VVNOukh3oPY-00000-00000078-00000697 foreign VVNOukh3oPY-00001-00000698-00001031 welcome to today's session my name is VVNOukh3oPY-00002-00001032-00001378 Isaac olufadua I'm a medical doctor I VVNOukh3oPY-00003-00001379-00001577 have a master's and I'm currently VVNOukh3oPY-00004-00001578-00001859 running my PhD program in public health VVNOukh3oPY-00005-00001860-00002063 so and it's really nice to see everyone VVNOukh3oPY-00006-00002064-00002309 here on this very important topic that VVNOukh3oPY-00007-00002310-00002645 addresses not just only Health equality VVNOukh3oPY-00008-00002646-00002879 but also talks about delivering Global VVNOukh3oPY-00009-00002880-00003118 Health Care in or in different settings VVNOukh3oPY-00010-00003119-00003395 especially low resource settings and I VVNOukh3oPY-00011-00003396-00003829 have here with me Dr VVNOukh3oPY-00012-00003829-00004051 who is a radiologist VVNOukh3oPY-00013-00004052-00004306 and the World Health Organization VVNOukh3oPY-00014-00004307-00004583 digital health expats is also a United VVNOukh3oPY-00015-00004584-00004775 Nation VVNOukh3oPY-00016-00004776-00005015 um one of the United Nation expats who VVNOukh3oPY-00017-00005016-00005333 works who works in in terms of like VVNOukh3oPY-00018-00005334-00005591 digital Healthcare and also works in VVNOukh3oPY-00019-00005592-00005818 terms of like dealing works with low in VVNOukh3oPY-00020-00005819-00005993 low resource settings especially with VVNOukh3oPY-00021-00005994-00006125 doctors in terms of like delivering VVNOukh3oPY-00022-00006126-00006503 Healthcare my first question to Dr Aryan VVNOukh3oPY-00023-00006504-00006887 uh is first we have a situation where VVNOukh3oPY-00024-00006888-00007120 you you became a doctor and a VVNOukh3oPY-00025-00007122-00007283 radiologist and you had to flee VVNOukh3oPY-00026-00007284-00007696 Afghanistan and to the UK during the VVNOukh3oPY-00027-00007697-00007996 Soviet Union crisis so first is what VVNOukh3oPY-00028-00007997-00008249 inspired you to do this and VVNOukh3oPY-00029-00008250-00008524 how did your experience help you shape VVNOukh3oPY-00030-00008525-00008759 the Aryan Telehealth Innovation that you VVNOukh3oPY-00031-00008760-00008873 have today VVNOukh3oPY-00032-00008874-00009107 thank you so much it's a great honor to VVNOukh3oPY-00033-00009108-00009287 be here hello everybody who is in the VVNOukh3oPY-00034-00009288-00009599 audience and those who are watching I'm VVNOukh3oPY-00035-00009600-00009767 inspired by the work that you do the VVNOukh3oPY-00036-00009768-00009964 achievements you have so you could VVNOukh3oPY-00037-00009965-00010145 answer that question yourself VVNOukh3oPY-00038-00010146-00010433 so uh VVNOukh3oPY-00039-00010434-00010655 I'm thrilled here because growing up I VVNOukh3oPY-00040-00010656-00010835 didn't have mentors so as soon as I got VVNOukh3oPY-00041-00010836-00011027 that invitation that there are there's a VVNOukh3oPY-00042-00011028-00011483 Yang World Summit and the young leaders VVNOukh3oPY-00043-00011484-00011656 are here I absolutely couldn't resist VVNOukh3oPY-00044-00011657-00011824 not coming VVNOukh3oPY-00045-00011825-00011899 um VVNOukh3oPY-00046-00011900-00012203 I was born in Warton Afghanistan and VVNOukh3oPY-00047-00012204-00012491 grew up my entire childhood was spent in VVNOukh3oPY-00048-00012492-00012664 Conflict running and fleeing and so on VVNOukh3oPY-00049-00012665-00012946 so it's it's mentorship was something VVNOukh3oPY-00050-00012947-00013277 that I aspired to I wanted to and I VVNOukh3oPY-00051-00013278-00013433 learned a lot of the things by VVNOukh3oPY-00052-00013434-00013588 experience VVNOukh3oPY-00053-00013590-00013835 so for me that's really important to be VVNOukh3oPY-00054-00013836-00013925 here VVNOukh3oPY-00055-00013926-00014207 um the important fact that I want to at VVNOukh3oPY-00056-00014208-00014441 least do is that VVNOukh3oPY-00057-00014441-00014644 we all find inspiration in different VVNOukh3oPY-00058-00014645-00014729 places VVNOukh3oPY-00059-00014730-00014927 most of us we go through adversities in VVNOukh3oPY-00060-00014928-00015094 life VVNOukh3oPY-00061-00015095-00015330 so what inspired me to become a doctor VVNOukh3oPY-00062-00015331-00015605 is actually an accumulation of the VVNOukh3oPY-00063-00015606-00016001 experiences from conflict born in 1983 VVNOukh3oPY-00064-00016002-00016163 during the Afghan Soviet conflict the VVNOukh3oPY-00065-00016163-00016385 first five years we spent hiding in VVNOukh3oPY-00066-00016386-00016553 Sellers from the daily Rockets and the VVNOukh3oPY-00067-00016554-00016649 bombs VVNOukh3oPY-00068-00016650-00016894 and after about five years when our VVNOukh3oPY-00069-00016895-00017153 family was separated my father had fled VVNOukh3oPY-00070-00017154-00017375 the military service he was in hiding in VVNOukh3oPY-00071-00017376-00017608 mountains many of them you might have VVNOukh3oPY-00072-00017609-00017855 seen from the footage on TV my mother VVNOukh3oPY-00073-00017856-00018011 was looking after us the two happy VVNOukh3oPY-00074-00018012-00018269 memories that I have one has been taken VVNOukh3oPY-00075-00018270-00018521 to a local park by my mother to have an VVNOukh3oPY-00076-00018522-00018694 ice cream with my cousins and another VVNOukh3oPY-00077-00018695-00018953 one is my father kneeling down giving me VVNOukh3oPY-00078-00018954-00019222 a big kite before him disappearing from VVNOukh3oPY-00079-00019223-00019349 our life VVNOukh3oPY-00080-00019350-00019667 so that sort of loss and then meeting VVNOukh3oPY-00081-00019668-00019829 him again after a few months in the VVNOukh3oPY-00082-00019830-00020011 mountains that reunion VVNOukh3oPY-00083-00020012-00020327 exemplifies the life of those people who VVNOukh3oPY-00084-00020328-00020567 live in Conflict stricken by conflict VVNOukh3oPY-00085-00020568-00020729 displacement VVNOukh3oPY-00086-00020730-00020980 and after five years for us to be VVNOukh3oPY-00087-00020981-00021197 together like millions of other refugees VVNOukh3oPY-00088-00021198-00021389 in Afghanistan we had to migrate to VVNOukh3oPY-00089-00021390-00021635 Pakistan the normal borders were closed VVNOukh3oPY-00090-00021636-00021797 so we had to take a very dangerous route VVNOukh3oPY-00091-00021798-00021971 through mountains valleys VVNOukh3oPY-00092-00021972-00022336 and and rivers traveling on donkeys and VVNOukh3oPY-00093-00022337-00022522 horses because VVNOukh3oPY-00094-00022523-00022799 um the the road VVNOukh3oPY-00095-00022800-00023014 to the normal border was closed and it VVNOukh3oPY-00096-00023015-00023183 had to be done at night any activity VVNOukh3oPY-00097-00023184-00023411 that was seen during the day the VVNOukh3oPY-00098-00023412-00023585 helicopter gunships and the Jets would VVNOukh3oPY-00099-00023586-00023813 come in and attack and we did come under VVNOukh3oPY-00100-00023814-00024022 the attack three times you know we're VVNOukh3oPY-00101-00024023-00024191 miraculously survived those attacks and VVNOukh3oPY-00102-00024192-00024503 we made it to refugee camp back in the VVNOukh3oPY-00103-00024504-00024719 refugee camp in Pakistan like millions VVNOukh3oPY-00104-00024720-00024971 of other refugees we were safe VVNOukh3oPY-00105-00024972-00025267 and we were very happy to be together VVNOukh3oPY-00106-00025268-00025594 but sadly the conditions were absolutely VVNOukh3oPY-00107-00025595-00025756 inhumane VVNOukh3oPY-00108-00025757-00025955 as a family of eight to ten we were VVNOukh3oPY-00109-00025956-00026206 living in a muddy room with temperatures VVNOukh3oPY-00110-00026207-00026537 rising up to 45 degrees with one fan and VVNOukh3oPY-00111-00026538-00026795 we relied on VVNOukh3oPY-00112-00026795-00026974 the Russians that were given to us by VVNOukh3oPY-00113-00026975-00027227 humanitarian organizations even the VVNOukh3oPY-00114-00027227-00027490 water that we received was in tanks that VVNOukh3oPY-00115-00027491-00027635 was brought to us VVNOukh3oPY-00116-00027636-00027940 every few days we had to store a little VVNOukh3oPY-00117-00027941-00028307 to drink some to use for cooking and a VVNOukh3oPY-00118-00028308-00028552 little bit for cleaning VVNOukh3oPY-00119-00028554-00028768 within days most of us got malaria and VVNOukh3oPY-00120-00028769-00028918 in world within three months that I VVNOukh3oPY-00121-00028919-00029152 became very sick I started shivering had VVNOukh3oPY-00122-00029154-00029381 night sweats lost a lot of weight I was VVNOukh3oPY-00123-00029382-00029620 a walking skeleton and that's when my VVNOukh3oPY-00124-00029622-00029801 doctor took my father took me to the VVNOukh3oPY-00125-00029802-00029885 doctor VVNOukh3oPY-00126-00029886-00030143 and he diagnosed me with tuberculosis as VVNOukh3oPY-00127-00030144-00030299 you know it's a deadly disease many VVNOukh3oPY-00128-00030300-00030468 children die from it VVNOukh3oPY-00129-00030469-00030749 across the globe especially in low VVNOukh3oPY-00130-00030750-00030899 resource settings VVNOukh3oPY-00131-00030900-00031090 although my chances of survival was VVNOukh3oPY-00132-00031091-00031295 around 30 to 40 percent because I was so VVNOukh3oPY-00133-00031295-00031505 weak and malnourished my father didn't VVNOukh3oPY-00134-00031506-00031643 give up on me VVNOukh3oPY-00135-00031644-00031793 but it was actually during my VVNOukh3oPY-00136-00031794-00031985 interaction with a doctor who was VVNOukh3oPY-00137-00031986-00032158 treating me for a year or more than that VVNOukh3oPY-00138-00032160-00032495 that inspired me to become a doctor VVNOukh3oPY-00139-00032495-00032693 so it's actually during those darkest VVNOukh3oPY-00140-00032694-00032939 times that my family my parents were VVNOukh3oPY-00141-00032940-00033095 crying that they would lose their son VVNOukh3oPY-00142-00033096-00033299 and I didn't have much hope I couldn't VVNOukh3oPY-00143-00033300-00033652 breathe is when I became curious of how VVNOukh3oPY-00144-00033653-00033845 on one hand there is so much trauma VVNOukh3oPY-00145-00033846-00034085 misery in the refugee camps on the other VVNOukh3oPY-00146-00034086-00034181 hand VVNOukh3oPY-00147-00034182-00034427 there is somebody who can heal people VVNOukh3oPY-00148-00034428-00034637 and that was the beginning of that VVNOukh3oPY-00149-00034638-00034912 Curiosity and he in the end he gave me a VVNOukh3oPY-00150-00034913-00035201 stethoscope and a medical textbook I VVNOukh3oPY-00151-00035202-00035417 didn't know the words on it but I loved VVNOukh3oPY-00152-00035418-00035681 the black and white pictures and he told VVNOukh3oPY-00153-00035682-00035981 me that one day you may become a doctor VVNOukh3oPY-00154-00035982-00036245 we spent the next seven eight years in VVNOukh3oPY-00155-00036246-00036402 Afghanistan again VVNOukh3oPY-00156-00036403-00036629 hiding from the Rockets and the bombs VVNOukh3oPY-00157-00036630-00036899 and in 19 most of my education happened VVNOukh3oPY-00158-00036900-00037199 in Silas but one thing I didn't do was VVNOukh3oPY-00159-00037200-00037474 lose hope I always believed that I would VVNOukh3oPY-00160-00037475-00037690 be able to reach a dream of me becoming VVNOukh3oPY-00161-00037691-00037787 a doctor VVNOukh3oPY-00162-00037788-00038021 despite seeing bombs despite seeing VVNOukh3oPY-00163-00038022-00038302 rockets and despite not knowing what VVNOukh3oPY-00164-00038303-00038543 normality is like for people VVNOukh3oPY-00165-00038544-00038812 I would listen to BBC World Service and VVNOukh3oPY-00166-00038813-00039065 find out that actually people would sit VVNOukh3oPY-00167-00039066-00039233 around the table they would eat and VVNOukh3oPY-00168-00039234-00039493 drink as a family and that's something VVNOukh3oPY-00169-00039494-00039839 that sort of safety and and the VVNOukh3oPY-00170-00039840-00040024 environment where I could go on to study VVNOukh3oPY-00171-00040025-00040223 was something I was aspiring to despite VVNOukh3oPY-00172-00040224-00040480 not knowing how to go about it VVNOukh3oPY-00173-00040481-00040751 so the lesson that I learned was that we VVNOukh3oPY-00174-00040752-00040896 can find VVNOukh3oPY-00175-00040897-00041195 our motivation or purpose in life in our VVNOukh3oPY-00176-00041196-00041393 darkest times sometimes I don't wish it VVNOukh3oPY-00177-00041394-00041590 upon people but sometimes you can find VVNOukh3oPY-00178-00041591-00041812 that and the fact that it's so important VVNOukh3oPY-00179-00041813-00041999 not to lose hope VVNOukh3oPY-00180-00042000-00042221 and for me that not giving up on that VVNOukh3oPY-00181-00042222-00042412 hope I came to the UK as a child Refugee VVNOukh3oPY-00182-00042413-00042790 and to cut that long story short was as VVNOukh3oPY-00183-00042791-00042952 a child Refugee with having no support VVNOukh3oPY-00184-00042953-00043283 and hardly any formal education I VVNOukh3oPY-00185-00043284-00043523 carried on with that determination but a VVNOukh3oPY-00186-00043524-00043823 third important factor beside hope and VVNOukh3oPY-00187-00043824-00044146 and not giving up on my dream was The VVNOukh3oPY-00188-00044147-00044321 Compassion that I received from the VVNOukh3oPY-00189-00044322-00044452 people in the UK VVNOukh3oPY-00190-00044453-00044765 who allowed me to work and study VVNOukh3oPY-00191-00044766-00044999 ultimately for me to be able to go to VVNOukh3oPY-00192-00045000-00045185 Cambridge University and Harvard to VVNOukh3oPY-00193-00045186-00045502 become a doctor in 2010. and then I VVNOukh3oPY-00194-00045503-00045821 started working as a humanitarian VVNOukh3oPY-00195-00045822-00046277 wow thank you so much I mean I think you VVNOukh3oPY-00196-00046278-00046421 know we live in a world where VVNOukh3oPY-00197-00046422-00046637 unfortunately where people live you know VVNOukh3oPY-00198-00046638-00046793 sometimes can determine whether they VVNOukh3oPY-00199-00046794-00047033 leave and VVNOukh3oPY-00200-00047034-00047333 right now there are over 360 million VVNOukh3oPY-00201-00047334-00047473 migrants VVNOukh3oPY-00202-00047474-00047849 who are across the world and some VVNOukh3oPY-00203-00047850-00048023 Millions more you know might be joining VVNOukh3oPY-00204-00048024-00048118 them very soon or something VVNOukh3oPY-00205-00048119-00048340 unfortunately due to like several Wars VVNOukh3oPY-00206-00048341-00048539 and conflict you know in different areas VVNOukh3oPY-00207-00048540-00048773 and if you have actually really been to VVNOukh3oPY-00208-00048774-00048983 an IDP Camp before or a refugee camp VVNOukh3oPY-00209-00048984-00049235 before you would notice that you know VVNOukh3oPY-00210-00049236-00049474 it's not like our gated estate or like VVNOukh3oPY-00211-00049475-00049673 our very Posh you know places where we VVNOukh3oPY-00212-00049674-00049858 live you know they they live in shelters VVNOukh3oPY-00213-00049859-00050189 like made of polythene and um in terms VVNOukh3oPY-00214-00050190-00050345 of like building Innovation there and VVNOukh3oPY-00215-00050346-00050458 that's one of the things I really love VVNOukh3oPY-00216-00050459-00050615 about the Innovation that you're VVNOukh3oPY-00217-00050616-00050867 building which is the um the ariantale VVNOukh3oPY-00218-00050868-00051179 hill uh pro project which your VVNOukh3oPY-00219-00051180-00051461 empowering doctors you know to VVNOukh3oPY-00220-00051462-00051832 um to treat and treat young people and VVNOukh3oPY-00221-00051833-00052001 then also a lot of the people living in VVNOukh3oPY-00222-00052002-00052252 this migrant community and also people VVNOukh3oPY-00223-00052253-00052438 other people in low research communities VVNOukh3oPY-00224-00052439-00052804 so how does the Innovation like how do VVNOukh3oPY-00225-00052805-00053137 you build the capacity of those who help VVNOukh3oPY-00226-00053138-00053447 treat the community members VVNOukh3oPY-00227-00053448-00053741 thank you so Aaron Taylor Hill is a UK VVNOukh3oPY-00228-00053741-00053980 registered charity in its simplest form VVNOukh3oPY-00229-00053982-00054173 it connects Medics from the National VVNOukh3oPY-00230-00054174-00054394 Health Service in the UK and across the VVNOukh3oPY-00231-00054395-00054616 globe now to medics in Conflict Zone and VVNOukh3oPY-00232-00054617-00054791 in low resource settings using VVNOukh3oPY-00233-00054791-00054935 telemedicine which is giving advice VVNOukh3oPY-00234-00054936-00055253 online uh specialist advice by doing so VVNOukh3oPY-00235-00055254-00055450 they're saving lives and they're VVNOukh3oPY-00236-00055451-00055649 increasing capacity providing education VVNOukh3oPY-00237-00055650-00055835 whether it's k space whether it's VVNOukh3oPY-00238-00055836-00056075 through seminars but the important fact VVNOukh3oPY-00239-00056076-00056435 in that is that the technology is an VVNOukh3oPY-00240-00056436-00056704 enabler so when I say Innovation VVNOukh3oPY-00241-00056705-00056975 Innovation is actually solving a problem VVNOukh3oPY-00242-00056976-00057323 for me to be able to found our entirely VVNOukh3oPY-00243-00057324-00057592 heal was understanding the problem VVNOukh3oPY-00244-00057594-00058007 first of all to have that deep VVNOukh3oPY-00245-00058008-00058259 compassion and passion for the people to VVNOukh3oPY-00246-00058260-00058444 help them and understanding the people VVNOukh3oPY-00247-00058445-00058661 who are experiencing the problem and VVNOukh3oPY-00248-00058662-00058894 secondly using the collective compassion VVNOukh3oPY-00249-00058895-00059129 of other people here in the UK or across VVNOukh3oPY-00250-00059129-00059363 the globe who wanted to help and then VVNOukh3oPY-00251-00059364-00059579 connecting these two VVNOukh3oPY-00252-00059579-00059794 was where the technology comes in so VVNOukh3oPY-00253-00059795-00060100 that's quite at the lower stages that we VVNOukh3oPY-00254-00060101-00060300 the solution becomes VVNOukh3oPY-00255-00060301-00060575 something that you have to work on VVNOukh3oPY-00256-00060576-00060761 towards the end once you understand the VVNOukh3oPY-00257-00060762-00061007 problem the people and the team who VVNOukh3oPY-00258-00061008-00061253 could help you with as well VVNOukh3oPY-00259-00061254-00061511 oh great okay so how do you think like VVNOukh3oPY-00260-00061512-00061679 International Partners like private VVNOukh3oPY-00261-00061679-00061847 organizations because you know you VVNOukh3oPY-00262-00061848-00061997 talked a lot about like The Compassion VVNOukh3oPY-00263-00061998-00062207 of people around you and then the VVNOukh3oPY-00264-00062208-00062411 institution so how do you get how do you VVNOukh3oPY-00265-00062412-00062513 think we can really leverage VVNOukh3oPY-00266-00062514-00062759 institutional support because one thing VVNOukh3oPY-00267-00062760-00062909 I really know about global health VVNOukh3oPY-00268-00062910-00063149 programs even as like a Founder the VVNOukh3oPY-00269-00063150-00063304 founder of slow Maria health initiative VVNOukh3oPY-00270-00063305-00063466 and I'll mentioned that also takes VVNOukh3oPY-00271-00063467-00063641 Healthcare to oh no VVNOukh3oPY-00272-00063641-00063982 um low research settings in Nigeria VVNOukh3oPY-00273-00063983-00064126 um one thing I've really discovered is VVNOukh3oPY-00274-00064127-00064265 like the funding really matters right VVNOukh3oPY-00275-00064266-00064565 and then also involving other agencies VVNOukh3oPY-00276-00064566-00064769 and corporations in delivering VVNOukh3oPY-00277-00064770-00065063 Innovations also matters so how what do VVNOukh3oPY-00278-00065064-00065297 you think they can do no better or what VVNOukh3oPY-00279-00065298-00065435 do you think like these organizations VVNOukh3oPY-00280-00065436-00065759 can do more in terms of like being an VVNOukh3oPY-00281-00065760-00065993 active you know influencer in reducing VVNOukh3oPY-00282-00065994-00066191 and Bridging the Gap in healthcare VVNOukh3oPY-00283-00066192-00066449 Equity I think before Bridging the Gap VVNOukh3oPY-00284-00066450-00066635 whether it's nationally in the UK Where VVNOukh3oPY-00285-00066636-00066869 It's At Low resource settings or VVNOukh3oPY-00286-00066870-00067091 anywhere it's through collaboration VVNOukh3oPY-00287-00067092-00067253 exactly what you've mentioned VVNOukh3oPY-00288-00067254-00067471 collaboration is the key that's between VVNOukh3oPY-00289-00067472-00067738 non-profits between states as well as VVNOukh3oPY-00290-00067739-00067943 between for-profit organizations and VVNOukh3oPY-00291-00067944-00068063 individuals VVNOukh3oPY-00292-00068064-00068344 it's not if we expect non-profits to go VVNOukh3oPY-00293-00068345-00068471 on and change the world on their own VVNOukh3oPY-00294-00068472-00068741 they can't do it so that's where VVNOukh3oPY-00295-00068742-00068800 um VVNOukh3oPY-00296-00068801-00069071 even working in in Conflict Zone I've VVNOukh3oPY-00297-00069072-00069226 realized that I had to work with the VVNOukh3oPY-00298-00069227-00069317 government VVNOukh3oPY-00299-00069318-00069544 so most of work in Afghanistan which VVNOukh3oPY-00300-00069545-00069755 would later on skill to Syria parts of VVNOukh3oPY-00301-00069756-00070126 Africa India and other countries relied VVNOukh3oPY-00302-00070127-00070319 heavily on that collaboration that VVNOukh3oPY-00303-00070320-00070606 negotiation and diplomacy in order to be VVNOukh3oPY-00304-00070607-00070735 able to VVNOukh3oPY-00305-00070736-00071003 network with a man find synergistic VVNOukh3oPY-00306-00071004-00071321 areas of Interest not what we want but VVNOukh3oPY-00307-00071322-00071549 what actually everybody around the table VVNOukh3oPY-00308-00071550-00071800 the stakeholders want in order to help VVNOukh3oPY-00309-00071801-00072088 the people within the context VVNOukh3oPY-00310-00072089-00072335 so then again coming to that point to VVNOukh3oPY-00311-00072336-00072532 build a solution in the UK and try to VVNOukh3oPY-00312-00072533-00072755 then change the world in Africa it's a VVNOukh3oPY-00313-00072756-00072965 very naive way of looking at things so VVNOukh3oPY-00314-00072966-00073109 when people come to me and oh I would VVNOukh3oPY-00315-00073110-00073325 like to go in and create this amazing VVNOukh3oPY-00316-00073326-00073475 Tech and I'm going to raise money I'm VVNOukh3oPY-00317-00073476-00073756 going to do this as like what is the VVNOukh3oPY-00318-00073757-00074015 problem you're solving and the the VVNOukh3oPY-00319-00074016-00074243 answer is not there and that's where our VVNOukh3oPY-00320-00074244-00074476 Focus has to be the problem and the VVNOukh3oPY-00321-00074477-00074650 people and the stakeholders around it VVNOukh3oPY-00322-00074651-00074944 networking around it and fundraising VVNOukh3oPY-00323-00074945-00075161 technology is one part of it I VVNOukh3oPY-00324-00075162-00075353 understand there are limitations but VVNOukh3oPY-00325-00075354-00075526 that's how we can do it the one aspect VVNOukh3oPY-00326-00075527-00075749 that's neglected heavily is mental VVNOukh3oPY-00327-00075750-00075821 health VVNOukh3oPY-00328-00075822-00076115 which brings me to what I'm doing next VVNOukh3oPY-00329-00076116-00076417 is uh is the Aaron well-being Venture VVNOukh3oPY-00330-00076418-00076643 doing something similar to the charity VVNOukh3oPY-00331-00076644-00076919 but through our own well-being we're VVNOukh3oPY-00332-00076920-00077069 bringing mental health experts VVNOukh3oPY-00333-00077070-00077231 psychologists therapists peaches VVNOukh3oPY-00334-00077232-00077362 everybody around VVNOukh3oPY-00335-00077363-00077638 and providing that access to everybody VVNOukh3oPY-00336-00077639-00077867 including hard to reach populations on VVNOukh3oPY-00337-00077868-00077999 smartphones VVNOukh3oPY-00338-00078000-00078232 because mental health is put at the back VVNOukh3oPY-00339-00078233-00078509 of the queue after the pandemic even in VVNOukh3oPY-00340-00078510-00078773 countries like such as the UK I work in VVNOukh3oPY-00341-00078774-00078971 as a Frontline Medic as an emergency VVNOukh3oPY-00342-00078972-00079187 doctor I see people coming in with VVNOukh3oPY-00343-00079188-00079409 Mental Health crisis and really breaks VVNOukh3oPY-00344-00079410-00079582 my heart and I personally have VVNOukh3oPY-00345-00079583-00079738 experience of post-traumatic stress VVNOukh3oPY-00346-00079739-00079973 coming from Afghanistan so that's where VVNOukh3oPY-00347-00079974-00080171 I do have that deep connection with it VVNOukh3oPY-00348-00080172-00080315 and I would like to solve the problem VVNOukh3oPY-00349-00080316-00080650 not just for myself but tens of millions VVNOukh3oPY-00350-00080651-00080843 of people who are suffering whether it's VVNOukh3oPY-00351-00080844-00080969 hair whether it's in law resource VVNOukh3oPY-00352-00080970-00081179 settings in laws of settings even access VVNOukh3oPY-00353-00081180-00081382 to Mental Health Services is absolutely VVNOukh3oPY-00354-00081383-00081611 minimal VVNOukh3oPY-00355-00081612-00081862 and so that's something that Health when VVNOukh3oPY-00356-00081863-00082132 we Define health it is physical and VVNOukh3oPY-00357-00082133-00082294 mental health as well as social VVNOukh3oPY-00358-00082295-00082588 well-being to VVNOukh3oPY-00359-00082589-00082829 whether it and that applies to not VVNOukh3oPY-00360-00082830-00083038 displaced people but it applies to every VVNOukh3oPY-00361-00083039-00083249 one of us sitting in this room and hence VVNOukh3oPY-00362-00083250-00083488 when I was looking at that big Vision VVNOukh3oPY-00363-00083489-00083711 that yes it's we would like to tackle VVNOukh3oPY-00364-00083712-00083873 the Mental Health crisis but we have to VVNOukh3oPY-00365-00083874-00084041 start somewhere and that's where the VVNOukh3oPY-00366-00084042-00084325 Aaron will being launch uh is in the UK VVNOukh3oPY-00367-00084326-00084569 hoping that one they will be able to VVNOukh3oPY-00368-00084570-00084773 reach hard to reach populations across VVNOukh3oPY-00369-00084774-00084887 the globe VVNOukh3oPY-00370-00084888-00085211 thank you very much so I think uh you've VVNOukh3oPY-00371-00085212-00085373 really raised very important points VVNOukh3oPY-00372-00085374-00085505 today first VVNOukh3oPY-00373-00085506-00085691 um you can get the greatest solutions VVNOukh3oPY-00374-00085692-00085888 from adversity VVNOukh3oPY-00375-00085889-00086105 um very important that we collaborate VVNOukh3oPY-00376-00086106-00086285 and then work together with the VVNOukh3oPY-00377-00086286-00086465 governments you know with stakeholders VVNOukh3oPY-00378-00086466-00086693 with private sector and even with the VVNOukh3oPY-00379-00086694-00086843 people you know to be able to build VVNOukh3oPY-00380-00086844-00087005 scalable Solutions VVNOukh3oPY-00381-00087006-00087238 you talked a lot about mental health and VVNOukh3oPY-00382-00087239-00087449 why it's very important I really know VVNOukh3oPY-00383-00087450-00087641 that in low research for instance in low VVNOukh3oPY-00384-00087642-00087838 research country like Nigeria has over VVNOukh3oPY-00385-00087839-00088132 200 million people and just VVNOukh3oPY-00386-00088133-00088529 about 250 psychiatrists that's very VVNOukh3oPY-00387-00088530-00088823 that's a very huge gap and most of the VVNOukh3oPY-00388-00088824-00089009 psychiatrists are based in Far Away VVNOukh3oPY-00389-00089010-00089387 tertiary hospitals and um in very VVNOukh3oPY-00390-00089388-00089693 very like dense you know urban areas so VVNOukh3oPY-00391-00089694-00089855 this is where like you're all coming VVNOukh3oPY-00392-00089856-00090088 into this session and would love to like VVNOukh3oPY-00393-00090089-00090382 get questions from you for Dr Harian who VVNOukh3oPY-00394-00090383-00090556 has been doing a very great fantastic VVNOukh3oPY-00395-00090557-00090941 work in um in providing Healthcare and VVNOukh3oPY-00396-00090942-00091138 bridging this um Global Health in VVNOukh3oPY-00397-00091139-00091403 inequalities especially in low research VVNOukh3oPY-00398-00091404-00091606 countries and then low research settings VVNOukh3oPY-00399-00091607-00091961 so uh questions please from the audience VVNOukh3oPY-00400-00091962-00092200 especially for Dr Aaron VVNOukh3oPY-00401-00092201-00092423 and for use VVNOukh3oPY-00402-00092424-00092765 thank you hey guys thanks a lot VVNOukh3oPY-00403-00092766-00093029 um you talked a lot about your solution VVNOukh3oPY-00404-00093030-00093311 that relies on doctors within the UK VVNOukh3oPY-00405-00093312-00093509 giving their time and kind of like a VVNOukh3oPY-00406-00093510-00093779 one-to-one link to doctors in Conflict VVNOukh3oPY-00407-00093780-00094091 affected areas is I was wondering what VVNOukh3oPY-00408-00094092-00094361 the role is for technology to kind of VVNOukh3oPY-00409-00094362-00094529 break that link between the personal VVNOukh3oPY-00410-00094530-00094738 one-to-one connection so that actually VVNOukh3oPY-00411-00094739-00094900 there doesn't have to be a person on the VVNOukh3oPY-00412-00094901-00095123 other side and it can just be you know VVNOukh3oPY-00413-00095124-00095356 technology can then potentially be a VVNOukh3oPY-00414-00095357-00095518 solution for something that doesn't rely VVNOukh3oPY-00415-00095519-00095806 on the UK doctors to give their time as VVNOukh3oPY-00416-00095807-00095968 possibly a way of you know is that VVNOukh3oPY-00417-00095969-00096125 something that you've explored is it a VVNOukh3oPY-00418-00096126-00096461 kind of viable solution for scaling this VVNOukh3oPY-00419-00096462-00096694 this solution okay so can we take one VVNOukh3oPY-00420-00096695-00096844 more question so that I can just answer VVNOukh3oPY-00421-00096845-00097085 them together and that's it VVNOukh3oPY-00422-00097086-00097547 okay any other question Okay so VVNOukh3oPY-00423-00097548-00097787 hello everyone it's Carter from Morocco VVNOukh3oPY-00424-00097788-00098165 so I believe that if we want to have an VVNOukh3oPY-00425-00098166-00098512 impact on our continent in our society VVNOukh3oPY-00426-00098513-00098711 it starts from the first society and the VVNOukh3oPY-00427-00098712-00098921 second Society what I mean by the first VVNOukh3oPY-00428-00098922-00099143 and second is that our first is our VVNOukh3oPY-00429-00099144-00099556 families our home where we belong and VVNOukh3oPY-00430-00099557-00099797 this again is the main the company that VVNOukh3oPY-00431-00099798-00100097 we are representing or we are working on VVNOukh3oPY-00432-00100098-00100444 it so if we want having or ensure that VVNOukh3oPY-00433-00100445-00100612 mental health in the first and second VVNOukh3oPY-00434-00100613-00100943 Society how we can do actually do it and VVNOukh3oPY-00435-00100944-00101171 what the action that we should we should VVNOukh3oPY-00436-00101172-00101429 as a human be develop to ensure that VVNOukh3oPY-00437-00101430-00101729 everyone had that mental health okay so VVNOukh3oPY-00438-00101730-00101926 the question is about like what can we VVNOukh3oPY-00439-00101927-00102238 do personally to have a better way of VVNOukh3oPY-00440-00102239-00102425 mental health well-being and also how VVNOukh3oPY-00441-00102426-00102586 what can we do with our immediate VVNOukh3oPY-00442-00102588-00102960 families VVNOukh3oPY-00443-00102961-00103253 so I think Dr Aryan will answer those VVNOukh3oPY-00444-00103254-00103360 questions and then we'll wrap up the VVNOukh3oPY-00445-00103361-00103589 session that's very interesting question VVNOukh3oPY-00446-00103590-00103799 you you raised it I think you've alluded VVNOukh3oPY-00447-00103800-00103966 to artificial intelligence or something VVNOukh3oPY-00448-00103967-00104260 that how can we automate Solutions uh VVNOukh3oPY-00449-00104261-00104404 one thing I think we need to realize in VVNOukh3oPY-00450-00104405-00104597 medicine and this has been tried in VVNOukh3oPY-00451-00104598-00104782 America by many companies and I don't VVNOukh3oPY-00452-00104783-00104986 want to name them that they have their VVNOukh3oPY-00453-00104988-00105173 Vision has been that how we can create VVNOukh3oPY-00454-00105174-00105402 this automated doctor VVNOukh3oPY-00455-00105403-00105665 I don't think actually VVNOukh3oPY-00456-00105666-00105989 technology works compatibly with doctors VVNOukh3oPY-00457-00105990-00106175 especially when it comes to mental VVNOukh3oPY-00458-00106176-00106397 health you can't replicate emotions VVNOukh3oPY-00459-00106398-00106589 and that's where it's the compatibility VVNOukh3oPY-00460-00106590-00106834 of Technology it is going to be always VVNOukh3oPY-00461-00106835-00106997 hybrid solution VVNOukh3oPY-00462-00106998-00107165 and it's better to understand the VVNOukh3oPY-00463-00107166-00107339 limitation early on rather than go in VVNOukh3oPY-00464-00107340-00107675 into a loophole where later on you've VVNOukh3oPY-00465-00107676-00107836 designed something that doesn't work VVNOukh3oPY-00466-00107838-00108010 somewhere else yeah I do believe VVNOukh3oPY-00467-00108011-00108304 technology has a great role for example VVNOukh3oPY-00468-00108305-00108586 in diagnoses we've seen it in Radiology VVNOukh3oPY-00469-00108588-00108749 we've seen it that they can narrow down VVNOukh3oPY-00470-00108750-00108971 your differential diagnosis I'm an VVNOukh3oPY-00471-00108972-00109223 emergency medicine physician so I could VVNOukh3oPY-00472-00109224-00109390 rely on that for a lot of things to VVNOukh3oPY-00473-00109391-00109636 focus my attention but when when it VVNOukh3oPY-00474-00109638-00109793 comes I'll give an example when it comes VVNOukh3oPY-00475-00109794-00109889 to me VVNOukh3oPY-00476-00109890-00110207 speaking to a colleague who's distressed VVNOukh3oPY-00477-00110208-00110423 he's just dealing with somebody who's VVNOukh3oPY-00478-00110424-00110549 six years old VVNOukh3oPY-00479-00110550-00110740 technology cannot reassure him VVNOukh3oPY-00480-00110741-00110986 technology can't actually tell him that VVNOukh3oPY-00481-00110988-00111166 it's okay you've done everything you VVNOukh3oPY-00482-00111167-00111245 have VVNOukh3oPY-00483-00111246-00111401 even in medicine when it comes to VVNOukh3oPY-00484-00111402-00111749 physical health aspect emergencies we VVNOukh3oPY-00485-00111750-00111971 can't take away the emotions from it for VVNOukh3oPY-00486-00111972-00112121 me a big part of dealing in emergency VVNOukh3oPY-00487-00112122-00112295 department is dealing with the emotions VVNOukh3oPY-00488-00112296-00112534 of the patients I spend VVNOukh3oPY-00489-00112535-00112834 actually 90 of my time is listening to VVNOukh3oPY-00490-00112835-00113015 the patient VVNOukh3oPY-00491-00113016-00113189 and they tell me everything I need to VVNOukh3oPY-00492-00113190-00113278 know VVNOukh3oPY-00493-00113279-00113483 but maybe the problem that they are VVNOukh3oPY-00494-00113483-00113783 suffering is they will not tell me until VVNOukh3oPY-00495-00113783-00113981 that connection that relationship is VVNOukh3oPY-00496-00113982-00114119 built VVNOukh3oPY-00497-00114120-00114328 so it's not just physical problem chest VVNOukh3oPY-00498-00114329-00114563 you've got a hard lung this it could be VVNOukh3oPY-00499-00114564-00114754 anxiety it could be grief it could be VVNOukh3oPY-00500-00114755-00114971 something else I had a similar situation VVNOukh3oPY-00501-00114972-00115266 where somebody came in with chest pain VVNOukh3oPY-00502-00115267-00115613 because their mom had passed away VVNOukh3oPY-00503-00115614-00115823 and I realized that the blood tests were VVNOukh3oPY-00504-00115824-00115978 actually showing that it wasn't anxiety VVNOukh3oPY-00505-00115979-00116219 there was something deeply wrong VVNOukh3oPY-00506-00116220-00116393 and it took me so many investigations VVNOukh3oPY-00507-00116394-00116566 and reassuring if you wanted to serve VVNOukh3oPY-00508-00116567-00116704 this chart that there's something deeply VVNOukh3oPY-00509-00116705-00116866 wrong let me scan you VVNOukh3oPY-00510-00116867-00117089 and he had a fold he didn't realize two VVNOukh3oPY-00511-00117090-00117269 three nights ago and he had punctured VVNOukh3oPY-00512-00117270-00117545 his entire spleen he would have died if VVNOukh3oPY-00513-00117546-00117701 I had allowed him to go VVNOukh3oPY-00514-00117702-00117923 so if you put that into algorithm they VVNOukh3oPY-00515-00117924-00118169 go immediately down the route of you VVNOukh3oPY-00516-00118170-00118415 know oh anxiety blah blah blah all you VVNOukh3oPY-00517-00118416-00118558 have to take a deep breath you'll be VVNOukh3oPY-00518-00118559-00118636 fine VVNOukh3oPY-00519-00118638-00118786 it takes a human to understand another VVNOukh3oPY-00520-00118788-00118907 human VVNOukh3oPY-00521-00118908-00119081 so I hope I've summarized it in that VVNOukh3oPY-00522-00119082-00119365 sense there but it works compatibly VVNOukh3oPY-00523-00119366-00119621 and your question is is really beautiful VVNOukh3oPY-00524-00119622-00119866 I think the question about mental health VVNOukh3oPY-00525-00119867-00120101 is again where the solutions have gone VVNOukh3oPY-00526-00120102-00120304 wrong and the existing and why we come VVNOukh3oPY-00527-00120305-00120610 in with our Innovative solution to a VVNOukh3oPY-00528-00120611-00120851 combine Mind Body together make it VVNOukh3oPY-00529-00120852-00121097 comprehensive with a proper assessment VVNOukh3oPY-00530-00121098-00121289 at the top which is culturally VVNOukh3oPY-00531-00121290-00121433 responsive VVNOukh3oPY-00532-00121433-00121625 a lot of the psychiatrist psychologists VVNOukh3oPY-00533-00121626-00121936 even in the UK 87 are coming from a VVNOukh3oPY-00534-00121938-00122104 white background they look at things VVNOukh3oPY-00535-00122105-00122327 from one lens which is amazing fantastic VVNOukh3oPY-00536-00122328-00122573 but what about the populations who have VVNOukh3oPY-00537-00122574-00122849 got their own protective mechanism and VVNOukh3oPY-00538-00122850-00123058 risk factors what are very different to VVNOukh3oPY-00539-00123059-00123166 somebody else VVNOukh3oPY-00540-00123167-00123334 it's not about quick therapy it's not VVNOukh3oPY-00541-00123335-00123478 about quick medication they have their VVNOukh3oPY-00542-00123479-00123665 own place but when it comes to VVNOukh3oPY-00543-00123666-00123893 prevention relapse or to make sure that VVNOukh3oPY-00544-00123894-00124108 there is we tackle the root cause of the VVNOukh3oPY-00545-00124109-00124295 problems is where we have to pay VVNOukh3oPY-00546-00124296-00124499 attention to the people as I mentioned VVNOukh3oPY-00547-00124500-00124690 in the beginning to the families their VVNOukh3oPY-00548-00124691-00124913 environment the context if they can't VVNOukh3oPY-00549-00124914-00125081 feed their children how on Earth do you VVNOukh3oPY-00550-00125082-00125363 expect them to put a smile you know and VVNOukh3oPY-00551-00125364-00125507 and say that oh I'm doing some VVNOukh3oPY-00552-00125508-00125710 meditation I'll be fine they won't be VVNOukh3oPY-00553-00125711-00125921 fine so it's understanding those VVNOukh3oPY-00554-00125922-00126197 restraints environmental restraints and VVNOukh3oPY-00555-00126198-00126466 that's where the social factors come VVNOukh3oPY-00556-00126467-00126677 into play and where a comprehensive VVNOukh3oPY-00557-00126678-00126965 approach that revolves with Specialists VVNOukh3oPY-00558-00126966-00127234 who are culturally trained VVNOukh3oPY-00559-00127235-00127457 can come in and support as much as VVNOukh3oPY-00560-00127458-00127571 possible VVNOukh3oPY-00561-00127572-00127769 so I hope I've answered that VVNOukh3oPY-00562-00127770-00128051 thank you very much so thank you VVNOukh3oPY-00563-00128052-00128260 everyone for being with us you know VVNOukh3oPY-00564-00128261-00128507 through this very important session I VVNOukh3oPY-00565-00128508-00128740 think when we come to programs like this VVNOukh3oPY-00566-00128741-00129101 uh Health inequities and promoting VVNOukh3oPY-00567-00129102-00129310 Health equity and equality is very VVNOukh3oPY-00568-00129311-00129514 important and it's very vital that we VVNOukh3oPY-00569-00129515-00129671 have this kind of discussions you know VVNOukh3oPY-00570-00129672-00129916 discussions about how you could put in VVNOukh3oPY-00571-00129917-00130114 the digital and then human factor VVNOukh3oPY-00572-00130115-00130264 together you know to be able to make a VVNOukh3oPY-00573-00130265-00130463 great product thank you so much for your VVNOukh3oPY-00574-00130464-00130601 Brilliance contributions for the VVNOukh3oPY-00575-00130602-00130828 questions uh thank you very much Dr VVNOukh3oPY-00576-00130829-00131093 Aryan for being a wonderful presenter VVNOukh3oPY-00577-00131094-00131254 today and for really sharing your heart VVNOukh3oPY-00578-00131255-00131459 you know even with your speech and also VVNOukh3oPY-00579-00131460-00131645 your Innovation with us so I would VVNOukh3oPY-00580-00131646-00131795 really say thank you everyone for being VVNOukh3oPY-00581-00131796-00131987 a part of the session have a lovely day VVNOukh3oPY-00582-00131988-00132557 bye thank you so much VVNOukh3oPY-00583-00132558-00132776 foreign VbnXoKTcSXY-00000-00000263-00000862 a trapped dog we'll be right back VbnXoKTcSXY-00001-00000863-00001023 have you followed us on facebook yet VbnXoKTcSXY-00002-00001024-00001247 you'll find exclusive content VbnXoKTcSXY-00003-00001248-00001374 live events VbnXoKTcSXY-00004-00001375-00001599 and trending videos to share just head VbnXoKTcSXY-00005-00001600-00001798 over to the cbs new york facebook page VbnXoKTcSXY-00006-00001800-00002159 click like and follow us VbnXoKTcSXY-00007-00002160-00002447 this is chinatown and this is cbs new VbnXoKTcSXY-00008-00002448-00002498 york VbnXoKTcSXY-00009-00002499-00002687 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00010-00002688-00002942 time it's life's most precious commodity VbnXoKTcSXY-00011-00002943-00003095 especially when you have metastatic VbnXoKTcSXY-00012-00003096-00003270 breast cancer when your time is VbnXoKTcSXY-00013-00003271-00003463 threatened it's hard to invest in your VbnXoKTcSXY-00014-00003464-00003663 future until now VbnXoKTcSXY-00015-00003664-00003854 cascali is helping women live longer VbnXoKTcSXY-00016-00003855-00004015 than ever before when taken with an VbnXoKTcSXY-00017-00004015-00004286 aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in hr VbnXoKTcSXY-00018-00004287-00004486 positive her2-negative metastatic breast VbnXoKTcSXY-00019-00004487-00004711 cancer cascali is a pill that's proven VbnXoKTcSXY-00020-00004712-00004943 to delay disease progression hiscali can VbnXoKTcSXY-00021-00004944-00005102 cause lung problems or an abnormal VbnXoKTcSXY-00022-00005103-00005263 heartbeat which can lead to death it can VbnXoKTcSXY-00023-00005264-00005438 cause serious skin reactions liver VbnXoKTcSXY-00024-00005439-00005599 problems and low white blood cell counts VbnXoKTcSXY-00025-00005600-00005783 that may result in severe infections VbnXoKTcSXY-00026-00005784-00005934 tell your doctor right away if you have VbnXoKTcSXY-00027-00005935-00006118 new or worsening symptoms including VbnXoKTcSXY-00028-00006119-00006334 breathing problems cough chest pain a VbnXoKTcSXY-00029-00006335-00006503 change in your heartbeat dizziness VbnXoKTcSXY-00030-00006504-00006719 yellowing of the skin or eyes dark urine VbnXoKTcSXY-00031-00006720-00006983 tiredness loss of appetite abdomen pain VbnXoKTcSXY-00032-00006984-00007246 bleeding bruising fever chills or other VbnXoKTcSXY-00033-00007247-00007439 symptoms of an infection a severe or VbnXoKTcSXY-00034-00007440-00007631 worsening rash are or plan to become VbnXoKTcSXY-00035-00007631-00007798 pregnant or breastfeeding avoid VbnXoKTcSXY-00036-00007800-00007998 grapefruit during treatment your future VbnXoKTcSXY-00037-00008000-00008174 is ahead of you so it's time to make the VbnXoKTcSXY-00038-00008175-00008374 most of it with kisgali because when you VbnXoKTcSXY-00039-00008375-00008583 invest in yourself everyone gets the VbnXoKTcSXY-00040-00008584-00008719 best of you you don't have to be great VbnXoKTcSXY-00041-00008720-00009110 at tennis to be great at tennis VbnXoKTcSXY-00042-00009111-00009287 in fact with the betrivers.com sports VbnXoKTcSXY-00043-00009288-00009439 book app anyone can enjoy the fun of VbnXoKTcSXY-00044-00009440-00009671 live in-game betting VbnXoKTcSXY-00045-00009672-00009919 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00046-00009920-00010087 where you can bet on all the axles 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VbnXoKTcSXY-00062-00013095-00013222 bumps in my chest while the game is VbnXoKTcSXY-00063-00013223-00013455 going on VbnXoKTcSXY-00064-00013456-00013575 oh look wait a minute there's my two VbnXoKTcSXY-00065-00013576-00013783 hundred dollars damn that was fast VbnXoKTcSXY-00066-00013784-00013951 download the draftking sports book app VbnXoKTcSXY-00067-00013952-00014151 fit five dollars to get 200 instantly VbnXoKTcSXY-00068-00014152-00014391 action's so good wipe that nfl anywhere VbnXoKTcSXY-00069-00014391-00014518 else touchdown VbnXoKTcSXY-00070-00014519-00014671 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00071-00014672-00014863 for patients who have lost use of their VbnXoKTcSXY-00072-00014863-00015063 hands a new technology can help them VbnXoKTcSXY-00073-00015063-00015263 control devices like computers with VbnXoKTcSXY-00074-00015263-00015479 their thoughts this is science fiction VbnXoKTcSXY-00075-00015480-00015711 type stuff tonight on the cbs evening VbnXoKTcSXY-00076-00015712-00015881 news with nora o'donnell VbnXoKTcSXY-00077-00015882-00016158 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00078-00016159-00016311 seems fine to me VbnXoKTcSXY-00079-00016312-00016439 yeah VbnXoKTcSXY-00080-00016440-00016575 exactly VbnXoKTcSXY-00081-00016576-00016855 how big is the ocean VbnXoKTcSXY-00082-00016856-00017167 let me call you back VbnXoKTcSXY-00083-00017168-00017511 that is a really good question VbnXoKTcSXY-00084-00017512-00017655 tell me a joke VbnXoKTcSXY-00085-00017656-00017983 knock knock VbnXoKTcSXY-00086-00017984-00018616 you ready VbnXoKTcSXY-00087-00018617-00019327 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00088-00019328-00019583 police in new jersey rescue a dog from a VbnXoKTcSXY-00089-00019584-00019814 hot car this video posted on social VbnXoKTcSXY-00090-00019815-00020071 media shows seaside heights police using VbnXoKTcSXY-00091-00020072-00020311 a tool to get inside a locked suv VbnXoKTcSXY-00092-00020312-00020519 yesterday they were able you can see to VbnXoKTcSXY-00093-00020520-00020719 get the dog out the dog appeared to be VbnXoKTcSXY-00094-00020720-00021039 ok police reminding pet owners against VbnXoKTcSXY-00095-00021040-00021399 leaving dogs inside hot cars and trucks VbnXoKTcSXY-00096-00021400-00021663 on these sweltering days thanks for VbnXoKTcSXY-00097-00021664-00021886 joining us here at six coming up on the VbnXoKTcSXY-00098-00021887-00022078 cbs evening news with nora o'donnell VbnXoKTcSXY-00099-00022079-00022399 remembering princess diana 25 years VbnXoKTcSXY-00100-00022400-00022630 after her death i'm dana tyler good VbnXoKTcSXY-00101-00022631-00022840 night VbnXoKTcSXY-00102-00022841-00023727 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00103-00023728-00023927 tonight the justice department argues in VbnXoKTcSXY-00104-00023928-00024119 an historic detailed filing that VbnXoKTcSXY-00105-00024120-00024335 sensitive and top secret documents at VbnXoKTcSXY-00106-00024336-00024527 donald trump's florida resort were VbnXoKTcSXY-00107-00024528-00024822 hidden or moved on purpose raising the VbnXoKTcSXY-00108-00024823-00025086 possibility of an obstruction case VbnXoKTcSXY-00109-00025087-00025271 for the first time we're seeing some of VbnXoKTcSXY-00110-00025272-00025519 the top secret documents seized from the VbnXoKTcSXY-00111-00025520-00025727 fbi search of the former president's VbnXoKTcSXY-00112-00025727-00026031 office at mar-a-lago cbs's robert costa VbnXoKTcSXY-00113-00026032-00026318 and jeff piguets have new reporting VbnXoKTcSXY-00114-00026319-00026599 triple digit temperatures the long heat VbnXoKTcSXY-00115-00026600-00026831 wave roasting the west this labor day VbnXoKTcSXY-00116-00026832-00027087 weekend plus the worsening water crisis VbnXoKTcSXY-00117-00027088-00027374 in mississippi cbs's janet chamlion is VbnXoKTcSXY-00118-00027375-00027679 in jackson with no water it's a struggle VbnXoKTcSXY-00119-00027680-00027990 navy seal death a former yale football VbnXoKTcSXY-00120-00027991-00028239 captain dies during hell week tonight VbnXoKTcSXY-00121-00028239-00028487 questions about the culture of brutality VbnXoKTcSXY-00122-00028488-00028774 and drug use cbs's david martin spoke to VbnXoKTcSXY-00123-00028775-00029007 kyle mullen's mother it's like a sick VbnXoKTcSXY-00124-00029008-00029199 hazing it's not training VbnXoKTcSXY-00125-00029200-00029455 and a medical breakthrough cbs says dr VbnXoKTcSXY-00126-00029456-00029670 john lapook looks at new technology that VbnXoKTcSXY-00127-00029672-00029927 could change lives this is science VbnXoKTcSXY-00128-00029927-00030450 fiction VbnXoKTcSXY-00129-00030451-00030783 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00130-00030783-00031070 this is the cbs evening news with nora VbnXoKTcSXY-00131-00031072-00031318 o'donnell reporting from the nation's VbnXoKTcSXY-00132-00031319-00031455 capital VbnXoKTcSXY-00133-00031456-00031574 good evening and thank you for joining VbnXoKTcSXY-00134-00031575-00031735 us on this wednesday night we want to VbnXoKTcSXY-00135-00031736-00031927 begin tonight with that extraordinary VbnXoKTcSXY-00136-00031927-00032102 just before midnight filing from the VbnXoKTcSXY-00137-00032103-00032279 justice department where the government VbnXoKTcSXY-00138-00032280-00032502 laid out its investigation in far more VbnXoKTcSXY-00139-00032503-00032767 detail than ever before the document is VbnXoKTcSXY-00140-00032768-00033071 36 pages long with 18 additional pages VbnXoKTcSXY-00141-00033072-00033302 of attachments and includes this photo VbnXoKTcSXY-00142-00033303-00033518 at the end of the filing the final page VbnXoKTcSXY-00143-00033519-00033727 showing several classified secret and VbnXoKTcSXY-00144-00033728-00033951 top secret documents one noteworthy VbnXoKTcSXY-00145-00033952-00034174 point none of the folders bear a label VbnXoKTcSXY-00146-00034175-00034318 or stamp indicating they've been VbnXoKTcSXY-00147-00034319-00034543 declassified as trump or his VbnXoKTcSXY-00148-00034544-00034767 representatives have claimed the justice VbnXoKTcSXY-00149-00034768-00034951 department says even some of the fbi VbnXoKTcSXY-00150-00034952-00035190 personnel and doj prosecutors on the VbnXoKTcSXY-00151-00035191-00035407 case needed to get extra clearances to VbnXoKTcSXY-00152-00035408-00035662 review some of that material now in this VbnXoKTcSXY-00153-00035663-00035823 filing the government lays out an VbnXoKTcSXY-00154-00035824-00036039 important timeline saying it tried to VbnXoKTcSXY-00155-00036040-00036255 get these documents without a search VbnXoKTcSXY-00156-00036256-00036535 warrant multiple times they allege VbnXoKTcSXY-00157-00036536-00036711 donald trump has pushed a quote VbnXoKTcSXY-00158-00036712-00036974 incomplete and inaccurate narrative in VbnXoKTcSXY-00159-00036975-00037183 the recent court filings and that's why VbnXoKTcSXY-00160-00037184-00037390 we are getting this new information VbnXoKTcSXY-00161-00037391-00037599 cbs's robert costa joins us good evening VbnXoKTcSXY-00162-00037600-00037743 robert there's a lot of new details VbnXoKTcSXY-00163-00037744-00037887 tonight good evening norah there VbnXoKTcSXY-00164-00037888-00038055 certainly are many new details here VbnXoKTcSXY-00165-00038056-00038255 stunning in how it shines a bright light VbnXoKTcSXY-00166-00038256-00038423 on what was inside trump's home and it VbnXoKTcSXY-00167-00038424-00038646 gives us a new look into the scope of VbnXoKTcSXY-00168-00038647-00038951 this high profile investigation VbnXoKTcSXY-00169-00038952-00039199 the explosive legal document revealed VbnXoKTcSXY-00170-00039200-00039455 for the first time ever photo evidence VbnXoKTcSXY-00171-00039456-00039671 of some of the alleged highly classified VbnXoKTcSXY-00172-00039672-00039879 documents seized from former president VbnXoKTcSXY-00173-00039880-00040135 trump's florida home the redacted fbi VbnXoKTcSXY-00174-00040136-00040423 photograph shows classified cover sheets VbnXoKTcSXY-00175-00040424-00040743 some with hcs markings that refers to VbnXoKTcSXY-00176-00040744-00040927 the intelligence derived from covert VbnXoKTcSXY-00177-00040928-00041174 human sources some of the documents were VbnXoKTcSXY-00178-00041175-00041407 found in trump's so-called 45 office at VbnXoKTcSXY-00179-00041408-00041630 mar-a-lago a location considered VbnXoKTcSXY-00180-00041631-00041879 vulnerable by intelligence officials the VbnXoKTcSXY-00181-00041880-00042118 last thing you want to do is disclose VbnXoKTcSXY-00182-00042119-00042407 those capabilities and the insights from VbnXoKTcSXY-00183-00042408-00042646 them to our adversaries the justice VbnXoKTcSXY-00184-00042647-00042846 department has also laid out a case of VbnXoKTcSXY-00185-00042847-00043039 possible obstruction of the probe by VbnXoKTcSXY-00186-00043040-00043279 trump and his lawyers asserting they had VbnXoKTcSXY-00187-00043280-00043439 evidence that government records were VbnXoKTcSXY-00188-00043440-00043679 likely concealed and removed from the VbnXoKTcSXY-00189-00043680-00043879 storage room and that efforts were VbnXoKTcSXY-00190-00043880-00044023 likely taken to obstruct the VbnXoKTcSXY-00191-00044024-00044287 government's investigation back on june VbnXoKTcSXY-00192-00044288-00044455 3 two months before the search of VbnXoKTcSXY-00193-00044456-00044655 mar-a-lago trump's legal team told VbnXoKTcSXY-00194-00044656-00044879 justice department officials that all VbnXoKTcSXY-00195-00044880-00045087 sensitive documents had been returned VbnXoKTcSXY-00196-00045088-00045246 instruction here according to the VbnXoKTcSXY-00197-00045247-00045439 department of justice is that they were VbnXoKTcSXY-00198-00045440-00045727 told uh false facts they were told that VbnXoKTcSXY-00199-00045728-00045918 all the documents had been turned over VbnXoKTcSXY-00200-00045919-00046062 when in fact VbnXoKTcSXY-00201-00046063-00046246 their evidence they developed showed VbnXoKTcSXY-00202-00046247-00046430 they hadn't been turned over and when VbnXoKTcSXY-00203-00046431-00046630 they executed a search warrant it turned VbnXoKTcSXY-00204-00046631-00046879 out they had not been turned over VbnXoKTcSXY-00205-00046880-00047102 responding today trump slammed the fbi's VbnXoKTcSXY-00206-00047103-00047302 handling of the search and claimed he VbnXoKTcSXY-00207-00047303-00047551 declassified documents at his home but VbnXoKTcSXY-00208-00047552-00047727 in its filing the government stated that VbnXoKTcSXY-00209-00047728-00047902 trump's lawyers never asserted that VbnXoKTcSXY-00210-00047903-00048151 trump had declassified the documents or VbnXoKTcSXY-00211-00048152-00048318 asserted any claim of executive VbnXoKTcSXY-00212-00048319-00048518 privilege mark short a long-time VbnXoKTcSXY-00213-00048519-00048743 republican and adviser to vice president VbnXoKTcSXY-00214-00048744-00048951 pence in the white house said trump made VbnXoKTcSXY-00215-00048952-00049151 a mistake president trump likely should VbnXoKTcSXY-00216-00049152-00049271 not have been in possession of those VbnXoKTcSXY-00217-00049272-00049430 documents i don't think that's too far VbnXoKTcSXY-00218-00049431-00049599 of a stretch for a rational person to VbnXoKTcSXY-00219-00049600-00049807 say some legal experts say that while VbnXoKTcSXY-00220-00049808-00050030 the probe is ongoing criminal charges VbnXoKTcSXY-00221-00050031-00050223 could follow an indictment on VbnXoKTcSXY-00222-00050224-00050399 obstruction of justice is absolutely VbnXoKTcSXY-00223-00050400-00050662 possible most cases an indictment for VbnXoKTcSXY-00224-00050663-00050990 obstruction of justice will accompany a VbnXoKTcSXY-00225-00050991-00051151 substantive VbnXoKTcSXY-00226-00051152-00051342 criminal uh VbnXoKTcSXY-00227-00051344-00051463 indictment VbnXoKTcSXY-00228-00051464-00051766 but a standalone obstruction of justice VbnXoKTcSXY-00229-00051767-00052135 charge does happen in the last few hours VbnXoKTcSXY-00230-00052136-00052382 sources close to trump told cbs news VbnXoKTcSXY-00231-00052383-00052599 that they now see this as both a legal VbnXoKTcSXY-00232-00052600-00052871 and political war and expect trump to be VbnXoKTcSXY-00233-00052872-00053087 unbound in his efforts to galvanize his VbnXoKTcSXY-00234-00053088-00053271 supporters and cast the justice VbnXoKTcSXY-00235-00053272-00053487 department as political all as federal VbnXoKTcSXY-00236-00053488-00053703 agents continue to face increased VbnXoKTcSXY-00237-00053704-00053942 threats nora as the midterm approaches VbnXoKTcSXY-00238-00053944-00054159 robert costa thanks very much and VbnXoKTcSXY-00239-00054160-00054311 tonight donald trump is actually talking VbnXoKTcSXY-00240-00054312-00054479 about that picture with top secret VbnXoKTcSXY-00241-00054479-00054687 material on the floor of mar-a-lago he's VbnXoKTcSXY-00242-00054688-00054838 accusing the fbi VbnXoKTcSXY-00243-00054839-00055103 of being quote very deceiving cbs VbnXoKTcSXY-00244-00055104-00055271 justice correspondent jeff begayes is VbnXoKTcSXY-00245-00055272-00055535 here and jeff i mean taking evidence of VbnXoKTcSXY-00246-00055536-00055703 in a photo like that that's standard VbnXoKTcSXY-00247-00055704-00055959 procedure at the fbi is it not it is but VbnXoKTcSXY-00248-00055960-00056119 you know the department of justice they VbnXoKTcSXY-00249-00056120-00056359 knew that this photo would have an VbnXoKTcSXY-00250-00056360-00056559 impact i mean take a look at it you have VbnXoKTcSXY-00251-00056560-00056887 this evidence some of it most of it VbnXoKTcSXY-00252-00056888-00057150 marked top secret sprawled out on the VbnXoKTcSXY-00253-00057151-00057359 office floor of the former president at VbnXoKTcSXY-00254-00057360-00057582 mar-a-lago look at this ruler here VbnXoKTcSXY-00255-00057583-00057799 demonstrating the size of this document VbnXoKTcSXY-00256-00057800-00058094 and then the marker here an evidence VbnXoKTcSXY-00257-00058095-00058263 marker the kind of evidence market that VbnXoKTcSXY-00258-00058264-00058382 you might see VbnXoKTcSXY-00259-00058383-00058638 at a crime scene on a street somewhere VbnXoKTcSXY-00260-00058639-00058823 and cbs news has learned that there are VbnXoKTcSXY-00261-00058824-00059103 a lot of pictures similar to this one in VbnXoKTcSXY-00262-00059104-00059350 the investigative file one question is VbnXoKTcSXY-00263-00059351-00059575 were these documents mixed in with mr VbnXoKTcSXY-00264-00059576-00059854 trump's personal property in an effort VbnXoKTcSXY-00265-00059855-00060103 to conceal them sources tell me that the VbnXoKTcSXY-00266-00060104-00060311 department of justice believes the VbnXoKTcSXY-00267-00060312-00060535 former president and his representatives VbnXoKTcSXY-00268-00060536-00060726 have been less than truthful a law VbnXoKTcSXY-00269-00060727-00060894 enforcement source says VbnXoKTcSXY-00270-00060895-00061142 they have been lying to us when asked if VbnXoKTcSXY-00271-00061144-00061391 the filing yesterday fully showed the VbnXoKTcSXY-00272-00061391-00061559 government's evidence the answer was VbnXoKTcSXY-00273-00061560-00061647 clear VbnXoKTcSXY-00274-00061648-00061879 there's more to come norah department of VbnXoKTcSXY-00275-00061879-00062150 justice officials say that VbnXoKTcSXY-00276-00062151-00062503 they don't discuss ongoing cases but in VbnXoKTcSXY-00277-00062504-00062782 this case because the trump team asked VbnXoKTcSXY-00278-00062783-00063006 for a special master it really gave VbnXoKTcSXY-00279-00063007-00063238 prosecutors an opening to show off VbnXoKTcSXY-00280-00063239-00063391 evidence like that VbnXoKTcSXY-00281-00063391-00063542 very interesting jeff begaye thank you VbnXoKTcSXY-00282-00063544-00063647 so much VbnXoKTcSXY-00283-00063648-00063838 well now to jackson mississippi and the VbnXoKTcSXY-00284-00063839-00064087 latest details in the humanitarian water VbnXoKTcSXY-00285-00064088-00064399 crisis facing nearly 200 thousand people VbnXoKTcSXY-00286-00064400-00064542 president biden quickly approved an VbnXoKTcSXY-00287-00064544-00064719 emergency declaration and ordered VbnXoKTcSXY-00288-00064720-00064982 federal assistance for the state cbs's VbnXoKTcSXY-00289-00064983-00065319 janet chamblin reports again from there VbnXoKTcSXY-00290-00065320-00065519 tonight jackson's water crisis is VbnXoKTcSXY-00291-00065520-00065719 rippling through the economy VbnXoKTcSXY-00292-00065720-00065887 to stay open VbnXoKTcSXY-00293-00065888-00066055 you have to buy ice and buy water VbnXoKTcSXY-00294-00066056-00066279 there's no other way to do it bravo VbnXoKTcSXY-00295-00066280-00066438 restaurant manager tanya burns says VbnXoKTcSXY-00296-00066439-00066591 what's coming out of their tap is no VbnXoKTcSXY-00297-00066592-00066831 longer safe to cook with or drink which VbnXoKTcSXY-00298-00066832-00067015 making lake white chocolate sauce VbnXoKTcSXY-00299-00067016-00067182 how much business are you losing we're VbnXoKTcSXY-00300-00067183-00067399 losing between 10 and 20 percent is what VbnXoKTcSXY-00301-00067400-00067638 we've seen weekly since the boil water VbnXoKTcSXY-00302-00067639-00067887 notice started 35 days ago burns says VbnXoKTcSXY-00303-00067888-00068087 they've been able to stay open until VbnXoKTcSXY-00304-00068088-00068343 today we will not be open this next hour VbnXoKTcSXY-00305-00068344-00068471 and there's a good chance that we may VbnXoKTcSXY-00306-00068472-00068703 not be able to open today VbnXoKTcSXY-00307-00068704-00068975 go team VbnXoKTcSXY-00308-00068976-00069182 recent flooding contaminating city water VbnXoKTcSXY-00309-00069183-00069415 is just the latest problem in a system VbnXoKTcSXY-00310-00069416-00069655 broken for years the other day we VbnXoKTcSXY-00311-00069656-00069871 couldn't take showers because we didn't VbnXoKTcSXY-00312-00069872-00070111 have any water at all VbnXoKTcSXY-00313-00070112-00070319 tankers today distributed non-potable VbnXoKTcSXY-00314-00070320-00070582 water water safe to drink is harder to VbnXoKTcSXY-00315-00070583-00070687 come by VbnXoKTcSXY-00316-00070688-00070879 in some ways the water crisis in jackson VbnXoKTcSXY-00317-00070880-00071087 is a tale of two cities and these are VbnXoKTcSXY-00318-00071088-00071343 the families that feel left behind it's VbnXoKTcSXY-00319-00071344-00071415 just VbnXoKTcSXY-00320-00071416-00071526 unfair VbnXoKTcSXY-00321-00071527-00071791 you know to VbnXoKTcSXY-00322-00071792-00072055 this community jackson's population is VbnXoKTcSXY-00323-00072056-00072350 80 percent black 25 percent live in VbnXoKTcSXY-00324-00072351-00072606 poverty the city like many serving VbnXoKTcSXY-00325-00072607-00072871 minorities can't afford to fix this VbnXoKTcSXY-00326-00072872-00072975 alone VbnXoKTcSXY-00327-00072976-00073182 mississippi is slated to receive 75 VbnXoKTcSXY-00328-00073183-00073359 million dollars for water issues from VbnXoKTcSXY-00329-00073360-00073606 the recently passed infrastructure bill VbnXoKTcSXY-00330-00073607-00073903 but it could cost a billion dollars just VbnXoKTcSXY-00331-00073904-00074087 to fix jackson VbnXoKTcSXY-00332-00074088-00074262 ayanna smith says she never drinks VbnXoKTcSXY-00333-00074263-00074494 jackson's water even when it's VbnXoKTcSXY-00334-00074495-00074711 considered safe it's a problem that VbnXoKTcSXY-00335-00074712-00074879 needs to be fixed VbnXoKTcSXY-00336-00074880-00075119 because it's not just happening from all VbnXoKTcSXY-00337-00075120-00075582 the you know raining and stuff like this VbnXoKTcSXY-00338-00075583-00075719 this is one of the water giveaways VbnXoKTcSXY-00339-00075720-00075894 across jackson tonight fema and the VbnXoKTcSXY-00340-00075895-00076047 national guard contributing to the VbnXoKTcSXY-00341-00076048-00076223 effort to ease the long lines and get VbnXoKTcSXY-00342-00076224-00076455 more water to people the mayor has said VbnXoKTcSXY-00343-00076456-00076631 water pressure should begin to resume VbnXoKTcSXY-00344-00076632-00076791 tonight and there are plans for a new VbnXoKTcSXY-00345-00076792-00077038 pump to go in tomorrow but nora for the VbnXoKTcSXY-00346-00077039-00077294 people who live here that is a temporary VbnXoKTcSXY-00347-00077295-00077406 fix VbnXoKTcSXY-00348-00077407-00077591 really tough conditions VbnXoKTcSXY-00349-00077592-00077799 janet chamblin thank you VbnXoKTcSXY-00350-00077800-00078038 ahead of labor day hot weather is VbnXoKTcSXY-00351-00078039-00078223 beating the country tonight more than VbnXoKTcSXY-00352-00078224-00078455 100 schools across philadelphia were VbnXoKTcSXY-00353-00078456-00078638 forced to close early due to VbnXoKTcSXY-00354-00078639-00078855 insufficient or no air conditioning VbnXoKTcSXY-00355-00078856-00079038 students were let out after indoor VbnXoKTcSXY-00356-00079039-00079206 temperatures topped 90 degrees in some VbnXoKTcSXY-00357-00079207-00079455 classrooms it's especially hot out west VbnXoKTcSXY-00358-00079456-00079631 nearly 55 million people are under VbnXoKTcSXY-00359-00079632-00079862 excessive heat warnings and advisories VbnXoKTcSXY-00360-00079863-00080247 some areas expecting to top 110 degrees VbnXoKTcSXY-00361-00080248-00080382 let's bring in meteorologist chris VbnXoKTcSXY-00362-00080383-00080567 warren from our partners at the weather VbnXoKTcSXY-00363-00080568-00080775 channel good evening chris VbnXoKTcSXY-00364-00080776-00081038 good evening nora widespread dangerous VbnXoKTcSXY-00365-00081039-00081335 heat expected across a big portion of VbnXoKTcSXY-00366-00081336-00081591 the west under an area of high pressure VbnXoKTcSXY-00367-00081592-00081862 excessive heat warnings heat advisories VbnXoKTcSXY-00368-00081863-00082103 in effect not only will there be triple VbnXoKTcSXY-00369-00082104-00082335 digit heat some of the overnight lows VbnXoKTcSXY-00370-00082336-00082535 staying in the 80s this is some VbnXoKTcSXY-00371-00082536-00082703 dangerous heat with triple digits VbnXoKTcSXY-00372-00082704-00082935 expected even in los angeles usually VbnXoKTcSXY-00373-00082936-00083103 getting that cool water from the pacific VbnXoKTcSXY-00374-00083104-00083487 not this time 94 degrees tomorrow and in VbnXoKTcSXY-00375-00083488-00083823 the tropics still looking very active in VbnXoKTcSXY-00376-00083824-00084038 fact expecting development out of a VbnXoKTcSXY-00377-00084039-00084303 couple of areas of investigation an 80 VbnXoKTcSXY-00378-00084304-00084462 percent chance of development out of VbnXoKTcSXY-00379-00084463-00084775 this but for now no immediate threat to VbnXoKTcSXY-00380-00084776-00084903 land nora VbnXoKTcSXY-00381-00084904-00085079 chris warren thank you for that update VbnXoKTcSXY-00382-00085080-00085215 we want to turn now to the war in VbnXoKTcSXY-00383-00085216-00085479 ukraine and fears of a chernobyl style VbnXoKTcSXY-00384-00085480-00085703 disaster at europe's largest nuclear VbnXoKTcSXY-00385-00085704-00085926 power plant a team of inspectors hoped VbnXoKTcSXY-00386-00085927-00086087 to reach the embattled site in a matter VbnXoKTcSXY-00387-00086088-00086311 of hours on a mission to prevent a VbnXoKTcSXY-00388-00086312-00086631 nuclear catastrophe cbs's deborah patta VbnXoKTcSXY-00389-00086632-00086815 continues her reporting from inside VbnXoKTcSXY-00390-00086816-00087047 ukraine VbnXoKTcSXY-00391-00087048-00087231 the team arrived in ukrainian held VbnXoKTcSXY-00392-00087232-00087526 zaparisia today it's over 70 miles from VbnXoKTcSXY-00393-00087527-00087815 the nuclear power plant which is inside VbnXoKTcSXY-00394-00087816-00088087 russian occupied territory director VbnXoKTcSXY-00395-00088088-00088318 general rafael grossi plans to start the VbnXoKTcSXY-00396-00088319-00088543 inspection tomorrow my mission is a VbnXoKTcSXY-00397-00088544-00088767 technical mission is a mission that VbnXoKTcSXY-00398-00088768-00089103 seeks to prevent a nuclear accident the VbnXoKTcSXY-00399-00089104-00089350 facility and surrounding towns continue VbnXoKTcSXY-00400-00089351-00089606 to come under shelling with both sides VbnXoKTcSXY-00401-00089607-00089750 trading blame VbnXoKTcSXY-00402-00089751-00089967 even as inspectors left kibb this VbnXoKTcSXY-00403-00089968-00090223 morning ukraine accused russia of VbnXoKTcSXY-00404-00090224-00090423 hitting the town where the plant is VbnXoKTcSXY-00405-00090424-00090567 located VbnXoKTcSXY-00406-00090568-00090806 this is the first time the atomic energy VbnXoKTcSXY-00407-00090807-00091047 inspectors will be heading into a war VbnXoKTcSXY-00408-00091048-00091415 zone to investigate a nuclear plant VbnXoKTcSXY-00409-00091416-00091647 grassy wants to establish a permanent VbnXoKTcSXY-00410-00091648-00091879 presence but says this inspection will VbnXoKTcSXY-00411-00091880-00092159 last until the weekend however locally VbnXoKTcSXY-00412-00092160-00092399 installed russian authorities say they VbnXoKTcSXY-00413-00092400-00092726 must complete their work in just one day VbnXoKTcSXY-00414-00092727-00093143 deborah powder cbs news cave ukraine VbnXoKTcSXY-00415-00093144-00093271 now to an issue we've covered and VbnXoKTcSXY-00416-00093272-00093471 investigated the problem of sexual VbnXoKTcSXY-00417-00093472-00093671 assault in the military and tonight VbnXoKTcSXY-00418-00093672-00093823 they're disturbing new numbers from the VbnXoKTcSXY-00419-00093824-00094055 pentagon reports of sexual assaults VbnXoKTcSXY-00420-00094056-00094303 jumped by 13 percent last year with the VbnXoKTcSXY-00421-00094304-00094559 largest increases by far in the army VbnXoKTcSXY-00422-00094560-00094791 close to 36 000 service members said in VbnXoKTcSXY-00423-00094792-00094982 a confidential survey that they've VbnXoKTcSXY-00424-00094983-00095238 experienced unwanted sexual contact VbnXoKTcSXY-00425-00095239-00095399 that's a dramatic increase over the VbnXoKTcSXY-00426-00095400-00095759 roughly 20 000 who said that in 2018. VbnXoKTcSXY-00427-00095760-00095918 the navy is also dealing with the VbnXoKTcSXY-00428-00095919-00096111 fallout of a growing scandal that's VbnXoKTcSXY-00429-00096112-00096335 exposed a culture of abuse cheating and VbnXoKTcSXY-00430-00096336-00096574 drug use in its seal candidate program VbnXoKTcSXY-00431-00096575-00096806 the details were revealed after a 24 VbnXoKTcSXY-00432-00096807-00097006 year old former college football star VbnXoKTcSXY-00433-00097007-00097206 died during the grueling selection VbnXoKTcSXY-00434-00097207-00097479 process known as hell week cbs's david VbnXoKTcSXY-00435-00097480-00097782 martin spoke to his grieving mother VbnXoKTcSXY-00436-00097783-00098023 kyle mullen took this selfie just after VbnXoKTcSXY-00437-00098024-00098231 making it through the infamous hell week VbnXoKTcSXY-00438-00098232-00098494 of navy seal training it was a moment of VbnXoKTcSXY-00439-00098495-00098759 triumph but his mother regina talked to VbnXoKTcSXY-00440-00098760-00099006 him on the phone and knew something was VbnXoKTcSXY-00441-00099007-00099182 terribly wrong he could barely breathe VbnXoKTcSXY-00442-00099183-00099359 and i was yelling at him i asked him are VbnXoKTcSXY-00443-00099360-00099487 you in a hospital you're in pain you VbnXoKTcSXY-00444-00099488-00099679 have broken bones no ma don't worry i VbnXoKTcSXY-00445-00099680-00099911 love you she texted him i need to know VbnXoKTcSXY-00446-00099912-00100159 your condition you did not sound good he VbnXoKTcSXY-00447-00100160-00100367 died hours later laying on the barrel VbnXoKTcSXY-00448-00100368-00100615 floor the cause of death was pneumonia VbnXoKTcSXY-00449-00100616-00100815 which his mother says was the result of VbnXoKTcSXY-00450-00100816-00101031 submersion in the cold water off VbnXoKTcSXY-00451-00101032-00101215 southern california VbnXoKTcSXY-00452-00101216-00101415 but a search of a car he shared with VbnXoKTcSXY-00453-00101416-00101603 other trainees found VbnXoKTcSXY-00454-00101604-00101806 performance-enhancing drugs VbnXoKTcSXY-00455-00101807-00101999 which he had told her about he said it VbnXoKTcSXY-00456-00102000-00102343 would help them help them recover faster VbnXoKTcSXY-00457-00102344-00102527 and get them through hell week it was VbnXoKTcSXY-00458-00102528-00102727 the only only way possible to get VbnXoKTcSXY-00459-00102728-00102999 through 40 members of kyle mullins class VbnXoKTcSXY-00460-00103000-00103310 of 210 would-be seals admitted taking VbnXoKTcSXY-00461-00103311-00103494 banned substances VbnXoKTcSXY-00462-00103495-00103678 a warped testament to training which VbnXoKTcSXY-00463-00103679-00103918 pushes young men to their absolute VbnXoKTcSXY-00464-00103919-00104151 limits that first day of that training VbnXoKTcSXY-00465-00104152-00104382 he was not given water all day VbnXoKTcSXY-00466-00104383-00104582 at the end of the day he got heat stroke VbnXoKTcSXY-00467-00104583-00104878 of 104.3 was his core temperature VbnXoKTcSXY-00468-00104879-00105102 trainees can quit anytime they want but VbnXoKTcSXY-00469-00105103-00105278 mullen refused VbnXoKTcSXY-00470-00105279-00105519 i'm not going to die he wrote to himself VbnXoKTcSXY-00471-00105520-00105823 if i do i'd rather die here it's like a VbnXoKTcSXY-00472-00105824-00106023 sick hazing it's not training i believe VbnXoKTcSXY-00473-00106024-00106183 you need seals but not this type of VbnXoKTcSXY-00474-00106183-00106399 torture VbnXoKTcSXY-00475-00106400-00106599 as a result of kyle mullen's death the VbnXoKTcSXY-00476-00106600-00106839 seals are increasing both the number of VbnXoKTcSXY-00477-00106840-00107066 medical observers and testing for VbnXoKTcSXY-00478-00107067-00107271 performance-enhancing drugs VbnXoKTcSXY-00479-00107272-00107495 but they have not made any changes in VbnXoKTcSXY-00480-00107496-00107751 the training itself nora VbnXoKTcSXY-00481-00107752-00108031 david martin thank you well a VbnXoKTcSXY-00482-00108032-00108199 breakthrough technology is helping VbnXoKTcSXY-00483-00108200-00108486 people communicate by using their mind VbnXoKTcSXY-00484-00108488-00108847 that story in 60 seconds VbnXoKTcSXY-00485-00108848-00108966 for just a little bit more and get you VbnXoKTcSXY-00486-00108967-00109151 unlimited minutes data and text six VbnXoKTcSXY-00487-00109152-00109343 hotspots concert coupons cable VbnXoKTcSXY-00488-00109344-00109527 subscription dental cleanings we need VbnXoKTcSXY-00489-00109528-00109815 all that do we need all that VbnXoKTcSXY-00490-00109816-00110007 well i wouldn't think so VbnXoKTcSXY-00491-00110008-00110199 you should use consumer cellular they VbnXoKTcSXY-00492-00110200-00110358 have everything you need nothing you VbnXoKTcSXY-00493-00110359-00110558 don't i'll throw in this tiny little fan VbnXoKTcSXY-00494-00110559-00110783 car wash VbnXoKTcSXY-00495-00110783-00111039 light up soap dispenser i think you lost VbnXoKTcSXY-00496-00111040-00111215 get the exact same coverage as the VbnXoKTcSXY-00497-00111216-00111439 nation's leading carriers all the talk VbnXoKTcSXY-00498-00111440-00111639 text and data you need starting at VbnXoKTcSXY-00499-00111640-00111902 twenty dollars consumer cellular VbnXoKTcSXY-00500-00111903-00112151 okay everyone our mission is to provide VbnXoKTcSXY-00501-00112152-00112375 complete balanced nutrition for strength VbnXoKTcSXY-00502-00112376-00112566 and energy VbnXoKTcSXY-00503-00112567-00112766 ensure complete balance nutrition with VbnXoKTcSXY-00504-00112767-00112958 27 vitamins and minerals and ensure VbnXoKTcSXY-00505-00112959-00113149 complete with 30 grams of protein VbnXoKTcSXY-00506-00113150-00113415 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00507-00113416-00113639 allergy sufferers bedtime means it's VbnXoKTcSXY-00508-00113640-00113847 time to take zyzol zaisol relieves VbnXoKTcSXY-00509-00113848-00113983 allergies while you sleep so you wake VbnXoKTcSXY-00510-00113983-00114175 refreshed plus it works faster than VbnXoKTcSXY-00511-00114176-00114366 claritin and on first dose provides the VbnXoKTcSXY-00512-00114367-00114543 same relief for zyrtec in a pill nearly VbnXoKTcSXY-00513-00114544-00114823 half the size be wise all take zizol at VbnXoKTcSXY-00514-00114824-00115134 night VbnXoKTcSXY-00515-00115135-00115366 imagine being able to text or send email VbnXoKTcSXY-00516-00115367-00115615 using only your thoughts it's more than VbnXoKTcSXY-00517-00115616-00115799 just wishful thinking and it's opening VbnXoKTcSXY-00518-00115800-00116023 doors for potentially millions of people VbnXoKTcSXY-00519-00116024-00116302 suffering from severe paralysis cbs news VbnXoKTcSXY-00520-00116303-00116454 chief medical correspondent dr john VbnXoKTcSXY-00521-00116455-00116831 lepuc has tonight's american innovation VbnXoKTcSXY-00522-00116832-00117047 at his home in melbourne australia VbnXoKTcSXY-00523-00117048-00117286 62-year-old philip o'keefe struggles to VbnXoKTcSXY-00524-00117288-00117502 do the simple things many of us take for VbnXoKTcSXY-00525-00117503-00117983 granted getting dressed washing myself VbnXoKTcSXY-00526-00117983-00118158 feeding myself VbnXoKTcSXY-00527-00118159-00118407 als took away his ability to control his VbnXoKTcSXY-00528-00118408-00118623 hands and body when you heard that there VbnXoKTcSXY-00529-00118624-00118807 was a device that could use your VbnXoKTcSXY-00530-00118808-00119047 thoughts to operate a mouse VbnXoKTcSXY-00531-00119048-00119286 what did you think i thought VbnXoKTcSXY-00532-00119288-00119534 this is science fiction type stuff but VbnXoKTcSXY-00533-00119535-00119710 it's not the realm of science fiction VbnXoKTcSXY-00534-00119711-00120063 anymore in april of 2020 o'keefe became VbnXoKTcSXY-00535-00120064-00120254 one of the first patients to receive a VbnXoKTcSXY-00536-00120255-00120471 stentrode brain computer interface VbnXoKTcSXY-00537-00120472-00120654 implant that's the device that goes VbnXoKTcSXY-00538-00120655-00120919 inside the blood vessel dr tom oxley is VbnXoKTcSXY-00539-00120920-00121183 ceo of new york city based synchron VbnXoKTcSXY-00540-00121183-00121399 we've figured out how to deliver the VbnXoKTcSXY-00541-00121400-00121590 sensors into the brain without open VbnXoKTcSXY-00542-00121591-00121799 brain surgery inserted through the VbnXoKTcSXY-00543-00121800-00122054 jugular vein the device is implanted in VbnXoKTcSXY-00544-00122055-00122239 the area of the brain that controls VbnXoKTcSXY-00545-00122240-00122486 movement signals captured by a receiver VbnXoKTcSXY-00546-00122488-00122702 in the chest are sent wirelessly to a VbnXoKTcSXY-00547-00122703-00122934 device that decodes thoughts into VbnXoKTcSXY-00548-00122935-00123158 commands for a digital device the VbnXoKTcSXY-00549-00123159-00123334 clinical study that we're running is VbnXoKTcSXY-00550-00123335-00123590 purely for digital device control for VbnXoKTcSXY-00551-00123591-00123839 people whose hands no longer control VbnXoKTcSXY-00552-00123840-00124007 digital devices VbnXoKTcSXY-00553-00124008-00124223 o'keefe demonstrated his computer skills VbnXoKTcSXY-00554-00124224-00124463 by writing me this note his thoughts VbnXoKTcSXY-00555-00124464-00124702 focused on a mouse clicking letter by VbnXoKTcSXY-00556-00124703-00125023 letter i can sort my emails VbnXoKTcSXY-00557-00125024-00125166 i can VbnXoKTcSXY-00558-00125167-00125302 surf the web VbnXoKTcSXY-00559-00125303-00125534 clinical trials are continuing and so VbnXoKTcSXY-00560-00125535-00125751 far five people have received the VbnXoKTcSXY-00561-00125752-00126007 implant including one in new york city VbnXoKTcSXY-00562-00126008-00126334 this gave me a reason to keep on living VbnXoKTcSXY-00563-00126335-00126534 and it's just been VbnXoKTcSXY-00564-00126535-00126743 the most exciting VbnXoKTcSXY-00565-00126744-00126999 two years of my life VbnXoKTcSXY-00566-00127000-00127239 and that to philip o'keefe is VbnXoKTcSXY-00567-00127240-00127583 mind-boggling dr john lepux cbs news new VbnXoKTcSXY-00568-00127583-00127734 york VbnXoKTcSXY-00569-00127735-00127999 and encouraging for so many still ahead VbnXoKTcSXY-00570-00128000-00128175 prayers for the safe return of a VbnXoKTcSXY-00571-00128176-00128663 kidnapped american nun are answered VbnXoKTcSXY-00572-00128664-00128927 purina one has the inside story on your VbnXoKTcSXY-00573-00128928-00129183 pet's health it starts inside the gut VbnXoKTcSXY-00574-00129183-00129486 with purina one with microbiome balance VbnXoKTcSXY-00575-00129488-00129695 natural prebiotic nutrition promoting VbnXoKTcSXY-00576-00129696-00129966 gut health and immune support purina one VbnXoKTcSXY-00577-00129967-00130239 with microbiome balance VbnXoKTcSXY-00578-00130240-00130486 so you're 45 that's the perfect age to VbnXoKTcSXY-00579-00130488-00130710 see some old friends explore new worlds VbnXoKTcSXY-00580-00130711-00130927 and to start screening for colon cancer VbnXoKTcSXY-00581-00130928-00131127 yep with colon cancer rising in adults VbnXoKTcSXY-00582-00131128-00131327 under 50 the american cancer society VbnXoKTcSXY-00583-00131328-00131478 recommends starting the screen earlier VbnXoKTcSXY-00584-00131479-00131775 at age 45. i'm cola guard a non-invasive VbnXoKTcSXY-00585-00131776-00131951 way to screen at home on your schedule VbnXoKTcSXY-00586-00131952-00132239 and i find 92 of colon cancers i'm for VbnXoKTcSXY-00587-00132240-00132463 people 45 plus at average risk for colon VbnXoKTcSXY-00588-00132464-00132727 cancer not high risk false positive and VbnXoKTcSXY-00589-00132728-00132935 negative results may occur ask your VbnXoKTcSXY-00590-00132936-00133223 provider if cola guard is right for you VbnXoKTcSXY-00591-00133224-00133439 since my mother got cancer from smoking VbnXoKTcSXY-00592-00133440-00133614 i've learned a lot of things VbnXoKTcSXY-00593-00133615-00133831 like how to help her out of bed how to VbnXoKTcSXY-00594-00133832-00134047 keep track of her medication and how to VbnXoKTcSXY-00595-00134048-00134254 keep her spirits up the people you love VbnXoKTcSXY-00596-00134255-00134431 are worth quitting for you can quit call VbnXoKTcSXY-00597-00134432-00134607 1-800 quit now for help getting free VbnXoKTcSXY-00598-00134608-00134847 medication i typed in grandma's name and VbnXoKTcSXY-00599-00134848-00135039 birth year VbnXoKTcSXY-00600-00135040-00135207 and there she was VbnXoKTcSXY-00601-00135208-00135551 working at the five and dime VbnXoKTcSXY-00602-00135552-00135678 my dad's been wondering about his VbnXoKTcSXY-00603-00135679-00135966 childhood address for 70 years VbnXoKTcSXY-00604-00135967-00136247 and i found it in five minutes VbnXoKTcSXY-00605-00136248-00136454 that little leaf helped me learn all the VbnXoKTcSXY-00606-00136455-00136639 names from the old neighborhood VbnXoKTcSXY-00607-00136640-00136887 it felt like a treasure hunt VbnXoKTcSXY-00608-00136888-00137190 the 1950 census adds vivid new detail to VbnXoKTcSXY-00609-00137191-00137447 your family story and it's available now VbnXoKTcSXY-00610-00137448-00137766 on ancestry VbnXoKTcSXY-00611-00137767-00137983 with thyroid eye disease i was always VbnXoKTcSXY-00612-00137984-00138183 wearing sunglasses to hide my bulging VbnXoKTcSXY-00613-00138184-00138335 eyes VbnXoKTcSXY-00614-00138336-00138590 i wear them just about everywhere VbnXoKTcSXY-00615-00138591-00138839 but then my doctor recommended tepesa a VbnXoKTcSXY-00616-00138840-00139007 prescription medicine for thyroid eye VbnXoKTcSXY-00617-00139008-00139183 disease and i didn't have to hide so VbnXoKTcSXY-00618-00139184-00139439 much in a clinical study more than eight VbnXoKTcSXY-00619-00139440-00139654 out of ten patients taking topeza had VbnXoKTcSXY-00620-00139655-00139814 less eye bulging VbnXoKTcSXY-00621-00139815-00139966 and nearly seven out of ten saw VbnXoKTcSXY-00622-00139967-00140239 improvements in double vision tepesa is VbnXoKTcSXY-00623-00140240-00140414 an infused medicine patients taking VbnXoKTcSXY-00624-00140415-00140575 teppeza may experience infusion VbnXoKTcSXY-00625-00140576-00140790 reactions tell your doctor right away if VbnXoKTcSXY-00626-00140791-00140911 you have symptoms such as high blood VbnXoKTcSXY-00627-00140912-00141071 pressure fast heartbeat shortness of VbnXoKTcSXY-00628-00141072-00141263 breath or muscle pain before receiving VbnXoKTcSXY-00629-00141264-00141399 tepeza tell your doctor if you have VbnXoKTcSXY-00630-00141400-00141607 diabetes inflammatory bowel disease or VbnXoKTcSXY-00631-00141608-00141790 ibd or are pregnant or planning to VbnXoKTcSXY-00632-00141791-00141975 become pregnant tepesa may raise your VbnXoKTcSXY-00633-00141976-00142119 blood sugar even if you do not have VbnXoKTcSXY-00634-00142120-00142319 diabetes and may worsen ibd such as VbnXoKTcSXY-00635-00142320-00142559 crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis VbnXoKTcSXY-00636-00142560-00142783 i look more like my old self again now i VbnXoKTcSXY-00637-00142784-00143007 wear sunglasses because i want to ask VbnXoKTcSXY-00638-00143008-00143214 your doctor if topeza is right for you VbnXoKTcSXY-00639-00143215-00143478 and visit mytopeza.com to see genie's VbnXoKTcSXY-00640-00143479-00143935 before and after photos VbnXoKTcSXY-00641-00143936-00144102 tonight new coveted booster shots that VbnXoKTcSXY-00642-00144103-00144295 target the omicron variants could be VbnXoKTcSXY-00643-00144296-00144439 available within days VbnXoKTcSXY-00644-00144440-00144623 the fda today authorized the updated VbnXoKTcSXY-00645-00144624-00144863 boosters made by pfizer and moderna now VbnXoKTcSXY-00646-00144864-00145111 the cdc has to recommend who should get VbnXoKTcSXY-00647-00145112-00145278 the additional shot VbnXoKTcSXY-00648-00145279-00145447 new gun laws go into effect in new york VbnXoKTcSXY-00649-00145448-00145654 city thursday making the popular times VbnXoKTcSXY-00650-00145655-00145911 square area a gun free zone that VbnXoKTcSXY-00651-00145912-00146095 includes much of the broadway theater VbnXoKTcSXY-00652-00146096-00146319 district and bars the move follows the VbnXoKTcSXY-00653-00146320-00146471 supreme court ruling that struck down VbnXoKTcSXY-00654-00146472-00146751 new york state's concealed carry law VbnXoKTcSXY-00655-00146752-00146990 raising concerns about more guns in VbnXoKTcSXY-00656-00146991-00147143 manhattan VbnXoKTcSXY-00657-00147144-00147359 tonight an 83-year-old nun from VbnXoKTcSXY-00658-00147360-00147663 louisiana is in u.s custody nearly five VbnXoKTcSXY-00659-00147664-00147878 months after she was abducted from her VbnXoKTcSXY-00660-00147879-00148054 bed in west africa VbnXoKTcSXY-00661-00148055-00148287 sister sue ellen tennyson was kidnapped VbnXoKTcSXY-00662-00148288-00148495 in april amid escalating violence and VbnXoKTcSXY-00663-00148496-00148807 jihadi attacks in burkina faso details VbnXoKTcSXY-00664-00148808-00149078 of her release are not known VbnXoKTcSXY-00665-00149079-00149319 well coming up next a shipment labeled VbnXoKTcSXY-00666-00149320-00149614 baby wipes turns out to be a colossal VbnXoKTcSXY-00667-00149615-00149925 stack of cocaine VbnXoKTcSXY-00668-00149926-00150102 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00669-00150103-00150343 type 2 diabetes discover the power of VbnXoKTcSXY-00670-00150344-00150626 three in the olympic tri zone VbnXoKTcSXY-00671-00150627-00150847 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00672-00150848-00151175 in my ozempic trizone i lowered my a1c VbnXoKTcSXY-00673-00151176-00151439 cv risk and lost some weight VbnXoKTcSXY-00674-00151440-00151759 ozempic provides powerful a1c reduction VbnXoKTcSXY-00675-00151760-00151911 in studies the majority of people VbnXoKTcSXY-00676-00151912-00152199 reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it VbnXoKTcSXY-00677-00152200-00152359 ozempic lowers the risk of major VbnXoKTcSXY-00678-00152360-00152551 cardiovascular events such as stroke VbnXoKTcSXY-00679-00152552-00152726 heart attack or death in adults also VbnXoKTcSXY-00680-00152727-00152902 with known heart disease and you may VbnXoKTcSXY-00681-00152903-00153302 lose weight adults lost up to 14 pounds VbnXoKTcSXY-00682-00153303-00153495 ozempic isn't for people with type 1 VbnXoKTcSXY-00683-00153496-00153719 diabetes don't share needles or pens or VbnXoKTcSXY-00684-00153720-00153935 reuse needles don't take ozempic if you VbnXoKTcSXY-00685-00153936-00154078 or your family ever had medullary VbnXoKTcSXY-00686-00154079-00154223 thyroid cancer or have multiple VbnXoKTcSXY-00687-00154224-00154431 endocrinoplasia syndrome type 2 or if VbnXoKTcSXY-00688-00154432-00154607 allergic to it stoppo zompick can get VbnXoKTcSXY-00689-00154608-00154735 medical help right away if you get a VbnXoKTcSXY-00690-00154736-00154878 lump or swelling in your neck severe VbnXoKTcSXY-00691-00154879-00155071 stomach pain or an allergic reaction VbnXoKTcSXY-00692-00155072-00155199 serious side effects may include VbnXoKTcSXY-00693-00155200-00155375 pancreatitis gallbladder problems may VbnXoKTcSXY-00694-00155376-00155519 occur tell your provider about vision VbnXoKTcSXY-00695-00155520-00155711 problems or changes taking ozempic with VbnXoKTcSXY-00696-00155712-00155878 the sophomore urea or insulin may VbnXoKTcSXY-00697-00155879-00156023 increase low blood sugar risk side VbnXoKTcSXY-00698-00156024-00156159 effects like nausea vomiting and VbnXoKTcSXY-00699-00156160-00156343 diarrhea may lead to dehydration which VbnXoKTcSXY-00700-00156344-00156519 may worsen kidney problems join the VbnXoKTcSXY-00701-00156520-00156783 millions already taking ozempic ask your VbnXoKTcSXY-00702-00156784-00156951 healthcare provider about the olympic VbnXoKTcSXY-00703-00156952-00157231 tri-zone VbnXoKTcSXY-00704-00157232-00157431 you may pay as little as 25 for a VbnXoKTcSXY-00705-00157432-00157590 three-month prescription VbnXoKTcSXY-00706-00157591-00157702 so VbnXoKTcSXY-00707-00157703-00157926 you're at the age now where you may VbnXoKTcSXY-00708-00157927-00158326 start feeling certain urges VbnXoKTcSXY-00709-00158327-00158551 to buy things at full price VbnXoKTcSXY-00710-00158552-00158783 you ride my diary but honey you should VbnXoKTcSXY-00711-00158784-00158959 really think about practicing safe VbnXoKTcSXY-00712-00158960-00159287 spending with amazon you get low prices VbnXoKTcSXY-00713-00159288-00159511 on everyday essentials plus free VbnXoKTcSXY-00714-00159512-00159766 shipping on millions of items do you VbnXoKTcSXY-00715-00159767-00159919 have any questions VbnXoKTcSXY-00716-00159920-00160190 what is bang for your buck VbnXoKTcSXY-00717-00160191-00160457 learn all the ways to save with amazon VbnXoKTcSXY-00718-00160458-00160607 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00719-00160608-00160871 for copd ask your doctor about breast VbnXoKTcSXY-00720-00160872-00161007 tree VbnXoKTcSXY-00721-00161008-00161190 breast tree gives you better breathing VbnXoKTcSXY-00722-00161191-00161390 symptom improvement and helps prevent VbnXoKTcSXY-00723-00161391-00161575 flare-ups breastfeed won't replace a VbnXoKTcSXY-00724-00161576-00161711 rescue inhaler for sudden breathing VbnXoKTcSXY-00725-00161712-00161887 problems it is not for asthma tell your VbnXoKTcSXY-00726-00161888-00162014 doctor if you have a heart condition or VbnXoKTcSXY-00727-00162015-00162159 high blood pressure before taking it VbnXoKTcSXY-00728-00162160-00162263 don't take breast treat more than VbnXoKTcSXY-00729-00162264-00162423 prescribed breast-free may increase your VbnXoKTcSXY-00730-00162424-00162559 risk of thrush pneumonia and VbnXoKTcSXY-00731-00162560-00162726 osteoporosis call your doctor if VbnXoKTcSXY-00732-00162727-00162919 worsened breathing chest pain mouth or VbnXoKTcSXY-00733-00162920-00163087 tongue swelling problems urinating VbnXoKTcSXY-00734-00163088-00163287 vision changes or eye pain occur if you VbnXoKTcSXY-00735-00163288-00163526 have copd ask your doctor about breast VbnXoKTcSXY-00736-00163527-00163639 tree VbnXoKTcSXY-00737-00163640-00163935 for kids the world is one big adventure VbnXoKTcSXY-00738-00163936-00164126 to keep them healthy and safe no matter VbnXoKTcSXY-00739-00164127-00164375 where they go we recommend having them VbnXoKTcSXY-00740-00164376-00164647 vaccinated against kova 19. VbnXoKTcSXY-00741-00164648-00164959 vaccines save lives and they are the VbnXoKTcSXY-00742-00164960-00165311 best defense against the virus and now VbnXoKTcSXY-00743-00165312-00165526 vaccines are available for children VbnXoKTcSXY-00744-00165527-00165751 under the age of five VbnXoKTcSXY-00745-00165752-00165966 talk to your pediatrician about the best VbnXoKTcSXY-00746-00165967-00166243 vaccine for your little adventurer VbnXoKTcSXY-00747-00166244-00166711 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00748-00166712-00166951 i'm mary calvi coming up the woman who VbnXoKTcSXY-00749-00166952-00167214 found herself trapped upside down at the VbnXoKTcSXY-00750-00167215-00167431 gym on a piece of equipment inside VbnXoKTcSXY-00751-00167432-00167895 edition next on your cbs station VbnXoKTcSXY-00752-00167896-00168063 border officials in texas are reporting VbnXoKTcSXY-00753-00168064-00168319 their largest cocaine bust in 20 years VbnXoKTcSXY-00754-00168320-00168575 nearly 2 000 packages of cocaine with a VbnXoKTcSXY-00755-00168576-00168759 street value of almost 12 million VbnXoKTcSXY-00756-00168760-00168975 dollars were seized last week smugglers VbnXoKTcSXY-00757-00168976-00169199 labeled the shipment baby wipes but that VbnXoKTcSXY-00758-00169200-00169454 didn't fool the drug sniffing dogs VbnXoKTcSXY-00759-00169455-00169687 today marks 25 years since the tragic VbnXoKTcSXY-00760-00169688-00169919 death of princess diana visitors paid VbnXoKTcSXY-00761-00169920-00170095 their respects at kensington palace VbnXoKTcSXY-00762-00170096-00170335 placing flowers photos artwork and other VbnXoKTcSXY-00763-00170336-00170551 tributes the beloved people's princess VbnXoKTcSXY-00764-00170552-00170751 died in a car crash in paris while VbnXoKTcSXY-00765-00170752-00170983 trying to escape the paparazzi the royal VbnXoKTcSXY-00766-00170984-00171231 family marked the sad anniversary in VbnXoKTcSXY-00767-00171232-00171335 private VbnXoKTcSXY-00768-00171336-00171735 and we will be right back VbnXoKTcSXY-00769-00171736-00171895 why hide your skin VbnXoKTcSXY-00770-00171896-00172095 if dupixin has your moderate to severe VbnXoKTcSXY-00771-00172096-00172319 eczema or atopic dermatitis under VbnXoKTcSXY-00772-00172320-00172623 control hide my skin not me by hitting VbnXoKTcSXY-00773-00172624-00172847 eczema where it counts dupixent helps VbnXoKTcSXY-00774-00172848-00173095 heal your skin from within keeping you VbnXoKTcSXY-00775-00173096-00173335 one step ahead of eczema VbnXoKTcSXY-00776-00173336-00173511 hide my skin VbnXoKTcSXY-00777-00173512-00173799 not me and that means long-lasting VbnXoKTcSXY-00778-00173800-00174047 clearer skin and fast it's relief for VbnXoKTcSXY-00779-00174048-00174151 adults VbnXoKTcSXY-00780-00174152-00174407 with dupixin you can show more skin with VbnXoKTcSXY-00781-00174408-00174783 less eczema hide my skin not me VbnXoKTcSXY-00782-00174784-00174990 serious allergic reactions can occur VbnXoKTcSXY-00783-00174991-00175190 that can be severe tell your doctor VbnXoKTcSXY-00784-00175191-00175399 about new or worsening eye problems such VbnXoKTcSXY-00785-00175400-00175647 as eye pain or vision changes including VbnXoKTcSXY-00786-00175648-00175878 blurred vision joint aches and pain or a VbnXoKTcSXY-00787-00175879-00176159 parasitic infection don't change or stop VbnXoKTcSXY-00788-00176160-00176326 asthma medicines without talking to your VbnXoKTcSXY-00789-00176327-00176447 doctor VbnXoKTcSXY-00790-00176448-00176654 when you help heal your skin from within VbnXoKTcSXY-00791-00176655-00176871 you can change how your skin looks and VbnXoKTcSXY-00792-00176872-00177071 feels and that's the kind of change you VbnXoKTcSXY-00793-00177072-00177287 notice talk to your eczema specialist VbnXoKTcSXY-00794-00177288-00177543 about dupixin a breakthrough eczema VbnXoKTcSXY-00795-00177544-00177735 treatment VbnXoKTcSXY-00796-00177736-00177902 you've been getting a lot of calls like VbnXoKTcSXY-00797-00177903-00178231 this lately VbnXoKTcSXY-00798-00178232-00178399 the zebra compares the top insurance VbnXoKTcSXY-00799-00178400-00178654 companies so you could save over 900 on VbnXoKTcSXY-00800-00178655-00178919 car and home insurance VbnXoKTcSXY-00801-00178920-00179229 compare and save today at the zebra.com VbnXoKTcSXY-00802-00179230-00179282 [Music] VbnXoKTcSXY-00803-00179283-00179631 [Applause] VbnXoKTcSXY-00804-00179632-00179799 claritin provides non-drowsy symptom VbnXoKTcSXY-00805-00179800-00180023 relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor VbnXoKTcSXY-00806-00180024-00180254 allergens day after day feel the clarity VbnXoKTcSXY-00807-00180255-00180438 and make today the most wonderful time VbnXoKTcSXY-00808-00180439-00180735 of the year live claritin clear i VbnXoKTcSXY-00809-00180736-00180975 occasionally get bladder leaks i tried VbnXoKTcSXY-00810-00180976-00181247 always discreet underwear it absorbs an VbnXoKTcSXY-00811-00181248-00181487 entire glass of water they fit like a VbnXoKTcSXY-00812-00181488-00181799 glove it just felt like real underwear VbnXoKTcSXY-00813-00181800-00181975 game changer VbnXoKTcSXY-00814-00181976-00182271 it's the protection we deserve after VbnXoKTcSXY-00815-00182272-00182519 trying lots of things to manage her ibsc VbnXoKTcSXY-00816-00182520-00182726 things changed for jill when her doctor VbnXoKTcSXY-00817-00182727-00182871 recommended treating it with a once VbnXoKTcSXY-00818-00182872-00183071 daily pill and that's when she said yes VbnXoKTcSXY-00819-00183072-00183311 to adding linseeds linses is not a VbnXoKTcSXY-00820-00183312-00183487 laxative it helps you have more frequent VbnXoKTcSXY-00821-00183488-00183638 and complete bowel movements and is VbnXoKTcSXY-00822-00183639-00183814 proven to help relieve overall abdominal VbnXoKTcSXY-00823-00183815-00183990 symptoms belly pain discomfort and VbnXoKTcSXY-00824-00183991-00184175 bloating do not give linzess to children VbnXoKTcSXY-00825-00184176-00184366 less than two it may harm them do not VbnXoKTcSXY-00826-00184367-00184487 take linzess if you have a bowel VbnXoKTcSXY-00827-00184488-00184654 blockage get immediate help if you VbnXoKTcSXY-00828-00184655-00184854 develop unusual or severe stomach pain VbnXoKTcSXY-00829-00184855-00185014 especially with bloodier black stools VbnXoKTcSXY-00830-00185015-00185183 the most common side effect is diarrhea VbnXoKTcSXY-00831-00185184-00185366 sometimes severe if it's severe stop VbnXoKTcSXY-00832-00185367-00185502 taking linzess and call your doctor VbnXoKTcSXY-00833-00185503-00185663 right away other side effects include VbnXoKTcSXY-00834-00185664-00185887 gas stomach area pain and swelling could VbnXoKTcSXY-00835-00185888-00186143 your story also be about ivsc talk to VbnXoKTcSXY-00836-00186144-00186390 your doctor and say yes to linzess learn VbnXoKTcSXY-00837-00186391-00186550 how abbvie and ironwood could help you VbnXoKTcSXY-00838-00186551-00187038 save on lin's s VbnXoKTcSXY-00839-00187039-00187223 finally tonight in the city of brotherly VbnXoKTcSXY-00840-00187224-00187447 love there is growing affection for an VbnXoKTcSXY-00841-00187448-00187735 unlikely sport polo here's cbs's anne VbnXoKTcSXY-00842-00187736-00187966 marie green VbnXoKTcSXY-00843-00187967-00188175 not far from some of philadelphia's VbnXoKTcSXY-00844-00188176-00188366 toughest neighborhoods it's a little VbnXoKTcSXY-00845-00188367-00188575 patch of heaven polo champion kareem VbnXoKTcSXY-00846-00188576-00188783 rosser learned to play the sport as a VbnXoKTcSXY-00847-00188784-00189047 child at the chamonix equestrian center VbnXoKTcSXY-00848-00189048-00189190 i'm from a place in philadelphia it's VbnXoKTcSXY-00849-00189191-00189423 called the bottom you know it's probably VbnXoKTcSXY-00850-00189424-00189590 one of the worst parts of the city the VbnXoKTcSXY-00851-00189591-00189838 work to write program here took rosser VbnXoKTcSXY-00852-00189839-00190071 from the bottom well to the top being VbnXoKTcSXY-00853-00190072-00190311 able to go to military school and go to VbnXoKTcSXY-00854-00190312-00190502 college and play polo at the highest VbnXoKTcSXY-00855-00190503-00190647 level in the number of ways that VbnXoKTcSXY-00856-00190648-00190814 probably saved me from you know ending VbnXoKTcSXY-00857-00190815-00191007 up dead in the streets in philadelphia VbnXoKTcSXY-00858-00191008-00191223 at shamany children learn the sport of VbnXoKTcSXY-00859-00191224-00191399 kings but those in the work to write VbnXoKTcSXY-00860-00191400-00191638 program don't need a king's ransom in VbnXoKTcSXY-00861-00191639-00191807 exchange for rigorous work at the VbnXoKTcSXY-00862-00191808-00192038 stables they get lessons for free VbnXoKTcSXY-00863-00192039-00192231 i fell off a few times i guess that just VbnXoKTcSXY-00864-00192232-00192407 kind of boost my confidence falling off VbnXoKTcSXY-00865-00192408-00192559 boosted your confidence i don't know i VbnXoKTcSXY-00866-00192560-00192711 guess because i fell off like a lot of VbnXoKTcSXY-00867-00192712-00192878 times it kind of just like made me VbnXoKTcSXY-00868-00192879-00193143 braver seventeen-year-old alyssa perrin VbnXoKTcSXY-00869-00193144-00193359 is preparing for the city's first ever VbnXoKTcSXY-00870-00193360-00193590 polo classic next month matches VbnXoKTcSXY-00871-00193591-00193807 organized by work to ride do you hope it VbnXoKTcSXY-00872-00193808-00194014 inspires a few people i really really VbnXoKTcSXY-00873-00194015-00194119 hope that there are little boys and VbnXoKTcSXY-00874-00194120-00194263 girls in the crowd that look just like VbnXoKTcSXY-00875-00194264-00194447 us that are just like VbnXoKTcSXY-00876-00194448-00194683 i can do this VbnXoKTcSXY-00877-00194684-00194950 nice because she's learned some of the VbnXoKTcSXY-00878-00194951-00195199 most important goals are scored off the VbnXoKTcSXY-00879-00195200-00195478 field anne-marie green cbs news VbnXoKTcSXY-00880-00195479-00195671 philadelphia VbnXoKTcSXY-00881-00195672-00195838 what a great program and that is VbnXoKTcSXY-00882-00195839-00195999 tonight's cbs evening news i'm nora VbnXoKTcSXY-00883-00196000-00196214 o'donnell here in our nation's capital VbnXoKTcSXY-00884-00196215-00196943 good night VbnXoKTcSXY-00885-00196944-00197054 let me tell you something about the VbnXoKTcSXY-00886-00197055-00197326 tri-state area we have it all food VbnXoKTcSXY-00887-00197327-00197631 culture business the most unique people VbnXoKTcSXY-00888-00197632-00197878 on the planet diverse neighborhoods have VbnXoKTcSXY-00889-00197879-00198183 diverse needs what happens here is just VbnXoKTcSXY-00890-00198184-00198423 as vital as what happens here that's why VbnXoKTcSXY-00891-00198424-00198663 we live in the communities we serve VbnXoKTcSXY-00892-00198664-00198911 reporting for the communities we serve VbnXoKTcSXY-00893-00198912-00199095 so when big things happen you get the VbnXoKTcSXY-00894-00199096-00199343 answers you need now we know this VbnXoKTcSXY-00895-00199344-00199519 because we we VbnXoKTcSXY-00896-00199520-00199831 we we live here too on your corner in VbnXoKTcSXY-00897-00199832-00200031 your corner VbnXoKTcSXY-00898-00200032-00200263 it's time to amp up the fun at your VbnXoKTcSXY-00899-00200264-00200511 local ford dealer during the final days VbnXoKTcSXY-00900-00200512-00200759 of the summer supercharged sales event VbnXoKTcSXY-00901-00200760-00200926 you still have time to lock in your VbnXoKTcSXY-00902-00200927-00201126 order on select ford vehicles and we'll VbnXoKTcSXY-00903-00201127-00201343 lock in your rate even if rates go up VbnXoKTcSXY-00904-00201344-00201487 before your order comes in you're VbnXoKTcSXY-00905-00201488-00201719 protected so stop by your ford dealer VbnXoKTcSXY-00906-00201720-00202039 today during the final VbrxbB9geyU-00000-00000454-00000999 my work stems from a very personal space VbrxbB9geyU-00001-00001000-00001339 it's about my experience of being a VbrxbB9geyU-00002-00001340-00001824 woman in a very patriarchal society I am VbrxbB9geyU-00003-00001825-00002058 trying to question what is what does it VbrxbB9geyU-00004-00002059-00002358 mean to be a woman I'm trying to look at VbrxbB9geyU-00005-00002359-00002673 ideas of menstruation body beauty age VbrxbB9geyU-00006-00002674-00003079 marriage so I'm trying to question these VbrxbB9geyU-00007-00003080-00003382 things using the color red which is VbrxbB9geyU-00008-00003383-00003747 which primarily is color of sexuality VbrxbB9geyU-00009-00003748-00004122 fertility and also in Nepal it's related VbrxbB9geyU-00010-00004123-00004432 to marriage it's about love the color VbrxbB9geyU-00011-00004433-00004704 color red so the idea of the exhibition VbrxbB9geyU-00012-00004705-00004911 was to take it out in a public and not VbrxbB9geyU-00013-00004912-00005185 to you know in a closed space so when we VbrxbB9geyU-00014-00005186-00005343 were trying to look at different species VbrxbB9geyU-00015-00005344-00005592 and what were the spaces that that way VbrxbB9geyU-00016-00005593-00005925 of available to us and when we found a VbrxbB9geyU-00017-00005926-00006163 place it was it was a courtyard with VbrxbB9geyU-00018-00006164-00006528 temple and and and various pieces inside VbrxbB9geyU-00019-00006529-00006691 as well so we thought it'd be VbrxbB9geyU-00020-00006692-00006927 interesting to use inside and outside VbrxbB9geyU-00021-00006928-00007206 and a little sensitive topic we're VbrxbB9geyU-00022-00007207-00007563 looking at menstruation and the people VbrxbB9geyU-00023-00007564-00007746 in the community were very little VbrxbB9geyU-00024-00007747-00007977 worried to put photos like that outside VbrxbB9geyU-00025-00007978-00008331 so for that we chose a place which is VbrxbB9geyU-00026-00008332-00008662 inside the same space but it's still VbrxbB9geyU-00027-00008663-00009013 next to a temple so for me that was a VbrxbB9geyU-00028-00009014-00009337 step further into creating a VbrxbB9geyU-00029-00009338-00009777 conversation around the issue and so VbrxbB9geyU-00030-00009778-00009988 that was set up as a projection and not VbrxbB9geyU-00031-00009989-00010281 as a print and then there's another VbrxbB9geyU-00032-00010282-00010666 layer which is which looks at my VbrxbB9geyU-00033-00010667-00010824 relationship with my mother where she's VbrxbB9geyU-00034-00010825-00011106 written a letter to me so that we VbrxbB9geyU-00035-00011107-00011298 thought of playing it in a loop where VbrxbB9geyU-00036-00011299-00011587 I'm reading it and at the same time her VbrxbB9geyU-00037-00011588-00011763 photos and my photos with her is VbrxbB9geyU-00038-00011764-00012094 constantly in the background so even for VbrxbB9geyU-00039-00012095-00012399 that we felt it would be better if we VbrxbB9geyU-00040-00012400-00012720 have a little intimate space inside so VbrxbB9geyU-00041-00012721-00013012 we found a way behind the temple next to VbrxbB9geyU-00042-00013013-00013330 the kitchen you know so a storage space VbrxbB9geyU-00043-00013331-00013519 so it's there VbrxbB9geyU-00044-00013519-00013833 and then some texts which are mixed with VbrxbB9geyU-00045-00013834-00014260 photographs is outside VbrxbB9geyU-00046-00014261-00014626 [Music] Vc1PTT7mNLU-00000-00000019-00000359 Yiddish ydz Oddie's already's Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00001-00000360-00000827 Yiddish Lit Jewish pronounced JD or D in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00002-00000827-00001189 older sources why DS THC adesh tied lit Vc1PTT7mNLU-00003-00001190-00001481 Judeo German is the historical language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00004-00001482-00001805 of the Ashkenazi Jews it originated Vc1PTT7mNLU-00005-00001805-00002043 during the 9th century in Central Europe Vc1PTT7mNLU-00006-00002044-00002345 providing the nasan Ashkenazi community Vc1PTT7mNLU-00007-00002346-00002531 with a high German based vernacular Vc1PTT7mNLU-00008-00002532-00002795 fused with elements taken from Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00009-00002796-00003005 and Aramaic as well as from Slavic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00010-00003006-00003203 languages and traces of Romance Vc1PTT7mNLU-00011-00003204-00003503 languages yiddish is written with a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00012-00003504-00003740 fully vocalized version of the Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00013-00003740-00004045 alphabet the earliest surviving Vc1PTT7mNLU-00014-00004046-00004283 references date from the 12th century