LG7PdmbhwcA-00000-00000614-00000875 and good afternoon welcome back here on LG7PdmbhwcA-00001-00000876-00001031 thecube as we continue our coverage at LG7PdmbhwcA-00002-00001032-00001331 AWS re invent 22. when the Venetian here LG7PdmbhwcA-00003-00001332-00001474 in Las Vegas stay tuned it's Wednesday LG7PdmbhwcA-00004-00001475-00001667 they can still rolling quite along we LG7PdmbhwcA-00005-00001668-00001864 have another segment for you as part of LG7PdmbhwcA-00006-00001866-00002159 the global startup program uh which is LG7PdmbhwcA-00007-00002160-00002423 under the AWS startup showcase I'm LG7PdmbhwcA-00008-00002424-00002699 joined Now by uh venkat venkataramani LG7PdmbhwcA-00009-00002700-00002975 who was the CEO and co-founder of LG7PdmbhwcA-00010-00002976-00003203 Roxette good to see you sir thanks for LG7PdmbhwcA-00011-00003204-00003383 having me here yeah no a real pleasure LG7PdmbhwcA-00012-00003384-00003527 looking forward to it LG7PdmbhwcA-00013-00003528-00003706 um so first off for some of our viewers LG7PdmbhwcA-00014-00003707-00003899 who might not be familiar with Roxette I LG7PdmbhwcA-00015-00003900-00004006 know you've been on the cube a little LG7PdmbhwcA-00016-00004007-00004331 bit so you're an Alum but but once you LG7PdmbhwcA-00017-00004332-00004493 set the stage a little bit for Roxette LG7PdmbhwcA-00018-00004494-00004697 and you know where you're engaged with LG7PdmbhwcA-00019-00004698-00005009 in terms of with AWS definitely Roxette LG7PdmbhwcA-00020-00005010-00005231 is a real-time analytics database that LG7PdmbhwcA-00021-00005232-00005363 is built for the cloud LG7PdmbhwcA-00022-00005364-00005651 and you know we make uh real-time LG7PdmbhwcA-00023-00005652-00005915 applications possible in the cloud uh LG7PdmbhwcA-00024-00005916-00006113 you know real-time applications need LG7PdmbhwcA-00025-00006114-00006359 High concurrency low latency query LG7PdmbhwcA-00026-00006360-00006628 processing data needs to be fresh your LG7PdmbhwcA-00027-00006629-00006923 analytic needs to be fast and uh you LG7PdmbhwcA-00028-00006923-00007120 know we built on AWS and that's why we LG7PdmbhwcA-00029-00007122-00007283 are here we're very very proud partners LG7PdmbhwcA-00030-00007284-00007534 of AWS we are in the AWS accelerate LG7PdmbhwcA-00031-00007536-00007727 program and also we are in the startup LG7PdmbhwcA-00032-00007728-00008020 program of AWS we're strategic isv LG7PdmbhwcA-00033-00008022-00008357 partner and so uh yeah we make real-time LG7PdmbhwcA-00034-00008358-00008573 analytics possible without all the cost LG7PdmbhwcA-00035-00008574-00008771 and complexity barriers that are usually LG7PdmbhwcA-00036-00008772-00009017 associated with it and uh very very LG7PdmbhwcA-00037-00009018-00009292 happy to be part of this movement from LG7PdmbhwcA-00038-00009293-00009449 batch to real time that is happening in LG7PdmbhwcA-00039-00009450-00009610 the world right which is certainly an LG7PdmbhwcA-00040-00009611-00009803 exciting Trend right I know great news LG7PdmbhwcA-00041-00009804-00010067 for you uh you made news yesterday had LG7PdmbhwcA-00042-00010068-00010283 an announcement in involved with the LG7PdmbhwcA-00043-00010284-00010510 Intel with AWS I want to share some of LG7PdmbhwcA-00044-00010511-00010733 that with us too definitely so you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00045-00010734-00010919 one one question that I always ask LG7PdmbhwcA-00046-00010920-00011141 people is like you know if you go uh LG7PdmbhwcA-00047-00011142-00011285 perspective that I share is like if you LG7PdmbhwcA-00048-00011286-00011488 go ask 100 people well do you want fast LG7PdmbhwcA-00049-00011489-00011735 analytics on fresh data or slow LG7PdmbhwcA-00050-00011736-00012064 analytics on stale data you know 100 out LG7PdmbhwcA-00051-00012065-00012269 of 100 would say Fast and Fresh right so LG7PdmbhwcA-00052-00012270-00012413 then the question is why hasn't this LG7PdmbhwcA-00053-00012414-00012664 happened already why is this still a new LG7PdmbhwcA-00054-00012665-00012827 trend that is emerging as opposed to LG7PdmbhwcA-00055-00012828-00012965 something that everybody's taking for LG7PdmbhwcA-00056-00012966-00013199 granted it really comes down to compute LG7PdmbhwcA-00057-00013200-00013438 efficiency right I think you know at the LG7PdmbhwcA-00058-00013440-00013685 end of the day real-time analytics was LG7PdmbhwcA-00059-00013686-00013972 always in using you know technologies LG7PdmbhwcA-00060-00013973-00014158 that are let's say 10 years ago using LG7PdmbhwcA-00061-00014159-00014321 let's say processors that were available LG7PdmbhwcA-00062-00014322-00014651 10 years ago to you know pre-cloud you LG7PdmbhwcA-00063-00014652-00014903 know days there was a lot of complexity LG7PdmbhwcA-00064-00014904-00015058 barriers associated with real-time LG7PdmbhwcA-00065-00015059-00015238 analytics and also a lot of cost and LG7PdmbhwcA-00066-00015240-00015419 performance barriers associated with it LG7PdmbhwcA-00067-00015419-00015688 and so rock said from the you know from LG7PdmbhwcA-00068-00015690-00015863 the very beginning has been obsessing LG7PdmbhwcA-00069-00015863-00016055 about building the most compute LG7PdmbhwcA-00070-00016056-00016258 efficient real-time database in the LG7PdmbhwcA-00071-00016259-00016558 world and you know AWS on one hand you LG7PdmbhwcA-00072-00016559-00016733 know allows us to make a consumption LG7PdmbhwcA-00073-00016734-00016919 based pricing model so you only pay for LG7PdmbhwcA-00074-00016920-00017147 what you use sure and that shatters all LG7PdmbhwcA-00075-00017148-00017327 the cost barriers and but in terms of LG7PdmbhwcA-00076-00017328-00017489 computers efficiency what we announced LG7PdmbhwcA-00077-00017490-00017758 yesterday is uh the Intel's third LG7PdmbhwcA-00078-00017759-00018022 generation Xeon scalable processors it's LG7PdmbhwcA-00079-00018023-00018280 codenamed Intel ice lake when we ported LG7PdmbhwcA-00080-00018281-00018539 over Roxette to that architecture taking LG7PdmbhwcA-00081-00018540-00018641 advantage of some of the instruction LG7PdmbhwcA-00082-00018642-00018936 sets that Intel has we got an 84 LG7PdmbhwcA-00083-00018937-00019408 performance boost 8 4 84. it's LG7PdmbhwcA-00084-00019409-00019571 incredible right it's an incredible LG7PdmbhwcA-00085-00019572-00019847 chart it's an incredible Milestone it LG7PdmbhwcA-00086-00019848-00020080 reduces uh the barrier even more in LG7PdmbhwcA-00087-00020081-00020285 terms of cost and you know and pushes LG7PdmbhwcA-00088-00020286-00020494 the efficiency and sets a a really new LG7PdmbhwcA-00089-00020495-00020753 record for how efficient real-time uh LG7PdmbhwcA-00090-00020754-00020927 you know data processing can be in the LG7PdmbhwcA-00091-00020928-00021250 cloud and uh and it's very very exciting LG7PdmbhwcA-00092-00021251-00021491 news and so we used to Benchmark LG7PdmbhwcA-00093-00021492-00021725 ourselves against some of our other you LG7PdmbhwcA-00094-00021726-00021947 know real-time you know data providers LG7PdmbhwcA-00095-00021948-00022199 and we were already faster and now we've LG7PdmbhwcA-00096-00022200-00022493 set a a much much higher bar for other LG7PdmbhwcA-00097-00022494-00022739 people to follow yeah and so what is it LG7PdmbhwcA-00098-00022740-00022925 or what was it about real time that that LG7PdmbhwcA-00099-00022926-00023164 you know was such a barrier LG7PdmbhwcA-00100-00023165-00023249 um LG7PdmbhwcA-00101-00023250-00023428 because and now you've got the speed of LG7PdmbhwcA-00102-00023429-00023585 of course obviously and maybe that's LG7PdmbhwcA-00103-00023586-00023777 what it was but I think cost is probably LG7PdmbhwcA-00104-00023778-00023921 part of that too right that's all part LG7PdmbhwcA-00105-00023922-00024107 of that equation I mean real time so LG7PdmbhwcA-00106-00024108-00024358 elusive yeah so real time has this LG7PdmbhwcA-00107-00024359-00024700 inherent uh pattern that your data never LG7PdmbhwcA-00108-00024701-00024814 stops coming LG7PdmbhwcA-00109-00024815-00025036 and when your data never stops coming LG7PdmbhwcA-00110-00025037-00025300 and you can now actually do analytics on LG7PdmbhwcA-00111-00025301-00025589 that now initially people start with LG7PdmbhwcA-00112-00025590-00025708 saying oh I just want a real-time LG7PdmbhwcA-00113-00025710-00025846 dashboard and then very quickly they LG7PdmbhwcA-00114-00025847-00025978 realize well the dashboard is actually LG7PdmbhwcA-00115-00025979-00026117 in real time I'm not going to be LG7PdmbhwcA-00116-00026118-00026357 starting out to 24 7. can you tap on my LG7PdmbhwcA-00117-00026358-00026507 shoulder when something is off something LG7PdmbhwcA-00118-00026508-00026662 needs to be looked at so in which case LG7PdmbhwcA-00119-00026663-00026812 you're constantly also asking the LG7PdmbhwcA-00120-00026813-00026987 question is everything okay is LG7PdmbhwcA-00121-00026988-00027149 everything all right do I need to is LG7PdmbhwcA-00122-00027150-00027293 that something that I need to be you LG7PdmbhwcA-00123-00027294-00027449 know double clicking on and following up LG7PdmbhwcA-00124-00027450-00027646 on so essentially very quickly in real LG7PdmbhwcA-00125-00027647-00027839 time analytics what happens is your LG7PdmbhwcA-00126-00027839-00027995 queries never stop the questions that LG7PdmbhwcA-00127-00027995-00028157 you're asking on your data never stops LG7PdmbhwcA-00128-00028158-00028367 and it's often a program asking that LG7PdmbhwcA-00129-00028368-00028540 question to detect anomalies and things LG7PdmbhwcA-00130-00028541-00028733 like that and your data never stops LG7PdmbhwcA-00131-00028733-00029068 coming and so compute is running 24 7. LG7PdmbhwcA-00132-00029069-00029261 if you look at traditional data LG7PdmbhwcA-00133-00029262-00029435 warehouses and data Lakes they are not LG7PdmbhwcA-00134-00029436-00029602 really optimized for these kinds of LG7PdmbhwcA-00135-00029604-00029831 workloads they are optimized to store LG7PdmbhwcA-00136-00029832-00030107 massive volumes of data and in a storage LG7PdmbhwcA-00137-00030108-00030370 efficient format and when an analyst LG7PdmbhwcA-00138-00030372-00030574 comes and asks a question to generate a LG7PdmbhwcA-00139-00030575-00030773 report you can spin up a whole bunch of LG7PdmbhwcA-00140-00030774-00030989 compute generate the report and tear it LG7PdmbhwcA-00141-00030989-00031120 all down when you're done LG7PdmbhwcA-00142-00031122-00031445 well that is not compute running 24 7 to LG7PdmbhwcA-00143-00031445-00031595 continuously you know you know keep LG7PdmbhwcA-00144-00031595-00031762 ingesting the data or continuously keep LG7PdmbhwcA-00145-00031763-00031949 answering questions so the compute LG7PdmbhwcA-00146-00031950-00032261 efficiency that is needed is is much LG7PdmbhwcA-00147-00032262-00032452 much much higher right and that is why LG7PdmbhwcA-00148-00032453-00032639 you know Roxette was born so from the LG7PdmbhwcA-00149-00032639-00032867 very beginning we're only built uh you LG7PdmbhwcA-00150-00032868-00033089 know for these use cases we have a an LG7PdmbhwcA-00151-00033090-00033274 extremely powerful SQL engine that can LG7PdmbhwcA-00152-00033275-00033490 give you a full feature SQL analytics in LG7PdmbhwcA-00153-00033491-00033683 a very very compute efficient way in the LG7PdmbhwcA-00154-00033684-00033917 cloud right so so LG7PdmbhwcA-00155-00033918-00034073 um let's talk about the leap that you've LG7PdmbhwcA-00156-00034074-00034283 made say in the last two years and and LG7PdmbhwcA-00157-00034284-00034529 and what's been the spur of that what LG7PdmbhwcA-00158-00034530-00034859 has been allowed you to to create this LG7PdmbhwcA-00159-00034860-00035087 you know obviously a different kind of LG7PdmbhwcA-00160-00035088-00035243 an array for your customers from which LG7PdmbhwcA-00161-00035244-00035489 to choose but but what's been the spark LG7PdmbhwcA-00162-00035490-00035735 you think we touched up on this a little LG7PdmbhwcA-00163-00035736-00035945 earlier right this park is really you LG7PdmbhwcA-00164-00035946-00036143 know the world going from batch to real LG7PdmbhwcA-00165-00036144-00036352 time so if you look at mainstream LG7PdmbhwcA-00166-00036353-00036574 adoption of Technologies like Apache LG7PdmbhwcA-00167-00036575-00036779 Kafka and confluent doing a really good LG7PdmbhwcA-00168-00036780-00037031 job of that uh in in growing that LG7PdmbhwcA-00169-00037032-00037271 Community uh and use cases now LG7PdmbhwcA-00170-00037272-00037540 businesses are now acquiring business LG7PdmbhwcA-00171-00037541-00037757 data really important business data in LG7PdmbhwcA-00172-00037758-00037855 real time LG7PdmbhwcA-00173-00037856-00038171 now they won't operationalize it right LG7PdmbhwcA-00174-00038172-00038602 so you know extract based uh static LG7PdmbhwcA-00175-00038603-00038795 reports in bi you know business LG7PdmbhwcA-00176-00038796-00039077 intelligence is getting replaced in all LG7PdmbhwcA-00177-00039078-00039274 modern Enterprises with what we call LG7PdmbhwcA-00178-00039275-00039521 operational intelligence right don't LG7PdmbhwcA-00179-00039522-00039701 tell me what happened last quarter and LG7PdmbhwcA-00180-00039702-00039868 how to plan this quarter better tell me LG7PdmbhwcA-00181-00039869-00040030 what's happening today what's happening LG7PdmbhwcA-00182-00040031-00040265 right now and it's it's your business LG7PdmbhwcA-00183-00040266-00040529 operations using data to make day-to-day LG7PdmbhwcA-00184-00040530-00040780 decisions better that either grows your LG7PdmbhwcA-00185-00040781-00040883 top line LG7PdmbhwcA-00186-00040884-00041117 compresses your bottom line eliminates LG7PdmbhwcA-00187-00041118-00041302 risks that are inherently creeping up in LG7PdmbhwcA-00188-00041303-00041477 your business you know eliminate LG7PdmbhwcA-00189-00041478-00041843 potential churn from a customer or fraud LG7PdmbhwcA-00190-00041844-00042083 uh you know deduction and getting on top LG7PdmbhwcA-00191-00042084-00042287 of you know that uh you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00192-00042288-00042490 a minute into this into into an outage LG7PdmbhwcA-00193-00042491-00042652 as opposed to an hour into the outage LG7PdmbhwcA-00194-00042653-00042911 and so essentially I think businesses LG7PdmbhwcA-00195-00042912-00043109 are now realizing that operational LG7PdmbhwcA-00196-00043110-00043295 intelligence and operational analytics LG7PdmbhwcA-00197-00043296-00043583 really you know allows them to leverage LG7PdmbhwcA-00198-00043584-00043840 data and especially real-time data to LG7PdmbhwcA-00199-00043841-00043949 make their you know to grow their LG7PdmbhwcA-00200-00043950-00044111 businesses faster and more efficiently LG7PdmbhwcA-00201-00044112-00044290 and especially in this kind of macro LG7PdmbhwcA-00202-00044291-00044489 environment that is you know more LG7PdmbhwcA-00203-00044490-00044680 important to have better Union economics LG7PdmbhwcA-00204-00044681-00044837 in your business than ever before sure LG7PdmbhwcA-00205-00044838-00045058 and so that is really I think that is LG7PdmbhwcA-00206-00045059-00045317 the real market movement happening and LG7PdmbhwcA-00207-00045318-00045443 and we are here to just serve that LG7PdmbhwcA-00208-00045444-00045646 market we are making it much much easier LG7PdmbhwcA-00209-00045647-00045845 for companies that have already adopted LG7PdmbhwcA-00210-00045846-00046018 you know streaming Technologies like LG7PdmbhwcA-00211-00046019-00046445 Kafka and and you know AWS Kinesis msk LG7PdmbhwcA-00212-00046446-00046601 and all these Technologies now LG7PdmbhwcA-00213-00046602-00046780 businesses are acquiring these data in LG7PdmbhwcA-00214-00046781-00046889 real time now they can also get LG7PdmbhwcA-00215-00046890-00047039 real-time analytics on the other end of LG7PdmbhwcA-00216-00047040-00047290 it sure yeah he just touched on this and LG7PdmbhwcA-00217-00047291-00047435 and I'd like to hear your thoughts about LG7PdmbhwcA-00218-00047436-00047639 this about about the economic LG7PdmbhwcA-00219-00047640-00047849 environment because it does Drive LG7PdmbhwcA-00220-00047850-00048035 decisions right and it does motivate LG7PdmbhwcA-00221-00048036-00048418 people to look for uh efficiencies and LG7PdmbhwcA-00222-00048419-00048761 maybe costs you know right cutting costs LG7PdmbhwcA-00223-00048762-00048989 um what are you seeing right now in LG7PdmbhwcA-00224-00048990-00049108 terms of LG7PdmbhwcA-00225-00049109-00049240 that LG7PdmbhwcA-00226-00049241-00049483 that kind of looming LG7PdmbhwcA-00227-00049484-00049715 influence right that the economy can LG7PdmbhwcA-00228-00049716-00049918 have in terms of driving decisions about LG7PdmbhwcA-00229-00049919-00050140 where Investments are being made and LG7PdmbhwcA-00230-00050141-00050321 what expectations are in terms of LG7PdmbhwcA-00231-00050322-00050633 delivering value more value for the buck LG7PdmbhwcA-00232-00050634-00050890 exactly I think we see across the board LG7PdmbhwcA-00233-00050891-00051065 all of our customers come back and tell LG7PdmbhwcA-00234-00051066-00051479 us we don't want to manage data LG7PdmbhwcA-00235-00051479-00051694 infrastructure and we don't want to do LG7PdmbhwcA-00236-00051695-00051958 kind of DIY open source clusters we LG7PdmbhwcA-00237-00051959-00052163 don't want to manage and scale and build LG7PdmbhwcA-00238-00052164-00052366 giant data Ops and devops teams to LG7PdmbhwcA-00239-00052367-00052613 manage that because that is not really LG7PdmbhwcA-00240-00052614-00052829 you know in their business you know we LG7PdmbhwcA-00241-00052829-00053092 have car rental companies want to be LG7PdmbhwcA-00242-00053094-00053254 better at car rentals we want Airlines LG7PdmbhwcA-00243-00053255-00053500 to be a better Airline and they don't LG7PdmbhwcA-00244-00053501-00053729 want their you know a massive investment LG7PdmbhwcA-00245-00053729-00054047 in devops and data Ops which is not LG7PdmbhwcA-00246-00054048-00054304 really their Core Business and they LG7PdmbhwcA-00247-00054305-00054592 really want to leverage uh you know you LG7PdmbhwcA-00248-00054594-00054785 know fully managed and you know Cloud LG7PdmbhwcA-00249-00054786-00055061 offerings like rock said you know built LG7PdmbhwcA-00250-00055062-00055325 on AWS massively scalable out with zero LG7PdmbhwcA-00251-00055326-00055499 operational overhead very very easy to LG7PdmbhwcA-00252-00055500-00055697 get started and scale and so that LG7PdmbhwcA-00253-00055698-00055907 completely removes all the operational LG7PdmbhwcA-00254-00055908-00056230 overhead and so they can invest the LG7PdmbhwcA-00255-00056232-00056404 resources they have the Manpower they LG7PdmbhwcA-00256-00056405-00056609 have the calories that they have on LG7PdmbhwcA-00257-00056610-00056747 actually growing their businesses LG7PdmbhwcA-00258-00056748-00056932 because that is what really gonna allow LG7PdmbhwcA-00259-00056933-00057161 them to have better unit economics right LG7PdmbhwcA-00260-00057162-00057442 so everybody that is on my payroll is LG7PdmbhwcA-00261-00057444-00057725 helping me grow my top line or Shrink my LG7PdmbhwcA-00262-00057726-00057916 bottom line eliminate risk in my LG7PdmbhwcA-00263-00057917-00058187 business and and and churn and fraud and LG7PdmbhwcA-00264-00058188-00058463 other and eliminate all those risks that LG7PdmbhwcA-00265-00058464-00058685 are inherent in my business LG7PdmbhwcA-00266-00058686-00058882 um so so that is where I think a lot of LG7PdmbhwcA-00267-00058883-00059087 the investment is going so gone are the LG7PdmbhwcA-00268-00059088-00059237 days where you know you're going to have LG7PdmbhwcA-00269-00059238-00059416 this you know five to ten percent team LG7PdmbhwcA-00270-00059417-00059765 managing a very hard to operate uh you LG7PdmbhwcA-00271-00059766-00059944 know open source data management LG7PdmbhwcA-00272-00059945-00060316 clusters on ec2 nodes and I'm in AWS and LG7PdmbhwcA-00273-00060317-00060592 and kind of diying it their way because LG7PdmbhwcA-00274-00060594-00060832 those 10 people you know if all they do LG7PdmbhwcA-00275-00060833-00061032 is just operational maintenance of LG7PdmbhwcA-00276-00061033-00061271 infrastructure which is a main Stone end LG7PdmbhwcA-00277-00061272-00061565 you're way better off you know using a LG7PdmbhwcA-00278-00061566-00061763 cloud you know a bond in the cloud built LG7PdmbhwcA-00279-00061764-00061954 for the Cloud solution like Roxette and LG7PdmbhwcA-00280-00061955-00062213 eliminate all that cost and and replace LG7PdmbhwcA-00281-00062214-00062375 that with an operationally much much LG7PdmbhwcA-00282-00062376-00062632 simpler you know um system to up you LG7PdmbhwcA-00283-00062633-00062800 know uh to work with such as such as LG7PdmbhwcA-00284-00062801-00063016 Roxette so that is really the big Trend LG7PdmbhwcA-00285-00063017-00063215 that we're seeing why you know not only LG7PdmbhwcA-00286-00063216-00063359 real time is going more and more LG7PdmbhwcA-00287-00063360-00063647 mainstream uh Cloud native Solutions or LG7PdmbhwcA-00288-00063648-00063815 the real future even when it comes to LG7PdmbhwcA-00289-00063816-00064025 real time because the complexity barrier LG7PdmbhwcA-00290-00064026-00064349 needs to be shattered and only Cloud LG7PdmbhwcA-00291-00064350-00064511 native Solutions can actually get the LG7PdmbhwcA-00292-00064512-00064685 2cs cost and complexity right that you LG7PdmbhwcA-00293-00064686-00064847 have you need to address exactly yeah LG7PdmbhwcA-00294-00064848-00065116 for sure you know what is it about LG7PdmbhwcA-00295-00065117-00065291 um building Trust LG7PdmbhwcA-00296-00065291-00065525 with your with your clients with your LG7PdmbhwcA-00297-00065526-00065638 partners LG7PdmbhwcA-00298-00065639-00065782 um because you're talking about this LG7PdmbhwcA-00299-00065783-00066047 Cloud environment that that everyone is LG7PdmbhwcA-00300-00066048-00066329 talking about right not everyone's made LG7PdmbhwcA-00301-00066330-00066497 that commitment LG7PdmbhwcA-00302-00066498-00066688 um there are still some foot draggers uh LG7PdmbhwcA-00303-00066689-00066821 out there LG7PdmbhwcA-00304-00066822-00067091 um how are you going about establishing LG7PdmbhwcA-00305-00067092-00067313 confidence and establishing trust and LG7PdmbhwcA-00306-00067314-00067594 and and providing them with really LG7PdmbhwcA-00307-00067595-00067859 concrete examples of the values and the LG7PdmbhwcA-00308-00067860-00068075 benefits that you can provide you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00309-00068076-00068332 with uh with these opportunities so you LG7PdmbhwcA-00310-00068333-00068591 know I grew up uh uh so there's a few LG7PdmbhwcA-00311-00068592-00068825 ways to to answer this question I'll LG7PdmbhwcA-00312-00068826-00069065 I'll come I'll cover all the angles so LG7PdmbhwcA-00313-00069066-00069329 in order to establish trust you have to LG7PdmbhwcA-00314-00069330-00069521 create value they you know your customer LG7PdmbhwcA-00315-00069522-00069887 has to see that with you they were able LG7PdmbhwcA-00316-00069888-00070055 to solve the problem faster better LG7PdmbhwcA-00317-00070056-00070288 cheaper and they're able to you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00318-00070289-00070505 have a the business impact they were LG7PdmbhwcA-00319-00070506-00070667 looking for which is why they started LG7PdmbhwcA-00320-00070668-00070841 the project in the first place and so LG7PdmbhwcA-00321-00070842-00070991 establishing that and proving that I LG7PdmbhwcA-00322-00070992-00071159 think there's no equivalence to that and LG7PdmbhwcA-00323-00071160-00071417 you know I grew up at a you know at LG7PdmbhwcA-00324-00071418-00071591 Facebook back in the day uh you know I LG7PdmbhwcA-00325-00071592-00071741 was managing online data infrastructure LG7PdmbhwcA-00326-00071742-00071993 okay for Facebook from 2007 and 2015 and LG7PdmbhwcA-00327-00071994-00072221 internally we always had this kind of LG7PdmbhwcA-00328-00072222-00072388 culture of all the product teams LG7PdmbhwcA-00329-00072389-00072503 building on top of the infrastructure LG7PdmbhwcA-00330-00072504-00072719 that my team was responsible for and so LG7PdmbhwcA-00331-00072720-00073000 they were not ever uh there was never a LG7PdmbhwcA-00332-00073001-00073187 customer vendor relationship internally LG7PdmbhwcA-00333-00073188-00073319 within Facebook that were all like we're LG7PdmbhwcA-00334-00073320-00073421 all part of the same team we're LG7PdmbhwcA-00335-00073422-00073637 partnering here to have you uh you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00336-00073638-00073763 to help you have a successful product LG7PdmbhwcA-00337-00073764-00074021 launch there's a very similar DNA that I LG7PdmbhwcA-00338-00074022-00074237 that exists in rock said when our LG7PdmbhwcA-00339-00074238-00074441 customers work with us and they come to LG7PdmbhwcA-00340-00074442-00074579 us and we are there to make them LG7PdmbhwcA-00341-00074580-00074800 successful our consumption based pricing LG7PdmbhwcA-00342-00074801-00075047 model also forces us to say they're not LG7PdmbhwcA-00343-00075048-00075232 going to really use rocks and consume LG7PdmbhwcA-00344-00075233-00075353 more I mean we don't make money until LG7PdmbhwcA-00345-00075354-00075532 they consume right and so their success LG7PdmbhwcA-00346-00075533-00075755 is very much integral part of our our LG7PdmbhwcA-00347-00075756-00075982 success and so that I think is one LG7PdmbhwcA-00348-00075983-00076253 really important angle on you know give LG7PdmbhwcA-00349-00076254-00076421 us a shot come and do an evaluation and LG7PdmbhwcA-00350-00076422-00076576 we will work with you to build the most LG7PdmbhwcA-00351-00076577-00076817 efficient way to solve your problem and LG7PdmbhwcA-00352-00076818-00076967 then when you succeed we succeed so that LG7PdmbhwcA-00353-00076968-00077153 I think is a very important aspect the LG7PdmbhwcA-00354-00077154-00077411 second one is AWS partnership uh you LG7PdmbhwcA-00355-00077412-00077723 know we are an isv partner in our AWS a LG7PdmbhwcA-00356-00077724-00077891 lot of the time that really helps us LG7PdmbhwcA-00357-00077892-00078065 establish trust and a lot of the time LG7PdmbhwcA-00358-00078066-00078419 one of the the people that they look up LG7PdmbhwcA-00359-00078420-00078562 to when a customer comes in saying hey LG7PdmbhwcA-00360-00078563-00078749 what is who is Rock said you know how LG7PdmbhwcA-00361-00078750-00078850 are your friends yeah who are your LG7PdmbhwcA-00362-00078851-00079000 friends then you know and then the AWS LG7PdmbhwcA-00363-00079001-00079199 would go like oh you know we'll tell you LG7PdmbhwcA-00364-00079200-00079438 you know all these other successful case LG7PdmbhwcA-00365-00079439-00079673 studies that rock said you know uh you LG7PdmbhwcA-00366-00079674-00079847 know built up on you know the world's LG7PdmbhwcA-00367-00079848-00080009 largest insurance provider uh Europe's LG7PdmbhwcA-00368-00080010-00080206 largest insurance provider uh we have LG7PdmbhwcA-00369-00080207-00080362 customers like you know JetBlue Airlines LG7PdmbhwcA-00370-00080363-00080693 to uh klarna which is a a big buying LG7PdmbhwcA-00371-00080694-00080944 operator company so so all these case LG7PdmbhwcA-00372-00080945-00081191 studies help and and and platform and LG7PdmbhwcA-00373-00081192-00081365 partners like AWS helps us helps you LG7PdmbhwcA-00374-00081366-00081550 amplify that that you know and and and LG7PdmbhwcA-00375-00081551-00081779 give more credibility and last but not LG7PdmbhwcA-00376-00081780-00081982 least compliance matters you know being LG7PdmbhwcA-00377-00081983-00082169 shocked up to compliant is is a really LG7PdmbhwcA-00378-00082170-00082355 important part of establishing trust we LG7PdmbhwcA-00379-00082356-00082535 are HIPAA compliant now so that you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00380-00082536-00082756 we can you know pii Phi data handling LG7PdmbhwcA-00381-00082757-00082961 that and so I think that will continue LG7PdmbhwcA-00382-00082962-00083153 to be a part a big part of our focus in LG7PdmbhwcA-00383-00083154-00083362 improving the security uh you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00384-00083363-00083525 functionality and capabilities that LG7PdmbhwcA-00385-00083526-00083717 Roxette has in the cloud and also LG7PdmbhwcA-00386-00083718-00083981 compliance and and the set of you know LG7PdmbhwcA-00387-00083982-00084143 um you know standards that we're going LG7PdmbhwcA-00388-00084144-00084269 to be compliant against well I'm glad LG7PdmbhwcA-00389-00084270-00084419 you hit on the AWS too because I did LG7PdmbhwcA-00390-00084420-00084587 want to bring that up I appreciate that LG7PdmbhwcA-00391-00084588-00084706 and I know LG7PdmbhwcA-00392-00084707-00084899 um they appreciate the relationship as LG7PdmbhwcA-00393-00084900-00085073 well thanks for the time here thank you LG7PdmbhwcA-00394-00085074-00085265 pleasure learning about Roxette and what LG7PdmbhwcA-00395-00085266-00085456 you're up to thank you pleasure thank LG7PdmbhwcA-00396-00085457-00085726 you venkat all right you are watching uh LG7PdmbhwcA-00397-00085727-00085937 the cube coverage here at AWS re invent LG7PdmbhwcA-00398-00085938-00086255 22 and on the cube of course the leader LG7PdmbhwcA-00399-00086256-00086672 the leader in high-tech coverage LGbueVx22ZY-00000-00000398-00001528 Mon petit romance gulaab move move at LGbueVx22ZY-00001-00001529-00001988 the modernity of mere baap old my LGbueVx22ZY-00002-00001989-00002300 teacher on Rajee global scorn o'clock LGbueVx22ZY-00003-00002301-00002614 manchild Khurana Prattville really high LGbueVx22ZY-00004-00002615-00003001 bang boom our child LGbueVx22ZY-00005-00003002-00003331 nope no semi-arid campeche by crime LGbueVx22ZY-00006-00003332-00003617 optometry cheat Comanche for Babu moshai LGbueVx22ZY-00007-00003618-00004129 menthol nice at an entire culture and P LGbueVx22ZY-00008-00004130-00004447 mu nu nocknock kenai frat boy oh really LGbueVx22ZY-00009-00004448-00004909 mode hand selling of men gmail.com LGbueVx22ZY-00010-00004910-00005258 magic mini loop launch em now made and LGbueVx22ZY-00011-00005259-00005791 rock my main teacher Andrew Makati no T LGbueVx22ZY-00012-00005792-00005942 Kyle Mooney LGbueVx22ZY-00013-00005943-00006488 my poor Rossum Mullen find someone to LGbueVx22ZY-00015-00009561-00009941 local port Madrid jump and chasm la poke LGbueVx22ZY-00016-00009942-00010242 my wingman ah mooie-mooie LGbueVx22ZY-00017-00010243-00010518 - the one she made a dramatic wing 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LGbueVx22ZY-00031-00015723-00016056 he mean but if John outside of me belong LGbueVx22ZY-00032-00016057-00016152 to no one LGbueVx22ZY-00033-00016153-00016675 she up owner about side of hang Daiichi LGbueVx22ZY-00034-00016676-00017122 looked here were actually toss sumac - - LGbueVx22ZY-00035-00017123-00017480 that Rob McClure LGbueVx22ZY-00036-00017481-00017889 number oh not not ironic my you mean LGbueVx22ZY-00037-00017890-00018327 nickname shock my numb by mom Rajan sang LGbueVx22ZY-00038-00018328-00018683 of me man Rotorua no I think from Hanoi LGbueVx22ZY-00039-00018684-00019300 no karate sub Carranza now tonight in LGbueVx22ZY-00040-00019301-00019547 mechanization I'm a portable ray has LGbueVx22ZY-00041-00019548-00020128 good that I looked it made my LGbueVx22ZY-00042-00020129-00020455 some tow Kurama tip made that mom dude LGbueVx22ZY-00043-00020456-00020818 man like Joel monchita ranch I'm gonna LGbueVx22ZY-00044-00020819-00021214 put that my German people net but I did 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LGbueVx22ZY-00059-00026339-00026644 and Clyde local Portland group and care LGbueVx22ZY-00060-00026645-00027142 of both we cheer on my local portmanteau LGbueVx22ZY-00061-00027143-00027324 plan LGbueVx22ZY-00062-00027325-00027601 Vicky G at the Broadmoor that continent LGbueVx22ZY-00063-00027602-00027922 for what the sack my I become hostile LGbueVx22ZY-00064-00027923-00028266 you name it I can play epitope on some LGbueVx22ZY-00065-00028267-00028522 company and until chapter poo at about LGbueVx22ZY-00066-00028523-00028888 Winnie fiction and sorry Jana Jamuna the LGbueVx22ZY-00067-00028889-00029074 Rockne at Hannah spiral and the what LGbueVx22ZY-00068-00029075-00029254 that though the number water suck my LGbueVx22ZY-00069-00029255-00029626 dick Motta tune net dozen and turn up LGbueVx22ZY-00070-00029627-00029932 I've been up on to be a little cleaner LGbueVx22ZY-00071-00029933-00030244 at about karate LH_ZbDOys2c-00000-00000126-00000491 you are the light inside my soul and LH_ZbDOys2c-00001-00000492-00000928 with your love I shine bright LH_ZbDOys2c-00002-00000930-00001356 in me against the world LH_ZbDOys2c-00003-00001357-00001643 [Music] LH_ZbDOys2c-00004-00001644-00002017 prophecy that will fulfill LH_ZbDOys2c-00005-00002018-00002368 ment forever LH_ZbDOys2c-00006-00002369-00003599 so tell me LH_ZbDOys2c-00007-00003600-00003749 anything LH_ZbDOys2c-00008-00003750-00004932 anything LH_ZbDOys2c-00009-00004933-00007145 [Music] LH_ZbDOys2c-00010-00007145-00007422 wow LH_ZbDOys2c-00011-00007423-00007589 [Applause] LH_ZbDOys2c-00012-00007590-00007846 [Music] LH_ZbDOys2c-00013-00007847-00008028 foreign LH_ZbDOys2c-00014-00008029-00008172 [Music] LH_ZbDOys2c-00015-00008173-00008355 [Applause] LH_ZbDOys2c-00017-00012029-00012178 everything LH_ZbDOys2c-00018-00012179-00013428 will always be LH_ZbDOys2c-00019-00013429-00015434 [Music] LH_ZbDOys2c-00020-00015435-00015571 [Music] LH_ZbDOys2c-00021-00015572-00017360 take anything LH_ZbDOys2c-00022-00017361-00017392 [Applause] LH_ZbDOys2c-00023-00017393-00017652 [Music] LIuHle_efMI-00000-00001379-00001691 good afternoon and welcome everyone we LIuHle_efMI-00001-00001692-00001876 are happy we're able to join us for this LIuHle_efMI-00002-00001877-00002129 webinar on stm32 plus type c Port LIuHle_efMI-00003-00002130-00002392 protection for safe low-cost USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00004-00002393-00002609 applications during this one hour LIuHle_efMI-00005-00002610-00002945 webinar you will learn how our stm32 and LIuHle_efMI-00006-00002946-00003256 tcpp protection products make USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00007-00003257-00003551 applications more robots and copy fixes LIuHle_efMI-00008-00003552-00003779 in addition to offering many benefits LIuHle_efMI-00009-00003779-00004019 such as reversibility higher data rates LIuHle_efMI-00010-00004020-00004313 and fast charging USB type-c connectors LIuHle_efMI-00011-00004314-00004481 are being adopted to help meet LIuHle_efMI-00012-00004482-00004720 environmental objectives to the ReUse LIuHle_efMI-00013-00004721-00004925 cables and adapters thus reducing LIuHle_efMI-00014-00004926-00005152 electronic waste while taking advantage LIuHle_efMI-00015-00005153-00005465 of new use cases such as dual raw data LIuHle_efMI-00016-00005466-00005902 drd or dual raw power DRP USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00017-00005903-00006106 applications require careful power LIuHle_efMI-00018-00006107-00006322 management designs safely comply with LIuHle_efMI-00019-00006323-00006628 the latest USBC power delivered 3.1 LIuHle_efMI-00020-00006629-00006887 specification without compromising LIuHle_efMI-00021-00006888-00007156 overall system costs you will also LIuHle_efMI-00022-00007158-00007367 discover how to design a cost-effective LIuHle_efMI-00023-00007368-00007660 hardware application based on stm32g0 LIuHle_efMI-00024-00007661-00007895 the first MCU in the world to integrate LIuHle_efMI-00025-00007895-00008141 the power delivery controller associated LIuHle_efMI-00026-00008142-00008435 with the type C Port protection tcpp LIuHle_efMI-00027-00008436-00008783 device designed in SDS IEEE Milestone LIuHle_efMI-00028-00008784-00009149 award-winning by four CMOS dmos BCD LIuHle_efMI-00029-00009150-00009424 technology my name is Adela and I will LIuHle_efMI-00030-00009425-00009683 be the moderator for today's event there LIuHle_efMI-00031-00009684-00009863 will also be a live connect session at LIuHle_efMI-00032-00009864-00010067 the end of the webinar where SC experts LIuHle_efMI-00033-00010068-00010223 will be available to answer your LIuHle_efMI-00034-00010224-00010469 questions now before we start I would LIuHle_efMI-00035-00010470-00010606 like to go to some housekeeping LIuHle_efMI-00036-00010607-00010846 information you can expand your sliding LIuHle_efMI-00037-00010847-00011003 or maximize it to full screen by LIuHle_efMI-00038-00011004-00011224 clicking on the top right corner for the LIuHle_efMI-00039-00011225-00011405 best doing experience we recommend using LIuHle_efMI-00040-00011406-00011633 a wired internet connection including LIuHle_efMI-00041-00011634-00011824 any programs or browser sessions that LIuHle_efMI-00042-00011825-00011992 are running in the background as LIuHle_efMI-00043-00011993-00012209 webinars are bandwidth intensive closing LIuHle_efMI-00044-00012210-00012442 any unnecessary browser tabs will help LIuHle_efMI-00045-00012443-00012683 conserve your bandwidth this webcast is LIuHle_efMI-00046-00012684-00012874 being streamed to your computer so there LIuHle_efMI-00047-00012875-00013043 is no dialing number and for the best LIuHle_efMI-00048-00013044-00013229 audio quality please make sure your LIuHle_efMI-00049-00013230-00013433 computer speakers or headsets are turned LIuHle_efMI-00050-00013434-00013630 on and the volume is up so you can hear LIuHle_efMI-00051-00013631-00013888 the speaker as some networks or clients LIuHle_efMI-00052-00013890-00014033 to advance for slowly than others LIuHle_efMI-00053-00014034-00014308 turning off your VPN is recommended and LIuHle_efMI-00054-00014309-00014513 if your signs run behind pushing a 5 on LIuHle_efMI-00055-00014513-00014705 your keyboard will refresh the page LIuHle_efMI-00056-00014706-00014903 additional answers to some common LIuHle_efMI-00057-00014904-00015125 technical issues can be found under the LIuHle_efMI-00058-00015126-00015358 help widget and now without further LIuHle_efMI-00059-00015359-00015844 delay I'll hand it over to our speaker LIuHle_efMI-00060-00015845-00016216 hello and welcome to stm32 plus tcpp LIuHle_efMI-00061-00016218-00016499 protection for safe low cost USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00062-00016500-00016805 applications webinar my name is Mohamed LIuHle_efMI-00063-00016806-00017033 sadhna I am technical marketing for LIuHle_efMI-00064-00017034-00017208 protection devices at St LIuHle_efMI-00065-00017209-00017494 microelectronics and I embed into France LIuHle_efMI-00066-00017495-00017825 and I am with Macho Revere from St Mark LIuHle_efMI-00067-00017826-00018035 Electronics system engineering and LIuHle_efMI-00068-00018036-00018233 application Engineering also based into LIuHle_efMI-00069-00018234-00018503 friends in this webinar you will learn LIuHle_efMI-00070-00018504-00018827 about how stm32 mcus and tcpp LIuHle_efMI-00071-00018828-00019085 protections are making your USBC LIuHle_efMI-00072-00019086-00019319 application more robust and cost LIuHle_efMI-00073-00019320-00019613 effective also we will present hardware LIuHle_efMI-00074-00019614-00019835 and software tools to help you kick LIuHle_efMI-00075-00019836-00020147 start your USB type-c application LIuHle_efMI-00076-00020148-00020375 so let's have a look at the agenda for LIuHle_efMI-00077-00020376-00020663 our webinar today I will firstly present LIuHle_efMI-00078-00020664-00021077 YT stm32 plus tcpp is a Perfect combo LIuHle_efMI-00079-00021078-00021413 for USBC applications in terms of costs LIuHle_efMI-00080-00021414-00021605 then we will review the protection LIuHle_efMI-00081-00021606-00021905 requirements for USBC that are either LIuHle_efMI-00082-00021906-00022235 required by the USBC specification or by LIuHle_efMI-00083-00022236-00022589 regulations or by experience mature will LIuHle_efMI-00084-00022590-00022786 then introduce the different use cases LIuHle_efMI-00085-00022787-00023021 that can be implemented and the LIuHle_efMI-00086-00023022-00023213 corresponding hardware and software LIuHle_efMI-00087-00023214-00023507 tools we have developed for you we will LIuHle_efMI-00088-00023508-00023735 end this webinar by your summary of LIuHle_efMI-00089-00023736-00023975 online resources and examples so that LIuHle_efMI-00090-00023976-00024191 you can easily start implementing your LIuHle_efMI-00091-00024192-00024472 USB type-c application LIuHle_efMI-00092-00024473-00024730 let us start with the first part of our LIuHle_efMI-00093-00024731-00025072 webinar related to the USB type-c system LIuHle_efMI-00094-00025073-00025319 partitioning LIuHle_efMI-00095-00025320-00025577 when designing an embedded application LIuHle_efMI-00096-00025578-00025918 featuring USB type-c connector you would LIuHle_efMI-00097-00025919-00026189 need basically a microcontroller as a LIuHle_efMI-00098-00026189-00026458 core component to manage the digital and LIuHle_efMI-00099-00026460-00026668 analog interfaces LIuHle_efMI-00100-00026669-00027040 also you will need an external USB LIuHle_efMI-00101-00027041-00027346 type-c controller to execute both the LIuHle_efMI-00102-00027347-00027652 USBC protocol and the associated high LIuHle_efMI-00103-00027654-00027935 voltage controls V is high voltage LIuHle_efMI-00104-00027936-00028168 controls are used to manage the load LIuHle_efMI-00105-00028169-00028451 switch on the device or we can forward LIuHle_efMI-00106-00028452-00028787 path and finally there are the required LIuHle_efMI-00107-00028788-00029081 protections such as over voltage over LIuHle_efMI-00108-00029082-00029357 current or ESD protection LIuHle_efMI-00109-00029358-00029674 but that was before 2019. LIuHle_efMI-00110-00029675-00029933 since then St microelectronics has LIuHle_efMI-00111-00029933-00030335 introduced the stm32 g0 the first MCU LIuHle_efMI-00112-00030336-00030623 integrating the USBC and power delivery LIuHle_efMI-00113-00030624-00031001 protocol among other features this means LIuHle_efMI-00114-00031002-00031283 that you don't need any more an external LIuHle_efMI-00115-00031283-00031517 USB type-c controller LIuHle_efMI-00116-00031518-00031774 and to make the system partitioning LIuHle_efMI-00117-00031775-00032140 complete St has developed a new family LIuHle_efMI-00118-00032141-00032411 of protection devices the type C Port LIuHle_efMI-00119-00032412-00032831 protection or tcpp the tcpp integrates LIuHle_efMI-00120-00032832-00033071 the high voltage controls and the LIuHle_efMI-00121-00033072-00033305 Protections in the same silicon die LIuHle_efMI-00122-00033306-00033607 using a high voltage technology called LIuHle_efMI-00123-00033608-00033845 BCG technology LIuHle_efMI-00124-00033846-00034102 in the end this system partitioning LIuHle_efMI-00125-00034103-00034537 requires only two chips and this is why LIuHle_efMI-00126-00034538-00034955 stm32 plus tcpp enables cost effective LIuHle_efMI-00127-00034956-00035333 USB type-c Solutions LIuHle_efMI-00128-00035334-00035639 at St microelectronics we have defined LIuHle_efMI-00129-00035640-00035879 free tcpp products each one LIuHle_efMI-00130-00035880-00036118 corresponding to a major use case of the LIuHle_efMI-00131-00036119-00036323 USBC specification LIuHle_efMI-00132-00036324-00036749 sync source and URL power LIuHle_efMI-00133-00036750-00037012 each of these tcpp provides a required LIuHle_efMI-00134-00037013-00037235 protection feature set depending on the LIuHle_efMI-00135-00037236-00037552 use case to allow a precise cost control LIuHle_efMI-00136-00037553-00037846 of your USBC implementation LIuHle_efMI-00137-00037847-00038065 let's start on the right with the LIuHle_efMI-00138-00038066-00038352 tcppo1m12 dedicated to sync applications LIuHle_efMI-00139-00038353-00038662 this is typically the protection for USB LIuHle_efMI-00140-00038663-00038851 charging devices LIuHle_efMI-00141-00038852-00039190 tcppo1 M12 using mass production and LIuHle_efMI-00142-00039191-00039418 widely available from HTML collectronics LIuHle_efMI-00143-00039419-00039646 official Distributors worldwide LIuHle_efMI-00144-00039647-00040139 on the left we have the tcpo2 M18 now LIuHle_efMI-00145-00040140-00040468 dedicated for Source applications such LIuHle_efMI-00146-00040469-00040840 as power adapters or USB hubs LIuHle_efMI-00147-00040841-00041183 it contains more features and high LIuHle_efMI-00148-00041184-00041530 voltage controls as defined in the USBC LIuHle_efMI-00149-00041531-00041812 property delivery finally in the middle LIuHle_efMI-00150-00041813-00042221 the tcpo3 M20 is tailored for high LIuHle_efMI-00151-00042222-00042461 voltage controls and protections of dual LIuHle_efMI-00152-00042462-00042917 power applications that use stm32 with LIuHle_efMI-00153-00042918-00043324 built-in USBC controller such as stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00154-00043325-00043817 g0 G4 L5 or u5 LIuHle_efMI-00155-00043818-00044093 dual rule means that the application LIuHle_efMI-00156-00044094-00044518 uses the same USBC connector to act as LIuHle_efMI-00157-00044519-00044837 you think or as a source depending on LIuHle_efMI-00158-00044838-00045118 the application that connects to it LIuHle_efMI-00159-00045119-00045424 let's take to example of a power bank LIuHle_efMI-00160-00045425-00045683 that would feature a unique USBC LIuHle_efMI-00161-00045684-00046043 connector that is DRP enabled here LIuHle_efMI-00162-00046044-00046421 represented in the middle in blue LIuHle_efMI-00163-00046422-00046757 when nothing is connected to it and the LIuHle_efMI-00164-00046758-00047146 system is active the USBC connector LIuHle_efMI-00165-00047147-00047471 is acting as a DRP and is toggling LIuHle_efMI-00166-00047472-00047993 between sync and Source States LIuHle_efMI-00167-00047994-00048287 when the power bank is connected to a LIuHle_efMI-00168-00048288-00048557 wall adapter to charge the battery LIuHle_efMI-00169-00048558-00048862 the USBC connector of the power bank is LIuHle_efMI-00170-00048863-00049061 then acting as a sink LIuHle_efMI-00171-00049062-00049523 now let's unplug the wall adapter and LIuHle_efMI-00172-00049524-00049751 charge a smart speaker from the power LIuHle_efMI-00173-00049752-00049961 bank LIuHle_efMI-00174-00049962-00050345 now the power bank is charging the smart LIuHle_efMI-00175-00050346-00050477 speaker LIuHle_efMI-00176-00050478-00050807 so acting as a source LIuHle_efMI-00177-00050808-00051214 so here we have the all three tcpps that LIuHle_efMI-00178-00051215-00051485 are compliant with the latest USBC power LIuHle_efMI-00179-00051486-00051773 delivery specification 3.1 LIuHle_efMI-00180-00051774-00052073 for standard standard power range LIuHle_efMI-00181-00052074-00052385 and we are able to manage up to 100 watt LIuHle_efMI-00182-00052386-00052649 contract negotiation they are also LIuHle_efMI-00183-00052650-00052937 compliant with the voltage levels of the LIuHle_efMI-00184-00052938-00053200 programmable power supply feature to LIuHle_efMI-00185-00053201-00053442 enable fast charging LIuHle_efMI-00186-00053444-00053759 tcppo2 and TCP po3 will be available LIuHle_efMI-00187-00053760-00054076 from SD distributors in September LIuHle_efMI-00188-00054077-00054353 and now mature will present us the LIuHle_efMI-00189-00054354-00054647 development tools LIuHle_efMI-00190-00054648-00054850 thanks Mohammed for this product and LIuHle_efMI-00191-00054851-00054976 tradition LIuHle_efMI-00192-00054977-00055169 let me complete it with development LIuHle_efMI-00193-00055170-00055487 tools on the stm32 ecosystem LIuHle_efMI-00194-00055488-00055925 each sm32 family has nucleus 64 boards LIuHle_efMI-00195-00055926-00056219 this highly affordable stm32 nuclear LIuHle_efMI-00196-00056220-00056549 Wars allow anyone to try out no IDs and LIuHle_efMI-00197-00056550-00056857 to quickly create prototypes with any LIuHle_efMI-00198-00056858-00057280 stm32 MCU on next you can see a nuclear LIuHle_efMI-00199-00057282-00057550 board with a white CD screen on top of LIuHle_efMI-00200-00057551-00057844 nuclear Bond X nuclear boards can be LIuHle_efMI-00201-00057845-00058132 plugged to extend the application aware LIuHle_efMI-00202-00058133-00058366 based on this principle through its LIuHle_efMI-00203-00058367-00058630 nuclear Bots can be plugged on top of LIuHle_efMI-00204-00058632-00058925 any neutral adding type c connector LIuHle_efMI-00205-00058926-00059194 and also green screen connector for LIuHle_efMI-00206-00059195-00059326 purpose LIuHle_efMI-00207-00059327-00059604 one too simple and device data with LIuHle_efMI-00208-00059605-00059830 tcp-01 M12 LIuHle_efMI-00209-00059832-00060137 one to Source power and other data with LIuHle_efMI-00210-00060138-00060430 tcp0 to M18 LIuHle_efMI-00211-00060432-00060773 140 volt power and dual wall data with LIuHle_efMI-00212-00060774-00060953 tcp03 LIuHle_efMI-00213-00060954-00061204 and 20. LIuHle_efMI-00214-00061205-00061571 each ball can be used according to the LIuHle_efMI-00215-00061572-00062021 type C configuration it's nucleus sn1 M1 LIuHle_efMI-00216-00062022-00062500 and X nuclear src1 M1 can be used with LIuHle_efMI-00217-00062501-00062975 any nucleus 64 Volts for 5 volt up to 3 LIuHle_efMI-00218-00062976-00063130 amps LIuHle_efMI-00219-00063132-00063647 nuclear with ucpd peripheral on stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00220-00063648-00063875 hello power LIuHle_efMI-00221-00063876-00064313 delivery feature up to 20 volts 5 amps LIuHle_efMI-00222-00064314-00064738 and programmable Progressive by DPS LIuHle_efMI-00223-00064739-00064961 please note that poor delivery is LIuHle_efMI-00224-00064962-00065237 mandatory for your old boy LIuHle_efMI-00225-00065238-00065603 software is available on X Cube TCP LIuHle_efMI-00226-00065604-00066094 package and also unheated LIuHle_efMI-00227-00066095-00066335 now let's start the story from the LIuHle_efMI-00228-00066336-00066575 beginning the Contour itself LIuHle_efMI-00229-00066576-00066850 will all observe that USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00230-00066851-00067156 connector is gradually replacing all the LIuHle_efMI-00231-00067157-00067517 Legacy USB connectors indeed USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00232-00067518-00067841 connector is Slim and Slick tailored and LIuHle_efMI-00233-00067842-00068171 is reversible plug orientation and cable LIuHle_efMI-00234-00068172-00068441 Direction in the conversions on the LIuHle_efMI-00235-00068442-00068579 single connector LIuHle_efMI-00236-00068580-00068838 for example LIuHle_efMI-00237-00068839-00069293 was previously defined by mechanic LIuHle_efMI-00238-00069294-00069556 type A for source LIuHle_efMI-00239-00069557-00069779 type B forcing LIuHle_efMI-00240-00069780-00070247 the design USB type-c connector LIuHle_efMI-00241-00070248-00070505 is much more complex because we are LIuHle_efMI-00242-00070506-00070919 moving from Legacy connector to 24 pin LIuHle_efMI-00243-00070920-00071093 connector LIuHle_efMI-00244-00071094-00071338 it's simplifying the user experience LIuHle_efMI-00245-00071339-00071669 this is the challenge for the engineer LIuHle_efMI-00246-00071670-00072082 foreign LIuHle_efMI-00247-00072083-00072803 connection LIuHle_efMI-00248-00072804-00073109 and can rise up to 20 volt with USB LIuHle_efMI-00249-00073110-00073355 power delivery protocol LIuHle_efMI-00250-00073356-00073588 let's see how cable detection and LIuHle_efMI-00251-00073589-00074159 orientation works in the USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00252-00074160-00074453 the silica color blockchain represents LIuHle_efMI-00253-00074454-00074729 soft to sync connection with the type C LIuHle_efMI-00254-00074730-00074855 cable LIuHle_efMI-00255-00074856-00075149 on the cable four lines are used in this LIuHle_efMI-00256-00075150-00075449 process so for others the bus LIuHle_efMI-00257-00075450-00075773 the configuration Channel CC lines LIuHle_efMI-00258-00075774-00076043 array indicates to the source to turn on LIuHle_efMI-00259-00076044-00076187 the vehicle voltage LIuHle_efMI-00260-00076188-00076535 effective cable and ground LIuHle_efMI-00261-00076536-00076781 by default the bus is not powerful it's LIuHle_efMI-00262-00076782-00077032 a call plug at connection the LIuHle_efMI-00263-00077033-00077261 configuration channel is used to solve LIuHle_efMI-00264-00077262-00077644 block orientation using CC1 or cc2 lines LIuHle_efMI-00265-00077645-00077879 of the connector LIuHle_efMI-00266-00077880-00078155 it's highlighted in yellow LIuHle_efMI-00267-00078156-00078532 source is identified by pull-up resistor LIuHle_efMI-00268-00078533-00078869 and voltage source on its CC pins LIuHle_efMI-00269-00078870-00079331 syncs is identified by put down resistor LIuHle_efMI-00270-00079332-00079517 on CC pins LIuHle_efMI-00271-00079518-00079829 to rephrase a cc line voltage change LIuHle_efMI-00272-00079830-00080038 should pull down a resistor connection LIuHle_efMI-00273-00080039-00080471 to pull up resistor and get a source to LIuHle_efMI-00274-00080472-00080681 sync connection LIuHle_efMI-00275-00080682-00081059 Vapors is a token at 5 volt as well as LIuHle_efMI-00276-00081060-00081329 vikon one array is connected to the LIuHle_efMI-00277-00081330-00081553 other CCP LIuHle_efMI-00278-00081554-00081887 Source also indicates its 5 volt current LIuHle_efMI-00279-00081888-00082381 capability Legacy 0.5 amps with LIuHle_efMI-00280-00082382-00082943 56 kilo Ohm resistor 1.5 amps with 22 LIuHle_efMI-00281-00082944-00083375 kilo Ohm resistor and 3 amps with 10 LIuHle_efMI-00282-00083376-00083899 kilo ohm resistors then voltage on 5.1 LIuHle_efMI-00283-00083900-00084203 kilo ohm pull down resistor of sync CC LIuHle_efMI-00284-00084204-00084521 lines gives secure and Source capability LIuHle_efMI-00285-00084522-00084994 at 5 volt to the sink LIuHle_efMI-00286-00084995-00085265 when the cable is removed from the LIuHle_efMI-00287-00085266-00085582 receptacle The Source must activate a LIuHle_efMI-00288-00085583-00085859 discharge path for the vapors and on LIuHle_efMI-00289-00085860-00086159 vacant in order to ensure LIuHle_efMI-00290-00086160-00086537 a quick plug LIuHle_efMI-00291-00086538-00086806 we just seen or attach detach LIuHle_efMI-00292-00086807-00087047 orientation sync and Source detection LIuHle_efMI-00293-00087048-00087653 installed but only at 5 volt up to 3 amp LIuHle_efMI-00294-00087654-00088079 that limits the power to 15 watts LIuHle_efMI-00295-00088080-00088367 thanks to the USB power delivery LIuHle_efMI-00296-00088368-00088600 protocol LIuHle_efMI-00297-00088601-00088955 the numerical communication on C line LIuHle_efMI-00298-00088956-00089267 it is possible to increase power up to LIuHle_efMI-00299-00089268-00089687 100 watt with negotiation between sync LIuHle_efMI-00300-00089688-00089944 and source LIuHle_efMI-00301-00089945-00090185 before showing the capabilities of the LIuHle_efMI-00302-00090186-00090509 USBC power delivery let's place on the LIuHle_efMI-00303-00090510-00090803 source power rating Graphics the 5 volt LIuHle_efMI-00304-00090804-00091049 red line with LIuHle_efMI-00305-00091050-00091429 USB to 2.5 Watts LIuHle_efMI-00306-00091430-00091918 USB 3 4.5 Watts for adapter LIuHle_efMI-00307-00091919-00092285 this power can be increased to 7.5 Watts LIuHle_efMI-00308-00092286-00092549 by shorting data lines LIuHle_efMI-00309-00092550-00093106 its USB BC or battery charging 1.2 LIuHle_efMI-00310-00093107-00093647 on USBC only 1.5 amps and 3 amps Source LIuHle_efMI-00311-00093648-00093959 capability indicated by pull the no LIuHle_efMI-00312-00093960-00094312 resistors are also reported in grade on LIuHle_efMI-00313-00094313-00094571 the 5 volt Red Line LIuHle_efMI-00314-00094572-00094882 USB power delivery allows voltage LIuHle_efMI-00315-00094883-00095182 increase with four fixed power data LIuHle_efMI-00316-00095183-00095387 objects videos LIuHle_efMI-00317-00095388-00095873 5 volt 9 volt 15 volt and 20 volts for LIuHle_efMI-00318-00095874-00096131 current lower than 3 amps LIuHle_efMI-00319-00096132-00096641 standard cable can be used LIuHle_efMI-00320-00096642-00096953 while an electronic marked cable LIuHle_efMI-00321-00096954-00097615 is monetary between three and five amps LIuHle_efMI-00322-00097616-00097882 protection and system requirement for LIuHle_efMI-00323-00097883-00098068 USB C LIuHle_efMI-00324-00098069-00098423 thank you Matthew so now let's review LIuHle_efMI-00325-00098424-00098794 USB type-c protection requirements LIuHle_efMI-00326-00098795-00099071 here are the three main hazards that can LIuHle_efMI-00327-00099072-00099299 damage your USBC device LIuHle_efMI-00328-00099300-00099605 first an ESD event that can destroy LIuHle_efMI-00329-00099606-00099832 integrated circuits LIuHle_efMI-00330-00099833-00100162 second a defective adapter that can LIuHle_efMI-00331-00100163-00100462 provide a DC voltage higher than the one LIuHle_efMI-00332-00100463-00100703 negotiated with the sink LIuHle_efMI-00333-00100704-00101003 or a defective load but can sync a LIuHle_efMI-00334-00101004-00101297 higher current than expected and finally LIuHle_efMI-00335-00101298-00101585 a short circuit can happen between vibus LIuHle_efMI-00336-00101586-00101926 and adjacent pins LIuHle_efMI-00337-00101927-00102287 first let's review the electrostatic LIuHle_efMI-00338-00102288-00102671 discharge also known as ESD the method LIuHle_efMI-00339-00102672-00102958 the metallic pins of the USBC connector LIuHle_efMI-00340-00102959-00103289 are an entry path to ESD and this can LIuHle_efMI-00341-00103290-00103666 cause reliability issues or even destroy LIuHle_efMI-00342-00103667-00103853 ICS in your system LIuHle_efMI-00343-00103854-00104153 this picture on the right shows one of LIuHle_efMI-00344-00104154-00104416 the potential consequences of an ESD LIuHle_efMI-00345-00104417-00104656 event called a melting Flash LIuHle_efMI-00346-00104657-00104915 the most reliable way to protect against LIuHle_efMI-00347-00104916-00105166 ESD is to implement an ESD protection LIuHle_efMI-00348-00105167-00105565 rated for IEC LIuHle_efMI-00349-00105566-00105797 61000-4-2 standard LIuHle_efMI-00350-00105798-00106097 our free tcpps are compliant with this LIuHle_efMI-00351-00106098-00106260 IC LIuHle_efMI-00352-00106261-00106589 61000-4-2 standard integrating ESD LIuHle_efMI-00353-00106590-00106973 protections F2 plus or minus 8 kilovolt LIuHle_efMI-00354-00106974-00107231 contact discharge which complies with LIuHle_efMI-00355-00107232-00107434 the highest level of protection the LIuHle_efMI-00356-00107435-00108107 level 4 of the standard IEC 61000-4-2 LIuHle_efMI-00357-00108108-00108443 second energy is defective source LIuHle_efMI-00358-00108444-00108695 let's take an example of defective LIuHle_efMI-00359-00108696-00109054 charger if this charger has been used at LIuHle_efMI-00360-00109055-00109390 20 volts and now due to software or LIuHle_efMI-00361-00109391-00109697 defective Hardware vbus is now stuck at LIuHle_efMI-00362-00109698-00110051 20 volts when you connect this defective LIuHle_efMI-00363-00110052-00110321 charger to a sink even if the sync LIuHle_efMI-00364-00110322-00110621 requests 5 volts the charger will LIuHle_efMI-00365-00110622-00110890 deliver 20 volt without negotiation with LIuHle_efMI-00366-00110891-00111095 the sync it will damage the power LIuHle_efMI-00367-00111096-00111257 management Circuit of the sync LIuHle_efMI-00368-00111258-00111365 application LIuHle_efMI-00369-00111366-00111581 many examples of this issue are LIuHle_efMI-00370-00111582-00111827 available online especially due to poor LIuHle_efMI-00371-00111828-00112127 quality cables or adapters these LIuHle_efMI-00372-00112128-00112283 highlights the requirement for LIuHle_efMI-00373-00112283-00112516 protecting USBC applications LIuHle_efMI-00374-00112517-00112733 on the right for instance there is a LIuHle_efMI-00375-00112733-00112828 story where a series security LIuHle_efMI-00376-00112829-00113123 researchers were able to infect a LIuHle_efMI-00377-00113124-00113423 variety of fast Chargers with many shoes LIuHle_efMI-00378-00113424-00113699 code to deliver More Voltage than the LIuHle_efMI-00379-00113700-00113945 connected device could handle this LIuHle_efMI-00380-00113946-00114154 caused the components inside the LIuHle_efMI-00381-00114155-00114454 affected Electronics to spark and LIuHle_efMI-00382-00114455-00114671 finally melt LIuHle_efMI-00383-00114672-00114983 a protection is also required against LIuHle_efMI-00384-00114983-00115157 defective sync LIuHle_efMI-00385-00115158-00115475 indeed an over current protection is LIuHle_efMI-00386-00115476-00115775 required for any source application LIuHle_efMI-00387-00115776-00116057 for example if a short circuit happens LIuHle_efMI-00388-00116058-00116357 on a power thinking device this will LIuHle_efMI-00389-00116358-00116639 generate another current on vibus and LIuHle_efMI-00390-00116640-00116902 this is clearly specified in the USB LIuHle_efMI-00391-00116903-00117234 type-c specification LIuHle_efMI-00392-00117235-00117502 saying that a source shall protect LIuHle_efMI-00393-00117503-00117790 itself from a sink that draws current in LIuHle_efMI-00394-00117791-00118019 excess LIuHle_efMI-00395-00118020-00118336 finally an over voltage protection is LIuHle_efMI-00396-00118338-00118589 required on CC lines to protect against LIuHle_efMI-00397-00118590-00118978 a short to the best event this may occur LIuHle_efMI-00398-00118979-00119315 when a user plugs or unplugs the USBC LIuHle_efMI-00399-00119316-00119621 cable for instance as shown on this LIuHle_efMI-00400-00119622-00119933 picture the bus could get shortage to LIuHle_efMI-00401-00119933-00120304 those adjacent pins such as Cc or sbu LIuHle_efMI-00402-00120305-00120683 pins and even though the USBC cable is LIuHle_efMI-00403-00120683-00120910 more reliable than the previous micro LIuHle_efMI-00404-00120911-00121273 USB connector it can still be twisted LIuHle_efMI-00405-00121274-00121577 which might generate a short circuit LIuHle_efMI-00406-00121578-00121816 especially if it is a low quality cable LIuHle_efMI-00407-00121817-00122081 or connector LIuHle_efMI-00408-00122082-00122404 on top of protection features you have LIuHle_efMI-00409-00122405-00122669 to consider specific features of the USB LIuHle_efMI-00410-00122670-00122878 type-c specification LIuHle_efMI-00411-00122879-00123136 first one is a controlled rice time on LIuHle_efMI-00412-00123138-00123251 the load switch LIuHle_efMI-00413-00123252-00123490 for this you will need a get driver for LIuHle_efMI-00414-00123491-00123784 n Channel mosfets and general mosfets LIuHle_efMI-00415-00123785-00124031 are usually preferred over pmos thanks LIuHle_efMI-00416-00124032-00124265 to their lower Json and they are also LIuHle_efMI-00417-00124266-00124528 cheaper and smaller but we require a LIuHle_efMI-00418-00124529-00124793 charge pump for the control LIuHle_efMI-00419-00124794-00125128 also the USBC is a cold socket meaning LIuHle_efMI-00420-00125129-00125333 that vibus and the code must be LIuHle_efMI-00421-00125333-00125615 discharged when the USBC connection is LIuHle_efMI-00422-00125616-00125740 lost LIuHle_efMI-00423-00125741-00126089 the second pin being the CC pin that is LIuHle_efMI-00424-00126090-00126304 not used for communication you must LIuHle_efMI-00425-00126305-00126508 integrate a switch Matrix for this LIuHle_efMI-00426-00126509-00126634 purpose LIuHle_efMI-00427-00126635-00126989 and finally the power programmable power LIuHle_efMI-00428-00126990-00127378 supply requires current monitoring LIuHle_efMI-00429-00127379-00127619 so an analog current sense must be LIuHle_efMI-00430-00127620-00127895 implemented all these features are LIuHle_efMI-00431-00127896-00128099 making the development of USBC LIuHle_efMI-00432-00128100-00128416 applications quiet complex LIuHle_efMI-00433-00128417-00128878 however the stm32 plus tcpp approach is LIuHle_efMI-00434-00128879-00129163 simplifying the USBC implementation LIuHle_efMI-00435-00129164-00129658 because the stm32 with built-in ucpd LIuHle_efMI-00436-00129659-00130019 takes care of the USBC protocol and the LIuHle_efMI-00437-00130020-00130283 software of your application and on the LIuHle_efMI-00438-00130283-00130631 other hand the tcpp integrate all these LIuHle_efMI-00439-00130632-00130852 required high voltage features and LIuHle_efMI-00440-00130853-00131083 protections LIuHle_efMI-00441-00131084-00131566 on top of stm32 g0 ucpd is now LIuHle_efMI-00442-00131567-00131909 proliferating into over stm32 series LIuHle_efMI-00443-00131910-00132097 such as LIuHle_efMI-00444-00132098-00132445 stm32 j4 LIuHle_efMI-00445-00132446-00132739 stm32l5 and now LIuHle_efMI-00446-00132740-00133007 stm32 u5 LIuHle_efMI-00447-00133008-00133301 so you can select your USB type-c power LIuHle_efMI-00448-00133302-00133763 delivery MCU within a list of 332 part LIuHle_efMI-00449-00133764-00134021 numbers depending on the required LIuHle_efMI-00450-00134022-00134563 peripherals of your application LIuHle_efMI-00451-00134564-00134885 here is a table summarizing the tcpp LIuHle_efMI-00452-00134886-00135113 product features according to their use LIuHle_efMI-00453-00135114-00135221 case LIuHle_efMI-00454-00135222-00135514 for a sync application the features and LIuHle_efMI-00455-00135515-00135713 protections are LIuHle_efMI-00456-00135714-00135997 plus or minus 8 kilowatt contact LIuHle_efMI-00457-00135998-00136421 discharge ESD protection on CC lines as LIuHle_efMI-00458-00136422-00136727 well as ovp on CC lines LIuHle_efMI-00459-00136728-00137063 on weebus a get driver with charge pump LIuHle_efMI-00460-00137064-00137411 for n Channel mosfet is integrated to LIuHle_efMI-00461-00137412-00137693 enable the over voltage protection LIuHle_efMI-00462-00137694-00137945 when the protection is triggered on the LIuHle_efMI-00463-00137946-00138533 tcpp1 an open drain flag is activated LIuHle_efMI-00464-00138534-00138833 for Source applications the tcppo to LIuHle_efMI-00465-00138834-00139277 reuse tcppo1 features and adds an over LIuHle_efMI-00466-00139278-00139601 current protection as well as an analog LIuHle_efMI-00467-00139602-00139877 current sense and discharge path for LIuHle_efMI-00468-00139878-00140081 webos and v-con LIuHle_efMI-00469-00140082-00140351 the communication with the MCU is done LIuHle_efMI-00470-00140352-00140633 via an i Square C interface LIuHle_efMI-00471-00140634-00140939 please note that a source shall not LIuHle_efMI-00472-00140940-00141304 present dead batteries resistors LIuHle_efMI-00473-00141305-00141654 then for dual role power applications LIuHle_efMI-00474-00141655-00142264 the TCP po3 M20 uses features that are LIuHle_efMI-00475-00142265-00142619 common to both source and sync LIuHle_efMI-00476-00142620-00142901 now material will present you the LIuHle_efMI-00477-00142902-00143213 hardware tools associated with these LIuHle_efMI-00478-00143214-00143531 free use cases LIuHle_efMI-00479-00143532-00143639 section LIuHle_efMI-00480-00143640-00143902 I will present you application cases LIuHle_efMI-00481-00143903-00144214 with Associated development tools LIuHle_efMI-00482-00144215-00144527 the First Development tool is for sync LIuHle_efMI-00483-00144528-00145013 with xniclo snk1m1 plugged on top of LIuHle_efMI-00484-00145014-00145264 nucleus 64 board LIuHle_efMI-00485-00145265-00145690 it can offer USBC power delivery sync up LIuHle_efMI-00486-00145691-00145978 to 100 watts and it has been certified LIuHle_efMI-00487-00145979-00146321 by USB if LIuHle_efMI-00488-00146322-00146801 with an stm32 with ucpd peripheral on LIuHle_efMI-00489-00146802-00147035 nuclear 64 board LIuHle_efMI-00490-00147036-00147401 it is possible to realize USB PD sync up LIuHle_efMI-00491-00147402-00147863 to 20 volt 5 amps and programmable power LIuHle_efMI-00492-00147864-00148037 supply LIuHle_efMI-00493-00148038-00148475 USB data 2.0 are also supported LIuHle_efMI-00494-00148476-00148811 all protection features are realized on LIuHle_efMI-00495-00148812-00149140 the X nickel as in common M1 on all use LIuHle_efMI-00496-00149141-00149471 line of the USBC connector webass LIuHle_efMI-00497-00149472-00149801 searches an over voltage protection CC LIuHle_efMI-00498-00149802-00150157 lines is the an over voltage protection LIuHle_efMI-00499-00150158-00150557 depressed and D minus data lines is the LIuHle_efMI-00500-00150558-00150835 an Emi featuring LIuHle_efMI-00501-00150836-00151187 spp01 M12 also embed and over LIuHle_efMI-00502-00151188-00151451 temperature protection LIuHle_efMI-00503-00151452-00151697 battery I managed to start when battery LIuHle_efMI-00504-00151698-00151864 is empty LIuHle_efMI-00505-00151865-00152116 and the power conception is optimized LIuHle_efMI-00506-00152117-00152411 according to the use case there is no LIuHle_efMI-00507-00152412-00152543 consumption LIuHle_efMI-00508-00152544-00152807 one unattached LIuHle_efMI-00509-00152808-00153233 with an stm32 without ucpd peripheral on LIuHle_efMI-00510-00153234-00153419 Nucleus 64 board LIuHle_efMI-00511-00153420-00153863 it is possible to realize USB sync up to LIuHle_efMI-00512-00153864-00154109 5 volt 3 amp LIuHle_efMI-00513-00154110-00154499 USB data 2.0 are also supported like LIuHle_efMI-00514-00154500-00154840 previously all protection and specific LIuHle_efMI-00515-00154841-00155243 features are realized and Technical as LIuHle_efMI-00516-00155244-00155614 income 1 M1 on all use lines of the USBC LIuHle_efMI-00517-00155615-00155861 connector LIuHle_efMI-00518-00155862-00156209 to change X nucleus sn1 M1 configuration LIuHle_efMI-00519-00156210-00156689 from 5 volt only to Polar delivery only LIuHle_efMI-00520-00156690-00157073 two damper positions must be changed LIuHle_efMI-00521-00157074-00157373 to supply the wall system by fabers LIuHle_efMI-00522-00157374-00157625 coming from the type-c connector only LIuHle_efMI-00523-00157626-00157901 two template world LIuHle_efMI-00524-00157902-00158159 the other trigger voltage can be LIuHle_efMI-00525-00158160-00158399 adjusted with a solar bridge table LIuHle_efMI-00526-00158400-00158716 according to the consumer path absolute LIuHle_efMI-00527-00158717-00159083 Max rating connecting the green screw LIuHle_efMI-00528-00159084-00159443 connector LIuHle_efMI-00529-00159444-00159695 the second development tool is for LIuHle_efMI-00530-00159696-00160295 source with X nucleo src1 M1 plugged on LIuHle_efMI-00531-00160296-00160576 top of nucleus 64 board LIuHle_efMI-00532-00160577-00160876 can offer a USBC polar delivery Source LIuHle_efMI-00533-00160877-00161128 up to 100 watt LIuHle_efMI-00534-00161129-00161602 and it will be available on Q4 2021 LIuHle_efMI-00535-00161603-00161926 with an stm32 that embeds your zip LIuHle_efMI-00536-00161927-00162395 referral on nuclear 64 ports it is LIuHle_efMI-00537-00162396-00162761 possible to realize a USB PD Source up LIuHle_efMI-00538-00162762-00163145 to 20 volt 5 amps and programmable power LIuHle_efMI-00539-00163146-00163276 supply LIuHle_efMI-00540-00163277-00163889 USB data 2.0 are also supported LIuHle_efMI-00541-00163890-00164261 all protection features are realized on LIuHle_efMI-00542-00164262-00164723 the X nuclear src1 M1 on all use lines LIuHle_efMI-00543-00164724-00164969 of the USBC connector LIuHle_efMI-00544-00164970-00165251 the bus searches and over here and LIuHle_efMI-00545-00165252-00165431 protection LIuHle_efMI-00546-00165432-00165863 CC lines ESD over voltage and over LIuHle_efMI-00547-00165864-00166061 occurrent protection LIuHle_efMI-00548-00166062-00166451 G plus and D minus data lines EEG and LIuHle_efMI-00549-00166452-00166783 Emi filtering LIuHle_efMI-00550-00166784-00167171 tcpp0 to M18 also embeds over LIuHle_efMI-00551-00167172-00167440 temperature protection LIuHle_efMI-00552-00167441-00167740 specific high voltage features for LIuHle_efMI-00553-00167741-00168071 fibers are animals get driver LIuHle_efMI-00554-00168072-00168359 for load switch discharge pass and LIuHle_efMI-00555-00168360-00168676 analog current sense LIuHle_efMI-00556-00168677-00169025 we can switch Matrix and discharge paths LIuHle_efMI-00557-00169026-00169378 are also available the poor conception LIuHle_efMI-00558-00169379-00169625 is optimized according to the use case LIuHle_efMI-00559-00169626-00170039 with less than 11 microamps when LIuHle_efMI-00560-00170040-00170351 unattached LIuHle_efMI-00561-00170352-00170861 with an stm32 without ucpd peripheral on LIuHle_efMI-00562-00170862-00171149 Nucleus 64 boards it is possible to LIuHle_efMI-00563-00171150-00171652 realize USB's Source up to 5 volt 3 amps LIuHle_efMI-00564-00171653-00172061 USB data 2.0 are the supported like LIuHle_efMI-00565-00172062-00172439 previously all protections and specific LIuHle_efMI-00566-00172440-00172678 features are realized on each nuclear LIuHle_efMI-00567-00172679-00173057 src1 M1 on all those line as a USBC LIuHle_efMI-00568-00173058-00173431 connector LIuHle_efMI-00569-00173432-00173831 src1 and what configuration from 5 volt LIuHle_efMI-00570-00173832-00174095 only to power delivery LIuHle_efMI-00571-00174096-00174371 only to jump up positions must be LIuHle_efMI-00572-00174372-00174689 changed to supply the world system by LIuHle_efMI-00573-00174690-00174893 Source connecting to Green screw LIuHle_efMI-00574-00174894-00175193 connector only to Jumpers to add LIuHle_efMI-00575-00175194-00175504 the 5 volt current Source capability can LIuHle_efMI-00576-00175505-00175990 be adjusted with a solid Bridge table LIuHle_efMI-00577-00175991-00176254 the last development tools is for USB LIuHle_efMI-00578-00176255-00176716 dual power with X nuclear grp1 M1 LIuHle_efMI-00579-00176717-00177149 plugged on top of nucleus 64 volt LIuHle_efMI-00580-00177150-00177652 it can offer USB C poor delivery DRP up LIuHle_efMI-00581-00177653-00177899 to 100 watt LIuHle_efMI-00582-00177900-00178495 certification has been smitted to USB if LIuHle_efMI-00583-00178496-00178954 stm32 that's embeds ucpd peripheral on LIuHle_efMI-00584-00178955-00179273 Nucleus 64 Port is required to manage LIuHle_efMI-00585-00179274-00179501 polar delivery LIuHle_efMI-00586-00179502-00179993 the solution offers USB pddrp up to 20 LIuHle_efMI-00587-00179994-00180454 volts 5 amps and programmable power LIuHle_efMI-00588-00180455-00180563 supply LIuHle_efMI-00589-00180564-00181037 USB data 2.0 are also supported LIuHle_efMI-00590-00181038-00181409 all protections and specific features LIuHle_efMI-00591-00181410-00181888 presented on xnico snk-1 M1 and X LIuHle_efMI-00592-00181889-00182254 nuclear src1 M1 are present LIuHle_efMI-00593-00182255-00182747 on X nuclear drp1 M1 indeed there is a LIuHle_efMI-00594-00182748-00183101 toggling between sync and Source when LIuHle_efMI-00595-00183102-00183557 the grp is used LIuHle_efMI-00596-00183558-00183887 supplies award system by fabers coming LIuHle_efMI-00597-00183888-00184187 from the type C connector or by Source LIuHle_efMI-00598-00184188-00184433 voltage coming from the green screw LIuHle_efMI-00599-00184434-00184816 connector only two jumper need to be LIuHle_efMI-00600-00184817-00184943 added LIuHle_efMI-00601-00184944-00185176 the overp trigger voltage can be LIuHle_efMI-00602-00185177-00185387 adjusted with a solder Bridge table LIuHle_efMI-00603-00185388-00185699 according to the consumer path absolute LIuHle_efMI-00604-00185700-00186004 maximum rating connected to the green LIuHle_efMI-00605-00186005-00186395 screw connector LIuHle_efMI-00606-00186396-00186713 these are three x nuclear boards are LIuHle_efMI-00607-00186714-00187271 part of stm32 USBC development ecosystem LIuHle_efMI-00608-00187272-00187637 they can be played on top of any nucleus LIuHle_efMI-00609-00187638-00188135 64 Bots for 5 volt sink and source LIuHle_efMI-00610-00188136-00188435 if power delivery is required for higher LIuHle_efMI-00611-00188436-00188951 voltage PPS or grp then ucpdprfr is LIuHle_efMI-00612-00188952-00189316 required on the stm32 of the nucleo 64 LIuHle_efMI-00613-00189317-00189523 port LIuHle_efMI-00614-00189524-00189811 stm32 g0 LIuHle_efMI-00615-00189812-00190307 71b disco board is a complete USBC LIuHle_efMI-00616-00190308-00190426 sniffer LIuHle_efMI-00617-00190427-00190702 it is intended for Discovery and display LIuHle_efMI-00618-00190703-00190943 of USBC LIuHle_efMI-00619-00190944-00191261 Port characteristic such as data role LIuHle_efMI-00620-00191262-00191597 overall verbose voltage and current LIuHle_efMI-00621-00191598-00191838 monitoring LIuHle_efMI-00622-00191839-00192431 STM 32 Cuba mix and also stm32 cubicle a LIuHle_efMI-00623-00192432-00192652 free antiguity development environment LIuHle_efMI-00624-00192653-00193043 for stmcd2 they can be used for stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00625-00193044-00193337 configuration and programming to LIuHle_efMI-00626-00193338-00193435 finished LIuHle_efMI-00627-00193436-00193840 stm32q monitor ucpd is a software tool LIuHle_efMI-00628-00193841-00194195 to configure and monitor your USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00629-00194196-00194428 power delivery ports LIuHle_efMI-00630-00194429-00194797 on equipped stm32 boards LIuHle_efMI-00631-00194798-00195114 configuring path allows the modification LIuHle_efMI-00632-00195115-00195493 of the USB type-c power delivery Port LIuHle_efMI-00633-00195494-00195809 default configuration LIuHle_efMI-00634-00195810-00196073 check off power delivery contract LIuHle_efMI-00635-00196074-00196349 establishment and activity are possible LIuHle_efMI-00636-00196350-00196901 with the monitoring tool LIuHle_efMI-00637-00196902-00197231 thank you Matthew we have summarized in LIuHle_efMI-00638-00197232-00197501 this slide all the resources and tools LIuHle_efMI-00639-00197502-00197752 to help you kick start your USB type-c LIuHle_efMI-00640-00197753-00198214 application with stm32 and tcpp you may LIuHle_efMI-00641-00198215-00198419 start with video tutorials on YouTube LIuHle_efMI-00642-00198420-00198671 and then look for advanced informations LIuHle_efMI-00643-00198672-00199061 in our application notes or web pages LIuHle_efMI-00644-00199062-00199349 to easily start your project I invite LIuHle_efMI-00645-00199350-00199714 you to check the X nucleo snk-1 M1 page LIuHle_efMI-00646-00199715-00200075 and download the associated software on LIuHle_efMI-00647-00200076-00200543 X Cube tcpp web page at any time in your LIuHle_efMI-00648-00200544-00200825 project development we can support you LIuHle_efMI-00649-00200826-00201383 on the St Community forum LIuHle_efMI-00650-00201384-00201826 in conclusion taking advantage of stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00651-00201827-00202169 and tcpp offers cost efficient systems LIuHle_efMI-00652-00202170-00202493 with optimized power consumption a wide LIuHle_efMI-00653-00202494-00202913 offer of stm32 mcus expanding with more LIuHle_efMI-00654-00202914-00203266 ucpd based stm32 in the future LIuHle_efMI-00655-00203267-00203561 and a safe and easy way to add LIuHle_efMI-00656-00203562-00203759 Innovative USB type-c and forward LIuHle_efMI-00657-00203760-00204076 referee features thanks to tcpp nucleo LIuHle_efMI-00658-00204077-00204376 expansion boards within sdm32 LIuHle_efMI-00659-00204377-00204611 development ecosystems LIuHle_efMI-00660-00204612-00206638 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00661-00206639-00206879 all right after this great presentation LIuHle_efMI-00662-00206880-00207179 we are now ready for our q a session so LIuHle_efMI-00663-00207180-00207364 let's begin with the first question for LIuHle_efMI-00664-00207365-00207664 today and our first question is do I LIuHle_efMI-00665-00207665-00208186 need tcpp01 M12 if I use USB type-c at 5 LIuHle_efMI-00666-00208187-00208560 volts only LIuHle_efMI-00667-00208561-00209131 [Music] LIuHle_efMI-00668-00209132-00209434 thank you for for this question LIuHle_efMI-00669-00209435-00209879 yes because even if if you are at 5 Only LIuHle_efMI-00670-00209880-00210239 You Can Be faced to a defective adapter LIuHle_efMI-00671-00210240-00210515 as presented by my middle in the LIuHle_efMI-00672-00210516-00210953 presentation and uh if you defective LIuHle_efMI-00673-00210954-00211229 adapter or present are you important and LIuHle_efMI-00674-00211230-00211517 your absolute maximum rating of your LIuHle_efMI-00675-00211517-00211655 power line LIuHle_efMI-00676-00211656-00212117 you will have a defective system so for LIuHle_efMI-00677-00212117-00212537 sure you need a PPO one on your sim path LIuHle_efMI-00678-00212538-00212921 even if it's still Target LIuHle_efMI-00679-00212921-00213119 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00680-00213119-00213323 thank you Matthew let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00681-00213323-00213563 next question which states what is the LIuHle_efMI-00682-00213564-00213994 best PCB placement for tcpp LIuHle_efMI-00683-00213996-00214294 okay I will also answer uh LIuHle_efMI-00684-00214296-00214792 as tcpp embeds easy protections for cc LIuHle_efMI-00685-00214794-00215081 lungs you need to be placed as close as LIuHle_efMI-00686-00215082-00215356 possible from the connector in order to LIuHle_efMI-00687-00215357-00215542 remove LIuHle_efMI-00688-00215544-00215784 as quickly as possible the the search LIuHle_efMI-00689-00215785-00216184 from the uh from the PCB out from the LIuHle_efMI-00690-00216185-00216503 PCB so the best placement is close to LIuHle_efMI-00691-00216504-00216779 the connector or type c connector LIuHle_efMI-00692-00216780-00216958 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00693-00216959-00217156 thank you Matthew let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00694-00217157-00217306 next question which is going it's coming LIuHle_efMI-00695-00217307-00217408 from France LIuHle_efMI-00696-00217409-00217703 is asking us how can the provided Source LIuHle_efMI-00697-00217704-00217981 currently limited is this possible with LIuHle_efMI-00698-00217982-00218339 tcpp03 M20 if yes put the source current LIuHle_efMI-00699-00218340-00218842 limit be different than the same one LIuHle_efMI-00700-00218844-00219094 great question uh LIuHle_efMI-00701-00219096-00219401 uh the current distance with a Chance LIuHle_efMI-00702-00219402-00219629 register and this is the same for our LIuHle_efMI-00703-00219630-00219934 sync and source as concept answer of LIuHle_efMI-00704-00219935-00220192 your current protection level is the LIuHle_efMI-00705-00220194-00220439 same for both cases LIuHle_efMI-00706-00220440-00220723 if you have two levels LIuHle_efMI-00707-00220723-00220979 we recommend to use a strength LIuHle_efMI-00708-00220980-00221284 resistance for the highest one LIuHle_efMI-00709-00221285-00221591 and for the lowest one I recommend to LIuHle_efMI-00710-00221592-00221891 use a software comparator on stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00711-00221892-00222025 connected to LIuHle_efMI-00712-00222026-00222431 tcpp03 M20 analog output current and of LIuHle_efMI-00713-00222432-00222646 course the dedicated software interact LIuHle_efMI-00714-00222648-00222965 to turn on the the path the forecast LIuHle_efMI-00715-00222966-00223253 turn off the forecast LIuHle_efMI-00716-00223254-00223408 foreign LIuHle_efMI-00717-00223409-00223582 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00718-00223583-00223846 thank you Matthew let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00719-00223848-00224110 next question from Arturo and Arturo is LIuHle_efMI-00720-00224111-00224537 asking us which stm32 g0 MCU is ready LIuHle_efMI-00721-00224538-00224801 for you CPD is it difficult for me to LIuHle_efMI-00722-00224802-00224998 sort them by this feature on product LIuHle_efMI-00723-00225000-00225305 selections LIuHle_efMI-00724-00225306-00225539 okay I will take this one I am Mohammed LIuHle_efMI-00725-00225540-00225748 sadhna a product marketing for LIuHle_efMI-00726-00225750-00225971 protection devices LIuHle_efMI-00727-00225971-00226296 so on the product selector LIuHle_efMI-00728-00226298-00226810 stm32 g0 mcuser that are ready for ucpd LIuHle_efMI-00729-00226811-00227341 are mainly stm32 g071 LIuHle_efMI-00730-00227342-00227896 stm32 g0 B1 but we can also use stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00731-00227898-00228287 Cube MX to check this this feature and LIuHle_efMI-00732-00228288-00228527 and finally also in the smartphone LIuHle_efMI-00733-00228528-00228844 application on the Android version on LIuHle_efMI-00734-00228846-00228979 the product LIuHle_efMI-00735-00228980-00229463 finder the ucpd feature is listed in the LIuHle_efMI-00736-00229464-00229625 parametric search LIuHle_efMI-00737-00229626-00229894 thank you for this question you can move LIuHle_efMI-00738-00229896-00230801 to the next one LIuHle_efMI-00739-00230802-00231046 to connect her without using power LIuHle_efMI-00740-00231048-00231401 delivery only using data lines so I LIuHle_efMI-00741-00231402-00231592 still need to add protection circuits to LIuHle_efMI-00742-00231594-00231773 describe today could I get away with LIuHle_efMI-00743-00231773-00232019 this living all pins unconnected and LIuHle_efMI-00744-00232019-00232217 just connecting the data lines as a LIuHle_efMI-00745-00232217-00232584 micro b connector LIuHle_efMI-00746-00232585-00232894 this is a single hour I'm certain I've LIuHle_efMI-00747-00232896-00233284 done previously even if you are LIuHle_efMI-00748-00233285-00233669 close to uh live your own legacy case LIuHle_efMI-00749-00233669-00233910 that means five votes only LIuHle_efMI-00750-00233911-00234377 you can be faced to a defective adapter LIuHle_efMI-00751-00234378-00234706 to uh based on that LIuHle_efMI-00752-00234707-00235063 you need to protect your power pass LIuHle_efMI-00753-00235064-00235456 if your purpose is not able to sustain a LIuHle_efMI-00754-00235457-00236044 voltage of 222 volts LIuHle_efMI-00755-00236046-00236398 thank you thank you let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00756-00236400-00236567 next question which is coming from LIuHle_efMI-00757-00236567-00236831 Maximilian and he's asking us is there LIuHle_efMI-00758-00236832-00237167 an advantage of USB CPD over traditional LIuHle_efMI-00759-00237167-00237905 USB for 5 volts 1.6 a application LIuHle_efMI-00760-00237906-00238175 uh Frankly Speaking I don't think so I LIuHle_efMI-00761-00238176-00238337 think LIuHle_efMI-00762-00238338-00238621 uh one point uh LIuHle_efMI-00763-00238621-00238810 technically that is not direct LIuHle_efMI-00764-00238811-00239117 advantages because uh you are you have LIuHle_efMI-00765-00239117-00239375 the same power capability but of course LIuHle_efMI-00766-00239376-00239579 if you develop your your application LIuHle_efMI-00767-00239580-00239848 with power delivery you will be able to LIuHle_efMI-00768-00239850-00240227 move easier to to uh to higher voltage LIuHle_efMI-00769-00240228-00240598 and if polar rights but technically at LIuHle_efMI-00770-00240600-00241044 the beginning there is no LIuHle_efMI-00771-00241046-00241498 features of your system LIuHle_efMI-00772-00241500-00241948 thank you let's move LIuHle_efMI-00773-00241950-00242303 and Peter is asking us on every slide I LIuHle_efMI-00774-00242304-00242981 see USB 2.0 is USB 3.0 not possible LIuHle_efMI-00775-00242982-00243173 uh LIuHle_efMI-00776-00243173-00243496 uh you're right uh you usually we are we LIuHle_efMI-00777-00243498-00243784 are we are component cheap of stem32 and LIuHle_efMI-00778-00243785-00244139 uh today items that you do not embed USB LIuHle_efMI-00779-00244140-00244505 3.0 so we don't focus on that first LIuHle_efMI-00780-00244506-00244823 thing this is a there is no limitation LIuHle_efMI-00781-00244823-00245398 but for our source and trt as a USB 3 so LIuHle_efMI-00782-00245400-00245819 0 required AER we can current of LIuHle_efMI-00783-00245819-00246256 switches are embedded in tcpp or 203 are LIuHle_efMI-00784-00246257-00246442 a bit uh LIuHle_efMI-00785-00246444-00246634 too small to LIuHle_efMI-00786-00246635-00246839 we I think maybe that's something under LIuHle_efMI-00787-00246840-00247223 whatnot LIuHle_efMI-00788-00247223-00247546 thank you thank you let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00789-00247548-00247810 next question and our next question says LIuHle_efMI-00790-00247811-00248158 can I use other protection than tcpp for LIuHle_efMI-00791-00248159-00248723 my USB time C using stm32 LIuHle_efMI-00792-00248723-00249191 why not for sure why not but uh keep in LIuHle_efMI-00793-00249192-00249473 mind that uh this product has been uh LIuHle_efMI-00794-00249473-00249767 developed in order to ensure the highest LIuHle_efMI-00795-00249767-00250031 quality in terms of protection LIuHle_efMI-00796-00250032-00250415 and also optimizable content of your LIuHle_efMI-00797-00250416-00250756 system so you can use something else you LIuHle_efMI-00798-00250757-00250960 have competitors on the place of course LIuHle_efMI-00799-00250961-00251146 but the solution LIuHle_efMI-00800-00251148-00251501 has been optimized so you can do that LIuHle_efMI-00801-00251502-00251591 better LIuHle_efMI-00802-00251592-00252119 I think there is no game to do that LIuHle_efMI-00803-00252119-00252377 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-00804-00252378-00252617 question which is coming from LIuHle_efMI-00805-00252617-00252755 Stephanie LIuHle_efMI-00806-00252756-00253151 is asking tcpp01 M12 take care of inrush LIuHle_efMI-00807-00253152-00253577 current limiting for Vivas LIuHle_efMI-00808-00253578-00253846 vacation LIuHle_efMI-00809-00253848-00254298 01 does not yeah of noise current on LIuHle_efMI-00810-00254300-00254521 limiting for the bus LIuHle_efMI-00811-00254521-00254729 because it's not required by the LIuHle_efMI-00812-00254730-00255005 standard and we as explained previously LIuHle_efMI-00813-00255006-00255358 with uh tailored the product in order to LIuHle_efMI-00814-00255359-00255484 fit to the LIuHle_efMI-00815-00255485-00255832 best requirement but normal if you want LIuHle_efMI-00816-00255833-00256132 to do that and with some development on LIuHle_efMI-00817-00256133-00256555 that way you can use a tcpp03 and 20 and LIuHle_efMI-00818-00256556-00256913 on the think only mode and there you LIuHle_efMI-00819-00256914-00257182 will have a over current protection and LIuHle_efMI-00820-00257183-00257482 also current sensing allowing you to to LIuHle_efMI-00821-00257483-00257969 perform a nice application LIuHle_efMI-00822-00257969-00258096 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00823-00258098-00258358 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-00824-00258359-00258694 question from James and James asking us LIuHle_efMI-00825-00258696-00259060 do we need a tcpp tip to design a basic LIuHle_efMI-00826-00259061-00259373 five volts usb OTG application with LIuHle_efMI-00827-00259373-00259871 timestage connectors LIuHle_efMI-00828-00259871-00260332 okay I can take this Muhammad so of LIuHle_efMI-00829-00260333-00260723 course yes it depends on the absolute LIuHle_efMI-00830-00260723-00261232 maximum rating of the input pin of your LIuHle_efMI-00831-00261233-00261617 power management where the uh the bus LIuHle_efMI-00832-00261617-00262060 will connect to uh is if this power LIuHle_efMI-00833-00262061-00262234 management uh LIuHle_efMI-00834-00262235-00262375 pin LIuHle_efMI-00835-00262376-00262780 absolute Max rating is is higher than 20 LIuHle_efMI-00836-00262781-00263134 volts you may not need an over voltage LIuHle_efMI-00837-00263135-00263513 protection on on this line but if this LIuHle_efMI-00838-00263514-00263956 absolute Max rating is below 20 volts LIuHle_efMI-00839-00263957-00264239 then you will need an over voltage LIuHle_efMI-00840-00264240-00264460 protection that is integrated in the LIuHle_efMI-00841-00264461-00264637 tcpo one LIuHle_efMI-00842-00264638-00265103 and also you will need to take care of LIuHle_efMI-00843-00265104-00265493 the ESG protection of the PC lines that LIuHle_efMI-00844-00265494-00265834 is also integrated in the tcppo1 so if LIuHle_efMI-00845-00265835-00266201 your AMR of before management is higher LIuHle_efMI-00846-00266202-00266380 than 20 volts LIuHle_efMI-00847-00266381-00266710 then you you don't need an ovp on LIuHle_efMI-00848-00266711-00267047 reverse and you can add external ESG LIuHle_efMI-00849-00267048-00267427 protection on the CC lines thank you LIuHle_efMI-00850-00267428-00267725 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-00851-00267726-00268001 question from gents and gents is asking LIuHle_efMI-00852-00268002-00268421 us can I also use the ccpp with your L4 LIuHle_efMI-00853-00268422-00268608 mcuse LIuHle_efMI-00854-00268609-00268960 okay Matthew speaking LIuHle_efMI-00855-00268961-00269255 yes you can use them with your L4 mcuse LIuHle_efMI-00856-00269256-00269489 adding your type c connector to your LIuHle_efMI-00857-00269490-00269639 system LIuHle_efMI-00858-00269640-00270139 but keep in mind that L4 does not have LIuHle_efMI-00859-00270140-00270437 ucpdplifier embedded never mind you can LIuHle_efMI-00860-00270438-00270791 use it only on at 5 volts on Legacy LIuHle_efMI-00861-00270792-00271132 cases for sync and source LIuHle_efMI-00862-00271133-00271337 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00863-00271338-00271565 thank you Matthew let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00864-00271566-00271847 next question from Stefan and Stefan is LIuHle_efMI-00865-00271848-00272080 asking us is over voltage protection LIuHle_efMI-00866-00272081-00272380 required by the USB standard or just LIuHle_efMI-00867-00272381-00272789 good design LIuHle_efMI-00868-00272790-00272903 um LIuHle_efMI-00869-00272904-00273184 it's not required by the USB standard so LIuHle_efMI-00870-00273185-00273449 just for good delay design or a live LIuHle_efMI-00871-00273450-00273730 design that depends but uh over here and LIuHle_efMI-00872-00273731-00273958 protection is required LIuHle_efMI-00873-00273959-00274210 by the standard but over voltage LIuHle_efMI-00874-00274211-00274499 protection is not recorded yet but uh LIuHle_efMI-00875-00274500-00274745 keep in mind that as soon as LIuHle_efMI-00876-00274746-00275032 the mechanical drawing of the connector LIuHle_efMI-00877-00275033-00275310 has been done and tested on first LIuHle_efMI-00878-00275311-00275573 interconnection events LIuHle_efMI-00879-00275574-00275825 this weakness LIuHle_efMI-00880-00275826-00276256 I've been uh identified and I've been LIuHle_efMI-00881-00276257-00276539 treated and for sure it's uh it's LIuHle_efMI-00882-00276540-00276706 something um LIuHle_efMI-00883-00276707-00277015 quite the ignorance of the mechanical LIuHle_efMI-00884-00277016-00277625 drawing and the type C overall system LIuHle_efMI-00885-00277626-00278195 but it's not writing down on the paper LIuHle_efMI-00886-00278196-00278465 thank you let's move on for our next LIuHle_efMI-00887-00278466-00278795 question no next question say do I need LIuHle_efMI-00888-00278796-00279191 several stm32 for a multi-ports USBC LIuHle_efMI-00889-00279192-00279691 power delivery applications LIuHle_efMI-00890-00279692-00280463 I can take this one so on stm32 g0 uh LIuHle_efMI-00891-00280464-00280858 uh ucpd version there there are in some LIuHle_efMI-00892-00280859-00281143 versions there are two ucpd controllers LIuHle_efMI-00893-00281144-00281401 that are able to LIuHle_efMI-00894-00281402-00281753 manage a dual part solution it means LIuHle_efMI-00895-00281754-00282167 that with one stm32d0 having qucpd you LIuHle_efMI-00896-00282168-00282575 have a control for for two parts and on LIuHle_efMI-00897-00282576-00282773 each of these ports you will need to LIuHle_efMI-00898-00282774-00283132 place a one tcpp device LIuHle_efMI-00899-00283133-00283337 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00900-00283338-00283565 thank you Muhammad let's move on to our LIuHle_efMI-00901-00283566-00283745 next question and our next question LIuHle_efMI-00902-00283746-00283984 States when do I need one or two more LIuHle_efMI-00903-00283985-00284532 space for my load switch on vibus LIuHle_efMI-00904-00284533-00284993 okay much speaking it's um LIuHle_efMI-00905-00284994-00285508 it's based on your the voltage LIuHle_efMI-00906-00285509-00285739 presents on LIuHle_efMI-00907-00285740-00286180 both part of your system let me rephrase LIuHle_efMI-00908-00286181-00286469 as example on LIuHle_efMI-00909-00286470-00287063 foreign LIuHle_efMI-00910-00287064-00287308 you can have voltage LIuHle_efMI-00911-00287309-00287447 on LIuHle_efMI-00912-00287448-00287801 webass of the type connector so you need LIuHle_efMI-00913-00287802-00288106 a mosfet on one way to block it LIuHle_efMI-00914-00288107-00288389 and you can also have LIuHle_efMI-00915-00288390-00288749 voltage on the LIuHle_efMI-00916-00288750-00289025 power source of your purpose LIuHle_efMI-00917-00289026-00289253 so you need two mosfet because due to LIuHle_efMI-00918-00289254-00289637 the body diode of your mosfet you have a LIuHle_efMI-00919-00289638-00289810 leakage LIuHle_efMI-00920-00289811-00290063 from one to another one so using two LIuHle_efMI-00921-00290064-00290243 mosfet front to front you are blocking LIuHle_efMI-00922-00290244-00290645 that on skin case on thin case only LIuHle_efMI-00923-00290646-00290945 you only need to block the voltage LIuHle_efMI-00924-00290946-00291239 coming from the taxi connector in case LIuHle_efMI-00925-00291240-00291508 of over voltage then only a single LIuHle_efMI-00926-00291509-00291658 mosfet LIuHle_efMI-00927-00291659-00291934 can be used but if you have LIuHle_efMI-00928-00291935-00292060 uh LIuHle_efMI-00929-00292061-00292373 a voltage on both part of your sync path LIuHle_efMI-00930-00292374-00292649 you can use a dual muscle LIuHle_efMI-00931-00292650-00293063 so that is more application relative LIuHle_efMI-00932-00293064-00293506 so the solution proposed are the most LIuHle_efMI-00933-00293507-00293843 common ones but if you have a specific a LIuHle_efMI-00934-00293844-00293956 specific one LIuHle_efMI-00935-00293957-00294269 here adapt your uh your layout and your LIuHle_efMI-00936-00294270-00294575 your design to the to your application LIuHle_efMI-00937-00294576-00294808 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00938-00294809-00295025 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-00939-00295026-00295410 question we say can we use stm32 plus LIuHle_efMI-00940-00295411-00295877 pcpp with USB 2.0 cable application LIuHle_efMI-00941-00295878-00296380 okay LIuHle_efMI-00942-00296381-00296447 um LIuHle_efMI-00943-00296448-00296632 yeah LIuHle_efMI-00944-00296633-00297101 okay uh Matthew um much speaking uh LIuHle_efMI-00945-00297102-00297377 uh to rephrase I think a USB 2 cable LIuHle_efMI-00946-00297378-00297791 application is type A Talk to Type B LIuHle_efMI-00947-00297792-00297899 connector LIuHle_efMI-00948-00297900-00298127 uh LIuHle_efMI-00949-00298128-00298373 tcpp are not dedicated to this kind of LIuHle_efMI-00950-00298374-00298691 application uh as example you don't you LIuHle_efMI-00951-00298692-00299045 don't have any over voltage risk because LIuHle_efMI-00952-00299046-00299206 it's 5 volt only LIuHle_efMI-00953-00299207-00299513 uh you don't need to sense a cc lines on LIuHle_efMI-00954-00299514-00299993 no tcpp is only designed for 30 LIuHle_efMI-00955-00299994-00300599 application I'm not we use one LIuHle_efMI-00956-00300600-00300856 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-00957-00300857-00301132 