tTHhaGt1g08-00000-00000033-00001028 [Music] tTHhaGt1g08-00001-00001029-00001579 [Applause] tTHhaGt1g08-00002-00001580-00002007 welcome back in the last segment we saw tTHhaGt1g08-00003-00002009-00002209 implementations of two assignment tTHhaGt1g08-00004-00002210-00002783 operators for our class string in this tTHhaGt1g08-00005-00002784-00002941 segment we are going to look at tTHhaGt1g08-00006-00002942-00003250 implementation of other operators tTHhaGt1g08-00007-00003251-00003560 so first the square bracket or the tTHhaGt1g08-00008-00003561-00003869 indexing operator so if we wish to tTHhaGt1g08-00009-00003870-00004063 access the individual characters of the tTHhaGt1g08-00010-00004064-00004343 store character string we need to define tTHhaGt1g08-00011-00004344-00004850 this okay so as we know if what has been tTHhaGt1g08-00012-00004851-00005297 written in the program is a 1 okay this tTHhaGt1g08-00013-00005298-00005986 is read by C++ as a dot operator square tTHhaGt1g08-00014-00005987-00006359 bracket okay operator square bracket tTHhaGt1g08-00015-00006360-00006725 operating on 1 okay so this operator tTHhaGt1g08-00016-00006726-00006917 must be overloaded okay tTHhaGt1g08-00017-00006918-00007142 and that overloading is quite simple tTHhaGt1g08-00018-00007143-00007733 okay so the receiver has a certain tTHhaGt1g08-00019-00007734-00008045 string and we want character 1 from it tTHhaGt1g08-00020-00008045-00008221 and there is there is a string of the tTHhaGt1g08-00021-00008222-00008555 receiver it's at a dot PTR so we just tTHhaGt1g08-00022-00008556-00008801 have to get character 1 from a door PTR tTHhaGt1g08-00023-00008802-00009149 that's about it so we don't have to tTHhaGt1g08-00024-00009150-00009424 write a in this because the receiver is tTHhaGt1g08-00025-00009425-00009944 implicit okay so this is going to be the tTHhaGt1g08-00026-00009945-00010292 receivers PTR and we are going to take a tTHhaGt1g08-00027-00010293-00010637 displacement of I from it okay so that's tTHhaGt1g08-00028-00010638-00011135 about it and notice that we are tTHhaGt1g08-00029-00011136-00011492 returning a reference so we are tTHhaGt1g08-00030-00011493-00011708 returning the reference because that way tTHhaGt1g08-00031-00011709-00011971 we can change the character as well so tTHhaGt1g08-00032-00011972-00012249 we would be able to write something like tTHhaGt1g08-00033-00012250-00012574 suppose we have a and a speak you are tTHhaGt1g08-00034-00012575-00012971 then we can write a of 0 equal to a of 1 tTHhaGt1g08-00035-00012972-00013261 ok so this a of 0 will also be tTHhaGt1g08-00036-00013262-00013363 translated tTHhaGt1g08-00037-00013365-00013535 or will also be interpreted by this tTHhaGt1g08-00038-00013536-00013930 operator so this will return a reference tTHhaGt1g08-00039-00013931-00014318 to zero okay so a zero is a very tTHhaGt1g08-00040-00014319-00014558 variable and it will be a reference so tTHhaGt1g08-00041-00014559-00014732 it will mean that variable itself it tTHhaGt1g08-00042-00014733-00014915 will not mean the value okay tTHhaGt1g08-00043-00014916-00015221 and so that variable itself will appear tTHhaGt1g08-00044-00015222-00015410 here so to say and therefore we can tTHhaGt1g08-00045-00015411-00015674 store into it okay so that's why we are tTHhaGt1g08-00046-00015675-00015886 using a reference we are returning a tTHhaGt1g08-00047-00015887-00016147 reference rather than a value okay so if tTHhaGt1g08-00048-00016148-00016439 we do this then if you have this define tTHhaGt1g08-00049-00016440-00016606 and if we write this and we are allowed tTHhaGt1g08-00050-00016607-00016940 to write this then this will cause it to tTHhaGt1g08-00051-00016941-00017237 become qqr okay now there is an tTHhaGt1g08-00052-00017238-00017453 interesting operator concatenation so tTHhaGt1g08-00053-00017454-00017660 for which we are going to overload our tTHhaGt1g08-00054-00017661-00018097 plus okay so we would like a plus B to tTHhaGt1g08-00055-00018098-00018386 mean the concatenation of a and P okay tTHhaGt1g08-00056-00018387-00018611 so we must create a new string first of tTHhaGt1g08-00057-00018612-00018860 all on the heap and store the tTHhaGt1g08-00058-00018861-00019241 concatenation into it okay so how does tTHhaGt1g08-00059-00019242-00019544 that work well so we are going to return tTHhaGt1g08-00060-00019545-00019772 a string this time okay so the result is tTHhaGt1g08-00061-00019773-00020069 going to be a string and our operator tTHhaGt1g08-00062-00020070-00020339 plus is going to be overloaded okay so tTHhaGt1g08-00063-00020340-00020730 again let me just remind you a plus B tTHhaGt1g08-00064-00020731-00021596 becomes a dot operator plus of me okay tTHhaGt1g08-00065-00021597-00021856 so therefore we need to redefine or we tTHhaGt1g08-00066-00021857-00022033 need to overload this function operator tTHhaGt1g08-00067-00022034-00022622 plus so first we will create this string tTHhaGt1g08-00068-00022623-00022814 which is which is going to eventually tTHhaGt1g08-00069-00022815-00023209 contain the result okay and into that tTHhaGt1g08-00070-00023210-00023630 string we are going to store the result tTHhaGt1g08-00071-00023631-00024092 but this string has its own pointer and tTHhaGt1g08-00072-00024093-00024331 that pointer must point to the heap and tTHhaGt1g08-00073-00024332-00024578 how many elements how long an array does tTHhaGt1g08-00074-00024579-00025003 it mean on the heap well this array must tTHhaGt1g08-00075-00025004-00025361 contain the string from P as well as the tTHhaGt1g08-00076-00025362-00025714 string from B or looking at it here it tTHhaGt1g08-00077-00025716-00025870 should contain the string from the tTHhaGt1g08-00078-00025872-00026152 receiver as well as the string from the tTHhaGt1g08-00079-00026153-00026462 right hand side okay so this space tTHhaGt1g08-00080-00026463-00026675 needed must be the tTHhaGt1g08-00081-00026676-00026951 the string pointed to by PTR as well as tTHhaGt1g08-00082-00026952-00027224 the length of the string pointed to by tTHhaGt1g08-00083-00027225-00027680 RHS dot PTR and a1 so that we can append tTHhaGt1g08-00084-00027681-00027923 the null character to it okay so we have tTHhaGt1g08-00085-00027924-00028169 allocated the space needed by writing tTHhaGt1g08-00086-00028170-00028529 this new thing and now we just have to tTHhaGt1g08-00087-00028530-00028811 copy so this s copy that we had earlier tTHhaGt1g08-00088-00028812-00029195 is going to copy whatever is in the tTHhaGt1g08-00089-00029195-00029492 receiver into this result that we the tTHhaGt1g08-00090-00029493-00029699 result area that we have created okay tTHhaGt1g08-00091-00029700-00029852 this is created on the heap of course tTHhaGt1g08-00092-00029852-00030502 okay and then we have to copy the RHS tTHhaGt1g08-00093-00030504-00031019 string as well okay so that same that tTHhaGt1g08-00094-00031020-00031244 same s copy is going to be used but we tTHhaGt1g08-00095-00031245-00031460 have to tell s copy that look I don't tTHhaGt1g08-00096-00031461-00031667 want it copied from the very beginning tTHhaGt1g08-00097-00031668-00031919 as what this would be doing but we want tTHhaGt1g08-00098-00031920-00032222 to copy it from index length of PTR okay tTHhaGt1g08-00099-00032223-00032591 so we want to copy from rest dot PTR tTHhaGt1g08-00100-00032592-00033002 index length of length of PTR length of tTHhaGt1g08-00101-00033003-00033239 the string that we just copied okay we tTHhaGt1g08-00102-00033240-00033389 are going to call s copy but this time tTHhaGt1g08-00103-00033390-00033575 we are going to give three arguments so tTHhaGt1g08-00104-00033576-00033860 this is the destination okay this is the tTHhaGt1g08-00105-00033861-00034205 source okay what we want copied and this tTHhaGt1g08-00106-00034206-00034478 is the displacement in the destination tTHhaGt1g08-00107-00034479-00034781 from where the copying has to begin okay tTHhaGt1g08-00108-00034782-00035075 and like you can write this but this tTHhaGt1g08-00109-00035076-00035345 function is also given in the book in tTHhaGt1g08-00110-00035346-00035978 that same chapter 15 and finally the tTHhaGt1g08-00111-00035979-00036305 rest will be returned so the result of tTHhaGt1g08-00112-00036306-00036734 this will effectively be replacing this tTHhaGt1g08-00113-00036735-00036983 expression okay so this so there will be tTHhaGt1g08-00114-00036984-00037226 a temporary which will be replacing this tTHhaGt1g08-00115-00037227-00037364 and then you can do whatever you want tTHhaGt1g08-00116-00037365-00037526 with it so you might have C equal to a tTHhaGt1g08-00117-00037527-00037790 plus B so that then that temporary will tTHhaGt1g08-00118-00037791-00038105 be assigned to C okay but this tTHhaGt1g08-00119-00038106-00038420 evaluation will result in a temporary tTHhaGt1g08-00120-00038421-00038657 which contains the concatenation so so tTHhaGt1g08-00121-00038658-00038903 that's it so that's the concatenation tTHhaGt1g08-00122-00038904-00039287 operator now we need the destructor as tTHhaGt1g08-00123-00039288-00039476 well and we talked about it but let's tTHhaGt1g08-00124-00039477-00039718 just let's just do this again tTHhaGt1g08-00125-00039719-00039919 so suppose we have this cord which we tTHhaGt1g08-00126-00039920-00040054 had in the program that we had written tTHhaGt1g08-00127-00040055-00040533 so at this point string B is created tTHhaGt1g08-00128-00040534-00040996 okay and at this point string B goes out tTHhaGt1g08-00129-00040997-00041260 of school so when string B goes out of tTHhaGt1g08-00130-00041261-00041782 scope C++ is automatically going to call tTHhaGt1g08-00131-00041783-00042339 the destructor tilde string okay so tTHhaGt1g08-00132-00042340-00042724 tilde well I should I should really say tTHhaGt1g08-00133-00042725-00042973 that the destructor in the string class tTHhaGt1g08-00134-00042974-00043360 okay so that will be that will get tTHhaGt1g08-00135-00043361-00043660 called okay and it will be called on the tTHhaGt1g08-00136-00043661-00043873 receiver so it will be tilde B actually tTHhaGt1g08-00137-00043874-00044137 the call will look like tilde B so what tTHhaGt1g08-00138-00044138-00044389 do we want happening over here so by the tTHhaGt1g08-00139-00044390-00044545 way there is a default destructor and tTHhaGt1g08-00140-00044546-00044812 the default destructor does nothing and tTHhaGt1g08-00141-00044813-00045145 we are going to change it okay so we tTHhaGt1g08-00142-00045146-00045352 should delete P dot PTR to prevent tTHhaGt1g08-00143-00045353-00045538 memory leaks okay so how do we do this tTHhaGt1g08-00144-00045539-00046180 so our class is going to contain this tTHhaGt1g08-00145-00046181-00046701 okay our destructor is going to have tTHhaGt1g08-00146-00046702-00047067 delete PTR inside it that's about it tTHhaGt1g08-00147-00047068-00047503 okay so this is what will happen if B tTHhaGt1g08-00148-00047504-00047869 goes out of the scope over here then it tTHhaGt1g08-00149-00047870-00048253 is as good as calling tilde B and this tTHhaGt1g08-00150-00048254-00048493 is the call that is going to happen so tTHhaGt1g08-00151-00048494-00048709 this is the body of the call and B is tTHhaGt1g08-00152-00048710-00049171 going to be the receiver and so PTR the tTHhaGt1g08-00153-00049172-00049393 PTR of B is going to be deleted so tTHhaGt1g08-00154-00049394-00049624 whatever memory B was pointing to will tTHhaGt1g08-00155-00049625-00050035 get deleted exactly as we wanted okay tTHhaGt1g08-00156-00050036-00050383 and as I said earlier this works even if tTHhaGt1g08-00157-00050384-00050623 PTR is another okay and in the in this tTHhaGt1g08-00158-00050624-00051076 case the delete does nothing we also tTHhaGt1g08-00159-00051077-00051354 need to write the copy constructor okay tTHhaGt1g08-00160-00051355-00051733 so remember that in our program we were tTHhaGt1g08-00161-00051734-00052170 calling some function f with a string tTHhaGt1g08-00162-00052171-00052738 object E as the argument okay so how tTHhaGt1g08-00163-00052739-00052948 does C++ handle it tTHhaGt1g08-00164-00052949-00053391 the copy constructor is called by C++ to tTHhaGt1g08-00165-00053392-00053761 copy a string object to the parameter so tTHhaGt1g08-00166-00053762-00054175 this string object is copied to the tTHhaGt1g08-00167-00054176-00054567 parameter in F okay and that copy is a tTHhaGt1g08-00168-00054569-00054745 little bit of a special copy it's not tTHhaGt1g08-00169-00054746-00054919 just like an ordinary assignment it's a tTHhaGt1g08-00170-00054920-00055051 little bit special more special than tTHhaGt1g08-00171-00055052-00055201 that and we'll see in what way it is tTHhaGt1g08-00172-00055202-00055621 special and therefore C++ has a notion tTHhaGt1g08-00173-00055622-00056002 of a copy constructor okay so the copy tTHhaGt1g08-00174-00056003-00056215 constructor looks like this so it's a tTHhaGt1g08-00175-00056216-00056497 constructor and therefore there is no tTHhaGt1g08-00176-00056498-00056892 return type okay and it is constructing tTHhaGt1g08-00177-00056894-00057061 so here we are going to use it to tTHhaGt1g08-00178-00057062-00057624 construct that parameter in F okay and tTHhaGt1g08-00179-00057625-00057907 so it's it's going to take one argument tTHhaGt1g08-00180-00057908-00058317 which is the object from which we are tTHhaGt1g08-00181-00058319-00058525 supposed to make the copy so in this tTHhaGt1g08-00182-00058526-00058791 case argument is going to be a and RHS tTHhaGt1g08-00183-00058792-00059011 is really going to be a when this code tTHhaGt1g08-00184-00059012-00059359 gets executed and the receiver will be tTHhaGt1g08-00185-00059360-00059626 the variable which is the corresponding tTHhaGt1g08-00186-00059627-00060103 parameter in F okay so what happens tTHhaGt1g08-00187-00060104-00060490 well PTR which is the receivers PTR okay tTHhaGt1g08-00188-00060491-00061039 is going to be assigned is going to is tTHhaGt1g08-00189-00061040-00061354 going to be made to point to the string tTHhaGt1g08-00190-00061354-00061573 that erases contains so first it must tTHhaGt1g08-00191-00061574-00061770 allocate you must allocate some memory tTHhaGt1g08-00192-00061771-00062071 okay and that is what we are doing over tTHhaGt1g08-00193-00062072-00062290 here and it's length should be adequate tTHhaGt1g08-00194-00062291-00062752 for getting the copy of this so RHS dot tTHhaGt1g08-00195-00062753-00063064 PTR length plus 1 for the Sentinel null tTHhaGt1g08-00196-00063065-00063499 okay after that we are going to make a tTHhaGt1g08-00197-00063500-00063919 copy okay the actual copy and that's tTHhaGt1g08-00198-00063920-00064219 about it notice that we didn't delete tTHhaGt1g08-00199-00064220-00064474 PTR as we deleted in the case of the tTHhaGt1g08-00200-00064475-00064825 other assignment operations because this tTHhaGt1g08-00201-00064826-00065410 PTR is the PTR of the parameter of F tTHhaGt1g08-00202-00065411-00065761 okay which is of type string okay so tTHhaGt1g08-00203-00065762-00065926 that's why we are copying this argument tTHhaGt1g08-00204-00065927-00066031 to that parameter tTHhaGt1g08-00205-00066032-00066259 okay but this parameter is just being tTHhaGt1g08-00206-00066260-00066525 constructed as we speak and therefore it tTHhaGt1g08-00207-00066526-00066706 is not pointing to anything at all so we tTHhaGt1g08-00208-00066707-00067011 don't have to delete PTR okay and tTHhaGt1g08-00209-00067012-00067263 likewise there is nothing to be returned tTHhaGt1g08-00210-00067264-00067504 because this is a constructor and so in tTHhaGt1g08-00211-00067505-00067638 the assignment we were returning tTHhaGt1g08-00212-00067639-00067954 something so the code looked a little tTHhaGt1g08-00213-00067955-00068209 bit more complex but here there is no tTHhaGt1g08-00214-00068210-00068451 there is no chaining that that we could tTHhaGt1g08-00215-00068452-00068688 be that that there may be and that might tTHhaGt1g08-00216-00068689-00068791 be needed okay tTHhaGt1g08-00217-00068792-00069049 and therefore it's just going to be tTHhaGt1g08-00218-00069050-00069487 copying from copying from this a to the tTHhaGt1g08-00219-00069488-00069904 parameter inside F and just this is tTHhaGt1g08-00220-00069905-00070105 necessary so this is the core core of tTHhaGt1g08-00221-00070106-00070287 the assignment statement but before that tTHhaGt1g08-00222-00070288-00070537 we had to delete PTR in the assignment tTHhaGt1g08-00223-00070538-00070765 statement and then we had to return the tTHhaGt1g08-00224-00070766-00070974 object this object itself but both of tTHhaGt1g08-00225-00070975-00071205 these things are not necessary as far as tTHhaGt1g08-00226-00071206-00071743 this constructor is concerned and and tTHhaGt1g08-00227-00071744-00072124 yes so this is the core which is used to tTHhaGt1g08-00228-00072125-00072600 copy an argument to a parameter okay but tTHhaGt1g08-00229-00072601-00073216 C++ uses the same code to copy a result tTHhaGt1g08-00230-00073217-00073575 back from the call function to the tTHhaGt1g08-00231-00073576-00073818 calling function and that same copy tTHhaGt1g08-00232-00073819-00074013 constructor is used and this code will tTHhaGt1g08-00233-00074014-00074280 work for that purpose as well okay all tTHhaGt1g08-00234-00074281-00074428 right so what have we discussed in this tTHhaGt1g08-00235-00074429-00074737 segment so we have given the definitions tTHhaGt1g08-00236-00074738-00074992 of all member functions needed to tTHhaGt1g08-00237-00074993-00075276 perform assignment passing and returning tTHhaGt1g08-00238-00075277-00075519 from functions concatenation etc for our tTHhaGt1g08-00239-00075520-00076096 string objects okay and these pieces of tTHhaGt1g08-00240-00076097-00076360 code should be inserted into the tTHhaGt1g08-00241-00076361-00076804 definition of the string so next we will tTHhaGt1g08-00242-00076805-00077075 use this class to solve the problem of tTHhaGt1g08-00243-00077076-00077449 storing names okay and we will have tTHhaGt1g08-00244-00077450-00077680 concluding remarks for our entire tTHhaGt1g08-00245-00077681-00077941 lecture but before that we'll take a tTHhaGt1g08-00246-00077942-00078101 short break tTHhaGt1g08-00247-00078102-00079277 [Music] tTHhaGt1g08-00248-00079278-00079610 [Applause] tTHhaGt1g08-00249-00079611-00079764 [Music] tTHhaGt1g08-00250-00079765-00080722 [Applause] tTHhaGt1g08-00251-00080723-00081507 [Applause] tTXanjI-bx4-00000-00000262-00000574 hi I'm Cindy Kang I'm the associate tTXanjI-bx4-00001-00000575-00000784 curator at the Barnes Foundation and we tTXanjI-bx4-00002-00000785-00001060 are here in room six on the first floor tTXanjI-bx4-00003-00001061-00001373 looking at a painting that is way over tTXanjI-bx4-00004-00001374-00001734 the door this one here tTXanjI-bx4-00005-00001735-00002176 Pierre Bernards young woman writing so tTXanjI-bx4-00006-00002177-00002534 this format is great for being able to tTXanjI-bx4-00007-00002535-00002902 zoom in virtually and provide you all tTXanjI-bx4-00008-00002903-00003074 with an opportunity to look at something tTXanjI-bx4-00009-00003075-00003265 that you can't see that well in the tTXanjI-bx4-00010-00003266-00003584 galleries actually and I've been tTXanjI-bx4-00011-00003585-00003800 thinking more about this painting these tTXanjI-bx4-00012-00003801-00004031 days because we've actually been doing tTXanjI-bx4-00013-00004032-00004256 more letter-writing I think there's tTXanjI-bx4-00014-00004257-00004634 something about slowing down and staying tTXanjI-bx4-00015-00004635-00004925 home and not being able to physically tTXanjI-bx4-00016-00004926-00005158 get together with friends and family tTXanjI-bx4-00017-00005159-00005393 that has encouraged us to get back to a tTXanjI-bx4-00018-00005394-00005581 more old-fashioned way of connecting tTXanjI-bx4-00019-00005582-00005768 because there's something still so tTXanjI-bx4-00020-00005769-00006029 internet about receiving a handwritten tTXanjI-bx4-00021-00006030-00006145 letter tTXanjI-bx4-00022-00006146-00006791 so Bernards painting was a woman hunched tTXanjI-bx4-00023-00006792-00007123 over one end of a table intensely tTXanjI-bx4-00024-00007125-00007567 focused on her writing she seems to be tTXanjI-bx4-00025-00007568-00007828 by herself in a dining room given that tTXanjI-bx4-00026-00007829-00008123 this is a large rounded table covered in tTXanjI-bx4-00027-00008123-00008428 a red tablecloth and in the background tTXanjI-bx4-00028-00008429-00009346 there is a sideboard on the left here tTXanjI-bx4-00029-00009347-00009687 on the right there is a wonderfully tTXanjI-bx4-00030-00009688-00010201 multicolored upholstered chair and in tTXanjI-bx4-00031-00010202-00010717 the middle a beautiful pearlescent gray tTXanjI-bx4-00032-00010718-00011185 light streams in through the gauzy tTXanjI-bx4-00033-00011186-00011779 curtain window so it's daytime and maybe tTXanjI-bx4-00034-00011780-00012040 slightly overcast outside I'm imagining tTXanjI-bx4-00035-00012041-00012361 one of those severely beautiful gray tTXanjI-bx4-00036-00012362-00012771 days in Paris on the table there are tTXanjI-bx4-00037-00012772-00012969 many pieces of paper that are strewn tTXanjI-bx4-00038-00012970-00013246 across the red tablecloth they form a tTXanjI-bx4-00039-00013247-00013555 kind of pattern or composition in tTXanjI-bx4-00040-00013556-00013869 themselves while also attesting to the tTXanjI-bx4-00041-00013869-00014134 intensity of her writing process it tTXanjI-bx4-00042-00014135-00014302 looks like she has gone through multiple tTXanjI-bx4-00043-00014303-00014544 drafts of the letter that she is writing tTXanjI-bx4-00044-00014545-00014959 and then toss them all over the table so tTXanjI-bx4-00045-00014960-00015202 Bernard French artist painted this work tTXanjI-bx4-00046-00015203-00015556 in 1908 after taking multiple trips to tTXanjI-bx4-00047-00015557-00015780 the Netherlands in the preceding years tTXanjI-bx4-00048-00015781-00016087 he was with friends and he was visiting tTXanjI-bx4-00049-00016088-00016393 museums and other art collections and I tTXanjI-bx4-00050-00016394-00016735 wonder if he was inspired by 17th tTXanjI-bx4-00051-00016736-00016954 century Dutch pictures of letter-writing tTXanjI-bx4-00052-00016955-00017209 that he might have seen because it was tTXanjI-bx4-00053-00017210-00017544 Dutch painters like Vermeer Terra Boer tTXanjI-bx4-00054-00017545-00017868 gabrielle Metsu who really established tTXanjI-bx4-00055-00017869-00018163 letter-writing as a subject of genre tTXanjI-bx4-00056-00018164-00018343 painting in the 17th century tTXanjI-bx4-00057-00018344-00018568 so letter-writing at that time was a tTXanjI-bx4-00058-00018569-00018828 pretty mundane activity of everyday life tTXanjI-bx4-00059-00018829-00019162 like email like texting but these Dutch tTXanjI-bx4-00060-00019163-00019500 paintings made it really the center of tTXanjI-bx4-00061-00019501-00019882 narrative tension they made it imply tTXanjI-bx4-00062-00019883-00020218 often a love story and letter-writing tTXanjI-bx4-00063-00020219-00020475 became a symbol of interior tea where tTXanjI-bx4-00064-00020476-00020818 you would you know pour out all of your tTXanjI-bx4-00065-00020819-00021256 inner thoughts and feelings so we have tTXanjI-bx4-00066-00021257-00021763 here Bernards woman furiously scribbling tTXanjI-bx4-00067-00021764-00022147 and we can wonder who is she writing to tTXanjI-bx4-00068-00022148-00022564 and what is she writing is it a love tTXanjI-bx4-00069-00022565-00023050 letter does this empty chair in the tTXanjI-bx4-00070-00023051-00023263 background perhaps hint at the absence tTXanjI-bx4-00071-00023264-00023716 of another person or is she ready to a tTXanjI-bx4-00072-00023717-00024196 friend or a relative or even an enemy is tTXanjI-bx4-00073-00024197-00024522 it a letter of good news or bad news tTXanjI-bx4-00074-00024523-00024955 anger or passion or maybe she's even tTXanjI-bx4-00075-00024956-00025210 trying to compose a poem and can't get tTXanjI-bx4-00076-00025211-00025294 the words right tTXanjI-bx4-00077-00025295-00025663 who knows who really knows but the way tTXanjI-bx4-00078-00025664-00025969 Bernard lays on paint helps to convey a tTXanjI-bx4-00079-00025970-00026352 sense of urgency in this ephemeral tTXanjI-bx4-00080-00026354-00026824 moment of daily life so first of all the tTXanjI-bx4-00081-00026825-00027313 work is done on paper board that has tTXanjI-bx4-00082-00027314-00027625 been lined onto canvas and you can see tTXanjI-bx4-00083-00027626-00027939 some of the exposed support in the tTXanjI-bx4-00084-00027941-00028261 corners here if you can just barely get tTXanjI-bx4-00085-00028262-00028480 that in the corner but perhaps better tTXanjI-bx4-00086-00028481-00028963 here in the middle where you can see it tTXanjI-bx4-00087-00028964-00029314 in the window these exposed this exposed tTXanjI-bx4-00088-00029314-00029514 ground as part of the composition they tTXanjI-bx4-00089-00029516-00029931 help to convey a sense of transparency tTXanjI-bx4-00090-00029932-00030205 so this primary support material is tTXanjI-bx4-00091-00030206-00030702 paper board was not a particularly fancy tTXanjI-bx4-00092-00030704-00031039 fine art material it's a more workaday tTXanjI-bx4-00093-00031039-00031279 material that I think can be associated tTXanjI-bx4-00094-00031280-00031423 with Bernards tTXanjI-bx4-00095-00031424-00031893 earlier work so in his early curvier tTXanjI-bx4-00096-00031894-00032148 Bernard actually designed a lot of tTXanjI-bx4-00097-00032149-00032569 ephemeral media so he designed posters tTXanjI-bx4-00098-00032570-00032902 he designed theater programs he even tTXanjI-bx4-00099-00032903-00033106 decorated sheet music so this paper tTXanjI-bx4-00100-00033107-00033337 board support is I think part of this tTXanjI-bx4-00101-00033338-00033706 context of his work in material culture tTXanjI-bx4-00102-00033707-00034237 or the transitory stuff of life now tTXanjI-bx4-00103-00034238-00034399 let's look at the way he painted the tTXanjI-bx4-00104-00034400-00034886 sheets of paper here tTXanjI-bx4-00105-00034887-00035303 you can see broad quick wet strokes or tTXanjI-bx4-00106-00035304-00035744 sometimes in the case of these sheets tTXanjI-bx4-00107-00035745-00035990 there's a more layered and kind of messy tTXanjI-bx4-00108-00035991-00036344 and pasto quality to them you can see tTXanjI-bx4-00109-00036345-00036611 however that their placement was very tTXanjI-bx4-00110-00036612-00036881 much planned so Bernard left in reserve tTXanjI-bx4-00111-00036882-00037133 these rectangular areas in the red tTXanjI-bx4-00112-00037134-00037481 tablecloth that he would then paint the tTXanjI-bx4-00113-00037482-00037916 sheets of paper into and this particular tTXanjI-bx4-00114-00037917-00038255 detail is fun because you can see a few tTXanjI-bx4-00115-00038256-00038582 black strokes that delineate an envelope tTXanjI-bx4-00116-00038583-00038798 that one are then messily dabbed tTXanjI-bx4-00117-00038799-00039248 over with white paint so this painting tTXanjI-bx4-00118-00039249-00039674 has the feeling and quality of a rough tTXanjI-bx4-00119-00039675-00040142 sketch and all the intimacy and tTXanjI-bx4-00120-00040143-00040568 immediacy that such an approach conveys tTXanjI-bx4-00121-00040569-00040874 so it's like the first draft of an tTXanjI-bx4-00122-00040875-00041171 impassioned letter and we can also see tTXanjI-bx4-00123-00041172-00041435 that Bernard has gone back in to his tTXanjI-bx4-00124-00041436-00041837 painting and edited it in the corner tTXanjI-bx4-00125-00041838-00042107 here in this chair I don't know if you tTXanjI-bx4-00126-00042108-00042272 can see it's perhaps hard to see in this tTXanjI-bx4-00127-00042273-00042530 image but in raking light you can tTXanjI-bx4-00128-00042531-00042680 definitely see that he changed the tTXanjI-bx4-00129-00042681-00042841 position of the chair that the chair tTXanjI-bx4-00130-00042842-00043219 legs and the chair back used to be tTXanjI-bx4-00131-00043220-00043862 further back and then finally he signed tTXanjI-bx4-00132-00043863-00044408 it here at the bottom left and he signed tTXanjI-bx4-00133-00044409-00044895 it and then sent it out into the world tTXanjI-bx4-00134-00044896-00045411 so that wraps up today's Barnes take out tTXanjI-bx4-00135-00045412-00045624 I hope this work and others at the tTXanjI-bx4-00136-00045625-00045936 Barnes helps to keep you inspired and tTXanjI-bx4-00137-00045937-00046244 creative as we continue to stay at home tTXanjI-bx4-00138-00046245-00046500 if you haven't already subscribe to our tTXanjI-bx4-00139-00046501-00046770 Channel and you can also leave a comment tTXanjI-bx4-00140-00046771-00046923 down below because of course we love tTXanjI-bx4-00141-00046924-00047307 hearing from you thanks for watching I'm tTXanjI-bx4-00142-00047308-00047560 Tom Collins Neubauer family executive tTXanjI-bx4-00143-00047561-00047785 director of the Barnes Foundation I hope tTXanjI-bx4-00144-00047786-00048012 you enjoyed Barnes take out subscribe tTXanjI-bx4-00145-00048013-00048204 and make sure your post notifications tTXanjI-bx4-00146-00048205-00048482 are on to get daily servings of art tTXanjI-bx4-00147-00048483-00048726 thanks for watching and for your support tTXanjI-bx4-00148-00048727-00049026 of the Barnes Foundation tWcqfNazYuu-00000-00000164-00001491 [Music] tWcqfNazYuu-00001-00001492-00002199 performance tWcqfNazYuu-00002-00002200-00003615 switching rally points tWcqfNazYuu-00003-00003615-00005015 hold the objective tWcqfNazYuu-00004-00005016-00007083 we're pulling ahead tWcqfNazYuu-00005-00007084-00007655 oh tWcqfNazYuu-00006-00007656-00007870 good job cia keep that up and we get to tWcqfNazYuu-00007-00007872-00009767 go home tWcqfNazYuu-00008-00009768-00011087 switching sides tWcqfNazYuu-00009-00011088-00011423 eradicate all objectives tWcqfNazYuu-00010-00011424-00012799 we got the bomb carrier tWcqfNazYuu-00011-00012800-00013630 down tWcqfNazYuu-00012-00013631-00014679 bomb acquired tWcqfNazYuu-00013-00014680-00014822 god damn it dude that guy with the tWcqfNazYuu-00014-00014823-00015047 [__] mag it's down to you tWcqfNazYuu-00016-00018284-00018783 uh tWcqfNazYuu-00017-00018784-00021083 charge is dropped tWcqfNazYuu-00018-00021084-00021278 me tWcqfNazYuu-00019-00021279-00022575 switching rally points tWcqfNazYuu-00020-00022576-00024935 defend the objectives tWcqfNazYuu-00021-00024936-00026479 we're taking control tWcqfNazYuu-00022-00026480-00029007 enemies down to one make it zero tWcqfNazYuu-00023-00029008-00031095 [__] that guy get ready to redeploy tWcqfNazYuu-00024-00031095-00032183 switching rally points tWcqfNazYuu-00025-00032183-00032535 exterminate the objectives tWcqfNazYuu-00026-00032536-00033535 we got the bomb tWcqfNazYuu-00027-00033536-00034543 bomb carrier down tWcqfNazYuu-00028-00034544-00035487 eka mom acquired tWcqfNazYuu-00029-00035488-00037974 bomb online tWcqfNazYuu-00030-00037975-00038943 threat neutralized tWcqfNazYuu-00031-00038944-00039402 charges diffused tWcqfNazYuu-00032-00039403-00040683 [Music] tWcqfNazYuu-00033-00040684-00041662 oh tWcqfNazYuu-00034-00041663-00042023 hold the objective tWcqfNazYuu-00035-00042024-00043153 enemy spy plane inbound tWcqfNazYuu-00036-00043154-00044748 [Music] tWcqfNazYuu-00037-00044749-00044883 [Music] tWcqfNazYuu-00038-00044884-00045151 so tWcqfNazYuu-00039-00045152-00047615 degrade their last asset tWcqfNazYuu-00040-00047616-00047815 don't get cocky we need to repeat that tWcqfNazYuu-00041-00047816-00048999 performance tWcqfNazYuu-00042-00049000-00050095 switching rally points tWcqfNazYuu-00043-00050096-00050271 knowledge waypoint chords wipe out the tWcqfNazYuu-00044-00050272-00050543 objective tWcqfNazYuu-00045-00050544-00051882 we got the bomb tWcqfNazYuu-00046-00051883-00052438 down tWcqfNazYuu-00047-00052439-00054682 degrade their last asset tWcqfNazYuu-00048-00054683-00054903 huh tWcqfNazYuu-00049-00054904-00056775 charges acquired tWcqfNazYuu-00050-00056776-00057708 why are you not dead good job ciao tWcqfNazYuu-00051-00057709-00058750 [Music] tWcqfNazYuu-00052-00058751-00059830 switching sides tWcqfNazYuu-00053-00059832-00060182 hostile rcxd in your ao tWcqfNazYuu-00054-00060183-00060726 guard the objective tWcqfNazYuu-00055-00060727-00062663 we're in the lead tWcqfNazYuu-00056-00062664-00062863 don't get cocky we need to repeat that tWcqfNazYuu-00057-00062864-00063006 performance tWcqfNazYuu-00058-00063007-00063182 you're crying how the [__] are you tWcqfNazYuu-00059-00063183-00063415 really tWcqfNazYuu-00060-00063416-00063750 suck uh tWcqfNazYuu-00061-00063751-00064435 you suck how are you now you don't know tWcqfNazYuu-00062-00064436-00064680 me tWcqfNazYuu-00063-00064682-00066031 [Music] tWcqfNazYuu-00064-00066032-00066382 bomb acquired tWcqfNazYuu-00065-00066383-00068682 we've pulled ahead tWcqfNazYuu-00066-00068683-00069919 hey tWcqfNazYuu-00067-00069920-00071043 that's right you better run tWcqfNazYuu-00068-00071044-00071344 hey tZU6yIPQRv0-00000-00000028-00000127 [Music] tZU6yIPQRv0-00001-00000128-00000722 808 donkey tZU6yIPQRv0-00002-00000723-00001871 [Music] tZU6yIPQRv0-00003-00001872-00002937 um tZU6yIPQRv0-00005-00012352-00012560 you tbN9QXZxGMY-00000-00000644-00000911 how to get paid the royalties owed to tbN9QXZxGMY-00001-00000911-00001183 you in South Africa you may have heard tbN9QXZxGMY-00002-00001184-00001399 that sap is finally starting to pay back tbN9QXZxGMY-00003-00001400-00001648 the our 250 million in royalties owed to tbN9QXZxGMY-00004-00001650-00001882 musicians so I thought now is a good tbN9QXZxGMY-00005-00001884-00002039 time to shed some light on how to tbN9QXZxGMY-00006-00002039-00002333 actually get your royalties if you're a tbN9QXZxGMY-00007-00002334-00002575 musician I'm confident that by the end tbN9QXZxGMY-00008-00002576-00002752 of this article you will know a lot more tbN9QXZxGMY-00009-00002753-00002933 about the different royalty collection tbN9QXZxGMY-00010-00002934-00003208 agencies you will learn what they do and tbN9QXZxGMY-00011-00003209-00003368 what you need to do to get what's owed tbN9QXZxGMY-00012-00003369-00003674 to you first off you need to be an tbN9QXZxGMY-00013-00003675-00004001 active musician you qualify for royalty tbN9QXZxGMY-00014-00004002-00004292 payments if you have music playing on tbN9QXZxGMY-00015-00004293-00004613 radio or TV you have music playing in tbN9QXZxGMY-00016-00004614-00004766 any other commercial space ie tbN9QXZxGMY-00017-00004767-00005093 restaurants and shops your music is on tbN9QXZxGMY-00018-00005094-00005386 jukeboxes you are performing your own tbN9QXZxGMY-00019-00005387-00005731 music at events / concerts other people tbN9QXZxGMY-00020-00005732-00005920 have recorded or performed songs that tbN9QXZxGMY-00021-00005921-00006145 you've written you have helped write tbN9QXZxGMY-00022-00006146-00006406 someone else's song or you performed on tbN9QXZxGMY-00023-00006408-00006706 their song you have CDs that are selling tbN9QXZxGMY-00024-00006708-00006950 in music stores or getting streamed on tbN9QXZxGMY-00025-00006951-00007367 Apple music Spotify YouTube if you tick tbN9QXZxGMY-00026-00007368-00007613 one or more of the above boxes then you tbN9QXZxGMY-00027-00007614-00007859 need to be a member of one risa tbN9QXZxGMY-00028-00007859-00008201 recording industry of South Africa - Sam tbN9QXZxGMY-00029-00008202-00008369 Rose South African music rights tbN9QXZxGMY-00030-00008370-00008699 organisation 3 sampras South African tbN9QXZxGMY-00031-00008700-00009020 music performance Rights Association for tbN9QXZxGMY-00032-00009021-00009249 Capasso Composers Authors and publishers tbN9QXZxGMY-00033-00009250-00009551 association in this article I will tbN9QXZxGMY-00034-00009552-00009752 unpack what each of these agencies does tbN9QXZxGMY-00035-00009753-00009938 end what you need to do with each one to tbN9QXZxGMY-00036-00009939-00010276 get what's owed to you 1 Risa tbN9QXZxGMY-00037-00010277-00010573 what they do give you your own is Rakow tbN9QXZxGMY-00038-00010574-00010837 the code radio stations and streaming tbN9QXZxGMY-00039-00010838-00011038 platforms used to track the amount of tbN9QXZxGMY-00040-00011039-00011194 times they play your song tbN9QXZxGMY-00041-00011195-00011463 you must have an is recode for your song tbN9QXZxGMY-00042-00011464-00011652 before you send it anyone or before any tbN9QXZxGMY-00043-00011653-00011983 collection agencies can pay you collect tbN9QXZxGMY-00044-00011984-00012205 jukebox royalties on your behalf for all tbN9QXZxGMY-00045-00012206-00012378 the venues in south africa that own tbN9QXZxGMY-00046-00012379-00012585 jukeboxes that have your music on them tbN9QXZxGMY-00047-00012586-00012891 if you have music videos playing on TV tbN9QXZxGMY-00048-00012892-00013147 stations like trace they will also tbN9QXZxGMY-00049-00013147-00013336 collect your music video royalties tbN9QXZxGMY-00050-00013337-00013594 through a diving of risa called rev Risa tbN9QXZxGMY-00051-00013594-00013878 audio-visual what you need to do tbN9QXZxGMY-00052-00013879-00014180 register to become a member online here tbN9QXZxGMY-00053-00014181-00014533 Risa will send you your own code read tbN9QXZxGMY-00054-00014534-00014700 the instructions on how to create your tbN9QXZxGMY-00055-00014701-00015003 own Azraq codes these codes are vital tbN9QXZxGMY-00056-00015004-00015286 for royalty payments these codes are tbN9QXZxGMY-00057-00015287-00015480 used to track where and when your music tbN9QXZxGMY-00058-00015481-00015763 is playing and Sam Rowe Samper and tbN9QXZxGMY-00059-00015763-00015991 Capasso all need this code to figure out tbN9QXZxGMY-00060-00015991-00016222 how much they owe you if you are tbN9QXZxGMY-00061-00016222-00016378 distributing your music independently tbN9QXZxGMY-00062-00016379-00016611 through platforms like distro Cadore tbN9QXZxGMY-00063-00016612-00016669 TuneCore tbN9QXZxGMY-00064-00016670-00016875 they'll give you an option to use your tbN9QXZxGMY-00065-00016876-00017137 own Risa generated is recode or to use tbN9QXZxGMY-00066-00017138-00017400 their own you can use either or if tbN9QXZxGMY-00067-00017401-00017680 you're signed to a label they should tbN9QXZxGMY-00068-00017681-00017893 collect the royalties owed for jukeboxes tbN9QXZxGMY-00069-00017894-00018127 and music videos on your behalf and pay tbN9QXZxGMY-00070-00018128-00018271 you your share according to your tbN9QXZxGMY-00071-00018272-00018541 contract if you are not signed to a tbN9QXZxGMY-00072-00018542-00018883 label you need to join rev if you have tbN9QXZxGMY-00073-00018884-00019186 music on jukeboxes or on TV you need to tbN9QXZxGMY-00074-00019187-00019333 make sure they are paying you what's tbN9QXZxGMY-00075-00019334-00019633 owed to you you will need all the ISRC tbN9QXZxGMY-00076-00019634-00019864 codes for the songs on jukeboxes as well tbN9QXZxGMY-00077-00019865-00020164 as the israa codes for your music videos tbN9QXZxGMY-00078-00020165-00020580 on TV go visit them in Joburg tbN9QXZxGMY-00079-00020581-00020858 they're right by MultiChoice otherwise tbN9QXZxGMY-00080-00020859-00021252 try calling slash emailing them to Sam tbN9QXZxGMY-00081-00021253-00021510 Rowe what they do tbN9QXZxGMY-00082-00021511-00021681 Sam Rowe collects publishing royalties tbN9QXZxGMY-00083-00021682-00021933 from commercial spaces that play music tbN9QXZxGMY-00084-00021934-00022161 and distribute those royalties to their tbN9QXZxGMY-00085-00022162-00022461 members publishing royalties are paid to tbN9QXZxGMY-00086-00022462-00022665 people who own the intellectual property tbN9QXZxGMY-00087-00022666-00022923 to a song ie people that have written tbN9QXZxGMY-00088-00022924-00023166 the melody lyrics or anything else that tbN9QXZxGMY-00089-00023167-00023367 constitutes as an original idea to a tbN9QXZxGMY-00090-00023368-00023631 song important information about tbN9QXZxGMY-00091-00023632-00023907 intellectual property if you wrote a tbN9QXZxGMY-00092-00023908-00024102 song that someone has made a cover of tbN9QXZxGMY-00093-00024103-00024330 and that cover is playing in commercial tbN9QXZxGMY-00094-00024331-00024549 spaces then the person who made the tbN9QXZxGMY-00095-00024550-00024740 cover must register you as the writer tbN9QXZxGMY-00096-00024741-00025044 you are entitled to 100% of the tbN9QXZxGMY-00097-00025045-00025332 publishing royalty for that cover if you tbN9QXZxGMY-00098-00025333-00025575 cover a song that someone else wrote you tbN9QXZxGMY-00099-00025576-00025739 need to credit them as the writers so tbN9QXZxGMY-00100-00025741-00025902 Sam Rowe can pay them the publishing tbN9QXZxGMY-00101-00025902-00026205 royalty respect others intellectual tbN9QXZxGMY-00102-00026206-00026424 property if you get caught stealing tbN9QXZxGMY-00103-00026425-00026700 other people's ideas you will not only tbN9QXZxGMY-00104-00026701-00026915 look like an idiot but you can face tbN9QXZxGMY-00105-00026916-00027237 serious penalties the choice is yours tbN9QXZxGMY-00106-00027238-00027590 what you need to do become a member here tbN9QXZxGMY-00107-00027591-00027794 and follow up if you don't hear back tbN9QXZxGMY-00108-00027795-00027975 once you're a member tbN9QXZxGMY-00109-00027976-00028208 make sure Sam Rowe give you your login tbN9QXZxGMY-00110-00028210-00028461 details for your online portal where you tbN9QXZxGMY-00111-00028462-00028721 can register your work live performances tbN9QXZxGMY-00112-00028722-00028893 and check when and where you are getting tbN9QXZxGMY-00113-00028894-00029193 paid make sure your songs are registered tbN9QXZxGMY-00114-00029194-00029355 before you send them off to radio tbN9QXZxGMY-00115-00029356-00029621 stations and notify your publisher if tbN9QXZxGMY-00116-00029622-00029868 you have one if there was more than one tbN9QXZxGMY-00117-00029869-00030105 writer on the song make sure that you tbN9QXZxGMY-00118-00030106-00030285 have written confirmation of the splits tbN9QXZxGMY-00119-00030286-00030567 for the song before you register it for tbN9QXZxGMY-00120-00030568-00030795 example if I've made a song with my tbN9QXZxGMY-00121-00030795-00031023 friend Matthew gold we need to agree on tbN9QXZxGMY-00122-00031024-00031283 who gets what we normally just split it tbN9QXZxGMY-00123-00031285-00031605 50/50 and then we both need to register tbN9QXZxGMY-00124-00031606-00031811 the songs our sites with those splits I tbN9QXZxGMY-00125-00031812-00032033 have written many songs with other tbN9QXZxGMY-00126-00032035-00032232 artists and have failed to confirm the tbN9QXZxGMY-00127-00032233-00032401 correct splits tbN9QXZxGMY-00128-00032402-00032565 what ends up happening is that when I tbN9QXZxGMY-00129-00032566-00032815 register the song on my portal I will tbN9QXZxGMY-00130-00032816-00032995 register the songs with what I think the tbN9QXZxGMY-00131-00032996-00033229 splits are and if my splits don't match tbN9QXZxGMY-00132-00033230-00033418 up to the splits that the other artists tbN9QXZxGMY-00133-00033419-00033780 have registered the royalties get frozen tbN9QXZxGMY-00134-00033781-00033990 and you won't get paid until your splits tbN9QXZxGMY-00135-00033991-00034302 correlate keep track of your payments if tbN9QXZxGMY-00136-00034303-00034555 you know that your song is playing on tbN9QXZxGMY-00137-00034556-00034795 the radio or anywhere else make sure tbN9QXZxGMY-00138-00034796-00035068 that your results correlate you can tbN9QXZxGMY-00139-00035069-00035242 track your payments by clicking the tbN9QXZxGMY-00140-00035243-00035473 historic distributions tab on your Sam tbN9QXZxGMY-00141-00035474-00035737 row portal I recently found out that tbN9QXZxGMY-00142-00035738-00035958 despite having thousands of spins on the tbN9QXZxGMY-00143-00035959-00036211 radio I had not received a cent for my tbN9QXZxGMY-00144-00036212-00036412 song you say you love me in over three tbN9QXZxGMY-00145-00036413-00036454 years tbN9QXZxGMY-00146-00036455-00036768 I queried them about it the problem got tbN9QXZxGMY-00147-00036769-00036996 solved and I got paid for that song tbN9QXZxGMY-00148-00036997-00037293 yesterday remember to register all your tbN9QXZxGMY-00149-00037294-00037590 live performances on your portal too you tbN9QXZxGMY-00150-00037591-00037777 might be paid a fee by the event slash tbN9QXZxGMY-00151-00037778-00038037 festival owner but not many musicians tbN9QXZxGMY-00152-00038038-00038214 know that there's a publishing royalty tbN9QXZxGMY-00153-00038215-00038471 owed to you - when you play to a crowd tbN9QXZxGMY-00154-00038472-00038662 troubleshooting tbN9QXZxGMY-00155-00038663-00038830 registering a song should be a quick and tbN9QXZxGMY-00156-00038831-00039217 painless process and sometimes it is but tbN9QXZxGMY-00157-00039218-00039490 unfortunately Sam Roe can sometimes be a tbN9QXZxGMY-00158-00039491-00039767 pain to deal with there's often a lot of tbN9QXZxGMY-00159-00039768-00039964 human error involved when songs are tbN9QXZxGMY-00160-00039965-00040226 registered I've had cases where there tbN9QXZxGMY-00161-00040227-00040390 was incorrect spelling of the name of tbN9QXZxGMY-00162-00040391-00040624 the song or they forgot to include one tbN9QXZxGMY-00163-00040625-00040858 punctuation mark and it throws the whole tbN9QXZxGMY-00164-00040859-00040939 system tbN9QXZxGMY-00165-00040940-00041210 they are also terrible at responding to tbN9QXZxGMY-00166-00041211-00041518 emails or phone calls but it's not doom tbN9QXZxGMY-00167-00041519-00041789 and gloom as far as I know they're tbN9QXZxGMY-00168-00041790-00041977 working on a new system which makes the tbN9QXZxGMY-00169-00041978-00042115 registering process a lot more tbN9QXZxGMY-00170-00042116-00042326 streamlined and I have faith that tbN9QXZxGMY-00171-00042327-00042517 whatever teething problems there will tbN9QXZxGMY-00172-00042518-00042782 hopefully be fixed in future we're tbN9QXZxGMY-00173-00042783-00043058 counting on you carabao sena in the tbN9QXZxGMY-00174-00043059-00043292 meantime my suggestion would be this tbN9QXZxGMY-00175-00043293-00043508 visit them at the Sam Rowe building in tbN9QXZxGMY-00176-00043509-00043807 Bram fantine save yourself the trouble tbN9QXZxGMY-00177-00043808-00044048 of emailing and phoning them sit down tbN9QXZxGMY-00178-00044049-00044290 with one of the consultants see them tbN9QXZxGMY-00179-00044291-00044458 face to face and deal with whatever tbN9QXZxGMY-00180-00044459-00044645 