Vc1PTT7mNLU-00015-00004284-00004574 and call the language LS wnas K&Z Vc1PTT7mNLU-00016-00004575-00004963 nachshon ashna's language of Ashkenaz or Vc1PTT7mNLU-00017-00004964-00005338 thh a variant of th the contemporary Vc1PTT7mNLU-00018-00005339-00005681 name for middle high german colloquially Vc1PTT7mNLU-00019-00005682-00005920 the language is sometimes called mamelon Vc1PTT7mNLU-00020-00005921-00006202 MAME Lawson litt mother tongue Vc1PTT7mNLU-00021-00006203-00006517 distinguishing it from LS wnkw to nosh Vc1PTT7mNLU-00022-00006518-00006892 and coy desh Holy tongue meaning Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00023-00006893-00007292 and Aramaic the term yiddish short for Vc1PTT7mNLU-00024-00007293-00007637 yiddish tied jewish german did not Vc1PTT7mNLU-00025-00007638-00007813 become the most frequently used Vc1PTT7mNLU-00026-00007814-00008056 designation in the literature until the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00027-00008058-00008438 18th century in the late 19th and into Vc1PTT7mNLU-00028-00008439-00008674 the 20th century the language was more Vc1PTT7mNLU-00029-00008675-00009031 commonly called jewish especially in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00030-00009032-00009446 non-jewish contexts but Yiddish is again Vc1PTT7mNLU-00031-00009447-00009695 the more common designation today modern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00032-00009696-00010067 Yiddish has two major forms Eastern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00033-00010068-00010331 yudish is far more common today it Vc1PTT7mNLU-00034-00010332-00010542 includes South Eastern Ukrainian Vc1PTT7mNLU-00035-00010543-00010838 Romanian Mid Eastern polish Galician Vc1PTT7mNLU-00036-00010839-00011056 Eastern Hungarian and northeastern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00037-00011057-00011453 Lithuanian Belarusian dialects Eastern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00038-00011454-00011684 Yiddish differs from Western both by its Vc1PTT7mNLU-00039-00011685-00011909 far greater size and by the extensive Vc1PTT7mNLU-00040-00011910-00012202 inclusion of words of Slavic origin Vc1PTT7mNLU-00041-00012203-00012437 Western yudish is divided into Vc1PTT7mNLU-00042-00012438-00012710 southwestern Swiss Alsatian southern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00043-00012711-00012983 German Midwestern central German and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00044-00012984-00013208 northwestern Netherland itch northern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00045-00013209-00013402 German dialects Vc1PTT7mNLU-00046-00013403-00013657 Yiddish is used in a number of hardy Vc1PTT7mNLU-00047-00013658-00013906 Jewish communities worldwide it is the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00048-00013907-00014176 first language of the home school and in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00049-00014177-00014434 many social settings among many Haredi Vc1PTT7mNLU-00050-00014435-00014701 Jews and is used in most Hasidic and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00051-00014702-00014931 some Lithuanian yeshiva Vc1PTT7mNLU-00052-00014932-00015358 the term Yiddish is also used in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00053-00015359-00015709 adjective sense synonymously with Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00054-00015710-00016059 to designate attributes of Yiddish Keats Vc1PTT7mNLU-00055-00016060-00016417 Ashkenazi culture for example Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00056-00016418-00016783 cooking and Yiddish music klezmer prior Vc1PTT7mNLU-00057-00016784-00016909 to the Holocaust Vc1PTT7mNLU-00058-00016910-00017169 there were 11 to 13 million speakers of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00059-00017170-00017571 Yiddish among 17 million Jews worldwide Vc1PTT7mNLU-00060-00017572-00017899 85% of the approximately 6 million Jews Vc1PTT7mNLU-00061-00017900-00018118 who died in the Holocaust were yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00062-00018119-00018379 speakers leading to a massive decline in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00063-00018380-00018685 the use of the language assimilation Vc1PTT7mNLU-00064-00018686-00018888 following world war ii and Aaliya Vc1PTT7mNLU-00065-00018889-00019159 immigration to Israel further decreased Vc1PTT7mNLU-00066-00019160-00019366 the use of Yiddish both among survivors Vc1PTT7mNLU-00067-00019367-00019572 and among yudish speakers from other Vc1PTT7mNLU-00068-00019573-00019844 countries such as in the Americas Vc1PTT7mNLU-00069-00019845-00020110 however the number of speakers is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00070-00020111-00020829 increasing in Hasidic communities Vc1PTT7mNLU-00071-00020830-00021385 topic origins Vc1PTT7mNLU-00072-00021386-00021631 the established view is that as with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00073-00021632-00021877 other Jewish languages Jews speaking Vc1PTT7mNLU-00074-00021878-00022087 distinct languages learned new Co Vc1PTT7mNLU-00075-00022088-00022330 territorial vernaculars which they then Vc1PTT7mNLU-00076-00022331-00022423 judaized Vc1PTT7mNLU-00077-00022424-00022738 in the case of Yiddish this scenario Vc1PTT7mNLU-00078-00022739-00022963 sees it as emerging when speakers of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00079-00022964-00023257 Tsar fatik Judea French and other Judea Vc1PTT7mNLU-00080-00023258-00023473 Romance languages began to acquire Vc1PTT7mNLU-00081-00023474-00023746 varieties of middle high german and from Vc1PTT7mNLU-00082-00023747-00023974 these groups the Ashkenazi community Vc1PTT7mNLU-00083-00023975-00024313 took shape exactly what German based Vc1PTT7mNLU-00084-00024314-00024532 lies behind the earliest form of Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00085-00024533-00024973 is disputed in max vine ryx model Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00086-00024974-00025216 speakers of old French or old Italian Vc1PTT7mNLU-00087-00025217-00025390 who were literate in either liturgical Vc1PTT7mNLU-00088-00025391-00025714 Hebrew or Aramaic or both migrated Vc1PTT7mNLU-00089-00025714-00025906 through southern Europe to settle in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00090-00025907-00026074 Rhine Valley in an area known as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00091-00026075-00026314 Lotharingia later known in Yiddish as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00092-00026314-00026587 lota extending over parts of Germany and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00093-00026588-00026814 France there they encountered and were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00094-00026816-00027037 influenced by Jewish speakers of High Vc1PTT7mNLU-00095-00027038-00027252 German languages and several other Vc1PTT7mNLU-00096-00027254-00027645 German dialects both vine Rican Salomon Vc1PTT7mNLU-00097-00027647-00027901 Birnbaum developed this model further in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00098-00027902-00028336 the mid 1950s in vine ryx view this old Vc1PTT7mNLU-00099-00028337-00028579 Yiddish substrate later bifurcated into Vc1PTT7mNLU-00100-00028580-00028780 two distinct versions of the language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00101-00028781-00029143 Western and Eastern unis they retained Vc1PTT7mNLU-00102-00029144-00029401 the Semitic vocabulary and constructions Vc1PTT7mNLU-00103-00029402-00029605 needed for religious purposes and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00104-00029606-00029860 created a do-do German form of speech Vc1PTT7mNLU-00105-00029861-00030102 sometimes not accepted as a fully Vc1PTT7mNLU-00106-00030104-00030475 autonomous language later linguistic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00107-00030476-00030661 research has finessed the vine rate Vc1PTT7mNLU-00108-00030662-00030925 model or provided alternative approaches Vc1PTT7mNLU-00109-00030926-00031158 to the languages origins with points of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00110-00031160-00031411 contention being the characterization of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00111-00031412-00031633 its Germanic base the source of its Vc1PTT7mNLU-00112-00031633-00031897 Hebrew Aramaic ad strata and the means Vc1PTT7mNLU-00113-00031898-00032200 and location of this fusion some Vc1PTT7mNLU-00114-00032201-00032419 theorists argue that the fusion occurred Vc1PTT7mNLU-00115-00032420-00032773 with a Bavarian dialect base the two Vc1PTT7mNLU-00116-00032774-00032962 main candidates for the germinal matrix Vc1PTT7mNLU-00117-00032963-00033247 of Yiddish the Rhineland and Bavaria are Vc1PTT7mNLU-00118-00033248-00033568 not necessarily incompatible there may Vc1PTT7mNLU-00119-00033569-00033781 have been parallel developments in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00120-00033782-00034015 two regions ceding the Western and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00121-00034016-00034363 Eastern dialects of modern Yiddish Javed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00122-00034364-00034596 Katz proposes that Yiddish emerged from Vc1PTT7mNLU-00123-00034597-00034780 contact between speakers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00124-00034781-00035056 hi German and Aramaic speaking Jews from Vc1PTT7mNLU-00125-00035057-00035335 the Middle East the lines of development Vc1PTT7mNLU-00126-00035336-00035593 proposed by the different theories do Vc1PTT7mNLU-00127-00035594-00035812 not necessarily rule out the others at Vc1PTT7mNLU-00128-00035813-00036037 least not entirely an article in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00129-00036038-00036340 foreword argues that in the end a new Vc1PTT7mNLU-00130-00036341-00036615 standard theory of Yiddish as origins Vc1PTT7mNLU-00131-00036616-00036847 will probably be based on the work of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00132-00036848-00037228 vine Rick and his challengers alike Paul Vc1PTT7mNLU-00133-00037229-00037528 Wexler proposed a model in 1991 that Vc1PTT7mNLU-00134-00037529-00037777 took yiddish by which he means primarily Vc1PTT7mNLU-00135-00037778-00038023 eastern yudish not to be genetically Vc1PTT7mNLU-00136-00038024-00038254 grounded in a germanic language at all Vc1PTT7mNLU-00137-00038255-00038671 but rather as judea sorbian a proposed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00138-00038672-00038908 West Slavic language that had been Vc1PTT7mNLU-00139-00038909-00039229 relaxed off' eyed by high german in more Vc1PTT7mNLU-00140-00039230-00039457 recent work Wexler has argued that Vc1PTT7mNLU-00141-00039458-00039718 Eastern yudish is unrelated genetically Vc1PTT7mNLU-00142-00039719-00040065 to Western yudish Wexler's model has met Vc1PTT7mNLU-00143-00040066-00040312 with little academic support and strong Vc1PTT7mNLU-00144-00040313-00040558 critical challenges especially among Vc1PTT7mNLU-00145-00040559-00041246 historical linguists Vc1PTT7mNLU-00146-00041247-00041770 topic history Vc1PTT7mNLU-00147-00041771-00042067 by the 10th century a distinctive Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00148-00042068-00042268 culture had formed in Central Europe Vc1PTT7mNLU-00149-00042269-00042478 which came to be called askin Z Vc1PTT7mNLU-00150-00042479-00042814 Ashkenazi Ashkenazi Jews from Hebrew ask Vc1PTT7mNLU-00151-00042815-00042955 NZ Ashkenazi Vc1PTT7mNLU-00152-00042956-00043255 Genesis chapter 10 verse 3 the medieval Vc1PTT7mNLU-00153-00043256-00043462 Hebrew name for Northern Europe and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00154-00043463-00043771 Germany Ashkenazi centered on the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00155-00043772-00043990 Rhineland mines and the Palatinate Vc1PTT7mNLU-00156-00043991-00044275 notably worms inspire in what is now the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00157-00044276-00044562 westernmost part of Germany its Vc1PTT7mNLU-00158-00044563-00044833 geographic extent did not coincide with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00159-00044834-00045073 the German principalities of the time Vc1PTT7mNLU-00160-00045074-00045363 and it included northern France Vc1PTT7mNLU-00161-00045364-00045676 Ashkenazi Don the area inhabited by Vc1PTT7mNLU-00162-00045677-00045886 another distinctive Jewish cultural Vc1PTT7mNLU-00163-00045887-00046183 group the Sephardic Jews who ranged into Vc1PTT7mNLU-00164-00046184-00046549 southern France Ashkenazi culture later Vc1PTT7mNLU-00165-00046550-00046747 spread into Eastern Europe with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00166-00046748-00046990 large-scale population migrations Vc1PTT7mNLU-00167-00046991-00047206 nothing is known with certainty about Vc1PTT7mNLU-00168-00047207-00047431 the vernacular of the earliest Jews in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00169-00047432-00047638 Germany but several theories have been Vc1PTT7mNLU-00170-00047639-00047974 put forward the first language of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00171-00047975-00048254 Ashkenazi may as noted above have been Vc1PTT7mNLU-00172-00048255-00048481 the Aramaic language the vernacular of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00173-00048482-00048766 the Jews in Roman era Judea and ancient Vc1PTT7mNLU-00174-00048767-00049069 and early medieval Mesopotamia the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00175-00049070-00049294 widespread use of aramaic among the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00176-00049295-00049507 large non-jewish Syrian trading Vc1PTT7mNLU-00177-00049508-00049717 population of the Roman provinces Vc1PTT7mNLU-00178-00049718-00049924 including those in Europe would have Vc1PTT7mNLU-00179-00049925-00050191 reinforced the use of aramaic among jews Vc1PTT7mNLU-00180-00050192-00050599 engaged in trade in roman times many of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00181-00050600-00050797 the Jews living in Rome and southern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00182-00050798-00051019 Italy appear to have been Greek speakers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00183-00051020-00051265 and this is reflected in some Ashkenazi Vc1PTT7mNLU-00184-00051266-00051616 personal names eg Kalin emos and Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00185-00051617-00051976 Todd raised Hebrew on the other hand was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00186-00051977-00052235 regarded as a holy language reserved for Vc1PTT7mNLU-00187-00052236-00052460 ritual and spiritual purposes and not Vc1PTT7mNLU-00188-00052461-00052801 for common use it is generally accepted Vc1PTT7mNLU-00189-00052802-00053048 that early Yiddish was likely to have Vc1PTT7mNLU-00190-00053049-00053254 contained elements from other languages Vc1PTT7mNLU-00191-00053255-00053486 of the Near Eastern Europe absorbed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00192-00053487-00053830 through migrations since some settlers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00193-00053831-00054076 may have come via France and Italy it is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00194-00054077-00054307 also likely that the romance based Vc1PTT7mNLU-00195-00054308-00054536 Jewish languages of those regions were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00196-00054537-00054838 represented traces remain in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00197-00054839-00055073 contemporary Yiddish vocabulary for Vc1PTT7mNLU-00198-00055074-00055157 example Vc1PTT7mNLU-00199-00055158-00055504 the NTS invention to bless ultimately Vc1PTT7mNLU-00200-00055505-00055829 from the Latin benedicere lion Leinen to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00201-00055829-00056165 read from the old French lay e re and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00202-00056166-00056363 the personal names Burnham Bonham Vc1PTT7mNLU-00203-00056364-00056629 related to French bon nom good name and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00204-00056630-00057110 ye NT l old French gentle noble Western Vc1PTT7mNLU-00205-00057111-00057316 yudish includes additional words of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00206-00057317-00057580 ultimate Latin derivation but still very Vc1PTT7mNLU-00207-00057582-00058100 few for example on to pray cf old French Vc1PTT7mNLU-00208-00058101-00058457 or the Jewish community in the Rhineland Vc1PTT7mNLU-00209-00058458-00058670 would have encountered the many dialects Vc1PTT7mNLU-00210-00058671-00058871 from which standard German would emerge Vc1PTT7mNLU-00211-00058872-00059237 a few centuries later in time Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00212-00059238-00059411 communities would have been speaking Vc1PTT7mNLU-00213-00059412-00059621 their own versions of these German Vc1PTT7mNLU-00214-00059622-00059846 dialects mixed with linguistic elements Vc1PTT7mNLU-00215-00059847-00060065 that they themselves brought into the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00216-00060066-00060344 region although not reflected in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00217-00060345-00060572 spoken language a main point of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00218-00060573-00060764 difference was the use of the Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00219-00060765-00060941 alphabet for the recording of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00220-00060941-00061163 Germanic vernacular which may have been Vc1PTT7mNLU-00221-00061164-00061322 adopted either because of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00222-00061323-00061511 community's familiarity with the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00223-00061512-00061724 alphabet or to prevent the non-jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00224-00061725-00061934 population from understanding the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00225-00061935-00062261 correspondence in addition there was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00226-00062262-00062479 probably widespread illiteracy in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00227-00062480-00062680 non Hebrew script with the level of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00228-00062682-00062909 illiteracy in the non-jewish communities Vc1PTT7mNLU-00229-00062910-00063215 being even higher another point of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00230-00063216-00063410 difference was the use of Hebrew and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00231-00063411-00063803 Aramaic words these words and terms were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00232-00063804-00064042 used because of their familiarity but Vc1PTT7mNLU-00233-00064044-00064286 more so because in most cases there were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00234-00064287-00064508 no equivalent terms in the vernacular Vc1PTT7mNLU-00235-00064509-00064739 which could express the Jewish concepts Vc1PTT7mNLU-00236-00064740-00064919 or describe the objects of cultural Vc1PTT7mNLU-00237-00064920-00065561 significance Vc1PTT7mNLU-00238-00065562-00066114 topic written evidence Vc1PTT7mNLU-00239-00066115-00066384 it is not known when you - orthography Vc1PTT7mNLU-00240-00066385-00066621 first developed the oldest surviving Vc1PTT7mNLU-00241-00066622-00066909 literary document using it is a blessing Vc1PTT7mNLU-00242-00066910-00067143 in the worm's max or a Hebrew prayer Vc1PTT7mNLU-00243-00067144-00067560 book from 1272 there is a scalable image Vc1PTT7mNLU-00244-00067561-00067842 online at the indicated reference the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00245-00067843-00068235 worms Max or is discussed in Frakes 2004 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00246-00068236-00068400 and bound Garten IDI Vc1PTT7mNLU-00247-00068401-00068760 Frakes 2005 see the bibliography at the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00248-00068761-00069132 foot of this article this brief rhyme is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00249-00069133-00069312 decoratively embedded in an otherwise Vc1PTT7mNLU-00250-00069313-00069678 purely Hebrew text nonetheless it Vc1PTT7mNLU-00251-00069679-00069885 indicates that the Yiddish of that day Vc1PTT7mNLU-00252-00069886-00070089 was a more or less regular Middle High Vc1PTT7mNLU-00253-00070090-00070284 German written in the Hebrew alphabet Vc1PTT7mNLU-00254-00070285-00070542 into which Hebrew words ma has wall Vc1PTT7mNLU-00255-00070543-00070764 Mikasa prayer book for the High Holy Vc1PTT7mNLU-00256-00070765-00071132 Days and bet hey concet synagogue read Vc1PTT7mNLU-00257-00071133-00071379 in Yiddish as base hack nurses had been Vc1PTT7mNLU-00258-00071380-00071628 included the nikah des peers as though Vc1PTT7mNLU-00259-00071629-00071826 it might have been added by a second Vc1PTT7mNLU-00260-00071827-00072066 scribe in which case it may need to be Vc1PTT7mNLU-00261-00072067-00072255 dated separately and may not be Vc1PTT7mNLU-00262-00072256-00072462 indicative of the pronounciation of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00263-00072463-00072609 rhyme at the time of its initial Vc1PTT7mNLU-00264-00072610-00073001 annotation over the course of the 14th Vc1PTT7mNLU-00265-00073002-00073317 and 15th centuries songs and poems in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00266-00073318-00073578 Yiddish and macaron ik pieces in Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00267-00073579-00073896 and German began to appear these were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00268-00073897-00074142 collected in the late 15th century by Vc1PTT7mNLU-00269-00074143-00074507 Menahem ben Naphtali olden Dorf during Vc1PTT7mNLU-00270-00074508-00074613 the same period Vc1PTT7mNLU-00271-00074614-00074847 a tradition seems to have emerged of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00272-00074848-00075057 Jewish communities adapting its own Vc1PTT7mNLU-00273-00075058-00075306 versions of German secular literature Vc1PTT7mNLU-00274-00075307-00075606 the earliest Yiddish epic poem of this Vc1PTT7mNLU-00275-00075607-00075816 sort is the Dooku's hor n't which Vc1PTT7mNLU-00276-00075817-00076076 survives in the famous cambridge codex Vc1PTT7mNLU-00277-00076077-00076554 ts point 100 k point to to this 14th Vc1PTT7mNLU-00278-00076555-00076803 century manuscript was discovered in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00279-00076804-00077181 Cairo Genizah in 1896 and also contains Vc1PTT7mNLU-00280-00077182-00077397 a collection of narrative poems on Vc1PTT7mNLU-00281-00077398-00077598 themes from the Hebrew Bible in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00282-00077599-00078151 Hagia des Vc1PTT7mNLU-00283-00078152-00078660 topic printing Vc1PTT7mNLU-00284-00078661-00078903 the advent of the printing press in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00285-00078904-00079173 16th century enabled the large scale Vc1PTT7mNLU-00286-00079174-00079394 production of works at a cheaper cost Vc1PTT7mNLU-00287-00079395-00079722 some of which have survived one Vc1PTT7mNLU-00288-00079723-00079950 particularly popular work was a Leah Vc1PTT7mNLU-00289-00079951-00080219 Leavitt espavo book babble book composed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00290-00080220-00080606 around 1507 208 imprinted several times Vc1PTT7mNLU-00291-00080607-00081042 beginning in 1541 is NY under the title Vc1PTT7mNLU-00292-00081043-00081393 Bovo dan toner Leavitt er the earliest Vc1PTT7mNLU-00293-00081394-00081606 named Yiddish author may also have Vc1PTT7mNLU-00294-00081607-00081915 written perry's wnw W in Paris on V n Vc1PTT7mNLU-00295-00081916-00082209 Paris and Vienna another Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00296-00082210-00082509 retelling of a chivalric romance w w at Vc1PTT7mNLU-00297-00082510-00082716 wilt vid veldt often referred to as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00298-00082717-00083063 wither wilt by German izing scholars Vc1PTT7mNLU-00299-00083064-00083310 presumably also dates from the fifteenth Vc1PTT7mNLU-00300-00083311-00083531 century although the manuscripts are Vc1PTT7mNLU-00301-00083532-00083862 from the sixteenth it is also known as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00302-00083863-00084111 kindergarten off an adaptation of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00303-00084112-00084338 middle high german romance wiggle eyes Vc1PTT7mNLU-00304-00084339-00084648 by weren't von graven berg another Vc1PTT7mNLU-00305-00084649-00084903 significant writer is Avro and Ben ski Vc1PTT7mNLU-00306-00084904-00085151 mule picante who published a paraphrase Vc1PTT7mNLU-00307-00085152-00085619 on the book of Job in 1557 women in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00308-00085620-00085860 Ashkenazi community were traditionally Vc1PTT7mNLU-00309-00085861-00086100 not literate in Hebrew but did read and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00310-00086101-00086360 write Yiddish a body of literature Vc1PTT7mNLU-00311-00086361-00086610 therefore developed for which women were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00312-00086611-00086768 a primary audience Vc1PTT7mNLU-00313-00086769-00087117 this included secular works such as the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00314-00087118-00087332 Bovo book and religious writing Vc1PTT7mNLU-00315-00087333-00087585 specifically for women such as the Zedan Vc1PTT7mNLU-00316-00087586-00087816 a trying say no uri no and the thanga Vc1PTT7mNLU-00317-00087817-00088128 blue titi keynes one of the best-known Vc1PTT7mNLU-00318-00088129-00088394 early woman authors was glocal of Hamel Vc1PTT7mNLU-00319-00088395-00088749 whose memoirs are still in print the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00320-00088750-00088968 segmentation of the yiddish readership Vc1PTT7mNLU-00321-00088969-00089168 between women who read Mammon MAME Vc1PTT7mNLU-00322-00089169-00089424 lotion but not LSW and Cadiz lush and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00323-00089425-00089663 koi desh and men who read both was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00324-00089664-00089859 significant enough that distinctive Vc1PTT7mNLU-00325-00089860-00090194 typefaces were used for each the name Vc1PTT7mNLU-00326-00090195-00090435 commonly given to the semi cursive form Vc1PTT7mNLU-00327-00090436-00090717 used exclusively for yudish was wwa Vc1PTT7mNLU-00328-00090718-00090978 bright it's Weber take woman's take Vc1PTT7mNLU-00329-00090979-00091206 shown in the heading and fourth column Vc1PTT7mNLU-00330-00091207-00091443 in the adjacent illustration with square Vc1PTT7mNLU-00331-00091444-00091676 Hebrew letters shown in the third column Vc1PTT7mNLU-00332-00091677-00091929 being reserved for text in that language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00333-00091930-00092072 and Aramaic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00334-00092073-00092342 this distinction was retained in general Vc1PTT7mNLU-00335-00092343-00092543 typographic practice through to the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00336-00092544-00092780 early 19th century with Yiddish books Vc1PTT7mNLU-00337-00092781-00093044 being set in Weber take also termed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00338-00093045-00093344 inside mesh 8 or mask mash get the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00339-00093345-00093590 construction is uncertain an additional Vc1PTT7mNLU-00340-00093591-00093833 distinctive semi cursive typeface was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00341-00093834-00094061 and still is used for rabbinical Vc1PTT7mNLU-00342-00094062-00094271 commentary on religious texts when Vc1PTT7mNLU-00343-00094272-00094469 Hebrew and Yiddish appear on the same Vc1PTT7mNLU-00344-00094470-00094790 page this is commonly termed Rashi Vc1PTT7mNLU-00345-00094791-00094979 script from the name of the most Vc1PTT7mNLU-00346-00094980-00095216 renowned early author whose commentary Vc1PTT7mNLU-00347-00095217-00095464 is usually printed using this script Vc1PTT7mNLU-00348-00095465-00095810 Rashi is also the typeface normally used Vc1PTT7mNLU-00349-00095811-00096005 when the Sephardic counterpart to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00350-00096006-00096263 Yiddish judeo-spanish or Ladino is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00351-00096264-00096953 printed in Hebrew script Vc1PTT7mNLU-00352-00096954-00097541 topic secularization Vc1PTT7mNLU-00353-00097542-00097874 the Western yudish dialect sometimes Vc1PTT7mNLU-00354-00097875-00098099 pejoratively labeled mouth shell Deutsch Vc1PTT7mNLU-00355-00098100-00098555 ie Moses German declined in the 18th Vc1PTT7mNLU-00356-00098556-00098806 century as the age of enlightenment and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00357-00098807-00099029 the Haskalah led to review of Yiddish as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00358-00099030-00099394 a corrupt dialect a maskel one who take Vc1PTT7mNLU-00359-00099395-00099536 part in the Haskalah Vc1PTT7mNLU-00360-00099537-00099688 would write about and promote Vc1PTT7mNLU-00361-00099689-00099973 acclimatization to the outside world Vc1PTT7mNLU-00362-00099974-00100286 Jewish children began attending secular Vc1PTT7mNLU-00363-00100287-00100448 schools where the primary language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00364-00100449-00100771 spoken and taught was German not yet ish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00365-00100772-00101078 owing to both assimilation to German and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00366-00101079-00101297 the revival of Hebrew Western you - Vc1PTT7mNLU-00367-00101298-00101569 survived only as a language of intimate Vc1PTT7mNLU-00368-00101570-00101869 family circles or of closely knit trade Vc1PTT7mNLU-00369-00101870-00102352 groups lips in 1972 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00370-00102353-00102594 in Eastern Europe the response to these Vc1PTT7mNLU-00371-00102595-00102855 forces took the opposite direction with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00372-00102856-00103092 Yiddish becoming the cohesive force in a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00373-00103093-00103413 secular culture see the yiddishists Vc1PTT7mNLU-00374-00103414-00103714 notable yiddish writers of the late 19th Vc1PTT7mNLU-00375-00103715-00103956 and early 20th centuries of shalom Vc1PTT7mNLU-00376-00103957-00104208 yankov Abramovitch writing as Mendeley Vc1PTT7mNLU-00377-00104209-00104310 Maka's forum Vc1PTT7mNLU-00378-00104311-00104590 Sholem Rabinovich widely known as shalom Vc1PTT7mNLU-00379-00104591-00104878 aleichem whose stories about TB wih dr. Vc1PTT7mNLU-00380-00104879-00105193 mark i QR TV dare milk Hika TV the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00381-00105194-00105457 dairyman inspired the broadway musical Vc1PTT7mNLU-00382-00105458-00105763 and film Fiddler on the Roof and Isaac Vc1PTT7mNLU-00383-00105764-00106374 Lee Peretz Vc1PTT7mNLU-00384-00106375-00106945 topic 20th century Vc1PTT7mNLU-00385-00106946-00107211 in the early 20th century especially Vc1PTT7mNLU-00386-00107213-00107443 after the socialist October Revolution Vc1PTT7mNLU-00387-00107444-00107689 in Russia Yiddish was emerging as a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00388-00107690-00108013 major Eastern European language it's Vc1PTT7mNLU-00389-00108014-00108205 rich literature was more widely Vc1PTT7mNLU-00390-00108206-00108333 published than ever Vc1PTT7mNLU-00391-00108334-00108532 Yiddish theatre and Yiddish cinema were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00392-00108533-00108730 booming and it for a time achieved Vc1PTT7mNLU-00393-00108731-00108952 status as one of the official languages Vc1PTT7mNLU-00394-00108953-00109209 of the Ukrainian People's Republic the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00395-00109210-00109489 Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00396-00109490-00109666 the short-lived Galician Soviet Vc1PTT7mNLU-00397-00109667-00109867 Socialist Republic and the Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00398-00109868-00110245 autonomous Oblast educational autonomy Vc1PTT7mNLU-00399-00110246-00110479 for Jews in several countries notably Vc1PTT7mNLU-00400-00110480-00110760 Poland after World War one led to an Vc1PTT7mNLU-00401-00110761-00110965 increase in formal Yiddish language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00402-00110966-00111241 education more uniform orthography and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00403-00111242-00111523 to the 1925 founding of the Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00404-00111524-00111958 scientific Institute weii vo in Vilnius Vc1PTT7mNLU-00405-00111958-00112177 there was debate over which language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00406-00112178-00112426 should take primacy Hebrew or Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00407-00112427-00112672 Yiddish changed significantly during the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00408-00112673-00113070 20th century Michel wex writes as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00409-00113071-00113332 increasing numbers of Yiddish speakers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00410-00113333-00113602 moved from the Slavic speaking east to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00411-00113603-00113835 Western Europe and the Americas in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00412-00113836-00114183 late 19th and early 20th centuries they Vc1PTT7mNLU-00413-00114184-00114408 were so quick to jettison Slavic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00414-00114409-00114601 vocabulary that the most prominent Vc1PTT7mNLU-00415-00114602-00114949 Yiddish writers of the time the founders Vc1PTT7mNLU-00416-00114950-00115168 of modern Yiddish literature who were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00417-00115169-00115386 still living in Slavic speaking Vc1PTT7mNLU-00418-00115388-00115717 countries revised the printed editions Vc1PTT7mNLU-00419-00115718-00115981 of their era to eliminate obsolete and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00420-00115982-00116425 unnecessary slave isms the vocabulary Vc1PTT7mNLU-00421-00116426-00116658 used in Israel absorbed many modern Vc1PTT7mNLU-00422-00116659-00116905 Hebrew words and there was a similar but Vc1PTT7mNLU-00423-00116906-00117079 smaller increase in the English Vc1PTT7mNLU-00424-00117080-00117285 component of Yiddish in the United Vc1PTT7mNLU-00425-00117286-00117525 States and to a lesser extent the United Vc1PTT7mNLU-00426-00117526-00117868 Kingdom this has resulted in some Vc1PTT7mNLU-00427-00117869-00118078 difficulty in communication between Vc1PTT7mNLU-00428-00118079-00118300 Yiddish speakers from Israel and those Vc1PTT7mNLU-00429-00118301-00118601 from other countries Vc1PTT7mNLU-00430-00118602-00118965 you Vc1PTT7mNLU-00431-00118966-00119511 topic phonology Vc1PTT7mNLU-00432-00119513-00119749 Yiddish phonology is similar to that of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00433-00119750-00120049 standard German however it does not have Vc1PTT7mNLU-00434-00120050-00120441 final obstacle Fortis voiceless stop Vc1PTT7mNLU-00435-00120442-00120708 consonants are unaspirated and the kite Vc1PTT7mNLU-00436-00120709-00120988 phoneme is invariably uvula unlike the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00437-00120989-00121284 German phoneme X which is palatal velar Vc1PTT7mNLU-00438-00121285-00121672 or uvula Yiddish has a smaller inventory Vc1PTT7mNLU-00439-00121673-00121939 of vowels than standard German lacking Vc1PTT7mNLU-00440-00121940-00122152 vowel length distinction and the umlaut Vc1PTT7mNLU-00441-00122153-00122828 advance own you Vc1PTT7mNLU-00442-00122829-00123435 topic numbers of speakers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00443-00123436-00123697 on the eve of World War two there were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00444-00123698-00124072 11 to 13 million you - speakers the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00445-00124073-00124297 Holocaust however led to a dramatic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00446-00124298-00124566 sudden decline in the use of Yiddish as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00447-00124567-00124827 the extensive Jewish communities both Vc1PTT7mNLU-00448-00124828-00125056 secular and religious that used the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00449-00125057-00125253 addition their day-to-day life were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00450-00125254-00125608 largely destroyed around five million of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00451-00125608-00125904 those killed eighty-five percent of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00452-00125905-00126175 Jews who died in the Holocaust were Vc1PTT7mNLU-00453-00126176-00126486 speakers of Yiddish although millions of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00454-00126488-00126673 Yiddish speakers survived the war Vc1PTT7mNLU-00455-00126674-00126919 including nearly all Yiddish speakers in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00456-00126920-00127161 the Americas further assimilation in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00457-00127163-00127404 countries such as the United States and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00458-00127405-00127629 the Soviet Union along with the strictly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00459-00127630-00127846 monolingual stance of the Zionist Vc1PTT7mNLU-00460-00127847-00128088 movement led to a decline in the use of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00461-00128089-00128395 Eastern yudish however the number of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00462-00128396-00128604 speakers within the widely dispersed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00463-00128605-00128901 harity mainly Hasidic communities is now Vc1PTT7mNLU-00464-00128902-00129216 increasing although used in various Vc1PTT7mNLU-00465-00129217-00129459 countries Yiddish has attained official Vc1PTT7mNLU-00466-00129460-00129702 recognition as a minority language only Vc1PTT7mNLU-00467-00129703-00130006 in Moldova Bosnia and Herzegovina the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00468-00130007-00130359 Netherlands and Sweden reports of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00469-00130360-00130578 number of current Yiddish speakers vary Vc1PTT7mNLU-00470-00130579-00130884 significantly ethnologue estimates based Vc1PTT7mNLU-00471-00130885-00131224 on publications through 1991 that there Vc1PTT7mNLU-00472-00131225-00131494 were at that time 1.5 million speakers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00473-00131495-00131790 of Eastern year ish of which 40% lived Vc1PTT7mNLU-00474-00131791-00132193 in Ukraine 15% in Israel and 10% in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00475-00132194-00132508 United States the Modern Language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00476-00132509-00132752 Association agrees with fewer than Vc1PTT7mNLU-00477-00132753-00133168 200,000 in the United States Western you Vc1PTT7mNLU-00478-00133169-00133404 - is reported by ethnologue to have had Vc1PTT7mNLU-00479-00133405-00133750 an ethnic population of 50,000 in 2000 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00480-00133751-00133999 and an undated speaking population of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00481-00134000-00134538 5000 mostly in Germany a 1996 report by Vc1PTT7mNLU-00482-00134539-00134743 the Council of Europe estimates a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00483-00134744-00134998 worldwide Yiddish speaking population of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00484-00134999-00135327 about 2 million further demographic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00485-00135328-00135559 information about the recent status of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00486-00135560-00135738 what is treated as an Eastern Western Vc1PTT7mNLU-00487-00135739-00136014 dialect continuum is provided in the Wye Vc1PTT7mNLU-00488-00136015-00136276 Ivo language and cultural atlas of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00489-00136277-00136508 Ashkenazi Jewry Vc1PTT7mNLU-00490-00136509-00136789 in certain areas of New York it is more Vc1PTT7mNLU-00491-00136790-00137006 common to see boys talking amongst Vc1PTT7mNLU-00492-00137007-00137261 themselves in Yiddish whereas girls tend Vc1PTT7mNLU-00493-00137262-00137499 to favor English is the main language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00494-00137500-00137803 this is probably due to more Hasidic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00495-00137804-00138040 boys schools using Yiddish as the medium Vc1PTT7mNLU-00496-00138041-00138281 of instruction while many Hasidic girl Vc1PTT7mNLU-00497-00138282-00138586 schools opt to teach in English also Vc1PTT7mNLU-00498-00138587-00138833 girls tend to learn more secular Vc1PTT7mNLU-00499-00138834-00139099 subjects thus increasing contact with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00500-00139100-00139300 the English language and boys are Vc1PTT7mNLU-00501-00139301-00139511 usually taught religious subjects in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00502-00139512-00139699 Yiddish and thus use the Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00503-00139700-00139922 language more often which allows them to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00504-00139923-00140116 be more comfortable speaking the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00505-00140117-00140468 language the same occurs in Israel where Vc1PTT7mNLU-00506-00140469-00140698 boys tend to speak more Yiddish amongst Vc1PTT7mNLU-00507-00140699-00140929 themselves while girls tend to use Vc1PTT7mNLU-00508-00140930-00141581 Hebrew more often Vc1PTT7mNLU-00509-00141582-00142211 topic status is a language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00510-00142212-00142469 there has been frequent debate about the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00511-00142470-00142703 extent of the linguistic independence of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00512-00142704-00142877 Yiddish from the languages that it Vc1PTT7mNLU-00513-00142878-00143180 absorbed there has been periodic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00514-00143181-00143396 assertion that Yiddish is a dialect of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00515-00143397-00143738 German or even just broken German more Vc1PTT7mNLU-00516-00143739-00143972 of a linguistic mishmash than a true Vc1PTT7mNLU-00517-00143973-00144353 language even when recognized as an Vc1PTT7mNLU-00518-00144354-00144560 autonomous language it has sometimes Vc1PTT7mNLU-00519-00144561-00144854 been referred to as Judeo German along Vc1PTT7mNLU-00520-00144855-00145079 the lines of other Jewish languages like Vc1PTT7mNLU-00521-00145080-00145367 Judeo Persian judeo-spanish or Tsar Vc1PTT7mNLU-00522-00145368-00145688 fatik a widely cited summary of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00523-00145689-00145988 attitudes in the 1930s was published by Vc1PTT7mNLU-00524-00145989-00146240 Max van Rycke quoting a remark by an Vc1PTT7mNLU-00525-00146241-00146471 auditor of one of his lectures a sprack Vc1PTT7mNLU-00526-00146472-00146747 'is a dyke might an army WN plawer sh Vc1PTT7mNLU-00527-00146748-00147053 prac is a dialect MIT an army on flawed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00528-00147054-00147389 a language is a dialect with an army in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00529-00147390-00147965 navy Vc1PTT7mNLU-00530-00147966-00148559 topic Israel and Zionism Vc1PTT7mNLU-00531-00148560-00148793 the national language of Israel is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00532-00148794-00149096 Hebrew the debate in Zionist circles Vc1PTT7mNLU-00533-00149097-00149318 over the use of Yiddish in Israel and in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00534-00149319-00149543 the Diaspora in preference to Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00535-00149544-00149744 also reflected the tensions between Vc1PTT7mNLU-00536-00149745-00150054 religious and secular Jewish lifestyles Vc1PTT7mNLU-00537-00150055-00150391 many secular zionists wanted Hebrew as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00538-00150392-00150640 the sole language of Jews to contribute Vc1PTT7mNLU-00539-00150641-00150946 to a national cohesive identity Vc1PTT7mNLU-00540-00150947-00151189 traditionally religious Jews on the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00541-00151190-00151384 other hand preferred use of Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00542-00151385-00151624 viewing Hebrew as a respected holy Vc1PTT7mNLU-00543-00151625-00151820 language reserved for prayer and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00544-00151821-00152122 religious study in the early 20th Vc1PTT7mNLU-00545-00152123-00152188 century Vc1PTT7mNLU-00546-00152189-00152473 Zionist activists in Palestine tried to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00547-00152474-00152696 eradicate the use of Yiddish among Jews Vc1PTT7mNLU-00548-00152697-00152947 in preference to Hebrew and make its use Vc1PTT7mNLU-00549-00152948-00153221 socially unacceptable this conflict also Vc1PTT7mNLU-00550-00153222-00153443 reflected the opposing views among Vc1PTT7mNLU-00551-00153444-00153736 secular Jews worldwide one side seeing Vc1PTT7mNLU-00552-00153737-00153988 Hebrew and Zionism and the other Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00553-00153989-00154222 and internationalism as the means of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00554-00154223-00154636 defining Jewish nationalism in the 1920s Vc1PTT7mNLU-00555-00154637-00155035 and 1930s GW managing EHS bhg D you'd Vc1PTT7mNLU-00556-00155036-00155296 imagine I Haase for the language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00557-00155297-00155608 defendants regiment whose motto was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00558-00155609-00155918 Brede BR bright every day bear every Vc1PTT7mNLU-00559-00155919-00156478 that is Hebrew ie Jew speak Hebrew used Vc1PTT7mNLU-00560-00156479-00156789 to tear down signs written in foreign Vc1PTT7mNLU-00561-00156790-00157051 languages and disturb you - theater Vc1PTT7mNLU-00562-00157052-00157363 gatherings however according to linguist Vc1PTT7mNLU-00563-00157364-00157561 Guillard Zuckerman the members of this Vc1PTT7mNLU-00564-00157562-00157753 group in particular and the Hebrew Vc1PTT7mNLU-00565-00157754-00157999 revival in general did not succeed in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00566-00158000-00158236 uprooting Yiddish patterns as well as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00567-00158237-00158449 the patterns of other European languages Vc1PTT7mNLU-00568-00158450-00158696 Jewish immigrants spoke within what he Vc1PTT7mNLU-00569-00158697-00159139 calls Israeli ie modern Hebrew Zukerman Vc1PTT7mNLU-00570-00159140-00159415 believes that Israeli does include Vc1PTT7mNLU-00571-00159416-00159679 numerous Hebrew elements resulting from Vc1PTT7mNLU-00572-00159680-00159928 a conscious revival but also numerous Vc1PTT7mNLU-00573-00159929-00160210 pervasive linguistic features deriving Vc1PTT7mNLU-00574-00160211-00160447 from a subconscious survival of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00575-00160448-00160866 revivalists mother tongues eg Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00576-00160867-00161058 after the founding of the State of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00577-00161059-00161244 Israel a massive wave of Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00578-00161245-00161471 immigrants from Arab countries arrived Vc1PTT7mNLU-00579-00161472-00161853 in short order these Mizrahi Jews and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00580-00161854-00162036 the descendants would account for nearly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00581-00162037-00162360 half the Jewish population while all Vc1PTT7mNLU-00582-00162361-00162552 were at least familiar with Hebrew is a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00583-00162553-00162828 liturgical language essentially none had Vc1PTT7mNLU-00584-00162829-00163128 any contact with or affinity fiesh some Vc1PTT7mNLU-00585-00163129-00163391 of Sephardic origin spoke judeo-spanish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00586-00163392-00163754 others various Judeo Arabic languages Vc1PTT7mNLU-00587-00163755-00164018 thus Hebrew emerged as the dominant Vc1PTT7mNLU-00588-00164019-00164259 linguistic common denominator between Vc1PTT7mNLU-00589-00164260-00164610 the different population groups in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00590-00164611-00164880 religious circles it is the Ashkenazi Vc1PTT7mNLU-00591-00164881-00165150 Haredi Jews particularly the Hasidic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00592-00165151-00165378 Jews and the Lithuanian yeshiva world Vc1PTT7mNLU-00593-00165379-00165678 see Lithuanian Jews who continued to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00594-00165679-00165948 teach speak and use Yiddish making it a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00595-00165949-00166173 language used regularly by hundreds of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00596-00166174-00166485 thousands of Haredi Jews today the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00597-00166486-00166722 largest of these centres are in B nei Vc1PTT7mNLU-00598-00166723-00167079 brac and Jerusalem there is a growing Vc1PTT7mNLU-00599-00167080-00167256 revival of interest in Yiddish culture Vc1PTT7mNLU-00600-00167257-00167517 among secular Israelis with the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00601-00167518-00167739 flourishing of new proactive cultural Vc1PTT7mNLU-00602-00167740-00168000 organizations like young Yiddish as well Vc1PTT7mNLU-00603-00168001-00168171 as yiddish theater usually with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00604-00168172-00168420 simultaneous translation to Hebrew and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00605-00168421-00168608 Russian and young people are taking Vc1PTT7mNLU-00606-00168609-00168867 university courses in Yiddish some Vc1PTT7mNLU-00607-00168868-00169579 achieving considerable fluency Vc1PTT7mNLU-00608-00169580-00170193 topic former Soviet Union Vc1PTT7mNLU-00609-00170194-00170523 in the Soviet Union during the 1920s Vc1PTT7mNLU-00610-00170524-00170757 Yiddish was promoted as the language of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00611-00170758-00171117 the Jewish proletariat it was one of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00612-00171118-00171327 official languages of the Belarusian Vc1PTT7mNLU-00613-00171328-00171813 Soviet Socialist Republic until 1938 the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00614-00171814-00172005 emblem of the Belarusian Soviet Vc1PTT7mNLU-00615-00172006-00172236 Socialist Republic included the motto Vc1PTT7mNLU-00616-00172237-00172512 workers of the world unite in Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00617-00172513-00172842 Yiddish was also official language in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00618-00172843-00173064 several agricultural districts of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00619-00173065-00173399 galician Soviet Socialist Republic a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00620-00173400-00173730 public educational system entirely based Vc1PTT7mNLU-00621-00173731-00173952 on the Yiddish language was established Vc1PTT7mNLU-00622-00173953-00174246 and comprised kindergartens schools and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00623-00174247-00174468 higher educational institutions Vc1PTT7mNLU-00624-00174469-00174738 technical schools Reb fax and other Vc1PTT7mNLU-00625-00174739-00175113 university departments at the same time Vc1PTT7mNLU-00626-00175114-00175308 Hebrew was considered a bourgeois Vc1PTT7mNLU-00627-00175309-00175533 language and its use was generally Vc1PTT7mNLU-00628-00175534-00175851 discouraged the vast majority of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00629-00175852-00176088 Yiddish language cultural institutions Vc1PTT7mNLU-00630-00176089-00176403 were closed in the late 1930s along with Vc1PTT7mNLU-00631-00176404-00176637 cultural institutions of other ethnic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00632-00176638-00176850 minorities lacking administrative Vc1PTT7mNLU-00633-00176851-00177156 entities of their own the last year - Vc1PTT7mNLU-00634-00177157-00177354 language schools theatres and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00635-00177355-00177588 publications were closed by the end of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00636-00177589-00177969 the 1940s it continued to be spoken Vc1PTT7mNLU-00637-00177970-00178284 widely for decades nonetheless in areas Vc1PTT7mNLU-00638-00178285-00178491 with compact Jewish populations Vc1PTT7mNLU-00639-00178492-00178788 primarily in Moldova Ukraine and to a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00640-00178789-00179169 lesser extent Belarus in the former Vc1PTT7mNLU-00641-00179170-00179430 Soviet states recently active Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00642-00179431-00179697 authors include Yosef Berg chernev C Vc1PTT7mNLU-00643-00179698-00180191 1912 to 2009 and Alexander Bader Minh B Vc1PTT7mNLU-00644-00180192-00180609 1949 Odessa publication of an earlier Vc1PTT7mNLU-00645-00180610-00180858 Yiddish periodical dr. prayin dere Vc1PTT7mNLU-00646-00180859-00181244 framed lit the friend was resumed in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00647-00181245-00181542 2004 with dr. nya prayin their mayor Vc1PTT7mNLU-00648-00181543-00182400 framed lit the new friend st. Petersburg Vc1PTT7mNLU-00649-00182401-00182876 topic Russia Vc1PTT7mNLU-00650-00182877-00183425 according to the 2010 census 1683 people Vc1PTT7mNLU-00651-00183426-00183710 spoke Yiddish in Russia approximately 1% Vc1PTT7mNLU-00652-00183711-00183890 of all the Jews of the Russian Vc1PTT7mNLU-00653-00183891-00184015 Federation Vc1PTT7mNLU-00654-00184016-00184307 according to Michael Reid COI former Vc1PTT7mNLU-00655-00184308-00184496 Minister of Culture of Russia and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00656-00184497-00184757 himself of Jewish origin Yiddish culture Vc1PTT7mNLU-00657-00184758-00184997 in Russia is gone and it's revival is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00658-00184998-00185354 unlikely from my point of view Vc1PTT7mNLU-00659-00185355-00185594 Yiddish culture today isn't just fading Vc1PTT7mNLU-00660-00185595-00185918 away but disappearing it is stored as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00661-00185919-00186158 memories as fragments of phrases as Vc1PTT7mNLU-00662-00186159-00186514 books that have long gone unread Vc1PTT7mNLU-00663-00186515-00186754 Yiddish culture is dying and this should Vc1PTT7mNLU-00664-00186755-00187090 be treated with utmost calm there is no Vc1PTT7mNLU-00665-00187091-00187264 need to pity that which cannot be Vc1PTT7mNLU-00666-00187265-00187552 resurrected it has receded into the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00667-00187553-00187789 world of the enchanting past where it Vc1PTT7mNLU-00668-00187790-00188134 should remain any artificial culture a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00669-00188135-00188332 culture without replenishment is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00670-00188333-00188604 meaningless Vc1PTT7mNLU-00671-00188605-00188794 everything that happens with Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00672-00188795-00189039 culture is transformed into a kind of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00673-00189040-00189406 cabaret epistolary genre nice cute to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00674-00189407-00189612 the ear in the eye but having nothing to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00675-00189613-00189844 do with high art because there is no Vc1PTT7mNLU-00676-00189845-00190227 natural national soil in Russia it is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00677-00190228-00190456 the memory of the departed sometimes Vc1PTT7mNLU-00678-00190457-00190768 sweet memories but it's the memories of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00679-00190769-00191037 what will never be again perhaps that's Vc1PTT7mNLU-00680-00191038-00191701 why these memories are always too sharp Vc1PTT7mNLU-00681-00191702-00192290 topic Jewish autonomous Oblast Vc1PTT7mNLU-00682-00192291-00192572 the Jewish autonomous Oblast was formed Vc1PTT7mNLU-00683-00192573-00192884 in 1934 in the Russian Far East with its Vc1PTT7mNLU-00684-00192885-00193118 capital city in biro Beedrill and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00685-00193119-00193384 Yiddish as its official language the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00686-00193385-00193622 intention was for the Soviet Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00687-00193623-00193883 population to settle their Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00688-00193884-00194150 cultural life was revived in biro bead Vc1PTT7mNLU-00689-00194151-00194348 Rijn much earlier than elsewhere in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00690-00194349-00194464 Soviet Union Vc1PTT7mNLU-00691-00194465-00194770 Yiddish theaters began opening in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00692-00194771-00195143 1970s the newspaper dr. Berube John Vc1PTT7mNLU-00693-00195144-00195464 strand dare biro be drone astern lit the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00694-00195465-00195773 biro be drones star includes a Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00695-00195774-00196028 section although the official status of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00696-00196029-00196211 the language was not retained by the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00697-00196212-00196433 Russian Federation its cultural Vc1PTT7mNLU-00698-00196434-00196673 significance is still recognized and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00699-00196674-00196970 bolstered the first biro Beedrill Vc1PTT7mNLU-00700-00196971-00197198 international summer program for Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00701-00197199-00197434 language and culture was launched in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00702-00197435-00197783 2007 as of 2010 according to data Vc1PTT7mNLU-00703-00197784-00198026 provided by the Russian census bureau Vc1PTT7mNLU-00704-00198027-00198302 there were 97 speakers of Yiddish in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00705-00198303-00198692 jao a November 2017 article in The Vc1PTT7mNLU-00706-00198693-00199055 Guardian titled revival of a Soviet Sion Vc1PTT7mNLU-00707-00199056-00199319 biro bead Rijn celebrates its Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00708-00199320-00199652 heritage examine the current status of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00709-00199653-00199883 the city and suggested that even though Vc1PTT7mNLU-00710-00199884-00200111 the jewish autonomous region in Russia's Vc1PTT7mNLU-00711-00200112-00200378 Far East is now barely 1% Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00712-00200379-00200594 officials hoped to woo back people who Vc1PTT7mNLU-00713-00200595-00200864 left after Soviet collapse and to revive Vc1PTT7mNLU-00714-00200865-00201555 the Yiddish language in this region Vc1PTT7mNLU-00715-00201556-00202042 topic Ukraine Vc1PTT7mNLU-00716-00202043-00202270 Yiddish was an official language of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00717-00202271-00203259 Ukrainian People's Republic 1917 to 1921 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00718-00203260-00203835 topic Council of Europe Vc1PTT7mNLU-00719-00203836-00204192 several countries that ratified the 1992 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00720-00204193-00204402 European charter for regional or Vc1PTT7mNLU-00721-00204403-00204660 minority languages have included Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00722-00204661-00204900 in the list of their recognized minority Vc1PTT7mNLU-00723-00204901-00205284 languages the Netherlands 1996 Sweden Vc1PTT7mNLU-00724-00205285-00205892 2000 Romania 2008 Poland 2009 Bosnia and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00725-00205894-00206448 Herzegovina 2010 in 2005 Ukraine did not Vc1PTT7mNLU-00726-00206448-00206691 mention Yiddish as such but the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00727-00206692-00207491 languages of the Jewish ethnic minority Vc1PTT7mNLU-00728-00207492-00208000 topic Sweden Vc1PTT7mNLU-00729-00208001-00208371 in June 1999 the Swedish Parliament Vc1PTT7mNLU-00730-00208373-00208630 enacted legislation giving yudish legal Vc1PTT7mNLU-00731-00208631-00208827 status as one of the country's official Vc1PTT7mNLU-00732-00208828-00209115 minority languages entering into effect Vc1PTT7mNLU-00733-00209116-00209455 in April 2000 the rights thereby Vc1PTT7mNLU-00734-00209456-00209659 conferred are not detailed but Vc1PTT7mNLU-00735-00209660-00209878 additional legislation was enacted in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00736-00209879-00210154 June 2006 establishing a new Vc1PTT7mNLU-00737-00210155-00210433 governmental agency the Swedish national Vc1PTT7mNLU-00738-00210434-00210667 language council the Mandate of which Vc1PTT7mNLU-00739-00210667-00210981 instructs it to collect preserve Vc1PTT7mNLU-00740-00210982-00211231 scientifically research and spread Vc1PTT7mNLU-00741-00211232-00211458 material about the National minority Vc1PTT7mNLU-00742-00211459-00211860 languages naming them all explicitly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00743-00211861-00212140 including Yiddish when announcing this Vc1PTT7mNLU-00744-00212141-00212367 action the government made an additional Vc1PTT7mNLU-00745-00212369-00212644 statement about simultaneously Vc1PTT7mNLU-00746-00212644-00212892 commencing completely new initiatives Vc1PTT7mNLU-00747-00212894-00213109 for Vc1PTT7mNLU-00748-00213110-00213592 Yiddish and the other minority languages Vc1PTT7mNLU-00749-00213592-00213819 the Swedish government publishes Vc1PTT7mNLU-00750-00213821-00214039 documents in Yiddish of which the most Vc1PTT7mNLU-00751-00214040-00214299 recent details the National Action Plan Vc1PTT7mNLU-00752-00214300-00214659 for human rights an earlier one provides Vc1PTT7mNLU-00753-00214660-00214873 general information about national Vc1PTT7mNLU-00754-00214873-00215154 minority language policies on the 6th of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00755-00215155-00215505 September 2007 it became possible to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00756-00215506-00215721 register Internet domains with Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00757-00215723-00215962 names in the National top-level domain Vc1PTT7mNLU-00758-00215963-00216196 shei the first Jews were permitted to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00759-00216196-00216439 reside in Sweden during the late 18th Vc1PTT7mNLU-00760-00216440-00216804 century the Jewish population in Sweden Vc1PTT7mNLU-00761-00216805-00217134 is estimated at around 20,000 of these Vc1PTT7mNLU-00762-00217135-00217423 according to various reports and surveys Vc1PTT7mNLU-00763-00217423-00217746 between 2,000 and 6,000 claimed to have Vc1PTT7mNLU-00764-00217748-00218051 at least some knowledge of Yiddish in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00765-00218052-00218379 2009 the number of native speakers among Vc1PTT7mNLU-00766-00218380-00218617 these was estimated by linguist Mikhail Vc1PTT7mNLU-00767-00218617-00219214 Parkville to be 750 - 1500 it is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00768-00219215-00219415 believed that virtually all native Vc1PTT7mNLU-00769-00219416-00219646 speakers of Yiddish in Sweden today are Vc1PTT7mNLU-00770-00219646-00220359 adults and most of them elderly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00771-00220360-00220942 topic United States Vc1PTT7mNLU-00772-00220942-00221263 in the united states at first most Jews Vc1PTT7mNLU-00773-00221264-00221491 were of Sephardic origin and hence did Vc1PTT7mNLU-00774-00221492-00221809 not speak Yiddish it was not until the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00775-00221810-00222136 mid to late 19th century as first German Vc1PTT7mNLU-00776-00222137-00222385 then Eastern European Jews arrived in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00777-00222386-00222604 the nation that Yiddish became dominant Vc1PTT7mNLU-00778-00222605-00222880 within the immigrant community this Vc1PTT7mNLU-00779-00222881-00223107 helped to bond Jews from many countries Vc1PTT7mNLU-00780-00223108-00223483 poor rww arts for vets the forward was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00781-00223484-00223732 one of seven you - daily newspapers in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00782-00223733-00223923 New York City and other Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00783-00223925-00224194 newspapers served as a forum for Jews of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00784-00224194-00224626 all European backgrounds in 1915 the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00785-00224627-00224809 circulation of the daily Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00786-00224810-00225040 newspapers was half a million in New Vc1PTT7mNLU-00787-00225041-00225376 York City alone and 600,000 nationally Vc1PTT7mNLU-00788-00225377-00225727 in addition thousands more subscribed to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00789-00225728-00225946 the numerous weekly papers and the many Vc1PTT7mNLU-00790-00225946-00226231 magazines the typical circulation in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00791-00226232-00226596 21st century is a few thousand the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00792-00226598-00226810 foreword still appears weekly and is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00793-00226811-00227092 also available in an online edition it Vc1PTT7mNLU-00794-00227092-00227389 remains in wide distribution together Vc1PTT7mNLU-00795-00227390-00227592 with dr. Alma and journal Darrell Vc1PTT7mNLU-00796-00227594-00227830 Germaine a journal algemene a journal Vc1PTT7mNLU-00797-00227831-00228064 alger Manor equals general a her bad Vc1PTT7mNLU-00798-00228065-00228310 newspaper which is also published weekly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00799-00228311-00228607 and appears online the widest Vc1PTT7mNLU-00800-00228608-00228844 circulation Yiddish newspapers are Vc1PTT7mNLU-00801-00228844-00229063 probably the weekly issues dare you'd Vc1PTT7mNLU-00802-00229064-00229348 dr. Eide the Jew dare blat Vc1PTT7mNLU-00803-00229348-00229798 dr. blat blat paper and dice i tongue dy Vc1PTT7mNLU-00804-00229798-00230134 hadn t the newspaper several additional Vc1PTT7mNLU-00805-00230135-00230377 newspapers and magazines are in regular Vc1PTT7mNLU-00806-00230378-00230608 production such as the weekly ad assad Vc1PTT7mNLU-00807-00230609-00230821 try binary - tribune and the monthly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00808-00230821-00231175 publications dr. strand - turn the star Vc1PTT7mNLU-00809-00231176-00231616 and dr. Bly cute dare blick the view the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00810-00231617-00231873 romanized title cited in this paragraph Vc1PTT7mNLU-00811-00231875-00232098 are in the form given on the masthead of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00812-00232100-00232285 each publication and maybe at some Vc1PTT7mNLU-00813-00232286-00232510 variants both with the literal Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00814-00232511-00232732 title and the transliteration rules Vc1PTT7mNLU-00815-00232733-00232921 otherwise applied in this article Vc1PTT7mNLU-00816-00232921-00233179 thriving Yiddish theater especially in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00817-00233180-00233319 the New York City yiddish theater Vc1PTT7mNLU-00818-00233321-00233637 district kept the language vital Vc1PTT7mNLU-00819-00233638-00233898 interesting klezmer music provided Vc1PTT7mNLU-00820-00233900-00234146 another bonding mechanism Vc1PTT7mNLU-00821-00234148-00234387 most of the Jewish immigrants to the New Vc1PTT7mNLU-00822-00234388-00234632 York metropolitan area during the years Vc1PTT7mNLU-00823-00234633-00234848 of Ellis Island considered Yiddish their Vc1PTT7mNLU-00824-00234850-00234969 native language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00825-00234969-00235215 however native Yiddish speakers tended Vc1PTT7mNLU-00826-00235216-00235394 not to pass the language on to the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00827-00235396-00235610 children who assimilated and spoke Vc1PTT7mNLU-00828-00235611-00235871 English for example Vc1PTT7mNLU-00829-00235873-00236154 Isaac Asimov states in his autobiography Vc1PTT7mNLU-00830-00236155-00236355 in memory yet dreamed that Yiddish was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00831-00236356-00236613 his first and sole spoken language and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00832-00236614-00236880 remained so for about two years after he Vc1PTT7mNLU-00833-00236881-00237090 emigrated to the United States as a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00834-00237091-00237216 small child Vc1PTT7mNLU-00835-00237217-00237576 by contrast Asimov's younger siblings Vc1PTT7mNLU-00836-00237577-00237801 born in the United States never Vc1PTT7mNLU-00837-00237802-00238014 developed any degree of fluency in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00838-00238015-00238602 Yiddish many Yiddish isms like Italian Vc1PTT7mNLU-00839-00238603-00239084 isms and Spanish isms entered New York Vc1PTT7mNLU-00840-00239085-00239352 City English often used by Jews and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00841-00239353-00239585 non-jews alike unaware of the linguistic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00842-00239586-00239952 origin of the phrases Yiddish words used Vc1PTT7mNLU-00843-00239953-00240189 in English were documented extensively Vc1PTT7mNLU-00844-00240190-00240477 by Leo Rosten in the joys of Yiddish see Vc1PTT7mNLU-00845-00240478-00240680 also the list of english words of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00846-00240681-00241184 Yiddish origin in 1975 the film Hester Vc1PTT7mNLU-00847-00241185-00241419 Street much of which is in Yiddish was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00848-00241419-00241733 released it was later chosen to be on Vc1PTT7mNLU-00849-00241734-00241973 the Library of Congress National Film Vc1PTT7mNLU-00850-00241975-00242182 registry for being considered a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00851-00242183-00242505 culturally historically or aesthetically Vc1PTT7mNLU-00852-00242506-00242946 significant film in 1976 the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00853-00242946-00243162 canadian-born American author Saul Vc1PTT7mNLU-00854-00243163-00243387 Bellow received the Nobel Prize in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00855-00243388-00243702 Literature he was fluent in Yiddish and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00856-00243703-00243951 translated several Yiddish poems and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00857-00243952-00244176 stories into English including Isaac Vc1PTT7mNLU-00858-00244177-00244585 Bashevis singer 's Gimple the fool in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00859-00244586-00244896 1978 singer a writer in the Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00860-00244896-00245123 language who was born in Poland and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00861-00245125-00245364 lived in the United States received the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00862-00245365-00245748 Nobel Prize in Literature legal scholars Vc1PTT7mNLU-00863-00245748-00245979 Eugene Volek and Alex cause instantly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00864-00245980-00246233 argued that year dishes supplanting Vc1PTT7mNLU-00865-00246234-00246477 Latin as the spice in American legal Vc1PTT7mNLU-00866-00246478-00247042 agro Vc1PTT7mNLU-00867-00247042-00247719 topic present u.s. speaker population Vc1PTT7mNLU-00868-00247721-00248212 in the 2000 united states census 178 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00869-00248213-00248428 thousand nine hundred and forty five Vc1PTT7mNLU-00870-00248429-00248679 people in the united states reported Vc1PTT7mNLU-00871-00248680-00248955 speaking yiddish at home of these Vc1PTT7mNLU-00872-00248956-00249178 speakers one hundred and thirteen Vc1PTT7mNLU-00873-00249179-00249421 thousand five hundred and fifteen lived Vc1PTT7mNLU-00874-00249421-00249705 in new york sixty three point four three Vc1PTT7mNLU-00875-00249706-00249888 percent of american yiddish speakers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00876-00249889-00250171 eighteen thousand two hundred and twenty Vc1PTT7mNLU-00877-00250171-00250417 in florida ten point one eight percent Vc1PTT7mNLU-00878-00250417-00250680 nine thousand one hundred and forty five Vc1PTT7mNLU-00879-00250681-00250987 in new jersey five point one one percent Vc1PTT7mNLU-00880-00250988-00251184 and eight thousand nine hundred and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00881-00251185-00251629 fifty in california 5.00 percent the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00882-00251630-00251803 remaining states with speaker Vc1PTT7mNLU-00883-00251804-00252057 populations larger than one thousand of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00884-00252058-00252996 pennsylvania 5445 ohio 1925 michigan Vc1PTT7mNLU-00885-00252996-00253342 1945 massachusetts two thousand three Vc1PTT7mNLU-00886-00253342-00253450 hundred and eighty Vc1PTT7mNLU-00887-00253451-00254285 maryland 2125 illinois 3510 connecticut Vc1PTT7mNLU-00888-00254286-00254887 1710 and arizona 1055 the population is Vc1PTT7mNLU-00889-00254888-00255148 largely elderly seventy two thousand Vc1PTT7mNLU-00890-00255148-00255328 eight hundred and eighty five of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00891-00255329-00255534 speakers were older than sixty-five Vc1PTT7mNLU-00892-00255535-00255790 sixty-six thousand eight hundred and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00893-00255791-00256123 fifteen were between 18 and 64 and only Vc1PTT7mNLU-00894-00256123-00256342 thirty nine thousand two hundred and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00895-00256342-00256623 forty five were age seventeen or lower Vc1PTT7mNLU-00896-00256623-00257017 in the six years since the 2000 census Vc1PTT7mNLU-00897-00257017-00257330 the 2006 american community survey Vc1PTT7mNLU-00898-00257331-00257604 reflected an estimated fifteen percent Vc1PTT7mNLU-00899-00257605-00257832 decline of people speaking yiddish at Vc1PTT7mNLU-00900-00257833-00258040 home in the u.s. to one hundred and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00901-00258041-00258271 fifty two thousand five hundred and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00902-00258271-00258688 fifteen in 2011 the number of persons in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00903-00258689-00258925 the united states above the age of five Vc1PTT7mNLU-00904-00258926-00259248 speaking yiddish at home was 160 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00905-00259250-00259444 thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight Vc1PTT7mNLU-00906-00259444-00259692 there are a few predominantly Hasidic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00907-00259694-00259915 communities in the United States in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00908-00259916-00260109 which Yiddish remains the majority Vc1PTT7mNLU-00909-00260110-00260344 language including concentrations in the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00910-00260344-00260544 Crown Heights Borough Park and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00911-00260546-00260759 Williamsburg neighborhoods of Brooklyn Vc1PTT7mNLU-00912-00260760-00261094 in Korea's Joel in Orange County Vc1PTT7mNLU-00913-00261096-00261464 New York in the 2000 census nearly 90% Vc1PTT7mNLU-00914-00261465-00261707 of residents of Korea's Joel reported Vc1PTT7mNLU-00915-00261708-00262021 speaking Yiddish at home Vc1PTT7mNLU-00916-00262023-00262363 you Vc1PTT7mNLU-00917-00262364-00262925 topic united kingdom Vc1PTT7mNLU-00918-00262926-00263182 there are well over 30,000 Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00919-00263183-00263387 speakers in the United Kingdom and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00920-00263388-00263603 several thousand children now have Vc1PTT7mNLU-00921-00263604-00263935 Yiddish as a first language the largest Vc1PTT7mNLU-00922-00263936-00264140 group of Yiddish speakers in Britain Vc1PTT7mNLU-00923-00264141-00264371 reside in the Stamford Hill District of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00924-00264372-00264569 North London but there are sizable Vc1PTT7mNLU-00925-00264570-00264779 communities in Northwest London Vc1PTT7mNLU-00926-00264780-00265121 Leeds Manchester and Gateshead the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00927-00265122-00265352 Yiddish readership in the UK is mainly Vc1PTT7mNLU-00928-00265353-00265619 reliant upon imported material from the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00929-00265620-00265889 United States in Israel for newspapers Vc1PTT7mNLU-00930-00265890-00266181 magazines and other periodicals Vc1PTT7mNLU-00931-00266182-00266492 however the london-based weekly Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00932-00266493-00266726 Tribune has a small section in Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00933-00266727-00266950 called it Easter Bunny Odisha Tribune Vc1PTT7mNLU-00934-00266951-00267401 from the 1910s to the 1950s London had a Vc1PTT7mNLU-00935-00267402-00267668 daily Yiddish newspaper called dyz at Vc1PTT7mNLU-00936-00267669-00268064 die TS ayt Yiddish pronunciation D sat Vc1PTT7mNLU-00937-00268065-00268343 in English the time founded and edited Vc1PTT7mNLU-00938-00268344-00268592 from offices in Whitechapel Road by Vc1PTT7mNLU-00939-00268593-00268823 Romanian born Morris Meyer who was Vc1PTT7mNLU-00940-00268824-00269156 succeeded on his death in 1943 by his Vc1PTT7mNLU-00941-00269157-00269245 son Harry Vc1PTT7mNLU-00942-00269246-00269560 there were also from time to time yudish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00943-00269561-00269794 newspapers in Manchester Liverpool Vc1PTT7mNLU-00944-00269795-00270146 Glasgow and Leeds Vc1PTT7mNLU-00945-00270147-00270487 you Vc1PTT7mNLU-00946-00270488-00270981 topic Canada Vc1PTT7mNLU-00947-00270982-00271258 Montreal had and to some extent still Vc1PTT7mNLU-00948-00271259-00271510 has one of the most thriving Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00949-00271511-00271711 communities in North America Vc1PTT7mNLU-00950-00271712-00271981 Yiddish was Montreal's third language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00951-00271982-00272251 after French and English for the entire Vc1PTT7mNLU-00952-00272252-00272596 first half of the 20th century dare Vc1PTT7mNLU-00953-00272597-00272971 Canada Adler the Canadian Eagle founded Vc1PTT7mNLU-00954-00272972-00273244 by Hirsch wolof Sookie Montreal's daily Vc1PTT7mNLU-00955-00273245-00273571 Yiddish newspaper appeared from 1907 to Vc1PTT7mNLU-00956-00273572-00273937 1988 the monument national was the Vc1PTT7mNLU-00957-00273938-00274207 center of yiddish theater from 1896 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00958-00274208-00274411 until the construction of the sadie Vc1PTT7mNLU-00959-00274412-00274603 Bronfman Center for the Arts Vc1PTT7mNLU-00960-00274604-00274786 now the Siegel Center for Performing Vc1PTT7mNLU-00961-00274787-00275284 Arts inaugurated on September 24 1967 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00962-00275285-00275476 where the established resident theater Vc1PTT7mNLU-00963-00275477-00275713 the Dora Wasserman Yiddish theater Vc1PTT7mNLU-00964-00275714-00275923 remains the only permanent Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-00965-00275924-00276232 theater in North America the theater Vc1PTT7mNLU-00966-00276233-00276565 group also tours Canada u.s. Israel and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00967-00276566-00276793 Europe even though Yiddish has receded Vc1PTT7mNLU-00968-00276794-00277045 it is the immediate ancestral language Vc1PTT7mNLU-00969-00277046-00277246 of Montrealers like Mordecai Richler Vc1PTT7mNLU-00970-00277247-00277519 Leonard Cohen as well as former interim Vc1PTT7mNLU-00971-00277520-00277837 City Mayor Michael Applebaum besides Vc1PTT7mNLU-00972-00277838-00278086 Yiddish speaking activists it remains Vc1PTT7mNLU-00973-00278087-00278316 today the native everyday language of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00974-00278317-00279051 15,000 Montreal has Sodom Vc1PTT7mNLU-00975-00279052-00279657 topic religious communities Vc1PTT7mNLU-00976-00279658-00279891 the major exception to the decline of Vc1PTT7mNLU-00977-00279892-00280149 spoken Yiddish can be found in Haredi Vc1PTT7mNLU-00978-00280150-00280476 communities all over the world in some Vc1PTT7mNLU-00979-00280477-00280638 of the more closely knit such Vc1PTT7mNLU-00980-00280639-00280905 communities Yiddish is spoken as a home Vc1PTT7mNLU-00981-00280906-00281121 and schooling language especially in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00982-00281122-00281352 Hasidic lit fish or yeshiva SH Vc1PTT7mNLU-00983-00281353-00281577 communities such as Brooklyn's Borough Vc1PTT7mNLU-00984-00281578-00281886 Park Williamsburg and Crown Heights and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00985-00281887-00282135 in the communities of Monsey Korea's Vc1PTT7mNLU-00986-00282136-00282462 Joel and nu square in New York over 88 Vc1PTT7mNLU-00987-00282463-00282678 percent of the population of Korea's Vc1PTT7mNLU-00988-00282679-00282909 Joel is reported to speak Yiddish at Vc1PTT7mNLU-00989-00282910-00283101 home also in New Jersey Vc1PTT7mNLU-00990-00283102-00283332 Yiddish is widely spoken mostly in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00991-00283333-00283584 Lakewood Township but also in smaller Vc1PTT7mNLU-00992-00283585-00283851 towns with yeshiva s-- such as Passaic Vc1PTT7mNLU-00993-00283852-00284202 Teaneck and elsewhere Yiddish is also Vc1PTT7mNLU-00994-00284203-00284430 widely spoken in the Jewish community in Vc1PTT7mNLU-00995-00284431-00284712 Antwerp and inherited communities such Vc1PTT7mNLU-00996-00284713-00284949 as the ones in London Manchester and Vc1PTT7mNLU-00997-00284950-00285315 Montreal Yiddish is also spoken in many Vc1PTT7mNLU-00998-00285316-00285558 Haredi communities throughout Israel Vc1PTT7mNLU-00999-00285559-00285891 among most Ashkenazi here'd 'm hebrew is Vc1PTT7mNLU-01000-00285892-00286080 generally reserved for prayer while Vc1PTT7mNLU-01001-00286081-00286305 Yiddish is used for religious studies as Vc1PTT7mNLU-01002-00286306-00286623 well as a home and business language in Vc1PTT7mNLU-01003-00286624-00286905 Israel however hair done commonly speak Vc1PTT7mNLU-01004-00286906-00287121 Hebrew with the notable exception of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01005-00287122-00287487 many Hasidic communities however many Vc1PTT7mNLU-01006-00287488-00287727 hair damn who use modern hebrew also Vc1PTT7mNLU-01007-00287728-00287976 understand yiddish there are some who Vc1PTT7mNLU-01008-00287977-00288174 send their children to schools in which Vc1PTT7mNLU-01009-00288175-00288405 the primary language of instruction is Vc1PTT7mNLU-01010-00288406-00288753 Yiddish members of anti-zionist Hara D Vc1PTT7mNLU-01011-00288754-00288978 groups such as the Satmar Hasidim who Vc1PTT7mNLU-01012-00288979-00289197 view the commonplace use of Hebrew is a Vc1PTT7mNLU-01013-00289198-00289446 form of Zionism use Yiddish almost Vc1PTT7mNLU-01014-00289447-00289809 exclusively hundreds of thousands of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01015-00289810-00290001 young children around the globe have Vc1PTT7mNLU-01016-00290002-00290235 been and are still taught to translate Vc1PTT7mNLU-01017-00290236-00290565 the texts of the Torah into Yiddish this Vc1PTT7mNLU-01018-00290566-00290885 process is called T atiyah sentation Vc1PTT7mNLU-01019-00290886-00291255 translating most Ashkenazi u Shiva's Vc1PTT7mNLU-01020-00291256-00291474 highest level lectures in Talmud and Vc1PTT7mNLU-01021-00291475-00291666 halakhah are delivered in Yiddish by the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01022-00291667-00291915 Rashi Shiva's as well as ethical talks Vc1PTT7mNLU-01023-00291916-00292236 of the Musa Movement Hasidic rubbers Vc1PTT7mNLU-01024-00292237-00292455 generally use only Yiddish to converse Vc1PTT7mNLU-01025-00292456-00292632 with their followers and to deliver Vc1PTT7mNLU-01026-00292633-00292917 their various Torah talks classes and Vc1PTT7mNLU-01027-00292918-00293048 lectures Vc1PTT7mNLU-01028-00293049-00293329 the linguistic style and vocabulary of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01029-00293330-00293525 Yiddish have influenced the manner in Vc1PTT7mNLU-01030-00293526-00293753 which many Orthodox Jews who attend Vc1PTT7mNLU-01031-00293754-00294104 yeshiva speak English this usage is Vc1PTT7mNLU-01032-00294105-00294299 distinctive enough that it has been Vc1PTT7mNLU-01033-00294300-00294562 dubbed yeshiva Sh Vc1PTT7mNLU-01034-00294563-00294845 while Hebrew remains the exclusive Vc1PTT7mNLU-01035-00294846-00295076 language of Jewish prayer the Hasidim Vc1PTT7mNLU-01036-00295077-00295231 have mixed some Yiddish into their Vc1PTT7mNLU-01037-00295232-00295469 Hebrew and are also responsible for a Vc1PTT7mNLU-01038-00295470-00295664 significant secondary religious Vc1PTT7mNLU-01039-00295665-00295912 literature written in Yiddish for Vc1PTT7mNLU-01040-00295913-00296201 example the tales about the Baal Shem Vc1PTT7mNLU-01041-00296202-00296530 Tov were written largely in Yiddish the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01042-00296531-00296782 Torah talks of the later bad leaders are Vc1PTT7mNLU-01043-00296783-00296983 published in their original form Vc1PTT7mNLU-01044-00296984-00297365 Yiddish in addition some prayers such as Vc1PTT7mNLU-01045-00297366-00297713 God of Abraham were composed and are Vc1PTT7mNLU-01046-00297714-00298308 recited in Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01047-00298309-00298918 topic modern yiddish education Vc1PTT7mNLU-01048-00298919-00299164 there has been a resurgence in Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01049-00299165-00299409 learning in recent times among many from Vc1PTT7mNLU-01050-00299410-00299646 around the world with Jewish ancestry Vc1PTT7mNLU-01051-00299647-00299931 the language which had lost many of its Vc1PTT7mNLU-01052-00299932-00300204 native speakers during World War two has Vc1PTT7mNLU-01053-00300205-00300504 been making something of a comeback in Vc1PTT7mNLU-01054-00300505-00300753 Poland which traditionally had Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01055-00300754-00301029 speaking communities a museum has begun Vc1PTT7mNLU-01056-00301030-00301347 to revive Yiddish education and culture Vc1PTT7mNLU-01057-00301348-00301645 located in Krakov the Galicia Jewish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01058-00301646-00301854 Museum offers classes in Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01059-00301855-00302092 language instruction and workshops on Vc1PTT7mNLU-01060-00302093-00302464 Yiddish songs the museum has taken steps Vc1PTT7mNLU-01061-00302465-00302698 to revive the culture through concerts Vc1PTT7mNLU-01062-00302699-00303037 and events held on-site there are Vc1PTT7mNLU-01063-00303038-00303306 various universities worldwide which now Vc1PTT7mNLU-01064-00303307-00303541 offer Yiddish programs based on the weii Vc1PTT7mNLU-01065-00303542-00303852 vo Yiddish standard many of these Vc1PTT7mNLU-01066-00303853-00304101 programs are held during the summer and Vc1PTT7mNLU-01067-00304102-00304332 are attended by Yiddish enthusiasts from Vc1PTT7mNLU-01068-00304333-00304451 around the world Vc1PTT7mNLU-01069-00304452-00304792 one such school located within Vilnius Vc1PTT7mNLU-01070-00304793-00305103 University Vilnius Yiddish Institute was Vc1PTT7mNLU-01071-00305104-00305274 the first yiddish center of higher Vc1PTT7mNLU-01072-00305275-00305446 learning to be established in Vc1PTT7mNLU-01073-00305447-00305716 post-holocaust Eastern Europe Vilnius Vc1PTT7mNLU-01074-00305717-00305965 Yiddish Institute is an integral part of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01075-00305966-00306150 the fourth century old Vilnius Vc1PTT7mNLU-01076-00306151-00306477 University published yiddish scholar and Vc1PTT7mNLU-01077-00306478-00306684 researcher David Katz is among the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01078-00306685-00306937 faculty despite this growing popularity Vc1PTT7mNLU-01079-00306938-00307209 among many American Jews finding Vc1PTT7mNLU-01080-00307210-00307423 opportunities for practical use of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01081-00307424-00307546 Yiddish is becoming increasingly Vc1PTT7mNLU-01082-00307547-00307843 difficult and thus many students have Vc1PTT7mNLU-01083-00307844-00308070 trouble learning to speak the language Vc1PTT7mNLU-01084-00308071-00308385 one solution has been the establishment Vc1PTT7mNLU-01085-00308386-00308644 of a farm in Goshen New York feodosia Vc1PTT7mNLU-01086-00308645-00308824 ists Yiddish is the medium of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01087-00308825-00309081 instruction in many Hasidic drinka doram Vc1PTT7mNLU-01088-00309082-00309330 Jewish boys schools and some Hasidic Vc1PTT7mNLU-01089-00309331-00309943 girl schools Vc1PTT7mNLU-01090-00309944-00310453 topic internet Vc1PTT7mNLU-01091-00310454-00310741 Google Translate includes Yiddish as one Vc1PTT7mNLU-01092-00310742-00311016 of its languages as does Wikipedia Vc1PTT7mNLU-01093-00311017-00311320 Hebrew alphabet keyboards are available Vc1PTT7mNLU-01094-00311321-00311547 in right-to-left writing recognized Vc1PTT7mNLU-01095-00311548-00311937 Google search accepts queries in Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01096-00311938-00312316 over 10,000 Yiddish texts estimated as Vc1PTT7mNLU-01097-00312317-00312535 over half of all the published works in Vc1PTT7mNLU-01098-00312536-00312766 Yiddish are now online based on the work Vc1PTT7mNLU-01099-00312767-00313000 of the Yiddish book center volunteers Vc1PTT7mNLU-01100-00313001-00313246 and the Internet Archive there are many Vc1PTT7mNLU-01101-00313247-00313542 websites on the internet in Yiddish in Vc1PTT7mNLU-01102-00313543-00313888 January 2013 the forward announced the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01103-00313889-00314095 launch of the new daily version of their Vc1PTT7mNLU-01104-00314096-00314368 newspapers website which has been active Vc1PTT7mNLU-01105-00314369-00314725 since 1999 is an online weekly supplied Vc1PTT7mNLU-01106-00314726-00315004 with radio and video programs a literary Vc1PTT7mNLU-01107-00315005-00315220 section for fiction writers and a Vc1PTT7mNLU-01108-00315221-00315394 special blog written in local Vc1PTT7mNLU-01109-00315395-00315673 contemporary Hasidic dialects computer Vc1PTT7mNLU-01110-00315674-00315955 scientist Raphael Finkel maintains a hub Vc1PTT7mNLU-01111-00315956-00316201 of Yiddish language resources including Vc1PTT7mNLU-01112-00316202-00316393 a searchable dictionary and spell Vc1PTT7mNLU-01113-00316394-00316714 checker in late 2016 Motorola Inc Vc1PTT7mNLU-01114-00316715-00316942 released its smartphones with keyboard Vc1PTT7mNLU-01115-00316943-00317152 access for the Yiddish language in its Vc1PTT7mNLU-01116-00317153-00317817 foreign language option Vc1PTT7mNLU-01117-00317818-00318481 topic influence on other languages Vc1PTT7mNLU-01118-00318482-00318757 as this article has explained Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01119-00318758-00318997 has influenced modern Hebrew in New York Vc1PTT7mNLU-01120-00318998-00319268 English especially as spoken by yeshiva Vc1PTT7mNLU-01121-00319269-00319514 students sometimes known as yeshiva Vc1PTT7mNLU-01122-00319515-00319602 SHhhh Vc1PTT7mNLU-01123-00319603-00319943 Paul Wexler proposed that Esperanto was Vc1PTT7mNLU-01124-00319944-00320149 not an arbitrary pastiche of major Vc1PTT7mNLU-01125-00320150-00320434 European languages but a Latin etre lexa Vc1PTT7mNLU-01126-00320435-00320680 fication of Yiddish a native language of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01127-00320681-00320971 its founder this model is generally Vc1PTT7mNLU-01128-00320972-00321714 unsupported by mainstream linguists Vc1PTT7mNLU-01129-00321715-00322338 topic language examples Vc1PTT7mNLU-01130-00322339-00322596 here is a short example of the Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01131-00322597-00322794 language with standard German as a Vc1PTT7mNLU-01132-00322795-00323415 comparison Vc1PTT7mNLU-01133-00323416-00323967 topic see also Vc1PTT7mNLU-01134-00323968-00324287 list of English words of Yiddish origin Vc1PTT7mNLU-01135-00324288-00324729 list of Yiddish language poets list of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01136-00324730-00325110 Yiddish newspapers and periodicals the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01137-00325111-00325517 Yiddish King Lear Yiddish book center Vc1PTT7mNLU-01138-00325518-00325893 Yiddish dialects has spoken in different Vc1PTT7mNLU-01139-00325894-00326292 regions of Europe yiddish grammar the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01140-00326293-00326561 structural detail of the language Vc1PTT7mNLU-01141-00326562-00326982 Yiddish literature Yiddish orthography Vc1PTT7mNLU-01142-00326983-00327225 the written representation of the Vc1PTT7mNLU-01143-00327226-00327696 language it assists movement Yiddish Vc1PTT7mNLU-01144-00327697-00328002 words used in English definitions of Vc1PTT7mNLU-01145-00328003-00328194 Yiddish words used in a primarily Vc1PTT7mNLU-01146-00328195-00328520 English context Vc1PTT7mNLU-01147-00328521-00328783 English ViW6MulauDu-00000-00000136-00000526 good evening my precious bipolar line ViW6MulauDu-00001-00000527-00000927 tribe deb i by polar line derb tribe ViW6MulauDu-00002-00000927-00001031 and ViW6MulauDu-00003-00001032-00001335 my friends my family ViW6MulauDu-00004-00001336-00001535 who all supported me ViW6MulauDu-00005-00001536-00001695 throughout the year ViW6MulauDu-00006-00001696-00001807 and ViW6MulauDu-00007-00001807-00001918 thank you ViW6MulauDu-00008-00001919-00002231 for your beautiful comments on my ViW6MulauDu-00009-00002232-00002455 video that i did for you a couple of ViW6MulauDu-00010-00002456-00002599 days ago ViW6MulauDu-00011-00002600-00002950 just a message to let you know that ViW6MulauDu-00012-00002951-00003222 this is a very difficult time of year ViW6MulauDu-00013-00003223-00003327 and ViW6MulauDu-00014-00003328-00003535 for people who have ViW6MulauDu-00015-00003536-00003870 i suppose for many who are homeless and ViW6MulauDu-00016-00003871-00004015 lonely and ViW6MulauDu-00017-00004015-00004270 many reasons but ViW6MulauDu-00018-00004271-00004559 for those of us who have ViW6MulauDu-00019-00004560-00004822 a mental disorder the ones i deal with ViW6MulauDu-00020-00004823-00005006 you know they are ViW6MulauDu-00021-00005007-00005263 borderline bipolar ViW6MulauDu-00022-00005264-00005438 adhd ViW6MulauDu-00023-00005439-00005599 depression ViW6MulauDu-00024-00005600-00005799 ptsd ViW6MulauDu-00025-00005800-00006054 cptsd ViW6MulauDu-00026-00006055-00006167 panic ViW6MulauDu-00027-00006168-00006406 which is possibly ViW6MulauDu-00028-00006408-00006575 quite rife ViW6MulauDu-00029-00006576-00006831 if you don't enjoy this time of year ViW6MulauDu-00030-00006831-00007103 within you ViW6MulauDu-00031-00007104-00007455 so what i thought i'm going to do as i ViW6MulauDu-00032-00007456-00007703 promised in my last video ViW6MulauDu-00033-00007704-00007919 i'm going to take you through ViW6MulauDu-00034-00007920-00008134 a meditation ViW6MulauDu-00035-00008136-00008483 and this one ViW6MulauDu-00036-00008484-00008742 is just to ViW6MulauDu-00037-00008743-00008959 give you some calm ViW6MulauDu-00038-00008960-00009063 because ViW6MulauDu-00039-00009064-00009223 our minds ViW6MulauDu-00040-00009224-00009431 are not our friends ViW6MulauDu-00041-00009432-00009646 your mind is never going to give you the ViW6MulauDu-00042-00009647-00009967 good news ViW6MulauDu-00043-00009968-00010503 our minds don't um sort of support our ViW6MulauDu-00044-00010504-00010703 wants our needs ViW6MulauDu-00045-00010704-00010919 certainly not how they ViW6MulauDu-00046-00010920-00011174 manifest in our minds i mean you know ViW6MulauDu-00047-00011175-00011367 the thoughts that come thoughts aren't ViW6MulauDu-00048-00011368-00011535 our friends ViW6MulauDu-00049-00011536-00011631 so ViW6MulauDu-00050-00011632-00011910 with my meditations i always ask you ViW6MulauDu-00051-00011911-00012055 please ViW6MulauDu-00052-00012056-00012142 when ViW6MulauDu-00053-00012143-00012319 thoughts come ViW6MulauDu-00054-00012320-00012510 as you close your eyes and you're ViW6MulauDu-00055-00012511-00012623 comfortable ViW6MulauDu-00056-00012624-00012999 as thoughts come into your mind ViW6MulauDu-00057-00013000-00013151 let them pass ViW6MulauDu-00058-00013152-00013351 as as if you're watching ViW6MulauDu-00059-00013352-00013463 a cloud ViW6MulauDu-00060-00013463-00013694 passing in the sky ViW6MulauDu-00061-00013695-00013975 don't buy into them ViW6MulauDu-00062-00013976-00014255 a thought without belief ViW6MulauDu-00063-00014256-00014358 is ViW6MulauDu-00064-00014359-00014519 nothing ViW6MulauDu-00065-00014519-00014799 but a thought with belief ViW6MulauDu-00066-00014800-00015079 can start a war ViW6MulauDu-00067-00015080-00015311 and that war goes in ViW6MulauDu-00068-00015312-00015711 in our minds goes on in our minds ViW6MulauDu-00069-00015712-00016007 and it's makes it pretty difficult ViW6MulauDu-00070-00016008-00016358 to find any happiness at all ViW6MulauDu-00071-00016359-00016575 and you all know how we ViW6MulauDu-00072-00016576-00016950 tend to come down on ourselves the guilt ViW6MulauDu-00073-00016951-00017191 that's a good one ViW6MulauDu-00074-00017192-00017327 and actually ViW6MulauDu-00075-00017328-00017455 when i ViW6MulauDu-00076-00017456-00017679 was learning ViW6MulauDu-00077-00017680-00017822 my ViW6MulauDu-00078-00017823-00018022 counseling work ViW6MulauDu-00079-00018023-00018143 uh ViW6MulauDu-00080-00018144-00018479 my tutor told me that guilt is not ViW6MulauDu-00081-00018480-00018719 actually a feeling ViW6MulauDu-00082-00018720-00018999 like i don't know how they work it out ViW6MulauDu-00083-00019000-00019263 guilt is more a way of ViW6MulauDu-00084-00019264-00019430 sorry a bit hot ViW6MulauDu-00085-00019431-00019607 of ViW6MulauDu-00086-00019608-00019863 keeping us in line ViW6MulauDu-00087-00019864-00020111 i always thought that this is something ViW6MulauDu-00088-00020112-00020383 that was invented by religion to make us ViW6MulauDu-00089-00020384-00020622 all feel really bad if we didn't say our ViW6MulauDu-00090-00020623-00020807 prayers and stuff ViW6MulauDu-00091-00020808-00021007 a lot of things that we think yeah ViW6MulauDu-00092-00021008-00021303 that's what thought did so ViW6MulauDu-00093-00021304-00021583 whatever your thoughts might say ViW6MulauDu-00094-00021584-00021783 if they are not happy ViW6MulauDu-00095-00021784-00021991 or friendly ViW6MulauDu-00096-00021992-00022135 ignore them ViW6MulauDu-00097-00022136-00022399 okay ViW6MulauDu-00098-00022400-00022775 the point is what you're doing is you ViW6MulauDu-00099-00022776-00023135 are with the meditation ViW6MulauDu-00100-00023136-00023542 you're just we're calming the mind ViW6MulauDu-00101-00023543-00023678 and the body ViW6MulauDu-00102-00023679-00023839 down ViW6MulauDu-00103-00023840-00024039 and of course i'm telling you this ViW6MulauDu-00104-00024040-00024407 beforehand so that you don't sort of get ViW6MulauDu-00105-00024408-00024663 a shock when you can't keep ViW6MulauDu-00106-00024664-00024991 quiet inside just be still ViW6MulauDu-00107-00024992-00025294 that's perfectly normal because you've ViW6MulauDu-00108-00025295-00025519 uh the your thoughts are going to come ViW6MulauDu-00109-00025520-00025790 yes but i should have done this and oh ViW6MulauDu-00110-00025791-00026031 oh oh hell i i don't like christmas ViW6MulauDu-00111-00026032-00026302 because of that or i'm all alone this ViW6MulauDu-00112-00026304-00026470 christmas and i don't know what i'm ViW6MulauDu-00113-00026472-00026631 going to do and everyone's having such ViW6MulauDu-00114-00026632-00026879 fun obviously i'm a useless failure and ViW6MulauDu-00115-00026880-00027062 and ViW6MulauDu-00116-00027063-00027311 especially if you have had family ViW6MulauDu-00117-00027312-00027479 members ViW6MulauDu-00118-00027480-00027702 walk away from you which i think we've ViW6MulauDu-00119-00027704-00027855 all experienced ViW6MulauDu-00120-00027856-00028111 and friends because ViW6MulauDu-00121-00028112-00028318 you have a mental disorder ViW6MulauDu-00122-00028319-00028558 that's how it's like going back into the ViW6MulauDu-00123-00028560-00028774 dark ages isn't it ViW6MulauDu-00124-00028775-00029062 very few people get it or care to try ViW6MulauDu-00125-00029063-00029214 and understand it ViW6MulauDu-00126-00029216-00029358 and that's okay ViW6MulauDu-00127-00029360-00029487 let it go ViW6MulauDu-00128-00029488-00029655 all right ViW6MulauDu-00129-00029656-00029823 so then ViW6MulauDu-00130-00029824-00030046 that's what your mind's gonna try while ViW6MulauDu-00131-00030047-00030174 we meditate ViW6MulauDu-00132-00030175-00030351 and ViW6MulauDu-00133-00030352-00030590 my my sincere ViW6MulauDu-00134-00030591-00030823 advice to you and i've been doing this ViW6MulauDu-00135-00030824-00031102 for years is ViW6MulauDu-00136-00031103-00031439 let the thoughts don't follow them don't ViW6MulauDu-00137-00031439-00031702 buy into them come straight back ViW6MulauDu-00138-00031703-00032079 to where you are and you can concentrate ViW6MulauDu-00139-00032080-00032358 when you meditate you'll feel there's ViW6MulauDu-00140-00032360-00032607 like a stark space ViW6MulauDu-00141-00032608-00032839 or even here a dark space there's ViW6MulauDu-00142-00032840-00032951 nothing ViW6MulauDu-00143-00032952-00033118 that's what you want you want the ViW6MulauDu-00144-00033119-00033223 nothing ViW6MulauDu-00145-00033224-00033455 you don't want a beautiful ViW6MulauDu-00146-00033456-00033639 mountain or a ViW6MulauDu-00147-00033640-00033871 you know the thought of a lovely river ViW6MulauDu-00148-00033872-00034031 no ViW6MulauDu-00149-00034032-00034159 nothing ViW6MulauDu-00150-00034160-00034262 just ViW6MulauDu-00151-00034263-00034455 nothing ViW6MulauDu-00152-00034456-00034639 that's where you want to be ViW6MulauDu-00153-00034640-00034783 okay ViW6MulauDu-00154-00034784-00034951 so when your thoughts come along and ViW6MulauDu-00155-00034952-00035167 start giving you all sorts of stuff to ViW6MulauDu-00156-00035168-00035423 think about and oh my god you're wasting ViW6MulauDu-00157-00035424-00035599 and da da da ViW6MulauDu-00158-00035600-00035727 come back ViW6MulauDu-00159-00035728-00035855 to the nothing ViW6MulauDu-00160-00035856-00036095 and yet the nothing ViW6MulauDu-00161-00036096-00036415 is the everything ViW6MulauDu-00162-00036416-00036711 which i explain to ViW6MulauDu-00163-00036712-00036911 my clients ViW6MulauDu-00164-00036912-00037071 so then ViW6MulauDu-00165-00037072-00037246 let's do some ViW6MulauDu-00166-00037247-00037502 calming of ViW6MulauDu-00167-00037503-00037711 the monster mind ViW6MulauDu-00168-00037712-00037846 okay ViW6MulauDu-00169-00037847-00038118 make yourselves comfortable ViW6MulauDu-00170-00038119-00038271 you can sit up ViW6MulauDu-00171-00038272-00038407 lie down ViW6MulauDu-00172-00038408-00038630 doesn't really matter as long as you're ViW6MulauDu-00173-00038631-00038879 comfortable and you ViW6MulauDu-00174-00038880-00039207 hopefully don't fall asleep i won't make ViW6MulauDu-00175-00039208-00039423 it long ViW6MulauDu-00176-00039424-00039646 but it is aimed ViW6MulauDu-00177-00039647-00039718 for ViW6MulauDu-00178-00039719-00039862 your peace ViW6MulauDu-00179-00039863-00040087 at this time of year ViW6MulauDu-00180-00040088-00040415 and just to let all the baggage ViW6MulauDu-00181-00040416-00040590 all the blocked ViW6MulauDu-00182-00040591-00040823 energies all the toxic thoughts all the ViW6MulauDu-00183-00040824-00041246 toxic people everything go go go ViW6MulauDu-00184-00041247-00041495 it's unwanted you're entering your ViW6MulauDu-00185-00041496-00041687 garbage bin ViW6MulauDu-00186-00041688-00041855 you're not adding more ViW6MulauDu-00187-00041856-00041983 right ViW6MulauDu-00188-00041984-00042055 so ViW6MulauDu-00189-00042056-00042262 you can always come back to this and ViW6MulauDu-00190-00042263-00042495 start the meditation now that i've ViW6MulauDu-00191-00042496-00042662 explained ViW6MulauDu-00192-00042663-00042879 a good way to make sure you stay on ViW6MulauDu-00193-00042880-00043102 track ViW6MulauDu-00194-00043103-00043439 okay there's nothing to this ViW6MulauDu-00195-00043440-00045071 and yet there's everything to it ViW6MulauDu-00196-00045072-00045207 you can be ViW6MulauDu-00197-00045208-00045358 in ViW6MulauDu-00198-00045359-00045495 by ViW6MulauDu-00199-00045496-00045727 purposefully breathing ViW6MulauDu-00200-00045728-00046151 in with me ViW6MulauDu-00201-00046152-00046695 and out ViW6MulauDu-00202-00046696-00047423 and in ViW6MulauDu-00203-00047424-00047590 and as you're breathing ViW6MulauDu-00204-00047591-00047855 just relax your shoulders ViW6MulauDu-00205-00047856-00048111 relax your arms your hands maybe you ViW6MulauDu-00206-00048112-00048262 want to just relax them we're just ViW6MulauDu-00207-00048263-00048486 breathing at the moment to relax ViW6MulauDu-00208-00048487-00049118 ourselves ViW6MulauDu-00209-00049119-00049262 you're breathing in ViW6MulauDu-00210-00049263-00049558 all the good oxygen and ViW6MulauDu-00211-00049559-00050327 you're breathing out the waist ViW6MulauDu-00212-00050328-00050423 so ViW6MulauDu-00213-00050424-00051246 make sure you've comfortable ViW6MulauDu-00214-00051247-00051366 if you can ViW6MulauDu-00215-00051367-00051575 close your eyes ViW6MulauDu-00216-00051576-00051775 or ViW6MulauDu-00217-00051776-00051894 not ViW6MulauDu-00218-00051895-00052214 it's up to you i prefer to close my eyes ViW6MulauDu-00219-00052215-00052350 because ViW6MulauDu-00220-00052351-00052542 that ViW6MulauDu-00221-00052544-00052775 puts me in the space i need to be if ViW6MulauDu-00222-00052776-00053103 you're looking at things you might feel ViW6MulauDu-00223-00053104-00053223 distracted ViW6MulauDu-00224-00053224-00053366 that's up to you ViW6MulauDu-00225-00053367-00053663 please make sure your phones are off and