question from Johan and Johannes asking LIuHle_efMI-00958-00301133-00301360 us do you have any solutions to take the LIuHle_efMI-00959-00301361-00301732 USBC power supply against lightning from LIuHle_efMI-00960-00301733-00302158 the do 160. LIuHle_efMI-00961-00302159-00302351 actually speaking I LIuHle_efMI-00962-00302352-00302753 don't know do 160 but uh LIuHle_efMI-00963-00302754-00303203 on the reference designs opposed around LIuHle_efMI-00964-00303204-00303487 the three tcpps LIuHle_efMI-00965-00303488-00304105 we all embeds on the PCB a dedicated TVs LIuHle_efMI-00966-00304106-00304667 esda 25 PC certified one u1m this is a LIuHle_efMI-00967-00304668-00305056 small very smart TVs that uh remove the LIuHle_efMI-00968-00305057-00305417 searches coming from the from the levels LIuHle_efMI-00969-00305418-00305753 it is mandatory as you can have some LIuHle_efMI-00970-00305754-00305903 charges LIuHle_efMI-00971-00305904-00306208 on your on your system and coming from LIuHle_efMI-00972-00306209-00306413 your adapter LIuHle_efMI-00973-00306414-00306863 but of course if you have a higher LIuHle_efMI-00974-00306864-00307145 current studies LIuHle_efMI-00975-00307146-00307571 do we need to adapt your TVs this TVs is LIuHle_efMI-00976-00307572-00308004 not embedded on the tcbp because it's a LIuHle_efMI-00977-00308005-00308351 power device and of course polar device LIuHle_efMI-00978-00308352-00308713 might be a fitted according to the LIuHle_efMI-00979-00308714-00308987 system requirements LIuHle_efMI-00980-00308988-00309287 you cannot use a generic path and we LIuHle_efMI-00981-00309288-00309515 prefer that to let you the possibility LIuHle_efMI-00982-00309516-00309760 to adjust your TVs to your system and LIuHle_efMI-00983-00309761-00309893 your equipment LIuHle_efMI-00984-00309894-00310145 thank you LIuHle_efMI-00985-00310146-00310373 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-00986-00310374-00310732 question which state can PRP support LIuHle_efMI-00987-00310733-00311215 think and Source concurrently LIuHle_efMI-00988-00311216-00311734 so Mohammed speaking so uh drpidual rule LIuHle_efMI-00989-00311735-00312199 power is a mode where the collector will LIuHle_efMI-00990-00312200-00312671 be will be acting either as a source or LIuHle_efMI-00991-00312672-00313175 a sink but it cannot act uh in the same LIuHle_efMI-00992-00313176-00313637 time I choose both roles so uh the the LIuHle_efMI-00993-00313638-00313960 role of the connector will will be LIuHle_efMI-00994-00313961-00314423 defined according to the the role of the LIuHle_efMI-00995-00314424-00314777 of the device that connect to this uh to LIuHle_efMI-00996-00314778-00315167 to this port uh as per the um LIuHle_efMI-00997-00315168-00315545 uh negotiation and uh and pull up pull LIuHle_efMI-00998-00315546-00315887 down uh proposition on the on the CC LIuHle_efMI-00999-00315888-00316025 lines LIuHle_efMI-01000-00316026-00316482 thank you yeah just one command uh LIuHle_efMI-01001-00316483-00317153 tcp03 we can uh be used on a grp port uh LIuHle_efMI-01002-00317154-00317399 cannot close LIuHle_efMI-01003-00317400-00317608 consumer and products are passed LIuHle_efMI-01004-00317609-00317813 together this is a hardware lot in order LIuHle_efMI-01005-00317814-00318082 to avoid any uh LIuHle_efMI-01006-00318083-00318460 bad issue why debugging the software LIuHle_efMI-01007-00318461-00318695 so for sure it's not possible to to LIuHle_efMI-01008-00318696-00318953 close that uh to pass together LIuHle_efMI-01009-00318954-00319187 thank you LIuHle_efMI-01010-00319188-00319384 thank you Mommy then Matthew let's move LIuHle_efMI-01011-00319385-00319517 on to our next question next question LIuHle_efMI-01012-00319518-00319799 which states why does tcpp do not LIuHle_efMI-01013-00319800-00320069 integrate ESB protection for high-speed LIuHle_efMI-01014-00320070-00320315 data lines LIuHle_efMI-01015-00320316-00320458 yeah so LIuHle_efMI-01016-00320459-00320734 um as as we have explained during the LIuHle_efMI-01017-00320735-00321106 the presentation we have defined tcpp to LIuHle_efMI-01018-00321107-00321353 be the most cost effective for USBC LIuHle_efMI-01019-00321354-00321737 application and as not all application LIuHle_efMI-01020-00321738-00322258 require uh USB high speed data lines uh LIuHle_efMI-01021-00322259-00322571 we prefer to keep this function for ESD LIuHle_efMI-01022-00322572-00322763 protection of high-speed data lines LIuHle_efMI-01023-00322764-00323093 externally but can be added on top of LIuHle_efMI-01024-00323094-00323341 the of the LIuHle_efMI-01025-00323342-00323645 minimum features that are required for LIuHle_efMI-01026-00323646-00323879 the USBC standard that are integrated in LIuHle_efMI-01027-00323880-00324017 the tcpp LIuHle_efMI-01028-00324018-00324317 thank you but just one command we have a LIuHle_efMI-01029-00324318-00324727 easy protection and Emi filter for USB 3 LIuHle_efMI-01030-00324728-00325115 ISP lines right another portfolio thank LIuHle_efMI-01031-00325116-00325432 you thank you LIuHle_efMI-01032-00325433-00325708 thank you for your answer let's move our LIuHle_efMI-01033-00325709-00326027 next question which says can I use ccpp LIuHle_efMI-01034-00326028-00326327 protection devices with another npu then LIuHle_efMI-01035-00326328-00326689 stm32 LIuHle_efMI-01036-00326690-00327119 uh Muhammad so yes definitely you can LIuHle_efMI-01037-00327120-00327337 use the tcpp device LIuHle_efMI-01038-00327338-00327827 with over MCU so if this MCU embed the LIuHle_efMI-01039-00327828-00328123 USBC controller so you will be able to LIuHle_efMI-01040-00328124-00328558 to to run the USBC protocol else you can LIuHle_efMI-01041-00328559-00328984 still use tcpp with an over MCU at 5 LIuHle_efMI-01042-00328985-00329879 volt only from 0.5 amp up to 3 amp LIuHle_efMI-01043-00329880-00330167 uh thank you let's take another question LIuHle_efMI-01044-00330168-00330334 and another question is coming from LIuHle_efMI-01045-00330335-00330551 Young and she's asking the switch LIuHle_efMI-01046-00330552-00330808 solution do you prefer for external LIuHle_efMI-01047-00330809-00331115 programmable power supply example with X LIuHle_efMI-01048-00331116-00331529 nucleus RC one M1 board you provide LIuHle_efMI-01049-00331530-00332041 c-source code for voltage controls LIuHle_efMI-01050-00332042-00332573 uh of course as uh to perform a source LIuHle_efMI-01051-00332574-00332837 you need to use a nuclear it's nucleus LIuHle_efMI-01052-00332838-00333145 or src-1 M1 abroad LIuHle_efMI-01053-00333146-00333463 this border are functional of course LIuHle_efMI-01054-00333464-00333713 but not really yet released to the LIuHle_efMI-01055-00333714-00334115 market it's plan on Q4 and when they LIuHle_efMI-01056-00334116-00334439 will be released like all the board the LIuHle_efMI-01057-00334440-00334727 source code the CSUS code will be also LIuHle_efMI-01058-00334728-00335051 released on a GitHub and on the X Cube LIuHle_efMI-01059-00335052-00335171 tcpp LIuHle_efMI-01060-00335172-00335308 package LIuHle_efMI-01061-00335309-00335632 so yes we will provide the idea the LIuHle_efMI-01062-00335633-00336154 sequel sorry for the for the people LIuHle_efMI-01063-00336155-00336280 thank you LIuHle_efMI-01064-00336281-00336545 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-01065-00336546-00336808 question from Martin and he's asking us LIuHle_efMI-01066-00336809-00337175 what is the most effective ovp up to 24 LIuHle_efMI-01067-00337176-00337619 volts LIuHle_efMI-01068-00337620-00338153 so uh as we have explained for USBC you LIuHle_efMI-01069-00338154-00338530 need the ovp or on the bus and also ESD LIuHle_efMI-01070-00338531-00338747 protection on the CC line so definitely LIuHle_efMI-01071-00338748-00339058 is the most cost effective ovp to 24 LIuHle_efMI-01072-00339059-00339179 volt LIuHle_efMI-01073-00339180-00339610 would be a tcpp or one and the advantage LIuHle_efMI-01074-00339611-00339934 of tcppo1 is that it integrates the LIuHle_efMI-01075-00339935-00340069 charge pump LIuHle_efMI-01076-00340070-00340541 in the get driver so that tcppo1 is able LIuHle_efMI-01077-00340542-00340843 to drive and most fats which are LIuHle_efMI-01078-00340844-00341123 obviously most cost effective compared LIuHle_efMI-01079-00341124-00341489 to P mosfet and and as a use as a LIuHle_efMI-01080-00341490-00341729 designer you don't have to add external LIuHle_efMI-01081-00341730-00342053 security to drive this external LIuHle_efMI-01082-00342054-00342358 atmosphate thank you LIuHle_efMI-01083-00342359-00342634 thank you our next question is coming LIuHle_efMI-01084-00342635-00342887 from Brendan and he's asking us how is LIuHle_efMI-01085-00342888-00343463 protection of the data lines on LIuHle_efMI-01086-00343464-00343684 Matthew speaking uh LIuHle_efMI-01087-00343685-00343954 uh on the assistant partitioning if you LIuHle_efMI-01088-00343955-00344182 want to use the data lines you have two LIuHle_efMI-01089-00344183-00344537 two solutions you can just add the LIuHle_efMI-01090-00344538-00344977 EEG classical easy protection LIuHle_efMI-01091-00344978-00345295 you have product for that as example LIuHle_efMI-01092-00345296-00345665 USB 86 2066 and this is what we are LIuHle_efMI-01093-00345666-00345995 recommended today and if you want also LIuHle_efMI-01094-00345996-00346367 to to product uh protect against uh Emi LIuHle_efMI-01095-00346368-00346789 uh LIuHle_efMI-01096-00346790-00347279 sensitivity and also aggression you can LIuHle_efMI-01097-00347280-00347395 use a LIuHle_efMI-01098-00347396-00347699 ecmf that's a product that embed a LIuHle_efMI-01099-00347700-00347975 commandant filter and also AIG LIuHle_efMI-01100-00347976-00348337 protection as an example LIuHle_efMI-01101-00348338-00348863 ecmf or two two HMS 6. LIuHle_efMI-01102-00348864-00349201 see what we are you can find out on this LIuHle_efMI-01103-00349202-00349403 recommended products LIuHle_efMI-01104-00349404-00349739 on the reference design of the X nuclear LIuHle_efMI-01105-00349740-00350008 board but of course yes you need to to LIuHle_efMI-01106-00350009-00350704 protect the data lines of USB 2.0 LIuHle_efMI-01107-00350705-00351047 thank you let's move on to our next LIuHle_efMI-01108-00351048-00351295 question and our next question say LIuHle_efMI-01109-00351296-00351725 ccpp01 M12 integrate 8 kilowatt ESD LIuHle_efMI-01110-00351726-00351928 protection on debug why is there an LIuHle_efMI-01111-00351929-00352210 external ESD diode on the Bus Line in LIuHle_efMI-01112-00352211-00352499 reference schematics LIuHle_efMI-01113-00352500-00352999 okay uh LIuHle_efMI-01114-00353000-00353310 keep in mind that uh LIuHle_efMI-01115-00353311-00353837 easy is no Mass issue this issue is to LIuHle_efMI-01116-00353838-00353932 the search LIuHle_efMI-01117-00353933-00354310 and to filter the searches they are not LIuHle_efMI-01118-00354311-00354556 enough you need a TVs 200 voltage LIuHle_efMI-01119-00354557-00354947 separator with ir IPP capability LIuHle_efMI-01120-00354948-00355271 current capability and then that's why LIuHle_efMI-01121-00355272-00355673 you are using TVs uh LIuHle_efMI-01122-00355674-00356117 on top of the basic easy protection LIuHle_efMI-01123-00356118-00356471 it's mandatory when you have four others LIuHle_efMI-01124-00356472-00356675 of course your size your TVs according LIuHle_efMI-01125-00356676-00356795 to your LIuHle_efMI-01126-00356796-00357137 according to the obviousness occurred by LIuHle_efMI-01127-00357138-00357377 your system but what we are proposing LIuHle_efMI-01128-00357378-00357760 into the reference design is a tiny LIuHle_efMI-01129-00357761-00357919 small TVs LIuHle_efMI-01130-00357920-00358271 allowing validity to this kind of a LIuHle_efMI-01131-00358272-00358595 mobile application LIuHle_efMI-01132-00358596-00358769 thank you LIuHle_efMI-01133-00358770-00358997 thank you so I see we are nearing the LIuHle_efMI-01134-00358998-00359189 top of the hour and we will be running LIuHle_efMI-01135-00359190-00359441 out of time so let's take one more LIuHle_efMI-01136-00359442-00359710 question for today and one our last LIuHle_efMI-01137-00359711-00359903 question is coming from John Philippe LIuHle_efMI-01138-00359904-00360137 who's asking us what what are the LIuHle_efMI-01139-00360138-00360604 packages available for tcpp products LIuHle_efMI-01140-00360605-00360953 from Muhammad speaking so all the gpp LIuHle_efMI-01141-00360954-00361463 products comes in qfn package using 0.5 LIuHle_efMI-01142-00361464-00361813 millimeter pitch to allow easy LIuHle_efMI-01143-00361814-00362293 integration uh in uh in in low cost PCB LIuHle_efMI-01144-00362294-00362982 uh so tcpp 014 has 12 leads in in qfl LIuHle_efMI-01145-00362983-00363521 tcppo2 for Source has 18 leads and tcppo LIuHle_efMI-01146-00363522-00364025 free for DRP has 20 leads LIuHle_efMI-01147-00364026-00364258 thank you LIuHle_efMI-01148-00364259-00364510 thank you and this last question brings LIuHle_efMI-01149-00364511-00364684 us to the end of this webinar thank you LIuHle_efMI-01150-00364685-00364973 again for attending also if you and or LIuHle_efMI-01151-00364974-00365153 one of your friends are interested or LIuHle_efMI-01152-00365154-00365358 considering pursuing a career at St LIuHle_efMI-01153-00365359-00365567 microelectronics we are hiring at this LIuHle_efMI-01154-00365568-00365753 moment and to view our current job LIuHle_efMI-01155-00365754-00365969 openings please click on the call to LIuHle_efMI-01156-00365970-00366125 action button at the bottom of your LIuHle_efMI-01157-00366126-00366304 screen for those of you that have LIuHle_efMI-01158-00366305-00366473 questions that come up later we LIuHle_efMI-01159-00366474-00366641 encourage you to use our online support LIuHle_efMI-01160-00366642-00366899 tools a direct link to our support tool LIuHle_efMI-01161-00366900-00367084 is already available at the bottom of LIuHle_efMI-01162-00367085-00367271 your screen of course you can also LIuHle_efMI-01163-00367272-00367510 contact your sales representative again LIuHle_efMI-01164-00367511-00367727 we will be sending all registrants to LIuHle_efMI-01165-00367728-00367937 this webinar post event email with the LIuHle_efMI-01166-00367938-00368104 link to the on-demand version of this LIuHle_efMI-01167-00368105-00368356 webinar as well as additional resources LIuHle_efMI-01168-00368357-00368530 and the link to the community where you LIuHle_efMI-01169-00368531-00368680 can find the answer to some of your LIuHle_efMI-01170-00368681-00368932 questions a PDF of the presentation of LIuHle_efMI-01171-00368933-00369167 this webinar is already available under LIuHle_efMI-01172-00369168-00369353 the resource widget at the bottom of LIuHle_efMI-01173-00369354-00369545 your screen so thank you again for LIuHle_efMI-01174-00369546-00369856 attending our webinar on stm32 plus tcpb LIuHle_efMI-01175-00369857-00370103 protection for safe low-cost USB times LIuHle_efMI-01176-00370104-00370373 the application we hope enjoyed it and LIuHle_efMI-01177-00370374-00370523 were able to take away some useful LIuHle_efMI-01178-00370524-00370751 information and also a thank you to LIuHle_efMI-01179-00370752-00370919 those of you who took the time to answer LIuHle_efMI-01180-00370920-00371141 our survey we do appreciate your LIuHle_efMI-01181-00371142-00371351 feedback as it will help us improve your LIuHle_efMI-01182-00371352-00371578 webinar experience with us and of course LIuHle_efMI-01183-00371579-00371806 a big thank you to our speakers for LIuHle_efMI-01184-00371807-00372041 making this webinar possible please stay LIuHle_efMI-01185-00372042-00372227 safe and we look forward to seeing you LIuHle_efMI-01186-00372228-00372614 soon at one of our future events LIJZBtKQhj4-00000-00000016-00000254 mr i don't feel like it LIJZBtKQhj4-00001-00000256-00000623 never live the dream life LIJZBtKQhj4-00002-00000624-00000886 mister i don't feel like it never reach LIJZBtKQhj4-00003-00000888-00001174 his true potential LIJZBtKQhj4-00004-00001175-00001454 mr i don't feel like it never owned a LIJZBtKQhj4-00005-00001455-00001791 multi-million dollar hole LIJZBtKQhj4-00006-00001792-00002079 mister i don't feel like it never tried LIJZBtKQhj4-00007-00002080-00002423 and therefore never received LIJZBtKQhj4-00008-00002424-00002687 mr i don't feel like giving to others LIJZBtKQhj4-00009-00002688-00003087 never received much in return LIJZBtKQhj4-00010-00003088-00003343 mister i don't feel like working hard LIJZBtKQhj4-00011-00003344-00003775 never received the rewards of hard work LIJZBtKQhj4-00012-00003776-00003990 mr i don't feel like fighting through my LIJZBtKQhj4-00013-00003992-00004231 tough times never lived to see the good LIJZBtKQhj4-00014-00004232-00004631 times LIJZBtKQhj4-00015-00004632-00005091 don't be mr i don't feel like it LIJZBtKQhj4-00016-00005092-00006887 [Music] LIJZBtKQhj4-00017-00006888-00007095 you LKrF3Q0I7_u-00000-00003520-00004679 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00002-00017408-00018743 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00004-00022064-00023014 oh LKrF3Q0I7_u-00005-00023015-00025902 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00006-00025904-00027079 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00007-00027080-00028727 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00008-00028727-00030079 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00009-00030080-00031446 so LKrF3Q0I7_u-00011-00035424-00035632 you LpwlFVLBrGc-00000-00000000-00000332 more ruthless over the last few weeks LpwlFVLBrGc-00001-00000333-00000563 our women and men in uniform have been LpwlFVLBrGc-00002-00000564-00000703 working to help the most vulnerable LpwlFVLBrGc-00003-00000704-00000991 Canadians as we deal with this pandemic LpwlFVLBrGc-00004-00000992-00001265 and as the need for their help continues LpwlFVLBrGc-00005-00001266-00001547 we've received new requests to extend LpwlFVLBrGc-00006-00001548-00001735 this period of deployment in both LpwlFVLBrGc-00007-00001736-00001967 Ontario and Quebec and we will be LpwlFVLBrGc-00008-00001968-00002227 following up members of the Canadian LpwlFVLBrGc-00009-00002228-00002465 Armed Forces are doing an incredible job LpwlFVLBrGc-00010-00002466-00002774 just like always they are serving with LpwlFVLBrGc-00011-00002775-00003034 distinction for our grandparents our LpwlFVLBrGc-00012-00003035-00003481 parents our elders in Ontario they've LpwlFVLBrGc-00013-00003482-00003679 made some extremely troubling LpwlFVLBrGc-00014-00003679-00003938 observations about several long-term LpwlFVLBrGc-00015-00003939-00004120 care facilities in which they've been LpwlFVLBrGc-00016-00004121-00004319 serving and we have shared this LpwlFVLBrGc-00017-00004320-00004460 information with the provincial LpwlFVLBrGc-00018-00004461-00004804 government as I've said many times we LpwlFVLBrGc-00019-00004805-00005090 need to do a better job of caring for LpwlFVLBrGc-00020-00005091-00005336 the people who built this country the LpwlFVLBrGc-00021-00005337-00005600 greatest generation saw us through World LpwlFVLBrGc-00022-00005601-00005897 War two we need to be there to support LpwlFVLBrGc-00023-00005898-00006304 them properly through this global crisis LpwlFVLBrGc-00024-00006305-00006680 I spoke with premier Ford on this LpwlFVLBrGc-00025-00006681-00006859 earlier this morning to let him know LpwlFVLBrGc-00026-00006861-00007078 that of course we would be there to help LpwlFVLBrGc-00027-00007079-00007345 as he takes action on improving care for LpwlFVLBrGc-00028-00007347-00007631 seniors in long-term care centers our LpwlFVLBrGc-00029-00007631-00007785 government will continue to support LpwlFVLBrGc-00030-00007786-00008066 Ontarians through this and I know this LpwlFVLBrGc-00031-00008067-00008203 is something the premier will be LpwlFVLBrGc-00032-00008204-00008459 addressing in greater detail at his LpwlFVLBrGc-00033-00008460-00008816 press conference later today this LpwlFVLBrGc-00034-00008817-00009067 morning I also wanted to provide an LpwlFVLBrGc-00035-00009068-00009235 update on personal protective equipment LpwlFVLBrGc-00036-00009236-00009548 in the last ten weeks alone over 40 LpwlFVLBrGc-00037-00009549-00009796 flights have arrived in Canada carrying LpwlFVLBrGc-00038-00009797-00010139 much-needed PPE this represents hundreds LpwlFVLBrGc-00039-00010140-00010376 of thousands of items everything from LpwlFVLBrGc-00040-00010377-00010624 masks to hospital gowns that we've LpwlFVLBrGc-00041-00010625-00010910 shipped to our frontline workers at the LpwlFVLBrGc-00042-00010911-00011102 same time we're also investing in LpwlFVLBrGc-00043-00011103-00011351 production here at home and on that LpwlFVLBrGc-00044-00011352-00011584 front today we're taking yet another LpwlFVLBrGc-00045-00011585-00011899 critical step forward I can announce LpwlFVLBrGc-00046-00011900-00012062 that we've signed a contract with LpwlFVLBrGc-00047-00012063-00012383 General Motors to produce 10 million LpwlFVLBrGc-00048-00012384-00012641 face masks as we speak LpwlFVLBrGc-00049-00012642-00012958 GM employees are already making these LpwlFVLBrGc-00050-00012959-00013232 masks they will keep people safe and LpwlFVLBrGc-00051-00013233-00013363 help slow the spread LpwlFVLBrGc-00052-00013365-00013666 covet 19 and for the autoworkers in LpwlFVLBrGc-00053-00013668-00013897 Oshawa this contract will support good LpwlFVLBrGc-00054-00013898-00014150 well-paying jobs in an industry that's LpwlFVLBrGc-00055-00014151-00014539 faced tough times on testing we're also LpwlFVLBrGc-00056-00014540-00014767 making progress we're supporting LpwlFVLBrGc-00057-00014768-00014963 companies and research centers across LpwlFVLBrGc-00058-00014963-00015142 the country as they developed new LpwlFVLBrGc-00059-00015143-00015521 improved kovat 19 test kits and products LpwlFVLBrGc-00060-00015522-00015794 and for life-saving healthcare equipment LpwlFVLBrGc-00061-00015794-00016103 we've signed a new contract for 10,000 LpwlFVLBrGc-00062-00016104-00016291 ventilators there that are being LpwlFVLBrGc-00063-00016293-00016447 produced through a partnership between LpwlFVLBrGc-00064-00016448-00016805 Canadian Nobel laureate dr. art McDonald LpwlFVLBrGc-00065-00016806-00017236 his team and vexos deliveries will begin LpwlFVLBrGc-00066-00017237-00017455 this summer bringing our total of made LpwlFVLBrGc-00067-00017456-00017849 in Canada ventilators to 40,000 on this LpwlFVLBrGc-00068-00017850-00018055 and on other supplies for frontline LpwlFVLBrGc-00069-00018056-00018296 workers I know that Minister Baines and LpwlFVLBrGc-00070-00018297-00018521 minister Anand will have more details to LpwlFVLBrGc-00071-00018522-00018694 share a little later today LpwlFVLBrGc-00072-00018695-00019084 oh cool of the disdain er Somen predict LpwlFVLBrGc-00073-00019085-00019144 a hot LpwlFVLBrGc-00074-00019145-00019369 AVO hospital equipment protection LpwlFVLBrGc-00075-00019370-00019606 individuals Ontario Canada LpwlFVLBrGc-00076-00019607-00019855 O'Malley see the Sun Tan the media LpwlFVLBrGc-00077-00019856-00020143 that's it not Amanda mask the jacket LpwlFVLBrGc-00078-00020144-00020368 Depp style he wanted to distribute an LpwlFVLBrGc-00079-00020369-00020678 ultra via the Premier Li memento LpwlFVLBrGc-00080-00020679-00021043 entrevidas entreprise dermatology p4 LpwlFVLBrGc-00081-00021044-00021272 augmentee not the capacity a fabric LpwlFVLBrGc-00082-00021273-00021653 hisses article she know Audrey Soprano LpwlFVLBrGc-00083-00021654-00021933 Sakana senior contra avec general motors LpwlFVLBrGc-00084-00021934-00022369 Papaji this mini on damask oh mama us LpwlFVLBrGc-00085-00022370-00022436 pal LpwlFVLBrGc-00086-00022437-00022739 the symposium on DiGiacomo c'est la vie LpwlFVLBrGc-00087-00022740-00023056 le premier Liu damask so home yet to LpwlFVLBrGc-00088-00023057-00023359 tear meaning a ski concern the deepest LpwlFVLBrGc-00089-00023360-00023647 ash oh really so see the progress a LpwlFVLBrGc-00090-00023648-00023930 travel epi on a Finnish dr. Prince LpwlFVLBrGc-00091-00023931-00024130 Inosanto Derek Acorah LpwlFVLBrGc-00092-00024131-00024475 de novo tests polakov Indies nerve you LpwlFVLBrGc-00093-00024476-00024796 know Phil mm shows Polaris Parata on a LpwlFVLBrGc-00094-00024797-00025093 singer contra poco de DeMille respirator LpwlFVLBrGc-00095-00025094-00025369 hissing on fabric a Dark Eldar patent LpwlFVLBrGc-00096-00025370-00025696 area entre art McDonald Nuria Canadian LpwlFVLBrGc-00097-00025697-00025870 GP Nobel sonicate LpwlFVLBrGc-00098-00025872-00026351 in otra please vexos over the past two LpwlFVLBrGc-00099-00026352-00026582 months we've rolled out targeted support LpwlFVLBrGc-00100-00026583-00026751 for sectors that have been hit hard LpwlFVLBrGc-00101-00026752-00027111 by covet 19 and we know that more needs LpwlFVLBrGc-00102-00027112-00027308 to be done just look at the food LpwlFVLBrGc-00103-00027309-00027533 industry with the growing season LpwlFVLBrGc-00104-00027534-00027762 underway farmers are working harder than LpwlFVLBrGc-00105-00027763-00028068 ever to keep Canadians fed but because LpwlFVLBrGc-00106-00028069-00028346 of kovat 19 many are having trouble LpwlFVLBrGc-00107-00028347-00028595 finding workers so today I can announce LpwlFVLBrGc-00108-00028597-00028865 that our government is funding up to 700 LpwlFVLBrGc-00109-00028866-00029171 youth jobs in that industry this will LpwlFVLBrGc-00110-00029172-00029349 support the people who put food on our LpwlFVLBrGc-00111-00029350-00029533 plates while creating new opportunities LpwlFVLBrGc-00112-00029534-00029835 for young people this builds on what LpwlFVLBrGc-00113-00029836-00030033 we've already done from connecting more LpwlFVLBrGc-00114-00030033-00030264 Canadians of every age with work in the LpwlFVLBrGc-00115-00030264-00030640 sector to supporting seasonal workers LpwlFVLBrGc-00116-00030641-00030902 estancia danny is agriculture LpwlFVLBrGc-00117-00030902-00031252 revivification a bhanu really canadian LpwlFVLBrGc-00118-00031253-00031626 MiraCosta covetousness vienna's arabic LpwlFVLBrGc-00119-00031627-00031820 word difficulty at who vida travail our LpwlFVLBrGc-00120-00031822-00032240 policy day / donkey noxious gases aqua LpwlFVLBrGc-00121-00032241-00032615 pollution the sector Sava Donny orchid LpwlFVLBrGc-00122-00032616-00032880 mayor Suki newest new famiiy to talk he LpwlFVLBrGc-00123-00032881-00033149 and his opportunity Felicity Jones City LpwlFVLBrGc-00124-00033150-00033539 tea in the last weeks Canadians have LpwlFVLBrGc-00125-00033540-00033740 been focused on our families and on our LpwlFVLBrGc-00126-00033741-00033995 neighbors on our communities and our LpwlFVLBrGc-00127-00033996-00034236 country but we've also been closely LpwlFVLBrGc-00128-00034237-00034518 engaged with how the world is managing LpwlFVLBrGc-00129-00034519-00034857 covet 19 not only because the only way LpwlFVLBrGc-00130-00034858-00035171 to truly end this virus in Canada is to LpwlFVLBrGc-00131-00035172-00035457 end it everywhere but because as a LpwlFVLBrGc-00132-00035458-00035705 trading nation with Canadians who trace LpwlFVLBrGc-00133-00035706-00035904 their origins to every corner of the LpwlFVLBrGc-00134-00035905-00036114 planet we understand better than most LpwlFVLBrGc-00135-00036115-00036449 how connected the world has become LpwlFVLBrGc-00136-00036450-00036780 Canadian jobs and businesses depend on LpwlFVLBrGc-00137-00036781-00036995 stable and productive economies in other LpwlFVLBrGc-00138-00036996-00037242 countries so it matters to us how LpwlFVLBrGc-00139-00037243-00037602 everyone weather is this storm for so LpwlFVLBrGc-00140-00037603-00037989 many this pandemic is devastating more LpwlFVLBrGc-00141-00037990-00038237 than 300 million people around the world LpwlFVLBrGc-00142-00038238-00038520 will be out of work and more than 30 LpwlFVLBrGc-00143-00038521-00038699 million people will be pushed into LpwlFVLBrGc-00144-00038700-00038849 extreme poverty LpwlFVLBrGc-00145-00038850-00039258 we can't wait for others to act it's not LpwlFVLBrGc-00146-00039259-00039539 in our self-interest and it's just not LpwlFVLBrGc-00147-00039540-00039658 who we are LpwlFVLBrGc-00148-00039659-00040107 we can and we must seize the opportunity LpwlFVLBrGc-00149-00040108-00040131 to LpwlFVLBrGc-00150-00040132-00040365 do what we can to make people safer and LpwlFVLBrGc-00151-00040366-00040605 more prosperous to create an LpwlFVLBrGc-00152-00040606-00040752 international system that recognizes LpwlFVLBrGc-00153-00040753-00041082 who's left behind and strives to lift LpwlFVLBrGc-00154-00041083-00041475 them up this is no small task but I know LpwlFVLBrGc-00155-00041476-00041631 we're up to it LpwlFVLBrGc-00156-00041632-00041916 Canada is ready to do our part as we LpwlFVLBrGc-00157-00041917-00042126 help bring the world together in the LpwlFVLBrGc-00158-00042127-00042528 fight against covet 19 on Thursday I LpwlFVLBrGc-00159-00042529-00042714 will be convening a high-level meeting LpwlFVLBrGc-00160-00042715-00042948 with the Secretary General of the UN and LpwlFVLBrGc-00161-00042949-00043155 the prime minister of Jamaica to LpwlFVLBrGc-00162-00043156-00043413 consider global economic challenges and LpwlFVLBrGc-00163-00043414-00043671 how to better support developing LpwlFVLBrGc-00164-00043672-00043869 countries we're bringing together LpwlFVLBrGc-00165-00043870-00044040 leaders from every region of the world LpwlFVLBrGc-00166-00044041-00044270 as well as the heads of international LpwlFVLBrGc-00167-00044271-00044499 institutions to work on shared LpwlFVLBrGc-00168-00044500-00044730 strategies to protect the global economy LpwlFVLBrGc-00169-00044731-00045015 support our citizens and help the most LpwlFVLBrGc-00170-00045016-00045249 vulnerable I've been speaking to many LpwlFVLBrGc-00171-00045250-00045459 leaders about these issues and about the LpwlFVLBrGc-00172-00045460-00045756 importance of global cooperation this LpwlFVLBrGc-00173-00045757-00045921 includes Chancellor Merkel of Germany LpwlFVLBrGc-00174-00045922-00046161 and president McCulloh of France just LpwlFVLBrGc-00175-00046162-00046404 yesterday and leaders from the Caribbean LpwlFVLBrGc-00176-00046405-00046662 and from across Africa Latin America and LpwlFVLBrGc-00177-00046663-00046890 the Pacific and key international LpwlFVLBrGc-00178-00046891-00047205 financial experts like Canada Canada's LpwlFVLBrGc-00179-00047206-00047510 own Mark Carney are getting involved to LpwlFVLBrGc-00180-00047511-00047835 to address this pandemic to keep people LpwlFVLBrGc-00181-00047836-00048054 safe to help our economies weather the LpwlFVLBrGc-00182-00048055-00048381 storm we need to collaborate and with LpwlFVLBrGc-00183-00048382-00048663 this forum Canada will be there to help LpwlFVLBrGc-00184-00048664-00048821 lead the way forward LpwlFVLBrGc-00185-00048822-00049185 the Canada AARP Khmer song a big deal LpwlFVLBrGc-00186-00049186-00049590 yeah Femi you after Donald ozawa knows LpwlFVLBrGc-00187-00049591-00049965 entreprise not have our economy depend LpwlFVLBrGc-00188-00049966-00050288 on partying economy modular bonne santé LpwlFVLBrGc-00189-00050289-00050634 AR plan panda me or purposeful managers LpwlFVLBrGc-00190-00050635-00051000 on a Monde Danakil movie probably le LpwlFVLBrGc-00191-00051001-00051249 preview in arab casa Suarez received on LpwlFVLBrGc-00192-00051250-00051498 a regional Wang Yi vasuki Abbott lik LpwlFVLBrGc-00193-00051499-00051804 arrived for beaucoup daughter panda me LpwlFVLBrGc-00194-00051804-00052013 such an catastrophe LpwlFVLBrGc-00195-00052014-00052517 otaku Canadian OC corner hole as we Opel LpwlFVLBrGc-00196-00052519-00052815 Ianto answered WA the bat Sailor Moon LpwlFVLBrGc-00197-00052816-00053169 pursue reply prosper Portis if they ask LpwlFVLBrGc-00198-00053170-00053492 another system International SWAT resist LpwlFVLBrGc-00199-00053494-00053871 a physical certain defeat I measure say LpwlFVLBrGc-00200-00053872-00054345 conet alotta jersey Rokenbok in rio de LpwlFVLBrGc-00201-00054346-00054501 una vous avec leur secrétaire général LpwlFVLBrGc-00202-00054502-00054759 des nations jeanne yurman Estrada Lajja LpwlFVLBrGc-00203-00054760-00055154 make poor examine any difficult phases LpwlFVLBrGc-00204-00055155-00055500 yet Hoover's efferent fasten dddp on LpwlFVLBrGc-00205-00055501-00055773 development social occasion police LpwlFVLBrGc-00206-00055774-00056040 originally venire ad robbery de strategy LpwlFVLBrGc-00207-00056041-00056330 popliteal economy model suit near no LpwlFVLBrGc-00208-00056332-00056429 situation LpwlFVLBrGc-00209-00056430-00057009 ad revenue discrete enca question la LpwlFVLBrGc-00210-00057010-00057216 portada la coopération international LpwlFVLBrGc-00211-00057216-00057519 avec wizards official gino tomorrow LpwlFVLBrGc-00212-00057520-00057861 parlay yeah Alison Salman Merkel yo LpwlFVLBrGc-00213-00057862-00058296 Chris DiMarco issue choc avec de Jean de LpwlFVLBrGc-00214-00058297-00058587 carrera de Larroque telomeric latin in LpwlFVLBrGc-00215-00058588-00058959 specific yesterday's expert financier LpwlFVLBrGc-00216-00058960-00059253 hanami international communication mark LpwlFVLBrGc-00217-00059254-00059658 carney Vaughn OC participate co travail LpwlFVLBrGc-00218-00059659-00059970 and some econ rest concentrations condo LpwlFVLBrGc-00219-00059971-00060027 fire LpwlFVLBrGc-00220-00060028-00060429 Jessie cover pasa travail and some you LpwlFVLBrGc-00221-00060429-00060852 Rodney offers Missy Lp-jR6ndQuo-00000-00000119-00002367 [Music] Lp-jR6ndQuo-00001-00002368-00002554 do Lp-jR6ndQuo-00002-00002555-00005359 [Music] Lp-jR6ndQuo-00003-00005360-00005583 welcome to the british library Lp-jR6ndQuo-00004-00005584-00005791 my name is hamish todd head of east Lp-jR6ndQuo-00005-00005792-00005975 asian collections Lp-jR6ndQuo-00006-00005976-00006247 in february 2020 the exhibition Lp-jR6ndQuo-00007-00006248-00006470 exquisite patterns japanese textile Lp-jR6ndQuo-00008-00006472-00006678 design books which i had the pleasure of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00009-00006679-00006798 curating Lp-jR6ndQuo-00010-00006800-00006942 opened at the british library to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00011-00006943-00007119 showcase the library's collection of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00012-00007120-00007398 kimono pattern and design books and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00013-00007400-00007623 displayed the variety and vibrancy of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00014-00007623-00007814 these works from their origins in the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00015-00007815-00008087 mid 17th century until the early 20th Lp-jR6ndQuo-00016-00008088-00008295 century Lp-jR6ndQuo-00017-00008296-00008542 sadly the coronavirus pandemic and the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00018-00008543-00008759 uk's first national lockdown Lp-jR6ndQuo-00019-00008760-00008951 meant the exhibition had to close Lp-jR6ndQuo-00020-00008952-00009142 shortly afterwards Lp-jR6ndQuo-00021-00009143-00009295 i'm therefore delighted to have the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00022-00009296-00009551 chance through this film to introduce Lp-jR6ndQuo-00023-00009552-00009742 some of the books and manuscripts which Lp-jR6ndQuo-00024-00009743-00009919 featured in the exhibition Lp-jR6ndQuo-00025-00009920-00010119 and to examine how and why they were Lp-jR6ndQuo-00026-00010120-00010342 produced and what they tell us about the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00027-00010343-00010527 cultural context in which they were Lp-jR6ndQuo-00028-00010528-00010759 created Lp-jR6ndQuo-00029-00010760-00010951 it also gives us the chance to expand Lp-jR6ndQuo-00030-00010952-00011151 the exhibition by adding images from Lp-jR6ndQuo-00031-00011152-00011327 other items in the british library's Lp-jR6ndQuo-00032-00011328-00011710 rich japanese collections Lp-jR6ndQuo-00033-00011711-00011959 textiles and in particular the kimono in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00034-00011960-00012199 its various forms have been a focus for Lp-jR6ndQuo-00035-00012200-00012431 artistic creativity in japan for Lp-jR6ndQuo-00036-00012432-00012606 centuries Lp-jR6ndQuo-00037-00012607-00012855 the word kimono which simply means a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00038-00012856-00012974 thing to wear Lp-jR6ndQuo-00039-00012975-00013199 is nowadays often used as a catch-all Lp-jR6ndQuo-00040-00013200-00013286 term Lp-jR6ndQuo-00041-00013287-00013479 to refer to a variety of traditional Lp-jR6ndQuo-00042-00013480-00013703 garments worn by men Lp-jR6ndQuo-00043-00013704-00013983 women and children of all classes during Lp-jR6ndQuo-00044-00013984-00014286 the edo and meiji periods roughly from Lp-jR6ndQuo-00045-00014287-00014566 the early 17th century to the early 20th Lp-jR6ndQuo-00046-00014568-00014783 century Lp-jR6ndQuo-00047-00014784-00014999 over the course of the 20th century the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00048-00015000-00015215 kimono ceased to be an item of everyday Lp-jR6ndQuo-00049-00015216-00015447 apparel and came to be seen as a formal Lp-jR6ndQuo-00050-00015447-00015703 garment reserved for special occasions Lp-jR6ndQuo-00051-00015704-00015903 such as coming-of-age ceremonies and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00052-00015904-00016094 weddings Lp-jR6ndQuo-00053-00016095-00016327 in its construction the kimono is quite Lp-jR6ndQuo-00054-00016328-00016430 simple Lp-jR6ndQuo-00055-00016431-00016647 two pieces of cloth cut from a single Lp-jR6ndQuo-00056-00016648-00016894 bolt draped over the shoulders and sewn Lp-jR6ndQuo-00057-00016895-00017111 down the back with sleeves and a collar Lp-jR6ndQuo-00058-00017112-00017311 added Lp-jR6ndQuo-00059-00017312-00017494 there is no shaping to the contours of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00060-00017495-00017783 the body as in western dress instead the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00061-00017784-00017991 focus is on the fabric design and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00062-00017992-00018222 decoration which allowed the wearers to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00063-00018223-00018583 express their social standing wealth age Lp-jR6ndQuo-00064-00018584-00018903 or marital status Lp-jR6ndQuo-00065-00018904-00019094 the kimono was wrapped around the body Lp-jR6ndQuo-00066-00019095-00019358 and fastened with a belt called an obi Lp-jR6ndQuo-00067-00019359-00019558 which became increasingly elaborate both Lp-jR6ndQuo-00068-00019559-00019735 in terms of pattern and the ways of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00069-00019736-00019950 tying it Lp-jR6ndQuo-00070-00019951-00020158 kimono range from the everyday wear of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00071-00020159-00020303 ordinary folk Lp-jR6ndQuo-00072-00020304-00020583 with simple patterns in muted colors to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00073-00020584-00020791 the elaborate and exquisite garments in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00074-00020792-00021047 silken brocade favored by members of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00075-00021048-00021294 samurai elite and the wealthy merchant Lp-jR6ndQuo-00076-00021295-00021494 class Lp-jR6ndQuo-00077-00021495-00021686 high ranking courtesans of the pleasure Lp-jR6ndQuo-00078-00021687-00021791 quarters Lp-jR6ndQuo-00079-00021792-00022007 and actors of the kabuki stage were the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00080-00022008-00022294 trendsetters for fashion Lp-jR6ndQuo-00081-00022295-00022527 the british library exhibition consisted Lp-jR6ndQuo-00082-00022528-00022735 of two themes Lp-jR6ndQuo-00083-00022736-00022991 the first section focused on 17th and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00084-00022992-00023271 18th century works that were intended as Lp-jR6ndQuo-00085-00023272-00023494 practical tools for those involved in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00086-00023495-00023703 the production and selling of textiles Lp-jR6ndQuo-00087-00023704-00023975 and kimono Lp-jR6ndQuo-00088-00023976-00024175 the second section highlighted some of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00089-00024176-00024335 the library's collection of works from Lp-jR6ndQuo-00090-00024336-00024630 the late 19th and early 20th century Lp-jR6ndQuo-00091-00024631-00024814 when enterprising publishers and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00092-00024815-00025022 inventive artists collaborated to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00093-00025023-00025271 produce superb design books or zoo Lp-jR6ndQuo-00094-00025272-00025471 anchor Lp-jR6ndQuo-00095-00025472-00025670 these were intended to be appreciated Lp-jR6ndQuo-00096-00025672-00025878 and enjoyed for their own sake as much Lp-jR6ndQuo-00097-00025879-00027127 as for any practical application Lp-jR6ndQuo-00098-00027127-00027351 following decades of civil war the edo Lp-jR6ndQuo-00099-00027352-00027574 period saw the re-establishment of peace Lp-jR6ndQuo-00100-00027575-00027774 and stable government under the tokugawa Lp-jR6ndQuo-00101-00027775-00027902 shogunate Lp-jR6ndQuo-00102-00027904-00028111 as the economy prospered large urban Lp-jR6ndQuo-00103-00028112-00028367 populations developed in kyoto edo Lp-jR6ndQuo-00104-00028368-00028662 modern day tokyo and osaka Lp-jR6ndQuo-00105-00028663-00028831 alongside the imperial court and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00106-00028832-00029062 aristocracy in kyoto the samurai and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00107-00029063-00029239 increasingly prosperous merchant classes Lp-jR6ndQuo-00108-00029239-00029527 of edo formed a sophisticated fashion Lp-jR6ndQuo-00109-00029527-00029799 conscious audience and many aspects of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00110-00029800-00030014 japanese culture notably the arts and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00111-00030016-00030414 crafts flourished Lp-jR6ndQuo-00112-00030416-00030623 the early edo period saw the development Lp-jR6ndQuo-00113-00030624-00030790 of a commercial publishing industry in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00114-00030791-00031039 japan this combined with the desire Lp-jR6ndQuo-00115-00031039-00031207 among the fashionable for variety and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00116-00031208-00031462 novelty led enterprising publishers to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00117-00031463-00031670 produce the first kimono pattern books Lp-jR6ndQuo-00118-00031672-00031902 in the 1660s Lp-jR6ndQuo-00119-00031903-00032127 known as hinagatabong these early Lp-jR6ndQuo-00120-00032127-00032302 pattern books were printed Lp-jR6ndQuo-00121-00032303-00032495 using woodblock technology with Lp-jR6ndQuo-00122-00032495-00032718 illustrations in black and white but Lp-jR6ndQuo-00123-00032719-00032911 often included helpful notes describing Lp-jR6ndQuo-00124-00032912-00033167 the intended colour and type of fabric Lp-jR6ndQuo-00125-00033168-00033383 they were practical in nature serving as Lp-jR6ndQuo-00126-00033384-00033631 manuals for textile designers dyers and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00127-00033632-00033911 kimono merchants or as fashion magazines Lp-jR6ndQuo-00128-00033912-00034062 and catalogues for the discerning Lp-jR6ndQuo-00129-00034063-00035215 customer Lp-jR6ndQuo-00130-00035216-00035439 pattern books normally depict a garment Lp-jR6ndQuo-00131-00035440-00035662 called the cossode a forerunner of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00132-00035663-00035967 modern kimono in a t-shape with striking Lp-jR6ndQuo-00133-00035968-00036135 designs sweeping across the back and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00134-00036136-00036407 sleeves an effect called sawmoyor or Lp-jR6ndQuo-00135-00036408-00036679 total pattern kimono are normally Lp-jR6ndQuo-00136-00036680-00036846 displayed in this way Lp-jR6ndQuo-00137-00036847-00037159 to show the design to its best effect Lp-jR6ndQuo-00138-00037160-00037367 the first practical manual for kimono Lp-jR6ndQuo-00139-00037368-00037695 makers was published in 1666 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00140-00037696-00037871 although initially printed solely in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00141-00037872-00038111 black and white the following year this Lp-jR6ndQuo-00142-00038112-00038390 version shin senor hinagata a new Lp-jR6ndQuo-00143-00038391-00038590 selection of patterns appeared with some Lp-jR6ndQuo-00144-00038591-00038839 pages also printed in single colours of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00145-00038840-00039135 blue green or red Lp-jR6ndQuo-00146-00039136-00039399 this work by assad yui features many Lp-jR6ndQuo-00147-00039400-00039679 eye-catching designs for instance here Lp-jR6ndQuo-00148-00039680-00039823 on the left a bold design of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00149-00039824-00039974 chrysanthemums Lp-jR6ndQuo-00150-00039975-00040135 on the right Lp-jR6ndQuo-00151-00040136-00040327 the chinese characters representing the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00152-00040328-00040502 names of the animals of the chinese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00153-00040503-00041758 zodiac Lp-jR6ndQuo-00154-00041759-00041958 this type of publication proved very Lp-jR6ndQuo-00155-00041959-00042190 popular and new titles appeared in quick Lp-jR6ndQuo-00156-00042191-00042367 succession as publishers sought to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00157-00042368-00042599 capitalize on the latest trends Lp-jR6ndQuo-00158-00042600-00042830 the kimono buying public crave novelty Lp-jR6ndQuo-00159-00042831-00043023 and designers found inspiration in a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00160-00043024-00043246 huge variety of themes including the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00161-00043247-00043599 natural world folklore history signs of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00162-00043600-00043862 the zodiac auspicious symbols and a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00163-00043863-00044062 written word Lp-jR6ndQuo-00164-00044063-00044415 this design is from a work called torse Lp-jR6ndQuo-00165-00044416-00044679 hinagata hagi no no fields of bush Lp-jR6ndQuo-00166-00044680-00044935 clover dyeing patterns for today Lp-jR6ndQuo-00167-00044936-00045190 published in 1741 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00168-00045191-00045407 a carp fights its way up a powerful Lp-jR6ndQuo-00169-00045408-00045662 waterfall a popular symbol of energy and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00170-00045663-00045871 determination drawn from a chinese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00171-00045872-00046030 legend in which a carp crossed the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00172-00046031-00046246 dragon gate rapids on the yellow river Lp-jR6ndQuo-00173-00046247-00047646 and turned into a dragon Lp-jR6ndQuo-00174-00047647-00047807 another example of this type of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00175-00047808-00048086 practical publication is this work sara Lp-jR6ndQuo-00176-00048087-00048367 sabenron a handbook for chintz printed Lp-jR6ndQuo-00177-00048368-00048655 in 1778. Lp-jR6ndQuo-00178-00048656-00048895 chins a variety of indian calico printed Lp-jR6ndQuo-00179-00048896-00049127 with colorful patterns was introduced to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00180-00049128-00049367 japan by east india company merchants in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00181-00049368-00049551 1613. Lp-jR6ndQuo-00182-00049552-00049711 much admired for their bright colors and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00183-00049712-00049967 bold designs these fabrics called sarasa Lp-jR6ndQuo-00184-00049968-00050295 in japanese were expensive luxuries Lp-jR6ndQuo-00185-00050296-00050518 however in the late 17th century Lp-jR6ndQuo-00186-00050519-00050743 japanese textile makers devised methods Lp-jR6ndQuo-00187-00050744-00051062 to produce more affordable versions Lp-jR6ndQuo-00188-00051063-00051302 sarasa benran is a practical guide to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00189-00051303-00051519 the designing and printing of chintz Lp-jR6ndQuo-00190-00051520-00051694 with notes to indicate the intended Lp-jR6ndQuo-00191-00051695-00051887 colours of the various parts of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00192-00051888-00052894 pattern Lp-jR6ndQuo-00193-00052895-00053087 as we have seen the early pattern books Lp-jR6ndQuo-00194-00053088-00053287 were printed in black and white but this Lp-jR6ndQuo-00195-00053288-00053494 was far from ideal when color was such a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00196-00053495-00053679 vital element Lp-jR6ndQuo-00197-00053679-00053911 publishers and designers sought ways to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00198-00053912-00054094 solve this problem Lp-jR6ndQuo-00199-00054095-00054335 at its simplest this might take the form Lp-jR6ndQuo-00200-00054336-00054582 of adding text to indicate the color as Lp-jR6ndQuo-00201-00054583-00054887 in sarasa benron this beautifully Lp-jR6ndQuo-00202-00054888-00055254 produced work shin moyu yaigasumi or new Lp-jR6ndQuo-00203-00055255-00055487 patterns as plentiful as late as spring Lp-jR6ndQuo-00204-00055488-00055791 mist published in 1784 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00205-00055791-00055982 shows a more sophisticated level of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00206-00055983-00056207 publication Lp-jR6ndQuo-00207-00056208-00056463 each design comprises a front view of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00208-00056464-00056711 the kimono followed by a close-up of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00209-00056712-00056966 detail of the pattern Lp-jR6ndQuo-00210-00056967-00057159 the illustrations were printed in black Lp-jR6ndQuo-00211-00057160-00057471 and white and then colored by hand Lp-jR6ndQuo-00212-00057472-00057775 here the artist koyuken charanshi Lp-jR6ndQuo-00213-00057776-00058166 has depicted a herd of lively horses Lp-jR6ndQuo-00214-00058167-00058359 the animals of the chinese zodiac were Lp-jR6ndQuo-00215-00058360-00058599 popular motifs so this design may have Lp-jR6ndQuo-00216-00058600-00058838 been intended for a year of the horse Lp-jR6ndQuo-00217-00058839-00059030 or perhaps simply to appeal to someone Lp-jR6ndQuo-00218-00059032-00059326 who liked horses Lp-jR6ndQuo-00219-00059327-00059550 although the full pattern and the detail Lp-jR6ndQuo-00220-00059551-00059799 are displayed here side by side in the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00221-00059800-00060023 book itself they appear on consecutive Lp-jR6ndQuo-00222-00060024-00060230 pages Lp-jR6ndQuo-00223-00060232-00060430 this is a result of the way the book was Lp-jR6ndQuo-00224-00060432-00060623 printed Lp-jR6ndQuo-00225-00060624-00060815 the two designs were carved on the same Lp-jR6ndQuo-00226-00060816-00061054 wood block but once the paper sheet was Lp-jR6ndQuo-00227-00061055-00061287 printed it was folded down the middle Lp-jR6ndQuo-00228-00061288-00061471 and the open ends were stitched into the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00229-00061472-00061582 spine Lp-jR6ndQuo-00230-00061583-00061847 a process known as fukurotoji or bag Lp-jR6ndQuo-00231-00061848-00062023 binding Lp-jR6ndQuo-00232-00062024-00062206 this is the reverse of the western book Lp-jR6ndQuo-00233-00062207-00062350 binding Lp-jR6ndQuo-00234-00062351-00062582 where folded edges are bound into the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00235-00062583-00063791 spine Lp-jR6ndQuo-00236-00063791-00063991 enterprising kimono merchants were quick Lp-jR6ndQuo-00237-00063991-00064182 to see the potential of pattern books as Lp-jR6ndQuo-00238-00064183-00064350 a means of attracting customers and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00239-00064351-00064503 promoting their wares to a wider Lp-jR6ndQuo-00240-00064504-00064711 clientele Lp-jR6ndQuo-00241-00064712-00064942 this example is a lavish volume entitled Lp-jR6ndQuo-00242-00064944-00065230 kuretake produced in 1902 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00243-00065232-00065454 by ichida yaichiro proprietor of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00244-00065455-00065735 kimono store ichida shorten Lp-jR6ndQuo-00245-00065736-00066015 it includes 120 spectacular colour Lp-jR6ndQuo-00246-00066016-00066247 printed designs Lp-jR6ndQuo-00247-00066248-00066447 while most are for women's kimonos there Lp-jR6ndQuo-00248-00066448-00066694 are also designs for men such as this Lp-jR6ndQuo-00249-00066695-00066935 one for a houry a short jacket Lp-jR6ndQuo-00250-00066936-00067135 incorporating the animals of the chinese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00251-00067136-00067415 zodiac Lp-jR6ndQuo-00252-00067416-00067606 it was clearly produced for use as a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00253-00067607-00067838 practical catalogue for kimono sellers Lp-jR6ndQuo-00254-00067839-00068055 and customers since in addition to the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00255-00068056-00068271 illustrations and the designs it also Lp-jR6ndQuo-00256-00068272-00068575 includes 47 textile samples from which Lp-jR6ndQuo-00257-00068576-00068735 clients could choose their preferred Lp-jR6ndQuo-00258-00068736-00069871 colors and fabrics Lp-jR6ndQuo-00259-00069872-00070055 the british library collection also Lp-jR6ndQuo-00260-00070056-00070247 contains a slightly more homespun Lp-jR6ndQuo-00261-00070248-00070559 version of this sort of catalogue Lp-jR6ndQuo-00262-00070560-00070711 some of these are reminiscent of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00263-00070712-00070935 clothes made for japanese paper dolls or Lp-jR6ndQuo-00264-00070936-00071167 anisa maningyo literally big sister Lp-jR6ndQuo-00265-00071168-00071382 dolls which have been popular toys for Lp-jR6ndQuo-00266-00071383-00071543 centuries Lp-jR6ndQuo-00267-00071544-00071711 the purpose of the album is a bit of a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00268-00071712-00071926 mystery but it was probably used in a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00269-00071927-00072223 kimono shop as a catalogue for customers Lp-jR6ndQuo-00270-00072224-00072471 and shows considerable signs of use Lp-jR6ndQuo-00271-00072472-00072631 even what looked like cigarette or Lp-jR6ndQuo-00272-00072632-00072831 candle burns Lp-jR6ndQuo-00273-00072832-00073015 many of the designs helpfully also Lp-jR6ndQuo-00274-00073016-00073199 include pattern suggestions for an inner Lp-jR6ndQuo-00275-00073200-00073503 kimono visible at the neck and sleeves Lp-jR6ndQuo-00276-00073504-00073694 this type of layered kimono set or Lp-jR6ndQuo-00277-00073695-00073950 casane was very fashionable in the 1880s Lp-jR6ndQuo-00278-00073951-00074223 to 1900s which helps us to date the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00279-00074224-00074559 album Lp-jR6ndQuo-00280-00074560-00074806 this design is for a footy sode Lp-jR6ndQuo-00281-00074807-00075006 literally swinging sleeves Lp-jR6ndQuo-00282-00075007-00075199 the type of kimono traditionally worn by Lp-jR6ndQuo-00283-00075200-00075423 young unmarried women and noted for Lp-jR6ndQuo-00284-00075424-00077062 their vibrant colors and bold patterns Lp-jR6ndQuo-00285-00077063-00077279 in late 19th century kyoto the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00286-00077280-00077471 traditional centre of japan's textile Lp-jR6ndQuo-00287-00077472-00077582 industry Lp-jR6ndQuo-00288-00077583-00077782 technological development in dying and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00289-00077783-00078015 weaving led to large-scale production of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00290-00078016-00078206 goods and a growing demand for new Lp-jR6ndQuo-00291-00078207-00078526 textile designs or zuan Lp-jR6ndQuo-00292-00078527-00078775 the modernization of education led to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00293-00078776-00078975 the establishment of art schools such as Lp-jR6ndQuo-00294-00078976-00079215 kyoto prefectural school of painting Lp-jR6ndQuo-00295-00079216-00079399 founded in 1880 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00296-00079400-00079567 where design was taught as a formal Lp-jR6ndQuo-00297-00079568-00079838 subject for the first time Lp-jR6ndQuo-00298-00079839-00080087 by the 1890s professional designers or Lp-jR6ndQuo-00299-00080088-00080343 zuwanka appeared creating a vast array Lp-jR6ndQuo-00300-00080344-00080575 of designs which could be used not only Lp-jR6ndQuo-00301-00080576-00080838 for textiles but also for ceramics Lp-jR6ndQuo-00302-00080839-00081047 lacquerware screens or other craft Lp-jR6ndQuo-00303-00081048-00081343 products Lp-jR6ndQuo-00304-00081344-00081526 in the second part of the exhibition we Lp-jR6ndQuo-00305-00081527-00081662 look at some of the most striking Lp-jR6ndQuo-00306-00081663-00081815 examples from the british library Lp-jR6ndQuo-00307-00081816-00083175 collection Lp-jR6ndQuo-00308-00083176-00083455 this moonlit scene entitled dew on the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00309-00083456-00083806 plains of musashi is by mizuta shizuhiro Lp-jR6ndQuo-00310-00083807-00084047 and comes from sononokori or scents of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00311-00084048-00084367 the garden produced in 1903 by kyoto Lp-jR6ndQuo-00312-00084368-00084679 publisher unkindo Lp-jR6ndQuo-00313-00084680-00084982 honda ichijiro the owner of unkindo was Lp-jR6ndQuo-00314-00084983-00085231 the elder brother of yamada now saburo Lp-jR6ndQuo-00315-00085232-00085543 founder of the rival publisher umsodor Lp-jR6ndQuo-00316-00085544-00085759 the two brothers were hugely influential Lp-jR6ndQuo-00317-00085760-00085950 in nurturing the talent of many noted Lp-jR6ndQuo-00318-00085951-00086303 designers of the early 20th century Lp-jR6ndQuo-00319-00086304-00086526 by employing exceptionally skilled block Lp-jR6ndQuo-00320-00086527-00086767 carvers and printers and pursuing the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00321-00086768-00086935 highest standards of book design and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00322-00086936-00087071 production Lp-jR6ndQuo-00323-00087072-00087335 unsado and unkinder raised the design Lp-jR6ndQuo-00324-00087336-00087559 album to the status of an art object in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00325-00087560-00088862 its own right Lp-jR6ndQuo-00326-00088863-00089038 was one of the most creative japanese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00327-00089039-00089343 designers of the early 20th century Lp-jR6ndQuo-00328-00089344-00089518 while visiting europe for the glasgow Lp-jR6ndQuo-00329-00089519-00089759 international exhibition in 1901 he was Lp-jR6ndQuo-00330-00089760-00090087 inspired by art nouveau and japanese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00331-00090088-00090287 he was also profoundly influenced by Lp-jR6ndQuo-00332-00090288-00090535 their impulse painting style originally Lp-jR6ndQuo-00333-00090536-00090767 developed in the 17th century by Lp-jR6ndQuo-00334-00090768-00091247 brothers olgatakorin and ogata kenzan Lp-jR6ndQuo-00335-00091248-00091479 rimpa artists worked on a wide variety Lp-jR6ndQuo-00336-00091480-00091782 of formats screens fans hanging scrolls Lp-jR6ndQuo-00337-00091783-00092159 books lacquerware ceramics and textiles Lp-jR6ndQuo-00338-00092160-00092375 they favored vibrant colors applied in a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00339-00092376-00092599 highly decorative manner with themes Lp-jR6ndQuo-00340-00092600-00092767 taken from nature or classical Lp-jR6ndQuo-00341-00092768-00092974 literature Lp-jR6ndQuo-00342-00092975-00093223 rim pastel screens made extensive use of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00343-00093224-00093431 gold leaf or pigment a trait that can Lp-jR6ndQuo-00344-00093432-00093703 also be seen in many zohan chor Lp-jR6ndQuo-00345-00093704-00093967 sekka collaborated with sodor on some of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00346-00093968-00094231 its most successful publications Lp-jR6ndQuo-00347-00094232-00094431 including coromal guy or changing Lp-jR6ndQuo-00348-00094432-00094623 clothes shown here Lp-jR6ndQuo-00349-00094624-00094862 which features a full-page bold designs Lp-jR6ndQuo-00350-00094863-00095023 and striking colours Lp-jR6ndQuo-00351-00095024-00095215 the format of this album reflects the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00352-00095216-00095431 change of focus for decoration from Lp-jR6ndQuo-00353-00095432-00095615 large scale designs covering the whole Lp-jR6ndQuo-00354-00095616-00095831 garment to designs with a focus on the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00355-00095832-00096031 lower section of the kimono Lp-jR6ndQuo-00356-00096032-00096262 nearer to the hem called in japanese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00357-00096263-00096606 suso moyo literally hem patterns Lp-jR6ndQuo-00358-00096607-00096782 this trend is connected to the increase Lp-jR6ndQuo-00359-00096783-00097926 in size and importance of the obi Lp-jR6ndQuo-00360-00097927-00098238 chal senshu or 1000 butterflies is Lp-jR6ndQuo-00361-00098239-00098431 another superb collaboration between Lp-jR6ndQuo-00362-00098432-00098743 kamisaka sekka and sodol Lp-jR6ndQuo-00363-00098744-00098991 its two volumes contain a total of 49 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00364-00098992-00099255 double-page designs of butterflies which Lp-jR6ndQuo-00365-00099256-00099423 range from the more or less lifelike Lp-jR6ndQuo-00366-00099424-00099550 depictions Lp-jR6ndQuo-00367-00099551-00099815 to near geometric forms as the artist Lp-jR6ndQuo-00368-00099816-00100150 explored his theme to its limits Lp-jR6ndQuo-00369-00100151-00100326 although butterflies have been a popular Lp-jR6ndQuo-00370-00100327-00100591 kimono motif for centuries this design Lp-jR6ndQuo-00371-00100592-00100806 shows the clear influence of art nouveau Lp-jR6ndQuo-00372-00100807-00101926 on setka's work Lp-jR6ndQuo-00373-00101927-00102150 according to its title this album by Lp-jR6ndQuo-00374-00102151-00102350 shimomura tamahiro features Lp-jR6ndQuo-00375-00102351-00102575 reinterpretations of kimono designs from Lp-jR6ndQuo-00376-00102576-00102830 the genroku period Lp-jR6ndQuo-00377-00102831-00103030 in this composition the kimono hung on Lp-jR6ndQuo-00378-00103031-00103239 racks evoked the painting motif of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00379-00103240-00103534 tagasode or whose sleeves often found on Lp-jR6ndQuo-00380-00103535-00103734 folding screens of the late 16th and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00381-00103735-00103975 early 17th centuries Lp-jR6ndQuo-00382-00103976-00104182 the term tagasolder can be traced back Lp-jR6ndQuo-00383-00104183-00104382 to classic love poetry and is an Lp-jR6ndQuo-00384-00104383-00104590 invitation to the viewer to speculate on Lp-jR6ndQuo-00385-00104591-00104758 the possible owner of such gorgeous Lp-jR6ndQuo-00386-00104759-00104999 clothing Lp-jR6ndQuo-00387-00105000-00105223 in the foreground tamahiro has included Lp-jR6ndQuo-00388-00105224-00105478 the tools of the kimono makers trade Lp-jR6ndQuo-00389-00105479-00106815 fabric scissors ruler and needles Lp-jR6ndQuo-00390-00106816-00107031 this sumptuously produced two-volume Lp-jR6ndQuo-00391-00107032-00107223 album contains 50 double-page Lp-jR6ndQuo-00392-00107224-00107439 illustrations of plants by furry Lp-jR6ndQuo-00393-00107440-00107839 according a pupil of kamisaka sekka Lp-jR6ndQuo-00394-00107840-00108047 like sekai he was strongly influenced by Lp-jR6ndQuo-00395-00108048-00108286 the art of the rimpa school and even Lp-jR6ndQuo-00396-00108288-00108583 changed his name from fujitaro to cordin Lp-jR6ndQuo-00397-00108583-00108727 in homage to one of the school's Lp-jR6ndQuo-00398-00108728-00109047 greatest exponents or gut according Lp-jR6ndQuo-00399-00109048-00109247 he collaborated with sodor on a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00400-00109248-00109447 succession of exquisite design books Lp-jR6ndQuo-00401-00109448-00109695 until his premature death in 1910 at the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00402-00109696-00109983 age of 35. Lp-jR6ndQuo-00403-00109983-00110199 the complex multi-block colour printing Lp-jR6ndQuo-00404-00110200-00110478 and dramatic use of mica gold and silver Lp-jR6ndQuo-00405-00110479-00110671 to enrich the illustrations were Lp-jR6ndQuo-00406-00110672-00112207 hallmarks of unsoldered publications Lp-jR6ndQuo-00407-00112208-00112358 was another of the talented young Lp-jR6ndQuo-00408-00112359-00112607 artists employed by unsado and on kinder Lp-jR6ndQuo-00409-00112608-00112919 to create fresh exciting designs Lp-jR6ndQuo-00410-00112920-00113166 senchokuzuan or designs for dyeing Lp-jR6ndQuo-00411-00113167-00113478 fabric published in 1904 contains a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00412-00113479-00113695 hundred innovative ideas on a huge range Lp-jR6ndQuo-00413-00113696-00113839 of topics Lp-jR6ndQuo-00414-00113840-00114031 shown here is an unusual reworking of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00415-00114032-00114215 the traditional motif of a pair of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00416-00114216-00114454 mandarin ducks symbols of marital Lp-jR6ndQuo-00417-00114455-00115631 harmony Lp-jR6ndQuo-00418-00115632-00115815 the final item in the exhibition is one Lp-jR6ndQuo-00419-00115816-00116039 of my personal favorites Lp-jR6ndQuo-00420-00116040-00116254 in this unusual and engaging design an Lp-jR6ndQuo-00421-00116255-00116447 inquisitive crane peers out at the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00422-00116448-00116607 viewer Lp-jR6ndQuo-00423-00116608-00116815 symbols of longevity have been a popular Lp-jR6ndQuo-00424-00116816-00116990 motif for textile designers for Lp-jR6ndQuo-00425-00116991-00117127 centuries Lp-jR6ndQuo-00426-00117128-00117334 in japanese folklore the crane Lp-jR6ndQuo-00427-00117335-00117686 represents 1 000 years of life Lp-jR6ndQuo-00428-00117688-00117943 in this work 10 lens 100 cranes Lp-jR6ndQuo-00429-00117944-00118215 published by on sodo in 1900 Lp-jR6ndQuo-00430-00118216-00118454 the artist kaigei tennen explores the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00431-00118455-00118663 theme with depictions of cranes in a Lp-jR6ndQuo-00432-00118664-00118895 huge variety of styles settings and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00433-00118896-00119095 combinations with other auspicious Lp-jR6ndQuo-00434-00119096-00119431 symbols such as pine bamboo and plum Lp-jR6ndQuo-00435-00119432-00119702 blossom and tortoises another symbol of Lp-jR6ndQuo-00436-00119703-00120366 longevity Lp-jR6ndQuo-00437-00120367-00120599 i hope that the exhibition and this film Lp-jR6ndQuo-00438-00120600-00120743 provide an introduction to the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00439-00120744-00120902 development of japanese pattern and Lp-jR6ndQuo-00440-00120903-00121102 design books from their beginnings in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00441-00121103-00121358 the 17th century to their high point in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00442-00121359-00121519 the early 20th Lp-jR6ndQuo-00443-00121520-00121727 i hope too that it wets your appetite to Lp-jR6ndQuo-00444-00121728-00121902 explore the british library's japanese Lp-jR6ndQuo-00445-00121903-00122151 collections further Lp-jR6ndQuo-00446-00122152-00122351 the items included in the exhibition Lp-jR6ndQuo-00447-00122352-00122510 represent just a small part of the Lp-jR6ndQuo-00448-00122511-00122719 library's japanese collection Lp-jR6ndQuo-00449-00122720-00122975 a program of digitization is underway Lp-jR6ndQuo-00450-00122976-00123175 and images of all the items featured in Lp-jR6ndQuo-00451-00123176-00123383 the exhibition and many others are now Lp-jR6ndQuo-00452-00123383-00123543 available on the british library's Lp-jR6ndQuo-00453-00123544-00123766 website Lp-jR6ndQuo-00454-00123767-00123895 thank you for joining me for this Lp-jR6ndQuo-00455-00123896-00124496 virtual tour goseicho arigato gozaimasu Lp-jR6ndQuo-00456-00124497-00127439 [Music] Lp-jR6ndQuo-00457-00127440-00127648 you LOgwi7g1EJk-00000-00000053-00000446 the 1951 World Chess Championship was LOgwi7g1EJk-00001-00000447-00000674 played between Mikhail Botvinnik and LOgwi7g1EJk-00002-00000675-00000923 David Bronstein in Moscow from March LOgwi7g1EJk-00003-00000924-00001427 15th to May 11th 1951 it was the first LOgwi7g1EJk-00004-00001428-00001648 match played under the supervision of LOgwi7g1EJk-00005-00001650-00001910 fighty and the first to use a qualifying LOgwi7g1EJk-00006-00001911-00002165 system of an inter sonal and candidates LOgwi7g1EJk-00007-00002166-00002387 tournament to choose a challenger a LOgwi7g1EJk-00008-00002388-00002824 system which stayed in place until 1993 LOgwi7g1EJk-00009-00002825-00003173 Botvinnik was the defending champion he LOgwi7g1EJk-00010-00003174-00003445 was 39 years old had been a world LOgwi7g1EJk-00011-00003446-00003730 leading player in the 1930s and world LOgwi7g1EJk-00012-00003731-00004177 champions since 1948 the challenger LOgwi7g1EJk-00013-00004178-00004541 David Bronstein was 27 years old and LOgwi7g1EJk-00014-00004542-00004872 relatively new to top-level competition LOgwi7g1EJk-00015-00004873-00005266 the match ended in a 12 to 12 tie five LOgwi7g1EJk-00016-00005267-00005614 wins each and 14 draws meaning Botvinnik LOgwi7g1EJk-00017-00005615-00005943 retained the title of world champion LOgwi7g1EJk-00018-00005944-00006361 writing in 1973 Israel Horowitz LOgwi7g1EJk-00019-00006362-00006670 described the match as perhaps the most LOgwi7g1EJk-00020-00006672-00006931 interesting match ever played for the LOgwi7g1EJk-00021-00006933-00007625 World Championship LOgwi7g1EJk-00022-00007626-00008452 topic 1948 inter-zonal tournament LOgwi7g1EJk-00023-00008453-00008719 an inter sonal tournament was held at LOgwi7g1EJk-00024-00008720-00009031 salts JA Baden in Stockholm Sweden in LOgwi7g1EJk-00025-00009032-00009502 July and August 1948 the top eight LOgwi7g1EJk-00026-00009503-00009757 finishers qualified for the candidates LOgwi7g1EJk-00027-00009758-00009934 tournament LOgwi7g1EJk-00028-00009935-00010189 the four players tied for sixth place LOgwi7g1EJk-00029-00010190-00010435 were to have played off for three spots LOgwi7g1EJk-00030-00010436-00010651 in the candidates tournament but LOgwi7g1EJk-00031-00010652-00010891 Bondarev ski had to withdraw due to LOgwi7g1EJk-00032-00010892-00011148 illness so the other three qualified LOgwi7g1EJk-00033-00011149-00011414 automatically LOgwi7g1EJk-00034-00011415-00011782 you LOgwi7g1EJk-00035-00011783-00012571 topic 1950 candidates tournament LOgwi7g1EJk-00036-00012572-00012919 the 1950 candidates tournament was held LOgwi7g1EJk-00037-00012920-00013240 in Budapest Hungary in April and May LOgwi7g1EJk-00038-00013241-00013630 1950 the players who finished second LOgwi7g1EJk-00039-00013631-00013936 through fifth in the 1948 championship LOgwi7g1EJk-00040-00013937-00014336 tournament smyslov Kerris Reshevsky and LOgwi7g1EJk-00041-00014337-00014572 you were seated directly into the LOgwi7g1EJk-00042-00014573-00014863 tournament along with Rubin fine who had LOgwi7g1EJk-00043-00014865-00015175 been invited to the 1948 tournament but LOgwi7g1EJk-00044-00015176-00015377 declined and the top eight finishers LOgwi7g1EJk-00045-00015378-00015728 from the Interzone 'el it has been LOgwi7g1EJk-00046-00015729-00015947 written that Reshevsky and fine were LOgwi7g1EJk-00047-00015947-00016175 prevented from traveling to Hungary by LOgwi7g1EJk-00048-00016176-00016442 the US State Department with travel LOgwi7g1EJk-00049-00016443-00016646 restrictions due to the Cold War LOgwi7g1EJk-00050-00016647-00017039 however Reshevsky said in 1991 that he LOgwi7g1EJk-00051-00017040-00017387 could have gone but did not want to you LOgwi7g1EJk-00052-00017388-00017624 declined due to work commitments and LOgwi7g1EJk-00053-00017625-00017951 Bondarev ski due to illness LOgwi7g1EJk-00054-00017952-00018233 the co-winners then played a 12 game LOgwi7g1EJk-00055-00018234-00018547 rematch in Moscow in July and August LOgwi7g1EJk-00056-00018548-00018956 1950 in the event of another tie the LOgwi7g1EJk-00057-00018957-00019163 first decisive game would determine LOgwi7g1EJk-00058-00019164-00019507 Botvinnik Challenger for the title LOgwi7g1EJk-00059-00019508-00019712 Braunstein thus earned the right to LOgwi7g1EJk-00060-00019713-00020045 challenge the reigning champion LOgwi7g1EJk-00061-00020046-00020387 you LOgwi7g1EJk-00062-00020388-00021122 topic did boleslav ski allow a tie LOgwi7g1EJk-00063-00021123-00021347 going into the final round of the LOgwi7g1EJk-00064-00021348-00021641 candidates tournament boleslav ski had a LOgwi7g1EJk-00065-00021642-00022028 half point lead over Bronstein boleslav LOgwi7g1EJk-00066-00022029-00022271 ski had white against Stalberg and LOgwi7g1EJk-00067-00022272-00022502 offered a short draw when he was in a LOgwi7g1EJk-00068-00022503-00022794 good position which Stalberg accepted LOgwi7g1EJk-00069-00022795-00023138 this gave Bronstein the opportunity to LOgwi7g1EJk-00070-00023139-00023393 catch him which he did with a brilliant LOgwi7g1EJk-00071-00023394-00023783 win against Carris it has been said by LOgwi7g1EJk-00072-00023784-00024053 both Bronstein and by Yuri a Verbeck LOgwi7g1EJk-00073-00024054-00024335 that boleslav ski allowed Bronstein to LOgwi7g1EJk-00074-00024336-00024683 catch him a Verbeck said that boleslav LOgwi7g1EJk-00075-00024684-00024919 ski had a very poor record against LOgwi7g1EJk-00076-00024920-00025142 Botvinnik and hoped that a tie would LOgwi7g1EJk-00077-00025143-00025380 mean a three-way match between Botvinnik LOgwi7g1EJk-00078-00025381-00025672 boleslav ski and Braunstein although LOgwi7g1EJk-00079-00025673-00025952 this did not eventuate it has also been LOgwi7g1EJk-00080-00025952-00026144 speculated that the result of the LOgwi7g1EJk-00081-00026145-00026375 Braunstein boleslav ski match was LOgwi7g1EJk-00082-00026376-00026761 pre-arranged by the contestants LOgwi7g1EJk-00083-00026762-00027127 you LOgwi7g1EJk-00084-00027129-00027951 topic 1951 championship match LOgwi7g1EJk-00085-00027952-00028283 the match was played as best of 24 games LOgwi7g1EJk-00086-00028284-00028677 if it ended 12 to 12 BOTS fennec the LOgwi7g1EJk-00087-00028677-00028996 holder would retain the championship LOgwi7g1EJk-00088-00028997-00029418 Botvinnik retains the championship LOgwi7g1EJk-00089-00029419-00029760 you LOgwi7g1EJk-00090-00029761-00030325 topic highlights LOgwi7g1EJk-00091-00030326-00030697 you LOgwi7g1EJk-00092-00030698-00031408 topic external links LOgwi7g1EJk-00093-00031408-00031708 19:51 World Chess Championship at the LOgwi7g1EJk-00094-00031710-00031931 Internet Archive record of Graham LOgwi7g1EJk-00095-00031932-00032285 creased chess pages LQ4HksuXM6U-00000-00000054-00000467 Nancy Elise Hal H Mundi born February 19 LQ4HksuXM6U-00001-00000468-00000776 1952 is an American writer of science LQ4HksuXM6U-00002-00000777-00001047 fiction fantasy and horror including LQ4HksuXM6U-00003-00001048-00001383 four children's novels nancy elise LQ4HksuXM6U-00004-00001384-00001653 Howell was born in Reno Nevada her LQ4HksuXM6U-00005-00001654-00001907 novels short fiction and poetry have LQ4HksuXM6U-00006-00001909-00002187 appeared regularly since 1980 both in LQ4HksuXM6U-00007-00002188-00002472 the United States and abroad her work LQ4HksuXM6U-00008-00002473-00002649 has earned a number of awards including LQ4HksuXM6U-00009-00002650-00002937 three Bram Stoker awards two for LQ4HksuXM6U-00010-00002938-00003159 children's horror a golden duck Award LQ4HksuXM6U-00011-00003160-00003339 for Excellence in children's science LQ4HksuXM6U-00012-00003340-00003554 fiction and an international horror LQ4HksuXM6U-00013-00003556-00003876 Guild Award her fourth novel the power LQ4HksuXM6U-00014-00003877-00004086 of on was published by Front Street LQ4HksuXM6U-00015-00004086-00004472 cricket books in March 2000 cat in glass LQ4HksuXM6U-00016-00004473-00004697 and other tales of the unnatural her LQ4HksuXM6U-00017-00004698-00004913 collection of short dark fantasy for LQ4HksuXM6U-00018-00004914-00005229 young adults was published in 2002 also LQ4HksuXM6U-00019-00005230-00005420 by Front Street cricket books and LQ4HksuXM6U-00020-00005421-00005637 appears on the ala best books for young LQ4HksuXM6U-00021-00005638-00006051 adults lists for 2002 she holds a BA in LQ4HksuXM6U-00022-00006052-00006263 fine arts and English literature from LQ4HksuXM6U-00023-00006264-00006591 University of nevada-reno she is a LQ4HksuXM6U-00024-00006592-00006764 former officer of the Horror Writers LQ4HksuXM6U-00025-00006765-00007028 Association and currently serves on the LQ4HksuXM6U-00026-00007029-00007319 board of the Clarion foundation she LQ4HksuXM6U-00027-00007320-00007548 attended the Clarion science fiction and LQ4HksuXM6U-00028-00007548-00007853 fantasy writers workshop in 1982 at LQ4HksuXM6U-00029-00007854-00008058 Michigan State University in East LQ4HksuXM6U-00030-00008059-00008378 Lansing Michigan she lives and works in LQ4HksuXM6U-00031-00008379-00008583 Northern California and is married to LQ4HksuXM6U-00032-00008584-00008834 John H Mundy former Provost of Stanford LQ4HksuXM6U-00033-00008835-00009469 University LQ4HksuXM6U-00034-00009470-00010378 topic bibliography LQ4HksuXM6U-00035-00010379-00010895 topic novels LQ4HksuXM6U-00036-00010896-00011237 the Watchers of space Avon books 1980 LQ4HksuXM6U-00037-00011238-00011648 astray by Andrew glass stranger from the LQ4HksuXM6U-00038-00011649-00011696 stars LQ4HksuXM6U-00039-00011697-00012266 Avon 1983 Ellis - hey H Maundy the LQ4HksuXM6U-00040-00012267-00012365 Crystal City LQ4HksuXM6U-00041-00012366-00012733 Avon 1985 sequel to the Watchers the LQ4HksuXM6U-00042-00012734-00013466 power of un cricket books 2000 LQ4HksuXM6U-00043-00013466-00014004 topic short fiction LQ4HksuXM6U-00044-00014005-00014349 collection scat in glass cricket 2002 LQ4HksuXM6U-00045-00014350-00014894 short stories LQ4HksuXM6U-00046-00014895-00015476 topic external links LQ4HksuXM6U-00047-00015477-00015872 official website nancy etch Maundy at LQ4HksuXM6U-00048-00015872-00016013 the internet speculative fiction LQ4HksuXM6U-00049-00016013-00016415 database nancy etch Maundy at Library of LQ4HksuXM6U-00050-00016416-00016655 Congress authorities with six catalog LQ4HksuXM6U-00051-00016656-00016904 records LQlyJ6DjYCY-00000-00000006-00000281 hi have you been wondering whenever you LQlyJ6DjYCY-00001-00000282-00000545 hear someone say God tells me God said LQlyJ6DjYCY-00002-00000546-00000808 this God was speaking to me I heard LQlyJ6DjYCY-00003-00000809-00001049 God's voice and you're like oh my LQlyJ6DjYCY-00004-00001050-00001361 goodness does God speak actually if LQlyJ6DjYCY-00005-00001362-00001660 you're in that shoe please this video is LQlyJ6DjYCY-00006-00001661-00001895 for you don't scroll wash to the end LQlyJ6DjYCY-00007-00001896-00002645 let's jump into it LQlyJ6DjYCY-00008-00002646-00002873 welcome back again basically we'll be LQlyJ6DjYCY-00009-00002874-00003125 talking on four ways God speaks of LQlyJ6DjYCY-00010-00003126-00003485 always God can talk to a man and we also LQlyJ6DjYCY-00011-00003486-00003688 be looking at examples of examples of LQlyJ6DjYCY-00012-00003689-00003904 people in the Bible that he did LQlyJ6DjYCY-00013-00003905-00004097 communicate with them through this four LQlyJ6DjYCY-00014-00004098-00004438 minutes the first one we have is God's LQlyJ6DjYCY-00015-00004439-00004703 speaks audibly he speaks with his voice LQlyJ6DjYCY-00016-00004704-00004967 not just the way I'm talking God speaks LQlyJ6DjYCY-00017-00004968-00005206 like this example we have somewhere the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00018-00005207-00005369 Bible says in the book of First Samuel LQlyJ6DjYCY-00019-00005370-00005506 chapter LQlyJ6DjYCY-00020-00005507-00005759 three best one to four God called LQlyJ6DjYCY-00021-00005760-00005963 Somewhere three times and someone LQlyJ6DjYCY-00022-00005964-00006268 couldn't even recognize his voice the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00023-00006269-00006587 second example is Isaiah chapter 1 verse LQlyJ6DjYCY-00024-00006588-00006892 27 when Isaiah said I heard the voice of LQlyJ6DjYCY-00025-00006893-00007342 the Lord saying who shall I send the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00026-00007343-00007687 text example we have is chapter nine LQlyJ6DjYCY-00027-00007688-00007960 where Saul have encountered with God and LQlyJ6DjYCY-00028-00007961-00008183 eventually became poor has on his way to LQlyJ6DjYCY-00029-00008184-00008560 Damascus to kill Christians and the Lord LQlyJ6DjYCY-00030-00008561-00008849 appeared to him and said so so why are LQlyJ6DjYCY-00031-00008850-00009101 you persecuting my people Moses was in a LQlyJ6DjYCY-00032-00009102-00009364 bodybuild and the encountered God and LQlyJ6DjYCY-00033-00009365-00009599 God begin to speak to him with his voice LQlyJ6DjYCY-00034-00009600-00009833 you know telling him that I want you to LQlyJ6DjYCY-00035-00009834-00010085 go and save my people from Egypt in the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00036-00010086-00010277 Book of Genesis chapter 22 where God LQlyJ6DjYCY-00037-00010278-00010649 tasted his word his faith by telling him LQlyJ6DjYCY-00038-00010650-00010846 go to the mountain you know go and LQlyJ6DjYCY-00039-00010847-00011110 sacrifice your son Isaac and so on and LQlyJ6DjYCY-00040-00011111-00011441 so God speaks with his voice so number LQlyJ6DjYCY-00041-00011442-00011710 two ways God speaks LQlyJ6DjYCY-00042-00011711-00012059 is God speaks through his word bible LQlyJ6DjYCY-00043-00012060-00012317 scriptures he has written the book of LQlyJ6DjYCY-00044-00012318-00012635 second Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 to 17 LQlyJ6DjYCY-00045-00012636-00012899 the Bible says all scriptures are what LQlyJ6DjYCY-00046-00012900-00013180 are inspired by God they are inspired by LQlyJ6DjYCY-00047-00013181-00013385 God for our training for our uplifting LQlyJ6DjYCY-00048-00013386-00013613 for our upright living and Joshua LQlyJ6DjYCY-00049-00013613-00013805 chapter 1 verse 86 meditate on this LQlyJ6DjYCY-00050-00013806-00014015 world day and night I remember a word LQlyJ6DjYCY-00051-00014016-00014207 that the psalmist used to say your word LQlyJ6DjYCY-00052-00014208-00014338 about living in my household that I LQlyJ6DjYCY-00053-00014340-00014501 might not sin against you God speaks to LQlyJ6DjYCY-00054-00014502-00014777 us through writing which is what the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00055-00014778-00015107 scripture so number three ways God LQlyJ6DjYCY-00056-00015108-00015527 speaks is that God speaks through signs LQlyJ6DjYCY-00057-00015528-00015833 from Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 it says LQlyJ6DjYCY-00058-00015834-00016121 that God will give you a sign that a LQlyJ6DjYCY-00059-00016122-00016372 virgin will conceive and borrow a song LQlyJ6DjYCY-00060-00016373-00016613 and his name will be called Emmanuel a LQlyJ6DjYCY-00061-00016614-00016871 man that means God Is With Us book of LQlyJ6DjYCY-00062-00016872-00017171 Judy chapter 6 verse 33 down to 40 when LQlyJ6DjYCY-00063-00017172-00017435 God when Gideon was actually telling God LQlyJ6DjYCY-00064-00017436-00017633 please if this thing happened like this LQlyJ6DjYCY-00065-00017634-00017765 happen like this happened LQlyJ6DjYCY-00066-00017766-00018005 let me know that indeed you have done it LQlyJ6DjYCY-00067-00018006-00018286 and God responded God responded all the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00068-00018287-00018550 signs the things he wanted to see God LQlyJ6DjYCY-00069-00018551-00018779 showed him the signs so God speaks LQlyJ6DjYCY-00070-00018780-00019025 through son so number four ways God LQlyJ6DjYCY-00071-00019026-00019336 speaks to man is true dreams Joseph in LQlyJ6DjYCY-00072-00019337-00019577 the Book of Genesis chapter 37 right to LQlyJ6DjYCY-00073-00019578-00019780 40 begin to see that Joseph started LQlyJ6DjYCY-00074-00019781-00020080 having dreams at age 17. and God began LQlyJ6DjYCY-00075-00020081-00020314 to tell him who used to be and he held LQlyJ6DjYCY-00076-00020315-00020536 onto that dream and what happened he LQlyJ6DjYCY-00077-00020537-00020813 eventually became more God told him LQlyJ6DjYCY-00078-00020814-00021053 through a dream he will become when you LQlyJ6DjYCY-00079-00021054-00021280 have a dream please LQlyJ6DjYCY-00080-00021281-00021563 be serious take it very serious I'm one LQlyJ6DjYCY-00081-00021564-00021749 of those persons God speaks to through LQlyJ6DjYCY-00082-00021750-00022025 dreams and I know how powerful it is and LQlyJ6DjYCY-00083-00022026-00022313 I know how important it is for me to LQlyJ6DjYCY-00084-00022314-00022619 keep my dreams and to pray for them I LQlyJ6DjYCY-00085-00022620-00022780 believe that through these four means LQlyJ6DjYCY-00086-00022781-00023057 that I've mentioned maybe there's one LQlyJ6DjYCY-00087-00023058-00023297 way God usually speaks to you please LQlyJ6DjYCY-00088-00023298-00023639 take note say note of it and I hope LQlyJ6DjYCY-00089-00023640-00024085 you're blessed please do me a favor bye LQlyJ6DjYCY-00090-00024086-00024400 subscribing sharing the video and also LQlyJ6DjYCY-00091-00024401-00024586 putting down your comment down there you LQlyJ6DjYCY-00092-00024587-00024875 can also list as many as many many many LQlyJ6DjYCY-00093-00024876-00025072 many ways God speaks down there in the LQlyJ6DjYCY-00094-00025073-00025264 comment section so that it will be a LQlyJ6DjYCY-00095-00025265-00025457 lesson to others and if you have any LQlyJ6DjYCY-00096-00025458-00025678 questions please also put it down there LQlyJ6DjYCY-00097-00025679-00026050 the Lord bless you have a nice nice nice LQlyJ6DjYCY-00098-00026051-00026497 day ahead of you bye LQ_cTAC-h18-00000-00000096-00000286 hello and thank you for listening in to LQ_cTAC-h18-00001-00000287-00000447 learn more about the florida fish and LQ_cTAC-h18-00002-00000448-00000630 wildlife conservation commission's LQ_cTAC-h18-00003-00000631-00000935 proposed regulation changes for redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00004-00000936-00001135 this presentation provides background LQ_cTAC-h18-00005-00001136-00001295 about the new management approach for LQ_cTAC-h18-00006-00001296-00001558 redfish and provides an overview of our LQ_cTAC-h18-00007-00001559-00001839 evaluation of the redfish fishery within LQ_cTAC-h18-00008-00001839-00002255 the proposed charlotte harbor region LQ_cTAC-h18-00009-00002256-00002518 as you may have heard fwc is proposing LQ_cTAC-h18-00010-00002519-00002758 several redfish regulation changes and LQ_cTAC-h18-00011-00002759-00002966 we would like to hear your feedback LQ_cTAC-h18-00012-00002967-00003158 this virtual presentation will provide LQ_cTAC-h18-00013-00003159-00003335 an overview of the new redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00014-00003336-00003551 management process and the information LQ_cTAC-h18-00015-00003552-00003790 used to develop the proposed rules LQ_cTAC-h18-00016-00003792-00003935 we'll also let you know how you can LQ_cTAC-h18-00017-00003936-00004270 provide comments on the proposed changes LQ_cTAC-h18-00018-00004271-00004486 redfish is one of florida's most iconic LQ_cTAC-h18-00019-00004487-00004735 and popular recreational fisheries LQ_cTAC-h18-00020-00004736-00005031 however over the past few years fwc has LQ_cTAC-h18-00021-00005032-00005222 heard a variety of concerns about this LQ_cTAC-h18-00022-00005223-00005351 fishery LQ_cTAC-h18-00023-00005352-00005502 to address these concerns we're LQ_cTAC-h18-00024-00005503-00005686 implementing a new management approach LQ_cTAC-h18-00025-00005687-00005895 that incorporates a holistic review of LQ_cTAC-h18-00026-00005896-00006167 ecological and human factors to evaluate LQ_cTAC-h18-00027-00006168-00006454 the fishery on a finer regional scale LQ_cTAC-h18-00028-00006455-00006646 to implement this new management LQ_cTAC-h18-00029-00006647-00006951 approach fwc is proposing to create nine LQ_cTAC-h18-00030-00006952-00007103 management regions LQ_cTAC-h18-00031-00007104-00007295 this will allow greater flexibility for LQ_cTAC-h18-00032-00007295-00007534 addressing smaller scale issues concerns LQ_cTAC-h18-00033-00007536-00007710 and preferences LQ_cTAC-h18-00034-00007711-00007959 fwc used six management metrics to LQ_cTAC-h18-00035-00007959-00008159 evaluate the redfish fishery in each of LQ_cTAC-h18-00036-00008159-00008391 these proposed management regions LQ_cTAC-h18-00037-00008392-00008639 the results of these evaluations as well LQ_cTAC-h18-00038-00008640-00008831 as stakeholder feedback were used to LQ_cTAC-h18-00039-00008832-00009055 inform the proposed regulation changes LQ_cTAC-h18-00040-00009056-00009735 we'll discuss in this presentation LQ_cTAC-h18-00041-00009736-00009895 throughout the development of the new LQ_cTAC-h18-00042-00009896-00010078 redfish management approach and the LQ_cTAC-h18-00043-00010079-00010399 proposed regulations fwc staff has used LQ_cTAC-h18-00044-00010400-00010567 a variety of approaches to gather LQ_cTAC-h18-00045-00010568-00010742 stakeholder feedback LQ_cTAC-h18-00046-00010743-00010927 stakeholder input is a critical LQ_cTAC-h18-00047-00010928-00011183 component of fisheries management public LQ_cTAC-h18-00048-00011184-00011359 engagement included an angler LQ_cTAC-h18-00049-00011360-00011591 satisfaction survey the first ever LQ_cTAC-h18-00050-00011592-00011878 redfish summit public workshops and LQ_cTAC-h18-00051-00011879-00012063 public comment opportunities at LQ_cTAC-h18-00052-00012064-00012238 commission meetings LQ_cTAC-h18-00053-00012239-00012414 the public workshops on the proposed LQ_cTAC-h18-00054-00012415-00012646 rule changes are a continuation of our LQ_cTAC-h18-00055-00012647-00012902 public engagement efforts to ensure that LQ_cTAC-h18-00056-00012903-00013071 those interested in the management of LQ_cTAC-h18-00057-00013072-00013286 redfish have the opportunity for their LQ_cTAC-h18-00058-00013287-00013663 opinion to be heard LQ_cTAC-h18-00059-00013663-00013999 as stated earlier fwc is implementing a LQ_cTAC-h18-00060-00014000-00014191 new holistic management approach to LQ_cTAC-h18-00061-00014191-00014422 incorporate regional differences in LQ_cTAC-h18-00062-00014423-00014638 environmental and human factors into the LQ_cTAC-h18-00063-00014640-00014903 management of redfish this requires the LQ_cTAC-h18-00064-00014904-00015086 establishment of the nine proposed LQ_cTAC-h18-00065-00015087-00015286 regions shown on the map LQ_cTAC-h18-00066-00015287-00015463 these proposed management regions were LQ_cTAC-h18-00067-00015463-00015671 designed based on differences in habitat LQ_cTAC-h18-00068-00015672-00015943 characteristics identifiable geographic LQ_cTAC-h18-00069-00015944-00016238 boundaries stock assessment regions and LQ_cTAC-h18-00070-00016240-00016511 stakeholder and fwc law enforcement LQ_cTAC-h18-00071-00016512-00016630 feedback LQ_cTAC-h18-00072-00016631-00016830 establishing smaller regions would allow LQ_cTAC-h18-00073-00016831-00017047 greater flexibility to address local LQ_cTAC-h18-00074-00017048-00017175 issues LQ_cTAC-h18-00075-00017176-00017367 using feedback from previous stakeholder LQ_cTAC-h18-00076-00017368-00017679 engagement fwc selected six management LQ_cTAC-h18-00077-00017680-00017903 metrics to evaluate the redfish fishery LQ_cTAC-h18-00078-00017904-00018055 in each region LQ_cTAC-h18-00079-00018056-00018286 these metrics include escapement harmful LQ_cTAC-h18-00080-00018287-00018519 algal blooms stakeholder feedback LQ_cTAC-h18-00081-00018520-00018743 fishing effort habitat trends and LQ_cTAC-h18-00082-00018744-00019135 relative abundance LQ_cTAC-h18-00083-00019136-00019303 before getting into the management LQ_cTAC-h18-00084-00019304-00019527 metrics i would first like to describe LQ_cTAC-h18-00085-00019528-00019711 the boundaries of the proposed charlotte LQ_cTAC-h18-00086-00019712-00019983 harbor region using the map on the slide LQ_cTAC-h18-00087-00019984-00020191 the northern boundary is located near LQ_cTAC-h18-00088-00020192-00020391 the venice municipal airport and the LQ_cTAC-h18-00089-00020392-00020614 region extends south to near vanderbilt LQ_cTAC-h18-00090-00020615-00020822 beach road LQ_cTAC-h18-00091-00020823-00021047 we evaluated the redfish fishery in the LQ_cTAC-h18-00092-00021048-00021247 proposed charlotte harbor region using LQ_cTAC-h18-00093-00021248-00021447 the new management metrics LQ_cTAC-h18-00094-00021448-00021663 a summary of this evaluation is captured LQ_cTAC-h18-00095-00021664-00021863 in our new annual reviews LQ_cTAC-h18-00096-00021864-00022071 data used for each metric are collected LQ_cTAC-h18-00097-00022072-00022271 from a variety of partners LQ_cTAC-h18-00098-00022272-00022494 each region will be evaluated annually LQ_cTAC-h18-00099-00022495-00022750 with the most recent available data LQ_cTAC-h18-00100-00022751-00022958 to access this annual review and the LQ_cTAC-h18-00101-00022959-00023183 annual reviews for the other regions LQ_cTAC-h18-00102-00023184-00023463 visit myfwc.com LQ_cTAC-h18-00103-00023464-00023694 fishing slash saltwater slash LQ_cTAC-h18-00104-00023695-00024175 recreational sash red dash drum slash LQ_cTAC-h18-00105-00024176-00024383 over the next few slides we will take a LQ_cTAC-h18-00106-00024384-00024599 deeper dive into the evaluation and LQ_cTAC-h18-00107-00024600-00024791 highlight some of the metric evaluation LQ_cTAC-h18-00108-00024792-00025071 results fwc considered when developing LQ_cTAC-h18-00109-00025072-00025283 the proposed LQ_cTAC-h18-00110-00025284-00025494 regulations the first metric is LQ_cTAC-h18-00111-00025495-00025702 escapement which was originally the only LQ_cTAC-h18-00112-00025704-00025911 metric previously used to evaluate the LQ_cTAC-h18-00113-00025912-00026174 redfish fishery the statement evaluates LQ_cTAC-h18-00114-00026175-00026383 the impacts of fishing by estimating the LQ_cTAC-h18-00115-00026383-00026567 percentage of fish surviving through the LQ_cTAC-h18-00116-00026568-00026814 slot limit compared to an unfished LQ_cTAC-h18-00117-00026816-00026958 population LQ_cTAC-h18-00118-00026960-00027143 the current escapement target is 40 LQ_cTAC-h18-00119-00027144-00027374 percent which provides a buffer over the LQ_cTAC-h18-00120-00027375-00027599 20 percent sustainability limit that LQ_cTAC-h18-00121-00027600-00027799 enables the stock to be resilient to LQ_cTAC-h18-00122-00027800-00028007 unexpected events LQ_cTAC-h18-00123-00028008-00028207 escapement is estimated by the stock LQ_cTAC-h18-00124-00028208-00028407 assessment which is updated every four LQ_cTAC-h18-00125-00028408-00028543 to six years LQ_cTAC-h18-00126-00028544-00028702 the stock assessment calculates LQ_cTAC-h18-00127-00028704-00028918 escapement for all of southwest florida LQ_cTAC-h18-00128-00028919-00029151 which includes the proposed tampa bay LQ_cTAC-h18-00129-00029152-00029407 sarasota bay charlotte harbor and LQ_cTAC-h18-00130-00029408-00029567 southwest regions LQ_cTAC-h18-00131-00029568-00029743 the escapement trend for that larger LQ_cTAC-h18-00132-00029744-00029943 region has drastically increased since LQ_cTAC-h18-00133-00029944-00030095 2017 LQ_cTAC-h18-00134-00030095-00030295 due to the temporary catch and release LQ_cTAC-h18-00135-00030295-00030623 measures that were established in 2018 LQ_cTAC-h18-00136-00030624-00030774 escapement has remained above the LQ_cTAC-h18-00137-00030775-00030943 management target throughout most of the LQ_cTAC-h18-00138-00030944-00031143 time series LQ_cTAC-h18-00139-00031144-00031351 the next metric is harmful algal bloom LQ_cTAC-h18-00140-00031352-00031574 frequency and duration specifically for LQ_cTAC-h18-00141-00031575-00031687 red tide LQ_cTAC-h18-00142-00031688-00031902 red tide releases neurotoxins that can LQ_cTAC-h18-00143-00031903-00032183 kill marine life including redfish red LQ_cTAC-h18-00144-00032183-00032358 type data are routinely collected LQ_cTAC-h18-00145-00032360-00032743 statewide by fwc and roughly 60 partners LQ_cTAC-h18-00146-00032744-00032959 in the charlotte harbor region red tide LQ_cTAC-h18-00147-00032960-00033183 has occurred every year in the past 20 LQ_cTAC-h18-00148-00033184-00033262 years LQ_cTAC-h18-00149-00033263-00033446 during that time period the average LQ_cTAC-h18-00150-00033447-00033639 bloom duration at concentrations that LQ_cTAC-h18-00151-00033640-00033887 could impact fish species was three to LQ_cTAC-h18-00152-00033888-00034079 five months on average LQ_cTAC-h18-00153-00034080-00034390 in 2021 however the duration was two LQ_cTAC-h18-00154-00034391-00034646 times longer than the average duration LQ_cTAC-h18-00155-00034647-00034855 this resulted in an extension of the LQ_cTAC-h18-00156-00034856-00035079 executive order to temporarily make LQ_cTAC-h18-00157-00035080-00035287 redfish catch and release only as a LQ_cTAC-h18-00158-00035288-00035535 proactive response to potential red tide LQ_cTAC-h18-00159-00035536-00035902 impacts to redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00160-00035903-00036087 an important component of fisheries LQ_cTAC-h18-00161-00036088-00036287 management is stakeholder feedback which LQ_cTAC-h18-00162-00036288-00036483 is the next metric used to assess LQ_cTAC-h18-00163-00036484-00036727 redfish one of the ways we collected LQ_cTAC-h18-00164-00036728-00036902 public feedback was through an angler LQ_cTAC-h18-00165-00036903-00037127 satisfaction survey of recreational LQ_cTAC-h18-00166-00037128-00037415 license holders and charter captains LQ_cTAC-h18-00167-00037416-00037623 we are going to repeat the survey every LQ_cTAC-h18-00168-00037624-00037823 two to three years LQ_cTAC-h18-00169-00037824-00038118 results from the 2021 survey indicated LQ_cTAC-h18-00170-00038119-00038262 that respondents from the charlotte LQ_cTAC-h18-00171-00038263-00038551 harbor region had mixed satisfaction LQ_cTAC-h18-00172-00038552-00038823 with their recent fishing experience LQ_cTAC-h18-00173-00038824-00039015 the majority of private recreational LQ_cTAC-h18-00174-00039016-00039215 anglers were more positive and rated LQ_cTAC-h18-00175-00039216-00039439 their recent fishing experience as fair LQ_cTAC-h18-00176-00039440-00039590 or good LQ_cTAC-h18-00177-00039591-00039807 in comparison the majority of for hire LQ_cTAC-h18-00178-00039808-00040071 captains had a wider range of responses LQ_cTAC-h18-00179-00040072-00040223 and rated their recent fishing LQ_cTAC-h18-00180-00040224-00040390 experience as poor LQ_cTAC-h18-00181-00040391-00040574 fair or good LQ_cTAC-h18-00182-00040575-00040759 an overview of the response to this LQ_cTAC-h18-00183-00040760-00040902 