problems you may be having then and tbN9QXZxGMY-00181-00044646-00044937 there it will save you a lot of time you tbN9QXZxGMY-00182-00044938-00045202 need to be patient and just take things tbN9QXZxGMY-00183-00045203-00045493 step by step there is light at the end tbN9QXZxGMY-00184-00045494-00045785 of the tunnel trust me I've been through tbN9QXZxGMY-00185-00045786-00046111 it all the juice is worth the squeeze tbN9QXZxGMY-00186-00046112-00046430 update I got hold of Sam rose undock tbN9QXZxGMY-00187-00046431-00046705 list a massive 2-0 MB spreadsheet of tbN9QXZxGMY-00188-00046706-00046955 every undocumented song ie songs that tbN9QXZxGMY-00189-00046956-00047120 have accrued royalties but has never tbN9QXZxGMY-00190-00047121-00047423 been claimed either due to one tbN9QXZxGMY-00191-00047424-00047708 negligence from the artist or two songs tbN9QXZxGMY-00192-00047709-00047960 being registered incorrectly download tbN9QXZxGMY-00193-00047961-00048215 the undock list here if you've had your tbN9QXZxGMY-00194-00048216-00048458 music played on radio there's a good tbN9QXZxGMY-00195-00048459-00048644 chance that some of your work is on this tbN9QXZxGMY-00196-00048645-00049046 list if it is get hold of Sam Rowe give tbN9QXZxGMY-00197-00049047-00049181 them the name of the song with the tbN9QXZxGMY-00198-00049182-00049388 corresponding work number and get your tbN9QXZxGMY-00199-00049389-00049691 royalties for your unclaimed works do tbN9QXZxGMY-00200-00049692-00049868 you need a publisher to deal with your tbN9QXZxGMY-00201-00049869-00050177 publishing royalties if you're good at tbN9QXZxGMY-00202-00050178-00050368 doing admin and happy to negotiate tbN9QXZxGMY-00203-00050369-00050624 potential syncs for adverts and movies tbN9QXZxGMY-00204-00050625-00050948 then no if you'd prefer to have someone tbN9QXZxGMY-00205-00050949-00051197 helping you with this kind of stuff yes tbN9QXZxGMY-00206-00051198-00051443 if you're already signed with a tbN9QXZxGMY-00207-00051444-00051677 publisher they should be sorting out Sam tbN9QXZxGMY-00208-00051678-00051917 Rowe admin for you and actively seeking tbN9QXZxGMY-00209-00051918-00052138 out sync opportunities for your music if tbN9QXZxGMY-00210-00052139-00052436 you have a deal like mine you will be tbN9QXZxGMY-00211-00052437-00052599 paying them around one third of your tbN9QXZxGMY-00212-00052600-00052797 publishing royalties in return for their tbN9QXZxGMY-00213-00052798-00053160 service my experience I would be more tbN9QXZxGMY-00214-00053161-00053322 than happy to give them that cut if I tbN9QXZxGMY-00215-00053323-00053472 didn't have to worry about the teething tbN9QXZxGMY-00216-00053473-00053649 problems that come with registering tbN9QXZxGMY-00217-00053650-00053900 music with Sam Rowe but unfortunately tbN9QXZxGMY-00218-00053901-00054072 publishers are often looking after a tbN9QXZxGMY-00219-00054073-00054273 large catalog of music and they can't tbN9QXZxGMY-00220-00054274-00054474 always investigate every song under a tbN9QXZxGMY-00221-00054475-00054737 microscope or pitch your song for every tbN9QXZxGMY-00222-00054738-00055004 opportunity unless it's a massive hit as tbN9QXZxGMY-00223-00055004-00055347 I mentioned earlier I recently just got tbN9QXZxGMY-00224-00055348-00055592 paid for you say you love me a song that tbN9QXZxGMY-00225-00055593-00055775 I haven't received a cent for in over tbN9QXZxGMY-00226-00055776-00056057 three years my publisher only came to tbN9QXZxGMY-00227-00056058-00056274 the party after I did a bit of detective tbN9QXZxGMY-00228-00056275-00056535 work myself and it made me question why tbN9QXZxGMY-00229-00056536-00056681 I'm giving them one third of my tbN9QXZxGMY-00230-00056682-00056867 publishing royalties if I'm doing the tbN9QXZxGMY-00231-00056868-00057191 groundwork myself in an ideal world they tbN9QXZxGMY-00232-00057192-00057341 would have come to the party before I tbN9QXZxGMY-00233-00057342-00057528 even suspected something wasn't right tbN9QXZxGMY-00234-00057529-00057854 but it just is what it is I am in a tbN9QXZxGMY-00235-00057855-00058049 position now where I must decide if I tbN9QXZxGMY-00236-00058050-00058329 should either one stay with my publisher tbN9QXZxGMY-00237-00058329-00058659 to explore alternative publishers or tbN9QXZxGMY-00238-00058660-00058836 three tbN9QXZxGMY-00239-00058837-00059187 self-publish all are viable options but tbN9QXZxGMY-00240-00059188-00059354 at the end of the day you need to decide tbN9QXZxGMY-00241-00059355-00059598 which will work for you extra tbN9QXZxGMY-00242-00059599-00059913 information sign up with radio monitor tbN9QXZxGMY-00243-00059914-00060165 to get comprehensive data showing you tbN9QXZxGMY-00244-00060166-00060366 which stations your music is playing on tbN9QXZxGMY-00245-00060366-00060588 and how many plays your songs are tbN9QXZxGMY-00246-00060589-00060854 getting the person in charge of radio tbN9QXZxGMY-00247-00060855-00061076 monitor South Africa is jared aston tbN9QXZxGMY-00248-00061077-00061275 ascend hain and you can mail him at tbN9QXZxGMY-00249-00061276-00061494 jared at radio monitor dot-com to sign tbN9QXZxGMY-00250-00061495-00061791 up this data is helpful if you think tbN9QXZxGMY-00251-00061791-00061982 you're royalty payments don't match the tbN9QXZxGMY-00252-00061983-00062255 amount you are getting ie if Sam Rose tbN9QXZxGMY-00253-00062257-00062511 only paying you r10 for a song but it's tbN9QXZxGMY-00254-00062512-00062769 got one thousand plays on radio you'll tbN9QXZxGMY-00255-00062770-00062895 have evidence to show them that tbN9QXZxGMY-00256-00062896-00063090 something's not adding up and they will tbN9QXZxGMY-00257-00063091-00063420 do a recalculation example of radio tbN9QXZxGMY-00258-00063421-00063857 monitor report update in February 20 tbN9QXZxGMY-00259-00063858-00064149 2005 recently paid out their members for tbN9QXZxGMY-00260-00064150-00064485 the last radio distribution July 2018 tbN9QXZxGMY-00261-00064486-00064926 June 2019 since writing this article I tbN9QXZxGMY-00262-00064927-00065141 have created another separate article tbN9QXZxGMY-00263-00065142-00065382 entitled 5 steps to making sure you get tbN9QXZxGMY-00264-00065383-00065622 paid your Samra royalties which goes tbN9QXZxGMY-00265-00065623-00065817 more into depth about the steps you can tbN9QXZxGMY-00266-00065818-00066044 take using radio monitor alongside your tbN9QXZxGMY-00267-00066045-00066255 Sam rowe reports to track exactly what tbN9QXZxGMY-00268-00066256-00066522 you're owed if you had music active tbN9QXZxGMY-00269-00066523-00066981 during July 2018 June 2019 now is an tbN9QXZxGMY-00270-00066982-00067272 especially good time to read this 3 tbN9QXZxGMY-00271-00067273-00067563 sampras what they do tbN9QXZxGMY-00272-00067564-00067761 Samper collects needle time from radio tbN9QXZxGMY-00273-00067762-00067982 stations and retail spaces that play tbN9QXZxGMY-00274-00067983-00068241 music and distribute those royalties to tbN9QXZxGMY-00275-00068242-00068525 their members needle time royalties are tbN9QXZxGMY-00276-00068526-00068694 paid to people who performed on the tbN9QXZxGMY-00277-00068695-00068916 studio recorded version of a song aka tbN9QXZxGMY-00278-00068917-00069251 the master performers only receive 50% tbN9QXZxGMY-00279-00069252-00069615 of the needle time income that 50% is tbN9QXZxGMY-00280-00069616-00069786 split according to rules as to whether tbN9QXZxGMY-00281-00069787-00070001 they are featured other featured or non tbN9QXZxGMY-00282-00070002-00070284 featured performers include featured tbN9QXZxGMY-00283-00070285-00070524 performers other featured performers tbN9QXZxGMY-00284-00070525-00070757 Matthew gold would be the other featured tbN9QXZxGMY-00285-00070758-00070947 performer on a track like the kif nough tbN9QXZxGMY-00286-00070948-00071142 Stu blessed to be stressed foot Matthew tbN9QXZxGMY-00287-00071143-00071401 gold and the non featured performers ie tbN9QXZxGMY-00288-00071402-00071778 the session musicians drummers bassists tbN9QXZxGMY-00289-00071779-00072048 backing vocalists triangle players and tbN9QXZxGMY-00290-00072049-00072338 anyone in between if you wrote a song tbN9QXZxGMY-00291-00072339-00072546 and you performed on it then you are tbN9QXZxGMY-00292-00072547-00072747 entitled to both a publishing royalty tbN9QXZxGMY-00293-00072748-00072930 from Sam Rowe as well as a needle time tbN9QXZxGMY-00294-00072931-00073218 royalty from Sam Pro if you covered tbN9QXZxGMY-00295-00073219-00073428 someone else's song then you are tbN9QXZxGMY-00296-00073429-00073676 entitled to the needle time royalty for tbN9QXZxGMY-00297-00073677-00073899 performing it but not the publishing tbN9QXZxGMY-00298-00073900-00074253 because it wasn't your idea first what tbN9QXZxGMY-00299-00074254-00074505 you need to do you can try your luck tbN9QXZxGMY-00300-00074506-00074706 with signing up to become a member here tbN9QXZxGMY-00301-00074707-00074898 but I can tell you that after many tbN9QXZxGMY-00302-00074899-00075107 e-mails and calls to Sam for over a tbN9QXZxGMY-00303-00075108-00075378 one-year span I had no luck with online tbN9QXZxGMY-00304-00075379-00075678 applications or phone calls I only tbN9QXZxGMY-00305-00075679-00075873 became a maid when I went to go see them tbN9QXZxGMY-00306-00075874-00076093 at the Sam Rowe building in Bram fantine tbN9QXZxGMY-00307-00076094-00076400 once I was there the process of making tbN9QXZxGMY-00308-00076401-00076599 me a member took no longer than five tbN9QXZxGMY-00309-00076600-00076960 minutes see more on this here tbN9QXZxGMY-00310-00076961-00077173 once a member I've actually enjoyed tbN9QXZxGMY-00311-00077174-00077458 working with Sam prah they seem to be tbN9QXZxGMY-00312-00077459-00077626 good at payments once they have you on tbN9QXZxGMY-00313-00077627-00077812 their system and them all the info they tbN9QXZxGMY-00314-00077813-00078070 need if your music is signed to a label tbN9QXZxGMY-00315-00078071-00078334 like Sony or Universal there's a good tbN9QXZxGMY-00316-00078335-00078529 chance that your music is already on tbN9QXZxGMY-00317-00078530-00078720 their system and has accrued royalties tbN9QXZxGMY-00318-00078721-00078958 provided your music has been active on tbN9QXZxGMY-00319-00078959-00079183 private radio stations or any retail tbN9QXZxGMY-00320-00079184-00079486 space it's just a matter of making sure tbN9QXZxGMY-00321-00079487-00079663 they have all your details so they can tbN9QXZxGMY-00322-00079664-00079918 pay you what's owed if you're not with a tbN9QXZxGMY-00323-00079919-00080149 label you need to register your songs tbN9QXZxGMY-00324-00080150-00080421 with them you can try your luck here tbN9QXZxGMY-00325-00080422-00080646 there's a good chance your online tbN9QXZxGMY-00326-00080647-00080911 notifications will be ignored so best tbN9QXZxGMY-00327-00080912-00081126 bet is to just go see them in person tbN9QXZxGMY-00328-00081127-00081484 when you go to see them take ID your tbN9QXZxGMY-00329-00081485-00081730 catalog preferably on a CD with the tbN9QXZxGMY-00330-00081731-00081916 sleeve info which shows that you are a tbN9QXZxGMY-00331-00081917-00082051 performer on the songs tbN9QXZxGMY-00332-00082052-00082312 Israa codes and any other info which you tbN9QXZxGMY-00333-00082313-00082486 think might be useful to the men they tbN9QXZxGMY-00334-00082487-00082698 should be able to help you out tbN9QXZxGMY-00335-00082699-00083002 troubleshooting Sampras are sitting with tbN9QXZxGMY-00336-00083003-00083263 a massive undocked list of songs over tbN9QXZxGMY-00337-00083264-00083731 30,000 songs from 2009 2016 that have tbN9QXZxGMY-00338-00083732-00083902 accrued royalties from the people that tbN9QXZxGMY-00339-00083903-00084100 licensed our music from Sampras tbN9QXZxGMY-00340-00084101-00084310 but those royalties haven't been claimed tbN9QXZxGMY-00341-00084311-00084706 for one of two or both reasons one the tbN9QXZxGMY-00342-00084707-00084961 artists don't know about them two tbN9QXZxGMY-00343-00084962-00085141 there's been broken telephone and the tbN9QXZxGMY-00344-00085142-00085324 artists name or song title has been tbN9QXZxGMY-00345-00085325-00085555 reported incorrectly and then it can't tbN9QXZxGMY-00346-00085556-00085852 be sent to the artists here you can see tbN9QXZxGMY-00347-00085853-00086038 some of my songs on the undock list tbN9QXZxGMY-00348-00086039-00086326 where are you going landed up on the tbN9QXZxGMY-00349-00086327-00086545 undock list because on my album the song tbN9QXZxGMY-00350-00086546-00086716 doesn't have a question mark at the end tbN9QXZxGMY-00351-00086717-00087073 but the reported version it does because tbN9QXZxGMY-00352-00087074-00087309 of that one error I couldn't get paid tbN9QXZxGMY-00353-00087310-00087571 the other songs also ended up in tbN9QXZxGMY-00354-00087572-00087964 undocked because of they essay at the tbN9QXZxGMY-00355-00087965-00088155 end of the featured artists name tbN9QXZxGMY-00356-00088156-00088471 according to sam prah sometimes radio tbN9QXZxGMY-00357-00088472-00088798 stations report the songs with si to tbN9QXZxGMY-00358-00088799-00088969 keep track of the local songs they're tbN9QXZxGMY-00359-00088970-00089155 playing but it messes up the whole tbN9QXZxGMY-00360-00089156-00089509 payment system anyway it's not the end tbN9QXZxGMY-00361-00089510-00089746 of the world if something like this tbN9QXZxGMY-00362-00089747-00090016 happens to you which is likely the tbN9QXZxGMY-00363-00090017-00090148 money's still there waiting to be tbN9QXZxGMY-00364-00090149-00090445 claimed it's just a matter of correcting tbN9QXZxGMY-00365-00090446-00090550 whatever spelling or punctuation tbN9QXZxGMY-00366-00090551-00090850 mistakes there are in the reports and it tbN9QXZxGMY-00367-00090851-00091087 will get sorted despite the initial tbN9QXZxGMY-00368-00091088-00091270 frustration of having my membership tbN9QXZxGMY-00369-00091271-00091525 application ignored I've enjoyed working tbN9QXZxGMY-00370-00091526-00091723 with Sampras and I'm all sorted now tbN9QXZxGMY-00371-00091724-00091912 after visiting Sandford and have been tbN9QXZxGMY-00372-00091913-00092104 enjoying the benefits of my performance tbN9QXZxGMY-00373-00092105-00092305 royalty checks coming through from San tbN9QXZxGMY-00374-00092306-00092602 Fran every couple months that being said tbN9QXZxGMY-00375-00092603-00092872 the SAP still haven't paid the our 102 tbN9QXZxGMY-00376-00092873-00093184 million they owe to Sempra of that pot I tbN9QXZxGMY-00377-00093185-00093445 have reason to believe based on my tbN9QXZxGMY-00378-00093446-00093751 guesstimates that around r100 pay of the tbN9QXZxGMY-00379-00093752-00093997 SAP debt belongs to me and the remaining tbN9QXZxGMY-00380-00093998-00094273 are 101 , 9 mil belongs to all the other tbN9QXZxGMY-00381-00094274-00094483 talented musicians that have recorded tbN9QXZxGMY-00382-00094484-00094681 almost all of the local music you hear tbN9QXZxGMY-00383-00094682-00094999 on your favorite SAP stations this alone tbN9QXZxGMY-00384-00095000-00095290 is why I refuse to send my music to SAP tbN9QXZxGMY-00385-00095291-00095668 stations update I have Sampras complete tbN9QXZxGMY-00386-00095669-00095872 undock list for songs active between tbN9QXZxGMY-00387-00095873-00096472 2009 2016 download here like Sam row the tbN9QXZxGMY-00388-00096473-00096640 list of songs with unclaimed royalties tbN9QXZxGMY-00389-00096641-00096982 is huge check it out and see if any of tbN9QXZxGMY-00390-00096983-00097312 your songs are on there if they are get tbN9QXZxGMY-00391-00097313-00097504 hold of Samper as soon as you can to tbN9QXZxGMY-00392-00097505-00097685 claim what's yours tbN9QXZxGMY-00393-00097686-00097940 understanding the SAP vs Samper dispute tbN9QXZxGMY-00394-00097941-00098201 since writing this article I have tbN9QXZxGMY-00395-00098202-00098390 learned more about Sampras history with tbN9QXZxGMY-00396-00098391-00098606 the SAP and their crazy and nonsensical tbN9QXZxGMY-00397-00098607-00098831 decision to not pay Sempra and instead tbN9QXZxGMY-00398-00098832-00099026 paying a much smaller unknown tbN9QXZxGMY-00399-00099027-00099314 organization called in part read the tbN9QXZxGMY-00400-00099315-00099512 documents amperes sent me which outlines tbN9QXZxGMY-00401-00099513-00099766 the history very clearly over here tbN9QXZxGMY-00402-00099767-00099983 understanding more clearly what happened tbN9QXZxGMY-00403-00099984-00100241 from the beginning of 2016 until now tbN9QXZxGMY-00404-00100242-00100457 justifies my decision to not send my tbN9QXZxGMY-00405-00100458-00100889 music to SAP even more for Capasso what tbN9QXZxGMY-00406-00100890-00101171 they do Capasso collects mechanical tbN9QXZxGMY-00407-00101172-00101428 royalties from CD sales and streams and tbN9QXZxGMY-00408-00101429-00101648 distributes those royalties to their tbN9QXZxGMY-00409-00101649-00101942 members mechanical royalties are paid to tbN9QXZxGMY-00410-00101943-00102131 the writers and the publishers of a song tbN9QXZxGMY-00411-00102132-00102425 if you wrote or co-wrote on a song and tbN9QXZxGMY-00412-00102426-00102578 that song ends up on an album tbN9QXZxGMY-00413-00102579-00102932 compilation CD like now and gets tbN9QXZxGMY-00414-00102933-00103181 streamed on Apple and Spotify then you tbN9QXZxGMY-00415-00103182-00103343 are out a mechanical royalty from tbN9QXZxGMY-00416-00103344-00103688 Capasso Capasso does not pay performers tbN9QXZxGMY-00417-00103689-00104030 only composers and publishers what you tbN9QXZxGMY-00418-00104031-00104213 need to do tbN9QXZxGMY-00419-00104214-00104402 you have a publishing deal your tbN9QXZxGMY-00420-00104403-00104560 publisher should be collecting your tbN9QXZxGMY-00421-00104561-00104765 Capasso royalties on your behalf and tbN9QXZxGMY-00422-00104766-00104942 paying you around two-thirds of the tbN9QXZxGMY-00423-00104943-00105119 mechanical royalties accrued from the tbN9QXZxGMY-00424-00105120-00105377 collection depending on your contract if tbN9QXZxGMY-00425-00105378-00105677 you don't have a publisher you need to tbN9QXZxGMY-00426-00105678-00105875 become a member of Capasso and you can tbN9QXZxGMY-00427-00105876-00106148 become your own publisher you can try tbN9QXZxGMY-00428-00106149-00106430 your luck here my experience of working tbN9QXZxGMY-00429-00106431-00106710 with Capasso has been a bit of a lol tbN9QXZxGMY-00430-00106711-00107051 Capasso requires a joining fee of r100 tbN9QXZxGMY-00431-00107052-00107378 which I paid when I went to go see them tbN9QXZxGMY-00432-00107379-00107573 in the Sam Rowe building at Bram Fontan tbN9QXZxGMY-00433-00107574-00107756 I asked them about the status of my tbN9QXZxGMY-00434-00107757-00108095 membership they said I'm not a member so tbN9QXZxGMY-00435-00108096-00108385 I told them to check their emails the tbN9QXZxGMY-00436-00108386-00108608 lady there found my email and said oh tbN9QXZxGMY-00437-00108608-00108752 the guy who was meant to make you a tbN9QXZxGMY-00438-00108753-00108956 member resigned so that's why you tbN9QXZxGMY-00439-00108957-00109234 haven't been made a member I could only tbN9QXZxGMY-00440-00109235-00109477 laugh because of how ridiculous it was tbN9QXZxGMY-00441-00109478-00109783 anyway I only later found out that in tbN9QXZxGMY-00442-00109784-00109964 order to become a member I can't be tbN9QXZxGMY-00443-00109965-00110213 signed to a publisher so again I need to tbN9QXZxGMY-00444-00110214-00110378 decide whether I'm happy to let my tbN9QXZxGMY-00445-00110379-00110525 publisher take one-third of my tbN9QXZxGMY-00446-00110526-00110744 mechanical royalties or if I should tbN9QXZxGMY-00447-00110745-00111158 tackle Capasso myself recap final tbN9QXZxGMY-00448-00111158-00111318 thoughts tbN9QXZxGMY-00449-00111319-00111461 want to get what's owed to you as a tbN9QXZxGMY-00450-00111463-00111714 south african musician you're going to tbN9QXZxGMY-00451-00111715-00111870 have to accept that it might not be tbN9QXZxGMY-00452-00111871-00112197 smooth sailing however i can tell you tbN9QXZxGMY-00453-00112198-00112371 with confidence that if you follow my tbN9QXZxGMY-00454-00112372-00112548 guidelines and you are patient and tbN9QXZxGMY-00455-00112549-00112788 persistent you will eventually get what tbN9QXZxGMY-00456-00112789-00113082 is rightfully yours i'm also aware that tbN9QXZxGMY-00457-00113083-00113253 everything I have said is based purely tbN9QXZxGMY-00458-00113254-00113469 off information that has presented to me tbN9QXZxGMY-00459-00113470-00113670 during my journey and I'm open to tbN9QXZxGMY-00460-00113671-00113952 constructive criticism if there are any tbN9QXZxGMY-00461-00113953-00114123 peers or people in the music industry tbN9QXZxGMY-00462-00114124-00114366 who pick up incoherencies in anything I tbN9QXZxGMY-00463-00114367-00114606 have said please feel free to email me tbN9QXZxGMY-00464-00114607-00114882 at the kiff 'no Sat or even tbN9QXZxGMY-00465-00114883-00115083 just drop me a DM on any one of my tbN9QXZxGMY-00466-00115083-00115323 social platforms at the kipnis and I tbN9QXZxGMY-00467-00115324-00115506 will happily update the articles so that tbN9QXZxGMY-00468-00115507-00115725 it can be as accurate as possible and be tbN9QXZxGMY-00469-00115726-00115952 as helpful to musicians as possible I tbN9QXZxGMY-00470-00115953-00116236 need more information tbN9QXZxGMY-00471-00116238-00116452 if anyone has any information about the tbN9QXZxGMY-00472-00116453-00116657 needle time and publishing royalty rate tbN9QXZxGMY-00473-00116658-00116833 per spin on various radio stations tbN9QXZxGMY-00474-00116833-00117164 please let me know it's amazing that we tbN9QXZxGMY-00475-00117165-00117338 have access to the data via radio tbN9QXZxGMY-00476-00117339-00117599 monitor but it seems crazy that we don't tbN9QXZxGMY-00477-00117600-00117776 have access to the information which tbN9QXZxGMY-00478-00117777-00117956 tells us how much we should be getting tbN9QXZxGMY-00479-00117957-00118244 paid for each spin if we had access to tbN9QXZxGMY-00480-00118245-00118472 that information it would mean we could tbN9QXZxGMY-00481-00118473-00118673 hold our royalty collection agencies tbN9QXZxGMY-00482-00118674-00118820 accountable for the amounts we're tbN9QXZxGMY-00483-00118821-00119059 getting paid to the best of my knowledge tbN9QXZxGMY-00484-00119060-00119363 on average we should be getting our 100 tbN9QXZxGMY-00485-00119364-00119744 slash spin on stations like 5 FM or 947 tbN9QXZxGMY-00486-00119745-00119914 but I simply don't have enough tbN9QXZxGMY-00487-00119915-00120188 information to verify that any tbN9QXZxGMY-00488-00120189-00120374 information regarding this would be tbN9QXZxGMY-00489-00120375-00120599 greatly appreciated the kif nests at tbN9QXZxGMY-00490-00120600-00120979 update I have figured out an tbN9QXZxGMY-00491-00120980-00121159 easy way to find out how much you should tbN9QXZxGMY-00492-00121160-00121622 be getting per spin in 2013 I got paid tbN9QXZxGMY-00493-00121623-00121883 r10 K for my first radio single fluid tbN9QXZxGMY-00494-00121883-00122184 second it played exclusively on 5 FM on tbN9QXZxGMY-00495-00122185-00122438 your Sam Rowe report it will tell you tbN9QXZxGMY-00496-00122439-00122611 how many times it played in on what tbN9QXZxGMY-00497-00122613-00122929 station under usage over here we can see tbN9QXZxGMY-00498-00122930-00123350 that it played 113 times in total row W tbN9QXZxGMY-00499-00123351-00123541 the descriptive name for the fiscal tbN9QXZxGMY-00500-00123542-00123790 operation code will show you how much tbN9QXZxGMY-00501-00123791-00124084 money the song generated we can see that tbN9QXZxGMY-00502-00124085-00124532 it made our 1 0 to 6 870 so from that we tbN9QXZxGMY-00503-00124533-00124759 can deduce that Fuat SEK guitar our 9 0 tbN9QXZxGMY-00504-00124760-00125348 per spin our 1 0 2 6 8 / 113 the last tbN9QXZxGMY-00505-00125349-00125533 row shows you what you made after your tbN9QXZxGMY-00506-00125534-00125827 percentage split knowing that food sex tbN9QXZxGMY-00507-00125828-00126091 should be getting our 9 0 per spin I can tbN9QXZxGMY-00508-00126092-00126310 then go to my radio monitor reports to tbN9QXZxGMY-00509-00126311-00126493 double-check that it has indeed played tbN9QXZxGMY-00510-00126494-00126956 113 times in my most recent report Sam tbN9QXZxGMY-00511-00126957-00127145 Rowe said that my one single lose you tbN9QXZxGMY-00512-00127146-00127459 only played 14 times when I checked my tbN9QXZxGMY-00513-00127460-00127727 radio monitor report I noticed that it tbN9QXZxGMY-00514-00127728-00127907 played one thousand three hundred and tbN9QXZxGMY-00515-00127908-00128215 seventy times when I told Sam row they tbN9QXZxGMY-00516-00128216-00128396 claimed that they accidentally paid the tbN9QXZxGMY-00517-00128397-00128560 wrong David Scott and are in the process tbN9QXZxGMY-00518-00128561-00128807 of paying me over our 3-0 K for that tbN9QXZxGMY-00519-00128808-00129152 song opposed to the r400 they originally tbN9QXZxGMY-00520-00129153-00129398 paid me tcbS2U5Sbr0-00000-00000006-00000457 all right so I am moving out again tcbS2U5Sbr0-00001-00000458-00000673 just two kilometers away from here tcbS2U5Sbr0-00002-00000674-00001337 because here yeah could be but in some tcbS2U5Sbr0-00003-00001338-00001726 ways it was fun I stayed here for eight tcbS2U5Sbr0-00004-00001727-00002176 months so I didn't really mind but yeah tcbS2U5Sbr0-00005-00002177-00002345 there's some stuff that I'm gonna show tcbS2U5Sbr0-00006-00002346-00002732 you that made it I'm gonna have to move tcbS2U5Sbr0-00007-00002733-00002957 out and I'm moving out actually right tcbS2U5Sbr0-00008-00002958-00003425 now so it's a complete mess but it was tcbS2U5Sbr0-00009-00003426-00003595 most of the time like this anyway and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00010-00003596-00003892 I'm moving out so I'm gonna sort things tcbS2U5Sbr0-00011-00003893-00004178 even though I'm doing this video all tcbS2U5Sbr0-00012-00004179-00004238 right tcbS2U5Sbr0-00013-00004239-00004577 a bit of a tour here I have a room tcbS2U5Sbr0-00014-00004578-00005000 that's my room that's my bed there's my tcbS2U5Sbr0-00015-00005001-00005450 brand-new super 73 snowboard everything tcbS2U5Sbr0-00016-00005451-00005797 I had a locker for all of my stuff and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00017-00005798-00006226 that's the room there's my TV to play tcbS2U5Sbr0-00018-00006227-00006725 video game and I have a massive window tcbS2U5Sbr0-00019-00006726-00007145 so that was nice and window has what if tcbS2U5Sbr0-00020-00007145-00007309 you look here it is the cars and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00021-00007311-00008285 everything here there's my bike all tcbS2U5Sbr0-00022-00008286-00008614 right so one of the main reason that tcbS2U5Sbr0-00023-00008615-00008933 makes me move out of here is all of this tcbS2U5Sbr0-00024-00010072-00010447 and the fact that no matter how much I tcbS2U5Sbr0-00025-00010448-00011002 leave the window open or put some heat tcbS2U5Sbr0-00026-00011003-00011454 on to just make the air less moist that tcbS2U5Sbr0-00027-00011455-00011701 especially that world but the fact that tcbS2U5Sbr0-00028-00011702-00012670 is tiles on the wall makes it messy tcbS2U5Sbr0-00029-00012671-00013060 so yeah I'm gonna show you in the common tcbS2U5Sbr0-00030-00013061-00013327 room cuz I'm sharing this place with a tcbS2U5Sbr0-00031-00013328-00014609 bunch of other people tcbS2U5Sbr0-00032-00014610-00015024 so the carpet on the ground is one thing tcbS2U5Sbr0-00033-00015025-00015666 I think it's mostly to hide like the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00034-00015666-00015924 fact that the floor is not really great tcbS2U5Sbr0-00035-00015925-00016146 and here's the common room tcbS2U5Sbr0-00036-00016147-00016485 I would like eat breakfast and dinner tcbS2U5Sbr0-00037-00016486-00016794 here there is the beep beep beep is the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00038-00016795-00017097 washing machine that is just crazy my tcbS2U5Sbr0-00039-00017098-00017639 owner would stay there and smoke and he tcbS2U5Sbr0-00040-00017640-00017892 told us we could hang our stuff here tcbS2U5Sbr0-00041-00017893-00018575 during the winter so drying clothes way tcbS2U5Sbr0-00042-00018576-00019158 smoke great anyways and he's a great guy tcbS2U5Sbr0-00043-00019159-00019743 out of white last all of the art around tcbS2U5Sbr0-00044-00019744-00020172 it was purchased by the corner which is tcbS2U5Sbr0-00045-00020173-00020442 a nice touch I guess if you like alright tcbS2U5Sbr0-00046-00020443-00020685 and it's there's a bit of everything and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00047-00020686-00020973 depends on your taste of course but yeah tcbS2U5Sbr0-00048-00020974-00021279 that's one of the perks of the place is tcbS2U5Sbr0-00049-00021280-00021609 it deep artsy vibe the fact that yeah tcbS2U5Sbr0-00050-00021610-00021959 it's just you know it's low maintenance tcbS2U5Sbr0-00051-00021960-00022509 doesn't doesn't require too much and so tcbS2U5Sbr0-00052-00022510-00022908 that that's something I liked the view tcbS2U5Sbr0-00053-00022909-00023253 of like being what tried to leave less tcbS2U5Sbr0-00054-00023254-00023562 of an impact on everything so that was tcbS2U5Sbr0-00055-00023563-00023784 part of the nice there was a there's a tcbS2U5Sbr0-00056-00023785-00024351 little Terrace from back there and it tcbS2U5Sbr0-00057-00024352-00024780 would do like barbecues and things and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00058-00024781-00025008 there's a bunch of other people living tcbS2U5Sbr0-00059-00025009-00025311 around in here and the neighbors would tcbS2U5Sbr0-00060-00025312-00025584 visit anything so that's that's it also tcbS2U5Sbr0-00061-00025585-00025820 part of the great thing is that it's the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00062-00025822-00026075 community aspect of it I tcbS2U5Sbr0-00063-00026076-00026480 enjoy sometimes I'm not the best with tcbS2U5Sbr0-00064-00026481-00027155 people in anyway some more arts like 3d tcbS2U5Sbr0-00065-00027156-00027408 art that would grab you if you're too tcbS2U5Sbr0-00066-00027408-00027836 close to the wall and stuff around tcbS2U5Sbr0-00067-00027837-00028340 fridge and the kitchen the kitchens a tcbS2U5Sbr0-00068-00028341-00028617 bit yeah it's better than what it used tcbS2U5Sbr0-00069-00028618-00028998 to be but it just like broken tiles on tcbS2U5Sbr0-00070-00028999-00029261 the floor is the washing machine just tcbS2U5Sbr0-00071-00029262-00029627 been crazy and they're cooking something tcbS2U5Sbr0-00072-00029628-00030158 that's nice and there's the great view tcbS2U5Sbr0-00073-00030159-00030693 on a caravan and someone leaves him that tcbS2U5Sbr0-00074-00030694-00031037 one with this one of the guy staying tcbS2U5Sbr0-00075-00031038-00031383 here that staying in character let's tcbS2U5Sbr0-00076-00031383-00031683 just say that it's a modest place and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00077-00031683-00031920 the fact that it's in the South of tcbS2U5Sbr0-00078-00031920-00032312 France and makes it not even that cheap tcbS2U5Sbr0-00079-00032313-00032592 for what it is which is another reason tcbS2U5Sbr0-00080-00032593-00032921 why I left it's kind of like I can get tcbS2U5Sbr0-00081-00032922-00033158 way better for a little bit more or I tcbS2U5Sbr0-00082-00033159-00033812 can get something a little better tcbS2U5Sbr0-00083-00033813-00034990 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00084-00034991-00035610 another great aspect of it is the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00085-00035611-00036019 wilderness where around so it's this tcbS2U5Sbr0-00086-00036020-00036412 place is the protected place for birds tcbS2U5Sbr0-00087-00036413-00036862 lpoe french ligue protect these days tcbS2U5Sbr0-00088-00036863-00037192 that this was so yeah it's very green tcbS2U5Sbr0-00089-00037193-00037504 around here is autumn so not that green tcbS2U5Sbr0-00090-00037505-00037813 but like a little bird singing all the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00091-00037814-00038776 time so that's one of the other perks of tcbS2U5Sbr0-00092-00038777-00039175 the place and yeah so that's where tcbS2U5Sbr0-00093-00039176-00039646 everything I would but basically my room tcbS2U5Sbr0-00094-00039647-00039886 is just right there and there is that tcbS2U5Sbr0-00095-00039887-00040467 massive and finish building with lots of tcbS2U5Sbr0-00096-00040468-00040759 it's just it's a bit crazy around here tcbS2U5Sbr0-00097-00040760-00041830 it is like truck I'm just gonna show tcbS2U5Sbr0-00098-00041831-00042450 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00099-00042451-00042554 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00100-00042555-00043466 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00101-00043467-00043584 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00102-00043585-00044309 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00103-00044310-00044499 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00104-00044500-00045576 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00105-00045577-00046093 there is my room and there is a little tcbS2U5Sbr0-00106-00046094-00046462 walkway that I've shown you and to get tcbS2U5Sbr0-00107-00046463-00046927 here and with a massive tank of water tcbS2U5Sbr0-00108-00046928-00047275 which might have once been the pool or tcbS2U5Sbr0-00109-00047276-00047479 something now it's just filled with fish tcbS2U5Sbr0-00110-00047480-00048022 and life of old scores on that little tcbS2U5Sbr0-00111-00048023-00048235 walkway there is a pretty nice truck tcbS2U5Sbr0-00112-00048236-00048712 that's very vintage and just like grown tcbS2U5Sbr0-00113-00048713-00049024 with trees inside in their angles it's tcbS2U5Sbr0-00114-00049025-00049288 been here for so long and their view is tcbS2U5Sbr0-00115-00049289-00050515 pretty great tcbS2U5Sbr0-00116-00050516-00052529 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00117-00052530-00053380 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00118-00053382-00054641 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00119-00054642-00054855 sometimes when it's raining I would park tcbS2U5Sbr0-00120-00054857-00055213 my motorbike just right there that was tcbS2U5Sbr0-00121-00055214-00055805 pretty mean on top of this and finish tcbS2U5Sbr0-00122-00055807-00056925 building is this which tcbS2U5Sbr0-00123-00056926-00057773 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00124-00057774-00058794 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00125-00058795-00059279 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00126-00059279-00059849 [Applause] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00127-00059850-00060594 [Music] tcbS2U5Sbr0-00128-00060595-00060910 all right so that's about it for the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00129-00060911-00061147 visit of the place where I used to live tcbS2U5Sbr0-00130-00061148-00061653 there's some other buildings on this tcbS2U5Sbr0-00131-00061654-00062050 area on this property but it's not where tcbS2U5Sbr0-00132-00062051-00062254 I lived and I haven't spent much time tcbS2U5Sbr0-00133-00062254-00062752 there so yeah that was fun being here tcbS2U5Sbr0-00134-00062753-00063267 this was some experience and as I said tcbS2U5Sbr0-00135-00063269-00063538 one of the biggest down points was the tcbS2U5Sbr0-00136-00063539-00063751 fact that it was wet in my room tcbS2U5Sbr0-00137-00063752-00063952 especially at that time I got a little tcbS2U5Sbr0-00138-00063953-00064258 sick I just my lungs were just doing tcbS2U5Sbr0-00139-00064259-00064737 awful because of how way it was so yeah tcbS2U5Sbr0-00140-00064738-00065233 I'm done with this now I will be tcbS2U5Sbr0-00141-00065234-00066033 enjoying the company of new people and tcbS2U5Sbr0-00142-00066034-00066418 yeah probably might come back if I stay tcbS2U5Sbr0-00143-00066419-00066841 in good terms with the owner he's having tcbS2U5Sbr0-00144-00066842-00067105 everyone and some parties are like just tcbS2U5Sbr0-00145-00067106-00067360 having friends over and stuff so maybe tcbS2U5Sbr0-00146-00067361-00067674 and thanks for watching this video tcbS2U5Sbr0-00147-00067675-00067945 remember that if it's easy it's not tcbS2U5Sbr0-00148-00067946-00068008 funny tcbS2U5Sbr0-00149-00068009-00068692 and seeing the next one so bye te05GP5MWhy-00001-00005250-00005534 all right te4mzKKhfX4-00000-00000071-00000340 Amy Roloff is faced with what used to be te4mzKKhfX4-00001-00000341-00000595 her favorite time of year pumpkin season te4mzKKhfX4-00002-00000596-00000875 Amy used to be a co-owner of the roll of te4mzKKhfX4-00003-00000876-00001091 farm in Oregon almost everyone in the te4mzKKhfX4-00004-00001092-00001235 family would come there and help and te4mzKKhfX4-00005-00001236-00001420 meet buyers and it was a pleasant te4mzKKhfX4-00006-00001421-00001697 thriving time for her to socialize but te4mzKKhfX4-00007-00001698-00001907 then Amy Soldier part of the farm to man te4mzKKhfX4-00008-00001907-00002183 and left then Matt tried to sell the 16 te4mzKKhfX4-00009-00002184-00002429 acres to someone outside the Rola family te4mzKKhfX4-00010-00002430-00002723 Sans Zach and Jeremy became very angry te4mzKKhfX4-00011-00002724-00002915 at the way their father behaved and te4mzKKhfX4-00012-00002916-00003083 there's been a feud between them ever te4mzKKhfX4-00013-00003084-00003379 since I'll admit it's not like I am 100 te4mzKKhfX4-00014-00003379-00003653 jumping up and down for Joy because I te4mzKKhfX4-00015-00003654-00003767 still think I have some personal te4mzKKhfX4-00016-00003768-00003977 emotions and thoughts behind you know te4mzKKhfX4-00017-00003978-00004186 the farm and what has gone down and te4mzKKhfX4-00018-00004187-00004504 everything Amy said Matt has struggled te4mzKKhfX4-00019-00004505-00004697 to find a buyer and hopes to turn part te4mzKKhfX4-00020-00004698-00004979 of the farm into a long-term lease Amy te4mzKKhfX4-00021-00004980-00005165 plenty participate in the pumpkin season te4mzKKhfX4-00022-00005166-00005345 in 2022 te4mzKKhfX4-00023-00005346-00005615 the form will always be Roloff farms she te4mzKKhfX4-00024-00005616-00005813 said but there's a part of me that can te4mzKKhfX4-00025-00005814-00006004 definitely understand and see why not te4mzKKhfX4-00026-00006005-00006172 all the kids would be there because they te4mzKKhfX4-00027-00006173-00006341 don't consider it their Farm anymore te4mzKKhfX4-00028-00006342-00006605 maybe in time that will change depending te4mzKKhfX4-00029-00006606-00006791 on what happens to this Farm but I think te4mzKKhfX4-00030-00006792-00006989 at this very second it's Matt's Farm te4mzKKhfX4-00031-00006990-00007264 it's their dad's farm and it's sad te4mzKKhfX4-00032-00007265-00007469 Amy once said that she wished the te4mzKKhfX4-00033-00007470-00007637 resentment between Matt and his children te4mzKKhfX4-00034-00007638-00007864 would stop but the kids are all grown up te4mzKKhfX4-00035-00007865-00008123 but he's still a parent you know I don't te4mzKKhfX4-00036-00008123-00008321 care how old your kids are sometimes te4mzKKhfX4-00037-00008322-00008471 there are things they may need to learn te4mzKKhfX4-00038-00008472-00008681 she said back in June te4mzKKhfX4-00039-00008682-00008909 Ned was once asked about the state of te4mzKKhfX4-00040-00008910-00009167 his relationship with his kids it's just te4mzKKhfX4-00041-00009168-00009383 unfortunate the way things went down but te4mzKKhfX4-00042-00009384-00009533 I think a lot of the siblings have kind te4mzKKhfX4-00043-00009534-00009737 of had enough of it and separated which te4mzKKhfX4-00044-00009738-00009953 is totally sad and it's unfortunate he te4mzKKhfX4-00045-00009954-00010169 replied in my opinion we should be te4mzKKhfX4-00046-00010170-00010331 enjoying the time with the grandkids and te4mzKKhfX4-00047-00010332-00010499 enjoying the season of Life as a family te4mzKKhfX4-00048-00010500-00010727 lots of cousins but we're all kind of te4mzKKhfX4-00049-00010728-00010883 separated te4mzKKhfX4-00050-00010884-00011081 thanks for tuning in folks Please te4mzKKhfX4-00051-00011082-00011226 Subscribe for more news te4mzKKhfX4-00052-00011227-00011533 [Music] teBtpj8l4mU-00000-00000170-00001773 [Music] teBtpj8l4mU-00001-00001775-00002116 nice topic is solution banks financing teBtpj8l4mU-00002-00002117-00002471 and most people call it creative teBtpj8l4mU-00003-00002472-00002837 financing and I thought created Nancy it teBtpj8l4mU-00004-00002838-00003151 works but it's always important to teBtpj8l4mU-00005-00003152-00003329 remember that I in my view the best teBtpj8l4mU-00006-00003329-00003509 transactions are negotiated on the teBtpj8l4mU-00007-00003510-00003734 living room couch you're going to be in teBtpj8l4mU-00008-00003735-00003847 front of somebody you're going to have a teBtpj8l4mU-00009-00003848-00004013 physical conversation with them they're teBtpj8l4mU-00010-00004014-00004136 going to be across the table from you teBtpj8l4mU-00011-00004137-00004328 and you're gonna have the thought teBtpj8l4mU-00012-00004329-00004667 process as to why they really want to teBtpj8l4mU-00013-00004668-00005081 sell and what happens is solutions and teBtpj8l4mU-00014-00005082-00005372 this is what I really want people that teBtpj8l4mU-00015-00005373-00005611 are new to entry to understanding people teBtpj8l4mU-00016-00005612-00005956 that are experienced to rethink is that teBtpj8l4mU-00017-00005957-00006229 solutions are about what you want teBtpj8l4mU-00018-00006230-00006469 they're not about what the seller wants teBtpj8l4mU-00019-00006470-00006698 that is the most common that's the teBtpj8l4mU-00020-00006698-00006853 reason that I did a presentation back teBtpj8l4mU-00021-00006854-00007048 some time ago win-win is a terrible teBtpj8l4mU-00022-00007050-00007333 win-win negotiations are a terrible idea teBtpj8l4mU-00023-00007334-00007633 that is based on the assumption teBtpj8l4mU-00024-00007634-00007828 assumptions are a tricky word but it's teBtpj8l4mU-00025-00007829-00008023 based on the assumption that everybody teBtpj8l4mU-00026-00008025-00008405 wants a similar end goal if you are teBtpj8l4mU-00027-00008406-00008549 investing in real estate and you will teBtpj8l4mU-00028-00008550-00009002 take the time to talk to people you will teBtpj8l4mU-00029-00009003-00009470 learn that you cannot impute your idea teBtpj8l4mU-00030-00009471-00009935 of right and wrong valued time into the teBtpj8l4mU-00031-00009936-00010142 sellers mind teBtpj8l4mU-00032-00010143-00010458 you you can take all kinds of training teBtpj8l4mU-00033-00010459-00010662 that'll say that your goal is to make teBtpj8l4mU-00034-00010663-00010812 sure everybody's happy at the end put teBtpj8l4mU-00035-00010813-00010983 yourself on the other side of the table teBtpj8l4mU-00036-00010984-00011114 we'll be able to turn the documents teBtpj8l4mU-00037-00011115-00011277 around everybody be good with either teBtpj8l4mU-00038-00011278-00011541 side I say that all the time I'm always teBtpj8l4mU-00039-00011542-00011673 good to take either side of the teBtpj8l4mU-00040-00011674-00011888 transaction about finished negotiating teBtpj8l4mU-00041-00011889-00012167 that doesn't mean that the seller got teBtpj8l4mU-00042-00012168-00012321 everything that they want it doesn't teBtpj8l4mU-00043-00012322-00012467 mean that I got everything that I want teBtpj8l4mU-00044-00012468-00012617 but we could have come in with two teBtpj8l4mU-00045-00012618-00012749 different transactions we could have teBtpj8l4mU-00046-00012750-00012912 been passing I could have been walking teBtpj8l4mU-00047-00012913-00013041 down the hall and Nick have been walking teBtpj8l4mU-00048-00013041-00013179 down the street I am in the document out teBtpj8l4mU-00049-00013180-00013350 the window I mean you got to think in teBtpj8l4mU-00050-00013351-00013686 terms of the goal is you want to own the teBtpj8l4mU-00051-00013687-00013919 property their goal teBtpj8l4mU-00052-00013920-00014277 you don't know the only thing you go teBtpj8l4mU-00053-00014278-00014507 into when you go into a negotiation is teBtpj8l4mU-00054-00014508-00014799 you know you want to buy that property teBtpj8l4mU-00055-00014800-00015318 at some price and once you get that in teBtpj8l4mU-00056-00015319-00015506 your mind putting any other thought teBtpj8l4mU-00057-00015507-00015738 about what the sellers goals are in teBtpj8l4mU-00058-00015738-00016050 place and it's all creates all kinds of teBtpj8l4mU-00059-00016051-00016413 problems so right you know the typical teBtpj8l4mU-00060-00016414-00016716 thoughts are people want to sell because teBtpj8l4mU-00061-00016717-00016902 they want the cash then you can move and teBtpj8l4mU-00062-00016903-00017316 go avoid foreclosure and you're thinking teBtpj8l4mU-00063-00017317-00017652 in terms of what creates values supply teBtpj8l4mU-00064-00017653-00017937 and demand is what people talk about teBtpj8l4mU-00065-00017938-00018128 creating values but it's strictly teBtpj8l4mU-00066-00018129-00018477 bonanza there were two hundred forty one teBtpj8l4mU-00067-00018478-00018656 homes sold in Knoxville another two teBtpj8l4mU-00068-00018657-00018806 hundred forty one homes that were sold teBtpj8l4mU-00069-00018807-00018969 I am going to say the two hundred and teBtpj8l4mU-00070-00018970-00019290 thirty of those homes sold with a teBtpj8l4mU-00071-00019291-00019628 mortgage of some timing so without teBtpj8l4mU-00072-00019629-00020056 financing there is no demand for housing teBtpj8l4mU-00073-00020057-00020362 FHA stopped lending there is no demand teBtpj8l4mU-00074-00020363-00020705 so what happens is you as investors are teBtpj8l4mU-00075-00020706-00020937 always needing to be aware of what's teBtpj8l4mU-00076-00020938-00021128 going on in the financing markets so teBtpj8l4mU-00077-00021129-00021303 that you can be prepared for what the teBtpj8l4mU-00078-00021304-00021506 future is going to look like six months teBtpj8l4mU-00079-00021507-00021833 nine months out Billy and I would have a teBtpj8l4mU-00080-00021834-00022047 conversation and he finds solution based teBtpj8l4mU-00081-00022048-00022287 financing which is