ViW6MulauDu-00226-00053664-00053982 you are not going to be disturbed ViW6MulauDu-00227-00053983-00054071 okay ViW6MulauDu-00228-00054072-00054926 let's start ViW6MulauDu-00229-00054927-00055119 just feel ViW6MulauDu-00230-00055120-00055207 that ViW6MulauDu-00231-00055208-00055342 you're here ViW6MulauDu-00232-00055344-00055503 you're here ViW6MulauDu-00233-00055504-00055894 nothing else you're here ViW6MulauDu-00234-00055895-00056023 notice how ViW6MulauDu-00235-00056024-00056415 your body feels ViW6MulauDu-00236-00056416-00056782 notice if it's if it's tense in aries ViW6MulauDu-00237-00056783-00057111 let it go release that ViW6MulauDu-00238-00057112-00057375 you don't need tension and there's no ViW6MulauDu-00239-00057376-00057750 strain don't put strain on yourself ViW6MulauDu-00240-00057751-00057863 just ViW6MulauDu-00241-00057864-00058382 let go ViW6MulauDu-00242-00058383-00058687 and notice ViW6MulauDu-00243-00058688-00058863 there is the just this ViW6MulauDu-00244-00058864-00059159 blank space as you go deeper ViW6MulauDu-00245-00059160-00059415 and deeper ViW6MulauDu-00246-00059416-00059726 into what could be ViW6MulauDu-00247-00059727-00060007 the universe ViW6MulauDu-00248-00060008-00060542 or into yourself ViW6MulauDu-00249-00060544-00060847 as thoughts come let them go the clouds ViW6MulauDu-00250-00060848-00060999 passing over ViW6MulauDu-00251-00061000-00061638 stay with me ViW6MulauDu-00252-00061639-00061903 you might ViW6MulauDu-00253-00061904-00062023 have ViW6MulauDu-00254-00062024-00062375 thought of yourself ViW6MulauDu-00255-00062376-00062511 in many ViW6MulauDu-00256-00062512-00062926 negative ways ViW6MulauDu-00257-00062927-00063311 none of that is true ViW6MulauDu-00258-00063312-00063542 if you're feeling that that's just a ViW6MulauDu-00259-00063544-00063654 thought ViW6MulauDu-00260-00063655-00063982 let it go ViW6MulauDu-00261-00063983-00064238 if anyone's told you don't think about ViW6MulauDu-00262-00064239-00064454 this but if something comes up ViW6MulauDu-00263-00064455-00064687 anyone's told you ViW6MulauDu-00264-00064688-00064919 you're ViW6MulauDu-00265-00064920-00065191 not good enough whatever it might be ViW6MulauDu-00266-00065191-00065391 if it hurts ViW6MulauDu-00267-00065391-00065655 let it go ViW6MulauDu-00268-00065656-00065926 try not to dwell on that ViW6MulauDu-00269-00065927-00066238 if that thought comes drop it it isn't ViW6MulauDu-00270-00066239-00067519 true ViW6MulauDu-00271-00067520-00067863 your life ViW6MulauDu-00272-00067864-00068063 is yours ViW6MulauDu-00273-00068064-00068223 to do ViW6MulauDu-00274-00068224-00068367 with it ViW6MulauDu-00275-00068368-00068823 as you will ViW6MulauDu-00276-00068824-00069399 and yet that feels so difficult at times ViW6MulauDu-00277-00069400-00069791 i don't need a voice why ViW6MulauDu-00278-00069792-00069903 but ViW6MulauDu-00279-00069904-00070031 notice how ViW6MulauDu-00280-00070032-00070247 you are just here ViW6MulauDu-00281-00070248-00070519 there's no threat ViW6MulauDu-00282-00070520-00070663 there's nothing ViW6MulauDu-00283-00070664-00070894 you're at peace ViW6MulauDu-00284-00070895-00071038 perfect ViW6MulauDu-00285-00071039-00071191 peace ViW6MulauDu-00286-00071192-00071471 with yourself ViW6MulauDu-00287-00071472-00071950 and with the world ViW6MulauDu-00288-00071951-00072087 release ViW6MulauDu-00289-00072088-00072215 all ViW6MulauDu-00290-00072216-00072462 thoughts tension ViW6MulauDu-00291-00072463-00072838 memories whatever it could be ViW6MulauDu-00292-00072839-00073262 let it go ViW6MulauDu-00293-00073263-00073943 none of them mean anything ViW6MulauDu-00294-00073944-00074311 what is meaningful ViW6MulauDu-00295-00074312-00075094 is you ViW6MulauDu-00296-00075095-00075455 you are ViW6MulauDu-00297-00075456-00075703 a unique ViW6MulauDu-00298-00075704-00075887 beautiful ViW6MulauDu-00299-00075888-00076191 being ViW6MulauDu-00300-00076192-00076447 and ViW6MulauDu-00301-00076448-00076543 no ViW6MulauDu-00302-00076544-00076862 less than that ViW6MulauDu-00303-00076863-00077055 you are more than ViW6MulauDu-00304-00077056-00077711 you know you are ViW6MulauDu-00305-00077712-00078079 breathe into yourself ViW6MulauDu-00306-00078080-00078359 and just notice ViW6MulauDu-00307-00078360-00078482 how ViW6MulauDu-00308-00078483-00078871 light life field right now we are right ViW6MulauDu-00309-00078872-00078975 here ViW6MulauDu-00310-00078976-00079199 right now ViW6MulauDu-00311-00079200-00079438 we're not in the past we're not in the ViW6MulauDu-00312-00079439-00079887 future we're here right now ViW6MulauDu-00313-00079888-00080350 and it's light ViW6MulauDu-00314-00080351-00080967 this is who you are ViW6MulauDu-00315-00080968-00081055 that ViW6MulauDu-00316-00081056-00081359 deep expanse ViW6MulauDu-00317-00081360-00081511 of ViW6MulauDu-00318-00081512-00081623 dark ViW6MulauDu-00319-00081624-00081975 safety ViW6MulauDu-00320-00081976-00082143 that's ViW6MulauDu-00321-00082144-00082350 who you are ViW6MulauDu-00322-00082351-00082671 a part of ViW6MulauDu-00323-00082672-00082855 and you might get a feeling ViW6MulauDu-00324-00082856-00083047 that it feels ViW6MulauDu-00325-00083048-00083279 so ViW6MulauDu-00326-00083280-00083415 familiar ViW6MulauDu-00327-00083416-00083703 the space of peace just ViW6MulauDu-00328-00083704-00083831 perfect ViW6MulauDu-00329-00083832-00084006 peace ViW6MulauDu-00330-00084007-00084143 there's ViW6MulauDu-00331-00084144-00084526 no noise there's no body there's you're ViW6MulauDu-00332-00084527-00084687 safe ViW6MulauDu-00333-00084688-00084815 you're so ViW6MulauDu-00334-00084816-00085447 safe ViW6MulauDu-00335-00085448-00085711 whether you are ViW6MulauDu-00336-00085712-00085887 mindfully ViW6MulauDu-00337-00085888-00086143 meditating ViW6MulauDu-00338-00086144-00086382 or not ViW6MulauDu-00339-00086383-00086543 you are ViW6MulauDu-00340-00086544-00087126 safe ViW6MulauDu-00341-00087127-00087471 you have nothing ViW6MulauDu-00342-00087472-00087599 to do ViW6MulauDu-00343-00087600-00087743 other than just ViW6MulauDu-00344-00087744-00088062 be ViW6MulauDu-00345-00088063-00088199 be you ViW6MulauDu-00346-00088200-00088282 be ViW6MulauDu-00347-00088283-00088567 kind be gentle ViW6MulauDu-00348-00088568-00088759 be forgiving ViW6MulauDu-00349-00088760-00088918 be loving ViW6MulauDu-00350-00088919-00089055 to yourself ViW6MulauDu-00351-00089056-00089703 first ViW6MulauDu-00352-00089704-00089999 and of course ViW6MulauDu-00353-00090000-00090182 if there are ViW6MulauDu-00354-00090183-00090382 any people ViW6MulauDu-00355-00090383-00090615 that you feel ViW6MulauDu-00356-00090616-00091335 you would like to ViW6MulauDu-00357-00091336-00091638 send good thoughts to ViW6MulauDu-00358-00091639-00091775 then do that ViW6MulauDu-00359-00091776-00092031 but let the thought go ViW6MulauDu-00360-00092032-00092879 send the thought come back to you ViW6MulauDu-00361-00092880-00093126 self-love ViW6MulauDu-00362-00093127-00093374 in this way ViW6MulauDu-00363-00093375-00093455 is ViW6MulauDu-00364-00093456-00093718 in no way ViW6MulauDu-00365-00093719-00094094 an egotistical thing ViW6MulauDu-00366-00094095-00094294 it's a humbling ViW6MulauDu-00367-00094295-00094559 and it's gratitude ViW6MulauDu-00368-00094560-00094631 that ViW6MulauDu-00369-00094632-00095015 you're alive ViW6MulauDu-00370-00095016-00095247 you're alive ViW6MulauDu-00371-00095248-00095350 and there's ViW6MulauDu-00372-00095351-00095599 far more notice when you ViW6MulauDu-00373-00095600-00095782 are sinking deeper ViW6MulauDu-00374-00095783-00095950 and deeper ViW6MulauDu-00375-00095951-00096079 into the ViW6MulauDu-00376-00096080-00096326 nothingness ViW6MulauDu-00377-00096327-00097471 of just beautiful peace ViW6MulauDu-00378-00097472-00097743 that is ViW6MulauDu-00379-00097744-00097991 the beautiful ViW6MulauDu-00380-00097992-00098767 you life ViW6MulauDu-00381-00098768-00098918 you can return ViW6MulauDu-00382-00098919-00099406 to this meditation ViW6MulauDu-00383-00099407-00099759 as often as you like ViW6MulauDu-00384-00099760-00099871 and ViW6MulauDu-00385-00099872-00100006 you can ViW6MulauDu-00386-00100007-00100103 share it ViW6MulauDu-00387-00100104-00100238 with others ViW6MulauDu-00388-00100239-00100343 or not ViW6MulauDu-00389-00100344-00100703 it is yours ViW6MulauDu-00390-00100704-00102247 just yours ViW6MulauDu-00391-00102248-00102927 set yourself free ViW6MulauDu-00392-00102928-00103134 feel yourself ViW6MulauDu-00393-00103135-00103430 free floating ViW6MulauDu-00394-00103431-00103606 and you are safe ViW6MulauDu-00395-00103607-00103718 you are ViW6MulauDu-00396-00103719-00103990 joyful you're at peace ViW6MulauDu-00397-00103991-00104263 nothing and nobody ViW6MulauDu-00398-00104264-00104494 can harm you ViW6MulauDu-00399-00104495-00104758 your way out of ViW6MulauDu-00400-00104759-00106015 reach ViW6MulauDu-00401-00106016-00106483 as we go through this time of year ViW6MulauDu-00402-00106483-00106743 keep the knowing ViW6MulauDu-00403-00106744-00107015 that you have just experienced ViW6MulauDu-00404-00107016-00107278 close to your heart ViW6MulauDu-00405-00107279-00107583 and if you feel anxious ViW6MulauDu-00406-00107583-00107902 please return ViW6MulauDu-00407-00107903-00108190 remind yourself ViW6MulauDu-00408-00108191-00108431 with this meditation ViW6MulauDu-00409-00108432-00108871 remind your consciousness ViW6MulauDu-00410-00108872-00109247 with this meditation ViW6MulauDu-00411-00109248-00109527 that you are safe ViW6MulauDu-00412-00109528-00109839 you are loved ViW6MulauDu-00413-00109840-00110278 you are peace ViW6MulauDu-00414-00110279-00110958 and you are more than enough ViW6MulauDu-00415-00110959-00111943 bless you ViW6MulauDu-00416-00111944-00112083 how i love ViW6MulauDu-00417-00112083-00112508 you bye VlgpNTxoNUI-00000-00000041-00000356 Vaska nationalism Basque usko abertzale VlgpNTxoNUI-00001-00000357-00000590 de Sunna is a form of nationalism that VlgpNTxoNUI-00002-00000591-00000761 asserts that Basques an ethnic group VlgpNTxoNUI-00003-00000762-00000989 indigenous to the western pyrenees are a VlgpNTxoNUI-00004-00000990-00001208 nation and promotes the political unity VlgpNTxoNUI-00005-00001209-00001472 of the Basques since its inception in VlgpNTxoNUI-00006-00001473-00001721 the late 19th century Basque nationalism VlgpNTxoNUI-00007-00001722-00002030 has included separatist movements Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00008-00002030-00002255 nationalism spanning three different VlgpNTxoNUI-00009-00002256-00002420 regions in two states the Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00010-00002421-00002621 autonomous community and Navarre in VlgpNTxoNUI-00011-00002622-00002809 Spain and the French Basque Country in VlgpNTxoNUI-00012-00002810-00003155 France is irredentist in nature as it VlgpNTxoNUI-00013-00003156-00003377 favors political unification of all the VlgpNTxoNUI-00014-00003378-00003988 Basque speaking provinces VlgpNTxoNUI-00015-00003989-00004562 topic Queiroz in Carl ism VlgpNTxoNUI-00016-00004563-00004856 Vaska nationalism is rooted in Karl ISM VlgpNTxoNUI-00017-00004857-00005113 and the loss by the laws of 1839 and VlgpNTxoNUI-00018-00005114-00005408 1876 of the ancient regime relationship VlgpNTxoNUI-00019-00005409-00005621 between the Spanish Basque provinces in VlgpNTxoNUI-00020-00005622-00005858 the crown of Spain during this period VlgpNTxoNUI-00021-00005859-00006080 the reactionary in the liberal brand of VlgpNTxoNUI-00022-00006081-00006257 the pro Pharaoh's movement pleaded for VlgpNTxoNUI-00023-00006258-00006440 the maintenance of the Foro system and VlgpNTxoNUI-00024-00006441-00006620 territorial autonomy against the VlgpNTxoNUI-00025-00006620-00006815 centralizing pressures from liberal or VlgpNTxoNUI-00026-00006816-00007064 conservative governments in Madrid the VlgpNTxoNUI-00027-00007065-00007223 Spanish government suppressed the VlgpNTxoNUI-00028-00007223-00007531 Pharaohs after the third Carlist war the VlgpNTxoNUI-00029-00007533-00007733 pharaohs were the native decision making VlgpNTxoNUI-00030-00007734-00007921 and justice system issued from consoie VlgpNTxoNUI-00031-00007922-00008102 to de neri la prevailing in the basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00032-00008103-00008378 territories and pyrenees they are first VlgpNTxoNUI-00033-00008379-00008546 recorded in the kingdom of Navarre VlgpNTxoNUI-00034-00008547-00008746 confirming its Charter system also VlgpNTxoNUI-00035-00008747-00008939 across the western basque territories VlgpNTxoNUI-00036-00008940-00009191 during the high middle ages in the wake VlgpNTxoNUI-00037-00009192-00009460 of Castile conquest of giver Khoa Oliver VlgpNTxoNUI-00038-00009461-00009665 and Durango 1200 the pharaohs were VlgpNTxoNUI-00039-00009666-00009860 partially ratified by the kings of VlgpNTxoNUI-00040-00009861-00010058 Castile and acted as part of the Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00041-00010059-00010232 legal system dealing with matters VlgpNTxoNUI-00042-00010233-00010396 regarding the political ties of the VlgpNTxoNUI-00043-00010397-00010562 Basque districts with the crown VlgpNTxoNUI-00044-00010563-00010802 the Pharaohs guaranteed the Basques a VlgpNTxoNUI-00045-00010803-00010976 separate position in Spain with their VlgpNTxoNUI-00046-00010977-00011258 own tax and political status while its VlgpNTxoNUI-00047-00011259-00011452 corpus is extensive prerogatives VlgpNTxoNUI-00048-00011453-00011633 contained in them set out for one that VlgpNTxoNUI-00049-00011634-00011846 Basques were not subject to direct levy VlgpNTxoNUI-00050-00011847-00012035 to the Castilian army although many VlgpNTxoNUI-00051-00012036-00012607 volunteered VlgpNTxoNUI-00052-00012608-00013168 topic Sabino araña VlgpNTxoNUI-00053-00013169-00013422 the native basque institutions and laws VlgpNTxoNUI-00054-00013424-00013719 were abolished in 1876 after the third VlgpNTxoNUI-00055-00013721-00013900 Carlist war called the second in the VlgpNTxoNUI-00056-00013901-00014080 basque context and replaced by the VlgpNTxoNUI-00057-00014081-00014365 basque economic agreements the leveling VlgpNTxoNUI-00058-00014366-00014530 process with other Spanish regions VlgpNTxoNUI-00059-00014531-00014701 disquieted the Basques VlgpNTxoNUI-00060-00014702-00014950 according to Sabino are Anna's views the VlgpNTxoNUI-00061-00014951-00015141 biscayne and Basque personality was VlgpNTxoNUI-00062-00015143-00015297 being diluted in the idea of an VlgpNTxoNUI-00063-00015299-00015505 exclusive Spanish nation fostered by VlgpNTxoNUI-00064-00015506-00015796 centralist authorities in Madrid Aranda VlgpNTxoNUI-00065-00015797-00016006 was inspired by his brother Luis a VlgpNTxoNUI-00066-00016007-00016238 co-designer of the Basque flag I Karenia VlgpNTxoNUI-00067-00016240-00016522 1895 and a major nationalist figure VlgpNTxoNUI-00068-00016523-00016930 after Sabinas death 1902 Aranda felt VlgpNTxoNUI-00069-00016931-00017140 that not only the Basque personality was VlgpNTxoNUI-00070-00017141-00017368 endangered but also its former religious VlgpNTxoNUI-00071-00017369-00017599 institutions like church or the Society VlgpNTxoNUI-00072-00017600-00017797 of Jesus which still often spoke in VlgpNTxoNUI-00073-00017798-00018004 Basque to its parishioners unlike school VlgpNTxoNUI-00074-00018005-00018307 or administration Sabino characterized VlgpNTxoNUI-00075-00018308-00018517 catholicism as a sort of shelter for VlgpNTxoNUI-00076-00018518-00018754 basque personality this became a point VlgpNTxoNUI-00077-00018755-00018949 of contention with other personalities VlgpNTxoNUI-00078-00018950-00019135 holding like views and clustering around VlgpNTxoNUI-00079-00019136-00019384 arrondissement Festo biscaia por su VlgpNTxoNUI-00080-00019385-00019789 independencia 1892 later industrialist VlgpNTxoNUI-00081-00019790-00019996 and prominent Basque nationalist Ramon VlgpNTxoNUI-00082-00019997-00020227 de la SOTA dismissed savino's positions VlgpNTxoNUI-00083-00020228-00020407 of Catholicism as inherent to the VlgpNTxoNUI-00084-00020408-00020806 national issue in 1893 the gammas on a VlgpNTxoNUI-00085-00020807-00021025 popular uprising erupted in navara VlgpNTxoNUI-00086-00021026-00021187 against the breach by the Spanish VlgpNTxoNUI-00087-00021188-00021385 government of several foundations of the VlgpNTxoNUI-00088-00021386-00021684 treaties ending the Carlist Wars 1841 VlgpNTxoNUI-00089-00021685-00022027 1876 Aranda eagerly supported the VlgpNTxoNUI-00090-00022028-00022207 Navarrese outbreak by travelling to the VlgpNTxoNUI-00091-00022208-00022462 territory and participating the VlgpNTxoNUI-00092-00022463-00022681 widespread protest in Navarre sparked VlgpNTxoNUI-00093-00022682-00023026 solidarity in Biscay in 1894 after a VlgpNTxoNUI-00094-00023027-00023203 support meeting held in Guernica VlgpNTxoNUI-00095-00023204-00023428 attended by pro Pharaoh's personalities VlgpNTxoNUI-00096-00023429-00023653 a group led by Aranda overtly blamed VlgpNTxoNUI-00097-00023654-00023842 Spain for the current state of matters VlgpNTxoNUI-00098-00023843-00024051 going on to set a Spanish flag ablaze VlgpNTxoNUI-00099-00024052-00024319 this rebellion called the San Roque de VlgpNTxoNUI-00100-00024320-00024514 is held as the beginning of political VlgpNTxoNUI-00101-00024515-00024889 Basque nationalism in 1895 the Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00102-00024890-00025081 Nationalist Party was founded around VlgpNTxoNUI-00103-00025082-00025429 Arana P&V in its Spanish acronym ei J in VlgpNTxoNUI-00104-00025430-00025722 Basque his nationalism shifted from a VlgpNTxoNUI-00105-00025723-00025918 focus on biscuit to the rest of Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00106-00025919-00026214 territories the program of Aranda was VlgpNTxoNUI-00107-00026216-00026417 specified as follows VlgpNTxoNUI-00108-00026418-00026608 the Basques represent a nation with VlgpNTxoNUI-00109-00026610-00026837 their own history and culture this VlgpNTxoNUI-00110-00026838-00027077 nation consists of race language and an VlgpNTxoNUI-00111-00027077-00027356 own political system the four walk the VlgpNTxoNUI-00112-00027357-00027571 liberty of Euskadi term created by VlgpNTxoNUI-00113-00027572-00027773 Sabino Arana to refer to the basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00114-00027774-00027992 country has been destroyed by france and VlgpNTxoNUI-00115-00027993-00028235 mainly by spain who subjugated by force VlgpNTxoNUI-00116-00028236-00028399 the different basque territories VlgpNTxoNUI-00117-00028400-00028589 including the former kingdom of Navarre VlgpNTxoNUI-00118-00028589-00028820 Stara Tories with the exception la rioja VlgpNTxoNUI-00119-00028820-00029102 as well as Liberty and Zubair Allah as a VlgpNTxoNUI-00120-00029102-00029314 consequence of the lack of Independence VlgpNTxoNUI-00121-00029316-00029470 of the country the country has a VlgpNTxoNUI-00122-00029472-00029681 political discontent sea which has its VlgpNTxoNUI-00123-00029682-00029870 last expression in the suppression of VlgpNTxoNUI-00124-00029870-00030068 the Basque traditional laws and its own VlgpNTxoNUI-00125-00030069-00030224 institutional system the economic VlgpNTxoNUI-00126-00030225-00030476 submission towards France and Spain and VlgpNTxoNUI-00127-00030477-00030623 the disappearance of the signs of VlgpNTxoNUI-00128-00030624-00030865 identity the solution to all these VlgpNTxoNUI-00129-00030866-00031085 problems is to restore independence by VlgpNTxoNUI-00130-00031086-00031277 breaking the political ties with France VlgpNTxoNUI-00131-00031277-00031460 and Spain and the construction of a VlgpNTxoNUI-00132-00031461-00031751 Basque State with its own sovereignty by VlgpNTxoNUI-00133-00031752-00031967 the end of the 19th century Aranda VlgpNTxoNUI-00134-00031968-00032156 differed clearly from the Carlists his VlgpNTxoNUI-00135-00032157-00032402 initial background he accompanied his VlgpNTxoNUI-00136-00032402-00032614 views with an ideology centred on the VlgpNTxoNUI-00137-00032616-00032792 purity of the Basque race and its VlgpNTxoNUI-00138-00032793-00032981 alleged moral supremacy over other VlgpNTxoNUI-00139-00032982-00033212 Spaniards a derivation of the system of VlgpNTxoNUI-00140-00033213-00033410 limb Piazza de sangre of modern age VlgpNTxoNUI-00141-00033411-00033608 Spain and deep opposition to the mass VlgpNTxoNUI-00142-00033609-00033800 emigration of other Spaniards to the VlgpNTxoNUI-00143-00033801-00034043 Basque Country the emigration had VlgpNTxoNUI-00144-00034044-00034246 started after the boom of manufacturing VlgpNTxoNUI-00145-00034247-00034477 related to the or exportation to England VlgpNTxoNUI-00146-00034478-00034690 and privatization of communal lands and VlgpNTxoNUI-00147-00034691-00034927 exploitation mines as the Pharaohs were VlgpNTxoNUI-00148-00034928-00035083 lost VlgpNTxoNUI-00149-00035084-00035471 Hana died in 1900 three months after VlgpNTxoNUI-00150-00035472-00035671 releasing a controversial manifesto VlgpNTxoNUI-00151-00035672-00035861 renouncing his former tenants while in VlgpNTxoNUI-00152-00035862-00036023 prison for supporting Cuban independence VlgpNTxoNUI-00153-00036024-00036260 and just months after the basque leader VlgpNTxoNUI-00154-00036261-00036485 congratulated US President Theodore VlgpNTxoNUI-00155-00036486-00036752 Roosevelt for its support to Cuba the VlgpNTxoNUI-00156-00036753-00036971 nature of that document is still subject VlgpNTxoNUI-00157-00036972-00037232 to discussion Luisa Rana took the reins VlgpNTxoNUI-00158-00037233-00037529 of the Basque Nationalist Party in the VlgpNTxoNUI-00159-00037530-00037768 early 20th century Basque nationalism VlgpNTxoNUI-00160-00037769-00038008 developed from a nucleus of enthusiasts VlgpNTxoNUI-00161-00038009-00038227 non-native Basque speakers themselves in VlgpNTxoNUI-00162-00038228-00038411 Bilbao to incorporate the agrarian VlgpNTxoNUI-00163-00038412-00038714 Carlists in Biscay and giver Khoa the VlgpNTxoNUI-00164-00038715-00038906 seeds of seminal Basque nationalism VlgpNTxoNUI-00165-00038907-00039146 bloomed also in Navarre and Oliver early VlgpNTxoNUI-00166-00039147-00039451 on Aaron's Adi guru Howe Aguirre etc on VlgpNTxoNUI-00167-00039452-00039789 the heat of the gammas odda 1893 - 18 VlgpNTxoNUI-00168-00039790-00040332 for VlgpNTxoNUI-00169-00040333-00040885 topic modern history VlgpNTxoNUI-00170-00040886-00041080 the movement survived without major VlgpNTxoNUI-00171-00041081-00041284 problems the dictatorship of Miguel VlgpNTxoNUI-00172-00041285-00041467 primo de Rivera under the guise of VlgpNTxoNUI-00173-00041468-00041761 cultural and athletic associations the VlgpNTxoNUI-00174-00041762-00041956 Basque Nationalist Party split in the VlgpNTxoNUI-00175-00041957-00042178 early 20s and communion nationalists of VlgpNTxoNUI-00176-00042179-00042457 Vaska was created Basque nationalists VlgpNTxoNUI-00177-00042458-00042661 allied with Karl ISM in support of the VlgpNTxoNUI-00178-00042662-00042847 Catholic Church as a barrier against VlgpNTxoNUI-00179-00042848-00043069 leftist anti-clericalism in most of the VlgpNTxoNUI-00180-00043070-00043177 Basque provinces VlgpNTxoNUI-00181-00043178-00043336 although alliances started to change VlgpNTxoNUI-00182-00043337-00043504 with the coming of the second Spanish VlgpNTxoNUI-00183-00043505-00043885 Republic 1931 by the start of the second VlgpNTxoNUI-00184-00043886-00044089 Spanish Republic a small cluster of VlgpNTxoNUI-00185-00044090-00044317 secularist Basque nationalists had sown VlgpNTxoNUI-00186-00044318-00044581 the seeds of the EA EA NV while P and V VlgpNTxoNUI-00187-00044582-00044805 clung to its traditionalist Catholicism VlgpNTxoNUI-00188-00044806-00045103 however failure by a Carlist faction to VlgpNTxoNUI-00189-00045104-00045382 back up the Basque statute in 1932 and VlgpNTxoNUI-00190-00045383-00045544 the radicalization of their anti VlgpNTxoNUI-00191-00045545-00045736 Republican discourse opened the Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00192-00045737-00045937 nationalists to new alliances with VlgpNTxoNUI-00193-00045938-00046174 Republican and leftist parties gradually VlgpNTxoNUI-00194-00046175-00046336 shifting to a Christian Democrat VlgpNTxoNUI-00195-00046337-00046495 position willing to some sort of VlgpNTxoNUI-00196-00046496-00046870 compromise with the left in 1936 the VlgpNTxoNUI-00197-00046871-00047086 main part of the Christian Democrat P&V VlgpNTxoNUI-00198-00047087-00047263 sided with the second Spanish Republic VlgpNTxoNUI-00199-00047264-00047587 in the Spanish Civil War the promise of VlgpNTxoNUI-00200-00047588-00047800 autonomy was valued over the ideological VlgpNTxoNUI-00201-00047801-00048037 differences especially on the religious VlgpNTxoNUI-00202-00048038-00048271 matter and PNV decided to support the VlgpNTxoNUI-00203-00048272-00048496 legal Republican government after VlgpNTxoNUI-00204-00048497-00048730 stopping the far-right military rebels VlgpNTxoNUI-00205-00048731-00048943 in in zorda Biscay give Rocco a border VlgpNTxoNUI-00206-00048944-00049302 autonomy was achieved in October 1936 a VlgpNTxoNUI-00207-00049303-00049513 Republican autonomous Basque government VlgpNTxoNUI-00208-00049514-00049753 was established with Jose Antonio VlgpNTxoNUI-00209-00049754-00050062 Aguirre P and V as lehendakari president VlgpNTxoNUI-00210-00050063-00050278 and ministers from the P&V and other VlgpNTxoNUI-00211-00050279-00050470 Republican parties mainly leftist VlgpNTxoNUI-00212-00050471-00050908 Spanish parties however in 1937 roughly VlgpNTxoNUI-00213-00050909-00051085 halfway through the war Basque troops VlgpNTxoNUI-00214-00051086-00051259 then under control of the autonomous VlgpNTxoNUI-00215-00051260-00051436 Basque government surrendered in an VlgpNTxoNUI-00216-00051437-00051630 action brokered by the Basque Church in VlgpNTxoNUI-00217-00051632-00051832 the Vatican in Santo Nia to the Italian VlgpNTxoNUI-00218-00051833-00052045 allies of General Franco on condition VlgpNTxoNUI-00219-00052046-00052201 that the Basque heavy industry and VlgpNTxoNUI-00220-00052202-00052495 economy was left untouched for many VlgpNTxoNUI-00221-00052496-00052680 leftists in Spain the surrender of VlgpNTxoNUI-00222-00052682-00052933 Basque troops in Santo Nia Santander is VlgpNTxoNUI-00223-00052934-00053203 known as the treason of Santo Nia many VlgpNTxoNUI-00224-00053204-00053395 of the nationalist Basque soldiers were VlgpNTxoNUI-00225-00053396-00053551 pardoned if they joined the Francoist VlgpNTxoNUI-00226-00053552-00053740 army in the rest of the northern front VlgpNTxoNUI-00227-00053741-00054004 basque nationalist submited went VlgpNTxoNUI-00228-00054004-00054192 underground or were sent to prison and VlgpNTxoNUI-00229-00054194-00054238 the move VlgpNTxoNUI-00230-00054239-00054516 political leaders fled small groups VlgpNTxoNUI-00231-00054517-00054733 escaped to the Americas France and the VlgpNTxoNUI-00232-00054734-00054883 Benelux of which only a minority VlgpNTxoNUI-00233-00054884-00055078 returned after the restoration of VlgpNTxoNUI-00234-00055079-00055317 democracy in Spain in the late 70s or VlgpNTxoNUI-00235-00055319-00055669 before during World War two the exiled VlgpNTxoNUI-00236-00055670-00055891 PNV government attempted to join the VlgpNTxoNUI-00237-00055891-00056113 Allies and settled itself in New York to VlgpNTxoNUI-00238-00056114-00056280 gain American recognition and support VlgpNTxoNUI-00239-00056282-00056482 but soon after the war finished VlgpNTxoNUI-00240-00056483-00056698 Franco became an American ally in the VlgpNTxoNUI-00241-00056699-00056902 context of the Cold War depriving the VlgpNTxoNUI-00242-00056903-00057127 PNV any chance for power in the Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00243-00057128-00057684 Country VlgpNTxoNUI-00244-00057685-00057992 topic political violence and devolved VlgpNTxoNUI-00245-00057993-00058411 autonomy VlgpNTxoNUI-00246-00058412-00058735 in 1959 young nationalists abertzale VlgpNTxoNUI-00247-00058736-00059049 founded the separatist group ETA its VlgpNTxoNUI-00248-00059050-00059323 activism paintings pitching Basque flags VlgpNTxoNUI-00249-00059324-00059604 pamphlets escalated into violence after VlgpNTxoNUI-00250-00059605-00059823 shocking revelations emerged of torture VlgpNTxoNUI-00251-00059824-00060012 practiced by Spanish police on Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00252-00060013-00060211 activists during repression in the mid VlgpNTxoNUI-00253-00060212-00060600 1960s by that time ETA was adopting a VlgpNTxoNUI-00254-00060601-00060918 Marxist revolutionary theory inspired by VlgpNTxoNUI-00255-00060919-00061096 movements like those of Castro in Cuba VlgpNTxoNUI-00256-00061097-00061341 and Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam the group VlgpNTxoNUI-00257-00061342-00061486 aimed to establish an independent VlgpNTxoNUI-00258-00061487-00061672 socialist basque country through VlgpNTxoNUI-00259-00061673-00061948 violence ETA s first confirmed VlgpNTxoNUI-00260-00061949-00062191 assassinations occurred in 1968 VlgpNTxoNUI-00261-00062191-00062412 thereafter including violence even VlgpNTxoNUI-00262-00062413-00062641 killing as a practice theory of action VlgpNTxoNUI-00263-00062641-00062937 repression action at an ideological VlgpNTxoNUI-00264-00062938-00063168 level instead of race the organization VlgpNTxoNUI-00265-00063169-00063348 stressed the importance of language and VlgpNTxoNUI-00266-00063349-00063636 customs when Spain re-emerged as a VlgpNTxoNUI-00267-00063637-00063975 democracy in 1978 autonomy was restored VlgpNTxoNUI-00268-00063976-00064165 to the Basques who achieved a degree of VlgpNTxoNUI-00269-00064166-00064336 self-government without precedent in VlgpNTxoNUI-00270-00064337-00064617 modern Basque history thus based on the VlgpNTxoNUI-00271-00064618-00064769 Flair owes in their statute of autonomy VlgpNTxoNUI-00272-00064770-00065004 Basques have their own police corps and VlgpNTxoNUI-00273-00065005-00065268 managed their own public finances the VlgpNTxoNUI-00274-00065269-00065487 Basque autonomous community has been led VlgpNTxoNUI-00275-00065488-00065682 by the nationalist Christian Democratic VlgpNTxoNUI-00276-00065683-00065953 P&V since it was reinstated in the early VlgpNTxoNUI-00277-00065954-00066291 1980s until 2009 when PSE got into VlgpNTxoNUI-00278-00066292-00066618 office in the VAR Basque nationalism has VlgpNTxoNUI-00279-00066619-00066816 failed to gain control of the autonomous VlgpNTxoNUI-00280-00066817-00067021 communities government ruled by UPN VlgpNTxoNUI-00281-00067022-00067261 often with the support of PSN but Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00282-00067262-00067488 nationalist parties run many small and VlgpNTxoNUI-00283-00067489-00067812 medium-size councils although France is VlgpNTxoNUI-00284-00067813-00068025 a centralised state Ebert Selene batis VlgpNTxoNUI-00285-00068026-00068280 una a basque nationalist party maintains VlgpNTxoNUI-00286-00068281-00068434 a presence in some municipalities VlgpNTxoNUI-00287-00068435-00069085 through local elections VlgpNTxoNUI-00288-00069086-00069740 topic basque nationalist organizations VlgpNTxoNUI-00289-00069741-00070092 you VlgpNTxoNUI-00290-00070093-00070726 topic political parties and coalition's VlgpNTxoNUI-00291-00070727-00071002 a mayor political coalition formed for VlgpNTxoNUI-00292-00071003-00071280 the Spanish general election 2011 a VlgpNTxoNUI-00293-00071281-00071662 leftist political party that is VlgpNTxoNUI-00294-00071663-00071893 sunnah leftist political party illegal VlgpNTxoNUI-00295-00071894-00072064 in Spain on grounds of links with the VlgpNTxoNUI-00296-00072065-00072358 armed organization ETA it was known VlgpNTxoNUI-00297-00072359-00072559 previously as Harry baddest una and VlgpNTxoNUI-00298-00072560-00072943 Euskal herria Tareq bats are a political VlgpNTxoNUI-00299-00072944-00073243 party in Navarre communion nationalists VlgpNTxoNUI-00300-00073244-00073509 of Vaska former political party a VlgpNTxoNUI-00301-00073510-00073795 builder political coalition formed in VlgpNTxoNUI-00302-00073796-00074206 2011 Euskadi Co easy cara former leftist VlgpNTxoNUI-00303-00074207-00074515 political party euskal easy cara a VlgpNTxoNUI-00304-00074516-00074848 splinter of you scott eco easy cara usko VlgpNTxoNUI-00305-00074849-00075150 abertzale Kenza leftist political party VlgpNTxoNUI-00306-00075151-00075442 usko al carte Asuna social democratic VlgpNTxoNUI-00307-00075443-00075778 political party neferu by Navarez VlgpNTxoNUI-00308-00075779-00076009 political party coalition between some VlgpNTxoNUI-00309-00076010-00076239 basque nationalist political parties VlgpNTxoNUI-00310-00076240-00076507 Basque Nationalist Party Christian VlgpNTxoNUI-00311-00076508-00076792 Democrat political party sore two VlgpNTxoNUI-00312-00076793-00077506 political party sudoc leftist party VlgpNTxoNUI-00313-00077507-00078039 topic organizations VlgpNTxoNUI-00314-00078040-00078376 Ascot Asuna support for ETA prisoners VlgpNTxoNUI-00315-00078377-00078684 basque workers solidarity trade union VlgpNTxoNUI-00316-00078685-00079110 and badhak ETA separatist armed VlgpNTxoNUI-00317-00079111-00079317 organization operating mainly in the VlgpNTxoNUI-00318-00079318-00079605 Spanish Basque Country EDX arid VlgpNTxoNUI-00319-00079606-00079818 relatives and friends support group of VlgpNTxoNUI-00320-00079819-00079980 individuals subjected to state VlgpNTxoNUI-00321-00079981-00080367 repression ESA IT support for the Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00322-00080368-00080688 national teams in different sports Jess VlgpNTxoNUI-00323-00080689-00080922 Torres pro amnesty ax support for ETA VlgpNTxoNUI-00324-00080923-00081303 prisoners Korea 2000 Eliza Catholic VlgpNTxoNUI-00325-00081304-00081606 movement I Castle a Bert's elite group VlgpNTxoNUI-00326-00081607-00081924 of Basque nationalist students he parrot VlgpNTxoNUI-00327-00081925-00082132 Eric violently clandestine organization VlgpNTxoNUI-00328-00082133-00082347 operating in the French part of the VlgpNTxoNUI-00329-00082348-00082617 Basque Country here in see armed VlgpNTxoNUI-00330-00082618-00082794 organization of the French Basque VlgpNTxoNUI-00331-00082795-00082874 Country VlgpNTxoNUI-00332-00082875-00083301 Jaggi Jaggi former magazine lab left his VlgpNTxoNUI-00333-00083302-00083598 trade union Sena deke relatives of VlgpNTxoNUI-00334-00083599-00083868 Basque activists mostly ETA members in VlgpNTxoNUI-00335-00083869-00083939 prison VlgpNTxoNUI-00336-00083940-00084324 segi that as soon as youth group Yuda VlgpNTxoNUI-00337-00084325-00084566 builds a-- assembly of city councillors VlgpNTxoNUI-00338-00084567-00084837 gays tea a Bert's elique the youth group VlgpNTxoNUI-00339-00084838-00085035 of the Spanish Basque political party VlgpNTxoNUI-00340-00085036-00085311 usko al Carta Sunna left of the P&V but VlgpNTxoNUI-00341-00085312-00085918 not aligned with ETA or bat Asuna VlgpNTxoNUI-00342-00085919-00086455 topic C also VlgpNTxoNUI-00343-00086456-00086993 athletic bilbao Basque Republic Karl ISM VlgpNTxoNUI-00344-00086994-00087379 usko a bender in Arizer kia jose antonio VlgpNTxoNUI-00345-00087380-00087788 Aguirre and yaki kiha Rosella rain i VlgpNTxoNUI-00346-00087789-00088273 Karenia politics of france politics of VlgpNTxoNUI-00347-00088274-00088359 spain VlgpNTxoNUI-00348-00088360-00088693 Sabino araña VlF7qRlO0Pc-00000-00000048-00000313 the Sunraysia is an ill-defined district VlF7qRlO0Pc-00001-00000314-00000524 sometimes incorrectly referred to as an VlF7qRlO0Pc-00002-00000525-00000757 economic region located in northwestern VlF7qRlO0Pc-00003-00000758-00000956 Victoria and southwestern New South VlF7qRlO0Pc-00004-00000957-00001216 Wales in Australia the region is VlF7qRlO0Pc-00005-00001217-00001408 renowned for its sunshine intensive VlF7qRlO0Pc-00006-00001409-00001582 horticulture including grapes and VlF7qRlO0Pc-00007-00001583-00001898 oranges and grain farms its main centre VlF7qRlO0Pc-00008-00001898-00002337 as Mildura Victoria VlF7qRlO0Pc-00009-00002338-00002860 topic etymology VlF7qRlO0Pc-00010-00002861-00003109 the name Sunraysia is derived from a VlF7qRlO0Pc-00011-00003110-00003336 contest that entrepreneur jack de garis VlF7qRlO0Pc-00012-00003338-00003595 held as part of a promotion in 1919 on VlF7qRlO0Pc-00013-00003596-00003778 behalf of the australian dried fruits VlF7qRlO0Pc-00014-00003779-00004060 association the public were invited to VlF7qRlO0Pc-00015-00004061-00004246 submit a name which described the dried VlF7qRlO0Pc-00016-00004247-00004516 fruits grown in the Mildura district the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00017-00004517-00004722 winning name was sun raised and this was VlF7qRlO0Pc-00018-00004723-00004903 extended to describe the district as VlF7qRlO0Pc-00019-00004904-00005251 Sunraysia de garis --is 1920 established VlF7qRlO0Pc-00020-00005252-00005461 newspapers Sunraysia daily borrowed the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00021-00005462-00005697 name accordingly the area of Victoria to VlF7qRlO0Pc-00022-00005698-00005881 the west of Sunraysia is known as the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00023-00005882-00006079 Malay WA the main distinction being that VlF7qRlO0Pc-00024-00006080-00006274 Sunraysia is the irrigated area and VlF7qRlO0Pc-00025-00006275-00006778 Milly was the dryland cropping area VlF7qRlO0Pc-00026-00006779-00007331 topic pest-free area VlF7qRlO0Pc-00027-00007331-00007564 the greater Sunraysia district forms VlF7qRlO0Pc-00028-00007565-00007766 part of the fruit fly free exclusion VlF7qRlO0Pc-00029-00007767-00008023 zone a pest-free area PFA that was VlF7qRlO0Pc-00030-00008025-00008258 created in 2007 located between VlF7qRlO0Pc-00031-00008259-00008495 Northwest Victoria and Southwest New VlF7qRlO0Pc-00032-00008496-00008738 South Wales it is renowned for the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00033-00008739-00008939 production of high-value horticultural VlF7qRlO0Pc-00034-00008940-00009182 crops including citrus table grapes and VlF7qRlO0Pc-00035-00009183-00009464 stone fruit the PFA is aligned to this VlF7qRlO0Pc-00036-00009465-00009677 production area to provide greater fruit VlF7qRlO0Pc-00037-00009678-00009941 fly control measures the Victorian VlF7qRlO0Pc-00038-00009942-00010115 Department of Environment and Primary VlF7qRlO0Pc-00039-00010116-00010376 Industries the EPI and New South Wales VlF7qRlO0Pc-00040-00010377-00010649 Department of Primary Industries dpi VlF7qRlO0Pc-00041-00010650-00010877 have implemented stringent legislative VlF7qRlO0Pc-00042-00010878-00011063 controls on the movement of host fruit VlF7qRlO0Pc-00043-00011064-00011285 and vegetables into the PFA to keep it VlF7qRlO0Pc-00044-00011286-00011543 free from the Queensland fruit fly qff VlF7qRlO0Pc-00045-00011544-00011744 and maintain high-value markets which VlF7qRlO0Pc-00046-00011745-00011915 are worth millions of dollars to local VlF7qRlO0Pc-00047-00011916-00012230 industries the PFA enables commercial VlF7qRlO0Pc-00048-00012231-00012421 horticultural products to be marketed VlF7qRlO0Pc-00049-00012422-00012571 without pas star vist chemical VlF7qRlO0Pc-00050-00012572-00012905 treatments for qff the PFA follows the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00051-00012906-00013082 course of the Murray River from caring VlF7qRlO0Pc-00052-00013083-00013265 to Wentworth in the darling river from VlF7qRlO0Pc-00053-00013266-00013454 Wentworth to poon Kerry Sunraysia is VlF7qRlO0Pc-00054-00013455-00013610 mostly contained in the murray-darling VlF7qRlO0Pc-00055-00013611-00014065 wine region VlF7qRlO0Pc-00056-00014066-00014605 topic major centers in towns VlF7qRlO0Pc-00057-00014606-00014841 in addition to Mildura the other major VlF7qRlO0Pc-00058-00014843-00015046 centers and towns in the district armor VlF7qRlO0Pc-00059-00015047-00015316 bine Vic Red Cliffs vicked Iram bolt Vic VlF7qRlO0Pc-00060-00015316-00015944 Wentworth NSW and Robin Vale Vic VlF7qRlO0Pc-00061-00015946-00016455 pick education facilities VlF7qRlO0Pc-00062-00016456-00016707 the Sunraysia institute of tafe and the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00063-00016708-00016847 Sunraysia campus of the La Trobe VlF7qRlO0Pc-00064-00016848-00017085 University are located on Bennett Oak VlF7qRlO0Pc-00065-00017086-00017628 Avenue between 11th and 14th streets VlF7qRlO0Pc-00066-00017629-00018119 topic media VlF7qRlO0Pc-00067-00018120-00018341 the main newspaper that services the VlF7qRlO0Pc-00068-00018342-00018550 region as the Sunraysia daily and is VlF7qRlO0Pc-00069-00018551-00018778 published every day except for Sunday's VlF7qRlO0Pc-00070-00018779-00019061 Sunraysia is also serviced by two free VlF7qRlO0Pc-00071-00019062-00019277 papers the Mildura midweek published on VlF7qRlO0Pc-00072-00019278-00019493 Wednesdays the Mildura weekly published VlF7qRlO0Pc-00073-00019494-00019580 on Fridays VlF7qRlO0Pc-00074-00019581-00019847 the Mildura independent was another free VlF7qRlO0Pc-00075-00019848-00020252 weekly published from 1982 to 2007 my VlF7qRlO0Pc-00076-00020253-00020497 Mildura is a free monthly magazine there VlF7qRlO0Pc-00077-00020498-00020680 are also a number of paid weeklies VlF7qRlO0Pc-00078-00020681-00020958 covering smaller areas within Sunraysia VlF7qRlO0Pc-00079-00020959-00021283 local radio stations include ABC local VlF7qRlO0Pc-00080-00021284-00021647 radio Riv ER one four six seven one four VlF7qRlO0Pc-00081-00021648-00021875 six seven am three mega leaders VlF7qRlO0Pc-00082-00021876-00022075 ninety-seven point nine three mega VlF7qRlO0Pc-00083-00022076-00022343 amperes FM ninety nine point five star VlF7qRlO0Pc-00084-00022344-00022712 fm and hot FM localized television VlF7qRlO0Pc-00085-00022713-00022940 stations in Sunraysia include a local VlF7qRlO0Pc-00086-00022941-00023165 relay of the ABCs Melbourne television VlF7qRlO0Pc-00087-00023166-00023356 station when television Mildura VlF7qRlO0Pc-00088-00023357-00023714 P TV a prime 7 affiliate and MDV a nine VlF7qRlO0Pc-00089-00023715-00024299 network affiliate owned by Prime and win VlF7qRlO0Pc-00090-00024300-00024802 topic gallery VlF7qRlO0Pc-00091-00024803-00025334 topic see also VlF7qRlO0Pc-00092-00025335-00025669 geography of Victoria Malley VlF7qRlO0Pc-00093-00025670-00026144 Millie what regions of Victoria regions VlF7qRlO0Pc-00094-00026145-00026698 of New South Wales Riverina VlF7qRlO0Pc-00095-00026699-00027235 topic notes VlF7qRlO0Pc-00096-00027236-00027589 topic references VlF7qRlO0Pc-00097-00027589-00027751 you VlF7qRlO0Pc-00098-00027752-00027908 you VlF7qRlO0Pc-00099-00027910-00028116 you Vm1n85Q4NLY-00000-00000000-00000719 [Music] Vm1n85Q4NLY-00001-00000720-00000994 i miss you Vm1n85Q4NLY-00003-00011984-00012192 you Vn0II3HApwI-00000-00000431-00002162 foreign Vn0II3HApwI-00001-00002163-00002860 [Music] Vn0II3HApwI-00002-00002861-00004241 [Music] Vn0II3HApwI-00003-00004242-00005028 thank you Vn0II3HApwI-00004-00005029-00006553 [Music] Vn0II3HApwI-00005-00006554-00007009 [Music] Vn0II3HApwI-00006-00007009-00007631 my money don't jingle jiggle it falls Vn0II3HApwI-00007-00007631-00007843 foreign Vn0II3HApwI-00008-00007844-00008676 [Music] Vn0II3HApwI-00010-00013747-00014230 [Applause] Vn0II3HApwI-00011-00014231-00014327 all right Vn0II3HApwI-00012-00014328-00015376 relax Vn0II3HApwI-00013-00015377-00015497 [Music] Vn0II3HApwI-00014-00015497-00015858 please Vn0II3HApwI-00015-00015859-00016186 thank you Vn0II3HApwI-00017-00019554-00021942 come on Vn0II3HApwI-00018-00021943-00022997 [Music] VnznKXg2ITU-00000-00000032-00000206 a lot of shrimps VnznKXg2ITU-00001-00000208-00000455 got a bio question and uh the fact lady VnznKXg2ITU-00002-00000456-00000678 as we are referring to her in the chat VnznKXg2ITU-00003-00000679-00000927 is megan putts she is a marine biologist VnznKXg2ITU-00004-00000927-00001183 correct i am good job so she knows all VnznKXg2ITU-00005-00001184-00001399 of these facts and coralie VnznKXg2ITU-00006-00001400-00001695 is a geologist who sometimes tells us VnznKXg2ITU-00007-00001696-00001839 stuff VnznKXg2ITU-00008-00001839-00002126 so uh can you explain crinoid VnznKXg2ITU-00009-00002127-00002447 explain crinoid um VnznKXg2ITU-00010-00002448-00002558 so VnznKXg2ITU-00011-00002559-00002887 crinoids are econoderms so they are in VnznKXg2ITU-00012-00002888-00003110 the phylum economy dermata zoom in on VnznKXg2ITU-00013-00003111-00003359 the switch which is related to VnznKXg2ITU-00014-00003360-00003447 um VnznKXg2ITU-00015-00003447-00003615 brittle stars like what we're seeing VnznKXg2ITU-00016-00003615-00003990 right now sea cucumbers sea urchins VnznKXg2ITU-00017-00003992-00004175 they have that VnznKXg2ITU-00018-00004176-00004463 penta radial symmetry or radial symmetry VnznKXg2ITU-00019-00004464-00004799 that you see in a lot of econoderms VnznKXg2ITU-00020-00004800-00005254 and they are one of the more ancient VnznKXg2ITU-00021-00005255-00005583 econoderms and they're often found in VnznKXg2ITU-00022-00005584-00005783 the fossil record so there are a lot of VnznKXg2ITU-00023-00005784-00005999 different fossils along the fossil VnznKXg2ITU-00024-00006000-00006222 record of crinoids VnznKXg2ITU-00025-00006223-00006343 so VnznKXg2ITU-00026-00006344-00006614 there are a lot more known species of VnznKXg2ITU-00027-00006615-00006951 crianoid but most of them are fossils VnznKXg2ITU-00028-00006952-00007046 and VnznKXg2ITU-00029-00007047-00007198 we've actually been finding more and VnznKXg2ITU-00030-00007200-00007439 more living species of crinoids in the VnznKXg2ITU-00031-00007440-00007703 deep sea than what we'd expected so VnznKXg2ITU-00032-00007704-00007895 there are crinoids in shallower waters VnznKXg2ITU-00033-00007895-00007974 but VnznKXg2ITU-00034-00007975-00008174 a lot of the species that we know are VnznKXg2ITU-00035-00008175-00008574 known from the deep ocean VnznKXg2ITU-00036-00008575-00008735 i've got a question about the sandy VnznKXg2ITU-00037-00008736-00008935 patches uh we did discover what the VnznKXg2ITU-00038-00008936-00009214 sandy patches are VnznKXg2ITU-00039-00009215-00009414 they are caused by what megan they're VnznKXg2ITU-00040-00009415-00009710 caused by spoon worms VnznKXg2ITU-00041-00009711-00009974 or ecky urines VnznKXg2ITU-00042-00009975-00010263 these animals burrow in the sediment VnznKXg2ITU-00043-00010264-00010487 creating a u-shaped burrow VnznKXg2ITU-00044-00010488-00010799 and they send out their proboscis or VnznKXg2ITU-00045-00010800-00010919 spoon VnznKXg2ITU-00046-00010920-00011071 for feeding VnznKXg2ITU-00047-00011072-00011295 and when we first came on shift we saw VnznKXg2ITU-00048-00011296-00011567 these sort of weird like vacuum cleaner VnznKXg2ITU-00049-00011568-00011670 tracks VnznKXg2ITU-00050-00011671-00012006 very regular um VnznKXg2ITU-00051-00012007-00012231 and we were trying pondering what might VnznKXg2ITU-00052-00012232-00012487 cause that and it was really odd and VnznKXg2ITU-00053-00012488-00012727 then we saw this proboscis VnznKXg2ITU-00054-00012728-00013102 and going into a burrow it was like oh VnznKXg2ITU-00055-00013103-00013303 that must be VnznKXg2ITU-00056-00013304-00013615 why we see those little swipey swipeys VnznKXg2ITU-00057-00013616-00013766 on the rock VnznKXg2ITU-00058-00013768-00013983 it's due to the spoon worms VnznKXg2ITU-00059-00013984-00014335 feeding VnznKXg2ITU-00060-00014336-00014463 we could do a thing where if it comes VnznKXg2ITU-00061-00014463-00014622 out and sees its shadow we have six more VnznKXg2ITU-00062-00014623-00014743 days of diving VnznKXg2ITU-00063-00014744-00015422 oh yeah yeah that's totally true VnznKXg2ITU-00064-00015423-00015791 yep i will swim back to shore VnznKXg2ITU-00065-00015791-00016030 it's a long slim the long swim coralie VnznKXg2ITU-00066-00016031-00016207 was gonna do it so we can just like team VnznKXg2ITU-00067-00016208-00016558 up tag team i i was gonna do it if i VnznKXg2ITU-00068-00016559-00016943 needed to VnznKXg2ITU-00069-00016944-00017167 not just for fun VnznKXg2ITU-00070-00017168-00017327 not just for fun VnznKXg2ITU-00071-00017328-00017583 too bad but but VnznKXg2ITU-00072-00017584-00018022 if something were to happen VnznKXg2ITU-00073-00018023-00018335 put on the little orange suit VnznKXg2ITU-00074-00018336-00018614 i don't think you can swim in that VnznKXg2ITU-00075-00018615-00018830 you can actually can he is on the map VnznKXg2ITU-00076-00018831-00019079 yeah i mean you can you can move places VnznKXg2ITU-00077-00019080-00019191 i don't know if you'd call it true VnznKXg2ITU-00078-00019192-00019447 swimming but you can probably be more of VnznKXg2ITU-00079-00019448-00019671 a planktonic swimming yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00080-00019672-00019967 you can go a ways in them VnznKXg2ITU-00081-00019968-00020063 um VnznKXg2ITU-00082-00020064-00020327 sounds exhausting right VnznKXg2ITU-00083-00020328-00020558 well you float pretty well in them so VnznKXg2ITU-00084-00020559-00020703 it's just kind of moving your arms to VnznKXg2ITU-00085-00020704-00020919 get you moving VnznKXg2ITU-00086-00020920-00021047 i think that would work for like the VnznKXg2ITU-00087-00021048-00021230 first 10 minutes when i still had some VnznKXg2ITU-00088-00021231-00021414 adrenaline left and then VnznKXg2ITU-00089-00021415-00021671 i just crashed yeah we have a really VnznKXg2ITU-00090-00021672-00021958 race contest with them really oh that VnznKXg2ITU-00091-00021959-00022150 sounds fun did you win VnznKXg2ITU-00092-00022151-00022303 uh no VnznKXg2ITU-00093-00022304-00022486 you got beat by the coast guard VnznKXg2ITU-00094-00022487-00022671 oh well yeah which is probably a good VnznKXg2ITU-00095-00022672-00023191 thing absolutely VnznKXg2ITU-00096-00023192-00023303 still it would have been cool if you VnznKXg2ITU-00097-00023304-00023455 beat the coast guard VnznKXg2ITU-00098-00023456-00023686 i don't know i don't think i VnznKXg2ITU-00099-00023687-00023814 i don't know i don't think i would have VnznKXg2ITU-00100-00023815-00024207 felt good about that VnznKXg2ITU-00101-00024208-00024494 like yeah i won but do i feel safe VnznKXg2ITU-00102-00024495-00024750 can we zoom in on this little guy yep VnznKXg2ITU-00103-00024751-00025142 all right we are zooming on a bracing VnznKXg2ITU-00104-00025143-00025283 sea VnznKXg2ITU-00105-00025284-00025694 star so this sea star actually VnznKXg2ITU-00106-00025695-00025927 is a filter feeder you can see these VnznKXg2ITU-00107-00025927-00026143 little sticky balls at the ends of the VnznKXg2ITU-00108-00026144-00026390 spines along the arms it uses that to VnznKXg2ITU-00109-00026391-00026862 capture prey VnznKXg2ITU-00110-00026863-00026935 so VnznKXg2ITU-00111-00026936-00027118 things will stick to the sticky sticky VnznKXg2ITU-00112-00027119-00027262 pads and they'll bring it to their mouth VnznKXg2ITU-00113-00027263-00027439 which is actually on the underside of VnznKXg2ITU-00114-00027439-00028151 their VnznKXg2ITU-00115-00028152-00028239 this body VnznKXg2ITU-00116-00028239-00028462 said i feel uh they always pictured the VnznKXg2ITU-00117-00028463-00028655 ocean just teaming with fish they feel VnznKXg2ITU-00118-00028656-00028790 silly when they watch these dives and VnznKXg2ITU-00119-00028791-00028967 realize it's not like that at all the VnznKXg2ITU-00120-00028968-00029190 ocean is teeming with fish um VnznKXg2ITU-00121-00029191-00029390 also we don't know what's avoiding the VnznKXg2ITU-00122-00029391-00029558 rov either VnznKXg2ITU-00123-00029560-00029702 i also don't feel silly about not VnznKXg2ITU-00124-00029704-00029870 knowing something about our planet it's VnznKXg2ITU-00125-00029872-00030062 absolutely a lot to learn and good on VnznKXg2ITU-00126-00030063-00030207 you for learning it VnznKXg2ITU-00127-00030208-00030407 this is why we are actually exploring VnznKXg2ITU-00128-00030408-00030543 right now because no one has ever seen VnznKXg2ITU-00129-00030544-00030735 this before so we don't know anything VnznKXg2ITU-00130-00030736-00030895 about this place VnznKXg2ITU-00131-00030895-00031007 hard on the brakes this is going to VnznKXg2ITU-00132-00031008-00031143 raise some sediment let's see if we can VnznKXg2ITU-00133-00031144-00031262 do it VnznKXg2ITU-00134-00031263-00031431 i was trying to tap the screen but i was VnznKXg2ITU-00135-00031432-00031887 using the wrong side of the oh no VnznKXg2ITU-00136-00031888-00032031 okay let's race the sediment here go VnznKXg2ITU-00137-00032032-00032283 ahead for a zoom VnznKXg2ITU-00138-00032283-00032846 oh look at that VnznKXg2ITU-00139-00032847-00033167 i think we collected one of these before VnznKXg2ITU-00140-00033168-00033383 this is a VnznKXg2ITU-00141-00033384-00033583 post-elastarity VnznKXg2ITU-00142-00033584-00033759 type of sea star VnznKXg2ITU-00143-00033760-00033967 this one looks really weird look how VnznKXg2ITU-00144-00033968-00034143 inflated VnznKXg2ITU-00145-00034144-00034335 the uh VnznKXg2ITU-00146-00034336-00034527 the body like the main VnznKXg2ITU-00147-00034528-00034774 disc is of the sea star wow that's VnznKXg2ITU-00148-00034775-00035023 really cool VnznKXg2ITU-00149-00035024-00035495 only a couple centimeters across VnznKXg2ITU-00150-00035496-00035655 it's really tiny do you want to suck VnznKXg2ITU-00151-00035656-00035902 this up yep yeah we're gonna suck it up VnznKXg2ITU-00152-00035903-00035983 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00153-00035984-00036207 it's like the same uh pearlescent-ness VnznKXg2ITU-00154-00036208-00036630 of those uh little shiny VnznKXg2ITU-00155-00036631-00036807 yeah it's pretty gorgeous VnznKXg2ITU-00156-00036808-00037039 i know that this this animal was on our VnznKXg2ITU-00157-00037040-00037199 wish list yeah i don't think it'll fit VnznKXg2ITU-00158-00037200-00037335 in the slurp we could grab it by a leg VnznKXg2ITU-00159-00037336-00037518 and put it in a box though yeah both VnznKXg2ITU-00160-00037519-00037807 boxes are open it might be easy to slurp VnznKXg2ITU-00161-00037808-00037935 and VnznKXg2ITU-00162-00037936-00038046 second VnznKXg2ITU-00163-00038047-00038287 sort of blow it into the box we can try VnznKXg2ITU-00164-00038288-00038439 if you'd like VnznKXg2ITU-00165-00038440-00038615 yeah because it's gonna be it's gonna be VnznKXg2ITU-00166-00038616-00038871 really soft so it might be hard to pick VnznKXg2ITU-00167-00038872-00039127 up i'm not sure VnznKXg2ITU-00168-00039128-00039271 it's up to you whatever you feel most VnznKXg2ITU-00169-00039272-00039399 comfortable with let's try to slurp it VnznKXg2ITU-00170-00039400-00039535 and if it doesn't go up then we'll put VnznKXg2ITU-00171-00039536-00040295 in the box VnznKXg2ITU-00172-00040296-00040439 how can we tell the size of these VnznKXg2ITU-00173-00040440-00040671 animals those two little lasers VnznKXg2ITU-00174-00040672-00040974 are 10 centimeters apart so we can VnznKXg2ITU-00175-00040975-00042679 take an estimate based on that VnznKXg2ITU-00176-00042680-00042974 what jar are you doing are you doing two VnznKXg2ITU-00177-00042975-00043215 correct two VnznKXg2ITU-00178-00043216-00043399 do you want to zoom VnznKXg2ITU-00179-00043400-00043567 you gotta follow through the sample VnznKXg2ITU-00180-00043568-00043967 we'll deal with the knife later VnznKXg2ITU-00181-00043968-00044143 do you want to zoom antenna VnznKXg2ITU-00182-00044144-00046351 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00183-00046352-00046543 sorry VnznKXg2ITU-00184-00046544-00046886 okay suction coming on VnznKXg2ITU-00185-00046887-00047358 sections on VnznKXg2ITU-00186-00047359-00048095 you're pushing the vehicle VnznKXg2ITU-00187-00048096-00049767 okay i'm ready for the toolbox VnznKXg2ITU-00188-00049768-00049935 and now you wrist roll there you go VnznKXg2ITU-00189-00049936-00050167 exactly VnznKXg2ITU-00190-00050168-00050486 exactly like that nice VnznKXg2ITU-00191-00050487-00050655 either side that's good and i'll stop VnznKXg2ITU-00192-00050656-00050783 the suction VnznKXg2ITU-00193-00050784-00051230 now you gotta give it a shaky shake VnznKXg2ITU-00194-00051232-00051902 good now pull it out VnznKXg2ITU-00195-00051903-00052046 not up but VnznKXg2ITU-00196-00052047-00052382 out forward VnznKXg2ITU-00197-00052383-00052726 don't know VnznKXg2ITU-00198-00052727-00052991 here did i VnznKXg2ITU-00199-00052991-00053282 you're all bound VnznKXg2ITU-00200-00053283-00053575 up bring the arm away from the to the VnznKXg2ITU-00201-00053576-00054223 like to the right yeah there you go VnznKXg2ITU-00202-00054224-00054430 okay well maybe past the slurp thing so VnznKXg2ITU-00203-00054432-00054887 i'm gonna try slurping VnznKXg2ITU-00204-00054888-00055047 just hold it there a sec VnznKXg2ITU-00205-00055048-00055271 oh watch see if it comes into the VnznKXg2ITU-00206-00055272-00055471 into the jar if it makes it past the VnznKXg2ITU-00207-00055472-00055687 nozzle it'll make it all the way VnznKXg2ITU-00208-00055688-00056247 maybe sometimes likely VnznKXg2ITU-00209-00056248-00056471 in the meantime VnznKXg2ITU-00210-00056472-00056663 let's look in this box VnznKXg2ITU-00211-00056664-00056815 and also VnznKXg2ITU-00212-00056816-00057030 let's move VnznKXg2ITU-00213-00057032-00057311 i thought it fall into the box VnznKXg2ITU-00214-00057312-00057447 can you put bubble on the inside of the VnznKXg2ITU-00215-00057448-00058087 box VnznKXg2ITU-00216-00058088-00058599 see if you can see a sea star in there VnznKXg2ITU-00217-00058600-00058719 yeah it's in there VnznKXg2ITU-00218-00058720-00058942 yeah cool i thought i saw it yeah i VnznKXg2ITU-00219-00058944-00059079 thought it was back to it's like the VnznKXg2ITU-00220-00059079-00059294 same color as the box yeah it's hard to VnznKXg2ITU-00221-00059295-00059399 see VnznKXg2ITU-00222-00059400-00059607 good job okay so can you guys see in the VnznKXg2ITU-00223-00059608-00059854 back row uh slurp jar cam VnznKXg2ITU-00224-00059855-00059935 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00225-00059936-00060063 so you see how there's some stuff in VnznKXg2ITU-00226-00060064-00060182 there yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00227-00060183-00060471 um do you want that to be VnznKXg2ITU-00228-00060472-00060735 noted or VnznKXg2ITU-00229-00060736-00060871 just just so you know that that's in VnznKXg2ITU-00230-00060872-00061119 slurp jar 2. it's not perfectly sterile VnznKXg2ITU-00231-00061120-00061263 clean whatever VnznKXg2ITU-00232-00061264-00061438 you guys do okay yeah i'll keep that in VnznKXg2ITU-00233-00061439-00061615 mind i don't think that that would harm VnznKXg2ITU-00234-00061616-00061791 any other samples that we'd want to take VnznKXg2ITU-00235-00061791-00061982 it's just a little bit of this VnznKXg2ITU-00236-00061983-00062223 uh mud that's here VnznKXg2ITU-00237-00062224-00062535 so anything we slurp VnznKXg2ITU-00238-00062536-00062759 okay that was sample zero seven nine VnznKXg2ITU-00239-00062760-00064030 zero seven nine VnznKXg2ITU-00240-00064032-00064159 you got a shoulder up and wrist away VnznKXg2ITU-00241-00064160-00064254 from you VnznKXg2ITU-00242-00064255-00064479 big time yep VnznKXg2ITU-00243-00064479-00066606 original five zero meters one zero zero VnznKXg2ITU-00244-00066607-00066926 there you go yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00245-00066927-00067543 that's right VnznKXg2ITU-00246-00067544-00067735 your shoulder all the way up VnznKXg2ITU-00247-00067736-00068047 fish fish VnznKXg2ITU-00248-00068048-00068191 yep VnznKXg2ITU-00249-00068192-00068287 otherwise you don't have room for the VnznKXg2ITU-00250-00068288-00068438 wrist VnznKXg2ITU-00251-00068439-00068847 yeah then wrist up VnznKXg2ITU-00252-00068848-00069087 i think that was another typhonos nesus VnznKXg2ITU-00253-00069088-00069343 that flying cascial possibly passing us VnznKXg2ITU-00254-00069344-00069463 by VnznKXg2ITU-00255-00069464-00069767 but we are in the midst of VnznKXg2ITU-00256-00069768-00070094 stowing our arm VnznKXg2ITU-00257-00070095-00070415 there you go nice VnznKXg2ITU-00258-00070416-00070599 with more shoulder up you'll clear the VnznKXg2ITU-00259-00070600-00071735 porch VnznKXg2ITU-00260-00071736-00072582 yeah and keep doing that same same thing VnznKXg2ITU-00261-00072583-00072671 cool VnznKXg2ITU-00262-00072672-00074023 keep doing more of it VnznKXg2ITU-00263-00074024-00074111 yep VnznKXg2ITU-00264-00074112-00074694 that's it VnznKXg2ITU-00265-00074695-00074847 okay now straighten that wrist out and VnznKXg2ITU-00266-00074848-00077447 you'll be should be good to go VnznKXg2ITU-00267-00077448-00077582 so your wrist is all the way right right VnznKXg2ITU-00268-00077583-00077775 now so once you move the shoulder right VnznKXg2ITU-00269-00077776-00078111 you can wrist left VnznKXg2ITU-00270-00078112-00078482 yeah exactly just like VnznKXg2ITU-00271-00078483-00080582 that do another one of those VnznKXg2ITU-00272-00080583-00080743 okay so before you let go i'm gonna get VnznKXg2ITU-00273-00080744-00081350 down to the bottom here VnznKXg2ITU-00274-00081351-00082871 yeah standby VnznKXg2ITU-00276-00089744-00091567 bridge now hold position VnznKXg2ITU-00277-00091568-00091782 great VnznKXg2ITU-00278-00091783-00091967 antonella are you okay with me moving VnznKXg2ITU-00279-00091968-00092135 the vehicle while you're VnznKXg2ITU-00280-00092136-00092247 while you're doing this or you want me VnznKXg2ITU-00281-00092248-00093262 to stay still VnznKXg2ITU-00282-00093263-00093847 i'll get you a bubble view VnznKXg2ITU-00283-00093848-00094367 there it is VnznKXg2ITU-00284-00094368-00094647 nice VnznKXg2ITU-00285-00094648-00094887 um maybe in the front box VnznKXg2ITU-00286-00094888-00095103 um let me ask science real quick VnznKXg2ITU-00287-00095104-00095518 hey science VnznKXg2ITU-00288-00095519-00095615 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00289-00095616-00095887 yeah go ahead uh earth let's see oh i VnznKXg2ITU-00290-00095888-00096159 can't hear you okay uh so we've got this VnznKXg2ITU-00291-00096160-00096311 knife that we just need to stash in one VnznKXg2ITU-00292-00096312-00096582 of the boxes uh perhaps the front box VnznKXg2ITU-00293-00096583-00096815 is there uh VnznKXg2ITU-00294-00096816-00097735 is there a preference that you have here VnznKXg2ITU-00295-00097736-00098082 okay roger okay firebox forward bio box VnznKXg2ITU-00296-00098083-00098511 a it's probably VnznKXg2ITU-00297-00098512-00098735 uh yeah left most one VnznKXg2ITU-00298-00098736-00098887 let me make sure i'm all wrecked back VnznKXg2ITU-00299-00098888-00099255 yep VnznKXg2ITU-00300-00099256-00099591 you okay with this a small opening there VnznKXg2ITU-00301-00099592-00099911 or do you want it all the way out VnznKXg2ITU-00302-00099912-00100215 okay awesome nice job it's good VnznKXg2ITU-00303-00100216-00100479 beautiful VnznKXg2ITU-00304-00100480-00100638 easy peasy VnznKXg2ITU-00305-00100639-00100862 we might need a little stuffy action on VnznKXg2ITU-00306-00100863-00101111 that VnznKXg2ITU-00307-00101112-00101350 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00308-00101351-00101494 wanna stuff that little ball down in VnznKXg2ITU-00309-00101495-00103110 there VnznKXg2ITU-00310-00103111-00103271 oh okay VnznKXg2ITU-00311-00103272-00103566 you're great just get out of there VnznKXg2ITU-00312-00103567-00103758 just make a note of it you can VnznKXg2ITU-00313-00103759-00104127 nice VnznKXg2ITU-00314-00104128-00104294 beauty VnznKXg2ITU-00315-00104295-00104823 uh you want to stick the uh VnznKXg2ITU-00316-00104824-00105495 magnet stick the uh scoop to the magnet VnznKXg2ITU-00317-00105496-00105607 i'm going to give you a little bubble VnznKXg2ITU-00318-00105608-00105695 view VnznKXg2ITU-00319-00105696-00106031 um it's VnznKXg2ITU-00320-00106032-00106134 um VnznKXg2ITU-00321-00106135-00106310 she's been busy VnznKXg2ITU-00322-00106311-00106399 um VnznKXg2ITU-00323-00106400-00106631 so let me see if i can get you a little VnznKXg2ITU-00324-00106632-00106743 view there it's gonna be drunk and VnznKXg2ITU-00325-00106744-00107310 bubble but you can handle it VnznKXg2ITU-00326-00107311-00107431 you're doing great VnznKXg2ITU-00327-00107432-00107758 hey what's up VnznKXg2ITU-00328-00107759-00107883 yeah sounds VnznKXg2ITU-00329-00107883-00109054 good you're doing great VnznKXg2ITU-00330-00109055-00109190 so VnznKXg2ITU-00331-00109191-00109366 just take a second why don't you close VnznKXg2ITU-00332-00109367-00109839 your jaws VnznKXg2ITU-00333-00109840-00110078 just take a second um i've got to scoot VnznKXg2ITU-00334-00110079-00110351 the uh vehicle up ahead so why don't you VnznKXg2ITU-00335-00110352-00110743 just wait for a second okay VnznKXg2ITU-00336-00110744-00110943 oh beauty VnznKXg2ITU-00337-00110944-00111102 lock the jaws closed VnznKXg2ITU-00338-00111103-00111271 hold still for a second VnznKXg2ITU-00339-00111272-00112271 and i'm going to move the vehicle VnznKXg2ITU-00340-00112272-00112678 there you go VnznKXg2ITU-00342-00116511-00116639 um VnznKXg2ITU-00343-00116640-00116831 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00344-00116832-00117134 can you give me a zero nine zero view VnznKXg2ITU-00345-00117135-00117295 with argus VnznKXg2ITU-00346-00117296-00118527 thank you VnznKXg2ITU-00347-00118528-00118654 that way i can get out in front of the VnznKXg2ITU-00349-00123296-00123583 okay maybe not in this area of mucho VnznKXg2ITU-00350-00123583-00123783 silt but i'll be sitting down in a VnznKXg2ITU-00351-00123783-00124143 second VnznKXg2ITU-00352-00124144-00124302 when we do start moving it'll be one VnznKXg2ITU-00353-00124303-00124695 zero zero okay sounds good i'll get over VnznKXg2ITU-00354-00124696-00125575 to starboard a little bit VnznKXg2ITU-00355-00125576-00127310 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00356-00127311-00127575 so silty here VnznKXg2ITU-00357-00127576-00127734 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00358-00127735-00127895 hold on one second VnznKXg2ITU-00359-00127896-00128231 um VnznKXg2ITU-00360-00128232-00128407 just for the sake of VnznKXg2ITU-00361-00128408-00128702 holding on VnznKXg2ITU-00362-00128703-00128878 you're in a really good spot VnznKXg2ITU-00363-00128879-00129166 you see sort of how your arm is VnznKXg2ITU-00364-00129167-00129334 arranged like what all your joints are VnznKXg2ITU-00365-00129335-00129519 doing sometimes you can like lose track VnznKXg2ITU-00366-00129520-00129727 of what your joints do VnznKXg2ITU-00367-00129728-00129990 um VnznKXg2ITU-00368-00129991-00130063 so VnznKXg2ITU-00369-00130064-00130214 it's like looks like it's in like a VnznKXg2ITU-00370-00130215-00130478 really neutral position VnznKXg2ITU-00371-00130479-00130607 uh VnznKXg2ITU-00372-00130608-00132590 basically just azimuth in VnznKXg2ITU-00373-00132591-00133463 nice VnznKXg2ITU-00374-00133464-00135911 beautiful job holding those jaws VnznKXg2ITU-00375-00135912-00136047 and if you don't want to do it it's VnznKXg2ITU-00376-00136048-00136231 totally fine VnznKXg2ITU-00377-00136232-00136543 i i absolutely think you can do it VnznKXg2ITU-00378-00136544-00136823 but you may need to like i i get tired VnznKXg2ITU-00379-00136824-00137063 using the arm a lot so it may be it may VnznKXg2ITU-00380-00137064-00137295 be more that issue than VnznKXg2ITU-00381-00137296-00138263 that you can't do it VnznKXg2ITU-00382-00138264-00138399 so it's going to be VnznKXg2ITU-00383-00138400-00138511 wrist VnznKXg2ITU-00384-00138512-00138966 pitch to get yourself out of there VnznKXg2ITU-00385-00138967-00139223 do you want me to reset the arm around VnznKXg2ITU-00386-00139224-00139871 to the side VnznKXg2ITU-00387-00139872-00140127 try your wrist pitch up VnznKXg2ITU-00388-00140128-00140278 and that'll get you out VnznKXg2ITU-00389-00140279-00140390 because you're sort of in a little VnznKXg2ITU-00390-00140391-00141527 trough there between the VnznKXg2ITU-00391-00141528-00143326 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00392-00143327-00143478 hold on one second i can show you which VnznKXg2ITU-00393-00143479-00143663 one it is if you want to separate them VnznKXg2ITU-00394-00143664-00143935 out again VnznKXg2ITU-00395-00143936-00144111 or you can do elbow up VnznKXg2ITU-00396-00144112-00145654 yeah nice beautiful VnznKXg2ITU-00397-00145655-00145871 there you go VnznKXg2ITU-00398-00145872-00146671 good one VnznKXg2ITU-00399-00146672-00146999 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00400-00147000-00147247 i don't think that's true but VnznKXg2ITU-00401-00147248-00147447 a certain like VnznKXg2ITU-00402-00147448-00147607 at first there's a certain amount of VnznKXg2ITU-00403-00147608-00147678 like VnznKXg2ITU-00404-00147679-00147854 brain fatigue that comes from like a lot VnznKXg2ITU-00405-00147855-00148143 of arm usage i think that's my feeling VnznKXg2ITU-00407-00152615-00153463 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00408-00153464-00153671 do you want to give it one more try VnznKXg2ITU-00409-00153672-00155535 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00411-00161567-00161783 yeah go for it VnznKXg2ITU-00412-00161784-00161919 if you're happy with the position of VnznKXg2ITU-00414-00166191-00166871 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00415-00166872-00167054 oh the scoop fun VnznKXg2ITU-00416-00167055-00167319 what's that oh the scoop fun i know this VnznKXg2ITU-00417-00167320-00167551 coupon is good VnznKXg2ITU-00418-00167552-00167759 oh really yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00419-00167760-00168007 oh my skin kind of just went up a little VnznKXg2ITU-00420-00168008-00168102 bit VnznKXg2ITU-00421-00168103-00168454 i love the scoop VnznKXg2ITU-00422-00168455-00168614 there was an octopus VnznKXg2ITU-00423-00168615-00169126 oh cool VnznKXg2ITU-00424-00169127-00169495 i missed it i was distracted by the rov VnznKXg2ITU-00425-00169496-00169711 i love how the sediment is mimicking the VnznKXg2ITU-00426-00169712-00169911 shape of hercules VnznKXg2ITU-00427-00169912-00170883 in the argus VnznKXg2ITU-00428-00170884-00171214 shot i could swear it's on the magnet VnznKXg2ITU-00429-00171215-00171487 good afternoon there we go VnznKXg2ITU-00430-00171488-00172102 how are you this fine afternoon VnznKXg2ITU-00431-00172103-00172302 what's that sorry did you say something VnznKXg2ITU-00432-00172303-00172447 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00433-00172448-00172559 oh no VnznKXg2ITU-00434-00172560-00172711 a VnznKXg2ITU-00435-00172712-00172943 line switch line yeah that's on the VnznKXg2ITU-00436-00172944-00174887 magnet okay VnznKXg2ITU-00437-00174888-00175438 that's right right behind you VnznKXg2ITU-00438-00175439-00176078 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00439-00176079-00176326 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00440-00176327-00176638 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00441-00176639-00176831 all right so it's meal time we're doing VnznKXg2ITU-00442-00176832-00177007 some switch outs and VnznKXg2ITU-00443-00177008-00177295 and maintenance so just bear with us VnznKXg2ITU-00444-00177296-00177575 while we take care of these things VnznKXg2ITU-00445-00177576-00177735 didn't want to distract from the very VnznKXg2ITU-00446-00177736-00179014 important rov operations VnznKXg2ITU-00447-00179015-00179214 food is important VnznKXg2ITU-00448-00179215-00179583 gotta keep our brains fresh and focused VnznKXg2ITU-00449-00179584-00180078 supplied VnznKXg2ITU-00450-00180079-00180278 um nothing at the moment you get ready VnznKXg2ITU-00451-00180279-00180551 for a move sure all right VnznKXg2ITU-00452-00180552-00180671 original VnznKXg2ITU-00453-00180672-00181351 5 VnznKXg2ITU-00454-00181352-00181614 um nothing we're in the same spot VnznKXg2ITU-00455-00181615-00181799 so like the one we just collected i VnznKXg2ITU-00456-00181800-00182023 think so i think it might be similar to VnznKXg2ITU-00457-00182024-00182566 the one that we just collected VnznKXg2ITU-00458-00182567-00182799 yep there it is let's see yeah this VnznKXg2ITU-00459-00182800-00182959 one's a little bit inflated but not VnznKXg2ITU-00460-00182960-00183183 nearly as crazily inflated as the one VnznKXg2ITU-00461-00183184-00183319 that we collected and then there's a VnznKXg2ITU-00462-00183320-00183671 mice and shrimp floating on by VnznKXg2ITU-00463-00183672-00183966 you can see those tube feet VnznKXg2ITU-00464-00183967-00184183 on this sea star VnznKXg2ITU-00465-00184184-00184599 that's how they walk around VnznKXg2ITU-00466-00184600-00184766 this little dude up common name that you VnznKXg2ITU-00467-00184767-00184878 know of VnznKXg2ITU-00468-00184879-00185183 um not that i know of VnznKXg2ITU-00469-00185184-00185390 but the scientific VnznKXg2ITU-00470-00185391-00185702 name is VnznKXg2ITU-00471-00185703-00185926 i see VnznKXg2ITU-00472-00185927-00186366 postcellinasterity VnznKXg2ITU-00473-00186367-00186454 so VnznKXg2ITU-00474-00186455-00186687 i think that sort of like gives you the VnznKXg2ITU-00475-00186688-00186831 hint that it's like VnznKXg2ITU-00476-00186832-00186959 porcelain VnznKXg2ITU-00477-00186960-00187054 so VnznKXg2ITU-00478-00187055-00187190 let me be speaking a little bit to the VnznKXg2ITU-00479-00187191-00187295 color VnznKXg2ITU-00480-00187296-00189999 how it looks VnznKXg2ITU-00481-00190000-00190231 i hope that octopus comes back VnznKXg2ITU-00482-00190232-00190438 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00483-00190439-00190638 jonesing for an octopus this whole time VnznKXg2ITU-00484-00190639-00190799 i know i'm VnznKXg2ITU-00485-00190800-00190975 yeah there was an octopus in the argus VnznKXg2ITU-00486-00190976-00191166 view VnznKXg2ITU-00487-00191167-00191454 gosh darn it VnznKXg2ITU-00488-00191455-00191726 it was very brief VnznKXg2ITU-00489-00191727-00191871 i've got a couple bounces there's this VnznKXg2ITU-00490-00191872-00192143 tiny fish i swear VnznKXg2ITU-00491-00192144-00192343 right here VnznKXg2ITU-00492-00192344-00193007 oh good eye VnznKXg2ITU-00493-00193008-00193590 we've been seeing quite a few fish VnznKXg2ITU-00494-00193591-00194231 oh look at that face VnznKXg2ITU-00495-00194232-00194550 it's pretty cute VnznKXg2ITU-00496-00194551-00195607 it's got a really stubbed nose VnznKXg2ITU-00497-00195608-00195863 very stoic movement yeah very proudly VnznKXg2ITU-00498-00195864-00196063 well VnznKXg2ITU-00499-00196064-00196359 it could be a poor gaydas VnznKXg2ITU-00500-00196360-00196775 possibly VnznKXg2ITU-00501-00196776-00197087 so uh ken sulak wrote and chat to us one VnznKXg2ITU-00502-00197088-00197247 of the characters VnznKXg2ITU-00503-00197248-00197550 to look for when identifying porygadis VnznKXg2ITU-00504-00197551-00197775 is a double lateral line VnznKXg2ITU-00505-00197776-00197887 so VnznKXg2ITU-00506-00197888-00198078 maybe when we review the imagery later VnznKXg2ITU-00507-00198079-00198254 we'll be able to VnznKXg2ITU-00508-00198255-00198478 do a freeze frame and VnznKXg2ITU-00509-00198479-00198759 see if there was a double lateral line VnznKXg2ITU-00511-00210448-00210558 question on the chat do you have to go VnznKXg2ITU-00512-00210559-00210703 through a six-week course to learn to VnznKXg2ITU-00513-00210704-00210887 say all these scientific names it's VnznKXg2ITU-00514-00210888-00211158 longer than six weeks VnznKXg2ITU-00515-00211159-00211303 and imagine you just kind of pick them VnznKXg2ITU-00516-00211304-00211606 up as you go along VnznKXg2ITU-00517-00211607-00211775 that's pretty much it VnznKXg2ITU-00518-00211776-00212015 i've been working on this since 2013 or VnznKXg2ITU-00519-00212016-00212391 so VnznKXg2ITU-00520-00212392-00212631 it's 20 2013's when VnznKXg2ITU-00521-00212632-00212815 2013 is when i started becoming like a VnznKXg2ITU-00522-00212816-00213046 scientist to sure and i started to VnznKXg2ITU-00523-00213048-00213239 participate in the chat and VnznKXg2ITU-00524-00213240-00213415 start to pick up scientific names of VnznKXg2ITU-00525-00213416-00213534 things not something you learn in VnznKXg2ITU-00526-00213535-00213767 standard invertebrate zoology yeah i was VnznKXg2ITU-00527-00213767-00213958 gonna say VnznKXg2ITU-00528-00213959-00214134 and look at you now steve VnznKXg2ITU-00529-00214135-00214287 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00530-00214288-00214791 science manager science manager VnznKXg2ITU-00531-00214792-00215063 how does one manage the science VnznKXg2ITU-00532-00215064-00215223 um VnznKXg2ITU-00533-00215223-00215463 he's crazy make sure nothing VnznKXg2ITU-00534-00215464-00215606 no one gets hurt VnznKXg2ITU-00535-00215607-00215982 make sure all the data gets checked VnznKXg2ITU-00536-00215983-00216215 make sure all the samples are there VnznKXg2ITU-00537-00216216-00216294 yep VnznKXg2ITU-00538-00216296-00216782 teaches us what to do the sops VnznKXg2ITU-00539-00216783-00217110 we love our sops VnznKXg2ITU-00540-00217111-00217327 so you're like coralie's boss VnznKXg2ITU-00541-00217328-00217831 essentially unless cruz VnznKXg2ITU-00542-00217832-00218046 no what's your what's your official rule VnznKXg2ITU-00543-00218048-00218134 i VnznKXg2ITU-00544-00218135-00218415 i i what are you doing here VnznKXg2ITU-00545-00218416-00218631 data data logger yeah but just because VnznKXg2ITU-00546-00218632-00218758 you're a logger it doesn't mean zoom in VnznKXg2ITU-00547-00218759-00219055 on this white thing please yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00548-00219056-00219287 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00549-00219288-00219487 i would classify you as guest scientist VnznKXg2ITU-00550-00219488-00219894 but yeah you are in the data logger see VnznKXg2ITU-00551-00219896-00220031 oh yeah it looks like a maybe a VnznKXg2ITU-00552-00220032-00220406 scaphopod or some sort of polykey VnznKXg2ITU-00553-00220407-00220887 scaffold pods have that tusk shaped VnznKXg2ITU-00554-00220888-00221271 shell thing VnznKXg2ITU-00555-00221271-00221591 it doesn't look very fresh though VnznKXg2ITU-00556-00221592-00221871 what would fresh look like VnznKXg2ITU-00557-00221871-00222071 uh that one was covered with a lot of VnznKXg2ITU-00558-00222071-00222182 like VnznKXg2ITU-00559-00222183-00222455 hydroids and things VnznKXg2ITU-00560-00222456-00222679 deep deep sea gunk VnznKXg2ITU-00561-00222680-00223087 built up VnznKXg2ITU-00562-00223088-00223406 curly aren't you studying dc gunk yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00563-00223407-00223534 there's a lot of things covered in deep VnznKXg2ITU-00564-00223535-00223687 sea most things make a living on VnznKXg2ITU-00565-00223688-00223863 deep sea gunk VnznKXg2ITU-00566-00223864-00224103 i study fair manganese crust thank you VnznKXg2ITU-00567-00224104-00224351 very much VnznKXg2ITU-00568-00224352-00224423 so VnznKXg2ITU-00569-00224423-00224646 a variety of deep-sea gunk VnznKXg2ITU-00570-00224648-00224894 i would classify them as hydrogenetic VnznKXg2ITU-00571-00224896-00224998 rocks VnznKXg2ITU-00572-00225000-00225094 oh VnznKXg2ITU-00573-00225096-00225351 big words tonight VnznKXg2ITU-00574-00225352-00225463 what is this VnznKXg2ITU-00575-00225464-00225734 this is a cuke oh yeah i think it is a VnznKXg2ITU-00576-00225735-00225998 cuke VnznKXg2ITU-00577-00226000-00226167 let's have a zoom on the furry fuzzy VnznKXg2ITU-00578-00226167-00226527 dirty cuke please VnznKXg2ITU-00579-00226528-00226751 we did sample one of these uh or maybe VnznKXg2ITU-00580-00226752-00226855 it was VnznKXg2ITU-00581-00226856-00227031 no maybe it wasn't one of these it was VnznKXg2ITU-00582-00227032-00227287 something similar is it alive VnznKXg2ITU-00583-00227288-00227510 uh yes it is what VnznKXg2ITU-00584-00227511-00227719 why is it so dirty VnznKXg2ITU-00585-00227719-00228094 um VnznKXg2ITU-00586-00228096-00228255 it's a good question sometimes they do VnznKXg2ITU-00587-00228256-00228446 that yeah there's there's whole groups VnznKXg2ITU-00588-00228448-00228542 of VnznKXg2ITU-00589-00228544-00228734 um holothurians VnznKXg2ITU-00590-00228735-00228894 that VnznKXg2ITU-00591-00228896-00229182 will use their tube feet so VnznKXg2ITU-00592-00229183-00229423 these belong to the echinoderms which VnznKXg2ITU-00593-00229423-00229742 usually all have some sort of tube foot VnznKXg2ITU-00594-00229744-00229871 to VnznKXg2ITU-00595-00229871-00230127 hide themselves with shells and things VnznKXg2ITU-00596-00230128-00230303 so this one VnznKXg2ITU-00597-00230304-00230615 just prefers to use sediment blend in VnznKXg2ITU-00598-00230616-00230855 smart don't know why yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00599-00230856-00231082 but some of them yeah look VnznKXg2ITU-00600-00231083-00231423 like you know VnznKXg2ITU-00601-00231423-00231687 i imagine like at a at a baseball game VnznKXg2ITU-00602-00231688-00231782 right VnznKXg2ITU-00603-00231783-00232023 hot dog falls on the stands and it rolls VnznKXg2ITU-00604-00232023-00232255 in the peanuts and stuff and it gets VnznKXg2ITU-00605-00232256-00232367 on the floor VnznKXg2ITU-00606-00232367-00232575 and then it kind of looks like that VnznKXg2ITU-00607-00232576-00232791 that's their camouflage VnznKXg2ITU-00608-00232792-00232967 their shallower distributed species VnznKXg2ITU-00609-00232967-00233255 called museotheria VnznKXg2ITU-00610-00233256-00233494 hot dog camouflage yep definitely VnznKXg2ITU-00611-00233496-00233639 nobody's gonna eat that or at least no VnznKXg2ITU-00612-00233640-00233831 human i'm sure the birds would love it VnznKXg2ITU-00613-00233832-00234110 hot dog camouflage yeah so some sea VnznKXg2ITU-00614-00234111-00234334 cucumbers who are saying VnznKXg2ITU-00615-00234335-00234527 uh kind of look like they stick all VnznKXg2ITU-00616-00234528-00234855 sorts of stuff to their bodies uh as VnznKXg2ITU-00617-00234856-00234975 potentially some sort of either VnznKXg2ITU-00618-00234976-00235191 mechanical camouflage or you know some VnznKXg2ITU-00619-00235192-00235567 sort of sensory camouflage and VnznKXg2ITU-00620-00235567-00235727 shells of all different sizes and it VnznKXg2ITU-00621-00235728-00235871 kind of looks like if you're at a VnznKXg2ITU-00622-00235871-00236055 baseball game VnznKXg2ITU-00623-00236056-00236294 and you dropped a hot dog on the stands VnznKXg2ITU-00624-00236296-00236503 you know and it rolled down a few rows VnznKXg2ITU-00625-00236504-00236646 picking up all the peanut shells and VnznKXg2ITU-00626-00236648-00236958 stuff that people you know VnznKXg2ITU-00627-00236959-00237358 very elaborate metaphors tonight VnznKXg2ITU-00628-00237359-00237534 i don't know if that's really elaborate VnznKXg2ITU-00629-00237535-00237839 for team blue water VnznKXg2ITU-00630-00237840-00238015 to get a couple more steps beyond that VnznKXg2ITU-00631-00238016-00238246 to be elaborate all right i'm the guest VnznKXg2ITU-00632-00238248-00238446 you're the guest you are the guest you VnznKXg2ITU-00633-00238448-00238646 want another elaborate hot dog metaphor VnznKXg2ITU-00634-00238648-00238775 uh VnznKXg2ITU-00635-00238776-00238967 it could be how i was VnznKXg2ITU-00636-00238967-00239110 how even sleeping during the rolling VnznKXg2ITU-00637-00239111-00239623 season like a gas station hot dog VnznKXg2ITU-00638-00239623-00239975 i saw a hot dog lucy bee at the 7-eleven VnznKXg2ITU-00639-00239976-00240246 uh in honolulu that was VnznKXg2ITU-00640-00240248-00240455 fascinating hot dog what no no it wasn't VnznKXg2ITU-00641-00240456-00240663 musubi it was a bun so like a steamed VnznKXg2ITU-00642-00240664-00240910 bun except it was a hot dog VnznKXg2ITU-00643-00240911-00241110 but yeah this probably tastes good well VnznKXg2ITU-00644-00241111-00241263 you'd think so but it was like still VnznKXg2ITU-00645-00241264-00241463 sticking out of like it's like they took VnznKXg2ITU-00646-00241464-00241615 a steamed bun or like the dough and just VnznKXg2ITU-00647-00241616-00241806 like put a hot dog through it so it's VnznKXg2ITU-00648-00241807-00241967 still sticking out on either side but VnznKXg2ITU-00649-00241967-00242094 how would you know what's inside of it VnznKXg2ITU-00650-00242096-00242255 it was like a pig and a blanket type of VnznKXg2ITU-00651-00242256-00242479 deal with the steam bun right and it's VnznKXg2ITU-00652-00242480-00242598 like it was like baked instead of VnznKXg2ITU-00653-00242600-00242719 steamed VnznKXg2ITU-00654-00242719-00243015 i'm i'm okay i didn't need to try it VnznKXg2ITU-00655-00243016-00243215 it could be delicious though like in VnznKXg2ITU-00656-00243216-00243682 theory that would be VnznKXg2ITU-00657-00243683-00243951 delicious try everything once VnznKXg2ITU-00658-00243952-00244223 yeah still breaks VnznKXg2ITU-00659-00244223-00244439 whoops very crusty crust i think in VnznKXg2ITU-00660-00244440-00244655 general gas station sushi is something VnznKXg2ITU-00661-00244656-00244879 you should stay away from actually no VnznKXg2ITU-00662-00244880-00245094 not in honolulu apparently the seven VnznKXg2ITU-00663-00245096-00245271 well i guess 7-eleven is not a gas VnznKXg2ITU-00664-00245271-00245406 station but VnznKXg2ITU-00665-00245407-00245575 um someone that oh you live there don't VnznKXg2ITU-00666-00245576-00245742 you see VnznKXg2ITU-00667-00245744-00246039 it's 7-eleven yeah the 7-eleven sushi VnznKXg2ITU-00668-00246040-00246215 megan said it was awesome i didn't go VnznKXg2ITU-00669-00246216-00246287 there VnznKXg2ITU-00670-00246288-00246446 um VnznKXg2ITU-00671-00246448-00246567 i don't i don't know if i'm brave enough VnznKXg2ITU-00672-00246567-00246758 to try that she said it was like VnznKXg2ITU-00673-00246759-00246998 legitimate like it's okay i'm i'm sure VnznKXg2ITU-00674-00247000-00247094 it is VnznKXg2ITU-00675-00247096-00247263 it's probably got spam VnznKXg2ITU-00676-00247264-00247479 yeah there is spam i saw some spam VnznKXg2ITU-00677-00247480-00247679 musubi absolutely VnznKXg2ITU-00678-00247680-00248182 they have like salmon onigiri VnznKXg2ITU-00679-00248183-00248615 not much of a spam fan VnznKXg2ITU-00680-00248616-00248694 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00681-00248696-00248879 my brother says that eating well he VnznKXg2ITU-00682-00248880-00249030 likes it but he also says that when he VnznKXg2ITU-00683-00249031-00249151 eats it it feels like he's having a VnznKXg2ITU-00684-00249152-00249406 heart attack like actively yeah put that VnznKXg2ITU-00685-00249407-00249575 down VnznKXg2ITU-00686-00249576-00249791 hot dogs and mcdonald's chicken nuggets VnznKXg2ITU-00687-00249792-00249942 are the only VnznKXg2ITU-00688-00249944-00250142 weird meats that i VnznKXg2ITU-00689-00250144-00250319 am okay with consuming i think they see VnznKXg2ITU-00690-00250319-00250527 that on the paint cans like that it will VnznKXg2ITU-00691-00250528-00250839 cause heart attack like sensations VnznKXg2ITU-00692-00250840-00251239 you can ignore them probably the level VnznKXg2ITU-00693-00251240-00251487 um question in the chat are a lot of us VnznKXg2ITU-00694-00251488-00251646 working on research projects the VnznKXg2ITU-00695-00251648-00251823 scientists are what are you working on VnznKXg2ITU-00696-00251823-00251919 coralie VnznKXg2ITU-00697-00251919-00252406 i am working on a project about science VnznKXg2ITU-00698-00252407-00252510 yep VnznKXg2ITU-00699-00252511-00252830 that's the summary thank you VnznKXg2ITU-00700-00252831-00253167 i'm working with pharaoh manganese cress VnznKXg2ITU-00701-00253167-00253423 and for this particular VnznKXg2ITU-00702-00253423-00253734 expedition i am looking to collect water VnznKXg2ITU-00703-00253735-00253894 and rock pairs VnznKXg2ITU-00704-00253896-00254094 to see if there's a relationship between VnznKXg2ITU-00705-00254096-00254239 the composition of the water and the VnznKXg2ITU-00706-00254240-00254455 composition of the rocks VnznKXg2ITU-00707-00254456-00254655 because VnznKXg2ITU-00708-00254656-00254910 as i said before uh pharaoh manganese VnznKXg2ITU-00709-00254911-00255175 crust fish are hydrogenetic rocks which VnznKXg2ITU-00710-00255176-00255446 means they precipitate out of the water VnznKXg2ITU-00711-00255448-00255655 and aren't hard substrates like the sea VnznKXg2ITU-00712-00255656-00255871 mounts that we're seeing right now VnznKXg2ITU-00713-00255871-00256134 and so since they are made out of the VnznKXg2ITU-00714-00256135-00256415 water we feel like there has to be some VnznKXg2ITU-00715-00256416-00256598 sort of relationship between the water VnznKXg2ITU-00716-00256600-00256823 and the rocks but uh VnznKXg2ITU-00717-00256823-00257055 i'm not sure anyone has done any broad VnznKXg2ITU-00718-00257056-00257198 studies on that VnznKXg2ITU-00719-00257200-00257463 so that's what i'm aiming to do he'll be VnznKXg2ITU-00720-00257464-00257639 the first steve you got anything you're VnznKXg2ITU-00721-00257640-00257846 working on yeah when i'm not science VnznKXg2ITU-00722-00257848-00257967 managing i VnznKXg2ITU-00723-00257967-00258182 have an active research program right VnznKXg2ITU-00724-00258183-00258415 now VnznKXg2ITU-00725-00258416-00258630 a lot of what i do is writing VnznKXg2ITU-00726-00258631-00258951 grant proposals to get funding but i VnznKXg2ITU-00727-00258952-00259167 have an ongoing project VnznKXg2ITU-00728-00259167-00259463 from an expedition that i went on with VnznKXg2ITU-00729-00259464-00259734 my lab group um at boston university to VnznKXg2ITU-00730-00259735-00259951 the phoenix islands this summer VnznKXg2ITU-00731-00259952-00260182 um we were primarily in the region of VnznKXg2ITU-00732-00260183-00260482 howland and baker island VnznKXg2ITU-00733-00260483-00260798 um island marine national monument VnznKXg2ITU-00734-00260800-00261119 uh where we were looking at patterns of VnznKXg2ITU-00735-00261119-00261382 uh biodiversity on sea mounts very VnznKXg2ITU-00736-00261383-00262455 similar to this VnznKXg2ITU-00737-00262456-00262630 megan was saying that something that VnznKXg2ITU-00738-00262631-00262775 looks similar to that earlier was a VnznKXg2ITU-00739-00262776-00262991 psychopath VnznKXg2ITU-00740-00262992-00263182 so i i'm using a lot of different tools VnznKXg2ITU-00741-00263183-00263479 um both kind of analyzing video VnznKXg2ITU-00742-00263480-00263615 transects like this to try and VnznKXg2ITU-00743-00263616-00263734 understand what are the spatial VnznKXg2ITU-00744-00263735-00263934 distribution patterns of VnznKXg2ITU-00745-00263935-00264151 uh some of the corals we see in these VnznKXg2ITU-00746-00264152-00264319 types of environments VnznKXg2ITU-00747-00264320-00264487 i'm looking at VnznKXg2ITU-00748-00264488-00264682 some of the VnznKXg2ITU-00749-00264683-00264999 evolutionary um VnznKXg2ITU-00750-00265000-00265119 uh VnznKXg2ITU-00751-00265120-00265271 patterns we see in the sea mount VnznKXg2ITU-00752-00265272-00265391 landscape VnznKXg2ITU-00753-00265392-00265655 so um you know what does coral community VnznKXg2ITU-00754-00265656-00265839 structure look like at certain depths i VnznKXg2ITU-00755-00265840-00265943 was gonna look at the coral but let's VnznKXg2ITU-00756-00265944-00266143 look at the fish VnznKXg2ITU-00757-00266144-00266327 oh there's a fish yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00758-00266328-00266558 this is a very fishy dive fish please VnznKXg2ITU-00759-00266559-00266775 very i mean zoom please VnznKXg2ITU-00760-00266776-00266967 another blind boy or does that one oh no VnznKXg2ITU-00761-00266968-00267263 i see an eyeball yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00762-00267264-00267758 oh this look this looks like um VnznKXg2ITU-00763-00267759-00267903 to look up the name VnznKXg2ITU-00764-00267904-00268127 i've seen this before though VnznKXg2ITU-00765-00268128-00268599 look at the size of the head VnznKXg2ITU-00766-00268600-00268727 we saw one of these on the last cruise VnznKXg2ITU-00767-00268728-00269015 didn't we VnznKXg2ITU-00768-00269016-00269223 yeah i think this is VnznKXg2ITU-00769-00269224-00269439 yesterday yes or no VnznKXg2ITU-00770-00269440-00269791 acanthonus VnznKXg2ITU-00771-00269792-00269982 it's a very colorful VnznKXg2ITU-00772-00269983-00270167 common name this is the the bony your VnznKXg2ITU-00773-00270168-00270710 dash fish yes VnznKXg2ITU-00774-00270711-00270871 you can look it up VnznKXg2ITU-00775-00270872-00271039 can you give me a name the type of VnznKXg2ITU-00776-00271040-00271199 cuscule okay VnznKXg2ITU-00777-00271200-00271495 i'll post the link in the chat VnznKXg2ITU-00778-00271496-00271679 got the science chat VnznKXg2ITU-00779-00271680-00271903 maybe i have chat here maybe i don't VnznKXg2ITU-00780-00271904-00272134 i think i logged out of chat here VnznKXg2ITU-00781-00272135-00272679 i'll i'll put it in VnznKXg2ITU-00782-00272680-00273423 the type of custom VnznKXg2ITU-00783-00273424-00274087 i cannot type today my goodness VnznKXg2ITU-00784-00274088-00274277 okay VnznKXg2ITU-00785-00274278-00274534 [Music] VnznKXg2ITU-00786-00274535-00274895 so yeah i am also wondering that as well VnznKXg2ITU-00787-00274896-00275079 what because there is another name that VnznKXg2ITU-00788-00275080-00275351 we weren't allowed to say also earlier VnznKXg2ITU-00789-00275352-00275519 uh i threw it in the science chat for VnznKXg2ITU-00790-00275520-00275767 you VnznKXg2ITU-00791-00275768-00276406 correctly i threw it on the science VnznKXg2ITU-00792-00276407-00276647 yeah sorry it's turned on i thought i VnznKXg2ITU-00793-00276648-00276871 only had spl turned on sorry to everyone VnznKXg2ITU-00794-00276872-00276982 who's VnznKXg2ITU-00795-00276983-00277143 thinking i'm only having a conversation VnznKXg2ITU-00796-00277144-00277391 with myself i'm i'm spying on someone VnznKXg2ITU-00797-00277392-00277527 you're not spying you're allowed to VnznKXg2ITU-00798-00277528-00278143 listen VnznKXg2ITU-00799-00278144-00278295 gracious VnznKXg2ITU-00800-00278296-00278551 uh for coralie how much of an impact VnznKXg2ITU-00801-00278552-00278767 does deep sea pressure have on geologic VnznKXg2ITU-00802-00278768-00279063 formations beyond the crusting VnznKXg2ITU-00803-00279064-00279239 uh VnznKXg2ITU-00804-00279240-00279351 i VnznKXg2ITU-00805-00279352-00279591 don't know if it has that much of an VnznKXg2ITU-00806-00279592-00279879 impact VnznKXg2ITU-00807-00279880-00280119 you know VnznKXg2ITU-00808-00280120-00280367 i think the crests are something that we VnznKXg2ITU-00809-00280368-00280543 see only in the water because they're VnznKXg2ITU-00810-00280544-00280887 hydrogenetic but you know VnznKXg2ITU-00811-00280888-00281103 we see basalt on land and we see VnznKXg2ITU-00812-00281104-00281439 sediment on land and they're deposited VnznKXg2ITU-00813-00281440-00281782 in similar ways um the water though can VnznKXg2ITU-00814-00281783-00282015 make different VnznKXg2ITU-00815-00282016-00282255 uh like markings in the sediment VnznKXg2ITU-00816-00282256-00282663 than like a win than wind would VnznKXg2ITU-00817-00282664-00282879 so i don't think pressure has so much to VnznKXg2ITU-00818-00282880-00283127 do with the differences in the depth VnznKXg2ITU-00819-00283128-00283351 like the VnznKXg2ITU-00820-00283352-00283519 the geological features that we see it VnznKXg2ITU-00821-00283520-00283623 would probably be more about the VnznKXg2ITU-00822-00283624-00283847 depositional environment VnznKXg2ITU-00823-00283848-00284039 nice VnznKXg2ITU-00824-00284040-00284175 and that's the question i guess for VnznKXg2ITU-00825-00284176-00284439 steve are the areas that we explore and VnznKXg2ITU-00826-00284440-00284606 pre-approved are there any places that VnznKXg2ITU-00827-00284607-00284782 are restricted from being recorded or VnznKXg2ITU-00828-00284783-00284967 researched VnznKXg2ITU-00829-00284968-00285199 uh let's see um VnznKXg2ITU-00830-00285200-00285510 right here i don't think uh VnznKXg2ITU-00831-00285511-00285727 we're operating under any particular VnznKXg2ITU-00832-00285728-00285975 permits because we're not in a protected VnznKXg2ITU-00833-00285976-00286351 uh area VnznKXg2ITU-00834-00286352-00286582 however there are some restrictions in VnznKXg2ITU-00835-00286583-00286743 the vicinity like in the last cruise we VnznKXg2ITU-00836-00286744-00286919 were in the uh VnznKXg2ITU-00837-00286920-00287358 marine national monument papanomo VnznKXg2ITU-00838-00287359-00287471 in VnznKXg2ITU-00839-00287472-00287671 for most of the dives a couple of VnznKXg2ITU-00840-00287672-00287903 exceptions we were out in the high seas VnznKXg2ITU-00841-00287904-00288023 waters VnznKXg2ITU-00842-00288024-00288134 but VnznKXg2ITU-00843-00288135-00288295 yeah in those types of VnznKXg2ITU-00844-00288296-00288495 areas where you have protected waters VnznKXg2ITU-00845-00288496-00288806 you definitely have to apply for permits VnznKXg2ITU-00846-00288807-00289063 if you're planning on doing any sampling VnznKXg2ITU-00847-00289064-00289295 or any surveying VnznKXg2ITU-00848-00289296-00289534 they're they're fairly tight VnznKXg2ITU-00849-00289535-00289695 with the restrictions about how many VnznKXg2ITU-00850-00289696-00289863 things we can take like how many rocks VnznKXg2ITU-00851-00289864-00290199 how many uh coral samples trying to VnznKXg2ITU-00852-00290200-00290375 minimize the disturbance to the VnznKXg2ITU-00853-00290376-00290615 environment VnznKXg2ITU-00854-00290616-00290727 but you know VnznKXg2ITU-00855-00290728-00290895 this is there in u.s waters of course VnznKXg2ITU-00856-00290896-00291158 but if we moved outside VnznKXg2ITU-00857-00291159-00291310 to another country's jurisdiction we VnznKXg2ITU-00858-00291311-00291479 would definitely have to VnznKXg2ITU-00859-00291480-00291679 abide by the permits that were granted VnznKXg2ITU-00860-00291680-00291823 for sampling VnznKXg2ITU-00861-00291824-00291982 outside VnznKXg2ITU-00862-00291983-00292063 of VnznKXg2ITU-00863-00292064-00292310 inside of their waters VnznKXg2ITU-00864-00292311-00292567 but there's also the third state which VnznKXg2ITU-00865-00292568-00292751 is the high seas which is VnznKXg2ITU-00866-00292752-00293039 um for the most part unrestricted about VnznKXg2ITU-00867-00293040-00293199 what you can take from a scientific VnznKXg2ITU-00868-00293200-00293310 perspective VnznKXg2ITU-00869-00293311-00293479 what you can take VnznKXg2ITU-00870-00293480-00293654 what you can take like biological VnznKXg2ITU-00871-00293655-00293782 collections VnznKXg2ITU-00872-00293783-00294039 since it's not really yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00873-00294040-00294295 it's not really well uh VnznKXg2ITU-00874-00294296-00294599 but the but unclosed like regulates VnznKXg2ITU-00875-00294600-00294751 a lot of that VnznKXg2ITU-00876-00294752-00294910 uh i don't VnznKXg2ITU-00877-00294911-00295279 like it it does but um i think it VnznKXg2ITU-00878-00295280-00295471 i have to go back to the text and look VnznKXg2ITU-00879-00295472-00295751 but i don't think for research purposes VnznKXg2ITU-00880-00295752-00296023 uh there's no agency you petition on the VnznKXg2ITU-00881-00296024-00296327 high seas to do sampling VnznKXg2ITU-00882-00296328-00296630 of say corals and sponges VnznKXg2ITU-00883-00296631-00297471 what makes a c high VnznKXg2ITU-00884-00297472-00297647 it's a colloquialism VnznKXg2ITU-00885-00297648-00297791 do you mean like in international waters VnznKXg2ITU-00886-00297792-00297927 or what is it what is that international VnznKXg2ITU-00887-00297928-00298030 waters VnznKXg2ITU-00888-00298031-00298206 i thought international waters are like VnznKXg2ITU-00889-00298207-00298487 water so okay there's like every coastal VnznKXg2ITU-00890-00298488-00298727 state has a territorial sea and that's VnznKXg2ITU-00891-00298728-00299039 12 nautical miles from your coastline VnznKXg2ITU-00892-00299040-00299375 um and then past that is the eez which VnznKXg2ITU-00893-00299376-00299567 is 200 nautical miles from your VnznKXg2ITU-00894-00299568-00299830 territorial sea and then outside of that VnznKXg2ITU-00895-00299831-00300054 that is the high seas VnznKXg2ITU-00896-00300055-00300295 and that's something the eez and the VnznKXg2ITU-00897-00300296-00300551 territorial sea the coastal state has VnznKXg2ITU-00898-00300552-00300719 jurisdiction over VnznKXg2ITU-00899-00300720-00301047 so like we couldn't go to like mexico or VnznKXg2ITU-00900-00301048-00301519 canada or japan's eez and do science and VnznKXg2ITU-00901-00301520-00301703 collect stuff there VnznKXg2ITU-00902-00301704-00301895 but in the territorial or in the high VnznKXg2ITU-00903-00301896-00302110 seas it's the it's like freedom of the VnznKXg2ITU-00904-00302111-00302375 high seas so technically VnznKXg2ITU-00905-00302376-00302615 we're allowed to do stuff but there are VnznKXg2ITU-00906-00302616-00302854 some restrictions like VnznKXg2ITU-00907-00302855-00303079 uh there's the isa the international VnznKXg2ITU-00908-00303080-00303343 seabed authority who's in charge of all VnznKXg2ITU-00909-00303344-00303423 of VnznKXg2ITU-00910-00303424-00303719 all of the seabed um there are some VnznKXg2ITU-00911-00303720-00304047 restrictions i think on like the benthic VnznKXg2ITU-00912-00304048-00304215 creatures VnznKXg2ITU-00913-00304216-00304334 but VnznKXg2ITU-00914-00304335-00304582 there's actually uh VnznKXg2ITU-00915-00304583-00304815 there's this new agreement implementing VnznKXg2ITU-00916-00304816-00304982 agreement that they're actually trying VnznKXg2ITU-00917-00304983-00305223 to make right now it's called the bbnj VnznKXg2ITU-00918-00305224-00305415 biodiversity beyond national VnznKXg2ITU-00919-00305416-00305591 jurisdiction VnznKXg2ITU-00920-00305592-00305839 that would probably uh have some VnznKXg2ITU-00921-00305840-00306167 authority over taking VnznKXg2ITU-00922-00306168-00306430 marine sample like live kind of biology VnznKXg2ITU-00923-00306431-00306639 samples from the seafloor would this VnznKXg2ITU-00924-00306640-00306871 affect your your research as well does VnznKXg2ITU-00925-00306872-00307047 it affect rock samples or is it all VnznKXg2ITU-00926-00307048-00307382 biological samples the baby and j yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00927-00307383-00307647 uh i don't think so VnznKXg2ITU-00928-00307648-00307815 the only reason i know this is because VnznKXg2ITU-00929-00307816-00308023 i've been studying for this final yeah i VnznKXg2ITU-00930-00308024-00308191 was thinking like you were like rattling VnznKXg2ITU-00931-00308192-00308519 it off like you'd read a flash card um VnznKXg2ITU-00932-00308520-00308719 uh so VnznKXg2ITU-00933-00308720-00308943 they there's this uh VnznKXg2ITU-00934-00308944-00309158 there's this like thing that with the bb VnznKXg2ITU-00935-00309159-00309303 and j that it's not supposed to like VnznKXg2ITU-00936-00309304-00309551 quote unquote step on other VnznKXg2ITU-00937-00309552-00309895 others toes so like they can't make new VnznKXg2ITU-00938-00309896-00310127 agreements for things that already have VnznKXg2ITU-00939-00310128-00310327 a governance regime around so like they VnznKXg2ITU-00940-00310328-00310527 can't make new agreements around VnznKXg2ITU-00941-00310528-00310719 anything to do with seabed mining VnznKXg2ITU-00942-00310720-00310847 because VnznKXg2ITU-00943-00310848-00311063 there's already a government's regime VnznKXg2ITU-00944-00311064-00311287 for that which is the isa VnznKXg2ITU-00945-00311288-00311439 so it's like VnznKXg2ITU-00946-00311440-00311567 there it's VnznKXg2ITU-00947-00311568-00311854 more about like marine genetic resources VnznKXg2ITU-00948-00311855-00312143 i think that they're worried about um VnznKXg2ITU-00949-00312144-00312503 geo uh geoengineering VnznKXg2ITU-00950-00312504-00312630 stuff like that VnznKXg2ITU-00951-00312631-00312847 has anyone told them that that sounds VnznKXg2ITU-00952-00312848-00313087 too much like pbnj VnznKXg2ITU-00953-00313088-00313391 pb j yeah VnznKXg2ITU-00954-00313392-00313599 i feel like scientists or like VnznKXg2ITU-00955-00313600-00313727 government VnznKXg2ITU-00956-00313728-00313934 entities don't talk to anyone else VnznKXg2ITU-00957-00313935-00314175 before they name things like anyone in VnznKXg2ITU-00958-00314176-00314310 like the like VnznKXg2ITU-00959-00314311-00314543 average joe community well that's just VnznKXg2ITU-00960-00314544-00314815 uh that's just in english remember like VnznKXg2ITU-00961-00314816-00315047 this is you know these things this is VnznKXg2ITU-00962-00315048-00315199 like VnznKXg2ITU-00963-00315200-00315454 a world governance so it's going to be VnznKXg2ITU-00964-00315455-00315727 different in different languages yeah so VnznKXg2ITU-00965-00315728-00315927 like utc is not VnznKXg2ITU-00966-00315928-00316206 like the english VnznKXg2ITU-00967-00316207-00316487 acronym VnznKXg2ITU-00968-00316488-00316710 the words for the acronym for utc in VnznKXg2ITU-00969-00316711-00316851 english are not VnznKXg2ITU-00970-00316852-00317567 utc because it is in another language VnznKXg2ITU-00971-00317568-00317775 but yeah regardless of VnznKXg2ITU-00972-00317776-00317958 you know what whatever type of VnznKXg2ITU-00973-00317959-00318223 jurisdiction rules you're following um VnznKXg2ITU-00974-00318224-00318447 there are specific VnznKXg2ITU-00975-00318448-00318543 uh VnznKXg2ITU-00976-00318544-00318799 conventions in place if you try to land VnznKXg2ITU-00977-00318800-00319087 specimens that might be VnznKXg2ITU-00978-00319088-00319303 uh restricted for example VnznKXg2ITU-00979-00319304-00319454 if you're carrying VnznKXg2ITU-00980-00319455-00319606 species that are protected under the VnznKXg2ITU-00981-00319607-00319903 saudis convention VnznKXg2ITU-00982-00319904-00320103 if you are planning on landing those in VnznKXg2ITU-00983-00320104-00320254 a VnznKXg2ITU-00984-00320255-00320454 nation that is the signatory of that VnznKXg2ITU-00985-00320455-00320558 treaty VnznKXg2ITU-00986-00320559-00320879 you have to go through some paperwork VnznKXg2ITU-00987-00320880-00321015 in order to VnznKXg2ITU-00988-00321016-00321151 go about VnznKXg2ITU-00989-00321152-00321303 transporting those and making sure you VnznKXg2ITU-00990-00321304-00321534 have export and import licenses VnznKXg2ITU-00991-00321535-00321799 for those particular specimens VnznKXg2ITU-00992-00321800-00321958 but those are the only restrictions that VnznKXg2ITU-00993-00321959-00322239 i know of right now that really govern VnznKXg2ITU-00994-00322240-00322543 um non-commercial uses uh VnznKXg2ITU-00995-00322544-00322630 and VnznKXg2ITU-00996-00322631-00322887 of you know high seas you know VnznKXg2ITU-00997-00322888-00323023 biodiversity beyond national VnznKXg2ITU-00998-00323024-00323182 jurisdiction VnznKXg2ITU-00999-00323183-00323399 um currently but VnznKXg2ITU-01000-00323400-00323599 see how that shakes out yeah it's real VnznKXg2ITU-01001-00323600-00323734 it's really difficult because a lot of VnznKXg2ITU-01002-00323735-00323958 these rules are kind of unenforceable VnznKXg2ITU-01003-00323959-00324230 um you know the united nations and its VnznKXg2ITU-01004-00324231-00324334 entities don't really have an VnznKXg2ITU-01005-00324335-00324527 enforcement mechanism beyond the state VnznKXg2ITU-01006-00324528-00324630 partners VnznKXg2ITU-01007-00324631-00324999 or a state uh VnznKXg2ITU-01008-00325000-00325310 uh signatories yeah VnznKXg2ITU-01009-00325311-00325591 yeah most international law is softlaw VnznKXg2ITU-01010-00325592-00325719 meaning that VnznKXg2ITU-01011-00325720-00325910 there's hard law which is binding VnznKXg2ITU-01012-00325911-00326087 agreements like treaties and stuff and VnznKXg2ITU-01013-00326088-00326310 then soft law is kind of VnznKXg2ITU-01014-00326311-00326463 vague VnznKXg2ITU-01015-00326464-00326575 terms VnznKXg2ITU-01016-00326576-00326806 which is what a lot of it is VnznKXg2ITU-01017-00326807-00327119 having said that the united states is VnznKXg2ITU-01018-00327120-00327375 not a part of unclose VnznKXg2ITU-01019-00327376-00327582 so technically we don't have to follow VnznKXg2ITU-01020-00327583-00327758 the rules of it however the united VnznKXg2ITU-01021-00327759-00327951 states does follow the rules of unclose VnznKXg2ITU-01022-00327952-00328103 what do you think said that none of it VnznKXg2ITU-01023-00328104-00328343 applies VnznKXg2ITU-01024-00328344-00328567 we're also on a foreign flagship so VnznKXg2ITU-01025-00328568-00328806 that's uh oh yeah it gets a bit VnznKXg2ITU-01026-00328807-00329119 murkier swimmer VnznKXg2ITU-01027-00329120-00329358 it sure is it's a swimming VnznKXg2ITU-01028-00329359-00329534 it was a little yellow hat VnznKXg2ITU-01029-00329535-00329719 yeah it's like a little crown they VnznKXg2ITU-01030-00329720-00329934 sometimes call them the the green bomber VnznKXg2ITU-01031-00329935-00330071 they can drop VnznKXg2ITU-01032-00330072-00331191 those and as a distraction VnznKXg2ITU-01033-00331192-00331399 it is a little deep for chana cops zoom VnznKXg2ITU-01034-00331400-00331623 in please VnznKXg2ITU-01035-00331624-00332023 yeah so many fish i love all the fish VnznKXg2ITU-01036-00332024-00332230 