question from the charlotte harbor LQ_cTAC-h18-00184-00040903-00041095 region is shown in the pie charts on LQ_cTAC-h18-00185-00041096-00041327 this slide LQ_cTAC-h18-00186-00041328-00041495 once the proposed regulations were LQ_cTAC-h18-00187-00041496-00041695 announced we did not receive many LQ_cTAC-h18-00188-00041696-00041887 responses from this region LQ_cTAC-h18-00189-00041888-00042118 for those who did response all preferred LQ_cTAC-h18-00190-00042119-00042383 catch and release only LQ_cTAC-h18-00191-00042384-00042527 fishing effort and landings are LQ_cTAC-h18-00192-00042528-00042751 important characterizations of a fishery LQ_cTAC-h18-00193-00042752-00043015 and for this reason it's the next metric LQ_cTAC-h18-00194-00043016-00043199 fishing effort and landings information LQ_cTAC-h18-00195-00043200-00043407 is collected by noaa's fisheries marine LQ_cTAC-h18-00196-00043408-00043639 recreational information program LQ_cTAC-h18-00197-00043640-00043839 this program uses information gathered LQ_cTAC-h18-00198-00043840-00044030 from anglers to estimate the landings LQ_cTAC-h18-00199-00044031-00044271 releases and effort for recreationally LQ_cTAC-h18-00200-00044272-00044535 targeted marine fish species LQ_cTAC-h18-00201-00044536-00044695 fishing effort in the charlotte harbor LQ_cTAC-h18-00202-00044696-00044887 region has been generally consistent LQ_cTAC-h18-00203-00044888-00045111 over time with occasional pulses of LQ_cTAC-h18-00204-00045112-00045279 increased effort LQ_cTAC-h18-00205-00045280-00045446 the decline in landings shown on the LQ_cTAC-h18-00206-00045447-00045639 bottom graph is due to the temporary LQ_cTAC-h18-00207-00045640-00045823 catch and release regulations that were LQ_cTAC-h18-00208-00045824-00046055 enacted for this area following a severe LQ_cTAC-h18-00209-00046056-00046318 red tide LQ_cTAC-h18-00210-00046319-00046558 habitat is critical to all fish species LQ_cTAC-h18-00211-00046559-00046727 and therefore is another metric being LQ_cTAC-h18-00212-00046728-00046967 used to evaluate the redfish fishery LQ_cTAC-h18-00213-00046968-00047174 specifically we examine the extent of LQ_cTAC-h18-00214-00047175-00047383 sea grass salt marsh and mangroves LQ_cTAC-h18-00215-00047384-00047590 because these habitats are essential for LQ_cTAC-h18-00216-00047591-00047879 redfish foraging and refuge we acquired LQ_cTAC-h18-00217-00047880-00048102 habitat data from over 50 different LQ_cTAC-h18-00218-00048103-00048318 collaborators throughout florida and LQ_cTAC-h18-00219-00048319-00048535 evaluated the change in acreage of each LQ_cTAC-h18-00220-00048536-00048855 habitat over time for each region LQ_cTAC-h18-00221-00048856-00048999 the charlotte harbor region has LQ_cTAC-h18-00222-00049000-00049190 experienced recent and long-term LQ_cTAC-h18-00223-00049191-00049390 declines in sea grass habitat in the LQ_cTAC-h18-00224-00049391-00049646 northern portions of the estuary LQ_cTAC-h18-00225-00049647-00049823 there are also reports of seagrass LQ_cTAC-h18-00226-00049824-00050023 decline in the southern portion of the LQ_cTAC-h18-00227-00050024-00050279 estuary but that data is not currently LQ_cTAC-h18-00228-00050280-00050415 available LQ_cTAC-h18-00229-00050416-00050615 there are also local concerns regarding LQ_cTAC-h18-00230-00050616-00050839 the increasing presence of filamentous LQ_cTAC-h18-00231-00050840-00051079 algae and its impact on seagrass the LQ_cTAC-h18-00232-00051080-00051358 local fishery and water quality LQ_cTAC-h18-00233-00051359-00051566 saltwater marsh area has increased LQ_cTAC-h18-00234-00051567-00051823 recently and over time and mangrove LQ_cTAC-h18-00235-00051824-00052199 swamp area has been stable or increasing LQ_cTAC-h18-00236-00052200-00052430 the last metric relative abundance can LQ_cTAC-h18-00237-00052432-00052663 inform how a fish population responds to LQ_cTAC-h18-00238-00052664-00052863 different ecological stressors such as LQ_cTAC-h18-00239-00052864-00053038 extreme weather events and changing LQ_cTAC-h18-00240-00053039-00053230 environmental conditions LQ_cTAC-h18-00241-00053232-00053479 fwc's fisheries independent monitoring LQ_cTAC-h18-00242-00053479-00053782 program often referred to as fim conduct LQ_cTAC-h18-00243-00053783-00053982 sampling in several estuaries around the LQ_cTAC-h18-00244-00053983-00054087 state LQ_cTAC-h18-00245-00054088-00054271 the data from the sampling are used to LQ_cTAC-h18-00246-00054272-00054463 develop relative abundance trends for LQ_cTAC-h18-00247-00054464-00054679 redfish that are less than a year old LQ_cTAC-h18-00248-00054679-00054903 these fish are also called young of year LQ_cTAC-h18-00249-00054904-00055150 and legal sized redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00250-00055151-00055335 femme sampling within this region is LQ_cTAC-h18-00251-00055336-00055535 conducted within charlotte harbor and LQ_cTAC-h18-00252-00055536-00055687 nearby rivers LQ_cTAC-h18-00253-00055688-00055887 the top graph represents young of years LQ_cTAC-h18-00254-00055888-00056119 sampled using river set nets LQ_cTAC-h18-00255-00056120-00056303 the middle graph represents young of LQ_cTAC-h18-00256-00056304-00056599 years sampled using bay set nets LQ_cTAC-h18-00257-00056600-00056894 the abundance trends indicate the 2017 LQ_cTAC-h18-00258-00056895-00057199 through 2019 prolonged red tide did not LQ_cTAC-h18-00259-00057200-00057471 have a long-term impact on redfish and LQ_cTAC-h18-00260-00057472-00057671 young of year and legal size redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00261-00057672-00058038 abundance recently improved LQ_cTAC-h18-00262-00058039-00058254 all the information i just went over was LQ_cTAC-h18-00263-00058255-00058463 used to inform the proposed regulation LQ_cTAC-h18-00264-00058464-00058735 changes but before i get to the proposal LQ_cTAC-h18-00265-00058736-00058903 i want to make sure you are aware of the LQ_cTAC-h18-00266-00058904-00059079 current regulations LQ_cTAC-h18-00267-00059079-00059254 there are currently three management LQ_cTAC-h18-00268-00059255-00059503 regions shown in the map on the slide in LQ_cTAC-h18-00269-00059504-00059687 the northwest and south management LQ_cTAC-h18-00270-00059688-00059887 regions anglers are limited to a one LQ_cTAC-h18-00271-00059888-00060103 fish bag limit for redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00272-00060104-00060294 in the northeast management region the LQ_cTAC-h18-00273-00060295-00060519 bag limit is two fish LQ_cTAC-h18-00274-00060520-00060719 statewide the only gear that are allowed LQ_cTAC-h18-00275-00060720-00060911 to be used to harvest redfish are hook LQ_cTAC-h18-00276-00060912-00061166 and line and cast nets the slot size LQ_cTAC-h18-00277-00061167-00061471 limit includes an 18 inch minimum and 27 LQ_cTAC-h18-00278-00061472-00061623 inch maximum LQ_cTAC-h18-00279-00061624-00061799 in addition to the bag limit there are LQ_cTAC-h18-00280-00061800-00062015 vessel and transport limits LQ_cTAC-h18-00281-00062016-00062191 regardless of the number of people on a LQ_cTAC-h18-00282-00062191-00062447 vessel no more than eight redfish may be LQ_cTAC-h18-00283-00062448-00062566 on board LQ_cTAC-h18-00284-00062567-00062823 when in transit on land no person may LQ_cTAC-h18-00285-00062824-00063111 transport more than six fish LQ_cTAC-h18-00286-00063112-00063294 captain and crew are allowed to maintain LQ_cTAC-h18-00287-00063295-00063471 a personal bag limit when on a for LQ_cTAC-h18-00288-00063472-00063606 harrier trip LQ_cTAC-h18-00289-00063607-00063775 commercial harvest from florida state LQ_cTAC-h18-00290-00063776-00063950 waters and all harvests from federal LQ_cTAC-h18-00291-00063951-00064199 waters are prohibited LQ_cTAC-h18-00292-00064200-00064423 there are also temporary regulations in LQ_cTAC-h18-00293-00064424-00064582 effect for a portion of southwest LQ_cTAC-h18-00294-00064583-00064830 florida put in place following a severe LQ_cTAC-h18-00295-00064832-00065063 multi-year red tide that make redfish LQ_cTAC-h18-00296-00065064-00065238 catch and release only through august LQ_cTAC-h18-00297-00065239-00065535 31st 2022 LQ_cTAC-h18-00298-00065536-00065711 using the new management approach we are LQ_cTAC-h18-00299-00065712-00065903 proposing some regulation changes that LQ_cTAC-h18-00300-00065904-00066287 will impact the highlighted regulations LQ_cTAC-h18-00301-00066288-00066479 here are the proposed rule changes that LQ_cTAC-h18-00302-00066480-00066726 would impact the charlotte harbor region LQ_cTAC-h18-00303-00066727-00066894 first would be the establishment of the LQ_cTAC-h18-00304-00066895-00067111 charlotte harbor region within this LQ_cTAC-h18-00305-00067112-00067343 region fwc proposed to maintain the LQ_cTAC-h18-00306-00067344-00067567 daily bag limit to one fish per person LQ_cTAC-h18-00307-00067568-00067750 and decrease the vessel limit to two LQ_cTAC-h18-00308-00067751-00067863 fish LQ_cTAC-h18-00309-00067864-00068055 the proposed statewide rule changes LQ_cTAC-h18-00310-00068056-00068223 would prohibit captain and crew from LQ_cTAC-h18-00311-00068224-00068406 retaining a bag limit when on a for LQ_cTAC-h18-00312-00068407-00068623 higher trip and reduce the transport LQ_cTAC-h18-00313-00068624-00068847 limit to four fish per person LQ_cTAC-h18-00314-00068848-00068999 these proposed regulations were LQ_cTAC-h18-00315-00069000-00069238 developed using stakeholder feedback and LQ_cTAC-h18-00316-00069239-00069455 by evaluating the redfish fishery using LQ_cTAC-h18-00317-00069456-00069631 the management metrics that we covered LQ_cTAC-h18-00318-00069632-00069863 during this presentation LQ_cTAC-h18-00319-00069864-00070031 we'd like your input on the proposed LQ_cTAC-h18-00320-00070032-00070238 regulations and any suggestions you have LQ_cTAC-h18-00321-00070239-00070367 for management LQ_cTAC-h18-00322-00070368-00070567 we are interested in all feedback but LQ_cTAC-h18-00323-00070568-00070759 most importantly we'd like to know why LQ_cTAC-h18-00324-00070760-00070982 you would support or oppose the proposed LQ_cTAC-h18-00325-00070983-00071126 regulations LQ_cTAC-h18-00326-00071127-00071303 let us know what you think by visiting LQ_cTAC-h18-00327-00071304-00071567 myfwc.com LQ_cTAC-h18-00328-00071568-00071782 comments and leave us a comment LQ_cTAC-h18-00329-00071783-00071982 please make sure to select redfish as a LQ_cTAC-h18-00330-00071983-00072294 topic when filling out the form LQ_cTAC-h18-00331-00072295-00072487 before concluding i'd like to provide LQ_cTAC-h18-00332-00072488-00072679 you some information on our public LQ_cTAC-h18-00333-00072680-00072975 engagement efforts in june 2022 and LQ_cTAC-h18-00334-00072976-00073135 what's up next LQ_cTAC-h18-00335-00073136-00073391 fwc held 12 in-person workshops LQ_cTAC-h18-00336-00073392-00073687 throughout florida in june 2022 LQ_cTAC-h18-00337-00073688-00073855 the locations of the workshops are LQ_cTAC-h18-00338-00073856-00074111 indicated by the stars in the map LQ_cTAC-h18-00339-00074112-00074271 this recording is one of nine LQ_cTAC-h18-00340-00074272-00074471 presentations that was created for each LQ_cTAC-h18-00341-00074472-00074687 management region which can be found on LQ_cTAC-h18-00342-00074688-00075015 our website myfwc.com LQ_cTAC-h18-00343-00075016-00075126 fishing LQ_cTAC-h18-00344-00075127-00075382 saltwater slash rulemaking slash LQ_cTAC-h18-00345-00075383-00075519 workshops LQ_cTAC-h18-00346-00075520-00075679 staff will continue to meet with LQ_cTAC-h18-00347-00075680-00075871 interested stakeholders to get feedback LQ_cTAC-h18-00348-00075872-00076038 on the new management approach and the LQ_cTAC-h18-00349-00076039-00076215 proposed regulations LQ_cTAC-h18-00350-00076216-00076375 if you are interested in coordinating LQ_cTAC-h18-00351-00076376-00076606 small group meetings contact staff by LQ_cTAC-h18-00352-00076607-00076859 email at marine LQ_cTAC-h18-00353-00076860-00077047 myfwc.com LQ_cTAC-h18-00354-00077048-00077223 as mentioned we are also gathering LQ_cTAC-h18-00355-00077224-00077391 public comment online through our LQ_cTAC-h18-00356-00077392-00077638 saltwater commons page please visit LQ_cTAC-h18-00357-00077639-00077887 myfwc.com LQ_cTAC-h18-00358-00077888-00078167 saltwatercommons to submit a comment LQ_cTAC-h18-00359-00078168-00078343 after gathering feedback staff will LQ_cTAC-h18-00360-00078344-00078543 present the final rule recommendations LQ_cTAC-h18-00361-00078544-00078775 and public comment to the commission LQ_cTAC-h18-00362-00078776-00078959 this is currently scheduled for the july LQ_cTAC-h18-00363-00078960-00079319 2022 commission meeting LQ_cTAC-h18-00364-00079320-00079519 that concludes this presentation and LQ_cTAC-h18-00365-00079520-00079703 thank you everyone for taking the time LQ_cTAC-h18-00366-00079704-00079838 to listen in LQ_cTAC-h18-00367-00079839-00080015 if you have any questions please feel LQ_cTAC-h18-00368-00080016-00080223 free to contact staff at marine LQ_cTAC-h18-00369-00080224-00080524 myfwc.com LT_KP7H6Yig-00000-00000912-00001128 okay so we have about 10 minutes for LT_KP7H6Yig-00001-00001129-00001506 questions and driving on Twitter LT_KP7H6Yig-00002-00001507-00001848 okay you go first and please let me know LT_KP7H6Yig-00003-00001848-00001992 who your which of the panel members LT_KP7H6Yig-00004-00001993-00002514 you'd like to question first the first LT_KP7H6Yig-00005-00002515-00002763 question I don't know who can reply on LT_KP7H6Yig-00006-00002764-00003156 it maybe one of the audience I can't LT_KP7H6Yig-00007-00003157-00003528 decide who can reply to me first LT_KP7H6Yig-00008-00003529-00003693 question is we are talking about LT_KP7H6Yig-00009-00003694-00003993 innovation when you we are about LT_KP7H6Yig-00010-00003994-00004346 innovation we need a home for innovation LT_KP7H6Yig-00011-00004347-00004934 who can make this rule who can make a LT_KP7H6Yig-00012-00004935-00005288 container for all ideas that every LT_KP7H6Yig-00013-00005289-00005688 person in every person have I am talking LT_KP7H6Yig-00014-00005689-00006099 about that maybe is a everyone in LT_KP7H6Yig-00015-00006100-00006536 cattery in this region and more maybe in LT_KP7H6Yig-00016-00006537-00006781 more than this region have a small idea LT_KP7H6Yig-00017-00006783-00007073 and this is more like a he don't know LT_KP7H6Yig-00018-00007075-00007380 how to communicate this idea to others LT_KP7H6Yig-00019-00007381-00007721 okay by communicating his idea with LT_KP7H6Yig-00020-00007722-00008024 another ideas for other persons they LT_KP7H6Yig-00021-00008025-00008299 make developing for a specific idea LT_KP7H6Yig-00022-00008300-00008601 these all ideas should be contained in LT_KP7H6Yig-00023-00008602-00008774 specific containers this container LT_KP7H6Yig-00024-00008775-00009339 should have fund should have services LT_KP7H6Yig-00025-00009340-00009720 provided a lot of services needed for LT_KP7H6Yig-00026-00009721-00010080 this innovation and containing all of LT_KP7H6Yig-00027-00010081-00010571 these ideas ok let me I'm describing LT_KP7H6Yig-00028-00010572-00010944 that because i was working on open LT_KP7H6Yig-00029-00010945-00011244 source applications sometimes I want to LT_KP7H6Yig-00030-00011245-00011524 make an open source product and make it LT_KP7H6Yig-00031-00011525-00011903 for public for public for all but LT_KP7H6Yig-00032-00011904-00012188 actually i was reading that someone LT_KP7H6Yig-00033-00012189-00012501 stole my idea and make it commercial and LT_KP7H6Yig-00034-00012502-00012899 get money from it ok i don't know i LT_KP7H6Yig-00035-00012900-00013122 don't know what is the correct way that LT_KP7H6Yig-00036-00013122-00013560 i am going in ok to have my rights of my LT_KP7H6Yig-00037-00013561-00014061 ideas ok and have a respect from all LT_KP7H6Yig-00038-00014062-00014390 others that this is my idea ok i will LT_KP7H6Yig-00039-00014391-00014669 not going to share my idea if I I don't LT_KP7H6Yig-00040-00014670-00014835 get LT_KP7H6Yig-00041-00014836-00015116 benefit from so I'm going to ask Habib LT_KP7H6Yig-00042-00015118-00015330 to respond first and then dr. shaker to LT_KP7H6Yig-00043-00015331-00015540 respond second Habib from the LT_KP7H6Yig-00044-00015541-00015681 perspective of the entrepreneur and dr. LT_KP7H6Yig-00045-00015682-00015828 Shaka from the perspective of how do you LT_KP7H6Yig-00046-00015829-00016047 encourage this inside a company yes I LT_KP7H6Yig-00047-00016047-00016247 you're talking about ideas ideas are LT_KP7H6Yig-00048-00016249-00016359 useless on they don't all about LT_KP7H6Yig-00049-00016360-00016575 execution so if I were you I would not LT_KP7H6Yig-00050-00016576-00016773 worry about someone stealing my idea or LT_KP7H6Yig-00051-00016774-00017058 someone trying to you know you know work LT_KP7H6Yig-00052-00017059-00017304 something against me I would be I would LT_KP7H6Yig-00053-00017305-00017499 be open maybe not open with all the LT_KP7H6Yig-00054-00017500-00017649 world but open with enough people that LT_KP7H6Yig-00055-00017650-00017808 can help you get that the next level LT_KP7H6Yig-00056-00017809-00018009 you're talking about how can you get it LT_KP7H6Yig-00057-00018010-00018198 incubated and contained and I think this LT_KP7H6Yig-00058-00018199-00018363 goes against everything that we talked LT_KP7H6Yig-00059-00018364-00018564 about innovation about openness I think LT_KP7H6Yig-00060-00018565-00018810 what you should think about is try to if LT_KP7H6Yig-00061-00018811-00018939 you really want to do and I have an idea LT_KP7H6Yig-00062-00018940-00019218 when it take to the next level do it you LT_KP7H6Yig-00063-00019219-00019455 know do you think give to caliper type LT_KP7H6Yig-00064-00019456-00019650 ready it's so cheap oh I think all the LT_KP7H6Yig-00065-00019651-00019821 the goal of this conference is to say LT_KP7H6Yig-00066-00019822-00020013 that today the cost of innovating is LT_KP7H6Yig-00067-00020014-00020187 cheap and you don't have to look for LT_KP7H6Yig-00068-00020188-00020343 funds to begin with do something you LT_KP7H6Yig-00069-00020344-00020502 don't have to look for support or LT_KP7H6Yig-00070-00020503-00020646 government support that's all about you LT_KP7H6Yig-00071-00020647-00020832 it's already in your hand you can do it LT_KP7H6Yig-00072-00020833-00020958 and then when you get to the next level LT_KP7H6Yig-00073-00020959-00021135 it's when you go and seek you know LT_KP7H6Yig-00074-00021136-00021663 institutional support shake yes I mean I LT_KP7H6Yig-00075-00021664-00021867 understand from work concern you will LT_KP7H6Yig-00076-00021868-00022175 concerned I mean are coming basically LT_KP7H6Yig-00077-00022176-00022335 currently we don't have the right LT_KP7H6Yig-00078-00022336-00022611 infrastructure to cultivate invasion and LT_KP7H6Yig-00079-00022612-00022866 part of it because we don't have a LT_KP7H6Yig-00080-00022867-00023202 mature IP rose and I thought this is the LT_KP7H6Yig-00081-00023203-00023685 purpose of I mean the outcome of this LT_KP7H6Yig-00082-00023686-00023985 gathering more it I mean lead us unto on LT_KP7H6Yig-00083-00023986-00024267 to the next step and I think I CT Fatah LT_KP7H6Yig-00084-00024268-00024477 are having a brilliant and incubation LT_KP7H6Yig-00085-00024478-00024796 program with room which you and I mean LT_KP7H6Yig-00086-00024797-00025258 and others can I mean develop their LT_KP7H6Yig-00087-00025259-00025492 ideas through them and I hope that in LT_KP7H6Yig-00088-00025493-00025653 future we can do something in this LT_KP7H6Yig-00089-00025654-00026427 regard or another question please LT_KP7H6Yig-00090-00026429-00026758 hello I have a question for Habib you LT_KP7H6Yig-00091-00026758-00026956 mentioned a lot about yamley but you LT_KP7H6Yig-00092-00026957-00027142 didn't really talk about what yellow LT_KP7H6Yig-00093-00027143-00027456 startup is and I was just curious no LT_KP7H6Yig-00094-00027457-00027754 yeah so yell a start-up is from the word LT_KP7H6Yig-00095-00027755-00028033 is calm yo la startup Jack she tells LT_KP7H6Yig-00096-00028033-00028186 it's a message for entrepreneurs to say LT_KP7H6Yig-00097-00028187-00028339 not get off your ass and start up and LT_KP7H6Yig-00098-00028339-00028627 just do it and I think the idea came to LT_KP7H6Yig-00099-00028627-00028876 me about a year ago which is not really LT_KP7H6Yig-00100-00028877-00029110 a brilliant idea but basically I found a LT_KP7H6Yig-00101-00029111-00029295 gap I there's a Miss connect that is LT_KP7H6Yig-00102-00029297-00029437 connect between the entrepreneurs having LT_KP7H6Yig-00103-00029438-00029668 the idea to taking it actually doing it LT_KP7H6Yig-00104-00029669-00029905 to get into the angel investors and I LT_KP7H6Yig-00105-00029906-00030120 think what we try to focus on and yellow LT_KP7H6Yig-00106-00030122-00030345 startup are three main things a the LT_KP7H6Yig-00107-00030347-00030580 social stigma you know it's it's hard LT_KP7H6Yig-00108-00030581-00030916 it's the family and friends support we LT_KP7H6Yig-00109-00030917-00031075 don't find that very often in the Middle LT_KP7H6Yig-00110-00031076-00031225 East in terms of you wanting to go and LT_KP7H6Yig-00111-00031226-00031395 leave and become your own entrepreneur LT_KP7H6Yig-00112-00031397-00031552 there's a great saying that says behind LT_KP7H6Yig-00113-00031552-00031735 every great man is a great true did a LT_KP7H6Yig-00114-00031736-00031888 great woman and the Middle East I say LT_KP7H6Yig-00115-00031889-00032058 they dying every great Arab entrepreneur LT_KP7H6Yig-00116-00032060-00032194 there's a great mom who thinks her son LT_KP7H6Yig-00117-00032195-00032445 or daughter is crazy to leave his job to LT_KP7H6Yig-00118-00032447-00032674 go to Kobe entrepreneur so yeah that LT_KP7H6Yig-00119-00032675-00032836 summarizes kind of a social stigma to LT_KP7H6Yig-00120-00032837-00032995 work on that you also work on helping LT_KP7H6Yig-00121-00032996-00033232 entrepreneurs forum their ideas and use LT_KP7H6Yig-00122-00033233-00033397 the right tools like open source and LT_KP7H6Yig-00123-00033398-00033568 creative comments and all of those who LT_KP7H6Yig-00124-00033569-00033721 that to basically get to the next level LT_KP7H6Yig-00125-00033722-00033991 and for example in Beirut we're doing LT_KP7H6Yig-00126-00033992-00034174 something in November 12 to 14 called LT_KP7H6Yig-00127-00034175-00034336 startup weekend where we're getting LT_KP7H6Yig-00128-00034337-00034498 people from all over there aboard to go LT_KP7H6Yig-00129-00034499-00034710 there developers and designers and LT_KP7H6Yig-00130-00034711-00034915 enthusiasts to go there from now we can LT_KP7H6Yig-00131-00034916-00035083 on friday they come in they come up with LT_KP7H6Yig-00132-00035084-00035281 an idea team up and deliver on sunday LT_KP7H6Yig-00133-00035282-00035530 it's a very excited program just in a 1 LT_KP7H6Yig-00134-00035531-00035695 week and this is the kind of stuff that LT_KP7H6Yig-00135-00035696-00035866 we try to do an arrest are basically the LT_KP7H6Yig-00136-00035867-00036064 down-and-dirty approach of helping the LT_KP7H6Yig-00137-00036065-00036235 entrepreneur from from point from idea LT_KP7H6Yig-00138-00036236-00036682 to basically a variety driv more LT_KP7H6Yig-00139-00036683-00037527 questions LT_KP7H6Yig-00140-00037528-00037683 I LT_KP7H6Yig-00141-00037684-00038027 just talk into it'll get going hello I LT_KP7H6Yig-00142-00038028-00038271 um I actually do have a question that LT_KP7H6Yig-00143-00038272-00038459 comes to innovate and with it come LT_KP7H6Yig-00144-00038460-00038928 censorship actually the bday I'm from LT_KP7H6Yig-00145-00038929-00039099 Quito can answer that or anyone can LT_KP7H6Yig-00146-00039100-00039318 actually talk about that a little bit if LT_KP7H6Yig-00147-00039319-00039495 we do want to innovate if we do what I LT_KP7H6Yig-00148-00039496-00039645 actually think about it if you do want LT_KP7H6Yig-00149-00039646-00039873 to create and if you do want to be open LT_KP7H6Yig-00150-00039874-00040074 how can we open when there is censorship LT_KP7H6Yig-00151-00040075-00040377 and when there's um actually filters on LT_KP7H6Yig-00152-00040378-00040758 data that so for the people that are LT_KP7H6Yig-00153-00040759-00040868 listening on the web the question is LT_KP7H6Yig-00154-00040869-00041070 that is that if there are filters on the LT_KP7H6Yig-00155-00041071-00041226 information that's available and LT_KP7H6Yig-00156-00041227-00041382 censorship on the information that's LT_KP7H6Yig-00157-00041383-00041568 available becomes difficult to innovate LT_KP7H6Yig-00158-00041569-00041787 if you can't access the fundamental LT_KP7H6Yig-00159-00041788-00042099 information for innovation so dr. shaker LT_KP7H6Yig-00160-00042100-00042405 please yeah I mean for open innovation I LT_KP7H6Yig-00161-00042406-00042705 mean information should be available and LT_KP7H6Yig-00162-00042706-00043023 should be accessible whenever is needed LT_KP7H6Yig-00163-00043024-00043359 but to out what's the type of LT_KP7H6Yig-00164-00043360-00043650 information a sensor if it is you have LT_KP7H6Yig-00165-00043651-00043932 to do with the I mean something ethical LT_KP7H6Yig-00166-00043933-00044439 or I mean this this is not not within am LT_KP7H6Yig-00167-00044440-00044621 in the context but when we talk about LT_KP7H6Yig-00168-00044622-00044877 the information that opportunity that LT_KP7H6Yig-00169-00044878-00045168 information that helps to cultivate and LT_KP7H6Yig-00170-00045169-00045414 foster innovation and collaborative LT_KP7H6Yig-00171-00045415-00045723 thinking and just to hear from from the LT_KP7H6Yig-00172-00045724-00045951 recycle of open access the idea open LT_KP7H6Yig-00173-00045952-00046170 access is to create an of information LT_KP7H6Yig-00174-00046171-00046362 but typically the solution is to create LT_KP7H6Yig-00175-00046363-00046571 filters and so the question is whether LT_KP7H6Yig-00176-00046572-00046740 those filters themselves are open and LT_KP7H6Yig-00177-00046741-00046944 understandable but I mean I don't know LT_KP7H6Yig-00178-00046945-00047100 if that sits in this in the context of LT_KP7H6Yig-00179-00047101-00047301 this panel as much as it's perhaps and LT_KP7H6Yig-00180-00047302-00047448 the government information panel that's LT_KP7H6Yig-00181-00047449-00047643 coming next so you may want to revisit LT_KP7H6Yig-00182-00047644-00047987 that question in the next panel do you LT_KP7H6Yig-00183-00047988-00048407 have more questions LT_KP7H6Yig-00184-00048408-00048905 you got one there in the back I will LT_KP7H6Yig-00185-00048906-00049301 take this one is the last question hello LT_KP7H6Yig-00186-00049302-00049687 I have a question for mr. Lucci there LT_KP7H6Yig-00187-00049688-00049908 was a mention that our ability to LT_KP7H6Yig-00188-00049909-00050252 generate more than the ability to store LT_KP7H6Yig-00189-00050253-00050614 it as of now is there a possibility that LT_KP7H6Yig-00190-00050615-00050821 we might override our existing data and LT_KP7H6Yig-00191-00050822-00050957 then what happened to the companies LT_KP7H6Yig-00192-00050958-00051130 which which are the storage companies LT_KP7H6Yig-00193-00051131-00051275 would say your data will be stored with LT_KP7H6Yig-00194-00051276-00051529 us forever and ever what happens then if LT_KP7H6Yig-00195-00051530-00051710 at all we run out of the ability to LT_KP7H6Yig-00196-00051711-00051892 store data do we overwrite the existing LT_KP7H6Yig-00197-00051894-00052478 data in that case welcome well you know LT_KP7H6Yig-00198-00052479-00052853 we we were talking about the capability LT_KP7H6Yig-00199-00052854-00053026 to do things from technology standpoint LT_KP7H6Yig-00200-00053027-00053338 from legal standpoint is completely a LT_KP7H6Yig-00201-00053339-00053687 different art which we are not involving LT_KP7H6Yig-00202-00053688-00054016 on it you know and as other people said LT_KP7H6Yig-00203-00054017-00054260 before you know one thing is the LT_KP7H6Yig-00204-00054261-00054501 technology and the technology is that LT_KP7H6Yig-00205-00054502-00054710 unfortunately you know all the LT_KP7H6Yig-00206-00054711-00054965 regulation of things comes comes later LT_KP7H6Yig-00207-00054966-00055124 you know when we talk about the progress LT_KP7H6Yig-00208-00055125-00055412 the progress note is very much made LT_KP7H6Yig-00209-00055413-00055688 several times that by people that do LT_KP7H6Yig-00210-00055689-00055940 things and then the regulations comes LT_KP7H6Yig-00211-00055941-00056251 after you know there is always a way to LT_KP7H6Yig-00212-00056252-00056450 protect your data to make sure that your LT_KP7H6Yig-00213-00056451-00056636 debt are yours no matter where they are LT_KP7H6Yig-00214-00056637-00056879 stored and the way you stole it as the LT_KP7H6Yig-00215-00056879-00057125 example I gave before on strategies we LT_KP7H6Yig-00216-00057126-00057290 are going to provide for a new European LT_KP7H6Yig-00217-00057291-00057500 country the data will be stored in Qatar LT_KP7H6Yig-00218-00057501-00057713 and the server will be in Qatar they LT_KP7H6Yig-00219-00057714-00057947 will act on the applications that are LT_KP7H6Yig-00220-00057948-00058225 dia as a software as a service but they LT_KP7H6Yig-00221-00058226-00058616 don't care because that's the way old LT_KP7H6Yig-00222-00058616-00058801 system is designed I don't know if this LT_KP7H6Yig-00223-00058802-00059246 answer your question so I'm just going LT_KP7H6Yig-00224-00059247-00059459 to give a couple of comments to wrap up LT_KP7H6Yig-00225-00059460-00059591 and then well thank the panel and we can LT_KP7H6Yig-00226-00059591-00059900 all go have lunch but the first thing LT_KP7H6Yig-00227-00059901-00060031 that sort of came out that I heard was LT_KP7H6Yig-00228-00060032-00060241 is it we've heard this all day is really LT_KP7H6Yig-00229-00060242-00060371 that open systems are almost LT_KP7H6Yig-00230-00060372-00060643 unreasonably effective when compared to LT_KP7H6Yig-00231-00060644-00060850 closed systems if given enough time and LT_KP7H6Yig-00232-00060851-00061037 enough people and so we've heard about LT_KP7H6Yig-00233-00061038-00061168 that in softer and I think that's what LT_KP7H6Yig-00234-00061169-00061361 what Sean was talking about in terms of LT_KP7H6Yig-00235-00061362-00061614 red hat is that given enough time you LT_KP7H6Yig-00236-00061615-00061776 these open systems can out-compete the LT_KP7H6Yig-00237-00061777-00061923 closed systems and that was the case in LT_KP7H6Yig-00238-00061924-00062121 the internet that was the case in the LT_KP7H6Yig-00239-00062122-00062376 web even if these systems start out as LT_KP7H6Yig-00240-00062377-00062619 small as something like Linux or a small LT_KP7H6Yig-00241-00062620-00062769 something like the first web page of the LT_KP7H6Yig-00242-00062770-00063045 earliest internet servers a second thing LT_KP7H6Yig-00243-00063046-00063204 I heard from actually three of the LT_KP7H6Yig-00244-00063204-00063309 panelists was the importance of LT_KP7H6Yig-00245-00063310-00063525 education so it's important to think LT_KP7H6Yig-00246-00063526-00063723 about education and to put these same LT_KP7H6Yig-00247-00063724-00063948 open systems into place in the education LT_KP7H6Yig-00248-00063949-00064260 context as you train people to be open LT_KP7H6Yig-00249-00064261-00064515 do that training itself in an open way LT_KP7H6Yig-00250-00064516-00064742 it's one of the reasons why we work open LT_KP7H6Yig-00251-00064744-00064932 educational resources so much at LT_KP7H6Yig-00252-00064933-00065169 Creative Commons is that we have to LT_KP7H6Yig-00253-00065170-00065364 actually have open educational systems LT_KP7H6Yig-00254-00065365-00065502 if we're going to have these sorts of LT_KP7H6Yig-00255-00065503-00065763 open innovation systems emerge and then LT_KP7H6Yig-00256-00065764-00065922 the third and the point that I've sort LT_KP7H6Yig-00257-00065923-00066144 of wanted to leave on is is Habib's idea LT_KP7H6Yig-00258-00066145-00066396 that innovation is a human right and so LT_KP7H6Yig-00259-00066397-00066591 if we believe that innovation is a human LT_KP7H6Yig-00260-00066592-00066831 right there's only a few places we can LT_KP7H6Yig-00261-00066832-00066963 start it's very difficult for me to LT_KP7H6Yig-00262-00066964-00067184 point it hit even tell him to innovate LT_KP7H6Yig-00263-00067185-00067515 right if we could do it that's what all LT_KP7H6Yig-00264-00067516-00067749 governments would do but some of the LT_KP7H6Yig-00265-00067750-00067902 things we can do is invest in the LT_KP7H6Yig-00266-00067903-00068210 capacity of that individual to innovate LT_KP7H6Yig-00267-00068211-00068481 because if enough people have the LT_KP7H6Yig-00268-00068482-00068667 capacity to innovate and enough people LT_KP7H6Yig-00269-00068668-00068843 have the opportunity to try to innovate LT_KP7H6Yig-00270-00068844-00069108 again over time that open system is LT_KP7H6Yig-00271-00069109-00069282 going to be unreasonably effective and LT_KP7H6Yig-00272-00069283-00069495 we can start by doing that by being open LT_KP7H6Yig-00273-00069496-00069699 we can start by using infrastructure LT_KP7H6Yig-00274-00069700-00069861 like Creative Commons and like Mozilla LT_KP7H6Yig-00275-00069862-00070098 to be a part of that so with that I'm LT_KP7H6Yig-00276-00070099-00070263 going to stop turn it over to Brian and LT_KP7H6Yig-00277-00070264-00070590 thanks again to our panel LTWLNeIs5JQ-00000-00000400-00000705 hi this is Tim and panto I'm here to LTWLNeIs5JQ-00001-00000706-00000847 give you a quick overview of Pantone LTWLNeIs5JQ-00002-00000848-00001111 color manager software Pantone color LTWLNeIs5JQ-00003-00001112-00001264 manager is great for when you want to LTWLNeIs5JQ-00004-00001265-00001477 manage the colors that you use in your LTWLNeIs5JQ-00005-00001478-00001768 design applications it comes with most LTWLNeIs5JQ-00006-00001769-00002041 of our design tools for free for LTWLNeIs5JQ-00007-00002042-00002176 instance if you have a current Plus LTWLNeIs5JQ-00008-00002177-00002464 product you'll find a registration code LTWLNeIs5JQ-00009-00002465-00002812 on the back page simply go to Pantone LTWLNeIs5JQ-00010-00002813-00003010 calm slash register follow the LTWLNeIs5JQ-00011-00003011-00003208 instructions you'll be able to download LTWLNeIs5JQ-00012-00003209-00003477 the software and start using it right LTWLNeIs5JQ-00013-00003478-00003872 away let's take a look at how it works LTWLNeIs5JQ-00014-00003874-00004120 Pantone color manager is always updated LTWLNeIs5JQ-00015-00004121-00004356 with the latest colors so we want to LTWLNeIs5JQ-00016-00004357-00004531 load those into our design application LTWLNeIs5JQ-00017-00004532-00005146 simply go to file export and once you LTWLNeIs5JQ-00018-00005147-00005422 choose your design software you can LTWLNeIs5JQ-00019-00005423-00005686 choose whether to include la be color or LTWLNeIs5JQ-00020-00005687-00006169 srgb color I'm a formula guy coded I'm LTWLNeIs5JQ-00021-00006170-00006525 going to export that to InDesign in LA B LTWLNeIs5JQ-00022-00006526-00006931 simply click here and it has been LTWLNeIs5JQ-00023-00006931-00007645 exported so let's go into InDesign start LTWLNeIs5JQ-00024-00007645-00008080 a new document so if I pull up my LTWLNeIs5JQ-00025-00008081-00008482 swatches that are available choose new LTWLNeIs5JQ-00026-00008483-00008835 color swatch and from the drop down menu LTWLNeIs5JQ-00027-00008836-00009064 you can see the library that we just LTWLNeIs5JQ-00028-00009065-00009414 exported Pantone plus solid coated v2 is LTWLNeIs5JQ-00029-00009415-00009874 right here a lot of colors in there now LTWLNeIs5JQ-00030-00009875-00010309 over 1700 and you can either scroll LTWLNeIs5JQ-00031-00010310-00010513 through the lists or begin typing them LTWLNeIs5JQ-00032-00010514-00011139 in and it will come right up color LTWLNeIs5JQ-00033-00011140-00011413 manager is also a great tool for LTWLNeIs5JQ-00034-00011414-00011635 building palettes you can build a LTWLNeIs5JQ-00035-00011636-00012016 palette from an image or a file select LTWLNeIs5JQ-00036-00012017-00012517 new palette from image and let's say I'm LTWLNeIs5JQ-00037-00012518-00012864 creating a brochure for a soccer program LTWLNeIs5JQ-00038-00012865-00013453 I can choose my image I'm going to call LTWLNeIs5JQ-00039-00013454-00013628 this LTWLNeIs5JQ-00040-00013629-00014063 sucker cover and it's asking me which LTWLNeIs5JQ-00041-00014065-00014274 library I'd like them to be from I am LTWLNeIs5JQ-00042-00014275-00014685 going to pick from color bridge because LTWLNeIs5JQ-00043-00014686-00014874 I'm going to be printing this in four LTWLNeIs5JQ-00044-00014875-00015122 color process click OK LTWLNeIs5JQ-00045-00015122-00015462 and it begins extracting colors from the LTWLNeIs5JQ-00046-00015463-00015921 image and there you have it it's LTWLNeIs5JQ-00047-00015922-00016143 extracted most dominant colors from the LTWLNeIs5JQ-00048-00016144-00016701 image say I really like this blue right LTWLNeIs5JQ-00049-00016702-00016923 here in the sky in this area I can go LTWLNeIs5JQ-00050-00016924-00017238 ahead select that drag it over and it LTWLNeIs5JQ-00051-00017239-00017718 will create a chip with the closest LTWLNeIs5JQ-00052-00017719-00018522 color match then using these colors is LTWLNeIs5JQ-00053-00018523-00018855 simple follow the same process file LTWLNeIs5JQ-00054-00018856-00019187 export I'll send them over to InDesign LTWLNeIs5JQ-00055-00019188-00019536 because I did these in with the color LTWLNeIs5JQ-00056-00019537-00019770 bridge colors I now have the option for LTWLNeIs5JQ-00057-00019771-00020034 CMYK so those are the colors that I'm LTWLNeIs5JQ-00058-00020035-00020436 going to export and now when I go over LTWLNeIs5JQ-00059-00020437-00021318 to InDesign and go to my colors see I LTWLNeIs5JQ-00060-00021319-00021579 have soccer cover right here I have a LTWLNeIs5JQ-00061-00021580-00021840 whole range of all the colors to select LTWLNeIs5JQ-00062-00021841-00022251 from to use in my design you can also LTWLNeIs5JQ-00063-00022252-00022469 follow a similar process by selecting LTWLNeIs5JQ-00064-00022470-00022638 colors directly building your own LTWLNeIs5JQ-00065-00022639-00022809 palettes and exporting them into your LTWLNeIs5JQ-00066-00022810-00023085 software as you can see the software is LTWLNeIs5JQ-00067-00023086-00023361 simple and intuitive to use I hope you LTWLNeIs5JQ-00068-00023362-00023517 found this video helpful thank you for LTWLNeIs5JQ-00069-00023518-00023730 watching LUBuNSQMrcU-00000-00000123-00000350 so it comes to me that being a YouTuber LUBuNSQMrcU-00001-00000351-00000553 content creator is super super hard when LUBuNSQMrcU-00002-00000554-00000698 you have depression hindsight if it's LUBuNSQMrcU-00003-00000699-00000866 not impossible I've tried many occasions LUBuNSQMrcU-00004-00000867-00001010 to start YouTube channels a little LUBuNSQMrcU-00005-00001011-00001154 crashing Bond I'm going to make this one LUBuNSQMrcU-00006-00001155-00001291 the hardest thing I find is getting LUBuNSQMrcU-00007-00001292-00001508 started so that's what I'm doing here if LUBuNSQMrcU-00008-00001509-00001646 I get if I start that's sure first video LUBuNSQMrcU-00009-00001647-00001820 on my new channel I've done something LUBuNSQMrcU-00010-00001821-00002096 I'll get going and start recording start LUBuNSQMrcU-00011-00002097-00002300 uploading and we'll get some going we're LUBuNSQMrcU-00012-00002301-00002401 going to mix YouTube channel lock LUBuNSQMrcU-00013-00002402-00002551 because I need to do it for my own LUBuNSQMrcU-00014-00002552-00002944 sanity anyway I just occurred to me too LVL1Iwz7cjy-00000-00000000-00000218 Roswell man is giving gay night a whole LVL1Iwz7cjy-00001-00000219-00000494 new spin a hint the boardgame might have LVL1Iwz7cjy-00002-00000495-00000740 something to do with alien news 13s Alex LVL1Iwz7cjy-00003-00000741-00000950 and Martinez is live in Roswell with a LVL1Iwz7cjy-00004-00000951-00001343 look just unbelievable I mean token you LVL1Iwz7cjy-00005-00001344-00001490 never expect to see much little LVL1Iwz7cjy-00006-00001491-00001721 community here from people who knew the LVL1Iwz7cjy-00007-00001722-00001937 victim of a killing spree LVL1Iwz7cjy-00008-00001938-00002270 a former Lobo basketball star is finding LVL1Iwz7cjy-00009-00002271-00002399 himself in the middle of an LVL1Iwz7cjy-00010-00002400-00002687 international controversy the president LVL1Iwz7cjy-00011-00002688-00002966 of is European basketball team has been LVL1Iwz7cjy-00012-00002967-00003122 getting and it's going to be hot is LVL1Iwz7cjy-00013-00003123-00003361 gonna be a hot weekend yeah very nice if LVL1Iwz7cjy-00014-00003363-00003511 you're going to be doing anything LVL1Iwz7cjy-00015-00003513-00003806 outside especially tomorrow you're going LVL1Iwz7cjy-00016-00003807-00003953 to well Father's Day looking a little LVL1Iwz7cjy-00017-00003954-00004186 bit another car break-in had a different LVL1Iwz7cjy-00018-00004187-00004404 outcome because of two police officers LVL1Iwz7cjy-00019-00004405-00004727 88 year old the Kindle and Jaclyn Hayes LVL1Iwz7cjy-00020-00004728-00004904 were on their way to Illinois but LVL1Iwz7cjy-00021-00004905-00005042 stopped in Albuquerque high school LVL1Iwz7cjy-00022-00005043-00005216 students were rewarded today with a LVL1Iwz7cjy-00023-00005217-00005386 chunk of change and it was all for LVL1Iwz7cjy-00024-00005387-00005654 perfect attendance the new car dealers LVL1Iwz7cjy-00025-00005655-00005872 of Albuquerque wanted to thank students LVL1Iwz7cjy-00026-00005873-00006163 for being a from kr2 we came together at LVL1Iwz7cjy-00027-00006164-00006436 Casa Esperanza for its next our Founders LVL1Iwz7cjy-00028-00006437-00006695 Day of Caring a volunteers prepared and LVL1Iwz7cjy-00029-00006695-00006944 serves a dinner for 40 people families LVL1Iwz7cjy-00030-00006945-00007135 dig a whole lot of buzz around the LVL1Iwz7cjy-00031-00007136-00007306 Botanic Gardens today kicking off LVL1Iwz7cjy-00032-00007308-00007534 national pollinator week at today's LVL1Iwz7cjy-00033-00007536-00007751 pollinator celebration visitors learned LVL1Iwz7cjy-00034-00007752-00007976 about the importance of creatures like LVL1Iwz7cjy-00035-00007977-00008201 some good news on the cafe fire in the LVL1Iwz7cjy-00036-00008202-00008467 famous mountain it's now 55 percent LVL1Iwz7cjy-00037-00008468-00008663 contained we've also learned it was LVL1Iwz7cjy-00038-00008664-00008945 started by a campfire News 13s Rebecca LVL1Iwz7cjy-00039-00008946-00009116 the pitch the Albuquerque stole were LVL1Iwz7cjy-00040-00009117-00009274 back in action tonight coming off of LVL1Iwz7cjy-00041-00009275-00009416 their first one of the year on Thursday LVL1Iwz7cjy-00042-00009417-00009749 they took on the Colorado Rapids u-23 at LVL1Iwz7cjy-00043-00009750-00010175 UNM doctor complex a familiar LW_NDMN4c0u-00000-00000014-00000250 hello there my name is Paul cards and LW_NDMN4c0u-00001-00000252-00000457 I'm musician and found of Allah missiles LW_NDMN4c0u-00002-00000458-00000709 called creative flow evolution and why LW_NDMN4c0u-00003-00000710-00000908 there is help people who have their LW_NDMN4c0u-00004-00000909-00001066 passions and projects on a back burner LW_NDMN4c0u-00005-00001067-00001358 jewelry allergy momentum stir love and LW_NDMN4c0u-00006-00001359-00001568 life and I've been a spot showing tools LW_NDMN4c0u-00007-00001569-00001850 nowadays to support focus and productive LW_NDMN4c0u-00008-00001851-00002110 flow now in this video like to share of LW_NDMN4c0u-00009-00002111-00002377 you how folks who readin changed my life LW_NDMN4c0u-00010-00002378-00002621 and how it improved my learning LW_NDMN4c0u-00011-00002622-00002882 capability therefore any ambitious LW_NDMN4c0u-00012-00002883-00003067 learner whether your student or somebody LW_NDMN4c0u-00013-00003068-00003279 wants to learn a master new subject area LW_NDMN4c0u-00014-00003280-00003622 it will often feel overwhelming to learn LW_NDMN4c0u-00015-00003623-00003794 ornaments here all we need we have the LW_NDMN4c0u-00016-00003795-00004004 resource we have because through so many LW_NDMN4c0u-00017-00004004-00004325 books and articles online and the market LW_NDMN4c0u-00018-00004326-00004565 for any given subject how do we find the LW_NDMN4c0u-00019-00004566-00004895 time and energy to reach that target so LW_NDMN4c0u-00020-00004896-00005027 keep watching because I'm about to LW_NDMN4c0u-00021-00005028-00005315 reveal to you how photo region can LW_NDMN4c0u-00022-00005316-00005954 actually work LW_NDMN4c0u-00023-00005955-00006300 very conscious mind can process up to 40 LW_NDMN4c0u-00024-00006301-00006564 bits per second which is a lot LW_NDMN4c0u-00025-00006565-00006789 however the subconscious mind can LW_NDMN4c0u-00026-00006790-00007201 process 14 million bits per second which LW_NDMN4c0u-00027-00007202-00007351 is much much more LW_NDMN4c0u-00028-00007352-00007537 and a photo reading the strategy LW_NDMN4c0u-00029-00007538-00008058 actually utilizes that LW_NDMN4c0u-00030-00008059-00008355 back in my school days which is a long LW_NDMN4c0u-00031-00008356-00008639 long time ago now and I experienced LW_NDMN4c0u-00032-00008640-00008846 quite a bit of frustration a lot of LW_NDMN4c0u-00033-00008847-00009014 stress as well with my learning LW_NDMN4c0u-00034-00009015-00009353 capability and speed often felt as if I LW_NDMN4c0u-00035-00009354-00009596 had to work much harder than other kids LW_NDMN4c0u-00036-00009597-00009913 to achieve the same level of results now LW_NDMN4c0u-00037-00009914-00010143 things improve for me when I went to LW_NDMN4c0u-00038-00010144-00010332 college because I learn how to relax LW_NDMN4c0u-00039-00010333-00010628 more and also I had more purpose behind LW_NDMN4c0u-00040-00010629-00010923 my education and it's always good to LW_NDMN4c0u-00041-00010924-00011094 have purpose behind what we wish to LW_NDMN4c0u-00042-00011095-00011421 achieve in life then even so even then I LW_NDMN4c0u-00043-00011422-00011663 spent a lot of my college school LW_NDMN4c0u-00044-00011664-00011802 holidays catching up and reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00045-00011803-00012057 material and ferb most of my adulthood LW_NDMN4c0u-00046-00012058-00012384 I had trouble completing a book that was LW_NDMN4c0u-00047-00012385-00012591 until I learned how to photo read and LW_NDMN4c0u-00048-00012592-00013035 I'm about to reveal why that photo Eden LW_NDMN4c0u-00049-00013036-00013329 is a five step process devised by a guy LW_NDMN4c0u-00050-00013330-00013550 called Paul Schiele who introduced it LW_NDMN4c0u-00051-00013551-00013833 about 20 years ago and Porsche ely is an LW_NDMN4c0u-00052-00013834-00014000 expert in a field of accelerate learning LW_NDMN4c0u-00053-00014001-00014283 now under the whyte supervision and all LW_NDMN4c0u-00054-00014284-00014505 can learn how to use this strategy to LW_NDMN4c0u-00055-00014506-00014808 read up to a capacity or 25,000 words LW_NDMN4c0u-00056-00014809-00015053 per minute or even more Bostwick LW_NDMN4c0u-00057-00015054-00015297 extracting recording information simple LW_NDMN4c0u-00058-00015297-00015438 for their purpose or reading the book in LW_NDMN4c0u-00059-00015438-00015672 the first place now this is partially LW_NDMN4c0u-00060-00015672-00015878 cheap I use less of the focus approach LW_NDMN4c0u-00061-00015879-00016181 or expanded vision or reading the book LW_NDMN4c0u-00062-00016182-00016580 here's an example of them photo reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00063-00016581-00016767 as you can see I'm flicking for the LW_NDMN4c0u-00064-00016768-00017049 pages failure cooking here my LW_NDMN4c0u-00065-00017050-00017193 subconscious mind is taking a snapshot LW_NDMN4c0u-00066-00017194-00017675 the information now it's an idea for you LW_NDMN4c0u-00067-00017676-00017886 to express expanded vision yourself if LW_NDMN4c0u-00068-00017887-00018053 you haven't done so and still this you LW_NDMN4c0u-00069-00018054-00018194 can hold your fingers in front of your LW_NDMN4c0u-00070-00018195-00018453 eyes just a few inches away from your LW_NDMN4c0u-00071-00018454-00018731 face and keep your fingers close but not LW_NDMN4c0u-00072-00018732-00018956 connected and then then allow your LW_NDMN4c0u-00073-00018957-00019119 vision to expand as if you could see the LW_NDMN4c0u-00074-00019120-00019328 whole of the room even the four corners LW_NDMN4c0u-00075-00019329-00019550 now watch to do this and the hotus in LW_NDMN4c0u-00076-00019551-00019728 the middle that there's almost like a LW_NDMN4c0u-00077-00019729-00019967 floating sausage between the fingers LW_NDMN4c0u-00078-00019968-00020196 when you see this you know that you're LW_NDMN4c0u-00079-00020197-00020406 in expanded vision which is what you'll LW_NDMN4c0u-00080-00020407-00020475 be using LW_NDMN4c0u-00081-00020476-00020708 to capturing information but as much LW_NDMN4c0u-00082-00020709-00020972 more to process than there and I'm going LW_NDMN4c0u-00083-00020973-00021122 to give you know with you of the five LW_NDMN4c0u-00084-00021123-00021399 simple steps ten photos a week now photo LW_NDMN4c0u-00085-00021400-00021675 region is a state dependent activity so LW_NDMN4c0u-00086-00021676-00021953 the first part is to prepare this purely LW_NDMN4c0u-00087-00021954-00022152 involves allowing yourself to relax LW_NDMN4c0u-00088-00022153-00022422 becoming to a state where you're fully LW_NDMN4c0u-00089-00022423-00022700 absorbed by what you're doing now Haven LW_NDMN4c0u-00090-00022701-00022916 this firstly sort of can yourself then LW_NDMN4c0u-00091-00022917-00023313 his example I say to myself free I feel LW_NDMN4c0u-00092-00023314-00023702 relaxed to feeling more relaxed one LW_NDMN4c0u-00093-00023703-00024030 feeling total next my body and my face LW_NDMN4c0u-00094-00024031-00024369 all calm and then I allow myself to LW_NDMN4c0u-00095-00024370-00024800 actually imagine a town dream above the LW_NDMN4c0u-00096-00024801-00025061 head that's what it's interesting that LW_NDMN4c0u-00097-00025062-00025278 this position towards the back of the LW_NDMN4c0u-00098-00025279-00025608 head is the most important part was LW_NDMN4c0u-00099-00025608-00025875 powerful heart afforded mind to process LW_NDMN4c0u-00100-00025876-00026199 information and what also lasts if you LW_NDMN4c0u-00101-00026200-00026433 alert and ring to float on this part of LW_NDMN4c0u-00102-00026433-00026654 head it allows you to focus on one thing LW_NDMN4c0u-00103-00026655-00026921 there the idea is is to keep it relaxed LW_NDMN4c0u-00104-00026922-00027083 as much as you can do because what LW_NDMN4c0u-00105-00027084-00027243 you're doing is bypassing the rational LW_NDMN4c0u-00106-00027244-00027440 mind so that the subconscious mind to LW_NDMN4c0u-00107-00027441-00027960 abstract information then we also don't LW_NDMN4c0u-00108-00027961-00028311 use effectively you need to state a LW_NDMN4c0u-00109-00028312-00028490 purpose readable because they're last in LW_NDMN4c0u-00110-00028491-00028865 line to focus on what you need now the LW_NDMN4c0u-00111-00028866-00029136 second part is called a preview now this LW_NDMN4c0u-00112-00029137-00029333 basically involves scale over the LW_NDMN4c0u-00113-00029334-00029543 information like the front part of cover LW_NDMN4c0u-00114-00029544-00029805 the back and the contents and a book of LW_NDMN4c0u-00115-00029806-00030048 index pages as well so what you're doing LW_NDMN4c0u-00116-00030049-00030270 is just establishing to see if this book LW_NDMN4c0u-00117-00030270-00030527 is simple for you to learn what you need LW_NDMN4c0u-00118-00030528-00030758 to learn because if it's not you might LW_NDMN4c0u-00119-00030759-00030995 have read something else but when you're LW_NDMN4c0u-00120-00030997-00031137 really comfortable about the book it is LW_NDMN4c0u-00121-00031138-00031431 suitable for you furtively photo reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00122-00031432-00031652 is the next step now like I spend LW_NDMN4c0u-00123-00031653-00031889 earlier we use expanded awareness to LW_NDMN4c0u-00124-00031890-00032283 focus on the pages and what we do is LW_NDMN4c0u-00125-00032283-00032483 allow to rhythmically LW_NDMN4c0u-00126-00032484-00032774 brief and relaxing us they keep motion LW_NDMN4c0u-00127-00032775-00033011 alert and room above the head monster LW_NDMN4c0u-00128-00033012-00033242 darkness we flipped through the pages in LW_NDMN4c0u-00129-00033243-00033641 a sort of firm build in the corner now LW_NDMN4c0u-00130-00033642-00033821 once you get towards you in the book and LW_NDMN4c0u-00131-00033822-00034139 this is a pad file called super photo LW_NDMN4c0u-00132-00034140-00034398 reading okay when we get to in the book LW_NDMN4c0u-00133-00034399-00034652 what we do is terminal command and do LW_NDMN4c0u-00134-00034653-00034926 the same again then we first man because LW_NDMN4c0u-00135-00034927-00035082 what's particularly interesting is that LW_NDMN4c0u-00136-00035083-00035360 a human mind can actually read words LW_NDMN4c0u-00137-00035361-00035705 outside then try yourselves on stage now LW_NDMN4c0u-00138-00035706-00035918 when it gets you on the book that's the LW_NDMN4c0u-00139-00035919-00036360 photo reading done now the next part of LW_NDMN4c0u-00140-00036361-00036758 it is to preview the actual book now LW_NDMN4c0u-00141-00036759-00036954 what this means is that like the second LW_NDMN4c0u-00142-00036955-00037130 step you just go to the front cover the LW_NDMN4c0u-00143-00037131-00037394 back the contents just we connect to LW_NDMN4c0u-00144-00037395-00037632 structure the book because what we're LW_NDMN4c0u-00145-00037633-00037925 flexibly doing here is allowing us to LW_NDMN4c0u-00146-00037926-00038123 use the reticular activating system LW_NDMN4c0u-00147-00038124-00038486 which is part of the brain which actors LW_NDMN4c0u-00148-00038487-00038765 are like a a goal-setting mechanism to LW_NDMN4c0u-00149-00038766-00038942 allow you to achieve the information you LW_NDMN4c0u-00150-00038943-00039164 need and it allows us to to link the LW_NDMN4c0u-00151-00039165-00039308 subconscious mind to the conscious mind LW_NDMN4c0u-00152-00039309-00039617 it's quite powerful that preview LW_NDMN4c0u-00153-00039618-00039948 basically what we do is actually pick LW_NDMN4c0u-00154-00039949-00040145 our trigger words that appear at a blue LW_NDMN4c0u-00155-00040146-00040331 when we're looking at pages how we do LW_NDMN4c0u-00156-00040332-00040505 this is that we use a super reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00157-00040506-00040760 method by moving a finger that is set on LW_NDMN4c0u-00158-00040761-00041057 the page every 20 pages for example and LW_NDMN4c0u-00159-00041058-00041304 what you notice that anything that pops LW_NDMN4c0u-00160-00041305-00041486 out of any particular words of phases LW_NDMN4c0u-00161-00041487-00041750 that seem to highlight cells you widen LW_NDMN4c0u-00162-00041751-00042029 them so what we do we create a list for LW_NDMN4c0u-00163-00042030-00042299 trigger words using this super reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00164-00042300-00042602 technique once we've got a list together LW_NDMN4c0u-00165-00042603-00042770 and I won't spend much more than that LW_NDMN4c0u-00166-00042771-00043007 two to three minutes per house on on LW_NDMN4c0u-00167-00043008-00043220 doing it we use these trigger words that LW_NDMN4c0u-00168-00043221-00043541 helps us formulate some questions using LW_NDMN4c0u-00169-00043542-00043877 like how what when for example and why LW_NDMN4c0u-00170-00043878-00044000 these questions as if you're going to LW_NDMN4c0u-00171-00044001-00044306 ask the author himself this also allows LW_NDMN4c0u-00172-00044307-00044483 us to be more specific on what we need LW_NDMN4c0u-00173-00044484-00044708 from the book again it allows our mind LW_NDMN4c0u-00174-00044709-00044996 to to focus on them LW_NDMN4c0u-00175-00044997-00045188 then the next part is called the LW_NDMN4c0u-00176-00045189-00045410 activation part but before we do this we LW_NDMN4c0u-00177-00045411-00045575 know a take a break from material LW_NDMN4c0u-00178-00045576-00045773 because what we learn is the minds LW_NDMN4c0u-00179-00045774-00045968 actually incubating process the LW_NDMN4c0u-00180-00045969-00046187 information it's good to have at least LW_NDMN4c0u-00181-00046188-00046388 20 minutes wake from the preview section LW_NDMN4c0u-00182-00046389-00046661 before we activate even more ideal is to LW_NDMN4c0u-00183-00046662-00046901 sleep over overnight because most of LW_NDMN4c0u-00184-00046902-00047123 sleeping the subconscious mind fixes LW_NDMN4c0u-00185-00047124-00047315 patterns won't be learnt on a date LW_NDMN4c0u-00186-00047316-00047660 notifies the reefing now when we press LW_NDMN4c0u-00187-00047661-00047798 wake up next morning with your debt LW_NDMN4c0u-00188-00047799-00048059 evasion process what this allows us it LW_NDMN4c0u-00189-00048060-00048218 means to conscious mind what we already LW_NDMN4c0u-00190-00048219-00048520 learn photo reading put it affects them LW_NDMN4c0u-00191-00048521-00048806 so what we do here and we use a variety LW_NDMN4c0u-00192-00048807-00049055 of reading techniques including super LW_NDMN4c0u-00193-00049056-00049328 super reading rapid reading skittering LW_NDMN4c0u-00194-00049329-00049595 and dipping which effectively allows us LW_NDMN4c0u-00195-00049596-00049925 to extract the information that suits LW_NDMN4c0u-00196-00049926-00050287 their questions we do this intuitively LW_NDMN4c0u-00197-00050288-00050582 now what I mean by is intuitively we get LW_NDMN4c0u-00198-00050583-00050825 feel for the book because I subconscious LW_NDMN4c0u-00199-00050826-00051044 mind away knows what's in here would you LW_NDMN4c0u-00200-00051045-00051227 we know where the ants are sitting we LW_NDMN4c0u-00201-00051228-00051425 just need to allow that to happen or LW_NDMN4c0u-00202-00051426-00051754 spin relaxed state now what I find is LW_NDMN4c0u-00203-00051755-00051955 that what I've attended the courses on LW_NDMN4c0u-00204-00051957-00052157 are being twice we find my skills I LW_NDMN4c0u-00205-00052158-00052385 found it really amazing to see how LW_NDMN4c0u-00206-00052386-00052699 people transform their beliefs to say no LW_NDMN4c0u-00207-00052700-00052994 how can I change my normal way of LW_NDMN4c0u-00208-00052995-00053276 reading to this totally almost reverse LW_NDMN4c0u-00209-00053277-00053579 reverse approach and sometimes I get LW_NDMN4c0u-00210-00053579-00053828 people or potion me asking me Paul how LW_NDMN4c0u-00211-00053829-00054016 do you know that photo reading works for LW_NDMN4c0u-00212-00054017-00054278 you what he also give to that is that LW_NDMN4c0u-00213-00054279-00054578 whenever people ask me questions on any LW_NDMN4c0u-00214-00054579-00054734 topics that I've studied through photo LW_NDMN4c0u-00215-00054735-00055073 reading I can somehow spontaneously come LW_NDMN4c0u-00216-00055074-00055411 out beast not really specific answers LW_NDMN4c0u-00217-00055412-00055607 sometimes it feels like I don't know LW_NDMN4c0u-00218-00055608-00055832 where it came from but I know it it's in LW_NDMN4c0u-00219-00055833-00056078 my subconscious mind and activate for LW_NDMN4c0u-00220-00056079-00056369 their questions and when people actually LW_NDMN4c0u-00221-00056370-00056516 ask these questions like about this LW_NDMN4c0u-00222-00056516-00056687 information I can tell how much LW_NDMN4c0u-00223-00056688-00056834 interested you are and how impressed LW_NDMN4c0u-00224-00056835-00057014 they are but a way to move forward to LW_NDMN4c0u-00225-00057015-00057263 move their eyes wide and totally engaged LW_NDMN4c0u-00226-00057264-00057488 in what I have to say and I think it's LW_NDMN4c0u-00227-00057489-00057644 an amazing experience to get to share LW_NDMN4c0u-00228-00057645-00057941 what I know quite fluently LW_NDMN4c0u-00229-00057942-00058182 my advice again if you want to expand LW_NDMN4c0u-00230-00058183-00058430 your knowledge and improve your reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00231-00058432-00058734 ability I strongly advise you learn the LW_NDMN4c0u-00232-00058735-00058955 five steps of photo reading you've been LW_NDMN4c0u-00233-00058957-00059184 a trained trained environment and with LW_NDMN4c0u-00234-00059185-00059330 groups of people who are learning this LW_NDMN4c0u-00235-00059332-00059607 same place then of course is cost about LW_NDMN4c0u-00236-00059608-00059913 500 pounds or 600 bullets and it takes a LW_NDMN4c0u-00237-00059914-00060096 few days to actually pop you learn it LW_NDMN4c0u-00238-00060097-00060438 now all I suggest you can look at or LW_NDMN4c0u-00239-00060439-00060716 Google for local when photo to photo LW_NDMN4c0u-00240-00060717-00060939 reading partitioner x' or look at the LW_NDMN4c0u-00241-00060940-00061170 links below this video which gives you LW_NDMN4c0u-00242-00061171-00061437 some useful contacts now I suggest that LW_NDMN4c0u-00243-00061438-00061566 if you've any questions you want to ask LW_NDMN4c0u-00244-00061566-00061803 me and go to my website by clicking on LW_NDMN4c0u-00245-00061804-00061986 the link on the video just to put my LW_NDMN4c0u-00246-00061987-00062204 finger here the link goes to my website LW_NDMN4c0u-00247-00062205-00062532 and press upon and ask me any questions LW_NDMN4c0u-00248-00062533-00062763 you wish even share your experiences on LW_NDMN4c0u-00249-00062764-00063057 any photo reading so I'd like to say LW_NDMN4c0u-00250-00063058-00063222 thank you for watching video and I wish LW_NDMN4c0u-00251-00063223-00063495 you every success of your photo reading LW_NDMN4c0u-00252-00063496-00064515 journey one best LW_NDMN4c0u-00253-00064516-00064722 you LYtjBl4EQkY-00000-00000104-00000286 fronten english the front was a LYtjBl4EQkY-00001-00000287-00000511 norwegian newspaper LYtjBl4EQkY-00002-00000512-00000719 it was published by national socialist LYtjBl4EQkY-00003-00000720-00001095 eugene nielsen from 1932 to 1940. LYtjBl4EQkY-00004-00001096-00001247 in the beginning it was published LYtjBl4EQkY-00005-00001248-00001491 bi-weekly but gradually this became more LYtjBl4EQkY-00006-00001492-00001759 sporadic nielsen's primary interest LYtjBl4EQkY-00007-00001760-00001951 which was reflected in the publications LYtjBl4EQkY-00008-00001952-00002159 was attacking freemasonry nielsen LYtjBl4EQkY-00009-00002160-00002367 cooperated with the short-lived national LYtjBl4EQkY-00010-00002368-00002567 socialist workers party of norway LYtjBl4EQkY-00011-00002568-00002799 norga's national socialists arbeiter LYtjBl4EQkY-00012-00002800-00003023 partee and was therefore critical to the LYtjBl4EQkY-00013-00003024-00003215 rivaling national socialist party LYtjBl4EQkY-00014-00003215-00003375 national samling LYtjBl4EQkY-00015-00003376-00003599 with national samling seizing power in LYtjBl4EQkY-00016-00003600-00003838 norway in the autumn of 1940 during the LYtjBl4EQkY-00017-00003839-00004047 german occupation of norway fronten LYtjBl4EQkY-00018-00004047-00004286 eventually ceased to exist LYtjBl4EQkY-00019-00004287-00004486 nielsen continued as an anti-masonry LYtjBl4EQkY-00020-00004487-00004868 consultant for the sicherheitsteinst LbK8psvJunc-00000-00000215-00000676 foreign LbK8psvJunc-00001-00000677-00000923 for the past two years the University of LbK8psvJunc-00002-00000924-00001103 Kentucky has collaborated with the LbK8psvJunc-00003-00001104-00001349 Kentucky distillers Association to plant LbK8psvJunc-00004-00001350-00001595 the sacred acre of corn for the order of LbK8psvJunc-00005-00001596-00001787 the Writ Spirit of Kentucky bourbon LbK8psvJunc-00006-00001788-00002026 Society the order celebrates and LbK8psvJunc-00007-00002027-00002218 Embraces the Deep Roots and traditions LbK8psvJunc-00008-00002219-00002423 of Kentucky bourbon America's only LbK8psvJunc-00009-00002424-00002831 native spirit LbK8psvJunc-00010-00002832-00003052 so at the University of Kentucky we're LbK8psvJunc-00011-00003053-00003383 happy to assist our Kentucky LbK8psvJunc-00012-00003384-00003617 distilleries in the order of the Writ by LbK8psvJunc-00013-00003618-00003881 growing an honorable acre one acre of LbK8psvJunc-00014-00003882-00004054 corn that they're using in their LbK8psvJunc-00015-00004055-00004181 charitable organization through the LbK8psvJunc-00016-00004182-00004433 order of the writ after each annual LbK8psvJunc-00017-00004434-00004672 Harvest a Kentucky Distillery begins the LbK8psvJunc-00018-00004673-00004870 process for that grain to become the LbK8psvJunc-00019-00004871-00005099 founders Reserve bourbon this year LbK8psvJunc-00020-00005100-00005386 Rabbit Hole distillery in Louisville has LbK8psvJunc-00021-00005387-00005513 that honor LbK8psvJunc-00022-00005514-00005741 my name is cave zamwanyan I'm the LbK8psvJunc-00023-00005742-00005956 founder and CEO and whiskey maker of LbK8psvJunc-00024-00005957-00006227 rabbit hole one of the exciting projects LbK8psvJunc-00025-00006228-00006478 aside from looking at different types of LbK8psvJunc-00026-00006479-00006689 corn is what's happening in Kentucky in LbK8psvJunc-00027-00006690-00006934 terms of growing Rye crop I think LbK8psvJunc-00028-00006936-00007264 another area is just studying the impact LbK8psvJunc-00029-00007265-00007541 of maturation and Angel share and those LbK8psvJunc-00030-00007542-00007781 types of topics that to me really is LbK8psvJunc-00031-00007781-00008020 really the opportunity for academics in LbK8psvJunc-00032-00008022-00008357 Kentucky to add to the conversation and LbK8psvJunc-00033-00008358-00008549 conduct essentially studies that are LbK8psvJunc-00034-00008550-00008771 going to help us as whiskey makers LbK8psvJunc-00035-00008772-00009095 UK students planted the sacred acre LbK8psvJunc-00036-00009096-00009496 no-till with Chad Lee it grew and it LbK8psvJunc-00037-00009497-00009969 grew and grew maturing before Harvest LbK8psvJunc-00038-00009970-00010192 [Music] LbK8psvJunc-00039-00010193-00010433 and finally arrived at Rabbit Hole LbK8psvJunc-00040-00010434-00010691 distillery in Louisville LbK8psvJunc-00041-00010692-00010937 one of the things that's very exciting LbK8psvJunc-00042-00010938-00011291 for me about bourbon is that within the LbK8psvJunc-00043-00011292-00011459 parameters of what constitutes bourbon LbK8psvJunc-00044-00011460-00011741 if you think about it 51 corn new LbK8psvJunc-00045-00011742-00011963 charred Oak barrels Etc LbK8psvJunc-00046-00011964-00012173 there's a lot of opportunity for LbK8psvJunc-00047-00012174-00012533 creativity so I typically think about it LbK8psvJunc-00048-00012534-00012905 51 corn 49 magic and what I mean by that LbK8psvJunc-00049-00012906-00013199 is that there's 49 room to use different LbK8psvJunc-00050-00013200-00013415 types of grains be it rye wheat or LbK8psvJunc-00051-00013416-00013685 malted grains to bring out organically LbK8psvJunc-00052-00013686-00013972 flavors that are distinct and in that LbK8psvJunc-00053-00013973-00014249 sense for me bourbon is very similar to LbK8psvJunc-00054-00014250-00014453 The Culinary tradition where you have LbK8psvJunc-00055-00014454-00014753 your base grain that provides the base LbK8psvJunc-00056-00014754-00014944 flavor that you want that sweet corn LbK8psvJunc-00057-00014945-00015161 flavor that you want but you have rye LbK8psvJunc-00058-00015162-00015383 wheat and other ingredients in our case LbK8psvJunc-00059-00015384-00015616 at Rabbit Hole a lot of malted grains LbK8psvJunc-00060-00015618-00015803 that bring these accents like a spice LbK8psvJunc-00061-00015804-00016019 off the spice rack that makes a unique LbK8psvJunc-00062-00016019-00016265 expression of whiskey we also look at LbK8psvJunc-00063-00016266-00016457 this as being part of the grain forage LbK8psvJunc-00064-00016458-00016679 Center of Excellence it's also part of LbK8psvJunc-00065-00016680-00016936 the James B Beam Institute in terms of LbK8psvJunc-00066-00016937-00017057 the relationships that we're LbK8psvJunc-00067-00017058-00017236 establishing with distilleries across LbK8psvJunc-00068-00017237-00017380 Kentucky LbK8psvJunc-00069-00017381-00017672 foreign LbWQNvGq-hg-00000-00000155-00000559 20:20 is fast approaching us we are less LbWQNvGq-hg-00001-00000560-00000844 than a month away from entering a new LbWQNvGq-hg-00002-00000846-00001229 decade of basketball as we weave by to LbWQNvGq-hg-00003-00001230-00001582 the 2010 we got one last thing to do LbWQNvGq-hg-00004-00001583-00002126 create an All NBA 2010's decade team we LbWQNvGq-hg-00005-00002127-00002485 must recognize and put on a pedestal the LbWQNvGq-hg-00006-00002486-00002800 greatest of the decade those who made LbWQNvGq-hg-00007-00002801-00003133 the 2010s great there are some rules and LbWQNvGq-hg-00008-00003134-00003518 stipulations for making this team rule LbWQNvGq-hg-00009-00003519-00003785 one we are looking at the careers of LbWQNvGq-hg-00010-00003786-00004250 these players from the 2009-2010 NBA LbWQNvGq-hg-00011-00004251-00004760 season to the 2018 2019 NBA season a LbWQNvGq-hg-00012-00004761-00005090 10-year span anything that's happened LbWQNvGq-hg-00013-00005091-00005435 before or after this time period we are LbWQNvGq-hg-00014-00005436-00005938 oblivious to rule 2 this team will be 15 LbWQNvGq-hg-00015-00005939-00006300 players deep separated into a first team LbWQNvGq-hg-00016-00006301-00006748 second team and 13 rule three LbWQNvGq-hg-00017-00006750-00007078 each team will consist of two guards two LbWQNvGq-hg-00018-00007079-00007309 frontcourt players and one center LbWQNvGq-hg-00019-00007311-00007599 together there will be known as the LbWQNvGq-hg-00020-00007600-00008063 all-nba 2010 decades team and guys note LbWQNvGq-hg-00021-00008064-00008288 relatively obvious who will be on the LbWQNvGq-hg-00022-00008289-00008549 first team so I provided this timestamp LbWQNvGq-hg-00023-00008550-00008735 so you guys can skip to the center LbWQNvGq-hg-00024-00008736-00008960 position of the first team so let's just LbWQNvGq-hg-00025-00008961-00009326 jump into it the first guard spot would LbWQNvGq-hg-00026-00009327-00009638 be occupied by no one other than Steph LbWQNvGq-hg-00027-00009639-00009989 Curry he revolutionized the way the game LbWQNvGq-hg-00028-00009990-00010277 was played in this decade every single LbWQNvGq-hg-00029-00010278-00010610 NBA team studied his greatness and tried LbWQNvGq-hg-00030-00010611-00010787 to emulate his play style on the LbWQNvGq-hg-00031-00010788-00011120 basketball court Steph Curry tore up LbWQNvGq-hg-00032-00011121-00011426 this decade he captured three NBA titles LbWQNvGq-hg-00033-00011427-00011671 in the span of four years led the LbWQNvGq-hg-00034-00011672-00011816 Warriors to the greatest NBA LbWQNvGq-hg-00035-00011817-00012288 regular-season record of all time 73 and LbWQNvGq-hg-00036-00012289-00012645 and became a two-time League MVP with LbWQNvGq-hg-00037-00012646-00012915 one being the first ever player to LbWQNvGq-hg-00038-00012916-00013194 receive it unanimously people in the LbWQNvGq-hg-00039-00013194-00013476 gold conversation never did this to add LbWQNvGq-hg-00040-00013477-00013743 sprinkle to the cake he also joined the LbWQNvGq-hg-00041-00013744-00014079 illustrious 50-40-90 Club this decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00042-00014080-00014382 want a scoring title and was selected to LbWQNvGq-hg-00043-00014383-00014706 six all-star teams and six all-nba teams LbWQNvGq-hg-00044-00014707-00015072 he also became known universally as a LbWQNvGq-hg-00045-00015072-00015366 greatest shooter of all time the other LbWQNvGq-hg-00046-00015366-00015660 guard spot will be occupied by James LbWQNvGq-hg-00047-00015661-00015866 Harden and can there really be any LbWQNvGq-hg-00048-00015868-00016125 pushback from him occupying the spot LbWQNvGq-hg-00049-00016126-00016347 he's in a league of his own at this LbWQNvGq-hg-00050-00016347-00016650 position and has shown this decade he's LbWQNvGq-hg-00051-00016651-00016919 simply an offensive wizard able to score LbWQNvGq-hg-00052-00016920-00017238 and distribute so effortlessly listen to LbWQNvGq-hg-00053-00017239-00017444 some of the historic numbers he put up LbWQNvGq-hg-00054-00017445-00017664 in this 10 year span he's the only LbWQNvGq-hg-00055-00017665-00017958 player NBA history to have a 60 point LbWQNvGq-hg-00056-00017959-00018210 triple-double the only player to score LbWQNvGq-hg-00057-00018211-00018591 50 points 15 assists and 15 rebounds in LbWQNvGq-hg-00058-00018592-00018840 a game the only player to score 2,000 LbWQNvGq-hg-00059-00018841-00019158 plus points 900 plus assists and 600 LbWQNvGq-hg-00060-00019159-00019428 plus rebounds in a season this is just LbWQNvGq-hg-00061-00019429-00019680 the tip of the iceberg he also holds the LbWQNvGq-hg-00062-00019681-00019953 record for the second longest 30 point LbWQNvGq-hg-00063-00019954-00020228 game streak in NBA history and has LbWQNvGq-hg-00064-00020229-00020538 averaged 36.1 points for an entire LbWQNvGq-hg-00065-00020539-00020808 season Hart has been an offensive LbWQNvGq-hg-00066-00020809-00021063 juggernaut this decade he's won two LbWQNvGq-hg-00067-00021064-00021378 scoring titles one assist title won six LbWQNvGq-hg-00068-00021379-00021675 Man of the Year and won MVP he's also LbWQNvGq-hg-00069-00021676-00021894 been selected seven all-star games and LbWQNvGq-hg-00070-00021895-00022233 six all-nba teams the first frontcourt LbWQNvGq-hg-00071-00022234-00022453 slaw would be occupied by LeBron James LbWQNvGq-hg-00072-00022454-00022722 he has been the pinnacle of excellence LbWQNvGq-hg-00073-00022723-00022956 this decade I can go on for five LbWQNvGq-hg-00074-00022957-00023199 straight hours talking about everything LbWQNvGq-hg-00075-00023200-00023466 he has done in this 10-year span but LbWQNvGq-hg-00076-00023467-00023721 there's no point you guys all know he LbWQNvGq-hg-00077-00023722-00023943 deserves a spot he went to a straight LbWQNvGq-hg-00078-00023944-00024278 finals walk three rings want three MVPs LbWQNvGq-hg-00079-00024279-00024591 walk three Finals MVPs became the first LbWQNvGq-hg-00080-00024592-00024891 player in NBA history to knock out a 70 LbWQNvGq-hg-00081-00024892-00025101 plus win team was selected to ten LbWQNvGq-hg-00082-00025102-00025422 all-star games ten all-nba teams five LbWQNvGq-hg-00083-00025423-00025683 defensive team and ultimately lodged LbWQNvGq-hg-00084-00025683-00025914 himself into the goal conversation so LbWQNvGq-hg-00085-00025914-00026289 let's just move on the other front court LbWQNvGq-hg-00086-00026289-00026570 spot would be occupied by Kevin Durant LbWQNvGq-hg-00087-00026570-00026945 like LeBron James I expect no pushback LbWQNvGq-hg-00088-00026947-00027288 and why he's even here even if you're LbWQNvGq-hg-00089-00027289-00027444 Golden State hater LbWQNvGq-hg-00090-00027445-00027756 he has had such a tremendous decade that LbWQNvGq-hg-00091-00027757-00027945 has propelled himself into the LbWQNvGq-hg-00092-00027945-00028202 conversation of the greatest scorers of LbWQNvGq-hg-00093-00028203-00028494 all time he took home almost half the LbWQNvGq-hg-00094-00028495-00028743 scoring titles this decade and on top of LbWQNvGq-hg-00095-00028744-00029010 that want to championship rings to LbWQNvGq-hg-00096-00029011-00029445 Finals MVPs and one VM VP there's a lot LbWQNvGq-hg-00097-00029445-00029696 more we can say about him but let's just LbWQNvGq-hg-00098-00029697-00029910 move on to the next one because there's LbWQNvGq-hg-00099-00029911-00030204 no other player in this decade that has LbWQNvGq-hg-00100-00030205-00030519 a shred of an argument to replacing this LbWQNvGq-hg-00101-00030520-00030798 is where it gets hard selecting a center LbWQNvGq-hg-00102-00030799-00031070 for the all-decade team let's be honest LbWQNvGq-hg-00103-00031072-00031302 centers in this decade have been LbWQNvGq-hg-00104-00031302-00031539 historically weak with the way the LbWQNvGq-hg-00105-00031539-00031802 league changed the individuals who play LbWQNvGq-hg-00106-00031803-00032015 the center position has to go through a LbWQNvGq-hg-00107-00032016-00032256 tough and necessary change this LbWQNvGq-hg-00108-00032257-00032520 ultimately diluted the pool of great LbWQNvGq-hg-00109-00032520-00032808 centers and that is why the best center LbWQNvGq-hg-00110-00032809-00033183 of the 2010s is Dwight Howard a center LbWQNvGq-hg-00111-00033184-00033417 that was only good for half the decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00112-00033418-00033648 and spent the other half being cheered LbWQNvGq-hg-00113-00033649-00033933 when he left the team nonetheless we LbWQNvGq-hg-00114-00033934-00034083 cannot ignore his dominance and LbWQNvGq-hg-00115-00034084-00034308 greatness the first half of the decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00116-00034309-00034530 he spent the first three of it in LbWQNvGq-hg-00117-00034531-00034758 Orlando and he was one of the best LbWQNvGq-hg-00118-00034759-00035025 players in the league he was a defensive LbWQNvGq-hg-00119-00035026-00035305 juggernaut and a freakish athlete LbWQNvGq-hg-00120-00035306-00035551 you finished these seasons in the MVP LbWQNvGq-hg-00121-00035552-00035962 voting fourth second and seven then he LbWQNvGq-hg-00122-00035963-00036193 went to the Lakers followed by Houston LbWQNvGq-hg-00123-00036194-00036487 really regressed a ton but he was still LbWQNvGq-hg-00124-00036488-00036727 a top center in the league in the span LbWQNvGq-hg-00125-00036728-00037009 he was selected to five all-nba teams LbWQNvGq-hg-00126-00037010-00037339 three NBA all-defensive teams five LbWQNvGq-hg-00127-00037340-00037615 all-star teams and want to Defensive LbWQNvGq-hg-00128-00037616-00037834 Player of the Year awards no other LbWQNvGq-hg-00129-00037835-00038089 Center can match what he did this decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00130-00038090-00038373 when encompassing stats accolades and LbWQNvGq-hg-00131-00038374-00038761 playoff success choosing the guards for LbWQNvGq-hg-00132-00038762-00039004 the second team guard Spa is a hard LbWQNvGq-hg-00133-00039005-00039355 choice the 2010s was a decade of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00134-00039356-00039691 guard many rules to prominence so there LbWQNvGq-hg-00135-00039692-00039922 are a lot of formidable options to take LbWQNvGq-hg-00136-00039923-00040192 up the spa but the two players that LbWQNvGq-hg-00137-00040193-00040510 outshine the competition was Chris Paul LbWQNvGq-hg-00138-00040511-00040798 and Russell Westbrook let's start with LbWQNvGq-hg-00139-00040799-00041101 Chris Paul he is one of the last great LbWQNvGq-hg-00140-00041102-00041356 old-school point guards that remain in LbWQNvGq-hg-00141-00041357-00041677 the lead today a passing savant with a LbWQNvGq-hg-00142-00041678-00041881 ridiculous dribbling ability and LbWQNvGq-hg-00143-00041882-00042196 relentless defense we all know this LbWQNvGq-hg-00144-00042197-00042469 decade hasn't been kind to him he hasn't LbWQNvGq-hg-00145-00042470-00042694 won a ring has had trouble staying LbWQNvGq-hg-00146-00042695-00042927 healthy and has had numerous people LbWQNvGq-hg-00147-00042928-00043239 question his leadership despite all that LbWQNvGq-hg-00148-00043240-00043513 he has racked up quite an impressive LbWQNvGq-hg-00149-00043514-00043789 resume he has been selected to seven LbWQNvGq-hg-00150-00043790-00044212 all-star teams six all-nba teams seven LbWQNvGq-hg-00151-00044213-00044569 NBA all-defensive teams has won the LbWQNvGq-hg-00152-00044570-00044887 all-star game MVP and has led the league LbWQNvGq-hg-00153-00044888-00045217 in assists twice and steals four times LbWQNvGq-hg-00154-00045218-00045556 when looking at this decade alone a cp3 LbWQNvGq-hg-00155-00045557-00045913 career you can arguably say he's a top LbWQNvGq-hg-00156-00045914-00046208 ten point guard of all time LbWQNvGq-hg-00157-00046209-00046658 now with Russell Westbrook a unique case LbWQNvGq-hg-00158-00046659-00046971 Westbrook was able to thrive this decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00159-00046972-00047255 despite lacking glaring skillsets that LbWQNvGq-hg-00160-00047256-00047615 made guards successful he compensated by LbWQNvGq-hg-00161-00047616-00047849 playing the entire decade at a hundred LbWQNvGq-hg-00162-00047850-00048215 miles per hour with maximum effort every LbWQNvGq-hg-00163-00048216-00048579 game his drive hard work and its elitism LbWQNvGq-hg-00164-00048580-00048887 gave him success in every facet of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00165-00048888-00049164 game when looking just had his per game LbWQNvGq-hg-00166-00049165-00049352 stat you would say he's one of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00167-00049353-00049608 greatest of all time obviously this LbWQNvGq-hg-00168-00049609-00049868 isn't the case but listen to some of his LbWQNvGq-hg-00169-00049869-00050199 insane statistical accomplishments he LbWQNvGq-hg-00170-00050200-00050414 became the first player to average a LbWQNvGq-hg-00171-00050415-00050718 triple-double since Oscar Robertson he LbWQNvGq-hg-00172-00050719-00050901 became the first player to average a LbWQNvGq-hg-00173-00050902-00051117 triple-double for multiple seasons and LbWQNvGq-hg-00174-00051118-00051369 recorded the most triple doubles in a LbWQNvGq-hg-00175-00051370-00051675 season he is his handful a statistical LbWQNvGq-hg-00176-00051676-00051881 record but let's look at his athletes LbWQNvGq-hg-00177-00051882-00052149 this decade he's been selected to eight LbWQNvGq-hg-00178-00052150-00052505 all-star teams a all-nba teams has won LbWQNvGq-hg-00179-00052507-00052779 two scoring titles two assists titles LbWQNvGq-hg-00180-00052779-00053222 two all-star game MVP and won the MVP LbWQNvGq-hg-00181-00053223-00053559 Westbrook's sheer will and intensity LbWQNvGq-hg-00182-00053560-00053882 lodged amounts as a second team now LbWQNvGq-hg-00183-00053883-00054167 let's move on to the frontcourt the LbWQNvGq-hg-00184-00054169-00054399 frontcourt slots of the second team LbWQNvGq-hg-00185-00054400-00054678 would be occupied by Kawhi Leonard and LbWQNvGq-hg-00186-00054679-00055041 Blake Griffin Kawhi Leonard used each LbWQNvGq-hg-00187-00055041-00055307 year of the decade as a stepping stone LbWQNvGq-hg-00188-00055308-00055578 towards greatness his first half of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00189-00055579-00055872 decade was an intense development phase LbWQNvGq-hg-00190-00055873-00056132 while the second half was reaping the LbWQNvGq-hg-00191-00056133-00056409 rewards of his hard work he became a LbWQNvGq-hg-00192-00056410-00056659 superstar that had no LbWQNvGq-hg-00193-00056660-00056878 chords in his game and also became the LbWQNvGq-hg-00194-00056879-00057135 best two-way player of the decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00195-00057136-00057421 capable of locking up the best player on LbWQNvGq-hg-00196-00057422-00057577 the opposing team LbWQNvGq-hg-00197-00057578-00057874 while going for 30 he has been a LbWQNvGq-hg-00198-00057875-00058135 big-time player this decade that always LbWQNvGq-hg-00199-00058136-00058444 turns up a notch during playoff time we LbWQNvGq-hg-00200-00058445-00058666 seen this in his historic playoff front LbWQNvGq-hg-00201-00058666-00058921 with the Raptors last season but also LbWQNvGq-hg-00202-00058922-00059263 previous seasons such as 2014 NBA Finals LbWQNvGq-hg-00203-00059264-00059641 when he guarded LeBron or his 2016 LbWQNvGq-hg-00204-00059641-00059895 playoff run where he puts the Spurs up LbWQNvGq-hg-00205-00059896-00060211 27 points against the Warriors before LbWQNvGq-hg-00206-00060212-00060496 falling victim to an injury all of LbWQNvGq-hg-00207-00060497-00060832 kawaii accolades only come from 2014 LbWQNvGq-hg-00208-00060833-00061126 onwards and he's still on the second LbWQNvGq-hg-00209-00061127-00061399 table look at what he has done he has LbWQNvGq-hg-00210-00061400-00061605 been selected to three all-star teams LbWQNvGq-hg-00211-00061607-00061966 three all-nba teams five NBA LbWQNvGq-hg-00212-00061966-00062272 all-defensive teams and as one two LbWQNvGq-hg-00213-00062273-00062529 Defensive Player of the Year awards two LbWQNvGq-hg-00214-00062530-00062922 NBA championships and two finals and VPS LbWQNvGq-hg-00215-00062923-00063259 now let's talk about Blake Griffin his LbWQNvGq-hg-00216-00063260-00063511 game at the beginning of the decade was LbWQNvGq-hg-00217-00063512-00063729 heavily reliant on his freakish LbWQNvGq-hg-00218-00063730-00064015 athleticism but as his body began to LbWQNvGq-hg-00219-00064016-00064279 fail with numerous different injuries he LbWQNvGq-hg-00220-00064279-00064504 developed into an all-around point LbWQNvGq-hg-00221-00064504-00064747 forward he was able to handle the ball LbWQNvGq-hg-00222-00064748-00064870 pass the ball LbWQNvGq-hg-00223-00064871-00065182 shoot the three and slash we tend to LbWQNvGq-hg-00224-00065183-00065446 forget how great he was because the LbWQNvGq-hg-00225-00065447-00065677 Clippers always crashed and burned out LbWQNvGq-hg-00226-00065678-00065908 of the playoffs but give credit where LbWQNvGq-hg-00227-00065909-00066013 credit's due LbWQNvGq-hg-00228-00066014-00066262 he always got them to the playoffs with LbWQNvGq-hg-00229-00066263-00066520 stellar regular-season campaigns we LbWQNvGq-hg-00230-00066521-00066922 forget in the 2013-2014 season Blake LbWQNvGq-hg-00231-00066923-00067237 Griffin finished third in MVP voting and LbWQNvGq-hg-00232-00067238-00067525 finished with in the top 10 numerous LbWQNvGq-hg-00233-00067526-00067762 times within the decade this includes LbWQNvGq-hg-00234-00067763-00068002 his rookie year where he became the only LbWQNvGq-hg-00235-00068003-00068269 rookie of the decade to partake in the LbWQNvGq-hg-00236-00068270-00068503 all-star game he finished the decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00237-00068504-00068751 with six all-star appearances and five LbWQNvGq-hg-00238-00068752-00068987 all-nba team LbWQNvGq-hg-00239-00068988-00069371 now the center position the center LbWQNvGq-hg-00240-00069372-00069587 position is the most difficult position LbWQNvGq-hg-00241-00069588-00069956 to choose for the all-decade team some LbWQNvGq-hg-00242-00069957-00070175 centers just haven't played much of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00243-00070176-00070415 decade while others have been just LbWQNvGq-hg-00244-00070416-00070664 disappointed there's one Center though LbWQNvGq-hg-00245-00070665-00070874 that has played consistently throughout LbWQNvGq-hg-00246-00070875-00071168 the decade at a high level and is often LbWQNvGq-hg-00247-00071169-00071552 overlooked and that is Marc Gasol we LbWQNvGq-hg-00248-00071553-00071780 don't hear much about him due to the LbWQNvGq-hg-00249-00071781-00072038 fact he spent most of the decade playing LbWQNvGq-hg-00250-00072039-00072263 with the Memphis Grizzlies but here's a LbWQNvGq-hg-00251-00072264-00072353 quick recap LbWQNvGq-hg-00252-00072354-00072650 playoff wise he gave us some of the most LbWQNvGq-hg-00253-00072651-00072887 entertaining series of the decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00254-00072888-00073250 knocking out a 61 wins San Antonio Spurs LbWQNvGq-hg-00255-00073251-00073511 team as an eighth seed and knocking out LbWQNvGq-hg-00256-00073512-00073898 a 60 win OKC team then as a rule player LbWQNvGq-hg-00257-00073899-00074131 he helped destroy the Warriors dynasty LbWQNvGq-hg-00258-00074132-00074441 Gasol has quietly racked up quite an LbWQNvGq-hg-00259-00074442-00074693 impressive resume making three all-star LbWQNvGq-hg-00260-00074694-00075005 teams two all-nba teams one NBA LbWQNvGq-hg-00261-00075006-00075269 all-defensive team and winning Defensive LbWQNvGq-hg-00262-00075270-00075665 Player of the Year award and a ring now LbWQNvGq-hg-00263-00075666-00075941 the third team let's start off with the LbWQNvGq-hg-00264-00075942-00076265 guards the guards are a tough choice so LbWQNvGq-hg-00265-00076266-00076499 many stellar guards this decade but the LbWQNvGq-hg-00266-00076500-00076817 two the standout a little above the rest LbWQNvGq-hg-00267-00076818-00077024 while taking it to consider playoff LbWQNvGq-hg-00268-00077025-00077351 success athletes and stats is Dwayne LbWQNvGq-hg-00269-00077352-00077675 Wade and klay Thompson weed has just LbWQNvGq-hg-00270-00077676-00077900 retired his previous season many LbWQNvGq-hg-00271-00077901-00078164 remember as a good solid player that LbWQNvGq-hg-00272-00078165-00078533 used to be a superstar long ago that was LbWQNvGq-hg-00273-00078534-00078842 this decade we dominated the first half LbWQNvGq-hg-00274-00078843-00079145 of the decade he averaged 25 plus points LbWQNvGq-hg-00275-00079146-00079346 the first two years of the decade and LbWQNvGq-hg-00276-00079347-00079610 helped his team go-to for Street and B LbWQNvGq-hg-00277-00079611-00079928 finals and capture back-to-back rings he LbWQNvGq-hg-00278-00079929-00080153 was an elite scorer who had a variety of LbWQNvGq-hg-00279-00080154-00080381 signature moves the turnaround jump shot LbWQNvGq-hg-00280-00080382-00080663 the double pivot the freeze fake and LbWQNvGq-hg-00281-00080664-00080951 many more he was a great scorer could LbWQNvGq-hg-00282-00080952-00081179 operate around the block play above the LbWQNvGq-hg-00283-00081180-00081383 rim and was lights out from the LbWQNvGq-hg-00284-00081384-00081516 mid-range LbWQNvGq-hg-00285-00081517-00081728 tapered off slowly as a decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00286-00081729-00082010 progressed but we still racked up quite LbWQNvGq-hg-00287-00082011-00082235 an impressive resume he's made a LbWQNvGq-hg-00288-00082236-00082604 all-star teams for all NBA teams and one LbWQNvGq-hg-00289-00082605-00082988 NBA all-defensive team klay Thompson LbWQNvGq-hg-00290-00082989-00083285 klay Thompson on the other hand a dog LbWQNvGq-hg-00291-00083286-00083519 lead in the later part of the decade he LbWQNvGq-hg-00292-00083520-00083711 became one of the greatest shooters of LbWQNvGq-hg-00293-00083712-00084005 all time and has become one of the most LbWQNvGq-hg-00294-00084006-00084317 feared players when he gets going let's LbWQNvGq-hg-00295-00084318-00084674 not forget his 37 points in a quarter or LbWQNvGq-hg-00296-00084675-00084959 14 threes in a game which is a league LbWQNvGq-hg-00297-00084960-00085316 record by the way or 60 points with 11 LbWQNvGq-hg-00298-00085317-00085598 dribbles shooting was the only thing he LbWQNvGq-hg-00299-00085599-00085856 was known for as opponent feared his LbWQNvGq-hg-00300-00085857-00086184 smothering defense it's a travesty he's LbWQNvGq-hg-00301-00086185-00086456 only made one NBA all-defensive team LbWQNvGq-hg-00302-00086457-00086825 this decade but it is what it is he's LbWQNvGq-hg-00303-00086826-00087084 always the Warriors go-to guy to defend LbWQNvGq-hg-00304-00087085-00087299 the hardest matchup on the opposing team LbWQNvGq-hg-00305-00087300-00087611 he's done it with great success Thompson LbWQNvGq-hg-00306-00087612-00087828 has also made five all-star teams and LbWQNvGq-hg-00307-00087829-00088151 two all-nba teams but the most important LbWQNvGq-hg-00308-00088152-00088417 thing he has done this decade was his LbWQNvGq-hg-00309-00088418-00088736 contributions to the Warriors dynasty he LbWQNvGq-hg-00310-00088737-00088910 helped him destroy a bunch of team LbWQNvGq-hg-00311-00088911-00089186 records and captured three rings in four LbWQNvGq-hg-00312-00089187-00089594 years the first forward would be Anthony LbWQNvGq-hg-00313-00089595-00089912 Davis he was a force to be reckoned with LbWQNvGq-hg-00314-00089913-00090190 able to dominate the offensive end and LbWQNvGq-hg-00315-00090191-00090488 defensive end he became one of the best LbWQNvGq-hg-00316-00090489-00090682 two-way players in the league and LbWQNvGq-hg-00317-00090683-00090923 statistically was up there with the LbWQNvGq-hg-00318-00090924-00091205 grapes he also made a nice resume of LbWQNvGq-hg-00319-00091206-00091454 accolades making six all-star games LbWQNvGq-hg-00320-00091455-00091742 three all-nba teams three NBA LbWQNvGq-hg-00321-00091743-00092087 all-defensive teams why he's on the 30 LbWQNvGq-hg-00322-00092088-00092381 and not the first or second is because LbWQNvGq-hg-00323-00092382-00092579 his playoff resume has been more than LbWQNvGq-hg-00324-00092580-00092807 underwhelming he is missed the playoffs LbWQNvGq-hg-00325-00092808-00093122 most of this decade are fairly scraped LbWQNvGq-hg-00326-00093123-00093354 it just to be sweat LbWQNvGq-hg-00327-00093355-00093660 other forward would be Paul George Paul LbWQNvGq-hg-00328-00093661-00093882 George became a prominent player of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00329-00093883-00094163 week back in his indiana pacers day LbWQNvGq-hg-00330-00094164-00094461 George took the Pacers to back-to-back LbWQNvGq-hg-00331-00094462-00094692 Conference Finals and pushed the LbWQNvGq-hg-00332-00094693-00094938 star-studded heat to the limits both LbWQNvGq-hg-00333-00094939-00095223 times after he had that devastating LbWQNvGq-hg-00334-00095224-00095463 compound fracture many thought he LbWQNvGq-hg-00335-00095464-00095688 wouldn't be as good again but it was his LbWQNvGq-hg-00336-00095689-00096012 team that faltered not him his game was LbWQNvGq-hg-00337-00096013-00096240 still silky smooth on the offensive end LbWQNvGq-hg-00338-00096241-00096525 and defensive end he was able to elevate LbWQNvGq-hg-00339-00096526-00096867 his game to a superstar level after he LbWQNvGq-hg-00340-00096868-00097152 forced his way out of Indiana or showed LbWQNvGq-hg-00341-00097153-00097407 for it as he finished third and MVP LbWQNvGq-hg-00342-00097408-00097659 voting the highest ever in his career LbWQNvGq-hg-00343-00097660-00097794 this decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00344-00097795-00097992 he's one of Most Improved Player of the LbWQNvGq-hg-00345-00097993-00098214 Year award has been selected to six LbWQNvGq-hg-00346-00098215-00098508 all-star games five all-nba teams and LbWQNvGq-hg-00347-00098509-00098778 four NBA all-defensive teams LbWQNvGq-hg-00348-00098779-00099048 he is wholeheartedly deserve this spot LbWQNvGq-hg-00349-00099049-00099438 on the all decades roster for our Center LbWQNvGq-hg-00350-00099439-00099744 we have al Orford people are going to LbWQNvGq-hg-00351-00099745-00100007 disagree with me on this one and say no LbWQNvGq-hg-00352-00100008-00100314 DeMarcus Cousins belongs would just hear LbWQNvGq-hg-00353-00100315-00100380 me out LbWQNvGq-hg-00354-00100381-00100710 al is not a base stats guy let's get LbWQNvGq-hg-00355-00100711-00100761 that clear LbWQNvGq-hg-00356-00100762-00101091 he's an advanced that guy the bad stats LbWQNvGq-hg-00357-00101092-00101370 love him we're talking off into ratings LbWQNvGq-hg-00358-00101371-00101679 defensive ratings value / replacement LbWQNvGq-hg-00359-00101680-00102018 player and efficiency he does just about LbWQNvGq-hg-00360-00102019-00102324 everything right and more importantly he LbWQNvGq-hg-00361-00102325-00102546 does stuff that contributes to Winnie LbWQNvGq-hg-00362-00102547-00102860 and that is exactly why every team he LbWQNvGq-hg-00363-00102861-00103167 goes to as a surgeon wins he's helped us LbWQNvGq-hg-00364-00103168-00103401 all ticks and hawks were numerous deep LbWQNvGq-hg-00365-00103402-00103674 playoff runs before being boarded away LbWQNvGq-hg-00366-00103675-00103938 by LeBron but that's besides the point LbWQNvGq-hg-00367-00103939-00104269 LeBron Rosie's Al Horford is a LbWQNvGq-hg-00368-00104270-00104517 fundamentally sound player that does LbWQNvGq-hg-00369-00104518-00104757 everything he won't be showing up on LbWQNvGq-hg-00370-00104758-00104838 ESPN LbWQNvGq-hg-00371-00104839-00105008 unless he's done this LbWQNvGq-hg-00372-00105008-00105305 because he's thought a flashy player but LbWQNvGq-hg-00373-00105306-00105545 he's a player every NBA team should walk LbWQNvGq-hg-00374-00105546-00105869 this decade he's been named an all-star LbWQNvGq-hg-00375-00105870-00106217 five times an all-nba team player once LbWQNvGq-hg-00376-00106218-00106534 in an NBA all-defensive team player LbWQNvGq-hg-00377-00106535-00107075 once that concludes the all-nba 2010's LbWQNvGq-hg-00378-00107076-00107410 decade team here are some players that LbWQNvGq-hg-00379-00107411-00107654 deserve an honorable mention as they LbWQNvGq-hg-00380-00107655-00107846 were close to making the all decade LbWQNvGq-hg-00381-00107847-00108296 roster Kyrie Irving Kobe Bryant Damian LbWQNvGq-hg-00382-00108297-00108341 Lillard LbWQNvGq-hg-00383-00108342-00108650 Dirk Nowitzki LaMarcus Aldridge LbWQNvGq-hg-00384-00108651-00108998 giannis on stay cool and Carmelo Anthony LbWQNvGq-hg-00385-00108999-00109383 this concludes our video but wait LbWQNvGq-hg-00386-00109384-00109679 there's more comment below who do you LbWQNvGq-hg-00387-00109680-00109913 think I left off the roster or shouldn't LbWQNvGq-hg-00388-00109914-00110209 be on the roster and guys don't forget LbWQNvGq-hg-00389-00110210-00110423 to subscribe and turn post notifications LbWQNvGq-hg-00390-00110424-00110761 on so I can get my views up this is earn LbWQNvGq-hg-00391-00110763-00110978 your ranks where we only talk about ball LbWQNvGq-hg-00392-00110979-00111269 signing off LdbAHAAfOvu-00000-00000000-00000519 [Music] LdbAHAAfOvu-00001-00000520-00000711 hello my name is joe t arena LdbAHAAfOvu-00002-00000712-00000894 applications engineer for st LdbAHAAfOvu-00003-00000896-00001047 microelectronics LdbAHAAfOvu-00004-00001048-00001262 a common question i get from engineers LdbAHAAfOvu-00005-00001263-00001470 looking to start developing a bluetooth LdbAHAAfOvu-00006-00001471-00001807 low energy application with the stm32wb LdbAHAAfOvu-00007-00001807-00002167 is what is the expected range of ble LdbAHAAfOvu-00008-00002168-00002423 generally speaking it ranges from 1 to LdbAHAAfOvu-00009-00002424-00002687 100 meters however in reality there are LdbAHAAfOvu-00010-00002688-00002887 many factors affecting range that need LdbAHAAfOvu-00011-00002888-00003134 to be considered like transmitter output LdbAHAAfOvu-00012-00003135-00003422 power receive sensitivity antenna gain LdbAHAAfOvu-00013-00003423-00003663 and path loss or environment LdbAHAAfOvu-00014-00003664-00003903 to get an idea how each of these factors LdbAHAAfOvu-00015-00003904-00004119 impact range you can play around with LdbAHAAfOvu-00016-00004120-00004335 the range estimator calculator from the LdbAHAAfOvu-00017-00004336-00004511 bluetooth sig website LdbAHAAfOvu-00018-00004512-00004719 but for practical purposes it is LdbAHAAfOvu-00019-00004720-00004927 important to take the range measurement LdbAHAAfOvu-00020-00004928-00005111 in the same environment that the device LdbAHAAfOvu-00021-00005112-00005343 being developed is expected to be used LdbAHAAfOvu-00022-00005344-00005551 in to make sure it will meet your range LdbAHAAfOvu-00023-00005552-00005783 requirements LdbAHAAfOvu-00024-00005784-00005983 video gives an overview of a method to LdbAHAAfOvu-00025-00005984-00006163 measure the range performance of the LdbAHAAfOvu-00026-00006164-00006503 scm-32wb ble radio using two nuclear LdbAHAAfOvu-00027-00006504-00006910 wb55 rg boards in dtm mode and a custom LdbAHAAfOvu-00028-00006911-00007183 android app which displays rssi and LdbAHAAfOvu-00029-00007184-00007463 packet error rate in real time LdbAHAAfOvu-00030-00007464-00007678 note that this method does not use a ble LdbAHAAfOvu-00031-00007679-00007942 connection but rather uses the direct LdbAHAAfOvu-00032-00007943-00008207 test mode or dtm protocol to transmit LdbAHAAfOvu-00033-00008208-00008414 receive test packets and measure the LdbAHAAfOvu-00034-00008415-00008639 packet error