zQydgQUsUNU-00000-00000000-00000247 don't you go ahead and get your page up zQydgQUsUNU-00001-00000248-00000375 um zQydgQUsUNU-00002-00000376-00000551 and uh i'll give you a quick zQydgQUsUNU-00003-00000552-00000719 introduction zQydgQUsUNU-00004-00000720-00001023 melissa armo is founder of the stock zQydgQUsUNU-00005-00001024-00001239 swoosh llc zQydgQUsUNU-00006-00001240-00001478 uh it is an educational firm that zQydgQUsUNU-00007-00001479-00001751 empowers traders with a complete and zQydgQUsUNU-00008-00001752-00002047 detailed system to become profitable zQydgQUsUNU-00009-00002048-00002342 traders melissa armel graduated magna zQydgQUsUNU-00010-00002343-00002647 laude from gettysburg college with a zQydgQUsUNU-00011-00002648-00002902 ba in philosophy and a minor in zQydgQUsUNU-00012-00002903-00003270 latin and political science in 1994. she zQydgQUsUNU-00013-00003271-00003463 was employed zQydgQUsUNU-00014-00003464-00003647 by several banks and brokers in zQydgQUsUNU-00015-00003647-00003919 pennsylvania florida arizona and new zQydgQUsUNU-00016-00003920-00004231 york as a mortgage broker for 17 years zQydgQUsUNU-00017-00004232-00004438 she changed careers from banking to zQydgQUsUNU-00018-00004439-00004838 pursue a security trading career in 2008 zQydgQUsUNU-00019-00004839-00005070 a self-taught dread trader with over 10 zQydgQUsUNU-00020-00005071-00005399 years experience melissa's specialty is zQydgQUsUNU-00021-00005400-00005631 trading a strategy that focuses on zQydgQUsUNU-00022-00005632-00005959 shorting stocks that gap zQydgQUsUNU-00023-00005960-00006175 melissa appears frequently on tv as a zQydgQUsUNU-00024-00006176-00006510 stock market expert watch melissa on rt zQydgQUsUNU-00025-00006511-00006983 america twitter tv cbs fox news and fox zQydgQUsUNU-00026-00006984-00007439 business network uh okay melissa um zQydgQUsUNU-00027-00007440-00007678 the way this works is you have until zQydgQUsUNU-00028-00007679-00007959 five minutes before the hour and then we zQydgQUsUNU-00029-00007959-00008287 will give away the next batch of prizes zQydgQUsUNU-00030-00008288-00008535 for the people who patiently listen to zQydgQUsUNU-00031-00008536-00008646 you zQydgQUsUNU-00032-00008647-00009014 uh i see your uh pages up the stock zQydgQUsUNU-00033-00009015-00009119 swoosh zQydgQUsUNU-00034-00009120-00009310 trade on the site of institutional money zQydgQUsUNU-00035-00009311-00009439 and gaps zQydgQUsUNU-00036-00009440-00009639 and i'm going to mute myself and you zQydgQUsUNU-00037-00009640-00009799 have the floor zQydgQUsUNU-00038-00009800-00010078 thank you so much can everybody hear me zQydgQUsUNU-00039-00010079-00010374 just give me an exam great wonderful zQydgQUsUNU-00040-00010375-00010599 today is an excellent day to be talking zQydgQUsUNU-00041-00010600-00010910 about not only institutional money but zQydgQUsUNU-00042-00010911-00011174 also of course gaps why what happened in zQydgQUsUNU-00043-00011175-00011391 the market today the market gapped down zQydgQUsUNU-00044-00011392-00011638 today the market gapped down today on zQydgQUsUNU-00045-00011639-00011887 bad economic data we had a bad number zQydgQUsUNU-00046-00011888-00012119 again it was an inflation number but the zQydgQUsUNU-00047-00012120-00012327 reality is that this was zQydgQUsUNU-00048-00012328-00012614 much expected by me the market rally zQydgQUsUNU-00049-00012615-00012846 people were buying the dip last week zQydgQUsUNU-00050-00012847-00013063 i did not do that today we're going to zQydgQUsUNU-00051-00013063-00013263 focus on shorts and actually i do focus zQydgQUsUNU-00052-00013263-00013503 on shorts but i do go along occasionally zQydgQUsUNU-00053-00013504-00013711 sometimes i do go long if there's zQydgQUsUNU-00054-00013712-00013886 something that i really want to go along zQydgQUsUNU-00055-00013887-00014127 right now i will we went long cbx last zQydgQUsUNU-00056-00014128-00014479 week cvx is the symbol for chevron it's zQydgQUsUNU-00057-00014480-00014711 an oil stock and that worked to the zQydgQUsUNU-00058-00014712-00014983 upside so it's been quite an interesting zQydgQUsUNU-00059-00014984-00015255 year to train what i do is i do day zQydgQUsUNU-00060-00015256-00015438 trades and i also do options but i'm zQydgQUsUNU-00061-00015440-00015638 doing short-term options which i'm doing zQydgQUsUNU-00062-00015640-00015919 weeklies so i'm not doing long term zQydgQUsUNU-00063-00015919-00016207 options or leaps and as far as long term zQydgQUsUNU-00064-00016208-00016366 investing i think you're going to see zQydgQUsUNU-00065-00016368-00016558 the continued volatility between now and zQydgQUsUNU-00066-00016559-00016639 the end of the year and this is zQydgQUsUNU-00067-00016640-00016758 something that i've been discussing on zQydgQUsUNU-00068-00016759-00016991 television because obviously if you're a zQydgQUsUNU-00069-00016992-00017119 consumer zQydgQUsUNU-00070-00017120-00017343 the number today is not surprising in zQydgQUsUNU-00071-00017344-00017503 fact a lot of people think the number zQydgQUsUNU-00072-00017504-00017719 today is actually at the peak i don't zQydgQUsUNU-00073-00017720-00017886 think that's the case zQydgQUsUNU-00074-00017887-00018127 these numbers are retroactive and if zQydgQUsUNU-00075-00018128-00018286 you're a consumer and you're going out zQydgQUsUNU-00076-00018287-00018511 purchasing things you know that the zQydgQUsUNU-00077-00018512-00018767 price even of food products is actually zQydgQUsUNU-00078-00018768-00018919 more than 11 zQydgQUsUNU-00079-00018920-00019111 so that was one of the numbers out today zQydgQUsUNU-00080-00019112-00019286 and of course these things are all in zQydgQUsUNU-00081-00019287-00019519 the past but the numbers keep going up zQydgQUsUNU-00082-00019520-00019791 so what happens when stocks fall when zQydgQUsUNU-00083-00019792-00020007 the market falls what happens you get zQydgQUsUNU-00084-00020008-00020286 selling and you get shorts so you can zQydgQUsUNU-00085-00020287-00020439 short today and you could short the zQydgQUsUNU-00086-00020440-00020727 market even right now 1104 i got it this zQydgQUsUNU-00087-00020728-00020943 morning saw it i said 100 conviction the zQydgQUsUNU-00088-00020944-00021150 market is lower today and we were in it zQydgQUsUNU-00089-00021151-00021358 right out of the gate we're in a market zQydgQUsUNU-00090-00021359-00021535 right now where again you have to take zQydgQUsUNU-00091-00021536-00021711 the position correct in the right zQydgQUsUNU-00092-00021712-00021863 direction if you don't you're going to zQydgQUsUNU-00093-00021864-00022086 lose now while that's true in any type zQydgQUsUNU-00094-00022087-00022263 of market conditions i think a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-00095-00022264-00022447 traders active traders day traders zQydgQUsUNU-00096-00022448-00022550 specifically whether you're doing zQydgQUsUNU-00097-00022551-00022703 options or day trades or even swing zQydgQUsUNU-00098-00022704-00023071 traders made money in 2021 just buying zQydgQUsUNU-00099-00023072-00023294 the dip why the market was very bullish zQydgQUsUNU-00100-00023295-00023471 in 2021 you could have bought strong zQydgQUsUNU-00101-00023472-00023599 stocks you could have bought weak stocks zQydgQUsUNU-00102-00023600-00023719 you could have bought virtually anything zQydgQUsUNU-00103-00023720-00023991 in the market and made money in 2021 zQydgQUsUNU-00104-00023992-00024167 that market condition is over and it's zQydgQUsUNU-00105-00024168-00024367 been over for some time but that's a zQydgQUsUNU-00106-00024368-00024583 very a very interesting thing because zQydgQUsUNU-00107-00024584-00024758 again over the long course of your life zQydgQUsUNU-00108-00024759-00024903 if you really want to do this and if you zQydgQUsUNU-00109-00024904-00025158 want to trade i remember trading isn't zQydgQUsUNU-00110-00025159-00025383 investing investing is something totally zQydgQUsUNU-00111-00025384-00025622 different if you want to say okay fine i zQydgQUsUNU-00112-00025623-00025783 think the market's higher five years zQydgQUsUNU-00113-00025783-00025967 from now eight years from now ten years zQydgQUsUNU-00114-00025968-00026158 from now that's not what we're talking zQydgQUsUNU-00115-00026160-00026446 about here today so we're talking about zQydgQUsUNU-00116-00026447-00026655 getting in and getting a big move and zQydgQUsUNU-00117-00026656-00026855 which is today if you're short if you're zQydgQUsUNU-00118-00026856-00027046 going to the downside today getting a zQydgQUsUNU-00119-00027047-00027302 big move and capturing that move booking zQydgQUsUNU-00120-00027304-00027567 the profits i call it chunking it out zQydgQUsUNU-00121-00027568-00027855 and then waiting for the next setup okay zQydgQUsUNU-00122-00027856-00028046 and again the next setup is going to zQydgQUsUNU-00123-00028047-00028214 happen in what is going to happen in a zQydgQUsUNU-00124-00028216-00028367 gap for those of you that don't know me zQydgQUsUNU-00125-00028368-00028535 again my name is melissa arma i'm a zQydgQUsUNU-00126-00028536-00028735 stock swoosh you can feel free today to zQydgQUsUNU-00127-00028736-00029002 email me after the webinar at melissa zQydgQUsUNU-00128-00029004-00029199 stockswish.com if you have any questions zQydgQUsUNU-00129-00029200-00029502 or call me at 929 3200 gaap and again zQydgQUsUNU-00130-00029504-00029727 you can write questions in the chat room zQydgQUsUNU-00131-00029727-00029983 today we'll see them as we go along this zQydgQUsUNU-00132-00029983-00030246 is through actually the end of august zQydgQUsUNU-00133-00030247-00030423 our results for the day trade room year zQydgQUsUNU-00134-00030424-00030558 to date again i told you what we did zQydgQUsUNU-00135-00030560-00030751 today we shorted the qqq's we were in zQydgQUsUNU-00136-00030752-00030935 and out although you still could be in zQydgQUsUNU-00137-00030936-00031174 it stats year to date through the end of zQydgQUsUNU-00138-00031175-00031479 august is 475 thousand 451. i'm not zQydgQUsUNU-00139-00031480-00031679 going to go over all these trades today zQydgQUsUNU-00140-00031680-00031902 the losers are in brackets and then the zQydgQUsUNU-00141-00031903-00032111 winners every single trade that i do and zQydgQUsUNU-00142-00032112-00032223 every single trade that i call in the zQydgQUsUNU-00143-00032224-00032502 live room is based on a gap some trades zQydgQUsUNU-00144-00032503-00032735 are longs but mostly we short which is zQydgQUsUNU-00145-00032736-00032862 one of the reasons why today is a zQydgQUsUNU-00146-00032863-00033071 particularly good day for someone like zQydgQUsUNU-00147-00033072-00033231 me and the people that are with me zQydgQUsUNU-00148-00033232-00033511 because again i'm i'm going after it zQydgQUsUNU-00149-00033512-00033846 very very aggressively okay so training zQydgQUsUNU-00150-00033847-00034055 is something that you absolutely can zQydgQUsUNU-00151-00034056-00034231 make a half a million dollars a year or zQydgQUsUNU-00152-00034232-00034446 more we're only in september now we got zQydgQUsUNU-00153-00034447-00034567 three and a half more months left in the zQydgQUsUNU-00154-00034568-00034711 air plenty of time left in the year to zQydgQUsUNU-00155-00034712-00034911 make money and if you're losing this zQydgQUsUNU-00156-00034912-00035135 year you still have time to turn your zQydgQUsUNU-00157-00035136-00035255 year around zQydgQUsUNU-00158-00035256-00035511 training is a real job if you take it zQydgQUsUNU-00159-00035512-00035679 seriously unfortunately a lot of people zQydgQUsUNU-00160-00035680-00035759 don't zQydgQUsUNU-00161-00035760-00035967 they want to watch you know youtube zQydgQUsUNU-00162-00035968-00036190 videos or come to webinars like today zQydgQUsUNU-00163-00036191-00036446 why this week is very educational it's zQydgQUsUNU-00164-00036447-00036607 you're not going to learn how to trade zQydgQUsUNU-00165-00036608-00036790 even listening to me for one hour any of zQydgQUsUNU-00166-00036791-00036967 the speakers today you have to commit zQydgQUsUNU-00167-00036968-00037230 yourself to taking a class to really zQydgQUsUNU-00168-00037231-00037415 seriously doing it and i think a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-00169-00037416-00037551 people just don't understand how zQydgQUsUNU-00170-00037552-00037759 seriously you have to take it does it zQydgQUsUNU-00171-00037760-00038071 mean it has to be agonizing no learning zQydgQUsUNU-00172-00038072-00038287 can be fun okay but there is a level of zQydgQUsUNU-00173-00038288-00038439 commitment the commitment is a time zQydgQUsUNU-00174-00038440-00038639 commitment the commitment is a financial zQydgQUsUNU-00175-00038640-00038783 commitment and really it's a commitment zQydgQUsUNU-00176-00038784-00038990 to yourself that you decide that this is zQydgQUsUNU-00177-00038991-00039127 something that you want to do whether zQydgQUsUNU-00178-00039128-00039302 you want to do it full-time part-time zQydgQUsUNU-00179-00039303-00039471 whether you want to do it for a living zQydgQUsUNU-00180-00039472-00039735 as a real job either way it's something zQydgQUsUNU-00181-00039736-00039911 that if you want to do it and if you zQydgQUsUNU-00182-00039912-00040095 want to do well you can do well but you zQydgQUsUNU-00183-00040096-00040246 have to take it seriously zQydgQUsUNU-00184-00040247-00040399 and really one of the benefits of zQydgQUsUNU-00185-00040400-00040599 trading day trading is that it's zQydgQUsUNU-00186-00040600-00040830 part-time hours with full-time pay we zQydgQUsUNU-00187-00040831-00040951 were out of the market trade this zQydgQUsUNU-00188-00040952-00041199 morning super duper early by 10 a.m we zQydgQUsUNU-00189-00041200-00041399 were done now again while you still zQydgQUsUNU-00190-00041400-00041615 could be in the market short today zQydgQUsUNU-00191-00041616-00041918 we were done quick okay the first 30 zQydgQUsUNU-00192-00041919-00042062 minutes of the day is extremely zQydgQUsUNU-00193-00042063-00042295 important in the market at any stock zQydgQUsUNU-00194-00042296-00042511 that you trade today was another day zQydgQUsUNU-00195-00042512-00042743 where that really shone through but in zQydgQUsUNU-00196-00042744-00042871 reference to zQydgQUsUNU-00197-00042872-00043095 picking what you want to do what stock zQydgQUsUNU-00198-00043096-00043255 you want to do what direction you want zQydgQUsUNU-00199-00043256-00043462 to do it i really think it's very zQydgQUsUNU-00200-00043463-00043607 important if you want to be successful zQydgQUsUNU-00201-00043608-00043823 as a trader to have an edge in fact i zQydgQUsUNU-00202-00043824-00044030 think you must have an edge a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-00203-00044031-00044255 traders went along the dip last week zQydgQUsUNU-00204-00044256-00044551 they did but i did not why because i zQydgQUsUNU-00205-00044552-00044695 knew today was going to happen but i zQydgQUsUNU-00206-00044696-00044895 didn't know when and i didn't do it zQydgQUsUNU-00207-00044896-00045055 until you see it but the fact is you zQydgQUsUNU-00208-00045056-00045262 could be long overnight and any second zQydgQUsUNU-00209-00045263-00045383 today could have happened today could zQydgQUsUNU-00210-00045384-00045518 have happened monday could happen friday zQydgQUsUNU-00211-00045519-00045687 it could happen last thursday and zQydgQUsUNU-00212-00045688-00045807 actually it's interesting because last zQydgQUsUNU-00213-00045808-00046055 thursday we rallied and that was crazy zQydgQUsUNU-00214-00046056-00046190 to me we really should have fallen last zQydgQUsUNU-00215-00046191-00046367 thursday but it took three days to catch zQydgQUsUNU-00216-00046368-00046607 up to it if you're going with the crowds zQydgQUsUNU-00217-00046608-00046815 you're going to lose why most people zQydgQUsUNU-00218-00046816-00047039 lose in the market why again going back zQydgQUsUNU-00219-00047040-00047215 to the same thing i just said people zQydgQUsUNU-00220-00047216-00047399 don't take it seriously they don't take zQydgQUsUNU-00221-00047400-00047590 it seriously and as the losses add up as zQydgQUsUNU-00222-00047591-00047758 they're trading and taking pot shots at zQydgQUsUNU-00223-00047759-00047983 things then they feel depressed zQydgQUsUNU-00224-00047984-00048230 downtrodden and then start to do piggy zQydgQUsUNU-00225-00048231-00048502 targets and take pot shots at stuff in zQydgQUsUNU-00226-00048503-00048711 desperation to make money back from the zQydgQUsUNU-00227-00048712-00048911 losses if you just want to start and zQydgQUsUNU-00228-00048912-00049143 have a fresh clean straight uh clean zQydgQUsUNU-00229-00049144-00049430 slate you can learn how to trade but i zQydgQUsUNU-00230-00049431-00049599 think again going back to what i was zQydgQUsUNU-00231-00049600-00049695 saying zQydgQUsUNU-00232-00049696-00049815 a lot of people just don't take it zQydgQUsUNU-00233-00049816-00049943 seriously enough but today we're going zQydgQUsUNU-00234-00049944-00050111 to talk about some very serious things zQydgQUsUNU-00235-00050112-00050199 what zQydgQUsUNU-00236-00050200-00050535 institutional money and also gaps but zQydgQUsUNU-00237-00050536-00050767 really today and one of the good reasons zQydgQUsUNU-00238-00050768-00050935 it's a good day this webinar is going on zQydgQUsUNU-00239-00050936-00051127 is to we're seeing momentum in the zQydgQUsUNU-00240-00051128-00051414 market today and training momentum zQydgQUsUNU-00241-00051415-00051702 actually gives you an edge why because a zQydgQUsUNU-00242-00051703-00051879 regular person could trade with less zQydgQUsUNU-00243-00051879-00052007 than a hundred thousand dollars for zQydgQUsUNU-00244-00052008-00052199 example and make a lot of money on one zQydgQUsUNU-00245-00052200-00052407 particular day otherwise you need a zQydgQUsUNU-00246-00052408-00052566 hundred grand five hundred thousand zQydgQUsUNU-00247-00052567-00052830 dollars if you had to take small zQydgQUsUNU-00248-00052832-00053007 positions in something you want to be zQydgQUsUNU-00249-00053008-00053182 able to take a hundred shares a thousand zQydgQUsUNU-00250-00053183-00053391 shares and make a thousand dollars if zQydgQUsUNU-00251-00053391-00053663 you have to take ten thousand shares of zQydgQUsUNU-00252-00053664-00053942 something or a hundred contracts for zQydgQUsUNU-00253-00053944-00054142 example in an option say zQydgQUsUNU-00254-00054144-00054335 in order to make ten grand or eight zQydgQUsUNU-00255-00054336-00054511 grand or seven thousand dollars you're zQydgQUsUNU-00256-00054512-00054679 gonna need a lot of money to do that so zQydgQUsUNU-00257-00054679-00054879 if you get a big move in something zQydgQUsUNU-00258-00054879-00054999 something that moves a dollar two zQydgQUsUNU-00259-00055000-00055175 dollars three dollars for again like the zQydgQUsUNU-00260-00055176-00055407 market today you don't have to take this zQydgQUsUNU-00261-00055408-00055742 enormous size or position size cash wise zQydgQUsUNU-00262-00055744-00055935 in order to make a lot of money so zQydgQUsUNU-00263-00055936-00056166 there's a benefit again to doing equity zQydgQUsUNU-00264-00056167-00056350 trading because you're trading on margin zQydgQUsUNU-00265-00056351-00056535 there's a benefit to trading options zQydgQUsUNU-00266-00056536-00056679 because you can hold them overnight and zQydgQUsUNU-00267-00056679-00056823 you don't need a margin account to do zQydgQUsUNU-00268-00056824-00057054 options but either way no matter what zQydgQUsUNU-00269-00057055-00057350 type of trading you do momentum is key zQydgQUsUNU-00270-00057351-00057591 okay momentum trading is one of the most zQydgQUsUNU-00271-00057591-00057766 profitable and fastest ways to make zQydgQUsUNU-00272-00057767-00058023 money trading and by fast i mean a zQydgQUsUNU-00273-00058024-00058254 couple of minutes or a couple of days if zQydgQUsUNU-00274-00058255-00058463 you're in an option learn how to take a zQydgQUsUNU-00275-00058464-00058654 position in a stock in anticipation that zQydgQUsUNU-00276-00058655-00058838 the stock will have an explosive move zQydgQUsUNU-00277-00058839-00058991 these enormous moves happen in one zQydgQUsUNU-00278-00058991-00059207 direction and they happen fast again zQydgQUsUNU-00279-00059208-00059487 today is a great example momentum zQydgQUsUNU-00280-00059488-00059711 trading is very profitable and that is zQydgQUsUNU-00281-00059712-00059879 how you can make big money in the market zQydgQUsUNU-00282-00059879-00060126 without having a huge account okay zQydgQUsUNU-00283-00060127-00060303 because most people do not have a huge zQydgQUsUNU-00284-00060304-00060519 account and while some people have zQydgQUsUNU-00285-00060520-00060735 retail accounts where the minimum is 25 zQydgQUsUNU-00286-00060736-00060935 000 to do equity trading you really need zQydgQUsUNU-00287-00060936-00061254 more than 25 000 because if you have one zQydgQUsUNU-00288-00061255-00061487 loss and you're hit under the 25 000 you zQydgQUsUNU-00289-00061488-00061735 have to send money so you really need 30 zQydgQUsUNU-00290-00061736-00062030 or 40 or 50 okay unless you're at a zQydgQUsUNU-00291-00062032-00062311 prompt place so for individual traders zQydgQUsUNU-00292-00062312-00062454 most people zQydgQUsUNU-00293-00062455-00062726 really need to get the quick fast moves zQydgQUsUNU-00294-00062727-00062863 and you have to think like a zQydgQUsUNU-00295-00062864-00063047 professional now professional traders zQydgQUsUNU-00296-00063048-00063223 big traders that work for hedge funds zQydgQUsUNU-00297-00063224-00063391 and banks obviously zQydgQUsUNU-00298-00063391-00063559 they have a lot of money they're taking zQydgQUsUNU-00299-00063560-00063830 big positions all right you have to zQydgQUsUNU-00300-00063832-00064111 think and look at what they're doing in zQydgQUsUNU-00301-00064112-00064279 order to ride the coattails of what zQydgQUsUNU-00302-00064279-00064447 they're doing in order to get the big zQydgQUsUNU-00303-00064448-00064687 moves or the momentum for profit and zQydgQUsUNU-00304-00064688-00064942 really again you must have a reason to zQydgQUsUNU-00305-00064944-00065191 take the trades and risk money all right zQydgQUsUNU-00306-00065191-00065487 now the fundamentals matched up with the zQydgQUsUNU-00307-00065488-00065719 gap down in the market today that's not zQydgQUsUNU-00308-00065720-00065863 the reason that i decided to short the zQydgQUsUNU-00309-00065864-00066119 market today i rated the gap and using zQydgQUsUNU-00310-00066120-00066287 my system the gap rated that it would zQydgQUsUNU-00311-00066288-00066463 follow through to the downside and fall zQydgQUsUNU-00312-00066464-00066647 and that's what's happening but there zQydgQUsUNU-00313-00066648-00066879 are times when the data shows a negative zQydgQUsUNU-00314-00066880-00067063 in the market rallies like i said that zQydgQUsUNU-00315-00067064-00067215 happened last week zQydgQUsUNU-00316-00067216-00067423 fundamentals are good if they match up zQydgQUsUNU-00317-00067424-00067575 with the technicals if that helps you zQydgQUsUNU-00318-00067576-00067782 get conviction if they don't it's zQydgQUsUNU-00319-00067783-00068023 dangerous though to look at fundamentals zQydgQUsUNU-00320-00068024-00068199 and say okay well the fundamentals are zQydgQUsUNU-00321-00068200-00068359 good so therefore i'm going to do this zQydgQUsUNU-00322-00068360-00068550 xyz with if the price actually the zQydgQUsUNU-00323-00068551-00068743 technicals don't match up for it and i zQydgQUsUNU-00324-00068744-00068903 think that was part of the problem in zQydgQUsUNU-00325-00068904-00069119 the i call it a fake rally it was a fake zQydgQUsUNU-00326-00069120-00069263 rally last week because i i knew it zQydgQUsUNU-00327-00069264-00069375 wasn't going to hold but i didn't know zQydgQUsUNU-00328-00069376-00069543 when it would drop again it happened zQydgQUsUNU-00329-00069544-00069791 today but anyways with the fundamentals zQydgQUsUNU-00330-00069792-00069959 look a certain way somebody can come out zQydgQUsUNU-00331-00069960-00070087 and say zQydgQUsUNU-00332-00070088-00070350 this report is this again all of these zQydgQUsUNU-00333-00070351-00070647 things are i don't want to say fudged zQydgQUsUNU-00334-00070648-00070791 but if you're a consumer and you're zQydgQUsUNU-00335-00070792-00070935 going out right now and you're shopping zQydgQUsUNU-00336-00070936-00071087 and you do grocery shopping you know zQydgQUsUNU-00337-00071088-00071391 that food prices are not 11 higher they zQydgQUsUNU-00338-00071392-00071647 are way more than percent higher okay zQydgQUsUNU-00339-00071648-00071815 because they take an accumulation in an zQydgQUsUNU-00340-00071816-00072031 average of many many products zQydgQUsUNU-00341-00072032-00072231 in reality a lot of the products and zQydgQUsUNU-00342-00072232-00072399 things of the food consumption that we zQydgQUsUNU-00343-00072400-00072582 eat are actually double zQydgQUsUNU-00344-00072583-00072799 fifty percent a hundred percent more and zQydgQUsUNU-00345-00072800-00072926 even though everyone's talking about oil zQydgQUsUNU-00346-00072927-00073094 prices yeah oil prices have come down zQydgQUsUNU-00347-00073095-00073335 since june they haven't come down since zQydgQUsUNU-00348-00073336-00073662 last september since last june okay so zQydgQUsUNU-00349-00073663-00073862 again fundamentals take into account zQydgQUsUNU-00350-00073863-00074111 people's opinions way too much zQydgQUsUNU-00351-00074112-00074382 price action real-time live price action zQydgQUsUNU-00352-00074383-00074631 that you're seeing is what counts and zQydgQUsUNU-00353-00074632-00074750 that's what you want to look at and zQydgQUsUNU-00354-00074751-00074887 that's where you want to put your money zQydgQUsUNU-00355-00074888-00075094 at or your money should work for you i zQydgQUsUNU-00356-00075095-00075215 should say zQydgQUsUNU-00357-00075216-00075462 so what i'm looking at is the footprints zQydgQUsUNU-00358-00075463-00075655 of institutional money zQydgQUsUNU-00359-00075656-00075926 what do i mean it's buying and selling zQydgQUsUNU-00360-00075927-00076191 or shorting okay because hedge funds can zQydgQUsUNU-00361-00076192-00076447 short big traders can short and they can zQydgQUsUNU-00362-00076448-00076703 buy puts which is a short in an option zQydgQUsUNU-00363-00076704-00076919 so institutional money is what it's big zQydgQUsUNU-00364-00076920-00077126 money big money that comes in zQydgQUsUNU-00365-00077127-00077367 and it comes in big and fast and quick zQydgQUsUNU-00366-00077368-00077743 and huge and again big is good because zQydgQUsUNU-00367-00077744-00077926 that means momentum because you could zQydgQUsUNU-00368-00077927-00078167 take a smaller miniature or medium-sized zQydgQUsUNU-00369-00078168-00078343 position as an active trainer and make a zQydgQUsUNU-00370-00078344-00078550 lot of money if you get a big move okay zQydgQUsUNU-00371-00078551-00078750 again you don't have to have 10 000 zQydgQUsUNU-00372-00078751-00078982 shares of something for example it's zQydgQUsUNU-00373-00078983-00079215 always about looking at oh look at this zQydgQUsUNU-00374-00079216-00079343 i clipped this zQydgQUsUNU-00375-00079344-00079503 i clipped this last night this is before zQydgQUsUNU-00376-00079504-00079662 the gap down today look at this this is zQydgQUsUNU-00377-00079663-00079775 the spy zQydgQUsUNU-00378-00079776-00079919 i took a picture this last night and zQydgQUsUNU-00379-00079920-00080103 stuck it in here it's all about who is zQydgQUsUNU-00380-00080104-00080335 in charge who is in charge the bulls the zQydgQUsUNU-00381-00080336-00080543 bears this is a chart a daily chart of zQydgQUsUNU-00382-00080544-00080799 the spy going back until april you look zQydgQUsUNU-00383-00080800-00081055 at it and you want to go with who is in zQydgQUsUNU-00384-00081056-00081303 charge who is in control if the bulls zQydgQUsUNU-00385-00081304-00081494 are in control you want to be long if zQydgQUsUNU-00386-00081495-00081647 the bears are in control you want to be zQydgQUsUNU-00387-00081648-00081799 short you may say well that sounds easy zQydgQUsUNU-00388-00081800-00082006 enough to say but sometimes it's tricky zQydgQUsUNU-00389-00082007-00082255 this really isn't tricky it's not tricky zQydgQUsUNU-00390-00082256-00082423 if you know what to do if you don't know zQydgQUsUNU-00391-00082424-00082615 what to do then it is tricky and that's zQydgQUsUNU-00392-00082616-00082750 where people get tripped up and then zQydgQUsUNU-00393-00082751-00082926 they get very upset and they say oh the zQydgQUsUNU-00394-00082927-00083047 market's rigged and this thing that zQydgQUsUNU-00395-00083048-00083206 thing the other thing no it's not if zQydgQUsUNU-00396-00083207-00083359 you're losing money you're looking at zQydgQUsUNU-00397-00083360-00083526 the wrong thing or the strategy that zQydgQUsUNU-00398-00083527-00083775 you're using to try to make money zQydgQUsUNU-00399-00083776-00083943 doesn't work okay zQydgQUsUNU-00400-00083944-00084126 so you have to make money on a regular zQydgQUsUNU-00401-00084127-00084318 basis if you want to trade for a career zQydgQUsUNU-00402-00084319-00084462 and quite frankly i think if you're even zQydgQUsUNU-00403-00084463-00084623 doing this part-time you still have to zQydgQUsUNU-00404-00084624-00084759 know what to do because you're still zQydgQUsUNU-00405-00084760-00084935 putting your own hardware zQydgQUsUNU-00406-00084936-00085262 hard earned money on a position zQydgQUsUNU-00407-00085263-00085431 i think could be 500 it could be a zQydgQUsUNU-00408-00085432-00085671 thousand dollars either way it's money zQydgQUsUNU-00409-00085672-00085967 that you don't want to lose you want to zQydgQUsUNU-00410-00085968-00086271 win okay you need more winners than zQydgQUsUNU-00411-00086272-00086471 losers you gotta have more winners and zQydgQUsUNU-00412-00086472-00086679 losers and preferably you have some big zQydgQUsUNU-00413-00086680-00086806 winners okay zQydgQUsUNU-00414-00086807-00087047 so i use a method that looks at zQydgQUsUNU-00415-00087048-00087318 institutional money i'm capturing zQydgQUsUNU-00416-00087319-00087655 these big moves on a small time frame on zQydgQUsUNU-00417-00087656-00087926 a chart and i'm looking at it on the zQydgQUsUNU-00418-00087927-00088191 daily where we're in and we're out i'm zQydgQUsUNU-00419-00088192-00088455 looking at institutional money it is in zQydgQUsUNU-00420-00088456-00088743 charge it is in charge all the time zQydgQUsUNU-00421-00088744-00088967 even if you think it's not it is today zQydgQUsUNU-00422-00088968-00089215 is a great example of this a big flow of zQydgQUsUNU-00423-00089216-00089391 money going in a certain direction is zQydgQUsUNU-00424-00089392-00089567 what moves the market stocks and creates zQydgQUsUNU-00425-00089568-00089823 momentum and sets the trend in charts i zQydgQUsUNU-00426-00089824-00090038 didn't have any interest in going along zQydgQUsUNU-00427-00090039-00090294 this market in the last week none i'm zQydgQUsUNU-00428-00090295-00090575 not surprised about what happened today zQydgQUsUNU-00429-00090576-00090735 when you're looking for institutional zQydgQUsUNU-00430-00090736-00090903 money or really reading the side of the zQydgQUsUNU-00431-00090904-00091062 power in a stock you want to be in the zQydgQUsUNU-00432-00091063-00091191 side of the power in order for you to zQydgQUsUNU-00433-00091192-00091343 make money trading institutional money zQydgQUsUNU-00434-00091344-00091494 is in charge of the market in stocks at zQydgQUsUNU-00435-00091495-00091806 all times even if you think it's not it zQydgQUsUNU-00436-00091807-00092079 is it doesn't mean that something can't zQydgQUsUNU-00437-00092080-00092343 go against something a certain direction zQydgQUsUNU-00438-00092344-00092559 for a certain period of time but it zQydgQUsUNU-00439-00092560-00092855 doesn't mean it's in charge okay zQydgQUsUNU-00440-00092856-00093055 because if you are in the wrong zQydgQUsUNU-00441-00093056-00093255 direction in something you're gonna lose zQydgQUsUNU-00442-00093256-00093399 if you're in the right direction you're zQydgQUsUNU-00443-00093400-00093671 gonna win and you've got to have more zQydgQUsUNU-00444-00093672-00093950 winners than losers okay zQydgQUsUNU-00445-00093951-00094167 and again any questions i'm seeing the zQydgQUsUNU-00446-00094168-00094406 the chat box here on the side but as i zQydgQUsUNU-00447-00094407-00094615 was talking about earlier earlier zQydgQUsUNU-00448-00094616-00094959 technical analysis is how i'm making my zQydgQUsUNU-00449-00094960-00095174 decisions it's based on chart reading zQydgQUsUNU-00450-00095175-00095406 it's the price action in charts zQydgQUsUNU-00451-00095407-00095599 comprehending how to redefine and trade zQydgQUsUNU-00452-00095600-00095735 with this power will have a huge zQydgQUsUNU-00453-00095736-00095959 positive impact on your profitability as zQydgQUsUNU-00454-00095960-00096231 a trader you've got to elevate yourself zQydgQUsUNU-00455-00096232-00096406 and your trading and your profits to a zQydgQUsUNU-00456-00096407-00096606 higher level of consistency and success zQydgQUsUNU-00457-00096607-00096759 by learning how to read the footprints zQydgQUsUNU-00458-00096760-00096959 of institutions trading in the market zQydgQUsUNU-00459-00096960-00097167 and the reality is if you're watching tv zQydgQUsUNU-00460-00097168-00097271 and you're listening what people are zQydgQUsUNU-00461-00097272-00097479 saying even today even this morning or zQydgQUsUNU-00462-00097480-00097687 last week particularly you know if zQydgQUsUNU-00463-00097688-00097847 you're just listening to people you zQydgQUsUNU-00464-00097848-00098159 might think xyz and then you turn out zQydgQUsUNU-00465-00098160-00098438 you say it's no it's abc because again zQydgQUsUNU-00466-00098439-00098623 everyone has a bias zQydgQUsUNU-00467-00098624-00098774 people that are even talking other zQydgQUsUNU-00468-00098775-00098926 people that i'm on tv with they have zQydgQUsUNU-00469-00098927-00099174 biases they're in positions okay their zQydgQUsUNU-00470-00099175-00099374 bias is the position that they're in zQydgQUsUNU-00471-00099375-00099631 whether it's long or short all right you zQydgQUsUNU-00472-00099632-00099799 need to learn what's happening in the zQydgQUsUNU-00473-00099800-00100038 chart because that you know if the zQydgQUsUNU-00474-00100039-00100259 market's trading at you know zQydgQUsUNU-00475-00100260-00100511 295 and change or whatever i'm just zQydgQUsUNU-00476-00100512-00100662 talking about the qqq's everybody can zQydgQUsUNU-00477-00100663-00100815 pull it out and we can see in live time zQydgQUsUNU-00478-00100816-00100982 that the markets are zQydgQUsUNU-00479-00100983-00101238 there's no questioning that okay there's zQydgQUsUNU-00480-00101239-00101574 no difference of opinion it's at 295 or zQydgQUsUNU-00481-00101575-00101782 whatever the price happens to be zQydgQUsUNU-00482-00101783-00101991 so i i think it's a lot of it is about zQydgQUsUNU-00483-00101992-00102191 opinions and we're in a very highly zQydgQUsUNU-00484-00102192-00102406 opinionated world right now so the fact zQydgQUsUNU-00485-00102407-00102639 is that social media all of these things zQydgQUsUNU-00486-00102640-00102782 it could affect people's ability to be zQydgQUsUNU-00487-00102783-00102910 able to make decisions that they should zQydgQUsUNU-00488-00102911-00103190 just make based on the right information zQydgQUsUNU-00489-00103191-00103382 but if you use the right information if zQydgQUsUNU-00490-00103383-00103590 you know what to look for the market zQydgQUsUNU-00491-00103591-00103839 does have the ability to pay you and so zQydgQUsUNU-00492-00103840-00104015 there's no reason to get depressed or zQydgQUsUNU-00493-00104016-00104215 down if you have a losing day or losing zQydgQUsUNU-00494-00104216-00104351 week or if you've been losing this year zQydgQUsUNU-00495-00104352-00104575 you can turn it around but you've got to zQydgQUsUNU-00496-00104576-00104823 learn what to do okay so you can be zQydgQUsUNU-00497-00104824-00105095 successful and you can win big if you're zQydgQUsUNU-00498-00105096-00105319 on the side of power how do i do that i zQydgQUsUNU-00499-00105320-00105534 do that in gaps so let's talk about zQydgQUsUNU-00500-00105535-00105639 again zQydgQUsUNU-00501-00105640-00105854 what happened here today what is a gap a zQydgQUsUNU-00502-00105855-00106039 stock gap so the opening price today is zQydgQUsUNU-00503-00106040-00106166 a different than the closing price of zQydgQUsUNU-00504-00106167-00106351 yesterday's trading a gap is a break in zQydgQUsUNU-00505-00106352-00106583 price action from one day to the next zQydgQUsUNU-00506-00106583-00106799 last item monday night the market closed zQydgQUsUNU-00507-00106800-00107007 at four o'clock eastern time at blah zQydgQUsUNU-00508-00107008-00107151 blah blah price and so did everything zQydgQUsUNU-00509-00107152-00107534 else and it closed green on the day then zQydgQUsUNU-00510-00107535-00107807 today we opened down down meaning the zQydgQUsUNU-00511-00107808-00108127 price of today was lower than the price zQydgQUsUNU-00512-00108128-00108366 of yesterday again we rallied yesterday zQydgQUsUNU-00513-00108367-00108607 closed strong strong strong strong had a zQydgQUsUNU-00514-00108608-00108807 four day rally then today we get up in zQydgQUsUNU-00515-00108808-00108983 the morning and the market was down now zQydgQUsUNU-00516-00108983-00109175 we could have filled the gap today we zQydgQUsUNU-00517-00109176-00109302 could have rallied today in fact the zQydgQUsUNU-00518-00109303-00109454 market for a little bit today tried to zQydgQUsUNU-00519-00109455-00109631 rally tried to hold on tried to do it zQydgQUsUNU-00520-00109632-00109878 couldn't do it tried to hold on support zQydgQUsUNU-00521-00109879-00110119 failed and then fell okay zQydgQUsUNU-00522-00110120-00110390 so there are gap ups there are gap downs zQydgQUsUNU-00523-00110391-00110639 the market could have gapped up today on zQydgQUsUNU-00524-00110640-00110902 the data it didn't the market gapped up zQydgQUsUNU-00525-00110903-00111207 from friday to monday okay so if you zQydgQUsUNU-00526-00111208-00111375 went long the market for example friday zQydgQUsUNU-00527-00111376-00111575 i did not do this you were up monday zQydgQUsUNU-00528-00111576-00111702 morning when you got up because the zQydgQUsUNU-00529-00111703-00111878 market closed at one price on friday it zQydgQUsUNU-00530-00111879-00112063 was at a higher price on monday morning zQydgQUsUNU-00531-00112064-00112231 all right but i think a lot of people zQydgQUsUNU-00532-00112232-00112375 that did that and there were people that zQydgQUsUNU-00533-00112376-00112486 did that thought the market would zQydgQUsUNU-00534-00112488-00112751 continue and was higher into this week zQydgQUsUNU-00535-00112752-00112951 but we have a rate increase next week is zQydgQUsUNU-00536-00112952-00113095 that going to mean continued volatility zQydgQUsUNU-00537-00113096-00113215 in the market sure is it going to be zQydgQUsUNU-00538-00113216-00113334 we're going to continue to fall not zQydgQUsUNU-00539-00113335-00113607 necessarily not necessarily at all zQydgQUsUNU-00540-00113608-00113807 whatever you think you are going to zQydgQUsUNU-00541-00113808-00113999 expect to happen fundamentally is zQydgQUsUNU-00542-00114000-00114190 probably not going to be what you think zQydgQUsUNU-00543-00114191-00114439 and even if it is a negative reaction zQydgQUsUNU-00544-00114440-00114615 meaning a negative report i should say zQydgQUsUNU-00545-00114616-00114702 it doesn't mean we're going to have a zQydgQUsUNU-00546-00114703-00114999 negative reaction and vice versa so you zQydgQUsUNU-00547-00115000-00115254 must look at the price let's look at zQydgQUsUNU-00548-00115255-00115439 here at this again zQydgQUsUNU-00549-00115440-00115807 i put this in this morning before zQydgQUsUNU-00550-00115808-00115919 before zQydgQUsUNU-00551-00115920-00116054 we even open zQydgQUsUNU-00552-00116055-00116271 here was the cues okay somebody tell me zQydgQUsUNU-00553-00116272-00116439 where the market's at right now zQydgQUsUNU-00554-00116440-00116607 i can't see it because i'm talking zQydgQUsUNU-00555-00116608-00116758 where's the market at right now we may zQydgQUsUNU-00556-00116759-00116863 as well just look at this right here zQydgQUsUNU-00557-00116864-00117031 because this is the cues zQydgQUsUNU-00558-00117032-00117190 somebody tell me where the market is a zQydgQUsUNU-00559-00117191-00117471 second zQydgQUsUNU-00560-00117472-00117686 talking about the qqq's zQydgQUsUNU-00561-00117688-00117934 where are we trading right now zQydgQUsUNU-00562-00117935-00118119 is anybody there anybody have a charts zQydgQUsUNU-00563-00118120-00118247 up any real traders here that are zQydgQUsUNU-00564-00118248-00118575 trading right now 297.65 there we go so zQydgQUsUNU-00565-00118576-00118766 here's where we are you see this zQydgQUsUNU-00566-00118767-00119158 snug as a bug zQydgQUsUNU-00567-00119159-00119390 where did we open this morning zQydgQUsUNU-00568-00119391-00119566 up here zQydgQUsUNU-00569-00119567-00119854 so if we're here right now and we open zQydgQUsUNU-00570-00119855-00120063 here we're falling today zQydgQUsUNU-00571-00120064-00120295 where were we last night or this morning zQydgQUsUNU-00572-00120296-00120519 even before before the re zQydgQUsUNU-00573-00120520-00120727 this like literally happened at 8 30 zQydgQUsUNU-00574-00120728-00120815 people zQydgQUsUNU-00575-00120816-00121031 okay we gapped down at 8 30. this wasn't zQydgQUsUNU-00576-00121032-00121175 at 6 00 a.m zQydgQUsUNU-00577-00121176-00121439 so here's where we were last night 3 10 zQydgQUsUNU-00578-00121440-00121790 74 and change and then boom zQydgQUsUNU-00579-00121791-00122078 snug is a bug this is where we open zQydgQUsUNU-00580-00122079-00122519 and then somebody just said we're here zQydgQUsUNU-00581-00122520-00122647 okay zQydgQUsUNU-00582-00122648-00122878 that's a gap now let's go back to last zQydgQUsUNU-00583-00122879-00123143 week i was talking about friday zQydgQUsUNU-00584-00123144-00123343 so actually no let's go back to thursday zQydgQUsUNU-00585-00123344-00123590 thursday we closed here zQydgQUsUNU-00586-00123591-00123975 then we gapped up then we rallied we got zQydgQUsUNU-00587-00123976-00124199 bought ran straight up like a rocket zQydgQUsUNU-00588-00124200-00124390 this was friday zQydgQUsUNU-00589-00124391-00124631 then we closed then we gapped up monday zQydgQUsUNU-00590-00124632-00124958 then we rally so again theoretically if zQydgQUsUNU-00591-00124959-00125134 you had gone long zQydgQUsUNU-00592-00125135-00125271 you could have made money if you went in zQydgQUsUNU-00593-00125272-00125519 and got in and get out i did not do that zQydgQUsUNU-00594-00125520-00125727 because i was anticipating a downward zQydgQUsUNU-00595-00125728-00125990 move so i waited patiently sometimes you zQydgQUsUNU-00596-00125991-00126134 just wait you wait for the setup you zQydgQUsUNU-00597-00126135-00126327 stalk it but anyways technically you zQydgQUsUNU-00598-00126328-00126454 could have gone on friday and you could zQydgQUsUNU-00599-00126455-00126558 have got out by the end of the day zQydgQUsUNU-00600-00126559-00126734 friday and you would have been fine zQydgQUsUNU-00601-00126735-00126975 this is a daily chart every decision i zQydgQUsUNU-00602-00126976-00127166 make is on the daily the gap is where zQydgQUsUNU-00603-00127167-00127519 the gaps on the daily okay let's go back zQydgQUsUNU-00604-00127520-00127678 let's take it back zQydgQUsUNU-00605-00127679-00127919 take it back back back back back what zQydgQUsUNU-00606-00127920-00128054 happened here zQydgQUsUNU-00607-00128055-00128214 this was another big sell-off day i zQydgQUsUNU-00608-00128215-00128351 remember that day was a friday i was zQydgQUsUNU-00609-00128352-00128566 going to look for apartments that day i zQydgQUsUNU-00610-00128567-00128758 left the house came back and we closed zQydgQUsUNU-00611-00128759-00128983 with the loads i was like yippee skippy zQydgQUsUNU-00612-00128983-00129158 this was a day the market i don't zQydgQUsUNU-00613-00129159-00129295 remember why we fell that day it doesn't zQydgQUsUNU-00614-00129296-00129454 even matter we closed here on the zQydgQUsUNU-00615-00129455-00129743 thursday open here we're down a little zQydgQUsUNU-00616-00129744-00130014 bit fell off a cliff zQydgQUsUNU-00617-00130015-00130319 that was friday august 26 that was zQydgQUsUNU-00618-00130320-00130614 before labor day zQydgQUsUNU-00619-00130615-00130902 okay zQydgQUsUNU-00620-00130903-00131063 here is the spy zQydgQUsUNU-00621-00131064-00131311 this was last night again what is a gap zQydgQUsUNU-00622-00131312-00131527 there's a lot of gaps in here here's the zQydgQUsUNU-00623-00131528-00131790 one from thursday to friday friday to zQydgQUsUNU-00624-00131791-00132007 monday and then this morning we opened zQydgQUsUNU-00625-00132008-00132214 somewhere down in here and again i don't zQydgQUsUNU-00626-00132215-00132343 know where the spy is right now if zQydgQUsUNU-00627-00132344-00132502 anyone wants to tell me that i know zQydgQUsUNU-00628-00132503-00132663 we're falling i don't even have to look zQydgQUsUNU-00629-00132664-00132854 at it to know that we're falling because zQydgQUsUNU-00630-00132855-00133047 the gap today was going to follow zQydgQUsUNU-00631-00133048-00133319 through to the downside so again i'm not zQydgQUsUNU-00632-00133320-00133639 predicting zQydgQUsUNU-00633-00133640-00133854 where we're going to gap zQydgQUsUNU-00634-00133855-00134159 i'm waiting for the gap saying it in the zQydgQUsUNU-00635-00134160-00134366 pre-market and then i rate it and i say zQydgQUsUNU-00636-00134367-00134559 okay this gap is going to move up or zQydgQUsUNU-00637-00134560-00134799 this cap is going to move down and so i zQydgQUsUNU-00638-00134800-00134943 saw the gap today but it didn't happen zQydgQUsUNU-00639-00134944-00135159 until after 8 30. now this was a gap zQydgQUsUNU-00640-00135160-00135319 that we did on that day i just was zQydgQUsUNU-00641-00135320-00135502 talking to you about august 26th this zQydgQUsUNU-00642-00135503-00135647 was an options trade i sent out the zQydgQUsUNU-00643-00135648-00135839 option straight at 10 05 in the morning zQydgQUsUNU-00644-00135840-00136166 the 415 spy puts that that expired on zQydgQUsUNU-00645-00136167-00136375 labor day or the weekend before labor zQydgQUsUNU-00646-00136376-00136607 day uh september 2nd but it fell that zQydgQUsUNU-00647-00136608-00136751 day it was a beautiful trade it fell zQydgQUsUNU-00648-00136752-00136966 that day cost was three dollars that's zQydgQUsUNU-00649-00136967-00137143 very reasonable for the market 25 zQydgQUsUNU-00650-00137144-00137502 contracts so 7 500 risk sold in 1850 was zQydgQUsUNU-00651-00137503-00137863 a 517 percent return investment profit zQydgQUsUNU-00652-00137864-00138207 38 750 what if you risked 1200 you could zQydgQUsUNU-00653-00138208-00138439 have made 6200 let's take a look at the zQydgQUsUNU-00654-00138440-00138663 chart it was the 415 zQydgQUsUNU-00655-00138664-00138951 puts that i called here somewhere in zQydgQUsUNU-00656-00138952-00139143 here was like right above zQydgQUsUNU-00657-00139144-00139390 i called it right above i saw that we zQydgQUsUNU-00658-00139391-00139790 would do this and we did this zQydgQUsUNU-00659-00139791-00140039 so again just like today i called puts zQydgQUsUNU-00660-00140040-00140271 today in the morning in the pre-market zQydgQUsUNU-00661-00140272-00140447 way before the open you can't do the zQydgQUsUNU-00662-00140448-00140678 trades until they open but i call them zQydgQUsUNU-00663-00140679-00140959 very early this morning this here again zQydgQUsUNU-00664-00140960-00141143 was this particular day it was a huge zQydgQUsUNU-00665-00141144-00141263 trade why zQydgQUsUNU-00666-00141264-00141599 momentum momentum momentum momentum how zQydgQUsUNU-00667-00141600-00141823 do you get trains like this over 500 zQydgQUsUNU-00668-00141824-00142078 return investment get a good entry zQydgQUsUNU-00669-00142079-00142287 predict it's going to go whether up or zQydgQUsUNU-00670-00142288-00142527 down this was a put down this was a put zQydgQUsUNU-00671-00142528-00142799 though this morning was the puts again zQydgQUsUNU-00672-00142800-00143063 spawning the power of money that's gonna zQydgQUsUNU-00673-00143064-00143383 come in before it comes in zQydgQUsUNU-00674-00143384-00143678 is where that's all where it's that's zQydgQUsUNU-00675-00143679-00143983 the technique okay the technique is to zQydgQUsUNU-00676-00143984-00144295 see it to make the prediction zQydgQUsUNU-00677-00144296-00144423 and then know it like i'm going to tell zQydgQUsUNU-00678-00144424-00144607 you right now it's 11 24 in the morning zQydgQUsUNU-00679-00144608-00144807 today is not four o'clock yet four zQydgQUsUNU-00680-00144808-00144943 o'clock is four and a half hours from zQydgQUsUNU-00681-00144944-00145071 now i'm telling you right now the market zQydgQUsUNU-00682-00145072-00145214 will close the red today i don't know zQydgQUsUNU-00683-00145215-00145359 where the bar could be small could be zQydgQUsUNU-00684-00145360-00145511 medium it could be big it could be giant zQydgQUsUNU-00685-00145512-00145687 mungo we could have a big tailbone at zQydgQUsUNU-00686-00145688-00145790 the end of the day we could try to zQydgQUsUNU-00687-00145791-00145895 bounce by at the end of the day but zQydgQUsUNU-00688-00145896-00146031 either way the market will have a red zQydgQUsUNU-00689-00146032-00146278 bar today of some sort in size i can zQydgQUsUNU-00690-00146279-00146407 tell you that right now i'm making the zQydgQUsUNU-00691-00146408-00146575 prediction four and a half hours from zQydgQUsUNU-00692-00146576-00146839 now you can email me after four zQydgQUsUNU-00693-00146840-00147119 i'll be right so you know zQydgQUsUNU-00694-00147120-00147343 seeing where something's going to go zQydgQUsUNU-00695-00147344-00147566 seeing the power money zQydgQUsUNU-00696-00147567-00147783 is how you can make money as one zQydgQUsUNU-00697-00147784-00147943 individual person whether you do three zQydgQUsUNU-00698-00147944-00148311 contracts or 33 contracts it's the point zQydgQUsUNU-00699-00148312-00148543 there is only one thing and one thing zQydgQUsUNU-00700-00148544-00148654 only that could move the direction of zQydgQUsUNU-00701-00148655-00148775 stock it's money not a little bit of zQydgQUsUNU-00702-00148776-00148919 money but a lot of money or what i call zQydgQUsUNU-00703-00148920-00149095 power money power money is in charge zQydgQUsUNU-00704-00149096-00149231 power money is in charge of the stocks zQydgQUsUNU-00705-00149232-00149431 direction trends are set and moved by zQydgQUsUNU-00706-00149432-00149583 the power money people of which there's zQydgQUsUNU-00707-00149584-00149751 a lot of in the market and if you know zQydgQUsUNU-00708-00149752-00149878 how to trade with them you can make zQydgQUsUNU-00709-00149879-00150047 money even though you don't have as much zQydgQUsUNU-00710-00150048-00150223 money as they do but they're moving zQydgQUsUNU-00711-00150224-00150407 stocks what happened this morning again zQydgQUsUNU-00712-00150408-00150575 you had a big move to the downside yes zQydgQUsUNU-00713-00150576-00150871 you had a move up last week but in my zQydgQUsUNU-00714-00150872-00151247 opinion in my opinion melissa armel that zQydgQUsUNU-00715-00151248-00151487 rally was not made with institutional zQydgQUsUNU-00716-00151488-00151766 buying therefore i did not go long any zQydgQUsUNU-00717-00151767-00151999 of those gaps therefore i did not go zQydgQUsUNU-00718-00152000-00152254 long at all we went long cvx it worked zQydgQUsUNU-00719-00152255-00152431 that was it but the re and the only zQydgQUsUNU-00720-00152432-00152559 reason i did that was because i knew zQydgQUsUNU-00721-00152560-00152687 that would work no matter what the zQydgQUsUNU-00722-00152688-00152943 market did okay but the fact is you can zQydgQUsUNU-00723-00152944-00153175 have green bars and they may not be made zQydgQUsUNU-00724-00153176-00153343 with institutional money you can have zQydgQUsUNU-00725-00153344-00153607 red bars and they may not be made with zQydgQUsUNU-00726-00153608-00153775 institutional money to follow me and zQydgQUsUNU-00727-00153776-00154078 this is where people get tripped up zQydgQUsUNU-00728-00154079-00154278 this is where people get tripped up and zQydgQUsUNU-00729-00154279-00154487 then they get confused and they get zQydgQUsUNU-00730-00154488-00154726 frustrated and everything else like that zQydgQUsUNU-00731-00154727-00154863 and again people are looking at zQydgQUsUNU-00732-00154864-00155054 fundamentals too and some people are zQydgQUsUNU-00733-00155055-00155223 saying we're getting uh kathy wood was zQydgQUsUNU-00734-00155224-00155383 on uh fox business i was actually last zQydgQUsUNU-00735-00155384-00155590 thursday she was on mornings with maria zQydgQUsUNU-00736-00155591-00155799 and she was saying how she thinks zQydgQUsUNU-00737-00155800-00155999 that we're we're not in a recession zQydgQUsUNU-00738-00156000-00156135 we'll get down to inflation levels of zQydgQUsUNU-00739-00156136-00156287 three percent in the next three to six zQydgQUsUNU-00740-00156288-00156447 months three to six months i totally zQydgQUsUNU-00741-00156448-00156614 disagree with what she said zQydgQUsUNU-00742-00156615-00156766 totally disagree with what she said with zQydgQUsUNU-00743-00156767-00156935 that i disagree i did agree with one zQydgQUsUNU-00744-00156936-00157119 thing that she said zQydgQUsUNU-00745-00157120-00157487 she said that uh unemployment zQydgQUsUNU-00746-00157488-00157647 is gonna zQydgQUsUNU-00747-00157648-00157935 go higher much much higher that point i zQydgQUsUNU-00748-00157936-00158126 agree with her on okay zQydgQUsUNU-00749-00158127-00158383 but again you see you could have even zQydgQUsUNU-00750-00158384-00158687 funds that are in disagreement you could zQydgQUsUNU-00751-00158688-00158902 have a small front and a big fund and a zQydgQUsUNU-00752-00158903-00159087 medium-sized fund people that are zQydgQUsUNU-00753-00159088-00159254 running these funds someone like her zQydgQUsUNU-00754-00159255-00159487 who's very successful she's running big zQydgQUsUNU-00755-00159488-00159735 money who could have very very very zQydgQUsUNU-00756-00159736-00160054 different opinions okay zQydgQUsUNU-00757-00160055-00160335 um we're only buying and selling so we zQydgQUsUNU-00758-00160336-00160639 buy the put and sell it it's momentum in zQydgQUsUNU-00759-00160640-00160823 the options i'm not doing fancy dancy zQydgQUsUNU-00760-00160824-00161047 stuff or i'm buying a call and i'm zQydgQUsUNU-00761-00161048-00161431 selling it that's it zQydgQUsUNU-00762-00161432-00161623 so gaps have its momentum we're trading zQydgQUsUNU-00763-00161624-00161863 the options based on momentum too zQydgQUsUNU-00764-00161864-00162039 very easy zQydgQUsUNU-00765-00162040-00162183 gaps happen in the market on a regular zQydgQUsUNU-00766-00162184-00162359 basis however some gaps are better than zQydgQUsUNU-00767-00162360-00162511 others some gaps are nothing gap some zQydgQUsUNU-00768-00162512-00162663 gaps are very powerful displays of zQydgQUsUNU-00769-00162664-00162854 institutional money aka today in the zQydgQUsUNU-00770-00162855-00163054 market the most important gaps in the zQydgQUsUNU-00771-00163055-00163223 market are gaps is signify a change in zQydgQUsUNU-00772-00163224-00163399 direction or a bigger move in the same zQydgQUsUNU-00773-00163400-00163599 direction understanding which gaps are zQydgQUsUNU-00774-00163600-00163751 meaningful which gaps are not meaningful zQydgQUsUNU-00775-00163752-00163878 in the market will help you to know what zQydgQUsUNU-00776-00163879-00164054 to do and when a change is occurring zQydgQUsUNU-00777-00164055-00164175 that is how you know when the power of zQydgQUsUNU-00778-00164176-00164375 money will flow to pay you and this is zQydgQUsUNU-00779-00164376-00164566 very very important it's important not zQydgQUsUNU-00780-00164567-00164726 just for your active day trades accounts zQydgQUsUNU-00781-00164727-00164895 but let me tell you this this is very zQydgQUsUNU-00782-00164896-00165054 important for zQydgQUsUNU-00783-00165055-00165390 your retirement accounts okay a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-00784-00165391-00165614 people got pummeled at the beginning of zQydgQUsUNU-00785-00165615-00165759 the year we started off the year of zQydgQUsUNU-00786-00165760-00166054 brand new all-time highs in the spy not zQydgQUsUNU-00787-00166055-00166239 in the queues but in the spy fell off a zQydgQUsUNU-00788-00166240-00166414 cliff ever since we will not make a zQydgQUsUNU-00789-00166415-00166551 brand new all-time high in the market zQydgQUsUNU-00790-00166552-00166726 before the end of the year you can write zQydgQUsUNU-00791-00166727-00167031 that down in blood too we won't okay we zQydgQUsUNU-00792-00167032-00167343 may have a rally a christmas rally or zQydgQUsUNU-00793-00167344-00167495 something in december we may have zQydgQUsUNU-00794-00167496-00167678 another rally this year we may be in a zQydgQUsUNU-00795-00167679-00167790 range zQydgQUsUNU-00796-00167791-00168023 after today for the next six weeks until zQydgQUsUNU-00797-00168024-00168254 earning season i don't know i'm not even zQydgQUsUNU-00798-00168255-00168438 worried about that but the fact is that zQydgQUsUNU-00799-00168439-00168551 we're not going to make a new high in zQydgQUsUNU-00800-00168552-00168687 the market this year at all and a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-00801-00168688-00168854 people think that we will or thought zQydgQUsUNU-00802-00168855-00169223 that we would before today actually so zQydgQUsUNU-00803-00169224-00169438 we don't have time to do it and there's zQydgQUsUNU-00804-00169439-00169783 no reason that we're going to do it okay zQydgQUsUNU-00805-00169784-00170031 so again next week interest rates are zQydgQUsUNU-00806-00170032-00170335 going to go up probably 75 basis points zQydgQUsUNU-00807-00170336-00170535 the market's going to react not to that zQydgQUsUNU-00808-00170536-00170623 because everybody knows it's going to be zQydgQUsUNU-00809-00170624-00170783 75 basis points the market's going to zQydgQUsUNU-00810-00170784-00171047 react to what uh the fed chair says zQydgQUsUNU-00811-00171048-00171190 whether or not he gives an indication if zQydgQUsUNU-00812-00171191-00171343 he's gonna lower rates in the in the zQydgQUsUNU-00813-00171344-00171495 following months or if he's gonna raise zQydgQUsUNU-00814-00171496-00171687 them again kathy wood thinks that the zQydgQUsUNU-00815-00171688-00171871 fed's gonna lower rates into the end of zQydgQUsUNU-00816-00171872-00172102 the year into 2023. i i just don't see zQydgQUsUNU-00817-00172103-00172383 how that's possible zQydgQUsUNU-00818-00172384-00172647 and until the unemployment numbers zQydgQUsUNU-00819-00172648-00172871 really reflect zQydgQUsUNU-00820-00172872-00173102 moving higher i'm talking about over zQydgQUsUNU-00821-00173103-00173319 four percent over five percent or six zQydgQUsUNU-00822-00173320-00173511 percent which she even brought up the zQydgQUsUNU-00823-00173512-00173695 fed isn't going to drop rates that could zQydgQUsUNU-00824-00173696-00173878 be 12 months off zQydgQUsUNU-00825-00173879-00174102 anyways here was another gap this was a zQydgQUsUNU-00826-00174103-00174343 day trade we did this closed tier gap zQydgQUsUNU-00827-00174344-00174559 down this was a 24. so we closed up here zQydgQUsUNU-00828-00174560-00174759 this is jw it's nordstrom i love zQydgQUsUNU-00829-00174760-00174943 nordstrom we opened up a new store a zQydgQUsUNU-00830-00174944-00175111 couple years ago luckily before covert zQydgQUsUNU-00831-00175112-00175366 in new york 22 and change open in the zQydgQUsUNU-00832-00175367-00175575 morning here around 19 and something we zQydgQUsUNU-00833-00175576-00175775 shorted this as a day trade quick in and zQydgQUsUNU-00834-00175776-00175983 out this is not an option this is a day zQydgQUsUNU-00835-00175984-00176311 trade you need a margin to do this 1935 zQydgQUsUNU-00836-00176312-00176623 was the entry 3 000 shares raised 28.50 zQydgQUsUNU-00837-00176624-00176926 exited 1868 that's in and out boom zQydgQUsUNU-00838-00176927-00177287 that's good and then a 19 shop 20 stock zQydgQUsUNU-00839-00177288-00177375 18 zQydgQUsUNU-00840-00177376-00177590 this is good that's a move 30 cents 40 zQydgQUsUNU-00841-00177591-00177838 cents 50 cents 60 cents out it did zQydgQUsUNU-00842-00177839-00178183 continue down down down down down down zQydgQUsUNU-00843-00178184-00178383 and you could have done a couple of zQydgQUsUNU-00844-00178384-00178663 other trades in there actually um but zQydgQUsUNU-00845-00178664-00178935 this was a quick one we were in and out zQydgQUsUNU-00846-00178936-00179166 here is the one minute so i rank the gap zQydgQUsUNU-00847-00179167-00179351 based on the daily chart i'm taking the zQydgQUsUNU-00848-00179352-00179511 trades on the one minute here's one zQydgQUsUNU-00849-00179512-00179654 minute it's four o'clock the day before zQydgQUsUNU-00850-00179655-00179878 you can see where this was gap down zQydgQUsUNU-00851-00179879-00180166 raleigh we got in it got the drop boom zQydgQUsUNU-00852-00180167-00180375 out done done in the first half and out zQydgQUsUNU-00853-00180376-00180678 of the day done zQydgQUsUNU-00854-00180679-00180983 okay that was 824 that was earnings that zQydgQUsUNU-00855-00180984-00181214 was jwn zQydgQUsUNU-00856-00181215-00181407 i didn't look at this today zQydgQUsUNU-00857-00181408-00181519 i'm sure this is dropping to there with zQydgQUsUNU-00858-00181520-00181671 everything else but anyways everything i zQydgQUsUNU-00859-00181672-00181902 do is based on gaps it's a strategy a zQydgQUsUNU-00860-00181903-00182054 lot of people just want to buy re-dip zQydgQUsUNU-00861-00182055-00182254 that's not a strategy you could say that zQydgQUsUNU-00862-00182255-00182438 it is but it's really not because you zQydgQUsUNU-00863-00182439-00182599 could say well i always buy support okay zQydgQUsUNU-00864-00182600-00182878 well there's about a 1 billion supports zQydgQUsUNU-00865-00182879-00183014 i mean how do you know what support's zQydgQUsUNU-00866-00183015-00183247 going to hold you need an infrastructure zQydgQUsUNU-00867-00183248-00183478 for every entry and it's and it's a zQydgQUsUNU-00868-00183479-00183647 strategy so for me it's gaps the zQydgQUsUNU-00869-00183648-00183799 strategy is the core reason behind why zQydgQUsUNU-00870-00183800-00183919 you're even watching the stock in the zQydgQUsUNU-00871-00183920-00184119 first place or the market or even zQydgQUsUNU-00872-00184120-00184287 contemplating entry or trading and zQydgQUsUNU-00873-00184288-00184423 entering a stock should not be taken zQydgQUsUNU-00874-00184424-00184551 unless the trade is a foundation zQydgQUsUNU-00875-00184552-00184775 supporting it the foundation for me is zQydgQUsUNU-00876-00184776-00184959 gaps without the foundation for the zQydgQUsUNU-00877-00184960-00185175 reason you're taking the trade you're zQydgQUsUNU-00878-00185176-00185423 going to lose more than you win and that zQydgQUsUNU-00879-00185424-00185638 is why day traders struggle they zQydgQUsUNU-00880-00185639-00185854 struggle because they lack a foundation zQydgQUsUNU-00881-00185855-00185975 they may zQydgQUsUNU-00882-00185976-00186199 say that this is the foundation that zQydgQUsUNU-00883-00186200-00186447 they buy support there's too many zQydgQUsUNU-00884-00186448-00186678 support areas we were on support today zQydgQUsUNU-00885-00186679-00186935 guess what it didn't hold you know that zQydgQUsUNU-00886-00186936-00187183 right now we're two hours into the open zQydgQUsUNU-00887-00187184-00187463 so you can't buy support zQydgQUsUNU-00888-00187464-00187663 and say that's a that's a strategy it zQydgQUsUNU-00889-00187664-00187902 does not consistently work okay zQydgQUsUNU-00890-00187903-00188214 so gaps are a strategy and a foundation zQydgQUsUNU-00891-00188215-00188335 for you to take trades in the market zQydgQUsUNU-00892-00188336-00188454 when you choose to take a trade there zQydgQUsUNU-00893-00188455-00188614 has to be a support system behind why zQydgQUsUNU-00894-00188615-00188814 you're taking it in the first place gaps zQydgQUsUNU-00895-00188815-00188975 for the support system or reason why you zQydgQUsUNU-00896-00188976-00189166 would enter a position whether long or zQydgQUsUNU-00897-00189167-00189335 short okay we just happen to be talking zQydgQUsUNU-00898-00189336-00189471 about shorts because i like to short i zQydgQUsUNU-00899-00189472-00189711 love to short the reason you're choosing zQydgQUsUNU-00900-00189712-00189887 to enter stock or the foundation for zQydgQUsUNU-00901-00189888-00190047 your entry should be because the stock zQydgQUsUNU-00902-00190048-00190247 is a quality gap this is something that zQydgQUsUNU-00903-00190248-00190454 i look at in the pre-market okay so zQydgQUsUNU-00904-00190455-00190695 again what has it got the stock gaps on zQydgQUsUNU-00905-00190696-00190814 the opening price today is different zQydgQUsUNU-00906-00190815-00190943 from the closing price of the previous zQydgQUsUNU-00907-00190944-00191166 day's trading a gap is a break in the zQydgQUsUNU-00908-00191167-00191375 price action from one day to the next it zQydgQUsUNU-00909-00191376-00191599 happens quick it happens overnight let's zQydgQUsUNU-00910-00191600-00191735 take a look in the video we didn't have zQydgQUsUNU-00911-00191736-00191999 india and the video is falling today zQydgQUsUNU-00912-00192000-00192135 again everything's fine today with the zQydgQUsUNU-00913-00192136-00192390 market when the market falls most things zQydgQUsUNU-00914-00192391-00192814 fall when the market rallies most things zQydgQUsUNU-00915-00192815-00193111 rally okay so if you don't know how to zQydgQUsUNU-00916-00193112-00193295 read the market and by market i mean the zQydgQUsUNU-00917-00193296-00193454 cute cake who's the spot even though i zQydgQUsUNU-00918-00193455-00193654 look at the diamonds which is etf for zQydgQUsUNU-00919-00193655-00193799 the dow there's only 30 stocks in the zQydgQUsUNU-00920-00193800-00193990 dow so i don't look at that every day i zQydgQUsUNU-00921-00193991-00194214 look at the spy i look at the queues zQydgQUsUNU-00922-00194215-00194438 again most things go with the market if zQydgQUsUNU-00923-00194439-00194631 you don't know how to read the market zQydgQUsUNU-00924-00194632-00194766 direction zQydgQUsUNU-00925-00194767-00195031 in the morning or overall day by day or zQydgQUsUNU-00926-00195032-00195199 week by week you're going to get tripped zQydgQUsUNU-00927-00195200-00195431 up in trades too because most things go zQydgQUsUNU-00928-00195432-00195590 with the market zQydgQUsUNU-00929-00195591-00195790 anyways this was back in here this close zQydgQUsUNU-00930-00195791-00196326 to your gap down this was the 31st zQydgQUsUNU-00931-00196327-00196431 again zQydgQUsUNU-00932-00196432-00196847 fell dropped boom zQydgQUsUNU-00933-00196848-00197166 so we did the 145 i sent it at four zQydgQUsUNU-00934-00197167-00197431 7 46 in the morning you cannot take this zQydgQUsUNU-00935-00197432-00197638 trade until it opens zQydgQUsUNU-00936-00197639-00197814 so i caught an expiration date of zQydgQUsUNU-00937-00197815-00198031 september 9th cost was six dollars 12 zQydgQUsUNU-00938-00198032-00198278 contracts which was 7 200 sold at 13 zQydgQUsUNU-00939-00198279-00198647 profit 8400 it was 117 percent return zQydgQUsUNU-00940-00198648-00198823 and investment what if you want to do a zQydgQUsUNU-00941-00198824-00198959 smaller size zQydgQUsUNU-00942-00198960-00199247 again take two take one with six hundred zQydgQUsUNU-00943-00199248-00199502 dollars either way you turned your money zQydgQUsUNU-00944-00199503-00199807 over pretty quick right again momentum zQydgQUsUNU-00945-00199808-00200111 i'm gonna go back again you take it get zQydgQUsUNU-00946-00200112-00200359 in get the drop get out boom down here's zQydgQUsUNU-00947-00200360-00200623 the volume if you wanted to hold it that zQydgQUsUNU-00948-00200624-00200799 was fine too zQydgQUsUNU-00949-00200800-00201119 it held under the 145 zQydgQUsUNU-00950-00201120-00201390 for the strike zQydgQUsUNU-00951-00201391-00201590 but again the whole idea of trading is zQydgQUsUNU-00952-00201591-00201726 not to hold something forever and ever zQydgQUsUNU-00953-00201727-00201838 and ever and ever and ever this is a zQydgQUsUNU-00954-00201839-00202078 long-term investing and people do get zQydgQUsUNU-00955-00202079-00202214 confused with that because they're zQydgQUsUNU-00956-00202215-00202511 thinking long term long term do i think zQydgQUsUNU-00957-00202512-00202735 the market recovers of course zQydgQUsUNU-00958-00202736-00202895 do i think it recovers before the end of zQydgQUsUNU-00959-00202896-00203054 the year no zQydgQUsUNU-00960-00203055-00203214 again it doesn't mean we don't have zQydgQUsUNU-00961-00203215-00203478 rallies between now and december 31st zQydgQUsUNU-00962-00203479-00203638 okay but we're not going back up to the zQydgQUsUNU-00963-00203639-00203902 high so if you know that zQydgQUsUNU-00964-00203903-00204119 then what are you gonna do you better be zQydgQUsUNU-00965-00204120-00204302 quick in and out of your long positions zQydgQUsUNU-00966-00204303-00204495 people are you better know what you're zQydgQUsUNU-00967-00204496-00204838 going along okay you better be in love zQydgQUsUNU-00968-00204839-00205023 with whatever you're going along in or zQydgQUsUNU-00969-00205023-00205238 be prepared to take the hit like for zQydgQUsUNU-00970-00205239-00205446 example in today zQydgQUsUNU-00971-00205448-00205614 so anyways the system i use to find the zQydgQUsUNU-00972-00205615-00205814 right gap each day is a system i created zQydgQUsUNU-00973-00205815-00206014 this is a class i teach once a month zQydgQUsUNU-00974-00206015-00206198 it's called the golden gap 26 point zQydgQUsUNU-00975-00206200-00206366 rating system i'm doing the class for zQydgQUsUNU-00976-00206367-00206598 september this weekend hard to believe zQydgQUsUNU-00977-00206600-00206823 it's this weekend september 17th and zQydgQUsUNU-00978-00206823-00207094 18th we're halfway through september zQydgQUsUNU-00979-00207096-00207294 this weekend before you know it we're zQydgQUsUNU-00980-00207296-00207423 going to be changing the clocks it's zQydgQUsUNU-00981-00207423-00207606 already getting darker here earlier in zQydgQUsUNU-00982-00207607-00207814 manhattan this week it's hard to believe zQydgQUsUNU-00983-00207815-00207990 it's soon going to be fall zQydgQUsUNU-00984-00207991-00208175 it's soon going to be cold then it's zQydgQUsUNU-00985-00208176-00208366 going to be winter and then it's going zQydgQUsUNU-00986-00208367-00208582 to be the holidays the year is going zQydgQUsUNU-00987-00208583-00208910 very fast but i do teach this class once zQydgQUsUNU-00988-00208911-00209014 a month zQydgQUsUNU-00989-00209015-00209223 uh this was another one we did this was zQydgQUsUNU-00990-00209223-00209519 that amazing day on the friday this zQydgQUsUNU-00991-00209519-00209751 closed here gap down fell zQydgQUsUNU-00992-00209752-00210071 this was marvel entry was 53.35 this was zQydgQUsUNU-00993-00210071-00210455 a day trade 1500 shares risk was 32.25 zQydgQUsUNU-00994-00210456-00210646 add 5310 zQydgQUsUNU-00995-00210648-00210894 total shares i plopped on and didn't add zQydgQUsUNU-00996-00210896-00211103 here because i really liked the trade a zQydgQUsUNU-00997-00211104-00211182 lot zQydgQUsUNU-00998-00211183-00211455 cost average myself in a little bit zQydgQUsUNU-00999-00211456-00211687 underneath the original position price zQydgQUsUNU-01000-00211688-00211903 but i knew it was moving big and again zQydgQUsUNU-01001-00211904-00212158 exit was 50 52. so again three dollars zQydgQUsUNU-01002-00212159-00212358 two and a half bucks you want to get a zQydgQUsUNU-01003-00212359-00212655 move momentum really good profit in this zQydgQUsUNU-01004-00212656-00212927 again it's a big fat red bar zQydgQUsUNU-01005-00212928-00213134 so again this was a short zQydgQUsUNU-01006-00213135-00213342 it was a short so in the live training zQydgQUsUNU-01007-00213344-00213623 room like today i'm calling the entry zQydgQUsUNU-01008-00213623-00213951 take it here put the stuff get out here zQydgQUsUNU-01009-00213952-00214263 in and out okay and again this is marvel zQydgQUsUNU-01010-00214264-00214471 826. zQydgQUsUNU-01011-00214471-00214646 here's this is the that was the daily zQydgQUsUNU-01012-00214648-00214775 and let's look at the one minute stock zQydgQUsUNU-01013-00214776-00215167 close your gap down fell again look boom zQydgQUsUNU-01014-00215167-00215439 this is the money this is what you want zQydgQUsUNU-01015-00215440-00215727 to do this is the selling again if zQydgQUsUNU-01016-00215728-00215910 you're going long here zQydgQUsUNU-01017-00215911-00216079 you're going to lose you were stopped zQydgQUsUNU-01018-00216080-00216158 out zQydgQUsUNU-01019-00216159-00216534 it dropped zQydgQUsUNU-01020-00216535-00216727 okay zQydgQUsUNU-01021-00216728-00217006 so again that was another move of what zQydgQUsUNU-01022-00217007-00217327 institutional money saw marvel zQydgQUsUNU-01023-00217328-00217534 same thing back in here with this guy zQydgQUsUNU-01024-00217535-00217727 here navinia zQydgQUsUNU-01025-00217728-00217927 this actually started all the way up in zQydgQUsUNU-01026-00217928-00218071 here zQydgQUsUNU-01027-00218071-00218382 look zQydgQUsUNU-01028-00218383-00218627 so that's selling people that's zQydgQUsUNU-01029-00218628-00218910 institutional selling you see how easy zQydgQUsUNU-01030-00218911-00219046 it is to make money if you're in the zQydgQUsUNU-01031-00219048-00219198 right direction so once you know how to zQydgQUsUNU-01032-00219200-00219391 do it it's just not hard zQydgQUsUNU-01033-00219392-00219598 think about it it's the fact that if you zQydgQUsUNU-01034-00219600-00219727 don't know how to do it it is hard but zQydgQUsUNU-01035-00219728-00219919 that's true for anything all right it's zQydgQUsUNU-01036-00219919-00220039 like if someone said okay you're gonna zQydgQUsUNU-01037-00220040-00220206 be in the u.s open next year you're like zQydgQUsUNU-01038-00220207-00220342 oh my god i've never played tennis in my zQydgQUsUNU-01039-00220344-00220558 life what's the chances you're gonna win zQydgQUsUNU-01040-00220559-00220823 slim to none i mean you know you have to zQydgQUsUNU-01041-00220823-00221103 learn how to do stuff to do to excel at zQydgQUsUNU-01042-00221104-00221246 it to do well zQydgQUsUNU-01043-00221248-00221479 so then we did the spy on the first as zQydgQUsUNU-01044-00221480-00221815 well entry was 392 35 this was a zQydgQUsUNU-01045-00221816-00222223 day trade we did another ad in this too zQydgQUsUNU-01046-00222223-00222423 right really underneath the original zQydgQUsUNU-01047-00222423-00222582 price position zQydgQUsUNU-01048-00222583-00222863 pummeled it on got the move again got zQydgQUsUNU-01049-00222864-00223119 the drop two dollars out that's a zQydgQUsUNU-01050-00223119-00223375 momentum move even in something of this zQydgQUsUNU-01051-00223376-00223591 price point you could have bought a put zQydgQUsUNU-01052-00223592-00223727 in this if you didn't want to take this zQydgQUsUNU-01053-00223728-00223963 trade on margin profit zQydgQUsUNU-01054-00223964-00224319 5850. so again nine one is here zQydgQUsUNU-01055-00224319-00224558 what happened here it had to gap down zQydgQUsUNU-01056-00224559-00224758 and it rated good to fall and it worked zQydgQUsUNU-01057-00224759-00224991 stop close here gap down dropped boom zQydgQUsUNU-01058-00224992-00225342 you're in you're out boom zQydgQUsUNU-01059-00225344-00225551 this was this other day back in here too zQydgQUsUNU-01060-00225552-00225687 remember that day that was a big day zQydgQUsUNU-01061-00225688-00225846 there zQydgQUsUNU-01062-00225848-00226039 so we started off zQydgQUsUNU-01063-00226040-00226127 i mean zQydgQUsUNU-01064-00226128-00226415 again today is the 13th we're two weeks zQydgQUsUNU-01065-00226416-00226710 into the month we started off september zQydgQUsUNU-01066-00226711-00227046 guess what to the downside zQydgQUsUNU-01067-00227048-00227303 so this was nine one again this is a one zQydgQUsUNU-01068-00227304-00227558 minute stock close here gap down dropped zQydgQUsUNU-01069-00227559-00227758 again zQydgQUsUNU-01070-00227759-00227846 this zQydgQUsUNU-01071-00227848-00227991 is zQydgQUsUNU-01072-00227992-00228134 a short zQydgQUsUNU-01073-00228135-00228758 you take it you're in get the drop out zQydgQUsUNU-01074-00228759-00228967 we're not these are shorts we're not zQydgQUsUNU-01075-00228967-00229071 buying zQydgQUsUNU-01076-00229071-00229246 we're shorting zQydgQUsUNU-01077-00229248-00229406 tim's asking are we buying no we're zQydgQUsUNU-01078-00229407-00229615 shorting we're shorting shorting zQydgQUsUNU-01079-00229616-00229839 shorting but we're taking a position on zQydgQUsUNU-01080-00229840-00230158 margin if that's what you mean zQydgQUsUNU-01081-00230159-00230327 is that what you mean or did you mean zQydgQUsUNU-01082-00230328-00230503 actually buying zQydgQUsUNU-01083-00230504-00230734 there's no buying here in these we're zQydgQUsUNU-01084-00230735-00230998 shorting okay zQydgQUsUNU-01085-00231000-00231279 does that make sense but the most zQydgQUsUNU-01086-00231280-00231431 important thing if you take nothing away zQydgQUsUNU-01087-00231432-00231558 from anything i've said today which i zQydgQUsUNU-01088-00231559-00231679 hope you took a lot away from what i zQydgQUsUNU-01089-00231680-00231806 said today is that you need a daily zQydgQUsUNU-01090-00231807-00232087 focus one pick a day is all you need if zQydgQUsUNU-01091-00232088-00232263 you want to make money in the market one zQydgQUsUNU-01092-00232264-00232479 thing is all you need to do a day that's zQydgQUsUNU-01093-00232480-00232663 it that's all you need to do and you do zQydgQUsUNU-01094-00232664-00232871 it right and you do it well professional zQydgQUsUNU-01095-00232871-00233063 traders have specialized strategy zQydgQUsUNU-01096-00233064-00233303 systems and reasons for taking trades zQydgQUsUNU-01097-00233304-00233527 you have to focus on one thing one zQydgQUsUNU-01098-00233528-00233719 strategy one pick to be effective and zQydgQUsUNU-01099-00233719-00234071 efficient so my method tells me one pick zQydgQUsUNU-01100-00234071-00234303 to do each day although there are days zQydgQUsUNU-01101-00234304-00234455 like today when i know the market's zQydgQUsUNU-01102-00234456-00234631 going to drop and we did several options zQydgQUsUNU-01103-00234632-00234791 today why because i saw that we'd get zQydgQUsUNU-01104-00234792-00234982 the help of the market it's rare that zQydgQUsUNU-01105-00234983-00235151 the market will power trend up or down zQydgQUsUNU-01106-00235152-00235310 in any one particular direction on the zQydgQUsUNU-01107-00235311-00235487 day today is a day the market will power zQydgQUsUNU-01108-00235488-00235639 trend down today like i said we will zQydgQUsUNU-01109-00235640-00235831 close red but when you find zQydgQUsUNU-01110-00235832-00235998 institutional money you will also find zQydgQUsUNU-01111-00236000-00236246 momentum and you need that for big zQydgQUsUNU-01112-00236248-00236567 profits zQydgQUsUNU-01113-00236567-00236903 well we we short we're do there's two zQydgQUsUNU-01114-00236904-00237079 things we're buying puts and selling zQydgQUsUNU-01115-00237080-00237246 puts that's a short zQydgQUsUNU-01116-00237248-00237567 shorting on margin zQydgQUsUNU-01117-00237567-00237823 for this for this here the spy zQydgQUsUNU-01118-00237823-00237975 this trade zQydgQUsUNU-01119-00237976-00238175 is an equity trade zQydgQUsUNU-01120-00238176-00238519 but i prefer to short overall for the zQydgQUsUNU-01121-00238519-00238694 whole since i started trading you know zQydgQUsUNU-01122-00238696-00238942 14 years ago because i believe that it zQydgQUsUNU-01123-00238944-00239055 gives me an edge because a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-01124-00239056-00239206 traders prefer to go long and they don't zQydgQUsUNU-01125-00239207-00239367 know how to short right zQydgQUsUNU-01126-00239367-00239542 okay so i know how to short i'm zQydgQUsUNU-01127-00239544-00239727 aggressive in doing it i can see it very zQydgQUsUNU-01128-00239728-00239903 early in the pre-market zQydgQUsUNU-01129-00239904-00240151 short big moves happen to the downside zQydgQUsUNU-01130-00240152-00240415 fast and quick like today and i feel zQydgQUsUNU-01131-00240416-00240663 that that gives me an edge okay so i zQydgQUsUNU-01132-00240664-00240958 prefer to short but i will go long we're zQydgQUsUNU-01133-00240959-00241191 not never going long okay zQydgQUsUNU-01134-00241192-00241351 but i prefer to short because i think it zQydgQUsUNU-01135-00241352-00241567 gives me an edge zQydgQUsUNU-01136-00241567-00241782 i hope it answers your question zQydgQUsUNU-01137-00241783-00241991 anyways every day i'm looking for a zQydgQUsUNU-01138-00241992-00242151 stock to trade this gap and there's a zQydgQUsUNU-01139-00242152-00242310 high probability of directional bias for zQydgQUsUNU-01140-00242311-00242542 the entire day aka the market today big zQydgQUsUNU-01141-00242544-00242751 moves in the day again market today zQydgQUsUNU-01142-00242752-00243006 early confirmation of my bias in the zQydgQUsUNU-01143-00243007-00243239 move between 9 30 and 10 had it today zQydgQUsUNU-01144-00243240-00243415 and precise entries will follow through zQydgQUsUNU-01145-00243416-00243663 and a good risk to reward so if you'd zQydgQUsUNU-01146-00243664-00243855 like to learn my method it is a rating zQydgQUsUNU-01147-00243856-00244046 system that is what i teach in the class zQydgQUsUNU-01148-00244048-00244206 once a month again the class is this zQydgQUsUNU-01149-00244207-00244471 weekend september 17th and 18th it will zQydgQUsUNU-01150-00244471-00244694 teach you how to analyze a large time zQydgQUsUNU-01151-00244696-00244855 frame to make the trend decisions on the zQydgQUsUNU-01152-00244856-00245079 directional bias for the gap all large zQydgQUsUNU-01153-00245080-00245239 traders of every kind are looking at zQydgQUsUNU-01154-00245240-00245391 large time frames to make decisions zQydgQUsUNU-01155-00245392-00245623 particularly institutional traders and zQydgQUsUNU-01156-00245623-00245775 if you can trade with that it's going to zQydgQUsUNU-01157-00245776-00245919 help you it's going to help you make zQydgQUsUNU-01158-00245919-00246263 money and lose less okay nothing is 100 zQydgQUsUNU-01159-00246264-00246471 i do have trades that lose but the whole zQydgQUsUNU-01160-00246471-00246687 idea is that we want to win more than we zQydgQUsUNU-01161-00246688-00246839 lose and we want to have some big zQydgQUsUNU-01162-00246840-00246998 winners okay zQydgQUsUNU-01163-00247000-00247223 i'm using the daily chart to make the zQydgQUsUNU-01164-00247223-00247367 decision for the stock pick and that zQydgQUsUNU-01165-00247367-00247551 allows for accuracy in the direction and zQydgQUsUNU-01166-00247552-00247710 then the one minute allows for the good zQydgQUsUNU-01167-00247711-00247927 risk reward trades with accuracy but zQydgQUsUNU-01168-00247928-00248119 it's really the meat and potatoes of zQydgQUsUNU-01169-00248119-00248327 what i do is a 26 point checklist this zQydgQUsUNU-01170-00248328-00248487 is what you'd pay me for to come and zQydgQUsUNU-01171-00248488-00248703 learn my time and the information zQydgQUsUNU-01172-00248704-00248839 because it's like finding gold in the zQydgQUsUNU-01173-00248840-00249030 market and that is why i termed it the zQydgQUsUNU-01174-00249031-00249255 golden gap course it is a plan of action zQydgQUsUNU-01175-00249256-00249558 is a checklist and all professionals zQydgQUsUNU-01176-00249559-00249798 all professionals have checklist to do zQydgQUsUNU-01177-00249800-00249951 again if you were someone that you were zQydgQUsUNU-01178-00249952-00250175 going to fly an airplane okay zQydgQUsUNU-01179-00250176-00250342 you go through a checklist if you're a zQydgQUsUNU-01180-00250344-00250663 pilot you don't just take off all right zQydgQUsUNU-01181-00250664-00250951 traders constantly do 50 50 crap shoots zQydgQUsUNU-01182-00250952-00251119 taking pot shots for stuff i guarantee zQydgQUsUNU-01183-00251119-00251239 there were day traders today that went zQydgQUsUNU-01184-00251240-00251382 long and short of the market and done zQydgQUsUNU-01185-00251383-00251567 both and they will before the end of the zQydgQUsUNU-01186-00251567-00251823 day okay so you can't be like that you zQydgQUsUNU-01187-00251823-00251958 don't have conviction and something to zQydgQUsUNU-01188-00251959-00252094 the upside and the downside that's zQydgQUsUNU-01189-00252096-00252375 impossible all right you have to focus zQydgQUsUNU-01190-00252376-00252534 on institutional money and that is zQydgQUsUNU-01191-00252535-00252758 really what is so powerful about doing zQydgQUsUNU-01192-00252759-00252967 gaps are all gaps made with zQydgQUsUNU-01193-00252967-00253151 institutional money no zQydgQUsUNU-01194-00253152-00253391 no you can't sort of a gap down zQydgQUsUNU-01195-00253392-00253582 you can't buy every gap up you have to zQydgQUsUNU-01196-00253583-00253815 find the good ones okay gaps are an zQydgQUsUNU-01197-00253816-00254023 event and they create a sense of urgency zQydgQUsUNU-01198-00254023-00254167 that's an action is being forced by zQydgQUsUNU-01199-00254167-00254358 participants of the stock this is why zQydgQUsUNU-01200-00254359-00254534 gap trade is incredibly powerful trading zQydgQUsUNU-01201-00254535-00254710 gaps is a powerful and profitable way to zQydgQUsUNU-01202-00254711-00254846 trade because you're trading the side of zQydgQUsUNU-01203-00254848-00255015 power money so there's bullish zQydgQUsUNU-01204-00255016-00255279 institutional money like what zQydgQUsUNU-01205-00255280-00255558 ulta we went long this we did go along zQydgQUsUNU-01206-00255559-00255823 this we did calls on this it worked this zQydgQUsUNU-01207-00255823-00256015 got bought this is large institutional zQydgQUsUNU-01208-00256016-00256230 money buying it's a very strong chart zQydgQUsUNU-01209-00256231-00256439 okay that had earnings a couple weeks zQydgQUsUNU-01210-00256440-00256542 ago zQydgQUsUNU-01211-00256544-00256823 what's another one cbs another variable zQydgQUsUNU-01212-00256823-00257039 is chart i'm sure this is falling today zQydgQUsUNU-01213-00257040-00257198 but we did go along this too and it zQydgQUsUNU-01214-00257200-00257375 worked this is a bullish chart with zQydgQUsUNU-01215-00257376-00257591 institutions are buying this zQydgQUsUNU-01216-00257592-00257782 you also have bearish institutional zQydgQUsUNU-01217-00257783-00257951 money again where you have shorts and zQydgQUsUNU-01218-00257952-00258079 you have selling zQydgQUsUNU-01219-00258080-00258303 dell was a short look at that we did zQydgQUsUNU-01220-00258304-00258575 that that worked dropped fell off the zQydgQUsUNU-01221-00258576-00258846 planet okay again how did it do it in a zQydgQUsUNU-01222-00258848-00259039 gap stock closed here gapped down zQydgQUsUNU-01223-00259040-00259287 dropped fell off a planet okay that is zQydgQUsUNU-01224-00259288-00259463 selling that's happening in this and zQydgQUsUNU-01225-00259464-00259639 then marvel which we already talked zQydgQUsUNU-01226-00259640-00259815 about that had this big selling here and zQydgQUsUNU-01227-00259816-00260023 we had that nice trade in the mar-vell zQydgQUsUNU-01228-00260023-00260175 so you're looking for the bulls and zQydgQUsUNU-01229-00260176-00260310 you're looking for the bears and you zQydgQUsUNU-01230-00260311-00260551 want to get on the right side of it zQydgQUsUNU-01231-00260552-00260734 um i have zQydgQUsUNU-01232-00260735-00260942 the the level two and level three but zQydgQUsUNU-01233-00260944-00261103 i'm not making trading decisions based zQydgQUsUNU-01234-00261104-00261263 on that i'm making trading decisions zQydgQUsUNU-01235-00261264-00261503 based on the gap zQydgQUsUNU-01236-00261504-00261671 based on the gap so you got to have a zQydgQUsUNU-01237-00261671-00261927 chart and you got to have live data zQydgQUsUNU-01238-00261928-00262142 okay i'm not making trading decisions zQydgQUsUNU-01239-00262144-00262382 based on on those other things i have zQydgQUsUNU-01240-00262383-00262551 them but i don't make the decisions zQydgQUsUNU-01241-00262552-00262887 based on that if that helps zQydgQUsUNU-01242-00262888-00263071 anyways getting into the end of this zQydgQUsUNU-01243-00263072-00263351 here have a few more minutes zQydgQUsUNU-01244-00263352-00263575 you you can trade and make money and and zQydgQUsUNU-01245-00263576-00263727 i think in right now in this economic zQydgQUsUNU-01246-00263728-00263855 times where people are feeling a lot of zQydgQUsUNU-01247-00263856-00264063 uncertainty they're in fear people are zQydgQUsUNU-01248-00264064-00264295 in fear about the future in fact if you zQydgQUsUNU-01249-00264296-00264567 rewind back to 2020 people have been in zQydgQUsUNU-01250-00264568-00264782 fear now for going on two and a half zQydgQUsUNU-01251-00264783-00264999 years people were in fear about getting zQydgQUsUNU-01252-00265000-00265215 coveted and rightfully sell i understand zQydgQUsUNU-01253-00265216-00265471 that and now people are unfair about zQydgQUsUNU-01254-00265472-00265687 their financial future zQydgQUsUNU-01255-00265688-00265887 you got to get out of the fear you can't zQydgQUsUNU-01256-00265888-00266006 control about everything that happens in zQydgQUsUNU-01257-00266007-00266191 the world but you can control your own zQydgQUsUNU-01258-00266192-00266399 life and you certainly can control what zQydgQUsUNU-01259-00266400-00266575 you do with your own cash and your own zQydgQUsUNU-01260-00266576-00266799 money and you can control what you do zQydgQUsUNU-01261-00266800-00267063 for a living a lot of people you know zQydgQUsUNU-01262-00267064-00267239 are in these uncertain times and they're zQydgQUsUNU-01263-00267240-00267447 feeling fear and it's just gonna feed zQydgQUsUNU-01264-00267448-00267558 the fear zQydgQUsUNU-01265-00267559-00267815 so time is very precious you get up zQydgQUsUNU-01266-00267816-00268015 every morning and if you are motivated zQydgQUsUNU-01267-00268016-00268239 and you are determined determined to be zQydgQUsUNU-01268-00268240-00268471 successful as a trader you can do it zQydgQUsUNU-01269-00268472-00268671 it could be easy for you it could be zQydgQUsUNU-01270-00268672-00268887 hard because you might have had some zQydgQUsUNU-01271-00268888-00269063 mental things that you have to overcome zQydgQUsUNU-01272-00269064-00269191 if you've been trying to trade for years zQydgQUsUNU-01273-00269192-00269375 and you've been losing you're not zQydgQUsUNU-01274-00269376-00269591 helping yourself by being in fear and zQydgQUsUNU-01275-00269592-00269767 you're not helping yourself by staying zQydgQUsUNU-01276-00269768-00269934 in the fear either zQydgQUsUNU-01277-00269935-00270282 work for yourself think positive for zQydgQUsUNU-01278-00270283-00270599 yourself think positive about the future zQydgQUsUNU-01279-00270600-00270775 okay the whole world can go to hell and zQydgQUsUNU-01280-00270776-00271023 you can still have a have a good life zQydgQUsUNU-01281-00271024-00271263 it's all about your frame of reference zQydgQUsUNU-01282-00271264-00271439 it's different for every single person zQydgQUsUNU-01283-00271440-00271558 and trust me when i say i live in zQydgQUsUNU-01284-00271559-00271743 manhattan i see all kinds of different zQydgQUsUNU-01285-00271744-00271967 things going on every single i see the zQydgQUsUNU-01286-00271968-00272110 poorest people in the world homeless zQydgQUsUNU-01287-00272111-00272247 people in the street and the richest zQydgQUsUNU-01288-00272248-00272510 people and the planet so the fact is zQydgQUsUNU-01289-00272511-00272758 that it's all about your frame of zQydgQUsUNU-01290-00272759-00272927 reference but you got to believe in zQydgQUsUNU-01291-00272928-00273151 yourself and whining and complaining zQydgQUsUNU-01292-00273152-00273263 isn't going to get you anywhere you can zQydgQUsUNU-01293-00273264-00273391 whine and complain that you took a class zQydgQUsUNU-01294-00273392-00273495 you didn't learn how to trading you zQydgQUsUNU-01295-00273496-00273647 wasted money you can whine and complain zQydgQUsUNU-01296-00273648-00273775 and you lost you to trade and you went zQydgQUsUNU-01297-00273776-00273934 along the market and it failed you can zQydgQUsUNU-01298-00273935-00274151 whine and complain all you want zQydgQUsUNU-01299-00274152-00274279 that's not going to get you anywhere zQydgQUsUNU-01300-00274280-00274375 it's not going to get you to move zQydgQUsUNU-01301-00274376-00274534 forward pull up your bootstraps and be zQydgQUsUNU-01302-00274535-00274679 determined to do it and you can learn zQydgQUsUNU-01303-00274680-00274839 how to do it and i'm teaching people how zQydgQUsUNU-01304-00274840-00275047 to do it so don't waste time trading zQydgQUsUNU-01305-00275048-00275206 without getting anywhere it just makes zQydgQUsUNU-01306-00275207-00275519 no sense this is a testimonial from zQydgQUsUNU-01307-00275520-00275679 daryl let me see if there's any zQydgQUsUNU-01308-00275680-00275806 questions zQydgQUsUNU-01309-00275807-00276110 any other questions here before we are zQydgQUsUNU-01310-00276111-00276263 done zQydgQUsUNU-01311-00276264-00276487 some testimonials and again if you'd zQydgQUsUNU-01312-00276488-00276623 like a trial for the training room for zQydgQUsUNU-01313-00276624-00276791 the rest of the week you can email me at zQydgQUsUNU-01314-00276792-00277015 melissa stockswish.com zQydgQUsUNU-01315-00277016-00277255 i look at a 26 point checklist i do this zQydgQUsUNU-01316-00277256-00277399 in the morning this is what you learn in zQydgQUsUNU-01317-00277400-00277606 the classroom me it also teaches the zQydgQUsUNU-01318-00277607-00277830 entries you can empower yourself and zQydgQUsUNU-01319-00277831-00277975 learn how to trade it is a complete zQydgQUsUNU-01320-00277976-00278151 system which i teach in this course it's zQydgQUsUNU-01321-00278152-00278279 a full two-day course on how to zQydgQUsUNU-01322-00278280-00278471 strategically find pick and play stocks zQydgQUsUNU-01323-00278472-00278639 that are professional bearish gaps the zQydgQUsUNU-01324-00278640-00278799 class is online it's this weekend zQydgQUsUNU-01325-00278800-00279071 september 17th and 18th 9am to 5pm zQydgQUsUNU-01326-00279072-00279310 eastern time class is online it's 69.99 zQydgQUsUNU-01327-00279311-00279543 and well worth every penny if you want zQydgQUsUNU-01328-00279544-00279687 to sign up you cannot sign up through zQydgQUsUNU-01329-00279688-00279815 their website you must email me to zQydgQUsUNU-01330-00279816-00280151 register my birthday is this week so i'm zQydgQUsUNU-01331-00280152-00280327 doing a birthday special through this zQydgQUsUNU-01332-00280328-00280551 week if you're interested in signing up zQydgQUsUNU-01333-00280552-00280775 you can sign up by friday and receive zQydgQUsUNU-01334-00280776-00280910 the training from the newsletter free zQydgQUsUNU-01335-00280911-00281039 into the end of the year so you get all zQydgQUsUNU-01336-00281040-00281143 my trades zQydgQUsUNU-01337-00281144-00281279 pretty much the options and the day zQydgQUsUNU-01338-00281280-00281430 trades at the end of this year free if zQydgQUsUNU-01339-00281431-00281719 you sign up for the class this weekend zQydgQUsUNU-01340-00281720-00281999 any questions from anyone zQydgQUsUNU-01341-00282000-00282151 before i go here i think we're done a zQydgQUsUNU-01342-00282152-00282406 little bit early zQydgQUsUNU-01343-00282407-00282687 great presentation thank you zQydgQUsUNU-01344-00282688-00282958 um and again zQydgQUsUNU-01345-00282959-00283079 you know zQydgQUsUNU-01346-00283080-00283215 i don't have time today because i have zQydgQUsUNU-01347-00283216-00283367 something i have to go to this afternoon zQydgQUsUNU-01348-00283368-00283575 so i don't have time to watch tv zQydgQUsUNU-01349-00283576-00283751 i'm probably going to be on fox the end zQydgQUsUNU-01350-00283752-00283967 of the week i i it could be wednesday zQydgQUsUNU-01351-00283968-00284103 thursday but i'm probably going to be on zQydgQUsUNU-01352-00284104-00284303 fox news on neil cavuto show on friday zQydgQUsUNU-01353-00284304-00284479 to discuss markets if you wanted to in zQydgQUsUNU-01354-00284480-00284734 it tune in at four the reality is that a zQydgQUsUNU-01355-00284735-00284919 lot of people had been pumping up the zQydgQUsUNU-01356-00284920-00285119 market in the last week or really even zQydgQUsUNU-01357-00285120-00285279 since june 16th that that was going to zQydgQUsUNU-01358-00285280-00285382 be the lowest for the market for the zQydgQUsUNU-01359-00285383-00285647 year i'm not predicting that that's not zQydgQUsUNU-01360-00285648-00285847 i'm not saying that that is either way i zQydgQUsUNU-01361-00285848-00286063 don't know maybe june 16th is a low for zQydgQUsUNU-01362-00286064-00286223 the market for the year maybe we break zQydgQUsUNU-01363-00286224-00286534 it i don't know either way i don't care zQydgQUsUNU-01364-00286535-00286647 okay zQydgQUsUNU-01365-00286648-00286934 we're chunking it out we're active zQydgQUsUNU-01366-00286935-00287143 traders we're in we make the money we zQydgQUsUNU-01367-00287144-00287343 get out we're in the make the money we zQydgQUsUNU-01368-00287344-00287606 get out this isn't about long-term zQydgQUsUNU-01369-00287607-00287775 investing where we're gonna buy the zQydgQUsUNU-01370-00287776-00288063 market here and hold it until 2030. zQydgQUsUNU-01371-00288064-00288263 that's not what we do and if you're an zQydgQUsUNU-01372-00288264-00288415 active trader you shouldn't be doing zQydgQUsUNU-01373-00288416-00288655 that either okay who cares if the zQydgQUsUNU-01374-00288656-00288839 market's at the lower they are june 16th zQydgQUsUNU-01375-00288840-00289071 who cares if it breaks it if you're in zQydgQUsUNU-01376-00289072-00289334 today short in stuff zQydgQUsUNU-01377-00289335-00289599 you know you're you're up okay zQydgQUsUNU-01378-00289600-00289782 if you're trying to go on this market zQydgQUsUNU-01379-00289783-00290047 today you're losing okay zQydgQUsUNU-01380-00290048-00290239 if for an individual person right now zQydgQUsUNU-01381-00290240-00290415 this second that's all that matters and zQydgQUsUNU-01382-00290416-00290558 it's a similar thing with the economy zQydgQUsUNU-01383-00290559-00290703 you cannot predict every single thing zQydgQUsUNU-01384-00290704-00290854 that's going to happen in the future zQydgQUsUNU-01385-00290855-00291023 whether or not kathy what is right that zQydgQUsUNU-01386-00291024-00291143 we're going to be down to levels of zQydgQUsUNU-01387-00291144-00291295 inflation down to two percent the next zQydgQUsUNU-01388-00291296-00291534 six months or whether she's wrong has zQydgQUsUNU-01389-00291535-00291743 neither no bearing on any position that zQydgQUsUNU-01390-00291744-00291919 you should take in a train and while i zQydgQUsUNU-01391-00291920-00292054 get that people love fundamentals and zQydgQUsUNU-01392-00292055-00292191 they love to look at the numbers i love zQydgQUsUNU-01393-00292192-00292358 to look at this stuff if you focus on zQydgQUsUNU-01394-00292359-00292519 price action and you focus on the zQydgQUsUNU-01395-00292520-00292671 momentum and doing what you should be zQydgQUsUNU-01396-00292672-00292791 doing on the particular day to make zQydgQUsUNU-01397-00292792-00292958 money you're going to be okay and you're zQydgQUsUNU-01398-00292959-00293079 going to be fine but you've got to know zQydgQUsUNU-01399-00293080-00293367 what to look for zQydgQUsUNU-01400-00293368-00293543 thank you for the happy birthdays do you zQydgQUsUNU-01401-00293544-00293663 need a special software to determine the zQydgQUsUNU-01402-00293664-00293919 type of buyer no you can trade it any zQydgQUsUNU-01403-00293920-00294110 broker anywhere any prop from or any zQydgQUsUNU-01404-00294111-00294382 retail firm you need a live charts a zQydgQUsUNU-01405-00294383-00294975 live level two you got a pre-market data zQydgQUsUNU-01406-00294976-00295134 that's it any questions or if you want zQydgQUsUNU-01407-00295135-00295247 to travel to the room for the rest of zQydgQUsUNU-01408-00295248-00295382 the week email me at melissa zQydgQUsUNU-01409-00295383-00295567 stockswish.com zQydgQUsUNU-01410-00295568-00295931 thank you so much zRwR5kX338o-00000-00000048-00000191 you dropped them in the second and the zRwR5kX338o-00001-00000192-00000390 fourth i believe it was which one was zRwR5kX338o-00002-00000391-00000551 the better shot zRwR5kX338o-00003-00000552-00000638 uh zRwR5kX338o-00004-00000639-00000790 i'm gonna have to see with myself zRwR5kX338o-00005-00000791-00000950 because obviously when i'm in the fight zRwR5kX338o-00006-00000951-00001158 i you know i might think this i might zRwR5kX338o-00007-00001159-00001374 think that um zRwR5kX338o-00008-00001375-00001511 probably the one in the fourth i think zRwR5kX338o-00009-00001512-00001726 but i'm gonna have to check it out again zRwR5kX338o-00010-00001727-00001855 the other thing you know you were zRwR5kX338o-00011-00001855-00001998 standing there when he called out dustin zRwR5kX338o-00012-00002000-00002151 poirier and it was a little surprise to zRwR5kX338o-00013-00002152-00002334 people he's calling out a guy in a zRwR5kX338o-00014-00002335-00002558 lighter weight class uh he talked about zRwR5kX338o-00015-00002559-00002718 to me anyways going up and fighting at zRwR5kX338o-00016-00002719-00002983 185 as opposed to saying whittaker he zRwR5kX338o-00017-00002984-00003142 calls that dustin poirier and i'm zRwR5kX338o-00018-00003143-00003286 curious what you know what you think zRwR5kX338o-00019-00003288-00003575 that says about colby for doing that zRwR5kX338o-00020-00003576-00003703 he's a zRwR5kX338o-00021-00003704-00003822 that's it you know the could zRwR5kX338o-00022-00003823-00003975 wrestle though zRwR5kX338o-00023-00003976-00004199 hey colby to your left here i wonder zRwR5kX338o-00024-00004200-00004367 though that you wouldn't beat osanos for zRwR5kX338o-00025-00004368-00004519 the title does this fight compare with zRwR5kX338o-00026-00004520-00004719 that this win zRwR5kX338o-00027-00004720-00004870 weren't you just writing an article zRwR5kX338o-00028-00004871-00005031 talking like i was trying to be zRwR5kX338o-00029-00005032-00005191 nice to you i was yeah you zRwR5kX338o-00030-00005192-00005359 said some stupid-ass about george zRwR5kX338o-00031-00005360-00005518 in this fight man you're fake news man zRwR5kX338o-00032-00005519-00005654 no one wants i didn't say that i ain't zRwR5kX338o-00033-00005655-00005822 answering you either next question colby zRwR5kX338o-00034-00005823-00006575 right here zRwR5kX338o-00035-00006576-00006942 still real and that's what i love so zRwR5kX338o-00036-00006943-00007206 uh you have said uh recently that you zRwR5kX338o-00037-00007208-00007414 kind of threw it out 170. you said we zRwR5kX338o-00038-00007415-00007767 did 145 155 170. why did you throw that zRwR5kX338o-00039-00007768-00007974 out there why was that of interest zRwR5kX338o-00040-00007975-00008214 look at these things sarah zRwR5kX338o-00041-00008215-00008407 how much away right now how does that zRwR5kX338o-00042-00008408-00008784 answer the question it does it does zV6kH13MctY-00000-00000073-00000345 there exists a painting made between zV6kH13MctY-00001-00000346-00000696 1880 and 1890 one depicting a story of zV6kH13MctY-00002-00000697-00000948 Legends in which the cossacks of sapporo zV6kH13MctY-00003-00000949-00001197 gathered to draft the most offensive zV6kH13MctY-00004-00001198-00001467 reply to which they could imagine to the zV6kH13MctY-00005-00001468-00001700 demands of sultan mehmed of the ottoman zV6kH13MctY-00006-00001701-00001789 empire zV6kH13MctY-00007-00001791-00002033 while the original tableau no longer zV6kH13MctY-00008-00002034-00002295 exists a copy of the demands of zV6kH13MctY-00009-00002296-00002598 submission and subsequent reply were zV6kH13MctY-00010-00002599-00002807 discovered by a russian ethnographer zV6kH13MctY-00011-00002808-00003059 named novitskiy who gave it to a zV6kH13MctY-00012-00003060-00003443 historian named davon it's key by chance zV6kH13MctY-00013-00003444-00003717 at a party this historian read it to his zV6kH13MctY-00014-00003718-00003942 guests which included an artist named zV6kH13MctY-00015-00003943-00004200 ilya repin who would immortalize the zV6kH13MctY-00016-00004201-00004452 story for all time in a painting known zV6kH13MctY-00017-00004453-00004754 as the reply of the zaporozhian cossacks zV6kH13MctY-00018-00004755-00004988 - Sultan Mehmed the fourth of the zV6kH13MctY-00019-00004989-00005288 Ottoman Empire the Sultan was as zV6kH13MctY-00020-00005289-00005522 arrogant as he was foolish in his zV6kH13MctY-00021-00005523-00005847 demands stating as Sultan son of zV6kH13MctY-00022-00005848-00006061 Mohammed brother of the Sun and Moon zV6kH13MctY-00023-00006062-00006425 grandson and Viceroy of God ruler of the zV6kH13MctY-00024-00006426-00006678 kingdoms of Macedonia Babylon Jerusalem zV6kH13MctY-00025-00006679-00006906 upper and lower egypt emperor of zV6kH13MctY-00026-00006906-00007145 emperors sovereign of sovereigns zV6kH13MctY-00027-00007145-00007412 extraordinary knights never defeated zV6kH13MctY-00028-00007413-00007662 steadfast guardian of the tomb of jesus zV6kH13MctY-00029-00007663-00008040 christ trusty chosen by god himself the zV6kH13MctY-00030-00008041-00008310 hope and comfort of muslims co-founder zV6kH13MctY-00031-00008311-00008493 and great defender of christians i zV6kH13MctY-00032-00008494-00008613 command you zV6kH13MctY-00033-00008614-00008916 the zaporozhian cossacks to submit to me zV6kH13MctY-00034-00008917-00009108 voluntarily and without any resistance zV6kH13MctY-00035-00009109-00009426 and to desist from troubling me with zV6kH13MctY-00036-00009427-00009783 your attacks the zaporozhian cossacks zV6kH13MctY-00037-00009784-00010035 found this laughable and their reply zV6kH13MctY-00038-00010036-00010806 went something like this scribe come zV6kH13MctY-00039-00010807-00011066 over here zV6kH13MctY-00040-00011067-00011472 now that we're was [__] seconds you zV6kH13MctY-00041-00011473-00011681 can be edgy zV6kH13MctY-00042-00011682-00012034 no I that part cut our peace Portman off zV6kH13MctY-00043-00012035-00012503 ok zaporozhian cossacks to the tersh zV6kH13MctY-00044-00012504-00012949 Kish Sultan o Sultan Turkish devil and zV6kH13MctY-00045-00012950-00013211 them Devils kith and kin secretary - zV6kH13MctY-00046-00013212-00013646 Lissa for himself but the devil kind of zV6kH13MctY-00047-00013647-00013910 night our doubt that can snot Slava zV6kH13MctY-00048-00013911-00014243 Hedgehog William naked ass the devil zV6kH13MctY-00049-00014244-00014693 shits and your army it's thou shalt not zV6kH13MctY-00050-00014694-00014987 thou son of a [__] may subject of zV6kH13MctY-00051-00014988-00015272 Christian sons we have no fear of your zV6kH13MctY-00052-00015272-00015608 army by land and by sea we will battle zV6kH13MctY-00053-00015609-00016146 with thee [__] die mother zV6kH13MctY-00054-00016147-00016709 pretty much dough Babylonian scallion zV6kH13MctY-00055-00016710-00017094 Macedonia right well we of Jerusalem zV6kH13MctY-00056-00017095-00017682 goat [__] of Alexandria swine curd of zV6kH13MctY-00057-00017683-00018198 Greater and Lesser Egypt especially Pig zV6kH13MctY-00058-00018199-00018620 of Armenia / Dalian fief catamite of zV6kH13MctY-00059-00018621-00018833 territory zV6kH13MctY-00060-00018834-00019350 hammer of communites zV6kH13MctY-00061-00019351-00019572 I'm running out of place here don't hide zV6kH13MctY-00062-00019573-00019964 that and full of all the world and zV6kH13MctY-00063-00019965-00020130 underworld zV6kH13MctY-00064-00020131-00020705 an idiot before God grants and of the zV6kH13MctY-00065-00020706-00021147 serpent and the creek in our dick pig zV6kH13MctY-00066-00021148-00021611 snout Meza slaughterhouse car zV6kH13MctY-00067-00021612-00022032 unchristian Bell screwed I know mother zV6kH13MctY-00068-00022033-00022208 yep zV6kH13MctY-00069-00022209-00022497 I know I said that already don't correct zV6kH13MctY-00070-00022498-00022694 me you're here to write or cut your zV6kH13MctY-00071-00022695-00023022 tongue out zV6kH13MctY-00072-00023023-00023555 so the zapper onehans declare you zV6kH13MctY-00073-00023556-00023842 lowlife he won't even be herding pigs zV6kH13MctY-00074-00023843-00023953 for the questions zV6kH13MctY-00075-00023954-00024278 now we'll conclude for we don't know the zV6kH13MctY-00076-00024279-00024592 date and don't own a calendar the moons zV6kH13MctY-00077-00024593-00024934 in the sky the year with the Lord the zV6kH13MctY-00078-00024935-00025281 day is the same over here as it is over zV6kH13MctY-00079-00025282-00025631 for this kiss my ass shall be autumn zV6kH13MctY-00080-00025632-00025819 uneven circle with the holes are zV6kH13MctY-00081-00025820-00026103 produced and zV6kH13MctY-00082-00026104-00026485 now go look for me for my stamp I don't zV6kH13MctY-00083-00026486-00026792 know zV6kH13MctY-00084-00026793-00027428 support on patreon goodbye zV9s90gEJEI-00000-00000003-00000196 don't have the work to abstract this zV9s90gEJEI-00001-00000197-00000409 code to connect a let's do the zV9s90gEJEI-00002-00000411-00000611 same thing for the server so we'll say zV9s90gEJEI-00003-00000612-00000958 listen server which takes a server and zV9s90gEJEI-00004-00000959-00001319 does everything that we put inside of zV9s90gEJEI-00005-00001320-00001789 here so we'll cut that out return it zV9s90gEJEI-00006-00001791-00002509 with a promise in just in case there is zV9s90gEJEI-00007-00002510-00002756 a port issue we will wrap it with a zV9s90gEJEI-00008-00002757-00003372 try-catch if we catch an error zV9s90gEJEI-00009-00003373-00003659 we'll just report failure otherwise as zV9s90gEJEI-00010-00003660-00003901 soon as she successfully listens zV9s90gEJEI-00011-00003902-00004151 success we have the server and we now zV9s90gEJEI-00012-00004152-00004376 have a way to listen to the server and zV9s90gEJEI-00013-00004377-00004570 we now have a way to connect the zV9s90gEJEI-00014-00004571-00004790 let's wrap the two together and zV9s90gEJEI-00015-00004791-00005006 something called startup before we zV9s90gEJEI-00016-00005007-00005147 forget let's go ahead and export this zV9s90gEJEI-00017-00005148-00005743 out so we'll say startup and we don't zV9s90gEJEI-00018-00005744-00005911 know the parameters just yet so we'll zV9s90gEJEI-00019-00005912-00006215 keep it blank but the first thing it zV9s90gEJEI-00020-00006216-00006550 needs to do is return the promise from zV9s90gEJEI-00021-00006551-00006842 it needs a client a URL so let's zV9s90gEJEI-00022-00006843-00007009 go ahead and make those required zV9s90gEJEI-00023-00007011-00007439 parameters client in the URL and zV9s90gEJEI-00024-00007440-00007699 when that is successful it gets at a zV9s90gEJEI-00025-00007700-00008069 connected DB so we actually need for now zV9s90gEJEI-00026-00008070-00008408 a local variable here so we'll create a zV9s90gEJEI-00027-00008409-00008642 DB to hang out there and catch it from zV9s90gEJEI-00028-00008643-00008842 the promise when it comes out say DB zV9s90gEJEI-00029-00008843-00009124 equals connected DB now that that's zV9s90gEJEI-00030-00009125-00009260 there we can start looking for the zV9s90gEJEI-00031-00009261-00009413 server so it's go ahead and return that zV9s90gEJEI-00032-00009414-00009926 promise and it's looking for a server so zV9s90gEJEI-00033-00009927-00010249 we'll pass that in and when it's called zV9s90gEJEI-00034-00010250-00010528 completed it'll pass us a listening zV9s90gEJEI-00035-00010529-00011126 server let's go ahead and return our own zV9s90gEJEI-00036-00011127-00011498 maybe that's resolved with both the DB zV9s90gEJEI-00037-00011499-00011699 that's connected and the listening zV9s90gEJEI-00038-00011700-00012214 server we don't have to worry about the zV9s90gEJEI-00039-00012215-00012349 catch because whoever's gonna handle zV9s90gEJEI-00040-00012350-00012544 this startup will handle the catch and zV9s90gEJEI-00041-00012545-00012805 it'll just go up to a promise so all zV9s90gEJEI-00042-00012806-00012965 we're doing is adding our own stuff on zV9s90gEJEI-00043-00012966-00013088 top of the existing promise zV9s90gEJEI-00044-00013088-00013258 orchestration stuff zV9s90gEJEI-00045-00013259-00013522 and wrapping it in a start-up so let's zV9s90gEJEI-00046-00013523-00013789 take this startup function we'll export