a term I've used for teBtpj8l4mU-00082-00022288-00022425 years and years teBtpj8l4mU-00083-00022426-00022633 the application of creativity and teBtpj8l4mU-00084-00022634-00022935 financing in buying and selling real teBtpj8l4mU-00085-00022936-00023208 estate when I talk about it I'm talking teBtpj8l4mU-00086-00023209-00023391 about these successful buying and teBtpj8l4mU-00087-00023392-00023747 selling of real estate and where you teBtpj8l4mU-00088-00023748-00023961 need to think in terms of when you're teBtpj8l4mU-00089-00023962-00024325 having conversations with people teBtpj8l4mU-00090-00024326-00024567 everybody's chasing cash everybody's teBtpj8l4mU-00091-00024568-00024885 chasing a some kind of contract to get teBtpj8l4mU-00092-00024886-00025122 property under control if you had a real teBtpj8l4mU-00093-00025123-00025394 conversation with a cell and there and teBtpj8l4mU-00094-00025395-00025589 you're wanting to inquire as to what's teBtpj8l4mU-00095-00025590-00025743 going on in their life as to why they're teBtpj8l4mU-00096-00025744-00025875 selling sometimes that's a sink that's a teBtpj8l4mU-00097-00025876-00025917 ball teBtpj8l4mU-00098-00025918-00026133 most of the time if you're sincere and teBtpj8l4mU-00099-00026133-00026502 they will tell you exactly so it is teBtpj8l4mU-00100-00026502-00026817 possible that you can trade services for teBtpj8l4mU-00101-00026818-00027117 a down payment and so if you're thinking teBtpj8l4mU-00102-00027118-00027432 in terms of buying or selling think in teBtpj8l4mU-00103-00027433-00027671 terms of what you have that the seller teBtpj8l4mU-00104-00027672-00028002 may want the issue gets to be when I teBtpj8l4mU-00105-00028002-00028271 talk about structure and you think in teBtpj8l4mU-00106-00028272-00028589 terms of how to structure a transaction teBtpj8l4mU-00107-00028589-00028808 everybody thinks in terms of no money teBtpj8l4mU-00108-00028810-00029082 down you know you tell me the price and teBtpj8l4mU-00109-00029083-00029389 I'll tell you the terms all the other teBtpj8l4mU-00110-00029391-00029846 sayings that are in the business but teBtpj8l4mU-00111-00029847-00030087 when you talk to the seller of a piece teBtpj8l4mU-00112-00030088-00030186 of property that you're wanting to teBtpj8l4mU-00113-00030187-00030474 acquire understanding what an teBtpj8l4mU-00114-00030475-00030648 installments the advantage of an teBtpj8l4mU-00115-00030649-00031070 installment sale has for that seller so teBtpj8l4mU-00116-00031072-00031257 that they can provide you seller teBtpj8l4mU-00117-00031258-00031545 financing on their home is a real big teBtpj8l4mU-00118-00031545-00031800 deal for you to be able to share that teBtpj8l4mU-00119-00031801-00032237 with them in a logical and clear way is teBtpj8l4mU-00120-00032238-00032645 something I will assure you 99% of the teBtpj8l4mU-00121-00032647-00032768 other people who knock on their door teBtpj8l4mU-00122-00032769-00033287 will not do so the fault is that they teBtpj8l4mU-00123-00033288-00033474 are going to be able to sell your teBtpj8l4mU-00124-00033475-00033795 property you minimize their capital teBtpj8l4mU-00125-00033796-00034190 gains tax right receive more money today teBtpj8l4mU-00126-00034191-00034520 or receive money today and then teBtpj8l4mU-00127-00034521-00034889 to balance over a three four year five teBtpj8l4mU-00128-00034890-00035060 year period of time whenever you come up teBtpj8l4mU-00129-00035061-00035377 with that's some interest rate which teBtpj8l4mU-00130-00035378-00035573 saves that let's then defer they're teBtpj8l4mU-00131-00035574-00035740 going to a paper cap against active teBtpj8l4mU-00132-00035741-00035899 they're just deferring it overtime teBtpj8l4mU-00133-00035900-00036115 paying less tax and they're earning the teBtpj8l4mU-00134-00036116-00036383 interest on the remaining balance that teBtpj8l4mU-00135-00036384-00036830 their other I can assure you this is an teBtpj8l4mU-00136-00036831-00037154 important concept to understand there is teBtpj8l4mU-00137-00037155-00037442 nothing creative about this there are teBtpj8l4mU-00138-00037443-00037768 hundreds of pages of tax code dealing teBtpj8l4mU-00139-00037769-00038140 with installment savings but I assure teBtpj8l4mU-00140-00038141-00038477 you once you understand it then you teBtpj8l4mU-00141-00038478-00038693 could really begin to have conversations teBtpj8l4mU-00142-00038694-00038908 with people about how they are going to teBtpj8l4mU-00143-00038909-00039029 sell their property teBtpj8l4mU-00144-00039030-00039396 it's a moment wanting to talk about our teBtpj8l4mU-00145-00039397-00039680 ways in which transactions can get done teBtpj8l4mU-00146-00039681-00039937 we don't want it to be confusing we teBtpj8l4mU-00147-00039938-00040106 don't want to be talking about issues of teBtpj8l4mU-00148-00040107-00040358 this and chasing this what you think in teBtpj8l4mU-00149-00040359-00040514 terms of wherever you find the teBtpj8l4mU-00150-00040515-00040771 opportunity you're going to get down to teBtpj8l4mU-00151-00040772-00041218 the negotiation of the transaction if teBtpj8l4mU-00152-00041219-00041396 you do not know how to have a teBtpj8l4mU-00153-00041397-00041606 conversation with the people when you teBtpj8l4mU-00154-00041607-00042014 meet them you will not be able to close teBtpj8l4mU-00155-00042015-00042245 the transaction and make money and what teBtpj8l4mU-00156-00042246-00042415 I want you to think in terms of is that teBtpj8l4mU-00157-00042416-00043126 your goal is to pay attention be curious teBtpj8l4mU-00158-00043127-00043757 ask questions of strangers when you ask teBtpj8l4mU-00159-00043758-00044051 the question listen to what they said teBtpj8l4mU-00160-00044052-00044504 and then take action based on your level teBtpj8l4mU-00161-00044505-00045062 of risk and that thought process moving teBtpj8l4mU-00162-00045063-00045340 through those scenarios are what make teBtpj8l4mU-00163-00045341-00045912 real estate investors teBtpj8l4mU-00164-00045913-00047158 [Music] teVrYj8qtm8-00000-00000504-00001734 the other one i like up here is cam 1800 teVrYj8qtm8-00001-00001735-00002999 nice viewing wire cam too teVrYj8qtm8-00002-00003000-00003454 always forget about that one teVrYj8qtm8-00003-00003455-00003790 so if you uh teVrYj8qtm8-00004-00003792-00004038 mental note to self ship teVrYj8qtm8-00005-00004039-00004367 south teVrYj8qtm8-00006-00004368-00005231 southeast thank you teVrYj8qtm8-00007-00005232-00005838 can you teVrYj8qtm8-00008-00005839-00006111 what time is this teVrYj8qtm8-00009-00006112-00006291 it is teVrYj8qtm8-00010-00006292-00007070 1894. thank you teVrYj8qtm8-00011-00007072-00007310 we need to put on uh teVrYj8qtm8-00012-00007311-00007695 set up a new dive sheet as uh teVrYj8qtm8-00013-00007695-00008903 part of our pre-dies h1894 teVrYj8qtm8-00014-00008904-00009063 come on teVrYj8qtm8-00015-00009064-00009446 i like to teVrYj8qtm8-00016-00009447-00009631 uh teVrYj8qtm8-00017-00009632-00009814 put the ship's heading in our i think teVrYj8qtm8-00018-00009815-00009935 kate teVrYj8qtm8-00019-00009936-00010151 notes it too in her log does she the teVrYj8qtm8-00020-00010152-00010414 ship's heading yeah at lunch teVrYj8qtm8-00021-00010415-00010719 can we capture that anywhere teVrYj8qtm8-00022-00010720-00012055 no i don't actually teVrYj8qtm8-00023-00012056-00012655 i sometimes do this sometimes though teVrYj8qtm8-00024-00012656-00012838 when you get over there for teVrYj8qtm8-00025-00012839-00013158 nautilus hitting 120 teVrYj8qtm8-00026-00013159-00013535 uh 115. teVrYj8qtm8-00027-00013536-00014158 thank teVrYj8qtm8-00028-00014159-00014303 i'll you and bring that in my little teVrYj8qtm8-00029-00014304-00014527 reptile brain so teVrYj8qtm8-00030-00014528-00014711 because if he goes drifting off and you teVrYj8qtm8-00031-00014712-00015094 lose your wraps or we have to reboot teVrYj8qtm8-00032-00015095-00016279 what is it teVrYj8qtm8-00033-00016280-00016894 so is there a reason we don't have uh teVrYj8qtm8-00034-00016895-00017215 what's that steve teVrYj8qtm8-00035-00017216-00017511 i don't have the hd camera on yet teVrYj8qtm8-00036-00017512-00017991 roger teVrYj8qtm8-00037-00017992-00018175 give me a break man i can't right click teVrYj8qtm8-00038-00018176-00021127 that fast teVrYj8qtm8-00039-00021128-00021430 vehicles oversight teVrYj8qtm8-00040-00021431-00022958 no troubles teVrYj8qtm8-00041-00022959-00023399 hey what is that right now teVrYj8qtm8-00042-00023400-00023446 oh teVrYj8qtm8-00043-00023447-00023894 [Music] teVrYj8qtm8-00044-00023895-00024039 all yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00045-00024040-00024430 this is an audio slate for dive h teVrYj8qtm8-00046-00024431-00024647 one nine eight four teVrYj8qtm8-00047-00024648-00025071 one one eight nine one eight nine four teVrYj8qtm8-00048-00025072-00025542 dive h1894 utc time is 10 teVrYj8qtm8-00049-00025543-00025662 0 4 teVrYj8qtm8-00050-00025663-00026134 34 mark teVrYj8qtm8-00051-00026135-00026214 so teVrYj8qtm8-00052-00026216-00026374 i'm going to ignore the argus ground teVrYj8qtm8-00053-00026375-00026974 fault because it's in the mega homies teVrYj8qtm8-00054-00026975-00027462 that ain't no ground fault teVrYj8qtm8-00055-00027463-00027774 it's just a red in color teVrYj8qtm8-00056-00027775-00027958 to draw your attention to the fact that teVrYj8qtm8-00057-00027960-00028087 the teVrYj8qtm8-00058-00028088-00028318 dc ground fault monitoring system is now teVrYj8qtm8-00059-00028319-00029702 recording 1.9 mega ohms teVrYj8qtm8-00060-00029704-00031270 hey we have nav you're not that far off teVrYj8qtm8-00061-00031272-00031487 so i double dare you teVrYj8qtm8-00062-00031488-00031718 after jess hands it over to when you teVrYj8qtm8-00063-00031719-00032142 acknowledge say thanks mini mark teVrYj8qtm8-00064-00032143-00033174 [Laughter] teVrYj8qtm8-00065-00033175-00033446 she is her own person but she's teVrYj8qtm8-00066-00033447-00034095 coming of age teVrYj8qtm8-00067-00034096-00034327 yes teVrYj8qtm8-00068-00034328-00034639 what cracks me up is her um teVrYj8qtm8-00069-00034640-00034879 when she's teVrYj8qtm8-00070-00034880-00035118 girl handling argus off the deck she has teVrYj8qtm8-00071-00035119-00035399 like the same somehow teVrYj8qtm8-00072-00035400-00035727 yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00073-00035728-00036039 maybe there's only one way to do it teVrYj8qtm8-00074-00036040-00036271 in mark's eyes there is only one way to teVrYj8qtm8-00075-00036272-00038511 do it his way teVrYj8qtm8-00076-00038512-00040495 ready teVrYj8qtm8-00077-00040496-00040727 it took me a while to figure out how teVrYj8qtm8-00078-00040728-00040935 amazing teVrYj8qtm8-00079-00040936-00041151 mark is teVrYj8qtm8-00080-00041152-00041390 and the method to his madness kind of teVrYj8qtm8-00081-00041391-00042071 sort of teVrYj8qtm8-00082-00042072-00042246 wasn't until i teVrYj8qtm8-00083-00042247-00042343 uh teVrYj8qtm8-00084-00042344-00042590 worked on nautilus a couple times teVrYj8qtm8-00085-00042591-00042918 and teVrYj8qtm8-00086-00042919-00043127 had the full appreciation of the intern teVrYj8qtm8-00087-00043128-00043483 program and teVrYj8qtm8-00088-00043484-00043727 uh the teVrYj8qtm8-00089-00043728-00043951 fact that we have kids out on the deck teVrYj8qtm8-00090-00043952-00044039 that teVrYj8qtm8-00091-00044040-00044279 have never been on a vessel before never teVrYj8qtm8-00092-00044280-00044535 picked up never handled the line before teVrYj8qtm8-00093-00044536-00044695 never been around teVrYj8qtm8-00094-00044696-00044918 heavy swinging loads in the air so teVrYj8qtm8-00095-00044919-00045087 things like cranes and teVrYj8qtm8-00096-00045088-00045455 tuggers and teVrYj8qtm8-00097-00045456-00045751 and he i wonder how many kids he's teVrYj8qtm8-00098-00045752-00046135 he's trained up on the deck including me teVrYj8qtm8-00099-00046136-00046486 yeah like teVrYj8qtm8-00100-00046487-00046911 exactly teVrYj8qtm8-00101-00046912-00047551 are you ready for a dive sample teVrYj8qtm8-00102-00047552-00047751 it was pretty cool once i realized that teVrYj8qtm8-00103-00047752-00048046 so i never got teVrYj8qtm8-00104-00048047-00048230 that kind of teVrYj8qtm8-00105-00048231-00048455 treatment you know never no one ever teVrYj8qtm8-00106-00048456-00049046 took the time to methodically teVrYj8qtm8-00107-00049047-00049200 teach me how not to hurt myself teVrYj8qtm8-00108-00049201-00049374 [Music] teVrYj8qtm8-00109-00049375-00049871 that's why you're danger dan teVrYj8qtm8-00110-00049872-00050039 welcome viewers out there it's a delta teVrYj8qtm8-00111-00050040-00050271 damn honestly i think you can have more teVrYj8qtm8-00112-00050272-00050399 than one teVrYj8qtm8-00113-00050400-00050807 what's that about delta back then teVrYj8qtm8-00114-00050808-00051099 welcome viewers in uh teVrYj8qtm8-00115-00051100-00051375 land teVrYj8qtm8-00116-00051376-00051550 it's been a while since your tectonic teVrYj8qtm8-00117-00051551-00051750 turtles have had a midnight to 4am shift teVrYj8qtm8-00118-00051751-00051935 but here we are teVrYj8qtm8-00119-00051936-00052166 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed wait a teVrYj8qtm8-00120-00052167-00052390 minute where have you guys all been when teVrYj8qtm8-00121-00052391-00052615 gabby and i have been down there teVrYj8qtm8-00122-00052616-00052830 sweating cursing covered in hydraulic teVrYj8qtm8-00123-00052832-00053047 oil and grease well i guess i mean we teVrYj8qtm8-00124-00053048-00053247 haven't had a watch we haven't had a teVrYj8qtm8-00125-00053248-00053519 midnight to 4am watch in a while we have teVrYj8qtm8-00126-00053520-00053694 we do you guys have missed the party in teVrYj8qtm8-00127-00053695-00053879 the hangar oh well we weren't invited teVrYj8qtm8-00128-00053879-00054087 for the sponge eating teVrYj8qtm8-00129-00054088-00054438 you're invited you are always invited teVrYj8qtm8-00130-00054439-00054575 you're saying you want me to come film teVrYj8qtm8-00131-00054576-00055087 filming the uh no perhaps not teVrYj8qtm8-00132-00055088-00055303 we are on our descent here for i think teVrYj8qtm8-00133-00055304-00055494 this might be our 11th dive of this teVrYj8qtm8-00134-00055495-00055647 expedition teVrYj8qtm8-00135-00055648-00055887 uh although i've seem to have lost all teVrYj8qtm8-00136-00055888-00056082 track of time and teVrYj8qtm8-00137-00056083-00056359 date we're launching uh teVrYj8qtm8-00138-00056360-00056542 the vehicles descending down to teVrYj8qtm8-00139-00056544-00056759 sovereign seamount teVrYj8qtm8-00140-00056760-00056826 in teVrYj8qtm8-00141-00056827-00057007 papahanumokuakea marine national teVrYj8qtm8-00142-00057008-00057263 monument teVrYj8qtm8-00143-00057264-00057423 we are descending to teVrYj8qtm8-00144-00057424-00057759 quite a deep dive today teVrYj8qtm8-00145-00057760-00057911 one of our deepest of this entire teVrYj8qtm8-00146-00057912-00058063 expedition teVrYj8qtm8-00147-00058064-00058275 expecting to go to teVrYj8qtm8-00148-00058276-00058535 3370 meters or so teVrYj8qtm8-00149-00058536-00058726 speaking of deep has anyone read the teVrYj8qtm8-00150-00058727-00058903 dive plan and know how deep it is teVrYj8qtm8-00151-00058904-00059094 absolutely it's uh teVrYj8qtm8-00152-00059095-00059459 yeah go ahead kate oh i was gonna say teVrYj8qtm8-00153-00059460-00059730 3372 meters teVrYj8qtm8-00154-00059732-00059966 3372 thank you teVrYj8qtm8-00155-00059967-00060191 oh troubles teVrYj8qtm8-00156-00060191-00060303 you can track our descent on teVrYj8qtm8-00157-00060304-00060750 this is very close to teVrYj8qtm8-00158-00060751-00061087 a lot of meters that's yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00159-00061088-00061294 i i would call that deep it was a deep teVrYj8qtm8-00160-00061295-00061471 thought it was a deep thought about a teVrYj8qtm8-00161-00061472-00061687 deep dive i'm working on it dan we'll teVrYj8qtm8-00162-00061688-00061999 get there shall i uh teVrYj8qtm8-00163-00062000-00062294 give it full beans here yeah i think so teVrYj8qtm8-00164-00062295-00062966 alvin's coming i think i'm ready teVrYj8qtm8-00165-00062967-00063126 i uh teVrYj8qtm8-00166-00063127-00063542 sometimes taking a little ec until 2 30. teVrYj8qtm8-00167-00063544-00063830 i don't know just because that's yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00168-00063832-00063999 just because that's the way it is well teVrYj8qtm8-00169-00064000-00064375 it's not a free flyer so teVrYj8qtm8-00170-00064376-00064694 what's that it's not a free fire so teVrYj8qtm8-00171-00064695-00064903 no the same way it can actually go it teVrYj8qtm8-00172-00064904-00065126 can go down as fast as you want pretty teVrYj8qtm8-00173-00065127-00065206 much teVrYj8qtm8-00174-00065207-00065319 really teVrYj8qtm8-00175-00065320-00065559 i can go at like 46 meters yeah well teVrYj8qtm8-00176-00065560-00065799 i'll get in trouble teVrYj8qtm8-00177-00065800-00066687 so no teVrYj8qtm8-00178-00066688-00066903 right at the speed limit 30 meters a teVrYj8qtm8-00179-00066904-00067126 minute sounds good teVrYj8qtm8-00180-00067127-00067623 29. teVrYj8qtm8-00181-00067624-00067950 what's that extra meter gonna get us teVrYj8qtm8-00182-00067951-00068143 i don't know at this step they could teVrYj8qtm8-00183-00068144-00069263 really get us something could add up teVrYj8qtm8-00184-00069264-00069406 it's really difficult to get our teVrYj8qtm8-00185-00069407-00069575 high-tech speed control device teVrYj8qtm8-00186-00069576-00069782 calibrated teVrYj8qtm8-00187-00069783-00071382 right at 30. teVrYj8qtm8-00188-00071383-00071815 it's not not cooperating it's okay teVrYj8qtm8-00189-00071816-00071935 we'll get there teVrYj8qtm8-00190-00071936-00072855 we have so much time to get it dialed teVrYj8qtm8-00191-00072856-00074582 why what what am i doing wrong here teVrYj8qtm8-00192-00074583-00076382 fail teVrYj8qtm8-00193-00076383-00076582 yeah slow down for you teVrYj8qtm8-00194-00076583-00076967 because you just can't keep up teVrYj8qtm8-00195-00076968-00077199 what the heck teVrYj8qtm8-00196-00077200-00077647 calibration failure teVrYj8qtm8-00197-00077648-00077782 sorry teVrYj8qtm8-00198-00077783-00077950 no you're fine i'm gonna struggle this teVrYj8qtm8-00199-00077951-00078191 whole time this whole way down teVrYj8qtm8-00200-00078192-00078335 i just thought i'd teVrYj8qtm8-00201-00078336-00079262 get us closer together here teVrYj8qtm8-00202-00079263-00079543 minus zero plus 15 i think it's minus teVrYj8qtm8-00203-00079544-00079711 zero teVrYj8qtm8-00204-00079712-00080023 maybe oh uh teVrYj8qtm8-00205-00080024-00080126 i'm sorry teVrYj8qtm8-00206-00080127-00080438 minus 0 plus 10 is teVrYj8qtm8-00207-00080439-00080862 i think acceptable teVrYj8qtm8-00208-00080863-00080959 yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00209-00080960-00081375 i'll work on it i forget who oh teVrYj8qtm8-00210-00081376-00081559 if ed sits here teVrYj8qtm8-00211-00081560-00081879 that has to be like exactly zero teVrYj8qtm8-00212-00081880-00082055 and he can do this to be exactly zero teVrYj8qtm8-00213-00082056-00082223 the delta teVrYj8qtm8-00214-00082224-00082494 if ed sits here yeah ed is teVrYj8qtm8-00215-00082495-00082655 ed will teVrYj8qtm8-00216-00082656-00082838 i don't know what magic touch he's got teVrYj8qtm8-00217-00082839-00083118 but oh yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00218-00083119-00083311 i don't know anything about that teVrYj8qtm8-00219-00083312-00083455 i teVrYj8qtm8-00220-00083456-00084711 can't get that to be exactly zero teVrYj8qtm8-00221-00084712-00084855 so as we have quite a bit of time here teVrYj8qtm8-00222-00084856-00085118 on our descent today we're looking uh teVrYj8qtm8-00223-00085119-00085279 to hopefully get and answer some of your teVrYj8qtm8-00224-00085280-00085438 questions teVrYj8qtm8-00225-00085439-00085655 please get those in at teVrYj8qtm8-00226-00085656-00085862 and as we get uh teVrYj8qtm8-00227-00085863-00086199 descending here we'll uh teVrYj8qtm8-00228-00086200-00086343 have a little chat teVrYj8qtm8-00229-00086344-00086687 with you seven four six six sorry teVrYj8qtm8-00230-00086688-00086918 go ahead teVrYj8qtm8-00231-00086919-00089359 uh this pop off there teVrYj8qtm8-00232-00089360-00089767 think anyone will figure that out teVrYj8qtm8-00233-00089768-00089862 what's that teVrYj8qtm8-00234-00089863-00090718 what anyone know what that means kj7466 teVrYj8qtm8-00235-00090719-00090823 no teVrYj8qtm8-00236-00090824-00091135 no teVrYj8qtm8-00237-00091136-00091447 but it doesn't matter teVrYj8qtm8-00238-00091448-00091575 because you'll be able to decode it for teVrYj8qtm8-00239-00091576-00091703 them if they have to go back and look at teVrYj8qtm8-00240-00091704-00091918 it teVrYj8qtm8-00242-00095112-00095774 whenever it was appreciated the squeeze teVrYj8qtm8-00243-00095775-00095959 argus magus teVrYj8qtm8-00244-00095960-00097894 up to 4.3 now teVrYj8qtm8-00245-00097895-00098071 so okay as we get descending here today teVrYj8qtm8-00246-00098072-00098326 do we have one of those cool 3d maps teVrYj8qtm8-00247-00098327-00098406 yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00248-00098407-00098599 show our friends at home what we're up teVrYj8qtm8-00249-00098600-00098879 to i'm in it right now just uh just teVrYj8qtm8-00250-00098880-00098991 throw in teVrYj8qtm8-00251-00098992-00099255 um the track from our teVrYj8qtm8-00252-00099256-00099511 last dive and teVrYj8qtm8-00253-00099512-00099694 thank you sarah well when you get a teVrYj8qtm8-00254-00099695-00099855 chance yeah i'm just getting in the teVrYj8qtm8-00255-00099856-00100062 points from today's teVrYj8qtm8-00256-00100063-00100343 location teVrYj8qtm8-00257-00100344-00100631 what pc is that one two three or four oh teVrYj8qtm8-00258-00100632-00100894 it's pc one tonight teVrYj8qtm8-00259-00100895-00101462 just displayed on the big screen there teVrYj8qtm8-00260-00101463-00101774 it's taking the top spot as the best pc teVrYj8qtm8-00261-00101775-00101943 what's that it's taking the top spot is teVrYj8qtm8-00262-00101944-00102182 the best pc teVrYj8qtm8-00263-00102183-00102350 so if you're following along at home teVrYj8qtm8-00264-00102351-00102471 you'll want to be looking either at the teVrYj8qtm8-00265-00102472-00102647 quad view or at channel 3. we're going teVrYj8qtm8-00266-00102648-00102863 to get a little 3d mapping magic from teVrYj8qtm8-00267-00102864-00103854 kate in the natchez teVrYj8qtm8-00268-00103855-00104118 i love all of our little bounce dives on teVrYj8qtm8-00269-00104119-00104239 there teVrYj8qtm8-00270-00104240-00104454 yeah it's cool to look at all of them teVrYj8qtm8-00271-00104455-00104671 oh do we have the last one on there yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00272-00104672-00105599 we do i just threw it in teVrYj8qtm8-00273-00105600-00106327 that one seems to have a left turn in it teVrYj8qtm8-00274-00106328-00106758 yeah it is really cool teVrYj8qtm8-00275-00106759-00106990 exaggeration looks like gabby was across teVrYj8qtm8-00276-00106991-00107175 the country down the slope there look at teVrYj8qtm8-00277-00107176-00107471 that teVrYj8qtm8-00278-00107472-00107623 oh i'm impressed i didn't realize we teVrYj8qtm8-00279-00107624-00107839 made it to the summit teVrYj8qtm8-00280-00107840-00108054 that's pretty significant teVrYj8qtm8-00281-00108055-00108934 uh achievement there gabby teVrYj8qtm8-00282-00108935-00109207 now to stay on it like that teVrYj8qtm8-00283-00109208-00109558 pretty impressive teVrYj8qtm8-00284-00109559-00111366 so we're over teVrYj8qtm8-00285-00111367-00111495 okay teVrYj8qtm8-00286-00111496-00111807 let's see why are you not showing up teVrYj8qtm8-00287-00111808-00112023 where are we uh where are we going teVrYj8qtm8-00288-00112024-00112327 tonight or we should be teVrYj8qtm8-00289-00112328-00112415 on teVrYj8qtm8-00290-00112416-00112799 this ridge right here coming up teVrYj8qtm8-00291-00112800-00112927 yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00292-00112928-00113039 trying to figure out why my points teVrYj8qtm8-00293-00113040-00113207 aren't showing up there i know that's teVrYj8qtm8-00294-00113208-00113399 where they're supposed to pop up is it teVrYj8qtm8-00295-00113400-00113654 does it show you the depth as you teVrYj8qtm8-00296-00113655-00114007 move your mouse around teVrYj8qtm8-00297-00114008-00114399 so you can see a profile view teVrYj8qtm8-00298-00114400-00114566 here teVrYj8qtm8-00299-00114567-00114719 let's do teVrYj8qtm8-00300-00114720-00114927 this button oh no we're going in the red teVrYj8qtm8-00301-00114928-00115047 depth uh teVrYj8qtm8-00302-00115048-00115215 where did it go teVrYj8qtm8-00303-00115216-00115734 the red dead teVrYj8qtm8-00304-00115735-00115927 i've got a good feeling about this this teVrYj8qtm8-00305-00115928-00116110 spot teVrYj8qtm8-00306-00116111-00117683 oh it disappeared teVrYj8qtm8-00307-00117683-00117871 yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00308-00117872-00118039 yeah definitely teVrYj8qtm8-00309-00118040-00118127 on the teVrYj8qtm8-00310-00118128-00118510 scale from where we are to the hole teVrYj8qtm8-00311-00118511-00118743 how how far is that drop there kate from teVrYj8qtm8-00312-00118744-00119031 the little hump right here oh that the teVrYj8qtm8-00313-00119032-00119247 yeah that one that's the top of that to teVrYj8qtm8-00314-00119248-00119654 the bottom so the top of that is 3600 teVrYj8qtm8-00315-00119655-00119943 and the bottom is teVrYj8qtm8-00316-00119944-00120183 or no sorry the top looks like it's oh teVrYj8qtm8-00317-00120183-00120343 gosh teVrYj8qtm8-00318-00120344-00120607 oh but we won't grow that we're starting teVrYj8qtm8-00319-00120608-00120863 we're starting at 33 yeah so we'll start teVrYj8qtm8-00320-00120864-00121207 around so you can see how i yeah yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00321-00121208-00121423 you can see it over there yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00322-00121424-00121572 so if we're starting at three teVrYj8qtm8-00323-00121573-00121743 [Music] teVrYj8qtm8-00324-00121744-00121883 we'll start around teVrYj8qtm8-00325-00121883-00122158 here uh-huh teVrYj8qtm8-00326-00122159-00122495 and this little f4 david is false it's teVrYj8qtm8-00327-00122496-00122719 just two different data sets so teVrYj8qtm8-00328-00122720-00122799 all right teVrYj8qtm8-00329-00122800-00122975 it's probably just moved in between the teVrYj8qtm8-00330-00122976-00123607 two teVrYj8qtm8-00331-00123608-00123799 well we uh is the plan to make it all teVrYj8qtm8-00332-00123800-00124119 the way to the top teVrYj8qtm8-00333-00124120-00124751 uh no i don't think that that's the plan teVrYj8qtm8-00334-00124752-00124958 yeah i think the plan is just to move teVrYj8qtm8-00335-00124959-00125271 along this ridge for a one kilometer teVrYj8qtm8-00336-00125272-00125547 yeah we expect to reach a depth of about teVrYj8qtm8-00337-00125548-00125839 3080 meters teVrYj8qtm8-00338-00125840-00126143 distance 1.1 kilometers distances along teVrYj8qtm8-00339-00126144-00126278 the bottom teVrYj8qtm8-00340-00126279-00126495 yep yep exactly so actually that's a teVrYj8qtm8-00341-00126496-00126686 great question on this x-axis here we teVrYj8qtm8-00342-00126688-00126927 have distance along the bottom so zero teVrYj8qtm8-00343-00126928-00127095 would be right where we started this teVrYj8qtm8-00344-00127096-00127327 profile teVrYj8qtm8-00345-00127328-00127678 and then the y-axis is depth in meters teVrYj8qtm8-00346-00127679-00127910 distances in meters as well teVrYj8qtm8-00347-00127911-00128063 so we're only going to do a thousand teVrYj8qtm8-00348-00128064-00128319 meter portion of that it looks like it teVrYj8qtm8-00349-00128320-00129023 yeah oh it should end right around here teVrYj8qtm8-00350-00129024-00129214 and then something else you can do you teVrYj8qtm8-00351-00129215-00129478 see how it says average slope as i'm teVrYj8qtm8-00352-00129479-00129654 moving my mouse up there i know the teVrYj8qtm8-00353-00129655-00129807 words are really tiny teVrYj8qtm8-00354-00129808-00129966 so you can kind of get an idea of what teVrYj8qtm8-00355-00129967-00130247 type of slope we might deal with teVrYj8qtm8-00356-00130248-00130358 um teVrYj8qtm8-00357-00130359-00130519 so not super teVrYj8qtm8-00358-00130520-00130710 steep teVrYj8qtm8-00359-00130711-00130966 so if you zoom way in on the portion teVrYj8qtm8-00360-00130967-00131135 we're gonna go does it give you more teVrYj8qtm8-00361-00131136-00131431 detail or is it still that i can do teVrYj8qtm8-00362-00131432-00131839 let's see from here teVrYj8qtm8-00363-00131840-00133039 what's happening teVrYj8qtm8-00364-00133040-00133183 so this gives us a little bit of a teVrYj8qtm8-00365-00133184-00133383 different view that's going to be more teVrYj8qtm8-00366-00133384-00133654 like our track again this is just two teVrYj8qtm8-00367-00133655-00133807 different data sets right next to each teVrYj8qtm8-00368-00133808-00133943 other so they're not merged together teVrYj8qtm8-00369-00133944-00134063 that's why we get this little cliff teVrYj8qtm8-00370-00134064-00134239 feature i wouldn't trust that's actually teVrYj8qtm8-00371-00134240-00134407 what's there teVrYj8qtm8-00372-00134408-00134527 i think teVrYj8qtm8-00373-00134528-00134799 now you can see some individual yeah but teVrYj8qtm8-00374-00134800-00135007 you can see a little bit more teVrYj8qtm8-00375-00135008-00135223 our approximate track teVrYj8qtm8-00376-00135224-00135383 i'd call that a ridge teVrYj8qtm8-00377-00135384-00135599 i hope we don't come down on that teVrYj8qtm8-00378-00135600-00135790 hershey's kiss there at the start that teVrYj8qtm8-00379-00135791-00136054 could be painful teVrYj8qtm8-00380-00136055-00136463 this one right here yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00381-00136464-00136614 that could be where all the cool stuff teVrYj8qtm8-00382-00136615-00137102 is teVrYj8qtm8-00383-00137103-00137351 is that an anomaly or is that a real teVrYj8qtm8-00384-00137352-00137607 a real deal there teVrYj8qtm8-00385-00137608-00138431 um let me look closer at the data teVrYj8qtm8-00386-00138432-00139343 oh teVrYj8qtm8-00387-00139344-00140566 put it teVrYj8qtm8-00388-00140567-00140831 let's see where was that teVrYj8qtm8-00389-00140832-00141111 right around here yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00390-00141112-00141231 yeah it's hard to say i would have to teVrYj8qtm8-00391-00141232-00141559 get into like the raw point data but teVrYj8qtm8-00392-00141560-00141743 given that like we see a little bit of teVrYj8qtm8-00393-00141744-00141959 sharp features all right here that it teVrYj8qtm8-00394-00141960-00142759 could be a part of something teVrYj8qtm8-00395-00142760-00143063 our path is to go like this can you work teVrYj8qtm8-00396-00143064-00143295 out how steep the so if you came the teVrYj8qtm8-00397-00143296-00143519 other way like up from left to right teVrYj8qtm8-00398-00143520-00143711 from that view like the steep part there teVrYj8qtm8-00399-00143712-00143926 where the dark green goes to light green teVrYj8qtm8-00400-00143927-00144119 on the ridge teVrYj8qtm8-00401-00144120-00144239 um teVrYj8qtm8-00402-00144240-00144439 or the right side either one teVrYj8qtm8-00403-00144440-00144654 like right here teVrYj8qtm8-00404-00144655-00145135 like a profile like this teVrYj8qtm8-00405-00145136-00145214 no teVrYj8qtm8-00406-00145215-00145575 yeah yeah yeah it's curious how the teVrYj8qtm8-00407-00145576-00145671 so teVrYj8qtm8-00408-00145672-00145871 i started here so that's what these teVrYj8qtm8-00409-00145872-00146063 points will be teVrYj8qtm8-00410-00146064-00146726 so slope in the 30s teVrYj8qtm8-00411-00146727-00147087 and then yeah top of the ridge teVrYj8qtm8-00412-00147088-00148343 and the other side teVrYj8qtm8-00413-00148344-00148543 i saw something that said teVrYj8qtm8-00414-00148544-00148814 is that exaggeration exag teVrYj8qtm8-00415-00148815-00148926 yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00416-00148927-00149126 so teVrYj8qtm8-00417-00149127-00149726 i mean you can put it on the profile so teVrYj8qtm8-00418-00149727-00149911 that's two times exaggeration now we teVrYj8qtm8-00419-00149912-00150302 gotta make our little thing bigger teVrYj8qtm8-00420-00150303-00150399 um teVrYj8qtm8-00421-00150400-00150607 and then you can also teVrYj8qtm8-00422-00150608-00150823 get exaggeration yeah what does this teVrYj8qtm8-00423-00150824-00150975 look like teVrYj8qtm8-00424-00150976-00151166 so this is two times exaggeration so it teVrYj8qtm8-00425-00151167-00151407 just lets you see the features um but teVrYj8qtm8-00426-00151408-00151535 it's always good to catch that and teVrYj8qtm8-00427-00151536-00151751 communicate it especially to teVrYj8qtm8-00428-00151752-00151926 people running the teVrYj8qtm8-00429-00151927-00152199 vehicles so what is what does 1.0 look teVrYj8qtm8-00430-00152200-00152278 like teVrYj8qtm8-00431-00152279-00152526 is that the true yep this is the true teVrYj8qtm8-00432-00152527-00152807 1.0 teVrYj8qtm8-00433-00152808-00153111 see it so you can see teVrYj8qtm8-00434-00153112-00153399 this seamount in relation to kind of the teVrYj8qtm8-00435-00153400-00153543 other sea mountains here's don quixote teVrYj8qtm8-00436-00153544-00153783 over here so let me face it so is that teVrYj8qtm8-00437-00153784-00154031 no that's sorry that's not on kyoto teVrYj8qtm8-00438-00154032-00154190 this is don quixote over here is that teVrYj8qtm8-00439-00154191-00154454 the hawaiian ridge uh the dark bits up teVrYj8qtm8-00440-00154455-00154695 there yep right here teVrYj8qtm8-00441-00154696-00154935 so this this dive looks like it has an teVrYj8qtm8-00442-00154936-00155063 unobstructed teVrYj8qtm8-00443-00155064-00155254 path to the energy teVrYj8qtm8-00444-00155255-00155447 from the internal waves does that sound teVrYj8qtm8-00445-00155448-00155543 right teVrYj8qtm8-00446-00155544-00155743 oh yeah that's a really good observation teVrYj8qtm8-00447-00155744-00155863 i don't know if anyone in the back row teVrYj8qtm8-00448-00155864-00156039 wants to chime in there teVrYj8qtm8-00449-00156040-00156247 yeah it's uh depends teVrYj8qtm8-00450-00156248-00156519 it's not equally they're not equally teVrYj8qtm8-00451-00156520-00156726 generated all along the ridge there are teVrYj8qtm8-00452-00156727-00156959 some hot spots teVrYj8qtm8-00453-00156960-00157183 so yeah i'm not sure how much you'd be teVrYj8qtm8-00454-00157184-00157375 have coming in from that ridge but teVrYj8qtm8-00455-00157376-00157559 that's a thought that i guess i don't teVrYj8qtm8-00456-00157560-00158254 know the real direction either but yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00457-00158255-00158526 but that's possibility teVrYj8qtm8-00458-00158527-00158743 yeah and right now we're looking teVrYj8qtm8-00459-00158744-00158839 north teVrYj8qtm8-00460-00158840-00159151 that's north is it yeah teVrYj8qtm8-00461-00159152-00159287 it's a great view of our overall teVrYj8qtm8-00462-00159288-00159414 expedition there teVrYj8qtm8-00463-00159415-00159575 yeah with all our little descents in a teVrYj8qtm8-00464-00159576-00159983 sense yeah covered a lot of teVrYj8qtm8-00465-00159984-00160143 the purple that you're seeing there teVrYj8qtm8-00466-00160144-00160271 that's the new teVrYj8qtm8-00467-00160272-00160576 mapping data tf6Le8DZOtu-00000-00000000-00000206 columns and accordion so this is an tf6Le8DZOtu-00001-00000208-00000407 example of a tf6Le8DZOtu-00002-00000408-00000686 column two column in this case text and tf6Le8DZOtu-00003-00000687-00000815 picture tf6Le8DZOtu-00004-00000816-00001039 text and picture and then this is the tf6Le8DZOtu-00005-00001040-00001247 example of accordion tf6Le8DZOtu-00006-00001248-00001487 so you can actually collapse and if they tf6Le8DZOtu-00007-00001488-00001655 click it the student can then read the tf6Le8DZOtu-00008-00001655-00001751 content tf6Le8DZOtu-00009-00001752-00001982 this allows a more collapsed view or tf6Le8DZOtu-00010-00001984-00002191 perhaps a more neat way of navigating tf6Le8DZOtu-00011-00002192-00002271 through the tf6Le8DZOtu-00012-00002272-00002495 massive amount of text i'm going to tf6Le8DZOtu-00013-00002496-00002695 demonstrate to you how you can actually tf6Le8DZOtu-00014-00002696-00003055 add your own tf6Le8DZOtu-00015-00003056-00003303 column and accordion so before you tf6Le8DZOtu-00016-00003304-00003535 choose this you go to display tf6Le8DZOtu-00017-00003536-00003695 and then you can select the option that tf6Le8DZOtu-00018-00003696-00003863 you want so in this case i would like tf6Le8DZOtu-00019-00003864-00004111 demonstrate the two column i will now tf6Le8DZOtu-00020-00004112-00004167 add tf6Le8DZOtu-00021-00004168-00004527 my own simulation tf6Le8DZOtu-00022-00004528-00004783 for example by going to my start tf6Le8DZOtu-00023-00004784-00004919 resources tf6Le8DZOtu-00024-00004920-00005175 i'm going to look for that other tf6Le8DZOtu-00025-00005176-00005422 simulation which i added tf6Le8DZOtu-00026-00005423-00005711 okay i'm going to click save so as a tf6Le8DZOtu-00027-00005712-00005918 student were to play with the same tf6Le8DZOtu-00028-00005919-00006222 and and and go through the activity that tf6Le8DZOtu-00029-00006223-00006510 you may have designed the same tf6Le8DZOtu-00030-00006511-00006839 then now add the new question so perhaps tf6Le8DZOtu-00031-00006840-00006903 a question tf6Le8DZOtu-00032-00006904-00007246 i could add from existing it's just a tf6Le8DZOtu-00033-00007247-00007423 just to illustrate the purpose so even tf6Le8DZOtu-00034-00007423-00007639 though this is disjointed tf6Le8DZOtu-00035-00007640-00008087 uh it shows a simulation of lens tf6Le8DZOtu-00036-00008088-00008446 but it shows uh the question of tf6Le8DZOtu-00037-00008447-00008783 multiple choice of a micrometer but tf6Le8DZOtu-00038-00008784-00009110 you can see the idea is the same i mean tf6Le8DZOtu-00039-00009111-00009423 basically the student now can actually tf6Le8DZOtu-00040-00009424-00009574 play with the scene and answer the tf6Le8DZOtu-00041-00009575-00009783 question so that it has this very nice tf6Le8DZOtu-00042-00009784-00010184 and neat view ti0Rb3nnKiE-00000-00000101-00000455 so welcome to the going on network today ti0Rb3nnKiE-00001-00000456-00000626 we're going to be talking about how to ti0Rb3nnKiE-00002-00000627-00000998 find groups so the first way we can do ti0Rb3nnKiE-00003-00000999-00001216 this is click on my directory in the ti0Rb3nnKiE-00004-00001217-00001490 upper right hand corner by doing that ti0Rb3nnKiE-00005-00001491-00001660 you will see all the groups that you are ti0Rb3nnKiE-00006-00001661-00002063 currently part of another way we can do ti0Rb3nnKiE-00007-00002064-00002335 this is we can go to our personal ti0Rb3nnKiE-00008-00002336-00002495 Commons by choosing our name and ti0Rb3nnKiE-00009-00002496-00002677 personal comments from the drop-down ti0Rb3nnKiE-00010-00002678-00003164 list and then we see here in our ti0Rb3nnKiE-00011-00003165-00003427 personal Commons view site directory ti0Rb3nnKiE-00012-00003428-00003722 when we choose that we see all of the ti0Rb3nnKiE-00013-00003722-00003956 groups associated with the site which ti0Rb3nnKiE-00014-00003957-00004297 can be a pretty long list so one way you ti0Rb3nnKiE-00015-00004298-00004508 could shorten this list is you can ti0Rb3nnKiE-00016-00004509-00004760 choose a filter and filter by either ti0Rb3nnKiE-00017-00004761-00004997 group name or the type of group you're ti0Rb3nnKiE-00018-00004998-00005197 looking for if you'd like to see ti0Rb3nnKiE-00019-00005198-00005470 something that's contextually based we ti0Rb3nnKiE-00020-00005471-00005620 can come to the categories on the left ti0Rb3nnKiE-00021-00005621-00006004 hand side and we'll see a Commons ti0Rb3nnKiE-00022-00006005-00006218 associated with in that category and ti0Rb3nnKiE-00023-00006219-00006454 that would be a grouping of groups so ti0Rb3nnKiE-00024-00006455-00006851 let's go to that Commons and again here ti0Rb3nnKiE-00025-00006852-00007076 we see a grouping of groups so there's ti0Rb3nnKiE-00026-00007077-00007389 19 total groups within this Commons and ti0Rb3nnKiE-00027-00007390-00007633 then we have a listing of them ti0Rb3nnKiE-00028-00007634-00007960 conversations channels and communities ti0Rb3nnKiE-00029-00007961-00008224 so if we would like to join a specific ti0Rb3nnKiE-00030-00008225-00008432 group we can do it front straight from ti0Rb3nnKiE-00031-00008433-00008630 this page by just subscribing to a ti0Rb3nnKiE-00032-00008631-00008948 channel say or we can go visit that ti0Rb3nnKiE-00033-00008949-00009284 group see if this is something we would ti0Rb3nnKiE-00034-00009285-00009539 actually like to join and then we can ti0Rb3nnKiE-00035-00009540-00009910 click subscribe when we click Subscribe ti0Rb3nnKiE-00036-00009911-00010099 will have a message asking us if we're ti0Rb3nnKiE-00037-00010100-00010352 sure we want to do that and then once we ti0Rb3nnKiE-00038-00010353-00010474 subscribed we will get a notification ti0Rb3nnKiE-00039-00010475-00010688 that we're now a member of that group ti0Rb3nnKiE-00040-00010689-00010988 and if we look at our directory will see ti0Rb3nnKiE-00041-00010989-00011146 that that group has been added to our ti0Rb3nnKiE-00042-00011147-00011378 directory so I hope that helps in ti0Rb3nnKiE-00043-00011379-00011588 finding groups and finding places to ti0Rb3nnKiE-00044-00011589-00011947 interact thank you for watching tj9MfKkVo0u-00000-00000038-00000413 all right today's motto is random forest tj9MfKkVo0u-00001-00000413-00000647 it's an even more complicated compound tj9MfKkVo0u-00002-00000648-00000899 model they make lots and lots of models tj9MfKkVo0u-00003-00000900-00001145 and rather than trying to find the one tj9MfKkVo0u-00004-00001146-00001343 that works best it tries to look across tj9MfKkVo0u-00005-00001344-00001651 all the models to see what they find in tj9MfKkVo0u-00006-00001652-00001847 common first though we're going to talk tj9MfKkVo0u-00007-00001848-00002312 about bagging and bagging just stands tj9MfKkVo0u-00008-00002313-00002560 for bootstrap aggregating so aggregating tj9MfKkVo0u-00009-00002561-00002689 is just smashing things together tj9MfKkVo0u-00010-00002690-00002867 bootstrapping is the thing I'm going to tj9MfKkVo0u-00011-00002868-00003197 talk about now so bootstrapping is a way tj9MfKkVo0u-00012-00003198-00003533 to use a single data set to simulate the tj9MfKkVo0u-00013-00003534-00003869 variability in a population so it's tj9MfKkVo0u-00014-00003870-00004019 actually a cool idea in its own right tj9MfKkVo0u-00015-00004020-00004199 and back when I went to school in the tj9MfKkVo0u-00016-00004200-00004424 90s it was sort of a cutting edge tj9MfKkVo0u-00017-00004425-00004754 technique and so it lays underneath this tj9MfKkVo0u-00018-00004755-00004991 idea of random forests along with cart tj9MfKkVo0u-00019-00004992-00005129 trees and regression and a bunch of tj9MfKkVo0u-00020-00005130-00005675 other things that we're doing so back tj9MfKkVo0u-00021-00005676-00005809 when you were in interest stats or tj9MfKkVo0u-00022-00005810-00006074 whatever one of your ideas was that you tj9MfKkVo0u-00023-00006075-00006272 took a sample of data and you wanted to tj9MfKkVo0u-00024-00006273-00006460 use it to try to understand or estimate tj9MfKkVo0u-00025-00006461-00006664 or explain or predict what happens in a tj9MfKkVo0u-00026-00006665-00006881 larger population for the most part tj9MfKkVo0u-00027-00006881-00007210 that's what statistics is you look at tj9MfKkVo0u-00028-00007211-00007355 past sales they've in a predict future tj9MfKkVo0u-00029-00007356-00007544 sales data you and look at past weather tj9MfKkVo0u-00030-00007545-00007798 to preview picture future fear weather tj9MfKkVo0u-00031-00007798-00008105 we look at a survey not because we care tj9MfKkVo0u-00032-00008106-00008278 specifically what those thousand people tj9MfKkVo0u-00033-00008279-00008441 are going to say but what they tell us tj9MfKkVo0u-00034-00008442-00008603 about what everyone else is going to say tj9MfKkVo0u-00035-00008604-00008771 what will a future customer a future tj9MfKkVo0u-00036-00008772-00009128 voter think about as they're doing that tj9MfKkVo0u-00037-00009129-00009353 when you click on something online we tj9MfKkVo0u-00038-00009354-00009478 want to be able to predict what you tj9MfKkVo0u-00039-00009479-00009592 might want to do in the future tj9MfKkVo0u-00040-00009593-00009914 especially with regards to click on tj9MfKkVo0u-00041-00009915-00010217 future things so all of that uses a tj9MfKkVo0u-00042-00010218-00010378 sample to try to make guesses or tj9MfKkVo0u-00043-00010379-00010610 estimates about the population and we tj9MfKkVo0u-00044-00010611-00011038 use the word statistic as a way to tj9MfKkVo0u-00045-00011039-00011342 really think about that in all cases tj9MfKkVo0u-00046-00011343-00011728 samples are flawed imperfect things at tj9MfKkVo0u-00047-00011729-00011873 best they're representative of the tj9MfKkVo0u-00048-00011874-00012031 population so that we would say that the tj9MfKkVo0u-00049-00012032-00012353 population resembles them but they never tj9MfKkVo0u-00050-00012354-00012551 get to the whole depth and breadth of a tj9MfKkVo0u-00051-00012552-00012811 entire population if you did then you'd tj9MfKkVo0u-00052-00012812-00012952 have the whole population and we call tj9MfKkVo0u-00053-00012953-00013190 that a census not a sample so the tj9MfKkVo0u-00054-00013191-00013328 question is how much can we really tj9MfKkVo0u-00055-00013329-00013472 predict tj9MfKkVo0u-00056-00013472-00013682 from the statistic and if you remember tj9MfKkVo0u-00057-00013683-00013841 from your interest that's class we tj9MfKkVo0u-00058-00013841-00013963 talked about the central limit theorem tj9MfKkVo0u-00059-00013965-00014119 and the idea that things start to look tj9MfKkVo0u-00060-00014120-00014405 normal after a while and bootstrapping tj9MfKkVo0u-00061-00014406-00014833 takes that idea to the extreme so the tj9MfKkVo0u-00062-00014834-00015035 idea is what if we pull a sample from tj9MfKkVo0u-00063-00015036-00015379 our sample so instead of treating our tj9MfKkVo0u-00064-00015380-00015680 sample as a sample of the future data we tj9MfKkVo0u-00065-00015681-00015875 