rate in rssi on the LdbAHAAfOvu-00035-00008640-00008846 receiver LdbAHAAfOvu-00036-00008847-00009023 the custom utility being used is LdbAHAAfOvu-00037-00009024-00009271 composed of a custom smartphone app LdbAHAAfOvu-00038-00009272-00009583 called ble pr testbench which is used as LdbAHAAfOvu-00039-00009584-00009774 a main user interface LdbAHAAfOvu-00040-00009775-00009991 and a custom firmware application that LdbAHAAfOvu-00041-00009992-00010319 runs on the stm32wb soc LdbAHAAfOvu-00042-00010320-00010519 both these projects are available on the LdbAHAAfOvu-00043-00010520-00010823 stm32 hotspot github and a detailed LdbAHAAfOvu-00044-00010824-00011078 description and instructions for how to LdbAHAAfOvu-00045-00011079-00011303 install and run the utility can be found LdbAHAAfOvu-00046-00011304-00012303 under the firmware project repo LdbAHAAfOvu-00047-00012304-00012527 after installing the ble test bench app LdbAHAAfOvu-00048-00012528-00012727 and the firmware image the boards need LdbAHAAfOvu-00049-00012728-00012943 to be pre-configured as a transmitter LdbAHAAfOvu-00050-00012944-00013175 and a receiver correspondingly per the LdbAHAAfOvu-00051-00013176-00013366 instructions in the github repo just LdbAHAAfOvu-00052-00013368-00013551 mentioned LdbAHAAfOvu-00053-00013552-00013743 first i'll launch the app LdbAHAAfOvu-00054-00013744-00013919 you should see two devices appear in the LdbAHAAfOvu-00055-00013919-00014083 scan window named LdbAHAAfOvu-00056-00014084-00014319 dtmst this is the device name and they LdbAHAAfOvu-00057-00014319-00014503 have not yet been configured LdbAHAAfOvu-00058-00014504-00014694 since both boards have the same name you LdbAHAAfOvu-00059-00014695-00014879 can use the rsi indicator to help LdbAHAAfOvu-00060-00014880-00015047 identify the board you want to configure LdbAHAAfOvu-00061-00015047-00015247 first placing the phone in close LdbAHAAfOvu-00062-00015247-00015479 proximity to the wb board will cause the LdbAHAAfOvu-00063-00015480-00015671 rsi to the respective device to go LdbAHAAfOvu-00064-00015672-00015822 higher LdbAHAAfOvu-00065-00015823-00015999 once identified you can tap the connect LdbAHAAfOvu-00066-00016000-00016207 button LdbAHAAfOvu-00067-00016208-00016415 once connected i'll configure the first LdbAHAAfOvu-00068-00016416-00016583 board as a transmitter using the LdbAHAAfOvu-00069-00016584-00016863 parameters provided like tx power which LdbAHAAfOvu-00070-00016864-00017143 i'll set to the max plus 6 dbm LdbAHAAfOvu-00071-00017144-00017543 ble channel which i'll set to channel 37 LdbAHAAfOvu-00072-00017544-00017719 and i'll leave the test packet length LdbAHAAfOvu-00073-00017720-00017894 payload and other parameters set to the LdbAHAAfOvu-00074-00017895-00018183 default settings LdbAHAAfOvu-00075-00018184-00018283 then tap LdbAHAAfOvu-00076-00018284-00018543 configure and tap the back arrow button LdbAHAAfOvu-00077-00018544-00018814 to return to the scan window once again LdbAHAAfOvu-00078-00018815-00018999 notice that the device just configured LdbAHAAfOvu-00079-00019000-00019247 is now named dtm tx LdbAHAAfOvu-00080-00019248-00019479 now i'll configure the other device as LdbAHAAfOvu-00081-00019480-00019663 the receiver by tapping the connect LdbAHAAfOvu-00082-00019664-00019767 button LdbAHAAfOvu-00083-00019768-00020030 move the switch to the receive position LdbAHAAfOvu-00084-00020031-00020222 and configure leaving the default LdbAHAAfOvu-00085-00020223-00020430 settings to match the ones already set LdbAHAAfOvu-00086-00020431-00020607 on the transmitter unit LdbAHAAfOvu-00087-00020608-00020743 tap configure LdbAHAAfOvu-00088-00020744-00020943 then tap the back arrow button to return LdbAHAAfOvu-00089-00020944-00021127 to the scan window LdbAHAAfOvu-00090-00021128-00021519 now two devices named dtmtx ndtmrx will LdbAHAAfOvu-00091-00021520-00021727 show in the scan window LdbAHAAfOvu-00092-00021728-00021911 so i can now start the test by pressing LdbAHAAfOvu-00093-00021912-00022103 the switch one button on the tx board to LdbAHAAfOvu-00094-00022104-00022319 start transmitting the test packets and LdbAHAAfOvu-00095-00022320-00022463 i also need to press switch one on the LdbAHAAfOvu-00096-00022464-00022686 receiver board to start the dtm receiver LdbAHAAfOvu-00097-00022687-00022799 mode LdbAHAAfOvu-00098-00022800-00023007 notice in the scan window a graph button LdbAHAAfOvu-00099-00023008-00023175 will appear in the place of the connect LdbAHAAfOvu-00100-00023176-00023478 button on the dtm rx device as the LdbAHAAfOvu-00101-00023479-00023686 device is no longer connectable but LdbAHAAfOvu-00102-00023687-00023903 rather it is periodically advertising LdbAHAAfOvu-00103-00023904-00024135 the test results if i tap the graph LdbAHAAfOvu-00104-00024136-00024414 button the graph display appears this is LdbAHAAfOvu-00105-00024415-00024630 where i can see the per and rss high LdbAHAAfOvu-00106-00024631-00024822 measurement results coming from the LdbAHAAfOvu-00107-00024823-00025078 receiver device for user convenience LdbAHAAfOvu-00108-00025079-00025319 there's also a field to enter distance LdbAHAAfOvu-00109-00025320-00025542 in meters in the save data button to LdbAHAAfOvu-00110-00025543-00025799 lock the enter distance LdbAHAAfOvu-00111-00025800-00026031 with the boards configured i can start LdbAHAAfOvu-00112-00026032-00026214 taking measurements which i'll be doing LdbAHAAfOvu-00113-00026216-00026407 outdoors today i'll place the LdbAHAAfOvu-00114-00026408-00026590 transmitter somewhere fixed like over LdbAHAAfOvu-00115-00026591-00026702 this post LdbAHAAfOvu-00116-00026704-00026879 with the live measurement now running LdbAHAAfOvu-00117-00026880-00027046 while the boards are in close proximity LdbAHAAfOvu-00118-00027047-00027262 to each other the packet error should be LdbAHAAfOvu-00119-00027263-00027535 close to zero and rssi level should be LdbAHAAfOvu-00120-00027536-00027807 fairly high around minus 40 dbm in this LdbAHAAfOvu-00121-00027808-00027935 case LdbAHAAfOvu-00122-00027936-00028118 i'll log this and other data points LdbAHAAfOvu-00123-00028119-00028311 coming up at the distances of interest LdbAHAAfOvu-00124-00028312-00028551 for my records LdbAHAAfOvu-00125-00028552-00028702 then i'll walk away with the receiver LdbAHAAfOvu-00126-00028704-00028951 board while keeping an eye on the per LdbAHAAfOvu-00127-00028952-00029270 and rssi results from the app LdbAHAAfOvu-00128-00029272-00029495 at seven meter distance the rssi LdbAHAAfOvu-00129-00029495-00029758 decreased but the per still maintained LdbAHAAfOvu-00130-00029760-00030687 close to zero percent LdbAHAAfOvu-00131-00030688-00031167 at 15 meters the rssi is around -76 dbm LdbAHAAfOvu-00132-00031168-00032127 and packet error rate is around point 13 LdbAHAAfOvu-00133-00032127-00032487 at 30 meters the rssi is around -78 and LdbAHAAfOvu-00134-00032488-00033862 pr is around point four percent LdbAHAAfOvu-00135-00033863-00034199 at 45 meters the rssi is around minus 83 LdbAHAAfOvu-00136-00034200-00034302 dbm LdbAHAAfOvu-00137-00034303-00034518 and pr is around point LdbAHAAfOvu-00138-00034519-00035487 47 percent LdbAHAAfOvu-00139-00035488-00035807 at 60 meters the rsi is around -85 and LdbAHAAfOvu-00140-00035808-00037439 pr is around 0.6 percent LdbAHAAfOvu-00141-00037440-00037735 and at 85 meters the rssi goes down to LdbAHAAfOvu-00142-00037736-00037935 -91 dbm LdbAHAAfOvu-00143-00037936-00038174 and we start experiencing some packet LdbAHAAfOvu-00144-00038175-00038711 errors LdbAHAAfOvu-00145-00038712-00038923 as i mentioned at the beginning the LdbAHAAfOvu-00146-00038924-00039255 stm32wb is operating in dtm mode so LdbAHAAfOvu-00147-00039256-00039518 there's no ble link layer present hence LdbAHAAfOvu-00148-00039519-00039695 no sort of error correction or LdbAHAAfOvu-00149-00039696-00039935 processing gain features supported the LdbAHAAfOvu-00150-00039936-00040159 result obtained is the raw performance LdbAHAAfOvu-00151-00040160-00040374 of the ble radio at the physical layer LdbAHAAfOvu-00152-00040375-00040567 plus the rf front-end hardware LdbAHAAfOvu-00153-00040568-00040711 implementation LdbAHAAfOvu-00154-00040712-00040895 in a normal ble connection it is LdbAHAAfOvu-00155-00040896-00041111 possible to maintain a connection even LdbAHAAfOvu-00156-00041112-00041302 with high packet errors due to the error LdbAHAAfOvu-00157-00041303-00041495 correction and built-in tolerances of LdbAHAAfOvu-00158-00041496-00041735 the ble protocol with the trade-off of LdbAHAAfOvu-00159-00041736-00041958 reduced data throughput and increased LdbAHAAfOvu-00160-00041959-00042127 latency LdbAHAAfOvu-00161-00042128-00042335 since i have been logging my data points LdbAHAAfOvu-00162-00042336-00042518 i can go into the phone's file system LdbAHAAfOvu-00163-00042519-00042751 now under the internal storage LdbAHAAfOvu-00164-00042752-00042951 documents folder LdbAHAAfOvu-00165-00042952-00043135 and find the csv log file with the LdbAHAAfOvu-00166-00043136-00043335 summary of the recorded measurements LdbAHAAfOvu-00167-00043336-00043671 which should look something like this LdbAHAAfOvu-00168-00043672-00043895 remember that the per test bench utility LdbAHAAfOvu-00169-00043896-00044118 can be easily tailored to run on any LdbAHAAfOvu-00170-00044119-00044287 custom pcb board to measure the LdbAHAAfOvu-00171-00044288-00044487 performance of your rf front-end LdbAHAAfOvu-00172-00044488-00044702 implementation as the firmware source LdbAHAAfOvu-00173-00044703-00044871 code is made available from the github LdbAHAAfOvu-00174-00044872-00045158 repo mentioned earlier LdbAHAAfOvu-00175-00045159-00045358 i hope you found this overview useful LdbAHAAfOvu-00176-00045359-00045558 and for more information please visit LdbAHAAfOvu-00177-00045559-00045902 sd.com forward slash stm32wb LdbAHAAfOvu-00178-00045903-00046508 thanks for watching LdbAHAAfOvu-00179-00046509-00047311 [Music] LdbAHAAfOvu-00180-00047312-00047519 you LeEiSzGTGoM-00000-00000310-00003048 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00001-00003049-00003670 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00002-00003671-00005339 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00004-00019235-00020945 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00006-00025028-00026854 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00007-00026855-00027185 an enemy has been slain ally has been LeEiSzGTGoM-00008-00027186-00027291 slain LeEiSzGTGoM-00009-00027292-00027307 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00010-00027308-00027643 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00011-00027644-00028106 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00012-00028107-00028577 walking alone streets empty the only the LeEiSzGTGoM-00013-00028577-00028833 nagas is the home LeEiSzGTGoM-00014-00028835-00029422 I'm getting stronger step-by-step LeEiSzGTGoM-00015-00029423-00030758 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00016-00030758-00031058 you could say LeEiSzGTGoM-00017-00031059-00031808 VI LeEiSzGTGoM-00018-00031808-00032167 fear LeEiSzGTGoM-00019-00032168-00033951 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00020-00033952-00034452 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00021-00034453-00034742 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00022-00034743-00035264 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00023-00035265-00035952 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00024-00035953-00036553 ready to go right up in the sky LeEiSzGTGoM-00025-00036554-00036789 I need you to LeEiSzGTGoM-00026-00036790-00037282 no joy and LeEiSzGTGoM-00027-00037283-00037370 from LeEiSzGTGoM-00028-00037371-00038294 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00029-00038295-00040753 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00030-00040754-00042879 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00031-00042880-00043447 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00032-00043448-00043642 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00033-00043643-00044264 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00034-00044265-00044848 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00035-00044849-00045764 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00036-00045765-00046093 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00037-00046094-00046253 the LeEiSzGTGoM-00038-00046254-00046880 from Jamestown from London to Simon I've LeEiSzGTGoM-00039-00046881-00047086 been on LeEiSzGTGoM-00040-00047087-00048220 Oh giant you could say your soul your LeEiSzGTGoM-00041-00048221-00048481 team destroyed a turret LeEiSzGTGoM-00042-00048482-00048871 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00043-00048872-00049495 Oh LeEiSzGTGoM-00044-00049496-00049634 [Applause] LeEiSzGTGoM-00045-00049635-00050422 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00046-00050423-00052583 Oh LeEiSzGTGoM-00047-00052584-00053023 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00048-00053024-00053715 fearless LeEiSzGTGoM-00049-00053716-00054588 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00050-00054589-00056735 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00051-00056736-00057455 earning the bridge LeEiSzGTGoM-00052-00057457-00057601 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00053-00057602-00057891 generated judgment images LeEiSzGTGoM-00054-00057891-00058109 quite a story LeEiSzGTGoM-00055-00058110-00058416 now I must conclude LeEiSzGTGoM-00056-00058416-00059432 I LeEiSzGTGoM-00057-00059433-00060528 fear LeEiSzGTGoM-00058-00060529-00062539 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00059-00062540-00063315 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00060-00063316-00065869 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00061-00065870-00066238 wiped out initiate retreat your team LeEiSzGTGoM-00062-00066239-00068221 destroyed attorneys right outs shut down LeEiSzGTGoM-00063-00068222-00068249 you LeEiSzGTGoM-00064-00068250-00069159 [Music] LeEiSzGTGoM-00065-00069160-00069366 you LeJuiITChk0-00000-00000919-00001054 sit back LeJuiITChk0-00001-00001055-00001278 and relax LeJuiITChk0-00002-00001279-00001558 for best results please listen to this LeJuiITChk0-00003-00001559-00001814 recording with your headphones daily in LeJuiITChk0-00004-00001816-00002030 a quiet place where you will not be LeJuiITChk0-00005-00002032-00002647 disturbed LeJuiITChk0-00006-00002648-00002831 i feel healthy LeJuiITChk0-00007-00002832-00003654 strong and relaxed today LeJuiITChk0-00008-00003655-00004583 every day there are opportunities for me LeJuiITChk0-00009-00004584-00004902 i set lots of small goals for myself LeJuiITChk0-00010-00004903-00005383 today LeJuiITChk0-00011-00005384-00005695 today i choose to be happy and begin my LeJuiITChk0-00012-00005696-00006286 day with inspiring thoughts LeJuiITChk0-00013-00006287-00006975 everything works out for my highest good LeJuiITChk0-00014-00006976-00007303 i joyfully begin each morning by LeJuiITChk0-00015-00007304-00007687 visualizing my perfect life full of love LeJuiITChk0-00016-00007688-00008167 and joy LeJuiITChk0-00017-00008168-00008839 i wake up happy and productive LeJuiITChk0-00018-00008840-00009495 i trust myself in my decisions LeJuiITChk0-00019-00009496-00009831 i live in the presence and i am thankful LeJuiITChk0-00020-00009832-00010383 for every new day LeJuiITChk0-00021-00010384-00010703 i am so grateful to be able to welcome LeJuiITChk0-00022-00010704-00011327 this day into my life LeJuiITChk0-00023-00011328-00012183 today i choose to give love and joy LeJuiITChk0-00024-00012184-00012495 i step into my day with faith and LeJuiITChk0-00025-00012496-00012991 confidence LeJuiITChk0-00026-00012991-00013294 i gladly get out of bed ready to start LeJuiITChk0-00027-00013295-00013903 the day LeJuiITChk0-00028-00013904-00014207 i am so looking forward to exciting news LeJuiITChk0-00029-00014208-00014719 today LeJuiITChk0-00030-00014719-00015038 i awake with a deep sense of love and LeJuiITChk0-00031-00015040-00015607 peace LeJuiITChk0-00032-00015608-00016391 i start every day on the right foot LeJuiITChk0-00033-00016392-00016703 i feel centered and balanced now and LeJuiITChk0-00034-00016704-00017358 remain this way LeJuiITChk0-00035-00017359-00018214 i have the power to change my life LeJuiITChk0-00036-00018215-00018991 i accept myself the way i am LeJuiITChk0-00037-00018992-00019630 i am full of energy LeJuiITChk0-00038-00019631-00019967 i am open to positive changes in all LeJuiITChk0-00039-00019968-00020686 areas of my life LeJuiITChk0-00040-00020687-00021591 i am always present and in the moment LeJuiITChk0-00041-00021592-00021847 i have the power to do the most LeJuiITChk0-00042-00021848-00022558 incredible things LeJuiITChk0-00043-00022559-00022878 i am so grateful to be able to welcome LeJuiITChk0-00044-00022879-00023767 this day into my life LeJuiITChk0-00045-00023768-00024047 today i choose to give love LeJuiITChk0-00046-00024048-00024983 and joy LeJuiITChk0-00047-00024984-00025286 i am so looking forward to exciting news LeJuiITChk0-00048-00025287-00026167 today LeJuiITChk0-00049-00026168-00026470 i gladly get out of bed ready to start LeJuiITChk0-00050-00026472-00027455 the day LeJuiITChk0-00051-00027456-00027767 i feel centered and balanced now and LeJuiITChk0-00052-00027768-00028814 remain this way LeJuiITChk0-00053-00028816-00028999 i feel healthy LeJuiITChk0-00054-00029000-00030118 strong and relaxed today LeJuiITChk0-00055-00030119-00031183 i wake up happy and productive LeJuiITChk0-00056-00031183-00031518 i live in the presence and i am thankful LeJuiITChk0-00057-00031519-00032590 for every new day LeJuiITChk0-00058-00032591-00032902 i feel centered and balanced now and LeJuiITChk0-00059-00032903-00033999 remain this way LeJuiITChk0-00060-00034000-00035462 i have the power to change my life LeJuiITChk0-00061-00035463-00036655 i accept myself the way i am LeJuiITChk0-00062-00036656-00036863 you LhfxatfOFyy-00000-00000104-00000375 group des ecoles nationales de engineers LhfxatfOFyy-00001-00000376-00000678 group eni is french for group of french LhfxatfOFyy-00002-00000679-00000927 national engineering schools LhfxatfOFyy-00003-00000927-00001119 a network of four french public LhfxatfOFyy-00004-00001120-00001295 engineering schools that deliver the LhfxatfOFyy-00005-00001296-00001519 title of diplom diangenie in a wide LhfxatfOFyy-00006-00001520-00002175 variety of fields LhfxatfOFyy-00007-00002176-00002758 topic member institutions LhfxatfOFyy-00008-00002759-00003055 eccol nationale de engineers de brest e LhfxatfOFyy-00009-00003056-00003215 nib LhfxatfOFyy-00010-00003215-00003495 eccol nationale diangeniers de metze e LhfxatfOFyy-00011-00003496-00003647 nim LhfxatfOFyy-00012-00003647-00003854 ecole nationale de engineers de LhfxatfOFyy-00013-00003855-00004143 saint-etienne enise LhfxatfOFyy-00014-00004144-00004406 ecole nationale de engineers de tarbes e LhfxatfOFyy-00015-00004407-00004943 nit LhfxatfOFyy-00016-00004944-00005479 topic see also LhfxatfOFyy-00017-00005480-00005695 diplom diangenie LhfxatfOFyy-00018-00005696-00005902 grandes eccles LhfxatfOFyy-00019-00005903-00006284 education in france Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00000-00000070-00000335 Santarem is a goat cheese from Portugal Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00001-00000336-00000521 produced in several different regions Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00002-00000522-00000740 most notably in the santarem district Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00003-00000741-00001012 and in serra de santo antonio it is Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00004-00001013-00001199 considered to taste best ripe after Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00005-00001200-00001453 aging in servings of between 50 grams to Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00006-00001454-00001805 100 grams best production practices call Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00007-00001805-00001970 for its being preserved in good quality Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00008-00001971-00002576 edible oil Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00009-00002577-00003114 topic see also Lhm_OBUhp0Y-00010-00003115-00003477 list of goat milk cheeses LiXwfqp0dIY-00000-00000088-00001239 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00001-00001240-00001462 extract the files by double-clicking the LiXwfqp0dIY-00002-00001463-00001791 zip file LiXwfqp0dIY-00003-00001792-00002255 go to home movies motion templates LiXwfqp0dIY-00004-00002256-00002883 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00005-00002884-00003158 titles LiXwfqp0dIY-00006-00003159-00003567 copy or drag the contents of the folder LiXwfqp0dIY-00007-00003568-00004247 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00008-00004248-00004454 move the folder with the transitions to LiXwfqp0dIY-00009-00004455-00004652 a folder called transitions LiXwfqp0dIY-00010-00004653-00005175 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00011-00005176-00005870 open final cut LiXwfqp0dIY-00012-00005871-00006151 create a project set the frame rate to LiXwfqp0dIY-00013-00006152-00006741 30 frames per second LiXwfqp0dIY-00014-00006742-00007063 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00015-00007064-00007303 go to title and generators sidebar to LiXwfqp0dIY-00016-00007304-00007529 take shots LiXwfqp0dIY-00017-00007530-00008014 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00018-00008015-00008214 click on the shot twice or drag it to LiXwfqp0dIY-00019-00008215-00008790 the timeline LiXwfqp0dIY-00020-00008791-00009518 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00021-00009519-00010087 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00022-00010088-00010263 you can increase the duration of the LiXwfqp0dIY-00023-00010264-00010503 shot it will not affect the fade in and LiXwfqp0dIY-00024-00010504-00011670 fade out animation LiXwfqp0dIY-00025-00011671-00011942 if necessary move or change the text by LiXwfqp0dIY-00026-00011943-00012038 left clicking on LiXwfqp0dIY-00027-00012039-00012470 it LiXwfqp0dIY-00028-00012471-00012695 here you can find the exact settings for LiXwfqp0dIY-00029-00012696-00012783 the text LiXwfqp0dIY-00030-00012784-00014257 alignment font text color etcetera LiXwfqp0dIY-00031-00014258-00015311 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00032-00015312-00015503 you can also change the text in the LiXwfqp0dIY-00033-00015504-00015680 option source LiXwfqp0dIY-00034-00015681-00016883 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00035-00016884-00017182 text LiXwfqp0dIY-00036-00017183-00017940 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00037-00017941-00018439 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00038-00018440-00018639 reduce or increase the width of the line LiXwfqp0dIY-00039-00018640-00018887 below the text LiXwfqp0dIY-00040-00018888-00019550 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00041-00019551-00020148 change color LiXwfqp0dIY-00042-00020149-00021255 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00043-00021256-00021478 add a media file below the bottom of the LiXwfqp0dIY-00044-00021479-00021522 shot LiXwfqp0dIY-00045-00021523-00022199 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00046-00022200-00022483 if necessary move the shot using LiXwfqp0dIY-00047-00022484-00023030 position LiXwfqp0dIY-00048-00023031-00023294 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00049-00023295-00023883 select your media file in the LiXwfqp0dIY-00050-00023884-00024112 placeholder LiXwfqp0dIY-00051-00024113-00024783 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00052-00024784-00024999 move the media file in the placeholder LiXwfqp0dIY-00053-00025000-00025763 using position and scale LiXwfqp0dIY-00054-00025764-00026983 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00055-00026983-00027214 add a media file below the bottom of the LiXwfqp0dIY-00056-00027216-00027422 shot LiXwfqp0dIY-00057-00027423-00027702 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00058-00027704-00027902 click on the shot twice or drag it to LiXwfqp0dIY-00059-00027904-00028643 the timeline LiXwfqp0dIY-00060-00028644-00029367 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00061-00029368-00029631 in shots where there is media the icons LiXwfqp0dIY-00062-00029632-00029885 of social networks can be changed LiXwfqp0dIY-00063-00029886-00030095 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00064-00030095-00030295 choose from the existing ones or by LiXwfqp0dIY-00065-00030295-00030989 choosing your logo upload your own LiXwfqp0dIY-00066-00030991-00031318 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00067-00031319-00032283 select your media file in the LiXwfqp0dIY-00068-00032283-00032945 placeholder LiXwfqp0dIY-00069-00032946-00034088 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00070-00034089-00035087 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00071-00035088-00035287 click on the shot twice or drag it to LiXwfqp0dIY-00072-00035288-00035587 the timeline LiXwfqp0dIY-00073-00035588-00035935 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00074-00035936-00036811 change color LiXwfqp0dIY-00075-00036812-00037578 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00076-00037579-00038180 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00077-00038181-00038727 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00078-00038728-00038999 in some shots it is possible to change LiXwfqp0dIY-00079-00039000-00039087 the position of LiXwfqp0dIY-00080-00039088-00039789 objects and their animation LiXwfqp0dIY-00081-00039790-00040279 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00082-00040280-00040471 combine several shots to create LiXwfqp0dIY-00083-00040472-00041146 something new LiXwfqp0dIY-00084-00041147-00042455 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00085-00042456-00044318 go to the transitions browser LiXwfqp0dIY-00086-00044319-00044883 drag the transition you want to the LiXwfqp0dIY-00087-00044884-00045069 timeline LiXwfqp0dIY-00088-00045070-00045927 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00089-00045928-00046118 change the speed at which the transition LiXwfqp0dIY-00090-00046119-00046503 is played LiXwfqp0dIY-00091-00046504-00046990 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00092-00046991-00047853 change color LiXwfqp0dIY-00093-00047854-00048508 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00094-00048509-00048927 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00095-00048928-00049911 to make changes open a shot in motion 5. LiXwfqp0dIY-00096-00049912-00050158 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00097-00050159-00050407 if necessary move the markers that open LiXwfqp0dIY-00098-00050408-00050852 the animation of the shot LiXwfqp0dIY-00099-00050853-00051270 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00100-00051271-00051502 drag the text along the timeline so that LiXwfqp0dIY-00101-00051503-00051711 the appearance animation does not go LiXwfqp0dIY-00102-00051712-00052224 beyond the marker LiXwfqp0dIY-00103-00052225-00054311 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00104-00054312-00054682 dragging keyframes changes the animation LiXwfqp0dIY-00105-00054683-00054895 speed LiXwfqp0dIY-00106-00054896-00057498 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00107-00057499-00058882 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00108-00058883-00059041 so LiXwfqp0dIY-00109-00059042-00060247 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00110-00060248-00060430 select a setting and click the publish LiXwfqp0dIY-00111-00060432-00060599 button to make this setting appear in LiXwfqp0dIY-00112-00060600-00061817 the menu LiXwfqp0dIY-00113-00061819-00062191 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00114-00062191-00062399 select unpublish to remove the setting LiXwfqp0dIY-00115-00062400-00062523 from the menu LiXwfqp0dIY-00116-00062524-00063079 [Music] LiXwfqp0dIY-00117-00063079-00064591 go to file save LjIHf__1ATu-00000-00000084-00000095 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00001-00000096-00000288 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00002-00000289-00002770 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00003-00002771-00004756 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00004-00004757-00005369 true LjIHf__1ATu-00005-00005370-00005694 beautiful LjIHf__1ATu-00006-00005695-00007270 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00007-00007272-00008081 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00008-00008081-00008870 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00009-00008871-00010566 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00011-00014071-00015038 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00012-00015038-00016204 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00013-00016205-00017733 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00014-00017734-00018947 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00015-00018948-00019320 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00016-00019321-00020213 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00017-00020214-00021088 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00018-00021089-00021221 [Applause] LjIHf__1ATu-00019-00021222-00021630 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00022-00027719-00028595 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00023-00028595-00028670 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00024-00028670-00029860 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00025-00029861-00032057 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00026-00032058-00032389 all right LjIHf__1ATu-00027-00032391-00033365 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00028-00033366-00034333 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00029-00034334-00035268 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00030-00035269-00036907 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00031-00036908-00037028 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00032-00037029-00038304 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00033-00038305-00039508 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00034-00039509-00041621 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00035-00041622-00042038 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00036-00042039-00042899 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00037-00042900-00043013 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00038-00043014-00043983 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00040-00047461-00048011 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00041-00048012-00048263 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00043-00052339-00053628 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00044-00053629-00054823 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00045-00054824-00055463 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00046-00055464-00055859 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00047-00055860-00056323 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00048-00056324-00057599 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00049-00057600-00058861 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00050-00058862-00061523 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00051-00061524-00063278 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00052-00063279-00065111 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00053-00065112-00065967 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00054-00065968-00066755 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00055-00066756-00068509 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00056-00068510-00069876 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00057-00069877-00070075 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00058-00070076-00071955 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00059-00071956-00072923 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00060-00072924-00073859 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00061-00073860-00075618 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00062-00075619-00075959 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00063-00075960-00076199 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00064-00076200-00076894 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00065-00076895-00078098 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00066-00078099-00080212 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00067-00080213-00080627 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00068-00080628-00082573 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00069-00082574-00083505 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00070-00083506-00084443 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00071-00084444-00084755 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00072-00084756-00086555 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00073-00086556-00087746 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00075-00090929-00092218 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00076-00092219-00093154 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00077-00093155-00093612 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00078-00093613-00094913 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00079-00094914-00095129 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00080-00095130-00096189 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00081-00096190-00097393 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00082-00097394-00098194 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00083-00098195-00098347 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00085-00101869-00104557 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00086-00104558-00104897 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00087-00104898-00105346 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00088-00105347-00105778 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00089-00105779-00105851 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00091-00109152-00109570 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00092-00109571-00110545 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00093-00110546-00111513 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00094-00111514-00112448 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00095-00112449-00113345 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00096-00113346-00114208 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00097-00114208-00115483 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00098-00115484-00116688 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00099-00116689-00118571 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00100-00118572-00118702 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00101-00118703-00119421 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00102-00119422-00120527 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00103-00120528-00121163 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00104-00121164-00123851 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00105-00123852-00124641 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00106-00124642-00126523 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00107-00126524-00126902 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00108-00126903-00128086 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00109-00128088-00128226 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00110-00128227-00129518 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00111-00129519-00130808 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00112-00130808-00132003 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00113-00132004-00132647 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00114-00132648-00133393 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00115-00133394-00133503 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00116-00133504-00134782 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00117-00134783-00135814 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00118-00135815-00135982 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00120-00139489-00140458 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00121-00140459-00142289 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00122-00142290-00143148 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00123-00143149-00143404 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00124-00143405-00143935 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00125-00143936-00146854 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00126-00146855-00147047 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00127-00147048-00149135 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00128-00149136-00150103 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00129-00150104-00151039 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00130-00151040-00151942 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00131-00151943-00152563 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00132-00152564-00152798 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00133-00152799-00154074 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00134-00154075-00155278 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00135-00155279-00156287 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00136-00156288-00156694 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00137-00156695-00158783 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00138-00158784-00159753 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00139-00159754-00160685 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00140-00160686-00162911 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00141-00162912-00163230 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00142-00163231-00164984 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00143-00164985-00167033 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00144-00167034-00167456 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00145-00167457-00168430 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00146-00168431-00169398 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00147-00169399-00170332 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00148-00170333-00172093 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00149-00172094-00172313 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00150-00172314-00173372 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00151-00173373-00174572 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00152-00174573-00175921 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00153-00175922-00176197 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00154-00176198-00179048 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00155-00179049-00180881 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00156-00180882-00181738 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00157-00181739-00182207 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00158-00182208-00182525 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00159-00182526-00184220 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00160-00184221-00186137 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00161-00186138-00186235 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00162-00186236-00187727 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00163-00187728-00188693 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00164-00188694-00189861 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00165-00189862-00190528 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00166-00190529-00191388 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00167-00191389-00192665 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00168-00192666-00193926 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00169-00193927-00195785 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00170-00195786-00195882 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00171-00195883-00197704 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00172-00197705-00198343 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00173-00198344-00201031 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00174-00201032-00201376 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00175-00201377-00201820 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00176-00201821-00203574 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00177-00203575-00204071 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00178-00204072-00204310 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00179-00204311-00207019 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00180-00207021-00207987 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00181-00207988-00208922 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00182-00208923-00210601 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00183-00210602-00211901 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00184-00211902-00211962 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00185-00211963-00213163 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00186-00213164-00214117 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00187-00214117-00215903 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00188-00215904-00217638 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00189-00217639-00219479 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00190-00219480-00220328 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00191-00220329-00221115 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00192-00221116-00222810 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00193-00222811-00225491 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00194-00225492-00226315 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00195-00226316-00227283 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00196-00227284-00228452 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00197-00228453-00229978 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00198-00229979-00230194 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00199-00230196-00231254 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00200-00231255-00232516 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00201-00232517-00233639 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00202-00233640-00233873 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00204-00236934-00239623 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00205-00239623-00239969 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00206-00239969-00240410 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00207-00240411-00240844 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00208-00240846-00240905 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00209-00240906-00242105 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00210-00242106-00242981 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00211-00242982-00243060 [Applause] LjIHf__1ATu-00212-00243061-00244217 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00213-00244217-00244636 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00214-00244637-00245610 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00215-00245611-00246578 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00216-00246579-00248410 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00217-00248411-00249273 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00218-00249273-00250548 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00219-00250550-00253487 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00220-00253488-00253640 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00221-00253641-00255587 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00222-00255588-00256229 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00223-00256230-00258917 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00224-00258919-00259705 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00225-00259706-00261400 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00226-00261401-00263513 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00227-00263514-00263930 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00228-00263931-00264905 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00229-00264906-00265873 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00230-00265874-00268568 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00231-00268569-00269789 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00232-00269790-00270155 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00233-00270156-00271048 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00234-00271049-00271510 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00235-00271511-00271843 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00236-00271844-00274554 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00237-00274555-00275523 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00238-00275524-00277355 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00239-00277356-00277704 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00240-00277705-00279000 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00241-00279001-00280695 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00242-00280696-00281632 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00243-00281633-00281810 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00244-00281811-00284099 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00245-00284100-00284200 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00246-00284201-00285168 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00247-00285169-00286104 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00248-00286105-00287863 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00249-00287864-00288082 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00250-00288083-00289139 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00251-00289140-00290343 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00252-00290344-00292084 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00253-00292085-00292230 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00254-00292231-00294818 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00255-00294819-00296651 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00256-00296652-00296999 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00257-00297000-00298295 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00258-00298296-00298732 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00259-00298733-00298790 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00260-00298791-00299991 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00262-00303157-00303495 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00263-00303496-00304463 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00264-00304464-00305658 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00265-00305659-00306293 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00266-00306294-00307158 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00267-00307159-00308434 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00268-00308435-00310210 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00269-00310211-00310435 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00271-00314114-00315360 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00272-00315361-00315718 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00273-00315719-00316803 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00274-00316804-00317590 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00275-00317591-00318029 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00276-00318030-00318085 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00277-00318086-00321017 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00278-00321018-00321173 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00279-00321174-00322790 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00280-00322791-00323758 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00281-00323759-00326358 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00282-00326359-00327729 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00283-00327730-00328990 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00284-00328991-00330384 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00285-00330385-00330557 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00286-00330558-00333408 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00287-00333409-00334340 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00288-00334341-00335243 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00289-00335244-00335589 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00290-00335590-00336885 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00291-00336886-00338473 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00292-00338474-00338580 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00294-00342086-00343053 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00295-00343054-00344891 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00296-00344892-00345748 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00297-00345749-00347027 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00298-00347028-00348228 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00299-00348229-00349354 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00300-00349355-00349644 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00302-00352704-00355390 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00303-00355391-00355732 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00304-00355733-00356180 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00305-00356181-00357875 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00306-00357876-00359987 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00307-00359988-00360405 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00308-00360406-00361380 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00309-00361381-00362348 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00310-00362349-00363539 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00311-00363540-00364187 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00312-00364188-00365043 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00313-00365044-00365260 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00314-00365261-00366319 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00315-00366320-00367456 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00316-00367457-00368086 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00318-00371999-00372930 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00319-00372931-00374951 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00320-00374952-00375475 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00321-00375476-00377171 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00322-00377172-00378293 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00323-00378294-00378587 thank you LjIHf__1ATu-00324-00378588-00380675 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00325-00380676-00381643 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00326-00381644-00382579 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00327-00382580-00383471 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00328-00383472-00384338 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00329-00384339-00385617 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00330-00385618-00386818 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00331-00386819-00388553 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00332-00388554-00388705 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00333-00388706-00390653 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00334-00390654-00391293 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00335-00391294-00393983 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00336-00393984-00394770 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00337-00394771-00396465 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00338-00396466-00396934 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00339-00396935-00397033 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00340-00397034-00397895 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00341-00397896-00398089 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00342-00398090-00399970 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00343-00399971-00400938 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00344-00400939-00401873 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00345-00401874-00403633 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00346-00403634-00404854 [Music] LjIHf__1ATu-00347-00404855-00404969 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00348-00404970-00405299 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00349-00405300-00405665 foreign LjIHf__1ATu-00350-00405666-00405896 foreign Moskcv4WfOc-00000-00000035-00000413 Burmese Americans Burmese Emma NW Bawa Moskcv4WfOc-00001-00000413-00000634 magicka are Americans of full or partial Moskcv4WfOc-00002-00000635-00000899 Burmese ancestry the term encompasses Moskcv4WfOc-00003-00000900-00001124 people of all ethnic backgrounds with Moskcv4WfOc-00004-00001125-00001348 ancestry in present-day Myanmar or Burma Moskcv4WfOc-00005-00001349-00001660 regardless of specific ethnicity they Moskcv4WfOc-00006-00001661-00001889 are a subgroup of asian-americans the Moskcv4WfOc-00007-00001889-00002077 majority of Burmese Americans are Moskcv4WfOc-00008-00002078-00002302 Burmese Chinese descent particularly Moskcv4WfOc-00009-00002303-00002555 Teochew Hokkien and Yunnan AZ rather Moskcv4WfOc-00010-00002556-00002780 than Bammer the dominant ethnic group in Moskcv4WfOc-00011-00002781-00003008 Myanmar they may alternatively identify Moskcv4WfOc-00012-00003009-00003263 as simply Chinese Americans however Moskcv4WfOc-00013-00003264-00003490 other types of Burmese ethnic groups Moskcv4WfOc-00014-00003492-00003670 immigrating to the US have been on the Moskcv4WfOc-00015-00003671-00003974 rise in recent years as a small group Moskcv4WfOc-00016-00003975-00004145 Burmese Americans have largely Moskcv4WfOc-00017-00004146-00004343 integrated into the larger Southeast Moskcv4WfOc-00018-00004344-00004477 Asian and South Asian American Moskcv4WfOc-00019-00004478-00005084 communities Moskcv4WfOc-00020-00005085-00005722 topic history in the United States Moskcv4WfOc-00021-00005723-00005956 the first Burmese to study in the United Moskcv4WfOc-00022-00005957-00006280 States was Hmong Shalu who came in 1858 Moskcv4WfOc-00023-00006281-00006484 to study at the University at Lewisburg Moskcv4WfOc-00024-00006484-00006731 now Bucknell University in Pennsylvania Moskcv4WfOc-00025-00006733-00007029 he graduated with a medical degree in Moskcv4WfOc-00026-00007030-00007312 1867 and returned the following year the Moskcv4WfOc-00027-00007313-00007504 first major wave of immigration from Moskcv4WfOc-00028-00007505-00007780 Myanmar occurred in the 1960s after nei Moskcv4WfOc-00029-00007781-00008080 when established military rule in 1962 Moskcv4WfOc-00030-00008081-00008431 to the late 1970s most who immigrated Moskcv4WfOc-00031-00008432-00008599 were primarily those with Chinese Moskcv4WfOc-00032-00008600-00008794 origins who arrived in increasing Moskcv4WfOc-00033-00008795-00009067 numbers following the 1967 anti-chinese Moskcv4WfOc-00034-00009068-00009373 riots the Burmese Chinese were the first Moskcv4WfOc-00035-00009374-00009580 major group of Theravada Buddhists to Moskcv4WfOc-00036-00009581-00009769 immigrate to the United States and were Moskcv4WfOc-00037-00009770-00009996 largely educated professionals business Moskcv4WfOc-00038-00009997-00010183 entrepreneurs and technically skilled Moskcv4WfOc-00039-00010184-00010504 workers a minority were of anglo-burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00040-00010505-00010723 and Indian descent some of the burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00041-00010724-00010921 immigrated to the United States after Moskcv4WfOc-00042-00010922-00011151 the Immigration and Nationality Act of Moskcv4WfOc-00043-00011152-00011449 1965 abolished the previously existing Moskcv4WfOc-00044-00011450-00011737 quota on Asian immigrants a second wave Moskcv4WfOc-00045-00011738-00011946 occurred during the 1980s to the early Moskcv4WfOc-00046-00011947-00012205 1990s after the national uprising in Moskcv4WfOc-00047-00012206-00012513 1988 this wave consisted of many Moskcv4WfOc-00048-00012514-00012660 different ethnic groups including Moskcv4WfOc-00049-00012661-00012885 bombers Karan's and those from other Moskcv4WfOc-00050-00012886-00013111 ethnic minorities particularly in search Moskcv4WfOc-00051-00013112-00013387 of better opportunities among this wave Moskcv4WfOc-00052-00013388-00013603 are political refugees numbering a few Moskcv4WfOc-00053-00013604-00013915 thousand who were involved in the 8888 Moskcv4WfOc-00054-00013916-00014125 uprising and are concentrated in Fort Moskcv4WfOc-00055-00014126-00014630 Wayne Indiana from 1977 to 2025 thousand Moskcv4WfOc-00056-00014631-00014913 229 Burmese immigrated to the United Moskcv4WfOc-00057-00014915-00015091 States although the figure is inaccurate Moskcv4WfOc-00058-00015091-00015288 because it does not include Burmese who Moskcv4WfOc-00059-00015290-00015484 emigrated via other channels or through Moskcv4WfOc-00060-00015485-00015744 other third countries a third wave of Moskcv4WfOc-00061-00015745-00016018 emigration from 2006 to date has been Moskcv4WfOc-00062-00016019-00016188 primarily of ethnic minorities in Moskcv4WfOc-00063-00016190-00016438 Myanmar in particular Karen refugees Moskcv4WfOc-00064-00016439-00016669 from the Thai Burmese border from Moskcv4WfOc-00065-00016670-00017155 October 2006 to August 2007 12800 Karen Moskcv4WfOc-00066-00017156-00017389 refugees resettled in the United States Moskcv4WfOc-00067-00017390-00017602 Burmese in far smaller numbers continued Moskcv4WfOc-00068-00017603-00017788 to immigrate to the United States today Moskcv4WfOc-00069-00017789-00017980 mainly through family sponsorships and Moskcv4WfOc-00070-00017981-00018289 the green card lottery thousands of Moskcv4WfOc-00071-00018290-00018499 Burmese each year applied to a diversity Moskcv4WfOc-00072-00018500-00018783 visa program previously known as up and Moskcv4WfOc-00073-00018784-00019069 now called DV Moskcv4WfOc-00074-00019070-00019294 lottery based program that grants visas Moskcv4WfOc-00075-00019295-00019435 to those who wish to reside in the Moskcv4WfOc-00076-00019436-00019758 United States according to the 2010 Moskcv4WfOc-00077-00019759-00019908 united states census Moskcv4WfOc-00078-00019909-00020107 one hundred thousand two hundred persons Moskcv4WfOc-00079-00020108-00020325 of burmese descent resided in the united Moskcv4WfOc-00080-00020326-00020644 states an increase of 499 percent over Moskcv4WfOc-00081-00020645-00020821 the previous census which recorded Moskcv4WfOc-00082-00020822-00021007 sixteen thousand seven hundred twenty Moskcv4WfOc-00083-00021008-00021297 individuals of burmese descent leading Moskcv4WfOc-00084-00021298-00021463 up to the census an awareness campaign Moskcv4WfOc-00085-00021464-00021694 was conducted by the burmese complete Moskcv4WfOc-00086-00021695-00021862 count committee which consisted of Moskcv4WfOc-00087-00021863-00022063 burmese American organizations to Moskcv4WfOc-00088-00022064-00022219 convince Burmese Americans to Moskcv4WfOc-00089-00022220-00022552 self-identify as Burmese on their census Moskcv4WfOc-00090-00022553-00022837 forms following the 2010 census Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00091-00022838-00023028 Americans are no longer ambiguously Moskcv4WfOc-00092-00023029-00023335 categorized as other Asian but in a Moskcv4WfOc-00093-00023336-00023912 separate category Moskcv4WfOc-00094-00023913-00024432 topic communities Moskcv4WfOc-00095-00024433-00024645 most Burmese Americans live in Moskcv4WfOc-00096-00024646-00024861 metropolitan areas with large immigrant Moskcv4WfOc-00097-00024862-00025206 populations as of 2015 the metropolitan Moskcv4WfOc-00098-00025207-00025362 areas with the largest Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00099-00025363-00025647 populations are Minneapolis Street Paul Moskcv4WfOc-00100-00025648-00025958 with $10,000 Fort Worth with 7,000 Moskcv4WfOc-00101-00025960-00026226 Greater New York with 7,000 the Bay Area Moskcv4WfOc-00102-00026227-00026508 with 6,000 Atlanta with 6,000 Los Moskcv4WfOc-00103-00026508-00026781 Angeles with 5,000 Indianapolis with Moskcv4WfOc-00104-00026782-00027108 4,000 Buffalo with 4,000 Washington with Moskcv4WfOc-00105-00027108-00027426 4,000 and Des Moines with 3,000 other Moskcv4WfOc-00106-00027427-00027663 areas of significance include Tulsa Moskcv4WfOc-00107-00027664-00027843 Oklahoma Fort Wayne Indiana Moskcv4WfOc-00108-00027844-00028056 the residents of many Burmese refugees Moskcv4WfOc-00109-00028057-00028373 Chicago San Diego and Florida Moskcv4WfOc-00110-00028374-00028638 Minneapolis Minnesota most of Moskcv4WfOc-00111-00028639-00028956 Minnesota's 2,500 plus Karen live in the Moskcv4WfOc-00112-00028957-00029352 Twin Cities Fort Wayne Indiana home to Moskcv4WfOc-00113-00029352-00029616 6,000 Burmese some sources claim this to Moskcv4WfOc-00114-00029617-00029873 be the largest Burmese community in u.s. Moskcv4WfOc-00115-00029874-00030231 Tulsa Oklahoma home to 5000 Qin Moskcv4WfOc-00116-00030232-00030450 considered the largest concentration of Moskcv4WfOc-00117-00030451-00030738 Qin people in the US Battle Creek Moskcv4WfOc-00118-00030739-00031095 Michigan approximately 1,800 Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00119-00031095-00031508 primarily chin Dallas a community of Qin Moskcv4WfOc-00120-00031510-00031754 refugees is concentrated in Louisville Moskcv4WfOc-00121-00031755-00032082 New York City Queens Brooklyn and Moskcv4WfOc-00122-00032083-00032463 northern New Jersey bay area Daly City Moskcv4WfOc-00123-00032464-00032842 Fremont San Francisco and San Jose Moskcv4WfOc-00124-00032843-00033159 Atlanta DeKalb County Georgia is home to Moskcv4WfOc-00125-00033160-00033577 2,180 Burmese primarily in Clarkston Los Moskcv4WfOc-00126-00033578-00033862 Angeles San Gabriel Valley especially Moskcv4WfOc-00127-00033863-00034216 San Gabriel and Rosemead Indianapolis Moskcv4WfOc-00128-00034217-00034320 Indiana Moskcv4WfOc-00129-00034321-00034681 specifically Perry Township Buffalo New Moskcv4WfOc-00130-00034682-00035058 York Upper West Side Washington DC Moskcv4WfOc-00131-00035059-00035398 Northern Virginia and Maryland Des Moskcv4WfOc-00132-00035399-00035665 Moines Waterloo Cedar Rapids and Dubuque Moskcv4WfOc-00133-00035666-00035962 Iowa Iowa is home to at least 8,000 Moskcv4WfOc-00134-00035963-00036307 Burmese residents Salt Lake City Utah Moskcv4WfOc-00135-00036308-00036673 thousands of Burmese reside here Bowling Moskcv4WfOc-00136-00036674-00037057 Green Kentucky 694 residents of Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00137-00037058-00037285 descent 1.2 percent of the city's Moskcv4WfOc-00138-00037286-00037666 population Syracuse New York Moskcv4WfOc-00139-00037667-00038208 Northside Albany New York Utica New York Moskcv4WfOc-00140-00038209-00038631 Ithaca New York Hartford Connecticut Moskcv4WfOc-00141-00038632-00038989 Chicago and Aurora Illinois Cleveland Moskcv4WfOc-00142-00038990-00039436 Ohio Houston Texas Raleigh North Moskcv4WfOc-00143-00039437-00039543 Carolina Moskcv4WfOc-00144-00039544-00039901 Lowell Massachusetts Seattle Tacoma Moskcv4WfOc-00145-00039902-00040353 Bellevue Washington Spokane Washington Moskcv4WfOc-00146-00040354-00041132 tri-cities Washington Portland Oregon Moskcv4WfOc-00147-00041133-00041633 topic culture Moskcv4WfOc-00148-00041634-00041876 as most burmese are buddhists many Moskcv4WfOc-00149-00041877-00042095 burmese buddhist monasteries most of Moskcv4WfOc-00150-00042096-00042284 which also serve as community centers Moskcv4WfOc-00151-00042285-00042461 have sprouted across most major cities Moskcv4WfOc-00152-00042462-00042782 in the united states a few ethnic monde Moskcv4WfOc-00153-00042783-00042959 and reclined monasteries serve their Moskcv4WfOc-00154-00042960-00043243 respective ethnic populations Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00155-00043244-00043448 Christian churches consisting mainly of Moskcv4WfOc-00156-00043449-00043652 ethnic Karen chin Kachin and Moskcv4WfOc-00157-00043653-00043892 anglo-burmese congregations can also be Moskcv4WfOc-00158-00043893-00044186 found in large metropolitan areas many Moskcv4WfOc-00159-00044187-00044417 Christian Burmese found asylum in the US Moskcv4WfOc-00160-00044418-00044705 as refugees English as the primary Moskcv4WfOc-00161-00044706-00044915 language for most Burmese Americans Moskcv4WfOc-00162-00044916-00045101 albeit with varying levels of fluency Moskcv4WfOc-00163-00045102-00045332 depending on the level of education and Moskcv4WfOc-00164-00045333-00045575 the years lived in the country Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00165-00045576-00045806 is still widely spoken or understood as Moskcv4WfOc-00166-00045807-00045992 most Burmese Americans are recent Moskcv4WfOc-00167-00045993-00046181 immigrants or first generation children Moskcv4WfOc-00168-00046182-00046478 of those immigrants still the command of Moskcv4WfOc-00169-00046479-00046670 spoken Burmese among the american-born Moskcv4WfOc-00170-00046671-00046883 Burmese is basic to poor and that of Moskcv4WfOc-00171-00046884-00047140 written Burmese is close to none some Moskcv4WfOc-00172-00047141-00047362 older Burmese of Chinese origin speak Moskcv4WfOc-00173-00047363-00047602 some Chinese typically Mandarin Menon or Moskcv4WfOc-00174-00047603-00047818 Cantonese likewise some of Indian origin Moskcv4WfOc-00175-00047819-00048080 speak some Indic languages will eat amel Moskcv4WfOc-00176-00048081-00048686 in Hindi Urdu Moskcv4WfOc-00177-00048687-00049230 topic notable people Moskcv4WfOc-00178-00049231-00049446 this is a list of notable burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00179-00049447-00049635 Americans including both original Moskcv4WfOc-00180-00049636-00049794 immigrants who obtained American Moskcv4WfOc-00181-00049795-00049920 citizenship and their American Moskcv4WfOc-00182-00049921-00050223 descendants most of these people were Moskcv4WfOc-00183-00050224-00050442 born in Myanmar Burma and grew up in the Moskcv4WfOc-00184-00050443-00050852 United States rich Chow Sports executive Moskcv4WfOc-00185-00050853-00051233 Luiza Benson Craig activist Edward Moskcv4WfOc-00186-00051234-00051573 Michael lion journalist Wendy lon Moskcv4WfOc-00187-00051574-00052055 writer Tim Mo poet Chuck Jana Sangh Wang Moskcv4WfOc-00188-00052057-00052485 musician nataly's singer honks a new Moskcv4WfOc-00189-00052486-00052892 brother of Aung San Suu Kyi EMSA faier Moskcv4WfOc-00190-00052894-00053144 actor a Burmese Jewish origin Moskcv4WfOc-00191-00053145-00053526 Ezra Solomon economist Alex Wagner Moskcv4WfOc-00192-00053527-00053889 television anchor Patrick Wong actor and Moskcv4WfOc-00193-00053890-00054276 writer mozi win professor at Moskcv4WfOc-00194-00054277-00054545 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Moskcv4WfOc-00195-00054546-00055141 Adrienne Zhou actor Moskcv4WfOc-00196-00055141-00055783 topic community and economic issues Moskcv4WfOc-00197-00055784-00056123 you Moskcv4WfOc-00198-00056124-00056607 topic poverty Moskcv4WfOc-00199-00056608-00056922 according to data released in 2017 by Moskcv4WfOc-00200-00056923-00057179 the Pew Research Center approximately 35 Moskcv4WfOc-00201-00057180-00057345 percent of the Burmese American Moskcv4WfOc-00202-00057346-00057519 community lived under the poverty line Moskcv4WfOc-00203-00057520-00057813 this is more than twice the USA average Moskcv4WfOc-00204-00057814-00058059 poverty rate of 16 percent according to Moskcv4WfOc-00205-00058060-00058241 data released by the Economic Policy Moskcv4WfOc-00206-00058242-00058896 Institute in 2011 Moskcv4WfOc-00207-00058897-00059475 topic median household income Moskcv4WfOc-00208-00059476-00059736 Burmese Americans have an average median Moskcv4WfOc-00209-00059737-00060036 household income of $36,000 which is Moskcv4WfOc-00210-00060037-00060228 much lower than the American average of Moskcv4WfOc-00211-00060229-00060925 50 $3,600 Moskcv4WfOc-00212-00060926-00061464 topic per capita income Moskcv4WfOc-00213-00061465-00061812 in 2014 when Americans per capita income Moskcv4WfOc-00214-00061813-00062022 was divided by ethnic groups Burmese Moskcv4WfOc-00215-00062023-00062208 Americans were found to be the second Moskcv4WfOc-00216-00062209-00062400 lowest earning ethnic group per capita Moskcv4WfOc-00217-00062401-00062607 in the country with a per capita income Moskcv4WfOc-00218-00062608-00062763 of twelve thousand seven hundred Moskcv4WfOc-00219-00062764-00062997 sixty-four dollars less than half of the Moskcv4WfOc-00220-00062998-00063216 American average of twenty five thousand Moskcv4WfOc-00221-00063216-00063880 eight hundred twenty-five dollars Moskcv4WfOc-00222-00063882-00064436 topic see also Moskcv4WfOc-00223-00064437-00064995 demographics of Myanmar asian-americans MoJ7rJLyZvu-00000-00000200-00000847 scale of one to ten how would you rate MoJ7rJLyZvu-00001-00000848-00001300 our kiss from last night MoJ7rJLyZvu-00002-00001301-00001444 [Music] MoJ7rJLyZvu-00003-00001445-00001676 you all know the drill MoJ7rJLyZvu-00005-00005138-00007861 [Music] MoJ7rJLyZvu-00006-00007862-00008763 [Music] MoJ7rJLyZvu-00007-00008764-00008984 don't scream MoJ7rJLyZvu-00008-00008985-00010292 [Music] MoJ7rJLyZvu-00009-00010293-00010771 you remember me MoJ7rJLyZvu-00010-00010772-00013363 yeah you remember me MoJ7rJLyZvu-00011-00013365-00014275 [Music] MoJ7rJLyZvu-00012-00014276-00014576 okay M1pfZEBBUHU-00000-00000056-00000459 one two M1pfZEBBUHU-00001-00000461-00001951 [Music] M1pfZEBBUHU-00002-00001952-00002298 uh M1pfZEBBUHU-00003-00002299-00004627 [Music] M1pfZEBBUHU-00004-00004628-00006775 [Music] M1pfZEBBUHU-00005-00006776-00007727 stop M1pfZEBBUHU-00006-00007728-00008123 so M1pfZEBBUHU-00008-00011264-00011487 right M1pfZEBBUHU-00009-00011488-00011767 [Music] M1pfZEBBUHU-00010-00011768-00011942 quite high right you'll feel like you're M1pfZEBBUHU-00011-00011943-00012018 going out right M1pfZEBBUHU-00012-00012019-00012367 [Music] M1pfZEBBUHU-00013-00012368-00012599 because this is another strength to hit M1pfZEBBUHU-00014-00012600-00012894 also but the problem is we bend we can M1pfZEBBUHU-00015-00012895-00013166 bounce off you ben you didn't go M1pfZEBBUHU-00016-00013168-00013407 you like ben okay twist M1pfZEBBUHU-00017-00013408-00013661 [Music] M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00000-00000000-00000440 all right they're preparing to let you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00001-00000441-00000634 meeting should be about three seconds M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00002-00000635-00002100 away and rely M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00004-00005782-00006184 excellent welcome friends my name is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00005-00006185-00006388 Hannah Finland my pronouns are she her M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00006-00006389-00006566 and hers and I am one of the producers M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00007-00006567-00006833 of today's session along with my most M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00008-00006834-00007288 excellent colleagues hi I'm Abigail Vega M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00009-00007289-00007864 she her hey I'm anne-marie Lonsdale M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00010-00007865-00008077 she/her pronouns M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00011-00008078-00008754 Nicole Brewer she/her pronouns M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00012-00008755-00008916 and we're glad you've joined us this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00013-00008917-00009072 afternoon to explore financial M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00014-00009073-00009279 strategies for individual artists with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00015-00009280-00009525 the brilliant and generous Amy Smith M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00016-00009526-00009777 this is the second in a series of online M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00017-00009778-00009966 events that's focused on serving the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00018-00009967-00010155 needs of individual and freelance M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00019-00010156-00010365 us-based artists and culture makers in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00020-00010366-00010719 the midst of the koban 19 crisis our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00021-00010720-00010872 first session dealt with a broad M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00022-00010873-00011088 spectrum of urgent topics that included M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00023-00011089-00011310 emergency funding legal support online M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00024-00011311-00011514 gathering strategies and national M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00025-00011515-00011718 advocacy you can see that at how around M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00026-00011719-00011988 calm and our colleague Amy spoke briefly M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00027-00011989-00012174 on that panel with some important advice M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00028-00012175-00012354 for managing your finances at this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00029-00012355-00012531 moment we've asked her to dive a little M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00030-00012532-00012711 bit deeper with us today as we know that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00031-00012712-00012921 this issue is exceedingly important to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00032-00012922-00013137 our community we've already received M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00033-00013138-00013335 numerous questions from across the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00034-00013336-00013584 country and we are acknowledging and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00035-00013585-00013836 breathing into the anxiety that folks M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00036-00013837-00014136 are currently feeling so as we get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00037-00014137-00014294 started let's actually just take a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00038-00014296-00014577 moment to acknowledge ourselves all of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00039-00014578-00014883 you joining us today for being here for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00040-00014884-00015108 taking care of your financial health and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00041-00015109-00015279 we want you to remember that whatever M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00042-00015280-00015516 you're feeling however you're processing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00043-00015516-00015797 is important and it needs to happen in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00044-00015798-00016013 this moment so if you're like us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00045-00016015-00016163 speaking for the four of us in our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00046-00016165-00016353 producing team you probably miss good M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00047-00016354-00016656 hugs so we're all going to go ahead and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00048-00016657-00016844 we can't see you so you can do this in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00049-00016845-00017079 your own individual space gonna go ahead M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00050-00017080-00017292 and wrap our arms around ourselves if M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00051-00017293-00017463 you're able for just a moment give a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00052-00017464-00017796 little self hug you can squeeze you can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00053-00017797-00018132 add a massage or a back pad if it feels M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00054-00018133-00018399 good really give yourself a little bit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00055-00018400-00019263 of love 4 3 2 1 oh good beautiful show M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00056-00019264-00019410 you yourself a little love whenever you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00057-00019411-00019797 can show that gratitude for yourself and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00058-00019798-00020061 I'd also like to just share some more M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00059-00020062-00020271 gratitude for Amy as well as our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00060-00020272-00020535 colleagues at how round vajay Matthew JD M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00061-00020536-00020763 Stokely and Thea Rogers in particular M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00062-00020764-00020952 for the vital roles they're playing and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00063-00020953-00021108 transferring this information to the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00064-00021109-00021290 arts and culture community and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00065-00021291-00021579 additionally we are so grateful to the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00066-00021580-00021744 ASL interpreters who are collaborating M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00067-00021745-00022044 with us today as well as the National M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00068-00022045-00022116 captioning M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00069-00022117-00022275 institute which is providing the live M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00070-00022276-00022626 captions for our session but before we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00071-00022627-00022779 go any further we would like to offer a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00072-00022780-00022958 land acknowledgment and some additional M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00073-00022959-00023115 context for this afternoon's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00074-00023116-00023796 presentation Nicole hello everyone so as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00075-00023797-00023952 we have gathered digitally we'll be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00076-00023953-00024119 honoring the many indigenous peoples M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00077-00024120-00024396 whose land the facilitators and our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00078-00024397-00024719 speaker today is gathered on we do this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00079-00024720-00024900 practice as a way of acknowledging the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00080-00024901-00025050 people who were present on Turtle Island M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00081-00025051-00025239 as the past present and future M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00082-00025240-00025542 caretakers of the land I invite you to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00083-00025543-00025902 breathe as you hear these names I Nicole M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00084-00025902-00026124 and calling in from yemassee and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00085-00026125-00026483 Muskogee lands known as Savannah Georgia M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00086-00026483-00026777 I'm Amy Smith I'm calling from outside M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00087-00026779-00027062 of Philadelphia which is Lennie Lynn Ave M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00088-00027063-00027320 land M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00089-00027320-00027508 Hana's and then I'm calling from central M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00090-00027510-00027743 Indiana which is kick up Boyd Kapoor and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00091-00027744-00028307 Miami land I'm Anne Marie Lonsdale M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00092-00028308-00028783 calling from Trojan yo and alone a land M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00093-00028783-00029060 those people who still thrive here in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00094-00029061-00029274 Oakland California M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00095-00029275-00029593 hi it's Abigail I'm calling in from Kobe M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00096-00029594-00029864 Tekken lands which is now known as San M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00097-00029864-00030202 Antonio Texas and on behalf of the staff M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00098-00030203-00030445 of how around Theatre Commons at Emerson M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00099-00030447-00030718 College they wish to respectfully M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00100-00030719-00030937 respectfully acknowledge that their M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00101-00030938-00031205 offices are situated on land stolen from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00102-00031206-00031462 its original holders the massachusett M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00103-00031463-00031727 and the Wampanoag people they wish to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00104-00031727-00032002 pay their respects to their people past M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00105-00032003-00032329 present and future M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00106-00032330-00032665 the adrian wong of spider web show in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00107-00032666-00032843 ontario has written this digital land M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00108-00032844-00033023 acknowledgement which we also like to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00109-00033024-00033377 share since our activities are shared M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00110-00033378-00033593 digitally on the internet let's also M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00111-00033594-00033814 take a moment to consider the legacy of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00112-00033815-00034010 colonization embedded within the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00113-00034011-00034298 technologies structures and ways of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00114-00034299-00034652 thinking we use every day we are using M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00115-00034653-00034883 equipment and high-speed Internet not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00116-00034884-00035101 available in many indigenous communities M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00117-00035102-00035365 even the technologies that are central M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00118-00035366-00035602 to much of the art that we make leave M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00119-00035603-00035770 significant carbon footprints M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00120-00035771-00035983 contributing to changing climates that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00121-00035984-00036251 disproportionately affect indigenous M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00122-00036252-00036623 peoples worldwide I invite you to join M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00123-00036624-00036935 me in acknowledging all of this as well M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00124-00036936-00037274 as our shared responsibility to make M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00125-00037275-00037537 good of this time and for each of us to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00126-00037538-00037831 consider our roles in reconciliation M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00127-00037832-00038430 decolonization and Ally ship M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00128-00038431-00038752 Thank You Abigail M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00129-00038753-00039340 so speaking of Technology I just wanted M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00130-00039341-00039852 to take a moment to acknowledge that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00131-00039853-00040160 each of us has a different level of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00132-00040161-00040729 connectivity and we invite all of you to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00133-00040730-00041143 when and if your internet freezes or our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00134-00041144-00041648 internet freezes to take a breath and do M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00135-00041649-00042067 a body scan and just release and relax M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00136-00042068-00042286 there really held parts of your body I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00137-00042287-00042557 carry a lot of tension in my jaw so I'm M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00138-00042558-00043120 like oh it might be beneficial also for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00139-00043121-00043307 you to reflect on what's being said so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00140-00043308-00043573 far and where those ideas are landing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00141-00043574-00043780 for you well we figure out our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00142-00043781-00044129 technological difficulties we also want M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00143-00044130-00044354 you to know that you are in good company M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00144-00044355-00044719 today tons of viewers from all across M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00145-00044720-00044950 the States and even internationally are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00146-00044951-00045254 currently tuning in so we invite you to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00147-00045255-00045655 tweet or post on social media and tell M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00148-00045656-00045880 us that you're here give us your name M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00149-00045881-00046177 your location and you can use the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00150-00046178-00046543 hashtags artists resource and how laund M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00151-00046544-00046786 and then you can follow that thread M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00152-00046787-00046985 either on Twitter or Facebook or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00153-00046986-00047344 Instagram or another way better social M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00154-00047345-00047504 media platform that we haven't heard of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00155-00047505-00047701 yet tick tock M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00156-00047702-00047950 to get a sense of who we are and who's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00157-00047951-00048364 with us today we also wanted to invite M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00158-00048365-00048629 you to submit questions many of you have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00159-00048630-00048805 already done this and we really M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00160-00048806-00049015 appreciate you getting your questions to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00161-00049016-00049276 us in advance please email your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00162-00049277-00049492 questions and comments for Amy Smith or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00163-00049493-00049840 any of the facilitators to artist M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00164-00049841-00050268 resource at how around calm so--that's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00165-00050269-00050746 artist resource no spaces at how around M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00166-00050747-00051091 calm and we will do our best to address M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00167-00051092-00051469 them during the session as we share M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00168-00051470-00051670 resources throughout the session we're M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00169-00051671-00051707 going to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00170-00051708-00051923 post them on the how around Twitter M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00171-00051924-00052491 account which is at how around at h o WL M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00172-00052491-00053073 r o u and D and now I'm gonna pass it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00173-00053074-00053404 off to Nicole great thank you so much M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00174-00053405-00053738 and so throughout Amy's talk this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00175-00053739-00054005 afternoon we are going to be engaging in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00176-00054006-00054210 a reflective fire then we'll be pausing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00177-00054211-00054425 in between sections of Amy's talk to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00178-00054426-00054605 reflect on different financial M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00179-00054606-00054834 provocations the prompt will be shared M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00180-00054835-00055019 then you'll be invited to inhale to the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00181-00055020-00055463 count of five hold five exhale five an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00182-00055464-00055746 example might be setting an attention M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00183-00055747-00055943 right now just as we're getting ready to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00184-00055944-00056180 hear from Amy around what you want to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00185-00056181-00056373 get from this talk or how you might want M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00186-00056374-00056579 to use this resource I mean I would say M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00187-00056580-00057798 inhale 1 2 3 4 5 hold 5 4 3 2 1 exhale 1 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00188-00057799-00058201 2 3 4 5 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00189-00058202-00058647 thank you so there is such as strong and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00190-00058648-00058998 there is excuse me such strong and toxic M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00191-00058999-00059198 messaging in this country around money I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00192-00059199-00059385 think there's a huge imbalance of power M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00193-00059386-00059675 power for me meaning knowledge when it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00194-00059676-00059847 comes to financial literacy and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00195-00059848-00060107 understanding how money works for us and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00196-00060108-00060437 against us every day my mother M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00197-00060438-00060615 prioritized teaching my brother and I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00198-00060616-00060866 how to balance checkbooks save money M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00199-00060867-00061181 create budgets and respect our credit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00200-00061182-00061509 score thanks Deborah what I had to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00201-00061510-00061734 unlearn in adulthood is believing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00202-00061735-00061979 working hard correlates to the amount of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00203-00061980-00062213 money earned this kind of thinking often M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00204-00062214-00062415 isolates inequitable structures M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00205-00062416-00062646 distracted and consumed by the mantra M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00206-00062647-00062766 work harder M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00207-00062766-00062948 I earned two degrees and racked up M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00208-00062949-00063191 $90,000 a student loan debt that is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00209-00063192-00063482 today a hundred and forty three thousand M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00210-00063483-00063747 dollars it was only after I finished my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00211-00063748-00063978 graduate degree became a cultural worker M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00212-00063979-00064232 and struggled to support myself and be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00213-00064233-00064454 financially responsible that I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00214-00064455-00064791 understood how much not knowing how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00215-00064791-00065094 money interacts with my various ideas M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00216-00065095-00065376 it could hurt my bottom line the most M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00217-00065377-00065577 radical thing I've done to combat the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00218-00065578-00065760 shame and guilt I feel when talking M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00219-00065761-00066027 about money is to ask my community for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00220-00066028-00066327 support educate myself on what money is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00221-00066328-00066636 and evaluate my relationship to what my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00222-00066637-00066918 skillset is worth now talking about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00223-00066919-00067113 money which I just did is really M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00224-00067114-00067464 complicated brings up a lot but we're in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00225-00067465-00067704 this together and we believe that there M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00226-00067705-00067881 is no way we can move through this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00227-00067882-00068070 moment without transparency and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00228-00068071-00068313 opportunity to share experiences and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00229-00068314-00068604 feelings with one another so let's go M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00230-00068605-00068667 for it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00231-00068668-00069084 I am happy and full of gratitude to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00232-00069085-00069456 bring my friend my colleague my future M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00233-00069457-00069819 and former present past Movement worker M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00234-00069820-00070299 Amy Smith to the virtual stage Amy thank M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00235-00070300-00070569 you so much Nicole it's such an honor M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00236-00070570-00070803 and pleasure to be here with you and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00237-00070804-00071019 thank you everyone who has made this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00238-00071020-00071214 possible I'm so filled with gratitude M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00239-00071215-00071661 right now so I would like to start with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00240-00071662-00072119 a quote from Grace Lee Boggs who was a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00241-00072120-00072372 activist in Detroit in the civil rights M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00242-00072373-00072609 era and through to the 80's 90's and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00243-00072610-00072884 hobbies M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00244-00072885-00073398 every crisis actual or impending needs M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00245-00073399-00073631 to be viewed as an opportunity to bring M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00246-00073632-00073969 about profound changes in our society M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00247-00073970-00074285 going beyond protest organizing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00248-00074286-00074567 visionary organizing begins by creating M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00249-00074568-00074948 images and stories of the future that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00250-00074949-00075222 help us imagine and create alternatives