00072013-00072321 lifetime tradition places the year of mRAN4f8nDRU-00257-00072322-00072543 Muhammad's birth as corresponding with mRAN4f8nDRU-00258-00072544-00072723 the year of the elephant which is named mRAN4f8nDRU-00259-00072724-00072912 after the failed destruction of mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00260-00072913-00073182 that year by the abraha Yemen's king who mRAN4f8nDRU-00261-00073183-00073472 supplemented his army with elephants mRAN4f8nDRU-00262-00073473-00073770 alternatively some 20th century scholars mRAN4f8nDRU-00263-00073771-00074021 have suggested different years such as mRAN4f8nDRU-00264-00074022-00074559 568 or 569 Muhammad's father Abdullah mRAN4f8nDRU-00265-00074560-00074805 died almost six months before he was mRAN4f8nDRU-00266-00074806-00075150 born according to Islamic tradition soon mRAN4f8nDRU-00267-00075151-00075330 after birth he was sent to live with a mRAN4f8nDRU-00268-00075331-00075576 Bedouin family in the desert as desert mRAN4f8nDRU-00269-00075577-00075762 life was considered healthier for mRAN4f8nDRU-00270-00075763-00075975 infants some Western scholars reject mRAN4f8nDRU-00271-00075976-00076311 this traditions historic city Mohammed mRAN4f8nDRU-00272-00076312-00076473 stayed with his foster mother mRAN4f8nDRU-00273-00076474-00076731 Halima bent a bead wave and her husband mRAN4f8nDRU-00274-00076732-00077031 until he was two years old at the age of mRAN4f8nDRU-00275-00077032-00077307 six Muhammad lost his biological mother mRAN4f8nDRU-00276-00077308-00077534 Aminah to illness and became an orphan mRAN4f8nDRU-00277-00077535-00077817 for the next two years until he was mRAN4f8nDRU-00278-00077818-00077910 eight years old mRAN4f8nDRU-00279-00077911-00078099 Muhammad was under the guardianship of mRAN4f8nDRU-00280-00078100-00078315 his paternal grandfather Abdul Mutallab mRAN4f8nDRU-00281-00078316-00078582 of the banda hashem clan until his death mRAN4f8nDRU-00282-00078583-00078885 he then came under the care of his uncle mRAN4f8nDRU-00283-00078886-00079101 Abu Talib the new leader of the band mRAN4f8nDRU-00284-00079102-00079431 Hashem according to Islamic historian mRAN4f8nDRU-00285-00079432-00079611 William Montgomery Wat there was a mRAN4f8nDRU-00286-00079612-00079878 general disregard by Guardians in taking mRAN4f8nDRU-00287-00079879-00080079 care of weaker members of the tribes in mRAN4f8nDRU-00288-00080080-00080258 Mecca during the sixth century mRAN4f8nDRU-00289-00080259-00080544 Muhammad's Guardian saw that he did not mRAN4f8nDRU-00290-00080545-00080784 starve to death but it was hard for them mRAN4f8nDRU-00291-00080785-00081021 to do more for him especially as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00292-00081022-00081258 fortunes of the clan of Hashem seemed to mRAN4f8nDRU-00293-00081259-00081515 have been declining at that time mRAN4f8nDRU-00294-00081516-00081773 in his teens Mohammed accompanied his mRAN4f8nDRU-00295-00081774-00082010 uncle on Syrian trading journeys to gain mRAN4f8nDRU-00296-00082011-00082337 experience in commercial trade Islamic mRAN4f8nDRU-00297-00082338-00082556 tradition states that when Mohammed was mRAN4f8nDRU-00298-00082557-00082784 either 9 or 12 while accompanying the mRAN4f8nDRU-00299-00082785-00082994 meccans Caravan to Syria he met a mRAN4f8nDRU-00300-00082995-00083228 Christian monk or hermit named Bagheera mRAN4f8nDRU-00301-00083229-00083441 who is said to have foreseen Mohammed's mRAN4f8nDRU-00302-00083442-00083669 career as a prophet of God little is mRAN4f8nDRU-00303-00083670-00083876 known of Muhammad during his later youth mRAN4f8nDRU-00304-00083877-00084095 available information is fragmented mRAN4f8nDRU-00305-00084096-00084338 making it difficult to separate history mRAN4f8nDRU-00306-00084339-00084620 from legend it is known that he became a mRAN4f8nDRU-00307-00084621-00084860 merchant in was involved in trade mRAN4f8nDRU-00308-00084861-00085046 between the Indian Ocean and the mRAN4f8nDRU-00309-00085047-00085219 Mediterranean Sea mRAN4f8nDRU-00310-00085220-00085520 due to his upright character he acquired mRAN4f8nDRU-00311-00085521-00085874 the nickname al-amin Arabic al-amin mRAN4f8nDRU-00312-00085875-00086221 meaning faithful trustworthy and all mRAN4f8nDRU-00313-00086222-00086654 Sadiq meaning truthful and was sought mRAN4f8nDRU-00314-00086655-00086906 out as an impartial arbitrator his mRAN4f8nDRU-00315-00086907-00087275 reputation attracted a proposal in 595 mRAN4f8nDRU-00316-00087276-00087562 from Khadijah a 40 year old widow mRAN4f8nDRU-00317-00087563-00087824 Muhammad consented to the marriage which mRAN4f8nDRU-00318-00087825-00088031 by all accounts was a happy one mRAN4f8nDRU-00319-00088032-00088223 several years later according to a mRAN4f8nDRU-00320-00088224-00088460 narration collected by historian eben mRAN4f8nDRU-00321-00088461-00088664 Issyk Muhammad was involved with a mRAN4f8nDRU-00322-00088665-00088868 well-known story about setting the black mRAN4f8nDRU-00323-00088869-00089075 stone in place in the wall of the Kaaba mRAN4f8nDRU-00324-00089076-00089477 in 605 C e the black stone a sacred mRAN4f8nDRU-00325-00089478-00089744 object was removed during renovations to mRAN4f8nDRU-00326-00089745-00090014 the Kaaba the Meccan leaders could not mRAN4f8nDRU-00327-00090015-00090221 agree which clan should return the black mRAN4f8nDRU-00328-00090222-00090530 stone to its place they decided to ask mRAN4f8nDRU-00329-00090531-00090731 the next man who comes through the gate mRAN4f8nDRU-00330-00090732-00090953 to make that decision that man was the mRAN4f8nDRU-00331-00090954-00091301 35 year old Muhammad this event happened mRAN4f8nDRU-00332-00091302-00091547 5 years before the first revelation by mRAN4f8nDRU-00333-00091548-00091862 Gabriel to him he asked for a cloth and mRAN4f8nDRU-00334-00091863-00092141 laid the black stone in its center the mRAN4f8nDRU-00335-00092142-00092336 clan leaders held the corners of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00336-00092337-00092519 cloth and together carried the black mRAN4f8nDRU-00337-00092520-00092738 stone to the right spot then Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00338-00092739-00092957 laid the stone satisfying the honor of mRAN4f8nDRU-00339-00092958-00093497 all mRAN4f8nDRU-00340-00093498-00094074 topic beginnings of the Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-00341-00094075-00094342 Mohammed began to pray alone in a cave mRAN4f8nDRU-00342-00094343-00094609 named Hira on Mount Jabal al noor near mRAN4f8nDRU-00343-00094610-00094827 mecca for several weeks every year is mRAN4f8nDRU-00344-00094828-00094948 Lama mRAN4f8nDRU-00345-00094949-00095143 tradition holds that during one of his mRAN4f8nDRU-00346-00095144-00095434 visits to that cave in the year 610 the mRAN4f8nDRU-00347-00095435-00095626 angel Gabriel appeared to him and mRAN4f8nDRU-00348-00095627-00095860 commanded Muhammad to recite verses that mRAN4f8nDRU-00349-00095861-00096169 would be included in the Quran consensus mRAN4f8nDRU-00350-00096170-00096376 exists that the first Quranic words mRAN4f8nDRU-00351-00096377-00096625 revealed were the beginning of sura 96 mRAN4f8nDRU-00352-00096626-00097012 to 1 Muhammad was deeply distressed upon mRAN4f8nDRU-00353-00097013-00097282 receiving his first revelations after mRAN4f8nDRU-00354-00097283-00097537 returning home Muhammad was consoled and mRAN4f8nDRU-00355-00097538-00097777 reassured by Khadija and her Christian mRAN4f8nDRU-00356-00097778-00098140 cousin barakah ibin novel he also feared mRAN4f8nDRU-00357-00098141-00098335 that others would dismiss his claims as mRAN4f8nDRU-00358-00098336-00098644 being possessed she a tradition states mRAN4f8nDRU-00359-00098645-00098896 Muhammad was not surprised or frightened mRAN4f8nDRU-00360-00098897-00099085 at Gabriel's appearance rather he mRAN4f8nDRU-00361-00099086-00099325 welcomed the angel as if he was expected mRAN4f8nDRU-00362-00099326-00099628 the initial revelation was followed by a mRAN4f8nDRU-00363-00099629-00099907 three year pause a period known as Farah mRAN4f8nDRU-00364-00099908-00100135 during which Muhammad felt depressed and mRAN4f8nDRU-00365-00100136-00100321 further gave himself to prayers and mRAN4f8nDRU-00366-00100322-00100645 spiritual practices when the revelations mRAN4f8nDRU-00367-00100646-00100876 resumed he was reassured and commanded mRAN4f8nDRU-00368-00100877-00101089 to begin preaching thy guardian-lord mRAN4f8nDRU-00369-00101090-00101380 hath not forsaken me nor is he mRAN4f8nDRU-00370-00101381-00101600 displeased mRAN4f8nDRU-00371-00101601-00101878 sahih bukhari narrates muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00372-00101879-00102160 describing his revelations as sometimes mRAN4f8nDRU-00373-00102161-00102268 it is revealed mRAN4f8nDRU-00374-00102269-00102582 like the ringing of a bell aisha mRAN4f8nDRU-00375-00102583-00102834 reported I saw the Prophet being mRAN4f8nDRU-00376-00102835-00103110 inspired divinely on the very cold day mRAN4f8nDRU-00377-00103111-00103332 and noticed the sweat dropping from his mRAN4f8nDRU-00378-00103333-00103701 forehead as the inspiration was over mRAN4f8nDRU-00379-00103702-00103935 according to Welch these descriptions mRAN4f8nDRU-00380-00103936-00104173 may be considered genuine since they are mRAN4f8nDRU-00381-00104174-00104371 unlikely to have been forged by later mRAN4f8nDRU-00382-00104372-00104691 Muslims Muhammad was confident that he mRAN4f8nDRU-00383-00104692-00104875 could distinguish his own thoughts from mRAN4f8nDRU-00384-00104876-00105163 these messages according to the Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-00385-00105164-00105400 one of the main roles of Muhammad as to mRAN4f8nDRU-00386-00105401-00105534 warn the unbelievers of their mRAN4f8nDRU-00387-00105535-00105861 eschatological punishment Quran 38 - 70 mRAN4f8nDRU-00388-00105863-00106273 Quran 619 occasionally the Quran did not mRAN4f8nDRU-00389-00106274-00106522 explicitly refer to Judgment Day but mRAN4f8nDRU-00390-00106523-00106734 provided examples from the history of mRAN4f8nDRU-00391-00106735-00106978 extinct communities and warns Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00392-00106979-00107191 contemporaries of similar calamities mRAN4f8nDRU-00393-00107192-00107701 Quran 41 - 13 - 16 Muhammad did not only mRAN4f8nDRU-00394-00107702-00107941 warn those who rejected God's revelation mRAN4f8nDRU-00395-00107942-00108165 but also dispensed good news for those mRAN4f8nDRU-00396-00108166-00108366 who abandoned evil listening to the mRAN4f8nDRU-00397-00108367-00108682 divine words and serving God Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00398-00108683-00108874 mission also involves preaching mRAN4f8nDRU-00399-00108875-00109132 monotheism the Quran commands Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00400-00109133-00109329 to proclaim and praise the name of his mRAN4f8nDRU-00401-00109330-00109543 Lord and instructs him not to worship mRAN4f8nDRU-00402-00109544-00109783 idols or associate other deities with mRAN4f8nDRU-00403-00109783-00110133 God the key themes of the early Quranic mRAN4f8nDRU-00404-00110134-00110361 verses included the responsibility of mRAN4f8nDRU-00405-00110363-00110620 man towards his creator the resurrection mRAN4f8nDRU-00406-00110621-00110824 of the Dead God's final judgment mRAN4f8nDRU-00407-00110825-00111019 followed by vivid descriptions of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00408-00111020-00111199 tortures in Hell and pleasures in mRAN4f8nDRU-00409-00111200-00111411 paradise and the signs of God in all mRAN4f8nDRU-00410-00111413-00111564 aspects of life mRAN4f8nDRU-00411-00111565-00111799 religious duties required of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00412-00111800-00112033 believers at this time were few belief mRAN4f8nDRU-00413-00112033-00112276 in God asking for forgiveness of sins mRAN4f8nDRU-00414-00112277-00112513 offering frequent prayers assisting mRAN4f8nDRU-00415-00112514-00112699 others particularly those in need mRAN4f8nDRU-00416-00112700-00112890 rejecting cheating and the love of mRAN4f8nDRU-00417-00112891-00113098 wealth considered to be significant in mRAN4f8nDRU-00418-00113099-00113281 the commercial life of Mecca being mRAN4f8nDRU-00419-00113282-00113464 chaste and not committing female mRAN4f8nDRU-00420-00113465-00114040 infanticide mRAN4f8nDRU-00421-00114041-00114560 topic opposition mRAN4f8nDRU-00422-00114561-00114843 according to Muslim tradition Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00423-00114844-00115076 wife Khadija was the first to believe he mRAN4f8nDRU-00424-00115077-00115340 was a prophet she was followed by mRAN4f8nDRU-00425-00115341-00115586 Muhammad's 10 year old cousin ali IBN mRAN4f8nDRU-00426-00115588-00115872 ABI talib close friend abu bakr and mRAN4f8nDRU-00427-00115873-00116327 adopted sons aid around 613 Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00428-00116328-00116601 began to preach to the public Quran 26 mRAN4f8nDRU-00429-00116602-00116976 to 214 most meccans ignored and mocked mRAN4f8nDRU-00430-00116977-00117206 him though a few became his followers mRAN4f8nDRU-00431-00117207-00117483 there were three main groups of early mRAN4f8nDRU-00432-00117483-00117704 converts to Islam younger brothers and mRAN4f8nDRU-00433-00117705-00117938 sons of great merchants people who had mRAN4f8nDRU-00434-00117939-00118122 fallen out of the first rank in their mRAN4f8nDRU-00435-00118123-00118323 tribe or failed to attain it and the mRAN4f8nDRU-00436-00118324-00118526 week mostly unprotected foreigners mRAN4f8nDRU-00437-00118527-00118773 according to a bin saud opposition in mRAN4f8nDRU-00438-00118774-00118985 Mecca started when Muhammad delivered mRAN4f8nDRU-00439-00118986-00119213 verses that condemned idol worship and mRAN4f8nDRU-00440-00119214-00119421 the polytheism practiced by the Meccan mRAN4f8nDRU-00441-00119422-00119519 forefathers mRAN4f8nDRU-00442-00119520-00119847 however the Quranic exegesis maintains mRAN4f8nDRU-00443-00119848-00120101 that it began as Muhammad started public mRAN4f8nDRU-00444-00120102-00120363 preaching as his followers increased mRAN4f8nDRU-00445-00120364-00120608 Muhammad became a threat to the local mRAN4f8nDRU-00446-00120609-00120813 tribes and rulers of the city whose mRAN4f8nDRU-00447-00120814-00121056 wealth rested upon the Kaaba the focal mRAN4f8nDRU-00448-00121057-00121248 point of mekin religious life that mRAN4f8nDRU-00449-00121249-00121463 Muhammad threatened to overthrow mRAN4f8nDRU-00450-00121464-00121722 Muhammad's denunciation of the Meccan mRAN4f8nDRU-00451-00121723-00121901 traditional religion was especially mRAN4f8nDRU-00452-00121902-00122114 offensive to his own tribe the Quraysh mRAN4f8nDRU-00453-00122115-00122396 as they were the guardians of the Kaaba mRAN4f8nDRU-00454-00122397-00122646 powerful merchants attempted to convince mRAN4f8nDRU-00455-00122647-00122895 Muhammad to abandon his preaching he was mRAN4f8nDRU-00456-00122896-00123101 offered admission to the inner circle of mRAN4f8nDRU-00457-00123102-00123290 merchants as well as an advantageous mRAN4f8nDRU-00458-00123291-00123742 marriage he refused both of these offers mRAN4f8nDRU-00459-00123743-00123973 tradition records at great length the mRAN4f8nDRU-00460-00123974-00124153 persecution and ill treatment towards mRAN4f8nDRU-00461-00124154-00124371 Muhammad and his followers mRAN4f8nDRU-00462-00124372-00124651 sumaya bint Khayat a slave of a mRAN4f8nDRU-00463-00124652-00124884 prominent mekin leader abu jahl is mRAN4f8nDRU-00464-00124885-00125109 famous as the first martyr of islam mRAN4f8nDRU-00465-00125110-00125329 killed with a spear by her master when mRAN4f8nDRU-00466-00125330-00125608 she refused to give up her faith bilal mRAN4f8nDRU-00467-00125608-00125863 another Muslim slave was tortured by mRAN4f8nDRU-00468-00125864-00126082 umaya iben caliph who placed a heavy mRAN4f8nDRU-00469-00126083-00126265 rock on his chest to force his mRAN4f8nDRU-00470-00126266-00126585 conversion in 615 some of Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00471-00126586-00126775 followers emigrated to the Ethiopian mRAN4f8nDRU-00472-00126776-00127003 kingdom of Aksum and founded a small mRAN4f8nDRU-00473-00127004-00127201 colony under the protection of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00474-00127202-00127429 Christian Ethiopian Emperor a Shama mRAN4f8nDRU-00475-00127430-00127761 Eibon abjure even Saud mentions two mRAN4f8nDRU-00476-00127763-00128017 separate migrations according to him mRAN4f8nDRU-00477-00128018-00128224 most of the Muslims returned to mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00478-00128225-00128443 prior to Hydra while a second group mRAN4f8nDRU-00479-00128444-00128764 rejoined them in Medina even Hashem and mRAN4f8nDRU-00480-00128765-00129016 Tabari however only talked about one mRAN4f8nDRU-00481-00129017-00129331 migration to Ethiopia these accounts mRAN4f8nDRU-00482-00129332-00129534 agree that mekin persecution played a mRAN4f8nDRU-00483-00129535-00129766 major role in Muhammad's decision to mRAN4f8nDRU-00484-00129767-00129946 suggest that a number of his followers mRAN4f8nDRU-00485-00129947-00130171 seek refuge among the Christians in mRAN4f8nDRU-00486-00130172-00130468 Abyssinia according to the famous letter mRAN4f8nDRU-00487-00130469-00130717 of urwa preserved in al tabari the mRAN4f8nDRU-00488-00130718-00130930 majority of muslims returned to their mRAN4f8nDRU-00489-00130931-00131173 native town as islam gained strength and mRAN4f8nDRU-00490-00131174-00131398 high-ranking mechons such as Omar and mRAN4f8nDRU-00491-00131399-00131596 Hamza converted however there is a mRAN4f8nDRU-00492-00131597-00131821 completely different story on the reason mRAN4f8nDRU-00493-00131822-00132043 why the Muslims returned from Ethiopia mRAN4f8nDRU-00494-00132044-00132321 to Mecca according to this account mRAN4f8nDRU-00495-00132322-00132598 initially mentioned by all wacky D then mRAN4f8nDRU-00496-00132599-00132835 rehashed by eben sa'ad and tabari mRAN4f8nDRU-00497-00132836-00133099 but not by eben hashem and not by ebony mRAN4f8nDRU-00498-00133100-00133384 sock muhammad desperately hoping for an mRAN4f8nDRU-00499-00133385-00133609 accommodation with his tribe pronounced mRAN4f8nDRU-00500-00133610-00133810 a verse acknowledging the existence of mRAN4f8nDRU-00501-00133811-00134023 three mekin goddesses considered to be mRAN4f8nDRU-00502-00134024-00134272 the daughters of Allah Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00503-00134273-00134500 retracted the verses the next day at the mRAN4f8nDRU-00504-00134501-00134701 behest of Gabriel claiming that the mRAN4f8nDRU-00505-00134702-00134872 verses were whispered by the devil mRAN4f8nDRU-00506-00134873-00135217 himself instead a ridicule of these gods mRAN4f8nDRU-00507-00135218-00135535 was offered this episode known as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00508-00135536-00135879 story of the cranes is also known as mRAN4f8nDRU-00509-00135880-00136080 Satanic Verses mRAN4f8nDRU-00510-00136081-00136336 according to the story this led to a mRAN4f8nDRU-00511-00136337-00136591 general reconciliation between Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00512-00136592-00136765 and the Meccans and the Abyssinia mRAN4f8nDRU-00513-00136766-00137074 Muslims began to return home when they mRAN4f8nDRU-00514-00137075-00137128 arrived mRAN4f8nDRU-00515-00137129-00137338 Gabriel had informed Muhammad that two mRAN4f8nDRU-00516-00137339-00137546 verses were not part of the revelation mRAN4f8nDRU-00517-00137547-00137858 but had been inserted by Satan notable mRAN4f8nDRU-00518-00137859-00138073 scholars at the time argued against the mRAN4f8nDRU-00519-00138074-00138328 historic authenticity of these verses in mRAN4f8nDRU-00520-00138329-00138640 the story itself on various grounds all mRAN4f8nDRU-00521-00138641-00138904 wacky Dee was severely criticized by mRAN4f8nDRU-00522-00138905-00139181 Islamic scholars such as Malik I bananas mRAN4f8nDRU-00523-00139182-00139421 al Shafie Ahmad ibn Hanbal mRAN4f8nDRU-00524-00139422-00139723 all NASA Al Bukhari Abu Dawood all mRAN4f8nDRU-00525-00139724-00139998 nawawi and others as a liar and forger mRAN4f8nDRU-00526-00139999-00140260 later the incident received some mRAN4f8nDRU-00527-00140261-00140473 acceptance among certain groups those mRAN4f8nDRU-00528-00140474-00140659 strong objections to it continued mRAN4f8nDRU-00529-00140660-00140910 onwards past the 10th century the mRAN4f8nDRU-00530-00140911-00141182 objections continued until rejection of mRAN4f8nDRU-00531-00141183-00141373 these verses in the story itself mRAN4f8nDRU-00532-00141374-00141613 eventually became the only acceptable mRAN4f8nDRU-00533-00141614-00141991 Orthodox Muslim position in 617 the mRAN4f8nDRU-00534-00141992-00142169 leaders of and ban new Hobbit mRAN4f8nDRU-00535-00142170-00142435 shams two important Koresh clans mRAN4f8nDRU-00536-00142436-00142684 declared a public boycott against Banu mRAN4f8nDRU-00537-00142685-00142883 Hashim their commercial rival to mRAN4f8nDRU-00538-00142884-00143038 pressure it into withdrawing its mRAN4f8nDRU-00539-00143039-00143311 protection of Muhammad the boycott mRAN4f8nDRU-00540-00143312-00143495 lasted three years but eventually mRAN4f8nDRU-00541-00143496-00143744 collapsed as it failed in its objective mRAN4f8nDRU-00542-00143745-00144068 during this time Muhammad was only able mRAN4f8nDRU-00543-00144069-00144253 to preach during the holy pilgrimage mRAN4f8nDRU-00544-00144254-00144463 months in which all hostilities between mRAN4f8nDRU-00545-00144464-00145101 Arabs was suspended mRAN4f8nDRU-00546-00145102-00145753 topic is RA and Mirage mRAN4f8nDRU-00547-00145754-00146109 Islamic tradition states that in 620 mRAN4f8nDRU-00548-00146110-00146387 Muhammad experienced the is RA and mRAN4f8nDRU-00549-00146388-00146627 Mirage a miraculous night long journey mRAN4f8nDRU-00550-00146628-00146799 said to have occurred with the angel mRAN4f8nDRU-00551-00146800-00147089 Gabriel at the journey's beginning the mRAN4f8nDRU-00552-00147090-00147348 is RA he is said to have traveled from mRAN4f8nDRU-00553-00147349-00147611 Mecca on a winged steed to the farthest mRAN4f8nDRU-00554-00147612-00147941 mosque later during the Mirage Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00555-00147942-00148119 is said to have toward heaven and hell mRAN4f8nDRU-00556-00148120-00148364 and spoke with earlier prophets such as mRAN4f8nDRU-00557-00148365-00148734 Abraham Moses and Jesus even Issyk mRAN4f8nDRU-00558-00148735-00148937 author of the first biography of mRAN4f8nDRU-00559-00148938-00149133 Muhammad presents the event as a mRAN4f8nDRU-00560-00149134-00149373 spiritual experience later historians mRAN4f8nDRU-00561-00149374-00149636 such as al tabari and eben Cather mRAN4f8nDRU-00562-00149637-00149883 presented as a physical journey some mRAN4f8nDRU-00563-00149884-00150159 Western scholars hold that the is RA and mRAN4f8nDRU-00564-00150160-00150329 Mirage journey travelled through the mRAN4f8nDRU-00565-00150330-00150527 heavens from the sacred enclosure at mRAN4f8nDRU-00566-00150528-00150807 Mecca to the celestial Alba to Elma more mRAN4f8nDRU-00567-00150808-00151049 heavenly prototype of the Kaaba later mRAN4f8nDRU-00568-00151050-00151269 traditions indicate Muhammad's journey mRAN4f8nDRU-00569-00151270-00151969 as having been from Mecca to Jerusalem mRAN4f8nDRU-00570-00151970-00152586 topic last year's before Hydra mRAN4f8nDRU-00571-00152587-00152884 Muhammad's wife Khadijah and uncle Abu mRAN4f8nDRU-00572-00152885-00153217 Talib both died in 619 the year thus mRAN4f8nDRU-00573-00153218-00153559 being known as the year of sorrow with mRAN4f8nDRU-00574-00153560-00153802 the death of Abu Talib leadership of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00575-00153803-00154093 Banu Hashim clan passed to Abu Lahab a mRAN4f8nDRU-00576-00154094-00154372 tenacious enemy of Muhammad soon mRAN4f8nDRU-00577-00154373-00154627 afterward Abu Lahab withdrew the clans mRAN4f8nDRU-00578-00154628-00154873 protection over Muhammad this placed mRAN4f8nDRU-00579-00154874-00155074 Muhammad in danger the withdrawal of mRAN4f8nDRU-00580-00155075-00155290 clan protection implied that blood mRAN4f8nDRU-00581-00155291-00155473 revenge for his killing would not be mRAN4f8nDRU-00582-00155474-00155779 exacted Muhammad then visited Taif mRAN4f8nDRU-00583-00155780-00156025 another important city in Arabia and mRAN4f8nDRU-00584-00156026-00156256 tried to find a protector but his effort mRAN4f8nDRU-00585-00156257-00156424 failed and further brought him into mRAN4f8nDRU-00586-00156425-00156742 physical danger Muhammad was forced to mRAN4f8nDRU-00587-00156743-00157030 return to Mecca a Meccan man named muta mRAN4f8nDRU-00588-00157031-00157228 Mebane Adi and the protection of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00589-00157229-00157438 tribe of banana fell made it possible mRAN4f8nDRU-00590-00157439-00157672 for him to safely re-enter his native mRAN4f8nDRU-00591-00157673-00157882 city many people visited Mecca on mRAN4f8nDRU-00592-00157883-00158157 business or his pilgrims to the Kaaba mRAN4f8nDRU-00593-00158158-00158419 Muhammad took this opportunity to look mRAN4f8nDRU-00594-00158420-00158605 for a new home for himself and his mRAN4f8nDRU-00595-00158606-00158878 followers after several unsuccessful mRAN4f8nDRU-00596-00158879-00159175 negotiations he found hope with some men mRAN4f8nDRU-00597-00159176-00159472 from Yathrib later called Medina the mRAN4f8nDRU-00598-00159473-00159700 Arab population of Yathrib were familiar mRAN4f8nDRU-00599-00159701-00159928 with monotheism and were prepared for mRAN4f8nDRU-00600-00159929-00160117 the appearance of a prophet because a mRAN4f8nDRU-00601-00160118-00160432 Jewish community existed there they also mRAN4f8nDRU-00602-00160433-00160645 hoped by the means of Muhammad and the mRAN4f8nDRU-00603-00160646-00160867 new faith to gain supremacy over Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00604-00160868-00161047 the Yathrib were jealous of its mRAN4f8nDRU-00605-00161048-00161277 importance as the place of pilgrimage mRAN4f8nDRU-00606-00161278-00161545 converts to Islam came from nearly all mRAN4f8nDRU-00607-00161546-00161806 Arab tribes in Medina by June of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00608-00161807-00162034 subsequent year seventy-five Muslims mRAN4f8nDRU-00609-00162035-00162241 came to Mecca for pilgrimage and to meet mRAN4f8nDRU-00610-00162242-00162535 Muhammad meeting him secretly by night mRAN4f8nDRU-00611-00162536-00162712 the group made what is known as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00612-00162713-00163075 second pledge of Al acaba or in mRAN4f8nDRU-00613-00163076-00163395 Orientalists view the pledge of war mRAN4f8nDRU-00614-00163396-00163687 following the pledges at Aqaba Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00615-00163688-00163906 encouraged his followers to emigrate to mRAN4f8nDRU-00616-00163907-00164170 Yathrib as with the migration to mRAN4f8nDRU-00617-00164171-00164410 Abyssinia the Quraish attempted to stop mRAN4f8nDRU-00618-00164411-00164707 the emigration however almost all mRAN4f8nDRU-00619-00164708-00165321 Muslims managed to leave mRAN4f8nDRU-00620-00165322-00165816 topic Hydra mRAN4f8nDRU-00621-00165817-00166095 the hijra is the migration of Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00622-00166096-00166287 and his followers from Mecca to Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00623-00166288-00166827 in 622 CE II in June 622 warned of a mRAN4f8nDRU-00624-00166828-00167031 plot to assassinate him Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00625-00167032-00167253 secretly slipped out of Mecca and moved mRAN4f8nDRU-00626-00167254-00167574 his followers to Medina 450 kilometers mRAN4f8nDRU-00627-00167575-00168277 280 miles north of Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00628-00168278-00168836 topic migration to Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00629-00168837-00169066 a delegation consisting of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00630-00169067-00169283 representatives of the 12 important mRAN4f8nDRU-00631-00169284-00169397 clans of Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00632-00169398-00169591 invited Muhammad to serve as chief mRAN4f8nDRU-00633-00169592-00169838 arbitrator for the entire community due mRAN4f8nDRU-00634-00169839-00170040 to his status as a neutral outsider mRAN4f8nDRU-00635-00170041-00170341 there was fighting in Yathrib primarily mRAN4f8nDRU-00636-00170342-00170570 the dispute involved its Arab and Jewish mRAN4f8nDRU-00637-00170571-00170798 inhabitants and was estimated to have mRAN4f8nDRU-00638-00170799-00171027 lasted for around a hundred years before mRAN4f8nDRU-00639-00171028-00171359 620 the recurring slaughters and mRAN4f8nDRU-00640-00171360-00171565 disagreements over the resulting claims mRAN4f8nDRU-00641-00171566-00171818 especially after the Battle of Bowie in mRAN4f8nDRU-00642-00171819-00172034 which all clans were involved made it mRAN4f8nDRU-00643-00172035-00172259 obvious to them that the tribal concept mRAN4f8nDRU-00644-00172260-00172457 of blood feud and an eye for an eye were mRAN4f8nDRU-00645-00172458-00172666 no longer workable unless there was one mRAN4f8nDRU-00646-00172667-00172886 man with authority to adjudicate in mRAN4f8nDRU-00647-00172887-00173191 disputed cases the delegation from mRAN4f8nDRU-00648-00173192-00173389 Medina pledged themselves and their mRAN4f8nDRU-00649-00173390-00173638 fellow citizens to accept Muhammad into mRAN4f8nDRU-00650-00173639-00173849 their community and physically protect mRAN4f8nDRU-00651-00173850-00174047 him as one of themselves Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00652-00174048-00174260 instructed his followers to emigrate to mRAN4f8nDRU-00653-00174261-00174506 Medina until nearly all his followers mRAN4f8nDRU-00654-00174507-00174758 left Mecca being alarmed at the mRAN4f8nDRU-00655-00174759-00174983 departure according to tradition the mRAN4f8nDRU-00656-00174984-00175208 Meccans plotted to assassinate Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00657-00175209-00175513 with the help of Ali Mohammed fooled the mRAN4f8nDRU-00658-00175514-00175697 Meccans watching him and secretly mRAN4f8nDRU-00659-00175698-00175945 slipped away from the town with Abu Bakr mRAN4f8nDRU-00660-00175946-00176404 by 622 Muhammad emigrated to Medina a mRAN4f8nDRU-00661-00176405-00176726 large agricultural Oasis those who mRAN4f8nDRU-00662-00176727-00176953 migrated from Mecca along with Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00663-00176954-00177678 became known as muhajirun emigrants mRAN4f8nDRU-00664-00177679-00178314 topic establishment of a new polity mRAN4f8nDRU-00665-00178315-00178569 among the first things Muhammad did to mRAN4f8nDRU-00666-00178570-00178776 ease the long-standing grievances among mRAN4f8nDRU-00667-00178777-00178979 the tribes of Medina was to draft a mRAN4f8nDRU-00668-00178980-00179196 document known as the constitution of mRAN4f8nDRU-00669-00179197-00179493 Medina establishing a kind of alliance mRAN4f8nDRU-00670-00179494-00179799 or federation among the eight medinan mRAN4f8nDRU-00671-00179800-00180018 tribes and Muslim emigrants from Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00672-00180019-00180270 this specified rights and duties of all mRAN4f8nDRU-00673-00180271-00180468 citizens and the relationship of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00674-00180469-00180636 different communities in Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00675-00180637-00180864 including the Muslim community to other mRAN4f8nDRU-00676-00180865-00181107 communities specifically the Jews and mRAN4f8nDRU-00677-00181108-00181440 other peoples of the book the community mRAN4f8nDRU-00678-00181441-00181662 defined in the constitution of Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00679-00181663-00181956 umma had a religious outlook also shaped mRAN4f8nDRU-00680-00181957-00182157 by practical considerations and mRAN4f8nDRU-00681-00182158-00182391 substantially preserved the legal forms mRAN4f8nDRU-00682-00182392-00182625 of the old arab tribes the first group mRAN4f8nDRU-00683-00182626-00182865 of converts to Islam in Medina were the mRAN4f8nDRU-00684-00182866-00183084 clans without great leaders these clans mRAN4f8nDRU-00685-00183085-00183309 had been subjugated by hostile leaders mRAN4f8nDRU-00686-00183310-00183585 from outside this was followed by the mRAN4f8nDRU-00687-00183586-00183846 general acceptance of Islam by the pagan mRAN4f8nDRU-00688-00183847-00184035 population of Medina with some mRAN4f8nDRU-00689-00184036-00184359 exceptions according to even a sock this mRAN4f8nDRU-00690-00184360-00184578 was influenced by the conversion of Saad mRAN4f8nDRU-00691-00184579-00184839 bin Muaz a prominent medinan leader to mRAN4f8nDRU-00692-00184840-00185169 Islam Medina pnes who converted to Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-00693-00185170-00185366 and helped the Muslim emigrants find mRAN4f8nDRU-00694-00185367-00185583 shelter became known as the Ansar mRAN4f8nDRU-00695-00185584-00185676 supporters mRAN4f8nDRU-00696-00185677-00185970 then Muhammad instituted brotherhood mRAN4f8nDRU-00697-00185971-00186165 between the emigrants and the supporters mRAN4f8nDRU-00698-00186166-00186840 and he chose Ali as his own brother mRAN4f8nDRU-00699-00186841-00187421 topic beginning of armed conflict mRAN4f8nDRU-00700-00187422-00187686 following the emigration the people of mRAN4f8nDRU-00701-00187687-00187884 Mecca seized property of Muslim mRAN4f8nDRU-00702-00187885-00188154 emigrants to Medina war would later mRAN4f8nDRU-00703-00188155-00188349 break out between the people of Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00704-00188350-00188640 and the Muslims Muhammad delivered mRAN4f8nDRU-00705-00188641-00188865 Quranic verses permitting Muslims to mRAN4f8nDRU-00706-00188866-00189084 fight the Meccans see surah all hatch mRAN4f8nDRU-00707-00189085-00189534 Quran 20 to 39 - 40 according to the mRAN4f8nDRU-00708-00189535-00189750 traditional account on the 11th of mRAN4f8nDRU-00709-00189751-00190062 February 624 while praying in the Masjid mRAN4f8nDRU-00710-00190063-00190281 al Qibla tine in Medina Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00711-00190282-00190491 received revelations from God that he mRAN4f8nDRU-00712-00190492-00190662 should be facing Mecca rather than mRAN4f8nDRU-00713-00190663-00190944 Jerusalem during prayer Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00714-00190945-00191151 adjusted to the new direction and his mRAN4f8nDRU-00715-00191152-00191355 companions praying with him followed his mRAN4f8nDRU-00716-00191356-00191571 lead beginning the tradition of facing mRAN4f8nDRU-00717-00191572-00191979 Mecca during prayer in March 624 mRAN4f8nDRU-00718-00191980-00192270 Muhammad led some 300 warriors in a raid mRAN4f8nDRU-00719-00192271-00192534 on the Meccan merchant caravan the mRAN4f8nDRU-00720-00192535-00192777 Muslims set an ambush for the caravan at mRAN4f8nDRU-00721-00192778-00193041 Badr aware of the plan the Meccan mRAN4f8nDRU-00722-00193042-00193314 Caravan eluded the Muslims a Meccan mRAN4f8nDRU-00723-00193315-00193533 force was sent to protect the caravan mRAN4f8nDRU-00724-00193534-00193749 and went on to confront the Muslims upon mRAN4f8nDRU-00725-00193750-00193979 receiving word that the caravan was safe mRAN4f8nDRU-00726-00193980-00194307 the Battle of Badr commenced though mRAN4f8nDRU-00727-00194308-00194517 outnumbered more than three to one mRAN4f8nDRU-00728-00194518-00194718 the Muslims won the battle killing at mRAN4f8nDRU-00729-00194719-00195020 least 45 Meccans with 14 Muslims dead mRAN4f8nDRU-00730-00195021-00195306 they also succeeded in killing many mRAN4f8nDRU-00731-00195307-00195681 mekin leaders including Abu Jahl 70 mRAN4f8nDRU-00732-00195682-00195903 prisoners had been acquired many of whom mRAN4f8nDRU-00733-00195904-00196137 were ransomed Muhammad and his followers mRAN4f8nDRU-00734-00196138-00196386 saw the victory as confirmation of their mRAN4f8nDRU-00735-00196387-00196608 faith and Muhammad ascribed the victory mRAN4f8nDRU-00736-00196609-00196827 as assisted from an invisible host of mRAN4f8nDRU-00737-00196828-00197172 angels the quranic verses of this period mRAN4f8nDRU-00738-00197173-00197370 unlike the Meccan verses dealt with mRAN4f8nDRU-00739-00197371-00197571 practical problems of government and mRAN4f8nDRU-00740-00197572-00197790 issues like the distribution of spoils mRAN4f8nDRU-00741-00197791-00197982 the victory strengthened Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00742-00197983-00198210 position in Medina and dispelled earlier mRAN4f8nDRU-00743-00198211-00198519 doubts among his followers as a result mRAN4f8nDRU-00744-00198520-00198749 the opposition to him became less vocal mRAN4f8nDRU-00745-00198750-00199005 pagans who had not yet converted were mRAN4f8nDRU-00746-00199006-00199241 very bitter about the advance of Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-00747-00199242-00199647 to pagans Asma bent Marwan of the Ozma mRAN4f8nDRU-00748-00199648-00200036 not tribe and Abu a fak of the armour be mRAN4f8nDRU-00749-00200037-00200360 awf tribe had composed verses taunting mRAN4f8nDRU-00750-00200361-00200609 and insulting the Muslims they were mRAN4f8nDRU-00751-00200610-00200825 killed by people belonging to their own mRAN4f8nDRU-00752-00200826-00201050 or related clans and Muhammad did not mRAN4f8nDRU-00753-00201051-00201368 disapprove of the killings this report mRAN4f8nDRU-00754-00201369-00201596 however is considered by some to be a mRAN4f8nDRU-00755-00201597-00201917 fabrication most members of those tribes mRAN4f8nDRU-00756-00201918-00202160 converted to Islam and little pagan mRAN4f8nDRU-00757-00202161-00202394 opposition remained Muhammad expelled mRAN4f8nDRU-00758-00202395-00202649 from Medina the Banu cuca one of three mRAN4f8nDRU-00759-00202650-00202847 main Jewish tribes but some historians mRAN4f8nDRU-00760-00202848-00203093 contend that the expulsion happened mRAN4f8nDRU-00761-00203094-00203375 after Muhammad's death according to all mRAN4f8nDRU-00762-00203376-00203681 wacky D after Abba dolla eben ubay spoke mRAN4f8nDRU-00763-00203682-00203843 for them Muhammad refrained from mRAN4f8nDRU-00764-00203844-00204044 executing them and commanded that they mRAN4f8nDRU-00765-00204045-00204320 be exiled from Medina following the mRAN4f8nDRU-00766-00204321-00204604 Battle of Badr Muhammad also made mutual mRAN4f8nDRU-00767-00204605-00204814 aid alliances with a number of Bedouin mRAN4f8nDRU-00768-00204815-00205015 tribes to protect his community from mRAN4f8nDRU-00769-00205016-00205719 attacks from the northern part of Hejaz mRAN4f8nDRU-00770-00205719-00206255 topic conflict with Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-00771-00206256-00206480 the meccans were eager to avenge their mRAN4f8nDRU-00772-00206481-00206759 defeat to maintain economic prosperity mRAN4f8nDRU-00773-00206760-00206954 the Meccans needed to restore their mRAN4f8nDRU-00774-00206955-00207169 prestige which had been reduced at Badr mRAN4f8nDRU-00775-00207171-00207394 in the ensuing months mRAN4f8nDRU-00776-00207396-00207611 the meccans sent ambush parties to mRAN4f8nDRU-00777-00207612-00207784 Medina while Muhammad led expeditions mRAN4f8nDRU-00778-00207785-00208046 against tribes allied with Mecca and mRAN4f8nDRU-00779-00208046-00208382 sent Raiders onto a Meccan Caravan Abu mRAN4f8nDRU-00780-00208383-00208685 Sufyan gathered an army of 3,000 men and mRAN4f8nDRU-00781-00208686-00208915 set out for an attack on Medina a Scout mRAN4f8nDRU-00782-00208916-00209123 alerted Muhammad of the Meccan Army's mRAN4f8nDRU-00783-00209123-00209411 presence and numbers a day later the mRAN4f8nDRU-00784-00209412-00209654 next morning at the Muslim conference of mRAN4f8nDRU-00785-00209655-00209888 war a dispute arose over how best to mRAN4f8nDRU-00786-00209889-00210034 repel the meccans mRAN4f8nDRU-00787-00210035-00210275 Mohammed and many senior figures mRAN4f8nDRU-00788-00210276-00210482 suggested it would be safer to fight mRAN4f8nDRU-00789-00210483-00210707 within Medina and take advantage of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00790-00210708-00211016 heavily fortified strongholds younger mRAN4f8nDRU-00791-00211017-00211211 Muslims argued that the Meccans were mRAN4f8nDRU-00792-00211212-00211417 destroying crops and huddling in the mRAN4f8nDRU-00793-00211419-00211607 strongholds would destroy Muslim mRAN4f8nDRU-00794-00211608-00211961 prestige Muhammad eventually conceded to mRAN4f8nDRU-00795-00211962-00212132 the younger Muslims and readied the mRAN4f8nDRU-00796-00212133-00212311 Muslim force for battle mRAN4f8nDRU-00797-00212312-00212579 Muhammad led his force outside to the mRAN4f8nDRU-00798-00212580-00212842 mountain of you HUD the location of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00799-00212844-00213046 Meccan camp and fought the Battle of you mRAN4f8nDRU-00800-00213048-00213389 HUD on the 23rd of March 625 mRAN4f8nDRU-00801-00213390-00213635 although the Muslim army had the mRAN4f8nDRU-00802-00213636-00213869 advantage in early encounters lack of mRAN4f8nDRU-00803-00213869-00214079 discipline on the part of strategically mRAN4f8nDRU-00804-00214080-00214313 placed archers led to a Muslim defeat mRAN4f8nDRU-00805-00214314-00214487 seventy-five Muslims were killed mRAN4f8nDRU-00806-00214488-00214748 including Hamza Muhammad's uncle who mRAN4f8nDRU-00807-00214748-00214955 became one of the best-known martyrs in mRAN4f8nDRU-00808-00214956-00215246 the Muslim tradition the meccans did not mRAN4f8nDRU-00809-00215246-00215480 pursue the Muslims instead they marched mRAN4f8nDRU-00810-00215481-00215771 back to Mecca declaring victory the mRAN4f8nDRU-00811-00215771-00215957 announcement is probably because mRAN4f8nDRU-00812-00215958-00216148 Muhammad was wounded and thought dead mRAN4f8nDRU-00813-00216150-00216398 when they discovered that Muhammad lived mRAN4f8nDRU-00814-00216398-00216623 the meccans did not return due to false mRAN4f8nDRU-00815-00216623-00216854 information about new forces coming to mRAN4f8nDRU-00816-00216855-00217130 his aid the attack had failed to achieve mRAN4f8nDRU-00817-00217131-00217342 their aim of completely destroying the mRAN4f8nDRU-00818-00217344-00217667 Muslims the Muslims buried the dead and mRAN4f8nDRU-00819-00217667-00217840 returned to Medina that evening mRAN4f8nDRU-00820-00217841-00218108 questions accumulated about the reasons mRAN4f8nDRU-00821-00218109-00218348 for the loss Muhammad delivered Quranic mRAN4f8nDRU-00822-00218348-00218702 verses 3 to 152 indicating that the mRAN4f8nDRU-00823-00218703-00218930 defeat was twofold partly a punishment mRAN4f8nDRU-00824-00218931-00219167 for disobedience partly a test for mRAN4f8nDRU-00825-00219167-00219362 steadfastness Abu Sufyan mRAN4f8nDRU-00826-00219363-00219536 directed his effort towards another mRAN4f8nDRU-00827-00219537-00219625 attack on mRAN4f8nDRU-00828-00219626-00219904 deena he gained support from the nomadic mRAN4f8nDRU-00829-00219905-00220123 tribes to the north and east of Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00830-00220123-00220344 using propaganda about Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00831-00220346-00220606 weakness promises of booty memories of mRAN4f8nDRU-00832-00220607-00220854 Quraish prestige and through bribery mRAN4f8nDRU-00833-00220855-00221110 Mohammed's new policy was to prevent mRAN4f8nDRU-00834-00221111-00221260 alliances against him mRAN4f8nDRU-00835-00221261-00221517 whenever alliances against Medina were mRAN4f8nDRU-00836-00221519-00221758 formed he sent out expeditions to break mRAN4f8nDRU-00837-00221759-00222067 them up Muhammad heard of men massing mRAN4f8nDRU-00838-00222067-00222273 with hostile intentions against Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00839-00222275-00222580 and reacted in a severe manner one mRAN4f8nDRU-00840-00222581-00222811 example is the assassination of cobb mRAN4f8nDRU-00841-00222812-00223012 ebin a lush reef a chieftain of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00842-00223013-00223354 Jewish tribe of Banyan a deer al-sharif mRAN4f8nDRU-00843-00223355-00223540 went to Mecca and wrote poems that mRAN4f8nDRU-00844-00223541-00223738 roused the Meccans grief anger and mRAN4f8nDRU-00845-00223739-00223944 desire for revenge after the Battle of mRAN4f8nDRU-00846-00223946-00224257 Badr around a year later Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00847-00224258-00224458 expelled the Banyan a deer from Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00848-00224459-00224698 forcing their emigration to Syria he mRAN4f8nDRU-00849-00224698-00224875 allowed them to take some possessions as mRAN4f8nDRU-00850-00224876-00225094 he was unable to subdue the Banyan a mRAN4f8nDRU-00851-00225094-00225367 tear in their strongholds the rest of mRAN4f8nDRU-00852-00225367-00225580 their property was claimed by Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00853-00225581-00225775 in the name of God as it was not gained mRAN4f8nDRU-00854-00225776-00226051 with bloodshed Muhammad surprised mRAN4f8nDRU-00855-00226052-00226330 various Arab tribes individually with mRAN4f8nDRU-00856-00226331-00226552 overwhelming force causing his enemies mRAN4f8nDRU-00857-00226553-00226840 to unite to annihilate him Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00858-00226841-00227019 attempts to prevent a confederation mRAN4f8nDRU-00859-00227021-00227263 against him were unsuccessful though he mRAN4f8nDRU-00860-00227264-00227496 was able to increase his own forces and mRAN4f8nDRU-00861-00227498-00227692 stopped many potential tribes from mRAN4f8nDRU-00862-00227692-00228273 joining his enemies mRAN4f8nDRU-00863-00228275-00228916 topic siege of Medina with the help of mRAN4f8nDRU-00864-00228917-00229132 the exiled Banu nadir the Quraish mRAN4f8nDRU-00865-00229133-00229417 military leader Abu Sufyan mustered a mRAN4f8nDRU-00866-00229417-00229762 force of 10,000 men Muhammad prepared a mRAN4f8nDRU-00867-00229763-00230034 force of about 3,000 men and adopted a mRAN4f8nDRU-00868-00230035-00230269 form of Defense unknown in Arabia at mRAN4f8nDRU-00869-00230269-00230467 that time the Muslims dug a trench mRAN4f8nDRU-00870-00230467-00230719 wherever Medina lay open to cavalry mRAN4f8nDRU-00871-00230719-00231037 attack the idea is credited to a Persian mRAN4f8nDRU-00872-00231038-00231391 convert to Islam salman the persian the mRAN4f8nDRU-00873-00231392-00231652 siege of medina began on the 31st of mRAN4f8nDRU-00874-00231653-00232059 march 627 and lasted two weeks abu mRAN4f8nDRU-00875-00232060-00232138 sufian mRAN4f8nDRU-00876-00232139-00232296 troops were unprepared for the mRAN4f8nDRU-00877-00232298-00232513 fortifications and after an ineffectual mRAN4f8nDRU-00878-00232514-00232765 siege the coalition decided to return mRAN4f8nDRU-00879-00232766-00233098 home the quran discusses this battle in mRAN4f8nDRU-00880-00233098-00233573 surah al-ahzab in verses 33 - 9 - 27 mRAN4f8nDRU-00881-00233575-00233844 during the battle the Jewish tribe of mRAN4f8nDRU-00882-00233846-00234084 banneker asa located to the south of mRAN4f8nDRU-00883-00234085-00234139 medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00884-00234140-00234358 entered into negotiations with mekin mRAN4f8nDRU-00885-00234359-00234567 forces to revolt against Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00886-00234567-00234823 although the Meccan forces were swayed mRAN4f8nDRU-00887-00234823-00235066 by suggestions that Muhammad was sure to mRAN4f8nDRU-00888-00235067-00235303 be overwhelmed they desired reassurance mRAN4f8nDRU-00889-00235304-00235525 in case the Confederacy was unable to mRAN4f8nDRU-00890-00235526-00235813 destroy him no agreement was reached mRAN4f8nDRU-00891-00235814-00236092 after prolonged negotiations partly due mRAN4f8nDRU-00892-00236092-00236298 to sabotage attempts by Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00893-00236300-00236626 Scouts after the coalition's retreat the mRAN4f8nDRU-00894-00236627-00236844 Muslims accused the ban new Qurayza of mRAN4f8nDRU-00895-00236846-00237019 treachery and besieged them in their mRAN4f8nDRU-00896-00237019-00237364 forts for 25 days the bandeau Qurayza mRAN4f8nDRU-00897-00237365-00237613 eventually surrendered according to even mRAN4f8nDRU-00898-00237614-00237802 Issyk all the men apart from a few mRAN4f8nDRU-00899-00237803-00238039 converts to islam were beheaded while mRAN4f8nDRU-00900-00238040-00238230 the women and children were enslaved mRAN4f8nDRU-00901-00238231-00238567 will lead and arafat and Barakat ahmad mRAN4f8nDRU-00902-00238567-00238819 have disputed the accuracy of eben asics mRAN4f8nDRU-00903-00238819-00239107 narrative arafat believes that even mRAN4f8nDRU-00904-00239108-00239428 socks jewish sources speaking over 100 mRAN4f8nDRU-00905-00239429-00239632 years after the event conflated this mRAN4f8nDRU-00906-00239633-00239796 account with memories of earlier mRAN4f8nDRU-00907-00239798-00240031 massacres in jewish history he notes mRAN4f8nDRU-00908-00240032-00240226 that eben Issyk was considered an mRAN4f8nDRU-00909-00240227-00240487 unreliable historian by his contemporary mRAN4f8nDRU-00910-00240488-00240754 Maliki bananas and a transmitter of odd mRAN4f8nDRU-00911-00240755-00241162 tales by the later ibin hajar Ahmad mRAN4f8nDRU-00912-00241163-00241378 argues that only some of the tribe were mRAN4f8nDRU-00913-00241379-00241560 killed while some of the fighters were mRAN4f8nDRU-00914-00241561-00241609 merely mRAN4f8nDRU-00915-00241610-00242005 slave what finds Arafat's arguments not mRAN4f8nDRU-00916-00242006-00242314 entirely convincing while mayor Jake mRAN4f8nDRU-00917-00242315-00242554 histor has contradicted the arguments of mRAN4f8nDRU-00918-00242555-00242836 Arafat and Ahmad in the siege of Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-00919-00242837-00243016 the meccans exerted the available mRAN4f8nDRU-00920-00243017-00243237 strength to destroy the Muslim community mRAN4f8nDRU-00921-00243238-00243553 the failure resulted in a significant mRAN4f8nDRU-00922-00243554-00243787 loss of prestige their trade with Syria mRAN4f8nDRU-00923-00243788-00244054 vanished following the Battle of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00924-00244055-00244321 trench Mohammed made two expeditions to mRAN4f8nDRU-00925-00244321-00244483 the north both ended without any mRAN4f8nDRU-00926-00244484-00244750 fighting while returning from one of mRAN4f8nDRU-00927-00244751-00244915 these journeys or some years earlier mRAN4f8nDRU-00928-00244916-00245152 according to other early accounts an mRAN4f8nDRU-00929-00245153-00245392 accusation of adultery was made against mRAN4f8nDRU-00930-00245392-00245710 Aisha Muhammad's wife Aisha was mRAN4f8nDRU-00931-00245711-00245935 exonerated from accusations when mRAN4f8nDRU-00932-00245936-00246130 Muhammad announced he had received a mRAN4f8nDRU-00933-00246131-00246369 revelation confirming Aisha's innocence mRAN4f8nDRU-00934-00246371-00246567 and directing that charges of adultery mRAN4f8nDRU-00935-00246569-00246856 be supported by four eyewitnesses Sura mRAN4f8nDRU-00936-00246857-00247455 24 and Nour mRAN4f8nDRU-00937-00247456-00247996 topic truce of hudaibiya mRAN4f8nDRU-00938-00247996-00248254 although Muhammad had delivered Quranic mRAN4f8nDRU-00939-00248255-00248485 verses commanding the hatch the Muslims mRAN4f8nDRU-00940-00248486-00248659 had not performed it due to corrosion mRAN4f8nDRU-00941-00248660-00249136 MIDI in the month of shawol 628 Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00942-00249137-00249307 ordered his followers to obtain mRAN4f8nDRU-00943-00249308-00249553 sacrificial animals and to prepare for a mRAN4f8nDRU-00944-00249554-00249798 pilgrimage Umrah to Mecca saying that mRAN4f8nDRU-00945-00249800-00249994 God had promised him the fulfillment of mRAN4f8nDRU-00946-00249994-00250159 this goal in a vision when he was mRAN4f8nDRU-00947-00250160-00250360 shaving his head after completion of the mRAN4f8nDRU-00948-00250361-00250698 hatch upon hearing of the approaching mRAN4f8nDRU-00949-00250698-00251056 1400 Muslims the Quraysh dispatched 200 mRAN4f8nDRU-00950-00251057-00251350 cavalry to halt them Muhammad evaded mRAN4f8nDRU-00951-00251351-00251542 them by taking a more difficult route mRAN4f8nDRU-00952-00251542-00251785 enabling his followers to reach al-huda mRAN4f8nDRU-00953-00251786-00252117 bia just outside Mecca according to what mRAN4f8nDRU-00954-00252119-00252337 although Muhammad's decision to make the mRAN4f8nDRU-00955-00252338-00252573 pilgrimage was based on his dream he was mRAN4f8nDRU-00956-00252575-00252802 also demonstrating to the pagan Meccans mRAN4f8nDRU-00957-00252803-00253017 that islam did not threaten the prestige mRAN4f8nDRU-00958-00253019-00253231 of the sanctuaries that islam was an mRAN4f8nDRU-00959-00253232-00253612 arabian religion negotiations commenced mRAN4f8nDRU-00960-00253613-00253794 with emissaries travelling to and from mRAN4f8nDRU-00961-00253796-00254056 Mecca while these continued rumors mRAN4f8nDRU-00962-00254057-00254215 spread that one of the Muslim mRAN4f8nDRU-00963-00254216-00254494 negotiators booth Minh Ben Aleph on had mRAN4f8nDRU-00964-00254494-00254773 been killed by the Koresh Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-00965-00254773-00254946 called upon the pilgrims to make a mRAN4f8nDRU-00966-00254948-00255157 pledge not to flee or to stick with mRAN4f8nDRU-00967-00255158-00255382 Muhammad whatever decision he made if mRAN4f8nDRU-00968-00255383-00255586 the situation descended into war with mRAN4f8nDRU-00969-00255587-00255898 Mecca this pledge became known as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00970-00255898-00256285 pledge of acceptance or the pledge under mRAN4f8nDRU-00971-00256286-00256516 the tree news of Earthmen mRAN4f8nDRU-00972-00256517-00256729 safety allowed for negotiations to mRAN4f8nDRU-00973-00256730-00256978 continue and a treaty scheduled to last mRAN4f8nDRU-00974-00256979-00257191 ten years was eventually signed between mRAN4f8nDRU-00975-00257192-00257517 the Muslims and Koresh the main points mRAN4f8nDRU-00976-00257519-00257728 of the treaty included cessation of mRAN4f8nDRU-00977-00257729-00257962 hostilities the deferral of Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-00978-00257963-00258157 pilgrimage to the following year an mRAN4f8nDRU-00979-00258158-00258361 agreement to send back any Meccan who mRAN4f8nDRU-00980-00258362-00258562 emigrated to Medina without permission mRAN4f8nDRU-00981-00258563-00258787 from their protector many Muslims were mRAN4f8nDRU-00982-00258788-00259063 not satisfied with the treaty however mRAN4f8nDRU-00983-00259064-00259450 the Quranic surah al-fath the victory mRAN4f8nDRU-00984-00259451-00259813 Quran 48 - 1 - 29 I assured them that mRAN4f8nDRU-00985-00259814-00260019 the expedition must be considered a mRAN4f8nDRU-00986-00260021-00260271 victorious one it was later that mRAN4f8nDRU-00987-00260273-00260482 Muhammad's followers realized the mRAN4f8nDRU-00988-00260483-00260800 benefit behind the treaty these benefits mRAN4f8nDRU-00989-00260801-00261001 included the requirement of the Meccans mRAN4f8nDRU-00990-00261002-00261219 to identify Muhammad as an equal mRAN4f8nDRU-00991-00261221-00261379 cessation of military mRAN4f8nDRU-00992-00261380-00261580 activity allowing Medina to gain mRAN4f8nDRU-00993-00261581-00261792 strength and the admiration of mechons mRAN4f8nDRU-00994-00261794-00261967 who were impressed by the pilgrimage mRAN4f8nDRU-00995-00261967-00262180 rituals after signing the truce mRAN4f8nDRU-00996-00262181-00262411 Muhammad assembled an expedition against mRAN4f8nDRU-00997-00262412-00262657 the Jewish oasis of Khaybar known as the