have we instead treat it as a population tj9MfKkVo0u-00066-00015876-00016472 of the data we have so imagine all of tj9MfKkVo0u-00067-00016473-00016640 our points here's a little small sample tj9MfKkVo0u-00068-00016641-00016889 around here 20 to 25 18 right here's our tj9MfKkVo0u-00069-00016890-00017117 average the margin of error we could tj9MfKkVo0u-00070-00017118-00017246 figure out but with a sample that's tj9MfKkVo0u-00071-00017247-00017425 small it's probably not going to be very tj9MfKkVo0u-00072-00017426-00017783 good so what we instead do is we imagine tj9MfKkVo0u-00073-00017784-00018050 that those points are bingo balls and we tj9MfKkVo0u-00074-00018051-00018407 pull from them over and over again to tj9MfKkVo0u-00075-00018408-00018769 try to get a larger sample so I'm gonna tj9MfKkVo0u-00076-00018770-00018935 go to a different web page this is tj9MfKkVo0u-00077-00018936-00019294 actually called a stat key and stat key tj9MfKkVo0u-00078-00019295-00019460 is part of us that book that we don't tj9MfKkVo0u-00079-00019461-00019705 use here at Truman but the idea is that tj9MfKkVo0u-00080-00019706-00020078 a bootstrap sample is a cool idea tj9MfKkVo0u-00081-00020079-00020294 so here I'll show you our data table so tj9MfKkVo0u-00082-00020295-00020744 this data is 5,500 Atlanta commuters and tj9MfKkVo0u-00083-00020745-00020872 they were just asked how long it takes tj9MfKkVo0u-00084-00020873-00021053 them to commute so here it is a minute tj9MfKkVo0u-00085-00021054-00021347 so 60 minutes is an hour you can see tj9MfKkVo0u-00086-00021348-00021469 some people are short commute some tj9MfKkVo0u-00087-00021470-00021662 people have long commute but 500 is a tj9MfKkVo0u-00088-00021663-00022031 pretty nice sample but what you see when tj9MfKkVo0u-00089-00022032-00022169 you look at this little display of the tj9MfKkVo0u-00090-00022170-00022316 original sample right here is that it's tj9MfKkVo0u-00091-00022317-00022583 not very normal and we're not very sure tj9MfKkVo0u-00092-00022584-00022897 that it could be analyzed as though it tj9MfKkVo0u-00093-00022898-00023141 were normal so what we're going to do is tj9MfKkVo0u-00094-00023142-00023384 we're going to treat this 500 as a tj9MfKkVo0u-00095-00023385-00023558 population that we're going to draw from tj9MfKkVo0u-00096-00023559-00023771 so we're going to generate one bootstrap tj9MfKkVo0u-00097-00023772-00024002 sample by taking all five hundred points tj9MfKkVo0u-00098-00024003-00024128 imagining a lot little bingo balls tj9MfKkVo0u-00099-00024129-00024287 putting them in a bucket and drawing out tj9MfKkVo0u-00100-00024288-00024500 now what's different than bingo is tj9MfKkVo0u-00101-00024501-00024638 instead of being able to only pull a tj9MfKkVo0u-00102-00024639-00024878 number once as soon as we draw it we put tj9MfKkVo0u-00103-00024879-00025025 it back in the bucket so you can pick it tj9MfKkVo0u-00104-00025026-00025283 multiple times so our bootstrap sample tj9MfKkVo0u-00105-00025284-00025805 is going to have 500 samples in it but tj9MfKkVo0u-00106-00025806-00025912 some of them are going to be the same tj9MfKkVo0u-00107-00025913-00026093 ones draw in multiple times and others tj9MfKkVo0u-00108-00026094-00026320 won't be drawn at all so on this table tj9MfKkVo0u-00109-00026322-00026498 and I know it's a little small there tj9MfKkVo0u-00110-00026499-00026756 were two high points here at 181 and tj9MfKkVo0u-00111-00026757-00026945 eighty and you can see that the one tj9MfKkVo0u-00112-00026945-00027137 eighty one point was pulled but the one tj9MfKkVo0u-00113-00027138-00027443 eighty point was not pulled and the same tj9MfKkVo0u-00114-00027444-00027583 is true here some of these are actually tj9MfKkVo0u-00115-00027585-00027713 a little higher than they were before tj9MfKkVo0u-00116-00027714-00028091 but they overall generally follow the tj9MfKkVo0u-00117-00028092-00028327 same shape that we had before now the tj9MfKkVo0u-00118-00028329-00028489 other point you saw that got put over tj9MfKkVo0u-00119-00028491-00028643 here is twenty-eight point eight point tj9MfKkVo0u-00120-00028644-00028958 eight which is the sample mean of our tj9MfKkVo0u-00121-00028958-00029189 bootstrap sample so that is our true tj9MfKkVo0u-00122-00029189-00029348 mean from our real popular from our tj9MfKkVo0u-00123-00029349-00029531 sample was twenty nine point eleven and tj9MfKkVo0u-00124-00029532-00029756 twenty eight point eight is close but a tj9MfKkVo0u-00125-00029757-00029981 little different than the mean of our tj9MfKkVo0u-00126-00029982-00030236 new sample now if we were doing that by tj9MfKkVo0u-00127-00030237-00030386 hand it would take us what a whole hour tj9MfKkVo0u-00128-00030387-00030548 probably to do that once you can imagine tj9MfKkVo0u-00129-00030549-00030695 putting all little things on the little tj9MfKkVo0u-00130-00030695-00030905 piece of paper bingo balls sticking in a tj9MfKkVo0u-00131-00030906-00031070 bucket and drawing them out 500 times tj9MfKkVo0u-00132-00031070-00031232 throwing them back in well of course tj9MfKkVo0u-00133-00031233-00031418 with computers that goes quickly so now tj9MfKkVo0u-00134-00031419-00031556 we can generate another sample and if tj9MfKkVo0u-00135-00031557-00031805 you look down here as we do that now we tj9MfKkVo0u-00136-00031806-00031970 pulled a second sample you can see it's tj9MfKkVo0u-00137-00031970-00032111 a little bit different if you want you tj9MfKkVo0u-00138-00032112-00032252 can stop the tape and go back and see tj9MfKkVo0u-00139-00032252-00032527 and you can see how the mean changes our tj9MfKkVo0u-00140-00032529-00032708 second mean is close but a little bit tj9MfKkVo0u-00141-00032708-00032843 different eight four eight and eight to tj9MfKkVo0u-00142-00032844-00033005 eight is our mean and the standard tj9MfKkVo0u-00143-00033006-00033143 deviation is a little bit different here tj9MfKkVo0u-00144-00033144-00033452 you can see how the two different but we tj9MfKkVo0u-00145-00033453-00033575 don't want to do that we're gonna make a tj9MfKkVo0u-00146-00033576-00033752 hundred of them or we're gonna make a tj9MfKkVo0u-00147-00033753-00033932 thousand of them and so what we've done tj9MfKkVo0u-00148-00033933-00034139 is each one of these dots is the mean tj9MfKkVo0u-00149-00034140-00034370 from one of these bootstrap samples and tj9MfKkVo0u-00150-00034371-00034631 each bootstrap sample has a different tj9MfKkVo0u-00151-00034632-00034817 thing again doing that by hand would be tj9MfKkVo0u-00152-00034818-00034981 ridiculous but doing it on the computer tj9MfKkVo0u-00153-00034982-00035306 doesn't take very long to do and we can tj9MfKkVo0u-00154-00035307-00035945 do this a couple times three four five tj9MfKkVo0u-00155-00035946-00036361 times so we've now made 5,000 samples of tj9MfKkVo0u-00156-00036362-00036659 five hundred points each we recorded the tj9MfKkVo0u-00157-00036660-00036785 mean from each one of them and you can tj9MfKkVo0u-00158-00036786-00037109 see as I scroll my cursor around we can tj9MfKkVo0u-00159-00037110-00037406 figure that out no what makes bootstrap tj9MfKkVo0u-00160-00037407-00037601 statistics sort of interesting is we can tj9MfKkVo0u-00161-00037602-00037820 now take that and we could make a tj9MfKkVo0u-00162-00037821-00037973 confidence interval on it so instead of tj9MfKkVo0u-00163-00037974-00038132 using the central limit theorem and T tj9MfKkVo0u-00164-00038133-00038357 and all those things you learn we could tj9MfKkVo0u-00165-00038358-00038678 make a confidence interval just by tj9MfKkVo0u-00166-00038679-00038939 looking at our 5,000 102 samples like tj9MfKkVo0u-00167-00038940-00039083 that's just a number because I clicked tj9MfKkVo0u-00168-00039084-00039329 on that many and we want to find the 95 tj9MfKkVo0u-00169-00039330-00039476 percent of the points fall in the middle tj9MfKkVo0u-00170-00039477-00039695 and to get 95 percent in the middle we tj9MfKkVo0u-00171-00039696-00039872 put two and a half percent on each end tj9MfKkVo0u-00172-00039873-00040121 and once we make the plot we tj9MfKkVo0u-00173-00040122-00040394 just count in okay to get to where we tj9MfKkVo0u-00174-00040395-00040916 want to go so our 95% estimate of the tj9MfKkVo0u-00175-00040917-00041312 mean is right G of twenty nine point one tj9MfKkVo0u-00176-00041313-00041785 thirty eight is our estimated mean and tj9MfKkVo0u-00177-00041786-00042002 twenty seven point three nine two at tj9MfKkVo0u-00178-00042003-00042125 thirty one would be the ends of our tj9MfKkVo0u-00179-00042126-00042290 confidence intervals and we didn't do tj9MfKkVo0u-00180-00042291-00042425 anything with T we didn't look anything tj9MfKkVo0u-00181-00042426-00042653 up on a table all we did was we took tj9MfKkVo0u-00182-00042654-00042920 these bootstrap samples lots and lots tj9MfKkVo0u-00183-00042921-00043256 and lots of lots of times so finding out tj9MfKkVo0u-00184-00043257-00043403 where this is gives us a different way tj9MfKkVo0u-00185-00043404-00043757 to think about excuse me a confidence tj9MfKkVo0u-00186-00043758-00044288 interval so this bootstrapping idea we tj9MfKkVo0u-00187-00044289-00044519 can take to an extreme and the whole tj9MfKkVo0u-00188-00044520-00044795 field of Bayesian statistics really tj9MfKkVo0u-00189-00044796-00044936 builds off this or when you hear people tj9MfKkVo0u-00190-00044937-00045326 talk about Monte Carlo Markov chains and tj9MfKkVo0u-00191-00045327-00045545 other kind of cool modern techniques tj9MfKkVo0u-00192-00045546-00045689 this is what they're doing on the inside tj9MfKkVo0u-00193-00045690-00045869 and rayna forest is just kind of a tj9MfKkVo0u-00194-00045870-00046165 simple one of those before we get back tj9MfKkVo0u-00195-00046166-00046277 to the slides I just wanted to take tj9MfKkVo0u-00196-00046278-00046421 another digression and look at five tj9MfKkVo0u-00197-00046422-00046615 thirty now five thirty tj9MfKkVo0u-00198-00046616-00046817 you may have heard of nate tj9MfKkVo0u-00199-00046818-00047117 silver is sort of a statistics rockstar tj9MfKkVo0u-00200-00047118-00047567 right now and what he does is he uses tj9MfKkVo0u-00201-00047568-00047790 the same idea of bootstrap predictions tj9MfKkVo0u-00202-00047791-00048050 both to predict political events and to tj9MfKkVo0u-00203-00048051-00048236 predict sports events so what I pulled tj9MfKkVo0u-00204-00048237-00048662 up here is just baseball predictions so tj9MfKkVo0u-00205-00048663-00048914 you can look here and what he does is he tj9MfKkVo0u-00206-00048915-00049315 takes each game that's coming up here so tj9MfKkVo0u-00207-00049316-00049562 Thursday's game is the Astra's and the tj9MfKkVo0u-00208-00049563-00049928 Rangers and using their team rating and tj9MfKkVo0u-00209-00049929-00050138 adjusting for a couple extra things he tj9MfKkVo0u-00210-00050139-00050474 gets this fancier rating so these are a tj9MfKkVo0u-00211-00050475-00050612 low ratings you could eat people talk tj9MfKkVo0u-00212-00050613-00050828 about chess or other kind of competitive tj9MfKkVo0u-00213-00050829-00051053 sports and they turn that into a percent tj9MfKkVo0u-00214-00051054-00051575 chance of winning that game and he does tj9MfKkVo0u-00215-00051576-00051887 that for every game looking forward and tj9MfKkVo0u-00216-00051888-00052195 again he takes that to the extreme again tj9MfKkVo0u-00217-00052196-00052469 to a level that would be hard to do if tj9MfKkVo0u-00218-00052470-00052625 you were doing that so for an individual tj9MfKkVo0u-00219-00052626-00052844 prediction you can see one of the things tj9MfKkVo0u-00220-00052845-00053000 I think sort of interesting is it even tj9MfKkVo0u-00221-00053001-00053165 in a pretty good team place and not so tj9MfKkVo0u-00222-00053166-00053341 good team right there's still a 30% tj9MfKkVo0u-00223-00053342-00053501 chance but that tj9MfKkVo0u-00224-00053502-00053819 Wynn's so anyway what he does is he puts tj9MfKkVo0u-00225-00053820-00054062 that together to simulate the entire tj9MfKkVo0u-00226-00054063-00054257 season so what he does is he simulates tj9MfKkVo0u-00227-00054258-00054480 every game just like we did with the tj9MfKkVo0u-00228-00054482-00054779 bootstrap confidence interval 10,000 tj9MfKkVo0u-00229-00054779-00055112 times to make 10,000 seasons of games of tj9MfKkVo0u-00230-00055113-00055319 all the games that are left and using tj9MfKkVo0u-00231-00055320-00055567 those ratings he then gets predictions tj9MfKkVo0u-00232-00055569-00055787 about in how many of the simulated tj9MfKkVo0u-00233-00055788-00055985 seasons though do the Yankees make the tj9MfKkVo0u-00234-00055986-00056396 playoffs and you can see it takes it to tj9MfKkVo0u-00235-00056397-00056597 an extreme degree just lit up by tj9MfKkVo0u-00236-00056598-00056729 division if you want and see how the tj9MfKkVo0u-00237-00056729-00057011 different teams are doing here's the tj9MfKkVo0u-00238-00057012-00057188 Cardinals and the Cubs which lots of you tj9MfKkVo0u-00239-00057189-00057410 care about and you can see that even tj9MfKkVo0u-00240-00057411-00057557 though their predictive score is only a tj9MfKkVo0u-00241-00057558-00057901 little bit different their rating you tj9MfKkVo0u-00242-00057902-00058112 based off their current a game and the tj9MfKkVo0u-00243-00058113-00058247 literal games they have left in the tj9MfKkVo0u-00244-00058248-00058417 season he has predictions about the tj9MfKkVo0u-00245-00058419-00058571 chances of each one of them making the tj9MfKkVo0u-00246-00058572-00058816 playoffs and you can see he's not very tj9MfKkVo0u-00247-00058817-00058942 bullish on the Cardinals right now tj9MfKkVo0u-00248-00058944-00059194 they're a couple game games below 500 tj9MfKkVo0u-00249-00059195-00059423 you look at the Royals the same way of tj9MfKkVo0u-00250-00059424-00059561 course they're not doing so well tj9MfKkVo0u-00251-00059562-00059830 this year so he does the same thing for tj9MfKkVo0u-00252-00059832-00059966 politics which I'm not going to talk tj9MfKkVo0u-00253-00059966-00060110 about today because I want you all to tj9MfKkVo0u-00254-00060111-00060374 still like me but right each one of tj9MfKkVo0u-00255-00060375-00060548 those decisions is a kind of coin flip tj9MfKkVo0u-00256-00060549-00060821 it's a binomial prediction that each tj9MfKkVo0u-00257-00060822-00061196 game has a prediction of the team so he tj9MfKkVo0u-00258-00061197-00061516 flips that benefit metaphorical coin to tj9MfKkVo0u-00259-00061517-00061741 get all the results of the games all the tj9MfKkVo0u-00260-00061742-00061913 way for what's left in the season and tj9MfKkVo0u-00261-00061914-00062176 then he uses that to build entire tj9MfKkVo0u-00262-00062177-00062369 standings and predictions so again the tj9MfKkVo0u-00263-00062370-00062476 idea that the Yankees and the Dodgers tj9MfKkVo0u-00264-00062477-00062660 are predicted to be the two best teams tj9MfKkVo0u-00265-00062661-00063381 right now and you can see actually that tj9MfKkVo0u-00266-00063382-00063641 it gets to be a pretty complicated model tj9MfKkVo0u-00267-00063641-00063866 pretty quickly even though each stage is tj9MfKkVo0u-00268-00063866-00064029 actually a really simple thing tj9MfKkVo0u-00269-00064030-00064204 equivalent to putting balls that have tj9MfKkVo0u-00270-00064205-00064581 been go pocket to see what's going on tj9MfKkVo0u-00271-00064582-00064799 and like I said they do the same thing tj9MfKkVo0u-00272-00064800-00064961 for politics and pretty soon he'll come tj9MfKkVo0u-00273-00064962-00065141 up with his Senate and presidential tj9MfKkVo0u-00274-00065141-00065323 models and those are pretty interesting tj9MfKkVo0u-00275-00065324-00065735 to look at all right so back to the tj9MfKkVo0u-00276-00065736-00065951 slides and this idea of bootstrapping tj9MfKkVo0u-00277-00065952-00066299 is what makes random force work when tj9MfKkVo0u-00278-00066300-00066473 combined with the other ideas that we tj9MfKkVo0u-00279-00066474-00066689 had so for instance here are some points tj9MfKkVo0u-00280-00066690-00067022 we have tj9MfKkVo0u-00281-00067023-00067265 again here are whatever it is I think tj9MfKkVo0u-00282-00067266-00067574 ten points that we've put on there and tj9MfKkVo0u-00283-00067575-00067886 we're just going to sample different tj9MfKkVo0u-00284-00067887-00068109 numbers of points so here you can see we tj9MfKkVo0u-00285-00068110-00068288 pick 10 three times but we didn't pick tj9MfKkVo0u-00286-00068289-00068591 point number one at all and we repeat tj9MfKkVo0u-00287-00068592-00068861 that lots and lots of times so if we tj9MfKkVo0u-00288-00068862-00069440 look at our predictions we can then go tj9MfKkVo0u-00289-00069441-00069696 ahead and pick some of them this time tj9MfKkVo0u-00290-00069697-00069893 and make a regression line that fits tj9MfKkVo0u-00291-00069894-00070022 them and then take a second sample tj9MfKkVo0u-00292-00070023-00070140 that's a little bit different then you tj9MfKkVo0u-00293-00070141-00070385 can see the line moved each time and now tj9MfKkVo0u-00294-00070386-00070796 we do it a third time based off of those tj9MfKkVo0u-00295-00070797-00071066 predictions and we can do this there's tj9MfKkVo0u-00296-00071067-00071228 many times as we want and after we make tj9MfKkVo0u-00297-00071229-00071366 a whole bunch of them what you see is we tj9MfKkVo0u-00298-00071367-00071501 get a whole bunch of lines that look tj9MfKkVo0u-00299-00071502-00071721 like this and you can see some of the tj9MfKkVo0u-00300-00071722-00071900 lines are way off the others but a lot tj9MfKkVo0u-00301-00071901-00072050 of them just fall on top of each other tj9MfKkVo0u-00302-00072051-00072384 and then based off of that we can then tj9MfKkVo0u-00303-00072385-00072615 find the average of our regression lines tj9MfKkVo0u-00304-00072616-00072911 and use that to make a prediction again tj9MfKkVo0u-00305-00072912-00073067 if you're trying to imagine the algebra tj9MfKkVo0u-00306-00073068-00073436 right that's pretty gigantic and hard to tj9MfKkVo0u-00307-00073437-00073577 imagine but for a computer it's just tj9MfKkVo0u-00308-00073578-00073724 doing it one time and then doing it tj9MfKkVo0u-00309-00073725-00073898 again and then doing it more times and tj9MfKkVo0u-00310-00073899-00074184 then taking the average of all that we tj9MfKkVo0u-00311-00074185-00074363 can combine that with classification tj9MfKkVo0u-00312-00074364-00074997 trees so if our full data gave us a tree tj9MfKkVo0u-00313-00074998-00075188 that looked like that we could then pull tj9MfKkVo0u-00314-00075189-00075392 different bootstrap samples different tj9MfKkVo0u-00315-00075393-00075773 bags to make different trees that look tj9MfKkVo0u-00316-00075774-00075990 different now one of the things we find tj9MfKkVo0u-00317-00075991-00076247 is that each one of those has a tj9MfKkVo0u-00318-00076248-00076559 different error and from those we can tj9MfKkVo0u-00319-00076560-00076859 look together and see which ones will tj9MfKkVo0u-00320-00076860-00077360 work the best now if we do this with tj9MfKkVo0u-00321-00077361-00077513 just straight bagging it works pretty tj9MfKkVo0u-00322-00077514-00077709 well it actually produces a predictor tj9MfKkVo0u-00323-00077710-00077987 that has less variance and when your tj9MfKkVo0u-00324-00077988-00078275 data is not very linear this sort of tj9MfKkVo0u-00325-00078276-00078452 model often produces a predictor that tj9MfKkVo0u-00326-00078453-00078830 works even better now rather than doing tj9MfKkVo0u-00327-00078831-00079037 cross-validation like we did before we tj9MfKkVo0u-00328-00079038-00079262 can produce a thing called out-of-bag tj9MfKkVo0u-00329-00079263-00079448 error so what we do is we take the data tj9MfKkVo0u-00330-00079449-00079760 points we picked make our model and then tj9MfKkVo0u-00331-00079761-00079959 we see how well that model works on the tj9MfKkVo0u-00332-00079960-00080184 points that we didn't pick so this out tj9MfKkVo0u-00333-00080185-00080211 of tj9MfKkVo0u-00334-00080212-00080423 error which the cool kids call uber just tj9MfKkVo0u-00335-00080424-00080928 because you can um figures out how that tj9MfKkVo0u-00336-00080929-00081176 works so out of bag error gives you a tj9MfKkVo0u-00337-00081177-00081348 different sort of measure like root mean tj9MfKkVo0u-00338-00081349-00081648 squared error but it builds in that tj9MfKkVo0u-00339-00081649-00081962 extra thing and then we can also tj9MfKkVo0u-00340-00081963-00082134 calculate the root mean squared error tj9MfKkVo0u-00341-00082135-00082629 from that out of bag so in our case each tj9MfKkVo0u-00342-00082630-00083178 of the points is used we calculate our tj9MfKkVo0u-00343-00083179-00083363 predictions so for each data point tj9MfKkVo0u-00344-00083364-00083549 that's out we see how well it's tj9MfKkVo0u-00345-00083550-00083861 predicted we see how far off each one is tj9MfKkVo0u-00346-00083862-00084098 we get the residuals for there just like tj9MfKkVo0u-00347-00084099-00084380 we did in a regression and what we find tj9MfKkVo0u-00348-00084381-00084799 is that bootstrapping linear projections tj9MfKkVo0u-00349-00084800-00085071 work best when your predictors do not tj9MfKkVo0u-00350-00085072-00085490 actually follow a good linear model and tj9MfKkVo0u-00351-00085491-00085751 what we find is that the trees come out tj9MfKkVo0u-00352-00085752-00086004 even better if each of the trees is tj9MfKkVo0u-00353-00086005-00086223 structurally different and so now we get tj9MfKkVo0u-00354-00086224-00086426 to the point where we really make a tj9MfKkVo0u-00355-00086427-00086711 forest so what we're going to do is in tj9MfKkVo0u-00356-00086712-00086936 order to get different trees so that we tj9MfKkVo0u-00357-00086937-00087129 can build stronger models we're going to tj9MfKkVo0u-00358-00087130-00087248 do bootstrapping tj9MfKkVo0u-00359-00087249-00087597 but in a different kind of way so rather tj9MfKkVo0u-00360-00087598-00088053 than just picking across the samples tj9MfKkVo0u-00361-00088054-00088169 we're going to do the same thing what tj9MfKkVo0u-00362-00088170-00088316 we're going to pick across the variables tj9MfKkVo0u-00363-00088317-00088566 so if you imagine we have whatever are tj9MfKkVo0u-00364-00088567-00088787 500 data points and we have all of our tj9MfKkVo0u-00365-00088788-00089235 different columns we can go ahead and do tj9MfKkVo0u-00366-00089236-00089417 bootstrapping on the sample so we get a tj9MfKkVo0u-00367-00089418-00089612 new sample and then we just pick a tj9MfKkVo0u-00368-00089613-00089973 subset of variables to work on so at tj9MfKkVo0u-00369-00089974-00090171 each branch of our tree instead of tj9MfKkVo0u-00370-00090172-00090356 looking at all of the variables we're tj9MfKkVo0u-00371-00090357-00090544 gonna pick a random subset of them tj9MfKkVo0u-00372-00090545-00090767 unlike bootstrapping we can't pick the tj9MfKkVo0u-00373-00090768-00091025 same variable multiple times but we tj9MfKkVo0u-00374-00091026-00091221 could pick say three out of our ten tj9MfKkVo0u-00375-00091222-00091653 variables and see how it goes so for tj9MfKkVo0u-00376-00091654-00091847 instance if we do our wine quality model tj9MfKkVo0u-00377-00091848-00092273 here is one tree that is made based off tj9MfKkVo0u-00378-00092274-00092582 of that and what we do is in each branch tj9MfKkVo0u-00379-00092583-00092796 we only pick three variables and then it tj9MfKkVo0u-00380-00092797-00092973 picks the one that splits the best using tj9MfKkVo0u-00381-00092974-00093141 regular classification trees like we tj9MfKkVo0u-00382-00093142-00093368 talked about before makes the two parts tj9MfKkVo0u-00383-00093369-00093540 and then we pick three variables tj9MfKkVo0u-00384-00093541-00093794 at each step and what we can see is we tj9MfKkVo0u-00385-00093795-00094025 got the data split pretty nicely there tj9MfKkVo0u-00386-00094026-00094232 but now we can go ahead and do it again tj9MfKkVo0u-00387-00094233-00094361 but now we're going to pick different tj9MfKkVo0u-00388-00094362-00094511 variables and we're going to take tj9MfKkVo0u-00389-00094512-00094826 different bootstrap sample to start with tj9MfKkVo0u-00390-00094827-00094988 and now we're going to get a very tj9MfKkVo0u-00391-00094989-00095346 different tree again each tree is sort tj9MfKkVo0u-00392-00095347-00095531 of time-consuming to make by hand but tj9MfKkVo0u-00393-00095532-00095699 for computers we can make lots and lots tj9MfKkVo0u-00394-00095700-00096101 of trees very quickly so what we find is tj9MfKkVo0u-00395-00096102-00096249 if we do a multiple regression in the tj9MfKkVo0u-00396-00096250-00096840 regular way we get an error of 0.65 if tj9MfKkVo0u-00397-00096841-00097080 we do a cart on the same analysis right tj9MfKkVo0u-00398-00097081-00097262 it was actually a little bit worse this tj9MfKkVo0u-00399-00097263-00097532 was from the data we did last week but tj9MfKkVo0u-00400-00097533-00097682 if we do a random forest we get an error tj9MfKkVo0u-00401-00097683-00097890 that's lower and even if we look at the tj9MfKkVo0u-00402-00097891-00098042 out of bag meaning that we're not using tj9MfKkVo0u-00403-00098043-00098253 the points themselves to predict the tj9MfKkVo0u-00404-00098254-00098468 error we're finding that the error is tj9MfKkVo0u-00405-00098469-00099031 much better so random forests really tj9MfKkVo0u-00406-00099032-00099344 provide a little bit of magic in the tj9MfKkVo0u-00407-00099345-00099474 sense that we're sampling in two tj9MfKkVo0u-00408-00099475-00099621 different directions we're making random tj9MfKkVo0u-00409-00099622-00099824 samples we're picking random variables tj9MfKkVo0u-00410-00099825-00100011 and then we're making a bunch of trees tj9MfKkVo0u-00411-00100012-00100329 off of that all right a couple other tj9MfKkVo0u-00412-00100330-00100704 surprising things as we make more trees tj9MfKkVo0u-00413-00100705-00100899 random forests get more accurate but tj9MfKkVo0u-00414-00100900-00101199 what we find is is it after a while it tj9MfKkVo0u-00415-00101200-00101397 doesn't get more better so you would tj9MfKkVo0u-00416-00101398-00101525 think oh let's just make tons and tons tj9MfKkVo0u-00417-00101526-00101784 of trees but what we find is that 500 tj9MfKkVo0u-00418-00101785-00101974 trees isn't actually much better than tj9MfKkVo0u-00419-00101975-00102502 100 trees as we make a model to do that tj9MfKkVo0u-00420-00102503-00102738 there are tuning parameters that we can tj9MfKkVo0u-00421-00102739-00102999 go in and play with one of them is m try tj9MfKkVo0u-00422-00103000-00103164 which is how many variables we pick at tj9MfKkVo0u-00423-00103165-00103442 each point and try is how many we pick tj9MfKkVo0u-00424-00103443-00103902 for the sample bootstrap and what we see tj9MfKkVo0u-00425-00103903-00104069 is if we try it with different numbers tj9MfKkVo0u-00426-00104070-00104315 of variables in this particular round we tj9MfKkVo0u-00427-00104316-00104579 got totally weird errors because they tj9MfKkVo0u-00428-00104580-00104822 are random if we did them multiple times tj9MfKkVo0u-00429-00104823-00105161 you can see that we get different things tj9MfKkVo0u-00430-00105163-00105318 the idea that we're going to find a tj9MfKkVo0u-00431-00105319-00105483 perfect forest is not really a thing tj9MfKkVo0u-00432-00105483-00105675 because each one of them is random each tj9MfKkVo0u-00433-00105676-00105852 one is going to have variability so tj9MfKkVo0u-00434-00105853-00106194 instead of calculating more trees we tj9MfKkVo0u-00435-00106195-00106347 might want to do more repetitions so tj9MfKkVo0u-00436-00106348-00106608 typically we would calculate 500 trees tj9MfKkVo0u-00437-00106608-00106782 10 times tj9MfKkVo0u-00438-00106783-00106961 and look across all of those models in tj9MfKkVo0u-00439-00106963-00107177 this particular case we did it two times tj9MfKkVo0u-00440-00107178-00107424 but we also did it across different tj9MfKkVo0u-00441-00107425-00107622 numbers of variables but what you can tj9MfKkVo0u-00442-00107623-00107801 see here is that one variable and two tj9MfKkVo0u-00443-00107802-00108014 variable got better and better and three tj9MfKkVo0u-00444-00108015-00108156 got better but after that it kind of tj9MfKkVo0u-00445-00108157-00108353 wiggled around so there's really no tj9MfKkVo0u-00446-00108354-00108590 reason to use more than three variables tj9MfKkVo0u-00447-00108591-00108860 remember this original one had eleven tj9MfKkVo0u-00448-00108861-00109001 variables to start with and actually tj9MfKkVo0u-00449-00109002-00109229 some people think the square root of the tj9MfKkVo0u-00450-00109230-00109446 number of variables is a good number but tj9MfKkVo0u-00451-00109447-00109910 you can also fiddle with it now lastly tj9MfKkVo0u-00452-00109911-00110100 this demonstration was about regression tj9MfKkVo0u-00453-00110101-00110252 variables but we could do the same thing tj9MfKkVo0u-00454-00110253-00110646 for classifications so if we did the tj9MfKkVo0u-00455-00110647-00110900 same random forest with that categorical tj9MfKkVo0u-00456-00110901-00111203 versions of the wine data what we get at tj9MfKkVo0u-00457-00111204-00111353 the end is a confusion matrix which we tj9MfKkVo0u-00458-00111354-00111883 talked about before so along the top is tj9MfKkVo0u-00459-00111884-00112415 what was predicted and along the side is tj9MfKkVo0u-00460-00112416-00112647 what we actually had and what we see is tj9MfKkVo0u-00461-00112648-00112833 that random forests are actually not tj9MfKkVo0u-00462-00112833-00113025 very good for our extreme data point so tj9MfKkVo0u-00463-00113026-00113408 in fact the variables that I'm sorry the tj9MfKkVo0u-00464-00113409-00113595 wines that were calling three so the tj9MfKkVo0u-00465-00113596-00113783 lousy wines there were ten of them and tj9MfKkVo0u-00466-00113784-00114029 the model didn't predict any of them to tj9MfKkVo0u-00467-00114030-00114287 be a zero three instead they rated them tj9MfKkVo0u-00468-00114288-00114440 all better this is because we're in a tj9MfKkVo0u-00469-00114441-00114624 forest do you tend to smush towards the tj9MfKkVo0u-00470-00114625-00114969 middle so the fact that it had every one tj9MfKkVo0u-00471-00114970-00115163 of them wrong the same was true for four tj9MfKkVo0u-00472-00115164-00115391 and if we look down here at eight you tj9MfKkVo0u-00473-00115392-00115521 can see that of the ones that had an tj9MfKkVo0u-00474-00115522-00115727 eight to work correctly classified as an tj9MfKkVo0u-00475-00115728-00115877 eight and the rest were classified as a tj9MfKkVo0u-00476-00115878-00116220 six or seven what that means is that tj9MfKkVo0u-00477-00116221-00116387 random forests aren't really good if tj9MfKkVo0u-00478-00116388-00116591 what you're looking for is extremes so tj9MfKkVo0u-00479-00116592-00116781 if you're looking for the safety of your tj9MfKkVo0u-00480-00116782-00117024 nuclear plant random forests probably tj9MfKkVo0u-00481-00117025-00117147 aren't what you want to do because you tj9MfKkVo0u-00482-00117148-00117350 only have three data points to look at tj9MfKkVo0u-00483-00117351-00117686 ahead of time however this kind of rich tj9MfKkVo0u-00484-00117688-00117969 middle is where a lot of data lives and tj9MfKkVo0u-00485-00117970-00118214 where a lot of predictive elements go if tj9MfKkVo0u-00486-00118215-00118398 you're someone who goes to Amazon and tj9MfKkVo0u-00487-00118399-00118656 only likes to buy blue books rather than tj9MfKkVo0u-00488-00118657-00118794 you know your person you like science tj9MfKkVo0u-00489-00118795-00118908 fiction book or a person who likes tj9MfKkVo0u-00490-00118908-00119054 romance novels or a person he likes tj9MfKkVo0u-00491-00119055-00119319 historical books Amazon is going to do a tj9MfKkVo0u-00492-00119320-00119523 lousy job predicting you because most of tj9MfKkVo0u-00493-00119524-00119676 the people that are in it sample it tj9MfKkVo0u-00494-00119677-00119879 turns out like kinds of books not colors tj9MfKkVo0u-00495-00119880-00120104 of books tj9MfKkVo0u-00496-00120105-00120447 and random forests are literally what tj9MfKkVo0u-00497-00120448-00120669 works inside of predictive models like tj9MfKkVo0u-00498-00120670-00120906 Netflix and Amazon so an amazon has tj9MfKkVo0u-00499-00120907-00121079 those lists of items you might also want tj9MfKkVo0u-00500-00121080-00121373 to buy that uses a random forest Netflix tj9MfKkVo0u-00501-00121374-00121506 when it says what show you might want to tj9MfKkVo0u-00502-00121507-00121676 watch next or what are in your top picks tj9MfKkVo0u-00503-00121677-00122019 it's using a random forest again the tj9MfKkVo0u-00504-00122020-00122186 idea that there's a perfect model isn't tj9MfKkVo0u-00505-00122187-00122354 what they are going for they want a tj9MfKkVo0u-00506-00122355-00122544 really fast model because it's computing tj9MfKkVo0u-00507-00122545-00122697 those for thousands of people every tj9MfKkVo0u-00508-00122698-00123311 minute Amazon and Netflix are making tj9MfKkVo0u-00509-00123312-00123485 slightly more complicated models because tj9MfKkVo0u-00510-00123486-00123713 they can use your past results as well tj9MfKkVo0u-00511-00123714-00123899 as other people's past results and so tj9MfKkVo0u-00512-00123900-00124044 they can kind of mix them together in a tj9MfKkVo0u-00513-00124045-00124233 little bit different way but it tj9MfKkVo0u-00514-00124233-00124422 literally is doing random forests in tj9MfKkVo0u-00515-00124423-00124758 that case so if you want a model that tj9MfKkVo0u-00516-00124758-00124956 works random forests really is the best tj9MfKkVo0u-00517-00124957-00125097 one which is why it's sort of the peak tj9MfKkVo0u-00518-00125098-00125297 of what we're doing here in this class tj9MfKkVo0u-00519-00125298-00125571 because it gives good results and it's tj9MfKkVo0u-00520-00125572-00125825 what's used again there are ways to make tj9MfKkVo0u-00521-00125826-00125951 them fancier ways to make them more tj9MfKkVo0u-00522-00125952-00126260 complicated but random forests are tj9MfKkVo0u-00523-00126261-00126633 really a great method we could use tjTLLDOalyy-00000-00000000-00000836 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00001-00000838-00001491 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00002-00001492-00002268 oh tjTLLDOalyy-00003-00002269-00002883 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00004-00002884-00003037 is tjTLLDOalyy-00005-00003038-00004015 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00006-00004015-00004175 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00007-00004176-00004538 may always be tjTLLDOalyy-00008-00004539-00005391 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00009-00005392-00005663 hi everyone this is rachel lewijri tjTLLDOalyy-00010-00005664-00005863 welcome to another virtual worship tjTLLDOalyy-00011-00005864-00005951 session tjTLLDOalyy-00012-00005952-00006367 today is day 36 tjTLLDOalyy-00013-00006368-00006695 god is good yeah if you have missed any tjTLLDOalyy-00014-00006695-00006878 of our past worship sessions tjTLLDOalyy-00015-00006879-00007095 please go and watch them on this same tjTLLDOalyy-00016-00007095-00007206 youtube channel tjTLLDOalyy-00017-00007208-00007606 rachel watering music you see that um tjTLLDOalyy-00018-00007608-00007774 button that says subscribe please tjTLLDOalyy-00019-00007775-00007983 subscribe to my youtube channel tjTLLDOalyy-00020-00007984-00008191 click that button and turn your tjTLLDOalyy-00021-00008192-00008367 notification on tjTLLDOalyy-00022-00008368-00008607 i believe as you praise the lord the tjTLLDOalyy-00023-00008608-00008767 lord will bless you tjTLLDOalyy-00024-00008768-00008951 god has been blessing people with tjTLLDOalyy-00025-00008952-00009142 worship sessions in the past and i tjTLLDOalyy-00026-00009143-00009319 believe god will bless tjTLLDOalyy-00027-00009320-00009519 you and i even as we worship today in tjTLLDOalyy-00028-00009520-00009678 jesus name tjTLLDOalyy-00029-00009679-00009983 our second guest is rafi faye tjTLLDOalyy-00030-00009984-00010327 from regina canada raphael gundy is a tjTLLDOalyy-00031-00010328-00010478 worship leader tjTLLDOalyy-00032-00010479-00010783 he's a man of god he is a teacher of the tjTLLDOalyy-00033-00010784-00010910 word of god tjTLLDOalyy-00034-00010911-00011255 and he is a musician as well i have been tjTLLDOalyy-00035-00011256-00011310 blessed tjTLLDOalyy-00036-00011311-00011510 through his administration and i pray tjTLLDOalyy-00037-00011511-00011727 that you will be blessed as well tjTLLDOalyy-00038-00011728-00011903 let's worship god together with brother tjTLLDOalyy-00039-00011904-00012055 fife tjTLLDOalyy-00040-00012056-00012263 happy birthday sister rachel and sister tjTLLDOalyy-00041-00012264-00012423 ruth just want to say tjTLLDOalyy-00042-00012424-00012591 thank god for your lives and his tjTLLDOalyy-00043-00012592-00012774 faithfulness towards you tjTLLDOalyy-00044-00012775-00012966 i just want to say thank god for his tjTLLDOalyy-00045-00012967-00013199 mercies to what we are keeping you thus tjTLLDOalyy-00046-00013200-00013255 far tjTLLDOalyy-00047-00013256-00013415 and i pray that the lord will continue tjTLLDOalyy-00048-00013416-00013566 to increase both of you tjTLLDOalyy-00049-00013568-00013751 and continue to strengthen you and tjTLLDOalyy-00050-00013752-00013903 uphold you and show tjTLLDOalyy-00051-00013904-00014175 himself merciful and gracious towards tjTLLDOalyy-00052-00014176-00014215 you tjTLLDOalyy-00053-00014216-00014663 in jesus mighty name amen tjTLLDOalyy-00054-00014663-00014830 now we're just going to worship the lord tjTLLDOalyy-00055-00014831-00015055 for a few minutes just to magnify tjTLLDOalyy-00056-00015056-00015303 and bless his name for his worthy of all tjTLLDOalyy-00057-00015304-00015630 our praises worthy of all admiration tjTLLDOalyy-00058-00015631-00015838 the bible says that the angels the tjTLLDOalyy-00059-00015840-00015983 living creatures tjTLLDOalyy-00060-00015984-00016327 and the heavenly hosts they fall down tjTLLDOalyy-00061-00016328-00016422 before his feet tjTLLDOalyy-00062-00016423-00016735 and cry holy holy the lord god almighty tjTLLDOalyy-00063-00016736-00016919 who was and who is tjTLLDOalyy-00064-00016920-00017119 and who is to come and so we're just tjTLLDOalyy-00065-00017120-00017494 going to magnify this phone tjTLLDOalyy-00066-00017495-00018392 amen oh tjTLLDOalyy-00067-00018393-00019767 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00068-00019768-00020017 shall rise to thee tjTLLDOalyy-00069-00020018-00020303 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00070-00020304-00020699 holy holy tjTLLDOalyy-00071-00020700-00021083 holy tjTLLDOalyy-00072-00021084-00021302 merciful tjTLLDOalyy-00073-00021303-00023025 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00074-00023026-00024427 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00075-00024428-00025283 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00076-00025284-00026317 see tjTLLDOalyy-00077-00026318-00028607 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00078-00028608-00029087 raise the lord for his tjTLLDOalyy-00079-00029088-00029770 time for his mercy tjTLLDOalyy-00080-00029770-00031190 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00081-00031191-00031599 praise the lord for he tjTLLDOalyy-00082-00031600-00032283 is come for his mercies tjTLLDOalyy-00083-00032283-00032532 shall tjTLLDOalyy-00084-00032533-00033913 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00085-00033914-00034879 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00086-00034880-00035855 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00087-00035856-00036255 for you are glorious tjTLLDOalyy-00088-00036256-00037096 and worthy to be graced tjTLLDOalyy-00089-00037097-00037855 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00090-00037856-00039179 the land tjTLLDOalyy-00091-00039180-00039899 glory to the lamb tjTLLDOalyy-00092-00039900-00040068 glory tjTLLDOalyy-00093-00040069-00040227 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00094-00040228-00040459 glory tjTLLDOalyy-00095-00040460-00040948 glory to tjTLLDOalyy-00096-00040949-00041907 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00097-00041908-00042216 upon the throne tjTLLDOalyy-00098-00042217-00043295 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00099-00043296-00043806 the throne tjTLLDOalyy-00100-00043807-00046158 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00101-00046159-00046823 the world tjTLLDOalyy-00102-00046824-00047255 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00103-00047256-00047633 oh my god tjTLLDOalyy-00104-00047634-00048877 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00105-00048878-00049015 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00106-00049016-00049823 the works thy hands of me tjTLLDOalyy-00107-00049824-00050455 i see the stars tjTLLDOalyy-00108-00050456-00052070 i tjTLLDOalyy-00109-00052071-00052694 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00110-00052695-00053166 then sings my soul tjTLLDOalyy-00111-00053167-00053638 my eyes tjTLLDOalyy-00112-00053639-00054216 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00113-00054217-00054682 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00114-00054683-00055360 oh tjTLLDOalyy-00115-00055361-00056826 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00116-00056827-00057482 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00117-00057483-00058069 oh tjTLLDOalyy-00118-00058070-00058615 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00119-00058616-00059415 how great that was tjTLLDOalyy-00120-00059416-00059894 then sings my soul tjTLLDOalyy-00121-00059895-00060764 my savior tjTLLDOalyy-00122-00060765-00061166 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00123-00061167-00061682 how great the tjTLLDOalyy-00124-00061683-00062226 words tjTLLDOalyy-00125-00062227-00062511 lord you are so tjTLLDOalyy-00126-00062512-00062882 good tjTLLDOalyy-00127-00062883-00063523 lord you were kind tjTLLDOalyy-00128-00063524-00063826 lord you were tjTLLDOalyy-00129-00063827-00064119 wonderful my tjTLLDOalyy-00130-00064120-00064482 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00131-00064483-00064785 lord tjTLLDOalyy-00132-00064786-00064926 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00133-00064927-00065442 you are so good tjTLLDOalyy-00134-00065444-00065882 lord you were tjTLLDOalyy-00135-00065883-00066082 kind tjTLLDOalyy-00136-00066083-00066387 lord you are tjTLLDOalyy-00137-00066388-00066715 wonderful my tjTLLDOalyy-00138-00066716-00067063 lord you i tjTLLDOalyy-00139-00067064-00067519 sell it tjTLLDOalyy-00140-00067520-00068019 is your name tjTLLDOalyy-00141-00068020-00068643 excellent is your power tjTLLDOalyy-00142-00068644-00068947 lord you are tjTLLDOalyy-00143-00068948-00070226 wonderful my lord tjTLLDOalyy-00144-00070227-00070882 excellent is your name tjTLLDOalyy-00145-00070883-00071291 excellent is your heart tjTLLDOalyy-00146-00071292-00071482 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00147-00071483-00071835 lord you are tjTLLDOalyy-00148-00071836-00072271 wonderful my lord tjTLLDOalyy-00149-00072272-00072882 you i said tjTLLDOalyy-00150-00072883-00074068 holy tjTLLDOalyy-00151-00074069-00074287 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00152-00074288-00075206 and tjTLLDOalyy-00153-00075207-00076017 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00154-00076018-00076810 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00155-00076811-00077082 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00156-00077083-00077919 oh tjTLLDOalyy-00157-00077920-00079882 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00158-00079883-00082546 yo tjTLLDOalyy-00159-00082547-00084082 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00160-00084083-00085062 oh tjTLLDOalyy-00161-00085063-00085471 you are the mighty god tjTLLDOalyy-00162-00085472-00086350 the tjTLLDOalyy-00163-00086351-00086743 you are the mighty god tjTLLDOalyy-00164-00086744-00087216 the great i am tjTLLDOalyy-00165-00087217-00087292 [Applause] tjTLLDOalyy-00166-00087293-00088435 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00167-00088436-00088613 hallelujah tjTLLDOalyy-00168-00088614-00088771 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00169-00088772-00089150 hallelujah tjTLLDOalyy-00170-00089151-00089423 lord we give you all the praise and give tjTLLDOalyy-00171-00089424-00089703 you all the honor give you all the glory tjTLLDOalyy-00172-00089704-00089911 thank you for the opportunity to worship tjTLLDOalyy-00173-00089912-00090023 him tjTLLDOalyy-00174-00090024-00090350 you are highly exalted take all the tjTLLDOalyy-00175-00090351-00090438 praise tjTLLDOalyy-00176-00090439-00092482 in jesus mighty amen tjTLLDOalyy-00177-00092483-00092989 um tjTLLDOalyy-00178-00092990-00093903 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00179-00093904-00095158 my tjTLLDOalyy-00180-00095159-00095303 [Music] tjTLLDOalyy-00181-00095304-00096063 the heart of my heart tmIDiQf_ne8-00000-00000911-00000975 this image tmIDiQf_ne8-00001-00000976-00001303 captures a 220 by 110 light years tmIDiQf_ne8-00002-00001304-00001374 portion tmIDiQf_ne8-00003-00001375-00001663 of our galaxy's bulge it contains over tmIDiQf_ne8-00004-00001664-00002047 180 000 stars tmIDiQf_ne8-00005-00002048-00002263 a survey team is analyzing these stars tmIDiQf_ne8-00006-00002264-00002455 to see how old they are tmIDiQf_ne8-00007-00002456-00002702 the question at hand is did the stars tmIDiQf_ne8-00008-00002703-00002791 within the bulge tmIDiQf_ne8-00009-00002792-00003071 form early in our galaxy's history 10 to tmIDiQf_ne8-00010-00003072-00003254 12 billion years ago tmIDiQf_ne8-00011-00003255-00003431 or did they build up over time through tmIDiQf_ne8-00012-00003432-00003783 multiple episodes of star formation tmIDiQf_ne8-00013-00003784-00003967 some studies have found evidence for at tmIDiQf_ne8-00014-00003968-00004206 least two star-forming bursts tmIDiQf_ne8-00015-00004207-00004391 leading to stellar populations as old as tmIDiQf_ne8-00016-00004392-00004551 10 billion years tmIDiQf_ne8-00017-00004552-00004886 or as young as 3 billion years now a tmIDiQf_ne8-00018-00004887-00005102 comprehensive new study of millions of tmIDiQf_ne8-00019-00005103-00005199 stars tmIDiQf_ne8-00020-00005200-00005422 