M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00251-00075223-00075575 to the existing system M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00252-00075576-00076086 so with those wonderful words from Grace M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00253-00076087-00076395 Lee Boggs I want to start by saying that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00254-00076396-00076767 you are not alone you are physically M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00255-00076768-00077070 distant from each other right now but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00256-00077071-00077412 you are not alone there are many people M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00257-00077413-00077628 going through what you are going through M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00258-00077629-00078003 right now we are all grieving and we are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00259-00078004-00078327 all feeling loss and it's going to get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00260-00078328-00078539 worse before it gets better M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00261-00078540-00078843 but this pandemic will eventually get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00262-00078844-00079116 better and right now we have an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00263-00079117-00079401 opportunity to build community and build M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00264-00079402-00079761 power and use our power as artists to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00265-00079762-00080310 imagine and create new structures many M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00266-00080311-00080562 of us feel embarrassed to talk about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00267-00080563-00080882 financial vulnerability because M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00268-00080883-00081195 neoliberal capitalism tells us that we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00269-00081196-00081390 should be climbing a ladder toward M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00270-00081391-00081768 financial success and that our successes M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00271-00081769-00082029 and failures are indicative of our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00272-00082030-00082443 individual strength or weakness your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00273-00082444-00082779 debt is not shameful your financial M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00274-00082780-00083118 reality is not shameful your properity M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00275-00083119-00083484 is not shameful it is not of your making M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00276-00083485-00083943 the system is designed to funnel wealth M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00277-00083944-00084210 toward the owning class and it is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00278-00084211-00084590 working exactly as it was designed M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00279-00084591-00084990 capitalism patriarchy colonialism and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00280-00084991-00085296 white supremacy all work together to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00281-00085297-00085629 ensure the flow of wealth into the hands M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00282-00085630-00085838 of white people in the owning class and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00283-00085839-00086169 no amount of individual knowledge or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00284-00086170-00086535 strength or perseverance guarantees M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00285-00086536-00086925 upward mobility but I believe that we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00286-00086926-00087248 can share resources and form coalition's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00287-00087249-00087711 to achieve personal personal family and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00288-00087712-00088026 community well-being we have to come M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00289-00088027-00088443 together to demand more humane policies M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00290-00088444-00088648 from our government M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00291-00088649-00088909 as we create more robust structures of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00292-00088910-00089236 mutual aid for ourselves and whatever M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00293-00089237-00089536 gains we do make in this time like M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00294-00089537-00089869 hopefully Dakar serration better M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00295-00089870-00090066 resources for hungry and homeless people M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00296-00090067-00090442 freeing detained asylum seekers student M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00297-00090443-00090748 loan forgiveness etc we cannot let our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00298-00090749-00091153 government take those gains back we've M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00299-00091154-00091366 been getting a lot of questions about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00300-00091367-00091732 unemployment compensation so I want to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00301-00091733-00092146 address that issue first right now it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00302-00092147-00092329 looks like the bill going through M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00303-00092330-00092533 Congress will make it possible for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00304-00092534-00092793 self-employed people to access M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00305-00092794-00093174 unemployment benefits it will also M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00306-00093175-00093610 increase the weekly payments and extend M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00307-00093611-00093763 the time that you can stay on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00308-00093764-00094153 unemployment this is a massive change M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00309-00094154-00094557 and frankly our state unemployment M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00310-00094558-00094813 agencies are gonna have a hard time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00311-00094814-00095203 ramping up to meet the need keep M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00312-00095204-00095563 yourself informed by reading reputable M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00313-00095564-00095868 news sources like The New York Times and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00314-00095869-00096127 checking with your state's you see M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00315-00096128-00096604 websites for updates and prepare now for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00316-00096605-00096976 how you're going to demonstrate your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00317-00096977-00097357 past self-employment income and your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00318-00097358-00097717 current situation by creating profit and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00319-00097718-00098236 loss statements for 2019 and 2020 and I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00320-00098237-00098419 will share a sample profit and loss M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00321-00098420-00098996 statement later I am NOT an expert in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00322-00098997-00099475 unemployment compensation and it varies M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00323-00099476-00099843 state by state so I cannot answer M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00324-00099844-00100258 specific questions about it but I will M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00325-00100259-00100534 try to answer general questions about it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00326-00100535-00100900 in the Q&A one thing I do have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00327-00100901-00101253 experience with is employers M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00328-00101254-00101497 mischaracterizing their employees as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00329-00101498-00101926 independent contractors that has been a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00330-00101927-00102043 serious problem M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00331-00102044-00102290 for decades and now the chickens are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00332-00102291-00102630 coming home to roost what happens is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00333-00102631-00102955 employers try to avoid paying their M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00334-00102956-00103267 share of Social Security and Medicare M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00335-00103268-00103692 and avoid making worker protections like M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00336-00103693-00103975 unemployment compensation and workers M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00337-00103976-00104324 comp available to their employees by M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00338-00104325-00104590 paying them as independent contractors M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00339-00104591-00104854 miss characterizing them as independent M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00340-00104855-00105320 contractors let me give an example one M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00341-00105321-00105575 of my tax clients is an actor who was M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00342-00105576-00105829 working for a local cable station as a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00343-00105830-00106169 performer on a kids TV show she was M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00344-00106170-00106450 essentially working full-time but the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00345-00106451-00106649 station was paying her as an independent M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00346-00106650-00107008 contractor I coached her into going to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00347-00107009-00107222 them and demanding to be put on payroll M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00348-00107223-00107573 and they did but I have seen this over M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00349-00107574-00108076 and over again if you go to the IRS M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00350-00108077-00108868 website irs.gov and look up the form ss8 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00351-00108869-00109333 ss8 it provides some questions about the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00352-00109334-00109690 relationship between pair and payee that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00353-00109691-00109878 can help you make a determination M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00354-00109879-00110209 without whether the person paying you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00355-00110210-00110444 should be paying you as an employee or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00356-00110445-00110809 an independent contractor and of course M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00357-00110810-00111218 there is a gray area but I know that a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00358-00111219-00111449 lot of artists have been getting 1099s M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00359-00111450-00111650 when they should have been getting w-2s M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00360-00111651-00112145 and you may feel reluctant to file for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00361-00112146-00112370 your own unemployment because you're M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00362-00112371-00112646 worried about triggering scrutiny of the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00363-00112647-00112858 person or entity that has been paying M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00364-00112859-00113236 you or even facing retaliation for doing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00365-00113238-00113453 so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00366-00113454-00113699 make that decision for you but I would M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00367-00113700-00113996 encourage you to use the unemployment M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00368-00113997-00114253 compensation system as it was designed M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00369-00114254-00114559 which is to get cash in your hands now M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00370-00114560-00114899 for your basic needs M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00371-00114900-00115178 another thing in the emergency relief M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00372-00115179-00115443 bill as I'm sure you've heard by now is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00373-00115444-00115835 a one-time payment of $1,200 for each M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00374-00115836-00116294 taxpayer once the $1,200 payment arrives M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00375-00116295-00116640 my advice is don't use it to pay down M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00376-00116641-00117020 debt use it for your most pressing needs M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00377-00117021-00117621 food medicine housing etc M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00378-00117622-00118014 now I want to talk about a few things M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00379-00118015-00118278 that are getting in the way of our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00380-00118279-00118577 ability to ask for help when we need it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00381-00118578-00118957 as I mentioned before capitalism and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00382-00118958-00119221 structural oppression makes us feel M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00383-00119222-00119545 ashamed to access social safety net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00384-00119546-00119845 programs or take on debt to cover our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00385-00119846-00120234 basic needs the idea that not paying M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00386-00120235-00120502 your rent or student loans in a crisis M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00387-00120503-00120925 makes you irresponsible the three things M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00388-00120926-00121140 I'm thinking about are the myth of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00389-00121141-00121529 individuality impostor syndrome and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00390-00121530-00121924 scarcity mentality let's start with the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00391-00121925-00122323 myth of individuality there's a great M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00392-00122324-00122628 article called social justice in a time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00393-00122629-00122928 of social distancing by Kenneth Bailey M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00394-00122929-00123199 and Laurie lobenstein I believe we will M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00395-00123200-00123504 be tweeting out that link social justice M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00396-00123505-00123849 in a time of social distancing quote as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00397-00123850-00124209 long as we function as individuals our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00398-00124210-00124500 ability to solve complex social problems M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00399-00124501-00124929 will fail us with the corona virus M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00400-00124930-00125229 spreading across the globe we literally M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00401-00125230-00125524 have a social emergency that makes us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00402-00125525-00125784 want to wrap ourselves safely away from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00403-00125785-00126196 others these so called solutions M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00404-00126197-00126522 wearing masks working from home M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00405-00126523-00126858 canceling travel makes sense to us at M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00406-00126859-00127134 one level because our lives and daily M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00407-00127135-00127554 habits are already arranged this way the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00408-00127555-00127768 habits of individual and personal M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00409-00127769-00128241 solutions precede us however at a deeper M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00410-00128242-00128548 level we feel the distance between the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00411-00128549-00128778 growing and more intense social M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00412-00128779-00129102 emergency and the organization's of our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00413-00129103-00129498 daily lives individual solutions feel in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00414-00129499-00130069 commiserate and isolating and quote so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00415-00130070-00130407 again neoliberal capitalism has M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00416-00130408-00130659 intentionally moved us as workers away M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00417-00130660-00130974 from collective problem solving and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00418-00130975-00131325 collective action think about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00419-00131326-00131598 union-busting is only one example and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00420-00131599-00131872 towards a myth that our problems are our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00421-00131873-00132106 fault and that we must solve them M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00422-00132107-00132637 individually let's talk about impostor M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00423-00132638-00132919 experience I'm sure many of you are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00424-00132920-00133194 familiar with the term impostor syndrome M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00425-00133195-00133590 or as dr. Pauline clance is one of the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00426-00133591-00133909 women who coined that phrase wishes she M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00427-00133910-00134379 called it impostor experience M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00428-00134380-00134636 imposter experience makes us doubt our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00429-00134637-00134982 accomplishments and creates a persistent M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00430-00134983-00135319 internalized fear of being exposed as a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00431-00135320-00135798 fraud or as not belonging a lot of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00432-00135799-00136146 artists I know especially women artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00433-00136147-00136369 of color and other folks who've been M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00434-00136370-00136708 structurally oppressed have experienced M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00435-00136709-00137044 this and are made to feel this way by M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00436-00137045-00137383 toxic work environments in academia and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00437-00137384-00137798 in the nonprofit industrial complex M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00438-00137799-00138078 there's a great article by a scientist M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00439-00138079-00138408 named Christine Leo that will tweet out M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00440-00138409-00138741 on the how around twitter feed who M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00441-00138742-00139146 writes quote by Framing feelings of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00442-00139147-00139545 inadequacy as a personal flaw that needs M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00443-00139546-00139843 to be worked on we let the toxic culture M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00444-00139844-00140250 in academic research off the hook this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00445-00140251-00140541 culture encourages overworked and under M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00446-00140542-00140898 compensation under the guise that if you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00447-00140899-00141193 are a real scientist your dedication M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00448-00141194-00141447 will compensate for your needs for rest M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00449-00141448-00141907 money and self-acceptance as young M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00450-00141908-00142156 scientists we are fooled into working M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00451-00142157-00142551 harder and longer to live up to sky-high M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00452-00142552-00142947 expectations and encourage to feel M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00453-00142948-00143022 inadequate M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00454-00143023-00143627 end quote sound familiar to anyone and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00455-00143628-00144082 all of this has been exacerbated by the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00456-00144083-00144501 past 30 years of academia moving towards M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00457-00144502-00144870 contingent faculty the nonprofit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00458-00144871-00145132 industrial complex exploiting workers M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00459-00145133-00145535 with unpaid internships and low pay and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00460-00145536-00145827 our country's trend toward the gig M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00461-00145828-00146163 economy which means fewer workers have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00462-00146164-00146619 the protections that employment offers M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00463-00146620-00146939 the third thing I'm thinking about is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00464-00146940-00147428 scarcity mentality scarcity mentality is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00465-00147429-00147706 zero-sum thinking M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00466-00147707-00147862 it's the belief that there will never be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00467-00147863-00148190 enough of the face we need and want M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00468-00148191-00148512 here's how the visual artist Christine M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00469-00148513-00148785 Garvey talks about scarcity mentality M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00470-00148786-00149173 and will tweet out this article on how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00471-00149174-00149644 around Twitter theme number one we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00472-00149645-00150031 engage in tunneling we get obsessed with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00473-00150032-00150283 solving the problem when we're in the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00474-00150284-00150460 tunnel we have blinders on to everything M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00475-00150461-00150699 else we end up missing meetings M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00476-00150700-00151026 forgetting to pay a bill or are unable M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00477-00151027-00151486 to see other opportunities number two we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00478-00151487-00151795 lose our bandwidth bandwidth is our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00479-00151796-00152071 fluid intelligence ability to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00480-00152072-00152397 problem-solve plus our self-control M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00481-00152398-00152777 ability to avoid impulsive decisions M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00482-00152778-00153094 these functions diminish significantly M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00483-00153095-00153445 when we feel scarce and number three we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00484-00153446-00153750 do trade-off thinking we think about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00485-00153751-00154072 things that in either/or versus a this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00486-00154073-00154420 and framework we don't allow for many M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00487-00154421-00154911 possible solutions either-or thinking is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00488-00154912-00155228 an aspect of white supremacy culture I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00489-00155229-00155427 always think of my friend M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00490-00155428-00155659 Siobhan Norris when I think of either-or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00491-00155660-00155991 thinking she started noticing how often M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00492-00155992-00156307 she used the word but and decided to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00493-00156308-00156813 practice using the word and instead try M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00494-00156814-00157304 it and tried these antidote antidotes to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00495-00157305-00157696 either-or thinking from tema Oh Kuhn and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00496-00157697-00158008 Kenneth Jones's article white supremacy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00497-00158009-00158373 culture which will also be tweeted out M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00498-00158374-00158782 quote notice when people are simplifying M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00499-00158783-00159133 complex issues particularly when the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00500-00159134-00159457 stakes seem high or an urgent decision M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00501-00159458-00159926 needs to be made slow it down and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00502-00159927-00160376 encourage people to do a deeper analysis M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00503-00160377-00160669 when people are faced with an urgent M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00504-00160670-00160836 decision tape M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00505-00160837-00161085 break and give people some breathing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00506-00161086-00161487 room to think creatively avoid making M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00507-00161488-00161958 decisions under extreme pressure if we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00508-00161959-00162207 can learn to recognize the patterns of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00509-00162208-00162479 scarcity mentality in ourselves and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00510-00162480-00162717 others we can start to move toward M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00511-00162718-00163046 healthier attitudes and collective power M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00512-00163047-00163470 in a time of crisis I'm not sure we can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00513-00163471-00163746 realistically move toward abundance M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00514-00163747-00164073 thinking but we need to be asking what M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00515-00164074-00164358 is you know and make sure we share M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00516-00164359-00164670 resources so that everyone has enough M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00517-00164671-00165009 and survives together with minimal M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00518-00165010-00165300 trauma and I want to take a breath here M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00519-00165301-00165648 and invite Nicole to help us take a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00520-00165649-00166002 breath together thank you Amy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00521-00166003-00166365 a lot comes up for that more engage in a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00522-00166366-00166689 reflective lies this reflected vibe is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00523-00166690-00167058 around money shame when we feel shame M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00524-00167059-00167349 about money the system is working as it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00525-00167350-00167423 was intended M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00526-00167424-00167736 where does shame live in you and how can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00527-00167737-00167958 you begin to shift the stories you tell M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00528-00167959-00168252 yourself about money to alleviate that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00529-00168253-00169716 shame inhale 1 2 3 4 5 hold 5 4 3 2 1 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00530-00169717-00170621 exhale 1 2 3 4 5 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00531-00170622-00171263 thank you so now I want to talk about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00532-00171264-00171818 solidarity and redistribution of wealth M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00533-00171819-00172170 to be in solidarity with each other we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00534-00172171-00172349 need to be honest with each other M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00535-00172350-00172602 those of us with the ability to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00536-00172603-00173215 redistribute our wealth now is the time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00537-00173216-00173645 I started my life as an artist with many M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00538-00173646-00174047 privileges I am light I went to an elite M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00539-00174048-00174376 college I collaborated with two white M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00540-00174377-00174872 men I had family members who had M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00541-00174873-00175087 knowledge to share about business and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00542-00175088-00175496 finance I went from being working-class M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00543-00175497-00175951 with a safety net in my 20s to being now M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00544-00175952-00176248 middle class with inherited family M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00545-00176249-00176590 wealth and I acknowledged the advantages M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00546-00176591-00176911 of my birth the support of my community M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00547-00176912-00177233 and the work that I have put in toward M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00548-00177234-00177649 my learning my personal way of being in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00549-00177650-00177904 solidarity is that I'm trying to give M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00550-00177905-00178234 away my money in direct proportion to my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00551-00178235-00178585 white privilege and unearned wealth this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00552-00178586-00179014 happens in two ways for me 0% interest M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00553-00179015-00179352 loans and cash gifts by oven though M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00554-00179353-00179681 mostly to black and brown artists in my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00555-00179682-00180103 community I encourage any of you who are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00556-00180104-00180397 in a position to do this to consider how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00557-00180398-00180683 you can redistribute your own wealth in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00558-00180684-00181087 this time of great need but I also M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00559-00181088-00181285 understand that there are many many M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00560-00181286-00181549 people on this call who are in a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00561-00181550-00181738 position of meeting that health and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00562-00181739-00182171 needing that support I believe in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00563-00182172-00182539 radical transparency and I think it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00564-00182540-00182969 breeds solidarity I went to name to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00565-00182970-00183221 dance artists whose work around M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00566-00183222-00183494 financial transparency have really M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00567-00183495-00184058 inspired me Juma tattoo PO also from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00568-00184059-00184426 Philadelphia published an economic M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00569-00184427-00184735 profile on his website which will tweet M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00570-00184736-00185023 out on the Twitter feed and New York M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00571-00185024-00185463 artist Sidney Mosley did the same M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00572-00185464-00185827 they provide two very different models M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00573-00185828-00186202 to learn from and they model how we as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00574-00186203-00186538 artists can be clear and honest about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00575-00186539-00186601 how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00576-00186602-00186841 you're subsidizing our work and making M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00577-00186842-00187295 our lives work financially I believe M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00578-00187296-00187648 there are silence and shame about how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00579-00187649-00187899 artists are making their lives work M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00580-00187900-00188156 perpetuates the existing power structure M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00581-00188157-00188551 and that to undo those structures we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00582-00188552-00188773 must get used to naming our financial M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00583-00188774-00189199 realities without shame whether we have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00584-00189200-00189730 class privilege or not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00585-00189731-00190406 emergency funds and safety nets when you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00586-00190407-00190766 don't have an emergency fund you cannot M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00587-00190767-00191165 survive unexpected losses of income like M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00588-00191166-00191557 many of us are experiencing right now M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00589-00191558-00191870 personal finance experts recommend M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00590-00191871-00192215 having three to six months worth of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00591-00192216-00192494 expenses in a savings account money M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00592-00192495-00192929 market or other steady account from my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00593-00192930-00193202 experience that is pretty hard for most M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00594-00193203-00193592 low income middle income artists to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00595-00193593-00193982 achieve so I always recommend one to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00596-00193983-00194375 three months worth so for example if M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00597-00194376-00194894 you're living on $36,000 a year that's a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00598-00194895-00195134 savings of three thousand to nine M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00599-00195135-00195740 thousand dollars even before this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00600-00195741-00196472 pandemic 40% of the people in the US did M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00601-00196473-00196727 not have four hundred dollars in the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00602-00196728-00197159 bank to cover an emergency I'm gonna say M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00603-00197160-00197558 that again 40% of people in the u.s. did M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00604-00197559-00197861 not have four hundred dollars in the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00605-00197862-00198305 bank to cover an emergency and the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00606-00198306-00198629 legacy of structural racism lending M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00607-00198630-00198974 discrimination and redlining means that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00608-00198975-00199301 for every $100 of wealth in a white M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00609-00199302-00199850 family a black family owns $5 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00610-00199851-00200156 many artists I know have inherited M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00611-00200157-00200552 family wealth or at the very least have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00612-00200553-00200843 a family with the resources to lend or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00613-00200844-00201166 give them money in a time of need our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00614-00201167-00201563 arts ecosystem was built by and for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00615-00201564-00201944 these folks I'm thinking about a New M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00616-00201945-00202283 York Times Magazine article I read some M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00617-00202284-00202502 years ago about a choreographer whose M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00618-00202503-00202790 work I admire where it's revealed that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00619-00202791-00203060 his partner is a banker and he talks M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00620-00203061-00203357 about having a cook a dog walker and a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00621-00203358-00203786 house cleaner or I think about the Yale M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00622-00203787-00204091 mafia for theater directors and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00623-00204092-00204431 designers mostly white men who are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00624-00204432-00204829 making real money and hiring each other M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00625-00204830-00205096 Portia McGovern is doing great work M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00626-00205096-00205328 analyzing the data of who is getting M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00627-00205329-00205730 hired and paid well in theater and the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00628-00205731-00206089 gender inequality while improving is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00629-00206090-00206594 still terrible and we will tweet out her M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00630-00206594-00206944 how around article on the how around M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00631-00206946-00207769 Twitter feed many artists I know have no M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00632-00207771-00208157 family wealth and have to figure out how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00633-00208158-00208462 to enter into a system that was not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00634-00208463-00208775 built with them in mind sometimes M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00635-00208776-00209153 literally and often figuratively not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00636-00209154-00209410 speaking the language of grants and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00637-00209411-00209864 funders and who can't afford to do an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00638-00209865-00210251 unpaid internship many of these artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00639-00210252-00210563 are entering the field with staggering M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00640-00210564-00210926 student loan debt and there are other M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00641-00210927-00211379 issues that compound the problems I met M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00642-00211380-00211604 an artist recently who's about to get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00643-00211605-00211942 married to an immigrant and she doesn't M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00644-00211944-00212204 feel safe accessing government safety M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00645-00212205-00212459 net programs for fear of Trump's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00646-00212460-00213017 ridiculous public charge rule M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00647-00213017-00213469 the trick with emergency funding an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00648-00213471-00213760 emergent building an emergency fund is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00649-00213761-00214156 that you have to start saving before you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00650-00214157-00214555 have paid down debt which feels somehow M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00651-00214556-00214826 wrong because of what our culture tells M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00652-00214827-00215302 us about debt being shameful once we get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00653-00215303-00215648 through this current crisis plan for the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00654-00215648-00215956 next one by slowly building up an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00655-00215957-00216323 emergency fund and while we're in this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00656-00216323-00216676 crisis we need to do some redistribution M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00657-00216677-00216941 of wealth inside our arts communities M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00658-00216942-00217267 and local communities to fill the gaps M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00659-00217269-00217558 of government programs and provide M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00660-00217559-00217876 assistance to those most vulnerable and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00661-00217877-00218254 just to be clear those most vulnerable M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00662-00218255-00218646 are black indigenous people of color M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00663-00218648-00219132 trans artists undocumented artists and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00664-00219133-00219577 artists with disabilities we who have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00665-00219578-00219835 class privilege need to put our money M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00666-00219836-00220260 where our mouth is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00667-00220261-00220613 there are also a bunch of community M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00668-00220614-00220960 funds and mutual aid maps being set up M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00669-00220961-00221375 in response to this pandemic it's great M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00670-00221376-00221576 that so many artists are contributing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00671-00221577-00221867 and it's also great to reach out to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00672-00221867-00222153 those funds if you need the support M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00673-00222154-00222529 there are also a lot of people starting M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00674-00222530-00222800 these funds who are self appointed and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00675-00222801-00223132 doing it without any accountability so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00676-00223133-00223558 I'm concerned about that trend for me M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00677-00223559-00223817 the bottom line is I'm going to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00678-00223817-00224080 prioritize giving to funds that are run M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00679-00224081-00224366 by people of color and funding people of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00680-00224367-00224726 color and will tweet out the list of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00681-00224727-00224977 resources that includes a lot of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00682-00224978-00225275 emergency funds that was put together by M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00683-00225276-00225523 some of my art equity colleagues who M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00684-00225525-00226087 also put this talk together M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00685-00226088-00226401 safety nets M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00686-00226402-00226738 there is nothing wrong with having a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00687-00226739-00227200 safety net and no shame in using a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00688-00227201-00227587 safety net if you have one we are in a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00689-00227588-00227932 crisis and now is the time to use that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00690-00227933-00228469 safety net if you can access them access M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00691-00228469-00229017 Medicaid and snap aka food stamps and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00692-00229017-00229357 other government safety net safety net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00693-00229358-00229657 programs I'll talk more about them later M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00694-00229658-00230065 if you have a family safety net and you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00695-00230066-00230323 have resources to share share those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00696-00230323-00230832 resources with others in your circle I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00697-00230833-00231327 want to talk about ethical cancellations M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00698-00231328-00231667 we are in some uncharted territory here M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00699-00231667-00232030 and I know many of you live on both M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00700-00232031-00232303 sides of this having things canceled on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00701-00232304-00232635 you and having to cancel things yourself M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00702-00232636-00232966 again my advice is always more M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00703-00232967-00233496 transparency and more collective action M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00704-00233496-00233811 I want to quote a letter that Juma M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00705-00233812-00234134 taught to PO my friend from Philadelphia M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00706-00234135-00234555 drafted two presenters talking about the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00707-00234556-00234879 lack of safety net and requesting M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00708-00234880-00235515 ethical cancellation quote the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00709-00235516-00235860 ramifications of the pandemic create M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00710-00235861-00236321 conditions to unfairly punished artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00711-00236321-00236682 artists who vitally follow their call to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00712-00236683-00237075 agitate to run counter to status quo M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00713-00237076-00237531 dicta in order to promote sorry to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00714-00237532-00237957 propose new truths about our human cells M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00715-00237958-00238431 in order to propose new alternatives for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00716-00238432-00238677 futures when we are in such desperate M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00717-00238678-00239237 need of hope and reflection and momentum M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00718-00239238-00239556 artists who frequently hurl themselves M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00719-00239557-00239896 into the throes of social vulnerability M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00720-00239898-00240221 because the Whirlpool's that they commit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00721-00240223-00240673 to realizing have not yet arrived M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00722-00240673-00241057 artists who have the layered labor of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00723-00241058-00241271 doing the difficult work of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00724-00241273-00241723 manifestation and hustling to convince M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00725-00241723-00242026 the world that this work is valuable and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00726-00242027-00242448 should be compensated with resources end M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00727-00242450-00242715 quote M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00728-00242716-00243131 if you run or work for a non-profit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00729-00243132-00243501 there are emergency loans available from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00730-00243502-00243869 the Small Business Administration take M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00731-00243871-00244173 advantage of that program to keep people M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00732-00244173-00244488 on payroll and honor your obligations to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00733-00244489-00244788 artists we should not be pushing down M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00734-00244789-00245121 the burden of this crisis to those least M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00735-00245121-00245442 able to weather it and we'll tweet out a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00736-00245442-00245883 link to the sba.gov website that has M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00737-00245884-00246306 information about those emergency loans M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00738-00246307-00246706 the US Federation of worker cooperatives M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00739-00246707-00246955 has some great resources on their M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00740-00246956-00247234 website for cooperatives small M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00741-00247235-00247463 businesses and individuals M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00742-00247464-00247960 I dream of a future reality where M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00743-00247961-00248300 nonprofits become worker coops and arts M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00744-00248301-00248583 workers have more decision-making power M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00745-00248584-00248813 but that's a conversation for another M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00746-00248814-00249367 day and we'll tweet out the link to the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00747-00249369-00249677 US Federation of worker coops kovat M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00748-00249678-00250210 19-page so I want to pause here and take M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00749-00250211-00250444 a couple of questions M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00750-00250446-00250807 I think abigail is going to guide us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00751-00250808-00251194 through that right thank you so much Amy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00752-00251196-00251792 before we will just do it reflected five M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00753-00251792-00252014 there's a lot of information that you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00754-00252015-00252676 gave us so the provocation Oprah M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00755-00252677-00252904 Ellen Bill Gates the lottery ticket M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00756-00252905-00253132 sales subscribers they are not coming to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00757-00253133-00253469 save your finances and you don't need M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00758-00253469-00253852 them to how are we reimagining money M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00759-00253853-00254946 flow yeah inhale 1 2 3 4 5 hold 5 4 3 2 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00760-00254948-00256475 1 exhale 1 yeah thank you Amy Thank You M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00761-00256476-00256548 Nicole M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00762-00256550-00256826 so we're just a band Abigail and I with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00763-00256827-00257023 a couple of questions some of which we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00764-00257025-00257509 received prior to the talk I'm going to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00765-00257510-00257685 start with one that sort of a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00766-00257686-00257929 collaboration of a couple of questions M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00767-00257930-00258157 Amy and I know you're gonna talk a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00768-00258158-00258338 little bit about negotiating in a bit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00769-00258339-00258488 but we have had some questions from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00770-00258489-00258727 independent contractors who are regular M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00771-00258728-00258992 contractors with nonprofit organizations M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00772-00258992-00259273 so for example an organist at a church a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00773-00259275-00259532 teaching artist who work M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00774-00259533-00259877 but obviously on a 1099 and are finding M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00775-00259878-00260081 that those organizations have either M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00776-00260082-00260315 refused to talk to them or communicate M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00777-00260316-00260675 with them about lost future wages and or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00778-00260676-00260896 refused outright to compensate them for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00779-00260898-00261038 that time and these folks are obviously M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00780-00261039-00261260 not employees but contractors with a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00781-00261261-00261491 regular sort of relationship with these M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00782-00261492-00261844 nonprofits any suggestions folks in this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00783-00261846-00262265 particular situation yeah it's so awful M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00784-00262266-00262436 because a lot of relationships are gonna M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00785-00262437-00262907 be severely damaged by this pandemic and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00786-00262908-00263246 I wish more organizations were being M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00787-00263247-00263465 transparent and being communicative M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00788-00263466-00263876 with the people that they're laying off M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00789-00263877-00264278 or canceling relationships with or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00790-00264279-00264587 discontinuing relationships with but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00791-00264588-00265019 unfortunately that's not the case so I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00792-00265020-00265262 guess my advice is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00793-00265263-00265547 it's my understanding that unemployment M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00794-00265548-00265811 compensation will be available to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00795-00265812-00266252 self-employed 1099 people and what's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00796-00266253-00266573 going to be necessary to access those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00797-00266574-00266945 funds is some demonstration of how much M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00798-00266946-00267208 you were receiving from these entities M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00799-00267209-00267563 so that can be in the form of a profit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00800-00267564-00267920 and loss statement that you create M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00801-00267921-00268285 I also recommend keeping records of when M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00802-00268286-00268592 entities or people cancel on you keeping M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00803-00268593-00269039 that email or even text as proof or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00804-00269040-00269246 demonstration that you lost that income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00805-00269247-00269554 and then keeping a running tally of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00806-00269555-00269948 places that you have lost income from so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00807-00269949-00270188 you can have a running total of how much M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00808-00270189-00270721 lost income you've suffered already M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00809-00270722-00270914 great thank you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00810-00270915-00271136 so we've another question that came in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00811-00271137-00271346 this person's asking that they are an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00812-00271347-00271586 independent performing artist and all of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00813-00271587-00271760 their gigs are cancelled and the income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00814-00271761-00272006 of course is gone that came along with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00815-00272007-00272297 that they're looking into SBA loans but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00816-00272298-00272483 wondering if they'll be eligible since M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00817-00272484-00272735 they don't have payroll and they are an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00818-00272736-00272987 LLC do you know if that scenario fits M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00819-00272988-00273359 into this criteria I am NOT an expert on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00820-00273360-00273707 these SBA loans but my understanding is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00821-00273708-00274022 that they are for incorporated entities M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00822-00274023-00274577 so there are LLC's that file as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00823-00274578-00274991 incorporated entities but most artists I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00824-00274992-00275510 know are filing as single owner LLC's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00825-00275511-00275879 which basically means you're essentially M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00826-00275880-00276185 a self-employed independent contractor M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00827-00276186-00276425 so I doubt those folks will be able to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00828-00276426-00276887 access those SBA loans but like I said M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00829-00276888-00277211 before hopefully we think they'll be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00830-00277212-00277583 able to access unemployment benefits M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00831-00277584-00278000 great thanks Amy and you touched on a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00832-00278001-00278120 lot of the questions that we were M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00833-00278121-00278282 getting at the top which have to do with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00834-00278283-00278558 applying for unemployment benefits and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00835-00278559-00278720 we're actually going to use this next M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00836-00278721-00278948 question as a transition because this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00837-00278949-00279200 person did not know that you were going M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00838-00279201-00279455 to talk specifically about renegotiating M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00839-00279456-00279686 debt so this question is specifically M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00840-00279687-00279932 about mortgage payments any sense of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00841-00279933-00280165 what lenders are game for in terms of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00842-00280166-00280418 renegotiation lessening the amount of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00843-00280419-00280703 cash per month etc and we can just use M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00844-00280704-00280922 that line of questioning to lead us into M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00845-00280923-00281231 our next section great excellent thank M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00846-00281232-00281525 you so much so yeah I want to talk about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00847-00281526-00282077 debt management in crisis times so the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00848-00282078-00282254 first thing I want to say about this is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00849-00282255-00282854 all debt is negotiable this is something M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00850-00282855-00283216 that rich people know from experience I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00851-00283217-00283550 learned it myself because one of my day M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00852-00283551-00283795 jobs was working for a private M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00853-00283796-00284168 investigations firm part of my job was M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00854-00284169-00284363 calling clients who were mostly M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00855-00284364-00284663 attorneys and asking them to pay our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00856-00284664-00285092 bills I would say hey you still owe this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00857-00285093-00285386 bill for $10,000 we sent you three M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00858-00285387-00285755 months ago and they say oh okay how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00859-00285756-00285971 about I pay you 5,000 and you write off M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00860-00285972-00286304 the other 5,000 and I'd say how about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00861-00286305-00286694 you pay 7,000 and they pay 7,000 and I'd M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00862-00286695-00286940 write off the 3,000 just to be done with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00863-00286941-00287200 it so I learned from that experience M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00864-00287201-00287585 that I can do the same with debts that I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00865-00287586-00288233 owe and I did so many low-income artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00866-00288234-00288481 don't realize that lenders have all M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00867-00288482-00288989 budgeted for writing off bad debt it's a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00868-00288990-00289325 line item in their budgets call your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00869-00289326-00289655 lenders tell them you have lost income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00870-00289656-00289985 due to the coronavirus and ask them to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00871-00289986-00290194 write off a portion of your debt M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00872-00290195-00290719 lower your APR debt cetera M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00873-00290720-00291154 first though do a calculation of your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00874-00291155-00291475 lost income like I said create a folder M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00875-00291476-00291814 called lost income save all of your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00876-00291815-00292059 cancellation emails and keep a running M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00877-00292060-00292267 tally of all your lost income in a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00878-00292268-00292501 spreadsheet so you can start the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00879-00292502-00292744 conversation from a place of knowing and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00880-00292745-00293188 using real numbers then call your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00881-00293189-00293521 landlord or mortgage lender and ask for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00882-00293522-00293859 reduced rent or no rent for a couple of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00883-00293860-00294132 months or an interest freeze M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00884-00294133-00294496 on your mortgage already there are many M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00885-00294497-00294862 eviction freezes foreclosure freezes and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00886-00294863-00295150 forbearance plans in place in different M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00887-00295151-00295481 cities and states around the country M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00888-00295482-00295782 call your internet provider to see if M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00889-00295783-00295978 they offer free internet during the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00890-00295979-00296398 crisis call your auto loan provider see M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00891-00296399-00296716 if they can give you a lower APR or a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00892-00296717-00297189 forbearance or a pause on your insurance M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00893-00297190-00297493 ask your credit card company or student M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00894-00297494-00297751 loan lender even if it's a private loan M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00895-00297752-00298130 for a rate reduction or forbearance and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00896-00298131-00298377 even if they don't accept your offer M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00897-00298378-00298680 don't pay student loans during this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00898-00298681-00299023 crisis student loans should not be your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00899-00299024-00299256 priority right now and if enough M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00900-00299257-00299548 Americans stop paying them they will M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00901-00299549-00299805 finally give borrowers the terms and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00902-00299806-00300052 rates we should have been getting all M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00903-00300053-00300735 along sign up for Medicaid Obamacare or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00904-00300736-00300964 other health insurance using your new M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00905-00300965-00301259 income numbers and if you're primarily M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00906-00301260-00301573 self-employed create a profit and loss M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00907-00301574-00302050 statement for 2019 and one for 2020 so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00908-00302051-00302256 you can demonstrate your new financial M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00909-00302257-00302701 reality to those programs and I'm gonna M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00910-00302702-00303048 do a screen share and show a sample M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00911-00303049-00304045 profit and loss statement M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00912-00304046-00304445 so a profit and loss statement simply M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00913-00304446-00304788 put is a spreadsheet or document that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00914-00304789-00305016 lists your self-employment income and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00915-00305017-00305388 amounts it totals your income then it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00916-00305389-00305726 lists deductible expenses totals the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00917-00305727-00306002 expenses and at the bottom shows a net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00918-00306003-00306470 profit or loss so this is one that I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00919-00306471-00306872 basically used last December to apply M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00920-00306873-00307263 for Obamacare it shows my tax prep arts M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00921-00307264-00307499 consulting and writing income for a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00922-00307500-00307826 total of 27,000 it has a bunch of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00923-00307827-00308033 deductions that I'm gonna deduct on my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00924-00308034-00308284 Schedule C we'll talk about that later M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00925-00308285-00308675 totaling 17,000 and then has a net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00926-00308676-00309008 profit of ten thousand three hundred and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00927-00309009-00309248 fifty but this is just an example of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00928-00309249-00309497 what you can put together for last year M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00929-00309498-00309800 and then make another one for 2020 to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00930-00309801-00310049 demonstrate how your income numbers have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00931-00310050-00310793 changed you can also use this time to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00932-00310794-00311180 consolidate loans using a lower interest M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00933-00311181-00311506 loan to pay off higher interest ones and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00934-00311507-00311865 consider declaring bankruptcy it's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00935-00311866-00312143 nothing to be ashamed of it's a smart M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00936-00312144-00312358 room that you're overwhelmed with debt I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00937-00312359-00312591 have a friend who did it a couple of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00938-00312592-00312837 years ago and she tells everyone she M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00939-00312838-00313097 knows about how great it is to declare M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00940-00313098-00313385 bankruptcy and get out from under some M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00941-00313386-00313793 of these lenders if you work with a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00942-00313794-00314126 credit counseling agency make sure it is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00943-00314127-00314425 a non-profit there are a lot of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00944-00314426-00314870 for-profit entities out there presenting M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00945-00314871-00315101 themselves as credit counseling agencies M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00946-00315102-00315312 that do not have your best interests in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00947-00315313-00315596 mind so make sure you're working with a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00948-00315597-00316157 non-profit an FCC org is a good place to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00949-00316158-00316737 start NF C C org and you can also go to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00950-00316738-00317081 the resources page of my website which M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00951-00317082-00317160 is a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00952-00317161-00317703 Elain smith.com for more resources and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00953-00317704-00317865 will tweet these out on the how around M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00954-00317866-00318186 Twitter and FCC that word and my website M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00955-00318187-00318702 is Amy Elaine smith.com I had to use my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00956-00318703-00318830 middle name because I couldn't afford M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00957-00318831-00319371 Amy Smith's calm alrighty so I want to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00958-00319372-00319668 just mention credit scores because I get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00959-00319669-00319917 a lot of questions when I start telling M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00960-00319918-00320246 people to stop paying what they owe M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00961-00320247-00320481 everyone's credit score is going to go M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00962-00320482-00320760 down in this crisis so please don't M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00963-00320761-00320985 prioritize keeping a good credit score M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00964-00320986-00321351 right now and also remember you are not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00965-00321352-00321605 your credit score M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00966-00321606-00321975 now I know that budgeting is hard and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00967-00321976-00322251 not everyone is in the practice of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00968-00322252-00322548 budgeting so I want to take a look at a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00969-00322549-00322795 personal budget that's also a way to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00970-00322796-00323146 think about how to put a dollar value on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00971-00323147-00323688 your time and I'm gonna share a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00972-00323689-00324169 worksheet that I call valuing your time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00973-00324170-00324868 and prioritizing spending M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00974-00324869-00325130 so this is a worksheet I've been using M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00975-00325131-00325550 for a while but I've modified it a bit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00976-00325551-00325955 in response to our pandemic the general M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00977-00325956-00326249 purpose of this is to help you get to a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00978-00326250-00326609 number for yourself which is how much do M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00979-00326610-00327023 you need to live without financial panic M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00980-00327024-00327266 how much do you need to earn every year M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00981-00327267-00327497 and then you can use that number to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00982-00327498-00327782 determine what your hourly daily and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00983-00327783-00328046 weekly rates should be and also as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00984-00328047-00328263 you're making project budgets for your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00985-00328264-00328721 tist ik practice because we're in a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00986-00328722-00328964 moment of crisis and everything is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00987-00328965-00329375 upended right now and we all need to be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00988-00329376-00329794 prioritizing spending with lost income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00989-00329795-00330128 the items in parentheses are things that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00990-00330129-00330452 you can reduce or even eliminate during M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00991-00330453-00330827 the crisis the items in bold are those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00992-00330828-00331046 that you can likely negotiate with the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00993-00331047-00331256 lender so I mentioned some of those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00994-00331257-00331649 before and again the first thing is to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00995-00331650-00331871 do a rough estimate of your lost income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00996-00331872-00332141 and then talk to these people and say M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00997-00332142-00332483 hey I've lost ten thousand dollars worth M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00998-00332484-00332750 of income what can you do for me student M6hMSTQ_ysQ-00999-00332751-00333275 lender and then once this crisis has M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01000-00333276-00333542 passed you can use this worksheet to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01001-00333543-00333782 figure out what your life costs which M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01002-00333783-00334052 helps you budget projects it helps you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01003-00334053-00334220 negotiate with people offering you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01004-00334221-00334550 opportunities or work and most M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01005-00334551-00334841 importantly it helps you say no to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01006-00334842-00335090 opportunities that neither compensate M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01007-00335091-00335417 you adequately for your time nor provide M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01008-00335418-00335822 a clear measurable impact on your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01009-00335823-00336185 artistic practice so you add up all of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01010-00336186-00336368 these monthly numbers and a couple of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01011-00336369-00336821 yearly numbers like vacation and get a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01012-00336822-00337139 big number or a small number you get a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01013-00337140-00337523 number my life costs X per year divided M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01014-00337524-00337810 that by 1,500 to get your hourly rate M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01015-00337811-00338067 multiply that by 8 to get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01016-00338068-00338379 daily rate and multiply that by five to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01017-00338380-00338984 get your weekly rate so I want to talk M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01018-00338985-00339492 about taxes it was tax season and now M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01019-00339493-00339812 it's suddenly not tax season anymore M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01020-00339813-00340044 so that's been interesting for me as a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01021-00340045-00340341 tax preparer and it gives us all a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01022-00340342-00340593 little more time to respond to what's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01023-00340594-00340965 been going on in this quickly moving M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01024-00340966-00341541 moment so the IRS has changed the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01025-00341542-00341879 deadline for filing and paying 2019 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01026-00341880-00342354 taxes until July 15th if you think you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01027-00342355-00342564 might be eligible for a refund M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01028-00342565-00342833 you should still file as soon as you can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01029-00342834-00343191 to get that refund and if you can't pay M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01030-00343192-00343644 your 2019 tax liability in full by July M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01031-00343645-00344004 15th okay what you can then and then M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01032-00344005-00344292 either set up a payment plan or just pay M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01033-00344293-00344609 the remainder when you can my prediction M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01034-00344610-00344828 is that there is more relief on the way M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01035-00344829-00345264 and the IRS is already seriously M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01036-00345265-00345591 understaffed so they are not likely to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01037-00345592-00346109 be pursuing individual tax bills due M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01038-00346110-00346490 until at least October or November M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01039-00346491-00346773 most states have followed suit with the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01040-00346774-00347025 new deadline but check with your state's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01041-00347026-00347339 Department of Revenue to make sure and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01042-00347340-00347660 for people who pay quarterly estimated M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01043-00347661-00347970 payments that has also been extended M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01044-00347971-00348372 right now by three months to July 15th M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01045-00348373-00348714 the April 15th estimated payment M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01046-00348715-00348915 deadline has been moved to July 15th and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01047-00348916-00349269 may also move to October 15th if this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01048-00349270-00349543 bill passes M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01049-00349544-00349765 additionally most self-employed people M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01050-00349766-00350101 are going to have lower income in 2020 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01051-00350102-00350338 so the estimated Quarterly's you thought M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01052-00350339-00350563 you were gonna pay you can probably pay M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01053-00350564-00350989 less than he planned if you cannot M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01054-00350990-00351298 afford tax prep there are some free file M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01055-00351299-00351652 options on the IRS website some of them M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01056-00351653-00351996 also have free state filing but not all M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01057-00351997-00352315 you can also ask your current preparer M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01058-00352316-00352669 for a discount or propose a barter M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01059-00352670-00353166 I myself barter tax prep for Pilates M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01060-00353167-00353658 acupuncture baked goods art all kinds of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01061-00353659-00353985 things and you can find a business M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01062-00353986-00354271 deductions worksheet to use for your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01063-00354272-00354478 Schedule C if you don't have one already M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01064-00354479-00354904 on my tax teams website which is filling M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01065-00354905-00355645 the tax prep for artists com so getting M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01066-00355646-00355908 ready for 2020 there is a lot of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01067-00355909-00356218 uncertainty in this moment but there are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01068-00356219-00356524 also a lot of ideas in the air about how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01069-00356525-00356934 the tax code may adjust to prepare for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01070-00356935-00357156 and take into account the financial M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01071-00357157-00357340 losses that most artists are facing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01072-00357341-00357640 right now so again keeping track of your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01073-00357641-00358177 lost income is really important I want M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01074-00358178-00358345 to talk a little bit about the tax M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01075-00358346-00358546 implications of giving or receiving M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01076-00358547-00359034 relief funds if you received a gift of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01077-00359035-00359329 money from another person or you get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01078-00359330-00359644 funds from someone's GoFundMe that is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01079-00359645-00359923 not a taxable event unless the amount M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01080-00359924-00360271 that changes hands is more than $14,000 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01081-00360272-00360625 in a calendar year if it's over fourteen M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01082-00360626-00360928 thousand the giver of the gift must M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01083-00360929-00361354 report it and pay gift tax if you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01084-00361355-00361618 receive an emergency grant from a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01085-00361619-00361983 non-profit that is likely reportable you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01086-00361984-00362254 will likely get a 1099 for that amount M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01087-00362255-00362685 in 2021 but you can also deduct artistic M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01088-00362686-00362887 expenses against it once M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01089-00362888-00363121 we'll see so don't panic about that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01090-00363122-00363517 beating taxable income if you yourself M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01091-00363518-00363865 start a GoFundMe and give away all of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01092-00363866-00364093 the funds raised there's no tax M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01093-00364094-00364342 liability for you because there's no net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01094-00364343-00364741 profit and if you donate to a GoFundMe M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01095-00364742-00365041 there is no tax benefit for you as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01096-00365042-00365620 opposed to donating to a 501c3 now a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01097-00365621-00365817 couple of things that are sort of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01098-00365818-00366115 generally true about taxes that I want M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01099-00366116-00366498 to go over putting my tax preparer hat M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01100-00366499-00367146 on for a moment it really helps a lot at M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01101-00367147-00367455 tax time if you separate your artistic M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01102-00367456-00367830 and personal finances so I started doing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01103-00367831-00368046 this myself after many years of looking M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01104-00368047-00368235 at receipts and being like was i buying M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01105-00368236-00368472 costumes or clothes for myself this day M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01106-00368473-00368740 I can't remember and I finally realized M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01107-00368741-00368904 I can open a separate checking account M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01108-00368905-00369163 my same bank and use this card when I'm M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01109-00369164-00369394 buying costumes and use this card when M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01110-00369395-00369705 I'm buying clothes for myself so that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01111-00369706-00369906 helped me a lot and now I can use these M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01112-00369907-00370248 twelve bank statements to understand how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01113-00370249-00370470 much I spent on my artistic practice for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01114-00370471-00370730 the year M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01115-00370731-00370994 I want to talk briefly about itemized M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01116-00370995-00371252 deductions versus business deductions M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01117-00371253-00371411 because I get a lot of questions about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01118-00371412-00371735 this especially after the Trump tax bill M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01119-00371736-00372281 that went into effect in 2018 schedule a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01120-00372282-00372695 is a schedule where you itemize M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01121-00372696-00373076 deductions if they exceed the threshold M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01122-00373077-00373258 that is called the standard deduction M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01123-00373259-00373517 the standard deduction essentially M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01124-00373518-00373844 double so now a single person standard M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01125-00373845-00374030 deduction is twelve thousand two hundred M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01126-00374031-00374426 and a married couple filing jointly has M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01127-00374427-00374687 a deduction of twenty four thousand