mRAN4f8nDRU-00998-00262658-00262975 Battle of Khaybar this was possibly due mRAN4f8nDRU-00999-00262976-00263155 to housing the banyu nadir who were mRAN4f8nDRU-01000-00263156-00263419 inciting hostilities against Muhammad or mRAN4f8nDRU-01001-00263420-00263635 to regain prestige from what appeared is mRAN4f8nDRU-01002-00263636-00263842 the inconclusive result of the truce of mRAN4f8nDRU-01003-00263843-00264123 hudaibiya according to Muslim tradition mRAN4f8nDRU-01004-00264124-00264376 Muhammad also sent letters to many mRAN4f8nDRU-01005-00264377-00264622 rulers asking them to convert to Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-01006-00264623-00264871 the exact date is given variously in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01007-00264872-00265183 sources he sent messengers with letters mRAN4f8nDRU-01008-00265184-00265441 to Heraclius of the Byzantine Empire the mRAN4f8nDRU-01009-00265442-00265699 eastern Roman Empire khosrau of Persia mRAN4f8nDRU-01010-00265700-00265999 the chief of Yemen and to some others in mRAN4f8nDRU-01011-00266000-00266182 the years following the truce of mRAN4f8nDRU-01012-00266183-00266416 hudaibiya Muhammad directed his forces mRAN4f8nDRU-01013-00266417-00266650 against the Arabs on trans Jordanian mRAN4f8nDRU-01014-00266651-00267361 Byzantine soil in the Battle of muda mRAN4f8nDRU-01015-00267362-00267908 topic final years mRAN4f8nDRU-01016-00267909-00268218 you mRAN4f8nDRU-01017-00268219-00268762 topic conquest of Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-01018-00268763-00269032 the truce of hudaibiya was enforced for mRAN4f8nDRU-01019-00269033-00269338 two years the tribe of Bannack kuzu had mRAN4f8nDRU-01020-00269339-00269557 good relations with muhammad whereas mRAN4f8nDRU-01021-00269558-00269809 their enemies the band bakr had allied mRAN4f8nDRU-01022-00269810-00270118 with the Meccans a clan of the bakr made mRAN4f8nDRU-01023-00270119-00270286 a night raid against the coup saw mRAN4f8nDRU-01024-00270287-00270589 killing a few of them the meccans helped mRAN4f8nDRU-01025-00270590-00270766 the band new Bakr with weapons and mRAN4f8nDRU-01026-00270767-00271012 according to some sources a few meccans mRAN4f8nDRU-01027-00271013-00271300 also took part in the fighting after mRAN4f8nDRU-01028-00271301-00271513 this event Mohammed sent a message to mRAN4f8nDRU-01029-00271514-00271750 Mecca with three conditions asking them mRAN4f8nDRU-01030-00271751-00272017 to accept one of them these were either mRAN4f8nDRU-01031-00272018-00272221 the meccans would pay blood money for mRAN4f8nDRU-01032-00272222-00272428 the slain among the Cuza tribe they mRAN4f8nDRU-01033-00272429-00272662 disavowed themselves of the bana bakr or mRAN4f8nDRU-01034-00272663-00272812 they should declare the truce of mRAN4f8nDRU-01035-00272813-00273034 hudaibiya null the Meccans replied that mRAN4f8nDRU-01036-00273035-00273316 they accepted the last condition soon mRAN4f8nDRU-01037-00273317-00273550 they realized their mistake and sent abu mRAN4f8nDRU-01038-00273551-00273790 sufyan to renew the hudaibiya treaty a mRAN4f8nDRU-01039-00273791-00274089 request that was declined by Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01040-00274090-00274366 Muhammad began to prepare for a campaign mRAN4f8nDRU-01041-00274367-00274726 in 630 Muhammad marched on Mecca with mRAN4f8nDRU-01042-00274727-00275062 10,000 Muslim converts with minimal mRAN4f8nDRU-01043-00275063-00275299 casualties Muhammad seized control of mRAN4f8nDRU-01044-00275300-00275563 Mecca he declared an amnesty for past mRAN4f8nDRU-01045-00275564-00275827 offenses except for ten men and women mRAN4f8nDRU-01046-00275828-00276058 who were guilty of murder or other mRAN4f8nDRU-01047-00276059-00276325 offenses or had sparked off the war and mRAN4f8nDRU-01048-00276326-00276547 disrupted the peace mRAN4f8nDRU-01049-00276548-00276834 some of these were later pardoned most mRAN4f8nDRU-01050-00276835-00277083 Meccans converted to Islam and Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01051-00277084-00277321 proceeded to destroy all the statues of mRAN4f8nDRU-01052-00277322-00277572 Arabian gods in and around the Kaaba mRAN4f8nDRU-01053-00277573-00277864 according to reports collected by ebony mRAN4f8nDRU-01054-00277865-00278140 sock and Al as Ricky Muhammad personally mRAN4f8nDRU-01055-00278141-00278380 spared paintings or frescoes of Mary and mRAN4f8nDRU-01056-00278381-00278629 Jesus but other traditions suggest that mRAN4f8nDRU-01057-00278630-00278910 all pictures were erased the Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-01058-00278911-00279541 discusses the conquest of Mecca mRAN4f8nDRU-01059-00279542-00280206 topic conquest of Arabia following the mRAN4f8nDRU-01060-00280207-00280452 conquest of Mecca Muhammad was alarmed mRAN4f8nDRU-01061-00280453-00280608 by a military threat from the mRAN4f8nDRU-01062-00280609-00280813 Confederate tribes of hawazin who were mRAN4f8nDRU-01063-00280814-00280999 raising an army double the size of mRAN4f8nDRU-01064-00281000-00281301 Muhammad's the Banu hawazin were old mRAN4f8nDRU-01065-00281302-00281548 enemies of the Meccans they were joined mRAN4f8nDRU-01066-00281549-00281757 by the beneath a chief inhabiting the mRAN4f8nDRU-01067-00281758-00282013 city of Taif who adopted an anti mekin mRAN4f8nDRU-01068-00282014-00282196 policy due to the decline of the mRAN4f8nDRU-01069-00282197-00282504 prestige of mechons Muhammad defeated mRAN4f8nDRU-01070-00282505-00282721 the hawazin and thatch Eve tribes in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01071-00282722-00282919 battle of hunayn in the same year mRAN4f8nDRU-01072-00282920-00283144 Muhammad organized an attack against mRAN4f8nDRU-01073-00283145-00283312 northern Arabia because of their mRAN4f8nDRU-01074-00283313-00283522 previous defeat at the Battle of muda mRAN4f8nDRU-01075-00283523-00283776 and reports of hostility adopted against mRAN4f8nDRU-01076-00283777-00284044 Muslims with great difficulty he mRAN4f8nDRU-01077-00284045-00284290 assembled thirty thousand men half of mRAN4f8nDRU-01078-00284291-00284470 whom on the second day returned with mRAN4f8nDRU-01079-00284471-00284727 Amidala even you be untroubled by the mRAN4f8nDRU-01080-00284728-00284952 damning verses which Muhammad hurled at mRAN4f8nDRU-01081-00284953-00284985 them mRAN4f8nDRU-01082-00284986-00285252 although Muhammad did not engage with mRAN4f8nDRU-01083-00285253-00285504 hostile forces at Tabuk he received the mRAN4f8nDRU-01084-00285505-00285691 submission of some local Chiefs of the mRAN4f8nDRU-01085-00285692-00285874 region he also ordered the destruction mRAN4f8nDRU-01086-00285875-00286149 of any remaining pagan idols in eastern mRAN4f8nDRU-01087-00286150-00286479 Arabia the last city to hold out against mRAN4f8nDRU-01088-00286480-00286775 the Muslims in Western Arabia was Ty F mRAN4f8nDRU-01089-00286776-00287041 Muhammad refused to accept the city's mRAN4f8nDRU-01090-00287042-00287235 surrender until they agreed to convert mRAN4f8nDRU-01091-00287236-00287478 to Islam and allowed men to destroy the mRAN4f8nDRU-01092-00287479-00287709 statue of their goddess a lot a year mRAN4f8nDRU-01093-00287710-00287931 after the Battle of Tabuk the beneath a mRAN4f8nDRU-01094-00287932-00288142 chief sent emissaries to surrender to mRAN4f8nDRU-01095-00288143-00288469 Muhammad and adopt Islam many Bedouins mRAN4f8nDRU-01096-00288470-00288667 submitted to Muhammad to safeguard mRAN4f8nDRU-01097-00288668-00288874 against his attacks and to benefit from mRAN4f8nDRU-01098-00288875-00289010 the spoils of war mRAN4f8nDRU-01099-00289011-00289288 however the Bedouins were alien to the mRAN4f8nDRU-01100-00289289-00289488 system of Islam and wanted to maintain mRAN4f8nDRU-01101-00289489-00289731 independence namely their code of virtue mRAN4f8nDRU-01102-00289732-00290047 and ancestral traditions Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01103-00290048-00290239 required a military and political mRAN4f8nDRU-01104-00290240-00290433 agreement according to which they mRAN4f8nDRU-01105-00290434-00290658 acknowledge the suzerainty of Medina to mRAN4f8nDRU-01106-00290659-00290883 refrain from attack on the Muslims and mRAN4f8nDRU-01107-00290884-00291084 their allies and to pay the zakat the mRAN4f8nDRU-01108-00291085-00291698 Muslim religious levy mRAN4f8nDRU-01109-00291699-00292248 topic farewell pilgrimage mRAN4f8nDRU-01110-00292249-00292602 in 632 at the end of the tenth year mRAN4f8nDRU-01111-00292603-00292835 after migration to Medina Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01112-00292836-00293043 completed his first true Islamic mRAN4f8nDRU-01113-00293044-00293247 pilgrimage setting precedent for the mRAN4f8nDRU-01114-00293248-00293466 annual great pilgrimage known as hatch mRAN4f8nDRU-01115-00293467-00293783 on the 9th of do all hitch a muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01116-00293784-00293997 delivered his farewell sermon at Mount mRAN4f8nDRU-01117-00293998-00294282 Arafat east of Mecca in this sermon mRAN4f8nDRU-01118-00294283-00294533 Muhammad advised his followers not to mRAN4f8nDRU-01119-00294534-00294870 follow certain pre-islamic customs for mRAN4f8nDRU-01120-00294871-00295062 instance he said a white has no mRAN4f8nDRU-01121-00295063-00295332 superiority over a black nor a black any mRAN4f8nDRU-01122-00295333-00295593 superiority over a white except by piety mRAN4f8nDRU-01123-00295594-00295917 and good action he abolished old blood mRAN4f8nDRU-01124-00295918-00296142 feuds and disputes based on the former mRAN4f8nDRU-01125-00296143-00296384 tribal system and asked for old pledges mRAN4f8nDRU-01126-00296385-00296585 to be returned as implications of the mRAN4f8nDRU-01127-00296586-00296852 creation of the new Islamic community mRAN4f8nDRU-01128-00296853-00297083 commenting on the vulnerability of women mRAN4f8nDRU-01129-00297084-00297363 in his society Muhammad asked his male mRAN4f8nDRU-01130-00297364-00297642 followers to be good to women for they mRAN4f8nDRU-01131-00297643-00297879 are powerless captives a win' in your mRAN4f8nDRU-01132-00297880-00298221 households you took them in God's trust mRAN4f8nDRU-01133-00298222-00298491 and legitimated your sexual relations mRAN4f8nDRU-01134-00298492-00298707 with the Word of God so come to your mRAN4f8nDRU-01135-00298708-00299120 senses people and hear my words mRAN4f8nDRU-01136-00299121-00299342 he told them that they were entitled to mRAN4f8nDRU-01137-00299343-00299543 discipline their wives but should do so mRAN4f8nDRU-01138-00299544-00299830 with kindness he addressed the issue of mRAN4f8nDRU-01139-00299831-00300074 inheritance by forbidding false claims mRAN4f8nDRU-01140-00300075-00300275 of paternity or of a client relationship mRAN4f8nDRU-01141-00300276-00300497 to the deceased and forbade his mRAN4f8nDRU-01142-00300498-00300671 followers to leave their wealth to a mRAN4f8nDRU-01143-00300672-00300979 testamentary heir he also upheld the mRAN4f8nDRU-01144-00300980-00301199 sacredness of four lunar months in each mRAN4f8nDRU-01145-00301200-00301504 year according to suni tafsir the mRAN4f8nDRU-01146-00301505-00301715 following Quranic verse was delivered mRAN4f8nDRU-01147-00301716-00301960 during this event today I have perfected mRAN4f8nDRU-01148-00301961-00302216 your religion and completed my favours mRAN4f8nDRU-01149-00302217-00302420 for you and chosen Islam as a religion mRAN4f8nDRU-01150-00302421-00302578 for you mRAN4f8nDRU-01151-00302579-00302990 Quran 5 - 3 according to Shia tafsir it mRAN4f8nDRU-01152-00302991-00303242 refers to the appointment of ali IBN ABI mRAN4f8nDRU-01153-00303243-00303464 talib at the pond of come as Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-01154-00303465-00303662 successor this occurring a few days mRAN4f8nDRU-01155-00303663-00303856 later when Muslims were returning from mRAN4f8nDRU-01156-00303857-00304435 Mecca to Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-01157-00304436-00304941 topic death in tomb mRAN4f8nDRU-01158-00304942-00305148 a few months after the farewell mRAN4f8nDRU-01159-00305149-00305373 pilgrimage Muhammad fell ill and mRAN4f8nDRU-01160-00305374-00305562 suffered for several days with fever mRAN4f8nDRU-01161-00305563-00305898 head pain and weakness he died on Monday mRAN4f8nDRU-01162-00305899-00306267 the 8th of June 632 in medina at the age mRAN4f8nDRU-01163-00306268-00306606 of 62 or 63 in the house of his wife mRAN4f8nDRU-01164-00306607-00306939 Aisha with his head resting on Ash's lap mRAN4f8nDRU-01165-00306940-00307149 he asked her to dispose of his last mRAN4f8nDRU-01166-00307150-00307440 worldly goods seven coins then spoke his mRAN4f8nDRU-01167-00307441-00307716 final words o Allah to our Rafik Allah mRAN4f8nDRU-01168-00307717-00307983 Allah exalted friend highest friend or mRAN4f8nDRU-01169-00307984-00308258 the uppermost highest friend in heaven mRAN4f8nDRU-01170-00308259-00308556 according to encyclopedia of Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-01171-00308557-00308751 Muhammad's death may be presumed to have mRAN4f8nDRU-01172-00308752-00309030 been caused by medinan fever exacerbated mRAN4f8nDRU-01173-00309031-00309291 by physical and mental fatigue academics mRAN4f8nDRU-01174-00309292-00309519 reset hay Lamas and fatty harp cheese mRAN4f8nDRU-01175-00309520-00309702 say that our Rafiq Allah Allah is mRAN4f8nDRU-01176-00309703-00310011 referring to God he was buried where he mRAN4f8nDRU-01177-00310012-00310248 died in Aisha's house during the reign mRAN4f8nDRU-01178-00310249-00310470 of the Umayyad caliph al will lead the mRAN4f8nDRU-01179-00310471-00310722 first all Masjid in debauchee the mosque mRAN4f8nDRU-01180-00310723-00310938 of the Prophet was expanded to include mRAN4f8nDRU-01181-00310939-00311220 the site of Muhammad's tomb the green mRAN4f8nDRU-01182-00311221-00311418 dome above the tomb was built by the mRAN4f8nDRU-01183-00311419-00311679 mamluk sultan al mansur Colwyn in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01184-00311680-00311907 13th century although the green color mRAN4f8nDRU-01185-00311908-00312171 was added in the 16th century under the mRAN4f8nDRU-01186-00312172-00312360 reign of ottoman sultan Suleiman the mRAN4f8nDRU-01187-00312361-00312681 Magnificent among tombs adjacent to that mRAN4f8nDRU-01188-00312682-00312894 of Muhammad are those of his companions mRAN4f8nDRU-01189-00312895-00313206 Sahaba the first - Muslim caliph Abu mRAN4f8nDRU-01190-00313207-00313440 Bakr and Umar and an empty one that mRAN4f8nDRU-01191-00313441-00313794 Muslims believe awaits Jesus when bin mRAN4f8nDRU-01192-00313795-00314130 Saud took medina in 1805 Muhammad's tomb mRAN4f8nDRU-01193-00314131-00314295 was stripped of its golden jewel mRAN4f8nDRU-01194-00314296-00314628 ornaments adherence to a hobb ISM bin mRAN4f8nDRU-01195-00314629-00314871 souds followers destroyed nearly every mRAN4f8nDRU-01196-00314872-00315108 tomb dome in Medina in order to prevent mRAN4f8nDRU-01197-00315109-00315318 their veneration and the one of Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01198-00315319-00315624 is said to have narrowly escaped similar mRAN4f8nDRU-01199-00315625-00315954 events took place in 1925 when the Saudi mRAN4f8nDRU-01200-00315955-00316251 militias retook and this time managed to mRAN4f8nDRU-01201-00316252-00316538 keep the city in the Wahhabi mRAN4f8nDRU-01202-00316539-00316800 interpretation of Islam burial is to mRAN4f8nDRU-01203-00316801-00317003 take place in unmarked graves mRAN4f8nDRU-01204-00317004-00317307 although frowned upon by the Saudis many mRAN4f8nDRU-01205-00317308-00317568 pilgrims continued to practice as er8 a mRAN4f8nDRU-01206-00317569-00318308 ritual visit to the tomb mRAN4f8nDRU-01207-00318309-00318849 topic after Mohammed mRAN4f8nDRU-01208-00318850-00319071 the succession to Mohammed as the mRAN4f8nDRU-01209-00319072-00319287 central issue that divided the Muslim mRAN4f8nDRU-01210-00319288-00319500 community into several divisions in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01211-00319501-00319830 first century of Muslim history a few mRAN4f8nDRU-01212-00319831-00320031 months prior to his death Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01213-00320032-00320241 delivered a sermon at Gadar come where mRAN4f8nDRU-01214-00320242-00320435 he announced that Ali ibn ABI Talib mRAN4f8nDRU-01215-00320436-00320735 would be his successor after the sermon mRAN4f8nDRU-01216-00320736-00320967 Muhammad ordered the Muslims to pledge mRAN4f8nDRU-01217-00320968-00321266 allegiance to Ali both Shia and Sunni mRAN4f8nDRU-01218-00321267-00321594 sources agree that Abu Bakr Umar ibn mRAN4f8nDRU-01219-00321595-00321816 al-khattab and o'the manip and a faun mRAN4f8nDRU-01220-00321817-00321966 were among the many who pledged mRAN4f8nDRU-01221-00321967-00322275 allegiance to Ali at this event however mRAN4f8nDRU-01222-00322276-00322533 just after Muhammad died a group of mRAN4f8nDRU-01223-00322534-00322701 Muslims met at tsuki feh mRAN4f8nDRU-01224-00322702-00322910 where Omar pledged allegiance to Abu mRAN4f8nDRU-01225-00322911-00323271 Bakr Abu Bakr then assumed political mRAN4f8nDRU-01226-00323272-00323499 power and his supporters became known as mRAN4f8nDRU-01227-00323500-00323796 the Sunnis despite that a group of mRAN4f8nDRU-01228-00323797-00324014 Muslims kept their allegiance to Ali mRAN4f8nDRU-01229-00324015-00324318 these people who became known as Shias mRAN4f8nDRU-01230-00324319-00324516 held that while ali's right to be the mRAN4f8nDRU-01231-00324517-00324732 political leader may have been taken he mRAN4f8nDRU-01232-00324733-00324927 was still the religious and spiritual mRAN4f8nDRU-01233-00324928-00325287 leader after muhammad eventually after mRAN4f8nDRU-01234-00325288-00325497 the deaths of abu bakr and two other mRAN4f8nDRU-01235-00325498-00325725 Sunni leaders Lamar and Earthman the mRAN4f8nDRU-01236-00325726-00325971 Sunni Muslims went to Ali for political mRAN4f8nDRU-01237-00325972-00326307 leadership after Ali died his son Hasan mRAN4f8nDRU-01238-00326308-00326595 ibn Ali succeeded him both politically mRAN4f8nDRU-01239-00326596-00326831 and according to Shias religiously mRAN4f8nDRU-01240-00326832-00327156 however after six months he made a peace mRAN4f8nDRU-01241-00327157-00327383 treaty with mu'awiya ibin ABI Sufyan mRAN4f8nDRU-01242-00327384-00327606 which stipulated that among other mRAN4f8nDRU-01243-00327607-00327849 conditions mu'awiya would have political mRAN4f8nDRU-01244-00327850-00328056 power as long as he did not choose who mRAN4f8nDRU-01245-00328057-00328329 would succeed him mu'awiya broke the mRAN4f8nDRU-01246-00328330-00328524 treaty and made his son Yazid his mRAN4f8nDRU-01247-00328525-00328722 successor thus forming the Umayyad mRAN4f8nDRU-01248-00328723-00329040 dynasty while this was going on Hassan mRAN4f8nDRU-01249-00329041-00329274 and after his death his brother Hassan mRAN4f8nDRU-01250-00329275-00329510 iben Ali remained the religious leaders mRAN4f8nDRU-01251-00329511-00329787 at least according to the Shia thus mRAN4f8nDRU-01252-00329788-00330000 according to the Sunnis whoever held mRAN4f8nDRU-01253-00330001-00330195 political power was considered the mRAN4f8nDRU-01254-00330196-00330417 successor to Muhammad while the she has mRAN4f8nDRU-01255-00330418-00330741 held the 12 Imams Ali Hassan Hassan and mRAN4f8nDRU-01256-00330742-00330959 Hassan's descendants were the successors mRAN4f8nDRU-01257-00330960-00331157 to Muhammad even if they did not hold mRAN4f8nDRU-01258-00331158-00331388 political power mRAN4f8nDRU-01259-00331389-00331556 in addition to these two main branches mRAN4f8nDRU-01260-00331557-00331814 many other opinions also formed mRAN4f8nDRU-01261-00331815-00332514 regarding succession to Mohammed mRAN4f8nDRU-01262-00332515-00333177 topic Islamic social reforms mRAN4f8nDRU-01263-00333178-00333420 according to William Montgomery watt mRAN4f8nDRU-01264-00333421-00333648 religion for Muhammad was not a private mRAN4f8nDRU-01265-00333649-00333909 and individual matter but the total mRAN4f8nDRU-01266-00333910-00334179 response of his personality to the total mRAN4f8nDRU-01267-00334180-00334542 situation in which he found himself he mRAN4f8nDRU-01268-00334543-00334992 was responding not only to the religious mRAN4f8nDRU-01269-00334993-00335202 and intellectual aspects of the mRAN4f8nDRU-01270-00335203-00335466 situation but also to the economic mRAN4f8nDRU-01271-00335467-00335733 social and political pressures to which mRAN4f8nDRU-01272-00335734-00336120 contemporary Mecca was subject Bernard mRAN4f8nDRU-01273-00336121-00336324 Lewis says there are two important mRAN4f8nDRU-01274-00336325-00336621 political traditions in Islam Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01275-00336622-00336861 as a statesman in Medina and Muhammad as mRAN4f8nDRU-01276-00336862-00337200 a rebel in Mecca in his view islam as a mRAN4f8nDRU-01277-00337201-00337467 great change akin to a revolution when mRAN4f8nDRU-01278-00337468-00337725 introduced to new societies historians mRAN4f8nDRU-01279-00337726-00337971 generally agree that islamic social mRAN4f8nDRU-01280-00337972-00338199 changes in areas such as social security mRAN4f8nDRU-01281-00338200-00338478 family structure slavery and the rights mRAN4f8nDRU-01282-00338479-00338673 of women and children improved on the mRAN4f8nDRU-01283-00338674-00338982 status quo of arab society for example mRAN4f8nDRU-01284-00338983-00339315 according to Lewis Islam from the first mRAN4f8nDRU-01285-00339316-00339537 denounced aristocratic privilege mRAN4f8nDRU-01286-00339538-00339873 rejected hierarchy and adopted a formula mRAN4f8nDRU-01287-00339874-00340180 of the career open to the talents mRAN4f8nDRU-01288-00340181-00340493 Muhammad's message transformed society mRAN4f8nDRU-01289-00340494-00340733 and moral orders of life in the Arabian mRAN4f8nDRU-01290-00340734-00341009 Peninsula society focused on the changes mRAN4f8nDRU-01291-00341010-00341260 to perceived identity worldview and the mRAN4f8nDRU-01292-00341261-00341639 hierarchy of values economic reforms mRAN4f8nDRU-01293-00341640-00341828 addressed the plight of the poor which mRAN4f8nDRU-01294-00341829-00342010 was becoming an issue in pre-islamic mRAN4f8nDRU-01295-00342011-00342365 Mecca the Quran requires payment of a mRAN4f8nDRU-01296-00342366-00342608 noms tax is a cat for the benefit of the mRAN4f8nDRU-01297-00342609-00342824 poor as Muhammad's power grew he mRAN4f8nDRU-01298-00342825-00343031 demanded that tribes who wish to ally mRAN4f8nDRU-01299-00343032-00343193 with him implement the zakat in mRAN4f8nDRU-01300-00343194-00343428 particular mRAN4f8nDRU-01301-00343429-00343707 topic appearance in Muhammad al-bukhari mRAN4f8nDRU-01302-00343708-00344037 book sahih al-bukhari in chapter 61 mRAN4f8nDRU-01303-00344038-00344376 hadith 57 and had at sixty Muhammad is mRAN4f8nDRU-01304-00344377-00344610 depicted by two of his companions thus mRAN4f8nDRU-01305-00344611-00344853 Allah's messenger was neither very tall mRAN4f8nDRU-01306-00344854-00345108 nor short neither absolutely white nor mRAN4f8nDRU-01307-00345109-00345408 deep brown his hair was neither curly mRAN4f8nDRU-01308-00345409-00345708 nor lank Allah sent him as an apostle mRAN4f8nDRU-01309-00345709-00345902 when he was forty years old mRAN4f8nDRU-01310-00345903-00346179 afterwards he resided in Mecca for ten mRAN4f8nDRU-01311-00346180-00346409 years and in Medina for ten more years mRAN4f8nDRU-01312-00346410-00346680 when Allah took him unto Him there was mRAN4f8nDRU-01313-00346681-00346899 scarcely twenty white hairs in his head mRAN4f8nDRU-01314-00346900-00347187 and beard the Prophet was of moderate mRAN4f8nDRU-01315-00347188-00347418 height having broad shoulders long hair mRAN4f8nDRU-01316-00347419-00347739 reaching his earlobes once I saw him in mRAN4f8nDRU-01317-00347740-00347958 a red cloak and I had never seen anyone mRAN4f8nDRU-01318-00347959-00348225 more handsome than him the description mRAN4f8nDRU-01319-00348226-00348477 given in Muhammad bin Isa at-tirmidhi 's mRAN4f8nDRU-01320-00348478-00348756 book sharm al al Mustafa attributed to mRAN4f8nDRU-01321-00348757-00349059 Ali ibn ABI Talib and hind ibin ABI hala mRAN4f8nDRU-01322-00349060-00349350 as his follows Muhammad was middle-sized mRAN4f8nDRU-01323-00349351-00349587 did not have lank or crisp hair was not mRAN4f8nDRU-01324-00349588-00349857 fat had a white circular face wide black mRAN4f8nDRU-01325-00349858-00350181 eyes and long eyelashes when he walked mRAN4f8nDRU-01326-00350182-00350337 he walked as though he went down a mRAN4f8nDRU-01327-00350338-00350661 declivity he had the seal of prophecy mRAN4f8nDRU-01328-00350662-00350819 between his shoulder blades mRAN4f8nDRU-01329-00350820-00351147 he was bulky his face shone like the mRAN4f8nDRU-01330-00351148-00351390 moon he was taller than middling stature mRAN4f8nDRU-01331-00351391-00351693 but shorter than conspicuous tallness he mRAN4f8nDRU-01332-00351694-00351945 had thick curly hair the plates of his mRAN4f8nDRU-01333-00351946-00352194 hair were parted his hair reached beyond mRAN4f8nDRU-01334-00352195-00352449 the lobe of his ear his complexion was mRAN4f8nDRU-01335-00352450-00352722 as are bright luminous Muhammad had a mRAN4f8nDRU-01336-00352723-00352965 wide forehead and fine long arched mRAN4f8nDRU-01337-00352966-00353274 eyebrows which did not meet between his mRAN4f8nDRU-01338-00353275-00353433 eyebrows there was a vein which mRAN4f8nDRU-01339-00353434-00353739 distended when he was angry the upper mRAN4f8nDRU-01340-00353740-00353943 part of his nose was hooked he was thick mRAN4f8nDRU-01341-00353944-00354195 bearded had smooth cheeks a strong mouth mRAN4f8nDRU-01342-00354196-00354372 and his teeth were set apart mRAN4f8nDRU-01343-00354373-00354720 he had thin hair on his chest his neck mRAN4f8nDRU-01344-00354721-00354900 was like the neck of an ivory statue mRAN4f8nDRU-01345-00354901-00355236 with the purity of silver Muhammad was mRAN4f8nDRU-01346-00355237-00355497 proportionate stout firm gripped even a mRAN4f8nDRU-01347-00355498-00355701 belly and chest broad chested and mRAN4f8nDRU-01348-00355702-00355998 broad-shouldered the seal of prophecy mRAN4f8nDRU-01349-00355999-00356178 between Muhammad's shoulders has mRAN4f8nDRU-01350-00356179-00356364 generally described as having been a mRAN4f8nDRU-01351-00356365-00356559 type of raised mold the size of a mRAN4f8nDRU-01352-00356560-00356689 pigeons egg mRAN4f8nDRU-01353-00356690-00356917 another description of Muhammad was mRAN4f8nDRU-01354-00356918-00357163 provided by a mob at a woman he met on mRAN4f8nDRU-01355-00357164-00357306 his journey to Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-01356-00357307-00357517 I saw a man pure and clean with a mRAN4f8nDRU-01357-00357518-00357828 handsome face and a fine figure he was mRAN4f8nDRU-01358-00357829-00358072 not marred by a skinny body nor was he mRAN4f8nDRU-01359-00358073-00358270 overly small in the head and neck mRAN4f8nDRU-01360-00358271-00358519 he was graceful and elegant with mRAN4f8nDRU-01361-00358520-00358767 intensely black eyes and thick eyelashes mRAN4f8nDRU-01362-00358768-00359055 there was a huskiness in his voice and mRAN4f8nDRU-01363-00359056-00359350 his neck was long his beard was thick mRAN4f8nDRU-01364-00359351-00359575 and his eyebrows were finally arched and mRAN4f8nDRU-01365-00359576-00359896 joined together when silent he was grave mRAN4f8nDRU-01366-00359897-00360124 and dignified and when he spoke glory mRAN4f8nDRU-01367-00360125-00360412 rose up and overcame him he was from mRAN4f8nDRU-01368-00360413-00360630 afar the most beautiful of men and the mRAN4f8nDRU-01369-00360631-00360844 most glorious and close up he was the mRAN4f8nDRU-01370-00360845-00361147 sweetest and the loveliest he was sweet mRAN4f8nDRU-01371-00361148-00361375 of speech and articulate but not petty mRAN4f8nDRU-01372-00361376-00361690 or trifling his speech was a string of mRAN4f8nDRU-01373-00361691-00361912 cascading pearls measured so that none mRAN4f8nDRU-01374-00361913-00362076 despaired of its length and no I mRAN4f8nDRU-01375-00362077-00362316 challenged him because of brevity in mRAN4f8nDRU-01376-00362317-00362599 company he is like a branch between two mRAN4f8nDRU-01377-00362600-00362776 other branches but he is the most mRAN4f8nDRU-01378-00362777-00362962 flourishing of the three in appearance mRAN4f8nDRU-01379-00362963-00363247 and the loveliest in power he has mRAN4f8nDRU-01380-00363248-00363442 friends surrounding him who listened to mRAN4f8nDRU-01381-00363443-00363697 his words if he commands they obey mRAN4f8nDRU-01382-00363698-00363892 implicitly with eagerness and haste mRAN4f8nDRU-01383-00363893-00364206 without frown or complaint descriptions mRAN4f8nDRU-01384-00364207-00364404 like these were often reproduced in mRAN4f8nDRU-01385-00364405-00364687 calligraphic panels hilly 'or in turkish mRAN4f8nDRU-01386-00364688-00364873 hilly which in the 17th century mRAN4f8nDRU-01387-00364874-00365119 developed into an art form of their own mRAN4f8nDRU-01388-00365120-00365770 in the ottoman empire mRAN4f8nDRU-01389-00365771-00366310 topic household mRAN4f8nDRU-01390-00366311-00366566 Mohamed's life has traditionally defined mRAN4f8nDRU-01391-00366567-00366899 into two periods pre Hydra emigration in mRAN4f8nDRU-01392-00366900-00367364 Mecca from 570 to 622 and post Hydra in mRAN4f8nDRU-01393-00367365-00367895 Medina from 622 until 632 Muhammad is mRAN4f8nDRU-01394-00367896-00368126 said to have had 13 wives in total mRAN4f8nDRU-01395-00368127-00368345 although to have ambiguous accounts mRAN4f8nDRU-01396-00368346-00368627 Reina bins 8 and Maria all kit Shia has mRAN4f8nDRU-01397-00368628-00369005 wife or concubine 11 of the 13 marriages mRAN4f8nDRU-01398-00369006-00369262 occurred after the migration to Medina mRAN4f8nDRU-01399-00369263-00369638 at the age of 25 Muhammad married the mRAN4f8nDRU-01400-00369639-00369851 wealthy khadija bint khuwaylid who was mRAN4f8nDRU-01401-00369852-00370223 40 years old the marriage lasted for 25 mRAN4f8nDRU-01402-00370224-00370541 years and was a happy one Muhammad did mRAN4f8nDRU-01403-00370542-00370712 not enter into marriage with another mRAN4f8nDRU-01404-00370713-00370949 woman during this marriage after mRAN4f8nDRU-01405-00370950-00371198 khadija's death kala bint Hakim mRAN4f8nDRU-01406-00371199-00371399 suggested to Muhammad that he should mRAN4f8nDRU-01407-00371400-00371678 marry sada Benzema a Muslim widow or mRAN4f8nDRU-01408-00371679-00371948 Aisha daughter of um rumen and Abu Bakr mRAN4f8nDRU-01409-00371949-00372266 of Mecca Muhammad is said to have asked mRAN4f8nDRU-01410-00372267-00372436 for arrangements to marry both mRAN4f8nDRU-01411-00372437-00372683 Muhammad's marriages after the death of mRAN4f8nDRU-01412-00372684-00372905 Khadijah were contracted mostly for mRAN4f8nDRU-01413-00372906-00373226 political or humanitarian reasons the mRAN4f8nDRU-01414-00373227-00373427 women were either widows of Muslims mRAN4f8nDRU-01415-00373428-00373607 killed in battle and had been left mRAN4f8nDRU-01416-00373608-00373817 without a protector or belonged to mRAN4f8nDRU-01417-00373818-00374045 important families or clans with whom it mRAN4f8nDRU-01418-00374046-00374252 was necessary to honor and strengthened mRAN4f8nDRU-01419-00374253-00374462 alliances according to traditional mRAN4f8nDRU-01420-00374463-00374771 sources aisha was 6 or 7 years old when mRAN4f8nDRU-01421-00374772-00374975 betrothed to Muhammad with the marriage mRAN4f8nDRU-01422-00374976-00375185 not being consummated until she had mRAN4f8nDRU-01423-00375186-00375419 reached puberty at the age of 9 or 10 mRAN4f8nDRU-01424-00375420-00375725 years old she was therefore a virgin at mRAN4f8nDRU-01425-00375726-00375980 marriage modern Muslim authors who mRAN4f8nDRU-01426-00375981-00376202 calculate Isis age based on other mRAN4f8nDRU-01427-00376203-00376463 sources of information such as a hadith mRAN4f8nDRU-01428-00376464-00376667 about the age difference between aisha mRAN4f8nDRU-01429-00376668-00376967 and her sister Asma estimate that she mRAN4f8nDRU-01430-00376968-00377201 was over 13 and perhaps in her late mRAN4f8nDRU-01431-00377202-00377396 teens at the time of her marriage after mRAN4f8nDRU-01432-00377397-00377684 migration to Medina Muhammad who is then mRAN4f8nDRU-01433-00377685-00378001 in his 50s married several more women mRAN4f8nDRU-01434-00378002-00378293 Muhammad performed household chores such mRAN4f8nDRU-01435-00378294-00378539 as preparing food sewing clothes and mRAN4f8nDRU-01436-00378540-00378857 repairing shoes he is also said to have mRAN4f8nDRU-01437-00378858-00379115 had accustomed his wives to dialogue he mRAN4f8nDRU-01438-00379116-00379295 listened to their advice and the wives mRAN4f8nDRU-01439-00379296-00379493 debated and even argued with him mRAN4f8nDRU-01440-00379494-00379694 Khadijah is said to have had four mRAN4f8nDRU-01441-00379695-00379898 daughters with muhammad ruqaiya bint mRAN4f8nDRU-01442-00379899-00380180 mohammed uncle tom bint mohammed zaynab mRAN4f8nDRU-01443-00380181-00380447 bint mohammed fatima zahra and two sons mRAN4f8nDRU-01444-00380448-00380549 Obeidallah mRAN4f8nDRU-01445-00380550-00380785 eben Muhammad and Qasim eben Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01446-00380786-00381104 who both died in childhood all but one mRAN4f8nDRU-01447-00381105-00381179 of his daughters mRAN4f8nDRU-01448-00381180-00381484 Fatima died before him some Shia mRAN4f8nDRU-01449-00381485-00381682 scholars contend that Fatima was mRAN4f8nDRU-01450-00381683-00381931 Muhammad's only daughter Maria all mRAN4f8nDRU-01451-00381932-00382187 kimchi abour him a son named Ibrahim mRAN4f8nDRU-01452-00382188-00382406 Eibon Muhammad but the child died when mRAN4f8nDRU-01453-00382407-00382616 he was two years old nine of Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-01454-00382617-00382931 wives survived him Aisha who became mRAN4f8nDRU-01455-00382932-00383141 known as Muhammad's favorite wife in mRAN4f8nDRU-01456-00383142-00383402 Sunni tradition survived him by decades mRAN4f8nDRU-01457-00383403-00383630 and was instrumental in helping assemble mRAN4f8nDRU-01458-00383631-00383825 the scattered sayings of Muhammad that mRAN4f8nDRU-01459-00383826-00383996 formed the hadith literature for the mRAN4f8nDRU-01460-00383997-00384203 Sunni branch of Islam Muhammad's mRAN4f8nDRU-01461-00384204-00384401 descendants through Fatima are known as mRAN4f8nDRU-01462-00384402-00384716 Sharif's syed zur sides these are mRAN4f8nDRU-01463-00384717-00384968 honorific titles in arabic sharif mRAN4f8nDRU-01464-00384969-00385319 meaning noble and salutary name Lord ork mRAN4f8nDRU-01465-00385320-00385664 sir as Muhammad's only descendants they mRAN4f8nDRU-01466-00385665-00385877 are respected by both Sunni and Shia mRAN4f8nDRU-01467-00385878-00386078 though the Shia place much more emphasis mRAN4f8nDRU-01468-00386079-00386330 and value on their distinction Zaid ibn mRAN4f8nDRU-01469-00386331-00386570 Haritha was a slave that Muhammad bought mRAN4f8nDRU-01470-00386571-00386884 freed and then adopted as his son he mRAN4f8nDRU-01471-00386885-00387157 also had a wet nurse according to a BBC mRAN4f8nDRU-01472-00387158-00387508 summary the Prophet Muhammad did not try mRAN4f8nDRU-01473-00387509-00387821 to abolish slavery and by sold captured mRAN4f8nDRU-01474-00387822-00388190 and owned slaves himself but he insisted mRAN4f8nDRU-01475-00388191-00388397 that slave owners treat their slaves mRAN4f8nDRU-01476-00388398-00388630 well and stressed the virtue of freeing mRAN4f8nDRU-01477-00388631-00389045 slaves Muhammad treated slaves as human mRAN4f8nDRU-01478-00389046-00389257 beings and clearly held some in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01479-00389258-00389457 highest esteem mRAN4f8nDRU-01480-00389458-00389935 you mRAN4f8nDRU-01481-00389936-00390482 topic legacy mRAN4f8nDRU-01482-00390483-00390816 you mRAN4f8nDRU-01483-00390817-00391477 topic Muslim tradition following the mRAN4f8nDRU-01484-00391478-00391699 attestation to the oneness of God the mRAN4f8nDRU-01485-00391700-00391915 belief in Muhammad's prophethood as the mRAN4f8nDRU-01486-00391916-00392227 main aspect of the Islamic faith every mRAN4f8nDRU-01487-00392228-00392545 Muslim proclaims in Shahada I testified mRAN4f8nDRU-01488-00392546-00392776 that there is no god but God and I mRAN4f8nDRU-01489-00392777-00393028 testify that Muhammad is a Messenger of mRAN4f8nDRU-01490-00393029-00393188 God mRAN4f8nDRU-01491-00393189-00393443 the Shahada is the basic creed or tenets mRAN4f8nDRU-01492-00393444-00393760 of Islam Islamic belief is that ideally mRAN4f8nDRU-01493-00393761-00393989 the Shahada as the first words a newborn mRAN4f8nDRU-01494-00393990-00394150 will hear children are taught it mRAN4f8nDRU-01495-00394151-00394370 immediately and it will be recited upon mRAN4f8nDRU-01496-00394371-00394688 death Muslims repeat the Shahada in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01497-00394689-00394882 call to prayer idan and the prayer mRAN4f8nDRU-01498-00394883-00395222 itself non-muslims wishing to convert to mRAN4f8nDRU-01499-00395223-00395434 Islam are required to recite the Creed mRAN4f8nDRU-01500-00395435-00395720 in Islamic belief Muhammad is regarded mRAN4f8nDRU-01501-00395721-00396062 as the last prophet sent by God Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-01502-00396063-00396521 10:37 states that if the Quran is a mRAN4f8nDRU-01503-00396522-00396791 confirmation of revelations that went mRAN4f8nDRU-01504-00396792-00397043 before it and a fuller explanation of mRAN4f8nDRU-01505-00397044-00397370 the book wherein there is no doubt from mRAN4f8nDRU-01506-00397371-00397602 the Lord of the Worlds mRAN4f8nDRU-01507-00397603-00398120 similarly Quran 46 - 12 states mRAN4f8nDRU-01508-00398121-00398378 and before this was the book of Moses as mRAN4f8nDRU-01509-00398379-00398675 a guide in a mercy and this book mRAN4f8nDRU-01510-00398676-00398985 confirms it mRAN4f8nDRU-01511-00398986-00399360 while two to 136 commands the believers mRAN4f8nDRU-01512-00399361-00399696 of Islam to say we believe in God and mRAN4f8nDRU-01513-00399697-00399919 that which is revealed unto us and that mRAN4f8nDRU-01514-00399920-00400131 which was revealed unto Abraham and mRAN4f8nDRU-01515-00400132-00400390 Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the mRAN4f8nDRU-01516-00400391-00400626 tribes and that which Moses and Jesus mRAN4f8nDRU-01517-00400627-00400870 received and which the prophets received mRAN4f8nDRU-01518-00400871-00401202 from their Lord we make no distinction mRAN4f8nDRU-01519-00401203-00401437 between any of them and unto Him we have mRAN4f8nDRU-01520-00401438-00401683 surrendered mRAN4f8nDRU-01521-00401684-00401941 Muslim tradition credits Muhammad with mRAN4f8nDRU-01522-00401942-00402190 several miracles or supernatural events mRAN4f8nDRU-01523-00402191-00402520 for example many Muslim commentators and mRAN4f8nDRU-01524-00402521-00402661 some Western scholars have interpreted mRAN4f8nDRU-01525-00402662-00403030 the Sura 54 - 1 - 2 as referring to mRAN4f8nDRU-01526-00403031-00403219 Muhammad splitting the moon in view of mRAN4f8nDRU-01527-00403220-00403438 the Quraysh when they began persecuting mRAN4f8nDRU-01528-00403439-00403777 his followers Western historian of Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-01529-00403778-00404002 Denis grill believes the Quran does not mRAN4f8nDRU-01530-00404003-00404248 overtly describe Muhammad performing mRAN4f8nDRU-01531-00404249-00404461 miracles and the supreme miracle of mRAN4f8nDRU-01532-00404462-00404674 Muhammad is identified with the Quran mRAN4f8nDRU-01533-00404675-00404886 itself according to Islamic tradition mRAN4f8nDRU-01534-00404887-00405133 Muhammad was attacked by the people of mRAN4f8nDRU-01535-00405134-00405457 Taif and was badly injured the tradition mRAN4f8nDRU-01536-00405458-00405691 also describes an angel appearing to him mRAN4f8nDRU-01537-00405692-00405886 and offering retribution against the mRAN4f8nDRU-01538-00405887-00406168 assailants it is said that Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01539-00406169-00406360 rejected the offer and prayed for the mRAN4f8nDRU-01540-00406361-00406552 guidance of the people of Taif the mRAN4f8nDRU-01541-00406553-00406789 Sunnah represents actions and sayings of mRAN4f8nDRU-01542-00406790-00407014 Muhammad preserved in reports known as mRAN4f8nDRU-01543-00407015-00407212 hadith and covers a broad array of mRAN4f8nDRU-01544-00407213-00407422 activities and beliefs ranging from mRAN4f8nDRU-01545-00407423-00407662 religious rituals personal hygiene and mRAN4f8nDRU-01546-00407663-00407866 burial of the dead to the mystical mRAN4f8nDRU-01547-00407867-00408049 questions involving the love between mRAN4f8nDRU-01548-00408050-00408379 humans and God the Son is considered a mRAN4f8nDRU-01549-00408380-00408640 model of emulation for pious Muslims and mRAN4f8nDRU-01550-00408641-00408841 has to a great degree influenced the mRAN4f8nDRU-01551-00408842-00409084 Muslim culture the greeting that mRAN4f8nDRU-01552-00409085-00409309 Muhammad taught Muslims to offer each mRAN4f8nDRU-01553-00409310-00409672 other may peace be upon you Arabic mRAN4f8nDRU-01554-00409672-00409947 as-salamu alaikum is used by Muslims mRAN4f8nDRU-01555-00409949-00410227 throughout the world many details of mRAN4f8nDRU-01556-00410228-00410472 major Islamic rituals such as daily mRAN4f8nDRU-01557-00410474-00410643 prayers the fasting and the annual mRAN4f8nDRU-01558-00410645-00410878 pilgrimage are only found in the Sunnah mRAN4f8nDRU-01559-00410879-00411241 and not the Quran the Sunnah contributed mRAN4f8nDRU-01560-00411242-00411439 much to the development of Islamic law mRAN4f8nDRU-01561-00411439-00411667 particularly from the end of the first mRAN4f8nDRU-01562-00411668-00412027 Islamic century Muslim mystics known as mRAN4f8nDRU-01563-00412028-00412207 Sufis who were seeking for the inner mRAN4f8nDRU-01564-00412208-00412372 meaning of the Quran and the inner mRAN4f8nDRU-01565-00412372-00412597 nature of Muhammad viewed the Prophet of mRAN4f8nDRU-01566-00412597-00412867 Islam not only as a prophet but also as mRAN4f8nDRU-01567-00412868-00413197 a perfect human being all Sufi orders mRAN4f8nDRU-01568-00413197-00413409 trace their chain of spiritual descent mRAN4f8nDRU-01569-00413410-00413596 back to Muhammad Muslims have mRAN4f8nDRU-01570-00413597-00413782 traditionally expressed love and mRAN4f8nDRU-01571-00413783-00414070 veneration for Muhammad stories of mRAN4f8nDRU-01572-00414071-00414297 Muhammad's life his intercession and of mRAN4f8nDRU-01573-00414299-00414568 his miracles particularly splitting of mRAN4f8nDRU-01574-00414568-00414862 the moon have permeated popular Muslim mRAN4f8nDRU-01575-00414863-00415032 thought and poetry mRAN4f8nDRU-01576-00415033-00415297 among Arabic ODEs to Mohammed Casa debt mRAN4f8nDRU-01577-00415297-00415597 Alberta poem of the mantle by the mRAN4f8nDRU-01578-00415597-00415989 Egyptian Sufi Alba Seri 12 11 to 12 94 mRAN4f8nDRU-01579-00415990-00416230 is particularly well-known and widely mRAN4f8nDRU-01580-00416231-00416457 held to possess a healing spiritual mRAN4f8nDRU-01581-00416458-00416820 power the Quran refers to Muhammad s a mRAN4f8nDRU-01582-00416821-00417282 mercy Ramat to the world's Quran 21 to mRAN4f8nDRU-01583-00417283-00417645 107 the Association of rain with mercy mRAN4f8nDRU-01584-00417646-00417849 in Oriental countries has led to mRAN4f8nDRU-01585-00417850-00418045 imagining Muhammad as a rain cloud mRAN4f8nDRU-01586-00418046-00418305 dispensing blessings and stretching over mRAN4f8nDRU-01587-00418306-00418557 lands reviving the dead hearts just as mRAN4f8nDRU-01588-00418558-00418749 rain revives the seemingly dead earth mRAN4f8nDRU-01589-00418750-00419020 see for example the Cindy poem of Shah mRAN4f8nDRU-01590-00419021-00419358 Baba Dao Latif Muhammad's birthday is mRAN4f8nDRU-01591-00419359-00419575 celebrated as a major feast throughout mRAN4f8nDRU-01592-00419576-00419800 the Islamic world excluding Wahhabi mRAN4f8nDRU-01593-00419801-00420033 dominated Saudi Arabia where these mRAN4f8nDRU-01594-00420034-00420345 public celebrations are discouraged when mRAN4f8nDRU-01595-00420346-00420535 Muslims say or write the name of mRAN4f8nDRU-01596-00420535-00420751 Muhammad they usually follow it with the mRAN4f8nDRU-01597-00420752-00421014 Arabic phrase sallallahu alaihi wasallam mRAN4f8nDRU-01598-00421015-00421252 may God honour him and grant him peace mRAN4f8nDRU-01599-00421253-00421516 or the English phrase peace be upon him mRAN4f8nDRU-01600-00421517-00421849 in casual writing the abbreviations saw mRAN4f8nDRU-01601-00421850-00422139 for the Arabic phrase or PBUH for the mRAN4f8nDRU-01602-00422140-00422353 English phrase are sometimes used in mRAN4f8nDRU-01603-00422354-00422572 printed matter a small calligraphic mRAN4f8nDRU-01604-00422572-00422910 rendition is commonly used slowly with mRAN4f8nDRU-01605-00422911-00423310 huh mRAN4f8nDRU-01606-00423311-00423806 topic depictions mRAN4f8nDRU-01607-00423807-00424055 in line with the hadiths prohibition mRAN4f8nDRU-01608-00424056-00424262 against creating images of sentient mRAN4f8nDRU-01609-00424263-00424447 living beings which is particularly mRAN4f8nDRU-01610-00424449-00424685 strictly observed with respect to God mRAN4f8nDRU-01611-00424685-00424937 and Muhammad Islamic religious art is mRAN4f8nDRU-01612-00424938-00425246 focused on the word Muslims generally mRAN4f8nDRU-01613-00425247-00425485 avoid depictions of Muhammad and mosques mRAN4f8nDRU-01614-00425487-00425666 are decorated with calligraphy and mRAN4f8nDRU-01615-00425667-00425891 Quranic inscriptions or geometrical mRAN4f8nDRU-01616-00425892-00426239 designs not images or sculptures today mRAN4f8nDRU-01617-00426239-00426449 the interdiction against images of mRAN4f8nDRU-01618-00426450-00426725 Muhammad designed to prevent worship of mRAN4f8nDRU-01619-00426726-00427007 Muhammad rather than God is much more mRAN4f8nDRU-01620-00427008-00427349 strictly observed in Sunni Islam 85% to mRAN4f8nDRU-01621-00427350-00427714 90% of Muslims and Ahmadiyya Islam 1% mRAN4f8nDRU-01622-00427716-00428143 than among she is 10% to 15% while both mRAN4f8nDRU-01623-00428145-00428402 Sunnis and Shias have created images of mRAN4f8nDRU-01624-00428403-00428666 Muhammad in the past Islamic depictions mRAN4f8nDRU-01625-00428667-00428939 of Muhammad or rare they have mostly mRAN4f8nDRU-01626-00428939-00429139 been limited to the private and elite mRAN4f8nDRU-01627-00429141-00429362 medium of the miniature and since about mRAN4f8nDRU-01628-00429363-00429668 1500 most depictions show Muhammad with mRAN4f8nDRU-01629-00429668-00429863 his face veiled or symbolically mRAN4f8nDRU-01630-00429864-00430100 represent him as a flame the earliest mRAN4f8nDRU-01631-00430101-00430379 extant depictions come from 13th century mRAN4f8nDRU-01632-00430380-00430639 Anatolian seljuq and ilkhanate Persian mRAN4f8nDRU-01633-00430641-00430897 miniatures typically in literary genres mRAN4f8nDRU-01634-00430899-00431066 describing the life and deeds of mRAN4f8nDRU-01635-00431067-00431354 Muhammad during the ilkhanate period mRAN4f8nDRU-01636-00431355-00431600 when Persia's Mongol rulers converted to mRAN4f8nDRU-01637-00431601-00431858 Islam competing Sunni and Shia groups mRAN4f8nDRU-01638-00431859-00432131 used visual imagery including images of mRAN4f8nDRU-01639-00432132-00432332 Muhammad to promote their particular mRAN4f8nDRU-01640-00432333-00432618 interpretation of Islam's key events mRAN4f8nDRU-01641-00432620-00432864 influenced by the Buddhist tradition of mRAN4f8nDRU-01642-00432866-00433112 representational religious art predating mRAN4f8nDRU-01643-00433113-00433297 the Mongol elites conversion this mRAN4f8nDRU-01644-00433299-00433508 innovation was unprecedented in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01645-00433509-00433709 Islamic world and accompanied by a mRAN4f8nDRU-01646-00433710-00434014 broader shift in Islamic artistic mRAN4f8nDRU-01647-00434016-00434263 culture away from abstraction toward mRAN4f8nDRU-01648-00434264-00434681 representation in mosques on tapestries mRAN4f8nDRU-01649-00434682-00434957 silks ceramics and in glass and mRAN4f8nDRU-01650-00434958-00435353 metalwork besides books in the Persian mRAN4f8nDRU-01651-00435354-00435545 lands this tradition of realistic mRAN4f8nDRU-01652-00435546-00435760 depictions lasted through the timurid mRAN4f8nDRU-01653-00435762-00436025 dynasty until the Safavids took power in mRAN4f8nDRU-01654-00436026-00436388 the early 16th century the Safavids who mRAN4f8nDRU-01655-00436389-00436585 made Shi Islam the state religion mRAN4f8nDRU-01656-00436587-00436781 initiated a departure from the mRAN4f8nDRU-01657-00436782-00436976 traditional el Connaughton timurid mRAN4f8nDRU-01658-00436977-00437192 artistic style by covering maja mRAN4f8nDRU-01659-00437193-00437396 it's faced with a veil to obscure his mRAN4f8nDRU-01660-00437397-00437621 features and at the same time represent mRAN4f8nDRU-01661-00437622-00437951 his luminous essence King commonly some mRAN4f8nDRU-01662-00437952-00438134 of the unveiled images from earlier mRAN4f8nDRU-01663-00438135-00438479 periods were defaced later images were mRAN4f8nDRU-01664-00438480-00438674 produced in Ottoman Turkey and elsewhere mRAN4f8nDRU-01665-00438675-00438910 but mosques were never decorated with mRAN4f8nDRU-01666-00438912-00439232 images of Mohammed Illustrated accounts mRAN4f8nDRU-01667-00439233-00439397 of the night journey Mirage were mRAN4f8nDRU-01668-00439397-00439616 particularly popular from the ilkhanate mRAN4f8nDRU-01669-00439617-00439918 period through the Safavid era during mRAN4f8nDRU-01670-00439920-00440180 the 19th century Iran saw a boom of mRAN4f8nDRU-01671-00440181-00440396 printed and illustrated Mirage books mRAN4f8nDRU-01672-00440397-00440624 with Mohammed's face veiled aimed in mRAN4f8nDRU-01673-00440625-00440839 particular at illiterate sand children mRAN4f8nDRU-01674-00440841-00441055 in the manner of graphic novels mRAN4f8nDRU-01675-00441056-00441289 reproduced through lithography these mRAN4f8nDRU-01676-00441291-00441585 were essentially printed manuscripts mRAN4f8nDRU-01677-00441587-00441839 today millions of historical mRAN4f8nDRU-01678-00441839-00442055 reproductions and modern images are mRAN4f8nDRU-01679-00442056-00442226 available in some Muslim majority mRAN4f8nDRU-01680-00442227-00442526 countries especially Turkey and Iran on mRAN4f8nDRU-01681-00442527-00442793 posters postcards and even in coffee mRAN4f8nDRU-01682-00442793-00443021 table books but are unknown in most mRAN4f8nDRU-01683-00443022-00443231 other parts of the Islamic world and mRAN4f8nDRU-01684-00443232-00443429 when encountered by Muslims from other mRAN4f8nDRU-01685-00443430-00443591 countries they can cause considerable mRAN4f8nDRU-01686-00443592-00444293 consternation and offence mRAN4f8nDRU-01687-00444294-00444867 topic medieval Christians mRAN4f8nDRU-01688-00444868-00445116 the earliest documented Christian mRAN4f8nDRU-01689-00445117-00445289 knowledge of Muhammad stems from mRAN4f8nDRU-01690-00445291-00445557 Byzantine sources they indicate that mRAN4f8nDRU-01691-00445558-00445800 both jews and christians saw Muhammad as mRAN4f8nDRU-01692-00445801-00446118 a false prophet another Greek source for mRAN4f8nDRU-01693-00446118-00446349 Muhammad as Thea feigns the Confessor a mRAN4f8nDRU-01694-00446350-00446685 ninth century writer the earliest Syriac mRAN4f8nDRU-01695-00446685-00446928 source as the 7th century writer John mRAN4f8nDRU-01696-00446929-00447171 Barr penque according to Hossein Nasr mRAN4f8nDRU-01697-00447172-00447420 the earliest European literature often mRAN4f8nDRU-01698-00447421-00447759 refers to Muhammad unfavorably a few mRAN4f8nDRU-01699-00447760-00447975 learned circles of Middle Ages Europe mRAN4f8nDRU-01700-00447976-00448214 primarily Latin literate scholars had mRAN4f8nDRU-01701-00448216-00448488 access to fairly extensive biographical mRAN4f8nDRU-01702-00448489-00448797 material about Muhammad they interpreted mRAN4f8nDRU-01703-00448797-00448980 the biography through a Christian mRAN4f8nDRU-01704-00448981-00449157 religious filter one that viewed mRAN4f8nDRU-01705-00449158-00449370 Muhammad as a person who seduced the mRAN4f8nDRU-01706-00449371-00449538 Saracens into his submission under mRAN4f8nDRU-01707-00449539-00449859 religious guys popular European mRAN4f8nDRU-01708-00449860-00450039 literature of the time portrayed mRAN4f8nDRU-01709-00450039-00450237 Muhammad as though he were worshiped by mRAN4f8nDRU-01710-00450238-00450485 Muslims similar to an idol or a heathen mRAN4f8nDRU-01711-00450487-00450777 God in later ages Muhammad came to be mRAN4f8nDRU-01712-00450778-00451077 seen as Ash's Matic Brunetto Latini 13th mRAN4f8nDRU-01713-00451078-00451368 century li livres dou tresor represents mRAN4f8nDRU-01714-00451368-00451575 him as a former monk and cardinal and mRAN4f8nDRU-01715-00451576-00451860 Dante's Divine Comedy inferno canto mRAN4f8nDRU-01716-00451860-00452166 xxviii written in the early 1300s puts mRAN4f8nDRU-01717-00452167-00452439 Muhammad and his son-in-law Ali in Hell mRAN4f8nDRU-01718-00452439-00452634 among the sewers of discord in the mRAN4f8nDRU-01719-00452635-00452877 schismatics being lacerated by devils mRAN4f8nDRU-01720-00452878-00453464 again and again mRAN4f8nDRU-01721-00453464-00454066 topic European appreciation mRAN4f8nDRU-01722-00454067-00454352 after the Reformation Muhammad was often mRAN4f8nDRU-01723-00454353-00454618 portrayed in a similar way Guillaume mRAN4f8nDRU-01724-00454619-00454859 postel was among the first to present a mRAN4f8nDRU-01725-00454860-00455078 more positive view of Muhammad when he mRAN4f8nDRU-01726-00455079-00455266 argued that Muhammad should be esteemed mRAN4f8nDRU-01727-00455267-00455514 by Christians as a valid prophet mRAN4f8nDRU-01728-00455515-00455768 gottfried leibniz praised Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01729-00455768-00456005 because he did not deviate from the mRAN4f8nDRU-01730-00456006-00456359 natural religion on redoubling Villiers mRAN4f8nDRU-01731-00456360-00456593 in his vitamin - which was published mRAN4f8nDRU-01732-00456593-00456800 posthumously in 1730 mRAN4f8nDRU-01733-00456801-00457052 described Muhammad as a gifted political mRAN4f8nDRU-01734-00457053-00457349 leader and a just lawmaker he presents mRAN4f8nDRU-01735-00457350-00457585 him as a divinely inspired messenger mRAN4f8nDRU-01736-00457587-00457772 whom God employed to confound the mRAN4f8nDRU-01737-00457772-00457964 bickering oriental Christians to mRAN4f8nDRU-01738-00457964-00458153 liberate the Orient from the despotic mRAN4f8nDRU-01739-00458154-00458393 rule of the Romans and Persians and to mRAN4f8nDRU-01740-00458393-00458558 spread the knowledge of the unity of God mRAN4f8nDRU-01741-00458559-00458876 from India to Spain Voltaire had a mRAN4f8nDRU-01742-00458877-00459104 somewhat mixed opinion on Muhammad in mRAN4f8nDRU-01743-00459105-00459343 his play love finatus me o Muhammad mRAN4f8nDRU-01744-00459344-00459578 loved prophet he vilifies Muhammad as a mRAN4f8nDRU-01745-00459579-00459812 symbol of fanaticism and in a published mRAN4f8nDRU-01746-00459813-00460208 essay in 1748 he calls him a sublime and mRAN4f8nDRU-01747-00460209-00460514 Hardy charlatan but in his historical mRAN4f8nDRU-01748-00460514-00460799 survey essai sur les mowers he presents mRAN4f8nDRU-01749-00460800-00461014 him as legislator and a conqueror and mRAN4f8nDRU-01750-00461015-00461339 calls him an enthusiast jean-jacques mRAN4f8nDRU-01751-00461339-00461691 Rousseau in his social contract 1762 mRAN4f8nDRU-01752-00461692-00461963 brushing aside hostile legends of mRAN4f8nDRU-01753-00461964-00462200 Muhammad as a trickster and imposter mRAN4f8nDRU-01754-00462201-00462476 presents him as a sage legislator who mRAN4f8nDRU-01755-00462477-00462734 wisely fused religious and political mRAN4f8nDRU-01756-00462735-00463132 powers a Manuel pastor at