zV9s90gEJEI-00047-00013790-00014059 it out and if you want to see it in zV9s90gEJEI-00048-00014060-00014209 action before we start unit testing zV9s90gEJEI-00049-00014210-00014473 stuff it would basically be startup with zV9s90gEJEI-00050-00014474-00014803 the real client in the real zV9s90gEJEI-00051-00014804-00015041 URL and the server that we defined way zV9s90gEJEI-00052-00015041-00015377 up top when it's done it gets a zV9s90gEJEI-00053-00015378-00016059 connected DB and a listening the server zV9s90gEJEI-00054-00016060-00016325 so the DB we can set to the connected TV zV9s90gEJEI-00055-00016326-00016525 or if you remember this guy we assigned zV9s90gEJEI-00056-00016526-00016892 him word up here and let's say you sir zV9s90gEJEI-00057-00016893-00017050 but we don't really care about but we'll zV9s90gEJEI-00058-00017051-00017342 keep it there just in case and we'll let zV9s90gEJEI-00059-00017343-00017731 the world know we are ready to rock the zV9s90gEJEI-00060-00017732-00018422 mic otherwise if something blew up which zV9s90gEJEI-00061-00018423-00018625 is very likely given how old complex zV9s90gEJEI-00062-00018626-00019250 this is server failed to start up and we zV9s90gEJEI-00063-00019251-00019486 have a log so this is how you use it but zV9s90gEJEI-00064-00019487-00019675 now we can actually test the innovative zV9s90gEJEI-00065-00019676-00019805 components we've already tested connect zV9s90gEJEI-00066-00019806-00020003 a let's go ahead and test you zV9s90gEJEI-00067-00020004-00020569 listen to server will import him do zV9s90gEJEI-00068-00020570-00021953 describe worked test on listening sir zV9s90gEJEI-00069-00021954-00022087 but we need to give a server that has a zV9s90gEJEI-00070-00022088-00022267 listening function which takes support zV9s90gEJEI-00071-00022268-00022519 and calls a call back again JavaScript zV9s90gEJEI-00072-00022520-00022834 parameters are optional so our mock good zV9s90gEJEI-00073-00022835-00023119 server doesn't really have to name the zV9s90gEJEI-00074-00023120-00023215 parameters but it's good for zV9s90gEJEI-00075-00023216-00023425 documentation to do so so we'll do zV9s90gEJEI-00076-00023426-00023937 listen report call back in the callback zV9s90gEJEI-00077-00023938-00024314 reports no error and I forget what else zV9s90gEJEI-00078-00024315-00024493 it reports report something with server zV9s90gEJEI-00079-00024494-00024745 name URL so we'll give it name in URL zV9s90gEJEI-00080-00024746-00025078 sounds great so no parameters just no zV9s90gEJEI-00081-00025079-00025338 error no nothing zV9s90gEJEI-00082-00025339-00025718 let's go ahead and add this with a name zV9s90gEJEI-00083-00025719-00026195 market server and URL of some URL so now zV9s90gEJEI-00084-00026197-00026420 we have a mock that's good to go we can zV9s90gEJEI-00085-00026422-00027083 test the listen server turn it since zV9s90gEJEI-00086-00027085-00027206 it's a promise zV9s90gEJEI-00087-00027207-00027819 should be rerun our unit tests and we zV9s90gEJEI-00088-00027820-00027951 are good to go we have a mock server zV9s90gEJEI-00089-00027952-00028197 within some URL that is the log that zV9s90gEJEI-00090-00028198-00028362 actually came out from it the next one zV9s90gEJEI-00091-00028363-00028445 is startup zV9s90gEJEI-00092-00028447-00028677 so this composes both to connect the zV9s90gEJEI-00093-00028677-00028911 decorates it with the fact that zV9s90gEJEI-00094-00028912-00029073 when it's done it then does this zV9s90gEJEI-00095-00029074-00029325 afterwards so it doesn't in order so zV9s90gEJEI-00096-00029326-00029511 let's go ahead and test the startup zV9s90gEJEI-00097-00029512-00029655 which is should be pretty easy zV9s90gEJEI-00098-00029656-00029835 concerning the fact that it's composing zV9s90gEJEI-00099-00029836-00030968 each of those describe should startup zV9s90gEJEI-00100-00030969-00032058 is cool and server listen all zV9s90gEJEI-00101-00032058-00032195 right let's double check our marks that zV9s90gEJEI-00102-00032197-00032385 are required here we need a Mongol zV9s90gEJEI-00103-00032386-00032583 client which we can actually copy from zV9s90gEJEI-00104-00032583-00032814 the code elsewhere and we need a good zV9s90gEJEI-00105-00032815-00032967 server mock which you already created as zV9s90gEJEI-00106-00032968-00033171 well instead of putting these inside of zV9s90gEJEI-00107-00033172-00033423 here we can either put them inside of zV9s90gEJEI-00108-00033424-00033561 the scribe or we can just go ahead and zV9s90gEJEI-00109-00033562-00033699 put them at the top I'm gonna put them zV9s90gEJEI-00110-00033700-00034017 here for now just so they're nearby and zV9s90gEJEI-00111-00034018-00034239 then we've got a good right here zV9s90gEJEI-00112-00034240-00034515 we can actually cut out so let's put zV9s90gEJEI-00113-00034516-00034827 them here for a second format it and zV9s90gEJEI-00114-00034828-00035112 we'll just go ahead and let this guy and zV9s90gEJEI-00115-00035113-00035400 shuttle them up to the top so anybody zV9s90gEJEI-00116-00035401-00035625 there mom can use them with you so zV9s90gEJEI-00117-00035626-00036156 desire okay so our startup also is a zV9s90gEJEI-00118-00036157-00036324 promise we'll go in return and we'll say zV9s90gEJEI-00119-00036325-00036810 startup with the mock good client which zV9s90gEJEI-00120-00036811-00037086 in some URLs and only matter in zV9s90gEJEI-00121-00037087-00037751 the mock good server should be fulfilled zV9s90gEJEI-00122-00037752-00038088 and so if you rerun our test using our zV9s90gEJEI-00123-00038089-00038232 good mocks we know the Artic work is we zV9s90gEJEI-00124-00038233-00038364 use them another unit test so we have zV9s90gEJEI-00125-00038365-00038511 pretty good confidence at the work here zV9s90gEJEI-00126-00038512-00038643 let's go ahead and implement some of zV9s90gEJEI-00127-00038644-00038699 these things that zV9s90gEJEI-00128-00038700-00038892 test it and clean up a REST API here zV9s90gEJEI-00129-00038893-00039149 remove all this connected stuff because zV9s90gEJEI-00130-00039150-00039264 we don't already know that it's zV9s90gEJEI-00131-00039265-00039527 connected but hidden get rid of all the zV9s90gEJEI-00132-00039528-00039717 connected logic all we care about zV9s90gEJEI-00133-00039718-00039945 at this point is doing a search so our zV9s90gEJEI-00134-00039946-00040124 zip will come through we'll get a zV9s90gEJEI-00135-00040125-00040304 collection out we'll do a find and then zV9s90gEJEI-00136-00040305-00040421 using the callback zV9s90gEJEI-00137-00040422-00040742 we'll do a send your zip is for the zip zV9s90gEJEI-00138-00040743-00041060 code now this rest api doesn't care at zV9s90gEJEI-00139-00041061-00041192 all about it's already there we zV9s90gEJEI-00140-00041193-00041411 know this DB is ready to go let's go zV9s90gEJEI-00141-00041412-00041592 ahead and do an integration test by zV9s90gEJEI-00142-00041593-00041738 verifying that we've done it with real zV9s90gEJEI-00143-00041739-00041918 implementations rather than fake ones zV9s90gEJEI-00144-00041919-00042146 before we do that let's open a new bash zV9s90gEJEI-00145-00042147-00042215 window here zV9s90gEJEI-00146-00042216-00042435 run our in this one we'll see MPM zV9s90gEJEI-00147-00042436-00042782 run D which is really just a zV9s90gEJEI-00148-00042783-00043046 wrapper around the D command then zV9s90gEJEI-00149-00043047-00043242 we'll go back to our other bash and zV9s90gEJEI-00150-00043243-00043415 we'll do NPM start now that is zV9s90gEJEI-00151-00043416-00043646 running and we have a server working and zV9s90gEJEI-00152-00043647-00043770 a manga working let's go ahead and zV9s90gEJEI-00153-00043771-00044090 manually test our ping so our server's zV9s90gEJEI-00154-00044091-00044513 up cool go to data and our zip from zV9s90gEJEI-00155-00044514-00044630 Manhattan works where we're getting our zV9s90gEJEI-00156-00044631-00044840 data back fantastic so we've got to zV9s90gEJEI-00157-00044841-00045092 connect to DB integrated in their NPM zV9s90gEJEI-00158-00045093-00045507 run coverage get all 12 our unit tests zV9s90gEJEI-00159-00045508-00045815 going down the coverage is a lot higher zV9s90gEJEI-00160-00045816-00046387 now we've run show coverage zV9s90gEJEI-00161-00046388-00047039 now 82% more importantly though if you zV9s90gEJEI-00162-00047040-00047389 look at the get the last thing left here zV9s90gEJEI-00163-00047390-00047651 is the actual collection search so we've zV9s90gEJEI-00164-00047652-00047746 narrowed it down where we've got a zV9s90gEJEI-00165-00047747-00047920 significant amount of coverage on this zV9s90gEJEI-00166-00047921-00048115 kind of code here and even though that zV9s90gEJEI-00167-00048116-00048367 this says the actual startup wasn't zV9s90gEJEI-00168-00048368-00048517 covered because of these particular zV9s90gEJEI-00169-00048518-00048755 parameters we've already tested the zV9s90gEJEI-00170-00048756-00049004 actual startup function itself so if you zV9s90gEJEI-00171-00049005-00049217 look here he's got a hundred cent test zV9s90gEJEI-00172-00049218-00049370 cartridge of both successful and failing zV9s90gEJEI-00173-00049371-00049486 did that ladies and gentlemen is how you zV9s90gEJEI-00174-00049487-00049730 composed maybes or composed promises zV9s90gEJEI-00175-00049731-00049886 mainly through orchestrating a zV9s90gEJEI-00176-00049887-00050120 significant amount of input output that zV9s90gEJEI-00177-00050121-00050296 you don't have control over you can't zV9s90gEJEI-00178-00050297-00050573 depend on so if you abstract it away zV9s90gEJEI-00179-00050574-00050807 into these functions here such as zV9s90gEJEI-00180-00050808-00051080 connect the listen to the server zV9s90gEJEI-00181-00051081-00051287 very discrete operations that do one zV9s90gEJEI-00182-00051288-00051439 thing that's asynchronous and let us zV9s90gEJEI-00183-00051440-00051607 know if it worked then composing them zV9s90gEJEI-00184-00051608-00051848 together you can add your own data on zV9s90gEJEI-00185-00051849-00052037 top you can compose them together you zV9s90gEJEI-00186-00052038-00052183 can put them in a particular order and zV9s90gEJEI-00187-00052184-00052417 write unit tests for that using simple zV9s90gEJEI-00188-00052419-00052649 mocks as well as start it up and feel zV9s90gEJEI-00189-00052650-00052790 confident to work because you've unit zV9s90gEJEI-00190-00052791-00052934 tested the only thing that can go wrong zV9s90gEJEI-00191-00052935-00053116 is the actual third party dependencies zV9s90gEJEI-00192-00053117-00053291 which you can write integration tests zV9s90gEJEI-00193-00053291-00053540 around those you put all the input zV9s90gEJEI-00194-00053541-00053701 output to the fringes of your zV9s90gEJEI-00195-00053702-00053917 application there's only one left and zV9s90gEJEI-00196-00053919-00054047 that's to search and we'll hit him zV9s90gEJEI-00197-00054048-00054287 tomorrow zV-ZjEBoEY4-00000-00000278-00000557 so I guess while I continue to wait I'll zV-ZjEBoEY4-00001-00000558-00000886 maybe just get a jump start on things so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00002-00000888-00001103 I'm the art gallery assistant at the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00003-00001104-00001358 Norfolk art center which is located in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00004-00001359-00001751 Simcoe Ontario which is a located in a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00005-00001752-00002312 rural municipality in southwestern zV-ZjEBoEY4-00006-00002313-00002857 Ontario on the shores of Lake Erie the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00007-00002858-00003288 population of Simcoe there we go is zV-ZjEBoEY4-00008-00003289-00003674 16,000 people so it's really not a big zV-ZjEBoEY4-00009-00003675-00004172 center it was incorporated in 1974 as zV-ZjEBoEY4-00010-00004173-00004376 the lynnwood art center so we just zV-ZjEBoEY4-00011-00004377-00004747 celebrated our 40th year in operation as zV-ZjEBoEY4-00012-00004748-00005225 a public art gallery in 2003 it was zV-ZjEBoEY4-00013-00005226-00005579 assumed by Norfolk County and became zV-ZjEBoEY4-00014-00005580-00005797 part of the municipalities heritage and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00015-00005798-00006104 culture division and at that time the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00016-00006105-00006286 name was changed to the Norfolk Art zV-ZjEBoEY4-00017-00006287-00006581 Center we are also a national historic zV-ZjEBoEY4-00018-00006581-00006962 site so you can see that we're actually zV-ZjEBoEY4-00019-00006963-00007221 housed in a historic building a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00020-00007222-00007453 neoclassical structure that was built in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00021-00007454-00008006 1851 which can you know cause some zV-ZjEBoEY4-00022-00008006-00008246 issues of its own there are two zV-ZjEBoEY4-00023-00008247-00008542 permanent full-time staff myself and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00024-00008543-00009327 director curator Deirdre Chisholm zV-ZjEBoEY4-00025-00009328-00009698 okay um so we are a contemporary art zV-ZjEBoEY4-00026-00009699-00010073 gallery and our collection is dedicated zV-ZjEBoEY4-00027-00010074-00010267 to the collection of works of art by zV-ZjEBoEY4-00028-00010268-00010552 local regional and national artists from zV-ZjEBoEY4-00029-00010553-00011016 1945 onwards we have a mix of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00030-00011017-00011423 exhibitions that are curated from zV-ZjEBoEY4-00031-00011424-00011651 outsider or that involve outside artists zV-ZjEBoEY4-00032-00011652-00012223 and permanent collection works which we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00033-00012224-00012563 we accompany those exhibitions by artist zV-ZjEBoEY4-00034-00012564-00012862 talks films lectures workshops etc zV-ZjEBoEY4-00035-00012863-00013138 compared to most of you in the room we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00036-00013140-00013511 have a rather small collection just over zV-ZjEBoEY4-00037-00013512-00013897 800 artworks and that includes works zV-ZjEBoEY4-00038-00013898-00014318 that we have on our grounds outdoors a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00039-00014319-00014536 few highlights from our collection we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00040-00014537-00014810 have a work by alex colville that was zV-ZjEBoEY4-00041-00014811-00015019 recently on exhibition at the national zV-ZjEBoEY4-00042-00015020-00015383 gallery and the a.g.o work by william zV-ZjEBoEY4-00043-00015384-00015740 kerlik a Western artist and a rather zV-ZjEBoEY4-00044-00015741-00016028 significant collection of works by zV-ZjEBoEY4-00045-00016029-00016381 painters 11 artist Tom Hodgson and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00046-00016382-00016718 William Ronald so maybe quite unusual zV-ZjEBoEY4-00047-00016719-00017812 for a rural art gallery in Ontario zV-ZjEBoEY4-00048-00017813-00018208 so the next slide is going to say why zV-ZjEBoEY4-00049-00018209-00018632 reorg and as you can see this is our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00050-00018633-00019069 storage room in the summer of 2014 when zV-ZjEBoEY4-00051-00019070-00019513 we have had applied to participate in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00052-00019514-00019985 the inaugural iteration of reorg so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00053-00019986-00020312 again maybe in comparison to some some zV-ZjEBoEY4-00054-00020313-00020650 storage rooms it doesn't look so bad but zV-ZjEBoEY4-00055-00020651-00020903 it was certainly causing some problems zV-ZjEBoEY4-00056-00020904-00021215 for us in terms of accessibility to the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00057-00021216-00021539 artworks and the conservation of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00058-00021540-00021986 artworks so you can see at the slide on zV-ZjEBoEY4-00059-00021987-00022343 your I'm just going to use this did you zV-ZjEBoEY4-00060-00022344-00022658 there we go a slide here about fifty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00061-00022659-00022847 percent of our works on canvas were zV-ZjEBoEY4-00062-00022848-00023105 sitting on the floor they were stacked zV-ZjEBoEY4-00063-00023106-00023597 you know seven to ten deep many of them zV-ZjEBoEY4-00064-00023598-00023840 were just too large to accommodate on zV-ZjEBoEY4-00065-00023841-00024137 the screen racks that we had we only had zV-ZjEBoEY4-00066-00024138-00024491 five screen rocks they were full we have zV-ZjEBoEY4-00067-00024492-00024781 a small collection of large sculptures zV-ZjEBoEY4-00068-00024782-00025047 all of which were sitting on the floor zV-ZjEBoEY4-00069-00025048-00025343 here again you can see in front of all zV-ZjEBoEY4-00070-00025344-00025597 of our paintings so every time we have zV-ZjEBoEY4-00071-00025598-00025825 to access a painting we also had to move zV-ZjEBoEY4-00072-00025826-00026206 those sculptures the layout was just not zV-ZjEBoEY4-00073-00026207-00026507 conducive to moving large works of art zV-ZjEBoEY4-00074-00026508-00026845 and navigation was a major problem for zV-ZjEBoEY4-00075-00026847-00027131 us we also had a lot of non collections zV-ZjEBoEY4-00076-00027132-00027269 works that were stored in the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00077-00027270-00027575 collections room and by that I mean AV zV-ZjEBoEY4-00078-00027576-00027968 equipment packing material boxes of VHS zV-ZjEBoEY4-00079-00027969-00028283 tapes from the 1980s special event zV-ZjEBoEY4-00080-00028283-00028661 supplies all those kinds of things so we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00081-00028662-00028901 had me some incremental progress over zV-ZjEBoEY4-00082-00028902-00029180 the previous two years through the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00083-00029181-00029381 assistance of young Canada works we were zV-ZjEBoEY4-00084-00029382-00029810 able to hire collections assistance with zV-ZjEBoEY4-00085-00029811-00030095 their help we were able to condition zV-ZjEBoEY4-00086-00030095-00030337 report on and digitize one hundred zV-ZjEBoEY4-00087-00030338-00030661 percent of the collection by the time zV-ZjEBoEY4-00088-00030662-00030931 we were applying for reorg and we were zV-ZjEBoEY4-00089-00030932-00031146 doing this in preparation for the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00090-00031147-00031320 establishment of a digital database zV-ZjEBoEY4-00091-00031322-00031608 which we began in the summer of 2014 zV-ZjEBoEY4-00092-00031608-00032202 using past perfect software so our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00093-00032204-00032604 storage self-evaluation as you can see zV-ZjEBoEY4-00094-00032605-00032943 we are in the needs improvement doing zV-ZjEBoEY4-00095-00032944-00033321 okay need small improvements like I zV-ZjEBoEY4-00096-00033322-00033543 don't know what the orange section is zV-ZjEBoEY4-00097-00033544-00033996 but you know pardon need a project yes zV-ZjEBoEY4-00098-00033997-00034296 that's right so we were fair to middling zV-ZjEBoEY4-00099-00034297-00034561 in all categories and as you can see our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00100-00034562-00034896 management was particularly lacking we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00101-00034897-00035196 also took an average Deirdre did the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00102-00035197-00035524 self-evaluation as did I and we also did zV-ZjEBoEY4-00103-00035525-00035698 ask our collections assistant at the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00104-00035699-00036001 time to do the self-evaluation according zV-ZjEBoEY4-00105-00036002-00036265 to her we were in dire dire straits and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00106-00036266-00036604 we were in the red across the board so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00107-00036605-00036826 it was kind of interesting to get that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00108-00036827-00037165 perspective so you can see we had quite zV-ZjEBoEY4-00109-00037166-00037587 a bit of work to do in all areas so I'm zV-ZjEBoEY4-00110-00037588-00037810 just going to talk about the phases that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00111-00037811-00038098 we went through in our first phase we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00112-00038099-00038496 had to construct floor plans you saw the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00113-00038497-00038710 participants for floor plans earlier zV-ZjEBoEY4-00114-00038711-00039012 today so we're lucky we have a heritage zV-ZjEBoEY4-00115-00039013-00039340 architect on our advisory board and we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00116-00039341-00039585 enlisted her to do to scale zV-ZjEBoEY4-00117-00039586-00039931 architectural drawings for us so we got zV-ZjEBoEY4-00118-00039932-00040183 these you know wonderful drawings that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00119-00040184-00040375 we'll be able to use going forward and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00120-00040376-00040683 they also became an important part of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00121-00040684-00040971 our action and implementation plan going zV-ZjEBoEY4-00122-00040972-00041500 forward so here you can see some of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00123-00041501-00041712 maybe some of our problems a bit more zV-ZjEBoEY4-00124-00041713-00042087 clearly our storage racks our screen zV-ZjEBoEY4-00125-00042088-00042527 racks for our paintings are encased by zV-ZjEBoEY4-00126-00042528-00042921 utility shelves and then bookcases zV-ZjEBoEY4-00127-00042922-00043243 sculptures pedestals on this the other zV-ZjEBoEY4-00128-00043244-00043611 side so actually accessing any work zV-ZjEBoEY4-00129-00043612-00043889 on our screen racks was a real challenge zV-ZjEBoEY4-00130-00043890-00044184 we have some fixed shelving here map zV-ZjEBoEY4-00131-00044185-00044515 cabinets and some other rather decrepid zV-ZjEBoEY4-00132-00044516-00044771 compartment punch compartmentalize zV-ZjEBoEY4-00133-00044772-00045273 storage units along the wall so well you zV-ZjEBoEY4-00134-00045274-00045603 know most of it is collections we had a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00135-00045604-00045921 lot of collections on the floor and the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00136-00045922-00046383 pink non collections are you know kind zV-ZjEBoEY4-00137-00046384-00046815 of mix of loose works on paper oversized zV-ZjEBoEY4-00138-00046816-00047049 portfolios that we couldn't accommodate zV-ZjEBoEY4-00139-00047050-00047250 improper storage and we're kind of just zV-ZjEBoEY4-00140-00047251-00047574 sitting in large makeshift card part for zV-ZjEBoEY4-00141-00047575-00047850 portfolio boxes and a lot of packing zV-ZjEBoEY4-00142-00047851-00048152 material and even cabinetry that we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00143-00048153-00048324 weren't using anymore but hadn't been zV-ZjEBoEY4-00144-00048325-00048818 discarded yeah so the condition report I zV-ZjEBoEY4-00145-00048819-00049146 have to say that our implementation plan zV-ZjEBoEY4-00146-00049147-00049293 as you will see was pretty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00147-00049294-00049562 straightforward but the condition report zV-ZjEBoEY4-00148-00049563-00049755 I I feel was maybe the most zV-ZjEBoEY4-00149-00049756-00050067 time-consuming part of the reorg project zV-ZjEBoEY4-00150-00050068-00050355 for us so it really asks you to take a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00151-00050356-00050627 very close look at you know these four zV-ZjEBoEY4-00152-00050628-00051233 categories Simon had asked us to submit zV-ZjEBoEY4-00153-00051234-00051440 the report by the end of January we also zV-ZjEBoEY4-00154-00051441-00051758 had three grant deadlines to do as zV-ZjEBoEY4-00155-00051759-00052052 January one of which was math with two zV-ZjEBoEY4-00156-00052053-00052277 exhibitions to install and a fundraiser zV-ZjEBoEY4-00157-00052278-00052550 to start planning so it was a pretty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00158-00052551-00053121 pretty intense month for us so some of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00159-00053122-00053421 the key findings in relation to the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00160-00053422-00053907 collection had to do with you know the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00161-00053908-00054210 metrics that came out so we discovered zV-ZjEBoEY4-00162-00054211-00054378 that about eighty percent of our floor zV-ZjEBoEY4-00163-00054379-00054765 space was occupied by units at that time zV-ZjEBoEY4-00164-00054766-00055146 that has not changed are you our average zV-ZjEBoEY4-00165-00055147-00055485 unit fulness when you considered the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00166-00055486-00055662 number of non collections works zV-ZjEBoEY4-00167-00055663-00056022 especially that were there that could be zV-ZjEBoEY4-00168-00056023-00056289 removed was really not too bad sixty-six zV-ZjEBoEY4-00169-00056290-00056507 percent we just didn't have enough zV-ZjEBoEY4-00170-00056508-00056709 furniture to actually accommodate all of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00171-00056710-00056854 the collection zV-ZjEBoEY4-00172-00056855-00057038 our average room high usage was zV-ZjEBoEY4-00173-00057039-00057304 seventy-five percent and our overall zV-ZjEBoEY4-00174-00057305-00057691 fullness was at about sixty percent we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00175-00057692-00057899 had already we had always known he had a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00176-00057900-00058148 lot of works on paper but through the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00177-00058149-00058316 collections analysis we discovered that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00178-00058316-00058559 about seventy percent of our collection zV-ZjEBoEY4-00179-00058560-00058829 is works on paper twenty-five percent zV-ZjEBoEY4-00180-00058829-00059057 paintings and the rest is comprised of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00181-00059058-00059528 textiles and sculptures on the good side zV-ZjEBoEY4-00182-00059529-00059729 about ninety-five percent of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00183-00059729-00059960 collection at that point was inventoried zV-ZjEBoEY4-00184-00059961-00060311 and accession and about fifty percent of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00185-00060312-00060494 the objects could be retrieved within zV-ZjEBoEY4-00186-00060495-00060850 three minutes by deirdre or myself zV-ZjEBoEY4-00187-00060851-00061141 because we have had no location system zV-ZjEBoEY4-00188-00061142-00061480 at that time it would have been a real zV-ZjEBoEY4-00189-00061482-00061799 challenge for anyone who didn't have the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00190-00061800-00061942 kind of institutional memory that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00191-00061944-00062261 teacher I had to defined collection zV-ZjEBoEY4-00192-00062262-00062684 works so some of our main issues our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00193-00062685-00063104 flight our floor space usage was and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00194-00063104-00063422 still is pretty much at capacity there's zV-ZjEBoEY4-00195-00063423-00063679 not much we can do in adding new zV-ZjEBoEY4-00196-00063680-00064022 furniture in order to grow our capacity zV-ZjEBoEY4-00197-00064023-00064460 our girl capacity to collect the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00198-00064461-00064664 collection analysis really highlighted zV-ZjEBoEY4-00199-00064665-00064954 that we had inadequate storage for works zV-ZjEBoEY4-00200-00064955-00065242 on paper so while our main priority zV-ZjEBoEY4-00201-00065244-00065519 still remained getting whatever artworks zV-ZjEBoEY4-00202-00065520-00065813 were on the floor off the floor and onto zV-ZjEBoEY4-00203-00065814-00066260 proper units this really flagged the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00204-00066261-00066680 storage of works on paper as a priority zV-ZjEBoEY4-00205-00066681-00067067 future project for us this green racks zV-ZjEBoEY4-00206-00067068-00067423 of flora paintings were highly unstable zV-ZjEBoEY4-00207-00067424-00067721 and again just not large enough to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00208-00067722-00067964 accommodate the collection no storage zV-ZjEBoEY4-00209-00067965-00068210 units for the large sculptures and had zV-ZjEBoEY4-00210-00068211-00068474 no location system which was highly zV-ZjEBoEY4-00211-00068475-00068975 problematic so we determined that in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00212-00068976-00069167 order to address some of these problems zV-ZjEBoEY4-00213-00069168-00069467 we were going to need to invest in quite zV-ZjEBoEY4-00214-00069468-00069830 a bit of furniture so we thought to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00215-00069831-00070061 address some of the storage problems we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00216-00070062-00070142 were having with zV-ZjEBoEY4-00217-00070143-00070310 our works on paper we could invest in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00218-00070311-00070651 some new flat file cabinetry to maximize zV-ZjEBoEY4-00219-00070652-00070976 on what a vertical space usage we had a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00220-00070977-00071240 screen rack system with eight to 10 zV-ZjEBoEY4-00221-00071241-00071582 racks five mobile platforms for large zV-ZjEBoEY4-00222-00071583-00072040 sculptures a new fixed shelving unit zV-ZjEBoEY4-00223-00072041-00072329 carpet compartmentalize shelving unit zV-ZjEBoEY4-00224-00072330-00072665 for framed collections we also needed to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00225-00072666-00072982 establish a location system and we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00226-00072983-00073235 really need to relocate all of our non zV-ZjEBoEY4-00227-00073236-00073663 collection items to another room in the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00228-00073664-00073949 building because in such a small space zV-ZjEBoEY4-00229-00073950-00074417 our storage area is only it's a 18 x 32 zV-ZjEBoEY4-00230-00074418-00074693 feet and our ceilings are only eight zV-ZjEBoEY4-00231-00074694-00074969 feet high so it's a pretty small space zV-ZjEBoEY4-00232-00074970-00075242 to be maneuvering some of the larger zV-ZjEBoEY4-00233-00075243-00075901 artworks so was our project budget well zV-ZjEBoEY4-00234-00075902-00076372 in addition to those you know those zV-ZjEBoEY4-00235-00076373-00076661 additions of furniture we also really zV-ZjEBoEY4-00236-00076662-00076817 wanted to take this opportunity to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00237-00076818-00077165 replace the flooring and paint the room zV-ZjEBoEY4-00238-00077166-00077494 and we had initially thought replace our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00239-00077495-00077719 lights with new energy-efficient LED zV-ZjEBoEY4-00240-00077720-00078041 lights I don't know if you noticed in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00241-00078042-00078272 our the earlier photographs but we had zV-ZjEBoEY4-00242-00078273-00078614 previously had carpet in the collections zV-ZjEBoEY4-00243-00078615-00078959 room that was at the very least 30 years zV-ZjEBoEY4-00244-00078960-00079282 old it really needed to be removed and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00245-00079283-00079475 replaced with an industrial flooring zV-ZjEBoEY4-00246-00079476-00079661 that would just be more conservation zV-ZjEBoEY4-00247-00079662-00080135 friendly so yes so our screen rack zV-ZjEBoEY4-00248-00080136-00080324 system when we started to get the hard zV-ZjEBoEY4-00249-00080325-00080792 quotes for for this furniture you know zV-ZjEBoEY4-00250-00080793-00080987 we started to resign herself to the fact zV-ZjEBoEY4-00251-00080988-00081146 that we probably weren't going to be zV-ZjEBoEY4-00252-00081147-00081551 able to accomplish all of all of this in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00253-00081552-00081892 one phase the screen rack system alone zV-ZjEBoEY4-00254-00081893-00082121 actually cost us just over twenty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00255-00082122-00082413 thousand dollars would cost us 21,000 zV-ZjEBoEY4-00256-00082414-00082756 fixed shelving 3500 mobile platforms zV-ZjEBoEY4-00257-00082757-00083099 1500 we did source a used flat file zV-ZjEBoEY4-00258-00083100-00083346 cabinet from kijiji that was about zV-ZjEBoEY4-00259-00083347-00083736 150 new flooring 5,000 painting a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00260-00083737-00084125 thousand so our project budget was over zV-ZjEBoEY4-00261-00084126-00084492 31,000 dollars with lights it would have zV-ZjEBoEY4-00262-00084493-00085023 been well over 35,000 we were successful zV-ZjEBoEY4-00263-00085024-00085392 in our map grant application so we knew zV-ZjEBoEY4-00264-00085393-00085800 we had ten thousand dollars to spend on zV-ZjEBoEY4-00265-00085801-00086058 our screen rack system and this is just zV-ZjEBoEY4-00266-00086059-00086450 a picture of our MPP diane finley who zV-ZjEBoEY4-00267-00086451-00086715 held a press conference at the gallery zV-ZjEBoEY4-00268-00086716-00087003 to announce our math graph on grant zV-ZjEBoEY4-00269-00087004-00087642 funding so in the end we were actually zV-ZjEBoEY4-00270-00087643-00087882 able to cover all of the costs of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00271-00087883-00088191 program of the project so we had ten zV-ZjEBoEY4-00272-00088192-00088467 thousand dollars from map we matched zV-ZjEBoEY4-00273-00088468-00088671 that with ten thousand dollars from our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00274-00088672-00088923 capital budget which was the entirety of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00275-00088924-00089340 our capital budget from 2015 we also zV-ZjEBoEY4-00276-00089341-00089565 apply to a local community foundation zV-ZjEBoEY4-00277-00089566-00089829 for five thousand dollars to cover the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00278-00089830-00090075 costs of the platforms on casters and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00279-00090076-00090510 the new fixed shelving and we just tried zV-ZjEBoEY4-00280-00090511-00090762 to pull in money from any other budget zV-ZjEBoEY4-00281-00090763-00091458 line that we could to cover the rest so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00282-00091459-00091824 these were our major purchases with that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00283-00091825-00092336 money so here we can see here's our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00284-00092337-00092661 Montell screen rack system with 10 racks zV-ZjEBoEY4-00285-00092662-00092997 ten nine foot rocks our new zV-ZjEBoEY4-00286-00092998-00093389 compartmentalize shelving units and some zV-ZjEBoEY4-00287-00093390-00093677 platforms with casters for our large zV-ZjEBoEY4-00288-00093678-00094292 sculptures so our action plan and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00289-00094293-00094668 implementation plan so here you can see zV-ZjEBoEY4-00290-00094669-00095069 our floor plans make a reappearance and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00291-00095070-00095298 of course we only work in the most zV-ZjEBoEY4-00292-00095299-00095412 sophisticated with the most zV-ZjEBoEY4-00293-00095413-00095706 sophisticated technology at our site mr. zV-ZjEBoEY4-00294-00095707-00096080 sketch markers and scissors and glue so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00295-00096081-00096390 to tell the truth there wasn't much we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00296-00096391-00096585 could do when it came to the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00297-00096586-00096693 reconfiguration zV-ZjEBoEY4-00298-00096694-00096954 the space and when we took into zV-ZjEBoEY4-00299-00096955-00097176 consideration architectural details of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00300-00097177-00097668 the room we really weren't looking it zV-ZjEBoEY4-00301-00097669-00097887 really limited our options in terms of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00302-00097888-00098151 the reconfiguration so we started with zV-ZjEBoEY4-00303-00098152-00098493 the known owns this shelving was not zV-ZjEBoEY4-00304-00098494-00098694 moving that was a promise we made to our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00305-00098695-00099011 community services when we installed it zV-ZjEBoEY4-00306-00099012-00099357 this was really the only place that we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00307-00099358-00099615 could put the new screen rack system it zV-ZjEBoEY4-00308-00099616-00099894 just wouldn't couldn't be accommodated zV-ZjEBoEY4-00309-00099895-00100293 at any other location and then again zV-ZjEBoEY4-00310-00100294-00100625 here and here those are really the only zV-ZjEBoEY4-00311-00100626-00100905 locations that we could put our second zV-ZjEBoEY4-00312-00100906-00101121 fixed shelving unit and our our map zV-ZjEBoEY4-00313-00101122-00101394 cabinets so we are basically considering zV-ZjEBoEY4-00314-00101395-00101613 how are we going to move the utility zV-ZjEBoEY4-00315-00101614-00101739 shelves and how are we going to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00316-00101740-00101979 configure the utility shelves and where zV-ZjEBoEY4-00317-00101980-00102273 the mobile platforms going to go and we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00318-00102274-00102509 just determined they would kind of be zV-ZjEBoEY4-00319-00102510-00102935 house down here and at the time that I zV-ZjEBoEY4-00320-00102936-00103224 was putting together the action plan we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00321-00103225-00103464 hadn't yet received receive the funding zV-ZjEBoEY4-00322-00103465-00103929 from the Norfolk Community Foundation so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00323-00103930-00104207 I actually made notes that some of these zV-ZjEBoEY4-00324-00104208-00104529 projects were earmarked for a year two zV-ZjEBoEY4-00325-00104530-00105198 or a second phase so our implementation zV-ZjEBoEY4-00326-00105199-00105508 plan we actually had a rather small team zV-ZjEBoEY4-00327-00105509-00105852 working on the implementation of our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00328-00105853-00106170 reorganization we don't have technicians zV-ZjEBoEY4-00329-00106171-00106500 at the gallery our communities Norfolk zV-ZjEBoEY4-00330-00106501-00106745 County Community Services Group zV-ZjEBoEY4-00331-00106746-00107015 essentially act as our technicians and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00332-00107016-00107538 they were the muscle for the project we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00333-00107539-00107810 had Rachel a Guelph University zV-ZjEBoEY4-00334-00107811-00108024 experiential learning student who joyed zV-ZjEBoEY4-00335-00108025-00108209 joined us for two to three days a week zV-ZjEBoEY4-00336-00108210-00108533 and Rebecca who we employed through zV-ZjEBoEY4-00337-00108534-00108720 young Canada works as a collections zV-ZjEBoEY4-00338-00108721-00109122 assistant zV-ZjEBoEY4-00339-00109123-00109413 so in advance of the plans so maybe some zV-ZjEBoEY4-00340-00109414-00109614 people who participated in the workshop zV-ZjEBoEY4-00341-00109615-00110103 will recognize this we kind of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00342-00110104-00110336 brainstormed just using sticky notes zV-ZjEBoEY4-00343-00110338-00110531 everything that would have to happen and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00344-00110532-00111000 loosely organized it in a timeline and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00345-00111001-00111458 then we did again a very rough draft of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00346-00111459-00111714 what our swing space configuration would zV-ZjEBoEY4-00347-00111715-00112113 look like and then I also wrote out the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00348-00112114-00112368 order in which the move would take place zV-ZjEBoEY4-00349-00112369-00112626 so it was pretty clear that the very zV-ZjEBoEY4-00350-00112627-00112776 first thing that we had to move out of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00351-00112777-00113082 storage was the compact shelving which zV-ZjEBoEY4-00352-00113083-00113415 would go here than the sculptures and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00353-00113416-00113664 then it was a bit of Tetris after that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00354-00113665-00114015 to accommodate all of all of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00355-00114016-00114953 paintings so this was you know just a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00356-00114954-00115278 few pictures from our swing space which zV-ZjEBoEY4-00357-00115279-00115469 actually ended up being my office zV-ZjEBoEY4-00358-00115470-00115908 unexpectedly so just a little bit of a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00359-00115908-00116291 back story here in 2003 when we came zV-ZjEBoEY4-00360-00116292-00116534 under the umbrella of Norfolk County it zV-ZjEBoEY4-00361-00116535-00116751 was decided that we would share the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00362-00116752-00116946 building with Norfolk County corporate zV-ZjEBoEY4-00363-00116947-00117458 services so for you know 12 or 13 years zV-ZjEBoEY4-00364-00117459-00117744 we actually shared off it shared the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00365-00117745-00117911 building with our human resources zV-ZjEBoEY4-00366-00117913-00118113 department and they occupied about forty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00367-00118114-00118433 percent of the space in December of 2014 zV-ZjEBoEY4-00368-00118434-00118678 they were supposed to be moving to a new zV-ZjEBoEY4-00369-00118679-00119015 central administration building then it zV-ZjEBoEY4-00370-00119016-00119336 was februari of 2015 and then march of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00371-00119338-00119643 2015 and then a date yet to be zV-ZjEBoEY4-00372-00119644-00119940 determined so initially we had planned zV-ZjEBoEY4-00373-00119941-00120171 on using those vacated offices as our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00374-00120172-00120428 swing space when it became clear that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00375-00120429-00120822 they may not be available to us my zV-ZjEBoEY4-00376-00120823-00121140 office became the swing space and becca zV-ZjEBoEY4-00377-00121141-00121433 had to move into the kitchen for the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00378-00121434-00121784 remainder of this offer and how was so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00379-00121785-00122274 that was her office so again my office zV-ZjEBoEY4-00380-00122275-00122439 was not very large zV-ZjEBoEY4-00381-00122440-00122691 certainly maybe not even as large as the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00382-00122692-00122933 storage room so things became pretty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00383-00122934-00123233 cramped and I had a pretty narrow route zV-ZjEBoEY4-00384-00123234-00123756 to my desk and yeah we didn't really zV-ZjEBoEY4-00385-00123757-00123951 have any extra furniture to put the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00386-00123952-00124257 works on so they basically rested on the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00387-00124258-00124698 floor which wasn't great but it was the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00388-00124699-00125289 best we could do yeah sorry just to go zV-ZjEBoEY4-00389-00125290-00125499 back so are like I said our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00390-00125500-00125823 implementation plan was actually pretty zV-ZjEBoEY4-00391-00125824-00126236 straightforward we moved the collection zV-ZjEBoEY4-00392-00126238-00126465 over two days the majority of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00393-00126466-00126627 collection we were able to move out in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00394-00126628-00127068 one day one full day june third and then zV-ZjEBoEY4-00395-00127069-00127470 by the end of the next day we had zV-ZjEBoEY4-00396-00127471-00127722 completely cleared the room of all zV-ZjEBoEY4-00397-00127723-00128088 artworks as well as any furniture that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00398-00128089-00128352 needed to be moved to a temporary zV-ZjEBoEY4-00399-00128353-00128598 storage space or that was just destined zV-ZjEBoEY4-00400-00128599-00129423 for the dump so the cliq collection zV-ZjEBoEY4-00401-00129424-00129645 basically SAT there for the next in my zV-ZjEBoEY4-00402-00129646-00129963 office for the next ten weeks while we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00403-00129964-00130230 completed some renovations and installed zV-ZjEBoEY4-00404-00130231-00130656 new equipment so we did replace the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00405-00130657-00131148 flooring we had a bit of not a glitch zV-ZjEBoEY4-00406-00131149-00131415 but an unexpected expenditure when it zV-ZjEBoEY4-00407-00131416-00131759 came to the floor so we discovered that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00408-00131760-00132120 the area in which we wanted to put the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00409-00132121-00132537 new screen rack unit was not level so we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00410-00132538-00132836 did have to level the floor in that area zV-ZjEBoEY4-00411-00132837-00133230 we decided to not do the entire floor zV-ZjEBoEY4-00412-00133231-00133551 and to just focus on that primary zV-ZjEBoEY4-00413-00133552-00133866 location so it added an extra five zV-ZjEBoEY4-00414-00133867-00134118 hundred dollars to our budget that we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00415-00134119-00134385 hadn't planned for but it was we felt zV-ZjEBoEY4-00416-00134386-00134691 absolutely necessary we did have the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00417-00134692-00135158 room painted and then about mid August zV-ZjEBoEY4-00418-00135159-00135486 out of the box associates who we worked zV-ZjEBoEY4-00419-00135487-00135805 with to source our Montell zV-ZjEBoEY4-00420-00135806-00136084 tracking system installed the rack just zV-ZjEBoEY4-00421-00136085-00136840 over a couple of days and then yeah so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00422-00136841-00137017 these are basically the after pictures zV-ZjEBoEY4-00423-00137018-00137401 of our storage room the repatriation was zV-ZjEBoEY4-00424-00137402-00137722 again a pretty painless process and we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00425-00137723-00137995 were able to repatriate most of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00426-00137996-00138532 works within a two day time period we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00427-00138533-00138706 didn't really worry about taking an zV-ZjEBoEY4-00428-00138707-00138957 inventory of where the works were going zV-ZjEBoEY4-00429-00138958-00139291 we did do an inventory of works that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00430-00139292-00139581 went on to the new screen rack unit zV-ZjEBoEY4-00431-00139582-00139783 because we didn't want to have to take zV-ZjEBoEY4-00432-00139784-00140107 them off and handle them again to do to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00433-00140108-00140470 do that inventory aside from that we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00434-00140471-00140665 basically just moved everything in and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00435-00140666-00140995 in the last work the last week of her zV-ZjEBoEY4-00436-00140996-00141366 work term Rebecca spent that time zV-ZjEBoEY4-00437-00141367-00141652 recording the locations of all of the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00438-00141653-00142027 artworks in the collection yeah so you zV-ZjEBoEY4-00439-00142028-00142252 can see here complete art I'll just go zV-ZjEBoEY4-00440-00142253-00142521 forward that'll be easier so these are zV-ZjEBoEY4-00441-00142522-00142810 before-and-afters you can see a vast zV-ZjEBoEY4-00442-00142811-00143178 improvement to our ability to house our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00443-00143179-00143461 collection of works on artworks on zV-ZjEBoEY4-00444-00143462-00143791 campus we were able to achieve our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00445-00143792-00143989 primary goal of getting all of our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00446-00143990-00144481 artworks off the floor and into proper zV-ZjEBoEY4-00447-00144482-00145060 cabinetry so these are some of our key zV-ZjEBoEY4-00448-00145061-00145393 results and you can see here where we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00449-00145394-00145726 improved in our self-evaluation so our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00450-00145727-00146032 management improved a little bit we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00451-00146033-00146179 still have a long way to go in that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00452-00146180-00146506 particular area and in building in space zV-ZjEBoEY4-00453-00146507-00146701 and improved a little bit as well well zV-ZjEBoEY4-00454-00146702-00146911 where we made a real headway was in the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00455-00146912-00147253 collection and furniture areas so it's zV-ZjEBoEY4-00456-00147254-00147520 worth noting that while renovations were zV-ZjEBoEY4-00457-00147521-00147907 taking place Rebecca and Rachel were zV-ZjEBoEY4-00458-00147908-00148288 really industrious and managed to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00459-00148289-00148528 populate our collections database with zV-ZjEBoEY4-00460-00148529-00148672 one hundred percent of our accession zV-ZjEBoEY4-00461-00148673-00148933 records that was a great outcome for zV-ZjEBoEY4-00462-00148934-00149236 us at the end of the summer and has zV-ZjEBoEY4-00463-00149237-00149446 really improved our ability to manage zV-ZjEBoEY4-00464-00149447-00149758 the collection so we saw a fifty percent zV-ZjEBoEY4-00465-00149759-00149935 increase as well to storage where works zV-ZjEBoEY4-00466-00149936-00150112 on paper through the purchase of that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00467-00150113-00150451 second file cabinet twenty-five percent zV-ZjEBoEY4-00468-00150452-00150613 increase to our vertical storage zV-ZjEBoEY4-00469-00150614-00150859 capacity a twenty-five percent increase zV-ZjEBoEY4-00470-00150860-00151080 to our fixed shelving capacity zV-ZjEBoEY4-00471-00151081-00151291 ninety-nine percent of the artworks are zV-ZjEBoEY4-00472-00151292-00151462 off the floor and how is an appropriate zV-ZjEBoEY4-00473-00151463-00151894 storage units we have one very heavy zV-ZjEBoEY4-00474-00151895-00152152 long wide sculpture that doesn't quite zV-ZjEBoEY4-00475-00152153-00152413 fit in any of our current units so we'll zV-ZjEBoEY4-00476-00152414-00152692 have to deal with that going forward the zV-ZjEBoEY4-00477-00152693-00152941 location of all artworks are recorded zV-ZjEBoEY4-00478-00152942-00153169 and ready to be input into the database zV-ZjEBoEY4-00479-00153170-00153619 and presently that is happening we have zV-ZjEBoEY4-00480-00153620-00153805 a co-op student from our local high zV-ZjEBoEY4-00481-00153806-00154087 school and we have a volunteer that zV-ZjEBoEY4-00482-00154088-00154447 comes in once a week and they've been in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00483-00154448-00154651 putting the locations into the database zV-ZjEBoEY4-00484-00154652-00154981 and I suspect that by the time our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00485-00154982-00155248 collections assistant resumes work in zV-ZjEBoEY4-00486-00155249-00155607 the summer rachel is joining us again zV-ZjEBoEY4-00487-00155608-00156160 that will have been completed so all of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00488-00156161-00156367 our non collections are have essentially zV-ZjEBoEY4-00489-00156368-00156706 been removed with the exception of works zV-ZjEBoEY4-00490-00156707-00156925 waiting for review by the acquisition zV-ZjEBoEY4-00491-00156926-00157159 committee or waiting to be a sessioned zV-ZjEBoEY4-00492-00157160-00157531 and every object can be retrieved zV-ZjEBoEY4-00493-00157532-00157720 without moving more than two other zV-ZjEBoEY4-00494-00157721-00158011 objects so we really did achieve all of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00495-00158012-00158260 our primary objectives within the scope zV-ZjEBoEY4-00496-00158261-00158818 of this project that being said we do zV-ZjEBoEY4-00497-00158819-00159096 still have move out standing issues zV-ZjEBoEY4-00498-00159097-00159553 particularly in the management area we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00499-00159554-00159790 have a number of collections policies zV-ZjEBoEY4-00500-00159791-00160030 and procedures that need to be finalized zV-ZjEBoEY4-00501-00160031-00160660 and put into a manual you know we don't zV-ZjEBoEY4-00502-00160661-00160851 have an emergency plan to update zV-ZjEBoEY4-00503-00160852-00161119 unfortunately we still have to start zV-ZjEBoEY4-00504-00161120-00161424 from scratch where that's concerned zV-ZjEBoEY4-00505-00161425-00161836 that's become a significant focus for us zV-ZjEBoEY4-00506-00161837-00162157 going forward over the next couple of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00507-00162158-00162461 we need to address the need for a fire zV-ZjEBoEY4-00508-00162462-00162872 suppression system given the age of our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00509-00162873-00163229 building you know if it were to catch zV-ZjEBoEY4-00510-00163230-00163495 pop fire would probably just go poof and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00511-00163496-00163781 so might our the entirety of our zV-ZjEBoEY4-00512-00163782-00164123 collection so this is something that we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00513-00164124-00164336 haven't really given much thought to to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00514-00164337-00164657 tell the truth prior to reorg but has zV-ZjEBoEY4-00515-00164658-00164891 now become a bit of a red flag and zV-ZjEBoEY4-00516-00164892-00165227 something we really need to address but zV-ZjEBoEY4-00517-00165228-00165448 we still need to address the issue of zV-ZjEBoEY4-00518-00165449-00165890 storage for works on paper and going zV-ZjEBoEY4-00519-00165891-00166136 forward we'd like to replace the utility zV-ZjEBoEY4-00520-00166137-00166360 shelves which are really pretty unstable zV-ZjEBoEY4-00521-00166361-00166730 with new compact shelving and this would zV-ZjEBoEY4-00522-00166731-00167219 probably be a project for 2017 so we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00523-00167220-00167465 have some furniture upgrades that we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00524-00167466-00167693 still want to do that will allow us to zV-ZjEBoEY4-00525-00167694-00168149 grow our capacity and be able to be able zV-ZjEBoEY4-00526-00168150-00168715 us enable us to resume a more robust zV-ZjEBoEY4-00527-00168716-00169067 acquisitions kind of policy we had a zV-ZjEBoEY4-00528-00169068-00169307 moratorium on collecting for about 10 zV-ZjEBoEY4-00529-00169308-00169883 years so this this project will begin us zV-ZjEBoEY4-00530-00169884-00170110 to allow allow us to begin collecting zV-ZjEBoEY4-00531-00170111-00170432 again on a small scale and then zV-ZjEBoEY4-00532-00170433-00170672 hopefully with a few more upgrades we zV-ZjEBoEY4-00533-00170673-00171176 can increase that that activity so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00534-00171177-00171530 that's basically all I have to say so zV-ZjEBoEY4-00535-00171531-00172037 thank you everyone zV-ZjEBoEY4-00536-00172038-00172244 you zZypKl-Saty-00000-00000003-00000262 you know most Americans are broadened zZypKl-Saty-00001-00000263-00000499 and many Americans in America become zZypKl-Saty-00002-00000500-00000778 familiar with the F mark which is the zZypKl-Saty-00003-00000779-00000979 report of foreign bank and financial zZypKl-Saty-00004-00000980-00001223 accounts and basically what this form zZypKl-Saty-00005-00001224-00001490 requires is if you're a u.s. person so zZypKl-Saty-00006-00001491-00001646 that means you're US citizen your green zZypKl-Saty-00007-00001647-00001810 card holder or you meet the substantial zZypKl-Saty-00008-00001811-00002075 presence test you'll require to file zZypKl-Saty-00009-00002076-00002390 this F bar form to report any foreign zZypKl-Saty-00010-00002391-00002635 bank and financial accounts if the zZypKl-Saty-00011-00002636-00002905 aggregate value of those accounts is zZypKl-Saty-00012-00002906-00003158 $10,000 or more there's a common zZypKl-Saty-00013-00003159-00003458 misconception that it's ten thousand per zZypKl-Saty-00014-00003459-00003629 account so as long as you're under ten zZypKl-Saty-00015-00003629-00003803 thousand per account you don't have to zZypKl-Saty-00016-00003804-00004010 file this is completely wrong it's a zZypKl-Saty-00017-00004011-00004175 combined value so let's say for example zZypKl-Saty-00018-00004176-00004340 you have one for an account well five zZypKl-Saty-00019-00004341-00004477 thousand dollars another with six zZypKl-Saty-00020-00004478-00004747 thousand dollars individually they're zZypKl-Saty-00021-00004748-00004901 both letter time but collectively zZypKl-Saty-00022-00004902-00005131 they're 11 which is more than 10 meaning zZypKl-Saty-00023-00005132-00005293 that you have to file an F bar and zZypKl-Saty-00024-00005294-00005479 report both of those accounts even zZypKl-Saty-00025-00005480-00005761 though they're both under $10,000 this zZypKl-Saty-00026-00005762-00005999 also includes if you're married for zZypKl-Saty-00027-00006000-00006184 example to a non-resident alien and you zZypKl-Saty-00028-00006185-00006379 guys have a joint account you have to zZypKl-Saty-00029-00006380-00006584 include the entire value of that account zZypKl-Saty-00030-00006584-00006869 on your f bar now one of the big zZypKl-Saty-00031-00006870-00007120 mistakes that people and inexperience zZypKl-Saty-00032-00007122-00007292 tax preparers and there's a lot of them zZypKl-Saty-00033-00007293-00007523 out there make is that they only put zZypKl-Saty-00034-00007523-00007820 bank accounts on the f bar this is a zZypKl-Saty-00035-00007820-00008014 huge mistake because the name of the zZypKl-Saty-00036-00008015-00008264 form implies that it's bank and zZypKl-Saty-00037-00008265-00008462 financial accounts so what what is a zZypKl-Saty-00038-00008463-00008639 financial account other than a bank zZypKl-Saty-00039-00008640-00008803 account I'll give you some examples zZypKl-Saty-00040-00008804-00009142 brokerage accounts annuities life zZypKl-Saty-00041-00009143-00009431 insurance with the cash value escrow zZypKl-Saty-00042-00009432-00009689 accounts if you have a seat if you have zZypKl-Saty-00043-00009690-00009878 a security deposit on an apartment that zZypKl-Saty-00044-00009879-00010171 could potentially be reportable on to zZypKl-Saty-00045-00010172-00010417 that part so there's a long list of zZypKl-Saty-00046-00010418-00010621 things that could go on F bars zZypKl-Saty-00047-00010622-00010946 besides bank accounts and as many of you zZypKl-Saty-00048-00010947-00011203 know the penalties for not filing that zZypKl-Saty-00049-00011204-00011402 bar willfully finding an incorrect one zZypKl-Saty-00050-00011403-00011671 can be up to 50% of the balance of the zZypKl-Saty-00051-00011672-00011810 account per year zZypKl-Saty-00052-00011811-00012031 it's a massive penalty in two years you zZypKl-Saty-00053-00012032-00012257 could wipe out the entire balance zZypKl-Saty-00054-00012258-00012509 of whatever the unreported account was zZypKl-Saty-00055-00012510-00012692 so it's really important to get it right zZypKl-Saty-00056-00012693-00012878 we know what we're doing come check us zZypKl-Saty-00057-00012879-00013004 out at Esquire group we'll make sure zZypKl-Saty-00058-00013005-00013188 you're at your app bar is filed properly zZypKl-Saty-00059-00013190-00013418 we hope to see you soon esque Raikou zZypKl-Saty-00060-00013419-00013869 calm zZypKl-Saty-00061-00013871-00014192 [Music] zcjvmjwJQAo-00000-00009986-00012065 [Applause] zcjvmjwJQAo-00003-00020953-00022743 [Music] zcjvmjwJQAo-00005-00030466-00030933 [Music] zcjvmjwJQAo-00006-00030935-00030982 [Applause] zcjvmjwJQAo-00007-00030983-00031538 [Music] zcjvmjwJQAo-00008-00031539-00031905 [Music] zf1TAmAyv_Q-00000-00000000-00000238 welcome back viewers and subscribers of zf1TAmAyv_Q-00001-00000239-00000438 ABT news zf1TAmAyv_Q-00002-00000440-00000755 this time I want to zf1TAmAyv_Q-00003-00000756-00001103 respond to zimbabweans who are based in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00004-00001104-00001223 South Africa zf1TAmAyv_Q-00005-00001224-00001595 who are on this important permit and who zf1TAmAyv_Q-00006-00001596-00001984 want to register for Zimbabwe's for the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00007-00001985-00002134 Zimbabwean government's relocation zf1TAmAyv_Q-00008-00002135-00002555 assistance for those who are who want to zf1TAmAyv_Q-00009-00002556-00002849 go back home and would meet government zf1TAmAyv_Q-00010-00002850-00003160 assistance for them to do that zf1TAmAyv_Q-00011-00003161-00003551 so you'll remember that we did a video a zf1TAmAyv_Q-00012-00003552-00003785 few days ago announcing that the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00013-00003786-00004259 government hit was up moving to the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00014-00004260-00004417 second phase zf1TAmAyv_Q-00015-00004418-00004685 of registering people zf1TAmAyv_Q-00016-00004686-00005027 for this kind of assistance which they zf1TAmAyv_Q-00017-00005028-00005236 promised uh zf1TAmAyv_Q-00018-00005237-00005470 a few weeks ago zf1TAmAyv_Q-00019-00005471-00005861 so this is a program of facilitating zf1TAmAyv_Q-00020-00005862-00006154 repatriation of Zimbabwe Nation as well zf1TAmAyv_Q-00021-00006155-00006341 the workers of the Zimbabwe exemption zf1TAmAyv_Q-00022-00006342-00006973 permits were foreign zf1TAmAyv_Q-00023-00006973-00007451 on the 30th of June 2023 so now the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00024-00007452-00007756 government which introduced an online zf1TAmAyv_Q-00025-00007758-00007967 registration process zf1TAmAyv_Q-00026-00007968-00008242 few weeks ago is now moving on zf1TAmAyv_Q-00027-00008243-00008735 to an in-person or physical mapping zf1TAmAyv_Q-00028-00008736-00008887 exercise zf1TAmAyv_Q-00029-00008888-00009160 and this exercise will be undertaken zf1TAmAyv_Q-00030-00009161-00009353 across all provinces of South Africa zf1TAmAyv_Q-00031-00009354-00009724 from the 12th of March to the 31st of zf1TAmAyv_Q-00032-00009725-00010019 March and is made to identify and zf1TAmAyv_Q-00033-00010020-00010342 register their politics and their zf1TAmAyv_Q-00034-00010343-00010595 dependents who may require assistance of zf1TAmAyv_Q-00035-00010596-00010828 facilitation to return to Zimbabwe so zf1TAmAyv_Q-00036-00010829-00011081 people have been asking based on the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00037-00011082-00011327 video that we did earlier this week on zf1TAmAyv_Q-00038-00011328-00011578 Monday to on Tuesday to be precise they zf1TAmAyv_Q-00039-00011579-00011927 want to know where this exercise will be zf1TAmAyv_Q-00040-00011928-00012192 taken to their particular province so zf1TAmAyv_Q-00041-00012193-00012514 this is what we're going to read out to zf1TAmAyv_Q-00042-00012515-00012755 you right now as per the Zimbabwean zf1TAmAyv_Q-00043-00012756-00013121 government secular uh on the 17th on the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00044-00013122-00013457 14th to the 17th of March the exercise zf1TAmAyv_Q-00045-00013458-00013793 will be in Limpopo province in the city zf1TAmAyv_Q-00046-00013794-00013933 of polokwane zf1TAmAyv_Q-00047-00013934-00014386 the venue will be open view 135 Open zf1TAmAyv_Q-00048-00014387-00014938 Road in it will take place uh on these zf1TAmAyv_Q-00049-00014940-00015316 particular days from nine o'clock AM to zf1TAmAyv_Q-00050-00015318-00015575 three o'clock P.M zf1TAmAyv_Q-00051-00015576-00016079 then on the 20th to the 22nd of March zf1TAmAyv_Q-00052-00016080-00016391 there will be in Northwest uh in the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00053-00016392-00016799 cities of rustenburg and mahiken zf1TAmAyv_Q-00054-00016800-00017213 so on in on the 20th to the 22nd there zf1TAmAyv_Q-00055-00017214-00017494 will be in rustenburg at the Hellenic zf1TAmAyv_Q-00056-00017495-00017771 center uh Hellenic community of zf1TAmAyv_Q-00057-00017772-00018250 rustenburg 128 watsonia Avenue uh zf1TAmAyv_Q-00058-00018251-00018622 Sherwood Park so it will again be zf1TAmAyv_Q-00059-00018623-00019103 9 A.M to 3 P.M on the 25th to the 27th zf1TAmAyv_Q-00060-00019104-00019408 of March they'll be in mahikeng again in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00061-00019409-00019764 the Northwest in mokosen Sundown Resorts zf1TAmAyv_Q-00062-00019765-00020243 number 11 542 mokosen Village zf1TAmAyv_Q-00063-00020244-00020730 mabato same time 9 A.M to zf1TAmAyv_Q-00064-00020731-00021203 1500 hours it is 3 P.M on the 29th of zf1TAmAyv_Q-00065-00021204-00021508 March to the 1st of April which is full zf1TAmAyv_Q-00066-00021509-00021779 day they will be in gauteng in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00067-00021780-00022114 Johannesburg at the Consulate of the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00068-00022115-00022457 Republic of Zimbabwe number 13A Boeing zf1TAmAyv_Q-00069-00022458-00022769 Road in bedfordview I think this is a zf1TAmAyv_Q-00070-00022770-00022997 venue that many of you are based in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00071-00022998-00023141 Johannesburg and they've sought zf1TAmAyv_Q-00072-00023142-00023339 consulate services will be very much zf1TAmAyv_Q-00073-00023340-00023693 familiar with the time doesn't change 9 zf1TAmAyv_Q-00074-00023694-00024149 A.M to 3 P.M for the 35th on the 13th zf1TAmAyv_Q-00075-00024150-00024485 rather to the 15th of March they will be zf1TAmAyv_Q-00076-00024486-00024827 in mpumalanga in nelspruit zf1TAmAyv_Q-00077-00024828-00025163 we're seeing Community Hall zf1TAmAyv_Q-00078-00025164-00025463 near lovefeld showgrounds in nelspruit zf1TAmAyv_Q-00079-00025464-00025822 same time then on the 16th to the 18th zf1TAmAyv_Q-00080-00025823-00026044 of March they will be still in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00081-00026045-00026435 mpumalangham at feedback zf1TAmAyv_Q-00082-00026436-00027145 foreign zf1TAmAyv_Q-00083-00027145-00027527 River Crescent in witbank the times do zf1TAmAyv_Q-00084-00027527-00027708 not change zf1TAmAyv_Q-00085-00027710-00028277 on the 20th to the 22nd of March there zf1TAmAyv_Q-00086-00028277-00028451 will be in the free state in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00087-00028452-00028789 bloemfontein Ramblers Club corner aliwal zf1TAmAyv_Q-00088-00028789-00029212 and Alexandra Avenue in the CPT of zf1TAmAyv_Q-00089-00029213-00029662 bloemfontein same time 9 A.M to 3 P.M on zf1TAmAyv_Q-00090-00029663-00029824 the 24th zf1TAmAyv_Q-00091-00029825-00030112 and 25th of March they'll be in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00092-00030113-00030473 kwazulu-natal in Newcastle status Hall zf1TAmAyv_Q-00093-00030474-00030964 10 Hill Street Newcastle 9 A.M to 3 P.M zf1TAmAyv_Q-00094-00030966-00031367 on the 27th to the 31st of March they'll zf1TAmAyv_Q-00095-00031368-00031752 be in Durban zf1TAmAyv_Q-00096-00031754-00032146 Jewish Club number 44 ke machine a Road zf1TAmAyv_Q-00097-00032147-00032723 North Beach in Durban 9 A.M to 3 P.M on zf1TAmAyv_Q-00098-00032724-00032962 the 13th to the 15th of March there will zf1TAmAyv_Q-00099-00032963-00033283 be in the Western Cape in Cape Town CPD zf1TAmAyv_Q-00100-00033284-00033623 Scala Prince Center of Cape Town for zf1TAmAyv_Q-00101-00033624-00033971 seven Commercial Street in Cape Town 9 zf1TAmAyv_Q-00102-00033972-00034193 A.M to 3 P.M zf1TAmAyv_Q-00103-00034194-00034577 on the 16th and 17th of March there will zf1TAmAyv_Q-00104-00034578-00034865 be in George at his Cornville Community zf1TAmAyv_Q-00105-00034866-00035231 Hall number one Pinal Street in zf1TAmAyv_Q-00106-00035232-00035374 Cornville George zf1TAmAyv_Q-00107-00035375-00035993 65 29 9 A.M to 3 P.M on the 19th and on zf1TAmAyv_Q-00108-00035994-00036268 20th of March they will be in the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00109-00036269-00036589 Eastern Cape in Rivera Port Elizabeth zf1TAmAyv_Q-00110-00036590-00037081 the Anglican Church zf1TAmAyv_Q-00111-00037082-00037421 Saint Mary's Terrace Port Elizabeth 9 zf1TAmAyv_Q-00112-00037422-00037711 A.M to 3 P.M zf1TAmAyv_Q-00113-00037712-00038267 on the 27 on the 22nd and 23rd of March zf1TAmAyv_Q-00114-00038268-00038627 there will be in East London Orion zf1TAmAyv_Q-00115-00038628-00038735 theater zf1TAmAyv_Q-00116-00038736-00039017 Queen the beach Queenie beach in East zf1TAmAyv_Q-00117-00039018-00039305 London 9 A.M to 3 P.M zf1TAmAyv_Q-00118-00039306-00039515 on the 26th zf1TAmAyv_Q-00119-00039516-00039796 to the 28th of March that will be in the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00120-00039797-00040061 northern cape in Kimberley at the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00121-00040062-00040349 Kimberley City Hall number five Market zf1TAmAyv_Q-00122-00040350-00040595 Street Kimberly zf1TAmAyv_Q-00123-00040596-00041152 North Kimberly or Kimberly North uh at 9 zf1TAmAyv_Q-00124-00041153-00041555 00 a.m to 3 P.M on the 31st of March zf1TAmAyv_Q-00125-00041556-00041705 which will be the closing day of this zf1TAmAyv_Q-00126-00041706-00041896 outreach program they will be in the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00127-00041897-00042424 Western Cape fredenburg a wall bitumen zf1TAmAyv_Q-00128-00042425-00042889 Street Orton engine God zf1TAmAyv_Q-00129-00042890-00043445 9 A.M to 3 P.M so for those who would zf1TAmAyv_Q-00130-00043446-00043540 want zf1TAmAyv_Q-00131-00043541-00043967 to contact the embassy you can either zf1TAmAyv_Q-00132-00043968-00044140 contact the air you can contact the zf1TAmAyv_Q-00133-00044141-00044417 embassy in Pretoria on these numbers zf1TAmAyv_Q-00134-00044418-00044824 plus two seven six three seven one two zf1TAmAyv_Q-00135-00044825-00045058 six one five six zf1TAmAyv_Q-00136-00045059-00045335 or the Consulate in Johannesburg zf1TAmAyv_Q-00137-00045336-00045683 on plus two seven eight two eight two zf1TAmAyv_Q-00138-00045684-00045905 four nine four three five zf1TAmAyv_Q-00139-00045906-00046108 the Consulate in Cape Town is available zf1TAmAyv_Q-00140-00046109-00046540 on plus two seven six double nine zf1TAmAyv_Q-00141-00046541-00046924 one one six seven one seven and note zf1TAmAyv_Q-00142-00046925-00047321 that these numbers are only for WhatsApp zf1TAmAyv_Q-00143-00047322-00047608 purposes thank you very much do not zf1TAmAyv_Q-00144-00047609-00047843 forget to subscribe to this channel like zf1TAmAyv_Q-00145-00047844-00048218 this video and share it zfVmDOPskcU-00000-00000016-00000375 holy you like it zfVmDOPskcU-00001-00000376-00000734 oh my god i like it i love it zfVmDOPskcU-00002-00000735-00001039 holy crap guys well we're gonna pour zfVmDOPskcU-00003-00001040-00001199 some concrete tomorrow you gonna help us zfVmDOPskcU-00004-00001200-00001491 out zfVmDOPskcU-00005-00001492-00002383 no okay zfVmDOPskcU-00006-00002384-00002550 the pad goes over the top of this zfVmDOPskcU-00007-00002551-00002718 although it's gonna be one more zfVmDOPskcU-00008-00002719-00002918 but still this is gonna be in there like zfVmDOPskcU-00009-00002919-00003126 that all right we're just gonna jump zfVmDOPskcU-00010-00003127-00003222 right into it zfVmDOPskcU-00011-00003223-00003399 a small little retaining wall here is zfVmDOPskcU-00012-00003400-00003551 about 22 feet long zfVmDOPskcU-00013-00003552-00003806 three feet high we also got a concrete zfVmDOPskcU-00014-00003807-00004079 pad here that's about 12 by 12. zfVmDOPskcU-00015-00004079-00004238 it's pretty straightforward the customer zfVmDOPskcU-00016-00004239-00004406 did all the hard work by zfVmDOPskcU-00017-00004407-00004606 excavating everything it was a pretty zfVmDOPskcU-00018-00004607-00004759 hard rock here so zfVmDOPskcU-00019-00004760-00005015 shout out to them for making that happen zfVmDOPskcU-00020-00005016-00005159 making our job a little bit zfVmDOPskcU-00021-00005160-00005447 easier it's not really much to it if you zfVmDOPskcU-00022-00005448-00005543 guys want to zfVmDOPskcU-00023-00005544-00005718 kind of see some details on what it zfVmDOPskcU-00024-00005719-00005951 takes to build a retaining wall zfVmDOPskcU-00025-00005952-00006159 i do have some links below where i go zfVmDOPskcU-00026-00006160-00006359 into great detail on what it takes to zfVmDOPskcU-00027-00006360-00006550 build a retaining wall but with this zfVmDOPskcU-00028-00006551-00006734 video i'm just pretty much going to let zfVmDOPskcU-00029-00006736-00006831 it ride out zfVmDOPskcU-00030-00006831-00007014 so you guys can check it out so i hope zfVmDOPskcU-00031-00007015-00007142 you guys enjoy it zfVmDOPskcU-00032-00007143-00007319 please subscribe to the channel that zfVmDOPskcU-00033-00007320-00007623 helps us out also like this video zfVmDOPskcU-00034-00007623-00007831 and yeah let's just get right into it zfVmDOPskcU-00035-00007831-00008023 sit back relax and enjoy zfVmDOPskcU-00036-00008023-00008483 any questions any comments please leave zfVmDOPskcU-00037-00008484-00009678 below zfVmDOPskcU-00038-00009679-00009846 most of you guys know we normally do a zfVmDOPskcU-00039-00009847-00010031 board finish which means we'll come back zfVmDOPskcU-00040-00010032-00010174 the next day and strip zfVmDOPskcU-00041-00010175-00010431 the forms from the retaining wall which zfVmDOPskcU-00042-00010432-00010567 gives that board look zfVmDOPskcU-00043-00010568-00010735 but on this particular job we're going zfVmDOPskcU-00044-00010736-00010927 to do a smooth finish so we're going to zfVmDOPskcU-00045-00010928-00011087 strip it zfVmDOPskcU-00046-00011088-00011319 probably about an hour after we pour the zfVmDOPskcU-00047-00011320-00011535 water to give it that smooth finish zfVmDOPskcU-00048-00011536-00011719 so be sure to stick around to the end zfVmDOPskcU-00049-00011720-00011999 and you'll be able to see that process zfVmDOPskcU-00050-00012000-00012206 and with that being said i hope everyone zfVmDOPskcU-00051-00012207-00014661 is doing well and staying positive zfVmDOPskcU-00052-00014662-00015483 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00053-00015484-00015705 foreign zfVmDOPskcU-00054-00015706-00018283 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00055-00018284-00019683 so zfVmDOPskcU-00056-00019684-00021426 so zfVmDOPskcU-00058-00032627-00033212 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00059-00033213-00034845 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00060-00034846-00035083 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00061-00035084-00035245 so zfVmDOPskcU-00062-00035246-00035855 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00063-00035856-00036666 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00064-00036667-00037883 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00065-00037884-00039055 right zfVmDOPskcU-00066-00039056-00039398 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00067-00039399-00040655 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00068-00040656-00041711 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00069-00041712-00041918 all right again you guys want to go into zfVmDOPskcU-00070-00041919-00042111 more detail on what it takes to build a zfVmDOPskcU-00071-00042112-00042374 retaining wall the right way zfVmDOPskcU-00072-00042375-00042551 check out some links below where we go zfVmDOPskcU-00073-00042552-00042751 into great detail on what it takes to zfVmDOPskcU-00074-00042752-00042823 build one zfVmDOPskcU-00075-00042824-00043174 the right way several videos down there zfVmDOPskcU-00076-00043175-00043335 one has to deal with the footing zfVmDOPskcU-00077-00043336-00043518 building the back of the wall zfVmDOPskcU-00078-00043519-00043783 how we installed a reward and so forth zfVmDOPskcU-00079-00043784-00043967 and you can also check out the pictures zfVmDOPskcU-00080-00043968-00044143 to this particular job zfVmDOPskcU-00081-00044144-00044387 on our website at zfVmDOPskcU-00082-00044388-00044574 allaccessconstruction.com zfVmDOPskcU-00083-00044575-00044718 now if you're looking for some work for zfVmDOPskcU-00084-00044719-00044967 your home or your business in the san zfVmDOPskcU-00085-00044968-00045135 francisco bay area zfVmDOPskcU-00086-00045136-00045407 or sacramento area you can also hit us zfVmDOPskcU-00087-00045408-00045599 up all our information zfVmDOPskcU-00088-00045600-00045823 is below pretty much can handle anything zfVmDOPskcU-00089-00045824-00046046 that's outside of the house zfVmDOPskcU-00090-00046047-00046295 retaining walls concrete modern zfVmDOPskcU-00091-00046296-00046358 landscape zfVmDOPskcU-00092-00046359-00046655 drainage pavers you name it we can do it zfVmDOPskcU-00093-00046656-00046830 excavation zfVmDOPskcU-00094-00046831-00047158 what else pretty much anything outside zfVmDOPskcU-00095-00047159-00047399 now if you're not in the area enjoy this zfVmDOPskcU-00096-00047400-00047599 video i greatly appreciate if you can zfVmDOPskcU-00097-00047600-00047751 hit that like button zfVmDOPskcU-00098-00047752-00047918 and if you like what you see you can zfVmDOPskcU-00099-00047919-00049198 also subscribe to our channel zfVmDOPskcU-00100-00049199-00050455 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00101-00050456-00052054 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00102-00052055-00053671 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00103-00053672-00055254 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00104-00055255-00056554 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00105-00056554-00056854 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00106-00056855-00059009 that's right zfVmDOPskcU-00107-00059010-00060282 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00108-00060283-00062276 uh zfVmDOPskcU-00110-00072020-00072882 [Music] zfVmDOPskcU-00111-00072883-00073462 is zfVmDOPskcU-00112-00073463-00073582 all right i want to give a round of zfVmDOPskcU-00113-00073583-00073791 applause to you guys who have supported zfVmDOPskcU-00114-00073792-00073950 us over the last couple years and zfVmDOPskcU-00115-00073951-00074094 greatly appreciate it zfVmDOPskcU-00116-00074095-00074391 i do not take it for granted and if zfVmDOPskcU-00117-00074392-00074567 you're in the bay area sacramento you zfVmDOPskcU-00118-00074568-00074687 guys know you can hit us zfVmDOPskcU-00119-00074688-00074967 up all our information is below everyone zfVmDOPskcU-00120-00074968-00075023 else zfVmDOPskcU-00121-00075024-00075182 hopefully this helps you out with your zfVmDOPskcU-00122-00075183-00075455 project and you can ask your contractor zfVmDOPskcU-00123-00075456-00075726 the right questions and you know they zfVmDOPskcU-00124-00075727-00075799 should be zfVmDOPskcU-00125-00075800-00076038 open to listening to you guys and seeing zfVmDOPskcU-00126-00076039-00076247 other people do work and to make your zfVmDOPskcU-00127-00076248-00076399 project zfVmDOPskcU-00128-00076400-00076719 go as smoothly as our projects so zfVmDOPskcU-00129-00076720-00076959 that goes for anybody in the midwest zfVmDOPskcU-00130-00076960-00077047 down south zfVmDOPskcU-00131-00077048-00077382 east coast overseas shout out to zfVmDOPskcU-00132-00077383-00077671 everybody in australia i get a lot of zfVmDOPskcU-00133-00077672-00077879 likes and comments from australia so i zfVmDOPskcU-00134-00077880-00078071 definitely appreciate that zfVmDOPskcU-00135-00078072-00078247 now remember hang around people that are zfVmDOPskcU-00136-00078248-00078511 positive it's cool to ask for help zfVmDOPskcU-00137-00078512-00078911 and i'll catch you guys on the next one zfVmDOPskcU-00138-00078912-00079159 oh my god better honestly better than zfVmDOPskcU-00139-00079160-00079319 anything we expected the smooth zfVmDOPskcU-00140-00079320-00079431 conditions zfVmDOPskcU-00141-00079432-00079862 oh good damn zfVmDOPskcU-00142-00079863-00080215 cool very are you kidding me zfVmDOPskcU-00143-00080216-00080591 um well thank you honestly zfVmDOPskcU-00144-00080592-00080872 it's amazing zhQ68x9FWPg-00000-00000065-00000505 virtual studio technology VST is an zhQ68x9FWPg-00001-00000506-00000815 audio plug-in software interface that zhQ68x9FWPg-00002-00000816-00001108 integrates software synthesizer and zhQ68x9FWPg-00003-00001109-00001546 effects in digital audio workstations zhQ68x9FWPg-00004-00001547-00001930 VST and similar technologies use digital zhQ68x9FWPg-00005-00001932-00002215 signal processing to simulate zhQ68x9FWPg-00006-00002216-00002558 traditional recording studio hardware in zhQ68x9FWPg-00007-00002559-00003025 software thousands of plugins exist both zhQ68x9FWPg-00008-00003026-00003293 commercial and freeware and a large zhQ68x9FWPg-00009-00003294-00003695 number of audio applications support VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00010-00003696-00004618 under license from its creator Steinberg zhQ68x9FWPg-00011-00004619-00005213 topic overview zhQ68x9FWPg-00012-00005214-00005553 VST plugins generally run within a zhQ68x9FWPg-00013-00005554-00005883 digital audio workstation door to zhQ68x9FWPg-00014-00005884-00006174 provide additional functionality though zhQ68x9FWPg-00015-00006175-00006477 a few standalone plug-in hosts exist zhQ68x9FWPg-00016-00006478-00006995 which support VST most VST plugins are zhQ68x9FWPg-00017-00006997-00007464 either instruments vsti or effects VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00018-00007465-00007890 FX although other categories exist for zhQ68x9FWPg-00019-00007891-00008229 example spectrum analyzers and various zhQ68x9FWPg-00020-00008230-00008706 meters VST plugins usually provide a zhQ68x9FWPg-00021-00008707-00009038 custom graphical user interface that zhQ68x9FWPg-00022-00009039-00009333 displays controls similar to physical zhQ68x9FWPg-00023-00009334-00009724 switches and knobs on audio hardware zhQ68x9FWPg-00024-00009725-00010121 some often older plugins rely on the zhQ68x9FWPg-00025-00010122-00010588 host application for the user interface zhQ68x9FWPg-00026-00010589-00010932 VST instruments include software zhQ68x9FWPg-00027-00010933-00011210 simulation emulations of well-known zhQ68x9FWPg-00028-00011211-00011652 Hardware synthesizers and samplers these zhQ68x9FWPg-00029-00011653-00011894 typically emulate the look of the zhQ68x9FWPg-00030-00011895-00012185 original equipment as well as its sonic zhQ68x9FWPg-00031-00012186-00012635 characteristics this lets musicians and zhQ68x9FWPg-00032-00012636-00012977 recording engineers use virtual versions zhQ68x9FWPg-00033-00012978-00013260 of devices that otherwise might be zhQ68x9FWPg-00034-00013261-00013785 difficult and expensive to obtain VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00035-00013786-00014043 instruments receive notes as digital zhQ68x9FWPg-00036-00014044-00014444 information via MIDI and output digital zhQ68x9FWPg-00037-00014445-00014844 audio effect plugins receive digital zhQ68x9FWPg-00038-00014844-00015158 audio and process it through to their zhQ68x9FWPg-00039-00015159-00015525 outputs some effect plugins also accept zhQ68x9FWPg-00040-00015526-00015936 MIDI input for example MIDI sync to zhQ68x9FWPg-00041-00015937-00016185 modulate the effect in sync with the zhQ68x9FWPg-00042-00016186-00016622 tempo MIDI messages can control both zhQ68x9FWPg-00043-00016623-00016952 instrument and effect plug-in parameters zhQ68x9FWPg-00044-00016953-00017319 most host applications can route the zhQ68x9FWPg-00045-00017320-00017679 audio output from one VST to the audio zhQ68x9FWPg-00046-00017680-00018117 input of another VST chaining for zhQ68x9FWPg-00047-00018118-00018540 example output of a VST synthesizer can zhQ68x9FWPg-00048-00018541-00018573 be zhQ68x9FWPg-00049-00018574-00019408 sent through a VST reverb effect zhQ68x9FWPg-00050-00019409-00020005 topic history zhQ68x9FWPg-00051-00020006-00020394 steinberg released the VST interface zhQ68x9FWPg-00052-00020395-00020933 specification and SDK in 1996 they zhQ68x9FWPg-00053-00020934-00021167 released it at the same time as zhQ68x9FWPg-00054-00021168-00021589 steinberg cubase 3.0 - which included zhQ68x9FWPg-00055-00021590-00022003 the first VST format plugins s facial a zhQ68x9FWPg-00056-00022004-00022403 reverb queerest a chorus effect stereo zhQ68x9FWPg-00057-00022404-00022783 echo and auto pan ur Steinberg updated zhQ68x9FWPg-00058-00022784-00023117 the VST interface specification to zhQ68x9FWPg-00059-00023118-00023711 version 2.0 in 1999 one edition was the zhQ68x9FWPg-00060-00023712-00024069 ability for plugins to receive MIDI data zhQ68x9FWPg-00061-00024070-00024397 this supported the introduction of zhQ68x9FWPg-00062-00024398-00024721 virtual studio technology instrument zhQ68x9FWPg-00063-00024722-00025336 vsti format plugins VST instruments can zhQ68x9FWPg-00064-00025337-00025661 act as standalone software synthesizers zhQ68x9FWPg-00065-00025662-00026075 samplers or drum machines neon was the zhQ68x9FWPg-00066-00026076-00026446 first available VST instrument included zhQ68x9FWPg-00067-00026447-00027107 with Cubase VST 3.7 it was a 16 voice 2 zhQ68x9FWPg-00068-00027108-00027431 oscillator virtual analog synthesizer zhQ68x9FWPg-00069-00027432-00027860 the VST interface specification was zhQ68x9FWPg-00070-00027861-00028546 updated to version 2.4 in 2006 changes zhQ68x9FWPg-00071-00028547-00028870 included the ability to process audio zhQ68x9FWPg-00072-00028872-00029381 with 64-bit precision VST 3.0 came out zhQ68x9FWPg-00073-00029382-00030089 in 2008 changes included audio inputs zhQ68x9FWPg-00074-00030089-00030608 for VST instruments multiple midi inputs zhQ68x9FWPg-00075-00030608-00030883 outputs zhQ68x9FWPg-00076-00030884-00031242 optional skee Steinberg kernel interface zhQ68x9FWPg-00077-00031243-00031714 integration VST 3.5 came out in February zhQ68x9FWPg-00078-00031715-00032242 2011 changes included note expression zhQ68x9FWPg-00079-00032243-00032569 which provides extensive articulation zhQ68x9FWPg-00080-00032570-00032902 information in individual note events in zhQ68x9FWPg-00081-00032903-00033298 a polyphonic arrangement this supports zhQ68x9FWPg-00082-00033299-00033571 performance flexibility and a more zhQ68x9FWPg-00083-00033572-00033862 natural playing feel zhQ68x9FWPg-00084-00033863-00034294 in October 2011 Salamone software and zhQ68x9FWPg-00085-00034295-00034585 Presonus released audio random-access zhQ68x9FWPg-00086-00034586-00034989 are an extension for audio plug-in zhQ68x9FWPg-00087-00034990-00035389 interfaces such as VST allowing greater zhQ68x9FWPg-00088-00035390-00035722 integration between audio plugins and zhQ68x9FWPg-00089-00035723-00036096 door software in September 2013 zhQ68x9FWPg-00090-00036097-00036226 Steinberg zhQ68x9FWPg-00091-00036227-00036549 discontinued maintenance of the VST 2 zhQ68x9FWPg-00092-00036550-00037035 SDK in December Steinberg's stop zhQ68x9FWPg-00093-00037036-00037453 distributing the SDK the higher versions zhQ68x9FWPg-00094-00037454-00037954 are continued VST three point six point zhQ68x9FWPg-00095-00037955-00038506 seven came out in March 2017 it includes zhQ68x9FWPg-00096-00038507-00038884 a preview version of VST three for Linux zhQ68x9FWPg-00097-00038885-00039268 platform the VST three part of the SDK zhQ68x9FWPg-00098-00039269-00039661 gets a dual license proprietary zhQ68x9FWPg-00099-00039662-00040254 Steinberg VST three all the open-source zhQ68x9FWPg-00100-00040255-00040974 gplv3 vsti stands for virtual studio zhQ68x9FWPg-00101-00040975-00041257 technology instruments developed by zhQ68x9FWPg-00102-00041258-00041785 Steinberg in Germany in 1997 gigas zhQ68x9FWPg-00103-00041786-00042142 studio launched by nemesis in the United zhQ68x9FWPg-00104-00042143-00042394 States along with the development of zhQ68x9FWPg-00105-00042395-00042709 Steinberg is a standalone that is not zhQ68x9FWPg-00106-00042710-00042973 run by a separate sequencing software zhQ68x9FWPg-00107-00042974-00043477 but runs independently giga studio had zhQ68x9FWPg-00108-00043478-00043833 so many bugs and compatibility problems zhQ68x9FWPg-00109-00043834-00044233 since then tascam has acquired gigas zhQ68x9FWPg-00110-00044234-00044503 studio but it has become less popular zhQ68x9FWPg-00111-00044504-00044860 and is no longer available meanwhile a zhQ68x9FWPg-00112-00044861-00045157 virtual instrument by Steinberg of zhQ68x9FWPg-00113-00045158-00045496 Germany began to be developed a platform zhQ68x9FWPg-00114-00045497-00045739 for the virtual instruments of the zhQ68x9FWPg-00115-00045740-00046081 DirectX engine series was developed by zhQ68x9FWPg-00116-00046082-00046378 cakewalk in the United States which is zhQ68x9FWPg-00117-00046379-00046705 famous for its current sonar but it did zhQ68x9FWPg-00118-00046706-00047149 not work currently almost all virtual zhQ68x9FWPg-00119-00047150-00047242 instrument zhQ68x9FWPg-00120-00047243-00047548 have been unified into the platform of zhQ68x9FWPg-00121-00047549-00048328 Steinberg's vsti zhQ68x9FWPg-00122-00048329-00049150 topic VST plugins there are three types zhQ68x9FWPg-00123-00049151-00049729 of VST plugins VST instruments generate zhQ68x9FWPg-00124-00049730-00050166 audio they are generally either virtual zhQ68x9FWPg-00125-00050167-00050560 synthesizers or virtual samplers many zhQ68x9FWPg-00126-00050561-00050866 recreate the look and sound of famous zhQ68x9FWPg-00127-00050867-00051277 Hardware synthesizers better known VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00128-00051278-00051624 instruments include nexus sylenth1 zhQ68x9FWPg-00129-00051625-00052159 massive omnisphere FM 8 absinthe reactor zhQ68x9FWPg-00130-00052160-00052741 gladiator serum and vanguard VST effects zhQ68x9FWPg-00131-00052741-00053109 process rather than generate audio and zhQ68x9FWPg-00132-00053110-00053452 perform the same functions as hardware zhQ68x9FWPg-00133-00053453-00053773 audio processes such as reverbs and zhQ68x9FWPg-00134-00053774-00054199 phases other monitoring effects provide zhQ68x9FWPg-00135-00054200-00054511 visual feedback of the input signal zhQ68x9FWPg-00136-00054512-00054958 without processing the audio most hosts zhQ68x9FWPg-00137-00054959-00055257 allow multiple effects to be chained zhQ68x9FWPg-00138-00055258-00055585 audio monitoring devices such as zhQ68x9FWPg-00139-00055586-00055941 spectrum analyzers and meters represent zhQ68x9FWPg-00140-00055942-00056248 audio characteristics frequency zhQ68x9FWPg-00141-00056249-00056892 distribution amplitude etc visually VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00142-00056894-00057238 MIDI effects process MIDI messages for zhQ68x9FWPg-00143-00057239-00057613 example transpose or arpeggiate and zhQ68x9FWPg-00144-00057614-00057924 route the MIDI data to other VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00145-00057925-00058794 instruments or to hardware devices zhQ68x9FWPg-00146-00058795-00059466 topic VST hosts zhQ68x9FWPg-00147-00059467-00059916 a VST host is a software application or zhQ68x9FWPg-00148-00059917-00060274 hardware device that VST plugins run zhQ68x9FWPg-00149-00060275-00060700 under the host application presents the zhQ68x9FWPg-00150-00060701-00061017 plug-in UI's and routes digital audio zhQ68x9FWPg-00151-00061019-00061810 and midi to and from the plugins zhQ68x9FWPg-00152-00061811-00062360 topic software zhQ68x9FWPg-00153-00062361-00062819 many VST hosts are available not all of zhQ68x9FWPg-00154-00062820-00063262 these support VST three plugins zhQ68x9FWPg-00155-00063263-00063590 standalone dedicated hosts provide a zhQ68x9FWPg-00156-00063591-00063962 host environment for VST plugins rather zhQ68x9FWPg-00157-00063963-00064276 than use the plugins to extend their own zhQ68x9FWPg-00158-00064277-00064694 capabilities these are usually optimized zhQ68x9FWPg-00159-00064695-00065017 for live performance use with features zhQ68x9FWPg-00160-00065019-00065473 like fast song configuration switching zhQ68x9FWPg-00161-00065474-00065797 VST plugins can be hosted in zhQ68x9FWPg-00162-00065798-00066079 incompatible environments using a zhQ68x9FWPg-00163-00066080-00066596 translation layer or shim for example FL zhQ68x9FWPg-00164-00066597-00066911 Studio only supports its own internal zhQ68x9FWPg-00165-00066912-00067217 plug-in architecture but an available zhQ68x9FWPg-00166-00067218-00067709 native wrapper loads VST plug-ins among zhQ68x9FWPg-00167-00067710-00068237 others F expansion offers a VST to rtas zhQ68x9FWPg-00168-00068238-00068558 real-time audio suite wrapper that lets zhQ68x9FWPg-00169-00068559-00068966 VST plugins run in Pro Tools and a VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00170-00068967-00069374 to Audio Units wrapper lets VST plugins zhQ68x9FWPg-00171-00069375-00070075 run in Logic Pro zhQ68x9FWPg-00172-00070076-00070909 topic Hardware hardware VST hosts can zhQ68x9FWPg-00173-00070910-00071294 load special versions of VST plugins zhQ68x9FWPg-00174-00071295-00071656 these units are portable and usable zhQ68x9FWPg-00175-00071657-00071917 without a computer though some of them zhQ68x9FWPg-00176-00071918-00072280 require a computer for editing other zhQ68x9FWPg-00177-00072281-00072801 hardware options include PCI PCIe cards zhQ68x9FWPg-00178-00072802-00073099 designed for audio processing which zhQ68x9FWPg-00179-00073100-00073378 takeover audio processing from the zhQ68x9FWPg-00180-00073379-00073869 computer's CPU and free up RAM some zhQ68x9FWPg-00181-00073870-00074284 hardware hosts accept vsts and VST eyes zhQ68x9FWPg-00182-00074285-00074667 and either run windows compatible music zhQ68x9FWPg-00183-00074668-00075054 applications like Cubase Live Pro Tools zhQ68x9FWPg-00184-00075055-00075550 logic etc or run their own door other a zhQ68x9FWPg-00185-00075551-00075943 VST hosts only and require a separate zhQ68x9FWPg-00186-00075944-00076303 door application origin from our zhQ68x9FWPg-00187-00076304-00076684 cheerier is a hardware DSP system that zhQ68x9FWPg-00188-00076685-00077074 houses several VST software synthesizers zhQ68x9FWPg-00189-00077075-00077437 in one machine like jupiter 58 years zhQ68x9FWPg-00190-00077438-00077821 from roland using appropriate software zhQ68x9FWPg-00191-00077822-00078196 audio data can also be sent over a zhQ68x9FWPg-00192-00078197-00078513 network so the main host runs on one zhQ68x9FWPg-00193-00078514-00078862 computer and VST plugins on peripheral zhQ68x9FWPg-00194-00078863-00079520 machines zhQ68x9FWPg-00195-00079521-00080273 topic VST plugins' standard zhQ68x9FWPg-00196-00080274-00080663 the VST plugins' standard is the audio zhQ68x9FWPg-00197-00080664-00081044 plug in standard created by Steinberg to zhQ68x9FWPg-00198-00081045-00081347 allow any third-party developers to zhQ68x9FWPg-00199-00081348-00081743 create VST plugins for use within VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00200-00081744-00082276 host applications VST requires separate zhQ68x9FWPg-00201-00082277-00082664 installations for Windows Mac OSX and zhQ68x9FWPg-00202-00082665-00082756 Linux zhQ68x9FWPg-00203-00082757-00083132 the majority of VST plug-ins are zhQ68x9FWPg-00204-00083133-00083411 available for Windows only due to zhQ68x9FWPg-00205-00083412-00083780 apple's competing proprietary audio unit zhQ68x9FWPg-00206-00083781-00084158 technology being used on OS x audio zhQ68x9FWPg-00207-00084159-00084464 units is a core part of the OS x zhQ68x9FWPg-00208-00084465-00084869 operating system the short history of zhQ68x9FWPg-00209-00084870-00085172 commercial environments for Linux means zhQ68x9FWPg-00210-00085173-00085457 few developers have targeted this zhQ68x9FWPg-00211-00085458-00086107 platform zhQ68x9FWPg-00212-00086108-00086710 topic presets zhQ68x9FWPg-00213-00086711-00087119 VST plugins often have many controls and zhQ68x9FWPg-00214-00087120-00087355 therefore need a method of managing zhQ68x9FWPg-00215-00087356-00087841 presets sets of control settings zhQ68x9FWPg-00216-00087842-00088274 steinberg cubase VST introduced two file zhQ68x9FWPg-00217-00088275-00088679 formats for storing presets an FX P file zhQ68x9FWPg-00218-00088680-00089027 stores a single preset while an FX B zhQ68x9FWPg-00219-00089028-00089377 file stores the whole Bank of presets zhQ68x9FWPg-00220-00089378-00089771 these formats have since been adopted by zhQ68x9FWPg-00221-00089772-00090119 many other VST hosts although Cubase zhQ68x9FWPg-00222-00090120-00090398 itself switched to a new system of zhQ68x9FWPg-00223-00090399-00090950 preset management with Cubase 4.0 many zhQ68x9FWPg-00224-00090951-00091280 VST plugins have their own method of zhQ68x9FWPg-00225-00091281-00091598 loading and saving presets which do not zhQ68x9FWPg-00226-00091599-00092009 necessarily use the standard FX p FX b zhQ68x9FWPg-00227-00092010-00092650 formats zhQ68x9FWPg-00228-00092651-00093449 topic competing technologies apples zhQ68x9FWPg-00229-00093450-00094084 audio units avid avid audio extension zhQ68x9FWPg-00230-00094085-00094640 digi designs real-time audio suite digi zhQ68x9FWPg-00231-00094641-00095431 designs TDM la DSP a DSS I for Linux zhQ68x9FWPg-00232-00095432-00095854 lv2 a cross-platform open-source zhQ68x9FWPg-00233-00095855-00096152 liberally licensed audio plugins zhQ68x9FWPg-00234-00096153-00096373 standard zhQ68x9FWPg-00235-00096374-00096845 microsoft's directx plugin mark of the zhQ68x9FWPg-00236-00096846-00097361 unicorn's MOTU audio system jack audio zhQ68x9FWPg-00237-00097362-00097655 connection kit an open source sound zhQ68x9FWPg-00238-00097656-00097979 server allowing flexible audio routing zhQ68x9FWPg-00239-00097980-00098401 between apps propellerheads rack zhQ68x9FWPg-00240-00098402-00098915 extensions tap a cross-platform plug-in zhQ68x9FWPg-00241-00098916-00099205 interface distributed under the MIT zhQ68x9FWPg-00242-00099206-00099533 license includes demo host and zhQ68x9FWPg-00243-00099534-00100112 synthesizer zhQ68x9FWPg-00244-00100113-00100837 topic programming languages zhQ68x9FWPg-00245-00100838-00101351 Steinberg's VST sdk is a set of C++ zhQ68x9FWPg-00246-00101352-00101800 classes based around an underlying C API zhQ68x9FWPg-00247-00101801-00102206 the SDK can be downloaded from their zhQ68x9FWPg-00248-00102207-00102586 website there are several ports zhQ68x9FWPg-00249-00102588-00102929 available such as a Delfy version by zhQ68x9FWPg-00250-00102930-00103256 frederik vanwall a java version from the zhQ68x9FWPg-00251-00103257-00103613 JVs trapper project at SourceForge and zhQ68x9FWPg-00252-00103614-00104057 two dotnet versions noise and VST dotnet zhQ68x9FWPg-00253-00104058-00104414 this open source project also includes a zhQ68x9FWPg-00254-00104415-00104705 framework that makes creating VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00255-00104706-00104978 plugins easier and result in more zhQ68x9FWPg-00256-00104979-00105503 structured code VST dotnet also provides zhQ68x9FWPg-00257-00105504-00105796 support for writing managed host zhQ68x9FWPg-00258-00105797-00106094 applications with a managed class that zhQ68x9FWPg-00259-00106095-00106432 allows loading an unmanaged plugin a zhQ68x9FWPg-00260-00106433-00106888 notable language supporting VST is Faust zhQ68x9FWPg-00261-00106889-00107168 considering that it is especially made zhQ68x9FWPg-00262-00107169-00107461 for making signal processing plugins zhQ68x9FWPg-00263-00107463-00107753 often producing code faster than zhQ68x9FWPg-00264-00107754-00108028 handwritten C++ zhQ68x9FWPg-00265-00108029-00108436 in addition Steinberg have developed the zhQ68x9FWPg-00266-00108438-00108839 VST GUI which is another set of C++ zhQ68x9FWPg-00267-00108840-00109130 classes which can be used to build a zhQ68x9FWPg-00268-00109131-00109514 graphical interface there are classes zhQ68x9FWPg-00269-00109515-00109913 for buttons sliders and displays etc zhQ68x9FWPg-00270-00109914-00110246 note that these are low-level C++ zhQ68x9FWPg-00271-00110247-00110558 classes and the look and feel still have zhQ68x9FWPg-00272-00110558-00110791 to be created by the plug-in zhQ68x9FWPg-00273-00110792-00111329 manufacturer VST GUI is part of the VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00274-00111330-00111716 SDK and is also available as SourceForge zhQ68x9FWPg-00275-00111717-00112083 project in HTTP colon slash slash zhQ68x9FWPg-00276-00112084-00112517 sourceforge.net slash projects slash VST zhQ68x9FWPg-00277-00112518-00112672 GUI zhQ68x9FWPg-00278-00112673-00112966 a large number of commercial and open zhQ68x9FWPg-00279-00112967-00113320 source vsts are written using the juice zhQ68x9FWPg-00280-00113321-00113743 C++ framework instead of direct calls to zhQ68x9FWPg-00281-00113744-00114090 the VST SDK because this allows zhQ68x9FWPg-00282-00114091-00114217 multi-format zhQ68x9FWPg-00283-00114218-00114618 VST audio unit and real-time audio suite zhQ68x9FWPg-00284-00114619-00114861 binaries to be built from a single zhQ68x9FWPg-00285-00114863-00115555 codebase zhQ68x9FWPg-00286-00115556-00116154 topic see also zhQ68x9FWPg-00287-00116155-00116585 Audio Units a similar standard by Apple zhQ68x9FWPg-00288-00116586-00116766 Inc zhQ68x9FWPg-00289-00116767-00117240 la DSP a and lv2 similar open-source zhQ68x9FWPg-00290-00117241-00117471 standards zhQ68x9FWPg-00291-00117472-00118146 list of music software piano roll score zhQ68x9FWPg-00292-00118147-00118755 ITER software effect processor cyntha zhQ68x9FWPg-00293-00118756-00119267 get a VST vsti editor zhQ68x9FWPg-00294-00119268-00119646 virtual piano zl9pmQDFWlk-00000-00001492-00001788 uh zl9pmQDFWlk-00001-00001789-00002134 [Music] zl9pmQDFWlk-00002-00002135-00002447 sun is shining the weather zl9pmQDFWlk-00003-00002448-00002934 is sweetie zl9pmQDFWlk-00004-00002935-00003279 make you want to move zl9pmQDFWlk-00005-00003279-00003654 your dancing feet zl9pmQDFWlk-00006-00003655-00003983 to the rescue zl9pmQDFWlk-00007-00003984-00004327 here i am zl9pmQDFWlk-00008-00004328-00004719 want you to know you're zl9pmQDFWlk-00009-00004720-00007083 well established zl9pmQDFWlk-00010-00007084-00007278 hey zl9pmQDFWlk-00011-00007279-00007678 want you to know just if you can zl9pmQDFWlk-00012-00007679-00008335 well i stay zl9pmQDFWlk-00013-00008336-00009055 tell myself a new day is rising zl9pmQDFWlk-00014-00009056-00009895 get on the rise a new day is downing zl9pmQDFWlk-00015-00009896-00010527 here i am zl9pmQDFWlk-00016-00010528-00010871 i want you to know just want you to know zl9pmQDFWlk-00017-00010872-00010942 just where zl9pmQDFWlk-00018-00010943-00011342 i stand when the morning zl9pmQDFWlk-00019-00011343-00011791 gathers the rainbow zl9pmQDFWlk-00020-00011792-00012119 i want you to know zl9pmQDFWlk-00021-00012120-00012470 i'm a rainbow too zl9pmQDFWlk-00022-00012471-00012846 so to the rescue zl9pmQDFWlk-00023-00012847-00013175 here i am zl9pmQDFWlk-00024-00013176-00013551 i want you to know just if you can zl9pmQDFWlk-00025-00013552-00013879 well i stand no no no no no zl9pmQDFWlk-00026-00013880-00015607 no no no zl9pmQDFWlk-00027-00015608-00016366 we lift our hands and keep our praises zl9pmQDFWlk-00028-00016368-00017059 we lift our heads and give our praises zl9pmQDFWlk-00029-00017060-00017368 [Music] zlxHbERGSNY-00000-00000031-00000391 Jean Baku Comtesse Dewberry the 19th of zlxHbERGSNY-00001-00000392-00000761 August 1743 to the 8th of December 1793 zlxHbERGSNY-00002-00000762-00000989 was the last Maitresse and tighter of zlxHbERGSNY-00003-00000990-00001195 Louis the 15th of France and one of the zlxHbERGSNY-00004-00001196-00001352 victims of the reign of terror during zlxHbERGSNY-00005-00001353-00001955 the French Revolution zlxHbERGSNY-00006-00001955-00002313 topic early life zlxHbERGSNY-00007-00002314-00002489 you zlxHbERGSNY-00008-00002490-00002753 gene baku was born at vocalist in the zlxHbERGSNY-00009-00002754-00002945 present-day Muse Department in Lorraine zlxHbERGSNY-00010-00002946-00003161 France as the illegitimate daughter of zlxHbERGSNY-00011-00003162-00003476 an baku a seamstress jeans father was zlxHbERGSNY-00012-00003477-00003701 possibly jean-jacques guimard a friar zlxHbERGSNY-00013-00003702-00003956 known as free range during her childhood zlxHbERGSNY-00014-00003957-00004169 one of her mother's acquaintances zlxHbERGSNY-00015-00004170-00004340 possibly briefly a lover zlxHbERGSNY-00016-00004341-00004568 Monsieur billiard do masa and possibly zlxHbERGSNY-00017-00004569-00004796 father of jeans half-brother Claude who zlxHbERGSNY-00018-00004797-00005000 died in infancy when only ten months old zlxHbERGSNY-00019-00005001-00005195 took both an and three-year-old gene zlxHbERGSNY-00020-00005196-00005357 into his care when they traveled from zlxHbERGSNY-00021-00005358-00005570 vocalist to Paris and installed an as a zlxHbERGSNY-00022-00005571-00005797 cook in his Italian mistress's household zlxHbERGSNY-00023-00005798-00006053 little Janette was well liked by Dumas zlxHbERGSNY-00024-00006054-00006278 OHS mistress Francesca known in French zlxHbERGSNY-00025-00006279-00006479 as Madame Orla Frederick who pampered zlxHbERGSNY-00026-00006480-00006748 her in all luxury Dumas so funded zlxHbERGSNY-00027-00006750-00006920 Jeanette's education at the Covent zlxHbERGSNY-00028-00006920-00007306 convent de st. or at the age of 15 zlxHbERGSNY-00029-00007308-00007541 Jean left the convent for she had come zlxHbERGSNY-00030-00007542-00007838 of age for some reason possibly do zlxHbERGSNY-00031-00007839-00008009 either Atilla Frederick's jealousy of zlxHbERGSNY-00032-00008009-00008186 the former's beauty or because Dumas zlxHbERGSNY-00033-00008187-00008378 shows passion for Anne revived both zlxHbERGSNY-00034-00008379-00008621 mother and daughter were thrown out they zlxHbERGSNY-00035-00008622-00008816 then moved into the very small household zlxHbERGSNY-00036-00008817-00009104 of Anne's husband Nicolas Rankin Jean zlxHbERGSNY-00037-00009105-00009296 had to find some sort of income to help zlxHbERGSNY-00038-00009297-00009473 herself live and thus travelled the zlxHbERGSNY-00039-00009474-00009668 dingy streets of Paris carrying a box zlxHbERGSNY-00040-00009669-00009998 full of trinkets for sale over time she zlxHbERGSNY-00041-00009999-00010199 worked at different occupations she was zlxHbERGSNY-00042-00010200-00010397 first offered a post as assistant to a zlxHbERGSNY-00043-00010398-00010628 young hairdresser named laments Jean had zlxHbERGSNY-00044-00010629-00010793 a brief relationship with him that may zlxHbERGSNY-00045-00010794-00010961 have produced a daughter although it is zlxHbERGSNY-00046-00010962-00011243 highly improbable on the instigation of zlxHbERGSNY-00047-00011244-00011435 a go mart possibly the brother of her zlxHbERGSNY-00048-00011436-00011630 supposed father Jean was then employed zlxHbERGSNY-00049-00011631-00011855 as a companion Dame did company to an zlxHbERGSNY-00050-00011856-00012053 elderly widow Madame de Lagarde zlxHbERGSNY-00051-00012054-00012203 but was sent away when her youth and zlxHbERGSNY-00052-00012204-00012368 beauty began to meddle in the marital zlxHbERGSNY-00053-00012369-00012677 affairs of both Lagarde's two sons later zlxHbERGSNY-00054-00012678-00012880 Jean worked as a milliner's assistant zlxHbERGSNY-00055-00012881-00013082 known as Agri set in a haberdashery shop zlxHbERGSNY-00056-00013083-00013307 named a lot I'll let owned by madam zlxHbERGSNY-00057-00013308-00013652 label and run by her husband lobelia the zlxHbERGSNY-00058-00013653-00013886 future famed painter adelaide label GUI zlxHbERGSNY-00059-00013887-00014143 art became a good friend of Jean as zlxHbERGSNY-00060-00014144-00014402 reflected in art from the time Jean was zlxHbERGSNY-00061-00014403-00014600 a remarkably attractive blonde woman zlxHbERGSNY-00062-00014601-00014735 with thick golden ringlets and zlxHbERGSNY-00063-00014736-00014891 almond-shaped blue eyes zlxHbERGSNY-00064-00014891-00015122 her beauty came to the attention of zlxHbERGSNY-00065-00015122-00015350 genda piste Du Barry a high-class pimp zlxHbERGSNY-00066-00015351-00015653 procure nicknamed LaRue a Du Barry owned zlxHbERGSNY-00067-00015654-00015866 a casino and Jean came to his attend zlxHbERGSNY-00068-00015866-00016151 in 1763 when she was entertaining in zlxHbERGSNY-00069-00016152-00016380 madam quiz noise brothel casino she zlxHbERGSNY-00070-00016381-00016633 introduced herself as Jean Vauban a zlxHbERGSNY-00071-00016634-00016883 Dewberry installed her in his household zlxHbERGSNY-00072-00016884-00017138 and made her his mistress giving her the zlxHbERGSNY-00073-00017139-00017336 appellation of mademoiselle lang Du zlxHbERGSNY-00074-00017337-00017549 Barry helped establish jeans career as a zlxHbERGSNY-00075-00017550-00017732 courtesan in the highest circles of zlxHbERGSNY-00076-00017733-00017924 Parisian society this enabled her to zlxHbERGSNY-00077-00017925-00018149 take several aristocratic men as brief zlxHbERGSNY-00078-00018150-00018762 lovers or clients zlxHbERGSNY-00079-00018763-00019074 topic life as a courtesan and official zlxHbERGSNY-00080-00019075-00019580 mistress of Louis the 15th zlxHbERGSNY-00081-00019581-00019839 as Mademoiselle Lange Jean immediately zlxHbERGSNY-00082-00019840-00020064 became a sensation in Paris building up zlxHbERGSNY-00083-00020065-00020345 the larger aristocratic clientele she zlxHbERGSNY-00084-00020346-00020511 had many lovers from the Kings ministers zlxHbERGSNY-00085-00020512-00020769 to his courtiers the dashing yet old zlxHbERGSNY-00086-00020770-00020978 maréchal de Richelieu became one of her zlxHbERGSNY-00087-00020979-00021278 recurring lovers because of this Jean Du zlxHbERGSNY-00088-00021279-00021474 Barry saw her as a means of influence zlxHbERGSNY-00089-00021475-00021686 over Louis the 15th who became aware of zlxHbERGSNY-00090-00021687-00021962 her in 1768 while she was on an errand zlxHbERGSNY-00091-00021963-00022205 at Versailles the errand involved the zlxHbERGSNY-00092-00022206-00022406 duck dish was Earl Minister of Foreign zlxHbERGSNY-00093-00022407-00022637 Affairs who found her rather ordinary in zlxHbERGSNY-00094-00022638-00022827 contrast to what most other men thought zlxHbERGSNY-00095-00022828-00023084 of her in any case Jean could not zlxHbERGSNY-00096-00023085-00023319 qualify as a matrice and tighter unless zlxHbERGSNY-00097-00023320-00023514 she had a title this was solved by her zlxHbERGSNY-00098-00023515-00023811 marriage on the 1st of September 1768 to zlxHbERGSNY-00099-00023812-00023915 dewberries brother zlxHbERGSNY-00100-00023916-00024200 kam TGO Du Barry the marriage ceremony zlxHbERGSNY-00101-00024201-00024431 included a false birth certificate zlxHbERGSNY-00102-00024432-00024675 created by Jean Du Barry himself making zlxHbERGSNY-00103-00024676-00024861 Jeanne younger by three years in a zlxHbERGSNY-00104-00024862-00025074 fictitious noble descent Jean was now zlxHbERGSNY-00105-00025075-00025259 installed above the Kings quarters in zlxHbERGSNY-00106-00025260-00025459 dominique guillaume labels former rooms zlxHbERGSNY-00107-00025460-00025733 she lived a lonely life unable to