this one's got face tattoos VnznKXg2ITU-01037-00332231-00332799 oh VnznKXg2ITU-01038-00332800-00332967 you can see uh VnznKXg2ITU-01039-00332968-00333071 it's VnznKXg2ITU-01040-00333072-00333287 kill openings which are VnznKXg2ITU-01041-00333288-00333543 right on each side VnznKXg2ITU-01042-00333544-00333791 of the pectoral fins and the interesting VnznKXg2ITU-01043-00333792-00333999 about this fish is uh those gill VnznKXg2ITU-01044-00334000-00334191 openings are behind the pectoral fins VnznKXg2ITU-01045-00334192-00334503 usually they're located in front and VnznKXg2ITU-01046-00334504-00334687 they can actually actively open and VnznKXg2ITU-01047-00334688-00334823 close VnznKXg2ITU-01048-00334824-00335078 to breathe and they can use VnznKXg2ITU-01049-00335079-00335327 um their gills as siphons to sort of VnznKXg2ITU-01050-00335328-00335487 propel them through the water they're VnznKXg2ITU-01051-00335488-00335767 not the greatest swimmers VnznKXg2ITU-01052-00335768-00335910 it's really cute to watch them swim VnznKXg2ITU-01053-00335911-00336078 though VnznKXg2ITU-01054-00336079-00336351 their heads are just so big VnznKXg2ITU-01055-00336352-00336454 so VnznKXg2ITU-01056-00336455-00336758 um got a question um VnznKXg2ITU-01057-00336759-00336951 are there any upcoming expeditions to VnznKXg2ITU-01058-00336952-00337119 deep sea canyons do we know about our VnznKXg2ITU-01059-00337120-00337287 upcoming expeditions VnznKXg2ITU-01060-00337288-00337454 um VnznKXg2ITU-01061-00337455-00337767 we do know what our expeditions are VnznKXg2ITU-01062-00337768-00337927 going to be are we allowed to do this VnznKXg2ITU-01063-00337928-00338151 next year i'm not sure if it's posted VnznKXg2ITU-01064-00338152-00338399 yet it's not on the website yeah it's VnznKXg2ITU-01065-00338400-00338534 not currently on the website but it will VnznKXg2ITU-01066-00338535-00338654 be soon VnznKXg2ITU-01067-00338655-00338999 uh in terms of canyons uh we're VnznKXg2ITU-01068-00339000-00339223 knowledge is staying in the pacific VnznKXg2ITU-01069-00339224-00339447 next year so that was great we will not VnznKXg2ITU-01070-00339448-00339775 be exploring any canyons uh because we VnznKXg2ITU-01071-00339776-00340015 will be trying to see mounts VnznKXg2ITU-01072-00340016-00340375 and island flanks VnznKXg2ITU-01073-00340376-00340647 so no canyons for the next few years but VnznKXg2ITU-01074-00340648-00340839 if you are really interested in canyons VnznKXg2ITU-01075-00340840-00341110 i believe the okinawa okianos explorer VnznKXg2ITU-01076-00341111-00341199 is VnznKXg2ITU-01077-00341200-00341454 on the atlantic coast VnznKXg2ITU-01078-00341455-00341982 and exploring canyons over there VnznKXg2ITU-01079-00341983-00342271 they might have some dives in canyons VnznKXg2ITU-01080-00342272-00342630 but that will not be what our VnznKXg2ITU-01081-00342631-00342791 operations are going to be for the next VnznKXg2ITU-01082-00342792-00342967 year VnznKXg2ITU-01083-00342968-00343182 we are currently looking at a chrysler VnznKXg2ITU-01084-00343183-00343406 gorgeous coral this is ramila gorja VnznKXg2ITU-01085-00343407-00343743 militaris VnznKXg2ITU-01086-00343744-00343951 is this our first coral VnznKXg2ITU-01087-00343952-00344087 i don't even see corals already some VnznKXg2ITU-01088-00344088-00344278 curls okay VnznKXg2ITU-01089-00344279-00344527 the first coral i i've noticed VnznKXg2ITU-01090-00344528-00344727 we had that one rock uh VnznKXg2ITU-01091-00344728-00344887 like right at the start there okay VnznKXg2ITU-01092-00344888-00345006 called the little wee corals on it right VnznKXg2ITU-01093-00345007-00345103 now VnznKXg2ITU-01094-00345104-00345215 yeah yeah VnznKXg2ITU-01095-00345216-00345519 that was this is the first big coral VnznKXg2ITU-01096-00345520-00345710 how's that i think so yeah we've seen a VnznKXg2ITU-01097-00345711-00345958 couple maybe from far away but never did VnznKXg2ITU-01098-00345959-00346223 verify VnznKXg2ITU-01099-00346224-00346439 all right coralie question what is the VnznKXg2ITU-01100-00346440-00346647 origin of all of the sediment and we are VnznKXg2ITU-01101-00346648-00346847 seeing a lot of it VnznKXg2ITU-01102-00346848-00347006 yeah so there's a couple different VnznKXg2ITU-01103-00347007-00347239 things you can be from so some of the VnznKXg2ITU-01104-00347240-00347487 sediment is marine snow but a lot of VnznKXg2ITU-01105-00347488-00347806 sediment that comes into the ocean is uh VnznKXg2ITU-01106-00347807-00348087 from land so you can neither been from VnznKXg2ITU-01107-00348088-00348295 wind transport or VnznKXg2ITU-01108-00348296-00348703 water transport rivers stuff like that VnznKXg2ITU-01109-00348704-00349078 rain can wash it away VnznKXg2ITU-01110-00349079-00349343 are there any biologic VnznKXg2ITU-01111-00349344-00349623 sediments VnznKXg2ITU-01112-00349624-00349791 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-01113-00349792-00351023 so yeah VnznKXg2ITU-01114-00351024-00351175 i was about to say that but then i was VnznKXg2ITU-01115-00351176-00351334 like wait VnznKXg2ITU-01116-00351335-00351958 yeah you can have some salicious oozes VnznKXg2ITU-01117-00351959-00352119 yuck that's it that's all i have you VnznKXg2ITU-01118-00352120-00352391 ended that name VnznKXg2ITU-01119-00352392-00352615 yeah VnznKXg2ITU-01120-00352616-00352830 what are oozes VnznKXg2ITU-01121-00352831-00353134 how did you make an ooze they're oozy VnznKXg2ITU-01122-00353135-00353367 like it's like goo VnznKXg2ITU-01123-00353368-00353767 it's like sediment goo with these VnznKXg2ITU-01124-00353768-00354015 animals in them yeah so salicious ooze VnznKXg2ITU-01125-00354016-00354334 is made mostly from uh diatom tests VnznKXg2ITU-01126-00354335-00354454 yes VnznKXg2ITU-01127-00354455-00354687 and calcarius uses VnznKXg2ITU-01128-00354688-00354863 our radiolarians VnznKXg2ITU-01129-00354864-00355023 mostly VnznKXg2ITU-01130-00355024-00355343 and those are platonic organisms that VnznKXg2ITU-01131-00355344-00355682 live in the surface ocean here's a VnznKXg2ITU-01132-00355683-00356071 canyon canyon mini canyon we're getting VnznKXg2ITU-01133-00356072-00356327 all the baby stuff on this one same out VnznKXg2ITU-01134-00356328-00356823 baby canyons VnznKXg2ITU-01135-00356824-00356982 you really cannot tell that's a little VnznKXg2ITU-01136-00356983-00357239 micro canyon from kirk at all VnznKXg2ITU-01137-00357240-00357471 can only see it from argus VnznKXg2ITU-01138-00357472-00357967 what a letdown VnznKXg2ITU-01139-00357968-00358127 navigator aaron do you have time for a VnznKXg2ITU-01140-00358128-00358319 mapping question VnznKXg2ITU-01141-00358320-00358439 sure go ahead VnznKXg2ITU-01142-00358440-00358591 when wrapping the deepsea are there any VnznKXg2ITU-01143-00358592-00358767 discovered features that draw particular VnznKXg2ITU-01144-00358768-00358919 interest VnznKXg2ITU-01145-00358920-00359167 specifically ones that were not seen VnznKXg2ITU-01146-00359168-00359527 with previous low resolution mapping VnznKXg2ITU-01147-00359528-00359775 um VnznKXg2ITU-01148-00359776-00359871 i mean VnznKXg2ITU-01149-00359872-00360272 yeah well all features they're all entry W0pV_aGsRjc-00000-00000569-00001491 [Music] W0pV_aGsRjc-00004-00021286-00023883 [Music] W0pV_aGsRjc-00005-00023884-00025283 foreign W0pV_aGsRjc-00006-00025284-00027074 foreign W0pV_aGsRjc-00007-00027075-00029989 [Music] W0pV_aGsRjc-00008-00029991-00032489 [Music] W0pV_aGsRjc-00009-00032491-00033683 [Music] W0pV_aGsRjc-00010-00033684-00035083 foreign W0pV_aGsRjc-00011-00035084-00037373 oh W0pV_aGsRjc-00014-00055439-00057482 [Music] W0pV_aGsRjc-00015-00057483-00058003 foreign W0pV_aGsRjc-00017-00063083-00063605 foreign W0pV_aGsRjc-00018-00063607-00063911 [Music] W1NhbB3b0mo-00000-00000137-00000367 hello-hello for my cross-country ski W1NhbB3b0mo-00001-00000368-00000601 track i know i've no wear this jacket a W1NhbB3b0mo-00002-00000602-00000805 lot this week you know why I originally W1NhbB3b0mo-00003-00000806-00001162 bought it for my son but anyway today's W1NhbB3b0mo-00004-00001163-00002077 topic is going to be from here to where W1NhbB3b0mo-00005-00002078-00002639 I am just kind of email from my family W1NhbB3b0mo-00006-00002640-00002959 sake we climbed to the top of mountains W1NhbB3b0mo-00007-00002960-00003629 and we're about to ski down oh that's my W1NhbB3b0mo-00008-00003629-00003922 mountain today this is like sporty spice W1NhbB3b0mo-00009-00003923-00004145 has nothing to worry about but for me W1NhbB3b0mo-00010-00004146-00004840 this is actually for me this is actually W1NhbB3b0mo-00011-00004841-00006769 this is actually a really good place and W1NhbB3b0mo-00012-00006770-00007055 I'm really happy here pushing myself W1NhbB3b0mo-00013-00007056-00007250 from where I want to be so I went from W1NhbB3b0mo-00014-00007251-00007541 here to there but the same thing applies W1NhbB3b0mo-00015-00007542-00007742 to your business when you're out there W1NhbB3b0mo-00016-00007743-00007999 with your breath with your business with W1NhbB3b0mo-00017-00008000-00008210 your getting stuff out that when you see W1NhbB3b0mo-00018-00008211-00008549 where if you're stuck right where you're W1NhbB3b0mo-00019-00008550-00008888 stuck you need to understand what you W1NhbB3b0mo-00020-00008889-00009131 need from the next place to get them W1NhbB3b0mo-00021-00009132-00009323 feeling miserable where you're at W1NhbB3b0mo-00022-00009324-00009791 - being unknown not seen or not getting W1NhbB3b0mo-00023-00009792-00010085 the right message across to where you W1NhbB3b0mo-00024-00010086-00010471 want to be it comes from being really W1NhbB3b0mo-00025-00010472-00010717 authentic on your social media and on W1NhbB3b0mo-00026-00010718-00010924 your website and really creating an W1NhbB3b0mo-00027-00010925-00011216 authentic superstar persona that's as W1NhbB3b0mo-00028-00011217-00011449 real as you can be as a matter of fact W1NhbB3b0mo-00029-00011450-00011735 the authentic superstar challenge is W1NhbB3b0mo-00030-00011736-00012002 going to be coming up soon so you might W1NhbB3b0mo-00031-00012003-00012181 want to go over to authentic superstar W1NhbB3b0mo-00032-00012182-00012478 dot-com and join me while it's prorate W1NhbB3b0mo-00033-00012479-00012688 but anyway what that really means it's W1NhbB3b0mo-00034-00012689-00013055 just you can't like say what works a few W1NhbB3b0mo-00035-00013056-00013288 years ago is gonna work for me now so W1NhbB3b0mo-00036-00013290-00013372 let's just say W1NhbB3b0mo-00037-00013374-00013597 for instance like a couple years ago W1NhbB3b0mo-00038-00013597-00013846 having a business that depends uh W1NhbB3b0mo-00039-00013847-00014197 depended on a really strong email list W1NhbB3b0mo-00040-00014199-00014513 was like totally awesome but now a W1NhbB3b0mo-00041-00014513-00014719 really strong email list and I'll take W1NhbB3b0mo-00042-00014721-00014834 it from me they've got a pretty decent W1NhbB3b0mo-00043-00014835-00015143 list it's not as strong as it used to be W1NhbB3b0mo-00044-00015144-00015284 there's just so much stuff in people's W1NhbB3b0mo-00045-00015285-00015616 inboxes now and with Beauty PR and with W1NhbB3b0mo-00046-00015618-00015827 the Google Alerts and just everyone else W1NhbB3b0mo-00047-00015828-00016103 it's just so cluttered in all honesty W1NhbB3b0mo-00048-00016104-00016268 people don't have the same email W1NhbB3b0mo-00049-00016269-00016490 engagement they used to have so that W1NhbB3b0mo-00050-00016491-00016721 might not be your main thing right now W1NhbB3b0mo-00051-00016722-00016919 you want to put it to your second thing W1NhbB3b0mo-00052-00016920-00017147 maybe you were sewing who went out and W1NhbB3b0mo-00053-00017148-00017396 had a brad photographer give everything W1NhbB3b0mo-00054-00017397-00017630 for you and that was pretty awesome W1NhbB3b0mo-00055-00017631-00018004 I hear somebody calling maybe you have W1NhbB3b0mo-00056-00018005-00018326 had a brand photographer out there and W1NhbB3b0mo-00057-00018327-00018545 you had all these beautiful staged shots W1NhbB3b0mo-00058-00018546-00018863 of yourself but hey everyone's been W1NhbB3b0mo-00059-00018864-00019061 seeing the same photo so yet photo W1NhbB3b0mo-00060-00019062-00019445 fatigue or be it's just not and that's W1NhbB3b0mo-00061-00019446-00019733 not what's connecting anymore so when W1NhbB3b0mo-00062-00019734-00019871 you're trying to see what you need to W1NhbB3b0mo-00063-00019872-00020246 get from here to there you need to W1NhbB3b0mo-00064-00020247-00020492 really analyze how the market climate is W1NhbB3b0mo-00065-00020493-00020783 what's going on and you know what's in W1NhbB3b0mo-00066-00020784-00020954 the site sites of what's happening out W1NhbB3b0mo-00067-00020955-00021185 there at this point in time and pretty W1NhbB3b0mo-00068-00021186-00021392 much right now if you want to get ahead W1NhbB3b0mo-00069-00021393-00021671 of the curve you need to really learn W1NhbB3b0mo-00070-00021672-00021953 how to build out an authentic persona so W1NhbB3b0mo-00071-00021954-00022220 to do that I encourage you right now to W1NhbB3b0mo-00072-00022221-00022472 go over to authentic superstore calm W1NhbB3b0mo-00073-00022473-00022757 join me in my challenge it's five days W1NhbB3b0mo-00074-00022758-00023027 with me as soon as I stop skiing and W1NhbB3b0mo-00075-00023028-00023195 doing a couple of other things going on W1NhbB3b0mo-00076-00023196-00023474 we starting that super soon and also W1NhbB3b0mo-00077-00023475-00023642 don't forget if you're watching me here W1NhbB3b0mo-00078-00023643-00023810 and you find these little videos W1NhbB3b0mo-00079-00023811-00024125 enjoyable I glad you do it I'm glad you W1NhbB3b0mo-00080-00024126-00024302 enjoy them as much as I enjoy mixing and W1NhbB3b0mo-00081-00024303-00024518 pee but I would love to see you live so W1NhbB3b0mo-00082-00024519-00024740 come on live hit the notifications if W1NhbB3b0mo-00083-00024741-00024938 you're getting me later on to replay W1NhbB3b0mo-00084-00024939-00025124 that's totally cool but just like the W1NhbB3b0mo-00085-00025125-00025316 page and turn the notifications on if W1NhbB3b0mo-00086-00025317-00025463 you think this is valuable we're trying W1NhbB3b0mo-00087-00025464-00025592 to cool it a little bit different than W1NhbB3b0mo-00088-00025593-00025718 what you're seeing anyplace else W1NhbB3b0mo-00089-00025719-00025949 difficult to share with a friend okay so W1NhbB3b0mo-00090-00025950-00026186 see you over to authentic superstar Tom W1NhbB3b0mo-00091-00026187-00026622 and I'm gonna try to give you W1NhbB3b0mo-00092-00026623-00026983 or so those are definitely Moose Tracks W1NhbB3b0mo-00093-00026985-00028620 those are two skiers me again not the W1NhbB3b0mo-00094-00028620-00028764 same written hat every word different W1NhbB3b0mo-00095-00028764-00028827 Red Hat W1NhbB3b0mo-00096-00028827-00029406 but anyway so you guys authentic W1NhbB3b0mo-00097-00029407-00029877 superstar Tom authentically position W1NhbB3b0mo-00098-00029877-00030048 yourself for success so you can W1NhbB3b0mo-00099-00030049-00030474 instantly scale your ideal audience join W1NhbB3b0mo-00100-00030475-00030752 the revolution become an authentic W1NhbB3b0mo-00101-00030754-00030855 superstar W1NhbB3b0mo-00102-00030856-00031191 learn more at authentic superstar calm W1NhbB3b0mo-00103-00031192-00031422 the authentic super store a photo W1NhbB3b0mo-00104-00031423-00031563 challenge with me W1NhbB3b0mo-00105-00031564-00032076 Sharon haver see you there W1NhbB3b0mo-00106-00032077-00033800 [Music] W3phew4kJJY-00000-00000064-00000254 this week was a very exciting week for W3phew4kJJY-00001-00000256-00000375 the channel as we hit W3phew4kJJY-00002-00000376-00000686 5 000 subscribers W3phew4kJJY-00003-00000687-00000966 out of the 5 000 subscribers though that W3phew4kJJY-00004-00000967-00001070 only represents W3phew4kJJY-00005-00001071-00001270 about 32 percent of the people who W3phew4kJJY-00006-00001271-00001487 actually watch the videos so if you W3phew4kJJY-00007-00001488-00001679 haven't subscribed please do W3phew4kJJY-00008-00001680-00001887 it helps increase the visibility of the W3phew4kJJY-00009-00001888-00002014 channel and W3phew4kJJY-00010-00002016-00002239 that way more people will be able to get W3phew4kJJY-00011-00002240-00002479 the help that they need as well W3phew4kJJY-00012-00002480-00002775 so in addition i'd love to thank all of W3phew4kJJY-00013-00002776-00002815 you W3phew4kJJY-00014-00002816-00003071 who have subscribed especially those of W3phew4kJJY-00015-00003072-00003166 you who have W3phew4kJJY-00016-00003167-00003519 taken the time to comment on the videos W3phew4kJJY-00017-00003520-00003663 even some of you who have found little W3phew4kJJY-00018-00003664-00003838 mistakes that i've made yes W3phew4kJJY-00019-00003839-00004103 i'm not perfect and neither is your W3phew4kJJY-00020-00004104-00004247 teacher W3phew4kJJY-00021-00004248-00004519 so um keep those comments coming the W3phew4kJJY-00022-00004520-00004775 likes the comments the shares W3phew4kJJY-00023-00004776-00005102 and of course subscribe and that way W3phew4kJJY-00024-00005103-00005351 it will help um more people find the W3phew4kJJY-00025-00005352-00005406 channel W3phew4kJJY-00026-00005407-00005735 because that's the way google works so W3phew4kJJY-00027-00005736-00006054 um i hope you have a great quadmaster W3phew4kJJY-00028-00006055-00006254 i know many of you are coming up to the W3phew4kJJY-00029-00006255-00006463 end of your W3phew4kJJY-00030-00006464-00006759 second third quadmaster now and then W3phew4kJJY-00031-00006759-00006951 before you know it it'll be summer W3phew4kJJY-00032-00006952-00007167 covett will magically disappear because W3phew4kJJY-00033-00007168-00007327 it will be nice and warm and we'll be W3phew4kJJY-00034-00007328-00007519 able to get back to normal W3phew4kJJY-00035-00007520-00007663 don't forget for those of you who have W3phew4kJJY-00036-00007664-00007910 watched grade 11 math there is grade 12 W3phew4kJJY-00037-00007911-00008039 advanced functions W3phew4kJJY-00038-00008040-00008367 and grade 12 calculus and vectors and if W3phew4kJJY-00039-00008368-00008527 you have a younger sibling or know W3phew4kJJY-00040-00008528-00008687 someone who's struggling with grade 10 W3phew4kJJY-00041-00008688-00008735 math W3phew4kJJY-00042-00008736-00008935 there's also the entire grade 10 math W3phew4kJJY-00043-00008936-00009231 curriculum on the channel as well W3phew4kJJY-00044-00009232-00009463 thank you once again for your support W3phew4kJJY-00045-00009464-00009691 and i look forward to reading your W3phew4kJJY-00046-00009692-00009992 comments W73eNVbhbMU-00000-00000596-00000914 super excited it looks like in a diode W73eNVbhbMU-00001-00000915-00001111 bridge stalker like myself we're W73eNVbhbMU-00002-00001112-00001316 basically seeing investment in the W73eNVbhbMU-00003-00001317-00001541 product so it's looking good from my W73eNVbhbMU-00004-00001542-00001942 point of view W73eNVbhbMU-00005-00001943-00002246 but all the logic stuff logic logic app W73eNVbhbMU-00006-00002247-00002542 stuff has been great the one that's W73eNVbhbMU-00007-00002543-00002726 really hit home is there no so nervous W73eNVbhbMU-00008-00002727-00003031 one for me you know that's exactly the W73eNVbhbMU-00009-00003032-00003242 mindset that we worry and it's good to W73eNVbhbMU-00010-00003243-00003340 see we were all going through the same W73eNVbhbMU-00011-00003342-00003850 thing basically I've convinced all my W73eNVbhbMU-00012-00003851-00004000 customers most of my customers are here W73eNVbhbMU-00013-00004001-00004247 so you know we've already been you know W73eNVbhbMU-00014-00004248-00004466 hammering on people should come let you W73eNVbhbMU-00015-00004467-00004600 know I always put them onto the website W73eNVbhbMU-00016-00004601-00004784 for the sessions from last year so that W73eNVbhbMU-00017-00004785-00004906 they can see what they're missing out on W73eNVbhbMU-00018-00004907-00005138 and they could see for themselves you W73eNVbhbMU-00019-00005139-00005315 know getting access to Microsoft you W73eNVbhbMU-00020-00005316-00005570 know asking people directly agin it W73eNVbhbMU-00021-00005571-00005809 getting any questions just so on so W73eNVbhbMU-00022-00005810-00005936 straight from the horse's mouth I think W73eNVbhbMU-00023-00005937-00006179 basically and yet every one sold on that W73eNVbhbMU-00024-00006180-00006918 so everyone is generally excited to come W73eNVbhbMU-00025-00006919-00007125 you W7-R91TOqPc-00000-00000089-00000304 the American Samoa National Rugby League W7-R91TOqPc-00001-00000305-00000565 team represents American Samoa at rugby W7-R91TOqPc-00002-00000566-00000694 league football and has been W7-R91TOqPc-00003-00000695-00000833 participating in international W7-R91TOqPc-00004-00000834-00001604 competition since 1988 W7-R91TOqPc-00005-00001605-00002109 topic competitions W7-R91TOqPc-00006-00002110-00002427 American Samoa has participated in W7-R91TOqPc-00007-00002428-00002690 Cabramatta international nines Rugby W7-R91TOqPc-00008-00002691-00002792 League competition W7-R91TOqPc-00009-00002793-00003350 Sydney 2008 2013-2015 Pacific Cup since W7-R91TOqPc-00010-00003351-00003911 1988 World Sevens 1996-1997 entered the W7-R91TOqPc-00011-00003911-00004247 qualification tournament in 2003 in 2004 W7-R91TOqPc-00012-00004248-00004881 and the VB 7s in 2005 W7-R91TOqPc-00013-00004882-00005488 topic international results W7-R91TOqPc-00014-00005489-00006050 winning team given first W7-R91TOqPc-00015-00006051-00006416 topic Cabramatta international 9s rugby W7-R91TOqPc-00016-00006417-00006855 league 2015 W7-R91TOqPc-00017-00006856-00007391 plate champions W7-R91TOqPc-00018-00007392-00008027 topic Pacific Cup 2004 W7-R91TOqPc-00019-00008028-00008408 Tonga 22 to 18 American Samoa the 18th W7-R91TOqPc-00020-00008409-00008852 of October 2004 Cook Islands 28 to 12 W7-R91TOqPc-00021-00008853-00009223 American Samoa the 20th of October 2004 W7-R91TOqPc-00022-00009224-00009644 American Samoa 62 to 6 New Caledonia the W7-R91TOqPc-00023-00009645-00010244 23rd of October 2004 W7-R91TOqPc-00024-00010245-00010888 topic Pacific cup 1998 W7-R91TOqPc-00025-00010889-00011241 American Samoa 42:34 Cook Islands W7-R91TOqPc-00026-00011242-00011788 American Samoa 54 212 Tokelau Tonga 18 W7-R91TOqPc-00027-00011789-00012339 216 American Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00028-00012340-00012991 topic Pacific cup 1992 W7-R91TOqPc-00029-00012992-00013450 Tokelau 26 to 18 american samoa new W7-R91TOqPc-00030-00013451-00013830 zealand mayor is 26 to 12 American Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00031-00013831-00014169 American Samoa 94 to to Norfolk Island W7-R91TOqPc-00032-00014170-00014566 Australia Aborigines 22 to 10 American W7-R91TOqPc-00033-00014568-00014999 Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00034-00015000-00015600 topic pacific cup 1988 W7-R91TOqPc-00035-00015601-00015949 New Zealand mayor is 42 to 10 American W7-R91TOqPc-00036-00015950-00016760 Samoa Tonga 38 to 14 American Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00037-00016761-00017319 topic sevens results W7-R91TOqPc-00038-00017320-00017656 you W7-R91TOqPc-00039-00017657-00018315 topic 2005 VB 7s W7-R91TOqPc-00040-00018316-00018564 NZ residents twenty four to eight W7-R91TOqPc-00041-00018565-00018996 American Samoa Fiji a 18 to 16 American W7-R91TOqPc-00042-00018997-00019454 Samoa American Samoa 32 to 16 Malta W7-R91TOqPc-00043-00019455-00020202 Sydney Bulls 28 to 16 American Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00044-00020203-00020939 topic 2004 World Sevens qualifier W7-R91TOqPc-00045-00020940-00021289 aboriginals V American Samoa North W7-R91TOqPc-00046-00021290-00021866 Sydney bears V American Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00047-00021867-00022586 topic 2003 World Sevens qualifier W7-R91TOqPc-00048-00022587-00022963 American Samoa 28 216 Italy W7-R91TOqPc-00049-00022964-00023368 American Samoa 6 to 18 Newtown Jets W7-R91TOqPc-00050-00023369-00023711 American Samoa 16 to 22 New Zealand W7-R91TOqPc-00051-00023712-00024168 Maori W7-R91TOqPc-00052-00024169-00024702 topic see also W7-R91TOqPc-00053-00024703-00025146 players America Samoa rugby league 2015 W7-R91TOqPc-00054-00025147-00025638 squad 10 Attali Papa Li si Victor - W7-R91TOqPc-00055-00025639-00026252 Tooele VC Henry teófilo Vinny oles Henry W7-R91TOqPc-00056-00026254-00026519 Godin a Justin lamal ooh W7-R91TOqPc-00057-00026520-00026936 Denny Godin a - to Allah - to Allah W7-R91TOqPc-00058-00026937-00027405 ANILCA time Tarrant Mariner Raymond W7-R91TOqPc-00059-00027406-00027930 Dewayne aren t Ricky Liam robic then W7-R91TOqPc-00060-00027931-00028400 missile Jordan Meads taiga vashu VI W7-R91TOqPc-00061-00028401-00028830 coach Paul robic assistant coach Mikey W7-R91TOqPc-00062-00028831-00029082 missile a mommy strength and W7-R91TOqPc-00063-00029083-00029406 conditioning coach Jordan robic manager W7-R91TOqPc-00064-00029407-00029765 Lee anaerobic Shane robic America Samoa W7-R91TOqPc-00065-00029766-00030180 rugby league squad 2016 10 Attali Papa W7-R91TOqPc-00066-00030181-00030743 Li si Victor - to Allah VC Henry teófilo W7-R91TOqPc-00067-00030744-00031257 Vinny oles Henry go team a Justin lamal W7-R91TOqPc-00068-00031258-00031714 Oh Denny go team a - to Allah - to Allah W7-R91TOqPc-00069-00031716-00032255 ANILCA time tarrant mariner Raven Doane W7-R91TOqPc-00070-00032256-00032813 Aaron Cherokee Liam robic been Miss OH W7-R91TOqPc-00071-00032814-00033109 Jordan means tiger W7-R91TOqPc-00072-00033110-00033603 UVI sean vann lipu Wilson Fong oi W7-R91TOqPc-00073-00033604-00033949 Joseph to--a - Oh Wayne Jemaine W7-R91TOqPc-00074-00033950-00034407 Johansson Becca Silva Patrick missile W7-R91TOqPc-00075-00034408-00034798 coach Paul robic assistant coach W7-R91TOqPc-00076-00034799-00035077 Mikey missile a mommy strength and W7-R91TOqPc-00077-00035078-00035410 conditioning coach Jordan robic manager W7-R91TOqPc-00078-00035411-00035844 Leanne robic Shane robic physio TBA W7-R91TOqPc-00079-00035845-00036223 equals equals see also W7E6iJKuQmQ-00000-00000200-00000683 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00001-00000684-00001609 you W7E6iJKuQmQ-00002-00001610-00002335 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00003-00002336-00003176 [Applause] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00004-00003177-00004848 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00005-00004849-00006311 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00006-00006312-00007726 you W7E6iJKuQmQ-00007-00007727-00009143 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00008-00009144-00010793 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00009-00010794-00012313 you W7E6iJKuQmQ-00010-00012314-00013052 you W7E6iJKuQmQ-00011-00013053-00014544 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00012-00014544-00016211 [Music] W7E6iJKuQmQ-00013-00016212-00016521 ain't no did I get Phi sig we fight all W7E6iJKuQmQ-00014-00016522-00016770 if I do not say we if I do not at all W7E6iJKuQmQ-00015-00016771-00016974 everybody knows they agree but you know W7E6iJKuQmQ-00016-00016975-00017127 at all because you know you're like on a W7E6iJKuQmQ-00017-00017128-00017295 little devious pair over could you W7E6iJKuQmQ-00018-00017296-00017727 explode a guy psychopathology man W7bZL1t1S5g-00000-00000114-00000394 good morning all W7bZL1t1S5g-00001-00000395-00000623 um so first off apologies W7bZL1t1S5g-00002-00000624-00000815 um my talk is going to be much shorter W7bZL1t1S5g-00003-00000816-00001133 than anticipated a number of my team W7bZL1t1S5g-00004-00001134-00001469 members weren't available today so I'm W7bZL1t1S5g-00005-00001470-00001639 just going to go over a general overview W7bZL1t1S5g-00006-00001639-00001895 of fedora iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00007-00001896-00002141 and if you were here W7bZL1t1S5g-00008-00002142-00002315 um at the release party it's going to W7bZL1t1S5g-00009-00002316-00002573 look a little familiar W7bZL1t1S5g-00010-00002574-00002879 so let's just get started W7bZL1t1S5g-00011-00002880-00003233 uh so what is Fedora iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00012-00003234-00003299 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00013-00003300-00003713 it is a focused on small Edge devices we W7bZL1t1S5g-00014-00003714-00004204 support x86 and ar-64 uh 32-bit arm was W7bZL1t1S5g-00015-00004205-00004511 deprecated in Fedora 36 but it is still W7bZL1t1S5g-00016-00004512-00004751 supported in fedora 36. W7bZL1t1S5g-00017-00004752-00005129 uh it's uh we focus it's an RPM OS tree W7bZL1t1S5g-00018-00005130-00005345 based operating system with no graphical W7bZL1t1S5g-00019-00005346-00005513 user interface W7bZL1t1S5g-00020-00005514-00005663 um if you need that there are other W7bZL1t1S5g-00021-00005664-00006011 offerings like silver blue and canote W7bZL1t1S5g-00022-00006012-00006322 and we focus on container workflows so W7bZL1t1S5g-00023-00006323-00006545 you can install software you can layer W7bZL1t1S5g-00024-00006545-00006778 different softwares on top of the the W7bZL1t1S5g-00025-00006779-00007025 operating system but we do suggest that W7bZL1t1S5g-00026-00007026-00007319 you use containers rather than layering W7bZL1t1S5g-00027-00007320-00007564 software and we've also got a strong W7bZL1t1S5g-00028-00007565-00007853 focus on security which you'll see and W7bZL1t1S5g-00029-00007854-00008105 we're going to be expanding that uh into W7bZL1t1S5g-00030-00008106-00008442 door three seven and going forward W7bZL1t1S5g-00031-00008443-00008801 uh so the hardware we support uh uafi is W7bZL1t1S5g-00032-00008802-00008969 a requirement W7bZL1t1S5g-00033-00008970-00009221 um we do recommend that you have a tpm2 W7bZL1t1S5g-00034-00009222-00009473 and a hardware Watchdog as well W7bZL1t1S5g-00035-00009474-00009874 for AR 64 we support a number of edge W7bZL1t1S5g-00036-00009875-00010091 devices W7bZL1t1S5g-00037-00010092-00010459 um and various classes of edge servers W7bZL1t1S5g-00038-00010460-00010810 we also support the Nvidia Jetson Xavier W7bZL1t1S5g-00039-00010811-00011242 and NX we are working at adding the Nano W7bZL1t1S5g-00040-00011243-00011435 as well hopefully that'll be added in W7bZL1t1S5g-00041-00011436-00011609 fedora 37. W7bZL1t1S5g-00042-00011610-00011933 uh we support the Raspberry Pi three and W7bZL1t1S5g-00043-00011934-00012119 four and all the different variants of W7bZL1t1S5g-00044-00012120-00012238 those two W7bZL1t1S5g-00045-00012239-00012491 um the pine 64 W7bZL1t1S5g-00046-00012492-00012641 um a couple different variants there The W7bZL1t1S5g-00047-00012642-00013024 Rock Pro and the The Rock 64. uh as well W7bZL1t1S5g-00048-00013025-00013366 as the hummingboard M from solid run for W7bZL1t1S5g-00049-00013368-00013697 x86 they we test uh we focus on the comp W7bZL1t1S5g-00050-00013697-00014016 the lab fitlit too it does have a tpm2 W7bZL1t1S5g-00051-00014018-00014422 with it so it's a great little device uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00052-00014423-00014741 the up squared as well as any generic W7bZL1t1S5g-00053-00014741-00015136 x86 64-bit platform uh should work just W7bZL1t1S5g-00054-00015137-00015508 fine in Federal iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00055-00015509-00015838 and so Fedora iot is the Upstream for W7bZL1t1S5g-00056-00015840-00015994 Rel for Edge W7bZL1t1S5g-00057-00015995-00016294 um there was a a brief Gap there where W7bZL1t1S5g-00058-00016295-00016480 most of the development was happening in W7bZL1t1S5g-00059-00016481-00016727 Rel uh we've moved that back to Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00060-00016728-00016841 now W7bZL1t1S5g-00061-00016842-00016997 um there are major improvements coming W7bZL1t1S5g-00062-00016998-00017225 from rail for Edge including OS build W7bZL1t1S5g-00063-00017226-00017585 enhancements and Industry standards like W7bZL1t1S5g-00064-00017586-00017794 Fido device onboarding W7bZL1t1S5g-00065-00017795-00018208 arm is also involved with Fedora iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00066-00018209-00018389 um including system ready project W7bZL1t1S5g-00067-00018390-00018622 Cassini and parsec we've supported W7bZL1t1S5g-00068-00018623-00018922 parsec for a number of releases one of W7bZL1t1S5g-00069-00018923-00019097 our our features W7bZL1t1S5g-00070-00019098-00019535 uh so in Fedora 37 the iot Edition again W7bZL1t1S5g-00071-00019536-00019871 we're adding Fido device onboarding uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00072-00019872-00020171 signed RPM contact contents W7bZL1t1S5g-00073-00020172-00020369 um by I with Ima W7bZL1t1S5g-00074-00020370-00020639 uh the iot artifacts are going to be W7bZL1t1S5g-00075-00020640-00020927 created you in using OS build W7bZL1t1S5g-00076-00020928-00021113 uh and there are a bunch of different W7bZL1t1S5g-00077-00021114-00021436 enhancements to Green boot W7bZL1t1S5g-00078-00021437-00021694 so what is green boot uh green boots uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00079-00021695-00021947 health check framework for systemd for W7bZL1t1S5g-00080-00021948-00022150 OS tree based installations I don't W7bZL1t1S5g-00081-00022151-00022421 think anyone else is using it yet what W7bZL1t1S5g-00082-00022422-00022607 it does is when the system boots up it W7bZL1t1S5g-00083-00022608-00022841 runs a series of health checks to ensure W7bZL1t1S5g-00084-00022842-00023011 that everything's functioning properly W7bZL1t1S5g-00085-00023012-00023350 if not it rolls back to the last known W7bZL1t1S5g-00086-00023351-00023753 good configuration uh you're able to add W7bZL1t1S5g-00087-00023754-00023999 in your own little bash scripts for W7bZL1t1S5g-00088-00024000-00024244 personalized health checks W7bZL1t1S5g-00089-00024245-00024485 um by default it checks to see if it can W7bZL1t1S5g-00090-00024486-00024736 reach the update servers W7bZL1t1S5g-00091-00024737-00024797 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00092-00024798-00025061 but in Fedora 37 and I'm not sure if W7bZL1t1S5g-00093-00025062-00025228 it's coming back to 36 but definitely in W7bZL1t1S5g-00094-00025229-00025469 37 you're going to have the ability to W7bZL1t1S5g-00095-00025470-00025770 monitor uh different system D services W7bZL1t1S5g-00096-00025772-00026099 so there's going to be a config file and W7bZL1t1S5g-00097-00026100-00026285 you can add in a service that's W7bZL1t1S5g-00098-00026286-00026549 important to you and and that you need W7bZL1t1S5g-00099-00026550-00026818 to make sure is working by default I W7bZL1t1S5g-00100-00026819-00027185 think it includes sshd that's a big one W7bZL1t1S5g-00101-00027186-00027467 of course you want to contact uh your W7bZL1t1S5g-00102-00027468-00027629 your equipment you'll need that to come W7bZL1t1S5g-00103-00027630-00027827 up doesn't come up it'll roll back into W7bZL1t1S5g-00104-00027827-00028174 the last known good configuration W7bZL1t1S5g-00105-00028175-00028379 uh so something that was just recently W7bZL1t1S5g-00106-00028380-00028637 enabled in Fedora 37 is IMA that's the W7bZL1t1S5g-00107-00028638-00028858 Integrity measurement architecture W7bZL1t1S5g-00108-00028860-00029140 um so what that does is at runtime it W7bZL1t1S5g-00109-00029141-00029351 verifies the files W7bZL1t1S5g-00110-00029352-00029411 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00111-00029412-00029705 the that are being executed are what the W7bZL1t1S5g-00112-00029706-00029957 build system produces W7bZL1t1S5g-00113-00029958-00030202 um if it's not uh exactly as the build W7bZL1t1S5g-00114-00030204-00030407 system produces it will prevent any W7bZL1t1S5g-00115-00030408-00030533 execution W7bZL1t1S5g-00116-00030533-00030868 this was a security feature in Red Hat W7bZL1t1S5g-00117-00030869-00031193 Enterprise Linux 9 that just came out W7bZL1t1S5g-00118-00031194-00031318 recently W7bZL1t1S5g-00119-00031319-00031601 and in Fedora iot we're going to ships a W7bZL1t1S5g-00120-00031602-00031895 little sample policies for users to W7bZL1t1S5g-00121-00031895-00032170 either use as is or adapt to their needs W7bZL1t1S5g-00122-00032172-00032411 again this is a new accepted change in W7bZL1t1S5g-00123-00032412-00032890 Fedora 37 uh and brand new to fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00124-00032891-00033173 uh we also support Fido device W7bZL1t1S5g-00125-00033174-00033389 onboarding so that allows for a zero W7bZL1t1S5g-00126-00033390-00033640 Touch onboarding of devices with roots W7bZL1t1S5g-00127-00033641-00033881 of trust and chains of trust it's a new W7bZL1t1S5g-00128-00033882-00034177 open standard that's derived from Intel W7bZL1t1S5g-00129-00034178-00034523 secure device onboarding W7bZL1t1S5g-00130-00034524-00034679 um there's lots of involvement from W7bZL1t1S5g-00131-00034680-00034949 industry leaders like the big ones Intel W7bZL1t1S5g-00132-00034950-00035081 and arm W7bZL1t1S5g-00133-00035082-00035374 um a red hat is a member of the Fido iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00134-00035375-00035668 working group and actively uh involving W7bZL1t1S5g-00135-00035669-00035896 or evolving that standard um so in W7bZL1t1S5g-00136-00035897-00036167 Fedora we have a clean implementation W7bZL1t1S5g-00137-00036168-00036461 written in Rust W7bZL1t1S5g-00138-00036462-00036707 um and this is brand new change for W7bZL1t1S5g-00139-00036708-00037073 Fedora 37 as well W7bZL1t1S5g-00140-00037074-00037367 uh so Fedora iot is going to move to OS W7bZL1t1S5g-00141-00037368-00037546 build we're going to be the first ones W7bZL1t1S5g-00142-00037547-00037774 to be using OS build we're working on W7bZL1t1S5g-00143-00037775-00037990 that right now W7bZL1t1S5g-00144-00037991-00038255 um the Fedora iot artifacts we produced W7bZL1t1S5g-00145-00038256-00038573 with OS build and fedor37 that includes W7bZL1t1S5g-00146-00038574-00038843 the installer isos and the raw disk W7bZL1t1S5g-00147-00038844-00038993 images W7bZL1t1S5g-00148-00038994-00039245 um hopefully that'll be enabled soon uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00149-00039246-00039533 maybe as soon as next week at least the W7bZL1t1S5g-00150-00039534-00039790 installer isos we hope W7bZL1t1S5g-00151-00039791-00040061 uh so users are able to create their own W7bZL1t1S5g-00152-00040062-00040259 customized images and Os tree W7bZL1t1S5g-00153-00040260-00040474 repositories using image Builder and Os W7bZL1t1S5g-00154-00040475-00040751 build and this is a brand new change in W7bZL1t1S5g-00155-00040752-00040961 fedora 37. W7bZL1t1S5g-00156-00040962-00041290 uh for us and I think other W7bZL1t1S5g-00157-00041291-00041357 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00158-00041358-00041627 uh other additions will be moving to it W7bZL1t1S5g-00159-00041628-00041837 uh shortly after that as well W7bZL1t1S5g-00160-00041838-00042059 um in Fedora 37 we're adding simplified W7bZL1t1S5g-00161-00042060-00042377 provisioning uh so you're able to create W7bZL1t1S5g-00162-00042378-00042671 or the images created in OS build W7bZL1t1S5g-00163-00042672-00042887 um you can provision your system through W7bZL1t1S5g-00164-00042888-00043102 the network USB W7bZL1t1S5g-00165-00043103-00043474 uh disk or provision in a factory and it W7bZL1t1S5g-00166-00043475-00043679 will allow for identical deployments W7bZL1t1S5g-00167-00043680-00043990 across a number of different devices W7bZL1t1S5g-00168-00043991-00044074 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00169-00044075-00044380 and will allow for features like W7bZL1t1S5g-00170-00044381-00044639 predefined encrypted file systems so the W7bZL1t1S5g-00171-00044640-00044933 system is pre-encrypted and once W7bZL1t1S5g-00172-00044934-00045202 installed on your local system it W7bZL1t1S5g-00173-00045203-00045352 re-encrypts it W7bZL1t1S5g-00174-00045353-00045617 um so that it's nice and secure for your W7bZL1t1S5g-00175-00045618-00045887 local system rather than uh some W7bZL1t1S5g-00176-00045888-00046193 predefined encryption W7bZL1t1S5g-00177-00046194-00046480 so how are we doing all this we've got a W7bZL1t1S5g-00178-00046481-00046630 bunch of new team members including W7bZL1t1S5g-00179-00046631-00046889 myself I joined the relfredge team W7bZL1t1S5g-00180-00046890-00047158 earlier this year we've also got a W7bZL1t1S5g-00181-00047159-00047365 number of other people W7bZL1t1S5g-00182-00047366-00047668 again the federal iot is going to be the W7bZL1t1S5g-00183-00047669-00047999 Upstream for alfredge after a long W7bZL1t1S5g-00184-00048000-00048329 departure we've also got an intern W7bZL1t1S5g-00185-00048330-00048557 that's helping us with the outreaching W7bZL1t1S5g-00186-00048558-00048802 programs doing fantastic work thank you W7bZL1t1S5g-00187-00048803-00048971 very much W7bZL1t1S5g-00188-00048972-00049157 um also looking for more Community W7bZL1t1S5g-00189-00049158-00049589 involvement from people like you we W7bZL1t1S5g-00190-00049590-00049780 especially need help testing W7bZL1t1S5g-00191-00049781-00050183 um previously I was the QE lead in W7bZL1t1S5g-00192-00050184-00050333 federal iot that's now been taken over W7bZL1t1S5g-00193-00050334-00050573 by Jeffrey Marr W7bZL1t1S5g-00194-00050574-00050812 um he's doing a great job but always can W7bZL1t1S5g-00195-00050813-00051029 use some assistance and making sure W7bZL1t1S5g-00196-00051030-00051311 everything works W7bZL1t1S5g-00197-00051312-00051526 and if you're interested in contributing W7bZL1t1S5g-00198-00051527-00051790 you can join us on the IRC and pound W7bZL1t1S5g-00199-00051791-00051942 Fedora iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00200-00051944-00052319 we do have a weekly meeting in pounds W7bZL1t1S5g-00201-00052320-00052603 Fedora meeting we've got a mailing list W7bZL1t1S5g-00202-00052604-00053092 you report any issues to GitHub W7bZL1t1S5g-00203-00053094-00053242 um and all the different iot features W7bZL1t1S5g-00204-00053244-00053459 are listed there and our documentation W7bZL1t1S5g-00205-00053460-00053711 is rolled into the official Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00206-00053712-00053885 documentation W7bZL1t1S5g-00207-00053886-00054149 and that's what I got for today folks W7bZL1t1S5g-00208-00054150-00054353 again I apologize it's a lot shorter W7bZL1t1S5g-00209-00054354-00054550 than we had anticipated W7bZL1t1S5g-00210-00054551-00054694 um but a number of team members are out W7bZL1t1S5g-00211-00054695-00054899 today uh so I did my best to sort of W7bZL1t1S5g-00212-00054900-00055163 give you some general information W7bZL1t1S5g-00213-00055164-00055787 um does anyone have any questions W7bZL1t1S5g-00214-00055788-00056038 how can we get more users uh Matthew W7bZL1t1S5g-00215-00056039-00056344 that is uh I think that um some of the W7bZL1t1S5g-00216-00056345-00056466 features that we're going to be W7bZL1t1S5g-00217-00056467-00056837 including in Fedora 37 are of great W7bZL1t1S5g-00218-00056838-00057016 interest so a lot of people W7bZL1t1S5g-00219-00057017-00057244 uh we've been getting a number of people W7bZL1t1S5g-00220-00057245-00057479 coming in and asking about the Fido W7bZL1t1S5g-00221-00057479-00057688 device onboarding W7bZL1t1S5g-00222-00057689-00057941 um so I think that that will attract new W7bZL1t1S5g-00223-00057941-00058144 users W7bZL1t1S5g-00224-00058145-00058211 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00225-00058212-00058504 and uh some of the security features I W7bZL1t1S5g-00226-00058505-00058823 think that uh people will uh appreciate W7bZL1t1S5g-00227-00058824-00058966 the security features that we've got W7bZL1t1S5g-00228-00058967-00059309 coming in for door 37 W7bZL1t1S5g-00229-00059310-00059519 and the next question from Matthew again W7bZL1t1S5g-00230-00059520-00059741 will I be winning my bet with Neil about W7bZL1t1S5g-00231-00059741-00059897 OS build image Builder and production W7bZL1t1S5g-00232-00059898-00060161 for the official I believe so so W7bZL1t1S5g-00233-00060162-00060538 um I guess Neil had a bet with Matthew W7bZL1t1S5g-00234-00060539-00060941 that OS build wouldn't be released W7bZL1t1S5g-00235-00060941-00061199 um already I think that you will be W7bZL1t1S5g-00236-00061200-00061337 winning that bet W7bZL1t1S5g-00237-00061338-00061607 um there are some some hitches we've hit W7bZL1t1S5g-00238-00061608-00061997 in sort of the final run-up to Fedor 37 W7bZL1t1S5g-00239-00061998-00062254 but I think that the image Builder team W7bZL1t1S5g-00240-00062255-00062641 should be able to work through that W7bZL1t1S5g-00241-00062641-00062963 and how can I preview W7bZL1t1S5g-00242-00062964-00063191 oh where did that go how can I preview W7bZL1t1S5g-00243-00063191-00063388 access to OS building Fedora So W7bZL1t1S5g-00244-00063389-00063557 currently W7bZL1t1S5g-00245-00063558-00063850 um OS build in Fedora is it's not yet W7bZL1t1S5g-00246-00063851-00063953 available W7bZL1t1S5g-00247-00063954-00064241 um it will be a small section I I guess W7bZL1t1S5g-00248-00064241-00064444 you have to have image build Privileges W7bZL1t1S5g-00249-00064445-00064625 and Koji W7bZL1t1S5g-00250-00064626-00064816 um and I there is discussions about W7bZL1t1S5g-00251-00064817-00065050 expanding that further W7bZL1t1S5g-00252-00065051-00065303 um but I'm not aware uh of where that'll W7bZL1t1S5g-00253-00065304-00065399 be W7bZL1t1S5g-00254-00065400-00065669 any other questions today oh they're at W7bZL1t1S5g-00255-00065670-00065850 the top there okay W7bZL1t1S5g-00256-00065851-00066125 what are the differences I'm not W7bZL1t1S5g-00257-00066126-00066400 familiar with yacto W7bZL1t1S5g-00258-00066401-00066599 um so I'm not familiar with what the W7bZL1t1S5g-00259-00066600-00066947 differences would be W7bZL1t1S5g-00260-00066948-00067187 how do you feel about moving the Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00261-00067188-00067523 iot discussion primarily to discussion W7bZL1t1S5g-00262-00067524-00067775 dot fedoraproduct.org I'm fine with it W7bZL1t1S5g-00263-00067776-00068003 it's um certainly just another place W7bZL1t1S5g-00264-00068004-00068225 that we have to W7bZL1t1S5g-00265-00068226-00068350 um check W7bZL1t1S5g-00266-00068351-00068543 um but but yeah I'd be certainly okay W7bZL1t1S5g-00267-00068544-00068687 with that W7bZL1t1S5g-00268-00068688-00069076 uh and where is Fedora iot expected to W7bZL1t1S5g-00269-00069077-00069431 be useful so Edge devices everybody sort W7bZL1t1S5g-00270-00069432-00069563 of using a lot of people are running W7bZL1t1S5g-00271-00069564-00069899 different containers for local Services W7bZL1t1S5g-00272-00069900-00070067 home assistant W7bZL1t1S5g-00273-00070068-00070397 uh I think there is a home assistant uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00274-00070398-00070559 demonstration a little bit later on W7bZL1t1S5g-00275-00070560-00070732 today W7bZL1t1S5g-00276-00070733-00070997 um but it's expected to be useful at the W7bZL1t1S5g-00277-00070998-00071093 edge W7bZL1t1S5g-00278-00071094-00071525 um for any sort of edge devices uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00279-00071526-00071861 using it uh with different sensors uh in W7bZL1t1S5g-00280-00071862-00072371 you know in your backyard uh to to W7bZL1t1S5g-00281-00072372-00072563 um measure the the temperature and W7bZL1t1S5g-00282-00072564-00073015 humidity things like that W7bZL1t1S5g-00283-00073016-00073415 and do we W7bZL1t1S5g-00284-00073416-00073613 are you planning to focus on low Ram W7bZL1t1S5g-00285-00073614-00073793 devices with less than one gigabyte of W7bZL1t1S5g-00286-00073794-00074194 Ram uh so yes the lower W7bZL1t1S5g-00287-00074195-00074459 um Ram devices should work okay I think W7bZL1t1S5g-00288-00074460-00074603 that um W7bZL1t1S5g-00289-00074604-00075005 the Raspberry Pi zero uh two uh which I W7bZL1t1S5g-00290-00075006-00075388 believe has 512 Megs of RAM is working W7bZL1t1S5g-00291-00075389-00075838 um okay I had uh with standard Fedora I W7bZL1t1S5g-00292-00075839-00076175 was able to use smaller devices with 256 W7bZL1t1S5g-00293-00076176-00076529 Megs Ram so that should certainly be W7bZL1t1S5g-00294-00076530-00076787 possible I think that more testing is W7bZL1t1S5g-00295-00076788-00076991 needed there I'm not aware of uh I W7bZL1t1S5g-00296-00076992-00077188 haven't been doing any testing with W7bZL1t1S5g-00297-00077189-00077585 lower RAM devices W7bZL1t1S5g-00298-00077586-00077844 foreign W7bZL1t1S5g-00299-00077845-00078137 support could return the future uh so W7bZL1t1S5g-00300-00078138-00078400 that I I guess that's 32-bit arm W7bZL1t1S5g-00301-00078401-00078737 um because we do support 64-bit arm W7bZL1t1S5g-00302-00078738-00078803 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00303-00078804-00079138 32-bit uh I don't think that'll be W7bZL1t1S5g-00304-00079139-00079259 coming back W7bZL1t1S5g-00305-00079260-00079438 um there was a number of limitations W7bZL1t1S5g-00306-00079439-00079762 that uh we had in supporting the 32-bit W7bZL1t1S5g-00307-00079763-00080056 Ram the biggest being uh the Enterprise W7bZL1t1S5g-00308-00080057-00080231 Hardware W7bZL1t1S5g-00309-00080232-00080476 um wasn't supporting W7bZL1t1S5g-00310-00080477-00080549 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00311-00080550-00080885 a 32-bit any any longer we were having W7bZL1t1S5g-00312-00080886-00081029 trouble finding hardware for the build W7bZL1t1S5g-00313-00081030-00081173 system W7bZL1t1S5g-00314-00081174-00081467 um but also uh you know the devices are W7bZL1t1S5g-00315-00081468-00081803 pretty cheap for a 64-bit ARM device uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00316-00081804-00082000 so we encourage people to to sort of W7bZL1t1S5g-00317-00082001-00082632 move to 64-bit rather than 32-bit W7bZL1t1S5g-00318-00082633-00082979 uh is going to be a firmware device for W7bZL1t1S5g-00319-00082980-00083435 devices or apis for applications uh I W7bZL1t1S5g-00320-00083436-00083632 don't think that we're getting into W7bZL1t1S5g-00321-00083633-00083831 the firm I mean we do provide some W7bZL1t1S5g-00322-00083832-00083999 firmware and Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00323-00084000-00084203 um but I'm not aware of anything being W7bZL1t1S5g-00324-00084204-00084419 added W7bZL1t1S5g-00325-00084420-00084694 I feel like arm devices seem mostly W7bZL1t1S5g-00326-00084695-00084988 aimed at ARM device enthusiasts W7bZL1t1S5g-00327-00084989-00085085 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00328-00085086-00085541 like sold as bare metal boards W7bZL1t1S5g-00329-00085542-00085835 on device Studios like sold as bare W7bZL1t1S5g-00330-00085836-00086261 boards that is a project in itself uh I W7bZL1t1S5g-00331-00086262-00086399 agree with you W7bZL1t1S5g-00332-00086400-00086537 um to get working do you see that W7bZL1t1S5g-00333-00086538-00086788 changing in the future or something in a W7bZL1t1S5g-00334-00086789-00087094 nice case just to put on an SD card and W7bZL1t1S5g-00335-00087095-00087299 go so W7bZL1t1S5g-00336-00087300-00087587 um it's actually gone a lot better uh so W7bZL1t1S5g-00337-00087588-00088043 when I started working on Fedora arm we W7bZL1t1S5g-00338-00088044-00088441 offered a pre-canned root file system W7bZL1t1S5g-00339-00088442-00088679 that you had to bring your own kernel W7bZL1t1S5g-00340-00088680-00089009 for and you explode that you know onto W7bZL1t1S5g-00341-00089010-00089225 an SD card and install your kernel to W7bZL1t1S5g-00342-00089226-00089441 get the system to boot so it has gotten W7bZL1t1S5g-00343-00089442-00089741 a lot better we could definitely use W7bZL1t1S5g-00344-00089742-00090035 some additional tooling for W7bZL1t1S5g-00345-00090036-00090275 creating the disk images we currently W7bZL1t1S5g-00346-00090276-00090473 use a W7bZL1t1S5g-00347-00090474-00090706 horrible bash script that I wrote a long W7bZL1t1S5g-00348-00090707-00090917 time ago for myself that people W7bZL1t1S5g-00349-00090918-00091168 encouraged me to put out there because W7bZL1t1S5g-00350-00091169-00091337 we had nothing else so if you are W7bZL1t1S5g-00351-00091338-00091571 interested in writing something we W7bZL1t1S5g-00352-00091572-00091775 certainly would love to see the W7bZL1t1S5g-00353-00091776-00092032 Fedora arm installer replaced at some W7bZL1t1S5g-00354-00092033-00092273 point in the future W7bZL1t1S5g-00355-00092274-00092579 uh what Hardware would you recommend for W7bZL1t1S5g-00356-00092580-00092791 getting into Fedora iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00357-00092792-00093317 I think the Raspberry Pi 4 is a great W7bZL1t1S5g-00358-00093318-00093562 device we have we are going to be W7bZL1t1S5g-00359-00093563-00093779 supporting that in Fedora fully for W7bZL1t1S5g-00360-00093780-00093943 Fedora 37 W7bZL1t1S5g-00361-00093944-00094261 sort of the big limitation there was W7bZL1t1S5g-00362-00094262-00094547 Graphics we didn't want to say that it W7bZL1t1S5g-00363-00094548-00094681 was supported W7bZL1t1S5g-00364-00094682-00094849 fully W7bZL1t1S5g-00365-00094850-00095135 because the graphics weren't accelerated W7bZL1t1S5g-00366-00095136-00095459 that's changing Peter Robinson has been W7bZL1t1S5g-00367-00095460-00095687 doing great work to to get that enabled W7bZL1t1S5g-00368-00095688-00096059 in Fedora it has worked great as an iot W7bZL1t1S5g-00369-00096060-00096479 device for a while again it's just sort W7bZL1t1S5g-00370-00096480-00096725 of the the graphical limitation was just W7bZL1t1S5g-00371-00096726-00097006 holding us back so W7bZL1t1S5g-00372-00097007-00097253 or if you've got I mean it you can start W7bZL1t1S5g-00373-00097254-00097481 to just play with it on a virtual W7bZL1t1S5g-00374-00097482-00097649 machine is a great way to just sort of W7bZL1t1S5g-00375-00097650-00097876 get started and take a look at it W7bZL1t1S5g-00376-00097877-00098087 um and and then if you're interested in W7bZL1t1S5g-00377-00098088-00098261 continuing W7bZL1t1S5g-00378-00098262-00098494 um Raspberry Pi's uh are great devices W7bZL1t1S5g-00379-00098495-00098681 Raspberry Pi 3 even W7bZL1t1S5g-00380-00098682-00098855 um you know what at this point it's hard W7bZL1t1S5g-00381-00098856-00099118 to get your hands on something like that W7bZL1t1S5g-00382-00099119-00099238 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00383-00099239-00099425 because of the supply chain issues I W7bZL1t1S5g-00384-00099426-00099732 think hopefully that should be changing W7bZL1t1S5g-00385-00099733-00100006 uh since it supports container workload W7bZL1t1S5g-00386-00100007-00100229 is Fedora opinionated about how W7bZL1t1S5g-00387-00100230-00100523 containers run on the image not that I'm W7bZL1t1S5g-00388-00100524-00100685 aware of W7bZL1t1S5g-00389-00100686-00101009 freedom is one of our tenants so uh do W7bZL1t1S5g-00390-00101010-00101129 as you will W7bZL1t1S5g-00391-00101130-00101326 um you know you might run into issues W7bZL1t1S5g-00392-00101327-00101603 but let us know if you do so I don't W7bZL1t1S5g-00393-00101604-00101849 know that we have any strong opinions W7bZL1t1S5g-00394-00101850-00102059 about that either way W7bZL1t1S5g-00395-00102060-00102418 what about uh risk five um so well it's W7bZL1t1S5g-00396-00102419-00102677 not yet supported in Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00397-00102678-00102965 um but uh I think we would love to W7bZL1t1S5g-00398-00102966-00103282 support risk five when uh it is uh W7bZL1t1S5g-00399-00103283-00103636 another architecture that's in fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00400-00103638-00103871 definitely I'm very interested I W7bZL1t1S5g-00401-00103872-00104044 actually have a risified advice that I W7bZL1t1S5g-00402-00104045-00104254 haven't really gotten any usage out of W7bZL1t1S5g-00403-00104255-00104578 um and I would love to get that working W7bZL1t1S5g-00404-00104579-00104842 in fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00405-00104843-00105028 uh you're working with some beagle W7bZL1t1S5g-00406-00105029-00105425 boards still true so uh in W7bZL1t1S5g-00407-00105426-00105766 um the Beagle bones uh beaglebone black W7bZL1t1S5g-00408-00105767-00106175 beagle bone white our 32-bit arm devices W7bZL1t1S5g-00409-00106176-00106547 um they should uh I'm not sure if they W7bZL1t1S5g-00410-00106548-00106889 work um you need a firmware provided dtb W7bZL1t1S5g-00411-00106890-00107123 our device tree blob W7bZL1t1S5g-00412-00107124-00107351 um they do work great with standard W7bZL1t1S5g-00413-00107352-00107489 Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00414-00107490-00107734 um but I'm not sure if they're working W7bZL1t1S5g-00415-00107735-00107999 uh with Fedora iot it wasn't something W7bZL1t1S5g-00416-00108000-00108269 that we are actively testing W7bZL1t1S5g-00417-00108270-00108539 um uh for door I oft but it they may W7bZL1t1S5g-00418-00108540-00109075 work I'm just not sure offhand W7bZL1t1S5g-00419-00109076-00109319 is there any chance of getting Fedora W7bZL1t1S5g-00420-00109320-00109747 iot to run on ECS leave a mini box W7bZL1t1S5g-00421-00109748-00110057 qc710 I have no idea I've not heard of W7bZL1t1S5g-00422-00110058-00110225 that particular Hardware W7bZL1t1S5g-00423-00110226-00110657 um if it has uh UEFI I'm not sure what W7bZL1t1S5g-00424-00110658-00110890 architecture that is either but it might W7bZL1t1S5g-00425-00110891-00111113 work and it might work well um I just W7bZL1t1S5g-00426-00111114-00111275 don't know W7bZL1t1S5g-00427-00111276-00111766 apologies W7bZL1t1S5g-00428-00111767-00111995 uh if you were to have an opinion about W7bZL1t1S5g-00429-00111996-00112265 how to best run containers which would W7bZL1t1S5g-00430-00112266-00112702 be uh system D or micro cube W7bZL1t1S5g-00431-00112703-00113021 um I don't have an opinion as to which W7bZL1t1S5g-00432-00113022-00113339 way is the best to run containers W7bZL1t1S5g-00433-00113340-00113495 um W7bZL1t1S5g-00434-00113496-00113902 so I'm not opinionated there at all if I W7bZL1t1S5g-00435-00113903-00114023 had to go with one of the two I would W7bZL1t1S5g-00436-00114024-00114269 say systemd W7bZL1t1S5g-00437-00114270-00114401 all right W7bZL1t1S5g-00438-00114402-00114790 well I don't see any new questions so W7bZL1t1S5g-00439-00114791-00114965 again I thank you for joining the talk W7bZL1t1S5g-00440-00114966-00115169 today I apologize W7bZL1t1S5g-00441-00115170-00115343 um that it wasn't quite the talk that we W7bZL1t1S5g-00442-00115344-00115501 were hoping to give W7bZL1t1S5g-00443-00115502-00115919 and we look forward to presenting as a W7bZL1t1S5g-00444-00115920-00116410 larger team at a future Nest event W7bZL1t1S5g-00445-00116411-00116738 um so thank you very much W8ekjMbGNV8-00000-00000068-00000305 videogames are electronic games that W8ekjMbGNV8-00001-00000306-00000461 involve interaction with a user W8ekjMbGNV8-00002-00000462-00000782 interface video games may also refer to W8ekjMbGNV8-00003-00000783-00001022 video games in computer entertainment a W8ekjMbGNV8-00004-00001023-00001613 former American video game magazine W8ekjMbGNV8-00005-00001614-00002118 topic music W8ekjMbGNV8-00006-00002119-00002614 video games a 1980 song by Ronnie Jones W8ekjMbGNV8-00007-00002615-00003181 video games a 1982 song by alien video W8ekjMbGNV8-00008-00003182-00003689 games a 1983 song by Gary Benson video W8ekjMbGNV8-00009-00003690-00004172 games a 1985 song by seduction video W8ekjMbGNV8-00010-00004173-00004574 games a 1993 album by Severo Lombardo W8ekjMbGNV8-00011-00004575-00005045 knee video games song a 2011 song by W8ekjMbGNV8-00012-00005046-00005326 Lana Del Rey WqE9TCtBywo-00000-00001408-00002926 is WqE9TCtBywo-00001-00002927-00003134 though it might be nice to own a jet WqE9TCtBywo-00002-00003135-00004750 planet WqE9TCtBywo-00003-00004751-00005575 [Music] WqE9TCtBywo-00004-00005576-00005706 angry WqE9TCtBywo-00005-00005707-00007078 [Music] WqE9TCtBywo-00006-00007079-00007214 this WqE9TCtBywo-00007-00007215-00007383 i wanna be the best in the game invest WqE9TCtBywo-00008-00007384-00007519 in my name check no restraints i'm WqE9TCtBywo-00009-00007520-00007687 obsessed with the pain i ingest i retain WqE9TCtBywo-00010-00007688-00007823 assess and i change possessed by the WqE9TCtBywo-00011-00007823-00007942 thought i'll be free one day from WqE9TCtBywo-00012-00007943-00008103 societies restraints money clout and WqE9TCtBywo-00013-00008104-00008278 fame mud disease a plague we all love to WqE9TCtBywo-00014-00008279-00008439 hate have to play the game have to make WqE9TCtBywo-00015-00008440-00008599 a name all our insecurities are right WqE9TCtBywo-00016-00008600-00008878 this is war with the enemy think that it WqE9TCtBywo-00017-00008879-00009142 was meant to be living in a time where WqE9TCtBywo-00018-00009143-00009391 disease is on every screen i won't let WqE9TCtBywo-00019-00009392-00009683 them fester me i know most of festering WqE9TCtBywo-00020-00009684-00010014 negativity is a plague for the mentally WqE9TCtBywo-00021-00010015-00010399 weak no mercy all i got is working never WqE9TCtBywo-00022-00010400-00010678 stop searching never question thirsty WqE9TCtBywo-00023-00010679-00010871 i'm toxic and psychotic but there's WqE9TCtBywo-00024-00010872-00011038 logic you can't stop it it's been WqE9TCtBywo-00025-00011039-00011271 chronic since i was a boy so neurotic WqE9TCtBywo-00026-00011272-00012863 and chaotic WqE9TCtBywo-00027-00012863-00013735 foreign WqE9TCtBywo-00028-00013736-00014321 [Music] WqE9TCtBywo-00029-00014322-00014736 [Music] Ws_K3mE8P70-00000-00000008-00000175 press the bell icon so that you don't Ws_K3mE8P70-00001-00000176-00000686 miss any updates from workspace Ws_K3mE8P70-00002-00000687-00000950 yeah we were talking earlier about uh Ws_K3mE8P70-00003-00000951-00001039 how you would even Ws_K3mE8P70-00004-00001040-00001618 how you even described Ws_K3mE8P70-00005-00001619-00001830 [Music] Ws_K3mE8P70-00006-00001832-00002079 i've got no definition i really got no Ws_K3mE8P70-00007-00002080-00002342 idea how Ws_K3mE8P70-00008-00002343-00002655 how you describe it i mean it's such a Ws_K3mE8P70-00009-00002656-00002839 you know also but one discipline Ws_K3mE8P70-00010-00002840-00003031 overlaps with another you know on a film Ws_K3mE8P70-00011-00003032-00003199 crew it's like Ws_K3mE8P70-00012-00003200-00003527 you know where does cinematography start Ws_K3mE8P70-00013-00003528-00003711 and then where does production design Ws_K3mE8P70-00014-00003711-00003838 start and end Ws_K3mE8P70-00015-00003839-00004086 where does editorial start and end you Ws_K3mE8P70-00016-00004087-00004167 know Ws_K3mE8P70-00017-00004168-00004375 what's the influence of the image making Ws_K3mE8P70-00018-00004376-00004486 on the final film Ws_K3mE8P70-00019-00004487-00004735 versus you know it's a it's a load of Ws_K3mE8P70-00020-00004736-00004886 people getting together trying to do the Ws_K3mE8P70-00021-00004887-00005047 best they can Ws_K3mE8P70-00022-00005048-00005231 it's i i don't know how you describe Ws_K3mE8P70-00023-00005232-00005406 what the cinematographer's job is Ws_K3mE8P70-00024-00005407-00005583 cinematography well it's um Ws_K3mE8P70-00025-00005584-00005927 telling simply telling stories with Ws_K3mE8P70-00026-00005928-00006054 pictures i suppose Ws_K3mE8P70-00027-00006055-00006222 but that's what people say but i don't Ws_K3mE8P70-00028-00006223-00006478 think it's quite that really Ws_K3mE8P70-00029-00006479-00006742 i'm not sure it's so much about the Ws_K3mE8P70-00030-00006743-00006927 picture it's like Ws_K3mE8P70-00031-00006928-00007151 where you put in the audience in some Ws_K3mE8P70-00032-00007152-00007414 way that's Ws_K3mE8P70-00033-00007415-00007639 more important with actually what the Ws_K3mE8P70-00034-00007640-00007742 frame looks like Ws_K3mE8P70-00035-00007743-00007983 i don't know i can't describe it why do Ws_K3mE8P70-00036-00007984-00008207 you like to uh insist on Ws_K3mE8P70-00037-00008208-00008383 operating the camera yourself from the Ws_K3mE8P70-00038-00008384-00008671 little it's the best job on set Ws_K3mE8P70-00039-00008672-00008914 i'd rather be the operator than the Ws_K3mE8P70-00040-00008915-00009127 cinematographers but Ws_K3mE8P70-00041-00009128-00009367 it's the best job on set yeah i mean i'm Ws_K3mE8P70-00042-00009368-00009478 probably because i Ws_K3mE8P70-00043-00009479-00009719 started doing in documentaries and i Ws_K3mE8P70-00044-00009720-00009783 just love Ws_K3mE8P70-00045-00009784-00010191 the feeling of operating a camera and uh Ws_K3mE8P70-00046-00010192-00010431 and i love that it's that's my my Ws_K3mE8P70-00047-00010432-00010527 decision if Ws_K3mE8P70-00048-00010528-00010831 i'm on a dolly and you know i just want Ws_K3mE8P70-00049-00010832-00011014 the camera to slide left and Ws_K3mE8P70-00050-00011015-00011183 i'll say the dolly grip i've worked with Ws_K3mE8P70-00051-00011184-00011383 for 30 years and it's like Ws_K3mE8P70-00052-00011384-00011574 i just have to do a finger thing and Ws_K3mE8P70-00053-00011575-00011759 he'll go oh yeah i know what you mean Ws_K3mE8P70-00054-00011760-00011974 and you know i love i love that uh Ws_K3mE8P70-00055-00011975-00012095 immediacy Ws_K3mE8P70-00056-00012096-00012374 just to be away from it watching an Ws_K3mE8P70-00057-00012375-00012519 image that Ws_K3mE8P70-00058-00012520-00012838 i'm disconnected i i find that would be Ws_K3mE8P70-00059-00012839-00012974 really hard i mean obviously i have to Ws_K3mE8P70-00060-00012975-00013215 do it sometimes on certain Ws_K3mE8P70-00061-00013216-00013438 stunt scenes or whatever i need to watch Ws_K3mE8P70-00062-00013440-00013566 the different cameras and what they're Ws_K3mE8P70-00063-00013568-00013663 doing but Ws_K3mE8P70-00064-00013663-00013919 it's very rarely i'm not operating one Ws_K3mE8P70-00065-00013919-00014094 of the cameras anyway Ws_K3mE8P70-00066-00014095-00014279 i'm not comfortable working with a lot Ws_K3mE8P70-00067-00014280-00014455 of cameras a lot of time i don't you Ws_K3mE8P70-00068-00014456-00014615 know i don't like the sort of Ws_K3mE8P70-00069-00014616-00014879 covering a scene with multiple cameras i Ws_K3mE8P70-00070-00014880-00014919 like Ws_K3mE8P70-00071-00014919-00015103 single camera approach i like that Ws_K3mE8P70-00072-00015104-00015335 simplicity so i mean basically i Ws_K3mE8P70-00073-00015336-00015535 you know i'll have those conversations Ws_K3mE8P70-00074-00015536-00015766 with a director before i start the job Ws_K3mE8P70-00075-00015768-00016030 you know because i just don't fit with Ws_K3mE8P70-00076-00016031-00016215 that kind of style of filmmaking i Ws_K3mE8P70-00077-00016216-00016327 suppose Ws_K3mE8P70-00078-00016328-00016503 i mean it works for some course it does Ws_K3mE8P70-00079-00016504-00016743 but i just i don't feel comfortable in Ws_K3mE8P70-00080-00016744-00017063 that kind of world so Ws_K3mE8P70-00081-00017064-00017303 it's hard work back there is it yeah Ws_K3mE8P70-00082-00017304-00017467 hard work back there Ws_K3mE8P70-00083-00017468-00017879 [Laughter] Ws_K3mE8P70-00084-00017880-00018047 that's good operating it's like i've Ws_K3mE8P70-00085-00018048-00018311 seen the pose it's great Ws_K3mE8P70-00086-00018312-00018599 yeah no it's you're doing well yeah see Ws_K3mE8P70-00087-00018600-00019991 i told you the best job on set Ws_K3mE8P70-00088-00019992-00020200 you WtIz53nMLW4-00000-00001541-00003001 [Music] WtIz53nMLW4-00001-00003002-00004119 [Music] WtIz53nMLW4-00002-00004120-00004328 you WvxIYNQDkig-00000-00000279-00002023 [Music] WvxIYNQDkig-00001-00002025-00002567 [Music] WvxIYNQDkig-00002-00002568-00003170 here we are WvxIYNQDkig-00004-00006501-00006967 [Music] WvxIYNQDkig-00005-00006968-00007431 foreign WvxIYNQDkig-00006-00007431-00008043 foreign WvxIYNQDkig-00007-00008044-00009374 [Music] WvxIYNQDkig-00008-00009375-00009681 foreign WvxIYNQDkig-00010-00012775-00014703 foreign WvxIYNQDkig-00011-00014704-00015822 is WvxIYNQDkig-00012-00015822-00017750 [Music] WvxIYNQDkig-00013-00017751-00019927 foreign WvxIYNQDkig-00014-00019928-00020777 foreign WvxIYNQDkig-00015-00020778-00023022 [Music] WvxIYNQDkig-00016-00023023-00023231 you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00000-00000071-00000749 okay good evening everyone WwaP3yD3Kzu-00001-00000750-00002684 welcome to our endowment session WwaP3yD3Kzu-00002-00002685-00003090 untold the tab in Kedah the Dietetic WwaP3yD3Kzu-00003-00003091-00003451 garbage a stun gun called them up Tammy WwaP3yD3Kzu-00004-00003452-00004381 Oh among midg at the age of them to a WwaP3yD3Kzu-00005-00004382-00004759 more memorable verses from the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00006-00004760-00005164 polyanions beginner tangle in the outer WwaP3yD3Kzu-00007-00005165-00006249 tango this generation the world WwaP3yD3Kzu-00008-00006250-00006942 entangled with the tangle and to this we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00009-00006943-00007524 ask gotoman who will be able to untangle WwaP3yD3Kzu-00010-00007525-00008356 the tangle WwaP3yD3Kzu-00011-00008357-00008634 what I'm thinking of tonight is the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00012-00008635-00009006 inner tangle than the other tangle and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00013-00009007-00010164 we don't realize how connected there WwaP3yD3Kzu-00014-00010165-00011076 common to think of meditation as a head WwaP3yD3Kzu-00015-00011077-00011883 mystic or escapist activity and I'll WwaP3yD3Kzu-00016-00011884-00012069 make the connection between the inner WwaP3yD3Kzu-00017-00012070-00012711 world in the auto loan because we don't WwaP3yD3Kzu-00018-00012712-00012918 make the connection with Ian around on WwaP3yD3Kzu-00019-00012919-00013281 the outer world you don't realize that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00020-00013282-00013647 how we treat ourselves very similar to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00021-00013647-00013806 how we treat others how we treat others WwaP3yD3Kzu-00022-00013807-00014727 affect our own peace of mind we're not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00023-00014728-00014862 conscious of how we're treating WwaP3yD3Kzu-00024-00014863-00015054 ourselves we're not conscious of how we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00025-00015055-00015525 treat others we get entangled and then WwaP3yD3Kzu-00026-00015526-00015719 tangled because we don't see clearly the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00027-00015720-00016398 tangle WwaP3yD3Kzu-00028-00016399-00016787 we're going to look at it in those terms WwaP3yD3Kzu-00029-00016788-00017025 we don't see ourselves getting caught up WwaP3yD3Kzu-00030-00017026-00017955 in anything we fight WwaP3yD3Kzu-00031-00017956-00018456 we manipulate others we harm others we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00032-00018457-00019011 compete with others and see this in the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00033-00019012-00019853 other tangle we get caught up in WwaP3yD3Kzu-00034-00019854-00020394 competition we see this nowadays WwaP3yD3Kzu-00035-00020395-00020670 everyone thinks they're right so much WwaP3yD3Kzu-00036-00020671-00021052 conflict in the world but interesting to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00037-00021053-00021358 see how people find myself caught in the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00038-00021359-00021765 middle of groups seemingly like-minded WwaP3yD3Kzu-00039-00021766-00022086 people on opposite sides of the debate WwaP3yD3Kzu-00040-00022087-00022378 or like-minded or not like minded people WwaP3yD3Kzu-00041-00022379-00022647 there are people whether they like line WwaP3yD3Kzu-00042-00022648-00023043 it or not the people on both sides of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00043-00023044-00023442 the debate and so easy to pick teams WwaP3yD3Kzu-00044-00023443-00024049 right WwaP3yD3Kzu-00045-00024050-00024484 everyone thinks their night the problem WwaP3yD3Kzu-00046-00024485-00024715 is that somebody has to be wrong and you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00047-00024716-00024910 know two loops with opposing views one WwaP3yD3Kzu-00048-00024911-00025203 of them has to be wrong often it's both WwaP3yD3Kzu-00049-00025204-00025894 probably more likely exposed it's not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00050-00025895-00026326 it's never equal like that and because WwaP3yD3Kzu-00051-00026327-00026602 it's not equally you you find something WwaP3yD3Kzu-00052-00026602-00027043 in your in one side and you're sure is WwaP3yD3Kzu-00053-00027044-00027508 right and it's important to be right not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00054-00027508-00027702 to say that picking is time isn't a good WwaP3yD3Kzu-00055-00027704-00028012 thing and two sides to everything WwaP3yD3Kzu-00056-00028013-00028485 doesn't mean the both sides are equal WwaP3yD3Kzu-00057-00028486-00028951 very important policy that's not the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00058-00028952-00029179 tangle you don't become entangled just WwaP3yD3Kzu-00059-00029180-00029430 because you have views and opinions and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00060-00029431-00029877 beliefs just because you think you're WwaP3yD3Kzu-00061-00029879-00030208 right problem is when you try to make WwaP3yD3Kzu-00062-00030208-00030543 other people think that you're right WwaP3yD3Kzu-00063-00030544-00030820 it's always important to be right it's WwaP3yD3Kzu-00064-00030820-00031195 not always wise to try and impress that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00065-00031195-00031564 upon at it WwaP3yD3Kzu-00066-00031564-00031981 quite a different the tangle the Buddha WwaP3yD3Kzu-00067-00031982-00032220 was right but I said I don't fight with WwaP3yD3Kzu-00068-00032222-00032809 the world the world sites with me and he WwaP3yD3Kzu-00069-00032810-00033337 didn't he didn't he didn't do what we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00070-00033338-00033586 often do is get caught up and embroiled WwaP3yD3Kzu-00071-00033587-00033912 in the issues and find ourselves hating WwaP3yD3Kzu-00072-00033913-00034362 others find ourselves angry find WwaP3yD3Kzu-00073-00034363-00034867 ourselves in conflict with others and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00074-00034868-00035062 how could that be right how could it be WwaP3yD3Kzu-00075-00035063-00035706 right how could it be good to be angry WwaP3yD3Kzu-00076-00035707-00035977 how could it be good to hate someone no WwaP3yD3Kzu-00077-00035978-00036382 matter how evil there how could conflict WwaP3yD3Kzu-00078-00036383-00036962 possibly be good WwaP3yD3Kzu-00079-00036963-00037378 you don't see that if you're not in tune WwaP3yD3Kzu-00080-00037379-00038000 with you know law it's what we come to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00081-00038001-00038231 see for meditation is that it helps not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00082-00038232-00038429 only untangle the entertainment but the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00083-00038430-00038852 other tangled as well as inside so WwaP3yD3Kzu-00084-00038853-00039335 outside we start to realize that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00085-00039336-00039554 understanding our own mind is the first WwaP3yD3Kzu-00086-00039555-00041183 step to reconciliation WwaP3yD3Kzu-00087-00041184-00041411 and if we can come to be at peace with WwaP3yD3Kzu-00088-00041412-00041702 ourselves we can wrestle with our own WwaP3yD3Kzu-00089-00041703-00042236 emotions and free ourselves from the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00090-00042237-00042726 causes of suffering we are able to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00091-00042727-00043166 relate to others free from causing WwaP3yD3Kzu-00092-00043167-00044725 suffering without causing suffering WwaP3yD3Kzu-00093-00044726-00045118 so we talked about karma cycle karma is WwaP3yD3Kzu-00094-00045119-00045721 in three parts there's the songs are WwaP3yD3Kzu-00095-00045722-00046284 what lata what does the wheel three-part WwaP3yD3Kzu-00096-00046285-00046596 there's give a sign which is the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00097-00046597-00046939 defilement and there's gum knowledge of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00098-00046940-00047194 the action when there's we baka which is WwaP3yD3Kzu-00099-00047195-00047527 the results and based on the results of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00100-00047528-00047998 Carmen the results of the path they get WwaP3yD3Kzu-00101-00047999-00048217 upset again and then we are marketing so WwaP3yD3Kzu-00102-00048218-00048702 it's a cycle vicious cycle it's how and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00103-00048703-00049243 the cycle of vengeance works how wars WwaP3yD3Kzu-00104-00049244-00049660 are fought how it's how I mental disease WwaP3yD3Kzu-00105-00049661-00050986 mental illness takes root WwaP3yD3Kzu-00106-00050987-00051288 for defilement inside help us understand WwaP3yD3Kzu-00107-00051289-00051648 our relationships with others in a new WwaP3yD3Kzu-00108-00051649-00052088 way and we look inside and see how awful WwaP3yD3Kzu-00109-00052089-00052512 anger is and I'm no longer want to be WwaP3yD3Kzu-00110-00052513-00053094 angry I feel awful greed is start to see WwaP3yD3Kzu-00111-00053095-00053379 how our manipulations of others are not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00112-00053379-00053535 for their benefit are not rational WwaP3yD3Kzu-00113-00053536-00054072 they're not deserved I deserve this I WwaP3yD3Kzu-00114-00054073-00054816 deserve that which is greedy see how our WwaP3yD3Kzu-00115-00054816-00055299 Eagle let me see how attached we are two WwaP3yD3Kzu-00116-00055300-00055599 things how controlling we are even just WwaP3yD3Kzu-00117-00055600-00055866 as breath you know when you watch your WwaP3yD3Kzu-00118-00055866-00056057 stomach rising and falling instead of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00119-00056058-00056190 watching it you find yourself WwaP3yD3Kzu-00120-00056191-00056705 controlling it forcing it and you bang WwaP3yD3Kzu-00121-00056707-00056871 your head against that wall long enough WwaP3yD3Kzu-00122-00056872-00057376 and you start to let go and miraculously WwaP3yD3Kzu-00123-00057377-00057684 and no longer a control freak to stop WwaP3yD3Kzu-00124-00057685-00058011 trying to control others just drop stop WwaP3yD3Kzu-00125-00058012-00058298 trying to be in charge be the boss you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00126-00058299-00058729 stop being overbearing and belligerent WwaP3yD3Kzu-00127-00058730-00059030 stop trying to force other people to get WwaP3yD3Kzu-00128-00059032-00059569 to see your side to agree with you right WwaP3yD3Kzu-00129-00059570-00060222 the ridiculous things we do WwaP3yD3Kzu-00130-00060223-00060496 the people fighting passionately for WwaP3yD3Kzu-00131-00060497-00061099 good causes they're right thank so many WwaP3yD3Kzu-00132-00061100-00061348 people are right about what's going on WwaP3yD3Kzu-00133-00061349-00061554 in America right now there's a lot of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00134-00061555-00061747 bad things going on is there's no WwaP3yD3Kzu-00135-00061748-00062158 question about that in my mind but they WwaP3yD3Kzu-00136-00062159-00062554 get angry about then you wonder how that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00137-00062554-00063649 could possibly home WwaP3yD3Kzu-00138-00063650-00064148 it informs our karma let me see how we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00139-00064149-00064400 hurt ourselves we see when we meditate WwaP3yD3Kzu-00140-00064401-00064745 we watch our actions we see how even WwaP3yD3Kzu-00141-00064746-00065129 just simple acts like walking eating can WwaP3yD3Kzu-00142-00065129-00065378 be violent you know eating eating can be WwaP3yD3Kzu-00143-00065379-00065714 incredibly violent if you don't WwaP3yD3Kzu-00144-00065715-00065948 understand that you never been mindful WwaP3yD3Kzu-00145-00065949-00066458 and watched how we stuff ourselves how WwaP3yD3Kzu-00146-00066459-00067001 we force food on ourselves I was craving WwaP3yD3Kzu-00147-00067002-00067382 on a desire how by being stressed and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00148-00067383-00067661 then mindful we create a very unpleasant WwaP3yD3Kzu-00149-00067662-00068365 situation for simple things like eating WwaP3yD3Kzu-00150-00068366-00068731 simple things like daily tasks how we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00151-00068732-00069053 wash dishes we do it violently and then WwaP3yD3Kzu-00152-00069054-00069547 break dishes or we cut ourselves and we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00153-00069548-00069896 even tense our muscles why we fill our WwaP3yD3Kzu-00154-00069897-00070280 back out lemme get a strained neck and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00155-00070281-00070652 so on while we have backaches why we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00156-00070653-00071201 have headaches violence all because of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00157-00071202-00071648 our defilement and so we learn how to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00158-00071649-00072287 act in ways the no less violent and it's WwaP3yD3Kzu-00159-00072288-00072709 a microcosm to the general reality of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00160-00072710-00073037 society and the world so that when we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00161-00073038-00073229 interact with others were not inclined WwaP3yD3Kzu-00162-00073230-00073850 to be hanged to be violent we worked out WwaP3yD3Kzu-00163-00073851-00074240 our issues inside we've also come to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00164-00074241-00074761 learn how to behave how to do and say WwaP3yD3Kzu-00165-00074762-00075059 how to speak and act in ways that as WwaP3yD3Kzu-00166-00075060-00075398 that are beneficial that are helpful WwaP3yD3Kzu-00167-00075399-00075590 that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00168-00075591-00075812 this is the peace and happiness why WwaP3yD3Kzu-00169-00075813-00076526 because we've learned which study and so WwaP3yD3Kzu-00170-00076527-00077018 the results are happiness even just the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00171-00077019-00077563 results inside when you cling when you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00172-00077564-00077882 hate even if you just hate yourself and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00173-00077883-00078332 results are unpleasant and they're not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00174-00078333-00078524 unpleasant just inside right if you hate WwaP3yD3Kzu-00175-00078525-00078686 yourself you're much more likely to hate WwaP3yD3Kzu-00176-00078687-00079148 other we can have this cognitive WwaP3yD3Kzu-00177-00079149-00079316 dissonance where we hate ourselves and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00178-00079317-00079469 yet we try to be very nice to others for WwaP3yD3Kzu-00179-00079470-00079780 the different last these sorts of people WwaP3yD3Kzu-00180-00079781-00080230 we can seem very self-deprecating WwaP3yD3Kzu-00181-00080231-00081218 depreciated so dipika tori and get ended WwaP3yD3Kzu-00182-00081219-00081443 trying their best to be kind to others WwaP3yD3Kzu-00183-00081444-00081644 but eventually it comes to you can't WwaP3yD3Kzu-00184-00081645-00082067 have so much hate inside for yourself if WwaP3yD3Kzu-00185-00082068-00082433 you want to truly love others you really WwaP3yD3Kzu-00186-00082434-00082730 have to love yourself because of the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00187-00082731-00082913 attitude right you can't have this WwaP3yD3Kzu-00188-00082914-00083119 cognitive dissonance you can have this WwaP3yD3Kzu-00189-00083120-00083516 duel duality inside you can't be two WwaP3yD3Kzu-00190-00083517-00083843 types of people you can pretend you can WwaP3yD3Kzu-00191-00083844-00084119 have a doctor in Jekyll dr. Jekyll and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00192-00084120-00084362 mr. Hyde sort of personality for a while WwaP3yD3Kzu-00193-00084363-00084734 but that's sustainable and so it spills WwaP3yD3Kzu-00194-00084735-00084989 over we tend and without realizing it be WwaP3yD3Kzu-00195-00084990-00085583 cooled at it and for greedy we tend to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00196-00085584-00085958 try to manipulate others before it WwaP3yD3Kzu-00197-00085959-00086357 diluted inside intend to be arrogant and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00198-00086358-00086852 continued to whatever and so the results WwaP3yD3Kzu-00199-00086853-00087194 are unpleasant and pleasantness in our WwaP3yD3Kzu-00200-00087195-00087749 relationships our inabilities to make WwaP3yD3Kzu-00201-00087750-00088174 peace with our families with our friends WwaP3yD3Kzu-00202-00088175-00088441 it's amazing how much it changes when WwaP3yD3Kzu-00203-00088442-00088857 you look inside and when you learn about WwaP3yD3Kzu-00204-00088858-00089437 yourself not because we're just to blame WwaP3yD3Kzu-00205-00089438-00089590 it's not to say that the world is in a WwaP3yD3Kzu-00206-00089591-00089848 terrible place and that aren't important WwaP3yD3Kzu-00207-00089849-00090346 things you can do to help change it but WwaP3yD3Kzu-00208-00090347-00090502 that's what's so baffling is that we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00209-00090503-00090664 don't seem to be doing things to change WwaP3yD3Kzu-00210-00090665-00090967 it and just like to react it's not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00211-00090968-00091588 baffling it's just an unfortunate it's a WwaP3yD3Kzu-00212-00091589-00092104 clear cause but it's quite quite amazing WwaP3yD3Kzu-00213-00092105-00092335 to watch and to think to see how you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00214-00092336-00092518 become so caught up thinking that we're WwaP3yD3Kzu-00215-00092519-00092761 doing the right thing when we are cruel WwaP3yD3Kzu-00216-00092762-00092932 to others when you're angry at others WwaP3yD3Kzu-00217-00092933-00093208 when we hate at it then we shout we WwaP3yD3Kzu-00218-00093209-00095101 fight and we post online about others WwaP3yD3Kzu-00219-00095102-00095374 when you learn to see through that it's WwaP3yD3Kzu-00220-00095375-00095614 not to say that you don't act you don't WwaP3yD3Kzu-00221-00095615-00096010 work to change the world long becomes WwaP3yD3Kzu-00222-00096011-00096199 that more comes naturally that you do WwaP3yD3Kzu-00223-00096200-00096715 change the world but you change it in WwaP3yD3Kzu-00224-00096716-00096865 the way that brings peace and happiness WwaP3yD3Kzu-00225-00096866-00097099 why because you know it brings peace and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00226-00097100-00097450 happiness you've studied in the inner WwaP3yD3Kzu-00227-00097451-00097789 tangle in the other tank they are WwaP3yD3Kzu-00228-00097790-00098230 related meditation is the study of the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00229-00098231-00098611 inner tangle and see how tangled how WwaP3yD3Kzu-00230-00098612-00099334 tangles work sihle but I paya morose WwaP3yD3Kzu-00231-00099335-00099702 upon young kitten Bunyan tamale and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00232-00099703-00100066 Dobby nikkicole be cool so among which I WwaP3yD3Kzu-00233-00100067-00101551 am standing on morality ethics WwaP3yD3Kzu-00234-00101552-00102110 the wise one cultivates concentration WwaP3yD3Kzu-00235-00102111-00102634 and wisdom this be cool this one has WwaP3yD3Kzu-00236-00102635-00102985 seized the danger in the cycle of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00237-00102986-00103475 samsara they will be able to untangle WwaP3yD3Kzu-00238-00103476-00103874 the tangle the Buddha in his answer WwaP3yD3Kzu-00239-00103875-00104029 didn't make a distinction between the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00240-00104030-00104273 two he didn't say the other tangle WwaP3yD3Kzu-00241-00104274-00104414 should be tackled in this way and you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00242-00104415-00104566 know tangle should be tangled in that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00243-00104567-00104921 way they are one of the same they're the WwaP3yD3Kzu-00244-00104922-00105332 same tangle the meditation is not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00245-00105333-00105488 something that affects only your inner WwaP3yD3Kzu-00246-00105489-00105920 life it changes everything in my life it WwaP3yD3Kzu-00247-00105921-00106172 helps you untangle it helps you become WwaP3yD3Kzu-00248-00106173-00106781 untangle to be straight to be clear to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00249-00106782-00107635 be upright to be pure to be free from WwaP3yD3Kzu-00250-00107636-00108376 entanglement so little food for thought WwaP3yD3Kzu-00251-00108377-00108608 the food for thought with the idea that WwaP3yD3Kzu-00252-00108608-00109631 there's somehow relates to the issues of WwaP3yD3Kzu-00253-00109632-00109970 today that are not anything you have WwaP3yD3Kzu-00254-00109971-00110231 always been the issues of today and how WwaP3yD3Kzu-00255-00110232-00110638 we deal with alpa look to the Buddha's WwaP3yD3Kzu-00256-00110639-00110831 teaching to find some guidance on how to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00257-00110832-00111145 deal with issues to deal with the world WwaP3yD3Kzu-00258-00111146-00111401 even just to deal with our families with WwaP3yD3Kzu-00259-00111402-00111902 her friends with our relationship and WwaP3yD3Kzu-00260-00111903-00112043 learn to see them in the right way to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00261-00112044-00112404 see the tangle see how entangled we get WwaP3yD3Kzu-00262-00112405-00112678 but important to be right it's not WwaP3yD3Kzu-00263-00112679-00113000 important to try to make everyone see WwaP3yD3Kzu-00264-00113001-00113391 the way you do some important to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00265-00113392-00113691 wind this was the point that we're WwaP3yD3Kzu-00266-00113692-00113924 always trying to win and trying to WwaP3yD3Kzu-00267-00113925-00114307 conquer what we should be doing is try WwaP3yD3Kzu-00268-00114308-00115086 and got entangled to be free there you WwaP3yD3Kzu-00269-00115087-00115311 go there's the bundle for tonight thank WwaP3yD3Kzu-00270-00115312-00115737 you all for coming up have a good night WzqUxmYgyNM-00000-00000042-00000271 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00001-00000272-00000819 oh WzqUxmYgyNM-00002-00000819-00003575 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00003-00003576-00003989 so WzqUxmYgyNM-00004-00003990-00004996 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00005-00004997-00005210 [Applause] WzqUxmYgyNM-00006-00005211-00005774 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00007-00005775-00006359 [Applause] WzqUxmYgyNM-00008-00006360-00006559 so WzqUxmYgyNM-00009-00006559-00006889 [Applause] WzqUxmYgyNM-00010-00006890-00007340 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00011-00007341-00007518 [Applause] WzqUxmYgyNM-00012-00007519-00008327 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00013-00008328-00010887 [Music] WzqUxmYgyNM-00014-00010888-00011096 you W-085dKo-8Y-00000-00000128-00000379 so good morning everyone welcome to our W-085dKo-8Y-00001-00000380-00000643 workshop automatic back reporting for W-085dKo-8Y-00002-00000644-00000903 dummies my name is marcin good luck this W-085dKo-8Y-00003-00000904-00001093 is milk suki and we will guide you W-085dKo-8Y-00004-00001094-00001404 through this workshop together if you W-085dKo-8Y-00005-00001405-00001714 would have a problem or a question just W-085dKo-8Y-00006-00001714-00001935 raise your hand and Melek Mirek will try W-085dKo-8Y-00007-00001936-00002314 to help you with it W-085dKo-8Y-00008-00002315-00002643 and before we jump in I would like to W-085dKo-8Y-00009-00002644-00003088 ask you how many of you know what's BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00010-00003089-00003986 or ever nice thank you three hens W-085dKo-8Y-00011-00003987-00004510 so at first I will tell you something W-085dKo-8Y-00012-00004511-00004858 about the aprt and the components on the W-085dKo-8Y-00013-00004859-00005329 ERT and after this theory I will try to W-085dKo-8Y-00014-00005330-00005718 show you some commands that you might W-085dKo-8Y-00015-00005719-00006004 not be aware of in a BRT and what can W-085dKo-8Y-00016-00006005-00006631 you do and later we will try to create W-085dKo-8Y-00017-00006631-00006948 an event a custom event that can help W-085dKo-8Y-00018-00006950-00007248 you collect some information for your W-085dKo-8Y-00019-00007250-00007891 applications so yeah before we start you W-085dKo-8Y-00020-00007892-00008176 will need these three packages you W-085dKo-8Y-00021-00008177-00008452 should install them before the workshop W-085dKo-8Y-00022-00008453-00008869 I will use some of them the will crash W-085dKo-8Y-00023-00008870-00009271 is our testing package that has some W-085dKo-8Y-00024-00009272-00009492 grants that you can create cord amps or W-085dKo-8Y-00025-00009493-00010288 Viton exceptions in Java exceptions yeah W-085dKo-8Y-00026-00010289-00010710 I can show you so if you have to package W-085dKo-8Y-00027-00010711-00011049 install the wheel crash you can just do W-085dKo-8Y-00028-00011050-00011524 well and there's like several different W-085dKo-8Y-00029-00011525-00011803 commands that you can try again for W-085dKo-8Y-00030-00011804-00011980 example I can try the wheel segfault W-085dKo-8Y-00031-00011981-00012599 which will create a quorum W-085dKo-8Y-00032-00012600-00013032 and let's start with the e be artistic W-085dKo-8Y-00033-00013033-00013325 the abiotic consists of two components W-085dKo-8Y-00034-00013326-00013599 one of the one of them is client W-085dKo-8Y-00035-00013600-00013922 applications and other one is services W-085dKo-8Y-00036-00013922-00014202 the client applications usually run on W-085dKo-8Y-00037-00014203-00014774 your laptop or server or somewhere and W-085dKo-8Y-00038-00014775-00014905 abrt W-085dKo-8Y-00039-00014906-00015191 door the client application consists of W-085dKo-8Y-00040-00015193-00015311 the abrt W-085dKo-8Y-00041-00015312-00015803 if you have desktop you probably have no W-085dKo-8Y-00042-00015804-00016163 me BRT and also abrt uses two libraries W-085dKo-8Y-00043-00016163-00016449 one of them is so Libre port and other W-085dKo-8Y-00044-00016450-00016905 one is satire the services that a BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00045-00016906-00017272 provides is the ability panel --tx W-085dKo-8Y-00046-00017273-00017592 server which was formerly known as a W-085dKo-8Y-00047-00017593-00017944 faff what we decided to remove it to W-085dKo-8Y-00048-00017945-00018353 group together the branding and also the W-085dKo-8Y-00049-00018354-00018639 retrace server I will talk about the W-085dKo-8Y-00050-00018640-00018930 Liberty analytics and the retrace server W-085dKo-8Y-00051-00018931-00019244 and also about the IBRD economic liberty W-085dKo-8Y-00052-00019245-00020183 later so first let's start with a BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00053-00020184-00020555 you probably know this logo you might W-085dKo-8Y-00054-00020556-00020802 have saw some notification if something W-085dKo-8Y-00055-00020803-00021431 crashed on your system and BRT which W-085dKo-8Y-00056-00021432-00021605 provides some common line in file W-085dKo-8Y-00057-00021606-00022347 interface for the BRT you can you can W-085dKo-8Y-00058-00022348-00022919 try it well we can try it later and also W-085dKo-8Y-00059-00022920-00023219 a PRT provides some demons tools usually W-085dKo-8Y-00060-00023220-00023678 run in background and try to catch the W-085dKo-8Y-00061-00023679-00023928 the problems that happen on your system W-085dKo-8Y-00062-00023929-00024434 and also the stack traces you can W-085dKo-8Y-00063-00024435-00024715 install some add-ons for languages and W-085dKo-8Y-00064-00024716-00024936 different runtimes error W-085dKo-8Y-00065-00024937-00025436 runtime errors abrt can can catch peyten W-085dKo-8Y-00066-00025437-00025828 CC plop C++ Java Ruby W-085dKo-8Y-00067-00025829-00026377 oops problems PRTs provides some data W-085dKo-8Y-00068-00026378-00026873 processing components and also the W-085dKo-8Y-00069-00026874-00027152 ability is integrated in the cockpit if W-085dKo-8Y-00070-00027152-00027398 you have cockpit on your system or if W-085dKo-8Y-00071-00027399-00027968 you don't you can try to open the W-085dKo-8Y-00072-00027969-00028258 cockpit if you don't know it's on your W-085dKo-8Y-00073-00028259-00028330 localhost W-085dKo-8Y-00074-00028331-00028826 usually the port is 1980 and if you go W-085dKo-8Y-00075-00028827-00029668 to the locks and choose service abrt W-085dKo-8Y-00076-00029669-00030277 notification you can see you can see W-085dKo-8Y-00077-00030278-00030524 some of the crashes that EBRD catched W-085dKo-8Y-00078-00030525-00030964 and if you click one of the crashes W-085dKo-8Y-00079-00030965-00031268 you'll get just the basic journal W-085dKo-8Y-00080-00031269-00031552 information but they are set up with a W-085dKo-8Y-00081-00031553-00031967 problem info and that shows you what W-085dKo-8Y-00082-00031968-00032243 EBIT would normally show you with W-085dKo-8Y-00083-00032244-00032495 information about the crash and there's W-085dKo-8Y-00084-00032495-00032749 also more detailed information where you W-085dKo-8Y-00085-00032750-00033179 can see for example the core back-trace W-085dKo-8Y-00086-00033180-00033946 from the core dump or different another W-085dKo-8Y-00087-00033947-00034837 different files and also there's you can W-085dKo-8Y-00088-00034838-00035108 report the problems for the from the W-085dKo-8Y-00089-00035109-00035290 cockpit I've already reported the W-085dKo-8Y-00090-00035291-00035686 problem so it shows me that the problem W-085dKo-8Y-00091-00035687-00036058 was reported and there are so actually W-085dKo-8Y-00092-00036059-00036443 linked to the problem if I open it I W-085dKo-8Y-00093-00036444-00037452 already have sorry W-085dKo-8Y-00094-00037453-00038210 yep W-085dKo-8Y-00095-00038211-00039441 and also can you see from the back seats W-085dKo-8Y-00096-00039442-00039605 Oh W-085dKo-8Y-00097-00039606-00039809 well I think this is the problem W-085dKo-8Y-00098-00039810-00040301 actually so when you report it to a BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00099-00040302-00040577 sends something which we called micro W-085dKo-8Y-00100-00040578-00040826 reports which is just basic information W-085dKo-8Y-00101-00040827-00041324 about the crash it's usually it usually W-085dKo-8Y-00102-00041325-00041534 looks like this is the core back trace W-085dKo-8Y-00103-00041535-00041945 from the problem and it also has from W-085dKo-8Y-00104-00041946-00042287 which system it arrived the architecture W-085dKo-8Y-00105-00042288-00042614 of the system that the crash happened W-085dKo-8Y-00106-00042615-00043148 and also the versions which have which W-085dKo-8Y-00107-00043149-00043577 the package from which the back the W-085dKo-8Y-00108-00043578-00044138 crash came and also you have if you are W-085dKo-8Y-00109-00044139-00044414 a maintainer of the package that crashed W-085dKo-8Y-00110-00044415-00044738 or the component you cannot associate W-085dKo-8Y-00111-00044739-00045101 the micro reports or the reports with W-085dKo-8Y-00112-00045102-00045140 the W-085dKo-8Y-00113-00045141-00045656 bugzilla i've already did that and this W-085dKo-8Y-00114-00045657-00046372 is the bugzilla and if i scroll up to W-085dKo-8Y-00115-00046373-00046976 abrt adds the link back to the problem W-085dKo-8Y-00116-00046977-00047555 and when this and when you associate is W-085dKo-8Y-00117-00047556-00047999 back and try to or the abrt W-085dKo-8Y-00118-00048000-00048479 catches the back and you report it it W-085dKo-8Y-00119-00048480-00049190 actually sends you back the information W-085dKo-8Y-00120-00049191-00049514 that the problem is already reported W-085dKo-8Y-00121-00049515-00050257 bugzilla yes W-085dKo-8Y-00122-00050258-00052337 yes W-085dKo-8Y-00123-00052338-00053866 hmm W-085dKo-8Y-00124-00053867-00056350 I actually don't load it right now thank W-085dKo-8Y-00125-00056351-00056647 you W-085dKo-8Y-00126-00056648-00056911 that was the cockpit integration so W-085dKo-8Y-00127-00056912-00057274 let's continue we have to know a BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00128-00057275-00057457 deck Nami BRT is the graphical interface W-085dKo-8Y-00129-00057458-00057955 for a BRT you probably know it you can W-085dKo-8Y-00130-00057956-00058180 see the crashes that you BRT reported W-085dKo-8Y-00131-00058181-00058559 and see the date details just us in the W-085dKo-8Y-00132-00058560-00058831 cockpit and you can report the problems W-085dKo-8Y-00133-00058832-00059200 to different platforms like bugzilla you W-085dKo-8Y-00134-00059201-00059500 can also send mails or if you have W-085dKo-8Y-00135-00059501-00059824 Santos you can send emails the reports W-085dKo-8Y-00136-00059825-00061432 to Montes which is bugzilla for Santos W-085dKo-8Y-00137-00061433-00063205 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00138-00063207-00063738 and that was the client part of the abrt W-085dKo-8Y-00139-00063739-00063912 and then we have the services that W-085dKo-8Y-00140-00063913-00064173 ability provides and one of them is W-085dKo-8Y-00141-00064174-00064509 ability analytics I've talked about W-085dKo-8Y-00142-00064510-00064754 little bit about the problems but I will W-085dKo-8Y-00143-00064755-00065334 try to repeat it so the abrt grace micro W-085dKo-8Y-00144-00065335-00065651 reports and sends them if you have a BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00145-00065652-00066020 auto reporting enabled it sends them to W-085dKo-8Y-00146-00066021-00066186 Liberty analytics W-085dKo-8Y-00147-00066187-00066564 abrt no ethics process this micro report W-085dKo-8Y-00148-00066565-00067107 and creates what we call report later a W-085dKo-8Y-00149-00067108-00067389 PR team digs from these reports try to W-085dKo-8Y-00150-00067390-00067644 group them together by similarity and W-085dKo-8Y-00151-00067645-00068025 creates problems if you open the this W-085dKo-8Y-00152-00068026-00068535 link and I will show you some problem W-085dKo-8Y-00153-00068536-00068837 that I have already prepared you can see W-085dKo-8Y-00154-00068838-00069168 this is already the problem that was W-085dKo-8Y-00155-00069169-00069447 created by a BRT analytics Evan if you W-085dKo-8Y-00156-00069448-00069839 scroll down you can go to the different W-085dKo-8Y-00157-00069840-00070479 report tabs and if I just quickly go W-085dKo-8Y-00158-00070480-00070827 through them I can actually see that the W-085dKo-8Y-00159-00070828-00071232 only thing that's changing is the W-085dKo-8Y-00160-00071233-00071607 version of the Java and there's also W-085dKo-8Y-00161-00071608-00071940 option to do a back-trace diff and I can W-085dKo-8Y-00162-00071941-00072534 show you now hopefully - yeah so these W-085dKo-8Y-00163-00072535-00072957 four lines change so brt analytics try W-085dKo-8Y-00164-00072958-00073434 to group them together so this these W-085dKo-8Y-00165-00073435-00074245 problems are together W-085dKo-8Y-00166-00074246-00074504 APR 10 Olympics also provides you with W-085dKo-8Y-00167-00074505-00074693 the statistics of the incoming reports W-085dKo-8Y-00168-00074694-00075095 you can see what's crashing in your W-085dKo-8Y-00169-00075096-00075512 application and basic in overview of the W-085dKo-8Y-00170-00075513-00075938 component what's what type of crashes do W-085dKo-8Y-00171-00075939-00076379 you have we have this retraced server on W-085dKo-8Y-00172-00076380-00076664 the federal project running but you can W-085dKo-8Y-00173-00076665-00076928 also create your own instance we have a W-085dKo-8Y-00174-00076929-00077443 docker image available if you run docker W-085dKo-8Y-00175-00077444-00078403 pool BRT and a 5 image and also a BRT W-085dKo-8Y-00176-00078404-00078755 Postgres instance from us you can set up W-085dKo-8Y-00177-00078756-00079073 the faff and report the crashes to your W-085dKo-8Y-00178-00079074-00079331 instance and see what's happening on W-085dKo-8Y-00179-00079332-00079508 your system and you don't have to send W-085dKo-8Y-00180-00079509-00080122 it to RIT Reserve and let's continue W-085dKo-8Y-00181-00080123-00080423 then we have the retraced server the W-085dKo-8Y-00182-00080424-00080675 rate a server provides the remote ray W-085dKo-8Y-00183-00080676-00081005 tracing of core dumps usually when W-085dKo-8Y-00184-00081006-00081353 something crashes and it creates a core W-085dKo-8Y-00185-00081354-00081697 dump the core damn contains just W-085dKo-8Y-00186-00081698-00081995 pointers to memory and it's not really W-085dKo-8Y-00187-00081996-00082241 human readable and if you want to make W-085dKo-8Y-00188-00082242-00082424 it human readable you have to don't want W-085dKo-8Y-00189-00082425-00082874 a lot of debug packages and it's not W-085dKo-8Y-00190-00082875-00083108 just for your application ball but also W-085dKo-8Y-00191-00083109-00083386 the dependencies so you have like huge W-085dKo-8Y-00192-00083387-00083687 amount of data that you have to download W-085dKo-8Y-00193-00083688-00083987 and find so the right edge server tries W-085dKo-8Y-00194-00083988-00084299 to solve this by allowing you sand in W-085dKo-8Y-00195-00084300-00084700 the core dump to our server which then W-085dKo-8Y-00196-00084701-00085034 processes this core dump and sends you W-085dKo-8Y-00197-00085035-00085262 back the back trace that's in human W-085dKo-8Y-00198-00085263-00085703 readable format so it should save you W-085dKo-8Y-00199-00085704-00085904 time you don't have to look for these W-085dKo-8Y-00200-00085905-00086123 different packages and also it should W-085dKo-8Y-00201-00086124-00086477 save you the storage or the space on W-085dKo-8Y-00202-00086478-00086765 your system because this debug info W-085dKo-8Y-00203-00086766-00087103 packages are usually huge W-085dKo-8Y-00204-00087104-00087403 and that was the theory part now we can W-085dKo-8Y-00205-00087404-00087706 continue with the workshop if you have W-085dKo-8Y-00206-00087707-00088404 the ability installed I can go to do W-085dKo-8Y-00207-00088405-00088849 terminal and the first one that I would W-085dKo-8Y-00208-00088850-00089637 like to show you is the the basic W-085dKo-8Y-00209-00089638-00089884 command if you have the newest version W-085dKo-8Y-00210-00089885-00090154 of or the latest version of a BRT which W-085dKo-8Y-00211-00090155-00090580 you can do just a BRT and it will rescue W-085dKo-8Y-00212-00090581-00090969 the crashes that you have on your system W-085dKo-8Y-00213-00090970-00091305 and this is just basically what kind of W-085dKo-8Y-00214-00091306-00091569 crashes do you have from which kind of W-085dKo-8Y-00215-00091570-00091753 components and when this happened and W-085dKo-8Y-00216-00091754-00093008 also the I can is this enough W-085dKo-8Y-00217-00093009-00093368 so if you want to try it you can run the W-085dKo-8Y-00218-00093369-00093698 EBR t-tell so if you have if you want W-085dKo-8Y-00219-00093699-00093961 more detailed information you can do a W-085dKo-8Y-00220-00093962-00094666 BRT a list and this will show you what W-085dKo-8Y-00221-00094667-00095062 for where did you send the reports and W-085dKo-8Y-00222-00095063-00095519 also if if the report was already W-085dKo-8Y-00223-00095520-00095714 reported it will show you that it was W-085dKo-8Y-00224-00095715-00096152 sent to this or it was if you report it W-085dKo-8Y-00225-00096153-00096347 to Bugzilla it will show you the link to W-085dKo-8Y-00226-00096348-00096548 Bugzilla and you will know that you W-085dKo-8Y-00227-00096549-00097073 already reported this problem and EBRD W-085dKo-8Y-00228-00097074-00097319 should prevent you from already W-085dKo-8Y-00229-00097320-00097565 reporting the reported problems and I W-085dKo-8Y-00230-00097566-00098023 will show you later another command is a W-085dKo-8Y-00231-00098024-00098528 BRT in 4 and if you type it just like W-085dKo-8Y-00232-00098529-00098828 that the PRT info it will show you the W-085dKo-8Y-00233-00098829-00099035 