four M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01128-00374688-00374969 hundred so if the following things add M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01129-00374970-00375191 up to more than those thresholds it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01130-00375192-00375518 gives you a tax benefit medical expenses M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01131-00375519-00375788 that exceed seven percent of your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01132-00375789-00376124 adjusted gross income state and local M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01133-00376125-00376490 taxes including property taxes although M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01134-00376491-00376792 those are capped at ten thousand dollars M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01135-00376793-00377084 mortgage interest and charitable M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01136-00377085-00377519 contributions so those things have to be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01137-00377520-00377690 higher than twelve thousand or twenty M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01138-00377691-00377963 four thousand to effect your tax return M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01139-00377964-00378515 and as a tax year 2018 unreimbursed M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01140-00378516-00378874 employee expenses are no longer M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01141-00378875-00379190 deductible on schedule a so you have to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01142-00379191-00379577 put them on Schedule C Schedule C is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01143-00379578-00379820 where you report your income and your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01144-00379821-00380144 expenses from your artistic practice on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01145-00380145-00380507 your federal form as an artist you are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01146-00380508-00380762 always considered a self-employed person M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01147-00380763-00380963 if you're making even a little bit of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01148-00380964-00381185 self-employment income or a sole M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01149-00381186-00381431 proprietor independent contractor or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01150-00381432-00381610 whatever you want to call it and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01151-00381611-00381899 whatever remains after you deduct your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01152-00381900-00382148 expenses from your income is your net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01153-00382149-00382676 profit and as a self-employed person you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01154-00382677-00382994 must pay self-employment tax on that net M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01155-00382995-00383372 profit its 15.3% looks like there's a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01156-00383373-00383561 little typo on my worksheet sorry about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01157-00383562-00383585 that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01158-00383586-00383831 fifteen point three percent above and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01159-00383832-00383927 beyond the regular M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01160-00383928-00384208 taxes you owe on your other income and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01161-00384209-00384517 that's self-employment taxes basically M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01162-00384518-00384758 putting money into Social Security and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01163-00384759-00385022 Medicare so it kind of sucks but you're M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01164-00385023-00385217 also investing in your future self and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01165-00385218-00385625 your retirement I want to underline the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01166-00385626-00385904 idea that the IRS is not out to get you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01167-00385905-00386441 a lot of artists I know a lot of artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01168-00386442-00386756 I know carry a lot of fear about the IRS M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01169-00386757-00387068 and think that the IRS can somehow look M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01170-00387069-00387227 into your bank account which they cannot M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01171-00387228-00387389 unless you're being investigated for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01172-00387390-00387752 fraud which you will not be well I can't M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01173-00387753-00388006 promise that but I imagine that you want M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01174-00388007-00388496 and your chance of audit are so slim so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01175-00388497-00388787 please don't let fear of the IRS or fear M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01176-00388788-00389149 of audit prevent you from deducting M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01177-00389150-00389447 ordinary and necessary deductions on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01178-00389448-00389753 schedule see anything that you spend M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01179-00389754-00389971 money on for your artistic practice M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01180-00389972-00390275 which is ordinary to spend money on as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01181-00390276-00390605 an artist and necessary to your work as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01182-00390606-00391040 an artist is a deductible expense so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01183-00391041-00391295 make sure you deduct those so you're not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01184-00391296-00391886 paying too much in taxes so I'm going to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01185-00391887-00392273 go back to my regular screen and I know M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01186-00392274-00392585 that the Twitter feed will tweet out M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01187-00392586-00393020 links to those worksheets which by the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01188-00393021-00393380 way are open source so please share them M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01189-00393381-00393916 with your artistic communities as well I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01190-00393917-00394088 want to talk a little bit about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01191-00394089-00394364 collectives before we finish this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01192-00394365-00394763 portion I'm really inspired by people M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01193-00394764-00395081 who formed collectives to address M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01194-00395082-00395420 community needs one of the oldest forms M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01195-00395421-00395734 that I know about is the Sioux Sioux or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01196-00395735-00396140 Tunde these are lending circles where M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01197-00396141-00396434 people contribute a small amount each M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01198-00396435-00396773 month and each month the whole kitty M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01199-00396774-00397067 goes to one person M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01200-00397068-00397473 Susu is the West African term and Tando M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01201-00397474-00398207 is the South American term Mutual Aid M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01202-00398208-00398907 Societies the free African Society was M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01203-00398908-00399483 founded here in Philadelphia in 1787 by M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01204-00399484-00400041 Richard Allen and Absalom Jones and the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01205-00400042-00400368 idea of a mutual aid society transformed M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01206-00400369-00400916 over time into insurance companies M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01207-00400917-00401361 credit unions trade unions even M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01208-00401362-00401631 co-working spaces M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01209-00401632-00402033 I'm inspired by cooperatives like fannie M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01210-00402034-00402383 lou hamer x' freedom farmed cooperative M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01211-00402384-00402921 founded in 1969 and community land M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01212-00402922-00403203 Trust's many of which were founded M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01213-00403204-00403401 during the civil rights movement and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01214-00403402-00403857 still exist today and have often been M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01215-00403858-00404082 powerful ways for folks to resist M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01216-00404083-00404622 gentrification i'm inspired by artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01217-00404623-00404925 collectives like the may do collective M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01218-00404926-00405420 and 13 P and the Jubilee movement which M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01219-00405421-00405663 came out of the Occupy movement and is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01220-00405664-00405959 all about buying up old debt and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01221-00405960-00406327 discharging it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01222-00406328-00406662 individual artists can and should come M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01223-00406663-00407015 together to build collectives to help us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01224-00407016-00407522 survive this moment but I also call on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01225-00407523-00408059 institutions to come together as well we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01226-00408060-00408331 have five more theaters in Philadelphia M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01227-00408332-00408647 what if all five Eadie's came together M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01228-00408648-00408939 to brainstorm how to support the whole M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01229-00408940-00409156 community of theater artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01230-00409157-00409565 what if equity demanded the theaters pay M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01231-00409566-00409812 out existing contracts for actors and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01232-00409813-00410124 designers and made sure that no one M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01233-00410125-00410343 loses their equity health insurance M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01234-00410343-00410578 because of canceled contracts M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01235-00410579-00410960 what if university is decided now to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01236-00410961-00411293 guarantee fall semester employment for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01237-00411294-00411506 all arts adjunct faculty currently M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01238-00411507-00411993 teaching and what if all nonprofit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01239-00411993-00412316 Eadie's agreed to cut their own salaries M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01240-00412317-00412568 so they can keep paying the person who M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01241-00412569-00412812 cleans their office and an actor who is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01242-00412813-00413333 suddenly in dire straits I hope we can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01243-00413334-00413737 use this crisis to create new structures M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01244-00413738-00414126 more humane policies and collective M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01245-00414127-00414395 networks that help all artists thrive M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01246-00414396-00414689 not just those that are over advantaged M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01247-00414690-00415122 like me I really believe that our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01248-00415122-00415487 collective power can do this and that we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01249-00415488-00415987 can dream new ways of being into reality M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01250-00415988-00416399 and I want to close with some words from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01251-00416400-00417003 Adrienne Marie Brown who wrote my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01252-00417004-00417945 favorite book emergent strategy I am M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01253-00417946-00418604 living a life I don't regret a life that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01254-00418605-00419064 will resonate with my ancestors and with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01255-00419064-00419364 as many generations forward as I can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01256-00419364-00419668 imagine M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01257-00419668-00419922 I am attending to the crises of my time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01258-00419923-00420478 with my best self I am of communities M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01259-00420479-00420910 that are doing our collective best to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01260-00420910-00421306 honor our ancestors and all humans to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01261-00421307-00422167 come thank you so much Amy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01262-00422168-00422416 we have about 10 to 15 minutes for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01263-00422417-00422770 questions so remember to email them to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01264-00422771-00423184 artists resource at how around calm but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01265-00423185-00423352 before we head there we're gonna take a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01266-00423353-00423789 moment I need it for another reflective M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01267-00423791-00424012 five and to breathe in the depth of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01268-00424013-00424750 information that Amy's just shared M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01269-00424751-00425080 what's your number we've been M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01270-00425081-00425305 conditioned to believe a million is what M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01271-00425306-00425503 we need to be successful secure and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01272-00425504-00425872 happy calculating your number as Amy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01273-00425872-00426163 walked us through can be a useful tool M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01274-00426164-00426346 to grounding yourself and what the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01275-00426347-00426631 lifestyle you want actually costs and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01276-00426632-00426922 hoping to focus your intention to get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01277-00426922-00427654 there inhale one two three four five M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01278-00427655-00428377 hold five four three two one exhale one M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01279-00428378-00429289 two three four five M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01280-00429289-00429666 thanks Nicole great so we have a couple M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01281-00429667-00429933 of questions teed up and we are watching M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01282-00429934-00430395 the question inbox as we go so we're M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01283-00430396-00430537 going to start with some we have and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01284-00430538-00430777 then as more come up for folks feel free M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01285-00430778-00430995 to just send them to us at that email M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01286-00430996-00431281 address artist resource at hal round M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01287-00431282-00431616 comm the first question is not a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01288-00431617-00431881 question it's a success because Amy as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01289-00431882-00432047 you were talking about renegotiating M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01290-00432048-00432328 dead I wanted to share that someone M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01291-00432329-00432475 wrote in that they got their mortgage M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01292-00432476-00432691 lender to give them a forbearance for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01293-00432692-00432907 three months which could be extended up M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01294-00432908-00433132 to twelve months and they say they M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01295-00433133-00433330 almost promised me I'd then be able to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01296-00433331-00433528 modify my mortgage and roll the missed M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01297-00433529-00433732 payments into a new loan essentially M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01298-00433733-00433972 restarting my mortgage M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01299-00433972-00434209 so just sharing an experience from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01300-00434210-00434383 someone who's watching live right now M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01301-00434384-00434632 that's great yeah I think a lot of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01302-00434633-00434991 people I mean with with good reason are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01303-00434992-00435445 reluctant to call their lenders you know M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01304-00435446-00435595 you don't want to pick up the phone and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01305-00435596-00435885 call your mortgage company but now is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01306-00435887-00436138 the time to do it and for the most part M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01307-00436139-00436375 in my experience when you call someone M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01308-00436376-00436614 who works for a credit card company or a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01309-00436615-00437028 mortgage company I mean of course their M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01310-00437029-00437329 their charge from their employer is to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01311-00437330-00437713 not to not roll over immediately but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01312-00437714-00437908 most of the time they will work with you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01313-00437909-00438235 and if you're persistent you can get to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01314-00438235-00438595 a mutually agreeable compromise or some M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01315-00438596-00438979 kind of reduction in what you owe but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01316-00438980-00439216 the first step the biggest hurdle really M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01317-00439217-00439507 is picking up the phone to call so it's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01318-00439508-00439668 great to hear these stories from the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01319-00439669-00439941 folks that have successfully done that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01320-00439942-00440370 great next question if you are a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01321-00440371-00440599 self-employed artist and are fortunate M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01322-00440600-00440758 enough to have a regular salaried M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01323-00440759-00441001 position in addition to your art income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01324-00441002-00441277 do you think it's ethical to apply for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01325-00441278-00441499 funds to mitigate your lost artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01326-00441500-00441850 income right now mmm that's such a good M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01327-00441851-00442631 question I think it is if you're it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01328-00442632-00442968 you need that unemployment compensation M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01329-00442969-00443464 to get you through this upcoming time so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01330-00443465-00443797 I'll use myself as an example for a very M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01331-00443798-00443879 long time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01332-00443880-00444185 I was an employee I was a co-director of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01333-00444185-00444631 a dance company 501c3 arts organization M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01334-00444632-00445106 and I received about 75% of my salary M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01335-00445107-00445372 about 75% my income annually came from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01336-00445373-00445706 that w-2 and then the other 25% came M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01337-00445707-00446180 from self-employment so I could survive M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01338-00446181-00446405 without that self-employment and in my M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01339-00446406-00446662 case I probably wouldn't apply for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01340-00446663-00446941 benefits because I'm married to a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01341-00446942-00447314 teacher who has reliable income and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01342-00447314-00447677 health insurance but if it was 5050 I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01343-00447678-00448012 would definitely apply for benefits and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01344-00448013-00448112 if I wasn't married M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01345-00448113-00448339 I would definitely apply for benefits so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01346-00448340-00448697 of course it's an individual it's an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01347-00448697-00449024 individual question but yeah I think I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01348-00449025-00449214 would just do a personal assessment of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01349-00449215-00449641 how much you need that support and then M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01350-00449642-00450027 if you need it ask for it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01351-00450028-00450247 you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01352-00450247-00450583 seemi so this next person seems to be in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01353-00450584-00450918 a slightly similar position and is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01354-00450920-00451345 asking I have both w2 and 1099 income in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01355-00451346-00451651 terms of 1099 can I file for UI on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01356-00451652-00451909 income I have already made as I've done M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01357-00451910-00452193 with a w-2 I know I will lose income but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01358-00452195-00452385 at the moment none of my 1099 M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01359-00452387-00452584 contractors have communicated with me M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01360-00452585-00452835 about the status of these projects M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01361-00452835-00453297 injecting future loss yeah there's so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01362-00453298-00453634 much that's up in the air about how the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01363-00453635-00454143 state unemployment agencies will handle M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01364-00454145-00454597 or require how much they will require of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01365-00454597-00455104 us to demonstrate lost income the way it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01366-00455105-00455670 works currently with w-2s is when you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01367-00455671-00455959 when you are laid off from a job you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01368-00455960-00456181 give them your old you give them your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01369-00456182-00456412 pay stubs and sort of demonstrate your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01370-00456413-00456631 employment numbers and they give you a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01371-00456632-00456918 percentage of benefits based on those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01372-00456920-00457228 numbers but of course that's much harder M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01373-00457229-00457555 with self-employment you might be able M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01374-00457556-00457950 to likely you'll be able to use 1099s M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01375-00457951-00458362 your Schedule C from last year which is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01376-00458363-00458643 your federal form reporting your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01377-00458645-00458958 self-employment in common expenses and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01378-00458959-00459389 as I said a some kind of profit and loss M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01379-00459391-00459781 statement showing what your new expected M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01380-00459782-00460122 reality for 2020 is going to be that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01381-00460123-00460360 will it'll likely be somewhere in that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01382-00460360-00460678 realm that the state unemployment M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01383-00460679-00461022 agencies will ask for that kind of thing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01384-00461023-00461430 to be able to assess how much you need M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01385-00461431-00461677 but we really don't know there's so much M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01386-00461678-00461901 up in the air right now it's hard to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01387-00461902-00462256 predict exactly what they'll be asking M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01388-00462257-00462670 for and I imagine I have heard that they M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01389-00462671-00462937 will seriously lower the bar of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01390-00462938-00463342 expectation of how much we the benefit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01391-00463343-00463687 receiver need to provide M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01392-00463688-00464054 thank you okay we have a question from M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01393-00464055-00464327 Twitter breaking the rules and I don't M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01394-00464328-00464593 hate it this is about negotiating debt M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01395-00464595-00464870 with lenders I also have this question M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01396-00464871-00465197 if a lender writes off your debt as bad M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01397-00465197-00465581 debt this can this negatively impact M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01398-00465582-00465835 your credit score drastically sometimes M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01399-00465835-00466102 yes M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01400-00466103-00466406 and there's another yeah I mean it just M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01401-00466407-00466774 it can but again I think we're in such M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01402-00466775-00467110 uncharted territories and I could even M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01403-00467112-00467378 imagine a world where the federal M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01404-00467379-00467722 government flexes its muscle to require M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01405-00467722-00468167 the credit agencies the three credit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01406-00468168-00468868 agencies TransUnion Equifax Experian to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01407-00468868-00469232 adjust their assessments of people's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01408-00469233-00469588 credit scores because it's just gonna be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01409-00469589-00469793 everything's gonna be up in the air for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01410-00469793-00469834 a while M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01411-00469835-00470135 so either everyone's score will plummet M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01412-00470135-00470399 or things will stay the same because M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01413-00470400-00470642 we'll just our our criteria for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01414-00470643-00470963 determining what someone's you know a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01415-00470964-00471122 credit score is really just a shorthand M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01416-00471122-00471772 way for one lender to consider your loan M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01417-00471774-00472072 worthiness and you are not your credit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01418-00472074-00472517 score so it's gonna be very M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01419-00472518-00472789 unpredictable for a while that said I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01420-00472791-00472972 don't think it's worth worrying about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01421-00472974-00473147 what's gonna happen to your credit M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01422-00473147-00473357 unless you're like getting ready to buy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01423-00473358-00473606 a house it's not worth worrying about M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01424-00473607-00473735 what's gonna happen to your credit it's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01425-00473735-00473927 worth figuring out how to get through M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01426-00473928-00474254 the next six months year year and a half M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01427-00474255-00474749 and another thing I want to mention this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01428-00474750-00475114 is just one of the weirdest aspects of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01429-00475116-00475562 our tax code if a credit card company M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01430-00475563-00476174 writes off bad debt you will get a form M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01431-00476175-00476708 called a 1099 see that basically reports M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01432-00476709-00476957 that bad debt write-off M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01433-00476958-00477468 to the IRS who treats it as income M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01434-00477469-00477835 weird but that's just something you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01435-00477836-00478052 should know when you finish the process M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01436-00478053-00478339 of negotiation in January of the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01437-00478340-00478649 following year you will perhaps get one M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01438-00478650-00478843 of these 1099-c M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01439-00478844-00479566 forms thanks Amy so the next question I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01440-00479567-00479726 want to preface by saying I think that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01441-00479727-00480070 there you know we would probably M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01442-00480071-00480304 encourage this person to talk to someone M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01443-00480305-00480568 who in the legal field who has some M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01444-00480569-00481016 experience around contractual law but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01445-00481017-00481301 Amy you are also a producer and a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01446-00481302-00481520 performing artist yourself so would love M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01447-00481521-00481645 to hear your take on this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01448-00481646-00481976 this person is letting us know that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01449-00481977-00482276 they've just lost a gig in Toronto the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01450-00482277-00482437 theatre has said they intend to remount M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01451-00482438-00482608 the production next season and have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01452-00482609-00482770 given the current cast right of first M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01453-00482771-00482999 refusal but on the condition that we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01454-00483000-00483224 agree to forego the two weeks salary we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01455-00483225-00483554 would get under a normal termination so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01456-00483555-00483743 the question is does this person have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01457-00483743-00483920 any recourse if the production is not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01458-00483921-00484250 remounted and then also the additional M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01459-00484251-00484435 question is they assume they're not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01460-00484436-00484618 eligible for any unemployment for this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01461-00484619-00484802 gig because it was out of the u.s. is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01462-00484803-00485233 this correct hmm again I'm not an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01463-00485234-00485497 unemployment compensation expert so I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01464-00485498-00485662 can't speak to that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01465-00485663-00485914 whether that income would be considered M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01466-00485915-00486214 by unemployment compensation I know that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01467-00486215-00486547 as a US taxpayer you're liable to pay M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01468-00486548-00486772 taxes on your income wherever in the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01469-00486773-00487054 world you earned it so perhaps that you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01470-00487055-00487372 see folks would consider that but I just M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01471-00487373-00487510 I just don't know enough about how the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01472-00487511-00487866 system works to know and I guess maybe I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01473-00487867-00488089 mean that first part of the question M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01474-00488090-00488453 feels like to me it feels more like a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01475-00488454-00488783 like a hard question or a relationship M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01476-00488784-00489239 question which is if you care if you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01477-00489239-00489503 have a rope if you care about continuing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01478-00489504-00489800 a relationship with this presenter M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01479-00489801-00489931 and he want to preserve that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01480-00489932-00490179 relationship M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01481-00490180-00490470 and you can figure out a way to get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01482-00490471-00490841 through or to put off that two weeks M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01483-00490842-00491156 worth of income I think it might be M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01484-00491157-00491514 worth saying yes to that offer knowing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01485-00491514-00491720 that that future income is coming your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01486-00491721-00492406 way but if this feels like it's a an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01487-00492407-00492933 unequal or problematic relationship and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01488-00492934-00493095 this presenter is trying to take M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01489-00493096-00493466 advantage of you I would cut ties and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01490-00493467-00493935 see what you can do to recoup that two M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01491-00493935-00494358 weeks termination yeah and I want to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01492-00494359-00494628 also just add that on our first webinar M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01493-00494629-00494985 in this series we did hear from vida de M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01494-00494985-00495216 l'air made who's the general counsel at M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01495-00495217-00495383 the Public Theater in New York City and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01496-00495384-00495629 she had a lot of information along these M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01497-00495630-00495960 lines that might be useful as is the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01498-00495960-00496266 advocacy legal and financial page on our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01499-00496267-00496458 resource website which will be tweeted M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01500-00496459-00496725 again and again and there's lots of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01501-00496726-00496914 links there for volunteer lawyers for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01502-00496914-00497154 the arts and various communities so all M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01503-00497155-00497304 of that might be helpful in this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01504-00497305-00497879 situation right I also just want to note M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01505-00497880-00498000 that there's a lot of questions coming M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01506-00498001-00498264 in about these documents that amy has M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01507-00498264-00498431 been putting up they're all on her M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01508-00498432-00498654 website but we will also be including M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01509-00498655-00498885 them and a link to her website as well M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01510-00498885-00499353 on the kovat 19 freelance artist M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01511-00499354-00499814 resource dot wordpress.com resource site M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01512-00499815-00500135 that Nicole and Amory and Hannah and I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01513-00500136-00500358 are sort of managing right now so those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01514-00500359-00500547 will be made available within the hour M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01515-00500547-00500993 after this being finished okay I mean I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01516-00500994-00501322 think this might be our final question M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01517-00501323-00501572 so that this comes from somebody they'd M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01518-00501573-00501791 say I really need a financial advisor I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01519-00501792-00502008 am from a low-income background and I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01520-00502009-00502206 understand none of this stuff is that a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01521-00502207-00502383 thing that exists how can I find one M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01522-00502384-00502587 especially when I have such little funds M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01523-00502588-00502856 mmm that's such an important question M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01524-00502857-00503297 and there's a bit of a catch-22 in our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01525-00503297-00503606 current reality which is that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01526-00503607-00504120 to get unmitigated advice from a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01527-00504121-00504660 certified financial planner or CFP you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01528-00504660-00504807 have to go to someone who's called a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01529-00504808-00505149 fee-only CFP this is someone who you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01530-00505150-00505358 hired by the hour and who doesn't work M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01531-00505359-00505662 for a brokerage firm but most of those M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01532-00505663-00506000 people won't talk to you unless you have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01533-00506001-00506226 $200,000 to invest with them or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01534-00506227-00506418 something you know significant amount of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01535-00506418-00506914 money so it really sucks because to get M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01536-00506915-00507264 the good information you need to have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01537-00507264-00507495 the money to get the good information so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01538-00507496-00507843 I feel like the answer to that is self M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01539-00507843-00508149 empowerment sharing knowledge and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01540-00508150-00508397 resources it's something that I care M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01541-00508398-00508728 really deeply about as I'm sure you can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01542-00508729-00508950 glean from this time that we've spent M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01543-00508951-00509339 together it's my personal mission to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01544-00509340-00509666 help other artists improve their M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01545-00509667-00510003 financial literacy and improve their M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01546-00510004-00510339 financial well-being so that all artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01547-00510339-00510878 can have sustainable lives as artists so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01548-00510879-00511125 whoever asked that question please go M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01549-00511126-00511485 check out my website and send me an M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01550-00511485-00511670 email and maybe we can work together or M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01551-00511671-00511845 I can help point you to someone who can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01552-00511846-00512556 help you beautiful thank you Amy and I M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01553-00512557-00512841 want to invite Nicole and anne-marie to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01554-00512842-00513197 come back to the screen with us oh close M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01555-00513198-00513570 us out thank you all so so very much for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01556-00513571-00513920 being with us today Amy we are just M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01557-00513921-00514200 forever grateful to you and bringing us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01558-00514201-00514512 your wisdom we as a group of producers M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01559-00514513-00514764 the four of us we welcome feedback that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01560-00514764-00514985 can make our conversations stronger our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01561-00514986-00515199 next conversation so we're continuing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01562-00515200-00515516 this series so if you have it you can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01563-00515517-00515730 send it to that same email address that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01564-00515731-00515877 folks have been using for questions M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01565-00515878-00516377 artists resource at how around calm and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01566-00516378-00516660 that'll be available on the page that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01567-00516660-00516810 email address will be available on the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01568-00516810-00516950 live stream page as well M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01569-00516951-00517200 we'll be continuing the conversations in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01570-00517201-00517395 this time of crisis every Tuesday so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01571-00517396-00517583 today was an exception of Thursday but M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01572-00517584-00517820 from now on every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01573-00517821-00518216 Eastern 1 p.m. central 12 p.m. Mountain M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01574-00518217-00518597 11:00 a.m. Pacific starting next week so M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01575-00518598-00518793 we hope that you join us on Tuesday M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01576-00518793-00519147 March 31st for a conversation led by M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01577-00519147-00519362 Brian Joseph Lee of the public theater M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01578-00519363-00519587 in New York with some other brilliant M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01579-00519588-00519956 contributors called come together the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01580-00519957-00520212 art of gathering in a time of crisis M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01581-00520213-00520433 which will focus on how artists can M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01582-00520434-00520668 cultivate virtual spaces with purpose M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01583-00520668-00520952 and tension and structure the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01584-00520953-00521183 conversation will be both tactical and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01585-00521184-00521423 philosophical and it will be intended to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01586-00521424-00521666 expand our vision of what's possible M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01587-00521667-00521883 we'll be announcing more Tuesday M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01588-00521884-00522125 conversations really soon they'll be on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01589-00522126-00522350 our website at our kovat artists M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01590-00522351-00522629 resource freelance page website as well M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01591-00522630-00522860 as on hal rounds website and we really M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01592-00522861-00523227 hope you'll join us we want to give M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01593-00523228-00523341 another shout out to our wonderful M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01594-00523342-00523772 partner how around they provided us with M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01595-00523773-00524048 a platform the technology and funds for M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01596-00524049-00524304 the ASL interpreters and captioners as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01597-00524305-00524570 well as some baseline support for Amy's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01598-00524571-00524879 time today how around is also modeling a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01599-00524880-00525102 commons which is predicated on the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01600-00525103-00525350 assumption of abundance over scarcity M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01601-00525351-00525672 these are scary times right now it feels M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01602-00525673-00525870 like the best thing to do is to look out M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01603-00525871-00526058 for yourself and your family unit and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01604-00526059-00526281 the rules of social distance thing and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01605-00526282-00526500 stay at home orders seem to support that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01606-00526501-00526812 but this deep sense of self-preservation M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01607-00526813-00527045 at the peril of others can have M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01608-00527046-00527372 disastrous consequences in the United M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01609-00527373-00527568 States we are lucky not to have many M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01610-00527569-00527772 disruptions to our food and grocery M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01611-00527773-00528072 supply yet images of empty grocery store M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01612-00528073-00528306 shelves abound this is another example M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01613-00528307-00528608 of scarcity mentality in action we are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01614-00528609-00528870 weaker when we are separated and the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01615-00528871-00529148 times of crisis often reveal cracks in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01616-00529149-00529320 our systems that have been there for a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01617-00529321-00529887 long time so what if we imagined that M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01618-00529888-00530243 there was enough what if we prioritize M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01619-00530244-00530286 the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01620-00530287-00530553 community over our individual experience M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01621-00530554-00530790 like people across the world are doing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01622-00530791-00531117 when they stay inside even when they are M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01623-00531118-00531375 healthy and low risk what if we only M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01624-00531376-00531714 bought one gallon of milk or one package M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01625-00531715-00531903 of toilet paper this week because we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01626-00531904-00532188 trust the grocery stores to restock as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01627-00532189-00532491 they have been and our neighbors to only M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01628-00532492-00532827 buy what they need right now what if we M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01629-00532828-00533154 believed that together we are stronger M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01630-00533155-00533502 and that taking care of each other while M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01631-00533503-00533838 maintaining six feet of distance would M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01632-00533839-00534147 actually allow our community our field M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01633-00534148-00534450 our economy our society to bounce back M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01634-00534451-00534678 faster what if we trusted our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01635-00534679-00534894 communities on the ties that bind us to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01636-00534895-00535206 them more than the forces that want to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01637-00535207-00535614 pull us apart and separate us the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01638-00535615-00535845 Commons assumes that abundance is our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01639-00535846-00536091 norm so we're applying that to this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01640-00536092-00536391 conversation directly Amy does this work M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01641-00536392-00536598 for a living and it might look like she M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01642-00536599-00536832 just gave it all away to hundreds if not M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01643-00536833-00537144 thousands of folks but if we follow the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01644-00537145-00537354 logic of abundance amy has not lost M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01645-00537355-00537582 anything today so we said this how M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01646-00537583-00537750 around is putting some money towards M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01647-00537751-00538014 this we're raising some money on venmo M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01648-00538015-00538257 to help support her and this series and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01649-00538258-00538518 if you feel compelled you can contribute M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01650-00538519-00538833 to that but most importantly all of us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01651-00538834-00539130 are becoming more financially savvy in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01652-00539131-00539337 today's session we have added to the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01653-00539338-00539544 collective knowledge and Resource Bank M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01654-00539545-00539805 which benefits our community as a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01655-00539806-00540123 community at large rising tides lifts M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01656-00540124-00540336 all ships and the more knowledge only M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01657-00540337-00540687 makes us more powerful and more aware of M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01658-00540688-00540984 our rights and at some point like Amy M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01659-00540985-00541368 said this will get better we will go M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01660-00541369-00541626 back to work our children will go back M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01661-00541627-00542016 to school but we are not going back to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01662-00542017-00542568 the old normal we will be better I just M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01663-00542569-00542769 want to take a minute for that that is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01664-00542770-00543378 so powerful Thank You Abigail so if you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01665-00543379-00543648 want to contribute a dollar M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01666-00543649-00544002 or $3 however much your cup of coffee M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01667-00544003-00544290 costs in the morning towards this effort M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01668-00544291-00544497 and the efforts of maintaining the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01669-00544498-00544827 online resource list we invite you to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01670-00544828-00545585 venmo us directly at at kohl's 19 - far M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01671-00545586-00546501 that's at COV 1 9 - FA are the name M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01672-00546502-00546759 associated with the account is call M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01673-00546760-00547056 producer Abigail Vega these funds will M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01674-00547057-00547287 actually not go to how around they will M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01675-00547288-00547547 be split equitably according to need M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01676-00547548-00547800 among the freelance facilitators and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01677-00547801-00548054 producers for the series of panels on M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01678-00548055-00548358 the WordPress resource site which is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01679-00548359-00548780 kovat 19 freelance artist resource M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01680-00548781-00549237 wordpress.com you can see a link to our M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01681-00549238-00549609 funds raised and who they went to in a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01682-00549610-00549887 Google spreadsheet we are committed to M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01683-00549888-00550353 100% transparency in this process and as M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01684-00550354-00550599 such we will also be closing the venmo M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01685-00550600-00550869 handle at 3:00 p.m. Eastern tomorrow M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01686-00550870-00551310 which is March 27th so it will be open M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01687-00551311-00551712 for 24 hours and don't stress if you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01688-00551713-00552021 can't give we are all in this together M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01689-00552022-00552372 so please give according to your ability M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01690-00552373-00552702 and we're really grateful for your M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01691-00552703-00554450 support thank you for that I love it M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01692-00554451-00554778 keep organising connecting and let's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01693-00554779-00554931 hold each other during this time M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01694-00554932-00555153 remotely of course social distancing is M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01695-00555154-00555360 super important right remember in M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01696-00555361-00555567 reciprocity giving is also sharing this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01697-00555568-00555999 talk it's sharing Amy's website it's M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01698-00556000-00556242 showing up and just supporting us and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01699-00556243-00556497 that kind of giving is also valued M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01700-00556498-00556908 highly amongst us so please send us M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01701-00556909-00557004 feedback and M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01702-00557005-00557154 you can watch the recording of this M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01703-00557155-00557439 panel on how around calm within about a M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01704-00557440-00557654 day and you can see the transcript M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01705-00557655-00557960 within a couple of days and we really M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01706-00557961-00558174 encourage you to join how rounds mailing M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01707-00558175-00558410 list so you can be advised of future M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01708-00558411-00558720 conversations many thanks to the M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01709-00558721-00559422 incredible Amy and seriously ages you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01710-00559423-00559816 all for spending time with us today M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01711-00559817-00560151 take care everybody give yourself a big M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01712-00560152-00560865 hug and we'll talk again on Tuesday M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01713-00560866-00563791 [Music] M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01714-00563792-00564074 you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01715-00564075-00564473 you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01716-00564474-00565490 you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01717-00565491-00566289 you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01718-00566290-00566514 you M6hMSTQ_ysQ-01719-00566515-00566721 you M7jHTbN5liy-00000-00000094-00000353 mathematical psychology is an approach M7jHTbN5liy-00001-00000354-00000607 to psychological research that is based M7jHTbN5liy-00002-00000608-00000833 on mathematical modeling of perceptual M7jHTbN5liy-00003-00000834-00001139 thought cognitive and motor processes M7jHTbN5liy-00004-00001140-00001378 and on the establishment of law like M7jHTbN5liy-00005-00001379-00001657 rules that relate quantifiable stimulus M7jHTbN5liy-00006-00001657-00001880 characteristics with quantifiable M7jHTbN5liy-00007-00001880-00002227 behavior the mathematical approach is M7jHTbN5liy-00008-00002228-00002404 used with the goal of deriving M7jHTbN5liy-00009-00002405-00002672 hypotheses that are more exact and thus M7jHTbN5liy-00010-00002673-00003058 yield stricter empirical validations M7jHTbN5liy-00011-00003059-00003329 quantifiable behavior is in practice M7jHTbN5liy-00012-00003329-00003811 often constituted by task performance as M7jHTbN5liy-00013-00003811-00004013 quantification of behavior is M7jHTbN5liy-00014-00004014-00004286 fundamental in this endeavor the theory M7jHTbN5liy-00015-00004287-00004520 of measurement is a central topic in M7jHTbN5liy-00016-00004521-00004934 mathematical psychology mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00017-00004935-00005195 psychology is therefore closely related M7jHTbN5liy-00018-00005196-00005509 to psychometrics however where M7jHTbN5liy-00019-00005510-00005713 psychometrics is concerned with M7jHTbN5liy-00020-00005714-00005981 individual differences or population M7jHTbN5liy-00021-00005982-00006261 structure in mostly static variables M7jHTbN5liy-00022-00006262-00006529 mathematical psychology focuses on M7jHTbN5liy-00023-00006530-00006791 process models of perceptual cognitive M7jHTbN5liy-00024-00006792-00007060 and motor processes is inferred from the M7jHTbN5liy-00025-00007061-00007406 average individual furthermore where M7jHTbN5liy-00026-00007406-00007621 psychometrics investigates the M7jHTbN5liy-00027-00007622-00007856 stochastic dependent structure between M7jHTbN5liy-00028-00007856-00008134 variables is observed in the population M7jHTbN5liy-00029-00008134-00008357 mathematical psychology almost M7jHTbN5liy-00030-00008358-00008609 exclusively focuses on the modeling of M7jHTbN5liy-00031-00008610-00008834 data obtained from experimental M7jHTbN5liy-00032-00008835-00009062 paradigms and is therefore even more M7jHTbN5liy-00033-00009063-00009292 closely related to experimental M7jHTbN5liy-00034-00009293-00009578 psychology cognitive psychology psycho M7jHTbN5liy-00035-00009579-00009980 no mix like computational neuroscience M7jHTbN5liy-00036-00009981-00010303 and econometrics mathematical psychology M7jHTbN5liy-00037-00010304-00010580 theory often uses statistical optimality M7jHTbN5liy-00038-00010581-00010859 as a guiding principle assuming that the M7jHTbN5liy-00039-00010860-00011063 human brain has evolved to solve M7jHTbN5liy-00040-00011064-00011431 problems in an optimized way central M7jHTbN5liy-00041-00011432-00011731 themes from cognitive psychology limited M7jHTbN5liy-00042-00011732-00011980 versus unlimited processing capacity M7jHTbN5liy-00043-00011981-00012344 serial versus parallel processing etc M7jHTbN5liy-00044-00012345-00012584 and their implications are central in M7jHTbN5liy-00045-00012585-00012824 rigorous analysis in mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00046-00012825-00013250 psychology mathematical psychologists M7jHTbN5liy-00047-00013251-00013382 are active in many M7jHTbN5liy-00048-00013383-00013607 fields of psychology especially in M7jHTbN5liy-00049-00013608-00013876 psychophysics sensation and perception M7jHTbN5liy-00050-00013877-00014197 problem solving decision making learning M7jHTbN5liy-00051-00014199-00014488 memory and language collectively known M7jHTbN5liy-00052-00014490-00014711 as cognitive psychology and the M7jHTbN5liy-00053-00014712-00014966 quantitative analysis of behavior but M7jHTbN5liy-00054-00014966-00015332 also eg in clinical psychology social M7jHTbN5liy-00055-00015333-00016151 psychology and psychology of music M7jHTbN5liy-00056-00016152-00016751 topic history M7jHTbN5liy-00057-00016752-00016971 mathematical modeling has a long history M7jHTbN5liy-00058-00016972-00017274 in psychology starting in the 19th M7jHTbN5liy-00059-00017275-00017742 century with Ernst Weber 1795 to 1878 M7jHTbN5liy-00060-00017743-00018192 and Gustav Fechner 1801 to 1887 being M7jHTbN5liy-00061-00018193-00018426 among the first to apply successful M7jHTbN5liy-00062-00018427-00018648 mathematical technique of functional M7jHTbN5liy-00063-00018649-00018915 equations from physics to psychological M7jHTbN5liy-00064-00018916-00019272 processes they thereby established the M7jHTbN5liy-00065-00019273-00019524 fields of Experimental Psychology in M7jHTbN5liy-00066-00019525-00019773 general and that of psycho physics in M7jHTbN5liy-00067-00019774-00019964 particular M7jHTbN5liy-00068-00019965-00020244 researchers in astronomy in the 19th M7jHTbN5liy-00069-00020245-00020478 century were mapping distances between M7jHTbN5liy-00070-00020479-00020787 stars by denoting the exact time of a M7jHTbN5liy-00071-00020788-00021012 stars passing of a crosshair on a M7jHTbN5liy-00072-00021013-00021369 telescope for lack of the automatic M7jHTbN5liy-00073-00021370-00021603 registration instruments of the modern M7jHTbN5liy-00074-00021604-00021825 era these time measurements relied M7jHTbN5liy-00075-00021826-00022224 entirely on human response speed it had M7jHTbN5liy-00076-00022225-00022383 been noted that there were small M7jHTbN5liy-00077-00022384-00022611 systematic differences in the times M7jHTbN5liy-00078-00022612-00022842 measured by different astronomers and M7jHTbN5liy-00079-00022843-00023094 these were first systematically studied M7jHTbN5liy-00080-00023095-00023357 by German astronomer Friedrich Bessel M7jHTbN5liy-00081-00023358-00023705 1782 to 1846 M7jHTbN5liy-00082-00023706-00024021 vessel constructed personal equations M7jHTbN5liy-00083-00024022-00024240 from measurements of basic response M7jHTbN5liy-00084-00024241-00024486 speed that would cancel out individual M7jHTbN5liy-00085-00024487-00024711 differences from the astronomical M7jHTbN5liy-00086-00024712-00025131 calculations independently physicist M7jHTbN5liy-00087-00025132-00025397 Hermann von Helmholtz measured reaction M7jHTbN5liy-00088-00025398-00025605 times to determine nerve conduction M7jHTbN5liy-00089-00025606-00026021 speed these two lines of work came M7jHTbN5liy-00090-00026022-00026208 together in the research of Dutch M7jHTbN5liy-00091-00026208-00026514 physiologist FC Don des and his student M7jHTbN5liy-00092-00026514-00026838 JJ de Yaga who recognized the potential M7jHTbN5liy-00093-00026839-00027060 of reaction times for more or less M7jHTbN5liy-00094-00027061-00027312 objectively quantifying the amount of M7jHTbN5liy-00095-00027313-00027549 time elementary mental operations M7jHTbN5liy-00096-00027550-00027852 required Donders envisioned the M7jHTbN5liy-00097-00027852-00028104 employment of his mental chronometry to M7jHTbN5liy-00098-00028105-00028340 scientifically infer the elements of M7jHTbN5liy-00099-00028341-00028581 complex cognitive activity by M7jHTbN5liy-00100-00028582-00028782 measurement of simple reaction time M7jHTbN5liy-00101-00028783-00029061 first psychological laboratory was M7jHTbN5liy-00102-00029062-00029349 established in germany by wilhelm wundt M7jHTbN5liy-00103-00029350-00029723 who amply used ondas ideas however M7jHTbN5liy-00104-00029724-00029970 findings that came from the laboratory M7jHTbN5liy-00105-00029970-00030089 were hard to wrap M7jHTbN5liy-00106-00030091-00030314 like eight and this was soon attributed M7jHTbN5liy-00107-00030316-00030501 to the method of introspection that M7jHTbN5liy-00108-00030502-00030861 weren't introduced some of the problems M7jHTbN5liy-00109-00030862-00031143 resulted from individual differences in M7jHTbN5liy-00110-00031144-00031457 response speed found by astronomers M7jHTbN5liy-00111-00031458-00031707 although one did not seem to take M7jHTbN5liy-00112-00031708-00031974 interest in these individual variations M7jHTbN5liy-00113-00031975-00032199 and kept his focus on the study of the M7jHTbN5liy-00114-00032200-00032538 general human mind once US student James M7jHTbN5liy-00115-00032539-00032789 McKeen Cattell was fascinated by these M7jHTbN5liy-00116-00032790-00033054 differences and started to work on them M7jHTbN5liy-00117-00033055-00033435 during his stay in England the failure M7jHTbN5liy-00118-00033436-00033687 of one's method of introspection led to M7jHTbN5liy-00119-00033688-00033944 the rise of different schools of thought M7jHTbN5liy-00120-00033945-00034266 once laboratory was directed towards M7jHTbN5liy-00121-00034267-00034470 conscious human experience M7jHTbN5liy-00122-00034471-00034692 in line with the work of Fechner and M7jHTbN5liy-00123-00034693-00035034 Webber on the intensity of stimuli in M7jHTbN5liy-00124-00035035-00035295 the United Kingdom under the influence M7jHTbN5liy-00125-00035296-00035532 of the anthropometric developments led M7jHTbN5liy-00126-00035533-00035820 by Francis Galton interest focused on M7jHTbN5liy-00127-00035821-00036102 individual differences between humans on M7jHTbN5liy-00128-00036103-00036384 psychological variables in line with the M7jHTbN5liy-00129-00036385-00036750 work of Bessel Cattell soon adopted the M7jHTbN5liy-00130-00036751-00036984 methods of golden and helped laying the M7jHTbN5liy-00131-00036985-00037711 foundation of psychometrics M7jHTbN5liy-00132-00037712-00038329 topic 20th century M7jHTbN5liy-00133-00038330-00038668 in the United States behaviorism arose M7jHTbN5liy-00134-00038669-00038938 in opposition to introspection ISM and M7jHTbN5liy-00135-00038939-00039202 associated reaction time research and M7jHTbN5liy-00136-00039203-00039430 turned the focus of psychological M7jHTbN5liy-00137-00039431-00039781 research entirely to learning theory in M7jHTbN5liy-00138-00039782-00040084 Europe introspection survived in Gestalt M7jHTbN5liy-00139-00040085-00040411 psychology behaviorism dominated M7jHTbN5liy-00140-00040412-00040666 American psychology until the end of the M7jHTbN5liy-00141-00040667-00040927 Second World War and largely refrained M7jHTbN5liy-00142-00040928-00041232 from inference on mental processes M7jHTbN5liy-00143-00041233-00041479 formal theories were mostly absent M7jHTbN5liy-00144-00041480-00041911 except for vision and hearing during the M7jHTbN5liy-00145-00041912-00042150 war developments in engineering M7jHTbN5liy-00146-00042151-00042388 mathematical logic and computability M7jHTbN5liy-00147-00042389-00042703 theory computer science and mathematics M7jHTbN5liy-00148-00042704-00042922 and the military need to understand M7jHTbN5liy-00149-00042923-00043153 human performance and limitations M7jHTbN5liy-00150-00043154-00043368 brought together experimental M7jHTbN5liy-00151-00043369-00043665 psychologists mathematicians engineers M7jHTbN5liy-00152-00043666-00044089 physicists and economists out of this M7jHTbN5liy-00153-00044090-00044277 mix of different disciplines M7jHTbN5liy-00154-00044278-00044659 mathematical psychology arose especially M7jHTbN5liy-00155-00044660-00044901 the developments in signal processing M7jHTbN5liy-00156-00044902-00045199 information theory linear systems and M7jHTbN5liy-00157-00045200-00045490 filter theory game theory stochastic M7jHTbN5liy-00158-00045491-00045742 processes and mathematical logic gained M7jHTbN5liy-00159-00045743-00045982 a large influence on psychological M7jHTbN5liy-00160-00045983-00046225 thinking two seminal papers on learning M7jHTbN5liy-00161-00046226-00046510 theory in Psychological review helped to M7jHTbN5liy-00162-00046511-00046744 establish the field in a world that was M7jHTbN5liy-00163-00046745-00047035 still dominated by behaviorists a paper M7jHTbN5liy-00164-00047036-00047287 by Bush and Mosteller instigated the M7jHTbN5liy-00165-00047288-00047521 linear operator approach to learning and M7jHTbN5liy-00166-00047522-00047755 a paper by esters that started the M7jHTbN5liy-00167-00047756-00047953 stimulus sampling tradition in M7jHTbN5liy-00168-00047954-00048292 Psychological theorizing these two M7jHTbN5liy-00169-00048293-00048535 papers presented the first detailed M7jHTbN5liy-00170-00048536-00048775 formal accounts of data from learning M7jHTbN5liy-00171-00048776-00049260 experiments the 1950s saw a surge in M7jHTbN5liy-00172-00049261-00049522 mathematical theories of psychological M7jHTbN5liy-00173-00049523-00049768 processes including Lucis theory of M7jHTbN5liy-00174-00049769-00050041 choice Tanner and sweats introduction of M7jHTbN5liy-00175-00050042-00050269 signal detection theory for human M7jHTbN5liy-00176-00050270-00050512 stimulus detection and Miller's approach M7jHTbN5liy-00177-00050513-00050887 to information processing by the end of M7jHTbN5liy-00178-00050888-00051204 the 1950s the number of mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00179-00051204-00051421 psychologists had increased from a M7jHTbN5liy-00180-00051422-00051696 handful by more than a tenfold not M7jHTbN5liy-00181-00051697-00052050 mounting psychometricians most of these M7jHTbN5liy-00182-00052051-00052257 were concentrated at the Indiana M7jHTbN5liy-00183-00052258-00052587 University Michigan Pennsylvania and M7jHTbN5liy-00184-00052588-00052938 Stanford some of these were regularly M7jHTbN5liy-00185-00052939-00053193 invited by the US Social Science M7jHTbN5liy-00186-00053194-00053422 Research Council to teach in summer M7jHTbN5liy-00187-00053423-00053686 workshops in mathematics for social M7jHTbN5liy-00188-00053687-00053943 scientists at Stanford University M7jHTbN5liy-00189-00053944-00054369 promoting collaboration to better define M7jHTbN5liy-00190-00054370-00054666 the field of mathematical psychology the M7jHTbN5liy-00191-00054667-00054963 mathematical models of the 1950s were M7jHTbN5liy-00192-00054964-00055198 brought together in sequence of volumes M7jHTbN5liy-00193-00055199-00055506 edited by Luce Bush and Galanter two M7jHTbN5liy-00194-00055507-00055891 readings and three handbooks this series M7jHTbN5liy-00195-00055891-00056151 of volumes turned out to be helpful in M7jHTbN5liy-00196-00056152-00056461 the development of the field in the M7jHTbN5liy-00197-00056462-00056809 summer of 1963 the need was felt for a M7jHTbN5liy-00198-00056810-00057017 journal for theoretical and mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00199-00057019-00057325 studies in all areas in psychology M7jHTbN5liy-00200-00057326-00057591 excluding work that was mainly factor M7jHTbN5liy-00201-00057592-00057969 analytical an initiative led by RC M7jHTbN5liy-00202-00057970-00058423 Atkinson RR Bush W K esters Rd Luce and M7jHTbN5liy-00203-00058424-00058701 P suppers resulted in the appearance of M7jHTbN5liy-00204-00058702-00058881 the first issue of the journal of M7jHTbN5liy-00205-00058882-00059284 mathematical psychology in January 1964 M7jHTbN5liy-00206-00059285-00059538 under the influence of developments in M7jHTbN5liy-00207-00059539-00059815 computer science logic and language M7jHTbN5liy-00208-00059816-00060180 theory in the 1960s modeling gravitated M7jHTbN5liy-00209-00060181-00060436 towards computational mechanisms and M7jHTbN5liy-00210-00060437-00060765 devices examples of the latter M7jHTbN5liy-00211-00060766-00061003 constitutes so-called cognitive M7jHTbN5liy-00212-00061004-00061266 architectures eg production rules M7jHTbN5liy-00213-00061267-00061575 systems akhtar as well as connectionist M7jHTbN5liy-00214-00061576-00062004 systems or neural networks important M7jHTbN5liy-00215-00062005-00062256 mathematical expressions for relations M7jHTbN5liy-00216-00062257-00062493 between physical characteristics of M7jHTbN5liy-00217-00062494-00062734 stimuli and subjective perception or M7jHTbN5liy-00218-00062735-00062953 Weber's law which is now sometimes M7jHTbN5liy-00219-00062954-00063211 called Weber Fechner law Ekman's law M7jHTbN5liy-00220-00063212-00063513 Stephens power law Thurston's law of M7jHTbN5liy-00221-00063514-00063750 comparative judgment the theory of M7jHTbN5liy-00222-00063751-00063993 signal detection borrowed from radar M7jHTbN5liy-00223-00063994-00064249 engineering the matching law and risk M7jHTbN5liy-00224-00064250-00064447 Orlov arden a rule for classical M7jHTbN5liy-00225-00064448-00064771 conditioning while the first three laws M7jHTbN5liy-00226-00064772-00065059 are all deterministic in nature late M7jHTbN5liy-00227-00065060-00065244 established relations are more M7jHTbN5liy-00228-00065245-00065613 fundamentally stochastic this has been a M7jHTbN5liy-00229-00065614-00065838 general theme in the evolution in M7jHTbN5liy-00230-00065839-00066087 mathematical modeling of psychological M7jHTbN5liy-00231-00066088-00066355 processes from deterministic relations M7jHTbN5liy-00232-00066356-00066580 as found in classical physics to M7jHTbN5liy-00233-00066581-00067338 inherently stochastic models M7jHTbN5liy-00234-00067339-00067730 topic influential mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00235-00067731-00068172 psychologists M7jHTbN5liy-00236-00068173-00068562 you M7jHTbN5liy-00237-00068563-00069287 topic important theories and models M7jHTbN5liy-00238-00069288-00069646 you M7jHTbN5liy-00239-00069647-00070054 topic sensation perception and M7jHTbN5liy-00240-00070055-00070517 psychophysics M7jHTbN5liy-00241-00070518-00071389 Stephens power law Weber Fechner law M7jHTbN5liy-00242-00071390-00071719 topic stimulus detection and M7jHTbN5liy-00243-00071720-00072156 discrimination M7jHTbN5liy-00244-00072157-00072819 signal detection theory M7jHTbN5liy-00245-00072820-00073543 topic stimulus identification M7jHTbN5liy-00246-00073544-00074062 accumulator models diffusion models M7jHTbN5liy-00247-00074063-00074528 neural network connection Estelle's race M7jHTbN5liy-00248-00074529-00075549 models random walk models renewal models M7jHTbN5liy-00249-00075550-00076156 topic simple decision M7jHTbN5liy-00250-00076157-00076580 Kaskade model level and change race M7jHTbN5liy-00251-00076581-00077306 model recruitment model SPRT decision M7jHTbN5liy-00252-00077307-00077832 field theory M7jHTbN5liy-00253-00077833-00078582 topic memory scanning visual search M7jHTbN5liy-00254-00078583-00079056 push down stack cereal exhaustive search M7jHTbN5liy-00255-00079057-00079623 SCS model M7jHTbN5liy-00256-00079624-00080265 topic error response times M7jHTbN5liy-00257-00080266-00080880 first guest model M7jHTbN5liy-00258-00080881-00081519 topic sequential effects M7jHTbN5liy-00259-00081520-00082164 linear operator model M7jHTbN5liy-00260-00082165-00082694 topic learning M7jHTbN5liy-00261-00082695-00083105 linear operator model stochastic M7jHTbN5liy-00262-00083106-00083647 learning theory M7jHTbN5liy-00263-00083648-00084232 topic measurement theory M7jHTbN5liy-00264-00084233-00084948 theory of conjoint measurement M7jHTbN5liy-00265-00084949-00085686 topic journals and organizations M7jHTbN5liy-00266-00085687-00085938 central journals of the Journal of M7jHTbN5liy-00267-00085939-00086190 mathematical psychology and the British M7jHTbN5liy-00268-00086191-00086450 Journal of mathematical and statistical M7jHTbN5liy-00269-00086451-00086762 psychology there are three annual M7jHTbN5liy-00270-00086763-00087018 conferences in the field the annual M7jHTbN5liy-00271-00087019-00087282 meeting of the Society for mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00272-00087283-00087584 psychology in the US the annual European M7jHTbN5liy-00273-00087585-00087858 mathematical psychology group meeting in M7jHTbN5liy-00274-00087859-00088122 Europe and the Australasian mathematical M7jHTbN5liy-00275-00088123-00088837 psychology conference M7jHTbN5liy-00276-00088838-00089476 topic seal so M7jHTbN5liy-00277-00089477-00089831 computational cognition outline of M7jHTbN5liy-00278-00089832-00090440 psychology quantitative psychology MqEvgBZUlgU-00000-00000000-00000192 ciao MqEvgBZUlgU-00001-00000193-00001680 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00002-00001680-00002767 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00003-00002768-00002987 bloody oh he's getting his car he's got MqEvgBZUlgU-00004-00002988-00003173 everything it's my first impressions of MqEvgBZUlgU-00005-00003174-00005363 Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00006-00005364-00005795 come on what are you selling oh MqEvgBZUlgU-00007-00005796-00005941 briefcase MqEvgBZUlgU-00008-00005942-00006299 you oh all right guys I'm going to MqEvgBZUlgU-00009-00006300-00006454 continue my journey MqEvgBZUlgU-00010-00006455-00006628 because this guy's selling me everything MqEvgBZUlgU-00011-00006629-00006953 I'm I'm in Romania my friend okay my MqEvgBZUlgU-00012-00006954-00007036 friend your friend MqEvgBZUlgU-00013-00007037-00007456 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00014-00007458-00007709 chefach MqEvgBZUlgU-00015-00007709-00008146 very good man and you I'm here yes your MqEvgBZUlgU-00016-00008147-00008321 name are you from London where you from MqEvgBZUlgU-00017-00008322-00008645 London Romania you know yes you know why MqEvgBZUlgU-00018-00008646-00008903 I'm from London and my sister is a MqEvgBZUlgU-00019-00008904-00009101 better studying rest in peace Elizabeth MqEvgBZUlgU-00020-00009102-00009359 no no no I don't give a about this MqEvgBZUlgU-00021-00009360-00009628 because I take all the money to give it MqEvgBZUlgU-00022-00009629-00009895 for you yeah everybody MqEvgBZUlgU-00023-00009896-00010337 yes and now I need your help no no no I MqEvgBZUlgU-00024-00010338-00010553 have to constantly I have to go my MqEvgBZUlgU-00025-00010554-00010792 friend yes I know well you give me I MqEvgBZUlgU-00026-00010793-00011099 don't have money okay thank you let's MqEvgBZUlgU-00027-00011100-00011706 see let's see MqEvgBZUlgU-00028-00011707-00011933 why guys MqEvgBZUlgU-00029-00011934-00012292 that was very interesting MqEvgBZUlgU-00030-00012293-00012551 the first guy that I met here in MqEvgBZUlgU-00031-00012552-00012760 Romanian Bucharest I'm trying to sell me MqEvgBZUlgU-00032-00012761-00012851 everything MqEvgBZUlgU-00033-00012852-00013072 cigarettes MqEvgBZUlgU-00034-00013073-00013258 my God lighters MqEvgBZUlgU-00035-00013259-00013408 clothes MqEvgBZUlgU-00036-00013409-00013607 you name it but anyway I'm in the old MqEvgBZUlgU-00037-00013608-00014116 town in Bucharest and I'm here hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00038-00014118-00014416 I'm here in an old city in um MqEvgBZUlgU-00039-00014418-00014699 I'm in an Old Town in Boston in MqEvgBZUlgU-00040-00014700-00014921 Bucharest I apologize show you guys MqEvgBZUlgU-00041-00014922-00015215 exactly what it's like over here MqEvgBZUlgU-00042-00015216-00015433 foreign MqEvgBZUlgU-00043-00015434-00015647 very nice architecture that they have MqEvgBZUlgU-00044-00015647-00015899 around here around this area MqEvgBZUlgU-00045-00015900-00016085 but my plan is to get lost around the MqEvgBZUlgU-00046-00016086-00016265 city and to show you guys different MqEvgBZUlgU-00047-00016266-00016480 perspective on what the city has to MqEvgBZUlgU-00048-00016481-00016697 offer so this is definitely a tourist MqEvgBZUlgU-00049-00016698-00016894 track we just see a lot of restaurants MqEvgBZUlgU-00050-00016895-00017213 all around here hello a lot of MqEvgBZUlgU-00051-00017214-00017375 restaurants all around here so it's MqEvgBZUlgU-00052-00017376-00017608 nothing much pretty special MqEvgBZUlgU-00053-00017609-00017849 if you want to come to this part of Old MqEvgBZUlgU-00054-00017850-00018029 Town which is basically an old area of MqEvgBZUlgU-00055-00018030-00018299 Bucharest that just has old buildings MqEvgBZUlgU-00056-00018300-00018613 with a lot of restaurants MqEvgBZUlgU-00057-00018614-00018869 so uh interesting MqEvgBZUlgU-00058-00018870-00019025 the guy says he doesn't care about MqEvgBZUlgU-00059-00019026-00019403 Lizzie rest in peace Lizzy now God save MqEvgBZUlgU-00060-00019404-00019691 Charles from now on Lizzy has finished MqEvgBZUlgU-00061-00019692-00019900 May her soul rest in peace and hopefully MqEvgBZUlgU-00062-00019901-00020093 we can get our our golden diamond back MqEvgBZUlgU-00063-00020094-00020350 the people in Africa and Asia MqEvgBZUlgU-00064-00020351-00020530 um right let's carry on let's see hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00065-00020531-00020819 you okay MqEvgBZUlgU-00066-00020820-00021161 what's around here MqEvgBZUlgU-00067-00021162-00021569 hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00068-00021570-00021857 right let's carry on walking MqEvgBZUlgU-00069-00021858-00022114 walk around this area MqEvgBZUlgU-00070-00022115-00022325 the infrastructure reminds me of Paris MqEvgBZUlgU-00071-00022326-00022517 the buildings over here and Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00072-00022518-00022871 because you've got that that old French MqEvgBZUlgU-00073-00022872-00023208 old French buildings hello hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00074-00023209-00023477 what do you feel for what is for oh this MqEvgBZUlgU-00075-00023478-00023722 is for YouTube uh can you search for MqEvgBZUlgU-00076-00023723-00023986 Corina on YouTube okay you can put it on MqEvgBZUlgU-00077-00023987-00024419 what a YouTuber yes I'm okay I'm a local MqEvgBZUlgU-00078-00024420-00024671 YouTuber wait a minute to show you my MqEvgBZUlgU-00079-00024672-00024886 YouTube no no put it on my phone you can MqEvgBZUlgU-00080-00024887-00025067 subscribe on my phone MqEvgBZUlgU-00081-00025068-00025241 what up MqEvgBZUlgU-00082-00025242-00025417 your name is MqEvgBZUlgU-00083-00025418-00025931 Carolina this is my YouTube okay hold up MqEvgBZUlgU-00084-00025932-00026134 well we're gonna we're gonna subscribe MqEvgBZUlgU-00085-00026135-00026299 to her MqEvgBZUlgU-00086-00026300-00026567 okay look you take this that's my phone MqEvgBZUlgU-00087-00026568-00026849 I don't have uh you can subscribe for MqEvgBZUlgU-00088-00026850-00027173 three or four hands okay you hold this MqEvgBZUlgU-00089-00027174-00027455 okay okay I hold this I hold this there MqEvgBZUlgU-00090-00027456-00027607 you go right MqEvgBZUlgU-00091-00027608-00027839 so she's gonna subscribe to her Channel MqEvgBZUlgU-00092-00027839-00028114 where you from Romania Romania okay MqEvgBZUlgU-00093-00028116-00028252 fudge MqEvgBZUlgU-00094-00028254-00028567 um MqEvgBZUlgU-00095-00028568-00028883 and what do you do MqEvgBZUlgU-00096-00028883-00029164 I'm a painter I paint okay oh this is MqEvgBZUlgU-00097-00029166-00029327 your work yes yes this might work guys MqEvgBZUlgU-00098-00029327-00029458 look at that beautiful work she's a MqEvgBZUlgU-00099-00029460-00029651 painter so make sure you subscribe to MqEvgBZUlgU-00100-00029652-00029849 her YouTube channel thank you okay let's MqEvgBZUlgU-00101-00029850-00030083 see Mr misk okay and it's right here MqEvgBZUlgU-00102-00030083-00030214 subscribe MqEvgBZUlgU-00103-00030216-00030418 yes right right there my channel is MqEvgBZUlgU-00104-00030419-00030587 black man The Traveler wait let me give MqEvgBZUlgU-00105-00030588-00030724 you a card I'll give you a business card MqEvgBZUlgU-00106-00030725-00030952 okay okay you can uh you can show your MqEvgBZUlgU-00107-00030954-00031079 friends MqEvgBZUlgU-00108-00031080-00031458 right back okay okay MqEvgBZUlgU-00109-00031460-00031973 bye-bye bye bye cool make a subscriber MqEvgBZUlgU-00110-00031974-00032345 so you gotta support uh the local talent MqEvgBZUlgU-00111-00032345-00032590 that they've got here in Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00112-00032591-00032873 support the local people MqEvgBZUlgU-00113-00032874-00033011 there's too many tourists around here MqEvgBZUlgU-00114-00033012-00033190 man hello there's too many tourists MqEvgBZUlgU-00115-00033191-00033407 around here guys I think I need to MqEvgBZUlgU-00116-00033408-00033640 I need to uh get lost and explore I'm MqEvgBZUlgU-00117-00033641-00033773 going to continue this video once I MqEvgBZUlgU-00118-00033774-00034090 leave this part of Busca risk in the old MqEvgBZUlgU-00119-00034091-00034252 town because I'm not really finding it MqEvgBZUlgU-00120-00034253-00034355 interesting MqEvgBZUlgU-00121-00034356-00034540 I need to see a bunch of local people so MqEvgBZUlgU-00122-00034541-00034817 Batman The Traveler see you soon in the MqEvgBZUlgU-00123-00034818-00035237 streets of Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00124-00035238-00035399 can you hear the sirens guys it's the MqEvgBZUlgU-00125-00035400-00035507 police MqEvgBZUlgU-00126-00035508-00035807 right I don't know where I am I'm lost MqEvgBZUlgU-00127-00035808-00036095 somewhere in Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00128-00036096-00036418 that's the ambulance walking over there MqEvgBZUlgU-00129-00036419-00036652 there's a tram a tram system that's MqEvgBZUlgU-00130-00036653-00036815 going past over here as you can see look MqEvgBZUlgU-00131-00036816-00036977 at what trams MqEvgBZUlgU-00132-00036978-00037162 very cool well I think I'm gonna MqEvgBZUlgU-00133-00037163-00037390 probably walk walk around somewhere MqEvgBZUlgU-00134-00037391-00037667 around here MqEvgBZUlgU-00135-00037668-00037931 get some people on camera start walking MqEvgBZUlgU-00136-00037932-00038315 around MqEvgBZUlgU-00137-00038316-00038573 very beautiful city guys it's a very MqEvgBZUlgU-00138-00038574-00038790 interesting City it's very beautiful MqEvgBZUlgU-00139-00038791-00039029 right let me uh MqEvgBZUlgU-00140-00039030-00039562 keep on walking around MqEvgBZUlgU-00141-00039563-00039883 hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00142-00039884-00040177 Alex Alex MqEvgBZUlgU-00143-00040178-00040596 yes okay MqEvgBZUlgU-00144-00040597-00040889 nice to meet you too Alex Alex and Alex MqEvgBZUlgU-00145-00040890-00041033 yeah impossible man what are your MqEvgBZUlgU-00146-00041034-00041251 brothers MqEvgBZUlgU-00147-00041252-00041573 what's your name Anton what's so good MqEvgBZUlgU-00148-00041574-00041723 about Bucharest my friend I've come from MqEvgBZUlgU-00149-00041724-00041957 London to film for YouTube oh nice nice MqEvgBZUlgU-00151-00044966-00047040 I want to go to uh foreign MqEvgBZUlgU-00152-00047041-00047279 what happens if I go there for like 10 MqEvgBZUlgU-00153-00047280-00047524 minutes 10 minutes filming it's okay no MqEvgBZUlgU-00154-00047525-00047765 I don't know how to say MqEvgBZUlgU-00155-00047766-00048046 so you don't go there uh I have friends MqEvgBZUlgU-00156-00048047-00048257 there but for for me it's not dangerous MqEvgBZUlgU-00157-00048258-00048499 okay but for foreign MqEvgBZUlgU-00158-00048500-00048827 it's dangerous yeah because the people MqEvgBZUlgU-00159-00048828-00049115 don't don't know you and uh so you guys MqEvgBZUlgU-00160-00049116-00049312 can go over the foreigners can't go yeah MqEvgBZUlgU-00161-00049313-00049523 okay I'll give you I'll give you a MqEvgBZUlgU-00162-00049524-00049643 business card MqEvgBZUlgU-00163-00049644-00050152 oh he's paying a true music MqEvgBZUlgU-00164-00050153-00050351 just share it that's the scan the QR MqEvgBZUlgU-00165-00050352-00050465 code that's the YouTube channel right MqEvgBZUlgU-00166-00050466-00050621 over there yeah oh you're you're a MqEvgBZUlgU-00167-00050622-00050783 YouTube channel is here right yeah it's MqEvgBZUlgU-00168-00050784-00050940 coming nice MqEvgBZUlgU-00169-00050941-00051401 okay you can speak to speak MqEvgBZUlgU-00170-00051402-00052842 his love with my friends cheers MqEvgBZUlgU-00171-00052844-00053287 all right take care of you guys yeah MqEvgBZUlgU-00172-00053288-00053507 nice to meet you MqEvgBZUlgU-00173-00053508-00053735 interested people MqEvgBZUlgU-00174-00053736-00053897 so they said to me it's very dangerous MqEvgBZUlgU-00175-00053898-00054149 they said I shouldn't go there MqEvgBZUlgU-00176-00054150-00054341 said I need to watch my back if I go MqEvgBZUlgU-00177-00054341-00054532 around to the Old Town you know what let MqEvgBZUlgU-00178-00054533-00054725 me walk around here I mean if I go to MqEvgBZUlgU-00179-00054726-00054965 the most dangerous part of Bucharest but MqEvgBZUlgU-00180-00054966-00055126 I'm gonna go there I like a bit of a MqEvgBZUlgU-00181-00055127-00055319 challenge very interesting because they MqEvgBZUlgU-00182-00055320-00055469 said that oh if I go there it'll steal MqEvgBZUlgU-00183-00055470-00055691 my clothes it'll steal my shorts MqEvgBZUlgU-00184-00055691-00055919 trainers even my camera MqEvgBZUlgU-00185-00055920-00056129 I mean the camera can understand but to MqEvgBZUlgU-00186-00056129-00056380 be that low to be stealing someone's MqEvgBZUlgU-00187-00056382-00056554 clothes let's see