be zlxHbERGSNY-00108-00025734-00025911 seen with the king since no formal zlxHbERGSNY-00109-00025912-00026127 presentation had taken place as yet very zlxHbERGSNY-00110-00026127-00026399 few if any of the nobility at court zlxHbERGSNY-00111-00026400-00026577 deign to become acquainted with her for zlxHbERGSNY-00112-00026577-00026745 none could accept the fact that a woman zlxHbERGSNY-00113-00026745-00026949 of the street had the audacity to mingle zlxHbERGSNY-00114-00026950-00027117 with those above her station and thrive zlxHbERGSNY-00115-00027118-00027381 in trying to become like them compte Du zlxHbERGSNY-00116-00027382-00027599 Barry constantly pestered Jean and urged zlxHbERGSNY-00117-00027600-00027780 her to speak of presentation with the zlxHbERGSNY-00118-00027781-00028092 King Louie the fifteenth intern asked zlxHbERGSNY-00119-00028093-00028271 her to find a proper sponsor to be able zlxHbERGSNY-00120-00028272-00028487 to have one Richelieu took zlxHbERGSNY-00121-00028488-00028718 responsibility of doing so and after zlxHbERGSNY-00122-00028719-00028899 those women approached asked too high a zlxHbERGSNY-00123-00028900-00029093 price to take the role her official zlxHbERGSNY-00124-00029094-00029312 sponsor Madame de Bayern was found after zlxHbERGSNY-00125-00029313-00029495 having her huge gambling debts paid off zlxHbERGSNY-00126-00029497-00029757 on the first occasion when the zlxHbERGSNY-00127-00029758-00029996 presentation was to take PLAs de baron zlxHbERGSNY-00128-00029997-00030156 was panicked by fear and feigned a zlxHbERGSNY-00129-00030157-00030377 sprained ankle on the second occasion zlxHbERGSNY-00130-00030378-00030593 the king was badly hurt when he fell off zlxHbERGSNY-00131-00030594-00030780 his horse during a hunt and broke his zlxHbERGSNY-00132-00030781-00030821 arm zlxHbERGSNY-00133-00030822-00031062 finally Jean was presented to the court zlxHbERGSNY-00134-00031063-00031395 at Versailles on the 22nd of April 1769 zlxHbERGSNY-00135-00031395-00031617 an occasion which was long awaited for zlxHbERGSNY-00136-00031618-00031782 by the gathering crowds outside the zlxHbERGSNY-00137-00031783-00031952 palace gates and by the gossiping zlxHbERGSNY-00138-00031953-00032129 courtiers within the Hall of Mirrors zlxHbERGSNY-00139-00032130-00032396 Jean was described as wearing a queenly zlxHbERGSNY-00140-00032397-00032615 silvery white gown located with gold zlxHbERGSNY-00141-00032616-00032811 bedecked in jewels sent by the king the zlxHbERGSNY-00142-00032812-00032915 night before and we zlxHbERGSNY-00143-00032916-00033195 huge panniers at the sides the dress had zlxHbERGSNY-00144-00033196-00033380 been specifically ordered by Risha loo zlxHbERGSNY-00145-00033381-00033602 especially for Jean many courtiers zlxHbERGSNY-00146-00033603-00033761 claimed that it's like had never been zlxHbERGSNY-00147-00033762-00034017 seen before her hairdo was also zlxHbERGSNY-00148-00034018-00034226 noticeably spectacular being the cause zlxHbERGSNY-00149-00034227-00034499 of her late arrival Jean first zlxHbERGSNY-00150-00034500-00034730 befriended Claire Francois better known zlxHbERGSNY-00151-00034731-00034929 as John brought from Languedoc by her zlxHbERGSNY-00152-00034930-00035145 brother Jean Du Barry to accompany her zlxHbERGSNY-00153-00035146-00035358 then friendless sister-in-law being also zlxHbERGSNY-00154-00035359-00035555 a means of companionship and tutor and zlxHbERGSNY-00155-00035556-00035748 helping Jean let go of her peasant past zlxHbERGSNY-00156-00035749-00035917 and take a more court-like demeanor zlxHbERGSNY-00157-00035918-00036224 later on she also befriended the Marek L zlxHbERGSNY-00158-00036225-00036476 de mirepoix other women of nobility were zlxHbERGSNY-00159-00036477-00036780 bribed into forming her entourage Jean zlxHbERGSNY-00160-00036781-00036986 quickly accustomed herself to living in zlxHbERGSNY-00161-00036987-00037176 luxury to which she had already been zlxHbERGSNY-00162-00037177-00037364 introduced whilst living with Dumas Oh zlxHbERGSNY-00163-00037365-00037583 Louis the 15th had also given her a zlxHbERGSNY-00164-00037584-00037799 young Bantu slave zamore whom she zlxHbERGSNY-00165-00037800-00037970 dressed in elegant clothing to show him zlxHbERGSNY-00166-00037971-00038207 off according to Stanley Loomis zlxHbERGSNY-00167-00038208-00038436 biography Du Barry James everyday zlxHbERGSNY-00168-00038437-00038664 routine began at 9:00 a.m. when Zamora zlxHbERGSNY-00169-00038665-00038830 would bring her morning cup of chocolate zlxHbERGSNY-00170-00038831-00039068 later she would be dressed in a fine zlxHbERGSNY-00171-00039069-00039224 gown of choice and dressed in her zlxHbERGSNY-00172-00039225-00039512 jewelry accordingly either hairdresser zlxHbERGSNY-00173-00039513-00039740 no Kel for special occasions or berline zlxHbERGSNY-00174-00039741-00039930 for everyday styles would come to do her zlxHbERGSNY-00175-00039931-00040193 hair and powders and curls she would zlxHbERGSNY-00176-00040194-00040380 then receive friends dressmakers zlxHbERGSNY-00177-00040381-00040577 jewellers and artists showing off their zlxHbERGSNY-00178-00040578-00040767 new stock hoping she would be interested zlxHbERGSNY-00179-00040768-00041021 in buying something of their offers she zlxHbERGSNY-00180-00041022-00041186 was indeed extravagant but her good zlxHbERGSNY-00181-00041187-00041465 nature was not spoiled when the old come zlxHbERGSNY-00182-00041466-00041682 tea and calm test dilution were forcibly zlxHbERGSNY-00183-00041683-00041873 evicted from their chateau due to heavy zlxHbERGSNY-00184-00041874-00042045 debts they were sentenced to beheading zlxHbERGSNY-00185-00042046-00042218 because the Comtesse had shot dead a zlxHbERGSNY-00186-00042219-00042392 bailiff and a police officer while zlxHbERGSNY-00187-00042393-00042654 resisting to their great fortune they zlxHbERGSNY-00188-00042655-00042839 were good friends with madame de baron zlxHbERGSNY-00189-00042840-00043086 who told jean of their situation though zlxHbERGSNY-00190-00043087-00043242 warned by Risha loo of her possible zlxHbERGSNY-00191-00043243-00043445 failure she asked the King to pardon zlxHbERGSNY-00192-00043446-00043632 them refusing to rise from her kneeling zlxHbERGSNY-00193-00043633-00043852 posture if he did not accept her request zlxHbERGSNY-00194-00043853-00044162 lui the 15th was astounded and his heart zlxHbERGSNY-00195-00044163-00044411 thawed saying Madame I am delighted that zlxHbERGSNY-00196-00044412-00044615 the first favor you should ask of me zlxHbERGSNY-00197-00044616-00044933 should be an act of mercy a second zlxHbERGSNY-00198-00044934-00045107 similar act happened when jean was zlxHbERGSNY-00199-00045108-00045299 visited by a certain monsieur mandeville zlxHbERGSNY-00200-00045300-00045480 who asked pardon in the name of a young zlxHbERGSNY-00201-00045481-00045668 girl condemned to the gallows convicted zlxHbERGSNY-00202-00045669-00045857 of infanticide for giving birth to a zlxHbERGSNY-00203-00045858-00046023 stillborn and not informing the zlxHbERGSNY-00204-00046024-00046283 authorities Jean wrote a letter to the zlxHbERGSNY-00205-00046284-00046314 Chan zlxHbERGSNY-00206-00046315-00046632 of France who granted the pardon Jean zlxHbERGSNY-00207-00046633-00046866 was a tremendous triumph she now wore zlxHbERGSNY-00208-00046867-00047079 extravagant gowns of great proportions zlxHbERGSNY-00209-00047080-00047319 both in creation and cost exhausting the zlxHbERGSNY-00210-00047320-00047565 treasury all the more with diamonds zlxHbERGSNY-00211-00047566-00047757 covering her delicate neck in years zlxHbERGSNY-00212-00047758-00047922 she was now the king's Maitresse de zlxHbERGSNY-00213-00047923-00048207 gloire due to her new position at court zlxHbERGSNY-00214-00048208-00048459 she made both friends and enemies her zlxHbERGSNY-00215-00048460-00048627 most bitter rival was the Duchess zlxHbERGSNY-00216-00048628-00048846 degramont choir's Earl's sister who had zlxHbERGSNY-00217-00048847-00049038 in vain tried her best to acquire the zlxHbERGSNY-00218-00049039-00049239 place of the late marquis de pompadour zlxHbERGSNY-00219-00049240-00049449 and according to diana delay de Meili zlxHbERGSNY-00220-00049450-00049650 the Atrix degramont would have disdained zlxHbERGSNY-00221-00049651-00049938 the contest no matter what she had since zlxHbERGSNY-00222-00049939-00050097 the beginning plotted with her brother zlxHbERGSNY-00223-00050098-00050301 for the removal of Jean even going to zlxHbERGSNY-00224-00050302-00050466 the extent of slandering her name as zlxHbERGSNY-00225-00050467-00050745 well as the Kings on gutter pamphlets in zlxHbERGSNY-00226-00050746-00050973 time Jean became acquainted with the Duc zlxHbERGSNY-00227-00050974-00051225 de Yulin nephew of Risha loo who sided zlxHbERGSNY-00228-00051226-00051396 with her against the opposing duc de zlxHbERGSNY-00229-00051397-00051669 choir's Earl as genes power in court zlxHbERGSNY-00230-00051670-00051879 grew stronger choir's earl began feeling zlxHbERGSNY-00231-00051879-00052055 his was waning and against the Kings zlxHbERGSNY-00232-00052057-00052266 wishes after the terrible 7 Years War zlxHbERGSNY-00233-00052266-00052473 incident he decided France was capable zlxHbERGSNY-00234-00052474-00052698 of war again and sided with the Spanish zlxHbERGSNY-00235-00052699-00052857 against the British for possession of zlxHbERGSNY-00236-00052858-00053121 the Falkland Islands when this plot came zlxHbERGSNY-00237-00053122-00053298 to light to the Dubarry clan the zlxHbERGSNY-00238-00053299-00053496 mistress exposed all to the king and on zlxHbERGSNY-00239-00053497-00053802 Christmas Eve of 1771 choir's Earl was zlxHbERGSNY-00240-00053803-00053991 dismissed of his ministerial role in zlxHbERGSNY-00241-00053991-00054189 from court ordered by his majesty to zlxHbERGSNY-00242-00054190-00054390 exile to his Jean de Loup property along zlxHbERGSNY-00243-00054391-00054687 with his wife and sister jeans golden zlxHbERGSNY-00244-00054688-00054924 age had finally truly arrived she was zlxHbERGSNY-00245-00054925-00055134 rid of choise Earl in grameen compte zlxHbERGSNY-00246-00055135-00055320 jean Du Barry was dealt with and her zlxHbERGSNY-00247-00055321-00055509 family had the benefits they deserved as zlxHbERGSNY-00248-00055510-00055782 relations to the mistress her mother and zlxHbERGSNY-00249-00055783-00055965 was now marquise de Monterrey Bay zlxHbERGSNY-00250-00055966-00056208 residing in a luxurious apartment in the zlxHbERGSNY-00251-00056209-00056480 Covent convent de st. Elizabeth while zlxHbERGSNY-00252-00056482-00056640 Jean was part of the faction that zlxHbERGSNY-00253-00056641-00056826 brought down the Duc de choisir oh she zlxHbERGSNY-00254-00056827-00057027 was unlike her late predecessor Madame zlxHbERGSNY-00255-00057028-00057198 de Pompadour in that she had little zlxHbERGSNY-00256-00057199-00057329 interest in politics zlxHbERGSNY-00257-00057330-00057495 preferring rather to pass her time zlxHbERGSNY-00258-00057496-00057675 ordering new ravishing gowns and all zlxHbERGSNY-00259-00057676-00057954 sorts of complimentary jewelry however zlxHbERGSNY-00260-00057954-00058134 the King went so far as to let her zlxHbERGSNY-00261-00058135-00058314 participate in State Council's zlxHbERGSNY-00262-00058315-00058551 a note in a modern edition of the zlxHbERGSNY-00263-00058552-00058782 souvenirs of me campaign recalls an zlxHbERGSNY-00264-00058783-00058962 anecdote the king said to the Duc de zlxHbERGSNY-00265-00058963-00059163 Nowell's that with Madame Du Barry he zlxHbERGSNY-00266-00059164-00059380 had discovered new pleasures sire zlxHbERGSNY-00267-00059382-00059640 answered the Duke that's because your zlxHbERGSNY-00268-00059641-00059691 magic zlxHbERGSNY-00269-00059691-00059940 he has never been in a brothel while zlxHbERGSNY-00270-00059941-00060125 Jean was known for her good nature in zlxHbERGSNY-00271-00060126-00060317 support of artists she grew increasingly zlxHbERGSNY-00272-00060319-00060573 unpopular because of the Kings financial zlxHbERGSNY-00273-00060574-00060851 extravagance towards her she was forever zlxHbERGSNY-00274-00060852-00061071 in debt despite her huge monthly income zlxHbERGSNY-00275-00061072-00061272 from the king at one point three hundred zlxHbERGSNY-00276-00061273-00061863 thousand livres zlxHbERGSNY-00277-00061864-00062500 topic relationship with Marie Antoinette zlxHbERGSNY-00278-00062501-00062730 her relationship with marie antoinette zlxHbERGSNY-00279-00062732-00062880 who was married to the Dauphin of France zlxHbERGSNY-00280-00062882-00063091 the future louis xvi zlxHbERGSNY-00281-00063091-00063349 was contentious the first meeting of the zlxHbERGSNY-00282-00063350-00063547 two was during a family supper at the zlxHbERGSNY-00283-00063548-00063782 Chateau of la Muette on the 15th of May zlxHbERGSNY-00284-00063783-00064129 1770 a day before the great wedding Jean zlxHbERGSNY-00285-00064129-00064326 had only been official mistress a little zlxHbERGSNY-00286-00064327-00064500 over a year and many thought she would zlxHbERGSNY-00287-00064501-00064678 not be included in the list of guests zlxHbERGSNY-00288-00064679-00064905 for the occasion it ended up being zlxHbERGSNY-00289-00064907-00065098 otherwise to the disgust of most of zlxHbERGSNY-00290-00065099-00065355 those present Marie Antoinette noticed zlxHbERGSNY-00291-00065357-00065542 Jean who stood out from the rest of the zlxHbERGSNY-00292-00065543-00065725 crowd with her attractive extravagant zlxHbERGSNY-00293-00065726-00065998 appearance in a high talkative voice the zlxHbERGSNY-00294-00065999-00066187 Comtesse tin know Isles informed Marie zlxHbERGSNY-00295-00066188-00066381 Antoinette that the role of that woman zlxHbERGSNY-00296-00066382-00066559 was to give pleasure to the King and the zlxHbERGSNY-00297-00066560-00066750 innocent fourteen-year-old Archduchess zlxHbERGSNY-00298-00066751-00066916 added that she would thus be her rival zlxHbERGSNY-00299-00066917-00067194 at such a role the Comte de Provence zlxHbERGSNY-00300-00067195-00067390 soon after divulged the true nature of zlxHbERGSNY-00301-00067391-00067603 such pleasure causing instant hatred in zlxHbERGSNY-00302-00067604-00067788 Antoinette towards Du Barry for such a zlxHbERGSNY-00303-00067789-00068086 morality this rivalry kept on for quite zlxHbERGSNY-00304-00068087-00068140 some time zlxHbERGSNY-00305-00068141-00068337 especially since also the Dauphine zlxHbERGSNY-00306-00068338-00068536 supported choir's earl is the proponent zlxHbERGSNY-00307-00068537-00068755 of the alliance with Austria Marie zlxHbERGSNY-00308-00068756-00068982 Antoinette defied court protocol by zlxHbERGSNY-00309-00068983-00069160 refusing to speak to Madame Du Barry zlxHbERGSNY-00310-00069161-00069385 owing not only to her disapproval of the zlxHbERGSNY-00311-00069386-00069576 latter's background but also after zlxHbERGSNY-00312-00069577-00069768 hearing from the compte de Provence of zlxHbERGSNY-00313-00069769-00069979 dewberries amused reaction to a story zlxHbERGSNY-00314-00069980-00070188 told by the Prince de Rohan during one zlxHbERGSNY-00315-00070189-00070354 of her dinner parties in which Marie zlxHbERGSNY-00316-00070355-00070585 Antoinette's mother maria theresa was zlxHbERGSNY-00317-00070586-00070741 slandered adding their for yet another zlxHbERGSNY-00318-00070742-00071011 foe to her list Madame Du Barry zlxHbERGSNY-00319-00071012-00071236 furiously complained to the king who in zlxHbERGSNY-00320-00071237-00071386 turn complained to the Austrian zlxHbERGSNY-00321-00071387-00071596 ambassador merci who in turn did his zlxHbERGSNY-00322-00071597-00071791 best in convincing Marie Antoinette to zlxHbERGSNY-00323-00071792-00072069 ease her ways eventually during a ball zlxHbERGSNY-00324-00072070-00072393 on New Year's Day 1772 Marie Antoinette zlxHbERGSNY-00325-00072394-00072616 spoke indirectly to do Barry by tossing zlxHbERGSNY-00326-00072617-00072805 in her direction the words there are zlxHbERGSNY-00327-00072806-00073087 many people at Versailles today giving zlxHbERGSNY-00328-00073088-00073710 her the option to take or leave zlxHbERGSNY-00329-00073711-00074263 topic diamond necklace zlxHbERGSNY-00330-00074264-00074656 in 1772 the infatuated Louie the 15th zlxHbERGSNY-00331-00074657-00074875 requested that Parisian jewellers Bomer zlxHbERGSNY-00332-00074876-00075057 and Basson's create an elaborate and zlxHbERGSNY-00333-00075058-00075235 spectacular jeweled necklace for zlxHbERGSNY-00334-00075236-00075421 Dewberry one that would surpass all zlxHbERGSNY-00335-00075422-00075616 known others in grandeur at an estimated zlxHbERGSNY-00336-00075617-00075916 cost of two million livres the necklace zlxHbERGSNY-00337-00075917-00076138 still not completed nor paid for when zlxHbERGSNY-00338-00076139-00076326 Louis the 15th died would eventually zlxHbERGSNY-00339-00076327-00076573 trigger a scandal involving Jean de la zlxHbERGSNY-00340-00076574-00076759 Motte Valois in which Queen Marie zlxHbERGSNY-00341-00076760-00076944 Antoinette would be wrongly accused of zlxHbERGSNY-00342-00076945-00077179 bribing the cardinal de Rohan Archbishop zlxHbERGSNY-00343-00077180-00077419 of Strasbourg Alsace to purchase it for zlxHbERGSNY-00344-00077420-00077587 her accusations which would figure zlxHbERGSNY-00345-00077588-00077767 prominently in the onset of the French zlxHbERGSNY-00346-00077768-00078332 Revolution zlxHbERGSNY-00347-00078333-00079022 topic death of Louie the 15th and exile zlxHbERGSNY-00348-00079023-00079265 in time the King started to show his age zlxHbERGSNY-00349-00079266-00079445 by constantly thinking of death and zlxHbERGSNY-00350-00079446-00079592 repentance and began missing zlxHbERGSNY-00351-00079593-00079865 appointments in jeans boudoir during a zlxHbERGSNY-00352-00079866-00080075 stay at the Petit Trianon with her Louie zlxHbERGSNY-00353-00080076-00080276 the 15 felt the first symptoms of zlxHbERGSNY-00354-00080277-00080528 smallpox he was brought back to the zlxHbERGSNY-00355-00080529-00080729 palace at night and put to bed where his zlxHbERGSNY-00356-00080730-00080888 three daughters and Madame Du Barry zlxHbERGSNY-00357-00080889-00081163 stayed beside him on the fourth of May zlxHbERGSNY-00358-00081164-00081449 1774 the King suggested to Madame Du zlxHbERGSNY-00359-00081450-00081641 Barry that she leave Versailles both to zlxHbERGSNY-00360-00081642-00081821 protect her from infection and so that zlxHbERGSNY-00361-00081822-00081995 he could prepare for confession and last zlxHbERGSNY-00362-00081996-00082271 rites she was relieved of her duties by zlxHbERGSNY-00363-00082272-00082517 dr. Lemonnier and immediately retired to zlxHbERGSNY-00364-00082518-00082730 eggie ons estate near rural as were his zlxHbERGSNY-00365-00082731-00082985 wishes following the death of Louis the zlxHbERGSNY-00366-00082986-00083213 15th and his grandsons ascension to the zlxHbERGSNY-00367-00083214-00083420 throne Marie Antoinette had her husband zlxHbERGSNY-00368-00083421-00083630 exiled Jean to the Abbey du Pont aux zlxHbERGSNY-00369-00083631-00083930 Dame's near MO and Bree at first she was zlxHbERGSNY-00370-00083931-00084134 not met warmly by the nuns who knew that zlxHbERGSNY-00371-00084135-00084323 in their midst they had the 31 year old zlxHbERGSNY-00372-00084324-00084545 former royal mistress but soon enough zlxHbERGSNY-00373-00084546-00084716 they grew accustomed to her timid ways zlxHbERGSNY-00374-00084717-00084899 and opened up to her most of all the zlxHbERGSNY-00375-00084900-00085598 Abbess Madame de la rocha Fontenelle zlxHbERGSNY-00376-00085599-00086242 topic life after Louis the 15th zlxHbERGSNY-00377-00086243-00086485 after a year at the convent Jean was zlxHbERGSNY-00378-00086486-00086632 granted permission to visit the zlxHbERGSNY-00379-00086633-00086824 surrounding countryside on the condition zlxHbERGSNY-00380-00086825-00086968 she returned by sundown zlxHbERGSNY-00381-00086969-00087220 a month later she was given permission zlxHbERGSNY-00382-00087221-00087363 to leave the abbey but not to venture zlxHbERGSNY-00383-00087364-00087610 closer than ten miles towards Versailles zlxHbERGSNY-00384-00087611-00087801 thus canceling her idea of going to her zlxHbERGSNY-00385-00087802-00088093 beloved chateau de louvre ACN's she then zlxHbERGSNY-00386-00088094-00088276 managed to purchase property belonging zlxHbERGSNY-00387-00088277-00088474 to the family of the wife of Madame de zlxHbERGSNY-00388-00088475-00088675 Lagarde's younger son who she knew from zlxHbERGSNY-00389-00088676-00088972 her teenage years two years later she zlxHbERGSNY-00390-00088973-00089182 moved to Louvre ACN's in the following zlxHbERGSNY-00391-00089183-00089392 years she had a liaison with Lewis zlxHbERGSNY-00392-00089393-00089601 Hercule Timmel a young de casas Brissac zlxHbERGSNY-00393-00089602-00089893 she later also fell in love with Henri zlxHbERGSNY-00394-00089894-00090082 see more of Redland whom she met when he zlxHbERGSNY-00395-00090083-00090205 moved with his family to the zlxHbERGSNY-00396-00090206-00090454 neighborhood of the chateau in time zlxHbERGSNY-00397-00090455-00090649 Seymour became fed up with his secret zlxHbERGSNY-00398-00090650-00090841 love affair and sent a painting to zlxHbERGSNY-00399-00090842-00091042 Madame Du Barry with the words leave me zlxHbERGSNY-00400-00091043-00091222 alone written in English at the bottom zlxHbERGSNY-00401-00091223-00091504 which the painter Lemoine copied in 1796 zlxHbERGSNY-00402-00091505-00091753 the duc de Brissac proved the more zlxHbERGSNY-00403-00091754-00091963 faithful in this menage at hua having zlxHbERGSNY-00404-00091964-00092167 kept Madame Du Barry in his heart even zlxHbERGSNY-00405-00092168-00092263 though he knew of her affair with zlxHbERGSNY-00406-00092264-00092557 Seymour during the French Revolution zlxHbERGSNY-00407-00092558-00092734 Brissac was captured while visiting zlxHbERGSNY-00408-00092735-00093010 Paris and was slaughtered by a mob late zlxHbERGSNY-00409-00093011-00093184 one night Jean heard the sound of a zlxHbERGSNY-00410-00093185-00093357 small drunken crowd approaching the zlxHbERGSNY-00411-00093358-00093565 chateau and into the opened window where zlxHbERGSNY-00412-00093566-00093694 she looked out someone threw a zlxHbERGSNY-00413-00093695-00093973 blood-stained cloth - Jeanne's horror zlxHbERGSNY-00414-00093974-00094168 it contained Britax head at which sight zlxHbERGSNY-00415-00094169-00094731 she fainted zlxHbERGSNY-00416-00094732-00095429 topic imprisonment trial and execution zlxHbERGSNY-00417-00095430-00095709 dewberries bent to slaves amor along zlxHbERGSNY-00418-00095710-00095862 with another member of dewberries zlxHbERGSNY-00419-00095863-00096063 domestic staff had joined the Jacobin zlxHbERGSNY-00420-00096064-00096300 Club he became a follower of the zlxHbERGSNY-00421-00096301-00096495 revolutionary Jorge grieve and then an zlxHbERGSNY-00422-00096496-00096639 office bearer in the Committee of Public zlxHbERGSNY-00423-00096640-00096978 Safety Dewberry found out about this in zlxHbERGSNY-00424-00096979-00097164 questions amor about his connections zlxHbERGSNY-00425-00097165-00097437 with grieve upon realizing the depth of zlxHbERGSNY-00426-00097438-00097620 his involvement she gave him three days zlxHbERGSNY-00427-00097621-00097902 notice to quit her service this is amor zlxHbERGSNY-00428-00097903-00098091 did without hesitation and promptly zlxHbERGSNY-00429-00098092-00098271 proceeded to denounce his mistress to zlxHbERGSNY-00430-00098272-00098562 the committee based largely on Zamora's zlxHbERGSNY-00431-00098563-00098805 testimony Madame Du Barry was suspected zlxHbERGSNY-00432-00098806-00098997 of financially assisting Emma grace who zlxHbERGSNY-00433-00098998-00099219 had fled the French Revolution the zlxHbERGSNY-00434-00099220-00099522 denunciation by Zamora happened in 1792 zlxHbERGSNY-00435-00099523-00099777 and Madame Du Barry was finally arrested zlxHbERGSNY-00436-00099778-00100233 in 1793 in 1792 when the Revolutionary zlxHbERGSNY-00437-00100234-00100470 Tribunal of Paris accused her of treason zlxHbERGSNY-00438-00100471-00100629 and condemned her to death she vainly zlxHbERGSNY-00439-00100630-00100821 attempted to save herself by revealing zlxHbERGSNY-00440-00100822-00101007 the hiding places of the gems she had zlxHbERGSNY-00441-00101008-00101295 hidden during the ensuing trial za Moore zlxHbERGSNY-00442-00101296-00101459 gave Chittagong as his birthplace zlxHbERGSNY-00443-00101460-00101670 suggesting that perhaps he had some zlxHbERGSNY-00444-00101671-00101862 Bengali or Burmese blood in him though zlxHbERGSNY-00445-00101863-00102153 this is purely speculative his testimony zlxHbERGSNY-00446-00102154-00102357 sent the contest to the guillotine along zlxHbERGSNY-00447-00102358-00102654 with many others on the 8th of December zlxHbERGSNY-00448-00102655-00102956 1793 Madame Du Barry was beheaded by the zlxHbERGSNY-00449-00102957-00103167 guillotine on the Place de la revolucion zlxHbERGSNY-00450-00103168-00103442 now the + de la Concorde on the way to zlxHbERGSNY-00451-00103443-00103599 the guillotine she collapsed in the zlxHbERGSNY-00452-00103600-00103821 tumbrel and cried you are going to hurt zlxHbERGSNY-00453-00103822-00103866 me zlxHbERGSNY-00454-00103867-00104199 why terrified she screamed for mercy and zlxHbERGSNY-00455-00104200-00104355 begged the indifferent crowd for help zlxHbERGSNY-00456-00104356-00104640 her last words to the executioner were zlxHbERGSNY-00457-00104641-00104973 one more moment mr. executioner I beg zlxHbERGSNY-00458-00104974-00105209 you she was buried in the Madeline zlxHbERGSNY-00459-00105210-00105420 Cemetery like many other victims of the zlxHbERGSNY-00460-00105421-00105696 terror including louis xvi and marie zlxHbERGSNY-00461-00105697-00105972 antoinette although her French estate zlxHbERGSNY-00462-00105973-00106184 went to the tribunal de Paris the jewels zlxHbERGSNY-00463-00106185-00106347 she had smuggled out of France to zlxHbERGSNY-00464-00106348-00106503 England were sold by auction at zlxHbERGSNY-00465-00106504-00106842 Christie's in London in 1795 colonel zlxHbERGSNY-00466-00106843-00107001 johan Clegg Levitch the brother of zlxHbERGSNY-00467-00107002-00107210 major-general Stefan Bernhard Keg zlxHbERGSNY-00468-00107211-00107400 Levitch took part in the battle of Mainz zlxHbERGSNY-00469-00107401-00107682 in 1795 with Hessian mercenaries who zlxHbERGSNY-00470-00107683-00107877 were financed by the British Empire with zlxHbERGSNY-00471-00107878-00108486 the money from this sale zlxHbERGSNY-00472-00108488-00108863 topic in popular culture zlxHbERGSNY-00473-00108864-00109070 you zlxHbERGSNY-00474-00109071-00109258 food many dishes are named after zlxHbERGSNY-00475-00109259-00109616 Dewberry all dishes Dewberry have a zlxHbERGSNY-00476-00109617-00109799 creamy white sauce and many have zlxHbERGSNY-00477-00109800-00110069 cauliflower in them the cauliflower may zlxHbERGSNY-00478-00110070-00110236 be an allusion to her powdered wigs zlxHbERGSNY-00479-00110238-00110453 which had curls piled high on top of zlxHbERGSNY-00480-00110454-00110683 each other like cauliflower curds film zlxHbERGSNY-00481-00110683-00111080 Du Barry was portrayed in film by mrs. zlxHbERGSNY-00482-00111081-00111380 Leslie Carter in the 1915 film Du Barry zlxHbERGSNY-00483-00111381-00111701 directed by Eduardo Benjie Vanga Theda zlxHbERGSNY-00484-00111702-00112007 Bara in the 1917 film Madame Du Barry zlxHbERGSNY-00485-00112008-00112346 directed by J Gordon Edwards pullin zlxHbERGSNY-00486-00112347-00112616 Negri in the 1919 film Madame Du Barry zlxHbERGSNY-00487-00112617-00112907 directed by Ernst Lubitsch Norma zlxHbERGSNY-00488-00112908-00113209 Talmadge in the 1930 film Du Barry woman zlxHbERGSNY-00489-00113210-00113608 of passion Dolores Del Rio in the 1934 zlxHbERGSNY-00490-00113609-00113870 film Madame Du Barry directed by William zlxHbERGSNY-00491-00113871-00114283 Dieterle Gladys George in the 1938 MGM zlxHbERGSNY-00492-00114284-00114484 film Marie Antoinette which starred zlxHbERGSNY-00493-00114485-00114803 Norma Shearer in the title role Lucille zlxHbERGSNY-00494-00114804-00115084 Ball in the 1943 movie version of Du zlxHbERGSNY-00495-00115085-00115216 Barry was a lady zlxHbERGSNY-00496-00115217-00115547 Margo Graham in the 1949 film black zlxHbERGSNY-00497-00115548-00115850 magic as me Du Barry it also starred zlxHbERGSNY-00498-00115851-00116054 Orson Welles in the lead role of count zlxHbERGSNY-00499-00116055-00116461 Cagliostro Martine Carrol in the 1954 zlxHbERGSNY-00500-00116463-00116669 film Madame Du Barry directed by zlxHbERGSNY-00501-00116670-00116986 Christian Jack Italian actress Asia zlxHbERGSNY-00502-00116988-00117305 Argento in Sofia Coppola's 2006 film zlxHbERGSNY-00503-00117306-00117641 Marie Antoinette Japanese voice actress zlxHbERGSNY-00504-00117642-00117878 ryuko Cano Maya in the famous anime The zlxHbERGSNY-00505-00117879-00118052 Rose of Versailles as a villainous zlxHbERGSNY-00506-00118053-00118256 scheming enemy of Marie Antoinette her zlxHbERGSNY-00507-00118257-00118430 struggles with the young princess are a zlxHbERGSNY-00508-00118431-00118643 major concern of the story in its early zlxHbERGSNY-00509-00118644-00118970 stages literature in the idiot by Fyodor zlxHbERGSNY-00510-00118971-00119225 Dostoyevsky the character Lebedev tells zlxHbERGSNY-00511-00119226-00119438 the story of her life and execution and zlxHbERGSNY-00512-00119439-00119758 prays for her soul among other souls Du zlxHbERGSNY-00513-00119759-00119915 Barry is one of the central characters zlxHbERGSNY-00514-00119916-00120133 in Sally Christie's the enemies of her zlxHbERGSNY-00515-00120134-00120765 sight 2017 zlxHbERGSNY-00516-00120766-00121294 topic see also zlxHbERGSNY-00517-00121295-00121672 kingdom of France portal zlzmSWd_wPE-00000-00000035-00000151 [Music] zlzmSWd_wPE-00001-00000152-00000311 hey everyone and welcome to the yocum zlzmSWd_wPE-00002-00000312-00000447 hall facebook tour zlzmSWd_wPE-00003-00000448-00000599 my name is matt popovich i am the zlzmSWd_wPE-00004-00000600-00000782 coordinator for yocum hall this upcoming zlzmSWd_wPE-00005-00000783-00000831 year zlzmSWd_wPE-00006-00000832-00000983 and i'm really excited to show you guys zlzmSWd_wPE-00007-00000984-00001135 what we have going on in yokum zlzmSWd_wPE-00008-00001136-00001343 answer any of your questions and it's zlzmSWd_wPE-00009-00001344-00001470 really exciting to see you in about two zlzmSWd_wPE-00010-00001471-00001566 weeks zlzmSWd_wPE-00011-00001567-00001726 so we're gonna start by pointing out zlzmSWd_wPE-00012-00001727-00001918 what do you see outside um zlzmSWd_wPE-00013-00001919-00002102 if you look right now you see a bunch of zlzmSWd_wPE-00014-00002103-00002231 police officers that's because we had a zlzmSWd_wPE-00015-00002232-00002375 bear just walking through campus out zlzmSWd_wPE-00016-00002376-00002495 here wait wait wait a second what do you zlzmSWd_wPE-00017-00002496-00002534 say zlzmSWd_wPE-00018-00002535-00002726 there's a bear on campus it's beautiful zlzmSWd_wPE-00019-00002727-00002958 um i tried to tame it and make up the zlzmSWd_wPE-00020-00002959-00003150 yoke and pet bear i was told no i'm not zlzmSWd_wPE-00021-00003151-00003254 allowed to do that zlzmSWd_wPE-00022-00003255-00003383 i think it would have been really cool zlzmSWd_wPE-00023-00003384-00003599 um but that is the excitement today zlzmSWd_wPE-00024-00003600-00003743 there was a bear a black bear small zlzmSWd_wPE-00025-00003744-00003815 black bear zlzmSWd_wPE-00026-00003815-00003999 still cool um but so you see all the zlzmSWd_wPE-00027-00004000-00004183 uapd and fayetteville police coming for zlzmSWd_wPE-00028-00004184-00004327 that zlzmSWd_wPE-00029-00004328-00004479 right behind them though you'll see the zlzmSWd_wPE-00030-00004480-00004743 walton college of business zlzmSWd_wPE-00031-00004744-00004911 so if any of you are business majors you zlzmSWd_wPE-00032-00004912-00005127 have a very very short commute to zlzmSWd_wPE-00033-00005128-00005327 class every morning literally across the zlzmSWd_wPE-00034-00005328-00005511 street literally you can wake up three zlzmSWd_wPE-00035-00005512-00005663 minutes before your class and roll out zlzmSWd_wPE-00036-00005664-00005735 and go there zlzmSWd_wPE-00037-00005736-00005895 i don't recommend it i'd say at least zlzmSWd_wPE-00038-00005896-00006111 give it 10 minutes but you could go with zlzmSWd_wPE-00039-00006112-00006406 the three minute option if you wanted to zlzmSWd_wPE-00040-00006408-00006534 farther down you're going to see the zlzmSWd_wPE-00041-00006536-00006751 kenpo building of for communication um zlzmSWd_wPE-00042-00006752-00006951 you get to walk past the tv studio every zlzmSWd_wPE-00043-00006952-00007006 day zlzmSWd_wPE-00044-00007008-00007214 um see what they got going on in there zlzmSWd_wPE-00045-00007215-00007367 um on your left you can't really see zlzmSWd_wPE-00046-00007368-00007559 it's hidden behind this tree right now zlzmSWd_wPE-00047-00007559-00007823 but you have rough dining hall um that's zlzmSWd_wPE-00048-00007823-00007991 gonna be like your main go-to dining zlzmSWd_wPE-00049-00007992-00008103 hall from what i think zlzmSWd_wPE-00050-00008104-00008239 it's really good dining hall they have a zlzmSWd_wPE-00051-00008240-00008423 really wide variety of options zlzmSWd_wPE-00052-00008424-00008551 and they're working really hard to make zlzmSWd_wPE-00053-00008552-00008678 sure that their everything is up and zlzmSWd_wPE-00054-00008679-00008863 running safe for you next year zlzmSWd_wPE-00055-00008864-00009078 um you have slim's chicken right there zlzmSWd_wPE-00056-00009079-00009271 you have where the wild greens are which zlzmSWd_wPE-00057-00009272-00009455 is severely underrated and definitely zlzmSWd_wPE-00058-00009456-00009591 should be recognized more zlzmSWd_wPE-00059-00009592-00009759 um what kind of food can you get there zlzmSWd_wPE-00060-00009760-00009942 uh uh where the wild greens are they do zlzmSWd_wPE-00061-00009943-00010087 a bunch of mix of salads some different zlzmSWd_wPE-00062-00010088-00010159 bowls zlzmSWd_wPE-00063-00010160-00010383 some different grains meats uh tofu zlzmSWd_wPE-00064-00010384-00010519 protein whatever you really want zlzmSWd_wPE-00065-00010520-00010678 it's super good i highly recommend it zlzmSWd_wPE-00066-00010679-00010919 it's my go-to spot on a random wednesday zlzmSWd_wPE-00067-00010920-00010983 for lunch zlzmSWd_wPE-00068-00010984-00011335 um then we have a sushi place up there zlzmSWd_wPE-00069-00011336-00011478 and then it's right next to the greek zlzmSWd_wPE-00070-00011479-00011599 theater as well so if you're looking for zlzmSWd_wPE-00071-00011600-00011719 a cool place to hang out zlzmSWd_wPE-00072-00011720-00011935 the greek theater is two minutes away um zlzmSWd_wPE-00073-00011936-00012070 it's really nice place to hang out on a zlzmSWd_wPE-00074-00012071-00012238 sunday afternoon doing homework and zlzmSWd_wPE-00075-00012239-00012335 relaxing zlzmSWd_wPE-00076-00012336-00012463 and then just a little bit past that you zlzmSWd_wPE-00077-00012464-00012687 have the student union it's about five zlzmSWd_wPE-00078-00012688-00012742 minutes zlzmSWd_wPE-00079-00012743-00012919 five minute walk from here it's a nice zlzmSWd_wPE-00080-00012919-00013063 way to just you know burn off some zlzmSWd_wPE-00081-00013063-00013222 energy before you get that chick-fil-a zlzmSWd_wPE-00082-00013223-00013407 um and have those uh chicken nuggets but zlzmSWd_wPE-00083-00013408-00013647 yeah so that's the outside of yokum zlzmSWd_wPE-00084-00013647-00013775 oh we're gonna start to take you down zlzmSWd_wPE-00085-00013776-00013927 into yoga and show you everything in zlzmSWd_wPE-00086-00013928-00014055 here yeah let's look at the inside zlzmSWd_wPE-00087-00014056-00014199 and hey joseph thanks for joining us zlzmSWd_wPE-00088-00014200-00014335 glad to have you again zlzmSWd_wPE-00089-00014336-00014599 [Music] zlzmSWd_wPE-00090-00014600-00014838 we have about 22 people watching and zlzmSWd_wPE-00091-00014840-00014999 we're curious to know where you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00092-00015000-00015438 where you're watching from zlzmSWd_wPE-00093-00015440-00015711 notice you used your key card there so zlzmSWd_wPE-00094-00015712-00015886 all these doors have a key fob which you zlzmSWd_wPE-00095-00015887-00016022 need to get in the building zlzmSWd_wPE-00096-00016023-00016358 your key fob is uh identical to you so zlzmSWd_wPE-00097-00016359-00016550 it is connected to you and you alone so zlzmSWd_wPE-00098-00016551-00016703 no one else can use it um zlzmSWd_wPE-00099-00016704-00016943 it also only has access to yocum hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00100-00016944-00017119 the main doors that are key fob here for zlzmSWd_wPE-00101-00017120-00017255 y'all are this front door zlzmSWd_wPE-00102-00017256-00017383 and the door downstairs that we'll show zlzmSWd_wPE-00103-00017384-00017535 you when we go show you the downstairs zlzmSWd_wPE-00104-00017536-00017630 uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00105-00017631-00017943 amenities so coming in here um you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00106-00017944-00017991 gonna see zlzmSWd_wPE-00107-00017992-00018222 someone her name is summer shirley she zlzmSWd_wPE-00108-00018223-00018399 is the coordinator of humphreys hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00109-00018400-00018535 which is our sister building right zlzmSWd_wPE-00110-00018536-00018686 across the street yeah she's going to be zlzmSWd_wPE-00111-00018687-00018814 joining us for this tour zlzmSWd_wPE-00112-00018815-00018999 so basically if you're walking from zlzmSWd_wPE-00113-00019000-00019191 yocum to go get starbucks you'll pass zlzmSWd_wPE-00114-00019192-00019327 humphreys on the way zlzmSWd_wPE-00115-00019328-00019527 humphreys right across from from yocum zlzmSWd_wPE-00116-00019528-00019639 yes zlzmSWd_wPE-00117-00019640-00019991 so right here is our main hall uh office zlzmSWd_wPE-00118-00019992-00020135 um you're gonna be our wonderful hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00119-00020136-00020343 admin miss debbie she's been here for zlzmSWd_wPE-00120-00020344-00020430 about 27 zlzmSWd_wPE-00121-00020431-00020727 28 years she is the lifeblood of yocum zlzmSWd_wPE-00122-00020728-00020799 hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00123-00020800-00021014 um when i was in my first year last year zlzmSWd_wPE-00124-00021015-00021175 she helped me through with everything zlzmSWd_wPE-00125-00021176-00021335 and she's a really friendly wonderful zlzmSWd_wPE-00126-00021336-00021478 face i'm very excited to have her back zlzmSWd_wPE-00127-00021479-00021639 with us in the fall zlzmSWd_wPE-00128-00021640-00021743 this is where you're going to pick up zlzmSWd_wPE-00129-00021744-00021911 all of your packages it's also where zlzmSWd_wPE-00130-00021912-00022030 you're going to check out items when we zlzmSWd_wPE-00131-00022031-00022175 open up checkouts there's different zlzmSWd_wPE-00132-00022176-00022247 students zlzmSWd_wPE-00133-00022248-00022358 we're going to touch on now a little bit zlzmSWd_wPE-00134-00022359-00022591 more but this is the main hall office zlzmSWd_wPE-00135-00022592-00022694 just come here when you have zlzmSWd_wPE-00136-00022695-00022871 any questions we're happy to help you zlzmSWd_wPE-00137-00022872-00023055 out with them and then lisa actually has zlzmSWd_wPE-00138-00023056-00023199 a question for us about dimensions so zlzmSWd_wPE-00139-00023200-00023342 once we get up there we'll be sure and zlzmSWd_wPE-00140-00023343-00023422 grab those zlzmSWd_wPE-00141-00023423-00023614 she wants to pre-cut some drawer liners zlzmSWd_wPE-00142-00023615-00023822 for it yeah and then andrea zlzmSWd_wPE-00143-00023823-00024119 or andrea uh from fayetteville uh texas zlzmSWd_wPE-00144-00024120-00024207 oh well yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-00145-00024208-00024342 right there across the state line same zlzmSWd_wPE-00146-00024343-00024558 name fantastic we're excited to have you zlzmSWd_wPE-00147-00024559-00024830 joining us zlzmSWd_wPE-00148-00024831-00025030 so if you come down this way um you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00149-00025031-00025239 going to see our first of our main hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00150-00025240-00025455 lobbies i'm also on a highway right here zlzmSWd_wPE-00151-00025456-00025655 um we have a gender-neutral bathroom zlzmSWd_wPE-00152-00025656-00025694 that zlzmSWd_wPE-00153-00025695-00025894 you can lock for your privacy that's why zlzmSWd_wPE-00154-00025895-00026246 we always highlight that on our tours zlzmSWd_wPE-00155-00026247-00026590 so in here is our typical lounge space zlzmSWd_wPE-00156-00026591-00026655 right now zlzmSWd_wPE-00157-00026656-00026807 if you notice all of our furniture has zlzmSWd_wPE-00158-00026808-00026967 been made to be socially distant zlzmSWd_wPE-00159-00026968-00027135 our facility staff has worked really zlzmSWd_wPE-00160-00027136-00027279 hard to kind of help make sure that zlzmSWd_wPE-00161-00027280-00027431 everything is six feet apart zlzmSWd_wPE-00162-00027432-00027590 socially responsible and everything zlzmSWd_wPE-00163-00027591-00027751 along those lines zlzmSWd_wPE-00164-00027752-00027911 if you walk up right here on the left zlzmSWd_wPE-00165-00027912-00028207 side you're gonna see your mailboxes zlzmSWd_wPE-00166-00028208-00028374 you do share mailbox and we are working zlzmSWd_wPE-00167-00028375-00028543 on an exact plan to make sure that these zlzmSWd_wPE-00168-00028544-00028743 are all sanitized on a regular basis zlzmSWd_wPE-00169-00028744-00028879 to make sure that they stay safe for zlzmSWd_wPE-00170-00028880-00029055 students because we do recognize that zlzmSWd_wPE-00171-00029056-00029190 they are out to the public for everyone zlzmSWd_wPE-00172-00029191-00029367 to see zlzmSWd_wPE-00173-00029368-00029543 and this space is mostly for students to zlzmSWd_wPE-00174-00029544-00029679 hang out as well as zlzmSWd_wPE-00175-00029680-00029846 probably your lead hogs programs or zlzmSWd_wPE-00176-00029847-00029999 events or meetings might take place in zlzmSWd_wPE-00177-00030000-00030111 here as well zlzmSWd_wPE-00178-00030112-00030343 right and do you have what kind of zlzmSWd_wPE-00179-00030344-00030462 events do you think we'll be having a zlzmSWd_wPE-00180-00030463-00030639 lot of online a lot of online stuff i zlzmSWd_wPE-00181-00030639-00030799 would think we're doing our best to try zlzmSWd_wPE-00182-00030800-00030974 and keep that in-person human element as zlzmSWd_wPE-00183-00030975-00031095 much as possible because we recognize zlzmSWd_wPE-00184-00031095-00031270 that as a major part of going to college zlzmSWd_wPE-00185-00031272-00031351 is being zlzmSWd_wPE-00186-00031352-00031583 in places with people we want to make zlzmSWd_wPE-00187-00031583-00031735 sure we're socially responsible as well zlzmSWd_wPE-00188-00031736-00031799 so zlzmSWd_wPE-00189-00031800-00031951 um we're really deep in the process to zlzmSWd_wPE-00190-00031952-00032079 do some stuff we're gonna do a lot of zlzmSWd_wPE-00191-00032080-00032199 online trivia different zlzmSWd_wPE-00192-00032200-00032399 uh competitions we've talked about doing zlzmSWd_wPE-00193-00032400-00032527 some pick up your own arts and crafts zlzmSWd_wPE-00194-00032527-00032646 where we'll have pre-made arts and zlzmSWd_wPE-00195-00032647-00032815 crafts packages for you to come by zlzmSWd_wPE-00196-00032816-00033015 pick up hang on your wall and our staff zlzmSWd_wPE-00197-00033016-00033151 will come and judge them and kind of zlzmSWd_wPE-00198-00033152-00033183 give zlzmSWd_wPE-00199-00033184-00033351 like give up prizes for things like that zlzmSWd_wPE-00200-00033352-00033495 so we're trying to find that mixed zlzmSWd_wPE-00201-00033496-00033631 method to really get you all involved zlzmSWd_wPE-00202-00033632-00033671 but zlzmSWd_wPE-00203-00033672-00033807 make sure everyone stays safe at the zlzmSWd_wPE-00204-00033808-00034007 same time very nice and a chance to kind zlzmSWd_wPE-00205-00034008-00034239 of showcase some skills too as far as zlzmSWd_wPE-00206-00034240-00034446 doing those pre those art kits yeah get zlzmSWd_wPE-00207-00034447-00034590 that floor competition going we'll do zlzmSWd_wPE-00208-00034591-00034727 some floor competition see who has the zlzmSWd_wPE-00209-00034728-00034846 most poor spirit zlzmSWd_wPE-00210-00034847-00034999 who has those best decorations we'll zlzmSWd_wPE-00211-00035000-00035215 judge them this would be awesome zlzmSWd_wPE-00212-00035216-00035502 great thanks um if you see here on the zlzmSWd_wPE-00213-00035503-00035543 left zlzmSWd_wPE-00214-00035544-00035695 some examples of some mini fridges that zlzmSWd_wPE-00215-00035696-00035846 y'all can rent if you haven't zlzmSWd_wPE-00216-00035847-00036015 uh want decide if you want to rent them zlzmSWd_wPE-00217-00036016-00036174 or not they're super nice they're super zlzmSWd_wPE-00218-00036175-00036239 convenient zlzmSWd_wPE-00219-00036240-00036383 they'll all be dropped off in the hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00220-00036384-00036590 for you already if you decide to go with zlzmSWd_wPE-00221-00036591-00036735 that option zlzmSWd_wPE-00222-00036736-00036935 and you can go to movend.uart.edu and zlzmSWd_wPE-00223-00036936-00037087 find out more about zlzmSWd_wPE-00224-00037088-00037359 uh renting those yes sir about how many zlzmSWd_wPE-00225-00037360-00037399 people zlzmSWd_wPE-00226-00037400-00037799 live here uh we are about 440 right now zlzmSWd_wPE-00227-00037800-00038007 for planning for next year um so zlzmSWd_wPE-00228-00038008-00038127 it's about the same as last year which zlzmSWd_wPE-00229-00038128-00038302 is really nice to see so it's gonna be a zlzmSWd_wPE-00230-00038303-00038446 really good number really good-sized zlzmSWd_wPE-00231-00038447-00038518 community where zlzmSWd_wPE-00232-00038519-00038630 you get to know a lot of different zlzmSWd_wPE-00233-00038631-00039159 people very nice zlzmSWd_wPE-00234-00039160-00039423 and how many floors are in yokum we have zlzmSWd_wPE-00235-00039424-00039583 10 residential floors zlzmSWd_wPE-00236-00039584-00039846 but 11 overall as we're going down to zlzmSWd_wPE-00237-00039847-00040039 the ground floor you'll see right now zlzmSWd_wPE-00238-00040040-00040343 it is strictly um student space zlzmSWd_wPE-00239-00040344-00040599 facilities traction laundry room in my zlzmSWd_wPE-00240-00040600-00040662 office zlzmSWd_wPE-00241-00040663-00040830 and then we have 10 floors of zlzmSWd_wPE-00242-00040831-00041071 residential spaces zlzmSWd_wPE-00243-00041072-00041132 thanks zlzmSWd_wPE-00244-00041133-00041583 [Music] zlzmSWd_wPE-00245-00041584-00041783 so right here as you get to the bottom zlzmSWd_wPE-00246-00041784-00041879 of the floor the first thing you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00247-00041880-00042062 going to see is my office right here zlzmSWd_wPE-00248-00042063-00042390 i am in the office from about 9am to 5pm zlzmSWd_wPE-00249-00042391-00042630 uh monday through friday um i always zlzmSWd_wPE-00250-00042631-00042783 want to see students come see come hang zlzmSWd_wPE-00251-00042784-00042839 out like zlzmSWd_wPE-00252-00042840-00042967 come see me the more i talk to the zlzmSWd_wPE-00253-00042968-00043151 students the more i enjoy my job so zlzmSWd_wPE-00254-00043152-00043311 come hang out my door is usually going zlzmSWd_wPE-00255-00043312-00043455 to be open if it's closed let's give it zlzmSWd_wPE-00256-00043456-00043590 a knock and i'm happy to talk to you at zlzmSWd_wPE-00257-00043591-00043727 any time you guys want zlzmSWd_wPE-00258-00043728-00043911 and you live here in the facility right zlzmSWd_wPE-00259-00043912-00044039 yeah um each hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00260-00044040-00044207 uh for the most part each hall has a zlzmSWd_wPE-00261-00044208-00044383 full-time staff member living in them zlzmSWd_wPE-00262-00044384-00044518 and joachim is this building that i live zlzmSWd_wPE-00263-00044519-00044567 in zlzmSWd_wPE-00264-00044568-00044911 and overseas all right well zlzmSWd_wPE-00265-00044912-00045023 what else do we have here on this zlzmSWd_wPE-00266-00045024-00045207 particular floor if you go down this way zlzmSWd_wPE-00267-00045208-00045271 you're going to see zlzmSWd_wPE-00268-00045272-00045479 the laundry room it's a little bit loud zlzmSWd_wPE-00269-00045480-00045607 in here just because we have some fans zlzmSWd_wPE-00270-00045608-00045735 and machines y'all but we'll help zlzmSWd_wPE-00271-00045736-00046127 explain zlzmSWd_wPE-00272-00046128-00046343 we have a ton of washers and dryers that zlzmSWd_wPE-00273-00046344-00046455 are all free to use zlzmSWd_wPE-00274-00046456-00046583 um they're part of like your housing zlzmSWd_wPE-00275-00046584-00046743 contract and student fees that get paid zlzmSWd_wPE-00276-00046744-00046807 for it zlzmSWd_wPE-00277-00046808-00047055 um super convenient on a normal year uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00278-00047056-00047183 we typically have a lot of students zlzmSWd_wPE-00279-00047184-00047286 hanging out in here zlzmSWd_wPE-00280-00047287-00047455 um obviously with this year that's gonna zlzmSWd_wPE-00281-00047456-00047590 be a little bit different um zlzmSWd_wPE-00282-00047591-00047702 we're still working on making sure zlzmSWd_wPE-00283-00047703-00047855 everything stays socially distant so zlzmSWd_wPE-00284-00047856-00047999 stay tuned for that information as it zlzmSWd_wPE-00285-00048000-00048079 comes out zlzmSWd_wPE-00286-00048080-00048295 but um it's a really typically it's a zlzmSWd_wPE-00287-00048296-00048446 really nice place to study and just hang zlzmSWd_wPE-00288-00048447-00048590 out it's quiet zlzmSWd_wPE-00289-00048591-00048767 it's always really cold in here which is zlzmSWd_wPE-00290-00048768-00049039 nice too but yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-00291-00049040-00049158 there is something cool that we get to zlzmSWd_wPE-00292-00049159-00049367 do is the laundry app um i forget the zlzmSWd_wPE-00293-00049368-00049527 exact name of it but it's an app zlzmSWd_wPE-00294-00049528-00049774 laundry alert there we go so you can zlzmSWd_wPE-00295-00049775-00049911 either log into it on your computer or zlzmSWd_wPE-00296-00049912-00050039 download it on your phone zlzmSWd_wPE-00297-00050040-00050230 and you can track how long your laundry zlzmSWd_wPE-00298-00050231-00050367 has been in the machine and when that zlzmSWd_wPE-00299-00050368-00050543 machine is done it'll give you an alert zlzmSWd_wPE-00300-00050544-00050671 so you don't have to set a timer and zlzmSWd_wPE-00301-00050672-00050862 hope it goes off or you don't miss it um zlzmSWd_wPE-00302-00050863-00050974 it's going to ding for you when your zlzmSWd_wPE-00303-00050975-00051071 laundry is done and you know when to zlzmSWd_wPE-00304-00051072-00051263 come down and switch it zlzmSWd_wPE-00305-00051264-00051470 and also there's also an ice machine in zlzmSWd_wPE-00306-00051471-00051607 here if anyone needs it zlzmSWd_wPE-00307-00051608-00051750 so if you're looking for ice this is zlzmSWd_wPE-00308-00051751-00051926 where to find it and we have gotten that zlzmSWd_wPE-00309-00051927-00052063 question a few times on these tours is zlzmSWd_wPE-00310-00052064-00052199 hey do you have an ice machine zlzmSWd_wPE-00311-00052200-00052423 we do we do and another thing about zlzmSWd_wPE-00312-00052424-00052582 laundry alerts worth pointing out is zlzmSWd_wPE-00313-00052583-00052623 that zlzmSWd_wPE-00314-00052624-00052823 you can check it to see if there's any zlzmSWd_wPE-00315-00052824-00053094 um laundry machines available zlzmSWd_wPE-00316-00053095-00053215 so when you want to come down you don't zlzmSWd_wPE-00317-00053216-00053415 have to just go visually check zlzmSWd_wPE-00318-00053416-00053582 yep and as you can notice like right zlzmSWd_wPE-00319-00053583-00053694 here too we also have our hand zlzmSWd_wPE-00320-00053695-00053830 sanitizers being put out zlzmSWd_wPE-00321-00053832-00054023 to make sure that we're helping make it zlzmSWd_wPE-00322-00054024-00054182 as easy as possible for people to stay zlzmSWd_wPE-00323-00054183-00054247 safe zlzmSWd_wPE-00324-00054248-00054503 and stay socially responsible it's zlzmSWd_wPE-00325-00054504-00054559 awesome zlzmSWd_wPE-00326-00054560-00054742 so if you guys don't fall now this way zlzmSWd_wPE-00327-00054744-00054926 we are going to show you zlzmSWd_wPE-00328-00054927-00055126 on the next common space that we have in zlzmSWd_wPE-00329-00055127-00055350 the building zlzmSWd_wPE-00330-00055351-00055615 jose from from fresno california glad to zlzmSWd_wPE-00331-00055616-00055775 have you zlzmSWd_wPE-00332-00055776-00056054 so down here on our left you're gonna zlzmSWd_wPE-00333-00056055-00056438 see our next common space zlzmSWd_wPE-00334-00056439-00056599 on the right right here is our kitchen zlzmSWd_wPE-00335-00056600-00056775 um our kitchenette for yocum zlzmSWd_wPE-00336-00056776-00057030 um we are not at this moment going to be zlzmSWd_wPE-00337-00057032-00057223 giving out any kitchen equipment zlzmSWd_wPE-00338-00057224-00057350 because we have concerns about how well zlzmSWd_wPE-00339-00057351-00057559 we could keep it sanitized as the year zlzmSWd_wPE-00340-00057560-00057742 progresses and things develop zlzmSWd_wPE-00341-00057744-00057966 nationwide and regarding the covid we zlzmSWd_wPE-00342-00057967-00058159 may be able to open up that option zlzmSWd_wPE-00343-00058160-00058311 but right now if you plan on doing any zlzmSWd_wPE-00344-00058312-00058454 cooking we ask that you bring your own zlzmSWd_wPE-00345-00058455-00058599 items just because we can't zlzmSWd_wPE-00346-00058600-00058750 guarantee that safety and ability to zlzmSWd_wPE-00347-00058751-00058966 sanitize it right now our own personal zlzmSWd_wPE-00348-00058967-00059103 items so zlzmSWd_wPE-00349-00059104-00059223 we're happy to answer any questions on zlzmSWd_wPE-00350-00059224-00059326 that one as well if you have any zlzmSWd_wPE-00351-00059327-00059479 questions so bring your own zlzmSWd_wPE-00352-00059479-00059719 cooking gear yeah for now we want zlzmSWd_wPE-00353-00059720-00059863 hopefully we're able to back up and zlzmSWd_wPE-00354-00059864-00059966 share our supplies zlzmSWd_wPE-00355-00059967-00060079 and but right now we just want to make zlzmSWd_wPE-00356-00060079-00060199 sure that everyone is staying as safe as zlzmSWd_wPE-00357-00060200-00060287 possible zlzmSWd_wPE-00358-00060288-00060463 um there's a random note to our left zlzmSWd_wPE-00359-00060464-00060615 right here zlzmSWd_wPE-00360-00060616-00060799 probably the only phone booth still on zlzmSWd_wPE-00361-00060800-00060950 campus zlzmSWd_wPE-00362-00060951-00061238 they were put in when there was the zlzmSWd_wPE-00363-00061239-00061430 students of yocum hall were able to vote zlzmSWd_wPE-00364-00061432-00061623 they could either put an ac or have zlzmSWd_wPE-00365-00061624-00061815 phone booths and they voted for phone zlzmSWd_wPE-00366-00061816-00061903 booths zlzmSWd_wPE-00367-00061904-00062079 so now we have phone booths yeah right zlzmSWd_wPE-00368-00062079-00062230 there would you guys are nice if you zlzmSWd_wPE-00369-00062232-00062359 pick your cell phone in there maybe be zlzmSWd_wPE-00370-00062360-00062438 private i guess zlzmSWd_wPE-00371-00062439-00062694 yeah i mean i haven't found a way to use zlzmSWd_wPE-00372-00062695-00062759 them yet but zlzmSWd_wPE-00373-00062760-00063111 i'm always open for suggestions thanks zlzmSWd_wPE-00374-00063112-00063230 so in here you're going to come back zlzmSWd_wPE-00375-00063232-00063382 into our common space and you're going zlzmSWd_wPE-00376-00063383-00063535 to find that again all of our furniture zlzmSWd_wPE-00377-00063536-00063687 has been kind of set up to be socially zlzmSWd_wPE-00378-00063688-00063775 distant zlzmSWd_wPE-00379-00063776-00063975 um we have taken out we used to have a zlzmSWd_wPE-00380-00063976-00064142 couple foosball table in here but zlzmSWd_wPE-00381-00064144-00064294 we just can't make sure that they're zlzmSWd_wPE-00382-00064295-00064438 staying safe and they're not six feet zlzmSWd_wPE-00383-00064439-00064535 apart so zlzmSWd_wPE-00384-00064536-00064806 we are working on that one um pool items zlzmSWd_wPE-00385-00064807-00064966 at this moment are not available for zlzmSWd_wPE-00386-00064967-00065063 rent yet zlzmSWd_wPE-00387-00065064-00065238 but again as things develop we're hoping zlzmSWd_wPE-00388-00065239-00065399 to get those back out to y'all zlzmSWd_wPE-00389-00065400-00065567 um and as we develop a sanitation plan zlzmSWd_wPE-00390-00065568-00065679 we're gonna hope to get those back out zlzmSWd_wPE-00391-00065680-00065943 for you zlzmSWd_wPE-00392-00065944-00066055 but if you all to bring your own zlzmSWd_wPE-00393-00066056-00066238 supplies if you're super competitive zlzmSWd_wPE-00394-00066239-00066399 about ping pong or pool zlzmSWd_wPE-00395-00066400-00066679 um feel free to bring your own items and zlzmSWd_wPE-00396-00066680-00066735 um zlzmSWd_wPE-00397-00066736-00067006 play with these tables if you would like zlzmSWd_wPE-00398-00067007-00067150 so they're available for you but we zlzmSWd_wPE-00399-00067151-00067271 won't be necessarily giving you the zlzmSWd_wPE-00400-00067272-00067431 equipment to use it you just need to zlzmSWd_wPE-00401-00067432-00067511 have your own zlzmSWd_wPE-00402-00067512-00067703 exactly so i'm sure there's going to be zlzmSWd_wPE-00403-00067704-00067887 someone who brings their ping pong set zlzmSWd_wPE-00404-00067888-00068119 and wants to have a super competition zlzmSWd_wPE-00405-00068120-00068247 with their roommates or something like zlzmSWd_wPE-00406-00068248-00068431 that zlzmSWd_wPE-00407-00068432-00068599 at least once a year there's someone who zlzmSWd_wPE-00408-00068600-00068815 loves ping pong and i love to see it um zlzmSWd_wPE-00409-00068816-00069126 even is here all day and i support it zlzmSWd_wPE-00410-00069127-00069311 support the ping pong competitions yes zlzmSWd_wPE-00411-00069312-00069487 they get so intense that it's awesome zlzmSWd_wPE-00412-00069488-00069775 nice nice does they have any questions zlzmSWd_wPE-00413-00069776-00069926 about anything so far that they've seen zlzmSWd_wPE-00414-00069927-00070047 or zlzmSWd_wPE-00415-00070048-00070231 yeah so far we've we've answered all the zlzmSWd_wPE-00416-00070232-00070350 questions and we look forward to hearing zlzmSWd_wPE-00417-00070351-00070399 more zlzmSWd_wPE-00418-00070400-00070759 awesome so if you look directly ahead zlzmSWd_wPE-00419-00070760-00070999 um you'll see the vending machines um zlzmSWd_wPE-00420-00071000-00071135 right now you don't see anything really zlzmSWd_wPE-00421-00071136-00071271 in the vending machines besides for a zlzmSWd_wPE-00422-00071272-00071399 few assorted drinks zlzmSWd_wPE-00423-00071400-00071591 we're working with our partners on zlzmSWd_wPE-00424-00071592-00071791 campus and off campus to make sure that zlzmSWd_wPE-00425-00071792-00071991 these are saying uh sanitized and zlzmSWd_wPE-00426-00071992-00072191 socially responsible like that so zlzmSWd_wPE-00427-00072192-00072326 as you finalize that plan be sure to zlzmSWd_wPE-00428-00072327-00072559 look out for updates on that one um zlzmSWd_wPE-00429-00072560-00072711 good i noticed the i noticed the zlzmSWd_wPE-00430-00072712-00072926 recycling as well over there there is zlzmSWd_wPE-00431-00072927-00073143 um this is your main recycling point um zlzmSWd_wPE-00432-00073144-00073294 in the larger trash room this ability to zlzmSWd_wPE-00433-00073295-00073479 dump things off um as well but zlzmSWd_wPE-00434-00073480-00073631 this is your main things for cans zlzmSWd_wPE-00435-00073632-00073815 plastic newspapers i'm going to give a zlzmSWd_wPE-00436-00073816-00073982 big shout out to those signs one of my zlzmSWd_wPE-00437-00073983-00074175 ra's last year his name was mark harris zlzmSWd_wPE-00438-00074176-00074367 he made those in the adobe creative zlzmSWd_wPE-00439-00074368-00074526 space on his own so zlzmSWd_wPE-00440-00074527-00074647 um those are let's go check them out zlzmSWd_wPE-00441-00074648-00074887 yeah absolutely and these were made i'm zlzmSWd_wPE-00442-00074888-00075015 sorry where did you say in the adobe zlzmSWd_wPE-00443-00075016-00075167 creative space down the hill zlzmSWd_wPE-00444-00075168-00075415 our new residence hall so it's all laser zlzmSWd_wPE-00445-00075416-00075550 cut out everything like that zlzmSWd_wPE-00446-00075551-00075711 um i use the programming down there when zlzmSWd_wPE-00447-00075712-00075894 he was working down there so zlzmSWd_wPE-00448-00075895-00076199 shout out to mark yeah nice nice zlzmSWd_wPE-00449-00076200-00076343 we always like to see students creating zlzmSWd_wPE-00450-00076344-00076526 things like that zlzmSWd_wPE-00451-00076527-00076847 absolutely so where are we going next zlzmSWd_wPE-00452-00076848-00076999 we are going to go to the ninth floor to zlzmSWd_wPE-00453-00077000-00077206 show you all a couple of our rooms um zlzmSWd_wPE-00454-00077207-00077359 let's give an example of what you all be zlzmSWd_wPE-00455-00077360-00077615 living in yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-00456-00077616-00077791 now you've been here for how many years zlzmSWd_wPE-00457-00077792-00077967 as this year this is my second year as a zlzmSWd_wPE-00458-00077968-00078135 cre here at the university of arkansas zlzmSWd_wPE-00459-00078136-00078303 in my second year on yokum zlzmSWd_wPE-00460-00078304-00078447 is there anything that stands out to you zlzmSWd_wPE-00461-00078448-00078638 specifically about the yokum community zlzmSWd_wPE-00462-00078639-00078775 the oakland community is just so zlzmSWd_wPE-00463-00078776-00078911 interesting so we are one of the larger zlzmSWd_wPE-00464-00078912-00079031 buildings so let me put out one thing zlzmSWd_wPE-00465-00079032-00079119 real quick zlzmSWd_wPE-00466-00079120-00079455 oh down here there is a slot zlzmSWd_wPE-00467-00079456-00079655 and i've heard about uh people zlzmSWd_wPE-00468-00079656-00079871 accidentally losing their cell phone or zlzmSWd_wPE-00469-00079872-00080006 other things right there so zlzmSWd_wPE-00470-00080007-00080271 a co word of caution about getting on zlzmSWd_wPE-00471-00080272-00080311 here zlzmSWd_wPE-00472-00080312-00080503 at least once a month we have uh the zlzmSWd_wPE-00473-00080504-00080647 elevator company coming out to pull zlzmSWd_wPE-00474-00080648-00080750 things out of there zlzmSWd_wPE-00475-00080751-00080943 on move in last year we had a family zlzmSWd_wPE-00476-00080944-00081150 lose one of their phones down there zlzmSWd_wPE-00477-00081151-00081375 so just be careful don't text and get on zlzmSWd_wPE-00478-00081376-00081519 the elevator at the same time um that's zlzmSWd_wPE-00479-00081520-00081655 how you drop it and we lose it for a zlzmSWd_wPE-00480-00081656-00081759 while zlzmSWd_wPE-00481-00081760-00081950 very good very good yeah so i'm sorry i zlzmSWd_wPE-00482-00081951-00082094 cut you off you were going to say zlzmSWd_wPE-00483-00082095-00082279 yoga is such such an interesting fun zlzmSWd_wPE-00484-00082280-00082438 community because it's that ten stories zlzmSWd_wPE-00485-00082439-00082615 of residence um zlzmSWd_wPE-00486-00082616-00082759 and just every floor is different each zlzmSWd_wPE-00487-00082760-00082903 floor is their own personality zlzmSWd_wPE-00488-00082904-00083062 especially depending on the demographics zlzmSWd_wPE-00489-00083063-00083135 on there zlzmSWd_wPE-00490-00083136-00083350 um the third floor is our engineering zlzmSWd_wPE-00491-00083351-00083511 llc so you see a lot of engineering zlzmSWd_wPE-00492-00083512-00083599 students there zlzmSWd_wPE-00493-00083600-00083703 hanging out working on different zlzmSWd_wPE-00494-00083704-00083918 projects talking different things zlzmSWd_wPE-00495-00083919-00084175 they do their own game nights with that zlzmSWd_wPE-00496-00084176-00084343 the ninth floor like we're on now zlzmSWd_wPE-00497-00084344-00084494 is typically a room of singles so it's a zlzmSWd_wPE-00498-00084495-00084655 little bit quieter up here zlzmSWd_wPE-00499-00084656-00084823 um the tenth floor is a nice is an zlzmSWd_wPE-00500-00084824-00084975 all-female floor of doubles zlzmSWd_wPE-00501-00084976-00085103 there's usually really creative they zlzmSWd_wPE-00502-00085104-00085238 have lots of artwork going on it's zlzmSWd_wPE-00503-00085239-00085399 really well decorated zlzmSWd_wPE-00504-00085400-00085623 um and yeah so it's just each floor is zlzmSWd_wPE-00505-00085624-00085711 unique and different zlzmSWd_wPE-00506-00085712-00085918 and it makes you come a very unique zlzmSWd_wPE-00507-00085919-00086047 building overall zlzmSWd_wPE-00508-00086048-00086215 every floor has its own flavor how zlzmSWd_wPE-00509-00086216-00086382 interesting yeah so we had a couple zlzmSWd_wPE-00510-00086383-00086487 questions come in zlzmSWd_wPE-00511-00086488-00086687 uh natalie asked are we allowed to hang zlzmSWd_wPE-00512-00086688-00086967 curtains by the windows in the room zlzmSWd_wPE-00513-00086968-00087126 so you can't have anything hanging in zlzmSWd_wPE-00514-00087127-00087271 the windows unfortunately zlzmSWd_wPE-00515-00087272-00087455 um that goes to flags different things zlzmSWd_wPE-00516-00087456-00087662 like that um it says we go back to fire zlzmSWd_wPE-00517-00087663-00087767 hazard it's one of those things that zlzmSWd_wPE-00518-00087768-00087879 we're really worried about zlzmSWd_wPE-00519-00087880-00087982 we want to make sure that we're standing zlzmSWd_wPE-00520-00087983-00088271 in fire codes so um unfortunately no zlzmSWd_wPE-00521-00088272-00088447 and roxy asked how many elevators are zlzmSWd_wPE-00522-00088448-00088591 there and there's uh two zlzmSWd_wPE-00523-00088592-00088775 there's two elevators one on each side zlzmSWd_wPE-00524-00088776-00088911 we actually have a really good track zlzmSWd_wPE-00525-00088912-00089111 record in yokum without elevators zlzmSWd_wPE-00526-00089112-00089326 staying working despite being ten floors zlzmSWd_wPE-00527-00089327-00089503 i said that now and this year it's gonna zlzmSWd_wPE-00528-00089504-00089711 plague us but in the past we've had some zlzmSWd_wPE-00529-00089712-00089815 really good uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00530-00089816-00089943 i haven't had really many elevator zlzmSWd_wPE-00531-00089944-00090143 issues we did have the elevators go out zlzmSWd_wPE-00532-00090144-00090255 when we had a power outage during zlzmSWd_wPE-00533-00090256-00090415 move-in last year but that's just a fun zlzmSWd_wPE-00534-00090416-00090567 adventure we get to talk about now zlzmSWd_wPE-00535-00090568-00090847 a fun adventure um steph asks can we zlzmSWd_wPE-00536-00090848-00091071 please see the third floor rooms and uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00537-00091072-00091199 you know a lot of the rooms that we're zlzmSWd_wPE-00538-00091200-00091311 going to be looking at in fact the main zlzmSWd_wPE-00539-00091312-00091415 one we're going to be looking at zlzmSWd_wPE-00540-00091416-00091575 is going to be identical to what you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00541-00091576-00091703 going to see on the third floor here on zlzmSWd_wPE-00542-00091704-00091759 the night zlzmSWd_wPE-00543-00091760-00091982 so all the rooms are identical um zlzmSWd_wPE-00544-00091983-00092126 everything the way you open the doors zlzmSWd_wPE-00545-00092127-00092335 the floors are all the same so the ninth zlzmSWd_wPE-00546-00092336-00092438 floor rooms are gonna be exactly the zlzmSWd_wPE-00547-00092439-00092615 same as the third floor rooms okay zlzmSWd_wPE-00548-00092616-00092711 measurements and all zlzmSWd_wPE-00549-00092712-00092831 right well let's show off some ninth zlzmSWd_wPE-00550-00092832-00093006 floor amenities uh first one we're going zlzmSWd_wPE-00551-00093007-00093279 to go to the common space zlzmSWd_wPE-00552-00093280-00093582 every floor has a study space we do zlzmSWd_wPE-00553-00093583-00093799 provide the furniture in here zlzmSWd_wPE-00554-00093800-00093991 it's all fair game with the whiteboard zlzmSWd_wPE-00555-00093992-00094191 you see a lot of students doing uh no zlzmSWd_wPE-00556-00094192-00094367 taking notes in here i know there's a zlzmSWd_wPE-00557-00094368-00094574 chemistry test coming up when i walk in zlzmSWd_wPE-00558-00094575-00094615 here zlzmSWd_wPE-00559-00094616-00094767 and there's all these different formulas zlzmSWd_wPE-00560-00094768-00094982 on there that are way past my 10th grade zlzmSWd_wPE-00561-00094983-00095135 chemistry knowledge so shout out to all zlzmSWd_wPE-00562-00095136-00095303 those chemistry people zlzmSWd_wPE-00563-00095304-00095462 um but yeah so it's really a lot of fun zlzmSWd_wPE-00564-00095463-00095615 we like to do some interactive programs zlzmSWd_wPE-00565-00095616-00095718 in here as well zlzmSWd_wPE-00566-00095719-00095918 um without them knowing last year we did zlzmSWd_wPE-00567-00095919-00096087 a program on cultural appropriation zlzmSWd_wPE-00568-00096088-00096206 around halloween zlzmSWd_wPE-00569-00096207-00096343 and we just had uh someone from the zlzmSWd_wPE-00570-00096344-00096479 multicultural center come on and they zlzmSWd_wPE-00571-00096480-00096606 would leave tips and notes on each of zlzmSWd_wPE-00572-00096607-00096750 the whiteboards so people saw as they zlzmSWd_wPE-00573-00096751-00096823 came in zlzmSWd_wPE-00574-00096824-00096943 there's a program they didn't even know zlzmSWd_wPE-00575-00096944-00097038 what's happening and giving them some zlzmSWd_wPE-00576-00097039-00097167 really crucial knowledge zlzmSWd_wPE-00577-00097168-00097326 nice nice so we've had a couple more zlzmSWd_wPE-00578-00097327-00097479 questions come in let's go ahead and zlzmSWd_wPE-00579-00097480-00097759 just catch up with those for a second zlzmSWd_wPE-00580-00097760-00097791 steph zlzmSWd_wPE-00581-00097792-00097982 asked how do we know which bed we will zlzmSWd_wPE-00582-00097983-00098191 have since one takes long sheets and one zlzmSWd_wPE-00583-00098192-00098326 takes regular sheets zlzmSWd_wPE-00584-00098327-00098479 and i when we go in the room we'll talk zlzmSWd_wPE-00585-00098480-00098662 about that more but i think it's a zlzmSWd_wPE-00586-00098663-00098926 bedside and window side situations so zlzmSWd_wPE-00587-00098927-00098974 it's a zlzmSWd_wPE-00588-00098975-00099174 and b a is the one directly as you walk zlzmSWd_wPE-00589-00099175-00099343 into the room summer correct me if i'm zlzmSWd_wPE-00590-00099344-00099479 wrong off camera but i think a is the zlzmSWd_wPE-00591-00099480-00099631 one directly as you walk in and that is zlzmSWd_wPE-00592-00099632-00099767 typically the shorter one zlzmSWd_wPE-00593-00099768-00099926 because it is right next to that door zlzmSWd_wPE-00594-00099927-00100135 frame um so b is typically the longer zlzmSWd_wPE-00595-00100136-00100182 bed zlzmSWd_wPE-00596-00100183-00100318 to be honest i don't i've never really zlzmSWd_wPE-00597-00100319-00100559 noticed much of a difference um but zlzmSWd_wPE-00598-00100560-00100679 it's also been a couple years since i zlzmSWd_wPE-00599-00100680-00100806 slept in one of those days as a college zlzmSWd_wPE-00600-00100807-00100871 student zlzmSWd_wPE-00601-00100872-00100966 but zlzmSWd_wPE-00602-00100967-00101423 [Music] zlzmSWd_wPE-00603-00101424-00101687 and um definitely some requests to see zlzmSWd_wPE-00604-00101688-00101879 some pipe chase rooms which we'll look zlzmSWd_wPE-00605-00101880-00101926 through there zlzmSWd_wPE-00606-00101927-00102271 sure and then staff ask ninth room zlzmSWd_wPE-00607-00102272-00102478 ninth floors are singles and third are zlzmSWd_wPE-00608-00102479-00102575 doubles zlzmSWd_wPE-00609-00102576-00102766 so there's singles and doubles but the zlzmSWd_wPE-00610-00102767-00102942 setup is exactly the same zlzmSWd_wPE-00611-00102943-00103102 um all the rooms are equipped to be zlzmSWd_wPE-00612-00103103-00103286 doubles for the most part just in case zlzmSWd_wPE-00613-00103288-00103415 there is an overflow zlzmSWd_wPE-00614-00103416-00103590 um as the year goes on we have some zlzmSWd_wPE-00615-00103591-00103727 flexibility with helping with furniture zlzmSWd_wPE-00616-00103728-00103871 and making sure the space is zlzmSWd_wPE-00617-00103872-00104134 but they're set up exactly the same and zlzmSWd_wPE-00618-00104135-00104302 robin's asking about tension rods zlzmSWd_wPE-00619-00104303-00104558 tension rods as long as you don't um zlzmSWd_wPE-00620-00104559-00104775 attach anything to the walls themselves zlzmSWd_wPE-00621-00104776-00104902 or go into the walls zlzmSWd_wPE-00622-00104903-00105078 specifically then you're fine so a zlzmSWd_wPE-00623-00105079-00105247 tension rod is perfectly fine to use zlzmSWd_wPE-00624-00105248-00105375 it's also really difficult to put things zlzmSWd_wPE-00625-00105376-00105543 into our walls they are all cinder block zlzmSWd_wPE-00626-00105544-00105727 walls so if you're able to screw zlzmSWd_wPE-00627-00105728-00105910 anything into the walls a please don't zlzmSWd_wPE-00628-00105911-00106166 but be also kind of impressed zlzmSWd_wPE-00629-00106167-00106366 and then chestnut asks are we allowed to zlzmSWd_wPE-00630-00106367-00106599 have doormats outside our door yes you zlzmSWd_wPE-00631-00106600-00106671 are you absolutely zlzmSWd_wPE-00632-00106672-00106910 have doormats um sometimes they may go zlzmSWd_wPE-00633-00106911-00107023 missing um zlzmSWd_wPE-00634-00107024-00107183 as we don't encourage that but it's just zlzmSWd_wPE-00635-00107183-00107407 a reality so um but i fully support it i zlzmSWd_wPE-00636-00107408-00107510 like seeing them they get really zlzmSWd_wPE-00637-00107511-00107558 creative zlzmSWd_wPE-00638-00107559-00107719 people like to get festive depending on zlzmSWd_wPE-00639-00107720-00107839 the season they switch it out it's zlzmSWd_wPE-00640-00107840-00108054 really nice so i like seeing it um but zlzmSWd_wPE-00641-00108055-00108223 seasonal doormats like a like a zlzmSWd_wPE-00642-00108224-00108463 halloween and a thanksgiving you know zlzmSWd_wPE-00643-00108464-00108615 if you do have a doormat though please zlzmSWd_wPE-00644-00108616-00108807 bring your shoes inside we can't leave zlzmSWd_wPE-00645-00108808-00108927 the shoes outside zlzmSWd_wPE-00646-00108928-00109158 um they do end up stinking up the hall zlzmSWd_wPE-00647-00109159-00109271 they are a little bit of a tripping zlzmSWd_wPE-00648-00109272-00109358 hazard zlzmSWd_wPE-00649-00109359-00109543 and just you know they can go missing um zlzmSWd_wPE-00650-00109544-00109702 so please don't leave anything in the zlzmSWd_wPE-00651-00109703-00109790 hallways zlzmSWd_wPE-00652-00109791-00109983 and autumn yes we will look at a single zlzmSWd_wPE-00653-00109983-00110166 pipe chase room here in a moment zlzmSWd_wPE-00654-00110167-00110399 um and heather asks if you have a single zlzmSWd_wPE-00655-00110400-00110607 room will the extra furniture be removed zlzmSWd_wPE-00656-00110608-00110854 it no it will not um you're welcome to zlzmSWd_wPE-00657-00110855-00111015 move it in any configuration that works zlzmSWd_wPE-00658-00111016-00111110 well for you zlzmSWd_wPE-00659-00111111-00111254 but we need to have that furniture in zlzmSWd_wPE-00660-00111255-00111447 there at the end of the year and so it zlzmSWd_wPE-00661-00111448-00111510 will remain zlzmSWd_wPE-00662-00111511-00111766 in there uh tina asks can you have zlzmSWd_wPE-00663-00111767-00111854 curtains zlzmSWd_wPE-00664-00111855-00112151 on a spring rod for the window and i zlzmSWd_wPE-00665-00112152-00112302 mean spring rod tension rod zlzmSWd_wPE-00666-00112303-00112566 kind of the same thing so sure yeah i'm zlzmSWd_wPE-00667-00112567-00112710 wrong zlzmSWd_wPE-00668-00112711-00112966 yeah we typically don't allow anything zlzmSWd_wPE-00669-00112967-00113278 in between the blinds in the window zlzmSWd_wPE-00670-00113279-00113543 so no decorations in between there but zlzmSWd_wPE-00671-00113544-00113695 you could always refer to the housing zlzmSWd_wPE-00672-00113696-00113766 website zlzmSWd_wPE-00673-00113767-00113999 and the um residence hall handbook it zlzmSWd_wPE-00674-00114000-00114110 might have some more zlzmSWd_wPE-00675-00114111-00114334 details about blind specifically in zlzmSWd_wPE-00676-00114335-00114575 there when we go into the room zlzmSWd_wPE-00677-00114576-00114702 go into the room in a moment we'll take zlzmSWd_wPE-00678-00114703-00114863 a closer look at that but yeah let's zlzmSWd_wPE-00679-00114864-00115078 continue the tour zlzmSWd_wPE-00680-00115079-00115254 great questions thank you very much so zlzmSWd_wPE-00681-00115255-00115358 now we're gonna go down to the pipe zlzmSWd_wPE-00682-00115359-00115423 chase room zlzmSWd_wPE-00683-00115424-00115558 um before we walk there you brought up a zlzmSWd_wPE-00684-00115559-00115710 good point of like everything you want zlzmSWd_wPE-00685-00115711-00115847 to do the bathroom first just knock that zlzmSWd_wPE-00686-00115848-00115878 out zlzmSWd_wPE-00687-00115879-00116015 yeah you brought up a good point though zlzmSWd_wPE-00688-00116016-00116134 with leaving everything in the room at zlzmSWd_wPE-00689-00116135-00116231 the end of the year zlzmSWd_wPE-00690-00116232-00116415 please do not take anything out of your zlzmSWd_wPE-00691-00116416-00116543 room furniture wise zlzmSWd_wPE-00692-00116544-00116727 i know you may bring your own chair zlzmSWd_wPE-00693-00116728-00116854 please leave that in there zlzmSWd_wPE-00694-00116855-00117054 if the chair is not in there at checkout zlzmSWd_wPE-00695-00117055-00117183 you will be charged zlzmSWd_wPE-00696-00117183-00117399 um and that furniture does get expensive zlzmSWd_wPE-00697-00117400-00117558 it has to meet certain fire safety codes zlzmSWd_wPE-00698-00117559-00117678 and standards so zlzmSWd_wPE-00699-00117679-00117854 please please please please please leave zlzmSWd_wPE-00700-00117855-00118023 everything in your room makes it a lot zlzmSWd_wPE-00701-00118024-00118215 easier for you zlzmSWd_wPE-00702-00118216-00118415 so in here you're going to see a typical zlzmSWd_wPE-00703-00118416-00118543 bathroom zlzmSWd_wPE-00704-00118544-00118775 you have the two bathroom stalls on the zlzmSWd_wPE-00705-00118776-00118854 right here zlzmSWd_wPE-00706-00118855-00118983 and if you turn around you'll see the zlzmSWd_wPE-00707-00118983-00119278 shower stalls zlzmSWd_wPE-00708-00119279-00119463 and how many uh are there two stacks of zlzmSWd_wPE-00709-00119464-00119654 bathrooms bathrooms so zlzmSWd_wPE-00710-00119655-00119895 there are four bathrooms uh four sets of zlzmSWd_wPE-00711-00119896-00120054 bathrooms on each floor zlzmSWd_wPE-00712-00120055-00120263 depending on the gender specificness of zlzmSWd_wPE-00713-00120264-00120558 the floors they are split up by that zlzmSWd_wPE-00714-00120559-00120783 so a female will never be living in a zlzmSWd_wPE-00715-00120783-00120934 male bathroom hallway so zlzmSWd_wPE-00716-00120935-00121063 it's always gonna have a short distance zlzmSWd_wPE-00717-00121064-00121414 to your bathrooms zlzmSWd_wPE-00718-00121415-00121743 okay sounds good and you may notice that zlzmSWd_wPE-00719-00121744-00121799 of course zlzmSWd_wPE-00720-00121800-00121958 our host is wearing a mask and i'm zlzmSWd_wPE-00721-00121959-00122166 wearing a mask masks are going to be zlzmSWd_wPE-00722-00122167-00122383 pretty very commonplace here on campus zlzmSWd_wPE-00723-00122383-00122471 this fall zlzmSWd_wPE-00724-00122472-00122766 yes um we asked that the more specific zlzmSWd_wPE-00725-00122767-00122919 guidelines are being posted but zlzmSWd_wPE-00726-00122920-00123134 um essentially in the bathrooms you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00727-00123135-00123271 expected to wear a mask zlzmSWd_wPE-00728-00123272-00123407 unless you were brushing your teeth or zlzmSWd_wPE-00729-00123408-00123614 showering at that time and the bathrooms zlzmSWd_wPE-00730-00123615-00123727 are actually going to be cleaned twice a zlzmSWd_wPE-00731-00123728-00123871 day like that twice a day now zlzmSWd_wPE-00732-00123872-00124086 twice a day including weekends to help zlzmSWd_wPE-00733-00124088-00124278 cut down help improve sanitation zlzmSWd_wPE-00734-00124279-00124439 just go down on any germs or anything zlzmSWd_wPE-00735-00124440-00124614 like that okay great zlzmSWd_wPE-00736-00124615-00124828 yeah let's go look at that uh chase room zlzmSWd_wPE-00737-00124829-00125839 [Music] zlzmSWd_wPE-00738-00125840-00125999 matt we had another question come in zlzmSWd_wPE-00739-00126000-00126263 from steph how many share each bathroom zlzmSWd_wPE-00740-00126264-00126534 so approximately how many would you say zlzmSWd_wPE-00741-00126535-00126734 so we have per floor divided by two i zlzmSWd_wPE-00742-00126735-00126927 guess yeah um it depends on whether your zlzmSWd_wPE-00743-00126928-00127039 floor is all zlzmSWd_wPE-00744-00127040-00127214 doubles are all singles but at most it's zlzmSWd_wPE-00745-00127215-00127358 really about 16 people sharing a zlzmSWd_wPE-00746-00127359-00127454 bathroom zlzmSWd_wPE-00747-00127455-00127647 so it's obviously going to be busier at zlzmSWd_wPE-00748-00127648-00127847 certain times between 7 30 8 30 in the zlzmSWd_wPE-00749-00127848-00127910 morning zlzmSWd_wPE-00750-00127911-00128031 typically busier as people are getting zlzmSWd_wPE-00751-00128032-00128231 ready for class and then around around zlzmSWd_wPE-00752-00128232-00128286 like nine zlzmSWd_wPE-00753-00128288-00128478 ten o'clock at night um you'll see it zlzmSWd_wPE-00754-00128479-00128623 pick up as you are getting ready for bed zlzmSWd_wPE-00755-00128624-00128775 and things like that zlzmSWd_wPE-00756-00128776-00128958 and previously um you know we've had zlzmSWd_wPE-00757-00128959-00129086 students who have helped us with these zlzmSWd_wPE-00758-00129088-00129175 tours before zlzmSWd_wPE-00759-00129176-00129423 and they have recommended uh bringing a zlzmSWd_wPE-00760-00129424-00129566 bathroom caddy zlzmSWd_wPE-00761-00129567-00129951 uh some flip-flops for the bathroom zlzmSWd_wPE-00762-00129952-00130223 and also maybe even taking your shower zlzmSWd_wPE-00763-00130224-00130310 or bath zlzmSWd_wPE-00764-00130311-00130463 taking a shower in the evening rather zlzmSWd_wPE-00765-00130464-00130607 than the morning when there's a big rush zlzmSWd_wPE-00766-00130608-00130743 so yeah the morning's always gonna be zlzmSWd_wPE-00767-00130744-00130871 busier you don't wanna be rushing around zlzmSWd_wPE-00768-00130872-00130943 to class zlzmSWd_wPE-00769-00130944-00131199 um embrace that messy bed head throw in zlzmSWd_wPE-00770-00131200-00131302 the sweatpants zlzmSWd_wPE-00771-00131303-00131454 you have a reason to wear sweatpants now zlzmSWd_wPE-00772-00131455-00131607 um shower's busy in the morning you know zlzmSWd_wPE-00773-00131608-00131654 what zlzmSWd_wPE-00774-00131655-00131759 you're good to throw in the deodorant zlzmSWd_wPE-00775-00131760-00131975 you'll be fine great zlzmSWd_wPE-00776-00131976-00132151 so this is the chase room yeah so it's zlzmSWd_wPE-00777-00132152-00132278 the paint pie chase room zlzmSWd_wPE-00778-00132279-00132471 um it's called that because right here zlzmSWd_wPE-00779-00132472-00132607 um we have all the pipes for the zlzmSWd_wPE-00780-00132608-00132719 building going up zlzmSWd_wPE-00781-00132720-00132919 uh between the floors so you definitely zlzmSWd_wPE-00782-00132920-00133047 do lose a little bit of space zlzmSWd_wPE-00783-00133048-00133247 but to help accommodate that um every zlzmSWd_wPE-00784-00133248-00133431 all of your furniture in here is movable zlzmSWd_wPE-00785-00133432-00133607 um you'll see in the next rooms that the zlzmSWd_wPE-00786-00133608-00133831 desks the desks and closets are built zlzmSWd_wPE-00787-00133832-00133951 into the walls zlzmSWd_wPE-00788-00133952-00134143 in here you have complete flexibility zlzmSWd_wPE-00789-00134144-00134254 with that furniture zlzmSWd_wPE-00790-00134255-00134543 um so desk will be able to move your zlzmSWd_wPE-00791-00134544-00134702 dresser it'll move you have two large zlzmSWd_wPE-00792-00134703-00134831 closets behind you zlzmSWd_wPE-00793-00134832-00135135 uh one for each student um and then we zlzmSWd_wPE-00794-00135136-00135327 also have in these rooms we provide tvs zlzmSWd_wPE-00795-00135328-00135487 for all the students so zlzmSWd_wPE-00796-00135488-00135702 if you're in a pipe chase room um we zlzmSWd_wPE-00797-00135703-00135847 don't you don't have to bring a tv if zlzmSWd_wPE-00798-00135848-00135959 you don't want one we have them all zlzmSWd_wPE-00799-00135960-00136007 provided zlzmSWd_wPE-00800-00136008-00136359 for you okay okay and and the pipe chase zlzmSWd_wPE-00801-00136360-00136439 rooms are zlzmSWd_wPE-00802-00136440-00136654 always uh have a live stream which is at zlzmSWd_wPE-00803-00136655-00136847 the 08 is that right uh not always oh zlzmSWd_wPE-00804-00136848-00136919 wait uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00805-00136920-00137239 there's the 28 there's the zlzmSWd_wPE-00806-00137240-00137543 oh 508 uh stop my head oh it's fine we zlzmSWd_wPE-00807-00137544-00137754 have it on the website too if you go to zlzmSWd_wPE-00808-00137755-00137887 housing.uart.edu zlzmSWd_wPE-00809-00137888-00138183 and then go to yoacom you'll see the the zlzmSWd_wPE-00810-00138184-00138295 room number pattern zlzmSWd_wPE-00811-00138296-00138487 for those that have this particular zlzmSWd_wPE-00812-00138488-00138671 setup and honestly people end up liking zlzmSWd_wPE-00813-00138672-00138814 the pipe trace rooms a lot because you zlzmSWd_wPE-00814-00138815-00138943 have that flexibility with your zlzmSWd_wPE-00815-00138944-00139095 furniture more than you do in the other zlzmSWd_wPE-00816-00139096-00139199 ones so zlzmSWd_wPE-00817-00139200-00139390 it's also really nice great well yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-00818-00139391-00139502 let's go take it out take a look at a zlzmSWd_wPE-00819-00139503-00139678 more standard room now zlzmSWd_wPE-00820-00139679-00139863 and yeah we had that question before and zlzmSWd_wPE-00821-00139864-00140471 we'll get that answered zlzmSWd_wPE-00822-00140472-00140647 so in here you're going to see one of zlzmSWd_wPE-00823-00140648-00140823 our standard rooms um the first thing to zlzmSWd_wPE-00824-00140824-00140943 highlight like i said zlzmSWd_wPE-00825-00140944-00141111 this is built-in furniture so your zlzmSWd_wPE-00826-00141112-00141263 closets your dressers zlzmSWd_wPE-00827-00141264-00141495 that's all built into the room and you zlzmSWd_wPE-00828-00141496-00141599 don't have any way to move zlzmSWd_wPE-00829-00141600-00141878 those but besides that it's the same zlzmSWd_wPE-00830-00141879-00141927 bedding zlzmSWd_wPE-00831-00141928-00142119 everything like that as you can see uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00832-00142120-00142343 this is a longer bed on the window side zlzmSWd_wPE-00833-00142344-00142383 so zlzmSWd_wPE-00834-00142384-00142575 that is typically the b side in our zlzmSWd_wPE-00835-00142576-00142726 assignments uh zlzmSWd_wPE-00836-00142727-00142919 information however i believe you're zlzmSWd_wPE-00837-00142920-00143054 able to make that decision with your zlzmSWd_wPE-00838-00143055-00143183 roommate when you get to the room zlzmSWd_wPE-00839-00143184-00143335 yeah whether you want it to be the b zlzmSWd_wPE-00840-00143336-00143526 side of the a side so those are just zlzmSWd_wPE-00841-00143527-00143726 designations but don't necessarily mean zlzmSWd_wPE-00842-00143727-00143823 window and door zlzmSWd_wPE-00843-00143824-00143959 make sure though that you have a record zlzmSWd_wPE-00844-00143960-00144135 of that one though um because when we go zlzmSWd_wPE-00845-00144136-00144183 through zlzmSWd_wPE-00846-00144184-00144326 the room condition report when you fill zlzmSWd_wPE-00847-00144327-00144495 out the room condition report we're zlzmSWd_wPE-00848-00144496-00144711 setting it up so that a is the side zlzmSWd_wPE-00849-00144712-00144807 against the door zlzmSWd_wPE-00850-00144808-00144966 and b is this side so if there was an zlzmSWd_wPE-00851-00144967-00145135 issue with the a bed frame zlzmSWd_wPE-00852-00145136-00145351 and you've sent the year in b it's still zlzmSWd_wPE-00853-00145352-00145478 tracked to you so make sure you have zlzmSWd_wPE-00854-00145479-00145607 official record of that when you take zlzmSWd_wPE-00855-00145608-00145726 note of it zlzmSWd_wPE-00856-00145727-00145887 and elizabeth asks what are the zlzmSWd_wPE-00857-00145888-00146039 measurements for the closets in the pipe zlzmSWd_wPE-00858-00146040-00146126 chase room zlzmSWd_wPE-00859-00146127-00146351 and i'm not sure i think they're online zlzmSWd_wPE-00860-00146352-00146454 but if they're not zlzmSWd_wPE-00861-00146455-00146599 we'll try to be sure and get those for zlzmSWd_wPE-00862-00146600-00146854 you i'll make sure to grab this for you zlzmSWd_wPE-00863-00146855-00147054 okay so here we are in this room and why zlzmSWd_wPE-00864-00147055-00147231 don't we show some of the the zlzmSWd_wPE-00865-00147232-00147343 drawers right there i think there was a zlzmSWd_wPE-00866-00147344-00147575 request to create zlzmSWd_wPE-00867-00147576-00147823 uh yeah so some of these drawers come zlzmSWd_wPE-00868-00147824-00147935 pre-lined um zlzmSWd_wPE-00869-00147936-00148095 from students who have put them in there zlzmSWd_wPE-00870-00148096-00148335 already um zlzmSWd_wPE-00871-00148336-00148478 i'm not measuring tape expert but we're zlzmSWd_wPE-00872-00148479-00148902 going to zlzmSWd_wPE-00873-00148903-00149190 they're about 14 inches across okay and zlzmSWd_wPE-00874-00149191-00149366 then zlzmSWd_wPE-00875-00149367-00149678 a length of 21 and a half zlzmSWd_wPE-00876-00149679-00150111 21 and a half so 14 across 21 and a half zlzmSWd_wPE-00877-00150112-00150254 and then if you go and give us a depth zlzmSWd_wPE-00878-00150255-00150454 if you don't mind of that zlzmSWd_wPE-00879-00150455-00150663 looks like maybe two three inches at the zlzmSWd_wPE-00880-00150664-00150807 most zlzmSWd_wPE-00881-00150808-00150959 yeah about three and a half inches deep zlzmSWd_wPE-00882-00150960-00151102 three and a half inches deep okay and zlzmSWd_wPE-00883-00151103-00151223 then there's another zlzmSWd_wPE-00884-00151224-00151719 at least one other size zlzmSWd_wPE-00885-00151720-00152078 these ones much deeper zlzmSWd_wPE-00886-00152079-00152335 they are about eight inches deep just a zlzmSWd_wPE-00887-00152336-00152959 little bit under eight inches deep zlzmSWd_wPE-00888-00152960-00153254 they are 31 and a half across okay look zlzmSWd_wPE-00889-00153255-00153326 at you doing that zlzmSWd_wPE-00890-00153327-00153447 all by yourself you don't even need to zlzmSWd_wPE-00891-00153448-00153647 help a helper zlzmSWd_wPE-00892-00153648-00153911 and then 21 uh deep as well 21 length as zlzmSWd_wPE-00893-00153912-00154199 well 21 in that dimension as well okay zlzmSWd_wPE-00894-00154200-00154366 great great so we did have a few more zlzmSWd_wPE-00895-00154367-00154551 questions and we'll ask answer those zlzmSWd_wPE-00896-00154552-00154831 um so we can bring a spring rod curtain zlzmSWd_wPE-00897-00154832-00154943 for the closet zlzmSWd_wPE-00898-00154944-00155159 absolutely so you would put it up right zlzmSWd_wPE-00899-00155160-00155351 in here i highly recommend it it is nice zlzmSWd_wPE-00900-00155352-00155463 to have that privacy zlzmSWd_wPE-00901-00155464-00155566 privacy give given your room a little zlzmSWd_wPE-00902-00155567-00155807 bit of color as well so if you like that zlzmSWd_wPE-00903-00155808-00155966 width zlzmSWd_wPE-00904-00155967-00156487 that would be zlzmSWd_wPE-00905-00156488-00157463 about 40 ah hardwood zlzmSWd_wPE-00906-00157464-00157966 48 48 across about 48 across okay zlzmSWd_wPE-00907-00157967-00158231 just ask can we put full length mirrors zlzmSWd_wPE-00908-00158232-00158366 on the wall zlzmSWd_wPE-00909-00158367-00158631 directly outside our door outside your zlzmSWd_wPE-00910-00158632-00158839 door no unfortunately we cannot um zlzmSWd_wPE-00911-00158840-00158951 just because that has something that's a zlzmSWd_wPE-00912-00158952-00159135 really big risk to fall and break glass zlzmSWd_wPE-00913-00159136-00159175 um zlzmSWd_wPE-00914-00159176-00159319 let's say y'all keep those things inside zlzmSWd_wPE-00915-00159320-00159519 your door uh now they would like to know zlzmSWd_wPE-00916-00159520-00159823 how long is the closet for us can you zlzmSWd_wPE-00917-00159824-00159943 maybe if you need help with that i'll zlzmSWd_wPE-00918-00159944-00160054 take a quick review that one i might zlzmSWd_wPE-00919-00160055-00160126 need help with zlzmSWd_wPE-00920-00160127-00160831 um zlzmSWd_wPE-00921-00160832-00161135 uh it is 25 and a half okay so we're zlzmSWd_wPE-00922-00161136-00161271 actually looking for the height as well zlzmSWd_wPE-00923-00161272-00161407 like if they were to hang it zlzmSWd_wPE-00924-00161408-00161599 how much height did they have i think zlzmSWd_wPE-00925-00161600-00161711 that was zlzmSWd_wPE-00926-00161712-00162078 yeah long i guess that one i might need zlzmSWd_wPE-00927-00162079-00162102 help zlzmSWd_wPE-00928-00162103-00163078 for sure yeah top equal problems zlzmSWd_wPE-00929-00163079-00163399 about 89 and a half 89 and a half is the zlzmSWd_wPE-00930-00163400-00163478 full height zlzmSWd_wPE-00931-00163479-00163599 there i would say if you want your zlzmSWd_wPE-00932-00163600-00163775 curtain to touch the floor maybe add a zlzmSWd_wPE-00933-00163776-00163911 couple extra inches zlzmSWd_wPE-00934-00163912-00164295 okay okay maybe 90 91. zlzmSWd_wPE-00935-00164296-00164559 um uh lisa asked how big is how big is zlzmSWd_wPE-00936-00164560-00164678 the bump out zlzmSWd_wPE-00937-00164679-00164983 in the closet uh the top shelf right zlzmSWd_wPE-00938-00164984-00165719 here yes zlzmSWd_wPE-00939-00165720-00166078 19 inches 19 inches and then katie asked zlzmSWd_wPE-00940-00166079-00166119 what zlzmSWd_wPE-00941-00166120-00166319 height would the bed need to be raised zlzmSWd_wPE-00942-00166320-00166535 to be level with the window seal so zlzmSWd_wPE-00943-00166536-00166654 i guess we'll just get the height of the zlzmSWd_wPE-00944-00166655-00167526 window seal um yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-00945-00167527-00167911 37 inches 37 inches and the bed lofts at zlzmSWd_wPE-00946-00167912-00168047 3 inch intervals zlzmSWd_wPE-00947-00168048-00168238 so you could come pretty close to it zlzmSWd_wPE-00948-00168239-00168407 right there at the top at the top level zlzmSWd_wPE-00949-00168408-00168511 you should be able to get all the way up zlzmSWd_wPE-00950-00168512-00168759 to the top zlzmSWd_wPE-00951-00168760-00169095 okay and elizabeth do zlzmSWd_wPE-00952-00169096-00169343 pipe chase rooms have a mirror anywhere zlzmSWd_wPE-00953-00169344-00169438 and i'll tell you what zlzmSWd_wPE-00954-00169439-00169599 we can dip back in there for those we zlzmSWd_wPE-00955-00169600-00169751 got two questions now i think about pipe zlzmSWd_wPE-00956-00169752-00169831 chase zlzmSWd_wPE-00957-00169832-00170031 um any other questions while we're in zlzmSWd_wPE-00958-00170032-00170238 this standard room zlzmSWd_wPE-00959-00170239-00170366 did you all want to see the dust drawers zlzmSWd_wPE-00960-00170367-00170463 or anything like that get the zlzmSWd_wPE-00961-00170464-00171575 measurements of those yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-00962-00171576-00172023 12 inches across zlzmSWd_wPE-00963-00172024-00172366 19 and a half long and zlzmSWd_wPE-00964-00172367-00172583 two and a half deep two and a half two zlzmSWd_wPE-00965-00172584-00172966 one and then zlzmSWd_wPE-00966-00172967-00173214 the same dimensions except four this one zlzmSWd_wPE-00967-00173215-00173343 is four and a half deep now zlzmSWd_wPE-00968-00173344-00173511 four and a half deep so slightly deeper zlzmSWd_wPE-00969-00173512-00173647 on that second set zlzmSWd_wPE-00970-00173648-00173895 okay well let's head into the chase room zlzmSWd_wPE-00971-00173896-00173990 and go ahead and get those zlzmSWd_wPE-00972-00173991-00174502 those measurements zlzmSWd_wPE-00973-00174503-00174887 and just ask do the beds lift to put a zlzmSWd_wPE-00974-00174888-00174999 rug underneath zlzmSWd_wPE-00975-00175000-00175207 and yeah i mean they lift up pretty high zlzmSWd_wPE-00976-00175208-00175359 so you could put a rug underneath if you zlzmSWd_wPE-00977-00175360-00175431 wished zlzmSWd_wPE-00978-00175432-00175695 uh desks will fit underneath so there zlzmSWd_wPE-00979-00175696-00175783 are no zlzmSWd_wPE-00980-00175784-00175959 built-in mirrors in these pipe chase zlzmSWd_wPE-00981-00175960-00176111 rooms um but zlzmSWd_wPE-00982-00176112-00176223 you could absolutely bring one in and zlzmSWd_wPE-00983-00176224-00176390 hang it if you wanted to we recommend zlzmSWd_wPE-00984-00176391-00176590 command strips as the go-to zlzmSWd_wPE-00985-00176591-00177214 for things like that zlzmSWd_wPE-00986-00177215-00177511 uh okay let's so so we did answer about zlzmSWd_wPE-00987-00177512-00177695 the beds lifting to put a rug underneath zlzmSWd_wPE-00988-00177696-00177935 you can do that for sure zlzmSWd_wPE-00989-00177936-00178126 katie asked are there any other outlets zlzmSWd_wPE-00990-00178127-00178366 by the bed other than two above the desk zlzmSWd_wPE-00991-00178367-00178438 area zlzmSWd_wPE-00992-00178439-00178719 um i'm not sure of the entire number on zlzmSWd_wPE-00993-00178720-00178823 the walls zlzmSWd_wPE-00994-00178824-00179014 yeah could someone count maybe the zlzmSWd_wPE-00995-00179015-00179166 number if you see them zlzmSWd_wPE-00996-00179167-00179319 in five chase rooms you have one right zlzmSWd_wPE-00997-00179320-00179519 next to your bed um right here okay zlzmSWd_wPE-00998-00179520-00179878 um so zlzmSWd_wPE-00999-00179879-00180031 outlets i will say has never been an zlzmSWd_wPE-01000-00180032-00180319 issue i've heard about in our yoga mall zlzmSWd_wPE-01001-00180320-00180471 we do have more outlets than you would zlzmSWd_wPE-01002-00180472-00180607 expect for the size of the room in fact zlzmSWd_wPE-01003-00180608-00180663 i know zlzmSWd_wPE-01004-00180664-00180887 one hall has about 10 you know in the zlzmSWd_wPE-01005-00180888-00180966 room so zlzmSWd_wPE-01006-00180967-00181119 we understand that there's a lot of zlzmSWd_wPE-01007-00181120-00181375 power needs among our students zlzmSWd_wPE-01008-00181376-00181638 um diaz can you measure the dresser zlzmSWd_wPE-01009-00181639-00181807 drawers and shelves in the pipe chase zlzmSWd_wPE-01010-00181808-00181983 room zlzmSWd_wPE-01011-00181984-00182151 i'll start with the dresser one for the zlzmSWd_wPE-01012-00182152-00182775 closet zlzmSWd_wPE-01013-00182776-00183431 about 21 inches long zlzmSWd_wPE-01014-00183432-00183926 26 and a half wide zlzmSWd_wPE-01015-00183927-00184119 five and a half deep five and a half zlzmSWd_wPE-01016-00184120-00184311 deep yep all right and then is the other zlzmSWd_wPE-01017-00184312-00184463 one the same size down there yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-01018-00184464-00184687 okay all three are the same okay and zlzmSWd_wPE-01019-00184688-00184807 we'll get the closet measurements for zlzmSWd_wPE-01020-00184808-00184902 you zlzmSWd_wPE-01021-00184903-00185102 sure our pleasure katie no problem at zlzmSWd_wPE-01022-00185103-00185149 all zlzmSWd_wPE-01023-00185150-00185254 [Music] zlzmSWd_wPE-01024-00185255-00185543 the top shelf says that's easiest um zlzmSWd_wPE-01025-00185544-00185983 that top shelf is 16 bucks out 16 inches zlzmSWd_wPE-01026-00185984-00186438 and then overall the closet is zlzmSWd_wPE-01027-00186439-00186711 23 inches deep over all the closet 23 23 zlzmSWd_wPE-01028-00186712-00186871 inches deep in the closet zlzmSWd_wPE-01029-00186872-00187247 from top to bottom zlzmSWd_wPE-01030-00187248-00187726 the closet is about 66 to the very top zlzmSWd_wPE-01031-00187727-00189454 okay great great zlzmSWd_wPE-01032-00189455-00189950 35 37 inches wide zlzmSWd_wPE-01033-00189951-00190095 well let's hang out for a second and see zlzmSWd_wPE-01034-00190096-00190319 if there's any more questions about zlzmSWd_wPE-01035-00190320-00190511 uh either the pipe chase room or the zlzmSWd_wPE-01036-00190512-00190671 standard rooms because we're here to zlzmSWd_wPE-01037-00190672-00190814 get measurements for you if you need zlzmSWd_wPE-01038-00190815-00191031 them i have one recommendation for zlzmSWd_wPE-01039-00191032-00191247 when you're moving in someone i both saw zlzmSWd_wPE-01040-00191248-00191343 this last year zlzmSWd_wPE-01041-00191344-00191711 uh don't put a fake brick on the wall um zlzmSWd_wPE-01042-00191712-00191902 that material those fake wallpapers are zlzmSWd_wPE-01043-00191903-00192119 really damaging to the paint zlzmSWd_wPE-01044-00192120-00192302 we had one put up this year that took zlzmSWd_wPE-01045-00192303-00192478 down all the paint that unfortunately is zlzmSWd_wPE-01046-00192479-00192647 a costly repair so zlzmSWd_wPE-01047-00192648-00192814 i totally get one put wallpaper up add zlzmSWd_wPE-01048-00192815-00192999 some color to your room we just ask that zlzmSWd_wPE-01049-00193000-00193150 you don't do those adhesive ones because zlzmSWd_wPE-01050-00193151-00193343 they are really damaging on the paint zlzmSWd_wPE-01051-00193344-00193495 and when you say damages we're talking zlzmSWd_wPE-01052-00193496-00193638 hundreds probably right this one hit zlzmSWd_wPE-01053-00193639-00193743 thousands zlzmSWd_wPE-01054-00193744-00193895 thousands of dollars we don't want that zlzmSWd_wPE-01055-00193896-00194047 for you yeah no the entire room had to zlzmSWd_wPE-01056-00194048-00194126 be repainted zlzmSWd_wPE-01057-00194127-00194302 um material ought to be scraped it was zlzmSWd_wPE-01058-00194303-00194487 expensive so i'd like to avoid that for zlzmSWd_wPE-01059-00194488-00194687 y'all zlzmSWd_wPE-01060-00194688-00194983 okay okay well um without any more zlzmSWd_wPE-01061-00194984-00195135 questions we'll kind of zlzmSWd_wPE-01062-00195136-00195471 you know tell them oh yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-01063-00195472-00195623 one of the great things about this zlzmSWd_wPE-01064-00195624-00195854 particular hall is it has a wonderful zlzmSWd_wPE-01065-00195855-00195959 view zlzmSWd_wPE-01066-00195960-00196175 so right here you see kind of downtown zlzmSWd_wPE-01067-00196176-00196350 fayetteville but as you look out to the zlzmSWd_wPE-01068-00196351-00196471 right um it's a little harder to see zlzmSWd_wPE-01069-00196472-00196575 with our blinds down zlzmSWd_wPE-01070-00196576-00196759 you have a wonderful view of the valley zlzmSWd_wPE-01071-00196760-00196911 um you get to see kind of the high zlzmSWd_wPE-01072-00196912-00197007 school zlzmSWd_wPE-01073-00197008-00197111 if you're a big fan of high school zlzmSWd_wPE-01074-00197112-00197247 football they all play down there you zlzmSWd_wPE-01075-00197248-00197438 can see them on friday nights um zlzmSWd_wPE-01076-00197439-00197575 and on the flip side of the building you zlzmSWd_wPE-01077-00197576-00197735 also have a wonderful view of the valley zlzmSWd_wPE-01078-00197736-00197790 as well zlzmSWd_wPE-01079-00197791-00198063 yeah um natalie asked how thick is the zlzmSWd_wPE-01080-00198064-00198263 wood on the beds that go zlzmSWd_wPE-01081-00198264-00198647 horizontal so how thick is the wood zlzmSWd_wPE-01082-00198648-00198863 and there's the wood i guess the maybe zlzmSWd_wPE-01083-00198864-00199078 the column the column there perhaps uh zlzmSWd_wPE-01084-00199079-00199175 the column zlzmSWd_wPE-01085-00199176-00199407 is two and a quarter two and a quarter zlzmSWd_wPE-01086-00199408-00199550 yep and it is a square zlzmSWd_wPE-01087-00199551-00199854 yeah uh right i need a rectangle huh all zlzmSWd_wPE-01088-00199855-00200078 squares are a rectangle yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-01089-00200079-00200214 yeah two and a quarter two and a quarter zlzmSWd_wPE-01090-00200215-00200454 okay elizabeth are pipe chase zlzmSWd_wPE-01091-00200455-00200766 rooms lofted beforehand and you know i zlzmSWd_wPE-01092-00200767-00200887 think they're in varying different zlzmSWd_wPE-01093-00200888-00200966 states zlzmSWd_wPE-01094-00200967-00201390 um and uh they can go up pretty high zlzmSWd_wPE-01095-00201391-00201559 and i think you can loft these yourself zlzmSWd_wPE-01096-00201560-00201735 with the rubber mallet you could or if zlzmSWd_wPE-01097-00201736-00201854 you want to put in a work order ahead of zlzmSWd_wPE-01098-00201855-00201975 time we're going to do our best to make zlzmSWd_wPE-01099-00201976-00202119 sure that they're all lost zlzmSWd_wPE-01100-00202120-00202343 before your arrival not everyone may be zlzmSWd_wPE-01101-00202344-00202471 just because of the overwhelming number zlzmSWd_wPE-01102-00202472-00202511 but zlzmSWd_wPE-01103-00202512-00202663 we're going to do our best to make sure zlzmSWd_wPE-01104-00202664-00202823 and it's not that moving that work order zlzmSWd_wPE-01105-00202824-00202950 will still get completed zlzmSWd_wPE-01106-00202951-00203143 within those first week or two of school zlzmSWd_wPE-01107-00203144-00203350 sure for sure um we had a request to zlzmSWd_wPE-01108-00203351-00203495 open the windows zlzmSWd_wPE-01109-00203496-00203654 can we can we open the windows actually zlzmSWd_wPE-01110-00203655-00203831 was the question no you can zlzmSWd_wPE-01111-00203832-00204447 um so you pop them all open um zlzmSWd_wPE-01112-00204448-00204623 that brings up a big point for yelcom zlzmSWd_wPE-01113-00204624-00204814 and for humphreys zlzmSWd_wPE-01114-00204815-00204982 do not go out on the ledges um that's zlzmSWd_wPE-01115-00204983-00205127 not a please that's a do not go on the zlzmSWd_wPE-01116-00205128-00205198 ledges zlzmSWd_wPE-01117-00205200-00205390 um we have some really bad issues people zlzmSWd_wPE-01118-00205391-00205534 trying to crawl on the ledges zlzmSWd_wPE-01119-00205535-00205679 um that is something that if you were zlzmSWd_wPE-01120-00205680-00205823 found on the ledges you'll be removed zlzmSWd_wPE-01121-00205823-00205855 from zlzmSWd_wPE-01122-00205856-00206110 campus housing or you will be located to zlzmSWd_wPE-01123-00206111-00206158 be zlzmSWd_wPE-01124-00206159-00206342 relocated to the lowest elevation on zlzmSWd_wPE-01125-00206344-00206558 campus it's just a safety issue zlzmSWd_wPE-01126-00206559-00206927 um joachim and humphreys are really tall zlzmSWd_wPE-01127-00206928-00207134 buildings and we do not want you to fall zlzmSWd_wPE-01128-00207135-00207327 off the building zlzmSWd_wPE-01129-00207328-00207494 would be really scary for everyone zlzmSWd_wPE-01130-00207496-00207638 involved zlzmSWd_wPE-01131-00207639-00207798 so don't go out on ledges don't put zlzmSWd_wPE-01132-00207800-00208014 anything on the ledges zlzmSWd_wPE-01133-00208015-00208158 as matt opened the window you might be zlzmSWd_wPE-01134-00208159-00208294 able to see but all the windows also zlzmSWd_wPE-01135-00208296-00208462 have screens on them zlzmSWd_wPE-01136-00208463-00208710 i should have screens on them so that zlzmSWd_wPE-01137-00208711-00208886 should prevent anyone from climbing out zlzmSWd_wPE-01138-00208887-00209119 on the ledge anyway zlzmSWd_wPE-01139-00209119-00209446 stay safe don't go out on the ledge um zlzmSWd_wPE-01140-00209448-00209623 ann is tuning in and saying have we been zlzmSWd_wPE-01141-00209623-00209846 in a regular room yet we have anne but zlzmSWd_wPE-01142-00209848-00209998 if you have a question and you ask us zlzmSWd_wPE-01143-00210000-00210039 now zlzmSWd_wPE-01144-00210040-00210191 we're happy to go back in that room and zlzmSWd_wPE-01145-00210192-00210342 get a measurement for your answer zlzmSWd_wPE-01146-00210344-00210446 question for you zlzmSWd_wPE-01147-00210448-00210639 um i'll also say while we're waiting for zlzmSWd_wPE-01148-00210640-00210775 more questions zlzmSWd_wPE-01149-00210776-00211046 we also have student staff called ras zlzmSWd_wPE-01150-00211048-00211182 who live and work in the building there zlzmSWd_wPE-01151-00211183-00211375 should be at least one to two on every zlzmSWd_wPE-01152-00211376-00211510 floor zlzmSWd_wPE-01153-00211511-00211663 and they're here to help you with zlzmSWd_wPE-01154-00211664-00211806 whatever questions you have whatever zlzmSWd_wPE-01155-00211807-00211951 resources you need zlzmSWd_wPE-01156-00211952-00212206 um they'll also really be involved in zlzmSWd_wPE-01157-00212207-00212279 helping you zlzmSWd_wPE-01158-00212280-00212479 and your roommate if there's any issues zlzmSWd_wPE-01159-00212480-00212623 or concerns zlzmSWd_wPE-01160-00212623-00212831 um so they're basically here for zlzmSWd_wPE-01161-00212832-00213006 whatever you need for them zlzmSWd_wPE-01162-00213007-00213151 and they're they're students just like zlzmSWd_wPE-01163-00213152-00213319 just like you yeah so zlzmSWd_wPE-01164-00213319-00213439 they they can definitely relate in a zlzmSWd_wPE-01165-00213440-00213631 very unique way yes zlzmSWd_wPE-01166-00213632-00214079 okay well okay diane asks um are all of zlzmSWd_wPE-01167-00214080-00214263 the pipe chase rooms the same zlzmSWd_wPE-01168-00214264-00214455 the same dimension wise yeah everything zlzmSWd_wPE-01169-00214456-00214582 will be exactly the same dimension to zlzmSWd_wPE-01170-00214583-00214815 mention from pipe chasing pipe trace zlzmSWd_wPE-01171-00214816-00215142 good question yeah absolutely okay zlzmSWd_wPE-01172-00215144-00215391 um okay and glad to know you're good on zlzmSWd_wPE-01173-00215392-00215479 measurements zlzmSWd_wPE-01174-00215480-00215631 let us know if you aren't and we'll try zlzmSWd_wPE-01175-00215632-00215910 to get them for you but uh thanks so zlzmSWd_wPE-01176-00215911-00216167 gosh what words would you offer to the zlzmSWd_wPE-01177-00216167-00216415 incoming class of 2024 zlzmSWd_wPE-01178-00216416-00216582 here at the university of arkansas i zlzmSWd_wPE-01179-00216583-00216775 think this year more than ever it is zlzmSWd_wPE-01180-00216776-00216998 be adaptable be flexible and just be zlzmSWd_wPE-01181-00217000-00217239 open to new experiences um zlzmSWd_wPE-01182-00217240-00217487 that advice stands from year to year um zlzmSWd_wPE-01183-00217488-00217591 for a lot of people it's gonna be your zlzmSWd_wPE-01184-00217592-00217727 first time living with somebody who may zlzmSWd_wPE-01185-00217728-00217927 not be a sibling or a family member zlzmSWd_wPE-01186-00217928-00218094 and it's gonna be different um you're zlzmSWd_wPE-01187-00218096-00218206 gonna have different schedules you're zlzmSWd_wPE-01188-00218207-00218342 gonna have just different personality zlzmSWd_wPE-01189-00218344-00218463 types zlzmSWd_wPE-01190-00218464-00218558 if you are seeing that you have a zlzmSWd_wPE-01191-00218559-00218751 roommate conflict go talk to the ras zlzmSWd_wPE-01192-00218752-00218871 that summer mentioned like zlzmSWd_wPE-01193-00218871-00219046 our ras are an absolutely phenomenal zlzmSWd_wPE-01194-00219048-00219231 staff i'm super excited especially for zlzmSWd_wPE-01195-00219232-00219391 the yocum team we've put together zlzmSWd_wPE-01196-00219392-00219519 um they're there for help to help you zlzmSWd_wPE-01197-00219519-00219687 i'm there to help you all but be zlzmSWd_wPE-01198-00219688-00219767 flexible zlzmSWd_wPE-01199-00219767-00219919 covert is gonna make things a really big zlzmSWd_wPE-01200-00219919-00220046 change this year than your typical zlzmSWd_wPE-01201-00220048-00220182 freshman experience i completely zlzmSWd_wPE-01202-00220183-00220342 acknowledge that one so zlzmSWd_wPE-01203-00220344-00220463 be flexible with us as we're trying to zlzmSWd_wPE-01204-00220464-00220615 figure things out we're going to be zlzmSWd_wPE-01205-00220616-00220710 doing a whole bunch of different zlzmSWd_wPE-01206-00220711-00220791 programs zlzmSWd_wPE-01207-00220792-00220927 um some of it's going to be online so zlzmSWd_wPE-01208-00220928-00221055 it's kind of that mixed method i talked zlzmSWd_wPE-01209-00221056-00221167 about earlier but zlzmSWd_wPE-01210-00221167-00221358 be flexible stay positive and let me zlzmSWd_wPE-01211-00221359-00221519 hear your feedback zlzmSWd_wPE-01212-00221519-00221646 i can't help you off i don't know zlzmSWd_wPE-01213-00221648-00221767 there's something going on and i do my zlzmSWd_wPE-01214-00221767-00221831 best to be zlzmSWd_wPE-01215-00221832-00222006 in tune with the building but if you are zlzmSWd_wPE-01216-00222007-00222151 seeing an issue or have an idea zlzmSWd_wPE-01217-00222152-00222303 come talk to me like if you have an idea zlzmSWd_wPE-01218-00222304-00222542 for a program talk to me talk to your ra zlzmSWd_wPE-01219-00222544-00222806 we want to be really flexible it's also zlzmSWd_wPE-01220-00222807-00222951 a great time to plug our lead hogs zlzmSWd_wPE-01221-00222952-00223063 program zlzmSWd_wPE-01222-00223064-00223271 which is a group of freshmen student and zlzmSWd_wPE-01223-00223271-00223415 actually upperclassmen as well zlzmSWd_wPE-01224-00223416-00223582 who are more involved on campus they get zlzmSWd_wPE-01225-00223583-00223727 to plan different events zlzmSWd_wPE-01226-00223728-00223871 they could be involved with some hall of zlzmSWd_wPE-01227-00223871-00224063 decisions things like that zlzmSWd_wPE-01228-00224064-00224223 they also get a chance to move in early zlzmSWd_wPE-01229-00224223-00224406 um the application closes i think zlzmSWd_wPE-01230-00224407-00224479 tomorrow zlzmSWd_wPE-01231-00224480-00224646 all right i think it closes tomorrow so zlzmSWd_wPE-01232-00224648-00224855 get that application in uh you get some zlzmSWd_wPE-01233-00224856-00225006 really really fun events zlzmSWd_wPE-01234-00225007-00225142 uh in the past we've taken them to zlzmSWd_wPE-01235-00225144-00225358 locomotion which is a golf cart zlzmSWd_wPE-01236-00225359-00225703 uh go-kart mini golf place we have a lot zlzmSWd_wPE-01237-00225704-00225871 of fun things planned for them zlzmSWd_wPE-01238-00225871-00226094 um and everyone leave helps but yeah zlzmSWd_wPE-01239-00226096-00226239 talk to us give us that feedback the zlzmSWd_wPE-01240-00226240-00226358 only way we can improve is with that zlzmSWd_wPE-01241-00226359-00226503 feedback um so zlzmSWd_wPE-01242-00226504-00226687 if you have an idea share it out but be zlzmSWd_wPE-01243-00226688-00226823 flexible be positive and zlzmSWd_wPE-01244-00226823-00226942 get ready for a great year it's gonna be zlzmSWd_wPE-01245-00226944-00227182 funnier yeah over communicate with us we zlzmSWd_wPE-01246-00227183-00227263 like that zlzmSWd_wPE-01247-00227264-00227431 uh we had two questions come in just in zlzmSWd_wPE-01248-00227432-00227567 the last little bit so we'll finish off zlzmSWd_wPE-01249-00227567-00227710 with these two questions and then zlzmSWd_wPE-01250-00227711-00227903 and then we'll wave out one was about zlzmSWd_wPE-01251-00227904-00228046 the bathrooms zlzmSWd_wPE-01252-00228048-00228382 and uh it was is that 60 or is that 16 zlzmSWd_wPE-01253-00228383-00228727 and we were saying 16. 