published in mRAN4f8nDRU-01757-00463133-00463460 1787 his Zoroaster Confucius and mRAN4f8nDRU-01758-00463460-00463682 Muhammad in which he presents the lives mRAN4f8nDRU-01759-00463683-00464020 of these three great men the greatest mRAN4f8nDRU-01760-00464021-00464347 legislators of the universe and compares mRAN4f8nDRU-01761-00464348-00464576 their careers as religious reformers and mRAN4f8nDRU-01762-00464577-00464839 law givers he rejects the common view mRAN4f8nDRU-01763-00464840-00465077 that Muhammad is an impostor and argues mRAN4f8nDRU-01764-00465078-00465338 that the Quran prefers the most sublime mRAN4f8nDRU-01765-00465339-00465701 truths of cult and morals it defines the mRAN4f8nDRU-01766-00465702-00466009 unity of God with an admirable concision mRAN4f8nDRU-01767-00466010-00466232 pastor at writes that the common mRAN4f8nDRU-01768-00466233-00466430 accusations of his immorality are mRAN4f8nDRU-01769-00466431-00466709 unfounded on the contrary his line joins mRAN4f8nDRU-01770-00466710-00466993 sobriety generosity and compassion on mRAN4f8nDRU-01771-00466994-00467293 his followers the legislature of Arabia mRAN4f8nDRU-01772-00467294-00467459 was mRAN4f8nDRU-01773-00467460-00467780 great man Napoleon Bonaparte admired mRAN4f8nDRU-01774-00467781-00468035 Muhammad in Islam and described him as a mRAN4f8nDRU-01775-00468035-00468353 model lawmaker and a great man thomas mRAN4f8nDRU-01776-00468354-00468589 carlyle in his book heroes and hero mRAN4f8nDRU-01777-00468591-00468889 worship and the heroic in history 1840 mRAN4f8nDRU-01778-00468891-00469181 describes Muhammad as a silent great mRAN4f8nDRU-01779-00469182-00469625 soul one of those who cannot but be in mRAN4f8nDRU-01780-00469626-00469775 earnest mRAN4f8nDRU-01781-00469776-00470054 Carlile's interpretation has been widely mRAN4f8nDRU-01782-00470055-00470258 cited by Muslim scholars as a mRAN4f8nDRU-01783-00470259-00470475 demonstration that Western scholarship mRAN4f8nDRU-01784-00470476-00470718 validates Muhammad's status as a great mRAN4f8nDRU-01785-00470718-00470843 man in history mRAN4f8nDRU-01786-00470844-00471066 Ian Allman says that German romantic mRAN4f8nDRU-01787-00471067-00471300 writers generally held positive views of mRAN4f8nDRU-01788-00471301-00471579 Mohammed Gerda's extraordinary poet mRAN4f8nDRU-01789-00471580-00471947 prophet herders nation builder mRAN4f8nDRU-01790-00471948-00472252 Slagel x' admiration for islam as an mRAN4f8nDRU-01791-00472253-00472513 aesthetic product envy ibly authentic mRAN4f8nDRU-01792-00472514-00472795 radiantly holistic played such a central mRAN4f8nDRU-01793-00472796-00473026 role in his view of mohammed as an mRAN4f8nDRU-01794-00473027-00473266 exemplary world fashion er that he even mRAN4f8nDRU-01795-00473267-00473514 used it as a scale of judgment for the mRAN4f8nDRU-01796-00473516-00473788 classical the dithyramb we are told has mRAN4f8nDRU-01797-00473789-00474013 to radiate pure beauty if it is to mRAN4f8nDRU-01798-00474014-00474349 resemble a qur'an of poetry after mRAN4f8nDRU-01799-00474350-00474595 quoting Heinrich Heine who said in a mRAN4f8nDRU-01800-00474596-00474835 letter to some friend that I must admit mRAN4f8nDRU-01801-00474835-00475093 that you great prophet of Mecca are the mRAN4f8nDRU-01802-00475093-00475501 greatest poet and that your Quran will mRAN4f8nDRU-01803-00475502-00475743 not easily escape my memory mRAN4f8nDRU-01804-00475743-00476062 John Tolan goes on to show how Jews in mRAN4f8nDRU-01805-00476063-00476295 Europe in particular held more nuanced mRAN4f8nDRU-01806-00476296-00476542 views about Muhammad and Islam being an mRAN4f8nDRU-01807-00476543-00476739 ethno-religious minority feeling mRAN4f8nDRU-01808-00476741-00476974 discriminated they specifically lauded mRAN4f8nDRU-01809-00476975-00477243 al-andalus and thus writing about Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-01810-00477244-00477454 was for Jews a way of indulging in a mRAN4f8nDRU-01811-00477455-00477652 fantasy world far from the persecution mRAN4f8nDRU-01812-00477653-00477958 and pogroms of 19th century Europe where mRAN4f8nDRU-01813-00477959-00478135 Jews could live in harmony with their mRAN4f8nDRU-01814-00478135-00478754 non-jewish neighbors mRAN4f8nDRU-01815-00478755-00479462 topic modern historians recent writers mRAN4f8nDRU-01816-00479463-00479675 such as william montgomery watt and mRAN4f8nDRU-01817-00479676-00479897 richard bell dismissed the idea that mRAN4f8nDRU-01818-00479897-00480092 muhammad deliberately deceived his mRAN4f8nDRU-01819-00480093-00480332 followers arguing that muhammad was mRAN4f8nDRU-01820-00480333-00480629 absolutely sincere and acted in complete mRAN4f8nDRU-01821-00480630-00480922 good faith and Muhammad's readiness to mRAN4f8nDRU-01822-00480924-00481135 endure hardship for his cause with what mRAN4f8nDRU-01823-00481137-00481358 seemed to be no rational basis for hope mRAN4f8nDRU-01824-00481359-00481502 shows his sincerity mRAN4f8nDRU-01825-00481503-00481829 what however says that sincerity does mRAN4f8nDRU-01826-00481830-00482027 not directly imply correctness in mRAN4f8nDRU-01827-00482028-00482267 contemporary terms Muhammad might have mRAN4f8nDRU-01828-00482268-00482459 mistaken his subconscious for divine mRAN4f8nDRU-01829-00482460-00482807 revelation what and Bernard Lewis argued mRAN4f8nDRU-01830-00482808-00483008 that viewing Muhammad as a self seeking mRAN4f8nDRU-01831-00483009-00483224 impostor makes it impossible to mRAN4f8nDRU-01832-00483225-00483302 understand mRAN4f8nDRU-01833-00483303-00483671 Islam's development Alfred T Welch holds mRAN4f8nDRU-01834-00483672-00483845 that Muhammad was able to be so mRAN4f8nDRU-01835-00483846-00484076 influential and successful because of mRAN4f8nDRU-01836-00484077-00484754 his firm belief in his vocation mRAN4f8nDRU-01837-00484755-00485297 topic other religions mRAN4f8nDRU-01838-00485299-00485550 the highest venerate Mohammed as one of mRAN4f8nDRU-01839-00485551-00485784 a number of prophets are manifestations mRAN4f8nDRU-01840-00485785-00486122 of God he is thought to be the final mRAN4f8nDRU-01841-00486124-00486372 manifestation or seal of the Adamic mRAN4f8nDRU-01842-00486372-00486603 cycle but consider his teachings to have mRAN4f8nDRU-01843-00486604-00486828 been superseded by those of bahá'u'llah mRAN4f8nDRU-01844-00486829-00487029 the founder of the Baha'i faith and the mRAN4f8nDRU-01845-00487030-00487756 first manifestation of the current cycle mRAN4f8nDRU-01846-00487757-00488281 topic criticism mRAN4f8nDRU-01847-00488282-00488548 criticism of Mohammed has existed since mRAN4f8nDRU-01848-00488549-00488791 the 7th century when Muhammad was mRAN4f8nDRU-01849-00488792-00489004 decried by his non-muslim Arab mRAN4f8nDRU-01850-00489005-00489223 contemporaries for preaching monotheism mRAN4f8nDRU-01851-00489224-00489469 and by the Jewish tribes of Arabia for mRAN4f8nDRU-01852-00489470-00489664 his unwarranted appropriation of mRAN4f8nDRU-01853-00489665-00489892 biblical narratives and figures the two mRAN4f8nDRU-01854-00489893-00490060 per Asian of the Jewish faith and mRAN4f8nDRU-01855-00490061-00490364 proclaiming himself as the last prophet mRAN4f8nDRU-01856-00490364-00490618 without performing any miracle nor mRAN4f8nDRU-01857-00490619-00490816 showing any personal requirement mRAN4f8nDRU-01858-00490817-00490987 demanded in the Hebrew Bible to mRAN4f8nDRU-01859-00490988-00491206 distinguish a true prophet chosen by the mRAN4f8nDRU-01860-00491207-00491429 God of Israel from a false claimant for mRAN4f8nDRU-01861-00491430-00491569 these reasons they gave him the mRAN4f8nDRU-01862-00491570-00491923 derogatory nickname hama Suga Hebrew the mRAN4f8nDRU-01863-00491924-00492331 madman or the possessed during the mRAN4f8nDRU-01864-00492332-00492535 Middle Ages various Western and mRAN4f8nDRU-01865-00492536-00492754 Byzantine Christian thinkers considered mRAN4f8nDRU-01866-00492755-00492967 Muhammad to be a perverted deplorable mRAN4f8nDRU-01867-00492968-00493187 man a false prophet and even the mRAN4f8nDRU-01868-00493188-00493423 Antichrist as he was frequently seen in mRAN4f8nDRU-01869-00493424-00493645 Christendom as a heretic or possessed by mRAN4f8nDRU-01870-00493646-00493719 the demons mRAN4f8nDRU-01871-00493720-00493991 some of them like thomas aquinas mRAN4f8nDRU-01872-00493992-00494254 criticized Muhammad's promises of carnal mRAN4f8nDRU-01873-00494255-00494446 pleasure in the afterlife modern mRAN4f8nDRU-01874-00494447-00494687 religious and secular criticism of Islam mRAN4f8nDRU-01875-00494688-00494950 has concerned Muhammad's sincerity and mRAN4f8nDRU-01876-00494951-00495131 claiming to be a prophet his morality mRAN4f8nDRU-01877-00495132-00495425 his ownership of slaves his treatment of mRAN4f8nDRU-01878-00495426-00495658 enemies his marriages his treatment of mRAN4f8nDRU-01879-00495659-00495883 doctrinal matters and his psychological mRAN4f8nDRU-01880-00495884-00496181 condition Muhammad has been accused of mRAN4f8nDRU-01881-00496182-00496468 sadism and mercilessness including the mRAN4f8nDRU-01882-00496469-00496700 invasion of the banneker ASA tribe in mRAN4f8nDRU-01883-00496701-00497008 Medina sexual relationships with slaves mRAN4f8nDRU-01884-00497009-00497242 and his marriage to Aisha when she was mRAN4f8nDRU-01885-00497243-00497437 six years old which according to most mRAN4f8nDRU-01886-00497438-00497656 estimates was consummated when she was mRAN4f8nDRU-01887-00497657-00498213 nine mRAN4f8nDRU-01888-00498214-00498579 topic see also mRAN4f8nDRU-01889-00498580-00498768 you mRAN4f8nDRU-01890-00498769-00499138 equals equals notes mWjTXWD-ffk-00000-00000163-00000403 maybe if I get somebody to shut the door mWjTXWD-ffk-00001-00000404-00001428 back there would uh help yeah thank you mWjTXWD-ffk-00002-00001429-00001639 all right well thank you for coming my mWjTXWD-ffk-00003-00001641-00001751 name is philip davis i'll be mWjTXWD-ffk-00004-00001752-00001916 co-presenting with kurt min ki he's one mWjTXWD-ffk-00005-00001917-00002039 of the SMEs a helped develop the mWjTXWD-ffk-00006-00002039-00002315 curriculum so but between us will try to mWjTXWD-ffk-00007-00002316-00002516 tag team to keep within our 35 minutes mWjTXWD-ffk-00008-00002517-00002738 and hopefully we'll have time for Q&A at mWjTXWD-ffk-00009-00002739-00002926 the end i would like to start out by mWjTXWD-ffk-00010-00002927-00003133 saying that we're trying to organize an mWjTXWD-ffk-00011-00003134-00003329 educators bird of birds of the feather mWjTXWD-ffk-00012-00003329-00003494 tomorrow evening i think at eight-thirty mWjTXWD-ffk-00013-00003495-00003622 was the only time slot that was mWjTXWD-ffk-00014-00003623-00003809 available so if you look on the board mWjTXWD-ffk-00015-00003810-00003974 right in front of the the main foyer mWjTXWD-ffk-00016-00003975-00004106 down there there's a birds of a feather mWjTXWD-ffk-00017-00004107-00004372 we propose that so hopefully if there's mWjTXWD-ffk-00018-00004373-00004568 educators in the in the room or people mWjTXWD-ffk-00019-00004569-00004850 want to talk about education and open mWjTXWD-ffk-00020-00004851-00004970 source we can get together and talk mWjTXWD-ffk-00021-00004971-00005156 tomorrow night and also just spread the mWjTXWD-ffk-00022-00005157-00005276 word to other people if you see them mWjTXWD-ffk-00023-00005277-00005522 that are interested in that so good my mWjTXWD-ffk-00024-00005523-00005704 name is philip davis i'm a professor of mWjTXWD-ffk-00025-00005705-00005876 a computer science at del mar college mWjTXWD-ffk-00026-00005877-00006097 word to your community college in in mWjTXWD-ffk-00027-00006098-00006448 Corpus Christi Texas I've been in in GIS mWjTXWD-ffk-00028-00006450-00006634 education for about a decade now mWjTXWD-ffk-00029-00006634-00006842 computer science before that I've mWjTXWD-ffk-00030-00006843-00007058 managed a couple of NSF and DOL grants mWjTXWD-ffk-00031-00007059-00007292 which is how I got to here today so what mWjTXWD-ffk-00032-00007293-00007481 I want to talk about is the same called mWjTXWD-ffk-00033-00007481-00007723 building a new foss4g technology mWjTXWD-ffk-00034-00007725-00008020 workforce at the two-year community mWjTXWD-ffk-00035-00008022-00008167 college level what we're particularly mWjTXWD-ffk-00036-00008168-00008464 interested in is is building technicians mWjTXWD-ffk-00037-00008465-00008657 for the workforce and what I've seen mWjTXWD-ffk-00038-00008658-00008870 over the last decade in here is that on mWjTXWD-ffk-00039-00008871-00009023 the commercial side we're doing a really mWjTXWD-ffk-00040-00009024-00009164 a really good job of that especially mWjTXWD-ffk-00041-00009165-00009419 here in the US we have excellent GIS mWjTXWD-ffk-00042-00009420-00009623 programs that quite a few two-year and mWjTXWD-ffk-00043-00009624-00009874 four-year universities and colleges for mWjTXWD-ffk-00044-00009875-00010121 commercial GIS software but when it mWjTXWD-ffk-00045-00010122-00010295 comes to open source we're lagging way mWjTXWD-ffk-00046-00010296-00010510 behind so what I've been doing for the mWjTXWD-ffk-00047-00010511-00010676 past three years is trying to promote mWjTXWD-ffk-00048-00010677-00010880 that in terms of curriculum resources mWjTXWD-ffk-00049-00010881-00011117 for educators and then training and mWjTXWD-ffk-00050-00011118-00011303 whatever else it takes to try to to get mWjTXWD-ffk-00051-00011304-00011614 that going so that's the title of the mWjTXWD-ffk-00052-00011615-00011966 talk the opportunity these are just some mWjTXWD-ffk-00053-00011967-00012110 numbers I've pulled out the size of our mWjTXWD-ffk-00054-00012111-00012338 industry I think a lot of you realize mWjTXWD-ffk-00055-00012339-00012574 that that GIS is a fairly significant mWjTXWD-ffk-00056-00012575-00012844 industry but if you look out on a global mWjTXWD-ffk-00057-00012845-00013211 scale it's literally a huge industry ox mWjTXWD-ffk-00058-00013212-00013318 era which was mWjTXWD-ffk-00059-00013319-00013528 commissioned by Google a couple years mWjTXWD-ffk-00060-00013529-00013762 ago to do a study said that geospatial mWjTXWD-ffk-00061-00013763-00013903 if you look at on a global scale it is mWjTXWD-ffk-00062-00013904-00014080 five to ten times the size of the video mWjTXWD-ffk-00063-00014081-00014247 game industry which is not small by any mWjTXWD-ffk-00064-00014249-00014455 means and it's at least one-third the mWjTXWD-ffk-00065-00014456-00014632 size of the global airline industry mWjTXWD-ffk-00066-00014633-00014832 which is one of the largest in the world mWjTXWD-ffk-00067-00014833-00015130 and then also there was a great quote mWjTXWD-ffk-00068-00015131-00015316 from the Eclipse Foundation article by mWjTXWD-ffk-00069-00015316-00015637 jeff's ice recently talking about how mWjTXWD-ffk-00070-00015638-00015894 there's a lot of potential and he was mWjTXWD-ffk-00071-00015896-00016018 talking particularly about this one mWjTXWD-ffk-00072-00016019-00016183 industry that is the electrical mWjTXWD-ffk-00073-00016184-00016486 generation and distribution now there's mWjTXWD-ffk-00074-00016487-00016684 a huge potential for companies there to mWjTXWD-ffk-00075-00016685-00017023 adopt open source so I think the market mWjTXWD-ffk-00076-00017024-00017218 for open source geospatial has just mWjTXWD-ffk-00077-00017219-00017650 started to to see the potential but the mWjTXWD-ffk-00078-00017651-00017800 issue that we're going to have is where mWjTXWD-ffk-00079-00017801-00018010 the Technic technology workers that are mWjTXWD-ffk-00080-00018011-00018187 going to fill those jobs and grow the mWjTXWD-ffk-00081-00018188-00018358 industry if that's what we wanted to do mWjTXWD-ffk-00082-00018359-00018613 so for me I say the challenge for open mWjTXWD-ffk-00083-00018614-00018793 source adoption particularly in in mWjTXWD-ffk-00084-00018794-00019060 education is currently less than five mWjTXWD-ffk-00085-00019061-00019249 percent of us colleges and universities mWjTXWD-ffk-00086-00019250-00019438 offer any kind of training and open mWjTXWD-ffk-00087-00019439-00019822 source software and you do find two and mWjTXWD-ffk-00088-00019823-00019972 four-year universities that do a good mWjTXWD-ffk-00089-00019973-00020197 job at it but again they're far and few mWjTXWD-ffk-00090-00020198-00020566 between esri higher education group mWjTXWD-ffk-00091-00020567-00020785 reports that arcgis is currently used in mWjTXWD-ffk-00092-00020786-00020989 seven thousand colleges and universities mWjTXWD-ffk-00093-00020990-00021229 worldwide so if you think about if mWjTXWD-ffk-00094-00021230-00021418 there's about 2800 colleges in the mWjTXWD-ffk-00095-00021419-00021682 United States and Ezra I'm pretty sure mWjTXWD-ffk-00096-00021683-00021853 is in every one of those that has any mWjTXWD-ffk-00097-00021854-00021972 kind of juice official or geography mWjTXWD-ffk-00098-00021973-00022315 program so globally commercial software mWjTXWD-ffk-00099-00022316-00022510 is found in seven thousand universities mWjTXWD-ffk-00100-00022511-00022719 and I think globally you probably would mWjTXWD-ffk-00101-00022720-00022933 be lucky to find it in several hundred mWjTXWD-ffk-00102-00022934-00023137 universities for open source I know mWjTXWD-ffk-00103-00023138-00023356 there's a Geo for open which is brick mWjTXWD-ffk-00104-00023357-00023674 which is a relatively new i ca Oh SEO mWjTXWD-ffk-00105-00023675-00023887 initiative trying to get geospatial mWjTXWD-ffk-00106-00023888-00024072 technology into universities and mWjTXWD-ffk-00107-00024073-00024274 colleges currently we're standing at mWjTXWD-ffk-00108-00024275-00024475 about 91 universities that have joined mWjTXWD-ffk-00109-00024476-00024787 that initiative so we have a long ways mWjTXWD-ffk-00110-00024788-00025000 to go is essentially so it's 7,000 mWjTXWD-ffk-00111-00025001-00025218 colleges universities versus a hundred mWjTXWD-ffk-00112-00025219-00025608 basically commercial foss4g training are mWjTXWD-ffk-00113-00025610-00025989 far few between and predominantly mWjTXWD-ffk-00114-00025989-00026320 place-based face-to-face so if you want mWjTXWD-ffk-00115-00026320-00026458 to get trained up in mWjTXWD-ffk-00116-00026458-00026647 quantum work youjizz or if you want to mWjTXWD-ffk-00117-00026648-00026893 get trained up in in any of the open mWjTXWD-ffk-00118-00026894-00027082 source technologies you've really got to mWjTXWD-ffk-00119-00027083-00027307 look for a provider in your area to do mWjTXWD-ffk-00120-00027308-00027583 that it's a lack of recognized open mWjTXWD-ffk-00121-00027583-00027777 source interesting certification I think mWjTXWD-ffk-00122-00027779-00028051 that's going to be solved this year for mWjTXWD-ffk-00123-00028052-00028389 Q GS I know the hugest project has mWjTXWD-ffk-00124-00028391-00028533 talked about doing their own industry mWjTXWD-ffk-00125-00028535-00028795 certification finally the educators have mWjTXWD-ffk-00126-00028795-00028924 been making a lot of noise about that mWjTXWD-ffk-00127-00028925-00029058 for the last year or two we would like mWjTXWD-ffk-00128-00029060-00029265 to have a certification out there as an mWjTXWD-ffk-00129-00029266-00029455 educator it's better for me it's easier mWjTXWD-ffk-00130-00029456-00029652 for me to train to a certification if mWjTXWD-ffk-00131-00029654-00029962 you will than it is just to come up my mWjTXWD-ffk-00132-00029963-00030202 own curriculum so it's always better for mWjTXWD-ffk-00133-00030202-00030420 us as educators if industry will lead mWjTXWD-ffk-00134-00030422-00030574 the effort and tell us exactly what it mWjTXWD-ffk-00135-00030575-00030706 is that they want their workers to know mWjTXWD-ffk-00136-00030707-00030868 then it makes it easier for us to mWjTXWD-ffk-00137-00030869-00031140 develop material for that commercial mWjTXWD-ffk-00138-00031141-00031296 vendors have well-established training mWjTXWD-ffk-00139-00031297-00031512 program and certification pathways so mWjTXWD-ffk-00140-00031513-00031695 there's a lot of challenges for open mWjTXWD-ffk-00141-00031697-00032139 source so what what I tried what I try mWjTXWD-ffk-00142-00032141-00032350 to do on sort of an individual basis mWjTXWD-ffk-00143-00032351-00032536 with the limited resources that i have mWjTXWD-ffk-00144-00032537-00032758 is to try to kick start this thing if mWjTXWD-ffk-00145-00032758-00032974 you will so I came with this thing mWjTXWD-ffk-00146-00032975-00033165 called the Geo Kadim II and again that mWjTXWD-ffk-00147-00033166-00033382 was just a sort of a brain fart that I mWjTXWD-ffk-00148-00033383-00033634 came up with a couple years ago and what mWjTXWD-ffk-00149-00033635-00033835 the Geo Kadim is is really just a loose mWjTXWD-ffk-00150-00033836-00034102 confederation of us face researchers and mWjTXWD-ffk-00151-00034103-00034437 educators so Kurt is a private mWjTXWD-ffk-00152-00034438-00034639 consultant in Albuquerque New Mexico he mWjTXWD-ffk-00153-00034640-00034810 teaches part-time for a university and mWjTXWD-ffk-00154-00034811-00034960 to your community college error which is mWjTXWD-ffk-00155-00034961-00035143 how we knew each other there's a couple mWjTXWD-ffk-00156-00035144-00035296 of other people involved in this but we mWjTXWD-ffk-00157-00035297-00035533 have no formal or financial mWjTXWD-ffk-00158-00035534-00035770 collaboration we're not a company we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00159-00035771-00035932 not even a college we're just a group of mWjTXWD-ffk-00160-00035933-00036064 educators that are interested in mWjTXWD-ffk-00161-00036065-00036321 promoting open source the curriculum mWjTXWD-ffk-00162-00036322-00036462 development effort has spanned three mWjTXWD-ffk-00163-00036463-00036640 years and has resulted in what we think mWjTXWD-ffk-00164-00036641-00036850 is an integrated set of five courses mWjTXWD-ffk-00165-00036851-00037077 that Kurt will talk about quickly mWjTXWD-ffk-00166-00037078-00037285 pedagogically is based upon the US mWjTXWD-ffk-00167-00037286-00037468 Department of Labor's geospatial mWjTXWD-ffk-00168-00037469-00037671 technology company model the GT cm you mWjTXWD-ffk-00169-00037672-00037861 may be familiar with that so the mWjTXWD-ffk-00170-00037862-00038080 background of what is being taught in mWjTXWD-ffk-00171-00038081-00038251 these courses what's being offered is mWjTXWD-ffk-00172-00038252-00038446 based in something it's based on a mWjTXWD-ffk-00173-00038447-00038782 standard that we have which is a GCM and mWjTXWD-ffk-00174-00038783-00038932 it was developed using funds from the mWjTXWD-ffk-00175-00038933-00039112 National Science Foundation along with mWjTXWD-ffk-00176-00039113-00039301 the Department of Labor grant there for mWjTXWD-ffk-00177-00039302-00039430 all the material that you'll see today mWjTXWD-ffk-00178-00039431-00039619 is going to be offered under Creative mWjTXWD-ffk-00179-00039620-00039745 Commons it's already out there and to mWjTXWD-ffk-00180-00039746-00039775 create mWjTXWD-ffk-00181-00039776-00040021 Commons we're redoing versions of it as mWjTXWD-ffk-00182-00040022-00040219 we speak the first lab just came into my mWjTXWD-ffk-00183-00040220-00040468 inbox this morning on the new two point mWjTXWD-ffk-00184-00040469-00040621 eight point one so all this material mWjTXWD-ffk-00185-00040622-00040749 will be available for you to download mWjTXWD-ffk-00186-00040750-00041095 shortly so the goals were to expand the mWjTXWD-ffk-00187-00041096-00041290 use of open source GIS and college mWjTXWD-ffk-00188-00041291-00041541 universities prepare our future workers mWjTXWD-ffk-00189-00041542-00041869 to provide educators and trainers with mWjTXWD-ffk-00190-00041870-00042067 the foundational open source open mWjTXWD-ffk-00191-00042068-00042313 educational resources if you go and look mWjTXWD-ffk-00192-00042314-00042481 at the commercial side of it how many of mWjTXWD-ffk-00193-00042482-00042784 you have ever used a Zuri's virtual mWjTXWD-ffk-00194-00042785-00042985 campus if you look at what they've got mWjTXWD-ffk-00195-00042986-00043168 out there it's wonderful resources so if mWjTXWD-ffk-00196-00043169-00043333 you were a new geography teacher trying mWjTXWD-ffk-00197-00043334-00043561 to teach GIS and you need education mWjTXWD-ffk-00198-00043562-00043786 resources you just call it busy they mWjTXWD-ffk-00199-00043787-00043936 send weather higher ed team out there mWjTXWD-ffk-00200-00043937-00044110 and bam you know your setup you got all mWjTXWD-ffk-00201-00044111-00044293 material if you're trying to do that an mWjTXWD-ffk-00202-00044294-00044500 open source good luck I mean it's going mWjTXWD-ffk-00203-00044501-00044713 to be it's going to be hard to find the mWjTXWD-ffk-00204-00044714-00044917 material so until we have that mWjTXWD-ffk-00205-00044918-00045268 repository then we got a long ways to go mWjTXWD-ffk-00206-00045269-00045568 a third thing we'd like to do is expand mWjTXWD-ffk-00207-00045569-00046063 the OSG oh I see a is PRS geo for all mWjTXWD-ffk-00208-00046064-00046246 initiative how many of you have heard of mWjTXWD-ffk-00209-00046247-00046678 the geo for all not a lot but if you mWjTXWD-ffk-00210-00046679-00046942 just look on geo 44 l dot work basically mWjTXWD-ffk-00211-00046943-00047173 it's just a non-profit we're just part mWjTXWD-ffk-00212-00047174-00047314 of those gia we're a project to know mWjTXWD-ffk-00213-00047315-00047584 askew trying to get open source into mWjTXWD-ffk-00214-00047585-00047860 higher education and so if you're mWjTXWD-ffk-00215-00047861-00048004 associated with a college or university mWjTXWD-ffk-00216-00048005-00048199 if you'd like to apply for it's got mWjTXWD-ffk-00217-00048200-00048397 fairly low barriers of entry there's mWjTXWD-ffk-00218-00048398-00048628 zero cost and the collaboration is mWjTXWD-ffk-00219-00048629-00048775 wonderful once you get on the wiki's and mWjTXWD-ffk-00220-00048776-00048949 the listservs you get all kinds of mWjTXWD-ffk-00221-00048950-00049144 resources available and like I say mWjTXWD-ffk-00222-00049145-00049306 currently worked at almost 100 mWjTXWD-ffk-00223-00049307-00049591 universities and colleges so encourage mWjTXWD-ffk-00224-00049592-00049780 your university to join that if you mWjTXWD-ffk-00225-00049781-00049996 haven't already we also want to mWjTXWD-ffk-00226-00049997-00050155 demonstrate the success of the Academy mWjTXWD-ffk-00227-00050156-00050386 materials for online learning and try to mWjTXWD-ffk-00228-00050387-00050641 spearhead teaching opportunities to work mWjTXWD-ffk-00229-00050642-00050950 with remote and underserved populations mWjTXWD-ffk-00230-00050951-00051216 from around the globe and then finally mWjTXWD-ffk-00231-00051217-00051382 to build a self-sustaining community of mWjTXWD-ffk-00232-00051383-00051630 practice among the educators that last mWjTXWD-ffk-00233-00051632-00051816 goal is really what is what I'm mWjTXWD-ffk-00234-00051817-00051982 passionate about and that is to get a mWjTXWD-ffk-00235-00051983-00052237 group of educators that are using open mWjTXWD-ffk-00236-00052238-00052371 source that will collaborate with one mWjTXWD-ffk-00237-00052372-00052597 another and support one another if we mWjTXWD-ffk-00238-00052598-00052807 get to that point folks then we mWjTXWD-ffk-00239-00052808-00053004 succeeded then that the community will mWjTXWD-ffk-00240-00053005-00053067 grow mWjTXWD-ffk-00241-00053069-00053233 but until we get to that point it's mWjTXWD-ffk-00242-00053234-00053383 going to be a little bit of a of an mWjTXWD-ffk-00243-00053384-00053647 effort what I'd like to do is ask her to mWjTXWD-ffk-00244-00053648-00053863 come up Kurt was one of the three sm mWjTXWD-ffk-00245-00053864-00054007 ease that we had to develop internal and mWjTXWD-ffk-00246-00054008-00054169 talk a little bit about the the five mWjTXWD-ffk-00247-00054170-00055873 courses Kurt make sure I don't stay mWjTXWD-ffk-00248-00055874-00056541 attached to there you go you got the mWjTXWD-ffk-00249-00056542-00057970 wrong one this this is harder than mWjTXWD-ffk-00250-00057971-00058909 developing the curriculum okay again my mWjTXWD-ffk-00251-00058910-00059161 name's Kurt minky and I'm a GIS mWjTXWD-ffk-00252-00059162-00059541 consultant based in Albuquerque I'm an mWjTXWD-ffk-00253-00059542-00059686 old hand at GIS have been doing this for mWjTXWD-ffk-00254-00059687-00060073 about 20 years and it's exciting to see mWjTXWD-ffk-00255-00060074-00060253 the educational material getting to this mWjTXWD-ffk-00256-00060254-00060382 point so I'm just going to quickly run mWjTXWD-ffk-00257-00060383-00060628 through the five courses that are part mWjTXWD-ffk-00258-00060629-00061191 of this geo Academy the first one is GST mWjTXWD-ffk-00259-00061192-00061479 101 and with all of these what we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00260-00061480-00061840 basically doing is teaching students how mWjTXWD-ffk-00261-00061841-00062197 to do GIS but using open source so we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00262-00062198-00062379 not just teaching people how to use QGIS mWjTXWD-ffk-00263-00062380-00062509 we're really teaching all the mWjTXWD-ffk-00264-00062510-00062947 fundamentals of GIS along the way this mWjTXWD-ffk-00265-00062948-00063229 first course covers things like data mWjTXWD-ffk-00266-00063229-00063451 models working with spatial reference mWjTXWD-ffk-00267-00063452-00063819 systems editing data geo referencing and mWjTXWD-ffk-00268-00063820-00064170 some very basic remote sensing and mWjTXWD-ffk-00269-00064171-00064585 spatial analysis principles I'll give mWjTXWD-ffk-00270-00064586-00064873 you a couple of screenshots of what some mWjTXWD-ffk-00271-00064874-00065086 of the material is so like in this class mWjTXWD-ffk-00272-00065087-00065347 there's seven labs one of them covers mWjTXWD-ffk-00273-00065348-00065668 cartography remake a map here of greater mWjTXWD-ffk-00274-00065669-00066034 sage-grouse habitat in the western US in mWjTXWD-ffk-00275-00066035-00066385 these labs also one thing we've done mWjTXWD-ffk-00276-00066386-00066685 is developed youtube videos so if a lab mWjTXWD-ffk-00277-00066686-00066963 has four tasks in it there'll be a mWjTXWD-ffk-00278-00066964-00067251 YouTube video for each task so for mWjTXWD-ffk-00279-00067252-00067366 people who don't want to sit there and mWjTXWD-ffk-00280-00067367-00067678 read a 25-page lab they can watch a four mWjTXWD-ffk-00281-00067679-00067968 or five minute YouTube video and see the mWjTXWD-ffk-00282-00067969-00068488 basic points of that lab exercise it mWjTXWD-ffk-00283-00068489-00068680 covers geo referencing using the geo mWjTXWD-ffk-00284-00068681-00069106 referencing plug-in vector data editing mWjTXWD-ffk-00285-00069107-00069304 just the basics of editing vector data mWjTXWD-ffk-00286-00069305-00069622 and then finishes up in the last lab of mWjTXWD-ffk-00287-00069623-00069784 the first course with doing a basic mWjTXWD-ffk-00288-00069785-00069937 spatial analysis where you have to mWjTXWD-ffk-00289-00069938-00070405 select by location do some buffering and mWjTXWD-ffk-00290-00070406-00070644 some some of those simple vector mWjTXWD-ffk-00291-00070645-00071191 analysis techniques the 102 class kind mWjTXWD-ffk-00292-00071192-00071479 of goes from there and feeds focuses on mWjTXWD-ffk-00293-00071480-00072106 spatial analysis so you learn how to do mWjTXWD-ffk-00294-00072107-00072363 the basic vector overlay techniques like mWjTXWD-ffk-00295-00072364-00072703 intersect Union this is a screenshot of mWjTXWD-ffk-00296-00072704-00073060 identifying the overlap between two mWjTXWD-ffk-00297-00073061-00073668 habitat layers on a national forest you mWjTXWD-ffk-00298-00073669-00073885 learn how to use the graphical modeler mWjTXWD-ffk-00299-00073886-00074050 which i think is one of the pretty mWjTXWD-ffk-00300-00074051-00074374 exciting fairly new pieces of QGIS where mWjTXWD-ffk-00301-00074375-00075081 you can automate workflows learn how to mWjTXWD-ffk-00302-00075082-00075493 develop surfaces from points as like the mWjTXWD-ffk-00303-00075494-00075724 column heat maps in QGIS interpolate a mWjTXWD-ffk-00304-00075725-00076129 surface do buffers select by location in mWjTXWD-ffk-00305-00076130-00076405 this case to buffer the path of our mWjTXWD-ffk-00306-00076406-00076675 tornado in a community and then identify mWjTXWD-ffk-00307-00076676-00077065 the parcels that were affected by it so mWjTXWD-ffk-00308-00077066-00077179 kind of turning some data into mWjTXWD-ffk-00309-00077180-00077503 information learn how to use the grass mWjTXWD-ffk-00310-00077504-00077751 plugin in this case to do network mWjTXWD-ffk-00311-00077752-00078067 analysis fastest route shortest route mWjTXWD-ffk-00312-00078068-00078388 and then also break a street network mWjTXWD-ffk-00313-00078389-00078663 into use areas this is actually the san mWjTXWD-ffk-00314-00078664-00078988 francisco street network broken into mWjTXWD-ffk-00315-00078989-00079342 areas based on i think its police mWjTXWD-ffk-00316-00079343-00079569 precincts i can't remember mWjTXWD-ffk-00317-00079570-00079906 and then some basic trainin alisis how mWjTXWD-ffk-00318-00079907-00080146 to develop a hill shade slope aspect mWjTXWD-ffk-00319-00080147-00080857 those de M related rasters the 103 mWjTXWD-ffk-00320-00080858-00081157 course focuses on data acquisition and mWjTXWD-ffk-00321-00081158-00081607 data management so in this course mWjTXWD-ffk-00322-00081608-00081848 there's a lab on how to set up a spatial mWjTXWD-ffk-00323-00081849-00082219 light database with in QGIS populate mWjTXWD-ffk-00324-00082220-00082768 that with data how to work with topology mWjTXWD-ffk-00325-00082769-00082928 so look at the relationships between mWjTXWD-ffk-00326-00082929-00083344 features and use that to QA QC a parcel mWjTXWD-ffk-00327-00083345-00083644 database and then use your vector mWjTXWD-ffk-00328-00083645-00083899 editing skills to repair what errors you mWjTXWD-ffk-00329-00083900-00084524 find learn how to look at metadata learn mWjTXWD-ffk-00330-00084525-00084785 what metadata is and how to explore that mWjTXWD-ffk-00331-00084786-00085387 from within QGIS then the 104 class mWjTXWD-ffk-00332-00085388-00085669 focuses on cartography and this goes mWjTXWD-ffk-00333-00085670-00085904 beyond QGIS and uses the the vector mWjTXWD-ffk-00334-00085905-00086161 editing open source package inkscape and mWjTXWD-ffk-00335-00086162-00086441 combination with QGIS so students learn mWjTXWD-ffk-00336-00086442-00086707 how to first of all deal with the issue mWjTXWD-ffk-00337-00086708-00087012 of coordinate systems in this course and mWjTXWD-ffk-00338-00087013-00087313 get data layers and different CRS is to mWjTXWD-ffk-00339-00087314-00087703 align and then there's a few labs on mWjTXWD-ffk-00340-00087704-00087904 cartography where you start out mWjTXWD-ffk-00341-00087905-00088162 developing a map styling all the layers mWjTXWD-ffk-00342-00088163-00088499 in QGIS export that as SVG bring it into mWjTXWD-ffk-00343-00088500-00088766 inkscape and finish the map in inkscape mWjTXWD-ffk-00344-00088767-00088979 so it's a good lab it cover some of the mWjTXWD-ffk-00345-00088980-00089510 gotchas in that workflow and the final mWjTXWD-ffk-00346-00089511-00089774 course focuses on remote sensing so this mWjTXWD-ffk-00347-00089775-00090069 class uses q just but it also uses mWjTXWD-ffk-00348-00090070-00090307 standalone grass as well as the grass mWjTXWD-ffk-00349-00090308-00090590 plugin depending on which lab the you're mWjTXWD-ffk-00350-00090591-00090917 on so you learn about satellite imagery mWjTXWD-ffk-00351-00090918-00091105 multiband imagery and some of the issues mWjTXWD-ffk-00352-00091106-00091603 with that band combinations ndvi mWjTXWD-ffk-00353-00091604-00091879 calculating ndvi from a Landsat image mWjTXWD-ffk-00354-00091880-00092275 and then the last several labs focus on mWjTXWD-ffk-00355-00092276-00092486 the difference between a supervised and mWjTXWD-ffk-00356-00092487-00092749 unsupervised classification of satellite mWjTXWD-ffk-00357-00092750-00093099 imagery mWjTXWD-ffk-00358-00093100-00093301 so Phil think this is where I turn it mWjTXWD-ffk-00359-00093302-00094699 back over to fill you well it's in mWjTXWD-ffk-00360-00094700-00094871 person hours i'm not sure if i can give mWjTXWD-ffk-00361-00094872-00095005 a good answer but they're designed to be mWjTXWD-ffk-00362-00095006-00095332 full semester college courses so there mWjTXWD-ffk-00363-00095333-00095735 are also quizzes and midterm and final mWjTXWD-ffk-00364-00095736-00095974 exams associated with these and all the mWjTXWD-ffk-00365-00095975-00096148 lecture material in addition to the labs mWjTXWD-ffk-00366-00096149-00096542 so we've been teaching this in an online mWjTXWD-ffk-00367-00096543-00096746 forum recently which phil will talk mWjTXWD-ffk-00368-00096747-00096931 about in a kind of a continuing ed mWjTXWD-ffk-00369-00096932-00097207 format and students can do a course in a mWjTXWD-ffk-00370-00097208-00097501 month if they you know work at it so you mWjTXWD-ffk-00371-00097502-00097612 know if you were really fast you can mWjTXWD-ffk-00372-00097613-00097865 probably one in two weeks slower mWjTXWD-ffk-00373-00097866-00099023 learners might take a couple months yeah mWjTXWD-ffk-00374-00099024-00099280 that's becoming a big issue you know we mWjTXWD-ffk-00375-00099281-00099436 developed these courses last summer when mWjTXWD-ffk-00376-00099437-00099601 we were at kew just 22 and now we're at mWjTXWD-ffk-00377-00099602-00099941 28 so with the material being or the mWjTXWD-ffk-00378-00099942-00100097 software coming through updates every mWjTXWD-ffk-00379-00100098-00100354 four months we're finding that we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00380-00100355-00100468 actually going through the exercise of mWjTXWD-ffk-00381-00100469-00100774 updating them now 228 so I'm glad that mWjTXWD-ffk-00382-00100775-00101060 they're at the long term release point mWjTXWD-ffk-00383-00101061-00101332 here with QGIS so probably this point we mWjTXWD-ffk-00384-00101333-00101534 can get away with updating in once a mWjTXWD-ffk-00385-00101535-00102390 year mWjTXWD-ffk-00386-00102391-00102582 there I worked on that as well mWjTXWD-ffk-00387-00102583-00103454 um no I mean not not directly no we mWjTXWD-ffk-00388-00103455-00103803 agreed yeah agreed they're like phila mWjTXWD-ffk-00389-00103804-00104184 these were aligned with the GT cm this mWjTXWD-ffk-00390-00104185-00104352 hierarchical model that the Department mWjTXWD-ffk-00391-00104353-00104647 of Labor came out with for what skills mWjTXWD-ffk-00392-00104648-00104851 and abilities a GIS specialist needs to mWjTXWD-ffk-00393-00104852-00105124 have in the market today and so they're mWjTXWD-ffk-00394-00105125-00105289 not I guess the one difference would be mWjTXWD-ffk-00395-00105290-00105571 that these are teaching general ji is mWjTXWD-ffk-00396-00105572-00105844 using QGIS and grass instead of just mWjTXWD-ffk-00397-00105845-00105958 learning how to use the different mWjTXWD-ffk-00398-00105958-00106144 functions and grass so there's a little mWjTXWD-ffk-00399-00106145-00106413 bit of difference but I think there's a mWjTXWD-ffk-00400-00106414-00107139 there's a lot of overlap for sure well mWjTXWD-ffk-00401-00107140-00107289 listen this will be the last version to mWjTXWD-ffk-00402-00107290-00107431 get out of us because of money runs out mWjTXWD-ffk-00403-00107432-00107695 at the end of the summer so what we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00404-00107696-00107838 going to do what we've been doing is mWjTXWD-ffk-00405-00107839-00107988 turning this over to the community and mWjTXWD-ffk-00406-00107989-00108244 if the kujoo project or whoever wants to mWjTXWD-ffk-00407-00108245-00108574 pick up on it please it's all I Center mWjTXWD-ffk-00408-00108575-00108748 the lights were to create a problem you mWjTXWD-ffk-00409-00108749-00109347 know is also in github so we've got it mWjTXWD-ffk-00410-00109348-00109693 we're basically work in our what we've mWjTXWD-ffk-00411-00109694-00109831 got it in markdown language and github mWjTXWD-ffk-00412-00109832-00110600 as well mWjTXWD-ffk-00413-00110601-00110799 scripting mWjTXWD-ffk-00414-00110800-00111000 oh i think there's plenty of room for mWjTXWD-ffk-00415-00111001-00111275 yeah more advanced topics in this mWjTXWD-ffk-00416-00111276-00111573 absolutely and even topical courses i'm mWjTXWD-ffk-00417-00111574-00111767 actually developing a public health mWjTXWD-ffk-00418-00111768-00111975 companion course kind of written in the mWjTXWD-ffk-00419-00111976-00112146 same style as this right now for public mWjTXWD-ffk-00420-00112147-00112266 health professionals that want to use mWjTXWD-ffk-00421-00112267-00112530 qgis so I think there's a lot of room mWjTXWD-ffk-00422-00112531-00112728 for more and we're getting some cracks mWjTXWD-ffk-00423-00112729-00112896 in terms of the dolphin people at office mWjTXWD-ffk-00424-00112897-00113232 I just got a bit eventbrite Viper day mWjTXWD-ffk-00425-00113233-00113400 from one of the professors that help mWjTXWD-ffk-00426-00113401-00113607 it's actually a student is one of the mWjTXWD-ffk-00427-00113608-00113763 same he's going to teach an introduction mWjTXWD-ffk-00428-00113764-00113958 acute this workshop in Kentucky this mWjTXWD-ffk-00429-00113958-00114114 summer base once in the current we've mWjTXWD-ffk-00430-00114115-00114333 done so and there's people in Finland I mWjTXWD-ffk-00431-00114333-00114480 know they're using that people in mWjTXWD-ffk-00432-00114481-00114717 Denmark using material right now so it mWjTXWD-ffk-00433-00114718-00114879 was never meant anything for the mWjTXWD-ffk-00434-00114880-00115068 starting point just an introductory for mWjTXWD-ffk-00435-00115069-00115340 internet review up to GIS technology mWjTXWD-ffk-00436-00115341-00115530 yeah i was gonna ask for a similar mWjTXWD-ffk-00437-00115531-00115869 question like what I no way back one mWjTXWD-ffk-00438-00115870-00116070 once upon a time I took a class in the mWjTXWD-ffk-00439-00116071-00116325 jazz you know programming between the mWjTXWD-ffk-00440-00116326-00116681 cops I and I wonder mWjTXWD-ffk-00441-00116682-00116972 the same style about creating a plug-in mWjTXWD-ffk-00442-00116973-00117473 or well the answer that question is mWjTXWD-ffk-00443-00117474-00117775 let's create this community of practice mWjTXWD-ffk-00444-00117776-00117979 that we talked about once that CEO be mWjTXWD-ffk-00445-00117980-00118126 the community preference of educators mWjTXWD-ffk-00446-00118127-00118295 and people come together and work mWjTXWD-ffk-00447-00118296-00118516 together on this then then we can do all mWjTXWD-ffk-00448-00118517-00118687 kinds of wonderful things again this was mWjTXWD-ffk-00449-00118688-00119710 just a Kickstarter great questions by mWjTXWD-ffk-00450-00119711-00121678 the way thank you did you ever play was mWjTXWD-ffk-00451-00121679-00121871 that honestly unaware of that until I mWjTXWD-ffk-00452-00121872-00122104 heard the same talk so I think there's mWjTXWD-ffk-00453-00122105-00122913 always room for collaborating and do mWjTXWD-ffk-00454-00122914-00123128 they have some less mWjTXWD-ffk-00455-00123129-00123377 the specifically to property P and some mWjTXWD-ffk-00456-00123378-00123587 are general introduction to map design mWjTXWD-ffk-00457-00123588-00124223 as a general concept right yeah he was mWjTXWD-ffk-00458-00124224-00124445 talking about the previous talk covered mWjTXWD-ffk-00459-00124446-00124952 cart 0 BB in there was a the cart 0 BB mWjTXWD-ffk-00460-00124953-00125141 Academy was discussed in the three years mWjTXWD-ffk-00461-00125142-00125351 talking but he was asking if there was mWjTXWD-ffk-00462-00125352-00125694 any room for collaboration with efforts mWjTXWD-ffk-00463-00125695-00126554 like that definitely yes sir yeah I'm mWjTXWD-ffk-00464-00126555-00126812 just going to cover that so the results mWjTXWD-ffk-00465-00126813-00126962 so far we've got five courses that are mWjTXWD-ffk-00466-00126963-00127100 published and reuse out on our github mWjTXWD-ffk-00467-00127101-00127383 we've had 7500 people enroll in one of mWjTXWD-ffk-00468-00127383-00127569 our free courses in the last basically mWjTXWD-ffk-00469-00127570-00127857 10 months about a dozen colleges have mWjTXWD-ffk-00470-00127858-00128031 adopted the curriculum that I'm aware of mWjTXWD-ffk-00471-00128032-00128174 and again a lot of adoption may be mWjTXWD-ffk-00472-00128175-00128370 happening that I'm not aware of our mWjTXWD-ffk-00473-00128371-00128558 websites had more than 50,000 visit mWjTXWD-ffk-00474-00128559-00128745 which i think is pretty interesting just mWjTXWD-ffk-00475-00128746-00128915 based on the little social media mWjTXWD-ffk-00476-00128916-00129134 spamming that I do our partner colleges mWjTXWD-ffk-00477-00129135-00129449 now have members we are now members of mWjTXWD-ffk-00478-00129450-00129650 the geo for all initiative and we mWjTXWD-ffk-00479-00129651-00129822 literally have impacted educators mWjTXWD-ffk-00480-00129823-00129981 trainers professionals from every mWjTXWD-ffk-00481-00129982-00130151 continent in the globe including a lot mWjTXWD-ffk-00482-00130152-00130320 of third world nations what you might mWjTXWD-ffk-00483-00130321-00130502 think of as several nations in terms of mWjTXWD-ffk-00484-00130503-00130758 their economics so this is just a mWjTXWD-ffk-00485-00130758-00131024 screenshot of the Academy website and on mWjTXWD-ffk-00486-00131025-00131201 March 8th we had hit right at about mWjTXWD-ffk-00487-00131202-00131477 50,000 views which i think is fairly mWjTXWD-ffk-00488-00131478-00131654 impressive since it's just a basically mWjTXWD-ffk-00489-00131655-00131924 just a wordpress site we're currently mWjTXWD-ffk-00490-00131925-00132152 offering right now we're in the second mWjTXWD-ffk-00491-00132153-00132362 of a four-week mooc on the canvas mWjTXWD-ffk-00492-00132363-00132614 network so there's Coursera and EDX and mWjTXWD-ffk-00493-00132615-00132785 the big guys right we have to be an Ivy mWjTXWD-ffk-00494-00132786-00133013 League multi-million dollar MOOC to get mWjTXWD-ffk-00495-00133014-00133214 on there so there's the second level mWjTXWD-ffk-00496-00133215-00133379 players which is the canvas Network and mWjTXWD-ffk-00497-00133380-00133643 that's where we're currently playing and mWjTXWD-ffk-00498-00133644-00133934 this is a screenshot of the opening page mWjTXWD-ffk-00499-00133935-00134181 for the canvas MOOC which started at the mWjTXWD-ffk-00500-00134182-00134457 last week of februari this is what the mWjTXWD-ffk-00501-00134458-00134636 landing page looks like there's a first mWjTXWD-ffk-00502-00134637-00134931 couple modules in the second module I mWjTXWD-ffk-00503-00134932-00135116 would note down there in the lower right mWjTXWD-ffk-00504-00135117-00135326 it's all licensed under Creative Commons mWjTXWD-ffk-00505-00135327-00135495 kind of hard to see but the little red mWjTXWD-ffk-00506-00135496-00135684 arrow down there so all the material mWjTXWD-ffk-00507-00135685-00135923 again is for free redistribution we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00508-00135924-00136136 not copywriting this we're not literally mWjTXWD-ffk-00509-00136137-00136373 not making a dime off of this in terms mWjTXWD-ffk-00510-00136374-00136479 of our personal is mWjTXWD-ffk-00511-00136480-00136656 just a matter where we have federal mWjTXWD-ffk-00512-00136657-00136782 grants and we're trying to push a mWjTXWD-ffk-00513-00136783-00137211 material out for people to use the mood mWjTXWD-ffk-00514-00137212-00137373 currently is that about 4,500 people mWjTXWD-ffk-00515-00137374-00137559 that enrolled but if you know anything mWjTXWD-ffk-00516-00137560-00137724 about MOOCs there's the number of people mWjTXWD-ffk-00517-00137725-00137880 that enroll and there's a people that mWjTXWD-ffk-00518-00137881-00138027 participate right and they're not the mWjTXWD-ffk-00519-00138028-00138225 same how many of you just heard the mWjTXWD-ffk-00520-00138226-00138692 recent no directions media just put on mWjTXWD-ffk-00521-00138693-00138993 the Geo int they had a webinar talking mWjTXWD-ffk-00522-00138994-00139209 about their 21,000 person Luke that they mWjTXWD-ffk-00523-00139210-00139437 just completed here in March and that mWjTXWD-ffk-00524-00139438-00139617 the two presenters from Penn State mWjTXWD-ffk-00525-00139618-00139791 talked about they had 21,000 people mWjTXWD-ffk-00526-00139792-00139998 enrolled and they literally had 1,100 mWjTXWD-ffk-00527-00139999-00140403 people complete the course which is it's mWjTXWD-ffk-00528-00140404-00140694 pretty good actually so these are some mWjTXWD-ffk-00529-00140695-00140940 testimonials just off people that have mWjTXWD-ffk-00530-00140941-00141111 signed up for the MOOC the first mWjTXWD-ffk-00531-00141112-00141252 assignment was basically introduce mWjTXWD-ffk-00532-00141253-00141483 yourself so see we've got a gentleman mWjTXWD-ffk-00533-00141484-00141720 from from Bangladesh and they're using mWjTXWD-ffk-00534-00141721-00141885 the courts to help them do baseline mWjTXWD-ffk-00535-00141886-00142200 surveying here's another gentleman jacob mWjTXWD-ffk-00536-00142201-00142521 from Tennessee he's using GIS and a lot mWjTXWD-ffk-00537-00142522-00142707 of these people notice our current mWjTXWD-ffk-00538-00142708-00142890 ArcGIS users that are looking to expand mWjTXWD-ffk-00539-00142891-00143115 their skill set here's no gentleman says mWjTXWD-ffk-00540-00143116-00143250 that I'm currently assessing whether mWjTXWD-ffk-00541-00143251-00143409 cutest is suitable to teach and mWjTXWD-ffk-00542-00143410-00143634 introductory courses at the University mWjTXWD-ffk-00543-00143635-00144006 20 in the Netherlands so again a lot of mWjTXWD-ffk-00544-00144007-00144204 educators a lot of practitioners are mWjTXWD-ffk-00545-00144205-00144477 looking at using this this one I like a mWjTXWD-ffk-00546-00144478-00144786 recovering novice every user determined mWjTXWD-ffk-00547-00144787-00144959 to use q just in Western North Carolina mWjTXWD-ffk-00548-00144960-00145229 here's a person from Iceland use it mWjTXWD-ffk-00549-00145230-00145554 another person from South Africa use it mWjTXWD-ffk-00550-00145555-00145808 for community dynamics in a rural area mWjTXWD-ffk-00551-00145809-00146040 and they're just a couple more here's mWjTXWD-ffk-00552-00146041-00146214 one in Boston Massachusetts looking mWjTXWD-ffk-00553-00146215-00146469 Community Development Corporation person mWjTXWD-ffk-00554-00146470-00146613 working for the Belgium technology mWjTXWD-ffk-00555-00146614-00146870 technical corporation in Nice year mWjTXWD-ffk-00556-00146871-00147111 somebody from the bass company and then mWjTXWD-ffk-00557-00147112-00147465 somebody from Egypt so literally we've mWjTXWD-ffk-00558-00147466-00147813 got users basically all over the place mWjTXWD-ffk-00559-00147814-00148131 just for the MOOC itself we've had 4,500 mWjTXWD-ffk-00560-00148132-00148317 enrolled 1,100 completed the first mWjTXWD-ffk-00561-00148318-00148566 assignment 500 have actually completed mWjTXWD-ffk-00562-00148567-00148812 the first lab and uploaded it and that mWjTXWD-ffk-00563-00148813-00149007 was done within the first 72 hours I was mWjTXWD-ffk-00564-00149008-00149190 pretty impressed with that our mWjTXWD-ffk-00565-00149191-00149403 engagement completion rates more or less mWjTXWD-ffk-00566-00149404-00149610 matches the recent Penn State which said mWjTXWD-ffk-00567-00149611-00149766 they had 21,000 rolled in mWjTXWD-ffk-00568-00149767-00150015 11 under completers I will tell you that mWjTXWD-ffk-00569-00150016-00150219 this MOOC is built on a shoestring it's mWjTXWD-ffk-00570-00150220-00150582 basically my effort so it's it's the mWjTXWD-ffk-00571-00150583-00150720 material that these gentlemen have mWjTXWD-ffk-00572-00150721-00150927 created plus a little bit that I know mWjTXWD-ffk-00573-00150928-00151110 about canvas networking and putting it mWjTXWD-ffk-00574-00151111-00151347 all together and if you can't really mWjTXWD-ffk-00575-00151348-00151539 compare it to a MOOC like Penn State put mWjTXWD-ffk-00576-00151540-00151731 on because they have big names behind mWjTXWD-ffk-00577-00151732-00151950 him esri the development team at ESRI mWjTXWD-ffk-00578-00151951-00152217 course area which has a very deep team mWjTXWD-ffk-00579-00152218-00152349 and they literally spend tens of mWjTXWD-ffk-00580-00152350-00152502 thousands of dollars developing their mWjTXWD-ffk-00581-00152503-00152748 moves mine was a couple hundred dollars mWjTXWD-ffk-00582-00152749-00152973 of my time I guess but it does mWjTXWD-ffk-00583-00152974-00153132 demonstrate the potential for online mWjTXWD-ffk-00584-00153133-00153345 offerings frg technical training and mWjTXWD-ffk-00585-00153346-00153549 education and i'm a big proponent of mWjTXWD-ffk-00586-00153550-00153789 online teaching not because it's a mWjTXWD-ffk-00587-00153790-00153936 preferred method believe me i'm a mWjTXWD-ffk-00588-00153937-00154185 classic face-to-face it's nothing better mWjTXWD-ffk-00589-00154186-00154428 than one autumn with the teacher but if mWjTXWD-ffk-00590-00154429-00154701 you're in the wilds of Nigeria or if mWjTXWD-ffk-00591-00154702-00155184 you're in you know the baljit wilds of mWjTXWD-ffk-00592-00155185-00155367 Detroit or whatever it might be the only mWjTXWD-ffk-00593-00155368-00155661 the only opportunity hat and so for that mWjTXWD-ffk-00594-00155662-00155946 vastly underserved population I think mWjTXWD-ffk-00595-00155947-00156311 it's moving upon us to try to to salt to mWjTXWD-ffk-00596-00156312-00156573 help these people so what's going to mWjTXWD-ffk-00597-00156574-00156740 happen in the future I don't know mWjTXWD-ffk-00598-00156741-00156963 currently rebuilding all the five mWjTXWD-ffk-00599-00156964-00157227 courses using the latest 2.8 that mWjTXWD-ffk-00600-00157228-00157452 publication date will be in July 2015 mWjTXWD-ffk-00601-00157453-00157698 we're working with several vendors right mWjTXWD-ffk-00602-00157699-00157857 now to try to commercialize the Geo mWjTXWD-ffk-00603-00157858-00158010 ketamine material that is basically mWjTXWD-ffk-00604-00158011-00158259 monetize it we're pushing to gain mWjTXWD-ffk-00605-00158260-00158418 further adoption through the open mWjTXWD-ffk-00606-00158419-00158664 education resource organization so any mWjTXWD-ffk-00607-00158665-00158832 place I see that well let me put my mWjTXWD-ffk-00608-00158833-00159006 curriculum material that's where I want mWjTXWD-ffk-00609-00159007-00159129 to publish it so more people will get mWjTXWD-ffk-00610-00159130-00159354 ahold of it we are working with Jill for mWjTXWD-ffk-00611-00159355-00159489 all initiative trying to push greater mWjTXWD-ffk-00612-00159490-00159657 participation open source in general mWjTXWD-ffk-00613-00159658-00159837 totally separate from this curriculum mWjTXWD-ffk-00614-00159838-00159987 just in general trying to get open mWjTXWD-ffk-00615-00159988-00160260 source into the higher ed we wish to mWjTXWD-ffk-00616-00160261-00160476 incorporate kuijs project provider mWjTXWD-ffk-00617-00160477-00160701 vintage certification so I'm really mWjTXWD-ffk-00618-00160702-00160854 hoping that the hugest project will mWjTXWD-ffk-00619-00160855-00161061 follow through on what I've seen on the mWjTXWD-ffk-00620-00161062-00161247 listservs which is they're going to do mWjTXWD-ffk-00621-00161248-00161481 certification internally they're going mWjTXWD-ffk-00622-00161482-00161589 to be the ones that are going to create mWjTXWD-ffk-00623-00161590-00161748 it control it which i think is who needs mWjTXWD-ffk-00624-00161749-00161955 to do that and then we the academics mWjTXWD-ffk-00625-00161956-00162102 will follow behind and try to train our mWjTXWD-ffk-00626-00162103-00162342 students to that and then we do have a mWjTXWD-ffk-00627-00162343-00162516 pending National Science Foundation mWjTXWD-ffk-00628-00162517-00162729 proposal to develop a formal geospatial