detailed information about the latest W-085dKo-8Y-00234-00099036-00099500 crash but you can also select it the W-085dKo-8Y-00235-00099501-00099965 problem by the ID so I can forgive for W-085dKo-8Y-00236-00099966-00100622 example choose this this one and it will W-085dKo-8Y-00237-00100623-00100937 show me more detailed information it's W-085dKo-8Y-00238-00100938-00101438 not all the information but it adds the W-085dKo-8Y-00239-00101439-00101711 command line and some more information W-085dKo-8Y-00240-00101712-00102404 like the package that it came from then W-085dKo-8Y-00241-00102405-00102704 there is a command which you probably W-085dKo-8Y-00242-00102705-00103321 don't know about and it's a BRT gdb and W-085dKo-8Y-00243-00103322-00103877 if you again select the ID which was W-085dKo-8Y-00244-00103878-00104779 this one it will ok this one is not W-085dKo-8Y-00245-00104780-00105184 oh it's Java so actually the latest one W-085dKo-8Y-00246-00105185-00105673 is gdb all right goddamn it will start W-085dKo-8Y-00247-00105674-00106198 the gdb and if you have debug info W-085dKo-8Y-00248-00106199-00106471 packages it will already show you the W-085dKo-8Y-00249-00106472-00107413 human readable format but if you don't W-085dKo-8Y-00250-00107414-00107732 have if you don't have to debug info W-085dKo-8Y-00251-00107733-00108546 packages you can execute abrt debug info W-085dKo-8Y-00252-00108547-00109082 install and this will try to install the W-085dKo-8Y-00253-00109083-00109336 debug info packages from the build IDs W-085dKo-8Y-00254-00109337-00109627 that EBIT collects from the core down W-085dKo-8Y-00255-00109628-00110071 and I already have the packages W-085dKo-8Y-00256-00110072-00110440 installed so it also created the W-085dKo-8Y-00257-00110441-00111307 back-trace for me during this process if W-085dKo-8Y-00258-00111308-00111553 you want to get the back trace from the W-085dKo-8Y-00259-00111554-00111895 retrace server and you don't want to W-085dKo-8Y-00260-00111896-00112471 report it you can execute abrt retrace W-085dKo-8Y-00261-00112472-00112996 command i've already have to back-trace W-085dKo-8Y-00262-00112997-00113415 so it will tell me that I've already W-085dKo-8Y-00263-00113416-00113728 factories created and asked me if I want W-085dKo-8Y-00264-00113729-00114127 to show it I don't want now so I will do W-085dKo-8Y-00265-00114128-00114697 I will force the retrace to execute and W-085dKo-8Y-00266-00114698-00114951 it will ask me if I want to do the local W-085dKo-8Y-00267-00114952-00115273 retracing which will try to don't run W-085dKo-8Y-00268-00115274-00115720 the debug info packages or I can use the W-085dKo-8Y-00269-00115721-00116125 or I can use the retrace server and send W-085dKo-8Y-00270-00116126-00116425 send a command to core dump to retrace W-085dKo-8Y-00271-00116426-00116949 server I can try it now W-085dKo-8Y-00272-00116950-00117445 it will take some time I already have W-085dKo-8Y-00273-00117446-00117751 have it somewhere yeah so this is then W-085dKo-8Y-00274-00117752-00118083 the output of the command will W-085dKo-8Y-00275-00118083-00118523 and the core Dom then process it and W-085dKo-8Y-00276-00118524-00118932 after while it will can you generate the W-085dKo-8Y-00277-00118933-00119289 back-trace and send me back the human W-085dKo-8Y-00278-00119290-00119571 readable back trace and then you can use W-085dKo-8Y-00279-00119572-00120685 the PRT report command that will start W-085dKo-8Y-00280-00120686-00121338 to many sessions opened well live demo W-085dKo-8Y-00281-00121339-00122001 but you can try it in your system W-085dKo-8Y-00282-00122002-00122363 hopefully there's nothing broken line W-085dKo-8Y-00283-00122364-00122804 and it will it should show you where you W-085dKo-8Y-00284-00122805-00123071 want to report it and then ask you for W-085dKo-8Y-00285-00123072-00123399 Bugzilla ID bugzilla logins and W-085dKo-8Y-00286-00123400-00123738 passwords and you can we report the W-085dKo-8Y-00287-00123739-00124938 problem to Bugzilla W-085dKo-8Y-00288-00124939-00125268 yeah and if you don't want to or if you W-085dKo-8Y-00289-00125269-00125510 have to debug info packages installed W-085dKo-8Y-00290-00125511-00125820 and you just want to see what's what W-085dKo-8Y-00291-00125821-00126103 crashed you can run the IBRD gdb and W-085dKo-8Y-00292-00126104-00126603 then continue with the gdb directly and W-085dKo-8Y-00293-00126604-00127286 you don't have to you don't have to run W-085dKo-8Y-00294-00127288-00127604 the gdb and find the core dump you can W-085dKo-8Y-00295-00127605-00127983 just do this and you have it ready for W-085dKo-8Y-00296-00127983-00128723 you to debug the crash yeah that's W-085dKo-8Y-00297-00128724-00129477 permission and now we can try to create W-085dKo-8Y-00298-00129478-00129876 event the custom event so if you want to W-085dKo-8Y-00299-00129877-00130241 try it with me you can create a new file W-085dKo-8Y-00300-00130242-00130872 you will need to be privileged user so W-085dKo-8Y-00301-00130873-00131190 for example if you create file floc W-085dKo-8Y-00302-00131191-00131760 event but come that conf which i already W-085dKo-8Y-00303-00131761-00133685 have or should I W-085dKo-8Y-00304-00133686-00135101 and I don't have it W-085dKo-8Y-00305-00135102-00135941 and paste this W-085dKo-8Y-00306-00135942-00136638 well I will have to type it W-085dKo-8Y-00307-00136639-00137034 but first I can probably explain you W-085dKo-8Y-00308-00137035-00137346 what this does with the event W-085dKo-8Y-00309-00137347-00138158 it's W-085dKo-8Y-00310-00138159-00138473 it's a word that a BRT tries to find in W-085dKo-8Y-00311-00138474-00139114 these files and it then executes when W-085dKo-8Y-00312-00139115-00139562 when this notify happens and the notify W-085dKo-8Y-00313-00139563-00139898 happens when something crashes and abrt W-085dKo-8Y-00314-00139899-00140402 shows you the notification there is also W-085dKo-8Y-00315-00140403-00140753 possibility to create the event during W-085dKo-8Y-00316-00140754-00141497 the post-processing of the crash but the W-085dKo-8Y-00317-00141498-00141797 notify is probably better then you can W-085dKo-8Y-00318-00141798-00142259 select something like component or you W-085dKo-8Y-00319-00142260-00142427 have more options you can actually W-085dKo-8Y-00320-00142428-00142991 choose also package version or other W-085dKo-8Y-00321-00142992-00144315 different options and the W-085dKo-8Y-00322-00144316-00144561 the other options are come from this W-085dKo-8Y-00323-00144562-00145203 problem directory you can choose package W-085dKo-8Y-00324-00145204-00145545 name for example which is your crash or W-085dKo-8Y-00325-00145546-00146415 if you want to match package version you W-085dKo-8Y-00326-00146416-00147113 can also do that and it will try to W-085dKo-8Y-00327-00147114-00147704 match this version but there's also W-085dKo-8Y-00328-00147705-00148058 opportunity for recap red grapes W-085dKo-8Y-00329-00148059-00148710 Greek X regular expressions and it will W-085dKo-8Y-00330-00148711-00148962 go through the file and try to find the W-085dKo-8Y-00331-00148963-00149351 matches in that file and then there is W-085dKo-8Y-00332-00149352-00149706 second part of it of this and it's the W-085dKo-8Y-00333-00149707-00150708 echo line if you want to put something W-085dKo-8Y-00334-00150709-00151377 or create some kind of file that or find W-085dKo-8Y-00335-00151378-00151637 some kind of information about your W-085dKo-8Y-00336-00151638-00152127 component and we don't collect it you W-085dKo-8Y-00337-00152128-00152502 can do you can for example copy some W-085dKo-8Y-00338-00152503-00153102 block files or execute some kind of W-085dKo-8Y-00339-00153103-00153446 command that will create a new file and W-085dKo-8Y-00340-00153447-00153774 it will create this file in the problem W-085dKo-8Y-00341-00153775-00154182 directory where the the IBRD collects W-085dKo-8Y-00342-00154183-00154623 these crashes and during the reporting W-085dKo-8Y-00343-00154624-00155168 it will add this file to the report and W-085dKo-8Y-00344-00155169-00155634 i've already did this before so when you W-085dKo-8Y-00345-00155635-00156032 send the PAC report to the bugzilla and W-085dKo-8Y-00346-00156033-00156729 select that you want to send a the sent W-085dKo-8Y-00347-00156730-00157257 a file that you've created it will be W-085dKo-8Y-00348-00157258-00157452 arty will include it in the report W-085dKo-8Y-00349-00157453-00157692 and for example this one W-085dKo-8Y-00350-00157693-00158316 I've created before is the flock file W-085dKo-8Y-00351-00158317-00158658 and it will show you the hello from frog W-085dKo-8Y-00352-00158659-00159519 flock in Budapest so if you want to try W-085dKo-8Y-00353-00159520-00160212 it yourself you can do it now and we'll W-085dKo-8Y-00354-00160213-00160500 have problem with it I can Titus's you W-085dKo-8Y-00355-00160501-00161172 the the scripts should be right written W-085dKo-8Y-00356-00161173-00161742 in bash and the first line the event W-085dKo-8Y-00357-00161743-00162378 should be there shouldn't be no space W-085dKo-8Y-00358-00162379-00162780 before that but the the following like W-085dKo-8Y-00359-00162781-00163346 the echo should be spaced or tapped or W-085dKo-8Y-00360-00163347-00163887 just comment it and it wouldn't execute W-085dKo-8Y-00361-00163888-00164640 these commands in in order W-085dKo-8Y-00362-00164641-00165389 yet this is the different different W-085dKo-8Y-00363-00165390-00165744 different times when the event events W-085dKo-8Y-00364-00165745-00166035 can happen one of them is post create W-085dKo-8Y-00365-00166036-00166470 then there is to notify and to selecting W-085dKo-8Y-00366-00166471-00166764 the values is the the first one is the W-085dKo-8Y-00367-00166765-00167207 key and wall its we will try to match it W-085dKo-8Y-00368-00167208-00168342 yes yes I forgot to mention so we W-085dKo-8Y-00369-00168343-00168741 collect just basic information and you W-085dKo-8Y-00370-00168742-00169140 mind as a packaging maintainer it might W-085dKo-8Y-00371-00169141-00169398 not be enough for you to debug the W-085dKo-8Y-00372-00169399-00169799 problem so you can create this event and W-085dKo-8Y-00373-00169800-00170064 collect whatever information that you W-085dKo-8Y-00374-00170065-00170430 want from the crash and it would it will W-085dKo-8Y-00375-00170431-00172151 help you to debug the the problems and W-085dKo-8Y-00376-00172152-00172437 hardware or you want to integrate with W-085dKo-8Y-00377-00172438-00172914 your continuous integration so even can W-085dKo-8Y-00378-00172915-00173136 contain everything so you can like W-085dKo-8Y-00379-00173137-00173532 notify your custom integration system W-085dKo-8Y-00380-00173533-00176210 about this scratch or you can send as W-085dKo-8Y-00381-00176211-00177536 yeah by 24 APR for me about package but W-085dKo-8Y-00382-00177537-00177949 precious package W-085dKo-8Y-00383-00177950-00178438 a fibro market in when we are running W-085dKo-8Y-00384-00178439-00179975 container continue but you can customize W-085dKo-8Y-00385-00179976-00180446 it in a br to config orbital so so you W-085dKo-8Y-00386-00180447-00182842 can say and then you can W-085dKo-8Y-00387-00182843-00183448 any more questions or is anyone trying W-085dKo-8Y-00388-00183449-00184948 to create their own event when you do W-085dKo-8Y-00389-00184949-00185571 this it will create the file and it will W-085dKo-8Y-00390-00185572-00185902 create the file in the problem directory W-085dKo-8Y-00391-00185903-00186115 you can see the problem directory if you W-085dKo-8Y-00392-00186116-00186582 execute EBRD info and this path will W-085dKo-8Y-00393-00186583-00186924 show you where the IBRD store the W-085dKo-8Y-00394-00186925-00188324 problem details yes W-085dKo-8Y-00395-00188325-00189004 and if I showed W-085dKo-8Y-00396-00189005-00190228 counting what's the word information W-085dKo-8Y-00397-00190229-00191177 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00399-00199819-00200977 and here is the flock file W-085dKo-8Y-00400-00200978-00201358 and these events run under a privileged W-085dKo-8Y-00401-00201359-00201550 user so you should be careful what you W-085dKo-8Y-00402-00201551-00203028 do with the events W-085dKo-8Y-00403-00203029-00203141 yes W-085dKo-8Y-00404-00203142-00205357 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00405-00205358-00206594 you're putting distribution files W-085dKo-8Y-00406-00206594-00207161 yeah I know and enemies W-085dKo-8Y-00408-00211480-00212342 yes W-085dKo-8Y-00409-00212342-00213113 mm-hmm W-085dKo-8Y-00410-00213114-00215235 I think yes but I'm not sure so W-085dKo-8Y-00411-00215236-00215821 yes so the question was if PR T is you W-085dKo-8Y-00412-00215823-00217031 know in Ubuntu as well yeah well W-085dKo-8Y-00413-00217032-00217478 right now the ability is only in the W-085dKo-8Y-00414-00217479-00218452 Fedora CentOS and the real world but W-085dKo-8Y-00415-00218453-00218843 terrorists before we have an issue open W-085dKo-8Y-00416-00218844-00219047 that we want to support also the W-085dKo-8Y-00417-00219048-00219377 different different platforms like W-085dKo-8Y-00418-00219378-00221682 Debian Ubuntu and SUSE W-085dKo-8Y-00421-00232323-00232591 so there's W-085dKo-8Y-00422-00232592-00233233 EBRD command called PRT reporting so how W-085dKo-8Y-00423-00233234-00234076 to reporting W-085dKo-8Y-00424-00234077-00234364 and if you execute it it'll search I'll W-085dKo-8Y-00425-00234365-00234589 tell you if you have it enabled or W-085dKo-8Y-00426-00234590-00234883 disabled if you want to enable enable it W-085dKo-8Y-00427-00234884-00235423 you just type one or two or enabled and W-085dKo-8Y-00428-00235423-00236284 it should enable it and this one the IP W-085dKo-8Y-00429-00236285-00236604 PRT out reporting's W-085dKo-8Y-00430-00236605-00236898 means that the micro reports will be W-085dKo-8Y-00431-00236900-00237246 sent to the location where you want to W-085dKo-8Y-00432-00237246-00237532 report them by default that's the W-085dKo-8Y-00433-00237533-00237771 retrace server that federal project that W-085dKo-8Y-00435-00242992-00243280 can get from a police and if you check W-085dKo-8Y-00436-00243281-00244673 for the best W-085dKo-8Y-00437-00244673-00246177 what this is just for handle so many W-085dKo-8Y-00438-00246178-00246600 boxes you can see that there is a lot of W-085dKo-8Y-00439-00246601-00247296 brushes where your component is nearly W-085dKo-8Y-00440-00247296-00248792 ten thousand precious year so you can W-085dKo-8Y-00441-00248794-00249584 see how many times on each architectures W-085dKo-8Y-00442-00249585-00249840 in this statistic that you can even W-085dKo-8Y-00443-00249841-00250260 create some fancy graphs so musical in W-085dKo-8Y-00444-00250261-00250629 the BG version we start happening and in W-085dKo-8Y-00445-00250630-00250992 each version stop actually operate so W-085dKo-8Y-00446-00250992-00252330 for example for you are suggesting you W-085dKo-8Y-00447-00252331-00252894 have W-085dKo-8Y-00448-00252894-00253294 your key analytics and stop happening so W-085dKo-8Y-00449-00253294-00253615 you probably fix it a side effect of W-085dKo-8Y-00450-00253616-00253923 some other fix so you can very just W-085dKo-8Y-00451-00253925-00254277 speak because it's not happening anymore W-085dKo-8Y-00452-00254278-00254640 so it can give you a really nice way to W-085dKo-8Y-00453-00254641-00257148 solve some box W-085dKo-8Y-00454-00257150-00257476 can I ask just ask you did I convince W-085dKo-8Y-00455-00257477-00257806 you to try and create some custom report W-085dKo-8Y-00456-00257807-00257919 for your application W-085dKo-8Y-00457-00257921-00258321 so aprt can collect it and help you with W-085dKo-8Y-00458-00258323-00258604 debugging W-085dKo-8Y-00462-00270155-00271591 some some problem there is to Y what is W-085dKo-8Y-00463-00271592-00271846 usability of those reports where you W-085dKo-8Y-00464-00271847-00273021 need and there is a privacy of everybody W-085dKo-8Y-00465-00273022-00273301 especially you are reporting something W-085dKo-8Y-00466-00273302-00273610 from your company you probably don't W-085dKo-8Y-00467-00273611-00274030 want to be anything suspicious at all so W-085dKo-8Y-00468-00274031-00274513 we actually have listed things which are W-085dKo-8Y-00469-00274514-00275566 sensitive operating environment W-085dKo-8Y-00470-00275567-00276262 variables something AWS underscore we W-085dKo-8Y-00471-00276263-00276829 will wipe it away so it doesn't leak we W-085dKo-8Y-00472-00276830-00277546 have quite long list but when you try to W-085dKo-8Y-00473-00277547-00278081 report it there is you have W-085dKo-8Y-00474-00278082-00278324 to select and you see what's going to be W-085dKo-8Y-00475-00278325-00278764 report included that private channel so W-085dKo-8Y-00476-00278765-00279161 it's up to user to decide it is this W-085dKo-8Y-00477-00279162-00279446 report private and in nature W-085dKo-8Y-00478-00279447-00280202 yes then yes they think is surprised I'm W-085dKo-8Y-00479-00280203-00280541 not sure where the variety is like pop W-085dKo-8Y-00480-00280542-00280871 up several other dialog boxes I do W-085dKo-8Y-00481-00280872-00281006 really big things private W-085dKo-8Y-00482-00281007-00283772 yes but we don't need so yes W-085dKo-8Y-00484-00289632-00291102 crash W-085dKo-8Y-00485-00291103-00293592 and always W-085dKo-8Y-00486-00293593-00293919 because users programs which are run by W-085dKo-8Y-00487-00293920-00294495 users as particular session they often W-085dKo-8Y-00488-00294496-00296988 contain information W-085dKo-8Y-00489-00296989-00297394 no we don't because some of them can be W-085dKo-8Y-00490-00297395-00298647 huge and there's a limit in Bugzilla W-085dKo-8Y-00491-00298648-00300189 what lux do you mean W-085dKo-8Y-00492-00300190-00300547 well there was a problem that usually in W-085dKo-8Y-00493-00300548-00301009 the in the warlock there or maybe it's W-085dKo-8Y-00494-00301010-00301504 that we have just basic we try to match W-085dKo-8Y-00495-00301505-00301858 the name of the package or the component W-085dKo-8Y-00496-00301859-00302032 that crashed and try to find it in the W-085dKo-8Y-00497-00302033-00302445 lock and it's I think three minutes back W-085dKo-8Y-00498-00302446-00302833 from the crash that happened and during W-085dKo-8Y-00499-00302834-00303013 the time they're usually wearing that W-085dKo-8Y-00500-00303014-00305093 many locks or useful locks and W-085dKo-8Y-00501-00305094-00306525 I'm saying it's easy buddy W-085dKo-8Y-00502-00306526-00307551 yeah actually DNF or if we created two W-085dKo-8Y-00503-00307552-00309012 events and W-085dKo-8Y-00504-00309013-00309709 Oh W-085dKo-8Y-00505-00309710-00311108 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00507-00315079-00315523 if if if you can attach blocks from W-085dKo-8Y-00508-00315524-00315943 Journal right and do you have sort of W-085dKo-8Y-00509-00315944-00317655 Dusty's with this W-085dKo-8Y-00510-00317656-00319064 we are W-085dKo-8Y-00511-00319065-00319404 again so it's about pupae like all W-085dKo-8Y-00512-00319405-00319798 information from this system W-085dKo-8Y-00513-00319799-00320260 yeah like all you risk that people will W-085dKo-8Y-00514-00320261-00321113 refuse so here will I get just from the W-085dKo-8Y-00515-00321114-00321731 DNA W-085dKo-8Y-00519-00341052-00341373 that's more kitchen this is still the W-085dKo-8Y-00520-00341374-00341652 shoe and I used to want to be report it W-085dKo-8Y-00521-00341653-00342915 but you don't want to be in therapy but W-085dKo-8Y-00523-00346814-00347595 you're getting suspicious W-085dKo-8Y-00524-00347596-00349867 ruby's support or W-085dKo-8Y-00525-00349868-00350792 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00526-00350793-00352222 yes W-085dKo-8Y-00527-00352223-00354706 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00528-00354707-00355078 yeah I'm saying that's probably should W-085dKo-8Y-00529-00355079-00355389 not be reported against party should be W-085dKo-8Y-00530-00355390-00357894 against this W-085dKo-8Y-00531-00357895-00360704 yeah so yes and you are in the bed rest W-085dKo-8Y-00532-00360705-00361089 so we find that it's your home but W-085dKo-8Y-00533-00361090-00361791 actually no correct so it should be W-085dKo-8Y-00535-00364867-00366502 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00536-00366503-00367649 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00537-00367650-00367979 I think it's actually possible to exit W-085dKo-8Y-00538-00367980-00368252 the reporting if you match it against W-085dKo-8Y-00539-00368253-00369618 some against some string you can quit W-085dKo-8Y-00540-00369619-00369800 the reporting and it shouldn't be W-085dKo-8Y-00541-00369801-00369896 reported W-085dKo-8Y-00542-00369897-00370148 the ability should stop report the W-085dKo-8Y-00543-00370149-00370373 reporting process but I've never tried W-085dKo-8Y-00544-00370374-00370495 it so W-085dKo-8Y-00546-00374379-00375704 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00547-00375705-00376130 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00548-00376131-00378136 yes W-085dKo-8Y-00549-00378137-00380297 there's W-085dKo-8Y-00550-00380298-00380777 I think that I should show is there W-085dKo-8Y-00552-00384782-00386257 we never W-085dKo-8Y-00554-00405628-00405926 and if you have any issues or problems W-085dKo-8Y-00555-00405927-00406245 you can send us an email or try to W-085dKo-8Y-00556-00406246-00406667 contact us on the IRC or just file a W-085dKo-8Y-00557-00406668-00407070 github issue and also we have a block W-085dKo-8Y-00558-00407071-00407325 with some articles about the stuff we do W-085dKo-8Y-00560-00413471-00413953 I don't think that's possible because we W-085dKo-8Y-00561-00413954-00414316 catch the crashes or we try to catch the W-085dKo-8Y-00563-00420797-00421139 I think W-085dKo-8Y-00564-00421140-00421587 but it won't be catched by a BRT because W-085dKo-8Y-00565-00421588-00421923 the first issue is the catching there W-085dKo-8Y-00566-00421924-00423264 and then there is the reporting and W-085dKo-8Y-00567-00423266-00426035 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00568-00426035-00426568 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00569-00426568-00428464 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00571-00435201-00435996 anything goes W-085dKo-8Y-00574-00447691-00450146 Pelin but W-085dKo-8Y-00575-00450147-00450438 maybe our teen actually doesn't right W-085dKo-8Y-00576-00450439-00450957 now support flat packs so yes we have W-085dKo-8Y-00577-00450958-00453225 plans to six black black packs which W-085dKo-8Y-00578-00453226-00454371 needs to be resolved in there are some W-085dKo-8Y-00579-00454372-00455367 technical W-085dKo-8Y-00580-00455368-00455632 yet that's one of the issues that we W-085dKo-8Y-00581-00455633-00456838 were trying to W-085dKo-8Y-00582-00456839-00457297 now we wouldn't wouldn't we didn't W-085dKo-8Y-00583-00457299-00457583 figure it this out yet we have ones how W-085dKo-8Y-00584-00457584-00458033 to or where there was something W-085dKo-8Y-00585-00458034-00458321 investigation Byron estas how to catch W-085dKo-8Y-00586-00458322-00458660 these crashes but proceeding with the W-085dKo-8Y-00587-00458660-00460822 debugging another issue and we didn't W-085dKo-8Y-00589-00464222-00464681 summer all right now Cabana so not W-085dKo-8Y-00590-00464682-00465364 nicely for you even we will work on open W-085dKo-8Y-00591-00465364-00465710 showing someone nasty your container is W-085dKo-8Y-00592-00465710-00466168 scratching because you don't know you W-085dKo-8Y-00593-00466169-00466343 don't need to even notice it because W-085dKo-8Y-00594-00466343-00466672 open source Martin your application W-085dKo-8Y-00595-00466673-00467466 fresh fresh kill the both spin under one W-085dKo-8Y-00596-00467467-00467783 transparent for you but it will happen W-085dKo-8Y-00597-00467784-00468091 inspect I'm doing one minute you may W-085dKo-8Y-00598-00468092-00468364 start getting problems so we would like W-085dKo-8Y-00599-00468366-00470489 to show some nice W-085dKo-8Y-00600-00470490-00470845 well actually you can turn on the W-085dKo-8Y-00601-00470846-00472585 notification if you go to do you know W-085dKo-8Y-00602-00472587-00473341 I don't think we W-085dKo-8Y-00603-00473342-00473768 except packages from European fusion W-085dKo-8Y-00604-00473770-00475228 really now it's well we pull the W-085dKo-8Y-00605-00475229-00475476 information from Federer project and W-085dKo-8Y-00606-00475477-00475807 from the PDC and it assigns you if you W-085dKo-8Y-00607-00475808-00476002 are at the maintainer it assigns you to W-085dKo-8Y-00608-00476003-00476247 that component so you can do this W-085dKo-8Y-00609-00476249-00476584 different like associating or archiving W-085dKo-8Y-00610-00476585-00478722 reports and W-085dKo-8Y-00611-00478722-00479239 that one W-085dKo-8Y-00612-00479239-00480072 I mean there's no option W-085dKo-8Y-00613-00480073-00480668 you can you can sit down some fire up W-085dKo-8Y-00614-00480670-00482671 our sage and say song just W-085dKo-8Y-00617-00491384-00491704 yeah no idea yeah I think I've heard W-085dKo-8Y-00618-00491705-00491968 some people suggesting that because W-085dKo-8Y-00619-00491968-00492858 actually W-085dKo-8Y-00621-00497285-00497717 yeah no sorry because I can actually W-085dKo-8Y-00622-00497718-00498160 show you we have like hundreds of them W-085dKo-8Y-00623-00498162-00499752 and going through them yeah W-085dKo-8Y-00624-00499753-00500163 right now yes but actually we embossed W-085dKo-8Y-00625-00500164-00500460 equal to or we disgusted we will W-085dKo-8Y-00626-00500460-00501231 probably buy this picture because no the W-085dKo-8Y-00627-00501232-00501410 young leaders agreed W-085dKo-8Y-00628-00501412-00501843 others are not able to because it's just W-085dKo-8Y-00629-00501843-00503972 for the means just or each idea users W-085dKo-8Y-00630-00503972-00505616 again but she privacy W-085dKo-8Y-00631-00505617-00505989 well the problem is that all it can W-085dKo-8Y-00632-00505990-00506241 contain the core dump with sensitive W-085dKo-8Y-00633-00506242-00507250 information yeah yeah but but I already W-085dKo-8Y-00634-00507251-00507499 saw Bugzilla reports with passports the W-085dKo-8Y-00635-00507500-00508541 bugzilla W-085dKo-8Y-00636-00508542-00510304 [Music] W-085dKo-8Y-00637-00510305-00511121 so we either have to change body move W-085dKo-8Y-00638-00511122-00512143 the community to handle this W-085dKo-8Y-00640-00516984-00518164 they never get back W-085dKo-8Y-00641-00518165-00518405 and also they're still optional for the W-085dKo-8Y-00642-00518406-00518647 user to just file the Bugzilla and do W-085dKo-8Y-00643-00518648-00518893 this manually but yeah that's why we W-085dKo-8Y-00645-00522080-00522460 right I know some people who don't send W-085dKo-8Y-00646-00522460-00522856 the core dumps to to the racerville W-085dKo-8Y-00647-00522857-00523153 and use the recursive ray-tracing on W-085dKo-8Y-00648-00523154-00523833 their systems W-085dKo-8Y-00649-00523834-00524058 but there are some issues with that as W-085dKo-8Y-00650-00524059-00524334 well because sometimes some of the W-085dKo-8Y-00651-00524335-00526937 debugging for maybe a still missing W-085dKo-8Y-00655-00538692-00538933 thank you for a girl for coming W-085dKo-8Y-00656-00538934-00539734 I hoped I hoped you learned something W-085dKo-8Y-00657-00539735-00540053 [Applause] WB_a08zDnHI-00000-00000012-00000167 hello and welcome viewers and WB_a08zDnHI-00001-00000168-00000491 subscribers of ABG news my name is olisi WB_a08zDnHI-00002-00000492-00000684 the son of nobe WB_a08zDnHI-00003-00000685-00001085 I would like to address the concerns of WB_a08zDnHI-00004-00001086-00001378 Zimbabwean exemption payment holders WB_a08zDnHI-00005-00001379-00001684 especially those who have failed their WB_a08zDnHI-00006-00001685-00002045 online applications for waivers who for WB_a08zDnHI-00007-00002046-00002309 one reason or the other have developed WB_a08zDnHI-00008-00002310-00002537 some fears that their money could have WB_a08zDnHI-00009-00002538-00002926 been missed blazed uh what is happening WB_a08zDnHI-00010-00002927-00003173 here is that there are some who have WB_a08zDnHI-00011-00003174-00003377 sent us uh WB_a08zDnHI-00012-00003378-00003599 there are concerns they've sent us WB_a08zDnHI-00013-00003600-00003935 messages raising concerns that they paid WB_a08zDnHI-00014-00003936-00004336 at the bank some weeks ago others paid WB_a08zDnHI-00015-00004337-00004679 some days ago but when they try and book WB_a08zDnHI-00016-00004680-00004847 their appointments they realize that WB_a08zDnHI-00017-00004848-00005159 that money is not showing so this is WB_a08zDnHI-00018-00005160-00005393 what I would like to address you about WB_a08zDnHI-00019-00005394-00005735 but before I go ahead may I kindly WB_a08zDnHI-00020-00005736-00005951 request you to subscribe to this channel WB_a08zDnHI-00021-00005952-00006329 to like this video and to share it so WB_a08zDnHI-00022-00006330-00006755 that not only do you remain uh up to WB_a08zDnHI-00023-00006756-00006991 date with what is happening to remain WB_a08zDnHI-00024-00006992-00007246 notified whenever we post something but WB_a08zDnHI-00025-00007247-00007625 also so that you can then uh spread the WB_a08zDnHI-00026-00007626-00007828 message to others maybe in a similar WB_a08zDnHI-00027-00007829-00008070 situation so that we don't keep on WB_a08zDnHI-00028-00008072-00008555 repeating uh one message because people WB_a08zDnHI-00029-00008556-00008837 they've raised it having would have WB_a08zDnHI-00030-00008838-00008957 raised some WB_a08zDnHI-00031-00008958-00009233 questions uh having missed previous WB_a08zDnHI-00032-00009234-00009460 broadcasts so WB_a08zDnHI-00033-00009461-00009742 what we are getting is that from a WB_a08zDnHI-00034-00009743-00009953 number of people we have received during WB_a08zDnHI-00035-00009954-00010301 the past three days more than 30 uh WB_a08zDnHI-00036-00010302-00010606 questions or messages from people who WB_a08zDnHI-00037-00010607-00010789 were assisted elsewhere WB_a08zDnHI-00038-00010790-00011123 but for one reason or another WB_a08zDnHI-00039-00011124-00011327 paid at the bank WB_a08zDnHI-00040-00011328-00011596 only to realize that WB_a08zDnHI-00041-00011597-00011873 that money is not showing on the portal WB_a08zDnHI-00042-00011874-00012005 so WB_a08zDnHI-00043-00012006-00012281 out age you WB_a08zDnHI-00044-00012282-00012635 to be very patient with whoever made the WB_a08zDnHI-00045-00012636-00012857 application for you for as long as they WB_a08zDnHI-00046-00012858-00013021 printed out WB_a08zDnHI-00047-00013022-00013343 the bank payment receipt and give it to WB_a08zDnHI-00048-00013344-00013835 you and the bank payment receipt has a WB_a08zDnHI-00049-00013836-00014033 reference number which begins with WB_a08zDnHI-00050-00014034-00014399 temporary residence waiver tiara WB_a08zDnHI-00051-00014400-00014686 Wu for as long as they give you that WB_a08zDnHI-00052-00014687-00014875 kind of uh WB_a08zDnHI-00053-00014876-00015286 a receipt and you went to pay using that WB_a08zDnHI-00054-00015287-00015430 particular reference WB_a08zDnHI-00055-00015431-00015683 there is nothing to worry about we have WB_a08zDnHI-00056-00015684-00016097 spoken to the VFS Global uh officials we WB_a08zDnHI-00057-00016097-00016391 have sent them messages and they WB_a08zDnHI-00058-00016392-00016717 acknowledge that there is a problem WB_a08zDnHI-00059-00016718-00017044 which keeps on popping up with their WB_a08zDnHI-00060-00017045-00017453 system and what happens is that some of WB_a08zDnHI-00061-00017454-00017699 these uh payments cannot be speedily WB_a08zDnHI-00062-00017700-00017825 captured WB_a08zDnHI-00063-00017826-00018269 on the VFS portal but what they advise WB_a08zDnHI-00064-00018270-00018407 is that WB_a08zDnHI-00065-00018408-00018629 when you are in that kind of a situation WB_a08zDnHI-00066-00018630-00019049 you need to then email them we have the WB_a08zDnHI-00067-00019050-00019336 email address two of them that you have WB_a08zDnHI-00068-00019337-00019643 to use but what you do is you send an WB_a08zDnHI-00069-00019644-00019775 email to them WB_a08zDnHI-00070-00019776-00020213 put your email put your ID number that WB_a08zDnHI-00071-00020214-00020561 is passport number your full name your WB_a08zDnHI-00072-00020562-00020861 reference number that is the tiara WB_a08zDnHI-00073-00020862-00021480 W number and uh also attach your bank WB_a08zDnHI-00074-00021481-00021917 payment proof the proof of payment so WB_a08zDnHI-00075-00021918-00022103 you send it to them it will take some WB_a08zDnHI-00076-00022104-00022271 time because you're not the only one WB_a08zDnHI-00077-00022272-00022450 there are many people who are in that WB_a08zDnHI-00078-00022451-00022703 particular situation we assisted others WB_a08zDnHI-00079-00022704-00023008 ourselves there is about 10 whose WB_a08zDnHI-00080-00023009-00023213 payments have not been captured but we WB_a08zDnHI-00081-00023214-00023393 have written some of them we have WB_a08zDnHI-00082-00023394-00023627 written three times to VFS and all they WB_a08zDnHI-00083-00023628-00023830 keep telling us is that once you have WB_a08zDnHI-00084-00023831-00024197 submitted once uh the the query you need WB_a08zDnHI-00085-00024198-00024364 to be very much patient WB_a08zDnHI-00086-00024365-00024780 because we're dealing with several WB_a08zDnHI-00087-00024781-00025091 of these concerns some of them from WB_a08zDnHI-00088-00025092-00025439 people are not on the Zep and therefore WB_a08zDnHI-00089-00025440-00025631 you need to be very much patient with us WB_a08zDnHI-00090-00025632-00025852 because we will address this eventually WB_a08zDnHI-00091-00025854-00026093 and they usually do address these kinds WB_a08zDnHI-00092-00026094-00026327 of issues there's no one no there's no WB_a08zDnHI-00093-00026327-00026549 one that we did assist beginning last WB_a08zDnHI-00094-00026550-00026801 year who had a particular a similar WB_a08zDnHI-00095-00026802-00026929 situation WB_a08zDnHI-00096-00026930-00027355 who we took uh it up with the WB_a08zDnHI-00097-00027356-00027731 VFS and that their problem not solved so WB_a08zDnHI-00098-00027732-00028012 just be patient do not think that people WB_a08zDnHI-00099-00028013-00028252 have misplaced your money is only WB_a08zDnHI-00100-00028254-00028468 because there is a problem with the vs WB_a08zDnHI-00101-00028469-00028967 with the VFS Global uh portal WB_a08zDnHI-00102-00028968-00029351 in as far as capturing your payment is WB_a08zDnHI-00103-00029352-00029639 concerned so that is what we had at this WB_a08zDnHI-00104-00029639-00029849 particular time please don't forget to WB_a08zDnHI-00105-00029850-00030052 subscribe to this channel like this WB_a08zDnHI-00106-00030054-00030395 video and share it and if you want that WB_a08zDnHI-00107-00030395-00030743 uh email address to send through to VFS WB_a08zDnHI-00108-00030744-00030929 so that they address this particular WB_a08zDnHI-00109-00030930-00031140 problem please WB_a08zDnHI-00110-00031141-00031457 uh send us a WhatsApp message don't WB_a08zDnHI-00111-00031458-00031901 explain anything just say VFS email and WB_a08zDnHI-00112-00031902-00032087 we will then WB_a08zDnHI-00113-00032088-00032374 send it to you we cannot broadcast it WB_a08zDnHI-00114-00032375-00032693 here because of obviously of obvious WB_a08zDnHI-00115-00032694-00032981 reasons there are people who are out WB_a08zDnHI-00116-00032982-00033179 there just to disturb the situation the WB_a08zDnHI-00117-00033180-00033487 process is just to insult people WB_a08zDnHI-00118-00033488-00033712 unnecessarily and we don't want to be WB_a08zDnHI-00119-00033713-00034145 part of that we are only uh sharing it WB_a08zDnHI-00120-00034146-00034535 so that people can be assisted WB_a08zDnHI-00121-00034536-00034895 can have their problems solved uh thank WB_a08zDnHI-00122-00034896-00035138 you very much WBcgfaAOeKo-00000-00000687-00001223 so WBcgfaAOeKo-00001-00001224-00001746 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00002-00001747-00001748 [Applause] WBcgfaAOeKo-00003-00001750-00002406 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00004-00002407-00002499 [Applause] WBcgfaAOeKo-00005-00002500-00003125 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00006-00003126-00003679 [Applause] WBcgfaAOeKo-00007-00003681-00003768 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00008-00003769-00003796 [Applause] WBcgfaAOeKo-00009-00003797-00004316 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00010-00004317-00004426 [Applause] WBcgfaAOeKo-00011-00004427-00004935 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00012-00004936-00005372 so WBcgfaAOeKo-00013-00005373-00008170 [Music] WBcgfaAOeKo-00014-00008170-00008831 [Applause] WBcgfaAOeKo-00015-00008832-00009040 you WDs1ztgRJWM-00000-00000000-00000415 is now time for members statements WDs1ztgRJWM-00001-00000416-00000615 i recognize the member from ottawa WDs1ztgRJWM-00002-00000616-00000831 center thank you speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00003-00000832-00001047 earlier this week a text message from a WDs1ztgRJWM-00004-00001048-00001215 russian soldier to his mother was WDs1ztgRJWM-00005-00001216-00001374 intercepted WDs1ztgRJWM-00006-00001375-00001543 the soldier wrote WDs1ztgRJWM-00007-00001544-00001710 we were told we would be greeted with WDs1ztgRJWM-00008-00001711-00002030 open arms but they call us fascists his WDs1ztgRJWM-00009-00002032-00002183 mother replied WDs1ztgRJWM-00010-00002184-00002455 are you still out for military drills WDs1ztgRJWM-00011-00002456-00002623 and the son replied WDs1ztgRJWM-00012-00002624-00002791 the only thing i want right now is to WDs1ztgRJWM-00013-00002792-00002926 kill myself WDs1ztgRJWM-00014-00002927-00003158 mom i'm in ukraine WDs1ztgRJWM-00015-00003159-00003319 this is a real war WDs1ztgRJWM-00016-00003320-00003454 i'm scared WDs1ztgRJWM-00017-00003455-00003647 we're firing at everyone WDs1ztgRJWM-00018-00003647-00003847 including civilians WDs1ztgRJWM-00019-00003847-00003967 speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00020-00003968-00004167 this is the inhumanity of a war that is WDs1ztgRJWM-00021-00004168-00004447 killing people as i say these words WDs1ztgRJWM-00022-00004448-00004727 this war this invasion of ukraine was WDs1ztgRJWM-00023-00004728-00004902 started by a maniac WDs1ztgRJWM-00024-00004903-00005191 determined to fight to the last drop of WDs1ztgRJWM-00025-00005192-00005359 somebody else's blood including this WDs1ztgRJWM-00026-00005360-00005543 soldier's blood WDs1ztgRJWM-00027-00005544-00005806 we've seen this kind of madness before WDs1ztgRJWM-00028-00005807-00005975 and we have the power in this world to WDs1ztgRJWM-00029-00005976-00006215 say no to it here in ontario we are not WDs1ztgRJWM-00030-00006216-00006470 powerless we can take action WDs1ztgRJWM-00031-00006472-00006695 i asked folks in ottawa to join me this WDs1ztgRJWM-00032-00006695-00006870 sunday at 2pm in front of the russian WDs1ztgRJWM-00033-00006872-00007055 embassy peacefully assembling with WDs1ztgRJWM-00034-00007056-00007239 ukrainian community to demand WDs1ztgRJWM-00035-00007240-00007559 that russia end its invasion of ukraine WDs1ztgRJWM-00036-00007559-00007734 your voice matters WDs1ztgRJWM-00037-00007736-00007910 nineteen years ago people all over the WDs1ztgRJWM-00038-00007911-00008134 world rose up to a looming invasion of WDs1ztgRJWM-00039-00008136-00008463 iraq canadians tens of thousands of us WDs1ztgRJWM-00040-00008464-00008623 motivated our government not to send WDs1ztgRJWM-00041-00008624-00008791 troops to that war which we now know is WDs1ztgRJWM-00042-00008792-00009103 based on false pretenses so join us this WDs1ztgRJWM-00043-00009104-00009206 sunday WDs1ztgRJWM-00044-00009207-00009391 stand up stand with the people of WDs1ztgRJWM-00045-00009392-00009503 ukraine WDs1ztgRJWM-00046-00009504-00010006 march and rally for peace WDs1ztgRJWM-00047-00010007-00010119 you WDs1ztgRJWM-00048-00010120-00010399 member statements WDs1ztgRJWM-00049-00010400-00010606 i recognize a member from markham WDs1ztgRJWM-00050-00010607-00010855 unionville thank you madam speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00051-00010856-00011183 today i'm happy to share about the 2022 WDs1ztgRJWM-00052-00011184-00011423 lunar new year event that i host in WDs1ztgRJWM-00053-00011424-00011574 february WDs1ztgRJWM-00054-00011575-00011803 this virtual celebration welcomed over WDs1ztgRJWM-00055-00011804-00012142 250 attendees from across markham WDs1ztgRJWM-00056-00012143-00012367 unionville and ontario WDs1ztgRJWM-00057-00012368-00012646 including our premier and many of our WDs1ztgRJWM-00058-00012647-00012894 caucus colleagues and we celebrate it WDs1ztgRJWM-00059-00012895-00013127 with local performances from the WDs1ztgRJWM-00060-00013128-00013271 community WDs1ztgRJWM-00061-00013272-00013511 madam speaker lunar new year brings WDs1ztgRJWM-00062-00013512-00013711 friends and families together to welcome WDs1ztgRJWM-00063-00013712-00013999 the new year and all the good fortune it WDs1ztgRJWM-00064-00014000-00014127 will bring WDs1ztgRJWM-00065-00014128-00014343 it brings towards chinese WDs1ztgRJWM-00066-00014344-00014663 korean vietnamese and many other WDs1ztgRJWM-00067-00014663-00014871 communities to celebrate the first new WDs1ztgRJWM-00068-00014872-00015191 moon of the nuna calendar WDs1ztgRJWM-00069-00015191-00015415 my riding has the highest concentration WDs1ztgRJWM-00070-00015416-00015735 of chinese canadians in ontario and this WDs1ztgRJWM-00071-00015736-00015983 event highlighted the contributions they WDs1ztgRJWM-00072-00015984-00016255 make to our community WDs1ztgRJWM-00073-00016256-00016463 with such a diverse riding the actions WDs1ztgRJWM-00074-00016464-00016639 of this government WDs1ztgRJWM-00075-00016640-00016943 to promote anti-racism have helped WDs1ztgRJWM-00076-00016944-00017247 residents feel safer WDs1ztgRJWM-00077-00017248-00017422 in this province WDs1ztgRJWM-00078-00017423-00017671 malcolm universe lunar new year event WDs1ztgRJWM-00079-00017672-00017927 was a celebration of the diversity of WDs1ztgRJWM-00080-00017928-00018255 culture of ontario and why it is WDs1ztgRJWM-00081-00018256-00018655 important to fight racism and hate in WDs1ztgRJWM-00082-00018656-00018974 all forms thank you mr speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00083-00018975-00019279 [Applause] WDs1ztgRJWM-00084-00019280-00019407 member statements the member for WDs1ztgRJWM-00085-00019408-00019591 kitchener center WDs1ztgRJWM-00086-00019592-00019727 speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00087-00019728-00019983 older adults need more than a plan they WDs1ztgRJWM-00088-00019984-00020127 need a vision WDs1ztgRJWM-00089-00020128-00020350 i learned that just the other day WDs1ztgRJWM-00090-00020351-00020622 i have a podcast that allows me to speak WDs1ztgRJWM-00091-00020623-00020791 to people from my riding of kitchener WDs1ztgRJWM-00092-00020792-00021007 center called people in my hood a WDs1ztgRJWM-00093-00021008-00021278 philosophical podcast and a few fridays WDs1ztgRJWM-00094-00021279-00021511 ago i was speaking to marcia smelly and WDs1ztgRJWM-00095-00021512-00021822 john lord who said to me as much as they WDs1ztgRJWM-00096-00021823-00022030 see the investments and changes for WDs1ztgRJWM-00097-00022031-00022230 older adults not just in the riding of WDs1ztgRJWM-00098-00022231-00022486 kitchener center but across the province WDs1ztgRJWM-00099-00022487-00022735 what they feel is missing is a vision WDs1ztgRJWM-00100-00022736-00022935 what's missing from the work that's WDs1ztgRJWM-00101-00022936-00023103 happening for older adults is an WDs1ztgRJWM-00102-00023104-00023271 opportunity to ensure that they can WDs1ztgRJWM-00103-00023272-00023391 thrive WDs1ztgRJWM-00104-00023392-00023639 ensure that they can make choices and be WDs1ztgRJWM-00105-00023640-00023830 supported no matter what it is that they WDs1ztgRJWM-00106-00023831-00024078 want to do and that actually reminded me WDs1ztgRJWM-00107-00024079-00024214 of my mommy WDs1ztgRJWM-00108-00024215-00024455 my mom graduated from york university WDs1ztgRJWM-00109-00024456-00024678 after completing her first bachelor of WDs1ztgRJWM-00110-00024679-00024991 arts at the tender age of 79 but i say WDs1ztgRJWM-00111-00024992-00025319 36 because i like christmas dinner WDs1ztgRJWM-00112-00025320-00025614 and when when my mom graduated i WDs1ztgRJWM-00113-00025616-00025887 remember how excited she was to realize WDs1ztgRJWM-00114-00025888-00026078 that there were people that would help WDs1ztgRJWM-00115-00026079-00026279 her as an older adult WDs1ztgRJWM-00116-00026280-00026495 achieve the educational successes that WDs1ztgRJWM-00117-00026495-00026711 she had always dreamed of but she had to WDs1ztgRJWM-00118-00026712-00026887 wait for us to be out of the house in WDs1ztgRJWM-00119-00026888-00027111 order to be able to access WDs1ztgRJWM-00120-00027112-00027383 older adults need to have spaces and WDs1ztgRJWM-00121-00027383-00027631 places where they can do more where they WDs1ztgRJWM-00122-00027632-00027879 can access anything that they want make WDs1ztgRJWM-00123-00027880-00028046 their dreams come true and be treated WDs1ztgRJWM-00124-00028047-00028231 with love care and compassion that they WDs1ztgRJWM-00125-00028232-00028547 so deserve thank you WDs1ztgRJWM-00126-00028548-00028790 [Applause] WDs1ztgRJWM-00127-00028791-00028967 member statements the member for markham WDs1ztgRJWM-00128-00028968-00029158 thornhill WDs1ztgRJWM-00129-00029160-00029287 speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00130-00029288-00029535 the world including ontario has been WDs1ztgRJWM-00131-00029536-00029751 experiencing change like we haven't WDs1ztgRJWM-00132-00029752-00029983 experienced in decades according to the WDs1ztgRJWM-00133-00029983-00030199 recent survey more than a half of WDs1ztgRJWM-00134-00030200-00030414 canadians say they can afford the cost WDs1ztgRJWM-00135-00030416-00030558 of living WDs1ztgRJWM-00136-00030560-00030743 affordability has become an issue for WDs1ztgRJWM-00137-00030744-00030870 many families WDs1ztgRJWM-00138-00030872-00031070 inflation rate went up to five percent WDs1ztgRJWM-00139-00031072-00031295 for the first time in 30 years just WDs1ztgRJWM-00140-00031295-00031518 yesterday the bank of canada raised its WDs1ztgRJWM-00141-00031519-00031902 benchmark interest rate to 0.5 percent WDs1ztgRJWM-00142-00031903-00032135 to help compact inflation WDs1ztgRJWM-00143-00032136-00032327 the survey goes on to state that WDs1ztgRJWM-00144-00032327-00032527 canadian household budget are becoming WDs1ztgRJWM-00145-00032527-00032815 skews as a price of food gasoline and WDs1ztgRJWM-00146-00032816-00033151 energy crisis mr speaker my constituency WDs1ztgRJWM-00147-00033152-00033367 office in mark and turndel often receive WDs1ztgRJWM-00148-00033368-00033583 calls surrounding the affordability of WDs1ztgRJWM-00149-00033584-00033711 living WDs1ztgRJWM-00150-00033712-00033895 dreaming of roof over the cats has WDs1ztgRJWM-00151-00033896-00034046 become a challenge in many people WDs1ztgRJWM-00152-00034047-00034246 especially for the younger generation WDs1ztgRJWM-00153-00034247-00034479 however our government have been taking WDs1ztgRJWM-00154-00034480-00034679 action and using ontario financial WDs1ztgRJWM-00155-00034680-00034887 firepower to support the people and WDs1ztgRJWM-00156-00034888-00035118 businesses in the province including WDs1ztgRJWM-00157-00035119-00035351 increasing the minimum wage to 15 WDs1ztgRJWM-00158-00035352-00035511 eliminating the license plate sticker WDs1ztgRJWM-00159-00035512-00035711 renewable fee and refund the millions of WDs1ztgRJWM-00160-00035712-00036039 drivers for fifths in march 2020 cutting WDs1ztgRJWM-00161-00036040-00036223 the cost of taking transit with a free WDs1ztgRJWM-00162-00036224-00036511 ride to end from core transit 75 million WDs1ztgRJWM-00163-00036512-00036711 dollar additional funding to support WDs1ztgRJWM-00164-00036712-00036943 further electricity costly for eligible WDs1ztgRJWM-00165-00036944-00037207 residents and farm and small businesses WDs1ztgRJWM-00166-00037208-00037351 along with the numerous other WDs1ztgRJWM-00167-00037352-00037559 initiatives mr speaker government WDs1ztgRJWM-00168-00037560-00037887 spending increased by 16.7 billion WDs1ztgRJWM-00169-00037888-00038039 compared to last year WDs1ztgRJWM-00170-00038040-00038279 this represents the single largest WDs1ztgRJWM-00171-00038280-00038511 year-over-year increase in programs WDs1ztgRJWM-00172-00038512-00038759 spending on record this initiative by WDs1ztgRJWM-00173-00038760-00038951 our government having welcoming news to WDs1ztgRJWM-00174-00038952-00039190 all residents of ontario thank you mr WDs1ztgRJWM-00175-00039191-00039655 speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00176-00039656-00039799 thank you member statements the member WDs1ztgRJWM-00177-00039800-00040095 for humber river black creek WDs1ztgRJWM-00178-00040096-00040230 thank you speaker there is an WDs1ztgRJWM-00179-00040231-00040535 affordability crisis in ontario the cost WDs1ztgRJWM-00180-00040536-00040687 of everything is through the roof and WDs1ztgRJWM-00181-00040688-00040918 it's still going up but even worse there WDs1ztgRJWM-00182-00040919-00041135 are individuals businesses heck entire WDs1ztgRJWM-00183-00041136-00041335 industries we're taking advantage of WDs1ztgRJWM-00184-00041336-00041567 consumers we get tricked into buying WDs1ztgRJWM-00185-00041568-00041743 things we don't need we get shoddy WDs1ztgRJWM-00186-00041744-00041927 service or products that we can't return WDs1ztgRJWM-00187-00041928-00042030 we're paying for things that have WDs1ztgRJWM-00188-00042031-00042215 doubled and tripled inexplicably WDs1ztgRJWM-00189-00042216-00042423 overnight they're gouging us and reaping WDs1ztgRJWM-00190-00042424-00042646 major rewards without penalty but we WDs1ztgRJWM-00191-00042647-00042911 have nowhere to turn because there is no WDs1ztgRJWM-00192-00042912-00043143 real consumer protection in ontario you WDs1ztgRJWM-00193-00043144-00043311 call the consumer hotline like over WDs1ztgRJWM-00194-00043312-00043574 thirty thousand did nothing happens you WDs1ztgRJWM-00195-00043575-00043751 go to the ministry they tell you to get WDs1ztgRJWM-00196-00043752-00043974 a lawyer the delegated authorities that WDs1ztgRJWM-00197-00043975-00044143 exist are more interested in protecting WDs1ztgRJWM-00198-00044144-00044374 those that they are meant to police WDs1ztgRJWM-00199-00044375-00044567 the new democrats of ontario have a WDs1ztgRJWM-00200-00044568-00044718 solution WDs1ztgRJWM-00201-00044719-00045062 bill 77 the ontario consumer watchdog WDs1ztgRJWM-00202-00045063-00045367 act real consumer protection in the form WDs1ztgRJWM-00203-00045368-00045551 of a consumer protection watchdog who WDs1ztgRJWM-00204-00045552-00045751 will sniff out consumer abuse and will WDs1ztgRJWM-00205-00045752-00046015 have the teeth to take real action we WDs1ztgRJWM-00206-00046016-00046167 will finally have what we deserve WDs1ztgRJWM-00207-00046168-00046335 someone watching our backs and punishing WDs1ztgRJWM-00208-00046336-00046543 those who take advantage of us the WDs1ztgRJWM-00209-00046544-00046727 ontario consumer watchdog act will be WDs1ztgRJWM-00210-00046728-00046958 debated in the house next tuesday march WDs1ztgRJWM-00211-00046959-00047055 8th WDs1ztgRJWM-00212-00047056-00047207 i'm calling on everyone in the house to WDs1ztgRJWM-00213-00047208-00047399 support our bill so that ontario WDs1ztgRJWM-00214-00047400-00047679 consumers finally get the respect and WDs1ztgRJWM-00215-00047680-00047967 protection we deserve it's long overdue WDs1ztgRJWM-00216-00047968-00048207 let's get it done WDs1ztgRJWM-00217-00048208-00048390 [Applause] WDs1ztgRJWM-00218-00048391-00048527 member statements the member for WDs1ztgRJWM-00219-00048528-00048695 chatham-kent leamington WDs1ztgRJWM-00220-00048696-00048895 very much speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00221-00048896-00049062 serving as the mpp for chatham-kent WDs1ztgRJWM-00222-00049063-00049167 leamington WDs1ztgRJWM-00223-00049168-00049358 now for over ten and a half years has WDs1ztgRJWM-00224-00049359-00049599 been many rewarding moments but perhaps WDs1ztgRJWM-00225-00049600-00049846 none more rewarding is this WDs1ztgRJWM-00226-00049847-00049983 it all started back when i was in WDs1ztgRJWM-00227-00049984-00050207 opposition the need for a new children's WDs1ztgRJWM-00228-00050208-00050367 treatment center in my community was WDs1ztgRJWM-00229-00050368-00050527 brought to my attention WDs1ztgRJWM-00230-00050528-00050695 even though the purpose and usage of the WDs1ztgRJWM-00231-00050696-00050967 center in ck had functioned for over 70 WDs1ztgRJWM-00232-00050968-00051158 years it became obvious that the current WDs1ztgRJWM-00233-00051159-00051335 facility had outgrown WDs1ztgRJWM-00234-00051336-00051502 its ability to properly serve the WDs1ztgRJWM-00235-00051503-00051758 families and children in my community WDs1ztgRJWM-00236-00051759-00051935 the number of children currently in need WDs1ztgRJWM-00237-00051936-00052302 has climbed to over 3 500 per year WDs1ztgRJWM-00238-00052303-00052591 aged from birth to 21 years but who says WDs1ztgRJWM-00239-00052591-00052815 perseverance doesn't pay off i never WDs1ztgRJWM-00240-00052816-00053071 gave up believing in advocating for and WDs1ztgRJWM-00241-00053072-00053238 pressing for much needed government WDs1ztgRJWM-00242-00053239-00053366 funding WDs1ztgRJWM-00243-00053367-00053566 and then it happened the government WDs1ztgRJWM-00244-00053567-00053703 approved partial funding for the WDs1ztgRJWM-00245-00053704-00053966 estimated 28 million dollar new build WDs1ztgRJWM-00246-00053967-00054207 complex the fifty five thousand square WDs1ztgRJWM-00247-00054208-00054407 foot facility when completed will WDs1ztgRJWM-00248-00054408-00054615 shorten weightless times improve overall WDs1ztgRJWM-00249-00054616-00054823 accessibility and provide increased WDs1ztgRJWM-00250-00054824-00055087 space for specialized therapy programs WDs1ztgRJWM-00251-00055088-00055247 the state-of-the-art facility will WDs1ztgRJWM-00252-00055248-00055438 support families and children through an WDs1ztgRJWM-00253-00055439-00055687 integrated model of centralized services WDs1ztgRJWM-00254-00055688-00055854 and recently over eight hundred and WDs1ztgRJWM-00255-00055855-00056087 forty thousand dollars uh was given this WDs1ztgRJWM-00256-00056088-00056247 year to help meet the growing demand for WDs1ztgRJWM-00257-00056248-00056430 these services in my community the WDs1ztgRJWM-00258-00056432-00056615 funding will go a long way in providing WDs1ztgRJWM-00259-00056616-00056838 services from hearing and speech therapy WDs1ztgRJWM-00260-00056839-00057126 to autism services physiotherapy and WDs1ztgRJWM-00261-00057127-00057350 occupational therapy in closing i WDs1ztgRJWM-00262-00057351-00057582 believe that every child deserves the WDs1ztgRJWM-00263-00057583-00057719 opportunity to reach their full WDs1ztgRJWM-00264-00057720-00057966 potential so congratulations to the WDs1ztgRJWM-00265-00057967-00058191 management team staff and the children WDs1ztgRJWM-00266-00058191-00058391 treatment center foundation WDs1ztgRJWM-00267-00058391-00058630 for all you've done to help make dreams WDs1ztgRJWM-00268-00058632-00058919 come true WDs1ztgRJWM-00269-00058920-00059191 thank you very much members statements WDs1ztgRJWM-00270-00059191-00059591 the member for scarborough rouge park WDs1ztgRJWM-00271-00059591-00059838 thank you mr speaker today i rise to WDs1ztgRJWM-00272-00059839-00060030 give a special shout out to all the WDs1ztgRJWM-00273-00060032-00060271 seniors in my riding of scarborough park WDs1ztgRJWM-00274-00060272-00060487 i want to take this time to recognize WDs1ztgRJWM-00275-00060488-00060719 how active seniors have been throughout WDs1ztgRJWM-00276-00060720-00060975 the pandemic in looking after each other WDs1ztgRJWM-00277-00060976-00061199 and keeping themselves involved in our WDs1ztgRJWM-00278-00061200-00061406 communities i had the opportunity to WDs1ztgRJWM-00279-00061407-00061654 meet with seniors in action a senior WDs1ztgRJWM-00280-00061655-00061926 group organized by seniors for seniors WDs1ztgRJWM-00281-00061927-00062166 that creates new opportunities for them WDs1ztgRJWM-00282-00062167-00062375 to stay both active WDs1ztgRJWM-00283-00062376-00062638 fiscally and mentally mr speaker i have WDs1ztgRJWM-00284-00062639-00062823 the opportunity to talk and meet and WDs1ztgRJWM-00285-00062824-00062919 talk with WDs1ztgRJWM-00286-00062920-00063119 two members lydia WDs1ztgRJWM-00287-00063120-00063494 kuazada and alicia suervo are two active WDs1ztgRJWM-00288-00063495-00063759 members of uh seniors in action and they WDs1ztgRJWM-00289-00063760-00063903 said throughout the pandemic these WDs1ztgRJWM-00290-00063904-00064206 seniors have met regularly at 8 00 am to WDs1ztgRJWM-00291-00064207-00064479 go on a walk mr speaker this is what WDs1ztgRJWM-00292-00064479-00064750 inspires me i also had the opportunity WDs1ztgRJWM-00293-00064751-00064966 to meet with seniors from frontline care WDs1ztgRJWM-00294-00064967-00065175 community center where they engage with WDs1ztgRJWM-00295-00065176-00065423 each other virtually WDs1ztgRJWM-00296-00065424-00065615 through innovative programs organized by WDs1ztgRJWM-00297-00065616-00065687 the WDs1ztgRJWM-00298-00065688-00065926 frontline care community center i must WDs1ztgRJWM-00299-00065927-00066231 also mention mr ramalingam a senior WDs1ztgRJWM-00300-00066232-00066535 leader at 1350 nielsen road building who WDs1ztgRJWM-00301-00066536-00066711 has been a champion in helping seniors WDs1ztgRJWM-00302-00066712-00066863 in his building WDs1ztgRJWM-00303-00066864-00067047 by engaging with my office and other WDs1ztgRJWM-00304-00067048-00067303 not-for-profit organization to bring hot WDs1ztgRJWM-00305-00067304-00067543 meals and groceries uh to all the WDs1ztgRJWM-00306-00067544-00067767 seniors throughout these toughest times WDs1ztgRJWM-00307-00067768-00068023 and also a give biggest shout out to mr WDs1ztgRJWM-00308-00068024-00068311 civilian siva loganadan or roojpak tamil WDs1ztgRJWM-00309-00068312-00068503 senior association for his leadership WDs1ztgRJWM-00310-00068504-00068711 throughout the pandemic mr speaker i WDs1ztgRJWM-00311-00068712-00068879 must say uh WDs1ztgRJWM-00312-00068880-00069143 engaging with seniors always makes my WDs1ztgRJWM-00313-00069144-00069663 heart full thank you mr speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00314-00069664-00069815 thank you member statements the member WDs1ztgRJWM-00315-00069816-00070103 for spadina fort york okay WDs1ztgRJWM-00316-00070104-00070238 thank you mr speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00317-00070239-00070447 i'm excited to announce that on january WDs1ztgRJWM-00318-00070448-00070631 6th my daughter aisha gave birth to a WDs1ztgRJWM-00319-00070632-00071199 beautiful baby boy named shane WDs1ztgRJWM-00320-00071200-00071438 yes my first time being a grandfather WDs1ztgRJWM-00321-00071439-00071511 and WDs1ztgRJWM-00322-00071512-00071687 having a grandchild pushes our time WDs1ztgRJWM-00323-00071688-00071903 horizon further into the future first WDs1ztgRJWM-00324-00071904-00072103 nations communities teach us that the WDs1ztgRJWM-00325-00072104-00072294 decisions we make today should result in WDs1ztgRJWM-00326-00072295-00072447 a sustainable world and healthy WDs1ztgRJWM-00327-00072448-00072679 relationships seven generations into the WDs1ztgRJWM-00328-00072680-00072879 future and in thinking about future WDs1ztgRJWM-00329-00072880-00073087 generations i think about the housing WDs1ztgRJWM-00330-00073088-00073271 crisis the cost of education but the WDs1ztgRJWM-00331-00073272-00073438 biggest crisis of all is the climate WDs1ztgRJWM-00332-00073439-00073655 crisis and i'm proud of the ndp's WDs1ztgRJWM-00333-00073656-00073855 commitment to protecting our environment WDs1ztgRJWM-00334-00073856-00074023 through a just transition to a green WDs1ztgRJWM-00335-00074024-00074255 economy by making new public sector WDs1ztgRJWM-00336-00074256-00074494 buildings carbon neutral by 2030 by WDs1ztgRJWM-00337-00074495-00074662 retrofitting existing buildings to the WDs1ztgRJWM-00338-00074663-00074903 world's most ambitious retrofit program WDs1ztgRJWM-00339-00074904-00075079 by providing subsidies for electric WDs1ztgRJWM-00340-00075080-00075262 vehicle charging stations and by WDs1ztgRJWM-00341-00075263-00075455 creating a million green economy jobs WDs1ztgRJWM-00342-00075456-00075703 for the green new deal ontario has the WDs1ztgRJWM-00343-00075704-00075926 capacity to transition to a green WDs1ztgRJWM-00344-00075927-00076159 economy last december i attended a WDs1ztgRJWM-00345-00076160-00076326 ribbon-cutting ceremony for an electric WDs1ztgRJWM-00346-00076327-00076535 ferry at billy bishop airport a WDs1ztgRJWM-00347-00076536-00076694 groundbreaking ceremony for a tall WDs1ztgRJWM-00348-00076695-00076887 timber building on george brown campus WDs1ztgRJWM-00349-00076888-00077031 and the launch of a three-wheeled WDs1ztgRJWM-00350-00077032-00077255 vehicle electric vehicle that's being WDs1ztgRJWM-00351-00077256-00077543 built and designed in ontario we need to WDs1ztgRJWM-00352-00077544-00077735 nurture this green tech capacity to WDs1ztgRJWM-00353-00077736-00077991 transition to a green economy our future WDs1ztgRJWM-00354-00077992-00078615 generations are depending on us WDs1ztgRJWM-00355-00078616-00078735 thank you WDs1ztgRJWM-00356-00078736-00078935 member statements the member for aurora WDs1ztgRJWM-00357-00078936-00079143 oak ridges richmond hill well thank you WDs1ztgRJWM-00358-00079144-00079319 very much speaker good morning to all my WDs1ztgRJWM-00359-00079320-00079494 colleagues speaker last year i was WDs1ztgRJWM-00360-00079495-00079767 honored to introduce bill 271 alongside WDs1ztgRJWM-00361-00079768-00079950 my good friend and colleague the member WDs1ztgRJWM-00362-00079951-00080167 for carleton our bill which would WDs1ztgRJWM-00363-00080168-00080359 officially proclaim the month of march WDs1ztgRJWM-00364-00080360-00080623 as persian heritage month speaker this WDs1ztgRJWM-00365-00080624-00080806 bill received unanimous consent in the WDs1ztgRJWM-00366-00080807-00080991 house so i want to thank all my WDs1ztgRJWM-00367-00080992-00081182 colleagues on both sides of the house WDs1ztgRJWM-00368-00081183-00081359 for supporting this bill WDs1ztgRJWM-00369-00081360-00081559 this is significant for the persian WDs1ztgRJWM-00370-00081560-00081759 community speaker because it officially WDs1ztgRJWM-00371-00081760-00081975 celebrates our culture and heritage WDs1ztgRJWM-00372-00081976-00082191 right here in our province it was an WDs1ztgRJWM-00373-00082192-00082343 honor to bring this bill forward to WDs1ztgRJWM-00374-00082344-00082599 recognize the important contributions WDs1ztgRJWM-00375-00082600-00082815 persian ontarians have and continue to WDs1ztgRJWM-00376-00082816-00083071 make in our province the nearly 200 000 WDs1ztgRJWM-00377-00083072-00083255 persian ontarians make the largest WDs1ztgRJWM-00378-00083256-00083438 concentration of persian people in the WDs1ztgRJWM-00379-00083439-00083623 entire community right here in our WDs1ztgRJWM-00380-00083624-00083911 province and since 1970 speaker persians WDs1ztgRJWM-00381-00083912-00084094 have played an important role shaping WDs1ztgRJWM-00382-00084095-00084262 the economic political social and WDs1ztgRJWM-00383-00084263-00084487 cultural landscape of our province WDs1ztgRJWM-00384-00084488-00084767 persian culture and history is among WDs1ztgRJWM-00385-00084768-00085023 very few others around the world mr WDs1ztgRJWM-00386-00085024-00085247 speaker to have thousands of years of WDs1ztgRJWM-00387-00085248-00085511 history and tradition and persian people WDs1ztgRJWM-00388-00085512-00085687 have been at the center of countless WDs1ztgRJWM-00389-00085688-00085815 empires WDs1ztgRJWM-00390-00085816-00086079 trade routes and cultures for centuries WDs1ztgRJWM-00391-00086080-00086262 the resilience and unwavering commitment WDs1ztgRJWM-00392-00086263-00086415 to helping others is what makes this WDs1ztgRJWM-00393-00086416-00086671 community so special speaker and as we WDs1ztgRJWM-00394-00086672-00086838 celebrate persian heritage month i want WDs1ztgRJWM-00395-00086839-00086975 to encourage everyone here in the WDs1ztgRJWM-00396-00086976-00087223 legislature and those watching at home WDs1ztgRJWM-00397-00087224-00087431 to learn and engage more with our WDs1ztgRJWM-00398-00087432-00087599 culture and learn about their history WDs1ztgRJWM-00399-00087600-00087806 i'd like to to thank the entire persian WDs1ztgRJWM-00400-00087807-00087982 community WDs1ztgRJWM-00401-00087983-00088150 for all they have done for the province WDs1ztgRJWM-00402-00088151-00088294 and for the support that they have WDs1ztgRJWM-00403-00088295-00088518 provided us and particularly the last WDs1ztgRJWM-00404-00088519-00088735 two years mr speaker they have made this WDs1ztgRJWM-00405-00088736-00088903 province a better place for all of us WDs1ztgRJWM-00406-00088904-00089159 and i'm excited to watch this community WDs1ztgRJWM-00407-00089160-00089359 grow and achieve great things thank you WDs1ztgRJWM-00408-00089360-00089615 very much speaker aonomidvara mahimaart WDs1ztgRJWM-00409-00089616-00090343 maher WDs1ztgRJWM-00410-00090344-00090575 the member for davenport thank you mr WDs1ztgRJWM-00411-00090576-00090671 speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00412-00090672-00090862 in this very moment the ontario medical WDs1ztgRJWM-00413-00090863-00091111 association estimates about 21 million WDs1ztgRJWM-00414-00091112-00091271 backlogged health care services WDs1ztgRJWM-00415-00091272-00091511 including life-saving surgeries doctors WDs1ztgRJWM-00416-00091512-00091767 visits diagnostic tests and while almost WDs1ztgRJWM-00417-00091768-00091982 a million people continue to live with WDs1ztgRJWM-00418-00091983-00092255 pain and anxiety and uncertainty WDs1ztgRJWM-00419-00092256-00092423 this government is refusing to WDs1ztgRJWM-00420-00092424-00092647 adequately fund hospitals and community WDs1ztgRJWM-00421-00092648-00092918 clinics ontarians have been driven into WDs1ztgRJWM-00422-00092919-00093143 fear fear of not getting needed health WDs1ztgRJWM-00423-00093144-00093415 care services on time fear of hospitals WDs1ztgRJWM-00424-00093416-00093591 and clinics not having the capacity and WDs1ztgRJWM-00425-00093592-00093815 staffing levels to address the backlog WDs1ztgRJWM-00426-00093816-00094006 fear of not being able to protect the WDs1ztgRJWM-00427-00094007-00094206 health and well-being of our loved ones WDs1ztgRJWM-00428-00094207-00094447 fear for their very own survival maria a WDs1ztgRJWM-00429-00094448-00094694 constituent in my riding of davenport WDs1ztgRJWM-00430-00094695-00094918 shared her fears with me she wrote to me WDs1ztgRJWM-00431-00094919-00095103 that she is afraid because our health WDs1ztgRJWM-00432-00095104-00095287 care system has been underfunded for WDs1ztgRJWM-00433-00095288-00095543 generations and is about to break maria WDs1ztgRJWM-00434-00095544-00095759 comes from a family of nurses and she WDs1ztgRJWM-00435-00095760-00095950 worries about the dangerous staffing WDs1ztgRJWM-00436-00095951-00096126 levels and our health care system's lack WDs1ztgRJWM-00437-00096127-00096382 of capacity to address even our WDs1ztgRJWM-00438-00096383-00096735 immediate needs we have to do better WDs1ztgRJWM-00439-00096736-00096926 catching up on the backlog is going to WDs1ztgRJWM-00440-00096927-00097199 take years the financial accountability WDs1ztgRJWM-00441-00097200-00097423 office estimates three and a half years WDs1ztgRJWM-00442-00097424-00097606 to clear the surgery backlog and over WDs1ztgRJWM-00443-00097607-00097799 three years to clear the diagnostic WDs1ztgRJWM-00444-00097800-00098103 procedures backlog and this is assuming WDs1ztgRJWM-00445-00098104-00098311 that hospitals operate above WDs1ztgRJWM-00446-00098312-00098503 pre-pandemic levels WDs1ztgRJWM-00447-00098504-00098782 we need for funding urgently WDs1ztgRJWM-00448-00098783-00098991 so i'm calling on this government WDs1ztgRJWM-00449-00098992-00099223 please listen to the advice of the WDs1ztgRJWM-00450-00099224-00099462 financial accountability office WDs1ztgRJWM-00451-00099463-00099782 and provide the 1.3 billion dollars WDs1ztgRJWM-00452-00099783-00100006 needed to clear the backlog patient WDs1ztgRJWM-00453-00100007-00100231 services now for maria and so many WDs1ztgRJWM-00454-00100232-00101062 others like her thank you mr speaker WDs1ztgRJWM-00455-00101063-00101318 is that the last statement WDs1ztgRJWM-00456-00101319-00101675 that's the last one WErIox4W9eI-00000-00000000-00000179 [Music] WErIox4W9eI-00001-00000180-00000437 one thing I have realized WErIox4W9eI-00002-00000438-00000719 that if God don't do it WErIox4W9eI-00003-00000720-00000965 it just won't get done WErIox4W9eI-00004-00000966-00001258 It's Gonna Take a Miracle WErIox4W9eI-00005-00001259-00001490 from WEMUdKI4sE0-00000-00000000-00000642 [Music] WEMUdKI4sE0-00001-00000643-00001174 [Music] WEMUdKI4sE0-00002-00001175-00001503 hello and welcome to the episode 252 of WEMUdKI4sE0-00003-00001504-00001647 what a fab day WEMUdKI4sE0-00004-00001648-00001982 i am your host simon mass today we'll WEMUdKI4sE0-00005-00001984-00002199 see the first hamburg residency of the WEMUdKI4sE0-00006-00002200-00002495 beatles hitting its midpoint the lads WEMUdKI4sE0-00007-00002496-00002726 working their way up the ladder of more WEMUdKI4sE0-00008-00002727-00003047 prestigious engagements and a change of WEMUdKI4sE0-00009-00003048-00003503 shape in one sinisterly known tune WEMUdKI4sE0-00010-00003504-00003751 on the evening of the 9th of september WEMUdKI4sE0-00011-00003752-00004038 1960 the beatles which beat best on WEMUdKI4sE0-00012-00004039-00004319 drums and stuckley from base performed WEMUdKI4sE0-00013-00004320-00004622 their 24th straight night at the indra WEMUdKI4sE0-00014-00004623-00004902 club in hamburg west germany WEMUdKI4sE0-00015-00004903-00005143 with this concert their first residence WEMUdKI4sE0-00016-00005144-00005591 in town reached its middle point WEMUdKI4sE0-00017-00005592-00005838 one year later in 1961 WEMUdKI4sE0-00018-00005839-00006054 the beatles would beat best still on WEMUdKI4sE0-00019-00006055-00006302 drums but with paul mccartney and bass WEMUdKI4sE0-00020-00006303-00006575 instead of stu sucliff performed at the WEMUdKI4sE0-00021-00006576-00006806 aintree institute in liverpool for WEMUdKI4sE0-00022-00006808-00007055 another bk promotions night WEMUdKI4sE0-00023-00007056-00007310 the lads had started to work regularly WEMUdKI4sE0-00024-00007311-00007551 with promoter brian kelly and its WEMUdKI4sE0-00025-00007552-00007791 organization WEMUdKI4sE0-00026-00007792-00008110 in 1962 the beatles played an evening WEMUdKI4sE0-00027-00008111-00008342 concert at the cavern club sharing the WEMUdKI4sE0-00028-00008343-00008646 bill with clinton ford a singer with a WEMUdKI4sE0-00029-00008647-00009063 couple of top 30 singles to his credits WEMUdKI4sE0-00030-00009064-00009374 and before closing the episode let me WEMUdKI4sE0-00031-00009375-00009583 remind you once again to visit WEMUdKI4sE0-00032-00009584-00009927 www.simonmass.com WEMUdKI4sE0-00033-00009928-00010238 support and see what you can do to make WEMUdKI4sE0-00034-00010239-00010391 the difference WEMUdKI4sE0-00035-00010392-00010614 of course you can well choose to do WEMUdKI4sE0-00036-00010615-00010846 absolutely nothing and i will still WEMUdKI4sE0-00037-00010847-00011103 appreciate your listening WEMUdKI4sE0-00038-00011104-00011391 but wouldn't it be better if we all did WEMUdKI4sE0-00039-00011392-00011670 our bit to help this community grow WEMUdKI4sE0-00040-00011671-00011959 just a thought the answer is yours WEMUdKI4sE0-00041-00011960-00012159 thank you WEMUdKI4sE0-00042-00012160-00012487 on the 9th of september 1968 chris WEMUdKI4sE0-00043-00012488-00012735 thomas assistant of producer george WEMUdKI4sE0-00044-00012736-00013015 martin received a note from martin on WEMUdKI4sE0-00045-00013016-00013271 his return to the emi studios from WEMUdKI4sE0-00046-00013272-00013391 holiday WEMUdKI4sE0-00047-00013391-00013663 martin announced thomas that he was WEMUdKI4sE0-00048-00013663-00013943 himself on a holiday and urged him to WEMUdKI4sE0-00049-00013944-00014151 make himself available to the beatles WEMUdKI4sE0-00050-00014152-00014471 from today until martin's return WEMUdKI4sE0-00051-00014472-00014735 thomas then became the de facto WEMUdKI4sE0-00052-00014736-00014983 appointed producer of the sessions WEMUdKI4sE0-00053-00014984-00015319 running for the remainder of september WEMUdKI4sE0-00054-00015319-00015543 thomas later commented that it took the WEMUdKI4sE0-00055-00015544-00015838 beatles some time to accept his presence WEMUdKI4sE0-00056-00015840-00015999 and his role WEMUdKI4sE0-00057-00016000-00016230 they didn't really needed a producer WEMUdKI4sE0-00058-00016231-00016503 anymore having matured the reasonable WEMUdKI4sE0-00059-00016504-00016735 experience in all phases of the WEMUdKI4sE0-00060-00016736-00016847 recording WEMUdKI4sE0-00061-00016848-00017079 it was okay to work with george martin WEMUdKI4sE0-00062-00017080-00017215 out of habit WEMUdKI4sE0-00063-00017216-00017447 but a new producer WEMUdKI4sE0-00064-00017448-00017694 thomas's first session ran tonight at WEMUdKI4sE0-00065-00017695-00018150 the emi studios from 7 pm to 2 30 am WEMUdKI4sE0-00066-00018151-00018375 it was a difficult affair WEMUdKI4sE0-00067-00018376-00018622 after warming up with the recording of WEMUdKI4sE0-00068-00018623-00018927 yours square baby i don't care which sew WEMUdKI4sE0-00069-00018928-00019143 delight with the release of the 50th WEMUdKI4sE0-00070-00019144-00019407 anniversary edition of the white album WEMUdKI4sE0-00071-00019408-00019727 the beatles or better paul mccartney WEMUdKI4sE0-00072-00019728-00020086 decided to re-record halter skelter WEMUdKI4sE0-00073-00020087-00020422 as we saw in episode 199 WEMUdKI4sE0-00074-00020423-00020671 the piece was meant to be as low blues WEMUdKI4sE0-00075-00020672-00020919 and so it was when the band started WEMUdKI4sE0-00076-00020920-00021247 recording the first of the 18 takes of WEMUdKI4sE0-00077-00021248-00021439 the rhythm track but to tape during the WEMUdKI4sE0-00078-00021440-00021567 night WEMUdKI4sE0-00079-00021568-00021886 by the time take 21 was completed and WEMUdKI4sE0-00080-00021887-00022175 everyone went home the piece had gone WEMUdKI4sE0-00081-00022176-00022383 out of control WEMUdKI4sE0-00082-00022384-00022622 for the recording of the rhythm track WEMUdKI4sE0-00083-00022623-00022919 john lennon played badly bass how WEMUdKI4sE0-00084-00022920-00023167 mccartney was an electric guitar playing WEMUdKI4sE0-00085-00023168-00023439 the main riff george harrison was a WEMUdKI4sE0-00086-00023440-00023671 second electric guitar and the ringer WEMUdKI4sE0-00087-00023672-00023855 star was on drums WEMUdKI4sE0-00088-00023856-00024158 take 21 was considered the best and WEMUdKI4sE0-00089-00024159-00024358 everyone adjourned the session to the WEMUdKI4sE0-00090-00024359-00024614 next day to start the work on the WEMUdKI4sE0-00091-00024615-00024855 overdubs WEMUdKI4sE0-00092-00024856-00025094 we'd better journal travel through the WEMUdKI4sE0-00093-00025095-00025319 beatles history to tomorrow's episode WEMUdKI4sE0-00094-00025320-00025399 too WEMUdKI4sE0-00095-00025400-00025614 we'll actually discover what happened WEMUdKI4sE0-00096-00025616-00025902 and what i think was the most outlandish WEMUdKI4sE0-00097-00025904-00026111 beatles session ever WEMUdKI4sE0-00098-00026112-00026407 see you tomorrow for more for the moment WEMUdKI4sE0-00099-00026408-00026646 i wish you a good day and a fab WEMUdKI4sE0-00100-00026647-00026947 continuation WFhEPawnnvA-00000-00000088-00000383 my friends if you want a better sex life WFhEPawnnvA-00001-00000384-00000647 if you want to have more sex and have WFhEPawnnvA-00002-00000648-00000927 the kind of sex you want to i found for WFhEPawnnvA-00003-00000927-00001254 me it's been fantastic it's been my WFhEPawnnvA-00004-00001255-00001462 entire life has changed since i started WFhEPawnnvA-00005-00001463-00001807 having consistent great sex and my life WFhEPawnnvA-00006-00001807-00002118 was very frustrating before that WFhEPawnnvA-00007-00002119-00002310 and here's the number one tip if you WFhEPawnnvA-00008-00002311-00002447 want to have WFhEPawnnvA-00009-00002448-00002758 more sex better sex and feel good about WFhEPawnnvA-00010-00002759-00002975 all of it instead of being ashamed and WFhEPawnnvA-00011-00002976-00003095 grossed out WFhEPawnnvA-00012-00003096-00003311 is get comfortable listening to real WFhEPawnnvA-00013-00003311-00003527 conversations about sex WFhEPawnnvA-00014-00003528-00003727 not just superficial things like oh yeah WFhEPawnnvA-00015-00003728-00004103 i banged her he was so gross but really WFhEPawnnvA-00016-00004104-00004399 vulnerable honest raw conversations WFhEPawnnvA-00017-00004400-00004622 where the goal is to learn and be more WFhEPawnnvA-00018-00004623-00004822 comfortable with yourself and with WFhEPawnnvA-00019-00004823-00004951 others WFhEPawnnvA-00020-00004952-00005038 and WFhEPawnnvA-00021-00005039-00005247 that involves listening and hearing WFhEPawnnvA-00022-00005248-00005438 these conversations which i'm hoping i'm WFhEPawnnvA-00023-00005439-00005702 helping with now and being comfortable WFhEPawnnvA-00024-00005703-00006079 talking about sex in a real authentic WFhEPawnnvA-00025-00006080-00006222 meaningful way WFhEPawnnvA-00026-00006223-00006454 for example i had a conversation with my WFhEPawnnvA-00027-00006455-00006687 wife after we'd been married like eight WFhEPawnnvA-00028-00006688-00006806 years WFhEPawnnvA-00029-00006808-00006967 and i remember sitting there before i WFhEPawnnvA-00030-00006968-00007159 brought it up thinking WFhEPawnnvA-00031-00007159-00007359 seriously like we've been married eight WFhEPawnnvA-00032-00007359-00007614 years we at this point had sex thousands WFhEPawnnvA-00033-00007615-00007767 of times like WFhEPawnnvA-00034-00007768-00008134 why do we still need to talk about sex WFhEPawnnvA-00035-00008136-00008327 why am i feeling uncomfortable and WFhEPawnnvA-00036-00008328-00008567 vulnerable bringing up that i feel WFhEPawnnvA-00037-00008568-00008910 rejected because she says no so often WFhEPawnnvA-00038-00008911-00009159 even though we were having sex every WFhEPawnnvA-00039-00009160-00009446 couple of days it would often WFhEPawnnvA-00040-00009447-00009663 you know uh for me i like to have sex WFhEPawnnvA-00041-00009664-00009839 every day or tune WFhEPawnnvA-00042-00009840-00009959 and WFhEPawnnvA-00043-00009960-00010135 i brought it up and she's like fine WFhEPawnnvA-00044-00010136-00010414 we'll just do it whenever you want to WFhEPawnnvA-00045-00010415-00010614 and that actually has left us in a WFhEPawnnvA-00046-00010615-00010878 really good place since then now i know WFhEPawnnvA-00047-00010879-00011055 she's willing to give as much as she WFhEPawnnvA-00048-00011056-00011231 possibly can and it's up to me to be WFhEPawnnvA-00049-00011232-00011478 considerate like hey she's pretty sick WFhEPawnnvA-00050-00011479-00011623 right now maybe we can wait till WFhEPawnnvA-00051-00011624-00011974 tomorrow or she's in a bad mood let's do WFhEPawnnvA-00052-00011975-00012199 it anyway it's like being with somebody WFhEPawnnvA-00053-00012200-00012470 else if she's in a bad mood WFhEPawnnvA-00054-00012471-00012767 i look back on my previous dating life WFhEPawnnvA-00055-00012768-00012951 and if i had to do it again i would WFhEPawnnvA-00056-00012952-00013207 start with conversations about sex right WFhEPawnnvA-00057-00013208-00013463 away because i remember going out with WFhEPawnnvA-00058-00013463-00013599 girls WFhEPawnnvA-00059-00013600-00013807 where we'd spend all this time and WFhEPawnnvA-00060-00013808-00014143 energy talking about fairly meaningless WFhEPawnnvA-00061-00014144-00014430 topics stupid wasteful WFhEPawnnvA-00062-00014431-00014703 things oh the state of the world what WFhEPawnnvA-00063-00014704-00015007 foods you like what music you like screw WFhEPawnnvA-00064-00015008-00015183 all that stuff WFhEPawnnvA-00065-00015184-00015503 literally all we needed to do was on the WFhEPawnnvA-00066-00015504-00015743 first date is to go through and say WFhEPawnnvA-00067-00015744-00015999 all right the i'm you know for me like i WFhEPawnnvA-00068-00016000-00016238 want to have sex every day or two WFhEPawnnvA-00069-00016240-00016558 are you up for that she says no okay WFhEPawnnvA-00070-00016559-00016822 let's not even waste any more time here WFhEPawnnvA-00071-00016823-00017111 let's just move on well clearly this WFhEPawnnvA-00072-00017112-00017479 isn't going to work or for example i WFhEPawnnvA-00073-00017480-00017799 like to give and receive oral how about WFhEPawnnvA-00074-00017800-00018103 you oh no gross all right let's not even WFhEPawnnvA-00075-00018104-00018350 go any further let's you you go home WFhEPawnnvA-00076-00018351-00018647 i'll go home and we'll we'll appreciate WFhEPawnnvA-00077-00018648-00018903 the time and attention is valuable and WFhEPawnnvA-00078-00018904-00019158 we don't want to waste it WFhEPawnnvA-00079-00019159-00019455 where we're incompatible i went out with WFhEPawnnvA-00080-00019456-00019758 several girls that were not interested WFhEPawnnvA-00081-00019759-00020143 in giving oral and we literally wasted WFhEPawnnvA-00082-00020144-00020271 months WFhEPawnnvA-00083-00020272-00020422 on a conversation that could have been WFhEPawnnvA-00084-00020423-00020791 had on the very first date WFhEPawnnvA-00085-00020792-00020975 because yeah WFhEPawnnvA-00086-00020976-00021199 that that's one of my things like if you WFhEPawnnvA-00087-00021200-00021414 if you don't provide that i don't want WFhEPawnnvA-00088-00021415-00021639 to be with you and this is why it's so WFhEPawnnvA-00089-00021640-00021775 important WFhEPawnnvA-00090-00021776-00021999 i'm glad i'm married so i don't have to WFhEPawnnvA-00091-00022000-00022199 put this stuff into practice today WFhEPawnnvA-00092-00022200-00022358 dating but WFhEPawnnvA-00093-00022359-00022558 i look back and i see WFhEPawnnvA-00094-00022559-00022807 that if if i ever did WFhEPawnnvA-00095-00022808-00022983 have to get out there and date again i WFhEPawnnvA-00096-00022984-00023214 would start immediately and just make WFhEPawnnvA-00097-00023215-00023455 sure the sexual compatibility was there WFhEPawnnvA-00098-00023456-00023567 because WFhEPawnnvA-00099-00023568-00023775 you can do almost anything else with a WFhEPawnnvA-00100-00023776-00024047 romantic partner if you're looking at a WFhEPawnnvA-00101-00024048-00024214 monogamous relationship and that should WFhEPawnnvA-00102-00024215-00024503 be talked about right away too like hey WFhEPawnnvA-00103-00024504-00024750 are you looking for a monogamous WFhEPawnnvA-00104-00024751-00024942 relationship do you just want to have WFhEPawnnvA-00105-00024943-00025086 sex with me WFhEPawnnvA-00106-00025087-00025183 or WFhEPawnnvA-00107-00025184-00025455 what if not what do you want WFhEPawnnvA-00108-00025456-00025631 those kind of things that's the WFhEPawnnvA-00109-00025632-00025839 essential stuff to cover on the first WFhEPawnnvA-00110-00025839-00026134 date and if you've been with somebody WFhEPawnnvA-00111-00026135-00026270 i've been with my wife we've been WFhEPawnnvA-00112-00026272-00026527 married almost 10 years now we still WFhEPawnnvA-00113-00026527-00026758 periodically need to review our sex life WFhEPawnnvA-00114-00026760-00026967 because things change WFhEPawnnvA-00115-00026968-00027151 at one point we used to have sex every WFhEPawnnvA-00116-00027152-00027383 day and then after we had WFhEPawnnvA-00117-00027383-00027574 our first daughter then WFhEPawnnvA-00118-00027575-00027718 we talked about it and it seemed WFhEPawnnvA-00119-00027719-00027911 appropriate to do every other day at WFhEPawnnvA-00120-00027912-00028190 that point i mean not like right after WFhEPawnnvA-00121-00028191-00028470 you know like the day after or anything WFhEPawnnvA-00122-00028472-00028646 it was like a week WFhEPawnnvA-00123-00028647-00028823 and that was WFhEPawnnvA-00124-00028824-00028958 just WFhEPawnnvA-00125-00028960-00029270 all for a few months until things healed WFhEPawnnvA-00126-00029272-00029518 up and this is why it's important you WFhEPawnnvA-00127-00029519-00029695 know i see all these conversations about WFhEPawnnvA-00128-00029695-00029887 say this say that look WFhEPawnnvA-00129-00029888-00030127 whatever your preferences are WFhEPawnnvA-00130-00030127-00030358 to me that that needs to be addressed WFhEPawnnvA-00131-00030360-00030607 and talked about really open and really WFhEPawnnvA-00132-00030608-00030751 honestly WFhEPawnnvA-00133-00030752-00030999 so i hope this has been helpful for you WFhEPawnnvA-00134-00031000-00031270 today i find that people in my life that WFhEPawnnvA-00135-00031272-00031607 are in very happy relationships seem to WFhEPawnnvA-00136-00031608-00031823 be much more comfortable talking about WFhEPawnnvA-00137-00031824-00032151 sex because to me if your relationship WFhEPawnnvA-00138-00032152-00032327 if you're in a monogamous relationship WFhEPawnnvA-00139-00032327-00032583 and your sex isn't good and in fact WFhEPawnnvA-00140-00032583-00032711 isn't great WFhEPawnnvA-00141-00032712-00032918 to me the whole rest of the relationship WFhEPawnnvA-00142-00032919-00033207 is going to usually struggle because WFhEPawnnvA-00143-00033208-00033415 the sex is the one thing if you're in a WFhEPawnnvA-00144-00033416-00033590 monogamous relationship that you're not WFhEPawnnvA-00145-00033591-00033815 getting from anywhere else you can have WFhEPawnnvA-00146-00033816-00034031 intimate conversations with others you WFhEPawnnvA-00147-00034032-00034255 can even be naked with other people my WFhEPawnnvA-00148-00034256-00034446 wife is comfortable with me being naked WFhEPawnnvA-00149-00034447-00034623 with other people WFhEPawnnvA-00150-00034624-00034879 given that i don't have any sexual WFhEPawnnvA-00151-00034880-00035055 interactions in the course of being WFhEPawnnvA-00152-00035056-00035351 naked for example nude massage or like a WFhEPawnnvA-00153-00035352-00035518 workshop where WFhEPawnnvA-00154-00035519-00035735 it's nude or you know nude beach WFhEPawnnvA-00155-00035736-00035918 whatever WFhEPawnnvA-00156-00035919-00036071 you uh can WFhEPawnnvA-00157-00036072-00036343 have for example with massage i have WFhEPawnnvA-00158-00036344-00036567 another woman touches me for an hour and WFhEPawnnvA-00159-00036568-00036695 a half WFhEPawnnvA-00160-00036696-00036902 you can have almost anything in a WFhEPawnnvA-00161-00036903-00037127 monogamous relationship from someone WFhEPawnnvA-00162-00037128-00037327 else you can make a business with WFhEPawnnvA-00163-00037328-00037543 someone else you can have someone else WFhEPawnnvA-00164-00037544-00037774 raise your kids you know a lot of people WFhEPawnnvA-00165-00037775-00038062 hire nannies that raise their kids WFhEPawnnvA-00166-00038063-00038199 you WFhEPawnnvA-00167-00038200-00038415 can have almost anything else except the WFhEPawnnvA-00168-00038416-00038551 sex if you're in a monogamous WFhEPawnnvA-00169-00038552-00038783 relationship with someone else WFhEPawnnvA-00170-00038784-00038999 and if you are not in a monogamous WFhEPawnnvA-00171-00039000-00039159 relationship you're in a poly WFhEPawnnvA-00172-00039160-00039335 relationship i think it's even more WFhEPawnnvA-00173-00039336-00039559 important to talk through all the sex WFhEPawnnvA-00174-00039560-00039830 stuff the emotions and the feelings WFhEPawnnvA-00175-00039831-00039927 because WFhEPawnnvA-00176-00039928-00040046 you know monogamy is pretty WFhEPawnnvA-00177-00040047-00040271 straightforward it's just one-on-one but WFhEPawnnvA-00178-00040272-00040479 if it gets more complicated you really WFhEPawnnvA-00179-00040480-00040687 need to talk everything out WFhEPawnnvA-00180-00040688-00040927 so if you get anything out of this WFhEPawnnvA-00181-00040928-00041207 get as comfortable as you can if you WFhEPawnnvA-00182-00041208-00041495 struggle to talk about sex listening to WFhEPawnnvA-00183-00041496-00041599 some real WFhEPawnnvA-00184-00041600-00041871 sex talk will make it easier to get WFhEPawnnvA-00185-00041872-00042062 comfortable actually opening up and WFhEPawnnvA-00186-00042063-00042287 talking about it and WFhEPawnnvA-00187-00042288-00042551 i have an extremely happy relationship WFhEPawnnvA-00188-00042552-00042727 one of my family members that knows me WFhEPawnnvA-00189-00042728-00042943 very well says me and my wife are the WFhEPawnnvA-00190-00042944-00043079 happiest WFhEPawnnvA-00191-00043080-00043199 my wife WFhEPawnnvA-00192-00043200-00043279 and WFhEPawnnvA-00193-00043280-00043423 i WFhEPawnnvA-00194-00043424-00043655 we are the happiest relationship that WFhEPawnnvA-00195-00043656-00043846 they've ever seen before WFhEPawnnvA-00196-00043847-00044111 and i would point to this WFhEPawnnvA-00197-00044112-00044327 we talk about sex and we make sure our WFhEPawnnvA-00198-00044328-00044615 sex life is fantastic and everything WFhEPawnnvA-00199-00044616-00044862 else that's the one thing WFhEPawnnvA-00200-00044863-00045095 we get our sex life right and everything WFhEPawnnvA-00201-00045096-00045302 else in our entire relationship is WFhEPawnnvA-00202-00045303-00045535 easier no matter how difficult our WFhEPawnnvA-00203-00045536-00045823 relationship has got we always have sex WFhEPawnnvA-00204-00045824-00046062 and that always makes it easier so say WFhEPawnnvA-00205-00046063-00046367 sex my friends open your mouth and open WFhEPawnnvA-00206-00046368-00046695 your ears open your mouth to talk open WFhEPawnnvA-00207-00046696-00046967 your ears to listen and have a great sex WFhEPawnnvA-00208-00046968-00047199 life if you enjoyed this video WFhEPawnnvA-00209-00047200-00047511 everything else is on my website at WFhEPawnnvA-00210-00047512-00047686 jerrybanfield.com WFhEPawnnvA-00211-00047687-00047839 and i'd love for you to subscribe WFhEPawnnvA-00212-00047840-00048356 and watch more here with me WIFCenFod8u-00000-00000128-00000383 hi i'm debbie today i'm going to talk WIFCenFod8u-00001-00000384-00000630 about teaching your baby farm animal WIFCenFod8u-00002-00000631-00000862 sounds WIFCenFod8u-00003-00000863-00001087 most babies are fascinated by animals WIFCenFod8u-00004-00001088-00001327 and the noises they make not only is it WIFCenFod8u-00005-00001328-00001582 fun for children to learn animal sounds WIFCenFod8u-00006-00001583-00001814 it teaches them an important lesson WIFCenFod8u-00007-00001816-00002118 animals use noises to communicate WIFCenFod8u-00008-00002119-00002342 learning animal noises is also WIFCenFod8u-00009-00002343-00002671 beneficial for speech development WIFCenFod8u-00010-00002672-00002942 simple noises we assign to farm animals WIFCenFod8u-00011-00002943-00003191 such as ba and moo WIFCenFod8u-00012-00003192-00003375 are easy for babies to learn and a great WIFCenFod8u-00013-00003376-00003575 way to start working on speech WIFCenFod8u-00014-00003576-00003815 once children can make these sounds they WIFCenFod8u-00015-00003815-00004047 can build on that to WIFCenFod8u-00016-00004047-00004406 learn other words and even sentences WIFCenFod8u-00017-00004407-00004727 the best bae way for babies to learn WIFCenFod8u-00018-00004728-00004927 animal sounds is through real world WIFCenFod8u-00019-00004928-00005231 interactions this is why the sounds of WIFCenFod8u-00020-00005232-00005431 family pets may be learned before other WIFCenFod8u-00021-00005432-00005670 animals but not everyone lives on a farm WIFCenFod8u-00022-00005671-00005847 or can even visit one WIFCenFod8u-00023-00005848-00006086 therefore a good way to learn farm WIFCenFod8u-00024-00006087-00006495 animal sounds is through songs and toys WIFCenFod8u-00025-00006495-00006742 you can use toys such as these WIFCenFod8u-00026-00006743-00006951 this set came with a barn that played WIFCenFod8u-00027-00006952-00007214 the sounds for you but it is even better WIFCenFod8u-00028-00007215-00007510 for children to hear someone make the WIFCenFod8u-00029-00007511-00007783 sounds in person so that they can see WIFCenFod8u-00030-00007784-00008103 how to make the sound with their mouths WIFCenFod8u-00031-00008104-00008327 singing old macdonald is a wonderful way WIFCenFod8u-00032-00008328-00008599 to teach farm animal noises you already WIFCenFod8u-00033-00008600-00008831 know the song and it involves lots of WIFCenFod8u-00034-00008832-00009142 repetition which is the key to learning WIFCenFod8u-00035-00009143-00009431 another great song that is WIFCenFod8u-00036-00009432-00009567 will work for WIFCenFod8u-00037-00009568-00009799 teaching farm animal noises is called WIFCenFod8u-00038-00009800-00010046 when cows get up in the morning and you WIFCenFod8u-00039-00010047-00010367 can include any animal you would like WIFCenFod8u-00040-00010368-00010559 we'll start with cows since that's the WIFCenFod8u-00041-00010560-00010727 um in the title WIFCenFod8u-00042-00010728-00010935 when cows get up in the morning they WIFCenFod8u-00043-00010936-00011206 always say hello when cows get up in the WIFCenFod8u-00044-00011207-00011471 morning they always say hello WIFCenFod8u-00045-00011472-00011692 and what do they say WIFCenFod8u-00046-00011693-00011855 [Music] WIFCenFod8u-00047-00011856-00012095 and that is what they say WIFCenFod8u-00048-00012096-00012351 when pigs get up in the morning they WIFCenFod8u-00049-00012352-00012599 always say hello when pigs get up in the WIFCenFod8u-00050-00012600-00012838 morning they always say hello WIFCenFod8u-00051-00012839-00013055 and what do they say WIFCenFod8u-00052-00013056-00013399 oink oink and that is what they say WIFCenFod8u-00053-00013400-00013599 when sheep get up in the morning they WIFCenFod8u-00054-00013600-00013830 always say hello when sheep get up in WIFCenFod8u-00055-00013831-00014103 the morning they always say hello and WIFCenFod8u-00056-00014104-00014422 what do they say WIFCenFod8u-00057-00014423-00014655 and that is what they say WIFCenFod8u-00058-00014656-00014966 if singing gets your baby dancing or WIFCenFod8u-00059-00014968-00015175 moving the farm animals that's even WIFCenFod8u-00060-00015176-00015358 better because WIFCenFod8u-00061-00015359-00015575 movement stimulates the brain and when WIFCenFod8u-00062-00015576-00015766 babies are introduced to language in the WIFCenFod8u-00063-00015768-00016015 context of movement they are more likely WIFCenFod8u-00064-00016016-00016294 to understand and retain it WIFCenFod8u-00065-00016295-00016527 so the next time your baby sees a farm WIFCenFod8u-00066-00016528-00016863 animal or is playing with farm toys WIFCenFod8u-00067-00016864-00017143 sing about the animal sounds to enhance WIFCenFod8u-00068-00017144-00017422 the learning experience WIFCenFod8u-00069-00017423-00017599 until next time happy WIFCenFod8u-00070-00017600-00017900 cock-a-doodle-doing WNpkFKP0ydE-00000-00000011-00000682 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00001-00000683-00001000 hi everybody it's me miss Ward and my WNpkFKP0ydE-00002-00001001-00001214 friend lavender and we're here today to WNpkFKP0ydE-00003-00001215-00001532 do lesson 3.3 the sun's position in the WNpkFKP0ydE-00004-00001533-00001954 sky let's go ahead and get started so WNpkFKP0ydE-00005-00001955-00002240 we've been working as sky scientists to WNpkFKP0ydE-00006-00002241-00002495 investigate why the sky does not always WNpkFKP0ydE-00007-00002496-00002750 look the same now we're answering a new WNpkFKP0ydE-00008-00002751-00003043 question we got from our friend side he WNpkFKP0ydE-00009-00003044-00003359 asked us why did daytime change to night WNpkFKP0ydE-00010-00003360-00003690 time while psy talked on the phone and WNpkFKP0ydE-00011-00003692-00003970 in order to investigate that question WNpkFKP0ydE-00012-00003971-00004274 we've been gathering data can I show you WNpkFKP0ydE-00013-00004275-00004445 a little bit closer what data we've WNpkFKP0ydE-00014-00004446-00004777 gathered so far well one thing we did is WNpkFKP0ydE-00015-00004778-00005093 we looked for patterns when we looked at WNpkFKP0ydE-00016-00005094-00005417 this video of the sunset that's one of WNpkFKP0ydE-00017-00005418-00005636 the things we did we're gonna make some WNpkFKP0ydE-00018-00005637-00005843 observations today to gather some more WNpkFKP0ydE-00019-00005844-00006095 data to help answer this question where WNpkFKP0ydE-00020-00006096-00006492 is the Sun in the sky at different times WNpkFKP0ydE-00021-00006493-00006748 event you remember that the last time we WNpkFKP0ydE-00022-00006750-00006964 were together we created this sky now WNpkFKP0ydE-00023-00006965-00007355 okay so can you guys tell me some ideas WNpkFKP0ydE-00024-00007356-00007631 of how we could use the sky mural to WNpkFKP0ydE-00025-00007631-00007808 keep track of where the Sun is in the WNpkFKP0ydE-00026-00007809-00008074 sky how do you think we're gonna use WNpkFKP0ydE-00027-00008075-00008769 this stunner we're listening WNpkFKP0ydE-00028-00008770-00009076 yeah that's a lot of great ideas you WNpkFKP0ydE-00029-00009077-00009310 guys notice that the son is missing from WNpkFKP0ydE-00030-00009311-00009546 our sky mural right so we're gonna add WNpkFKP0ydE-00031-00009547-00009999 the Sun in order to add the Sun we need WNpkFKP0ydE-00032-00010000-00010335 a plan for how to tell other people WNpkFKP0ydE-00033-00010336-00010578 where the Sun is in the sky so we're WNpkFKP0ydE-00034-00010579-00010834 going to use these pictures to help us WNpkFKP0ydE-00035-00010835-00011095 point to where the Sun is okay so we're WNpkFKP0ydE-00036-00011096-00011263 going to use these pictures to point to WNpkFKP0ydE-00037-00011264-00011410 where the Sun is and then use the WNpkFKP0ydE-00038-00011411-00011859 picture that matches so we have very low WNpkFKP0ydE-00039-00011860-00012642 low medium high high and very high we WNpkFKP0ydE-00040-00012643-00013260 vice practice these with me very low low WNpkFKP0ydE-00041-00013261-00013921 medium high and okay lavender and I are WNpkFKP0ydE-00042-00013922-00014068 gonna go travel around the world a WNpkFKP0ydE-00043-00014069-00014247 little bit so that we can practice our WNpkFKP0ydE-00044-00014248-00014721 hand signals so here we are first WNpkFKP0ydE-00045-00014722-00014947 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00046-00014949-00015215 what do you think I'm playing very well WNpkFKP0ydE-00047-00015216-00016027 low medium high high or very high hey WNpkFKP0ydE-00048-00016028-00016868 hey here's the next one WNpkFKP0ydE-00049-00016869-00018441 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00050-00018442-00018995 mmm plate speed up WNpkFKP0ydE-00051-00018996-00019937 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00052-00019938-00020204 I hope you guys learning along with me WNpkFKP0ydE-00053-00020205-00020453 how it was super fun I feel like I got WNpkFKP0ydE-00054-00020454-00020633 to go to all those places even though I WNpkFKP0ydE-00055-00020634-00020789 was right here in this room the whole WNpkFKP0ydE-00056-00020790-00021197 time okay this time lavender and I WNpkFKP0ydE-00057-00021198-00021449 actually will go outside and look at WNpkFKP0ydE-00058-00021450-00021647 where the Sun is at different times and WNpkFKP0ydE-00059-00021648-00021857 I took some pictures let's look at that WNpkFKP0ydE-00060-00021858-00021949 we're gonna make some observations WNpkFKP0ydE-00061-00021950-00022304 outside and use this page to keep what WNpkFKP0ydE-00062-00022305-00022634 we observe this is a picture of lavender WNpkFKP0ydE-00063-00022635-00022949 and I outside in the morning this WNpkFKP0ydE-00064-00022950-00023086 morning I do WNpkFKP0ydE-00065-00023087-00023411 you see where I'm pointing what if I WNpkFKP0ydE-00066-00023412-00023735 show you like what I do been really WNpkFKP0ydE-00067-00023736-00024125 close on myself look at where I'm WNpkFKP0ydE-00068-00024126-00024288 pointing WNpkFKP0ydE-00069-00024289-00024647 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00070-00024648-00025019 now would you say I was pointing to very WNpkFKP0ydE-00071-00025020-00025421 low low medium high high or very high WNpkFKP0ydE-00072-00025422-00026220 what do you think WNpkFKP0ydE-00073-00026222-00026464 lavender has an idea you guys wanting WNpkFKP0ydE-00074-00026466-00026663 your lavenders idea and see if it if you WNpkFKP0ydE-00075-00026664-00026930 agree or disagree with lavender what do WNpkFKP0ydE-00076-00026931-00027338 you think lavender lavender says low did WNpkFKP0ydE-00077-00027339-00027905 you guys say love to all right so after WNpkFKP0ydE-00078-00027906-00028163 we made our observation we're gonna WNpkFKP0ydE-00079-00028164-00028483 circle or draw the picture that looks WNpkFKP0ydE-00080-00028485-00028808 the most like my arm so if you have the WNpkFKP0ydE-00081-00028808-00029006 packet you can Circle it but if you WNpkFKP0ydE-00082-00029007-00029168 don't have the packet that's fine you WNpkFKP0ydE-00083-00029169-00029410 can just draw a little stick figure WNpkFKP0ydE-00084-00029411-00029819 pointing for low okay and then the next WNpkFKP0ydE-00085-00029820-00030208 thing we want to do is we want to draw WNpkFKP0ydE-00086-00030210-00030433 what we observed so that part of the WNpkFKP0ydE-00087-00030435-00030719 horizon so I was over by my chicken-coop WNpkFKP0ydE-00088-00030720-00031093 and the tall tree and so I made sure to WNpkFKP0ydE-00089-00031094-00031345 write down what I observed about the WNpkFKP0ydE-00090-00031347-00031592 horizon and I'm gonna zoom in on that WNpkFKP0ydE-00091-00031593-00031883 picture a little bit because I also WNpkFKP0ydE-00092-00031883-00032255 wanted to add the Sun and add the WNpkFKP0ydE-00093-00032256-00032527 horizon so you see my red dotted line at WNpkFKP0ydE-00094-00032529-00032810 the horizon and there's the Sun and WNpkFKP0ydE-00095-00032811-00032960 that's what I want you guys to do on WNpkFKP0ydE-00096-00032961-00033422 your own observations as well so it's WNpkFKP0ydE-00097-00033423-00033719 also really important that I record the WNpkFKP0ydE-00098-00033720-00033980 time so when I went out and took that WNpkFKP0ydE-00099-00033981-00034424 picture it was 8:30 a.m. so I just had WNpkFKP0ydE-00100-00034425-00034595 my morning cup of coffee and lavender WNpkFKP0ydE-00101-00034596-00034793 went out there and took that picture so WNpkFKP0ydE-00102-00034794-00035414 I'm gonna record this time next is our WNpkFKP0ydE-00103-00035415-00035717 sky observations and how we're gonna put WNpkFKP0ydE-00104-00035718-00035993 those sky observations on our mural okay WNpkFKP0ydE-00105-00035994-00036326 so I have a paper son and I'm gonna use WNpkFKP0ydE-00106-00036327-00036802 that to show where we observed the Sun WNpkFKP0ydE-00107-00036803-00037079 alright Here I am in front of our Stein WNpkFKP0ydE-00108-00037080-00037475 arrow and so the first thing I want to WNpkFKP0ydE-00109-00037476-00037991 do is look for we decided that the Sun WNpkFKP0ydE-00110-00037992-00038282 this says morning this is our 1:00 in WNpkFKP0ydE-00111-00038283-00038468 the morning the first thing we want to WNpkFKP0ydE-00112-00038469-00039020 do is put our Sun to match up with the WNpkFKP0ydE-00113-00039021-00039431 little pointing arms right so did we say WNpkFKP0ydE-00114-00039432-00039970 the Sun was very high high medium high WNpkFKP0ydE-00115-00039971-00040942 low or very low what do you guys think WNpkFKP0ydE-00116-00040943-00041362 yeah I agree it was low so we would put WNpkFKP0ydE-00117-00041363-00041851 it somewhere on this line for love okay WNpkFKP0ydE-00118-00041852-00042185 and then the next thing we need to do is WNpkFKP0ydE-00119-00042186-00042649 match up where we saw our son with what WNpkFKP0ydE-00120-00042650-00043055 part of the horizon I was looking at do WNpkFKP0ydE-00121-00043056-00043232 you guys remember what part I was WNpkFKP0ydE-00122-00043233-00043618 looking at was I looking at the orange WNpkFKP0ydE-00123-00043619-00044146 house but the telephone pole basketball WNpkFKP0ydE-00124-00044147-00044576 hoop no I was over here I was standing WNpkFKP0ydE-00125-00044577-00044839 right there by the chicken coop so we're WNpkFKP0ydE-00126-00044840-00045217 gonna put the Sun right where I saw I WNpkFKP0ydE-00127-00045218-00045389 was pointing over here in this direction WNpkFKP0ydE-00128-00045390-00045832 so the Sun was low in the sky and I was WNpkFKP0ydE-00129-00045833-00045964 standing on the chicken coop and WNpkFKP0ydE-00130-00045965-00046373 pointing right there okay so I bet you WNpkFKP0ydE-00131-00046374-00046617 guys can guess what we're gonna do next WNpkFKP0ydE-00132-00046618-00046892 do we have enough data and let's think WNpkFKP0ydE-00133-00046893-00046993 about the question we've been WNpkFKP0ydE-00134-00046994-00047299 investigating where is the Sun in the WNpkFKP0ydE-00135-00047300-00047711 sky at different times we know one time WNpkFKP0ydE-00136-00047712-00047989 don't we what time do we know that's WNpkFKP0ydE-00137-00047990-00048346 right morning so where was the Sun in WNpkFKP0ydE-00138-00048347-00048832 the sky during the morning we know now WNpkFKP0ydE-00139-00048833-00049297 right WNpkFKP0ydE-00140-00049298-00049678 so now we have one piece of information WNpkFKP0ydE-00141-00049679-00050108 but we need more right what can we do to WNpkFKP0ydE-00142-00050109-00050351 help answer our question about where the WNpkFKP0ydE-00143-00050352-00050627 Sun is in the sky at different times a WNpkFKP0ydE-00144-00050628-00051448 day what do you think we should do next WNpkFKP0ydE-00145-00051449-00051875 I'm sure I heard some of you say that we WNpkFKP0ydE-00146-00051876-00052066 should go out and make observations at WNpkFKP0ydE-00147-00052067-00052255 different times a day and that's exactly WNpkFKP0ydE-00148-00052257-00052907 what we're gonna do so I'm gonna make WNpkFKP0ydE-00149-00052908-00053159 another sky observation in the afternoon WNpkFKP0ydE-00150-00053160-00053438 right after lunch where do you predict WNpkFKP0ydE-00151-00053439-00053732 the Sun will be in the sky when we make WNpkFKP0ydE-00152-00053733-00054154 another observation in the air so if the WNpkFKP0ydE-00153-00054155-00054517 Sun was here in the morning where do you WNpkFKP0ydE-00154-00054519-00054896 think it would be in the afternoon what WNpkFKP0ydE-00155-00054897-00055172 makes you think that can you talk to WNpkFKP0ydE-00156-00055173-00056369 your partner about that go ahead WNpkFKP0ydE-00157-00056370-00056628 okay great thinking guys can you guys WNpkFKP0ydE-00158-00056629-00056967 come up here come on up and point at the WNpkFKP0ydE-00159-00056968-00057271 screen where you think the Sun is going WNpkFKP0ydE-00160-00057272-00057423 to be in the afternoon WNpkFKP0ydE-00161-00057424-00058309 what head point I need my glasses for WNpkFKP0ydE-00162-00058310-00058548 this part because I need a new piece of WNpkFKP0ydE-00163-00058549-00058862 paper to record my new afternoon WNpkFKP0ydE-00164-00058863-00059160 observations so this time I asked my WNpkFKP0ydE-00165-00059161-00059316 husband to help me figure out where the WNpkFKP0ydE-00166-00059317-00059541 Sun is in the sky so we went outside WNpkFKP0ydE-00167-00059542-00060000 this afternoon so here's my husband and WNpkFKP0ydE-00168-00060001-00060341 look at where he's pointing see the Sun WNpkFKP0ydE-00169-00060342-00060628 we live in Seattle so we were lucky to WNpkFKP0ydE-00170-00060629-00060792 catch it coming out of the clouds even WNpkFKP0ydE-00171-00060793-00060876 at all today WNpkFKP0ydE-00172-00060877-00061248 so would you say that my husband is WNpkFKP0ydE-00173-00061249-00061806 pointing very long love medium high high WNpkFKP0ydE-00174-00061807-00062625 or very high what do you think WNpkFKP0ydE-00175-00062626-00062916 so I decided that my husband was WNpkFKP0ydE-00176-00062917-00063178 pointing in the high position so that's WNpkFKP0ydE-00177-00063179-00063421 what I circled on my form and then the WNpkFKP0ydE-00178-00063422-00063685 next thing I'm gonna do is sketch what WNpkFKP0ydE-00179-00063686-00063966 the horizon looks like again okay and WNpkFKP0ydE-00180-00063967-00064291 then let me go in close