16 not 60. zlzmSWd_wPE-01254-00228728-00229039 um and then uh three more questions two zlzmSWd_wPE-01255-00229040-00229134 more questions actually zlzmSWd_wPE-01256-00229135-00229310 and diane asked what are the dimensions zlzmSWd_wPE-01257-00229311-00229487 to the space to the left of where the zlzmSWd_wPE-01258-00229488-00229558 pipe runs zlzmSWd_wPE-01259-00229559-00229887 so that little hole right there zlzmSWd_wPE-01260-00229888-00230191 good question zlzmSWd_wPE-01261-00230192-00230806 so it is let's say zlzmSWd_wPE-01262-00230807-00231215 36 36 um and then it'll have the same zlzmSWd_wPE-01263-00231216-00231358 height dimensions as the rest of the zlzmSWd_wPE-01264-00231359-00231431 building zlzmSWd_wPE-01265-00231432-00231734 um i think we have that on the website zlzmSWd_wPE-01266-00231735-00231863 so you don't necessarily need to zlzmSWd_wPE-01267-00231864-00231998 capture that one yeah it'll be the same zlzmSWd_wPE-01268-00232000-00232182 height dimensions but 36 wide zlzmSWd_wPE-01269-00232183-00232375 okay so 36 white and then what's the zlzmSWd_wPE-01270-00232376-00232846 length from the wall zlzmSWd_wPE-01271-00232848-00233175 41 and a half 41 and a half okay great zlzmSWd_wPE-01272-00233176-00233446 um and do we get a key for our room or zlzmSWd_wPE-01273-00233448-00233551 like a key fob zlzmSWd_wPE-01274-00233552-00233703 you'll have a key a specific key for zlzmSWd_wPE-01275-00233704-00233919 your room um i recommend keeping them zlzmSWd_wPE-01276-00233919-00233998 attached with your key zlzmSWd_wPE-01277-00234000-00234158 fob um because typically you're gonna zlzmSWd_wPE-01278-00234159-00234375 need both at the same time um zlzmSWd_wPE-01279-00234376-00234591 if you do happen to lose them we do have zlzmSWd_wPE-01280-00234592-00234710 loaner keys to give out zlzmSWd_wPE-01281-00234711-00234951 um after three lockouts though there is zlzmSWd_wPE-01282-00234952-00235039 a 25 zlzmSWd_wPE-01283-00235040-00235231 charge and if you do lose your key there zlzmSWd_wPE-01284-00235232-00235406 is a cost to replace it but we don't zlzmSWd_wPE-01285-00235407-00235503 want to work with yellow punches zlzmSWd_wPE-01286-00235504-00235631 pocketbooks we understand the mistakes zlzmSWd_wPE-01287-00235632-00235751 happen things happen zlzmSWd_wPE-01288-00235752-00235934 i've lost my own apartment keys and you zlzmSWd_wPE-01289-00235935-00236071 know it happens so zlzmSWd_wPE-01290-00236071-00236206 it's a human thing it's a human thing zlzmSWd_wPE-01291-00236207-00236446 it's going to happen um kds do we have zlzmSWd_wPE-01292-00236448-00236639 assigned parking spots or can we park zlzmSWd_wPE-01293-00236640-00236815 anywhere in our resident zone zlzmSWd_wPE-01294-00236816-00237031 so for the more specific ones um i'm zlzmSWd_wPE-01295-00237032-00237142 going to ask you like refer to your zlzmSWd_wPE-01296-00237144-00237215 parking but zlzmSWd_wPE-01297-00237216-00237375 you'll be able to park anywhere in that zlzmSWd_wPE-01298-00237376-00237598 zone uh unless it specifically says like zlzmSWd_wPE-01299-00237600-00237798 reserved parking or anything like that zlzmSWd_wPE-01300-00237800-00237927 or handicap spot unless they have that zlzmSWd_wPE-01301-00237928-00238087 appropriate plaque but so if you have a zlzmSWd_wPE-01302-00238088-00238231 resident reserve parking space zlzmSWd_wPE-01303-00238232-00238391 within that resident reserve parking lot zlzmSWd_wPE-01304-00238392-00238551 you can park anywhere unless it zlzmSWd_wPE-01305-00238552-00238703 specifically says otherwise zlzmSWd_wPE-01306-00238704-00238846 like in the biochem parking lot you'll zlzmSWd_wPE-01307-00238848-00238958 see in the top right corner there's a zlzmSWd_wPE-01308-00238959-00239031 responses zlzmSWd_wPE-01309-00239032-00239279 reserve 24 7. um those are for building zlzmSWd_wPE-01310-00239280-00239446 staff like myself who are responding to zlzmSWd_wPE-01311-00239448-00239598 calls after hours things like that zlzmSWd_wPE-01312-00239600-00239767 so please don't park on that one because zlzmSWd_wPE-01313-00239767-00239919 it's going to slow down people respond zlzmSWd_wPE-01314-00239919-00240023 to duty calls or zlzmSWd_wPE-01315-00240023-00240198 other building needs but besides zlzmSWd_wPE-01316-00240200-00240423 anywhere in that zone it's fair game zlzmSWd_wPE-01317-00240423-00240615 okay matt we have a big year planned for zlzmSWd_wPE-01318-00240616-00240758 everyone coming up and we're we're zlzmSWd_wPE-01319-00240759-00240855 excited to have you zlzmSWd_wPE-01320-00240856-00240982 i really can't wait to see you all in zlzmSWd_wPE-01321-00240983-00241127 about two weeks it's weird to say but zlzmSWd_wPE-01322-00241128-00241239 two weeks if you're you're going to be zlzmSWd_wPE-01323-00241240-00241375 back you're going to be full and loud zlzmSWd_wPE-01324-00241376-00241542 and i can't wait for it zlzmSWd_wPE-01325-00241544-00241758 you wave us out have a wonderful rest of zlzmSWd_wPE-01326-00241759-00241903 your evening y'all if you have anything zlzmSWd_wPE-01327-00241904-00242055 my email is all online and reach out to zlzmSWd_wPE-01328-00242056-00242535 me happy to answer any questions zm-kN5RZCbo-00000-00000000-00000238 you pack about him zm-kN5RZCbo-00001-00000239-00000487 did it cut out some of my intro or not zm-kN5RZCbo-00002-00000488-00000655 i'm not sure anyway i'll just start over zm-kN5RZCbo-00003-00000656-00000919 welcome to pack valham this is the bean zm-kN5RZCbo-00004-00000919-00001223 boozled mash-up challenge video number zm-kN5RZCbo-00005-00001224-00001495 three it's a video in the series where i zm-kN5RZCbo-00006-00001496-00001582 bash zm-kN5RZCbo-00007-00001583-00001767 it's a zm-kN5RZCbo-00008-00001768-00001998 it is a challenge where i mash up bean zm-kN5RZCbo-00009-00002000-00002263 boozled well just supposed to be fast zm-kN5RZCbo-00010-00002264-00002558 paced previously it wasn't fast-paced zm-kN5RZCbo-00011-00002559-00002767 enough but i just you know zm-kN5RZCbo-00012-00002768-00002950 all right eat a bean this might be the zm-kN5RZCbo-00013-00002951-00003118 most complicated one but you'll zm-kN5RZCbo-00014-00003119-00003343 understand if we get to it free pass and zm-kN5RZCbo-00015-00003344-00003575 that means i get a free pass and each zm-kN5RZCbo-00016-00003576-00003935 free pass that i have i can use later in zm-kN5RZCbo-00017-00003936-00004215 place of eating one bean i belong to lie zm-kN5RZCbo-00018-00004216-00004351 good news zm-kN5RZCbo-00019-00004352-00004702 it does not require flash which was zm-kN5RZCbo-00020-00004703-00004863 adobe flash player zm-kN5RZCbo-00021-00004864-00005895 which was removed in 2020 zm-kN5RZCbo-00022-00005896-00006127 i messed up somewhere zm-kN5RZCbo-00023-00006128-00006334 recording me does not know where i zm-kN5RZCbo-00024-00006335-00006631 messed up unless i zm-kN5RZCbo-00025-00006631-00006806 editor me will find out or by the time zm-kN5RZCbo-00026-00006808-00006959 you're watching this i don't know me has zm-kN5RZCbo-00027-00006959-00007231 found out i'm just going to start over zm-kN5RZCbo-00028-00007231-00007367 eat a bean this might be the most zm-kN5RZCbo-00029-00007368-00007606 complicated one but you understand if we zm-kN5RZCbo-00030-00007608-00007855 get to it free pass that means i get a zm-kN5RZCbo-00031-00007856-00008103 free pass and each free pass that i have zm-kN5RZCbo-00032-00008104-00008483 i can use later in place of eating one zm-kN5RZCbo-00033-00008484-00008903 bean no i'm not taking the l zm-kN5RZCbo-00034-00008904-00009151 i below to lie i will zm-kN5RZCbo-00035-00009152-00009423 make some predictions and go back to the zm-kN5RZCbo-00036-00009424-00009583 wheel and if it lands on i will have to zm-kN5RZCbo-00037-00009584-00009759 lie again i get zm-kN5RZCbo-00038-00009760-00009855 to zm-kN5RZCbo-00039-00009856-00010119 maybe find out if the predictions are zm-kN5RZCbo-00040-00010120-00010303 correct or not or maybe i'll just keep zm-kN5RZCbo-00041-00010304-00010551 going until i make some more predictions zm-kN5RZCbo-00042-00010552-00010742 and maybe our final different prediction zm-kN5RZCbo-00043-00010743-00010919 is correct or not it's possible there's zm-kN5RZCbo-00044-00010920-00011167 a prediction somewhere in a video but zm-kN5RZCbo-00045-00011168-00011327 like maybe a few minutes later in the zm-kN5RZCbo-00046-00011328-00011471 video we'll find out zm-kN5RZCbo-00047-00011472-00011783 i know there is one maybe two actually i zm-kN5RZCbo-00048-00011784-00013815 can find that out zm-kN5RZCbo-00049-00013816-00014015 all right this prediction we didn't find zm-kN5RZCbo-00050-00014016-00014263 that out previously so maybe in this zm-kN5RZCbo-00051-00014263-00014479 video if the wheel lands on either fly zm-kN5RZCbo-00052-00014480-00014711 impossible quiz good news it does not zm-kN5RZCbo-00053-00014712-00015015 require adobe flash player which was zm-kN5RZCbo-00054-00015016-00015279 removed in 2020 zm-kN5RZCbo-00055-00015280-00015463 so i'll just keep playing the impossible zm-kN5RZCbo-00056-00015463-00015727 quiz until i inevitably zm-kN5RZCbo-00057-00015728-00015991 lose all of my lives and i eat a bean or zm-kN5RZCbo-00058-00015991-00016279 until i somehow do the entire thing zm-kN5RZCbo-00059-00016280-00016583 kahoot i play one question of a kahoot zm-kN5RZCbo-00060-00016584-00016935 quiz pbj that is not peanut butter jelly zm-kN5RZCbo-00061-00016936-00017143 that is a proto bowl jeopardy i just zm-kN5RZCbo-00062-00017144-00017407 keep going on potable jeopardy until i zm-kN5RZCbo-00063-00017408-00017735 make a guess proto bowl i keep but zm-kN5RZCbo-00064-00017736-00017999 that's the regular room with the long zm-kN5RZCbo-00065-00018000-00018191 questions and i keep going until i make zm-kN5RZCbo-00066-00018192-00018567 a guess if i make a correct guess early zm-kN5RZCbo-00067-00018568-00018830 that is before the entire question zm-kN5RZCbo-00068-00018831-00019022 finishes and it has to be correct then i zm-kN5RZCbo-00069-00019023-00019207 get a free pass so zm-kN5RZCbo-00070-00019208-00019439 two ways to make a free pass zm-kN5RZCbo-00071-00019440-00019655 quote card i do have another wheel for zm-kN5RZCbo-00072-00019656-00019871 that to determine which zm-kN5RZCbo-00073-00019872-00020086 kind of card that i will draw the zm-kN5RZCbo-00074-00020087-00020343 penalties in quelf are moving back a zm-kN5RZCbo-00075-00020344-00020550 certain number of spaces but that would zm-kN5RZCbo-00076-00020551-00020694 translate into zm-kN5RZCbo-00077-00020695-00020871 the number of beans that i eat so zm-kN5RZCbo-00078-00020872-00021047 eyeball off the light incorrect zm-kN5RZCbo-00079-00021048-00021311 predictions will each incorrect zm-kN5RZCbo-00080-00021312-00021543 prediction is one being impossible quiz zm-kN5RZCbo-00081-00021544-00021767 when i inevitably fail unless i somehow zm-kN5RZCbo-00082-00021768-00022007 do the entire thing help me to be kahoot zm-kN5RZCbo-00083-00022008-00022222 if i get the question wrong and then for zm-kN5RZCbo-00084-00022223-00022422 the proto bowls any incorrect guess zm-kN5RZCbo-00085-00022423-00022655 quote card if i get a any penalties and zm-kN5RZCbo-00086-00022656-00022871 tp contain that is twitch plays keep zm-kN5RZCbo-00087-00022872-00023183 talking and nobody explodes that one had zm-kN5RZCbo-00088-00023184-00023407 some issues there was lagginess the zm-kN5RZCbo-00089-00023408-00023711 first time and then in the second video zm-kN5RZCbo-00090-00023712-00023958 uh it's kind of too complicated there zm-kN5RZCbo-00091-00023959-00024342 weren't many modules that i could claim zm-kN5RZCbo-00092-00024343-00024558 and i found that it's not really fast zm-kN5RZCbo-00093-00024559-00024878 paced so i'll give tp contain one more zm-kN5RZCbo-00094-00024879-00025342 chance zm-kN5RZCbo-00095-00025343-00025655 if any of you watching if you have any zm-kN5RZCbo-00096-00025656-00025918 suggestions for anything i can add to zm-kN5RZCbo-00097-00025919-00026206 the wheel then i'll do that i'm not zm-kN5RZCbo-00098-00026207-00026335 going to zm-kN5RZCbo-00099-00026336-00026639 put pee bean boozled s kids onto the zm-kN5RZCbo-00100-00026639-00027055 wheel i've explained that previously and zm-kN5RZCbo-00101-00027056-00027351 the last straw that broke the camel's zm-kN5RZCbo-00102-00027352-00027646 back zm-kN5RZCbo-00103-00027647-00027927 was in one of my eyeball after live zm-kN5RZCbo-00104-00027927-00028695 videos in 2020 zm-kN5RZCbo-00105-00028695-00028870 other than that the games are way too zm-kN5RZCbo-00106-00028872-00029087 simple and because for kids so i zm-kN5RZCbo-00107-00029088-00029343 probably wouldn't be eating beans i've zm-kN5RZCbo-00108-00029344-00029487 retired that series that i'm not going zm-kN5RZCbo-00109-00029488-00029662 to put it on the wheel all right all zm-kN5RZCbo-00110-00029663-00029774 right we're at zm-kN5RZCbo-00111-00029775-00029951 seven minutes how zm-kN5RZCbo-00112-00029952-00030262 short did editor me manage to get cut zm-kN5RZCbo-00113-00030263-00030567 down okay right up there put the current zm-kN5RZCbo-00114-00030568-00030911 time like at 15 seconds there we go that zm-kN5RZCbo-00115-00030912-00031199 time stamp of the youtube video zm-kN5RZCbo-00116-00031200-00031487 and then put the difference between the zm-kN5RZCbo-00117-00031488-00031727 youtube time and the seven minutes 15 zm-kN5RZCbo-00118-00031727-00031918 seconds of recording that's how much zm-kN5RZCbo-00119-00031919-00032231 time saved by editing me cutting out zm-kN5RZCbo-00120-00032232-00032558 long pauses just like the one that i zm-kN5RZCbo-00121-00032560-00032855 purposely did between the words long and zm-kN5RZCbo-00122-00032856-00033111 pauses anyway let's get to it oh ryan's zm-kN5RZCbo-00123-00033112-00033390 not here actually nobody else is here so zm-kN5RZCbo-00124-00033391-00033655 shouldn't really be anything slowing us zm-kN5RZCbo-00125-00033656-00034223 down zm-kN5RZCbo-00126-00034224-00034431 quilt card i need to go to my room to zm-kN5RZCbo-00127-00034432-00034527 get that zm-kN5RZCbo-00128-00034528-00034846 box zm-kN5RZCbo-00129-00034847-00035031 oh there it is zm-kN5RZCbo-00130-00035032-00035143 warning zm-kN5RZCbo-00131-00035144-00035462 this game causes random acts of zm-kN5RZCbo-00132-00035463-00035646 silliness zm-kN5RZCbo-00133-00035647-00035830 it's been the wheel to find out which zm-kN5RZCbo-00134-00035831-00035951 card zm-kN5RZCbo-00135-00035952-00036111 i'm going to draw zm-kN5RZCbo-00136-00036112-00037039 or which kind of card zm-kN5RZCbo-00137-00037040-00037351 stunts i think i got that on the first zm-kN5RZCbo-00138-00037352-00037535 video and i guess this is the second zm-kN5RZCbo-00139-00037536-00037646 time zm-kN5RZCbo-00140-00037647-00037883 i'm doing cards on zm-kN5RZCbo-00141-00037884-00038190 the mash-up challenge zm-kN5RZCbo-00142-00038191-00038623 uh okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00143-00038624-00038783 there's something strange that i found zm-kN5RZCbo-00144-00038784-00039095 while opening this box all three top zm-kN5RZCbo-00145-00039096-00039446 cards are stunts so somehow zm-kN5RZCbo-00146-00039447-00039855 the box knew the wheel added on stunts zm-kN5RZCbo-00147-00039856-00040102 all right with this one there are more zm-kN5RZCbo-00148-00040103-00040311 stunts cards underneath what about this zm-kN5RZCbo-00149-00040312-00040390 one zm-kN5RZCbo-00150-00040391-00040599 also more stunts cards are underneath zm-kN5RZCbo-00151-00040600-00040735 what about this one zm-kN5RZCbo-00152-00040736-00041862 nope there's a quizzle zm-kN5RZCbo-00153-00041863-00042111 actually this middle one here zm-kN5RZCbo-00154-00042112-00042279 lift up a few zm-kN5RZCbo-00155-00042280-00042543 there's some quizzle cards i'll go with zm-kN5RZCbo-00156-00042544-00042830 this one zm-kN5RZCbo-00157-00042831-00043151 i have no way to enforce this but i zm-kN5RZCbo-00158-00043152-00043511 this is quel's i want all of you zm-kN5RZCbo-00159-00043512-00043839 watching anybody who's watching i don't zm-kN5RZCbo-00160-00043840-00044118 care where you're watching i mean zm-kN5RZCbo-00161-00044119-00044295 hopefully you're in a good position zm-kN5RZCbo-00162-00044296-00044558 where you're able to speak and act out zm-kN5RZCbo-00163-00044559-00044679 and stuff zm-kN5RZCbo-00164-00044680-00044951 i have no way to enforce it but i want zm-kN5RZCbo-00165-00044952-00045199 you to act out whatever this card says zm-kN5RZCbo-00166-00045200-00045495 about other players you act as the other zm-kN5RZCbo-00167-00045496-00045815 players do it zm-kN5RZCbo-00168-00045816-00046174 but if you don't that's okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00169-00046175-00046318 stand up zm-kN5RZCbo-00170-00046319-00046646 close your eyes and spin in seven zm-kN5RZCbo-00171-00046647-00047007 circles then sit back down have your zm-kN5RZCbo-00172-00047008-00047158 opponents zm-kN5RZCbo-00173-00047159-00047374 that's you all zm-kN5RZCbo-00174-00047375-00047518 that that's what i meant by other zm-kN5RZCbo-00175-00047519-00047886 players have your opponents count your zm-kN5RZCbo-00176-00047887-00048023 spins allowed zm-kN5RZCbo-00177-00048024-00048246 okay so i'm doing the spinning you all zm-kN5RZCbo-00178-00048247-00048479 have to count there's nobody else here zm-kN5RZCbo-00179-00048480-00048958 so i have to count in my head zm-kN5RZCbo-00180-00048959-00049158 this window will help i know i've zm-kN5RZCbo-00181-00049159-00049423 completed a spin on the lights on the zm-kN5RZCbo-00182-00049424-00049630 right side i'm not going to shut my eyes zm-kN5RZCbo-00183-00049631-00049846 so tightly that i can't see any light zm-kN5RZCbo-00184-00049847-00050239 actually can i do that zm-kN5RZCbo-00185-00050240-00050351 just a zm-kN5RZCbo-00186-00050352-00050615 little bit of light came in zm-kN5RZCbo-00187-00050616-00050886 stand up close your eyes spin in seven zm-kN5RZCbo-00188-00050887-00051143 circles and sit back down have your zm-kN5RZCbo-00189-00051144-00051350 opponents zm-kN5RZCbo-00190-00051351-00051599 that you are zm-kN5RZCbo-00191-00051600-00052158 count your spins aloud zm-kN5RZCbo-00192-00052159-00052375 actually i'm going to count them aloud zm-kN5RZCbo-00193-00052376-00052607 with you all or by myself if none of you zm-kN5RZCbo-00194-00052608-00052791 count aloud zm-kN5RZCbo-00195-00052791-00053176 because i have no way to enforce that zm-kN5RZCbo-00196-00053177-00053823 [Applause] zm-kN5RZCbo-00197-00053824-00054063 one zm-kN5RZCbo-00198-00054064-00054279 two zm-kN5RZCbo-00199-00054279-00054494 three zm-kN5RZCbo-00200-00054495-00054735 four zm-kN5RZCbo-00201-00054736-00054999 five zm-kN5RZCbo-00202-00055000-00055359 six zm-kN5RZCbo-00203-00055360-00056087 seven zm-kN5RZCbo-00204-00056088-00056303 i noticed on the last one i was facing zm-kN5RZCbo-00205-00056304-00056575 that way when i finished zm-kN5RZCbo-00206-00056576-00056942 so i don't know how far off i was for zm-kN5RZCbo-00207-00056944-00059479 the other ones zm-kN5RZCbo-00208-00059479-00059791 all right right here putting zm-kN5RZCbo-00209-00059791-00059871 this zm-kN5RZCbo-00210-00059872-00060063 card right there zm-kN5RZCbo-00211-00060064-00060319 under the stunts above the scatter zm-kN5RZCbo-00212-00060320-00060711 brains zm-kN5RZCbo-00213-00060712-00061030 what was the penalty that doesn't matter zm-kN5RZCbo-00214-00061032-00061166 well i'm looking anyway what's the zm-kN5RZCbo-00215-00061167-00061359 penalty if i didn't spin zm-kN5RZCbo-00216-00061360-00061511 two zm-kN5RZCbo-00217-00061512-00061975 anyway zm-kN5RZCbo-00218-00061976-00062919 all right let me get the video open zm-kN5RZCbo-00219-00062920-00063159 so there is one prediction that i showed zm-kN5RZCbo-00220-00063160-00063311 earlier it's about zm-kN5RZCbo-00221-00063312-00063438 let's see if you can see it in the zm-kN5RZCbo-00222-00063439-00063671 preview over there all right zm-kN5RZCbo-00223-00063672-00063799 look there zm-kN5RZCbo-00224-00063800-00064150 in the center you see that zm-kN5RZCbo-00225-00064151-00064342 editor me can put that back up there zm-kN5RZCbo-00226-00064344-00064671 just like with the hot dog or chicken zm-kN5RZCbo-00227-00064672-00064942 so at the end of this ad zm-kN5RZCbo-00228-00064944-00065175 he's zm-kN5RZCbo-00229-00065176-00065375 well it changed only the frame changed zm-kN5RZCbo-00230-00065376-00065631 only but the editor me can show the zm-kN5RZCbo-00231-00065632-00065838 previous frame whatever zm-kN5RZCbo-00232-00065839-00066015 well unless i could put it out here zm-kN5RZCbo-00233-00066016-00066247 anyway you see the arrow in the center zm-kN5RZCbo-00234-00066248-00066367 look above it zm-kN5RZCbo-00235-00066368-00066655 i predicted it hit one of those two zm-kN5RZCbo-00236-00066656-00066879 question mark blocks that that's what zm-kN5RZCbo-00237-00066880-00067006 you zm-kN5RZCbo-00238-00067007-00067367 actually you know what there they are zm-kN5RZCbo-00239-00067368-00067550 i predict you have to hit one of those zm-kN5RZCbo-00240-00067551-00068071 two zm-kN5RZCbo-00241-00068072-00068406 give me that 1080p 60 zm-kN5RZCbo-00242-00068407-00068679 and an add in five zm-kN5RZCbo-00243-00068680-00068863 episode zm-kN5RZCbo-00244-00068864-00069004 okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00245-00069005-00069182 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00246-00069183-00069359 so there's a fire flower up there but i zm-kN5RZCbo-00247-00069360-00069575 guarantee we don't want that zm-kN5RZCbo-00248-00069576-00069871 razzmatazz zm-kN5RZCbo-00249-00069872-00070638 oh zm-kN5RZCbo-00250-00070639-00070903 i was sitting this chair right over here zm-kN5RZCbo-00251-00070904-00072119 that looks spicy zm-kN5RZCbo-00252-00072120-00072367 goodness skip give me the skip come on zm-kN5RZCbo-00253-00072368-00072615 where's the skip where's the skip what zm-kN5RZCbo-00254-00072616-00072823 other i will have to lie season zm-kN5RZCbo-00255-00072824-00073062 wanderers season 2 jokes or shenanigans zm-kN5RZCbo-00256-00073063-00073658 can i reference zm-kN5RZCbo-00257-00073659-00076271 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00258-00076272-00076399 i don't know what happened at the zm-kN5RZCbo-00259-00076400-00076679 beginning of season two but it is okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00260-00076680-00076887 for me to pause zm-kN5RZCbo-00261-00076888-00077382 this zm-kN5RZCbo-00262-00077383-00077511 well zm-kN5RZCbo-00263-00077512-00077662 the ad not zm-kN5RZCbo-00264-00077663-00077903 loading had something to do with the zm-kN5RZCbo-00265-00077904-00078094 screen being recorded because as soon as zm-kN5RZCbo-00266-00078095-00078231 i paused zm-kN5RZCbo-00267-00078232-00078423 the screen recorder zm-kN5RZCbo-00268-00078424-00078511 the zm-kN5RZCbo-00269-00078512-00078767 ad played and i just enough that i could zm-kN5RZCbo-00270-00078768-00079071 skip the click button zm-kN5RZCbo-00271-00079072-00079367 skip the click button zm-kN5RZCbo-00272-00079368-00079519 you know what i mean zm-kN5RZCbo-00273-00079520-00079679 so i don't need to correct myself and zm-kN5RZCbo-00274-00079680-00079894 say click the skip button whatever mine zm-kN5RZCbo-00275-00079895-00080671 i just did zm-kN5RZCbo-00276-00080672-00080838 guarantee we don't want that's a troll zm-kN5RZCbo-00277-00080839-00081031 hidden up there zm-kN5RZCbo-00278-00081032-00081623 okay this is japanese that says hey zm-kN5RZCbo-00279-00081624-00082062 one hit the p switch zm-kN5RZCbo-00280-00082063-00082718 step two then drop down zm-kN5RZCbo-00281-00082719-00083111 step three zm-kN5RZCbo-00282-00083112-00083471 i was correct about zm-kN5RZCbo-00283-00083472-00083767 the hidden pipe zm-kN5RZCbo-00284-00083768-00083991 and i thought i ended up being wrong so zm-kN5RZCbo-00285-00083992-00084359 i've already eaten a bean zm-kN5RZCbo-00286-00084360-00085471 for it zm-kN5RZCbo-00287-00085472-00085879 i would give myself a free pass zm-kN5RZCbo-00288-00085880-00086150 to make up for that but i zm-kN5RZCbo-00289-00086151-00086535 think that ended up being wrong zm-kN5RZCbo-00290-00086536-00086655 so zm-kN5RZCbo-00291-00086656-00088015 they cancel each other out zm-kN5RZCbo-00292-00088016-00088518 uh zm-kN5RZCbo-00293-00088519-00088748 all right zm-kN5RZCbo-00294-00088749-00088862 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00295-00088863-00089143 step one hit the p zm-kN5RZCbo-00296-00089144-00089694 step two down below zm-kN5RZCbo-00297-00089695-00090031 step three zm-kN5RZCbo-00298-00090032-00090335 yes it wasn't lying let's go zm-kN5RZCbo-00299-00090336-00090543 in case you don't understand what zm-kN5RZCbo-00300-00090544-00090806 happened with my predictions so i made zm-kN5RZCbo-00301-00090807-00090991 predictions all around the screen and i zm-kN5RZCbo-00302-00090992-00091182 took care of them this was in the zm-kN5RZCbo-00303-00091183-00091438 previous video you know video number two zm-kN5RZCbo-00304-00091439-00091726 i predicted you had to hit one of these zm-kN5RZCbo-00305-00091727-00091879 instead of getting the mushroom over zm-kN5RZCbo-00306-00091880-00092103 there and i predicted there was a hidden zm-kN5RZCbo-00307-00092104-00092199 pipe zm-kN5RZCbo-00308-00092200-00092479 when dave sent mario through that pipe i zm-kN5RZCbo-00309-00092480-00092671 predicted or i zm-kN5RZCbo-00310-00092672-00092782 thought zm-kN5RZCbo-00311-00092783-00092982 that prediction ended up being wrong zm-kN5RZCbo-00312-00092983-00093182 there was no hidden pipe i ate a bean zm-kN5RZCbo-00313-00093183-00093287 for it zm-kN5RZCbo-00314-00093288-00093526 this time i found out zm-kN5RZCbo-00315-00093527-00093799 that's actually correct and so i would zm-kN5RZCbo-00316-00093800-00094079 get a free pass but it turns out zm-kN5RZCbo-00317-00094080-00094423 this guess is wrong so the being i ate zm-kN5RZCbo-00318-00094424-00094799 for that one turns out i'm eating it for zm-kN5RZCbo-00319-00094800-00094959 that one zm-kN5RZCbo-00320-00094960-00095135 does that make sense okay made a zm-kN5RZCbo-00321-00095136-00095271 prediction zm-kN5RZCbo-00322-00095272-00095526 here thought it would and thought it zm-kN5RZCbo-00323-00095527-00095726 ended up being wrong so i ate a bean for zm-kN5RZCbo-00324-00095727-00095991 it turns out it was correct so i should zm-kN5RZCbo-00325-00095992-00096191 get a free pass but it turns out this zm-kN5RZCbo-00326-00096192-00096431 prediction's wrong so i'm using that zm-kN5RZCbo-00327-00096432-00096879 free pass zm-kN5RZCbo-00328-00096880-00097374 it wasn't lying let's go zm-kN5RZCbo-00329-00097375-00097567 wow that was real zm-kN5RZCbo-00330-00097568-00097823 okay i need to make predictions on this zm-kN5RZCbo-00331-00097824-00098031 screen then go back to spinning the zm-kN5RZCbo-00332-00098032-00098679 wheel zm-kN5RZCbo-00333-00098680-00098903 i am thinking zm-kN5RZCbo-00334-00098904-00099206 that the right the correct move is to zm-kN5RZCbo-00335-00099207-00099806 throw the gloomba down there zm-kN5RZCbo-00336-00099807-00100159 okay it seems like you need to activate zm-kN5RZCbo-00337-00100160-00100494 maybe this maybe this piece switch zm-kN5RZCbo-00338-00100495-00100750 so that those will be solid you can walk zm-kN5RZCbo-00339-00100751-00101087 on them and you would need the key to go zm-kN5RZCbo-00340-00101088-00101367 into the door if you toss an enemy on a zm-kN5RZCbo-00341-00101368-00101582 key do you get the key actually you know zm-kN5RZCbo-00342-00101583-00101774 what i'm guessing specifically i have to zm-kN5RZCbo-00343-00101775-00101903 toss the gloom zm-kN5RZCbo-00344-00101904-00102135 to the right of zm-kN5RZCbo-00345-00102136-00102215 the zm-kN5RZCbo-00346-00102216-00102590 key and i'm guessing you do zm-kN5RZCbo-00347-00102591-00102910 not jump up there seems like you would zm-kN5RZCbo-00348-00102911-00103134 you know hit the turn box go up hit the zm-kN5RZCbo-00349-00103135-00103430 p switch and then the turn block beside zm-kN5RZCbo-00350-00103431-00103623 the piece which would turn into a coin zm-kN5RZCbo-00351-00103624-00103815 and then you would fall down these coins zm-kN5RZCbo-00352-00103816-00104030 would turn into platforms you can walk zm-kN5RZCbo-00353-00104031-00104151 across zm-kN5RZCbo-00354-00104152-00104494 i'm guessing you do not go up there zm-kN5RZCbo-00355-00104495-00104799 so just two predictions galoomba no go zm-kN5RZCbo-00356-00104800-00104999 wheel zm-kN5RZCbo-00357-00105000-00106054 spin zm-kN5RZCbo-00358-00106055-00106351 editor me again find the difference zm-kN5RZCbo-00359-00106352-00106471 between zm-kN5RZCbo-00360-00106472-00106910 the current video time and 23 minutes zm-kN5RZCbo-00361-00106911-00107086 and the difference there between zm-kN5RZCbo-00362-00107088-00107319 whatever that time is how much zm-kN5RZCbo-00363-00107320-00107678 you've shortened or zm-kN5RZCbo-00364-00107679-00107990 duration of the video so far at the 23 zm-kN5RZCbo-00365-00107991-00108334 minute mark of the recording zm-kN5RZCbo-00366-00108335-00108551 so at 23 minutes of recording i zm-kN5RZCbo-00367-00108552-00108790 shortened it to that duration zm-kN5RZCbo-00368-00108791-00109007 or editor me and then zm-kN5RZCbo-00369-00109008-00109358 that's the difference zm-kN5RZCbo-00370-00109359-00109558 how much time was saved between the zm-kN5RZCbo-00371-00109559-00109751 recording and the zm-kN5RZCbo-00372-00109752-00109999 finished video zm-kN5RZCbo-00373-00110000-00110247 i'll tell you what i will read the clues zm-kN5RZCbo-00374-00110248-00110551 out loud to you a clue or clues however zm-kN5RZCbo-00375-00110552-00110710 many it takes zm-kN5RZCbo-00376-00110711-00110958 all right the mailing address of zm-kN5RZCbo-00377-00110959-00111190 hearst castle is in this small zm-kN5RZCbo-00378-00111191-00111407 california community zm-kN5RZCbo-00379-00111408-00111607 what is san simeon zm-kN5RZCbo-00380-00111608-00111807 ocean spray makes cranberry cream grape zm-kN5RZCbo-00381-00111808-00112263 and grand variety of orange zm-kN5RZCbo-00382-00112264-00112990 what is tangerine zm-kN5RZCbo-00383-00112991-00113271 in 1836 he was defeated by sam houston zm-kN5RZCbo-00384-00113272-00113478 for the presidency of the republic of zm-kN5RZCbo-00385-00113479-00113790 texas zm-kN5RZCbo-00386-00113791-00114095 what is austin zm-kN5RZCbo-00387-00114096-00114254 the first modern crossword puzzle was zm-kN5RZCbo-00388-00114255-00114423 published and oreo cookies are zm-kN5RZCbo-00389-00114424-00114775 introduced zm-kN5RZCbo-00390-00114776-00114956 what is the 1910s zm-kN5RZCbo-00391-00114957-00115247 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00392-00115248-00115463 three-letter harmonica zm-kN5RZCbo-00393-00115464-00115831 see gun or top zm-kN5RZCbo-00394-00115832-00116007 what is pop zm-kN5RZCbo-00395-00116008-00116239 don't think i've heard of a pop zm-kN5RZCbo-00396-00116240-00116463 gun zm-kN5RZCbo-00397-00116464-00116710 i've heard of a prop gun zm-kN5RZCbo-00398-00116711-00117015 and pop top i get like a top of a bottle zm-kN5RZCbo-00399-00117016-00117278 that you pop off zm-kN5RZCbo-00400-00117279-00117454 actress zm-kN5RZCbo-00401-00117455-00117647 selma hayek zm-kN5RZCbo-00402-00117648-00118254 oh zm-kN5RZCbo-00403-00118255-00118495 i don't know zm-kN5RZCbo-00404-00118496-00118751 mexico i thought i had a guess but then zm-kN5RZCbo-00405-00118752-00118934 i didn't zm-kN5RZCbo-00406-00118935-00119758 actually that warrants a bean zm-kN5RZCbo-00407-00119759-00120023 if i deliberately buzz but then i don't zm-kN5RZCbo-00408-00120024-00120247 have a guest or it's an incorrect guest zm-kN5RZCbo-00409-00120248-00120343 you know zm-kN5RZCbo-00410-00120344-00120639 if i think they make a mistake there's zm-kN5RZCbo-00411-00120640-00120878 an automated process to determine if an zm-kN5RZCbo-00412-00120879-00121095 answer is correct or not sometimes my zm-kN5RZCbo-00413-00121096-00121319 answer should be counted or should not zm-kN5RZCbo-00414-00121320-00121439 be counted zm-kN5RZCbo-00415-00121440-00121599 whatever the case is zm-kN5RZCbo-00416-00121600-00121831 if necessary i will override what it zm-kN5RZCbo-00417-00121832-00122063 says if it's correct or not zm-kN5RZCbo-00418-00122064-00122390 in this case i need a bean zm-kN5RZCbo-00419-00122391-00122695 because as you can see zm-kN5RZCbo-00420-00122696-00123207 previously i ended up with zm-kN5RZCbo-00421-00123208-00125071 zero free passes zm-kN5RZCbo-00422-00125072-00125854 berry blue or toothpaste okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00423-00125855-00126031 all right there's an open packet that zm-kN5RZCbo-00424-00126032-00126127 has zm-kN5RZCbo-00425-00126128-00126486 one such bean in addition to zm-kN5RZCbo-00426-00126488-00126671 with it it is zm-kN5RZCbo-00427-00126672-00127934 paired with a juicy pear or booger zm-kN5RZCbo-00428-00127935-00128883 which one you think it zm-kN5RZCbo-00429-00128883-00129247 is if you said it's berry blue zm-kN5RZCbo-00430-00129248-00129431 you're wrong now it's zm-kN5RZCbo-00431-00129432-00129854 it is toothpaste zm-kN5RZCbo-00432-00129855-00131895 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00433-00131896-00132271 another one zm-kN5RZCbo-00434-00132272-00132495 now the belfast porn flute master can be zm-kN5RZCbo-00435-00132496-00132687 heard on the lord of the rings film zm-kN5RZCbo-00436-00132688-00132799 soundtrack zm-kN5RZCbo-00437-00132800-00132983 this zm-kN5RZCbo-00438-00132984-00133351 who's james galloway zm-kN5RZCbo-00439-00133352-00133535 the egyptians were the first known zm-kN5RZCbo-00440-00133536-00133759 civilization to power boats using these zm-kN5RZCbo-00441-00133760-00134247 probably large leafy fronds on the foul zm-kN5RZCbo-00442-00134248-00134390 what if sales zm-kN5RZCbo-00443-00134391-00134807 oh that makes sense zm-kN5RZCbo-00444-00134808-00135031 someone who uses statistics to figure zm-kN5RZCbo-00445-00135032-00135199 out when you're likely to die and thus zm-kN5RZCbo-00446-00135200-00135551 whether you're worth insurance zm-kN5RZCbo-00447-00135552-00136111 what is an actuary or actuary zm-kN5RZCbo-00448-00136112-00136433 grandmaster flash zm-kN5RZCbo-00449-00136434-00136623 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00450-00136624-00137023 what is white zm-kN5RZCbo-00451-00137024-00137175 it's what the doctor was asked around zm-kN5RZCbo-00452-00137176-00137414 the illness of sewing machine inventor zm-kN5RZCbo-00453-00137415-00137751 elias zm-kN5RZCbo-00454-00137752-00137871 what is zm-kN5RZCbo-00455-00137872-00138478 how or really how is how zm-kN5RZCbo-00456-00138479-00138735 the name of these sewing shears refers zm-kN5RZCbo-00457-00138736-00138971 to their notched blades not to a color zm-kN5RZCbo-00458-00138972-00139199 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00459-00139200-00139631 what is pinking shears zm-kN5RZCbo-00460-00139632-00139927 yale played this march for edward elgar zm-kN5RZCbo-00461-00139928-00140047 when it zm-kN5RZCbo-00462-00140048-00140295 gives him an honorary phd in 1905. he zm-kN5RZCbo-00463-00140296-00140535 probably loved it he wrote it zm-kN5RZCbo-00464-00140536-00140866 what is poppin circumstance zm-kN5RZCbo-00465-00140867-00141014 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00466-00141015-00141287 maybe i shouldn't read these for you zm-kN5RZCbo-00467-00141288-00141663 because it's kind of slow zm-kN5RZCbo-00468-00141664-00141839 and if this slowed zm-kN5RZCbo-00469-00141840-00142135 down i zm-kN5RZCbo-00470-00142136-00142366 probably would have gotten it zm-kN5RZCbo-00471-00142367-00142590 it's not like i zm-kN5RZCbo-00472-00142591-00142766 know this piece it's not like i've zm-kN5RZCbo-00473-00142767-00143063 created a trap remix of this piece or zm-kN5RZCbo-00474-00143064-00143183 not zm-kN5RZCbo-00475-00143184-00143359 i mean i mean i have zm-kN5RZCbo-00476-00143360-00143654 i have zm-kN5RZCbo-00477-00143655-00143847 exactly three months before 9 11 this zm-kN5RZCbo-00478-00143848-00144359 oklahoma city bomber was executed zm-kN5RZCbo-00479-00144360-00144519 what is your zm-kN5RZCbo-00480-00144520-00144693 who is timothy zm-kN5RZCbo-00481-00144694-00144819 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00482-00144820-00145143 mcveigh or mcveigh zm-kN5RZCbo-00483-00145144-00145487 i don't know zm-kN5RZCbo-00484-00145488-00145726 a second of any series as chemistry or zm-kN5RZCbo-00485-00145727-00146054 physics zm-kN5RZCbo-00486-00146055-00146295 what is this beta oh zm-kN5RZCbo-00487-00146296-00146535 oh yeah that makes sense this it is the zm-kN5RZCbo-00488-00146536-00146766 second greek letter zm-kN5RZCbo-00489-00146767-00147302 or beta or beta if you're from zm-kN5RZCbo-00490-00147303-00147375 the zm-kN5RZCbo-00491-00147376-00147631 uk zm-kN5RZCbo-00492-00147632-00147823 this brand name for gazelle goes back to zm-kN5RZCbo-00493-00147824-00148023 company that made shoes for a 1924 zm-kN5RZCbo-00494-00148024-00149095 olympic athlete zm-kN5RZCbo-00495-00149096-00149326 yeah gazelles and pumas are different zm-kN5RZCbo-00496-00149327-00150326 animals i know that zm-kN5RZCbo-00497-00150327-00150559 i know that a gazelle is zm-kN5RZCbo-00498-00150560-00150735 not a bird zm-kN5RZCbo-00499-00150736-00151047 and i know that a puma is not a bird zm-kN5RZCbo-00500-00151048-00151407 puma's a cat gazelle is zm-kN5RZCbo-00501-00151408-00151585 else zm-kN5RZCbo-00502-00151586-00152366 [Music] zm-kN5RZCbo-00503-00152367-00154735 pizza bars zm-kN5RZCbo-00504-00154736-00154943 well i'm going to open a new one i did zm-kN5RZCbo-00505-00154944-00155214 not find any loose ones zm-kN5RZCbo-00506-00155215-00155463 what else is in this one zm-kN5RZCbo-00507-00155464-00155551 all right zm-kN5RZCbo-00508-00155552-00155702 you take a look for yourself you see zm-kN5RZCbo-00509-00155703-00156351 what song is in this one zm-kN5RZCbo-00510-00156352-00156671 like a juicy pear booger is zm-kN5RZCbo-00511-00156672-00156887 the chocolate pudding zm-kN5RZCbo-00512-00156888-00157143 yeah or canned dog food and then there's zm-kN5RZCbo-00513-00157144-00157319 there's the pizza barf i'm going to get zm-kN5RZCbo-00514-00157320-00157543 there's one of those lululu's white ones zm-kN5RZCbo-00515-00157544-00157751 and they're coconut or zm-kN5RZCbo-00516-00157752-00158078 spoiled milk and there's rotten egg or zm-kN5RZCbo-00517-00158079-00158278 what's a good flavor what's better than zm-kN5RZCbo-00518-00158279-00158590 rotten egg buttered popcorn okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00519-00158591-00159047 peach or barf zm-kN5RZCbo-00520-00159048-00159311 i could taste it just putting it zm-kN5RZCbo-00521-00159312-00159447 right here zm-kN5RZCbo-00522-00159448-00160454 before chewing on it zm-kN5RZCbo-00523-00160455-00160759 and it is barf i do not know why i'm zm-kN5RZCbo-00524-00160760-00161199 saying it like that zm-kN5RZCbo-00525-00161200-00161431 i don't know why i haven't been saying zm-kN5RZCbo-00526-00161432-00162102 it like that zm-kN5RZCbo-00527-00162103-00162311 this will end the video zm-kN5RZCbo-00528-00162312-00162735 whether it's successful or not zm-kN5RZCbo-00529-00162736-00163054 i'll try to do one module and zm-kN5RZCbo-00530-00163055-00163366 each strike is zm-kN5RZCbo-00531-00163367-00164271 one beam zm-kN5RZCbo-00532-00164272-00164559 tell you what if some if something i do zm-kN5RZCbo-00533-00164560-00164887 blows up the bomb zm-kN5RZCbo-00534-00164888-00165054 i'll make it zm-kN5RZCbo-00535-00165055-00165166 three zm-kN5RZCbo-00536-00165167-00165438 beans zm-kN5RZCbo-00537-00165439-00165695 if i'm the cause of explosion if what i zm-kN5RZCbo-00538-00165696-00166102 do is the cause of explosion zm-kN5RZCbo-00539-00166103-00166678 turning and turning in the whitening zm-kN5RZCbo-00541-00172927-00174111 next one zm-kN5RZCbo-00542-00174112-00175975 okay zm-kN5RZCbo-00543-00175976-00176276 uh znBRCfUUI_I-00000-00000008-00000223 i put this question to you that came znBRCfUUI_I-00001-00000224-00000351 through um znBRCfUUI_I-00002-00000352-00000519 uh you know something that's been in the znBRCfUUI_I-00003-00000520-00000726 news this week about znBRCfUUI_I-00004-00000727-00001047 your office's decision to have a single znBRCfUUI_I-00005-00001048-00001350 uh ballot dropbox location znBRCfUUI_I-00006-00001351-00001702 tony um one of our audience members says znBRCfUUI_I-00007-00001703-00001863 well how does that make sense znBRCfUUI_I-00008-00001864-00002087 when you have cuyahoga county with znBRCfUUI_I-00009-00002088-00002255 almost a million registered votes znBRCfUUI_I-00010-00002256-00002510 uh voters in benton county which about znBRCfUUI_I-00011-00002511-00002871 it has about 8 000 registered voters znBRCfUUI_I-00012-00002872-00003183 is there some uh equal protection znBRCfUUI_I-00013-00003184-00003486 issue here and so is it this trade-off znBRCfUUI_I-00014-00003488-00003767 that you're that is in your mind um as znBRCfUUI_I-00015-00003768-00003935 you're making that decision znBRCfUUI_I-00016-00003936-00004127 well first of all it's the the basic znBRCfUUI_I-00017-00004128-00004375 idea that you can be for a public policy znBRCfUUI_I-00018-00004376-00004470 and also znBRCfUUI_I-00019-00004471-00004735 for rule of law right so i've long said znBRCfUUI_I-00020-00004736-00004854 that we should work with the state znBRCfUUI_I-00021-00004855-00005063 legislature to expand the use of drop znBRCfUUI_I-00022-00005064-00005222 boxes in ohio but those kind of znBRCfUUI_I-00023-00005223-00005351 decisions should be made znBRCfUUI_I-00024-00005352-00005518 at the state house not the courthouse znBRCfUUI_I-00025-00005519-00005751 right and there's also a principle znBRCfUUI_I-00026-00005752-00006047 that goes back to a a case in 2006 znBRCfUUI_I-00027-00006048-00006118 called the znBRCfUUI_I-00028-00006119-00006318 purcell case that you just shouldn't be znBRCfUUI_I-00029-00006319-00006518 making last-minute changes as it relates znBRCfUUI_I-00030-00006519-00006687 to electives that kind of thing so's znBRCfUUI_I-00031-00006688-00006775 uncertainty znBRCfUUI_I-00032-00006776-00007006 it actually can create a pretext for znBRCfUUI_I-00033-00007008-00007214 future lawsuits that are meant to sort znBRCfUUI_I-00034-00007215-00007334 of after the election znBRCfUUI_I-00035-00007336-00007574 call in to question the results of the znBRCfUUI_I-00036-00007575-00007663 election so znBRCfUUI_I-00037-00007664-00007846 what the law says in ohio and what i've znBRCfUUI_I-00038-00007847-00007998 been very clear about is that znBRCfUUI_I-00039-00008000-00008191 absentee ballots are returned in one of znBRCfUUI_I-00040-00008192-00008455 three ways the vast majority of voters znBRCfUUI_I-00041-00008456-00008614 returned them by mail that was the case znBRCfUUI_I-00042-00008615-00008927 in 2012 we ran a fair election in 2012 znBRCfUUI_I-00043-00008928-00009142 that was the case in 2008 we ran a fair znBRCfUUI_I-00044-00009143-00009310 election then 2016. znBRCfUUI_I-00045-00009311-00009471 and so the vast majority of voters znBRCfUUI_I-00046-00009472-00009631 return their absolute ballots by mail znBRCfUUI_I-00047-00009632-00009703 and that's the znBRCfUUI_I-00048-00009704-00009910 the main way of doing it but in ohio the znBRCfUUI_I-00049-00009911-00010063 law says that you may also znBRCfUUI_I-00050-00010064-00010238 personally deliver it to the director of znBRCfUUI_I-00051-00010239-00010423 the board of elections and then the law znBRCfUUI_I-00052-00010424-00010623 also says you may have a family member znBRCfUUI_I-00053-00010624-00010791 personally deliver it to the to the znBRCfUUI_I-00054-00010792-00010927 director of the board of elections znBRCfUUI_I-00055-00010928-00011071 and those who drafted that that znBRCfUUI_I-00056-00011072-00011238 legislation from long ago znBRCfUUI_I-00057-00011239-00011431 it actually ends with the words ballots znBRCfUUI_I-00058-00011432-00011591 may be transmitted through no other znBRCfUUI_I-00059-00011592-00011774 means they actually restated it at the znBRCfUUI_I-00060-00011775-00011942 end of that code section and so znBRCfUUI_I-00061-00011943-00012127 for me to just sort of say hey let's put znBRCfUUI_I-00062-00012128-00012263 them everywhere and see how it goes znBRCfUUI_I-00063-00012264-00012431 would be deeply irresponsible znBRCfUUI_I-00064-00012432-00012678 and by the way a last minute change in znBRCfUUI_I-00065-00012679-00012838 the way that we administer elections znBRCfUUI_I-00066-00012839-00013022 we've already started early voting here znBRCfUUI_I-00067-00013023-00013207 in the state of ohio for four days now znBRCfUUI_I-00068-00013208-00013351 as you can see by the countdown clock znBRCfUUI_I-00069-00013352-00013622 behind me 24 days and 15 hours until znBRCfUUI_I-00070-00013623-00013735 election day comes znBRCfUUI_I-00071-00013736-00013879 the time for making those kind of znBRCfUUI_I-00072-00013880-00014047 changes has passed and here's where it's znBRCfUUI_I-00073-00014047-00014215 a little bit disingenuous by some of znBRCfUUI_I-00074-00014216-00014311 those litigants znBRCfUUI_I-00075-00014312-00014511 where were you six months ago we could znBRCfUUI_I-00076-00014512-00014622 have actually worked in the state znBRCfUUI_I-00077-00014623-00014758 legislature to get something done znBRCfUUI_I-00078-00014759-00014983 instead of filing an 11th hour lawsuit znBRCfUUI_I-00079-00014984-00015158 why not let's work to get some actual znBRCfUUI_I-00080-00015159-00015311 changes made in the legislature znBRCfUUI_I-00081-00015312-00015455 and i've already talked with our senate znBRCfUUI_I-00082-00015456-00015607 president and our house speaker about znBRCfUUI_I-00083-00015608-00015959 doing just that next year Z1mV1JY7QQk-00000-00000052-00000362 live from Las Vegas Z1mV1JY7QQk-00001-00000363-00000711 it's the cube covering service now Z1mV1JY7QQk-00002-00000712-00001003 knowledge 2018 brought to you by Z1mV1JY7QQk-00003-00001004-00001466 ServiceNow Z1mV1JY7QQk-00004-00001467-00001662 welcome back everyone to the cubes live Z1mV1JY7QQk-00005-00001663-00001901 coverage of ServiceNow knowledge 18 I'm Z1mV1JY7QQk-00006-00001902-00002070 your host Rebecca Knight along with my Z1mV1JY7QQk-00007-00002071-00002274 co-host Dave Volante we're joined by Z1mV1JY7QQk-00008-00002275-00002490 Nick white he is a principal at Deloitte Z1mV1JY7QQk-00009-00002491-00002637 Australia thanks so much for coming on Z1mV1JY7QQk-00010-00002638-00002810 the Kubik thank you for having me great Z1mV1JY7QQk-00011-00002811-00002931 to be here so we've been having great Z1mV1JY7QQk-00012-00002932-00003171 conversations before the cameras are Z1mV1JY7QQk-00013-00003172-00003324 rolling but tell us a little bit about D Z1mV1JY7QQk-00014-00003325-00003507 assists which is a new technology you're Z1mV1JY7QQk-00015-00003508-00003867 unveiling at this yes so it's a it's a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00016-00003868-00003996 solution that we've built which is Z1mV1JY7QQk-00017-00003997-00004236 essentially a voice enabled solution to Z1mV1JY7QQk-00018-00004237-00004507 allow patients and nurses to communicate Z1mV1JY7QQk-00019-00004508-00004782 essentially we're targeting identifying Z1mV1JY7QQk-00020-00004783-00004961 critical patient needs protocol patient Z1mV1JY7QQk-00021-00004962-00005132 requests and getting help to them as Z1mV1JY7QQk-00022-00005133-00005460 fast as possible okay so tell us tell us Z1mV1JY7QQk-00023-00005461-00005564 a little bit more about the kind of the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00024-00005565-00005789 inferred the technology behind it and Z1mV1JY7QQk-00025-00005790-00006078 yeah sure well let me go back and tell Z1mV1JY7QQk-00026-00006079-00006236 you about where it came from one of my Z1mV1JY7QQk-00027-00006237-00006482 colleagues was in hospital with his Z1mV1JY7QQk-00028-00006483-00006638 father who unfortunately passed away Z1mV1JY7QQk-00029-00006639-00006956 while he was in hospital and through Z1mV1JY7QQk-00030-00006958-00007248 that experience he was observing what Z1mV1JY7QQk-00031-00007248-00007419 was going on in the hospital and Z1mV1JY7QQk-00032-00007420-00007626 afterwards he and I sat down and started Z1mV1JY7QQk-00033-00007627-00007814 to go through it and understand where Z1mV1JY7QQk-00034-00007815-00008001 were the challenges that the hospital Z1mV1JY7QQk-00035-00008002-00008193 had in that ward experience and the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00036-00008194-00008526 recovery and we identified that the if Z1mV1JY7QQk-00037-00008527-00008652 you look back at the history of the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00038-00008653-00008949 Korbel it hasn't changed in about 150 Z1mV1JY7QQk-00039-00008950-00009114 years Florence Nightingale came up with Z1mV1JY7QQk-00040-00009115-00009324 the idea of a bell for patients but that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00041-00009325-00009468 was an award environment where you had Z1mV1JY7QQk-00042-00009469-00009689 30 or 40 beds in a room and you could Z1mV1JY7QQk-00043-00009690-00009843 look across the room and you could see Z1mV1JY7QQk-00044-00009844-00010059 that patient okay I can see what they Z1mV1JY7QQk-00045-00010060-00010221 need either I rushed to their aid or I Z1mV1JY7QQk-00046-00010222-00010431 can get to them in a minute the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00047-00010432-00010569 hospitals today we've got to put walls Z1mV1JY7QQk-00048-00010570-00010830 up curtains and you've lost that visual Z1mV1JY7QQk-00049-00010831-00010974 cue but all we've done to support the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00050-00010975-00011142 nurses is we've made that Bell Z1mV1JY7QQk-00051-00011143-00011328 electronic and we put a light above the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00052-00011329-00011544 door so we looked at that system and we Z1mV1JY7QQk-00053-00011545-00011736 sought all of the different points where Z1mV1JY7QQk-00054-00011737-00011880 you could have a failure along there Z1mV1JY7QQk-00055-00011881-00012014 that essentially then would compromise Z1mV1JY7QQk-00056-00012015-00012267 patient care at no fault of the nurses Z1mV1JY7QQk-00057-00012268-00012405 whatsoever and we thought how can we Z1mV1JY7QQk-00058-00012406-00012618 better support the nurses to give that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00059-00012619-00012782 care that they worked so hard to give Z1mV1JY7QQk-00060-00012783-00013125 and we came up with the idea of having a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00061-00013126-00013368 voice based solution that a patient can Z1mV1JY7QQk-00062-00013369-00013541 actually state their request we could Z1mV1JY7QQk-00063-00013543-00013716 process that request and we could Z1mV1JY7QQk-00064-00013716-00013932 present it to the nurses and try and Z1mV1JY7QQk-00065-00013933-00014100 give some guidance as to what the next Z1mV1JY7QQk-00066-00014101-00014333 best action for the nurse might be and Z1mV1JY7QQk-00067-00014334-00014570 allow them to essentially provide Z1mV1JY7QQk-00068-00014571-00014756 accelerated care to those people really Z1mV1JY7QQk-00069-00014757-00014808 in the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00070-00014809-00015090 all right so explain the system is it's Z1mV1JY7QQk-00071-00015091-00015243 fascinating what you guys do how are you Z1mV1JY7QQk-00072-00015244-00015621 using NLP and and and ServiceNow yeah so Z1mV1JY7QQk-00073-00015622-00015879 the solution is enabled by AWS and Z1mV1JY7QQk-00074-00015880-00016119 ServiceNow so at the front end of the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00075-00016119-00016269 solution we've got a smart speaker in Z1mV1JY7QQk-00076-00016269-00016563 the room that essentially passes the the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00077-00016564-00016725 speech that the patient is made once Z1mV1JY7QQk-00078-00016726-00016893 they've woken the device through to the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00079-00016894-00017111 AWS platform from there we pull out the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00080-00017112-00017361 intense so we convert that speech to Z1mV1JY7QQk-00081-00017362-00017597 text pull out the intent and then that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00082-00017598-00017753 intent is passed through to service now Z1mV1JY7QQk-00083-00017754-00018027 and once we've got it in ServiceNow we Z1mV1JY7QQk-00084-00018028-00018183 can do all sorts of things with it so we Z1mV1JY7QQk-00085-00018184-00018402 can apply a set of business rules we can Z1mV1JY7QQk-00086-00018403-00018549 smart route it to the the most Z1mV1JY7QQk-00087-00018550-00018717 appropriate person to meet the patient's Z1mV1JY7QQk-00088-00018718-00018960 needs we can look at the prioritization Z1mV1JY7QQk-00089-00018961-00019128 that the hospital wants to give that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00090-00019129-00019341 sort of query and we can push it up or Z1mV1JY7QQk-00091-00019342-00019503 down in the queue pace it based on that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00092-00019504-00019728 prioritization and then we present that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00093-00019729-00019899 to the nurses using a dashboard on the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00094-00019900-00020064 nurse station but we've also got the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00095-00020065-00020222 mobile app deployed so the nurses have Z1mV1JY7QQk-00096-00020223-00020358 actually got a mobile in their pocket Z1mV1JY7QQk-00097-00020359-00020550 which buzzes when they're when the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00098-00020551-00020694 patient makes a request they're able to Z1mV1JY7QQk-00099-00020695-00020841 whip the phone out have a look at what Z1mV1JY7QQk-00100-00020842-00020952 the patient's need is and make a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00101-00020953-00021108 decision I'm always fascinated when the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00102-00021109-00021264 company like Deloitte comes up with a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00103-00021265-00021477 solution like this it's not like you Z1mV1JY7QQk-00104-00021478-00021615 went to the to the client and the client Z1mV1JY7QQk-00105-00021616-00021837 said this is what we want so how did you Z1mV1JY7QQk-00106-00021838-00022031 go about figuring all this out what was Z1mV1JY7QQk-00107-00022032-00022325 the process you used it's a really good Z1mV1JY7QQk-00108-00022326-00022668 question for us it was it's not about us Z1mV1JY7QQk-00109-00022669-00022880 designing the solution we we saw the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00110-00022881-00023097 problem and you know we're problem Z1mV1JY7QQk-00111-00023098-00023255 solvers that's that's really what we do Z1mV1JY7QQk-00112-00023256-00023469 we went and engaged one of the local Z1mV1JY7QQk-00113-00023470-00023643 hospitals in Australia we said to them Z1mV1JY7QQk-00114-00023644-00023844 listen is this right have we actually Z1mV1JY7QQk-00115-00023845-00024008 cottoned onto something that is a real Z1mV1JY7QQk-00116-00024009-00024305 problem here and it really resonated Z1mV1JY7QQk-00117-00024306-00024458 with them and they gave us access to Z1mV1JY7QQk-00118-00024459-00024678 their top 30 nurses and also their Z1mV1JY7QQk-00119-00024679-00024822 simulation hospital it's a hospital Z1mV1JY7QQk-00120-00024823-00025011 that's used for training and development Z1mV1JY7QQk-00121-00025012-00025353 and in that environment we iterated the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00122-00025354-00025542 design with the nurses and built a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00123-00025543-00025749 solution essentially by nurses for Z1mV1JY7QQk-00124-00025750-00026072 nurses so the idea was that it was as Z1mV1JY7QQk-00125-00026073-00026295 intuitive to use as your iPhone because Z1mV1JY7QQk-00126-00026295-00026460 nurses aren't like IT guys they're not Z1mV1JY7QQk-00127-00026461-00026633 sitting behind computers all day it's Z1mV1JY7QQk-00128-00026634-00026805 not native to them to use that sort of Z1mV1JY7QQk-00129-00026806-00026985 interface so we wanted to make it as Z1mV1JY7QQk-00130-00026986-00027249 simple as iTouch drag-drop and I let go Z1mV1JY7QQk-00131-00027250-00027393 and I've done the job that I need to do Z1mV1JY7QQk-00132-00027394-00027702 and so the nurses feedback from the the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00133-00027702-00027839 implementations that we've done so far Z1mV1JY7QQk-00134-00027840-00028089 have been this is so easy to use Z1mV1JY7QQk-00135-00028091-00028237 that's the phrase they've given us this Z1mV1JY7QQk-00136-00028238-00028417 is just so easy to use and then what's Z1mV1JY7QQk-00137-00028418-00028567 the feedback from the patients how are Z1mV1JY7QQk-00138-00028568-00028798 they using it specifically yeah so I'll Z1mV1JY7QQk-00139-00028799-00029005 give you the example of the the spinal Z1mV1JY7QQk-00140-00029006-00029127 Ward we've gone into at the Prince of Z1mV1JY7QQk-00141-00029129-00029370 Wales Hospital in Sydney the the Prince Z1mV1JY7QQk-00142-00029372-00029577 of Wales Hospital Foundation heard about Z1mV1JY7QQk-00143-00029579-00029812 what we were doing and they identified Z1mV1JY7QQk-00144-00029813-00030019 the opportunity to fund us to go into Z1mV1JY7QQk-00145-00030020-00030202 the spinal Ward and when you think about Z1mV1JY7QQk-00146-00030202-00030544 spinal patients traumatic injury and Z1mV1JY7QQk-00147-00030545-00030702 often these patients are in hospital for Z1mV1JY7QQk-00148-00030704-00030982 months if not years in a very isolating Z1mV1JY7QQk-00149-00030983-00031152 environment trying to recover from a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00150-00031154-00031405 traumatic injury not only that though Z1mV1JY7QQk-00151-00031406-00031699 they may not have full access to their Z1mV1JY7QQk-00152-00031700-00031939 limbs anymore to be able to press a call Z1mV1JY7QQk-00153-00031939-00032287 button and the hospital foundation saw Z1mV1JY7QQk-00154-00032288-00032497 this this opportunity to place our Z1mV1JY7QQk-00155-00032498-00032632 solution in the hands of these patients Z1mV1JY7QQk-00156-00032633-00033088 or in these patients rooms and it has Z1mV1JY7QQk-00157-00033089-00033253 been overwhelmingly successful we've got Z1mV1JY7QQk-00158-00033254-00033403 twenty six beds rolled out in the ward Z1mV1JY7QQk-00159-00033404-00033631 we've been in there for a little over a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00160-00033632-00033898 month now and on the very first day we Z1mV1JY7QQk-00161-00033899-00034078 had a patient who was in the bathroom in Z1mV1JY7QQk-00162-00034079-00034264 a precarious situation needed help Z1mV1JY7QQk-00163-00034265-00034450 couldn't reach the call bell and was Z1mV1JY7QQk-00164-00034451-00034615 able to wake up the device from the Z1mV1JY7QQk-00165-00034616-00034801 bathroom ask for help and have two Z1mV1JY7QQk-00166-00034802-00035041 nurses rushed to their aid we've had a Z1mV1JY7QQk-00167-00035042-00035221 patient who was suffering severe pain Z1mV1JY7QQk-00168-00035222-00035467 after their injury and is now able to Z1mV1JY7QQk-00169-00035468-00035650 alert the nurses that the request that Z1mV1JY7QQk-00170-00035651-00035872 they were making is about pain and they Z1mV1JY7QQk-00171-00035873-00036063 were able to come in a much faster time Z1mV1JY7QQk-00172-00036064-00036532 we've also seen complaints about nurse Z1mV1JY7QQk-00173-00036533-00036811 response time and go from a decent level Z1mV1JY7QQk-00174-00036812-00037096 to nothing and whether those were real Z1mV1JY7QQk-00175-00037097-00037279 complaints or not is beside the point Z1mV1JY7QQk-00176-00037280-00037525 the patients were feeling like they were Z1mV1JY7QQk-00177-00037526-00037729 waiting a period of time and that was Z1mV1JY7QQk-00178-00037730-00037927 uncomfortable for them now they're not Z1mV1JY7QQk-00179-00037928-00038077 complaining at all so that patient Z1mV1JY7QQk-00180-00038078-00038281 experience has really shifted that's Z1mV1JY7QQk-00181-00038282-00038413 great and it's such a miraculous Z1mV1JY7QQk-00182-00038414-00038587 technology this is really impressive Z1mV1JY7QQk-00183-00038588-00038758 best of luck to you Nick this is really Z1mV1JY7QQk-00184-00038759-00038890 fun having you on the show thank you Z1mV1JY7QQk-00185-00038891-00039100 very much I'm Rebecca night for day Z1mV1JY7QQk-00186-00039101-00039244 Volante we will have more from Z1mV1JY7QQk-00187-00039245-00039667 ServiceNow knowledge 18 just after this Z3iUx9BKg_E-00000-00000231-00000790 down Z3iUx9BKg_E-00001-00000791-00001350 always Z3iUx9BKg_E-00002-00001351-00001855 face Z3iUx9BKg_E-00003-00001855-00002342 often Z3iUx9BKg_E-00004-00002343-00002815 see Z3iUx9BKg_E-00005-00002816-00003303 keep Z3iUx9BKg_E-00006-00003304-00003790 here Z3iUx9BKg_E-00007-00003792-00004327 real Z3iUx9BKg_E-00008-00004328-00004886 together Z3iUx9BKg_E-00009-00004887-00005399 still Z3iUx9BKg_E-00010-00005400-00005911 those Z3iUx9BKg_E-00011-00005912-00006446 bro Z3iUx9BKg_E-00012-00006447-00006959 open Z3iUx9BKg_E-00013-00006959-00007487 life Z3iUx9BKg_E-00014-00007488-00008070 found Z3iUx9BKg_E-00015-00008072-00008639 country Z3iUx9BKg_E-00016-00008640-00009151 never Z3iUx9BKg_E-00017-00009152-00009671 four Z3iUx9BKg_E-00018-00009672-00010159 learn Z3iUx9BKg_E-00019-00010160-00010631 cut Z3iUx9BKg_E-00020-00010632-00011127 sure Z3iUx9BKg_E-00021-00011128-00011614 white Z3iUx9BKg_E-00022-00011615-00012103 start Z3iUx9BKg_E-00023-00012104-00012599 once Z3iUx9BKg_E-00024-00012600-00013071 seem Z3iUx9BKg_E-00025-00013072-00013575 idea Z3iUx9BKg_E-00026-00013576-00014071 run Z3iUx9BKg_E-00027-00014072-00014615 begin Z3iUx9BKg_E-00028-00014616-00015150 cross Z3iUx9BKg_E-00029-00015151-00015671 mark Z3iUx9BKg_E-00030-00015672-00016215 room Z3iUx9BKg_E-00031-00016216-00016743 word Z3iUx9BKg_E-00032-00016744-00017255 letter Z3iUx9BKg_E-00033-00017256-00017743 paper Z3iUx9BKg_E-00034-00017744-00018207 i Z3iUx9BKg_E-00035-00018208-00018679 tree Z3iUx9BKg_E-00036-00018680-00019183 far Z3iUx9BKg_E-00037-00019184-00019671 river Z3iUx9BKg_E-00038-00019672-00020119 right Z3iUx9BKg_E-00039-00020120-00020599 eat Z3iUx9BKg_E-00040-00020600-00021094 took Z3iUx9BKg_E-00041-00021095-00021575 feet Z3iUx9BKg_E-00042-00021576-00022078 left Z3iUx9BKg_E-00043-00022079-00022663 both Z3iUx9BKg_E-00044-00022664-00023239 children Z3iUx9BKg_E-00045-00023240-00023735 stop Z3iUx9BKg_E-00046-00023736-00024263 saw Z3iUx9BKg_E-00047-00024264-00025342 story Z3iUx9BKg_E-00048-00025343-00025887 book Z3iUx9BKg_E-00049-00025888-00026407 friend Z3iUx9BKg_E-00050-00026408-00026943 night Z3iUx9BKg_E-00051-00026944-00027470 second Z3iUx9BKg_E-00052-00027472-00027935 don't Z3iUx9BKg_E-00053-00027936-00029423 let Z3iUx9BKg_E-00054-00029424-00029927 watch Z3iUx9BKg_E-00055-00029927-00030423 car Z3iUx9BKg_E-00056-00030424-00030935 begin Z3iUx9BKg_E-00057-00030936-00031446 next Z3iUx9BKg_E-00058-00031447-00031951 might Z3iUx9BKg_E-00059-00031952-00032455 do Z3iUx9BKg_E-00060-00032456-00032927 late Z3iUx9BKg_E-00061-00032928-00033407 sun Z3iUx9BKg_E-00062-00033408-00033846 head Z3iUx9BKg_E-00063-00033847-00034318 and Z3iUx9BKg_E-00064-00034319-00034823 fish Z3iUx9BKg_E-00065-00034824-00035327 stand Z3iUx9BKg_E-00066-00035328-00035855 draw Z3iUx9BKg_E-00067-00035856-00036374 while Z3iUx9BKg_E-00068-00036375-00037967 father Z3iUx9BKg_E-00069-00037968-00038471 city Z3iUx9BKg_E-00070-00038472-00038967 last Z3iUx9BKg_E-00071-00038968-00039439 god Z3iUx9BKg_E-00072-00039440-00039902 few Z3iUx9BKg_E-00073-00039903-00040374 new Z3iUx9BKg_E-00074-00040375-00040887 there Z3iUx9BKg_E-00075-00040888-00041423 study 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Z3iUx9BKg_E-00793-00426767-00427279 don't Z3iUx9BKg_E-00794-00427280-00427814 took Z3iUx9BKg_E-00795-00427815-00428343 found Z3iUx9BKg_E-00796-00428343-00428879 often Z3iUx9BKg_E-00797-00428880-00429407 cross Z3iUx9BKg_E-00798-00429408-00429966 open Z3iUx9BKg_E-00799-00429967-00430591 always Z3iUx9BKg_E-00800-00430592-00431159 country Z3iUx9BKg_E-00801-00431160-00431670 learn Z3iUx9BKg_E-00802-00431671-00432191 door Z3iUx9BKg_E-00803-00432192-00432679 start Z3iUx9BKg_E-00804-00432680-00433191 white Z3iUx9BKg_E-00805-00433192-00433703 story Z3iUx9BKg_E-00806-00433704-00434207 far Z3iUx9BKg_E-00807-00434208-00434703 bro Z3iUx9BKg_E-00808-00434704-00435183 let Z3iUx9BKg_E-00809-00435184-00435703 might Z3iUx9BKg_E-00810-00435704-00436222 four Z3iUx9BKg_E-00811-00436223-00436710 night Z3iUx9BKg_E-00812-00436712-00437191 there Z3iUx9BKg_E-00813-00437192-00437703 keep Z3iUx9BKg_E-00814-00437704-00438214 steady Z3iUx9BKg_E-00815-00438215-00438751 here Z3iUx9BKg_E-00816-00438752-00439303 thought Z3iUx9BKg_E-00817-00439304-00439870 once Z3iUx9BKg_E-00818-00439871-00440439 children Z3iUx9BKg_E-00819-00440439-00441007 begin Z3iUx9BKg_E-00820-00441008-00441559 should Z3iUx9BKg_E-00821-00441560-00442047 city Z3iUx9BKg_E-00822-00442047-00442543 tree Z3iUx9BKg_E-00823-00442543-00443063 while Z3iUx9BKg_E-00824-00443064-00443591 close Z3iUx9BKg_E-00825-00443592-00444095 horse Z3iUx9BKg_E-00826-00444096-00444559 head Z3iUx9BKg_E-00827-00444560-00445095 idea Z3iUx9BKg_E-00828-00445096-00445599 still Z3iUx9BKg_E-00829-00445600-00446103 life Z3iUx9BKg_E-00830-00446104-00446591 mark Z3iUx9BKg_E-00831-00446592-00447110 own Z3iUx9BKg_E-00832-00447112-00447583 river Z3iUx9BKg_E-00833-00447584-00448070 new Z3iUx9BKg_E-00834-00448071-00449110 begin Z3iUx9BKg_E-00835-00449112-00449670 together Z3iUx9BKg_E-00836-00449671-00450166 father Z3iUx9BKg_E-00837-00450167-00450663 run Z3iUx9BKg_E-00838-00450664-00451151 those Z3iUx9BKg_E-00839-00451152-00451639 few Z3iUx9BKg_E-00840-00451639-00452143 hard Z3iUx9BKg_E-00841-00452143-00452631 real Z3iUx9BKg_E-00842-00452632-00453118 car Z3iUx9BKg_E-00843-00453119-00453622 last Z3iUx9BKg_E-00844-00453623-00454118 right Z3iUx9BKg_E-00845-00454119-00454647 face Z3iUx9BKg_E-00846-00454647-00455166 music Z3iUx9BKg_E-00847-00455167-00455679 down Z3iUx9BKg_E-00848-00455680-00456151 late Z3iUx9BKg_E-00849-00456152-00456655 god Z3iUx9BKg_E-00850-00456656-00457183 room Z3iUx9BKg_E-00851-00457184-00457679 under Z3iUx9BKg_E-00852-00457680-00458191 sure Z3iUx9BKg_E-00853-00458192-00458670 food Z3iUx9BKg_E-00854-00458671-00459110 and Z3iUx9BKg_E-00855-00459112-00459614 sun Z3iUx9BKg_E-00856-00459615-00460135 stop Z3iUx9BKg_E-00857-00460135-00460679 care Z3iUx9BKg_E-00859-00464528-00464735 you Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00000-00000026-00000440 John Okeefe born November 18th 1939 is Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00001-00000441-00000661 an American British neuroscientist and a Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00002-00000662-00000833 professor at the Saints buri Welcome Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00003-00000834-00001033 Center for neural circuits and behavior Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00004-00001034-00001220 and the research department of cell and Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00005-00001221-00001439 developmental biology at University Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00006-00001440-00001721 College London he discovered play cells Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00007-00001722-00001898 in the hippocampus and that they show a Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00008-00001898-00002101 specific kind of temporal coding in the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00009-00002102-00002432 form of theta phase procession in 2014 Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00010-00002433-00002612 he received the Cavalier Prize in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00011-00002613-00002813 neuroscience for the discovery of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00012-00002814-00003052 specialized brain networks for memory Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00013-00003053-00003313 and cognition together with Brenda Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00014-00003314-00003542 Milner and Markus rykel he shared the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00015-00003543-00003785 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00016-00003786-00004031 2014 together with Mae Britt Moser and Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00017-00004032-00004431 édouard Moser Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00018-00004432-00005035 topic education and early life Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00019-00005036-00005308 born in New York City to Irish immigrant Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00020-00005309-00005509 parents O'Keefe attended Regis high Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00021-00005510-00005716 school Manhattan and received a BA Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00022-00005717-00005919 degree from the City College of New York Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00023-00005920-00006154 he went on to study at McGill University Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00024-00006155-00006451 in Montreal Quebec Canada where he Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00025-00006452-00006805 obtained an MA degree in 1964 and a PhD Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00026-00006806-00007131 degree in psychology in 1967 supervised Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00027-00007133-00007554 by ronald melzack Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00028-00007555-00008119 topic career and research Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00029-00008120-00008356 O'Keefe went to University College Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00030-00008357-00008734 London in 1967 as a USN IMH postdoctoral Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00031-00008735-00008920 research fellow working with the late Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00032-00008921-00009153 Patrick Wall he has been there ever Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00033-00009154-00009356 since and was promoted to professor in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00034-00009357-00009729 1987 Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00035-00009730-00010297 topic discovery of place cells Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00036-00010298-00010498 O'Keefe and his student Jonathan Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00037-00010499-00010735 Dostoyevsky discovered placed cells by Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00038-00010736-00010897 systematically analyzing the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00039-00010898-00011098 environmental factors influencing the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00040-00011099-00011269 firing properties of individual Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00041-00011270-00011503 hippocampal neurons his many Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00042-00011504-00011701 publications on placed cells have been Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00043-00011702-00011959 highly cited in addition he published an Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00044-00011960-00012133 influential book with Lin natal Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00045-00012134-00012304 proposing the functional role of the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00046-00012305-00012499 hippocampus as a cognitive map for Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00047-00012500-00012790 spatial memory function in extensions of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00048-00012791-00012976 his workplace cells have been analyzed Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00049-00012977-00013225 experimentally or simulated in models in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00050-00013226-00013663 hundreds of papers Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00051-00013665-00013853 topic discovery of theta phase Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00052-00013854-00014229 procession Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00053-00014230-00014451 in further research on place cells Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00054-00014452-00014669 O'Keefe found evidence for a distinctive Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00055-00014671-00014841 variation of temporal coding of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00056-00014841-00015027 information by the timing of action Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00057-00015028-00015255 potentials in place cells relative to an Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00058-00015256-00015468 oscillatory egh cycle known as the theta Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00059-00015469-00015672 rhythm as opposed to spike timing within Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00060-00015672-00016035 a single cell in a 1993 paper he and Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00061-00016036-00016227 Michael recce demonstrated that place Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00062-00016228-00016368 cells spiked at different phases Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00063-00016369-00016602 relative to theta rhythm oscillations in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00064-00016603-00016758 the local field potential of the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00065-00016759-00017049 hippocampus as a rat enters the firing Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00066-00017050-00017280 field of a place cell the spiking starts Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00067-00017281-00017469 at late phases of theta rhythm and as Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00068-00017470-00017637 the rat moves through the firing field Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00069-00017638-00017841 the spikes shift to earlier phases of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00070-00017842-00018096 the theta cycle this effect has been Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00071-00018097-00018318 replicated in numerous subsequent papers Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00072-00018319-00018489 providing evidence for the coding of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00073-00018490-00018722 sensory input by the timing of spikes Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00074-00018723-00018939 numerous models have addressed the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00075-00018940-00019155 potential physiological mechanisms of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00076-00019156-00019605 theta phase procession Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00077-00019606-00019812 topic prediction and discovery of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00078-00019813-00020250 boundary vector cells Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00079-00020251-00020571 in a paper in 1996 O'Keefe and Neil Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00080-00020572-00020799 Burgess presented data showing shifts in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00081-00020800-00020969 the position and size of place cell Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00082-00020970-00021194 firing fields when the barriers defining Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00083-00021195-00021447 the environment were shifted in this in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00084-00021448-00021663 subsequent papers they presented a model Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00085-00021664-00021825 of this phenomenon predicting the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00086-00021826-00022025 existence of boundary vector cells that Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00087-00022026-00022205 would respond at a specific distance Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00088-00022206-00022375 from barriers in the environment Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00089-00022376-00022631 several years later this explicit Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00090-00022632-00022824 theoretical prediction was supported by Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00091-00022825-00022994 extensive experimental data Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00092-00022995-00023202 demonstrating boundary cells with the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00093-00023203-00023369 predicted properties in the subiculum Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00094-00023370-00023600 and the medial internal cortex where Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00095-00023601-00023783 they are sometimes referred to as border Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00096-00023784-00024100 cells Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00097-00024101-00024632 topic awards and honors Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00098-00024633-00024851 O'Keefe was elected a fellow of the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00099-00024852-00024953 Royal Society Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00100-00024954-00025292 FRS in 1992 and a fellow of the Academy Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00101-00025293-00025652 of Medical Sciences F Medici in 1998 in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00102-00025652-00025864 addition he received the Feldberg Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00103-00025866-00026102 foundation prize in 2001 and the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00104-00026102-00026381 Grawemeyer award in psychology in 2006 Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00105-00026382-00026744 with Lyn Nadel in 2007 he received the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00106-00026745-00026963 British neuroscience Association Award Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00107-00026964-00027152 for outstanding contribution to British Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00108-00027152-00027431 neuroscience and in 2008 he received the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00109-00027432-00027629 Federation of European neuroscience Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00110-00027630-00027797 society's European journal of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00111-00027798-00028160 neuroscience award later in 2008 O'Keefe Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00112-00028161-00028322 was awarded the Gruber Prize in Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00113-00028323-00028568 neuroscience he was appointed as the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00114-00028569-00028748 inaugural director of the Sainsbury Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00115-00028749-00028945 Welcome Center for neural circuits and Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00116-00028947-00029294 behavior in 2013 he received the Louisa Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00117-00029295-00029513 gross Horwitz prize with edvard moser Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00118-00029514-00029888 and Mae Britt Moser in 2014 he was a co Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00119-00029889-00030092 recipient of the Cavalier prize awarded Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00120-00030093-00030299 by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00121-00030300-00030473 letters with Brenda Milner and Marcus Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00122-00030474-00030830 reichal in 2016 he was elected to the Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00123-00030831-00031058 National Academy of Sciences O'Keefe was Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00124-00031058-00031319 awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00125-00031320-00031574 medicine 2014 with Mae Britt Moser and Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00126-00031575-00031777 edvard moser O'Keefe received an Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00127-00031779-00031982 honorary Doctor of Science degree from Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00128-00031983-00032207 University College Cork on the 15th of Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00129-00032208-00032606 December 2014 in May 2015 he received Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00130-00032607-00032774 one from the City College of New York Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00131-00032775-00032969 and in June of the same year he was Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00132-00032970-00033209 awarded one from McGill University both Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00133-00033210-00033488 his alma mater on the 10th of March 2015 Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00134-00033489-00033755 O'Keefe was the guest on BBC Radio falls Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00135-00033756-00034243 the life scientific Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00136-00034244-00034762 topic references Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00137-00034763-00035302 topic external links Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00138-00035303-00035583 official website at University College Z3jaDuyk7Sc-00139-00035584-00035787 London Z4ePDab76Eo-00000-00000231-00000438 so i tried to record this video like Z4ePDab76Eo-00001-00000440-00000630 three different times Z4ePDab76Eo-00002-00000631-00000807 and every single one of them did not Z4ePDab76Eo-00003-00000808-00001166 work the first one Z4ePDab76Eo-00004-00001167-00001407 my mic wasn't even it was on it was Z4ePDab76Eo-00005-00001408-00001511 muted Z4ePDab76Eo-00006-00001512-00001814 second one that was way too low and here Z4ePDab76Eo-00007-00001816-00002039 we are in my third try Z4ePDab76Eo-00008-00002039-00002455 um so Z4ePDab76Eo-00009-00002456-00002758 is it gonna be so generic Z4ePDab76Eo-00010-00002759-00003087 and i'm really sorry about all my Z4ePDab76Eo-00011-00003088-00003311 update videos they're all technically Z4ePDab76Eo-00012-00003311-00003543 the same Z4ePDab76Eo-00013-00003544-00004054 but they are kind of important i guess Z4ePDab76Eo-00014-00004055-00004511 not really but whatever um oh my god Z4ePDab76Eo-00015-00004512-00004919 so yeah sorry Z4ePDab76Eo-00016-00004920-00005222 sorry i have not uploaded Z4ePDab76Eo-00017-00005223-00005431 um i say this in every other video but Z4ePDab76Eo-00018-00005432-00005663 it's true i don't upload anymore Z4ePDab76Eo-00019-00005664-00005975 barely at least now i think Z4ePDab76Eo-00020-00005976-00006311 one of the main reasons like why i Z4ePDab76Eo-00021-00006312-00006470 haven't uploaded Z4ePDab76Eo-00022-00006472-00006678 is because i've run out of ideas i've Z4ePDab76Eo-00023-00006679-00006798 wanted to play like Z4ePDab76Eo-00024-00006800-00007127 games and stuff i wanted to play portal Z4ePDab76Eo-00025-00007128-00007470 the portal games as you have seen Z4ePDab76Eo-00026-00007472-00007791 but i don't know why why on my Z4ePDab76Eo-00027-00007792-00008070 screen like on my end it looks just like Z4ePDab76Eo-00028-00008072-00008199 so Z4ePDab76Eo-00029-00008200-00008695 freaking like Z4ePDab76Eo-00030-00008696-00009239 nice it looks good but Z4ePDab76Eo-00031-00009240-00009606 it it's so laggy on your end Z4ePDab76Eo-00032-00009607-00009878 and i don't i didn't even see it i just Z4ePDab76Eo-00033-00009879-00010246 upload the the footage the raw footage Z4ePDab76Eo-00034-00010247-00010791 and then that's it Z4ePDab76Eo-00035-00010792-00011119 so i don't really update Z4ePDab76Eo-00036-00011120-00011463 or edit sorry edit my videos i'm gonna Z4ePDab76Eo-00037-00011464-00011703 try and do that Z4ePDab76Eo-00038-00011704-00012031 um so Z4ePDab76Eo-00039-00012032-00012319 i'm gonna try and make my i'm gonna try Z4ePDab76Eo-00040-00012320-00012342 and Z4ePDab76Eo-00041-00012343-00012646 edit my videos make them better Z4ePDab76Eo-00042-00012647-00012999 because all my other all my other Z4ePDab76Eo-00043-00013000-00013175 um all my other videos they're just Z4ePDab76Eo-00044-00013176-00013351 trash because Z4ePDab76Eo-00045-00013352-00013663 just raw footage that's it it's just me Z4ePDab76Eo-00046-00013663-00013791 playing a game Z4ePDab76Eo-00047-00013791-00014047 that's it and then i upload that so it's Z4ePDab76Eo-00048-00014047-00014175 kind of not good Z4ePDab76Eo-00049-00014176-00014438 i think it's one of the reasons why i Z4ePDab76Eo-00050-00014440-00014511 have such a Z4ePDab76Eo-00051-00014512-00014838 terrible bad channel um Z4ePDab76Eo-00052-00014840-00015166 i'm trying to make it better so Z4ePDab76Eo-00053-00015168-00015519 yeah um i'm gonna focus so Z4ePDab76Eo-00054-00015519-00015863 much on my channel Z4ePDab76Eo-00055-00015863-00016255 um yeah Z4ePDab76Eo-00056-00016256-00016791 and so Z4ePDab76Eo-00057-00016792-00017127 yeah i guess i'm just gonna try Z4ePDab76Eo-00058-00017128-00017455 and upload as much as i can but Z4ePDab76Eo-00059-00017456-00017839 uh i guess what i i just can't upload Z4ePDab76Eo-00060-00017840-00018071 i don't know what to upload i kind of Z4ePDab76Eo-00061-00018072-00018286 want to make another minecraft series i Z4ePDab76Eo-00062-00018287-00018503 know i know i did the 1.10 Z4ePDab76Eo-00063-00018504-00018791 but that world got corrupted i don't Z4ePDab76Eo-00064-00018792-00018839 want Z4ePDab76Eo-00065-00018840-00019094 i want to do another minecraft series Z4ePDab76Eo-00066-00019095-00019422 but i'm afraid you guys are just gonna Z4ePDab76Eo-00067-00019423-00019703 you're just gonna be like dude can you Z4ePDab76Eo-00068-00019704-00019814 stop with all this Z4ePDab76Eo-00069-00019815-00020335 with all these series man Z4ePDab76Eo-00070-00020336-00020727 and i sometimes i just get bored Z4ePDab76Eo-00071-00020728-00021063 of all these of this playing the same Z4ePDab76Eo-00072-00021064-00021103 game Z4ePDab76Eo-00073-00021104-00021463 for like seven for like Z4ePDab76Eo-00074-00021464-00021767 so many times it's it's kind of gets Z4ePDab76Eo-00075-00021768-00021855 boring after Z4ePDab76Eo-00076-00021856-00022278 me after a little bit so yeah Z4ePDab76Eo-00077-00022279-00022711 uh yeah i guess Z4ePDab76Eo-00078-00022712-00023007 and i wanted to say something else i'm Z4ePDab76Eo-00079-00023008-00023222 not going to Z4ePDab76Eo-00080-00023223-00023630 so anyways see you guys later Z4ePDab76Eo-00081-00023631-00023814 hope you have a good day please Z4ePDab76Eo-00082-00023815-00024039 subscribe to me you don't have to Z4ePDab76Eo-00083-00024040-00024375 um please watch my other videos Z4ePDab76Eo-00084-00024376-00024542 like i said you don't have to but i Z4ePDab76Eo-00085-00024543-00024750 would very much like it if you do Z4ePDab76Eo-00086-00024751-00025143 anyways goodbye Zuc5yHPFNRk-00000-00000000-00000311 this is the frangidi's rules no copying Zuc5yHPFNRk-00001-00000312-00000557 my videos no reporting my channel no Zuc5yHPFNRk-00002-00000558-00000790 reporting my videos not commenting LOL Zuc5yHPFNRk-00003-00000791-00001012 or Darien quad protect the copyright of Zuc5yHPFNRk-00004-00001013-00001181 the videos or else they will report your Zuc5yHPFNRk-00005-00001182-00001354 channel do not save the playlist of Zuc5yHPFNRk-00006-00001355-00001625 Intel that is not mine well guys this Zuc5yHPFNRk-00007-00001626-00001859 video is for AC limbs on nebria don't Zuc5yHPFNRk-00008-00001860-00002075 forget to subscribe for more videos like Zuc5yHPFNRk-00009-00002076-00002231 this Rule and hit the Bell so they don't Zuc5yHPFNRk-00010-00002232-00002642 miss any video until next time guys Zx1bgS-d7Go-00000-00000049-00000576 [Music] Zx1bgS-d7Go-00001-00000577-00001882 thank you Zx1bgS-d7Go-00002-00001882-00003058 [Music] Zx1bgS-d7Go-00003-00003059-00003221 entertainment Zx1bgS-d7Go-00004-00003222-00003872 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00000-00000024-00000299 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00002-00004931-00005927 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00003-00005928-00006319 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00004-00006320-00007091 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00005-00007092-00009727 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00006-00009728-00010213 thank you foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00007-00010214-00012030 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00009-00015372-00015944 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00011-00020420-00021113 thank you Zz1UQHT83Wu-00012-00021114-00022486 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00013-00022487-00022747 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00014-00022748-00025473 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00015-00025474-00025852 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00016-00025854-00026643 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00017-00026644-00027462 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00018-00027463-00028507 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00019-00028508-00028943 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00020-00028944-00029517 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00021-00029518-00031877 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00022-00031879-00032729 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00023-00032730-00033267 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00024-00033268-00034039 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00025-00034040-00036679 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00026-00036680-00038044 thank you foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00027-00038045-00038957 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00029-00042893-00043351 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00030-00043352-00043524 thank you Zz1UQHT83Wu-00031-00043525-00046343 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00032-00046344-00046453 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00033-00046454-00049427 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00034-00049428-00049695 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00035-00049696-00052420 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00036-00052421-00053589 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00037-00053590-00053854 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00038-00053855-00054148 foreign Zz1UQHT83Wu-00039-00054149-00056847 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00040-00056848-00057113 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00041-00057114-00058433 um Zz1UQHT83Wu-00042-00058434-00059026 [Music] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00043-00059027-00059344 let him smell you Zz1UQHT83Wu-00044-00059345-00059502 that's how he says hi Zz1UQHT83Wu-00045-00059503-00060088 [Laughter] Zz1UQHT83Wu-00046-00060089-00060389 foreign Z-14IVPZ0WI-00000-00000035-00000308 Essam listen is a state in northeast Z-14IVPZ0WI-00001-00000309-00000515 India situated south of the eastern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00002-00000516-00000701 Himalayas along the Brahmaputra and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00003-00000702-00000979 Barak River Valley's a some covers an Z-14IVPZ0WI-00004-00000980-00001361 area of 78,000 438 square kilometers Z-14IVPZ0WI-00005-00001362-00001544 thirty thousand two hundred eighty five Z-14IVPZ0WI-00006-00001545-00001814 square miles the state is bordered by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00007-00001814-00002059 Bhutan in the state of Arunachal Pradesh Z-14IVPZ0WI-00008-00002060-00002288 to the north Nagaland and menopur to the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00009-00002289-00002531 east Meghalaya Tripura misra and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00010-00002532-00002729 Bangladesh to the South and West Bengal Z-14IVPZ0WI-00011-00002730-00002981 to the West via the Siliguri corridor a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00012-00002982-00003284 22 kilometers 14 miles strip of land Z-14IVPZ0WI-00013-00003285-00003452 that connects the state to the rest of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00014-00003453-00003706 India the indigenous people Z-14IVPZ0WI-00015-00003707-00003920 traditionally include ethnic groups like Z-14IVPZ0WI-00016-00003921-00004193 Tai a hom people Tyco empty people Thai Z-14IVPZ0WI-00017-00004194-00004391 Turing people Thai I eat own people Z-14IVPZ0WI-00018-00004392-00004604 Assamese Brahmins including gun acts Z-14IVPZ0WI-00019-00004605-00004961 Koch Raja bong Shi Sunnah wal Qataris Z-14IVPZ0WI-00020-00004962-00005297 raba Chu Diaz Kalidas Bengali people Keo Z-14IVPZ0WI-00021-00005298-00005588 Khaybar de modo people T WA Sri Nia Z-14IVPZ0WI-00022-00005589-00005876 khechari MEK khechari Bengal Qataris Sri Z-14IVPZ0WI-00023-00005877-00006106 Nia Qataris Thai fake and other Thai Z-14IVPZ0WI-00024-00006107-00006329 groups indigenous ethnic groups of other Z-14IVPZ0WI-00025-00006330-00006535 neighboring Northeast states diores Z-14IVPZ0WI-00026-00006536-00006602 Dahms Z-14IVPZ0WI-00027-00006603-00006875 Nadi Al's Assamese Muslims particularly Z-14IVPZ0WI-00028-00006876-00007145 gorya Moria deshi communities Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-00029-00007145-00007352 Sikhs and Assamese Christians speaking Z-14IVPZ0WI-00030-00007353-00007592 Assamese or any other tribal dialect of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00031-00007593-00007877 Assam as their mother tongue a psalm is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00032-00007878-00008134 known for Assam tea and Assam silk the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00033-00008136-00008306 state has conserved the one-horned Z-14IVPZ0WI-00034-00008307-00008498 Indian Rhinoceros from near extinction Z-14IVPZ0WI-00035-00008499-00008744 along with the wild water buffalo pygmy Z-14IVPZ0WI-00036-00008745-00008939 Hawk tiger and various species of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00037-00008940-00009160 Asiatic birds and provides one of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00038-00009161-00009346 last wild habitats for the asian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00039-00009347-00009631 elephant the Assamese economy is aided Z-14IVPZ0WI-00040-00009632-00009851 by wildlife tourism to Kaziranga Z-14IVPZ0WI-00041-00009852-00010064 National Park in Manas National Park Z-14IVPZ0WI-00042-00010065-00010363 which are world heritage sites Sal tree Z-14IVPZ0WI-00043-00010364-00010553 forests are found in the state which as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00044-00010554-00010771 a result of abundant rainfall look green Z-14IVPZ0WI-00045-00010772-00010855 all year round Z-14IVPZ0WI-00046-00010856-00011128 Assam receives more rainfall than most Z-14IVPZ0WI-00047-00011129-00011321 parts of India this rain feeds the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00048-00011322-00011528 brahmaputra river whose tributaries and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00049-00011529-00011717 oxbow lakes provide the region with a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00050-00011718-00012038 hydro geomorphic environment Z-14IVPZ0WI-00051-00012039-00012389 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00052-00012390-00012924 topic etymology Z-14IVPZ0WI-00053-00012925-00013152 the precise etymology of modern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00054-00013153-00013497 anglicized word Assam is ambiguous in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00055-00013497-00013740 the Classical period and up to the 12th Z-14IVPZ0WI-00056-00013741-00013938 century the region east of the carrot or Z-14IVPZ0WI-00057-00013938-00014141 River largely congruent to present-day Z-14IVPZ0WI-00058-00014143-00014334 Assam was called kam Rupa and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00059-00014335-00014634 alternatively Prag Jo disha in medieval Z-14IVPZ0WI-00060-00014635-00014847 times the Mughals used awesome eastern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00061-00014847-00015072 Assam and come Roop Western Assam and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00062-00015072-00015272 during British colonialism the English Z-14IVPZ0WI-00063-00015274-00015507 used a song though many authors have Z-14IVPZ0WI-00064-00015508-00015699 associated the name with the 13th Z-14IVPZ0WI-00065-00015700-00015924 century Shan invaders the precise origin Z-14IVPZ0WI-00066-00015925-00016176 of the name is not clear it was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00067-00016177-00016365 suggested by some that the Sanskrit word Z-14IVPZ0WI-00068-00016366-00016815 Osama unequaled peerless etc was the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00069-00016816-00017025 root which has been rejected by coca tea Z-14IVPZ0WI-00070-00017026-00017217 and more recent authors have concurred Z-14IVPZ0WI-00071-00017218-00017394 that it is a latter-day sanskritization Z-14IVPZ0WI-00072-00017395-00017715 of a native name among possible origins Z-14IVPZ0WI-00073-00017716-00018474 are Thai a CIAM and boto Hassan Z-14IVPZ0WI-00074-00018475-00018973 topic history Z-14IVPZ0WI-00075-00018974-00019310 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00076-00019311-00019830 topic prehistory Z-14IVPZ0WI-00077-00019831-00020058 Essam and adjoining regions have Z-14IVPZ0WI-00078-00020059-00020262 evidences of human settlements from all Z-14IVPZ0WI-00079-00020263-00020530 the periods of the stone Age's the hills Z-14IVPZ0WI-00080-00020531-00020937 at the height of 1500 to 2000 feet 460 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00081-00020938-00021228 to 615 meters were popular habitats Z-14IVPZ0WI-00082-00021229-00021466 probably due to availability of exposed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00083-00021467-00022174 dolerite basalt useful for tool-making Z-14IVPZ0WI-00084-00022175-00022679 topic legendary Z-14IVPZ0WI-00085-00022680-00022949 according to a late text Kalika purana Z-14IVPZ0WI-00086-00022950-00023246 see 9th 10th century AD the earliest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00087-00023247-00023474 ruler of a psalm was maharaja de nav of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00088-00023475-00023687 the danava dynasty which was removed by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00089-00023688-00023747 Naraka Z-14IVPZ0WI-00090-00023748-00024023 who established the Naraka dynasty the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00091-00024024-00024257 last of these rulers also Naraka was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00092-00024258-00024551 slain by krishna Naraka son bhagadatta Z-14IVPZ0WI-00093-00024552-00024773 became the king who it is mentioned in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00094-00024774-00024968 the mahabharata thought for the Carabas Z-14IVPZ0WI-00095-00024969-00025181 in the battle of kuruksetra with an army Z-14IVPZ0WI-00096-00025182-00025379 of Corrado's china's and dwellers of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00097-00025380-00025700 eastern coast at the same time towards Z-14IVPZ0WI-00098-00025701-00025937 east in central Assam Asura kingdom was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00099-00025938-00026128 ruled by indigenous line of kings of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00100-00026129-00026730 Mariachi dynasty Z-14IVPZ0WI-00101-00026731-00026980 topic ancient Z-14IVPZ0WI-00102-00026981-00027205 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00103-00027206-00027424 Sam Udrih Gupta's fourth century Z-14IVPZ0WI-00104-00027425-00027613 Allahabad pillar inscription mentions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00105-00027614-00027852 camera rubra Western Assam and de Vaca Z-14IVPZ0WI-00106-00027854-00028093 central Assam as frontier kingdoms of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00107-00028094-00028387 the Gupta Empire de Vaca was later Z-14IVPZ0WI-00108-00028388-00028624 absorbed by camera which grew into a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00109-00028625-00028827 large kingdom that spanned from carat or Z-14IVPZ0WI-00110-00028829-00029052 river to near present Cydia and covered Z-14IVPZ0WI-00111-00029054-00029248 the entire Brahmaputra Valley North Z-14IVPZ0WI-00112-00029249-00029497 Bengal parts of Bangladesh and at times Z-14IVPZ0WI-00113-00029498-00029713 per Nia and parts of West Bengal the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00114-00029714-00029932 kingdom was ruled by three dynasties the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00115-00029933-00030420 varmint is C 350 to 650 C II the Malecha Z-14IVPZ0WI-00116-00030422-00030682 dynasty C point six five five to nine Z-14IVPZ0WI-00117-00030683-00030945 hundred C II and the camera papel is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00118-00030945-00031294 c901 100 C II from their capitals in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00119-00031295-00031519 present-day Guaje deep rag geo - Bora Z-14IVPZ0WI-00120-00031520-00031768 Tezpur carapace whare and North Gotti Z-14IVPZ0WI-00121-00031769-00032083 durjaya respectively all three dynasties Z-14IVPZ0WI-00122-00032083-00032401 claim descent from narakasura in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00123-00032402-00032599 reign of the Varman King Bhaskar vermin Z-14IVPZ0WI-00124-00032600-00033034 C 600 to 650 ad the Chinese travelers Z-14IVPZ0WI-00125-00033035-00033262 Xuanzang visited the region and recorded Z-14IVPZ0WI-00126-00033263-00033553 his travels later after weakening and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00127-00033554-00033745 disintegration after the camera pop Z-14IVPZ0WI-00128-00033746-00033931 Alice the camera Rupa tradition was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00129-00033932-00034386 extended to see 12:55 ad by the lunar IC Z-14IVPZ0WI-00130-00034387-00034939 1122 1185 ad and lunar to see 1155 - 12 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00131-00034940-00035602 55 ad dynasties Z-14IVPZ0WI-00132-00035603-00035909 topic medieval Z-14IVPZ0WI-00133-00035910-00036085 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00134-00036086-00036352 three later dynasties were the AAM's the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00135-00036353-00036658 Judea and the coke the AAM's a Thai Z-14IVPZ0WI-00136-00036659-00036883 group ruled Upper Assam the Shands built Z-14IVPZ0WI-00137-00036884-00037054 their Kingdom and consolidated their Z-14IVPZ0WI-00138-00037055-00037245 power in eastern Assam with the modern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00139-00037246-00037418 town of sips occur as their capital Z-14IVPZ0WI-00140-00037419-00037743 until the early 1500s the autumn's ruled Z-14IVPZ0WI-00141-00037744-00037965 a small Kingdom in subsidy strict and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00142-00037966-00038145 suddenly expanded during King sue Z-14IVPZ0WI-00143-00038146-00038320 hangman's rule taking advantage of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00144-00038321-00038524 weakening rule of Judea and demacia Z-14IVPZ0WI-00145-00038525-00038892 kingdoms by 1681 the whole track down to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00146-00038893-00039049 the border of the modern district of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00147-00039050-00039111 Goalpara Z-14IVPZ0WI-00148-00039112-00039385 came permanently under their sway Homs Z-14IVPZ0WI-00149-00039386-00039595 ruled for nearly 600 years Z-14IVPZ0WI-00150-00039596-00039985 12:28 to 1826 AD with major expansions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00151-00039986-00040221 in the early 16th century at the cost of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00152-00040222-00040430 Judea and demacia khechari kingdoms Z-14IVPZ0WI-00153-00040431-00040780 since see the 13th century AD the nerve Z-14IVPZ0WI-00154-00040781-00041020 center of a hom polity was Upper Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00155-00041021-00041251 the kingdom was gradually extended to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00156-00041252-00041458 the carrot oil River in the 17th or 18th Z-14IVPZ0WI-00157-00041459-00041767 century it was at its zenith during the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00158-00041768-00041943 reign of suckering fierce war Goudy Z-14IVPZ0WI-00159-00041944-00042495 Rudra Sinha C 1696 to 1714 ad the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00160-00042496-00042945 chutiya rulers 1187 to 1673 ad abode o Z-14IVPZ0WI-00161-00042946-00043149 khechari group by origin held the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00162-00043150-00043287 region's on both the banks of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00163-00043288-00043492 Brahmaputra with its domain in the area Z-14IVPZ0WI-00164-00043493-00043701 eastwards from vishwanath north bank and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00165-00043702-00043911 bureau dyeing South Bank in Upper Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00166-00043912-00044214 and in the state of Arunachal Pradesh it Z-14IVPZ0WI-00167-00044215-00044451 was partially and xed in the early 1500s Z-14IVPZ0WI-00168-00044452-00044698 by the AAM's finally getting absorbed in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00169-00044699-00045096 1673 ad the rivalry between the Chu Diaz Z-14IVPZ0WI-00170-00045097-00045301 and AAM's for the supremacy of eastern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00171-00045302-00045507 Assam led to a series of battles between Z-14IVPZ0WI-00172-00045508-00045748 them from the early 16th century until Z-14IVPZ0WI-00173-00045749-00045924 the start of the 17th century Z-14IVPZ0WI-00174-00045925-00046133 which saw great loss of men and money Z-14IVPZ0WI-00175-00046134-00046452 the coq another bodo khechari dynasty Z-14IVPZ0WI-00176-00046453-00046812 established sovereignty and C 1510 ad Z-14IVPZ0WI-00177-00046813-00047049 the koch kingdom in western Assam and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00178-00047050-00047260 present North Bengal was at its zenith Z-14IVPZ0WI-00179-00047261-00047526 in the early reign of Nara Narayan see Z-14IVPZ0WI-00180-00047527-00048042 1542 1587 ad it split into two in Si Z-14IVPZ0WI-00181-00048043-00048324 1581 ad the western part is a mogul Z-14IVPZ0WI-00182-00048325-00048540 vassal and the eastern as an a hom Z-14IVPZ0WI-00183-00048541-00048748 satellite state later Z-14IVPZ0WI-00184-00048749-00049099 in 1682 koch aho was entirely annexed by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00185-00049100-00049187 the arms Z-14IVPZ0WI-00186-00049188-00049470 among other dynasties the demacia Z-14IVPZ0WI-00187-00049471-00049740 charis thirteenth-century 185 for ad Z-14IVPZ0WI-00188-00049741-00049977 ruled from di River to Central and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00189-00049978-00050160 Southern Assam and had their capital at Z-14IVPZ0WI-00190-00050161-00050448 demap poor with expansion of a hom Z-14IVPZ0WI-00191-00050449-00050694 Kingdom by the early 17th century the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00192-00050695-00051102 Judea areas were annexed in Cincy 1536 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00193-00051103-00051348 ad the Qataris remained only in Qatar in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00194-00051349-00051615 North Qatar and more as an a hom allied Z-14IVPZ0WI-00195-00051616-00051905 than a competing force despite numerous Z-14IVPZ0WI-00196-00051907-00052185 invasions mostly by the Muslim rulers no Z-14IVPZ0WI-00197-00052186-00052374 Western power ruled a psalm until the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00198-00052375-00052587 arrival of the British though the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00199-00052588-00052836 Mughals made 17 attempts to invade they Z-14IVPZ0WI-00200-00052837-00053046 were never successful the most Z-14IVPZ0WI-00201-00053047-00053244 successful invader Mir Jumla Z-14IVPZ0WI-00202-00053245-00053472 a governor of Aurangzeb briefly occupied Z-14IVPZ0WI-00203-00053473-00053942 Gargan C 1662 263 ad the then capital Z-14IVPZ0WI-00204-00053944-00054120 but found it difficult to prevent Z-14IVPZ0WI-00205-00054121-00054348 guerrilla attacks on his forces forcing Z-14IVPZ0WI-00206-00054349-00054605 them to leave the decisive victory of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00207-00054607-00054819 the Assamese led by general latchet Boer Z-14IVPZ0WI-00208-00054820-00055020 fukken on the Mughals then under command Z-14IVPZ0WI-00209-00055021-00055338 of Raja Ram Singha at surrogate in 1671 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00210-00055339-00055560 almost ended mughal ambitions in this Z-14IVPZ0WI-00211-00055561-00055829 region the Mughals were finally expelled Z-14IVPZ0WI-00212-00055830-00055995 from lower Assam during the reign of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00213-00055996-00056752 gadadhar Singha in 1682 ad Z-14IVPZ0WI-00214-00056753-00057277 topic colonial-era Z-14IVPZ0WI-00215-00057278-00057532 the discovery of Camellia sinensis in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00216-00057533-00057826 1834 in Assam was followed by testing in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00217-00057827-00058213 1836 237 in London the British allowed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00218-00058214-00058521 companies to rent land from 1839 onwards Z-14IVPZ0WI-00219-00058522-00058804 thereafter tea plantations mushroomed in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00220-00058804-00058992 eastern Assam where the soil and the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00221-00058994-00059266 climate were most suitable problems with Z-14IVPZ0WI-00222-00059266-00059452 the imported laborers from China and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00223-00059453-00059689 