mWjTXWD-ffk-00629-00162730-00163001 Academy and spread 4g among mWjTXWD-ffk-00630-00163002-00163163 all the universities if if that's mWjTXWD-ffk-00631-00163164-00163406 possible these are just some of the mWjTXWD-ffk-00632-00163407-00163544 websites that we've set up over the mWjTXWD-ffk-00633-00163545-00163856 years you can always get a one-day easy mWjTXWD-ffk-00634-00163857-00164171 member is fast 4G + 4g org and from mWjTXWD-ffk-00635-00164172-00164294 there you can get to the other ones and mWjTXWD-ffk-00636-00164295-00164714 then finally our contact information and mWjTXWD-ffk-00637-00164715-00165985 that's all I've got good family yeah the mWjTXWD-ffk-00638-00165986-00166289 yeah the paid one that were that mWjTXWD-ffk-00639-00166290-00166793 actually starts in April those are mWjTXWD-ffk-00640-00166794-00167048 limited to 25 people and sorry but the mWjTXWD-ffk-00641-00167049-00167252 cohort rd fool and those will be mWjTXWD-ffk-00642-00167253-00167573 instructed let the mood obviously be and mWjTXWD-ffk-00643-00167574-00167708 the reason we can offer them so cheaply mWjTXWD-ffk-00644-00167709-00167945 is because the SMEs at each at get mWjTXWD-ffk-00645-00167946-00168065 subsidized by the Department of Labor mWjTXWD-ffk-00646-00168066-00168209 and the reason we have to charge mWjTXWD-ffk-00647-00168210-00168371 anything is the Department of Labor says mWjTXWD-ffk-00648-00168372-00168563 you have to charge a minimum you can't mWjTXWD-ffk-00649-00168564-00168716 give that away that was part of the mWjTXWD-ffk-00650-00168717-00168992 restrictions they put on the TAC ramp so mWjTXWD-ffk-00651-00168993-00169160 that's kind of how we came up with that mWjTXWD-ffk-00652-00169161-00169361 and those are being offered through our mWjTXWD-ffk-00653-00169362-00169562 continued dead so you get a siiii mWjTXWD-ffk-00654-00169563-00169703 certificate at the end of it if you mWjTXWD-ffk-00655-00169704-00170210 complete with an 85 or better okay all mWjTXWD-ffk-00656-00170211-00171197 right questions yes ma'am mWjTXWD-ffk-00657-00171198-00172099 they form in the five working days mWjTXWD-ffk-00658-00172100-00172496 you have some tips drinks for easily mWjTXWD-ffk-00659-00172497-00173193 onboarding universities that are mWjTXWD-ffk-00660-00173194-00173947 onboarding as in well all I can offer mWjTXWD-ffk-00661-00173948-00174118 you tell you is what I've already said mWjTXWD-ffk-00662-00174119-00174327 which is first join the Jill for all mWjTXWD-ffk-00663-00174328-00174549 that's not us that's a no SVO that'll be mWjTXWD-ffk-00664-00174550-00174774 around that's a project that's free and mWjTXWD-ffk-00665-00174775-00174936 once you get on that get on the listserv mWjTXWD-ffk-00666-00174937-00175086 you'll start seeing all kinds of mWjTXWD-ffk-00667-00175087-00175299 resources and the second thing is all of mWjTXWD-ffk-00668-00175300-00175538 our material can be downloaded and mWjTXWD-ffk-00669-00175539-00175807 basically adopted and using your own mWjTXWD-ffk-00670-00175808-00176073 learning management system instantly if mWjTXWD-ffk-00671-00176074-00176912 you want mWjTXWD-ffk-00672-00176913-00177113 to take our curriculum and use it some mWjTXWD-ffk-00673-00177114-00177821 other software I'm missing the question mWjTXWD-ffk-00674-00177822-00178640 there were the yeah oh you talk about mWjTXWD-ffk-00675-00178641-00178844 the the University I can't speak for the mWjTXWD-ffk-00676-00178845-00179075 university but you have to typically to mWjTXWD-ffk-00677-00179076-00179261 get open source in any organization you mWjTXWD-ffk-00678-00179262-00179450 have to have an advocate so if you have mWjTXWD-ffk-00679-00179451-00179585 somebody that's really passionate about mWjTXWD-ffk-00680-00179586-00179834 it it'll happen if you don't it won't mWjTXWD-ffk-00681-00179835-00180065 happen and that's the community of mWjTXWD-ffk-00682-00180066-00180224 practice that we've been lacking and mWjTXWD-ffk-00683-00180225-00180401 that work I keep trying to build over mWjTXWD-ffk-00684-00180402-00180704 the years so so really and at this point mWjTXWD-ffk-00685-00180705-00180869 i would say it's up to the industry to mWjTXWD-ffk-00686-00180870-00181106 spark that so it's not just the mWjTXWD-ffk-00687-00181107-00181319 academics we're not really leaders we're mWjTXWD-ffk-00688-00181320-00181583 followers i hate to say in most cases so mWjTXWD-ffk-00689-00181584-00181883 the the people that run this industry mWjTXWD-ffk-00690-00181884-00182117 the geniuses the coders and the hackers mWjTXWD-ffk-00691-00182118-00182282 and the crackers they need to reach out mWjTXWD-ffk-00692-00182283-00182612 to the academics and kind of poke them mWjTXWD-ffk-00693-00182613-00182795 and say hey look i got this great mWjTXWD-ffk-00694-00182796-00182939 material why don't you use it and i'll mWjTXWD-ffk-00695-00182940-00183977 help you train or whatever mWjTXWD-ffk-00696-00183978-00184809 huh mWjTXWD-ffk-00697-00184810-00185252 well that's that's a good testimonial mWjTXWD-ffk-00698-00185253-00185678 okay well I hope you'll be there mWjTXWD-ffk-00699-00185679-00185828 tomorrow night at eight thirty so we can mWjTXWD-ffk-00700-00185829-00186111 talk about this further one last plug mWjTXWD-ffk-00701-00186112-00186348 for the bird a feather okay thank you mWjTXWD-ffk-00702-00186349-00186573 everyone mWTPJaLiTMQ-00000-00000048-00000476 welcome to this is EPA session on the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00001-00000476-00000784 nutrient recycling challenge Joseph the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00002-00000785-00001066 overall I'm Haman subramani and this is mWTPJaLiTMQ-00003-00001067-00001244 our other partner in crime Christine mWTPJaLiTMQ-00004-00001245-00001609 Jones how many of you were faced two mWTPJaLiTMQ-00005-00001610-00002000 words in Seattle the last one yeah we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00006-00002001-00002216 remember some of you were on our panel mWTPJaLiTMQ-00007-00002217-00002575 up time too so the nutrient recycling mWTPJaLiTMQ-00008-00002576-00002807 challenge is an idea that we caught with mWTPJaLiTMQ-00009-00002808-00003100 a crazy idea and we kind of just held a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00010-00003101-00003479 brainstorm session about back in Seattle mWTPJaLiTMQ-00011-00003479-00003797 with here at waste worth and it seems to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00012-00003797-00004028 have enough promise among the brain mWTPJaLiTMQ-00013-00004029-00004250 trust that was every drawers that we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00014-00004251-00004460 actually ended up launching it and it's mWTPJaLiTMQ-00015-00004461-00004694 basically a competition where we're mWTPJaLiTMQ-00016-00004695-00005036 trying to crowdsource innovations for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00017-00005037-00005311 swine and dairy operations to do mWTPJaLiTMQ-00018-00005312-00005645 nutrient recovery in a way that produces mWTPJaLiTMQ-00019-00005646-00005975 nutrient-rich products out of various mWTPJaLiTMQ-00020-00005976-00006293 swine manure and creates valuable mWTPJaLiTMQ-00021-00006294-00006436 co-products and the whole idea behind mWTPJaLiTMQ-00022-00006437-00006685 this challenge is that you know EPA is mWTPJaLiTMQ-00023-00006686-00006946 our office I've resolved the water where mWTPJaLiTMQ-00024-00006947-00007142 it's early water quality and how you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00025-00007143-00007549 come how you can protect waterways from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00026-00007550-00007795 future pollution including from animal mWTPJaLiTMQ-00027-00007797-00007988 operations but the other side of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00028-00007989-00008309 coin is that this is a voluntary idea mWTPJaLiTMQ-00029-00008310-00008576 this is something that we want producers mWTPJaLiTMQ-00030-00008577-00008792 to be excited about so we want to make mWTPJaLiTMQ-00031-00008793-00008999 sure that we can find effective mWTPJaLiTMQ-00032-00009000-00009214 technologies that actually produce a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00033-00009215-00009406 return on investment and can be an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00034-00009407-00009781 economical a real economic opportunity mWTPJaLiTMQ-00035-00009782-00010208 for her industry to take on and so we we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00036-00010209-00010378 brought up this idea and the way we've mWTPJaLiTMQ-00037-00010379-00010567 structured it back in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00038-00010568-00010945 in Seattle was we wanted to walk people mWTPJaLiTMQ-00039-00010946-00011134 through how to think about Dumont's mWTPJaLiTMQ-00040-00011135-00011312 demand side of the equation rather than mWTPJaLiTMQ-00041-00011313-00011596 starting from a precise number of you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00042-00011597-00011959 know how how how much was nitrogen or mWTPJaLiTMQ-00043-00011960-00012181 phosphorus you'd like to extract out of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00044-00012182-00012416 manure like what percentage would you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00045-00012417-00012670 like to extract we wanted to start with mWTPJaLiTMQ-00046-00012671-00012869 well if you're the buyer if you're the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00047-00012869-00013085 user if you're the prettier this is the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00048-00013086-00013258 the farmer that would use this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00049-00013259-00013480 technology what would you want if you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00050-00013481-00013636 could have any kind of technology that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00051-00013637-00013880 you could have and so and we heard from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00052-00013881-00014138 a lot of producers that they would love mWTPJaLiTMQ-00053-00014138-00014383 it a technology that's possible on farm mWTPJaLiTMQ-00054-00014384-00014638 to retrieve these nutrients and make mWTPJaLiTMQ-00055-00014640-00015086 manure management easier so we started mWTPJaLiTMQ-00056-00015087-00015266 out with this crazy idea and then we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00057-00015266-00015599 started cold calling essentially many of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00058-00015600-00015886 our contacts and the animal agriculture mWTPJaLiTMQ-00059-00015887-00016234 industry also organizations like work mWTPJaLiTMQ-00060-00016235-00016503 water department recently in salvation mWTPJaLiTMQ-00061-00016504-00017080 will wildlife on USDA and also American mWTPJaLiTMQ-00062-00017081-00017275 Society for our cultural biological mWTPJaLiTMQ-00063-00017276-00017569 engineers and all the sudden we got so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00064-00017570-00017771 much interest in that that we had 20 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00065-00017772-00018011 partners joined on Department of Energy mWTPJaLiTMQ-00066-00018012-00018221 as well and um and some universities mWTPJaLiTMQ-00067-00018222-00018556 will be up there and and and the idea to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00068-00018557-00018818 rob and so we said alright well let's mWTPJaLiTMQ-00069-00018819-00019178 set up some criteria committees and and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00070-00019179-00019408 we cannot and set up some goals and we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00071-00019409-00019744 can allow the group to kind of come up mWTPJaLiTMQ-00072-00019745-00019896 with together mWTPJaLiTMQ-00073-00019897-00020181 some criteria for the challenge and so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00074-00020182-00020415 these are the goal that we ended up mWTPJaLiTMQ-00075-00020416-00020694 coming up with and each of them is mWTPJaLiTMQ-00076-00020695-00020898 actually pretty important to the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00077-00020899-00021222 challenge the first goal was to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00078-00021223-00021393 accelerate the development of nutrient mWTPJaLiTMQ-00079-00021394-00021573 coverage technologies that can be mWTPJaLiTMQ-00080-00021574-00021798 adopted by syrian swine farm for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00081-00021799-00022002 providing environmental and economic mWTPJaLiTMQ-00082-00022003-00022332 benefits increasing awareness of issues mWTPJaLiTMQ-00083-00022333-00022554 and opportunities related to nutrients mWTPJaLiTMQ-00084-00022555-00022764 and your management when you know from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00085-00022765-00022977 our perspective if there's you know mWTPJaLiTMQ-00086-00022978-00023172 millions of tons of manure being mWTPJaLiTMQ-00087-00023173-00023427 generated and there isn't the innovation mWTPJaLiTMQ-00088-00023428-00023607 sector isn't taking advantage of that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00089-00023608-00023760 and they're not trying there's not mWTPJaLiTMQ-00090-00023761-00023904 enough players trying to build mWTPJaLiTMQ-00091-00023905-00024156 technologies that will work for us it mWTPJaLiTMQ-00092-00024157-00024384 was a missed business kpop er tunity as mWTPJaLiTMQ-00093-00024385-00024525 well from our perspective how do you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00094-00024526-00024801 encourage garage tinkerers mWTPJaLiTMQ-00095-00024802-00025008 take them on well one way is to create mWTPJaLiTMQ-00096-00025009-00025158 the awareness that this is an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00097-00025159-00025470 opportunity and we also knew that there mWTPJaLiTMQ-00098-00025471-00025680 are a lot of innovators out there that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00099-00025681-00025877 just don't have that much connection mWTPJaLiTMQ-00100-00025879-00026075 with the end-user segment maybe never mWTPJaLiTMQ-00101-00026076-00026241 been able to be on the farm and they've mWTPJaLiTMQ-00102-00026242-00026418 never they may have worked in the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00103-00026419-00026574 municipal sector the wastewater mWTPJaLiTMQ-00104-00026575-00026826 treatment sector dr. burrow is smiling mWTPJaLiTMQ-00105-00026827-00027132 and again we think I thought we still mWTPJaLiTMQ-00106-00027133-00027342 remember what you said at our meeting in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00107-00027343-00027648 Washington DC last year where he's been mWTPJaLiTMQ-00108-00027649-00027855 working in the New York feel lonely and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00109-00027856-00028404 so lonely horse neighs I want to make mWTPJaLiTMQ-00110-00028405-00028695 you less lonely normally and we want to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00111-00028695-00028836 make people meet each other and actually mWTPJaLiTMQ-00112-00028837-00029033 find out what is the demand want rather mWTPJaLiTMQ-00113-00029035-00029181 than building something that no one's mWTPJaLiTMQ-00114-00029182-00029457 going to buy and finally you know it mWTPJaLiTMQ-00115-00029458-00029661 doesn't just stop with us with a machine mWTPJaLiTMQ-00116-00029662-00029877 that you know sucks nutrients out of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00117-00029877-00030002 manure what are you going to do with mWTPJaLiTMQ-00118-00030004-00030180 those nutrients right if you have to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00119-00030181-00030330 find a market for that that's how you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00120-00030331-00030552 make it affordable because the capital mWTPJaLiTMQ-00121-00030552-00030747 pop could be high so you have to make it mWTPJaLiTMQ-00122-00030748-00030918 back some calendar mWTPJaLiTMQ-00123-00030919-00031131 assessment so stimulating markets for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00124-00031132-00031356 products that are generated from these mWTPJaLiTMQ-00125-00031357-00031739 technologies was a big part of it so we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00126-00031741-00032037 launched this challenge in November of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00127-00032038-00032574 2015 and the the challenge was open for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00128-00032575-00032922 60 days submission period and we ended mWTPJaLiTMQ-00129-00032923-00033357 up getting 75 applications or proposals mWTPJaLiTMQ-00130-00033358-00033672 and out of those and after that we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00131-00033673-00033962 structured as a four phase competition mWTPJaLiTMQ-00132-00033963-00034224 and there was a reason for this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00133-00034225-00034425 what we wanted was just concept papers mWTPJaLiTMQ-00134-00034426-00034668 in Vermont because we wanted anyone with mWTPJaLiTMQ-00135-00034669-00034872 an idea to get involved it doesn't mWTPJaLiTMQ-00136-00034873-00035046 matter if you're an engineer or not if mWTPJaLiTMQ-00137-00035047-00035181 you're a student it doesn't matter if mWTPJaLiTMQ-00138-00035182-00035357 you have an idea of just submit it and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00139-00035358-00035562 maybe you don't know how to build it but mWTPJaLiTMQ-00140-00035563-00035721 maybe we can connect you with someone to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00141-00035722-00035934 build it and that kind of creates a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00142-00035935-00036174 floor where you get fresh idea we also mWTPJaLiTMQ-00143-00036175-00036351 made it a global competition which mWTPJaLiTMQ-00144-00036352-00036543 Joseph will tell you about in a minute mWTPJaLiTMQ-00145-00036544-00036756 so that you know you can get ideas from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00146-00036757-00036888 other countries that might be doing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00147-00036889-00037092 interesting stuff in this in this area mWTPJaLiTMQ-00148-00037093-00037470 and then once the 60 day submission mWTPJaLiTMQ-00149-00037471-00037719 period for concept papers were over we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00150-00037720-00037941 had a fantastic judging panel of people mWTPJaLiTMQ-00151-00037942-00038247 who are much smarter than me much more mWTPJaLiTMQ-00152-00038248-00038538 expertise than just either but that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00153-00038539-00038862 helped us evaluate these 75 proposals mWTPJaLiTMQ-00154-00038863-00039243 and it was about thirty two dozen and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00155-00039244-00039570 they and then we selected thirty four of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00156-00039571-00039776 these teams to move on to Phase two mWTPJaLiTMQ-00157-00039777-00040038 where they would be building technology mWTPJaLiTMQ-00158-00040039-00040245 designs and there was a real diversity mWTPJaLiTMQ-00159-00040246-00040443 and these innovators that competed mWTPJaLiTMQ-00160-00040444-00040746 anyone from you know someone who really mWTPJaLiTMQ-00161-00040747-00041034 has a you know sophisticated idea maybe mWTPJaLiTMQ-00162-00041035-00041163 they even had technologies and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00163-00041164-00041334 demonstration already and you'll get to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00164-00041335-00041469 hear from some of these innovators here mWTPJaLiTMQ-00165-00041470-00041568 today mWTPJaLiTMQ-00166-00041569-00041949 [Music] mWTPJaLiTMQ-00167-00041950-00042276 and all the way to people who just have mWTPJaLiTMQ-00168-00042277-00042675 a fresh idea so I still in the end so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00169-00042676-00042897 now right now or where we are is that at mWTPJaLiTMQ-00170-00042898-00043065 the end of phase one we had an award mWTPJaLiTMQ-00171-00043066-00043323 ceremony we brought all the folks in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00172-00043324-00043581 actually I think that might be a couple mWTPJaLiTMQ-00173-00043582-00044001 of lives oh yeah we had a summit and we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00174-00044002-00044181 present it in some of these books women mWTPJaLiTMQ-00175-00044182-00044412 picture here in the room today to talk mWTPJaLiTMQ-00176-00044413-00044859 to you and we then provided some cash mWTPJaLiTMQ-00177-00044860-00045171 prizes two of the top ten and we kicked mWTPJaLiTMQ-00178-00045172-00045522 off phase two later in the year where mWTPJaLiTMQ-00179-00045523-00045732 they're now building technology designs mWTPJaLiTMQ-00180-00045733-00045894 that right now where we are that we're mWTPJaLiTMQ-00181-00045895-00046332 kind of wrapping up phase two and so I'm mWTPJaLiTMQ-00182-00046333-00046512 going to let Joe sometimes start telling mWTPJaLiTMQ-00183-00046513-00046632 you about some of the submissions that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00184-00046633-00046794 came in and then we can go back to where mWTPJaLiTMQ-00185-00046795-00046910 we are today mWTPJaLiTMQ-00186-00046911-00047154 thanks Tina so we just want to give you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00187-00047155-00047307 a little bit more detail about through mWTPJaLiTMQ-00188-00047308-00047463 the submissions that came in in phase mWTPJaLiTMQ-00189-00047464-00047685 one and kind of greeson's of the breadth mWTPJaLiTMQ-00190-00047686-00047925 of technology ideas to be we got in the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00191-00047926-00048207 concept papers before talking about mWTPJaLiTMQ-00192-00048208-00048333 those in a little more detail which mWTPJaLiTMQ-00193-00048334-00048603 point out is there it's masked up here mWTPJaLiTMQ-00194-00048604-00048867 the top map is actually where people mWTPJaLiTMQ-00195-00048868-00049101 registered to look at the challenge of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00196-00049102-00049439 post that in a sentence which is a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00197-00049440-00049704 company that does innovation challenges mWTPJaLiTMQ-00198-00049705-00050004 helps agencies and others run them so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00199-00050005-00050136 that was where the sort of injury laws mWTPJaLiTMQ-00200-00050137-00050268 where people registered to that the mat mWTPJaLiTMQ-00201-00050269-00050490 down below shows where the submissions mWTPJaLiTMQ-00202-00050491-00050883 actually came in from so there's kind of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00203-00050884-00051168 giant little pain in the middle of North mWTPJaLiTMQ-00204-00051169-00051345 America there and that's probably mWTPJaLiTMQ-00205-00051346-00051454 representing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00206-00051454-00051799 about finished something papers that the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00207-00051800-00051988 rest we pretty much got every time and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00208-00051989-00052363 except the Attica so we wanted to make mWTPJaLiTMQ-00209-00052364-00052554 sure it's a messiah to have that global mWTPJaLiTMQ-00210-00052555-00052777 appeal realize there's a lot of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00211-00052778-00053002 interesting innovation happening there mWTPJaLiTMQ-00212-00053003-00053308 is what the Netherlands and in Asia and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00213-00053309-00053491 other places so we didn't want to just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00214-00053491-00053673 limit the u.s. so ultimately mWTPJaLiTMQ-00215-00053674-00053989 assimilation we had 75 submissions come mWTPJaLiTMQ-00216-00053990-00054342 in while the challenges open it was one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00217-00054344-00054535 of the most popular challenges that was mWTPJaLiTMQ-00218-00054536-00054802 done GSA's challenged act up websites mWTPJaLiTMQ-00219-00054803-00055033 and we had a lot of traffic and a lot of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00220-00055034-00055378 views and media hits and one of the sort mWTPJaLiTMQ-00221-00055379-00055755 of greatest reasons we think for the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00222-00055757-00055939 interest in the challenge in phase one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00223-00055940-00056278 it wasn't necessarily because we went on mWTPJaLiTMQ-00224-00056279-00056470 to a world about it it was because many mWTPJaLiTMQ-00225-00056471-00056671 of our partners including Tyson mWTPJaLiTMQ-00226-00056672-00056962 Smithfield boundaries the mill operators mWTPJaLiTMQ-00227-00056963-00057216 a number of those cartridges to their mWTPJaLiTMQ-00228-00057217-00057448 inter banner they graciously went out in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00229-00057449-00057601 let the world know we're doing what mWTPJaLiTMQ-00230-00057602-00057775 producers now know what we were doing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00231-00057776-00057961 that was always important part of this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00232-00057962-00058132 we didn't just want this to fall on the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00233-00058133-00058297 mill offense with the economic mWTPJaLiTMQ-00234-00058298-00058450 innovators hesitate we mentioned we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00235-00058451-00058554 wanted to make sure that we are also mWTPJaLiTMQ-00236-00058555-00058711 involving two perspective at the end use mWTPJaLiTMQ-00237-00058712-00058936 the technology potential third-party mWTPJaLiTMQ-00238-00058937-00059161 developers so our partners were great in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00239-00059162-00059521 spreading the word so a little more mWTPJaLiTMQ-00240-00059522-00059778 about the concepts in 51 out of the 70 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00241-00059779-00060178 types missions we had a little pie chart mWTPJaLiTMQ-00242-00060179-00060445 up there shows 62% that their mWTPJaLiTMQ-00243-00060446-00060601 technologies with recover nutrients from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00244-00060602-00060705 old swine and dairy mWTPJaLiTMQ-00245-00060707-00060882 29 for just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00246-00060883-00061284 and 9% for just slang and all pretty mWTPJaLiTMQ-00247-00061285-00061463 much every technology class Under the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00248-00061464-00061613 Sun was represented mechanical mWTPJaLiTMQ-00249-00061614-00061805 biological chemical thermal on hybrid mWTPJaLiTMQ-00250-00061807-00062124 systems and then on the next slide give mWTPJaLiTMQ-00251-00062125-00062340 you a sense of some of the Co products mWTPJaLiTMQ-00252-00062341-00062565 that were proposed generated by these mWTPJaLiTMQ-00253-00062566-00062775 systems so everything from the bio oils mWTPJaLiTMQ-00254-00062776-00063075 and biogas and gases through a range of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00255-00063076-00063453 phosphate products biochar hydro charts mWTPJaLiTMQ-00256-00063454-00063725 your bike nutrient cake and then some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00257-00063726-00064031 worm castings peat moss substitutes and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00258-00064032-00064191 some of the papers also looked at mWTPJaLiTMQ-00259-00064191-00064365 different ways to generate things like mWTPJaLiTMQ-00260-00064366-00064635 animal feedstocks proteins as well as mWTPJaLiTMQ-00261-00064636-00064925 reusable potable water so pretty much mWTPJaLiTMQ-00262-00064926-00065288 everything in the descent so he talked a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00263-00065289-00065610 little bit about this summit at the end mWTPJaLiTMQ-00264-00065611-00065819 of that end of phase one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00265-00065820-00066069 once we collected the 34 winners we did mWTPJaLiTMQ-00266-00066070-00066269 a little award a little bit of cash and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00267-00066270-00066516 we invited all the 34 teams to join us mWTPJaLiTMQ-00268-00066517-00066831 in DC at the White House Eisenhower mWTPJaLiTMQ-00269-00066832-00067088 executive office building and World mWTPJaLiTMQ-00270-00067089-00067380 Wildlife Fund headquarters and for us mWTPJaLiTMQ-00271-00067381-00067656 this was really an opportunity to a 50 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00272-00067657-00067878 animators finally in a room with some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00273-00067879-00068081 department organizations the end user so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00274-00068082-00068175 they could have some informal mWTPJaLiTMQ-00275-00068176-00068415 conversations learn a little bit more mWTPJaLiTMQ-00276-00068416-00068535 about what mWTPJaLiTMQ-00277-00068536-00068738 darienne's mind producers are asking for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00278-00068739-00069000 we also wanted to give the innovators an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00279-00069001-00069204 opportunity to talk about their concepts mWTPJaLiTMQ-00280-00069205-00069480 and some I can get some live feedback mWTPJaLiTMQ-00281-00069481-00069705 from folks in the audience I know some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00282-00069706-00069972 folks like dr. Rowe I had no problem mWTPJaLiTMQ-00283-00069973-00070200 giving plenty of feedback to some of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00284-00070201-00070443 other innovators and that's exactly what mWTPJaLiTMQ-00285-00070444-00070578 we wanted to see it's not just about mWTPJaLiTMQ-00286-00070579-00070728 even though it is the private mWTPJaLiTMQ-00287-00070729-00070887 competition and what necessarily just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00288-00070888-00071182 about one team winning over mWTPJaLiTMQ-00289-00071183-00071290 really wanted to create this atmosphere mWTPJaLiTMQ-00290-00071291-00071485 where individuals have the opportunity mWTPJaLiTMQ-00291-00071486-00071716 to help each other out to the extent mWTPJaLiTMQ-00292-00071717-00071938 they were willing and allow each other mWTPJaLiTMQ-00293-00071939-00072064 to make the most Russell Crowe love mWTPJaLiTMQ-00294-00072065-00072655 designs possible so what they get to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00295-00072656-00072850 mention here is there's such a diversity mWTPJaLiTMQ-00296-00072851-00073090 and types of technologies and examples mWTPJaLiTMQ-00297-00073091-00073384 of into categories armour biological mWTPJaLiTMQ-00298-00073385-00073777 chemical physical and a lot of people mWTPJaLiTMQ-00299-00073778-00073945 about this book over the winter like mWTPJaLiTMQ-00300-00073946-00074110 what were you really look horrible as mWTPJaLiTMQ-00301-00074111-00074260 the type that you were trying to get you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00302-00074261-00074533 in and it's really important here that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00303-00074534-00074812 we've retained the diversity and ideas mWTPJaLiTMQ-00304-00074813-00074992 and we did it on purpose because mWTPJaLiTMQ-00305-00074993-00075139 different types of solutions are going mWTPJaLiTMQ-00306-00075140-00075259 to work do we keep hearing from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00307-00075260-00075505 producers no to conjure alike no two mWTPJaLiTMQ-00308-00075506-00075694 conditions are alike we all need mWTPJaLiTMQ-00309-00075695-00075955 different things on our song not having mWTPJaLiTMQ-00310-00075956-00076240 systems of gift on the pelvis too so in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00311-00076241-00076498 order to respond to that request and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00312-00076499-00076693 that's a man we ended up trying to just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00313-00076694-00076912 close the vote of any idea that was mWTPJaLiTMQ-00314-00076913-00077107 promising rather than eliminating mWTPJaLiTMQ-00315-00077108-00077479 certain categories of ideas so you know mWTPJaLiTMQ-00316-00077480-00077734 what is uh buyable as they move from mWTPJaLiTMQ-00317-00077735-00078004 concepts of technology design to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00318-00078005-00078379 prototype is amazing see any type of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00319-00078380-00078742 idea so and also pom pom as we've heard mWTPJaLiTMQ-00320-00078743-00078993 that's also started with one idea and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00321-00078994-00079213 transition to a totally different idea mWTPJaLiTMQ-00322-00079214-00079451 by after learning more about mWTPJaLiTMQ-00323-00079452-00079745 industry needed or what they wanted so I mWTPJaLiTMQ-00324-00079746-00079955 just want to point that out I think that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00325-00079956-00080147 might be a question that comes up you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00326-00080148-00080318 know that's a lot of difference how do mWTPJaLiTMQ-00327-00080319-00080462 you even have balancing them against mWTPJaLiTMQ-00328-00080463-00080626 each other and the answer is that we go mWTPJaLiTMQ-00329-00080627-00080851 we just are looking with our panels are mWTPJaLiTMQ-00330-00080852-00081053 looking for viability to the idea rather mWTPJaLiTMQ-00331-00081054-00081344 than competing you know biochar against mWTPJaLiTMQ-00332-00081345-00081461 thank you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00333-00081462-00081688 and one other thing I would mention as mWTPJaLiTMQ-00334-00081689-00081923 well is that some of the things you see mWTPJaLiTMQ-00335-00081924-00082175 up here aren't necessarily not like mWTPJaLiTMQ-00336-00082176-00082361 nowadays or novel co-products I'm sure a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00337-00082362-00082487 lot of you were very familiar with many mWTPJaLiTMQ-00338-00082488-00082684 of these products and it wasn't mWTPJaLiTMQ-00339-00082685-00083000 necessarily that you're excluding things mWTPJaLiTMQ-00340-00083001-00083216 washing existence both as hema mentioned mWTPJaLiTMQ-00341-00083217-00083417 earlier we really wanted to make sure we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00342-00083418-00083561 were putting a focus on economic mWTPJaLiTMQ-00343-00083562-00083807 viability and we wanted to make sure mWTPJaLiTMQ-00344-00083808-00083963 that this technology would actually be mWTPJaLiTMQ-00345-00083964-00084257 and needs of the user so that community mWTPJaLiTMQ-00346-00084258-00084457 is they going to put so much demand on mWTPJaLiTMQ-00347-00084458-00084649 the farmer that he or she can no longer mWTPJaLiTMQ-00348-00084650-00085049 pass so we wanted to make sure to factor mWTPJaLiTMQ-00349-00085050-00085268 that into the equation so you're saying mWTPJaLiTMQ-00350-00085269-00085469 things that look familiar what we would mWTPJaLiTMQ-00351-00085470-00085667 expect in this process is that through mWTPJaLiTMQ-00352-00085668-00085790 the connections that are made to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00353-00085791-00085946 feedback they're receiving us and the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00354-00085947-00086171 partners that there's a nice tweaks mWTPJaLiTMQ-00355-00086172-00086344 maybe of the system that while it is a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00356-00086345-00086498 familiar product perhaps there could be mWTPJaLiTMQ-00357-00086499-00086639 something done at some stage of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00358-00086640-00086819 produce energy throughputs mWTPJaLiTMQ-00359-00086820-00087082 perhaps or something done that actually mWTPJaLiTMQ-00360-00087083-00087248 focuses more on the Colorado generation mWTPJaLiTMQ-00361-00087249-00087547 and creating or infiltrating markets so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00362-00087548-00087890 is to a familiar about weasels that once mWTPJaLiTMQ-00363-00087891-00088136 technologies actually do build some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00364-00088137-00088319 the major barriers that prevented some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00365-00088320-00088469 of these products answering the market mWTPJaLiTMQ-00366-00088470-00088811 meaning will have been addressed to the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00367-00088812-00089414 extent possible so moving on phase one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00368-00089415-00089876 as I mentioned concluded in early 2016 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00369-00089877-00090302 in March at the summit formerly a little mWTPJaLiTMQ-00370-00090303-00090509 bit of a very very room one back into mWTPJaLiTMQ-00371-00090510-00090677 development of phase two with the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00372-00090678-00091022 partner organizations and ultimately one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00373-00091023-00091277 of the things we decided was it was very mWTPJaLiTMQ-00374-00091278-00091595 important to expose the innovators mWTPJaLiTMQ-00375-00091596-00091814 computer settings challenge to those mWTPJaLiTMQ-00376-00091815-00092006 perspectives I just mentioned as well mWTPJaLiTMQ-00377-00092007-00092162 provide them as much information as mWTPJaLiTMQ-00378-00092163-00092420 possible to empower them to develop the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00379-00092421-00092567 most robust technology designs as mWTPJaLiTMQ-00380-00092568-00092738 possible so rather than structuring mWTPJaLiTMQ-00381-00092739-00092972 Phase two and another prize competition mWTPJaLiTMQ-00382-00092973-00093158 phase where innovator teams are working mWTPJaLiTMQ-00383-00093159-00093365 against each other we want to take this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00384-00093366-00093668 opportunity to essentially provide them mWTPJaLiTMQ-00385-00093669-00093827 in the feedback I just mentioned so this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00386-00093828-00093977 program the structure that the program mWTPJaLiTMQ-00387-00093978-00094244 incubation supports and one of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00388-00094245-00094385 hallmarks of the program was a series of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00389-00094386-00094613 informational webinars where a number of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00390-00094614-00094826 folks in this room generously offered mWTPJaLiTMQ-00391-00094827-00095075 their time to impart their best wisdom mWTPJaLiTMQ-00392-00095076-00095291 and knowledge to the innovative teams in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00393-00095292-00095498 the challenge so we had a number of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00394-00095499-00095940 webinars and phase dividends funny mWTPJaLiTMQ-00395-00095941-00096336 we help so the general webinar kicking mWTPJaLiTMQ-00396-00096337-00096567 it off how to develop technology design mWTPJaLiTMQ-00397-00096568-00096735 Keynesian recycling challenge and what mWTPJaLiTMQ-00398-00096736-00096984 we did is develop a format adjusted mWTPJaLiTMQ-00399-00096985-00097304 content for a technology design paper mWTPJaLiTMQ-00400-00097305-00097536 that imparted a lot of those mWTPJaLiTMQ-00401-00097537-00097815 perspectives so what produce people mWTPJaLiTMQ-00402-00097816-00098012 looking for specifically now you're mWTPJaLiTMQ-00403-00098013-00098201 moving to concept design whether you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00404-00098202-00098421 should be thinking about so we provided mWTPJaLiTMQ-00405-00098422-00098561 that the innovators just said a little mWTPJaLiTMQ-00406-00098562-00098756 bit about that in first webinar and then mWTPJaLiTMQ-00407-00098757-00098871 we moved into some more technical mWTPJaLiTMQ-00408-00098872-00099240 webinars so for those major teams who mWTPJaLiTMQ-00409-00099241-00099374 were coming from the municipal and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00410-00099375-00099575 industrial sectors month give an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00411-00099576-00099749 overview of minimum management for dairy mWTPJaLiTMQ-00412-00099750-00100017 and swine we also provided some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00413-00100018-00100169 information about lessons learned to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00414-00100170-00100335 previous injury recovery technology mWTPJaLiTMQ-00415-00100336-00100611 projects and we'll actually more about a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00416-00100612-00100974 current forward NRCS and then mWTPJaLiTMQ-00417-00100975-00101150 importantly we had a couple of webinars mWTPJaLiTMQ-00418-00101151-00101310 focused on building the business case mWTPJaLiTMQ-00419-00101311-00101565 for the technology as well as different mWTPJaLiTMQ-00420-00101566-00101738 ways to potentially thunder technologies mWTPJaLiTMQ-00421-00101739-00101975 whether that need through federal grant mWTPJaLiTMQ-00422-00101976-00102165 programs that may be applicable to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00423-00102166-00102464 technology developers or inducers and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00424-00102465-00102789 the private sector as well and finally mWTPJaLiTMQ-00425-00102790-00102968 just given the sheer number of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00426-00102969-00103113 technologies and half that papers we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00427-00103114-00103406 received in phase one that stated they mWTPJaLiTMQ-00428-00103407-00103484 work mWTPJaLiTMQ-00429-00103485-00103713 with anaerobic digestor systems if not mWTPJaLiTMQ-00430-00103714-00104102 actually more feasible post digestion we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00431-00104103-00104223 wanted to make sure we provided some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00432-00104224-00104366 general information how anaerobic mWTPJaLiTMQ-00433-00104367-00104574 digesters what the lay of the land looks mWTPJaLiTMQ-00434-00104575-00104686 like in trance that's realistic mWTPJaLiTMQ-00435-00104688-00104965 expectations about the digester scheme mWTPJaLiTMQ-00436-00104966-00105263 and right now we are currently in the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00437-00105264-00105399 process of scheduling lot one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00438-00105400-00105590 appointments for interested innovators mWTPJaLiTMQ-00439-00105591-00105933 to meet with a variety of experts so mWTPJaLiTMQ-00440-00105933-00106224 some folks such as dr. Renault D here at mWTPJaLiTMQ-00441-00106225-00106644 UNC ARS and others have volunteered mWTPJaLiTMQ-00442-00106645-00106797 their time to nervously to meet these mWTPJaLiTMQ-00443-00106798-00107036 innovators and discuss their technology mWTPJaLiTMQ-00444-00107038-00107271 sign papers write a little bit feedback mWTPJaLiTMQ-00445-00107272-00107504 and hopefully get them moving right mWTPJaLiTMQ-00446-00107505-00107585 direction mWTPJaLiTMQ-00447-00107586-00107768 [Music] mWTPJaLiTMQ-00448-00107769-00108110 finally this brings us to now think this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00449-00108111-00108509 place tourism so here we are at least mWTPJaLiTMQ-00450-00108510-00108693 we're conferencing we just figured this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00451-00108694-00108833 was too good of an opportunity there are mWTPJaLiTMQ-00452-00108834-00109052 too many minds working on the exact mWTPJaLiTMQ-00453-00109053-00109214 sorts of technology solutions that we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00454-00109215-00109383 are interested in the context of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00455-00109383-00109620 challenge that's missing is energy talk mWTPJaLiTMQ-00456-00109621-00109838 about your challenge here and give the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00457-00109839-00110009 innovators an opportunity to say a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00458-00110010-00110172 little bit more about the technology out mWTPJaLiTMQ-00459-00110173-00110462 of it come on several month later and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00460-00110463-00110868 get some feedback to the audience one mWTPJaLiTMQ-00461-00110869-00111041 thing I do wanna mention is as part of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00462-00111042-00111248 hu while you can mWTPJaLiTMQ-00463-00111249-00111548 doing and providing a certain resource mWTPJaLiTMQ-00464-00111549-00111866 on the various markets both current and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00465-00111867-00112154 potential for value-added manure mWTPJaLiTMQ-00466-00112155-00112382 products and we are currently mWTPJaLiTMQ-00467-00112383-00112534 undertaking this project with support mWTPJaLiTMQ-00468-00112535-00112786 coming from Beuys bioenergy technologies mWTPJaLiTMQ-00469-00112788-00113134 office so Kristin here in the front row mWTPJaLiTMQ-00470-00113135-00113405 has been selectively in the past several mWTPJaLiTMQ-00471-00113406-00113560 months putting together a little bit of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00472-00113561-00113840 an annotated bibliography doing some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00473-00113841-00114077 initial research kind of scouring the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00474-00114078-00114314 web and academic journals to get a sense mWTPJaLiTMQ-00475-00114315-00114460 of what sort of peer review literature mWTPJaLiTMQ-00476-00114461-00114740 is out there that actually includes some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00477-00114741-00114998 sort of economic assessments or business mWTPJaLiTMQ-00478-00114999-00115343 plan as part of that paper and we'll see mWTPJaLiTMQ-00479-00115344-00115517 a little bit more about that in a moment mWTPJaLiTMQ-00480-00115518-00115919 and finally we are developing the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00481-00115920-00116183 SharePoint sites so for some of you who mWTPJaLiTMQ-00482-00116183-00116267 have been involved with the challenge mWTPJaLiTMQ-00483-00116268-00116560 for quite a while you may know that GPA mWTPJaLiTMQ-00484-00116561-00116797 doesn't always do things that gracefully mWTPJaLiTMQ-00485-00116798-00117107 one-day is a file sharing site there was mWTPJaLiTMQ-00486-00117108-00117308 a little bit clunky a little bit ugly a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00487-00117308-00117586 little bit awkward to use but that was mWTPJaLiTMQ-00488-00117588-00117845 essentially result post summits at the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00489-00117846-00118001 request of a lot of Univ energy users mWTPJaLiTMQ-00490-00118002-00118271 provide a forum where innovators could mWTPJaLiTMQ-00491-00118272-00118526 share ideas where resources can be mWTPJaLiTMQ-00492-00118527-00118697 exchanged where we could let each other mWTPJaLiTMQ-00493-00118698-00118868 know you know what sort of events are mWTPJaLiTMQ-00494-00118869-00119081 happening like waste work might be come mWTPJaLiTMQ-00495-00119082-00119361 show up at and feature the challenge or mWTPJaLiTMQ-00496-00119363-00119664 care is often focused on mWTPJaLiTMQ-00497-00119665-00119865 the current operator so one of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00498-00119866-00120165 inform and it worked there was crude but mWTPJaLiTMQ-00499-00120166-00120279 we thought we could do things a little mWTPJaLiTMQ-00500-00120280-00120468 bit better so we ultimately started mWTPJaLiTMQ-00501-00120469-00120611 developing a SharePoint site mWTPJaLiTMQ-00502-00120613-00120825 I should say Christine whenever I say mWTPJaLiTMQ-00503-00120826-00121371 creation so we can go in and see a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00504-00121372-00121503 little bit more about that out nursing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00505-00121504-00121773 homes quickly talk about the market mWTPJaLiTMQ-00506-00121774-00121886 assessment in the SharePoint mWTPJaLiTMQ-00507-00121888-00122142 so what Chris is going to show you next mWTPJaLiTMQ-00508-00122143-00122393 no one has seen yet we're actually just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00509-00122394-00122604 including our innovators and our mWTPJaLiTMQ-00510-00122605-00122916 partners so the first time we're really mWTPJaLiTMQ-00511-00122917-00123129 thinking all previews of what's coming mWTPJaLiTMQ-00512-00123130-00123615 out so this is the market assessment mWTPJaLiTMQ-00513-00123616-00123791 project so we essentially done is mWTPJaLiTMQ-00514-00123792-00124098 combined a extensive literature search mWTPJaLiTMQ-00515-00124099-00124326 above of science using the advanced mWTPJaLiTMQ-00516-00124327-00124839 search method please urge that to have mWTPJaLiTMQ-00517-00124840-00125066 you got some of the papers that are mWTPJaLiTMQ-00518-00125067-00125546 specifically on how how some of these mWTPJaLiTMQ-00519-00125547-00125772 products have been performing in the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00520-00125773-00126066 markets already the technologies behind mWTPJaLiTMQ-00521-00126067-00126291 them anything that maybe is used to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00522-00126292-00126498 being a vigorous energy recycling mWTPJaLiTMQ-00523-00126499-00126777 challenge as well as doing a website mWTPJaLiTMQ-00524-00126778-00127089 search and also supplemental Google mWTPJaLiTMQ-00525-00127090-00127266 Scholar search so what you have here is mWTPJaLiTMQ-00526-00127267-00127428 some of the academic journals and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00527-00127429-00127725 technical papers that come across and we mWTPJaLiTMQ-00528-00127726-00127821 try to put them into different mWTPJaLiTMQ-00529-00127822-00128208 categories like algae biocharge through mWTPJaLiTMQ-00530-00128208-00128290 life mWTPJaLiTMQ-00531-00128291-00128536 then kind of developing a menu for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00532-00128537-00128812 animators to sort through our almost 100 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00533-00128813-00129247 page and blog Rafi a easier way to sort mWTPJaLiTMQ-00534-00129248-00129451 through that based on their more mWTPJaLiTMQ-00535-00129452-00129658 specific interest whether that's the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00536-00129659-00129833 industries a genomics in particular mWTPJaLiTMQ-00537-00129833-00130108 product those papers that included a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00538-00130108-00130312 cost-benefit analysis of some of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00539-00130313-00130591 products you would be technology behind mWTPJaLiTMQ-00540-00130592-00130935 them and any of those papers that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00541-00130936-00131110 included a commercial scale mWTPJaLiTMQ-00542-00131111-00131362 demonstration of some technologies for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00543-00131363-00132056 in products so we keep finding ourselves mWTPJaLiTMQ-00544-00132057-00132226 trying to put ourselves and other people mWTPJaLiTMQ-00545-00132227-00132451 shoes through this process we first mWTPJaLiTMQ-00546-00132452-00132718 started it and we tried to say if you're mWTPJaLiTMQ-00547-00132719-00133058 quite producer or very pretty sure what mWTPJaLiTMQ-00548-00133059-00133271 would you need and then now in Phase two mWTPJaLiTMQ-00549-00133272-00133525 we were asking ourselves you're an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00550-00133526-00133759 innovator what do you need if you're mWTPJaLiTMQ-00551-00133760-00133939 trying to develop and we kept hearing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00552-00133940-00134144 from innovators how can we find out more mWTPJaLiTMQ-00553-00134145-00134345 information about what we're competing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00554-00134346-00134546 against how do we compete against before mWTPJaLiTMQ-00555-00134547-00134756 producing a fertilizer a pelletized mWTPJaLiTMQ-00556-00134757-00135032 fertilizer out of you know manure where mWTPJaLiTMQ-00557-00135033-00135197 what are the phases basically again mWTPJaLiTMQ-00558-00135198-00135319 what's the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00559-00135320-00135533 transportability what's the what are the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00560-00135534-00135676 characteristics all these different mWTPJaLiTMQ-00561-00135677-00135979 questions for coming up and so okay well mWTPJaLiTMQ-00562-00135980-00136121 if that's what you mean as an innovator mWTPJaLiTMQ-00563-00136122-00136315 to get closer to building a successful mWTPJaLiTMQ-00564-00136316-00136549 technology then we're going to try and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00565-00136550-00136735 help you find out those answers so that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00566-00136736-00136997 other person came in and we kind of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00567-00136998-00137302 developed this outline microcytic which mWTPJaLiTMQ-00568-00137303-00137570 was kind of like the blue Lamar out like mWTPJaLiTMQ-00569-00137571-00137866 who uses nutrient-rich product who use mWTPJaLiTMQ-00570-00137867-00138037 the nitrogen trees and phosphorus and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00571-00138038-00138335 what form is event and why why delicious mWTPJaLiTMQ-00572-00138336-00138538 and when to me that what time of year do mWTPJaLiTMQ-00573-00138539-00138736 they need it and what form does it need mWTPJaLiTMQ-00574-00138737-00138968 to be in it and how like the what kind mWTPJaLiTMQ-00575-00138969-00139271 of equipment like if you're a bar you mWTPJaLiTMQ-00576-00139272-00139484 need to buy a really expensive useful mWTPJaLiTMQ-00577-00139485-00139658 present to use the co-product and that's mWTPJaLiTMQ-00578-00139659-00140020 not going to work so that's kind of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00579-00140021-00140258 behind-the-scenes thinking that would mWTPJaLiTMQ-00580-00140259-00140548 into this project and Kristin has done mWTPJaLiTMQ-00581-00140549-00140848 the first step in it which which is this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00582-00140849-00141035 annotated bibliography which is 19 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00583-00141036-00141262 something pages long and the next stage mWTPJaLiTMQ-00584-00141263-00141494 of it is that we're we're commissioning mWTPJaLiTMQ-00585-00141495-00141797 a more extensive in-depth look at these mWTPJaLiTMQ-00586-00141798-00142000 