one more time so WNpkFKP0ydE-00181-00064291-00064687 once I sketched in the horizon I WNpkFKP0ydE-00182-00064688-00064924 actually put in the horizon line that's WNpkFKP0ydE-00183-00064925-00065197 the red dotted line and I even colored WNpkFKP0ydE-00184-00065198-00065776 in where I thought this Sun would go the WNpkFKP0ydE-00185-00065777-00066031 last thing I want to do is record the WNpkFKP0ydE-00186-00066032-00066340 time on my notebook page and I know that WNpkFKP0ydE-00187-00066341-00066555 my husband went out there at 1:00 p.m. WNpkFKP0ydE-00188-00066556-00066868 so I'm gonna record that at last now we WNpkFKP0ydE-00189-00066869-00067090 have more data we can add to our mural WNpkFKP0ydE-00190-00067091-00067444 so I have another paper son where we can WNpkFKP0ydE-00191-00067445-00067624 write where the son was when we made our WNpkFKP0ydE-00192-00067625-00067915 afternoon observations all right WNpkFKP0ydE-00193-00067916-00068245 so in the afternoon we decide that my WNpkFKP0ydE-00194-00068246-00068505 husband was playing at very low low WNpkFKP0ydE-00195-00068506-00069213 medium high high or very high WNpkFKP0ydE-00196-00069214-00069832 yeah I thought high high and then where WNpkFKP0ydE-00197-00069833-00070207 was he standing in the horizon what did WNpkFKP0ydE-00198-00070208-00070497 we notice and the horizon in the picture WNpkFKP0ydE-00199-00070498-00070906 was he by the chicken coop or the WNpkFKP0ydE-00200-00070907-00071709 basketball hoop or the really tall trees WNpkFKP0ydE-00201-00071710-00072028 yes he was fighting really tall trees so WNpkFKP0ydE-00202-00072029-00072892 we're gonna put it in high all right WNpkFKP0ydE-00203-00072893-00073102 we've got two pieces of information I WNpkFKP0ydE-00204-00073103-00073270 wanted to show you guys that if you're WNpkFKP0ydE-00205-00073271-00073600 doing this at home with your paper stock WNpkFKP0ydE-00206-00073601-00073948 sky mural it's pretty easy to just go WNpkFKP0ydE-00207-00073949-00074197 ahead and draw those different stick WNpkFKP0ydE-00208-00074198-00074338 figures pointing in different directions WNpkFKP0ydE-00209-00074339-00074578 and then you can draw your sky WNpkFKP0ydE-00210-00074579-00075109 observations right on your paper okay WNpkFKP0ydE-00211-00075110-00075361 guys let me tell you what I want you to WNpkFKP0ydE-00212-00075362-00075547 do before we get together next time I WNpkFKP0ydE-00213-00075548-00075769 want you to make three obser WNpkFKP0ydE-00214-00075770-00075949 one for the morning one for the WNpkFKP0ydE-00215-00075950-00076241 afternoon and one for the evening so go WNpkFKP0ydE-00216-00076242-00076474 with an adult to a good observation spot WNpkFKP0ydE-00217-00076475-00076862 and observe the Sun use those pointing WNpkFKP0ydE-00218-00076863-00077137 at the Sun right with your partner to WNpkFKP0ydE-00219-00077138-00077362 decide where the Sun is in the sky and WNpkFKP0ydE-00220-00077363-00077672 then carefully draw the horizon from WNpkFKP0ydE-00221-00077673-00077918 where you're looking and like I said I WNpkFKP0ydE-00222-00077919-00078191 want you guys to do this three times so WNpkFKP0ydE-00223-00078192-00078430 once in the morning right after you get WNpkFKP0ydE-00224-00078431-00078730 up once in the afternoon just any time WNpkFKP0ydE-00225-00078731-00078976 after lunch will work and then once WNpkFKP0ydE-00226-00078977-00079262 right before you go to bed okay see if WNpkFKP0ydE-00227-00079263-00079421 you can make all three if you can just WNpkFKP0ydE-00228-00079422-00079703 make one that's fine too but I do want WNpkFKP0ydE-00229-00079704-00079813 you guys to go ahead and make some WNpkFKP0ydE-00230-00079814-00080044 observations I'm gonna make one more WNpkFKP0ydE-00231-00080045-00080279 observation myself before I meet you WNpkFKP0ydE-00232-00080280-00080557 guys next time because I still need to WNpkFKP0ydE-00233-00080558-00080762 do the evening all right have a great WNpkFKP0ydE-00234-00080763-00080972 time guys I'll see you next time WNpkFKP0ydE-00235-00080973-00081945 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00236-00081946-00082192 [Music] WNpkFKP0ydE-00237-00082193-00082399 you WOUTKzk6UwI-00000-00000016-00000786 [Music] WOUTKzk6UwI-00001-00000787-00002016 [Applause] WOUTKzk6UwI-00003-00005418-00007143 [Music] WOUTKzk6UwI-00005-00010161-00011126 [Music] WOUTKzk6UwI-00006-00011127-00011238 [Applause] WOUTKzk6UwI-00007-00011239-00011447 foreign WQ51kCoKzaI-00000-00000296-00000567 hello everybody welcome to this webinar WQ51kCoKzaI-00001-00000568-00000767 from internews's earth journalism WQ51kCoKzaI-00002-00000768-00000878 network WQ51kCoKzaI-00003-00000880-00001087 we're very pleased you can join us today WQ51kCoKzaI-00004-00001088-00001295 for our panel on WQ51kCoKzaI-00005-00001296-00001527 living between the land and the sea a WQ51kCoKzaI-00006-00001528-00001710 webinar for journalists uncovering WQ51kCoKzaI-00007-00001711-00001887 coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00008-00001888-00002079 uh we have an outstanding set of WQ51kCoKzaI-00009-00002080-00002359 panelists uh today i'm gonna introduce WQ51kCoKzaI-00010-00002360-00002687 them to you quite quite soon brief um WQ51kCoKzaI-00011-00002688-00002871 but first i thought i would take a few WQ51kCoKzaI-00012-00002872-00003079 moments to introduce myself and the WQ51kCoKzaI-00013-00003080-00003303 earth journalism network my name is WQ51kCoKzaI-00014-00003304-00003719 james fahn i'm the director of ejn WQ51kCoKzaI-00015-00003720-00003838 we are WQ51kCoKzaI-00016-00003839-00004086 a project of internews WQ51kCoKzaI-00017-00004087-00004359 that carries out media development WQ51kCoKzaI-00018-00004360-00004551 activities around the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00019-00004552-00004815 our mission is to improve the quantity WQ51kCoKzaI-00020-00004816-00005031 and quality of environment and climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00021-00005032-00005127 coverage WQ51kCoKzaI-00022-00005128-00005335 and we're also i'm pleased to say a WQ51kCoKzaI-00023-00005336-00005486 global community WQ51kCoKzaI-00024-00005487-00005743 of over 14 000 journalists for more than WQ51kCoKzaI-00025-00005744-00005918 180 countries WQ51kCoKzaI-00026-00005919-00006215 all dedicated to this mission WQ51kCoKzaI-00027-00006216-00006318 um WQ51kCoKzaI-00028-00006319-00006495 if you're not familiar with us we offer WQ51kCoKzaI-00029-00006495-00006695 lots of opportunities WQ51kCoKzaI-00030-00006695-00006942 for professional journalists it is free WQ51kCoKzaI-00031-00006943-00007151 to for you to become a member WQ51kCoKzaI-00032-00007152-00007334 um WQ51kCoKzaI-00033-00007336-00007583 at the moment for instance we have WQ51kCoKzaI-00034-00007584-00007814 story grants available for any WQ51kCoKzaI-00035-00007815-00008110 journalists interested in in WQ51kCoKzaI-00036-00008111-00008327 proposing stories about coastal WQ51kCoKzaI-00037-00008328-00008471 resilience you can WQ51kCoKzaI-00038-00008472-00008646 check out that opportunity on our WQ51kCoKzaI-00039-00008647-00008751 website WQ51kCoKzaI-00040-00008752-00008987 at WQ51kCoKzaI-00041-00008988-00009142 www.earthjournalism.net and i'd WQ51kCoKzaI-00042-00009143-00009278 encourage you to WQ51kCoKzaI-00043-00009279-00009455 if you have any ideas for stories you'd WQ51kCoKzaI-00044-00009456-00009719 like to do on coastal resilience please WQ51kCoKzaI-00045-00009720-00009951 do consider applying the deadline WQ51kCoKzaI-00046-00009952-00010271 is uh february 17th so just about a week WQ51kCoKzaI-00047-00010272-00010455 away so do get those WQ51kCoKzaI-00048-00010456-00010695 applications in WQ51kCoKzaI-00049-00010696-00011014 um but on to our webinar where we this WQ51kCoKzaI-00050-00011015-00011271 is the first of a series of webinars WQ51kCoKzaI-00051-00011272-00011519 that we're going to be hosting for you WQ51kCoKzaI-00052-00011520-00011799 over the coming two years all looking WQ51kCoKzaI-00053-00011800-00012142 at various aspects of coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00054-00012143-00012342 which as i'm sure you're aware is WQ51kCoKzaI-00055-00012343-00012606 becoming an absolutely critical issue WQ51kCoKzaI-00056-00012607-00013015 as climate change continues to affect WQ51kCoKzaI-00057-00013016-00013238 billions of coastal residents around the WQ51kCoKzaI-00058-00013240-00013479 world in in many ways often WQ51kCoKzaI-00059-00013480-00013775 in ways we're not even aware of WQ51kCoKzaI-00060-00013776-00014055 um so today we're very pleased to be WQ51kCoKzaI-00061-00014056-00014247 joined by a distinguished group of WQ51kCoKzaI-00062-00014247-00014366 panelists WQ51kCoKzaI-00063-00014368-00014663 they include moshumi chodri WQ51kCoKzaI-00064-00014663-00014863 the climate resilience research WQ51kCoKzaI-00065-00014863-00015086 associate at the world resources WQ51kCoKzaI-00066-00015087-00015319 institute thank you moshmi for joining WQ51kCoKzaI-00067-00015319-00015407 us WQ51kCoKzaI-00068-00015408-00015558 we also have WQ51kCoKzaI-00069-00015559-00015775 stephanie tai WQ51kCoKzaI-00070-00015776-00016022 uh i'm sorry stephanie thai is the WQ51kCoKzaI-00071-00016023-00016230 climate resilience research associate at WQ51kCoKzaI-00072-00016231-00016415 the world resources institute my my WQ51kCoKzaI-00073-00016416-00016622 apologies moshmi WQ51kCoKzaI-00074-00016623-00016815 is the community resilience program WQ51kCoKzaI-00075-00016816-00017079 director at the nature conservancy WQ51kCoKzaI-00076-00017080-00017335 uh and we're very grateful for both of WQ51kCoKzaI-00077-00017336-00017655 you uh today for joining us today WQ51kCoKzaI-00078-00017656-00017950 and finally we have jordi gupta WQ51kCoKzaI-00079-00017951-00018175 the director of the third pole WQ51kCoKzaI-00080-00018176-00018471 and the manager of our india projects at WQ51kCoKzaI-00081-00018472-00018694 the earth journalism network WQ51kCoKzaI-00082-00018695-00018871 we're looking forward to a very lively WQ51kCoKzaI-00083-00018872-00018991 discussion WQ51kCoKzaI-00084-00018992-00019086 um WQ51kCoKzaI-00085-00019087-00019358 basically the format for this will be WQ51kCoKzaI-00086-00019359-00019550 each of our panelists will speak for WQ51kCoKzaI-00087-00019551-00019799 about 10 minutes WQ51kCoKzaI-00088-00019800-00019943 if you have questions we certainly WQ51kCoKzaI-00089-00019944-00020214 encourage questions from the audience WQ51kCoKzaI-00090-00020215-00020430 please put them in the q a feature WQ51kCoKzaI-00091-00020431-00020647 you'll see the button for that at the WQ51kCoKzaI-00092-00020648-00020878 bottom of your screen so don't put them WQ51kCoKzaI-00093-00020879-00021047 in the chat the chat is for other WQ51kCoKzaI-00094-00021048-00021207 purposes WQ51kCoKzaI-00095-00021208-00021383 we encourage you to put questions in the WQ51kCoKzaI-00096-00021384-00021535 q a feature WQ51kCoKzaI-00097-00021536-00021783 and after everyone has spoken we'll turn WQ51kCoKzaI-00098-00021784-00021927 to those questions WQ51kCoKzaI-00099-00021928-00022150 and and well i expect we'll have a very WQ51kCoKzaI-00100-00022151-00022327 lively discussion WQ51kCoKzaI-00101-00022328-00022455 so WQ51kCoKzaI-00102-00022456-00022639 to kick things off i'm going to turn it WQ51kCoKzaI-00103-00022640-00022783 over to motion me WQ51kCoKzaI-00104-00022784-00022886 uh WQ51kCoKzaI-00105-00022887-00023103 again she's from the nature conservancy WQ51kCoKzaI-00106-00023104-00023191 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00107-00023192-00023463 she is going to be speaking on WQ51kCoKzaI-00108-00023464-00023607 she's going to be giving us a broad WQ51kCoKzaI-00109-00023608-00023903 overview of coastal resilience issues WQ51kCoKzaI-00110-00023904-00024175 and uh describing some of the WQ51kCoKzaI-00111-00024176-00024335 nature-based solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-00112-00024336-00024542 that are becoming available WQ51kCoKzaI-00113-00024543-00024775 most me you wanted to take things over WQ51kCoKzaI-00114-00024776-00024999 yes thank you so much james and good WQ51kCoKzaI-00115-00025000-00025271 morning to everyone from washington dc WQ51kCoKzaI-00116-00025272-00025542 i'm really glad to be on this panel and WQ51kCoKzaI-00117-00025543-00025678 share with you WQ51kCoKzaI-00118-00025679-00025918 very briefly um about the value of WQ51kCoKzaI-00119-00025919-00026118 nature-based solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-00120-00026119-00026607 so give me one moment to share my screen WQ51kCoKzaI-00121-00026608-00026943 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00122-00026944-00027214 here we are WQ51kCoKzaI-00123-00027216-00027446 so i'm going to be talking about um the WQ51kCoKzaI-00124-00027447-00027655 value of nature-based solutions and why WQ51kCoKzaI-00125-00027656-00027951 they're specifically extremely useful to WQ51kCoKzaI-00126-00027952-00028214 build climate resilience so i'm going to WQ51kCoKzaI-00127-00028216-00028470 start by just providing some basic facts WQ51kCoKzaI-00128-00028472-00028702 many of you may know these facts um WQ51kCoKzaI-00129-00028704-00028862 about the needs for climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-00130-00028863-00029062 adaptation and the impacts that climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00131-00029063-00029431 change has had on people WQ51kCoKzaI-00132-00029432-00029535 firstly WQ51kCoKzaI-00133-00029536-00029799 more than 11 000 disasters have occurred WQ51kCoKzaI-00134-00029800-00030014 over the last 50 years and they've all WQ51kCoKzaI-00135-00030016-00030246 been attributed to weather climate and WQ51kCoKzaI-00136-00030247-00030535 water-related hazards WQ51kCoKzaI-00137-00030536-00030799 and this has led to 2 million deaths and WQ51kCoKzaI-00138-00030800-00031111 3.6 trillion dollars in economic losses WQ51kCoKzaI-00139-00031112-00031374 around the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00140-00031375-00031631 more than 600 million people or roughly WQ51kCoKzaI-00141-00031632-00031831 10 of the world's population live in WQ51kCoKzaI-00142-00031832-00032039 coastal areas that are less than 10 WQ51kCoKzaI-00143-00032039-00032295 meters above sea level so very very WQ51kCoKzaI-00144-00032295-00032631 susceptible to sea level rise and other WQ51kCoKzaI-00145-00032632-00032983 climate hazards such as storms WQ51kCoKzaI-00146-00032984-00033207 and rising seas and greater storm surges WQ51kCoKzaI-00147-00033208-00033415 could cost coastal especially urban WQ51kCoKzaI-00148-00033416-00033671 areas more than a trillion dollars each WQ51kCoKzaI-00149-00033672-00034046 year by 2050 so huge impacts of climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00150-00034047-00034239 change on coastal areas and people WQ51kCoKzaI-00151-00034240-00034431 living along the coast WQ51kCoKzaI-00152-00034432-00034646 so what can we do about this WQ51kCoKzaI-00153-00034647-00034831 this is where nature-based solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-00154-00034832-00035039 comes in i really like this graphic WQ51kCoKzaI-00155-00035040-00035190 because it captures multiple WQ51kCoKzaI-00156-00035191-00035367 nature-based solutions that can help us WQ51kCoKzaI-00157-00035368-00035599 and i will go dive into specifically WQ51kCoKzaI-00158-00035600-00035759 what reefs can do for us and what WQ51kCoKzaI-00159-00035760-00035943 mangroves can do for us specifically WQ51kCoKzaI-00160-00035944-00036239 because they are huge ecosystems and um WQ51kCoKzaI-00161-00036240-00036511 we can we can get a lot of benefits by WQ51kCoKzaI-00162-00036512-00036702 by protecting them and managing them WQ51kCoKzaI-00163-00036703-00036967 properly so what this infographic tries WQ51kCoKzaI-00164-00036968-00037327 to do is it captures how um coral reefs WQ51kCoKzaI-00165-00037328-00037671 for instance can reduce 95 97 97 percent WQ51kCoKzaI-00166-00037672-00037815 of wave energy WQ51kCoKzaI-00167-00037816-00038046 and that act as storm barriers and if WQ51kCoKzaI-00168-00038047-00038262 you also have mangroves along the coast WQ51kCoKzaI-00169-00038263-00038502 as well that can help reduce 66 percent WQ51kCoKzaI-00170-00038503-00038655 of wavelengths WQ51kCoKzaI-00171-00038656-00038902 these have huge economic impacts as well WQ51kCoKzaI-00172-00038903-00039183 in terms of protecting people and land WQ51kCoKzaI-00173-00039184-00039415 um and WQ51kCoKzaI-00174-00039416-00039630 the the economic activity that goes WQ51kCoKzaI-00175-00039631-00039830 along in the coast coastal areas for WQ51kCoKzaI-00176-00039831-00040102 instance fishing and tourism so huge WQ51kCoKzaI-00177-00040103-00040302 huge benefits in terms of protecting WQ51kCoKzaI-00178-00040303-00040551 coral reefs and mangroves WQ51kCoKzaI-00179-00040552-00040887 and some ecosystems like mangroves can WQ51kCoKzaI-00180-00040888-00041111 also have mitigation benefits so not WQ51kCoKzaI-00181-00041112-00041311 just adaptation benefits that can help WQ51kCoKzaI-00182-00041312-00041423 people WQ51kCoKzaI-00183-00041424-00041727 cope with disasters but also WQ51kCoKzaI-00184-00041728-00041918 help reduce or help WQ51kCoKzaI-00185-00041919-00042151 yes help reduce greenhouse gas emissions WQ51kCoKzaI-00186-00042152-00042374 so here on the bottom right you'll see WQ51kCoKzaI-00187-00042375-00042462 that WQ51kCoKzaI-00188-00042463-00042695 marshes can WQ51kCoKzaI-00189-00042696-00042830 not only WQ51kCoKzaI-00190-00042831-00042951 help produce WQ51kCoKzaI-00191-00042952-00043246 shrimp and blue crab but seagrass in WQ51kCoKzaI-00192-00043247-00043558 near-marshy areas can also WQ51kCoKzaI-00193-00043559-00043790 help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as WQ51kCoKzaI-00194-00043791-00044062 well WQ51kCoKzaI-00195-00044063-00044295 so let me dive in a little bit more in WQ51kCoKzaI-00196-00044296-00044630 terms of the value of reefs WQ51kCoKzaI-00197-00044631-00044807 in terms of increasing climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00198-00044808-00044951 resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00199-00044952-00045135 as i've mentioned reefs can reduce wave WQ51kCoKzaI-00200-00045136-00045430 energy by 97 WQ51kCoKzaI-00201-00045431-00045607 they protect more than 200 million WQ51kCoKzaI-00202-00045608-00045927 people from storms around the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00203-00045928-00046151 and they also help to reduce livelihoods WQ51kCoKzaI-00204-00046152-00046399 and improve livelihoods and food WQ51kCoKzaI-00205-00046400-00046511 security WQ51kCoKzaI-00206-00046512-00046686 so for instance coral reef fisheries WQ51kCoKzaI-00207-00046687-00046927 around the world are worth 6.8 billion WQ51kCoKzaI-00208-00046928-00047327 dollars in terms of fish production WQ51kCoKzaI-00209-00047328-00047623 fish accounts for about 17 of protein at WQ51kCoKzaI-00210-00047624-00047855 the global level and exceeds 50 WQ51kCoKzaI-00211-00047856-00048102 in many least developed countries so WQ51kCoKzaI-00212-00048103-00048318 again protecting coral reefs not only WQ51kCoKzaI-00213-00048319-00048558 helps us reduce impacts of climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00214-00048559-00048783 change but also helps protect food WQ51kCoKzaI-00215-00048784-00048999 security WQ51kCoKzaI-00216-00049000-00049183 and approximately 50 of all WQ51kCoKzaI-00217-00049184-00049390 international tourists travel to coastal WQ51kCoKzaI-00218-00049391-00049655 areas so again offering huge economic WQ51kCoKzaI-00219-00049656-00049823 benefits to people living along the WQ51kCoKzaI-00220-00049824-00049967 coast WQ51kCoKzaI-00221-00049968-00050127 and finally they offer WQ51kCoKzaI-00222-00050128-00050330 valuable goods and services worth about WQ51kCoKzaI-00223-00050331-00050599 375 billion dollars each year to WQ51kCoKzaI-00224-00050600-00050862 communities around the world so WQ51kCoKzaI-00225-00050863-00051062 extremely significant WQ51kCoKzaI-00226-00051063-00051390 extremely valuable natural resources WQ51kCoKzaI-00227-00051391-00051670 moving on to the value of mangroves and WQ51kCoKzaI-00228-00051671-00051894 here again we'll see multiple WQ51kCoKzaI-00229-00051895-00052070 benefits so in terms of increasing WQ51kCoKzaI-00230-00052071-00052230 climate resilience as i've mentioned WQ51kCoKzaI-00231-00052232-00052526 it's estimated that just 100 meters of WQ51kCoKzaI-00232-00052527-00052799 mangroves can reduce wave height by 66 WQ51kCoKzaI-00233-00052800-00052966 percent WQ51kCoKzaI-00234-00052967-00053166 mangroves keep pace with moderate sea WQ51kCoKzaI-00235-00053167-00053407 level rise increasing the resilience of WQ51kCoKzaI-00236-00053408-00053607 coastlines WQ51kCoKzaI-00237-00053608-00053847 they also prevent more than 65 billion WQ51kCoKzaI-00238-00053848-00054087 dollars in property damages and reduce WQ51kCoKzaI-00239-00054088-00054359 flood risks to some 15 million people WQ51kCoKzaI-00240-00054360-00054703 every year around the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00241-00054704-00054879 and of course they also help improve WQ51kCoKzaI-00242-00054879-00055111 livelihoods and food security so in many WQ51kCoKzaI-00243-00055112-00055359 countries over 80 percent of small-scale WQ51kCoKzaI-00244-00055360-00055630 fishers rely on mangroves and there are WQ51kCoKzaI-00245-00055632-00055887 over 4.1 million mangrove fissures WQ51kCoKzaI-00246-00055888-00056047 globally so again WQ51kCoKzaI-00247-00056048-00056415 huge benefits multiple benefits WQ51kCoKzaI-00248-00056416-00056647 so i wanted to share with you just come WQ51kCoKzaI-00249-00056648-00056815 some highlights of what we're doing at WQ51kCoKzaI-00250-00056816-00057119 the nature conservancy um one in in one WQ51kCoKzaI-00251-00057120-00057230 of the projects called the nature WQ51kCoKzaI-00252-00057232-00057526 protects people project um we are trying WQ51kCoKzaI-00253-00057527-00057823 to uh build awareness about the value of WQ51kCoKzaI-00254-00057824-00058007 nature-based solutions such as mangroves WQ51kCoKzaI-00255-00058008-00058263 and reefs but also multiple other WQ51kCoKzaI-00256-00058264-00058503 ecosystems so what we've done is WQ51kCoKzaI-00257-00058504-00058711 produced this blue guide to coastal risk WQ51kCoKzaI-00258-00058712-00058863 and resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00259-00058864-00059007 and i would highly recommend that you WQ51kCoKzaI-00260-00059008-00059119 check out this platform WQ51kCoKzaI-00261-00059120-00059454 www.natureprotects.org WQ51kCoKzaI-00262-00059455-00059679 to download this guide this guide has WQ51kCoKzaI-00263-00059679-00059942 been primarily prepared for WQ51kCoKzaI-00264-00059944-00060159 people in the disaster risk reduction WQ51kCoKzaI-00265-00060160-00060399 world people who work on climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-00266-00060400-00060526 adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-00267-00060527-00060742 to help them better understand WQ51kCoKzaI-00268-00060744-00060959 what are the different values of WQ51kCoKzaI-00269-00060960-00061135 nature-based solutions what are the WQ51kCoKzaI-00270-00061136-00061350 different conditions under which these WQ51kCoKzaI-00271-00061351-00061582 ecosystems can reduce the impact of WQ51kCoKzaI-00272-00061583-00061775 climate change because WQ51kCoKzaI-00273-00061776-00061975 there is no guarantee that these um WQ51kCoKzaI-00274-00061976-00062191 ecosystems will be WQ51kCoKzaI-00275-00062191-00062399 will be able to successfully benefit us WQ51kCoKzaI-00276-00062400-00062599 in every single context there are WQ51kCoKzaI-00277-00062600-00062894 various conditions around which these WQ51kCoKzaI-00278-00062895-00063254 ecosystems can help us and of course um WQ51kCoKzaI-00279-00063255-00063335 this WQ51kCoKzaI-00280-00063336-00063591 this blue guide also helps look at WQ51kCoKzaI-00281-00063591-00063894 issues around governance um and and how WQ51kCoKzaI-00282-00063895-00064150 to actually plan and incorporate nature WQ51kCoKzaI-00283-00064151-00064487 based solutions into project planning WQ51kCoKzaI-00284-00064488-00064671 um we've been training the blue guy WQ51kCoKzaI-00285-00064672-00064830 training people to how to use the blue WQ51kCoKzaI-00286-00064832-00065175 guide to coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00287-00065176-00065430 and we are also working with the global WQ51kCoKzaI-00288-00065432-00065735 disaster preparedness center to um WQ51kCoKzaI-00289-00065736-00066071 develop an eco drr app which helps to WQ51kCoKzaI-00290-00066072-00066287 mobilize community level action and WQ51kCoKzaI-00291-00066288-00066511 specifically targeting small and medium WQ51kCoKzaI-00292-00066512-00066847 scale enterprises to help them be better WQ51kCoKzaI-00293-00066848-00067087 prepared for climate disasters and build WQ51kCoKzaI-00294-00067088-00067263 better awareness about nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-00295-00067264-00067431 solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-00296-00067432-00067615 we're also supporting governments in WQ51kCoKzaI-00297-00067616-00067750 various countries to integrate WQ51kCoKzaI-00298-00067751-00067959 nature-based solutions into their WQ51kCoKzaI-00299-00067960-00068199 disaster risk reduction and climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00300-00068200-00068438 policies and we're building awareness WQ51kCoKzaI-00301-00068439-00068623 about nature-based solutions among WQ51kCoKzaI-00302-00068624-00068806 women's networks in particular because WQ51kCoKzaI-00303-00068807-00069071 as many of you know women play a WQ51kCoKzaI-00304-00069072-00069271 significant role in terms of managing WQ51kCoKzaI-00305-00069272-00069494 their natural resources including reefs WQ51kCoKzaI-00306-00069495-00069671 and mangroves WQ51kCoKzaI-00307-00069672-00069935 i wanted to take just a minute to dive WQ51kCoKzaI-00308-00069936-00070191 in a little bit deeper into one of our WQ51kCoKzaI-00309-00070192-00070438 most interesting projects WQ51kCoKzaI-00310-00070439-00070582 and this is about WQ51kCoKzaI-00311-00070583-00070894 ensuring coral reefs and this is a very WQ51kCoKzaI-00312-00070895-00071150 innovative project one of i would say i WQ51kCoKzaI-00313-00071151-00071382 haven't heard of any other actually WQ51kCoKzaI-00314-00071383-00071543 and so what we're doing at the nature WQ51kCoKzaI-00315-00071544-00071638 conservancy WQ51kCoKzaI-00316-00071639-00071887 is working with um WQ51kCoKzaI-00317-00071888-00072103 the the mexican government WQ51kCoKzaI-00318-00072104-00072623 to uh help help create a um insurance WQ51kCoKzaI-00319-00072624-00072847 so that would protect reits so let's say WQ51kCoKzaI-00320-00072848-00073071 a storm is coming in WQ51kCoKzaI-00321-00073072-00073247 especially in this particular caribbean WQ51kCoKzaI-00322-00073248-00073535 coastline as you see in the maps here WQ51kCoKzaI-00323-00073536-00073911 um and if the storm reaches a certain uh WQ51kCoKzaI-00324-00073912-00074079 velocity WQ51kCoKzaI-00325-00074080-00074238 and there and which would create WQ51kCoKzaI-00326-00074239-00074591 significant damages to coastal areas WQ51kCoKzaI-00327-00074592-00074806 there would be a payout WQ51kCoKzaI-00328-00074807-00075087 to communities or whoever is buying the WQ51kCoKzaI-00329-00075088-00075231 insurance WQ51kCoKzaI-00330-00075232-00075438 so that they can use that money to WQ51kCoKzaI-00331-00075439-00075623 rebuild reefs WQ51kCoKzaI-00332-00075624-00075862 so that they can offer their protective WQ51kCoKzaI-00333-00075863-00076182 value again if another storm comes in WQ51kCoKzaI-00334-00076183-00076431 so we were able to WQ51kCoKzaI-00335-00076432-00076638 see the benefits of this insurance WQ51kCoKzaI-00336-00076639-00076871 project and insurance payout WQ51kCoKzaI-00337-00076872-00077143 because it triggered a response by WQ51kCoKzaI-00338-00077144-00077519 hurricane delta on october 7th 2020 WQ51kCoKzaI-00339-00077520-00077815 and it offered a payout of 40 WQ51kCoKzaI-00340-00077816-00078062 or 850 000 WQ51kCoKzaI-00341-00078063-00078335 and this money um was sent to what we WQ51kCoKzaI-00342-00078336-00078526 call reef brigade so they are a group of WQ51kCoKzaI-00343-00078527-00078647 volunteers WQ51kCoKzaI-00344-00078648-00078943 um from from various sectors um you know WQ51kCoKzaI-00345-00078944-00079159 people who really depend on on coastal WQ51kCoKzaI-00346-00079160-00079271 economy WQ51kCoKzaI-00347-00079272-00079655 um who volunteer to you know go out with WQ51kCoKzaI-00348-00079656-00079799 some training WQ51kCoKzaI-00349-00079800-00080162 go out for two months to help stabilize WQ51kCoKzaI-00350-00080163-00080535 2152 coral colonies and they collected WQ51kCoKzaI-00351-00080536-00080871 over 13 000 broken corals as well and WQ51kCoKzaI-00352-00080872-00081094 the restoration efforts they do take WQ51kCoKzaI-00353-00081095-00081335 time um it will take about two years to WQ51kCoKzaI-00354-00081336-00081511 restore these reefs WQ51kCoKzaI-00355-00081512-00081711 to be ready to help people along the WQ51kCoKzaI-00356-00081712-00082023 coast be resilient and and be protected WQ51kCoKzaI-00357-00082024-00082255 if another storm WQ51kCoKzaI-00358-00082256-00082518 comes comes across their way WQ51kCoKzaI-00359-00082519-00082703 so super innovative and we're planning WQ51kCoKzaI-00360-00082704-00083006 to scale this model in in different WQ51kCoKzaI-00361-00083007-00083215 parts of the world as well so one of the WQ51kCoKzaI-00362-00083216-00083335 first WQ51kCoKzaI-00363-00083336-00083511 insurance for nature WQ51kCoKzaI-00364-00083512-00083815 models out there WQ51kCoKzaI-00365-00083816-00084031 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00366-00084032-00084182 i can't seem to move on to my next WQ51kCoKzaI-00367-00084183-00084647 screen here just one moment WQ51kCoKzaI-00368-00084648-00084911 oh there it is so i wanted to end with a WQ51kCoKzaI-00369-00084912-00085143 couple of uh takeaways WQ51kCoKzaI-00370-00085144-00085343 one is that nature-based solutions are WQ51kCoKzaI-00371-00085344-00085550 increasingly becoming recognized as an WQ51kCoKzaI-00372-00085551-00085782 effective multi-benefit mechanism to WQ51kCoKzaI-00373-00085783-00086031 help vulnerable people become more WQ51kCoKzaI-00374-00086032-00086247 resilient to climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-00375-00086248-00086423 i would say nature-based solutions is WQ51kCoKzaI-00376-00086424-00086694 really you know slowly gaining traction WQ51kCoKzaI-00377-00086695-00087047 it's not quite up there in terms of WQ51kCoKzaI-00378-00087048-00087335 the most popular adaptation solution but WQ51kCoKzaI-00379-00087336-00087615 it is very much gaining in popularity WQ51kCoKzaI-00380-00087616-00087847 and one of the reasons is because WQ51kCoKzaI-00381-00087848-00088071 compared to built infrastructure for WQ51kCoKzaI-00382-00088072-00088247 instance if you have WQ51kCoKzaI-00383-00088248-00088591 sea walls um that protect people along WQ51kCoKzaI-00384-00088592-00088750 the shoreline WQ51kCoKzaI-00385-00088751-00088959 sea walls cost a lot more than WQ51kCoKzaI-00386-00088960-00089118 protecting nature-based solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-00387-00089119-00089431 protecting reefs and mangroves um and WQ51kCoKzaI-00388-00089432-00089703 sea walls don't necessarily provide WQ51kCoKzaI-00389-00089704-00089887 these livelihood and food security WQ51kCoKzaI-00390-00089888-00090103 benefits as you would find WQ51kCoKzaI-00391-00090104-00090271 when you protect coral reefs and WQ51kCoKzaI-00392-00090272-00090511 mangroves for instance so they're slowly WQ51kCoKzaI-00393-00090512-00090806 becoming more and more um WQ51kCoKzaI-00394-00090807-00090911 uh WQ51kCoKzaI-00395-00090912-00091023 sort of a WQ51kCoKzaI-00396-00091024-00091255 more more popular adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-00397-00091256-00091559 option i would say WQ51kCoKzaI-00398-00091560-00091775 i would also say that connecting science WQ51kCoKzaI-00399-00091776-00091926 planning and communities through WQ51kCoKzaI-00400-00091927-00092159 partnerships is an extremely effective WQ51kCoKzaI-00401-00092160-00092399 way to build knowledge and capacity to WQ51kCoKzaI-00402-00092400-00092623 use ecosystems to reduce impacts of WQ51kCoKzaI-00403-00092624-00092767 climate hazards WQ51kCoKzaI-00404-00092768-00092926 so there so WQ51kCoKzaI-00405-00092927-00093294 no one group or one person can can help WQ51kCoKzaI-00406-00093295-00093503 restore and protect WQ51kCoKzaI-00407-00093504-00093711 these nature based solutions it really WQ51kCoKzaI-00408-00093712-00093943 takes an army of people it really takes WQ51kCoKzaI-00409-00093944-00094135 scientists offering WQ51kCoKzaI-00410-00094136-00094374 knowledge about WQ51kCoKzaI-00411-00094375-00094599 climate risks for instance offering WQ51kCoKzaI-00412-00094600-00094862 knowledge about how best to restore WQ51kCoKzaI-00413-00094863-00095103 reefs and mangroves it takes a lot of WQ51kCoKzaI-00414-00095104-00095287 people in in planning WQ51kCoKzaI-00415-00095288-00095479 not only of course the communities are WQ51kCoKzaI-00416-00095480-00095726 the most important stakeholders because WQ51kCoKzaI-00417-00095727-00095926 they are the stewards of protecting WQ51kCoKzaI-00418-00095927-00096167 mangroves and reefs in most cases but it WQ51kCoKzaI-00419-00096168-00096447 involves government agencies it involves WQ51kCoKzaI-00420-00096448-00096623 disaster risk production planners WQ51kCoKzaI-00421-00096624-00096838 adaptation planners um WQ51kCoKzaI-00422-00096839-00097071 you know all sorts of stakeholders to WQ51kCoKzaI-00423-00097072-00097247 come together to develop a partnership WQ51kCoKzaI-00424-00097248-00097326 which WQ51kCoKzaI-00425-00097327-00097526 can be challenging um but it's also WQ51kCoKzaI-00426-00097527-00097759 extremely effective and and i think that WQ51kCoKzaI-00427-00097760-00097935 is the way to go is through such WQ51kCoKzaI-00428-00097936-00098215 partnerships WQ51kCoKzaI-00429-00098216-00098367 let me leave you with my last thought WQ51kCoKzaI-00430-00098368-00098582 here um which is about how media can WQ51kCoKzaI-00431-00098583-00098806 improve coverage i think media can help WQ51kCoKzaI-00432-00098807-00099031 improve coverage by telling more human WQ51kCoKzaI-00433-00099032-00099143 stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00434-00099144-00099391 um and and telling more positive stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00435-00099392-00099591 so not necessarily waiting for a WQ51kCoKzaI-00436-00099592-00099918 disaster to happen and then tell a story WQ51kCoKzaI-00437-00099919-00100167 about how it's affected people but to WQ51kCoKzaI-00438-00100168-00100382 share you know all the positive stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00439-00100383-00100647 out there in terms of how people are WQ51kCoKzaI-00440-00100648-00100871 already protecting nature or using WQ51kCoKzaI-00441-00100872-00101038 nature-based solutions and protecting WQ51kCoKzaI-00442-00101039-00101303 reefs and mangroves even before a storm WQ51kCoKzaI-00443-00101304-00101503 comes because it is a way for them to WQ51kCoKzaI-00444-00101504-00101791 prepare and to become resilient WQ51kCoKzaI-00445-00101792-00102071 before the next climate disaster happens WQ51kCoKzaI-00446-00102072-00102238 so i'll leave it at that thank you so WQ51kCoKzaI-00447-00102239-00102463 much WQ51kCoKzaI-00448-00102464-00102599 thank you motion thank you that's a WQ51kCoKzaI-00449-00102600-00102871 wonderful summary of the possibilities WQ51kCoKzaI-00450-00102872-00102975 for WQ51kCoKzaI-00451-00102976-00103134 nature-based solutions and i think WQ51kCoKzaI-00452-00103135-00103310 probably we just scratched the surface WQ51kCoKzaI-00453-00103311-00103454 there so WQ51kCoKzaI-00454-00103455-00103678 for all you participants uh please if WQ51kCoKzaI-00455-00103679-00103863 you have questions for moshme please put WQ51kCoKzaI-00456-00103864-00104118 them in the q a feature and we're going WQ51kCoKzaI-00457-00104119-00104334 to get to them uh after our other WQ51kCoKzaI-00458-00104335-00104534 panelists for now i'm going to turn it WQ51kCoKzaI-00459-00104535-00104799 over to stephanie tai from the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00460-00104800-00105078 resources institute to uh share some WQ51kCoKzaI-00461-00105079-00105358 case studies about coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00462-00105359-00105527 that many of you journalists out there WQ51kCoKzaI-00463-00105528-00105710 might find instructive WQ51kCoKzaI-00464-00105711-00105895 stephanie WQ51kCoKzaI-00465-00105896-00106031 thank you james WQ51kCoKzaI-00466-00106032-00106271 so good morning good afternoon to WQ51kCoKzaI-00467-00106272-00106478 everyone i see people joining from WQ51kCoKzaI-00468-00106479-00106783 kenya india and bangladesh very happy to WQ51kCoKzaI-00469-00106783-00106983 have this opportunity to present to all WQ51kCoKzaI-00470-00106983-00107110 of you WQ51kCoKzaI-00471-00107111-00107343 briefly i work at the world resources WQ51kCoKzaI-00472-00107344-00107558 institute which is an international WQ51kCoKzaI-00473-00107559-00107719 organization WQ51kCoKzaI-00474-00107720-00107843 dedicated to WQ51kCoKzaI-00475-00107844-00108119 research and WQ51kCoKzaI-00476-00108120-00108334 just having a positive impact around WQ51kCoKzaI-00477-00108335-00108558 sustainable development especially WQ51kCoKzaI-00478-00108559-00108854 on global issues at the nexus of success WQ51kCoKzaI-00479-00108855-00109095 human society WQ51kCoKzaI-00480-00109096-00109407 the economy and the environment WQ51kCoKzaI-00481-00109408-00109495 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00482-00109496-00109775 yeah so i'll just go ahead and start so WQ51kCoKzaI-00483-00109776-00110054 accelerating climate adaptation action WQ51kCoKzaI-00484-00110055-00110399 to protect people and secure economies WQ51kCoKzaI-00485-00110400-00110543 and coastal areas WQ51kCoKzaI-00486-00110544-00110895 across the world is essential as james WQ51kCoKzaI-00487-00110896-00111102 mentioned today i'll be sharing stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00488-00111103-00111343 from three different parts of the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00489-00111344-00111558 of on the ground progress WQ51kCoKzaI-00490-00111559-00111783 when it comes to protecting these WQ51kCoKzaI-00491-00111783-00112031 coastal regions and how this progress WQ51kCoKzaI-00492-00112032-00112390 came about WQ51kCoKzaI-00493-00112391-00112623 but first i'd like to just re-emphasize WQ51kCoKzaI-00494-00112624-00112871 what my co-panelist has already WQ51kCoKzaI-00495-00112872-00112990 said that WQ51kCoKzaI-00496-00112991-00113302 climate impacts are definitely on the WQ51kCoKzaI-00497-00113303-00113639 rise this is undeniable by now and WQ51kCoKzaI-00498-00113640-00113790 coastal communities WQ51kCoKzaI-00499-00113791-00114007 are particularly vulnerable to these WQ51kCoKzaI-00500-00114008-00114119 impacts WQ51kCoKzaI-00501-00114120-00114478 this is because nearly 2.4 billion WQ51kCoKzaI-00502-00114479-00114719 billion people or about 40 of the WQ51kCoKzaI-00503-00114720-00114886 world's population WQ51kCoKzaI-00504-00114888-00115134 live within 100 kilometers of a WQ51kCoKzaI-00505-00115135-00115271 coastline WQ51kCoKzaI-00506-00115272-00115566 and by the year 2030 this number is WQ51kCoKzaI-00507-00115567-00115807 expected to go up to WQ51kCoKzaI-00508-00115808-00116039 6 billion people who will be WQ51kCoKzaI-00509-00116040-00116239 living within 200 kilometers of the WQ51kCoKzaI-00510-00116240-00116366 coastline WQ51kCoKzaI-00511-00116367-00116654 in addition the world and coasts WQ51kCoKzaI-00512-00116655-00116847 especially are becoming more and more WQ51kCoKzaI-00513-00116848-00117078 urban so people are moving more and more WQ51kCoKzaI-00514-00117079-00117302 towards cities and a lot of these cities WQ51kCoKzaI-00515-00117303-00117543 are actually near the or in these WQ51kCoKzaI-00516-00117544-00117758 coastal areas so this means that more WQ51kCoKzaI-00517-00117759-00117854 people WQ51kCoKzaI-00518-00117855-00118071 and more segments of the economy will be WQ51kCoKzaI-00519-00118072-00118207 exposed to WQ51kCoKzaI-00520-00118208-00118399 these coastal climate threats WQ51kCoKzaI-00521-00118400-00118639 and this means that adapting to climate WQ51kCoKzaI-00522-00118640-00118951 change is a must not just for WQ51kCoKzaI-00523-00118952-00119166 for governments but the private sector WQ51kCoKzaI-00524-00119167-00119486 and other aspects of society as well WQ51kCoKzaI-00525-00119488-00119686 climate change threats in WQ51kCoKzaI-00526-00119688-00119951 coastal areas range from WQ51kCoKzaI-00527-00119952-00120223 like short-term threats like WQ51kCoKzaI-00528-00120224-00120486 hurricanes extreme rainfall extreme WQ51kCoKzaI-00529-00120488-00120743 flooding to WQ51kCoKzaI-00530-00120744-00121134 more like slow onset events that can be WQ51kCoKzaI-00531-00121135-00121310 less visible these include things like WQ51kCoKzaI-00532-00121311-00121478 sea level rise WQ51kCoKzaI-00533-00121479-00121583 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00534-00121583-00121871 increasing salt intrusion which has a WQ51kCoKzaI-00535-00121872-00122071 like a very negative effect on WQ51kCoKzaI-00536-00122072-00122319 fresh water supplies for people who live WQ51kCoKzaI-00537-00122320-00122575 in coast and also people who engage in WQ51kCoKzaI-00538-00122576-00122758 in agriculture this has like a very WQ51kCoKzaI-00539-00122759-00122910 negative effect on WQ51kCoKzaI-00540-00122911-00123214 on those systems WQ51kCoKzaI-00541-00123215-00123310 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00542-00123311-00123575 as both james and motion we have said WQ51kCoKzaI-00543-00123576-00123823 these impacts will continue to WQ51kCoKzaI-00544-00123824-00124119 rise in the intensity and frequency that WQ51kCoKzaI-00545-00124120-00124278 they occur WQ51kCoKzaI-00546-00124279-00124495 and so it will continue to be a big WQ51kCoKzaI-00547-00124496-00124686 topic that the media has WQ51kCoKzaI-00548-00124688-00124927 to cover and low WQ51kCoKzaI-00549-00124928-00125086 income countries WQ51kCoKzaI-00550-00125088-00125327 are hit the hardest when it comes to WQ51kCoKzaI-00551-00125328-00125454 this WQ51kCoKzaI-00552-00125455-00125623 to these threats WQ51kCoKzaI-00553-00125624-00125871 and they often don't have the time to WQ51kCoKzaI-00554-00125872-00126063 recover or to rebuild WQ51kCoKzaI-00555-00126064-00126366 before the next threat is already WQ51kCoKzaI-00556-00126367-00126486 upon them WQ51kCoKzaI-00557-00126488-00126702 for example the the philippines is hit WQ51kCoKzaI-00558-00126703-00126847 on average by WQ51kCoKzaI-00559-00126848-00127102 20 typhoons every year so it's every WQ51kCoKzaI-00560-00127103-00127414 year and of those 25 are very very WQ51kCoKzaI-00561-00127415-00127566 devastating WQ51kCoKzaI-00562-00127567-00127686 so WQ51kCoKzaI-00563-00127688-00127863 so it's just a WQ51kCoKzaI-00564-00127864-00128223 a huge huge problem WQ51kCoKzaI-00565-00128224-00128454 and because climate impact will WQ51kCoKzaI-00566-00128455-00128583 affect every WQ51kCoKzaI-00567-00128583-00128831 element and every aspect of WQ51kCoKzaI-00568-00128832-00129047 of human society this means that it also WQ51kCoKzaI-00569-00129048-00129207 needs to be WQ51kCoKzaI-00570-00129208-00129471 integrated or considered at all levels WQ51kCoKzaI-00571-00129472-00129734 of government and across sectors WQ51kCoKzaI-00572-00129735-00129966 so this is why integrating adaptation or WQ51kCoKzaI-00573-00129967-00130207 mainstreaming adaptation as we like to WQ51kCoKzaI-00574-00130208-00130390 say kind of in the climate adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-00575-00130391-00130502 space WQ51kCoKzaI-00576-00130503-00130623 is WQ51kCoKzaI-00577-00130624-00131047 is a must WQ51kCoKzaI-00578-00131048-00131223 and even though WQ51kCoKzaI-00579-00131224-00131527 challenges like political instability WQ51kCoKzaI-00580-00131528-00131823 and the problem of coordinating across WQ51kCoKzaI-00581-00131824-00132175 different jurisdictions and also the WQ51kCoKzaI-00582-00132176-00132447 kind of this WQ51kCoKzaI-00583-00132448-00132647 always present problem of insufficient WQ51kCoKzaI-00584-00132648-00132751 funding WQ51kCoKzaI-00585-00132752-00132823 are WQ51kCoKzaI-00586-00132824-00133119 big challenges there are countries there WQ51kCoKzaI-00587-00133120-00133319 are many countries that are taking WQ51kCoKzaI-00588-00133320-00133599 steps to actually WQ51kCoKzaI-00589-00133600-00133775 implement adaptation measures on the WQ51kCoKzaI-00590-00133776-00133871 ground WQ51kCoKzaI-00591-00133872-00134159 so i would like to share examples from WQ51kCoKzaI-00592-00134160-00134343 three locations WQ51kCoKzaI-00593-00134344-00134511 that are doing this WQ51kCoKzaI-00594-00134512-00134766 and they are bangladesh WQ51kCoKzaI-00595-00134767-00134990 cartagena in colombia WQ51kCoKzaI-00596-00134991-00135159 and the philippines WQ51kCoKzaI-00597-00135160-00135359 so these are three WQ51kCoKzaI-00598-00135360-00135695 locations that are featured in a wri WQ51kCoKzaI-00599-00135696-00136071 working paper that was published in 2010 WQ51kCoKzaI-00600-00136072-00136231 co-authored by WQ51kCoKzaI-00601-00136232-00136527 jakob waslander my co-panelist dr WQ51kCoKzaI-00602-00136528-00136702 moshumi chadhiri WQ51kCoKzaI-00603-00136703-00136878 and myself WQ51kCoKzaI-00604-00136879-00137207 and we really hope that these WQ51kCoKzaI-00605-00137208-00137390 these stories from these three locations WQ51kCoKzaI-00606-00137391-00137654 could help inspire more action and just WQ51kCoKzaI-00607-00137655-00137799 show the world that WQ51kCoKzaI-00608-00137800-00138007 even when there are obstacles you can WQ51kCoKzaI-00609-00138008-00138166 still WQ51kCoKzaI-00610-00138167-00138359 move the needle from WQ51kCoKzaI-00611-00138360-00138607 having just a policy or a strategy to WQ51kCoKzaI-00612-00138608-00139087 having action on the ground WQ51kCoKzaI-00613-00139088-00139351 so in our research we came across these WQ51kCoKzaI-00614-00139352-00139654 six factors that really helped to WQ51kCoKzaI-00615-00139655-00139966 create the right conditions for success WQ51kCoKzaI-00616-00139967-00140083 they are WQ51kCoKzaI-00617-00140084-00140375 policies sustained leadership smart WQ51kCoKzaI-00618-00140376-00140519 partnerships WQ51kCoKzaI-00619-00140520-00140743 the right information and tools WQ51kCoKzaI-00620-00140744-00140951 having a whole of government approach WQ51kCoKzaI-00621-00140952-00141143 which means all sectors of government WQ51kCoKzaI-00622-00141144-00141263 are involved WQ51kCoKzaI-00623-00141264-00141439 and financing WQ51kCoKzaI-00624-00141440-00141687 and i will now go over each one briefly WQ51kCoKzaI-00625-00141688-00141807 with WQ51kCoKzaI-00626-00141808-00142151 an example or two from the case studies WQ51kCoKzaI-00627-00142152-00142375 so for the first one for the power of WQ51kCoKzaI-00628-00142376-00142590 policies WQ51kCoKzaI-00629-00142591-00142854 i would like to share how malaban city WQ51kCoKzaI-00630-00142855-00143087 in the philippines really wanted to WQ51kCoKzaI-00631-00143088-00143359 protect its population from WQ51kCoKzaI-00632-00143360-00143702 reoccurring flooding from rains rivers WQ51kCoKzaI-00633-00143703-00143878 and high tides WQ51kCoKzaI-00634-00143879-00143975 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00635-00143976-00144166 city officials knew that WQ51kCoKzaI-00636-00144167-00144283 the WQ51kCoKzaI-00637-00144284-00144519 national government was shifting WQ51kCoKzaI-00638-00144520-00144719 policies WQ51kCoKzaI-00639-00144720-00144935 so that instead of responding to WQ51kCoKzaI-00640-00144936-00145063 disasters WQ51kCoKzaI-00641-00145064-00145311 the government could more proactively WQ51kCoKzaI-00642-00145312-00145559 help manage and prevent them so city WQ51kCoKzaI-00643-00145560-00145711 officials WQ51kCoKzaI-00644-00145712-00146039 knew this they took advantage of this to WQ51kCoKzaI-00645-00146040-00146295 to organize and WQ51kCoKzaI-00646-00146296-00146471 get together with community leaders and WQ51kCoKzaI-00647-00146472-00146639 we can become engaged in this topic and WQ51kCoKzaI-00648-00146640-00146799 to request support from the national WQ51kCoKzaI-00649-00146800-00147083 government using this new strategy as a WQ51kCoKzaI-00650-00147084-00147423 basis so this is one example of how that WQ51kCoKzaI-00651-00147424-00147687 one particular policy really enabled the WQ51kCoKzaI-00652-00147688-00148014 city to take action WQ51kCoKzaI-00653-00148015-00148231 with regard to sustained leadership WQ51kCoKzaI-00654-00148232-00148495 in bangladesh politicians and government WQ51kCoKzaI-00655-00148496-00148783 officials have really demonstrated WQ51kCoKzaI-00656-00148784-00149007 consistent leadership on adaptation for WQ51kCoKzaI-00657-00149008-00149287 many many years now and this includes WQ51kCoKzaI-00658-00149288-00149487 members of of parliament from different WQ51kCoKzaI-00659-00149488-00149711 political parties working together WQ51kCoKzaI-00660-00149712-00149935 and at very high levels of government WQ51kCoKzaI-00661-00149936-00150063 agreeing that WQ51kCoKzaI-00662-00150064-00150359 addressing climate change is a priority WQ51kCoKzaI-00663-00150360-00150631 and keeping it as a priority for WQ51kCoKzaI-00664-00150632-00150799 for the government so as you can see WQ51kCoKzaI-00665-00150800-00150983 from this graphic WQ51kCoKzaI-00666-00150984-00151190 there has been a dramatic WQ51kCoKzaI-00667-00151191-00151447 positive impact in bangladesh with WQ51kCoKzaI-00668-00151448-00151590 regard to WQ51kCoKzaI-00669-00151591-00151878 number of just lives saved when it comes WQ51kCoKzaI-00670-00151879-00152023 to WQ51kCoKzaI-00671-00152024-00152175 these devastating WQ51kCoKzaI-00672-00152176-00152735 cyclones WQ51kCoKzaI-00673-00152736-00153054 the next factor is smart partnerships WQ51kCoKzaI-00674-00153055-00153359 in cartagena in colombia WQ51kCoKzaI-00675-00153360-00153487 businesses WQ51kCoKzaI-00676-00153488-00153687 join civil society WQ51kCoKzaI-00677-00153688-00153871 groups to really WQ51kCoKzaI-00678-00153872-00154095 make adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-00679-00154096-00154375 an item for the political agenda WQ51kCoKzaI-00680-00154376-00154454 they WQ51kCoKzaI-00681-00154455-00154663 knew that climate change even if it WQ51kCoKzaI-00682-00154664-00154751 wasn't WQ51kCoKzaI-00683-00154752-00155102 at that time a city priority it was a WQ51kCoKzaI-00684-00155103-00155311 phenomenon that was going to affect just WQ51kCoKzaI-00685-00155312-00155478 every aspect of WQ51kCoKzaI-00686-00155479-00155678 the economy and WQ51kCoKzaI-00687-00155679-00155790 therefore WQ51kCoKzaI-00688-00155791-00155999 people's livelihoods WQ51kCoKzaI-00689-00156000-00156231 and way of life so WQ51kCoKzaI-00690-00156232-00156343 they WQ51kCoKzaI-00691-00156344-00156671 created this this alliance to really WQ51kCoKzaI-00692-00156672-00156943 make it a an issue for the city and then WQ51kCoKzaI-00693-00156944-00157175 worked with city officials to create a WQ51kCoKzaI-00694-00157176-00157311 city plan WQ51kCoKzaI-00695-00157312-00157383 to WQ51kCoKzaI-00696-00157384-00157575 get to WQ51kCoKzaI-00697-00157576-00157743 bring about kind of a more sustainable WQ51kCoKzaI-00698-00157744-00158102 vision for the city WQ51kCoKzaI-00699-00158103-00158390 uh this one i'll just spend a short few WQ51kCoKzaI-00700-00158391-00158502 seconds on WQ51kCoKzaI-00701-00158503-00158735 it's important to make information WQ51kCoKzaI-00702-00158736-00158966 easy to understand and accessible for WQ51kCoKzaI-00703-00158967-00159126 people who need it WQ51kCoKzaI-00704-00159127-00159359 in malabon city for example WQ51kCoKzaI-00705-00159360-00159599 officials have printed flood risk maps WQ51kCoKzaI-00706-00159600-00159887 on tarpaulins and very public places so WQ51kCoKzaI-00707-00159888-00160183 that people can see and really WQ51kCoKzaI-00708-00160184-00160478 know how at-risk their they are their WQ51kCoKzaI-00709-00160479-00160639 house their WQ51kCoKzaI-00710-00160640-00160895 uh their offices WQ51kCoKzaI-00711-00160896-00161175 a whole of government approaches is very WQ51kCoKzaI-00712-00161176-00161590 important as i mentioned earlier because WQ51kCoKzaI-00713-00161591-00161814 adapting to climate change is not WQ51kCoKzaI-00714-00161815-00161990 response not the responsibility of just WQ51kCoKzaI-00715-00161991-00162175 one ministry or WQ51kCoKzaI-00716-00162176-00162366 or one office but it's actually a joint WQ51kCoKzaI-00717-00162367-00162614 responsibility across WQ51kCoKzaI-00718-00162615-00162814 ministry departments WQ51kCoKzaI-00719-00162815-00162966 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00720-00162967-00163111 yeah it's the responsibility from the WQ51kCoKzaI-00721-00163112-00163366 national to the state to the regional to WQ51kCoKzaI-00722-00163367-00163511 the city level because it is something WQ51kCoKzaI-00723-00163512-00163814 that is going to impact everyone WQ51kCoKzaI-00724-00163815-00163911 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00725-00163912-00164214 last but not least making financing WQ51kCoKzaI-00726-00164215-00164399 available is WQ51kCoKzaI-00727-00164400-00164654 critical to really WQ51kCoKzaI-00728-00164655-00164863 yeah to really making anything happen on WQ51kCoKzaI-00729-00164864-00165207 the ground in bangladesh two trusts two WQ51kCoKzaI-00730-00165208-00165471 funds have been established WQ51kCoKzaI-00731-00165472-00165623 to dedicate WQ51kCoKzaI-00732-00165624-00165823 money and resources for WQ51kCoKzaI-00733-00165824-00165975 climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-00734-00165976-00166087 protection WQ51kCoKzaI-00735-00166088-00166287 in the philippines something similar but WQ51kCoKzaI-00736-00166288-00166487 more at the the local level WQ51kCoKzaI-00737-00166488-00166726 and the government is also dedicated WQ51kCoKzaI-00738-00166727-00167007 five percent of their revenue to WQ51kCoKzaI-00739-00167008-00167326 uh disaster risk reduction WQ51kCoKzaI-00740-00167327-00167526 and cartagena has also secured external WQ51kCoKzaI-00741-00167527-00167599 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00742-00167600-00167751 private funding from these businesses WQ51kCoKzaI-00743-00167752-00168007 that i mentioned before WQ51kCoKzaI-00744-00168008-00168278 a few key messages that i would like to WQ51kCoKzaI-00745-00168279-00168526 just end with are that WQ51kCoKzaI-00746-00168527-00168790 climate threats to coastal areas will WQ51kCoKzaI-00747-00168791-00169023 continue to take center stage WQ51kCoKzaI-00748-00169024-00169223 and will become even more prevalent in WQ51kCoKzaI-00749-00169224-00169359 the years to come WQ51kCoKzaI-00750-00169360-00169663 that closing the gap between policies WQ51kCoKzaI-00751-00169664-00169951 and plans and action on the ground is WQ51kCoKzaI-00752-00169952-00170231 possible there are positive stories out WQ51kCoKzaI-00753-00170232-00170447 there as i just shared WQ51kCoKzaI-00754-00170448-00170751 and it's important to WQ51kCoKzaI-00755-00170752-00170935 yeah to share these lessons with other WQ51kCoKzaI-00756-00170936-00171135 countries with other parts of the world WQ51kCoKzaI-00757-00171136-00171287 and this is where the media can really WQ51kCoKzaI-00758-00171288-00171383 play WQ51kCoKzaI-00759-00171384-00171711 a key role and as as motion we also WQ51kCoKzaI-00760-00171712-00171959 mentioned that there WQ51kCoKzaI-00761-00171960-00172126 there is here a great opportunity for WQ51kCoKzaI-00762-00172127-00172319 the media to WQ51kCoKzaI-00763-00172320-00172559 not just cover disasters and tragedies WQ51kCoKzaI-00764-00172560-00172702 but also WQ51kCoKzaI-00765-00172703-00173031 solutions lessons positive stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00766-00173032-00173414 and even stories of averted disasters so WQ51kCoKzaI-00767-00173415-00173631 these are also things that i think WQ51kCoKzaI-00768-00173632-00173799 readers would be really interested in WQ51kCoKzaI-00769-00173800-00174143 learning more about WQ51kCoKzaI-00770-00174144-00174287 if you would like to read more about WQ51kCoKzaI-00771-00174288-00174487 these case studies i invite you to WQ51kCoKzaI-00772-00174488-00174647 check out our working paper and i'll WQ51kCoKzaI-00773-00174648-00175071 post the link in the chat WQ51kCoKzaI-00774-00175072-00175302 thank you stephanie that was wonderful WQ51kCoKzaI-00775-00175303-00175407 uh WQ51kCoKzaI-00776-00175408-00175607 some wonderful examples of case studies WQ51kCoKzaI-00777-00175608-00175790 journalists always love case studies WQ51kCoKzaI-00778-00175791-00176007 they're great to report on so WQ51kCoKzaI-00779-00176008-00176214 i'm sure there are others out there and WQ51kCoKzaI-00780-00176215-00176302 we WQ51kCoKzaI-00781-00176303-00176559 if you know we for those of you in the WQ51kCoKzaI-00782-00176560-00176719 audience you should be looking for your WQ51kCoKzaI-00783-00176720-00176807 own WQ51kCoKzaI-00784-00176808-00177111 examples in your home countries but uh WQ51kCoKzaI-00785-00177112-00177343 you know um WQ51kCoKzaI-00786-00177344-00177678 i i see we have several questions now in WQ51kCoKzaI-00787-00177679-00177871 the q a feature thank you for those keep WQ51kCoKzaI-00788-00177872-00178087 them coming uh we're gonna get to them WQ51kCoKzaI-00789-00178088-00178295 in a moment for now WQ51kCoKzaI-00790-00178296-00178471 uh thanks again stephanie i'm gonna turn WQ51kCoKzaI-00791-00178472-00178735 it over to jody gupta for the a WQ51kCoKzaI-00792-00178736-00178902 journalist's perspective joy deep is a WQ51kCoKzaI-00793-00178903-00179078 veteran journalist who WQ51kCoKzaI-00794-00179079-00179287 uh is the director of the third poll WQ51kCoKzaI-00795-00179288-00179599 website uh based in in he's based in new WQ51kCoKzaI-00796-00179600-00179847 delhi and but he covers all of south WQ51kCoKzaI-00797-00179848-00179983 asia and has WQ51kCoKzaI-00798-00179984-00180326 really led many of uh ejn's resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00799-00180327-00180583 reporting initiatives in the region WQ51kCoKzaI-00800-00180584-00180766 jordi WQ51kCoKzaI-00801-00180767-00180943 hi thanks james WQ51kCoKzaI-00802-00180944-00181087 hi everybody WQ51kCoKzaI-00803-00181088-00181311 i really enjoyed WQ51kCoKzaI-00804-00181312-00181454 listening WQ51kCoKzaI-00805-00181455-00181935 and watching the previous speakers it WQ51kCoKzaI-00806-00181936-00182078 taught me a lot WQ51kCoKzaI-00807-00182079-00182254 and i do hope WQ51kCoKzaI-00808-00182255-00182511 it has been useful to this audience in WQ51kCoKzaI-00809-00182512-00182759 which i can recognize a lot of my WQ51kCoKzaI-00810-00182760-00182895 colleagues WQ51kCoKzaI-00811-00182896-00183223 and i'm very glad to see them WQ51kCoKzaI-00812-00183224-00183390 because WQ51kCoKzaI-00813-00183391-00183743 i had an inkling that the two experts WQ51kCoKzaI-00814-00183744-00184159 speaking before me moshumi and stephanie WQ51kCoKzaI-00815-00184160-00184295 would WQ51kCoKzaI-00816-00184296-00184519 provide the information the WQ51kCoKzaI-00817-00184520-00184783 understanding the perspective WQ51kCoKzaI-00818-00184784-00185038 that we need WQ51kCoKzaI-00819-00185039-00185135 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00820-00185136-00185431 then i could have WQ51kCoKzaI-00821-00185432-00185678 a sort of a conversation WQ51kCoKzaI-00822-00185679-00185902 with everybody in the room and we could WQ51kCoKzaI-00823-00185903-00186159 all have a conversation WQ51kCoKzaI-00824-00186160-00186438 more specifically on story ideas on WQ51kCoKzaI-00825-00186439-00186663 coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-00826-00186664-00186935 so that's what i'm going to try to do WQ51kCoKzaI-00827-00186936-00187031 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00828-00187032-00187311 i will try to keep this as short as i WQ51kCoKzaI-00829-00187312-00187407 can WQ51kCoKzaI-00830-00187408-00187575 so that WQ51kCoKzaI-00831-00187576-00187854 we have maximum time for WQ51kCoKzaI-00832-00187855-00188078 a discussion WQ51kCoKzaI-00833-00188079-00188335 so let me let me start WQ51kCoKzaI-00834-00188336-00188423 by WQ51kCoKzaI-00835-00188424-00188678 talking about my experiences WQ51kCoKzaI-00836-00188679-00188838 while working WQ51kCoKzaI-00837-00188839-00189087 on the bay of bengal project a four-year WQ51kCoKzaI-00838-00189088-00189278 project that WQ51kCoKzaI-00839-00189279-00189678 ended on the 31st of december WQ51kCoKzaI-00840-00189679-00189871 2021 WQ51kCoKzaI-00841-00189872-00190302 which and which looked at WQ51kCoKzaI-00842-00190303-00190695 various media related aspects of WQ51kCoKzaI-00843-00190696-00191014 climate change impacts and resilience in WQ51kCoKzaI-00844-00191015-00191183 the communities WQ51kCoKzaI-00845-00191184-00191263 so WQ51kCoKzaI-00846-00191264-00191566 the first thing that we looked at was WQ51kCoKzaI-00847-00191567-00191750 where do the communities WQ51kCoKzaI-00848-00191751-00191902 in bangladesh WQ51kCoKzaI-00849-00191903-00192150 along the eastern coast of india WQ51kCoKzaI-00850-00192151-00192526 where do they get their information from WQ51kCoKzaI-00851-00192527-00192878 on climate change on slow WQ51kCoKzaI-00852-00192879-00193135 impact slow onset impacts like sea level WQ51kCoKzaI-00853-00193136-00193283 rise like WQ51kCoKzaI-00854-00193284-00193623 salinity and on disasters WQ51kCoKzaI-00855-00193624-00193783 like cyclones WQ51kCoKzaI-00856-00193784-00194095 um other other storms floods where do WQ51kCoKzaI-00857-00194096-00194302 they where do where are the communities WQ51kCoKzaI-00858-00194303-00194599 getting their information from WQ51kCoKzaI-00859-00194600-00194895 and we found that the information WQ51kCoKzaI-00860-00194896-00195111 ecosystem is fairly well developed when WQ51kCoKzaI-00861-00195112-00195247 it comes to WQ51kCoKzaI-00862-00195248-00195463 disasters when it comes to the quick WQ51kCoKzaI-00863-00195464-00195702 impacts of climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-00864-00195703-00195999 as we saw in the graph WQ51kCoKzaI-00865-00196000-00196135 earlier WQ51kCoKzaI-00866-00196136-00196295 the number of WQ51kCoKzaI-00867-00196296-00196454 human deaths WQ51kCoKzaI-00868-00196455-00196607 in bangladesh has WQ51kCoKzaI-00869-00196608-00196831 on through cyclones has come down WQ51kCoKzaI-00870-00196832-00197087 dramatically it's the same dramatic WQ51kCoKzaI-00871-00197088-00197223 decrease WQ51kCoKzaI-00872-00197224-00197502 all along the east coast of india WQ51kCoKzaI-00873-00197503-00197935 and this is big partly because our WQ51kCoKzaI-00874-00197936-00198087 weather WQ51kCoKzaI-00875-00198088-00198399 forecasts have become so so much better WQ51kCoKzaI-00876-00198400-00198614 and partly because that those better WQ51kCoKzaI-00877-00198615-00198926 forecasts which can track cyclones now WQ51kCoKzaI-00878-00198927-00199278 with three four days in advance WQ51kCoKzaI-00879-00199279-00199575 are now actually being disseminated to WQ51kCoKzaI-00880-00199576-00199943 the communities very very effectively WQ51kCoKzaI-00881-00199944-00200071 and WQ51kCoKzaI-00882-00200072-00200159 so WQ51kCoKzaI-00883-00200160-00200454 there are some things we are doing right WQ51kCoKzaI-00884-00200455-00200654 as journalists WQ51kCoKzaI-00885-00200655-00200814 there are some things we are not doing WQ51kCoKzaI-00886-00200815-00201047 so well on WQ51kCoKzaI-00887-00201048-00201254 there are a few of us who are doing well WQ51kCoKzaI-00888-00201255-00201471 but many of us are not WQ51kCoKzaI-00889-00201472-00201678 and that is WQ51kCoKzaI-00890-00201679-00201943 looking at the uh when it comes to WQ51kCoKzaI-00891-00201944-00202087 disasters WQ51kCoKzaI-00892-00202088-00202263 looking at WQ51kCoKzaI-00893-00202264-00202566 losses apart from human deaths WQ51kCoKzaI-00894-00202567-00202807 so here's a story idea WQ51kCoKzaI-00895-00202808-00203054 for all of you WQ51kCoKzaI-00896-00203055-00203390 when a storm whether it's a cyclone as WQ51kCoKzaI-00897-00203391-00203631 it's called a cyclonia or a typhoon in WQ51kCoKzaI-00898-00203632-00203838 the philippines or a hurricane in the WQ51kCoKzaI-00899-00203839-00204143 caribbean is the same thing WQ51kCoKzaI-00900-00204144-00204319 when that storm WQ51kCoKzaI-00901-00204320-00204599 hits WQ51kCoKzaI-00902-00204600-00204942 you know that now we have met officers WQ51kCoKzaI-00903-00204944-00205166 who can predict that storm so people can WQ51kCoKzaI-00904-00205167-00205438 be evacuated to safer zones and the WQ51kCoKzaI-00905-00205439-00205646 human deaths have gone down WQ51kCoKzaI-00906-00205648-00206094 have the economic losses gone down WQ51kCoKzaI-00907-00206096-00206358 have the hazel have the livestock that's WQ51kCoKzaI-00908-00206359-00206582 gone now WQ51kCoKzaI-00909-00206583-00206871 people have space to move WQ51kCoKzaI-00910-00206871-00207231 where will they move their livestock WQ51kCoKzaI-00911-00207232-00207455 do we have shelters for livestock WQ51kCoKzaI-00912-00207456-00207646 bangladesh has started building shelters WQ51kCoKzaI-00913-00207648-00207782 for livestock WQ51kCoKzaI-00914-00207783-00208023 in the cyclone shelters WQ51kCoKzaI-00915-00208023-00208366 india still hasn't WQ51kCoKzaI-00916-00208367-00208503 i don't know WQ51kCoKzaI-00917-00208504-00208734 how many other countries have started WQ51kCoKzaI-00918-00208735-00208903 building storm shelters WQ51kCoKzaI-00919-00208904-00209086 for livestock WQ51kCoKzaI-00920-00209087-00209334 and even in bangladesh WQ51kCoKzaI-00921-00209335-00209438 the WQ51kCoKzaI-00922-00209439-00209638 storm shelters the cyclone shelters for WQ51kCoKzaI-00923-00209639-00209982 livestock are inadequate WQ51kCoKzaI-00924-00209983-00210375 they're not big enough for the livestock WQ51kCoKzaI-00925-00210376-00210510 in the village WQ51kCoKzaI-00926-00210511-00210831 and you see you'll see reports before WQ51kCoKzaI-00927-00210832-00211110 every stop that the authorities are WQ51kCoKzaI-00928-00211111-00211319 coming are repeatedly telling WQ51kCoKzaI-00929-00211319-00211527 communities to move and people are not WQ51kCoKzaI-00930-00211528-00211727 wanting to move WQ51kCoKzaI-00931-00211728-00211919 they're not mad you know they're why WQ51kCoKzaI-00932-00211919-00212063 don't they want to move they don't want WQ51kCoKzaI-00933-00212064-00212294 to move because they don't want to WQ51kCoKzaI-00934-00212296-00212671 leave their livestock behind WQ51kCoKzaI-00935-00212671-00212855 they WQ51kCoKzaI-00936-00212856-00213023 are both an WQ51kCoKzaI-00937-00213023-00213319 economic asset and they have very strong WQ51kCoKzaI-00938-00213319-00213671 cultural social links with the livestock WQ51kCoKzaI-00939-00213671-00213975 at all WQ51kCoKzaI-00940-00213976-00214094 i think WQ51kCoKzaI-00941-00214096-00214263 these are stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00942-00214264-00214439 that we could look at WQ51kCoKzaI-00943-00214440-00214623 one story idea here WQ51kCoKzaI-00944-00214623-00214831 another story idea WQ51kCoKzaI-00945-00214832-00215175 that comes from slow onset WQ51kCoKzaI-00946-00215176-00215303 impacts WQ51kCoKzaI-00947-00215304-00215623 now we know scientists have told us WQ51kCoKzaI-00948-00215623-00216006 repeatedly that especially in tropical WQ51kCoKzaI-00949-00216007-00216287 waters and subtropical waters WQ51kCoKzaI-00950-00216288-00216551 due to climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-00951-00216552-00216671 fish WQ51kCoKzaI-00952-00216671-00216927 stocks have moved away from coastal WQ51kCoKzaI-00953-00216928-00217198 zones WQ51kCoKzaI-00954-00217200-00217294 so WQ51kCoKzaI-00955-00217296-00217510 fish when fish stocks have moved away WQ51kCoKzaI-00956-00217511-00217742 from coastal zones that affects the WQ51kCoKzaI-00957-00217744-00217934 livelihood of fishes WQ51kCoKzaI-00958-00217935-00218182 they have to go further out this means WQ51kCoKzaI-00959-00218183-00218423 more money more time to catch WQ51kCoKzaI-00960-00218423-00218646 the same fish or even the same amount of WQ51kCoKzaI-00961-00218648-00218942 fish or even less fish WQ51kCoKzaI-00962-00218944-00219375 are there any resilience methods WQ51kCoKzaI-00963-00219376-00219646 is somebody trying anything WQ51kCoKzaI-00964-00219648-00219919 you know that some in some many places WQ51kCoKzaI-00965-00219919-00220119 people are trying fish farming are they WQ51kCoKzaI-00966-00220119-00220303 good adaptation or are they male WQ51kCoKzaI-00967-00220304-00220510 adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-00968-00220511-00220975 i think this is a story worth pursuing WQ51kCoKzaI-00969-00220976-00221255 same definitely goes with shrimp farming WQ51kCoKzaI-00970-00221256-00221519 and crab farming on the coasts i know WQ51kCoKzaI-00971-00221519-00221694 people know about this so i'm not going WQ51kCoKzaI-00972-00221696-00221846 to go into details WQ51kCoKzaI-00973-00221848-00222127 of shrimp and crab farming on the coast WQ51kCoKzaI-00974-00222128-00222382 i'm going to go into WQ51kCoKzaI-00975-00222383-00222639 what a very WQ51kCoKzaI-00976-00222640-00222951 under reported aspect WQ51kCoKzaI-00977-00222952-00223191 of climate impacts WQ51kCoKzaI-00978-00223192-00223367 that we found WQ51kCoKzaI-00979-00223367-00223558 during this four-year project with the WQ51kCoKzaI-00980-00223559-00223815 earth journalism network WQ51kCoKzaI-00981-00223816-00224079 and in i'm quite WQ51kCoKzaI-00982-00224080-00224255 proud to say that WQ51kCoKzaI-00983-00224256-00224598 we fostered a large number of stories WQ51kCoKzaI-00984-00224600-00224958 on this underreported aspect and that is WQ51kCoKzaI-00985-00224959-00225167 what happens WQ51kCoKzaI-00986-00225167-00225358 when people are forced to drink WQ51kCoKzaI-00987-00225359-00225855 increasingly saline water WQ51kCoKzaI-00988-00225856-00226127 what happens is WQ51kCoKzaI-00989-00226128-00226334 men women children everybody starts WQ51kCoKzaI-00990-00226335-00226567 getting high blood pressure WQ51kCoKzaI-00991-00226567-00226719 and this is WQ51kCoKzaI-00992-00226719-00226982 absolutely critical for women especially WQ51kCoKzaI-00993-00226983-00227271 pregnant women because it leads to the WQ51kCoKzaI-00994-00227271-00227679 risk of pre-eclampsia WQ51kCoKzaI-00995-00227680-00227982 and this is a very very major impact WQ51kCoKzaI-00996-00227983-00228063 that WQ51kCoKzaI-00997-00228064-00228303 anybody who has worked as a journalist WQ51kCoKzaI-00998-00228304-00228446 as a researcher WQ51kCoKzaI-00999-00228448-00228719 in the coastal areas of the anywhere in WQ51kCoKzaI-01000-00228719-00228958 the tropics anywhere in the world WQ51kCoKzaI-01001-00228959-00229191 now WQ51kCoKzaI-01002-00229192-00229398 knows about WQ51kCoKzaI-01003-00229400-00229527 if he or she WQ51kCoKzaI-01004-00229528-00229839 is asking the right questions WQ51kCoKzaI-01005-00229840-00229951 i know WQ51kCoKzaI-01006-00229952-00230079 i can see WQ51kCoKzaI-01007-00230080-00230342 colleagues in this virtual room who have WQ51kCoKzaI-01008-00230344-00230615 done excellent reports WQ51kCoKzaI-01009-00230616-00230703 on WQ51kCoKzaI-01010-00230704-00230951 impacts on health especially women's WQ51kCoKzaI-01011-00230952-00231031 health WQ51kCoKzaI-01012-00231032-00231127 of WQ51kCoKzaI-01013-00231128-00231310 being forced to drink increasingly WQ51kCoKzaI-01014-00231311-00231519 saline water WQ51kCoKzaI-01015-00231519-00231687 now WQ51kCoKzaI-01016-00231688-00231934 i am asking all of you to take the next WQ51kCoKzaI-01017-00231935-00232239 step WQ51kCoKzaI-01018-00232240-00232631 are what are the resilience measures WQ51kCoKzaI-01019-00232632-00232831 we all realize i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01020-00232832-00232927 that WQ51kCoKzaI-01021-00232928-00233087 all all of us WQ51kCoKzaI-01022-00233088-00233231 can't have WQ51kCoKzaI-01023-00233232-00233446 can't afford to have WQ51kCoKzaI-01024-00233448-00233951 ro water reverse osmosis water WQ51kCoKzaI-01025-00233952-00234182 but we are finding especially along the WQ51kCoKzaI-01026-00234183-00234375 bangladesh coast WQ51kCoKzaI-01027-00234376-00234703 we are finding big aro plants WQ51kCoKzaI-01028-00234704-00234998 have become the only source of potable WQ51kCoKzaI-01029-00235000-00235151 water WQ51kCoKzaI-01030-00235152-00235494 in large parts of the bangladesh coast WQ51kCoKzaI-01031-00235496-00235694 especially the areas WQ51kCoKzaI-01032-00235696-00236023 near the sunnahs WQ51kCoKzaI-01033-00236023-00236231 so given that WQ51kCoKzaI-01034-00236232-00236567 is that the way to build resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01035-00236567-00236927 is there another way to build resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01036-00236928-00237119 should we WQ51kCoKzaI-01037-00237119-00237351 see if communities WQ51kCoKzaI-01038-00237352-00237551 if we all know that communities in WQ51kCoKzaI-01039-00237552-00237727 coastal areas WQ51kCoKzaI-01040-00237728-00237942 collect as much rain water as they can WQ51kCoKzaI-01041-00237944-00238303 and use it for as long as they can WQ51kCoKzaI-01042-00238304-00238606 is a way to build resilience in those WQ51kCoKzaI-01043-00238607-00238846 communities to improve that storage WQ51kCoKzaI-01044-00238848-00239151 capacity WQ51kCoKzaI-01045-00239152-00239527 how do we sort this out WQ51kCoKzaI-01046-00239528-00239806 a lot of this also has to do with plane WQ51kCoKzaI-01047-00239807-00240071 communications WQ51kCoKzaI-01048-00240071-00240334 we found firsthand WQ51kCoKzaI-01049-00240335-00240639 that when people realized WQ51kCoKzaI-01050-00240640-00240782 the impact WQ51kCoKzaI-01051-00240783-00240982 they knew that they they were suffering WQ51kCoKzaI-01052-00240983-00241142 from high blood pressure WQ51kCoKzaI-01053-00241144-00241358 women knew that they were suffering from WQ51kCoKzaI-01054-00241359-00241830 serious problems when they were pregnant WQ51kCoKzaI-01055-00241831-00242142 and apart from high blood pressure WQ51kCoKzaI-01056-00242144-00242358 prolonged exposure to increasingly WQ51kCoKzaI-01057-00242359-00242663 brackish water increasingly saline water WQ51kCoKzaI-01058-00242664-00242910 also leads to a whole host of skin WQ51kCoKzaI-01059-00242911-00243167 elements WQ51kCoKzaI-01060-00243167-00243327 we have known that WQ51kCoKzaI-01061-00243328-00243751 and it's increasing we have known that WQ51kCoKzaI-01062-00243752-00243934 when WQ51kCoKzaI-01063-00243935-00244255 some stories as part of the project of WQ51kCoKzaI-01064-00244256-00244439 the bay of bengal project WQ51kCoKzaI-01065-00244440-00244623 pointed this out WQ51kCoKzaI-01066-00244623-00244846 when this was published and it was WQ51kCoKzaI-01067-00244848-00245094 actually read WQ51kCoKzaI-01068-00245096-00245271 and after that we went to a fishers WQ51kCoKzaI-01069-00245271-00245415 village WQ51kCoKzaI-01070-00245416-00245606 and the women WQ51kCoKzaI-01071-00245607-00245703 almost WQ51kCoKzaI-01072-00245704-00245910 mobbed that reporter and said thank you WQ51kCoKzaI-01073-00245911-00246094 very much do you know what we have done WQ51kCoKzaI-01074-00246096-00246430 as a result of what we read WQ51kCoKzaI-01075-00246431-00246710 and he asked what they said WQ51kCoKzaI-01076-00246711-00246823 we have WQ51kCoKzaI-01077-00246823-00247055 drastically reduced the amount of salt WQ51kCoKzaI-01078-00247056-00247263 we use in cooking WQ51kCoKzaI-01079-00247264-00247671 because the water is salty anyway WQ51kCoKzaI-01080-00247671-00247894 it's WQ51kCoKzaI-01081-00247896-00248079 it's when you think about it it's a WQ51kCoKzaI-01082-00248080-00248310 plain common sense way WQ51kCoKzaI-01083-00248311-00248606 of building resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01084-00248607-00248855 and as journalists i think we can play WQ51kCoKzaI-01085-00248856-00249110 very important roles here communicating WQ51kCoKzaI-01086-00249111-00249591 these simple methods of resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01087-00249592-00249855 i hope i've been able to give you at WQ51kCoKzaI-01088-00249856-00250110 least some story ideas WQ51kCoKzaI-01089-00250111-00250446 with which we can start a discussion WQ51kCoKzaI-01090-00250448-00250719 and i think i should stop here WQ51kCoKzaI-01091-00250719-00250942 so that we can all start WQ51kCoKzaI-01092-00250944-00251110 talking to each other WQ51kCoKzaI-01093-00251111-00251239 thanks WQ51kCoKzaI-01094-00251240-00251423 thank you very much jadeep for WQ51kCoKzaI-01095-00251423-00251582 especially highlighting those health WQ51kCoKzaI-01096-00251583-00251703 impacts of WQ51kCoKzaI-01097-00251704-00251855 of climate change along the coast i WQ51kCoKzaI-01098-00251856-00252030 think i agree this is a very WQ51kCoKzaI-01099-00252031-00252167 underreported WQ51kCoKzaI-01100-00252167-00252342 topic and WQ51kCoKzaI-01101-00252344-00252527 you know a rich area for journalists to WQ51kCoKzaI-01102-00252528-00252646 explore WQ51kCoKzaI-01103-00252648-00252958 um i would add that uh WQ51kCoKzaI-01104-00252959-00253191 the the bay bengal project that you led WQ51kCoKzaI-01105-00253192-00253623 i also produced a kind of mini report on WQ51kCoKzaI-01106-00253623-00253823 i think about 15 WQ51kCoKzaI-01107-00253823-00254127 innovative and community-led solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-01108-00254128-00254198 like WQ51kCoKzaI-01109-00254200-00254375 just like the one you just mentioned WQ51kCoKzaI-01110-00254376-00254463 about WQ51kCoKzaI-01111-00254464-00254542 uh WQ51kCoKzaI-01112-00254544-00254734 women using less salt in their cooking WQ51kCoKzaI-01113-00254735-00254919 to compensate for the increased salt in WQ51kCoKzaI-01114-00254919-00255223 the water uh so there are lots of clever WQ51kCoKzaI-01115-00255223-00255439 things going on and journalists can do a WQ51kCoKzaI-01116-00255440-00255694 really important service by highlighting WQ51kCoKzaI-01117-00255696-00255775 those WQ51kCoKzaI-01118-00255776-00255910 now we're going to turn over to your WQ51kCoKzaI-01119-00255911-00256055 questions thank you very much to WQ51kCoKzaI-01120-00256056-00256223 everyone who asked questions WQ51kCoKzaI-01121-00256223-00256534 a couple of uh brief ones to begin with WQ51kCoKzaI-01122-00256535-00256758 first of all we'd ask our panelists WQ51kCoKzaI-01123-00256759-00256894 there's been a request for your WQ51kCoKzaI-01124-00256896-00257030 resources WQ51kCoKzaI-01125-00257031-00257246 uh links to your resources so when WQ51kCoKzaI-01126-00257248-00257415 you're not talking if you have a chance WQ51kCoKzaI-01127-00257416-00257606 maybe just WQ51kCoKzaI-01128-00257607-00257815 post uh some links to any resources you WQ51kCoKzaI-01129-00257816-00258039 might want to share in the chat WQ51kCoKzaI-01130-00258040-00258287 a very quick question here i thought was WQ51kCoKzaI-01131-00258288-00258446 interesting WQ51kCoKzaI-01132-00258448-00258630 the is there a difference between WQ51kCoKzaI-01133-00258631-00258927 resilience and adaptation i think the uh WQ51kCoKzaI-01134-00258928-00259182 the commentator WQ51kCoKzaI-01135-00259183-00259351 that they're used interchangeably i WQ51kCoKzaI-01136-00259352-00259519 think i also use them pretty much WQ51kCoKzaI-01137-00259519-00259727 interchangeably do you guys agree they WQ51kCoKzaI-01138-00259728-00259839 are WQ51kCoKzaI-01139-00259840-00259991 pretty much the same or is there do you WQ51kCoKzaI-01140-00259992-00260503 distinguish between the two terms WQ51kCoKzaI-01141-00260504-00260815 i can i can go first so i WQ51kCoKzaI-01142-00260816-00261039 don't use them interchangeably but they WQ51kCoKzaI-01143-00261040-00261230 are they do have some important WQ51kCoKzaI-01144-00261231-00261487 similarities but also differences so WQ51kCoKzaI-01145-00261488-00261823 adaptation is more of a it's the process WQ51kCoKzaI-01146-00261823-00262030 by which human systems or the WQ51kCoKzaI-01147-00262031-00262279 environment or a system WQ51kCoKzaI-01148-00262280-00262510 is adjusting to WQ51kCoKzaI-01149-00262511-00262630 different WQ51kCoKzaI-01150-00262631-00262830 effects of climate change WQ51kCoKzaI-01151-00262831-00263158 and resilience is more of a trait or WQ51kCoKzaI-01152-00263159-00263399 or an ability that something or someone WQ51kCoKzaI-01153-00263400-00263487 has WQ51kCoKzaI-01154-00263488-00263663 to cope with WQ51kCoKzaI-01155-00263664-00263982 with a disturbance with a hazard or with WQ51kCoKzaI-01156-00263983-00264367 uh the new trend and it's generally WQ51kCoKzaI-01157-00264368-00264527 seen as something that's WQ51kCoKzaI-01158-00264528-00264682 kind of a like a WQ51kCoKzaI-01159-00264683-00264999 negative uh hazard or a threshold WQ51kCoKzaI-01160-00265000-00265247 ability to kind of bounce back from this WQ51kCoKzaI-01161-00265248-00265406 what is seemingly kind of a negative WQ51kCoKzaI-01162-00265407-00265710 thing happening to the the system WQ51kCoKzaI-01163-00265711-00266023 so that's uh that's at least how WQ51kCoKzaI-01164-00266024-00266263 i would explain them i don't know if WQ51kCoKzaI-01165-00266264-00266447 motion me would like to kind of WQ51kCoKzaI-01166-00266448-00266647 complement anything that i said WQ51kCoKzaI-01167-00266648-00266863 yeah no i i would agree with that stuff WQ51kCoKzaI-01168-00266864-00266991 um what i WQ51kCoKzaI-01169-00266992-00267182 would add is that for me WQ51kCoKzaI-01170-00267183-00267399 adaptation is a process WQ51kCoKzaI-01171-00267400-00267582 so there are many steps that you have to WQ51kCoKzaI-01172-00267583-00267951 go through to adapt to climate change um WQ51kCoKzaI-01173-00267952-00268151 before you become resilient so for me WQ51kCoKzaI-01174-00268152-00268423 resilient is like the ultimate goal WQ51kCoKzaI-01175-00268424-00268558 is you know through the process of WQ51kCoKzaI-01176-00268559-00268799 adaptation you become resilient so that WQ51kCoKzaI-01177-00268800-00269030 you can as stephanie was saying bounce WQ51kCoKzaI-01178-00269031-00269230 back better so and so the next time you WQ51kCoKzaI-01179-00269231-00269487 are hit with a cyclone WQ51kCoKzaI-01180-00269488-00269751 you have the resources the skills the WQ51kCoKzaI-01181-00269752-00269879 knowledge WQ51kCoKzaI-01182-00269880-00270127 the the connections to help you rebuild WQ51kCoKzaI-01183-00270128-00270255 your life WQ51kCoKzaI-01184-00270256-00270558 much faster and in a much more um less WQ51kCoKzaI-01185-00270559-00270799 painful way i would say um so that WQ51kCoKzaI-01186-00270800-00271143 that's how it would add to it WQ51kCoKzaI-01187-00271144-00271287 great thank you WQ51kCoKzaI-01188-00271288-00271495 can i just say that WQ51kCoKzaI-01189-00271496-00271823 another way i look at it james is WQ51kCoKzaI-01190-00271824-00272063 if you have good adaptation that builds WQ51kCoKzaI-01191-00272064-00272255 resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01192-00272256-00272534 so you are if you have a good adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-01193-00272535-00272782 program WQ51kCoKzaI-01194-00272783-00272910 that will build WQ51kCoKzaI-01195-00272911-00273143 let's take a simple example WQ51kCoKzaI-01196-00273144-00273351 if you have a house on the coast that WQ51kCoKzaI-01197-00273352-00273439 gets WQ51kCoKzaI-01198-00273440-00273543 pulled down WQ51kCoKzaI-01199-00273544-00273751 uh blown away every time there's a big WQ51kCoKzaI-01200-00273752-00273855 storm WQ51kCoKzaI-01201-00273856-00274039 so then you build WQ51kCoKzaI-01202-00274040-00274110 a WQ51kCoKzaI-01203-00274111-00274310 stronger house a brick and mortar house WQ51kCoKzaI-01204-00274311-00274471 instead of a hut WQ51kCoKzaI-01205-00274472-00274751 so you are building your own resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01206-00274752-00274919 by adapting WQ51kCoKzaI-01207-00274920-00275119 that's a very that's a fairly expensive WQ51kCoKzaI-01208-00275120-00275295 way of doing it WQ51kCoKzaI-01209-00275296-00275495 and not everybody can afford to do that WQ51kCoKzaI-01210-00275496-00275671 but that kind of adaptation does build WQ51kCoKzaI-01211-00275672-00275887 resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01212-00275888-00276103 and if i can add just one last thing is WQ51kCoKzaI-01213-00276104-00276287 i know we've been talking about kind of WQ51kCoKzaI-01214-00276288-00276463 adapting to WQ51kCoKzaI-01215-00276464-00276743 climate change more in WQ51kCoKzaI-01216-00276744-00276943 um i guess a manner of like negative WQ51kCoKzaI-01217-00276944-00277103 climate change impacts but there are WQ51kCoKzaI-01218-00277104-00277287 places that will actually have WQ51kCoKzaI-01219-00277288-00277534 positive impacts from climate change so WQ51kCoKzaI-01220-00277535-00277743 weather might become more favorable for WQ51kCoKzaI-01221-00277744-00277927 agriculture for example WQ51kCoKzaI-01222-00277928-00278182 so in that sense adaptation is adjusting WQ51kCoKzaI-01223-00278183-00278375 to the effects of climate change which WQ51kCoKzaI-01224-00278376-00278495 can be WQ51kCoKzaI-01225-00278496-00278734 negative or positive for a community it WQ51kCoKzaI-01226-00278735-00278951 all depends on context because WQ51kCoKzaI-01227-00278952-00279182 climate impacts are just so context WQ51kCoKzaI-01228-00279183-00279430 specific that you really need to WQ51kCoKzaI-01229-00279431-00279671 understand the situation from a local WQ51kCoKzaI-01230-00279672-00279903 level WQ51kCoKzaI-01231-00279904-00280103 great thank you all for the explanation WQ51kCoKzaI-01232-00280104-00280255 that's very helpful WQ51kCoKzaI-01233-00280256-00280679 first the next question is for moshme um WQ51kCoKzaI-01234-00280680-00280943 uh the question is what you've presented WQ51kCoKzaI-01235-00280944-00281182 some great nature based solutions but WQ51kCoKzaI-01236-00281183-00281382 what can people in larger cities like WQ51kCoKzaI-01237-00281383-00281527 mumbai WQ51kCoKzaI-01238-00281528-00281799 where they might not have you know WQ51kCoKzaI-01239-00281800-00281943 basically access to nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-01240-00281944-00282151 solutions what what should they be doing WQ51kCoKzaI-01241-00282152-00282471 perhaps to to adapt WQ51kCoKzaI-01242-00282472-00282687 yeah that's a really great question WQ51kCoKzaI-01243-00282688-00282927 um i i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01244-00282928-00283167 first it's important to investigate WQ51kCoKzaI-01245-00283168-00283375 whether there are nature-based solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-01246-00283376-00283575 they may not be immediately right in WQ51kCoKzaI-01247-00283576-00283719 front of the city WQ51kCoKzaI-01248-00283720-00283887 um you know when you're looking at the WQ51kCoKzaI-01249-00283888-00284047 city from the coast WQ51kCoKzaI-01250-00284048-00284303 but they may be around the periphery WQ51kCoKzaI-01251-00284304-00284703 which can also help reduce impact so um WQ51kCoKzaI-01252-00284704-00284958 first thing i would add to that is that WQ51kCoKzaI-01253-00284959-00285158 you know beyond the reefs and mangroves WQ51kCoKzaI-01254-00285159-00285406 um that i've mentioned um there could be WQ51kCoKzaI-01255-00285407-00285663 other uh ecosystems that could be WQ51kCoKzaI-01256-00285664-00285887 helpful so for instance you could have WQ51kCoKzaI-01257-00285888-00286119 seagrass you could have marshlands and WQ51kCoKzaI-01258-00286120-00286351 swamps you could have dunes WQ51kCoKzaI-01259-00286352-00286599 shelter belts um these are men these are WQ51kCoKzaI-01260-00286600-00286863 other ecosystems that could protect the WQ51kCoKzaI-01261-00286864-00286982 shoreline WQ51kCoKzaI-01262-00286983-00287239 um you know and i would also like to say WQ51kCoKzaI-01263-00287240-00287391 that you know WQ51kCoKzaI-01264-00287392-00287575 many times nature-based solutions are WQ51kCoKzaI-01265-00287576-00287751 complemented by WQ51kCoKzaI-01266-00287752-00288006 built infrastructure so i have seen WQ51kCoKzaI-01267-00288007-00288263 cases where you know you do have um WQ51kCoKzaI-01268-00288264-00288454 mangroves that are WQ51kCoKzaI-01269-00288455-00288734 sort of fortified or complemented with WQ51kCoKzaI-01270-00288735-00288903 sea walls WQ51kCoKzaI-01271-00288904-00289095 in most urban cases WQ51kCoKzaI-01272-00289096-00289415 you do see more built infrastructure WQ51kCoKzaI-01273-00289416-00289767 because there is very little natural WQ51kCoKzaI-01274-00289768-00290079 resources left along the coast WQ51kCoKzaI-01275-00290080-00290151 so WQ51kCoKzaI-01276-00290152-00290423 built infrastructure is is one way to go WQ51kCoKzaI-01277-00290424-00290703 for sure but you can complement it with WQ51kCoKzaI-01278-00290704-00290967 these other ecosystems that may not be WQ51kCoKzaI-01279-00290968-00291095 directly WQ51kCoKzaI-01280-00291096-00291334 in front of a city but in the periphery WQ51kCoKzaI-01281-00291335-00291575 that can also help um provide that WQ51kCoKzaI-01282-00291576-00291854 protection um so it's it's a combination WQ51kCoKzaI-01283-00291855-00292023 of things and it's a matter of also WQ51kCoKzaI-01284-00292024-00292263 exploring um what are the various WQ51kCoKzaI-01285-00292264-00292479 natural resources that that could also WQ51kCoKzaI-01286-00292480-00292743 help around the city WQ51kCoKzaI-01287-00292744-00292975 thank you mosh me yeah and i probably WQ51kCoKzaI-01288-00292976-00293151 add there are WQ51kCoKzaI-01289-00293152-00293375 certainly different ways if you're even WQ51kCoKzaI-01290-00293376-00293591 if you are doing built infrastructure or WQ51kCoKzaI-01291-00293592-00293734 hard infrastructure there are different WQ51kCoKzaI-01292-00293735-00293943 ways to do it some of them are more WQ51kCoKzaI-01293-00293944-00294223 community friendly than others i know WQ51kCoKzaI-01294-00294224-00294503 where i live in the bay area WQ51kCoKzaI-01295-00294504-00294695 the you know cities are grappling with WQ51kCoKzaI-01296-00294696-00294854 how best to WQ51kCoKzaI-01297-00294855-00295134 kind of raise their coastal defenses in WQ51kCoKzaI-01298-00295135-00295303 a way that will WQ51kCoKzaI-01299-00295304-00295623 they can they can WQ51kCoKzaI-01300-00295624-00295863 be used for community based activities WQ51kCoKzaI-01301-00295864-00296175 as well like parks and things not just WQ51kCoKzaI-01302-00296176-00296503 big brick wall big big cement walls WQ51kCoKzaI-01303-00296504-00296687 um a couple of other questions and WQ51kCoKzaI-01304-00296688-00296882 anyone is welcome to chime in WQ51kCoKzaI-01305-00296883-00297103 um how WQ51kCoKzaI-01306-00297104-00297271 what is the best way to regenerate WQ51kCoKzaI-01307-00297272-00297519 mangroves does that have to be done WQ51kCoKzaI-01308-00297520-00297647 through WQ51kCoKzaI-01309-00297648-00297791 the use of plant nurseries and WQ51kCoKzaI-01310-00297792-00297934 replanting or WQ51kCoKzaI-01311-00297935-00298199 are there other ways to do it WQ51kCoKzaI-01312-00298200-00298487 and how can other countries implement WQ51kCoKzaI-01313-00298488-00298647 insurance WQ51kCoKzaI-01314-00298648-00298847 uh schemes like the the one you WQ51kCoKzaI-01315-00298848-00299158 mentioned most me WQ51kCoKzaI-01316-00299159-00299406 sure i can start i mean uh i'm not an WQ51kCoKzaI-01317-00299407-00299639 ecologist so i don't have the details in WQ51kCoKzaI-01318-00299640-00300023 terms of how to plant mangroves um but WQ51kCoKzaI-01319-00300024-00300303 yes it is often times they are grown WQ51kCoKzaI-01320-00300304-00300543 seedlings or saplings are grown in a WQ51kCoKzaI-01321-00300544-00300782 nursery and then planted WQ51kCoKzaI-01322-00300783-00301095 um and then there are restoration WQ51kCoKzaI-01323-00301096-00301454 techniques that you could also look into WQ51kCoKzaI-01324-00301455-00301663 i would suggest that you WQ51kCoKzaI-01325-00301664-00301815 contact WQ51kCoKzaI-01326-00301816-00302054 perhaps your local university WQ51kCoKzaI-01327-00302055-00302158 or WQ51kCoKzaI-01328-00302159-00302375 a local environmental organization that WQ51kCoKzaI-01329-00302376-00302599 may have the details in terms of you WQ51kCoKzaI-01330-00302600-00302758 know how do you actually WQ51kCoKzaI-01331-00302759-00302982 uh you know plant the mangroves um so WQ51kCoKzaI-01332-00302983-00303199 that i think that would be um so so that WQ51kCoKzaI-01333-00303200-00303334 kind of goes along with what i was WQ51kCoKzaI-01334-00303335-00303551 saying that you know you need to involve WQ51kCoKzaI-01335-00303552-00303895 um multiple actors uh to to really get WQ51kCoKzaI-01336-00303896-00304039 the benefits of these nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-01337-00304040-00304254 solutions and in this case it would be WQ51kCoKzaI-01338-00304255-00304454 um you know plant ecologists who would WQ51kCoKzaI-01339-00304455-00304679 have the answer to that question WQ51kCoKzaI-01340-00304680-00304951 um in terms of um WQ51kCoKzaI-01341-00304952-00305230 how to scale the insurance WQ51kCoKzaI-01342-00305231-00305543 product um it is complicated WQ51kCoKzaI-01343-00305544-00305830 um it is unusual um WQ51kCoKzaI-01344-00305831-00305999 although it is changing a little bit to WQ51kCoKzaI-01345-00306000-00306199 for for instance for an insurance WQ51kCoKzaI-01346-00306200-00306399 company to be interested WQ51kCoKzaI-01347-00306400-00306591 um in protecting WQ51kCoKzaI-01348-00306592-00306830 nature uh first of all so i think one WQ51kCoKzaI-01349-00306831-00307054 would have to first you know find those WQ51kCoKzaI-01350-00307055-00307382 allies in the insurance world who are WQ51kCoKzaI-01351-00307383-00307599 supportive of WQ51kCoKzaI-01352-00307600-00307782 these kinds of you know sustainable WQ51kCoKzaI-01353-00307783-00308006 development or environmental WQ51kCoKzaI-01354-00308007-00308119 aspects WQ51kCoKzaI-01355-00308120-00308343 um and then really work with them to WQ51kCoKzaI-01356-00308344-00308423 help WQ51kCoKzaI-01357-00308424-00308654 understand or help them understand um WQ51kCoKzaI-01358-00308655-00308806 what is the value of nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-01359-00308807-00309134 solutions and how a product WQ51kCoKzaI-01360-00309135-00309295 can be created WQ51kCoKzaI-01361-00309296-00309487 oftentimes um WQ51kCoKzaI-01362-00309488-00309719 it's very difficult for for communities WQ51kCoKzaI-01363-00309720-00309934 to purchase these insurance on their own WQ51kCoKzaI-01364-00309935-00310158 because premiums are expensive WQ51kCoKzaI-01365-00310159-00310454 um so oftentimes you can you can get for WQ51kCoKzaI-01366-00310455-00310710 instance hotels that obviously have a WQ51kCoKzaI-01367-00310711-00311006 lot of money um along the coast to to WQ51kCoKzaI-01368-00311007-00311254 purchase the insurance so that it WQ51kCoKzaI-01369-00311255-00311479 protects the coast and communities along WQ51kCoKzaI-01370-00311480-00311663 the coast also benefit it's not just the WQ51kCoKzaI-01371-00311664-00311782 hotel WQ51kCoKzaI-01372-00311783-00312006 benefiting for instance um so you have WQ51kCoKzaI-01373-00312007-00312206 to really build those uh partnerships WQ51kCoKzaI-01374-00312207-00312343 which is you know one of the critical WQ51kCoKzaI-01375-00312344-00312510 elements that stephanie was mentioning WQ51kCoKzaI-01376-00312511-00312687 in in her presentation WQ51kCoKzaI-01377-00312688-00312999 is you know coordination across sectors WQ51kCoKzaI-01378-00313000-00313191 across different types of partnerships WQ51kCoKzaI-01379-00313192-00313487 are absolutely key and um i would say WQ51kCoKzaI-01380-00313488-00313671 also like a knowledge broker so for WQ51kCoKzaI-01381-00313672-00313854 instance the nature conservancy where i WQ51kCoKzaI-01382-00313855-00313951 work WQ51kCoKzaI-01383-00313952-00314239 was the knowledge broker between WQ51kCoKzaI-01384-00314240-00314399 the insurance company WQ51kCoKzaI-01385-00314400-00314495 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01386-00314496-00314727 hotels along the coast WQ51kCoKzaI-01387-00314728-00314951 to bring the bring the insurance company WQ51kCoKzaI-01388-00314952-00315151 together with government WQ51kCoKzaI-01389-00315152-00315495 partners to help design um the the WQ51kCoKzaI-01390-00315496-00315703 insurance product and test it out i mean WQ51kCoKzaI-01391-00315704-00315967 this was this was a pilot and it showed WQ51kCoKzaI-01392-00315968-00316151 that it worked um you know when the WQ51kCoKzaI-01393-00316152-00316471 hurricane came in um in 2020 and so WQ51kCoKzaI-01394-00316472-00316647 we're hoping to scale that kind of WQ51kCoKzaI-01395-00316648-00316910 partnership model and develop a premium WQ51kCoKzaI-01396-00316911-00317071 or sorry a product WQ51kCoKzaI-01397-00317072-00317230 and a premium that's affordable for WQ51kCoKzaI-01398-00317231-00317479 communities um depending on the context WQ51kCoKzaI-01399-00317480-00317719 um and so we're hoping to scale this in WQ51kCoKzaI-01400-00317720-00318151 um southeast asia and the pacific WQ51kCoKzaI-01401-00318152-00318295 thank you moshmi WQ51kCoKzaI-01402-00318296-00318639 uh we have question uh about WQ51kCoKzaI-01403-00318640-00318727 how WQ51kCoKzaI-01404-00318728-00318991 how can marine protected areas WQ51kCoKzaI-01405-00318992-00319175 potentially help build coastal WQ51kCoKzaI-01406-00319176-00319439 resilience i guess in particular for WQ51kCoKzaI-01407-00319440-00319623 fisheries but perhaps for in other ways WQ51kCoKzaI-01408-00319624-00319703 too WQ51kCoKzaI-01409-00319704-00319871 would anyone like to address this WQ51kCoKzaI-01410-00319872-00320839 question WQ51kCoKzaI-01411-00320840-00320999 i can take a stop WQ51kCoKzaI-01412-00321000-00321263 um so marine protected areas usually WQ51kCoKzaI-01413-00321264-00321423 already have WQ51kCoKzaI-01414-00321424-00321727 coral reefs already have mangroves WQ51kCoKzaI-01415-00321728-00321839 um WQ51kCoKzaI-01416-00321840-00321999 i think what's what's one benefit of WQ51kCoKzaI-01417-00322000-00322158 marine protected areas is that you WQ51kCoKzaI-01418-00322159-00322406 already have governance systems in place WQ51kCoKzaI-01419-00322407-00322551 that protect WQ51kCoKzaI-01420-00322552-00322951 these natural ecosystems um and and um WQ51kCoKzaI-01421-00322952-00323239 you know there is a sort of um WQ51kCoKzaI-01422-00323240-00323454 policing is the wrong word but you know WQ51kCoKzaI-01423-00323455-00323599 monitoring that's what i was looking for WQ51kCoKzaI-01424-00323600-00323854 monitoring that uh monitoring of these WQ51kCoKzaI-01425-00323855-00324047 ecosystems to make sure that they are WQ51kCoKzaI-01426-00324048-00324254 being well managed that they are you WQ51kCoKzaI-01427-00324255-00324606 know um on par or up to par to protect WQ51kCoKzaI-01428-00324607-00324799 people along the coast and provide those WQ51kCoKzaI-01429-00324800-00325015 livelihood and secure and food security WQ51kCoKzaI-01430-00325016-00325143 benefits so WQ51kCoKzaI-01431-00325144-00325391 uh marine protected areas you know WQ51kCoKzaI-01432-00325392-00325591 already have that protection WQ51kCoKzaI-01433-00325592-00325815 um concept in mind and i and i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01434-00325816-00326110 that's a really also really great way um WQ51kCoKzaI-01435-00326111-00326295 to protect and use nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-01436-00326296-00326606 solutions through that governance system WQ51kCoKzaI-01437-00326607-00326823 yes thank you much man i would add as WQ51kCoKzaI-01438-00326824-00326982 judith mentioned WQ51kCoKzaI-01439-00326983-00327143 one of the challenges WQ51kCoKzaI-01440-00327144-00327382 of climate change is you have WQ51kCoKzaI-01441-00327383-00327671 changes in fish stocks and and fish WQ51kCoKzaI-01442-00327672-00327863 migration patterns and that can affect WQ51kCoKzaI-01443-00327864-00327982 livelihoods WQ51kCoKzaI-01444-00327983-00328151 but marine protected areas have been WQ51kCoKzaI-01445-00328152-00328295 shown to WQ51kCoKzaI-01446-00328296-00328519 help restore fish stocks and and WQ51kCoKzaI-01447-00328520-00328751 replenish not just in the protected WQ51kCoKzaI-01448-00328752-00328967 areas themselves but also replenish WQ51kCoKzaI-01449-00328968-00329110 fisheries WQ51kCoKzaI-01450-00329111-00329351 along adjacent coastline so WQ51kCoKzaI-01451-00329352-00329599 uh in terms of livelihoods i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01452-00329600-00329758 marine protected areas can help really WQ51kCoKzaI-01453-00329759-00329927 build resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01454-00329928-00330087 for uh WQ51kCoKzaI-01455-00330088-00330254 in fishing communities WQ51kCoKzaI-01456-00330255-00330503 uh we have a question for stephanie WQ51kCoKzaI-01457-00330504-00330847 um how did uh your team identify malaban WQ51kCoKzaI-01458-00330848-00331063 as a good place to to carry out this WQ51kCoKzaI-01459-00331064-00331351 case study WQ51kCoKzaI-01460-00331352-00331575 so for the paper we actually did a very WQ51kCoKzaI-01461-00331576-00331895 extensive review of documents including WQ51kCoKzaI-01462-00331896-00332095 national adaptation plans WQ51kCoKzaI-01463-00332096-00332310 nationally determined contribution WQ51kCoKzaI-01464-00332311-00332495 documents and WQ51kCoKzaI-01465-00332496-00332791 and other resources to identify the WQ51kCoKzaI-01466-00332792-00333110 the three countries that we we did for WQ51kCoKzaI-01467-00333111-00333282 this paper on coastal WQ51kCoKzaI-01468-00333283-00333495 resilience and WQ51kCoKzaI-01469-00333496-00333719 within the philippines WQ51kCoKzaI-01470-00333720-00333967 it was melbourne city that had WQ51kCoKzaI-01471-00333968-00334182 enough documented WQ51kCoKzaI-01472-00334183-00334358 materials and evidence for us to WQ51kCoKzaI-01473-00334359-00334463 actually WQ51kCoKzaI-01474-00334464-00334630 you know be able to analyze the WQ51kCoKzaI-01475-00334631-00334919 information and and come across the the WQ51kCoKzaI-01476-00334920-00335078 lessons learned and the WQ51kCoKzaI-01477-00335079-00335278 other common factors WQ51kCoKzaI-01478-00335279-00335391 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01479-00335392-00335527 especially there were WQ51kCoKzaI-01480-00335528-00335758 very specific like local WQ51kCoKzaI-01481-00335759-00335951 uh like local plants like the land use WQ51kCoKzaI-01482-00335952-00336039 plan WQ51kCoKzaI-01483-00336040-00336375 and and other plants that we could WQ51kCoKzaI-01484-00336376-00336495 refer to WQ51kCoKzaI-01485-00336496-00336734 and i also saw that if i made the same WQ51kCoKzaI-01486-00336735-00336919 person ask the question about how can WQ51kCoKzaI-01487-00336920-00337087 local governments WQ51kCoKzaI-01488-00337088-00337223 ensure that WQ51kCoKzaI-01489-00337224-00337463 there's like sustained like leadership WQ51kCoKzaI-01490-00337464-00337782 or or attention on adaptation even when WQ51kCoKzaI-01491-00337783-00337991 there are many changes in WQ51kCoKzaI-01492-00337992-00338215 kind of the political leaders WQ51kCoKzaI-01493-00338216-00338310 so WQ51kCoKzaI-01494-00338311-00338527 we found that this was the case in in WQ51kCoKzaI-01495-00338528-00338791 cartagena in colombia that WQ51kCoKzaI-01496-00338792-00339087 the city went through at least half a WQ51kCoKzaI-01497-00339088-00339327 dozen mayors in a very short span of WQ51kCoKzaI-01498-00339328-00339439 time WQ51kCoKzaI-01499-00339440-00339647 and it was just very disruptive WQ51kCoKzaI-01500-00339648-00339806 politically for WQ51kCoKzaI-01501-00339807-00339991 the political priorities WQ51kCoKzaI-01502-00339992-00340287 in the city but thanks to this alliance WQ51kCoKzaI-01503-00340288-00340567 of business sector with private WQ51kCoKzaI-01504-00340568-00340863 associations private citizens WQ51kCoKzaI-01505-00340864-00340967 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01506-00340968-00341134 other local leaders WQ51kCoKzaI-01507-00341135-00341447 and this coalition really helped to WQ51kCoKzaI-01508-00341448-00341767 maintain momentum on adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-01509-00341768-00341839 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01510-00341840-00342078 as as i said they were able to work with WQ51kCoKzaI-01511-00342079-00342278 the local officials even if they were WQ51kCoKzaI-01512-00342279-00342487 changing very constantly they were able WQ51kCoKzaI-01513-00342488-00342678 to work with local officials to draft WQ51kCoKzaI-01514-00342679-00342887 the city strategy WQ51kCoKzaI-01515-00342888-00343151 plan for 4c WQ51kCoKzaI-01516-00343152-00343430 and so this was a way that that this WQ51kCoKzaI-01517-00343431-00343599 city in particular was able to kind of WQ51kCoKzaI-01518-00343600-00343823 keep the momentum going on adaptation WQ51kCoKzaI-01519-00343824-00344078 despite many changes in WQ51kCoKzaI-01520-00344079-00344343 in local leadership so that is that is WQ51kCoKzaI-01521-00344344-00344478 one way again WQ51kCoKzaI-01522-00344479-00344695 emphasizing the really critical role of WQ51kCoKzaI-01523-00344696-00344878 partnerships and having WQ51kCoKzaI-01524-00344879-00345030 the right players WQ51kCoKzaI-01525-00345031-00345334 there at the table WQ51kCoKzaI-01526-00345335-00345591 thank you stephanie we are coming WQ51kCoKzaI-01527-00345592-00345839 towards the end of our webinar so really WQ51kCoKzaI-01528-00345840-00346023 appreciate all these questions and WQ51kCoKzaI-01529-00346024-00346127 answers WQ51kCoKzaI-01530-00346128-00346263 i'm gonna WQ51kCoKzaI-01531-00346264-00346495 i'm gonna in a moment i'll uh i'll give WQ51kCoKzaI-01532-00346496-00346758 the speakers each a chance for just one WQ51kCoKzaI-01533-00346759-00347006 uh one minute final reflection WQ51kCoKzaI-01534-00347007-00347182 uh on the topic WQ51kCoKzaI-01535-00347183-00347439 uh reminder to everyone WQ51kCoKzaI-01536-00347440-00347615 that this is just the first in a series WQ51kCoKzaI-01537-00347616-00347830 of webinars we're going to be diving WQ51kCoKzaI-01538-00347831-00348047 deeper into WQ51kCoKzaI-01539-00348048-00348334 uh topics not just WQ51kCoKzaI-01540-00348335-00348599 sea level rise and storms but also WQ51kCoKzaI-01541-00348600-00348927 topics like food security and migration WQ51kCoKzaI-01542-00348928-00349087 and livelihoods WQ51kCoKzaI-01543-00349088-00349319 and health and other other topics all WQ51kCoKzaI-01544-00349320-00349582 related to coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01545-00349583-00349830 so please stay tuned for more webinars WQ51kCoKzaI-01546-00349831-00349958 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01547-00349959-00350134 as you can see in the chat there are WQ51kCoKzaI-01548-00350135-00350327 opportunities now for journalists to WQ51kCoKzaI-01549-00350328-00350575 apply for funds to do stories so get WQ51kCoKzaI-01550-00350576-00350806 those story ideas in WQ51kCoKzaI-01551-00350807-00351095 um we have a week left to apply WQ51kCoKzaI-01552-00351096-00351334 we do have one final question i wanted WQ51kCoKzaI-01553-00351335-00351551 to ask before i turn it over to the WQ51kCoKzaI-01554-00351552-00351734 panels for the final reflections it's a WQ51kCoKzaI-01555-00351735-00351951 tough one i don't know if we can really WQ51kCoKzaI-01556-00351952-00352127 address it properly but let's give it a WQ51kCoKzaI-01557-00352128-00352254 shot is WQ51kCoKzaI-01558-00352255-00352454 we have a question uh i believe from WQ51kCoKzaI-01559-00352455-00352671 madagascar uh WQ51kCoKzaI-01560-00352672-00352871 for communities who have tried every WQ51kCoKzaI-01561-00352872-00353047 kind of nature-based solution but WQ51kCoKzaI-01562-00353048-00353230 nothing works WQ51kCoKzaI-01563-00353231-00353487 do you have any recommendations for them WQ51kCoKzaI-01564-00353488-00354519 is there anything you can say WQ51kCoKzaI-01565-00354520-00354758 i mean i i i i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01566-00354759-00354958 you know it really fundamentally boils WQ51kCoKzaI-01567-00354959-00355110 down to governance WQ51kCoKzaI-01568-00355111-00355351 um you know who WQ51kCoKzaI-01569-00355352-00355591 who is in charge of making the rules in WQ51kCoKzaI-01570-00355592-00355895 terms of protecting a natural ecosystem WQ51kCoKzaI-01571-00355896-00356143 um you know how can we best monitor WQ51kCoKzaI-01572-00356144-00356391 these ecosystems who can benefit i i WQ51kCoKzaI-01573-00356392-00356639 think it boils down to those questions WQ51kCoKzaI-01574-00356640-00356727 