hostility from native Assamese resulted Z-14IVPZ0WI-00224-00059690-00059860 in the migration of forced labourers Z-14IVPZ0WI-00225-00059861-00060058 from central and eastern parts of India Z-14IVPZ0WI-00226-00060059-00060322 after initial trial and error with Z-14IVPZ0WI-00227-00060323-00060502 planting the Chinese and the Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-00228-00060503-00060721 Chinese hybrid varieties the planters Z-14IVPZ0WI-00229-00060722-00060925 later accepted the local camellia AUSA Z-14IVPZ0WI-00230-00060926-00061147 mica as the most suitable variety for a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00231-00061148-00061491 song by the 1850s the industry started Z-14IVPZ0WI-00232-00061492-00061723 seeing some profits the industry saw Z-14IVPZ0WI-00233-00061724-00062032 initial growth when in 1861 investors Z-14IVPZ0WI-00234-00062033-00062221 were allowed to own land in Assam and it Z-14IVPZ0WI-00235-00062222-00062430 saw substantial progress with invention Z-14IVPZ0WI-00236-00062432-00062626 of new technologies and machinery for Z-14IVPZ0WI-00237-00062627-00062937 preparing processed tea during the 1870s Z-14IVPZ0WI-00238-00062938-00063184 despite the commercial success tea Z-14IVPZ0WI-00239-00063185-00063342 laborers continued to be exploited Z-14IVPZ0WI-00240-00063344-00063582 working and living under poor conditions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00241-00063583-00063787 fearful of greater government Z-14IVPZ0WI-00242-00063788-00063982 interference the tea growers formed the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00243-00063983-00064257 Indian tea Association in 1888 to lobby Z-14IVPZ0WI-00244-00064258-00064489 to retain the status quo the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00245-00064490-00064720 organization was successful in this but Z-14IVPZ0WI-00246-00064721-00064845 even after India's independence Z-14IVPZ0WI-00247-00064846-00065035 conditions of the labourers have Z-14IVPZ0WI-00248-00065036-00065236 improved very little in the later part Z-14IVPZ0WI-00249-00065237-00065466 of the 18th century religious tensions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00250-00065467-00065674 and atrocities by the nobles led to the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00251-00065675-00066085 memoria rebellion 1769 to 1805 resulting Z-14IVPZ0WI-00252-00066086-00066280 in tremendous casualties of lives and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00253-00066281-00066496 property the rebellion was suppressed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00254-00066497-00066730 but the kingdom was severely weakened by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00255-00066731-00067003 the civil war political rivalry between Z-14IVPZ0WI-00256-00067004-00067246 Prime Minister Pern Anandi Borrego hain Z-14IVPZ0WI-00257-00067247-00067507 and batten chandra bor fook on the a hom Z-14IVPZ0WI-00258-00067508-00067717 viceroy of western Assam led to an Z-14IVPZ0WI-00259-00067718-00067903 invitation to the burmese by the latter Z-14IVPZ0WI-00260-00067904-00068098 in turn leading to three successive Z-14IVPZ0WI-00261-00068099-00068380 burmese invasions of Assam the reigning Z-14IVPZ0WI-00262-00068381-00068587 monarch Chandra Conda Singha tried to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00263-00068588-00068773 check the Burmese invaders but he was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00264-00068774-00068989 defeated after fierce resistance a reign Z-14IVPZ0WI-00265-00068990-00069175 of terror was unleashed by the burmese Z-14IVPZ0WI-00266-00069176-00069367 on the Assamese people who fled to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00267-00069368-00069529 neighbouring kingdoms and british ruled Z-14IVPZ0WI-00268-00069530-00069781 bengal the burmese reached the East Z-14IVPZ0WI-00269-00069782-00069979 India Company's borders and the first Z-14IVPZ0WI-00270-00069980-00070366 anglo-burmese war ensued in 1824 the war Z-14IVPZ0WI-00271-00070367-00070561 ended under the Treaty of yonder bow in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00272-00070562-00070669 1820 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00273-00070670-00070831 with the company taking control of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00274-00070832-00071050 Western Assam and installing / and our Z-14IVPZ0WI-00275-00071051-00071319 Singha as king of Upper Assam in 1833 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00276-00071320-00071653 the arrangement lasted till 1838 and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00277-00071654-00071842 thereafter the British gradually annexed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00278-00071843-00072003 the entire region Z-14IVPZ0WI-00279-00072004-00072238 initially Assam was made a part of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00280-00072239-00072535 Bengal presidency then in 1906 it was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00281-00072536-00072721 made a part of Eastern Bengal and Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00282-00072722-00072933 province and in 1912 it was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00283-00072934-00073096 reconstituted into it chief Z-14IVPZ0WI-00284-00073097-00073411 commissioners province in 1913 a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00285-00073412-00073705 Legislative Council and in 1937 the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00286-00073706-00073924 Assam Legislative Assembly were formed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00287-00073925-00074137 in Shillong the erstwhile capital of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00288-00074138-00074416 region the British tea planters imported Z-14IVPZ0WI-00289-00074417-00074611 labour from central India adding to the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00290-00074612-00074938 demographic canvas the Assam Territory Z-14IVPZ0WI-00291-00074939-00075262 was first separated from Bengal in 1874 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00292-00075263-00075409 as that northeast frontier Z-14IVPZ0WI-00293-00075410-00075631 non-regulation province also known as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00294-00075632-00075886 the assam chief commissioner ship it was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00295-00075887-00076078 incorporated into the new province of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00296-00076079-00076369 Eastern Bengal and Assam in 1905 after Z-14IVPZ0WI-00297-00076370-00076909 the partition of Bengal 1905 to 1919 12 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00298-00076910-00077089 as a Somme province after a few Z-14IVPZ0WI-00299-00077090-00077293 initially unsuccessful attempts to gain Z-14IVPZ0WI-00300-00077294-00077556 independence for a sum during the 1850s Z-14IVPZ0WI-00301-00077557-00077773 anti-colonial Assamese joined and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00302-00077774-00077971 actively supported the Indian National Z-14IVPZ0WI-00303-00077972-00078136 Congress against the British from the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00304-00078137-00078343 early 20th century with Gopinath Z-14IVPZ0WI-00305-00078344-00078493 bordello emerging as the preeminent Z-14IVPZ0WI-00306-00078494-00078735 nationalist leader in the Assam Congress Z-14IVPZ0WI-00307-00078736-00079018 board alloys major political rival in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00308-00079019-00079201 this time was Sir cedilla who is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00309-00079202-00079372 representing the Muslim League and had Z-14IVPZ0WI-00310-00079373-00079555 the backing of the influential Muslim Z-14IVPZ0WI-00311-00079556-00079873 cleric Maulana bassani the Assam postage Z-14IVPZ0WI-00312-00079874-00080176 circle was established by 1873 under the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00313-00080177-00080359 headship of the deputy Postmaster Z-14IVPZ0WI-00314-00080360-00080584 General at the turn of the 20th century Z-14IVPZ0WI-00315-00080585-00080761 British India consisted of eight Z-14IVPZ0WI-00316-00080762-00080932 provinces that were administered either Z-14IVPZ0WI-00317-00080933-00081153 by a governor or a lieutenant governor Z-14IVPZ0WI-00318-00081154-00081424 Assam province was one among major eight Z-14IVPZ0WI-00319-00081425-00081670 provinces of British India the table Z-14IVPZ0WI-00320-00081671-00081898 below shows the major original provinces Z-14IVPZ0WI-00321-00081899-00082099 during British India covering the Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00322-00082100-00082303 province under the administrative office Z-14IVPZ0WI-00323-00082304-00082576 of the chief commissioner the following Z-14IVPZ0WI-00324-00082577-00082795 table lists their areas and populations Z-14IVPZ0WI-00325-00082796-00082990 it does not include those of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00326-00082991-00083239 dependent native states with the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00327-00083240-00083557 partition of India in 1947 Assam became Z-14IVPZ0WI-00328-00083558-00083827 a constituent state of India the silh Z-14IVPZ0WI-00329-00083828-00084019 head district of Assam excluding the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00330-00084020-00084063 carom Z-14IVPZ0WI-00331-00084064-00084241 I'm subdivision was given up to East Z-14IVPZ0WI-00332-00084242-00084961 Pakistan which later became Bangladesh Z-14IVPZ0WI-00333-00084962-00085491 topic modern history Z-14IVPZ0WI-00334-00085492-00085706 the government of India which has the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00335-00085707-00085904 unilateral powers to change the borders Z-14IVPZ0WI-00336-00085905-00086126 of a state divided a sum into several Z-14IVPZ0WI-00337-00086127-00086360 states beginning in 1970 within the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00338-00086361-00086711 borders of what was then Assam in 1963 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00339-00086712-00086897 the Naga Hills district became the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00340-00086898-00087092 sixteenth state of India under the name Z-14IVPZ0WI-00341-00087093-00087390 of nagaland part of - and sang was added Z-14IVPZ0WI-00342-00087391-00087722 to Naga land in 1970 in response to the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00343-00087723-00087935 demands of the kasi Jaintia and Garo Z-14IVPZ0WI-00344-00087936-00088146 people of the Meghalaya plateau the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00345-00088147-00088319 district's embracing the Khasi Hills Z-14IVPZ0WI-00346-00088320-00088572 James a Hills and Garo Hills were formed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00347-00088573-00088760 into an autonomous state within a Somme Z-14IVPZ0WI-00348-00088761-00089051 in 1972 this became a separate state Z-14IVPZ0WI-00349-00089052-00089180 under the name of Malaya Z-14IVPZ0WI-00350-00089181-00089585 in 1972 Arunachal Pradesh the northeast Z-14IVPZ0WI-00351-00089586-00089810 Frontier agency and mizraim from the MS Z-14IVPZ0WI-00352-00089811-00090011 o hills in the South were separated from Z-14IVPZ0WI-00353-00090012-00090254 Assam as Union Territories both became Z-14IVPZ0WI-00354-00090255-00090431 States in 1986 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00355-00090432-00090615 since the restructuring of Assam after Z-14IVPZ0WI-00356-00090616-00090800 independence communal tensions and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00357-00090801-00091094 violence remain separatist groups began Z-14IVPZ0WI-00358-00091095-00091313 forming along ethnic lines and demands Z-14IVPZ0WI-00359-00091314-00091493 for autonomy and sovereignty grew Z-14IVPZ0WI-00360-00091494-00091700 resulting in the fragmentation of Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00361-00091701-00092066 in 1961 the government of Assam passed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00362-00092067-00092288 legislation making use of the Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-00363-00092289-00092549 language compulsory it was withdrawn Z-14IVPZ0WI-00364-00092550-00092723 later under pressure from Bengali Z-14IVPZ0WI-00365-00092724-00093065 speaking people in Qatar in the 1980s Z-14IVPZ0WI-00366-00093066-00093297 the Brahmaputra Valley saw a six year as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00367-00093298-00093455 some agitation triggered by the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00368-00093456-00093678 discovery of a sudden rise in registered Z-14IVPZ0WI-00369-00093679-00093972 voters on electoral rolls it tried to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00370-00093973-00094154 force the government to identify and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00371-00094155-00094359 deport foreigners illegally migrating Z-14IVPZ0WI-00372-00094360-00094521 from neighboring Bangladesh and to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00373-00094522-00094730 provide constitutional legislative Z-14IVPZ0WI-00374-00094731-00094943 administrative and cultural safeguards Z-14IVPZ0WI-00375-00094944-00095138 for the indigenous Assamese majority Z-14IVPZ0WI-00376-00095139-00095306 which they felt was under threat - due Z-14IVPZ0WI-00377-00095307-00095456 to the increase of migration from Z-14IVPZ0WI-00378-00095457-00095756 Bangladesh the agitation ended after an Z-14IVPZ0WI-00379-00095757-00096050 accord Assam Accord 1985 between its Z-14IVPZ0WI-00380-00096051-00096222 leaders in the Union Government which Z-14IVPZ0WI-00381-00096223-00096431 remained unimplemented causing simmering Z-14IVPZ0WI-00382-00096432-00096722 discontent the post 1970s experienced Z-14IVPZ0WI-00383-00096723-00096902 the growth of armed separatist groups Z-14IVPZ0WI-00384-00096903-00097112 such as the United Liberation Front of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00385-00097113-00097371 Asom ul FA and the National Democratic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00386-00097372-00097829 Front of Bodoland nd FB in November 1990 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00387-00097830-00098012 the Government of India deployed the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00388-00098013-00098228 Indian Army after which low intensity Z-14IVPZ0WI-00389-00098229-00098390 military conflicts and political Z-14IVPZ0WI-00390-00098391-00098610 homicides have been continuing for more Z-14IVPZ0WI-00391-00098611-00098872 than a decade in recent times Z-14IVPZ0WI-00392-00098873-00099046 ethnically based militant groups have Z-14IVPZ0WI-00393-00099047-00099318 grown panchayati raj institutions have Z-14IVPZ0WI-00394-00099319-00099543 been applied in Assam after agitation of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00395-00099544-00099730 the communities due to the sluggish rate Z-14IVPZ0WI-00396-00099731-00099916 of development and general apathy of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00397-00099917-00100105 successive state governments towards Z-14IVPZ0WI-00398-00100106-00100790 indigenous Assamese communities Z-14IVPZ0WI-00399-00100791-00101315 topic geography Z-14IVPZ0WI-00400-00101316-00101591 a significant geographical aspect of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00401-00101592-00101800 Assam is that it contains three of six Z-14IVPZ0WI-00402-00101801-00102019 physiographic divisions of India the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00403-00102020-00102230 northern himalayas eastern hills the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00404-00102231-00102449 northern plains Brahmaputra plane and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00405-00102450-00102746 Deccan Plateau carbee Anglin as the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00406-00102747-00102961 Brahmaputra flows in a sum the climate Z-14IVPZ0WI-00407-00102963-00103148 here is cold and there is rainfall most Z-14IVPZ0WI-00408-00103149-00103427 of the month geomorphic studies conclude Z-14IVPZ0WI-00409-00103428-00103603 that the Brahmaputra the lifeline of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00410-00103604-00103834 Assam is an antecedent River older than Z-14IVPZ0WI-00411-00103835-00104063 the Himalayas the river with steep Z-14IVPZ0WI-00412-00104064-00104288 gorges and Rapids in Arunachal Pradesh Z-14IVPZ0WI-00413-00104289-00104503 entering Assam becomes a braided river Z-14IVPZ0WI-00414-00104504-00104801 at times 10 miles 16 kilometers wide and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00415-00104802-00105015 with tributaries creates a floodplain Z-14IVPZ0WI-00416-00105016-00105350 Brahmaputra Valley 50 to 60 miles 80 to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00417-00105351-00105683 100 kilometers wide 600 miles 1,000 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00418-00105683-00105940 kilometers long the hills of carby Z-14IVPZ0WI-00419-00105941-00106157 angling north catch are and those in and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00420-00106158-00106397 close to Gua Hadi also kasi Garo Hills Z-14IVPZ0WI-00421-00106398-00106660 now eroded and dissected are originally Z-14IVPZ0WI-00422-00106661-00106874 parts of the South Indian plateau system Z-14IVPZ0WI-00423-00106875-00107144 in the south the barak originating in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00424-00107145-00107372 the barrel range Assam Nagaland border Z-14IVPZ0WI-00425-00107373-00107552 flows through the Kjar district with a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00426-00107553-00107902 25 to 30 miles 40 to 50 kilometers wide Z-14IVPZ0WI-00427-00107903-00108095 Valley and enters Bangladesh with the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00428-00108096-00108409 name Surma River urban centres include Z-14IVPZ0WI-00429-00108410-00108650 Guwahati one of the 100 fastest-growing Z-14IVPZ0WI-00430-00108651-00108947 cities in the world Guwahati is the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00431-00108948-00109189 gateway to the northeast India Silchar Z-14IVPZ0WI-00432-00109190-00109382 in the Barak Valley the second most Z-14IVPZ0WI-00433-00109383-00109603 populous city in Assam in an important Z-14IVPZ0WI-00434-00109604-00109858 center of business other large cities Z-14IVPZ0WI-00435-00109859-00110104 include Dibrugarh an oil and natural gas Z-14IVPZ0WI-00436-00110105-00110402 industry centre your head tea addict ion Z-14IVPZ0WI-00437-00110403-00111069 and tourism center in tinsukia Z-14IVPZ0WI-00438-00111070-00111536 topic climate Z-14IVPZ0WI-00439-00111538-00111846 with the tropical monsoon rainforest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00440-00111847-00112143 climate a Samas temperate summer max at Z-14IVPZ0WI-00441-00112144-00112545 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 35 to 38 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00442-00112546-00112857 degrees Celsius and winter men at 43 to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00443-00112858-00113133 46 degrees Fahrenheit or 6 to 8 degrees Z-14IVPZ0WI-00444-00113133-00113376 Celsius and experiences heavy rainfall Z-14IVPZ0WI-00445-00113377-00113615 and high humidity the climate is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00446-00113616-00113856 characterized by heavy monsoon downpours Z-14IVPZ0WI-00447-00113857-00114041 reducing summer temperatures and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00448-00114042-00114233 affecting foggy nights and mornings and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00449-00114234-00114440 winters frequent during the afternoons Z-14IVPZ0WI-00450-00114441-00114747 spring March to April and autumn Sept to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00451-00114748-00114933 October are usually Pleasant with Z-14IVPZ0WI-00452-00114933-00115218 moderate rainfall and temperature asam's Z-14IVPZ0WI-00453-00115219-00115407 agriculture usually depends on the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00454-00115408-00115986 southwest monsoon rains Z-14IVPZ0WI-00455-00115988-00116433 topic flooding Z-14IVPZ0WI-00456-00116433-00116679 every year flooding from the Brahmaputra Z-14IVPZ0WI-00457-00116680-00116874 and other rivers deluge is places in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00458-00116875-00117129 assam the water levels of the rivers Z-14IVPZ0WI-00459-00117130-00117335 rise because of rainfall resulting in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00460-00117336-00117501 the rivers overflowing their banks and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00461-00117502-00117825 engulfing nearby areas apart from houses Z-14IVPZ0WI-00462-00117826-00118032 and livestock being washed away by flood Z-14IVPZ0WI-00463-00118033-00118272 water bridges railway tracks and roads Z-14IVPZ0WI-00464-00118273-00118476 are also damaged by the calamity which Z-14IVPZ0WI-00465-00118477-00118695 causes communication breakdown in many Z-14IVPZ0WI-00466-00118696-00119013 places fatalities are also caused by the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00467-00119014-00119220 natural disaster in many places of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00468-00119221-00119736 state Z-14IVPZ0WI-00469-00119738-00120200 topic fauna Z-14IVPZ0WI-00470-00120201-00120385 a sama is one of the richest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00471-00120386-00120593 biodiversity zones in the world and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00472-00120594-00120784 consists of tropical rainforests Z-14IVPZ0WI-00473-00120785-00121031 deciduous forests riverine grasslands Z-14IVPZ0WI-00474-00121032-00121234 bamboo orchards and numerous wetland Z-14IVPZ0WI-00475-00121235-00121454 ecosystems many are now protected as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00476-00121455-00121799 national parks and reserved forests asam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00477-00121800-00122008 has wildlife sanctuaries the most Z-14IVPZ0WI-00478-00122009-00122201 prominent of which are two unesco world Z-14IVPZ0WI-00479-00122202-00122408 heritage sites the Kaziranga National Z-14IVPZ0WI-00480-00122408-00122635 Park on the bank of the Brahmaputra Z-14IVPZ0WI-00481-00122636-00122807 River and the Mondas Wildlife Sanctuary Z-14IVPZ0WI-00482-00122808-00123080 near the border with Bhutan the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00483-00123081-00123278 Kaziranga is a refuge for the fast Z-14IVPZ0WI-00484-00123279-00123413 disappearing Indian one-horned Z-14IVPZ0WI-00485-00123414-00123716 rhinoceros the state is the last refuge Z-14IVPZ0WI-00486-00123717-00123917 for numerous other endangered and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00487-00123918-00124094 threatened species including the white Z-14IVPZ0WI-00488-00124095-00124313 winged wood duck or daya han ben golf Z-14IVPZ0WI-00489-00124314-00124514 florican black breasted parrot bill Z-14IVPZ0WI-00490-00124515-00124735 redheaded vulture white-rumped vulture Z-14IVPZ0WI-00491-00124736-00124988 greater adjutant Jordans babbler Rufus Z-14IVPZ0WI-00492-00124989-00125204 necked hornbill Bengal tiger Asian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00493-00125205-00125450 elephant pygmy hog Gower wild water Z-14IVPZ0WI-00494-00125451-00125710 buffalo Indian hog deer wholock Gibbon Z-14IVPZ0WI-00495-00125711-00125966 golden langur capped langur berry Singha Z-14IVPZ0WI-00496-00125967-00126200 Ganges River Dolphin barkas snakehead Z-14IVPZ0WI-00497-00126201-00126494 Ganges shark Burmese python Romani River Z-14IVPZ0WI-00498-00126495-00126733 turtle black pond turtle Asian forest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00499-00126734-00126922 tortoise and Assam Roof turtle Z-14IVPZ0WI-00500-00126923-00127172 threatened species that are extinct in a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00501-00127173-00127373 some include the gharial a critically Z-14IVPZ0WI-00502-00127374-00127580 endangered fish eating crocodilian and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00503-00127581-00127730 the pink headed duck which may be Z-14IVPZ0WI-00504-00127731-00128027 extinct worldwide for the state bird the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00505-00128028-00128213 white winged wood duck Assam is a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00506-00128214-00128501 globally important area in addition to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00507-00128502-00128690 the above there are three other national Z-14IVPZ0WI-00508-00128691-00128915 parks in Assam namely debruce ICO and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00509-00128916-00129155 National Park na Murray National Park in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00510-00129156-00129436 the Arang national park asam has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00511-00129438-00129583 conserved the one horned indian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00512-00129584-00129806 rhinoceros from near extinction along Z-14IVPZ0WI-00513-00129807-00130013 with the pygmy hog tiger and numerous Z-14IVPZ0WI-00514-00130014-00130217 species of birds and it provides one of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00515-00130218-00130424 the last wild habitats for the Asian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00516-00130425-00130715 elephant Kaziranga and Montes are both Z-14IVPZ0WI-00517-00130716-00130967 world heritage sites the state contains Z-14IVPZ0WI-00518-00130968-00131198 South tree forests and forest products Z-14IVPZ0WI-00519-00131199-00131507 much depleted from earlier times a land Z-14IVPZ0WI-00520-00131508-00131702 of high rainfall a some displays Z-14IVPZ0WI-00521-00131703-00131912 greenery the Brahmaputra River Z-14IVPZ0WI-00522-00131913-00132137 tributaries and oxbow lakes provide the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00523-00132138-00132368 region with hydro geomorphic environment Z-14IVPZ0WI-00524-00132369-00132581 the state has the largest population of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00525-00132582-00132881 the wild water buffalo in the world the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00526-00132882-00133079 state has the highest diversity of birds Z-14IVPZ0WI-00527-00133080-00133433 in India with around 820 species with Z-14IVPZ0WI-00528-00133434-00133642 subspecies the number as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00529-00133643-00134036 946 the mammal diversity in the state as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00530-00134037-00134695 around 190 species Z-14IVPZ0WI-00531-00134696-00135167 topic flora Z-14IVPZ0WI-00532-00135168-00135419 a psalm is remarkably rich in orchid Z-14IVPZ0WI-00533-00135420-00135620 species and the foxtail orchid as the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00534-00135621-00135872 state flower of Assam the recently Z-14IVPZ0WI-00535-00135873-00136115 established kaziranga national orchid Z-14IVPZ0WI-00536-00136116-00136337 and biodiversity park boasts more than Z-14IVPZ0WI-00537-00136338-00136757 500 of the estimated 1314 orchid species Z-14IVPZ0WI-00538-00136758-00137316 found in India Z-14IVPZ0WI-00539-00137317-00137820 topic geology Z-14IVPZ0WI-00540-00137821-00138132 Essam has petroleum natural gas coal Z-14IVPZ0WI-00541-00138133-00138366 limestone and other minor minerals such Z-14IVPZ0WI-00542-00138367-00138612 as magnetic quartzite Kalin Suleiman Z-14IVPZ0WI-00543-00138613-00138885 knights clay and feldspar a small Z-14IVPZ0WI-00544-00138886-00139098 quantity of iron ore is available in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00545-00139099-00139425 western districts discovered in 1889 all Z-14IVPZ0WI-00546-00139426-00139641 the major petroleum gas reserves are in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00547-00139642-00140030 upper parts a recent USGS estimate shows Z-14IVPZ0WI-00548-00140031-00140379 399 million barrels 63 million four Z-14IVPZ0WI-00549-00140380-00140711 hundred thousand cubic meters of oil Z-14IVPZ0WI-00550-00140712-00140997 1178 billion cubic feet three point Z-14IVPZ0WI-00551-00140998-00141252 three four times one thousand ten cubic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00552-00141253-00141564 meters of gas and 67 million barrels 10 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00553-00141565-00141762 million seven hundred thousand cubic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00554-00141763-00141972 meters of natural gas liquids in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00555-00141973-00142191 Assam geologic province the region is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00556-00142192-00142386 prone to natural disasters like annual Z-14IVPZ0WI-00557-00142387-00142613 floods and frequent mild earthquakes Z-14IVPZ0WI-00558-00142614-00142988 strong earthquakes were recorded in 1869 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00559-00142989-00143723 1897 and 1950 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00560-00143724-00144258 topic demographics Z-14IVPZ0WI-00561-00144259-00144599 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00562-00144600-00145113 topic population Z-14IVPZ0WI-00563-00145114-00145391 the total population of Assam was twenty Z-14IVPZ0WI-00564-00145392-00145590 six point six six million with four Z-14IVPZ0WI-00565-00145591-00145872 point nine 1 million households in 2001 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00566-00145873-00146160 higher population concentration was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00567-00146161-00146343 recorded in the districts of kam Roop Z-14IVPZ0WI-00568-00146344-00146603 mcgann sonnet por bar pas de deux BRE Z-14IVPZ0WI-00569-00146604-00146943 daring and Qatar asam's population was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00570-00146944-00147357 estimated at 28.67 million in 2006 and @ Z-14IVPZ0WI-00571-00147358-00147744 30.5 seven million in 2011 and is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00572-00147745-00147948 expected to reach 34 point one eight Z-14IVPZ0WI-00573-00147949-00148236 million by 2021 and thirty five point Z-14IVPZ0WI-00574-00148237-00148602 six zero million by 2026 as per the 2011 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00575-00148603-00148860 census the total population of Assam was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00576-00148861-00149058 31 million one hundred sixty nine Z-14IVPZ0WI-00577-00149059-00149279 thousand two hundred seventy two the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00578-00149280-00149544 total population of the state has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00579-00149545-00149772 increased from 26 million six hundred Z-14IVPZ0WI-00580-00149773-00150006 thirty-eight thousand four hundred seven Z-14IVPZ0WI-00581-00150007-00150231 to 31 million one hundred sixty nine Z-14IVPZ0WI-00582-00150232-00150474 thousand two hundred seventy two in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00583-00150475-00150636 last ten years with a growth rate of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00584-00150637-00150873 sixteen point nine three percent of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00585-00150874-00151103 32 districts eight districts registered Z-14IVPZ0WI-00586-00151104-00151311 a rise in the decadal population growth Z-14IVPZ0WI-00587-00151312-00151596 rate religious minority dominated Z-14IVPZ0WI-00588-00151597-00151848 districts like debris gol para bar pada Z-14IVPZ0WI-00589-00151849-00152082 Morrigan nagging and highly Conde Z-14IVPZ0WI-00590-00152083-00152313 recorded growth rates ranging from 20 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00591-00152314-00152544 percent to 24 percent during the last Z-14IVPZ0WI-00592-00152545-00152823 decade Eastern Assamese districts Z-14IVPZ0WI-00593-00152824-00153009 including Tsubasa ger and jor head Z-14IVPZ0WI-00594-00153010-00153153 registered around nine percent Z-14IVPZ0WI-00595-00153154-00153465 population growth these districts do not Z-14IVPZ0WI-00596-00153466-00153720 have any international border in 2011 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00597-00153721-00153897 the literacy rate in the state was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00598-00153898-00154086 seventy three point one eight percent Z-14IVPZ0WI-00599-00154087-00154365 the male literacy rate was seventy eight Z-14IVPZ0WI-00600-00154366-00154563 point eight one percent and the female Z-14IVPZ0WI-00601-00154564-00154778 literacy rate was sixty seven point two Z-14IVPZ0WI-00602-00154779-00155141 seven percent in 2001 the census had Z-14IVPZ0WI-00603-00155142-00155354 recorded literacy in Assam at sixty Z-14IVPZ0WI-00604-00155355-00155520 three point three percent with male Z-14IVPZ0WI-00605-00155521-00155706 literacy at seventy one point three Z-14IVPZ0WI-00606-00155707-00155922 percent and female at fifty four point Z-14IVPZ0WI-00607-00155923-00156215 six percent the urbanization rate was Z-14IVPZ0WI-00608-00156216-00156369 recorded at twelve point nine percent Z-14IVPZ0WI-00609-00156370-00156629 the growth of population in Assam has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00610-00156630-00156807 increased since the middle decades of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00611-00156808-00157098 the 20th century the population grew Z-14IVPZ0WI-00612-00157099-00157278 from three point two nine million in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00613-00157279-00157574 1901 to six point seven zero million in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00614-00157575-00157935 1941 it increased to fourteen point six Z-14IVPZ0WI-00615-00157936-00158214 three million in 1971 and twenty two Z-14IVPZ0WI-00616-00158215-00158485 point four one million in 1991 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00617-00158486-00158686 the growth in the western and southern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00618-00158687-00158893 districts was high primarily due to the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00619-00158894-00159138 influx of people from East Pakistan now Z-14IVPZ0WI-00620-00159139-00159339 Bangladesh the mistrust in clashes Z-14IVPZ0WI-00621-00159340-00159574 between indigenous Assamese people and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00622-00159575-00159864 Bengali Muslims started as early as 1952 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00623-00159865-00160120 but is rooted in anti Bengali sentiments Z-14IVPZ0WI-00624-00160121-00160541 of the 1940s at least 77 people died and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00625-00160542-00160839 400,000 people was displaced in the 2012 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00626-00160840-00161079 Assam violence between indigenous botos Z-14IVPZ0WI-00627-00161080-00161308 and Bengali Muslims the people of India Z-14IVPZ0WI-00628-00161309-00161596 project has studied 115 of the ethnic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00629-00161597-00162025 groups in Assam 79 69 % identified Z-14IVPZ0WI-00630-00162026-00162358 themselves regionally 22 19 % locally Z-14IVPZ0WI-00631-00162359-00162639 and 3 transnationally the earliest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00632-00162640-00162862 settlers were austroasiatic speakers Z-14IVPZ0WI-00633-00162863-00163099 followed by tibeto-burman indo-aryan Z-14IVPZ0WI-00634-00163100-00163316 speakers and Thai kadai speakers Z-14IVPZ0WI-00635-00163317-00163597 45 languages are spoken by different Z-14IVPZ0WI-00636-00163598-00163774 communities including three major Z-14IVPZ0WI-00637-00163775-00164032 language families austroasiatic five Z-14IVPZ0WI-00638-00164033-00164475 sino-tibetan 24 an indo-european 12 3 of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00639-00164476-00164668 the spoken languages do not fall in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00640-00164669-00164884 these families there is a high degree of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00641-00164885-00165415 bilingualism Z-14IVPZ0WI-00642-00165416-00165913 topic religions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00643-00165914-00166258 according to the 2011 census 61 point Z-14IVPZ0WI-00644-00166259-00166465 four seven percent were Hindus thirty Z-14IVPZ0WI-00645-00166466-00166710 four point two two percent were Muslims Z-14IVPZ0WI-00646-00166711-00166960 Christian minorities three point seven Z-14IVPZ0WI-00647-00166961-00167154 percent are found among the Scheduled Z-14IVPZ0WI-00648-00167155-00167431 Tribe population the Scheduled Tribe Z-14IVPZ0WI-00649-00167432-00167716 population in Assam is around 13% of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00650-00167717-00168007 which botos account for 40 percent other Z-14IVPZ0WI-00651-00168008-00168345 religions followed include Jainism 0.1% Z-14IVPZ0WI-00652-00168346-00168886 Buddhism 0.2% Sikhism 0.1% and animism Z-14IVPZ0WI-00653-00168887-00169147 amongst compte fake ie tone etc Z-14IVPZ0WI-00654-00169148-00169428 communities many Hindus in a some are Z-14IVPZ0WI-00655-00169429-00169618 followers of the ecosphere under dharma Z-14IVPZ0WI-00656-00169619-00169849 sect of hinduism which gave rise to NAMM Z-14IVPZ0WI-00657-00169850-00170056 Garr designed to be simpler places of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00658-00170057-00170251 worship than traditional hindu temples Z-14IVPZ0WI-00659-00170252-00170482 out of 32 districts of assam niner Z-14IVPZ0WI-00660-00170483-00170691 Muslim majority according to the 2011 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00661-00170692-00171010 census of India the districts are do Bri Z-14IVPZ0WI-00662-00171011-00171271 goal para bar pada Morrigan the gan Z-14IVPZ0WI-00663-00171272-00171535 carom Ganj Pyla Conde daring in bank Z-14IVPZ0WI-00664-00171536-00172052 account Z-14IVPZ0WI-00665-00172053-00172557 topic languages Z-14IVPZ0WI-00666-00172558-00172765 Assamese and boto are the major Z-14IVPZ0WI-00667-00172766-00172990 indigenous and official languages while Z-14IVPZ0WI-00668-00172991-00173194 Bengali is the official language in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00669-00173195-00173326 three districts in the Barak Valley Z-14IVPZ0WI-00670-00173327-00173536 we're sill Hetty is the most spoken Z-14IVPZ0WI-00671-00173537-00173824 indigenous language Bengali is the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00672-00173825-00174028 second most widely spoken language of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00673-00174029-00174205 the state although a significant portion Z-14IVPZ0WI-00674-00174206-00174385 of those who are recorded speaking Z-14IVPZ0WI-00675-00174386-00174571 Bengali in the census do not actually Z-14IVPZ0WI-00676-00174572-00174835 speak Bengali but instead speak closely Z-14IVPZ0WI-00677-00174836-00175039 related languages normally treated as Z-14IVPZ0WI-00678-00175040-00175252 dialects of Bengali like Syl Hetty and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00679-00175253-00175501 Rangpur II according to the language Z-14IVPZ0WI-00680-00175502-00175798 census of 2011 in Assam out of a total Z-14IVPZ0WI-00681-00175799-00175993 population of around thirty 1 million Z-14IVPZ0WI-00682-00175994-00176221 Assamese is spoken by around half that Z-14IVPZ0WI-00683-00176222-00176509 number 15 million although the number of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00684-00176510-00176716 speakers is growing the percentage of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00685-00176717-00176887 asam's population who have it as a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00686-00176888-00177157 mother tongue has fallen slightly the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00687-00177158-00177382 various Bengali dialects and closely Z-14IVPZ0WI-00688-00177383-00177616 related languages are spoken by around 9 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00689-00177617-00177832 million people in Assam and the portion Z-14IVPZ0WI-00690-00177833-00177991 of the population that speaks these Z-14IVPZ0WI-00691-00177992-00178285 languages has grown slightly bodo is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00692-00178286-00178542 still the third most spoken language Z-14IVPZ0WI-00693-00178543-00178768 traditionally Assamese was the language Z-14IVPZ0WI-00694-00178769-00178978 of the common folk of mixed origin Z-14IVPZ0WI-00695-00178979-00179263 austroasiatic tibeto-burman Procrit in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00696-00179264-00179452 the ancient camera kingdom and in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00697-00179453-00179668 medieval kingdoms of Kumada / khechari Z-14IVPZ0WI-00698-00179669-00180085 judea bora he a hom and Kok traces of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00699-00180086-00180277 the language are found in many poems by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00700-00180278-00180532 Luisa Sara hapa and others in Charlie Z-14IVPZ0WI-00701-00180533-00180892 Potter C 7th 8th century AD modern Z-14IVPZ0WI-00702-00180893-00181096 dialects such as calm rupee and gulp Z-14IVPZ0WI-00703-00181097-00181278 area are remnants of this language Z-14IVPZ0WI-00704-00181279-00181516 moreover Assamese in its traditional Z-14IVPZ0WI-00705-00181517-00181702 form was used by the ethno-cultural Z-14IVPZ0WI-00706-00181703-00181942 groups in the region as lingua franca Z-14IVPZ0WI-00707-00181943-00182092 which spread during the stronger Z-14IVPZ0WI-00708-00182093-00182290 kingdoms and was required for economic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00709-00182291-00182554 integration localized forms of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00710-00182555-00182761 language still exist in Nagaland and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00711-00182762-00183064 Arunachal Pradesh the form used in Upper Z-14IVPZ0WI-00712-00183065-00183268 Assam was enriched by the advent of Thai Z-14IVPZ0WI-00713-00183269-00183525 Schanz in the 13th century Z-14IVPZ0WI-00714-00183526-00183775 linguistically modern Assamese traces Z-14IVPZ0WI-00715-00183776-00183955 its roots to the version developed by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00716-00183956-00184144 the American missionaries based on the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00717-00184145-00184363 local form used near Tsubasa gir she Z-14IVPZ0WI-00718-00184364-00184669 walks a Gort district Assamese aux Omiya Z-14IVPZ0WI-00719-00184670-00184858 is a rich language due to its hybrid Z-14IVPZ0WI-00720-00184859-00185062 nature and unique characteristics of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00721-00185063-00185344 pronunciation and softness Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-00722-00185345-00185542 literature is also one of the richest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00723-00185543-00185731 the word DeMatha etymologically Z-14IVPZ0WI-00724-00185732-00185892 translates to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00725-00185893-00186222 the big river D water ma suffix for Z-14IVPZ0WI-00726-00186223-00186411 great saw Sons the river being the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00727-00186412-00186732 mighty Brahmaputra the Dumas a word D Z-14IVPZ0WI-00728-00186733-00186993 for water forms the root word for many Z-14IVPZ0WI-00729-00186994-00187173 of the major rivers of Assam in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00730-00187174-00187356 northeast India like Dyke rang which Z-14IVPZ0WI-00731-00187357-00187644 means Green River DL which means fetched Z-14IVPZ0WI-00732-00187645-00187983 water the young huge river etc the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00733-00187984-00188217 Brahmaputra River is known as delao long Z-14IVPZ0WI-00734-00188218-00188499 river among the Damasus many of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00735-00188500-00188697 towns and cities in Assam and Nagaland Z-14IVPZ0WI-00736-00188698-00188915 derived their names from de Massa words Z-14IVPZ0WI-00737-00188916-00189225 for example de map or a capital of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00738-00189226-00189498 demacia Kingdom dis pour ho jaaye de feu Z-14IVPZ0WI-00739-00189499-00189720 and Casper Bodo is an ancient language Z-14IVPZ0WI-00740-00189721-00190023 of Assam spatial distribution patterns Z-14IVPZ0WI-00741-00190024-00190233 of the ethno-cultural groups cultural Z-14IVPZ0WI-00742-00190234-00190425 traits and the phenomenon of naming all Z-14IVPZ0WI-00743-00190426-00190590 the major rivers in the northeast region Z-14IVPZ0WI-00744-00190591-00190929 with bodo khechari words eg dyeing Z-14IVPZ0WI-00745-00190930-00191286 debreu dee hung de pista de Cray etc Z-14IVPZ0WI-00746-00191287-00191463 revealed that it was the most important Z-14IVPZ0WI-00747-00191464-00191618 language in the ancient times Z-14IVPZ0WI-00748-00191619-00191877 Bodo is now spoken largely in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00749-00191878-00192117 Western Assam boedo territorial council Z-14IVPZ0WI-00750-00192118-00192357 area after years of neglect Z-14IVPZ0WI-00751-00192358-00192564 now boto language is getting attention Z-14IVPZ0WI-00752-00192565-00192804 in its literature is developing other Z-14IVPZ0WI-00753-00192805-00193065 native languages of tibeto-burman origin Z-14IVPZ0WI-00754-00193066-00193287 and related to bodø khechari are d or e Z-14IVPZ0WI-00755-00193288-00193665 missing car b raba and Tiwa puckish is Z-14IVPZ0WI-00756-00193666-00193824 another native language of a sum Z-14IVPZ0WI-00757-00193825-00194015 belonging to the tibeto-burman group Z-14IVPZ0WI-00758-00194016-00194277 however it does not belong to the bodo Z-14IVPZ0WI-00759-00194278-00194577 khechari group there are approximately Z-14IVPZ0WI-00760-00194578-00194910 500 64,000 Nepali speakers spread all Z-14IVPZ0WI-00761-00194911-00195213 over the state forming about 2.1 2% of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00762-00195214-00195423 asam's total population according to Z-14IVPZ0WI-00763-00195424-00195777 2001 census there are speakers of Thai Z-14IVPZ0WI-00764-00195778-00196053 languages in Assam a total of 60 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00765-00196054-00196311 language were spoken in Assam to are now Z-14IVPZ0WI-00766-00196312-00196657 extinct Thai fake Z-14IVPZ0WI-00767-00196658-00197083 taia atone come tea kami a critically Z-14IVPZ0WI-00768-00197084-00197983 endangered a hom extinct Turing extinct Z-14IVPZ0WI-00769-00197984-00198575 topic government and politics Z-14IVPZ0WI-00770-00198576-00198860 asam has governor Jagdish Mookie as the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00771-00198861-00199064 head of the state the unicameral is some Z-14IVPZ0WI-00772-00199065-00199379 legislative assembly of 126 members and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00773-00199380-00199568 a government led by the Chief Minister Z-14IVPZ0WI-00774-00199569-00199847 of Assam the state is divided into five Z-14IVPZ0WI-00775-00199848-00200401 regional divisions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00776-00200402-00200913 topic local government Z-14IVPZ0WI-00777-00200914-00201243 as of June 2016 the state has 33 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00778-00201244-00201540 administrative districts on the 15th of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00779-00201541-00201678 August 2015 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00780-00201679-00201828 five new districts were formed in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00781-00201829-00202158 addition to former 27 districts the five Z-14IVPZ0WI-00782-00202159-00202353 new districts are Biswanath carved out Z-14IVPZ0WI-00783-00202354-00202569 of sand at poor charity oh of Silvassa Z-14IVPZ0WI-00784-00202570-00202851 ger ho jaaye of Ngong south Salma Oman Z-14IVPZ0WI-00785-00202852-00203088 Qatar Abdul Bari and West carby angklung Z-14IVPZ0WI-00786-00203089-00203418 of kar be angling on the 27th of June Z-14IVPZ0WI-00787-00203419-00203688 2016 the Julie declared his district Z-14IVPZ0WI-00788-00203689-00203879 first River Island district of India Z-14IVPZ0WI-00789-00203880-00204108 these districts are further subdivided Z-14IVPZ0WI-00790-00204109-00204576 into 54 subdivisions or Maha kuma every Z-14IVPZ0WI-00791-00204577-00204774 district is administered from a district Z-14IVPZ0WI-00792-00204775-00204927 headquarters with the office of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00793-00204928-00205139 Deputy Commissioner district magistrate Z-14IVPZ0WI-00794-00205140-00205323 office of the district bench I attend Z-14IVPZ0WI-00795-00205323-00205587 usually with a district court the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00796-00205588-00205796 districts are delineated on the basis of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00797-00205798-00205980 the features such as the rivers Hills Z-14IVPZ0WI-00798-00205981-00206259 forests etc and majority of the newly Z-14IVPZ0WI-00799-00206260-00206451 constituted districts are subdivisions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00800-00206452-00206741 of the earlier districts the local Z-14IVPZ0WI-00801-00206742-00206934 governance system is organized under the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00802-00206935-00207164 Jilla Parishad district panchayat for a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00803-00207165-00207351 district panchayat for group of or Z-14IVPZ0WI-00804-00207352-00207546 individual rural areas and under the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00805-00207546-00207729 urban local bodies for the towns and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00806-00207730-00208125 cities there are now 2489 village Z-14IVPZ0WI-00807-00208126-00208512 panchayats covering 26,000 247 villages Z-14IVPZ0WI-00808-00208513-00208814 in assam the town committee or narsimha Z-14IVPZ0WI-00809-00208815-00209055 tea for small towns Municipal Board or Z-14IVPZ0WI-00810-00209056-00209264 poro Sylva for medium towns and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00811-00209265-00209502 Municipal Corporation or poro Nigam for Z-14IVPZ0WI-00812-00209503-00209673 the cities consist of the urban local Z-14IVPZ0WI-00813-00209673-00209982 bodies for the revenue purposes the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00814-00209983-00210138 districts are divided into revenue Z-14IVPZ0WI-00815-00210139-00210351 circles and mouses for the development Z-14IVPZ0WI-00816-00210352-00210563 projects the districts are divided into Z-14IVPZ0WI-00817-00210564-00210855 219 development blocks and for law and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00818-00210856-00211104 order these are divided into 206 police Z-14IVPZ0WI-00819-00211105-00211404 stations or tana as on the 19th of May Z-14IVPZ0WI-00820-00211405-00211517 2016 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00821-00211519-00211742 BJP under the leadership of sarbananda Z-14IVPZ0WI-00822-00211744-00211994 Sonowal won the assembly elections thus Z-14IVPZ0WI-00823-00211996-00212235 forming the first bjp-led government in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00824-00212236-00212421 Assam Guwahati is the largest Z-14IVPZ0WI-00825-00212421-00212594 metropolitan area and urban Z-14IVPZ0WI-00826-00212596-00212781 conglomeration administered under the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00827-00212782-00212955 highest form of urban local body Z-14IVPZ0WI-00828-00212956-00213204 Guwahati Municipal Corporation in Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00829-00213205-00213492 the corporation administers an area of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00830-00213492-00213882 200 16.7 nine square kilometres all Z-14IVPZ0WI-00831-00213883-00214077 other urban centres are managed under Z-14IVPZ0WI-00832-00214078-00214256 municipal boards Z-14IVPZ0WI-00833-00214257-00214514 a list of nine oldest classified and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00834-00214515-00214709 prominent and constantly inhabited Z-14IVPZ0WI-00835-00214710-00214913 recognized urban centers based on the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00836-00214914-00215117 earliest years of formation of the Civic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00837-00215117-00215326 bodies before the Indian independence of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00838-00215327-00215726 1947 is tabulated below the state has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00839-00215727-00216355 three autonomous councils Z-14IVPZ0WI-00840-00216356-00216960 topic NRI issue in Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00841-00216961-00217341 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00842-00217342-00217865 topic education Z-14IVPZ0WI-00843-00217866-00218098 Essam schools are run by the indian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00844-00218100-00218291 government government of Assam or by Z-14IVPZ0WI-00845-00218292-00218548 private organizations medium of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00846-00218550-00218732 instruction is mainly in Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-00847-00218733-00219008 English or Bengali most of the schools Z-14IVPZ0WI-00848-00219009-00219212 follow the state's examination board Z-14IVPZ0WI-00849-00219213-00219353 which is called the Secondary Education Z-14IVPZ0WI-00850-00219354-00219683 Board of Assam almost all private Z-14IVPZ0WI-00851-00219684-00219866 schools follow the Central Board for Z-14IVPZ0WI-00852-00219867-00220151 Secondary Education CBSE Indian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00853-00220152-00220451 Certificate of Secondary Education icse Z-14IVPZ0WI-00854-00220452-00220688 an Indian School Certificate ISC Z-14IVPZ0WI-00855-00220689-00220946 syllabuses Assamese language as the main Z-14IVPZ0WI-00856-00220946-00221180 medium in educational institutions but Z-14IVPZ0WI-00857-00221181-00221375 Bengali language is also taught as a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00858-00221376-00221666 major Indian language in Guwahati and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00859-00221667-00221903 dig boy many junior basic school and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00860-00221904-00222119 junior high school are Nepali linguistic Z-14IVPZ0WI-00861-00222119-00222316 and all the teachers are British Gorka Z-14IVPZ0WI-00862-00222317-00222584 Nepali is included by a psalm state Z-14IVPZ0WI-00863-00222585-00222796 secondary board a some Higher Secondary Z-14IVPZ0WI-00864-00222798-00223079 Education Council and Ngati University Z-14IVPZ0WI-00865-00223080-00223319 in their H SLC Higher Secondary and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00866-00223319-00223610 graduation level respectively in some Z-14IVPZ0WI-00867-00223611-00223771 junior basic and higher secondary Z-14IVPZ0WI-00868-00223773-00223991 schools and colleges Nepali language Z-14IVPZ0WI-00869-00223992-00224219 speaking British Gorka teachers and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00870-00224219-00224390 lecturers are appointed the capital Z-14IVPZ0WI-00871-00224391-00224603 dispar contains institutions of higher Z-14IVPZ0WI-00872-00224604-00224777 education for students of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00873-00224778-00225026 northeastern region cotton college Z-14IVPZ0WI-00874-00225027-00225292 Guwahati dates back to the 19th century Z-14IVPZ0WI-00875-00225294-00225536 Assam has several institutions for Z-14IVPZ0WI-00876-00225537-00225716 tertiary education and research Z-14IVPZ0WI-00877-00225717-00226021 universities colleges and institutions Z-14IVPZ0WI-00878-00226023-00226452 include Z-14IVPZ0WI-00879-00226453-00226975 topic universities Z-14IVPZ0WI-00880-00226976-00227350 a some university a some agricultural Z-14IVPZ0WI-00881-00227351-00227701 university Jorhat Assam Don Bosco Z-14IVPZ0WI-00882-00227702-00228016 University private a psalm downtown Z-14IVPZ0WI-00883-00228017-00228382 University private Assam Rajiv Gandhi Z-14IVPZ0WI-00884-00228383-00228667 University of cooperative management Arg Z-14IVPZ0WI-00885-00228667-00228784 you see om Z-14IVPZ0WI-00886-00228785-00229123 Tsubasa gir Assam Science and Technology Z-14IVPZ0WI-00887-00229123-00229446 University Guwahati Assam Women's Z-14IVPZ0WI-00888-00229448-00229807 University jorhat Bodoland University Z-14IVPZ0WI-00889-00229808-00230221 kkuk raha cotton University Dibrugarh Z-14IVPZ0WI-00890-00230221-00230569 University Dibrugarh Ngati University Z-14IVPZ0WI-00891-00230569-00230962 Guwahati Kaziranga university your head Z-14IVPZ0WI-00892-00230963-00231294 private Krishna guru a mcvish video Z-14IVPZ0WI-00893-00231296-00231609 liya krishna kondeh handy State Open Z-14IVPZ0WI-00894-00231610-00231976 University Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit Z-14IVPZ0WI-00895-00231977-00232276 an ancient studies University Maha Z-14IVPZ0WI-00896-00232277-00232485 Purusha Sri Montes Ankara David Viswa Z-14IVPZ0WI-00897-00232486-00232584 vidyalaya Z-14IVPZ0WI-00898-00232585-00232848 national law university and judicial Z-14IVPZ0WI-00899-00232850-00233194 Academy a some royal global university Z-14IVPZ0WI-00900-00233194-00233473 private Sri Montes Ankara daiva Z-14IVPZ0WI-00901-00233473-00233779 University of Health Sciences Tezpur Z-14IVPZ0WI-00902-00233780-00234187 University Tezpur topic medical colleges Z-14IVPZ0WI-00903-00234188-00234403 Assam Medical College in Dibrugarh Z-14IVPZ0WI-00904-00234404-00234673 ferritin Ali Ahmed Medical College bar Z-14IVPZ0WI-00905-00234673-00234921 pedagogy Medical College and hospital in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00906-00234923-00235138 Guwahati Jorhat Medical College and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00907-00235139-00235354 hospital Jorhat regional Dental College Z-14IVPZ0WI-00908-00235355-00235594 Guwahati Silchar Medical College and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00909-00235594-00235840 hospital Silchar Tezpur Medical College Z-14IVPZ0WI-00910-00235841-00236158 and hospital Tezpur topic engineering Z-14IVPZ0WI-00911-00236159-00236359 and technological colleges indian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00912-00236360-00236598 institute of information technology grew Z-14IVPZ0WI-00913-00236600-00236758 a hottie National Institute of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00914-00236759-00237004 Technology Silchar a some engineering Z-14IVPZ0WI-00915-00237005-00237262 college in Guwahati Assam Science and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00916-00237263-00237484 Technology University Venice waar Brahma Z-14IVPZ0WI-00917-00237485-00237717 Engineering College cakra har Central Z-14IVPZ0WI-00918-00237719-00237931 Institute of Technology khakhra har Z-14IVPZ0WI-00919-00237932-00238138 Guruji Ananda Chaudhary Institute of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00920-00238139-00238344 Management and Technology Guwahati Z-14IVPZ0WI-00921-00238346-00238548 Girija Ananda Chaudhary Institute of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00922-00238550-00238785 Management and Technology Tezpur Indian Z-14IVPZ0WI-00923-00238786-00238984 Institute of Technology in Guwahati Z-14IVPZ0WI-00924-00238985-00239192 Institute of Engineering and Technology Z-14IVPZ0WI-00925-00239194-00239431 Dibrugarh University Institute of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00926-00239432-00239623 Science and Technology Guwahati Z-14IVPZ0WI-00927-00239623-00239854 University jor head Institute of Science Z-14IVPZ0WI-00928-00239855-00240037 and Technology Jorhat your head Z-14IVPZ0WI-00929-00240038-00240244 engineering college in your head Z-14IVPZ0WI-00930-00240246-00240542 any tes Institute of Technology and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00931-00240542-00240779 science Mirza Barak Valley engineering Z-14IVPZ0WI-00932-00240780-00241001 college neurology arrogant Galang hat Z-14IVPZ0WI-00933-00241002-00241198 engineering college go Leggett research Z-14IVPZ0WI-00934-00241200-00241408 institutes present in the state include Z-14IVPZ0WI-00935-00241409-00241664 National Research Center on pig I car in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00936-00241665-00242114 Guwahati Z-14IVPZ0WI-00937-00242115-00242632 topic economy Z-14IVPZ0WI-00938-00242633-00242905 a Solms economy is based on agriculture Z-14IVPZ0WI-00939-00242906-00243196 and oil Assam produces more than half of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00940-00243196-00243457 India's tea the Assam Moroccan basin Z-14IVPZ0WI-00941-00243458-00243631 holds about a quarter of the country's Z-14IVPZ0WI-00942-00243632-00243850 oil reserves and produces about 12 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00943-00243851-00244132 percent of its total petroleum according Z-14IVPZ0WI-00944-00244133-00244327 to the recent estimates asam's per Z-14IVPZ0WI-00945-00244328-00244810 capita GDP as 6157 rupees at constant Z-14IVPZ0WI-00946-00244811-00245292 prices 1993-94 and 10,000 198 rupees at Z-14IVPZ0WI-00947-00245294-00245544 current prices almost 40% lower than Z-14IVPZ0WI-00948-00245546-00245773 that in India according to the recent Z-14IVPZ0WI-00949-00245773-00246031 estimates per capita income in Assam has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00950-00246032-00246567 reached 6756 rupees 1993-94 constant Z-14IVPZ0WI-00951-00246569-00246867 prices in 2000 405 which is still much Z-14IVPZ0WI-00952-00246869-00247446 lower than India's Z-14IVPZ0WI-00953-00247446-00247977 topic tea plantations Z-14IVPZ0WI-00954-00247978-00248326 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-00955-00248327-00248873 topic macroeconomy Z-14IVPZ0WI-00956-00248875-00249146 the economy of a sum today represents a Z-14IVPZ0WI-00957-00249148-00249333 unique juxtaposition of backwardness Z-14IVPZ0WI-00958-00249334-00249446 amidst Plenty Z-14IVPZ0WI-00959-00249448-00249729 despite its rich natural resources and Z-14IVPZ0WI-00960-00249730-00249966 supplying of up to 25% of India's Z-14IVPZ0WI-00961-00249967-00250200 petroleum needs asam's growth rate has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00962-00250201-00250413 not kept pace with that of India the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00963-00250414-00250590 difference has increased rapidly since Z-14IVPZ0WI-00964-00250591-00250965 the 1970s the Indian economy grew at 6 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00965-00250966-00251148 percent per annum over the period of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00966-00251148-00251454 1981 to 2000 the growth rate of Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-00967-00251455-00251775 was only 3 point 3 percent in the 6th Z-14IVPZ0WI-00968-00251776-00252021 plan period Assam experienced a negative Z-14IVPZ0WI-00969-00252021-00252201 growth rate of three point seven eight Z-14IVPZ0WI-00970-00252202-00252429 percent when India's was positive at six Z-14IVPZ0WI-00971-00252430-00252687 percent in the post liberalized era Z-14IVPZ0WI-00972-00252688-00252935 after 1991 the difference widened Z-14IVPZ0WI-00973-00252936-00253235 further according to recent analysis Z-14IVPZ0WI-00974-00253236-00253440 asam's economy is showing signs of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00975-00253441-00253823 improvement in 2000 102 the economy grew Z-14IVPZ0WI-00976-00253825-00254214 at 1993-94 constant prices at 4.5 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00977-00254215-00254481 percent falling to 3.4 percent in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00978-00254482-00254856 next financial year during 2000 304 in Z-14IVPZ0WI-00979-00254857-00255288 2000 405 the economy grew at 1993-94 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00980-00255289-00255651 constant prices at 5.5 percent in 5.3 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00981-00255652-00255908 percent respectively the advanced Z-14IVPZ0WI-00982-00255909-00256089 estimates placed the growth rate for Z-14IVPZ0WI-00983-00256090-00256551 2000 506 at above 6 percent a sums GDP Z-14IVPZ0WI-00984-00256552-00256823 in 2004 is estimated at 13 billion Z-14IVPZ0WI-00985-00256825-00257117 dollars in current prices sectoral Z-14IVPZ0WI-00986-00257119-00257340 analysis again exhibits a dismal picture Z-14IVPZ0WI-00987-00257341-00257565 the average annual growth rate of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00988-00257566-00257834 agriculture which was 2.6 percent per Z-14IVPZ0WI-00989-00257835-00258146 annum over the 1980s has fallen to 1.6 Z-14IVPZ0WI-00990-00258148-00258471 percent in the 1990s the manufacturing Z-14IVPZ0WI-00991-00258471-00258642 sector showed some improvement in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-00992-00258642-00258879 1990s with a growth rate of three point Z-14IVPZ0WI-00993-00258880-00259071 four percent per annum than two point Z-14IVPZ0WI-00994-00259071-00259380 four percent in the 1980s for the past Z-14IVPZ0WI-00995-00259381-00259607 five decades the tertiary sector has Z-14IVPZ0WI-00996-00259608-00259794 registered the highest growth rates of Z-14IVPZ0WI-00997-00259794-00259973 the other sectors which even has slowed Z-14IVPZ0WI-00998-00259975-00260714 down in the 1990s than in the 1980s Z-14IVPZ0WI-00999-00260715-00261229 topic employment Z-14IVPZ0WI-01000-00261230-00261401 unemployment is one of the major Z-14IVPZ0WI-01001-00261402-00261578 problems of Assam which can be Z-14IVPZ0WI-01002-00261579-00261779 attributed to overpopulation and a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01003-00261780-00262088 faulty education system every year large Z-14IVPZ0WI-01004-00262089-00262256 numbers of students obtain higher Z-14IVPZ0WI-01005-00262257-00262472 academic degrees but because of non Z-14IVPZ0WI-01006-00262473-00262682 availability of proportional vacancies Z-14IVPZ0WI-01007-00262683-00262874 most of these students remain unemployed Z-14IVPZ0WI-01008-00262875-00263162 a number of employers hire overqualified Z-14IVPZ0WI-01009-00263163-00263375 or efficient but under certified Z-14IVPZ0WI-01010-00263376-00263582 candidates or candidates with narrowly Z-14IVPZ0WI-01011-00263583-00263876 defined qualifications the problem is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01012-00263877-00264080 exacerbated by the growth in the number Z-14IVPZ0WI-01013-00264081-00264290 of technical institutes in Assam which Z-14IVPZ0WI-01014-00264291-00264476 increases the unemployed community of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01015-00264477-00264776 the state many job seekers are eligible Z-14IVPZ0WI-01016-00264777-00265004 for jobs in sectors like railways in oil Z-14IVPZ0WI-01017-00265005-00265193 India but don't get these jobs because Z-14IVPZ0WI-01018-00265194-00265382 of the appointment of candidates from Z-14IVPZ0WI-01019-00265383-00265646 outside of Assam to these posts the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01020-00265647-00265775 reluctance on the part of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01021-00265776-00265943 department's concerned to advertise Z-14IVPZ0WI-01022-00265944-00266159 vacancies in vernacular language has Z-14IVPZ0WI-01023-00266160-00266345 also made matters worse for local Z-14IVPZ0WI-01024-00266346-00266570 unemployed used particularly for the job Z-14IVPZ0WI-01025-00266571-00266789 seekers of grade C and D vacancies Z-14IVPZ0WI-01026-00266790-00266972 reduction of the unemployed has been Z-14IVPZ0WI-01027-00266973-00267134 threatened by illegal immigration from Z-14IVPZ0WI-01028-00267135-00267386 Bangladesh this has increased the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01029-00267387-00267530 workforce without a commensurate Z-14IVPZ0WI-01030-00267531-00267791 increase in jobs immigrants compete with Z-14IVPZ0WI-01031-00267792-00268009 local workers for jobs at lower wages Z-14IVPZ0WI-01032-00268010-00268262 particularly in construction domestics Z-14IVPZ0WI-01033-00268263-00268478 rickshaw pullers and vegetable sellers Z-14IVPZ0WI-01034-00268479-00268751 the government has been identifying via Z-14IVPZ0WI-01035-00268752-00269017 NRC and deporting illegal immigrants Z-14IVPZ0WI-01036-00269018-00269243 continued immigration as exceeding Z-14IVPZ0WI-01037-00269244-00269760 deportation Z-14IVPZ0WI-01038-00269761-00270276 topic agriculture Z-14IVPZ0WI-01039-00270277-00270492 in a psalm among all the productive Z-14IVPZ0WI-01040-00270493-00270678 sectors agriculture makes the highest Z-14IVPZ0WI-01041-00270679-00270888 contribution to its domestic sectors Z-14IVPZ0WI-01042-00270889-00271062 accounting for more than a third of a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01043-00271063-00271317 Psalms income and employs 69% of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01044-00271318-00271635 workforce a sums biggest contribution to Z-14IVPZ0WI-01045-00271636-00271863 the world is Assam tea it has its own Z-14IVPZ0WI-01046-00271864-00272193 variety camellia sinensis VAR awesome Z-14IVPZ0WI-01047-00272194-00272451 iike the state produces rice rapeseed Z-14IVPZ0WI-01048-00272452-00272710 mustard seed jute potato sweet potato Z-14IVPZ0WI-01049-00272711-00273035 banana papaya areca nut sugar cane and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01050-00273036-00273372 turmeric asam's agriculture is yet to Z-14IVPZ0WI-01051-00273373-00273594 experience modernization in a real sense Z-14IVPZ0WI-01052-00273595-00273864 with implications for food security per Z-14IVPZ0WI-01053-00273865-00274044 capita food grain production has Z-14IVPZ0WI-01054-00274045-00274283 declined in the past five decades Z-14IVPZ0WI-01055-00274284-00274494 productivity has increased marginally Z-14IVPZ0WI-01056-00274495-00274683 but is still low compared to highly Z-14IVPZ0WI-01057-00274684-00274953 productive regions for instance the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01058-00274954-00275187 yield of rice staple food of Assam was Z-14IVPZ0WI-01059-00275188-00275589 just 1531 kilograms per hectare against Z-14IVPZ0WI-01060-00275590-00275978 India's 1927 kilograms per hectare in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01061-00275979-00276234 2001 which itself is much lower than Z-14IVPZ0WI-01062-00276235-00276635 Egypt's 90 to 83 us is 70 to 79 Z-14IVPZ0WI-01063-00276636-00276873 South Korea's six thousand eight hundred Z-14IVPZ0WI-01064-00276874-00277098 thirty eight Japan's six thousand six Z-14IVPZ0WI-01065-00277099-00277431 hundred thirty-five and China's 6131 Z-14IVPZ0WI-01066-00277432-00277776 kilograms per hectare in 2001 on the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01067-00277777-00277974 other hand after having strong domestic Z-14IVPZ0WI-01068-00277975-00278271 demand and with 1.5 million hectares of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01069-00278272-00278507 inland water bodies numerous rivers and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01070-00278508-00278834 165 varieties of fishes fishing is still Z-14IVPZ0WI-01071-00278835-00279024 in its traditional form and production Z-14IVPZ0WI-01072-00279025-00279318 is not self-sufficient flood in a sum Z-14IVPZ0WI-01073-00279319-00279498 greatly affects the farmers and the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01074-00279499-00279663 families dependent on agriculture Z-14IVPZ0WI-01075-00279664-00279858 because of large-scale damage of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01076-00279859-00280074 agricultural fields and crops by flood Z-14IVPZ0WI-01077-00280075-00280323 water every year flooding from the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01078-00280324-00280524 Brahmaputra and other rivers deluge is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01079-00280525-00280812 places in Assam the water levels of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01080-00280813-00280980 rivers rise because of rainfall Z-14IVPZ0WI-01081-00280981-00281142 resulting in the rivers overflowing Z-14IVPZ0WI-01082-00281143-00281369 their banks and engulfing nearby areas Z-14IVPZ0WI-01083-00281370-00281643 apart from houses and livestock being Z-14IVPZ0WI-01084-00281644-00281841 washed away by flood water bridges Z-14IVPZ0WI-01085-00281842-00282045 railway tracks and roads are also Z-14IVPZ0WI-01086-00282046-00282246 damaged by the calamity which causes Z-14IVPZ0WI-01087-00282247-00282512 communication breakdown in many places Z-14IVPZ0WI-01088-00282513-00282726 fatalities are also caused by the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01089-00282727-00282942 natural disaster in many places of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01090-00282943-00283128 state Z-14IVPZ0WI-01091-00283129-00283347 topic industry hand looming and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01092-00283348-00283596 handicraft continue the Psalms proximity Z-14IVPZ0WI-01093-00283597-00283752 to some neighboring countries such as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01094-00283753-00284040 Bangladesh Nepal and Bhutan benefits its Z-14IVPZ0WI-01095-00284041-00284307 trade the major border checkpoints Z-14IVPZ0WI-01096-00284308-00284475 through which border trade flows to Z-14IVPZ0WI-01097-00284476-00284703 Bangladesh from Assam are suit our candy Z-14IVPZ0WI-01098-00284704-00284976 carom ganj debris man catch our debris Z-14IVPZ0WI-01099-00284977-00285288 Angola conch to facilitate border trade Z-14IVPZ0WI-01100-00285289-00285501 with Bangladesh border trade centers Z-14IVPZ0WI-01101-00285502-00285672 have been developed at suit our candy Z-14IVPZ0WI-01102-00285673-00285937 and mang Qatar it has been proposed in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01103-00285938-00286125 the eleventh five-year plan to set up Z-14IVPZ0WI-01104-00286126-00286356 two more border trade center one at Ledo Z-14IVPZ0WI-01105-00286357-00286554 connecting China and other at daring Z-14IVPZ0WI-01106-00286555-00286821 connecting Bhutan there are several land Z-14IVPZ0WI-01107-00286822-00287067 custom stations LCS in the state Z-14IVPZ0WI-01108-00287068-00287268 bordering Bangladesh and Bhutan to Z-14IVPZ0WI-01109-00287269-00287472 facilitate border trade the Government Z-14IVPZ0WI-01110-00287473-00287655 of India has identified some thrust Z-14IVPZ0WI-01111-00287656-00287859 areas for industrial development of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01112-00287860-00287913 Assam Z-14IVPZ0WI-01113-00287914-00288018 although the region in the eastern Z-14IVPZ0WI-01114-00288019-00288270 periphery of India is landlocked and is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01115-00288271-00288426 linked to the mainland by the narrow Z-14IVPZ0WI-01116-00288427-00288648 Siliguri corridor or the chicken's neck Z-14IVPZ0WI-01117-00288649-00288879 improved transport infrastructure in all Z-14IVPZ0WI-01118-00288880-00289104 the three modes rail road and air and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01119-00289105-00289296 developing urban infrastructure in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01120-00289297-00289479 cities and towns of Assam are giving a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01121-00289480-00289752 boost to the entire industrial scene the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01122-00289753-00289917 lok priya Gopinath board aloy Z-14IVPZ0WI-01123-00289918-00290106 International Airport at Guwahati Z-14IVPZ0WI-01124-00290107-00290283 although is yet to be fully functional Z-14IVPZ0WI-01125-00290284-00290508 with international flights was the 12th Z-14IVPZ0WI-01126-00290509-00290820 busiest airport of India in 2012 the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01127-00290821-00291009 cities of glue Hadi in the West and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01128-00291010-00291189 Dibrugarh in the east with good rail Z-14IVPZ0WI-01129-00291190-00291399 road and air connectivity are the two Z-14IVPZ0WI-01130-00291400-00291609 important nerve centers of Assam to be Z-14IVPZ0WI-01131-00291610-00291819 selected by Asian Development Bank for Z-14IVPZ0WI-01132-00291820-00292026 providing 200 million dollars for Z-14IVPZ0WI-01133-00292027-00292188 improvement of urban infrastructure Z-14IVPZ0WI-01134-00292189-00292458 Assam is a producer of crude oil and it Z-14IVPZ0WI-01135-00292459-00292692 accounts for about 15 percent of India's Z-14IVPZ0WI-01136-00292693-00292932 crude output exploited by the Assam Oil Z-14IVPZ0WI-01137-00292933-00293175 Company Limited and natural gas in India Z-14IVPZ0WI-01138-00293176-00293346 and is the second place in the world Z-14IVPZ0WI-01139-00293347-00293550 after Titusville in the United States Z-14IVPZ0WI-01140-00293551-00293832 where petroleum was discovered Asia's Z-14IVPZ0WI-01141-00293833-00294027 first successful mechanically drilled Z-14IVPZ0WI-01142-00294028-00294249 oil well was drilled in mahkum way back Z-14IVPZ0WI-01143-00294250-00294594 in 1867 most of the oil fields are Z-14IVPZ0WI-01144-00294595-00294787 located in the eastern Assam region Z-14IVPZ0WI-01145-00294788-00295077 Assam has four oil refineries in dig boy Z-14IVPZ0WI-01146-00295078-00295299 Asia's first and world's second refinery Z-14IVPZ0WI-01147-00295300-00295566 Guwahati bond gegen and new meleager and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01148-00295567-00295762 with a total capacity of 7 million Z-14IVPZ0WI-01149-00295763-00296091 metric tons 7.7 million short tons per Z-14IVPZ0WI-01150-00296092-00296370 annum Asia's first refinery was set up Z-14IVPZ0WI-01151-00296371-00296489 at dig boy and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01152-00296490-00296759 Big Boi oilfield was the Assam railways Z-14IVPZ0WI-01153-00296760-00297017 and trading company limited a R and T Co Z-14IVPZ0WI-01154-00297018-00297248 limited a registered company of London Z-14IVPZ0WI-01155-00297249-00297590 in 1881 one of the biggest public sector Z-14IVPZ0WI-01156-00297591-00297785 oil company of the country oil India Z-14IVPZ0WI-01157-00297786-00297989 Limited has its plant and headquarters Z-14IVPZ0WI-01158-00297990-00298235 at Dhulia John there are several other Z-14IVPZ0WI-01159-00298236-00298415 industries including a chemical Z-14IVPZ0WI-01160-00298416-00298571 fertilizer plant at Nam rue Z-14IVPZ0WI-01161-00298572-00298802 petrochemical industries at Nam Roop and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01162-00298803-00299006 Banga gown paper mills at Jagger Road Z-14IVPZ0WI-01163-00299007-00299254 Hindustan paper Corporation Limited Z-14IVPZ0WI-01164-00299255-00299543 Township area pentagram and Jogi OPA Z-14IVPZ0WI-01165-00299544-00299822 sugar mills at Barone baman gown charla Z-14IVPZ0WI-01166-00299823-00300080 camp or cement plant at Boca Jen and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01167-00300081-00300317 Badarpur cosmetics plant of Hindustan Z-14IVPZ0WI-01168-00300318-00300701 Unilever HUL at doom Duma etc moreover Z-14IVPZ0WI-01169-00300702-00300920 there are other industries such as jute Z-14IVPZ0WI-01170-00300921-00301187 mill textile and yarn mills Assam silk Z-14IVPZ0WI-01171-00301188-00301478 and silk mills many of these industries Z-14IVPZ0WI-01172-00301479-00301682 are facing loss and closure due to lack Z-14IVPZ0WI-01173-00301683-00301850 of infrastructure and improper Z-14IVPZ0WI-01174-00301851-00302443 management practices Z-14IVPZ0WI-01175-00302444-00302938 topic tourism Z-14IVPZ0WI-01176-00302939-00303188 wildlife cultural and historical Z-14IVPZ0WI-01177-00303189-00303851 destinations have attracted visitors Z-14IVPZ0WI-01178-00303852-00304360 topic culture Z-14IVPZ0WI-01179-00304361-00304589 Assamese culture as traditionally a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01180-00304590-00304831 hybrid one developed due to assimilation Z-14IVPZ0WI-01181-00304832-00305029 of ethno-cultural groups of ostrich Z-14IVPZ0WI-01182-00305030-00305227 tibeto-burman and thai origin in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01183-00305228-00305540 past therefore both local elements or Z-14IVPZ0WI-01184-00305541-00305720 the local elements in sanskrit eyes Z-14IVPZ0WI-01185-00305721-00305993 forms are distinctly found the major Z-14IVPZ0WI-01186-00305994-00306208 milestones in evolution of Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-01187-00306209-00306523 culture are assimilation in the camara Z-14IVPZ0WI-01188-00306524-00306770 pet kingdom for almost 700 years under Z-14IVPZ0WI-01189-00306771-00306931 the varmints for 300 years Z-14IVPZ0WI-01190-00306932-00307183 Sallis Sambas and palace for each 200 Z-14IVPZ0WI-01191-00307184-00307469 years establishment of the chhutiya Z-14IVPZ0WI-01192-00307470-00307684 dynasty in the 12th century in eastern Z-14IVPZ0WI-01193-00307685-00308041 Assam in assimilation for next 400 years Z-14IVPZ0WI-01194-00308042-00308305 establishment of the a hom dynasty in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01195-00308306-00308567 the 13th century AD in assimilation for Z-14IVPZ0WI-01196-00308568-00308923 next 600 years assimilation in the Koch Z-14IVPZ0WI-01197-00308924-00309212 Kingdom fifteen sixteenth century ad of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01198-00309213-00309457 Western Assam and khechari Kingdom 12th Z-14IVPZ0WI-01199-00309458-00309706 18th century ad of central and southern Z-14IVPZ0WI-01200-00309707-00310030 Assam Vaishnava movement led by Shri Z-14IVPZ0WI-01201-00310031-00310145 mondo shankar deva Z-14IVPZ0WI-01202-00310146-00310360 sang cordial and its contribution and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01203-00310361-00310670 cultural changes Vaishnava movement the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01204-00310671-00310924 15th century religio cultural movement Z-14IVPZ0WI-01205-00310925-00311107 under the leadership of greats remonda Z-14IVPZ0WI-01206-00311108-00311308 Sankar devi Sankore Deo and his Z-14IVPZ0WI-01207-00311309-00311452 disciples have provided another Z-14IVPZ0WI-01208-00311453-00311738 dimension to Assamese culture a renewed Z-14IVPZ0WI-01209-00311739-00311971 hindu ization in local forms took place Z-14IVPZ0WI-01210-00311972-00312184 which was initially greatly supported by Z-14IVPZ0WI-01211-00312185-00312409 the koch and later by the a hom kingdoms Z-14IVPZ0WI-01212-00312410-00312713 the resultant social institutions such Z-14IVPZ0WI-01213-00312714-00312914 as NAMM Garen satra the vison of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01214-00312915-00313126 monasteries have become part of Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-01215-00313127-00313384 way life the movement contributed Z-14IVPZ0WI-01216-00313385-00313609 greatly towards language literature and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01217-00313610-00313804 performing and fine arts the modern Z-14IVPZ0WI-01218-00313805-00313999 culture was influenced by events in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01219-00314000-00314245 British in the post British era the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01220-00314246-00314404 language was standardized by the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01221-00314405-00314623 American Baptist missionaries such as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01222-00314624-00314881 Nathan Brown dr. miles Bronson and local Z-14IVPZ0WI-01223-00314882-00315092 pundits such as hem Chandra Brewer with Z-14IVPZ0WI-01224-00315093-00315263 the forum available in the SIB cigar Z-14IVPZ0WI-01225-00315264-00315445 service eager district the X nerve Z-14IVPZ0WI-01226-00315446-00315685 center of the a hom Kingdom increasing Z-14IVPZ0WI-01227-00315686-00315895 efforts of standardization in the 20th Z-14IVPZ0WI-01228-00315896-00316123 century alienated the localized forms Z-14IVPZ0WI-01229-00316124-00316309 present in different areas and with the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01230-00316310-00316517 less assimilated ethno-cultural groups Z-14IVPZ0WI-01231-00316518-00316834 many source cultures however Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-01232-00316835-00317053 culture in its hybrid form and nature as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01233-00317054-00317264 one of the richest still developing an Z-14IVPZ0WI-01234-00317265-00317476 in true sense as a cultural system with Z-14IVPZ0WI-01235-00317477-00317738 subsystems many source culture Z-14IVPZ0WI-01236-00317739-00317942 of Assamese cultural system are still Z-14IVPZ0WI-01237-00317943-00318155 surviving either as subsystems or as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01238-00318156-00318437 sister entities eg the bodo or car B or Z-14IVPZ0WI-01239-00318438-00318662 mission it is important to keep the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01240-00318663-00318872 broader system closer to its roots and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01241-00318873-00319061 at the same time to focus on development Z-14IVPZ0WI-01242-00319062-00319385 of the subsystems some of the common and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01243-00319386-00319577 unique cultural traits in the region are Z-14IVPZ0WI-01244-00319578-00319784 people's respect towards areca nut and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01245-00319785-00319862 beetle leaves Z-14IVPZ0WI-01246-00319863-00320189 symbolic game osa arnai etc traditional Z-14IVPZ0WI-01247-00320190-00320402 silk garments eg mikhalych adorn Z-14IVPZ0WI-01248-00320403-00320630 traditional dress of Assamese women and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01249-00320631-00320816 towards forefathers and elderly Z-14IVPZ0WI-01250-00320817-00321110 moreover great hospitality and bamboo Z-14IVPZ0WI-01251-00321111-00321644 culture are common Z-14IVPZ0WI-01252-00321645-00321965 topic symbols Z-14IVPZ0WI-01253-00321966-00322132 you Z-14IVPZ0WI-01254-00322133-00322357 symbolism is an ancient cultural Z-14IVPZ0WI-01255-00322358-00322558 practice in Assam and is still a very Z-14IVPZ0WI-01256-00322559-00322797 important part of Assamese way of life Z-14IVPZ0WI-01257-00322798-00323017 various elements are being used to Z-14IVPZ0WI-01258-00323018-00323218 represent beliefs feelings pride Z-14IVPZ0WI-01259-00323219-00323596 identity etc tomb open sore eye and gum Z-14IVPZ0WI-01260-00323597-00323770 OSA are three important symbolic Z-14IVPZ0WI-01261-00323771-00324106 elements in s amis culture tomb open the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01262-00324107-00324265 areca nut and beetle leaves Z-14IVPZ0WI-01263-00324266-00324547 org whoppin Guha from kwa are considered Z-14IVPZ0WI-01264-00324548-00324763 along with the gum osa a typical woven Z-14IVPZ0WI-01265-00324764-00324979 cotton or silk cloth with embroidery as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01266-00324980-00325186 the offers of devotion respect and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01267-00325187-00325447 friendship the tomb open tradition as an Z-14IVPZ0WI-01268-00325448-00325627 ancient one and is being followed since Z-14IVPZ0WI-01269-00325628-00325795 time immemorial with roots in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01270-00325796-00326149 aboriginal austroasiatic culture Zora is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01271-00326150-00326347 a traditionally manufactured bell metal Z-14IVPZ0WI-01272-00326348-00326578 article of great respect and is used as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01273-00326579-00326737 a container medium while performing Z-14IVPZ0WI-01274-00326738-00326874 respectful offers Z-14IVPZ0WI-01275-00326875-00327145 moreover symbolically many ethnic Z-14IVPZ0WI-01276-00327146-00327364 cultural groups use specific clothes to Z-14IVPZ0WI-01277-00327365-00327637 portray respect and pride there were Z-14IVPZ0WI-01278-00327638-00327856 many other symbolic elements and designs Z-14IVPZ0WI-01279-00327857-00328072 but are now only found in literature art Z-14IVPZ0WI-01280-00328073-00328366 sculpture architecture etc are in use Z-14IVPZ0WI-01281-00328367-00328654 today for only religious purposes the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01282-00328655-00328915 typical designs of Assamese lion dragon Z-14IVPZ0WI-01283-00328916-00329206 flying lion hindi ootah share etc were Z-14IVPZ0WI-01284-00329207-00329419 used for symbolizing various purposes Z-14IVPZ0WI-01285-00329420-00329701 and occasions the archaeological sites Z-14IVPZ0WI-01286-00329702-00329953 such as the maiden kam de ce 9th 10th Z-14IVPZ0WI-01287-00329954-00330223 centuries ad exhibits mass scale use of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01288-00330224-00330424 lions dragon lions and many other Z-14IVPZ0WI-01289-00330425-00330646 figures of demons to showcase power and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01290-00330647-00330853 prosperity the version of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01291-00330854-00331075 monasteries and many other architectural Z-14IVPZ0WI-01292-00331076-00331282 sites of late medieval period display Z-14IVPZ0WI-01293-00331283-00331447 the use of lions and Dragons for Z-14IVPZ0WI-01294-00331448-00332042 symbolic effects Z-14IVPZ0WI-01295-00332043-00332618 topic festivals and traditions Z-14IVPZ0WI-01296-00332619-00332819 there are diversified important Z-14IVPZ0WI-01297-00332820-00333089 traditional festivals in Assam be who is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01298-00333090-00333256 the most important in common and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01299-00333257-00333524 celebrated all over a psalm it as the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01300-00333525-00333749 Assamese new year celebrated in April of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01301-00333750-00334037 the Gregorian calendar Durga Puja is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01302-00334038-00334223 another festival celebrated with great Z-14IVPZ0WI-01303-00334224-00334547 enthusiasm Muslims celebrate - eats eat Z-14IVPZ0WI-01304-00334548-00334772 all fitter and Eid al-adha with much Z-14IVPZ0WI-01305-00334773-00335077 eagerness all over Assam B who is a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01306-00335078-00335276 series of three prominent festivals Z-14IVPZ0WI-01307-00335277-00335533 primarily a non religious festival Z-14IVPZ0WI-01308-00335534-00335717 celebrated to mark the seasons and the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01309-00335718-00335918 significant points of a cultivators life Z-14IVPZ0WI-01310-00335919-00336242 over a yearly cycle 3b has spring gali Z-14IVPZ0WI-01311-00336243-00336464 or bohag celebrated with the coming of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01312-00336465-00336638 spring and the beginning of the sowing Z-14IVPZ0WI-01313-00336639-00336883 season King gali or kadhi the barenbi Z-14IVPZ0WI-01314-00336884-00337054 who when the fields are lush but the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01315-00337055-00337262 barns are empty and the bow gali or moth Z-14IVPZ0WI-01316-00337263-00337435 the Thanksgiving when the crops have Z-14IVPZ0WI-01317-00337436-00337705 been harvested and the barns are full be Z-14IVPZ0WI-01318-00337706-00337877 whose songs and be who dance are Z-14IVPZ0WI-01319-00337878-00338126 associated to ring gali be hale the day Z-14IVPZ0WI-01320-00338127-00338297 before the each bee who is known as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01321-00338298-00338564 Arouca the first day of ring gali be who Z-14IVPZ0WI-01322-00338565-00338801 is called guru be who the be who of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01323-00338802-00338987 cows when the cows are taken to the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01324-00338988-00339191 nearby rivers or ponds to be bathed with Z-14IVPZ0WI-01325-00339192-00339476 special care in recent times the form Z-14IVPZ0WI-01326-00339477-00339676 and nature of celebration has changed Z-14IVPZ0WI-01327-00339677-00339962 with the growth of urban centers Wisie Z-14IVPZ0WI-01328-00339963-00340153 GU is one of the popular seasonal Z-14IVPZ0WI-01329-00340154-00340418 festivals of the bodas why is a GU start Z-14IVPZ0WI-01330-00340419-00340651 of the new year or age vice' GU is a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01331-00340652-00340858 Bora word which originated from the word Z-14IVPZ0WI-01332-00340859-00341414 bison which means your age egg a GU that Z-14IVPZ0WI-01333-00341415-00341755 means starting or start bushu dima or Z-14IVPZ0WI-01334-00341756-00342010 simply bushu as a major harvest festival Z-14IVPZ0WI-01335-00342011-00342287 of the demacia people this festival is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01336-00342288-00342493 celebrated during the end of January Z-14IVPZ0WI-01337-00342494-00342794 officially the 27th of January has been Z-14IVPZ0WI-01338-00342795-00342962 declared as the day of bushu deema Z-14IVPZ0WI-01339-00342963-00343252 festival the demas of people celebrate Z-14IVPZ0WI-01340-00343253-00343421 their festival by playing musical Z-14IVPZ0WI-01341-00343422-00343673 instruments Crom a type of drum Murray a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01342-00343674-00343943 kind of huge long flute the people Z-14IVPZ0WI-01343-00343944-00344117 dances to the different tunes called Z-14IVPZ0WI-01344-00344118-00344420 Murie thigh and each dance has got its Z-14IVPZ0WI-01345-00344421-00344723 name the prominent bimba by dima there Z-14IVPZ0WI-01346-00344724-00344929 are three types of bushu celebrated Z-14IVPZ0WI-01347-00344930-00345151 among the de masas Jadhav sorum and hang Z-14IVPZ0WI-01348-00345152-00345473 su shebang cut is a post harvesting Z-14IVPZ0WI-01349-00345474-00345676 festival of the cooky people the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01350-00345677-00345887 festival is celebrated on the first day Z-14IVPZ0WI-01351-00345888-00346035 of November every Z-14IVPZ0WI-01352-00346036-00346263 hence this particular day has been Z-14IVPZ0WI-01353-00346264-00346431 officially declared as a restricted Z-14IVPZ0WI-01354-00346432-00346782 holiday by the Assam govt T in the past Z-14IVPZ0WI-01355-00346783-00347022 the celebration was primarily important Z-14IVPZ0WI-01356-00347023-00347268 in the religio cultural sense the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01357-00347269-00347439 rhythmic movements of the dances in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01358-00347440-00347628 festival were inspired by animals Z-14IVPZ0WI-01359-00347629-00347841 agricultural techniques and showed their Z-14IVPZ0WI-01360-00347842-00348120 relationship with ecology today the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01361-00348121-00348312 celebration witnesses the shifting of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01362-00348313-00348489 stages and is revamped to suit new Z-14IVPZ0WI-01363-00348490-00348744 contexts and interpretations the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01364-00348745-00348936 traditional dances which forms the core Z-14IVPZ0WI-01365-00348937-00349140 of the festival is now performed in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01366-00349141-00349314 out of village settings and are staged Z-14IVPZ0WI-01367-00349315-00349623 in a secular public sphere in a sum the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01368-00349624-00349794 Cooky's mainly reside in the two Z-14IVPZ0WI-01369-00349795-00350028 autonomous districts of Bhima haseo and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01370-00350029-00350325 carbee Anglin moreover there are other Z-14IVPZ0WI-01371-00350326-00350529 important traditional festivals being Z-14IVPZ0WI-01372-00350530-00350703 celebrated every year on different Z-14IVPZ0WI-01373-00350704-00350858 occasions at different places Z-14IVPZ0WI-01374-00350859-00351090 many of these are celebrated by Z-14IVPZ0WI-01375-00351091-00351312 different ethnic cultural groups sub and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01376-00351313-00351672 sister cultures some of these are other Z-14IVPZ0WI-01377-00351673-00351960 few yearly celebrations are dull Utsav Z-14IVPZ0WI-01378-00351961-00352191 of bar pada Brahmaputra beach festival Z-14IVPZ0WI-01379-00352192-00352449 Guwahati Kaziranga elephant festival Z-14IVPZ0WI-01380-00352450-00352716 Kaziranga and dang Buckeye festival like Z-14IVPZ0WI-01381-00352717-00352974 a pani carby youth festival of defu an Z-14IVPZ0WI-01382-00352975-00353211 international Ginga festival j't Inga Z-14IVPZ0WI-01383-00353212-00353481 cannot be forgotten few yearly Mela is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01384-00353482-00353712 like John Beale Mela began in the 15th Z-14IVPZ0WI-01385-00353713-00353913 century by the a hom kings Z-14IVPZ0WI-01386-00353914-00354297 Amba bocce Mela Guwahati etc latchet Z-14IVPZ0WI-01387-00354298-00354468 Divas is celebrated to promote the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01388-00354469-00354663 ideals of latchet boor fook on the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01389-00354664-00354896 legendary general of asam's history Z-14IVPZ0WI-01390-00354897-00355194 sarbananda Sonowal the chief minister of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01391-00355195-00355392 a sum took part in the latchet divas Z-14IVPZ0WI-01392-00355393-00355590 celebration at the statue of latchet Z-14IVPZ0WI-01393-00355591-00355794 boar fukken at brahmaputra river front Z-14IVPZ0WI-01394-00355795-00356196 on the 24th of November 2017 he said the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01395-00356197-00356424 first countrywide celebration of latchet Z-14IVPZ0WI-01396-00356425-00356601 divas would take place in New Delhi Z-14IVPZ0WI-01397-00356602-00356802 followed by state capitals such as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01398-00356803-00357033 Hyderabad Bangalore in Kolkata in a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01399-00357034-00357577 phased manner Z-14IVPZ0WI-01400-00357578-00358207 topic music dance and drama Z-14IVPZ0WI-01401-00358208-00358489 performing arts include on kia na 80 Z-14IVPZ0WI-01402-00358490-00358807 unqiue na 80 a traditional vison of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01403-00358808-00359032 dance drama Bayona popular since the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01404-00359033-00359365 15th century ad it makes use of large Z-14IVPZ0WI-01405-00359366-00359611 masks of gods goddesses demons and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01406-00359612-00359827 animals and in between the plays a sutra Z-14IVPZ0WI-01407-00359828-00360037 dark sutra ha continues to narrate the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01408-00360038-00360280 story besides be who dance and hitori Z-14IVPZ0WI-01409-00360281-00360499 performed during the bohag be who dance Z-14IVPZ0WI-01410-00360500-00360697 forms of tribal minorities such as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01411-00360698-00360934 Kushan and rich wa of rajab anxious Z-14IVPZ0WI-01412-00360935-00361138 Bhagu rumba and board with cichlid dance Z-14IVPZ0WI-01413-00361139-00361402 of bow dos mission be who banjar kakan Z-14IVPZ0WI-01414-00361403-00361624 performed during cha mongkhon by karbas Z-14IVPZ0WI-01415-00361625-00361813 Joo mayor of T tribes are some of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01416-00361814-00362140 major folk dances Satria sotry a dance Z-14IVPZ0WI-01417-00362141-00362326 related to bison of tradition as a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01418-00362327-00362629 classical form of dance moreover there Z-14IVPZ0WI-01419-00362630-00362836 are several other age-old dance forms Z-14IVPZ0WI-01420-00362837-00363064 such as bar pages portal and region do Z-14IVPZ0WI-01421-00363065-00363298 Donny and Raja oh hey Polly boola dance Z-14IVPZ0WI-01422-00363299-00363634 cosh a tingling kardam NIM so quran etc Z-14IVPZ0WI-01423-00363635-00363904 the tradition of modern moving theatres Z-14IVPZ0WI-01424-00363905-00364075 as typical of a psalm with immense Z-14IVPZ0WI-01425-00364076-00364309 popularity of many large theatre groups Z-14IVPZ0WI-01426-00364310-00364561 such as Kohinoor Sankar dev a baahon Z-14IVPZ0WI-01427-00364562-00364768 baaga Devi Hangul brindaban Z-14IVPZ0WI-01428-00364769-00365146 ideas etc the indigenous folk music has Z-14IVPZ0WI-01429-00365147-00365320 influenced the growth of a modern idiom Z-14IVPZ0WI-01430-00365321-00365542 that finds expression in the music of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01431-00365543-00365743 artists like Jodi Prasad our gowalla Z-14IVPZ0WI-01432-00365744-00366040 Vishnu Prasad raba Parvati Prasad barua Z-14IVPZ0WI-01433-00366041-00366325 Bhupen hazarika pratima burro upon D Z-14IVPZ0WI-01434-00366326-00366571 anima Chowdhury looat Khan war Rudra Z-14IVPZ0WI-01435-00366572-00366841 Barua jayanta hazarika kagan mahanta Z-14IVPZ0WI-01436-00366842-00367081 deepali Bertha core ganash LP Dilip Z-14IVPZ0WI-01437-00367082-00367294 Sarma soo Dakshina Sarma among many Z-14IVPZ0WI-01438-00367295-00367591 others among the new generation zubeen Z-14IVPZ0WI-01439-00367592-00367630 Garg Z-14IVPZ0WI-01440-00367631-00367876 ji tool sana wall Angharad Mahanta and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01441-00367877-00368182 joy bora there is an award given in the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01442-00368183-00368365 honor of Vishnu Prasad raba for Z-14IVPZ0WI-01443-00368366-00368560 achievements in the cultural music world Z-14IVPZ0WI-01444-00368561-00369197 of Assam by the state government Z-14IVPZ0WI-01445-00369198-00369681 topic cuisine Z-14IVPZ0WI-01446-00369682-00369960 typically an Assamese meal consists of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01447-00369961-00370179 many things such as bought rice with dal Z-14IVPZ0WI-01448-00370180-00370449 lentils masoor jewel fish curry with Z-14IVPZ0WI-01449-00370450-00370758 mung Joe meat curry or xaa K and bhaji Z-14IVPZ0WI-01450-00370759-00370983 herbs and vegetables rice is one of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01451-00370984-00371193 main dishes of Assam and a variety of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01452-00371194-00371391 different Rice's are grown and eaten in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01453-00371392-00371475 different ways Z-14IVPZ0WI-01454-00371476-00371700 roasted grounded boiled or just soaked Z-14IVPZ0WI-01455-00371701-00371916 fish curries made of free-range wild Z-14IVPZ0WI-01456-00371917-00372162 fish as well as boar Olly Roux illis or Z-14IVPZ0WI-01457-00372163-00372462 soot all are the most popular fowls such Z-14IVPZ0WI-01458-00372463-00372642 as ducks and pigeon are used in dishes Z-14IVPZ0WI-01459-00372643-00372867 while pork by tribals chicken and mutton Z-14IVPZ0WI-01460-00372868-00373050 dishes are mainly popular among the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01461-00373051-00373251 younger generation another favourite Z-14IVPZ0WI-01462-00373252-00373491 combination is Lu Chi fried flatbread a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01463-00373492-00373680 curry which can be vegetarian or Z-14IVPZ0WI-01464-00373681-00373875 non-vegetarian and asar Z-14IVPZ0WI-01465-00373876-00374112 pickle the two main characteristics of a Z-14IVPZ0WI-01466-00374113-00374322 traditional meal in a saw mark are and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01467-00374323-00374538 alkali named after its main ingredient Z-14IVPZ0WI-01468-00374539-00374826 and the sour dish Tenga Corita is the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01469-00374827-00375024 smoked or fired meat eaten with the meal Z-14IVPZ0WI-01470-00375025-00375255 the various meats more commonly taken Z-14IVPZ0WI-01471-00375256-00375522 include mutton fowl duck goose fish Z-14IVPZ0WI-01472-00375523-00375765 pigeon beef and pork among Muslim Z-14IVPZ0WI-01473-00375766-00375930 Christian and tribal communities Z-14IVPZ0WI-01474-00375931-00376149 respectively these being often involved Z-14IVPZ0WI-01475-00376150-00376431 with religious ceremonies other kinds of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01476-00376432-00376692 meat include grasshoppers locusts silk Z-14IVPZ0WI-01477-00376693-00376998 worms snails eels wild fowl and other Z-14IVPZ0WI-01478-00376999-00377229 birds deer meat and so on coryza Z-14IVPZ0WI-01479-00377230-00377424 fermented bamboo shoots are used at Z-14IVPZ0WI-01480-00377425-00377604 times to flavour curries while they can Z-14IVPZ0WI-01481-00377605-00377813 also be preserved and made into pickles Z-14IVPZ0WI-01482-00377814-00378126 cold old banana flower and squash can be Z-14IVPZ0WI-01483-00378127-00378309 cooked into saab geez many tribal Z-14IVPZ0WI-01484-00378310-00378504 households still continue to brew their Z-14IVPZ0WI-01485-00378505-00378717 traditional drinks variously known as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01486-00378718-00379143 Lao pani ex aaj pani o jew-jew my hor Z-14IVPZ0WI-01487-00379144-00379446 apong and so on during the time of the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01488-00379447-00379632 traditional festivities guests are Z-14IVPZ0WI-01489-00379633-00379902 offered these drinks declining then is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01490-00379903-00380112 considered socially offensive the food Z-14IVPZ0WI-01491-00380113-00380328 is often served in bell metal dishes and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01492-00380329-00381029 platters like nahi my hyung and so on Z-14IVPZ0WI-01493-00381030-00381523 topic literature Z-14IVPZ0WI-01494-00381524-00381739 most literary works are written in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01495-00381740-00381943 Assamese although other local language Z-14IVPZ0WI-01496-00381944-00382126 such as boar oh and de Massa are also Z-14IVPZ0WI-01497-00382127-00382471 represented in the 19th and 20th century Z-14IVPZ0WI-01498-00382472-00382666 Assamese and other literature was Z-14IVPZ0WI-01499-00382667-00382894 modernized by authors including Lakshmi Z-14IVPZ0WI-01500-00382895-00382978 Tattvas bara Z-14IVPZ0WI-01501-00382979-00383254 be Ranjit Kumar barua member OA doctor Z-14IVPZ0WI-01502-00383255-00383479 Mamoni raisin Goswami the Bendre nath Z-14IVPZ0WI-01503-00383480-00383716 hai kiya Virendra Kumar Bhattacharya Z-14IVPZ0WI-01504-00383717-00383914 here in Bhattacharya home in Bordeaux Z-14IVPZ0WI-01505-00383915-00384181 hen bobynin dodeca ribbity Mohan Dutta Z-14IVPZ0WI-01506-00384182-00384448 Chowdhury Mahim Bora Lal Bahadur Chhetri Z-14IVPZ0WI-01507-00384449-00384748 syed abdul malik Surendranath mehdi here Z-14IVPZ0WI-01508-00384749-00385333 in gohan etc Z-14IVPZ0WI-01509-00385334-00385830 topic fine-arts Z-14IVPZ0WI-01510-00385831-00386103 the archaic Mauryan stupas discovered in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01511-00386104-00386277 and around Goalpara district are the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01512-00386278-00386682 earliest examples see 300 BC to see 100 Z-14IVPZ0WI-01513-00386683-00386928 AD of ancient art and architectural Z-14IVPZ0WI-01514-00386929-00387180 works the remains discovered in depart Z-14IVPZ0WI-01515-00387181-00387423 idea to pour Bhatia archaeological site Z-14IVPZ0WI-01516-00387424-00387597 with a beautiful door frame in Tezpur Z-14IVPZ0WI-01517-00387598-00387837 are identified as the best examples of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01518-00387838-00388071 artworks in ancient Assam with influence Z-14IVPZ0WI-01519-00388072-00388233 of Sarnath school of art of the late Z-14IVPZ0WI-01520-00388234-00388431 Gupta period painting is an ancient Z-14IVPZ0WI-01521-00388432-00388677 tradition of Assam chuan zhang 7th Z-14IVPZ0WI-01522-00388678-00388881 century ad mentions that among the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01523-00388882-00389082 camera route by king vos Rivera's gifts Z-14IVPZ0WI-01524-00389083-00389238 to Harsha Varginha there were paintings Z-14IVPZ0WI-01525-00389239-00389445 and painted objects some of which were Z-14IVPZ0WI-01526-00389446-00389748 on Assamese silk many of the manuscripts Z-14IVPZ0WI-01527-00389749-00389943 such as haste of age or Nava a treatise Z-14IVPZ0WI-01528-00389944-00390168 on elephants the Chitra bhagavata and in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01529-00390169-00390324 the gita-govinda from the Middle Ages Z-14IVPZ0WI-01530-00390325-00390549 bear excellent examples of traditional Z-14IVPZ0WI-01531-00390550-00391078 paintings Z-14IVPZ0WI-01532-00391079-00391638 topic traditional crafts Z-14IVPZ0WI-01533-00391639-00391899 Essam has a rich tradition of crafts Z-14IVPZ0WI-01534-00391900-00392129 cane and bamboo craft bell medal and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01535-00392130-00392373 brass craft silk and cotton weaving toy Z-14IVPZ0WI-01536-00392374-00392585 and mask making pottery and terracotta Z-14IVPZ0WI-01537-00392586-00392820 work wood crafts jewelry making and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01538-00392821-00393015 musical instruments making have remained Z-14IVPZ0WI-01539-00393016-00393233 as major traditions cane and bamboo Z-14IVPZ0WI-01540-00393234-00393414 craft provide the most commonly used Z-14IVPZ0WI-01541-00393415-00393650 utilities in daily life ranging from Z-14IVPZ0WI-01542-00393651-00393867 household utilities weaving accessories Z-14IVPZ0WI-01543-00393868-00394113 fishing accessories furniture musical Z-14IVPZ0WI-01544-00394114-00394418 instruments construction materials etc Z-14IVPZ0WI-01545-00394419-00394679 utilities and symbolic articles such as Z-14IVPZ0WI-01546-00394680-00394872 sore eye and botta made from bell metal Z-14IVPZ0WI-01547-00394873-00395078 and brass are found in every Assamese Z-14IVPZ0WI-01548-00395079-00395152 household Z-14IVPZ0WI-01549-00395153-00395453 Haho and SAR the Bari sorta bari are the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01550-00395454-00395643 most important centres of traditional Z-14IVPZ0WI-01551-00395644-00395933 Bell metal and brass crafts a psalm is Z-14IVPZ0WI-01552-00395934-00396138 the home of several types of silks the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01553-00396139-00396353 most prestigious er muga the natural Z-14IVPZ0WI-01554-00396354-00396600 golden silk Pat a creamy bright silver Z-14IVPZ0WI-01555-00396601-00396846 colored silk and airy a variety used for Z-14IVPZ0WI-01556-00396847-00397054 manufacturing warm clothes for winter Z-14IVPZ0WI-01557-00397055-00397362 apart from swell coochie-coochie the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01558-00397363-00397529 Center for the traditional silk industry Z-14IVPZ0WI-01559-00397530-00397773 in almost every parts of the Brahmaputra Z-14IVPZ0WI-01560-00397774-00397998 Valley rural households produce silk and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01561-00397999-00398177 silk garments with excellent embroidery Z-14IVPZ0WI-01562-00398178-00398251 designs Z-14IVPZ0WI-01563-00398252-00398541 moreover various ethno-cultural groups Z-14IVPZ0WI-01564-00398542-00398745 into some make different types of cotton Z-14IVPZ0WI-01565-00398746-00398940 garments with unique embroidery designs Z-14IVPZ0WI-01566-00398941-00399167 and wonderful color combinations Z-14IVPZ0WI-01567-00399168-00399474 moreover Assam possesses unique crafts Z-14IVPZ0WI-01568-00399475-00399650 of toy and mask making mostly Z-14IVPZ0WI-01569-00399651-00399851 concentrated in the vine of monasteries Z-14IVPZ0WI-01570-00399852-00400098 pottery and terracotta work in western Z-14IVPZ0WI-01571-00400099-00400293 Assam districts and wood crafts iron Z-14IVPZ0WI-01572-00400294-00400596 craft jewelry etc in many places across Z-14IVPZ0WI-01573-00400597-00401159 the region Z-14IVPZ0WI-01574-00401160-00401654 