to kind of go right up that the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00587-00142001-00142300 innovators you to identify your mWTPJaLiTMQ-00588-00142301-00142516 references to it now what we hope is mWTPJaLiTMQ-00589-00142517-00142726 that the BN product will be something mWTPJaLiTMQ-00590-00142727-00143120 that will empower innovators who are mWTPJaLiTMQ-00591-00143121-00143284 developing their technology mWTPJaLiTMQ-00592-00143285-00143461 think about looking at the higher value mWTPJaLiTMQ-00593-00143462-00143676 markers might be and Wednesday our mWTPJaLiTMQ-00594-00143677-00144009 biggest point goes out and also mWTPJaLiTMQ-00595-00144010-00144251 secondarily it can be something that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00596-00144252-00144472 intolerance invaders who approach they mWTPJaLiTMQ-00597-00144473-00144718 have investors down the road was a it's mWTPJaLiTMQ-00598-00144719-00144924 not this isn't just behind the idea mWTPJaLiTMQ-00599-00144925-00145128 there's actually market dollar that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00600-00145129-00145387 exists because we know professors kind mWTPJaLiTMQ-00601-00145388-00146133 of uh no they're not in school mWTPJaLiTMQ-00602-00146134-00146356 sharepoint site but we've been mWTPJaLiTMQ-00603-00146357-00146713 developing to the immature recycling mWTPJaLiTMQ-00604-00146714-00146941 challenge used to be housed at stp site mWTPJaLiTMQ-00605-00146942-00147181 but we gotta move over to sharepoint to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00606-00147182-00147370 facilitate more discussion and sharing mWTPJaLiTMQ-00607-00147371-00147703 among sweet community as well as having mWTPJaLiTMQ-00608-00147704-00148021 some useful documents and resources and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00609-00148022-00148354 so this is just a snapshot I see of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00610-00148355-00148528 home page you can see we have a couple mWTPJaLiTMQ-00611-00148529-00148669 of different resources here we have a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00612-00148670-00148978 calendar on the last bet I think which mWTPJaLiTMQ-00613-00148979-00149248 is earlier where we have we have a bunch mWTPJaLiTMQ-00614-00149249-00149410 of different events listed throughout mWTPJaLiTMQ-00615-00149411-00149683 the years that may be of interest to any mWTPJaLiTMQ-00616-00149684-00149953 APA partners or people that are involved mWTPJaLiTMQ-00617-00149954-00150145 in our innovators who are involved in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00618-00150146-00150355 leisure recycling challenge we have mWTPJaLiTMQ-00619-00150356-00150535 documents resources including some of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00620-00150536-00150883 those earlier submissions to prove mWTPJaLiTMQ-00621-00150884-00151114 through many websites that may be mWTPJaLiTMQ-00622-00151115-00151396 helpful some photos from the events that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00623-00151397-00151546 we've had in the past there may be some mWTPJaLiTMQ-00624-00151547-00151711 up there from the past weeks towards mWTPJaLiTMQ-00625-00151712-00152143 conferences and also expect mWTPJaLiTMQ-00626-00152144-00152311 announcements in the discussion forum mWTPJaLiTMQ-00627-00152312-00152626 and this is really for you to have an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00628-00152627-00152901 easy way for you to talk with anybody mWTPJaLiTMQ-00629-00152902-00153124 involved in these your second chapter mWTPJaLiTMQ-00630-00153125-00153355 really is a community website so you can mWTPJaLiTMQ-00631-00153356-00153754 and we highly encourage you to submit mWTPJaLiTMQ-00632-00153755-00154111 events to to the calendar you can either mWTPJaLiTMQ-00633-00154112-00154246 send them to me or you can directly mWTPJaLiTMQ-00634-00154247-00154337 instead mWTPJaLiTMQ-00635-00154338-00154574 the calendar or any documents hey I came mWTPJaLiTMQ-00636-00154575-00154832 across this really cool papers you know mWTPJaLiTMQ-00637-00154833-00155039 this week I think everybody should know mWTPJaLiTMQ-00638-00155040-00155339 about it feel free to post it and they mWTPJaLiTMQ-00639-00155340-00155501 also have site instructions and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00640-00155502-00155793 protocols there so when you log into mWTPJaLiTMQ-00641-00155794-00156029 site will send you all invites and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00642-00156030-00156332 you'll be able to to start uploading mWTPJaLiTMQ-00643-00156333-00156578 your content but you'll have a little mWTPJaLiTMQ-00644-00156579-00156965 bit more of a a guide to the site good mWTPJaLiTMQ-00645-00156966-00157172 teams in those documents there so just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00646-00157173-00157283 in case you're not familiar with the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00647-00157284-00157423 SharePoint environment mWTPJaLiTMQ-00648-00157424-00157808 ambitiousness that one of the discussion mWTPJaLiTMQ-00649-00157809-00158106 we hope you'll be depositing assaulter mWTPJaLiTMQ-00650-00158107-00158360 nothing a lot of webinars that could mWTPJaLiTMQ-00651-00158361-00158588 have webinars or members be copying her mWTPJaLiTMQ-00652-00158589-00158789 pieces definitely in place in the chat mWTPJaLiTMQ-00653-00158790-00159026 rooms that someone just the conversation mWTPJaLiTMQ-00654-00159027-00159203 between bidders have to say okay a lot mWTPJaLiTMQ-00655-00159204-00159440 of hours over try to follow top of each mWTPJaLiTMQ-00656-00159441-00159662 other at some point so you know this can mWTPJaLiTMQ-00657-00159663-00159782 also be an opportunity for people to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00658-00159783-00159959 have to eat in today's about whether or mWTPJaLiTMQ-00659-00159960-00160202 not you can get about 80% pure screw by mWTPJaLiTMQ-00660-00160203-00160541 her whatever else is a lot mWTPJaLiTMQ-00661-00160542-00160897 this is my this is a resource for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00662-00160898-00161115 building for kind of a close community mWTPJaLiTMQ-00663-00161116-00161544 of the 34 innovators teens it's the 20 mWTPJaLiTMQ-00664-00161545-00161958 partners and judges expert building mWTPJaLiTMQ-00665-00161959-00162322 effort so for those of you who are mWTPJaLiTMQ-00666-00162323-00162658 involved in the challenge expect emails mWTPJaLiTMQ-00667-00162659-00162954 from us especially from Kristin right mWTPJaLiTMQ-00668-00162955-00163065 after the conference we're going to mWTPJaLiTMQ-00669-00163066-00163210 release the site so we have introduced mWTPJaLiTMQ-00670-00163211-00163411 to get you have got the invitations and mWTPJaLiTMQ-00671-00163412-00163578 you'll have to do a little work you'll mWTPJaLiTMQ-00672-00163579-00163723 have to actually sign up for the account mWTPJaLiTMQ-00673-00163724-00164008 to do it but once you get in is to be mWTPJaLiTMQ-00674-00164009-00164218 uniquely to kind of navigate your way mWTPJaLiTMQ-00675-00164219-00164551 around it so sorry for those who aren't mWTPJaLiTMQ-00676-00164552-00164761 involved in the challenge at this point mWTPJaLiTMQ-00677-00164762-00165070 is not open access yet although think mWTPJaLiTMQ-00678-00165071-00165598 about that later on procuracy papers mWTPJaLiTMQ-00679-00165599-00166482 that are granted mWTPJaLiTMQ-00680-00166483-00166875 oh okay so seriously has been suckles mWTPJaLiTMQ-00681-00166876-00167115 but so actually going into the the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00682-00167116-00167340 content of doctors folder I'm just mWTPJaLiTMQ-00683-00167341-00167466 seeing how we have it structured a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00684-00167467-00167580 little bit just to give you an mWTPJaLiTMQ-00685-00167581-00167733 introduction which you receive inside mWTPJaLiTMQ-00686-00167734-00167931 just so you're like whoa what is all mWTPJaLiTMQ-00687-00167932-00168210 this so we have we have some documents mWTPJaLiTMQ-00688-00168211-00168360 from phase one which would be some of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00689-00168361-00168642 the commission papers the winners of the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00690-00168643-00168789 base won the challenge mWTPJaLiTMQ-00691-00168790-00169017 those were invited to proceed for mWTPJaLiTMQ-00692-00169018-00169365 example we have all the webinars all the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00693-00169366-00169527 powerpoints and webinars within this mWTPJaLiTMQ-00694-00169528-00169941 folder as well as links to the live a mWTPJaLiTMQ-00695-00169942-00170259 life we recorded the recorded live mWTPJaLiTMQ-00696-00170260-00170502 webinars and so you can just go that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00697-00170503-00170640 holder and directly made a look at the mWTPJaLiTMQ-00698-00170641-00170805 PowerPoint to go directly to the webinar mWTPJaLiTMQ-00699-00170806-00171249 free reference we also have a couple of mWTPJaLiTMQ-00700-00171250-00171450 other including assessments here that mWTPJaLiTMQ-00701-00171451-00171714 are so federal grant and Assistance mWTPJaLiTMQ-00702-00171715-00172336 Program see you may be interested in mWTPJaLiTMQ-00703-00172337-00173132 so no little protein oh actually mdjkXrcEl8c-00000-00000000-00000238 Tick Tock ads are a great way to bring mdjkXrcEl8c-00001-00000239-00000437 more traffic and sales to your drop mdjkXrcEl8c-00002-00000438-00000671 shipping stores with the platform being mdjkXrcEl8c-00003-00000672-00000875 one of the most popular and biggest mdjkXrcEl8c-00004-00000876-00001097 social media platforms out there today mdjkXrcEl8c-00005-00001098-00001354 and running ads is also super cheap mdjkXrcEl8c-00006-00001355-00001618 because it's relatively new now is the mdjkXrcEl8c-00007-00001619-00001871 time to run Tick Tock ads for your Drop mdjkXrcEl8c-00008-00001872-00002099 Shipping products and enjoy those extra mdjkXrcEl8c-00009-00002100-00002315 sales and profits that's why I added mdjkXrcEl8c-00010-00002316-00002555 this extra bonus video inside our mdjkXrcEl8c-00011-00002556-00002765 Shopify course so that you will learn mdjkXrcEl8c-00012-00002766-00003034 how to run it tick tock ads from A to Z mdjkXrcEl8c-00013-00003035-00003304 for your dropshipping business enjoy mdjkXrcEl8c-00014-00003305-00003472 this one and I'll see you in the next mdjkXrcEl8c-00015-00003473-00003701 lesson so here's what I did on Tick Tock mdjkXrcEl8c-00016-00003702-00003935 let's go to one of these ads now why do mdjkXrcEl8c-00017-00003936-00004163 we only see four here and not the eight mdjkXrcEl8c-00018-00004164-00004379 that we see on Facebook well that's mdjkXrcEl8c-00019-00004380-00004595 because on Tick Tock I'm only going for mdjkXrcEl8c-00020-00004596-00004804 one type of audience targeting one type mdjkXrcEl8c-00021-00004805-00004991 of audience interest targeting and then mdjkXrcEl8c-00022-00004992-00005135 I'm going to show them all four of my mdjkXrcEl8c-00023-00005136-00005404 ads all four of my video ad copies and mdjkXrcEl8c-00024-00005405-00005572 hopefully one of them will work let's mdjkXrcEl8c-00025-00005573-00005765 edit one of these campaigns okay so this mdjkXrcEl8c-00026-00005766-00005968 is the 30 second testimonial video so as mdjkXrcEl8c-00027-00005969-00006197 you see here I set a custom identity LED mdjkXrcEl8c-00028-00006198-00006359 Looper which is what we're seeing here mdjkXrcEl8c-00029-00006360-00006556 in the ad the ad format is a single mdjkXrcEl8c-00030-00006558-00006767 video the video is right here so this is mdjkXrcEl8c-00031-00006768-00006983 the 30 second testimonial the text is mdjkXrcEl8c-00032-00006984-00007228 creating studying LED visuals so I used mdjkXrcEl8c-00033-00007229-00007360 four different headlines for four mdjkXrcEl8c-00034-00007361-00007517 different videos Tick Tock didn't give mdjkXrcEl8c-00035-00007518-00007792 me the option to try to adjust as to mdjkXrcEl8c-00036-00007793-00007967 what's working best so I just went with mdjkXrcEl8c-00037-00007968-00008164 one headline for each video ad creative mdjkXrcEl8c-00038-00008165-00008339 then the destination page of course is mdjkXrcEl8c-00039-00008340-00008555 website to my product page my call to mdjkXrcEl8c-00040-00008556-00008824 action here I could do a dynamic so go mdjkXrcEl8c-00041-00008825-00008981 ahead Tick Tock give me the best call to mdjkXrcEl8c-00042-00008982-00009185 action it could be learn more buy now mdjkXrcEl8c-00043-00009186-00009353 whatever it may be then we've got the mdjkXrcEl8c-00044-00009354-00009527 tracking so of course I set up the mdjkXrcEl8c-00045-00009528-00009778 Shopify Tick Tock pixel it was easy to mdjkXrcEl8c-00046-00009779-00009928 do it simply go to your Shopify mdjkXrcEl8c-00047-00009929-00010114 dashboard download The Tick Tock app mdjkXrcEl8c-00048-00010115-00010296 from there and everything else should be mdjkXrcEl8c-00049-00010297-00010505 self-explanatory from there just click mdjkXrcEl8c-00050-00010506-00010678 click and next and that's pretty much it mdjkXrcEl8c-00051-00010679-00010871 for this specific ad so that is what mdjkXrcEl8c-00052-00010872-00011045 we're seeing here there is no text as mdjkXrcEl8c-00053-00011046-00011219 you see here Tick Tock doesn't have room mdjkXrcEl8c-00054-00011220-00011453 for all of this just a headline so I mdjkXrcEl8c-00055-00011454-00011596 gave them four different headlines four mdjkXrcEl8c-00056-00011597-00011741 different video ad creatives I didn't mdjkXrcEl8c-00057-00011742-00011914 see the interest so let's go back again mdjkXrcEl8c-00058-00011915-00012064 it's probably going to be here in the ad mdjkXrcEl8c-00059-00012065-00012196 group right now it's not delivering mdjkXrcEl8c-00060-00012197-00012341 because it's outside of my scheduled mdjkXrcEl8c-00061-00012342-00012491 time but it will start delivering soon mdjkXrcEl8c-00062-00012492-00012677 oh and by the way it's not in review mdjkXrcEl8c-00063-00012678-00012910 anymore so this means that my ads mdjkXrcEl8c-00064-00012911-00013037 already got approved in just a few mdjkXrcEl8c-00065-00013038-00013157 minutes I thought it would take a few mdjkXrcEl8c-00066-00013158-00013349 hours but maybe everything was really mdjkXrcEl8c-00067-00013350-00013541 optimized set up correctly or maybe Tick mdjkXrcEl8c-00068-00013541-00013721 Tock has more people reviewing campaigns mdjkXrcEl8c-00069-00013722-00013894 but as you can see they are not in mdjkXrcEl8c-00070-00013895-00014044 review anymore they're simply not mdjkXrcEl8c-00071-00014045-00014255 delivering and that is because I mdjkXrcEl8c-00072-00014256-00014435 scheduled to deliver them in just a few mdjkXrcEl8c-00073-00014436-00014615 hours from now that is when they will mdjkXrcEl8c-00074-00014616-00014788 start delivering so let's go to the ad mdjkXrcEl8c-00075-00014790-00014999 group and take a look there so I've only mdjkXrcEl8c-00076-00015000-00015197 got one campaign as you see right here mdjkXrcEl8c-00077-00015197-00015407 okay it's an active campaign I've got mdjkXrcEl8c-00078-00015408-00015635 one ad Group which is right here and mdjkXrcEl8c-00079-00015636-00015875 four different ads under this ad group mdjkXrcEl8c-00080-00015876-00016036 and campaign let's start from the top mdjkXrcEl8c-00081-00016037-00016163 okay which is what I should have done mdjkXrcEl8c-00082-00016163-00016330 before so right now we're looking at the mdjkXrcEl8c-00083-00016331-00016450 campaign I'm going for website mdjkXrcEl8c-00084-00016451-00016655 conversions on Tick Tock the campaign is mdjkXrcEl8c-00085-00016656-00016883 Led Looper conversions and I didn't set mdjkXrcEl8c-00086-00016884-00017158 a campaign budget but I did only add 120 mdjkXrcEl8c-00087-00017159-00017435 dollars into this account so Tick Tock mdjkXrcEl8c-00088-00017436-00017579 will not be able to go over that price mdjkXrcEl8c-00089-00017580-00017722 anyway and if I do go over that mdjkXrcEl8c-00090-00017723-00017879 threshold and I want to add more I can mdjkXrcEl8c-00091-00017880-00018047 always do that okay so that's in terms mdjkXrcEl8c-00092-00018048-00018203 of the campaign now let's look at the ad mdjkXrcEl8c-00093-00018204-00018413 group so my available audience here is mdjkXrcEl8c-00094-00018414-00018671 between 21 to 26 million which Tick Tock mdjkXrcEl8c-00095-00018672-00018850 sees as balanced Facebook would see it mdjkXrcEl8c-00096-00018851-00019079 as as super broad but here it's balanced mdjkXrcEl8c-00097-00019080-00019253 so let's try that out I'm going to go to mdjkXrcEl8c-00098-00019254-00019421 an external website of course I'm using mdjkXrcEl8c-00099-00019422-00019636 my pixel my optimization event is mdjkXrcEl8c-00100-00019637-00019877 complete payment so find me customers mdjkXrcEl8c-00101-00019878-00020075 who will complete payment my placement mdjkXrcEl8c-00102-00020076-00020344 is only Tick Tock I took out buzz video mdjkXrcEl8c-00103-00020345-00020543 and pangol no experience with them don't mdjkXrcEl8c-00104-00020544-00020717 know if it's good or not I'm good with mdjkXrcEl8c-00105-00020718-00020914 Tick Tock and in my targeting I went mdjkXrcEl8c-00106-00020915-00021100 with custom targeting so what the mdjkXrcEl8c-00107-00021101-00021263 location here is Canada and United mdjkXrcEl8c-00108-00021264-00021430 States I didn't have the option to go mdjkXrcEl8c-00109-00021431-00021641 with uh Australia and New Zealand but mdjkXrcEl8c-00110-00021642-00021814 that is good enough for me languages of mdjkXrcEl8c-00111-00021815-00022007 course is English gender both male and mdjkXrcEl8c-00112-00022008-00022264 female age range from 18 to 44. mdjkXrcEl8c-00113-00022265-00022475 household income I don't mind them all mdjkXrcEl8c-00114-00022476-00022739 and down to interests and behaviors here mdjkXrcEl8c-00115-00022740-00022978 I added interests purchase intention mdjkXrcEl8c-00116-00022979-00023117 instead of general interest I want mdjkXrcEl8c-00117-00023118-00023278 people who actually have an intention to mdjkXrcEl8c-00118-00023279-00023447 purchase and I went with these four mdjkXrcEl8c-00119-00023448-00023614 categories Home Improvement e-commerce mdjkXrcEl8c-00120-00023615-00023764 household products and Tech and mdjkXrcEl8c-00121-00023765-00023975 electronics and I set a budget of 40 mdjkXrcEl8c-00122-00023976-00024214 dollars per day if I've got a budget of mdjkXrcEl8c-00123-00024215-00024419 forty dollars per day for four different mdjkXrcEl8c-00124-00024420-00024593 ad sets that means that each one is mdjkXrcEl8c-00125-00024594-00024797 going to go for ten dollars per day so mdjkXrcEl8c-00126-00024798-00025007 ten dollars times four ad sets is forty mdjkXrcEl8c-00127-00025008-00025186 dollars per day times three days is a mdjkXrcEl8c-00128-00025187-00025307 hundred and twenty dollars which is mdjkXrcEl8c-00129-00025308-00025505 exactly how much I give Tick Tock and I mdjkXrcEl8c-00130-00025506-00025661 wanna come back after three days and mdjkXrcEl8c-00131-00025662-00025799 analyze how these ads are performing mdjkXrcEl8c-00132-00025800-00025955 seeing what I need to turn off maybe mdjkXrcEl8c-00133-00025956-00026152 optimize some of them we will see soon mdjkXrcEl8c-00134-00026154-00026333 enough but for now that is what I said mdjkXrcEl8c-00135-00026333-00026573 here day partying all day and this is mdjkXrcEl8c-00136-00026574-00026717 why we're seeing everything as scheduled mdjkXrcEl8c-00137-00026718-00026867 not delivering because it's outside of mdjkXrcEl8c-00138-00026868-00027029 my schedule time because I wanted to mdjkXrcEl8c-00139-00027030-00027167 start at two o'clock at night because mdjkXrcEl8c-00140-00027168-00027418 right now I'm seeing UTC time and 2 A.M mdjkXrcEl8c-00141-00027419-00027652 in the morning is about 12 a.m my time mdjkXrcEl8c-00142-00027654-00027808 which is once again a good time for mdjkXrcEl8c-00143-00027810-00027958 people who live in the United States and mdjkXrcEl8c-00144-00027960-00028174 Canada to see the ad and purchase the mdjkXrcEl8c-00145-00028175-00028343 product for bidding and optimization I mdjkXrcEl8c-00146-00028344-00028540 went with lowest cost and that is pretty mdjkXrcEl8c-00147-00028541-00028690 much it for the ad group and then we've mdjkXrcEl8c-00148-00028691-00028877 got the ad which is what I started off mdjkXrcEl8c-00149-00028877-00029117 with so you guys saw the ad I've got the mdjkXrcEl8c-00150-00029118-00029273 four different variations 15 second mdjkXrcEl8c-00151-00029274-00029458 testimonial 30 second testimonial 15 mdjkXrcEl8c-00152-00029460-00029735 second text and 30 second text and that mdjkXrcEl8c-00153-00029736-00029890 pretty much does it and now that you mdjkXrcEl8c-00154-00029891-00030089 know how to run takes talk ads for your mdjkXrcEl8c-00155-00030089-00030262 Shopify dropshipping business you can mdjkXrcEl8c-00156-00030263-00030449 now go ahead and get started do not mdjkXrcEl8c-00157-00030450-00030664 forget to start with five to ten dollar mdjkXrcEl8c-00158-00030666-00030995 a day budget ad sets and this way see mdjkXrcEl8c-00159-00030995-00031187 what starts to work from the data that mdjkXrcEl8c-00160-00031188-00031361 starts coming in after about two to mdjkXrcEl8c-00161-00031362-00031511 three days you should have a pretty good mdjkXrcEl8c-00162-00031512-00031679 indication of what's working well for mdjkXrcEl8c-00163-00031680-00031907 you turn off those slow movers learn mdjkXrcEl8c-00164-00031908-00032062 from the ads that are working well for mdjkXrcEl8c-00165-00032063-00032308 you continue a b testing different video mdjkXrcEl8c-00166-00032310-00032543 ad creatives and different texts and mdjkXrcEl8c-00167-00032544-00032789 targeting different audiences and with mdjkXrcEl8c-00168-00032790-00032999 more experience the results will follow mdjkXrcEl8c-00169-00033000-00033173 Good Luck running Tick Tock ads and mdjkXrcEl8c-00170-00033174-00033530 enjoy the rest of the Shopify course mdLp99o4w0k-00000-00001359-00002390 my mdLp99o4w0k-00001-00002391-00002839 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00002-00002840-00002916 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00004-00009908-00011090 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00006-00014941-00015141 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00007-00015143-00015886 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00008-00015887-00015997 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00009-00015999-00016077 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00011-00036991-00037622 so mdLp99o4w0k-00012-00037623-00039386 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00013-00039387-00039677 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00016-00053216-00053321 my mdLp99o4w0k-00018-00056394-00056866 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00019-00056867-00057942 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00020-00057944-00057955 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00021-00057957-00059192 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00022-00059194-00059535 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00023-00059536-00059752 so mdLp99o4w0k-00024-00059753-00060565 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00025-00060566-00060633 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00027-00066002-00066443 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00028-00066444-00067542 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00029-00067543-00067826 [Applause] mdLp99o4w0k-00030-00067827-00068167 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00031-00068168-00068395 so mdLp99o4w0k-00033-00071706-00073567 [Music] mdLp99o4w0k-00034-00073568-00073731 so mdLp99o4w0k-00036-00081880-00082216 so mdLp99o4w0k-00038-00092048-00092256 you mixeIhUfsTo-00000-00000976-00001158 welcome everybody thank you so much for mixeIhUfsTo-00001-00001159-00001239 joining mixeIhUfsTo-00002-00001240-00001527 and um my biggest challenge with this mixeIhUfsTo-00003-00001528-00001710 talk is going to be fitting it into the mixeIhUfsTo-00004-00001711-00001759 time mixeIhUfsTo-00005-00001760-00002039 allotted i am well known as a speaker mixeIhUfsTo-00006-00002039-00002087 for going mixeIhUfsTo-00007-00002088-00002287 overtime when i have 60 minute time mixeIhUfsTo-00008-00002288-00002526 slots and 75 minute time slots mixeIhUfsTo-00009-00002527-00002710 so this one's going to be tricky for me mixeIhUfsTo-00010-00002711-00002871 i'm going to do my best mixeIhUfsTo-00011-00002872-00003142 but because of that please do feel free mixeIhUfsTo-00012-00003143-00003222 to ask mixeIhUfsTo-00013-00003223-00003463 questions as we go along the producers mixeIhUfsTo-00014-00003464-00003638 are going to capture those and send them mixeIhUfsTo-00015-00003639-00003703 to me mixeIhUfsTo-00016-00003704-00003911 in all likelihood we won't have time for mixeIhUfsTo-00017-00003911-00004031 questions at the end mixeIhUfsTo-00018-00004032-00004222 i'm just setting your expectations super mixeIhUfsTo-00019-00004223-00004486 low so that maybe i can beat them mixeIhUfsTo-00020-00004487-00004759 but i will be around after the session mixeIhUfsTo-00021-00004760-00004935 and i'll go over into welo if you would mixeIhUfsTo-00022-00004936-00005054 like to chat and mixeIhUfsTo-00023-00005055-00005222 we'll give you some contact information mixeIhUfsTo-00024-00005223-00005431 how to reach me if you want to have a mixeIhUfsTo-00025-00005432-00005591 follow-up conversation about anything mixeIhUfsTo-00026-00005592-00005854 that i've shared in the talk mixeIhUfsTo-00027-00005855-00006279 so today here we go mixeIhUfsTo-00028-00006280-00006518 underpants gnomes in kanban um quick mixeIhUfsTo-00029-00006519-00006623 introduction i mixeIhUfsTo-00030-00006623-00006919 am cheryl hammond i speak a fair amount mixeIhUfsTo-00031-00006920-00007055 on the agile circuit mixeIhUfsTo-00032-00007056-00007270 i'm absolutely thrilled to have been mixeIhUfsTo-00033-00007272-00007527 invited to submit for this conference mixeIhUfsTo-00034-00007528-00007727 and i'm really excited about being able mixeIhUfsTo-00035-00007728-00007846 to speak to mixeIhUfsTo-00036-00007847-00008023 an audience i don't frequently get over mixeIhUfsTo-00037-00008023-00008191 to conferences in europe because i mixeIhUfsTo-00038-00008192-00008351 self-pay for most of my mixeIhUfsTo-00039-00008352-00008599 speaking and so it's great to be able to mixeIhUfsTo-00040-00008600-00008831 have a global audience and to talk to a mixeIhUfsTo-00041-00008832-00008942 new mix of people mixeIhUfsTo-00042-00008943-00009103 so i'm really grateful to be able to be mixeIhUfsTo-00043-00009104-00009319 part of this i work for a company called mixeIhUfsTo-00044-00009320-00009414 contino mixeIhUfsTo-00045-00009415-00009631 we have offices in the states as well as mixeIhUfsTo-00046-00009632-00009806 australia and the uk mixeIhUfsTo-00047-00009807-00009983 we are hiring like crazy i will be mixeIhUfsTo-00048-00009984-00010151 putting up my recruiting slide at the mixeIhUfsTo-00049-00010152-00010287 end so if anything mixeIhUfsTo-00050-00010288-00010542 that i've talked about or or or acted mixeIhUfsTo-00051-00010543-00010591 like mixeIhUfsTo-00052-00010592-00010751 sounds interesting to you and you'd like mixeIhUfsTo-00053-00010752-00010919 to to know more about working with us mixeIhUfsTo-00054-00010920-00011103 please let me know mixeIhUfsTo-00055-00011104-00011327 we focus on digital transformation mixeIhUfsTo-00056-00011328-00011503 primarily via devops mixeIhUfsTo-00057-00011504-00011695 so my talk today is not particularly mixeIhUfsTo-00058-00011696-00011903 technical but the rest of my company is mixeIhUfsTo-00059-00011904-00012295 is quite um but we have the whole range mixeIhUfsTo-00060-00012296-00012503 and uh just a couple of quick mixeIhUfsTo-00061-00012504-00012663 housekeeping things i will throw this mixeIhUfsTo-00062-00012664-00012871 slide up again at the end because it has mixeIhUfsTo-00063-00012872-00013046 a couple of good links on it mixeIhUfsTo-00064-00013047-00013247 most um all of my slides from all of my mixeIhUfsTo-00065-00013247-00013486 talks are stored on slideshare mixeIhUfsTo-00066-00013487-00013791 at basketcase and uh i mixeIhUfsTo-00067-00013791-00014047 am at basketcase on twitter if you want mixeIhUfsTo-00068-00014047-00014207 to include me in your twitter mixeIhUfsTo-00069-00014208-00014566 posts i have also used the hashtag mixeIhUfsTo-00070-00014568-00014703 kanbangnomes mixeIhUfsTo-00071-00014704-00014871 um and i'll go take a look on twitter mixeIhUfsTo-00072-00014872-00015047 for that if you have any reactions to mixeIhUfsTo-00073-00015047-00015199 the talk or questions about it mixeIhUfsTo-00074-00015200-00015447 so that's another good way to reach me mixeIhUfsTo-00075-00015447-00015679 and carry on the conversation mixeIhUfsTo-00076-00015680-00016015 again i'll have this one up at the end mixeIhUfsTo-00077-00016016-00016143 and then here's some some mixeIhUfsTo-00078-00016144-00016319 non-interesting things about me mixeIhUfsTo-00079-00016319-00016550 um i've been in the industry for a long mixeIhUfsTo-00080-00016551-00016743 time now i put the plus sign there so mixeIhUfsTo-00081-00016744-00016879 that i don't have to keep updating the mixeIhUfsTo-00082-00016880-00016927 years mixeIhUfsTo-00083-00016928-00017399 on that slide anymore and i do this mixeIhUfsTo-00084-00017400-00017663 you know by whatever name agile lean mixeIhUfsTo-00085-00017664-00017750 kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00086-00017751-00017967 stuff i didn't put on here i happen to mixeIhUfsTo-00087-00017968-00018263 be a certified trainer for scrum dot org mixeIhUfsTo-00088-00018264-00018463 in the scrum professional scrum with mixeIhUfsTo-00089-00018464-00018630 kanban practice mixeIhUfsTo-00090-00018631-00018822 as well as a certified trainer for pro mixeIhUfsTo-00091-00018823-00018958 kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00092-00018959-00019230 and i don't actually do a whole lot with mixeIhUfsTo-00093-00019231-00019383 that but i love being part of these mixeIhUfsTo-00094-00019384-00019575 communities it's really valuable to me mixeIhUfsTo-00095-00019576-00019630 to learn mixeIhUfsTo-00096-00019631-00019807 from all the other folks that are in the mixeIhUfsTo-00097-00019808-00020047 respective trainer communities mixeIhUfsTo-00098-00020048-00020239 having said that you're going to find in mixeIhUfsTo-00099-00020240-00020422 a moment that i'm very pragmatic and not mixeIhUfsTo-00100-00020423-00020630 at all dogmatic about the ways that mixeIhUfsTo-00101-00020631-00020830 these practices are implemented mixeIhUfsTo-00102-00020831-00021014 i've been a consultant for a long time mixeIhUfsTo-00103-00021015-00021199 and so i understand that mixeIhUfsTo-00104-00021200-00021407 um there's been so many instances of me mixeIhUfsTo-00105-00021408-00021575 going into a client and saying here's my mixeIhUfsTo-00106-00021576-00021727 conventional wisdom and then having it mixeIhUfsTo-00107-00021728-00021878 absolutely not work and have to mixeIhUfsTo-00108-00021879-00022094 re-examine all my priors mixeIhUfsTo-00109-00022095-00022271 and i imagine that many of you have had mixeIhUfsTo-00110-00022272-00022478 similar experiences so mixeIhUfsTo-00111-00022479-00022671 uh at this point in my career i'm much mixeIhUfsTo-00112-00022672-00022847 more about being curious about why mixeIhUfsTo-00113-00022848-00022935 things don't work mixeIhUfsTo-00114-00022936-00023199 than being too pushy about what i think mixeIhUfsTo-00115-00023200-00023263 should work mixeIhUfsTo-00116-00023264-00023422 because i have a lot more to learn from mixeIhUfsTo-00117-00023423-00023599 you most of the time mixeIhUfsTo-00118-00023600-00023767 than any of you have to learn from me to mixeIhUfsTo-00119-00023768-00023958 be perfectly honest mixeIhUfsTo-00120-00023959-00024294 so okay let's get to it we're going to mixeIhUfsTo-00121-00024295-00024358 talk about mixeIhUfsTo-00122-00024359-00024535 why on earth are there underpants in mixeIhUfsTo-00123-00024536-00024678 this conversation mixeIhUfsTo-00124-00024679-00024878 and how does that relate to kanban we'll mixeIhUfsTo-00125-00024879-00025135 talk about a couple of practical tips mixeIhUfsTo-00126-00025136-00025311 again they'll be pretty compressed for mixeIhUfsTo-00127-00025312-00025558 time i'm gonna try to hit all three of mixeIhUfsTo-00128-00025559-00025599 them mixeIhUfsTo-00129-00025600-00025822 fingers crossed um and then if we have mixeIhUfsTo-00130-00025823-00025918 any time at the end mixeIhUfsTo-00131-00025919-00026070 don't hold your breath but we'll uh mixeIhUfsTo-00132-00026072-00026239 we'll leave that for any conversation mixeIhUfsTo-00133-00026239-00026399 and questions that you may have mixeIhUfsTo-00134-00026400-00026687 and then carry it on after the session mixeIhUfsTo-00135-00026688-00026823 so here's the problem mixeIhUfsTo-00136-00026824-00027070 okay first of all how many of you were mixeIhUfsTo-00137-00027072-00027174 familiar with mixeIhUfsTo-00138-00027175-00027358 what the underpants gnomes refers to mixeIhUfsTo-00139-00027360-00027502 that isn't kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00140-00027504-00027814 how many of you recognize the reference mixeIhUfsTo-00141-00027816-00028135 see it's gotten old enough now mixeIhUfsTo-00142-00028136-00028367 that like most people do not remember mixeIhUfsTo-00143-00028368-00028574 this was an episode of south park in the mixeIhUfsTo-00144-00028575-00028631 first mixeIhUfsTo-00145-00028632-00028887 season and it isn't called the mixeIhUfsTo-00146-00028888-00029039 underpants gnomes it's called something mixeIhUfsTo-00147-00029039-00029087 else mixeIhUfsTo-00148-00029088-00029311 but there's a storyline in a particular mixeIhUfsTo-00149-00029312-00029390 episode mixeIhUfsTo-00150-00029391-00029711 about a kid not one of the core kids who mixeIhUfsTo-00151-00029712-00029951 um they believe he's delusional but it mixeIhUfsTo-00152-00029952-00030087 turns out that the underpants gnomes mixeIhUfsTo-00153-00030088-00030183 actually exist mixeIhUfsTo-00154-00030183-00030335 and it's a group of gnomes that come out mixeIhUfsTo-00155-00030336-00030462 of his closet at night while he's mixeIhUfsTo-00156-00030463-00030695 sleeping and they steal his underpants mixeIhUfsTo-00157-00030695-00030958 and so the kids confront the gnomes and mixeIhUfsTo-00158-00030960-00031102 they ask the gnomes mixeIhUfsTo-00159-00031103-00031335 why are you stealing underpants and the mixeIhUfsTo-00160-00031336-00031535 answer is that it's part of the gnome's mixeIhUfsTo-00161-00031536-00031662 business plan mixeIhUfsTo-00162-00031663-00031999 which is this phase one mixeIhUfsTo-00163-00032000-00032335 collect underpants phase two mixeIhUfsTo-00164-00032336-00032767 i don't know phase three profit mixeIhUfsTo-00165-00032768-00033046 and the whole thing was a send-up of at mixeIhUfsTo-00166-00033047-00033143 the time mixeIhUfsTo-00167-00033144-00033343 the dot-com economy which i am old mixeIhUfsTo-00168-00033344-00033502 enough to have been a part of mixeIhUfsTo-00169-00033503-00033767 with lots of startups having business mixeIhUfsTo-00170-00033768-00033943 plans that essentially boil down to mixeIhUfsTo-00171-00033944-00034255 collect underpants we don't know profit mixeIhUfsTo-00172-00034256-00034462 and when i first started consulting mixeIhUfsTo-00173-00034463-00034615 learning about kanban and trying to mixeIhUfsTo-00174-00034616-00034823 implement kanban with teams mixeIhUfsTo-00175-00034824-00035207 what i learned i felt very quickly mixeIhUfsTo-00176-00035208-00035511 was that it felt a lot like mixeIhUfsTo-00177-00035512-00035823 implementing kanban consisted of make mixeIhUfsTo-00178-00035824-00036071 work visible mixeIhUfsTo-00179-00036072-00036295 we're not quite sure what happens next mixeIhUfsTo-00180-00036296-00036615 and then there will be flow mixeIhUfsTo-00181-00036616-00036846 and when i went to work with clients mixeIhUfsTo-00182-00036847-00036959 when we went to put mixeIhUfsTo-00183-00036960-00037255 kanban into place frequently we would mixeIhUfsTo-00184-00037256-00037343 find mixeIhUfsTo-00185-00037344-00037574 that the part about building a kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00186-00037575-00037823 board was fairly intuitive and even kind mixeIhUfsTo-00187-00037824-00037918 of fun mixeIhUfsTo-00188-00037919-00038151 and so i went to to company after mixeIhUfsTo-00189-00038152-00038295 company team after team mixeIhUfsTo-00190-00038296-00038502 where there would be big elaborate mixeIhUfsTo-00191-00038503-00038615 visual displays mixeIhUfsTo-00192-00038616-00038918 with color coding and yarn and magnets mixeIhUfsTo-00193-00038919-00039283 and you know cartoons and fun stuff mixeIhUfsTo-00194-00039284-00039583 but once the big visible display was up mixeIhUfsTo-00195-00039584-00039815 what i was seeing was a lack of momentum mixeIhUfsTo-00196-00039816-00040055 to continue making any changes mixeIhUfsTo-00197-00040056-00040335 or that there would be changes made that mixeIhUfsTo-00198-00040336-00040439 wouldn't work mixeIhUfsTo-00199-00040440-00040639 and the teams couldn't really figure out mixeIhUfsTo-00200-00040640-00040743 why mixeIhUfsTo-00201-00040744-00041095 and so at some point after that initial mixeIhUfsTo-00202-00041096-00041311 excitement of we're gonna go do kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00203-00041312-00041479 of course you know i'm old enough now mixeIhUfsTo-00204-00041480-00041662 that that was a very new very exciting mixeIhUfsTo-00205-00041663-00041727 thing mixeIhUfsTo-00206-00041728-00042046 we're gonna do kanban it would as many mixeIhUfsTo-00207-00042047-00042239 of these transformation efforts by any mixeIhUfsTo-00208-00042240-00042390 other names also do mixeIhUfsTo-00209-00042391-00042646 it would have a peak and then it would mixeIhUfsTo-00210-00042647-00042823 kind of fall off and plateau mixeIhUfsTo-00211-00042824-00043095 and feel very stalled and i did a good mixeIhUfsTo-00212-00043096-00043279 amount of work with teams who mixeIhUfsTo-00213-00043280-00043535 just weren't sure what to do next and i mixeIhUfsTo-00214-00043536-00043623 made the joke mixeIhUfsTo-00215-00043624-00043807 a million years ago that it felt like mixeIhUfsTo-00216-00043808-00044039 the underpants gnome was all over again mixeIhUfsTo-00217-00044040-00044255 and that makes for a really entertaining mixeIhUfsTo-00218-00044256-00044495 conference talk so here we are mixeIhUfsTo-00219-00044496-00044671 so what i want to talk about in this mixeIhUfsTo-00220-00044672-00044799 talk is mixeIhUfsTo-00221-00044800-00045151 some ideas these are small things mixeIhUfsTo-00222-00045152-00045455 that can help restart a kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00223-00045456-00045558 implementation mixeIhUfsTo-00224-00045559-00045758 after that initial honeymoon has worn mixeIhUfsTo-00225-00045759-00045927 off after the thrill of collecting the mixeIhUfsTo-00226-00045928-00046023 underpants mixeIhUfsTo-00227-00046024-00046167 and you're not quite sure what to do mixeIhUfsTo-00228-00046168-00046407 with the big pile of underpants now mixeIhUfsTo-00229-00046408-00046639 how do we keep things moving in order to mixeIhUfsTo-00230-00046640-00046830 actually deliver some of the business mixeIhUfsTo-00231-00046831-00046983 outcomes and human outcomes mixeIhUfsTo-00232-00046984-00047111 that we are hoping to achieve with mixeIhUfsTo-00233-00047112-00047374 combat so let's talk mixeIhUfsTo-00234-00047375-00047743 first about kind of um mixeIhUfsTo-00235-00047744-00048086 the notion of kanban itself i i love mixeIhUfsTo-00236-00048087-00048262 this slide the concept of kanban the mixeIhUfsTo-00237-00048263-00048462 name comes to us from mixeIhUfsTo-00238-00048463-00048702 the japanese meaning visual card or mixeIhUfsTo-00239-00048703-00048886 visual board mixeIhUfsTo-00240-00048887-00049207 and therefore kind of right in the name mixeIhUfsTo-00241-00049208-00049479 we've got the visual display is front mixeIhUfsTo-00242-00049480-00049639 and center mixeIhUfsTo-00243-00049640-00049958 but there is a bit of an assumption that mixeIhUfsTo-00244-00049959-00050207 if we put all our problems out here mixeIhUfsTo-00245-00050208-00050358 where people can see them and we've got mixeIhUfsTo-00246-00050359-00050567 that idea of start where you are mixeIhUfsTo-00247-00050568-00050846 visualize the process that you have and mixeIhUfsTo-00248-00050847-00051055 that may be replicated in any number of mixeIhUfsTo-00249-00051056-00051270 things right it could be in your mixeIhUfsTo-00250-00051271-00051590 god help you jira implementation or it mixeIhUfsTo-00251-00051591-00051926 could be a physical display or mixeIhUfsTo-00252-00051927-00052102 it could be a value stream mapping mixeIhUfsTo-00253-00052103-00052294 session or any number of things where mixeIhUfsTo-00254-00052295-00052454 you're attempting to capture current mixeIhUfsTo-00255-00052455-00052630 state mixeIhUfsTo-00256-00052632-00052830 but the idea behind kanban of course mixeIhUfsTo-00257-00052832-00053038 that you know that toyota reference is mixeIhUfsTo-00258-00053039-00053326 that kanban refers to not just the mixeIhUfsTo-00259-00053327-00053535 visual card or the visual board but mixeIhUfsTo-00260-00053536-00053879 the process behind it the the actions mixeIhUfsTo-00261-00053879-00053975 that you take mixeIhUfsTo-00262-00053976-00054230 to enable work to flow more efficiently mixeIhUfsTo-00263-00054232-00054350 through your system mixeIhUfsTo-00264-00054351-00054599 then it doesn't pop as much for people mixeIhUfsTo-00265-00054600-00054671 but that's mixeIhUfsTo-00266-00054672-00054791 that's where we're trying to get the mixeIhUfsTo-00267-00054791-00055023 benefits okay mixeIhUfsTo-00268-00055024-00055407 so we style at facebook why do we stall mixeIhUfsTo-00269-00055408-00055519 at phase two of course mixeIhUfsTo-00270-00055520-00055807 not everybody stalls at phase two maybe mixeIhUfsTo-00271-00055808-00056030 you stall at phase three for phase four mixeIhUfsTo-00272-00056032-00056511 right and i think part of the problem is mixeIhUfsTo-00273-00056512-00056711 i've seen that the idea behind mixeIhUfsTo-00274-00056712-00056823 visualizing work mixeIhUfsTo-00275-00056824-00057071 is to expose the pains and the mixeIhUfsTo-00276-00057072-00057271 inefficiencies in the system mixeIhUfsTo-00277-00057272-00057487 and you immediately run into a problem mixeIhUfsTo-00278-00057488-00057647 where not everybody likes it we don't mixeIhUfsTo-00279-00057648-00057871 like feeling pain mixeIhUfsTo-00280-00057872-00058087 i saw a lot of teams trying to sort of mixeIhUfsTo-00281-00058088-00058279 paper over things on their board mixeIhUfsTo-00282-00058279-00058487 and maybe make them not look quite so mixeIhUfsTo-00283-00058488-00058630 bad because mixeIhUfsTo-00284-00058632-00058791 it's one thing to talk about our pains mixeIhUfsTo-00285-00058791-00058950 amongst ourselves it's another thing to mixeIhUfsTo-00286-00058951-00059094 have the vice president of the company mixeIhUfsTo-00287-00059095-00059230 know what they are mixeIhUfsTo-00288-00059232-00059391 and maybe make assumptions about why mixeIhUfsTo-00289-00059391-00059582 they are and how they how they how they mixeIhUfsTo-00290-00059583-00059654 got there mixeIhUfsTo-00291-00059655-00059950 but then in addition to that so to some mixeIhUfsTo-00292-00059951-00060054 degree i think we see mixeIhUfsTo-00293-00060055-00060199 we feel resistance the idea of mixeIhUfsTo-00294-00060200-00060415 visualizing our process how it is mixeIhUfsTo-00295-00060416-00060782 can be challenging but then also mixeIhUfsTo-00296-00060783-00061103 seeing a problem on the board and mixeIhUfsTo-00297-00061104-00061375 knowing anything about how to fix it are mixeIhUfsTo-00298-00061376-00061630 very very different things mixeIhUfsTo-00299-00061632-00061871 and oftentimes i think when teams are in mixeIhUfsTo-00300-00061872-00062054 the middle of those problems and have mixeIhUfsTo-00301-00062055-00062254 been for years mixeIhUfsTo-00302-00062255-00062511 they may they may have the board may not mixeIhUfsTo-00303-00062512-00062654 be telling them anything they didn't mixeIhUfsTo-00304-00062655-00062830 already know mixeIhUfsTo-00305-00062832-00063054 or assume right they're getting they're mixeIhUfsTo-00306-00063055-00063230 seeing a lot of things on the board that mixeIhUfsTo-00307-00063232-00063350 feel like problems mixeIhUfsTo-00308-00063351-00063542 that doesn't necessarily mean that they mixeIhUfsTo-00309-00063544-00063775 know how to solve those problems mixeIhUfsTo-00310-00063776-00064087 now the idea behind moving towards mixeIhUfsTo-00311-00064088-00064238 kanban is again mixeIhUfsTo-00312-00064239-00064423 it's not supposed to be just the board mixeIhUfsTo-00313-00064424-00064623 and then stop it's supposed to be the mixeIhUfsTo-00314-00064624-00064766 board and a bunch of other good mixeIhUfsTo-00315-00064767-00064887 practices mixeIhUfsTo-00316-00064888-00065230 but how do we move from seeing things on mixeIhUfsTo-00317-00065232-00065375 the board and having any idea mixeIhUfsTo-00318-00065376-00065671 which practices to implement when why mixeIhUfsTo-00319-00065672-00065750 how long mixeIhUfsTo-00320-00065751-00066006 what outcomes are we expecting some so mixeIhUfsTo-00321-00066007-00066159 how can we use what we know mixeIhUfsTo-00322-00066160-00066423 from kanban to help us with some of this mixeIhUfsTo-00323-00066424-00066606 basic problem solving to keep moving mixeIhUfsTo-00324-00066607-00066879 forward mixeIhUfsTo-00325-00066880-00067182 um so let's start with the real obvious mixeIhUfsTo-00326-00067183-00067231 one mixeIhUfsTo-00327-00067232-00067391 right there are a lot of different mixeIhUfsTo-00328-00067392-00067615 writings about what is kanban and mixeIhUfsTo-00329-00067616-00067815 because there's not a single mixeIhUfsTo-00330-00067816-00068126 definitive thing that somebody owns the mixeIhUfsTo-00331-00068127-00068294 way the scrum guide is mixeIhUfsTo-00332-00068295-00068471 the kanban has a lot of different mixeIhUfsTo-00333-00068472-00068750 definitions written by different people mixeIhUfsTo-00334-00068751-00068943 i've had slides in here they take up too mixeIhUfsTo-00335-00068944-00069126 much time but that talk about mixeIhUfsTo-00336-00069127-00069279 there being three pillars and five mixeIhUfsTo-00337-00069280-00069487 pillars and six pillars and four pillars mixeIhUfsTo-00338-00069488-00069631 and two pillars and mixeIhUfsTo-00339-00069632-00069838 and it depends on who you ask us so what mixeIhUfsTo-00340-00069839-00070071 the you know what is the mixeIhUfsTo-00341-00070072-00070255 the process for implementing kanban and mixeIhUfsTo-00342-00070256-00070526 what are the elements it's not mixeIhUfsTo-00343-00070527-00070831 quite so set in stone i think that's an mixeIhUfsTo-00344-00070832-00070975 advantage because it gives you mixeIhUfsTo-00345-00070976-00071111 flexibility but mixeIhUfsTo-00346-00071112-00071319 it means that folks who are new to the mixeIhUfsTo-00347-00071320-00071479 community and new to mixeIhUfsTo-00348-00071480-00071703 trying to think in a kanban sort of way mixeIhUfsTo-00349-00071704-00071855 oftentimes have so many different mixeIhUfsTo-00350-00071856-00072031 directions to go that it's not mixeIhUfsTo-00351-00072032-00072359 clear where they should focus and to mixeIhUfsTo-00352-00072360-00072550 start with the most obvious one mixeIhUfsTo-00353-00072551-00072719 i think many of the different mixeIhUfsTo-00354-00072720-00072903 interpretations of kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00355-00072904-00073238 do go directly from make work visible mixeIhUfsTo-00356-00073239-00073655 straight to limiting work in process mixeIhUfsTo-00357-00073656-00073847 so limiting work in process is a pretty mixeIhUfsTo-00358-00073848-00073975 obvious mixeIhUfsTo-00359-00073976-00074294 next step and a lot of teams try it have mixeIhUfsTo-00360-00074295-00074471 any of you tried to do that mixeIhUfsTo-00361-00074472-00074894 and how did it go mixeIhUfsTo-00362-00074895-00075062 just give us you know give us your old mixeIhUfsTo-00363-00075063-00075215 thumbs up thumbs down on the camera or mixeIhUfsTo-00364-00075216-00075303 what have you mixeIhUfsTo-00365-00075304-00075711 right did it because i think it mixeIhUfsTo-00366-00075712-00076015 yeah right like this like okay it kind mixeIhUfsTo-00367-00076016-00076119 of works mixeIhUfsTo-00368-00076120-00076350 and i i feel that and i've seen places mixeIhUfsTo-00369-00076351-00076591 where limiting whip crashes and burns mixeIhUfsTo-00370-00076592-00076759 and i've seen places where people take mixeIhUfsTo-00371-00076760-00076926 to it and it makes sense mixeIhUfsTo-00372-00076927-00077206 and so it's not a slam dunk for phase mixeIhUfsTo-00373-00077207-00077399 two for everybody mixeIhUfsTo-00374-00077400-00077623 and for those folks that limiting whip mixeIhUfsTo-00375-00077624-00077726 works mixeIhUfsTo-00376-00077727-00077903 i would tend to think okay then you're mixeIhUfsTo-00377-00077904-00078079 off to the races right if you can get mixeIhUfsTo-00378-00078080-00078206 your head around limiting work in mixeIhUfsTo-00379-00078207-00078271 process mixeIhUfsTo-00380-00078272-00078482 the benefits of doing that are usually mixeIhUfsTo-00381-00078483-00078599 great mixeIhUfsTo-00382-00078600-00078879 and usually should get you going on a mixeIhUfsTo-00383-00078880-00079047 path towards flow although they don't mixeIhUfsTo-00384-00079048-00079111 always mixeIhUfsTo-00385-00079112-00079238 in the next one i'm going to talk about mixeIhUfsTo-00386-00079239-00079462 why that is okay so why mixeIhUfsTo-00387-00079463-00079638 but in those cases where limiting work mixeIhUfsTo-00388-00079639-00079982 in process doesn't mixeIhUfsTo-00389-00079983-00080150 and i don't mean that you limited it mixeIhUfsTo-00390-00080151-00080311 exactly correctly and that didn't work mixeIhUfsTo-00391-00080312-00080471 although that can sometimes happen mixeIhUfsTo-00392-00080472-00080662 but in those cases what what could be mixeIhUfsTo-00393-00080663-00080887 going on well let's talk about what mixeIhUfsTo-00394-00080888-00081079 limiting and working process might look mixeIhUfsTo-00395-00081080-00081126 like mixeIhUfsTo-00396-00081127-00081294 right the canonical thing is that you've mixeIhUfsTo-00397-00081295-00081535 got your board and then you have at the mixeIhUfsTo-00398-00081536-00081647 top of the board mixeIhUfsTo-00399-00081648-00081894 a limit to the number of items that can mixeIhUfsTo-00400-00081895-00082038 be in that column mixeIhUfsTo-00401-00082039-00082406 at any given time and you use that mixeIhUfsTo-00402-00082407-00082599 across you know could be individual mixeIhUfsTo-00403-00082600-00082782 columns could be system mixeIhUfsTo-00404-00082783-00082967 and what you're trying to do is get the mixeIhUfsTo-00405-00082968-00083223 team to focus on a smaller number of mixeIhUfsTo-00406-00083224-00083391 things and move them through the system mixeIhUfsTo-00407-00083392-00083462 faster mixeIhUfsTo-00408-00083463-00083679 and for those of us that are get excited mixeIhUfsTo-00409-00083680-00083782 about the math mixeIhUfsTo-00410-00083783-00083959 something like little's law mixeIhUfsTo-00411-00083960-00084167 mathematically proves the idea that if mixeIhUfsTo-00412-00084168-00084199 we can mixeIhUfsTo-00413-00084200-00084406 limit work in process in the system we mixeIhUfsTo-00414-00084407-00084567 can reduce cycle time mixeIhUfsTo-00415-00084568-00084823 which is one of the things that can make mixeIhUfsTo-00416-00084824-00085023 a positive flow in your process really mixeIhUfsTo-00417-00085024-00085094 visible mixeIhUfsTo-00418-00085095-00085262 and demonstrate the benefits right we mixeIhUfsTo-00419-00085263-00085406 can get cycle time mixeIhUfsTo-00420-00085407-00085726 stuff gets done more quickly mixeIhUfsTo-00421-00085727-00085967 and usually the people that we work for mixeIhUfsTo-00422-00085968-00086143 who want us to do the stuff mixeIhUfsTo-00423-00086144-00086406 like getting their stuff more quickly so mixeIhUfsTo-00424-00086407-00086518 that seems like a win mixeIhUfsTo-00425-00086519-00086782 all around if we can make it work but mixeIhUfsTo-00426-00086783-00086935 why might it not work mixeIhUfsTo-00427-00086936-00087399 well as a good second step mixeIhUfsTo-00428-00087400-00087623 it's very familiar there's tons of mixeIhUfsTo-00429-00087624-00087735 literature out there mixeIhUfsTo-00430-00087736-00087926 you will find lots of people writing and mixeIhUfsTo-00431-00087927-00088087 speaking on limiting width there's a lot mixeIhUfsTo-00432-00088088-00088247 of support for it mixeIhUfsTo-00433-00088248-00088535 and i think limiting whip lends itself mixeIhUfsTo-00434-00088536-00088735 to an incremental approach mixeIhUfsTo-00435-00088736-00088918 because you can limit it you can mixeIhUfsTo-00436-00088919-00089094 identify what your working process mixeIhUfsTo-00437-00089095-00089375 is now and reduce it a tiny bit from mixeIhUfsTo-00438-00089376-00089559 where it is now mixeIhUfsTo-00439-00089560-00089767 without causing the whole system to fall mixeIhUfsTo-00440-00089768-00089894 apart mixeIhUfsTo-00441-00089895-00090038 and you can maybe make a few mixeIhUfsTo-00442-00090039-00090206 improvements and then it reduce it a mixeIhUfsTo-00443-00090207-00090343 tiny bit more mixeIhUfsTo-00444-00090344-00090599 you don't have to reduce it all the way mixeIhUfsTo-00445-00090600-00090743 down to single piece flow mixeIhUfsTo-00446-00090744-00091015 in the first week of your new process mixeIhUfsTo-00447-00091016-00091111 right mixeIhUfsTo-00448-00091112-00091318 however what are some reasons why it mixeIhUfsTo-00449-00091319-00091431 might not work mixeIhUfsTo-00450-00091432-00091759 well i was amazed at the number of times mixeIhUfsTo-00451-00091760-00091903 that i went into teams and they just mixeIhUfsTo-00452-00091904-00091950 flat mixeIhUfsTo-00453-00091951-00092255 said no like they don't like the wording mixeIhUfsTo-00454-00092256-00092399 they roll their eyes when they hear mixeIhUfsTo-00455-00092400-00092606 about work in process whip doesn't mean mixeIhUfsTo-00456-00092607-00092838 anything to them they wouldn't engage mixeIhUfsTo-00457-00092839-00092950 with the idea mixeIhUfsTo-00458-00092951-00093199 even in organizations that had brought mixeIhUfsTo-00459-00093200-00093423 me in to help them implement kanban mixeIhUfsTo-00460-00093424-00093591 folks were really shutting it out the mixeIhUfsTo-00461-00093592-00093782 idea of limiting whip mixeIhUfsTo-00462-00093783-00094038 don't want to do it or and this one to mixeIhUfsTo-00463-00094039-00094087 me is mixeIhUfsTo-00464-00094088-00094335 super common there are big red numbers mixeIhUfsTo-00465-00094336-00094487 at the top of the columns on the board mixeIhUfsTo-00466-00094488-00094631 and nobody pays the slightest bit of mixeIhUfsTo-00467-00094632-00094847 attention to them mixeIhUfsTo-00468-00094848-00095071 or you've got jira set up and you've got mixeIhUfsTo-00469-00095072-00095287 the thing where it says or trello mixeIhUfsTo-00470-00095288-00095447 you've got the thing where it says that mixeIhUfsTo-00471-00095448-00095631 you you've got a limit on this number in mixeIhUfsTo-00472-00095632-00095694 the column mixeIhUfsTo-00473-00095695-00095871 and it's read all the time because mixeIhUfsTo-00474-00095872-00095999 you're ignoring it mixeIhUfsTo-00475-00096000-00096318 you're just violating it right or mixeIhUfsTo-00476-00096319-00096679 