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01575-00356728-00356815 if you WQ51kCoKzaI-01576-00356816-00357006 you know if you do have the right WQ51kCoKzaI-01577-00357007-00357278 combination of people um i i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01578-00357279-00357510 nature-based solutions or natural WQ51kCoKzaI-01579-00357511-00357743 ecosystems could be protected WQ51kCoKzaI-01580-00357744-00357958 um and again uh you know even though WQ51kCoKzaI-01581-00357959-00358119 we're promoting nature-based solutions WQ51kCoKzaI-01582-00358120-00358295 it doesn't mean that um built WQ51kCoKzaI-01583-00358296-00358543 infrastructure won't help as well so WQ51kCoKzaI-01584-00358544-00358710 again a combination WQ51kCoKzaI-01585-00358711-00358951 of built infrastructure and improving WQ51kCoKzaI-01586-00358952-00359278 governance over ecosystems i i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01587-00359279-00359575 would be the way to go WQ51kCoKzaI-01588-00359576-00359767 all right thank you mr me and that i WQ51kCoKzaI-01589-00359768-00359967 apologize questions from fiji not from WQ51kCoKzaI-01590-00359968-00360230 madagascar WQ51kCoKzaI-01591-00360231-00360503 and i i i see we have a WQ51kCoKzaI-01592-00360504-00360758 attendee from kerala who is WQ51kCoKzaI-01593-00360759-00360927 talking about how the state government WQ51kCoKzaI-01594-00360928-00361167 is trying different strategies as WQ51kCoKzaI-01595-00361168-00361358 opposed to building WQ51kCoKzaI-01596-00361359-00361503 sea walls or WQ51kCoKzaI-01597-00361504-00361727 or rocky infrastructure they're trying WQ51kCoKzaI-01598-00361728-00361958 something called geotubes so WQ51kCoKzaI-01599-00361959-00362254 uh you know there are new ideas being WQ51kCoKzaI-01600-00362255-00362591 tried out there there um i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01601-00362592-00362743 the general WQ51kCoKzaI-01602-00362744-00362982 consensus is we should try nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-01603-00362983-00363303 solutions first there are also WQ51kCoKzaI-01604-00363304-00363519 other ways to do more innovative uh kind WQ51kCoKzaI-01605-00363520-00363743 of hard infrastructure as well but let WQ51kCoKzaI-01606-00363744-00363847 me um WQ51kCoKzaI-01607-00363848-00364030 thank our panelists again WQ51kCoKzaI-01608-00364031-00364358 for your your your participation today WQ51kCoKzaI-01609-00364359-00364439 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01610-00364440-00364639 i'm going to ask each of you just to for WQ51kCoKzaI-01611-00364640-00364823 your final reflections perhaps just one WQ51kCoKzaI-01612-00364824-00365071 minute most me maybe what you can kick WQ51kCoKzaI-01613-00365072-00365287 us off WQ51kCoKzaI-01614-00365288-00365430 sure thank you so much for this WQ51kCoKzaI-01615-00365431-00365599 opportunity i really enjoyed the WQ51kCoKzaI-01616-00365600-00365815 questions and the presentations i would WQ51kCoKzaI-01617-00365816-00366023 just say you know in in terms of what WQ51kCoKzaI-01618-00366024-00366271 stephanie presented you know the five WQ51kCoKzaI-01619-00366272-00366463 um key ingredients you know the WQ51kCoKzaI-01620-00366464-00366710 political will mainstreaming WQ51kCoKzaI-01621-00366711-00366910 nature-based solutions coordination WQ51kCoKzaI-01622-00366911-00367103 funding and information tools i think WQ51kCoKzaI-01623-00367104-00367358 what i would add to that is is again WQ51kCoKzaI-01624-00367359-00367654 looking at governance structures and and WQ51kCoKzaI-01625-00367655-00367854 understanding local level governance WQ51kCoKzaI-01626-00367855-00368119 that could help protect and help us WQ51kCoKzaI-01627-00368120-00368375 benefit from nature-based solutions um WQ51kCoKzaI-01628-00368376-00368599 and and i really enjoyed what joy deep WQ51kCoKzaI-01629-00368600-00368887 also mentioned i think what what WQ51kCoKzaI-01630-00368888-00369071 joy deep is was i think one of the WQ51kCoKzaI-01631-00369072-00369247 things he was getting at is you know WQ51kCoKzaI-01632-00369248-00369343 what are the WQ51kCoKzaI-01633-00369344-00369543 different multiple WQ51kCoKzaI-01634-00369544-00369727 resilience measures ways to ways to WQ51kCoKzaI-01635-00369728-00369951 build resilience i mean there and that's WQ51kCoKzaI-01636-00369952-00370110 an excellent point there could be so WQ51kCoKzaI-01637-00370111-00370295 many i mean nature-based solutions is WQ51kCoKzaI-01638-00370296-00370630 one among many um and and you know WQ51kCoKzaI-01639-00370631-00370895 especially in in coastal areas like um WQ51kCoKzaI-01640-00370896-00371103 the areas that the georgie was referring WQ51kCoKzaI-01641-00371104-00371423 to um you know just to plug one last WQ51kCoKzaI-01642-00371424-00371623 nature-based solution component i mean WQ51kCoKzaI-01643-00371624-00371830 protecting mangroves is really really WQ51kCoKzaI-01644-00371831-00372143 critical there because they help reduce WQ51kCoKzaI-01645-00372144-00372415 soil erosion and when you reduce soil WQ51kCoKzaI-01646-00372416-00372710 erosion you also reduce sea level rise WQ51kCoKzaI-01647-00372711-00373102 that leads to salinity so um again WQ51kCoKzaI-01648-00373103-00373263 multiple benefits of nature-based WQ51kCoKzaI-01649-00373264-00373527 solutions but it's not the only solution WQ51kCoKzaI-01650-00373528-00373630 thanks WQ51kCoKzaI-01651-00373631-00373882 thank you moshimi WQ51kCoKzaI-01652-00373883-00374095 stephanie thanks james WQ51kCoKzaI-01653-00374096-00374247 well first thank you to all the WQ51kCoKzaI-01654-00374248-00374487 journalists and all the people who have WQ51kCoKzaI-01655-00374488-00374799 joined today for this hour of your time WQ51kCoKzaI-01656-00374800-00375158 and i was just reflecting a bit on how WQ51kCoKzaI-01657-00375159-00375247 like WQ51kCoKzaI-01658-00375248-00375319 the WQ51kCoKzaI-01659-00375320-00375543 the researchers the scientists all of us WQ51kCoKzaI-01660-00375544-00375695 working on climate WQ51kCoKzaI-01661-00375696-00375830 change and climate adaptation in WQ51kCoKzaI-01662-00375831-00376030 particular we're very very passionate WQ51kCoKzaI-01663-00376031-00376295 about this issue and trying to protect WQ51kCoKzaI-01664-00376296-00376527 people and ecosystems and WQ51kCoKzaI-01665-00376528-00376647 the economy WQ51kCoKzaI-01666-00376648-00376830 but we don't always have the best way of WQ51kCoKzaI-01667-00376831-00377095 communicating with our audience or with WQ51kCoKzaI-01668-00377096-00377351 the general public so this is where we WQ51kCoKzaI-01669-00377352-00377647 we really need the help of of journalism WQ51kCoKzaI-01670-00377648-00377767 and WQ51kCoKzaI-01671-00377768-00377999 and the media and the press to kind of WQ51kCoKzaI-01672-00378000-00378351 help us translate what we sometimes WQ51kCoKzaI-01673-00378352-00378582 use more technical terms WQ51kCoKzaI-01674-00378583-00378767 and technical concepts like we really WQ51kCoKzaI-01675-00378768-00378958 need your help translating and WQ51kCoKzaI-01676-00378959-00379254 communicating these issues to reach WQ51kCoKzaI-01677-00379255-00379454 more people and WQ51kCoKzaI-01678-00379455-00379782 to educate people to inspire WQ51kCoKzaI-01679-00379783-00379958 other people to to really take action WQ51kCoKzaI-01680-00379959-00380199 and to to help us WQ51kCoKzaI-01681-00380200-00380382 just have a more positive impact on the WQ51kCoKzaI-01682-00380383-00380510 world so that would be my final WQ51kCoKzaI-01683-00380511-00380743 reflection WQ51kCoKzaI-01684-00380744-00380927 thank you stephanie and jody we're going WQ51kCoKzaI-01685-00380928-00381167 to give you the final word WQ51kCoKzaI-01686-00381168-00381287 thanks WQ51kCoKzaI-01687-00381288-00381471 i'm in in fact going to start by WQ51kCoKzaI-01688-00381472-00381678 requesting my two cool panelists to WQ51kCoKzaI-01689-00381679-00382078 please share their ppts with everybody WQ51kCoKzaI-01690-00382079-00382271 because i know that everybody's going to WQ51kCoKzaI-01691-00382272-00382519 get their recording but it always helps WQ51kCoKzaI-01692-00382520-00382775 journalists if they can also see this WQ51kCoKzaI-01693-00382776-00382919 see the numbers in front of them when WQ51kCoKzaI-01694-00382920-00383063 they're doing the story WQ51kCoKzaI-01695-00383064-00383230 so that would be very helpful if you WQ51kCoKzaI-01696-00383231-00383351 agree WQ51kCoKzaI-01697-00383352-00383599 the other thing is to again to all my WQ51kCoKzaI-01698-00383600-00383878 colleagues in this virtual room look uh WQ51kCoKzaI-01699-00383879-00384215 the majority of people in this world WQ51kCoKzaI-01700-00384216-00384391 want to live WQ51kCoKzaI-01701-00384392-00384647 along the coast because it's got so many WQ51kCoKzaI-01702-00384648-00384839 advantages and the majority and a very WQ51kCoKzaI-01703-00384840-00384999 very large percentage of people in this WQ51kCoKzaI-01704-00385000-00385271 world actually live along the coast and WQ51kCoKzaI-01705-00385272-00385543 now by now all governments WQ51kCoKzaI-01706-00385544-00385710 local national WQ51kCoKzaI-01707-00385711-00385958 are aware of the WQ51kCoKzaI-01708-00385959-00386158 risks being faced WQ51kCoKzaI-01709-00386159-00386334 along the coasts WQ51kCoKzaI-01710-00386335-00386567 and by and large WQ51kCoKzaI-01711-00386568-00386934 governments are responding WQ51kCoKzaI-01712-00386935-00387134 by building more sea walls WQ51kCoKzaI-01713-00387135-00387399 by by and large WQ51kCoKzaI-01714-00387400-00387510 so WQ51kCoKzaI-01715-00387511-00387782 i think it's very important WQ51kCoKzaI-01716-00387783-00387951 that we question this WQ51kCoKzaI-01717-00387952-00388175 thank you WQ51kCoKzaI-01718-00388176-00388375 thank you jody yes i think that could be WQ51kCoKzaI-01719-00388376-00388606 the topic for another webinar WQ51kCoKzaI-01720-00388607-00388758 the difference between hard and soft WQ51kCoKzaI-01721-00388759-00388887 infrastructure WQ51kCoKzaI-01722-00388888-00389327 so just a reminder before we close that WQ51kCoKzaI-01723-00389328-00389519 we will be posting a recording of this WQ51kCoKzaI-01724-00389520-00389823 on the earth journalism network website WQ51kCoKzaI-01725-00389824-00390078 we'll be in touch with the surveyed and WQ51kCoKzaI-01726-00390079-00390271 asked attendees for what they thought WQ51kCoKzaI-01727-00390272-00390510 about this webinar and how we can WQ51kCoKzaI-01728-00390511-00390727 do things even better in the future and WQ51kCoKzaI-01729-00390728-00390982 we uh we will do our best to get you WQ51kCoKzaI-01730-00390983-00391199 resources and other things WQ51kCoKzaI-01731-00391200-00391399 that were mentioned in this webinar so WQ51kCoKzaI-01732-00391400-00391567 thank you once again to all our WQ51kCoKzaI-01733-00391568-00391823 panelists and all of you in the audience WQ51kCoKzaI-01734-00391824-00392063 for joining this discussion we uh we WQ51kCoKzaI-01735-00392064-00392319 hope you found it helpful and WQ51kCoKzaI-01736-00392320-00392495 stay tuned for many more webinars on the WQ51kCoKzaI-01737-00392496-00392695 topic of coastal resilience WQ51kCoKzaI-01738-00392696-00392823 thanks everyone WQ51kCoKzaI-01739-00392824-00392919 thank you WQ51kCoKzaI-01740-00392920-00393220 bye WS0y67Z7yUk-00000-00000028-00000265 during the Cold War the third-world WS0y67Z7yUk-00001-00000266-00000457 referred to the developing countries of WS0y67Z7yUk-00002-00000458-00000692 Asia Africa and Latin America the WS0y67Z7yUk-00003-00000693-00000844 nations not aligned with either the WS0y67Z7yUk-00004-00000846-00001087 first world or the second world this WS0y67Z7yUk-00005-00001088-00001300 usage has become relatively rare due to WS0y67Z7yUk-00006-00001301-00001603 the ending of the Cold War in the decade WS0y67Z7yUk-00007-00001604-00001801 following the fall of the Soviet Union WS0y67Z7yUk-00008-00001802-00002063 and the end of the Cold War in 1991 the WS0y67Z7yUk-00009-00002064-00002198 term third world was used WS0y67Z7yUk-00010-00002199-00002359 interchangeably with developing WS0y67Z7yUk-00011-00002360-00002534 countries but the concept has become WS0y67Z7yUk-00012-00002535-00002762 outdated as it no longer represents the WS0y67Z7yUk-00013-00002763-00002959 current political or economic state of WS0y67Z7yUk-00014-00002960-00003220 the world the three world model arose WS0y67Z7yUk-00015-00003221-00003431 during the Cold War to define countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00016-00003432-00003647 aligned with NATO the first world the WS0y67Z7yUk-00017-00003647-00003856 communist bloc the second world although WS0y67Z7yUk-00018-00003857-00004067 this term was less used or neither the WS0y67Z7yUk-00019-00004068-00004352 third world strictly speaking third WS0y67Z7yUk-00020-00004353-00004616 world was a political rather than an WS0y67Z7yUk-00021-00004617-00004954 economic grouping since about the 2000s WS0y67Z7yUk-00022-00004955-00005150 the term third world has been used less WS0y67Z7yUk-00023-00005151-00005431 and less it is being replaced with terms WS0y67Z7yUk-00024-00005432-00005624 such as developing countries least WS0y67Z7yUk-00025-00005625-00006180 developed countries or the global south WS0y67Z7yUk-00026-00006181-00006623 topic etymology WS0y67Z7yUk-00027-00006625-00006928 French demographer anthropologist and WS0y67Z7yUk-00028-00006929-00007144 historian Alfred saavy in an article WS0y67Z7yUk-00029-00007145-00007312 published in the French magazine WS0y67Z7yUk-00030-00007313-00007675 l'observatoire August 14 1952 coined the WS0y67Z7yUk-00031-00007676-00007897 term third-world French tears Monde WS0y67Z7yUk-00032-00007898-00008047 referring to countries that were WS0y67Z7yUk-00033-00008048-00008200 unaligned with either the Communist WS0y67Z7yUk-00034-00008201-00008428 Soviet bloc or the capitalist NATO bloc WS0y67Z7yUk-00035-00008429-00008683 during the Cold War his usage was a WS0y67Z7yUk-00036-00008684-00008851 reference to the Third Estate the WS0y67Z7yUk-00037-00008852-00009034 commoners of France who before and WS0y67Z7yUk-00038-00009035-00009226 during the French Revolution opposed the WS0y67Z7yUk-00039-00009227-00009430 clergy and Nobles who composed the first WS0y67Z7yUk-00040-00009431-00009675 estate and second estate respectively WS0y67Z7yUk-00041-00009676-00009973 savy wrote this third world ignored WS0y67Z7yUk-00042-00009974-00010216 exploited despised like the Third Estate WS0y67Z7yUk-00043-00010217-00010558 also wants to be something he conveyed WS0y67Z7yUk-00044-00010559-00010746 the concept of political non-alignment WS0y67Z7yUk-00045-00010747-00010948 with either the capitalist or communist WS0y67Z7yUk-00046-00010949-00011281 bloc WS0y67Z7yUk-00047-00011282-00011878 topic origin and shift of meaning WS0y67Z7yUk-00048-00011879-00012220 the term third-world arose during the WS0y67Z7yUk-00049-00012221-00012395 Cold War to define countries that WS0y67Z7yUk-00050-00012396-00012589 remained non-aligned with either NATO or WS0y67Z7yUk-00051-00012590-00012850 the communist bloc the United States WS0y67Z7yUk-00052-00012851-00013127 Canada Japan South Korea Western WS0y67Z7yUk-00053-00013128-00013297 European nations and their allies WS0y67Z7yUk-00054-00013298-00013490 represented the first world while the WS0y67Z7yUk-00055-00013491-00013747 Soviet Union China Cuba and their allies WS0y67Z7yUk-00056-00013748-00013991 represented the second world this WS0y67Z7yUk-00057-00013991-00014210 terminology provided a way of broadly WS0y67Z7yUk-00058-00014211-00014369 categorizing the nations of the earth WS0y67Z7yUk-00059-00014369-00014594 into three groups based on political and WS0y67Z7yUk-00060-00014594-00014875 economic divisions since the fall of the WS0y67Z7yUk-00061-00014876-00015061 Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War WS0y67Z7yUk-00062-00015062-00015290 the term third-world has been used less WS0y67Z7yUk-00063-00015291-00015572 and less it is being replaced with terms WS0y67Z7yUk-00064-00015572-00015761 such as developing countries least WS0y67Z7yUk-00065-00015762-00015950 developed countries or the global South WS0y67Z7yUk-00066-00015951-00016219 the concept itself has become outdated WS0y67Z7yUk-00067-00016220-00016430 as it no longer represents the current WS0y67Z7yUk-00068-00016431-00016669 political or economic state of the world WS0y67Z7yUk-00069-00016670-00016940 the third world was normally seen to WS0y67Z7yUk-00070-00016941-00017125 include many countries with colonial WS0y67Z7yUk-00071-00017126-00017396 pasts in Africa Latin America Oceania WS0y67Z7yUk-00072-00017397-00017717 and Asia it was also sometimes taken as WS0y67Z7yUk-00073-00017718-00017864 synonymous with countries in the WS0y67Z7yUk-00074-00017865-00018128 non-aligned movement in the dependency WS0y67Z7yUk-00075-00018129-00018334 theory of thinkers like Raul Prebys WS0y67Z7yUk-00076-00018335-00018605 Walter Rodney Thea Tonio dos Santos and WS0y67Z7yUk-00077-00018606-00018821 andre gunder Frank the third world has WS0y67Z7yUk-00078-00018822-00018962 also been connected to the world WS0y67Z7yUk-00079-00018963-00019228 systemic economic division s periphery WS0y67Z7yUk-00080-00019229-00019475 countries dominated by the countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00081-00019476-00019778 comprising the economic core due to the WS0y67Z7yUk-00082-00019779-00019997 complex history of evolving meanings in WS0y67Z7yUk-00083-00019998-00020162 contexts there is no clear or WS0y67Z7yUk-00084-00020163-00020350 agreed-upon definition of the third WS0y67Z7yUk-00085-00020351-00020615 world some countries in the communist WS0y67Z7yUk-00086-00020616-00020852 bloc such as Cuba were often regarded as WS0y67Z7yUk-00087-00020853-00021161 third-world because many third world WS0y67Z7yUk-00088-00021162-00021350 countries were economically poor and WS0y67Z7yUk-00089-00021351-00021527 non-industrialized it became a WS0y67Z7yUk-00090-00021528-00021758 stereotype to refer to poor countries as WS0y67Z7yUk-00091-00021759-00022081 third-world countries yet the third WS0y67Z7yUk-00092-00022082-00022352 world term is also often taken to WS0y67Z7yUk-00093-00022353-00022568 include newly industrialized countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00094-00022569-00022805 like Brazil India and China they are now WS0y67Z7yUk-00095-00022806-00022981 more commonly referred to as part of WS0y67Z7yUk-00096-00022982-00023255 BRIC historically some European WS0y67Z7yUk-00097-00023256-00023440 countries were non-aligned and a few of WS0y67Z7yUk-00098-00023441-00023603 these were and are very prosperous WS0y67Z7yUk-00099-00023604-00023905 including Ireland Austria Sweden Finland WS0y67Z7yUk-00100-00023906-00024427 Switzerland and Yugoslavia WS0y67Z7yUk-00101-00024428-00025054 topic third world versus three worlds WS0y67Z7yUk-00102-00025055-00025426 the three worlds theory developed by mao WS0y67Z7yUk-00103-00025427-00025588 zedong is different from the Western WS0y67Z7yUk-00104-00025589-00025786 theory of the three worlds or third WS0y67Z7yUk-00105-00025787-00026092 world for example in the Western theory WS0y67Z7yUk-00106-00026093-00026332 India and China belong respectively to WS0y67Z7yUk-00107-00026333-00026518 the second and third worlds but in Mao's WS0y67Z7yUk-00108-00026519-00026752 theory both China and India are part of WS0y67Z7yUk-00109-00026752-00026917 the third world which he defined as WS0y67Z7yUk-00110-00026918-00027390 consisting of exploited nations WS0y67Z7yUk-00111-00027391-00027912 topic third-world ism WS0y67Z7yUk-00112-00027913-00028172 third-world ISM as a political movement WS0y67Z7yUk-00113-00028173-00028361 that argues for the unity of third world WS0y67Z7yUk-00114-00028362-00028586 nations against first world and probably WS0y67Z7yUk-00115-00028587-00028793 second world influence and the principle WS0y67Z7yUk-00116-00028794-00028985 of non-interference in other countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00117-00028986-00029300 domestic affairs groups most notable for WS0y67Z7yUk-00118-00029301-00029533 expressing and exercising this idea are WS0y67Z7yUk-00119-00029535-00029720 the non-aligned movement nam and the WS0y67Z7yUk-00120-00029720-00029960 group of 77 which provide a base for WS0y67Z7yUk-00121-00029961-00030161 relations and diplomacy between not just WS0y67Z7yUk-00122-00030162-00030377 the third world countries but between WS0y67Z7yUk-00123-00030377-00030562 the third world in the first and second WS0y67Z7yUk-00124-00030563-00030851 world the notion has been criticized as WS0y67Z7yUk-00125-00030852-00031033 providing a fig leaf for human rights WS0y67Z7yUk-00126-00031035-00031252 violations and political repression by WS0y67Z7yUk-00127-00031254-00031686 dictatorship WS0y67Z7yUk-00128-00031687-00032120 topic history WS0y67Z7yUk-00129-00032122-00032361 most third world countries are former WS0y67Z7yUk-00130-00032362-00032616 colonies having gained independence many WS0y67Z7yUk-00131-00032617-00032817 of these countries especially smaller WS0y67Z7yUk-00132-00032818-00033009 ones were faced with the challenges of WS0y67Z7yUk-00133-00033010-00033213 nation and institution building on their WS0y67Z7yUk-00134-00033214-00033435 own for the first time due to this WS0y67Z7yUk-00135-00033436-00033627 common background many of these nations WS0y67Z7yUk-00136-00033628-00033963 were developing in economic terms for WS0y67Z7yUk-00137-00033964-00034182 most of the 20th century and many still WS0y67Z7yUk-00138-00034183-00034479 are this term used today generally WS0y67Z7yUk-00139-00034480-00034614 denotes countries that have not WS0y67Z7yUk-00140-00034615-00034827 developed to the same levels as oacd WS0y67Z7yUk-00141-00034828-00035040 countries and are thus in the process of WS0y67Z7yUk-00142-00035041-00035400 developing in the 1980s economist Peter WS0y67Z7yUk-00143-00035401-00035622 Bauer offered a competing definition for WS0y67Z7yUk-00144-00035623-00035916 the term third-world he claimed that the WS0y67Z7yUk-00145-00035917-00036123 attachment of third-world status to a WS0y67Z7yUk-00146-00036124-00036321 particular country was not based on any WS0y67Z7yUk-00147-00036322-00036537 stable economic or political criteria WS0y67Z7yUk-00148-00036538-00036882 and was a mostly arbitrary process the WS0y67Z7yUk-00149-00036883-00037095 large diversity of countries considered WS0y67Z7yUk-00150-00037096-00037317 part of the third world from Indonesia WS0y67Z7yUk-00151-00037318-00037569 to Afghanistan ranged widely from WS0y67Z7yUk-00152-00037570-00037764 economically primitive to economically WS0y67Z7yUk-00153-00037765-00037920 advanced and from politically WS0y67Z7yUk-00154-00037921-00038130 non-aligned to Soviet or Western leaning WS0y67Z7yUk-00155-00038131-00038382 an argument could also be made for how WS0y67Z7yUk-00156-00038383-00038565 parts of the US are more like the third WS0y67Z7yUk-00157-00038566-00038781 world the only characteristic that Bauer WS0y67Z7yUk-00158-00038782-00038946 found common in all third world WS0y67Z7yUk-00159-00038947-00039111 countries was that their governments WS0y67Z7yUk-00160-00039112-00039417 demand and receive Western aid the WS0y67Z7yUk-00161-00039418-00039660 giving of which he strongly opposed thus WS0y67Z7yUk-00162-00039661-00039951 the aggregate term third world was WS0y67Z7yUk-00163-00039952-00040146 challenged as misleading even during the WS0y67Z7yUk-00164-00040147-00040329 Cold War period because it had no WS0y67Z7yUk-00165-00040330-00040536 consistent or collective identity among WS0y67Z7yUk-00166-00040537-00040644 the countries it's supposedly WS0y67Z7yUk-00167-00040645-00041033 encompassed WS0y67Z7yUk-00168-00041034-00041569 topic development date WS0y67Z7yUk-00169-00041570-00041818 during the Cold War unaligned countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00170-00041819-00041962 of the third world were seen as WS0y67Z7yUk-00171-00041963-00042166 potential allies by both the first and WS0y67Z7yUk-00172-00042167-00042463 second world therefore the United States WS0y67Z7yUk-00173-00042464-00042640 and the Soviet Union went to great WS0y67Z7yUk-00174-00042641-00042820 lengths to establish connections in WS0y67Z7yUk-00175-00042821-00043030 these countries by offering economic and WS0y67Z7yUk-00176-00043031-00043234 military support to gain strategically WS0y67Z7yUk-00177-00043235-00043492 located alliances eg the United States WS0y67Z7yUk-00178-00043493-00043735 in Vietnam or the Soviet Union in Cuba WS0y67Z7yUk-00179-00043736-00043999 by the end of the Cold War many third WS0y67Z7yUk-00180-00044000-00044221 world countries had adopted capitalist WS0y67Z7yUk-00181-00044222-00044407 or communist economic models and WS0y67Z7yUk-00182-00044408-00044569 continued to receive support from the WS0y67Z7yUk-00183-00044570-00044815 side they had chosen throughout the Cold WS0y67Z7yUk-00184-00044816-00044998 War and beyond the countries of the WS0y67Z7yUk-00185-00044999-00045124 third world have been the priority WS0y67Z7yUk-00186-00045125-00045352 recipients of Western foreign aid and WS0y67Z7yUk-00187-00045353-00045487 the focus of economic development WS0y67Z7yUk-00188-00045488-00045676 through mainstream theories such as WS0y67Z7yUk-00189-00045677-00045892 modernization theory and dependency WS0y67Z7yUk-00190-00045893-00046246 theory by the end of the 1960s the idea WS0y67Z7yUk-00191-00046247-00046396 of the third world came to represent WS0y67Z7yUk-00192-00046397-00046612 countries in Africa Asia and Latin WS0y67Z7yUk-00193-00046613-00046780 America that were considered WS0y67Z7yUk-00194-00046781-00046969 underdeveloped by the West based on a WS0y67Z7yUk-00195-00046970-00047212 variety of characteristics low economic WS0y67Z7yUk-00196-00047213-00047434 development low life expectancy high WS0y67Z7yUk-00197-00047435-00047740 rates of poverty and disease etc these WS0y67Z7yUk-00198-00047741-00047950 countries became the targets for aid and WS0y67Z7yUk-00199-00047951-00048166 support from governments NGOs and WS0y67Z7yUk-00200-00048167-00048448 individuals from wealthier nations one WS0y67Z7yUk-00201-00048449-00048703 popular model known as rosto stages of WS0y67Z7yUk-00202-00048704-00048877 growth argued that development took WS0y67Z7yUk-00203-00048878-00049141 place in five stages traditional society WS0y67Z7yUk-00204-00049142-00049399 preconditions for takeoff takeoff drive WS0y67Z7yUk-00205-00049400-00049683 to maturity age of high mass consumption WS0y67Z7yUk-00206-00049684-00049975 WW rostow argued that take-off was the WS0y67Z7yUk-00207-00049976-00050167 critical stage that the third world was WS0y67Z7yUk-00208-00050168-00050425 missing or struggling with thus foreign WS0y67Z7yUk-00209-00050426-00050583 aid was needed to help kick-start WS0y67Z7yUk-00210-00050584-00050827 industrialization and economic growth in WS0y67Z7yUk-00211-00050828-00050916 these countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00212-00050917-00051151 topic great divergence and great WS0y67Z7yUk-00213-00051152-00051364 convergence many times there is a clear WS0y67Z7yUk-00214-00051365-00051520 distinction between first and third WS0y67Z7yUk-00215-00051521-00051802 worlds when talking about the global WS0y67Z7yUk-00216-00051803-00052008 north and the global south the majority WS0y67Z7yUk-00217-00052009-00052205 of the time the two go hand in hand WS0y67Z7yUk-00218-00052207-00052435 people refer to the two as third world WS0y67Z7yUk-00219-00052436-00052690 South and first world North because the WS0y67Z7yUk-00220-00052691-00052849 global North is more affluent and WS0y67Z7yUk-00221-00052850-00053041 developed whereas the global South is WS0y67Z7yUk-00222-00053041-00053229 less developed and often poorer to WS0y67Z7yUk-00223-00053230-00053379 counter this mode of thought some WS0y67Z7yUk-00224-00053380-00053590 scholars began proposing the idea of a WS0y67Z7yUk-00225-00053591-00053809 change in world dynamics that began in WS0y67Z7yUk-00226-00053810-00054013 the late 1980s and termed it the great WS0y67Z7yUk-00227-00054014-00054316 convergence as Jack a Goldstone and his WS0y67Z7yUk-00228-00054316-00054526 colleagues put it in the 20th century WS0y67Z7yUk-00229-00054527-00054715 the great divergence peaked before the WS0y67Z7yUk-00230-00054716-00054907 First World War and continued until the WS0y67Z7yUk-00231-00054908-00055200 early then after two decades of WS0y67Z7yUk-00232-00055201-00055407 indeterminate fluctuations in the late WS0y67Z7yUk-00233-00055408-00055626 1980s it was replaced by the great WS0y67Z7yUk-00234-00055627-00055776 convergence as the majority of WS0y67Z7yUk-00235-00055777-00055992 third-world countries reached economic WS0y67Z7yUk-00236-00055993-00056161 growth rates significantly higher than WS0y67Z7yUk-00237-00056162-00056359 those in most first world countries WS0y67Z7yUk-00238-00056360-00056554 others have observed a return to cold WS0y67Z7yUk-00239-00056554-00056872 war-era alignments MacKinnon 2007 Lucas WS0y67Z7yUk-00240-00056873-00057154 2008 this time with substantial changes WS0y67Z7yUk-00241-00057154-00057490 between 1990 to 2015 in geography the WS0y67Z7yUk-00242-00057491-00057723 world economy and relationship dynamics WS0y67Z7yUk-00243-00057724-00057886 between current and emerging world WS0y67Z7yUk-00244-00057887-00058131 powers not necessarily redefining the WS0y67Z7yUk-00245-00058132-00058315 classic meaning of first second and WS0y67Z7yUk-00246-00058316-00058498 third world terms but rather which WS0y67Z7yUk-00247-00058499-00058650 countries belong to them by way of WS0y67Z7yUk-00248-00058651-00058879 Association to which world power or WS0y67Z7yUk-00249-00058879-00059112 coalition of countries such as the g7 WS0y67Z7yUk-00250-00059113-00059497 the European Union Oh II CD g20 OPEC WS0y67Z7yUk-00251-00059498-00059848 pric s as Ian the African Union and the WS0y67Z7yUk-00252-00059849-00060148 Eurasian Union topic see also fourth WS0y67Z7yUk-00253-00060149-00060354 world failed state topic references WS0y67Z7yUk-00254-00060355-00060719 topic further reading Ijaz ahmad 1992 in WS0y67Z7yUk-00255-00060720-00061023 theory classes nations literature's WS0y67Z7yUk-00256-00061024-00061540 London verso Bower Peter T 1981 equality WS0y67Z7yUk-00257-00061541-00061765 the third world and economic delusion WS0y67Z7yUk-00258-00061766-00061980 Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard WS0y67Z7yUk-00259-00061981-00062374 University Press Buchanan Pat J 2006 WS0y67Z7yUk-00260-00062375-00062613 state of emergency the third world WS0y67Z7yUk-00261-00062614-00062904 invasion and conquest of America New WS0y67Z7yUk-00262-00062905-00063174 York Thomas Dunne books street Martin's WS0y67Z7yUk-00263-00063175-00063565 Press Escobar Arturo 2011 encountering WS0y67Z7yUk-00264-00063566-00063774 development the making and unmaking of WS0y67Z7yUk-00265-00063775-00064079 the third world revised ed Princeton NJ WS0y67Z7yUk-00266-00064080-00064481 Princeton University Press Furtado Celso WS0y67Z7yUk-00267-00064482-00064782 1964 development and under development WS0y67Z7yUk-00268-00064783-00065079 Berkeley University of California Press WS0y67Z7yUk-00269-00065079-00065442 Huffington Arianna s 2010 third world WS0y67Z7yUk-00270-00065443-00065637 America how our politicians are WS0y67Z7yUk-00271-00065638-00065791 abandoning the middle class and WS0y67Z7yUk-00272-00065792-00066057 betraying the American Dream New York WS0y67Z7yUk-00273-00066058-00066381 crown publishers Mel coat srinivas r and WS0y67Z7yUk-00274-00066382-00066684 steve's h leslie 1991 WS0y67Z7yUk-00275-00066685-00066886 communication for development in the WS0y67Z7yUk-00276-00066887-00067074 third world theory and practice for WS0y67Z7yUk-00277-00067075-00067382 empowerment new delhi sage publications WS0y67Z7yUk-00278-00067383-00067800 Shepard Eric and Porter Whelan P 1998 a WS0y67Z7yUk-00279-00067801-00068071 world of difference society nature WS0y67Z7yUk-00280-00068072-00068416 development New York Guilford press ran WS0y67Z7yUk-00281-00068417-00068848 gel Carlos 1986 third-world ideology and WS0y67Z7yUk-00282-00068849-00069070 Western reality New Brunswick WS0y67Z7yUk-00283-00069071-00069468 transaction books Smith Brian C 2013 WS0y67Z7yUk-00284-00069469-00069688 understanding third world politics WS0y67Z7yUk-00285-00069689-00069868 theories of political change and WS0y67Z7yUk-00286-00069869-00070168 development for that London Palgrave WS0y67Z7yUk-00287-00070169-00070651 Macmillan I just Charles K 1973 the WS0y67Z7yUk-00288-00070652-00070855 political economy of development and WS0y67Z7yUk-00289-00070856-00071299 under development New York Random House WStPCWTPBry-00000-00000007-00000854 [Music] WStPCWTPBry-00001-00000855-00001079 conflict is happening everywhere in the WStPCWTPBry-00002-00001080-00001423 planet in so many forms WStPCWTPBry-00003-00001424-00001599 between two countries it is happening WStPCWTPBry-00004-00001600-00001910 between two communities it's happening WStPCWTPBry-00005-00001911-00002191 within the family it is happening WStPCWTPBry-00006-00002192-00002415 within you it's happening WStPCWTPBry-00007-00002416-00002655 yes WStPCWTPBry-00008-00002656-00002783 but WStPCWTPBry-00009-00002784-00002958 it is only because there is conflict WStPCWTPBry-00010-00002959-00003095 within you WStPCWTPBry-00011-00003096-00003319 there is a possibility of conflict WStPCWTPBry-00012-00003320-00003743 outside of you isn't it WStPCWTPBry-00013-00003744-00003886 because there is WStPCWTPBry-00014-00003887-00004119 violence within you WStPCWTPBry-00015-00004120-00004327 violence is possible in the world WStPCWTPBry-00016-00004328-00004502 there was no violence at all in you WStPCWTPBry-00017-00004503-00004727 would violence be possible in the world WStPCWTPBry-00018-00004728-00004999 no WStPCWTPBry-00019-00005000-00005206 so we just have to look at the conflict WStPCWTPBry-00020-00005207-00005335 within WStPCWTPBry-00021-00005336-00005583 if we just settle this WStPCWTPBry-00022-00005584-00005799 outside conflict will slowly settle it WStPCWTPBry-00023-00005800-00005943 will take some time because we have put WStPCWTPBry-00024-00005944-00006167 a certain momentum to it WStPCWTPBry-00025-00006168-00006247 but WStPCWTPBry-00026-00006248-00006446 it has to settle isn't it WStPCWTPBry-00027-00006447-00006703 if all of us become truly peaceful human WStPCWTPBry-00028-00006704-00006798 beings WStPCWTPBry-00029-00006800-00007063 no conflict within us WStPCWTPBry-00030-00007064-00007470 would bombay be peaceful WStPCWTPBry-00031-00007472-00007646 do we have to separately start a WStPCWTPBry-00032-00007647-00007863 campaign for peaceful bombing WStPCWTPBry-00033-00007864-00007959 no WStPCWTPBry-00034-00007959-00008278 if people were peaceful society would be WStPCWTPBry-00035-00008279-00008503 peaceful isn't it WStPCWTPBry-00036-00008504-00008846 so what is the conflict WStPCWTPBry-00037-00008847-00009071 the conflict is just this WStPCWTPBry-00038-00009072-00009335 you got identified with things that you WStPCWTPBry-00039-00009336-00009614 are not WStPCWTPBry-00040-00009615-00009791 you are identified with many things that WStPCWTPBry-00041-00009792-00010110 you are not isn't it WStPCWTPBry-00042-00010111-00010246 right now WStPCWTPBry-00043-00010247-00010614 let's say this vessel belongs to you WStPCWTPBry-00044-00010615-00010871 you don't just hold it as a vessel WStPCWTPBry-00045-00010872-00011071 let us say this vessel came to you from WStPCWTPBry-00046-00011072-00011342 your great great great grandfather WStPCWTPBry-00047-00011343-00011646 now this is not just a vessel WStPCWTPBry-00048-00011647-00011735 yes WStPCWTPBry-00049-00011736-00012078 you are identified with it WStPCWTPBry-00050-00012079-00012423 if i just grab this vessel and go away WStPCWTPBry-00051-00012424-00012599 you are willing to die to get this WStPCWTPBry-00052-00012600-00012751 vessel WStPCWTPBry-00053-00012752-00012902 isn't it so WStPCWTPBry-00054-00012903-00013086 because you're so identified with this WStPCWTPBry-00055-00013087-00013238 vessel now WStPCWTPBry-00056-00013240-00013438 if i just break this vessel your heart WStPCWTPBry-00057-00013440-00013775 will break WStPCWTPBry-00058-00013776-00013966 just see with how many things you have WStPCWTPBry-00059-00013968-00014166 done this WStPCWTPBry-00060-00014168-00014399 from the clothes that you wear WStPCWTPBry-00061-00014400-00014583 to the people who live with you the WStPCWTPBry-00062-00014584-00014751 house that you live in the things that WStPCWTPBry-00063-00014752-00014919 you own and possess WStPCWTPBry-00064-00014919-00015207 everything has become you isn't it WStPCWTPBry-00065-00015208-00015327 yes WStPCWTPBry-00066-00015328-00015583 so what is you is not here what is you WStPCWTPBry-00067-00015584-00016007 is spread all over the place WStPCWTPBry-00068-00016008-00016263 when you are spread all over the place WStPCWTPBry-00069-00016263-00016399 naturally WStPCWTPBry-00070-00016400-00016599 wherever you move it get entangled it WStPCWTPBry-00071-00016600-00016903 gets entangled somewhere WStPCWTPBry-00072-00016904-00017079 yes WStPCWTPBry-00073-00017080-00017303 when what is you is so spread out WStPCWTPBry-00074-00017304-00017486 whichever way you go in every doorway WStPCWTPBry-00075-00017487-00017822 you will get stuck WStPCWTPBry-00076-00017823-00017975 that's what is happening WStPCWTPBry-00077-00017976-00018175 that's why there's constant friction and WStPCWTPBry-00078-00018176-00018414 conflict because you're identified with WStPCWTPBry-00079-00018415-00018686 so many things that you are not WStPCWTPBry-00080-00018687-00018919 when i say you are identified with WStPCWTPBry-00081-00018920-00019071 things that you are not WStPCWTPBry-00082-00019072-00019286 it also includes your mind it also WStPCWTPBry-00083-00019287-00019527 includes your body WStPCWTPBry-00084-00019528-00019799 your thoughts are not yours please say WStPCWTPBry-00085-00019800-00020047 your emotions are not yours please see WStPCWTPBry-00086-00020048-00020207 these are all things that you picked up WStPCWTPBry-00087-00020208-00020399 from outside and identified yourself WStPCWTPBry-00088-00020400-00020630 with isn't it so WStPCWTPBry-00089-00020631-00020767 yes WStPCWTPBry-00090-00020768-00020958 your body is not yours it is something WStPCWTPBry-00091-00020959-00021214 that you picked up from outside WStPCWTPBry-00092-00021215-00021391 if you sit here and you're not WStPCWTPBry-00093-00021392-00021647 identified with anything WStPCWTPBry-00094-00021648-00021822 you are simply yourself WStPCWTPBry-00095-00021823-00022030 you are not identifying yourself with WStPCWTPBry-00096-00022031-00022230 anything or you are not getting into WStPCWTPBry-00097-00022231-00022511 your make-believe situation of being WStPCWTPBry-00098-00022512-00023278 something that you are not WStPCWTPBry-00099-00023279-00023539 a man went to the psychiatrist WStPCWTPBry-00100-00023540-00023767 [Music] WStPCWTPBry-00101-00023768-00023950 he went and said WStPCWTPBry-00102-00023951-00024158 doctor WStPCWTPBry-00103-00024159-00024663 all the time i think i'm wet paint WStPCWTPBry-00104-00024664-00024863 i'm afraid to touch anybody i don't want WStPCWTPBry-00105-00024864-00025014 anybody to touch me because i think i'm WStPCWTPBry-00106-00025015-00025350 wet paint WStPCWTPBry-00107-00025351-00025583 then the doctor said that's no problem i WStPCWTPBry-00108-00025584-00025783 will treat you WStPCWTPBry-00109-00025783-00025943 six months WStPCWTPBry-00110-00025944-00026231 the doctor gave him very expensive WStPCWTPBry-00111-00026232-00026470 treatment WStPCWTPBry-00112-00026472-00026767 then slowly the patient felt better WStPCWTPBry-00113-00026768-00026887 and then WStPCWTPBry-00114-00026888-00027079 he one day came and said doctor i'm just WStPCWTPBry-00115-00027080-00027231 feeling fine WStPCWTPBry-00116-00027232-00027462 i don't feel like that anymore WStPCWTPBry-00117-00027463-00027646 thank you very much WStPCWTPBry-00118-00027647-00027870 he paid his bill and he wanted to shake WStPCWTPBry-00119-00027872-00028118 his hands WStPCWTPBry-00120-00028119-00028279 the doctor said i don't want to get wet WStPCWTPBry-00121-00028280-00029007 paint on my hands WStPCWTPBry-00122-00029008-00029183 once you're identified with things that WStPCWTPBry-00123-00029183-00029302 you're not WStPCWTPBry-00124-00029304-00029655 you're hallucinatory in nature isn't it WStPCWTPBry-00125-00029656-00029895 and all the conflict is coming simply WStPCWTPBry-00126-00029895-00030143 because you're not in touch with reality WStPCWTPBry-00127-00030144-00030335 your health symmetry WStPCWTPBry-00128-00030336-00030518 your thoughts your emotions are all WStPCWTPBry-00129-00030519-00030695 coming from certain identifications WStPCWTPBry-00130-00030695-00030855 isn't it so WStPCWTPBry-00131-00030856-00031039 if you can sit here WStPCWTPBry-00132-00031039-00031287 this chamber will do to you if you sit WStPCWTPBry-00133-00031288-00031383 here WStPCWTPBry-00134-00031383-00031646 you will see your body is here WStPCWTPBry-00135-00031647-00031799 your mind seems to be somewhere out WStPCWTPBry-00136-00031800-00032143 there and you are somewhere else WStPCWTPBry-00137-00032144-00032255 that means WStPCWTPBry-00138-00032256-00032446 you've gotten disidentified with WStPCWTPBry-00139-00032447-00032607 everything WStPCWTPBry-00140-00032608-00032823 you're just there WStPCWTPBry-00141-00032824-00033087 once you're not identified with the body WStPCWTPBry-00142-00033088-00033335 once you're not identified with the mind WStPCWTPBry-00143-00033336-00033683 can there be WStPCWTPBry-00144-00033684-00033911 conflict if you've known any kind of WStPCWTPBry-00145-00033912-00034071 suffering in your life WStPCWTPBry-00146-00034072-00034311 the suffering has either entered you WStPCWTPBry-00147-00034312-00034479 through your body or through your mind WStPCWTPBry-00148-00034480-00034623 isn't it so WStPCWTPBry-00149-00034624-00034846 do you know any other kind of suffering WStPCWTPBry-00150-00034847-00035039 once there is a distance between you and WStPCWTPBry-00151-00035040-00035183 your body WStPCWTPBry-00152-00035184-00035343 once there's a distance between you and WStPCWTPBry-00153-00035344-00035446 your mind WStPCWTPBry-00154-00035447-00035718 this is the end of suffering WStPCWTPBry-00155-00035719-00035967 this being cannot suffer anymore WStPCWTPBry-00156-00035968-00036387 question of conflict doesn't arise WStPCWTPBry-00157-00036388-00038215 [Music] WStPCWTPBry-00158-00038216-00038424 you WUSm7ZpTGHY-00000-00000448-00000519 today WUSm7ZpTGHY-00001-00000520-00000719 we're talking about reducing reusing and WUSm7ZpTGHY-00002-00000720-00000847 recycling WUSm7ZpTGHY-00003-00000848-00001158 do you know what these things even mean WUSm7ZpTGHY-00004-00001159-00001470 reducing waste means not only reducing WUSm7ZpTGHY-00005-00001471-00001710 or making smaller the amount of waste WUSm7ZpTGHY-00006-00001711-00001887 that goes into the landfills WUSm7ZpTGHY-00007-00001888-00002223 but it also means decreasing or making WUSm7ZpTGHY-00008-00002224-00002302 smaller WUSm7ZpTGHY-00009-00002303-00002534 the amount of dangerous chemicals that WUSm7ZpTGHY-00010-00002535-00002767 seep into the soil and pollute the air WUSm7ZpTGHY-00011-00002768-00003071 because of improper waste disposal WUSm7ZpTGHY-00012-00003072-00003254 two more important things to reduce is WUSm7ZpTGHY-00013-00003255-00003406 the amount of water you use WUSm7ZpTGHY-00014-00003407-00003606 and the amount of electricity you use WUSm7ZpTGHY-00015-00003607-00003751 each and every day WUSm7ZpTGHY-00016-00003752-00003983 you may wonder why do you have to use WUSm7ZpTGHY-00017-00003984-00004175 less water when it falls from the sky as WUSm7ZpTGHY-00018-00004176-00004254 rain WUSm7ZpTGHY-00019-00004255-00004470 but the water that you drink must first WUSm7ZpTGHY-00020-00004471-00004727 be cleaned so you don't get sick WUSm7ZpTGHY-00021-00004728-00005038 and that takes a lot of work including WUSm7ZpTGHY-00022-00005039-00005343 using electricity and making electricity WUSm7ZpTGHY-00023-00005344-00005663 means using trees and oil and gas WUSm7ZpTGHY-00024-00005664-00005863 hopefully in the near future we'll use WUSm7ZpTGHY-00025-00005864-00005975 energy from the sun WUSm7ZpTGHY-00026-00005976-00006238 and the wind instead of oil and gas to WUSm7ZpTGHY-00027-00006239-00006359 make our electricity WUSm7ZpTGHY-00028-00006360-00006687 but that day isn't here yet reusing WUSm7ZpTGHY-00029-00006688-00006839 things means making the most of WUSm7ZpTGHY-00030-00006840-00007055 something so you don't add it to the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00031-00007056-00007142 garbage WUSm7ZpTGHY-00032-00007143-00007327 like using the back of the piece of WUSm7ZpTGHY-00033-00007328-00007478 paper instead of just throwing it out WUSm7ZpTGHY-00034-00007479-00007542 when you've WUSm7ZpTGHY-00035-00007543-00007806 only used one side or even giving the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00036-00007808-00007974 toys and clothing you've outgrown to WUSm7ZpTGHY-00037-00007975-00008134 someone else instead of just WUSm7ZpTGHY-00038-00008136-00008446 throwing them away recycling is the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00039-00008447-00008599 process of collecting and WUSm7ZpTGHY-00040-00008600-00008783 processing materials that would WUSm7ZpTGHY-00041-00008784-00008974 otherwise be thrown away as trash WUSm7ZpTGHY-00042-00008975-00009278 and turning them into new products there WUSm7ZpTGHY-00043-00009279-00009342 are many WUSm7ZpTGHY-00044-00009343-00009574 many places to recycle all kinds of WUSm7ZpTGHY-00045-00009575-00009791 things one of my favorite websites for WUSm7ZpTGHY-00046-00009792-00009895 recycling WUSm7ZpTGHY-00047-00009896-00010414 is www.earth911.com WUSm7ZpTGHY-00048-00010415-00010567 if you want to know where to recycle WUSm7ZpTGHY-00049-00010568-00010751 something near your own house you can WUSm7ZpTGHY-00050-00010752-00010887 just type in your zip code WUSm7ZpTGHY-00051-00010888-00011095 and you'll find out exactly where you WUSm7ZpTGHY-00052-00011096-00011191 can recycle WUSm7ZpTGHY-00053-00011192-00011487 all kinds of things give it a try in the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00054-00011488-00011567 meantime WUSm7ZpTGHY-00055-00011568-00011751 here's another song about recycling our WUSm7ZpTGHY-00056-00011752-00011870 room called WUSm7ZpTGHY-00057-00011871-00012135 we recycle i'll bet most of you know the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00058-00012136-00012342 song twinkle twinkle little star well WUSm7ZpTGHY-00059-00012343-00012535 this song is the same song WUSm7ZpTGHY-00060-00012536-00012759 or tune but we use different words if WUSm7ZpTGHY-00061-00012760-00012879 you don't know the words WUSm7ZpTGHY-00062-00012880-00013119 you can always hum along and here's how WUSm7ZpTGHY-00063-00013119-00013511 it goes WUSm7ZpTGHY-00064-00013512-00013822 we reuse a lot of things WUSm7ZpTGHY-00065-00013823-00014143 backs of papers boxes strings WUSm7ZpTGHY-00066-00014144-00014479 look around you everywhere you WUSm7ZpTGHY-00067-00014480-00014807 and i we really care if we're WUSm7ZpTGHY-00068-00014808-00015271 clever every day we can find so many WUSm7ZpTGHY-00069-00015272-00015407 ways WUSm7ZpTGHY-00070-00015408-00015783 we reduce trash in our cans helping WUSm7ZpTGHY-00071-00015784-00016007 earth with our own hands WUSm7ZpTGHY-00072-00016008-00016391 turn our faucets way down low reduce the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00073-00016392-00016471 water WUSm7ZpTGHY-00074-00016472-00016839 as it flows thinking hard what else to WUSm7ZpTGHY-00075-00016840-00016919 do WUSm7ZpTGHY-00076-00016920-00017271 helping together me and you WUSm7ZpTGHY-00077-00017272-00017583 we recycle what we use WUSm7ZpTGHY-00078-00017584-00017919 separate things and rinse them too glass WUSm7ZpTGHY-00079-00017920-00018175 and paper plastic tin WUSm7ZpTGHY-00080-00018176-00018486 go in your recycling bin WUSm7ZpTGHY-00081-00018487-00018863 we must do this every day clean the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00082-00018864-00019214 earth in every way yay WUSm7ZpTGHY-00083-00019215-00019494 good job how about if we do it again now WUSm7ZpTGHY-00084-00019495-00019639 that you've heard it the first time WUSm7ZpTGHY-00085-00019640-00019983 come on sing along again here we go WUSm7ZpTGHY-00086-00019984-00020286 we reuse a lot of things WUSm7ZpTGHY-00087-00020287-00020599 backs out papers boxes strings WUSm7ZpTGHY-00088-00020600-00020903 look around you everywhere WUSm7ZpTGHY-00089-00020904-00021214 you and i we really care WUSm7ZpTGHY-00090-00021215-00021671 if we're clever every day we can find so WUSm7ZpTGHY-00091-00021672-00022119 many ways yes we can we reduce trash in WUSm7ZpTGHY-00092-00022120-00022455 our cans helping earth with our own WUSm7ZpTGHY-00093-00022456-00022535 hands WUSm7ZpTGHY-00094-00022536-00022927 turn our faucets way down low reduce the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00095-00022928-00023007 water WUSm7ZpTGHY-00096-00023008-00023375 as it flows thinking hard what else to WUSm7ZpTGHY-00097-00023376-00023807 do helping together me and you WUSm7ZpTGHY-00098-00023808-00024199 we recycle what we use sure we do WUSm7ZpTGHY-00099-00024200-00024527 separate things and rinse them too glass WUSm7ZpTGHY-00100-00024528-00024783 and paper plastic tin WUSm7ZpTGHY-00101-00024784-00025094 go in your recycling bin WUSm7ZpTGHY-00102-00025095-00025471 we must do this every day clean the WUSm7ZpTGHY-00103-00025472-00025887 earth in every way i'm counting on you WUSm7ZpTGHY-00104-00025888-00026134 as a friend of rupert to help reduce WUSm7ZpTGHY-00105-00026135-00026318 reuse and recycle WUSm7ZpTGHY-00106-00026319-00026983 thanks for doing your part you rock WXHe7z6KFiM-00000-00000078-00000316 from you WXHe7z6KFiM-00001-00000317-00000551 we're going to WXHe7z6KFiM-00002-00000552-00000949 rain sharp Tower series today and then WXHe7z6KFiM-00003-00000950-00001300 uh tomorrow we'll start looking at what WXHe7z6KFiM-00004-00001301-00001751 makes our Theory so interesting I mean WXHe7z6KFiM-00005-00001752-00002081 completely if you remember when I WXHe7z6KFiM-00006-00002082-00002410 introduced power series and I said they WXHe7z6KFiM-00007-00002411-00002626 were interesting because we could use WXHe7z6KFiM-00008-00002627-00003010 them to represent functions and I gave WXHe7z6KFiM-00009-00003011-00003335 an example in decimals where we had the WXHe7z6KFiM-00010-00003336-00003611 cosine and then we did a better and WXHe7z6KFiM-00011-00003611-00004063 better approximation with um polynomials WXHe7z6KFiM-00012-00004064-00004504 we'll see aware of that polynomial came WXHe7z6KFiM-00013-00004505-00004943 from and we'll see other important power WXHe7z6KFiM-00014-00004944-00005213 theory is WXHe7z6KFiM-00015-00005214-00005638 but for now we have to finish this WXHe7z6KFiM-00016-00005639-00006527 session WXHe7z6KFiM-00017-00006528-00006875 we have to talk WXHe7z6KFiM-00018-00006876-00007595 about the radius of convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00019-00007595-00008153 and this is an idea I touched on WXHe7z6KFiM-00020-00008154-00008927 yes Monday it must now be WXHe7z6KFiM-00021-00008928-00009713 where if you have an infinite scenery is WXHe7z6KFiM-00022-00009714-00010355 um it can converge or it can diverge and WXHe7z6KFiM-00023-00010356-00010777 different values of X give you different WXHe7z6KFiM-00024-00010778-00011356 infinite Series so I mean if we have WXHe7z6KFiM-00025-00011357-00011681 if we have the sum WXHe7z6KFiM-00026-00011682-00012163 from zero to Infinity of WXHe7z6KFiM-00027-00012164-00012677 one over n WXHe7z6KFiM-00028-00012678-00013157 is X to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00029-00013158-00013663 then if n is WXHe7z6KFiM-00030-00013663-00014177 0.5 if WXHe7z6KFiM-00031-00014178-00014797 we get the sum one over I said x equals WXHe7z6KFiM-00032-00014797-00015216 0.5 but did not write it WXHe7z6KFiM-00033-00015218-00015965 if x equals 0.5 WXHe7z6KFiM-00034-00015966-00016950 foreign WXHe7z6KFiM-00035-00016951-00017393 x equals two what WXHe7z6KFiM-00036-00017394-00017758 we get WXHe7z6KFiM-00037-00017759-00017947 a different WXHe7z6KFiM-00038-00017948-00018211 infinite series WXHe7z6KFiM-00039-00018212-00018700 and there's no reason that both of those WXHe7z6KFiM-00040-00018701-00019169 infinite series have to converge or both WXHe7z6KFiM-00041-00019170-00019553 of them have to diverge it's perfectly WXHe7z6KFiM-00042-00019554-00019949 possible with that one converges and one WXHe7z6KFiM-00043-00019950-00020230 diverges WXHe7z6KFiM-00044-00020231-00020705 so the question then becomes for what to WXHe7z6KFiM-00045-00020706-00021119 values of Acts does a power series WXHe7z6KFiM-00046-00021120-00021641 Converse WXHe7z6KFiM-00047-00021642-00021947 and our state WXHe7z6KFiM-00048-00021948-00022517 uh outstated as a theorem I guess WXHe7z6KFiM-00049-00022518-00022753 theorem WXHe7z6KFiM-00050-00022754-00023263 suppose we have WXHe7z6KFiM-00051-00023264-00023927 a our senior reviews WXHe7z6KFiM-00052-00023928-00024228 Bennett WXHe7z6KFiM-00053-00024229-00024448 under virgins WXHe7z6KFiM-00054-00024449-00024761 [Music] WXHe7z6KFiM-00055-00024762-00025078 well the way I've written this power WXHe7z6KFiM-00056-00025079-00026602 series there are only three options WXHe7z6KFiM-00057-00026604-00027214 that could converge everywhere WXHe7z6KFiM-00058-00027216-00027618 it could converge WXHe7z6KFiM-00059-00027619-00028105 on an interval WXHe7z6KFiM-00060-00028106-00028768 centered around the zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00061-00028769-00029170 or it kind of could converge WXHe7z6KFiM-00062-00029172-00029749 at one value and only one value WXHe7z6KFiM-00063-00029750-00030245 x equals is zero always gives us a WXHe7z6KFiM-00064-00030245-00030629 convergent series because if x equals WXHe7z6KFiM-00065-00030630-00030935 zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00066-00030936-00031445 we're just adding zero to itself a bunch WXHe7z6KFiM-00067-00031445-00031996 of times and that's zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00068-00031997-00032496 so those are our options WXHe7z6KFiM-00069-00032497-00032896 everywhere on an interview centered WXHe7z6KFiM-00070-00032897-00033245 around zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00071-00033246-00033505 or WXHe7z6KFiM-00072-00033506-00033949 nowhere except that one point to Nowhere WXHe7z6KFiM-00073-00033950-00034693 except at zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00074-00034694-00035074 and if you think of an interview was WXHe7z6KFiM-00075-00035075-00035267 kind of a WXHe7z6KFiM-00076-00035268-00035599 kind of a WXHe7z6KFiM-00077-00035600-00036052 one-dimensional a circle WXHe7z6KFiM-00078-00036053-00036377 that's where WXHe7z6KFiM-00079-00036378-00036917 the idea of an interval having a WXHe7z6KFiM-00080-00036918-00037343 um radius comes from WXHe7z6KFiM-00081-00037344-00038071 and this value of r WXHe7z6KFiM-00082-00038072-00038459 that's a name that's called the radius WXHe7z6KFiM-00083-00038460-00038777 of convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00084-00038778-00038989 thank you WXHe7z6KFiM-00085-00038990-00039593 and if the crease only converges at zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00086-00039594-00039965 we say that the radius of convergences WXHe7z6KFiM-00087-00039966-00040643 is zero and if it converges everywhere WXHe7z6KFiM-00088-00040644-00041040 then there really isn't a radius of WXHe7z6KFiM-00089-00041041-00041455 convergence but we say the radius of WXHe7z6KFiM-00090-00041456-00041915 convergences infinite WXHe7z6KFiM-00091-00041916-00042395 okay and in Practical terms these are WXHe7z6KFiM-00092-00042396-00042833 our own the options the textbook rayvy WXHe7z6KFiM-00093-00042834-00043289 gets lost in the beads here because the WXHe7z6KFiM-00094-00043290-00043667 textbook is really interested in asking WXHe7z6KFiM-00095-00043668-00044146 for what happens at the end points of WXHe7z6KFiM-00096-00044147-00044335 the interval WXHe7z6KFiM-00097-00044336-00044657 and it turns out that I've written this WXHe7z6KFiM-00098-00044658-00044962 as an open interval I've written it to WXHe7z6KFiM-00099-00044963-00045490 not complain it's end points there is it WXHe7z6KFiM-00100-00045491-00045911 is possible that the theories converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00101-00045912-00046279 at its ends but that's just not WXHe7z6KFiM-00102-00046280-00046630 interesting I mean the textbook is wrong WXHe7z6KFiM-00103-00046631-00047099 to spend so much time on it in practice WXHe7z6KFiM-00104-00047100-00047496 we are only interested in the radius of WXHe7z6KFiM-00105-00047497-00047777 convergence and if there's a finite WXHe7z6KFiM-00106-00047778-00048101 radius we just want to know the finite WXHe7z6KFiM-00107-00048102-00048496 radius and the exact details of what WXHe7z6KFiM-00108-00048497-00048802 happened at the end points don't matter WXHe7z6KFiM-00109-00048803-00049121 to anybody WXHe7z6KFiM-00110-00049122-00049517 and we we might talk more about why they WXHe7z6KFiM-00111-00049518-00049895 don't matter to anyone but um once we WXHe7z6KFiM-00112-00049896-00050230 start looking at examples and looking at WXHe7z6KFiM-00113-00050231-00051077 series with finite radii of convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00114-00051078-00051538 in practice WXHe7z6KFiM-00115-00051539-00051814 if we're going to look at our mostly WXHe7z6KFiM-00116-00051815-00052330 going to be like confess WXHe7z6KFiM-00117-00052332-00052799 um WXHe7z6KFiM-00118-00052800-00053230 but that has some implications right WXHe7z6KFiM-00119-00053232-00053537 like supposed to are looking at a WXHe7z6KFiM-00120-00053538-00053879 function that isn't to Define that to WXHe7z6KFiM-00121-00053879-00054263 zero and you want to approximate it with WXHe7z6KFiM-00122-00054264-00054659 a power see or reading is well some WXHe7z6KFiM-00123-00054660-00054959 things weird then because the power WXHe7z6KFiM-00124-00054960-00055511 series is always defined at cro every WXHe7z6KFiM-00125-00055512-00055913 Power series of this form is always WXHe7z6KFiM-00126-00055914-00056363 defined that to zero so that would mean WXHe7z6KFiM-00127-00056364-00056626 that if we wanted to use a power series WXHe7z6KFiM-00128-00056627-00057091 like this to approximate oh the natural WXHe7z6KFiM-00129-00057091-00057592 logarithm let's say we are flat out of WXHe7z6KFiM-00130-00057594-00057785 that WXHe7z6KFiM-00131-00057786-00058123 um you can have power series WXHe7z6KFiM-00132-00058124-00058529 Center we say um that this power series WXHe7z6KFiM-00133-00058529-00058991 is centered X hero and that's very WXHe7z6KFiM-00134-00058991-00059357 literal with zero is the center of this WXHe7z6KFiM-00135-00059358-00059791 interval you can have power series WXHe7z6KFiM-00136-00059791-00060376 centered at other values WXHe7z6KFiM-00137-00060377-00060859 and that's reflected WXHe7z6KFiM-00138-00060860-00061450 by what do I want to use a WXHe7z6KFiM-00139-00061451-00062021 that's reflected by a horizontal shift WXHe7z6KFiM-00140-00062022-00062453 we have a power series like this it's WXHe7z6KFiM-00141-00062454-00063053 now centered WXHe7z6KFiM-00142-00063054-00063413 at a WXHe7z6KFiM-00143-00063414-00063982 and the second cases now WXHe7z6KFiM-00144-00063983-00064415 that WXHe7z6KFiM-00145-00064416-00064900 the power series could Converge on an WXHe7z6KFiM-00146-00064901-00065035 interval WXHe7z6KFiM-00147-00065036-00065537 centered around the center very literal WXHe7z6KFiM-00148-00065538-00065699 would terminology WXHe7z6KFiM-00149-00065700-00065887 here WXHe7z6KFiM-00150-00065888-00066311 and the other cases are unchanged this WXHe7z6KFiM-00151-00066312-00066821 power series could well that's a lie WXHe7z6KFiM-00152-00066822-00067691 the third case then becomes WXHe7z6KFiM-00153-00067692-00068071 but the power series only WXHe7z6KFiM-00154-00068072-00068506 converges at a yeah WXHe7z6KFiM-00155-00068507-00068831 and the reason for this the reason for WXHe7z6KFiM-00156-00068832-00069487 this change is that x equals a WXHe7z6KFiM-00157-00069488-00069982 makes all of the terms is zero so x WXHe7z6KFiM-00158-00069983-00070241 equals a WXHe7z6KFiM-00159-00070242-00070661 gives you the sum of zero it's in a WXHe7z6KFiM-00160-00070662-00071488 power series that looks like this WXHe7z6KFiM-00161-00071489-00072694 the first case really is unchanged WXHe7z6KFiM-00162-00072695-00072785 um WXHe7z6KFiM-00163-00072786-00073153 this power series could converge WXHe7z6KFiM-00164-00073154-00073963 everywhere as well WXHe7z6KFiM-00165-00073964-00074519 and for finding WXHe7z6KFiM-00166-00074520-00074779 it sorry if I'm a little WXHe7z6KFiM-00167-00074780-00075143 sluggish today I'm just coming off of WXHe7z6KFiM-00168-00075144-00075491 some minor WXHe7z6KFiM-00169-00075492-00077231 minor food or something WXHe7z6KFiM-00170-00077232-00077675 or kind of food poisoning I think but WXHe7z6KFiM-00171-00077676-00077999 anyway that's that's nothing to do with WXHe7z6KFiM-00172-00078000-00078532 you finding the radius of convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00173-00078533-00078685 um WXHe7z6KFiM-00174-00078686-00079229 99 times out of a hundred WXHe7z6KFiM-00175-00079230-00079631 a number that WXHe7z6KFiM-00176-00079632-00080062 that I made up but I'll bet this pretty WXHe7z6KFiM-00177-00080063-00081382 accurate WXHe7z6KFiM-00178-00081383-00081899 the radius of convergence is found using WXHe7z6KFiM-00179-00081900-00082738 the rate the ratio test WXHe7z6KFiM-00180-00082739-00082867 um WXHe7z6KFiM-00181-00082868-00083275 let's see how the ratio tests WXHe7z6KFiM-00182-00083276-00083638 performance here so that's first of all WXHe7z6KFiM-00183-00083639-00083926 remember WXHe7z6KFiM-00184-00083927-00084281 what the ratio tests to WXHe7z6KFiM-00185-00084282-00084641 is going to tell us or how this is going WXHe7z6KFiM-00186-00084642-00084994 to work WXHe7z6KFiM-00187-00084995-00085271 we are going to take the limit WXHe7z6KFiM-00188-00085272-00085703 of a ratio WXHe7z6KFiM-00189-00085704-00086206 and if the limit is less than one WXHe7z6KFiM-00190-00086207-00086399 we'll get WXHe7z6KFiM-00191-00086400-00086849 convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00192-00086850-00087779 if it's greater than one WXHe7z6KFiM-00193-00087780-00088150 will get Divergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00194-00088151-00088576 if it equals one the ratio test fails WXHe7z6KFiM-00195-00088577-00088835 that's never going to be something we WXHe7z6KFiM-00196-00088836-00089225 worry about in this context WXHe7z6KFiM-00197-00089226-00089459 um this is going back to what I was WXHe7z6KFiM-00198-00089460-00090203 saying where we have these intervals and WXHe7z6KFiM-00199-00090204-00090612 at the ends of the interval was maybe it WXHe7z6KFiM-00200-00090613-00091073 converges maybe a diverges that's going WXHe7z6KFiM-00201-00091074-00091450 to be reflected by the ratio test fail WXHe7z6KFiM-00202-00091451-00091738 thing but I've also said WXHe7z6KFiM-00203-00091739-00092111 but I don't care what happens at the end WXHe7z6KFiM-00204-00092112-00092488 points of the interval so these are the WXHe7z6KFiM-00205-00092489-00092725 only two cases for going to be WXHe7z6KFiM-00206-00092726-00093047 interested in WXHe7z6KFiM-00207-00093048-00093467 and let's see how this works in practice WXHe7z6KFiM-00208-00093468-00094535 so that some let's define a power series WXHe7z6KFiM-00209-00094536-00094900 negative one to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00210-00094901-00095275 times x to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00211-00095276-00095632 over and WXHe7z6KFiM-00212-00095633-00095987 and let's see if this thing WXHe7z6KFiM-00213-00095988-00096238 um converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00214-00096239-00096562 or I should say instead of phrasing it WXHe7z6KFiM-00215-00096563-00097038 like that let's see where this thing WXHe7z6KFiM-00216-00097039-00097468 converges if it's everywhere if it's uh WXHe7z6KFiM-00217-00097469-00097915 to zero or if it's on some interval WXHe7z6KFiM-00218-00097916-00098825 centered at zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00219-00098826-00099137 so we're taking the limit WXHe7z6KFiM-00220-00099138-00099781 as n goes to Infinity WXHe7z6KFiM-00221-00099782-00100474 hey these uh these never look very nice WXHe7z6KFiM-00222-00100475-00100841 to start with WXHe7z6KFiM-00223-00100842-00101681 we've got that big fraction WXHe7z6KFiM-00224-00101682-00102138 and then we've got WXHe7z6KFiM-00225-00102139-00102366 a uh WXHe7z6KFiM-00226-00102367-00102868 another fraction in the denominator so WXHe7z6KFiM-00227-00102869-00103234 we've got this improper fraction one WXHe7z6KFiM-00228-00103235-00103678 fraction divided by another fraction WXHe7z6KFiM-00229-00103679-00104544 and we've got to simplify this thing WXHe7z6KFiM-00230-00104545-00104734 hopefully WXHe7z6KFiM-00231-00104735-00105089 uh what I said last week is true this WXHe7z6KFiM-00232-00105090-00105419 week though got your um homework graded WXHe7z6KFiM-00233-00105420-00105743 before the next set is due so I will get WXHe7z6KFiM-00234-00105744-00106015 your homework graded by Friday WXHe7z6KFiM-00235-00106016-00106301 unfortunately haven't had a chance yet WXHe7z6KFiM-00236-00106302-00106619 some things have come up so I don't know WXHe7z6KFiM-00237-00106620-00106865 how at this point I haven't looked at WXHe7z6KFiM-00238-00106866-00107140 your ratio test tone work I don't know WXHe7z6KFiM-00239-00107141-00107489 if you think it's straightforward or if WXHe7z6KFiM-00240-00107490-00107866 you think it's difficult or what WXHe7z6KFiM-00241-00107867-00108497 um so let's go step by step we've got WXHe7z6KFiM-00242-00108498-00108833 here we kind of write WXHe7z6KFiM-00243-00108833-00109427 this as um a single fraction in both the WXHe7z6KFiM-00244-00109428-00109654 top and the bottom WXHe7z6KFiM-00245-00109655-00109889 and what we're going to do is we're WXHe7z6KFiM-00246-00109890-00110423 going to take the reciprocal WXHe7z6KFiM-00247-00110424-00110758 of the denominator so we're going to WXHe7z6KFiM-00248-00110759-00111083 flip top and bottom and then we're going WXHe7z6KFiM-00249-00111083-00111778 to multiply it by the numerator WXHe7z6KFiM-00250-00111779-00112240 so how that all crunched here WXHe7z6KFiM-00251-00112241-00112733 but that negative one times n plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00252-00112733-00113134 we'll get a negative one to the N under WXHe7z6KFiM-00253-00113135-00113465 it WXHe7z6KFiM-00254-00113466-00113663 that X WXHe7z6KFiM-00255-00113664-00114113 to the N plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00256-00114114-00114875 we'll get an x to the N under it WXHe7z6KFiM-00257-00114876-00115325 and this n plus one that we had in the WXHe7z6KFiM-00258-00115326-00115666 denominator of the top WXHe7z6KFiM-00259-00115667-00116339 is going to get an n o for it WXHe7z6KFiM-00260-00116340-00116819 and we are taking the limit as n goes to WXHe7z6KFiM-00261-00116820-00116910 Infinity WXHe7z6KFiM-00262-00116911-00117413 of this thing WXHe7z6KFiM-00263-00117414-00117749 I'm going to simplify this a little WXHe7z6KFiM-00264-00117750-00118223 before I go any further well WXHe7z6KFiM-00265-00118224-00118627 no I and this is this is whiteboard WXHe7z6KFiM-00266-00118628-00118913 philosophy this is I'm running out of WXHe7z6KFiM-00267-00118914-00119286 room on the Whiteboard I WXHe7z6KFiM-00268-00119288-00119807 that is not really irrelevant anymore or WXHe7z6KFiM-00269-00119808-00120245 I can just copy this so for negative one WXHe7z6KFiM-00270-00120246-00120773 to the N plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00271-00120774-00121210 over WXHe7z6KFiM-00272-00121211-00121643 negative one to the n x to the N plus WXHe7z6KFiM-00273-00121644-00122069 one WXHe7z6KFiM-00274-00122070-00122202 over WXHe7z6KFiM-00275-00122203-00122575 x to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00276-00122576-00123575 and then n o for n plus one okay WXHe7z6KFiM-00277-00123576-00124084 and two out of three of these terms I WXHe7z6KFiM-00278-00124085-00124336 mean I'm thinking of this now WXHe7z6KFiM-00279-00124338-00124793 we've got that we've got that we've got WXHe7z6KFiM-00280-00124794-00125045 that and we'll look at each of them WXHe7z6KFiM-00281-00125046-00125345 separately WXHe7z6KFiM-00282-00125346-00125634 um two out of three of these terms WXHe7z6KFiM-00283-00125635-00125797 simplify WXHe7z6KFiM-00284-00125798-00126065 in particular WXHe7z6KFiM-00285-00126066-00126431 the terms that I still have circled WXHe7z6KFiM-00286-00126432-00126821 simplify WXHe7z6KFiM-00287-00126822-00127181 um because when we have division when we WXHe7z6KFiM-00288-00127182-00127613 have a common base we just subtract the WXHe7z6KFiM-00289-00127614-00127775 power WXHe7z6KFiM-00290-00127776-00128010 or we subtract the WXHe7z6KFiM-00291-00128011-00128525 exponents maybe I should say WXHe7z6KFiM-00292-00128526-00128849 so negative 1 to the N plus 1 over WXHe7z6KFiM-00293-00128850-00129178 negative 1 to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00294-00129179-00129586 is negative one WXHe7z6KFiM-00295-00129588-00130139 with the N plus one minus n WXHe7z6KFiM-00296-00130140-00130708 and here I really will WXHe7z6KFiM-00297-00130709-00131104 just simplify without recopying WXHe7z6KFiM-00298-00131105-00131314 everything WXHe7z6KFiM-00299-00131315-00131740 to the N plus one divided by x to the N WXHe7z6KFiM-00300-00131741-00131933 is X WXHe7z6KFiM-00301-00131934-00132647 exact same argument WXHe7z6KFiM-00302-00132648-00133001 n Over N plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00303-00133002-00133697 does not simplify WXHe7z6KFiM-00304-00133698-00133985 now that negative one isn't doing WXHe7z6KFiM-00305-00133986-00134257 anything that negative one we can WXHe7z6KFiM-00306-00134258-00134466 dispose of WXHe7z6KFiM-00307-00134467-00134963 and the argument here is that if we've WXHe7z6KFiM-00308-00134964-00135413 got an absolute value WXHe7z6KFiM-00309-00135414-00135821 we can break it into two Labs so the WXHe7z6KFiM-00310-00135822-00136240 files it's like so the absolute value of WXHe7z6KFiM-00311-00136241-00136631 a product is the product of the absolute WXHe7z6KFiM-00312-00136632-00136925 value and WXHe7z6KFiM-00313-00136926-00137561 the absolute value of negative one WXHe7z6KFiM-00314-00137562-00137933 is positive one WXHe7z6KFiM-00315-00137934-00138281 and of course multiplication by positive WXHe7z6KFiM-00316-00138282-00138802 one doesn't do anything WXHe7z6KFiM-00317-00138803-00139289 so we're left with this WXHe7z6KFiM-00318-00139290-00139523 and this limit WXHe7z6KFiM-00319-00139524-00139583 um WXHe7z6KFiM-00320-00139584-00140051 is this the first time maybe we've taken WXHe7z6KFiM-00321-00140052-00140428 a limit as n goes to something and we've WXHe7z6KFiM-00322-00140429-00140711 had X's WXHe7z6KFiM-00323-00140712-00141047 oh no no this is actually very similar WXHe7z6KFiM-00324-00141048-00141389 to when we were taking derivatives using WXHe7z6KFiM-00325-00141390-00141797 the definition and we had x's and H's WXHe7z6KFiM-00326-00141798-00142121 and we were letting the H go to zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00327-00142122-00142675 here we're letting the N Go to Infinity WXHe7z6KFiM-00328-00142676-00143111 so the key Point here is that as energy WXHe7z6KFiM-00329-00143112-00143497 goes to infinity x isn't doing anything WXHe7z6KFiM-00330-00143498-00144221 I mean X is X no matter what n is doing WXHe7z6KFiM-00331-00144222-00144535 so as n goes to infinity WXHe7z6KFiM-00332-00144536-00145085 x is staying at X WXHe7z6KFiM-00333-00145086-00145721 n Over N plus one this fraction is going WXHe7z6KFiM-00334-00145722-00146039 to one WXHe7z6KFiM-00335-00146040-00146404 and if that's not WXHe7z6KFiM-00336-00146405-00146873 that's not obvious to you WXHe7z6KFiM-00337-00146874-00147064 you can WXHe7z6KFiM-00338-00147065-00147457 you can get it to very quickly WXHe7z6KFiM-00339-00147458-00148013 using Lopez the derivative of the top is WXHe7z6KFiM-00340-00148014-00148378 one the derivative of the bottom of so WXHe7z6KFiM-00341-00148379-00148552 one WXHe7z6KFiM-00342-00148553-00149537 so this limit is one WXHe7z6KFiM-00343-00149538-00150287 so this limit is the absolute value of x WXHe7z6KFiM-00344-00150288-00150916 said WXHe7z6KFiM-00345-00150917-00151457 and now WXHe7z6KFiM-00346-00151458-00151885 we were using the ratio test so remember WXHe7z6KFiM-00347-00151886-00152669 what that's telling us WXHe7z6KFiM-00348-00152670-00152866 the or this WXHe7z6KFiM-00349-00152867-00153101 if the limit WXHe7z6KFiM-00350-00153102-00153802 is less than one WXHe7z6KFiM-00351-00153803-00154247 the series Convergys WXHe7z6KFiM-00352-00154248-00154639 and we don't need to worry about WXHe7z6KFiM-00353-00154640-00154961 Divergence if this um again because WXHe7z6KFiM-00354-00154962-00155243 we're not interested in the case for the WXHe7z6KFiM-00355-00155244-00155597 ratio test fails we'll just say that WXHe7z6KFiM-00356-00155598-00155975 when the limit doesn't converge or when WXHe7z6KFiM-00357-00155976-00156349 the series doesn't converge it WXHe7z6KFiM-00358-00156350-00156761 diverges so we'll just look at when the WXHe7z6KFiM-00359-00156762-00157181 series Convergys WXHe7z6KFiM-00360-00157182-00157487 and again WXHe7z6KFiM-00361-00157488-00157726 all right to make sure we're on the same WXHe7z6KFiM-00362-00157727-00157937 page here WXHe7z6KFiM-00363-00157938-00158375 we took the limit of the ratio we got WXHe7z6KFiM-00364-00158376-00158759 this absolute value was at WXHe7z6KFiM-00365-00158760-00159101 the ratio test says WXHe7z6KFiM-00366-00159102-00159485 but if the limit is less than one the WXHe7z6KFiM-00367-00159486-00159564 thing WXHe7z6KFiM-00368-00159565-00159947 converges so we're putting those two WXHe7z6KFiM-00369-00159948-00160409 pieces of information together WXHe7z6KFiM-00370-00160410-00160781 but if the absolute value is less than WXHe7z6KFiM-00371-00160782-00161339 one the series converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00372-00161340-00161735 and now you have to uh remember how to WXHe7z6KFiM-00373-00161736-00162071 solve these absolute value inequalities WXHe7z6KFiM-00374-00162072-00162623 the the curves of of college algebra WXHe7z6KFiM-00375-00162624-00162935 students everywhere WXHe7z6KFiM-00376-00162936-00163337 um saying that the absolute value of a WXHe7z6KFiM-00377-00163338-00163631 quantity in this case the absolute value WXHe7z6KFiM-00378-00163632-00164423 of x is a lesser than a number WXHe7z6KFiM-00379-00164424-00165059 is the same as saying that X is between WXHe7z6KFiM-00380-00165060-00165551 the negative version of that number and WXHe7z6KFiM-00381-00165552-00166043 the positive version of that number so X WXHe7z6KFiM-00382-00166044-00166552 has to be between negative one and one WXHe7z6KFiM-00383-00166553-00166799 if it is WXHe7z6KFiM-00384-00166800-00167045 the series WXHe7z6KFiM-00385-00167046-00167783 Convergys WXHe7z6KFiM-00386-00167784-00168076 so we've got WXHe7z6KFiM-00387-00168077-00168516 an interval whoop centered around zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00388-00168517-00168769 where the series WXHe7z6KFiM-00389-00168770-00168925 converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00390-00168926-00169313 precisely one of the cases we said we WXHe7z6KFiM-00391-00169314-00169625 might have the second case that I wrote WXHe7z6KFiM-00392-00169626-00170081 on the board WXHe7z6KFiM-00393-00170082-00171289 the radius of convergence here is one WXHe7z6KFiM-00394-00171290-00171761 in practice it diverges everywhere else WXHe7z6KFiM-00395-00171762-00172121 I mean as a from a pure the mathematical WXHe7z6KFiM-00396-00172122-00172511 point of view at the end points which I WXHe7z6KFiM-00397-00172512-00172978 haven't included it might also converge WXHe7z6KFiM-00398-00172979-00173269 but again they're not really WXHe7z6KFiM-00399-00173270-00173645 interested in what happens at the end WXHe7z6KFiM-00400-00173646-00173945 points and we'll see if I said we might WXHe7z6KFiM-00401-00173946-00174226 I'll make this more definitive we'll see WXHe7z6KFiM-00402-00174227-00174533 why we're not interested in what happens WXHe7z6KFiM-00403-00174534-00174925 at the end points when we start actually WXHe7z6KFiM-00404-00174926-00175733 using these series to do something WXHe7z6KFiM-00405-00175734-00176188 so that's the idea of finding the uh the WXHe7z6KFiM-00406-00176189-00176561 radius of convergence once in a blue WXHe7z6KFiM-00407-00176562-00177004 moon you might want to use the root test WXHe7z6KFiM-00408-00177005-00177131 but WXHe7z6KFiM-00409-00177132-00177481 it's ordinarily is going to be done WXHe7z6KFiM-00410-00177482-00177964 using the ratio test and so other tests WXHe7z6KFiM-00411-00177965-00178366 are out I've never seen anyone try to WXHe7z6KFiM-00412-00178367-00178464 use WXHe7z6KFiM-00413-00178465-00178913 comparison or comparison or any of the WXHe7z6KFiM-00414-00178914-00179123 rest for this WXHe7z6KFiM-00415-00179124-00179507 um its eyes are going to be ratio most WXHe7z6KFiM-00416-00179508-00179914 of the time or root may be occasionally WXHe7z6KFiM-00417-00179915-00180576 yeah WXHe7z6KFiM-00418-00180577-00180935 what happens we said there were three WXHe7z6KFiM-00419-00180936-00181366 cases WXHe7z6KFiM-00420-00181367-00181801 somewhere we said that we said that here WXHe7z6KFiM-00421-00181802-00182128 and then we WXHe7z6KFiM-00422-00182129-00182602 said that here we've seen an example of WXHe7z6KFiM-00423-00182603-00182885 the second case where we've got this WXHe7z6KFiM-00424-00182886-00183190 interval and it converges on the WXHe7z6KFiM-00425-00183191-00183497 interval let's see if we can give WXHe7z6KFiM-00426-00183498-00184043 examples of the other cases probably not WXHe7z6KFiM-00427-00184044-00184457 both of them given the times WXHe7z6KFiM-00428-00184458-00184871 great Square working under WXHe7z6KFiM-00429-00184872-00185621 but at least one of them let's look WXHe7z6KFiM-00430-00185622-00186071 at n fact or real WXHe7z6KFiM-00431-00186072-00186593 times x to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00432-00186594-00187025 here is a power series let's hit it with WXHe7z6KFiM-00433-00187026-00187457 the ratio test WXHe7z6KFiM-00434-00187458-00187685 S I mean our goal WXHe7z6KFiM-00435-00187686-00188866 didn't probably get write it down WXHe7z6KFiM-00436-00188867-00189214 our goal is to find the radius of WXHe7z6KFiM-00437-00189215-00189407 convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00438-00189408-00189688 we'll hit it with the WXHe7z6KFiM-00439-00189689-00190438 um ratio tests WXHe7z6KFiM-00440-00190439-00190740 he actually might get to do two more WXHe7z6KFiM-00441-00190741-00191501 examples because WXHe7z6KFiM-00442-00191502-00191921 this example I've just realized this WXHe7z6KFiM-00443-00191922-00192190 going WXHe7z6KFiM-00444-00192191-00192328 to go WXHe7z6KFiM-00445-00192329-00192793 pretty quickly yet we don't have WXHe7z6KFiM-00446-00192794-00193145 fractions so we don't have to mess WXHe7z6KFiM-00447-00193146-00193471 around and spend as much time WXHe7z6KFiM-00448-00193472-00193937 simplifying this as we did in the last WXHe7z6KFiM-00449-00193938-00194435 example WXHe7z6KFiM-00450-00194436-00194752 so WXHe7z6KFiM-00451-00194753-00195323 n plus one factorial Over N factorial WXHe7z6KFiM-00452-00195324-00195707 is n plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00453-00195708-00196121 x to the power of n plus one over x to WXHe7z6KFiM-00454-00196122-00196349 the power of n WXHe7z6KFiM-00455-00196350-00196763 is X WXHe7z6KFiM-00456-00196764-00197333 so n is going to Infinity yeah WXHe7z6KFiM-00457-00197334-00198304 and that X is staying put WXHe7z6KFiM-00458-00198305-00198731 this limit is infinity yeah WXHe7z6KFiM-00459-00198732-00199271 it's Infinity for every value of x but WXHe7z6KFiM-00460-00199272-00199469 one WXHe7z6KFiM-00461-00199470-00200075 if x equals is zero this limit is zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00462-00200076-00200602 if x equals zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00463-00200603-00201083 then all of these terms are zero and WXHe7z6KFiM-00464-00201084-00201485 we're sending zero zero zero zero we've WXHe7z6KFiM-00465-00201486-00201947 just got zero over and over WXHe7z6KFiM-00466-00201948-00202469 this axis anything other than zero like WXHe7z6KFiM-00467-00202470-00203140 say x for one thing WXHe7z6KFiM-00468-00203141-00203549 then as n goes to Infinity we've got one WXHe7z6KFiM-00469-00203550-00204469 half of infinity which is still Infinity WXHe7z6KFiM-00470-00204470-00204751 so this thing never WXHe7z6KFiM-00471-00204752-00205138 converges or at least that's kind of WXHe7z6KFiM-00472-00205139-00205477 what I want to say this thing only WXHe7z6KFiM-00473-00205478-00205888 converges at one value this thing does WXHe7z6KFiM-00474-00205889-00206579 converge at zero but everywhere else WXHe7z6KFiM-00475-00206580-00207048 of course Infinity is greater than one WXHe7z6KFiM-00476-00207050-00207419 and the ratio test is giving us a WXHe7z6KFiM-00477-00207419-00207988 Divergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00478-00207989-00208392 so the ratio of convert the radius of WXHe7z6KFiM-00479-00208394-00209021 convergence here is zero it um converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00480-00209021-00209410 from Only One Nevada of X it converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00481-00209411-00209863 at to zero itself but it diverges WXHe7z6KFiM-00482-00209864-00210353 everywhere else WXHe7z6KFiM-00483-00210354-00210934 does anybody have questions on this WXHe7z6KFiM-00484-00210935-00211169 I never know like WXHe7z6KFiM-00485-00211169-00211510 by showing enough detail what if I'm WXHe7z6KFiM-00486-00211511-00211858 showing too much detail hopefully if you WXHe7z6KFiM-00487-00211859-00212101 don't see where some simplification WXHe7z6KFiM-00488-00212102-00212567 comes from like if you're not clear WXHe7z6KFiM-00489-00212567-00212944 on how the factorials canceled or WXHe7z6KFiM-00490-00212946-00213287 something I hope you always feel free to WXHe7z6KFiM-00491-00213288-00213701 just shout out a question or raise your WXHe7z6KFiM-00492-00213702-00213917 hand WXHe7z6KFiM-00493-00213917-00214217 but if they're really aren't WXHe7z6KFiM-00494-00214217-00214769 questions WXHe7z6KFiM-00495-00214769-00215201 then we have time to do WXHe7z6KFiM-00496-00215202-00215505 what I hope will be an example WXHe7z6KFiM-00497-00215506-00215698 [Music] WXHe7z6KFiM-00498-00215700-00216113 of a power series that converges WXHe7z6KFiM-00499-00216114-00216479 everywhere WXHe7z6KFiM-00500-00216480-00216815 let's do that x to the N Over N WXHe7z6KFiM-00501-00216816-00217169 factorial WXHe7z6KFiM-00502-00217169-00217381 um by the way I mean WXHe7z6KFiM-00503-00217382-00218027 one over n factorial times x to the N so WXHe7z6KFiM-00504-00218028-00218429 this is a power series even if it wasn't WXHe7z6KFiM-00505-00218430-00219821 written in exactly that form WXHe7z6KFiM-00506-00219821-00220589 we'll find the radius of convergence WXHe7z6KFiM-00507-00220590-00220901 using WXHe7z6KFiM-00508-00220902-00221279 the ratio test WXHe7z6KFiM-00509-00221280-00221987 s once again WXHe7z6KFiM-00510-00221988-00222208 ah WXHe7z6KFiM-00511-00222209-00222648 I always find the ratio tests the little WXHe7z6KFiM-00512-00222650-00223048 hypnotic which is probably not the best WXHe7z6KFiM-00513-00223050-00223667 attitude to in a wiping by lectures WXHe7z6KFiM-00514-00223667-00224177 um we'll multiply by uh WXHe7z6KFiM-00515-00224178-00224639 by the reciprocal of that WXHe7z6KFiM-00516-00224640-00225113 we'll get X the N plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00517-00225114-00225521 over X WXHe7z6KFiM-00518-00225521-00225923 to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00519-00225923-00226205 times WXHe7z6KFiM-00520-00226206-00226613 n factorial WXHe7z6KFiM-00521-00226614-00226996 over WXHe7z6KFiM-00522-00226998-00228106 n plus one factorial WXHe7z6KFiM-00523-00228107-00228923 what simplification can we do WXHe7z6KFiM-00524-00228923-00229955 so x to the N plus one over x to the n WXHe7z6KFiM-00525-00229956-00230431 is n WXHe7z6KFiM-00526-00230432-00231106 factorial Over N plus one factorial WXHe7z6KFiM-00527-00231107-00231406 is one WXHe7z6KFiM-00528-00231407-00231791 Over N plus one WXHe7z6KFiM-00529-00231792-00232241 and now n is going to infinity and X is WXHe7z6KFiM-00530-00232242-00232456 staying X WXHe7z6KFiM-00531-00232457-00233015 and this expression is going to zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00532-00233016-00233639 and no matter what x is even if x is a WXHe7z6KFiM-00533-00233640-00234017 really big number I mean even if x is a WXHe7z6KFiM-00534-00234017-00234475 b of n or a trail then any number times WXHe7z6KFiM-00535-00234476-00234934 zero is zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00536-00234935-00235163 so this limit WXHe7z6KFiM-00537-00235164-00235456 is zero WXHe7z6KFiM-00538-00235457-00235877 and zero is less than one WXHe7z6KFiM-00539-00235878-00236125 and this series WXHe7z6KFiM-00540-00236126-00236489 converges and it doesn't matter what x WXHe7z6KFiM-00541-00236490-00237181 is it converges for every value of x WXHe7z6KFiM-00542-00237182-00237455 in other words WXHe7z6KFiM-00543-00237456-00237815 we're in the first case with an infinite WXHe7z6KFiM-00544-00237816-00238613 radius of conversion WXHe7z6KFiM-00545-00238614-00239039 so those are our three cases I hope to WXHe7z6KFiM-00546-00239040-00239531 to do more examples I'd hope to have you WXHe7z6KFiM-00547-00239532-00239903 do it's always my dream to have in fast WXHe7z6KFiM-00548-00239904-00240244 work and then somehow I never find the WXHe7z6KFiM-00549-00240246-00240569 time of course there's no somehow here WXHe7z6KFiM-00550-00240569-00240919 it's because we lost two days thanks to WXHe7z6KFiM-00551-00240919-00241403 the weather in April WXHe7z6KFiM-00552-00241404-00242032 um hopefully the last raw of winter how WXHe7z6KFiM-00553-00242033-00242227 um WXHe7z6KFiM-00554-00242228-00242615 on canvas I'll change due dates and WXHe7z6KFiM-00555-00242616-00242981 stuff so the next sections due date will WXHe7z6KFiM-00556-00242982-00243346 no longer be showing up as Sunday on WXHe7z6KFiM-00557-00243348-00243719 your uh on your calendar but the power WXHe7z6KFiM-00558-00243719-00244192 series homework you can do and I will WXHe7z6KFiM-00559-00244194-00244505 see you Monday WXHe7z6KFiM-00560-00244506-00245021 and we'd better have our third test the WXHe7z6KFiM-00561-00245021-00245446 week after this coming week I guess oh WXHe7z6KFiM-00562-00245448-00245758 no I did I say I'll see you Monday I WXHe7z6KFiM-00563-00245759-00246029 won't see you Monday where why because WXHe7z6KFiM-00564-00246030-00246223 Monday is WXHe7z6KFiM-00565-00246223-00246644 uh Monday is what Wb8w5ml0fFg-00000-00001142-00001439 my name is Ruth nambour and i am from Wb8w5ml0fFg-00001-00001440-00001793 kenya i strongly believe that we cannot Wb8w5ml0fFg-00002-00001794-00002066 put a price on nature and we need to say Wb8w5ml0fFg-00003-00002067-00002237 no to the financialization of nature Wb8w5ml0fFg-00004-00002238-00002527 because the poorest and most impacted by Wb8w5ml0fFg-00005-00002528-00002738 climate change are being forced to carry Wb8w5ml0fFg-00006-00002739-00002983 the burden of those who have impacted Wb8w5ml0fFg-00007-00002984-00003272 most on who have created the climate Wb8w5ml0fFg-00008-00003272-00003500 crisis also carbon markets are a full Wb8w5ml0fFg-00009-00003501-00003677 solution because you cannot use the same Wb8w5ml0fFg-00010-00003678-00003908 market that created the problem to solve Wb8w5ml0fFg-00011-00003909-00004145 the crisis and given giving an example Wb8w5ml0fFg-00012-00004146-00004409 of red and red plus we see examples of Wb8w5ml0fFg-00013-00004410-00004597 Kenya the sanger people being evicted Wb8w5ml0fFg-00014-00004598-00004844 from their homes because of a red plus Wb8w5ml0fFg-00015-00004845-00005090 project and we see the same situation in Wb8w5ml0fFg-00016-00005091-00005320 the Amazon we see the same situation in Wb8w5ml0fFg-00017-00005321-00005638 in Asia so it is very clear that for Wb8w5ml0fFg-00018-00005639-00005756 those who are most impacted by climate Wb8w5ml0fFg-00019-00005757-00005975 change that the financialization of Wb8w5ml0fFg-00020-00005976-00006229 nature cannot work it should it cannot Wb8w5ml0fFg-00021-00006230-00006550 work and we should put in place the real Wb8w5ml0fFg-00022-00006551-00006770 solutions to the climate crisis which Wb8w5ml0fFg-00023-00006770-00006973 involves divesting from fossil fuels Wb8w5ml0fFg-00024-00006975-00007244 moving toward to a renewable energy Wb8w5ml0fFg-00025-00007245-00007442 future and promoting other solutions Wb8w5ml0fFg-00026-00007443-00007714 like agro ecology and governance of Wb8w5ml0fFg-00027-00007715-00008028 forest and land by communities and Wb8w5ml0fFg-00028-00008029-00008429 territories of people thank you WbuDi-gJJYc-00000-00000000-00000328 my girls WbuDi-gJJYc-00001-00000329-00000803 I'm good all right WbuDi-gJJYc-00002-00000805-00001240 I'm gonna go ahead and jump in here I WbuDi-gJJYc-00003-00001241-00002797 think so so hi I'm Chris yeah Chris WbuDi-gJJYc-00004-00002798-00003040 Nelson I work here at gaslight so I'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00005-00003041-00003319 going to be talking today about the peep WbuDi-gJJYc-00006-00003320-00003951 stack the peep stack is a term coined by WbuDi-gJJYc-00007-00003952-00004255 I was just looking at the article and WbuDi-gJJYc-00008-00004256-00004422 I've already forgotten the guy's name WbuDi-gJJYc-00009-00004423-00004867 Justin mcanally in a blog post and what WbuDi-gJJYc-00010-00004868-00005203 peeps stands for is a stack of WbuDi-gJJYc-00011-00005204-00005515 technologies that can work together and WbuDi-gJJYc-00012-00005516-00005779 you can add a bunch of ease but the main WbuDi-gJJYc-00013-00005780-00006295 ease our Phoenix ember elixir and then WbuDi-gJJYc-00014-00006296-00006510 you can kind of add ecto and Erlang to WbuDi-gJJYc-00015-00006511-00006826 that mix but postgres is kind of the the WbuDi-gJJYc-00016-00006827-00007234 back end of the acronym and it's not so WbuDi-gJJYc-00017-00007234-00007534 much a framework as in all these things WbuDi-gJJYc-00018-00007534-00007917 are you know tightly you know integrated WbuDi-gJJYc-00019-00007918-00008166 or coupled to one another but we've been WbuDi-gJJYc-00020-00008167-00008326 building apps with it and the WbuDi-gJJYc-00021-00008327-00008505 technologies kind of fit together really WbuDi-gJJYc-00022-00008506-00008955 well so I'm going to spend a few slides WbuDi-gJJYc-00023-00008956-00009241 kind of talking about them briefly but WbuDi-gJJYc-00024-00009242-00009423 the majority of this talk is I'm going WbuDi-gJJYc-00025-00009424-00009642 to be looking at a code example and WbuDi-gJJYc-00026-00009643-00010005 conveniently enough my example app is in WbuDi-gJJYc-00027-00010006-00010359 fact lunch related so we're going to WbuDi-gJJYc-00028-00010360-00010533 spend a bunch of time digging into code WbuDi-gJJYc-00029-00010534-00010776 and please ask questions along the way WbuDi-gJJYc-00030-00010777-00011073 I'm minimal slides and more about code WbuDi-gJJYc-00031-00011074-00011344 so definitely you know the more WbuDi-gJJYc-00032-00011345-00011838 interactive the better WbuDi-gJJYc-00033-00011839-00012319 yes absolutely p ape bape I don't even WbuDi-gJJYc-00034-00012320-00012658 doesn't make any sense no there there WbuDi-gJJYc-00035-00012659-00012862 actually some reasons ember actually WbuDi-gJJYc-00036-00012863-00013158 fits pretty well with Phoenix and we'll WbuDi-gJJYc-00037-00013159-00013462 look at that but as as angular comes WbuDi-gJJYc-00038-00013463-00013683 along and especially with angular 2 i'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00039-00013684-00014068 looking at tying that in as well but we WbuDi-gJJYc-00040-00014069-00014215 do a lot of our front-end apps with WbuDi-gJJYc-00041-00014216-00014380 ember and and there's some good things WbuDi-gJJYc-00042-00014381-00014557 about of it that make it pretty easy to WbuDi-gJJYc-00043-00014558-00014733 work with in this in this particular WbuDi-gJJYc-00044-00014734-00015058 context but i'm going to start with WbuDi-gJJYc-00045-00015059-00015280 talking about elixir because of these WbuDi-gJJYc-00046-00015281-00015532 things elixir might be the one that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00047-00015533-00015813 kind of new or hasn't gotten as much of WbuDi-gJJYc-00048-00015815-00016155 a attention so far and i really feel WbuDi-gJJYc-00049-00016156-00016407 like it it definitely should and it will WbuDi-gJJYc-00050-00016408-00016852 elixirs a functional language and it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00051-00016853-00017200 actually on the Erlang runtime so how WbuDi-gJJYc-00052-00017201-00017587 many people have heard of Erlang and how WbuDi-gJJYc-00053-00017588-00017839 many people have heard of the lick sir WbuDi-gJJYc-00054-00017840-00018067 so most people have at least heard of it WbuDi-gJJYc-00055-00018068-00018283 so that that's kind of a good thing but WbuDi-gJJYc-00056-00018284-00018444 Erlang's been around for a really long WbuDi-gJJYc-00057-00018445-00018634 time and i have a slide on Erlang as WbuDi-gJJYc-00058-00018635-00018894 well but the thing that i really dig WbuDi-gJJYc-00059-00018895-00019097 about elixir it's a functional language WbuDi-gJJYc-00060-00019098-00019369 but it has a more natural language WbuDi-gJJYc-00061-00019370-00019612 syntax and this is like completely WbuDi-gJJYc-00062-00019613-00020083 subjective and you know but if you're WbuDi-gJJYc-00063-00020084-00020338 coming from languages like Ruby for WbuDi-gJJYc-00064-00020339-00020599 example the syntax feels a little bit WbuDi-gJJYc-00065-00020600-00020803 more familiar and is a little bit easier WbuDi-gJJYc-00066-00020804-00021156 to crock and you know for me at least WbuDi-gJJYc-00067-00021157-00021355 that that was an easier way to get WbuDi-gJJYc-00068-00021356-00021525 started and kind of pulled me in more WbuDi-gJJYc-00069-00021526-00021724 naturally and really piqued my interest WbuDi-gJJYc-00070-00021725-00022044 and really just I found that once I I WbuDi-gJJYc-00071-00022045-00022284 dove in I just kept having fun and kept WbuDi-gJJYc-00072-00022285-00022567 going and that's you know I don't have a WbuDi-gJJYc-00073-00022568-00022789 huge you know selling point other than WbuDi-gJJYc-00074-00022790-00023083 it was a lot of fun for me and I've been WbuDi-gJJYc-00075-00023084-00023397 enjoying myself with it but the thing WbuDi-gJJYc-00076-00023398-00023566 that makes the looks are really really WbuDi-gJJYc-00077-00023567-00023884 powerful is the Erlang runtime under the WbuDi-gJJYc-00078-00023885-00024214 covers Erlang is a is a language and WbuDi-gJJYc-00079-00024215-00024492 really a platform created originally WbuDi-gJJYc-00080-00024493-00024907 value erickson it goes as far back as WbuDi-gJJYc-00081-00024908-00025057 the late a WbuDi-gJJYc-00082-00025058-00025384 but really wasn't really prominently WbuDi-gJJYc-00083-00025385-00025750 used probably until the 90s or so but WbuDi-gJJYc-00084-00025751-00025980 it's designed by ericsson to run on WbuDi-gJJYc-00085-00025981-00026320 telco equipment so what that means is WbuDi-gJJYc-00086-00026320-00026593 it's really designed for an environment WbuDi-gJJYc-00087-00026594-00026886 with extremely high concurrency and WbuDi-gJJYc-00088-00026887-00027157 availability so it's got to run you know WbuDi-gJJYc-00089-00027158-00027397 all the time nine nines of uptime it WbuDi-gJJYc-00090-00027398-00027664 can't go down and that's kind of what WbuDi-gJJYc-00091-00027664-00027861 it's designed for out of the box so WbuDi-gJJYc-00092-00027862-00028207 interestingly enough as web apps have WbuDi-gJJYc-00093-00028208-00028597 become larger and larger in terms of WbuDi-gJJYc-00094-00028598-00028839 throughput availability requirements WbuDi-gJJYc-00095-00028839-00029130 concurrent users wanting to collaborate WbuDi-gJJYc-00096-00029131-00029485 the characteristics of our web apps that WbuDi-gJJYc-00097-00029486-00029686 we're building these days have moved WbuDi-gJJYc-00098-00029687-00029927 more and more in these directions so WbuDi-gJJYc-00099-00029929-00030187 it's become really really interesting to WbuDi-gJJYc-00100-00030188-00030316 look at this language that was WbuDi-gJJYc-00101-00030317-00030622 originally developed for telco equipment WbuDi-gJJYc-00102-00030623-00030898 and apply it in the area of building web WbuDi-gJJYc-00103-00030899-00031095 apps and there's some interesting kind WbuDi-gJJYc-00104-00031097-00031458 of benefits you get from that but Erlang WbuDi-gJJYc-00105-00031460-00031893 the language its syntax is highly WbuDi-gJJYc-00106-00031894-00032170 derived from prologue so I've never done WbuDi-gJJYc-00107-00032170-00032602 prologue before so my first I took a WbuDi-gJJYc-00108-00032602-00032806 look at Erlang like several times before WbuDi-gJJYc-00109-00032807-00033163 I Doggett dove into elixir and you know WbuDi-gJJYc-00110-00033164-00033343 had a lot of smart people telling me hey WbuDi-gJJYc-00111-00033344-00033481 you know you should look in the Erlang WbuDi-gJJYc-00112-00033482-00033643 you should look into Erlang any and each WbuDi-gJJYc-00113-00033644-00033997 time I did the syntax was like just WbuDi-gJJYc-00114-00033998-00034420 enough of an of a barrier to me that WbuDi-gJJYc-00115-00034421-00034588 even though I felt like I should dig in WbuDi-gJJYc-00116-00034589-00034837 more I I just never quite got around to WbuDi-gJJYc-00117-00034838-00035167 it to be honest where is like the elixir WbuDi-gJJYc-00118-00035168-00035419 syntax even though it's it seems like oh WbuDi-gJJYc-00119-00035420-00035650 you know it's just syntax well it turns WbuDi-gJJYc-00120-00035651-00035845 out like that was enough to like kind of WbuDi-gJJYc-00121-00035846-00036021 get me over the hump and pulled me in WbuDi-gJJYc-00122-00036022-00036289 and then once i did when i went to go WbuDi-gJJYc-00123-00036290-00036490 back and look at Erlang code after I'd WbuDi-gJJYc-00124-00036491-00036664 been doing a lick sir for a while it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00125-00036665-00036994 like oh this makes sense now so a lot of WbuDi-gJJYc-00126-00036995-00037201 people kind of see elixir is kind of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00127-00037202-00037531 I don't know I lost my analogy here but WbuDi-gJJYc-00128-00037532-00037819 an easy way to dip into the Erlang world WbuDi-gJJYc-00129-00037820-00038077 and you know you can kind of like come WbuDi-gJJYc-00130-00038078-00038269 for the elixir and stay for the Erlang WbuDi-gJJYc-00131-00038270-00038401 and that seems to happen to WbuDi-gJJYc-00132-00038402-00038683 a lot of people and nothing wrong with WbuDi-gJJYc-00133-00038684-00039010 that you know it's yeah it's a whatever WbuDi-gJJYc-00134-00039011-00039402 yeah I dang a key gateway language thank WbuDi-gJJYc-00135-00039403-00039549 you that was the metaphor I was looking WbuDi-gJJYc-00136-00039550-00039736 for and it like completely exited my WbuDi-gJJYc-00137-00039737-00039921 brain so that's exactly what I was WbuDi-gJJYc-00138-00039922-00040276 looking for thank you so Earl and is a WbuDi-gJJYc-00139-00040277-00040464 language but it's also got a really WbuDi-gJJYc-00140-00040465-00040801 powerful platform underneath it and that WbuDi-gJJYc-00141-00040802-00041121 platform is called OTP which stands for WbuDi-gJJYc-00142-00041122-00041418 online telephony platform I'm hope I get WbuDi-gJJYc-00143-00041419-00041727 it all those words right but it's an WbuDi-gJJYc-00144-00041728-00042054 open source platform that's basically WbuDi-gJJYc-00145-00042055-00042370 ericsson abstracted out of the work that WbuDi-gJJYc-00146-00042371-00042568 we're doing in the app work they were WbuDi-gJJYc-00147-00042569-00042915 doing in the telco space and really OTP WbuDi-gJJYc-00148-00042916-00043293 at its core is all about processes and WbuDi-gJJYc-00149-00043294-00043737 message passing so splitting an app into WbuDi-gJJYc-00150-00043738-00044011 multiple processes that communicate WbuDi-gJJYc-00151-00044012-00044265 strictly by message passing there's no WbuDi-gJJYc-00152-00044266-00044458 like shared mutable state or anything WbuDi-gJJYc-00153-00044459-00044620 like that they're just sending messages WbuDi-gJJYc-00154-00044621-00044914 back and forth but managing an WbuDi-gJJYc-00155-00044915-00045205 application with that kind of WbuDi-gJJYc-00156-00045206-00045349 architecture there's a number of WbuDi-gJJYc-00157-00045350-00045495 problems that you kind of need to solve WbuDi-gJJYc-00158-00045496-00045712 to be able to do that one of which is WbuDi-gJJYc-00159-00045713-00045918 release management okay if you have an WbuDi-gJJYc-00160-00045919-00046180 application of bunches of processes how WbuDi-gJJYc-00161-00046181-00046401 do you actually manage the release of WbuDi-gJJYc-00162-00046402-00046605 your application across those processes WbuDi-gJJYc-00163-00046606-00046920 across those services servers excuse me WbuDi-gJJYc-00164-00046921-00047092 so those processes are not necessarily WbuDi-gJJYc-00165-00047093-00047262 all in the same machine they might be on WbuDi-gJJYc-00166-00047263-00047583 multiple sheet machines managing the WbuDi-gJJYc-00167-00047584-00047836 releases of that is it certainly becomes WbuDi-gJJYc-00168-00047837-00048174 challenging you also have issues of WbuDi-gJJYc-00169-00048175-00048532 versioning those apps hot deploys so how WbuDi-gJJYc-00170-00048533-00048679 do you actually manage the deployment WbuDi-gJJYc-00171-00048680-00048793 where you want to roll it across WbuDi-gJJYc-00172-00048794-00049129 multiple machines and make sure that you WbuDi-gJJYc-00173-00049130-00049345 know everything goes smoothly with zero WbuDi-gJJYc-00174-00049346-00049593 downtime that's a pretty challenging WbuDi-gJJYc-00175-00049594-00049818 problem to solve if you don't have a WbuDi-gJJYc-00176-00049819-00050046 platform and infrastructure to help you WbuDi-gJJYc-00177-00050047-00050443 and OTP has solutions for these problems WbuDi-gJJYc-00178-00050444-00050761 that have been running since the 90s so WbuDi-gJJYc-00179-00050762-00051102 they're pretty mature and you know WbuDi-gJJYc-00180-00051103-00051339 digging into the core of OTP they're WbuDi-gJJYc-00181-00051340-00051543 very very mature but not always the most WbuDi-gJJYc-00182-00051544-00051739 approachable things in the world WbuDi-gJJYc-00183-00051740-00052072 but with elixir coming along they've WbuDi-gJJYc-00184-00052073-00052297 taken a new look at some of these WbuDi-gJJYc-00185-00052298-00052491 technologies that have been rock solid WbuDi-gJJYc-00186-00052492-00052779 for so many years and given you more WbuDi-gJJYc-00187-00052779-00053179 more approachable ways to leverage them WbuDi-gJJYc-00188-00053179-00054700 so that's been pretty cool yeah that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00189-00054701-00054853 interesting did you have a thought there WbuDi-gJJYc-00190-00054854-00057226 James WbuDi-gJJYc-00191-00057227-00057862 pretty big issue WbuDi-gJJYc-00192-00057863-00058100 yeah actually I was reading yeah that WbuDi-gJJYc-00193-00058101-00058347 you said that I was reading some some WbuDi-gJJYc-00194-00058348-00058607 history of Erlang to prep for this and WbuDi-gJJYc-00195-00058608-00059006 what I read was like at some point they WbuDi-gJJYc-00196-00059007-00059300 actually said no we're not going to use WbuDi-gJJYc-00197-00059301-00059490 Erlang anymore because it's a WbuDi-gJJYc-00198-00059491-00059780 proprietary in-house language and we WbuDi-gJJYc-00199-00059781-00060013 want to adopt only like general-purpose WbuDi-gJJYc-00200-00060014-00060293 languages so that we can be able to hire WbuDi-gJJYc-00201-00060294-00060416 developers and for all these reasons WbuDi-gJJYc-00202-00060417-00060599 that you generally want to do that and WbuDi-gJJYc-00203-00060600-00060986 all the Erlang developers like quit and WbuDi-gJJYc-00204-00060987-00061248 open sourced Erlang and then eventually WbuDi-gJJYc-00205-00061249-00061479 came back so it's kind of an interesting WbuDi-gJJYc-00206-00061479-00061751 story of how it became an open platform WbuDi-gJJYc-00207-00061752-00061994 but it was very much a reaction to you WbuDi-gJJYc-00208-00061995-00062207 know market forces and you know the fact WbuDi-gJJYc-00209-00062208-00062423 that having open languages leads some WbuDi-gJJYc-00210-00062424-00062666 more developers and better systems and WbuDi-gJJYc-00211-00062667-00062961 all the reasons that most of us are you WbuDi-gJJYc-00212-00062962-00063188 know not programming on some proprietary WbuDi-gJJYc-00213-00063189-00063476 language as much as we can avoid doing WbuDi-gJJYc-00214-00063477-00064142 so so anyway OTP has really good WbuDi-gJJYc-00215-00064143-00064296 solution with a lot of problems that you WbuDi-gJJYc-00216-00064297-00064641 have with and I think probably have a WbuDi-gJJYc-00217-00064641-00064879 slide on this and a little bit but oh WbuDi-gJJYc-00218-00064880-00065251 yeah some more stuff to talk about OTP WbuDi-gJJYc-00219-00065252-00065559 so it's got really support good support WbuDi-gJJYc-00220-00065560-00065837 for breaking a system into multiple WbuDi-gJJYc-00221-00065838-00066125 applications it's also got some good WbuDi-gJJYc-00222-00066126-00066453 support for supervising and restarting WbuDi-gJJYc-00223-00066454-00066672 these processes that's really good WbuDi-gJJYc-00224-00066673-00066899 support for distributing processes I WbuDi-gJJYc-00225-00066900-00067128 already mentioned and if you put all WbuDi-gJJYc-00226-00067129-00067457 this together it might sound really WbuDi-gJJYc-00227-00067458-00067775 familiar there's been a huge push these WbuDi-gJJYc-00228-00067776-00068085 days to take what you know you build an WbuDi-gJJYc-00229-00068086-00068312 application a web app it has a really WbuDi-gJJYc-00230-00068313-00068593 long lifespan hopefully it's wildly WbuDi-gJJYc-00231-00068594-00068886 successfully hopefully and if you have WbuDi-gJJYc-00232-00068887-00069147 that problem that wonderful problem that WbuDi-gJJYc-00233-00069148-00069350 you want to have what you end up with is WbuDi-gJJYc-00234-00069351-00069668 a big application and a big code base WbuDi-gJJYc-00235-00069669-00070082 and a big team working on it and so when WbuDi-gJJYc-00236-00070083-00070244 you get to that level there are certain WbuDi-gJJYc-00237-00070245-00070456 problems that you have and one of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00238-00070457-00070817 invoke solutions to that problem is this WbuDi-gJJYc-00239-00070818-00071024 idea of micro services so let's take WbuDi-gJJYc-00240-00071025-00071166 this big monolithic WbuDi-gJJYc-00241-00071167-00071463 and break it up into lots of little tiny WbuDi-gJJYc-00242-00071464-00071784 services so that sounds great you know WbuDi-gJJYc-00243-00071785-00071958 then you know your team can just work on WbuDi-gJJYc-00244-00071959-00072135 your service and your team just work on WbuDi-gJJYc-00245-00072136-00072339 your service and and that'll be great WbuDi-gJJYc-00246-00072340-00072501 you won't have you know everybody WbuDi-gJJYc-00247-00072502-00072651 stepping on each other's toes all the WbuDi-gJJYc-00248-00072652-00072897 time but all of a sudden you have WbuDi-gJJYc-00249-00072898-00073185 another huge class of problems and these WbuDi-gJJYc-00250-00073186-00073449 problems are like how do I manage that WbuDi-gJJYc-00251-00073450-00073614 application that now has all these WbuDi-gJJYc-00252-00073615-00073940 multiple services how do I manage WbuDi-gJJYc-00253-00073941-00074154 distributing the services how do I WbuDi-gJJYc-00254-00074155-00074370 manage like supervising and restarting WbuDi-gJJYc-00255-00074371-00074682 those services when they go down worse WbuDi-gJJYc-00256-00074683-00075054 yet how do I manage the versioning of my WbuDi-gJJYc-00257-00075055-00075222 app now that I have umpteen different WbuDi-gJJYc-00258-00075223-00075486 services and how do I you know do hot WbuDi-gJJYc-00259-00075487-00075780 deploys and release management so it WbuDi-gJJYc-00260-00075781-00075948 turns