found that most stars within 1 000 light tmIDiQf_ne8-00021-00005423-00005647 years of the milky way center tmIDiQf_ne8-00022-00005648-00005967 formed 10 billion years ago but the tmIDiQf_ne8-00023-00005968-00006159 study is not conclusive tmIDiQf_ne8-00024-00006160-00006391 the james webb space telescope will be tmIDiQf_ne8-00025-00006392-00006510 used to help find tmIDiQf_ne8-00026-00006511-00007200 the answers to this question u1NYnjI0K9I-00000-00000000-00000158 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00001-00000159-00000695 i hate cake u1NYnjI0K9I-00002-00000696-00000950 don't worry cake she just meant the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00003-00000951-00001054 i know u1NYnjI0K9I-00004-00001055-00001215 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00005-00001216-00001743 i hate cake u1NYnjI0K9I-00006-00001744-00001998 don't worry cake she just meant the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00007-00002000-00002114 i know u1NYnjI0K9I-00008-00002115-00002263 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00009-00002264-00002799 i hate cake u1NYnjI0K9I-00010-00002800-00003055 don't worry cake she just meant the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00011-00003056-00003183 i don't know u1NYnjI0K9I-00012-00003184-00004222 one yeah u1NYnjI0K9I-00013-00004223-00005280 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00014-00005281-00005431 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00015-00005432-00005624 i hate cake u1NYnjI0K9I-00016-00005625-00005967 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00017-00005968-00007381 don't worry cake she just want the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00018-00007383-00009135 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00019-00009136-00009391 don't worry cake she just meant the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00020-00009392-00011209 i know u1NYnjI0K9I-00021-00011210-00012503 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00022-00012504-00013727 hmm u1NYnjI0K9I-00023-00013728-00013879 [Music] u1NYnjI0K9I-00024-00013880-00014415 i hate cake u1NYnjI0K9I-00025-00014416-00014671 don't worry cake she just meant the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00026-00014672-00014935 i know u1NYnjI0K9I-00027-00014936-00015471 i hate cake u1NYnjI0K9I-00028-00015472-00015727 don't worry cake she just meant the food u1NYnjI0K9I-00029-00015728-00016023 i know u2fX8j_o8Rg-00000-00000128-00001011 [Music] u2fX8j_o8Rg-00001-00001013-00002249 [Music] u2fX8j_o8Rg-00002-00002250-00002935 [Music] u2fX8j_o8Rg-00003-00002936-00003706 [Music] u79d4YmBa8U-00000-00000000-00000559 oh yeah my name Solomon would I'm my u79d4YmBa8U-00001-00000560-00000757 current manager of Waterloo station here u79d4YmBa8U-00002-00000758-00001079 at the Woodstock we've just had Andrew u79d4YmBa8U-00003-00001080-00001366 Andrew nailer scanning you today u79d4YmBa8U-00004-00001367-00001682 reviewed and refute wants the first we u79d4YmBa8U-00005-00001682-00001967 use an der because we're just we're u79d4YmBa8U-00006-00001968-00002217 doing a filling of singles and between u79d4YmBa8U-00007-00002218-00002467 split date well then we're only using u79d4YmBa8U-00008-00002468-00002762 joined the corset dorsal am so main u79d4YmBa8U-00009-00002763-00002948 reason for that is just the grazing u79d4YmBa8U-00010-00002949-00003286 management later really like and I can u79d4YmBa8U-00011-00003288-00003602 put the I can put the singles up a bill u79d4YmBa8U-00012-00003603-00003868 and going to look up them near as much u79d4YmBa8U-00013-00003869-00004304 whereas i'll keep my fit my scheme twin u79d4YmBa8U-00014-00004305-00004544 views but when close to the yards and u79d4YmBa8U-00015-00004545-00004718 closing the Fed alarming paddocks down u79d4YmBa8U-00016-00004719-00005011 like in smaller smaller numbers and more u79d4YmBa8U-00017-00005012-00005309 towards with a 150 something so shaken u79d4YmBa8U-00018-00005310-00005450 you've been better management and u79d4YmBa8U-00019-00005451-00005688 optimize your mental energy yep u79d4YmBa8U-00020-00005689-00005862 which is what an open Santa the other u79d4YmBa8U-00021-00005863-00006093 dialect u8h-t28rT30-00000-00000020-00000430 [Music] u8h-t28rT30-00001-00000431-00000711 otan outreach and technical assistance u8h-t28rT30-00002-00000712-00001967 network u8h-t28rT30-00003-00001968-00002159 others of you who don't know me my name u8h-t28rT30-00004-00002160-00002575 is farzana kasim and i am an authen smee u8h-t28rT30-00005-00002576-00002934 smith stands for subject matter expert u8h-t28rT30-00006-00002935-00003279 and i also work as an itta we call it i u8h-t28rT30-00007-00003279-00003519 ita ita stands for instructional u8h-t28rT30-00008-00003520-00003783 technology teacher advisor i work for u8h-t28rT30-00009-00003784-00004015 evans community adult school and it is u8h-t28rT30-00010-00004015-00004231 part of los angeles unified school u8h-t28rT30-00011-00004232-00004351 district u8h-t28rT30-00012-00004352-00004606 so i think i um u8h-t28rT30-00013-00004607-00004831 well i don't think i have anyone from la u8h-t28rT30-00014-00004832-00005086 usc yet but um u8h-t28rT30-00015-00005087-00005343 enough about me you are here for miss u8h-t28rT30-00016-00005344-00005599 edge miss edge i call it miss edge u8h-t28rT30-00017-00005600-00005967 because it's ms at microsoft edge so u8h-t28rT30-00018-00005968-00006263 i am going to talk about microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00019-00006264-00006422 browser u8h-t28rT30-00020-00006423-00006687 before i go on i would like to see how u8h-t28rT30-00021-00006688-00007046 many of you have used microsoft edge re u8h-t28rT30-00022-00007047-00007287 of you know regularly or just started u8h-t28rT30-00023-00007288-00007583 using it can anyone just chat or u8h-t28rT30-00024-00007584-00007806 anything you want to say yes no whatever u8h-t28rT30-00025-00007808-00008014 a little there you go u8h-t28rT30-00026-00008015-00008127 all right u8h-t28rT30-00027-00008128-00008327 just enough to see u8h-t28rT30-00028-00008328-00008583 if you have used it in the past the old u8h-t28rT30-00029-00008584-00008855 internet explorer or you have always u8h-t28rT30-00030-00008856-00009151 been i call this to the people who use u8h-t28rT30-00031-00009152-00009423 google chrome chromers are you all u8h-t28rT30-00032-00009424-00009606 chromers u8h-t28rT30-00033-00009607-00009839 okay there you go all right just u8h-t28rT30-00034-00009840-00010135 recently started okay so you use chrome u8h-t28rT30-00035-00010136-00010374 all right so what that's good u8h-t28rT30-00036-00010375-00010767 because this new microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-00037-00010768-00011071 is the chromium based browser so that u8h-t28rT30-00038-00011072-00011367 means it is free and open source u8h-t28rT30-00039-00011368-00011719 web-based project web browser project u8h-t28rT30-00040-00011720-00012038 the codes that they use in that browser u8h-t28rT30-00041-00012039-00012327 were developed and maintained by google u8h-t28rT30-00042-00012328-00012551 so technically you're not betraying u8h-t28rT30-00043-00012552-00012879 google chrome or google and you're still u8h-t28rT30-00044-00012880-00013094 you know are loyal to google so please u8h-t28rT30-00045-00013095-00013351 don't feel bad about betraying google u8h-t28rT30-00046-00013352-00013575 but definitely um u8h-t28rT30-00047-00013576-00013871 let's just get to it and see so this is u8h-t28rT30-00048-00013872-00013991 our u8h-t28rT30-00049-00013991-00014263 old internet explorer right that's the u8h-t28rT30-00050-00014263-00014566 one you uh if you are still using u8h-t28rT30-00051-00014568-00014799 windows 7 you will still see that or u8h-t28rT30-00052-00014800-00014975 some of you who are still using windows u8h-t28rT30-00053-00014976-00015150 10 will still see it u8h-t28rT30-00054-00015151-00015430 and then there comes the microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00055-00015431-00015679 the legacy one that's the one with i u8h-t28rT30-00056-00015680-00015886 call it it's a 2d looking u8h-t28rT30-00057-00015887-00015983 um u8h-t28rT30-00058-00015984-00016094 icon u8h-t28rT30-00059-00016095-00016471 and this one is the chromium based the u8h-t28rT30-00060-00016472-00016694 last one is the chromium base to u8h-t28rT30-00061-00016695-00016991 microsoft edge so you are you get the u8h-t28rT30-00062-00016992-00017350 both of both worlds a chrome and u8h-t28rT30-00063-00017351-00017663 microsoft edge so if you are feeling u8h-t28rT30-00064-00017664-00017943 nervous about using a big uh you know a u8h-t28rT30-00065-00017944-00018222 new browser don't be because your u8h-t28rT30-00066-00018223-00018599 familiar features are can still be found u8h-t28rT30-00067-00018600-00018847 in microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00068-00018848-00019111 so let's get and let's take a look um a u8h-t28rT30-00069-00019112-00019455 deeper look because i always like to u8h-t28rT30-00070-00019456-00019807 take a deeper look before i commit to it u8h-t28rT30-00071-00019808-00019958 because if you don't know what you're u8h-t28rT30-00072-00019959-00020271 looking at you may say i don't like it i u8h-t28rT30-00073-00020272-00020414 will just move on u8h-t28rT30-00074-00020415-00020694 so since you take your time to get in u8h-t28rT30-00075-00020695-00020783 here u8h-t28rT30-00076-00020784-00021039 why not let's not move on but we will u8h-t28rT30-00077-00021040-00021239 stick with it together and then learn u8h-t28rT30-00078-00021240-00021630 something a tool or two together with me u8h-t28rT30-00079-00021631-00021847 i always call it u8h-t28rT30-00080-00021848-00022135 be a sherlock holm just go and take a u8h-t28rT30-00081-00022136-00022383 look at everything that you see first u8h-t28rT30-00082-00022384-00022607 the basics is important when you are in u8h-t28rT30-00083-00022608-00022903 a room you should know okay this is my u8h-t28rT30-00084-00022904-00023078 room now i need to know where the things u8h-t28rT30-00085-00023079-00023294 are what shelf what books where things u8h-t28rT30-00086-00023295-00023614 are same thing with microsoft edge what u8h-t28rT30-00087-00023615-00023894 you are looking at now is microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00088-00023895-00024158 browser the top portion of microsoft u8h-t28rT30-00089-00024159-00024286 edge browser u8h-t28rT30-00090-00024287-00024542 those of you who wish to follow u8h-t28rT30-00091-00024543-00024750 along with me and you go ahead and open u8h-t28rT30-00092-00024751-00025047 your microsoft edge browser not the old u8h-t28rT30-00093-00025048-00025230 one but the new one u8h-t28rT30-00094-00025231-00025455 then we can take a look at it the icon u8h-t28rT30-00095-00025456-00025687 locations may be a little off but u8h-t28rT30-00096-00025688-00025974 similar icons will should still be there u8h-t28rT30-00097-00025975-00026239 so let's start with the basics we all u8h-t28rT30-00098-00026239-00026527 know in google chrome you have those u8h-t28rT30-00099-00026527-00026879 buttons the left button that left arrow u8h-t28rT30-00100-00026880-00027135 that is back arrow right you go back to u8h-t28rT30-00101-00027136-00027439 the previous page and there is a right u8h-t28rT30-00102-00027439-00027727 arrow that one means if you have an open u8h-t28rT30-00103-00027727-00028031 page already a a web page already and u8h-t28rT30-00104-00028032-00028214 you have accessed it already then it u8h-t28rT30-00105-00028216-00028462 will allow you to go to the the for to u8h-t28rT30-00106-00028463-00028758 forward it right to go to the uh u8h-t28rT30-00107-00028760-00028999 the next page that's what it is and then u8h-t28rT30-00108-00029000-00029407 there is a uh um half not half a broken u8h-t28rT30-00109-00029408-00029807 circle with an arrow that is microsoft u8h-t28rT30-00110-00029808-00029902 edges u8h-t28rT30-00111-00029904-00030151 refresh button that button may be u8h-t28rT30-00112-00030152-00030407 different from chrome but it is still u8h-t28rT30-00113-00030408-00030718 the the refresh button the very u8h-t28rT30-00114-00030719-00030974 important button most of the students or u8h-t28rT30-00115-00030975-00031279 teachers usually don't know what that u8h-t28rT30-00116-00031280-00031358 does u8h-t28rT30-00117-00031360-00031607 you really should practice using that u8h-t28rT30-00118-00031608-00031846 refresh button it gives you up to the u8h-t28rT30-00119-00031847-00031951 minute u8h-t28rT30-00120-00031952-00032270 updated information because if for any u8h-t28rT30-00121-00032272-00032462 reason you're like why isn't that u8h-t28rT30-00122-00032463-00032783 information not changing or you know u8h-t28rT30-00123-00032784-00033087 frozen or something just simply click on u8h-t28rT30-00124-00033088-00033318 refresh button and that should do the u8h-t28rT30-00125-00033319-00033551 trick and of course the little home icon u8h-t28rT30-00126-00033552-00033759 tells you you can go back to your home u8h-t28rT30-00127-00033760-00033990 page what that means is if you have set u8h-t28rT30-00128-00033991-00034279 your school website as your default home u8h-t28rT30-00129-00034280-00034455 page it will go back to your default u8h-t28rT30-00130-00034456-00034711 home page whenever whichever website you u8h-t28rT30-00131-00034712-00034967 are on you can get back to that home u8h-t28rT30-00132-00034968-00035102 page u8h-t28rT30-00133-00035103-00035351 next one is new tab u8h-t28rT30-00134-00035352-00035590 a lot of time we want to u8h-t28rT30-00135-00035591-00035839 leave whatever we are looking at and we u8h-t28rT30-00136-00035840-00036102 don't want to close it so what do we do u8h-t28rT30-00137-00036103-00036367 we open a new tab when you open a new u8h-t28rT30-00138-00036368-00036599 tab you can just leave the previous page u8h-t28rT30-00139-00036600-00036830 alone and you can go back to it anytime u8h-t28rT30-00140-00036831-00037079 you want you can have up to i think it's u8h-t28rT30-00141-00037080-00037511 255 or something tabs it's a lot of tabs u8h-t28rT30-00142-00037512-00037759 you can open i don't think we use 250 u8h-t28rT30-00143-00037760-00038118 200 or more right so just use you know u8h-t28rT30-00144-00038119-00038359 if you wish to open more tab go ahead u8h-t28rT30-00145-00038360-00038630 and open more tech u8h-t28rT30-00146-00038631-00038895 next one is the address bar we all know u8h-t28rT30-00147-00038896-00039095 that you have all used google chrome and u8h-t28rT30-00148-00039096-00039311 everything but the this address bar u8h-t28rT30-00149-00039312-00039599 nowadays not not only this address bar u8h-t28rT30-00150-00039600-00039951 recently or the past couple of years u8h-t28rT30-00151-00039952-00040279 chrome and microsoft and other browsers u8h-t28rT30-00152-00040280-00040415 allow you u8h-t28rT30-00153-00040416-00040735 to search keywords u8h-t28rT30-00154-00040736-00040974 or any words right any words that you u8h-t28rT30-00155-00040975-00041183 are looking for or a phrase or something u8h-t28rT30-00156-00041184-00041623 or a very specific website when i say a u8h-t28rT30-00157-00041624-00042171 very specific website i meant u8h-t28rT30-00158-00042172-00042430 something like that right you u8h-t28rT30-00159-00042431-00042679 know something with dot com you know u8h-t28rT30-00160-00042680-00043079 something with dot org or dot uh edu so u8h-t28rT30-00161-00043080-00043271 on when you know u8h-t28rT30-00162-00043272-00043583 a very specific website address with dot u8h-t28rT30-00163-00043584-00043727 something u8h-t28rT30-00164-00043728-00043999 it is better to type in the address bar u8h-t28rT30-00165-00044000-00044215 than the search box there is a search u8h-t28rT30-00166-00044216-00044374 box usually u8h-t28rT30-00167-00044375-00044607 around u8h-t28rT30-00168-00044608-00044911 around here around here right there is a u8h-t28rT30-00169-00044912-00045151 search bar google has it but this is not u8h-t28rT30-00170-00045152-00045439 what we are looking for so just remember u8h-t28rT30-00171-00045440-00045727 that if you know specific website it is u8h-t28rT30-00172-00045728-00046007 better to type in the address bar that u8h-t28rT30-00173-00046008-00046311 way google will not search millions and u8h-t28rT30-00174-00046312-00046607 billions of pages and confuse you with u8h-t28rT30-00175-00046608-00046895 you know whatever is the the the highest u8h-t28rT30-00176-00046896-00047199 ranked so it is just reminding about u8h-t28rT30-00177-00047200-00047551 this address bar all right so next u8h-t28rT30-00178-00047552-00047735 let's see u8h-t28rT30-00179-00047736-00047983 let me erase u8h-t28rT30-00180-00047984-00048095 this link u8h-t28rT30-00181-00048096-00048311 and here u8h-t28rT30-00182-00048312-00048543 the next one i want to well i'll show u8h-t28rT30-00183-00048544-00048862 you is let's go back here u8h-t28rT30-00184-00048863-00048983 it's called u8h-t28rT30-00185-00048984-00049223 add favorite of course we all know how u8h-t28rT30-00186-00049224-00049343 to use that u8h-t28rT30-00187-00049344-00049615 favorite button on google chrome same u8h-t28rT30-00188-00049616-00049871 thing in here so add favorite is when u8h-t28rT30-00189-00049872-00050086 you want to bookmark and you want to u8h-t28rT30-00190-00050087-00050255 come back to it again and again and u8h-t28rT30-00191-00050256-00050527 again that's when you use add favorites u8h-t28rT30-00192-00050528-00050758 but the question is what about where can u8h-t28rT30-00193-00050759-00051062 i find my favorites oh your favorites u8h-t28rT30-00194-00051063-00051350 are you bookmarked are all over here u8h-t28rT30-00195-00051351-00051558 under that little half u8h-t28rT30-00196-00051559-00051638 or u8h-t28rT30-00197-00051639-00051766 a broken u8h-t28rT30-00198-00051767-00052046 star that's where you can find all your u8h-t28rT30-00199-00052047-00052311 bookmarked items your web pages your u8h-t28rT30-00200-00052312-00052599 youtube pages and everything else u8h-t28rT30-00201-00052600-00052742 the next one u8h-t28rT30-00202-00052744-00053103 is collections the collections u8h-t28rT30-00203-00053104-00053479 is just exclusively for microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00204-00053479-00053735 browser so in case you are saying why u8h-t28rT30-00205-00053736-00053982 should i change it to my or or start u8h-t28rT30-00206-00053983-00054166 using not change no one should change u8h-t28rT30-00207-00054167-00054326 because with whatever we know we should u8h-t28rT30-00208-00054327-00054575 not unlearn we should always continue to u8h-t28rT30-00209-00054576-00054847 use but why should you start using u8h-t28rT30-00210-00054848-00055142 or use it along the way it's because of u8h-t28rT30-00211-00055144-00055407 collections that collections are really u8h-t28rT30-00212-00055408-00055607 great and you might want to think about u8h-t28rT30-00213-00055608-00055807 using it and i will tell you what u8h-t28rT30-00214-00055808-00056150 collections are collections in microsoft u8h-t28rT30-00215-00056151-00056238 edge u8h-t28rT30-00216-00056239-00056623 browser helps you organize or keep track u8h-t28rT30-00217-00056624-00056799 of your ideas u8h-t28rT30-00218-00056800-00056999 on the web right whether you are u8h-t28rT30-00219-00057000-00057223 preparing a lesson plan u8h-t28rT30-00220-00057224-00057382 or a u8h-t28rT30-00221-00057383-00057694 specific upcoming holidays project that u8h-t28rT30-00222-00057695-00057950 you have with your students those that u8h-t28rT30-00223-00057951-00058199 collections will help you u8h-t28rT30-00224-00058200-00058438 organize and keep track of your ideas u8h-t28rT30-00225-00058439-00058638 they are not booked they are bookmarked u8h-t28rT30-00226-00058639-00058863 but it's temporary if you wish to delete u8h-t28rT30-00227-00058864-00059087 them you can anytime you want you can u8h-t28rT30-00228-00059088-00059279 you know you can delete them anytime you u8h-t28rT30-00229-00059279-00059366 want u8h-t28rT30-00230-00059367-00059726 i will explain or i will deep dive uh uh u8h-t28rT30-00231-00059727-00059919 you know dive deeper u8h-t28rT30-00232-00059920-00060282 on collections in couple of uh i believe u8h-t28rT30-00233-00060283-00060591 slides the next one in here is those u8h-t28rT30-00234-00060591-00060871 three dots we all know about three dots u8h-t28rT30-00235-00060872-00061135 three dots usually means what etc right u8h-t28rT30-00236-00061136-00061366 it means there are more to say there are u8h-t28rT30-00237-00061367-00061503 more features u8h-t28rT30-00238-00061504-00061759 on in that three dot in those three dots u8h-t28rT30-00239-00061760-00061919 that's what that's what it means so when u8h-t28rT30-00240-00061920-00062135 you were to click on if you were to u8h-t28rT30-00241-00062136-00062375 click on those three dots you will have u8h-t28rT30-00242-00062376-00062719 more options but uh uh what do you call u8h-t28rT30-00243-00062720-00062919 it uh config u8h-t28rT30-00244-00062920-00063142 things that you can customize or or u8h-t28rT30-00245-00063144-00063247 configure u8h-t28rT30-00246-00063248-00063519 to make it you know your customized u8h-t28rT30-00247-00063520-00063694 microsoft browser that's what you want u8h-t28rT30-00248-00063695-00063999 to do whenever you want to configure or u8h-t28rT30-00249-00064000-00064182 customize something u8h-t28rT30-00250-00064183-00064391 you come to those three dots and that's u8h-t28rT30-00251-00064391-00064654 universal for many apps and many u8h-t28rT30-00252-00064655-00064775 browsers u8h-t28rT30-00253-00064776-00064942 okay u8h-t28rT30-00254-00064944-00065254 collections i let me see u8h-t28rT30-00255-00065255-00065479 all right collections which i just u8h-t28rT30-00256-00065479-00065831 mentioned can be found on the top bar of u8h-t28rT30-00257-00065832-00066087 your microsoft edge browser as you can u8h-t28rT30-00258-00066088-00066494 see you i have is uh i have them i have u8h-t28rT30-00259-00066495-00066782 the short uh shortcut keyboard shortcut u8h-t28rT30-00260-00066783-00067103 ctrl shift and y if you were to press u8h-t28rT30-00261-00067104-00067382 those three together you will be you u8h-t28rT30-00262-00067383-00067615 will get access to your collections u8h-t28rT30-00263-00067616-00067791 those of you who have not used u8h-t28rT30-00264-00067792-00067975 collections before u8h-t28rT30-00265-00067976-00068150 you will have u8h-t28rT30-00266-00068151-00068343 you will not have anything of course if u8h-t28rT30-00267-00068344-00068559 you are following along with me and you u8h-t28rT30-00268-00068560-00068815 are on a web page you can click on that u8h-t28rT30-00269-00068816-00069079 collections and you will see what else u8h-t28rT30-00270-00069080-00069238 you can do of course i'm going to show u8h-t28rT30-00271-00069239-00069591 you live demo in in a few seconds u8h-t28rT30-00272-00069592-00069863 if you want your collections to be u8h-t28rT30-00273-00069864-00070038 available for you u8h-t28rT30-00274-00070039-00070263 and then you know on your cell phone on u8h-t28rT30-00275-00070264-00070567 your uh tablets or on your school uh u8h-t28rT30-00276-00070568-00070782 computer your home computer your home u8h-t28rT30-00277-00070783-00071031 laptop nowadays we all have multiple u8h-t28rT30-00278-00071032-00071375 devices right we use so if you want u8h-t28rT30-00279-00071376-00071606 those collections that you started at u8h-t28rT30-00280-00071607-00072015 home or at work to to to sync then you u8h-t28rT30-00281-00072016-00072279 need to sign in to your account u8h-t28rT30-00282-00072280-00072535 it could be your school account your own u8h-t28rT30-00283-00072536-00072815 hotmail outlook whatever account it is u8h-t28rT30-00284-00072816-00073047 but it has to be microsoft account u8h-t28rT30-00285-00073048-00073343 or your school account why don't i show u8h-t28rT30-00286-00073344-00073471 you that u8h-t28rT30-00287-00073472-00073967 and let me share new share let's go here u8h-t28rT30-00288-00073968-00074282 can you all see my microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00289-00074283-00074535 browser or not yet u8h-t28rT30-00290-00074536-00074855 how about now u8h-t28rT30-00291-00074856-00074935 yes u8h-t28rT30-00292-00074936-00075191 very good now you can see it this is u8h-t28rT30-00293-00075192-00075462 microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-00294-00075463-00075694 the collections are the one with the u8h-t28rT30-00295-00075695-00075862 little plus sign u8h-t28rT30-00296-00075863-00076087 and the plus sign on the top is the new u8h-t28rT30-00297-00076088-00076255 tab not that one the one on the far u8h-t28rT30-00298-00076256-00076526 right in case my video screen or rs u8h-t28rT30-00299-00076527-00076759 video screens are blocking you might u8h-t28rT30-00300-00076760-00076967 want to move that video screen to your u8h-t28rT30-00301-00076968-00077279 left and you will see collections on the u8h-t28rT30-00302-00077280-00077375 top u8h-t28rT30-00303-00077376-00077662 if you click or if you type control u8h-t28rT30-00304-00077663-00078143 shift y you will see u8h-t28rT30-00305-00078144-00078231 cont u8h-t28rT30-00306-00078232-00078487 collection so now i will click on it as u8h-t28rT30-00307-00078488-00078775 you can see i have a lot of collections u8h-t28rT30-00308-00078776-00078894 already u8h-t28rT30-00309-00078895-00079119 if you don't see any collections you can u8h-t28rT30-00310-00079120-00079391 always start new collection u8h-t28rT30-00311-00079392-00079662 before i go to this collection i want u8h-t28rT30-00312-00079663-00079919 your attention here do you notice my u8h-t28rT30-00313-00079920-00080150 little uh u8h-t28rT30-00314-00080151-00080319 profile picture u8h-t28rT30-00315-00080320-00080599 my little profile picture tells me i am u8h-t28rT30-00316-00080600-00080855 logged into my school account that way u8h-t28rT30-00317-00080856-00081119 when i want to u8h-t28rT30-00318-00081120-00081343 continue with the collections or want to u8h-t28rT30-00319-00081344-00081591 go back to the collections that i had u8h-t28rT30-00320-00081592-00081823 at home that's where i can get u8h-t28rT30-00321-00081824-00082094 everything back okay so if you are not u8h-t28rT30-00322-00082095-00082359 logged in you simply need to click on u8h-t28rT30-00323-00082360-00082647 the little icon over in the same area u8h-t28rT30-00324-00082648-00082815 and you can go ahead and log in u8h-t28rT30-00325-00082816-00082975 somewhere around there since i cannot u8h-t28rT30-00326-00082976-00083199 show you because i'm already logged in u8h-t28rT30-00327-00083200-00083479 you can go ahead and log in that way so u8h-t28rT30-00328-00083480-00083791 your collections will will stay u8h-t28rT30-00329-00083792-00084071 synced at all times so let's go back to u8h-t28rT30-00330-00084072-00084318 the collections when i click on u8h-t28rT30-00331-00084319-00084455 collections u8h-t28rT30-00332-00084456-00084718 tdls page for example this particular u8h-t28rT30-00333-00084719-00084935 page that i'm looking at is not on my u8h-t28rT30-00334-00084936-00085215 collections but if i do want to make u8h-t28rT30-00335-00085216-00085503 this one as my collection i can start a u8h-t28rT30-00336-00085504-00085743 new collection u8h-t28rT30-00337-00085744-00085991 or i can right click on the u8h-t28rT30-00338-00085992-00086231 page itself u8h-t28rT30-00339-00086232-00086679 and i can say add page to collections u8h-t28rT30-00340-00086680-00086911 that is that's all you have to do if i u8h-t28rT30-00341-00086912-00087199 like this page i want to start with it u8h-t28rT30-00342-00087200-00087303 you have u8h-t28rT30-00343-00087304-00087535 you have many choices if you already u8h-t28rT30-00344-00087536-00087815 have collections multiple collections u8h-t28rT30-00345-00087816-00088071 already ahead of time then you can u8h-t28rT30-00346-00088072-00088326 decide where it belongs or you can u8h-t28rT30-00347-00088327-00088671 simply start new collection u8h-t28rT30-00348-00088672-00089006 so i can start new collection over here u8h-t28rT30-00349-00089007-00089271 or i can start new collection on the top u8h-t28rT30-00350-00089272-00089438 right where the u8h-t28rT30-00351-00089439-00089767 collections frame is so i will simply u8h-t28rT30-00352-00089768-00090094 say start new collection u8h-t28rT30-00353-00090095-00090318 automatically that by default it will u8h-t28rT30-00354-00090319-00090535 put the today's date but it doesn't u8h-t28rT30-00355-00090536-00090743 really tell me after three or five days u8h-t28rT30-00356-00090744-00090918 i wouldn't even know what that is so u8h-t28rT30-00357-00090919-00091047 let's give a u8h-t28rT30-00358-00091048-00091350 a proper name a proper name would be i u8h-t28rT30-00359-00091351-00091638 don't know this has to do with tdls um u8h-t28rT30-00360-00091639-00091871 you know project that i'm working on or u8h-t28rT30-00361-00091872-00092079 t for the next couple of days today and u8h-t28rT30-00362-00092080-00092294 tomorrow i may need to access it again u8h-t28rT30-00363-00092295-00092526 and again or things that you want to u8h-t28rT30-00364-00092527-00092894 collect you know that your um your uh u8h-t28rT30-00365-00092895-00093062 other workshops the presenters from u8h-t28rT30-00366-00093063-00093223 other workshops they have shared some u8h-t28rT30-00367-00093224-00093406 links with you and you have collected u8h-t28rT30-00368-00093407-00093703 them instead of having them as your your u8h-t28rT30-00369-00093704-00093959 your you know bookmarks you can simply u8h-t28rT30-00370-00093960-00094359 mark it as tdls 2022 and then have all u8h-t28rT30-00371-00094360-00094543 these win you know u8h-t28rT30-00372-00094544-00094823 links open up here and then add them u8h-t28rT30-00373-00094824-00095031 start collecting them all the things u8h-t28rT30-00374-00095032-00095231 that you have learned from this you know u8h-t28rT30-00375-00095232-00095503 from these workshops uh at 2010 or u8h-t28rT30-00376-00095504-00095726 anywhere else so right now i'm gonna u8h-t28rT30-00377-00095727-00095931 call it tdls u8h-t28rT30-00378-00095932-00096255 2022 and think things anything to do u8h-t28rT30-00379-00096256-00096543 with tdls i will continue to put here u8h-t28rT30-00380-00096544-00096726 right so that is something you can do in u8h-t28rT30-00381-00096727-00096894 terms of collection u8h-t28rT30-00382-00096895-00097199 why don't i show you my u8h-t28rT30-00383-00097200-00097374 ready-made or u8h-t28rT30-00384-00097375-00097455 work u8h-t28rT30-00385-00097456-00097638 work related collections that i have u8h-t28rT30-00386-00097639-00097735 done u8h-t28rT30-00387-00097736-00097967 every day five days a week i come to u8h-t28rT30-00388-00097968-00098271 work but every day five times a day five u8h-t28rT30-00389-00098272-00098631 days a week i have to use these 10 items u8h-t28rT30-00390-00098632-00098871 so instead of every time i open u8h-t28rT30-00391-00098872-00099255 microsoft edge browser oops u8h-t28rT30-00392-00099256-00099599 quickly hold on let me quickly open u8h-t28rT30-00393-00099600-00100135 sorry i closed it u8h-t28rT30-00394-00100136-00100455 okay so i'm gonna come go back and share u8h-t28rT30-00395-00100456-00100662 the microsoft edge again i'm back to u8h-t28rT30-00396-00100663-00100815 microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00397-00100816-00101062 every day i come to work and i get this u8h-t28rT30-00398-00101063-00101303 blank page right it doesn't really have u8h-t28rT30-00399-00101304-00101567 anything but i don't want to reopen the u8h-t28rT30-00400-00101568-00101823 10 tabs that i have to use every single u8h-t28rT30-00401-00101824-00101918 day u8h-t28rT30-00402-00101919-00102159 all i have to do would be i will go to u8h-t28rT30-00403-00102160-00102350 collections u8h-t28rT30-00404-00102351-00102639 simply go to my work u8h-t28rT30-00405-00102640-00102886 you click on work u8h-t28rT30-00406-00102888-00103134 as you can see i have these pages u8h-t28rT30-00407-00103135-00103447 collected i use every single day u8h-t28rT30-00408-00103448-00103694 i am not gonna click one by one no way u8h-t28rT30-00409-00103695-00103871 i'm not gonna do it u8h-t28rT30-00410-00103872-00104166 i want microsoft edge to do the job for u8h-t28rT30-00411-00104167-00104263 me u8h-t28rT30-00412-00104264-00104447 this is what you will do u8h-t28rT30-00413-00104448-00104895 the three dots in that collections page u8h-t28rT30-00414-00104896-00105239 you simply click on the three dots you u8h-t28rT30-00415-00105240-00105478 say open all u8h-t28rT30-00416-00105479-00105702 once i click open all u8h-t28rT30-00417-00105703-00105990 all my 10 u8h-t28rT30-00418-00105991-00106319 tabs that i use every single day will be u8h-t28rT30-00419-00106320-00106534 all lined up up there u8h-t28rT30-00420-00106535-00106790 i would like to pause for a second to u8h-t28rT30-00421-00106791-00107047 see what i have on u8h-t28rT30-00422-00107048-00107310 check u8h-t28rT30-00423-00107311-00107399 okay u8h-t28rT30-00424-00107400-00107543 all right um u8h-t28rT30-00425-00107544-00107775 are we good or is there any question or u8h-t28rT30-00426-00107776-00108134 should i stop u8h-t28rT30-00427-00108135-00108351 uh there aren't any questions in the u8h-t28rT30-00428-00108352-00108558 chat but if anyone does have a question u8h-t28rT30-00429-00108559-00108758 feel free to raise your hand or come off u8h-t28rT30-00430-00108759-00108943 mute u8h-t28rT30-00431-00108944-00109199 all right if not i will continue then u8h-t28rT30-00432-00109200-00109407 okay thanks u8h-t28rT30-00433-00109408-00109623 okay so as you can see i have all these u8h-t28rT30-00434-00109624-00110015 10 10 apps i mean sorry 10 uh tabs open u8h-t28rT30-00435-00110016-00110254 and if you look at the 10 of course that u8h-t28rT30-00436-00110255-00110431 you know our district requires that we u8h-t28rT30-00437-00110432-00110607 sign in again and again that's not the u8h-t28rT30-00438-00110608-00110823 problem right we can still go ahead and u8h-t28rT30-00439-00110824-00111039 sign in things that i need to have all u8h-t28rT30-00440-00111040-00111271 these things these are every single day u8h-t28rT30-00441-00111272-00111551 that i have to use okay so things like u8h-t28rT30-00442-00111552-00111831 that i'm working on a website or u8h-t28rT30-00443-00111832-00112086 anything that i need so all these things u8h-t28rT30-00444-00112088-00112247 are here u8h-t28rT30-00445-00112248-00112583 and once i don't need it i simply can u8h-t28rT30-00446-00112583-00112863 click on i can just you know close them u8h-t28rT30-00447-00112864-00113110 not close them i collapse them but that u8h-t28rT30-00448-00113111-00113199 is u8h-t28rT30-00449-00113200-00113431 next slide which i will explain so let's u8h-t28rT30-00450-00113432-00113623 go back to the collections that i was u8h-t28rT30-00451-00113624-00113910 talking about so you you don't have to u8h-t28rT30-00452-00113911-00114158 retype the same websites again and again u8h-t28rT30-00453-00114159-00114407 because you already have all these u8h-t28rT30-00454-00114408-00114631 collections ready for you u8h-t28rT30-00455-00114632-00114895 so every i have two different jobs at my u8h-t28rT30-00456-00114896-00115183 work so work related this work is for u8h-t28rT30-00457-00115183-00115415 all the things that i do every day and u8h-t28rT30-00458-00115416-00115599 this one is for monday and wednesday u8h-t28rT30-00459-00115600-00115902 only so if i go to this again i only u8h-t28rT30-00460-00115903-00116151 have these five items for that monday u8h-t28rT30-00461-00116152-00116471 and wednesday only job again i go simply u8h-t28rT30-00462-00116472-00116831 i simply go to the three dots open all u8h-t28rT30-00463-00116832-00117134 voila and those websites will be open u8h-t28rT30-00464-00117135-00117239 for me u8h-t28rT30-00465-00117240-00117431 right there and i don't have to dig u8h-t28rT30-00466-00117432-00117710 through any of these information i don't u8h-t28rT30-00467-00117711-00117958 have to retype i don't have to memorize u8h-t28rT30-00468-00117959-00118271 one-time deal only so that is something u8h-t28rT30-00469-00118272-00118463 collections can do u8h-t28rT30-00470-00118464-00118783 oh i got three chats u8h-t28rT30-00471-00118783-00119078 thank you u8h-t28rT30-00472-00119079-00119175 then u8h-t28rT30-00473-00119176-00119471 we are gonna go okay so let me go back u8h-t28rT30-00474-00119472-00119575 to u8h-t28rT30-00475-00119576-00120015 the next one in here u8h-t28rT30-00476-00120016-00120310 let's go back here so u8h-t28rT30-00477-00120311-00120590 sorry about that can you all see my uh u8h-t28rT30-00478-00120591-00120823 new pro uh u8h-t28rT30-00479-00120824-00121086 the slide called productivity u8h-t28rT30-00480-00121088-00121166 yes u8h-t28rT30-00481-00121167-00121334 yes very good u8h-t28rT30-00482-00121335-00121566 microsoft edge wants you to be more u8h-t28rT30-00483-00121567-00121799 productive as if we are not productive u8h-t28rT30-00484-00121800-00122063 enough right so they're always focusing u8h-t28rT30-00485-00122064-00122319 on productivity and i always love to be u8h-t28rT30-00486-00122320-00122502 productive too so u8h-t28rT30-00487-00122503-00122807 i am going to tell you if you are if you u8h-t28rT30-00488-00122808-00123095 wish to be more productive or these u8h-t28rT30-00489-00123096-00123286 little things may not be big deal but u8h-t28rT30-00490-00123288-00123495 the habit that you do u8h-t28rT30-00491-00123496-00123719 will come in handy for you those are a u8h-t28rT30-00492-00123720-00123990 second or millisecond type of things but u8h-t28rT30-00493-00123991-00124183 these habits that you learn u8h-t28rT30-00494-00124183-00124375 can be very uh u8h-t28rT30-00495-00124376-00124575 productive for you yes u8h-t28rT30-00496-00124576-00124807 um you gotta u8h-t28rT30-00497-00124808-00125063 yeah sorry um i just wanted to bring u8h-t28rT30-00498-00125064-00125231 your attention there was a quick u8h-t28rT30-00499-00125232-00125486 question in the chat from drew c and she u8h-t28rT30-00500-00125488-00125695 wanted to know was that a spreadsheet u8h-t28rT30-00501-00125696-00125902 that is in the cloud or a regular u8h-t28rT30-00502-00125903-00126207 document it's a in the cli off in the u8h-t28rT30-00503-00126208-00126478 cloud right the spreadsheet as long as u8h-t28rT30-00504-00126479-00126686 you are logged in imagine google sheet u8h-t28rT30-00505-00126688-00126895 imagine all these google docs that you u8h-t28rT30-00506-00126896-00127151 have to work you logged in if you are u8h-t28rT30-00507-00127152-00127414 logged in oh yes you have access to it u8h-t28rT30-00508-00127415-00127534 right there u8h-t28rT30-00509-00127535-00127814 amazing right i always loved that yep u8h-t28rT30-00510-00127815-00128031 yep all clouds u8h-t28rT30-00511-00128032-00128254 so okay so this one is called u8h-t28rT30-00512-00128255-00128463 productivity what the first one would be u8h-t28rT30-00513-00128464-00128783 vertical taps a vertical tabs u8h-t28rT30-00514-00128783-00129086 look the icon looks like this this icon u8h-t28rT30-00515-00129088-00129310 can be found if you are following along u8h-t28rT30-00516-00129311-00129510 with me go ahead and quickly take a look u8h-t28rT30-00517-00129511-00129758 at on your microsoft edge browser it u8h-t28rT30-00518-00129759-00130047 will always stay on the top left corner u8h-t28rT30-00519-00130048-00130334 of your window i mean on your yes on u8h-t28rT30-00520-00130335-00130631 your browser window if you were to click u8h-t28rT30-00521-00130632-00130734 on it u8h-t28rT30-00522-00130735-00130999 like this can you see my uh overlaying u8h-t28rT30-00523-00131000-00131335 microsoft edge browser on top u8h-t28rT30-00524-00131336-00131535 i think so right so we can see yeah u8h-t28rT30-00525-00131536-00131871 right here that browser will allow you u8h-t28rT30-00526-00131872-00132183 to turn on vertical tabs so i'm going to u8h-t28rT30-00527-00132184-00132423 show you if you look at my u8h-t28rT30-00528-00132424-00132719 as you can see i've got so many apps uh u8h-t28rT30-00529-00132720-00132911 tabs on the top i don't even know which u8h-t28rT30-00530-00132912-00133087 one is which i have to go through it one u8h-t28rT30-00531-00133088-00133359 by one like this instead u8h-t28rT30-00532-00133360-00133575 you can simply click on u8h-t28rT30-00533-00133576-00133951 turn on vertical tabs and if you want to u8h-t28rT30-00534-00133952-00134223 quickly see now you have more words to u8h-t28rT30-00535-00134224-00134343 look at u8h-t28rT30-00536-00134344-00134663 than the top bar so that's what the u8h-t28rT30-00537-00134664-00134878 vertical tab does and if you are not u8h-t28rT30-00538-00134879-00135095 comfortable using it i will be very u8h-t28rT30-00539-00135096-00135390 truthful i pretty much know what i i i u8h-t28rT30-00540-00135391-00135599 need so i don't really open more than u8h-t28rT30-00541-00135600-00135927 five or ten tabs so in that case i don't u8h-t28rT30-00542-00135928-00136119 really like to use u8h-t28rT30-00543-00136120-00136351 vertical tabs but i still wanted you to u8h-t28rT30-00544-00136352-00136702 know it is possible to use it u8h-t28rT30-00545-00136703-00136854 next one u8h-t28rT30-00546-00136855-00137102 yes you have a question in the chat u8h-t28rT30-00547-00137103-00137239 yes um u8h-t28rT30-00548-00137240-00137447 toiby would like to know if edge u8h-t28rT30-00549-00137448-00137631 integrate if it integrates well with u8h-t28rT30-00550-00137632-00137751 google u8h-t28rT30-00551-00137752-00138023 yes it does because this microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-00552-00138024-00138159 is chromium u8h-t28rT30-00553-00138160-00138366 browser we call it it means it's chrome u8h-t28rT30-00554-00138367-00138687 based so because microsoft knows that u8h-t28rT30-00555-00138688-00138966 the whole world likes to use google u8h-t28rT30-00556-00138967-00139254 chrome so they are trying they made this u8h-t28rT30-00557-00139255-00139366 google u8h-t28rT30-00558-00139367-00139687 chrome sorry not google chrome based u8h-t28rT30-00559-00139688-00139975 browser that's yes very good question u8h-t28rT30-00560-00139976-00140119 thank you u8h-t28rT30-00561-00140120-00140351 it's called chromium-based browser u8h-t28rT30-00562-00140352-00140527 microsoft edge is known as u8h-t28rT30-00563-00140528-00140751 chromium-based so that's why if you say u8h-t28rT30-00564-00140752-00140990 oh i only use microsoft edge there are u8h-t28rT30-00565-00140991-00141175 some chrome users will be really u8h-t28rT30-00566-00141176-00141414 offended so just tell them no no i use i u8h-t28rT30-00567-00141415-00141678 still use i'm still loyal to google grow u8h-t28rT30-00568-00141679-00141783 all right u8h-t28rT30-00569-00141784-00141871 so u8h-t28rT30-00570-00141872-00142159 next one i briefly showed you what's u8h-t28rT30-00571-00142160-00142343 called group tabs u8h-t28rT30-00572-00142344-00142695 those of you who have whom who you you u8h-t28rT30-00573-00142696-00142887 know who use um what you call it u8h-t28rT30-00574-00142888-00143151 multiple tabs and they like to have all u8h-t28rT30-00575-00143152-00143407 these multiple tabs but you want to u8h-t28rT30-00576-00143408-00143663 organize more now would be the time to u8h-t28rT30-00577-00143664-00143975 learn these group tabs i am gonna as you u8h-t28rT30-00578-00143976-00144326 can see here um you you have u8h-t28rT30-00579-00144327-00144687 i have grouped three items u8h-t28rT30-00580-00144688-00144943 three different ones one has to do with u8h-t28rT30-00581-00144944-00145151 work related which i showed you the ten u8h-t28rT30-00582-00145152-00145302 tabs i have u8h-t28rT30-00583-00145303-00145495 then the other one has to do with at the u8h-t28rT30-00584-00145496-00145743 time of the screenshot i was working on u8h-t28rT30-00585-00145744-00145990 edge browser i was creating these as you u8h-t28rT30-00586-00145991-00146183 know to gathering information and u8h-t28rT30-00587-00146184-00146407 websites and stuff whatnot all these u8h-t28rT30-00588-00146408-00146607 things were all collected under this u8h-t28rT30-00589-00146608-00146863 edge browser if i were to click on that u8h-t28rT30-00590-00146864-00147095 edge browser all the websites that i was u8h-t28rT30-00591-00147096-00147359 collecting edge edge of browser related u8h-t28rT30-00592-00147360-00147678 info it will all you know expand and u8h-t28rT30-00593-00147679-00147887 then of course i was listening to some u8h-t28rT30-00594-00147888-00148063 music and there are a couple of music i u8h-t28rT30-00595-00148064-00148302 wanted to listen while i was working so u8h-t28rT30-00596-00148303-00148654 i had that as well so why not show you u8h-t28rT30-00597-00148655-00148766 this u8h-t28rT30-00598-00148767-00149063 so if you look at microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-00599-00149064-00149319 as you can see on the top u8h-t28rT30-00600-00149320-00149695 do you see microsoft sorry work tab u8h-t28rT30-00601-00149696-00150031 if i click on it it collapsed right it u8h-t28rT30-00602-00150032-00150319 collapsed then if i click on esl u8h-t28rT30-00603-00150320-00150583 registration u8h-t28rT30-00604-00150584-00150831 it expands or it collapse u8h-t28rT30-00605-00150832-00151111 right so because of that reason u8h-t28rT30-00606-00151112-00151487 you can group them so if you group and u8h-t28rT30-00607-00151488-00151726 then you want to add more and more and u8h-t28rT30-00608-00151727-00151959 more tabs whatever else that you want to u8h-t28rT30-00609-00151960-00152263 add go for it you can just continue to u8h-t28rT30-00610-00152264-00152495 do it and some of those items maybe u8h-t28rT30-00611-00152496-00152702 briefly you just want to go briefly to a u8h-t28rT30-00612-00152703-00152902 website and that's it you don't want to u8h-t28rT30-00613-00152903-00153135 you you're done with it simply close it u8h-t28rT30-00614-00153136-00153414 and you are back to your uh group page i