there's cheating moving stuff back mixeIhUfsTo-00477-00096680-00096831 oh well this one got blocked we'll move mixeIhUfsTo-00478-00096832-00096999 it out so that it doesn't go against our mixeIhUfsTo-00479-00097000-00097111 whip and mixeIhUfsTo-00480-00097112-00097343 right there's lots of those little mixeIhUfsTo-00481-00097344-00097559 things that we do to undermine the whole mixeIhUfsTo-00482-00097560-00097606 point mixeIhUfsTo-00483-00097607-00097871 the whole point of a blocked item takes mixeIhUfsTo-00484-00097872-00098055 up room in your working process mixeIhUfsTo-00485-00098056-00098294 that's supposed to get your attention mixeIhUfsTo-00486-00098295-00098494 it's supposed to be painful mixeIhUfsTo-00487-00098495-00098655 and it's supposed to make you want to go mixeIhUfsTo-00488-00098656-00098806 clear the blocks so that you can move mixeIhUfsTo-00489-00098807-00098903 the thing mixeIhUfsTo-00490-00098904-00099143 but more often than not honestly i was mixeIhUfsTo-00491-00099144-00099287 seeing teams who would want to do mixeIhUfsTo-00492-00099288-00099367 something like mixeIhUfsTo-00493-00099368-00099647 blocked items don't count though we mixeIhUfsTo-00494-00099648-00099791 can't have those count it's not our mixeIhUfsTo-00495-00099792-00100031 fault it's blocked mixeIhUfsTo-00496-00100032-00100335 yes i'd still like you to go find the mixeIhUfsTo-00497-00100336-00100487 person whose fault it is and chase them mixeIhUfsTo-00498-00100488-00100623 around your office building until they mixeIhUfsTo-00499-00100624-00100767 resolve the block if that mixeIhUfsTo-00500-00100768-00100911 if that really is the most important mixeIhUfsTo-00501-00100912-00101215 work to do why would you not do that mixeIhUfsTo-00502-00101216-00101431 right but the reality is your most mixeIhUfsTo-00503-00101432-00101599 important work to do might not have been mixeIhUfsTo-00504-00101600-00101767 their most important work to do and now mixeIhUfsTo-00505-00101768-00101862 you've found mixeIhUfsTo-00506-00101863-00102111 a system problem that you as a team by mixeIhUfsTo-00507-00102112-00102326 yourself cannot resolve mixeIhUfsTo-00508-00102327-00102502 right teams get very stuck with that so mixeIhUfsTo-00509-00102503-00102686 a lot of that like conventional wisdom mixeIhUfsTo-00510-00102688-00102799 around limiting what and mixeIhUfsTo-00511-00102800-00103054 and i haven't even gotten into pr mixeIhUfsTo-00512-00103055-00103278 pressure from management to start more mixeIhUfsTo-00513-00103279-00103439 things mixeIhUfsTo-00514-00103440-00103606 but there's lots of things that cause mixeIhUfsTo-00515-00103607-00103823 people to take steps that mixeIhUfsTo-00516-00103824-00104023 undermine the effectiveness of limiting mixeIhUfsTo-00517-00104024-00104310 whip mixeIhUfsTo-00518-00104311-00104527 there's more to it than that though i mixeIhUfsTo-00519-00104528-00104630 think there's mixeIhUfsTo-00520-00104631-00104910 another piece to limiting web that i mixeIhUfsTo-00521-00104911-00105086 discovered by accident mixeIhUfsTo-00522-00105088-00105358 and i i don't have time to do the full mixeIhUfsTo-00523-00105359-00105534 case study in this talk mixeIhUfsTo-00524-00105535-00105695 takes me about 20 minutes to talk mixeIhUfsTo-00525-00105696-00105871 through this whole journey of mixeIhUfsTo-00526-00105872-00106095 learning but i have other talks and mixeIhUfsTo-00527-00106096-00106263 other recordings where i talk about mixeIhUfsTo-00528-00106264-00106495 there was a ca an instance where i was mixeIhUfsTo-00529-00106496-00106566 using mixeIhUfsTo-00530-00106567-00106878 the old get kanban board game mixeIhUfsTo-00531-00106879-00107119 i use get kanban version 2 because it's mixeIhUfsTo-00532-00107120-00107239 the free one mixeIhUfsTo-00533-00107240-00107431 and we made a version of the free one mixeIhUfsTo-00534-00107432-00107631 and we printed out lots of boards and i mixeIhUfsTo-00535-00107632-00107823 used to run it as a workshop with six or mixeIhUfsTo-00536-00107824-00108007 seven teams at a time mixeIhUfsTo-00537-00108008-00108158 as a way of learning about the mixeIhUfsTo-00538-00108159-00108358 principles in play now mixeIhUfsTo-00539-00108359-00108607 you can do something like that with uh mixeIhUfsTo-00540-00108608-00108807 twig is the new online is the online mixeIhUfsTo-00541-00108808-00108878 version mixeIhUfsTo-00542-00108879-00109031 um that i think some of the speakers at mixeIhUfsTo-00543-00109032-00109199 this conference will talk about it's mixeIhUfsTo-00544-00109200-00109383 pretty cool mixeIhUfsTo-00545-00109383-00109566 i still like the you know the pretty mixeIhUfsTo-00546-00109567-00109743 colors and the rolling of dice and the mixeIhUfsTo-00547-00109744-00109934 physicality of the board game but mixeIhUfsTo-00548-00109935-00110390 i'm old school that board game mixeIhUfsTo-00549-00110391-00110623 we went in and train and taught on that mixeIhUfsTo-00550-00110624-00110790 board game with the thought that it was mixeIhUfsTo-00551-00110791-00111031 going to open people's eyes to the value mixeIhUfsTo-00552-00111032-00111207 of limiting whip mixeIhUfsTo-00553-00111208-00111399 because there's there's a whole mechanic mixeIhUfsTo-00554-00111400-00111663 in that game where you're supposed to be mixeIhUfsTo-00555-00111664-00111807 you know there's a temptation to mixeIhUfsTo-00556-00111808-00111975 increase whip in particular places and mixeIhUfsTo-00557-00111976-00112086 you're supposed to be mixeIhUfsTo-00558-00112088-00112278 trying to show them that if you lower mixeIhUfsTo-00559-00112279-00112575 whip it will yield a good result mixeIhUfsTo-00560-00112576-00112815 and class after class i could not get mixeIhUfsTo-00561-00112816-00112943 teams to do it mixeIhUfsTo-00562-00112944-00113166 and my co-presenter and i finally got mixeIhUfsTo-00563-00113167-00113327 irritated and we sat down mixeIhUfsTo-00564-00113328-00113551 and we said fine we're going gonna show mixeIhUfsTo-00565-00113552-00113783 you all we're gonna fast play a game mixeIhUfsTo-00566-00113783-00113815 with mixeIhUfsTo-00567-00113816-00114015 super low whip and you're gonna show you mixeIhUfsTo-00568-00114016-00114327 how well it works mixeIhUfsTo-00569-00114328-00114758 and it didn't work mixeIhUfsTo-00570-00114759-00115063 our cycle times were horrible and mixeIhUfsTo-00571-00115064-00115319 we didn't make any money in the game and mixeIhUfsTo-00572-00115320-00115495 we didn't get any better at moving mixeIhUfsTo-00573-00115496-00115631 stories through and mixeIhUfsTo-00574-00115632-00115799 we're like whoa wait a minute we are the mixeIhUfsTo-00575-00115800-00116095 experts in this what have we screwed up mixeIhUfsTo-00576-00116096-00116247 so that's my condensed case study mixeIhUfsTo-00577-00116248-00116399 there's a longer version of that mixeIhUfsTo-00578-00116400-00116631 but here's what we found that was really mixeIhUfsTo-00579-00116632-00116799 interesting mixeIhUfsTo-00580-00116800-00117031 specific to the get kanban version 2 mixeIhUfsTo-00581-00117032-00117175 game mixeIhUfsTo-00582-00117176-00117454 the startup instructions in the game i'm mixeIhUfsTo-00583-00117455-00117590 going to show you a picture from that mixeIhUfsTo-00584-00117591-00117727 actually i'm just going to jump ahead mixeIhUfsTo-00585-00117728-00117863 and show you that picture because it's mixeIhUfsTo-00586-00117864-00117983 so good mixeIhUfsTo-00587-00117983-00118207 this is the starting state of the board mixeIhUfsTo-00588-00118208-00118407 in version two mixeIhUfsTo-00589-00118408-00118534 and the reason i think this is mixeIhUfsTo-00590-00118535-00118758 significant is because this is very much mixeIhUfsTo-00591-00118759-00118815 like mixeIhUfsTo-00592-00118816-00119102 trying to put kanban in place in a team mixeIhUfsTo-00593-00119103-00119143 with mixeIhUfsTo-00594-00119144-00119343 backlogs already in flight right most of mixeIhUfsTo-00595-00119344-00119478 your teams are going to have work that mixeIhUfsTo-00596-00119479-00119502 is mixeIhUfsTo-00597-00119503-00119790 already being done and a process that is mixeIhUfsTo-00598-00119791-00119902 already in place mixeIhUfsTo-00599-00119903-00120039 and this is the thing that was mixeIhUfsTo-00600-00120040-00120247 significant to me about mixeIhUfsTo-00601-00120248-00120534 the fact that the the starting state of mixeIhUfsTo-00602-00120535-00120695 this board this is how they have you in mixeIhUfsTo-00603-00120696-00120807 the instructions mixeIhUfsTo-00604-00120808-00120990 set up the board before you begin to mixeIhUfsTo-00605-00120991-00121119 play mixeIhUfsTo-00606-00121120-00121502 there are 17 items on this board mixeIhUfsTo-00607-00121503-00121863 their total work in process is 17 mixeIhUfsTo-00608-00121864-00122223 for a team of eight that's actually mixeIhUfsTo-00609-00122224-00122399 quite high mixeIhUfsTo-00610-00122400-00122599 in terms of in my view of what just my mixeIhUfsTo-00611-00122600-00122743 quick and dirty of whip is that that's mixeIhUfsTo-00612-00122744-00122831 quite high mixeIhUfsTo-00613-00122832-00123014 but something that you will notice here mixeIhUfsTo-00614-00123015-00123207 is that there's quite a bit of stuff mixeIhUfsTo-00615-00123208-00123566 in these columns there's some assumption mixeIhUfsTo-00616-00123567-00123854 that it's one item well yeah actually mixeIhUfsTo-00617-00123855-00123990 because that's how many p mixeIhUfsTo-00618-00123991-00124302 people there are in those roles right i mixeIhUfsTo-00619-00124303-00124334 think mixeIhUfsTo-00620-00124335-00124471 actually the number of people might be mixeIhUfsTo-00621-00124472-00124734 less um mixeIhUfsTo-00622-00124735-00124927 it's a very small team with a very high mixeIhUfsTo-00623-00124928-00125047 amount of whip and mixeIhUfsTo-00624-00125048-00125471 quite a few cues so we are looking at a mixeIhUfsTo-00625-00125472-00125551 system where mixeIhUfsTo-00626-00125552-00125910 cues have already formed as a result of mixeIhUfsTo-00627-00125911-00126086 various bottlenecks in the system mixeIhUfsTo-00628-00126088-00126254 in the case of the game it's bottlenecks mixeIhUfsTo-00629-00126255-00126447 and testing which you find out very mixeIhUfsTo-00630-00126448-00126647 quickly after you start playing mixeIhUfsTo-00631-00126648-00126934 so let's talk about attacking cues mixeIhUfsTo-00632-00126935-00127014 because what mixeIhUfsTo-00633-00127015-00127302 changed the literal game right we were mixeIhUfsTo-00634-00127303-00127486 using get kanban as a teaching tool mixeIhUfsTo-00635-00127488-00127727 what changed the way we taught that game mixeIhUfsTo-00636-00127728-00127910 was when we realized mixeIhUfsTo-00637-00127911-00128175 that simply limiting whip in a system mixeIhUfsTo-00638-00128176-00128551 that already had a lot of cues formed mixeIhUfsTo-00639-00128552-00128734 did not cause the cues themselves to mixeIhUfsTo-00640-00128735-00129031 clear out in a timely manner so mixeIhUfsTo-00641-00129032-00129334 the queues would clear eventually but in mixeIhUfsTo-00642-00129335-00129399 the game mixeIhUfsTo-00643-00129400-00129671 by the time the game was over you had mixeIhUfsTo-00644-00129672-00129727 just mixeIhUfsTo-00645-00129728-00129895 started to get a little bit of momentum mixeIhUfsTo-00646-00129896-00130086 on a little bit faster flow mixeIhUfsTo-00647-00130088-00130295 but cycle times when we initially mixeIhUfsTo-00648-00130296-00130399 limited whip were mixeIhUfsTo-00649-00130400-00130702 horrendous for a long time because those mixeIhUfsTo-00650-00130703-00130895 items that were queued needed to finish mixeIhUfsTo-00651-00130896-00131151 moving through the system mixeIhUfsTo-00652-00131152-00131414 so as a starting point limiting whip in mixeIhUfsTo-00653-00131415-00131623 the context of that game didn't make any mixeIhUfsTo-00654-00131624-00131735 sense mixeIhUfsTo-00655-00131736-00131943 it didn't show results and it didn't mixeIhUfsTo-00656-00131944-00132111 give people a feeling mixeIhUfsTo-00657-00132112-00132375 that anything was improving and that mixeIhUfsTo-00658-00132376-00132551 tended to make them abandon mixeIhUfsTo-00659-00132552-00132702 limiting whip they tended to want to go mixeIhUfsTo-00660-00132703-00132878 the other way and increase it mixeIhUfsTo-00661-00132879-00133102 which then made everything worse when we mixeIhUfsTo-00662-00133103-00133247 changed our teaching method mixeIhUfsTo-00663-00133248-00133566 to let's look for cues and mixeIhUfsTo-00664-00133567-00133878 attack them as our first well mixeIhUfsTo-00665-00133879-00134102 second right we visualize as our second mixeIhUfsTo-00666-00134103-00134287 step mixeIhUfsTo-00667-00134288-00134599 that became really intuitive because mixeIhUfsTo-00668-00134600-00134927 again right you can mixeIhUfsTo-00669-00134928-00135183 see cues i can quiz people on this i mixeIhUfsTo-00670-00135184-00135335 have other sample boards that i mixeIhUfsTo-00671-00135336-00135447 sometimes put up mixeIhUfsTo-00672-00135448-00135719 and i say where are the queues where and mixeIhUfsTo-00673-00135720-00135783 by q mixeIhUfsTo-00674-00135784-00136007 what i mean is where are some states mixeIhUfsTo-00675-00136008-00136231 that work is sitting mixeIhUfsTo-00676-00136232-00136439 and value is not currently being added mixeIhUfsTo-00677-00136440-00136695 to that work mixeIhUfsTo-00678-00136696-00136935 and any place that those exist is an mixeIhUfsTo-00679-00136936-00137135 opportunity to go after the cues mixeIhUfsTo-00680-00137136-00137423 now that's a backdoor way of limiting mixeIhUfsTo-00681-00137424-00137687 whip because as we start to take steps mixeIhUfsTo-00682-00137688-00137911 to prevent the cues from existing in mixeIhUfsTo-00683-00137912-00138023 that place mixeIhUfsTo-00684-00138024-00138247 oftentimes what we're saying is let's mixeIhUfsTo-00685-00138248-00138431 just make it so that we don't use a done mixeIhUfsTo-00686-00138432-00138607 column mixeIhUfsTo-00687-00138608-00138759 because a done column just means it's mixeIhUfsTo-00688-00138760-00138902 sitting and waiting for the next state mixeIhUfsTo-00689-00138903-00139127 that's not actually being pulled mixeIhUfsTo-00690-00139128-00139351 it's a waiting state for it to be pulled mixeIhUfsTo-00691-00139352-00139543 to the next working state right mixeIhUfsTo-00692-00139544-00139735 the place where work is being done is mixeIhUfsTo-00693-00139736-00139847 actually being mixeIhUfsTo-00694-00139848-00140063 is illuminated on this screen just great mixeIhUfsTo-00695-00140064-00140214 better than it might be on your mixeIhUfsTo-00696-00140215-00140359 you know your team's board or your mixeIhUfsTo-00697-00140360-00140535 clients board they've actually given us mixeIhUfsTo-00698-00140536-00140702 in the game this for free mixeIhUfsTo-00699-00140703-00140975 it's the place where doing is happening mixeIhUfsTo-00700-00140976-00141151 now in some cases like mixeIhUfsTo-00701-00141152-00141343 here in the development doing column or mixeIhUfsTo-00702-00141344-00141495 the test doing column mixeIhUfsTo-00703-00141496-00141735 the reality was that these three in mixeIhUfsTo-00704-00141736-00141831 tests were most mixeIhUfsTo-00705-00141832-00142143 likely not being touched only the top mixeIhUfsTo-00706-00142144-00142431 one was being touched at any given time mixeIhUfsTo-00707-00142432-00142607 so something that you can do when you're mixeIhUfsTo-00708-00142608-00142751 looking at your own board mixeIhUfsTo-00709-00142752-00142919 to figure out where your cues are is mixeIhUfsTo-00710-00142920-00143166 first you go after states mixeIhUfsTo-00711-00143167-00143487 which states are action states working mixeIhUfsTo-00712-00143488-00143823 states which ones are waiting states mixeIhUfsTo-00713-00143824-00144151 waiting states are automatically suspect mixeIhUfsTo-00714-00144152-00144351 why do you have waiting states how long mixeIhUfsTo-00715-00144352-00144487 are things in waiting states mixeIhUfsTo-00716-00144488-00144671 what can you do to shorten the time of a mixeIhUfsTo-00717-00144672-00144911 waiting state what can you do to prevent mixeIhUfsTo-00718-00144912-00145023 work from being done mixeIhUfsTo-00719-00145024-00145359 upstream before it's ready the idea mixeIhUfsTo-00720-00145360-00145526 behind kanban is we want to create a mixeIhUfsTo-00721-00145527-00145607 pull system mixeIhUfsTo-00722-00145608-00145911 where we only do this work mixeIhUfsTo-00723-00145912-00146119 when someone downstream is ready to mixeIhUfsTo-00724-00146120-00146407 receive the result of that work mixeIhUfsTo-00725-00146408-00146607 so we want to try to prevent the mixeIhUfsTo-00726-00146608-00146799 formation of those waiting states mixeIhUfsTo-00727-00146800-00146990 if you haven't been doing a flow-based mixeIhUfsTo-00728-00146991-00147190 process before and you're just adopting mixeIhUfsTo-00729-00147191-00147223 it mixeIhUfsTo-00730-00147224-00147375 you will have these all over the place mixeIhUfsTo-00731-00147376-00147559 because of course you will you weren't mixeIhUfsTo-00732-00147560-00147647 preventing them mixeIhUfsTo-00733-00147648-00147887 so it's a great first place to go it's mixeIhUfsTo-00734-00147888-00148063 easy to see mixeIhUfsTo-00735-00148064-00148271 it's easy to talk about how the amount mixeIhUfsTo-00736-00148272-00148431 of time a story spends in a waiting mixeIhUfsTo-00737-00148432-00148495 state mixeIhUfsTo-00738-00148496-00148711 costs you against your cycle time it mixeIhUfsTo-00739-00148712-00148878 causes you to look slow mixeIhUfsTo-00740-00148879-00149207 it causes you to look bad as a team i've mixeIhUfsTo-00741-00149208-00149375 talked about how cues are evil and make mixeIhUfsTo-00742-00149376-00149487 you look bad mixeIhUfsTo-00743-00149488-00149759 cues make your manager angry right it's mixeIhUfsTo-00744-00149760-00149847 very visceral mixeIhUfsTo-00745-00149848-00150111 really easy really easy to get on board mixeIhUfsTo-00746-00150112-00150183 with that mixeIhUfsTo-00747-00150184-00150502 right now the challenge with cues mixeIhUfsTo-00748-00150503-00150807 is you can go after a queue with a bug mixeIhUfsTo-00749-00150808-00150863 bash mixeIhUfsTo-00750-00150864-00151183 or some kind of a dedicated effort but mixeIhUfsTo-00751-00151184-00151407 it doesn't always prevent the cue from mixeIhUfsTo-00752-00151408-00151526 reforming mixeIhUfsTo-00753-00151527-00151719 and this is where you want that positive mixeIhUfsTo-00754-00151720-00151943 loop of attacking cues mixeIhUfsTo-00755-00151944-00152326 followed up by some kind of a whip limit mixeIhUfsTo-00756-00152327-00152575 to prevent the cue from reforming some mixeIhUfsTo-00757-00152576-00152766 kind of a process change that amounts to mixeIhUfsTo-00758-00152767-00152902 a whip limit mixeIhUfsTo-00759-00152903-00153135 right to prevent cues from reforming mixeIhUfsTo-00760-00153136-00153231 that's hard mixeIhUfsTo-00761-00153232-00153414 preventing cues can be really really mixeIhUfsTo-00762-00153415-00153654 difficult mixeIhUfsTo-00763-00153655-00154054 and for a organization that culturally mixeIhUfsTo-00764-00154055-00154326 is heavily invested in utilization of mixeIhUfsTo-00765-00154327-00154407 their people mixeIhUfsTo-00766-00154408-00154566 didn't talk about this under limit whip mixeIhUfsTo-00767-00154567-00154759 but when people think mixeIhUfsTo-00768-00154760-00154983 that being busy is the thing that adds mixeIhUfsTo-00769-00154984-00155175 value rather than delivering value being mixeIhUfsTo-00770-00155176-00155319 the thing that adds value mixeIhUfsTo-00771-00155320-00155487 a lot of this stuff will get a lot of mixeIhUfsTo-00772-00155488-00155751 resistance mixeIhUfsTo-00773-00155752-00155926 i'm going to hit my last point because i mixeIhUfsTo-00774-00155927-00156239 told you i was going to try to get 3 mixeIhUfsTo-00775-00156240-00156502 and i have like 1 minute so let's do mixeIhUfsTo-00776-00156503-00156623 that mixeIhUfsTo-00777-00156624-00156887 this is another one that is very simple mixeIhUfsTo-00778-00156888-00156951 can do mixeIhUfsTo-00779-00156952-00157278 in isolation by itself and can be very mixeIhUfsTo-00780-00157279-00157454 effective with teams some teams really mixeIhUfsTo-00781-00157455-00157535 respond mixeIhUfsTo-00782-00157536-00157847 super well to it and it is the idea of mixeIhUfsTo-00783-00157848-00158159 looking oftentimes when we are a team mixeIhUfsTo-00784-00158160-00158407 having a stand-up or a morning check-in mixeIhUfsTo-00785-00158408-00158495 around mixeIhUfsTo-00786-00158496-00158711 a big visible display and planning our mixeIhUfsTo-00787-00158712-00158814 work for the day mixeIhUfsTo-00788-00158815-00159031 this could be a scrum team kanban team mixeIhUfsTo-00789-00159032-00159151 any kind of process mixeIhUfsTo-00790-00159152-00159351 we have a tendency to start from the mixeIhUfsTo-00791-00159352-00159502 beginning and say what's new what's mixeIhUfsTo-00792-00159503-00159575 coming in mixeIhUfsTo-00793-00159576-00159902 what do we need to start working on mixeIhUfsTo-00794-00159903-00160151 when what we actually want to try to do mixeIhUfsTo-00795-00160152-00160254 if you see that mixeIhUfsTo-00796-00160255-00160463 is get people in the habit of looking at mixeIhUfsTo-00797-00160464-00160647 what is the closest thing to being mixeIhUfsTo-00798-00160648-00160823 finished mixeIhUfsTo-00799-00160824-00161054 because the most valuable thing i could mixeIhUfsTo-00800-00161055-00161143 do today mixeIhUfsTo-00801-00161144-00161335 is take something that is this close to mixeIhUfsTo-00802-00161336-00161502 being finished and get it over the mixeIhUfsTo-00803-00161503-00161663 finish line and get it into mixeIhUfsTo-00804-00161664-00161990 done and it's amazing to me the number mixeIhUfsTo-00805-00161991-00162263 of teams who have these beautiful boards mixeIhUfsTo-00806-00162264-00162478 who you can see from the way they mixeIhUfsTo-00807-00162479-00162607 interact with the boards mixeIhUfsTo-00808-00162608-00162959 do not value done what they value is mixeIhUfsTo-00809-00162960-00163190 more stuff on the board mixeIhUfsTo-00810-00163191-00163423 and you can smell that so when i see mixeIhUfsTo-00811-00163424-00163631 that i want to redirect people to mixeIhUfsTo-00812-00163632-00163951 the beauty of having things done now why mixeIhUfsTo-00813-00163952-00163999 might that mixeIhUfsTo-00814-00164000-00164319 not work well oftentimes mixeIhUfsTo-00815-00164320-00164599 done for me is not actually done for the mixeIhUfsTo-00816-00164600-00164663 business mixeIhUfsTo-00817-00164664-00164854 there's some other thing that happens mixeIhUfsTo-00818-00164855-00165023 after me before a thing gets into mixeIhUfsTo-00819-00165024-00165151 production mixeIhUfsTo-00820-00165152-00165359 and if the bottleneck in my company is mixeIhUfsTo-00821-00165360-00165471 there mixeIhUfsTo-00822-00165472-00165687 then it almost doesn't matter how fast i mixeIhUfsTo-00823-00165688-00165831 flow work through my system mixeIhUfsTo-00824-00165832-00165959 because it's just going to end up in mixeIhUfsTo-00825-00165960-00166183 somebody else's cue that to me is the mixeIhUfsTo-00826-00166184-00166223 most mixeIhUfsTo-00827-00166224-00166471 likely if people do not feel like your mixeIhUfsTo-00828-00166472-00166559 vision of done mixeIhUfsTo-00829-00166560-00166766 resonates with them it may be because mixeIhUfsTo-00830-00166767-00166911 it's not done for them mixeIhUfsTo-00831-00166912-00167119 it's only done for you no one cares mixeIhUfsTo-00832-00167120-00167254 about that mixeIhUfsTo-00833-00167255-00167407 so then you've got to figure out well mixeIhUfsTo-00834-00167408-00167583 how do you get your done to be closer to mixeIhUfsTo-00835-00167584-00167759 real done mixeIhUfsTo-00836-00167760-00168023 right that's that's a goal but it is a mixeIhUfsTo-00837-00168024-00168151 super good focus for mixeIhUfsTo-00838-00168152-00168414 regardless for the team to you may have mixeIhUfsTo-00839-00168415-00168647 to create some artificiality around the mixeIhUfsTo-00840-00168648-00168831 value being done mixeIhUfsTo-00841-00168832-00168999 my colleagues and i talked about a beer mixeIhUfsTo-00842-00169000-00169190 column or the party column mixeIhUfsTo-00843-00169191-00169335 right you've got a whip limit on your mixeIhUfsTo-00844-00169336-00169543 done column it's 20 or 30. mixeIhUfsTo-00845-00169544-00169695 and then you have a party column when mixeIhUfsTo-00846-00169696-00169854 you hit your whip limit everything moves mixeIhUfsTo-00847-00169855-00169975 into the party column and you have a mixeIhUfsTo-00848-00169976-00170175 party mixeIhUfsTo-00849-00170176-00170326 something to make people feel like done mixeIhUfsTo-00850-00170327-00170566 is a good goal mixeIhUfsTo-00851-00170567-00170790 so if it's not then this whole system mixeIhUfsTo-00852-00170791-00171063 becomes kind of a challenge to implement mixeIhUfsTo-00853-00171064-00171295 so that's it as i promised i am totally mixeIhUfsTo-00854-00171296-00171478 at time mixeIhUfsTo-00855-00171479-00171766 but some quick hits ways for you to try mixeIhUfsTo-00856-00171767-00171823 to mixeIhUfsTo-00857-00171824-00172095 to rejuvenate a kanban implementation if mixeIhUfsTo-00858-00172096-00172271 it didn't stall at the place i said but mixeIhUfsTo-00859-00172272-00172447 it stalled somewhere else again i hope mixeIhUfsTo-00860-00172448-00172638 you've got a couple of ideas for mixeIhUfsTo-00861-00172639-00172871 new ways to try new approaches to trying mixeIhUfsTo-00862-00172872-00173071 new explanations to try to get people mixeIhUfsTo-00863-00173072-00173166 motivated mixeIhUfsTo-00864-00173167-00173375 around some of these changes that can be mixeIhUfsTo-00865-00173376-00173647 confusing and difficult mixeIhUfsTo-00866-00173648-00173902 so uh looking to the right oh sorry mixeIhUfsTo-00867-00173903-00174071 wrong direction of arrow there we go mixeIhUfsTo-00868-00174072-00174351 and finally uh as i mentioned continuo mixeIhUfsTo-00869-00174352-00174526 is hiring if you are interested in the mixeIhUfsTo-00870-00174527-00174614 devops mixeIhUfsTo-00871-00174615-00174902 space or the transformation space uh we mixeIhUfsTo-00872-00174903-00175087 are hiring many roles at many different mixeIhUfsTo-00873-00175088-00175326 levels we would love to have you join us mixeIhUfsTo-00874-00175327-00175551 that's our link tell them i sent you or mixeIhUfsTo-00875-00175552-00175687 message me if you have questions about mixeIhUfsTo-00876-00175688-00175847 what that would entail mixeIhUfsTo-00877-00175848-00176014 and i want to thank them for giving me mixeIhUfsTo-00878-00176015-00176183 time to be here with you and mixeIhUfsTo-00879-00176184-00176343 and for giving me these lovely slide mixeIhUfsTo-00880-00176344-00176566 templates and then finally here's some mixeIhUfsTo-00881-00176567-00176607 of my mixeIhUfsTo-00882-00176608-00176790 information again you can find these mixeIhUfsTo-00883-00176791-00176975 slides i'll get these uploaded mixeIhUfsTo-00884-00176976-00177135 but there's other versions of this talk mixeIhUfsTo-00885-00177136-00177366 that are uploaded on slideshare already mixeIhUfsTo-00886-00177367-00177638 as well as many other of my talks mixeIhUfsTo-00887-00177639-00177831 and you can reach me on twitter at mixeIhUfsTo-00888-00177832-00177951 basketcase mixeIhUfsTo-00889-00177952-00178159 as well as i believe the producers have mixeIhUfsTo-00890-00178160-00178343 put my linkedin information in the chat mixeIhUfsTo-00891-00178344-00178599 you are welcome to contact me there mixeIhUfsTo-00892-00178600-00178790 happy to continue the conversation so mixeIhUfsTo-00893-00178791-00178943 thank you so much for joining mixeIhUfsTo-00894-00178944-00179283 and have a wonderful rest of your mixeIhUfsTo-00895-00179284-00180207 conference mixeIhUfsTo-00896-00180208-00180415 you mnvXVKGwK8k-00000-00000016-00000028 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00001-00000029-00000581 shoes mnvXVKGwK8k-00002-00000582-00002692 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00003-00002693-00004519 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00004-00004520-00004751 oh yeah mnvXVKGwK8k-00005-00004752-00007253 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00006-00007254-00007395 laughs mnvXVKGwK8k-00007-00007397-00009194 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00008-00009195-00010725 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00009-00010726-00012540 [Music] mnvXVKGwK8k-00011-00015769-00016076 thank you mnCR4RUwF5y-00000-00000377-00001046 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00001-00001047-00002170 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00002-00002171-00003293 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00003-00003294-00003808 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00004-00003809-00004419 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00005-00004420-00005534 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00006-00005535-00006643 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00007-00006644-00007083 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00008-00007084-00007275 me mnCR4RUwF5y-00009-00007276-00008888 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00010-00008889-00011329 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00011-00011330-00012246 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00012-00012247-00012610 [Music] mnCR4RUwF5y-00013-00012611-00012911 [__] nonQQmU-OXg-00000-00020464-00020663 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00001-00020664-00020758 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00002-00020759-00021391 huh nonQQmU-OXg-00003-00021392-00021655 you heard me in double nonQQmU-OXg-00004-00021656-00021878 how are you two how are you doing how's nonQQmU-OXg-00005-00021879-00022071 it going good morning nonQQmU-OXg-00006-00022072-00022350 i'm a little bit off-center nonQQmU-OXg-00007-00022351-00022455 but nonQQmU-OXg-00008-00022456-00022647 shush we don't pay attention to that nonQQmU-OXg-00009-00022648-00022863 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00010-00022864-00023214 i i hope i um don't end up lagging like nonQQmU-OXg-00011-00023215-00023494 i did with uh nonQQmU-OXg-00012-00023495-00023883 the day but stream nonQQmU-OXg-00013-00023884-00024047 hello nonQQmU-OXg-00014-00024048-00024335 i did fix tits so i can get hit in the nonQQmU-OXg-00015-00024336-00024614 face nonQQmU-OXg-00016-00024615-00024830 so you're you know that's fixed and then nonQQmU-OXg-00017-00024831-00025135 uh head pass should be fixed too nonQQmU-OXg-00018-00025136-00025327 and none of it will be lagging to my nonQQmU-OXg-00019-00025328-00025494 knowledge nonQQmU-OXg-00020-00025495-00025678 uh today nonQQmU-OXg-00021-00025679-00025927 it is it's so early because i were doing nonQQmU-OXg-00022-00025927-00026143 a collab with um nonQQmU-OXg-00023-00026144-00026414 alana minami and valerie nonQQmU-OXg-00024-00026416-00026567 there you go nonQQmU-OXg-00025-00026568-00026718 you had a bit of a problem with work nonQQmU-OXg-00026-00026719-00026895 cause i'm sorry sorry to hear that you nonQQmU-OXg-00027-00026895-00027046 don't know i'm glad you're heading home nonQQmU-OXg-00028-00027047-00027390 but you don't okay now nonQQmU-OXg-00029-00027391-00027990 um nonQQmU-OXg-00030-00027991-00028383 why why you do that to me nonQQmU-OXg-00031-00028383-00028495 um nonQQmU-OXg-00032-00028495-00028711 i i'm i'm doing good thank you i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00033-00028712-00028935 excited for this collab with them nonQQmU-OXg-00034-00028936-00029023 uh nonQQmU-OXg-00035-00029024-00029158 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00036-00029160-00029318 they i think we're just about to get nonQQmU-OXg-00037-00029319-00029558 into talking right now actually i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00038-00029560-00029870 gonna i'm gonna go back nonQQmU-OXg-00039-00029872-00030135 uh or maybe not they all muted nonQQmU-OXg-00040-00030136-00030279 never mind nonQQmU-OXg-00041-00030280-00030662 i i might just unmute and nonQQmU-OXg-00042-00030663-00031135 eventually i'm scared why am i scared nonQQmU-OXg-00043-00031136-00031279 i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00044-00031280-00031535 did i answer you i'm pretty vibing i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00045-00031536-00031990 pretty i'm pretty poggers right now nonQQmU-OXg-00046-00031991-00032158 i'm pretty nonQQmU-OXg-00047-00032160-00032470 i'm just i know nothing nonQQmU-OXg-00048-00032472-00032783 i'm no no i'm just you know i'm a little nonQQmU-OXg-00049-00032784-00032935 shy okay nonQQmU-OXg-00050-00032936-00033111 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00051-00033112-00033311 what is this nonQQmU-OXg-00052-00033312-00033683 you got bonked vivid nonQQmU-OXg-00053-00033684-00034023 oh oh i'm so sorry nonQQmU-OXg-00054-00034024-00034383 yeah that's that's really nasty nonQQmU-OXg-00055-00034384-00034671 an overnight or two nonQQmU-OXg-00056-00034672-00034895 i'm sorry b nonQQmU-OXg-00057-00034896-00035215 are you do you think you could like um nonQQmU-OXg-00058-00035216-00035487 like ask to not get that client again nonQQmU-OXg-00059-00035488-00035599 maybe nonQQmU-OXg-00060-00035600-00036383 like will they let you do that nonQQmU-OXg-00061-00036384-00036551 i hope you're safe too it's so nonQQmU-OXg-00062-00036552-00036774 inappropriate nonQQmU-OXg-00063-00036775-00036911 like nonQQmU-OXg-00064-00036912-00037087 you're there to help him out too he nonQQmU-OXg-00065-00037088-00037430 should be grateful nonQQmU-OXg-00066-00037431-00037662 angela you and me both nonQQmU-OXg-00067-00037663-00037935 we can throw hands for vivid for vivid nonQQmU-OXg-00068-00037936-00038046 anything nonQQmU-OXg-00069-00038047-00038302 vivid up nonQQmU-OXg-00070-00038303-00038471 um you can't see me but i'm holding my nonQQmU-OXg-00071-00038472-00038783 hands up for you yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00072-00038784-00038927 hello gl nonQQmU-OXg-00073-00038928-00039127 oh my gosh it's geo everybody it's you nonQQmU-OXg-00074-00039128-00039455 geo big fan big fan hello nonQQmU-OXg-00075-00039456-00039855 how you doing how you doing nonQQmU-OXg-00076-00039856-00040143 yellow tio nonQQmU-OXg-00077-00040144-00040487 that's a good idea i i like even if uh nonQQmU-OXg-00078-00040488-00040615 they give you problems just say like nonQQmU-OXg-00079-00040616-00040846 nope he was inappropriate i'm not doing nonQQmU-OXg-00080-00040847-00040990 that like nonQQmU-OXg-00081-00040991-00041407 you're saying nope nope nope call nonQQmU-OXg-00082-00041408-00041774 avoid it as big possible nonQQmU-OXg-00083-00041775-00042007 yeah no i'm big fit i'm a big fan look nonQQmU-OXg-00084-00042008-00042287 at me okay look at me look at these big nonQQmU-OXg-00085-00042288-00042407 flappers nonQQmU-OXg-00086-00042408-00042918 i'm i fan nonQQmU-OXg-00087-00042919-00043143 yellow i meant hello i mean same thing nonQQmU-OXg-00088-00043144-00043343 back in kindergarten everyone said nonQQmU-OXg-00089-00043344-00043479 yellow nonQQmU-OXg-00090-00043480-00043655 or people that couldn't pronounce it nonQQmU-OXg-00091-00043656-00043767 said nonQQmU-OXg-00092-00043768-00043943 whoa whoa nonQQmU-OXg-00093-00043944-00044311 i was one of those kids nonQQmU-OXg-00094-00044312-00044711 a big fan of luna big fan nonQQmU-OXg-00095-00044712-00044887 oh i guess we're going back let me nonQQmU-OXg-00096-00044888-00045102 unmute them nonQQmU-OXg-00097-00045103-00045215 hello nonQQmU-OXg-00098-00045216-00045630 hello nonQQmU-OXg-00099-00045631-00045751 are we odd nonQQmU-OXg-00100-00045752-00045911 are we are we vibing nonQQmU-OXg-00101-00045912-00046127 we are vibing we are vibing oh my god we nonQQmU-OXg-00102-00046128-00046343 are vibing i've been vibing the whole nonQQmU-OXg-00103-00046344-00046543 evening nonQQmU-OXg-00104-00046544-00046830 let's go alone let's go let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00105-00046831-00047127 we're going to be pogging nonQQmU-OXg-00106-00047128-00047286 are we going to be pogging nonQQmU-OXg-00107-00047287-00047735 we're going to be pogging bro nonQQmU-OXg-00108-00047736-00047862 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00109-00047863-00048102 where the are you guys at nonQQmU-OXg-00110-00048103-00048262 uh nonQQmU-OXg-00111-00048263-00048918 ain't us i guess nonQQmU-OXg-00112-00048919-00049111 is there a problem with mine nonQQmU-OXg-00113-00049112-00049358 i know my luck nonQQmU-OXg-00114-00049359-00049462 yes nonQQmU-OXg-00115-00049463-00049551 no nonQQmU-OXg-00116-00049552-00050318 i'll be fine if i there we go i invite nonQQmU-OXg-00117-00050319-00050590 invite there we go i have invited i am nonQQmU-OXg-00118-00050591-00050967 invited both of you oh okay okay okay nonQQmU-OXg-00119-00050968-00051143 let me accept it nonQQmU-OXg-00120-00051144-00051463 or decline okay i think nonQQmU-OXg-00121-00051464-00051702 did i did i do it correctly nonQQmU-OXg-00122-00051703-00051958 yeah yeah well you're fine nonQQmU-OXg-00123-00051959-00052319 what's up nonQQmU-OXg-00124-00052320-00052503 okay i think nonQQmU-OXg-00125-00052504-00052847 this is this is the right thing right nonQQmU-OXg-00126-00052848-00053054 i don't know i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-00127-00053055-00053263 we're doing four guys again you guys nonQQmU-OXg-00128-00053264-00053463 it's four guys and getting you ready so nonQQmU-OXg-00129-00053464-00053687 here's the thing we can beat them and nonQQmU-OXg-00130-00053688-00053807 like you know if one of us gets nonQQmU-OXg-00131-00053808-00054247 eliminated we still go on and yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00132-00054248-00054542 squad show we support or insult each nonQQmU-OXg-00133-00054544-00054887 other that's how it goes right yes nonQQmU-OXg-00134-00054888-00055199 it's either we drag each other down nonQQmU-OXg-00135-00055200-00055430 or nonQQmU-OXg-00136-00055432-00055735 we drag each other even lower even nonQQmU-OXg-00137-00055736-00056126 though nonQQmU-OXg-00138-00056127-00056447 let's get this crown nonQQmU-OXg-00139-00056448-00057030 we are indeed live now guys nonQQmU-OXg-00140-00057032-00057303 i just wanna i just wanna grab one of nonQQmU-OXg-00141-00057304-00057438 you nonQQmU-OXg-00142-00057439-00057742 hold you the whole way nonQQmU-OXg-00143-00057744-00057894 hold me tight nonQQmU-OXg-00144-00057895-00058199 oh my god alana anytime nonQQmU-OXg-00145-00058200-00058542 oh yes please nonQQmU-OXg-00146-00058544-00058775 don't ever let go nonQQmU-OXg-00147-00058776-00059142 i wouldn't dream of it nonQQmU-OXg-00148-00059144-00059454 would you like to hear what geo said nonQQmU-OXg-00149-00059455-00060038 oh geo geo drag these nuts nonQQmU-OXg-00150-00060039-00060254 it better have been directed at alloy if nonQQmU-OXg-00151-00060255-00060487 it's valet i'm so proud of you i am so nonQQmU-OXg-00152-00060488-00060694 proud of you you've done a wonderful job nonQQmU-OXg-00153-00060695-00060847 definitely not nonQQmU-OXg-00154-00060848-00061054 directly towards me nonQQmU-OXg-00155-00061055-00061175 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00156-00061176-00061582 when we get home we're having a talk nonQQmU-OXg-00157-00061583-00062015 we're having a conversation nonQQmU-OXg-00158-00062016-00062335 i love this map nonQQmU-OXg-00159-00062336-00062542 track attack nonQQmU-OXg-00160-00062544-00062630 um nonQQmU-OXg-00161-00062632-00062746 um okay nonQQmU-OXg-00162-00062747-00062935 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00163-00062936-00063182 i'm not familiar with this one but i nonQQmU-OXg-00164-00063183-00063391 swear my beginner's luck is going to nonQQmU-OXg-00165-00063391-00063623 take me all the way to the finish line nonQQmU-OXg-00166-00063624-00063782 oh yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00167-00063783-00063999 you know what matter is just nonQQmU-OXg-00168-00064000-00065342 just be on the top you know being big nonQQmU-OXg-00169-00065344-00065503 you got to be ready for how quickly you nonQQmU-OXg-00170-00065504-00065582 go nonQQmU-OXg-00171-00065583-00065950 oh yeah we have a rando nonQQmU-OXg-00172-00065951-00066111 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00173-00066112-00066438 we have a brand that has like a nonQQmU-OXg-00174-00066439-00066567 bandana nonQQmU-OXg-00175-00066568-00066855 already nonQQmU-OXg-00176-00066856-00067006 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00177-00067007-00067223 there's a lot of pink pink ones i don't nonQQmU-OXg-00178-00067224-00067415 think i've seen oops seen so many pink nonQQmU-OXg-00179-00067416-00067623 characters before oh my god someone nonQQmU-OXg-00180-00067624-00067758 pushed me over here nonQQmU-OXg-00181-00067759-00068126 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00182-00068127-00068511 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00183-00068512-00068726 i made it back to the top nonQQmU-OXg-00184-00068727-00069006 wait you can find a way back up top nonQQmU-OXg-00185-00069007-00069303 yeah i mean what kind of yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00186-00069304-00069759 um nonQQmU-OXg-00187-00069760-00070038 what that bell did you know oh i'm not nonQQmU-OXg-00188-00070039-00070238 first i'm second though nonQQmU-OXg-00189-00070239-00070494 oh squad position a second let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00190-00070495-00070575 nice nonQQmU-OXg-00191-00070576-00070703 we're out first nonQQmU-OXg-00192-00070704-00070950 first let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00193-00070951-00071191 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00194-00071192-00071647 first place in first round let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00195-00071648-00071911 go nonQQmU-OXg-00196-00071912-00072143 this is a good start exactly nonQQmU-OXg-00197-00072144-00072271 this totally means we're going to get nonQQmU-OXg-00198-00072272-00072391 the crown nonQQmU-OXg-00199-00072392-00072703 yeah definitely like totally nonQQmU-OXg-00200-00072704-00073015 oh totally good job brando nonQQmU-OXg-00201-00073016-00073382 good job elona uh you thing nonQQmU-OXg-00202-00073383-00073911 i was right behind you you little nonQQmU-OXg-00203-00073912-00074062 don't make me pull out the horn carving nonQQmU-OXg-00204-00074063-00074423 knife again nonQQmU-OXg-00205-00074424-00075359 i kind of stashes into his horns nonQQmU-OXg-00206-00075360-00075662 very proud of that so they're like nonQQmU-OXg-00207-00075663-00075967 um grouping us and processing us as nonQQmU-OXg-00208-00075968-00076247 groups nonQQmU-OXg-00209-00076248-00076503 i guess yes because it's a group one nonQQmU-OXg-00210-00076504-00076711 right yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00211-00076712-00077031 i see that's how it works nonQQmU-OXg-00212-00077032-00077294 let's go into the let go let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00213-00077295-00077535 we don't get eliminated nonQQmU-OXg-00214-00077536-00077806 because one of us is still active or nonQQmU-OXg-00215-00077807-00078111 something like that um um if one like if nonQQmU-OXg-00216-00078112-00078279 one of us is getting eliminated everyone nonQQmU-OXg-00217-00078280-00078550 is getting eliminated in our group oh nonQQmU-OXg-00218-00078551-00078726 okay okay okay nonQQmU-OXg-00219-00078727-00079023 it's not lifting up it's dragging down nonQQmU-OXg-00220-00079024-00079350 exactly got it got it nonQQmU-OXg-00221-00079351-00079526 no pressure or anything nonQQmU-OXg-00222-00079527-00079750 yeah of course you know we get one nonQQmU-OXg-00223-00079751-00079999 that's first place and then all like nonQQmU-OXg-00224-00080000-00080150 three of us are falling behind we'd nonQQmU-OXg-00225-00080151-00080382 still have a chance to like nonQQmU-OXg-00226-00080383-00080519 stay in nonQQmU-OXg-00227-00080520-00080735 stay in that nonQQmU-OXg-00228-00080736-00080926 place i guess yeah it depends on how nonQQmU-OXg-00229-00080927-00081191 much points everybody else gets too yes nonQQmU-OXg-00230-00081192-00081926 later you are the loser you are i guess nonQQmU-OXg-00231-00081927-00082118 you didn't boy you're not doing really nonQQmU-OXg-00232-00082119-00082559 well but sure nonQQmU-OXg-00233-00082560-00082911 i'm invested boys that was lucky nonQQmU-OXg-00234-00082912-00083343 that was lucky let's go let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00235-00083344-00083591 mother father nonQQmU-OXg-00236-00083592-00083911 no i won't no i don't ever hold back nonQQmU-OXg-00237-00083912-00084087 ouch nonQQmU-OXg-00238-00084088-00084838 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00239-00084839-00085111 wait what both nonQQmU-OXg-00240-00085112-00085271 no use nonQQmU-OXg-00241-00085272-00085606 you mother trucker nonQQmU-OXg-00242-00085607-00086023 question mark nonQQmU-OXg-00243-00086024-00086238 i'll get us a good nonQQmU-OXg-00244-00086239-00086591 position nonQQmU-OXg-00245-00086592-00086750 i lost my position nonQQmU-OXg-00246-00086751-00087103 oh oh third place there please nonQQmU-OXg-00247-00087104-00087391 that was really bad oh oh oh oh cool nonQQmU-OXg-00248-00087392-00087494 cool nonQQmU-OXg-00249-00087495-00087855 not cold clutch nonQQmU-OXg-00250-00087856-00088219 ah no no i fell i fell nonQQmU-OXg-00251-00088220-00089711 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00252-00089712-00089967 first and third first and third nonQQmU-OXg-00253-00089968-00090167 how did i go from one of the first three nonQQmU-OXg-00254-00090168-00090271 people and nonQQmU-OXg-00255-00090272-00090735 down to the last nonQQmU-OXg-00256-00090736-00091111 drag your friends down for fun exactly nonQQmU-OXg-00257-00091112-00091262 i'm going to hell i'm going to take you nonQQmU-OXg-00258-00091263-00091382 all with me nonQQmU-OXg-00259-00091383-00091775 this is called a family okay nonQQmU-OXg-00260-00091776-00091926 we're nonQQmU-OXg-00261-00091927-00092071 well we're in third nonQQmU-OXg-00262-00092072-00092350 that's not bad nonQQmU-OXg-00263-00092351-00092750 yeah let's go let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00264-00092751-00093959 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00265-00093960-00094311 nobody gives a you're fine nonQQmU-OXg-00266-00094312-00094550 why do you sound robotic on my head nonQQmU-OXg-00267-00094551-00094647 why nonQQmU-OXg-00268-00094648-00094911 do i sound robotic to you too alone nonQQmU-OXg-00269-00094912-00095111 imposter um nonQQmU-OXg-00270-00095112-00095279 no nonQQmU-OXg-00271-00095280-00095557 he sounds awesome as always nonQQmU-OXg-00272-00095558-00095782 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00273-00095783-00096055 okay okay i can see the robotic part nonQQmU-OXg-00274-00096056-00096182 no nonQQmU-OXg-00275-00096183-00096671 it's cutting off nonQQmU-OXg-00276-00096672-00096862 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00277-00096863-00097150 okay don't break the ice nonQQmU-OXg-00278-00097151-00097406 i wonder why out of the bowl nonQQmU-OXg-00279-00097407-00097599 it's called an icebreaker for a reason nonQQmU-OXg-00280-00097600-00097847 guys come on nonQQmU-OXg-00281-00097848-00098468 is that reason nonQQmU-OXg-00282-00098469-00098862 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00283-00098863-00099606 oh yeah snowballs nonQQmU-OXg-00284-00099607-00100103 the green ones are permanent right yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00285-00100104-00100782 but like here nonQQmU-OXg-00286-00100783-00100918 is this person trying to grab me right nonQQmU-OXg-00287-00100919-00101806 now you want to go bro nonQQmU-OXg-00288-00101807-00101926 what nonQQmU-OXg-00289-00101927-00102159 it's it's becoming nonQQmU-OXg-00290-00102160-00102478 it's faster and faster now holy nonQQmU-OXg-00291-00102479-00102742 someone pushed me off no no no nonQQmU-OXg-00292-00102743-00103078 no no no no nonQQmU-OXg-00293-00103079-00103326 what's up horse nonQQmU-OXg-00294-00103327-00103871 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00295-00103872-00104078 why did they start pushing if they oh my nonQQmU-OXg-00296-00104079-00104223 god we're still turning we're still nonQQmU-OXg-00297-00104224-00104486 turning nonQQmU-OXg-00298-00104488-00104575 i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00299-00104576-00104999 i i want that horse person eliminated nonQQmU-OXg-00300-00105000-00105286 i'm gonna target is he still there he's nonQQmU-OXg-00301-00105288-00105599 still there oh okay he's the one nonQQmU-OXg-00302-00105600-00105790 that pushed me off and i actually didn't nonQQmU-OXg-00303-00105791-00106031 expect it i wasn't actually even nonQQmU-OXg-00304-00106032-00106366 do i still sound robotic by any chance nonQQmU-OXg-00305-00106367-00106647 no not anymore okay maybe it was just a nonQQmU-OXg-00306-00106648-00106871 drop in my wi-fi nonQQmU-OXg-00307-00106872-00107047 yeah maybe it's just nonQQmU-OXg-00308-00107048-00107175 an internet nonQQmU-OXg-00309-00107176-00107439 connection thing nonQQmU-OXg-00310-00107440-00107686 smh my head my head nonQQmU-OXg-00311-00107688-00107943 as a mage my head my head nonQQmU-OXg-00312-00107944-00108190 a bonding experience nonQQmU-OXg-00313-00108191-00108423 i mean i sure hope it does all the nonQQmU-OXg-00314-00108424-00108863 way to the bottom have you seen my look nonQQmU-OXg-00315-00108864-00109078 you want me i wanted to sucker punch him nonQQmU-OXg-00316-00109079-00109310 too i wanted to beat him up so bad nonQQmU-OXg-00317-00109311-00109710 bad nonQQmU-OXg-00318-00109711-00109999 i want to fight the people in underpants nonQQmU-OXg-00319-00110000-00110175 get over here pink i'm gonna stay nonQQmU-OXg-00320-00110176-00110295 as as nonQQmU-OXg-00321-00110296-00110478 um nonQQmU-OXg-00322-00110479-00111007 as long as possible over here nonQQmU-OXg-00323-00111008-00111286 oh dear right down to the bottom nonQQmU-OXg-00324-00111288-00111527 of the oh no oh you're nonQQmU-OXg-00325-00111528-00111695 gonna go to the bottom go by the sides nonQQmU-OXg-00326-00111696-00111823 because i'm clearing out the middle nonQQmU-OXg-00327-00111824-00111943 portion already nonQQmU-OXg-00328-00111944-00112083 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00329-00112083-00113239 tactics oh no oh no the world is blue nonQQmU-OXg-00330-00113240-00113423 the amount of focus i'm giving this i've nonQQmU-OXg-00331-00113424-00113871 never been focused in my life nonQQmU-OXg-00332-00113872-00114583 okay okay oh no oh no oh no nonQQmU-OXg-00333-00114583-00114790 all right i'm dead nonQQmU-OXg-00334-00114791-00114975 it's am i nonQQmU-OXg-00335-00114976-00115102 i'm dead nonQQmU-OXg-00336-00115103-00115343 i am also dead nonQQmU-OXg-00337-00115344-00115471 below nonQQmU-OXg-00338-00115472-00115710 and random where we're lying where's nonQQmU-OXg-00339-00115711-00116047 where's the horse face guy nonQQmU-OXg-00340-00116048-00116247 where's the horse nonQQmU-OXg-00341-00116248-00116463 he's gone nonQQmU-OXg-00342-00116464-00116590 good nonQQmU-OXg-00343-00116591-00117302 you're done nonQQmU-OXg-00344-00117303-00117423 this is nonQQmU-OXg-00345-00117424-00117623 unfortunate nonQQmU-OXg-00346-00117624-00118015 someone was still up there no nonQQmU-OXg-00347-00118016-00118254 what do you mean a daytime binding nonQQmU-OXg-00348-00118255-00118510 okay we got eliminated nonQQmU-OXg-00349-00118511-00118719 indeed one neuron was activated the only nonQQmU-OXg-00350-00118720-00118975 one i had i thought the horse peoples nonQQmU-OXg-00351-00118976-00119558 horse nonQQmU-OXg-00352-00119559-00119751 that's what you deserve that's what you nonQQmU-OXg-00353-00119752-00119889 deserve nonQQmU-OXg-00354-00119890-00120023 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00355-00120024-00120483 so technically we're a second place nonQQmU-OXg-00356-00120483-00120799 yeah hey that was that ain't bad for the nonQQmU-OXg-00357-00120800-00120958 first game nonQQmU-OXg-00358-00120959-00121207 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00359-00121208-00123134 um nonQQmU-OXg-00360-00123135-00123278 oh dear nonQQmU-OXg-00361-00123279-00123534 there nonQQmU-OXg-00362-00123535-00124463 sonic and knuckles nonQQmU-OXg-00363-00124464-00124727 alona no you've become what we're scared nonQQmU-OXg-00364-00124728-00125183 of nonQQmU-OXg-00365-00125183-00125375 the toxic nonQQmU-OXg-00366-00125376-00125590 it's all boy nonQQmU-OXg-00367-00125591-00125919 oh no nonQQmU-OXg-00368-00125920-00126375 almost got them length nonQQmU-OXg-00369-00126376-00126495 alana nonQQmU-OXg-00370-00126496-00126671 you know you think i could you could nonQQmU-OXg-00371-00126672-00126871 give me a few inches nonQQmU-OXg-00372-00126872-00127023 sure nonQQmU-OXg-00373-00127024-00127758 how much inches can you take nonQQmU-OXg-00374-00127759-00127854 um nonQQmU-OXg-00375-00127855-00128031 i'm so glad that i knew what would turn nonQQmU-OXg-00376-00128032-00128319 into this nonQQmU-OXg-00377-00128320-00128558 um nonQQmU-OXg-00378-00128559-00128839 i'm not a part of this question mark nonQQmU-OXg-00379-00128840-00129528 you're not a nonQQmU-OXg-00380-00129529-00129871 [Applause] nonQQmU-OXg-00381-00129872-00131519 are in our honeymoon phase okay nonQQmU-OXg-00382-00131520-00131702 what's the sonic's adventure game mode nonQQmU-OXg-00383-00131703-00131863 let's try it you're you've got the same nonQQmU-OXg-00384-00131864-00131990 neuron as me nonQQmU-OXg-00385-00131991-00132263 i didn't deserve that like those um nonQQmU-OXg-00386-00132264-00132383 glowy nonQQmU-OXg-00387-00132384-00132678 rainbow colored star things nonQQmU-OXg-00388-00132679-00132999 from the sonic sonic adventure yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00389-00133000-00133319 no not really crown when we win this oh nonQQmU-OXg-00390-00133320-00133590 just a crown okay okay nonQQmU-OXg-00391-00133591-00133854 i like crowns i like shiny things nonQQmU-OXg-00392-00133855-00134014 i mean these probably are really quick nonQQmU-OXg-00393-00134015-00134159 you know because nonQQmU-OXg-00394-00134160-00134383 i think the last event i got a crown nonQQmU-OXg-00395-00134384-00134631 immediately just for surviving nonQQmU-OXg-00396-00134632-00134839 damn like the easy way to because i nonQQmU-OXg-00397-00134840-00135102 guess i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-00398-00135103-00135463 as far as i know nonQQmU-OXg-00399-00135464-00135735 it is our turn to punish them nonQQmU-OXg-00400-00135736-00135975 as revenge for all the deez nuts jokes nonQQmU-OXg-00401-00135976-00136247 this is our time my fellow my fellow nonQQmU-OXg-00402-00136248-00136599 friends nonQQmU-OXg-00403-00136600-00136831 man my pompadour looks like like a nonQQmU-OXg-00404-00136832-00137287 shrimp nonQQmU-OXg-00405-00137288-00137551 it looks like uh it looks like nonQQmU-OXg-00406-00137552-00137719 a tempura and nonQQmU-OXg-00407-00137720-00137999 hair at the same time nonQQmU-OXg-00408-00138000-00138423 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00409-00138424-00138647 a white can put a pear nonQQmU-OXg-00410-00138648-00139639 and pear nonQQmU-OXg-00411-00139640-00139878 johnny bravo nonQQmU-OXg-00412-00139879-00140143 exactly johnny brought with buckwhere nonQQmU-OXg-00413-00140144-00140951 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00414-00140952-00141127 place first uh run around the zone and nonQQmU-OXg-00415-00141128-00141327 collect enough springs to qualify ah nonQQmU-OXg-00416-00141328-00142414 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00417-00142415-00142928 you smell kinda pretty nonQQmU-OXg-00418-00142929-00143466 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00419-00143467-00144214 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00420-00144215-00144566 