topic media Z-14IVPZ0WI-01575-00401655-00401918 print media include Assamese dailies Z-14IVPZ0WI-01576-00401919-00402218 amare som a Samiha coab or a Samia Z-14IVPZ0WI-01577-00402219-00402476 president Dana CAG Redoute Dana Jan Ambu Z-14IVPZ0WI-01578-00402477-00402782 me Dana Qasim gana a Dakar Jana Saarinen Z-14IVPZ0WI-01579-00402783-00403121 Mia Mia Barda a som Bonnie Satan and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01580-00403122-00403355 bhal khabar are Assamese weekly Z-14IVPZ0WI-01581-00403356-00403637 newspapers English dailies of a some Z-14IVPZ0WI-01582-00403638-00403859 include the Assam Tribune The Sentinel Z-14IVPZ0WI-01583-00403860-00404066 The Telegraph The Times of India the Z-14IVPZ0WI-01584-00404067-00404282 Northeast Times Eastern Chronicle and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01585-00404283-00404564 the hills times the car in the car be Z-14IVPZ0WI-01586-00404565-00404777 language has the largest circulation of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01587-00404778-00404987 any daily from car be angling district Z-14IVPZ0WI-01588-00404988-00405272 beau dosa has the highest circulation of Z-14IVPZ0WI-01589-00405273-00405611 any boat o daily from BTC dana Cayuga Z-14IVPZ0WI-01590-00405612-00405833 Sanka is a Bengali daily with editions Z-14IVPZ0WI-01591-00405834-00406067 from Dibrugarh Guwahati Silchar in Z-14IVPZ0WI-01592-00406068-00406139 Kolkata Z-14IVPZ0WI-01593-00406140-00406412 Dane Exim Iook / Tsonga day Nick prenta Z-14IVPZ0WI-01594-00406413-00406652 yachty Dana Chanda kantha and na Babar Z-14IVPZ0WI-01595-00406653-00406859 Dupree Sangha or other prominent Bengali Z-14IVPZ0WI-01596-00406860-00407015 dailies published in the Barak Valley Z-14IVPZ0WI-01597-00407016-00407342 towns of kerim ganj and Silchar Hindi Z-14IVPZ0WI-01598-00407343-00407525 dailies include Purvanchal Pro Hari Z-14IVPZ0WI-01599-00407526-00407815 predict a bar and a neck / vo-- day Z-14IVPZ0WI-01600-00407816-00408044 broadcasting stations of All India Radio Z-14IVPZ0WI-01601-00408045-00408296 have been established in five big cities Z-14IVPZ0WI-01602-00408297-00408608 Dibrugarh Guwahati cakra har Silchar and Z-14IVPZ0WI-01603-00408609-00408911 Tezpur local news and music are the main Z-14IVPZ0WI-01604-00408912-00409160 priority for that station Assam has Z-14IVPZ0WI-01605-00409161-00409352 three public service broadcasting Z-14IVPZ0WI-01606-00409353-00409574 service stations at Dibrugarh hue Hadi Z-14IVPZ0WI-01607-00409575-00409876 and Silchar Guwahati is the headquarters Z-14IVPZ0WI-01608-00409877-00410075 of a number of electronic medias like Z-14IVPZ0WI-01609-00410076-00410492 Assam talks died 365 News live news 18 Z-14IVPZ0WI-01610-00410493-00410732 of some northeast Prag news and Pratt it Z-14IVPZ0WI-01611-00410733-00411274 in time Z-14IVPZ0WI-01612-00411275-00411826 topic see also Z-14IVPZ0WI-01613-00411827-00412097 outline of Assam comprehensive topic Z-14IVPZ0WI-01614-00412097-00412453 guide listing articles about Assam list Z-14IVPZ0WI-01615-00412454-00412745 of districts of a song equals equals Z-14IVPZ0WI-01616-00412746-00412981 notes Z-bBhBhAPIY-00000-00000006-00000852 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00001-00000853-00002481 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00002-00002482-00003353 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00004-00006570-00007627 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00005-00007628-00007883 you can't bury your past Z-bBhBhAPIY-00006-00007884-00009064 but you can bury those who caused it Z-bBhBhAPIY-00007-00009065-00009695 let's have fun friend Z-bBhBhAPIY-00008-00009696-00010368 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00009-00010369-00011200 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00010-00011201-00011369 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00011-00011370-00011717 this is your champion Z-bBhBhAPIY-00012-00011718-00011903 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00013-00011904-00013341 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00014-00013343-00015779 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00015-00015780-00017243 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00016-00017244-00018060 myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00017-00018061-00018772 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00018-00018773-00019157 we're inside the ring Z-bBhBhAPIY-00019-00019158-00019667 time to mind you Z-bBhBhAPIY-00020-00019668-00020261 grappling Z-bBhBhAPIY-00021-00020262-00022097 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00022-00022098-00022597 thank you Z-bBhBhAPIY-00023-00022598-00023272 okay my ultimate's ready Z-bBhBhAPIY-00024-00023273-00023464 I can use this level for knockdown suit Z-bBhBhAPIY-00025-00023465-00023981 to revive myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00026-00023982-00024553 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00027-00024554-00024844 My ultimate is ready Z-bBhBhAPIY-00028-00024845-00025487 searching forward searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00029-00025488-00025644 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00030-00025645-00025985 level three Z-bBhBhAPIY-00031-00025986-00026306 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00032-00026307-00026437 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00033-00026438-00026717 hello are you okay searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00034-00026718-00027208 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00035-00027210-00028283 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00036-00028283-00028661 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00037-00028662-00029208 My ultimate is ready our Target is here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00038-00029210-00029489 I can use this level 4 knockdown shoe to Z-bBhBhAPIY-00039-00029489-00029970 revive myself using grapple Z-bBhBhAPIY-00040-00029970-00030587 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00041-00030588-00030917 finding them Z-bBhBhAPIY-00042-00030918-00031301 healing yes you should contact with Z-bBhBhAPIY-00043-00031302-00031462 hostel Z-bBhBhAPIY-00044-00031463-00031818 are you okay reloading Z-bBhBhAPIY-00045-00031819-00032099 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00046-00032100-00032237 looks like Z-bBhBhAPIY-00047-00032238-00033018 New Year Johnson enemies Z-bBhBhAPIY-00048-00033019-00034273 reloading help help me help help Z-bBhBhAPIY-00049-00034274-00034993 us Z-bBhBhAPIY-00050-00034994-00035321 movement in progress nice hustle right Z-bBhBhAPIY-00051-00035322-00035524 here we're inside the ring I'll flash Z-bBhBhAPIY-00052-00035525-00035746 back if I need to restart my timeline Z-bBhBhAPIY-00053-00035747-00036395 okay Z-bBhBhAPIY-00054-00036396-00036629 reloading back here level three Z-bBhBhAPIY-00055-00036630-00037417 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00056-00037418-00038929 searching forward searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00057-00038930-00039245 contact with Target another Squad is on Z-bBhBhAPIY-00058-00039246-00039502 us reloading Z-bBhBhAPIY-00059-00039503-00039671 down Z-bBhBhAPIY-00060-00039672-00040092 one lesson I killed an enemy Z-bBhBhAPIY-00061-00040093-00040534 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00062-00040535-00040685 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00063-00040686-00040861 Shield battery here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00064-00040862-00041485 replicator being delivered friends Z-bBhBhAPIY-00065-00041486-00041746 I can use this level 4 knockdown Shield Z-bBhBhAPIY-00066-00041747-00042068 to revive myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00067-00042069-00042562 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00068-00042563-00043205 haha Z-bBhBhAPIY-00069-00043206-00043379 okay Z-bBhBhAPIY-00070-00043380-00043518 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00071-00043519-00044573 my damages Z-bBhBhAPIY-00072-00044574-00044879 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00073-00044880-00045085 let's get here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00074-00045086-00045667 another Squad is on us Z-bBhBhAPIY-00075-00045668-00045983 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00076-00045984-00046283 probably Z-bBhBhAPIY-00077-00046284-00046612 okay Z-bBhBhAPIY-00078-00046613-00047183 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00079-00047184-00047411 searching forward I'll be judging my Z-bBhBhAPIY-00080-00047412-00048418 Shields stay on the count Z-bBhBhAPIY-00081-00048419-00048983 IES Z-bBhBhAPIY-00082-00048984-00049237 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00083-00049238-00050340 you guys help me please Z-bBhBhAPIY-00084-00050341-00050602 our friends are coming to kill us hustle Z-bBhBhAPIY-00085-00050603-00050807 right hit my house and that is ready we Z-bBhBhAPIY-00086-00050808-00051310 move on my mark reloading Z-bBhBhAPIY-00087-00051311-00051514 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00088-00051515-00051858 I am taking fire friends Z-bBhBhAPIY-00089-00051859-00052090 opening fire on the enemy contact Z-bBhBhAPIY-00090-00052091-00052330 another Squad is on us Z-bBhBhAPIY-00091-00052332-00052601 okay guys Z-bBhBhAPIY-00092-00052602-00052975 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00093-00052976-00053303 firing I killed an enemy I hope my kids Z-bBhBhAPIY-00094-00053304-00053825 saw that repairing my damages Z-bBhBhAPIY-00095-00053826-00054853 I'm searching forward searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00096-00054854-00055750 level three grappling dude Z-bBhBhAPIY-00097-00055751-00056094 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00098-00056095-00056315 recharging Shields Z-bBhBhAPIY-00099-00056316-00057341 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00100-00057341-00058685 extended heavy magazine here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00101-00058686-00058900 recharging Shields Z-bBhBhAPIY-00102-00058901-00059332 they will be bound Z-bBhBhAPIY-00103-00059333-00059530 I can use this level 4 knockdown Shield Z-bBhBhAPIY-00104-00059532-00059680 to revive myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00105-00059682-00059938 let's go this way Z-bBhBhAPIY-00106-00059939-00061069 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00107-00061070-00061342 recharging Shields searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00108-00061344-00062579 let's go this way Z-bBhBhAPIY-00109-00062579-00062800 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00110-00062801-00064265 okay let's go Z-bBhBhAPIY-00111-00064266-00065299 okay Z-bBhBhAPIY-00112-00065300-00065903 get ready Z-bBhBhAPIY-00114-00069132-00069361 okay Z-bBhBhAPIY-00115-00069362-00069676 okay nice let's go guys let's go this Z-bBhBhAPIY-00116-00069677-00070594 way Z-bBhBhAPIY-00117-00070595-00070811 let's explore this way Z-bBhBhAPIY-00118-00070812-00071255 nice Z-bBhBhAPIY-00119-00071256-00071497 searching forward searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00120-00071498-00071747 opening fire on the enemy Z-bBhBhAPIY-00121-00071748-00072215 contact no you know that Z-bBhBhAPIY-00122-00072216-00072467 hustle right here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00123-00072468-00074641 surging forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00124-00074642-00075269 hustle right here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00125-00075270-00078143 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00126-00078144-00078437 your package dropping in this looks too Z-bBhBhAPIY-00127-00078438-00078835 easy chamber Z-bBhBhAPIY-00128-00078836-00079103 Shield battery here Z-bBhBhAPIY-00129-00079104-00079294 where is he Z-bBhBhAPIY-00130-00079295-00079582 open I am taking fire friends reloading Z-bBhBhAPIY-00131-00079583-00079765 searching forward Z-bBhBhAPIY-00132-00079766-00080081 replicator being delivered Z-bBhBhAPIY-00133-00080082-00082017 they're dropping a replicator Z-bBhBhAPIY-00134-00082018-00082187 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00135-00082188-00082523 oh yeah Z-bBhBhAPIY-00136-00082524-00082897 giving my Shields a recharge Z-bBhBhAPIY-00137-00082898-00083309 it might be something good this way Z-bBhBhAPIY-00138-00083310-00083771 attentiveness Z-bBhBhAPIY-00139-00083772-00084187 I need help Z-bBhBhAPIY-00140-00084188-00085387 three beginning ring countdowns Z-bBhBhAPIY-00141-00085388-00086717 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00142-00086718-00087046 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00143-00087047-00088338 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00144-00088339-00089335 might be something good this way Z-bBhBhAPIY-00145-00089336-00089615 if I can't look for him Z-bBhBhAPIY-00146-00089616-00089806 I'll make sure he starts looking for me Z-bBhBhAPIY-00147-00089807-00090011 I can use this level 4 knockdown Shield Z-bBhBhAPIY-00148-00090012-00090299 to revive myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00149-00090300-00091012 contact with hellstar here fully kitted Z-bBhBhAPIY-00150-00091013-00093973 I am repairing myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00151-00093974-00094600 enemy down Z-bBhBhAPIY-00152-00094601-00095465 using grapple Z-bBhBhAPIY-00153-00095466-00095662 I can use this level 4 knockdown Shield Z-bBhBhAPIY-00154-00095663-00095968 to revive myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00155-00095969-00096611 reloading Z-bBhBhAPIY-00156-00096612-00097321 extended light mag here level three Z-bBhBhAPIY-00157-00097322-00097667 recharging Shields Z-bBhBhAPIY-00158-00097668-00098009 warning ring movement in progress Z-bBhBhAPIY-00159-00098010-00098273 to mind you we're inside the ring let Z-bBhBhAPIY-00160-00098274-00099018 them keep underestimating us Z-bBhBhAPIY-00161-00099019-00099268 find them get your package dropping in Z-bBhBhAPIY-00162-00099269-00099461 this looks too easy Z-bBhBhAPIY-00163-00099462-00099676 opening fire Z-bBhBhAPIY-00164-00099677-00099982 replicator Z-bBhBhAPIY-00165-00099983-00100448 replicator incoming Z-bBhBhAPIY-00166-00100449-00101705 [Applause] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00167-00101706-00101944 I can use this level 4 knockdown shoe to Z-bBhBhAPIY-00168-00101945-00102416 revive myself Z-bBhBhAPIY-00169-00102417-00103175 [Music] Z-bBhBhAPIY-00171-00106224-00107871 foreign Z-bBhBhAPIY-00172-00107872-00108176 [Music] ZDp_DOICCs4-00000-00000292-00000700 okay as you remember from before we were ZDp_DOICCs4-00001-00000701-00001235 copying Linux from the DVD down onto the ZDp_DOICCs4-00002-00001236-00001714 hard drive by using the cheat code to HD ZDp_DOICCs4-00003-00001714-00001991 equals and then the name of the ZDp_DOICCs4-00004-00001992-00002264 partition of the hard drive and that can ZDp_DOICCs4-00005-00002265-00002752 be a hard drive formatted as most any ZDp_DOICCs4-00006-00002753-00003115 type of the Linux hard drive ext3 ext4 ZDp_DOICCs4-00007-00003116-00003490 or it can be a windows type hard drive ZDp_DOICCs4-00008-00003492-00003886 such as an NTFS too hard drive or a ZDp_DOICCs4-00009-00003886-00004486 faster fat32 hard drive I chose to make ZDp_DOICCs4-00010-00004487-00005006 it an NTFS hard drive simply to show my ZDp_DOICCs4-00011-00005007-00005399 point once that has copied to the hard ZDp_DOICCs4-00012-00005400-00005726 drive it then will bring up a little ZDp_DOICCs4-00013-00005727-00006038 menu that says that ask you whether you ZDp_DOICCs4-00014-00006039-00006509 want to make a another virtual hard ZDp_DOICCs4-00015-00006509-00006983 drive on on your hard drive that you can ZDp_DOICCs4-00016-00006984-00007309 use for your personal data and I said ZDp_DOICCs4-00017-00007311-00007645 yes and made it one that was about four ZDp_DOICCs4-00018-00007647-00008098 gigabytes in size so now let's reboot ZDp_DOICCs4-00019-00008100-00008369 our system using this hard drive I'm ZDp_DOICCs4-00020-00008370-00008564 going to reboot here i'm back in ZDp_DOICCs4-00021-00008565-00008987 virtualbox and we're rebooting okay at ZDp_DOICCs4-00022-00008988-00009248 this point we get our menu like before ZDp_DOICCs4-00023-00009249-00009701 I'll hit the f3 key just simply so i can ZDp_DOICCs4-00024-00009702-00009908 stop the screen otherwise it would be on ZDp_DOICCs4-00025-00009909-00010109 me automatically while I'm trying to ZDp_DOICCs4-00026-00010110-00010621 talk here and i will type in knoppix now ZDp_DOICCs4-00027-00010622-00011105 in this case I want to say from hard ZDp_DOICCs4-00028-00011106-00011667 drive equal / de v / HD oh I'm sorry ZDp_DOICCs4-00029-00011668-00012524 sda1 now it is going to i'm still using ZDp_DOICCs4-00030-00012525-00012808 my DVD at this point in order to get ZDp_DOICCs4-00031-00012809-00013105 this boot menu up because the system did ZDp_DOICCs4-00032-00013106-00013202 not change ZDp_DOICCs4-00033-00013203-00013529 the computers MBR it didn't do anything ZDp_DOICCs4-00034-00013530-00013949 fancy with putting down grub or anything ZDp_DOICCs4-00035-00013950-00014183 like that we're still using whatever it ZDp_DOICCs4-00036-00014184-00014552 had which in my case was nothing but in ZDp_DOICCs4-00037-00014553-00014759 your case will probably be the windows ZDp_DOICCs4-00038-00014760-00015355 in being on em Br in any case we didn't ZDp_DOICCs4-00039-00015356-00015541 change any of that so we've got to use ZDp_DOICCs4-00040-00015543-00016037 the DVD to get up to the boot menu but ZDp_DOICCs4-00041-00016038-00016288 once I point in the codes that I put in ZDp_DOICCs4-00042-00016290-00016825 here knoppix space hard from hard drive ZDp_DOICCs4-00043-00016826-00017378 it will then boot from the ISO image ZDp_DOICCs4-00044-00017379-00017816 that is on the hard drive I can remove ZDp_DOICCs4-00045-00017817-00018182 the DVD I can then use that DVD to burn ZDp_DOICCs4-00046-00018183-00018566 dvds or that DVD drive I can do anything ZDp_DOICCs4-00047-00018567-00018932 I want I and everything is going to run ZDp_DOICCs4-00048-00018933-00019255 at hard drive speed because I am running ZDp_DOICCs4-00049-00019256-00019508 off the hard drive I am not running off ZDp_DOICCs4-00050-00019509-00020183 the DVD and it will boot fast and it ZDp_DOICCs4-00051-00020184-00020374 will run pretty much a hard drive feet ZDp_DOICCs4-00052-00020375-00020819 the other cool thing about this is i can ZDp_DOICCs4-00053-00020820-00021475 now go over here and if i want i can ZDp_DOICCs4-00054-00021476-00021775 create files in fact I've already booted ZDp_DOICCs4-00055-00021776-00021959 this system a couple times and I've ZDp_DOICCs4-00056-00021960-00022415 created a file and here's my thought my ZDp_DOICCs4-00057-00022416-00022981 file here I could edit this file and the ZDp_DOICCs4-00058-00022982-00023353 cool thing about this is this now being ZDp_DOICCs4-00059-00023354-00023849 on the hard drive is a permanent file ZDp_DOICCs4-00060-00023850-00024859 this is my file this is a good file this ZDp_DOICCs4-00061-00024860-00025340 is permanent well as permanent as ZDp_DOICCs4-00062-00025341-00025886 anything on hard drive is but so I'm no ZDp_DOICCs4-00063-00025887-00026357 longer solely plugged by the good and ZDp_DOICCs4-00064-00026358-00026514 bad points of you ZDp_DOICCs4-00065-00026514-00026862 a live distribution I can actually save ZDp_DOICCs4-00066-00026863-00027207 data here permanently of course I could ZDp_DOICCs4-00067-00027208-00027432 do that with any live distribution by ZDp_DOICCs4-00068-00027433-00027662 using say a thumb drive or something or ZDp_DOICCs4-00069-00027663-00027965 by mounting my hard drive onto the ZDp_DOICCs4-00070-00027966-00028254 system but this does it in a very clean ZDp_DOICCs4-00071-00028255-00028485 straightforward manner that's really ZDp_DOICCs4-00072-00028486-00028998 cool now what's even better is knob ZDp_DOICCs4-00073-00028999-00029342 accuses something called a union FS I ZDp_DOICCs4-00074-00029343-00029633 believe there's a new updated name to ZDp_DOICCs4-00075-00029635-00030183 that but the basic concept is that this ZDp_DOICCs4-00076-00030183-00030558 is still a DVD image so conceptually I ZDp_DOICCs4-00077-00030558-00030783 can't do things like I can't change my ZDp_DOICCs4-00078-00030783-00031131 password I can't add a user because I've ZDp_DOICCs4-00079-00031132-00031404 got to modify the password file and all ZDp_DOICCs4-00080-00031405-00031718 these systems files kept under like / ET ZDp_DOICCs4-00081-00031719-00032127 c and as soon as because those are on ZDp_DOICCs4-00082-00032127-00032529 DVD as soon as I take the system down ZDp_DOICCs4-00083-00032530-00032693 and reboot it I lose all that ZDp_DOICCs4-00084-00032694-00033129 information but with union FS what ZDp_DOICCs4-00085-00033130-00033696 happens is it keeps a bit of data on my ZDp_DOICCs4-00086-00033697-00034082 virtual hard drive so that if I change ZDp_DOICCs4-00087-00034083-00034577 my password file or my shadow file which ZDp_DOICCs4-00088-00034578-00034818 is where the passwords are stored under ZDp_DOICCs4-00089-00034819-00035312 / what is it / etc's last shadow that is ZDp_DOICCs4-00090-00035313-00035868 actually stored in the in that new ZDp_DOICCs4-00091-00035869-00036282 virtual hard disk and so when any time ZDp_DOICCs4-00092-00036283-00036546 the system needs to get a password for ZDp_DOICCs4-00093-00036547-00037096 example first it will look in the ZDp_DOICCs4-00094-00037097-00037431 volatile memory in the virtual hard ZDp_DOICCs4-00095-00037432-00037692 drive i have and say is there a password ZDp_DOICCs4-00096-00037693-00038055 file there should i used that password ZDp_DOICCs4-00097-00038056-00038318 if that file doesn't exist it goes to ZDp_DOICCs4-00098-00038319-00038733 the DVD image so it gives me the ZDp_DOICCs4-00099-00038734-00038976 possibility of actually making changes ZDp_DOICCs4-00100-00038977-00039198 to the system that I couldn't make on ZDp_DOICCs4-00101-00039199-00039531 just strictly alive DVD as an example ZDp_DOICCs4-00102-00039532-00039753 suppose I want to add a user ZDp_DOICCs4-00103-00039754-00040224 let me add a user first I will become ZDp_DOICCs4-00104-00040225-00040410 root and then I think there's a system ZDp_DOICCs4-00105-00040411-00040668 on here called k user to that will let ZDp_DOICCs4-00106-00040669-00041256 me add users okay let's add user add ZDp_DOICCs4-00107-00041257-00041733 user Oh what user do we want to add will ZDp_DOICCs4-00108-00041734-00042054 add a user will call David oh let's all ZDp_DOICCs4-00109-00042055-00042261 lowercase letters because we're a UNIX ZDp_DOICCs4-00110-00042262-00043053 person okay and I don't know what you ID ZDp_DOICCs4-00111-00043054-00043344 number will use here this isn't a very ZDp_DOICCs4-00112-00043345-00043575 serious user so we'll just let it ZDp_DOICCs4-00113-00043576-00043863 default to that you ID number let's set ZDp_DOICCs4-00114-00043864-00045134 the password to call 911 call 911 that ZDp_DOICCs4-00115-00045135-00045531 such my password let's set the login ZDp_DOICCs4-00116-00045532-00045945 shell to bash that's an okay place for ZDp_DOICCs4-00117-00045946-00046284 the home directory I don't need to fill ZDp_DOICCs4-00118-00046285-00046524 out any of this other stuff disable ZDp_DOICCs4-00119-00046525-00046764 account no I want the account enabled ZDp_DOICCs4-00120-00046765-00047130 create a home directory copy the ZDp_DOICCs4-00121-00047131-00047883 skeleton yeah okay let's just okay so we ZDp_DOICCs4-00122-00047884-00048240 should have a new user let's see if we ZDp_DOICCs4-00123-00048241-00049341 do well indeed apparently I already ZDp_DOICCs4-00124-00049342-00049530 experimented with this and made up a ZDp_DOICCs4-00125-00049531-00049791 user called d mamble at but here's a ZDp_DOICCs4-00126-00049792-00050133 user called David so suppose I want to ZDp_DOICCs4-00127-00050134-00050865 become David I should be able to become ZDp_DOICCs4-00128-00050866-00051398 David by doing something like this now ZDp_DOICCs4-00129-00051399-00051696 I'm not quite sure why it didn't ask for ZDp_DOICCs4-00130-00051697-00051963 my password but I won't worry about that ZDp_DOICCs4-00131-00051964-00052346 now normally it does and it seems like ZDp_DOICCs4-00132-00052347-00052553 it should but ZDp_DOICCs4-00133-00052554-00053036 a small issue okay where am I well I'm ZDp_DOICCs4-00134-00053037-00053474 on David there's the files he owns let's ZDp_DOICCs4-00135-00053475-00053907 see if he actually owns them whoops yes ZDp_DOICCs4-00136-00053908-00054280 indeed David is the user that on Zoe's ZDp_DOICCs4-00137-00054281-00054556 and there's a group David that is the ZDp_DOICCs4-00138-00054557-00054836 group associated with those files so I ZDp_DOICCs4-00139-00054837-00055079 have actually been able to create a user ZDp_DOICCs4-00140-00055079-00055346 if I would take this system down I ZDp_DOICCs4-00141-00055347-00055673 reboot the system David would still be a ZDp_DOICCs4-00142-00055674-00056029 user on the system I could actually add ZDp_DOICCs4-00143-00056029-00056380 within limits probably add packaged ZDp_DOICCs4-00144-00056381-00056913 software packages to the system and ZDp_DOICCs4-00145-00056914-00057493 actually modify the system a bit and it ZDp_DOICCs4-00146-00057494-00057904 will work and that seems totally cool to ZDp_DOICCs4-00147-00057905-00058219 me that this is where knoppix is ZDp_DOICCs4-00148-00058220-00058478 different than other live distributions ZDp_DOICCs4-00149-00058479-00058934 as I said before it is meant to be a ZDp_DOICCs4-00150-00058935-00059279 production level live distribution and ZDp_DOICCs4-00151-00059279-00059737 and so you know in my mind it's the best ZDp_DOICCs4-00152-00059738-00060362 live distribution around and so that ZDp_DOICCs4-00153-00060363-00061091 takes care of that if the let's see if ZDp_DOICCs4-00154-00061091-00061276 there's anything else I want to talk to ZDp_DOICCs4-00155-00061277-00061606 about in this session well yeah actually ZDp_DOICCs4-00156-00061607-00061871 there is a little bit more that I wanted ZDp_DOICCs4-00157-00061872-00062300 to mention in this chapter the one thing ZDp_DOICCs4-00158-00062301-00062621 I wanted to mention here is when you ZDp_DOICCs4-00159-00062622-00063034 handle a network of Linux workstations ZDp_DOICCs4-00160-00063035-00063224 that's a lot different than ZDp_DOICCs4-00161-00063225-00063676 administrating one system at a time one ZDp_DOICCs4-00162-00063677-00063998 of the things you may want to do is you ZDp_DOICCs4-00163-00063999-00064334 may want to share everybody's home ZDp_DOICCs4-00164-00064335-00064715 directories so no matter what machine a ZDp_DOICCs4-00165-00064716-00064987 person sits down at when they log on ZDp_DOICCs4-00166-00064988-00065356 they get the same home directories ZDp_DOICCs4-00167-00065357-00065655 because that's stored on a ZDp_DOICCs4-00168-00065656-00065940 central server or a group of central ZDp_DOICCs4-00169-00065941-00066333 servers there are ways of doing that in ZDp_DOICCs4-00170-00066334-00067071 UNIX that's commonly done and sometimes ZDp_DOICCs4-00171-00067072-00067326 it's desirable sometimes it's not some ZDp_DOICCs4-00172-00067327-00067503 people want their own personal ZDp_DOICCs4-00173-00067504-00067857 workstations and that has the advantage ZDp_DOICCs4-00174-00067858-00068034 that if the network's down they can ZDp_DOICCs4-00175-00068035-00068397 still work but that is a consideration ZDp_DOICCs4-00176-00068398-00068651 in some environments it makes a lot of ZDp_DOICCs4-00177-00068652-00069015 sense to keep the user files jointly ZDp_DOICCs4-00178-00069016-00069399 mounted on all the workstations in other ZDp_DOICCs4-00179-00069400-00069751 environments that doesn't make sense ZDp_DOICCs4-00180-00069752-00070173 likewise in a network sometimes you want ZDp_DOICCs4-00181-00070174-00070876 to share application software basically ZDp_DOICCs4-00182-00070877-00071166 running a network is more complicated ZDp_DOICCs4-00183-00071167-00071540 than running just single workstations ZDp_DOICCs4-00184-00071541-00071784 there's a lot more to administrative ZDp_DOICCs4-00185-00071785-00072032 network just by nature of the fact that ZDp_DOICCs4-00186-00072033-00072345 it is a network one of the things that ZDp_DOICCs4-00187-00072346-00072570 is complicated in the network is if you ZDp_DOICCs4-00188-00072571-00073091 have a lot of users on your system ZDp_DOICCs4-00189-00073092-00073524 should all the users have be able to log ZDp_DOICCs4-00190-00073525-00073881 on on any system they sit down on or ZDp_DOICCs4-00191-00073882-00074151 should they only be able to log on on ZDp_DOICCs4-00192-00074152-00074454 their own personal systems and maybe the ZDp_DOICCs4-00193-00074455-00074898 systems in their department and then ZDp_DOICCs4-00194-00074899-00075150 does that mean you have to install every ZDp_DOICCs4-00195-00075151-00075675 user on every system and decisions like ZDp_DOICCs4-00196-00075676-00075987 that get really complicated and there's ZDp_DOICCs4-00197-00075988-00076232 there's no simple answers it depends on ZDp_DOICCs4-00198-00076233-00076524 your environment but I would want to say ZDp_DOICCs4-00199-00076525-00077194 that there are tools to basically ZDp_DOICCs4-00200-00077195-00077496 install users on multiple systems when ZDp_DOICCs4-00201-00077497-00077679 they should be installed on multiple ZDp_DOICCs4-00202-00077680-00077937 systems one of those tools is a system ZDp_DOICCs4-00203-00077938-00078303 called en is network information system ZDp_DOICCs4-00204-00078304-00078666 or it used to be called yellowpages it ZDp_DOICCs4-00205-00078667-00078899 was written by sun microsystems but ZDp_DOICCs4-00206-00078900-00079239 British Telecom said that yellowpages ZDp_DOICCs4-00207-00079240-00079740 was a trademarked term and so son had to ZDp_DOICCs4-00208-00079741-00079893 change the name and they changed the ZDp_DOICCs4-00209-00079894-00080160 name to n is a network information ZDp_DOICCs4-00210-00080161-00080445 system but all the commands for yellow ZDp_DOICCs4-00211-00080446-00080799 pages starts with a YP they did not ZDp_DOICCs4-00212-00080800-00081135 change the command names just the system ZDp_DOICCs4-00213-00081136-00081543 name on a more modern terms what we use ZDp_DOICCs4-00214-00081544-00081863 is system called LDAP or Active ZDp_DOICCs4-00215-00081864-00082197 Directory which is widely used in ZDp_DOICCs4-00216-00082198-00082500 windows as well as Linux and it that ZDp_DOICCs4-00217-00082501-00082829 will allow us to centralize the user ZDp_DOICCs4-00218-00082830-00083133 access information in a central database ZDp_DOICCs4-00219-00083134-00083760 and that workstations can access at any ZDp_DOICCs4-00220-00083761-00084153 time and that simplifies the maintenance ZDp_DOICCs4-00221-00084154-00084582 of the user information it it really ZDp_DOICCs4-00222-00084583-00084972 helps us with a lot of things it also ZDp_DOICCs4-00223-00084973-00085155 really makes us dependent on the network ZDp_DOICCs4-00224-00085156-00085371 if there's slowdowns or if the network ZDp_DOICCs4-00225-00085372-00085635 if the network goes down but even if the ZDp_DOICCs4-00226-00085636-00086190 network slows down you can be in trouble ZDp_DOICCs4-00227-00086191-00086457 really quickly and that's one of the ZDp_DOICCs4-00228-00086458-00086871 drawbacks with ldap IAC I'm out of time ZDp_DOICCs4-00229-00086872-00087192 I'm also done with the topics so we will ZDp_DOICCs4-00230-00087193-00087513 in the we will in this week session ZDp_DOICCs4-00231-00087514-00088180 right now but I ZDp_DOICCs4-00232-00088181-00088387 you ZFmqV3knm0o-00000-00000669-00001048 [Music] ZFmqV3knm0o-00001-00001049-00001277 hello students and welcome back to bank ZFmqV3knm0o-00002-00001278-00001481 exam started out calm my name is Roman ZFmqV3knm0o-00003-00001482-00001537 leap Singh ZFmqV3knm0o-00004-00001538-00001885 so Bank of Baroda belt management exam ZFmqV3knm0o-00005-00001886-00002129 is going to hell next week so students ZFmqV3knm0o-00006-00002130-00002366 they asked me sir tell me some topic ZFmqV3knm0o-00007-00002367-00002624 tell us some topics for the professional ZFmqV3knm0o-00008-00002625-00002870 knowledge exam so students today I am ZFmqV3knm0o-00009-00002871-00002999 going to tell you some of the very ZFmqV3knm0o-00010-00003000-00003184 important topics that you should go ZFmqV3knm0o-00011-00003185-00003428 through and I am actually right now I'm ZFmqV3knm0o-00012-00003429-00003644 working on a proper capsule that I am ZFmqV3knm0o-00013-00003645-00003788 going to share with you within like a ZFmqV3knm0o-00014-00003789-00003974 day or two right right now I'm working ZFmqV3knm0o-00015-00003975-00004028 on it ZFmqV3knm0o-00016-00004029-00004385 so within like actually it is part of a ZFmqV3knm0o-00017-00004386-00004733 course right so within a week you when I ZFmqV3knm0o-00018-00004734-00004906 think complete of course you can go to ZFmqV3knm0o-00019-00004907-00005204 Bank exams right or come so we are ZFmqV3knm0o-00020-00005205-00005435 providing like 40% discount Bob forty ZFmqV3knm0o-00021-00005436-00005633 coupon code is there the links is all ZFmqV3knm0o-00022-00005634-00005726 the links are available in the ZFmqV3knm0o-00023-00005727-00006272 description so before you know I mean ZFmqV3knm0o-00024-00006273-00006520 much promotion of my courses let's focus ZFmqV3knm0o-00025-00006522-00006803 on the important topics for the this ZFmqV3knm0o-00026-00006804-00007096 exam right let's start with the say B's ZFmqV3knm0o-00027-00007097-00007495 categorization notification so I hope ZFmqV3knm0o-00028-00007497-00007681 you are aware about mutual fund ZFmqV3knm0o-00029-00007683-00007909 categorization there are ten types of ZFmqV3knm0o-00030-00007911-00008216 funds there is a latest circular of ZFmqV3knm0o-00031-00008217-00008278 mutual ZFmqV3knm0o-00032-00008279-00008671 say B according to which the mutual ZFmqV3knm0o-00033-00008672-00008909 funds are categorized right so please go ZFmqV3knm0o-00034-00008910-00009149 through that particular notification ZFmqV3knm0o-00035-00009150-00009335 that's really important that that is the ZFmqV3knm0o-00036-00009336-00009530 first notification of say B the second ZFmqV3knm0o-00037-00009531-00009817 one is a total expense ratio circular ZFmqV3knm0o-00038-00009818-00010078 the semi has made a cap on the total ZFmqV3knm0o-00039-00010079-00010253 expense ratio that's also really ZFmqV3knm0o-00040-00010254-00010595 important that's the cap is made is set ZFmqV3knm0o-00041-00010596-00010831 according to the asset under management ZFmqV3knm0o-00042-00010832-00011069 of a certain management companies so ZFmqV3knm0o-00043-00011070-00011324 this circular is really important I have ZFmqV3knm0o-00044-00011325-00011492 already prepared a big deal on this ZFmqV3knm0o-00045-00011493-00011746 topic I'll make a link in the ZFmqV3knm0o-00046-00011747-00011999 description please check that then the ZFmqV3knm0o-00047-00012000-00012274 powers of say B the functions of say B ZFmqV3knm0o-00048-00012275-00012563 how a B works I mean what are the ZFmqV3knm0o-00049-00012564-00012794 various powers of say B so for that ZFmqV3knm0o-00050-00012795-00013010 please go through the official website ZFmqV3knm0o-00051-00013011-00013041 of ZFmqV3knm0o-00052-00013042-00013297 they'd be that will be of real good help ZFmqV3knm0o-00053-00013297-00013503 and I'll be giving a link in the ZFmqV3knm0o-00054-00013504-00013695 description where I have already made a ZFmqV3knm0o-00055-00013696-00014070 blog post on functions of CB really ZFmqV3knm0o-00056-00014071-00014220 important ZFmqV3knm0o-00057-00014221-00014530 then the circular related to credit ZFmqV3knm0o-00058-00014531-00014850 rating agencies recently you know due to ZFmqV3knm0o-00059-00014851-00015016 Il FS ZFmqV3knm0o-00060-00015016-00015234 there was a crackdown on the credit ZFmqV3knm0o-00061-00015235-00015387 rating agencies as well because they ZFmqV3knm0o-00062-00015388-00015855 didn't you know made timely they didn't ZFmqV3knm0o-00063-00015856-00016000 provide timely information to the ZFmqV3knm0o-00064-00016001-00016242 investors regarding the creditworthiness ZFmqV3knm0o-00065-00016243-00016486 of that il FS and other financial ZFmqV3knm0o-00066-00016487-00016692 organization they didn't provide the ZFmqV3knm0o-00067-00016693-00016959 proper you know credit worthiness of the ZFmqV3knm0o-00068-00016960-00017128 credit instruments so that's that ZFmqV3knm0o-00069-00017129-00017467 notification is really important so what ZFmqV3knm0o-00070-00017468-00017667 are NB FC is their power there is a ZFmqV3knm0o-00071-00017668-00017984 recent circular according to which the ZFmqV3knm0o-00072-00017985-00018286 RBA has categorize to the NB a FCS now ZFmqV3knm0o-00073-00018287-00018450 there is just one kind of one category ZFmqV3knm0o-00074-00018451-00018615 of NB FC please go through that ZFmqV3knm0o-00075-00018616-00018805 notification as well I will provide all ZFmqV3knm0o-00076-00018806-00019131 the links in the description then the ZFmqV3knm0o-00077-00019132-00019492 payment wallets and payment banks you ZFmqV3knm0o-00078-00019493-00019668 need to learn about the new payment to ZFmqV3knm0o-00079-00019669-00019867 wallets and the payment banks their head ZFmqV3knm0o-00080-00019868-00020256 offices right and that's all I think the ZFmqV3knm0o-00081-00020257-00020393 the new apps ZFmqV3knm0o-00082-00020394-00020796 that's all I think and their limitations ZFmqV3knm0o-00083-00020797-00020983 of women's Bank and the small payments ZFmqV3knm0o-00084-00020984-00021375 Bank right and updates about the payment ZFmqV3knm0o-00085-00021376-00021603 wallet and their kky C issues and all ZFmqV3knm0o-00086-00021604-00021880 right students in the wealth management ZFmqV3knm0o-00087-00021881-00022092 paper you can see two or three questions ZFmqV3knm0o-00088-00022093-00022365 related to investment case studies in my ZFmqV3knm0o-00089-00022366-00022605 previous line session I did three ZFmqV3knm0o-00090-00022606-00022889 questions for an investment case study ZFmqV3knm0o-00091-00022890-00023221 where you will power you'll be given a ZFmqV3knm0o-00092-00023222-00023542 case study that mr. a is like 30 years ZFmqV3knm0o-00093-00023543-00023805 old he is making this much money I mean ZFmqV3knm0o-00094-00023806-00024180 and you know should he consider the ZFmqV3knm0o-00095-00024181-00024436 factory I mean see I have already made ZFmqV3knm0o-00096-00024437-00024684 three questions and I have already made ZFmqV3knm0o-00097-00024685-00024871 a lot of questions regarding this please ZFmqV3knm0o-00098-00024872-00025239 go through that case studies very where ZFmqV3knm0o-00099-00025240-00025425 you need to give the recommendations to ZFmqV3knm0o-00100-00025426-00025881 a individual right then the investment ZFmqV3knm0o-00101-00025882-00026139 jardins or you need to know what what is ZFmqV3knm0o-00102-00026140-00026202 beta ZFmqV3knm0o-00103-00026203-00026395 what is Sharpe ratio what is beggary ZFmqV3knm0o-00104-00026395-00026698 you would SPE ratio all the ratios and ZFmqV3knm0o-00105-00026699-00026992 ratio analysis chapter is really really ZFmqV3knm0o-00106-00026993-00027165 important you need to know what is p/e ZFmqV3knm0o-00107-00027166-00027774 ratio EPS what is diluted EPS what is ZFmqV3knm0o-00108-00027775-00028164 like you know debt to equity ratio ZFmqV3knm0o-00109-00028164-00028612 really important you need to go through ZFmqV3knm0o-00110-00028613-00028858 the cash flow statement chapter really ZFmqV3knm0o-00111-00028858-00029245 important then IPOs the quotas in IPO ZFmqV3knm0o-00112-00029245-00029398 that say besets right ZFmqV3knm0o-00113-00029399-00029623 the IPO process what is book building ZFmqV3knm0o-00114-00029624-00029782 process I have already prepared a video ZFmqV3knm0o-00115-00029783-00030012 and I think it is already available on ZFmqV3knm0o-00116-00030013-00030214 YouTube the IPO chapter is really ZFmqV3knm0o-00117-00030214-00030390 important than the depositories how ZFmqV3knm0o-00118-00030391-00030724 depositories work the basics only then ZFmqV3knm0o-00119-00030725-00030927 the stock exchange is really important ZFmqV3knm0o-00120-00030928-00031180 how stock exchanges work which stock ZFmqV3knm0o-00121-00031181-00031533 exchanges are recognized to buy say B as ZFmqV3knm0o-00122-00031534-00031768 of now what are the limitation which is ZFmqV3knm0o-00123-00031769-00032017 the International stock or stock ZFmqV3knm0o-00124-00032018-00032155 exchange of India ZFmqV3knm0o-00125-00032156-00032404 what are the various you know commodity ZFmqV3knm0o-00126-00032405-00032527 exchanges in India have already ZFmqV3knm0o-00127-00032527-00032704 explained everything about that in my ZFmqV3knm0o-00128-00032705-00032983 lectures ratio analysis I have already ZFmqV3knm0o-00129-00032984-00033205 told cost of couples in the bond market ZFmqV3knm0o-00130-00033206-00033387 I mean what are the various types of ZFmqV3knm0o-00131-00033388-00033708 bonds what is a masala born I mean what ZFmqV3knm0o-00132-00033709-00033933 are the bonds in foreign currencies I ZFmqV3knm0o-00133-00033934-00034177 mean how the bonds are evaluated right ZFmqV3knm0o-00134-00034178-00034429 then the RBI what are the powers of our ZFmqV3knm0o-00135-00034430-00034645 way the functions of our beta our base ZFmqV3knm0o-00136-00034646-00034882 monetary policies and the latest ZFmqV3knm0o-00137-00034883-00035143 circulars of our big important latest ZFmqV3knm0o-00138-00035144-00035374 circulars of our be that that are ZFmqV3knm0o-00139-00035375-00035629 impacting the banks and bf C's payment ZFmqV3knm0o-00140-00035630-00036096 wallets and all okay then the fem a-- if ZFmqV3knm0o-00141-00036097-00036280 emma is not dad and bought and I would ZFmqV3knm0o-00142-00036281-00036621 say but I have done a I've already done ZFmqV3knm0o-00143-00036622-00036862 a basic lecture 120 minutes lecture ZFmqV3knm0o-00144-00036863-00037126 please go through that okay then when ZFmqV3knm0o-00145-00037127-00037324 various financial instruments such as ZFmqV3knm0o-00146-00037325-00037648 para theity f-22 masala bond I already ZFmqV3knm0o-00147-00037649-00037962 told you these are kind of important for ZFmqV3knm0o-00148-00037963-00038260 the bond valuation I didn't go in depth ZFmqV3knm0o-00149-00038261-00038593 but it is an important chapter the ZFmqV3knm0o-00150-00038594-00038787 foreign convertible bond I just forgot ZFmqV3knm0o-00151-00038788-00039087 about that particular topic but types of ZFmqV3knm0o-00152-00039088-00039262 bonds you can say really important then ZFmqV3knm0o-00153-00039263-00039514 the union budget really really important ZFmqV3knm0o-00154-00039515-00039690 see students are you ZFmqV3knm0o-00155-00039691-00039906 budget it's really important for from ZFmqV3knm0o-00156-00039907-00040146 the wealth management concept from the ZFmqV3knm0o-00157-00040147-00040428 wealth management section the various ZFmqV3knm0o-00158-00040429-00040692 you know investments under Section eight ZFmqV3knm0o-00159-00040693-00041091 TC ATD various tax trimming investments ZFmqV3knm0o-00160-00041092-00041409 please go through that the taxation of ZFmqV3knm0o-00161-00041410-00041622 the properties taxation of real estate ZFmqV3knm0o-00162-00041623-00041877 that's really really important the ZFmqV3knm0o-00163-00041878-00042189 various government schemes related to ZFmqV3knm0o-00164-00042190-00042477 banking and banking insurance companies ZFmqV3knm0o-00165-00042478-00042933 and NBF C's and also students these are ZFmqV3knm0o-00166-00042934-00043275 the really important topics for the ZFmqV3knm0o-00167-00043276-00043449 wealth management paper wealth ZFmqV3knm0o-00168-00043450-00043605 management section of Bank of Baroda ZFmqV3knm0o-00169-00043606-00043887 exam so these are the important topic ZFmqV3knm0o-00170-00043888-00044070 students please go through them all ZFmqV3knm0o-00171-00044071-00044295 these topics are available in the Bank ZFmqV3knm0o-00172-00044296-00044484 of Baroda wealth management course on ZFmqV3knm0o-00173-00044485-00044724 bank exams orders mobile application you ZFmqV3knm0o-00174-00044725-00045030 can use the coupon cord b.o.b for 0 and ZFmqV3knm0o-00175-00045031-00045177 you'll be getting the 40% discount ZFmqV3knm0o-00176-00045178-00045459 because 7 days are left for this exam so ZFmqV3knm0o-00177-00045460-00045675 please go through these videos and if ZFmqV3knm0o-00178-00045676-00045810 you don't want to take the calls please ZFmqV3knm0o-00179-00045811-00045954 go through these topics because ZFmqV3knm0o-00180-00045955-00046122 according to me these topics are really ZFmqV3knm0o-00181-00046123-00046368 important for this exam right if there ZFmqV3knm0o-00182-00046369-00046689 is any doubt in your mind any doubt and ZFmqV3knm0o-00183-00046690-00046854 regarding the exam there is a comment ZFmqV3knm0o-00184-00046855-00047133 section and my number is nine zero six ZFmqV3knm0o-00185-00047134-00047481 seven two zero one triple zero nine zero ZFmqV3knm0o-00186-00047482-00047751 six seven two zero one triple zero that ZFmqV3knm0o-00187-00047752-00047940 is my whatsapp number where you can ask ZFmqV3knm0o-00188-00047941-00048099 your doubts and I'm going to answer your ZFmqV3knm0o-00189-00048100-00048411 doubts so please subscribe this channel ZFmqV3knm0o-00190-00048412-00048714 like this video and if there isn't a ZFmqV3knm0o-00191-00048715-00048906 doubt in your mind there is comment ZFmqV3knm0o-00192-00048907-00049170 section and install the bank exams today ZFmqV3knm0o-00193-00049171-00049650 mobile application and please give me a ZFmqV3knm0o-00194-00049651-00049878 rating there so that's all for today ZFmqV3knm0o-00195-00049879-00050076 students thank you and have a very nice ZFmqV3knm0o-00196-00050077-00050283 day ZFokUSJ7U6E-00000-00000015-00000911 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00001-00000911-00002110 thank you ZFokUSJ7U6E-00002-00002111-00003087 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00003-00003088-00003479 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00004-00003479-00004751 bye ZFokUSJ7U6E-00005-00004752-00005400 is ZFokUSJ7U6E-00006-00005401-00005862 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00007-00005863-00006623 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00008-00006623-00006742 three ZFokUSJ7U6E-00009-00006743-00006942 four one one ZFokUSJ7U6E-00010-00006943-00007083 two ZFokUSJ7U6E-00011-00007084-00007310 three four ZFokUSJ7U6E-00012-00007311-00007519 five six ZFokUSJ7U6E-00013-00007520-00007703 seven eight ZFokUSJ7U6E-00014-00007704-00008407 eight seven six five four three two ZFokUSJ7U6E-00015-00008408-00008814 okay ZFokUSJ7U6E-00016-00008815-00009055 and ZFokUSJ7U6E-00017-00009056-00009611 clockwise ZFokUSJ7U6E-00018-00009612-00010231 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00019-00010232-00011030 um ZFokUSJ7U6E-00020-00011031-00011519 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00021-00011520-00012230 one ZFokUSJ7U6E-00022-00012231-00013407 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00023-00013408-00015694 is ZFokUSJ7U6E-00024-00015695-00016051 bye ZFokUSJ7U6E-00025-00016052-00017634 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00026-00017635-00017839 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00027-00017840-00018244 us ZFokUSJ7U6E-00028-00018245-00018841 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00029-00018842-00020415 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00030-00020416-00022183 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00031-00022184-00023375 one two three four one ZFokUSJ7U6E-00032-00023376-00024770 one two three ZFokUSJ7U6E-00033-00024771-00026055 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00034-00026056-00026460 let's go ZFokUSJ7U6E-00035-00026461-00027655 [Music] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00036-00027656-00027807 one ZFokUSJ7U6E-00037-00027808-00027958 two ZFokUSJ7U6E-00038-00027960-00028111 three ZFokUSJ7U6E-00039-00028112-00028270 four ZFokUSJ7U6E-00040-00028272-00028414 five ZFokUSJ7U6E-00041-00028416-00028558 six ZFokUSJ7U6E-00042-00028560-00028702 seven ZFokUSJ7U6E-00043-00028704-00028855 eight ZFokUSJ7U6E-00044-00028856-00028999 nine ZFokUSJ7U6E-00045-00029000-00029167 ten ZFokUSJ7U6E-00046-00029168-00029287 one ZFokUSJ7U6E-00047-00029288-00029483 two ZFokUSJ7U6E-00048-00029483-00029702 three two ZFokUSJ7U6E-00049-00029704-00029839 five ZFokUSJ7U6E-00050-00029839-00029967 six ZFokUSJ7U6E-00051-00029968-00030102 seven ZFokUSJ7U6E-00052-00030103-00031014 eight ZFokUSJ7U6E-00053-00031016-00031407 two three four one two three four five ZFokUSJ7U6E-00054-00031408-00031790 one two three four five six one two ZFokUSJ7U6E-00055-00031791-00032055 three four five six seven ZFokUSJ7U6E-00056-00032056-00032431 one two three four five six seven eight ZFokUSJ7U6E-00057-00032432-00032767 one two three four five six seven eight ZFokUSJ7U6E-00058-00032768-00033904 nine one two three ZFokUSJ7U6E-00059-00033905-00034813 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00060-00034814-00035151 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00061-00035152-00036856 one two three ZFokUSJ7U6E-00062-00036857-00037085 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00063-00037086-00038010 [Laughter] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00064-00038011-00039843 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00065-00039844-00040261 [Laughter] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00066-00040262-00042129 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00067-00042130-00043055 [Laughter] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00068-00043056-00044011 [Applause] ZFokUSJ7U6E-00069-00044012-00044722 [Laughter] ZFJAgftVXfU-00000-00000000-00000311 please ZFJAgftVXfU-00001-00000312-00000695 okay so welcome to the December 8th ZFJAgftVXfU-00002-00000696-00000977 meeting of the chaos Common working ZFJAgftVXfU-00003-00000977-00001145 group ZFJAgftVXfU-00004-00001146-00001397 um this is our last meeting until ZFJAgftVXfU-00005-00001398-00001721 January so uh we'll get some stuff done ZFJAgftVXfU-00006-00001722-00002026 and then everybody can enjoy their enjoy ZFJAgftVXfU-00007-00002027-00002213 their holidays ZFJAgftVXfU-00008-00002214-00002345 and since ZFJAgftVXfU-00009-00002346-00002410 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00010-00002411-00002705 since Elizabeth found out ZFJAgftVXfU-00011-00002706-00002867 um and I found out through Elizabeth ZFJAgftVXfU-00012-00002868-00003173 that you can just type colon and then ZFJAgftVXfU-00013-00003174-00003490 the Emoji thing and it will just add it ZFJAgftVXfU-00014-00003492-00003815 to Google Docs I thought that what your ZFJAgftVXfU-00015-00003815-00004001 top three emojis would be a good one to ZFJAgftVXfU-00016-00004002-00004138 do or ZFJAgftVXfU-00017-00004139-00004456 uh for this meeting so go ahead and uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00018-00004457-00004667 oh yeah I don't know I also one of my ZFJAgftVXfU-00019-00004668-00004847 others I'm gonna do four because I have ZFJAgftVXfU-00020-00004848-00005159 another one that I use all the time ZFJAgftVXfU-00021-00005160-00005531 I use the sparkly heart all the time ZFJAgftVXfU-00022-00005532-00005938 and I can't find it ZFJAgftVXfU-00023-00005939-00006215 there we go sparkling heart ZFJAgftVXfU-00024-00006216-00006436 um those are my four ZFJAgftVXfU-00025-00006437-00006634 let's change it right here that way it ZFJAgftVXfU-00026-00006636-00006970 doesn't look like I'm cheating ZFJAgftVXfU-00027-00006972-00007459 you're a rule follower I know ZFJAgftVXfU-00028-00007459-00007787 oh all right ZFJAgftVXfU-00029-00007788-00007878 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00030-00007879-00008351 so I thought we would start and let me ZFJAgftVXfU-00031-00008352-00008669 let me just pull this up here and ZFJAgftVXfU-00032-00008670-00009796 um share my screen ZFJAgftVXfU-00033-00009797-00010031 sorry I'm apparently not good at ZFJAgftVXfU-00034-00010032-00010169 clicking right now ZFJAgftVXfU-00035-00010170-00010378 everything's good yeah for no reason ZFJAgftVXfU-00036-00010379-00010606 there we go there we go ZFJAgftVXfU-00037-00010607-00010871 this is what I was trying to do ZFJAgftVXfU-00038-00010872-00010949 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00039-00010950-00011405 so we have some open PRS so I thought ZFJAgftVXfU-00040-00011406-00011618 we'd start with those because they're ZFJAgftVXfU-00041-00011619-00011651 [Music] ZFJAgftVXfU-00042-00011652-00011788 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00043-00011789-00011974 some good ones so a couple of the ZFJAgftVXfU-00044-00011975-00012335 metrics that we've been been working on ZFJAgftVXfU-00045-00012336-00012844 uh so uh benode put in uh change across ZFJAgftVXfU-00046-00012845-00013193 review duration ZFJAgftVXfU-00047-00013194-00013625 one and so let's see he's added it to ZFJAgftVXfU-00048-00013626-00013865 the ZFJAgftVXfU-00049-00013866-00014125 um time Focus areas ZFJAgftVXfU-00050-00014126-00014158 [Music] ZFJAgftVXfU-00051-00014159-00014386 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00052-00014387-00014608 oh looks like we've got a typo I can't ZFJAgftVXfU-00053-00014609-00014855 merge I can't emerge it ZFJAgftVXfU-00054-00014856-00015221 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00055-00015222-00015694 boo okay uh somebody's got a typo in one ZFJAgftVXfU-00056-00015695-00016144 of the file names it looks like ZFJAgftVXfU-00057-00016145-00016439 so let's just uh let's just leave a ZFJAgftVXfU-00058-00016440-00016799 comment and ask him to ZFJAgftVXfU-00059-00016800-00016894 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00060-00016895-00019097 life is so hard ZFJAgftVXfU-00061-00019098-00019343 I just get up being more helpful than I ZFJAgftVXfU-00062-00019344-00020069 would like it to be ZFJAgftVXfU-00063-00020070-00021430 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00064-00021431-00021622 this is exciting if you're watching me ZFJAgftVXfU-00065-00021623-00021700 type ZFJAgftVXfU-00066-00021701-00021875 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00067-00021876-00022463 I'm just ZFJAgftVXfU-00068-00022464-00022577 looking ZFJAgftVXfU-00069-00022578-00022825 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00070-00022826-00023063 sadly because there was go ahead ZFJAgftVXfU-00071-00023064-00023291 Elizabeth I'm so sorry this is extremely ZFJAgftVXfU-00072-00023292-00023519 important I just figured out that we can ZFJAgftVXfU-00073-00023520-00023783 also do ZFJAgftVXfU-00074-00023784-00024161 the shortcut in Zoom chat for emojis I ZFJAgftVXfU-00075-00024162-00024347 just wanted to say I had not no idea ZFJAgftVXfU-00076-00024348-00024539 that that was a thing so continue on ZFJAgftVXfU-00077-00024540-00024689 with the actual real productive meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00078-00024690-00024964 I apologize nice yeah so I've I've ZFJAgftVXfU-00079-00024965-00025228 always used it in slack and ZFJAgftVXfU-00080-00025229-00025439 um and then it never occurred to me that ZFJAgftVXfU-00081-00025440-00025606 I could do that elsewhere and it seems ZFJAgftVXfU-00082-00025607-00025817 like everything else is now implementing ZFJAgftVXfU-00083-00025818-00026152 that because it's awesome yeah yeah so ZFJAgftVXfU-00084-00026154-00026429 yes okay yeah well done I learned ZFJAgftVXfU-00085-00026430-00026602 something new this week ZFJAgftVXfU-00086-00026604-00026914 thank you Elizabeth any time happy to ZFJAgftVXfU-00087-00026916-00027096 help ZFJAgftVXfU-00088-00027097-00027545 okay we've got types of contributions ZFJAgftVXfU-00089-00027545-00027658 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00090-00027660-00027845 so this looks like an update to an ZFJAgftVXfU-00091-00027845-00028074 existing metric ZFJAgftVXfU-00092-00028075-00028427 uh I think that these are all things ZFJAgftVXfU-00093-00028427-00028752 that we talked about and these are some ZFJAgftVXfU-00094-00028754-00029135 reformatting of bullets it looks like uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00095-00029136-00029501 to get rid of the nested bullets ZFJAgftVXfU-00096-00029502-00029723 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00097-00029724-00030167 anybody have any comments on on this one ZFJAgftVXfU-00098-00030168-00030623 any concerns with uh with merging it ZFJAgftVXfU-00099-00030624-00030868 I assume this was probably one that we ZFJAgftVXfU-00100-00030869-00031151 looked at in the past ZFJAgftVXfU-00101-00031152-00031355 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00102-00031356-00031517 don't you know if is there a way to ZFJAgftVXfU-00103-00031518-00031751 preview uh what that would look like I ZFJAgftVXfU-00104-00031752-00031883 feel like there is ZFJAgftVXfU-00105-00031883-00032311 yes uh I think it's this one ZFJAgftVXfU-00106-00032312-00032657 yeah that's the rich deaf but you can ZFJAgftVXfU-00107-00032658-00032962 also uh there is there is another way to ZFJAgftVXfU-00108-00032963-00033071 do it ZFJAgftVXfU-00109-00033072-00033181 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00110-00033182-00033509 I think if you just view the file yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00111-00033510-00033724 just so we can have a quick look make ZFJAgftVXfU-00112-00033725-00034399 sure it looks good ZFJAgftVXfU-00113-00034400-00034618 yeah a lot of this was bullet point ZFJAgftVXfU-00114-00034619-00034829 reformatting and I think just making ZFJAgftVXfU-00115-00034830-00034967 some of the language a little more ZFJAgftVXfU-00116-00034968-00035431 concise ZFJAgftVXfU-00117-00035432-00035867 yeah that looks good to me okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00118-00035868-00036293 let's go ahead and uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00119-00036294-00036629 merge that oops ZFJAgftVXfU-00120-00036630-00036773 now that I've gotten here I can't seem ZFJAgftVXfU-00121-00036774-00036946 to get back out of it I'll just kind of ZFJAgftVXfU-00122-00036947-00037931 start over ZFJAgftVXfU-00123-00037932-00038879 well actually ZFJAgftVXfU-00124-00038880-00039124 Okay cool so we've got one one pull ZFJAgftVXfU-00125-00039125-00039274 request merged ZFJAgftVXfU-00126-00039275-00039407 let's have a quick look at the issues ZFJAgftVXfU-00127-00039408-00039737 and see if we've got anything new ZFJAgftVXfU-00128-00039738-00040109 uh the new things were basically from ZFJAgftVXfU-00129-00040110-00040312 September and those were all we talked ZFJAgftVXfU-00130-00040313-00040607 about all of these before around ZFJAgftVXfU-00131-00040608-00040745 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00132-00040746-00041051 renaming some metrics and uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00133-00041052-00041399 some new metrics so we'll leave those ZFJAgftVXfU-00134-00041400-00041507 open ZFJAgftVXfU-00135-00041508-00041645 I don't I don't know if this is ZFJAgftVXfU-00136-00041646-00041837 appropriate to bring up but just seeing ZFJAgftVXfU-00137-00041838-00042052 that release notes um and maybe this is ZFJAgftVXfU-00138-00042053-00042233 the group to talk about I know that ZFJAgftVXfU-00139-00042234-00042371 there have been concerns about the ZFJAgftVXfU-00140-00042372-00042659 metrics release process just being super ZFJAgftVXfU-00141-00042660-00042874 heavy weight I know that's something ZFJAgftVXfU-00142-00042875-00043096 Matt had brought up in the past ZFJAgftVXfU-00143-00043097-00043277 and I don't know if this is the working ZFJAgftVXfU-00144-00043278-00043499 group to have that conversation but I ZFJAgftVXfU-00145-00043500-00043643 know that there is a desire to ZFJAgftVXfU-00146-00043644-00043829 streamline that process maybe even take ZFJAgftVXfU-00147-00043830-00044165 those hard release out and just keep ZFJAgftVXfU-00148-00044166-00044374 that continuous release process ZFJAgftVXfU-00149-00044375-00044579 throughout the whole year instead of ZFJAgftVXfU-00150-00044580-00044908 doing like two versions so um I just ZFJAgftVXfU-00151-00044909-00045130 wanted to maybe I don't know today's ZFJAgftVXfU-00152-00045131-00045268 probably not the day to talk about that ZFJAgftVXfU-00153-00045269-00045412 because it's like the end of you know ZFJAgftVXfU-00154-00045413-00045646 whatever but just maybe plant that seed ZFJAgftVXfU-00155-00045647-00045857 of like if this is the place to have ZFJAgftVXfU-00156-00045858-00046085 that conversation maybe we can add that ZFJAgftVXfU-00157-00046086-00046511 to the agenda or think about it yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00158-00046512-00046835 did you have any thoughts on that ZFJAgftVXfU-00159-00046836-00047230 I do I do have ZFJAgftVXfU-00160-00047231-00047530 yep ZFJAgftVXfU-00161-00047531-00047837 I'm with you Elizabeth on the just the ZFJAgftVXfU-00162-00047838-00048196 following a continuous release process ZFJAgftVXfU-00163-00048197-00048418 just to ZFJAgftVXfU-00164-00048419-00048671 just because we have both of them we ZFJAgftVXfU-00165-00048672-00048929 have the continuous release process and ZFJAgftVXfU-00166-00048930-00049115 then we have that twice a year release ZFJAgftVXfU-00167-00049116-00049457 process the only disadvantage and I ZFJAgftVXfU-00168-00049458-00049729 think that comes from dropping ZFJAgftVXfU-00169-00049730-00050111 twice a year release processes that has ZFJAgftVXfU-00170-00050112-00050393 a tendency of being a forcing function ZFJAgftVXfU-00171-00050394-00050686 for people or for working groups to ZFJAgftVXfU-00172-00050687-00050968 release metrics so as long as we're okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00173-00050969-00051220 with kind of losing that forcing ZFJAgftVXfU-00174-00051221-00051370 function ZFJAgftVXfU-00175-00051371-00051616 I'm definitely inclined for just ZFJAgftVXfU-00176-00051617-00052216 following a continuous release process ZFJAgftVXfU-00177-00052217-00052444 I think this is probably ZFJAgftVXfU-00178-00052445-00052642 um probably a discussion that's more ZFJAgftVXfU-00179-00052644-00052932 appropriate in the weekly meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00180-00052933-00053135 because I feel like this is something ZFJAgftVXfU-00181-00053136-00053344 that impacts the entire entire Community ZFJAgftVXfU-00182-00053345-00053723 yeah it certainly does yeah maybe we can ZFJAgftVXfU-00183-00053724-00054073 tee that up or after the holidays yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00184-00054074-00054299 go ahead Matt ZFJAgftVXfU-00185-00054300-00054541 I was gonna say also I mean just ZFJAgftVXfU-00186-00054541-00054899 irrespective of like continuous persons ZFJAgftVXfU-00187-00054900-00055030 uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00188-00055032-00055282 uh having it every spicy year ZFJAgftVXfU-00189-00055283-00055391 um I did ZFJAgftVXfU-00190-00055391-00055697 what it's worth I did update the ZFJAgftVXfU-00191-00055698-00055882 template ZFJAgftVXfU-00192-00055883-00056153 in every working group you know that ZFJAgftVXfU-00193-00056154-00056392 template the checklist template ZFJAgftVXfU-00194-00056394-00056619 that we use for releasing a metric ZFJAgftVXfU-00195-00056620-00056759 [Music] ZFJAgftVXfU-00196-00056760-00057275 so that's updated and it's way shorter ZFJAgftVXfU-00197-00057276-00057437 cool you know what I'm talking about ZFJAgftVXfU-00198-00057438-00057611 yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00199-00057612-00058066 okay so I think I maybe maybe cut it ZFJAgftVXfU-00200-00058067-00058288 over half ZFJAgftVXfU-00201-00058289-00058475 just to make it a little ZFJAgftVXfU-00202-00058476-00058859 for people to make ZFJAgftVXfU-00203-00058860-00058985 think of whether it's ZFJAgftVXfU-00204-00058986-00059404 part of the really cycle ZFJAgftVXfU-00205-00059405-00059591 and to your point Don about bringing it ZFJAgftVXfU-00206-00059591-00059765 in the community meeting I think that's ZFJAgftVXfU-00207-00059766-00060071 where we originally teased the idea but ZFJAgftVXfU-00208-00060072-00060257 the only my only concern with that is ZFJAgftVXfU-00209-00060258-00060449 that we always have so much other stuff ZFJAgftVXfU-00210-00060450-00060623 going on there and it's it's kind of ZFJAgftVXfU-00211-00060624-00060832 hard but I do agree that it does ZFJAgftVXfU-00212-00060833-00061000 absolutely impact the whole project and ZFJAgftVXfU-00213-00061001-00061180 it like this group tends to be a little ZFJAgftVXfU-00214-00061182-00061373 bit smaller a smaller subset obviously ZFJAgftVXfU-00215-00061374-00061799 of the greater uh communities so ZFJAgftVXfU-00216-00061800-00062044 um so yeah let's let's put that on back ZFJAgftVXfU-00217-00062045-00062242 on the agenda again for uh the community ZFJAgftVXfU-00218-00062244-00062392 meeting and just to like tease it out ZFJAgftVXfU-00219-00062394-00062566 and see what people think and then maybe ZFJAgftVXfU-00220-00062567-00062765 bring it back here to talk about like ZFJAgftVXfU-00221-00062766-00062975 the details or implementation or you ZFJAgftVXfU-00222-00062976-00063154 know like the other finer fighter points ZFJAgftVXfU-00223-00063155-00063382 maybe and we can also ZFJAgftVXfU-00224-00063383-00063563 um yeah we can certainly talk about it ZFJAgftVXfU-00225-00063564-00063719 here in a future meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00226-00063720-00063850 um for sure ZFJAgftVXfU-00227-00063851-00064085 we could also have some of the ZFJAgftVXfU-00228-00064086-00064325 discussion via slack and or the new ZFJAgftVXfU-00229-00064326-00064666 discourse server once we get that all up ZFJAgftVXfU-00230-00064667-00065099 and running yeah 100 I like that ZFJAgftVXfU-00231-00065100-00065303 that way people can people can weigh in ZFJAgftVXfU-00232-00065304-00065471 outside of the meeting and then maybe ZFJAgftVXfU-00233-00065472-00065723 maybe if we have some consensus then ZFJAgftVXfU-00234-00065724-00065897 maybe we can take that into the the ZFJAgftVXfU-00235-00065898-00065993 meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00236-00065994-00066125 um maybe yeah Bruce talked about it here ZFJAgftVXfU-00237-00066126-00066269 or after we've had those online ZFJAgftVXfU-00238-00066270-00066406 discussions ZFJAgftVXfU-00239-00066407-00066899 yeah good point ZFJAgftVXfU-00240-00066900-00067049 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00241-00067050-00067211 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00242-00067212-00067481 next thing on the agenda is previous ZFJAgftVXfU-00243-00067482-00067738 action items ZFJAgftVXfU-00244-00067739-00067931 uh Matt did you get a chance to start ZFJAgftVXfU-00245-00067932-00068256 the maintainer count ZFJAgftVXfU-00246-00068257-00068423 Metro ZFJAgftVXfU-00247-00068424-00068717 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00248-00068718-00069155 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00249-00069156-00069587 okay uh let's see uh Kevin was gonna add ZFJAgftVXfU-00250-00069588-00069856 the time-based metrics review stuff to ZFJAgftVXfU-00251-00069857-00070019 the template does anybody know if he did ZFJAgftVXfU-00252-00070020-00070637 that ZFJAgftVXfU-00253-00070638-00070841 it's supposed to happen ZFJAgftVXfU-00254-00070842-00071099 um the the guidelines about which is a ZFJAgftVXfU-00255-00071100-00071515 duration versus a time two versus age of ZFJAgftVXfU-00256-00071516-00071699 yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00257-00071700-00071999 yeah I I don't think that happened has ZFJAgftVXfU-00258-00072000-00072100 happened ZFJAgftVXfU-00259-00072101-00072382 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00260-00072383-00072532 um do you want to reassign that to me ZFJAgftVXfU-00261-00072533-00072893 I'm happy to do that yep ZFJAgftVXfU-00262-00072894-00074099 I will do that ZFJAgftVXfU-00263-00074100-00074485 uh let's see time waiting for ZFJAgftVXfU-00264-00074486-00074831 reviewer action ZFJAgftVXfU-00265-00074832-00074950 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00266-00074951-00075305 that's the one we just talked about ZFJAgftVXfU-00267-00075306-00075605 I think right ZFJAgftVXfU-00268-00075606-00075826 or was it ZFJAgftVXfU-00269-00075827-00076091 was that one already merged ZFJAgftVXfU-00270-00076092-00076343 I'm waiting no change request review ZFJAgftVXfU-00271-00076344-00076973 duration I think that one was renamed ZFJAgftVXfU-00272-00076974-00077291 yep change requests review duration okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00273-00077292-00077771 so that's uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00274-00077772-00078035 that's good we just need to finish the ZFJAgftVXfU-00275-00078036-00078311 the pr ZFJAgftVXfU-00276-00078312-00080369 um I think there was a ZFJAgftVXfU-00277-00080370-00080488 I'm just going to add it to the ZFJAgftVXfU-00278-00080489-00080632 time-based metrics review because it's ZFJAgftVXfU-00279-00080633-00080999 related uh let's see what else do we ZFJAgftVXfU-00280-00081000-00081293 have on the action items uh types of ZFJAgftVXfU-00281-00081294-00081479 contributions so that was the one we ZFJAgftVXfU-00282-00081480-00081793 just merged so that one's done ZFJAgftVXfU-00283-00081794-00082061 the organizational diversity one was ZFJAgftVXfU-00284-00082062-00082282 done ZFJAgftVXfU-00285-00082283-00082655 I assume Sean probably hasn't sorry ZFJAgftVXfU-00286-00082656-00082871 um so that time what was that one that ZFJAgftVXfU-00287-00082872-00083038 we emerged from Kevin ZFJAgftVXfU-00288-00083039-00083344 the types of contributions yes that was ZFJAgftVXfU-00289-00083345-00083626 just an update right yes okay I just ZFJAgftVXfU-00290-00083627-00083794 wanted I couldn't remember it was so ZFJAgftVXfU-00291-00083795-00084076 long ago okay thank you ZFJAgftVXfU-00292-00084077-00084353 uh let's see so I assume Sean's still ZFJAgftVXfU-00293-00084354-00084611 working on contributor location ZFJAgftVXfU-00294-00084612-00084791 make sure that's on the agenda it is ZFJAgftVXfU-00295-00084792-00085067 okay ZFJAgftVXfU-00296-00085068-00085271 um technical work is done ZFJAgftVXfU-00297-00085272-00085493 maintainer count Matt said you're still ZFJAgftVXfU-00298-00085494-00085703 working on that one ZFJAgftVXfU-00299-00085704-00086015 uh contributors yes thank you for using ZFJAgftVXfU-00300-00086016-00086231 the word working that makes me feel ZFJAgftVXfU-00301-00086232-00086525 better ZFJAgftVXfU-00302-00086526-00086755 yep ZFJAgftVXfU-00303-00086756-00087017 uh Matt did you get a chance to clean up ZFJAgftVXfU-00304-00087018-00087473 column D for the ones uh for the uh PRS ZFJAgftVXfU-00305-00087474-00087605 that have been the metrics that have ZFJAgftVXfU-00306-00087606-00088535 emerged in the spreadsheet ZFJAgftVXfU-00307-00088536-00088691 but ZFJAgftVXfU-00308-00088692-00088937 I typically try to keep those in line ZFJAgftVXfU-00309-00088938-00089117 okay we'll assume that's done because ZFJAgftVXfU-00310-00089118-00089338 that was an action item from October ZFJAgftVXfU-00311-00089339-00089512 because I think that was the last ZFJAgftVXfU-00312-00089513-00089747 meeting I don't see any notes from I ZFJAgftVXfU-00313-00089748-00089849 don't know what happened to the meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00314-00089850-00089993 that was supposed to happen maybe it was ZFJAgftVXfU-00315-00089994-00090226 canceled for ZFJAgftVXfU-00316-00090227-00090425 uh there's another Summit there was ZFJAgftVXfU-00317-00090426-00090587 Thanksgiving there was all kinds of ZFJAgftVXfU-00318-00090588-00091103 stuff going on ZFJAgftVXfU-00319-00091104-00091343 um okay so reviewed the previous action ZFJAgftVXfU-00320-00091344-00091450 items ZFJAgftVXfU-00321-00091451-00091673 uh time-based metrics review so ZFJAgftVXfU-00322-00091674-00091817 Elizabeth is going to add that to the ZFJAgftVXfU-00323-00091818-00092075 template uh the node's gonna update that ZFJAgftVXfU-00324-00092076-00092237 last PR ZFJAgftVXfU-00325-00092238-00092453 we don't have Sean so we'll just all ZFJAgftVXfU-00326-00092454-00092644 assume he's still got an action item on ZFJAgftVXfU-00327-00092645-00092897 contributor location ZFJAgftVXfU-00328-00092898-00092956 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00329-00092957-00093388 maintainer count that's still uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00330-00093389-00093815 still working on it uh contributors uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00331-00093816-00094181 and Bot activity the notes starting on ZFJAgftVXfU-00332-00094182-00094385 those and we'll just we'll just assume ZFJAgftVXfU-00333-00094386-00094726 that one's done ZFJAgftVXfU-00334-00094727-00094955 so that's that's what I had on the ZFJAgftVXfU-00335-00094956-00095171 agenda but I've also I haven't been to a ZFJAgftVXfU-00336-00095172-00095381 meeting since the beginning of October ZFJAgftVXfU-00337-00095382-00095512 um so I'm not sure if there's other ZFJAgftVXfU-00338-00095513-00095681 stuff we need to talk about in this ZFJAgftVXfU-00339-00095682-00095909 meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00340-00095910-00096100 or for just kind of in a holding pattern ZFJAgftVXfU-00341-00096101-00096275 waiting for people to ZFJAgftVXfU-00342-00096276-00096562 get back from holidays ZFJAgftVXfU-00343-00096563-00096953 yeah probably that I had ZFJAgftVXfU-00344-00096954-00097132 I had so in the metrics model meeting ZFJAgftVXfU-00345-00097133-00097294 that we had ZFJAgftVXfU-00346-00097295-00097493 we had discussed ZFJAgftVXfU-00347-00097494-00097711 um working groups being able to create ZFJAgftVXfU-00348-00097712-00097949 metrics models ZFJAgftVXfU-00349-00097950-00098182 kind of a so there are two things one is ZFJAgftVXfU-00350-00098183-00098405 that in the metrics model meeting we ZFJAgftVXfU-00351-00098406-00098650 would make metric models and sometimes ZFJAgftVXfU-00352-00098651-00098837 the metric models ZFJAgftVXfU-00353-00098838-00099193 would be comprised of say eight metrics ZFJAgftVXfU-00354-00099194-00099491 but sometimes only six of those metrics ZFJAgftVXfU-00355-00099492-00099700 have been developed ZFJAgftVXfU-00356-00099701-00099917 in the working groups so what we were ZFJAgftVXfU-00357-00099918-00100241 doing is we were opening up issues in ZFJAgftVXfU-00358-00100242-00100456 the respective working through saying ZFJAgftVXfU-00359-00100457-00100697 hey you need to develop say this new ZFJAgftVXfU-00360-00100698-00100817 metric ZFJAgftVXfU-00361-00100818-00101188 that wasn't working real well because ZFJAgftVXfU-00362-00101189-00101338 the working groups that were receiving ZFJAgftVXfU-00363-00101339-00101518 these requests were like I have no ZFJAgftVXfU-00364-00101519-00101818 context I'm making this metric I don't ZFJAgftVXfU-00365-00101819-00102047 know what you're talking about yeah so ZFJAgftVXfU-00366-00102048-00102244 we decided in the metric model working ZFJAgftVXfU-00367-00102245-00102575 group that if if we're short uh a few ZFJAgftVXfU-00368-00102576-00102736 metrics in the model that we're trying ZFJAgftVXfU-00369-00102738-00102934 to develop we will develop them in the ZFJAgftVXfU-00370-00102935-00103186 metrics model working group at least ZFJAgftVXfU-00371-00103188-00103601 from a preliminary perspective and then ZFJAgftVXfU-00372-00103602-00103775 contribute them to their respective ZFJAgftVXfU-00373-00103776-00103901 working group ZFJAgftVXfU-00374-00103902-00104063 so that's ZFJAgftVXfU-00375-00104064-00104225 just be on the lookout for that that ZFJAgftVXfU-00376-00104226-00104489 there may be metrics that show up from ZFJAgftVXfU-00377-00104490-00104656 the metric model working group but they ZFJAgftVXfU-00378-00104657-00104818 should follow the template and at least ZFJAgftVXfU-00379-00104819-00105023 have the you know the description and ZFJAgftVXfU-00380-00105024-00105275 the objectives at the top at least have ZFJAgftVXfU-00381-00105276-00105539 those pretty well articulated ZFJAgftVXfU-00382-00105540-00105677 what's up ZFJAgftVXfU-00383-00105678-00105910 but then the other the other direction ZFJAgftVXfU-00384-00105911-00106084 is that ZFJAgftVXfU-00385-00106085-00106301 working groups themselves can also ZFJAgftVXfU-00386-00106302-00106534 contribute metric models to the metric ZFJAgftVXfU-00387-00106535-00106715 model working group ZFJAgftVXfU-00388-00106716-00106931 so if a metric model is coming out of ZFJAgftVXfU-00389-00106932-00107249 evolution or Dei or whatever ZFJAgftVXfU-00390-00107250-00107423 that working group would follow the ZFJAgftVXfU-00391-00107424-00107608 metric model template ZFJAgftVXfU-00392-00107609-00107740 and ZFJAgftVXfU-00393-00107741-00107975 contribute that model for review by the ZFJAgftVXfU-00394-00107976-00108181 metrics model team ZFJAgftVXfU-00395-00108182-00108599 the one metric model that came up with ZFJAgftVXfU-00396-00108600-00109019 respect to Common was actually in the ZFJAgftVXfU-00397-00109020-00109175 slack Channel ZFJAgftVXfU-00398-00109176-00109660 in WG Comet and it was actually the the ZFJAgftVXfU-00399-00109661-00109943 it was your work done ZFJAgftVXfU-00400-00109944-00110201 if it was around the fort did you see ZFJAgftVXfU-00401-00110202-00110563 that at all it was the yeah yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00402-00110564-00110860 so I'm wondering if maybe ZFJAgftVXfU-00403-00110861-00111052 we could develop a metric ZFJAgftVXfU-00404-00111053-00111227 metric here out of the Common working ZFJAgftVXfU-00405-00111228-00111502 group that is just kind of drawing those ZFJAgftVXfU-00406-00111503-00111701 four metrics together I don't know if ZFJAgftVXfU-00407-00111702-00112025 that makes sense for you Don and how you ZFJAgftVXfU-00408-00112026-00112234 use those metrics ZFJAgftVXfU-00409-00112235-00112378 you know and how you would like to ZFJAgftVXfU-00410-00112379-00112613 express them or if it's not if it ZFJAgftVXfU-00411-00112614-00112751 doesn't make sense to bring them ZFJAgftVXfU-00412-00112752-00113081 together in a single in a single bottle ZFJAgftVXfU-00413-00113082-00113284 I just I'd like to get your thoughts on ZFJAgftVXfU-00414-00113285-00113560 that yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00415-00113561-00114610 okay yeah I can do that ZFJAgftVXfU-00416-00114611-00114869 I don't you know games whatever we name ZFJAgftVXfU-00417-00114870-00115201 it the Don Foster metric model ZFJAgftVXfU-00418-00115202-00115493 uh yes I will definitely name it ZFJAgftVXfU-00419-00115494-00115625 something else ZFJAgftVXfU-00420-00115626-00115931 um but maybe the Dr Don Foster metrics ZFJAgftVXfU-00421-00115932-00116147 model I I don't know ZFJAgftVXfU-00422-00116148-00116416 um but yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00423-00116417-00116608 I think it would be good to have have ZFJAgftVXfU-00424-00116609-00116873 kind of the you know those four starter ZFJAgftVXfU-00425-00116874-00117058 metrics and they are kind of ZFJAgftVXfU-00426-00117059-00117239 um you know maybe we'll call it like the ZFJAgftVXfU-00427-00117240-00117521 like the basic project health or ZFJAgftVXfU-00428-00117522-00117683 something ZFJAgftVXfU-00429-00117683-00117797 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00430-00117798-00118078 yeah let me let me think about that I ZFJAgftVXfU-00431-00118079-00118210 will uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00432-00118211-00118307 yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00433-00118308-00119123 put that on my channel ZFJAgftVXfU-00434-00119124-00119404 okay but maybe if you think it's a good ZFJAgftVXfU-00435-00119405-00119608 idea we could talk in slack and I could ZFJAgftVXfU-00436-00119609-00119704 just ZFJAgftVXfU-00437-00119705-00119933 get like a description and what some of ZFJAgftVXfU-00438-00119933-00120077 the objectives are ZFJAgftVXfU-00439-00120078-00120377 yeah for you you know that that so ZFJAgftVXfU-00440-00120378-00120628 that'd be easy enough okay that was it ZFJAgftVXfU-00441-00120629-00120934 yeah cool I'll think about that maybe ZFJAgftVXfU-00442-00120935-00121265 um ZFJAgftVXfU-00443-00121266-00121504 yeah maybe I'll do that over the over ZFJAgftVXfU-00444-00121505-00121816 the holidays uh you know for for fun ZFJAgftVXfU-00445-00121817-00122057 um and if not when I get back at the ZFJAgftVXfU-00446-00122058-00122213 beginning of the year ZFJAgftVXfU-00447-00122214-00122501 sounds great ZFJAgftVXfU-00448-00122502-00122716 okay so I just put all of that in the ZFJAgftVXfU-00449-00122717-00123034 notes uh any anything else that we need ZFJAgftVXfU-00450-00123035-00123683 to talk about ZFJAgftVXfU-00451-00123683-00123839 okay I feel like these meetings get ZFJAgftVXfU-00452-00123840-00123983 really efficient as we approach the ZFJAgftVXfU-00453-00123983-00124139 holidays and nobody wants to do any real ZFJAgftVXfU-00454-00124140-00124315 work ZFJAgftVXfU-00455-00124316-00124966 action items for next year ZFJAgftVXfU-00456-00124967-00125152 all right well I think this is my very ZFJAgftVXfU-00457-00125153-00125531 last chaos meeting of the year since uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00458-00125532-00125716 since we're canceling meetings and I'm ZFJAgftVXfU-00459-00125717-00125890 after this Friday I'm off the rest of ZFJAgftVXfU-00460-00125891-00126058 the year anyways so I've got a nice long ZFJAgftVXfU-00461-00126059-00126239 vacation ZFJAgftVXfU-00462-00126240-00126419 um which will be spent probably doing ZFJAgftVXfU-00463-00126420-00126713 some stuff around the house uh but uh ZFJAgftVXfU-00464-00126714-00126881 it'll be nice it'll be nice not to be ZFJAgftVXfU-00465-00126882-00127336 working yeah for sure yeah ZFJAgftVXfU-00466-00127338-00127799 okay well thanks everybody and I will ZFJAgftVXfU-00467-00127800-00128021 talk to you in the new year sounds great ZFJAgftVXfU-00468-00128022-00128405 have a good one everybody ZFN29bT-UXu-00000-00000066-00000754 [Music] ZFN29bT-UXu-00001-00000755-00001002 freestyle101 ZFN29bT-UXu-00002-00001003-00001343 g4tv.com ZFN29bT-UXu-00003-00001344-00001543 mic check one two the most lyrical one ZFN29bT-UXu-00004-00001544-00001743 grand theft auto y'all know what it is ZFN29bT-UXu-00005-00001744-00002023 all right let's get it going yo yo i ZFN29bT-UXu-00006-00002023-00002175 spit your head off well you know that ZFN29bT-UXu-00007-00002176-00002223 girl ZFN29bT-UXu-00008-00002224-00002415 like me they scared to see a nigga sound ZFN29bT-UXu-00009-00002416-00002526 like me ZFN29bT-UXu-00010-00002527-00002702 i spit your head off everything you ZFN29bT-UXu-00011-00002703-00002902 talking is dead try to spit with me it's ZFN29bT-UXu-00012-00002903-00003110 off with your head don't give me no lip ZFN29bT-UXu-00013-00003111-00003319 i got my hand on that mean no fifth ZFN29bT-UXu-00014-00003320-00003527 pad pose popping strong carry three four ZFN29bT-UXu-00015-00003528-00003735 fists nobody move imma roll it off your ZFN29bT-UXu-00016-00003736-00003870 feet on this ZFN29bT-UXu-00017-00003871-00004119 head crack head crack silo six don't ZFN29bT-UXu-00018-00004120-00004359 start no shit won't be no quit ZFN29bT-UXu-00019-00004360-00004551 if you started or not it's gonna be some ZFN29bT-UXu-00020-00004552-00004767 shit stop telling me what kind of deal ZFN29bT-UXu-00021-00004768-00004870 he gonna get ZFN29bT-UXu-00022-00004871-00005063 that nigga drool on the track he don't ZFN29bT-UXu-00023-00005064-00005270 spit these niggas copy my style on some ZFN29bT-UXu-00024-00005271-00005359 king oh shit ZFN29bT-UXu-00025-00005360-00005583 get two shots on some freak oh shit one ZFN29bT-UXu-00026-00005584-00005759 minute these rappers hungry the next ZFN29bT-UXu-00027-00005760-00005943 minute he's so rich till you give him a ZFN29bT-UXu-00028-00005944-00006143 knuckle sandwich make him eat your fists ZFN29bT-UXu-00029-00006144-00006406 he's so zip talking bout he's so sick ZFN29bT-UXu-00030-00006408-00006655 your album was a brick like a kilo bitch ZFN29bT-UXu-00031-00006656-00006814 i don't understand what type of niggas ZFN29bT-UXu-00032-00006815-00007006 he roll with you keep getting robbed and ZFN29bT-UXu-00033-00007008-00007167 you don't know who thief joe shit ZFN29bT-UXu-00034-00007168-00007327 how do you think your man got up on his ZFN29bT-UXu-00035-00007328-00007606 feet so quick you god damn dummy you be ZFN29bT-UXu-00036-00007608-00007678 your clique ZFN29bT-UXu-00037-00007679-00007839 heard it emptied on your eyes swish ZFN29bT-UXu-00038-00007840-00008063 cheese your whip a nigga empty on me ZFN29bT-UXu-00039-00008064-00008263 better reload quick his stomach louder ZFN29bT-UXu-00040-00008264-00008431 than his mouth when he speak don't flip ZFN29bT-UXu-00041-00008432-00008574 cause we don't feed no snitch ZFN29bT-UXu-00042-00008575-00008774 the d.a thinks she's so slick ZFN29bT-UXu-00043-00008775-00008967 unconniving the evil chick ZFN29bT-UXu-00044-00008968-00009174 talking about the rico lord crease those ZFN29bT-UXu-00045-00009175-00009342 wrists if poppy throw him i'ma keep ZFN29bT-UXu-00046-00009343-00009559 those bricks and motherfucker rico lord ZFN29bT-UXu-00047-00009560-00009695 we gonna suck my beat yo ZFN29bT-UXu-00048-00009696-00009887 bitch gold diggers they don't wanna give ZFN29bT-UXu-00049-00009888-00010103 a g no kiss when you getting money they ZFN29bT-UXu-00050-00010104-00010246 ready to drink your piss ZFN29bT-UXu-00051-00010247-00010455 i lost one of them hoes to some me no ZFN29bT-UXu-00052-00010456-00010646 trick heard he'd be taking her out on ZFN29bT-UXu-00053-00010647-00010767 casino trips ZFN29bT-UXu-00054-00010768-00010974 get a head done brought the copper me no ZFN29bT-UXu-00055-00010975-00011183 whip every other day he give about ZFN29bT-UXu-00056-00011184-00011342 three pro chips i guess that's why ZFN29bT-UXu-00057-00011343-00011535 she'll want to be with me though shit ZFN29bT-UXu-00058-00011536-00011735 all i gave her was hard picking chico ZFN29bT-UXu-00059-00011736-00011951 sticks i carry my own work if i don't ZFN29bT-UXu-00060-00011952-00012046 see no chick ZFN29bT-UXu-00061-00012047-00012246 ain't an ass that can cheek all this the ZFN29bT-UXu-00062-00012247-00012510 real recognize the real one we saw kiss ZFN29bT-UXu-00063-00012511-00012703 pat puss get straight love from jada ZFN29bT-UXu-00064-00012704-00012822 like he will smith ZFN29bT-UXu-00065-00012823-00013071 oh it don't stop y'all it don't stop ZFN29bT-UXu-00066-00013072-00013135 y'all ZFN29bT-UXu-00067-00013136-00013430 check me out um the mic why it is the ZFN29bT-UXu-00068-00013431-00013655 quiet desire cause i desire this ZFN29bT-UXu-00069-00013656-00013894 scientologist i am a psychologist how ZFN29bT-UXu-00070-00013895-00014119 could you acquire use fire to fight fire ZFN29bT-UXu-00071-00014119-00014294 why don't you write fire you liar you ZFN29bT-UXu-00072-00014295-00014503 fight fireless ironsider higher and ZFN29bT-UXu-00073-00014504-00014655 lighter when i'm designing this ZFN29bT-UXu-00074-00014656-00014822 pressure i apply like pliers i'm trying ZFN29bT-UXu-00075-00014823-00015015 to tighten this i'm the messiah strike ZFN29bT-UXu-00076-00015016-00015175 like a full-time lifeless strike like a ZFN29bT-UXu-00077-00015176-00015271 full mic fighter ZFN29bT-UXu-00078-00015272-00015486 fire with diabolicalness put my rhymes ZFN29bT-UXu-00079-00015487-00015671 up in your piece looks like gynecologist ZFN29bT-UXu-00080-00015672-00015830 but i forced it in them just like the ZFN29bT-UXu-00081-00015831-00016944 um duggar y'all bad pulse i'm gone ZGVZmZn4kZy-00000-00001296-00001582 [__] [__] you here we go again [__] why ZGVZmZn4kZy-00001-00001583-00001734 don't you teleport home it would be ZGVZmZn4kZy-00002-00001735-00001959 funny wouldn't it be funny if i was ZGVZmZn4kZy-00003-00001960-00002175 driving home and then i teleported there ZGVZmZn4kZy-00004-00002176-00002326 and we would laugh and move on and not ZGVZmZn4kZy-00005-00002327-00002534 have to do the [__] sweet mission 15 ZGVZmZn4kZy-00006-00002535-00002687 [__] times yeah it probably would be ZGVZmZn4kZy-00007-00002688-00002839 funny ZGVZmZn4kZy-00008-00002840-00003134 what's up mk ZGVZmZn4kZy-00009-00003135-00003422 oh my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00010-00003423-00003806 that scared the [__] out of me oh my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00011-00003807-00004015 hey i'll take a number nine ZGVZmZn4kZy-00012-00004015-00004167 fat boy ZGVZmZn4kZy-00013-00004168-00004399 give me a number nine just like he is ZGVZmZn4kZy-00014-00004400-00004654 let me get a number six with extra deal ZGVZmZn4kZy-00015-00004655-00004927 i'll have two number nines ZGVZmZn4kZy-00016-00004928-00005286 a number nine large a number six with ZGVZmZn4kZy-00017-00005287-00005431 extra dip ZGVZmZn4kZy-00018-00005432-00005631 a number seven ZGVZmZn4kZy-00019-00005632-00006031 two number 45s one with cheese and a ZGVZmZn4kZy-00020-00006032-00006446 large soap ZGVZmZn4kZy-00021-00006447-00008223 yeah that's real grove street style now ZGVZmZn4kZy-00022-00008224-00008535 oh man check out special agent big smoke ZGVZmZn4kZy-00023-00008536-00009095 oh my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00024-00009096-00009535 yellow green green ah screw you ZGVZmZn4kZy-00025-00009536-00009655 that's probably not following the ZGVZmZn4kZy-00026-00009656-00010495 traffic rules oh god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00027-00010496-00010631 no ZGVZmZn4kZy-00028-00010632-00010774 no ZGVZmZn4kZy-00029-00010775-00010959 oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00030-00010960-00011087 crash crash ZGVZmZn4kZy-00031-00011088-00011478 yes yes yes ZGVZmZn4kZy-00032-00011479-00011840 yes oh no ZGVZmZn4kZy-00033-00011841-00012103 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00034-00012104-00012327 what's your plans big gangster now ZGVZmZn4kZy-00035-00012328-00012551 you're a free man and all man i ain't ZGVZmZn4kZy-00036-00012552-00012830 free my parole officers ZGVZmZn4kZy-00037-00012831-00013015 [__] always trying to keep a ZGVZmZn4kZy-00038-00013016-00013311 player down you got that right still ZGVZmZn4kZy-00039-00013312-00013566 ain't so bad i'mma be a hygiene ZGVZmZn4kZy-00040-00013568-00013799 technician coming up in the world huh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00041-00013800-00014997 just a stepping stone to greatness ZGVZmZn4kZy-00042-00014997-00015230 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00043-00015231-00016679 get in the car ZGVZmZn4kZy-00044-00016680-00017775 of all time ZGVZmZn4kZy-00045-00017776-00018350 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00046-00018351-00018535 you want to scrap with a killer fool ZGVZmZn4kZy-00047-00018536-00018711 correct maybe may i might have to do ZGVZmZn4kZy-00048-00018712-00018847 this one day that's ZGVZmZn4kZy-00049-00018848-00019919 pretty [__] funny ZGVZmZn4kZy-00050-00019920-00020030 my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00051-00020031-00022911 what is happening ZGVZmZn4kZy-00052-00022912-00023064 oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00053-00023065-00024742 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00054-00024743-00025055 oh yes yes yes ZGVZmZn4kZy-00055-00025056-00025447 oh my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00056-00025448-00026519 when i miss my dogs ZGVZmZn4kZy-00057-00026520-00027095 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00058-00027095-00027255 i was out ZGVZmZn4kZy-00059-00027256-00028631 your mind whatever you say come on ZGVZmZn4kZy-00060-00028632-00028895 oh god it's still [__] past the ZGVZmZn4kZy-00061-00028895-00029311 mission oh he can't stop me oh too good ZGVZmZn4kZy-00062-00029312-00029462 about to get him ZGVZmZn4kZy-00063-00029463-00029927 oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00064-00029927-00030111 keep my wife name out your [__] mouth ZGVZmZn4kZy-00066-00033560-00035118 i can show you ZGVZmZn4kZy-00067-00035119-00036383 oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00068-00036384-00036711 man ZGVZmZn4kZy-00069-00036712-00036855 [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00070-00036856-00037046 back in the band scream ZGVZmZn4kZy-00071-00037047-00037174 they're [__] rock stars they should ZGVZmZn4kZy-00072-00037175-00037415 know by now especially that group no ZGVZmZn4kZy-00073-00037416-00037574 [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00074-00037575-00037671 what ZGVZmZn4kZy-00075-00037672-00038135 emotional damage ZGVZmZn4kZy-00076-00038136-00038318 what's up the shadow ZGVZmZn4kZy-00077-00038319-00038502 oh all the way oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00078-00038503-00039582 sick ZGVZmZn4kZy-00079-00039583-00040174 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00080-00040175-00040471 if we can get there ZGVZmZn4kZy-00081-00040472-00041151 oh my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00082-00041152-00042039 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00083-00042040-00043167 oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00084-00043168-00043751 oh [__] here we go again ZGVZmZn4kZy-00085-00043752-00043935 welcome to san andreas from cj from ZGVZmZn4kZy-00086-00043936-00044111 grove street land of the heinous gang ZGVZmZn4kZy-00087-00044112-00044363 bangers in cold heat ZGVZmZn4kZy-00088-00044364-00044518 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00089-00044519-00044935 just like that yes ZGVZmZn4kZy-00090-00044936-00045145 good keep it that way ZGVZmZn4kZy-00091-00045146-00045462 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00092-00045463-00045655 i've never heard that line before sweet ZGVZmZn4kZy-00093-00045656-00046118 just yelling out oh my god what ZGVZmZn4kZy-00094-00046119-00046839 oh man ZGVZmZn4kZy-00095-00046840-00046999 watch out ZGVZmZn4kZy-00096-00047000-00047295 oh god survive no well we [__] had it ZGVZmZn4kZy-00097-00047296-00047479 why why did you pick that why didn't you ZGVZmZn4kZy-00098-00047480-00047718 pick big heads here's a big head you had ZGVZmZn4kZy-00099-00047719-00047911 a chance to make a [__] [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00100-00047912-00048207 positive impact in your community ZGVZmZn4kZy-00101-00048208-00048262 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00102-00048263-00048548 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00103-00048549-00048775 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00104-00048776-00049765 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00105-00049766-00050167 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00106-00050168-00050911 oh let's go let's [__] go ZGVZmZn4kZy-00107-00050912-00051095 porn sorry i've made that weird for you ZGVZmZn4kZy-00108-00051096-00051358 but i just had to bring it up all right ZGVZmZn4kZy-00109-00051359-00051535 [__] busted a nut on your mother's ZGVZmZn4kZy-00110-00051536-00051750 [__] face he's what he should have ZGVZmZn4kZy-00111-00051751-00052999 done ZGVZmZn4kZy-00112-00053000-00053191 yes [__] you yes ZGVZmZn4kZy-00113-00053191-00053423 yes ZGVZmZn4kZy-00114-00053424-00053630 oh i'm so [__] i'm so [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00115-00053632-00054047 oh give me another car ZGVZmZn4kZy-00116-00054048-00054319 i would have stayed in that truck ZGVZmZn4kZy-00117-00054320-00054415 stop ZGVZmZn4kZy-00118-00054416-00055382 stop stop ZGVZmZn4kZy-00119-00055383-00056454 oh [__] you man ZGVZmZn4kZy-00120-00056455-00056623 all right go run run run ZGVZmZn4kZy-00121-00056624-00056871 oh my god i pushed this [__] dude ZGVZmZn4kZy-00122-00056872-00057126 like barely touched him ZGVZmZn4kZy-00123-00057127-00057542 oh this is insane ZGVZmZn4kZy-00124-00057544-00057830 but uh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00125-00057832-00057975 it's it really doesn't matter they're ZGVZmZn4kZy-00126-00057976-00058103 not gonna ZGVZmZn4kZy-00127-00058104-00058254 do anything to me you're used to sending ZGVZmZn4kZy-00128-00058255-00058511 all right ZGVZmZn4kZy-00129-00058512-00060215 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00131-00064200-00066262 what's happening in my office ZGVZmZn4kZy-00132-00066263-00066463 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00133-00066464-00066663 what the [__] is this [__] what it what ZGVZmZn4kZy-00134-00066664-00066806 even ha oh my god you just crashed the ZGVZmZn4kZy-00135-00066807-00066967 game good job ZGVZmZn4kZy-00136-00066968-00068455 buddy gamble appreciate it ZGVZmZn4kZy-00137-00068456-00068591 that guy earlier i wish someone gave me ZGVZmZn4kZy-00138-00068592-00068838 a sub cry ZGVZmZn4kZy-00139-00068839-00068959 [__] do you know how many times i've ZGVZmZn4kZy-00140-00068960-00069143 attempted this thing yesterday and today ZGVZmZn4kZy-00141-00069144-00069335 you see me crying no ZGVZmZn4kZy-00142-00069336-00069511 [__] it yeah i'm [__] keep going ZGVZmZn4kZy-00143-00069512-00069648 goddamn ZGVZmZn4kZy-00144-00069649-00069775 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00145-00069776-00069855 ass ZGVZmZn4kZy-00146-00069856-00069935 or ZGVZmZn4kZy-00147-00069936-00070126 yeah be a man stop crying ZGVZmZn4kZy-00148-00070127-00070359 put yourself together ZGVZmZn4kZy-00149-00070360-00070655 boom i have two stars two stars are ZGVZmZn4kZy-00150-00070656-00071182 whack be careful ZGVZmZn4kZy-00151-00071183-00071279 all right when he comes in here we'll ZGVZmZn4kZy-00152-00071280-00071519 see how tall he's watching like 5 10 and ZGVZmZn4kZy-00153-00071520-00071662 then you're you're lying ways get ZGVZmZn4kZy-00154-00071663-00072238 exposed oh [__] [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00155-00072239-00073038 oh god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00156-00073039-00073150 okay ZGVZmZn4kZy-00157-00073151-00073826 i think you're just disabled ZGVZmZn4kZy-00158-00073827-00075215 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00159-00075216-00075322 oh ZGVZmZn4kZy-00160-00075323-00077799 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00161-00077800-00078087 come on ZGVZmZn4kZy-00162-00078088-00078255 what are you doing ZGVZmZn4kZy-00163-00078256-00078871 oh oh oh my god okay ZGVZmZn4kZy-00164-00078872-00079055 guess what i bet they won't come see me ZGVZmZn4kZy-00165-00079056-00079159 and i'll punch them in their [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00166-00079160-00079599 face wow just like that whole head ZGVZmZn4kZy-00167-00079600-00080206 oh my god oh my god oh my god ZGVZmZn4kZy-00168-00080207-00080575 look where you're going please ZGVZmZn4kZy-00169-00080576-00081071 hey ZGVZmZn4kZy-00170-00081072-00081999 no this is terrible ZGVZmZn4kZy-00171-00082000-00082167 [__] they must have took a wrong turn ZGVZmZn4kZy-00172-00082168-00082343 someplace ZGVZmZn4kZy-00173-00082344-00082606 what the [__] oh [__] somebody locked ZGVZmZn4kZy-00174-00082607-00082879 the hatch we've got him trapped ZGVZmZn4kZy-00175-00082880-00083760 there's no way off that leg ZGVZmZn4kZy-00176-00083761-00084791 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00177-00084792-00084967 oh yeah i think i would if i just fell ZGVZmZn4kZy-00178-00084968-00085103 normally i would have just a little bit ZGVZmZn4kZy-00179-00085104-00085294 of health left i do have full health so ZGVZmZn4kZy-00180-00085295-00085615 but it is it was ZGVZmZn4kZy-00181-00085616-00085799 never mind ZGVZmZn4kZy-00182-00085800-00086143 save my [__] stop sure what the [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00183-00086144-00086303 jeez man ZGVZmZn4kZy-00184-00086304-00086718 i'm a commuter in gta 3 ZGVZmZn4kZy-00185-00086719-00087735 oh no ZGVZmZn4kZy-00186-00087736-00088655 for 30 seconds ZGVZmZn4kZy-00187-00088656-00088815 because i couldn't talk i couldn't say ZGVZmZn4kZy-00188-00088816-00088991 look at this it's cj so i'm [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00189-00088992-00089143 looking at him so you can see that and ZGVZmZn4kZy-00190-00089144-00089294 then i got shot by another [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00191-00089295-00089423 thanks a lot [__] thank you ZGVZmZn4kZy-00192-00089424-00089694 thank you congratulations you [__] me ZGVZmZn4kZy-00193-00089695-00089831 what's the pressure i don't understand ZGVZmZn4kZy-00194-00089832-00090079 it's just pressure [__] video game ZGVZmZn4kZy-00195-00090080-00090343 video game video game video game video ZGVZmZn4kZy-00196-00090344-00090606 game video game ZGVZmZn4kZy-00197-00090607-00090862 exclamation point suggests [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00198-00090863-00090959 damn ZGVZmZn4kZy-00199-00090960-00091231 what do i gotta do to get you ah ZGVZmZn4kZy-00200-00091232-00091438 look what you [__] did you didn't you ZGVZmZn4kZy-00201-00091439-00091735 suggest and i [__] died what's up ZGVZmZn4kZy-00202-00091736-00091975 magic king ZGVZmZn4kZy-00203-00091976-00092167 you and let's drop in ZGVZmZn4kZy-00204-00092168-00092303 let's see if you can't interrupt how ZGVZmZn4kZy-00205-00092304-00092503 does this gun taste how's the gun taste ZGVZmZn4kZy-00206-00092504-00092718 how does it smell [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00207-00092719-00092894 you shitty rapper you shitty [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00208-00092895-00093015 rapper ZGVZmZn4kZy-00209-00093016-00093174 you can't even [__] rap when you lose ZGVZmZn4kZy-00210-00093175-00093318 the rhymes you've already written write ZGVZmZn4kZy-00211-00093319-00095150 some more dumbass ZGVZmZn4kZy-00212-00095151-00095350 you hungry instantly what are we doing ZGVZmZn4kZy-00213-00095351-00096279 to not use our brains in this [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00214-00096280-00096455 you nailed it ah ZGVZmZn4kZy-00215-00096456-00097935 change direction beyblades come here ZGVZmZn4kZy-00216-00097936-00098038 all right ZGVZmZn4kZy-00217-00098039-00098391 oh he's so jacked oh my god oh yes gg ZGVZmZn4kZy-00218-00098392-00098767 1551 zero zero yes ZGVZmZn4kZy-00219-00098768-00098950 it doesn't mean [__] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00220-00098951-00099182 all right so there we there you have it ZGVZmZn4kZy-00221-00099183-00099287 it's over ZGVZmZn4kZy-00222-00099288-00099438 blowing up this plane sweethearts and ZGVZmZn4kZy-00223-00099439-00099584 deserving all these dudes just died ZGVZmZn4kZy-00224-00099585-00099789 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00225-00099790-00099942 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00226-00099943-00100284 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00227-00100285-00100696 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00228-00100697-00100779 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00229-00100780-00101190 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00230-00101191-00101274 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00231-00101275-00101319 [Applause] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00232-00101320-00101679 [Music] ZGVZmZn4kZy-00233-00101680-00101888 you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00001-00008424-00008613 welcome everybody ZHuaHO0VvEU-00002-00008614-00008841 I'm cliff Lynch the director of the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00003-00008842-00009048 Coalition for networked information and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00004-00009049-00009303 I want to welcome you to this project ZHuaHO0VvEU-00005-00009304-00009591 briefing session that is a part of our ZHuaHO0VvEU-00006-00009592-00009912 spring 2020 virtual meeting which will ZHuaHO0VvEU-00007-00009913-00010422 be running until the end of May today we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00008-00010423-00010793 are going to have a presentation on ZHuaHO0VvEU-00009-00010794-00011093 virtual reality in libraries and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00010-00011094-00011382 research partnership opportunities in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00011-00011383-00011868 that area VR and libraries roles in VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00012-00011869-00012501 have been a ongoing area of interest to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00013-00012502-00012885 CNI and its members and we've seen a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00014-00012886-00013272 number of looks at this over the past ZHuaHO0VvEU-00015-00013272-00013672 couple of years most notably from ZHuaHO0VvEU-00016-00013674-00014232 Oklahoma today we are joined by Doral ZHuaHO0VvEU-00017-00014233-00014535 and rossmann who is with the Montana ZHuaHO0VvEU-00018-00014536-00014900 State University she will be giving us a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00019-00014901-00015258 presentation after which Diane ZHuaHO0VvEU-00020-00015259-00015578 Goldenberg Hart from CN I will moderate ZHuaHO0VvEU-00021-00015579-00016091 QA and discussion there is a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00022-00016091-00016416 question-and-answer tool on the bottom ZHuaHO0VvEU-00023-00016417-00016721 of your screen and I would invite you to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00024-00016722-00017010 enter questions throughout the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00025-00017011-00017294 presentation as they occur to you and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00026-00017295-00017672 we'll try and address them all at the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00027-00017673-00017994 end but there's no reason to wait to put ZHuaHO0VvEU-00028-00017995-00018354 them in I also refer you to the chat ZHuaHO0VvEU-00029-00018355-00018624 where we'll probably share out a few ZHuaHO0VvEU-00030-00018625-00019113 URLs and other things in interest during ZHuaHO0VvEU-00031-00019114-00019500 the presentation and please feel free to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00032-00019501-00019635 use that as well ZHuaHO0VvEU-00033-00019636-00020177 and with that very brief introduction ZHuaHO0VvEU-00034-00020178-00020532 all that's left for me to do is to thank ZHuaHO0VvEU-00035-00020533-00020878 you all for joining us today and to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00036-00020879-00021299 express my great thanks to Dorland for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00037-00021300-00021599 getting us better informed ZHuaHO0VvEU-00038-00021600-00022001 this issue and over you okay ZHuaHO0VvEU-00039-00022002-00022274 thanks very much cliff I'm gonna thank C ZHuaHO0VvEU-00040-00022275-00022498 and I also for having me ZHuaHO0VvEU-00041-00022499-00022721 on this session I appreciate the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00042-00022722-00023003 opportunity to talk I and I say that be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00043-00023004-00023162 partly because I really was looking ZHuaHO0VvEU-00044-00023163-00023327 forward to talking to you all in person ZHuaHO0VvEU-00045-00023328-00023609 at the CNI meeting so I'm hoping you'll ZHuaHO0VvEU-00046-00023610-00023921 still chime in today and talking about ZHuaHO0VvEU-00047-00023922-00024218 the ARDS possibilities as cliff ZHuaHO0VvEU-00048-00024219-00024398 mentioned I'm at an O State University ZHuaHO0VvEU-00049-00024399-00024587 and I'm an associate professor there and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00050-00024588-00024835 head of digital library initiatives and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00051-00024836-00025289 I wanted to start off by looking at this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00052-00025290-00025448 first slide there's a lot of text on ZHuaHO0VvEU-00053-00025449-00025802 this slide but it's really resonated ZHuaHO0VvEU-00054-00025802-00026102 with me this is a blog post that was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00055-00026102-00026411 supposed to own the Ithaca snor site day ZHuaHO0VvEU-00056-00026412-00026677 before yesterday and they were following ZHuaHO0VvEU-00057-00026679-00027125 up on the right recent survey and to the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00058-00027126-00027344 findings they had and then read through ZHuaHO0VvEU-00059-00027345-00027502 these quickly is that there's a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00060-00027504-00027647 consistent relationship between the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00061-00027648-00027818 library's investment and initiatives ZHuaHO0VvEU-00062-00027819-00027950 that align with broader institutional ZHuaHO0VvEU-00063-00027951-00028223 missions beyond the library and how ZHuaHO0VvEU-00064-00028224-00028436 directors believe that both they and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00065-00028437-00028765 their libraries are valued they also say ZHuaHO0VvEU-00066-00028766-00028990 at doctor'll universities directors per ZHuaHO0VvEU-00067-00028991-00029252 see that both they in their library were ZHuaHO0VvEU-00068-00029252-00029405 more highly valued when they also ZHuaHO0VvEU-00069-00029406-00029795 perceived that their supervisors highly ZHuaHO0VvEU-00070-00029795-00030017 value their research functions this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00071-00030018-00030170 includes libraries serving as a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00072-00030170-00030392 repository of resources and providing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00073-00030393-00030557 active support to increase the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00074-00030558-00030790 productivity of faculty research and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00075-00030791-00031106 scholarship so I started off working ZHuaHO0VvEU-00076-00031107-00031538 with virtual reality in the last two ZHuaHO0VvEU-00077-00031539-00031868 years a year and a half we started off ZHuaHO0VvEU-00078-00031869-00032123 at the MSU library doing what a lot of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00079-00032124-00032417 other libraries have started off with ZHuaHO0VvEU-00080-00032418-00032618 which is things like providing hardware ZHuaHO0VvEU-00081-00032619-00032885 and software for virtual reality we have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00082-00032886-00033221 a dedicated space and rather small if ZHuaHO0VvEU-00083-00033222-00033383 you look at something like Oklahoma like ZHuaHO0VvEU-00084-00033384-00033518 we've mentioned they have a lot more ZHuaHO0VvEU-00085-00033519-00033815 space dedicated than we do but we have a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00086-00033816-00034136 space that people can use some HTC vive ZHuaHO0VvEU-00087-00034137-00034499 Hardware sets I have since acquired ZHuaHO0VvEU-00088-00034500-00034931 additional ten oculus quest headsets ZHuaHO0VvEU-00089-00034932-00035129 that I can take out into classrooms in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00090-00035130-00035393 partnering with faculty in that way so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00091-00035394-00035567 we're providing that space the hardware ZHuaHO0VvEU-00092-00035568-00035792 the software starting to provide more ZHuaHO0VvEU-00093-00035793-00035957 instruction on the use of virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00094-00035958-00036281 reality I've built up a lot of expertise ZHuaHO0VvEU-00095-00036282-00036716 on who's at the virtual reality person ZHuaHO0VvEU-00096-00036717-00036845 on campus that somebody might want to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00097-00036846-00036977 contact if they're in computer science ZHuaHO0VvEU-00098-00036978-00037321 versus from photography versus ZHuaHO0VvEU-00099-00037322-00037850 architecture we have some libraries out ZHuaHO0VvEU-00100-00037851-00038000 there who are helping with virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00101-00038001-00038252 reality content development we are doing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00102-00038253-00038459 that at MSU but it's not specifically ZHuaHO0VvEU-00103-00038460-00038576 through the library through a library ZHuaHO0VvEU-00104-00038577-00038843 partner there are a lot of libraries who ZHuaHO0VvEU-00105-00038844-00039083 are looking at ways to preserve locally ZHuaHO0VvEU-00106-00039084-00039338 created via our content the link I have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00107-00039339-00039784 here is an example about preserving ZHuaHO0VvEU-00108-00039785-00040064 