u8h-t28rT30-00615-00153415-00153599 mean sorry group tabs u8h-t28rT30-00616-00153600-00153678 where u8h-t28rT30-00617-00153679-00153871 when you get to group tips the question u8h-t28rT30-00618-00153872-00154095 is well how do i make how do i group u8h-t28rT30-00619-00154096-00154319 them this is how you would do so for u8h-t28rT30-00620-00154320-00154678 example i am going to get all the news u8h-t28rT30-00621-00154679-00154959 uh websites cnn u8h-t28rT30-00622-00154960-00155278 u8h-t28rT30-00623-00155279-00155571 to now right then i have ms u8h-t28rT30-00624-00155572-00155919 [Music] u8h-t28rT30-00625-00155920-00156335 then i have the next one u8h-t28rT30-00626-00156336-00156535 i think is it the name is correct i u8h-t28rT30-00627-00156536-00156678 don't know i think u8h-t28rT30-00628-00156679-00156983 so so there are four right so i have one u8h-t28rT30-00629-00156984-00157343 two three four four websites u8h-t28rT30-00630-00157344-00157614 but i want to group them as u8h-t28rT30-00631-00157615-00157759 as news u8h-t28rT30-00632-00157760-00158007 so you simply click on the first u8h-t28rT30-00633-00158008-00158151 tab u8h-t28rT30-00634-00158152-00158495 and then you press shift button on your u8h-t28rT30-00635-00158496-00158631 keyboard u8h-t28rT30-00636-00158632-00158999 and click on the last tab so skip the u8h-t28rT30-00637-00159000-00159247 msn and msnbc you go straight to the u8h-t28rT30-00638-00159248-00159566 last tab which is fox news on my screen u8h-t28rT30-00639-00159567-00159871 so i'm pressing shift now and pressing u8h-t28rT30-00640-00159872-00160023 fox news u8h-t28rT30-00641-00160024-00160326 you may not see it clearly but these u8h-t28rT30-00642-00160327-00160454 four are u8h-t28rT30-00643-00160455-00160623 highlighted now sort of you know u8h-t28rT30-00644-00160624-00160935 selected all you have to do now is right u8h-t28rT30-00645-00160936-00161126 click u8h-t28rT30-00646-00161127-00161654 and then you can say add tabs to group u8h-t28rT30-00647-00161655-00161863 all you have to do is u8h-t28rT30-00648-00161864-00162135 select new group u8h-t28rT30-00649-00162136-00162366 and you simply type the name that you u8h-t28rT30-00650-00162367-00162487 want to give u8h-t28rT30-00651-00162488-00162814 news while you are type while you finish u8h-t28rT30-00652-00162815-00163071 type i mean while you type the name why u8h-t28rT30-00653-00163072-00163254 not select a u8h-t28rT30-00654-00163255-00163551 a color whatever color you would like u8h-t28rT30-00655-00163552-00163854 okay i would like this purplish color u8h-t28rT30-00656-00163855-00164071 and i now have a purple color you don't u8h-t28rT30-00657-00164072-00164287 like this color change it whatever you u8h-t28rT30-00658-00164288-00164583 want so your groups uh your group tabs u8h-t28rT30-00659-00164584-00164959 are color coded as well as named right u8h-t28rT30-00660-00164960-00165175 so once you finish with it and what if u8h-t28rT30-00661-00165176-00165375 you like these website you have you want u8h-t28rT30-00662-00165376-00165654 to listen to it every single time every u8h-t28rT30-00663-00165655-00165759 day u8h-t28rT30-00664-00165760-00166087 simply add tab group to new collection u8h-t28rT30-00665-00166088-00166366 you see that so you can reuse that new u8h-t28rT30-00666-00166367-00166631 collections there you go so once i do u8h-t28rT30-00667-00166632-00166735 that u8h-t28rT30-00668-00166736-00166966 let's check it out i have it under u8h-t28rT30-00669-00166967-00167263 collections it's called news and i have u8h-t28rT30-00670-00167264-00167519 it up here now i don't need this news u8h-t28rT30-00671-00167520-00167847 anymore i can simply close the group u8h-t28rT30-00672-00167848-00167951 gone u8h-t28rT30-00673-00167952-00168319 that's all you tap you you created a a a u8h-t28rT30-00674-00168320-00168590 group tab and you have you can now focus u8h-t28rT30-00675-00168591-00168823 on your work related stuff or your u8h-t28rT30-00676-00168824-00168999 personal uh uh u8h-t28rT30-00677-00169000-00169190 things that you're working on u8h-t28rT30-00678-00169191-00169359 right that's u8h-t28rT30-00679-00169360-00169559 that is u8h-t28rT30-00680-00169560-00169823 group tabs feature u8h-t28rT30-00681-00169824-00170207 the next one any questions check u8h-t28rT30-00682-00170208-00170383 is there a time limit for how long it u8h-t28rT30-00683-00170384-00170614 will say collections no it's yours you u8h-t28rT30-00684-00170615-00170911 decide when you want to delete jennifer u8h-t28rT30-00685-00170912-00171199 no it is you you decide that uh why u8h-t28rT30-00686-00171200-00171399 don't i actu i love this question thank u8h-t28rT30-00687-00171400-00171590 you very much i mean let me quickly show u8h-t28rT30-00688-00171591-00171831 it to you is very important u8h-t28rT30-00689-00171832-00172038 i i skipped that one u8h-t28rT30-00690-00172039-00172311 this is what you will do let's say u8h-t28rT30-00691-00172312-00172566 you look at your collections and you say u8h-t28rT30-00692-00172567-00172887 i no longer need this actually i already u8h-t28rT30-00693-00172888-00173063 went to switzerland i'm done with it i u8h-t28rT30-00694-00173064-00173199 don't have anything to do with this u8h-t28rT30-00695-00173200-00173431 switzerland anymore can you all see a u8h-t28rT30-00696-00173432-00173687 little s u8h-t28rT30-00697-00173688-00173975 box you simply click u8h-t28rT30-00698-00173976-00174335 way on the top it gives you delete you u8h-t28rT30-00699-00174336-00174543 simply delete it you don't need it you u8h-t28rT30-00700-00174544-00174823 delete it that's fine and but you if you u8h-t28rT30-00701-00174824-00174975 of course once you delete it it's all u8h-t28rT30-00702-00174976-00175254 gone right so you simply click delete u8h-t28rT30-00703-00175255-00175471 and you have you can quickly undo it if u8h-t28rT30-00704-00175472-00175695 you wish to that's all for now i'm gonna u8h-t28rT30-00705-00175696-00175871 leave it because i have a few more u8h-t28rT30-00706-00175872-00176063 things that i want to u8h-t28rT30-00707-00176064-00176326 check again later on right so that's u8h-t28rT30-00708-00176327-00176483 what you can do u8h-t28rT30-00709-00176484-00176854 absolutely um no there is no susan uh u8h-t28rT30-00710-00176855-00177054 there is no byte limit or anything it u8h-t28rT30-00711-00177055-00177335 has to do with the um it has to do with u8h-t28rT30-00712-00177336-00177559 microsoft browser no these are just u8h-t28rT30-00713-00177560-00177799 collections nothing it doesn't take up u8h-t28rT30-00714-00177800-00178126 so much space all right so u8h-t28rT30-00715-00178127-00178366 this is good u8h-t28rT30-00716-00178367-00178878 next can i continue everything good u8h-t28rT30-00717-00178879-00178990 okay u8h-t28rT30-00718-00178991-00179102 all right u8h-t28rT30-00719-00179103-00179238 very good u8h-t28rT30-00720-00179239-00179559 next one is this do you notice nowadays u8h-t28rT30-00721-00179560-00179814 you not notice you may already be doing u8h-t28rT30-00722-00179815-00180095 it you have teachers and students taking u8h-t28rT30-00723-00180096-00180351 online classes right they have to fill u8h-t28rT30-00724-00180352-00180575 out some worksheets and they have to do u8h-t28rT30-00725-00180576-00180823 uh sign you know we as teachers we have u8h-t28rT30-00726-00180824-00181007 to sign and submit these words this u8h-t28rT30-00727-00181008-00181214 paperwork and that people were u8h-t28rT30-00728-00181215-00181535 did you know microsoft edge browser has u8h-t28rT30-00729-00181536-00181863 built-in pdf right in there in your u8h-t28rT30-00730-00181864-00182031 browser u8h-t28rT30-00731-00182032-00182383 it is so cool especially when we don't u8h-t28rT30-00732-00182384-00182463 have u8h-t28rT30-00733-00182464-00182678 you know professional um what do you u8h-t28rT30-00734-00182679-00182911 call a professional um u8h-t28rT30-00735-00182912-00183183 pd adobe pdf or you know we don't need u8h-t28rT30-00736-00183184-00183375 to do detail uh u8h-t28rT30-00737-00183376-00183711 you know work but we just need to u8h-t28rT30-00738-00183712-00183959 quickly fill out some form quickly go u8h-t28rT30-00739-00183960-00184247 and sign in do stuff right if that is u8h-t28rT30-00740-00184248-00184519 the case this is what you can do so for u8h-t28rT30-00741-00184520-00184663 example u8h-t28rT30-00742-00184664-00184871 let's say you are u8h-t28rT30-00743-00184872-00185135 you are you open a a you know a u8h-t28rT30-00744-00185136-00185319 microsoft edge browser and you need to u8h-t28rT30-00745-00185320-00185695 go to a a browse um a pdf or a worksheet u8h-t28rT30-00746-00185696-00185959 and you look for a a you know um a u8h-t28rT30-00747-00185960-00186287 website uh with the sample let's call it u8h-t28rT30-00748-00186288-00186478 sample u8h-t28rT30-00749-00186479-00186654 job u8h-t28rT30-00750-00186655-00186831 what is it called i just had that u8h-t28rT30-00751-00186832-00187078 application right application letter u8h-t28rT30-00752-00187079-00187287 because i don't want to take you to to u8h-t28rT30-00753-00187288-00187478 other pages so i'm going to just simply u8h-t28rT30-00754-00187479-00187759 type pdf so if you type the last word u8h-t28rT30-00755-00187760-00188102 pdf anything to do with um a pdf will u8h-t28rT30-00756-00188103-00188311 pop up yeah something like this so did u8h-t28rT30-00757-00188312-00188519 you see the little pdf it means not a u8h-t28rT30-00758-00188520-00188807 website it is a pdf which you can either u8h-t28rT30-00759-00188808-00189054 download or which you can access yeah so u8h-t28rT30-00760-00189055-00189278 i want to take you there so for example u8h-t28rT30-00761-00189279-00189471 let's take a look at this one u8h-t28rT30-00762-00189472-00189687 let's see what they have so this looks u8h-t28rT30-00763-00189688-00189895 like five pages long u8h-t28rT30-00764-00189896-00190071 and let's imagine yourself you need to u8h-t28rT30-00765-00190072-00190238 sign somewhere u8h-t28rT30-00766-00190239-00190487 and you just have to do something or u8h-t28rT30-00767-00190488-00190719 this is for you as teachers right so if u8h-t28rT30-00768-00190720-00190983 you need to here we go here's your draw u8h-t28rT30-00769-00190984-00191271 button click on the little draw button u8h-t28rT30-00770-00191272-00191511 make it a little thicker as thick as you u8h-t28rT30-00771-00191512-00191766 want your pen thickness right select u8h-t28rT30-00772-00191767-00191959 black or blue those are the standard u8h-t28rT30-00773-00191960-00192199 color for signing your signature u8h-t28rT30-00774-00192200-00192375 creating your signature right or u8h-t28rT30-00775-00192376-00192599 whatever if you want to do you can do u8h-t28rT30-00776-00192600-00192902 that of course we we cannot really do a u8h-t28rT30-00777-00192903-00193111 lot of signing with the draw button but u8h-t28rT30-00778-00193112-00193399 if you want all you can do is download u8h-t28rT30-00779-00193400-00193575 microsoft edge browser on your cell u8h-t28rT30-00780-00193576-00193919 phone access the same pdf and then voila u8h-t28rT30-00781-00193920-00194111 you can still do that you can still save u8h-t28rT30-00782-00194112-00194535 it but what if you want to u8h-t28rT30-00783-00194536-00194750 do this u8h-t28rT30-00784-00194751-00194990 you have your students trying to fill u8h-t28rT30-00785-00194991-00195247 out a form want to learn do you know a u8h-t28rT30-00786-00195248-00195447 mock job application u8h-t28rT30-00787-00195448-00195807 here you go add text simply click on add u8h-t28rT30-00788-00195808-00195935 text u8h-t28rT30-00789-00195936-00196159 come down with the little mouse it says u8h-t28rT30-00790-00196160-00196350 last name what's the last name you're u8h-t28rT30-00791-00196351-00196614 going to type kasim that's my last name u8h-t28rT30-00792-00196615-00196926 here we go i go to first name i i type u8h-t28rT30-00793-00196927-00197271 fazana here you have two u8h-t28rT30-00794-00197272-00197471 i mean you you just u8h-t28rT30-00795-00197472-00197702 added two text what if you want to u8h-t28rT30-00796-00197703-00197950 change the color simply click inside one u8h-t28rT30-00797-00197951-00198159 of the letters u8h-t28rT30-00798-00198160-00198431 change it to black make it smaller here u8h-t28rT30-00799-00198432-00198719 we go smaller smaller bigger bigger you u8h-t28rT30-00800-00198720-00198911 decide what you want some of the u8h-t28rT30-00801-00198912-00199166 applications requires that you spread u8h-t28rT30-00802-00199167-00199287 out the u8h-t28rT30-00803-00199288-00199559 increase the text spacing or closer u8h-t28rT30-00804-00199560-00199766 whichever you want all these things you u8h-t28rT30-00805-00199767-00200063 make a boo-boo no problem simply click u8h-t28rT30-00806-00200064-00200254 on delete button u8h-t28rT30-00807-00200255-00200463 you start all over again this is a u8h-t28rT30-00808-00200464-00200702 sample that i am showing you of course u8h-t28rT30-00809-00200703-00200926 there are different esl worksheets u8h-t28rT30-00810-00200927-00201135 academic worksheets stuff like that u8h-t28rT30-00811-00201136-00201438 right you can make your students u8h-t28rT30-00812-00201439-00201638 you know with just just confident with u8h-t28rT30-00813-00201639-00201799 that without having to worry about u8h-t28rT30-00814-00201800-00201959 teacher i don't have pdf i don't know u8h-t28rT30-00815-00201960-00202199 how to do this no simply tell them u8h-t28rT30-00816-00202200-00202438 download microsoft edge on your either u8h-t28rT30-00817-00202439-00202750 cell phone or your tablet or your laptop u8h-t28rT30-00818-00202751-00203143 open the pdf directly from that in that u8h-t28rT30-00819-00203144-00203478 in that not from but in that web browser u8h-t28rT30-00820-00203479-00203654 you do what you have to do u8h-t28rT30-00821-00203655-00203902 no problem you want to save your stuff u8h-t28rT30-00822-00203903-00204199 right here there is a save button you u8h-t28rT30-00823-00204200-00204438 simply click on the save button you give u8h-t28rT30-00824-00204439-00204719 any name you want as you can see here u8h-t28rT30-00825-00204720-00204927 i have been doing all these things i put u8h-t28rT30-00826-00204928-00205166 the student's name the id number i have u8h-t28rT30-00827-00205167-00205398 all these things taken i use these u8h-t28rT30-00828-00205400-00205510 things u8h-t28rT30-00829-00205511-00205734 you know microsoft edge browser and i u8h-t28rT30-00830-00205735-00206006 save these things so whenever i need to u8h-t28rT30-00831-00206007-00206246 you know refer back to a particular u8h-t28rT30-00832-00206248-00206503 student i say ah yes i remember working u8h-t28rT30-00833-00206504-00206734 with her but i don't remember what i did u8h-t28rT30-00834-00206735-00207006 i have all these things ready for me to u8h-t28rT30-00835-00207007-00207319 you know retrieve because i save them u8h-t28rT30-00836-00207319-00207566 you want to print right away go print it u8h-t28rT30-00837-00207567-00207679 no problem u8h-t28rT30-00838-00207680-00207919 these are the things that you can do u8h-t28rT30-00839-00207919-00208271 within microsoft edge browser if i don't u8h-t28rT30-00840-00208271-00208606 want to save all i have to do is simply u8h-t28rT30-00841-00208607-00208742 close it u8h-t28rT30-00842-00208744-00209110 if i click close watch what it says u8h-t28rT30-00843-00209111-00209390 changes you made may not be saved at u8h-t28rT30-00844-00209391-00209638 this time i don't but if you do want all u8h-t28rT30-00845-00209639-00209839 you have to do is cancel and save u8h-t28rT30-00846-00209840-00210094 whatever you wish to save right your u8h-t28rT30-00847-00210096-00210239 your doodles u8h-t28rT30-00848-00210240-00210463 so all i have to do now is i don't need u8h-t28rT30-00849-00210464-00210751 it i will simply leave and i am done u8h-t28rT30-00850-00210752-00211119 with this um with this part right so you u8h-t28rT30-00851-00211119-00211542 can view edit share pdfs right from the u8h-t28rT30-00852-00211544-00211734 microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-00853-00211735-00212006 that's what i just went over so any u8h-t28rT30-00854-00212007-00212223 questions u8h-t28rT30-00855-00212223-00212575 am i going so fast are you guys okay u8h-t28rT30-00856-00212576-00213039 i get so excited so that's why i'm sorry u8h-t28rT30-00857-00213040-00213294 you're doing great there is one um quick u8h-t28rT30-00858-00213296-00213567 question it looks like r u8h-t28rT30-00859-00213567-00213663 r g u8h-t28rT30-00860-00213664-00213879 um asked when you save it i'm assuming u8h-t28rT30-00861-00213880-00214079 it is not open to the public and it is u8h-t28rT30-00862-00214080-00214263 stored within your login u8h-t28rT30-00863-00214264-00214558 excellent question that's right so can u8h-t28rT30-00864-00214559-00214782 you see my u8h-t28rT30-00865-00214783-00215063 can you tell me what you see u8h-t28rT30-00866-00215064-00215351 let's go in here i believe yes that's u8h-t28rT30-00867-00215352-00215694 good okay so here we go um when drive u8h-t28rT30-00868-00215696-00216015 where was i i was going to u8h-t28rT30-00869-00216016-00216142 because i really have to show you u8h-t28rT30-00870-00216144-00216310 because where you saved is yes you're u8h-t28rT30-00871-00216311-00216582 right it is so important i wanted to u8h-t28rT30-00872-00216583-00216951 show u8h-t28rT30-00873-00216952-00217342 uh what did i do did i put you in here u8h-t28rT30-00874-00217344-00217510 because that is really important the u8h-t28rT30-00875-00217511-00217742 doodles the things that you have saved u8h-t28rT30-00876-00217744-00217934 can be found depends on where you sit u8h-t28rT30-00877-00217935-00218215 actually of course it looks like i quite u8h-t28rT30-00878-00218216-00218519 couldn't i remember oh i do remember u8h-t28rT30-00879-00218519-00218671 there we go u8h-t28rT30-00880-00218671-00218967 these files you see i am going to show u8h-t28rT30-00881-00218967-00219055 you u8h-t28rT30-00882-00219056-00219303 this is the pdf that i saved u8h-t28rT30-00883-00219304-00219551 right here i wanted to tell the students u8h-t28rT30-00884-00219552-00219791 this is your id number this is what u8h-t28rT30-00885-00219792-00220023 you're going to have to oops this is u8h-t28rT30-00886-00220023-00220327 your eye one second u8h-t28rT30-00887-00220328-00220751 is u8h-t28rT30-00888-00220752-00221031 here we go i i explain you know i wrote u8h-t28rT30-00889-00221032-00221319 some little notes i highlighted them i u8h-t28rT30-00890-00221319-00221558 say what it is do you see how quickly i u8h-t28rT30-00891-00221559-00221823 doodle all these things using that edge u8h-t28rT30-00892-00221823-00222039 browser so you can make it into it you u8h-t28rT30-00893-00222040-00222239 can screenshot it you can do a u8h-t28rT30-00894-00222240-00222487 screenshot or you can just simply save u8h-t28rT30-00895-00222488-00222727 it as pdf it will always be pdf so you u8h-t28rT30-00896-00222728-00222958 can you know just just save it and you u8h-t28rT30-00897-00222959-00223263 can always retrieve it it is sitting in u8h-t28rT30-00898-00223264-00223567 your computer unless otherwise you u8h-t28rT30-00899-00223567-00223767 specifically say i want to save it in u8h-t28rT30-00900-00223767-00224079 dropbox microsoft onedrive or so on and u8h-t28rT30-00901-00224080-00224398 so forth yeah did i answer u8h-t28rT30-00902-00224400-00224687 your question u8h-t28rT30-00903-00224688-00224958 are each i think yes okay u8h-t28rT30-00904-00224959-00225119 yes you can get a copy of my u8h-t28rT30-00905-00225119-00225294 presentation and if you don't mind leave u8h-t28rT30-00906-00225296-00225527 your email address uh or you can private u8h-t28rT30-00907-00225528-00225703 chat with the host and then i i will u8h-t28rT30-00908-00225704-00226167 definitely send it out to you u8h-t28rT30-00909-00226167-00226303 since we are all u8h-t28rT30-00910-00226304-00226446 we're good okay u8h-t28rT30-00911-00226448-00226687 since we are talking about u8h-t28rT30-00912-00226688-00226998 tabs and the groups and all these things u8h-t28rT30-00913-00227000-00227215 as you notice that u8h-t28rT30-00914-00227216-00227494 i when i was showing you these tabs u8h-t28rT30-00915-00227496-00227751 right all these tabs when i was showing u8h-t28rT30-00916-00227752-00228039 you these some of these tabs are taking u8h-t28rT30-00917-00228040-00228231 up the space u8h-t28rT30-00918-00228232-00228406 what no they're not again they're taking u8h-t28rT30-00919-00228407-00228671 up our memory system memory u8h-t28rT30-00920-00228671-00229046 so where if you have 20 and 30 tabs open u8h-t28rT30-00921-00229048-00229287 and you don't want these to be taking up u8h-t28rT30-00922-00229288-00229542 your resources of you know memory or u8h-t28rT30-00923-00229544-00229942 anything this is what you can do u8h-t28rT30-00924-00229944-00230231 you simply go to settings u8h-t28rT30-00925-00230232-00230391 which i'm gonna oh u8h-t28rT30-00926-00230392-00230639 which i'm gonna show you settings u8h-t28rT30-00927-00230640-00230815 and then u8h-t28rT30-00928-00230816-00231055 you click on system if you're following u8h-t28rT30-00929-00231056-00231415 along with me you can follow that you go u8h-t28rT30-00930-00231416-00231982 to settings you click on system u8h-t28rT30-00931-00231983-00232327 and here is the system u8h-t28rT30-00932-00232328-00232567 hold on let me make it bigger u8h-t28rT30-00933-00232567-00232751 not this one u8h-t28rT30-00934-00232752-00232975 wrong one u8h-t28rT30-00935-00232976-00233327 i want to take you back to this one yes u8h-t28rT30-00936-00233328-00233567 i click on settings u8h-t28rT30-00937-00233567-00233742 you click on u8h-t28rT30-00938-00233744-00233927 system u8h-t28rT30-00939-00233928-00234327 here optimize performance what it does u8h-t28rT30-00940-00234328-00234575 is this if you know there are certain u8h-t28rT30-00941-00234576-00234855 you know uh tabs you may not be using u8h-t28rT30-00942-00234856-00235127 you can come in here and say if i don't u8h-t28rT30-00943-00235128-00235503 touch these tabs for the next two hours u8h-t28rT30-00944-00235504-00235798 i need you to put them to sleep so they u8h-t28rT30-00945-00235800-00235958 all take take u8h-t28rT30-00946-00235959-00236223 they all take a a nap over here until u8h-t28rT30-00947-00236223-00236551 you go back and click on it so if i were u8h-t28rT30-00948-00236552-00236758 to make it 30 seconds u8h-t28rT30-00949-00236759-00236982 as you can see if you i don't know it's u8h-t28rT30-00950-00236983-00237167 you can see it or not but here is what u8h-t28rT30-00951-00237167-00237423 you can see if you look at my top area u8h-t28rT30-00952-00237423-00237694 here they look a little bit lighter of u8h-t28rT30-00953-00237696-00237879 course you should test it with on your u8h-t28rT30-00954-00237880-00238191 own computer but if i click move around u8h-t28rT30-00955-00238192-00238334 you will see u8h-t28rT30-00956-00238335-00238479 they lit up u8h-t28rT30-00957-00238480-00238671 that's what it means they are they were u8h-t28rT30-00958-00238671-00238903 sleeping because i did not use them for u8h-t28rT30-00959-00238904-00239110 30 seconds so u8h-t28rT30-00960-00239111-00239487 it means you are not taking up any u8h-t28rT30-00961-00239488-00239782 memory or you know system resources so u8h-t28rT30-00962-00239783-00240103 there was a question right will it um is u8h-t28rT30-00963-00240104-00240375 there a byte limit or or you know what u8h-t28rT30-00964-00240376-00240575 will happen will it take up too much of u8h-t28rT30-00965-00240576-00240887 your memory or anything don't worry this u8h-t28rT30-00966-00240888-00241087 is only u8h-t28rT30-00967-00241088-00241351 available in microsoft edge browser you u8h-t28rT30-00968-00241352-00241646 can simply march deselect whatever you u8h-t28rT30-00969-00241648-00241958 want so especially at the end of the day u8h-t28rT30-00970-00241959-00242167 your shift and you don't want to close u8h-t28rT30-00971-00242167-00242423 any of these websites you can simply say u8h-t28rT30-00972-00242423-00242646 six hours of inactivity 12 hours of u8h-t28rT30-00973-00242648-00242871 inactivity if you wish of course if you u8h-t28rT30-00974-00242871-00243055 don't want you can always go back to u8h-t28rT30-00975-00243056-00243334 collections and you can get that right u8h-t28rT30-00976-00243335-00243527 so that's something that you can do we u8h-t28rT30-00977-00243528-00243815 call it i call it put tabs to sleep u8h-t28rT30-00978-00243816-00244103 nothing really but just enough if you u8h-t28rT30-00979-00244104-00244351 are concerned about you know your u8h-t28rT30-00980-00244352-00244598 resources being taken away which means u8h-t28rT30-00981-00244600-00244806 your resources from your system your u8h-t28rT30-00982-00244807-00245063 computer u8h-t28rT30-00983-00245064-00245263 i would like to ask a question now those u8h-t28rT30-00984-00245264-00245391 of you u8h-t28rT30-00985-00245392-00245503 who u8h-t28rT30-00986-00245504-00245775 regularly use or who occasionally use do u8h-t28rT30-00987-00245776-00246223 you know anything about web capture u8h-t28rT30-00988-00246223-00246471 i will wait for you to say yes no or i u8h-t28rT30-00989-00246471-00246679 have used it with google or something u8h-t28rT30-00990-00246680-00246815 else u8h-t28rT30-00991-00246816-00247055 no okay u8h-t28rT30-00992-00247056-00247391 all right so web capture actually is u8h-t28rT30-00993-00247392-00247671 part of microsoft edge browser all you u8h-t28rT30-00994-00247671-00247882 have to do is when you receive my u8h-t28rT30-00995-00247883-00248230 powerpoint or pdf all you have to do is u8h-t28rT30-00996-00248231-00248430 look for this button every time you see u8h-t28rT30-00997-00248431-00248815 this button please remember this menu u8h-t28rT30-00998-00248816-00249134 will only be available if you right u8h-t28rT30-00999-00249135-00249446 click on your microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-01000-00249448-00249703 this anywhere in your browser this is u8h-t28rT30-01001-00249704-00249942 how you would normally do u8h-t28rT30-01002-00249944-00250182 let me change this u8h-t28rT30-01003-00250183-00250287 okay u8h-t28rT30-01004-00250288-00250615 go back here edge browser so this is u8h-t28rT30-01005-00250616-00250975 what you will do if i go to a web page u8h-t28rT30-01006-00250976-00251055 here u8h-t28rT30-01007-00251056-00251303 let me go to a good one all right let's u8h-t28rT30-01008-00251304-00251630 see i'm on a page and i like these u8h-t28rT30-01009-00251631-00251934 this picture gorgeous i am so hungry is u8h-t28rT30-01010-00251935-00252175 it lunch time it is lunch u8h-t28rT30-01011-00252176-00252423 and so let's say i want this u8h-t28rT30-01012-00252423-00252630 screenshot all you have to do is right u8h-t28rT30-01013-00252631-00252742 click u8h-t28rT30-01014-00252744-00252855 here we go u8h-t28rT30-01015-00252856-00253182 web capture we have web capture so if i u8h-t28rT30-01016-00253183-00253382 click web capture it's going to give me u8h-t28rT30-01017-00253383-00253527 two options u8h-t28rT30-01018-00253528-00253815 capture the area means you decide which u8h-t28rT30-01019-00253816-00254142 part which image which one or capture u8h-t28rT30-01020-00254144-00254382 full image that means the computer will u8h-t28rT30-01021-00254383-00254519 i mean the uh u8h-t28rT30-01022-00254519-00254719 you can get the whole full image right u8h-t28rT30-01023-00254719-00254919 but i am interested in all these u8h-t28rT30-01024-00254919-00255182 smoothies so i will simply select u8h-t28rT30-01025-00255183-00255351 capture area u8h-t28rT30-01026-00255352-00255775 and i will click on here and drag it u8h-t28rT30-01027-00255776-00256039 this is what i want that's all i want u8h-t28rT30-01028-00256040-00256294 and let's bring kiwi also u8h-t28rT30-01029-00256296-00256615 there we go now i got it if you know if u8h-t28rT30-01030-00256616-00256903 you look at uh bottom of my screen you u8h-t28rT30-01031-00256904-00257167 will get two part two features two u8h-t28rT30-01032-00257167-00257294 options u8h-t28rT30-01033-00257296-00257494 one is called that's right like a u8h-t28rT30-01034-00257496-00257767 snipping tool with the snipping tool you u8h-t28rT30-01035-00257767-00258030 have to press window shift s on your u8h-t28rT30-01036-00258031-00258263 computer you have to do that fine do it u8h-t28rT30-01037-00258264-00258503 no problem a lot of our students don't u8h-t28rT30-01038-00258504-00258734 know right so it is already built in for u8h-t28rT30-01039-00258735-00258998 you so microsoft is taking taking over u8h-t28rT30-01040-00259000-00259334 seriously but i am loving it anyway u8h-t28rT30-01041-00259335-00259679 um so copy means you just simply copy u8h-t28rT30-01042-00259680-00259879 that and put it in your microsoft word u8h-t28rT30-01043-00259880-00260087 your email or whoever you want to send u8h-t28rT30-01044-00260088-00260303 it right right there right or what if u8h-t28rT30-01045-00260304-00260534 you want to add some stuff you want to u8h-t28rT30-01046-00260535-00260791 put your little do you know u8h-t28rT30-01047-00260792-00261055 emoji or sorry you know little drawing u8h-t28rT30-01048-00261056-00261406 or something we don't have a lot uh only u8h-t28rT30-01049-00261407-00261758 draw i am sure in the future web capture u8h-t28rT30-01050-00261759-00262030 may have more tools that people can use u8h-t28rT30-01051-00262031-00262247 you know so in this case will be draw u8h-t28rT30-01052-00262248-00262495 only again you can draw you can do u8h-t28rT30-01053-00262496-00262727 whatever you wish to do so let me select u8h-t28rT30-01054-00262728-00263023 something and then i like this one and u8h-t28rT30-01055-00263024-00263206 then you know whatever that thing you u8h-t28rT30-01056-00263207-00263495 want to do you want to erase here we go u8h-t28rT30-01057-00263496-00263799 or you want to add to your collections u8h-t28rT30-01058-00263800-00264103 again the collections are here right u8h-t28rT30-01059-00264104-00264447 what if you are working on you know any u8h-t28rT30-01060-00264448-00264727 partic very specific recipe and you want u8h-t28rT30-01061-00264728-00265015 some pictures stuff like that here we go u8h-t28rT30-01062-00265016-00265255 add to collections if you already have u8h-t28rT30-01063-00265256-00265510 it you have you can select or you can u8h-t28rT30-01064-00265511-00265830 start new collection and that's it you u8h-t28rT30-01065-00265831-00266039 can go back to your collection over here u8h-t28rT30-01066-00266040-00266175 on the top u8h-t28rT30-01067-00266176-00266391 you already have your u8h-t28rT30-01068-00266392-00266623 smoothies as you can see i should change u8h-t28rT30-01069-00266624-00266903 the name i will call it u8h-t28rT30-01070-00266904-00267199 smoothies i want smoothies ideas right u8h-t28rT30-01071-00267200-00267510 so this is what i can have so it is now u8h-t28rT30-01072-00267511-00267767 in collections you don't need it anymore u8h-t28rT30-01073-00267768-00268023 you simply save it i mean you can simply u8h-t28rT30-01074-00268024-00268375 close it or you can save it as an image u8h-t28rT30-01075-00268376-00268630 you simply click save it is now saved u8h-t28rT30-01076-00268631-00268895 for you and where where is it u8h-t28rT30-01077-00268896-00269143 it will always be under downloads they u8h-t28rT30-01078-00269144-00269358 will always go to under downloads here u8h-t28rT30-01079-00269359-00269503 it is u8h-t28rT30-01080-00269504-00269847 and you can call it smoothies here we go u8h-t28rT30-01081-00269848-00270095 i have the image now i can attach it i u8h-t28rT30-01082-00270096-00270287 can use it u8h-t28rT30-01083-00270288-00270551 reuse again and again and again the way u8h-t28rT30-01084-00270552-00270719 any way i want u8h-t28rT30-01085-00270720-00270847 that u8h-t28rT30-01086-00270848-00271182 is what web capture can do your snipping u8h-t28rT30-01087-00271183-00271575 tool that's right i like the term u8h-t28rT30-01088-00271576-00271863 how about create a qr code can somebody u8h-t28rT30-01089-00271864-00272055 this is a question now i know it may be u8h-t28rT30-01090-00272056-00272239 very easy for you but this is what i u8h-t28rT30-01091-00272240-00272447 would like to know u8h-t28rT30-01092-00272448-00272679 have you do you remember the past few u8h-t28rT30-01093-00272680-00272871 months years ago u8h-t28rT30-01094-00272872-00273230 um we we had to go to generate our qr qr u8h-t28rT30-01095-00273231-00273455 code generator website you had to go to u8h-t28rT30-01096-00273456-00273671 free qr code generator this and that u8h-t28rT30-01097-00273672-00273839 right you go to a website you start u8h-t28rT30-01098-00273840-00274030 looking for it you have to copy the u8h-t28rT30-01099-00274031-00274271 image i mean picture i mean a picture u8h-t28rT30-01100-00274272-00274503 the web link you go in there and you u8h-t28rT30-01101-00274504-00274727 have to do that have you guys done that u8h-t28rT30-01102-00274728-00274958 type of qr code um u8h-t28rT30-01103-00274959-00275287 uh you know go to a website to get qr u8h-t28rT30-01104-00275288-00275671 code have you done that before u8h-t28rT30-01105-00275672-00275806 like you know you have to go to a u8h-t28rT30-01106-00275807-00276047 website specifically to a website they u8h-t28rT30-01107-00276048-00276263 will do the qr code for you u8h-t28rT30-01108-00276264-00276551 oh no yes you have done that so if u8h-t28rT30-01109-00276552-00276799 you've done that it means such a u8h-t28rT30-01110-00276800-00277071 hey that's right susan that's why it is u8h-t28rT30-01111-00277072-00277303 a play you have to go to a website and u8h-t28rT30-01112-00277304-00277479 there were many companies they are u8h-t28rT30-01113-00277480-00277710 selling they want you to sign up for it u8h-t28rT30-01114-00277711-00277871 they have to do all these things that's u8h-t28rT30-01115-00277872-00278247 right it expires oh my god i paid u8h-t28rT30-01116-00278248-00278471 here we go with this microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-01117-00278472-00278687 browser you don't need to u8h-t28rT30-01118-00278688-00279015 you simply go to the webpage you like u8h-t28rT30-01119-00279016-00279175 right click u8h-t28rT30-01120-00279176-00279351 especially when you have a youtube link u8h-t28rT30-01121-00279352-00279534 you want to share your send your u8h-t28rT30-01122-00279535-00279767 students right can you imagine youtube u8h-t28rT30-01123-00279768-00280079 link has like 30 30 000 characters in u8h-t28rT30-01124-00280080-00280263 there you don't even know what to even u8h-t28rT30-01125-00280264-00280351 type u8h-t28rT30-01126-00280352-00280639 there we go go to your youtube link you u8h-t28rT30-01127-00280640-00280919 whatever video that you like you go and u8h-t28rT30-01128-00280920-00281158 right click on the same page as youtube u8h-t28rT30-01129-00281159-00281510 pages you click create qr code for this u8h-t28rT30-01130-00281511-00281727 page why don't we u8h-t28rT30-01131-00281728-00281910 go ahead and do that u8h-t28rT30-01132-00281911-00282287 right now i go to a youtube page here we u8h-t28rT30-01133-00282288-00282703 go i'm on a youtube page i want to share u8h-t28rT30-01134-00282704-00282847 share this uh u8h-t28rT30-01135-00282848-00283310 iconic uh classical music i open it u8h-t28rT30-01136-00283311-00283510 and here is the link right way on the u8h-t28rT30-01137-00283511-00283599 top u8h-t28rT30-01138-00283600-00283943 i simply click on the link u8h-t28rT30-01139-00283944-00284199 sorry sorry i don't need to click on the u8h-t28rT30-01140-00284200-00284479 link i am i i take it back u8h-t28rT30-01141-00284480-00284703 i will come back here this is the big u8h-t28rT30-01142-00284704-00285023 the the video i want my students to see u8h-t28rT30-01143-00285024-00285510 i will simply do this right click u8h-t28rT30-01144-00285511-00285847 create qr code for this page here is the u8h-t28rT30-01145-00285848-00286151 little qr icon i get it u8h-t28rT30-01146-00286152-00286495 voila if anyone wants to u8h-t28rT30-01147-00286496-00286710 scan it now with your cell phone you u8h-t28rT30-01148-00286711-00286934 will get this music right on your cell u8h-t28rT30-01149-00286935-00287167 phone now if you wish i'll leave it up u8h-t28rT30-01150-00287168-00287447 for you for for a second or two you see u8h-t28rT30-01151-00287448-00287782 you can either copy this or download it u8h-t28rT30-01152-00287783-00287982 for me i'll download it because this big u8h-t28rT30-01153-00287983-00288230 this is my qr code now it will not u8h-t28rT30-01154-00288231-00288503 expire i can use it a million times as u8h-t28rT30-01155-00288504-00288839 again and again this is yours and that u8h-t28rT30-01156-00288840-00289239 is cool don't you think it's cool u8h-t28rT30-01157-00289240-00289534 qr code right in there for you in that u8h-t28rT30-01158-00289535-00289871 microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-01159-00289872-00290223 all right here we go u8h-t28rT30-01160-00290224-00290439 any questions i don't see any questions u8h-t28rT30-01161-00290440-00290799 on the chat okay u8h-t28rT30-01162-00290800-00291015 okay what will be the advantage of u8h-t28rT30-01163-00291016-00291287 sharing the qr code over sharing a link u8h-t28rT30-01164-00291288-00291503 provided the link isn't too long oh u8h-t28rT30-01165-00291504-00291679 that's fine it is your u8h-t28rT30-01166-00291680-00291934 you know if if a link is like just u8h-t28rT30-01167-00291935-00292199 it's like three dollars i mean u8h-t28rT30-01168-00292200-00292463 six seven seven characters right that's u8h-t28rT30-01169-00292464-00292671 it so why would you you know you can do u8h-t28rT30-01170-00292672-00292815 that you don't need to go ahead and do u8h-t28rT30-01171-00292816-00293087 that but the the link that i showed you u8h-t28rT30-01172-00293088-00293239 in my uh uh u8h-t28rT30-01173-00293240-00293454 um what is it called youtube if you look u8h-t28rT30-01174-00293455-00293695 at it watch how many characters are u8h-t28rT30-01175-00293696-00293943 going that's a lot of characters right u8h-t28rT30-01176-00293944-00294230 there and so if our if any of our u8h-t28rT30-01177-00294231-00294543 students type it wrong or you know u8h-t28rT30-01178-00294544-00294791 sometimes students cop you copy and then u8h-t28rT30-01179-00294792-00295175 students mistakenly miss the last letter u8h-t28rT30-01180-00295176-00295503 or they erase it by mistakes there goes u8h-t28rT30-01181-00295504-00295734 the link will no longer work u8h-t28rT30-01182-00295735-00295934 so due to that reason u8h-t28rT30-01183-00295935-00296175 you might want to use a qr code do you u8h-t28rT30-01184-00296176-00296367 notice there is a little qr code right u8h-t28rT30-01185-00296368-00296558 there right there where i am pointing we u8h-t28rT30-01186-00296559-00296775 on the top so if you don't want to do u8h-t28rT30-01187-00296776-00296895 right click u8h-t28rT30-01188-00296896-00297175 any web page can be made into qr code u8h-t28rT30-01189-00297176-00297447 just to let you know any web page can be u8h-t28rT30-01190-00297448-00297967 made into a qr code so here u8h-t28rT30-01191-00297968-00298175 as soon as you click in the address bar u8h-t28rT30-01192-00298176-00298471 it will become a qr code if i go in here u8h-t28rT30-01193-00298472-00298687 as soon as you click in you get a qr u8h-t28rT30-01194-00298688-00298879 code so if you don't want to make a u8h-t28rT30-01195-00298880-00299134 right click and qr code you can simply u8h-t28rT30-01196-00299135-00299487 go up there but i have a habit of u8h-t28rT30-01197-00299488-00299710 using u8h-t28rT30-01198-00299711-00299943 right click so you know i that's one of u8h-t28rT30-01199-00299944-00300151 the reasons i wanted you to right click u8h-t28rT30-01200-00300152-00300279 because if you u8h-t28rT30-01201-00300280-00300495 if you anytime you want to do something u8h-t28rT30-01202-00300496-00300679 or if you are in doubt right click u8h-t28rT30-01203-00300680-00300991 that's why that's my motto u8h-t28rT30-01204-00300992-00301239 all right can i continue any questions u8h-t28rT30-01205-00301240-00301391 let me see u8h-t28rT30-01206-00301392-00301654 okay yes the music is really great i u8h-t28rT30-01207-00301655-00301910 don't like listening to music um when i u8h-t28rT30-01208-00301911-00302167 am really stressed um i listen to this u8h-t28rT30-01209-00302168-00302382 so that's that's that's one of the u8h-t28rT30-01210-00302383-00302639 reasons i'm sharing it u8h-t28rT30-01211-00302640-00302895 um here is this this one is nothing u8h-t28rT30-01212-00302896-00303127 really productive or anything but those u8h-t28rT30-01213-00303128-00303343 of you um we want to you know those of u8h-t28rT30-01214-00303344-00303527 you who want to um what do you call it u8h-t28rT30-01215-00303528-00303663 custom u8h-t28rT30-01216-00303664-00303895 personalize your web pages so for u8h-t28rT30-01217-00303896-00304239 example if i were to open a new tab all u8h-t28rT30-01218-00304240-00304447 every single day every time i click on a u8h-t28rT30-01219-00304448-00304679 new tab this is all that's all i will u8h-t28rT30-01220-00304680-00304927 see my blank page i like it blank page u8h-t28rT30-01221-00304928-00305199 because i know where i'm going but if i u8h-t28rT30-01222-00305200-00305495 if you like to listen to read news or u8h-t28rT30-01223-00305496-00305791 anything you simply click on u8h-t28rT30-01224-00305792-00306039 this little settings button and you can u8h-t28rT30-01225-00306040-00306279 change to other layouts if you want to u8h-t28rT30-01226-00306280-00306534 read some news some informational stuff u8h-t28rT30-01227-00306535-00306743 some inspirational stuff some something u8h-t28rT30-01228-00306744-00306982 that you want to focus on you can change u8h-t28rT30-01229-00306983-00307263 any layout for me i only like this u8h-t28rT30-01230-00307264-00307551 custom made page because i need to focus u8h-t28rT30-01231-00307552-00307791 i'm at work right so in that case this u8h-t28rT30-01232-00307792-00307975 is where you you can leave it at but u8h-t28rT30-01233-00307976-00308254 let's go and change it to focus focus u8h-t28rT30-01234-00308255-00308558 what it does is here we go u8h-t28rT30-01235-00308559-00308830 hold on u8h-t28rT30-01236-00308831-00309030 okay at least let's go to inspiration i u8h-t28rT30-01237-00309031-00309287 think i was already on focus u8h-t28rT30-01238-00309288-00309543 inspirational this tells you u8h-t28rT30-01239-00309544-00309775 that the image background is so gorgeous u8h-t28rT30-01240-00309776-00309967 i just wanted to just want to go and u8h-t28rT30-01241-00309968-00310127 visit that i don't know where that is u8h-t28rT30-01242-00310128-00310358 right and then you have all these um u8h-t28rT30-01243-00310359-00310623 news whether something else is happening u8h-t28rT30-01244-00310624-00310806 i don't know why it is uh it looks u8h-t28rT30-01245-00310807-00310934 inspirational and nothing looks u8h-t28rT30-01246-00310935-00311134 inspirational except for u8h-t28rT30-01247-00311135-00311319 the the background that i have these are u8h-t28rT30-01248-00311320-00311423 a little bit u8h-t28rT30-01249-00311424-00311695 sad to read but anyway here's some food u8h-t28rT30-01250-00311696-00311903 it makes me so excited about it yes it u8h-t28rT30-01251-00311904-00312119 may be inspirational now how about u8h-t28rT30-01252-00312120-00312406 informational similar to the previous u8h-t28rT30-01253-00312407-00312671 one but it has more mu news and stuff u8h-t28rT30-01254-00312672-00312982 right so any layout you want you can u8h-t28rT30-01255-00312983-00313247 change it that is page layout this has u8h-t28rT30-01256-00313248-00313519 nothing to do with any productivity but u8h-t28rT30-01257-00313520-00313630 at least u8h-t28rT30-01258-00313631-00313815 it's there for you who those of you who u8h-t28rT30-01259-00313816-00313903 want to u8h-t28rT30-01260-00313904-00314239 customize um or personalize your u8h-t28rT30-01261-00314240-00314495 microsoft edge browser u8h-t28rT30-01262-00314496-00314758 so sorry i'm u8h-t28rT30-01263-00314759-00314982 um i'm in an office so that is the u8h-t28rT30-01264-00314983-00315303 reason all right so let's go back here u8h-t28rT30-01265-00315304-00315534 personalize your new page with page u8h-t28rT30-01266-00315535-00315743 layout you don't need go to go any u8h-t28rT30-01267-00315744-00315975 further just open a tab u8h-t28rT30-01268-00315976-00316095 you will see u8h-t28rT30-01269-00316096-00316287 the little setting button u8h-t28rT30-01270-00316288-00316439 you click on it u8h-t28rT30-01271-00316440-00316647 you will have four options or three u8h-t28rT30-01272-00316648-00316927 options and you select what you want u8h-t28rT30-01273-00316928-00317223 that's all it is you just have to you u8h-t28rT30-01274-00317224-00317430 decide if you want to personalize your u8h-t28rT30-01275-00317431-00317743 new page or not u8h-t28rT30-01276-00317744-00317934 read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01277-00317935-00318134 how many of you know about read a lot u8h-t28rT30-01278-00318135-00318510 may i have yes or no or something please u8h-t28rT30-01279-00318511-00318639 yes okay u8h-t28rT30-01280-00318640-00319006 all right so read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01281-00319007-00319167 especially u8h-t28rT30-01282-00319168-00319463 yes really great that's right especially u8h-t28rT30-01283-00319464-00319591 i don't know u8h-t28rT30-01284-00319592-00319710 know about u8h-t28rT30-01285-00319711-00320023 others i mean your work or your u8h-t28rT30-01286-00320024-00320263 employment but my work u8h-t28rT30-01287-00320264-00320479 i have a lot of students my proper u8h-t28rT30-01288-00320480-00320775 student population is all you know uh u8h-t28rT30-01289-00320776-00321079 esl students and seriously it really u8h-t28rT30-01290-00321080-00321327 helps especially when they want to hear u8h-t28rT30-01291-00321328-00321527 you know the pronunciation or something