oh it's just like a sonic game i love it nonQQmU-OXg-00421-00144567-00144823 so glad they added sonic maps oh wait we nonQQmU-OXg-00422-00144824-00145263 have to get the coins i'm dumb i'm goofy nonQQmU-OXg-00423-00145264-00145431 hello nonQQmU-OXg-00424-00145432-00146783 i took your ring nonQQmU-OXg-00425-00146784-00147039 only rings nonQQmU-OXg-00426-00147040-00147311 reminds me of anything what the heck how nonQQmU-OXg-00427-00147312-00147502 did i miss all that nonQQmU-OXg-00428-00147503-00147671 oh these are these sound effects are nonQQmU-OXg-00429-00147672-00147871 nostalgic nonQQmU-OXg-00430-00147872-00148159 oh no i fell nonQQmU-OXg-00431-00148160-00148351 you don't sound so nonQQmU-OXg-00432-00148352-00148639 you don't sound so uh in panic huh no nonQQmU-OXg-00433-00148640-00148878 i'm not i'm i'm actually really cool nonQQmU-OXg-00434-00148879-00149383 about this nonQQmU-OXg-00435-00149384-00149678 of course i'm lying nonQQmU-OXg-00436-00149679-00149863 oh i got a bunch of uh if you go to the nonQQmU-OXg-00437-00149864-00150078 gold pipes at the top or like in the nonQQmU-OXg-00438-00150079-00150271 upper floor nonQQmU-OXg-00439-00150272-00150495 yo i'm in nonQQmU-OXg-00440-00150496-00150654 the top you can get more rings at the nonQQmU-OXg-00441-00150655-00150799 top as long as you keep on running nonQQmU-OXg-00442-00150800-00150975 around nonQQmU-OXg-00443-00150976-00151207 okay okay okay i see and you just have nonQQmU-OXg-00444-00151208-00151478 to wait for them to show up right nonQQmU-OXg-00445-00151479-00151623 yeah yeah you're just running around nonQQmU-OXg-00446-00151624-00152175 looping nonQQmU-OXg-00447-00152176-00152343 you can't go to the shoot nonQQmU-OXg-00448-00152344-00152814 through the hoop there oh nonQQmU-OXg-00449-00152815-00153111 i got qualified nonQQmU-OXg-00450-00153112-00153271 i don't know if i'm qualifying to be nonQQmU-OXg-00451-00153272-00153502 honest i don't know this isn't a squad nonQQmU-OXg-00452-00153503-00153726 thing yeah thank you come on nonQQmU-OXg-00453-00153727-00154023 no give me my rings nonQQmU-OXg-00454-00154024-00154247 i want to be i want to be this sugar nonQQmU-OXg-00455-00154248-00154399 daddy three more three months it's my nonQQmU-OXg-00456-00154400-00154502 turn nonQQmU-OXg-00457-00154503-00154735 go to the go to the upper floor nonQQmU-OXg-00458-00154736-00154887 point okay okay nonQQmU-OXg-00459-00154888-00155366 okay they just got in nonQQmU-OXg-00460-00155367-00155551 okay come on just a few more just a few nonQQmU-OXg-00461-00155552-00155807 more there we go let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00462-00155808-00156135 oh wait we got in you got it no i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00463-00156136-00156375 pretty sure 19 out of 19. i think i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00464-00156376-00156535 qualified nonQQmU-OXg-00465-00156536-00156735 you got it you got it nonQQmU-OXg-00466-00156736-00156854 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00467-00156855-00157119 qualified in big writing in a giant font nonQQmU-OXg-00468-00157120-00157487 i think i qualified nonQQmU-OXg-00469-00157488-00157687 i believe i didn't even read if i nonQQmU-OXg-00470-00157688-00157911 qualified or not nonQQmU-OXg-00471-00157912-00158095 because it's keyword literally the last nonQQmU-OXg-00472-00158096-00158326 one i guess nonQQmU-OXg-00473-00158327-00158471 i think it's just going to repeat the nonQQmU-OXg-00474-00158472-00158639 same game don't get me mixed up from nonQQmU-OXg-00475-00158640-00158911 valois that's the short oh nonQQmU-OXg-00476-00158912-00159175 okay okay this is the same one nonQQmU-OXg-00477-00159176-00159431 angelo nonQQmU-OXg-00478-00159432-00159823 uh bold of you to comment that nonQQmU-OXg-00479-00159824-00160007 wait what same thing nonQQmU-OXg-00480-00160008-00160295 oh man i barely won the last one nonQQmU-OXg-00481-00160296-00160463 so that's the threat is just going for nonQQmU-OXg-00482-00160464-00160654 the upper levels nonQQmU-OXg-00483-00160655-00160807 okay okay nonQQmU-OXg-00484-00160808-00161014 nick minute we steal your spot nick nonQQmU-OXg-00485-00161015-00161183 minute nick nonQQmU-OXg-00486-00161184-00161390 oh 35 rings this time nonQQmU-OXg-00487-00161391-00162102 one down two thirty thirty five okay nonQQmU-OXg-00488-00162103-00162295 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00489-00162296-00162454 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00490-00162455-00162831 hey malloy guess what nonQQmU-OXg-00491-00162832-00162990 you fell behind nonQQmU-OXg-00492-00162991-00163190 trying to mess with that demon nonQQmU-OXg-00493-00163191-00163351 lord i didn't want to keep stealing your nonQQmU-OXg-00494-00163352-00164245 doofus nonQQmU-OXg-00495-00164246-00164566 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00496-00164567-00164783 get out of my way nonQQmU-OXg-00497-00164784-00164951 whoa where's jesus nonQQmU-OXg-00498-00164952-00165119 i don't know jesus is chilling with me nonQQmU-OXg-00499-00165120-00165287 but i really wish he wasn't nonQQmU-OXg-00500-00165288-00165663 this green nonQQmU-OXg-00501-00165664-00165887 get out get away from us 10 year old nonQQmU-OXg-00502-00165888-00166087 kids nonQQmU-OXg-00503-00166088-00166359 let us win 10 year old kids nonQQmU-OXg-00504-00166360-00166863 you're used to losing nonQQmU-OXg-00505-00166864-00167199 why is jesus hanging around me nonQQmU-OXg-00506-00167200-00167326 please nonQQmU-OXg-00507-00167327-00167631 it's too late to save me yo plug nonQQmU-OXg-00508-00167632-00167887 oh oh oh oh i'm glitching save you all nonQQmU-OXg-00509-00167888-00168087 right nonQQmU-OXg-00510-00168088-00168751 uh-huh nonQQmU-OXg-00511-00168752-00168935 just running through the uh nonQQmU-OXg-00512-00168936-00169359 upper area nonQQmU-OXg-00513-00169360-00169678 another force i'm not getting any coins nonQQmU-OXg-00514-00169679-00170247 alone i believe in you nonQQmU-OXg-00515-00170248-00170647 i want to believe in me too nonQQmU-OXg-00516-00170648-00170935 how do i even do that why is the green nonQQmU-OXg-00517-00170936-00171143 goblin following me everywhere nonQQmU-OXg-00518-00171144-00171351 alona nonQQmU-OXg-00519-00171352-00171695 iron man nonQQmU-OXg-00520-00171696-00171902 i'm just gonna wait here i'm gonna go nonQQmU-OXg-00521-00171903-00172111 against the grain nonQQmU-OXg-00522-00172112-00172375 you got this nonQQmU-OXg-00523-00172376-00172838 yes alona go against the trend nonQQmU-OXg-00524-00172839-00173047 oh dear for a singular coin when i could nonQQmU-OXg-00525-00173048-00173414 have gotten three i need three more nonQQmU-OXg-00526-00173415-00173647 i fell into this i need eleven oh nonQQmU-OXg-00527-00173648-00174344 lucky number nonQQmU-OXg-00528-00174345-00175143 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00529-00175144-00175423 now nonQQmU-OXg-00530-00175424-00175783 i can have nsfw stuff now nonQQmU-OXg-00531-00175784-00176054 i'm 26 okay i got 26. nonQQmU-OXg-00532-00176055-00176190 27. nonQQmU-OXg-00533-00176191-00176351 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00534-00176352-00176678 just two more nonQQmU-OXg-00535-00176679-00176793 lords lords nonQQmU-OXg-00536-00176794-00177407 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00537-00177408-00177775 i need six more nonQQmU-OXg-00538-00177776-00177999 listen unlike you angelo i reach the nonQQmU-OXg-00539-00178000-00178223 height requirement yes nonQQmU-OXg-00540-00178224-00178887 i know right imagine an anime nonQQmU-OXg-00541-00178888-00179014 imagine nonQQmU-OXg-00542-00179015-00179351 an enemy of johnny and bravado and jesus nonQQmU-OXg-00543-00179352-00179543 i love clutch moments like that that was nonQQmU-OXg-00544-00179544-00179831 fun nonQQmU-OXg-00545-00179832-00180087 i felt my heart pumping right there nonQQmU-OXg-00546-00180088-00180247 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00547-00180248-00180735 felt my heart having a heart attack nonQQmU-OXg-00548-00180736-00181231 i wish i felt my heart nonQQmU-OXg-00549-00181232-00181623 you guys have hearts nonQQmU-OXg-00550-00181624-00181783 you guys have hearts nonQQmU-OXg-00551-00181784-00181990 wait this again nonQQmU-OXg-00552-00181991-00182166 run around the room zone and collect the nonQQmU-OXg-00553-00182167-00182414 basic glove for it maybe it's now 50. i nonQQmU-OXg-00554-00182415-00182614 think it's gonna be 15 now this time nonQQmU-OXg-00555-00182615-00182799 it's whoever gets nonQQmU-OXg-00556-00182800-00183007 uh 50 rings i guess all right they'd nonQQmU-OXg-00557-00183008-00183231 probably be the first person to get it nonQQmU-OXg-00558-00183232-00183407 or unless they nonQQmU-OXg-00559-00183408-00183647 really want to make a small one oh yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00560-00183648-00184014 no i just guessed that holy nonQQmU-OXg-00561-00184015-00184487 critical thinking nonQQmU-OXg-00562-00184488-00184647 i'm i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00563-00184648-00185383 that didn't happen nonQQmU-OXg-00564-00185384-00185854 the fate's a line nonQQmU-OXg-00565-00185855-00186038 i got a 21. nonQQmU-OXg-00566-00186039-00186319 oh alona nonQQmU-OXg-00567-00186320-00186447 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00568-00186448-00186550 right nonQQmU-OXg-00569-00186551-00186799 he fell oh someone already got more than nonQQmU-OXg-00570-00186800-00186990 21. nonQQmU-OXg-00571-00186991-00187214 well that's really fast nonQQmU-OXg-00572-00187215-00187423 i mean to be fair i am the one that got nonQQmU-OXg-00573-00187424-00187550 21. nonQQmU-OXg-00574-00187551-00187695 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00575-00187696-00187959 okay sure what a flex nonQQmU-OXg-00576-00187960-00188111 damn nonQQmU-OXg-00577-00188112-00188375 what a flex nonQQmU-OXg-00578-00188376-00188831 someone's gonna i see you zooming nonQQmU-OXg-00579-00188832-00189126 and the other hand nonQQmU-OXg-00580-00189127-00189599 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00581-00189600-00189783 whoa nonQQmU-OXg-00582-00189784-00191407 whoa mama nonQQmU-OXg-00583-00191408-00191519 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00584-00191520-00192095 the butt end of my head nonQQmU-OXg-00585-00192096-00192335 so this wasn't the one i what i thought nonQQmU-OXg-00586-00192336-00192447 of but nonQQmU-OXg-00587-00192448-00192631 it is what it is nonQQmU-OXg-00588-00192632-00192807 listen i may have missed that coin but i nonQQmU-OXg-00589-00192808-00192950 still passed it nonQQmU-OXg-00590-00192951-00193283 i didn't win but i passed all right nonQQmU-OXg-00591-00193284-00193831 huh oh that was fun nonQQmU-OXg-00592-00193832-00193990 so emeralds nonQQmU-OXg-00593-00193991-00194207 and then what do you get out of the nonQQmU-OXg-00594-00194208-00194359 requirement for what a kid's roller nonQQmU-OXg-00595-00194360-00194526 coaster i don't know what was the last nonQQmU-OXg-00596-00194527-00194950 thing you weren't allowed to get on nonQQmU-OXg-00597-00194951-00195054 oh okay nonQQmU-OXg-00598-00195055-00195599 second tab i can get a sonic nameplate nonQQmU-OXg-00599-00195600-00195759 listen you can always borrow my nonQQmU-OXg-00600-00195760-00195943 shoulders if you can't get into anything nonQQmU-OXg-00601-00195944-00196135 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00602-00196136-00196343 i'll help you out how do these knots nonQQmU-OXg-00603-00196344-00196583 work anyway how did these nuts nonQQmU-OXg-00604-00196584-00196719 oh i'm stuck on the screen nonQQmU-OXg-00605-00196720-00196878 whoopsies nonQQmU-OXg-00606-00196879-00196999 um nonQQmU-OXg-00607-00197000-00197278 i guess the more you collect when you nonQQmU-OXg-00608-00197279-00197654 get um nonQQmU-OXg-00609-00197655-00197863 the more the more emeralds you get the nonQQmU-OXg-00610-00197864-00198359 you know you unlock until sonic's shoes nonQQmU-OXg-00611-00198360-00198559 you can get sonic shoes nonQQmU-OXg-00612-00198560-00198750 yes nonQQmU-OXg-00613-00198751-00198966 you weren't allowed onto my mom yeah no nonQQmU-OXg-00614-00198967-00199543 wonder she has standards nonQQmU-OXg-00615-00199544-00199790 wait what i zone nonQQmU-OXg-00616-00199791-00200063 do we want to keep going for sonic nonQQmU-OXg-00617-00200064-00200599 we can try we can try nonQQmU-OXg-00618-00200600-00200999 maybe sonic shoes maybe i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-00619-00201000-00201166 did they only bring out one map for nonQQmU-OXg-00620-00201167-00201326 sonic nonQQmU-OXg-00621-00201327-00201454 yeah i think so nonQQmU-OXg-00622-00201455-00201630 one i see nonQQmU-OXg-00623-00201631-00202478 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00624-00202479-00202719 like you know i need to clean my ears nonQQmU-OXg-00625-00202720-00202854 now nonQQmU-OXg-00626-00202855-00203038 no no nonQQmU-OXg-00627-00203039-00204135 alone nonQQmU-OXg-00628-00204136-00204647 stop looking at the shrimp nonQQmU-OXg-00629-00204648-00204990 the hair is so funny i love it nonQQmU-OXg-00630-00204991-00205175 i don't know how i got it nonQQmU-OXg-00631-00205176-00205431 it's free right surely nonQQmU-OXg-00632-00205432-00205903 i think nonQQmU-OXg-00633-00205904-00206119 maybe it came from um i don't know a nonQQmU-OXg-00634-00206119-00206286 randomized nonQQmU-OXg-00635-00206287-00206527 prize or something i don't know maybe nonQQmU-OXg-00636-00206528-00206775 maybe it was prime nonQQmU-OXg-00637-00206776-00206886 would be that nonQQmU-OXg-00638-00206887-00207134 where do i go i didn't choose the hair nonQQmU-OXg-00639-00207135-00207354 the hair chose me nonQQmU-OXg-00640-00207355-00207655 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00641-00207656-00207927 what'd you say nonQQmU-OXg-00642-00207928-00208103 i'ma steal your coins from you dragon nonQQmU-OXg-00643-00208104-00208198 boy nonQQmU-OXg-00644-00208200-00208710 i got it nonQQmU-OXg-00645-00208711-00208927 wow i just that that was i'm hyper nonQQmU-OXg-00646-00208928-00209319 competitive now nonQQmU-OXg-00647-00209319-00209751 get the coins alona nonQQmU-OXg-00648-00209752-00210079 but damn 20 of them she nonQQmU-OXg-00649-00210080-00210694 not that hard come on hey nonQQmU-OXg-00650-00210696-00210942 you're like the kid nonQQmU-OXg-00651-00210944-00211119 you're like the kid after a math test nonQQmU-OXg-00652-00211119-00211303 you said oh it wasn't that hard and go nonQQmU-OXg-00653-00211304-00212006 to like nonQQmU-OXg-00654-00212007-00212167 who would have thought in a game called nonQQmU-OXg-00655-00212167-00212327 four guys nonQQmU-OXg-00656-00212328-00213351 off mates you're going for my coins nonQQmU-OXg-00657-00213352-00213934 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00658-00213935-00214751 you got that already nonQQmU-OXg-00659-00214752-00214958 if i'm being honest i would let johnny nonQQmU-OXg-00660-00214959-00215303 bravo hit nonQQmU-OXg-00661-00215304-00215646 what nonQQmU-OXg-00662-00215648-00216191 oh my god nonQQmU-OXg-00663-00216192-00216327 at least i'm on nonQQmU-OXg-00664-00216328-00216598 theme okay nonQQmU-OXg-00665-00216600-00217415 qualified let's go i guess not nonQQmU-OXg-00666-00217416-00217631 i just stuck with that guys i was so nonQQmU-OXg-00667-00217632-00217894 confused by what you were doing nonQQmU-OXg-00668-00217896-00218039 i was just waiting in the middle of the nonQQmU-OXg-00669-00218040-00218294 for the the bouncy let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00670-00218296-00218446 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00671-00218448-00218615 the ones that are on an arc i was hoping nonQQmU-OXg-00672-00218616-00218863 to like get that when it spawned but nonQQmU-OXg-00673-00218864-00219015 i guess it knew what i was doing was nonQQmU-OXg-00674-00219016-00219591 like hey no nonQQmU-OXg-00675-00219592-00219775 why call it full guys if falling is a nonQQmU-OXg-00676-00219776-00219927 detriment nonQQmU-OXg-00677-00219928-00220079 will be like that sometimes sometimes we nonQQmU-OXg-00678-00220080-00220358 like to bounce nonQQmU-OXg-00679-00220359-00220542 shut up nonQQmU-OXg-00680-00220544-00220782 is there a different game nonQQmU-OXg-00681-00220783-00220863 like nonQQmU-OXg-00682-00220864-00221175 why are they even doing this nonQQmU-OXg-00683-00221176-00221319 where are the nonQQmU-OXg-00684-00221319-00221534 what's the screen for nonQQmU-OXg-00685-00221535-00221727 this is true why is the randomization nonQQmU-OXg-00686-00221728-00221942 happen i think it's shorter than it is nonQQmU-OXg-00687-00221944-00222431 with group ones nonQQmU-OXg-00688-00222432-00222671 okay so where am i located nonQQmU-OXg-00689-00222671-00222782 all i have to do is look for the nonQQmU-OXg-00690-00222783-00223079 pompadour nonQQmU-OXg-00691-00223080-00223423 or you know nonQQmU-OXg-00692-00223423-00223510 my nonQQmU-OXg-00693-00223511-00223767 my white girl let's go i have a white nonQQmU-OXg-00694-00223767-00223991 girl nonQQmU-OXg-00695-00223992-00224342 arrow nonQQmU-OXg-00696-00224344-00224951 hey yo kitty stay away oh no oh no nonQQmU-OXg-00697-00224952-00225175 some people already went through these nonQQmU-OXg-00698-00226767-00227398 not the assassin's creed nonQQmU-OXg-00699-00227400-00227719 no nonQQmU-OXg-00700-00227719-00228231 okay whatever nonQQmU-OXg-00701-00228232-00228542 no no no nonQQmU-OXg-00702-00228544-00228775 i fell nonQQmU-OXg-00703-00228776-00229519 i hit my head nonQQmU-OXg-00704-00229519-00230134 whoopsies nonQQmU-OXg-00705-00230135-00230223 hey nonQQmU-OXg-00706-00230223-00230398 i got this one unlocked nonQQmU-OXg-00707-00230400-00230503 hey yo nonQQmU-OXg-00708-00230504-00230958 second one to qualify hey yo nonQQmU-OXg-00709-00230959-00231142 your second to qualify nonQQmU-OXg-00710-00231144-00231327 no nonQQmU-OXg-00711-00231328-00231598 okay i always go i only ever go to nonQQmU-OXg-00712-00231600-00231967 collect at the uppermost level nonQQmU-OXg-00713-00231967-00232215 and it's like nonQQmU-OXg-00714-00232216-00232375 honey nonQQmU-OXg-00715-00232376-00232623 like there is like a top platform that nonQQmU-OXg-00716-00232623-00232846 has like five easy rings nonQQmU-OXg-00717-00232848-00233406 already oh okay nonQQmU-OXg-00718-00233407-00233623 so it's either your first ahead of the nonQQmU-OXg-00719-00233623-00233839 group collecting all the the rings like nonQQmU-OXg-00720-00233840-00234023 this among us character that you're nonQQmU-OXg-00721-00234023-00234303 facing up against or you can go directly nonQQmU-OXg-00722-00234304-00234567 to the you know like delay a little bit nonQQmU-OXg-00723-00234567-00234791 behind you see those platforms right now nonQQmU-OXg-00724-00234792-00234871 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00725-00234871-00235415 those have no those aren't just five nonQQmU-OXg-00726-00235416-00235598 go where are you nonQQmU-OXg-00727-00235600-00235903 i think my stream froze nonQQmU-OXg-00728-00235904-00236142 oh no oh no nonQQmU-OXg-00729-00236144-00236446 oh i don't see you let me nonQQmU-OXg-00730-00236448-00236606 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00731-00236607-00237046 is it frozen nonQQmU-OXg-00732-00237048-00237255 no we're vibing nonQQmU-OXg-00733-00237256-00237551 stream stream chilling yeah we're good nonQQmU-OXg-00734-00237552-00238055 we're chillin nonQQmU-OXg-00735-00238056-00238494 i heard that nonQQmU-OXg-00736-00238496-00238751 you're not about to gaslight me nonQQmU-OXg-00737-00238752-00238975 it doesn't exist come on nonQQmU-OXg-00738-00238976-00239423 oh nice save never mind you suck nonQQmU-OXg-00739-00239423-00239831 i'm kidding my pal me me nonQQmU-OXg-00740-00239832-00239927 no nonQQmU-OXg-00741-00239928-00240087 there we go nonQQmU-OXg-00742-00240088-00240279 i was uh frozen on my phone for some nonQQmU-OXg-00743-00240280-00240463 reason i'm glad everything's okay i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00744-00240464-00240615 testing out a new way so that hopefully nonQQmU-OXg-00745-00240616-00240782 i can avoid lag and the next one is i nonQQmU-OXg-00746-00240783-00241039 don't know if it works though nonQQmU-OXg-00747-00241040-00241398 the 50 yeah the 50. nonQQmU-OXg-00748-00241400-00241679 i like your words funny magic man he's nonQQmU-OXg-00749-00241680-00242263 up in the corner nonQQmU-OXg-00750-00242264-00242503 any of you seen that shot nonQQmU-OXg-00751-00242504-00242806 which one i like your funny words magic nonQQmU-OXg-00752-00242807-00243103 man nonQQmU-OXg-00753-00243104-00243398 i haven't seen that oh no oh nonQQmU-OXg-00754-00243400-00243606 i only know the meme it's called clone nonQQmU-OXg-00755-00243607-00243703 high nonQQmU-OXg-00756-00243704-00244006 it's it's enjoyable he's got some nonQQmU-OXg-00757-00244007-00244255 moments nonQQmU-OXg-00758-00244256-00244446 go to your side of the you go to your nonQQmU-OXg-00759-00244448-00244639 bouncer that one next to you why should nonQQmU-OXg-00760-00244640-00244887 i the one with the ark and no cuz that's nonQQmU-OXg-00761-00244888-00244991 going to give you a lot of rings i'm nonQQmU-OXg-00762-00244992-00245119 telling you right now yeah but you have nonQQmU-OXg-00763-00245119-00245287 one right there right behind you i could nonQQmU-OXg-00764-00245288-00245446 go for yours nonQQmU-OXg-00765-00245448-00245623 that means you're just gonna lose more nonQQmU-OXg-00766-00245623-00245791 time trying to get the mind you fool nonQQmU-OXg-00767-00245792-00246175 yeah but i'll you over nonQQmU-OXg-00768-00246176-00247767 okay loser nonQQmU-OXg-00769-00247767-00248558 whoa nonQQmU-OXg-00770-00248559-00249248 oh nice try godzilla nonQQmU-OXg-00771-00249248-00250198 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00772-00250200-00250391 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00773-00250392-00251503 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00774-00251504-00251703 that's all i can say damn first one is nonQQmU-OXg-00775-00251704-00252327 already at 36. nonQQmU-OXg-00776-00252328-00252534 um first one you say nonQQmU-OXg-00777-00252535-00252846 nice to meet you nonQQmU-OXg-00778-00252848-00252998 damn nonQQmU-OXg-00779-00253000-00253446 i knew i would jinx it nonQQmU-OXg-00780-00253448-00253575 i wonder who's getting the first right nonQQmU-OXg-00781-00253576-00254006 now nonQQmU-OXg-00782-00254007-00254239 definitely not me i'm not trying to nonQQmU-OXg-00783-00254240-00254598 say it i'm literally saying it's not me nonQQmU-OXg-00784-00254600-00254887 damn nonQQmU-OXg-00785-00254888-00255294 damn i was so close nonQQmU-OXg-00786-00255296-00255487 oh my god nonQQmU-OXg-00787-00255488-00255727 nice uh nonQQmU-OXg-00788-00255728-00256094 wow what up what uh what a chad nonQQmU-OXg-00789-00256096-00256351 what a chat report player nonQQmU-OXg-00790-00256352-00256671 i was so close angela did you see that i nonQQmU-OXg-00791-00256671-00257023 was so close nonQQmU-OXg-00792-00257023-00257239 this woman nonQQmU-OXg-00793-00257240-00257342 i always get worried i'm gonna nonQQmU-OXg-00794-00257344-00257527 accidentally report them when trying to nonQQmU-OXg-00795-00257528-00257823 skip past the end credits and nonQQmU-OXg-00796-00257823-00258215 it really is like promoting toxicity nonQQmU-OXg-00797-00258216-00258319 i mean nonQQmU-OXg-00798-00258319-00258630 when are we not toxic nonQQmU-OXg-00799-00258631-00258894 it's easy to mispress about using a nonQQmU-OXg-00800-00258896-00259110 controller oh totally it was just it was nonQQmU-OXg-00801-00259111-00259351 a mispress mismatch oh nonQQmU-OXg-00802-00259352-00259646 miss press nonQQmU-OXg-00803-00259648-00259967 whispers nonQQmU-OXg-00804-00259967-00260230 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00805-00260231-00260391 uh nonQQmU-OXg-00806-00260392-00260719 you can't see more sonic i guess nonQQmU-OXg-00807-00260719-00260934 yeah let me show more sonic nonQQmU-OXg-00808-00260935-00261046 how many points do you need to get nonQQmU-OXg-00809-00261048-00261223 before you get the shoes nonQQmU-OXg-00810-00261223-00261551 one thousand one thousand nonQQmU-OXg-00811-00261552-00261710 how much like you should you want a nonQQmU-OXg-00812-00261711-00261934 crown right nonQQmU-OXg-00813-00261935-00262182 no nonQQmU-OXg-00814-00262183-00262423 no um nonQQmU-OXg-00815-00262424-00262782 no no no no we didn't nonQQmU-OXg-00816-00262783-00263015 yeah you did 500 emerald so you guys nonQQmU-OXg-00817-00263016-00263175 should have 500 emerald since we're in nonQQmU-OXg-00818-00263176-00263479 the same you know squad anyway nonQQmU-OXg-00819-00263480-00263695 oh yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00820-00263696-00263903 mistress nonQQmU-OXg-00821-00263904-00264391 why are you talking about mistresses nonQQmU-OXg-00822-00264392-00264703 oh no miss press i i mispronounced miss nonQQmU-OXg-00823-00264704-00264934 press what a time you know what are you nonQQmU-OXg-00824-00264935-00265263 guys good at tongue twisters nonQQmU-OXg-00825-00265264-00265487 um no i'm not nonQQmU-OXg-00826-00265488-00265639 i swear i'm not nonQQmU-OXg-00827-00265640-00265863 i already stuttered so much what do you nonQQmU-OXg-00828-00265864-00266134 expect from me nonQQmU-OXg-00829-00266135-00266647 i just i think it'll be fine you know nonQQmU-OXg-00830-00266648-00266895 i'm like not good in tongue twisters nonQQmU-OXg-00831-00266896-00267134 both in character and off character nonQQmU-OXg-00832-00267135-00267310 thank you for the thank you for the miss nonQQmU-OXg-00833-00267311-00268495 the the promotion check nonQQmU-OXg-00834-00268496-00268663 i was going to say if you want to learn nonQQmU-OXg-00835-00268664-00268823 i can teach you nonQQmU-OXg-00836-00268824-00269430 oh i need a sparring partner nonQQmU-OXg-00837-00269431-00269679 elvis nonQQmU-OXg-00838-00269680-00269823 watermelon nonQQmU-OXg-00839-00269824-00269943 what am i nonQQmU-OXg-00840-00269944-00270079 okay no i ain't around with the nonQQmU-OXg-00841-00270080-00270334 watermelon i don't trust it nonQQmU-OXg-00842-00270335-00270519 loser kid nonQQmU-OXg-00843-00270520-00270895 go back to your mommy nonQQmU-OXg-00844-00270896-00272623 hello now he said to go back to you nonQQmU-OXg-00845-00272624-00273087 i only have one what the nonQQmU-OXg-00846-00273088-00273382 it's okay elena i believe i'm i'm just nonQQmU-OXg-00847-00273383-00273639 gambling on the fact that these guys are nonQQmU-OXg-00848-00273640-00274055 probably lame some at some point in time nonQQmU-OXg-00849-00274056-00274471 it's some point in time nonQQmU-OXg-00850-00274472-00274558 it's nonQQmU-OXg-00851-00274559-00274847 let's go punch punch nonQQmU-OXg-00852-00274848-00274951 13. nonQQmU-OXg-00853-00274952-00275351 oh come on nonQQmU-OXg-00854-00275352-00275655 thank you for the hydrate i will drink nonQQmU-OXg-00855-00275656-00275879 i'm going to destroy nonQQmU-OXg-00856-00275880-00275991 everything nonQQmU-OXg-00857-00275992-00276199 kneecaps nonQQmU-OXg-00858-00276200-00276591 oh oh nonQQmU-OXg-00859-00276592-00276767 you know what it is it's the tall boy nonQQmU-OXg-00860-00276768-00276951 the tall boy brings out nonQQmU-OXg-00861-00276952-00277167 the toxicity i got it nonQQmU-OXg-00862-00277168-00277295 we got it nonQQmU-OXg-00863-00277296-00277927 nice nonQQmU-OXg-00864-00277928-00278143 there's a snowman they have snowmen in nonQQmU-OXg-00865-00278144-00278310 this wait that's a gingerbread mitt wait nonQQmU-OXg-00866-00278311-00278519 what nonQQmU-OXg-00867-00278520-00279575 ginger snow ginger snow nonQQmU-OXg-00868-00279576-00279782 holding back so bad from telling a nonQQmU-OXg-00869-00279783-00280319 horrible joke i'm holding back so bad nonQQmU-OXg-00870-00280320-00280495 not gonna lie nonQQmU-OXg-00871-00280496-00280727 those mouths would be really creepy i nonQQmU-OXg-00872-00280728-00280999 like a giant playground nonQQmU-OXg-00873-00281000-00281143 which one nonQQmU-OXg-00874-00281144-00281367 the ones that like shoot you up to the nonQQmU-OXg-00875-00281368-00281534 next level nonQQmU-OXg-00876-00281535-00281806 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00877-00281807-00282030 like vacuums that's what they look like nonQQmU-OXg-00878-00282031-00282151 they look like the vacuums from the nonQQmU-OXg-00879-00282152-00282406 teletubbies nonQQmU-OXg-00880-00282407-00282639 of course they are oh my god nonQQmU-OXg-00881-00282640-00282727 actually nonQQmU-OXg-00882-00282728-00282927 i'm scared of the vacuum from the nonQQmU-OXg-00883-00282928-00283271 telltale show right you know it can suck nonQQmU-OXg-00884-00283272-00283415 anything nonQQmU-OXg-00885-00283416-00283567 it's like nonQQmU-OXg-00886-00283568-00284006 it's like a horror movie and waiting nonQQmU-OXg-00887-00284007-00284215 exactly you know how they came out with nonQQmU-OXg-00888-00284216-00284519 the winnie the pooh horror movie nonQQmU-OXg-00889-00284520-00284654 oh yeah i saw nonQQmU-OXg-00890-00284655-00284871 i saw it and i don't want to see it i nonQQmU-OXg-00891-00284872-00285030 mean nonQQmU-OXg-00892-00285031-00285295 not interested nonQQmU-OXg-00893-00285296-00285495 i can imagine that you'd make a nonQQmU-OXg-00894-00285496-00285910 teletubbies one nonQQmU-OXg-00895-00285911-00286127 yeah i mean nonQQmU-OXg-00896-00286128-00286367 their face are also already kind of nonQQmU-OXg-00897-00286368-00286695 scary so nonQQmU-OXg-00898-00286696-00286895 this is true nonQQmU-OXg-00899-00286896-00287519 i feel like the teletubbies would eat me nonQQmU-OXg-00900-00287520-00287799 i mean i remember i remember seeing a as nonQQmU-OXg-00901-00287800-00287975 california's uh nonQQmU-OXg-00902-00287976-00288191 star wars i don't know about entirety nonQQmU-OXg-00903-00288192-00288382 where there was like a dark malt pivot nonQQmU-OXg-00904-00288383-00288575 puppy and that killed the original nonQQmU-OXg-00905-00288576-00288695 terrorist obvious i was like so nonQQmU-OXg-00906-00288696-00288958 traumatized as a kid nonQQmU-OXg-00907-00288959-00289071 because you know nonQQmU-OXg-00908-00289072-00289175 no nonQQmU-OXg-00909-00289176-00289639 oh no my childhood nonQQmU-OXg-00910-00289640-00289847 i'm trying to remember what traumatized nonQQmU-OXg-00911-00289848-00290095 like from a tv oh have you seen the meat nonQQmU-OXg-00912-00290096-00290358 show nonQQmU-OXg-00913-00290359-00290606 what what meat show nonQQmU-OXg-00914-00290607-00290847 it's like it was a nonQQmU-OXg-00915-00290848-00291030 uh it wasn't a cartoon it was these nonQQmU-OXg-00916-00291031-00291215 puppets oh nonQQmU-OXg-00917-00291216-00291471 damn i just missed that um nonQQmU-OXg-00918-00291472-00291687 and nonQQmU-OXg-00919-00291688-00291951 there were some really nasty episodes on nonQQmU-OXg-00920-00291952-00292127 it but it was cool with like the mr midi nonQQmU-OXg-00921-00292128-00292551 show nonQQmU-OXg-00922-00292552-00292991 yeah okay it was nasty nonQQmU-OXg-00923-00292992-00293206 i i was i remember as a kid though nonQQmU-OXg-00924-00293207-00293406 liking the blonde puppet with the hair nonQQmU-OXg-00925-00293407-00293630 over his eye because like you know as a nonQQmU-OXg-00926-00293631-00293799 kid that's just what you're into like nonQQmU-OXg-00927-00293800-00293946 the little emo type guys nonQQmU-OXg-00928-00293947-00294310 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00929-00294311-00294654 exactly nonQQmU-OXg-00930-00294655-00294879 uh-oh give me them coins nonQQmU-OXg-00931-00294880-00295047 mine nonQQmU-OXg-00932-00295048-00295247 i don't even know someone who is not nonQQmU-OXg-00933-00295248-00295447 attracted to that type like right at nonQQmU-OXg-00934-00295448-00295703 some point in their life everyone has a nonQQmU-OXg-00935-00295704-00296471 face okay nonQQmU-OXg-00936-00296472-00296727 i got in i got in nonQQmU-OXg-00937-00296728-00296999 nice nonQQmU-OXg-00938-00297000-00297182 damn it it's unikitty nonQQmU-OXg-00939-00297183-00297367 let me grab you nonQQmU-OXg-00940-00297368-00297558 oh nonQQmU-OXg-00941-00297559-00297854 rude nonQQmU-OXg-00942-00297855-00298103 wait where's the coins gonna what nonQQmU-OXg-00943-00298104-00298943 not the ice cream brother oh nonQQmU-OXg-00944-00298944-00299307 okay last three rings got it nicer nonQQmU-OXg-00945-00299308-00299543 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-00946-00299544-00300263 zooming not zooming at all here we go nonQQmU-OXg-00947-00300264-00300466 did me like that nonQQmU-OXg-00948-00300467-00300630 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00949-00300631-00300806 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-00950-00300807-00301039 i know it's scary the mr midi show is nonQQmU-OXg-00951-00301040-00301351 terrifying nonQQmU-OXg-00952-00301352-00301463 no i did nonQQmU-OXg-00953-00301464-00301519 just me nonQQmU-OXg-00954-00301520-00302247 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-00955-00302248-00303134 you good mate nonQQmU-OXg-00956-00303135-00303319 do you want some drinks to go with that nonQQmU-OXg-00957-00303320-00303471 sir nonQQmU-OXg-00958-00303472-00303695 this is me be like being such a total nonQQmU-OXg-00959-00303696-00304030 bully nonQQmU-OXg-00960-00304031-00304295 so i wonder what this optimal strat nonQQmU-OXg-00961-00304296-00304575 here is oh yeah so you know about the mr nonQQmU-OXg-00962-00304576-00304751 matey show good nonQQmU-OXg-00963-00304752-00304951 i was always wondering i got a mini max nonQQmU-OXg-00964-00304952-00305087 i got it if maybe it was just an nonQQmU-OXg-00965-00305088-00305358 australian thing i'm just bumping heads nonQQmU-OXg-00966-00305359-00305958 with these i mean bean-faced creeps nonQQmU-OXg-00967-00305959-00306127 you miss your bounce loser oh i nonQQmU-OXg-00968-00306128-00306439 miss the rings loser nonQQmU-OXg-00969-00306440-00306679 i can't bounce instant camera my life nonQQmU-OXg-00970-00306680-00307039 okay chances are hard to like hit i have nonQQmU-OXg-00971-00307040-00307134 to say nonQQmU-OXg-00972-00307135-00307447 i'm with you in spirit alone nonQQmU-OXg-00973-00307448-00307782 i'm failing spirit as well so nonQQmU-OXg-00974-00307783-00307999 i'm sorry about that nonQQmU-OXg-00975-00308000-00308310 you see you're getting like knocked off nonQQmU-OXg-00976-00308311-00308519 oh no they stole that right in front of nonQQmU-OXg-00977-00308520-00308991 you nonQQmU-OXg-00978-00308992-00309351 we're fine we're fine come on come on nonQQmU-OXg-00979-00309352-00309503 how about that nonQQmU-OXg-00980-00309504-00309695 this is what delusion looks like i can nonQQmU-OXg-00981-00309696-00310030 just hear nonQQmU-OXg-00982-00310031-00310215 seriously nonQQmU-OXg-00983-00310216-00310479 i have the monopoly on this floor so nonQQmU-OXg-00984-00310480-00310606 none of them are nonQQmU-OXg-00985-00310607-00310734 actually nonQQmU-OXg-00986-00310735-00310975 contending here at this part so yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00987-00310976-00311103 there's already the best way to get nonQQmU-OXg-00988-00311104-00311182 there nonQQmU-OXg-00989-00311183-00311406 the first place is already 39 over and nonQQmU-OXg-00990-00311407-00311751 then the second place is like 16 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-00991-00311752-00312103 oh the zombie cat is a little thief nonQQmU-OXg-00992-00312104-00312239 that little nonQQmU-OXg-00993-00312240-00312415 okay nonQQmU-OXg-00994-00312416-00312606 they have 13. nonQQmU-OXg-00995-00312607-00313127 like you smug little ha nonQQmU-OXg-00996-00313128-00313399 i should at least hit 20 19 nonQQmU-OXg-00997-00313400-00314575 can i have 20 thanks nonQQmU-OXg-00998-00314576-00314839 whoa i don't know how to read your name nonQQmU-OXg-00999-00314840-00314967 i don't care nonQQmU-OXg-01000-00314968-00316551 report nonQQmU-OXg-01001-00316552-00316734 how many did i get how many do i have i nonQQmU-OXg-01002-00316735-00316999 have eight hundred out of one thousand nonQQmU-OXg-01003-00317000-00317095 it was nonQQmU-OXg-01004-00317096-00317303 nine hundred out of one thousand nonQQmU-OXg-01005-00317304-00317558 you made it to the final round i didn't nonQQmU-OXg-01006-00317559-00317782 i'll do it get rings in round two okay nonQQmU-OXg-01007-00317783-00317854 so nonQQmU-OXg-01008-00317855-00318103 we're pretty much just completing the nonQQmU-OXg-01009-00318104-00318230 missions nonQQmU-OXg-01010-00318231-00318487 on the uh sonic's adventure nonQQmU-OXg-01011-00318488-00318679 so i have 900 nonQQmU-OXg-01012-00318680-00318847 alona has nonQQmU-OXg-01013-00318848-00319119 i have i don't know how many do i have nonQQmU-OXg-01014-00319120-00319271 how do i find out nonQQmU-OXg-01015-00319272-00319719 um so like the second tab on the top nonQQmU-OXg-01016-00319720-00320119 yeah 800 i have 800. so i guess nonQQmU-OXg-01017-00320120-00320382 i have an enrichment by version i have nonQQmU-OXg-01018-00320383-00320647 this mission to like get rings in ground nonQQmU-OXg-01019-00320648-00320823 too i've got to go fast so i think nonQQmU-OXg-01020-00320824-00321023 that's my last nonQQmU-OXg-01021-00321024-00321327 yeah we can complete hours like you know nonQQmU-OXg-01022-00321328-00321599 yeah yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01023-00321600-00321727 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01024-00321728-00321982 we can do this we can wait i need to i nonQQmU-OXg-01025-00321983-00322103 need to nonQQmU-OXg-01026-00322104-00322551 summon the energy within um nonQQmU-OXg-01027-00322552-00322687 alona nonQQmU-OXg-01028-00322688-00323063 you're not alone i give you a but nonQQmU-OXg-01029-00323064-00323239 thank you thank you nonQQmU-OXg-01030-00323240-00323758 no worries enjoy you alert you nonQQmU-OXg-01031-00323759-00324006 please nonQQmU-OXg-01032-00324007-00324143 thanks nonQQmU-OXg-01033-00324144-00324663 okay let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01034-00324664-00324823 losers nonQQmU-OXg-01035-00324824-00324919 it's the nonQQmU-OXg-01036-00324920-00325151 that keep on giving oh my god you're a nonQQmU-OXg-01037-00325152-00325527 long boy too nonQQmU-OXg-01038-00325528-00325687 we're gonna if i nonQQmU-OXg-01039-00325688-00325975 you got the inches i sent you nonQQmU-OXg-01040-00325976-00326430 thank you i'll make sure to use it well nonQQmU-OXg-01041-00326431-00327167 enjoy the extra inches nonQQmU-OXg-01042-00327168-00327351 nothing nonQQmU-OXg-01043-00327352-00328039 it's exactly what you heard nonQQmU-OXg-01044-00328040-00328734 this is just honeymoon face okay nonQQmU-OXg-01045-00328735-00329303 we have to go through this phase nonQQmU-OXg-01046-00329304-00329871 it's all in the plan nonQQmU-OXg-01047-00329872-00330351 green hill zone nonQQmU-OXg-01048-00330352-00330534 you know for a place called green hill nonQQmU-OXg-01049-00330535-00330910 zone i don't see a lot of hills nonQQmU-OXg-01050-00330911-00331215 sorry first of all bean hill zone nonQQmU-OXg-01051-00331216-00331351 bean yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01052-00331352-00331495 it's bean nonQQmU-OXg-01053-00331496-00331734 i thought you said green nonQQmU-OXg-01054-00331735-00332030 green hill zone is the real thing in nonQQmU-OXg-01055-00332031-00332223 sonic nonQQmU-OXg-01056-00332224-00332406 i guess i guess they really wanted to nonQQmU-OXg-01057-00332407-00332591 make sure that the copyright name is not nonQQmU-OXg-01058-00332592-00332815 picking completely yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01059-00332816-00333054 but isn't it a collab nonQQmU-OXg-01060-00333055-00333239 well yeah but still yeah they should nonQQmU-OXg-01061-00333240-00333606 have like license to use the name nonQQmU-OXg-01062-00333607-00333782 yeah i guess they were just referencing nonQQmU-OXg-01063-00333783-00334015 their own game because you know nonQQmU-OXg-01064-00334016-00334103 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01065-00334104-00334606 a good job oh man i'm doing on gucci nonQQmU-OXg-01066-00334607-00335110 on gucci bro nonQQmU-OXg-01067-00335111-00335263 someone's already qualified holy nonQQmU-OXg-01068-00335264-00335430 that this person is definitely gonna get nonQQmU-OXg-01069-00335431-00335575 it oh never mind nonQQmU-OXg-01070-00335576-00335815 i'm just nonQQmU-OXg-01071-00335816-00335991 hey nonQQmU-OXg-01072-00335992-00336415 okay okay nonQQmU-OXg-01073-00336416-00336567 how do you what nonQQmU-OXg-01074-00336568-00336910 i didn't know how to dive nonQQmU-OXg-01075-00336911-00337047 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01076-00337048-00337334 didn't so therefore you know nonQQmU-OXg-01077-00337335-00338336 i i think i know now nonQQmU-OXg-01078-00338337-00338839 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01079-00338840-00339527 oh no nonQQmU-OXg-01080-00339528-00339847 one two three i need seven more no six nonQQmU-OXg-01081-00339848-00341382 more congratulations you can count nonQQmU-OXg-01082-00341383-00341582 see i see i've never played sonic game nonQQmU-OXg-01083-00341583-00341719 there are so many classics that i've nonQQmU-OXg-01084-00341720-00341903 never played nonQQmU-OXg-01085-00341904-00342087 sonic mania nonQQmU-OXg-01086-00342088-00342367 what kind of game is that is it um nonQQmU-OXg-01087-00342368-00342471 like what nonQQmU-OXg-01088-00342472-00342630 is what is it on a certain console or nonQQmU-OXg-01089-00342631-00342775 something nonQQmU-OXg-01090-00342776-00343114 hey look who decided to join us nonQQmU-OXg-01091-00343115-00343751 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01092-00343752-00345239 oh my god hello mama breathe nonQQmU-OXg-01093-00345240-00345543 thank you for dropping by nonQQmU-OXg-01094-00345544-00345863 and saying hi to me and saying you to us nonQQmU-OXg-01095-00345864-00346439 this nonQQmU-OXg-01096-00346440-00346654 there's literally two people left and nonQQmU-OXg-01097-00346655-00346806 this guy is nonQQmU-OXg-01098-00346807-00347103 11 over 20 and has been failing to get nonQQmU-OXg-01099-00347104-00347182 this nonQQmU-OXg-01100-00347183-00347415 why did he try so hard to get that one i nonQQmU-OXg-01101-00347416-00347543 don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01102-00347544-00348103 oh this guy's nonQQmU-OXg-01103-00348104-00348254 i couldn't nonQQmU-OXg-01104-00348255-00348439 oh my goodness nonQQmU-OXg-01105-00348440-00348682 we're being held against our world nonQQmU-OXg-01106-00348683-00348991 oh that's painful to watch nonQQmU-OXg-01107-00348992-00349087 this is nonQQmU-OXg-01108-00349088-00349334 pain nonQQmU-OXg-01109-00349335-00349423 pain nonQQmU-OXg-01110-00349424-00349751 oh no nonQQmU-OXg-01111-00349752-00349999 i can only feel pain can we can we nonQQmU-OXg-01112-00350000-00350487 report them nonQQmU-OXg-01113-00350488-00350743 taking too long nonQQmU-OXg-01114-00350744-00350871 oh god nonQQmU-OXg-01115-00350872-00351015 child nonQQmU-OXg-01116-00351016-00351182 child nonQQmU-OXg-01117-00351183-00351447 child literally nonQQmU-OXg-01118-00351448-00351910 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01119-00351911-00352175 let's go let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01120-00352176-00352399 all you have to do is not jump anymore nonQQmU-OXg-01121-00352400-00352703 remember you know let's just walk find nonQQmU-OXg-01122-00352704-00352903 the level let's go see nonQQmU-OXg-01123-00352904-00353182 i like remix so maybe nonQQmU-OXg-01124-00353183-00353534 not i'm good on them nonQQmU-OXg-01125-00353535-00353806 i really like pixel art wait i'll try to nonQQmU-OXg-01126-00353807-00353991 check it out maybe eliminate it but we nonQQmU-OXg-01127-00353992-00354182 were only saying two of them i don't nonQQmU-OXg-01128-00354183-00354454 know any of the sonic laura to be honest nonQQmU-OXg-01129-00354455-00354710 yeah i i think nonQQmU-OXg-01130-00354711-00355230 we got disconnected i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01131-00355231-00355567 illusion nonQQmU-OXg-01132-00355568-00355734 i mean we're that good we're just nonQQmU-OXg-01133-00355735-00356175 watching too but two more got eliminated nonQQmU-OXg-01134-00356176-00356319 exactly nonQQmU-OXg-01135-00356320-00356558 i think i need i had 97 but i need to nonQQmU-OXg-01136-00356559-00357082 get 120. i need like nonQQmU-OXg-01137-00357083-00357478 uh almost 30 no uh yeah um there should nonQQmU-OXg-01138-00357479-00357734 be enough i think you get like nonQQmU-OXg-01139-00357735-00357934 30 here 25 nonQQmU-OXg-01140-00357935-00358015 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01141-00358016-00358191 but that's that's if people don't reach nonQQmU-OXg-01142-00358192-00358482 35 before i nonQQmU-OXg-01143-00358483-00358687 do oh nonQQmU-OXg-01144-00358688-00359127 you're being nice weird nonQQmU-OXg-01145-00359128-00359415 i want to reach 35 it's like the nonQQmU-OXg-01146-00359416-00359519 normal nonQQmU-OXg-01147-00359520-00359910 adult life expectancy right now right nonQQmU-OXg-01148-00359911-00360143 what nonQQmU-OXg-01149-00360144-00360495 that's news to me nonQQmU-OXg-01150-00360496-00360775 now that makes sense that checks out nonQQmU-OXg-01151-00360776-00360910 bro nonQQmU-OXg-01152-00360911-00361087 i hate nonQQmU-OXg-01153-00361088-00361343 these big nonQQmU-OXg-01154-00361344-00361575 these two what the get out of my nonQQmU-OXg-01155-00361576-00361775 way nonQQmU-OXg-01156-00361776-00362015 we have to ruin it for you otherwise we nonQQmU-OXg-01157-00362016-00362223 wouldn't be in a team nonQQmU-OXg-01158-00362224-00362891 meme nonQQmU-OXg-01159-00362892-00363919 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01160-00363920-00364358 damn get i guess bro nonQQmU-OXg-01161-00364359-00364466 this koala nonQQmU-OXg-01162-00364467-00364863 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01163-00364864-00364982 what nonQQmU-OXg-01164-00364983-00365482 huh peter don't stop nonQQmU-OXg-01165-00365483-00365871 me you mean the up animal company nonQQmU-OXg-01166-00365872-00365958 yes nonQQmU-OXg-01167-00365959-00366095 what nonQQmU-OXg-01168-00366096-00366182 yes nonQQmU-OXg-01169-00366183-00366575 oh oh no nonQQmU-OXg-01170-00366576-00366934 you don't sound that upset nonQQmU-OXg-01171-00366935-00367334 okay i'll go upstairs nonQQmU-OXg-01172-00367335-00367727 go upstairs to your room nonQQmU-OXg-01173-00367728-00368223 you ain't blocking me here we go nonQQmU-OXg-01174-00368224-00368591 and reflect on what you did nonQQmU-OXg-01175-00368592-00368767 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01176-00368768-00369087 if i don't will you come punish me nonQQmU-OXg-01177-00369088-00369254 as hard as you need nonQQmU-OXg-01178-00369255-00369863 i am out of town goodbye guys nonQQmU-OXg-01179-00369864-00370103 i just need two more i just need two nonQQmU-OXg-01180-00370104-00370223 more nonQQmU-OXg-01181-00370224-00370606 and i think i'm gonna make it because nonQQmU-OXg-01182-00370607-00370934 you got this alona i believe in you nonQQmU-OXg-01183-00370935-00371310 come on give me the two rings nonQQmU-OXg-01184-00371464-00371751 got it there you go nonQQmU-OXg-01185-00371752-00371951 we can now lose the third one nonQQmU-OXg-01186-00371952-00372254 you don't safely lose the third one nonQQmU-OXg-01187-00372255-00373678 we don't have to try anymore nonQQmU-OXg-01188-00373679-00374287 we just got a new nonQQmU-OXg-01189-00374288-00374519 why do they play this little role of nonQQmU-OXg-01190-00374520-00374791 what game will it be next nonQQmU-OXg-01191-00374792-00375054 who knows nonQQmU-OXg-01192-00375055-00375406 come see after this short ad break nonQQmU-OXg-01193-00375407-00376191 add break nonQQmU-OXg-01194-00376192-00376447 i wish you a luck alona nonQQmU-OXg-01195-00376448-00376806 i'm gonna win this nonQQmU-OXg-01196-00376807-00376991 hope i wish nonQQmU-OXg-01197-00376992-00377430 i believe nonQQmU-OXg-01198-00377431-00377663 what how did i miss all of those someone nonQQmU-OXg-01199-00377664-00377799 already oh wait it's because they nonQQmU-OXg-01200-00377800-00378015 probably hit the hoop nonQQmU-OXg-01201-00378016-00378375 damn damn damn i got my first seven nonQQmU-OXg-01202-00378376-00378775 oh that's you nonQQmU-OXg-01203-00378776-00379223 damn 18. nonQQmU-OXg-01204-00379224-00379391 13. nonQQmU-OXg-01205-00379392-00379543 oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a nonQQmU-OXg-01206-00379544-00379743 minute wait a minute i'm like hyper nonQQmU-OXg-01207-00379744-00379927 competitive right now nonQQmU-OXg-01208-00379928-00380063 wait well you're not first you're not nonQQmU-OXg-01209-00380064-00380199 the one with the 20. nonQQmU-OXg-01210-00380200-00380471 no i'm not i'm i'm 16. nonQQmU-OXg-01211-00380472-00380702 you just watched the among us knockover nonQQmU-OXg-01212-00380703-00381091 i'm 16 officer nonQQmU-OXg-01213-00381092-00381823 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01214-00381824-00382063 i promise nonQQmU-OXg-01215-00382064-00382263 mentally nonQQmU-OXg-01216-00382264-00382471 29 29. nonQQmU-OXg-01217-00382472-00382695 all right i'm in my 30s now nonQQmU-OXg-01218-00382696-00382934 nice congratulations nonQQmU-OXg-01219-00382935-00383263 oh oh i lost momentum oh nonQQmU-OXg-01220-00383264-00383519 no no no no no no no nonQQmU-OXg-01221-00383520-00383878 30 not 8 38. nonQQmU-OXg-01222-00383879-00384039 whoa nonQQmU-OXg-01223-00384040-00384239 and then nonQQmU-OXg-01224-00384240-00384558 oh dear someone's at 49. nonQQmU-OXg-01225-00384559-00384727 damn it nonQQmU-OXg-01226-00384728-00384999 oh you're just the one with 49. 