augmented and virtual reality materials ZHuaHO0VvEU-00109-00040065-00040319 there are opportunities for the creation ZHuaHO0VvEU-00110-00040320-00040613 of 3d and be our models objects and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00111-00040614-00040772 texts of things from your Special ZHuaHO0VvEU-00112-00040773-00040988 Collections and archives and then ZHuaHO0VvEU-00113-00040989-00041240 finally research opportunities so I was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00114-00041241-00041435 in a space where I was helping faculty ZHuaHO0VvEU-00115-00041436-00041774 helping students and they just naturally ZHuaHO0VvEU-00116-00041775-00041963 led the conversations where I started ZHuaHO0VvEU-00117-00041964-00042254 seeing a lot of potential and I am NOT ZHuaHO0VvEU-00118-00042255-00042490 an expert in this area I'm an emerging ZHuaHO0VvEU-00119-00042491-00042797 interested person so I'm hoping some of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00120-00042798-00042992 you might have other ideas that other ZHuaHO0VvEU-00121-00042993-00043163 than the ones I presented here or you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00122-00043164-00043331 may know other partnerships that I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00123-00043332-00043574 haven't highlighted but I think there's ZHuaHO0VvEU-00124-00043575-00043763 an exciting opportunity for libraries to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00125-00043764-00043928 partner with each other but also to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00126-00043929-00044225 partner with our other entities on our ZHuaHO0VvEU-00127-00044226-00044420 campuses or more broadly through ZHuaHO0VvEU-00128-00044421-00044705 consortia to be a part of those research ZHuaHO0VvEU-00129-00044706-00045131 teams so I mentioned the Ithaca s and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00130-00045132-00045467 our post and I trying to think of bigger ZHuaHO0VvEU-00131-00045468-00045722 than the library so virtual reality has ZHuaHO0VvEU-00132-00045723-00045920 implications for what libraries can do ZHuaHO0VvEU-00133-00045921-00046142 and how it can help the library but it ZHuaHO0VvEU-00134-00046143-00046379 also could be ways that we can go ZHuaHO0VvEU-00135-00046380-00046580 outside the library into the classroom ZHuaHO0VvEU-00136-00046581-00046871 into the lab into the field and be a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00137-00046872-00047296 partner in this areas so the library ZHuaHO0VvEU-00138-00047297-00047561 does the traditional activity that we do ZHuaHO0VvEU-00139-00047562-00047807 providing services and resources but we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00140-00047808-00048017 also are really good at being the place ZHuaHO0VvEU-00141-00048018-00048257 that people know so some ZHuaHO0VvEU-00142-00048258-00048449 comes to me and I say I can't do that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00143-00048450-00048620 for you but I can help you get with a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00144-00048621-00048902 person who does or I can say to somebody ZHuaHO0VvEU-00145-00048903-00049151 you want to do that okay I can help you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00146-00049152-00049274 do that with this equipment or the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00147-00049275-00049520 software I can help people tell their ZHuaHO0VvEU-00148-00049521-00049907 stories through the VR that they create ZHuaHO0VvEU-00149-00049908-00050158 create the 360 video that they create I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00150-00050159-00050417 can help preserve that heritage and then ZHuaHO0VvEU-00151-00050418-00050611 I can also be a partner in advancing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00152-00050612-00051208 research and science so at MSU we have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00153-00051209-00051386 three entities that are primarily ZHuaHO0VvEU-00154-00051387-00051686 focused on providing VR support and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00155-00051687-00051916 development we have our academic ZHuaHO0VvEU-00156-00051917-00052124 technology and outreach branch which has ZHuaHO0VvEU-00157-00052125-00052319 a teaching and learning Technology ZHuaHO0VvEU-00158-00052320-00052598 studio where faculty can go in and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00159-00052599-00052799 explore VR technologies that they might ZHuaHO0VvEU-00160-00052800-00053066 want to adopt for the classroom so this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00161-00053066-00053413 is kind of a hands-on place where you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00162-00053414-00053554 could put on the equipment and try out ZHuaHO0VvEU-00163-00053555-00053776 different things and then in the library ZHuaHO0VvEU-00164-00053777-00053869 we have what's called the virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00165-00053870-00054238 discovery space which is reservable mr. ZHuaHO0VvEU-00166-00054239-00054517 preserve my students faculty staff we've ZHuaHO0VvEU-00167-00054519-00054754 had a faculty work with us to reserve ZHuaHO0VvEU-00168-00054755-00055037 the space for their classes so students ZHuaHO0VvEU-00169-00055038-00055306 come in groups of two or three they take ZHuaHO0VvEU-00170-00055307-00055516 turns using the VR we help keep track ZHuaHO0VvEU-00171-00055517-00055675 that they actually did their assignment ZHuaHO0VvEU-00172-00055676-00055835 and then they're able to report back to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00173-00055836-00056009 their instructor on their experience ZHuaHO0VvEU-00174-00056010-00056280 there and then students also use the VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00175-00056282-00056513 equipment is on their own for a variety ZHuaHO0VvEU-00176-00056514-00056800 of possibilities and then the university ZHuaHO0VvEU-00177-00056801-00057050 information technology has the Montana ZHuaHO0VvEU-00178-00057051-00057410 reality lab which just opened this past ZHuaHO0VvEU-00179-00057411-00057662 spring and that focus more on developing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00180-00057663-00057955 VR so they've got applications for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00181-00057957-00058438 making VR for and it may sleep mostly ZHuaHO0VvEU-00182-00058439-00058582 came out of film and photography and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00183-00058583-00058750 architecture so it's located in an ZHuaHO0VvEU-00184-00058751-00059107 architecture classroom building so in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00185-00059108-00059261 there they're really focused on that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00186-00059262-00059546 angle of VR and so one of the things I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00187-00059547-00059738 did is I pulled together these different ZHuaHO0VvEU-00188-00059739-00060053 groups and I made a web page for our ZHuaHO0VvEU-00189-00060054-00060256 three groups because what I was finding ZHuaHO0VvEU-00190-00060257-00060398 of the students were coming to me and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00191-00060399-00060575 saying who's teaching in this I have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00192-00060576-00060751 faculty saying if I want to adapt this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00193-00060752-00061085 who can I talk to and so I felt my ZHuaHO0VvEU-00194-00061086-00061306 strengths as a librarian is why when I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00195-00061307-00061468 make people try to hunt for this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00196-00061469-00061600 information let's get ZHuaHO0VvEU-00197-00061601-00061768 under one umbrella and then people don't ZHuaHO0VvEU-00198-00061769-00061993 have to keep trying to shop so I'm going ZHuaHO0VvEU-00199-00061994-00062129 to switch real quick and just show you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00200-00062129-00062886 that webpage that I just mentioned so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00201-00062887-00063316 this is the landing page we've got a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00202-00063317-00063515 link for each of the three spaces I just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00203-00063516-00063826 mentioned we also have a list of the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00204-00063827-00064012 different classes that we're teaching VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00205-00064013-00064417 as a this last spring and then we also ZHuaHO0VvEU-00206-00064418-00064675 have a page with various personnel that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00207-00064676-00064847 I've identified who are potential ZHuaHO0VvEU-00208-00064848-00065210 contacts so then this might seem silly ZHuaHO0VvEU-00209-00065211-00065378 but the number of contacts I've gotten ZHuaHO0VvEU-00210-00065379-00065548 as a result of this webpage and I have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00211-00065549-00065788 myself listed as the me in contact down ZHuaHO0VvEU-00212-00065789-00065947 here I've talked to everybody else and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00213-00065948-00066169 they said sure go ahead and so I'm ZHuaHO0VvEU-00214-00066170-00066361 putting myself as a first contact and I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00215-00066362-00066606 refer people or I pull together partners ZHuaHO0VvEU-00216-00066607-00067057 as appropriate so I'm going to switch ZHuaHO0VvEU-00217-00067058-00067940 back to my slides so I'm just going to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00218-00067941-00068246 give you some examples of ways that I've ZHuaHO0VvEU-00219-00068247-00068443 seen that we could partner or that we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00220-00068444-00068749 are partnering and I hoping that you all ZHuaHO0VvEU-00221-00068750-00068967 will talk with me more about these ideas ZHuaHO0VvEU-00222-00068968-00069316 so one of the areas I have of interest ZHuaHO0VvEU-00223-00069317-00069596 is about using VR for mitigating bias ZHuaHO0VvEU-00224-00069597-00069910 within libraries so I've been working ZHuaHO0VvEU-00225-00069911-00070063 with the computer science professor and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00226-00070064-00070241 go jump ahead of slash a minute just to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00227-00070242-00070530 make sure I've got this right okay so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00228-00070531-00070991 the example I saw is a faculty member ZHuaHO0VvEU-00229-00070992-00071242 I've been working with she's in computer ZHuaHO0VvEU-00230-00071243-00071692 science and she was able and actually I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00231-00071693-00071848 can see that there's Chado so make sure ZHuaHO0VvEU-00232-00071849-00072037 that I'm understanding of anybody's ZHuaHO0VvEU-00233-00072038-00072292 chatting with me okay sorry I haven't ZHuaHO0VvEU-00234-00072293-00072463 been in the presenter environment in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00235-00072464-00072610 Zumba for just the participant ZHuaHO0VvEU-00236-00072611-00072910 environment so going back um I've been ZHuaHO0VvEU-00237-00072911-00073069 working with a computer science ZHuaHO0VvEU-00238-00073070-00073393 professor who was looking at bias in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00239-00073394-00073634 computer science and so she was trying ZHuaHO0VvEU-00240-00073635-00073918 to help get students to understand when ZHuaHO0VvEU-00241-00073919-00074140 our biases influence our behavior and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00242-00074141-00074317 she said that and she initially taught ZHuaHO0VvEU-00243-00074318-00074566 that class her student space if I said ZHuaHO0VvEU-00244-00074567-00074902 you don't have biases associated ZHuaHO0VvEU-00245-00074903-00075154 Abhaya sees and says she ended up having ZHuaHO0VvEU-00246-00075155-00075355 them work in the software environment ZHuaHO0VvEU-00247-00075356-00075568 called equal reality or they would go ZHuaHO0VvEU-00248-00075569-00075892 into an environment in VR and they would ZHuaHO0VvEU-00249-00075893-00076183 have an avatar that looked like a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00250-00076184-00076426 specific demographic and then you would ZHuaHO0VvEU-00251-00076427-00076747 experience things as that person and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00252-00076748-00076891 then you would experience things as ZHuaHO0VvEU-00253-00076892-00077134 other people in that demographic so for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00254-00077135-00077404 example there's one exercise I go ZHuaHO0VvEU-00255-00077405-00077590 through where somebody comes in in a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00256-00077591-00077806 wheelchair and you see how people talk ZHuaHO0VvEU-00257-00077807-00078022 to him and they say oh you know oh ZHuaHO0VvEU-00258-00078023-00078229 that's great you should be so proud and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00259-00078230-00078487 it's a very demoralizing experience to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00260-00078488-00078757 see how this man is treated so I thought ZHuaHO0VvEU-00261-00078758-00078916 it'd be interesting to think about what ZHuaHO0VvEU-00262-00078917-00079150 does it look like to be an avatar with a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00263-00079151-00079372 library so if somebody walked into a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00264-00079373-00079663 virtual space as an avatar and then you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00265-00079664-00079942 are an avatar suddenly the dynamics ZHuaHO0VvEU-00266-00079943-00080056 change because you don't know what that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00267-00080057-00080197 person really looks like and they don't ZHuaHO0VvEU-00268-00080198-00080332 know what you really look like and maybe ZHuaHO0VvEU-00269-00080333-00080638 you're meeting on this surface of the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00270-00080639-00080800 Moon rather than in the library and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00271-00080801-00080974 maybe your library is on the surface of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00272-00080975-00081121 the Moon so there's just a lot of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00273-00081122-00081313 interesting potential ways of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00274-00081314-00081607 understanding how when we are together ZHuaHO0VvEU-00275-00081608-00081859 how do we interpret each other just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00276-00081860-00082159 based on all those visual cues I think ZHuaHO0VvEU-00277-00082160-00082255 one of the things that's still a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00278-00082256-00082486 challenge in this environment is as ZHuaHO0VvEU-00279-00082487-00082846 we've seen in this pandemic situation is ZHuaHO0VvEU-00280-00082847-00083041 there are still inequalities when you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00281-00083042-00083206 have a virtual reality space you may ZHuaHO0VvEU-00282-00083207-00083509 eliminate some of the inequalities with ZHuaHO0VvEU-00283-00083510-00083779 appearances and things but you may still ZHuaHO0VvEU-00284-00083780-00083959 surface them because people still need ZHuaHO0VvEU-00285-00083960-00084136 access to the Internet or virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00286-00084137-00084445 reality equipment maybe that people have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00287-00084446-00084625 disabilities in an online environment ZHuaHO0VvEU-00288-00084626-00084802 that make it difficult for them to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00289-00084803-00085546 participate so the same destructor that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00290-00085547-00085690 I was just talking about so I've been ZHuaHO0VvEU-00291-00085691-00085885 working with her to actually see whether ZHuaHO0VvEU-00292-00085886-00086098 or not we can figure out ways that we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00293-00086099-00086320 can test the user experience in a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00294-00086321-00086476 virtual library so that's where I was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00295-00086477-00086647 going with that we are a little bit off ZHuaHO0VvEU-00296-00086648-00086815 with that because we were going to be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00297-00086816-00086995 working in on this this summer and I'm ZHuaHO0VvEU-00298-00086996-00087165 not exactly sure what that looks like ZHuaHO0VvEU-00299-00087166-00087406 she's also doing some research into ZHuaHO0VvEU-00300-00087407-00087481 counseling ZHuaHO0VvEU-00301-00087482-00087744 so she's presenting counselors to people ZHuaHO0VvEU-00302-00087745-00088063 in a remote virtual reality environment ZHuaHO0VvEU-00303-00088064-00088333 the counselor right away the reasons ZHuaHO0VvEU-00304-00088334-00088486 they might need that counselor right ZHuaHO0VvEU-00305-00088487-00088654 away is because perhaps they're remote ZHuaHO0VvEU-00306-00088655-00088897 or at a distance maybe they have a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00307-00088898-00089140 mobility issues maybe they don't have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00308-00089141-00089311 the financial resources to be able to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00309-00089312-00089500 come into town and pay for parking and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00310-00089501-00089806 see a counselor face-to-face and maybe ZHuaHO0VvEU-00311-00089807-00089968 they've got pressing time issues like ZHuaHO0VvEU-00312-00089969-00090100 suicidal thoughts ZHuaHO0VvEU-00313-00090101-00090304 so she was providing at some high ZHuaHO0VvEU-00314-00090305-00090559 at-risk patients with this virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00315-00090560-00090733 reality equipment and then providing the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00316-00090734-00091084 counselors and seeing how that would ZHuaHO0VvEU-00317-00091085-00091330 help those people when they aren't able ZHuaHO0VvEU-00318-00091331-00091546 to come and visit a counselor in person ZHuaHO0VvEU-00319-00091547-00091879 so that led me to the idea of what does ZHuaHO0VvEU-00320-00091880-00092038 that mean for libraries I mean could we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00321-00092039-00092326 end up being remote librarians in a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00322-00092327-00092500 virtual reality environment when people ZHuaHO0VvEU-00323-00092501-00092668 need help right away and I realize ZHuaHO0VvEU-00324-00092669-00092806 there's a difference between suicidal ZHuaHO0VvEU-00325-00092807-00092959 thoughts and needing help from the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00326-00092960-00093190 librarian right away but I do think that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00327-00093191-00093370 there are times where being in a library ZHuaHO0VvEU-00328-00093371-00093681 can be intimidating it could be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00329-00093682-00094003 prohibitive because of time maybe you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00330-00094004-00094195 are too far away maybe you're taking a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00331-00094196-00094510 distance class maybe you have this time ZHuaHO0VvEU-00332-00094511-00094780 constraints I mentioned so what are the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00333-00094781-00094987 possibilities for us to be in a virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00334-00094988-00095152 reality environment where people can ZHuaHO0VvEU-00335-00095153-00095566 find us just when they need us another ZHuaHO0VvEU-00336-00095567-00095767 study I thought was interesting is at ZHuaHO0VvEU-00337-00095768-00095959 University of nevada-reno they did a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00338-00095960-00096133 virtual reality study where they were ZHuaHO0VvEU-00339-00096134-00096328 looking at how communication happens in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00340-00096329-00096574 a rural I mean in a medical setting and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00341-00096575-00096820 so they put people into this virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00342-00096821-00097078 reality environment and everybody can ZHuaHO0VvEU-00343-00097079-00097255 see what's going on he's participating ZHuaHO0VvEU-00344-00097256-00097399 in that but you end up seeing how ZHuaHO0VvEU-00345-00097400-00097672 doctors are communicating nurses on ZHuaHO0VvEU-00346-00097673-00097893 people in perception and patients and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00347-00097894-00098125 sometimes you'll see communication ZHuaHO0VvEU-00348-00098126-00098401 points break down maybe inconsistent ZHuaHO0VvEU-00349-00098402-00098782 information for the patient maybe not ZHuaHO0VvEU-00350-00098783-00098962 asking the questions that needed to be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00351-00098963-00099268 asked to get the proper diagnosis so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00352-00099269-00099400 that's basically they were trying to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00353-00099401-00099736 understand how patient experience is and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00354-00099737-00099895 how information is gathered and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00355-00099896-00100252 communicated so I think that has real ZHuaHO0VvEU-00356-00100253-00100423 implications for the library could we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00357-00100424-00100636 study what it's like to be a patron ZHuaHO0VvEU-00358-00100637-00100849 going through our spaces so maybe enter ZHuaHO0VvEU-00359-00100850-00101254 a virtual library you watch them trying ZHuaHO0VvEU-00360-00101255-00101451 to find personnel maybe you get the 10 ZHuaHO0VvEU-00361-00101452-00101688 or understand where they're going as we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00362-00101689-00101868 know a lot of like library users will ZHuaHO0VvEU-00363-00101869-00102123 wander around or they don't initiate ZHuaHO0VvEU-00364-00102124-00102354 things so do we see them asking ZHuaHO0VvEU-00365-00102355-00102501 questions or being approached by ZHuaHO0VvEU-00366-00102502-00102735 personnel to be asked if they need ZHuaHO0VvEU-00367-00102736-00103014 anything how do they get their answers ZHuaHO0VvEU-00368-00103015-00103249 and is that consistent and then finally ZHuaHO0VvEU-00369-00103250-00103449 how do they access the information that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00370-00103450-00103917 they've been presented with another ZHuaHO0VvEU-00371-00103918-00104205 study is the citizen science study with ZHuaHO0VvEU-00372-00104206-00104422 project each route so this is out of the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00373-00104423-00104899 US Geological Survey so they had some ZHuaHO0VvEU-00374-00104900-00105075 cameras that they inserted into water ZHuaHO0VvEU-00375-00105076-00105414 into streams and rivers and those ZHuaHO0VvEU-00376-00105415-00105682 underwater cameras recorded trout ZHuaHO0VvEU-00377-00105683-00105844 populations going in front of the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00378-00105845-00106164 cameras and so then they crowdsource and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00379-00106165-00106657 worked with libraries to help count the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00380-00106658-00106846 trout and so what they were trying to do ZHuaHO0VvEU-00381-00106847-00107274 is understand how many trout are going ZHuaHO0VvEU-00382-00107275-00107478 past this first just a big spot and they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00383-00107479-00107664 were also trying to understand how good ZHuaHO0VvEU-00384-00107665-00107901 people were at counting those things so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00385-00107902-00108303 they found that the trout's were usually ZHuaHO0VvEU-00386-00108304-00108453 counted consistently by people ZHuaHO0VvEU-00387-00108454-00108624 relatively speaking like error rate was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00388-00108625-00108885 pretty consistent the error rate tended ZHuaHO0VvEU-00389-00108886-00109266 to be higher for younger people so that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00390-00109267-00109456 who knows what that is maybe it's an ZHuaHO0VvEU-00391-00109457-00109624 attention span thing I don't know but ZHuaHO0VvEU-00392-00109625-00109836 anyway I think that has really ZHuaHO0VvEU-00393-00109837-00110076 interesting implications for research I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00394-00110077-00110308 mean it's one thing to provide a VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00395-00110308-00110502 headset for teaching but it's another ZHuaHO0VvEU-00396-00110503-00110707 thought thing to provide that to help ZHuaHO0VvEU-00397-00110708-00110913 gather data for science and have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00398-00110914-00111150 citizens participating in that research ZHuaHO0VvEU-00399-00111151-00111351 project because we provide presented ZHuaHO0VvEU-00400-00111352-00111690 presented the spaces the hardware in the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00401-00111691-00111900 opportunity its partnership with those ZHuaHO0VvEU-00402-00111901-00112195 research studies and along with that I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00403-00112196-00112324 think there are interesting questions ZHuaHO0VvEU-00404-00112325-00112599 about human subjects right now if people ZHuaHO0VvEU-00405-00112600-00112800 are trying to study human subjects how ZHuaHO0VvEU-00406-00112801-00112924 are they going to do that when we're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00407-00112925-00113170 supposed to be social distancing so I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00408-00113171-00113332 think they're also implications for ways ZHuaHO0VvEU-00409-00113333-00113484 we could study human subjects in the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00410-00113485-00113683 virtual reality environment and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00411-00113683-00113841 libraries could be a really good conduit ZHuaHO0VvEU-00412-00113842-00114251 to helping figure out of this protocol ZHuaHO0VvEU-00413-00114252-00114558 and then we have another case study at ZHuaHO0VvEU-00414-00114559-00114738 MSU so we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00415-00114739-00114935 the MSU student chapter of Engineers ZHuaHO0VvEU-00416-00114936-00115173 Without Borders they came to me because ZHuaHO0VvEU-00417-00115174-00115353 they knew about the virtual reality ZHuaHO0VvEU-00418-00115354-00115518 space in the library and then they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00419-00115519-00115698 looked at our website my contact ZHuaHO0VvEU-00420-00115699-00115947 information and they were interested in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00421-00115948-00116226 potentially using virtual reality for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00422-00116227-00116496 engineers Without Borders so they came ZHuaHO0VvEU-00423-00116497-00116715 to me and I pulled together partners ZHuaHO0VvEU-00424-00116716-00116858 from across campus from film and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00425-00116859-00117189 photography from ruit information ZHuaHO0VvEU-00426-00117190-00117426 technology and the library and then the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00427-00117427-00117597 engineers Without Borders students to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00428-00117598-00117828 find out about their project they were ZHuaHO0VvEU-00429-00117829-00118002 interested in mapping a new school ZHuaHO0VvEU-00430-00118003-00118215 library in Kenya where they regularly ZHuaHO0VvEU-00431-00118216-00118422 work and I didn't put this here but they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00432-00118423-00118644 also were working on a new bathroom ZHuaHO0VvEU-00433-00118645-00118818 latrine set up so they were interested ZHuaHO0VvEU-00434-00118819-00119111 in mapping that I'm perhaps using CAD or ZHuaHO0VvEU-00435-00119113-00119382 other technologies that could be viewed ZHuaHO0VvEU-00436-00119383-00119666 through a virtual reality environment so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00437-00119667-00119799 that they could see ahead of time what ZHuaHO0VvEU-00438-00119800-00119976 they were thinking of but also so they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00439-00119977-00120114 could share that back with their ZHuaHO0VvEU-00440-00120115-00120353 contacts in Kenya before they get there ZHuaHO0VvEU-00441-00120354-00120566 to start seeing if they're adjustments ZHuaHO0VvEU-00442-00120567-00120801 that need to be made they couldn't find ZHuaHO0VvEU-00443-00120802-00120999 out unless they actually showed them ZHuaHO0VvEU-00444-00121000-00121283 some kind of 3d rendering and then they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00445-00121284-00121443 were interested in doing a storytelling ZHuaHO0VvEU-00446-00121444-00121653 so they are interested in doing 360 ZHuaHO0VvEU-00447-00121654-00121853 videos to tell the story of their ZHuaHO0VvEU-00448-00121854-00122100 community so that when they go there ZHuaHO0VvEU-00449-00122101-00122333 they can do a 360 video and then show it ZHuaHO0VvEU-00450-00122334-00122585 to their communities and their potential ZHuaHO0VvEU-00451-00122586-00122751 donors to say this is what it's like to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00452-00122752-00123132 live in this community in Kenya and then ZHuaHO0VvEU-00453-00123133-00123357 we are also looking at preserving the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00454-00123358-00123465 videos that they're going to be making ZHuaHO0VvEU-00455-00123466-00123683 over the summer well we're gonna be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00456-00123684-00123908 making a red summer probably whenever ZHuaHO0VvEU-00457-00123909-00124002 they go back there ZHuaHO0VvEU-00458-00124003-00124176 we'll be preserving the videos that they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00459-00124177-00124350 make and I'm hosting those through the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00460-00124351-00124778 library so going back to my original ZHuaHO0VvEU-00461-00124779-00125054 concepts here thinking about that is ZHuaHO0VvEU-00462-00125055-00125400 Ithaca SNR blog post that virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00463-00125401-00125585 reality has opportunity to be bigger ZHuaHO0VvEU-00464-00125586-00125715 than the libraries I'm not just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00465-00125716-00125865 providing the services by providing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00466-00125866-00126168 connections and going by on those ZHuaHO0VvEU-00467-00126169-00126365 traditional activities we can hold ZHuaHO0VvEU-00468-00126366-00126615 people together help them find new ways ZHuaHO0VvEU-00469-00126616-00126825 to innovate through our technologies and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00470-00126826-00127016 the connections they can make and help ZHuaHO0VvEU-00471-00127017-00127227 them tell their stories about Kenya and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00472-00127228-00127419 other places and preserving that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00473-00127420-00127658 heritage and then advancing research in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00474-00127659-00127839 science through things like the project ZHuaHO0VvEU-00475-00127840-00128113 each Rock I offered ZHuaHO0VvEU-00476-00128114-00128539 so at this point like I said I'm not an ZHuaHO0VvEU-00477-00128540-00128935 expert but I would love to build some ZHuaHO0VvEU-00478-00128936-00129109 expertise and I'd love to hear from you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00479-00129110-00129313 all about thoughts you have about ZHuaHO0VvEU-00480-00129314-00129518 possibilities and opportunities for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00481-00129519-00129797 libraries with virtual reality augmented ZHuaHO0VvEU-00482-00129798-00130141 reality and 360 video and related ZHuaHO0VvEU-00483-00130142-00131171 technologies thanks so much for for that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00484-00131172-00131485 really interesting overview of what ZHuaHO0VvEU-00485-00131486-00132073 you've been working on at MSU and as ZHuaHO0VvEU-00486-00132074-00132463 Darlan invited our attendees I'd just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00487-00132464-00132818 like to remind you we would love to hear ZHuaHO0VvEU-00488-00132819-00133133 from you and hear your questions any ZHuaHO0VvEU-00489-00133134-00133487 comments you have to share if you know ZHuaHO0VvEU-00490-00133488-00133757 of any other partnerships that other ZHuaHO0VvEU-00491-00133758-00133903 folks might be interested in hearing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00492-00133904-00134254 about we invite you now to go ahead and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00493-00134255-00134483 type those into the Q&A box there should ZHuaHO0VvEU-00494-00134484-00134725 be a little icon at the bottom of your ZHuaHO0VvEU-00495-00134726-00135008 screen that says Q&A if you click on ZHuaHO0VvEU-00496-00135009-00135238 that you can type in your questions into ZHuaHO0VvEU-00497-00135239-00135635 the Q&A or you can type them into the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00498-00135636-00135976 chat box and I'll be happy to moderate ZHuaHO0VvEU-00499-00135977-00136499 those now I was wondering ZHuaHO0VvEU-00500-00136500-00136775 darlin while we're waiting for our ZHuaHO0VvEU-00501-00136776-00136982 attendees to weigh in with some of their ZHuaHO0VvEU-00502-00136983-00137399 questions what is the staffing like for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00503-00137400-00137723 these services in the library who do you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00504-00137724-00138040 have so that's a good question when we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00505-00138041-00138194 started off with the space that we had ZHuaHO0VvEU-00506-00138195-00138494 we had some virtual reality equipment ZHuaHO0VvEU-00507-00138495-00138647 well actually the space we had was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00508-00138648-00138754 originally supposed to be a data ZHuaHO0VvEU-00509-00138755-00139101 visualization wall and that was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00510-00139102-00139429 problematic because it was staffed by ZHuaHO0VvEU-00511-00139430-00139700 our campus IT but then they got moved to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00512-00139701-00139895 a different location and they weren't ZHuaHO0VvEU-00513-00139896-00140168 co-located with us and anyway so we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00514-00140169-00140326 ended up installing spiritual reality ZHuaHO0VvEU-00515-00140327-00140636 equipment and again we still didn't feel ZHuaHO0VvEU-00516-00140637-00140882 that we had a common understanding of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00517-00140883-00141110 that space and I actually just finished ZHuaHO0VvEU-00518-00141111-00141323 writing up an article for evidence based ZHuaHO0VvEU-00519-00141324-00141407 library ZHuaHO0VvEU-00520-00141408-00141662 and practice because last summer we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00521-00141663-00141911 ended up doing all right let's regroup ZHuaHO0VvEU-00522-00141912-00142126 what's the space who's using it how can ZHuaHO0VvEU-00523-00142127-00142433 we make it better so we developed for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00524-00142434-00142566 the space a mission and a vision ZHuaHO0VvEU-00525-00142567-00142891 statement we looked at how it would ZHuaHO0VvEU-00526-00142892-00143108 integrate with the library strategic ZHuaHO0VvEU-00527-00143109-00143621 plan we developed some case studies so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00528-00143622-00144032 that faculty comes along we can say this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00529-00144033-00144226 is how you could use a space we say you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00530-00144227-00144347 know student this is how you could use ZHuaHO0VvEU-00531-00144348-00144662 the space we updated our webpage we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00532-00144663-00144994 updated the signage and now we have a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00533-00144995-00145286 self-guided online tutorial we have a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00534-00145287-00145477 manual in the space and then we're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00535-00145478-00145634 available to make appointments ZHuaHO0VvEU-00536-00145635-00145868 so it's pretty much stand-alone our ZHuaHO0VvEU-00537-00145869-00146140 service desk loads out the equipment to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00538-00146141-00146447 people they can check in it up out for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00539-00146448-00146791 up to four hours they can reserve the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00540-00146792-00147079 space through an online calendar and I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00541-00147080-00147293 have a student who works for me for 20 ZHuaHO0VvEU-00542-00147294-00147526 hours a week and his hours are posted so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00543-00147527-00147719 he people can come in when he's there or ZHuaHO0VvEU-00544-00147720-00147940 he can meet with in my appointment so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00545-00147941-00148291 it's mostly it's mostly self-run but the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00546-00148292-00148469 ones that are self-run are people who ZHuaHO0VvEU-00547-00148470-00148721 are coming in and they know what they're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00548-00148722-00148931 doing after they've done it once and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00549-00148932-00149150 then the students and then other people ZHuaHO0VvEU-00550-00149151-00149324 who are wanting to incorporate this in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00551-00149325-00149478 the class usually will meet with me ZHuaHO0VvEU-00552-00149479-00149677 interesting okay thank you for that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00553-00149678-00150126 clarification we have a question now ZHuaHO0VvEU-00554-00150127-00150463 what are some of your strategies and how ZHuaHO0VvEU-00555-00150464-00150650 did you go about building relationships ZHuaHO0VvEU-00556-00150651-00150971 with the VR experts and faculty on your ZHuaHO0VvEU-00557-00150972-00151300 campus towards the beginning okay that's ZHuaHO0VvEU-00558-00151301-00151658 a great question um I found that the VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00559-00151659-00152026 experts on campus tended to be in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00560-00152027-00152215 isolation a bit so you know you get one ZHuaHO0VvEU-00561-00152216-00152399 computer scientist is working on it ZHuaHO0VvEU-00562-00152400-00152609 one film with photography and professor ZHuaHO0VvEU-00563-00152610-00152950 one architecture professor and so and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00564-00152951-00153107 they've just sort of figured out as they ZHuaHO0VvEU-00565-00153108-00153371 gone along - so they seem to be really ZHuaHO0VvEU-00566-00153372-00153526 glad to find anybody who is willing to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00567-00153527-00153919 talk with him and I actually ended up ZHuaHO0VvEU-00568-00153920-00154168 initially the computer science professor ZHuaHO0VvEU-00569-00154169-00154481 she came to me because she didn't have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00570-00154482-00154687 enough space in her classroom to do what ZHuaHO0VvEU-00571-00154688-00154766 she wanted to do with ZHuaHO0VvEU-00572-00154767-00154999 we are and asked about using our space ZHuaHO0VvEU-00573-00155000-00155570 so I ended up working with her for this ZHuaHO0VvEU-00574-00155571-00155819 bias class scheduling and then I asked ZHuaHO0VvEU-00575-00155820-00156086 her out to lunch we ended up talking ZHuaHO0VvEU-00576-00156087-00156317 more about this bias work and so we've ZHuaHO0VvEU-00577-00156318-00156587 ended up we're planning to try to pursue ZHuaHO0VvEU-00578-00156588-00156836 some grants to try to pursue that more ZHuaHO0VvEU-00579-00156837-00157016 to understand the role bias of computer ZHuaHO0VvEU-00580-00157017-00157319 science in the library I got together a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00581-00157320-00157616 panel so I asked those professors I just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00582-00157617-00157718 mentioned if they'd be willing to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00583-00157719-00157967 participate in a panel conversation and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00584-00157968-00158363 then I took my equivalence and academic ZHuaHO0VvEU-00585-00158364-00158626 technology now reaching uit so it was a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00586-00158627-00158987 seven person panel of five of us who are ZHuaHO0VvEU-00587-00158988-00159242 faculty and two others who were staff ZHuaHO0VvEU-00588-00159243-00159509 just talking about their VR experiences ZHuaHO0VvEU-00589-00159510-00159737 and then we had people from nursing and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00590-00159738-00159995 chemistry and other people show up and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00591-00159996-00160139 again we just started having a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00592-00160140-00160532 conversation so I feel like it really ZHuaHO0VvEU-00593-00160533-00160688 wasn't that hard in the sense that I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00594-00160689-00160900 figured out he was teaching on campus ZHuaHO0VvEU-00595-00160901-00161117 some of those people approached me as ZHuaHO0VvEU-00596-00161118-00161456 soon as they saw a space and I was ZHuaHO0VvEU-00597-00161457-00161609 trying to be helpful to them and their ZHuaHO0VvEU-00598-00161610-00161861 immediate needs and then asking them ZHuaHO0VvEU-00599-00161862-00162017 like Oh tell me more about what you're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00600-00162018-00162206 doing and then that I wouldn't ZHuaHO0VvEU-00601-00162207-00162380 opportunities to start forming even ZHuaHO0VvEU-00602-00162381-00162590 stronger partnerships and the other ZHuaHO0VvEU-00603-00162591-00162758 thing I would say is you need to go in ZHuaHO0VvEU-00604-00162759-00162977 and learn the equipment like I just put ZHuaHO0VvEU-00605-00162978-00163196 on the headset and just started finding ZHuaHO0VvEU-00606-00163197-00163334 my way around I mean if you aren't ZHuaHO0VvEU-00607-00163335-00163556 willing to try the VR equipment it's ZHuaHO0VvEU-00608-00163557-00163796 kind of hard to talk about it so I've ZHuaHO0VvEU-00609-00163797-00163991 figured out a lot on my own which has ZHuaHO0VvEU-00610-00163992-00164162 been good because that gives me a little ZHuaHO0VvEU-00611-00164163-00164336 more expertise than just getting ZHuaHO0VvEU-00612-00164337-00164570 somebody else to show me how to do it so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00613-00164571-00164687 I think that it's a little bit just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00614-00164688-00164855 taking initiative on your own for the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00615-00164856-00165065 technology it sounds like you're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00616-00165066-00165191 starting to build a little community of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00617-00165192-00165440 practice there as well for sure and I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00618-00165441-00165599 think again I think that's where ZHuaHO0VvEU-00619-00165600-00165773 librarians have a lot of strengths is a ZHuaHO0VvEU-00620-00165774-00165971 good at bringing people together the IT ZHuaHO0VvEU-00621-00165972-00166484 people are not as strong at that in my ZHuaHO0VvEU-00622-00166485-00166670 community they're glad to participate ZHuaHO0VvEU-00623-00166671-00166916 but I think the fact that I'm faculty ZHuaHO0VvEU-00624-00166917-00167225 makes that easier to some of those same ZHuaHO0VvEU-00625-00167226-00167452 conversations already with those folks ZHuaHO0VvEU-00626-00167453-00167774 interesting great great question thanks ZHuaHO0VvEU-00627-00167775-00167958 so much for that and thanks ZHuaHO0VvEU-00628-00167959-00168340 freer responds darlin and now from cliff ZHuaHO0VvEU-00629-00168341-00168602 cliff is asking if you could say a bit ZHuaHO0VvEU-00630-00168603-00168996 more about your work in preserving VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00631-00168997-00169189 content and how are you making ZHuaHO0VvEU-00632-00169190-00169446 selections and what approach are you ZHuaHO0VvEU-00633-00169447-00169802 using well so we're just at the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00634-00169803-00170061 beginning of that conversation I'd Lee ZHuaHO0VvEU-00635-00170062-00170223 said in a meeting recently we were ZHuaHO0VvEU-00636-00170224-00170516 looking at creating a VR experience for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00637-00170517-00170784 a student who had an art show and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00638-00170785-00170951 normally she would have a gallery ZHuaHO0VvEU-00639-00170952-00171219 opening and she was realizing that she ZHuaHO0VvEU-00640-00171220-00171416 couldn't do that in a situation where ZHuaHO0VvEU-00641-00171417-00171543 people were told I'm not allowed to be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00642-00171544-00171924 on campus so this summer we're gonna be ZHuaHO0VvEU-00643-00171925-00172088 working with her to try to get that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00644-00172089-00172470 gallery experience you know VR setting ZHuaHO0VvEU-00645-00172471-00172751 which is going to be kind of a pretty ZHuaHO0VvEU-00646-00172752-00173037 cool pilot project I think and I said oh ZHuaHO0VvEU-00647-00173038-00173175 and we definitely would preserve that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00648-00173176-00173625 when I walked away so I looked into it ZHuaHO0VvEU-00649-00173626-00173753 and I was like oh this is a lot more ZHuaHO0VvEU-00650-00173754-00174393 complicated than I think I thought so we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00651-00174394-00174641 are I don't have the answer to you for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00652-00174642-00174827 you yet of how we're going to preserve ZHuaHO0VvEU-00653-00174828-00175146 that VR content but I like the idea that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00654-00175147-00175284 I'm getting this at the beginning ZHuaHO0VvEU-00655-00175285-00175473 because we're just now building VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00656-00175474-00175713 content on campus and so it's on ZHuaHO0VvEU-00657-00175714-00175860 people's radars that we definitely want ZHuaHO0VvEU-00658-00175861-00176010 to keep this we want to put it on the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00659-00176011-00176213 website we want to have something to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00660-00176214-00176378 show and say this is what I miss you is ZHuaHO0VvEU-00661-00176379-00176559 putting out with VR these are the kinds ZHuaHO0VvEU-00662-00176560-00176769 of things you could make if you came to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00663-00176770-00177138 MSU one of the areas that I have been ZHuaHO0VvEU-00664-00177139-00177393 working to preserve is 360 video which ZHuaHO0VvEU-00665-00177394-00177602 is a lot easier to preserve but we have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00666-00177603-00177863 our film and photography faculty ZHuaHO0VvEU-00667-00177864-00178127 building 360 video with their students ZHuaHO0VvEU-00668-00178128-00178226 some of them are going out to the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00669-00178227-00178509 Yellowstone National Park doing 360 ZHuaHO0VvEU-00670-00178510-00178770 video there so that's a win-win because ZHuaHO0VvEU-00671-00178771-00178935 you get to see the environment you get ZHuaHO0VvEU-00672-00178936-00179145 to see film and photography in action ZHuaHO0VvEU-00673-00179146-00179376 and then you get to see some of what's ZHuaHO0VvEU-00674-00179377-00179673 coming out of MSU so for that video ZHuaHO0VvEU-00675-00179674-00179895 we're preserving that we have a lot of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00676-00179896-00180057 our videos through our YouTube channel ZHuaHO0VvEU-00677-00180058-00180341 and we have them backed up locally so we ZHuaHO0VvEU-00678-00180342-00180554 had a faculty member who was putting ZHuaHO0VvEU-00679-00180555-00180756 some of this on his own website through ZHuaHO0VvEU-00680-00180757-00180974 Vimeo and so we've just captured ZHuaHO0VvEU-00681-00180975-00181194 redundancies of those videos from him ZHuaHO0VvEU-00682-00181195-00181329 and his students ZHuaHO0VvEU-00683-00181330-00181587 so the VR content preservations a little ZHuaHO0VvEU-00684-00181588-00181737 more challenging for sure ZHuaHO0VvEU-00685-00181738-00181950 one of the things I've also found though ZHuaHO0VvEU-00686-00181951-00182061 that people have done is they've ZHuaHO0VvEU-00687-00182062-00182364 preserved physical objects more through ZHuaHO0VvEU-00688-00182365-00182547 the virtual reality environment so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00689-00182548-00182835 perhaps you have a fragile text you can ZHuaHO0VvEU-00690-00182836-00183027 make that into our virtual reality text ZHuaHO0VvEU-00691-00183028-00183165 and then people aren't physically ZHuaHO0VvEU-00692-00183166-00183441 handing handling the original so you see ZHuaHO0VvEU-00693-00183442-00183582 a lot of that with artwork and other ZHuaHO0VvEU-00694-00183583-00183768 things I'm in the virtual reality app ZHuaHO0VvEU-00695-00183769-00184058 spot there as well so there's some ZHuaHO0VvEU-00696-00184059-00184257 possibility for to preserve the VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00697-00184258-00184448 content but also to preserve real ZHuaHO0VvEU-00698-00184449-00184785 materials in a VR environment yeah yeah ZHuaHO0VvEU-00699-00184786-00185124 interesting I put the question out to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00700-00185125-00185529 our attendees if anyone on the webinar ZHuaHO0VvEU-00701-00185530-00185736 today has experience with this it would ZHuaHO0VvEU-00702-00185737-00185997 be lovely to hear what you have to share ZHuaHO0VvEU-00703-00185998-00186180 about how you've dealt with the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00704-00186181-00186498 preservation question and cliff just ZHuaHO0VvEU-00705-00186499-00186774 wanted me to share also his thanks for ZHuaHO0VvEU-00706-00186775-00186984 the answer and I hope that you he says I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00707-00186985-00187218 hope you'll update us on your experience ZHuaHO0VvEU-00708-00187219-00187338 as you progress on this preservation ZHuaHO0VvEU-00709-00187339-00187599 work yeah I think there's a lot of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00710-00187600-00187965 potential there it does not seem I'm the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00711-00187966-00188160 first to wonder how to do that but I ZHuaHO0VvEU-00712-00188161-00188340 don't there haven't been that's practice ZHuaHO0VvEU-00713-00188341-00188781 is established for preserving VR Apps VR ZHuaHO0VvEU-00714-00188782-00189072 content that I think we should be there ZHuaHO0VvEU-00715-00189073-00189255 so we I think as a community you need to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00716-00189256-00189489 figure out standards and approaches to ZHuaHO0VvEU-00717-00189490-00189773 those kinds of questions so true and ZHuaHO0VvEU-00718-00189774-00190257 just as a follow-on to that call to our ZHuaHO0VvEU-00719-00190258-00190509 attendees I'd like to point out that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00720-00190510-00190740 with this in webinar environment we have ZHuaHO0VvEU-00721-00190741-00190995 the capacity to unmute you so if you are ZHuaHO0VvEU-00722-00190996-00191175 interested in making a comment sharing ZHuaHO0VvEU-00723-00191176-00191456 your experiences live with us here or ZHuaHO0VvEU-00724-00191457-00191736 asking a question live just raise your ZHuaHO0VvEU-00725-00191737-00191976 hand there should be a button that ZHuaHO0VvEU-00726-00191977-00192165 allows you to raise your virtual hand ZHuaHO0VvEU-00727-00192166-00192444 and that will indicate that you're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00728-00192445-00192768 interested in making a live comment so ZHuaHO0VvEU-00729-00192769-00192978 I'll give folks just a little bit of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00730-00192979-00193347 time there if they want to type in more ZHuaHO0VvEU-00731-00193348-00193617 questions or raise their hand and while ZHuaHO0VvEU-00732-00193618-00194070 we're waiting I just wanted to share ZHuaHO0VvEU-00733-00194071-00194610 with you the direct link to the CNI ZHuaHO0VvEU-00734-00194611-00194703 Spring ZHuaHO0VvEU-00735-00194704-00195183 actual meeting scheduled the CNI virtual ZHuaHO0VvEU-00736-00195184-00195369 spring meeting is continuing on through ZHuaHO0VvEU-00737-00195370-00195599 the end of May so we have quite a lot of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00738-00195600-00195804 sessions yet to come ZHuaHO0VvEU-00739-00195805-00196088 you can check out the schedule there ZHuaHO0VvEU-00740-00196089-00196326 register for those webinars using the ZHuaHO0VvEU-00741-00196327-00196596 link we sent you by email and we hope ZHuaHO0VvEU-00742-00196597-00196821 that you will join us for many more of ZHuaHO0VvEU-00743-00196822-00198089 the offerings we have yet to come ZHuaHO0VvEU-00744-00198090-00198396 again with the phone thanks to Dorland ZHuaHO0VvEU-00745-00198397-00198666 for becoming the cni engineering you're ZHuaHO0VvEU-00746-00198667-00198897 with us today just really interesting ZHuaHO0VvEU-00747-00198898-00199146 and inspiring and also to our attendees ZHuaHO0VvEU-00748-00199147-00199319 for making time ZHuaHO0VvEU-00749-00199320-00200692 [Music] ZHuaHO0VvEU-00750-00200693-00201020 with that thanks again everyone ZHuaHO0VvEU-00751-00201021-00201369 [Music] ZIjCU06lKng-00000-00000048-00000231 okay so in today's video we're talking ZIjCU06lKng-00001-00000231-00000455 about how you find flow and i found that ZIjCU06lKng-00002-00000456-00000534 there are four ZIjCU06lKng-00003-00000535-00000790 ways four primary forms of flow that we ZIjCU06lKng-00004-00000791-00000886 can talk about ZIjCU06lKng-00005-00000888-00001231 we can talk about testers the drivers ZIjCU06lKng-00006-00001232-00001454 makers and the editors and all these ZIjCU06lKng-00007-00001455-00001647 four types they find flow in different ZIjCU06lKng-00008-00001648-00001743 activities ZIjCU06lKng-00009-00001744-00001942 and they express flow differently so ZIjCU06lKng-00010-00001943-00002071 today we're looking at ZIjCU06lKng-00011-00002072-00002263 how you note this and how you know ZIjCU06lKng-00012-00002264-00002407 you're in a flow state and what you can ZIjCU06lKng-00013-00002408-00002647 do to access and maintain a flow state ZIjCU06lKng-00014-00002648-00002910 so first flow is a state of confidence ZIjCU06lKng-00015-00002911-00002966 energy ZIjCU06lKng-00016-00002967-00003375 motivation and self-esteem self-worth ZIjCU06lKng-00017-00003376-00003606 when you are in a flow state you act ZIjCU06lKng-00018-00003607-00003767 with a feeling that you know what you're ZIjCU06lKng-00019-00003768-00003822 doing ZIjCU06lKng-00020-00003823-00003951 that you know that you're good at what ZIjCU06lKng-00021-00003952-00004119 you're doing that you know you're going ZIjCU06lKng-00022-00004120-00004311 to be able to handle any obstacles that ZIjCU06lKng-00023-00004312-00004367 come ZIjCU06lKng-00024-00004368-00004654 and that you are fascinated and curious ZIjCU06lKng-00025-00004655-00004783 and energetic ZIjCU06lKng-00026-00004784-00004983 and that you are passionate about what ZIjCU06lKng-00027-00004984-00005263 you do so it's this combination of ZIjCU06lKng-00028-00005264-00005438 energy and discrimination of ZIjCU06lKng-00029-00005439-00005735 dopamine and serotonin and all different ZIjCU06lKng-00030-00005736-00005806 neurotransmitters ZIjCU06lKng-00031-00005807-00006031 in your brain in perfect balance giving ZIjCU06lKng-00032-00006032-00006175 you perfect control ZIjCU06lKng-00033-00006176-00006454 perfect execution and perfect skill so i ZIjCU06lKng-00034-00006455-00006606 mentioned there are four types of flow ZIjCU06lKng-00035-00006608-00006783 to talk about we can talk about tester ZIjCU06lKng-00036-00006784-00006831 flow ZIjCU06lKng-00037-00006831-00007134 editor flow maker flow and driver flow ZIjCU06lKng-00038-00007136-00007342 now the drivers they are the starting ZIjCU06lKng-00039-00007343-00007534 types so a lot of the time ZIjCU06lKng-00040-00007536-00007751 drivers are extroverted and they are ZIjCU06lKng-00041-00007752-00007951 judging so that means they are ZIjCU06lKng-00042-00007952-00008303 types that value fast paced control ZIjCU06lKng-00043-00008304-00008591 fast pre placed action fast-paced ZIjCU06lKng-00044-00008592-00008655 pushing ZIjCU06lKng-00045-00008656-00008895 motivating driving setting goals and ZIjCU06lKng-00046-00008896-00009078 reaching and working towards a goal ZIjCU06lKng-00047-00009079-00009278 so x-directed judging types they want to ZIjCU06lKng-00048-00009279-00009471 set goals and they want to reach goals ZIjCU06lKng-00049-00009472-00009719 fast so what external judging types do ZIjCU06lKng-00050-00009720-00009903 is they decide what they want ZIjCU06lKng-00051-00009904-00010103 and they decide in a long-term goal and ZIjCU06lKng-00052-00010104-00010271 then they speed up and they try to be as ZIjCU06lKng-00053-00010272-00010487 productive and as fast and as quick and ZIjCU06lKng-00054-00010488-00010583 reaching this goal ZIjCU06lKng-00055-00010584-00010910 as possible we can talk about and ZIjCU06lKng-00056-00010911-00011103 compare this kind of flow to the ZIjCU06lKng-00057-00011104-00011278 introverted perceiving flow ZIjCU06lKng-00058-00011279-00011623 so editor flow i call ip types editors ZIjCU06lKng-00059-00011624-00011742 and editors they ZIjCU06lKng-00060-00011743-00011903 prefer to take things a bit more ZIjCU06lKng-00061-00011904-00012151 methodically what editors do is they ZIjCU06lKng-00062-00012152-00012183 look ZIjCU06lKng-00063-00012184-00012438 at and they examinate available options ZIjCU06lKng-00064-00012439-00012551 using perceiving ZIjCU06lKng-00065-00012552-00012710 and then they think about these things ZIjCU06lKng-00066-00012711-00012871 methodically and they ZIjCU06lKng-00067-00012872-00013119 cautiously go over and value and judge ZIjCU06lKng-00068-00013119-00013207 and score ZIjCU06lKng-00069-00013208-00013422 and rate different options to know what ZIjCU06lKng-00070-00013423-00013527 is best ZIjCU06lKng-00071-00013528-00013735 so enjoy the perceiving types spend more ZIjCU06lKng-00072-00013736-00013975 time choosing deciding ZIjCU06lKng-00073-00013976-00014422 and a decision before they take action ZIjCU06lKng-00074-00014423-00014671 in toward perceiving types they are in a ZIjCU06lKng-00075-00014672-00014838 more of a flow state ZIjCU06lKng-00076-00014840-00015143 when they are selecting and going over ZIjCU06lKng-00077-00015144-00015343 numbers and thinking about the details ZIjCU06lKng-00078-00015344-00015535 and going over and reflecting on what's ZIjCU06lKng-00079-00015536-00015703 better what's worse what are the pros ZIjCU06lKng-00080-00015704-00015743 what ZIjCU06lKng-00081-00015744-00016047 cons making lists making examples and ZIjCU06lKng-00082-00016047-00016430 basically troubleshooting their process ZIjCU06lKng-00083-00016431-00016583 and it's in this process of ZIjCU06lKng-00084-00016584-00016727 troubleshooting that interactive ZIjCU06lKng-00085-00016728-00016903 receiving types find flow that's the ZIjCU06lKng-00086-00016904-00017022 funny thing because ZIjCU06lKng-00087-00017023-00017222 for an exterior judging type flow is ZIjCU06lKng-00088-00017223-00017407 going out and being fast and being ZIjCU06lKng-00089-00017408-00017494 strong and being ZIjCU06lKng-00090-00017495-00017694 making things happen for a perceiving ZIjCU06lKng-00091-00017695-00017847 type for an indirect perceiving type ZIjCU06lKng-00092-00017848-00017958 it's being in your head ZIjCU06lKng-00093-00017959-00018214 it's reflecting it's processing it's ZIjCU06lKng-00094-00018215-00018414 making a decision it's evaluating your ZIjCU06lKng-00095-00018415-00018486 actions ZIjCU06lKng-00096-00018487-00018703 it's troubleshooting what went wrong ZIjCU06lKng-00097-00018704-00018863 it's coming up with better things to do ZIjCU06lKng-00098-00018864-00019030 better ways to do things ZIjCU06lKng-00099-00019031-00019383 so when indirect perceiving type is in ZIjCU06lKng-00100-00019384-00019591 flow they are basically coming up with ZIjCU06lKng-00101-00019592-00019863 figuring out how things work and they're ZIjCU06lKng-00102-00019864-00020030 realizing what they could do better and ZIjCU06lKng-00103-00020031-00020175 they're thinking about improvements and ZIjCU06lKng-00104-00020176-00020279 they're thinking about ZIjCU06lKng-00105-00020280-00020678 ways to make a situation different ZIjCU06lKng-00106-00020679-00020927 now there are other two types to mention ZIjCU06lKng-00107-00020928-00021150 those other two types are the makers ZIjCU06lKng-00108-00021151-00021343 which are the introverted judging types ZIjCU06lKng-00109-00021344-00021486 and the testers which are the ZIjCU06lKng-00110-00021487-00021671 extroverted receiving types so ZIjCU06lKng-00111-00021672-00021847 if you're a tester you're a person that ZIjCU06lKng-00112-00021848-00022063 wants to try things out immediately you ZIjCU06lKng-00113-00022064-00022294 work on immediate application of new ZIjCU06lKng-00114-00022295-00022383 ideas ZIjCU06lKng-00115-00022384-00022567 so when there is a new possibility or a ZIjCU06lKng-00116-00022568-00022694 new opportunity ZIjCU06lKng-00117-00022695-00022886 you are the first to go out and research ZIjCU06lKng-00118-00022887-00023078 these new ideas to test them out in ZIjCU06lKng-00119-00023079-00023175 reality ZIjCU06lKng-00120-00023176-00023383 you run experiments quick experiments ZIjCU06lKng-00121-00023384-00023542 what are the numbers what are the data ZIjCU06lKng-00122-00023543-00023678 points what are the things i can learn ZIjCU06lKng-00123-00023679-00023783 what are the things ZIjCU06lKng-00124-00023784-00023927 immediate benefits what are the ZIjCU06lKng-00125-00023928-00024150 immediate consequences of making this ZIjCU06lKng-00126-00024151-00024391 decision how can i make this happen ZIjCU06lKng-00127-00024392-00024607 and what would it be like if i made this ZIjCU06lKng-00128-00024608-00024742 happen ZIjCU06lKng-00129-00024743-00024911 extraordinary perceiving types they look ZIjCU06lKng-00130-00024912-00025135 at and they discuss new ideas and then ZIjCU06lKng-00131-00025136-00025327 they do scenario analysis ZIjCU06lKng-00132-00025328-00025575 so they do research they do testing they ZIjCU06lKng-00133-00025576-00025702 do experimentation ZIjCU06lKng-00134-00025704-00025934 on new ideas they are less interested in ZIjCU06lKng-00135-00025935-00026150 the long-term execution of a plan ZIjCU06lKng-00136-00026151-00026383 and more in the researching and ZIjCU06lKng-00137-00026383-00026567 gathering available options ZIjCU06lKng-00138-00026568-00026735 and comparing them quickly to one ZIjCU06lKng-00139-00026736-00026870 another in practice ZIjCU06lKng-00140-00026872-00027151 applying ideas that is what you are all ZIjCU06lKng-00141-00027152-00027287 about ZIjCU06lKng-00142-00027288-00027470 if you are a maker type an introverted ZIjCU06lKng-00143-00027472-00027702 judging type your core focus is on ZIjCU06lKng-00144-00027704-00027902 conceptualizing an idea ZIjCU06lKng-00145-00027904-00028143 and then executing said ideas so for an ZIjCU06lKng-00146-00028144-00028367 intro to judging type the maker type ZIjCU06lKng-00147-00028368-00028679 it's all about transforming and turning ZIjCU06lKng-00148-00028680-00028790 a concept ZIjCU06lKng-00149-00028791-00029174 or an idea or a process into a result ZIjCU06lKng-00150-00029175-00029399 so really about thinking about long-term ZIjCU06lKng-00151-00029400-00029479 action ZIjCU06lKng-00152-00029480-00029870 methodical action patient action ZIjCU06lKng-00153-00029872-00030062 into getting results so we can think ZIjCU06lKng-00154-00030063-00030255 about years into the future here we can ZIjCU06lKng-00155-00030256-00030343 think about ZIjCU06lKng-00156-00030344-00030623 basically step by step all the steps ZIjCU06lKng-00157-00030624-00030702 long term ZIjCU06lKng-00158-00030703-00030967 to make something happen now you can ZIjCU06lKng-00159-00030968-00031174 read more about the testers and the x ZIjCU06lKng-00160-00031175-00031390 makers and the drivers on my website ZIjCU06lKng-00161-00031391-00031511 ericdor.com ZIjCU06lKng-00162-00031512-00031655 and if you have any questions about ZIjCU06lKng-00163-00031656-00031807 these types feel free to leave a comment ZIjCU06lKng-00164-00031808-00031895 down below ZIjCU06lKng-00165-00031895-00032079 otherwise let me know what personal type ZIjCU06lKng-00166-00032080-00032199 do you relate to the most ZIjCU06lKng-00167-00032200-00032399 and do you define yourself more as a ZIjCU06lKng-00168-00032400-00032614 maker a driver a tester ZIjCU06lKng-00169-00032616-00033024 or an editor ZJgnChG0WRg-00000-00001561-00001817 when I talk about peer learning for me ZJgnChG0WRg-00001-00001818-00002192 my definition is using my own experience ZJgnChG0WRg-00002-00002193-00002414 as a point of departure and using myself ZJgnChG0WRg-00003-00002415-00002648 an example but also introducing them to ZJgnChG0WRg-00004-00002649-00002942 peers within the field I mean this idea ZJgnChG0WRg-00005-00002943-00003211 of commercial photographers I've always ZJgnChG0WRg-00006-00003213-00003547 said this that the photo program can ZJgnChG0WRg-00007-00003548-00003728 serve everyone's needs I mean it's a one ZJgnChG0WRg-00008-00003729-00004004 person I am the photo concentration it's ZJgnChG0WRg-00009-00004004-00004352 a one person department so being kind of ZJgnChG0WRg-00010-00004353-00004550 all things to all people so if you want ZJgnChG0WRg-00011-00004551-00004703 to pursue fashion photography or ZJgnChG0WRg-00012-00004704-00004919 commercial photography or fine art ZJgnChG0WRg-00013-00004920-00005186 gallery museum you can go any one ZJgnChG0WRg-00014-00005187-00005330 direction and so those conferences ZJgnChG0WRg-00015-00005331-00005567 finding a conference that kind of suits ZJgnChG0WRg-00016-00005568-00005873 the needs of the program is also kind of ZJgnChG0WRg-00017-00005874-00006518 a trick ZJgnChG0WRg-00018-00006519-00006780 those conferences serve an incredible ZJgnChG0WRg-00019-00006781-00007113 purpose usually the students like in ZJgnChG0WRg-00020-00007114-00007331 Portland for example they wrote a ZJgnChG0WRg-00021-00007332-00007523 proposal and their proposal was accepted ZJgnChG0WRg-00022-00007525-00007898 and they did a panel and so once their ZJgnChG0WRg-00023-00007900-00008094 panels accepted then we go through all ZJgnChG0WRg-00024-00008095-00008510 this rehearsing and trying to figure out ZJgnChG0WRg-00025-00008511-00008717 how to fine-tune their presentation so ZJgnChG0WRg-00026-00008718-00009005 they have to meet outside of class this ZJgnChG0WRg-00027-00009006-00009188 is one of those outside of classroom ZJgnChG0WRg-00028-00009189-00009428 experiences where they have to be ZJgnChG0WRg-00029-00009429-00009695 self-reliant and it's not about me or ZJgnChG0WRg-00030-00009696-00010033 satisfying a grade it's about them ZJgnChG0WRg-00031-00010034-00010208 designing and building a panel ZJgnChG0WRg-00032-00010209-00010380 presentation that they're presenting it ZJgnChG0WRg-00033-00010381-00010710 at a regional conference I think I give ZJgnChG0WRg-00034-00010711-00011130 lots of reinforcement and I have said ZJgnChG0WRg-00035-00011131-00011291 this before and that I teach everything ZJgnChG0WRg-00036-00011292-00011430 I know in the first 10 minutes and I ZJgnChG0WRg-00037-00011431-00011741 just repeat myself so they kind of drift ZJgnChG0WRg-00038-00011742-00011946 listening to me it's like your parents ZJgnChG0WRg-00039-00011947-00012146 but when you hear it from an outside ZJgnChG0WRg-00040-00012147-00012452 agency other than the institution you ZJgnChG0WRg-00041-00012453-00012602 know these are from strangers ZJgnChG0WRg-00042-00012603-00012840 essentially so they get this positive ZJgnChG0WRg-00043-00012841-00013037 feedback from professionals from within ZJgnChG0WRg-00044-00013038-00013837 the field and so they just lit up ZJgnChG0WRg-00045-00013838-00014335 um he's always really been supportive of ZJgnChG0WRg-00046-00014336-00014641 us going to SB and we went to the ZJgnChG0WRg-00047-00014641-00014941 regional conference in Spokane and he ZJgnChG0WRg-00048-00014941-00015180 really helped us with that and helped us ZJgnChG0WRg-00049-00015181-00015441 look at our portfolios and make business ZJgnChG0WRg-00050-00015443-00015784 cards and websites and all that and has ZJgnChG0WRg-00051-00015785-00016093 really wanted us to get together and ZJgnChG0WRg-00052-00016094-00016576 sort of get some of the younger kids ZJgnChG0WRg-00053-00016577-00016843 into going next year the regional ZJgnChG0WRg-00054-00016844-00017056 conference parked them having interest ZJgnChG0WRg-00055-00017057-00017263 in going to the to the national and that ZJgnChG0WRg-00056-00017264-00017575 was just I mean we're still kind of ZJgnChG0WRg-00057-00017576-00017788 tallying the results about the benefits ZJgnChG0WRg-00058-00017789-00018025 they were so incredible in terms of ZJgnChG0WRg-00059-00018026-00018190 their performance and preparation and ZJgnChG0WRg-00060-00018191-00018382 the fundraising I they single-handedly ZJgnChG0WRg-00061-00018383-00018577 raised all the money for that conference ZJgnChG0WRg-00062-00018578-00018868 no one gave them any handouts and so I ZJgnChG0WRg-00063-00018869-00019006 was able to generate revenue through ZJgnChG0WRg-00064-00019007-00019276 vendors and through University but they ZJgnChG0WRg-00065-00019277-00019525 really pounded the pavement and made a ZJgnChG0WRg-00066-00019526-00019696 lot of money to go to that conference I ZJgnChG0WRg-00067-00019697-00019983 think 12 them went and they paid for ZJgnChG0WRg-00068-00019984-00020392 transportation registration and room and ZJgnChG0WRg-00069-00020393-00020671 board at a national conference I mean I ZJgnChG0WRg-00070-00020672-00020782 don't know about you about as an ZJgnChG0WRg-00071-00020783-00021031 undergraduate no one ever offered me you ZJgnChG0WRg-00072-00021032-00021228 know entrance into a graduate program ZJgnChG0WRg-00073-00021229-00021493 based on a portfolio so they really ZJgnChG0WRg-00074-00021494-00021748 really reap the benefits of the national ZJgnChG0WRg-00075-00021749-00021943 conference they didn't they didn't ZJgnChG0WRg-00076-00021944-00022252 present there but they did participate ZJgnChG0WRg-00077-00022253-00022429 in the portfolio reviews and a lot of ZJgnChG0WRg-00078-00022430-00022555 people don't even know what a portfolio ZJgnChG0WRg-00079-00022556-00022711 review is but essentially we got ZJgnChG0WRg-00080-00022712-00022927 together as a group and we all made ZJgnChG0WRg-00081-00022928-00023098 small portfolios that was like a ZJgnChG0WRg-00082-00023099-00023293 sampling of their work and then they ZJgnChG0WRg-00083-00023294-00023515 were able to present it at formal ZJgnChG0WRg-00084-00023516-00023692 portfolio reviews we have professionals ZJgnChG0WRg-00085-00023693-00024049 from everyone from calumet Kodak Fuji to ZJgnChG0WRg-00086-00024050-00024322 universities Rochester every major ZJgnChG0WRg-00087-00024323-00024569 research university in the United States ZJgnChG0WRg-00088-00024570-00024868 reviewing portfolios I mean I think the ZJgnChG0WRg-00089-00024869-00025021 participation in those regional and ZJgnChG0WRg-00090-00025022-00025198 national conferences are that they're ZJgnChG0WRg-00091-00025199-00025545 just it's incredible ZKqqZjnzOEE-00000-00000014-00000077 [Music] ZKqqZjnzOEE-00001-00000078-00000681 foreign ZKqqZjnzOEE-00003-00004664-00005074 Wanna Know ZKqqZjnzOEE-00005-00008888-00009103 I ZKqqZjnzOEE-00006-00009104-00009258 don't know ZKqqZjnzOEE-00008-00012396-00012772 foreign ZKqqZjnzOEE-00010-00020058-00020373 foreign ZKqqZjnzOEE-00011-00020374-00022293 [Music] ZNGTjhZFdY0-00000-00000008-00000175 when we look at cme group doing the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00001-00000176-00000303 equivalent of 55 ZNGTjhZFdY0-00002-00000304-00000551 000 bitcoins per day in the month of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00003-00000552-00000623 september ZNGTjhZFdY0-00004-00000624-00000790 that certainly puts bitcoin as one of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00005-00000791-00001015 the leading centers of price discovery ZNGTjhZFdY0-00006-00001016-00001295 uh in the us and globally this is tim ZNGTjhZFdY0-00007-00001296-00001366 mccourt ZNGTjhZFdY0-00008-00001367-00001558 he is the global head of equity products ZNGTjhZFdY0-00009-00001559-00001782 at the chicago mercantile exchange ZNGTjhZFdY0-00010-00001784-00002039 that means he is directly responsible ZNGTjhZFdY0-00011-00002039-00002255 for the development of bitcoin futures ZNGTjhZFdY0-00012-00002256-00002295 and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00013-00002296-00002567 options products listed by cme in this ZNGTjhZFdY0-00014-00002568-00002615 video ZNGTjhZFdY0-00015-00002616-00002783 we discussed the importance of open ZNGTjhZFdY0-00016-00002784-00003015 interest the cause and effect of cme ZNGTjhZFdY0-00017-00003016-00003118 price gaps ZNGTjhZFdY0-00018-00003119-00003359 and how cme competes with crypto native ZNGTjhZFdY0-00019-00003360-00003447 exchanges ZNGTjhZFdY0-00020-00003447-00003631 my name is jackson and welcome to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00021-00003632-00003767 another exclusive ZNGTjhZFdY0-00022-00003768-00004327 coin telegraph interview ZNGTjhZFdY0-00023-00004328-00004470 changely is a suite of products and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00024-00004471-00004654 services that enables customers to have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00025-00004655-00004854 a one-stop shop experience when engaging ZNGTjhZFdY0-00026-00004855-00004935 with crypto ZNGTjhZFdY0-00027-00004936-00005135 changely acts as an intermediary between ZNGTjhZFdY0-00028-00005136-00005286 exchanges and retail users ZNGTjhZFdY0-00029-00005287-00005527 offering over 160 cryptocurrencies that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00030-00005528-00005695 can be effortlessly swapped within 10 ZNGTjhZFdY0-00031-00005696-00005886 minutes on mobile or desktop ZNGTjhZFdY0-00032-00005887-00006070 in 2020 changely branched out to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00033-00006071-00006231 accommodate the needs of traders with ZNGTjhZFdY0-00034-00006232-00006351 changely pro ZNGTjhZFdY0-00035-00006352-00006527 pro is an easy to use platform that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00036-00006528-00006710 enables retail buying and selling of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00037-00006711-00006895 digital tokens and coins ZNGTjhZFdY0-00038-00006895-00007103 piggybacking the great support system ZNGTjhZFdY0-00039-00007104-00007231 and changely changely ZNGTjhZFdY0-00040-00007231-00007431 pro will provide simplicity effective ZNGTjhZFdY0-00041-00007431-00007727 pricing fast execution and 24 7 live ZNGTjhZFdY0-00042-00007728-00007830 support ZNGTjhZFdY0-00043-00007831-00008246 [Music] ZNGTjhZFdY0-00044-00008247-00008446 how you doing today tim great thanks for ZNGTjhZFdY0-00045-00008447-00008631 having me looking forward to catching up ZNGTjhZFdY0-00046-00008632-00008687 today ZNGTjhZFdY0-00047-00008688-00008895 could you just describe what uh open ZNGTjhZFdY0-00048-00008896-00009023 interest is and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00049-00009024-00009174 why it's important for people to pay ZNGTjhZFdY0-00050-00009175-00009423 attention to open interest is the total ZNGTjhZFdY0-00051-00009424-00009599 number of futurist contracts held by ZNGTjhZFdY0-00052-00009600-00009791 market participants at the end of each ZNGTjhZFdY0-00053-00009792-00009919 trading day ZNGTjhZFdY0-00054-00009920-00010095 it's often used as an indicator to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00055-00010096-00010271 determine market sentiment and the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00056-00010272-00010438 strength behind price trends ZNGTjhZFdY0-00057-00010439-00010583 so that's something that we watch at the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00058-00010584-00010742 exchange because it does show ZNGTjhZFdY0-00059-00010743-00011006 a sign of growth of the contract but ZNGTjhZFdY0-00060-00011007-00011159 also it's interesting to notice what is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00061-00011160-00011303 the relationship between something like ZNGTjhZFdY0-00062-00011304-00011423 trading volume ZNGTjhZFdY0-00063-00011424-00011663 and open interest growth so if you have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00064-00011664-00011727 a ZNGTjhZFdY0-00065-00011728-00011974 uptick in trading volume but no change ZNGTjhZFdY0-00066-00011975-00012110 in open interest ZNGTjhZFdY0-00067-00012111-00012270 that's really a function of people that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00068-00012271-00012510 may be just intraday trading ZNGTjhZFdY0-00069-00012511-00012695 or taking advantage of price movements ZNGTjhZFdY0-00070-00012696-00012935 intraday but there is no net gain of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00071-00012936-00013022 open interest ZNGTjhZFdY0-00072-00013023-00013311 but when you see an increase in volume ZNGTjhZFdY0-00073-00013312-00013366 that is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00074-00013368-00013622 followed or met with a corresponding ZNGTjhZFdY0-00075-00013623-00013791 increase in open interest ZNGTjhZFdY0-00076-00013791-00014030 then you know people are trading and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00077-00014031-00014158 deploying strategies with ZNGTjhZFdY0-00078-00014159-00014430 longer term time horizon they may be ZNGTjhZFdY0-00079-00014431-00014583 buying the future ZNGTjhZFdY0-00080-00014584-00014807 as an investment they may be selling the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00081-00014808-00014991 future as a hedge to maybe mining ZNGTjhZFdY0-00082-00014991-00015143 operations so it's really when looking ZNGTjhZFdY0-00083-00015144-00015303 at the two ZNGTjhZFdY0-00084-00015304-00015527 of how many contracts are held at the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00085-00015528-00015719 end of every day ZNGTjhZFdY0-00086-00015719-00015966 overnight that also when looking at ZNGTjhZFdY0-00087-00015968-00016183 volume provides a little bit more ZNGTjhZFdY0-00088-00016184-00016527 i think perspective about what may be ZNGTjhZFdY0-00089-00016528-00016655 going on in the market ZNGTjhZFdY0-00090-00016656-00016791 you also then look at something like the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00091-00016792-00017055 cfdc website where they monitor large ZNGTjhZFdY0-00092-00017056-00017271 open interest holders and large traders ZNGTjhZFdY0-00093-00017272-00017391 you can also see the commitment of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00094-00017392-00017575 traders reports which show you by ZNGTjhZFdY0-00095-00017576-00017830 type of client what are the trends of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00096-00017831-00018014 those that are holding long positions or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00097-00018015-00018207 short positions so open interest is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00098-00018208-00018439 really an informative piece of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00099-00018440-00018599 information in the market with respect ZNGTjhZFdY0-00100-00018600-00018694 to trends ZNGTjhZFdY0-00101-00018695-00018879 and how the growth of the contract is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00102-00018880-00019014 coming along ZNGTjhZFdY0-00103-00019015-00019222 yeah and speaking of like uh things to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00104-00019223-00019319 pay attention to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00105-00019320-00019494 for traders one of the things that a lot ZNGTjhZFdY0-00106-00019495-00019679 of people pay attention to is the cme ZNGTjhZFdY0-00107-00019680-00019958 futures gaps the the gaps in in the in ZNGTjhZFdY0-00108-00019959-00020007 the price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00109-00020008-00020207 in the in the charts on on the cm's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00110-00020208-00020383 futures chart why do people pay ZNGTjhZFdY0-00111-00020384-00020463 attention to this ZNGTjhZFdY0-00112-00020464-00020775 and as a follow-up to that also why do ZNGTjhZFdY0-00113-00020776-00020903 most of these gaps ZNGTjhZFdY0-00114-00020904-00021071 eventually get filled do you have any ZNGTjhZFdY0-00115-00021072-00021286 thoughts on that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00116-00021287-00021422 yes so i think it's interesting when we ZNGTjhZFdY0-00117-00021423-00021599 look at the the cme gap ZNGTjhZFdY0-00118-00021600-00021758 which you know personally i kind of love ZNGTjhZFdY0-00119-00021759-00021919 that that that is a follow ZNGTjhZFdY0-00120-00021920-00022158 it's a trend it's a topic on twitter you ZNGTjhZFdY0-00121-00022159-00022383 know people love to talk about it ZNGTjhZFdY0-00122-00022384-00022599 uh and it's really a technical aspect of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00123-00022600-00022686 the market ZNGTjhZFdY0-00124-00022687-00023007 uh when we look at cme group futures ZNGTjhZFdY0-00125-00023008-00023319 we offer nearly 24-hour trading but from ZNGTjhZFdY0-00126-00023320-00023399 sunday night ZNGTjhZFdY0-00127-00023400-00023639 through friday afternoon from a u.s east ZNGTjhZFdY0-00128-00023640-00023822 coast perspective ZNGTjhZFdY0-00129-00023823-00023975 we have maintenance windows and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00130-00023976-00024119 maintenance that needs to be performed ZNGTjhZFdY0-00131-00024120-00024214 over the weekend ZNGTjhZFdY0-00132-00024215-00024367 so that's where we do product launches ZNGTjhZFdY0-00133-00024368-00024607 for all of our asset classes and our ZNGTjhZFdY0-00134-00024608-00024750 thousands of futures and options ZNGTjhZFdY0-00135-00024751-00024822 products ZNGTjhZFdY0-00136-00024823-00025063 that's where we deploy technological ZNGTjhZFdY0-00137-00025064-00025239 changes or as we ZNGTjhZFdY0-00138-00025240-00025422 deploy enhancements around our match ZNGTjhZFdY0-00139-00025423-00025606 engine so we have the we have weekend ZNGTjhZFdY0-00140-00025607-00025670 downtime ZNGTjhZFdY0-00141-00025672-00025846 as a function of exchange what's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00142-00025847-00026006 different about crypto ZNGTjhZFdY0-00143-00026007-00026111 you know when we look at something let's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00144-00026112-00026302 say like the equity index market which ZNGTjhZFdY0-00145-00026304-00026495 is the other thing my team looks after ZNGTjhZFdY0-00146-00026495-00026702 uh futures are open when the primary ZNGTjhZFdY0-00147-00026704-00026839 markets are closed ZNGTjhZFdY0-00148-00026839-00027143 uh futures are providing price discovery ZNGTjhZFdY0-00149-00027144-00027351 at in overnight trading hours from a u.s ZNGTjhZFdY0-00150-00027352-00027470 perspective ZNGTjhZFdY0-00151-00027472-00027639 uh and we're open when the underlying ZNGTjhZFdY0-00152-00027639-00027783 market is closed ZNGTjhZFdY0-00153-00027783-00028023 crypto and bitcoin is a market where the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00154-00028024-00028167 opposite is true you know crypto is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00155-00028168-00028343 traded 24 7. ZNGTjhZFdY0-00156-00028344-00028558 uh the underlying market never closes ZNGTjhZFdY0-00157-00028560-00028727 with the exception of the occasional ZNGTjhZFdY0-00158-00028727-00028935 you know platform downtime for upgrades ZNGTjhZFdY0-00159-00028936-00029087 releases etc ZNGTjhZFdY0-00160-00029088-00029287 so because of that you just have price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00161-00029288-00029511 discovery happening over the weekends ZNGTjhZFdY0-00162-00029512-00029735 on crypto spot exchanges or some of the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00163-00029736-00029927 crypto native tourist exchanges when cme ZNGTjhZFdY0-00164-00029927-00030031 is not open ZNGTjhZFdY0-00165-00030032-00030302 as a result that just will as in de ZNGTjhZFdY0-00166-00030303-00030390 facto ZNGTjhZFdY0-00167-00030391-00030551 gaps in price information being ZNGTjhZFdY0-00168-00030552-00030735 presented to the marketplace ZNGTjhZFdY0-00169-00030736-00030902 um so i think that's just kind of what ZNGTjhZFdY0-00170-00030903-00031095 it is you know we're closed ZNGTjhZFdY0-00171-00031095-00031262 the underlying is open so there's going ZNGTjhZFdY0-00172-00031263-00031431 to be divergence in price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00173-00031432-00031711 so i think just watching the basis watch ZNGTjhZFdY0-00174-00031712-00031846 how these things perform ZNGTjhZFdY0-00175-00031847-00032079 and if people if people are so inclined ZNGTjhZFdY0-00176-00032080-00032423 to devise trading signals from them then ZNGTjhZFdY0-00177-00032424-00032518 then so be it ZNGTjhZFdY0-00178-00032519-00032718 but but to me it's just more interesting ZNGTjhZFdY0-00179-00032719-00032855 from a technical perspective ZNGTjhZFdY0-00180-00032856-00033055 it's largely explained because of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00181-00033056-00033174 operational ZNGTjhZFdY0-00182-00033175-00033431 uh aspects of each of the markets uh but ZNGTjhZFdY0-00183-00033432-00033543 it's certainly a lot of fun ZNGTjhZFdY0-00184-00033544-00033790 uh to read about on on twitter for sure ZNGTjhZFdY0-00185-00033791-00033999 do you have any personal theories about ZNGTjhZFdY0-00186-00034000-00034311 why they get filled ZNGTjhZFdY0-00187-00034312-00034487 i don't i mean to be honest i think you ZNGTjhZFdY0-00188-00034488-00034615 know like going back to some of our ZNGTjhZFdY0-00189-00034616-00034751 other conversations ZNGTjhZFdY0-00190-00034752-00035135 when you look at the markets it's really ZNGTjhZFdY0-00191-00035136-00035343 a function of supply and demand ZNGTjhZFdY0-00192-00035344-00035607 um so not every gap is filled right i ZNGTjhZFdY0-00193-00035608-00035735 mean i think that you know people like ZNGTjhZFdY0-00194-00035736-00035862 to talk about filling the gap i feel ZNGTjhZFdY0-00195-00035863-00035974 like the gaps that don't get filled ZNGTjhZFdY0-00196-00035975-00036135 don't maybe get quite the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00197-00036136-00036455 quite the attention uh or you know ZNGTjhZFdY0-00198-00036456-00036623 sometimes it's a function of time and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00199-00036624-00036846 bitcoin itself is a pretty volatile ZNGTjhZFdY0-00200-00036847-00036974 underlying so at some point ZNGTjhZFdY0-00201-00036975-00037151 at some point this gas will be filled ZNGTjhZFdY0-00202-00037152-00037359 months later because of natural supply ZNGTjhZFdY0-00203-00037360-00037462 and demand ZNGTjhZFdY0-00204-00037463-00037615 um so i think it's just interesting but ZNGTjhZFdY0-00205-00037616-00037887 i do think what i i personally find ZNGTjhZFdY0-00206-00037888-00038151 fascinating is when we look at the big ZNGTjhZFdY0-00207-00038152-00038318 point how the bitcoin futures market has ZNGTjhZFdY0-00208-00038319-00038455 grown over time ZNGTjhZFdY0-00209-00038456-00038718 the open interest the adv when we looked ZNGTjhZFdY0-00210-00038719-00038967 at cme group doing the equivalent of 55 ZNGTjhZFdY0-00211-00038968-00039046 000 ZNGTjhZFdY0-00212-00039047-00039223 bitcoins per day in the month of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00213-00039224-00039439 september that certainly puts bitcoin as ZNGTjhZFdY0-00214-00039440-00039590 one of the leading centers of price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00215-00039591-00039679 discovery ZNGTjhZFdY0-00216-00039680-00039902 uh in the us and globally so i'm curious ZNGTjhZFdY0-00217-00039903-00040023 to hear your opinion on the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00218-00040024-00040246 the narrative of institutional smart ZNGTjhZFdY0-00219-00040247-00040455 money moving into bitcoin but ZNGTjhZFdY0-00220-00040456-00040646 not crypto what are your thoughts on ZNGTjhZFdY0-00221-00040647-00040846 that you know when we look at that i ZNGTjhZFdY0-00222-00040847-00040935 mean it's certainly something that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00223-00040936-00041111 you've seen the marketplace but from our ZNGTjhZFdY0-00224-00041112-00041343 perspective at cme group we offer ZNGTjhZFdY0-00225-00041344-00041495 futures and options on futures on ZNGTjhZFdY0-00226-00041496-00041646 bitcoin so that's certainly what we're ZNGTjhZFdY0-00227-00041647-00041718 seeing ZNGTjhZFdY0-00228-00041719-00041887 but you also need to consider that i ZNGTjhZFdY0-00229-00041888-00042111 think the definition of institutional ZNGTjhZFdY0-00230-00042112-00042374 accounts or institutional money has also ZNGTjhZFdY0-00231-00042375-00042567 evolved during the crypto era ZNGTjhZFdY0-00232-00042568-00042767 and what i mean by that is when we say ZNGTjhZFdY0-00233-00042768-00042879 institutions ZNGTjhZFdY0-00234-00042880-00043215 it's not necessarily the standard or the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00235-00043216-00043383 traditional definition of institutions ZNGTjhZFdY0-00236-00043384-00043527 that you would have seen ZNGTjhZFdY0-00237-00043528-00043743 more than 10 years ago you know you now ZNGTjhZFdY0-00238-00043744-00043951 have the advent of crypto only hedge ZNGTjhZFdY0-00239-00043952-00044007 funds ZNGTjhZFdY0-00240-00044008-00044230 crypto focus trading shops crypto focus ZNGTjhZFdY0-00241-00044231-00044399 ctas that are offering ZNGTjhZFdY0-00242-00044400-00044718 uh services and products to customers to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00243-00044719-00044839 their own customers ZNGTjhZFdY0-00244-00044840-00044983 so that's also something that people ZNGTjhZFdY0-00245-00044984-00045207 need to be mindful of is when ZNGTjhZFdY0-00246-00045208-00045351 labeling things or attempting to label ZNGTjhZFdY0-00247-00045352-00045583 things as institutional smart money or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00248-00045584-00045751 institutional accounts everyone really ZNGTjhZFdY0-00249-00045752-00045879 just needs to understand it like what ZNGTjhZFdY0-00250-00045880-00045983 does that mean ZNGTjhZFdY0-00251-00045984-00046223 from your vantage point in the ecosystem ZNGTjhZFdY0-00252-00046224-00046407 uh so certainly it seemed great we ZNGTjhZFdY0-00253-00046408-00046535 see me group we've seen that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00254-00046536-00046718 institutional onboarding and that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00255-00046719-00046911 institutional adoption happen ZNGTjhZFdY0-00256-00046912-00047030 uh but in terms of some of that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00257-00047031-00047255 narrative i can't really comment outside ZNGTjhZFdY0-00258-00047256-00047415 of bitcoin because frankly we don't have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00259-00047416-00047486 products ZNGTjhZFdY0-00260-00047487-00047671 uh really around that from a tradable or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00261-00047672-00047839 an investment perspective so we don't ZNGTjhZFdY0-00262-00047840-00048030 have transparency into that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00263-00048031-00048207 but what i can certainly confirm is that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00264-00048208-00048407 the institutional adoption of bitcoin ZNGTjhZFdY0-00265-00048408-00048567 has been happening at cme group for a ZNGTjhZFdY0-00266-00048568-00048735 long time now and it's going to be ZNGTjhZFdY0-00267-00048736-00048871 interesting to see where it goes from ZNGTjhZFdY0-00268-00048872-00048911 here ZNGTjhZFdY0-00269-00048912-00049271 so in in addition to the the options ZNGTjhZFdY0-00270-00049272-00049390 product that you brought to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00271-00049391-00049599 to us in 2020 we've also just kind of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00272-00049600-00049790 seen an explosion of derivatives ZNGTjhZFdY0-00273-00049791-00049895 products across ZNGTjhZFdY0-00274-00049896-00050111 uh crypto native exchanges i mean you ZNGTjhZFdY0-00275-00050112-00050223 got perp swaps ZNGTjhZFdY0-00276-00050224-00050495 uh you got options futures just ZNGTjhZFdY0-00277-00050496-00050630 everyone's doubling down ZNGTjhZFdY0-00278-00050631-00050927 on the derivatives market so what do you ZNGTjhZFdY0-00279-00050928-00051086 think about the growth of this ZNGTjhZFdY0-00280-00051087-00051279 derivatives market on crypto native ZNGTjhZFdY0-00281-00051279-00051407 exchanges ZNGTjhZFdY0-00282-00051408-00051607 so so personally from a philosophical ZNGTjhZFdY0-00283-00051608-00051742 standpoint i believe in the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00284-00051744-00051863 interrelatedness ZNGTjhZFdY0-00285-00051864-00052063 of the underlying spot or in this case ZNGTjhZFdY0-00286-00052064-00052311 digital market with derivatives market ZNGTjhZFdY0-00287-00052312-00052535 i believe in the convergence between ZNGTjhZFdY0-00288-00052536-00052766 spot and futures in terms of discovering ZNGTjhZFdY0-00289-00052767-00052950 price and making sure that these markets ZNGTjhZFdY0-00290-00052951-00053071 are ZNGTjhZFdY0-00291-00053072-00053247 interrelated in the fact that they keep ZNGTjhZFdY0-00292-00053248-00053399 each other aligned ZNGTjhZFdY0-00293-00053400-00053663 from arbitrage or basis opportunities so ZNGTjhZFdY0-00294-00053664-00053879 it's really important for the ecosystem ZNGTjhZFdY0-00295-00053879-00053991 in general ZNGTjhZFdY0-00296-00053991-00054175 to develop with respect to the ability ZNGTjhZFdY0-00297-00054176-00054294 to transfer risk ZNGTjhZFdY0-00298-00054295-00054503 access markets it's been interesting to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00299-00054504-00054654 watch some of the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00300-00054655-00054879 the innovations and product development ZNGTjhZFdY0-00301-00054879-00054959 uh in the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00302-00054960-00055135 crypto native space but what's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00303-00055136-00055303 interesting is we need to remind ZNGTjhZFdY0-00304-00055304-00055519 uh ourselves and keep focused on what ZNGTjhZFdY0-00305-00055520-00055694 makes ceiling group different ZNGTjhZFdY0-00306-00055695-00055838 and i think one of the largest things is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00307-00055839-00056030 that we are a regulated venue ZNGTjhZFdY0-00308-00056032-00056223 operating here in the us we still you ZNGTjhZFdY0-00309-00056224-00056447 know but we do have global distribution ZNGTjhZFdY0-00310-00056448-00056566 and there are a few things that make our ZNGTjhZFdY0-00311-00056567-00056782 contract a little bit differently uh ZNGTjhZFdY0-00312-00056783-00057030 one unlike things like perpetual swaps ZNGTjhZFdY0-00313-00057032-00057199 or some of the other leverage type ZNGTjhZFdY0-00314-00057200-00057359 products out there that may use the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00315-00057360-00057447 colloquial term ZNGTjhZFdY0-00316-00057448-00057766 future more as a marketing angle or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00317-00057767-00057935 just a description that the marketplace ZNGTjhZFdY0-00318-00057936-00058126 is using at cme group these are ZNGTjhZFdY0-00319-00058127-00058375 regulated futures by the cftc we're a ZNGTjhZFdY0-00320-00058376-00058526 regulated venue ZNGTjhZFdY0-00321-00058527-00058726 uh which just increases the burden that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00322-00058727-00058926 we have in operating with respect to the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00323-00058927-00059142 marketplace of providing to our market ZNGTjhZFdY0-00324-00059144-00059254 participants ZNGTjhZFdY0-00325-00059255-00059575 the the trusted tried transparent ZNGTjhZFdY0-00326-00059576-00059782 regulated experience that they have on ZNGTjhZFdY0-00327-00059783-00059966 all other products at cme group we have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00328-00059967-00060038 to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00329-00060039-00060254 approach cryptocurrency and bitcoin the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00330-00060255-00060375 same way ZNGTjhZFdY0-00331-00060376-00060494 and that's something that you know i ZNGTjhZFdY0-00332-00060495-00060687 think has been great for the marketplace ZNGTjhZFdY0-00333-00060688-00060894 uh we think regulation is a feature and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00334-00060895-00060991 not a bug ZNGTjhZFdY0-00335-00060991-00061159 right with respect to cryptocurrency ZNGTjhZFdY0-00336-00061160-00061359 trading especially when we look at some ZNGTjhZFdY0-00337-00061360-00061511 of the institutional accounts and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00338-00061512-00061638 adoption because the fact that we've ZNGTjhZFdY0-00339-00061639-00061823 been able to bring this in a regulated ZNGTjhZFdY0-00340-00061824-00061975 fashion to the marketplace ZNGTjhZFdY0-00341-00061976-00062166 and meet those expectations placed on us ZNGTjhZFdY0-00342-00062167-00062342 by both the regulator as well as the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00343-00062344-00062430 marketplace ZNGTjhZFdY0-00344-00062432-00062694 that is what is bringing institutions to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00345-00062695-00062871 the marketplace at cma because they know ZNGTjhZFdY0-00346-00062872-00063015 how the contract works ZNGTjhZFdY0-00347-00063016-00063206 they know what the rules of the road are ZNGTjhZFdY0-00348-00063207-00063447 and we have a near 180 year history ZNGTjhZFdY0-00349-00063448-00063679 of operating a marketplace and an ZNGTjhZFdY0-00350-00063679-00063854 exchange venue for futures ZNGTjhZFdY0-00351-00063855-00063975 and that all is something i think ZNGTjhZFdY0-00352-00063976-00064159 differentiates cme so ZNGTjhZFdY0-00353-00064160-00064335 we're certainly intrigued and we're ZNGTjhZFdY0-00354-00064336-00064503 always watching and supportive of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00355-00064504-00064726 competition and the interrelated aspects ZNGTjhZFdY0-00356-00064727-00064806 between ZNGTjhZFdY0-00357-00064807-00064999 the crypto native market and regulated ZNGTjhZFdY0-00358-00065000-00065182 venues like cme in the us ZNGTjhZFdY0-00359-00065183-00065430 there are clear differences that that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00360-00065432-00065647 just participants need to be aware of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00361-00065648-00065863 that cme can provide that some of those ZNGTjhZFdY0-00362-00065864-00066055 crypto natives uh despite the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00363-00066056-00066215 interesting and innovative work they're ZNGTjhZFdY0-00364-00066216-00066271 doing ZNGTjhZFdY0-00365-00066272-00066479 it's not necessarily the same experience ZNGTjhZFdY0-00366-00066480-00066735 trading there as it is at cma ZNGTjhZFdY0-00367-00066736-00066982 so do you see yourself as a direct ZNGTjhZFdY0-00368-00066983-00067063 competitor ZNGTjhZFdY0-00369-00067064-00067271 to these crypto native exchanges or do ZNGTjhZFdY0-00370-00067272-00067399 you do you see yourself as just ZNGTjhZFdY0-00371-00067400-00067679 more of like a separate entity i think ZNGTjhZFdY0-00372-00067680-00067782 we're separate ZNGTjhZFdY0-00373-00067783-00068015 um just i think that's my opinion is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00374-00068016-00068126 something that we also hear from ZNGTjhZFdY0-00375-00068127-00068206 feedback ZNGTjhZFdY0-00376-00068207-00068406 because we operate slightly differently ZNGTjhZFdY0-00377-00068407-00068567 we have different rules ZNGTjhZFdY0-00378-00068568-00068735 uh our product is different right so we ZNGTjhZFdY0-00379-00068736-00068911 have the five bitcoin multiplier we ZNGTjhZFdY0-00380-00068912-00069135 settle to the bitcoin reference rate ZNGTjhZFdY0-00381-00069136-00069375 which is a index based on five ZNGTjhZFdY0-00382-00069376-00069535 constituent exchanges ZNGTjhZFdY0-00383-00069536-00069871 you know at bitstamp it bit uh coinbase ZNGTjhZFdY0-00384-00069872-00070094 gemini and kraken we are we're ZNGTjhZFdY0-00385-00070095-00070303 representing a large swath of the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00386-00070304-00070447 underlying spot market ZNGTjhZFdY0-00387-00070448-00070663 we're not tied to the kind of potential ZNGTjhZFdY0-00388-00070664-00070775 idiosyncratic ZNGTjhZFdY0-00389-00070776-00071038 performance or trading on any one ZNGTjhZFdY0-00390-00071039-00071238 exchange we have a diversified ZNGTjhZFdY0-00391-00071239-00071431 robust reference rate that is a ZNGTjhZFdY0-00392-00071432-00071623 regulated benchmark the first ZNGTjhZFdY0-00393-00071624-00071799 uh regulated benchmark in the crypto ZNGTjhZFdY0-00394-00071800-00072038 space under the bmr rules in europe ZNGTjhZFdY0-00395-00072039-00072150 so i think that is something that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00396-00072151-00072399 differentiates us uh from others so i ZNGTjhZFdY0-00397-00072400-00072511 don't necessarily think ZNGTjhZFdY0-00398-00072512-00072694 we're competitors i don't necessarily ZNGTjhZFdY0-00399-00072695-00072903 think it's an either or choice ZNGTjhZFdY0-00400-00072904-00073126 a lot of customers are trading on both ZNGTjhZFdY0-00401-00073127-00073231 it's just different ZNGTjhZFdY0-00402-00073232-00073367 you know the regulated venues ZNGTjhZFdY0-00403-00073368-00073503 particularly here in the us we have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00404-00073504-00073655 different rules and standards that we ZNGTjhZFdY0-00405-00073656-00073791 must adhere to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00406-00073792-00074006 so i think it's different so you've ZNGTjhZFdY0-00407-00074007-00074182 already begun to elaborate on the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00408-00074183-00074271 differences ZNGTjhZFdY0-00409-00074272-00074479 in your futures product versus some of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00410-00074480-00074647 the uh the products on crypto native ZNGTjhZFdY0-00411-00074648-00074743 exchanges ZNGTjhZFdY0-00412-00074744-00074967 i'm curious what are the factors that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00413-00074968-00075087 really affect ZNGTjhZFdY0-00414-00075088-00075455 um the cme futures price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00415-00075456-00075615 so when we look at futures contracts in ZNGTjhZFdY0-00416-00075616-00075791 general general i think it's important ZNGTjhZFdY0-00417-00075792-00075871 to remember ZNGTjhZFdY0-00418-00075872-00076071 that seeing the group as the exchange ZNGTjhZFdY0-00419-00076072-00076399 operator we are agnostic to price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00420-00076400-00076671 we are the venue that facilitates where ZNGTjhZFdY0-00421-00076672-00076847 buyers and sellers can meet ZNGTjhZFdY0-00422-00076848-00077079 and exchange risk and trade with each ZNGTjhZFdY0-00423-00077080-00077175 other ZNGTjhZFdY0-00424-00077176-00077382 and as a result of that it's really like ZNGTjhZFdY0-00425-00077383-00077591 other futures contracts whether it be ZNGTjhZFdY0-00426-00077592-00077775 equity indices or something like corn or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00427-00077776-00077887 soybeans ZNGTjhZFdY0-00428-00077888-00078038 these are all functions of supply and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00429-00078039-00078303 demand the market will have one clearing ZNGTjhZFdY0-00430-00078304-00078375 price ZNGTjhZFdY0-00431-00078376-00078543 that's equivalent to where the last ZNGTjhZFdY0-00432-00078544-00078782 trade was where did the last buyer ZNGTjhZFdY0-00433-00078783-00079023 want to pay a certain price such that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00434-00079024-00079175 the last seller agreed to sell it to ZNGTjhZFdY0-00435-00079176-00079206 them ZNGTjhZFdY0-00436-00079207-00079391 so i don't necessarily think bitcoin is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00437-00079392-00079567 different in that regard in terms of the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00438-00079568-00079711 fundamental drivers ZNGTjhZFdY0-00439-00079712-00079903 what is different are the nuances of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00440-00079904-00080055 those fundamentals when you look at the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00441-00080056-00080206 underlying asset itself ZNGTjhZFdY0-00442-00080207-00080382 certainly bitcoin has its own supply ZNGTjhZFdY0-00443-00080383-00080599 curve its own demand function ZNGTjhZFdY0-00444-00080600-00080726 uh but it's really just where is the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00445-00080727-00080903 market going to clear uh ZNGTjhZFdY0-00446-00080904-00081159 at cme group and that's you know that's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00447-00081160-00081311 a function of who wants to buy it who ZNGTjhZFdY0-00448-00081312-00081455 wants to sell at what price and what ZNGTjhZFdY0-00449-00081456-00081543 their personal ZNGTjhZFdY0-00450-00081544-00081726 or kind of corporate motivations are at ZNGTjhZFdY0-00451-00081727-00081950 that time would you be able to describe ZNGTjhZFdY0-00452-00081951-00082135 some of those nuance differently uh ZNGTjhZFdY0-00453-00082136-00082318 nuance differences a bit more ZNGTjhZFdY0-00454-00082319-00082575 deeply i think when we look at something ZNGTjhZFdY0-00455-00082576-00082775 like bitcoin you know when we certainly ZNGTjhZFdY0-00456-00082776-00082831 uh ZNGTjhZFdY0-00457-00082832-00082975 i wouldn't necessarily it's different ZNGTjhZFdY0-00458-00082976-00083118 but it is a little bit more nuanced when ZNGTjhZFdY0-00459-00083119-00083271 we look at something like the supply ZNGTjhZFdY0-00460-00083272-00083350 side ZNGTjhZFdY0-00461-00083351-00083575 and the mining aspect of bitcoin there's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00462-00083576-00083767 just different risk parameters in the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00463-00083768-00083894 underlying market ZNGTjhZFdY0-00464-00083895-00084167 that are not necessarily unique at the ZNGTjhZFdY0-00465-00084168-00084343 you know let's call the 10 000 foot ZNGTjhZFdY0-00466-00084344-00084559 most futures contracts on underlying ZNGTjhZFdY0-00467-00084560-00084791 assets that can be transferred have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00468-00084792-00084999 cost of goods sold they have cost of raw ZNGTjhZFdY0-00469-00085000-00085182 materials they have input cost they have ZNGTjhZFdY0-00470-00085183-00085399 output costs they have term structure ZNGTjhZFdY0-00471-00085400-00085591 so even though some of those nuances ZNGTjhZFdY0-00472-00085592-00085735 whether it's the demand ZNGTjhZFdY0-00473-00085736-00085926 for hedging purposes because it might be ZNGTjhZFdY0-00474-00085927-00086159 a slightly more volatile asset ZNGTjhZFdY0-00475-00086160-00086326 or if you're a miner which may be akin ZNGTjhZFdY0-00476-00086327-00086494 to a commercial grower ZNGTjhZFdY0-00477-00086495-00086806 you need to know where can you offlay or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00478-00086807-00087023 sell or liquidate that inventory that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00479-00087024-00087150 you're looking to mine ZNGTjhZFdY0-00480-00087151-00087375 at a future date and time so so you can ZNGTjhZFdY0-00481-00087376-00087559 manage the cost expense of what it's ZNGTjhZFdY0-00482-00087560-00087759 going to take to extract ZNGTjhZFdY0-00483-00087760-00087999 uh that that asset for you know in this ZNGTjhZFdY0-00484-00088000-00088167 case mining the bitcoin ZNGTjhZFdY0-00485-00088168-00088375 so these are all things that i think are ZNGTjhZFdY0-00486-00088376-00088543 common in futures but that's where ZNGTjhZFdY0-00487-00088544-00088662 bitcoin is a little bit differently is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00488-00088663-00088847 one is it's a fixed supply ZNGTjhZFdY0-00489-00088848-00089159 right uh there's a varying and often ZNGTjhZFdY0-00490-00089160-00089391 increasing degree of difficulty around ZNGTjhZFdY0-00491-00089392-00089591 accessing that or mining that ZNGTjhZFdY0-00492-00089592-00089903 finite supply and a very uh ZNGTjhZFdY0-00493-00089904-00090118 evolving demand profile as more and more ZNGTjhZFdY0-00494-00090119-00090279 folks and institutions get into this ZNGTjhZFdY0-00495-00090280-00090406 space people have different risk ZNGTjhZFdY0-00496-00090407-00090655 management needs different hedging needs ZNGTjhZFdY0-00497-00090656-00090879 and it's evolving very quickly you know ZNGTjhZFdY0-00498-00090880-00091079 to think back you know bitcoin itself is ZNGTjhZFdY0-00499-00091080-00091326 only a little over 10 years old so we're ZNGTjhZFdY0-00500-00091327-00091487 still early days in the grand scheme of ZNGTjhZFdY0-00501-00091488-00091518 things ZNGTjhZFdY0-00502-00091519-00091782 this asset class uh in figuring out what ZNGTjhZFdY0-00503-00091783-00091926 those institutional as well as