u8h-t28rT30-01292-00321528-00321743 not that great but still because u8h-t28rT30-01293-00321744-00321958 microsoft is improving as you know there u8h-t28rT30-01294-00321959-00322206 is no such thing as you know all done u8h-t28rT30-01295-00322207-00322543 type so this is what it is yes read u8h-t28rT30-01296-00322544-00322887 aloud is if you go to a web page and u8h-t28rT30-01297-00322888-00323039 while you're working and you really u8h-t28rT30-01298-00323040-00323310 don't have much time to read but you u8h-t28rT30-01299-00323311-00323503 still want to listen u8h-t28rT30-01300-00323504-00323782 so this is what you can do so what if i u8h-t28rT30-01301-00323783-00324087 go to my collections back i have news u8h-t28rT30-01302-00324088-00324343 right i have all these news i want to u8h-t28rT30-01303-00324344-00324630 open msnbc only u8h-t28rT30-01304-00324631-00324919 and then i want to listen u8h-t28rT30-01305-00324920-00325230 not listen as in video or audio okay i u8h-t28rT30-01306-00325231-00325430 want to read an article but i don't want u8h-t28rT30-01307-00325431-00325615 to sit down and read those articles but u8h-t28rT30-01308-00325616-00326023 i want computer to read it for me u8h-t28rT30-01309-00326024-00326543 okay so let's see what i should do u8h-t28rT30-01310-00326544-00326847 let's click on this here we go u8h-t28rT30-01311-00326848-00327071 i have an article here u8h-t28rT30-01312-00327072-00327230 i don't want to re u8h-t28rT30-01313-00327231-00327567 i am working on another project u8h-t28rT30-01314-00327568-00327847 or another app or another program u8h-t28rT30-01315-00327848-00328078 i will simply right click u8h-t28rT30-01316-00328079-00328319 here is read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01317-00328320-00328775 so if i click on read aloud now u8h-t28rT30-01318-00328776-00328863 can u8h-t28rT30-01319-00328864-00328967 you u8h-t28rT30-01320-00328968-00329095 let me see u8h-t28rT30-01321-00329096-00329454 stair sound all right let's go again so u8h-t28rT30-01322-00329455-00329671 here is the play button on the top read u8h-t28rT30-01323-00329672-00329975 aloud it means you are in the read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01324-00329976-00330206 mode not in the regular u8h-t28rT30-01325-00330207-00330510 website mode but in a read aloud mode it u8h-t28rT30-01326-00330511-00330727 tells you there and here is the play u8h-t28rT30-01327-00330728-00331047 button forward and the rewind and voice u8h-t28rT30-01328-00331048-00331254 options so you u8h-t28rT30-01329-00331255-00331534 right now microsoft david is selected u8h-t28rT30-01330-00331535-00331671 you can select u8h-t28rT30-01331-00331672-00331951 several other voices that you want to u8h-t28rT30-01332-00331952-00332271 test or you can have it slow if you have u8h-t28rT30-01333-00332272-00332503 students who need to listen u8h-t28rT30-01334-00332504-00332710 uh you know read aloud i mean do they u8h-t28rT30-01335-00332711-00332975 read aloud each individual student ask u8h-t28rT30-01336-00332976-00333175 them to go to this or that website they u8h-t28rT30-01337-00333176-00333599 can all customize it here so here normal u8h-t28rT30-01338-00333600-00333847 or fast of course fast will be really u8h-t28rT30-01339-00333848-00334095 fast let's stick with normal for now and u8h-t28rT30-01340-00334096-00334206 let's play u8h-t28rT30-01341-00334207-00334495 lans demo has single and co-op options u8h-t28rT30-01342-00334496-00334654 meaning a friend can join in on the u8h-t28rT30-01343-00334655-00334871 limited time kirby experience did you u8h-t28rT30-01344-00334872-00335095 hear it u8h-t28rT30-01345-00335096-00335175 yes u8h-t28rT30-01346-00335176-00335287 yes u8h-t28rT30-01347-00335288-00335510 that's right so that is read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01348-00335511-00335751 that's what that's all it is so you can u8h-t28rT30-01349-00335752-00336030 change anything you any voice options as u8h-t28rT30-01350-00336031-00336223 you want so there is nothing much for u8h-t28rT30-01351-00336224-00336430 you to memorize or anything it's right u8h-t28rT30-01352-00336431-00336647 there the only thing you must remember u8h-t28rT30-01353-00336648-00336991 is as soon as you click read aloud make u8h-t28rT30-01354-00336992-00337254 sure you look at on the look at the top u8h-t28rT30-01355-00337255-00337558 bar where i am pointing now the top bar u8h-t28rT30-01356-00337559-00337639 is where u8h-t28rT30-01357-00337640-00337854 it tells you you are in the read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01358-00337855-00338143 mode if you want to get out of this read u8h-t28rT30-01359-00338144-00338463 aloud mode simply close the u8h-t28rT30-01360-00338464-00338663 the mode u8h-t28rT30-01361-00338664-00338934 yes can you do this with a pdf actually u8h-t28rT30-01362-00338935-00339103 yes so u8h-t28rT30-01363-00339104-00339375 pdf as in it has to be the pdf has to be u8h-t28rT30-01364-00339376-00339630 open from microsoft edge browser so u8h-t28rT30-01365-00339631-00340175 let's go to um u8h-t28rT30-01366-00340176-00340375 okay let's go back to worksheets for pdf u8h-t28rT30-01367-00340376-00340463 right u8h-t28rT30-01368-00340464-00340847 so let's see am i doing u8h-t28rT30-01369-00340848-00341158 that's right that's right dr toby u8h-t28rT30-01370-00341159-00341367 it's true so oh u8h-t28rT30-01371-00341368-00341639 let's see worksheets u8h-t28rT30-01372-00341640-00341910 pdf let's just do that u8h-t28rT30-01373-00341911-00342103 oh just to let you know even though u8h-t28rT30-01374-00342104-00342263 microsoft if they hear it they will be u8h-t28rT30-01375-00342264-00342463 real they will really hate me i love u8h-t28rT30-01376-00342464-00342767 almost everything about microsoft i hate u8h-t28rT30-01377-00342768-00343078 being just for the record i i know it's u8h-t28rT30-01378-00343079-00343351 being recorded i want to repeat it again u8h-t28rT30-01379-00343352-00343727 i hate being okay so just so just so you u8h-t28rT30-01380-00343728-00343871 all agree u8h-t28rT30-01381-00343872-00344182 i i hate i cannot stand it oh u8h-t28rT30-01382-00344183-00344406 worksheets can you imagine how i have to u8h-t28rT30-01383-00344407-00344767 come down to this uh pdf there you go so u8h-t28rT30-01384-00344768-00345071 let's just say here you have a pdf let's u8h-t28rT30-01385-00345072-00345799 look for a pdf a group good one i hope u8h-t28rT30-01386-00345800-00346006 why can't i get a pdf that didn't i have u8h-t28rT30-01387-00346007-00346230 a one before u8h-t28rT30-01388-00346231-00346703 that i should have won before worksheet u8h-t28rT30-01389-00346704-00347127 so u8h-t28rT30-01390-00347128-00347423 sometime i can get pdf with that way so u8h-t28rT30-01391-00347424-00347639 anything that you want to open let's u8h-t28rT30-01392-00347640-00347839 just open this one again u8h-t28rT30-01393-00347840-00348078 here is a pdf as you can you see right u8h-t28rT30-01394-00348079-00348271 this is a pdf u8h-t28rT30-01395-00348272-00348527 i can do the read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01396-00348528-00348863 part part i exercises u8h-t28rT30-01397-00348864-00348999 one u8h-t28rT30-01398-00349000-00349319 exercise one simple present sentences am u8h-t28rT30-01399-00349320-00349558 r is one u8h-t28rT30-01400-00349559-00349703 can you see u8h-t28rT30-01401-00349704-00349927 it reads it for you of course this one u8h-t28rT30-01402-00349928-00350175 is not that great but still it reads it u8h-t28rT30-01403-00350176-00350543 for you so it is really great uh you u8h-t28rT30-01404-00350544-00350839 know tool that if you want to use it u8h-t28rT30-01405-00350840-00351110 and that's why you met the worst u8h-t28rT30-01406-00351111-00351327 that's right yes thank you thank god u8h-t28rT30-01407-00351328-00351471 i've got a u8h-t28rT30-01408-00351472-00351815 group of people who still who hate um uh u8h-t28rT30-01409-00351816-00352110 you know being like me so good this is u8h-t28rT30-01410-00352111-00352351 uh i hope that i answered your question u8h-t28rT30-01411-00352352-00352599 about read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01412-00352600-00352799 since we're talking about read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01413-00352800-00352882 read u8h-t28rT30-01414-00352883-00353254 aloud and immersive reader the truth to u8h-t28rT30-01415-00353255-00353447 be told they are totally too different u8h-t28rT30-01416-00353448-00353775 one but you can reuse the same screen u8h-t28rT30-01417-00353776-00354030 for example if i were to bring you back u8h-t28rT30-01418-00354031-00354143 here u8h-t28rT30-01419-00354144-00354406 read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01420-00354407-00354687 can some websites will have read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01421-00354688-00355015 as well as immersive reading so if i u8h-t28rT30-01422-00355016-00355182 take you back to u8h-t28rT30-01423-00355183-00355382 this page do you remember that we were u8h-t28rT30-01424-00355383-00355682 doing a read aloud on this page kirby u8h-t28rT30-01425-00355683-00356023 experience but this time what i want u8h-t28rT30-01426-00356024-00356191 your attention is u8h-t28rT30-01427-00356192-00356471 immersive reader u8h-t28rT30-01428-00356472-00356687 what it does is this u8h-t28rT30-01429-00356688-00356951 it lets you read more comfortably with u8h-t28rT30-01430-00356952-00357230 immersive reader clutter free we call it u8h-t28rT30-01431-00357231-00357471 collector free because when you go to a u8h-t28rT30-01432-00357472-00357751 website for example like this which i'm u8h-t28rT30-01433-00357752-00358039 going to show you as you can see i've u8h-t28rT30-01434-00358040-00358327 got advertisement at choices things i u8h-t28rT30-01435-00358328-00358558 may have you know looked through before u8h-t28rT30-01436-00358559-00358758 god knows what else right all these u8h-t28rT30-01437-00358759-00359047 things but all i want to do is u8h-t28rT30-01438-00359048-00359295 read this article i want my students to u8h-t28rT30-01439-00359296-00359599 read the articles all you have to do is u8h-t28rT30-01440-00359600-00359863 if that website whatever the page you u8h-t28rT30-01441-00359864-00360087 are on please remember this note i am u8h-t28rT30-01442-00360088-00360215 about to say u8h-t28rT30-01443-00360216-00360478 if the web page allows you to have an u8h-t28rT30-01444-00360479-00360823 immersive reader it will tell you on the u8h-t28rT30-01445-00360824-00361095 top as you can see it says enter u8h-t28rT30-01446-00361096-00361406 immersive reader that little book book u8h-t28rT30-01447-00361407-00361591 open book with the u8h-t28rT30-01448-00361592-00361903 speaker icon that tells you this page u8h-t28rT30-01449-00361904-00362039 can be u8h-t28rT30-01450-00362040-00362295 used as immersive reader watch what u8h-t28rT30-01451-00362296-00362447 happens u8h-t28rT30-01452-00362448-00362830 whoa isn't it neat the whole article is u8h-t28rT30-01453-00362831-00363047 right here especially when you have u8h-t28rT30-01454-00363048-00363310 students that you want them to focus u8h-t28rT30-01455-00363311-00363558 please focus only on reading this i want u8h-t28rT30-01456-00363559-00363751 you to take notes i want you to do this u8h-t28rT30-01457-00363752-00364063 or that whatever no more advertisement u8h-t28rT30-01458-00364064-00364287 no more or no more you know things that u8h-t28rT30-01459-00364288-00364582 i looked before any of anything at all u8h-t28rT30-01460-00364583-00364743 just simply here u8h-t28rT30-01461-00364744-00364927 now you want u8h-t28rT30-01462-00364928-00365167 to make use of your read aloud u8h-t28rT30-01463-00365168-00365439 here is your read aloud again click on u8h-t28rT30-01464-00365440-00365671 read aloud kirby kirby and the forgotten u8h-t28rT30-01465-00365672-00365903 land wild mode guide u8h-t28rT30-01466-00365904-00366134 you see that so it reads it for you u8h-t28rT30-01467-00366135-00366430 immersive reader is right there all u8h-t28rT30-01468-00366431-00366695 both of them two in you know two in one u8h-t28rT30-01469-00366696-00366982 so how do you get immersive reader you u8h-t28rT30-01470-00366983-00367263 have three choices one u8h-t28rT30-01471-00367264-00367527 well actually two choices you can simply u8h-t28rT30-01472-00367528-00367791 no actually you still have three choices u8h-t28rT30-01473-00367792-00367999 one you can click on a u8h-t28rT30-01474-00368000-00368439 shortcut f9 or right click on any page u8h-t28rT30-01475-00368440-00368743 you can look for open immersive open in u8h-t28rT30-01476-00368744-00369119 immersive reader or simply look for this u8h-t28rT30-01477-00369120-00369447 icon on your address bar that's why i u8h-t28rT30-01478-00369448-00369654 mentioned the address bar in the u8h-t28rT30-01479-00369655-00369878 beginning of my workshop so you need to u8h-t28rT30-01480-00369879-00370143 just you can you can easily find it u8h-t28rT30-01481-00370144-00370278 remember u8h-t28rT30-01482-00370279-00370582 not all web pages will allow you to have u8h-t28rT30-01483-00370583-00370854 immersive reader so please u8h-t28rT30-01484-00370855-00371103 note u8h-t28rT30-01485-00371104-00371263 any questions u8h-t28rT30-01486-00371264-00371471 you guys are very quiet u8h-t28rT30-01487-00371472-00371830 i hope i'm not boring you to sleep u8h-t28rT30-01488-00371831-00372023 you are all good u8h-t28rT30-01489-00372024-00372319 um how am i doing with time can you tell u8h-t28rT30-01490-00372320-00372615 me please u8h-t28rT30-01491-00372616-00372847 yes you're doing great on time it's 11 u8h-t28rT30-01492-00372848-00373095 20 and we have until quarter tell u8h-t28rT30-01493-00373096-00373334 okay very good thank you all right so u8h-t28rT30-01494-00373335-00373639 next one i want to show you is this i u8h-t28rT30-01495-00373640-00373951 did not show you uh on the webpage u8h-t28rT30-01496-00373952-00374143 on the browser but i want you to look at u8h-t28rT30-01497-00374144-00374295 it together first u8h-t28rT30-01498-00374296-00374543 look at these together first okay u8h-t28rT30-01499-00374544-00374671 when you u8h-t28rT30-01500-00374672-00375071 when you are in immersive mode on an u8h-t28rT30-01501-00375072-00375263 article you are in an immersive mode you u8h-t28rT30-01502-00375264-00375463 want your students to start using you u8h-t28rT30-01503-00375464-00375647 know reading it or read aloud or u8h-t28rT30-01504-00375648-00375782 whatever u8h-t28rT30-01505-00375783-00375919 you will see u8h-t28rT30-01506-00375920-00376319 this particular bar this bar has items u8h-t28rT30-01507-00376320-00376599 what are the features text present u8h-t28rT30-01508-00376600-00376895 preferences grammar tools reading u8h-t28rT30-01509-00376896-00377191 preferences the two to be told most of u8h-t28rT30-01510-00377192-00377399 these the grammar tools are not that u8h-t28rT30-01511-00377400-00377551 great yet u8h-t28rT30-01512-00377552-00377806 i'm sure they are fixing or perhaps when u8h-t28rT30-01513-00377807-00378015 they were creating these grammar tools u8h-t28rT30-01514-00378016-00378351 or this particular feature they did not u8h-t28rT30-01515-00378352-00378582 invite teachers like us u8h-t28rT30-01516-00378583-00378887 or like you to be part of the creation u8h-t28rT30-01517-00378888-00379191 because they have a lot of mistakes in u8h-t28rT30-01518-00379192-00379478 these parts of speech and stuff u8h-t28rT30-01519-00379479-00379695 we came across with u8h-t28rT30-01520-00379696-00379895 that issue u8h-t28rT30-01521-00379896-00380127 when i was doing a workshop on the same u8h-t28rT30-01522-00380128-00380382 topic so for example u8h-t28rT30-01523-00380383-00380743 i am now in immersive mode u8h-t28rT30-01524-00380744-00380882 i will quit u8h-t28rT30-01525-00380883-00381271 the read aloud because i want to get to u8h-t28rT30-01526-00381272-00381567 text preferences grammar tools and u8h-t28rT30-01527-00381568-00381751 reading preferences that i just showed u8h-t28rT30-01528-00381752-00381991 you on my powerpoint u8h-t28rT30-01529-00381992-00382271 if you were to click on grammar tools u8h-t28rT30-01530-00382272-00382471 as you can see u8h-t28rT30-01531-00382472-00382687 you can turn on u8h-t28rT30-01532-00382688-00382934 nouns only u8h-t28rT30-01533-00382935-00383143 your students if you want them to focus u8h-t28rT30-01534-00383144-00383430 on nouns on this particular article u8h-t28rT30-01535-00383431-00383647 you can tell you can decide what color u8h-t28rT30-01536-00383648-00383951 you want nouns to be green color all the u8h-t28rT30-01537-00383952-00384223 nouns should turn on u8h-t28rT30-01538-00384224-00384454 if you want the students to focus on u8h-t28rT30-01539-00384455-00384663 adjectives u8h-t28rT30-01540-00384664-00384863 you can change the color u8h-t28rT30-01541-00384864-00384991 turn it on u8h-t28rT30-01542-00384992-00385295 they will only focus on the adjectives u8h-t28rT30-01543-00385296-00385478 so u8h-t28rT30-01544-00385479-00385791 like i mentioned before last workshop i u8h-t28rT30-01545-00385792-00385895 had u8h-t28rT30-01546-00385896-00386223 one of the teachers or attendees u8h-t28rT30-01547-00386224-00386527 mention a great point that there are u8h-t28rT30-01548-00386528-00386791 lots of mistakes in there so you might u8h-t28rT30-01549-00386792-00386991 want to read the article first you might u8h-t28rT30-01550-00386992-00387319 want to curate first and see what is u8h-t28rT30-01551-00387320-00387567 what is what right so all these u8h-t28rT30-01552-00387568-00387782 parts of speech you might want to be u8h-t28rT30-01553-00387783-00387934 mindful of u8h-t28rT30-01554-00387935-00388230 uh of you know the the article may have u8h-t28rT30-01555-00388231-00388375 so i u8h-t28rT30-01556-00388376-00388591 mention it to you the bed side of it of u8h-t28rT30-01557-00388592-00388839 course they will always fix it but just u8h-t28rT30-01558-00388840-00388967 letting you know u8h-t28rT30-01559-00388968-00389119 yes u8h-t28rT30-01560-00389120-00389454 any question or juicy you good u8h-t28rT30-01561-00389455-00389830 okay all right so now next one is text u8h-t28rT30-01562-00389831-00389982 preferences as you can see i u8h-t28rT30-01563-00389983-00390191 deliberately made it large so i can show u8h-t28rT30-01564-00390192-00390430 it to you here we go you can make it u8h-t28rT30-01565-00390431-00390575 smaller u8h-t28rT30-01566-00390576-00390767 medium size u8h-t28rT30-01567-00390768-00390982 or you can make it u8h-t28rT30-01568-00390983-00391230 text spacing u8h-t28rT30-01569-00391231-00391382 change the font u8h-t28rT30-01570-00391383-00391558 make it center u8h-t28rT30-01571-00391559-00391839 you want it in this color u8h-t28rT30-01572-00391840-00392087 or you want it in black and white black u8h-t28rT30-01573-00392088-00392351 background with the white u8h-t28rT30-01574-00392352-00392447 font u8h-t28rT30-01575-00392448-00392710 or white background with the black fonts u8h-t28rT30-01576-00392711-00393143 right you be the owner of this immersive u8h-t28rT30-01577-00393144-00393406 reading right so you have a lot of u8h-t28rT30-01578-00393407-00393663 preferences that you can do line focus u8h-t28rT30-01579-00393664-00393878 if you have students with u8h-t28rT30-01580-00393879-00394158 some issues then you can make sure you u8h-t28rT30-01581-00394159-00394423 ask them to change one at a time so they u8h-t28rT30-01582-00394424-00394719 can only focus on one at a time one line u8h-t28rT30-01583-00394720-00394951 at a time not one sentence but one line u8h-t28rT30-01584-00394952-00395151 at a time and here is the picture u8h-t28rT30-01585-00395152-00395343 dictionary let's take a look at the u8h-t28rT30-01586-00395344-00395527 picture dictionary they're not that u8h-t28rT30-01587-00395528-00395743 great but still is good i don't know if u8h-t28rT30-01588-00395744-00395982 there is a picture in any of these yes u8h-t28rT30-01589-00395983-00396239 as you can see it says path if i click u8h-t28rT30-01590-00396240-00396527 it shows a little path so u8h-t28rT30-01591-00396528-00396799 what if i click on something force oh u8h-t28rT30-01592-00396800-00397015 force means this picture some of them u8h-t28rT30-01593-00397016-00397239 are not that great as i mentioned before u8h-t28rT30-01594-00397240-00397478 so you can make use of any of these u8h-t28rT30-01595-00397479-00397710 things and i would really suggest if you u8h-t28rT30-01596-00397711-00397854 are interested in u8h-t28rT30-01597-00397855-00398095 you know using it or if you if you if u8h-t28rT30-01598-00398096-00398367 you say you know what all i care out of u8h-t28rT30-01599-00398368-00398543 this workshop is u8h-t28rT30-01600-00398544-00398839 that's why only one immersive you know u8h-t28rT30-01601-00398840-00399127 reading that's all you wanted just do u8h-t28rT30-01602-00399128-00399351 that if you don't learn the rest of the u8h-t28rT30-01603-00399352-00399719 tools from me i don't i'm fine but just u8h-t28rT30-01604-00399720-00399967 learn this one make use of it with your u8h-t28rT30-01605-00399968-00400199 students take a few minutes of your time u8h-t28rT30-01606-00400200-00400319 to learn it u8h-t28rT30-01607-00400320-00400599 you will find out some of your students u8h-t28rT30-01608-00400600-00400830 will love this because it helps them u8h-t28rT30-01609-00400831-00401039 with their learning with their with u8h-t28rT30-01610-00401040-00401167 their you know u8h-t28rT30-01611-00401168-00401519 school so please sit down with them u8h-t28rT30-01612-00401520-00401878 do in class lesson i use that term from u8h-t28rT30-01613-00401879-00402158 burlington english i love that in class u8h-t28rT30-01614-00402159-00402399 lesson do sit down with them hey today u8h-t28rT30-01615-00402400-00402606 we are gonna look at this article these u8h-t28rT30-01616-00402607-00402854 are the things we can do you decide what u8h-t28rT30-01617-00402855-00403119 you want they can do anything they want u8h-t28rT30-01618-00403120-00403454 with that yes so that is something i u8h-t28rT30-01619-00403455-00403743 really suggest that you do u8h-t28rT30-01620-00403744-00404047 so let me go back any chat u8h-t28rT30-01621-00404048-00404334 we are good u8h-t28rT30-01622-00404335-00404663 i only have couple of more slides to go u8h-t28rT30-01623-00404664-00404863 if you don't have any questions i will u8h-t28rT30-01624-00404864-00405063 continue with this this is not that big u8h-t28rT30-01625-00405064-00405351 deal but it is in a way big deal u8h-t28rT30-01626-00405352-00405534 nowadays u8h-t28rT30-01627-00405535-00405719 as you know u8h-t28rT30-01628-00405720-00405910 that's right jennifer sorry about that u8h-t28rT30-01629-00405911-00406102 line focus is great for vision problems u8h-t28rT30-01630-00406103-00406439 for oh yes dyslexia that's correct u8h-t28rT30-01631-00406440-00406815 really really great uh too i i uh u8h-t28rT30-01632-00406816-00407054 some days in the uh you know like my u8h-t28rT30-01633-00407055-00407295 eyes are very tired i i use that a lot u8h-t28rT30-01634-00407296-00407454 on my ipad so u8h-t28rT30-01635-00407455-00407639 that's good u8h-t28rT30-01636-00407640-00407871 so let's get back to this slide it says u8h-t28rT30-01637-00407872-00408143 is privacy in private browsing u8h-t28rT30-01638-00408144-00408487 there are times that you don't want to u8h-t28rT30-01639-00408488-00408575 leave u8h-t28rT30-01640-00408576-00408775 you know trace u8h-t28rT30-01641-00408776-00409006 of course anytime if you're at work you u8h-t28rT30-01642-00409007-00409206 just want to check out some you know u8h-t28rT30-01643-00409207-00409430 amazon uh you know u8h-t28rT30-01644-00409431-00409647 shopping list or something whatever that u8h-t28rT30-01645-00409647-00409839 you are doing and you want you don't u8h-t28rT30-01646-00409839-00409999 want to leave u8h-t28rT30-01647-00410000-00410166 a trace u8h-t28rT30-01648-00410167-00410455 i don't know how how 100 you know prove u8h-t28rT30-01649-00410456-00410782 that is or not but for now i like it u8h-t28rT30-01650-00410783-00411047 i'll tell you why i like it i like to u8h-t28rT30-01651-00411047-00411230 travel a lot u8h-t28rT30-01652-00411231-00411495 when i travel before i travel u8h-t28rT30-01653-00411496-00411582 i u8h-t28rT30-01654-00411583-00411718 would u8h-t28rT30-01655-00411719-00412055 that's right lucy incognito mode in in u8h-t28rT30-01656-00412056-00412326 the i think google google terms that one u8h-t28rT30-01657-00412327-00412670 i think right um or so or or private u8h-t28rT30-01658-00412671-00412774 mode u8h-t28rT30-01659-00412775-00412982 when what when would you like to use u8h-t28rT30-01660-00412983-00413166 this of course anytime you want to but u8h-t28rT30-01661-00413167-00413414 for me this is how i use it u8h-t28rT30-01662-00413415-00413574 i check u8h-t28rT30-01663-00413575-00413822 ticket prices i check u8h-t28rT30-01664-00413823-00413991 uh what is it u8h-t28rT30-01665-00413992-00414239 hotel bookings right i check all these i u8h-t28rT30-01666-00414239-00414478 do reservations and stuff like that u8h-t28rT30-01667-00414479-00414710 especially with ticket prices i wanted u8h-t28rT30-01668-00414712-00414943 to know about what is happening you know u8h-t28rT30-01669-00414943-00415318 how how much in each site i use this new u8h-t28rT30-01670-00415319-00415710 in private window because if i do that u8h-t28rT30-01671-00415712-00416022 i only go to this website for example i u8h-t28rT30-01672-00416023-00416199 just went to switzerland so i go to u8h-t28rT30-01673-00416200-00416422 or switzerland whatever u8h-t28rT30-01674-00416423-00416495 right u8h-t28rT30-01675-00416496-00416863 i go in there with new in private window u8h-t28rT30-01676-00416864-00417022 when i do that u8h-t28rT30-01677-00417023-00417287 other google or microsoft bing or u8h-t28rT30-01678-00417288-00417630 whoever they do not know what i checked u8h-t28rT30-01679-00417631-00417822 for example the price of the ticket u8h-t28rT30-01680-00417823-00417982 would be a thousand two hundred and u8h-t28rT30-01681-00417983-00418182 forty seven dollars u8h-t28rT30-01682-00418183-00418414 so you marked in your head you said it's u8h-t28rT30-01683-00418415-00418678 a thousand two hundred and forty seven u8h-t28rT30-01684-00418679-00418959 dollars you close it then you go to u8h-t28rT30-01685-00418960-00419174 another website maybe u8h-t28rT30-01686-00419175-00419422 united airline american airliner u8h-t28rT30-01687-00419423-00419647 whatever you go in there you look for u8h-t28rT30-01688-00419647-00419959 i mean sorry so you look u8h-t28rT30-01689-00419960-00420214 for the ticket for switzerland right u8h-t28rT30-01690-00420215-00420295 through u8h-t28rT30-01691-00420296-00420566 american airlines or united airlines or u8h-t28rT30-01692-00420567-00420687 whatever u8h-t28rT30-01693-00420688-00420879 else right u8h-t28rT30-01694-00420880-00421095 you go in there and you find the ticket u8h-t28rT30-01695-00421096-00421275 price is u8h-t28rT30-01696-00421276-00421607 1480 dollars u8h-t28rT30-01697-00421608-00421983 so what is what's happening is this u8h-t28rT30-01698-00421984-00422287 it those two sites don't know what you u8h-t28rT30-01699-00422288-00422439 i don't know what they know each other u8h-t28rT30-01700-00422439-00422743 or not i really don't know but you as a u8h-t28rT30-01701-00422743-00422863 customer u8h-t28rT30-01702-00422864-00423118 user they don't know that you just look u8h-t28rT30-01703-00423119-00423447 at 1200 and the other website tells 1 u8h-t28rT30-01704-00423447-00423718 400 and nobody knows that i am looking u8h-t28rT30-01705-00423719-00423991 for switzerland ticket u8h-t28rT30-01706-00423992-00424159 and doesn't matter this price has u8h-t28rT30-01707-00424160-00424375 nothing to do with it but if you were u8h-t28rT30-01708-00424376-00424703 not using in private window what happens u8h-t28rT30-01709-00424704-00425007 is because i i tested it you know live i u8h-t28rT30-01710-00425008-00425191 mean i have tested it several times like u8h-t28rT30-01711-00425192-00425375 that for all the countries that i have u8h-t28rT30-01712-00425376-00425503 gone to u8h-t28rT30-01713-00425504-00425814 what if you don't use it what happens is u8h-t28rT30-01714-00425815-00426047 this hike up your u8h-t28rT30-01715-00426047-00426207 your prices u8h-t28rT30-01716-00426208-00426551 seriously not a joke i was just looking u8h-t28rT30-01717-00426552-00426814 at in my new private in private window u8h-t28rT30-01718-00426815-00427063 it says 1247. u8h-t28rT30-01719-00427064-00427270 as soon as i turned off that in private u8h-t28rT30-01720-00427271-00427487 window and i went to american airlines u8h-t28rT30-01721-00427488-00427807 and it says 1480 and if i win now go u8h-t28rT30-01722-00427808-00428007 ahead and type in and switzerland u8h-t28rT30-01723-00428008-00428255 airline would say 1480 or around that u8h-t28rT30-01724-00428256-00428743 number 14 1500 1600 whatever it is exact u8h-t28rT30-01725-00428743-00429079 same ticket exact same time frame i was u8h-t28rT30-01726-00429080-00429287 looking at a new in private window has u8h-t28rT30-01727-00429288-00429599 changed to the other one so in private i u8h-t28rT30-01728-00429600-00429839 can't i'm not saying it's 100 u8h-t28rT30-01729-00429839-00430110 foolproof but these this is how i have u8h-t28rT30-01730-00430112-00430375 been getting my tickets in private u8h-t28rT30-01731-00430376-00430663 window and nobody has to know uh if i u8h-t28rT30-01732-00430664-00430814 was looking for a u8h-t28rT30-01733-00430815-00430999 you know uh switzerland tickets or not u8h-t28rT30-01734-00431000-00431231 at work or at home or at you know in my u8h-t28rT30-01735-00431232-00431503 laptop or whatever that is the reasons i u8h-t28rT30-01736-00431504-00431775 hope i give you a very strong reason u8h-t28rT30-01737-00431776-00431983 why i give i ask you to do the in u8h-t28rT30-01738-00431984-00432183 private window if you want to shop u8h-t28rT30-01739-00432184-00432383 something and you don't want them to u8h-t28rT30-01740-00432384-00432591 keep tracking you or if they if you u8h-t28rT30-01741-00432592-00432847 don't want them to hide you know what do u8h-t28rT30-01742-00432847-00433055 you call a hike up that prices u8h-t28rT30-01743-00433056-00433287 now is the time for you to use in u8h-t28rT30-01744-00433288-00433479 private window u8h-t28rT30-01745-00433480-00433703 all right so that's pretty much it and u8h-t28rT30-01746-00433704-00433887 of course on the screen you have been u8h-t28rT30-01747-00433888-00434166 reading i bet your browsing data such as u8h-t28rT30-01748-00434167-00434383 cookies browsing history and passwords u8h-t28rT30-01749-00434384-00434647 will not be safe on your device after u8h-t28rT30-01750-00434647-00434943 you are done so that's pretty good right u8h-t28rT30-01751-00434943-00435247 so anyone uh tell can tell me that you u8h-t28rT30-01752-00435247-00435455 have used in private window if for any u8h-t28rT30-01753-00435456-00435743 reason or you have any u8h-t28rT30-01754-00435743-00436007 anything to share u8h-t28rT30-01755-00436008-00436151 oh thank you u8h-t28rT30-01756-00436152-00436407 dr toiby that's u8h-t28rT30-01757-00436408-00436735 yes i travel a lot yeah i i always do u8h-t28rT30-01758-00436735-00436887 that and uh u8h-t28rT30-01759-00436888-00437151 new in private window is the best for me u8h-t28rT30-01760-00437152-00437295 yeah u8h-t28rT30-01761-00437296-00437575 all right no chats u8h-t28rT30-01762-00437576-00437679 um u8h-t28rT30-01763-00437680-00437879 there is one that we missed earlier and u8h-t28rT30-01764-00437880-00438118 i apologize susan asked if the immersive u8h-t28rT30-01765-00438119-00438263 reader um u8h-t28rT30-01766-00438264-00438455 when you were discussing that can the u8h-t28rT30-01767-00438456-00438695 teacher create a page look and then u8h-t28rT30-01768-00438696-00438966 share that link with the student u8h-t28rT30-01769-00438967-00439214 so can they customize that immersive u8h-t28rT30-01770-00439215-00439663 reader look and then share that link u8h-t28rT30-01771-00439664-00439863 true you can do it if you are doing an u8h-t28rT30-01772-00439864-00440079 in-class lesson so u8h-t28rT30-01773-00440080-00440327 yes you so like this you want this u8h-t28rT30-01774-00440328-00440439 article u8h-t28rT30-01775-00440439-00440614 you u8h-t28rT30-01776-00440615-00440822 want this article together and you u8h-t28rT30-01777-00440823-00441055 decide you know you create you you u8h-t28rT30-01778-00441056-00441295 choose your preferences whatever this is u8h-t28rT30-01779-00441296-00441527 the one you want them to focus on verbs u8h-t28rT30-01780-00441528-00441791 today and then you want them to just u8h-t28rT30-01781-00441792-00442159 that's all you want and also you want to u8h-t28rT30-01782-00442160-00442327 do something you go ahead and do that u8h-t28rT30-01783-00442328-00442470 and then of course you can read it u8h-t28rT30-01784-00442471-00442695 together and this is what you're sharing u8h-t28rT30-01785-00442696-00442935 in class lesson with your with your zoom u8h-t28rT30-01786-00442935-00443199 sharing or with your projector or you u8h-t28rT30-01787-00443200-00443375 know document camera or anything that u8h-t28rT30-01788-00443376-00443622 you want that's one thing you can do or u8h-t28rT30-01789-00443623-00443903 if you are sharing individual one to u8h-t28rT30-01790-00443904-00444118 your students i don't think there is u8h-t28rT30-01791-00444119-00444383 anything that you can um you can what is u8h-t28rT30-01792-00444384-00444614 it called you can make save it as the u8h-t28rT30-01793-00444615-00444822 only thing i can think of is is this u8h-t28rT30-01794-00444823-00444959 this is what you can do if you are u8h-t28rT30-01795-00444960-00445095 interested in u8h-t28rT30-01796-00445096-00445287 this is the article you want your u8h-t28rT30-01797-00445288-00445535 students to focus on the verbs you want u8h-t28rT30-01798-00445535-00445679 the students to have black background u8h-t28rT30-01799-00445680-00445983 with the one the white fonts with the u8h-t28rT30-01800-00445984-00446103 purple u8h-t28rT30-01801-00446104-00446263 is it purple yes it's purple after u8h-t28rT30-01802-00446264-00446422 looking at too many colors i can't u8h-t28rT30-01803-00446423-00446679 really see purple um u8h-t28rT30-01804-00446680-00446918 you know verbs and then this is what you u8h-t28rT30-01805-00446919-00447143 really like you want them to focus this u8h-t28rT30-01806-00447143-00447287 is what you can do u8h-t28rT30-01807-00447288-00447487 go to three dots u8h-t28rT30-01808-00447488-00447895 click print u8h-t28rT30-01809-00447896-00448207 oh unfortunately it doesn't do so if it u8h-t28rT30-01810-00448208-00448399 doesn't that's that that was one thing i u8h-t28rT30-01811-00448400-00448687 was thinking or if not u8h-t28rT30-01812-00448688-00448903 what else can we do there should be a u8h-t28rT30-01813-00448904-00449159 pdf you know save it as pdf or something u8h-t28rT30-01814-00449160-00449351 like that u8h-t28rT30-01815-00449352-00449510 but um u8h-t28rT30-01816-00449512-00449759 immersive reader usually is to to make u8h-t28rT30-01817-00449760-00450014 you to to make it interactive for the u8h-t28rT30-01818-00450015-00450391 particular person so it's individual u8h-t28rT30-01819-00450392-00450622 you know person thing it's not u8h-t28rT30-01820-00450623-00450895 for everyone it's you know u8h-t28rT30-01821-00450896-00451159 one size fit all we want to make it you u8h-t28rT30-01822-00451160-00451399 know oh this is a good one yeah we want u8h-t28rT30-01823-00451400-00451710 to make it you know personalized so u8h-t28rT30-01824-00451712-00451951 that's one reason immersive reader is u8h-t28rT30-01825-00451952-00452295 very popular okay i like what juicy said u8h-t28rT30-01826-00452296-00452543 can you create a qr code let's go in u8h-t28rT30-01827-00452543-00452863 here right click and if you look at it u8h-t28rT30-01828-00452864-00453191 that qr code option is not given u8h-t28rT30-01829-00453192-00453447 you see that so if it is not given then u8h-t28rT30-01830-00453447-00453655 there you there goes so if you really u8h-t28rT30-01831-00453656-00453903 like it this pattern you can do a few u8h-t28rT30-01832-00453904-00454151 things though this is my last u8h-t28rT30-01833-00454152-00454310 resort u8h-t28rT30-01834-00454312-00454566 i will look at it i am going to do a u8h-t28rT30-01835-00454567-00454775 screenshot u8h-t28rT30-01836-00454776-00455095 or you see i can do a web capture here u8h-t28rT30-01837-00455096-00455310 if i do the web capture of course you're u8h-t28rT30-01838-00455312-00455543 going to have to do a little uh what do u8h-t28rT30-01839-00455543-00455799 you call it cropping u8h-t28rT30-01840-00455800-00456166 this is one crop you can do you copy u8h-t28rT30-01841-00456167-00456303 right u8h-t28rT30-01842-00456304-00456487 and then you go and open your of course u8h-t28rT30-01843-00456488-00456766 a little stitching need to be done u8h-t28rT30-01844-00456767-00457127 so i'm gonna show you microsoft word u8h-t28rT30-01845-00457128-00457359 i am coming u8h-t28rT30-01846-00457360-00457535 back here u8h-t28rT30-01847-00457535-00457807 so here is something you can do i just u8h-t28rT30-01848-00457808-00458055 copied and pasted it right we learned u8h-t28rT30-01849-00458056-00458366 those tools before so this is one thing u8h-t28rT30-01850-00458367-00458566 that you can do and then you go to the u8h-t28rT30-01851-00458567-00458647 next u8h-t28rT30-01852-00458647-00458791 the next page u8h-t28rT30-01853-00458792-00459055 which is maybe around here here's u8h-t28rT30-01854-00459056-00459287 another stitch i'm gonna do u8h-t28rT30-01855-00459288-00459535 you can right click again web capture u8h-t28rT30-01856-00459535-00459766 which i just showed you a few u8h-t28rT30-01857-00459767-00459903 slides ago u8h-t28rT30-01858-00459904-00460207 and you can have it here again copy go u8h-t28rT30-01859-00460208-00460527 back to your microsoft word u8h-t28rT30-01860-00460528-00460751 and let's do another stitch u8h-t28rT30-01861-00460752-00460951 so this is something you can do and you u8h-t28rT30-01862-00460952-00461191 can print it out you can give it as a u8h-t28rT30-01863-00461192-00461559 send it as a pdf or a word or something u8h-t28rT30-01864-00461560-00461839 that's the only those that's the only u8h-t28rT30-01865-00461839-00462055 option i've got oh did i just stop u8h-t28rT30-01866-00462056-00462327 sharing that's the only i've got i i u8h-t28rT30-01867-00462328-00462503 hope it uh u8h-t28rT30-01868-00462504-00462799 yeah okay all right susan thank you so u8h-t28rT30-01869-00462800-00463103 that's it and uh let me see what u8h-t28rT30-01870-00463104-00463518 my last one is u8h-t28rT30-01871-00463519-00463710 let's go back down here u8h-t28rT30-01872-00463712-00463910 last one is security u8h-t28rT30-01873-00463912-00464135 tracking prevention those of you who u8h-t28rT30-01874-00464135-00464407 don't want to use in private window it's u8h-t28rT30-01875-00464408-00464607 a hassle for you actually it's not here u8h-t28rT30-01876-00464608-00464791 so just right click on the edge browser u8h-t28rT30-01877-00464792-00465022 icon and you can just go straight to in u8h-t28rT30-01878-00465023-00465303 private mode um and while you know u8h-t28rT30-01879-00465304-00465591 without having to close all your regular u8h-t28rT30-01880-00465592-00465703 tabs u8h-t28rT30-01881-00465704-00466014 so this security tracking prevention can u8h-t28rT30-01882-00466015-00466391 be found under settings the settings are u8h-t28rT30-01883-00466392-00466575 the three dots that i mentioned in the u8h-t28rT30-01884-00466576-00466743 beginning of the u8h-t28rT30-01885-00466743-00466975 the workshop the three dots are located u8h-t28rT30-01886-00466976-00467175 on the top of your microsoft edge u8h-t28rT30-01887-00467176-00467518 browser so this is it the three dots u8h-t28rT30-01888-00467519-00467718 right next to my picture of course it u8h-t28rT30-01889-00467719-00467903 will be your picture or your profile u8h-t28rT30-01890-00467904-00468222 picture right top of the u8h-t28rT30-01891-00468223-00468510 edge browser window three dots you click u8h-t28rT30-01892-00468512-00468855 on it you click on settings and then you u8h-t28rT30-01893-00468856-00468966 go to u8h-t28rT30-01894-00468967-00469039 the u8h-t28rT30-01895-00469039-00469383 security so let's go in here u8h-t28rT30-01896-00469384-00469622 sorry you go to the privacy search and u8h-t28rT30-01897-00469623-00469999 services so here i am back to microsoft u8h-t28rT30-01898-00470000-00470647 edge browser privacy search and services u8h-t28rT30-01899-00470647-00470910 if you you can decide whatever you want u8h-t28rT30-01900-00470912-00471183 i selected balance please look through u8h-t28rT30-01901-00471184-00471414 these these are important and if you put u8h-t28rT30-01902-00471415-00471687 it all strict this is really you know u8h-t28rT30-01903-00471688-00472031 it's my major worry is this parts of u8h-t28rT30-01904-00472032-00472343 sites might not work if you put it in as u8h-t28rT30-01905-00472343-00472470 a strict u8h-t28rT30-01906-00472471-00472783 mode but if you leave it as balanced u8h-t28rT30-01907-00472784-00473014 blocks trackers from the site you u8h-t28rT30-01908-00473015-00473343 haven't visited right or sites will work u8h-t28rT30-01909-00473343-00473735 as expected and this one also said sites u8h-t28rT30-01910-00473735-00474031 will work as expected and then it also u8h-t28rT30-01911-00474032-00474399 blocks known harmful trackers so that's u8h-t28rT30-01912-00474400-00474607 something that you might want to have it u8h-t28rT30-01913-00474608-00474814 as balanced so if you are following u8h-t28rT30-01914-00474815-00475087 along with me or if you wish to start u8h-t28rT30-01915-00475088-00475343 using microsoft browser i really u8h-t28rT30-01916-00475343-00475622 recommend that you check your privacy u8h-t28rT30-01917-00475623-00476007 search and services and select balanced u8h-t28rT30-01918-00476008-00476279 i believe that's all u8h-t28rT30-01919-00476280-00476612 from me u9ol4sGTUzA-00000-00001344-00001671 good morning good morning everyone u9ol4sGTUzA-00001-00001672-00001902 good morning my name is diana ayala and u9ol4sGTUzA-00002-00001903-00002047 i am the chair of the committee on u9ol4sGTUzA-00003-00002048-00002279 consumer affairs and business licensing u9ol4sGTUzA-00004-00002280-00002463 i would like to welcome you to our vote u9ol4sGTUzA-00005-00002464-00002639 today on two bills that will improve the u9ol4sGTUzA-00006-00002640-00002839 regulatory landscape for businesses in u9ol4sGTUzA-00007-00002840-00002975 new york city u9ol4sGTUzA-00008-00002976-00003118 we will be voting on proposed u9ol4sGTUzA-00009-00003119-00003406 introduction 499 a by council member kos u9ol4sGTUzA-00010-00003407-00003511 lewis u9ol4sGTUzA-00011-00003511-00003870 newsstands u9ol4sGTUzA-00012-00003871-00004254 quiet please u9ol4sGTUzA-00013-00004255-00004486 thank you we will be voting on proposed u9ol4sGTUzA-00014-00004487-00004663 introduction for 1998 by council member u9ol4sGTUzA-00015-00004664-00004775 cost lewis u9ol4sGTUzA-00016-00004776-00004951 newsstands are some of the smallest u9ol4sGTUzA-00017-00004952-00005135 businesses that we have in new york city u9ol4sGTUzA-00018-00005136-00005406 with some of the hardest working owners u9ol4sGTUzA-00019-00005407-00005615 within the industry new sign operators u9ol4sGTUzA-00020-00005616-00005791 typically operate their new stands for u9ol4sGTUzA-00021-00005792-00006054 up to 12 hours a day for often modest u9ol4sGTUzA-00022-00006055-00006167 revenues u9ol4sGTUzA-00023-00006168-00006367 most news stands are often u9ol4sGTUzA-00024-00006368-00006527 owned by immigrants u9ol4sGTUzA-00025-00006528-00006759 and as consumers have increasingly u9ol4sGTUzA-00026-00006759-00006983 preferred digital over print media the u9ol4sGTUzA-00027-00006984-00007151 job of a news and operator has become u9ol4sGTUzA-00028-00007152-00007287 less lucrative u9ol4sGTUzA-00029-00007288-00007487 the pandemic and resulting stay at home u9ol4sGTUzA-00030-00007488-00007631 orders have made it even more u9ol4sGTUzA-00031-00007631-00007806 challenging for news and operators to u9ol4sGTUzA-00032-00007808-00007951 turn a profit u9ol4sGTUzA-00033-00007952-00008231 for over the past 18 months u9ol4sGTUzA-00034-00008232-00008423 in response to the difficulties facing u9ol4sGTUzA-00035-00008424-00008655 this industry this committee will take u9ol4sGTUzA-00036-00008656-00008846 action today to pass a bill to improve u9ol4sGTUzA-00037-00008847-00009031 the conditions of those operating news u9ol4sGTUzA-00038-00009032-00009151 stands u9ol4sGTUzA-00039-00009152-00009391 currently new stand operators are unable u9ol4sGTUzA-00040-00009392-00009606 to operate a new stand as a corporate u9ol4sGTUzA-00041-00009607-00009703 entity u9ol4sGTUzA-00042-00009704-00010014 such as a corporation or llc which means u9ol4sGTUzA-00043-00010015-00010206 that new stand operators must run their u9ol4sGTUzA-00044-00010207-00010438 business as sole proprietors u9ol4sGTUzA-00045-00010439-00010814 this setup exposes u9ol4sGTUzA-00046-00010815-00010951 their assets u9ol4sGTUzA-00047-00010952-00011206 such as their homes or college saving u9ol4sGTUzA-00048-00011207-00011455 accounts to personal liability if they u9ol4sGTUzA-00049-00011456-00011759 are sued for example and the inability u9ol4sGTUzA-00050-00011760-00011967 to form partnerships also prohibits them u9ol4sGTUzA-00051-00011968-00012167 from bringing a family member or an u9ol4sGTUzA-00052-00012168-00012367 employee into the business or sharing u9ol4sGTUzA-00053-00012368-00012567 the course of the stand itself u9ol4sGTUzA-00054-00012568-00012719 an employee who has worked at a new u9ol4sGTUzA-00055-00012720-00012919 stand for decades is unable to under the u9ol4sGTUzA-00056-00012919-00013135 current law to become a partner at the u9ol4sGTUzA-00057-00013136-00013358 newsstand and take over for the existing u9ol4sGTUzA-00058-00013359-00013615 operator