out like all these problems that WbuDi-gJJYc-00261-00075949-00076332 we have with microservices OTP is one of WbuDi-gJJYc-00262-00076333-00076602 the first platforms that I've seen that WbuDi-gJJYc-00263-00076603-00076938 has out-of-the-box solutions to a lot of WbuDi-gJJYc-00264-00076939-00077085 these problems and that's one of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00265-00077086-00077259 things that I found really compelling WbuDi-gJJYc-00266-00077260-00077589 about this this stack you know is that WbuDi-gJJYc-00267-00077590-00077858 allows me a way to do like practical WbuDi-gJJYc-00268-00077859-00078297 lower ceremony microservices but that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00269-00078298-00078897 another talk so elixir am I going the WbuDi-gJJYc-00270-00078898-00079137 right way I have like two slides on the WbuDi-gJJYc-00271-00079138-00079263 look sir I kind of didn't mean to do WbuDi-gJJYc-00272-00079264-00079617 that but that's okay so a couple of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00273-00079618-00079755 things that I really dig about elixir WbuDi-gJJYc-00274-00079756-00079866 I've already kind of mentioned the WbuDi-gJJYc-00275-00079867-00080037 syntax and we'll see that here in code WbuDi-gJJYc-00276-00080038-00080346 and in just a couple minutes but it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00277-00080347-00080582 got a really rapidly growing ecosystem WbuDi-gJJYc-00278-00080583-00080931 which is kind of awesome so when I first WbuDi-gJJYc-00279-00080932-00081096 started coming to it as like well will I WbuDi-gJJYc-00280-00081097-00081360 be able to find you know good libraries WbuDi-gJJYc-00281-00081361-00081543 for the kind of problems that I run into WbuDi-gJJYc-00282-00081544-00081807 and building a general web app and what WbuDi-gJJYc-00283-00081808-00082110 I found is is generally there's a hex WbuDi-gJJYc-00284-00082111-00082323 package hexes the package management WbuDi-gJJYc-00285-00082324-00082665 system in the elixir space to do what I WbuDi-gJJYc-00286-00082666-00083028 want most of the time and elixir really WbuDi-gJJYc-00287-00083029-00083196 has some nice abstractions over that WbuDi-gJJYc-00288-00083197-00083631 core Erling goodness and one of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00289-00083632-00083864 interesting things about elixir is WbuDi-gJJYc-00290-00083865-00084134 processes feel more like a core WbuDi-gJJYc-00291-00084135-00084285 abstraction WbuDi-gJJYc-00292-00084286-00084654 language so from I'm coming more to WbuDi-gJJYc-00293-00084655-00084819 elixir from an object-oriented WbuDi-gJJYc-00294-00084820-00085068 background and the interesting thing to WbuDi-gJJYc-00295-00085069-00085395 me about processes is it's it gives me a WbuDi-gJJYc-00296-00085396-00085815 way to model state that actually exists WbuDi-gJJYc-00297-00085816-00086340 in my system but with a lot fewer of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00298-00086341-00086648 shared mutable state object-oriented WbuDi-gJJYc-00299-00086649-00086910 challenge this that that I'm typically WbuDi-gJJYc-00300-00086911-00087144 used to dealing with so processes in WbuDi-gJJYc-00301-00087145-00087507 Erlang and elixir are about pure message WbuDi-gJJYc-00302-00087508-00087753 passing so there's no way for them to WbuDi-gJJYc-00303-00087754-00088101 reach into each other state and monkey WbuDi-gJJYc-00304-00088102-00088307 with things directly all they can do is WbuDi-gJJYc-00305-00088308-00088818 pass messages back and forth and they WbuDi-gJJYc-00306-00088819-00089046 provide like complete encapsulation WbuDi-gJJYc-00307-00089047-00089217 because there's no way for them to get WbuDi-gJJYc-00308-00089218-00089532 to each other state so in a lot of ways WbuDi-gJJYc-00309-00089533-00089802 processes feel and a lot of people have WbuDi-gJJYc-00310-00089803-00090126 made this argument processes feel a lot WbuDi-gJJYc-00311-00090127-00090309 more like the original vision of WbuDi-gJJYc-00312-00090310-00090522 object-oriented programming expressed by WbuDi-gJJYc-00313-00090523-00090927 people like Alan okay so let's talk a WbuDi-gJJYc-00314-00090928-00091155 little bit about Phoenix Phoenix is WbuDi-gJJYc-00315-00091156-00091698 definitely a key piece that kept me I WbuDi-gJJYc-00316-00091699-00092097 guess you know from well it pulled me WbuDi-gJJYc-00317-00092098-00092265 from like just sort of looking at elixir WbuDi-gJJYc-00318-00092266-00092484 and toying with it to actually like WbuDi-gJJYc-00319-00092485-00092766 building stuff and keeping going because WbuDi-gJJYc-00320-00092767-00092955 it was like just such an easy thing for WbuDi-gJJYc-00321-00092956-00093258 me to step into there's a theme here you WbuDi-gJJYc-00322-00093259-00093441 know I'm all about like things that are WbuDi-gJJYc-00323-00093442-00093912 easy to keep going with and anyway so WbuDi-gJJYc-00324-00093913-00094134 Phoenix is the web framework for a lick WbuDi-gJJYc-00325-00094135-00094413 sir and if you're coming from a WbuDi-gJJYc-00326-00094414-00094761 background with a with the framework WbuDi-gJJYc-00327-00094762-00094925 like rails or any of the other WbuDi-gJJYc-00328-00094926-00095157 frameworks that look like rails you're WbuDi-gJJYc-00329-00095158-00095394 going to find it super easy to jump jump WbuDi-gJJYc-00330-00095395-00095718 into you know the elements that are used WbuDi-gJJYc-00331-00095719-00095949 to finding are there and things are WbuDi-gJJYc-00332-00095950-00096291 familiar but it has some nice stuff on WbuDi-gJJYc-00333-00096292-00096510 top of it that other frameworks have had WbuDi-gJJYc-00334-00096511-00096795 until really recently it's got out of WbuDi-gJJYc-00335-00096796-00097014 the box good support for web sockets by WbuDi-gJJYc-00336-00097015-00097362 something called channels so channels is WbuDi-gJJYc-00337-00097363-00097617 something that's in Phoenix at the WbuDi-gJJYc-00338-00097618-00097794 back in the sport web sockets and WbuDi-gJJYc-00339-00097795-00098025 Phoenix office which actually ships with WbuDi-gJJYc-00340-00098026-00098307 a JavaScript language I'm sorry I WbuDi-gJJYc-00341-00098308-00098661 JavaScript library for the client side WbuDi-gJJYc-00342-00098662-00098898 of web sockets and we'll see what that WbuDi-gJJYc-00343-00098899-00099678 looks like here in a minute so that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00344-00099679-00100092 kind of the the elixir in phoenix and WbuDi-gJJYc-00345-00100093-00100338 Erlang end of the stack now let's add WbuDi-gJJYc-00346-00100339-00100593 another e i'm not going to talk a whole WbuDi-gJJYc-00347-00100594-00100791 lot about ember because i feel like WbuDi-gJJYc-00348-00100792-00100994 embers gotten like lots and lots of WbuDi-gJJYc-00349-00100995-00101160 press you probably already well have WbuDi-gJJYc-00350-00101161-00101442 people seen ember already how many WbuDi-gJJYc-00351-00101443-00101576 people have actually like played with WbuDi-gJJYc-00352-00101577-00101880 and written a little ember code okay so WbuDi-gJJYc-00353-00101881-00102101 actually probably only about half so WbuDi-gJJYc-00354-00102102-00102282 that's cool i'll definitely spend some WbuDi-gJJYc-00355-00102283-00102494 time looking at the ember side of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00356-00102495-00102692 code base as well and showing you what's WbuDi-gJJYc-00357-00102693-00102996 there as well but in a nutshell ember is WbuDi-gJJYc-00358-00102997-00103350 a JavaScript MVC framework and they're WbuDi-gJJYc-00359-00103351-00103653 kind of tag line and their sweet spot is WbuDi-gJJYc-00360-00103654-00104080 its for building ambitious web apps so WbuDi-gJJYc-00361-00104081-00104441 web apps that are a single page from the WbuDi-gJJYc-00362-00104442-00104901 beginning and you know it's not only a WbuDi-gJJYc-00363-00104902-00105108 great fit for like gradually introducing WbuDi-gJJYc-00364-00105108-00105321 into an existing app it's really best WbuDi-gJJYc-00365-00105322-00105651 for like rich client web apps that are WbuDi-gJJYc-00366-00105652-00105979 rich client right from the beginning and WbuDi-gJJYc-00367-00105980-00106295 the thing you know as well as being a WbuDi-gJJYc-00368-00106296-00106679 good JavaScript client side MVC WbuDi-gJJYc-00369-00106680-00107009 framework it also comes with a data WbuDi-gJJYc-00370-00107010-00107307 package for talking to back-end restful WbuDi-gJJYc-00371-00107308-00107643 data sources out of the box and it's got WbuDi-gJJYc-00372-00107644-00107931 ember data's a really interesting beast WbuDi-gJJYc-00373-00107932-00108402 it's technically you know it I'm not WbuDi-gJJYc-00374-00108403-00108543 clear at this point whether it's like WbuDi-gJJYc-00375-00108544-00108791 considered part of ember core or not but WbuDi-gJJYc-00376-00108792-00108983 generally if you're building an ember up WbuDi-gJJYc-00377-00108984-00109257 here most of the time going to use ember WbuDi-gJJYc-00378-00109258-00109494 data but you don't have to i would say WbuDi-gJJYc-00379-00109495-00109794 it that way but it's got good support WbuDi-gJJYc-00380-00109795-00109961 for talking to the backend it's also WbuDi-gJJYc-00381-00109963-00110181 gotten an identity cash as well so WbuDi-gJJYc-00382-00110182-00110366 that's becomes really really important WbuDi-gJJYc-00383-00110367-00110568 if you're talking to a back-end and WbuDi-gJJYc-00384-00110569-00110840 you're sending data that represents WbuDi-gJJYc-00385-00110841-00110906 custom WbuDi-gJJYc-00386-00110907-00111248 one back and forth over the wire you WbuDi-gJJYc-00387-00111249-00111559 really really really only want one WbuDi-gJJYc-00388-00111560-00111821 object in your system that represents WbuDi-gJJYc-00389-00111822-00112150 customer with ID 1 and if you're not WbuDi-gJJYc-00390-00112151-00112319 careful and you're building an app WbuDi-gJJYc-00391-00112320-00112532 without something like ember data it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00392-00112533-00112772 really easy to accidentally have WbuDi-gJJYc-00393-00112773-00112970 multiple objects because if you're just WbuDi-gJJYc-00394-00112971-00113188 sending json back and forth it's really WbuDi-gJJYc-00395-00113189-00113447 easy to end up with like umpteen WbuDi-gJJYc-00396-00113448-00113701 different JSON objects that all say WbuDi-gJJYc-00397-00113702-00113894 their customer ID 1 and might have WbuDi-gJJYc-00398-00113895-00114103 different values and that's kind of a WbuDi-gJJYc-00399-00114104-00114422 nightmare so ember data takes care of WbuDi-gJJYc-00400-00114423-00114586 that problem pretty well because WbuDi-gJJYc-00401-00114587-00114848 anything that it gets down it'll go hey WbuDi-gJJYc-00402-00114849-00115106 do I already have customer ID 1 okay I WbuDi-gJJYc-00403-00115107-00115312 do well I'll just like merge those WbuDi-gJJYc-00404-00115313-00115607 parameters urged that that stayed over WbuDi-gJJYc-00405-00115608-00115936 top basically so that's pretty pretty WbuDi-gJJYc-00406-00115937-00116161 handy and we'll see how it's going to WbuDi-gJJYc-00407-00116162-00116348 help us when we look at this app in just WbuDi-gJJYc-00408-00116349-00116710 a minute so postgres I don't really have WbuDi-gJJYc-00409-00116711-00116897 much to say about that I think it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00410-00116898-00117049 almost like they put postcards in there WbuDi-gJJYc-00411-00117050-00117460 so they have an extra p but I will say I WbuDi-gJJYc-00412-00117461-00117749 think it's the best relational database WbuDi-gJJYc-00413-00117750-00118232 out there and actually it is worth WbuDi-gJJYc-00414-00118233-00118450 pointing out bit will there's some WbuDi-gJJYc-00415-00118451-00118684 similarities to this stack and meteor WbuDi-gJJYc-00416-00118685-00118939 which will look at this afternoon and WbuDi-gJJYc-00417-00118940-00119168 being able to choose postgres is pretty WbuDi-gJJYc-00418-00119169-00119449 pretty nice in terms of having a general WbuDi-gJJYc-00419-00119450-00120023 relational database back-end so just to WbuDi-gJJYc-00420-00120024-00120332 talk about success indicators in this WbuDi-gJJYc-00421-00120333-00120533 space you know who's actually using this WbuDi-gJJYc-00422-00120533-00120733 in production on having success with it WbuDi-gJJYc-00423-00120734-00121189 right now the classic huge example for WbuDi-gJJYc-00424-00121190-00121481 Erlang in particular and you know you WbuDi-gJJYc-00425-00121482-00121627 can sort of look at it by extension WbuDi-gJJYc-00426-00121628-00122029 elixir whatsapp what's up I forget how WbuDi-gJJYc-00427-00122030-00122224 many engineers they have but it's like WbuDi-gJJYc-00428-00122225-00122573 less than 50 I'm pretty sure and they're WbuDi-gJJYc-00429-00122574-00122849 like serving billions of people on that WbuDi-gJJYc-00430-00122850-00123008 platform and there that's what they're WbuDi-gJJYc-00431-00123008-00123221 running under the covers is or Erlang WbuDi-gJJYc-00432-00123222-00123478 now what's that being a chat app it WbuDi-gJJYc-00433-00123479-00123698 makes just a ton of sense for them it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00434-00123699-00123991 like almost the obvious problem you know WbuDi-gJJYc-00435-00123992-00124158 chat app WbuDi-gJJYc-00436-00124159-00124402 telco you know it's very very similar in WbuDi-gJJYc-00437-00124403-00124681 a lot of ways so Erlang's been great for WbuDi-gJJYc-00438-00124682-00124852 them and allowed them to scale with a WbuDi-gJJYc-00439-00124853-00125197 really small engineering team on the WbuDi-gJJYc-00440-00125198-00125497 elixir and this stack in particular WbuDi-gJJYc-00441-00125498-00125833 elixir in phoenix bleacher report which WbuDi-gJJYc-00442-00125833-00126163 is a huge sports site in terms of WbuDi-gJJYc-00443-00126164-00126388 traffic i think they said they were like WbuDi-gJJYc-00444-00126389-00126721 just behind ESPN in terms of the largest WbuDi-gJJYc-00445-00126722-00127006 sports traffic site on the web Bleacher WbuDi-gJJYc-00446-00127007-00127249 Report's running phoenix and elixir and WbuDi-gJJYc-00447-00127250-00127665 production and the benchmarks of phoenix WbuDi-gJJYc-00448-00127666-00127977 have been really kind of mind-bending in WbuDi-gJJYc-00449-00127978-00128235 terms of their scalability well at least WbuDi-gJJYc-00450-00128236-00128661 for me so the creator of Phoenix Chris WbuDi-gJJYc-00451-00128663-00129084 McCord who's up in Dayton he is doing WbuDi-gJJYc-00452-00129085-00129448 some load marking would load some load WbuDi-gJJYc-00453-00129449-00129832 testing of Phoenix recently and he WbuDi-gJJYc-00454-00129833-00129988 managed to get two million connected WbuDi-gJJYc-00455-00129989-00130189 clients on a single server so that's a WbuDi-gJJYc-00456-00130190-00130491 pretty large number and really he kept WbuDi-gJJYc-00457-00130492-00130836 running out of machines to hit it with WbuDi-gJJYc-00458-00130838-00131119 before he could overwhelm the server and WbuDi-gJJYc-00459-00131120-00131427 that's you know kind of the common case WbuDi-gJJYc-00460-00131428-00131722 Erlang's just really really good at lots WbuDi-gJJYc-00461-00131723-00132139 and lots of traffic in particular it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00462-00132140-00132448 not optimized for like huge number WbuDi-gJJYc-00463-00132449-00132733 crunching necessarily although it can do WbuDi-gJJYc-00464-00132734-00132954 that what it's really really best suited WbuDi-gJJYc-00465-00132955-00133210 for is if you have a lot of traffic that WbuDi-gJJYc-00466-00133211-00133462 you need to handle that's what it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00467-00133463-00133801 awesome at so that's the end of my WbuDi-gJJYc-00468-00133802-00134082 slides and what I'm going to do now WbuDi-gJJYc-00469-00134083-00134377 until lunch shows up and we're hungry is WbuDi-gJJYc-00470-00134378-00134635 I'm going to demo a lunch related web WbuDi-gJJYc-00471-00134636-00135175 app so when we get to my browser and WbuDi-gJJYc-00472-00135176-00135618 i'll show you what i have going on as WbuDi-gJJYc-00473-00135619-00136368 you can see here i am not a designer and WbuDi-gJJYc-00474-00136369-00136837 hence my terrible times new roman on a WbuDi-gJJYc-00475-00136838-00137181 white background design WbuDi-gJJYc-00476-00137182-00137413 how many people are remember when web WbuDi-gJJYc-00477-00137414-00137593 browsers used to have gray backgrounds WbuDi-gJJYc-00478-00137594-00138046 just curious awesome I was just thinking WbuDi-gJJYc-00479-00138047-00138181 about the other day left it was like WbuDi-gJJYc-00480-00138182-00138739 netscape two or three yeah yes so this WbuDi-gJJYc-00481-00138740-00139072 is lunch detective so lunch detective is WbuDi-gJJYc-00482-00139073-00139321 an app that's all about lunch and it is WbuDi-gJJYc-00483-00139322-00139596 designed to solve a specific problem of WbuDi-gJJYc-00484-00139597-00139900 where does my team want to go to lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00485-00139901-00140221 and so what it does as we'll see i'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00486-00140222-00140713 going to go ahead and log in which the WbuDi-gJJYc-00487-00140714-00141571 font what WbuDi-gJJYc-00488-00141572-00141964 it's about as big as and the screen WbuDi-gJJYc-00489-00141965-00142170 after that this might be too big for but WbuDi-gJJYc-00490-00142171-00142491 it's got Google authentication built in WbuDi-gJJYc-00491-00142492-00142629 so that I don't have to have everybody WbuDi-gJJYc-00492-00142630-00142991 type in their email and that's annoying WbuDi-gJJYc-00493-00142992-00143565 so I can just log in with my gas light WbuDi-gJJYc-00494-00143566-00143923 account and once I log in I can see a WbuDi-gJJYc-00495-00143924-00144493 list of lunches so if I go look at the WbuDi-gJJYc-00496-00144494-00145018 cincy web tech lunch it will see that i WbuDi-gJJYc-00497-00145019-00145515 have one suggestion so far and it shows WbuDi-gJJYc-00498-00145516-00145912 that I'm logged in with my email and I WbuDi-gJJYc-00499-00145913-00146269 can vote yes and say yeah I want to go WbuDi-gJJYc-00500-00146270-00146527 ahead and go here there's nothing to WbuDi-gJJYc-00501-00146528-00146701 prevent me from multiple voting at this WbuDi-gJJYc-00502-00146702-00146983 point so I can vote again and the way it WbuDi-gJJYc-00503-00146984-00147385 works is if I say nope it will send me WbuDi-gJJYc-00504-00147386-00147729 another suggestion so basically that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00505-00147730-00147961 what this app is about and you if you WbuDi-gJJYc-00506-00147962-00148186 have your computer open you can actually WbuDi-gJJYc-00507-00148187-00148502 go here and hit lunch detective lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00508-00148503-00149185 detective Heroku app com and you should WbuDi-gJJYc-00509-00149186-00149662 be able to like log in and vote yes and WbuDi-gJJYc-00510-00149663-00149845 if somebody comes on here and votes no WbuDi-gJJYc-00511-00149846-00150232 it should actually advance and choose a WbuDi-gJJYc-00512-00150233-00150477 new restaurant for us to look at so WbuDi-gJJYc-00513-00150478-00150763 eventually the plan is there'll be a WbuDi-gJJYc-00514-00150764-00151099 time period everybody can vote and if WbuDi-gJJYc-00515-00151100-00151396 they you know hit nope it will advance WbuDi-gJJYc-00516-00151397-00151641 and eventually it will converge on a WbuDi-gJJYc-00517-00151642-00151861 single place that everybody agrees on so WbuDi-gJJYc-00518-00151862-00152316 that's the goal of lunch detective oh I WbuDi-gJJYc-00519-00152317-00152536 should point out it's hitting a Yelp as WbuDi-gJJYc-00520-00152537-00152818 the back end each time to actually get WbuDi-gJJYc-00521-00152819-00153429 the next thing in the list so that's the WbuDi-gJJYc-00522-00153430-00153690 app itself eventually it will run out of WbuDi-gJJYc-00523-00153691-00154051 suggestions so just saying but that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00524-00154052-00154711 alright WbuDi-gJJYc-00525-00154712-00155036 so what I did when you set up a lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00526-00155037-00155246 and I haven't showed you that screen WbuDi-gJJYc-00527-00155247-00155645 here wow that's like kind of awesome you WbuDi-gJJYc-00528-00155646-00155858 set up a lunch you give it a title and WbuDi-gJJYc-00529-00155859-00156206 you give it a search term and basically WbuDi-gJJYc-00530-00156207-00156412 it just hits Yelp and it keeps track of WbuDi-gJJYc-00531-00156413-00156673 an index in the yelp results and it'll WbuDi-gJJYc-00532-00156674-00156881 just keep advancing and now I'm out of WbuDi-gJJYc-00533-00156882-00157927 lunch so so I can make a new lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00534-00157928-00158768 though lunch creeps this is my lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00535-00158769-00159177 group and I can make a new lunch and say WbuDi-gJJYc-00536-00159178-00159596 new lunch and somebody got a search term WbuDi-gJJYc-00537-00159597-00160007 what somebody want to eat Indian I heard WbuDi-gJJYc-00538-00160008-00160315 Indian first I don't know how many well WbuDi-gJJYc-00539-00160316-00160426 they're probably that many Indian WbuDi-gJJYc-00540-00160427-00160927 restaurants hopefully so so now we've WbuDi-gJJYc-00541-00160928-00161260 got except i think it lost my login WbuDi-gJJYc-00542-00161261-00161440 because I mess something up but that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00543-00161441-00161950 alright so i can log in again go to WbuDi-gJJYc-00544-00161951-00162415 lunches go to New lunch and see that hey WbuDi-gJJYc-00545-00162416-00162538 there are already people saying they WbuDi-gJJYc-00546-00162539-00162869 like delhi palace awesome anyway so WbuDi-gJJYc-00547-00162870-00163135 that's the app let's actually look and WbuDi-gJJYc-00548-00163136-00163711 see how this thing is built so the first WbuDi-gJJYc-00549-00163712-00164084 thing and I'll drag over my well maybe WbuDi-gJJYc-00550-00164085-00164299 I'll just let's see it's easiest way to WbuDi-gJJYc-00551-00164300-00165341 do i'll go ahead and drag this over okay WbuDi-gJJYc-00552-00165342-00165833 all right so I am going to start with WbuDi-gJJYc-00553-00165834-00166208 the client side of this app so this is WbuDi-gJJYc-00554-00166209-00166586 actually two different apps believe it WbuDi-gJJYc-00555-00166587-00166829 or not the app that you're seeing is the WbuDi-gJJYc-00556-00166830-00167173 Ember app lunch detective karoku opcom WbuDi-gJJYc-00557-00167174-00167501 there's actually a separate server lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00558-00167502-00167996 detective server Heroku gap com and that WbuDi-gJJYc-00559-00167997-00168200 is using something called cores are WbuDi-gJJYc-00560-00168201-00168458 people familiar with Korres at all okay WbuDi-gJJYc-00561-00168459-00168743 so half and half so course stands for WbuDi-gJJYc-00562-00168744-00169076 cross-origin resource sharing so it used WbuDi-gJJYc-00563-00169077-00169304 to be a JavaScript has this thing called WbuDi-gJJYc-00564-00169305-00169577 the same origin policy which would WbuDi-gJJYc-00565-00169578-00169877 prevent you from making Ajax request two WbuDi-gJJYc-00566-00169878-00170090 domains that you weren't served by WbuDi-gJJYc-00567-00170091-00170318 normally the cross-origin resource WbuDi-gJJYc-00568-00170319-00170660 sharing spec basically allows you to WbuDi-gJJYc-00569-00170661-00170975 step outside the same origin policy in a WbuDi-gJJYc-00570-00170976-00171188 controlled way and it basically lets WbuDi-gJJYc-00571-00171189-00171544 your server app say hey it's cool for WbuDi-gJJYc-00572-00171545-00171812 JavaScript that I didn't serve to go WbuDi-gJJYc-00573-00171813-00172127 ahead and call me so a lot of API WbuDi-gJJYc-00574-00172128-00172421 support this out of the box now github WbuDi-gJJYc-00575-00172422-00172652 does for sure I know they're more and WbuDi-gJJYc-00576-00172653-00172919 more that do but basically it allows me WbuDi-gJJYc-00577-00172920-00173318 to have my server back-end API live on a WbuDi-gJJYc-00578-00173319-00173522 separate host than my client side app WbuDi-gJJYc-00579-00173523-00173801 which is kind of convenient because I WbuDi-gJJYc-00580-00173802-00173939 didn't have to worry about having a WbuDi-gJJYc-00581-00173940-00174200 deployment process that is ember aware WbuDi-gJJYc-00582-00174201-00174404 and Phoenix aware i can just let them be WbuDi-gJJYc-00583-00174405-00174779 separate and things are ok so i'm going WbuDi-gJJYc-00584-00174780-00175052 to start with looking at the client side WbuDi-gJJYc-00585-00175053-00175325 of this app and I think we're having WbuDi-gJJYc-00586-00175326-00175565 lunch arrived so i won't talk super long WbuDi-gJJYc-00587-00175566-00176021 but let's look at some code so this is WbuDi-gJJYc-00588-00176022-00176303 ember and we're actually going to just WbuDi-gJJYc-00589-00176304-00176648 start with the HTML of ember ember uses WbuDi-gJJYc-00590-00176649-00176870 a template language called handlebars WbuDi-gJJYc-00591-00176871-00177593 and in the handlebars ember the route WbuDi-gJJYc-00592-00177594-00177926 which is maintains you know which URL WbuDi-gJJYc-00593-00177927-00178364 i'm going to the ember route is going to WbuDi-gJJYc-00594-00178365-00178661 expose a model which is basically just WbuDi-gJJYc-00595-00178662-00178725 the day WbuDi-gJJYc-00596-00178726-00179028 this page can get to and in this case WbuDi-gJJYc-00597-00179029-00179316 because I'm looking at the handlebars WbuDi-gJJYc-00598-00179317-00179670 template for the lunch route lunch dhps WbuDi-gJJYc-00599-00179671-00180156 the model is lunch so the lunch object WbuDi-gJJYc-00600-00180157-00180429 has a few different things going on the WbuDi-gJJYc-00601-00180430-00180576 most important things is it has a WbuDi-gJJYc-00602-00180577-00180852 recommendation in a URL so that's like WbuDi-gJJYc-00603-00180853-00180981 the title in the picture of the WbuDi-gJJYc-00604-00180982-00181146 restaurant that is the current WbuDi-gJJYc-00605-00181147-00181461 recommendation and then we've got some WbuDi-gJJYc-00606-00181462-00181713 buttons to vote we can take an action of WbuDi-gJJYc-00607-00181714-00181974 create vote true which says yes create WbuDi-gJJYc-00608-00181975-00182268 vote false which says nope it displays WbuDi-gJJYc-00609-00182269-00182658 the logged in user and then it's looping WbuDi-gJJYc-00610-00182659-00183276 over the current votes so amber is doing WbuDi-gJJYc-00611-00183277-00183588 two-way binding so that any time the WbuDi-gJJYc-00612-00183589-00183920 model changes it will update the screen WbuDi-gJJYc-00613-00183921-00184176 automatically just like you know there WbuDi-gJJYc-00614-00184177-00184425 are a lot of most any good JavaScript WbuDi-gJJYc-00615-00184426-00184617 MVC framework is going to do that kind WbuDi-gJJYc-00616-00184618-00185330 of thing nowadays so that's what the WbuDi-gJJYc-00617-00185331-00185733 that's what the template looks like i'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00618-00185734-00185904 going to show you the router to show you WbuDi-gJJYc-00619-00185905-00186174 just briefly what that looks like to WbuDi-gJJYc-00620-00186175-00187230 actually get that data oops so this is WbuDi-gJJYc-00621-00187231-00187598 the route side of this same thing and WbuDi-gJJYc-00622-00187599-00187890 this is really interacting with ember WbuDi-gJJYc-00623-00187891-00188253 data so as you can see it's it's pretty WbuDi-gJJYc-00624-00188254-00188634 simple I have a store which is just my WbuDi-gJJYc-00625-00188635-00189066 persistent data store and I find a WbuDi-gJJYc-00626-00189067-00189273 record of type lunch with the current WbuDi-gJJYc-00627-00189274-00189585 lunch ID so all the details of going out WbuDi-gJJYc-00628-00189586-00189855 to the server and grabbing the JSON and WbuDi-gJJYc-00629-00189856-00190068 serializing and deserializing all that WbuDi-gJJYc-00630-00190069-00190218 stuff is taken care for me which is WbuDi-gJJYc-00631-00190219-00190536 pretty nice so that's grabbing the lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00632-00190537-00190899 from the database so the other thing WbuDi-gJJYc-00633-00190900-00191193 though is like how do how do houses WbuDi-gJJYc-00634-00191194-00191412 stuff all fit together let's look at the WbuDi-gJJYc-00635-00191413-00191993 lunch model just briefly WbuDi-gJJYc-00636-00191994-00192312 that's what he looks like there are the WbuDi-gJJYc-00637-00192313-00192666 properties and amber data also lets us WbuDi-gJJYc-00638-00192667-00192936 model relationships and this is how we WbuDi-gJJYc-00639-00192937-00193521 actually have our votes so that votes is WbuDi-gJJYc-00640-00193522-00194385 a relationship from lunch two votes the WbuDi-gJJYc-00641-00194386-00194775 other thing that I kind of wanted to WbuDi-gJJYc-00642-00194776-00195192 show this is kind of not where I meant WbuDi-gJJYc-00643-00195193-00195384 to do this so I'm sorry I've modified WbuDi-gJJYc-00644-00195385-00195630 this code slightly from what I actually WbuDi-gJJYc-00645-00195631-00196032 have checked in in the actual server WbuDi-gJJYc-00646-00196033-00196347 code that's what it actually is and I'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00647-00196348-00196530 just showing you that this is how I'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00648-00196531-00196800 telling amber data here's how to find WbuDi-gJJYc-00649-00196801-00196965 your data so it's going to an entirely WbuDi-gJJYc-00650-00196966-00197229 separate server to actually fetch its WbuDi-gJJYc-00651-00197230-00197718 data oh that's the thing that I wanted WbuDi-gJJYc-00652-00197719-00198081 to show you so ember data works with a WbuDi-gJJYc-00653-00198082-00198498 concept called adapters and what i'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00654-00198499-00198756 doing here is I have a specific adapter WbuDi-gJJYc-00655-00198757-00199134 for my lunch data source and this is WbuDi-gJJYc-00656-00199135-00199326 where I'm actually starting to make the WbuDi-gJJYc-00657-00199327-00199653 the bridge over to Phoenix specifically WbuDi-gJJYc-00658-00199654-00199944 and I'm using something called Phoenix WbuDi-gJJYc-00659-00199945-00200226 channels to be able to do this and what WbuDi-gJJYc-00660-00200227-00200616 this is saying is I want to connect to WbuDi-gJJYc-00661-00200617-00201093 the lunch channel and listen for updates WbuDi-gJJYc-00662-00201094-00201483 and when I do that I give it a handler WbuDi-gJJYc-00663-00201484-00201885 to say hey on any new on any lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00664-00201886-00202614 updates grab the lunch data and this is WbuDi-gJJYc-00665-00202615-00202908 actually the the key piece of asst I'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00666-00202909-00203181 saying anytime Phoenix sends me lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00667-00203182-00203466 data I just want to push it into the WbuDi-gJJYc-00668-00203467-00203838 Ember data store and because ember data WbuDi-gJJYc-00669-00203839-00204138 is maintaining an identity cash for me WbuDi-gJJYc-00670-00204139-00204558 if lunch number four changes up on the WbuDi-gJJYc-00671-00204559-00204762 Phoenix side and it sends it down to me WbuDi-gJJYc-00672-00204763-00205044 again and it's displaying that on the WbuDi-gJJYc-00673-00205044-00205278 page it'll know that WbuDi-gJJYc-00674-00205279-00205541 that object is lunch ID for it's already WbuDi-gJJYc-00675-00205542-00205761 listening and it'll just update itself WbuDi-gJJYc-00676-00205762-00206076 correctly and that's how i can send my WbuDi-gJJYc-00677-00206077-00206246 new lunch down and everybody in real WbuDi-gJJYc-00678-00206248-00206508 time can see the recommendations and the WbuDi-gJJYc-00679-00206509-00206712 votes coming in and it really is just WbuDi-gJJYc-00680-00206713-00206942 like that little code on the ember side WbuDi-gJJYc-00681-00206944-00207255 to be able to do that so this is what I WbuDi-gJJYc-00682-00207256-00207486 really kind of like about even though WbuDi-gJJYc-00683-00207487-00207726 they're not like a cohesive framework WbuDi-gJJYc-00684-00207727-00208056 together using ember and using Phoenix WbuDi-gJJYc-00685-00208057-00208284 together feels pretty natural and feels WbuDi-gJJYc-00686-00208285-00208616 like a good fit to me so I think that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00687-00208617-00208860 all I have to say on the Ember side and WbuDi-gJJYc-00688-00208861-00209034 I'm running low on time so I'll just WbuDi-gJJYc-00689-00209035-00209283 show you a little bit of elixir code WbuDi-gJJYc-00690-00209284-00209523 kind of quick and then we'll eat I WbuDi-gJJYc-00691-00209523-00209850 promise because all this talking about WbuDi-gJJYc-00692-00209851-00210426 lunch makes people hungry makes me WbuDi-gJJYc-00693-00210427-00210971 hungry WbuDi-gJJYc-00694-00210971-00211250 so this is what the server side of this WbuDi-gJJYc-00695-00211251-00211415 app looks like in and I've got some WbuDi-gJJYc-00696-00211416-00211775 wonkiness issues here with my screen WbuDi-gJJYc-00697-00211776-00212204 width but that's okay oh my gosh what is WbuDi-gJJYc-00698-00212205-00212939 going on there we go is that font size WbuDi-gJJYc-00699-00212940-00213146 okay I forgot to ask earlier everybody WbuDi-gJJYc-00700-00213146-00213512 seen all right okay cool so I'm just WbuDi-gJJYc-00701-00213513-00213869 starting with the yelp API itself and if WbuDi-gJJYc-00702-00213869-00214073 you guys want to just jot down those API WbuDi-gJJYc-00703-00214073-00214256 keys real quick that's totally fine I'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00704-00214257-00214544 kidding I don't really care if anybody WbuDi-gJJYc-00705-00214544-00214787 pretends to be me to access Yelp to be WbuDi-gJJYc-00706-00214788-00215192 honest with you but I have a little WbuDi-gJJYc-00707-00215192-00215517 module here to actually search for Yelp WbuDi-gJJYc-00708-00215519-00215809 but what I actually think i want to show WbuDi-gJJYc-00709-00215810-00216242 you first is the controllers so Phoenix WbuDi-gJJYc-00710-00216242-00216662 is a typical in a lot of ways MVC WbuDi-gJJYc-00711-00216663-00217021 framework it's just not object oriented WbuDi-gJJYc-00712-00217023-00217294 it's really more functional but the WbuDi-gJJYc-00713-00217296-00217490 layout of things is going to be pretty WbuDi-gJJYc-00714-00217491-00217829 familiar and so if I look at a WbuDi-gJJYc-00715-00217830-00218221 controller I have a if you've built WbuDi-gJJYc-00716-00218223-00218398 restful backends you're going to see WbuDi-gJJYc-00717-00218400-00218621 pretty familiar stuff going on in terms WbuDi-gJJYc-00718-00218621-00218833 of create update delete that kind of WbuDi-gJJYc-00719-00218834-00219176 thing the difference here is instead of WbuDi-gJJYc-00720-00219177-00219425 being inside of an object where I have WbuDi-gJJYc-00721-00219426-00219614 to pull everything out by accessing WbuDi-gJJYc-00722-00219615-00219896 state on my object I'm getting things WbuDi-gJJYc-00723-00219896-00220103 passed into me so I'm getting an object WbuDi-gJJYc-00724-00220104-00220285 that represents the connection passed WbuDi-gJJYc-00725-00220286-00220567 into me and then I'm getting the params WbuDi-gJJYc-00726-00220569-00220942 passed in as well one of the awesome WbuDi-gJJYc-00727-00220944-00221201 features of the elixir language is WbuDi-gJJYc-00728-00221202-00221371 pattern matching and this is an example WbuDi-gJJYc-00729-00221373-00221617 of it I think somebody mentioned WbuDi-gJJYc-00730-00221619-00221846 destructuring which is pretty much the WbuDi-gJJYc-00731-00221846-00222310 same thing am I was that fair anyway it WbuDi-gJJYc-00732-00222311-00222532 lets me as things are passed in take WbuDi-gJJYc-00733-00222533-00222832 things apart and assign variables WbuDi-gJJYc-00734-00222833-00223096 pattern matching also and we'll see this WbuDi-gJJYc-00735-00223098-00223357 in a second lets me get rid of a lot of WbuDi-gJJYc-00736-00223358-00223534 conditional logic which is kind of WbuDi-gJJYc-00737-00223535-00224017 awesome but this is kind of the meat of WbuDi-gJJYc-00738-00224019-00224308 getting a new lunch set up so I WbuDi-gJJYc-00739-00224309-00224489 creating a lunch here at the very WbuDi-gJJYc-00740-00224490-00224785 beginning and this is where I'm actually WbuDi-gJJYc-00741-00224786-00224953 calling out to get the lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00742-00224954-00225196 recommendation I'm calling lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00743-00225197-00225598 recommend lunch passing in the yelp WbuDi-gJJYc-00744-00225599-00225919 recommender and this will take care of WbuDi-gJJYc-00745-00225921-00226201 recommending lunch I think the other WbuDi-gJJYc-00746-00226202-00226624 thing that I want to show kind of WbuDi-gJJYc-00747-00226625-00226838 briefly because that's maybe even more WbuDi-gJJYc-00748-00226839-00227155 interesting is like what do those votes WbuDi-gJJYc-00749-00227156-00227363 actually do and how does that work so WbuDi-gJJYc-00750-00227364-00227650 when I hit yes or hit and nope what's WbuDi-gJJYc-00751-00227651-00227915 happening is that's creating a new vote WbuDi-gJJYc-00752-00227916-00228358 and it ends up in the vote controller in WbuDi-gJJYc-00753-00228359-00228733 this create method and this is where the WbuDi-gJJYc-00754-00228734-00228955 actual kind of meat of the actions WbuDi-gJJYc-00755-00228956-00229381 happening I'm grabbing my vote I'm not WbuDi-gJJYc-00756-00229382-00229585 going to have time to tech about ecto WbuDi-gJJYc-00757-00229586-00229937 too much but it's it's going to feel WbuDi-gJJYc-00758-00229938-00230179 familiar if you're coming from like an WbuDi-gJJYc-00759-00230180-00230452 active record ORM kind of background but WbuDi-gJJYc-00760-00230453-00230698 it it really is is different in that WbuDi-gJJYc-00761-00230699-00230947 it's it's more functional and lets you WbuDi-gJJYc-00762-00230948-00231157 actually create change sets rather than WbuDi-gJJYc-00763-00231158-00231331 like you don't have an object that WbuDi-gJJYc-00764-00231332-00231451 you're setting properties of you WbuDi-gJJYc-00765-00231452-00231631 actually create a change set as a WbuDi-gJJYc-00766-00231632-00231892 discrete thing that you end up then WbuDi-gJJYc-00767-00231894-00232105 persisting when you tell it to by WbuDi-gJJYc-00768-00232106-00232351 talking to the repo so I'm not going to WbuDi-gJJYc-00769-00232352-00232522 go into too much detail there but I just WbuDi-gJJYc-00770-00232523-00232948 wanted to call that out briefly the the WbuDi-gJJYc-00771-00232949-00233141 key bit that's going on here is with WbuDi-gJJYc-00772-00233142-00233441 this lunch vote on that's what basically WbuDi-gJJYc-00773-00233442-00233875 takes your vote and decides what to do WbuDi-gJJYc-00774-00233876-00234295 with it and deciding what to do with it WbuDi-gJJYc-00775-00234296-00234658 is over in the lunch module and that WbuDi-gJJYc-00776-00234659-00235056 lunch module and this is an example of WbuDi-gJJYc-00777-00235057-00235309 getting rid of conditionals with padding WbuDi-gJJYc-00778-00235310-00235576 matt pattern matching you see i have two WbuDi-gJJYc-00779-00235577-00235821 different definitions for vote on and WbuDi-gJJYc-00780-00235822-00236227 those two different definitions pattern WbuDi-gJJYc-00781-00236228-00236458 match on whether the vote is a thumbs up WbuDi-gJJYc-00782-00236459-00236749 yeah true vote or a nope thumbs down WbuDi-gJJYc-00783-00236750-00237103 false phone and in most languages you'd WbuDi-gJJYc-00784-00237104-00237427 see some conditional here and it looks WbuDi-gJJYc-00785-00237428-00237542 where I can do this with pattern WbuDi-gJJYc-00786-00237542-00237623 matching which I WbuDi-gJJYc-00787-00237625-00237885 to dig and I'm basically saying if it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00788-00237886-00238094 an upvote I'm basically not doing WbuDi-gJJYc-00789-00238096-00238361 anything much at all I'm just basically WbuDi-gJJYc-00790-00238362-00238575 grabbing the lunch out of the database WbuDi-gJJYc-00791-00238576-00239021 with its votes if it is a false vote WbuDi-gJJYc-00792-00239023-00239273 that's where I actually call out to the WbuDi-gJJYc-00793-00239275-00239696 recommend lunch logic logic and I'm not WbuDi-gJJYc-00794-00239698-00239892 going to go try to go through all this WbuDi-gJJYc-00795-00239892-00240123 in detail but what it's actually going WbuDi-gJJYc-00796-00240123-00240330 to do is end up making another call in WbuDi-gJJYc-00797-00240331-00240459 to Yelp to get another recommendation WbuDi-gJJYc-00798-00240460-00240903 and in advance the index in the the yelp WbuDi-gJJYc-00799-00240904-00241317 results going back to the vote WbuDi-gJJYc-00800-00241317-00241590 controller the last key bit of this is WbuDi-gJJYc-00801-00241591-00241959 this is the this is the server side of WbuDi-gJJYc-00802-00241960-00242232 channels this is why I'm broadcasting to WbuDi-gJJYc-00803-00242233-00242421 that lunch updates channel that I showed WbuDi-gJJYc-00804-00242421-00242652 you on the Ember side and I'm basically WbuDi-gJJYc-00805-00242653-00243009 just broadcasting the result of WbuDi-gJJYc-00806-00243010-00243276 rendering the view with the same exact WbuDi-gJJYc-00807-00243277-00243462 view object that I would use if I was WbuDi-gJJYc-00808-00243463-00243636 just making a restful request to the WbuDi-gJJYc-00809-00243637-00243971 server so I'm completely using all the WbuDi-gJJYc-00810-00243973-00244232 view logic here to render out a lunch WbuDi-gJJYc-00811-00244233-00244536 and so when I get a new lunch it'll have WbuDi-gJJYc-00812-00244537-00244796 its new recommendation and its new votes WbuDi-gJJYc-00813-00244798-00245181 and ember with bindings just knows ok i WbuDi-gJJYc-00814-00245182-00245373 know i'm listening to this object and WbuDi-gJJYc-00815-00245373-00245583 i'll just display the right stuff so WbuDi-gJJYc-00816-00245584-00245748 that's kind of how it all fits together WbuDi-gJJYc-00817-00245748-00246153 and I think that's I'm over time already WbuDi-gJJYc-00818-00246154-00246534 and if there's any questions jump in or WbuDi-gJJYc-00819-00246535-00247776 if you're starving we can just eat yeah WbuDi-gJJYc-00820-00247777-00248755 yes why was I channel is that's kind of WbuDi-gJJYc-00821-00248756-00249198 the abstraction that Phoenix gives me so WbuDi-gJJYc-00822-00249200-00249417 there's a Phoenix JavaScript library WbuDi-gJJYc-00823-00249419-00249730 that I'm hooking in to ember and that's WbuDi-gJJYc-00824-00249731-00249907 what gives me those that channel WbuDi-gJJYc-00825-00249908-00250401 abstraction to list of the stuff yeah WbuDi-gJJYc-00826-00250402-00250837 yes that is over WebSockets there it's WbuDi-gJJYc-00827-00250838-00251059 technically you know you could actually WbuDi-gJJYc-00828-00251060-00251251 implement it over other protocols but I WbuDi-gJJYc-00829-00251252-00251467 don't think anybody's done so did you WbuDi-gJJYc-00830-00251467-00251844 have it oh yeah your that's a good point WbuDi-gJJYc-00831-00251846-00252235 it's using wet sock j/s or is that so WbuDi-gJJYc-00832-00252236-00252519 yeah soft J that's good point if you're WbuDi-gJJYc-00833-00252521-00252685 for some reason use a browser doesn't WbuDi-gJJYc-00834-00252686-00252867 support web sockets it will fall back to WbuDi-gJJYc-00835-00252869-00253389 long flowing thanks point that out WbuDi-gJJYc-00836-00253390-00253781 anybody oh yeah WbuDi-gJJYc-00837-00253782-00254034 you're coming from a rails background WbuDi-gJJYc-00838-00254035-00254340 generally in the job at supreme what WbuDi-gJJYc-00839-00254341-00254721 would you see as that big images doing WbuDi-gJJYc-00840-00254721-00254919 different things I guess WbuDi-gJJYc-00841-00254921-00255307 developer experience so one thing is WbuDi-gJJYc-00842-00255308-00255469 that it is actually a functional WbuDi-gJJYc-00843-00255469-00255640 language that's a really significant WbuDi-gJJYc-00844-00255641-00255982 difference the other thing is and I'm WbuDi-gJJYc-00845-00255983-00256204 actually kind of glad you said this WbuDi-gJJYc-00846-00256205-00256623 because I did kind of want to point out WbuDi-gJJYc-00847-00256623-00257200 if I actually break it down any Phoenix WbuDi-gJJYc-00848-00257201-00257560 app is actually an OTP app on the OTP WbuDi-gJJYc-00849-00257561-00257839 platform under the covers so like all WbuDi-gJJYc-00850-00257840-00258088 the underpinning I talked with OTP WbuDi-gJJYc-00851-00258089-00258417 supporting multiple processes WbuDi-gJJYc-00852-00258417-00258781 distributing management supervision all WbuDi-gJJYc-00853-00258782-00259030 that good stuff is right there for me WbuDi-gJJYc-00854-00259031-00259248 under the covers it's not very far away WbuDi-gJJYc-00855-00259250-00259438 and I can get to it if I need to so WbuDi-gJJYc-00856-00259439-00260969 that's I think a really key thing WbuDi-gJJYc-00857-00260969-00261194 yeah when Kevin gives his talk after WbuDi-gJJYc-00858-00261194-00261341 lunch maybe he'll point out a feature WbuDi-gJJYc-00859-00261342-00261560 that we leverage just by being an OTP WbuDi-gJJYc-00860-00261561-00261821 app that that meant like we didn't need WbuDi-gJJYc-00861-00261821-00261998 a separate bit of architecture to do WbuDi-gJJYc-00862-00261998-00262157 background processing like you would WbuDi-gJJYc-00863-00262158-00262442 have to a typical rails app which sounds WbuDi-gJJYc-00864-00262443-00263201 a little silly but it's come true all WbuDi-gJJYc-00865-00263202-00263522 right well thanks everybody WdvGti7VgTM-00000-00000064-00000399 there buddy it's all yours WdvGti7VgTM-00001-00000400-00000700 wow WghqsGG-2GE-00000-00000300-00003256 [Music] WghqsGG-2GE-00001-00003257-00003911 the fire WghqsGG-2GE-00002-00003912-00004197 do not recognize the authority of the WghqsGG-2GE-00003-00004198-00004474 division and for that they have put a WghqsGG-2GE-00004-00004475-00004825 target on our backs we have every right WghqsGG-2GE-00005-00004826-00005061 to defend ourselves and if you don't WghqsGG-2GE-00007-00010325-00011139 progress hold it WghqsGG-2GE-00009-00019870-00020161 but now isn't the time to give up WghqsGG-2GE-00010-00020162-00020449 we've come so far and if we keep on WghqsGG-2GE-00011-00020450-00023246 going just around the corner WghqsGG-2GE-00012-00023247-00025103 guess I'm solo WghqsGG-2GE-00014-00029652-00029927 [Music] WghqsGG-2GE-00016-00035984-00036457 incoming hostiles detected the detecting WghqsGG-2GE-00018-00039468-00040173 detective WghqsGG-2GE-00020-00044803-00046809 supply drop claimed WghqsGG-2GE-00021-00046810-00047260 supply drop claimed oh great so now WghqsGG-2GE-00022-00047261-00048865 empty supplies dropped successfully WghqsGG-2GE-00024-00052717-00054108 [Music] WghqsGG-2GE-00025-00054109-00055307 yeah have some more big [__] mistake WghqsGG-2GE-00026-00055308-00056863 [Music] WghqsGG-2GE-00027-00056864-00058191 Oh WghqsGG-2GE-00028-00058191-00058447 hostage situation nearby WghqsGG-2GE-00029-00058448-00058738 oh you might like and I'll never forget WghqsGG-2GE-00030-00058739-00059594 that WghqsGG-2GE-00032-00065449-00067569 ah WghqsGG-2GE-00033-00067570-00070409 incoming hostiles detected WghqsGG-2GE-00034-00070410-00071207 Oh WghqsGG-2GE-00038-00085772-00086162 so you mean like a treaty WgKVyDQ6juY-00000-00000183-00000438 hello my name is mrs travis keene WgKVyDQ6juY-00001-00000440-00000663 i'm a museum educator at the baltimore WgKVyDQ6juY-00002-00000664-00000815 museum of industry WgKVyDQ6juY-00003-00000816-00001095 where every week i lead a program called WgKVyDQ6juY-00004-00001096-00001215 we workers WgKVyDQ6juY-00005-00001216-00001383 today of course i have a friend who WgKVyDQ6juY-00006-00001384-00001639 helps me his name is chicken teague WgKVyDQ6juY-00007-00001639-00001871 and the topic today is the chesapeake WgKVyDQ6juY-00008-00001872-00001942 bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00009-00001943-00002126 the chesapeake bay of course is just WgKVyDQ6juY-00010-00002127-00002247 right beyond WgKVyDQ6juY-00011-00002248-00002567 our harbor here hi chicken tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00012-00002568-00002671 do you know we're going to talk about WgKVyDQ6juY-00013-00002672-00002831 chesapeake bay you love to talk about WgKVyDQ6juY-00014-00002832-00002950 the chesapeake bay don't you there are a WgKVyDQ6juY-00015-00002951-00003206 lot of interesting animals and fish and WgKVyDQ6juY-00016-00003207-00003551 flora and fauna that uh inhabit the bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00017-00003552-00003719 well the chesapeake bay did you know it WgKVyDQ6juY-00018-00003720-00003951 gets half of its water from the atlantic WgKVyDQ6juY-00019-00003952-00004015 ocean WgKVyDQ6juY-00020-00004015-00004199 you didn't know that half of the water WgKVyDQ6juY-00021-00004200-00004343 from the atlantic ocean half of its WgKVyDQ6juY-00022-00004344-00004511 water comes from the drainage WgKVyDQ6juY-00023-00004512-00004719 from the watershed the land around here WgKVyDQ6juY-00024-00004720-00004831 there's about 64 WgKVyDQ6juY-00025-00004832-00005135 000 square miles of watershed isn't that WgKVyDQ6juY-00026-00005136-00005206 interesting WgKVyDQ6juY-00027-00005207-00005375 did you know that our chesapeake bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00028-00005376-00005654 also is the largest estuary in the WgKVyDQ6juY-00029-00005655-00005799 united states WgKVyDQ6juY-00030-00005800-00005943 you didn't know that either yeah it's WgKVyDQ6juY-00031-00005944-00006095 the largest one in the united states WgKVyDQ6juY-00032-00006096-00006151 cool WgKVyDQ6juY-00033-00006152-00006327 well we're going to read some books and WgKVyDQ6juY-00034-00006328-00006495 we have some cool crafts we're going to WgKVyDQ6juY-00035-00006495-00006527 do WgKVyDQ6juY-00036-00006528-00006663 did you know today is going to be our WgKVyDQ6juY-00037-00006664-00006839 last little program though for a while WgKVyDQ6juY-00038-00006840-00006919 yes you did WgKVyDQ6juY-00039-00006920-00007095 we talked about that didn't it we hope WgKVyDQ6juY-00040-00007095-00007263 to see you guys back here in the fall WgKVyDQ6juY-00041-00007264-00007463 though we'll see we'll see what happens WgKVyDQ6juY-00042-00007464-00007791 um oh yes your jokes your jokes WgKVyDQ6juY-00043-00007792-00008006 you're a joke okay all right what is WgKVyDQ6juY-00044-00008008-00008159 your first joke WgKVyDQ6juY-00045-00008159-00008463 tell me again where does a fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00046-00008464-00008655 keep their money i didn't know fish had WgKVyDQ6juY-00047-00008656-00008799 money for heaven's sake WgKVyDQ6juY-00048-00008800-00008942 i don't know chicken dick where does the WgKVyDQ6juY-00049-00008943-00009206 fish keep their money WgKVyDQ6juY-00050-00009207-00009639 in the river bank ah that's hilarious WgKVyDQ6juY-00051-00009640-00009863 in the riverbank yeah that's a good one WgKVyDQ6juY-00052-00009864-00010031 okay what's the other one WgKVyDQ6juY-00053-00010032-00010342 ah why don't fish like to play tennis WgKVyDQ6juY-00054-00010343-00010535 now i would say because WgKVyDQ6juY-00055-00010536-00010742 they don't have tennis rackets i don't WgKVyDQ6juY-00056-00010743-00010999 know why the fish don't like WgKVyDQ6juY-00057-00011000-00011319 tennis ah because they're afraid of the WgKVyDQ6juY-00058-00011320-00011583 gnats of course because nets can catch WgKVyDQ6juY-00059-00011584-00011767 fish doesn't isn't that true yeah WgKVyDQ6juY-00060-00011768-00011895 and you have one more right because you WgKVyDQ6juY-00061-00011896-00012191 told me today you had three okay WgKVyDQ6juY-00062-00012192-00012463 what kind of fish cat chase mice that's WgKVyDQ6juY-00063-00012464-00012527 a good one WgKVyDQ6juY-00064-00012528-00012791 what kind of fish chase mice i don't WgKVyDQ6juY-00065-00012792-00012951 know that one i couldn't even WgKVyDQ6juY-00066-00012952-00013263 dream it up oh WgKVyDQ6juY-00067-00013263-00013583 catfish oh that's a good one too where WgKVyDQ6juY-00068-00013584-00013799 did you find all these do you read WgKVyDQ6juY-00069-00013800-00014094 books you have a joke book okay well WgKVyDQ6juY-00070-00014095-00014238 that explains where you WgKVyDQ6juY-00071-00014240-00014415 where you get your funny jokes chicken WgKVyDQ6juY-00072-00014416-00014591 tea well listen chicken tea we're gonna WgKVyDQ6juY-00073-00014591-00014663 read some WgKVyDQ6juY-00074-00014663-00014966 uh two stories today one is about a WgKVyDQ6juY-00075-00014968-00015111 little guy named chadwick have you ever WgKVyDQ6juY-00076-00015112-00015255 heard of chadwick yeah he's kind of WgKVyDQ6juY-00077-00015256-00015366 famous isn't he WgKVyDQ6juY-00078-00015368-00015527 we're gonna read a book about chadwick WgKVyDQ6juY-00079-00015528-00015727 and his friends and then we have another WgKVyDQ6juY-00080-00015728-00015958 book about a fish that's kind of curious WgKVyDQ6juY-00081-00015959-00016079 i think you're going to like them then WgKVyDQ6juY-00082-00016080-00016207 we'll talk about some crafts so you want WgKVyDQ6juY-00083-00016208-00016311 to sit over here and WgKVyDQ6juY-00084-00016312-00016591 listen to the story while we okay we'll WgKVyDQ6juY-00085-00016592-00016735 put you over here and you can listen to WgKVyDQ6juY-00086-00016736-00016839 the story WgKVyDQ6juY-00087-00016840-00017175 but we proceed the first book WgKVyDQ6juY-00088-00017176-00017550 is called meet chadwick and WgKVyDQ6juY-00089-00017551-00017894 his chesapeake bay friends meet chadwick WgKVyDQ6juY-00090-00017895-00018039 look at him doesn't he look like a nice WgKVyDQ6juY-00091-00018040-00018183 friendly guy there WgKVyDQ6juY-00092-00018184-00018494 meet chadwick chadwick the crab oh my WgKVyDQ6juY-00093-00018495-00018879 gosh WgKVyDQ6juY-00094-00018880-00019199 it says WgKVyDQ6juY-00095-00019200-00019447 if you would meet like to meet a crab a WgKVyDQ6juY-00096-00019448-00019614 crab with googly eyes WgKVyDQ6juY-00097-00019615-00019903 then come along and take a look you're WgKVyDQ6juY-00098-00019904-00020111 in for a surprise WgKVyDQ6juY-00099-00020112-00020511 look at him there he is chadwick WgKVyDQ6juY-00100-00020512-00021207 pretty interesting looking WgKVyDQ6juY-00101-00021208-00021503 meet chadwick the chesapeake crab as WgKVyDQ6juY-00102-00021504-00021655 happy as can be WgKVyDQ6juY-00103-00021656-00022014 he lives beneath the blue waters WgKVyDQ6juY-00104-00022015-00022599 in a bay beside the sea can you see him WgKVyDQ6juY-00105-00022600-00022967 he has eight legs to help him swim WgKVyDQ6juY-00106-00022968-00023271 and two big pinchers too he swims WgKVyDQ6juY-00107-00023272-00023630 and pinches all day long it's what crabs WgKVyDQ6juY-00108-00023631-00023950 like to do look at him isn't he nice WgKVyDQ6juY-00109-00023951-00024199 pinchers and eight eggs for heaven's WgKVyDQ6juY-00110-00024200-00024871 sake WgKVyDQ6juY-00111-00024872-00025135 young chadwick has a lot of friends in WgKVyDQ6juY-00112-00025136-00025214 the bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00113-00025215-00025494 and on the beach some like the water WgKVyDQ6juY-00114-00025495-00025702 some like land and some WgKVyDQ6juY-00115-00025704-00026022 like some of each so they like land WgKVyDQ6juY-00116-00026023-00026470 and water both i see animals WgKVyDQ6juY-00117-00026472-00026887 look at this chicken too there's some WgKVyDQ6juY-00118-00026888-00027567 birds and some fish my goodness WgKVyDQ6juY-00119-00027568-00027935 it says some friends have noses WgKVyDQ6juY-00120-00027936-00028167 some have beaks and some of them have WgKVyDQ6juY-00121-00028168-00028239 bills WgKVyDQ6juY-00122-00028239-00028535 some friends have feathers some have fur WgKVyDQ6juY-00123-00028536-00028727 and some of them have gills WgKVyDQ6juY-00124-00028727-00029062 did you know that so gills fur WgKVyDQ6juY-00125-00029063-00029311 feathers look at all these look at all WgKVyDQ6juY-00126-00029312-00029431 these guys we're gonna learn about some WgKVyDQ6juY-00127-00029432-00029527 of these WgKVyDQ6juY-00128-00029527-00029999 good habits WgKVyDQ6juY-00129-00030000-00030255 meet bernie he's a seagull look at WgKVyDQ6juY-00130-00030256-00030511 bernie well he's flying high isn't he WgKVyDQ6juY-00131-00030512-00030743 always looking for some lunch he loves a WgKVyDQ6juY-00132-00030744-00030902 fish at dinner time WgKVyDQ6juY-00133-00030903-00031214 and cookies by the bunch friend bernie WgKVyDQ6juY-00134-00031216-00031287 is a fat WgKVyDQ6juY-00135-00031288-00031599 old bird as happy as can be he eats his WgKVyDQ6juY-00136-00031600-00031646 fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00137-00031647-00031958 and flies above the bay beside the sea WgKVyDQ6juY-00138-00031960-00032087 can you see bernie WgKVyDQ6juY-00139-00032088-00032399 look at him he's flying really high WgKVyDQ6juY-00140-00032400-00032599 it's fun to watch them circle in the sky WgKVyDQ6juY-00141-00032600-00032871 isn't it chicken tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00142-00032872-00033223 meet miss matilda white egret a proper WgKVyDQ6juY-00143-00033224-00033327 one at that WgKVyDQ6juY-00144-00033328-00033583 she always looks her very best with WgKVyDQ6juY-00145-00033584-00033743 flowers in her hat WgKVyDQ6juY-00146-00033744-00034031 she has flowers in her hand my goodness WgKVyDQ6juY-00147-00034032-00034143 matilda is a WgKVyDQ6juY-00148-00034144-00034462 ladybird as fussy as can be WgKVyDQ6juY-00149-00034463-00034767 she loves her mucky muddy marsh near the WgKVyDQ6juY-00150-00034768-00034815 bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00151-00034816-00035111 beside the sea so this animal likes the WgKVyDQ6juY-00152-00035112-00035335 marsh she likes to walk around WgKVyDQ6juY-00153-00035336-00035639 in the mud see her with the flowers in WgKVyDQ6juY-00154-00035640-00035855 her hat WgKVyDQ6juY-00155-00035856-00036239 flowers in her hat oh look at this one i WgKVyDQ6juY-00156-00036240-00036439 bet you like this one chicken tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00157-00036440-00036743 meet now meet toulouse the canada goose WgKVyDQ6juY-00158-00036744-00037071 who visits from the north he flies back WgKVyDQ6juY-00159-00037072-00037111 home WgKVyDQ6juY-00160-00037112-00037327 in spring and says he likes the back and WgKVyDQ6juY-00161-00037328-00037518 forth this guy likes to go back and WgKVyDQ6juY-00162-00037519-00037615 forth WgKVyDQ6juY-00163-00037616-00037815 and here toulouse the traveling goose WgKVyDQ6juY-00164-00037816-00037918 hong kong WgKVyDQ6juY-00165-00037919-00038287 joyously he loves to spend his winters WgKVyDQ6juY-00166-00038288-00038527 at the bay beside the sea so he likes to WgKVyDQ6juY-00167-00038528-00038743 come here in the winter WgKVyDQ6juY-00168-00038744-00038943 look at him isn't he nice he's got a hat WgKVyDQ6juY-00169-00038944-00039174 a berry on you can see his friends WgKVyDQ6juY-00170-00039175-00039430 flying off in the distance see him WgKVyDQ6juY-00171-00039431-00039887 flying off in the distance WgKVyDQ6juY-00172-00039888-00040279 oh look at this meet hector spector WgKVyDQ6juY-00173-00040280-00040655 jellyfish the silliest fish you'll find WgKVyDQ6juY-00174-00040656-00040902 he goes this way and that way because he WgKVyDQ6juY-00175-00040903-00041095 can't make up his mind you ever have WgKVyDQ6juY-00176-00041096-00041223 that troubled chicken do you can't make WgKVyDQ6juY-00177-00041224-00041358 up his mind WgKVyDQ6juY-00178-00041359-00041543 watch hector spector jellyfish WgKVyDQ6juY-00179-00041544-00041758 wishy-washy as can be WgKVyDQ6juY-00180-00041759-00042030 he doesn't know which way to go in his WgKVyDQ6juY-00181-00042031-00042190 bay beside the sea look at this WgKVyDQ6juY-00182-00042191-00042335 jellyfish WgKVyDQ6juY-00183-00042336-00042471 he doesn't know which way to go should i WgKVyDQ6juY-00184-00042472-00042743 go forward should i go back WgKVyDQ6juY-00185-00042744-00042895 chadwick is looking at him like what are WgKVyDQ6juY-00186-00042896-00043102 you going to do now where are you going WgKVyDQ6juY-00187-00043103-00043583 to go now WgKVyDQ6juY-00188-00043584-00043895 meet belly jeans the flounder WgKVyDQ6juY-00189-00043896-00044151 at the bottom of the bay he snuggles WgKVyDQ6juY-00190-00044152-00044287 beneath the sand WgKVyDQ6juY-00191-00044288-00044583 and there he wants to set to stay see WgKVyDQ6juY-00192-00044584-00044702 the flounder WgKVyDQ6juY-00193-00044703-00045062 he likes to be way down see belly jeans WgKVyDQ6juY-00194-00045063-00045190 the flounder fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00195-00045191-00045502 as splat flat as can be WgKVyDQ6juY-00196-00045503-00045815 he loves life at the bottom of the bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00197-00045816-00046071 beside the sea he likes being way down WgKVyDQ6juY-00198-00046072-00046255 at the bottom look at him WgKVyDQ6juY-00199-00046256-00046558 way down he makes a point of going down WgKVyDQ6juY-00200-00046559-00046895 into the sand WgKVyDQ6juY-00201-00046896-00047271 and now meet oliver WgKVyDQ6juY-00202-00047272-00047655 oyster shh it's hard to see his face WgKVyDQ6juY-00203-00047656-00048007 he's very shy and quiet too and stays in WgKVyDQ6juY-00204-00048008-00048071 just WgKVyDQ6juY-00205-00048072-00048351 one place look at oliver oyster he stays WgKVyDQ6juY-00206-00048352-00048599 in just one place he doesn't move about WgKVyDQ6juY-00207-00048600-00048902 his shell is hard and crusty and WgKVyDQ6juY-00208-00048903-00049183 as solid as can be he calls that WgKVyDQ6juY-00209-00049184-00049255 krusty's WgKVyDQ6juY-00210-00049256-00049662 shell his home in the bay beside the sea WgKVyDQ6juY-00211-00049663-00049974 see him see his eyes WgKVyDQ6juY-00212-00049975-00050262 he his house is right there with him his WgKVyDQ6juY-00213-00050263-00050430 house is right there with him chicken WgKVyDQ6juY-00214-00050431-00050511 tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00215-00050512-00050862 oh look at this one WgKVyDQ6juY-00216-00050863-00051246 meet stately baron von heron WgKVyDQ6juY-00217-00051247-00051502 so tall and slim and blue he can be WgKVyDQ6juY-00218-00051503-00051646 short when he wants to WgKVyDQ6juY-00219-00051647-00051966 or tall to see far too so this animal WgKVyDQ6juY-00220-00051967-00052158 has the ability to stand up very tall WgKVyDQ6juY-00221-00052159-00052407 very tall can you see him or he can WgKVyDQ6juY-00222-00052408-00052599 squat down be shorter WgKVyDQ6juY-00223-00052600-00052942 the great blue baron von heron WgKVyDQ6juY-00224-00052944-00053207 a bird of royalty he watches out for all WgKVyDQ6juY-00225-00053208-00053311 his friends WgKVyDQ6juY-00226-00053312-00053638 in the bay beside the sea whoops can you WgKVyDQ6juY-00227-00053639-00053719 see him WgKVyDQ6juY-00228-00053720-00054607 yeah doesn't he look stately and tall WgKVyDQ6juY-00229-00054608-00054999 meet sid and sal an osprey pair WgKVyDQ6juY-00230-00055000-00055342 who found a marker best to build a home WgKVyDQ6juY-00231-00055344-00055479 and spend their time WgKVyDQ6juY-00232-00055479-00055807 in the great big stick-filled nest yeah WgKVyDQ6juY-00233-00055808-00056103 uh osprey loved to make big big nests WgKVyDQ6juY-00234-00056104-00056311 out of stick WgKVyDQ6juY-00235-00056312-00056542 they opened up a diner too friends eat WgKVyDQ6juY-00236-00056544-00056663 there frequently WgKVyDQ6juY-00237-00056664-00056935 the food is good and sit and sell at sit WgKVyDQ6juY-00238-00056936-00057023 and sows WgKVyDQ6juY-00239-00057024-00057263 in the bay beside the sea look at those WgKVyDQ6juY-00240-00057264-00057350 guys WgKVyDQ6juY-00241-00057351-00057687 they have a diner who knew who WgKVyDQ6juY-00242-00057688-00058399 knew WgKVyDQ6juY-00243-00058400-00058735 meet esmerelda lady crab WgKVyDQ6juY-00244-00058736-00059063 with claw tips all in red she loves cute WgKVyDQ6juY-00245-00059064-00059335 chadwick he loves her that's all that WgKVyDQ6juY-00246-00059336-00059423 need be said WgKVyDQ6juY-00247-00059424-00059726 can you see them see the two of them so WgKVyDQ6juY-00248-00059727-00059879 pretty esmerelda is so WgKVyDQ6juY-00249-00059879-00060206 happy and so free all day she plays with WgKVyDQ6juY-00250-00060207-00060287 chadwick WgKVyDQ6juY-00251-00060288-00060494 in the bay beside the sea can you see WgKVyDQ6juY-00252-00060495-00060638 them WgKVyDQ6juY-00253-00060639-00060791 she's the one in front see she's got a WgKVyDQ6juY-00254-00060791-00060975 little bit of red tips on her WgKVyDQ6juY-00255-00060976-00061682 uh pincher claws chadwick and his friend WgKVyDQ6juY-00256-00061683-00061942 esmeralda WgKVyDQ6juY-00257-00061944-00062142 though chadwick and his many friends are WgKVyDQ6juY-00258-00062144-00062303 different as can be WgKVyDQ6juY-00259-00062304-00062542 they live happily together in a bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00260-00062544-00062782 beside the sea WgKVyDQ6juY-00261-00062783-00062935 they're all friends they're different WgKVyDQ6juY-00262-00062936-00063182 they have different kinds of food they WgKVyDQ6juY-00263-00063183-00063319 live in different kind of habits WgKVyDQ6juY-00264-00063320-00063550 different kind of nest homes WgKVyDQ6juY-00265-00063551-00063887 but they're all friends and then a nice WgKVyDQ6juY-00266-00063888-00064063 book about chadwick WgKVyDQ6juY-00267-00064064-00064319 and his friends you might be able to WgKVyDQ6juY-00268-00064320-00064399 find this book WgKVyDQ6juY-00269-00064400-00064582 at the library hopefully you have some WgKVyDQ6juY-00270-00064583-00064711 time to read WgKVyDQ6juY-00271-00064712-00065006 well i have another book too uh remember WgKVyDQ6juY-00272-00065007-00065159 chicken tea i said i would read two WgKVyDQ6juY-00273-00065160-00065223 today WgKVyDQ6juY-00274-00065224-00065406 this one is also about a fish is called WgKVyDQ6juY-00275-00065407-00065535 the pout pout fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00276-00065536-00065743 i think you'll find this funny i'm not WgKVyDQ6juY-00277-00065744-00065943 sure this guy lives in the chesapeake WgKVyDQ6juY-00278-00065944-00066031 bay WgKVyDQ6juY-00279-00066032-00066199 but he's an interesting character and WgKVyDQ6juY-00280-00066200-00066423 there's a nice little message in this WgKVyDQ6juY-00281-00066424-00066526 book WgKVyDQ6juY-00282-00066527-00066871 the pout pout fish oh my gosh WgKVyDQ6juY-00283-00066872-00067143 deep in the water where the fish hang WgKVyDQ6juY-00284-00067144-00067199 out WgKVyDQ6juY-00285-00067200-00067535 lives a glum gloomy swimmer with an WgKVyDQ6juY-00286-00067536-00067799 ever present pout you know what powder WgKVyDQ6juY-00287-00067800-00067999 is don't you chicken tea where you look WgKVyDQ6juY-00288-00068000-00068294 you're kind of unhappy you're kind of a WgKVyDQ6juY-00289-00068295-00068471 frown WgKVyDQ6juY-00290-00068472-00068823 right i'm a pout pout WgKVyDQ6juY-00291-00068824-00069103 fish with a pout pout face so i spread WgKVyDQ6juY-00292-00069104-00069375 the dreary wearies all over the place WgKVyDQ6juY-00293-00069376-00069694 blub blub blub WgKVyDQ6juY-00294-00069695-00069982 he says oh my gosh look at him he does WgKVyDQ6juY-00295-00069983-00070287 have sort of a frown doesn't he WgKVyDQ6juY-00296-00070288-00070591 he has a frown chicken tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00297-00070592-00070935 along comes clam with a wide WgKVyDQ6juY-00298-00070936-00071191 winning grin and a pearl of advice for WgKVyDQ6juY-00299-00071192-00071350 her pal to take in WgKVyDQ6juY-00300-00071351-00071655 here's the clam she says hey mr fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00301-00071656-00071903 with your crosstown frown don't you WgKVyDQ6juY-00302-00071904-00072015 think it's time to WgKVyDQ6juY-00303-00072016-00072326 turn it upside down she says i think WgKVyDQ6juY-00304-00072327-00072535 that sounds good advice WgKVyDQ6juY-00305-00072536-00072831 says the fish to his friend nice thought WgKVyDQ6juY-00306-00072832-00072959 ms clam WgKVyDQ6juY-00307-00072960-00073231 i hear what you're saying but it's just WgKVyDQ6juY-00308-00073232-00073294 the way WgKVyDQ6juY-00309-00073295-00073679 i am he says that's just the way i am WgKVyDQ6juY-00310-00073680-00074087 huh oh that's interesting isn't it WgKVyDQ6juY-00311-00074088-00074359 i'm a pout pout fish with a pout pout WgKVyDQ6juY-00312-00074360-00074582 face so i spread the dreary wearies WgKVyDQ6juY-00313-00074583-00074935 all over the place blub blub WgKVyDQ6juY-00314-00074936-00075382 love he says oh my gosh here he is WgKVyDQ6juY-00315-00075383-00075694 just that's just the way he is he WgKVyDQ6juY-00316-00075695-00076094 listened to miss clam but WgKVyDQ6juY-00317-00076095-00076303 along comes a jellyfish he floats WgKVyDQ6juY-00318-00076304-00076406 through the ocean WgKVyDQ6juY-00319-00076407-00076703 his tentacles all trailing in a gentle WgKVyDQ6juY-00320-00076704-00076823 locomotion WgKVyDQ6juY-00321-00076824-00077182 hey mr fish with your daily scaly scowl WgKVyDQ6juY-00322-00077183-00077335 i wish you wouldn't greet us WgKVyDQ6juY-00323-00077336-00077647 with a grimace and a growl WgKVyDQ6juY-00324-00077648-00077935 the jellyfish has some advice too says WgKVyDQ6juY-00325-00077936-00078143 the fish to his friend WgKVyDQ6juY-00326-00078144-00078391 mr jelly i agree i like to be more WgKVyDQ6juY-00327-00078392-00078462 friendly WgKVyDQ6juY-00328-00078463-00078719 but it isn't up to me he says it isn't WgKVyDQ6juY-00329-00078720-00078919 up to him WgKVyDQ6juY-00330-00078920-00079199 he thinks he doesn't have any choice he WgKVyDQ6juY-00331-00079200-00079591 thinks he doesn't have any choice huh WgKVyDQ6juY-00332-00079592-00079855 i'm a pout pout fish with a pow-pow face WgKVyDQ6juY-00333-00079856-00080055 so i spread dreary rearies WgKVyDQ6juY-00334-00080056-00080415 wearies all over the place blub blub WgKVyDQ6juY-00335-00080416-00081282 love this is just my face this is how i WgKVyDQ6juY-00336-00081283-00081623 am WgKVyDQ6juY-00337-00081624-00082015 along comes a squid quite a slender WgKVyDQ6juY-00338-00082016-00082191 squiggly sight WgKVyDQ6juY-00339-00082192-00082423 she is squirmy and she is squelchy she WgKVyDQ6juY-00340-00082424-00082575 is slightly impolite WgKVyDQ6juY-00341-00082576-00082999 hey mr fish your kaleidoscope of mope WgKVyDQ6juY-00342-00083000-00083303 how about a smile a little joy a little WgKVyDQ6juY-00343-00083304-00083359 hope WgKVyDQ6juY-00344-00083360-00083750 she says says the fish to his friend WgKVyDQ6juY-00345-00083751-00084023 mrs squid i would try but i haven't any WgKVyDQ6juY-00346-00084024-00084135 choice WgKVyDQ6juY-00347-00084136-00084382 take a look and you'll see why he says WgKVyDQ6juY-00348-00084383-00084447 look at my WgKVyDQ6juY-00349-00084448-00084847 face this is who i am WgKVyDQ6juY-00350-00084848-00085159 she's like WgKVyDQ6juY-00351-00085160-00085391 i'm a pout pout fish with a pout pout WgKVyDQ6juY-00352-00085392-00085655 face so i spread the dreary rearies all WgKVyDQ6juY-00353-00085656-00085775 over the place WgKVyDQ6juY-00354-00085776-00086103 blub flub blob he says WgKVyDQ6juY-00355-00086104-00086415 oh my heaven look at him there the other WgKVyDQ6juY-00356-00086416-00087103 animals are looking at him like hmm WgKVyDQ6juY-00357-00087104-00087350 along comes an octopus with eight great WgKVyDQ6juY-00358-00087351-00087438 arms WgKVyDQ6juY-00359-00087439-00087662 covered on the underside with tiny WgKVyDQ6juY-00360-00087663-00087743 sucker WgKVyDQ6juY-00361-00087744-00088055 charms hey mr fish let me tell WgKVyDQ6juY-00362-00088056-00088375 it to you straight your hulky bulky WgKVyDQ6juY-00363-00088376-00088438 sulky WgKVyDQ6juY-00364-00088439-00088703 it's an unattractive trait he's saying WgKVyDQ6juY-00365-00088704-00088926 it's not very attractive for you to WgKVyDQ6juY-00366-00088927-00089279 be like this says the fish to his friend WgKVyDQ6juY-00367-00089280-00089615 mr ate my chum with a mouth like mine WgKVyDQ6juY-00368-00089616-00089879 i am destined to be glommed you know WgKVyDQ6juY-00369-00089880-00090015 that word destin that means WgKVyDQ6juY-00370-00090016-00090191 you don't have any choice that's your WgKVyDQ6juY-00371-00090192-00090382 destiny WgKVyDQ6juY-00372-00090383-00090662 i am destined that's a big word isn't it WgKVyDQ6juY-00373-00090663-00090823 guys WgKVyDQ6juY-00374-00090824-00091038 i'm a pout pout fish with a pout pout WgKVyDQ6juY-00375-00091039-00091143 face WgKVyDQ6juY-00376-00091144-00091406 so i spread the dreary wearies all over WgKVyDQ6juY-00377-00091407-00091638 the place WgKVyDQ6juY-00378-00091639-00091887 look at him there there's the octopus WgKVyDQ6juY-00379-00091888-00092087 can you see him WgKVyDQ6juY-00380-00092088-00092423 he's saying i am just this is who i am WgKVyDQ6juY-00381-00092424-00092838 all the time WgKVyDQ6juY-00382-00092839-00093167 now along comes a fish in a silent WgKVyDQ6juY-00383-00093168-00093479 silver shimmer the gang has never seen WgKVyDQ6juY-00384-00093480-00093591 before this bright WgKVyDQ6juY-00385-00093592-00093735 brilliant swimmer here's somebody they WgKVyDQ6juY-00386-00093736-00094006 don't know this is a new character WgKVyDQ6juY-00387-00094007-00094191 she approaches mr fish but instead of WgKVyDQ6juY-00388-00094192-00094335 saying hey WgKVyDQ6juY-00389-00094336-00094679 here's the fit see him down here WgKVyDQ6juY-00390-00094680-00095126 instead of saying hey WgKVyDQ6juY-00391-00095127-00095462 she plants a kiss upon his pout WgKVyDQ6juY-00392-00095463-00095687 and then she swims away look at that she WgKVyDQ6juY-00393-00095688-00095774 goes WgKVyDQ6juY-00394-00095775-00096087 oh my heaven look at that she doesn't WgKVyDQ6juY-00395-00096088-00096247 say anything to him she doesn't have any WgKVyDQ6juY-00396-00096248-00096638 advice but she gives him a little WgKVyDQ6juY-00397-00096639-00096959 mr fish is most astounded WgKVyDQ6juY-00398-00096960-00097182 mr fish is just a ghast he is WgKVyDQ6juY-00399-00097183-00097399 stone-faced like a statue WgKVyDQ6juY-00400-00097400-00097735 then he blinks and speaks at last look WgKVyDQ6juY-00401-00097736-00097847 at he's just WgKVyDQ6juY-00402-00097848-00098335 dumbfounded oh my heavens what was that WgKVyDQ6juY-00403-00098336-00098623 my friends says mr fish i should have WgKVyDQ6juY-00404-00098624-00098750 known it all along WgKVyDQ6juY-00405-00098751-00098999 i thought that i was pouty but it turns WgKVyDQ6juY-00406-00099000-00099079 out WgKVyDQ6juY-00407-00099080-00099399 i was wrong look at that WgKVyDQ6juY-00408-00099400-00099631 chicken tea he decides perhaps he's not WgKVyDQ6juY-00409-00099632-00099718 looking at things WgKVyDQ6juY-00410-00099719-00100126 correctly i'm a kiss kiss fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00411-00100127-00100455 with a kiss kiss face ah for spreading WgKVyDQ6juY-00412-00100456-00100582 cherry cherries WgKVyDQ6juY-00413-00100583-00100855 all over the place look at him look at WgKVyDQ6juY-00414-00100856-00101038 that smile WgKVyDQ6juY-00415-00101039-00101374 whoa doesn't he look good doesn't it WgKVyDQ6juY-00416-00101375-00101535 just chew you up chicken tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00417-00101536-00101894 what a happy guy look at that smooch WgKVyDQ6juY-00418-00101895-00102174 smooch smooch smooch look at the kisses WgKVyDQ6juY-00419-00102175-00102335 he's giving back give because of the WgKVyDQ6juY-00420-00102336-00102447 octopus WgKVyDQ6juY-00421-00102448-00102775 oh my gosh on the clam and the jellyfish WgKVyDQ6juY-00422-00102776-00103610 and the squid look at him oh my heavens WgKVyDQ6juY-00423-00103611-00103982 smooch and there's that silverfish again WgKVyDQ6juY-00424-00103983-00104327 yay turns out good right WgKVyDQ6juY-00425-00104328-00104606 sometimes a kiss is all it takes to turn WgKVyDQ6juY-00426-00104607-00104830 things around this is a wonderful story WgKVyDQ6juY-00427-00104831-00105231 by deborah dyson again sometimes you WgKVyDQ6juY-00428-00105232-00105407 just need to look at things in a little WgKVyDQ6juY-00429-00105408-00105583 more positive light WgKVyDQ6juY-00430-00105583-00105847 correct you can take well along with WgKVyDQ6juY-00431-00105848-00105990 that we have some fun WgKVyDQ6juY-00432-00105991-00106310 crafts and activities for you to do one WgKVyDQ6juY-00433-00106311-00106663 is to make a little crab if you choose WgKVyDQ6juY-00434-00106664-00107031 and all i have done here is i have used WgKVyDQ6juY-00435-00107032-00107327 a paper plate and probably some of you WgKVyDQ6juY-00436-00107328-00107478 have a paper plate around your house WgKVyDQ6juY-00437-00107479-00107734 just a normal ordinary paper plate WgKVyDQ6juY-00438-00107735-00107847 doesn't have to be anything WgKVyDQ6juY-00439-00107848-00108086 fancy and what i did with that paper WgKVyDQ6juY-00440-00108088-00108239 plate to make a WgKVyDQ6juY-00441-00108240-00108543 crab is i folded it in half WgKVyDQ6juY-00442-00108544-00108799 just like this drew a little line so i WgKVyDQ6juY-00443-00108800-00108951 know where to cut WgKVyDQ6juY-00444-00108952-00109239 cut this in half then i have a piece WgKVyDQ6juY-00445-00109240-00109351 like this WgKVyDQ6juY-00446-00109352-00109575 which of course is going to be part of WgKVyDQ6juY-00447-00109576-00109743 my crab WgKVyDQ6juY-00448-00109744-00110134 part of my crab and to make the claws WgKVyDQ6juY-00449-00110135-00110463 i took what was left the other half WgKVyDQ6juY-00450-00110464-00110766 the other half of the plate and i just WgKVyDQ6juY-00451-00110767-00110975 folded it one more time so that WgKVyDQ6juY-00452-00110976-00111190 in fact i have quarters and i just drew WgKVyDQ6juY-00453-00111191-00111366 a free form WgKVyDQ6juY-00454-00111367-00111534 little claw it doesn't have to be fancy WgKVyDQ6juY-00455-00111535-00111671 doesn't have to be perfect WgKVyDQ6juY-00456-00111672-00111934 and then you cut out that little claw WgKVyDQ6juY-00457-00111935-00112127 and what you're able to do with that is WgKVyDQ6juY-00458-00112128-00112215 you take you WgKVyDQ6juY-00459-00112216-00112607 also make strips of paper that you fold WgKVyDQ6juY-00460-00112608-00112934 to attach the claw little strips of WgKVyDQ6juY-00461-00112935-00112999 paper WgKVyDQ6juY-00462-00113000-00113143 again if you have red coloring paper WgKVyDQ6juY-00463-00113144-00113286 that's good but if you don't you just WgKVyDQ6juY-00464-00113288-00113399 take a crayon WgKVyDQ6juY-00465-00113400-00113678 and color this attach the strip to the WgKVyDQ6juY-00466-00113679-00113734 claw WgKVyDQ6juY-00467-00113735-00114023 to the paper plate and again i cut out WgKVyDQ6juY-00468-00114024-00114095 another one WgKVyDQ6juY-00469-00114096-00114247 just like this to make the second WgKVyDQ6juY-00470-00114248-00114495 pincher member and as for the eyes i WgKVyDQ6juY-00471-00114496-00114766 just cut out little strips of red paper WgKVyDQ6juY-00472-00114767-00115078 and made an eye on each end and each end WgKVyDQ6juY-00473-00115079-00115286 of these to make the little eyes for the WgKVyDQ6juY-00474-00115288-00115590 crab so it looks like that again all you WgKVyDQ6juY-00475-00115591-00115743 need is a paper plate WgKVyDQ6juY-00476-00115744-00115927 same paper plate you can make another WgKVyDQ6juY-00477-00115928-00116078 animal i WgKVyDQ6juY-00478-00116079-00116343 did the same thing i folded the paper WgKVyDQ6juY-00479-00116344-00116478 plate in half WgKVyDQ6juY-00480-00116479-00116686 took a crayon this time i took blue WgKVyDQ6juY-00481-00116688-00116799 crayon WgKVyDQ6juY-00482-00116800-00117119 and colored it and made a fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00483-00117120-00117310 this can be a shark or any kind of fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00484-00117311-00117486 you want but the fact that you have WgKVyDQ6juY-00485-00117488-00117710 folded it means that this little animal WgKVyDQ6juY-00486-00117711-00117839 will sit WgKVyDQ6juY-00487-00117840-00118143 on a table and you can and you'll WgKVyDQ6juY-00488-00118144-00118463 it'll sort of swim if you if you WgKVyDQ6juY-00489-00118464-00118695 touch it like that can you see that let WgKVyDQ6juY-00490-00118696-00118847 me put it on a book so you can see a WgKVyDQ6juY-00491-00118848-00119095 little better WgKVyDQ6juY-00492-00119096-00119423 put it like this there you go and again WgKVyDQ6juY-00493-00119424-00119758 after i uh uh colored him and folded him WgKVyDQ6juY-00494-00119759-00119831 in half WgKVyDQ6juY-00495-00119832-00120071 i took part of other paper or another WgKVyDQ6juY-00496-00120072-00120214 paper plate and cut out WgKVyDQ6juY-00497-00120215-00120471 freeform shapes for the fin and the tail WgKVyDQ6juY-00498-00120472-00120614 it doesn't have to be fancy doesn't have WgKVyDQ6juY-00499-00120615-00120702 to be perfect WgKVyDQ6juY-00500-00120703-00120854 you're just making a little guy that you WgKVyDQ6juY-00501-00120855-00121047 can play with a little fish WgKVyDQ6juY-00502-00121048-00121327 that will swim if you go to our visit WgKVyDQ6juY-00503-00121328-00121390 from home WgKVyDQ6juY-00504-00121391-00121639 page you'll see that we also have a lot WgKVyDQ6juY-00505-00121640-00121758 of coloring pages WgKVyDQ6juY-00506-00121759-00121999 and a game there's a game you can color WgKVyDQ6juY-00507-00122000-00122078 and cut out WgKVyDQ6juY-00508-00122079-00122375 this one is called matching the ducks WgKVyDQ6juY-00509-00122376-00122599 and of course there are lots of ducks WgKVyDQ6juY-00510-00122600-00122927 that inhabit the bay area and this WgKVyDQ6juY-00511-00122928-00123127 is a page like this where there are 12 WgKVyDQ6juY-00512-00123128-00123447 little ducks and what i did is i colored WgKVyDQ6juY-00513-00123448-00123686 colored them all but make sure you make WgKVyDQ6juY-00514-00123688-00123847 two of each color WgKVyDQ6juY-00515-00123848-00124031 you have six 12 little ducks but you WgKVyDQ6juY-00516-00124032-00124190 want to have six little matches so you WgKVyDQ6juY-00517-00124191-00124239 have WgKVyDQ6juY-00518-00124240-00124414 12 ducks and then you can cut those WgKVyDQ6juY-00519-00124415-00124639 apart and see if you can mash them again WgKVyDQ6juY-00520-00124640-00124719 put them face WgKVyDQ6juY-00521-00124720-00124943 down and see if you can imagine but do WgKVyDQ6juY-00522-00124944-00125095 visit our from home page WgKVyDQ6juY-00523-00125096-00125358 there are all kinds of images we have an WgKVyDQ6juY-00524-00125359-00125478 image of WgKVyDQ6juY-00525-00125479-00125623 different plants and animals on the WgKVyDQ6juY-00526-00125624-00125831 chesapeake bay there is a WgKVyDQ6juY-00527-00125832-00126158 nice coloring picture of WgKVyDQ6juY-00528-00126159-00126431 a crab that you could color as well you WgKVyDQ6juY-00529-00126432-00126551 could cut them out put them on the WgKVyDQ6juY-00530-00126552-00126647 refrigerator WgKVyDQ6juY-00531-00126648-00126854 put them on your room door i hope you WgKVyDQ6juY-00532-00126855-00127014 enjoyed today's program WgKVyDQ6juY-00533-00127015-00127199 uh and we hope to see you back in the WgKVyDQ6juY-00534-00127200-00127319 fall right chicken tea WgKVyDQ6juY-00535-00127320-00127463 you want to say goodbye one more time WgKVyDQ6juY-00536-00127464-00127607 say goodbye one more time to a little WgKVyDQ6juY-00537-00127608-00127775 kid WgKVyDQ6juY-00538-00127776-00128158 this is going to be this was a special WgKVyDQ6juY-00539-00128159-00128286 program wasn't it all about our WgKVyDQ6juY-00540-00128288-00128463 chesapeake bay and how we WgKVyDQ6juY-00541-00128464-00128678 appreciate the bay so much well thank WgKVyDQ6juY-00542-00128679-00128790 you very much WgKVyDQ6juY-00543-00128791-00129051 take care and we hope to see you later WgKVyDQ6juY-00544-00129052-00129352 bye WgMDdefGPyg-00000-00000000-00000927 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00002-00004440-00005135 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00003-00005136-00005593 awesome WgMDdefGPyg-00004-00005594-00007570 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00005-00007572-00007809 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00007-00012378-00012763 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00008-00012764-00014675 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00009-00014676-00015275 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00011-00018780-00019163 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00013-00022340-00022469 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00014-00022470-00023005 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00015-00023006-00023706 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00016-00023707-00024653 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00017-00024654-00024774 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00019-00028704-00029306 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00021-00032916-00033180 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00022-00033181-00035725 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00023-00035726-00036468 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00024-00036469-00036649 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00025-00036650-00038839 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00026-00038840-00039027 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00028-00043562-00043735 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00029-00043736-00044496 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00030-00044497-00044841 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00031-00044842-00047495 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00032-00047496-00047752 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00034-00053786-00054029 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00035-00054029-00054407 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00037-00058483-00059887 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00038-00059888-00060598 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00039-00060599-00062147 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00040-00062148-00062425 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00042-00066995-00067865 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00044-00071187-00072413 [Applause] WgMDdefGPyg-00045-00072414-00072739 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00046-00072740-00073541 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00047-00073542-00073731 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00049-00078944-00081347 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00050-00081348-00081435 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00051-00081436-00083762 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00052-00083763-00085469 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00053-00085470-00086106 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00055-00089144-00089247 thank you WgMDdefGPyg-00056-00089248-00091655 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00057-00091656-00092156 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00058-00092157-00093005 [Music] WgMDdefGPyg-00059-00093006-00093158 foreign WgMDdefGPyg-00060-00093159-00095821 [Music] WhMqQg69D2U-00000-00000016-00000533 engineer gaming spy gaming WhMqQg69D2U-00001-00000534-00001095 [Music] WhMqQg69D2U-00002-00001096-00001408 engineer gaming WiB8YRr2txA-00000-00000013-00000312 the Zumba or sunbaes II people are an WiB8YRr2txA-00001-00000313-00000523 ethnic group inhabited Sumba island WiB8YRr2txA-00002-00000524-00000765 which is divided by two regencies namely WiB8YRr2txA-00003-00000766-00000976 West Zumba Regency and East Zumba WiB8YRr2txA-00004-00000977-00001258 Regency they refer to themselves as Tao WiB8YRr2txA-00005-00001259-00001483 humba the sunbaes II have been able to WiB8YRr2txA-00006-00001484-00001629 retain much of their culture despite WiB8YRr2txA-00007-00001630-00001870 foreign influences that arrived long ago WiB8YRr2txA-00008-00001871-00002317 on the lesser Sunda Islands WiB8YRr2txA-00009-00002318-00002809 topic origin WiB8YRr2txA-00010-00002810-00003177 topic WiB8YRr2txA-00011-00003178-00003670 topic mythology WiB8YRr2txA-00012-00003671-00004013 topic there are genealogical bonds WiB8YRr2txA-00013-00004014-00004181 between the sunbae Z and those of the WiB8YRr2txA-00014-00004182-00004475 saw island according to a myth of origin WiB8YRr2txA-00015-00004476-00004709 they come from two ancestors Hongmei ha WiB8YRr2txA-00016-00004710-00005000 and humba Maha Maha Maha gave birth to WiB8YRr2txA-00017-00005001-00005182 the sejuani's who initially lived in WiB8YRr2txA-00018-00005183-00005393 sumba Island but later migrated to the WiB8YRr2txA-00019-00005394-00005645 small saalu Island the offspring of WiB8YRr2txA-00020-00005646-00006108 humba Maha remained in Sumba WiB8YRr2txA-00021-00006109-00006610 topic history WiB8YRr2txA-00022-00006611-00006995 topic the exact time Sumba island begin WiB8YRr2txA-00023-00006995-00007231 to populate as not known there were WiB8YRr2txA-00024-00007232-00007430 theories that Sumba islands most ancient WiB8YRr2txA-00025-00007431-00007630 inhabitants of the Australoid slater WiB8YRr2txA-00026-00007631-00007834 assimilated with the Austronesian people WiB8YRr2txA-00027-00007834-00008084 proof of this was the appearance of the WiB8YRr2txA-00028-00008084-00008281 native sumba which had some Australoid WiB8YRr2txA-00029-00008282-00008560 features however genetic studies have WiB8YRr2txA-00030-00008561-00008741 shown that Sumba people are a little WiB8YRr2txA-00031-00008742-00008941 different from other Austronesian people WiB8YRr2txA-00032-00008942-00009103 and the Australoid features could have WiB8YRr2txA-00033-00009104-00009289 been taken by their ancestors on the way WiB8YRr2txA-00034-00009290-00009473 to the island according to the Miroku WiB8YRr2txA-00035-00009474-00009677 mythology the first people down through WiB8YRr2txA-00036-00009678-00009844 the stairs from the sky to the north of WiB8YRr2txA-00037-00009845-00010099 the island geneticists claimed that the WiB8YRr2txA-00038-00010100-00010319 ancestors of the Sumba people really did WiB8YRr2txA-00039-00010320-00010495 originally inhabit the northern coast WiB8YRr2txA-00040-00010496-00010688 and only then followed by the rest of WiB8YRr2txA-00041-00010689-00010913 the Sumba Island since the end of WiB8YRr2txA-00042-00010914-00011144 Neolithic period settlers have created WiB8YRr2txA-00043-00011145-00011413 megalithic structures moreover this WiB8YRr2txA-00044-00011414-00011611 tradition continued until the 20th WiB8YRr2txA-00045-00011612-00011930 century in the Middle Ages Sumba were WiB8YRr2txA-00046-00011931-00012145 active in trading valuable species of WiB8YRr2txA-00047-00012146-00012374 wood and fragrant resin due to the WiB8YRr2txA-00048-00012375-00012571 merchants from Arabia to the island new WiB8YRr2txA-00049-00012572-00012847 breed of horses were introduced the dry WiB8YRr2txA-00050-00012848-00013030 climate of the local tropical savanna WiB8YRr2txA-00051-00013031-00013259 climate contributed to the expansion of WiB8YRr2txA-00052-00013260-00013511 horse breeding it is assumed that soon WiB8YRr2txA-00053-00013512-00013652 the people were dependent on the WiB8YRr2txA-00054-00013653-00013865 Javanese kingdom of majapahit than from WiB8YRr2txA-00055-00013866-00014078 other kingdom relations in Sumbawa and WiB8YRr2txA-00056-00014079-00014399 Sulawesi in fact the power was divided WiB8YRr2txA-00057-00014400-00014543 among the local leaders with their WiB8YRr2txA-00058-00014544-00014806 never-ending struggle for power this has WiB8YRr2txA-00059-00014807-00014996 resulted in the development of slavery WiB8YRr2txA-00060-00014997-00015388 in 1866 Simba was attached to the WiB8YRr2txA-00061-00015390-00015541 colonial possessions of the Dutch East WiB8YRr2txA-00062-00015543-00015833 India Company east of the island was WiB8YRr2txA-00063-00015834-00015988 greatly influenced by the colonial WiB8YRr2txA-00064-00015990-00016178 administration while the west side WiB8YRr2txA-00065-00016179-00016472 maintained an archaic lifestyle after an WiB8YRr2txA-00066-00016473-00016742 uprising in 1901 the Dutch had a number WiB8YRr2txA-00067-00016743-00016922 of reforms aimed at modernizing the WiB8YRr2txA-00068-00016923-00017105 economy and the establishment of a WiB8YRr2txA-00069-00017106-00017497 single administration in 1949 Simba WiB8YRr2txA-00070-00017498-00018003 became part of independent Indonesia WiB8YRr2txA-00071-00018004-00018497 topic religion WiB8YRr2txA-00072-00018498-00018830 topic the traditional religion of the WiB8YRr2txA-00073-00018831-00019025 Morocco religion which includes both WiB8YRr2txA-00074-00019026-00019253 ancestral worship and deity worship is WiB8YRr2txA-00075-00019254-00019444 still very much alive among the sunbaes WiB8YRr2txA-00076-00019445-00019766 II society Morocco is the philosophical WiB8YRr2txA-00077-00019767-00019991 center of sunbaes II cultural expression WiB8YRr2txA-00078-00019992-00020180 and includes customary ceremonies WiB8YRr2txA-00079-00020181-00020419 traditional places of worship Uemura - WiB8YRr2txA-00080-00020420-00020630 traditional architecture decorative WiB8YRr2txA-00081-00020631-00020837 carvings and textiles with its fashion WiB8YRr2txA-00082-00020838-00021062 styles such as hindi and Lao fabric as WiB8YRr2txA-00083-00021063-00021286 well as its jewelry and weapons WiB8YRr2txA-00084-00021287-00021485 Christianity began to spread in the WiB8YRr2txA-00085-00021486-00021671 nineteenth century with the arrival of WiB8YRr2txA-00086-00021672-00021932 Christian missionaries the majority of WiB8YRr2txA-00087-00021933-00022100 Christian believers belong to the WiB8YRr2txA-00088-00022101-00022467 Protestants WiB8YRr2txA-00089-00022468-00022971 topic culture WiB8YRr2txA-00090-00022972-00023313 topic the main occupation of Simla WiB8YRr2txA-00091-00023314-00023528 people has long been agriculture WiB8YRr2txA-00092-00023529-00023790 dominated by slash-and-burn agriculture WiB8YRr2txA-00093-00023791-00024021 in the tropical savanna climate as well WiB8YRr2txA-00094-00024022-00024273 as livestock keeping the climate with WiB8YRr2txA-00095-00024274-00024465 regular seasonal droughts have led to WiB8YRr2txA-00096-00024466-00024678 the formation of a special agricultural WiB8YRr2txA-00097-00024679-00024915 strategy where farmers simultaneously WiB8YRr2txA-00098-00024916-00025149 grow various crops at subsistence levels WiB8YRr2txA-00099-00025150-00025449 such as rice beans tuber corn and so on WiB8YRr2txA-00100-00025450-00025719 however even today it is not always WiB8YRr2txA-00101-00025720-00025935 bountiful but it helps to produce just WiB8YRr2txA-00102-00025936-00026202 good enough harvests the traditional WiB8YRr2txA-00103-00026202-00026394 staple diet are rice in cassava WiB8YRr2txA-00104-00026395-00026645 Dutch missionaries and colonial officers WiB8YRr2txA-00105-00026647-00026832 have noted that hunger is often a cause WiB8YRr2txA-00106-00026833-00027120 for military conflicts soon the people WiB8YRr2txA-00107-00027120-00027389 also keep cows buffalo chickens sheep WiB8YRr2txA-00108-00027391-00027708 and horses the locals breed a species of WiB8YRr2txA-00109-00027708-00027945 small but hearty horses and it is also WiB8YRr2txA-00110-00027945-00028175 well known to other islands of Indonesia WiB8YRr2txA-00111-00028176-00028431 traditional crafts includes weaving and WiB8YRr2txA-00112-00028432-00028686 stone carving the main type of WiB8YRr2txA-00113-00028687-00028863 settlement as village houses with their WiB8YRr2txA-00114-00028864-00029076 traditional defensive concept as to be WiB8YRr2txA-00115-00029077-00029258 built on hilltops and surrounded by WiB8YRr2txA-00116-00029260-00029558 dense thorny thicket frame bamboo huts WiB8YRr2txA-00117-00029560-00029690 are built on poles with walls WiB8YRr2txA-00118-00029691-00029945 overshadowing mats thatched roof has a WiB8YRr2txA-00119-00029947-00030129 complex structure designed to protect WiB8YRr2txA-00120-00030130-00030354 homes from rain and Sun as well as to WiB8YRr2txA-00121-00030355-00030581 provide natural ventilation in buildings WiB8YRr2txA-00122-00030582-00030902 the social strata in east sumba regency WiB8YRr2txA-00123-00030904-00031115 among the nobles Moranbah Chryst's WiB8YRr2txA-00124-00031116-00031335 cabeza and the common folk auda WiB8YRr2txA-00125-00031336-00031520 still exists although it is not observed WiB8YRr2txA-00126-00031522-00031727 as strictly as in the past and outwardly WiB8YRr2txA-00127-00031729-00031932 it is no longer obviously seen in the WiB8YRr2txA-00128-00031933-00032100 physical appearance and address of a WiB8YRr2txA-00129-00032101-00032364 person today differences in a tyre WiB8YRr2txA-00130-00032364-00032574 indicate different levels of importance WiB8YRr2txA-00131-00032575-00032729 during events such as traditional WiB8YRr2txA-00132-00032730-00032925 celebrations weddings and death WiB8YRr2txA-00133-00032926-00033108 ceremonies where components of the WiB8YRr2txA-00134-00033109-00033312 attire that is used are newly made while WiB8YRr2txA-00135-00033313-00033531 old or worn out clothing is usually used WiB8YRr2txA-00136-00033532-00033738 at home or for daily work in the past WiB8YRr2txA-00137-00033739-00033951 the main clothing was ornamented sarong WiB8YRr2txA-00138-00033952-00034161 ikat where both men and women covered WiB8YRr2txA-00139-00034162-00034325 them only at the lower part of the body WiB8YRr2txA-00140-00034326-00034551 the most important part of the WiB8YRr2txA-00141-00034552-00034776 traditional attire of Sumba is located WiB8YRr2txA-00142-00034777-00034956 on the body cover in the form of large WiB8YRr2txA-00143-00034957-00035157 sheets of Hindi fabric for men and Lao WiB8YRr2txA-00144-00035158-00035427 fabric for women from the hankie and Lao WiB8YRr2txA-00145-00035428-00035598 fabrics which is made by weaving WiB8YRr2txA-00146-00035599-00035799 techniques and its application of Moody WiB8YRr2txA-00147-00035800-00036002 and hada are revealed as various symbols WiB8YRr2txA-00148-00036003-00036215 in the social and economic context WiB8YRr2txA-00149-00036216-00036323 historically the WiB8YRr2txA-00150-00036324-00036503 eastern part of the island of Simba as WiB8YRr2txA-00151-00036504-00036707 the hub of trade relations where people WiB8YRr2txA-00152-00036708-00036895 are connected with the outside world WiB8YRr2txA-00153-00036896-00037124 therefore in the second half of two WiB8YRr2txA-00154-00037125-00037376 millennium ad complex social structure WiB8YRr2txA-00155-00037377-00037535 are formed here with a layer of high WiB8YRr2txA-00156-00037536-00037721 ranking soldiers and leaders that took WiB8YRr2txA-00157-00037722-00038036 the monarch title Raja in western Sumba WiB8YRr2txA-00158-00038037-00038249 only a small tribal groups are headed by WiB8YRr2txA-00159-00038250-00038546 selected leaders remain in both parts of WiB8YRr2txA-00160-00038547-00038810 the island s main social role played by WiB8YRr2txA-00161-00038811-00039026 the major tribal communities who WiB8YRr2txA-00162-00039027-00039227 occupied the village controls the WiB8YRr2txA-00163-00039228-00039545 surrounding land and water sources they WiB8YRr2txA-00164-00039546-00039773 were divided into small nuclear groups WiB8YRr2txA-00165-00039774-00040088 and large extended families kinship and WiB8YRr2txA-00166-00040089-00040280 inheritance are only counted on the WiB8YRr2txA-00167-00040281-00040517 patrilineal line soon but people have a WiB8YRr2txA-00168-00040518-00040727 rich and relatively diverse oral WiB8YRr2txA-00169-00040728-00041063 folklore preserved traditional festivals WiB8YRr2txA-00170-00041064-00041276 which includes horse race bulls WiB8YRr2txA-00171-00041277-00041603 sacrifices complex funerary rituals and WiB8YRr2txA-00172-00041604-00041894 fights with spears pasola is the WiB8YRr2txA-00173-00041895-00042119 cultural feast of the Sumba people and WiB8YRr2txA-00174-00042120-00042413 is considered one of indonesia s WiB8YRr2txA-00175-00042414-00042650 cultural richness which is very rare and WiB8YRr2txA-00176-00042651-00042896 unique to the Sumba people in west WiB8YRr2txA-00177-00042897-00043091 Zoomba region see people come from far WiB8YRr2txA-00178-00043092-00043274 away just to watch the pasola WiB8YRr2txA-00179-00043275-00043514 a competition whereby two teams compete WiB8YRr2txA-00180-00043515-00043694 in throwing blunted spears at each other WiB8YRr2txA-00181-00043695-00044015 by the 20th century zumba people have WiB8YRr2txA-00182-00044016-00044216 already built megalithic tombs most WiB8YRr2txA-00183-00044217-00044671 famously in an accolade WiB8YRr2txA-00184-00044672-00045187 topic traditional men's attire WiB8YRr2txA-00185-00045188-00045571 topic as mentioned previously the attire WiB8YRr2txA-00186-00045572-00045776 of the adult Zumba community tend to be WiB8YRr2txA-00187-00045777-00045958 based on the level of importance as well WiB8YRr2txA-00188-00045959-00046160 as the circle of environment in an event WiB8YRr2txA-00189-00046161-00046399 rather than hierarchical social status WiB8YRr2txA-00190-00046400-00046624 however there are some minor differences WiB8YRr2txA-00191-00046625-00046861 for example the attire of an WiB8YRr2txA-00192-00046862-00047071 aristocratic is usually made of finer WiB8YRr2txA-00193-00047072-00047258 cloth and accessories compared to a WiB8YRr2txA-00194-00047259-00047320 commoner WiB8YRr2txA-00195-00047321-00047474 although the components and overall WiB8YRr2txA-00196-00047475-00047711 appearance are the same by observing WiB8YRr2txA-00197-00047712-00047933 those aspects the study of Zumba men's WiB8YRr2txA-00198-00047934-00048115 clothing are focused on traditional WiB8YRr2txA-00199-00048116-00048361 attires worn in huge events ceremonies WiB8YRr2txA-00200-00048362-00048646 festivals and of the sorts it is because WiB8YRr2txA-00201-00048647-00048860 in occasions as such men will dress in WiB8YRr2txA-00202-00048861-00049124 their best outlook soon the men's attire WiB8YRr2txA-00203-00049125-00049298 are consists of a headgear body WiB8YRr2txA-00204-00049299-00049480 coverings and a number of accompanying WiB8YRr2txA-00205-00049481-00049786 embellishments and bladed weapon as for WiB8YRr2txA-00206-00049787-00049979 the covering of the body two pieces of WiB8YRr2txA-00207-00049980-00050183 Hindi are used namely Hindi kombu and WiB8YRr2txA-00208-00050184-00050489 Hindi Kawara kingi kombu is worn on the WiB8YRr2txA-00209-00050490-00050677 hip and reinforced with a wide leather WiB8YRr2txA-00210-00050678-00050730 belt WiB8YRr2txA-00211-00050731-00051026 Kingi kawaru or sometimes Hindi rock WiB8YRr2txA-00212-00051027-00051289 Adama is used as a complimentary tiara WiB8YRr2txA-00213-00051290-00051505 Patang is tied around the head a type of WiB8YRr2txA-00214-00051507-00051682 headgear with certain loops and knots WiB8YRr2txA-00215-00051683-00051952 that displays a crest shape this crest WiB8YRr2txA-00216-00051953-00052150 can be placed in front on the left side WiB8YRr2txA-00217-00052151-00052333 or on the right side depending on the WiB8YRr2txA-00218-00052334-00052549 symbolic meaning that is intended for WiB8YRr2txA-00219-00052550-00052772 example a crest placed in front WiB8YRr2txA-00220-00052773-00053080 symbolizes wisdom and independence the WiB8YRr2txA-00221-00053082-00053285 Hindi and tiara are made of woven cloth WiB8YRr2txA-00222-00053286-00053504 of ikat technique and peaking technique WiB8YRr2txA-00223-00053504-00053771 especially headgear that is made with WiB8YRr2txA-00224-00053772-00053956 the peaking weaving technique is called WiB8YRr2txA-00225-00053957-00054151 tiara pas who do a variety of WiB8YRr2txA-00226-00054152-00054343 decorations that are found on the hinge WiB8YRr2txA-00227-00054344-00054515 II and tiara especially those that WiB8YRr2txA-00228-00054516-00054698 related to living creatures such as WiB8YRr2txA-00229-00054699-00054982 human abstract skull prawns chicken WiB8YRr2txA-00230-00054983-00055351 snake dragon crocodile horse fish turtle WiB8YRr2txA-00231-00055352-00055654 squid deer bird buffalo and patterns WiB8YRr2txA-00232-00055655-00055838 that are influenced by foreign cultures WiB8YRr2txA-00233-00055839-00056072 Chinese and Dutch such as dragon three WiB8YRr2txA-00234-00056073-00056366 colored flag crown and lion all of them WiB8YRr2txA-00235-00056366-00056530 have their own meaning and symbol that WiB8YRr2txA-00236-00056532-00056750 derives from mythology mind as well as WiB8YRr2txA-00237-00056751-00057038 deep believe in Morocco the color of the WiB8YRr2txA-00238-00057039-00057278 Hindi also reflects aesthetic value and WiB8YRr2txA-00239-00057279-00057578 social status the best Hindi as Hege WiB8YRr2txA-00240-00057579-00057805 kombu followed by Hindi kawaru then WiB8YRr2txA-00241-00057807-00058051 Hindi raka Donda and finally Hindi Panda WiB8YRr2txA-00242-00058052-00058342 Pangu next zumba man s attire is WiB8YRr2txA-00243-00058344-00058565 completed with the Kabila inserted WiB8YRr2txA-00244-00058566-00058865 the left side of the belt while a Condit WiB8YRr2txA-00245-00058866-00059123 our bracelet and a mute izella coral WiB8YRr2txA-00246-00059124-00059398 beads is worn on the left wrist WiB8YRr2txA-00247-00059399-00059633 traditionally there is no footwear in WiB8YRr2txA-00248-00059634-00059939 the man s attire however it is commonly WiB8YRr2txA-00249-00059940-00060140 used especially those in the city WiB8YRr2txA-00250-00060141-00060389 the Kabila is a symbol of masculinity WiB8YRr2txA-00251-00060390-00060674 the muta Selleck symbolizes economically WiB8YRr2txA-00252-00060675-00060953 able and social ranking similarly as it WiB8YRr2txA-00253-00060954-00061192 is with other embellishments overall the WiB8YRr2txA-00254-00061194-00061354 decorations and complementary WiB8YRr2txA-00255-00061355-00061553 embellishments of the attire as a symbol WiB8YRr2txA-00256-00061554-00061754 of wisdom strength and kindness of a WiB8YRr2txA-00257-00061754-00061954 person heirloom objects such as the WiB8YRr2txA-00258-00061955-00062155 meringue on deck circle pectoral in the WiB8YRr2txA-00259-00062157-00062369 gold jewelry medaka are also worn during WiB8YRr2txA-00260-00062370-00062585 special ceremony although these objects WiB8YRr2txA-00261-00062586-00062755 are normally kept inside the Attic of WiB8YRr2txA-00262-00062757-00062929 the house due to their supposed strong WiB8YRr2txA-00263-00062930-00063310 spiritual power WiB8YRr2txA-00264-00063311-00063887 topic traditional women's attire WiB8YRr2txA-00265-00063888-00064267 topic festivals and ceremonial female WiB8YRr2txA-00266-00064269-00064472 attires of the eastern sunbaes II always WiB8YRr2txA-00267-00064473-00064691 involves a choice of several fabrics WiB8YRr2txA-00268-00064691-00064853 which are named according to style of WiB8YRr2txA-00269-00064854-00065056 the weaving techniques such as Lao Kaoru WiB8YRr2txA-00270-00065057-00065324 Lao Pao who do Lala moody cow and paw WiB8YRr2txA-00271-00065325-00065624 who do Kiku decorative fabrics are used WiB8YRr2txA-00272-00065625-00065822 as lower part of the sarong covering up WiB8YRr2txA-00273-00065823-00065891 to the chest WiB8YRr2txA-00274-00065892-00066082 Lao pas who do Kiku and shoulders WiB8YRr2txA-00275-00066083-00066290 covered taboo Haku with the same color WiB8YRr2txA-00276-00066291-00066593 as the sarong the headdress is decorated WiB8YRr2txA-00277-00066594-00066793 with plain colored tiara that comes with WiB8YRr2txA-00278-00066794-00067037 hitta high or high Kara above the WiB8YRr2txA-00279-00067038-00067213 forehead is pinned with metal jewelry WiB8YRr2txA-00280-00067214-00067393 such as gold or gilding which called WiB8YRr2txA-00281-00067394-00067655 moraga while the ear are decorated with WiB8YRr2txA-00282-00067656-00067865 mammal I'd jewelry in the form of golden WiB8YRr2txA-00283-00067866-00068062 necklaces are also used on the neck and WiB8YRr2txA-00284-00068063-00068338 dangles right up to the chest as the men WiB8YRr2txA-00285-00068339-00068555 carries the Kabila the women carries the WiB8YRr2txA-00286-00068556-00068729 kahin du2 knife when leaving one's WiB8YRr2txA-00287-00068730-00068899 residents or when attending formal WiB8YRr2txA-00288-00068900-00069341 occasions WiB8YRr2txA-00289-00069342-00069855 topic references WiB8YRr2txA-00290-00069856-00070251 topic WiB8YRr2txA-00291-00070252-00070766 topic see also WiB8YRr2txA-00292-00070767-00071426 topic an a clang textiles of Zumba