MqEvgBZUlgU-00188-00056555-00056680 black man the champion is going to MqEvgBZUlgU-00189-00056682-00056837 survive MqEvgBZUlgU-00190-00056838-00057154 Jeff Arch MqEvgBZUlgU-00191-00057155-00057382 why let's carry on exploring MqEvgBZUlgU-00192-00057383-00057785 it's amazing city of Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00193-00057786-00057916 hello my friend MqEvgBZUlgU-00194-00057917-00058091 where you from MqEvgBZUlgU-00195-00058091-00058637 Sudan yeah MqEvgBZUlgU-00196-00058638-00058930 why are you in Romania I'm stuck in here MqEvgBZUlgU-00197-00058932-00059149 okay it's nice MqEvgBZUlgU-00198-00059150-00059380 you don't suffer no discrimination for MqEvgBZUlgU-00199-00059382-00059647 racism it's okay yes it's okay MqEvgBZUlgU-00200-00059648-00060137 is it expensive or is it cheaper oh you MqEvgBZUlgU-00201-00060138-00060521 know but it's okay okay how long have MqEvgBZUlgU-00202-00060522-00060832 you been here how many years MqEvgBZUlgU-00203-00060833-00061013 one year and then off and then after you MqEvgBZUlgU-00204-00061014-00061157 go back to Saddam or you come or you MqEvgBZUlgU-00205-00061158-00061675 stay here MqEvgBZUlgU-00206-00061676-00061919 and for YouTube black Amanda traveler MqEvgBZUlgU-00207-00061920-00062230 okay I'll give you I'll give you a card MqEvgBZUlgU-00208-00062232-00062500 put a card over here yeah Sudan is quite MqEvgBZUlgU-00209-00062501-00062638 far guys man he's come all the way from MqEvgBZUlgU-00210-00062639-00062849 Easter thank you so much just scan the MqEvgBZUlgU-00211-00062850-00063130 QR code okay okay salaam take care MqEvgBZUlgU-00212-00063132-00063347 interesting MqEvgBZUlgU-00213-00063348-00063844 hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00214-00063845-00064025 all right let's go speak to him MqEvgBZUlgU-00215-00064026-00064223 let's talk to the locals man MqEvgBZUlgU-00216-00064224-00064426 start speaking to the locals MqEvgBZUlgU-00217-00064427-00064649 Jeff Hatch MqEvgBZUlgU-00218-00064650-00064973 where you from well uh Romania yes yes MqEvgBZUlgU-00219-00064974-00065326 okay what is so what uh what is so good MqEvgBZUlgU-00220-00065327-00065561 about Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00221-00065562-00065753 uh MqEvgBZUlgU-00222-00065754-00066275 it's not so good to life yeah MqEvgBZUlgU-00223-00066276-00066785 it's a radio welcome MqEvgBZUlgU-00224-00066786-00067355 how much you do dance or sing or I don't MqEvgBZUlgU-00225-00067356-00067619 know yeah but everyone is happy people MqEvgBZUlgU-00226-00067620-00067943 enjoy life yes okay thank you um MqEvgBZUlgU-00227-00067944-00068297 Messi or Minsky Minsk Mercy Mercy MqEvgBZUlgU-00228-00068298-00068609 bye-bye thank you thank you very cool MqEvgBZUlgU-00229-00068610-00068723 people MqEvgBZUlgU-00230-00068724-00069144 nice interaction hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00231-00069145-00069388 this is uh for YouTube MqEvgBZUlgU-00232-00069389-00069503 hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00233-00069504-00069653 let's see MqEvgBZUlgU-00234-00069654-00069781 oh MqEvgBZUlgU-00235-00069782-00070276 let's see thank you Romanians very good MqEvgBZUlgU-00236-00070277-00070553 very polite people here MqEvgBZUlgU-00237-00070554-00070835 good Hospitality they're selling a lot MqEvgBZUlgU-00238-00070836-00070973 of books around here as well that's one MqEvgBZUlgU-00239-00070974-00071075 thing I've realized about here MqEvgBZUlgU-00240-00071076-00071321 especially here in um MqEvgBZUlgU-00241-00071322-00071441 in Bucharest there's a lot of people MqEvgBZUlgU-00242-00071442-00071573 selling books MqEvgBZUlgU-00243-00071574-00071765 which I find it uh MqEvgBZUlgU-00244-00071766-00072029 find it cool we've got a guy selling so MqEvgBZUlgU-00245-00072030-00072347 many books all here historical books MqEvgBZUlgU-00246-00072348-00072743 about the war MqEvgBZUlgU-00247-00072744-00072971 wow even got Hitler MqEvgBZUlgU-00248-00072972-00073150 old school better than MqEvgBZUlgU-00249-00073151-00073511 so many books oh it's an Antiques MqEvgBZUlgU-00250-00073512-00073715 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00251-00073716-00073925 tennis racket MqEvgBZUlgU-00252-00073926-00074206 and some more books over here MqEvgBZUlgU-00253-00074207-00075226 some nice paintings MqEvgBZUlgU-00254-00075227-00075700 London MqEvgBZUlgU-00255-00075701-00075838 and you MqEvgBZUlgU-00256-00075839-00075985 Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00257-00075986-00076253 Bucharest very good MqEvgBZUlgU-00258-00076254-00076523 minski Minsk MqEvgBZUlgU-00259-00076524-00076843 um MqEvgBZUlgU-00260-00076844-00077411 okay all right MqEvgBZUlgU-00261-00077412-00077585 there is a bit of homeless people on the MqEvgBZUlgU-00262-00077586-00077776 streets but um I won't get that on MqEvgBZUlgU-00263-00077777-00077861 camera MqEvgBZUlgU-00264-00077862-00078262 because I'm not here to show a negative MqEvgBZUlgU-00265-00078263-00078394 side of the country MqEvgBZUlgU-00266-00078395-00078581 so far so good I'm really enjoying my MqEvgBZUlgU-00267-00078582-00078850 stay check patch amigo MqEvgBZUlgU-00268-00078851-00079115 I'm really enjoying my um experience to MqEvgBZUlgU-00269-00079116-00079379 be here in Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00270-00079380-00079612 very cool people MqEvgBZUlgU-00271-00079613-00080159 relaxing MqEvgBZUlgU-00272-00080160-00081815 all right let's get lost and Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00273-00081816-00082103 Jeff Arch MqEvgBZUlgU-00274-00082104-00082259 Jeff Arch MqEvgBZUlgU-00275-00082260-00083038 Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00276-00083039-00083369 vamos MqEvgBZUlgU-00277-00083370-00084203 hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00278-00084204-00084431 how are you my friend where you from my MqEvgBZUlgU-00279-00084432-00084665 mother MqEvgBZUlgU-00280-00084666-00084997 keep my hair MqEvgBZUlgU-00281-00084998-00085223 no Hindi MqEvgBZUlgU-00282-00085224-00088049 foreign MqEvgBZUlgU-00283-00088050-00088211 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00284-00088212-00088541 hello oh this is your business yeah your MqEvgBZUlgU-00285-00088542-00088756 business MqEvgBZUlgU-00286-00088757-00089047 ah MqEvgBZUlgU-00287-00089048-00089279 I'll give you the YouTube I'm gonna give MqEvgBZUlgU-00288-00089280-00089465 you my YouTube channel it's going to MqEvgBZUlgU-00289-00089466-00089623 subscribe MqEvgBZUlgU-00290-00089624-00089953 sure MqEvgBZUlgU-00291-00089954-00090294 look man MqEvgBZUlgU-00292-00090295-00091085 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00293-00091086-00091541 thank you oh good thank you hello what MqEvgBZUlgU-00294-00091542-00091732 are you cooking MqEvgBZUlgU-00295-00091733-00091931 what are you cooking what is the the MqEvgBZUlgU-00296-00091932-00092075 food MqEvgBZUlgU-00297-00092076-00092970 yes MqEvgBZUlgU-00298-00092971-00094038 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00299-00094039-00094399 please you're in charge it's your video MqEvgBZUlgU-00300-00094400-00094697 oh thank you you can speak for a million MqEvgBZUlgU-00301-00094698-00095063 speak Romania I don't know it's foreign MqEvgBZUlgU-00302-00095064-00095752 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00303-00095753-00096282 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00304-00096283-00096568 so I come from London just to explore MqEvgBZUlgU-00305-00096569-00096803 Bucharest what is so beautiful about MqEvgBZUlgU-00306-00096804-00097049 your city MqEvgBZUlgU-00307-00097050-00097438 on the center okay it's uh yes so I go MqEvgBZUlgU-00308-00097439-00097679 here and I'll take a ride MqEvgBZUlgU-00309-00097680-00097799 I walk MqEvgBZUlgU-00310-00097800-00098176 oh the old Center oh no I've been I want MqEvgBZUlgU-00311-00098177-00098437 to see something interesting MqEvgBZUlgU-00312-00098438-00099043 [Music] MqEvgBZUlgU-00313-00099044-00099541 the Park yeah MqEvgBZUlgU-00314-00099542-00099868 okay I'm gonna carry on MqEvgBZUlgU-00315-00099869-00100079 right guys I'm about to finish my video MqEvgBZUlgU-00316-00100080-00100312 right now here in Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00317-00100313-00100438 um it's been a very interesting day MqEvgBZUlgU-00318-00100439-00100673 first day in bucket list here in Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00319-00100674-00100949 so now I'm about to go to some of the MqEvgBZUlgU-00320-00100950-00101111 most dangerous to one of the most MqEvgBZUlgU-00321-00101112-00101309 dangerous areas in Romania here in MqEvgBZUlgU-00322-00101310-00101471 Bucharest it's called Valentine a lot of MqEvgBZUlgU-00323-00101472-00101656 tourists people don't go here so they're MqEvgBZUlgU-00324-00101657-00101956 very scared hello a lot of tourists are MqEvgBZUlgU-00325-00101957-00102185 scared to go to this area so I'm going MqEvgBZUlgU-00326-00102186-00102442 to finish my Vlog very soon hope you MqEvgBZUlgU-00327-00102443-00102592 guys have enjoyed this video MqEvgBZUlgU-00328-00102593-00102808 black man's first day here in Romania MqEvgBZUlgU-00329-00102809-00103054 and Bucharest and it's been very very MqEvgBZUlgU-00330-00103055-00103192 interesting you know let me walk over MqEvgBZUlgU-00331-00103193-00103463 here and show you guys MqEvgBZUlgU-00332-00103464-00103618 another glimpse of how beautiful the MqEvgBZUlgU-00333-00103619-00103740 city is MqEvgBZUlgU-00334-00103741-00104056 then I'm going to jump on my scooter I'm MqEvgBZUlgU-00335-00104057-00104590 going to go to florenta or Florentina MqEvgBZUlgU-00336-00104591-00104789 I'm actually scared because of what the MqEvgBZUlgU-00337-00104790-00104963 the way those guys were telling me that MqEvgBZUlgU-00338-00104964-00105154 it's very dangerous and and that I MqEvgBZUlgU-00339-00105155-00105569 shouldn't go there so uh MqEvgBZUlgU-00340-00105570-00105707 is this MqEvgBZUlgU-00341-00105708-00106313 sit down here MqEvgBZUlgU-00342-00106314-00106445 let's walk actually Let's Get Lost MqEvgBZUlgU-00343-00106446-00106673 before I finish my video MqEvgBZUlgU-00344-00106674-00106840 got a lot of coffee shops around here MqEvgBZUlgU-00345-00106841-00107008 and a lot of Bakers around here MqEvgBZUlgU-00346-00107009-00107183 especially here in Bucharest MqEvgBZUlgU-00347-00107183-00107423 but there's a lot of drug users which I MqEvgBZUlgU-00348-00107424-00107771 find very sad MqEvgBZUlgU-00349-00107772-00107945 this is a wrong neighborhood MqEvgBZUlgU-00350-00107946-00108689 but let's go through the other way MqEvgBZUlgU-00351-00108690-00109247 we'll call this MqEvgBZUlgU-00352-00109248-00109465 is MqEvgBZUlgU-00353-00109466-00110116 Turkish no it's Turkish hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00354-00110117-00112536 foreign MqEvgBZUlgU-00355-00112538-00112757 and we look for this scooter so I can MqEvgBZUlgU-00356-00112758-00113086 finish my video MqEvgBZUlgU-00357-00113088-00113290 black man The Traveler MqEvgBZUlgU-00358-00113291-00113513 reported live in a MqEvgBZUlgU-00359-00113514-00113758 hello you okay MqEvgBZUlgU-00360-00113759-00113939 nice to meet you MqEvgBZUlgU-00361-00113940-00114058 all right black man The Traveler MqEvgBZUlgU-00362-00114059-00114316 reporting live here in Bucharest hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00363-00114317-00114610 hello MqEvgBZUlgU-00364-00114611-00114947 ciao hope you guys enjoyed my video MqEvgBZUlgU-00365-00114948-00115309 being black and book a WrestleMania Ms24E3YAHpo-00000-00000735-00000902 it means whose Ms24E3YAHpo-00001-00000903-00001143 it is used to denote ownership for Ms24E3YAHpo-00002-00001144-00001863 persons Ms24E3YAHpo-00003-00001864-00002183 whose books are these Ms24E3YAHpo-00004-00002184-00002326 the key Ms24E3YAHpo-00005-00002327-00002567 it is used to denote relationship to Ms24E3YAHpo-00006-00002568-00002887 someone Ms24E3YAHpo-00007-00002888-00003427 fees whose son is he MsbpydyJniE-00000-00000880-00001002 so MsbpydyJniE-00001-00001003-00001701 [Music] MsbpydyJniE-00002-00001702-00002469 [Music] MsbpydyJniE-00003-00002470-00003354 [Music] MsbpydyJniE-00004-00003354-00004105 [Music] MsbpydyJniE-00007-00012232-00012463 so MsbpydyJniE-00008-00012464-00013150 [Music] MsbpydyJniE-00009-00013151-00013736 [Music] MsbpydyJniE-00011-00019600-00019768 foreign MsbpydyJniE-00012-00019769-00020333 [Music] MuV8ig452Nu-00000-00000043-00000323 Saguaro National Park is an American MuV8ig452Nu-00001-00000324-00000478 National Park in Pima County MuV8ig452Nu-00002-00000479-00000817 southeastern Arizona the 92 thousand MuV8ig452Nu-00003-00000818-00001103 acre 37 thousand hectares park consists MuV8ig452Nu-00004-00001104-00001237 of two separate areas MuV8ig452Nu-00005-00001238-00001525 the Tucson mountain district TMD about MuV8ig452Nu-00006-00001526-00001810 10 miles 16 kilometers west of the City MuV8ig452Nu-00007-00001811-00001973 of Tucson and the Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00008-00001973-00002258 district RMD about 10 miles 16 MuV8ig452Nu-00009-00002259-00002480 kilometers east of the city that MuV8ig452Nu-00010-00002481-00002677 preserves Sonoran Desert landscapes MuV8ig452Nu-00011-00002678-00002893 fauna and flora including the giant MuV8ig452Nu-00012-00002894-00003245 Saguaro cactus the volcanic rocks on the MuV8ig452Nu-00013-00003246-00003452 surface of the Tucson mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00014-00003453-00003650 differ greatly from the surface rocks of MuV8ig452Nu-00015-00003651-00003809 the Rincon Mountain district over the MuV8ig452Nu-00016-00003810-00004054 past 30 million years crustal stretching MuV8ig452Nu-00017-00004055-00004244 displaced rocks from beneath the Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00018-00004245-00004394 Mountains of the Tucson mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00019-00004395-00004577 district to form the Rincon mountains of MuV8ig452Nu-00020-00004578-00004831 the Rincon Mountain district uplifted MuV8ig452Nu-00021-00004832-00005047 domed and eroded the Rincon mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00022-00005048-00005236 are significantly higher and wetter than MuV8ig452Nu-00023-00005237-00005516 the Tucson Mountains the Rincon's as one MuV8ig452Nu-00024-00005517-00005713 of the madrid sky islands between the MuV8ig452Nu-00025-00005714-00005891 southern Rocky Mountains and the Sierra MuV8ig452Nu-00026-00005892-00006145 Madre Oriental in Mexico support high MuV8ig452Nu-00027-00006146-00006368 biodiversity and are home to many plants MuV8ig452Nu-00028-00006369-00006517 and animals that do not live in the MuV8ig452Nu-00029-00006518-00006794 Tucson mountain district earlier MuV8ig452Nu-00030-00006795-00007006 residents oven visitors to the lands in MuV8ig452Nu-00031-00007008-00007166 and around the park before its creation MuV8ig452Nu-00032-00007167-00007471 included the Hohokam syllabi pori Tohono MuV8ig452Nu-00033-00007472-00007717 O'odham Apaches Spanish explorers MuV8ig452Nu-00034-00007718-00007952 missionaries miners homesteaders and MuV8ig452Nu-00035-00007953-00008309 ranchers in 1933 President Herbert MuV8ig452Nu-00036-00008310-00008467 Hoover using the power of the MuV8ig452Nu-00037-00008468-00008705 antiquities Act established the original MuV8ig452Nu-00038-00008706-00008935 Park Saguaro National Monument in the MuV8ig452Nu-00039-00008936-00009296 Rincon Mountains in 1961 President John MuV8ig452Nu-00040-00009297-00009512 F Kennedy added the Tucson mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00041-00009513-00009695 district to the monument and renamed the MuV8ig452Nu-00042-00009696-00009863 original track to Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00043-00009864-00010133 District Congress combined the Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00044-00010134-00010280 Mountain district and the Rincon MuV8ig452Nu-00045-00010281-00010424 Mountain district to form the National MuV8ig452Nu-00046-00010425-00010853 Park in 1994 popular activities in the MuV8ig452Nu-00047-00010854-00011294 park include hiking on its 165 miles 266 MuV8ig452Nu-00048-00011295-00011485 kilometers of trails and sightseeing MuV8ig452Nu-00049-00011486-00011692 along paved roads near its two visitor MuV8ig452Nu-00050-00011693-00011992 centers both districts allow bicycling MuV8ig452Nu-00051-00011993-00012206 and horseback riding on selected roads MuV8ig452Nu-00052-00012207-00012488 and trails the Rincon mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00053-00012489-00012688 offers limited wilderness camping but MuV8ig452Nu-00054-00012689-00012841 there is no overnight camping in the MuV8ig452Nu-00055-00012842-00013130 Tucson mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00056-00013131-00013483 you MuV8ig452Nu-00057-00013484-00013983 topic names MuV8ig452Nu-00058-00013984-00014211 the park gets its name from the Saguaro MuV8ig452Nu-00059-00014212-00014475 carnagie Ajay Gandia a large cactus that MuV8ig452Nu-00060-00014476-00014664 is native to the Sonoran Desert and that MuV8ig452Nu-00061-00014665-00014922 does not grow naturally elsewhere ring MuV8ig452Nu-00062-00014923-00015208 cone as in Rincon Mountains Rincon Creek MuV8ig452Nu-00063-00015209-00015480 and Rincon Valley is Spanish for corner MuV8ig452Nu-00064-00015481-00015649 and refers to the shape of the mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00065-00015650-00015928 range in its footprint the name Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00066-00015929-00016222 derives from Papago PMON words cuk Sun MuV8ig452Nu-00067-00016222-00016441 token meaning dark spring or brown MuV8ig452Nu-00068-00016442-00016747 spring tank or tonk refers to a small MuV8ig452Nu-00069-00016748-00016975 artificial pool behind a dam that traps MuV8ig452Nu-00070-00016976-00017225 runoff in an existing natural depression MuV8ig452Nu-00071-00017226-00017490 madryn derives from Madre in Sierra MuV8ig452Nu-00072-00017491-00018108 Madre Mother mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00073-00018109-00018699 topic geography and climate MuV8ig452Nu-00074-00018700-00018921 the park consists of two separate MuV8ig452Nu-00075-00018922-00019203 parcels the Tucson mountain district TMD MuV8ig452Nu-00076-00019204-00019419 to the west of Tucson Arizona and the MuV8ig452Nu-00077-00019420-00019656 Rincon mountain district RMD to the east MuV8ig452Nu-00078-00019657-00019950 each parcel comes within about 10 miles MuV8ig452Nu-00079-00019951-00020202 16 kilometres of the center of the city MuV8ig452Nu-00080-00020203-00020613 their total combined area in 2016 was 91 MuV8ig452Nu-00081-00020614-00020852 thousand seven hundred sixteen acres MuV8ig452Nu-00082-00020853-00021297 37,000 116 hectares the Tucson mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00083-00021298-00021528 district covers about 25,000 acres MuV8ig452Nu-00084-00021529-00021765 10,000 hectares while the much larger MuV8ig452Nu-00085-00021766-00021957 Rincon Mountain district accounts for MuV8ig452Nu-00086-00021958-00022319 the balance of about 67,000 acres 27,000 MuV8ig452Nu-00087-00022320-00022647 hectares about 71 thousand acres MuV8ig452Nu-00088-00022648-00022914 29,000 hectares of the park including MuV8ig452Nu-00089-00022915-00023115 large fractions of both districts his MuV8ig452Nu-00090-00023116-00023367 designated wilderness interstate 10 the MuV8ig452Nu-00091-00023368-00023559 major highway nearest to the park passes MuV8ig452Nu-00092-00023560-00023841 through Tucson Tucson Mountain Park MuV8ig452Nu-00093-00023842-00024027 abuts the south side of the Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00094-00024028-00024234 mountain district into its West lies the MuV8ig452Nu-00095-00024235-00024465 avril Valley the Rincon mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00096-00024466-00024696 wilderness a separate protected area of MuV8ig452Nu-00097-00024697-00025038 about 37,000 acres 15,000 hectares in MuV8ig452Nu-00098-00025039-00025218 the Coronado National Forest MuV8ig452Nu-00099-00025219-00025397 abuts the Rincon mountain district on MuV8ig452Nu-00100-00025398-00025521 the east in southeast MuV8ig452Nu-00101-00025522-00025707 while the Rincon Valley lies immediately MuV8ig452Nu-00102-00025708-00025895 south of the western part of the Rincon MuV8ig452Nu-00103-00025897-00026078 Mountain district both districts can MuV8ig452Nu-00104-00026079-00026256 serve tracts of the Sonoran Desert MuV8ig452Nu-00105-00026257-00026451 including ranges of significant hills MuV8ig452Nu-00106-00026452-00026661 the Tucson Mountains in the West and the MuV8ig452Nu-00107-00026662-00026931 Rincon Mountains in the East elevations MuV8ig452Nu-00108-00026932-00027120 in the Tucson mountain district range MuV8ig452Nu-00109-00027120-00027320 from two thousand one hundred eighty to MuV8ig452Nu-00110-00027322-00027507 four thousand six hundred eighty seven MuV8ig452Nu-00111-00027508-00027999 feet 664 to 1429 meters the summit of MuV8ig452Nu-00112-00028000-00028299 Wasson Peak the Tucson mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00113-00028300-00028495 receives an average of about 10 inches MuV8ig452Nu-00114-00028497-00028835 250 millimeters of precipitation a year MuV8ig452Nu-00115-00028836-00029049 elevations within the Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00116-00029050-00029246 district vary from two thousand six MuV8ig452Nu-00117-00029247-00029442 hundred seventy to eight thousand six MuV8ig452Nu-00118-00029443-00029730 hundred sixty-six feet 814 to two MuV8ig452Nu-00119-00029731-00029952 thousand six hundred forty one meters at MuV8ig452Nu-00120-00029952-00030140 the summit of Myka mountain where annual MuV8ig452Nu-00121-00030141-00030419 rain and snow totals average 30 inches MuV8ig452Nu-00122-00030420-00030780 760 millimetres precipitation in both MuV8ig452Nu-00123-00030781-00030983 districts falls mainly during two brief MuV8ig452Nu-00124-00030985-00031202 seasons in December and January as MuV8ig452Nu-00125-00031204-00031377 steady light rains and in July and MuV8ig452Nu-00126-00031377-00031536 August as brief violent rains MuV8ig452Nu-00127-00031537-00031725 accompanied by lightning and sometimes MuV8ig452Nu-00128-00031726-00031964 by dust storms and flash floods MuV8ig452Nu-00129-00031966-00032193 some moisture at the highest elevations MuV8ig452Nu-00130-00032194-00032379 in the Rincon's Falls is snow in winter MuV8ig452Nu-00131-00032380-00032583 snowmelt adds to the limited water MuV8ig452Nu-00132-00032583-00032820 available at lower elevations later in MuV8ig452Nu-00133-00032821-00032985 the year between October and April MuV8ig452Nu-00134-00032986-00033234 daytime temperatures reach 70 to 80 MuV8ig452Nu-00135-00033235-00033504 degrees Fahrenheit 21 to 27 degrees MuV8ig452Nu-00136-00033505-00033744 Celsius and nighttime temperatures may MuV8ig452Nu-00137-00033745-00034005 drop below freezing during the warmest MuV8ig452Nu-00138-00034006-00034224 season May through September daily high MuV8ig452Nu-00139-00034225-00034437 temperatures average more than 100 MuV8ig452Nu-00140-00034438-00034709 degrees Fahrenheit 38 degrees Celsius MuV8ig452Nu-00141-00034710-00034935 studies of the effects of climate change MuV8ig452Nu-00142-00034936-00035151 on the park showed that its annual mean MuV8ig452Nu-00143-00035152-00035385 temperature rose from about 63 degrees MuV8ig452Nu-00144-00035386-00035745 Fahrenheit 17 degrees Celsius in 1902 MuV8ig452Nu-00145-00035746-00036021 about 67 degrees Fahrenheit 19 degrees MuV8ig452Nu-00146-00036022-00036312 Celsius in 2010 Saguaro National Park MuV8ig452Nu-00147-00036313-00036516 lies within the watershed of the north MuV8ig452Nu-00148-00036517-00036708 flowing Santa Cruz River which is MuV8ig452Nu-00149-00036709-00036963 generally dry Rincon Creek in the MuV8ig452Nu-00150-00036964-00037122 southern part of the Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00151-00037123-00037320 district free-flowing for at least part MuV8ig452Nu-00152-00037321-00037494 of the year has the largest riparian MuV8ig452Nu-00153-00037495-00037617 zone in the park MuV8ig452Nu-00154-00037618-00037905 the Creek is a tributary of Pantani wash MuV8ig452Nu-00155-00037906-00038130 which crosses Tucson from Southeast to MuV8ig452Nu-00156-00038131-00038418 Northwest to meet Tanque Verde wash the MuV8ig452Nu-00157-00038419-00038604 two washes formed the rly toe River MuV8ig452Nu-00158-00038605-00038880 another dry wash an east-west tributary MuV8ig452Nu-00159-00038881-00039150 of the Santa Cruz River the washes in MuV8ig452Nu-00160-00039151-00039357 both districts are usually dry but are MuV8ig452Nu-00161-00039358-00039657 subject at times to flash floods smaller MuV8ig452Nu-00162-00039658-00039867 riparian zones are found near Springs MuV8ig452Nu-00163-00039868-00040044 and Tina is in the Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00164-00040045-00040305 district the largest of the Springs is MuV8ig452Nu-00165-00040306-00040990 at Manning Camp high in the Rincon's MuV8ig452Nu-00166-00040991-00041338 topic geology MuV8ig452Nu-00167-00041339-00041515 you MuV8ig452Nu-00168-00041516-00041812 saguaro national park's oldest rocks the MuV8ig452Nu-00169-00041813-00042055 panelists predate the formation of the MuV8ig452Nu-00170-00042056-00042274 contemporary Basin and Range province of MuV8ig452Nu-00171-00042275-00042550 which the park is a part by about 1.7 MuV8ig452Nu-00172-00042551-00042835 billion years the schist is exposed in MuV8ig452Nu-00173-00042836-00043021 the Rincon Mountain district along a dry MuV8ig452Nu-00174-00043022-00043249 wash off cactus forest loop dry MuV8ig452Nu-00175-00043250-00043564 other ancient rocks 1.4 billion year old MuV8ig452Nu-00176-00043565-00043771 altered Granite's for much of Tanque MuV8ig452Nu-00177-00043772-00043942 Verde Ridge in the Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00178-00043943-00044302 district much later about 600 million MuV8ig452Nu-00179-00044303-00044503 years ago shallow seas covered the MuV8ig452Nu-00180-00044504-00044716 region around present-day Tucson over MuV8ig452Nu-00181-00044717-00044872 time that led to deposition of MuV8ig452Nu-00182-00044873-00045178 sedimentary rocks lime stones sandstones MuV8ig452Nu-00183-00045179-00045496 and shales limestone which occurs in the MuV8ig452Nu-00184-00045497-00045730 park in several places was mined here in MuV8ig452Nu-00185-00045731-00046018 the late 19th century to make mortar the MuV8ig452Nu-00186-00046019-00046288 future parkland had six lime kilns two MuV8ig452Nu-00187-00046289-00046495 in the Tucson Mountain District and four MuV8ig452Nu-00188-00046496-00046735 in the Rincon mountain district three MuV8ig452Nu-00189-00046736-00046936 all in the Rincon Mountain district can MuV8ig452Nu-00190-00046937-00047182 be visited today too along the cactus MuV8ig452Nu-00191-00047183-00047359 forest trail and one along the Ruiz MuV8ig452Nu-00192-00047360-00047557 trail about 80 million years ago MuV8ig452Nu-00193-00047558-00047755 tectonic plate movements induced a MuV8ig452Nu-00194-00047756-00047956 period of mountain building the Laramide MuV8ig452Nu-00195-00047957-00048208 orogeny which lasted until about fifty MuV8ig452Nu-00196-00048209-00048382 million years ago in western north MuV8ig452Nu-00197-00048383-00048643 america explosive volcanic eruptions MuV8ig452Nu-00198-00048644-00048859 formed the Tucson Mountains about 70 MuV8ig452Nu-00199-00048860-00049042 million years ago and the roof of the MuV8ig452Nu-00200-00049043-00049215 volcano at their centre collapsed to MuV8ig452Nu-00201-00049216-00049492 form a caldera 12 miles 19 kilometers MuV8ig452Nu-00202-00049493-00049807 across the caldera was eventually filled MuV8ig452Nu-00203-00049808-00050008 by debris floes the intrusion of a MuV8ig452Nu-00204-00050009-00050239 granitic pluton and lava flows some as MuV8ig452Nu-00205-00050240-00050520 recent as 30 to 15 million years ago MuV8ig452Nu-00206-00050521-00050782 volcanic rocks exposed in and near the MuV8ig452Nu-00207-00050783-00050974 Tucson mountain district are remnants of MuV8ig452Nu-00208-00050975-00051250 these events examples include large MuV8ig452Nu-00209-00051251-00051477 breccia exposed at Grants Pass and a MuV8ig452Nu-00210-00051478-00051621 granitic remnant of the magma chamber MuV8ig452Nu-00211-00051622-00051850 which is visible from the soos picnic MuV8ig452Nu-00212-00051851-00052138 area in the Tucson Mountain District not MuV8ig452Nu-00213-00052139-00052317 all of the molten granite reached the MuV8ig452Nu-00214-00052319-00052519 surface of the Tucson Mountains some MuV8ig452Nu-00215-00052520-00052732 cooled and crystallized far below the MuV8ig452Nu-00216-00052733-00052921 Tucson Basin and nearby mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00217-00052922-00053149 including the Tucson Mountains to the MuV8ig452Nu-00218-00053150-00053362 west the Santa Catalina's to the north MuV8ig452Nu-00219-00053363-00053590 and the Rincon's to the east are part of MuV8ig452Nu-00220-00053591-00053791 the Basin and Range province extending MuV8ig452Nu-00221-00053791-00053971 from northern Mexico to Southern Oregon MuV8ig452Nu-00222-00053972-00054247 in the United States the province of MuV8ig452Nu-00223-00054248-00054507 relatively recent geologic origin formed MuV8ig452Nu-00224-00054508-00054688 when plate movements stretched and thin MuV8ig452Nu-00225-00054689-00054851 the Earth's crust in this part of MuV8ig452Nu-00226-00054852-00055058 North America until the crust pulled MuV8ig452Nu-00227-00055059-00055180 apart along faults MuV8ig452Nu-00228-00055182-00055412 the Catalina fault a low angle MuV8ig452Nu-00229-00055413-00055532 detachment fault MuV8ig452Nu-00230-00055533-00055741 began to form about 30 million years ago MuV8ig452Nu-00231-00055742-00055991 about six to eight miles 10 to 13 MuV8ig452Nu-00232-00055991-00056162 kilometers below the surface of the MuV8ig452Nu-00233-00056163-00056411 Tucson Mountains the rocks under the MuV8ig452Nu-00234-00056412-00056594 fall the lower plate rocks were MuV8ig452Nu-00235-00056595-00056957 eventually displaced 16 to 22 miles 26 MuV8ig452Nu-00236-00056958-00057229 to 35 kilometers east northeast relative MuV8ig452Nu-00237-00057230-00057383 to the rocks above the fault then MuV8ig452Nu-00238-00057384-00057596 uplifted domed and eroded to form the MuV8ig452Nu-00239-00057597-00057779 Santa Catalina and Rincon Mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00240-00057779-00058064 visible today although the volcanic rock MuV8ig452Nu-00241-00058065-00058241 seen on the surface of the Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00242-00058241-00058415 mountain district are not found in the MuV8ig452Nu-00243-00058416-00058550 Rincon Mountain district the MuV8ig452Nu-00244-00058551-00058784 crystallized Granite Catalina nice from MuV8ig452Nu-00245-00058785-00058925 beneath the Tucson Mountains was MuV8ig452Nu-00246-00058926-00059102 eventually exposed on the Rincon MuV8ig452Nu-00247-00059103-00059339 Mountain district surface the most MuV8ig452Nu-00248-00059340-00059546 common rock type in the Rincon mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00249-00059547-00059735 this banded nice is visible in the MuV8ig452Nu-00250-00059736-00059903 Rincon Mountain district at sites such MuV8ig452Nu-00251-00059904-00060104 as javelina rocks along the cactus MuV8ig452Nu-00252-00060104-00060707 forest loop drive MuV8ig452Nu-00253-00060708-00061205 topic history MuV8ig452Nu-00254-00061207-00061547 you MuV8ig452Nu-00255-00061548-00062026 topic early MuV8ig452Nu-00256-00062027-00062260 the earliest known residents of the land MuV8ig452Nu-00257-00062261-00062457 in and around what later became Saguaro MuV8ig452Nu-00258-00062458-00062682 National Park were the Hohokam who lived MuV8ig452Nu-00259-00062683-00062967 there in villages between 200 and 1450 MuV8ig452Nu-00260-00062969-00063232 ad petroglyphs and bits of broken MuV8ig452Nu-00261-00063233-00063466 pottery are among Hohokam artifacts MuV8ig452Nu-00262-00063466-00063729 found in the park the Hohokam hunted MuV8ig452Nu-00263-00063730-00063928 deer and other animals gathered chawla MuV8ig452Nu-00264-00063929-00064204 buds prickly pears Palo Verde pods and MuV8ig452Nu-00265-00064204-00064438 Saguaro fruit and grew corn beans and MuV8ig452Nu-00266-00064439-00064762 squash subsequent indigenous cultures MuV8ig452Nu-00267-00064763-00064957 the syllabi poori of the Tucson Basin MuV8ig452Nu-00268-00064958-00065194 and the Tohono O'odham to the west may MuV8ig452Nu-00269-00065195-00065374 be descendants of the Hohokam though the MuV8ig452Nu-00270-00065375-00065557 evidence is inconclusive Spanish MuV8ig452Nu-00271-00065558-00065838 explorers first entered Arizona in 1539 MuV8ig452Nu-00272-00065839-00066154 240 non-native settlement of the region MuV8ig452Nu-00273-00066155-00066426 near the park did not occur until 1692 MuV8ig452Nu-00274-00066427-00066637 with the founding of San Xavier mission MuV8ig452Nu-00275-00066638-00066835 along the Santa Cruz River which flowed MuV8ig452Nu-00276-00066836-00067204 through Tucson in 1775 the Spaniards MuV8ig452Nu-00277-00067205-00067480 built Presidio San Agustin del Tucson a MuV8ig452Nu-00278-00067481-00067681 military fort in what was then part of MuV8ig452Nu-00279-00067682-00067882 New Spain in part to protect against MuV8ig452Nu-00280-00067883-00068053 raids by Apaches the lands that MuV8ig452Nu-00281-00068054-00068230 eventually would become Saguaro National MuV8ig452Nu-00282-00068231-00068455 Park remained relatively free of MuV8ig452Nu-00283-00068456-00068638 development until the mid 19th century MuV8ig452Nu-00284-00068639-00068875 after Arizona had become part of the MuV8ig452Nu-00285-00068876-00069144 United States after passage of the MuV8ig452Nu-00286-00069145-00069351 Homestead Act of 1862 MuV8ig452Nu-00287-00069352-00069598 the arrival of the railroad in 1880 and MuV8ig452Nu-00288-00069599-00069859 the end of the Apache wars in 1886 MuV8ig452Nu-00289-00069860-00070072 homesteaders and ranchers established MuV8ig452Nu-00290-00070073-00070251 themselves in the Tucson and Rincon MuV8ig452Nu-00291-00070252-00070435 mountains and miners sought silver MuV8ig452Nu-00292-00070436-00070626 copper and other valuable ores and MuV8ig452Nu-00293-00070627-00070909 minerals mining in the park continued MuV8ig452Nu-00294-00070910-00071134 intermittently through 1942 while MuV8ig452Nu-00295-00071135-00071331 ranching on private inholdings within MuV8ig452Nu-00296-00071332-00071551 the park continued until the mid 1970s MuV8ig452Nu-00297-00071552-00071806 the defunct loma verde mine which is MuV8ig452Nu-00298-00071807-00071971 still visible in the Rincon mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00299-00071972-00072156 district produced a small amount of MuV8ig452Nu-00300-00072157-00072510 copper and gold between 1897 and 1907 MuV8ig452Nu-00301-00072511-00072876 mining of igneous rock at 149 sites in MuV8ig452Nu-00302-00072877-00073066 the Tucson mountain district sometimes MuV8ig452Nu-00303-00073067-00073267 produced ores of modest value in the MuV8ig452Nu-00304-00073268-00073516 late 19th and early 20th centuries the MuV8ig452Nu-00305-00073517-00073792 most successful the copper King mine MuV8ig452Nu-00306-00073793-00074031 later renamed the mile-wide mine yielded MuV8ig452Nu-00307-00074032-00074380 34,000 tons of copper gold led zinc and MuV8ig452Nu-00308-00074381-00074590 molybdenum ores mostly during the war MuV8ig452Nu-00309-00074591-00075051 years of 1917 1918 and 1941 it closed MuV8ig452Nu-00310-00075052-00075313 permanently in 1942 when it became MuV8ig452Nu-00311-00075314-00075409 unprofitable MuV8ig452Nu-00312-00075410-00075604 Ranchers grazed thousands of cattle on MuV8ig452Nu-00313-00075605-00075781 public land that would later become part MuV8ig452Nu-00314-00075782-00076006 of the park and homesteaders farmed and MuV8ig452Nu-00315-00076007-00076153 ranched at the base of the Rincon's MuV8ig452Nu-00316-00076154-00076363 filing homestead applications from the MuV8ig452Nu-00317-00076364-00076702 1890s through 1930 the remains of the MuV8ig452Nu-00318-00076703-00076921 former Freeman homestead established in MuV8ig452Nu-00319-00076922-00077194 1929 lie along a nature trail in the MuV8ig452Nu-00320-00077195-00077446 Rincon Mountain district the homestead MuV8ig452Nu-00321-00077447-00077632 is on the Arizona State Register of MuV8ig452Nu-00322-00077633-00077758 Historic Places MuV8ig452Nu-00323-00077759-00078061 Manning cabin built in 1905 as a summer MuV8ig452Nu-00324-00078062-00078265 retreat for Levi Manning a wealthy MuV8ig452Nu-00325-00078266-00078472 businessman and one-term mayor of Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00326-00078473-00078700 is part of the infrastructure at Manning MuV8ig452Nu-00327-00078701-00078973 camp near mic amount in' modified and MuV8ig452Nu-00328-00078974-00079198 restored after falling into disrepair it MuV8ig452Nu-00329-00079199-00079369 was added to the National Register of MuV8ig452Nu-00330-00079370-00079741 Historic Places in 1975 cultural MuV8ig452Nu-00331-00079742-00079944 resources in the park include more than MuV8ig452Nu-00332-00079945-00080233 450 archaeological sites and more than MuV8ig452Nu-00333-00080234-00080867 60 historic structures MuV8ig452Nu-00334-00080868-00081431 topic after 1920 MuV8ig452Nu-00335-00081432-00081682 in 1920 members of the Natural History MuV8ig452Nu-00336-00081683-00081899 Society of the University of Arizona MuV8ig452Nu-00337-00081900-00082130 expressed interest in establishing a MuV8ig452Nu-00338-00082131-00082363 protected area for Saguaro a cactus MuV8ig452Nu-00339-00082364-00082580 species familiar to Watchers of silent MuV8ig452Nu-00340-00082581-00082979 movie westerns in 1928 Homer L shant's a MuV8ig452Nu-00341-00082980-00083176 plant scientist and the university's MuV8ig452Nu-00342-00083177-00083372 president joined the efforts to create a MuV8ig452Nu-00343-00083373-00083605 Saguaro sanctuary but issues related to MuV8ig452Nu-00344-00083606-00083771 funding and management delayed the MuV8ig452Nu-00345-00083772-00084140 creation of a park in 1933 Frank Harris MuV8ig452Nu-00346-00084141-00084337 Hitchcock publisher of the Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00347-00084338-00084536 Citizen and a former United States MuV8ig452Nu-00348-00084537-00084730 Postmaster General who was influential MuV8ig452Nu-00349-00084731-00084980 in the Republican Party persuaded u.s. MuV8ig452Nu-00350-00084981-00085154 President Herbert Hoover to create MuV8ig452Nu-00351-00085155-00085306 Saguaro National Monument MuV8ig452Nu-00352-00085307-00085525 Hoover used his power under the MuV8ig452Nu-00353-00085526-00085793 antiquities Act of 1906 to create the MuV8ig452Nu-00354-00085794-00086011 monument by Proclamation on March 1st MuV8ig452Nu-00355-00086012-00086129 1933 MuV8ig452Nu-00356-00086130-00086390 later that year President Franklin D MuV8ig452Nu-00357-00086391-00086591 Roosevelt transferred management of the MuV8ig452Nu-00358-00086592-00086792 monument east of Tucson in the Rincon MuV8ig452Nu-00359-00086793-00087004 Mountains to the National Park Service MuV8ig452Nu-00360-00087005-00087380 between 1936 and 1939 during the MuV8ig452Nu-00361-00087381-00087590 Roosevelt administration the Civilian MuV8ig452Nu-00362-00087591-00087838 Conservation Corps CCC built the MuV8ig452Nu-00363-00087839-00088061 monuments cactus forest loop drive and MuV8ig452Nu-00364-00088062-00088322 related infrastructure the monuments MuV8ig452Nu-00365-00088323-00088593 Visitor Center opened in the 1950s in MuV8ig452Nu-00366-00088594-00088963 1961 President John F Kennedy encouraged MuV8ig452Nu-00367-00088964-00089174 by Stewart Udall an Arizonan who was MuV8ig452Nu-00368-00089175-00089425 then Secretary of the Interior added MuV8ig452Nu-00369-00089426-00089825 16,000 acres 6,500 hectares of cactus MuV8ig452Nu-00370-00089826-00090007 lands in the Tucson Mountains to the MuV8ig452Nu-00371-00090008-00090256 monument this western district of the MuV8ig452Nu-00372-00090257-00090463 monument was carved from Tucson Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00373-00090464-00090832 Park managed by Pima County in the 1920s MuV8ig452Nu-00374-00090833-00091022 the Tucson game Protective Association MuV8ig452Nu-00375-00091023-00091229 had persuaded the Department of the MuV8ig452Nu-00376-00091230-00091484 Interior to withdraw about 30,000 acres MuV8ig452Nu-00377-00091485-00091703 12,000 hectares in the Tucson Mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00378-00091704-00091922 from homesteading and mining and to set MuV8ig452Nu-00379-00091923-00092218 it aside as a park and game refuge land MuV8ig452Nu-00380-00092219-00092413 leased by the county in this set-aside MuV8ig452Nu-00381-00092414-00092617 became the Tucson Mountain Recreation MuV8ig452Nu-00382-00092618-00093353 Area in 1932 between 1933 and 1944 zedd MuV8ig452Nu-00383-00093354-00093599 picnic areas in the county park portion MuV8ig452Nu-00384-00093600-00093785 of the set-aside five of which later MuV8ig452Nu-00385-00093786-00093965 became part of the Tucson mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00386-00093966-00094205 district of the National Monument there MuV8ig452Nu-00387-00094206-00094426 other projects involved road and trail MuV8ig452Nu-00388-00094427-00094687 building landscaping erosion control and MuV8ig452Nu-00389-00094688-00094814 enhancing waters MuV8ig452Nu-00390-00094815-00095225 for wildlife Kennedy's 1961 proclamation MuV8ig452Nu-00391-00095226-00095417 created the Tucson Mountain District MuV8ig452Nu-00392-00095418-00095546 from the northern part of the county MuV8ig452Nu-00393-00095547-00095762 park and renamed the original monument MuV8ig452Nu-00394-00095763-00095960 lands east of Tucson the Rincon mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00395-00095961-00096416 district expansions in 1976 and 1994 MuV8ig452Nu-00396-00096417-00096593 brought the total Tucson mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00397-00096594-00097016 district area to 24,000 818 acres 10,000 MuV8ig452Nu-00398-00097017-00097442 43 hectares in 1994 Congress elevated MuV8ig452Nu-00399-00097443-00097637 the combined Tucson mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00400-00097638-00097826 and Rincon Mountain District to National MuV8ig452Nu-00401-00097827-00098409 Park status MuV8ig452Nu-00402-00098410-00098962 topic biology MuV8ig452Nu-00403-00098963-00099273 you MuV8ig452Nu-00404-00099274-00099823 topic plants and fungi MuV8ig452Nu-00405-00099824-00100068 plant communities within the park vary MuV8ig452Nu-00406-00100069-00100285 with elevation the Tucson mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00407-00100286-00100473 district has two distinct communities MuV8ig452Nu-00408-00100474-00100761 desert scrub such as forming salt bush MuV8ig452Nu-00409-00100762-00100950 in brittle broish at the lowest MuV8ig452Nu-00410-00100951-00101169 elevations and desert grassland a little MuV8ig452Nu-00411-00101170-00101221 higher MuV8ig452Nu-00412-00101222-00101454 the Rincon mountain district includes MuV8ig452Nu-00413-00101455-00101647 these two communities as well as four MuV8ig452Nu-00414-00101648-00101862 more at higher elevations oak woodland MuV8ig452Nu-00415-00101863-00102093 pine oak woodland pine forest and high MuV8ig452Nu-00416-00102094-00102300 in the Rincon's mixed conifer forest MuV8ig452Nu-00417-00102301-00102591 Douglas fir ponderosa pine white fir MuV8ig452Nu-00418-00102592-00102819 gamble oak and many other trees shrubs MuV8ig452Nu-00419-00102820-00103104 and understory plants during annual MuV8ig452Nu-00420-00103105-00103452 inventories in 2011 and 2013 hundreds of MuV8ig452Nu-00421-00103453-00103653 scientists and thousands of volunteers MuV8ig452Nu-00422-00103654-00103963 identified 389 species of vascular MuV8ig452Nu-00423-00103964-00104361 plants 25 of nonvascular plants and 197 MuV8ig452Nu-00424-00104363-00104553 species of fungi in Saguaro National MuV8ig452Nu-00425-00104554-00104814 Park saguaros which flourish in both MuV8ig452Nu-00426-00104815-00104976 districts of the park grow at an MuV8ig452Nu-00427-00104977-00105264 exceptionally slow rate the first arm of MuV8ig452Nu-00428-00105265-00105451 a Saguaro typically appears when the MuV8ig452Nu-00429-00105452-00105711 cactus is between 50 and 70 years old MuV8ig452Nu-00430-00105713-00105939 though it may be closer to 100 years in MuV8ig452Nu-00431-00105940-00106194 places where precipitation is very low MuV8ig452Nu-00432-00106195-00106498 saguaros may live as long as 200 years MuV8ig452Nu-00433-00106499-00106715 and are considered mature at about age MuV8ig452Nu-00434-00106716-00107115 125 a mature Saguaro may grow up to 60 MuV8ig452Nu-00435-00107116-00107366 feet 18 meters tall and weigh up to MuV8ig452Nu-00436-00107367-00107528 4,800 pounds MuV8ig452Nu-00437-00107529-00107889 2,200 kilograms when fully hydrated the MuV8ig452Nu-00438-00107890-00108111 total number of saguaros in the park is MuV8ig452Nu-00439-00108113-00108411 estimated at 1.8 million and 24 other MuV8ig452Nu-00440-00108413-00108697 species of cactus are abundant the most MuV8ig452Nu-00441-00108698-00108885 common of these are the fishhook Beryl MuV8ig452Nu-00442-00108886-00109161 staghorn kala pink flower Hedgehog angle MuV8ig452Nu-00443-00109163-00109381 Mane's prickly pear teddy bear kala and MuV8ig452Nu-00444-00109382-00109614 jumping chala invasive plants include MuV8ig452Nu-00445-00109615-00109836 fountain grass tamarisk Malta star MuV8ig452Nu-00446-00109838-00110028 thistle and many others but by far the MuV8ig452Nu-00447-00110029-00110190 most severe threat to the native MuV8ig452Nu-00448-00110191-00110476 ecosystem is buffelgrass this drought MuV8ig452Nu-00449-00110477-00110709 tolerant plant native to parts of Africa MuV8ig452Nu-00450-00110710-00110901 and Asia was imported to the United MuV8ig452Nu-00451-00110902-00111129 States in the 1930s and planted near MuV8ig452Nu-00452-00111130-00111325 Tucson and elsewhere to create cattle MuV8ig452Nu-00453-00111326-00111579 forage in to control erosion first MuV8ig452Nu-00454-00111580-00111852 detected in the park in 1989 it has MuV8ig452Nu-00455-00111853-00112079 dispersed widely in both districts MuV8ig452Nu-00456-00112080-00112276 competing with other plants for MuV8ig452Nu-00457-00112277-00112485 sustenance buffelgrass fills the empty MuV8ig452Nu-00458-00112486-00112683 spaces normally found between native MuV8ig452Nu-00459-00112684-00112894 desert plants and creates a significant MuV8ig452Nu-00460-00112895-00112975 fire hazard MuV8ig452Nu-00461-00112976-00113184 the noxious weed considered a MuV8ig452Nu-00462-00113185-00113379 possible to completely eliminate is MuV8ig452Nu-00463-00113380-00113602 managed in some areas of the park and in MuV8ig452Nu-00464-00113603-00113829 Tucson residential zones by hand pulling MuV8ig452Nu-00465-00113830-00113989 and during periods of wet weather MuV8ig452Nu-00466-00113990-00114183 application of glyphosate based MuV8ig452Nu-00467-00114184-00114736 herbicides MuV8ig452Nu-00468-00114738-00115223 topic animals MuV8ig452Nu-00469-00115224-00115483 an inventory of medium and large mammals MuV8ig452Nu-00470-00115484-00115684 in the park confirmed the presence of 30 MuV8ig452Nu-00471-00115685-00115916 species in Saguaro National Park between MuV8ig452Nu-00472-00115917-00116363 1999 and 2008 of these 21 were found in MuV8ig452Nu-00473-00116364-00116594 the Tucson mountain district and 29 in MuV8ig452Nu-00474-00116595-00116849 the Rincon mountain district a partial MuV8ig452Nu-00475-00116850-00117014 list of the parks mammals includes MuV8ig452Nu-00476-00117015-00117286 Cougars coyotes bobcats white-tailed MuV8ig452Nu-00477-00117288-00117575 deer mule deer javelinas gray foxes MuV8ig452Nu-00478-00117576-00117773 black tailed Jackrabbits desert MuV8ig452Nu-00479-00117774-00118019 cottontails ring tailed cats white-nosed MuV8ig452Nu-00480-00118020-00118266 coati z-- ground squirrels and pack rats MuV8ig452Nu-00481-00118267-00118550 one endangered mammal the lesser long MuV8ig452Nu-00482-00118551-00118757 nosed bat lives part of the year in the MuV8ig452Nu-00483-00118758-00118970 park and part of the year in Mexico the MuV8ig452Nu-00484-00118971-00119156 wide range of habitats in the park MuV8ig452Nu-00485-00119157-00119375 supports a diverse population of birds MuV8ig452Nu-00486-00119376-00119540 including some such as the Vermilion MuV8ig452Nu-00487-00119541-00119771 flycatcher in the whiskered screech owl MuV8ig452Nu-00488-00119772-00119981 uncommon elsewhere in the United States MuV8ig452Nu-00489-00119982-00120344 among the parks 107 bird species are MuV8ig452Nu-00490-00120345-00120590 great horned owls cactus wrens ravens MuV8ig452Nu-00491-00120591-00120827 kestrels turkey vultures Roadrunners MuV8ig452Nu-00492-00120828-00121049 woodpeckers Hawks quails and MuV8ig452Nu-00493-00121050-00121241 hummingbirds and one threatened species MuV8ig452Nu-00494-00121242-00121529 the Mexican spotted owl the park's 36 MuV8ig452Nu-00495-00121530-00121769 reptile species include desert tortoises MuV8ig452Nu-00496-00121770-00122000 diamondback rattlesnakes one of the more MuV8ig452Nu-00497-00122001-00122249 commonly seen snakes coral snakes gila MuV8ig452Nu-00498-00122250-00122471 monsters short horned lizards spiny MuV8ig452Nu-00499-00122472-00122677 lizards and zebra tailed lizards MuV8ig452Nu-00500-00122678-00122972 despite the aridity 3 amphibian species MuV8ig452Nu-00501-00122973-00123203 inhabit the park the canyon tree frog MuV8ig452Nu-00502-00123204-00123391 the lowland leopard frog and couches MuV8ig452Nu-00503-00123392-00123563 spadefoot which lives in underground MuV8ig452Nu-00504-00123564-00123797 burrows emerging to breed during summer MuV8ig452Nu-00505-00123798-00124088 rains forest fires which create erosion MuV8ig452Nu-00506-00124089-00124331 prone burned areas have destroyed many MuV8ig452Nu-00507-00124332-00124510 of the leopard frogs breeding pools MuV8ig452Nu-00508-00124511-00124778 which fill with sediment the Arizona MuV8ig452Nu-00509-00124779-00124973 Game and Fish Department lists the MuV8ig452Nu-00510-00124974-00125168 lowland leopard frog as a species of MuV8ig452Nu-00511-00125169-00125414 special concern urban sprawl air and MuV8ig452Nu-00512-00125415-00125621 water pollution noise light pollution MuV8ig452Nu-00513-00125622-00125843 and a range of habitats restricted by MuV8ig452Nu-00514-00125844-00126038 human infrastructure put stress on the MuV8ig452Nu-00515-00126039-00126235 parks mammals and other animals but the MuV8ig452Nu-00516-00126236-00126419 most serious immediate threat to them is MuV8ig452Nu-00517-00126420-00126752 roadkill about 50,000 vertebrates a year MuV8ig452Nu-00518-00126753-00126929 died on the parks roads when they're hit MuV8ig452Nu-00519-00126930-00126998 by a vehicle MuV8ig452Nu-00520-00126999-00127244 the Rincon Mountain district has few MuV8ig452Nu-00521-00127245-00127433 roads but picture rocks road an MuV8ig452Nu-00522-00127433-00127640 east-west commuter highway crossing the MuV8ig452Nu-00523-00127641-00127823 Tucson mountain district is highly MuV8ig452Nu-00524-00127824-00128168 dangerous to wildlife attempts in 2002 MuV8ig452Nu-00525-00128169-00128375 to convert it to a hiking trail failed MuV8ig452Nu-00526-00128376-00128672 after the proposal met with stiff public MuV8ig452Nu-00527-00128673-00129120 you MuV8ig452Nu-00528-00129121-00129645 topic sky islands MuV8ig452Nu-00529-00129646-00129858 the Rincon's in the nearby Santa MuV8ig452Nu-00530-00129858-00130058 Catalina's but not the shorter Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00531-00130059-00130253 mountains are among about 40 mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00532-00130254-00130482 ranges known as the Madrid sky islands MuV8ig452Nu-00533-00130483-00130608 that are of special interest to MuV8ig452Nu-00534-00130608-00130913 biologists these ranges resembling a MuV8ig452Nu-00535-00130914-00131111 series of stepping stones between the MuV8ig452Nu-00536-00131112-00131306 southern end of the Rocky Mountains MuV8ig452Nu-00537-00131307-00131516 specifically the Mogollon Rim of the MuV8ig452Nu-00538-00131517-00131646 Colorado Plateau MuV8ig452Nu-00539-00131647-00131852 in the United States and the Sierra MuV8ig452Nu-00540-00131853-00132057 Madre Occidental in Mexico are MuV8ig452Nu-00541-00132058-00132377 continental Islands separated from one MuV8ig452Nu-00542-00132378-00132698 another by seas of lower elevation MuV8ig452Nu-00543-00132699-00132860 valleys that impede but do not MuV8ig452Nu-00544-00132861-00133085 completely block species migration from MuV8ig452Nu-00545-00133086-00133373 one sky island to another ecologist MuV8ig452Nu-00546-00133374-00133538 Peter warshall lists several MuV8ig452Nu-00547-00133539-00133719 characteristics that make the mad rien MuV8ig452Nu-00548-00133720-00133947 complex unique among Earth's 20 or so MuV8ig452Nu-00549-00133948-00134247 sky island complexes among these are its MuV8ig452Nu-00550-00134248-00134450 north-south orientation across eight MuV8ig452Nu-00551-00134451-00134673 degrees of latitude spanning zones from MuV8ig452Nu-00552-00134674-00134852 the temperate to the subtropical the MuV8ig452Nu-00553-00134853-00135060 highly varied nature of its geologic MuV8ig452Nu-00554-00135061-00135258 origin and of its soils the moderate to MuV8ig452Nu-00555-00135259-00135461 high relief of its terrain and its safe MuV8ig452Nu-00556-00135462-00135629 distance from the mass extinctions MuV8ig452Nu-00557-00135630-00135803 related to the northern glaciers of the MuV8ig452Nu-00558-00135804-00136083 most recent Ice Age influenced by these MuV8ig452Nu-00559-00136084-00136304 in other conditions the Madri and sky MuV8ig452Nu-00560-00136305-00137036 islands support unusual biodiversity MuV8ig452Nu-00561-00137037-00137562 topic recreation MuV8ig452Nu-00562-00137563-00137828 the park is generally open to hikers all MuV8ig452Nu-00563-00137829-00138018 day every day except Christmas the MuV8ig452Nu-00564-00138019-00138198 tucson mountain district is open to MuV8ig452Nu-00565-00138199-00138399 vehicle traffic from sunrise to sunset MuV8ig452Nu-00566-00138400-00138612 in the Rincon mountain district from 7 MuV8ig452Nu-00567-00138613-00138878 a.m. to sunset both districts have MuV8ig452Nu-00568-00138879-00139356 visitor centers more than 165 miles 266 MuV8ig452Nu-00569-00139357-00139575 kilometers of hiking trails wind through MuV8ig452Nu-00570-00139576-00139740 the park where perils may include MuV8ig452Nu-00571-00139741-00139989 extreme heat dehydration flash floods MuV8ig452Nu-00572-00139990-00140315 cactus spines snakes Cougars bears and MuV8ig452Nu-00573-00140316-00140591 Africanized bees the Rincon mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00574-00140592-00140784 district is open to wilderness camping MuV8ig452Nu-00575-00140785-00140988 which requires a permit but no overnight MuV8ig452Nu-00576-00140989-00141152 camping is permitted in the Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00577-00141153-00141739 mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00578-00141740-00142314 topic Tucson Mountain District MuV8ig452Nu-00579-00142315-00142560 the tucson mountain district has 12 MuV8ig452Nu-00580-00142561-00142839 miles 19 kilometers of paved roads and MuV8ig452Nu-00581-00142840-00142982 8.5 miles MuV8ig452Nu-00582-00142983-00143247 13.7 kilometers of unpaved roads MuV8ig452Nu-00583-00143248-00143472 including the five-mile eight kilometers MuV8ig452Nu-00584-00143473-00143769 Bajada loop drive bicycling is allowed MuV8ig452Nu-00585-00143770-00143997 only unpaved roads as well as Bajada MuV8ig452Nu-00586-00143998-00144207 loop Drive Golden Gate Road and the MuV8ig452Nu-00587-00144208-00144507 Belmont multi-use trail horses and other MuV8ig452Nu-00588-00144508-00144687 livestock are allowed on some of the MuV8ig452Nu-00589-00144688-00144906 trails Hohokam petroglyphs etched into MuV8ig452Nu-00590-00144907-00145116 large stones are easily accessible in MuV8ig452Nu-00591-00145117-00145386 the Tucson mountain district the Signal MuV8ig452Nu-00592-00145387-00145590 Hill trail which begins at the Signal MuV8ig452Nu-00593-00145591-00145803 Hill picnic area along the Bajada loop MuV8ig452Nu-00594-00145804-00146019 drive leads to an area with dozens of MuV8ig452Nu-00595-00146020-00146247 examples of the 800 year old rock art MuV8ig452Nu-00596-00146248-00146463 among the notable artificial structures MuV8ig452Nu-00597-00146464-00146631 in the Tucson mountain district are MuV8ig452Nu-00598-00146632-00146838 ramadas picnic tables and restrooms MuV8ig452Nu-00599-00146839-00147060 built by the Civilian Conservation Corps MuV8ig452Nu-00600-00147061-00147528 between 1933 and 1942 conform to their MuV8ig452Nu-00601-00147529-00147735 natural surrounds the rustic buildings MuV8ig452Nu-00602-00147736-00147941 consist mainly of quarried stone and MuV8ig452Nu-00603-00147942-00148146 other materials native to the area the MuV8ig452Nu-00604-00148147-00148389 Arizona Sonora Desert Museum lies just MuV8ig452Nu-00605-00148390-00148578 south of the Tucson mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00606-00148579-00148752 along North Kinney Road in Tucson MuV8ig452Nu-00607-00148753-00148991 mountain county park the nonprofit MuV8ig452Nu-00608-00148992-00149304 organization operating on 98 acres 40 MuV8ig452Nu-00609-00149305-00149496 hectares rented from Pima County MuV8ig452Nu-00610-00149497-00149736 combines aspects of a Botanical Garden MuV8ig452Nu-00611-00149737-00149988 zoo and Natural History Museum featuring MuV8ig452Nu-00612-00149989-00150153 the plants and animals native to the MuV8ig452Nu-00613-00150154-00150663 region MuV8ig452Nu-00614-00150664-00151225 topic rincon mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00615-00151226-00151444 the Rincon mountain district features MuV8ig452Nu-00616-00151445-00151861 the 8.3 mile 13.4 kilometers MuV8ig452Nu-00617-00151862-00152079 which provides access to some of the MuV8ig452Nu-00618-00152080-00152323 trails angling across the Rincon MuV8ig452Nu-00619-00152324-00152490 mountain district from Southwest to MuV8ig452Nu-00620-00152491-00152686 Northeast as a segment of the Arizona MuV8ig452Nu-00621-00152687-00153097 Trail the 800 mile 1,300 kilometers MuV8ig452Nu-00622-00153098-00153315 trail crosses Arizona from its border MuV8ig452Nu-00623-00153316-00153511 with Mexico on the south to its border MuV8ig452Nu-00624-00153512-00153847 with Utah on the north in 2009 Congress MuV8ig452Nu-00625-00153848-00154009 named it a National Scenic Trail MuV8ig452Nu-00626-00154010-00154231 horseback riding is allowed on some of MuV8ig452Nu-00627-00154232-00154600 the trails livestock defined by the NPS MuV8ig452Nu-00628-00154601-00154915 as horses mules or burros must carry MuV8ig452Nu-00629-00154916-00155065 their own food and are not allowed to MuV8ig452Nu-00630-00155066-00155344 graze in the park bicycling is allowed MuV8ig452Nu-00631-00155345-00155563 on the cactus forest loop drive and to MuV8ig452Nu-00632-00155564-00155800 park trails Manning camp campground as MuV8ig452Nu-00633-00155801-00156013 the main staging area for firefighters MuV8ig452Nu-00634-00156014-00156232 trail maintenance crews and scientists MuV8ig452Nu-00635-00156233-00156406 working in the Rincon Mountain district MuV8ig452Nu-00636-00156407-00156643 their supplies are brought in by pack MuV8ig452Nu-00637-00156644-00156832 mules that are kept in Corral's at the MuV8ig452Nu-00638-00156833-00157116 site runoff from a nearby spring the MuV8ig452Nu-00639-00157117-00157321 largest in Rincon's provides water for MuV8ig452Nu-00640-00157322-00157597 the livestock on a 40 acre 16 hectares MuV8ig452Nu-00641-00157598-00157795 plot adjacent to the Rincon Mountain MuV8ig452Nu-00642-00157796-00157984 district along Broadway the desert MuV8ig452Nu-00643-00157985-00158265 research Learning Center D RLC supports MuV8ig452Nu-00644-00158266-00158488 scientific and educational projects MuV8ig452Nu-00645-00158489-00158686 related to a network of Sonoran desert MuV8ig452Nu-00646-00158687-00158901 parks including Saguaro National Park MuV8ig452Nu-00647-00158902-00159238 the DRL sea grounds which include desert MuV8ig452Nu-00648-00159239-00159445 plants and artificial Tenaya and a MuV8ig452Nu-00649-00159446-00159654 rainwater collection system are open to MuV8ig452Nu-00650-00159655-00159937 the public the Sonoran Desert inventory MuV8ig452Nu-00651-00159938-00160159 and monitoring network of which the DRL MuV8ig452Nu-00652-00160160-00160360 Sea is part covers ten national MuV8ig452Nu-00653-00160361-00160588 monuments or parks in Arizona and one in MuV8ig452Nu-00654-00160589-00161164 New Mexico MuV8ig452Nu-00655-00161165-00161854 topic see also Ironwood forest National MuV8ig452Nu-00656-00161855-00162204 Monument list of areas in the United MuV8ig452Nu-00657-00162205-00162402 States National Park System MuV8ig452Nu-00658-00162403-00162763 Tohono O'odham nation Mv-dhFgxsOI-00000-00000000-00000158 hello if you came to get information Mv-dhFgxsOI-00001-00000159-00000359 about this product stay until the end of Mv-dhFgxsOI-00002-00000360-00000559 the video i have an alert for you it is Mv-dhFgxsOI-00003-00000560-00000711 very important you listen to me until Mv-dhFgxsOI-00004-00000712-00000894 the end because i made this video to Mv-dhFgxsOI-00005-00000896-00001054 help you if you need the site of this Mv-dhFgxsOI-00006-00001055-00001239 product will be on the first link of the Mv-dhFgxsOI-00007-00001240-00001495 description the official website Mv-dhFgxsOI-00008-00001496-00001702 as this product is on the rise is having Mv-dhFgxsOI-00009-00001703-00001902 a high demand on the internet i made Mv-dhFgxsOI-00010-00001903-00002063 this video to leave a very important Mv-dhFgxsOI-00011-00002064-00002295 alert as this is a digital product many Mv-dhFgxsOI-00012-00002296-00002487 people are making websites on google to Mv-dhFgxsOI-00013-00002488-00002655 steal card information from people who Mv-dhFgxsOI-00014-00002656-00002855 are looking for this product Mv-dhFgxsOI-00015-00002856-00003023 an important piece of information is the Mv-dhFgxsOI-00016-00003024-00003206 fake products because this product is Mv-dhFgxsOI-00017-00003207-00003431 having a big exit many people are also Mv-dhFgxsOI-00018-00003432-00003663 falsifying this product to sell cheaper Mv-dhFgxsOI-00019-00003664-00003799 and take the credit of the creator of Mv-dhFgxsOI-00020-00003800-00003943 this course Mv-dhFgxsOI-00021-00003944-00004127 if you came for more information this Mv-dhFgxsOI-00022-00004128-00004311 product is marketed by the payment Mv-dhFgxsOI-00023-00004312-00004438 manager of clickbank Mv-dhFgxsOI-00024-00004439-00004591 which is one of the largest management Mv-dhFgxsOI-00025-00004592-00004759 platforms for buying and selling courses Mv-dhFgxsOI-00026-00004760-00004902 on the internet i will leave the Mv-dhFgxsOI-00027-00004903-00005070 official website on the first link of Mv-dhFgxsOI-00028-00005071-00005231 the description and once you make your Mv-dhFgxsOI-00029-00005232-00005375 purchase you will see that you will Mv-dhFgxsOI-00030-00005376-00005543 enter the website of the payment manager Mv-dhFgxsOI-00031-00005544-00005718 that is clickbank Mv-dhFgxsOI-00032-00005719-00005886 remember also that if you buy this Mv-dhFgxsOI-00033-00005887-00006079 product on a website other than the one Mv-dhFgxsOI-00034-00006080-00006263 i mentioned you will end up losing the Mv-dhFgxsOI-00035-00006264-00006478 60-day warranty which the product owner Mv-dhFgxsOI-00036-00006479-00006670 gives and probably will not have support Mv-dhFgxsOI-00037-00006672-00006855 from the product owner so make sure to Mv-dhFgxsOI-00038-00006856-00007039 check what i said when finalizing your Mv-dhFgxsOI-00039-00007040-00007183 purchase Mv-dhFgxsOI-00040-00007184-00007327 this course has helped thousands of Mv-dhFgxsOI-00041-00007328-00007527 people to achieve their goals and surely Mv-dhFgxsOI-00042-00007528-00007719 you will be one more to achieve what you Mv-dhFgxsOI-00043-00007720-00007895 are looking for in your personal life i Mv-dhFgxsOI-00044-00007895-00008023 will leave in the first link of the Mv-dhFgxsOI-00045-00008023-00008191 description the official website of this Mv-dhFgxsOI-00046-00008192-00008335 product and if you thought my Mv-dhFgxsOI-00047-00008336-00008527 information was relevant enjoy this Mv-dhFgxsOI-00048-00008528-00008655 video Mv-dhFgxsOI-00049-00008656-00008831 remember that buying fake products is a Mv-dhFgxsOI-00050-00008832-00009046 crime and end up devaluing the work of Mv-dhFgxsOI-00051-00009047-00009223 the creator of the product i hope to Mv-dhFgxsOI-00052-00009224-00010071 have helped even more Mv-dhFgxsOI-00053-00010072-00010279 you M-mHu_CCVSY-00000-00000000-00000070 [Music] M-mHu_CCVSY-00001-00000071-00000303 electric vehicle is the future and big M-mHu_CCVSY-00002-00000304-00000543 companies are trying to venture into it M-mHu_CCVSY-00003-00000544-00000782 and probably at the forefront of them is M-mHu_CCVSY-00004-00000783-00000902 bmw M-mHu_CCVSY-00005-00000903-00001135 because bmw has recently dropped the M-mHu_CCVSY-00006-00001136-00001327 concept of its electric scooter on the M-mHu_CCVSY-00007-00001328-00001415 ground M-mHu_CCVSY-00008-00001416-00001639 guys the name of this electric scooter M-mHu_CCVSY-00009-00001639-00001782 is bmw M-mHu_CCVSY-00010-00001784-00002126 ce04 its design is so beautiful that M-mHu_CCVSY-00011-00002127-00002367 i have fallen in love with its design M-mHu_CCVSY-00012-00002368-00002526 after seeing this scooter for the first M-mHu_CCVSY-00013-00002527-00002591 time M-mHu_CCVSY-00014-00002592-00002758 you will be reminded of a scene from a M-mHu_CCVSY-00015-00002759-00003063 hollywood science fiction movie guys M-mHu_CCVSY-00016-00003064-00003247 it gets a large dft screen with M-mHu_CCVSY-00017-00003247-00003383 navigation system M-mHu_CCVSY-00018-00003384-00003583 and smartphone connectivity installed on M-mHu_CCVSY-00019-00003584-00003703 the scooter M-mHu_CCVSY-00020-00003704-00004031 its powerful battery gets charged in 4.5 M-mHu_CCVSY-00021-00004032-00004103 hours M-mHu_CCVSY-00022-00004104-00004335 and once fully charged it can travel up M-mHu_CCVSY-00023-00004336-00004535 to 130 kilometers M-mHu_CCVSY-00024-00004536-00004743 looking at its design it is being M-mHu_CCVSY-00025-00004744-00004959 speculated that its price will start M-mHu_CCVSY-00026-00004960-00005118 from rupees 2 lakhs M-mHu_CCVSY-00027-00005119-00005302 guys did you like the electric scooter M-mHu_CCVSY-00028-00005303-00005559 of bmw do write in the comment section M-mHu_CCVSY-00029-00005560-00005711 and like share and subscribe for such M-mHu_CCVSY-00030-00005712-00006080 amazing videos see you in the next video MA0PoEc1t94-00000-00000017-00000353 the year 1916 involved a number of MA0PoEc1t94-00001-00000354-00000559 significant events in science and MA0PoEc1t94-00002-00000560-00000743 technology some of which are listed MA0PoEc1t94-00003-00000744-00001329 below MA0PoEc1t94-00004-00001330-00001893 topic astronomy MA0PoEc1t94-00005-00001894-00002167 Barnard's star is discovered by Edward MA0PoEc1t94-00006-00002168-00002522 Emerson Barnard Harlow Shapley finds MA0PoEc1t94-00007-00002523-00002723 that the spectrum of s Sagittaron MA0PoEc1t94-00008-00002724-00002930 daugther Cepheid variables varies with MA0PoEc1t94-00009-00002931-00003155 brightness recording it as spectral type MA0PoEc1t94-00010-00003156-00003481 f0 leading to maximum f4 at maximum and MA0PoEc1t94-00011-00003482-00004247 g3 just before minimum brightness MA0PoEc1t94-00012-00004248-00004802 topic chemistry MA0PoEc1t94-00013-00004803-00005030 Gilbert n Lewis and Irving Langmuir MA0PoEc1t94-00014-00005031-00005267 formulate an electron shell model of MA0PoEc1t94-00015-00005268-00005603 chemical bonding Sidney Chapman and MA0PoEc1t94-00016-00005604-00005852 David n skog systematically develop a MA0PoEc1t94-00017-00005853-00006242 kinetic theory of gases jan Schakowsky MA0PoEc1t94-00018-00006243-00006436 invents a method for growing single MA0PoEc1t94-00019-00006437-00006752 crystals of metals the born-haber cycle MA0PoEc1t94-00020-00006753-00007028 is an approach to analyze reaction MA0PoEc1t94-00021-00007029-00007283 energies it was named after the two MA0PoEc1t94-00022-00007284-00007526 German scientists Max Born and Fritz MA0PoEc1t94-00023-00007527-00008331 Haber who developed it in 1916 MA0PoEc1t94-00024-00008332-00008920 topic mathematics MA0PoEc1t94-00025-00008921-00009172 Ludvig bieber back presents the bieber MA0PoEc1t94-00026-00009173-00009526 back conjecture that swift sierpinski MA0PoEc1t94-00027-00009527-00009742 gives the first example of an absolutely MA0PoEc1t94-00028-00009743-00009931 normal number and describes the MA0PoEc1t94-00029-00009932-00010598 sierpinski carpet MA0PoEc1t94-00030-00010599-00011138 topic medicine MA0PoEc1t94-00031-00011139-00011405 the first of January the British Royal MA0PoEc1t94-00032-00011406-00011627 Army Medical Corps carries out the first MA0PoEc1t94-00033-00011628-00011870 successful blood transfusion using blood MA0PoEc1t94-00034-00011871-00012218 that had been stored and called the 16th MA0PoEc1t94-00035-00012219-00012458 of October Margaret Sanger opens a MA0PoEc1t94-00036-00012459-00012647 family planning and birth control clinic MA0PoEc1t94-00037-00012648-00012916 in Brownsville Brooklyn the first of its MA0PoEc1t94-00038-00012917-00013241 kind in the United States nine days MA0PoEc1t94-00039-00013241-00013490 later she is arrested for breaking a New MA0PoEc1t94-00040-00013491-00013712 York state law prohibiting distribution MA0PoEc1t94-00041-00013713-00014015 of contraceptives this same year she MA0PoEc1t94-00042-00014016-00014216 publishes what every girl should know MA0PoEc1t94-00043-00014216-00014456 providing information about such topics MA0PoEc1t94-00044-00014457-00014681 as menstruation and sexuality in MA0PoEc1t94-00045-00014682-00015094 adolescents Jorge Gillan Jean Alexandre MA0PoEc1t94-00046-00015095-00015322 beret and Andre stroll diagnosed two MA0PoEc1t94-00047-00015323-00015530 soldiers with guillain-barré a syndrome MA0PoEc1t94-00048-00015531-00015713 of the peripheral nervous system and MA0PoEc1t94-00049-00015713-00015956 described the key diagnostic abnormality MA0PoEc1t94-00050-00015957-00016151 of increased spinal fluid protein MA0PoEc1t94-00051-00016152-00016529 production but normal cell count Eugen MA0PoEc1t94-00052-00016530-00016702 Bleuler publishes his lehrbuch der MA0PoEc1t94-00053-00016703-00016955 psychiatry including a definition of MA0PoEc1t94-00054-00016956-00017162 complexes arising from diffuse brain MA0PoEc1t94-00055-00017163-00017647 damage known as blue Liz psycho syndrome MA0PoEc1t94-00056-00017648-00017897 medication saruman against African MA0PoEc1t94-00057-00017898-00018122 sleeping sickness and river blindness is MA0PoEc1t94-00058-00018123-00018889 first made by German company Bayer AG MA0PoEc1t94-00059-00018890-00019441 topic physics MA0PoEc1t94-00060-00019442-00019821 Albert Einstein publishes die grundlagen MA0PoEc1t94-00061-00019822-00020197 and relative attacks theory on general MA0PoEc1t94-00062-00020198-00020503 relativity in annalen der physik 49 and MA0PoEc1t94-00063-00020504-00020674 shows that the field equations of MA0PoEc1t94-00064-00020675-00020854 general relativity admit wave-like MA0PoEc1t94-00065-00020855-00021223 solutions this will be demonstrated in MA0PoEc1t94-00066-00021224-00021646 2016 Kyle Schwartz this child solves the MA0PoEc1t94-00067-00021647-00021877 Einstein vacuum field equations for MA0PoEc1t94-00068-00021878-00022078 uncharged spherically symmetric non MA0PoEc1t94-00069-00022079-00022279 rotating systems and calculate MA0PoEc1t94-00070-00022280-00022621 Schwarzschild radius the born-haber MA0PoEc1t94-00071-00022622-00022944 cycle was developed 1916 by the two MA0PoEc1t94-00072-00022945-00023194 German scientists Max Born and Fritz MA0PoEc1t94-00073-00023195-00023771 Harbor MA0PoEc1t94-00074-00023772-00024337 topic psychology MA0PoEc1t94-00075-00024338-00024634 luis m Turman of stanford university MA0PoEc1t94-00076-00024635-00024841 develops the first of the stanford-binet MA0PoEc1t94-00077-00024842-00025066 intelligence scales for intelligence MA0PoEc1t94-00078-00025067-00025649 testing MA0PoEc1t94-00079-00025650-00026223 topic technology MA0PoEc1t94-00080-00026224-00026577 the 18th of April captain Peter Neeson MA0PoEc1t94-00081-00026577-00026921 completes the prototype Nissen Hut the MA0PoEc1t94-00082-00026922-00027186 11th of September the almost completed MA0PoEc1t94-00083-00027187-00027393 Quebec bridge collapses for the second MA0PoEc1t94-00084-00027394-00027958 time MA0PoEc1t94-00085-00027958-00028511 topic events MA0PoEc1t94-00086-00028512-00028781 chemist chicka Kuroda becomes the first MA0PoEc1t94-00087-00028782-00029000 woman in Japan to receive a Bachelor of MA0PoEc1t94-00088-00029001-00029633 Science degree MA0PoEc1t94-00089-00029635-00030180 topic births MA0PoEc1t94-00090-00030181-00030495 the 10th of January soon a que Bergstrom MA0PoEc1t94-00091-00030495-00030852 died 2004 Swedish biochemist winner of MA0PoEc1t94-00092-00030852-00031145 the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physiology or MA0PoEc1t94-00093-00031147-00031575 medicine the 25th of January John RF MA0PoEc1t94-00094-00031576-00031845 Jeffrey's died 1944 British MA0PoEc1t94-00095-00031845-00032205 mathematician and Crypt analyst the 4th MA0PoEc1t94-00096-00032206-00032592 of March hands a sank died 1997 German MA0PoEc1t94-00097-00032593-00032967 born psychologist the 26th of March MA0PoEc1t94-00098-00032968-00033344 Christian be anfinsen died 1995 American MA0PoEc1t94-00099-00033345-00033672 biochemist winner of the 1972 Nobel MA0PoEc1t94-00100-00033673-00034029 Prize in Chemistry the 14th of April MA0PoEc1t94-00101-00034030-00034344 Laurens husband died 2015 New Zealand MA0PoEc1t94-00102-00034345-00034740 meteorologist the 30th of April Claude MA0PoEc1t94-00103-00034741-00035057 Shannon died 2001 American mathematician MA0PoEc1t94-00104-00035058-00035535 father of information theory the 6th of MA0PoEc1t94-00105-00035536-00035895 May Robert H dick died 1997 American MA0PoEc1t94-00106-00035896-00036258 physicist the 4th of June Robert F MA0PoEc1t94-00107-00036259-00036621 forgot died 2009 American biochemist MA0PoEc1t94-00108-00036622-00036896 winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in MA0PoEc1t94-00109-00036897-00037254 Physiology or medicine the 8th of June MA0PoEc1t94-00110-00037255-00037593 Francis Crick died 2004 english-born MA0PoEc1t94-00111-00037594-00037857 molecular biologist co-discoverer of the MA0PoEc1t94-00112-00037858-00038099 nucleic acid double helix structure in MA0PoEc1t94-00113-00038100-00038484 1953 winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize in MA0PoEc1t94-00114-00038485-00038856 Physiology or medicine the 11th of June MA0PoEc1t94-00115-00038857-00039155 Alexander Prokhorov died 2002 MA0PoEc1t94-00116-00039156-00039467 australian-born Soviet Russian physicist MA0PoEc1t94-00117-00039468-00039833 the 15th of June Herbert a Simon died MA0PoEc1t94-00118-00039834-00040134 2001 American polymath winner of the MA0PoEc1t94-00119-00040135-00040413 1978 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic MA0PoEc1t94-00120-00040414-00040752 Sciences the 1st of July MA0PoEc1t94-00121-00040753-00041121 Joseph shil of ski died 1985 Ukrainian MA0PoEc1t94-00122-00041122-00041514 astrophysicist the 11th of July Kitty MA0PoEc1t94-00123-00041515-00041862 joiner died 1993 American electrical MA0PoEc1t94-00124-00041863-00042243 engineer the 25th of August Frederic MA0PoEc1t94-00125-00042244-00042548 Chapman Robbins died 2003 American MA0PoEc1t94-00126-00042549-00042792 pediatrician and virologist winner of MA0PoEc1t94-00127-00042793-00043086 the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physiology or MA0PoEc1t94-00128-00043087-00043455 medicine the 3rd of october frank pant MA0PoEc1t94-00129-00043456-00043554 ridge died too MA0PoEc1t94-00130-00043555-00043971 2004 Northern Ireland cardiologist the MA0PoEc1t94-00131-00043972-00044237 fourth of October Vitali Ginsberg died MA0PoEc1t94-00132-00044238-00044517 2009 soviet/russian theoretical MA0PoEc1t94-00133-00044518-00044766 physicist astrophysicist one of the MA0PoEc1t94-00134-00044767-00044961 fathers of the Soviet hydrogen bomb MA0PoEc1t94-00135-00044962-00045243 winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize in MA0PoEc1t94-00136-00045244-00045447 Physics member of the Soviet and Russian MA0PoEc1t94-00137-00045448-00045840 academies of Sciences the 19th of MA0PoEc1t94-00138-00045841-00046188 October Jean Dorsett died 2009 French MA0PoEc1t94-00139-00046189-00046467 immunologist winner of the 1980 Nobel MA0PoEc1t94-00140-00046468-00046848 Prize in Physiology or medicine the 16th MA0PoEc1t94-00141-00046849-00047117 of November Christopher Strait she died MA0PoEc1t94-00142-00047118-00047604 1975 English computer scientist the 15th MA0PoEc1t94-00143-00047605-00047931 of December Maurice Wilkins died 2004 MA0PoEc1t94-00144-00047932-00048150 new zealand-born English molecular MA0PoEc1t94-00145-00048151-00048390 biologist co-discoverer of the nucleic MA0PoEc1t94-00146-00048391-00048687 acid double helix structure in 1953 MA0PoEc1t94-00147-00048688-00048909 using x-ray diffraction winner of the MA0PoEc1t94-00148-00048910-00049203 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or MA0PoEc1t94-00149-00049204-00049599 medicine the 27th of December John MA0PoEc1t94-00150-00049600-00050442 Duckworth died 2015 British physicist MA0PoEc1t94-00151-00050443-00050976 topic deaths MA0PoEc1t94-00152-00050977-00051225 the 12th of February Richard Dedekind MA0PoEc1t94-00153-00051226-00051735 born 1831 German mathematician the 19th MA0PoEc1t94-00154-00051736-00052011 of February Ernst Mack born 1838 MA0PoEc1t94-00155-00052012-00052410 Austrian born physicist the 11th of May MA0PoEc1t94-00156-00052411-00052766 Kyle Schwartz is child born 1873 German MA0PoEc1t94-00157-00052767-00053117 astronomer and physicist the 15th of MA0PoEc1t94-00158-00053119-00053460 July le metchnikoff born 1845 Russian MA0PoEc1t94-00159-00053461-00053697 zoologist and immunologist winner of the MA0PoEc1t94-00160-00053698-00053957 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology or MA0PoEc1t94-00161-00053958-00054360 medicine the 23rd of July Sir William MA0PoEc1t94-00162-00054361-00054692 Ramsay born 1852 scottish-born chemist MA0PoEc1t94-00163-00054694-00054960 winner of the 1904 Nobel Prize in MA0PoEc1t94-00164-00054961-00055338 Chemistry the 14th of September Pierre MA0PoEc1t94-00165-00055339-00055650 du hem born 1861 French philosopher of MA0PoEc1t94-00166-00055651-00056025 science the 10th of November walter MA0PoEc1t94-00167-00056026-00056394 Sutton born 1877 American geneticist and MA0PoEc1t94-00168-00056395-00056769 surgeon the 12th of November Percival MA0PoEc1t94-00169-00056770-00057213 Lowell born 1855 American astronomer the MA0PoEc1t94-00170-00057214-00057581 24th of November Hiram Maxim born 1840 MA0PoEc1t94-00171-00057582-00058011 American inventor of the machine gun the MA0PoEc1t94-00172-00058012-00058397 31st of December Alice Paul born 1892 MA0PoEc1t94-00173-00058398-00058739 african-american chemist MAOmSOdkLoM-00000-00000104-00000678 [Music] MAOmSOdkLoM-00001-00000679-00001207 your dreams goals and desire aspirations MAOmSOdkLoM-00002-00001208-00001447 it's it's good MAOmSOdkLoM-00003-00001448-00001550 that MAOmSOdkLoM-00004-00001551-00001807 you spend a little more time on it MAOmSOdkLoM-00005-00001807-00002047 and see will this really mean something MAOmSOdkLoM-00006-00002048-00002334 to you even after 25 years 50 years if MAOmSOdkLoM-00007-00002335-00002550 you're in your death bed will it still MAOmSOdkLoM-00008-00002551-00002710 mean something to you MAOmSOdkLoM-00009-00002711-00002902 you must look at it MAOmSOdkLoM-00010-00002903-00003150 whatever you aspiring for whatever MAOmSOdkLoM-00011-00003151-00003343 you're dreaming of whatever goals you MAOmSOdkLoM-00012-00003344-00003454 have set MAOmSOdkLoM-00013-00003455-00003647 will it really mean something because MAOmSOdkLoM-00014-00003647-00003983 most of these goals are traps MAOmSOdkLoM-00015-00003984-00004238 they're just traps you get in it's only MAOmSOdkLoM-00016-00004239-00004527 one way street you can't turn back MAOmSOdkLoM-00017-00004528-00004831 i want you to look at this MAOmSOdkLoM-00018-00004832-00005151 because MAOmSOdkLoM-00019-00005152-00005375 many of them are older than you you ask MAOmSOdkLoM-00020-00005376-00005463 them MAOmSOdkLoM-00021-00005464-00005806 what they dreamed of at 18 MAOmSOdkLoM-00022-00005807-00006646 they're fortunate it didn't come true MAOmSOdkLoM-00023-00006647-00006863 yes or no MAOmSOdkLoM-00024-00006864-00007070 if everything that you desired and MAOmSOdkLoM-00025-00007072-00007327 dreamed came true in your life could you MAOmSOdkLoM-00026-00007328-00007510 live with it MAOmSOdkLoM-00027-00007511-00007727 fortunately many of those things got MAOmSOdkLoM-00028-00007728-00008174 filtered and never came true isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00029-00008175-00008310 so MAOmSOdkLoM-00030-00008311-00008519 it will be very good MAOmSOdkLoM-00031-00008520-00008919 if anybody of your age if they want to MAOmSOdkLoM-00032-00008920-00009191 decide and fix the goals of their life MAOmSOdkLoM-00033-00009192-00009383 it'll be very good if they take a break MAOmSOdkLoM-00034-00009384-00009646 from all influence that's around them MAOmSOdkLoM-00035-00009647-00009903 social influences family influences MAOmSOdkLoM-00036-00009904-00010055 other influences MAOmSOdkLoM-00037-00010056-00010342 we draw somewhere that's why an ashram MAOmSOdkLoM-00038-00010343-00010599 we draw somewhere sit down meditate MAOmSOdkLoM-00039-00010600-00010783 bring yourself to a certain level of MAOmSOdkLoM-00040-00010784-00010999 clarity and joy MAOmSOdkLoM-00041-00011000-00011223 when you're very happy and clear you MAOmSOdkLoM-00042-00011224-00011359 must decide MAOmSOdkLoM-00043-00011360-00011695 not in desperation you set goals MAOmSOdkLoM-00044-00011696-00011878 desperate goals that you said will mean MAOmSOdkLoM-00045-00011879-00012087 a lot to you at that moment tomorrow MAOmSOdkLoM-00046-00012088-00012214 morning you look you don't know why MAOmSOdkLoM-00047-00012215-00012414 you're tangled up with it MAOmSOdkLoM-00048-00012415-00012503 so MAOmSOdkLoM-00049-00012504-00012678 it'll be good MAOmSOdkLoM-00050-00012679-00012951 if you if you're fixing your life MAOmSOdkLoM-00051-00012952-00013222 it's best that you do it when you're MAOmSOdkLoM-00052-00013223-00013486 very very peaceful happy and MAOmSOdkLoM-00053-00013487-00013686 clear-headed isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00054-00013687-00013991 not influenced by anything around you MAOmSOdkLoM-00055-00013991-00014294 simply by yourself sit and decide what MAOmSOdkLoM-00056-00014295-00014479 is it that you really want to become in MAOmSOdkLoM-00057-00014480-00014711 your life what is it that will be of MAOmSOdkLoM-00058-00014712-00014943 enduring value for you MAOmSOdkLoM-00059-00014944-00015215 not for somebody else for you MAOmSOdkLoM-00060-00015216-00015375 and MAOmSOdkLoM-00061-00015376-00015591 you don't have to build a personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00062-00015591-00015847 for that you strive for that MAOmSOdkLoM-00063-00015847-00016103 the necessary persona will come you must MAOmSOdkLoM-00064-00016104-00016479 understand what a personality is MAOmSOdkLoM-00065-00016480-00016679 the word personality comes from the word MAOmSOdkLoM-00066-00016680-00016822 persona MAOmSOdkLoM-00067-00016823-00017207 persona means in greek MAOmSOdkLoM-00068-00017208-00017543 or in latin i'm sorry is a mask MAOmSOdkLoM-00069-00017544-00017703 this is a mask MAOmSOdkLoM-00070-00017704-00017791 that MAOmSOdkLoM-00071-00017792-00018086 they used to use in old theaters MAOmSOdkLoM-00072-00018087-00018303 now the same people will be playing many MAOmSOdkLoM-00073-00018304-00018743 roles let's say ramayana is happening MAOmSOdkLoM-00074-00018744-00018958 you have to play rama's role also and MAOmSOdkLoM-00075-00018959-00019158 sita's role also and lakshman's role MAOmSOdkLoM-00076-00019159-00019391 also for everything there's one one mask MAOmSOdkLoM-00077-00019392-00019630 you hold this mask and speak like rama MAOmSOdkLoM-00078-00019631-00019871 keep it down hold this mask and speak MAOmSOdkLoM-00079-00019872-00020063 like sita keep it down hold this and MAOmSOdkLoM-00080-00020064-00020303 speak like hanuman and keep it down MAOmSOdkLoM-00081-00020304-00020575 this is how the plays were done MAOmSOdkLoM-00082-00020576-00020791 so it is those masks MAOmSOdkLoM-00083-00020792-00021030 which were referred to as MAOmSOdkLoM-00084-00021031-00021230 persona MAOmSOdkLoM-00085-00021231-00021494 so personality means MAOmSOdkLoM-00086-00021495-00021686 you held a mask MAOmSOdkLoM-00087-00021687-00021967 and mask got stuck to your face MAOmSOdkLoM-00088-00021968-00022311 you couldn't pull it out MAOmSOdkLoM-00089-00022312-00022799 that means you have a personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00090-00022800-00023086 personality is something that people are MAOmSOdkLoM-00091-00023087-00023247 trying to develop MAOmSOdkLoM-00092-00023248-00023442 because they have no sense of being MAOmSOdkLoM-00093-00023443-00023750 [Music] MAOmSOdkLoM-00094-00023751-00023919 in so the real thing MAOmSOdkLoM-00095-00023920-00024119 you're trying to concretize the fake MAOmSOdkLoM-00096-00024120-00024327 thing MAOmSOdkLoM-00097-00024328-00024567 if you are in touch with your being why MAOmSOdkLoM-00098-00024568-00024758 do you want a personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00099-00024759-00024967 it's not necessary you can be a MAOmSOdkLoM-00100-00024968-00025119 different kind of personality in MAOmSOdkLoM-00101-00025120-00025294 different places MAOmSOdkLoM-00102-00025295-00025447 you are actually MAOmSOdkLoM-00103-00025448-00025655 already or are you stuck with one MAOmSOdkLoM-00104-00025656-00025783 personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00105-00025783-00025918 some people are people who are MAOmSOdkLoM-00106-00025919-00026134 simplistic in their head have only one MAOmSOdkLoM-00107-00026135-00026390 personality others have different MAOmSOdkLoM-00108-00026391-00026614 personalities in different areas of life MAOmSOdkLoM-00109-00026616-00026718 isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00110-00026719-00027143 if you had seen me before MAOmSOdkLoM-00111-00027144-00027243 like MAOmSOdkLoM-00112-00027244-00027431 1999 MAOmSOdkLoM-00113-00027432-00027623 that is before the consecration of MAOmSOdkLoM-00114-00027624-00027767 dhyanalinga MAOmSOdkLoM-00115-00027768-00027943 i was a completely different kind of MAOmSOdkLoM-00116-00027944-00028327 person okay MAOmSOdkLoM-00117-00028327-00028639 to such an extent everything about me MAOmSOdkLoM-00118-00028639-00028927 was so different MAOmSOdkLoM-00119-00028927-00029087 well before that things happened that MAOmSOdkLoM-00120-00029088-00029223 was beyond me MAOmSOdkLoM-00121-00029224-00029567 but this was conscious MAOmSOdkLoM-00122-00029568-00029799 at that time i was single-minded towards MAOmSOdkLoM-00123-00029800-00030223 a certain purpose i was in a certain way MAOmSOdkLoM-00124-00030224-00030439 so after i never thought i would live MAOmSOdkLoM-00125-00030439-00030574 beyond that MAOmSOdkLoM-00126-00030575-00030862 but somehow things happened MAOmSOdkLoM-00127-00030863-00031062 then i thought okay now that the work is MAOmSOdkLoM-00128-00031063-00031295 over let me change my personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00129-00031295-00031423 completely MAOmSOdkLoM-00130-00031424-00031655 to fulfill that i had acquired a certain MAOmSOdkLoM-00131-00031656-00031831 kind of personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00132-00031832-00032062 and now that it's over i thought MAOmSOdkLoM-00133-00032063-00032318 let me change it MAOmSOdkLoM-00134-00032319-00032470 and i told people around me see i'm MAOmSOdkLoM-00135-00032472-00032679 going to change my personality don't be MAOmSOdkLoM-00136-00032680-00033190 shocked i'm still the same guy MAOmSOdkLoM-00137-00033191-00033423 i said no problem this this this i said MAOmSOdkLoM-00138-00033424-00033751 just hang on because things will change MAOmSOdkLoM-00139-00033752-00033983 everything about me will change the way MAOmSOdkLoM-00140-00033984-00034167 i operate will change the way i speak MAOmSOdkLoM-00141-00034168-00034311 will change the way i address will MAOmSOdkLoM-00142-00034312-00034446 change the way i do everything will MAOmSOdkLoM-00143-00034447-00034583 change MAOmSOdkLoM-00144-00034584-00034790 they said no problem we know you we love MAOmSOdkLoM-00145-00034791-00035007 you with this this i said that's okay MAOmSOdkLoM-00146-00035008-00035223 hang on tight because when things change MAOmSOdkLoM-00147-00035224-00035407 people fall off MAOmSOdkLoM-00148-00035408-00035599 a lot of people fell off MAOmSOdkLoM-00149-00035600-00035718 because MAOmSOdkLoM-00150-00035719-00035951 they couldn't believe MAOmSOdkLoM-00151-00035952-00036087 where is that MAOmSOdkLoM-00152-00036088-00036318 person that they knew that person just MAOmSOdkLoM-00153-00036319-00036455 evaporated MAOmSOdkLoM-00154-00036456-00036671 you know MAOmSOdkLoM-00155-00036672-00036862 this is a new person MAOmSOdkLoM-00156-00036863-00037151 they can't identify with this new person MAOmSOdkLoM-00157-00037152-00037390 i told them unchanged in spite of that MAOmSOdkLoM-00158-00037391-00037543 they fell off MAOmSOdkLoM-00159-00037544-00037695 so many of them MAOmSOdkLoM-00160-00037696-00037871 so many of them who are very dear to me MAOmSOdkLoM-00161-00037872-00038151 and very close to me they fell away MAOmSOdkLoM-00162-00038152-00038374 because i changed so dramatically and i MAOmSOdkLoM-00163-00038375-00038583 told them i'm going to change MAOmSOdkLoM-00164-00038584-00038830 because one phase of work is over MAOmSOdkLoM-00165-00038831-00039151 now it's time to change my personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00166-00039152-00039367 the way i look the way i dress the way i MAOmSOdkLoM-00167-00039368-00039471 speak MAOmSOdkLoM-00168-00039472-00039630 the very way i am MAOmSOdkLoM-00169-00039631-00039887 everything about me i even change what MAOmSOdkLoM-00170-00039888-00040135 food i like MAOmSOdkLoM-00171-00040136-00040287 i changed my personality so i thought MAOmSOdkLoM-00172-00040288-00040902 i'd change my food also MAOmSOdkLoM-00173-00040903-00041102 so personality is something that you MAOmSOdkLoM-00174-00041103-00041279 have taken on MAOmSOdkLoM-00175-00041280-00041358 but MAOmSOdkLoM-00176-00041359-00041655 you have become so unconscious about it MAOmSOdkLoM-00177-00041656-00041935 that you think it's for real if you're MAOmSOdkLoM-00178-00041936-00042190 you're asking how to develop that means MAOmSOdkLoM-00179-00042191-00042367 you're making it up right MAOmSOdkLoM-00180-00042368-00042599 another word for developing is making up MAOmSOdkLoM-00181-00042600-00042743 isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00182-00042744-00042990 you're making it up make it up whichever MAOmSOdkLoM-00183-00042991-00043158 way is suitable for your kind of MAOmSOdkLoM-00184-00043159-00043287 activity MAOmSOdkLoM-00185-00043288-00043551 but you must be able to keep it down MAOmSOdkLoM-00186-00043552-00043799 if it gets stuck to your face then it MAOmSOdkLoM-00187-00043800-00044007 becomes misery MAOmSOdkLoM-00188-00044008-00044279 then all suffering will come to you MAOmSOdkLoM-00189-00044280-00044607 you can take on any kind of personality MAOmSOdkLoM-00190-00044608-00044711 but MAOmSOdkLoM-00191-00044712-00044879 when you want to keep it down you must MAOmSOdkLoM-00192-00044880-00045511 be able to keep it down there was a sage MAOmSOdkLoM-00193-00045512-00045767 he was so wise MAOmSOdkLoM-00194-00045768-00046143 people went to him and crowds gathered MAOmSOdkLoM-00195-00046144-00046446 then the king went to him and the king MAOmSOdkLoM-00196-00046447-00046711 saw such a wise man should be in his MAOmSOdkLoM-00197-00046712-00046871 coat MAOmSOdkLoM-00198-00046872-00047174 so he told the sage MAOmSOdkLoM-00199-00047175-00047343 you must come and become my chief MAOmSOdkLoM-00200-00047344-00047471 minister MAOmSOdkLoM-00201-00047472-00047695 because a wise man like you shouldn't go MAOmSOdkLoM-00202-00047696-00047935 away sitting under a tree MAOmSOdkLoM-00203-00047936-00048374 you must be useful for the people MAOmSOdkLoM-00204-00048375-00048679 the sage said to say that's fine but i MAOmSOdkLoM-00205-00048680-00048886 have a condition MAOmSOdkLoM-00206-00048887-00049351 you must give me a room MAOmSOdkLoM-00207-00049352-00049583 in your palace MAOmSOdkLoM-00208-00049584-00050062 where i will spend every day one hour MAOmSOdkLoM-00209-00050063-00050286 you should never peep into that room you MAOmSOdkLoM-00210-00050287-00050502 should never ask me what it's about you MAOmSOdkLoM-00211-00050503-00050727 should never break into it MAOmSOdkLoM-00212-00050728-00050871 nothing MAOmSOdkLoM-00213-00050872-00051174 this room should be left unexplored by MAOmSOdkLoM-00214-00051175-00051358 yourself your servants your secret MAOmSOdkLoM-00215-00051359-00051879 agents and everybody MAOmSOdkLoM-00216-00051879-00052102 looking that that's not a problem what's MAOmSOdkLoM-00217-00052103-00052254 the problem with me MAOmSOdkLoM-00218-00052255-00052438 you want your room why do i want to look MAOmSOdkLoM-00219-00052439-00052919 into your room take it MAOmSOdkLoM-00220-00052920-00053119 then whenever MAOmSOdkLoM-00221-00053120-00053471 any important meeting is to come MAOmSOdkLoM-00222-00053472-00053711 this man who's sage now who's become a MAOmSOdkLoM-00223-00053712-00053823 minister MAOmSOdkLoM-00224-00053824-00054023 so he's wearing appropriate clothes for MAOmSOdkLoM-00225-00054024-00054254 the palace MAOmSOdkLoM-00226-00054255-00054559 but he goes in MAOmSOdkLoM-00227-00054560-00054750 to this room and locks himself for one MAOmSOdkLoM-00228-00054751-00054975 hour and comes out MAOmSOdkLoM-00229-00054976-00055287 a few months and years passed MAOmSOdkLoM-00230-00055288-00055535 but then after that king's curiosity you MAOmSOdkLoM-00231-00055536-00055647 know MAOmSOdkLoM-00232-00055648-00056279 it even got us to mars MAOmSOdkLoM-00233-00056279-00056479 he wants to know what the hell is he MAOmSOdkLoM-00234-00056479-00056566 doing MAOmSOdkLoM-00235-00056567-00056791 inside MAOmSOdkLoM-00236-00056791-00057094 so pure rumor started all around oh he's MAOmSOdkLoM-00237-00057095-00057375 doing something he's got somebody inside MAOmSOdkLoM-00238-00057376-00057471 maybe MAOmSOdkLoM-00239-00057472-00057750 he's an enemy agent he suddenly landed MAOmSOdkLoM-00240-00057751-00057911 here what is he doing there what is he MAOmSOdkLoM-00241-00057912-00058166 doing there everybody the whole palace MAOmSOdkLoM-00242-00058167-00058366 started buzzing around with what is he MAOmSOdkLoM-00243-00058367-00058575 doing in this room everybody wants to MAOmSOdkLoM-00244-00058576-00058742 see what's in the room MAOmSOdkLoM-00245-00058744-00058975 but it's always locked he goes in spends MAOmSOdkLoM-00246-00058976-00059199 time there and comes out MAOmSOdkLoM-00247-00059200-00059359 especially when something important is MAOmSOdkLoM-00248-00059360-00059823 to be done he goes in MAOmSOdkLoM-00249-00059824-00060406 all kinds of rumors happened MAOmSOdkLoM-00250-00060407-00060591 so MAOmSOdkLoM-00251-00060591-00060975 one day king couldn't hold it MAOmSOdkLoM-00252-00060976-00061230 king asked us this man MAOmSOdkLoM-00253-00061232-00061591 i want to see what's in that room MAOmSOdkLoM-00254-00061591-00061791 he said well there's a promise you've MAOmSOdkLoM-00255-00061791-00061903 given me MAOmSOdkLoM-00256-00061904-00062375 if you break the promise i will leave MAOmSOdkLoM-00257-00062376-00062535 so he contained it he doesn't want to MAOmSOdkLoM-00258-00062536-00062999 lose the man he's too wise MAOmSOdkLoM-00259-00063000-00063082 and MAOmSOdkLoM-00260-00063083-00063430 then his other courtier started talking MAOmSOdkLoM-00261-00063432-00063591 how can you allow this we don't know MAOmSOdkLoM-00262-00063591-00063735 what's happening inside it could be MAOmSOdkLoM-00263-00063736-00063926 dangerous it could be this it could be MAOmSOdkLoM-00264-00063927-00064087 that MAOmSOdkLoM-00265-00064088-00064294 one day when he was not there they broke MAOmSOdkLoM-00266-00064295-00064542 open the door and went inside MAOmSOdkLoM-00267-00064544-00064711 they looked around MAOmSOdkLoM-00268-00064712-00064959 the room is empty no furniture no MAOmSOdkLoM-00269-00064960-00065063 nothing MAOmSOdkLoM-00270-00065064-00065406 just empty room MAOmSOdkLoM-00271-00065407-00065599 that looked nothing MAOmSOdkLoM-00272-00065600-00066015 then what does he do here MAOmSOdkLoM-00273-00066016-00066503 then in one corner they saw MAOmSOdkLoM-00274-00066504-00066671 very you know MAOmSOdkLoM-00275-00066672-00066943 worn out clothing MAOmSOdkLoM-00276-00066944-00067119 hanging there MAOmSOdkLoM-00277-00067120-00067335 and a begging bowl MAOmSOdkLoM-00278-00067336-00067543 they went MAOmSOdkLoM-00279-00067544-00067767 they couldn't make out what this is MAOmSOdkLoM-00280-00067768-00067926 then he came in MAOmSOdkLoM-00281-00067927-00068087 they said well you wanted to see you MAOmSOdkLoM-00282-00068088-00068319 have seen the king asked what do you do MAOmSOdkLoM-00283-00068320-00068559 here MAOmSOdkLoM-00284-00068560-00068719 he said MAOmSOdkLoM-00285-00068720-00068894 whenever i want to make any important MAOmSOdkLoM-00286-00068895-00069087 decision i come here MAOmSOdkLoM-00287-00069088-00069303 wear my worn out clothes and sit with a MAOmSOdkLoM-00288-00069304-00069438 begging ball MAOmSOdkLoM-00289-00069439-00069647 bowl clearly MAOmSOdkLoM-00290-00069648-00069791 you know that i don't want to be caught MAOmSOdkLoM-00291-00069792-00069894 up MAOmSOdkLoM-00292-00069895-00070126 with the MAOmSOdkLoM-00293-00070127-00070238 with all the MAOmSOdkLoM-00294-00070239-00070447 things of the palace MAOmSOdkLoM-00295-00070448-00070687 i want my wisdom not to be lost MAOmSOdkLoM-00296-00070688-00070887 in these clothes and in this MAOmSOdkLoM-00297-00070888-00071167 jewelry and in this stuff so i come here MAOmSOdkLoM-00298-00071168-00071343 where those clothes sit with my begging MAOmSOdkLoM-00299-00071344-00071519 bowl make the decisions and then come MAOmSOdkLoM-00300-00071520-00071750 out now you've broken the promise and he MAOmSOdkLoM-00301-00071751-00072175 left MAOmSOdkLoM-00302-00072176-00072311 so MAOmSOdkLoM-00303-00072312-00072535 this is what meditation is for you every MAOmSOdkLoM-00304-00072536-00072703 day when you sit MAOmSOdkLoM-00305-00072704-00072911 you strip yourself down MAOmSOdkLoM-00306-00072912-00073126 you don't have to do anything about it MAOmSOdkLoM-00307-00073127-00073399 if you sit there simply MAOmSOdkLoM-00308-00073400-00073575 see MAOmSOdkLoM-00309-00073576-00073815 anything that's made up needs constant MAOmSOdkLoM-00310-00073816-00074047 support from you isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00311-00074048-00074303 see suppose you tell lie MAOmSOdkLoM-00312-00074304-00074526 it needs constant support to keep it up MAOmSOdkLoM-00313-00074527-00074743 isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00314-00074744-00075047 but if something is true MAOmSOdkLoM-00315-00075048-00075247 you can even forget it but it's still