45 i'm nonQQmU-OXg-01227-00385000-00385287 45. nonQQmU-OXg-01228-00385288-00385527 life begins at 40. let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01229-00385528-00385702 milf nonQQmU-OXg-01230-00385703-00386199 yes oh i got second nonQQmU-OXg-01231-00386200-00386278 one nonQQmU-OXg-01232-00386279-00386654 value what i actually won nice nonQQmU-OXg-01233-00386792-00386958 congratulations nonQQmU-OXg-01234-00386959-00387678 is going around casually nonQQmU-OXg-01235-00387679-00388030 this strong you nonQQmU-OXg-01236-00388031-00388382 that was really good congratulations nonQQmU-OXg-01237-00388383-00388654 congratulations congratulations nonQQmU-OXg-01238-00388655-00388863 little relatively nonQQmU-OXg-01239-00388864-00389182 second and you you took it away from me nonQQmU-OXg-01240-00389183-00389415 was i being too horny is that why i got nonQQmU-OXg-01241-00389416-00389582 to go dude nonQQmU-OXg-01242-00389583-00389758 yeah let's go alone and then i was like nonQQmU-OXg-01243-00389759-00390182 wait who's the one at 49. oh it's me nonQQmU-OXg-01244-00390183-00390406 i wasn't actually paying attention nonQQmU-OXg-01245-00390407-00390495 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01246-00390496-00390751 at least i have my sonic shoes now nonQQmU-OXg-01247-00390752-00390919 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01248-00390920-00391254 we have sonic shoes now hey nonQQmU-OXg-01249-00391255-00391534 the pompadour is back nonQQmU-OXg-01250-00391535-00391927 what am i gonna what am i gonna wear nonQQmU-OXg-01251-00391928-00392694 clothes please nonQQmU-OXg-01252-00392695-00393295 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01253-00393296-00393447 my face feels kind of empty you could nonQQmU-OXg-01254-00393448-00393723 always wear that oh sure nonQQmU-OXg-01255-00393724-00394047 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01256-00394048-00394447 what the is going on here huh nonQQmU-OXg-01257-00394448-00394591 it's like the parents flirting in front nonQQmU-OXg-01258-00394592-00394751 of the kid nonQQmU-OXg-01259-00394752-00395406 what the is going on here huh nonQQmU-OXg-01260-00395407-00396078 oh this is athlete i need a new nickname nonQQmU-OXg-01261-00396079-00396334 okay because you know why not nonQQmU-OXg-01262-00396335-00396502 bell one yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01263-00396503-00396687 you can't hear me but i'm clapping like nonQQmU-OXg-01264-00396688-00396887 two thousand kudos points what can i buy nonQQmU-OXg-01265-00396888-00397167 with kudos points you wanted photos you nonQQmU-OXg-01266-00397168-00397319 wanted to see me nonQQmU-OXg-01267-00397320-00397551 like cindy nonQQmU-OXg-01268-00397552-00397682 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01269-00397683-00397975 items there is cat ears right now nonQQmU-OXg-01270-00397976-00398127 no wonder everyone's been wearing cat nonQQmU-OXg-01271-00398128-00398399 ears i'm short too or not nonQQmU-OXg-01272-00398400-00398615 200 nonQQmU-OXg-01273-00398616-00399015 perfect cat ears ods nonQQmU-OXg-01274-00399016-00399423 what else can i buy purple meanie nonQQmU-OXg-01275-00399424-00399671 alona just spending all your cash money nonQQmU-OXg-01276-00399672-00399867 i don't have real life money nonQQmU-OXg-01277-00399868-00400239 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01278-00400240-00401271 sneakers i already got some nonQQmU-OXg-01279-00401272-00401495 can we try like fighting them with the nonQQmU-OXg-01280-00401496-00401678 sonic shoes on nonQQmU-OXg-01281-00401679-00401975 you know maybe we can we can ace the ace nonQQmU-OXg-01282-00401976-00402102 the whole thing nonQQmU-OXg-01283-00402103-00402351 oh you want sonic again it'll give him nonQQmU-OXg-01284-00402352-00402599 buffs maybe just once or i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01285-00402600-00402799 it's up to you up to you guys what do nonQQmU-OXg-01286-00402800-00402927 you like nonQQmU-OXg-01287-00402928-00403182 we can't realize nonQQmU-OXg-01288-00403183-00403478 we can go with the normal nonQQmU-OXg-01289-00403479-00403623 normal show nonQQmU-OXg-01290-00403624-00403815 okay i think we collected everything we nonQQmU-OXg-01291-00403816-00403927 could nonQQmU-OXg-01292-00403928-00404415 yeah that's all that's everything nonQQmU-OXg-01293-00404416-00404534 my god nonQQmU-OXg-01294-00404535-00404982 i really do look like a templar nonQQmU-OXg-01295-00404983-00405710 a sonic tempura yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01296-00405711-00406143 you gotta go fast nonQQmU-OXg-01297-00406144-00406375 wait a minute that's not from sonic is nonQQmU-OXg-01298-00406376-00406519 it nonQQmU-OXg-01299-00406520-00406830 it is what okay nonQQmU-OXg-01300-00406831-00407095 i know my references nonQQmU-OXg-01301-00407096-00407239 congratulations you're part of the nonQQmU-OXg-01302-00407240-00407671 millennium meme culture nonQQmU-OXg-01303-00407672-00408063 joke's on you i'm actually not nonQQmU-OXg-01304-00408064-00408375 i can't get over here nonQQmU-OXg-01305-00408376-00408575 wow a bunch of nonQQmU-OXg-01306-00408576-00408767 millennials nonQQmU-OXg-01307-00408768-00409319 everybody point and laugh nonQQmU-OXg-01308-00409320-00409895 oh sorry i muted the wrong thing nonQQmU-OXg-01309-00409896-00410166 did you notice though i have alfred and nonQQmU-OXg-01310-00410167-00410726 my star on my earring can you see it nonQQmU-OXg-01311-00410727-00410926 oh my favorite one nonQQmU-OXg-01312-00410927-00411126 gotta go fast oh it's nonQQmU-OXg-01313-00411127-00411278 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01314-00411279-00412007 you gotta go fast nonQQmU-OXg-01315-00412008-00412230 by the way is my audio doubling at all nonQQmU-OXg-01316-00412231-00412670 by any chance nonQQmU-OXg-01317-00412671-00412895 no wonder it's blue nonQQmU-OXg-01318-00412896-00413039 they knew nonQQmU-OXg-01319-00413039-00413239 sonic was destined to collab with full nonQQmU-OXg-01320-00413239-00413463 guys that makes white sense why they're nonQQmU-OXg-01321-00413464-00413774 rings and they make you go quick nonQQmU-OXg-01322-00413775-00413870 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01323-00413871-00414166 that's right nonQQmU-OXg-01324-00414167-00414439 i like how your your how like how that nonQQmU-OXg-01325-00414439-00414639 you had like a like a vibration so nonQQmU-OXg-01326-00414639-00414734 you're like nonQQmU-OXg-01327-00414735-00414903 that's right nonQQmU-OXg-01328-00414904-00415047 it's nonQQmU-OXg-01329-00415047-00415263 i remember like i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01330-00415264-00415503 yeah my realization was actually nonQQmU-OXg-01331-00415504-00415887 hesitating to realize stuff you know nonQQmU-OXg-01332-00415888-00416214 my brain is not working right now nonQQmU-OXg-01333-00416215-00416518 no no oh i just pushed you off nonQQmU-OXg-01334-00416519-00416695 thank you nonQQmU-OXg-01335-00416696-00416951 i did not appreciate it i was sleeping nonQQmU-OXg-01336-00416952-00417282 you fell off that's what you get nonQQmU-OXg-01337-00417283-00417439 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01338-00417439-00418063 that's what you get oh nonQQmU-OXg-01339-00418064-00418207 big hammer nonQQmU-OXg-01340-00418208-00418351 please nonQQmU-OXg-01341-00418352-00418639 oh you're always my favorite i promise nonQQmU-OXg-01342-00418639-00419014 let's go go oh we're only three seconds nonQQmU-OXg-01343-00419015-00419191 we're only three oh this time around oh nonQQmU-OXg-01344-00419192-00419351 we're random with that what if the nonQQmU-OXg-01345-00419352-00419918 random pulled out nonQQmU-OXg-01346-00419919-00420039 i think and it doesn't look like a lot nonQQmU-OXg-01347-00420039-00420375 of people are joining yay i'm glad thank nonQQmU-OXg-01348-00420376-00420670 you thank you angie nonQQmU-OXg-01349-00420671-00420887 oh no nonQQmU-OXg-01350-00420888-00421551 my air conditioner nonQQmU-OXg-01351-00421552-00421751 oh bad for this guy he's coming oh nonQQmU-OXg-01352-00421752-00422479 nevermind nonQQmU-OXg-01353-00422480-00422743 come on nonQQmU-OXg-01354-00422743-00423759 brother nonQQmU-OXg-01355-00423760-00424283 two nonQQmU-OXg-01356-00424284-00424863 one goofy nonQQmU-OXg-01357-00424864-00425055 so toxic nonQQmU-OXg-01358-00425056-00425351 since the making fun of my laugh nonQQmU-OXg-01359-00425352-00425535 i wasn't actually nonQQmU-OXg-01360-00425535-00425783 i really didn't even i didn't even hear nonQQmU-OXg-01361-00425784-00426039 really i actually didn't even i was nonQQmU-OXg-01362-00426039-00426407 facing out oh you know you went there nonQQmU-OXg-01363-00426408-00426591 i would nonQQmU-OXg-01364-00426592-00426855 ilona how do you laugh nonQQmU-OXg-01365-00426856-00427135 how do i laugh yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01366-00427135-00427695 um laugh on command now nonQQmU-OXg-01367-00427696-00428270 i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01368-00428271-00428479 very cutely nonQQmU-OXg-01369-00428480-00429479 it's nonQQmU-OXg-01370-00429480-00429799 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01371-00429800-00430028 please give me my salary my paycheck nonQQmU-OXg-01372-00430029-00430783 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01373-00430784-00431133 that's my job yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01374-00431134-00431791 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01375-00431792-00432110 oh man it's boys nonQQmU-OXg-01376-00432112-00432414 this is like my mama bree's favorite nonQQmU-OXg-01377-00432415-00433664 game nonQQmU-OXg-01378-00433664-00433903 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01379-00433904-00434151 oh my god i'm so good with these balls nonQQmU-OXg-01380-00434152-00434287 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01381-00434288-00434559 look at elona handling her bowls nonQQmU-OXg-01382-00434560-00434775 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01383-00434776-00435014 come on there's a blueberry nonQQmU-OXg-01384-00435015-00435399 20 points come on let's down nonQQmU-OXg-01385-00435400-00435727 come on come on come on come on come on nonQQmU-OXg-01386-00435728-00435983 yeah push push nonQQmU-OXg-01387-00435984-00436175 i push down nonQQmU-OXg-01388-00436176-00436310 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01389-00436312-00436479 yes nonQQmU-OXg-01390-00436480-00436735 second broad second nonQQmU-OXg-01391-00436735-00436927 now we're third nonQQmU-OXg-01392-00436928-00437214 how the hell did they get 106. like nonQQmU-OXg-01393-00437215-00437407 that's you must have all gotten in at nonQQmU-OXg-01394-00437408-00437631 the same time nonQQmU-OXg-01395-00437632-00437935 so i've been subbing you know nonQQmU-OXg-01396-00437935-00438159 i've been a mama probably i'm not being nonQQmU-OXg-01397-00438160-00438270 so good nonQQmU-OXg-01398-00438271-00438959 mama nonQQmU-OXg-01399-00438960-00439191 thank you nonQQmU-OXg-01400-00439192-00439366 actually it makes me happy that i'm nonQQmU-OXg-01401-00439367-00440135 making my mama proud nonQQmU-OXg-01402-00440135-00440503 this is what you've done nonQQmU-OXg-01403-00440504-00441055 it's it's your fault nonQQmU-OXg-01404-00441056-00441295 the slime scraper i don't like this this nonQQmU-OXg-01405-00441296-00441735 is this is the game that i always die nonQQmU-OXg-01406-00441735-00441951 it doesn't help but the slime the ricing nonQQmU-OXg-01407-00441952-00442231 thing what was that the jelly the slime nonQQmU-OXg-01408-00442232-00442318 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01409-00442319-00442439 well i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01410-00442439-00442727 the same nonQQmU-OXg-01411-00442728-00442999 dude dying by slime is probably on my nonQQmU-OXg-01412-00443000-00443342 top list of ways i do not want to die nonQQmU-OXg-01413-00443343-00444127 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01414-00444128-00444463 shrimp must be first nonQQmU-OXg-01415-00444464-00444518 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01416-00444520-00444687 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01417-00444688-00444831 yes nonQQmU-OXg-01418-00444832-00445047 said uh keep juggling that not suck on nonQQmU-OXg-01419-00445047-00445127 that nonQQmU-OXg-01420-00445128-00445279 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01421-00445280-00445447 sure mom nonQQmU-OXg-01422-00445447-00445591 i will nonQQmU-OXg-01423-00445592-00446207 i will i will make you prouder nonQQmU-OXg-01424-00446208-00446527 is this what they call a poger's moment nonQQmU-OXg-01425-00446528-00446959 oh oh oh okay okay oh dear nonQQmU-OXg-01426-00446960-00447895 oh no i i'm locked in nonQQmU-OXg-01427-00447896-00448047 i love the sounds of people getting nonQQmU-OXg-01428-00448047-00448214 smacked nonQQmU-OXg-01429-00448215-00448495 getting fisted nonQQmU-OXg-01430-00448496-00448735 i mean you guessed it sing action nonQQmU-OXg-01431-00448735-00448870 ah damn it nonQQmU-OXg-01432-00448871-00449231 wait nonQQmU-OXg-01433-00449232-00449399 oh made it nonQQmU-OXg-01434-00449400-00449695 nice nonQQmU-OXg-01435-00449696-00449855 what the nonQQmU-OXg-01436-00449856-00450143 don't you dare do this to me no nonQQmU-OXg-01437-00450143-00450431 just be on the let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01438-00450432-00451455 just be on that whoa nonQQmU-OXg-01439-00451456-00451679 this is the funniest i've ever gotten in nonQQmU-OXg-01440-00451680-00451799 this game nonQQmU-OXg-01441-00451800-00451991 this song honestly sounds like a friday nonQQmU-OXg-01442-00451992-00452191 night funking soundtrack nonQQmU-OXg-01443-00452192-00452335 i was gonna say i like the noise it nonQQmU-OXg-01444-00452335-00452591 makes when you uh get stuck inside the nonQQmU-OXg-01445-00452592-00452863 gravity thing nonQQmU-OXg-01446-00452864-00453047 the way it gets a little muffled what nonQQmU-OXg-01447-00453047-00453263 the this guy disagree for up top nonQQmU-OXg-01448-00453264-00453639 okay i got i got slimed nonQQmU-OXg-01449-00453639-00453870 i got slimed nonQQmU-OXg-01450-00453871-00454095 you i'ma steal your soul nonQQmU-OXg-01451-00454096-00454583 get over here nonQQmU-OXg-01452-00454584-00454935 come here come here little nonQQmU-OXg-01453-00454935-00455535 oh i see nonQQmU-OXg-01454-00455535-00455791 get over here nonQQmU-OXg-01455-00455792-00455991 i'm taking your ass to court let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01456-00455992-00456279 let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01457-00456280-00456479 let me in nonQQmU-OXg-01458-00456480-00456814 this bro nonQQmU-OXg-01459-00456815-00456999 i'm so proud of you guys you can nonQQmU-OXg-01460-00457000-00457207 actually reach nonQQmU-OXg-01461-00457208-00457439 the end nonQQmU-OXg-01462-00457439-00457775 i wanna i wanna up that little nonQQmU-OXg-01463-00457776-00458079 hog hogwarts what is it that nonQQmU-OXg-01464-00458080-00458270 weasley i want to that nonQQmU-OXg-01465-00458271-00458631 up nonQQmU-OXg-01466-00458632-00458822 did you see the last person he just nonQQmU-OXg-01467-00458823-00458991 jumped nonQQmU-OXg-01468-00458992-00459279 yeah that was messing people up nonQQmU-OXg-01469-00459280-00459463 damn it nonQQmU-OXg-01470-00459464-00459663 i wish they would let you hit in this nonQQmU-OXg-01471-00459664-00459959 game nonQQmU-OXg-01472-00459960-00460166 can't we nonQQmU-OXg-01473-00460167-00460399 you can only grab no you can only grab nonQQmU-OXg-01474-00460400-00460687 unfortunately nonQQmU-OXg-01475-00460688-00461639 winning nonQQmU-OXg-01476-00461639-00461783 that's what i'm doing i'm that nonQQmU-OXg-01477-00461784-00462063 up nonQQmU-OXg-01478-00462064-00462318 and i like him nonQQmU-OXg-01479-00462319-00462463 mama bree nonQQmU-OXg-01480-00462464-00462910 what is this nonQQmU-OXg-01481-00462912-00462983 i love it nonQQmU-OXg-01482-00462984-00463263 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01483-00463264-00463470 no no no no nonQQmU-OXg-01484-00463471-00463631 where's that where is that person where nonQQmU-OXg-01485-00463632-00464070 are you hogwarts nonQQmU-OXg-01486-00464071-00464287 i think it might be this one here nonQQmU-OXg-01487-00464288-00464703 this yeah yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01488-00464704-00464839 yeah yeah this one is this one is this nonQQmU-OXg-01489-00464839-00465087 one this is nonQQmU-OXg-01490-00465088-00465207 we can't we could we probably have to nonQQmU-OXg-01491-00465208-00465455 wait until we get more um of the things nonQQmU-OXg-01492-00465456-00465663 wait that's what that hogwarts is nonQQmU-OXg-01493-00465664-00465831 waiting for is for all the things to go nonQQmU-OXg-01494-00465832-00466487 down so they can start holding people nonQQmU-OXg-01495-00466488-00466679 i don't want to be healed oh i nonQQmU-OXg-01496-00466680-00466895 slept nonQQmU-OXg-01497-00466896-00467055 i guess that's what happens when you nonQQmU-OXg-01498-00467056-00467559 don't want to be held i guess it's okay nonQQmU-OXg-01499-00467560-00467839 it was avoiding human contact i was nonQQmU-OXg-01500-00467839-00468191 doing the best social distancing ever nonQQmU-OXg-01501-00468192-00468422 because i got this person nonQQmU-OXg-01502-00468423-00468551 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01503-00468552-00469007 i'll avoid them then nonQQmU-OXg-01504-00469008-00469703 i think they're doing it for their team nonQQmU-OXg-01505-00469704-00469831 focus nonQQmU-OXg-01506-00469832-00470110 don't zone out now nonQQmU-OXg-01507-00470112-00470310 oh there you are hogwarts nonQQmU-OXg-01508-00470312-00470687 sorry nonQQmU-OXg-01509-00470688-00471559 don't rely on me don't rely on me nonQQmU-OXg-01510-00471560-00471710 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01511-00471712-00473295 weasley's coming for you nonQQmU-OXg-01512-00473296-00473775 you got this nonQQmU-OXg-01513-00473776-00474110 no oh no nonQQmU-OXg-01514-00474112-00474279 oh yeah he was there nonQQmU-OXg-01515-00474280-00474510 he came so close nonQQmU-OXg-01516-00474512-00474935 yes so far nonQQmU-OXg-01517-00474935-00475118 every time we get an l that's all i nonQQmU-OXg-01518-00475119-00475487 think of nonQQmU-OXg-01519-00475488-00475775 can we skip this can we get rewards now nonQQmU-OXg-01520-00475776-00476127 i know right there we go now we can nonQQmU-OXg-01521-00476128-00476470 oh i got something it's stumble chumps nonQQmU-OXg-01522-00476471-00476695 what is that oh my god these ass nonQQmU-OXg-01523-00476696-00476863 no no nonQQmU-OXg-01524-00476864-00477047 no no nonQQmU-OXg-01525-00477047-00477407 no no no get out of here nonQQmU-OXg-01526-00477408-00477735 damn it curses nonQQmU-OXg-01527-00477735-00478639 right at the forefront too nonQQmU-OXg-01528-00478639-00478847 hey i leveled up nonQQmU-OXg-01529-00478847-00479327 nice got i got what did they get nonQQmU-OXg-01530-00479328-00479575 what'd i get nonQQmU-OXg-01531-00479576-00480022 i didn't get anything nonQQmU-OXg-01532-00480023-00480191 you need the battle pass in order to get nonQQmU-OXg-01533-00480192-00480366 it nonQQmU-OXg-01534-00480367-00480463 ah nonQQmU-OXg-01535-00480464-00480662 i'm not gonna spend i'm not gonna spend nonQQmU-OXg-01536-00480663-00480847 anything out of this game nonQQmU-OXg-01537-00480847-00481199 i have to stop myself nonQQmU-OXg-01538-00481200-00481639 genjin already took a lot from me nonQQmU-OXg-01539-00481639-00481903 yes you should i still need to get nonQQmU-OXg-01540-00481904-00482255 officials outfit from genji nonQQmU-OXg-01541-00482256-00482383 there's like nonQQmU-OXg-01542-00482384-00482679 two more weeks right nonQQmU-OXg-01543-00482680-00482895 i think there's like only one week left nonQQmU-OXg-01544-00482896-00483799 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01545-00483800-00484166 this might be my last round nonQQmU-OXg-01546-00484167-00484439 yeah i think i have to do something um nonQQmU-OXg-01547-00484439-00484791 after this one okay nonQQmU-OXg-01548-00484792-00485014 let us oh my gosh that the weasley nonQQmU-OXg-01549-00485015-00485175 in here so i can up their nonQQmU-OXg-01550-00485176-00485310 life nonQQmU-OXg-01551-00485312-00485687 we're gonna the best revenge would win nonQQmU-OXg-01552-00485688-00485951 and that's where their revenge was nonQQmU-OXg-01553-00485952-00486631 we're gonna win we're gonna win this nonQQmU-OXg-01554-00486632-00487087 we sleep nonQQmU-OXg-01555-00487088-00487983 49 people i'm not spending nonQQmU-OXg-01556-00487984-00488151 you won't get me nonQQmU-OXg-01557-00488152-00488559 skylights tumble nonQQmU-OXg-01558-00488560-00488951 fan sci-fi era i like this i like these nonQQmU-OXg-01559-00488952-00489310 maps they're pretty nifty nonQQmU-OXg-01560-00489312-00489455 now to be honest nonQQmU-OXg-01561-00489456-00489614 don't they have a lot more maps than nonQQmU-OXg-01562-00489615-00489759 just like nonQQmU-OXg-01563-00489760-00489951 the original and the cyber ones they nonQQmU-OXg-01564-00489952-00490159 feel like the only maps i've seen since nonQQmU-OXg-01565-00490160-00490535 i've started playing this game nonQQmU-OXg-01566-00490535-00490710 i haven't seen nonQQmU-OXg-01567-00490712-00490839 old ones nonQQmU-OXg-01568-00490839-00491047 in a while i don't know how you're gonna nonQQmU-OXg-01569-00491047-00491391 win this though but yeah let's go nonQQmU-OXg-01570-00491392-00491710 i never i never finished this this map nonQQmU-OXg-01571-00491712-00492055 this is gonna be the first time nonQQmU-OXg-01572-00492056-00492207 you got this nonQQmU-OXg-01573-00492208-00492318 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01574-00492319-00492927 we got this we got this nonQQmU-OXg-01575-00492928-00493255 oh fans uh oh oh nonQQmU-OXg-01576-00493256-00493503 i'm saved by the fan nonQQmU-OXg-01577-00493504-00493775 oh my god only fans nonQQmU-OXg-01578-00493776-00493959 bro nonQQmU-OXg-01579-00493960-00495591 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01580-00495592-00496935 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01581-00496935-00497439 oh wait i'm i'm going against the grain nonQQmU-OXg-01582-00497439-00497735 what the what am i doing nonQQmU-OXg-01583-00497735-00497943 i know me too why am i oh what am i nonQQmU-OXg-01584-00497943-00498487 doing nonQQmU-OXg-01585-00498488-00499095 there we go nonQQmU-OXg-01586-00499096-00499239 oh buddies go nonQQmU-OXg-01587-00499239-00499599 zoom well you got the chance nonQQmU-OXg-01588-00499600-00500422 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01589-00500423-00500591 a lot of things okay nonQQmU-OXg-01590-00500592-00500807 i'm having a moment hey nonQQmU-OXg-01591-00500808-00501091 i'm having a moment i'm having a nonQQmU-OXg-01592-00501092-00503366 moment in time nonQQmU-OXg-01593-00503367-00503807 oh my god clutch that was clutch nonQQmU-OXg-01594-00503808-00503959 that was close nonQQmU-OXg-01595-00503960-00504175 oh they get this guy just fell off as i nonQQmU-OXg-01596-00504176-00504366 told him nonQQmU-OXg-01597-00504367-00505110 oh my god nonQQmU-OXg-01598-00505112-00505279 frog pocket said that i feel like i'm nonQQmU-OXg-01599-00505280-00505407 i'm super nonQQmU-OXg-01600-00505408-00505607 i don't know i feel like i have like a nonQQmU-OXg-01601-00505608-00505751 major buff nonQQmU-OXg-01602-00505752-00505847 and i nonQQmU-OXg-01603-00505847-00506095 i'm i'm performing kind of well in the nonQQmU-OXg-01604-00506096-00506247 fall guys today nonQQmU-OXg-01605-00506247-00506527 oh yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01606-00506528-00506831 i'm hella buff nonQQmU-OXg-01607-00506832-00507103 ao nonQQmU-OXg-01608-00507104-00507495 man i want to try the carousel map nonQQmU-OXg-01609-00507496-00507718 ski fall there's like a bunch of maps nonQQmU-OXg-01610-00507719-00507943 i've never been on before that are in nonQQmU-OXg-01611-00507943-00508055 the little nonQQmU-OXg-01612-00508056-00508607 swirl nonQQmU-OXg-01613-00508608-00509095 at least this one's a group effort nonQQmU-OXg-01614-00509096-00509310 ladies nonQQmU-OXg-01615-00509312-00509503 yes we are gonna have a group effort nonQQmU-OXg-01616-00509504-00509679 maybe who knows nonQQmU-OXg-01617-00509680-00509895 as long as we just shoot for the rings nonQQmU-OXg-01618-00509896-00510135 even if they're not like silver and gold nonQQmU-OXg-01619-00510135-00510255 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01620-00510256-00510422 oh i'm not going to run nonQQmU-OXg-01621-00510423-00510743 yeah oof nonQQmU-OXg-01622-00510743-00510887 i don't know how nonQQmU-OXg-01623-00510888-00511222 high is my normal jump nonQQmU-OXg-01624-00511223-00511470 okay we got eight points nonQQmU-OXg-01625-00511471-00511751 for one cycle that's fine nonQQmU-OXg-01626-00511752-00512031 eleven lucky number nonQQmU-OXg-01627-00512032-00512359 oof okay no why did i fall through that nonQQmU-OXg-01628-00512360-00513335 that sucks nonQQmU-OXg-01629-00513335-00513479 it's full guys of course we're being nonQQmU-OXg-01630-00513480-00513607 sweaty nonQQmU-OXg-01631-00513608-00513743 whoa baby nonQQmU-OXg-01632-00513743-00514199 why why why nonQQmU-OXg-01633-00514200-00514391 are we like getting points for the whole nonQQmU-OXg-01634-00514392-00514583 team yeah yeah yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01635-00514584-00514735 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01636-00514735-00514887 whoa nonQQmU-OXg-01637-00514888-00514975 yo nonQQmU-OXg-01638-00514976-00515247 the school oh fist guy up in the air and nonQQmU-OXg-01639-00515247-00515951 i got a gold hoof nonQQmU-OXg-01640-00515952-00516222 oh no what the do you mean nonQQmU-OXg-01641-00516223-00516470 i'm falling nonQQmU-OXg-01642-00516471-00516831 oh no guys nonQQmU-OXg-01643-00516832-00516910 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01644-00516912-00517222 oh damn it nonQQmU-OXg-01645-00517223-00517566 i got hoops bro nonQQmU-OXg-01646-00517567-00517855 five more nice nice nonQQmU-OXg-01647-00517856-00518070 holy holy nonQQmU-OXg-01648-00518071-00518559 that was clutch that was clutch nonQQmU-OXg-01649-00518560-00518759 we were up against like nonQQmU-OXg-01650-00518760-00519295 people with four stacks nonQQmU-OXg-01651-00519296-00519518 so we're good as four people working nonQQmU-OXg-01652-00519519-00519718 together nonQQmU-OXg-01653-00519719-00520070 this is what we call a team effort nonQQmU-OXg-01654-00520071-00520359 this is pro gaming but it was funny i nonQQmU-OXg-01655-00520360-00520599 went flying nonQQmU-OXg-01656-00520600-00520855 got my wings nonQQmU-OXg-01657-00520856-00521095 i wanna try a new bat please no this nonQQmU-OXg-01658-00521096-00521207 isn't nonQQmU-OXg-01659-00521208-00521383 here nonQQmU-OXg-01660-00521384-00521895 i remember watching you play this alone nonQQmU-OXg-01661-00521896-00522039 this is like nonQQmU-OXg-01662-00522039-00522462 i don't know it broke my heart oh yeah i nonQQmU-OXg-01663-00522463-00522703 remember this one i just i remember this nonQQmU-OXg-01664-00522704-00522814 one nonQQmU-OXg-01665-00522815-00523087 this is pure pain nonQQmU-OXg-01666-00523088-00523414 remember that that moment nonQQmU-OXg-01667-00523415-00523703 all you need to do is just die you just nonQQmU-OXg-01668-00523704-00524062 have to jump off somewhere nonQQmU-OXg-01669-00524063-00524239 just jump off alone i just jump off like nonQQmU-OXg-01670-00524239-00524399 you can't jump off nonQQmU-OXg-01671-00524400-00524862 nope nonQQmU-OXg-01672-00524863-00525262 i like this one though i i kinda like it nonQQmU-OXg-01673-00525263-00525575 super bouncy i love it it's the only nonQQmU-OXg-01674-00525576-00525911 jungle map i actually like nonQQmU-OXg-01675-00525912-00526079 because there's just one convoluted nonQQmU-OXg-01676-00526080-00526231 jungle map nonQQmU-OXg-01677-00526232-00526703 that's like very difficult nonQQmU-OXg-01678-00526704-00527743 oh yeah that went about as i expected nonQQmU-OXg-01679-00527744-00529048 focus is intense nonQQmU-OXg-01680-00529049-00529279 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01681-00529280-00529759 oh my god nonQQmU-OXg-01682-00529760-00529870 lords nonQQmU-OXg-01683-00529871-00530214 lords nonQQmU-OXg-01684-00530215-00530447 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01685-00530448-00530575 oops nonQQmU-OXg-01686-00530576-00531439 if i got to see that nonQQmU-OXg-01687-00531440-00531631 goddammit nonQQmU-OXg-01688-00531632-00531862 we rely on you alona nonQQmU-OXg-01689-00531863-00532014 oh wait nonQQmU-OXg-01690-00532015-00532527 oh i thought valerie was in there nonQQmU-OXg-01691-00532528-00532751 this map like gave me a lot of nightmare nonQQmU-OXg-01692-00532752-00533159 so i'm really good at this now nonQQmU-OXg-01693-00533160-00533351 it stretched me the out so now we nonQQmU-OXg-01694-00533352-00533527 got it we got it we got it nice we got nonQQmU-OXg-01695-00533528-00533670 in we got in nonQQmU-OXg-01696-00533671-00533895 that's if nobody else on the uh the nonQQmU-OXg-01697-00533896-00534062 fourteen let's get it i don't think so nonQQmU-OXg-01698-00534063-00534479 they're not gonna get it anymore nonQQmU-OXg-01699-00534480-00534662 maybe wait nonQQmU-OXg-01700-00534663-00534895 yeah unless the third unless the unless nonQQmU-OXg-01701-00534896-00535159 the squad that we're tied to nonQQmU-OXg-01702-00535160-00535383 gets a point yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01703-00535384-00535622 or these two are on the same team below nonQQmU-OXg-01704-00535623-00535711 yep nonQQmU-OXg-01705-00535712-00536127 that's what i thought nonQQmU-OXg-01706-00536128-00536407 these okay so so we're out nonQQmU-OXg-01707-00536408-00536559 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01708-00536560-00536735 i want to give him nonQQmU-OXg-01709-00536736-00537007 just dying you know you can jump down nonQQmU-OXg-01710-00537008-00537279 and die nonQQmU-OXg-01711-00537280-00537439 you can do it nonQQmU-OXg-01712-00537440-00537566 just die nonQQmU-OXg-01713-00537567-00537703 just die nonQQmU-OXg-01714-00537704-00537911 you know nonQQmU-OXg-01715-00537912-00538159 streams man nonQQmU-OXg-01716-00538160-00538814 okay no i'm kidding nonQQmU-OXg-01717-00538815-00539414 f nonQQmU-OXg-01718-00539415-00539559 ouch nonQQmU-OXg-01719-00539560-00539743 we did good nonQQmU-OXg-01720-00539744-00539879 we did we did nonQQmU-OXg-01721-00539880-00540039 we did good nonQQmU-OXg-01722-00540040-00540270 we got so close nonQQmU-OXg-01723-00540271-00540403 i keep on saying that nonQQmU-OXg-01724-00540404-00541599 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01725-00541600-00542303 that was really fun nonQQmU-OXg-01726-00542304-00542383 man nonQQmU-OXg-01727-00542384-00542575 the sweatiness drained me nonQQmU-OXg-01728-00542576-00542679 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01729-00542680-00542966 oh by the way um so i have to go nonQQmU-OXg-01730-00542967-00543239 now so uh i'm sorry chad i have to leave nonQQmU-OXg-01731-00543240-00543511 early um and i'm sorry guys but it's nonQQmU-OXg-01732-00543512-00543655 really fun playing with you i hope we nonQQmU-OXg-01733-00543656-00543918 can play again soon nonQQmU-OXg-01734-00543919-00544062 i'm so glad we finally got to play a nonQQmU-OXg-01735-00544063-00544470 game together alone now yeah finally nonQQmU-OXg-01736-00544471-00544895 after a year of being friends i know nonQQmU-OXg-01737-00544896-00544999 god nonQQmU-OXg-01738-00545000-00545375 been too long it's been so long nonQQmU-OXg-01739-00545376-00545575 been chilling let's blame on the social nonQQmU-OXg-01740-00545576-00545718 anxiety nonQQmU-OXg-01741-00545719-00545895 that's true nonQQmU-OXg-01742-00545896-00546207 anyways i have to drop off now bye guys nonQQmU-OXg-01743-00546208-00546375 bye bye nonQQmU-OXg-01744-00546376-00546495 good luck nonQQmU-OXg-01745-00546496-00547047 good luck nonQQmU-OXg-01746-00547048-00547399 oh wait you already left oh yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01747-00547400-00547999 oh nice you were you're nonQQmU-OXg-01748-00548000-00548118 what are your plans you planning on nonQQmU-OXg-01749-00548119-00548422 ending it nonQQmU-OXg-01750-00548423-00548614 out of context bad are you planning on nonQQmU-OXg-01751-00548615-00548831 ending stream is the question nonQQmU-OXg-01752-00548832-00549839 or what are your plans nonQQmU-OXg-01753-00549840-00550303 is my discord okay i was gonna say nonQQmU-OXg-01754-00550304-00550439 what nonQQmU-OXg-01755-00550440-00550631 i thought you were talking to your nonQQmU-OXg-01756-00550632-00550759 stream nonQQmU-OXg-01757-00550760-00550935 although i was holding my portrait nonQQmU-OXg-01758-00550936-00551079 though i was i thought i was holding my nonQQmU-OXg-01759-00551080-00551295 butcher dog nonQQmU-OXg-01760-00551296-00551911 i couldn't hear you nonQQmU-OXg-01761-00551912-00552127 is your discord okay nonQQmU-OXg-01762-00552128-00552335 i think it's okay i'm talking to you i'm nonQQmU-OXg-01763-00552336-00552479 just holding the pusher talk i don't nonQQmU-OXg-01764-00552480-00552607 know i thought i was talking to you i nonQQmU-OXg-01765-00552608-00552807 was asking like are we are we calling nonQQmU-OXg-01766-00552808-00552975 there nonQQmU-OXg-01767-00552976-00553422 it's up to you do you want it nonQQmU-OXg-01768-00553423-00553559 thank you angelo nonQQmU-OXg-01769-00553560-00553791 uh i said up to you do you want it nonQQmU-OXg-01770-00553792-00554151 you can go for a few more yeah duels nonQQmU-OXg-01771-00554152-00554511 i'ma drag you down nonQQmU-OXg-01772-00554512-00554679 alone is not here to save your ass no nonQQmU-OXg-01773-00554680-00554847 more oh nonQQmU-OXg-01774-00554848-00555343 oh well well you're right nonQQmU-OXg-01775-00555344-00555639 that's it nonQQmU-OXg-01776-00555640-00556014 one nonQQmU-OXg-01777-00556015-00556262 before i call it this well nonQQmU-OXg-01778-00556263-00556511 finally nonQQmU-OXg-01779-00556512-00556799 i was hydrating geo's trying to make me nonQQmU-OXg-01780-00556800-00557014 piss nonQQmU-OXg-01781-00557015-00557470 nice keep keep at it no geo no you know nonQQmU-OXg-01782-00557471-00557775 how easy it is nonQQmU-OXg-01783-00557776-00557983 a weak blunder bro i don't i don't have nonQQmU-OXg-01784-00557984-00558159 readings yet but keep it up you know nonQQmU-OXg-01785-00558160-00558343 maybe i have a theme that says nonQQmU-OXg-01786-00558344-00558566 hydrate detain nonQQmU-OXg-01787-00558567-00558718 no nonQQmU-OXg-01788-00558719-00558959 you leave me little nonQQmU-OXg-01789-00558960-00559111 me and my weak blood nonQQmU-OXg-01790-00559112-00559455 gets peeking so much nonQQmU-OXg-01791-00559456-00559903 i i just like that spk is so funny nonQQmU-OXg-01792-00559904-00560222 i don't have very good volume control nonQQmU-OXg-01793-00560223-00560407 i don't have control of my vocal cords nonQQmU-OXg-01794-00560408-00560575 otherwise i've been screaming at the top nonQQmU-OXg-01795-00560576-00560870 of my lungs like hey nonQQmU-OXg-01796-00560871-00561087 your mic doesn't peak though you nonQQmU-OXg-01797-00561088-00561351 made them redeem hydrate nonQQmU-OXg-01798-00561352-00561551 good job guys nonQQmU-OXg-01799-00561552-00562070 i may not have them yet but good job nonQQmU-OXg-01800-00562071-00562455 you will soon you will absolutely soon nonQQmU-OXg-01801-00562456-00562614 and then that's when i get to torture nonQQmU-OXg-01802-00562615-00562799 you you're not allowed to cower it out nonQQmU-OXg-01803-00562800-00563495 and use uh cooldown nonQQmU-OXg-01804-00563496-00563703 i mean make you piss too about when you nonQQmU-OXg-01805-00563704-00564295 get the channel parts okay geo nonQQmU-OXg-01806-00564296-00564527 we'll see we'll see nonQQmU-OXg-01807-00564528-00564943 jio always finds a way nonQQmU-OXg-01808-00564944-00565135 i was gonna say there's only two but nonQQmU-OXg-01809-00565136-00565318 yeah we're in duos nonQQmU-OXg-01810-00565319-00566047 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01811-00566048-00566439 there's things we're all hating nonQQmU-OXg-01812-00566440-00566647 where i wonder where tayden nonQQmU-OXg-01813-00566648-00566847 hey you mind your business i didn't come nonQQmU-OXg-01814-00566848-00567095 after you nonQQmU-OXg-01815-00567096-00567318 get there nonQQmU-OXg-01816-00567319-00567566 i know you get good nonQQmU-OXg-01817-00567680-00568231 that's what i thought nonQQmU-OXg-01818-00568232-00568399 damn it nonQQmU-OXg-01819-00568400-00568839 not this nonQQmU-OXg-01820-00568840-00569127 what nonQQmU-OXg-01821-00569128-00569431 you fell off nonQQmU-OXg-01822-00569432-00569639 no you don't know that nonQQmU-OXg-01823-00569640-00570495 uh-huh nonQQmU-OXg-01824-00570496-00570631 i got it nonQQmU-OXg-01825-00570632-00570862 i'm not going for that i'm not as dumb nonQQmU-OXg-01826-00570863-00571087 as i think i am nonQQmU-OXg-01827-00571088-00571270 are you sure about that nonQQmU-OXg-01828-00571271-00571479 hey nonQQmU-OXg-01829-00571480-00571759 oh hello nonQQmU-OXg-01830-00571760-00571959 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01831-00571960-00572222 we're vibing we're vibing nonQQmU-OXg-01832-00572223-00572399 catch up mate nonQQmU-OXg-01833-00572400-00572622 i am nonQQmU-OXg-01834-00572623-00573143 uh-huh nonQQmU-OXg-01835-00573144-00573503 gotti nonQQmU-OXg-01836-00573504-00573631 oh someone's trying to grab me from nonQQmU-OXg-01837-00573632-00573847 behind what the i saw that nonQQmU-OXg-01838-00573848-00573975 yeah what kind of character nonQQmU-OXg-01839-00573976-00574295 customization is this nonQQmU-OXg-01840-00574296-00574462 what nonQQmU-OXg-01841-00574463-00574687 no i just this girl looks like she's nonQQmU-OXg-01842-00574688-00574943 from winx club nonQQmU-OXg-01843-00574944-00575047 but like nonQQmU-OXg-01844-00575048-00575279 modern nonQQmU-OXg-01845-00575280-00575462 do you know what winx club is nonQQmU-OXg-01846-00575463-00575679 yes i know what it wakes up just nonQQmU-OXg-01847-00575680-00575975 swinging nonQQmU-OXg-01848-00575976-00576335 yeah nonQQmU-OXg-01849-00576336-00576495 shut up nonQQmU-OXg-01850-00576496-00576655 i didn't even say anything you're a nonQQmU-OXg-01851-00576656-00576870 little defensive aren't you nonQQmU-OXg-01852-00576871-00577135 you gotta you're a bit insecure nonQQmU-OXg-01853-00577136-00577428 you should like work on that nonQQmU-OXg-01854-00577429-00577814 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01855-00577815-00577983 i'm getting a little personal not nonQQmU-OXg-01856-00577984-00578351 kidding nonQQmU-OXg-01857-00578352-00578687 people get in nonQQmU-OXg-01858-00578688-00578910 hurry it up i won't finish this this is nonQQmU-OXg-01859-00578911-00579070 such a long this is such a long course nonQQmU-OXg-01860-00579071-00579287 this is so long it is nonQQmU-OXg-01861-00579288-00579407 but nonQQmU-OXg-01862-00579408-00579551 it doesn't have a timer does it for this nonQQmU-OXg-01863-00579552-00580079 one nonQQmU-OXg-01864-00580080-00580270 no i was just thinking she tried to nonQQmU-OXg-01865-00580271-00580535 avoid it and she still got hit nonQQmU-OXg-01866-00580536-00580807 wow you're thinking okay nonQQmU-OXg-01867-00580808-00581166 no it's a new concept to you nonQQmU-OXg-01868-00581167-00581879 i huh it would be new to you nonQQmU-OXg-01869-00581880-00582207 so it's these three left nonQQmU-OXg-01870-00582208-00582439 i don't think they can make it nonQQmU-OXg-01871-00582440-00582695 yeah realistically speaking yeah oh no nonQQmU-OXg-01872-00582696-00582895 they're they're nonQQmU-OXg-01873-00582896-00583007 uh nonQQmU-OXg-01874-00583008-00583407 buddy with a duel nonQQmU-OXg-01875-00583408-00583639 f nonQQmU-OXg-01876-00583640-00584022 next time nonQQmU-OXg-01877-00584023-00584231 question have you ever tried jam and nonQQmU-OXg-01878-00584232-00584422 camber cheese nonQQmU-OXg-01879-00584423-00584518 i don't know how that's how you nonQQmU-OXg-01880-00584519-00584670 pronounce it nonQQmU-OXg-01881-00584671-00584822 jammin nonQQmU-OXg-01882-00584823-00585014 jim and how do you pronounce it camber nonQQmU-OXg-01883-00585015-00585110 cheese nonQQmU-OXg-01884-00585111-00585303 camber chi camber cheese i don't know nonQQmU-OXg-01885-00585304-00585503 what that is nonQQmU-OXg-01886-00585504-00585607 it's nonQQmU-OXg-01887-00585608-00585879 one of the best cheeses in my opinion nonQQmU-OXg-01888-00585880-00586151 although like the really real ones stink nonQQmU-OXg-01889-00586152-00586422 like absolute ass but still tasty nonQQmU-OXg-01890-00586423-00586631 because it's camber nonQQmU-OXg-01891-00586632-00586807 i don't think i've ever encountered that nonQQmU-OXg-01892-00586808-00587007 before also grab eggs nonQQmU-OXg-01893-00587008-00587303 oh man nonQQmU-OXg-01894-00587304-00587479 we gotta grab the eggs we're gonna steal nonQQmU-OXg-01895-00587480-00587687 yoshi eggs oh god nonQQmU-OXg-01896-00587688-00587791 we gotta nonQQmU-OXg-01897-00587792-00588055 please no we're yellow bro nonQQmU-OXg-01898-00588056-00588575 the yellows uh piss yellow nonQQmU-OXg-01899-00588576-00588766 so nonQQmU-OXg-01900-00588767-00589175 supposed to nonQQmU-OXg-01901-00589176-00589439 the gold ones right nonQQmU-OXg-01902-00589440-00589847 okay nonQQmU-OXg-01903-00589848-00590039 i feel like maybe i should stay on nonQQmU-OXg-01904-00590040-00590295 defense nonQQmU-OXg-01905-00590296-00590455 i'm gonna move this up closer so it's nonQQmU-OXg-01906-00590456-00590927 harder to steal nonQQmU-OXg-01907-00590928-00591679 ah i fell nonQQmU-OXg-01908-00591680-00591839 i'm gonna steal from the blue nonQQmU-OXg-01909-00591840-00592135 oh yo yo nonQQmU-OXg-01910-00592136-00592279 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01911-00592280-00593359 get that what are you doing nonQQmU-OXg-01912-00593360-00593575 i like sticking them in a corner it's nonQQmU-OXg-01913-00593576-00594175 really funny nonQQmU-OXg-01914-00594176-00594766 no no no no no nonQQmU-OXg-01915-00594767-00595262 no no no nonQQmU-OXg-01916-00595263-00595422 the blue people are nonQQmU-OXg-01917-00595423-00595583 so good nonQQmU-OXg-01918-00595584-00595855 at defending nonQQmU-OXg-01919-00595856-00595975 come on nonQQmU-OXg-01920-00595976-00596343 that threw an egg in the sky nonQQmU-OXg-01921-00596344-00596695 we're all attacking the blue nonQQmU-OXg-01922-00596696-00596975 blue has way too many nonQQmU-OXg-01923-00596976-00597207 okay you know what nonQQmU-OXg-01924-00597208-00597543 fine nonQQmU-OXg-01925-00597544-00597639 buddy nonQQmU-OXg-01926-00597640-00597775 buddy you are not going to be able to nonQQmU-OXg-01927-00597776-00598262 make it up there i'm sorry all right nonQQmU-OXg-01928-00598263-00598422 but you were just jumping as if you nonQQmU-OXg-01929-00598423-00598614 would get up nonQQmU-OXg-01930-00598615-00598799 i got a gold egg nonQQmU-OXg-01931-00598800-00599007 nice nonQQmU-OXg-01932-00599008-00599087 i nonQQmU-OXg-01933-00599088-00599327 i feel bad i held on to that pushing nonQQmU-OXg-01934-00599328-00599575 at when i didn't need to i didn't mean nonQQmU-OXg-01935-00599576-00600175 to grab on to you man nonQQmU-OXg-01936-00600176-00600359 nice to know we're not fast no we're not nonQQmU-OXg-01937-00600360-00600527 last nonQQmU-OXg-01938-00600528-00600783 you stay away oh the the save the save nonQQmU-OXg-01939-00600784-00601462 the gold save the gold egg saved us nonQQmU-OXg-01940-00601463-00601703 we spent way too long attacking nonQQmU-OXg-01941-00601704-00601879 we fought against fate and survived nonQQmU-OXg-01942-00601880-00602070 somehow nonQQmU-OXg-01943-00602071-00602270 you reds you were coming after us nonQQmU-OXg-01944-00602271-00602470 the whole time nonQQmU-OXg-01945-00602471-00602622 uh nonQQmU-OXg-01946-00602623-00602743 they should have been coming after the nonQQmU-OXg-01947-00602744-00602918 blue ones but i guess they were just nonQQmU-OXg-01948-00602919-00603143 really really nonQQmU-OXg-01949-00603144-00603262 stubborn nonQQmU-OXg-01950-00603263-00603422 they wanted to secure the last place to nonQQmU-OXg-01951-00603423-00603695 the last spacers but then they became nonQQmU-OXg-01952-00603696-00603895 last wasters instead nonQQmU-OXg-01953-00603896-00604183 oh it's a yellow bro nonQQmU-OXg-01954-00604184-00604447 damn well at least alona doesn't have to nonQQmU-OXg-01955-00604448-00605135 suffer nonQQmU-OXg-01956-00605136-00605366 once you played a couple times though nonQQmU-OXg-01957-00605367-00606135 you do start to get the hang of it nonQQmU-OXg-01958-00606136-00606262 one thing i don't get though is the nonQQmU-OXg-01959-00606263-00606687 freaking jumping nonQQmU-OXg-01960-00606688-00607159 eggs pig oh nonQQmU-OXg-01961-00607160-00607359 i read a message i'm ready this is for nonQQmU-OXg-01962-00607360-00607535 tina nonQQmU-OXg-01963-00607536-00608727 what is sticking now nonQQmU-OXg-01964-00608728-00608951 there's additional bamboos just spinning nonQQmU-OXg-01965-00608952-00610183 around nonQQmU-OXg-01966-00610184-00610351 oh nonQQmU-OXg-01967-00610352-00611414 i just hit you nonQQmU-OXg-01968-00611415-00611599 this is why we don't mess around with nonQQmU-OXg-01969-00611600-00612014 trampolines nonQQmU-OXg-01970-00612015-00612214 my god nonQQmU-OXg-01971-00612215-00612527 hey step it up nonQQmU-OXg-01972-00612528-00613014 step it up buddy you nonQQmU-OXg-01973-00613015-00614107 who's the that landed on me huh nonQQmU-OXg-01974-00614108-00614251 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01975-00614252-00614549 [Laughter] nonQQmU-OXg-01976-00614550-00614695 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-01977-00614696-00615047 there you go nonQQmU-OXg-01978-00615048-00615231 damn it geo nonQQmU-OXg-01979-00615232-00615407 you sh i shouldn't have read that nonQQmU-OXg-01980-00615408-00615639 message out loud nonQQmU-OXg-01981-00615640-00615918 did you lo did you lose the game nonQQmU-OXg-01982-00615919-00616083 no that's not the nonQQmU-OXg-01983-00616084-00616239 one nonQQmU-OXg-01984-00616240-00616447 gio wrote i was going to say pea eggs nonQQmU-OXg-01985-00616448-00616631 because of piss eggs but i had second nonQQmU-OXg-01986-00616632-00616783 thoughts nonQQmU-OXg-01987-00616784-00617255 i said peg nonQQmU-OXg-01988-00617256-00617559 machine cut or is that a unicorn nonQQmU-OXg-01989-00617560-00618118 a catacorn nonQQmU-OXg-01990-00618119-00618199 what nonQQmU-OXg-01991-00618200-00618543 what makes a unicorn only be a horse why nonQQmU-OXg-01992-00618544-00618814 is why couldn't a unicorn be nonQQmU-OXg-01993-00618815-00618991 other animals because nothing in the nonQQmU-OXg-01994-00618992-00619310 name technically means horse right nonQQmU-OXg-01995-00619311-00619575 i don't think so yeah i mean uni is like nonQQmU-OXg-01996-00619576-00620143 what one uno right like nonQQmU-OXg-01997-00620144-00620462 corn but like what where does the corn nonQQmU-OXg-01998-00620463-00620759 stand in the species right nonQQmU-OXg-01999-00620760-00620959 where is corn nonQQmU-OXg-02000-00620960-00621222 what does the word corn mean in latin nonQQmU-OXg-02001-00621223-00621687 roots nonQQmU-OXg-02002-00621688-00621935 in nonQQmU-OXg-02003-00621936-00622062 i don't think that's what you were nonQQmU-OXg-02004-00622063-00622327 trying to look at nonQQmU-OXg-02005-00622328-00622470 hey basically nonQQmU-OXg-02006-00622471-00622639 that's how we make words right latin nonQQmU-OXg-02007-00622640-00622927 roots nonQQmU-OXg-02008-00622928-00623175 yeah why is it called unicorn nonQQmU-OXg-02009-00623176-00623431 latin oh actually latin unicorn is nonQQmU-OXg-02010-00623432-00623647 having one horn nonQQmU-OXg-02011-00623648-00624087 oh it is literally having one horn latin nonQQmU-OXg-02012-00624088-00624439 so then technically a unicorn can be any nonQQmU-OXg-02013-00624440-00624535 animal nonQQmU-OXg-02014-00624536-00625191 as long as it has one horn nonQQmU-OXg-02015-00625192-00625470 i'm gonna go call the beatles in my um nonQQmU-OXg-02016-00625471-00626231 parks unicorns now nonQQmU-OXg-02017-00626232-00626343 that makes us nonQQmU-OXg-02018-00626344-00626527 buy corns then right because we have two nonQQmU-OXg-02019-00626528-00626975 horns nonQQmU-OXg-02020-00626976-00627247 i got pissed it so hard nonQQmU-OXg-02021-00627248-00628087 uh-huh nonQQmU-OXg-02022-00628088-00628351 that didn't hit me nonQQmU-OXg-02023-00628352-00628807 what nonQQmU-OXg-02024-00628808-00629022 then i don't like the fans like i'm like nonQQmU-OXg-02025-00629023-00629191 leaning forward because i'm like trying nonQQmU-OXg-02026-00629192-00629518 to push myself towards the momentum nonQQmU-OXg-02027-00629519-00629679 i mean nonQQmU-OXg-02028-00629992-00630343 keep on hitting my head on the ledges nonQQmU-OXg-02029-00630344-00630470 don't be careful not to have brain nonQQmU-OXg-02030-00630471-00630647 damage nonQQmU-OXg-02031-00630648-00630831 ah just talking to you already gives me nonQQmU-OXg-02032-00630832-00631095 that don't worry nonQQmU-OXg-02033-00631096-00632320 i got it nonQQmU-OXg-02034-00632321-00632710 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-02035-00632711-00633014 yes nonQQmU-OXg-02036-00633015-00633166 get in there we need that fifth place nonQQmU-OXg-02037-00633167-00633559 security nonQQmU-OXg-02038-00633560-00633879 what why what the nonQQmU-OXg-02039-00633880-00634159 i hate this level nonQQmU-OXg-02040-00634160-00634391 unicorns just wear very thin rhinos and nonQQmU-OXg-02041-00634392-00634607 lost a horn wait a minute what nonQQmU-OXg-02042-00634608-00634966 rhinos have more than one horn nonQQmU-OXg-02043-00634967-00635127 um nonQQmU-OXg-02044-00635128-00635214 they have nonQQmU-OXg-02045-00635215-00635327 they have the nonQQmU-OXg-02046-00635328-00635551 horns by the nose right they have just nonQQmU-OXg-02047-00635552-00635751 one horn don't they seriously i hate nonQQmU-OXg-02048-00635752-00636159 this nonQQmU-OXg-02049-00636160-00636455 i'm gonna cry nonQQmU-OXg-02050-00636456-00636910 i'm gonna cry i'm getting needed nonQQmU-OXg-02051-00636911-00637183 i just go by this stupid ass nonQQmU-OXg-02052-00637184-00637591 hate this game dude we have 13 seconds nonQQmU-OXg-02053-00637592-00638014 i know nonQQmU-OXg-02054-00638015-00638559 they always five seconds nonQQmU-OXg-02055-00638560-00639055 you're just gonna off yourself nonQQmU-OXg-02056-00639056-00639343 rhinos have two horns nonQQmU-OXg-02057-00639344-00639559 since when do they have like a smaller nonQQmU-OXg-02058-00639560-00640127 one behind the bigger one nonQQmU-OXg-02059-00640128-00641487 that was that's right we got off nonQQmU-OXg-02060-00641488-00641775 i'm right nonQQmU-OXg-02061-00641776-00641959 i can win the frog nonQQmU-OXg-02062-00641960-00642175 oh i'm so close to winning the frog oh nonQQmU-OXg-02063-00642176-00642414 frog boy would be so proud nonQQmU-OXg-02064-00642415-00642566 i know nonQQmU-OXg-02065-00642567-00642735 this goes out to frog boy i'm winning nonQQmU-OXg-02066-00642736-00643470 this for you son nonQQmU-OXg-02067-00643471-00643679 i will steal his identity nonQQmU-OXg-02068-00643680-00643918 you can end it by 10 p.m or 11 p.m your nonQQmU-OXg-02069-00643919-00644727 time yeah sure sounds good okay whatever nonQQmU-OXg-02070-00644728-00644879 did you bring out a cinderella or nonQQmU-OXg-02071-00644880-00645103 something nonQQmU-OXg-02072-00645104-00645295 i don't mind it's whatever it's fine i nonQQmU-OXg-02073-00645296-00646007 don't give a nonQQmU-OXg-02074-00646008-00646222 i'm being on by nonQQmU-OXg-02075-00646223-00646431 someone in chat nonQQmU-OXg-02076-00646432-00646607 get out of my head get out of my head i nonQQmU-OXg-02077-00646608-00646814 know who you are get out of my head i'm nonQQmU-OXg-02078-00646815-00647127 so proud of you person in chat nonQQmU-OXg-02079-00647128-00647318 oh you're just a person in chat nonQQmU-OXg-02080-00647319-00647462 one little one by the way but i thought nonQQmU-OXg-02081-00647463-00647647 sorry nonQQmU-OXg-02082-00647648-00647999 i'll google it after i'm curious now nonQQmU-OXg-02083-00648000-00648143 man are you really a streamer if you nonQQmU-OXg-02084-00648144-00648831 don't get bullied by chat nonQQmU-OXg-02085-00648832-00649047 oh man nonQQmU-OXg-02086-00649048-00649214 uh it's like nonQQmU-OXg-02087-00649215-00649431 if you're not the one with the crowd at nonQQmU-OXg-02088-00649432-00649695 the front yeah you fall behind nonQQmU-OXg-02089-00649696-00649822 it's more like if you're at the back of nonQQmU-OXg-02090-00649823-00650191 the crowd than you fool nonQQmU-OXg-02091-00650192-00650383 at least right at the front nonQQmU-OXg-02092-00650384-00650599 kinda nonQQmU-OXg-02093-00650600-00650791 if everybody could just aim towards the nonQQmU-OXg-02094-00650792-00650999 middle we would not have a problem but nonQQmU-OXg-02095-00651000-00651118 nobody nonQQmU-OXg-02096-00651119-00651351 ever does that oh you nonQQmU-OXg-02097-00651352-00651487 you nonQQmU-OXg-02098-00651488-00651983 nobody ever does that see nonQQmU-OXg-02099-00651984-00652127 man nonQQmU-OXg-02100-00652128-00652287 people are just trying to bring each nonQQmU-OXg-02101-00652288-00652407 other down nonQQmU-OXg-02102-00652408-00652975 they're just trying to win nonQQmU-OXg-02103-00652976-00653095 oh nonQQmU-OXg-02104-00653096-00653255 i'm not gonna fall with i nonQQmU-OXg-02105-00653256-00653575 am so tempted to grab you nonQQmU-OXg-02106-00653576-00653879 sorry did you read my mind or something nonQQmU-OXg-02107-00653880-00654966 not nonQQmU-OXg-02108-00654967-00655695 uh nonQQmU-OXg-02109-00655696-00655991 you dumbasses you dumbasses what do you nonQQmU-OXg-02110-00655992-00656110 think is going to happen if you go when nonQQmU-OXg-02111-00656111-00656495 it's tilted huh nonQQmU-OXg-02112-00656496-00656710 am i the only one with the brain cell nonQQmU-OXg-02113-00656711-00656870 are you stupid nonQQmU-OXg-02114-00656871-00657239 i'm not holding it for you guys nonQQmU-OXg-02115-00657240-00657447 goodbye nonQQmU-OXg-02116-00657448-00657695 we're on the same team nonQQmU-OXg-02117-00657696-00658031 what do you mean goodbye nonQQmU-OXg-02118-00658032-00659247 if i'm nonQQmU-OXg-02119-00659248-00659518 like that one audio i'm driving this nonQQmU-OXg-02120-00659519-00659791 plane if it crashes you're crashing with nonQQmU-OXg-02121-00659792-00660135 it nonQQmU-OXg-02122-00660136-00660447 yes do you i agree with you kiss nonQQmU-OXg-02123-00660448-00660527 no nonQQmU-OXg-02124-00660528-00660943 oh no pain you finally made it nonQQmU-OXg-02125-00660944-00661431 oh wow we're seven nonQQmU-OXg-02126-00661432-00661727 oh no worries geo i hope you sleep well nonQQmU-OXg-02127-00661728-00662143 same thing nonQQmU-OXg-02128-00662144-00662399 cry and sleep i hope you cry enough to nonQQmU-OXg-02129-00662400-00662735 release stress and sleep well nonQQmU-OXg-02130-00662736-00662903 same thing nonQQmU-OXg-02131-00662904-00663158 same thing nonQQmU-OXg-02132-00663159-00663247 oh nonQQmU-OXg-02133-00663248-00663583 oh no nonQQmU-OXg-02134-00663584-00663887 same amount of moves nonQQmU-OXg-02135-00663888-00664158 same exact amount of rounds nonQQmU-OXg-02136-00664159-00664327 same exact amount of rounds nonQQmU-OXg-02137-00664328-00664575 that's what geo reminded me of nonQQmU-OXg-02138-00664576-00664687 same executive amount of amount of nonQQmU-OXg-02139-00664688-00664887 rounds nonQQmU-OXg-02140-00664888-00665207 same exact rounds nonQQmU-OXg-02141-00665208-00665751 exact amount of rounds nonQQmU-OXg-02142-00665752-00665966 same exact amount of rounds same exact nonQQmU-OXg-02143-00665967-00666103 amount nonQQmU-OXg-02144-00666104-00666287 in the same time nonQQmU-OXg-02145-00666288-00666447 same exact amount of rounds i'm nonQQmU-OXg-02146-00666448-00667918 executing minerals nonQQmU-OXg-02147-00667919-00668175 there is no team and i nonQQmU-OXg-02148-00668176-00668391 there's only nonQQmU-OXg-02149-00668392-00668735 m e nonQQmU-OXg-02150-00668736-00669127 i only care about my enjoyment and me nonQQmU-OXg-02151-00669128-00669422 my enjoyment you care about me enjoyment nonQQmU-OXg-02152-00669423-00669631 by me enjoying them nonQQmU-OXg-02153-00669632-00669855 oh i'm on very we need to run nonQQmU-OXg-02154-00669856-00670655 um i need to defend myself nonQQmU-OXg-02155-00670656-00670983 no this a green no there's a nonQQmU-OXg-02156-00670984-00671231 there's many stolen what the nonQQmU-OXg-02157-00671232-00671391 you didn't even touch me from nonQQmU-OXg-02158-00671392-00671527 behind you just touched me from the nonQQmU-OXg-02159-00671528-00672083 front and i'm like naked already nonQQmU-OXg-02160-00672084-00672207 whoa nonQQmU-OXg-02161-00672208-00672727 many nonQQmU-OXg-02162-00672728-00673014 no no no no no no no nonQQmU-OXg-02163-00673015-00673695 no no no no no no no nonQQmU-OXg-02164-00673696-00673879 give that back give me that nonQQmU-OXg-02165-00673880-00674127 back i protected it for how long how nonQQmU-OXg-02166-00674128-00674439 many seconds and you just nonQQmU-OXg-02167-00674440-00674599 where'd that go nonQQmU-OXg-02168-00674600-00675095 oh it's our team nonQQmU-OXg-02169-00675096-00675366 what the is steal from that nonQQmU-OXg-02170-00675367-00675558 i think you have to click shift oh you nonQQmU-OXg-02171-00675559-00675735 mean okay nonQQmU-OXg-02172-00675736-00675910 i'm here green we're like the same nonQQmU-OXg-02173-00675911-00676166 colors brother come on we need the reds nonQQmU-OXg-02174-00676167-00676303 eliminated nonQQmU-OXg-02175-00676304-00676431 they have the most right now this is nonQQmU-OXg-02176-00676432-00677695 true we need anything blue's in trouble nonQQmU-OXg-02177-00677696-00678199 oh man nonQQmU-OXg-02178-00678200-00678470 come on my brothers nonQQmU-OXg-02179-00678471-00678903 come on please touch moment no nonQQmU-OXg-02180-00678904-00679207 i hate this game nonQQmU-OXg-02181-00679208-00679599 i hate the team games nonQQmU-OXg-02182-00679600-00679814 i prefer games based on luck even over nonQQmU-OXg-02183-00679815-00680207 the team games nonQQmU-OXg-02184-00680208-00680607 y'all that's why we lost it nonQQmU-OXg-02185-00680608-00680895 it wasn't on me nonQQmU-OXg-02186-00680896-00681087 exactly i took care of my tail i got nonQQmU-OXg-02187-00681088-00681487 back a tail it wasn't me nonQQmU-OXg-02188-00681488-00681647 all right nonQQmU-OXg-02189-00681648-00682022 that's enough for me nonQQmU-OXg-02190-00682023-00682166 hey nonQQmU-OXg-02191-00682167-00682503 these ones are fun nonQQmU-OXg-02192-00682504-00682958 oh gods i need a burp nonQQmU-OXg-02193-00682959-00683283 humans nonQQmU-OXg-02194-00683284-00683558 smh the mage my head nonQQmU-OXg-02195-00683559-00683951 damn b has gotten to me nonQQmU-OXg-02196-00683952-00684135 hey i do that too nonQQmU-OXg-02197-00684136-00684318 you do no wonder you two get along so nonQQmU-OXg-02198-00684319-00684407 well nonQQmU-OXg-02199-00684408-00684683 wait we're not in the game oh we're nonQQmU-OXg-02200-00684684-00684910 not forgot nonQQmU-OXg-02201-00684911-00685262 we're not in the game i forgot nonQQmU-OXg-02202-00685263-00685391 bro nonQQmU-OXg-02203-00685392-00685687 listen i got short term memory nonQQmU-OXg-02204-00685688-00685958 what's your name again nonQQmU-OXg-02205-00685959-00686118 um nonQQmU-OXg-02206-00686119-00686855 your mom nonQQmU-OXg-02207-00686856-00687135 wow nonQQmU-OXg-02208-00687136-00687535 your mom nonQQmU-OXg-02209-00687536-00687791 oh i do that nonQQmU-OXg-02210-00687792-00688279 that's what you sound like nonQQmU-OXg-02211-00688280-00688822 what is the three what is happening nonQQmU-OXg-02212-00688823-00689062 anyway i'm good for them for tonight oh nonQQmU-OXg-02213-00689063-00689214 you are okay nonQQmU-OXg-02214-00689215-00689527 no worries nonQQmU-OXg-02215-00689528-00690335 oh you're right i didn't even notice nonQQmU-OXg-02216-00690336-00690639 thank you for inviting me it was fun nonQQmU-OXg-02217-00690640-00690799 even though you're a little nonQQmU-OXg-02218-00690800-00691118 it was fine nonQQmU-OXg-02219-00691119-00691479 i will disconnect now so good night nonQQmU-OXg-02220-00691480-00691783 and goodbye valve nonQQmU-OXg-02221-00691784-00692270 catch you later nonQQmU-OXg-02222-00692271-00692462 say bye nonQQmU-OXg-02223-00692463-00693000 bye nonQQmU-OXg-02224-00693001-00693103 [Music] nonQQmU-OXg-02225-00693104-00693422 okay nonQQmU-OXg-02226-00693423-00693622 all right oh i didn't even realize i nonQQmU-OXg-02227-00693623-00693799 didn't change nonQQmU-OXg-02228-00693800-00693895 um nonQQmU-OXg-02229-00693896-00694070 well i don't really need to go to just nonQQmU-OXg-02230-00694071-00694351 chatting uh nonQQmU-OXg-02231-00694352-00694622 i will i will see if maybe there's who nonQQmU-OXg-02232-00694623-00694831 hurry where are we what is the stream i nonQQmU-OXg-02233-00694832-00694999 know that it's probably pretty late for nonQQmU-OXg-02234-00695000-00695135 you guys nonQQmU-OXg-02235-00695136-00695239 um nonQQmU-OXg-02236-00695240-00695422 i can see it if there's a small stream nonQQmU-OXg-02237-00695423-00695495 oh nonQQmU-OXg-02238-00695496-00695758 naga is streaming right now so nonQQmU-OXg-02239-00695759-00695918 if you guys are down if you guys are nonQQmU-OXg-02240-00695919-00696055 gonna hang out nonQQmU-OXg-02241-00696056-00696279 then um we can read into naga what do nonQQmU-OXg-02242-00696280-00696431 you think nonQQmU-OXg-02243-00696432-00696703 dumb nonQQmU-OXg-02244-00696704-00696903 or will you guys be going to sleep as nonQQmU-OXg-02245-00696904-00697158 well or going to other duties that you nonQQmU-OXg-02246-00697159-00697399 have nonQQmU-OXg-02247-00697400-00697575 put my background music on tell me if nonQQmU-OXg-02248-00697576-00697903 it's too loud nonQQmU-OXg-02249-00697904-00699599 i think it'll be a bit loud for me nonQQmU-OXg-02250-00699600-00699887 i'd like to rain into it nonQQmU-OXg-02251-00699888-00700103 yeah okay great we will raid in nonQQmU-OXg-02252-00700104-00700303 synagogue then nonQQmU-OXg-02253-00700304-00700591 let me see nonQQmU-OXg-02254-00700592-00700958 oh dear let me make this bigger nonQQmU-OXg-02255-00700959-00701127 thank you guys for coming in for the nonQQmU-OXg-02256-00701128-00701303 late night stream or the early morning nonQQmU-OXg-02257-00701304-00701583 stream for you guys nonQQmU-OXg-02258-00701584-00701743 hope y'all nonQQmU-OXg-02259-00701744-00701927 have a great day nonQQmU-OXg-02260-00701928-00702247 and i will catch you later nonQQmU-OXg-02262-00705911-00706119 you