ZNGTjhZFdY0-00504-00091927-00092047 individual needs are ZNGTjhZFdY0-00505-00092048-00092238 and how they'll manifest but at the end ZNGTjhZFdY0-00506-00092239-00092391 of the day it's really a supply and ZNGTjhZFdY0-00507-00092392-00092494 demand function ZNGTjhZFdY0-00508-00092495-00092638 of where people need to manage or ZNGTjhZFdY0-00509-00092639-00092806 transfer that risk great ZNGTjhZFdY0-00510-00092807-00092935 uh thank you so much for joining me ZNGTjhZFdY0-00511-00092936-00093191 today tim my pleasure thanks for having ZNGTjhZFdY0-00512-00093192-00093311 me ZNGTjhZFdY0-00513-00093312-00095567 coin telegraph like subscribe and hodl ZNGTjhZFdY0-00514-00095568-00095775 you ZNT8X1QXwQo-00000-00000370-00000759 this is called Florida psychosis advice ZNT8X1QXwQo-00001-00000760-00001081 of a friend I stopped dreaming as a ZNT8X1QXwQo-00002-00001082-00001264 result I developed the floor in ZNT8X1QXwQo-00003-00001265-00001468 psychosis to make everything I team from ZNT8X1QXwQo-00004-00001469-00001785 the last 32 years is now a wheel I have ZNT8X1QXwQo-00005-00001786-00002023 news crannies a new job my debt relative ZNT8X1QXwQo-00006-00002023-00002254 to all come back I'm a half my weight ZNT8X1QXwQo-00007-00002255-00002551 have all my hair residing frog instead ZNT8X1QXwQo-00008-00002552-00002935 weary 1924 copco I die until June Freud ZNT8X1QXwQo-00009-00002936-00003315 67 he's just blowing he going to hit my ZNT8X1QXwQo-00010-00003317-00003561 stupid ego reduces to read it bloody ZNT8X1QXwQo-00011-00003562-00003736 winegar is working on the cutouts to ZNT8X1QXwQo-00012-00003736-00003994 pitts Achmed I bought her video and ZNT8X1QXwQo-00013-00003995-00004219 gritted with girls I tuned it to the ZNT8X1QXwQo-00014-00004220-00004680 future but it only plays sleep past ZOUww8S5njg-00000-00000073-00001441 [Music] ZOUww8S5njg-00001-00001442-00001612 thank you ZOUww8S5njg-00002-00001613-00001948 so uh in this part what we're going to ZOUww8S5njg-00003-00001950-00002297 discuss is basically uh you know hygiene ZOUww8S5njg-00004-00002298-00002591 is a big issue okay in a country and not ZOUww8S5njg-00005-00002592-00002776 only in our country actually you know I ZOUww8S5njg-00006-00002777-00002945 would say even in the U.S a lot of time ZOUww8S5njg-00007-00002946-00003137 we have to teach mothers you know like ZOUww8S5njg-00008-00003138-00003461 how to safely handle a baby's food and ZOUww8S5njg-00009-00003461-00003713 you know how how to kind of do kind of ZOUww8S5njg-00010-00003714-00003911 take care of personal hygiene okay so ZOUww8S5njg-00011-00003911-00004097 this is a universal phenomenon and it ZOUww8S5njg-00012-00004098-00004306 really it's important to understand so ZOUww8S5njg-00013-00004307-00004661 in this kind of part we have discussed ZOUww8S5njg-00014-00004662-00005038 how to uh kind of uh you know have a ZOUww8S5njg-00015-00005039-00005302 proper good personal hygiene and how to ZOUww8S5njg-00016-00005303-00005609 safely prepared and store this food okay ZOUww8S5njg-00017-00005610-00005849 so if you have access to fridge of ZOUww8S5njg-00018-00005850-00006154 course it's it's much easier but you ZOUww8S5njg-00019-00006155-00006443 know just go through this tutorial very ZOUww8S5njg-00020-00006444-00006755 uh kind of attentively because you will ZOUww8S5njg-00021-00006756-00006928 know you know what advice to give to ZOUww8S5njg-00022-00006929-00007139 mothers when they're ready to kind of ZOUww8S5njg-00023-00007140-00007409 transition you know to start ZOUww8S5njg-00024-00007409-00007703 complementary feeding in the food now in ZOUww8S5njg-00025-00007704-00008027 baby's diet okay so uh thank you so much ZOUww8S5njg-00026-00008028-00008321 and enjoy ZOUww8S5njg-00027-00008322-00008603 welcome to the spoken tutorial on ZOUww8S5njg-00028-00008604-00008914 personal hygiene needed for handling ZOUww8S5njg-00029-00008915-00009131 baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00030-00009132-00009391 in this tutorial we will learn about ZOUww8S5njg-00031-00009392-00009767 personal hygiene guidelines to maintain ZOUww8S5njg-00032-00009768-00010235 it while preparing and feeding baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00033-00010236-00010553 let's understand why personal hygiene is ZOUww8S5njg-00034-00010554-00010895 important for handling baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00035-00010896-00011321 here baby food means nutritious home ZOUww8S5njg-00036-00011322-00011627 cooked complementary food ZOUww8S5njg-00037-00011628-00011987 such food must be fed to a 6 to 24 ZOUww8S5njg-00038-00011988-00012473 months old baby along with breastfeeding ZOUww8S5njg-00039-00012474-00012799 at this age the immune system of babies ZOUww8S5njg-00040-00012800-00013343 is not as developed as that of adults ZOUww8S5njg-00041-00013344-00013571 they are vulnerable to catching ZOUww8S5njg-00042-00013572-00013822 infections and foodborne illnesses ZOUww8S5njg-00043-00013823-00014033 easily ZOUww8S5njg-00044-00014034-00014380 if cleanliness is not observed then ZOUww8S5njg-00045-00014381-00014765 complementary food May harm the baby ZOUww8S5njg-00046-00014766-00015094 it may introduce infections which can ZOUww8S5njg-00047-00015095-00015665 cause diarrhea vomiting cold and cough ZOUww8S5njg-00048-00015666-00016001 therefore baby food must be hygienically ZOUww8S5njg-00049-00016002-00016517 prepared cooked stored and fed ZOUww8S5njg-00050-00016518-00016769 let's learn how to maintain personal ZOUww8S5njg-00051-00016770-00017236 hygiene needed for handling baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00052-00017237-00017591 baby food preparation serving and ZOUww8S5njg-00053-00017592-00017879 storage areas should be always kept ZOUww8S5njg-00054-00017880-00018094 clean ZOUww8S5njg-00055-00018095-00018617 never cough sneeze smoke chew gum spit ZOUww8S5njg-00056-00018618-00018983 or eat in these areas ZOUww8S5njg-00057-00018984-00019367 also do not change a baby's nappy in ZOUww8S5njg-00058-00019368-00019589 these areas ZOUww8S5njg-00059-00019590-00019900 always wear clean clothing ZOUww8S5njg-00060-00019901-00020339 tie back and cover long hair properly ZOUww8S5njg-00061-00020340-00020639 keep fingernails short so they are easy ZOUww8S5njg-00062-00020640-00020819 to clean ZOUww8S5njg-00063-00020820-00021143 do not wear nail polish because it can ZOUww8S5njg-00064-00021144-00021400 chip into the food ZOUww8S5njg-00065-00021401-00021730 avoid wearing jewelry especially on the ZOUww8S5njg-00066-00021731-00022036 hands and fingers ZOUww8S5njg-00067-00022037-00022378 keep clothes and personal items away ZOUww8S5njg-00068-00022379-00022822 from where food is prepared or stored ZOUww8S5njg-00069-00022823-00023183 do not let food and utensils touch any ZOUww8S5njg-00070-00023184-00023543 Cuts or wounds on the body ZOUww8S5njg-00071-00023544-00023843 completely cover all cuts and wounds ZOUww8S5njg-00072-00023844-00024389 with an unused clean cloth or bandages ZOUww8S5njg-00073-00024390-00024893 do not let the cloth or bandages get wet ZOUww8S5njg-00074-00024894-00025183 change the cover on the wounds regularly ZOUww8S5njg-00075-00025184-00025594 especially before touching the food ZOUww8S5njg-00076-00025595-00026039 do not touch the food if feeling unwell ZOUww8S5njg-00077-00026039-00026537 never cough or sneeze over baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00078-00026538-00026879 washing hands is the easiest most ZOUww8S5njg-00079-00026880-00027107 effective way to stop the spread of ZOUww8S5njg-00080-00027108-00027317 disease ZOUww8S5njg-00081-00027318-00027587 it reduces the chance of contaminating ZOUww8S5njg-00082-00027588-00027868 food with bacteria ZOUww8S5njg-00083-00027869-00028307 to wash hands properly use soap and warm ZOUww8S5njg-00084-00028308-00028499 water ZOUww8S5njg-00085-00028500-00028805 rub hands to lather soap on the back of ZOUww8S5njg-00086-00028806-00029123 the hands under nails and between ZOUww8S5njg-00087-00029124-00029381 fingers ZOUww8S5njg-00088-00029382-00029914 do this for at least 10 to 15 seconds ZOUww8S5njg-00089-00029916-00030352 dry hands immediately after washing them ZOUww8S5njg-00090-00030354-00030664 always dry them with an unused clean ZOUww8S5njg-00091-00030666-00030827 cloth ZOUww8S5njg-00092-00030827-00031120 it is important to make sure that the ZOUww8S5njg-00093-00031122-00031445 hands are completely dry ZOUww8S5njg-00094-00031445-00031799 never use a regular towel kitchen napkin ZOUww8S5njg-00095-00031800-00032224 or your clothes to dry hands ZOUww8S5njg-00096-00032225-00032633 teach children to wash their hands ZOUww8S5njg-00097-00032633-00032921 take them to the bathroom or the place ZOUww8S5njg-00098-00032922-00033137 to wash hands ZOUww8S5njg-00099-00033138-00033424 sing a short song of about 10 to 15 ZOUww8S5njg-00100-00033425-00033868 seconds while they wash their hands ZOUww8S5njg-00101-00033869-00034157 it will encourage children to rub and ZOUww8S5njg-00102-00034158-00034415 lather hands for at least 10 to 15 ZOUww8S5njg-00103-00034416-00034679 seconds ZOUww8S5njg-00104-00034680-00034889 set a good example ZOUww8S5njg-00105-00034890-00035146 wash hands together ZOUww8S5njg-00106-00035147-00035440 while washing hands with children tell ZOUww8S5njg-00107-00035441-00035723 them why it is important ZOUww8S5njg-00108-00035724-00036040 along with the technique washing hands ZOUww8S5njg-00109-00036041-00036389 at the right time is also important ZOUww8S5njg-00110-00036390-00036718 wash and dry hands thoroughly before ZOUww8S5njg-00111-00036719-00037235 touching preparing or feeding baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00112-00037236-00037523 wash and dry them again frequently ZOUww8S5njg-00113-00037524-00037843 during food preparation ZOUww8S5njg-00114-00037844-00038123 sometimes you may take a break while ZOUww8S5njg-00115-00038124-00038423 preparing or feeding baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00116-00038424-00038752 always wash hands after such breaks and ZOUww8S5njg-00117-00038753-00038957 then continue ZOUww8S5njg-00118-00038958-00039359 after preparing food wash them again ZOUww8S5njg-00119-00039360-00039677 hand washing is also necessary after ZOUww8S5njg-00120-00039678-00040030 handling raw food and garbage ZOUww8S5njg-00121-00040031-00040289 it must be done after going to the ZOUww8S5njg-00122-00040290-00040774 toilet blowing your nose and smoking ZOUww8S5njg-00123-00040775-00041171 after touching animals a sick child or a ZOUww8S5njg-00124-00041172-00041567 sick person wash hands again ZOUww8S5njg-00125-00041568-00041987 also wash them after touching ears nose ZOUww8S5njg-00126-00041988-00042407 mouth or other parts of the body ZOUww8S5njg-00127-00042408-00042724 always wash hands after checking or ZOUww8S5njg-00128-00042725-00043037 changing a baby's nappy ZOUww8S5njg-00129-00043038-00043330 these personal hygiene guidelines must ZOUww8S5njg-00130-00043331-00043679 be followed while handling baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00131-00043680-00043967 additionally there are other equally ZOUww8S5njg-00132-00043968-00044357 important baby food safety guidelines ZOUww8S5njg-00133-00044358-00044640 they must be followed during preparation ZOUww8S5njg-00134-00044641-00045065 feeding and storage of baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00135-00045066-00045317 they are discussed in detail in another ZOUww8S5njg-00136-00045318-00045635 tutorial of the same series ZOUww8S5njg-00137-00045636-00045862 this brings us to the end of this ZOUww8S5njg-00138-00045863-00047146 tutorial thank you for joining ZOUww8S5njg-00139-00047147-00047471 then come to the spoken tutorial on safe ZOUww8S5njg-00140-00047472-00047818 preparation serving and storage of baby ZOUww8S5njg-00141-00047819-00047987 food ZOUww8S5njg-00142-00047988-00048251 in this tutorial we will learn about ZOUww8S5njg-00143-00048252-00048568 baby food safety guidelines for its ZOUww8S5njg-00144-00048569-00049030 preparation serving and Storage ZOUww8S5njg-00145-00049031-00049205 let us begin ZOUww8S5njg-00146-00049206-00049493 safe preparation of baby food is very ZOUww8S5njg-00147-00049494-00049673 important ZOUww8S5njg-00148-00049674-00049949 it protects the baby from foodborne ZOUww8S5njg-00149-00049950-00050152 infections ZOUww8S5njg-00150-00050153-00050458 the first step in preparing food safely ZOUww8S5njg-00151-00050459-00050746 is personal hygiene ZOUww8S5njg-00152-00050747-00051040 personal hygiene is explained in detail ZOUww8S5njg-00153-00051041-00051413 in another tutorial of the same series ZOUww8S5njg-00154-00051414-00051707 next step is cleaning ZOUww8S5njg-00155-00051708-00052026 clean the entire food preparation area ZOUww8S5njg-00156-00052027-00052390 utensils and chopping boards ZOUww8S5njg-00157-00052391-00052763 use warm soapy water to clean them ZOUww8S5njg-00158-00052764-00053165 always clean them before and after use ZOUww8S5njg-00159-00053166-00053488 also clean them after handling raw food ZOUww8S5njg-00160-00053489-00053941 and before contact with other Foods ZOUww8S5njg-00161-00053941-00054203 utensils used for baby food preparation ZOUww8S5njg-00162-00054204-00054479 should be scrubbed well ZOUww8S5njg-00163-00054479-00054719 they should be washed well with boiling ZOUww8S5njg-00164-00054720-00054875 water ZOUww8S5njg-00165-00054876-00055169 they should be air dried or wiped with ZOUww8S5njg-00166-00055170-00055450 an unused clean cloth ZOUww8S5njg-00167-00055451-00055816 they must always be kept covered ZOUww8S5njg-00168-00055817-00056057 all the food ingredients should be ZOUww8S5njg-00169-00056058-00056279 cleaned properly ZOUww8S5njg-00170-00056279-00056537 wash fresh fruits and vegetables ZOUww8S5njg-00171-00056538-00056837 thoroughly with clean water ZOUww8S5njg-00172-00056838-00057191 wash them before peeling and cutting ZOUww8S5njg-00173-00057191-00057503 this will remove contaminants parasites ZOUww8S5njg-00174-00057504-00057766 and pesticides ZOUww8S5njg-00175-00057767-00058000 use separate cutting boards for ZOUww8S5njg-00176-00058001-00058379 non-vegetarian and vegetarian foods ZOUww8S5njg-00177-00058379-00058709 also use different utensils and chopping ZOUww8S5njg-00178-00058710-00059063 boards for raw food and cooked food ZOUww8S5njg-00179-00059064-00059326 this will prevent the transfer of germs ZOUww8S5njg-00180-00059327-00059776 from raw food and meat to other Foods ZOUww8S5njg-00181-00059777-00060076 change and wash any cloth used in the ZOUww8S5njg-00182-00060077-00060400 kitchen at regular intervals ZOUww8S5njg-00183-00060401-00060742 baby food must be cooked properly to ZOUww8S5njg-00184-00060744-00061042 destroy harmful bacteria ZOUww8S5njg-00185-00061044-00061379 therefore before serving ensure that ZOUww8S5njg-00186-00061379-00061726 baby food is completely cooked ZOUww8S5njg-00187-00061727-00061985 check if the food is cooked by tasting ZOUww8S5njg-00188-00061986-00062123 it ZOUww8S5njg-00189-00062124-00062591 also look for any uncooked food signs ZOUww8S5njg-00190-00062591-00062957 one such sign is visible pink flesh or ZOUww8S5njg-00191-00062958-00063353 juice inside or outside meat ZOUww8S5njg-00192-00063354-00063580 these were the basic safety guidelines ZOUww8S5njg-00193-00063582-00063971 to be followed while preparing baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00194-00063972-00064276 now let's discuss safety guidelines to ZOUww8S5njg-00195-00064277-00064625 be followed when serving food to a baby ZOUww8S5njg-00196-00064626-00064973 first thoroughly wash the baby bibs and ZOUww8S5njg-00197-00064974-00065206 feeding utensils ZOUww8S5njg-00198-00065207-00065513 clean the eating area and the baby's ZOUww8S5njg-00199-00065514-00065903 chair or sitting area with a wet cloth ZOUww8S5njg-00200-00065904-00066275 dry them completely before use ZOUww8S5njg-00201-00066276-00066538 mothers and babies hands should be ZOUww8S5njg-00202-00066539-00066875 washed clean before feeding the baby ZOUww8S5njg-00203-00066876-00067169 is eating food with their fingers must ZOUww8S5njg-00204-00067170-00067469 wash their hands before eating ZOUww8S5njg-00205-00067470-00067738 test the temperature of the food before ZOUww8S5njg-00206-00067739-00067967 feeding the baby ZOUww8S5njg-00207-00067968-00068231 it can be tested by placing a small ZOUww8S5njg-00208-00068232-00068617 quantity of food on the feeder's wrist ZOUww8S5njg-00209-00068618-00068950 sometimes Small hidden spots in the food ZOUww8S5njg-00210-00068951-00069263 may have higher temperature ZOUww8S5njg-00211-00069264-00069706 therefore food must also be stirred well ZOUww8S5njg-00212-00069707-00070061 feeding the baby may take time ZOUww8S5njg-00213-00070062-00070385 hence the cup or plate from which the ZOUww8S5njg-00214-00070386-00070756 baby is fed should be kept covered ZOUww8S5njg-00215-00070757-00071050 covering it properly will protect the ZOUww8S5njg-00216-00071051-00071441 baby food from dust and flies ZOUww8S5njg-00217-00071442-00071759 while feeding a baby the risk of choking ZOUww8S5njg-00218-00071760-00071956 is very high ZOUww8S5njg-00219-00071957-00072287 to prevent choking make sure the baby is ZOUww8S5njg-00220-00072288-00072515 sitting upright ZOUww8S5njg-00221-00072516-00072809 the baby should not walk or run while ZOUww8S5njg-00222-00072810-00072965 eating ZOUww8S5njg-00223-00072966-00073235 never leave the baby unattended while ZOUww8S5njg-00224-00073236-00073403 eating ZOUww8S5njg-00225-00073404-00073703 encourage the baby to eat slowly and ZOUww8S5njg-00226-00073704-00073931 chew the food well ZOUww8S5njg-00227-00073932-00074225 avoid giving hard foods that may cause ZOUww8S5njg-00228-00074226-00074476 the baby to choke ZOUww8S5njg-00229-00074477-00074831 whole nuts and raw vegetable pieces are ZOUww8S5njg-00230-00074832-00075088 examples of such Foods ZOUww8S5njg-00231-00075089-00075376 avoid bottle feeding ZOUww8S5njg-00232-00075377-00075719 now let's discuss safe storage of baby ZOUww8S5njg-00233-00075720-00075881 food ZOUww8S5njg-00234-00075882-00076193 first and foremost freshly cooked food ZOUww8S5njg-00235-00076194-00076571 is the best for babies always throw away ZOUww8S5njg-00236-00076572-00076882 any uneaten leftover food in the baby's ZOUww8S5njg-00237-00076883-00077044 dish ZOUww8S5njg-00238-00077045-00077344 leftover food in the dish has been in ZOUww8S5njg-00239-00077345-00077626 contact with the baby saliva it will ZOUww8S5njg-00240-00077627-00077873 contain bacteria ZOUww8S5njg-00241-00077874-00078179 these bacteria will multiply rapidly ZOUww8S5njg-00242-00078180-00078515 when food is stored for reuse ZOUww8S5njg-00243-00078516-00078791 after cooking avoid touching the food ZOUww8S5njg-00244-00078792-00079012 with your hands ZOUww8S5njg-00245-00079013-00079265 keep the food in a covered container ZOUww8S5njg-00246-00079266-00079594 protect it from dust and flies ZOUww8S5njg-00247-00079595-00079888 always store dry and fresh ingredients ZOUww8S5njg-00248-00079889-00080153 away from each other ZOUww8S5njg-00249-00080154-00080494 also keep raw and cooked food in ZOUww8S5njg-00250-00080495-00080717 separate places ZOUww8S5njg-00251-00080718-00081011 cooked food should not be stored for ZOUww8S5njg-00252-00081012-00081250 more than one to two hours in a hot ZOUww8S5njg-00253-00081251-00081443 climate ZOUww8S5njg-00254-00081444-00081719 if a fridge is available baby food can ZOUww8S5njg-00255-00081720-00081941 be stored in it ZOUww8S5njg-00256-00081942-00082175 the fridge must be in good running ZOUww8S5njg-00257-00082176-00082373 condition ZOUww8S5njg-00258-00082374-00082793 it must be cleaned at regular intervals ZOUww8S5njg-00259-00082794-00083117 temperature of 5 degree Celsius or below ZOUww8S5njg-00260-00083118-00083297 should be maintained to keep the food ZOUww8S5njg-00261-00083298-00083476 fresh ZOUww8S5njg-00262-00083477-00083776 protect store drinking water from dust ZOUww8S5njg-00263-00083777-00084071 hands and dippers ZOUww8S5njg-00264-00084072-00084359 these guidelines must be followed for ZOUww8S5njg-00265-00084360-00084821 preparing storing and feeding baby food ZOUww8S5njg-00266-00084822-00085085 nutritious food when fed hygienically ZOUww8S5njg-00267-00085086-00085379 will make a baby strong ZOUww8S5njg-00268-00085380-00085691 whereas if it is fed in an unhygienic ZOUww8S5njg-00269-00085692-00086056 manner it may make a baby sick ZOUww8S5njg-00270-00086057-00086381 hence take precautions to ensure that ZOUww8S5njg-00271-00086382-00086747 the food does not harm the baby at all ZOUww8S5njg-00272-00086748-00086975 this brings us to the end of this ZOUww8S5njg-00273-00086976-00087149 tutorial ZOUww8S5njg-00274-00087150-00088037 thank you for joining ZOUww8S5njg-00275-00088038-00089033 [Music] ZOUww8S5njg-00276-00089034-00089366 [Applause] ZOUww8S5njg-00277-00089367-00089518 [Music] ZOUww8S5njg-00278-00089519-00090478 [Applause] ZOUww8S5njg-00279-00090479-00091135 [Applause] ZOUww8S5njg-00280-00091136-00091436 thank you ZPtia5Vj7S0-00000-00000797-00002465 [Music] ZPtia5Vj7S0-00001-00002466-00003579 [Music] ZPtia5Vj7S0-00002-00003581-00005341 [Music] ZPtia5Vj7S0-00003-00005342-00007030 [Music] ZPtia5Vj7S0-00004-00007031-00007840 [Music] ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00000-00000000-00000199 i think that um ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00001-00000200-00000295 the ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00002-00000296-00000438 the nature of the organization is ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00003-00000440-00000534 changing ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00004-00000535-00000878 um you know the business has always been ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00005-00000880-00001199 social and and and ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00006-00001200-00001431 businesses are now become ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00007-00001432-00001782 um social objects and and are connected ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00008-00001784-00002039 um in in ways that they they weren't ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00009-00002039-00002151 before ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00010-00002152-00002263 um ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00011-00002264-00002423 so i ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00012-00002424-00002583 i think that that you know ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00013-00002584-00002695 um ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00014-00002696-00002879 the role and the nature and the way that ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00015-00002880-00003134 they interact is changing i think that ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00016-00003135-00003254 you know we're going to end up in a ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00017-00003255-00003503 world where where um ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00018-00003504-00003759 there is much more collaboration between ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00019-00003760-00004119 organizations and that's a good thing um ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00020-00004120-00004447 in that um it i mean the technology that ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00021-00004448-00004638 we're talking about that allows me to be ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00022-00004639-00004943 a specialist in something and to ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00023-00004944-00005127 work with other people who are ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00024-00005128-00005367 specialists in other parts of the supply ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00025-00005368-00005615 of the supply chain and and so i can ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00026-00005616-00005838 create the value because i'm a great ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00027-00005839-00006054 accountant or i'm a or i'm a great ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00028-00006055-00006270 consultant whatever it is but i don't i ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00029-00006271-00006831 don't also have to have to be ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00030-00006831-00007087 you know greater i.t because i can rent ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00031-00007088-00007303 my technology from someone else who's ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00032-00007304-00007455 expert at running data centers who's ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00033-00007456-00007727 expert at doing that stuff so i think ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00034-00007728-00007951 that the nature of the world we're in ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00035-00007952-00008142 means that organizations are going to be ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00036-00008143-00008335 much more connected and collaborative ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00037-00008336-00008455 and sometimes they'll come but they'll ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00038-00008456-00008591 be competing and sometimes they'll be ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00039-00008592-00008751 collaborating ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00040-00008752-00008959 and that will change the the nature of ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00041-00008960-00009231 the organization um i guess ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00042-00009232-00009399 the ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00043-00009400-00009478 you know ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00044-00009479-00009806 the larger organizations have always uh ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00045-00009807-00010135 had to take account of ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00046-00010136-00010446 um you know their their position in ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00047-00010447-00010959 society and and think in terms of um ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00048-00010960-00011151 the other stakeholders beyond just the ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00049-00011152-00011310 shareholders ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00050-00011311-00011446 and i guess ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00051-00011447-00011646 you know every organization needs to ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00052-00011647-00011863 needs to think like that to think to ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00053-00011864-00012023 think like a big organization even if ZPyrf3-r8Q8-00054-00012024-00012332 you're small ZQZeioH5GjM-00000-00000028-00001015 [Music] ZQZeioH5GjM-00001-00001016-00001274 welcome to the Dino support arm demos ZQZeioH5GjM-00002-00001275-00001570 autism we say the word community and we ZQZeioH5GjM-00003-00001571-00001784 read about it in the media and we think ZQZeioH5GjM-00004-00001785-00002017 we know what it means but it's a big ZQZeioH5GjM-00005-00002018-00002312 word with a lot of pieces and a lot of ZQZeioH5GjM-00006-00002313-00002363 heart ZQZeioH5GjM-00007-00002364-00002600 today's guest is going to share with you ZQZeioH5GjM-00008-00002601-00002867 his version of what community is what it ZQZeioH5GjM-00009-00002868-00003164 can do and how he has contributed to the ZQZeioH5GjM-00010-00003165-00003302 well-being of New Brunswick ZQZeioH5GjM-00011-00003303-00003604 in his own private way hope you enjoy ZQZeioH5GjM-00012-00003605-00003872 the show and if you support the show you ZQZeioH5GjM-00013-00003872-00004025 can find the link in the upper ZQZeioH5GjM-00014-00004026-00004277 right-hand corner of your screen we'd ZQZeioH5GjM-00015-00004278-00004460 appreciate that we're an independent ZQZeioH5GjM-00016-00004461-00004797 production take care and enjoy Jon cardi ZQZeioH5GjM-00017-00004798-00005218 so Jon cardi has been an executive ZQZeioH5GjM-00018-00005219-00005393 director of several organizations he's ZQZeioH5GjM-00019-00005394-00005611 run in politics he's been a community ZQZeioH5GjM-00020-00005612-00005891 builder for quite a while now and we're ZQZeioH5GjM-00021-00005892-00005999 really pleased to have him on the show ZQZeioH5GjM-00022-00006000-00006202 today well thank you very much Dennis ZQZeioH5GjM-00023-00006203-00006320 I'm pleased to be here thank you for ZQZeioH5GjM-00024-00006321-00006842 thinking of me oh so when we were ZQZeioH5GjM-00025-00006843-00007103 warming up before we started to get ZQZeioH5GjM-00026-00007104-00007313 formal with the interview you talked ZQZeioH5GjM-00027-00007314-00007505 about experiences with Canada world ZQZeioH5GjM-00028-00007506-00007753 youth and it was in the context of how ZQZeioH5GjM-00029-00007754-00007984 do we get New Brunswick to know itself a ZQZeioH5GjM-00030-00007986-00008221 bit better so bringing young people from ZQZeioH5GjM-00031-00008222-00008519 the north down to see st. John bringing ZQZeioH5GjM-00032-00008520-00008705 people from st. John Young up to the ZQZeioH5GjM-00033-00008706-00008876 north and you went yeah just like this ZQZeioH5GjM-00034-00008877-00009121 experience I had with Canada world youth ZQZeioH5GjM-00035-00009122-00009491 want to share that story ZQZeioH5GjM-00036-00009492-00009734 Carol world youth sets up international ZQZeioH5GjM-00037-00009735-00009908 youth exchange programs between young ZQZeioH5GjM-00038-00009909-00010109 Canadians and young people from other ZQZeioH5GjM-00039-00010110-00010346 countries and cultures in an effort to ZQZeioH5GjM-00040-00010347-00010609 get them involved in community ZQZeioH5GjM-00041-00010610-00011060 development I worked in a number of ZQZeioH5GjM-00042-00011061-00011206 different countries with Canada world ZQZeioH5GjM-00043-00011207-00011381 youth I work in Indonesia a couple of ZQZeioH5GjM-00044-00011382-00011555 times I've worked in Somalia work in ZQZeioH5GjM-00045-00011556-00011770 Malawi I worked in Jamaica I worked in ZQZeioH5GjM-00046-00011771-00012181 Nepal Canadians came from all segments ZQZeioH5GjM-00047-00012182-00012533 of Canadian society male-female English ZQZeioH5GjM-00048-00012534-00012719 French rural urban lower middle higher ZQZeioH5GjM-00049-00012720-00012932 income so each group was composed of ZQZeioH5GjM-00050-00012933-00013154 these various social demos the same ZQZeioH5GjM-00051-00013155-00013358 thing with the people from the exchange ZQZeioH5GjM-00052-00013359-00013645 and you would get you know the the blue ZQZeioH5GjM-00053-00013646-00013805 haired kid from Toronto and the big ZQZeioH5GjM-00054-00013806-00014047 drummer son from Saskatchewan and and ZQZeioH5GjM-00055-00014048-00014233 the kid from rural Quebec and they're ZQZeioH5GjM-00056-00014234-00014416 all part of your group in order to get ZQZeioH5GjM-00057-00014418-00014897 this mosaic of Canadian society there ZQZeioH5GjM-00058-00014897-00015080 would be kids who would come in the ZQZeioH5GjM-00059-00015081-00015646 program in Canada that's their mindset ZQZeioH5GjM-00060-00015647-00015919 we would go through the program in rural ZQZeioH5GjM-00061-00015920-00016127 Canada and then they would meet their ZQZeioH5GjM-00062-00016128-00016300 counterparts and they would go through ZQZeioH5GjM-00063-00016301-00016483 the program in rural the other country ZQZeioH5GjM-00064-00016484-00016819 the kid that came out at the end of the ZQZeioH5GjM-00065-00016820-00016978 program was completely different than ZQZeioH5GjM-00066-00016979-00017222 the kid that came in at the beginning ZQZeioH5GjM-00067-00017223-00017522 and it's that being in a situation where ZQZeioH5GjM-00068-00017523-00017828 those values ideas ideals that have ZQZeioH5GjM-00069-00017829-00018061 sustained you that created you no longer ZQZeioH5GjM-00070-00018062-00018272 work when you're in little village ZQZeioH5GjM-00071-00018273-00018544 Indonesia so you have to see another way ZQZeioH5GjM-00072-00018545-00018844 of living and you know having been in ZQZeioH5GjM-00073-00018845-00019009 social work for years before that you ZQZeioH5GjM-00074-00019010-00019219 would work with kids and families you ZQZeioH5GjM-00075-00019220-00019397 know you get the kid two or three hours ZQZeioH5GjM-00076-00019398-00019615 every week and they go back home to the ZQZeioH5GjM-00077-00019616-00019834 values that sustain them and after years ZQZeioH5GjM-00078-00019835-00019993 and years and years and years there's no ZQZeioH5GjM-00079-00019994-00020228 change six months in this program the ZQZeioH5GjM-00080-00020229-00020474 kids change radically if I could give a ZQZeioH5GjM-00081-00020475-00020719 gift of travel to every young person in ZQZeioH5GjM-00082-00020720-00020867 the country would be the opportunity to ZQZeioH5GjM-00083-00020868-00021037 live in a culture completely different ZQZeioH5GjM-00084-00021038-00021193 than their own so that they could ZQZeioH5GjM-00085-00021194-00021452 discard all of those values and see how ZQZeioH5GjM-00086-00021453-00021686 other people live and understand that ZQZeioH5GjM-00087-00021687-00021940 you know we're all different we all come ZQZeioH5GjM-00088-00021941-00022058 from different values different ZQZeioH5GjM-00089-00022059-00022271 perspectives reality is a very ZQZeioH5GjM-00090-00022272-00022780 subjective place beautiful yeah one of ZQZeioH5GjM-00091-00022781-00022975 the themes of the show is that the ZQZeioH5GjM-00092-00022976-00023218 province needs a new narrative and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00093-00023219-00023371 root of that is how do we create change ZQZeioH5GjM-00094-00023372-00023575 one of the ongoing issues in New ZQZeioH5GjM-00095-00023576-00023717 Brunswick is nothing ever seems to ZQZeioH5GjM-00096-00023718-00023881 change whether it's fighting poverty ZQZeioH5GjM-00097-00023882-00024043 struggles whether it's political ZQZeioH5GjM-00098-00024044-00024268 patterns whether it's people's voting ZQZeioH5GjM-00099-00024269-00024524 patterns do you think your experiences ZQZeioH5GjM-00100-00024525-00024761 for that would be one of the keys to how ZQZeioH5GjM-00101-00024762-00024911 New Brunswick could change and make a ZQZeioH5GjM-00102-00024912-00025156 leap forward I think it could but how do ZQZeioH5GjM-00103-00025157-00025333 you implement them a common problem too ZQZeioH5GjM-00104-00025334-00025693 i basis I mean people change Wow you ZQZeioH5GjM-00105-00025694-00025852 change one person at a time ZQZeioH5GjM-00106-00025853-00026042 they don't change a province at a time ZQZeioH5GjM-00107-00026043-00026381 so I'm totally at a loss to explain how ZQZeioH5GjM-00108-00026382-00026585 you go about changing the problems but ZQZeioH5GjM-00109-00026586-00026705 if there were opportunities ZQZeioH5GjM-00110-00026706-00027101 for people to step outside the box now ZQZeioH5GjM-00111-00027102-00027302 within the context of the province then ZQZeioH5GjM-00112-00027302-00027577 sure I could see potential for change ZQZeioH5GjM-00113-00027579-00027755 but people are hesitant to do that ZQZeioH5GjM-00114-00027756-00028007 we're socially structured to go in a ZQZeioH5GjM-00115-00028008-00028154 particular direction whether that's ZQZeioH5GjM-00116-00028155-00028405 academically or whether that's ZQZeioH5GjM-00117-00028406-00028727 employment wise so people have a ZQZeioH5GjM-00118-00028727-00028910 difficult time stepping outside that ZQZeioH5GjM-00119-00028911-00029352 that that pattern it's set for us yeah ZQZeioH5GjM-00120-00029354-00029597 one of the many experiences you've had ZQZeioH5GjM-00121-00029598-00029810 in your life's journey is time for ZQZeioH5GjM-00122-00029811-00030040 federal politics how long ago was that ZQZeioH5GjM-00123-00030041-00030445 now is that 2004 and 2006 I believe ZQZeioH5GjM-00124-00030447-00030877 nearly did you ever want to take those ZQZeioH5GjM-00125-00030879-00031082 experiences with worth where change ZQZeioH5GjM-00126-00031083-00031295 would come from and do that as a ZQZeioH5GjM-00127-00031295-00031630 politician it was done ZQZeioH5GjM-00128-00031631-00032008 Canada will you was zsakeba struck a ZQZeioH5GjM-00129-00032010-00032204 bear friend of Pierre Elliott Trudeau ZQZeioH5GjM-00130-00032205-00032408 they traveled together that's that was ZQZeioH5GjM-00131-00032408-00032744 the genesis of the concept but in terms ZQZeioH5GjM-00132-00032745-00033017 of me doing it we're trying to integrate ZQZeioH5GjM-00133-00033018-00033218 you know typical as a politician you're ZQZeioH5GjM-00134-00033219-00033365 asked out what are you going to do about ZQZeioH5GjM-00135-00033366-00033551 this we're going to do about that the ZQZeioH5GjM-00136-00033552-00033734 deferral of the responsibility from the ZQZeioH5GjM-00137-00033735-00033946 person to you know politicians fix this ZQZeioH5GjM-00138-00033947-00034154 for me meanwhile you've come from ZQZeioH5GjM-00139-00034155-00034334 another background where no it's the ZQZeioH5GjM-00140-00034335-00034627 other way I will help you change ZQZeioH5GjM-00141-00034628-00034940 had I been elected perhaps I could have ZQZeioH5GjM-00142-00034941-00035144 done something like that but I was not ZQZeioH5GjM-00143-00035145-00035435 elected so so and whether that would ZQZeioH5GjM-00144-00035436-00035585 have been something that I would have ZQZeioH5GjM-00145-00035586-00035861 been able to do would be a whole other ZQZeioH5GjM-00146-00035862-00036083 story I guess but that's probably not ZQZeioH5GjM-00147-00036084-00036251 what people were elected to do for us ZQZeioH5GjM-00148-00036252-00036637 yeah okay good because people will say ZQZeioH5GjM-00149-00036638-00036743 they want a difference in their ZQZeioH5GjM-00150-00036744-00036974 politicians you presented yourself as a ZQZeioH5GjM-00151-00036975-00037287 different politician and it didn't work ZQZeioH5GjM-00152-00037288-00037604 meaning you didn't win I didn't know so ZQZeioH5GjM-00153-00037605-00037754 do you have any thoughts ZQZeioH5GjM-00154-00037755-00037910 following a political theme a little bit ZQZeioH5GjM-00155-00037911-00038111 you have any thoughts um a lot of times ZQZeioH5GjM-00156-00038112-00038339 incumbent politicians won't talk about ZQZeioH5GjM-00157-00038340-00038546 voters and they'll just want the people ZQZeioH5GjM-00158-00038547-00038768 to vote for them but there's a needs to ZQZeioH5GjM-00159-00038769-00039026 be a critical analysis on voter patterns ZQZeioH5GjM-00160-00039027-00039337 and voter behavior so do you have any ZQZeioH5GjM-00161-00039338-00039650 don't get me in trouble here uh it was ZQZeioH5GjM-00162-00039651-00039929 it was challenging I I know it was it ZQZeioH5GjM-00163-00039930-00040039 was an interesting experience ZQZeioH5GjM-00164-00040040-00040474 I found running as a federal candidate ZQZeioH5GjM-00165-00040475-00040717 to be very stimulating challenging ZQZeioH5GjM-00166-00040718-00040987 experience for me personally I mean you ZQZeioH5GjM-00167-00040988-00041202 meet other candidates across the country ZQZeioH5GjM-00168-00041203-00041337 and they say how many debates do you ZQZeioH5GjM-00169-00041338-00041542 have inserted - you know it's just back ZQZeioH5GjM-00170-00041543-00041701 to back to back to that debate ZQZeioH5GjM-00171-00041702-00041927 so so at the end of debate with the ZQZeioH5GjM-00172-00041928-00042193 sports country you go home and do your ZQZeioH5GjM-00173-00042194-00042349 research for the next debate the next ZQZeioH5GjM-00174-00042350-00042589 day in it and it's on and on and very ZQZeioH5GjM-00175-00042590-00042762 quickly you know I can't say you become ZQZeioH5GjM-00176-00042763-00042982 an expert at all of those things but you ZQZeioH5GjM-00177-00042983-00043168 have to learn pretty quick what kind of ZQZeioH5GjM-00178-00043169-00043612 things are of significance for the ZQZeioH5GjM-00179-00043613-00043954 voters when it comes to those areas and ZQZeioH5GjM-00180-00043955-00044637 so I learned a lot I went out knocking ZQZeioH5GjM-00181-00044638-00044905 on doors and big riding by the time ZQZeioH5GjM-00182-00044906-00045109 elections here you get your knocking ZQZeioH5GjM-00183-00045110-00045268 with your elbow because your knuckles ZQZeioH5GjM-00184-00045269-00045462 hurt so much yes but people would say ZQZeioH5GjM-00185-00045463-00045676 you know you're the best candidate but ZQZeioH5GjM-00186-00045677-00045927 my family always voted liberal my family ZQZeioH5GjM-00187-00045928-00046111 always voted my mother would turn over ZQZeioH5GjM-00188-00046112-00046270 in her grave if she knew that Edwards ZQZeioH5GjM-00189-00046271-00046527 you think you better turn over baby if ZQZeioH5GjM-00190-00046528-00046696 she knew that you weren't voting your ZQZeioH5GjM-00191-00046697-00047002 heart right but people get stuck people ZQZeioH5GjM-00192-00047003-00047167 have a difficult time again stepping ZQZeioH5GjM-00193-00047168-00047412 outside of the box or what they think ZQZeioH5GjM-00194-00047413-00047617 they're familiar with or doing an ZQZeioH5GjM-00195-00047618-00048187 analysis of what other realities other ZQZeioH5GjM-00196-00048188-00048433 parties other other value systems have ZQZeioH5GjM-00197-00048434-00048739 to offer do you think that's the place ZQZeioH5GjM-00198-00048740-00049129 where we are the most stuck if that's ZQZeioH5GjM-00199-00049130-00049227 proper English ZQZeioH5GjM-00200-00049228-00049432 I think people in general get stuck ZQZeioH5GjM-00201-00049433-00049606 there I can't say it's your Brunswick ZQZeioH5GjM-00202-00049607-00049807 people I just think it's people in ZQZeioH5GjM-00203-00049808-00050061 general people has a difficult time ZQZeioH5GjM-00204-00050062-00050473 adapting to something new we're not as ZQZeioH5GjM-00205-00050474-00050929 as adept at change and evolving as we ZQZeioH5GjM-00206-00050930-00051177 like to think we are as a species yeah ZQZeioH5GjM-00207-00051178-00051366 fascinating isn't it because I'm on the ZQZeioH5GjM-00208-00051367-00051551 other hand if we look through the ZQZeioH5GjM-00209-00051552-00051814 technology lens we would say there's ZQZeioH5GjM-00210-00051815-00052032 been all sorts of change but on human ZQZeioH5GjM-00211-00052033-00052249 behavior scale there was versa oh we ZQZeioH5GjM-00212-00052250-00052426 could we get stuck in the same things ZQZeioH5GjM-00213-00052427-00052561 and we've been doing it since the ZQZeioH5GjM-00214-00052562-00052675 beginning of time ZQZeioH5GjM-00215-00052676-00053154 no it's I look at racism I look at war I ZQZeioH5GjM-00216-00053155-00053454 look at those kind of things I mean look ZQZeioH5GjM-00217-00053455-00053616 at the world situation and we're talking ZQZeioH5GjM-00218-00053617-00053836 about just bombing the hell out of ZQZeioH5GjM-00219-00053837-00054028 somebody since the beginning of time ZQZeioH5GjM-00220-00054029-00054289 people been killing one another based on ZQZeioH5GjM-00221-00054290-00054589 a perception of of difference whether ZQZeioH5GjM-00222-00054590-00054867 it's race or culture or religion or ZQZeioH5GjM-00223-00054869-00055072 something we've been doing it since then ZQZeioH5GjM-00224-00055073-00055159 we're still doing it ZQZeioH5GjM-00225-00055160-00055351 why can't we get beyond it what's what's ZQZeioH5GjM-00226-00055352-00055762 wrong with us yeah or why is that still ZQZeioH5GjM-00227-00055763-00055927 the dominant theme because in the ZQZeioH5GjM-00228-00055928-00056089 sprinkle of all of that there are those ZQZeioH5GjM-00229-00056090-00056287 that want to just connect just love each ZQZeioH5GjM-00230-00056288-00056500 other just be kind just have some grace ZQZeioH5GjM-00231-00056501-00056926 no and but they never seem to rise to ZQZeioH5GjM-00232-00056927-00057187 power or rise to Authority or to create ZQZeioH5GjM-00233-00057188-00057322 ships I mean once more to be the ZQZeioH5GjM-00234-00057323-00057607 critical mass yeah that stuff's how do ZQZeioH5GjM-00235-00057608-00057838 we one of those bigger questions like ZQZeioH5GjM-00236-00057839-00058080 how do we get there and maybe it starts ZQZeioH5GjM-00237-00058082-00058324 on a smaller scale like a smaller place ZQZeioH5GjM-00238-00058325-00058522 smaller problems here you're one by one ZQZeioH5GjM-00239-00058523-00058779 thing the Age of Aquarius was supposed ZQZeioH5GjM-00240-00058780-00058987 to have happened by now I don't know ZQZeioH5GjM-00241-00058988-00059044 where it went ZQZeioH5GjM-00242-00059045-00059560 QT music in the background yeah but but ZQZeioH5GjM-00243-00059561-00059734 that political journey that you went on ZQZeioH5GjM-00244-00059735-00060004 um did you think in a time before that ZQZeioH5GjM-00245-00060004-00060223 that you would ever do that I did not ZQZeioH5GjM-00246-00060224-00060550 mmm so came and found you good and in ZQZeioH5GjM-00247-00060551-00060729 the ended it's still a positive ZQZeioH5GjM-00248-00060730-00060982 resonance and your very positive very ZQZeioH5GjM-00249-00060983-00061266 positive I I believe strongly that that ZQZeioH5GjM-00250-00061267-00061465 everything that you do has something to ZQZeioH5GjM-00251-00061466-00061654 teach you every person that you meet has ZQZeioH5GjM-00252-00061654-00061939 something to teach you so you you do it ZQZeioH5GjM-00253-00061940-00062158 you live it you learn it you take from ZQZeioH5GjM-00254-00062159-00062323 it and you move on to the next whatever ZQZeioH5GjM-00255-00062324-00062386 that may be ZQZeioH5GjM-00256-00062387-00062740 life is full oh yeah related theme um ZQZeioH5GjM-00257-00062741-00062944 how did you find the media during your ZQZeioH5GjM-00258-00062945-00063241 experience as a candidate for isn't ZQZeioH5GjM-00259-00063241-00063577 media fair where they proportionate one ZQZeioH5GjM-00260-00063578-00063745 of the challenges in mainstream media's ZQZeioH5GjM-00261-00063746-00063966 they allocate certain amount of space or ZQZeioH5GjM-00262-00063967-00064264 time based on the part of your with ZQZeioH5GjM-00263-00064265-00064546 rather than it's a election period and ZQZeioH5GjM-00264-00064547-00064771 everybody gets equal airtime a class ZQZeioH5GjM-00265-00064772-00064905 which is true which one and so what's ZQZeioH5GjM-00266-00064907-00065170 what's great about the number of debates ZQZeioH5GjM-00267-00065171-00065355 here in proto 10 is that you get ZQZeioH5GjM-00268-00065357-00065644 exposure that you through the debates ZQZeioH5GjM-00269-00065645-00065879 that you might not get through through ZQZeioH5GjM-00270-00065880-00066094 the front page of the paper the media in ZQZeioH5GjM-00271-00066095-00066319 the media because I feel sometimes for ZQZeioH5GjM-00272-00066320-00066562 independent candidates who are trying to ZQZeioH5GjM-00273-00066563-00066775 break out of the mold of the party ZQZeioH5GjM-00274-00066776-00067018 system I have all kinds of great ideas ZQZeioH5GjM-00275-00067019-00067241 and values you are there to represent ZQZeioH5GjM-00276-00067242-00067498 your constituency and you can't find ZQZeioH5GjM-00277-00067499-00067738 them anywhere in the media so I always ZQZeioH5GjM-00278-00067739-00067922 have wanted to challenge the media how ZQZeioH5GjM-00279-00067923-00068066 come you're not covering them always ZQZeioH5GjM-00280-00068067-00068287 equals and you've lived through that ZQZeioH5GjM-00281-00068288-00068510 where you're not being treated as me I ZQZeioH5GjM-00282-00068511-00068828 felt like I was out there as much as any ZQZeioH5GjM-00283-00068829-00069010 of the other candidates that I was seen ZQZeioH5GjM-00284-00069011-00069175 as much as the other candidates and ZQZeioH5GjM-00285-00069176-00069376 again that's that's the debate that's ZQZeioH5GjM-00286-00069377-00069635 that was the fact that I made a point of ZQZeioH5GjM-00287-00069636-00069785 getting okay I mean the experience was ZQZeioH5GjM-00288-00069786-00070000 full for me I certainly did not feel ZQZeioH5GjM-00289-00070001-00070257 that I got left out of the picture and ZQZeioH5GjM-00290-00070258-00070516 now you're older and wiser right I hope ZQZeioH5GjM-00291-00070517-00070616 so ZQZeioH5GjM-00292-00070617-00071015 I try to be so in terms of a life ZQZeioH5GjM-00293-00071016-00071287 journey running the volunteer ZQZeioH5GjM-00294-00071288-00071585 organizations you want to wander into ZQZeioH5GjM-00295-00071586-00071828 that a little bit because that that's a ZQZeioH5GjM-00296-00071829-00072059 fascinating place to work it often is ZQZeioH5GjM-00297-00072060-00072223 and get the exposure it needs as a ZQZeioH5GjM-00298-00072224-00072454 professional workplaces its attendant ZQZeioH5GjM-00299-00072455-00072592 you know business tends to want to come ZQZeioH5GjM-00300-00072593-00073099 first in our social narrative government ZQZeioH5GjM-00301-00073100-00073336 stuff dominates in our note social ZQZeioH5GjM-00302-00073337-00073466 narrative and then over here there's ZQZeioH5GjM-00303-00073467-00073630 this nice fuzzy warm you know like ZQZeioH5GjM-00304-00073631-00073999 social voluntary sector but that sector ZQZeioH5GjM-00305-00074000-00074222 is actually larger than the other two we ZQZeioH5GjM-00306-00074223-00074386 just don't quite perceive it that way ZQZeioH5GjM-00307-00074387-00074701 and you've been hands on how many years ZQZeioH5GjM-00308-00074702-00074923 were you executive director of an ZQZeioH5GjM-00309-00074924-00075181 organization or two most of my life I've ZQZeioH5GjM-00310-00075182-00075568 been involved in that sector so your ZQZeioH5GjM-00311-00075569-00075775 question is a fatigue kicked in right oh ZQZeioH5GjM-00312-00075776-00076198 oh no no no is if it's such a big topic ZQZeioH5GjM-00313-00076199-00076747 yeah and and my feeling about it is that ZQZeioH5GjM-00314-00076748-00077011 it's there and it's big because it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00315-00077012-00077248 it's people's needs people values that ZQZeioH5GjM-00316-00077249-00077401 are being addressed in those ZQZeioH5GjM-00317-00077402-00077719 organizations it's it's down to the ZQZeioH5GjM-00318-00077720-00077947 personal rather than the business and ZQZeioH5GjM-00319-00077948-00078229 it's it's it's hunger it's housing it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00320-00078230-00078511 it's it's mental health it's it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00321-00078512-00078706 they're their issues that affect ZQZeioH5GjM-00322-00078707-00078931 everybody go to every house on your ZQZeioH5GjM-00323-00078932-00079115 street somebody will have an issue that ZQZeioH5GjM-00324-00079116-00079178 we're age ZQZeioH5GjM-00325-00079179-00079424 you know all of those things they are ZQZeioH5GjM-00326-00079425-00079649 part and parcel of everybody's life but ZQZeioH5GjM-00327-00079650-00079784 they're the things that we tend to gloss ZQZeioH5GjM-00328-00079785-00080192 over in our pursuit of of what of money ZQZeioH5GjM-00329-00080193-00080558 of success of fame yeah it's good of ZQZeioH5GjM-00330-00080559-00080948 what yeah great question do you have any ZQZeioH5GjM-00331-00080949-00081245 anecdotes from running meals and wheels ZQZeioH5GjM-00332-00081246-00081416 or the SPCA or ZQZeioH5GjM-00333-00081417-00081875 of course what kind of I told you like ZQZeioH5GjM-00334-00081876-00082193 to ask um fundraising wondering to that ZQZeioH5GjM-00335-00082194-00082463 because people in general will see the ZQZeioH5GjM-00336-00082464-00082718 reports in the news about Oh golf ZQZeioH5GjM-00337-00082719-00082970 tournament was held or Drive was held or ZQZeioH5GjM-00338-00082971-00083210 then it raised as much money thinking ZQZeioH5GjM-00339-00083211-00083354 that was the measure of the fundraising ZQZeioH5GjM-00340-00083355-00083648 and then there's another narrative it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00341-00083649-00083870 like how come volunteer organizations ZQZeioH5GjM-00342-00083871-00084170 aren't always saying we don't have ZQZeioH5GjM-00343-00084171-00084395 enough right because they can never get ZQZeioH5GjM-00344-00084396-00084662 enough budget or fundraising time to be ZQZeioH5GjM-00345-00084663-00084830 calm and confident that we are good for ZQZeioH5GjM-00346-00084831-00085190 the next ten years but the media won't ZQZeioH5GjM-00347-00085191-00085412 cover what goes into how to organize all ZQZeioH5GjM-00348-00085413-00085589 those events the amount of competition ZQZeioH5GjM-00349-00085590-00085903 it goes on for all the other fundraising ZQZeioH5GjM-00350-00085904-00086231 events so you want to wander into what ZQZeioH5GjM-00351-00086232-00086381 that's like it's an executive director ZQZeioH5GjM-00352-00086382-00086762 that has to manage staff manager ZQZeioH5GjM-00353-00086763-00087005 facility and programs and services and ZQZeioH5GjM-00354-00087006-00087404 fundraise a big part of it has to do ZQZeioH5GjM-00355-00087405-00087701 with connecting with those for whom ZQZeioH5GjM-00356-00087702-00088151 those issues resonate with seniors ZQZeioH5GjM-00357-00088152-00088430 organizations we live in a society where ZQZeioH5GjM-00358-00088431-00088628 we're very compartmentalized and not ZQZeioH5GjM-00359-00088629-00088790 everybody has a whole lot of contact ZQZeioH5GjM-00360-00088791-00088925 with seniors so they don't understand ZQZeioH5GjM-00361-00088926-00089255 the issues that challenge seniors so ZQZeioH5GjM-00362-00089256-00089441 doesn't mean a whole lot to them so ZQZeioH5GjM-00363-00089442-00089666 they're not going to support that when ZQZeioH5GjM-00364-00089667-00090002 it comes to SPCA and animals some people ZQZeioH5GjM-00365-00090003-00090149 and they're indifferent to animals some ZQZeioH5GjM-00366-00090150-00090410 people their their animal is their their ZQZeioH5GjM-00367-00090411-00090581 life that's where they put their money ZQZeioH5GjM-00368-00090582-00090958 so again it depends on individuals and ZQZeioH5GjM-00369-00090959-00091306 what's meaningful in their life that ZQZeioH5GjM-00370-00091307-00091556 will determine where they're going to ZQZeioH5GjM-00371-00091557-00091709 put their money but then you have to you ZQZeioH5GjM-00372-00091710-00091865 know find a way to reach out to them in ZQZeioH5GjM-00373-00091866-00092043 ways that ZQZeioH5GjM-00374-00092044-00092296 I can feel good in ways that make them ZQZeioH5GjM-00375-00092297-00092734 want to support you so is it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00376-00092735-00092890 constantly having to be creative ZQZeioH5GjM-00377-00092891-00093263 constantly having to to compete with ZQZeioH5GjM-00378-00093264-00093579 multiple issues because again how many ZQZeioH5GjM-00379-00093580-00093936 issues are there yeah no quick example ZQZeioH5GjM-00380-00093937-00094203 it's endless did you ever feel ZQZeioH5GjM-00381-00094204-00094449 did you ever ever wish that community ZQZeioH5GjM-00382-00094450-00094676 would get its act together that way ZQZeioH5GjM-00383-00094677-00095037 again community communities no just I'm ZQZeioH5GjM-00384-00095038-00095163 thinking of any key so you're ZQZeioH5GjM-00385-00095164-00095340 fundraising and you're thinking but I'm ZQZeioH5GjM-00386-00095341-00095457 competing with all these other ZQZeioH5GjM-00387-00095458-00095553 organizations ZQZeioH5GjM-00388-00095554-00095751 wouldn't it be nice somehow if that was ZQZeioH5GjM-00389-00095752-00096063 more focused too organized or and ZQZeioH5GjM-00390-00096064-00096201 coordinated not quite sure how that ZQZeioH5GjM-00391-00096202-00096390 would be who would do that ZQZeioH5GjM-00392-00096391-00096644 so maybe that's where the gap is and ZQZeioH5GjM-00393-00096645-00097009 because again Dennis III community's a ZQZeioH5GjM-00394-00097010-00097461 wonderful concept but it's becoming more ZQZeioH5GjM-00395-00097462-00097641 and more fragmented more and more ZQZeioH5GjM-00396-00097642-00098040 divergent if you go live in rural ZQZeioH5GjM-00397-00098041-00098373 Indonesia or rural communities there ZQZeioH5GjM-00398-00098374-00098643 people are of the same religion people ZQZeioH5GjM-00399-00098644-00098982 are related people are familiar with one ZQZeioH5GjM-00400-00098983-00099135 another people have a much stronger ZQZeioH5GjM-00401-00099136-00099330 sense of community they have similar ZQZeioH5GjM-00402-00099331-00099525 values they had all of those things come ZQZeioH5GjM-00403-00099526-00099790 to this brave new world of ours the ZQZeioH5GjM-00404-00099791-00099948 person who lives across the street is ZQZeioH5GjM-00405-00099949-00100072 different than the person who lives next ZQZeioH5GjM-00406-00100073-00100206 door is different than the person lives ZQZeioH5GjM-00407-00100207-00100455 on that side we're very divergent in ZQZeioH5GjM-00408-00100456-00100836 terms of what our core values are and so ZQZeioH5GjM-00409-00100837-00101166 as a result of that people are you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00410-00101167-00101456 they're all over the place in terms of ZQZeioH5GjM-00411-00101457-00101718 what's important and there's there isn't ZQZeioH5GjM-00412-00101719-00102006 that coherent sense of community that is ZQZeioH5GjM-00413-00102007-00102291 more characteristic of traditional ZQZeioH5GjM-00414-00102292-00102891 societies it's our challenge and as as ZQZeioH5GjM-00415-00102892-00103494 Western society and I it's a challenge ZQZeioH5GjM-00416-00103495-00103905 that frightens me because I don't see us ZQZeioH5GjM-00417-00103906-00104184 pulling it together we don't have a ZQZeioH5GjM-00418-00104185-00104463 religion or spiritual values that we can ZQZeioH5GjM-00419-00104464-00104736 rally around we don't have similar ZQZeioH5GjM-00420-00104738-00104904 social values that we can rally around ZQZeioH5GjM-00421-00104905-00105138 what we rally around is Game of Thrones ZQZeioH5GjM-00422-00105139-00105374 on TV or various ZQZeioH5GjM-00423-00105375-00105677 things that are so external to to to ZQZeioH5GjM-00424-00105678-00105944 what's really important in the lives of ZQZeioH5GjM-00425-00105945-00106193 people that we fantasize about other ZQZeioH5GjM-00426-00106194-00106376 people lives and try to make that our ZQZeioH5GjM-00427-00106377-00106783 own and and so it doesn't look good to ZQZeioH5GjM-00428-00106784-00107291 for me for the future yeah I hear ya but ZQZeioH5GjM-00429-00107292-00107477 it isn't necessarily pessimistic either ZQZeioH5GjM-00430-00107478-00107717 it's part of your life's journey is by ZQZeioH5GjM-00431-00107718-00107993 do to those awarenesses let me but what ZQZeioH5GjM-00432-00107994-00108074 about everybody else ZQZeioH5GjM-00433-00108075-00108230 I mean people have to find their way ZQZeioH5GjM-00434-00108231-00108413 through that and that's not an easy ZQZeioH5GjM-00435-00108414-00108494 thing to do ZQZeioH5GjM-00436-00108495-00108968 I mean I'm unfortunate I grew up that's ZQZeioH5GjM-00437-00108969-00109159 that African concept of it takes a ZQZeioH5GjM-00438-00109160-00109349 village to raise a child ZQZeioH5GjM-00439-00109350-00109607 what as I grew up we had aunts and ZQZeioH5GjM-00440-00109608-00109775 uncles and cousins and grandparents we ZQZeioH5GjM-00441-00109776-00110066 were surrounded by and and so I had the ZQZeioH5GjM-00442-00110067-00110396 benefit of of being nurtured and ZQZeioH5GjM-00443-00110397-00110594 supported and loved by a whole community ZQZeioH5GjM-00444-00110595-00111065 of people who were me who were mine who ZQZeioH5GjM-00445-00111066-00111248 knew me who knew little Johnny and ZQZeioH5GjM-00446-00111249-00111416 Johnny's coming up through the field ZQZeioH5GjM-00447-00111417-00112042 you know but and now because of the ZQZeioH5GjM-00448-00112043-00112298 economics I guess people are no longer ZQZeioH5GjM-00449-00112299-00112544 in their little communities we travel to ZQZeioH5GjM-00450-00112545-00112682 the next town we traveled across the ZQZeioH5GjM-00451-00112683-00112847 country we trouble other parts of the ZQZeioH5GjM-00452-00112848-00113225 world and and and that sense of coherent ZQZeioH5GjM-00453-00113226-00113456 community is no longer there I mean I ZQZeioH5GjM-00454-00113457-00113804 feel sad for her single-parent families ZQZeioH5GjM-00455-00113805-00113972 and the kids that grew up in those how ZQZeioH5GjM-00456-00113973-00114203 where do they get the values that they ZQZeioH5GjM-00457-00114204-00114497 need in order to be the kind of people ZQZeioH5GjM-00458-00114498-00114683 that we want them to become you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00459-00114683-00115019 yeah powerful sense of loss that way ZQZeioH5GjM-00460-00115020-00115397 mm-hmm yep yep yep yep there's something ZQZeioH5GjM-00461-00115398-00115588 to be said for traditional societies ZQZeioH5GjM-00462-00115589-00115817 much to be said they cut the world going ZQZeioH5GjM-00463-00115818-00115960 for a really long time and that's the ZQZeioH5GjM-00464-00115961-00116189 voice of an elder speaking because of ZQZeioH5GjM-00465-00116190-00116399 that awareness of those pieces and one ZQZeioH5GjM-00466-00116400-00116558 of the narratives is there needs to be ZQZeioH5GjM-00467-00116558-00116789 an evolving role for elders in society ZQZeioH5GjM-00468-00116790-00117127 to share those stories so it's not lost ZQZeioH5GjM-00469-00117128-00117422 did you have great storytellers in your ZQZeioH5GjM-00470-00117423-00117749 family um when you described being young ZQZeioH5GjM-00471-00117750-00117977 Johnny and all around you is it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00472-00117978-00118135 usually somewhere in that mix there's ZQZeioH5GjM-00473-00118136-00118285 one or two people who are like family ZQZeioH5GjM-00474-00118286-00118542 story that would that would be my mother ZQZeioH5GjM-00475-00118543-00118961 father my maternal grandfather as I was ZQZeioH5GjM-00476-00118963-00119265 a kid growing up he if I could put ZQZeioH5GjM-00477-00119266-00119517 somebody at the pinnacle of the person ZQZeioH5GjM-00478-00119518-00119783 that I had the most respect for it would ZQZeioH5GjM-00479-00119784-00119865 have been him ZQZeioH5GjM-00480-00119866-00120153 he was just all bound loving giving ZQZeioH5GjM-00481-00120154-00120533 caring stories to tell skills to show ZQZeioH5GjM-00482-00120534-00121068 kind of a man and you know for the ZQZeioH5GjM-00483-00121069-00121338 duration of his life I could do nothing ZQZeioH5GjM-00484-00121339-00121459 but look up to him ZQZeioH5GjM-00485-00121460-00121776 wonderful wonderful man that's nice to ZQZeioH5GjM-00486-00121777-00122013 have that connection to that almost um ZQZeioH5GjM-00487-00122014-00122258 in dancing in the gap between what's ZQZeioH5GjM-00488-00122259-00122517 changed and what was and then that ZQZeioH5GjM-00489-00122518-00122688 connection a powerful connection you ZQZeioH5GjM-00490-00122689-00122931 obviously feel and somewhere in there ZQZeioH5GjM-00491-00122932-00123177 the role of men has changed as the role ZQZeioH5GjM-00492-00123178-00123386 of women has changed the past 4050 years ZQZeioH5GjM-00493-00123388-00123765 so has the role of men so having a male ZQZeioH5GjM-00494-00123766-00123966 role models in society to create that ZQZeioH5GjM-00495-00123967-00124305 stability and guidance um have any ZQZeioH5GjM-00496-00124306-00124503 thoughts about that how it's changed or ZQZeioH5GjM-00497-00124504-00124770 what we can recover for men's souls and ZQZeioH5GjM-00498-00124771-00124950 in how that rolls back to young men's ZQZeioH5GjM-00499-00124951-00125148 souls and how that rolls into community ZQZeioH5GjM-00500-00125149-00125379 my grandfather always said she's the ZQZeioH5GjM-00501-00125380-00125699 reason I'm strong point you to his wife ZQZeioH5GjM-00502-00125700-00125959 yes ZQZeioH5GjM-00503-00125960-00126240 what I discovered living in other ZQZeioH5GjM-00504-00126241-00126533 cultures are there countries that it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00505-00126534-00126732 women that like the world go around it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00506-00126733-00126990 women who who look after the children ZQZeioH5GjM-00507-00126991-00127257 who do the trainings will do the loving ZQZeioH5GjM-00508-00127258-00127533 the caring the cohesion and families but ZQZeioH5GjM-00509-00127533-00127908 somehow we don't recognize the ZQZeioH5GjM-00510-00127908-00128601 incredible power the immensity of the of ZQZeioH5GjM-00511-00128602-00129284 the role that they play in society men ZQZeioH5GjM-00512-00129285-00129645 still continue to I guess see themselves ZQZeioH5GjM-00513-00129646-00129846 as as head of the families in some ways ZQZeioH5GjM-00514-00129847-00130381 and women less so ZQZeioH5GjM-00515-00130382-00130658 ya can feel it don't need to say it can ZQZeioH5GjM-00516-00130658-00130718 just feel it ZQZeioH5GjM-00517-00130719-00131135 yeah the because I'm kind of edging into ZQZeioH5GjM-00518-00131136-00131333 notions of the Divine Feminine and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00519-00131334-00131696 sacred male and it's like bits of both ZQZeioH5GjM-00520-00131697-00131975 have been lost you have the thoughts ZQZeioH5GjM-00521-00131976-00132245 about that and as you watched it and ZQZeioH5GjM-00522-00132246-00132557 seeing it unfold and change I think it's ZQZeioH5GjM-00523-00132558-00132818 important for young guys to have male ZQZeioH5GjM-00524-00132819-00133463 role models to teach them how to use the ZQZeioH5GjM-00525-00133464-00133718 strengths that are inherent in in boys ZQZeioH5GjM-00526-00133719-00134063 in males in in masculinity and whether ZQZeioH5GjM-00527-00134064-00134786 that's how to be loving has to be one of ZQZeioH5GjM-00528-00134787-00135044 those how to be nurturing and supportive ZQZeioH5GjM-00529-00135045-00135335 and and taking responsibility and doing ZQZeioH5GjM-00530-00135336-00135476 what you say you're going to do and ZQZeioH5GjM-00531-00135477-00135656 being consistent and staying there and ZQZeioH5GjM-00532-00135657-00135809 not running away when things get rough ZQZeioH5GjM-00533-00135810-00136112 you know all of those kinds of things ZQZeioH5GjM-00534-00136113-00136466 and and and you know women get left ZQZeioH5GjM-00535-00136467-00137006 behind to do all of those things I think ZQZeioH5GjM-00536-00137007-00137522 I think women the loving that they give ZQZeioH5GjM-00537-00137523-00137696 you know from from the day that they ZQZeioH5GjM-00538-00137697-00138014 give birth to a child and nurture it ZQZeioH5GjM-00539-00138015-00138364 through the various stages of its life ZQZeioH5GjM-00540-00138365-00138875 is the essence of what keeps males ZQZeioH5GjM-00541-00138876-00139067 together it keeps females it keeps all ZQZeioH5GjM-00542-00139068-00139292 of us together it's in there and a basic ZQZeioH5GjM-00543-00139293-00139460 part of our functioning you know again ZQZeioH5GjM-00544-00139461-00139595 we think of kids who don't have that ZQZeioH5GjM-00545-00139596-00139814 kind of loving in the beginning and to ZQZeioH5GjM-00546-00139815-00139964 know they're their unmoored totally ZQZeioH5GjM-00547-00139965-00140156 unmoored and you have to give women ZQZeioH5GjM-00548-00140157-00140507 credit for giving kids the basics you ZQZeioH5GjM-00549-00140508-00140621 know get you try and make it through ZQZeioH5GjM-00550-00140622-00141004 great I'm wandering into like a thousand ZQZeioH5GjM-00551-00141005-00141436 places where that might go because of uh ZQZeioH5GjM-00552-00141437-00141758 so it'd be as simple as the basic ZQZeioH5GjM-00553-00141759-00141989 relationship between two parents and a ZQZeioH5GjM-00554-00141990-00142187 child as a way of recovering community ZQZeioH5GjM-00555-00142188-00142364 because that's what we started with ZQZeioH5GjM-00556-00142365-00142571 talking about community and users so ZQZeioH5GjM-00557-00142572-00142757 fragmented and then we whittled it down ZQZeioH5GjM-00558-00142758-00143012 to the fundamental which used to be the ZQZeioH5GjM-00559-00143013-00143270 core family unit but that language it ZQZeioH5GjM-00560-00143271-00143456 doesn't even exist anymore ZQZeioH5GjM-00561-00143457-00143711 it is phenomenal that way so have we ZQZeioH5GjM-00562-00143712-00143981 lost something in that how women's roles ZQZeioH5GjM-00563-00143982-00144124 have evolved in women are now ZQZeioH5GjM-00564-00144125-00144412 professional businesspeople ZQZeioH5GjM-00565-00144413-00144770 have they lost something too you can't ZQZeioH5GjM-00566-00144771-00145099 take anything away from women for ZQZeioH5GjM-00567-00145100-00145366 wanting to step outside of that that ZQZeioH5GjM-00568-00145367-00145724 family unit circle house to do things ZQZeioH5GjM-00569-00145725-00146020 you know what women are perfectly ZQZeioH5GjM-00570-00146021-00146294 capable and should be supported to do ZQZeioH5GjM-00571-00146295-00146599 those kinds of things as well ZQZeioH5GjM-00572-00146600-00146972 I think because we live in an age where ZQZeioH5GjM-00573-00146973-00147499 we are so transient it's hard to deny ZQZeioH5GjM-00574-00147500-00147766 people the opportunity to look elsewhere ZQZeioH5GjM-00575-00147767-00148263 to go elsewhere to get their financial ZQZeioH5GjM-00576-00148264-00148579 resources needs met ZQZeioH5GjM-00577-00148580-00148883 you know we encourage people to you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00578-00148884-00149072 the world you know you can go wherever ZQZeioH5GjM-00579-00149073-00149263 you want to do whatever you want but I ZQZeioH5GjM-00580-00149264-00149506 think there's a price to pay for that ZQZeioH5GjM-00581-00149507-00149924 because it takes away from that focusing ZQZeioH5GjM-00582-00149925-00150320 inward and we're more focused out and ZQZeioH5GjM-00583-00150321-00150754 over there and this can't help but if ZQZeioH5GjM-00584-00150755-00151129 the family unit begins to fall apart how ZQZeioH5GjM-00585-00151130-00151595 can the shocked society not suffer not ZQZeioH5GjM-00586-00151596-00151849 not begin to pay a price for that as ZQZeioH5GjM-00587-00151850-00152128 well but that's the way that things are ZQZeioH5GjM-00588-00152129-00152377 going I guess we just have to make the ZQZeioH5GjM-00589-00152378-00152787 best of that and and not see it as a ZQZeioH5GjM-00590-00152788-00153016 always a negative thing but look for the ZQZeioH5GjM-00591-00153017-00153296 positives and and again it probably ZQZeioH5GjM-00592-00153297-00153670 requires more effort with respect to to ZQZeioH5GjM-00593-00153671-00153961 family and making sure that those within ZQZeioH5GjM-00594-00153962-00154153 the unit are supported as much as they ZQZeioH5GjM-00595-00154154-00154450 possibly can be so that they have the ZQZeioH5GjM-00596-00154451-00154753 strength and the self-confidence to step ZQZeioH5GjM-00597-00154754-00155047 forward but to be loving and caring and ZQZeioH5GjM-00598-00155048-00155282 appreciative of what they're leaving ZQZeioH5GjM-00599-00155283-00155566 behind or the impact that they can have ZQZeioH5GjM-00600-00155567-00155722 the effect that they can have ZQZeioH5GjM-00601-00155723-00156094 it's almost as if the pasture community ZQZeioH5GjM-00602-00156095-00156313 soul is through the families nurturing ZQZeioH5GjM-00603-00156314-00156514 and stability always husband always ZQZeioH5GjM-00604-00156515-00156709 husband I think and maybe we're not ZQZeioH5GjM-00605-00156710-00156880 aware of that as much as we used to be ZQZeioH5GjM-00606-00156881-00157033 which then reinforces why it's so ZQZeioH5GjM-00607-00157034-00157231 important that you share that with ZQZeioH5GjM-00608-00157232-00157501 lesson with an audience so that that ZQZeioH5GjM-00609-00157502-00157687 surface is more in the present-day ZQZeioH5GjM-00610-00157688-00158064 narrative when Indy recently had ZQZeioH5GjM-00611-00158065-00158449 another's 90th birthday party vehicle ZQZeioH5GjM-00612-00158450-00158872 and it was so wonderful to see all the ZQZeioH5GjM-00613-00158873-00159303 family come from across the country and ZQZeioH5GjM-00614-00159304-00159568 watch their you know the nieces and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00615-00159569-00159703 nephews and the grandchildren and ZQZeioH5GjM-00616-00159704-00159886 everybody you know be all be in a room ZQZeioH5GjM-00617-00159887-00160054 and sitting on top of one another in ZQZeioH5GjM-00618-00160055-00160297 arms around one another and just loving ZQZeioH5GjM-00619-00160298-00160534 one another and you think this is our ZQZeioH5GjM-00620-00160535-00160762 family Venice and it was such a ZQZeioH5GjM-00621-00160763-00160957 wonderful feeling to have everybody ZQZeioH5GjM-00622-00160958-00161173 together you know this is this is our ZQZeioH5GjM-00623-00161174-00161500 it's as our unit this is our projection ZQZeioH5GjM-00624-00161501-00161662 into the world it was really quite ZQZeioH5GjM-00625-00161663-00161761 wonderful yeah ZQZeioH5GjM-00626-00161762-00162262 I feel sad for families who don't like ZQZeioH5GjM-00627-00162263-00162421 one another can't stand one another ZQZeioH5GjM-00628-00162422-00162586 don't speak with one another because ZQZeioH5GjM-00629-00162587-00163078 they lose so much by not staying in ZQZeioH5GjM-00630-00163079-00163255 touch with the people with whom they ZQZeioH5GjM-00631-00163256-00163537 grew evolve shared values if they got ZQZeioH5GjM-00632-00163538-00163783 older you have to you have to accept ZQZeioH5GjM-00633-00163784-00163987 that people have differences and let go ZQZeioH5GjM-00634-00163988-00164323 and and learn how to love you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00635-00164324-00164766 unconditional is not always easy but but ZQZeioH5GjM-00636-00164767-00165340 you have to learn how to love and find ZQZeioH5GjM-00637-00165341-00165550 people to love and better to start with ZQZeioH5GjM-00638-00165551-00166047 in your family yeah yeah different tack ZQZeioH5GjM-00639-00166048-00166396 although it is connected is food of all ZQZeioH5GjM-00640-00166397-00166753 things because family and food so social ZQZeioH5GjM-00641-00166754-00166912 gatherings especially family sofa ZQZeioH5GjM-00642-00166913-00167218 gatherings always center around food um ZQZeioH5GjM-00643-00167219-00167737 in your world has food had a large role ZQZeioH5GjM-00644-00167738-00167985 to play and you have thoughts about ZQZeioH5GjM-00645-00167986-00168232 whether it's the family meal and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00646-00168233-00168427 history of family meals or great meals ZQZeioH5GjM-00647-00168428-00168715 or what it's like now I'm trying to ZQZeioH5GjM-00648-00168716-00168926 secure local food and ZQZeioH5GjM-00649-00168927-00169307 food security and food supply shifts in ZQZeioH5GjM-00650-00169308-00169625 where food comes from climate change and ZQZeioH5GjM-00651-00169626-00169817 you pack on food you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00652-00169818-00170066 let's bring brothers and giving you a ZQZeioH5GjM-00653-00170067-00170333 big pallet here to play with um but ZQZeioH5GjM-00654-00170334-00170546 because food is integral to our soul and ZQZeioH5GjM-00655-00170547-00170840 what I'm trying to go and you know farm ZQZeioH5GjM-00656-00170841-00171002 families traditional families people ZQZeioH5GjM-00657-00171003-00171167 grew their own food so they had an ZQZeioH5GjM-00658-00171168-00171320 intimate connection with the food ZQZeioH5GjM-00659-00171321-00171563 now we don't we buy it from the ZQZeioH5GjM-00660-00171564-00171761 supermarket but it's still important for ZQZeioH5GjM-00661-00171762-00171965 people to get together and as you say ZQZeioH5GjM-00662-00171966-00172148 people do get together around food and ZQZeioH5GjM-00663-00172149-00172400 meals and and you know food managed to ZQZeioH5GjM-00664-00172401-00172859 maintain control there I think it will ZQZeioH5GjM-00665-00172860-00173303 continue to be a way for people to get ZQZeioH5GjM-00666-00173304-00173564 together and connect any people get ZQZeioH5GjM-00667-00173565-00173759 together to drink Oh to get together to ZQZeioH5GjM-00668-00173760-00174215 eat there they're le or useful they ZQZeioH5GjM-00669-00174216-00174350 don't seem to be a lot of other ways ZQZeioH5GjM-00670-00174351-00174551 that we found in order to do things I ZQZeioH5GjM-00671-00174552-00174812 mean again your religion becomes you ZQZeioH5GjM-00672-00174813-00174938 know is one of those other things and ZQZeioH5GjM-00673-00174939-00175286 people get together to - to worship to ZQZeioH5GjM-00674-00175287-00175757 recognize their their belief in in deity ZQZeioH5GjM-00675-00175758-00175931 you know that's one other thing but ZQZeioH5GjM-00676-00175932-00176162 they're there or concert you know music ZQZeioH5GjM-00677-00176163-00176341 which there's a few things that we have ZQZeioH5GjM-00678-00176342-00177013 you know food being one of them I think ZQZeioH5GjM-00679-00177014-00177383 whole idea of local food versus imported ZQZeioH5GjM-00680-00177384-00177596 food as a whole other issue I mean it ZQZeioH5GjM-00681-00177597-00177788 has to do with the environment it has to ZQZeioH5GjM-00682-00177789-00178151 do with with sustainability it has to do ZQZeioH5GjM-00683-00178152-00178445 with with with need and warrant and ZQZeioH5GjM-00684-00178446-00178811 desire and and and what's good enough or ZQZeioH5GjM-00685-00178812-00178952 not good enough that how much money do ZQZeioH5GjM-00686-00178953-00179144 you have to get it anyway you know so ZQZeioH5GjM-00687-00179145-00179302 when you ran meals and wheels and ZQZeioH5GjM-00688-00179303-00179576 sourcing food was that part of the ZQZeioH5GjM-00689-00179577-00179807 exercise no it was not it was not no I ZQZeioH5GjM-00690-00179808-00180038 males were made for us you know our our ZQZeioH5GjM-00691-00180039-00180278 focus was feeding the seniors it wasn't ZQZeioH5GjM-00692-00180279-00180411 access in the photos ZQZeioH5GjM-00693-00180412-00180696 so as we get older our relationship with ZQZeioH5GjM-00694-00180697-00180939 food changes because we definitely as we ZQZeioH5GjM-00695-00180940-00181011 go along ZQZeioH5GjM-00696-00181012-00181197 do you have any stories about that some ZQZeioH5GjM-00697-00181198-00181485 of the changes you've made about eating ZQZeioH5GjM-00698-00181486-00181749 patterns or recognizing your health sake ZQZeioH5GjM-00699-00181750-00181989 and how important the food is that you ZQZeioH5GjM-00700-00181990-00182088 take into your body ZQZeioH5GjM-00701-00182089-00182586 I read labels and if the list of ZQZeioH5GjM-00702-00182587-00182880 ingredients there start being more ZQZeioH5GjM-00703-00182881-00183057 things and I can pronounce or know what ZQZeioH5GjM-00704-00183058-00183327 they are I don't I don't buy it I I ZQZeioH5GjM-00705-00183328-00183861 prefer to eat healthy I'm going to need ZQZeioH5GjM-00706-00183862-00184362 the datas vegetables and I steer clear ZQZeioH5GjM-00707-00184363-00184635 of a lot of the products that I see on ZQZeioH5GjM-00708-00184636-00185046 the shelves and inevitably I read labels ZQZeioH5GjM-00709-00185047-00185268 because scares the life out of me I look ZQZeioH5GjM-00710-00185269-00185631 I look at the different cancers and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00711-00185632-00185760 struggles that people have with their ZQZeioH5GjM-00712-00185761-00185961 health and I can't help but think that ZQZeioH5GjM-00713-00185962-00186257 all of those things on that label are ZQZeioH5GjM-00714-00186258-00186474 excreted or do they hang around in the ZQZeioH5GjM-00715-00186475-00186675 body and do they combine and and you ZQZeioH5GjM-00716-00186676-00186903 know are we poisoning ourselves out of ZQZeioH5GjM-00717-00186904-00187260 existence food a lot of the stuff out ZQZeioH5GjM-00718-00187261-00187464 there scares me scares me I look at ZQZeioH5GjM-00719-00187465-00187752 people's grocery carts when I'm in the ZQZeioH5GjM-00720-00187753-00187971 supermarket and I think oh my goodness ZQZeioH5GjM-00721-00187972-00188370 okay stuff you're eating you don't go ZQZeioH5GjM-00722-00188371-00188682 over and lecture them no I can resist ZQZeioH5GjM-00723-00188683-00188976 doing that people have to learn at their ZQZeioH5GjM-00724-00188977-00189156 own at their own pace at their own level ZQZeioH5GjM-00725-00189157-00189425 yeah but it's people are so easily ZQZeioH5GjM-00726-00189426-00190017 seduced by labels by pretty by concepts ZQZeioH5GjM-00727-00190018-00190257 by by what you know and with not ZQZeioH5GjM-00728-00190258-00190446 necessarily thinking their way through ZQZeioH5GjM-00729-00190447-00190691 what they're putting into themselves or ZQZeioH5GjM-00730-00190692-00191268 you know what they're eating each takes ZQZeioH5GjM-00731-00191269-00191487 their own path so I wouldn't say that I ZQZeioH5GjM-00732-00191488-00192009 was dogmatic or angelic or any of those ZQZeioH5GjM-00733-00192010-00192168 kinds of things when it comes to food ZQZeioH5GjM-00734-00192169-00192582 but I am conscious about about I love ZQZeioH5GjM-00735-00192583-00192906 food so so for you Eve more or less ZQZeioH5GjM-00736-00192907-00193083 eating the same all the way through from ZQZeioH5GjM-00737-00193084-00193350 being 18 and putting in 4,000 calories a ZQZeioH5GjM-00738-00193351-00193806 day to being in 60s and changed ZQZeioH5GjM-00739-00193807-00193995 while that's been the same for you yeah ZQZeioH5GjM-00740-00193996-00194220 pretty much the same some people have ZQZeioH5GjM-00741-00194221-00194418 moments or oh I got to stop eating this ZQZeioH5GjM-00742-00194419-00194765 way and start eating that way or no no ZQZeioH5GjM-00743-00194766-00195210 no no I I found it interesting again ZQZeioH5GjM-00744-00195211-00195369 living in other countries and other ZQZeioH5GjM-00745-00195370-00195590 cultures you know in Indonesia I lived ZQZeioH5GjM-00746-00195591-00195759 in a little fishing village so it was ZQZeioH5GjM-00747-00195760-00196137 you know mostly seafood and rice in when ZQZeioH5GjM-00748-00196138-00196527 I was in Nepal every meal was dal Bhat ZQZeioH5GjM-00749-00196528-00196928 Dockery Dao is lentils but Israeli ZQZeioH5GjM-00750-00196929-00197127 soccer is a curried vegetable dish so ZQZeioH5GjM-00751-00197128-00197349 you'd have that two or three times a day ZQZeioH5GjM-00752-00197350-00197720 every day it made me realize how ZQZeioH5GjM-00753-00197721-00197939 fortunate we are to have the variety ZQZeioH5GjM-00754-00197940-00198420 that we have here because in some places ZQZeioH5GjM-00755-00198421-00198653 in the world they don't have many places ZQZeioH5GjM-00756-00198654-00198798 they don't have the choices that we have ZQZeioH5GjM-00757-00198799-00199083 you know I could go to the superstore ZQZeioH5GjM-00758-00199084-00199299 and you know the apples are more travel ZQZeioH5GjM-00759-00199300-00199458 than most people you know they've come ZQZeioH5GjM-00760-00199459-00199845 from further and so so we you know we're ZQZeioH5GjM-00761-00199846-00199989 spoiled spoiled rotten ZQZeioH5GjM-00762-00199990-00200232 yes well Robin and in the process we ZQZeioH5GjM-00763-00200233-00200412 continue to contaminate the oil because ZQZeioH5GjM-00764-00200413-00200614 it's you know pesticides with you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00765-00200615-00201120 unhealthy stuff yeah jet fuel yeah can ZQZeioH5GjM-00766-00201121-00201321 we clean explore your experiences with ZQZeioH5GjM-00767-00201322-00201539 your world travels like that was jealous ZQZeioH5GjM-00768-00201540-00201711 a nice little glimmer into Nepal ZQZeioH5GjM-00769-00201712-00201977 experience can can you share because I'm ZQZeioH5GjM-00770-00201978-00202190 thinking here's a young man from ZQZeioH5GjM-00771-00202191-00202415 Fredericton New Brunswick Canada who's ZQZeioH5GjM-00772-00202416-00202818 now landed here in here yeah and at some ZQZeioH5GjM-00773-00202819-00203010 point you decided to come back and stay ZQZeioH5GjM-00774-00203011-00203337 here can you share with us and those ZQZeioH5GjM-00775-00203338-00203681 transitory moments and travel moments ZQZeioH5GjM-00776-00203682-00204018 powerful ones scary ones when I was a ZQZeioH5GjM-00777-00204019-00204396 kid I used to fantasize that I would get ZQZeioH5GjM-00778-00204397-00204639 kidnapped and the kidnappers would take ZQZeioH5GjM-00779-00204640-00205005 me away to some faraway exotic place and ZQZeioH5GjM-00780-00205006-00205248 then for some reason or they let me go ZQZeioH5GjM-00781-00205248-00205391 and my parents didn't have the money or ZQZeioH5GjM-00782-00205392-00205653 whatever but you know they just drop so ZQZeioH5GjM-00783-00205654-00205776 I head and make my way home and I ZQZeioH5GjM-00784-00205777-00205898 realized there look at all that was a ZQZeioH5GjM-00785-00205900-00206130 Travel fantasy I couldn't figure out how ZQZeioH5GjM-00786-00206131-00206281 I was going to get there any other ZQZeioH5GjM-00787-00206282-00206578 but Indonesia was was high on my list of ZQZeioH5GjM-00788-00206579-00206716 places that I always wanted to go ZQZeioH5GjM-00789-00206717-00206908 because of the flora and the fauna you ZQZeioH5GjM-00790-00206909-00207100 know the animals the birds to whatever ZQZeioH5GjM-00791-00207101-00207253 the exoticness of it ZQZeioH5GjM-00792-00207254-00207481 so my first trip with Canada World Youth ZQZeioH5GjM-00793-00207482-00207717 what I was to go to Indonesia well would ZQZeioH5GjM-00794-00207719-00208150 I and it was amazing because we lived in ZQZeioH5GjM-00795-00208151-00208636 a little village in the North Sumatra in ZQZeioH5GjM-00796-00208637-00208798 a realized capela go ZQZeioH5GjM-00797-00208798-00209155 so from busy Jakarta up into Sumatra and ZQZeioH5GjM-00798-00209156-00209329 you take a boat to this island and a ZQZeioH5GjM-00799-00209330-00209440 boat to that Island ZQZeioH5GjM-00800-00209441-00209662 but finding another boat to the island ZQZeioH5GjM-00801-00209663-00209905 that we had to get to the island that I ZQZeioH5GjM-00802-00209906-00210079 lived on didn't even have so much as a ZQZeioH5GjM-00803-00210080-00210355 bicycle on it and it was it was I ZQZeioH5GjM-00804-00210356-00210548 thought I'd died and gone to heaven ZQZeioH5GjM-00805-00210550-00210952 Mulder I would have been that would have ZQZeioH5GjM-00806-00210953-00211201 been my early thirties probably you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00807-00211202-00211363 I was the group later so I like some ZQZeioH5GjM-00808-00211364-00211623 tragedy from clan and it was it was an ZQZeioH5GjM-00809-00211625-00211869 absolute wonderful experience for me ZQZeioH5GjM-00810-00211871-00212304 because completely different culture ZQZeioH5GjM-00811-00212305-00212567 completely different environment ZQZeioH5GjM-00812-00212569-00212767 interesting lesson you know there were ZQZeioH5GjM-00813-00212767-00212992 Chinese that lived in one end of the ZQZeioH5GjM-00814-00212992-00213142 village and Indonesia's that lived at ZQZeioH5GjM-00815-00213142-00213187 the other ZQZeioH5GjM-00816-00213188-00213403 when I spent time with the Indonesian ZQZeioH5GjM-00817-00213404-00213637 guys the Chinese glad to say all of you ZQZeioH5GjM-00818-00213638-00213811 how could they wear skirts when I spent ZQZeioH5GjM-00819-00213812-00213996 time with the Chinese canoes they all ZQZeioH5GjM-00820-00213998-00214357 they eat pork so you think man wherever ZQZeioH5GjM-00821-00214358-00214657 you go wherever you go there seems to be ZQZeioH5GjM-00822-00214658-00214944 this racism just different perception of ZQZeioH5GjM-00823-00214946-00215281 difference in culture and and so you ZQZeioH5GjM-00824-00215282-00215496 know even this an idyllic little village ZQZeioH5GjM-00825-00215498-00215755 it was it was that way Indonesia was ZQZeioH5GjM-00826-00215756-00215973 wonderful Somalia was I'm glad I went ZQZeioH5GjM-00827-00215975-00216148 there when I did because Somalia got ZQZeioH5GjM-00828-00216148-00216355 kind of crazy after you know here's that ZQZeioH5GjM-00829-00216356-00216744 I was there but tough arid land you can ZQZeioH5GjM-00830-00216746-00217057 see why Somalis have to be you know have ZQZeioH5GjM-00831-00217058-00217306 to be tough Wow there's two rivers that ZQZeioH5GjM-00832-00217307-00217459 flow from north to south could you ZQZeioH5GjM-00833-00217460-00217633 finish your belly in the dry season they ZQZeioH5GjM-00834-00217634-00217848 dry up and you look at the countryside ZQZeioH5GjM-00835-00217850-00218083 and you can use no vegetation but you ZQZeioH5GjM-00836-00218084-00218338 see the goats and camels nibbling on ZQZeioH5GjM-00837-00218339-00218569 something all these you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00838-00218571-00218960 gray-green thorny things but it's a dry ZQZeioH5GjM-00839-00218961-00219141 arid country and in the dry season ZQZeioH5GjM-00840-00219142-00219366 people walk for miles in order to get a ZQZeioH5GjM-00841-00219367-00219594 drink from somewhere you know we always ZQZeioH5GjM-00842-00219594-00219755 had to carry our water around with us ZQZeioH5GjM-00843-00219756-00219987 and you realize how how much of a ZQZeioH5GjM-00844-00219988-00220071 challenge ZQZeioH5GjM-00845-00220071-00220491 life is for some people in Malawi I was ZQZeioH5GjM-00846-00220492-00220704 just a malawi but i ate my first bugs in ZQZeioH5GjM-00847-00220705-00220835 malawi that was wonderful ZQZeioH5GjM-00848-00220836-00221492 juicy little caterpillars jamaica was ZQZeioH5GjM-00849-00221494-00221691 interesting for me my paternal ZQZeioH5GjM-00850-00221692-00222017 grandfather came from the caribbean came ZQZeioH5GjM-00851-00222019-00222228 from Anguilla I'll back up a little bit ZQZeioH5GjM-00852-00222229-00222496 when I was younger ZQZeioH5GjM-00853-00222498-00222944 roots thing was on TV and and I was ZQZeioH5GjM-00854-00222946-00223121 working in Toronto at the time and I was ZQZeioH5GjM-00855-00223123-00223532 totally fascinated by this roots concept ZQZeioH5GjM-00856-00223533-00223764 and so I took a leave of absence and I ZQZeioH5GjM-00857-00223765-00224100 went to the island that my grandfather ZQZeioH5GjM-00858-00224101-00224271 came from because I'd heard that he had ZQZeioH5GjM-00859-00224271-00224435 a sister there so I went looking for my ZQZeioH5GjM-00860-00224436-00224700 grandfather's sister and I found her her ZQZeioH5GjM-00861-00224701-00224996 name was the Zeta and and zeta took me ZQZeioH5GjM-00862-00224998-00225146 in you know called me little Johnny and ZQZeioH5GjM-00863-00225148-00225407 I stayed with her for 2 or 3 months and ZQZeioH5GjM-00864-00225408-00225623 I fished for a living with the local ZQZeioH5GjM-00865-00225625-00225789 fisherman and I looked after the goats I ZQZeioH5GjM-00866-00225790-00225953 looked after the chickens but what ZQZeioH5GjM-00867-00225954-00226296 really intrigued me was and Zeta n n ZQZeioH5GjM-00868-00226296-00226654 Zeta I saw gestures that I saw in my ZQZeioH5GjM-00869-00226655-00226875 grandfather that I saw and my father ZQZeioH5GjM-00870-00226876-00227067 that I saw in me and it was no doubt in ZQZeioH5GjM-00871-00227067-00227317 my mind that we were connected and ZQZeioH5GjM-00872-00227319-00227553 nature and nature of who knows but it ZQZeioH5GjM-00873-00227554-00227783 was it was a fascinating experience for ZQZeioH5GjM-00874-00227784-00228194 me so began being in you know candle ZQZeioH5GjM-00875-00228196-00228366 world you jump ahead again there was ZQZeioH5GjM-00876-00228367-00228584 being within a cultural environment that ZQZeioH5GjM-00877-00228585-00228900 was that was somewhat familiar to me ZQZeioH5GjM-00878-00228901-00229212 for those kind of reasons that I that I ZQZeioH5GjM-00879-00229213-00229787 mentioned Nepal was interested Nepal ZQZeioH5GjM-00880-00229788-00230037 Nepal was tough the first year that I ZQZeioH5GjM-00881-00230038-00230325 was there the whole team was sick we had ZQZeioH5GjM-00882-00230326-00230646 a me big dysentery you know we we came ZQZeioH5GjM-00883-00230646-00230855 back walking skeletons with with you ZQZeioH5GjM-00884-00230856-00231221 know with clothes on the second year was ZQZeioH5GjM-00885-00231223-00231615 much better and we lived in a little ZQZeioH5GjM-00886-00231616-00231823 house from the border with India you ZQZeioH5GjM-00887-00231823-00232078 you know the the oxen and the Krishna ZQZeioH5GjM-00888-00232079-00232354 and the bells and the puja and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00889-00232355-00232635 worship end and the whole concept of ZQZeioH5GjM-00890-00232636-00232990 namaste you know and and you learn I ZQZeioH5GjM-00891-00232991-00233200 learned a whole different concept of ZQZeioH5GjM-00892-00233201-00233365 spirituality in Nepal ZQZeioH5GjM-00893-00233366-00233544 and that was one of the other things as ZQZeioH5GjM-00894-00233546-00233823 you go through these different cultures ZQZeioH5GjM-00895-00233825-00234154 and learn about different religions and ZQZeioH5GjM-00896-00234155-00234412 different approaches to spirituality it ZQZeioH5GjM-00897-00234413-00234685 helps you to put those pieces together ZQZeioH5GjM-00898-00234686-00235000 in your own mind as well and so you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00899-00235001-00235369 Asia was particularly influential for me ZQZeioH5GjM-00900-00235369-00235846 with respect to my spiritual beliefs my ZQZeioH5GjM-00901-00235846-00236166 on topic Arabic no this is wonderful ZQZeioH5GjM-00902-00236167-00236521 because the impact of travel but also ZQZeioH5GjM-00903-00236521-00236794 your openness to the experiences a lot ZQZeioH5GjM-00904-00236794-00236994 of people can travel and not really ZQZeioH5GjM-00905-00236996-00237259 leave they bring with them everything ZQZeioH5GjM-00906-00237260-00237634 and you you took big bites mmm yeah well ZQZeioH5GjM-00907-00237635-00238006 it was my job yeah when you're with this ZQZeioH5GjM-00908-00238007-00238434 group of young Canadians or young people ZQZeioH5GjM-00909-00238435-00238702 from the other country it's your role as ZQZeioH5GjM-00910-00238703-00239008 the group leader group facilitator to ZQZeioH5GjM-00911-00239009-00239512 help them to adapt and so you know one ZQZeioH5GjM-00912-00239513-00239826 of you know what one of the philosophies ZQZeioH5GjM-00913-00239827-00240169 of Canada world youth is something that ZQZeioH5GjM-00914-00240169-00240337 I think I mentioned earlier does that ZQZeioH5GjM-00915-00240338-00240616 everything has something to teach you so ZQZeioH5GjM-00916-00240617-00240775 if you've got counterparts that are ZQZeioH5GjM-00917-00240776-00241071 knocking heads not getting along okay ZQZeioH5GjM-00918-00241073-00241255 you might not like your counterpart but ZQZeioH5GjM-00919-00241256-00241381 you know what what have you learned ZQZeioH5GjM-00920-00241382-00241657 about working with other people you ZQZeioH5GjM-00921-00241658-00241840 might not like your family but you know ZQZeioH5GjM-00922-00241841-00241975 what good texts what have you learned ZQZeioH5GjM-00923-00241976-00242142 about working in this culture you might ZQZeioH5GjM-00924-00242144-00242346 not like the food but what are you ZQZeioH5GjM-00925-00242348-00242521 learning and so as to keep taking it ZQZeioH5GjM-00926-00242521-00242878 back to okay lift your motions go what ZQZeioH5GjM-00927-00242879-00243060 have you learned about yourself about ZQZeioH5GjM-00928-00243061-00243294 other people about the world around you ZQZeioH5GjM-00929-00243296-00243400 what have you learned and that's a ZQZeioH5GjM-00930-00243401-00243771 philosophy that I that I've taken in to ZQZeioH5GjM-00931-00243773-00244119 how I go through life this is okay what ZQZeioH5GjM-00932-00244121-00244267 am i learning here what have I learned ZQZeioH5GjM-00933-00244267-00244582 and and you know yet I have found in my ZQZeioH5GjM-00934-00244583-00244864 experience if I continue to do that I ZQZeioH5GjM-00935-00244865-00244954 continue to ZQZeioH5GjM-00936-00244955-00245209 I continue to learn I continue to evolve ZQZeioH5GjM-00937-00245210-00245527 if I couldn't use that big lorry mm-hmm ZQZeioH5GjM-00938-00245528-00245941 so it was I like to come home at the ZQZeioH5GjM-00939-00245942-00246181 beginning it was bone-rattling in the ZQZeioH5GjM-00940-00246182-00246346 beginning in the beginning that like a ZQZeioH5GjM-00941-00246346-00246598 first trip it was I mean the first year ZQZeioH5GjM-00942-00246598-00246865 we didn't Indonesia I'm sorry I mean ZQZeioH5GjM-00943-00246866-00247021 when you were done all of this that ZQZeioH5GjM-00944-00247021-00247186 phase of your life and in your back in ZQZeioH5GjM-00945-00247187-00247354 federal when I could well when I came ZQZeioH5GjM-00946-00247355-00247617 back I started working with Canadian ZQZeioH5GjM-00947-00247619-00247780 National Development Agency Waseda and ZQZeioH5GjM-00948-00247781-00248101 developing programs for you know world ZQZeioH5GjM-00949-00248102-00248317 Nepal you know was my first year with ZQZeioH5GjM-00950-00248317-00248494 Sita and again was based on my ZQZeioH5GjM-00951-00248494-00248638 experience so it was a way of taking ZQZeioH5GjM-00952-00248639-00249073 that experience and applying it to what ZQZeioH5GjM-00953-00249073-00249463 I was doing in my renewed my new life ZQZeioH5GjM-00954-00249464-00249748 back in Canada again and so I was in ZQZeioH5GjM-00955-00249748-00250017 Ottawa for a while but then it came time ZQZeioH5GjM-00956-00250019-00250312 to come back to Fredericton and was ZQZeioH5GjM-00957-00250313-00250426 there something that brought you back ZQZeioH5GjM-00958-00250427-00250492 here ZQZeioH5GjM-00959-00250492-00250723 yeah my parents were agent and I felt ZQZeioH5GjM-00960-00250723-00251065 like I needed to be here ZQZeioH5GjM-00961-00251066-00251407 was it because it's home so I wanted to ZQZeioH5GjM-00962-00251408-00251521 say it's a bit of a culture shock ZQZeioH5GjM-00963-00251521-00251742 because with world travels and the ZQZeioH5GjM-00964-00251744-00251905 bigger perspective and everything is ZQZeioH5GjM-00965-00251906-00252094 something to teach you you would come ZQZeioH5GjM-00966-00252094-00252294 and apply that at home but one of New ZQZeioH5GjM-00967-00252296-00252617 Brunswick some shadow narratives is a ZQZeioH5GjM-00968-00252619-00252894 are we welcoming or are we not welcoming ZQZeioH5GjM-00969-00252896-00253108 you know there's there's a paradox in ZQZeioH5GjM-00970-00253109-00253371 some of that conversation around the ZQZeioH5GjM-00971-00253373-00253558 province of welcome welcoming Syrian ZQZeioH5GjM-00972-00253559-00253915 refugees of late allowing for diversity ZQZeioH5GjM-00973-00253916-00254217 in the province some there's some times ZQZeioH5GjM-00974-00254219-00254383 you'll hear all the good stuff and ZQZeioH5GjM-00975-00254384-00254544 sometimes you quietly hear all the ZQZeioH5GjM-00976-00254546-00254841 frustrations or world blocks ZQZeioH5GjM-00977-00254842-00255286 mmm kind of makes sense so but I but I'm ZQZeioH5GjM-00978-00255287-00255529 from here so that was not an issue for ZQZeioH5GjM-00979-00255530-00255925 me coming back was was part of my ZQZeioH5GjM-00980-00255926-00256138 evolutionary process and where I needed ZQZeioH5GjM-00981-00256139-00256537 to be yes I had the privilege of seeing ZQZeioH5GjM-00982-00256538-00257037 all of those things I learned I took I ZQZeioH5GjM-00983-00257038-00257407 realtor analyzed apply it here I do when ZQZeioH5GjM-00984-00257408-00257551 I regular basis that's what you do you ZQZeioH5GjM-00985-00257552-00258144 take it all you move it forward I you ZQZeioH5GjM-00986-00258146-00258300 begin to read ZQZeioH5GjM-00987-00258301-00258960 over time that hung I was hungry as a ZQZeioH5GjM-00988-00258961-00259248 young fella I wanted to know this I ZQZeioH5GjM-00989-00259250-00259404 wanted to know that I wanted to know and ZQZeioH5GjM-00990-00259405-00259642 I got out there and I learned and I took ZQZeioH5GjM-00991-00259642-00259876 it in and I learned how to apply it and ZQZeioH5GjM-00992-00259877-00260194 after a while you realize it's not ZQZeioH5GjM-00993-00260194-00260419 prepared in here this is this is where ZQZeioH5GjM-00994-00260419-00260829 your travels start to become foreign ZQZeioH5GjM-00995-00260830-00261153 parties it's how you do what you do with ZQZeioH5GjM-00996-00261154-00261412 what you know why I poke did that a ZQZeioH5GjM-00997-00261413-00261555 little bit is there's been several ZQZeioH5GjM-00998-00261556-00261763 guests with having the opportunity of a ZQZeioH5GjM-00999-00261764-00262002 long form interview who said their own ZQZeioH5GjM-01000-00262003-00262284 version of almost the same theme but I ZQZeioH5GjM-01001-00262285-00262495 went away and I came back because I ZQZeioH5GjM-01002-00262496-00262680 realized back here is where I get to ZQZeioH5GjM-01003-00262681-00262849 really do my work and take all those ZQZeioH5GjM-01004-00262850-00263068 lessons from away and bring them in ZQZeioH5GjM-01005-00263069-00263362 integrate them here and we don't have ZQZeioH5GjM-01006-00263363-00263539 that as part of our larger social ZQZeioH5GjM-01007-00263540-00263722 narrative and yet there it is it just ZQZeioH5GjM-01008-00263723-00263934 needed to surface a bit that's part of ZQZeioH5GjM-01009-00263935-00264196 the aging process that's part of each ZQZeioH5GjM-01010-00264197-00264426 person's evolutionary process I mean at ZQZeioH5GjM-01011-00264427-00264637 some point in time you have to have the ZQZeioH5GjM-01012-00264638-00264838 torch or somebody else they can't keep ZQZeioH5GjM-01013-00264839-00265055 doing the same thing I mean and and ZQZeioH5GjM-01014-00265056-00265329 everything in due time everybody does ZQZeioH5GjM-01015-00265330-00265522 what they need to do in there in there ZQZeioH5GjM-01016-00265523-00265612 in there Tyler ZQZeioH5GjM-01017-00265613-00266231 yeah um can we wander a little bit into ZQZeioH5GjM-01018-00266232-00266491 the spiritual development the soul ZQZeioH5GjM-01019-00266492-00266859 development you've had just your wiring ZQZeioH5GjM-01020-00266860-00267124 and maybe your family roots but be open ZQZeioH5GjM-01021-00267125-00267360 and take big bites and integrate and ZQZeioH5GjM-01022-00267361-00267777 learn and then all the travels um but ZQZeioH5GjM-01023-00267778-00267973 that souls journey or the spiritual path ZQZeioH5GjM-01024-00267974-00268329 is we need to hear the stories of those ZQZeioH5GjM-01025-00268330-00268501 people who've traveled it so that the ZQZeioH5GjM-01026-00268502-00268714 younger ones will go oh that's how we do ZQZeioH5GjM-01027-00268715-00268959 it we sort of know what we want to do to ZQZeioH5GjM-01028-00268960-00269328 deepen in open and loving but we ZQZeioH5GjM-01029-00269329-00269749 sometimes don't know how is that enough ZQZeioH5GjM-01030-00269750-00269989 of a lead to kind of go play well how ZQZeioH5GjM-01031-00269990-00270335 did you get there how did you do it well ZQZeioH5GjM-01032-00270336-00270751 so many people are hungry to have an ZQZeioH5GjM-01033-00270752-00271182 answer to the great unknown so it's the ZQZeioH5GjM-01034-00271183-00271300 beginning of time people have been ZQZeioH5GjM-01035-00271301-00271625 wondering what's behind all this ZQZeioH5GjM-01036-00271626-00271934 what what what is what is God what is ZQZeioH5GjM-01037-00271935-00272279 spirituality what is the source of all ZQZeioH5GjM-01038-00272280-00272846 things nobody has a confirmed exact ZQZeioH5GjM-01039-00272847-00273176 answer for it and it comes in the guise ZQZeioH5GjM-01040-00273177-00273502 of different religions whether that be ZQZeioH5GjM-01041-00273503-00273743 Islam whether that be Christianity ZQZeioH5GjM-01042-00273744-00273971 whether that be Buddhism whether that be ZQZeioH5GjM-01043-00273972-00274321 Jainism you know based on their cultural ZQZeioH5GjM-01044-00274322-00274754 perceptions of things people define ZQZeioH5GjM-01045-00274755-00275654 their religion by what they know I don't ZQZeioH5GjM-01046-00275655-00275834 think we will ever have the answer to ZQZeioH5GjM-01047-00275835-00276119 that but it's one of those things that ZQZeioH5GjM-01048-00276120-00276379 fires people and keeps us always ZQZeioH5GjM-01049-00276380-00276722 searching always always trying to figure ZQZeioH5GjM-01050-00276723-00277385 it out what what what I found helpful ZQZeioH5GjM-01051-00277386-00277808 I'm appreciative of was having lived ZQZeioH5GjM-01052-00277809-00278161 within different cultures with people ZQZeioH5GjM-01053-00278162-00278672 who live by different religions bottom ZQZeioH5GjM-01054-00278673-00279058 line is were all the same bottom line is ZQZeioH5GjM-01055-00279059-00279578 most religions believe in the same basic ZQZeioH5GjM-01056-00279579-00279833 things otherwise we wouldn't have been ZQZeioH5GjM-01057-00279834-00280087 able to survive as a species ZQZeioH5GjM-01058-00280088-00280358 it's the peripheral things that end up ZQZeioH5GjM-01059-00280359-00280751 conflicting in within different cultures ZQZeioH5GjM-01060-00280752-00281026 and within different parts of the world ZQZeioH5GjM-01061-00281027-00281576 I've had the opportunity to wake up in ZQZeioH5GjM-01062-00281577-00281939 the morning in rural Nepal and good be a ZQZeioH5GjM-01063-00281940-00282200 woman outside with puja powder prayer ZQZeioH5GjM-01064-00282201-00282595 powder on the tree and she's she's ZQZeioH5GjM-01065-00282596-00283121 worshiping deity in the tree meaning she ZQZeioH5GjM-01066-00283122-00283463 sees a tree as a manifestation of God ZQZeioH5GjM-01067-00283464-00283739 they see everything as a manifestation ZQZeioH5GjM-01068-00283740-00284210 of God that's great about and I began to ZQZeioH5GjM-01069-00284211-00284558 think okay just everything is everything ZQZeioH5GjM-01070-00284559-00284917 is I I by that I accept that ZQZeioH5GjM-01071-00284918-00285435 but I've also looked at spirituality ZQZeioH5GjM-01072-00285436-00285745 from a more esoteric perspective and you ZQZeioH5GjM-01073-00285746-00285894 know there's the whole concept of ZQZeioH5GjM-01074-00285895-00286042 reincarnation ZQZeioH5GjM-01075-00286043-00286267 if people want to go that way and the ZQZeioH5GjM-01076-00286268-00286527 belief that you keep coming back until ZQZeioH5GjM-01077-00286528-00286798 you learn the lessons of this world and ZQZeioH5GjM-01078-00286799-00286942 then you know maybe don't have to come ZQZeioH5GjM-01079-00286943-00287164 back in human form anymore and you ZQZeioH5GjM-01080-00287165-00287406 continue to evolve until you get back to ZQZeioH5GjM-01081-00287407-00287603 the source it can take many lifetimes ZQZeioH5GjM-01082-00287604-00288115 that's just good one - so you begin to ZQZeioH5GjM-01083-00288116-00288258 kind of try to put all those things ZQZeioH5GjM-01084-00288259-00288601 together and and again live your life ZQZeioH5GjM-01085-00288602-00288726 right do the right thing that whole ZQZeioH5GjM-01086-00288727-00288882 Buddhist concept right thought right ZQZeioH5GjM-01087-00288883-00289039 action right location right intent ZQZeioH5GjM-01088-00289040-00289390 eventually maybe you'll get to it that ZQZeioH5GjM-01089-00289391-00289693 obviously it brings you joy does it this ZQZeioH5GjM-01090-00289694-00290071 I love life like I can stand under a ZQZeioH5GjM-01091-00290072-00290259 tree and just be reduced to tears ZQZeioH5GjM-01092-00290260-00290604 sometimes you know we could life is a ZQZeioH5GjM-01093-00290605-00290940 wonderful experience like that yeah um ZQZeioH5GjM-01094-00290941-00291268 any thoughts to close this out this is ZQZeioH5GjM-01095-00291269-00291394 this has been wonderful ZQZeioH5GjM-01096-00291395-00291640 thanks um and who knows where we were ZQZeioH5GjM-01097-00291641-00291787 going to go when we started but that's ZQZeioH5GjM-01098-00291788-00292087 the fun of this exercise um ZQZeioH5GjM-01099-00292088-00292345 as we've had this now is there something ZQZeioH5GjM-01100-00292346-00292632 oh we should talk about this give ZQZeioH5GjM-01101-00292633-00292959 anything like that you want to touch on ZQZeioH5GjM-01102-00292960-00293382 for us hopes for the future directions ZQZeioH5GjM-01103-00293383-00293575 things we can pass on to the next ZQZeioH5GjM-01104-00293576-00293853 generation that little signpost you know ZQZeioH5GjM-01105-00293854-00294006 in the moon when you're at a crossroads ZQZeioH5GjM-01106-00294007-00294279 and you're thinking this or that try to ZQZeioH5GjM-01107-00294280-00294493 choose this way instead of that way it's ZQZeioH5GjM-01108-00294494-00294876 an example you talked about at one point ZQZeioH5GjM-01109-00294877-00295291 where the organization that I work for ZQZeioH5GjM-01110-00295292-00295557 were often volunteer based and they are ZQZeioH5GjM-01111-00295558-00295795 and I think it's really important for ZQZeioH5GjM-01112-00295796-00296140 people to make an effort to connect with ZQZeioH5GjM-01113-00296141-00296365 people other than their immediate ZQZeioH5GjM-01114-00296366-00296662 environment because if you stop reaching ZQZeioH5GjM-01115-00296663-00297179 out to other people you lose touch with ZQZeioH5GjM-01116-00297180-00297606 humanity in many ways and I think that ZQZeioH5GjM-01117-00297607-00297847 volunteering is a good thing I think ZQZeioH5GjM-01118-00297848-00298056 it's one way for ZQZeioH5GjM-01119-00298057-00298308 able to continue to maintain their ZQZeioH5GjM-01120-00298309-00298743 connection with others other other ZQZeioH5GjM-01121-00298744-00298962 people's experiences other people's ZQZeioH5GjM-01122-00298963-00299532 needs other people's challenges you have ZQZeioH5GjM-01123-00299533-00299700 to keep reaching out you have to keep ZQZeioH5GjM-01124-00299701-00300045 reaching out I mean it's just you know ZQZeioH5GjM-01125-00300046-00300216 something romantic about you know the ZQZeioH5GjM-01126-00300217-00300393 fool on the hill you know in the Beatle ZQZeioH5GjM-01127-00300394-00300699 song but but it's going to take a while ZQZeioH5GjM-01128-00300700-00300855 for most of us to get there ZQZeioH5GjM-01129-00300856-00301113 meanwhile in order to get yourself there ZQZeioH5GjM-01130-00301114-00301332 you got to learn continue to learn ZQZeioH5GjM-01131-00301333-00301566 continue to experience explore enjoy ZQZeioH5GjM-01132-00301567-00301956 connect and grow do you have any ZQZeioH5GjM-01133-00301957-00302196 thoughts on getting older I'm enjoying ZQZeioH5GjM-01134-00302197-00302454 it I'm really enjoying it ZQZeioH5GjM-01135-00302455-00302856 I have a hard time believing that I'm 60 ZQZeioH5GjM-01136-00302857-00303288 I'm 68 on my next birthday because when ZQZeioH5GjM-01137-00303289-00303459 I was younger that thing ain't it ZQZeioH5GjM-01138-00303460-00303837 doesn't seem so ancient anymore I'm I'm ZQZeioH5GjM-01139-00303838-00304125 thankful that I'm I'm healthy I'm ZQZeioH5GjM-01140-00304126-00304812 thankful that I see other people who are ZQZeioH5GjM-01141-00304813-00305222 my age or younger who are awfully old ZQZeioH5GjM-01142-00305223-00305580 but for me it's been a wonderful ZQZeioH5GjM-01143-00305581-00305874 experience because I I feel like every ZQZeioH5GjM-01144-00305875-00306319 day is is new and enlightening and ZQZeioH5GjM-01145-00306320-00306565 I feel like I'm getting older I think ZQZeioH5GjM-01146-00306566-00306877 I'm getting smarter about some things ZQZeioH5GjM-01147-00306878-00306973 there we go ZQZeioH5GjM-01148-00306974-00307329 I mean we all have our our things that ZQZeioH5GjM-01149-00307330-00307768 good that you know can't quite get rid ZQZeioH5GjM-01150-00307769-00308122 of it keep snapping at us but but you ZQZeioH5GjM-01151-00308123-00308287 know you just keep working on that stuff ZQZeioH5GjM-01152-00308288-00308566 then and understand that everybody has ZQZeioH5GjM-01153-00308567-00308757 their trials and the tribulations and ZQZeioH5GjM-01154-00308758-00309054 their challenges and and you know we all ZQZeioH5GjM-01155-00309055-00309309 come from basically the same cloth and ZQZeioH5GjM-01156-00309310-00309517 and we all have different experiences ZQZeioH5GjM-01157-00309518-00309882 that make us somewhat different but ZQZeioH5GjM-01158-00309883-00310053 really when it comes down to it we're ZQZeioH5GjM-01159-00310054-00310144 all the same ZQZeioH5GjM-01160-00310145-00310495 oh the same I am I feel like there's a ZQZeioH5GjM-01161-00310496-00310832 great experience I'm gonna enjoy it oh ZQZeioH5GjM-01162-00310833-00311098 it's beautiful thank you thank you ZQZeioH5GjM-01163-00311099-00311553 that's okay be good have fun love each ZQZeioH5GjM-01164-00311554-00311596 other ZQZeioH5GjM-01165-00311597-00311815 the Janis report is an independent media ZQZeioH5GjM-01166-00311816-00312052 production to support the program go to ZQZeioH5GjM-01167-00312053-00312367 Dennis hsn.com and click become my ZQZeioH5GjM-01168-00312368-00313027 patrons on patreon ZQZeioH5GjM-01169-00313028-00314621 [Music]