MAOmSOdkLoM-00316-00075248-00075462 there isn't it MAOmSOdkLoM-00317-00075463-00075631 you understand what i'm saying MAOmSOdkLoM-00318-00075632-00075847 if something is true even you should MAOmSOdkLoM-00319-00075848-00076038 forget it it's still there MAOmSOdkLoM-00320-00076039-00076167 no problem MAOmSOdkLoM-00321-00076168-00076438 but if it's a lie you have to keep it up MAOmSOdkLoM-00322-00076439-00076655 your personality is a lie MAOmSOdkLoM-00323-00076656-00076926 your being your existence is the is the MAOmSOdkLoM-00324-00076927-00077167 truth you don't have to keep this up MAOmSOdkLoM-00325-00077168-00077359 this will be anywhere there MAOmSOdkLoM-00326-00077360-00077503 what you make up MAOmSOdkLoM-00327-00077504-00077694 for the sake of the society to function MAOmSOdkLoM-00328-00077695-00077926 in the society you need a certain kind MAOmSOdkLoM-00329-00077927-00078055 of makeup MAOmSOdkLoM-00330-00078056-00078279 you must be able to keep it down if MAOmSOdkLoM-00331-00078280-00078567 you're going to bed fully made up MAOmSOdkLoM-00332-00078568-00079045 and something wrong with you MAOmSOdkLoM-00333-00079046-00080031 [Music] MAOmSOdkLoM-00334-00080032-00080212 bye MAOmSOdkLoM-00335-00080213-00080539 [Music] MBisxQOoFAQ-00000-00003711-00004283 oh here we MBisxQOoFAQ-00001-00004284-00004911 go why are we returning here MBisxQOoFAQ-00002-00004912-00006959 good reason carry on MBisxQOoFAQ-00003-00006959-00009431 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00004-00009432-00011087 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00006-00014880-00016430 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00007-00016431-00017350 destroyed armor MBisxQOoFAQ-00008-00017351-00019630 laser team MBisxQOoFAQ-00009-00019631-00021647 see MBisxQOoFAQ-00010-00021648-00023375 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00011-00023376-00024494 hey MBisxQOoFAQ-00012-00024495-00025711 so MBisxQOoFAQ-00013-00025712-00026879 so MBisxQOoFAQ-00014-00026880-00028302 me MBisxQOoFAQ-00015-00028304-00029807 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00016-00029808-00031583 see MBisxQOoFAQ-00017-00031583-00033143 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00018-00033144-00034639 so many MBisxQOoFAQ-00019-00034640-00036015 safely MBisxQOoFAQ-00020-00036016-00037239 see me MBisxQOoFAQ-00022-00041280-00043655 team MBisxQOoFAQ-00024-00049112-00049479 look at me i'm the most heart of rocket MBisxQOoFAQ-00025-00049480-00050511 boosters MBisxQOoFAQ-00026-00050512-00051023 this is no mining station MBisxQOoFAQ-00027-00051024-00051270 oh you hit the diamonds in a safe MBisxQOoFAQ-00028-00051271-00051454 hang on a second MBisxQOoFAQ-00029-00051455-00051623 the safe is gone MBisxQOoFAQ-00030-00051624-00051711 whoa MBisxQOoFAQ-00032-00055776-00056535 hmm MBisxQOoFAQ-00033-00056536-00058742 wow MBisxQOoFAQ-00034-00058744-00060294 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00036-00065927-00068567 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00037-00068568-00070159 line MBisxQOoFAQ-00039-00073168-00073567 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00040-00073568-00075415 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00041-00075416-00075703 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00042-00075704-00077262 cutting mine MBisxQOoFAQ-00043-00077263-00078855 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00044-00078856-00080679 laser team MBisxQOoFAQ-00045-00080680-00082694 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00046-00082695-00084206 creepy voice who are you MBisxQOoFAQ-00047-00084207-00085687 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00048-00085688-00088215 laser beams MBisxQOoFAQ-00050-00092463-00092750 i'm not sure i hope we're not too late MBisxQOoFAQ-00051-00092751-00092975 hmm let's get to the research center and MBisxQOoFAQ-00052-00092976-00095103 spend those diamonds on upgrades okay MBisxQOoFAQ-00053-00095104-00097047 so MBisxQOoFAQ-00054-00097048-00099382 look at me i'm the mozart up MBisxQOoFAQ-00055-00099383-00099647 the safe is gone whoa MBisxQOoFAQ-00058-00108200-00108654 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00059-00108655-00109910 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00060-00109911-00111815 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00061-00111816-00113719 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00062-00113720-00114007 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00063-00114008-00115799 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00065-00118928-00119083 laser MBisxQOoFAQ-00066-00119083-00120399 beam laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00067-00120400-00121607 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00068-00121608-00122807 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00069-00122808-00123678 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00070-00123679-00125927 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00071-00125928-00128871 hmm MBisxQOoFAQ-00072-00128872-00129023 hi MBisxQOoFAQ-00074-00134191-00136599 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00075-00136600-00138102 so MBisxQOoFAQ-00076-00138103-00139439 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00077-00139440-00139735 i'm not sure i hope we're not too late MBisxQOoFAQ-00078-00139736-00139951 hmm let's get to the research center and MBisxQOoFAQ-00080-00143567-00144983 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00081-00144984-00145190 let's see what's on the research menu MBisxQOoFAQ-00082-00145191-00145823 today MBisxQOoFAQ-00083-00145824-00147454 hmm MBisxQOoFAQ-00084-00147455-00147671 staple military laser of the samanto MBisxQOoFAQ-00085-00147672-00148095 conciliation series MBisxQOoFAQ-00086-00148096-00148383 you've just unlocked your first research MBisxQOoFAQ-00087-00148384-00148623 upgrade your beauty wilder laser in the MBisxQOoFAQ-00089-00156655-00157014 oh here we go MBisxQOoFAQ-00090-00157015-00157535 why are we returning here MBisxQOoFAQ-00091-00157536-00158159 good reason carry on MBisxQOoFAQ-00092-00158160-00159631 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00093-00159632-00161319 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00094-00161320-00163159 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00095-00163160-00164663 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00096-00164664-00166047 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00097-00166048-00168278 please MBisxQOoFAQ-00098-00168279-00169999 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00099-00170000-00172031 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00100-00172032-00172951 armor MBisxQOoFAQ-00102-00177079-00178151 two MBisxQOoFAQ-00103-00178152-00180207 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00104-00180208-00181007 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00105-00181008-00183135 upgraded MBisxQOoFAQ-00106-00183136-00184814 it's so many aliens MBisxQOoFAQ-00108-00190327-00191023 hello MBisxQOoFAQ-00109-00191024-00192695 yes MBisxQOoFAQ-00110-00192696-00194671 swedish MBisxQOoFAQ-00113-00206976-00207294 infinity MBisxQOoFAQ-00114-00207296-00207823 makes my head spin MBisxQOoFAQ-00115-00207823-00209655 detected MBisxQOoFAQ-00117-00213719-00215615 roof MBisxQOoFAQ-00119-00220359-00221775 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00120-00221776-00221982 let's see what's on the research menu MBisxQOoFAQ-00122-00225144-00227287 no more diamonds baby MBisxQOoFAQ-00123-00227288-00227567 why not add seagull to the titanium said MBisxQOoFAQ-00124-00227567-00227806 samantha's good looking weapon designers MBisxQOoFAQ-00125-00227807-00229206 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00126-00229207-00229455 no seriously there is nothing left to do MBisxQOoFAQ-00127-00229456-00229791 here except maybe build stuff but that's MBisxQOoFAQ-00128-00229792-00230023 boring when exciting new missions and MBisxQOoFAQ-00130-00233311-00234855 so MBisxQOoFAQ-00131-00234856-00235215 oh here we go MBisxQOoFAQ-00132-00235216-00235734 why are we ready MBisxQOoFAQ-00133-00235735-00238167 good reason carry on MBisxQOoFAQ-00134-00238167-00240919 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00135-00240919-00242591 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00136-00242592-00244255 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00137-00244256-00246391 please MBisxQOoFAQ-00138-00246392-00248079 armor MBisxQOoFAQ-00139-00248080-00248742 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00140-00248744-00250758 please MBisxQOoFAQ-00141-00250759-00252646 okay MBisxQOoFAQ-00142-00252648-00253942 cool MBisxQOoFAQ-00143-00253944-00255334 sweet MBisxQOoFAQ-00144-00255335-00257358 mine MBisxQOoFAQ-00145-00257359-00257839 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00146-00257840-00258206 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00147-00258207-00259646 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00148-00259648-00259782 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00149-00259783-00262175 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00150-00262176-00264055 hey MBisxQOoFAQ-00152-00270672-00272110 lazy MBisxQOoFAQ-00154-00276176-00278158 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00155-00278159-00280006 carry on MBisxQOoFAQ-00156-00280007-00281543 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00157-00281544-00283175 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00158-00283176-00284719 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00159-00284720-00286047 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00160-00286048-00287434 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00161-00287435-00289734 what's up MBisxQOoFAQ-00162-00289735-00290663 thank you MBisxQOoFAQ-00163-00290664-00292775 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00164-00292776-00294495 foreign MBisxQOoFAQ-00165-00294496-00296247 this MBisxQOoFAQ-00166-00296248-00298687 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00167-00298688-00298830 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00168-00298831-00300679 destroyed armor MBisxQOoFAQ-00169-00300680-00302343 send me MBisxQOoFAQ-00170-00302344-00304558 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00171-00304559-00305663 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00173-00311455-00314439 yes MBisxQOoFAQ-00174-00314440-00315279 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00175-00315280-00317991 hey MBisxQOoFAQ-00176-00317992-00320263 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00177-00320264-00321663 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00179-00324983-00325103 why are we MBisxQOoFAQ-00180-00325104-00326406 turning here MBisxQOoFAQ-00183-00333559-00334863 destroyed armor MBisxQOoFAQ-00184-00334864-00336254 up MBisxQOoFAQ-00185-00336255-00338478 hmm MBisxQOoFAQ-00186-00338479-00340958 complete MBisxQOoFAQ-00187-00340959-00343230 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00188-00343231-00345127 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00189-00345128-00346758 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00190-00346759-00347991 secondly MBisxQOoFAQ-00191-00347992-00350030 me MBisxQOoFAQ-00192-00350031-00350982 uplay MBisxQOoFAQ-00193-00350983-00351887 hey MBisxQOoFAQ-00194-00351888-00354182 laser beams MBisxQOoFAQ-00196-00359479-00360127 i played MBisxQOoFAQ-00199-00366424-00368134 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00200-00368135-00369095 complete MBisxQOoFAQ-00201-00369096-00371647 there's MBisxQOoFAQ-00202-00371648-00372967 cheesy MBisxQOoFAQ-00203-00372968-00374606 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00204-00374607-00377358 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00205-00377359-00379839 laser beams MBisxQOoFAQ-00206-00379840-00381878 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00207-00381879-00383606 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00208-00383607-00385319 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00209-00385320-00386654 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00210-00386655-00388815 laser beams MBisxQOoFAQ-00213-00397664-00399782 help me MBisxQOoFAQ-00214-00399783-00401806 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00215-00401807-00403647 razor beam upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00216-00403648-00403854 true but on the other hand we are now MBisxQOoFAQ-00219-00413808-00414959 woof MBisxQOoFAQ-00220-00414960-00416503 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00221-00416504-00418559 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00222-00418560-00418934 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00224-00423823-00424183 oh here we go MBisxQOoFAQ-00225-00424184-00426310 why are we returning MBisxQOoFAQ-00226-00426312-00427631 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00228-00430871-00432287 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00229-00432288-00433470 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00231-00436935-00438847 yes MBisxQOoFAQ-00232-00438847-00440095 florida MBisxQOoFAQ-00233-00440096-00441951 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00234-00441952-00442927 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00235-00442928-00444239 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00236-00444239-00446622 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00237-00446623-00447807 hello MBisxQOoFAQ-00238-00447808-00449487 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00242-00459671-00461183 laser beam MBisxQOoFAQ-00243-00461184-00462503 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00244-00462504-00464735 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00245-00464735-00465022 something in it MBisxQOoFAQ-00246-00465023-00467503 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00247-00467504-00468103 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00248-00468104-00469663 oh MBisxQOoFAQ-00249-00469664-00471535 i am under attack MBisxQOoFAQ-00250-00471535-00472863 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00251-00472864-00475814 i don't know MBisxQOoFAQ-00252-00475815-00476031 true but on the other hand we are now MBisxQOoFAQ-00253-00476032-00477679 loaded with diamonds MBisxQOoFAQ-00254-00477680-00477959 dr mcdroid to the research center dr MBisxQOoFAQ-00255-00477960-00479214 mcdroid to the research center MBisxQOoFAQ-00256-00479215-00480631 um MBisxQOoFAQ-00257-00480632-00480839 let's see what's on the research menu MBisxQOoFAQ-00258-00480839-00482959 today MBisxQOoFAQ-00259-00482960-00483279 staple military laser of this MBisxQOoFAQ-00260-00483280-00483470 add three laser diodes to a school MBisxQOoFAQ-00261-00483471-00483743 telescope and boiler science turns into MBisxQOoFAQ-00262-00483743-00485870 military profit MBisxQOoFAQ-00265-00493656-00494014 oh here we go MBisxQOoFAQ-00266-00494015-00494655 why are we MBisxQOoFAQ-00267-00494656-00495831 carry on MBisxQOoFAQ-00269-00499735-00500662 please MBisxQOoFAQ-00270-00500663-00501966 hmm MBisxQOoFAQ-00271-00501967-00503855 that's much better MBisxQOoFAQ-00272-00503856-00504918 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00273-00504919-00506159 happy MBisxQOoFAQ-00274-00506160-00507703 hmm MBisxQOoFAQ-00275-00507704-00508566 afraid MBisxQOoFAQ-00276-00508567-00510614 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00277-00510615-00511735 save me MBisxQOoFAQ-00278-00511735-00513310 uh MBisxQOoFAQ-00279-00513312-00513439 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00280-00513439-00514439 destroyed armor MBisxQOoFAQ-00281-00514439-00516462 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00282-00516463-00518510 save million MBisxQOoFAQ-00283-00518512-00519727 so MBisxQOoFAQ-00285-00523296-00523943 upgrade MBisxQOoFAQ-00288-00530688-00530903 what's MBisxQOoFAQ-00289-00530904-00532407 is MBisxQOoFAQ-00291-00536263-00538879 say MBisxQOoFAQ-00294-00548663-00548870 true but on the other hand we are now MBisxQOoFAQ-00296-00555784-00555992 you MCVGnDqHNVI-00000-00000221-00001407 [Music] MCVGnDqHNVI-00001-00001408-00001558 jesus MCVGnDqHNVI-00002-00001559-00002063 all authority here in this place MCVGnDqHNVI-00003-00002064-00002671 he has all authority here MCVGnDqHNVI-00004-00002672-00002992 for all these nations MCVGnDqHNVI-00005-00002993-00004283 [Music] MCVGnDqHNVI-00006-00004284-00004444 jesus MCVGnDqHNVI-00007-00004445-00005325 [Music] MCVGnDqHNVI-00008-00005326-00005767 [Music] MCVGnDqHNVI-00009-00005768-00005984 who MDM5FrJAIDu-00000-00000085-00000372 in probability theory a probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00001-00000373-00001103 space or a probability triple Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00002-00001104-00001329 f.p MDM5FrJAIDu-00003-00001330-00001832 display style Omega math call FP MDM5FrJAIDu-00004-00001834-00002175 is a mathematical construct that models MDM5FrJAIDu-00005-00002176-00002481 a real-world process or experiment MDM5FrJAIDu-00006-00002482-00002730 consisting of states that occur randomly MDM5FrJAIDu-00007-00002731-00003174 a probability space is constructed with MDM5FrJAIDu-00008-00003175-00003438 the specific kind of situation or MDM5FrJAIDu-00009-00003439-00003843 experiment in mind one proposes that MDM5FrJAIDu-00010-00003844-00004110 each time a situation of that kind MDM5FrJAIDu-00011-00004111-00004436 arises the set of possible outcomes is MDM5FrJAIDu-00012-00004437-00004686 the same and the probabilities are also MDM5FrJAIDu-00013-00004687-00005178 the same a probability space consists of MDM5FrJAIDu-00014-00005179-00005392 three parts MDM5FrJAIDu-00015-00005393-00006138 a sample space Omega display style Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00016-00006139-00006376 which is the set of all possible MDM5FrJAIDu-00017-00006377-00006895 outcomes a set of events MDM5FrJAIDu-00018-00006897-00007520 F display style math call F where each MDM5FrJAIDu-00019-00007520-00007834 event as a set containing 0 or more MDM5FrJAIDu-00020-00007836-00008206 outcomes the assignment of probabilities MDM5FrJAIDu-00021-00008207-00008812 to the events that as a function P MDM5FrJAIDu-00022-00008813-00009248 display style P from events to MDM5FrJAIDu-00023-00009249-00009524 probabilities and outcome as the result MDM5FrJAIDu-00024-00009525-00009905 of a single execution of the model since MDM5FrJAIDu-00025-00009906-00010171 individual outcomes might be of little MDM5FrJAIDu-00026-00010172-00010499 practical use more complex events are MDM5FrJAIDu-00027-00010500-00010813 used to characterize groups of outcomes MDM5FrJAIDu-00028-00010814-00011146 the collection of all such events as a MDM5FrJAIDu-00029-00011147-00011396 sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00030-00011397-00012056 F display style math call F finally MDM5FrJAIDu-00031-00012057-00012345 there is a need to specify each events MDM5FrJAIDu-00032-00012346-00012674 likelihood of happening this is done MDM5FrJAIDu-00033-00012675-00013244 using the probability measure function P MDM5FrJAIDu-00034-00013246-00013701 display style P once the probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00035-00013702-00013991 space is established it is assumed that MDM5FrJAIDu-00036-00013993-00014291 nature makes its move and selects a MDM5FrJAIDu-00037-00014293-00014993 single outcome Omega display style Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00038-00014994-00015524 from the sample space Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00039-00015525-00016279 display style Omega all the events in F MDM5FrJAIDu-00040-00016280-00016799 display style math call F that contain MDM5FrJAIDu-00041-00016800-00017121 the selected outcome MDM5FrJAIDu-00042-00017122-00017691 megha display style Omega recall that MDM5FrJAIDu-00043-00017692-00018258 each event as a subset of Omega display MDM5FrJAIDu-00044-00018259-00018492 style Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00045-00018493-00018875 are said to have occurred the selection MDM5FrJAIDu-00046-00018876-00019158 performed by nature as done in such a MDM5FrJAIDu-00047-00019159-00019416 way that if the experiment were to be MDM5FrJAIDu-00048-00019417-00019713 repeated an infinite number of times the MDM5FrJAIDu-00049-00019714-00019958 relative frequencies of occurrence of MDM5FrJAIDu-00050-00019959-00020186 each of the events would coincide with MDM5FrJAIDu-00051-00020187-00020466 the probabilities prescribed by the MDM5FrJAIDu-00052-00020467-00021230 function P display style P the Russian MDM5FrJAIDu-00053-00021231-00021455 mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov MDM5FrJAIDu-00054-00021456-00021744 introduced the notion of probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00055-00021745-00022019 space together with other axioms of MDM5FrJAIDu-00056-00022020-00022469 probability in the 1930s nowadays MDM5FrJAIDu-00057-00022470-00022667 alternative approaches for MDM5FrJAIDu-00058-00022668-00022989 axiomatization of probability theory MDM5FrJAIDu-00059-00022990-00023336 exist see algebra of random variables MDM5FrJAIDu-00060-00023337-00023772 for example this article is concerned MDM5FrJAIDu-00061-00023773-00024020 with the mathematics of manipulating MDM5FrJAIDu-00062-00024021-00024377 probabilities the article probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00063-00024378-00024620 interpretations outlines several MDM5FrJAIDu-00064-00024621-00024861 alternative views of what probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00065-00024862-00025156 means and how it should be interpreted MDM5FrJAIDu-00066-00025157-00025503 in addition there have been attempts to MDM5FrJAIDu-00067-00025504-00025725 construct theories for quantities that MDM5FrJAIDu-00068-00025726-00026039 are notionally similar to probabilities MDM5FrJAIDu-00069-00026040-00026376 but do not obey all their rules see for MDM5FrJAIDu-00070-00026377-00026732 example free probability fuzzy logic MDM5FrJAIDu-00071-00026733-00027060 possibility theory negative probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00072-00027061-00027395 and quantum probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00073-00027396-00027776 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00074-00027777-00028352 topic introduction MDM5FrJAIDu-00075-00028354-00028695 a probability space as a mathematical MDM5FrJAIDu-00076-00028695-00029223 triplet Omega F MDM5FrJAIDu-00077-00029224-00029950 P display style Omega math call F P MDM5FrJAIDu-00078-00029951-00030367 that presents a model for a particular MDM5FrJAIDu-00079-00030368-00030814 class of real-world situations as with MDM5FrJAIDu-00080-00030814-00031063 other models its author ultimately MDM5FrJAIDu-00081-00031064-00031345 defines which elements MDM5FrJAIDu-00082-00031347-00031889 Oh mega display style Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00083-00031889-00032027 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00084-00032027-00032864 display style math call F and P display MDM5FrJAIDu-00085-00032865-00033455 style P will contain the sample space MDM5FrJAIDu-00086-00033456-00034094 Omega display style Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00087-00034095-00034468 is the set of all possible outcomes and MDM5FrJAIDu-00088-00034469-00034739 outcome as the result of the single MDM5FrJAIDu-00089-00034740-00035123 execution of the model outcomes maybe MDM5FrJAIDu-00090-00035124-00035410 states of nature possibilities MDM5FrJAIDu-00091-00035411-00035801 experimental results and the like every MDM5FrJAIDu-00092-00035802-00036098 instance of the real-world situation or MDM5FrJAIDu-00093-00036099-00036340 run of the experiment must produce MDM5FrJAIDu-00094-00036341-00036740 exactly one outcome if outcomes of MDM5FrJAIDu-00095-00036741-00037004 different runs of an experiment differ MDM5FrJAIDu-00096-00037005-00037217 in any way that matters they are MDM5FrJAIDu-00097-00037218-00037574 distinct outcomes which differences MDM5FrJAIDu-00098-00037575-00037877 matter depends on the kind of analysis MDM5FrJAIDu-00099-00037878-00038225 we want to do this leads to different MDM5FrJAIDu-00100-00038226-00038542 choices of sample space the MDM5FrJAIDu-00101-00038543-00038822 sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00102-00038823-00038955 earth MDM5FrJAIDu-00103-00038956-00039412 display style math call F is a MDM5FrJAIDu-00104-00039413-00039657 collection of all the events not MDM5FrJAIDu-00105-00039658-00039934 necessarily elementary we would like to MDM5FrJAIDu-00106-00039935-00040477 consider here an event is a set of zero MDM5FrJAIDu-00107-00040478-00040843 or more outcomes ie a subset of the MDM5FrJAIDu-00108-00040844-00041236 sample space an event is considered to MDM5FrJAIDu-00109-00041237-00041620 have happened during an experiment when MDM5FrJAIDu-00110-00041621-00041875 the outcome of the latter as an element MDM5FrJAIDu-00111-00041876-00042250 of the event since the same outcome may MDM5FrJAIDu-00112-00042251-00042466 be a member of many events it is MDM5FrJAIDu-00113-00042467-00042715 possible for many events to have MDM5FrJAIDu-00114-00042716-00043054 happened given a single outcome for MDM5FrJAIDu-00115-00043055-00043330 example when the trial consists of MDM5FrJAIDu-00116-00043331-00043570 throwing two dice the set of all MDM5FrJAIDu-00117-00043571-00043867 outcomes with the sum of 7 pips may MDM5FrJAIDu-00118-00043868-00044140 constitute an event whereas outcomes MDM5FrJAIDu-00119-00044141-00044359 with an odd number of pips may MDM5FrJAIDu-00120-00044360-00044743 constitute another event if the outcome MDM5FrJAIDu-00121-00044744-00044986 is the element of the elementary event MDM5FrJAIDu-00122-00044987-00045310 of two pips on the first die and five on MDM5FrJAIDu-00123-00045311-00045652 the second then both of the events 7 MDM5FrJAIDu-00124-00045653-00046168 pips and odd number of pips are said to MDM5FrJAIDu-00125-00046169-00046836 have happened the probability measure P MDM5FrJAIDu-00126-00046837-00047136 display style P MDM5FrJAIDu-00127-00047137-00047403 is a function returning an events MDM5FrJAIDu-00128-00047404-00047778 probability a probability as a real MDM5FrJAIDu-00129-00047779-00048093 number between zero impossible events MDM5FrJAIDu-00130-00048094-00048393 have probability zero though probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00131-00048394-00048627 zero events are not necessarily MDM5FrJAIDu-00132-00048628-00048927 impossible and one the event happens MDM5FrJAIDu-00133-00048928-00049176 almost surely with almost total MDM5FrJAIDu-00134-00049177-00049283 certainty MDM5FrJAIDu-00135-00049284-00049987 thus P display style P MDM5FrJAIDu-00136-00049988-00050775 is a function P MDM5FrJAIDu-00137-00050776-00051361 f01 display style P math call F right MDM5FrJAIDu-00138-00051362-00051820 arrow 0 1 the probability measure MDM5FrJAIDu-00139-00051821-00052138 function must satisfy two simple MDM5FrJAIDu-00140-00052139-00052444 requirements first the probability of a MDM5FrJAIDu-00141-00052445-00052729 countable union of mutually exclusive MDM5FrJAIDu-00142-00052729-00052980 events must be equal to the countable MDM5FrJAIDu-00143-00052982-00053233 sum of the probabilities of each of MDM5FrJAIDu-00144-00053234-00053647 these events for example the probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00145-00053648-00053914 of the union of the mutually exclusive MDM5FrJAIDu-00146-00053915-00054632 events head display style text head MDM5FrJAIDu-00147-00054633-00054771 and MDM5FrJAIDu-00148-00054772-00055361 tail display style text tail MDM5FrJAIDu-00149-00055362-00055652 in the random experiment of one coin MDM5FrJAIDu-00150-00055653-00056153 toss P head MDM5FrJAIDu-00151-00056154-00056786 tail display style P text head cup text MDM5FrJAIDu-00152-00056787-00056947 tail MDM5FrJAIDu-00153-00056948-00057470 is the sum of probability for head MDM5FrJAIDu-00154-00057471-00057917 display style text head and the MDM5FrJAIDu-00155-00057919-00058126 probability for MDM5FrJAIDu-00156-00058127-00059074 tail display style text tail P head MDM5FrJAIDu-00157-00059075-00059962 Plus P tail display style P text head MDM5FrJAIDu-00158-00059963-00060523 plus P text tail second the probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00159-00060524-00060965 of the sample space Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00160-00060966-00061475 display style Omega must be equal to one MDM5FrJAIDu-00161-00061476-00061741 which accounts for the fact that given MDM5FrJAIDu-00162-00061742-00062033 an execution of the model some outcome MDM5FrJAIDu-00163-00062034-00062416 must occur in the previous example the MDM5FrJAIDu-00164-00062416-00063097 probability of the set of outcomes P MDM5FrJAIDu-00165-00063098-00063716 head-tail display style P text head text MDM5FrJAIDu-00166-00063716-00064178 tail must be equal to one because it is MDM5FrJAIDu-00167-00064179-00064445 entirely certain that the outcome will MDM5FrJAIDu-00168-00064446-00065200 be either head display style text head MDM5FrJAIDu-00169-00065201-00065989 or tail display style text tail the MDM5FrJAIDu-00170-00065990-00066292 model neglects any other possibility in MDM5FrJAIDu-00171-00066293-00066604 a single coin toss not every subset of MDM5FrJAIDu-00172-00066605-00067168 the sample space Omega display style MDM5FrJAIDu-00173-00067169-00067645 Omega must necessarily be considered an MDM5FrJAIDu-00174-00067646-00067942 event some of the subsets are simply not MDM5FrJAIDu-00175-00067943-00068286 of interest others cannot be measured MDM5FrJAIDu-00176-00068287-00068644 this is not so obvious in a case like a MDM5FrJAIDu-00177-00068645-00069064 coin toss in a different example one MDM5FrJAIDu-00178-00069065-00069316 could consider javelin throw lengths MDM5FrJAIDu-00179-00069317-00069577 where the events typically are intervals MDM5FrJAIDu-00180-00069578-00070165 like between 60 and 65 meters and unions MDM5FrJAIDu-00181-00070166-00070488 of such intervals but not sets like the MDM5FrJAIDu-00182-00070489-00070903 irrational numbers between 60 and 65 MDM5FrJAIDu-00183-00070904-00071490 meters MDM5FrJAIDu-00184-00071491-00072055 topic definition MDM5FrJAIDu-00185-00072056-00072369 in short a probability space as a MDM5FrJAIDu-00186-00072370-00072604 measure space such that the measure of MDM5FrJAIDu-00187-00072605-00073062 the whole space is equal to one the MDM5FrJAIDu-00188-00073063-00073348 expanded definition as the following a MDM5FrJAIDu-00189-00073349-00073893 probability space as a triple Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00190-00073894-00074085 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00191-00074086-00074256 P MDM5FrJAIDu-00192-00074257-00074783 display style Omega math call FP MDM5FrJAIDu-00193-00074784-00075307 consisting of the sample space MDM5FrJAIDu-00194-00075308-00075762 megha display style Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00195-00075763-00076176 an arbitrary non-empty set the MDM5FrJAIDu-00196-00076177-00076307 sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00197-00076308-00076545 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00198-00076546-00077193 - Oh mega display style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00199-00077194-00077588 subset X 2 carat Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00200-00077589-00078013 also called sigma-field a set of subsets MDM5FrJAIDu-00201-00078014-00078722 of omega display style Omega called MDM5FrJAIDu-00202-00078723-00078973 events such that MDM5FrJAIDu-00203-00078974-00079130 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00204-00079131-00079643 display style math call F contains the MDM5FrJAIDu-00205-00079644-00080444 sample space Omega element of F MDM5FrJAIDu-00206-00080445-00080935 display style Omega in math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00207-00080936-00081112 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00208-00081113-00081510 display style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00209-00081511-00082029 is closed under compliments if MDM5FrJAIDu-00210-00082030-00082672 element of f display style a in math MDM5FrJAIDu-00211-00082673-00083119 call F then also MDM5FrJAIDu-00212-00083120-00083303 Oh mega MDM5FrJAIDu-00213-00083304-00083648 a element of MDM5FrJAIDu-00214-00083649-00084248 F display style Omega set - a in math MDM5FrJAIDu-00215-00084249-00084730 call F F MDM5FrJAIDu-00216-00084731-00085130 display style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00217-00085131-00085582 is closed under countable unions if MDM5FrJAIDu-00218-00085583-00085882 eh I MDM5FrJAIDu-00219-00085883-00086496 element of f display style a underscore MDM5FrJAIDu-00220-00086497-00087542 I in math call F for I equals 1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00221-00087543-00088325 to display style I equals 1 to dots then MDM5FrJAIDu-00222-00088326-00088520 also MDM5FrJAIDu-00223-00088521-00089286 i equals 1 infinity MDM5FrJAIDu-00224-00089287-00089463 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00225-00089464-00089600 I MDM5FrJAIDu-00226-00089601-00089971 element earth MDM5FrJAIDu-00227-00089972-00090304 display style text style big cup MDM5FrJAIDu-00228-00090305-00090622 underscore I equals one carat in eighth MDM5FrJAIDu-00229-00090623-00091109 t o underscore I in math call F the MDM5FrJAIDu-00230-00091110-00091334 corollary from the previous two MDM5FrJAIDu-00231-00091335-00091739 properties and de Morgan's law is that MDM5FrJAIDu-00232-00091740-00092279 F display style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00233-00092280-00092532 is also closed under countable MDM5FrJAIDu-00234-00092533-00092808 intersections if MDM5FrJAIDu-00235-00092809-00092933 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00236-00092934-00093119 I MDM5FrJAIDu-00237-00093120-00093328 element of MDM5FrJAIDu-00238-00093329-00093856 F display style a underscore I in math MDM5FrJAIDu-00239-00093857-00095118 call F for I equals one to display style MDM5FrJAIDu-00240-00095119-00095736 I equals one to dots then also MDM5FrJAIDu-00241-00095737-00095873 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00242-00095874-00096642 I equals 1 infinity MDM5FrJAIDu-00243-00096643-00096954 eh I MDM5FrJAIDu-00244-00096955-00097168 element of MDM5FrJAIDu-00245-00097169-00097339 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00246-00097340-00097648 display style text style big cap MDM5FrJAIDu-00247-00097649-00097981 underscore I equals one carat in eighth MDM5FrJAIDu-00248-00097982-00098467 t underscore I in math call F the MDM5FrJAIDu-00249-00098468-00099247 probability measure P MDM5FrJAIDu-00250-00099248-00099451 f01 MDM5FrJAIDu-00251-00099452-00100072 display style P math call F 2:01 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00252-00100073-00100319 function on MDM5FrJAIDu-00253-00100320-00101132 F display style math call F such that P MDM5FrJAIDu-00254-00101133-00101441 is countably additive also called Sigma MDM5FrJAIDu-00255-00101442-00101670 additive if MDM5FrJAIDu-00256-00101671-00101832 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00257-00101833-00102596 I I equals one MDM5FrJAIDu-00258-00102597-00102799 infinity MDM5FrJAIDu-00259-00102800-00102967 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00260-00102968-00103366 display style underscore i underscore I MDM5FrJAIDu-00261-00103367-00103708 equals one carat in eighth t sub Sutekh MDM5FrJAIDu-00262-00103709-00103963 math call f MDM5FrJAIDu-00263-00103964-00104239 is a countable collection of pairwise MDM5FrJAIDu-00264-00104240-00105308 disjoint sets then P I equals 1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00265-00105309-00105509 infinity MDM5FrJAIDu-00266-00105510-00105669 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00267-00105670-00106745 I equals I equals 1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00268-00106746-00106946 infinity MDM5FrJAIDu-00269-00106947-00107135 P MDM5FrJAIDu-00270-00107136-00107299 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00271-00107300-00107857 I display style text style P big cup MDM5FrJAIDu-00272-00107858-00108165 underscore I equals one carat in eighth MDM5FrJAIDu-00273-00108166-00108571 t underscore I equals sum underscore I MDM5FrJAIDu-00274-00108572-00108874 equals one carat in eighth TP a MDM5FrJAIDu-00275-00108875-00109266 underscore I the measure of entire MDM5FrJAIDu-00276-00109267-00110018 sample space as equal to 1 P Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00277-00110019-00110400 equals one MDM5FrJAIDu-00278-00110401-00110661 display style pee MDM5FrJAIDu-00279-00110663-00111355 one MDM5FrJAIDu-00280-00111356-00111960 topic discreet case MDM5FrJAIDu-00281-00111961-00112295 discrete probability theory needs only MDM5FrJAIDu-00282-00112296-00112858 at most countable sample spaces Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00283-00112858-00113372 display style Omega probabilities can be MDM5FrJAIDu-00284-00113373-00113823 ascribed to points of Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00285-00113824-00114306 display style Omega by the probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00286-00114307-00115440 mass function P Omega 0 1 display style MDM5FrJAIDu-00287-00115441-00116300 P Omega 2 0 1 such that Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00288-00116301-00117521 Mendte Omega P Omega equals one display MDM5FrJAIDu-00289-00117522-00117886 style text style sum underscore Omega in MDM5FrJAIDu-00290-00117888-00118295 Omega P Omega equals one MDM5FrJAIDu-00291-00118296-00118765 all subsets of Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00292-00118766-00119211 display style Omega can be treated as MDM5FrJAIDu-00293-00119213-00119427 event thus MDM5FrJAIDu-00294-00119428-00119602 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00295-00119603-00119828 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00296-00119829-00120563 - Omega display style math call F equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00297-00120564-00120845 to carat Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00298-00120846-00121253 is the powerset the probability measure MDM5FrJAIDu-00299-00121254-00121448 takes the simple form MDM5FrJAIDu-00300-00121449-00121583 [Music] MDM5FrJAIDu-00301-00121584-00122064 the greatest sigma-algebra f MDM5FrJAIDu-00302-00122065-00122256 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00303-00122257-00122441 to MDM5FrJAIDu-00304-00122442-00122993 Oh mega display style math call F equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00305-00122994-00123446 to carat Omega describes the complete MDM5FrJAIDu-00306-00123447-00124125 information in general a Sigma algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00307-00124126-00124329 f2 MDM5FrJAIDu-00308-00124330-00124857 Oh mega display style math call F sub MDM5FrJAIDu-00309-00124858-00125346 Sutekh to karat Omega corresponds to a MDM5FrJAIDu-00310-00125347-00125683 finite or countable partition MDM5FrJAIDu-00311-00125683-00125926 Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00312-00125927-00126140 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00313-00126141-00126481 be one MDM5FrJAIDu-00314-00126482-00126646 be MDM5FrJAIDu-00315-00126647-00127147 to display style Omega equals b MDM5FrJAIDu-00316-00127148-00127558 underscore one cup be underscore two cup MDM5FrJAIDu-00317-00127558-00128078 dots the general form of an event MDM5FrJAIDu-00318-00128079-00128469 Oh element of MDM5FrJAIDu-00319-00128470-00129052 F display style a in math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00320-00129053-00129263 being MDM5FrJAIDu-00321-00129264-00129408 Oh MDM5FrJAIDu-00322-00129408-00129594 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00323-00129595-00129950 be MDM5FrJAIDu-00324-00129951-00130168 k1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00325-00130169-00130333 be MDM5FrJAIDu-00326-00130333-00131005 kay to display style a equals B MDM5FrJAIDu-00327-00131006-00131356 underscore K underscore one cup be MDM5FrJAIDu-00328-00131357-00131929 underscore K underscore two cup dots see MDM5FrJAIDu-00329-00131930-00132771 also the examples the case P Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00330-00132772-00133507 equals zero display style P Omega equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00331-00133508-00133957 zero is permitted by the definition but MDM5FrJAIDu-00332-00133958-00134252 rarely used since such MDM5FrJAIDu-00333-00134253-00134462 Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00334-00134463-00134903 display style Omega can safely be MDM5FrJAIDu-00335-00134904-00135672 excluded from the sample space MDM5FrJAIDu-00336-00135673-00136266 topic general case MDM5FrJAIDu-00337-00136267-00136635 if Omega is uncountable still it may MDM5FrJAIDu-00338-00136636-00136974 happen that P Omega does not equal zero MDM5FrJAIDu-00339-00136975-00137265 for some Omega such Omega are called MDM5FrJAIDu-00340-00137266-00137601 atoms they are in that most countable MDM5FrJAIDu-00341-00137602-00137967 maybe empty set whose probability is the MDM5FrJAIDu-00342-00137968-00138312 sum of probabilities of all atoms if MDM5FrJAIDu-00343-00138313-00138639 this sum is equal to 1 then all other MDM5FrJAIDu-00344-00138640-00138924 points can safely be excluded from the MDM5FrJAIDu-00345-00138925-00139149 sample space returning us to the MDM5FrJAIDu-00346-00139150-00139563 discrete case otherwise if the sum of MDM5FrJAIDu-00347-00139564-00139908 probabilities of all atoms as between 0 MDM5FrJAIDu-00348-00139909-00140198 and 1 then the probability space MDM5FrJAIDu-00349-00140199-00140520 decomposes into a discrete atomic part MDM5FrJAIDu-00350-00140521-00141375 may be empty and the non atomic part MDM5FrJAIDu-00351-00141376-00142025 topic non-atomic case MDM5FrJAIDu-00352-00142026-00142400 if P Omega equals zero for all Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00353-00142401-00142796 element of Omega in this case Omega must MDM5FrJAIDu-00354-00142797-00143156 be uncountable because otherwise P Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00355-00143157-00143515 equals one could not be satisfied then MDM5FrJAIDu-00356-00143516-00143831 equation fails the probability of a set MDM5FrJAIDu-00357-00143832-00144091 as not the sum over its elements as MDM5FrJAIDu-00358-00144092-00144391 summation is only defined for countable MDM5FrJAIDu-00359-00144392-00144550 amount of elements MDM5FrJAIDu-00360-00144551-00144902 this makes the probability space theory MDM5FrJAIDu-00361-00144903-00145214 much more technical a formulation MDM5FrJAIDu-00362-00145215-00145514 stronger than summation measure theory MDM5FrJAIDu-00363-00145515-00145763 is applicable initially the MDM5FrJAIDu-00364-00145764-00146009 probabilities are ascribed to some MDM5FrJAIDu-00365-00146010-00146438 generator sets see the examples then a MDM5FrJAIDu-00366-00146439-00146693 limiting procedure allows assigning MDM5FrJAIDu-00367-00146694-00146981 probabilities to sets that are limits of MDM5FrJAIDu-00368-00146982-00147316 sequences of generator sets or limits of MDM5FrJAIDu-00369-00147317-00147719 limits and so on all these sets are the MDM5FrJAIDu-00370-00147720-00147952 Sigma algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00371-00147953-00148570 F display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00372-00148571-00148966 for technical details C carathéodory's MDM5FrJAIDu-00373-00148967-00149425 extension theorem sets belonging to MDM5FrJAIDu-00374-00149426-00149585 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00375-00149586-00149939 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00376-00149940-00150458 are called measureable in general they MDM5FrJAIDu-00377-00150459-00150722 are much more complicated than generator MDM5FrJAIDu-00378-00150723-00151031 sets but much better than non measurable MDM5FrJAIDu-00379-00151032-00151632 sets MDM5FrJAIDu-00380-00151633-00152348 topic complete probability space MDM5FrJAIDu-00381-00152349-00152639 a probability space MDM5FrJAIDu-00382-00152640-00153009 Omega F MDM5FrJAIDu-00383-00153010-00153765 P display style Omega math call F P is MDM5FrJAIDu-00384-00153766-00154050 said to be a complete probability space MDM5FrJAIDu-00385-00154051-00154630 if for all B element of MDM5FrJAIDu-00386-00154631-00154783 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00387-00154784-00155427 display style be in math call F with MDM5FrJAIDu-00388-00155428-00155627 P MDM5FrJAIDu-00389-00155628-00155791 be MDM5FrJAIDu-00390-00155792-00156188 equals zero MDM5FrJAIDu-00391-00156189-00156512 display style phosphorous mono boride MDM5FrJAIDu-00392-00156513-00156818 equals zero MDM5FrJAIDu-00393-00156819-00156997 an all MDM5FrJAIDu-00394-00156998-00158113 a bee display style a subset B one has MDM5FrJAIDu-00395-00158114-00158762 element of F display style a in math MDM5FrJAIDu-00396-00158763-00159251 call F often the study of probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00397-00159252-00159491 spaces as restricted to complete MDM5FrJAIDu-00398-00159492-00160203 probability spaces MDM5FrJAIDu-00399-00160204-00160784 topic examples MDM5FrJAIDu-00400-00160785-00161116 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00401-00161117-00161586 topic discrete examples MDM5FrJAIDu-00402-00161587-00161737 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00403-00161738-00162054 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00404-00162055-00162607 topic example1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00405-00162608-00162931 if the experiment consists of just one MDM5FrJAIDu-00406-00162932-00163243 flip of a fair coin then the outcome is MDM5FrJAIDu-00407-00163244-00163490 either heads or tails MDM5FrJAIDu-00408-00163491-00163713 Oh mega MDM5FrJAIDu-00409-00163714-00164081 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00410-00164082-00164641 tea display style Omega equals text H MDM5FrJAIDu-00411-00164642-00165190 text T the Sigma algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00412-00165191-00165529 F equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00413-00165530-00166180 - Oh mega display style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00414-00166181-00166905 equals to carat Omega contains two MDM5FrJAIDu-00415-00166906-00167092 to MDM5FrJAIDu-00416-00167093-00167485 equals four MDM5FrJAIDu-00417-00167486-00167994 display style - carrot two equals four MDM5FrJAIDu-00418-00167995-00168301 events namely MDM5FrJAIDu-00419-00168302-00168999 H display style text H heads MDM5FrJAIDu-00420-00169000-00169778 tea display style text T tales MDM5FrJAIDu-00421-00169779-00170198 display style neither heads nor tails MDM5FrJAIDu-00422-00170199-00170548 and MDM5FrJAIDu-00423-00170549-00171329 h:t display style text h text t either MDM5FrJAIDu-00424-00171330-00171497 heads or tails MDM5FrJAIDu-00425-00171498-00171697 in other words MDM5FrJAIDu-00426-00171698-00171886 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00427-00171887-00172109 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00428-00172110-00172258 H MDM5FrJAIDu-00429-00172259-00172449 tea MDM5FrJAIDu-00430-00172450-00172621 H MDM5FrJAIDu-00431-00172622-00172820 tea MDM5FrJAIDu-00432-00172821-00173270 display style math call F equals text H MDM5FrJAIDu-00433-00173271-00173939 text T text H text T there is a 50% MDM5FrJAIDu-00434-00173940-00174275 chance of tossing heads and 50% for MDM5FrJAIDu-00435-00174276-00174350 tails MDM5FrJAIDu-00436-00174351-00174569 so the probability measure in this MDM5FrJAIDu-00437-00174570-00174973 example as P MDM5FrJAIDu-00438-00174974-00175370 equals zero MDM5FrJAIDu-00439-00175371-00176009 display style P equals zero P MDM5FrJAIDu-00440-00176010-00176164 age MDM5FrJAIDu-00441-00176165-00176668 equals 0.5 MDM5FrJAIDu-00442-00176669-00177497 display style P text H equals 0.5 P MDM5FrJAIDu-00443-00177498-00177694 tea MDM5FrJAIDu-00444-00177695-00178195 equals 0.5 MDM5FrJAIDu-00445-00178196-00179102 display style P text T equals 0.5 P MDM5FrJAIDu-00446-00179103-00179427 each tea MDM5FrJAIDu-00447-00179428-00179805 equals one MDM5FrJAIDu-00448-00179806-00180876 display style P text H text T equals one MDM5FrJAIDu-00449-00180877-00181272 topic example 2 MDM5FrJAIDu-00450-00181273-00181437 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00451-00181438-00181721 the fair coin has tossed three times MDM5FrJAIDu-00452-00181722-00182076 there are eight possible outcomes Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00453-00182077-00182990 equals h HH h HT h th h TT th h th t TT MDM5FrJAIDu-00454-00182991-00183561 h TT t here h th for example means that MDM5FrJAIDu-00455-00183562-00183834 first time the coin landed heads the MDM5FrJAIDu-00456-00183835-00184086 second time tails and the last time MDM5FrJAIDu-00457-00184087-00184482 heads again the complete information as MDM5FrJAIDu-00458-00184483-00184836 described by the Sigma algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00459-00184837-00184985 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00460-00184986-00185861 display style script style math call f MDM5FrJAIDu-00461-00185862-00186677 topic 2 ohms of 28 MDM5FrJAIDu-00462-00186678-00187026 256 events where each of the events as a MDM5FrJAIDu-00463-00187027-00187444 subset of Omega Alice knows the outcome MDM5FrJAIDu-00464-00187445-00187809 of the second toss only thus are MDM5FrJAIDu-00465-00187810-00188100 incomplete information as described by MDM5FrJAIDu-00466-00188101-00188614 the partition Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00467-00188615-00189301 topic a one A two MDM5FrJAIDu-00468-00189302-00190304 h HH HH t th h th th th h TT t th t TT MDM5FrJAIDu-00469-00190305-00190612 where is the disjoint Union and the MDM5FrJAIDu-00470-00190613-00190944 corresponding Sigma algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00471-00190945-00191115 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00472-00191116-00191555 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00473-00191556-00192085 Alice MDM5FrJAIDu-00474-00192086-00192734 topic a 1 a 2 Omega Brian knows only the MDM5FrJAIDu-00475-00192735-00193094 total number of tails his partition MDM5FrJAIDu-00476-00193095-00193760 contains four parts Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00477-00193761-00194729 bo b1 b2 b3 equals h HH h HT HT h t HH t MDM5FrJAIDu-00478-00194730-00195341 th th t HT t TT t accordingly his MDM5FrJAIDu-00479-00195342-00195567 sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00480-00195568-00195725 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00481-00195726-00196156 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00482-00196157-00196775 Brian contains 24 equals 16 events the MDM5FrJAIDu-00483-00196776-00197045 two sigma-algebra czar incomparable MDM5FrJAIDu-00484-00197046-00197243 neither MDM5FrJAIDu-00485-00197244-00197836 F display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00486-00197837-00198032 Alice MDM5FrJAIDu-00487-00198033-00198205 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00488-00198206-00198668 display style script style math call f MDM5FrJAIDu-00489-00198669-00198913 bryan nor MDM5FrJAIDu-00490-00198914-00199074 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00491-00199075-00199514 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00492-00199515-00199916 Brian F MDM5FrJAIDu-00493-00199917-00200374 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00494-00200375-00200759 Alice both are sub sigma-algebra zuv 2 MDM5FrJAIDu-00495-00200760-00201303 ohms MDM5FrJAIDu-00496-00201304-00201862 topic example three MDM5FrJAIDu-00497-00201863-00202191 if 100 voters are to be drawn randomly MDM5FrJAIDu-00498-00202192-00202561 from among all voters in California and MDM5FrJAIDu-00499-00202562-00202752 asked whom they will vote for governor MDM5FrJAIDu-00500-00202753-00203119 then the set of all sequences of 100 MDM5FrJAIDu-00501-00203120-00203377 Californian voters would be the sample MDM5FrJAIDu-00502-00203378-00203698 space Omega we assume that sampling MDM5FrJAIDu-00503-00203699-00203925 without replacement as used only MDM5FrJAIDu-00504-00203926-00204252 sequences of 100 different voters are MDM5FrJAIDu-00505-00204253-00204586 allowed for simplicity and ordered MDM5FrJAIDu-00506-00204587-00204885 sample as considered that as a sequence MDM5FrJAIDu-00507-00204886-00205225 Alice Brian is different from Brian MDM5FrJAIDu-00508-00205226-00205644 Alice we also take for granted that each MDM5FrJAIDu-00509-00205646-00205954 potential voter knows exactly his her MDM5FrJAIDu-00510-00205955-00206221 future choice that as he she doesn't MDM5FrJAIDu-00511-00206221-00206659 choose randomly Alice knows only whether MDM5FrJAIDu-00512-00206660-00206896 or not Arnold Schwartzenegger has MDM5FrJAIDu-00513-00206896-00207259 received at least 60 votes her MDM5FrJAIDu-00514-00207260-00207556 incomplete information as described by MDM5FrJAIDu-00515-00207557-00207788 the sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00516-00207789-00207957 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00517-00207958-00208409 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00518-00208410-00208773 Alice that contains one the set of all MDM5FrJAIDu-00519-00208773-00209112 sequences in Omega where at least sixty MDM5FrJAIDu-00520-00209113-00209409 people vote for Schwarzenegger to the MDM5FrJAIDu-00521-00209410-00209748 set of all sequences where fewer than 60 MDM5FrJAIDu-00522-00209748-00210023 vote for Schwarzenegger three the whole MDM5FrJAIDu-00523-00210025-00210494 sample space Omega and for the empty set MDM5FrJAIDu-00524-00210494-00210825 Brian knows the exact number of voters MDM5FrJAIDu-00525-00210826-00211115 who are going to vote for Schwarzenegger MDM5FrJAIDu-00526-00211116-00211476 his incomplete information as described MDM5FrJAIDu-00527-00211477-00211742 by the corresponding partition Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00528-00211744-00212182 equals Bo b1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00529-00212183-00212566 be 100 and the sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00530-00212567-00213171 F display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00531-00213171-00213814 Brian consists of 2101 events in this MDM5FrJAIDu-00532-00213815-00214153 case Alice's sigma-algebra as a subset MDM5FrJAIDu-00533-00214154-00214367 of Brian's MDM5FrJAIDu-00534-00214367-00214516 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00535-00214517-00214962 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00536-00214963-00215162 Alice MDM5FrJAIDu-00537-00215163-00215773 F display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00538-00215773-00216260 Bryan Bryan sigma-algebra as in turn a MDM5FrJAIDu-00539-00216261-00216536 subset of the much larger complete MDM5FrJAIDu-00540-00216537-00216850 information Sigma algebra two ohm's MDM5FrJAIDu-00541-00216851-00217342 consisting of two N and minus one MDM5FrJAIDu-00542-00217342-00217777 and -99 events where n as the number of MDM5FrJAIDu-00543-00217778-00218553 all potential voters in California MDM5FrJAIDu-00544-00218554-00219069 topic non-atomic examples MDM5FrJAIDu-00545-00219069-00219235 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00546-00219236-00219673 topic example for a number between 0 & 1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00547-00219675-00220142 as chosen at random uniformly here Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00548-00220142-00220598 equals 0 1 f display style script style MDM5FrJAIDu-00549-00220598-00220925 math call f is the Sigma algebra of MDM5FrJAIDu-00550-00220926-00221228 Borel sets on Omega and P is the MDM5FrJAIDu-00551-00221229-00221705 lebesgue measure on 0 1 in this case the MDM5FrJAIDu-00552-00221706-00222085 open intervals of the form a B where 0 MDM5FrJAIDu-00553-00222086-00222413 each such set can be ascribed the MDM5FrJAIDu-00554-00222414-00222946 probability of P a B equals B minus L MDM5FrJAIDu-00555-00222948-00223208 which generates the lebesgue measure on MDM5FrJAIDu-00556-00223209-00223827 0 1 and the Borel sigma-algebra on omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00557-00223828-00224223 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00558-00224225-00224664 topic example 5 MDM5FrJAIDu-00559-00224665-00224817 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00560-00224817-00225206 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00561-00225207-00225610 topic a fair coin as tossed endlessly MDM5FrJAIDu-00562-00225611-00226527 here one can take Omega 0 1 infinity the MDM5FrJAIDu-00563-00226528-00226788 set of all infinite sequences of numbers MDM5FrJAIDu-00564-00226789-00227601 0 & 1 cylinder sets X 1 X 2 MDM5FrJAIDu-00565-00227602-00228164 and of Omega x1 MDM5FrJAIDu-00566-00228165-00228577 topic a one MDM5FrJAIDu-00567-00228578-00229086 Xsan MDM5FrJAIDu-00568-00229087-00229367 and may be used as the generator sets MDM5FrJAIDu-00569-00229369-00229737 each such set describes an event in MDM5FrJAIDu-00570-00229738-00230019 which the first end tosses have resulted MDM5FrJAIDu-00571-00230019-00230414 in a fixed sequence a one MDM5FrJAIDu-00572-00230415-00230690 and and the rest of the sequence may be MDM5FrJAIDu-00573-00230691-00231052 arbitrary each such event can be MDM5FrJAIDu-00574-00231053-00231326 naturally given the probability of two MDM5FrJAIDu-00575-00231327-00231805 minus n these two non atomic examples MDM5FrJAIDu-00576-00231806-00232423 are closely related a sequence X 1 X 2 MDM5FrJAIDu-00577-00232425-00232829 element of 0 1 infinity leads to the MDM5FrJAIDu-00578-00232830-00233360 number 2 minus 1 by 1 plus 2 minus 2 by MDM5FrJAIDu-00579-00233361-00233644 2 plus MDM5FrJAIDu-00580-00233646-00234131 element of 0 1 this is not a one-to-one MDM5FrJAIDu-00581-00234132-00234563 correspondence between 0 1 infinity and MDM5FrJAIDu-00582-00234564-00235001 0 1 however it is an isomorphism modulo MDM5FrJAIDu-00583-00235002-00235280 0 which allows for treating the two MDM5FrJAIDu-00584-00235281-00235567 probability spaces as two forms of the MDM5FrJAIDu-00585-00235569-00235975 same probability space in fact all MDM5FrJAIDu-00586-00235976-00236332 non-pathological non-atomic probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00587-00236333-00236707 spaces are the same in this sense they MDM5FrJAIDu-00588-00236708-00236903 are so-called standard probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00589-00236904-00237358 spaces basic applications of probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00590-00237359-00237673 spaces are insensitive to standard miss MDM5FrJAIDu-00591-00237673-00238019 however non discrete conditioning is MDM5FrJAIDu-00592-00238019-00238292 easy and natural on standard probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00593-00238292-00239196 spaces otherwise it becomes obscure MDM5FrJAIDu-00594-00239198-00239851 topic related concepts MDM5FrJAIDu-00595-00239852-00240188 you MDM5FrJAIDu-00596-00240189-00240865 topic probability distribution MDM5FrJAIDu-00597-00240866-00241219 any probability distribution defines a MDM5FrJAIDu-00598-00241219-00241823 probability measure MDM5FrJAIDu-00599-00241825-00242432 topic random variables MDM5FrJAIDu-00600-00242433-00242769 a random variable acts as a measurable MDM5FrJAIDu-00601-00242769-00243117 function X Omega s from the sample space MDM5FrJAIDu-00602-00243117-00243410 Omega to another measurable space s MDM5FrJAIDu-00603-00243411-00243854 called the state space if a s the MDM5FrJAIDu-00604-00243855-00244263 notation PR X element of a is a commonly MDM5FrJAIDu-00605-00244264-00244598 used shorthand for P Omega element of MDM5FrJAIDu-00606-00244599-00245426 Omega X Omega element of a MDM5FrJAIDu-00607-00245427-00245819 topic defining the events in terms of MDM5FrJAIDu-00608-00245821-00246289 the sample space MDM5FrJAIDu-00609-00246290-00246610 if Omega is countable we almost always MDM5FrJAIDu-00610-00246611-00246967 define F MDM5FrJAIDu-00611-00246967-00247330 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00612-00247331-00247858 as the power set of Omega ie MDM5FrJAIDu-00613-00247859-00248030 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00614-00248031-00248531 display style script style math call f MDM5FrJAIDu-00615-00248532-00248828 equals 2 ohms which is trivially a MDM5FrJAIDu-00616-00248829-00248964 sigma-algebra MDM5FrJAIDu-00617-00248965-00249230 and the biggest one we can create using MDM5FrJAIDu-00618-00249231-00249716 Omega we can therefore omit F MDM5FrJAIDu-00619-00249717-00250208 display style script style math call f MDM5FrJAIDu-00620-00250209-00250556 and just right Omega P to define the MDM5FrJAIDu-00621-00250557-00250992 probability space on the other hand if MDM5FrJAIDu-00622-00250992-00251362 Omega is uncountable and we use MDM5FrJAIDu-00623-00251363-00251542 f MDM5FrJAIDu-00624-00251544-00252044 display style script style math call f MDM5FrJAIDu-00625-00252044-00252305 equals two ohms we get into trouble MDM5FrJAIDu-00626-00252306-00252596 defining our probability measure P MDM5FrJAIDu-00627-00252596-00252773 because MDM5FrJAIDu-00628-00252775-00253342 F display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00629-00253344-00253592 is too large MDM5FrJAIDu-00630-00253594-00253878 ie there will often be sets to which it MDM5FrJAIDu-00631-00253879-00254117 will be impossible to assign a unique MDM5FrJAIDu-00632-00254119-00254492 measure in this case we have to use a MDM5FrJAIDu-00633-00254494-00254946 smaller sigma-algebra F MDM5FrJAIDu-00634-00254948-00255423 display style script style math call F MDM5FrJAIDu-00635-00255425-00255791 for example the Burrell algebra of Omega MDM5FrJAIDu-00636-00255792-00256112 which is the smallest Sigma algebra that MDM5FrJAIDu-00637-00256113-00256856 makes all open sets measurable MDM5FrJAIDu-00638-00256857-00257489 topic conditional probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00639-00257490-00257773 koma gaurav's definition of probability MDM5FrJAIDu-00640-00257773-00258173 spaces gives rise to the natural concept MDM5FrJAIDu-00641-00258173-00258559 of conditional probability every set a MDM5FrJAIDu-00642-00258560-00258910 with nonzero probability that as PA MDM5FrJAIDu-00643-00258911-00259214 greater than zero defines another MDM5FrJAIDu-00644-00259215-00259690 probability measure P MDM5FrJAIDu-00645-00259691-00259869 be MDM5FrJAIDu-00646-00259869-00260007 a MDM5FrJAIDu-00647-00260008-00260223 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00648-00260223-00260427 P MDM5FrJAIDu-00649-00260428-00260608 be MDM5FrJAIDu-00650-00260609-00260973 a pee MDM5FrJAIDu-00651-00260973-00261702 a display style P be a equals P be cafe MDM5FrJAIDu-00652-00261703-00262000 over P a MDM5FrJAIDu-00653-00262001-00262402 on the space this is usually pronounced MDM5FrJAIDu-00654-00262403-00262915 as the probability of B given a for any MDM5FrJAIDu-00655-00262916-00263242 event B such that phosphorus mono boride MDM5FrJAIDu-00656-00263243-00263575 greater than zero the function Q defined MDM5FrJAIDu-00657-00263576-00264190 by Q a equals P a B for all events a as MDM5FrJAIDu-00658-00264191-00264604 itself a probability measure MDM5FrJAIDu-00659-00264605-00265031 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00660-00265032-00265614 topic independence MDM5FrJAIDu-00661-00265615-00265810 equals MDM5FrJAIDu-00662-00265811-00266138 two events a and B are said to be MDM5FrJAIDu-00663-00266139-00266526 independent if P a B equals P a MDM5FrJAIDu-00664-00266527-00266974 phosphorus mono buried two random MDM5FrJAIDu-00665-00266975-00267290 variables x and y are said to be MDM5FrJAIDu-00666-00267291-00267566 independent if any event defined in MDM5FrJAIDu-00667-00267567-00267863 terms of X as independent of any event MDM5FrJAIDu-00668-00267864-00268180 defined in terms of y formerly they MDM5FrJAIDu-00669-00268181-00268450 generate independent sigma-algebra x' MDM5FrJAIDu-00670-00268451-00268810 where two sigma-algebra is G and H which MDM5FrJAIDu-00671-00268811-00269048 are subsets of F are said to be MDM5FrJAIDu-00672-00269049-00269329 independent if any element of G as MDM5FrJAIDu-00673-00269330-00270067 independent of any element of H MDM5FrJAIDu-00674-00270068-00270702 topic mutual exclusivity MDM5FrJAIDu-00675-00270703-00271041 two events a and B are said to be MDM5FrJAIDu-00676-00271042-00271353 mutually exclusive or disjoint if the MDM5FrJAIDu-00677-00271354-00271575 occurrence of one implies the non MDM5FrJAIDu-00678-00271576-00271836 occurrence of the other ie their MDM5FrJAIDu-00679-00271837-00272226 intersection as empty this is a stronger MDM5FrJAIDu-00680-00272227-00272469 condition than the probability of their MDM5FrJAIDu-00681-00272470-00272871 intersection being zero MDM5FrJAIDu-00682-00272872-00273219 if a and B are disjoint events then P a MDM5FrJAIDu-00683-00273220-00273724 B MDM5FrJAIDu-00684-00273725-00274319 topic pa+ phosphorus mono boride this MDM5FrJAIDu-00685-00274320-00274613 extends to a finite or countably MDM5FrJAIDu-00686-00274614-00275079 infinite sequence of events however the MDM5FrJAIDu-00687-00275080-00275308 probability of the union of an MDM5FrJAIDu-00688-00275309-00275632 uncountable set of events as not the sum MDM5FrJAIDu-00689-00275633-00276106 of their probabilities for example if Z MDM5FrJAIDu-00690-00276107-00276367 is a normally distributed random MDM5FrJAIDu-00691-00276368-00276896 variable then P Z equals x is 0 for any MDM5FrJAIDu-00692-00276897-00277807 X but P Z element of R MDM5FrJAIDu-00693-00277808-00278231 the event a B is referred to as and B MDM5FrJAIDu-00694-00278232-00279039 and the event a be as our be MDM5FrJAIDu-00695-00279040-00279935 topic see also space mathematics MDM5FrJAIDu-00696-00279936-00280444 measure space fuzzy measure theory MDM5FrJAIDu-00697-00280445-00280808 filtered probability space MDM5FrJAIDu-00698-00280809-00281280 telegrams concentration and equality MExb9sVYXXc-00000-00000000-00000191 I have so many new products to go MExb9sVYXXc-00001-00000192-00000353 through so today we're going through MExb9sVYXXc-00002-00000354-00000815 high-end cheek products MExb9sVYXXc-00003-00000816-00001031 hello girlfriends let's talk about my MExb9sVYXXc-00004-00001032-00001277 shirt I have on this kind of modeled MExb9sVYXXc-00005-00001278-00001565 looking shirt that is kind of Rose scoop MExb9sVYXXc-00006-00001566-00001841 neck cute little sleeve with the little MExb9sVYXXc-00007-00001842-00002014 buttons right there we always talk about MExb9sVYXXc-00008-00002016-00002255 what I have on first before we get into MExb9sVYXXc-00009-00002256-00002476 the video I have on a really pretty MExb9sVYXXc-00010-00002477-00002729 heart necklace that just has a little MExb9sVYXXc-00011-00002730-00002926 cubic zirconium in the Middle with cubic MExb9sVYXXc-00012-00002927-00003274 zirconium around it silver it's I'm MExb9sVYXXc-00013-00003275-00003503 pretty sure it's 925 sterling silver and MExb9sVYXXc-00014-00003504-00003665 then I have on these silver earrings I'm MExb9sVYXXc-00015-00003665-00003893 pretty sure they aren't 925 sterling MExb9sVYXXc-00016-00003894-00004079 silver these are just hearts and then MExb9sVYXXc-00017-00004079-00004283 they have the little rhinestones all the MExb9sVYXXc-00018-00004284-00004409 way around them they're just really cute MExb9sVYXXc-00019-00004410-00004559 and don't forget about our numbering MExb9sVYXXc-00020-00004560-00004756 system as we go along I will show a MExb9sVYXXc-00021-00004757-00004949 number in the corner of the screen and MExb9sVYXXc-00022-00004950-00005141 you can just remember the number and go MExb9sVYXXc-00023-00005142-00005375 down into the description box and next MExb9sVYXXc-00024-00005376-00005536 to the number will be the product that MExb9sVYXXc-00025-00005537-00005699 I've been talking about with the link MExb9sVYXXc-00026-00005700-00005891 and you can shop that way because there MExb9sVYXXc-00027-00005892-00006059 would be colors or anything else that MExb9sVYXXc-00028-00006060-00006251 you might need to know about and oh by MExb9sVYXXc-00029-00006252-00006443 the way the shirt is very true to size I MExb9sVYXXc-00030-00006444-00006628 always forget to say that all right MExb9sVYXXc-00031-00006629-00006820 let's get into the video so we're going MExb9sVYXXc-00032-00006822-00006977 to talk about my favorite cheek products MExb9sVYXXc-00033-00006978-00007163 which are high-end or luxury and I MExb9sVYXXc-00034-00007164-00007360 wanted to start out by telling you about MExb9sVYXXc-00035-00007361-00007625 the new Patrick Taw these are the MExb9sVYXXc-00036-00007626-00007906 bronzers or Contour Duos I have the MExb9sVYXXc-00037-00007908-00008170 medium and the lighter one I got the MExb9sVYXXc-00038-00008172-00008423 lighter one kind of before the summer MExb9sVYXXc-00039-00008424-00008614 came and then I decided that I was going MExb9sVYXXc-00040-00008615-00008824 to do a lot of self tanning so I went MExb9sVYXXc-00041-00008825-00009010 and I got the medium one so what you MExb9sVYXXc-00042-00009011-00009274 have is you have the Contour our product MExb9sVYXXc-00043-00009275-00009455 over here and then the bronzer product MExb9sVYXXc-00044-00009456-00009689 up here and what's cool about it is this MExb9sVYXXc-00045-00009690-00009887 is a cream product and it also has the MExb9sVYXXc-00046-00009888-00010078 cover that goes on it and then you can MExb9sVYXXc-00047-00010079-00010246 bronze up your face or warm up your face MExb9sVYXXc-00048-00010247-00010528 with this right here so these are luxury MExb9sVYXXc-00049-00010529-00010823 wonderful amazing products I can't say MExb9sVYXXc-00050-00010824-00011069 enough good that his blushes his MExb9sVYXXc-00051-00011070-00011321 foundation everything so far has just MExb9sVYXXc-00052-00011322-00011519 got the big stamp of approval for me MExb9sVYXXc-00053-00011520-00011746 because I think that they're just a very MExb9sVYXXc-00054-00011747-00011999 very amazing great product and I will MExb9sVYXXc-00055-00012000-00012263 tell you that of all the products that I MExb9sVYXXc-00056-00012264-00012413 have of his and as much as I've used MExb9sVYXXc-00057-00012414-00012677 them I feel like I haven't hardly made a MExb9sVYXXc-00058-00012678-00012922 dent in them so a little tiny bit goes a MExb9sVYXXc-00059-00012923-00013127 long ways and I think that is a really MExb9sVYXXc-00060-00013128-00013301 important thing when you're spending a MExb9sVYXXc-00061-00013302-00013469 lot of money like this and you're like MExb9sVYXXc-00062-00013469-00013679 can I afford that well how long is it MExb9sVYXXc-00063-00013680-00013888 going to last you two and whether or not MExb9sVYXXc-00064-00013890-00014099 the product is really going to be MExb9sVYXXc-00065-00014100-00014285 something that has that high quality MExb9sVYXXc-00066-00014286-00014453 that's going to last on your face and MExb9sVYXXc-00067-00014454-00014651 this one does and then I stumbled across MExb9sVYXXc-00068-00014652-00014843 and nobody was talking about this this MExb9sVYXXc-00069-00014844-00015094 is from beauty blender and this is their MExb9sVYXXc-00070-00015095-00015401 Bounce Magic fit creamy bronzer and MExb9sVYXXc-00071-00015402-00015707 highlighter Duo and I I better tell you MExb9sVYXXc-00072-00015708-00015875 what I've got what color I have it in I MExb9sVYXXc-00073-00015876-00016211 have it in Pearl and buff and what's so MExb9sVYXXc-00074-00016212-00016433 cool about it so you have your bronzer MExb9sVYXXc-00075-00016434-00016547 product this is actually what I'm MExb9sVYXXc-00076-00016548-00016750 wearing for my bronzer today bronzer MExb9sVYXXc-00077-00016751-00016979 product in there and it's really a MExb9sVYXXc-00078-00016980-00017339 bronzing it's not anything at all like a MExb9sVYXXc-00079-00017340-00017639 contour product but it's beautiful and MExb9sVYXXc-00080-00017640-00017993 then I am absolutely over the moon in MExb9sVYXXc-00081-00017994-00018244 love with the formula of the highlighter MExb9sVYXXc-00082-00018245-00018383 in here there is a little mirror up MExb9sVYXXc-00083-00018384-00018629 there the highlighter it's what I have MExb9sVYXXc-00084-00018630-00018911 on underneath my blush today the MExb9sVYXXc-00085-00018912-00019217 highlighter is so different for me and I MExb9sVYXXc-00086-00019218-00019457 think I'm so excited about it because it MExb9sVYXXc-00087-00019458-00019691 doesn't act like one of those beaming MExb9sVYXXc-00088-00019692-00019961 highlighters what it acts like is this MExb9sVYXXc-00089-00019962-00020255 radiant glow so you're not getting MExb9sVYXXc-00090-00020256-00020500 something that is super shiny on your MExb9sVYXXc-00091-00020501-00020741 face and going to attract attention if MExb9sVYXXc-00092-00020742-00020963 you do have large pores or Texture and MExb9sVYXXc-00093-00020964-00021179 you're a more mature woman it's so MExb9sVYXXc-00094-00021180-00021449 pretty and I love the bronzer as well MExb9sVYXXc-00095-00021450-00021635 you can tell I'm kind of Dipping into it MExb9sVYXXc-00096-00021636-00021875 big time I like it because it can be MExb9sVYXXc-00097-00021876-00022085 buffed out and it looks so natural and MExb9sVYXXc-00098-00022086-00022283 so pretty so I'm really into cream MExb9sVYXXc-00099-00022284-00022457 products and this completely fit the MExb9sVYXXc-00100-00022458-00022667 bill another one that I never heard MExb9sVYXXc-00101-00022668-00022936 anybody talk about is from Iconic London MExb9sVYXXc-00102-00022937-00023303 and this is the Precision Duo Contour MExb9sVYXXc-00103-00023304-00023675 pot and this one is in medium Shadow and MExb9sVYXXc-00104-00023676-00024053 this one oh my goodness so same thing I MExb9sVYXXc-00105-00024054-00024317 found it I'm like why isn't anybody MExb9sVYXXc-00106-00024318-00024563 speaking about this it's a Duo and I MExb9sVYXXc-00107-00024564-00024677 don't want to get my fingernail in it MExb9sVYXXc-00108-00024678-00024814 that's why I'm trying to be careful so MExb9sVYXXc-00109-00024815-00025030 you have the powder product on the top MExb9sVYXXc-00110-00025031-00025247 and then the cream product on the bottom MExb9sVYXXc-00111-00025248-00025505 and these are first of all the cream MExb9sVYXXc-00112-00025506-00025744 product is so creamy sometimes I'm like MExb9sVYXXc-00113-00025745-00025889 I don't know if I can get that out MExb9sVYXXc-00114-00025889-00026117 without really digging into it but you MExb9sVYXXc-00115-00026118-00026339 can build it up really really well and MExb9sVYXXc-00116-00026339-00026507 it's really pretty and it's a great MExb9sVYXXc-00117-00026508-00026735 color for me so know that it's a little MExb9sVYXXc-00118-00026736-00027095 bit light for a medium because normally MExb9sVYXXc-00119-00027095-00027299 I I would be wearing something that was MExb9sVYXXc-00120-00027300-00027539 probably around a light medium or a MExb9sVYXXc-00121-00027539-00027773 light product but the top product which MExb9sVYXXc-00122-00027774-00028096 is the powder is amazing that is the MExb9sVYXXc-00123-00028097-00028301 most beautiful contour and what's MExb9sVYXXc-00124-00028302-00028558 gorgeous about it and I get so excited MExb9sVYXXc-00125-00028560-00028823 about is that when you have a contour MExb9sVYXXc-00126-00028824-00029045 you should have a muddy looking product MExb9sVYXXc-00127-00029045-00029314 and it's a muddy looking product and I MExb9sVYXXc-00128-00029316-00029512 love that about it because you don't MExb9sVYXXc-00129-00029513-00029758 want to be putting into your hairline MExb9sVYXXc-00130-00029760-00029999 like me where I have such a hairline MExb9sVYXXc-00131-00030000-00030179 that goes way back I don't want to be MExb9sVYXXc-00132-00030180-00030358 putting a bronzing product where you're MExb9sVYXXc-00133-00030360-00030652 going to be showing warmth or a glow a MExb9sVYXXc-00134-00030654-00030874 warm glow you want to have something MExb9sVYXXc-00135-00030875-00031187 that looks dark and muddy and shadowy MExb9sVYXXc-00136-00031188-00031408 that's what we get in this and then MExb9sVYXXc-00137-00031410-00031690 Merit actually sent this to me and this MExb9sVYXXc-00138-00031691-00032081 is their bronzing stick and mine is in I MExb9sVYXXc-00139-00032082-00032489 think it's c c n s e i n e I'm sure MExb9sVYXXc-00140-00032489-00032657 somebody will tell me how to say that so MExb9sVYXXc-00141-00032658-00032909 that's the color that I have and the MExb9sVYXXc-00142-00032910-00033107 thing is is that this is a pretty warm MExb9sVYXXc-00143-00033108-00033317 product for somebody that is as cool MExb9sVYXXc-00144-00033318-00033557 toned as I am but what's so cool about MExb9sVYXXc-00145-00033558-00033851 it is I don't think I've ever seen a MExb9sVYXXc-00146-00033852-00034067 stick bronzer or a stick product that MExb9sVYXXc-00147-00034068-00034349 didn't disrupt the foundation below if MExb9sVYXXc-00148-00034350-00034546 you just drew it on I've never been able MExb9sVYXXc-00149-00034547-00034774 to just draw on a product I've always MExb9sVYXXc-00150-00034775-00035021 been one that put it onto a brush so MExb9sVYXXc-00151-00035022-00035207 here's a brush right here and I would MExb9sVYXXc-00152-00035208-00035387 put that onto the brush first and then MExb9sVYXXc-00153-00035388-00035590 go in with the brush instead of just MExb9sVYXXc-00154-00035591-00035746 drawing it on and then buffing it out MExb9sVYXXc-00155-00035747-00035927 you can do that with this and you can MExb9sVYXXc-00156-00035928-00036083 work with your fingers and buff it out MExb9sVYXXc-00157-00036084-00036317 whoops over here you can work with your MExb9sVYXXc-00158-00036318-00036509 fingers and buff it out as well and it MExb9sVYXXc-00159-00036510-00036761 can be built up can be sheared out very MExb9sVYXXc-00160-00036762-00037049 very easy to use very very beautiful MExb9sVYXXc-00161-00037050-00037252 product as far as the product itself MExb9sVYXXc-00162-00037253-00037487 goes and yeah that one is the one that MExb9sVYXXc-00163-00037488-00037673 really surprised me there is a couple of MExb9sVYXXc-00164-00037674-00037835 products in here that I want to tell you MExb9sVYXXc-00165-00037836-00038057 about before they're gone because right MExb9sVYXXc-00166-00038058-00038380 now they're around the holidays and if MExb9sVYXXc-00167-00038381-00038567 you're watching this and they are gone MExb9sVYXXc-00168-00038568-00038807 like way in the future know that you can MExb9sVYXXc-00169-00038808-00039029 still buy these in the large ones and MExb9sVYXXc-00170-00039030-00039215 I'm just showing the one ones that are MExb9sVYXXc-00171-00039216-00039401 the smaller ones that are maybe on a MExb9sVYXXc-00172-00039402-00039712 holiday special so this is the joy stick MExb9sVYXXc-00173-00039713-00040001 blush Trio that they have going on right MExb9sVYXXc-00174-00040002-00040229 now the first one right here why do they MExb9sVYXXc-00175-00040230-00040433 have to make these little teeny tiny MExb9sVYXXc-00176-00040434-00040577 things so you can't read them when MExb9sVYXXc-00177-00040578-00040811 you're my age and you have to have the MExb9sVYXXc-00178-00040812-00040996 readers anyway this one is called MExb9sVYXXc-00179-00040997-00041374 promise me and this is more of a natural MExb9sVYXXc-00180-00041375-00041609 looking blush a little bit of a rose to MExb9sVYXXc-00181-00041610-00042046 it very pretty I love the saturation on MExb9sVYXXc-00182-00042047-00042329 these stick blushes this next one is um MExb9sVYXXc-00183-00042330-00042635 peony or peony depending on which part MExb9sVYXXc-00184-00042636-00042893 of the US you live in and it's a bright MExb9sVYXXc-00185-00042894-00043180 bright pink and I really like it as well MExb9sVYXXc-00186-00043181-00043445 it's one of those ones that you know any MExb9sVYXXc-00187-00043446-00043643 cool tone girl can wear but really MExb9sVYXXc-00188-00043644-00043840 anybody can wear if they're wanting to MExb9sVYXXc-00189-00043841-00044068 just pink up your lips you can also use MExb9sVYXXc-00190-00044069-00044333 these on not lips pink up your cheeks MExb9sVYXXc-00191-00044334-00044608 you can also use these on your lips as MExb9sVYXXc-00192-00044609-00044777 well and they're gorgeous this one is MExb9sVYXXc-00193-00044778-00045040 called be loud and so this is the LA the MExb9sVYXXc-00194-00045041-00045293 darkest one that they have and it's a MExb9sVYXXc-00195-00045294-00045508 little bit more along the lines of a MExb9sVYXXc-00196-00045509-00045683 bright Rose so we've got a bright blue MExb9sVYXXc-00197-00045684-00045983 pink a brighter Rose and kind of a muted MExb9sVYXXc-00198-00045984-00046277 mauve color right over here really love MExb9sVYXXc-00199-00046278-00046552 this formula this really sticks around a MExb9sVYXXc-00200-00046553-00046846 long time it can be very easily sheared MExb9sVYXXc-00201-00046847-00047068 out if you need it to be but it can be MExb9sVYXXc-00202-00047069-00047380 built up if you're a darker girl too oh MExb9sVYXXc-00203-00047381-00047627 I love these and I was so excited when I MExb9sVYXXc-00204-00047628-00047830 saw the trio of these and again I MExb9sVYXXc-00205-00047831-00048011 haven't seen anybody talk about these MExb9sVYXXc-00206-00048012-00048190 during the sales and I'm like come on MExb9sVYXXc-00207-00048191-00048395 guys let's talk about these the things MExb9sVYXXc-00208-00048396-00048617 that are really really good makeup by MExb9sVYXXc-00209-00048618-00048935 Mario came out with this product that is MExb9sVYXXc-00210-00048936-00049301 so interesting I mean this is crazy good MExb9sVYXXc-00211-00049302-00049601 this is the soft sculpt transforming MExb9sVYXXc-00212-00049602-00049865 skin enhancer this one is in light MExb9sVYXXc-00213-00049866-00050146 medium this is a cream product now when MExb9sVYXXc-00214-00050147-00050440 I first he he released two together he MExb9sVYXXc-00215-00050441-00050645 released a powder that had an ombre look MExb9sVYXXc-00216-00050646-00050896 to it and I got that one and I'm like MExb9sVYXXc-00217-00050897-00051089 well what in the world is all the hyper MExb9sVYXXc-00218-00051090-00051299 about and then I got this one and it's a MExb9sVYXXc-00219-00051300-00051490 cream product and then I was like oh MExb9sVYXXc-00220-00051491-00051658 that's what in the world all the hype is MExb9sVYXXc-00221-00051659-00052008 about so this is a very smooth product MExb9sVYXXc-00222-00052009-00052444 that will go on your skin and it feels MExb9sVYXXc-00223-00052445-00052780 like almost like water but it has the MExb9sVYXXc-00224-00052782-00053050 pigment in it and it has enough of a MExb9sVYXXc-00225-00053051-00053219 pigment in it that it's going to warm MExb9sVYXXc-00226-00053220-00053537 you up and leave you with a very glowy MExb9sVYXXc-00227-00053538-00053753 look about your skin it's really really MExb9sVYXXc-00228-00053754-00053969 pretty let me just kind of put it across MExb9sVYXXc-00229-00053970-00054161 my cheeks here a little bit I'm not MExb9sVYXXc-00230-00054162-00054304 going to get carried away with it but MExb9sVYXXc-00231-00054305-00054538 can you see right there hopefully you MExb9sVYXXc-00232-00054539-00054791 can see just a little bit of that MExb9sVYXXc-00233-00054791-00055030 brightening effect I had on a different MExb9sVYXXc-00234-00055032-00055337 product for my bronzer but this one is MExb9sVYXXc-00235-00055338-00055492 one that I've reached for so much MExb9sVYXXc-00236-00055494-00055811 because it is the cream and because it MExb9sVYXXc-00237-00055812-00056104 does give this Radiance to your skin it MExb9sVYXXc-00238-00056105-00056254 doesn't ever look cakey or like you've MExb9sVYXXc-00239-00056255-00056404 got too much or like it's modeled MExb9sVYXXc-00240-00056405-00056585 because you can't blend it out Blends MExb9sVYXXc-00241-00056586-00056807 out so smooth and so pretty all right MExb9sVYXXc-00242-00056808-00057082 Hooda came out with her stick blushes MExb9sVYXXc-00243-00057083-00057316 and at first I was like you know what I MExb9sVYXXc-00244-00057317-00057515 am not buying another stick blush but MExb9sVYXXc-00245-00057516-00057863 I'm a blush junkie I oh my word I'm MExb9sVYXXc-00246-00057864-00058138 terrible about this so I went and bought MExb9sVYXXc-00247-00058139-00058379 two of them let's see the first one is MExb9sVYXXc-00248-00058379-00058726 called batty Berry and the these are MExb9sVYXXc-00249-00058727-00058823 like MExb9sVYXXc-00250-00058824-00059159 they've got that glow in them and they MExb9sVYXXc-00251-00059160-00059375 are really highly pigmented this one has MExb9sVYXXc-00252-00059376-00059549 a little bit more glow than the last one MExb9sVYXXc-00253-00059550-00059849 this one is called proud pink but they MExb9sVYXXc-00254-00059850-00060053 do have this beautiful pigment to them MExb9sVYXXc-00255-00060054-00060449 and they are gorgeous on your skin oh my MExb9sVYXXc-00256-00060450-00060826 word I love these these are a little bit MExb9sVYXXc-00257-00060827-00061085 of luminosity in them just a little bit MExb9sVYXXc-00258-00061086-00061271 of sheerness if you want more pigment MExb9sVYXXc-00259-00061272-00061432 you can build them up if you have darker MExb9sVYXXc-00260-00061433-00061582 skin if you have lighter skin you're MExb9sVYXXc-00261-00061583-00061744 going to choose a lighter one and then MExb9sVYXXc-00262-00061745-00061985 just sheer it out and when they sheer MExb9sVYXXc-00263-00061986-00062165 out they give the most beautiful glow MExb9sVYXXc-00264-00062166-00062369 you do not need a highlighter when you MExb9sVYXXc-00265-00062370-00062716 use these I love these I really have had MExb9sVYXXc-00266-00062717-00063094 to fight myself to not get more but I MExb9sVYXXc-00267-00063095-00063275 swear if I buy more blush my husband's MExb9sVYXXc-00268-00063276-00063442 gonna Hang Me Up by my toenails all MExb9sVYXXc-00269-00063444-00063719 right Laura Mercier came out with these MExb9sVYXXc-00270-00063720-00064061 moisture Tinted Moisturizer blushes MExb9sVYXXc-00271-00064062-00064271 these are pretty too these are really MExb9sVYXXc-00272-00064272-00064516 pretty too and the first one is called MExb9sVYXXc-00273-00064517-00064865 parasol and it is more along the lines MExb9sVYXXc-00274-00064866-00065056 of the rose color and then the other one MExb9sVYXXc-00275-00065057-00065219 is a lighter one and it's called MExb9sVYXXc-00276-00065220-00065506 southbound and so it's actually quite a MExb9sVYXXc-00277-00065507-00065771 bit lighter and it's kind of got a MExb9sVYXXc-00278-00065772-00065938 little bit of coral in it or a little MExb9sVYXXc-00279-00065939-00066281 bit of peach in it and these are so MExb9sVYXXc-00280-00066282-00066617 lovely these are a lot along the lines MExb9sVYXXc-00281-00066618-00067037 of just a liquid tint for your cheeks so MExb9sVYXXc-00282-00067038-00067199 you're not going to get a lot of high MExb9sVYXXc-00283-00067200-00067373 pigment out of this you're just going to MExb9sVYXXc-00284-00067374-00067529 get a tint but I'll tell you what MExb9sVYXXc-00285-00067530-00067799 happens when these babies dry down they MExb9sVYXXc-00286-00067800-00068141 are there they're not going anywhere and MExb9sVYXXc-00287-00068142-00068309 they're gonna stick around until you MExb9sVYXXc-00288-00068310-00068632 wash them off at night I really love MExb9sVYXXc-00289-00068633-00068825 this formula and they do dry down quite MExb9sVYXXc-00290-00068826-00068981 quickly so you kind of have to work a MExb9sVYXXc-00291-00068982-00069155 little bit quicker with them not too MExb9sVYXXc-00292-00069156-00069394 quickly but I use a stipple brush you MExb9sVYXXc-00293-00069395-00069521 know like I would squirt a little bit MExb9sVYXXc-00294-00069522-00069694 like on my hand right there blend it out MExb9sVYXXc-00295-00069695-00069869 a little bit pick it up and then just MExb9sVYXXc-00296-00069870-00070235 stipple it across my cheeks and wow I'm MExb9sVYXXc-00297-00070236-00070469 in love with these gorgeous gorgeous MExb9sVYXXc-00298-00070470-00070685 formula Anastasia Beverly Hills also MExb9sVYXXc-00299-00070686-00070913 came out with her stick blush so it is MExb9sVYXXc-00300-00070914-00071291 the soft rose color is what I have and MExb9sVYXXc-00301-00071292-00071519 this is really nice too this is very MExb9sVYXXc-00302-00071520-00071800 much like the joy the very very much MExb9sVYXXc-00303-00071801-00072149 like that formula of being a cream that MExb9sVYXXc-00304-00072150-00072406 is super saturated can be Blended out MExb9sVYXXc-00305-00072407-00072731 very easily to be light and just give a MExb9sVYXXc-00306-00072732-00072988 flush across your cheeks but it's gor MExb9sVYXXc-00307-00072989-00073217 it's gorgeous and I loved this color I MExb9sVYXXc-00308-00073218-00073409 was so glad that I went with rose I had MExb9sVYXXc-00309-00073410-00073606 so many rows in my collection I was like MExb9sVYXXc-00310-00073607-00073841 do I want them another rose blush but MExb9sVYXXc-00311-00073842-00074153 yes apparently I do I do plan on as they MExb9sVYXXc-00312-00074154-00074309 go on sale and as I can get my hands on MExb9sVYXXc-00313-00074310-00074488 them getting a couple more of these MExb9sVYXXc-00314-00074489-00074806 because I do love this formula and like MExb9sVYXXc-00315-00074807-00074950 you can see right there hopefully you MExb9sVYXXc-00316-00074951-00075155 can see right there how when I just MExb9sVYXXc-00317-00075156-00075359 touched it down here and I kind of MExb9sVYXXc-00318-00075360-00075538 spread it out it just made this MExb9sVYXXc-00319-00075539-00075743 beautiful little flush right there MExb9sVYXXc-00320-00075744-00075959 hopefully you can see it but you can MExb9sVYXXc-00321-00075960-00076199 really Build It Up as well to be very MExb9sVYXXc-00322-00076200-00076600 dark so very versatile blush and again I MExb9sVYXXc-00323-00076601-00076811 really love stick and cream blushes uh MExb9sVYXXc-00324-00076812-00077003 Merit actually sent this one to me too MExb9sVYXXc-00325-00077004-00077285 I'm on their PR list so I'm really very MExb9sVYXXc-00326-00077286-00077500 thankful that I am since I'm on so few MExb9sVYXXc-00327-00077501-00077788 citrine is the name of this particular MExb9sVYXXc-00328-00077789-00078065 highlight citrine is one of those ones MExb9sVYXXc-00329-00078066-00078371 that is again not a super high beam MExb9sVYXXc-00330-00078372-00078694 highlight but it's beautiful and I wear MExb9sVYXXc-00331-00078695-00078959 all of my highlights underneath my MExb9sVYXXc-00332-00078960-00079132 blushes and this is one that is very MExb9sVYXXc-00333-00079133-00079355 easy to wear underneath a blush because MExb9sVYXXc-00334-00079356-00079625 you can put it on it sets down and you MExb9sVYXXc-00335-00079626-00079882 can put in a powder or a cream on top of MExb9sVYXXc-00336-00079883-00080159 it and it looks gorgeous so really have MExb9sVYXXc-00337-00080160-00080350 loved that and I know they have a couple MExb9sVYXXc-00338-00080351-00080591 different colors so Merit did a really MExb9sVYXXc-00339-00080592-00080776 good job this year with all of the MExb9sVYXXc-00340-00080777-00080915 products that they came out with and MExb9sVYXXc-00341-00080916-00081071 then the one that I was kind of MExb9sVYXXc-00342-00081072-00081353 surprised at was uoma now this isn't new MExb9sVYXXc-00343-00081354-00081581 this has been out for a while but I had MExb9sVYXXc-00344-00081582-00081923 not gotten my hands on it until I think MExb9sVYXXc-00345-00081924-00082150 early this last year I'm not exactly MExb9sVYXXc-00346-00082151-00082553 sure but this is their contour and their MExb9sVYXXc-00347-00082554-00082799 highlighter on the other side the the MExb9sVYXXc-00348-00082800-00083105 Contour is a gorgeous it's Pearl I think MExb9sVYXXc-00349-00083106-00083237 that's what it's called they go off of MExb9sVYXXc-00350-00083238-00083476 whatever the highlighter color is it's MExb9sVYXXc-00351-00083477-00083687 the lightest one anyway MExb9sVYXXc-00352-00083688-00084088 um this is an incredibly great color for MExb9sVYXXc-00353-00084089-00084323 a contour because it is that muddy again MExb9sVYXXc-00354-00084324-00084653 shadowy color that works so well and MExb9sVYXXc-00355-00084654-00084869 it's a great cream product but here's MExb9sVYXXc-00356-00084870-00085055 the highlighter so you can see it and MExb9sVYXXc-00357-00085056-00085175 hopefully you're going to be able to see MExb9sVYXXc-00358-00085176-00085355 the difference between the highlighter MExb9sVYXXc-00359-00085356-00085565 from uoma and then the highlighter from MExb9sVYXXc-00360-00085566-00085882 Merit this one is just a little bit less MExb9sVYXXc-00361-00085883-00086099 beaming this one's got a lot of beam to MExb9sVYXXc-00362-00086100-00086309 it no Sparkle no Glitter in anything MExb9sVYXXc-00363-00086310-00086537 that I normally use because I know that MExb9sVYXXc-00364-00086538-00086776 my skin is mature and I can't really MExb9sVYXXc-00365-00086777-00087005 wear any sort of a glitter but gorgeous MExb9sVYXXc-00366-00087006-00087256 just really really beautiful so that got MExb9sVYXXc-00367-00087257-00087479 an A plus from me a couple other stick MExb9sVYXXc-00368-00087480-00087856 blushes from Ilia this one is called MExb9sVYXXc-00369-00087857-00088091 that last these are MExb9sVYXXc-00370-00088092-00088355 so nice too now this is a little bit MExb9sVYXXc-00371-00088356-00088606 more hydrating of a formula than the MExb9sVYXXc-00372-00088607-00088912 other ones were from Joy but very close MExb9sVYXXc-00373-00088913-00089087 they're all kind of coming out with this MExb9sVYXXc-00374-00089088-00089326 same you know stick formula that same MExb9sVYXXc-00375-00089327-00089494 type thing and then this one from MExb9sVYXXc-00376-00089495-00089788 Persona that is called Bubble this is a MExb9sVYXXc-00377-00089789-00090065 summertime pink pink and you can use MExb9sVYXXc-00378-00090066-00090250 that on your cheeks or on your lips MExb9sVYXXc-00379-00090251-00090431 whichever you want but that is a MExb9sVYXXc-00380-00090432-00090706 gorgeous pink that does blend out and MExb9sVYXXc-00381-00090707-00090881 just looks really pretty in the summer MExb9sVYXXc-00382-00090882-00091085 time but they did come out with this MExb9sVYXXc-00383-00091086-00091247 this year so I wanted to make sure I MExb9sVYXXc-00384-00091248-00091450 mentioned it they do have a couple of MExb9sVYXXc-00385-00091451-00091697 other colors but that one was my MExb9sVYXXc-00386-00091698-00091871 favorite color out of what they released MExb9sVYXXc-00387-00091872-00092081 and oh by the way those two both were MExb9sVYXXc-00388-00092082-00092261 sent to me too I want to always tell you MExb9sVYXXc-00389-00092262-00092482 guys that so that you know what is sent MExb9sVYXXc-00390-00092483-00092650 to me and what is not because I don't MExb9sVYXXc-00391-00092651-00092879 want to you know you thinking that I'm MExb9sVYXXc-00392-00092880-00093047 telling you something just because it MExb9sVYXXc-00393-00093048-00093197 was sent to me the rest of them in here MExb9sVYXXc-00394-00093198-00093461 not sent to me so this one I bought on MExb9sVYXXc-00395-00093462-00093797 my own Christian Dior this is the uh MExb9sVYXXc-00396-00093798-00094085 forever highlighter and I've got mine in MExb9sVYXXc-00397-00094086-00094373 pink glow it's a beautiful highlighter I MExb9sVYXXc-00398-00094374-00094600 really like it it is not a super high MExb9sVYXXc-00399-00094601-00094900 beam one either it's pretty but it MExb9sVYXXc-00400-00094901-00095135 creates a soft Candlelight glow on your MExb9sVYXXc-00401-00095136-00095375 skin it doesn't give you that super high MExb9sVYXXc-00402-00095376-00095705 beam on your skin at all and I like that MExb9sVYXXc-00403-00095706-00095981 you almost you almost could use this as MExb9sVYXXc-00404-00095982-00096262 a finishing powder it's so nice and just MExb9sVYXXc-00405-00096263-00096485 pretty and soft so you could just touch MExb9sVYXXc-00406-00096486-00096694 the high points on your face so top of MExb9sVYXXc-00407-00096695-00097000 the cheeks nose and the the forehead and MExb9sVYXXc-00408-00097001-00097168 the chin and you would have just such an MExb9sVYXXc-00409-00097169-00097403 ethereal pretty glow especially for a MExb9sVYXXc-00410-00097404-00097582 party Glam oh my goodness that'd be so MExb9sVYXXc-00411-00097583-00097823 pretty so I do absolutely love this MExb9sVYXXc-00412-00097824-00098038 think it's gorgeous but again that's got MExb9sVYXXc-00413-00098039-00098291 a super high price tag on it from KVD MExb9sVYXXc-00414-00098292-00098650 Beauty this is her Contour wand I bought MExb9sVYXXc-00415-00098651-00098800 this one I don't remember who was MExb9sVYXXc-00416-00098801-00099071 talking about this but I do feel like MExb9sVYXXc-00417-00099072-00099281 this has a little bit too much warmth in MExb9sVYXXc-00418-00099282-00099479 it to be a contour as well this one is MExb9sVYXXc-00419-00099480-00099737 called Fair cool believe that or not so MExb9sVYXXc-00420-00099738-00099965 I like this because it was a liquid and MExb9sVYXXc-00421-00099966-00100156 it was very easy to work with you can MExb9sVYXXc-00422-00100157-00100300 you know use your fingers to work with MExb9sVYXXc-00423-00100301-00100529 it really a beautiful bronzer but you're MExb9sVYXXc-00424-00100530-00100750 not I wouldn't personally use this as a MExb9sVYXXc-00425-00100751-00100918 contour color I just don't think that it MExb9sVYXXc-00426-00100919-00101123 fits that bill but it really does work MExb9sVYXXc-00427-00101124-00101350 really well and it's very different than MExb9sVYXXc-00428-00101351-00101543 anything I've used before in that it was MExb9sVYXXc-00429-00101544-00101861 very easy to blend it out Nars also MExb9sVYXXc-00430-00101862-00102065 released their bronzer and this one is MExb9sVYXXc-00431-00102066-00102293 in Laguna now this is the coolest tone MExb9sVYXXc-00432-00102294-00102592 that I could find I love this formula MExb9sVYXXc-00433-00102593-00102863 this formula is so good this is super MExb9sVYXXc-00434-00102864-00103247 duper creamy super duper pigmented and MExb9sVYXXc-00435-00103248-00103480 super easy to work with super easy to MExb9sVYXXc-00436-00103481-00103684 blend out super easy to create any look MExb9sVYXXc-00437-00103685-00103936 that you want I really felt like it had MExb9sVYXXc-00438-00103938-00104104 a lot of that red undertone that I MExb9sVYXXc-00439-00104105-00104344 talked about in it so it just worked so MExb9sVYXXc-00440-00104345-00104644 well for me builds up very nicely and MExb9sVYXXc-00441-00104645-00104842 really stays on your cheeks a long time MExb9sVYXXc-00442-00104843-00105065 this was really really beautiful as well MExb9sVYXXc-00443-00105066-00105245 and give my flying okey dokey to that MExb9sVYXXc-00444-00105246-00105407 one too Alright friends that's it for MExb9sVYXXc-00445-00105408-00105593 today's video that is all of the MExb9sVYXXc-00446-00105594-00105784 products of favorites the really good MExb9sVYXXc-00447-00105785-00105977 Stand Out ones and they're the ones that MExb9sVYXXc-00448-00105978-00106139 came out in the year so I wanted to make MExb9sVYXXc-00449-00106140-00106360 sure that I did a review of them for you MExb9sVYXXc-00450-00106361-00106534 as well thank you so much for being with MExb9sVYXXc-00451-00106535-00106739 me today I love you very much and I'll MExb9sVYXXc-00452-00106740-00106968 catch you in my next video bye everybody MExb9sVYXXc-00453-00106969-00107669 [Music]