after they retire u9ol4sGTUzA-00059-00013616-00013766 existing news and operators have u9ol4sGTUzA-00060-00013768-00013966 therefore advocated for the right to u9ol4sGTUzA-00061-00013968-00014191 incorporate as business entities which u9ol4sGTUzA-00062-00014191-00014558 is an essential component of intro 499a u9ol4sGTUzA-00063-00014559-00014719 we are also voting on a proposed u9ol4sGTUzA-00064-00014719-00014927 introduction number 1145a by u9ol4sGTUzA-00065-00014928-00015079 councilmember cool u9ol4sGTUzA-00066-00015080-00015335 retail stores that sell things like food u9ol4sGTUzA-00067-00015336-00015535 and non-prescription health beauty aids u9ol4sGTUzA-00068-00015536-00015750 are required to comply with the city's u9ol4sGTUzA-00069-00015751-00016047 rigorous item pricing law the law u9ol4sGTUzA-00070-00016047-00016255 requires these items with few exceptions u9ol4sGTUzA-00071-00016256-00016494 to be individually labeled with a price u9ol4sGTUzA-00072-00016495-00016591 sticker u9ol4sGTUzA-00073-00016592-00016791 the item pricing requirement is a u9ol4sGTUzA-00074-00016792-00017015 massive burden for retail stores in u9ol4sGTUzA-00075-00017016-00017222 supermarkets for example one of the u9ol4sGTUzA-00076-00017223-00017422 thousands of items in a store must have u9ol4sGTUzA-00077-00017423-00017647 their prices correctly labeled u9ol4sGTUzA-00078-00017648-00017855 of course labeling tens of thousands of u9ol4sGTUzA-00079-00017856-00018022 items in the store perfectly is nearly u9ol4sGTUzA-00080-00018023-00018255 impossible human error can lead to a few u9ol4sGTUzA-00081-00018256-00018479 items being labeled incorrectly u9ol4sGTUzA-00082-00018480-00018679 these mistakes however leave storefront u9ol4sGTUzA-00083-00018680-00019007 stores vulnerable to fines from dcwp u9ol4sGTUzA-00084-00019008-00019191 according to one advocate creating an u9ol4sGTUzA-00085-00019192-00019367 exception for the item pricing u9ol4sGTUzA-00086-00019368-00019527 requirement would eliminate one of the u9ol4sGTUzA-00087-00019528-00019943 biggest fines this industry sees u9ol4sGTUzA-00088-00019944-00020255 intro 1145a modernizes the item pricing u9ol4sGTUzA-00089-00020256-00020455 requirement without sacrificing control u9ol4sGTUzA-00090-00020456-00020639 consumer protection u9ol4sGTUzA-00091-00020640-00020814 under the proposed introduction stores u9ol4sGTUzA-00092-00020815-00020967 can only make use of the bill's u9ol4sGTUzA-00093-00020968-00021119 exception if they provide product u9ol4sGTUzA-00094-00021120-00021319 scanners that consumers can use to check u9ol4sGTUzA-00095-00021320-00021478 the price of the item u9ol4sGTUzA-00096-00021479-00021630 the number of the scanners needed in u9ol4sGTUzA-00097-00021631-00021775 each so would be based on the size of u9ol4sGTUzA-00098-00021776-00021935 the store as determined by the u9ol4sGTUzA-00099-00021936-00022183 commissioner of dcwp u9ol4sGTUzA-00100-00022184-00022430 each shelf in the retail in our way u9ol4sGTUzA-00101-00022431-00022647 sorry each shelf in the retail store u9ol4sGTUzA-00102-00022648-00022847 will also need to list the price of the u9ol4sGTUzA-00103-00022848-00023007 corresponding item u9ol4sGTUzA-00104-00023008-00023207 in recent years jurisdictions across the u9ol4sGTUzA-00105-00023208-00023422 new york state have taken action to u9ol4sGTUzA-00106-00023423-00023671 enable retailers to use technologies to u9ol4sGTUzA-00107-00023672-00023950 prevent stores from needing to label u9ol4sGTUzA-00108-00023951-00024119 individual items u9ol4sGTUzA-00109-00024120-00024294 similar legislation has passed in u9ol4sGTUzA-00110-00024295-00024542 westchester nasa south book rockland u9ol4sGTUzA-00111-00024543-00024655 erie u9ol4sGTUzA-00112-00024656-00024935 resolar and st lawrence counties i am u9ol4sGTUzA-00113-00024936-00025127 glad that new york city will join these u9ol4sGTUzA-00114-00025128-00025255 other jurisdictions and taking u9ol4sGTUzA-00115-00025256-00025494 common-sense steps to amend outdated u9ol4sGTUzA-00116-00025495-00025678 laws while at the same time not u9ol4sGTUzA-00117-00025679-00025967 sacrificing consumer transparency i urge u9ol4sGTUzA-00118-00025968-00026111 my colleagues to vote yes on these u9ol4sGTUzA-00119-00026112-00026327 important uh introductions u9ol4sGTUzA-00120-00026327-00026518 before i ask the clau the clerk to call u9ol4sGTUzA-00121-00026519-00026639 a role i would like to turn it over to u9ol4sGTUzA-00122-00026639-00026774 council member cool to deliver an u9ol4sGTUzA-00123-00026775-00027318 opening statement on his bill u9ol4sGTUzA-00124-00027319-00027558 thank you u9ol4sGTUzA-00125-00027560-00027827 today we are voting on my bill intro u9ol4sGTUzA-00126-00027827-00028023 1145 u9ol4sGTUzA-00127-00028024-00028270 this is a small business we need build u9ol4sGTUzA-00128-00028272-00028423 that will expand u9ol4sGTUzA-00129-00028424-00028702 the number of items at retailers u9ol4sGTUzA-00130-00028704-00029031 exam from item pricing requirements u9ol4sGTUzA-00131-00029032-00029351 for individual pieces of merchandise as u9ol4sGTUzA-00132-00029352-00029535 long as the store u9ol4sGTUzA-00133-00029536-00029799 makes price scanners available for the u9ol4sGTUzA-00134-00029800-00029967 consumer u9ol4sGTUzA-00135-00029968-00030231 for years retail stores have been forced u9ol4sGTUzA-00136-00030232-00030495 to waste time and money on the labor u9ol4sGTUzA-00137-00030495-00030807 intensive task of using sticker guns on u9ol4sGTUzA-00138-00030808-00030918 every u9ol4sGTUzA-00139-00030919-00031143 single individual piece of merchandise u9ol4sGTUzA-00140-00031144-00031287 on the shelf u9ol4sGTUzA-00141-00031288-00031614 i should know as a pharmacist i have to u9ol4sGTUzA-00142-00031616-00031823 i have had to do it for more than 20 u9ol4sGTUzA-00143-00031824-00031958 years u9ol4sGTUzA-00144-00031960-00032207 the city mandates this u9ol4sGTUzA-00145-00032208-00032511 despite a redundant state law that u9ol4sGTUzA-00146-00032512-00032783 requires item pricing to also be u9ol4sGTUzA-00147-00032784-00032999 displayed on the shelves u9ol4sGTUzA-00148-00033000-00033295 my bill would eliminate the sticker gun u9ol4sGTUzA-00149-00033296-00033623 mandates and give retail stores the u9ol4sGTUzA-00150-00033624-00033967 option to use price scanners such as u9ol4sGTUzA-00151-00033968-00034215 those already found at large stores like u9ol4sGTUzA-00152-00034216-00034343 target u9ol4sGTUzA-00153-00034344-00034535 this is one of the u9ol4sGTUzA-00154-00034536-00034846 this is one of the dcwp's most common u9ol4sGTUzA-00155-00034847-00034974 violations u9ol4sGTUzA-00156-00034975-00035118 and well now u9ol4sGTUzA-00157-00035119-00035359 those big chains those stores are u9ol4sGTUzA-00158-00035360-00035671 already ignoring this law and just pay u9ol4sGTUzA-00159-00035672-00035807 the fine u9ol4sGTUzA-00160-00035808-00035999 they see it as a course of doing u9ol4sGTUzA-00161-00036000-00036274 business but our smaller often u9ol4sGTUzA-00162-00036275-00036767 minority-owned businesses are u9ol4sGTUzA-00163-00036768-00037055 and by using barcodes and scanners u9ol4sGTUzA-00164-00037056-00037351 stores can more efficiently u9ol4sGTUzA-00165-00037352-00037687 implement sales and discounts over those u9ol4sGTUzA-00166-00037688-00037935 over their own goods u9ol4sGTUzA-00167-00037936-00038095 this is also u9ol4sGTUzA-00168-00038096-00038374 there is also zero evidence that this u9ol4sGTUzA-00169-00038375-00038735 bill would result in any sort of u9ol4sGTUzA-00170-00038736-00038871 job laws u9ol4sGTUzA-00171-00038872-00039246 we have asked for data but there is none u9ol4sGTUzA-00172-00039247-00039551 nasa suffolk and manchester counties u9ol4sGTUzA-00173-00039552-00039783 have all been utilizing u9ol4sGTUzA-00174-00039784-00040118 this technology for decades with no u9ol4sGTUzA-00175-00040119-00040239 reported u9ol4sGTUzA-00176-00040240-00040367 job loss u9ol4sGTUzA-00177-00040368-00040511 if anything u9ol4sGTUzA-00178-00040512-00040855 we take retailers are struggling to hire u9ol4sGTUzA-00179-00040856-00041158 and keep existing employees at this time u9ol4sGTUzA-00180-00041159-00041527 this bill will allow small business u9ol4sGTUzA-00181-00041528-00041807 this bill will allow small businesses to u9ol4sGTUzA-00182-00041808-00042111 innovate and improve their business u9ol4sGTUzA-00183-00042112-00042518 instead of having to scramble to comply u9ol4sGTUzA-00184-00042519-00042790 with compensate and outdated u9ol4sGTUzA-00185-00042791-00042974 over-regulation u9ol4sGTUzA-00186-00042975-00043158 at the end of the day u9ol4sGTUzA-00187-00043159-00043495 we are in a retail crisis and this is u9ol4sGTUzA-00188-00043496-00043799 common sense step to clean up the law u9ol4sGTUzA-00189-00043800-00044111 the pandemic has caused a retail crisis u9ol4sGTUzA-00190-00044112-00044343 like we have never seen before u9ol4sGTUzA-00191-00044344-00044583 supermarkets and small business u9ol4sGTUzA-00192-00044584-00044887 retailers continues to shut the doors u9ol4sGTUzA-00193-00044888-00045046 and this is one u9ol4sGTUzA-00194-00045047-00045335 tangible action we can take to support u9ol4sGTUzA-00195-00045336-00045423 them u9ol4sGTUzA-00196-00045424-00045711 we have all talked about wanting to help u9ol4sGTUzA-00197-00045712-00045902 small businesses u9ol4sGTUzA-00198-00045903-00046151 this is how to do it for supermarket in u9ol4sGTUzA-00199-00046152-00046415 particular this bill will save them from u9ol4sGTUzA-00200-00046416-00046695 unnecessary burdensome u9ol4sGTUzA-00201-00046696-00047086 fines their big box styles are able to u9ol4sGTUzA-00202-00047087-00047367 absorb as a cause of doing business u9ol4sGTUzA-00203-00047368-00047451 this u9ol4sGTUzA-00204-00047452-00047767 dcwp has voiced their support of this u9ol4sGTUzA-00205-00047768-00047974 bill and i urge u9ol4sGTUzA-00206-00047975-00048190 my colleagues to do the same thank you u9ol4sGTUzA-00207-00048191-00048511 chair u9ol4sGTUzA-00208-00048512-00048751 thank you council member who i will turn u9ol4sGTUzA-00209-00048752-00048911 it over to council member kos lois to u9ol4sGTUzA-00210-00048912-00049062 make a statement u9ol4sGTUzA-00211-00049063-00049895 councilman u9ol4sGTUzA-00212-00049896-00050679 we'll get you a mic u9ol4sGTUzA-00213-00050680-00050855 thank you u9ol4sGTUzA-00214-00050856-00051035 on december 11 u9ol4sGTUzA-00215-00051036-00051450 2001 the city council passed intro u9ol4sGTUzA-00216-00051451-00051607 0968 u9ol4sGTUzA-00217-00051608-00051990 slash 2001. it was a bill that i u9ol4sGTUzA-00218-00051991-00052126 introduced u9ol4sGTUzA-00219-00052127-00052511 on december 26 2001 u9ol4sGTUzA-00220-00052512-00052903 mayor giuliani vetoed the legislation u9ol4sGTUzA-00221-00052904-00053103 because this u9ol4sGTUzA-00222-00053104-00053430 veto occurred five days from the end of u9ol4sGTUzA-00223-00053432-00053594 the u9ol4sGTUzA-00224-00053595-00053894 1998-2001 legislative session u9ol4sGTUzA-00225-00053895-00054247 the council did not have the ability to u9ol4sGTUzA-00226-00054248-00054487 consider an override u9ol4sGTUzA-00227-00054488-00054847 today almost 20 years later and i'm u9ol4sGTUzA-00228-00054848-00055372 still here u9ol4sGTUzA-00229-00055373-00055566 [Applause] u9ol4sGTUzA-00230-00055567-00055711 the council u9ol4sGTUzA-00231-00055712-00056111 in considering intro 499 is essentially u9ol4sGTUzA-00232-00056112-00056615 considering the same bill as intro 0968 u9ol4sGTUzA-00233-00056616-00056966 intro 0968 contained u9ol4sGTUzA-00234-00056967-00057287 language authorizing raising the limit u9ol4sGTUzA-00235-00057288-00057623 on the dollar amount a stand operator u9ol4sGTUzA-00236-00057624-00057838 could charge for an item u9ol4sGTUzA-00237-00057839-00058159 this increased dollar limit was achieved u9ol4sGTUzA-00238-00058160-00058423 during the bloomberg administration u9ol4sGTUzA-00239-00058424-00058575 and therefore u9ol4sGTUzA-00240-00058576-00058950 does not appear in intro 499 u9ol4sGTUzA-00241-00058951-00059182 except for the raising of the dollar u9ol4sGTUzA-00242-00059183-00059347 amount intro u9ol4sGTUzA-00243-00059348-00059735 0968 and intro 0499 u9ol4sGTUzA-00244-00059736-00060030 are basically identical u9ol4sGTUzA-00245-00060032-00060326 currently only an individual can obtain u9ol4sGTUzA-00246-00060327-00060526 a new stand license u9ol4sGTUzA-00247-00060527-00060806 this bill would permit partnerships u9ol4sGTUzA-00248-00060807-00061191 companies and corporations to obtain a u9ol4sGTUzA-00249-00061191-00061471 newsstand license as well u9ol4sGTUzA-00250-00061472-00061750 why is this important because it would u9ol4sGTUzA-00251-00061751-00062023 enhance the ability of immigrants to u9ol4sGTUzA-00252-00062024-00062399 obtain a newsstand license and thus u9ol4sGTUzA-00253-00062400-00062711 become enter entrepreneurs u9ol4sGTUzA-00254-00062712-00063030 there are approximately 300 newsstands u9ol4sGTUzA-00255-00063032-00063263 in operation in our city u9ol4sGTUzA-00256-00063264-00063511 these newsstands are overwhelmingly u9ol4sGTUzA-00257-00063512-00063735 operated by immigrants u9ol4sGTUzA-00258-00063736-00064047 that is operated but not owned by u9ol4sGTUzA-00259-00064048-00064191 immigrants u9ol4sGTUzA-00260-00064191-00064463 by expanding ownership to partnerships u9ol4sGTUzA-00261-00064464-00064703 companies and corporations u9ol4sGTUzA-00262-00064704-00065015 the current personal license holder u9ol4sGTUzA-00263-00065016-00065142 would be u9ol4sGTUzA-00264-00065144-00065399 given the ability to bring in the u9ol4sGTUzA-00265-00065400-00065671 operator as a partner and when the u9ol4sGTUzA-00266-00065672-00065967 current license holder retires or passes u9ol4sGTUzA-00267-00065968-00066038 on u9ol4sGTUzA-00268-00066039-00066287 because the definition of ownership is u9ol4sGTUzA-00269-00066288-00066679 to be expanded the immigrant operator as u9ol4sGTUzA-00270-00066680-00066943 a partner would have the ability to u9ol4sGTUzA-00271-00066944-00067159 become the sole owner u9ol4sGTUzA-00272-00067160-00067238 on u9ol4sGTUzA-00273-00067239-00067494 or the immigrant operator would have the u9ol4sGTUzA-00274-00067495-00067775 ability to buy the license from the u9ol4sGTUzA-00275-00067776-00067926 licensee u9ol4sGTUzA-00276-00067927-00068167 under current rules u9ol4sGTUzA-00277-00068168-00068511 this is not possible u9ol4sGTUzA-00278-00068512-00068711 thank you very much u9ol4sGTUzA-00279-00068712-00068950 for this legislation it means a lot to u9ol4sGTUzA-00280-00068951-00069031 me u9ol4sGTUzA-00281-00069032-00069191 we're we're u9ol4sGTUzA-00282-00069192-00069311 ending u9ol4sGTUzA-00283-00069312-00069559 the year and my term u9ol4sGTUzA-00284-00069560-00069782 in a very good way having this bill u9ol4sGTUzA-00285-00069783-00070238 passed and also peter crews bill u9ol4sGTUzA-00286-00070239-00070526 item pricing was also my bill u9ol4sGTUzA-00287-00070527-00070838 and it's fine with me to change u9ol4sGTUzA-00288-00070839-00071079 the rules of the u9ol4sGTUzA-00289-00071080-00071367 pricing of each individual item u9ol4sGTUzA-00290-00071368-00071662 so i'm very happy today to have these u9ol4sGTUzA-00291-00071663-00071871 two bills in front of us u9ol4sGTUzA-00292-00071872-00072126 to vote on u9ol4sGTUzA-00293-00072127-00072343 thank you councilman acosta lewis u9ol4sGTUzA-00294-00072344-00072494 i will now ask the clerk to call the u9ol4sGTUzA-00295-00072495-00072599 rule u9ol4sGTUzA-00296-00072600-00072782 good morning this is the committee on u9ol4sGTUzA-00297-00072783-00073047 consumer affairs and business licensing u9ol4sGTUzA-00298-00073048-00073503 roll call vote on proposed intros 499 a u9ol4sGTUzA-00299-00073504-00073719 and 1145a u9ol4sGTUzA-00300-00073720-00074150 we'll start with chair ayala u9ol4sGTUzA-00301-00074151-00075726 and council members u9ol4sGTUzA-00302-00075727-00076319 lander u9ol4sGTUzA-00303-00076320-00076623 venchaca u9ol4sGTUzA-00304-00076624-00076743 brannon u9ol4sGTUzA-00305-00076744-00077006 iron u9ol4sGTUzA-00306-00077007-00077359 jaeger u9ol4sGTUzA-00307-00077360-00078206 you may u9ol4sGTUzA-00308-00078207-00078462 thank you madam chair uh i vote on all i u9ol4sGTUzA-00309-00078463-00078694 want to just briefly explain um u9ol4sGTUzA-00310-00078695-00079015 uh very quickly on introduction 499 as i u9ol4sGTUzA-00311-00079016-00079223 said uh at the hearing on this matter a u9ol4sGTUzA-00312-00079224-00079535 few weeks ago or or thereabouts u9ol4sGTUzA-00313-00079536-00079726 a bill that passed under the valone u9ol4sGTUzA-00314-00079727-00079950 council is good enough for me and u9ol4sGTUzA-00315-00079951-00080206 council member kosowitz's uh u9ol4sGTUzA-00316-00080207-00080367 sponsorship of this bill is good enough u9ol4sGTUzA-00317-00080368-00080631 for me and no further explanation be u9ol4sGTUzA-00318-00080632-00080894 needed so it may be 20 years too long u9ol4sGTUzA-00319-00080895-00081071 but we're doing the right thing now and u9ol4sGTUzA-00320-00081072-00081311 i support that bill and i vote i on 11 u9ol4sGTUzA-00321-00081312-00081447 45 u9ol4sGTUzA-00322-00081448-00081623 i've spoken frequently on the florida's u9ol4sGTUzA-00323-00081624-00081759 council u9ol4sGTUzA-00324-00081760-00081982 over the last four years about how the u9ol4sGTUzA-00325-00081983-00082182 department of consumer affairs monetizes u9ol4sGTUzA-00326-00082183-00082399 and weaponizes our statutes for the u9ol4sGTUzA-00327-00082400-00082575 purposes of punishing small businesses u9ol4sGTUzA-00328-00082576-00082759 in this city u9ol4sGTUzA-00329-00082760-00082967 and this is a u9ol4sGTUzA-00330-00082968-00083159 a righteous uh u9ol4sGTUzA-00331-00083160-00083326 means to u9ol4sGTUzA-00332-00083327-00083487 somehow take away u9ol4sGTUzA-00333-00083488-00083671 their punishing u9ol4sGTUzA-00334-00083672-00083918 tyrant behavior on the small businesses u9ol4sGTUzA-00335-00083919-00084223 in new york i would actually uh do this u9ol4sGTUzA-00336-00084224-00084431 a little differently uh in this in the u9ol4sGTUzA-00337-00084432-00084679 portion that we are uh adding to the u9ol4sGTUzA-00338-00084680-00084967 statute uh the language that said as u9ol4sGTUzA-00339-00084968-00085182 determined by rule of the commissioner i u9ol4sGTUzA-00340-00085183-00085326 would delete that and put in our own u9ol4sGTUzA-00341-00085327-00085615 rules because when we pass these blank u9ol4sGTUzA-00342-00085616-00085871 check statutes and give them over to the u9ol4sGTUzA-00343-00085872-00086143 department to pass rules uh that they u9ol4sGTUzA-00344-00086144-00086367 thereupon weaponized for purposes of u9ol4sGTUzA-00345-00086368-00086582 tormenting our small businesses that u9ol4sGTUzA-00346-00086583-00086815 leads to the place where we are today u9ol4sGTUzA-00347-00086816-00087015 trying to fix what they've done so i u9ol4sGTUzA-00348-00087016-00087182 commend very much my colleague u9ol4sGTUzA-00349-00087183-00087406 councilman coo and all the sponsors of u9ol4sGTUzA-00350-00087407-00087718 his bill um and i support them and i u9ol4sGTUzA-00351-00087719-00087982 vote i thank you very much madam chair u9ol4sGTUzA-00352-00087983-00088182 thank you u9ol4sGTUzA-00353-00088183-00088447 cheryla by a vote of seven in the u9ol4sGTUzA-00354-00088448-00088655 affirmative zero in the negative and u9ol4sGTUzA-00355-00088656-00088806 zero abstentions u9ol4sGTUzA-00356-00088807-00089047 all items are adopted u9ol4sGTUzA-00357-00089048-00089167 thank you u9ol4sGTUzA-00358-00089168-00089535 [Applause] u9ol4sGTUzA-00359-00089536-00089743 thank you everyone this meeting is now u9ol4sGTUzA-00360-00089744-00089983 adjourned uuN3POvKFJc-00000-00000029-00000269 we're interrupting this program in order uuN3POvKFJc-00001-00000270-00000407 to begin our regularly scheduled uuN3POvKFJc-00002-00000408-00000701 broadcast thanks for watching the lit TV uuN3POvKFJc-00003-00000702-00000869 network uuN3POvKFJc-00004-00000869-00001516 [Music] uuN3POvKFJc-00005-00001517-00001751 all right good morning good evening good uuN3POvKFJc-00006-00001752-00002087 afternoon everybody wherever you are in uuN3POvKFJc-00007-00002088-00002423 the world I am your host Kim Warner and uuN3POvKFJc-00008-00002424-00002681 I'm bringing you a dynamic message today uuN3POvKFJc-00009-00002682-00002902 something that you want to grab a hold uuN3POvKFJc-00010-00002903-00003065 to uuN3POvKFJc-00011-00003066-00003490 um I have easy I'm Easy A Trading lounge uuN3POvKFJc-00012-00003492-00003785 and Twilight Brenda with cash kids I'm uuN3POvKFJc-00013-00003786-00004097 gonna start with easy easy what do you uuN3POvKFJc-00014-00004098-00004186 do uuN3POvKFJc-00015-00004187-00004372 you tell the people uuN3POvKFJc-00016-00004373-00004717 yes basically I am an options Trader uuN3POvKFJc-00017-00004718-00005099 options Trader is a person who uh of uuN3POvKFJc-00018-00005100-00005369 trades on the stock market uuN3POvKFJc-00019-00005370-00005441 um uuN3POvKFJc-00020-00005442-00005633 the stock market is based out of New uuN3POvKFJc-00021-00005634-00006077 York but um I trade in my home so I am a uuN3POvKFJc-00022-00006078-00006719 full-time day trader uuN3POvKFJc-00023-00006720-00006964 okay no uuN3POvKFJc-00024-00006965-00007223 yeah so um that's what I do um options uuN3POvKFJc-00025-00007223-00007439 Trader you know they have a day trader uuN3POvKFJc-00026-00007440-00007714 they have swing Traders they have uuN3POvKFJc-00027-00007715-00008027 um scalpers but I am uh officially a day uuN3POvKFJc-00028-00008028-00008441 trader that's full occupation in my home uuN3POvKFJc-00029-00008442-00008705 doing it from the time the Market opens uuN3POvKFJc-00030-00008706-00009149 and I said not 9 30 a.m to 4 o'clock P.M uuN3POvKFJc-00031-00009150-00009431 Eastern Time so officially options uuN3POvKFJc-00032-00009432-00009719 Trader uuN3POvKFJc-00033-00009720-00010114 all right Twyla uuN3POvKFJc-00034-00010115-00010409 I am Twyla Polo as you know I'm with the uuN3POvKFJc-00035-00010410-00010703 cast Kids cast kids we teach K-12 uuN3POvKFJc-00036-00010704-00010919 students to master money skills early so uuN3POvKFJc-00037-00010920-00011117 they can leave Struggle free lives and uuN3POvKFJc-00038-00011118-00011459 thank you for having me Miss Kim uuN3POvKFJc-00039-00011460-00011788 all right surely so to us what options uuN3POvKFJc-00040-00011789-00012160 is about educate us on options easy I uuN3POvKFJc-00041-00012161-00012503 know that toilet is in your class uuN3POvKFJc-00042-00012504-00012965 yes yes options is uh a derivative from uuN3POvKFJc-00043-00012966-00013096 stocks uuN3POvKFJc-00044-00013097-00013499 um any company that they have uh on the uuN3POvKFJc-00045-00013500-00013949 um on on the um uuN3POvKFJc-00046-00013950-00014315 um on the stock exchange they all have uuN3POvKFJc-00047-00014316-00014597 options like apple uuN3POvKFJc-00048-00014597-00014849 um so on and so on and so on uuN3POvKFJc-00049-00014850-00015166 um Tech everything derived from uuN3POvKFJc-00050-00015168-00015479 um of stocks but you make a whole lot of uuN3POvKFJc-00051-00015480-00015808 money from options you know and options uuN3POvKFJc-00052-00015809-00016186 are calls and puts calls are when the uuN3POvKFJc-00053-00016187-00016433 market is bullish and going up uuN3POvKFJc-00054-00016434-00016750 puts or when the market is going down uuN3POvKFJc-00055-00016751-00017008 so uh I don't want to make it technical uuN3POvKFJc-00056-00017009-00017267 I want a six-year-old my granddaughter uuN3POvKFJc-00057-00017268-00017597 to know what options are so I don't make uuN3POvKFJc-00058-00017598-00017867 it complicated but basically in a uuN3POvKFJc-00059-00017868-00018208 nutshell it's called and puts uuN3POvKFJc-00060-00018209-00018472 um there are strategies to do one uuN3POvKFJc-00061-00018473-00018821 options but technically cause and puts uuN3POvKFJc-00062-00018822-00019019 when Market goes up you can get in on it uuN3POvKFJc-00063-00019020-00019283 when the Market's going down and on uuN3POvKFJc-00064-00019284-00019486 certain all the companies that have uuN3POvKFJc-00065-00019487-00019705 options you can play uuN3POvKFJc-00066-00019706-00020044 so um you can ask another question but uuN3POvKFJc-00067-00020045-00020255 primarily that's where that's where it uuN3POvKFJc-00068-00020256-00020543 starts from uuN3POvKFJc-00069-00020544-00020794 it's all right Twyla you want to jump in uuN3POvKFJc-00070-00020795-00021113 and add what you know concerning the uuN3POvKFJc-00071-00021114-00021430 options yeah sure I mean we can learn uuN3POvKFJc-00072-00021431-00021779 either from um easy yeah yeah so it's uuN3POvKFJc-00073-00021780-00022019 pretty much everything that he said of uuN3POvKFJc-00074-00022020-00022361 course but I can add that I have um uuN3POvKFJc-00075-00022362-00022553 learned a lot from uuN3POvKFJc-00076-00022554-00022775 um easy being in his room uuN3POvKFJc-00077-00022776-00023099 um his room is um very Community focused uuN3POvKFJc-00078-00023100-00023393 so like he said even a six-year-old he uuN3POvKFJc-00079-00023394-00023585 wants a six-year-old to be able to uuN3POvKFJc-00080-00023586-00023849 understand it but like in the room uuN3POvKFJc-00081-00023850-00024028 there's so many different people in uuN3POvKFJc-00082-00024029-00024293 there that you know no matter where you uuN3POvKFJc-00083-00024294-00024514 are so let's say you come in and you've uuN3POvKFJc-00084-00024515-00024863 never traded before you still have the uuN3POvKFJc-00085-00024864-00025061 community there to help you there's a uuN3POvKFJc-00086-00025062-00025264 Discord there's all these other things uuN3POvKFJc-00087-00025265-00025492 that you can tap into women's groups so uuN3POvKFJc-00088-00025493-00025672 on and so forth uuN3POvKFJc-00089-00025673-00026027 um and it's free it's in clubhouse so uuN3POvKFJc-00090-00026027-00026231 um a little bit how I got started as you uuN3POvKFJc-00091-00026232-00026333 know uuN3POvKFJc-00092-00026333-00026596 um I learned about it from uh Church uuN3POvKFJc-00093-00026597-00026861 organization I was a part of and I just uuN3POvKFJc-00094-00026862-00027089 remember us doing this trade and that uuN3POvKFJc-00095-00027089-00027257 was like one of my first trains and I uuN3POvKFJc-00096-00027258-00027401 couldn't figure out because I just moved uuN3POvKFJc-00097-00027402-00027533 to buy shares I didn't know anything uuN3POvKFJc-00098-00027533-00027887 about options and so um I just know uuN3POvKFJc-00099-00027888-00028061 these people made all this money and I uuN3POvKFJc-00100-00028062-00028277 was like but how I bought the same uuN3POvKFJc-00101-00028277-00028523 stocks I didn't make anywhere near that uuN3POvKFJc-00102-00028524-00028774 and so that's how I started learning uuN3POvKFJc-00103-00028775-00029020 about options took a class ended up in uuN3POvKFJc-00104-00029022-00029177 another group uuN3POvKFJc-00105-00029177-00029429 um that's where I met easy and um then uuN3POvKFJc-00106-00029430-00029681 he started his group uuN3POvKFJc-00107-00029682-00030005 but he's been helping uuN3POvKFJc-00108-00030006-00030377 um he has a he's very uuN3POvKFJc-00109-00030377-00030605 um free with information uuN3POvKFJc-00110-00030606-00030862 um very given even before he started his uuN3POvKFJc-00111-00030863-00030989 room uuN3POvKFJc-00112-00030989-00031199 um he's a person that you can call on if uuN3POvKFJc-00113-00031200-00031385 you don't know something and he's always uuN3POvKFJc-00114-00031386-00031649 ready willing and available to help you uuN3POvKFJc-00115-00031650-00031889 and explain things to you uuN3POvKFJc-00116-00031889-00032093 um things about the market uuN3POvKFJc-00117-00032094-00032290 um sending you news articles so on and uuN3POvKFJc-00118-00032291-00032531 so forth I'm letting you know here's uuN3POvKFJc-00119-00032532-00032729 some ideas of different things you can uuN3POvKFJc-00120-00032730-00032957 play or different calls or puts that you uuN3POvKFJc-00121-00032958-00033052 can buy uuN3POvKFJc-00122-00033053-00033251 um so he's been really good at that and uuN3POvKFJc-00123-00033252-00033479 I have to add too with my kids that I uuN3POvKFJc-00124-00033480-00033689 have on Fridays he's been good about uuN3POvKFJc-00125-00033690-00034007 giving me advice on uuN3POvKFJc-00126-00034008-00034223 um you know what way I need to move with uuN3POvKFJc-00127-00034224-00034396 them because they're interested in the uuN3POvKFJc-00128-00034397-00034612 stock market so I've let them listen in uuN3POvKFJc-00129-00034613-00034961 on um his room and on the women's group uuN3POvKFJc-00130-00034962-00035081 room uuN3POvKFJc-00131-00035082-00035374 um just so they can learn more as well uuN3POvKFJc-00132-00035375-00035812 okay so that's great uh easy where would uuN3POvKFJc-00133-00035813-00036112 you begin to tell the audience maybe uuN3POvKFJc-00134-00036113-00036418 there's viewers that are or have been uuN3POvKFJc-00135-00036419-00036695 thinking about options or they only knew uuN3POvKFJc-00136-00036696-00037127 about stock like myself if you were uuN3POvKFJc-00137-00037128-00037390 directing me or the audience how would uuN3POvKFJc-00138-00037391-00037643 you get us started Basics like your uuN3POvKFJc-00139-00037644-00037865 six-year-old granddaughter how would you uuN3POvKFJc-00140-00037866-00038111 begin to get us started so you know that uuN3POvKFJc-00141-00038112-00038279 we can understand how to move forward uuN3POvKFJc-00142-00038280-00038423 with that uuN3POvKFJc-00143-00038424-00038783 okay first and foremost I will tell you uuN3POvKFJc-00144-00038784-00039155 definitely to educate yourself uuN3POvKFJc-00145-00039156-00039574 um look at tutorials on what are options uuN3POvKFJc-00146-00039575-00039785 you know you can go to Google University uuN3POvKFJc-00147-00039786-00040096 you can punch punch in options and it uuN3POvKFJc-00148-00040097-00040415 will give you bit by bit uuN3POvKFJc-00149-00040416-00040762 step by step on what options are before uuN3POvKFJc-00150-00040763-00040962 you even put your money into the market uuN3POvKFJc-00151-00040963-00041327 I tell my my I don't call them students uuN3POvKFJc-00152-00041328-00041633 I tell my my group that always learn uuN3POvKFJc-00153-00041634-00042059 first so there's tutorials on it you can uuN3POvKFJc-00154-00042060-00042268 know what calls and puts are uuN3POvKFJc-00155-00042269-00042755 um there are charts that needs to be uh uuN3POvKFJc-00156-00042756-00043223 done yes articles so basically just go uuN3POvKFJc-00157-00043224-00043390 to tutorial uuN3POvKFJc-00158-00043391-00043690 look at what causing puts off come to my uuN3POvKFJc-00159-00043691-00043924 room on clubhouse uuN3POvKFJc-00160-00043925-00044249 um my room is called easy trading Lounge uuN3POvKFJc-00161-00044250-00044512 we're there every day from nine o'clock uuN3POvKFJc-00162-00044513-00044765 AM to the close of the market uuN3POvKFJc-00163-00044766-00045089 so to to be in uuN3POvKFJc-00164-00045090-00045335 so rounds with people who are doing the uuN3POvKFJc-00165-00045336-00045496 same thing you are it's like a uuN3POvKFJc-00166-00045497-00045761 basketball team you know they go they go uuN3POvKFJc-00167-00045762-00045917 they practice and everything and there's uuN3POvKFJc-00168-00045918-00046174 10 of them the same thing with uuN3POvKFJc-00169-00046175-00046493 um um my room options you know we can we uuN3POvKFJc-00170-00046494-00046643 can do the same thing at the basketball uuN3POvKFJc-00171-00046644-00046973 team we collectively uh get in the uuN3POvKFJc-00172-00046974-00047212 market we look at articles we look at uuN3POvKFJc-00173-00047213-00047512 charts to determine if it can go up or uuN3POvKFJc-00174-00047513-00047615 down uuN3POvKFJc-00175-00047616-00047735 um you don't have to start with a lot of uuN3POvKFJc-00176-00047736-00047968 money you know you can start with a uuN3POvKFJc-00177-00047969-00048107 hundred dollars fifty dollars whatever uuN3POvKFJc-00178-00048108-00048485 is up to you but I want people to learn uuN3POvKFJc-00179-00048486-00048796 so uh there's certain platforms you can uuN3POvKFJc-00180-00048797-00049061 learn paper trade you don't have to use uuN3POvKFJc-00181-00049062-00049312 your money like um think of swim uuN3POvKFJc-00182-00049313-00049715 um TD Ameritrade they have uh uh uuN3POvKFJc-00183-00049716-00049907 platforms where you can use paper money uuN3POvKFJc-00184-00049908-00050224 I always say if you are a new beginner uuN3POvKFJc-00185-00050225-00050561 use Robinhood Robin Hood is a good start uuN3POvKFJc-00186-00050562-00050885 to use because it's it's friendly it's uuN3POvKFJc-00187-00050886-00051275 user friendly and we you are here in my uuN3POvKFJc-00188-00051276-00051569 group to let you know how how it's been uuN3POvKFJc-00189-00051570-00051820 done you know we just don't trust you uuN3POvKFJc-00190-00051821-00052025 out to the water that you let you let uuN3POvKFJc-00191-00052026-00052270 you drown no we help you uuN3POvKFJc-00192-00052271-00052601 and um I mean that that's it I mean uuN3POvKFJc-00193-00052602-00052780 basically that's it you know we will uuN3POvKFJc-00194-00052782-00052888 help you uuN3POvKFJc-00195-00052889-00053003 um guide you uuN3POvKFJc-00196-00053004-00053423 this is a great way of earning money uh uuN3POvKFJc-00197-00053424-00053638 I paid my house up with this with the uuN3POvKFJc-00198-00053639-00053771 stock options uuN3POvKFJc-00199-00053772-00054053 um I got businesses that I take out from uuN3POvKFJc-00200-00054054-00054335 the market and put into other Adventures uuN3POvKFJc-00201-00054336-00054826 like barber shops uh um um salons uuN3POvKFJc-00202-00054827-00055054 um vending machines ATM machines uuN3POvKFJc-00203-00055055-00055259 whatever the money's from the market I uuN3POvKFJc-00204-00055260-00055523 can get I put it to use outside of uuN3POvKFJc-00205-00055524-00055823 trading so this is this one's gonna be uuN3POvKFJc-00206-00055824-00056069 somebody 40 acres in a mule you know uuN3POvKFJc-00207-00056070-00056321 instead of just trying to do everything uuN3POvKFJc-00208-00056322-00056626 this can be One Stop Shop and you could uuN3POvKFJc-00209-00056627-00056854 take all that money and go other places uuN3POvKFJc-00210-00056855-00057185 and do other things uuN3POvKFJc-00211-00057186-00057323 okay uuN3POvKFJc-00212-00057324-00057599 um one of the things that I hear is um uuN3POvKFJc-00213-00057600-00057844 that's phenomenal is that you do not uuN3POvKFJc-00214-00057845-00058192 support codependency I hear you saying uuN3POvKFJc-00215-00058194-00058607 that you uh push people to learn if you uuN3POvKFJc-00216-00058608-00058823 give them information but you allow them uuN3POvKFJc-00217-00058824-00059009 to learn for their self uuN3POvKFJc-00218-00059010-00059176 um I think that's important in this time uuN3POvKFJc-00219-00059177-00059549 because people will try to latch on as uuN3POvKFJc-00220-00059550-00059911 they do organizations normally can be uuN3POvKFJc-00221-00059912-00060185 their uh lead instead of them learning uuN3POvKFJc-00222-00060186-00060454 how to lead themselves so uuN3POvKFJc-00223-00060455-00060688 um that I think is awesome uuN3POvKFJc-00224-00060689-00060923 um you're a teacher I would say but uuN3POvKFJc-00225-00060924-00061325 teachers teach you how to fish if you uuN3POvKFJc-00226-00061326-00061504 don't know how to put the hook on a fish uuN3POvKFJc-00227-00061505-00061775 then you may not eat for some time until uuN3POvKFJc-00228-00061776-00061937 you learn how to hook uuN3POvKFJc-00229-00061938-00062291 that and guess what and guess what and uuN3POvKFJc-00230-00062291-00062549 one thing one thing I don't do I don't uuN3POvKFJc-00231-00062550-00062800 charge for anything anything that you uuN3POvKFJc-00232-00062801-00063215 care is f-r-e-e and um I push that in my uuN3POvKFJc-00233-00063216-00063457 group if you ever came to my my my my uuN3POvKFJc-00234-00063458-00063821 group everything is free we don't charge uuN3POvKFJc-00235-00063822-00064013 nothing there's people out here is uuN3POvKFJc-00236-00064014-00064163 charging a whole lot of money for a list uuN3POvKFJc-00237-00064164-00064444 for everything that you hear is free uuN3POvKFJc-00238-00064445-00064738 so all you gotta do apply yourself as an uuN3POvKFJc-00239-00064739-00065015 individual in order to learn as they say uuN3POvKFJc-00240-00065016-00065249 many are called and if you are chosen uuN3POvKFJc-00241-00065250-00065549 this will weed out those ones trust me uuN3POvKFJc-00242-00065550-00065717 this will weed out the ones who really uuN3POvKFJc-00243-00065718-00066076 want to not just for a handout so I push uuN3POvKFJc-00244-00066077-00066371 that in my group this is free so if you uuN3POvKFJc-00245-00066372-00066623 don't do your due diligence then uuN3POvKFJc-00246-00066624-00066869 I can't run to your house and knock on uuN3POvKFJc-00247-00066870-00067025 your door and grab your phone your uuN3POvKFJc-00248-00067026-00067379 computer and and trade no you can do it uuN3POvKFJc-00249-00067380-00067594 for yourself I don't count nobody money uuN3POvKFJc-00250-00067595-00067876 we don't talk nobody money in there if uuN3POvKFJc-00251-00067877-00068165 you're there every day every week every uuN3POvKFJc-00252-00068166-00068273 month uuN3POvKFJc-00253-00068274-00068615 you are losing money and you are gaining uuN3POvKFJc-00254-00068616-00068776 money that's the nature of the game uuN3POvKFJc-00255-00068777-00069076 period but the other ways to stop you uuN3POvKFJc-00256-00069077-00069275 from losing a lot of money you uuN3POvKFJc-00257-00069276-00069419 understand me and that's a whole another uuN3POvKFJc-00258-00069420-00069611 segment but uuN3POvKFJc-00259-00069612-00069991 primarily learn learn uuN3POvKFJc-00260-00069992-00070337 before you jump out the window with uuN3POvKFJc-00261-00070338-00070541 money uuN3POvKFJc-00262-00070542-00070813 when I land my plane uuN3POvKFJc-00263-00070814-00071153 okay land your plane okay I like that uuN3POvKFJc-00264-00071154-00071488 okay now tell us a little bit more about uuN3POvKFJc-00265-00071489-00071765 paper trade so that we can know how to uuN3POvKFJc-00266-00071766-00072106 educate ourselves or um going into that uuN3POvKFJc-00267-00072107-00072305 process rather than starting with the uuN3POvKFJc-00268-00072306-00072538 money so that people can learn how to uuN3POvKFJc-00269-00072539-00072731 trust their decisions uuN3POvKFJc-00270-00072732-00072982 yes there are there's a platform that's uuN3POvKFJc-00271-00072983-00073241 called TD Ameritrade uuN3POvKFJc-00272-00073242-00073637 for TOS being both the same uuN3POvKFJc-00273-00073638-00073949 um they have a platform where you can uuN3POvKFJc-00274-00073950-00074165 trade money a hundred thousand two uuN3POvKFJc-00275-00074166-00074381 hundred thousand whatever monies they uuN3POvKFJc-00276-00074382-00074675 have available but it's paper money and uuN3POvKFJc-00277-00074676-00075047 as you learning how to do it you are uuN3POvKFJc-00278-00075048-00075238 learning how to do it if that makes uuN3POvKFJc-00279-00075239-00075535 sense you know so before you put your uuN3POvKFJc-00280-00075536-00075850 hard-earned dollar in it you know it's uuN3POvKFJc-00281-00075851-00075967 paper trade uuN3POvKFJc-00282-00075968-00076271 TOS let's take a swim that's when the uuN3POvKFJc-00283-00076272-00076637 app or TD Ameritrade that's the platform uuN3POvKFJc-00284-00076638-00076876 that they have I think the other ones uuN3POvKFJc-00285-00076877-00077147 have it as well like uh Fidelity and uuN3POvKFJc-00286-00077148-00077525 Charles Schwab but mainly to West is a uuN3POvKFJc-00287-00077526-00077626 good app uuN3POvKFJc-00288-00077627-00077926 to uh to learn from before you jump out uuN3POvKFJc-00289-00077927-00078119 the window and once again be around uuN3POvKFJc-00290-00078120-00078323 people who's doing the same thing you're uuN3POvKFJc-00291-00078324-00078491 doing so if you're doing something wrong uuN3POvKFJc-00292-00078492-00078743 listen no do it like this and guess what uuN3POvKFJc-00293-00078744-00078893 I'm not going to charge you anything uuN3POvKFJc-00294-00078894-00079062 it's free uuN3POvKFJc-00295-00079063-00079312 f-r-e-e I can't stress that enough for uuN3POvKFJc-00296-00079313-00079511 people don't know oh somebody gonna come uuN3POvKFJc-00297-00079512-00079825 behind the curtain say 39.99 a month uuN3POvKFJc-00298-00079826-00080147 nope not in my room not on my watch uuN3POvKFJc-00299-00080148-00080459 everything is free so you take your due uuN3POvKFJc-00300-00080460-00080681 diligence and you apply yourself in uuN3POvKFJc-00301-00080682-00080903 anything you do trust me you'll be uuN3POvKFJc-00302-00080904-00081282 successful uuN3POvKFJc-00303-00081283-00081688 it reminds me of so you know I get into uuN3POvKFJc-00304-00081689-00082006 the mythological aspects and the uuN3POvKFJc-00305-00082007-00082193 philosophical aspects of what we're uuN3POvKFJc-00306-00082194-00082456 talking about where the cow and the bull uuN3POvKFJc-00307-00082457-00082715 came from over in European uuN3POvKFJc-00308-00082716-00083015 um highlighting to see uuN3POvKFJc-00309-00083016-00083243 um it in the Bible where people had uuN3POvKFJc-00310-00083244-00083626 taught us uh that the children of Israel uuN3POvKFJc-00311-00083627-00083849 were worshiping uuN3POvKFJc-00312-00083850-00084112 um the calf putting it back together not uuN3POvKFJc-00313-00084113-00084365 realizing that they weren't worshiping uuN3POvKFJc-00314-00084366-00084569 it that they were going back to a place uuN3POvKFJc-00315-00084570-00084862 where they knew something would work for uuN3POvKFJc-00316-00084863-00085181 them and the reason that I wanted to uuN3POvKFJc-00317-00085182-00085511 bring you on is because there was a time uuN3POvKFJc-00318-00085512-00085756 back in history in the 1920s when we had uuN3POvKFJc-00319-00085757-00085979 like Wall Street uuN3POvKFJc-00320-00085980-00086261 um it went back further than 1920s but uuN3POvKFJc-00321-00086262-00086441 to look at uuN3POvKFJc-00322-00086442-00086693 um the derivatives of what's happening uuN3POvKFJc-00323-00086694-00086911 and what has happened over the decades uuN3POvKFJc-00324-00086912-00087305 we have the bulldown in front of uh uuN3POvKFJc-00325-00087306-00087676 Wall Street that in most cases we don't uuN3POvKFJc-00326-00087677-00088006 study to find out about that calf that uuN3POvKFJc-00327-00088007-00088182 they were speaking about in the Bible uuN3POvKFJc-00328-00088183-00088456 it's so connected because the uuN3POvKFJc-00329-00088457-00088637 philosophers talked about a lot of uuN3POvKFJc-00330-00088638-00089050 things that we use to make money or we uuN3POvKFJc-00331-00089051-00089332 Overlook to make money so my point is uuN3POvKFJc-00332-00089333-00089609 you know it's wonderful to know that uuN3POvKFJc-00333-00089610-00089909 first of all you got paper trade to uuN3POvKFJc-00334-00089910-00090100 exercise your ability to learn before uuN3POvKFJc-00335-00090101-00090418 you invest that's a new way of thinking uuN3POvKFJc-00336-00090419-00090700 um as in the children of Israel always uuN3POvKFJc-00337-00090701-00090935 going backwards paper trade takes us uuN3POvKFJc-00338-00090936-00091132 forward so that we can actually learn uuN3POvKFJc-00339-00091133-00091529 and honestly having you all here gives uuN3POvKFJc-00340-00091530-00091691 us more uuN3POvKFJc-00341-00091692-00091794 um uuN3POvKFJc-00342-00091795-00092105 understanding to think more about stocks uuN3POvKFJc-00343-00092106-00092293 also to get into options I remember uuN3POvKFJc-00344-00092294-00092561 maybe 10 years ago when I started uuN3POvKFJc-00345-00092562-00092806 investing in stocks that I had never uuN3POvKFJc-00346-00092807-00092938 heard of options uuN3POvKFJc-00347-00092939-00093203 um I connect uh with Twyla and she's uuN3POvKFJc-00348-00093204-00093437 telling me about options and I'm saying uuN3POvKFJc-00349-00093438-00093805 what is that so to me this is a forward uuN3POvKFJc-00350-00093806-00094079 Progressive type of information that uuN3POvKFJc-00351-00094080-00094261 helps us and forward uuN3POvKFJc-00352-00094262-00094637 information is the necessary so that we uuN3POvKFJc-00353-00094638-00094859 don't need the same thing failing at it uuN3POvKFJc-00354-00094860-00095075 but see the promotion of doing something uuN3POvKFJc-00355-00095076-00095344 different all right uuN3POvKFJc-00356-00095345-00096011 yes I agree I agree I can um uuN3POvKFJc-00357-00096012-00096347 no go ahead what were you saying uuN3POvKFJc-00358-00096348-00096523 nope uuN3POvKFJc-00359-00096524-00096941 okay we'll link to that I can uuN3POvKFJc-00360-00096942-00097343 yeah I think that um and so like even uuN3POvKFJc-00361-00097344-00097511 though we are talking about options in uuN3POvKFJc-00362-00097512-00097691 so many different ways that you can uuN3POvKFJc-00363-00097692-00098081 trade in the stock market and I do think uuN3POvKFJc-00364-00098082-00098303 um it's very uuN3POvKFJc-00365-00098304-00098579 um what do you say like instrumental in uuN3POvKFJc-00366-00098580-00098765 teaching our young people because like I uuN3POvKFJc-00367-00098766-00099059 said I've completed them too uuN3POvKFJc-00368-00099060-00099311 um the classes that I teach on my young uuN3POvKFJc-00369-00099312-00099593 people and so I've even started with uuN3POvKFJc-00370-00099594-00099749 kindergarten you know just always uuN3POvKFJc-00371-00099750-00099935 thinking of ways okay well how can we uuN3POvKFJc-00372-00099936-00100223 get this information because as you know uuN3POvKFJc-00373-00100224-00100385 um the younger that you teach them the uuN3POvKFJc-00374-00100386-00100594 more it can become a habit uuN3POvKFJc-00375-00100595-00100943 um so I think that um uuN3POvKFJc-00376-00100944-00101255 what he was saying about 40 acres on the uuN3POvKFJc-00377-00101256-00101471 meal or reparations or whatnot this is uuN3POvKFJc-00378-00101472-00101765 part of how we get it I also wanted to uuN3POvKFJc-00379-00101766-00101950 add to that I know we've discussed in uuN3POvKFJc-00380-00101951-00102112 the past that uuN3POvKFJc-00381-00102113-00102305 um I just think that there's a lot of us uuN3POvKFJc-00382-00102306-00102616 that want to start businesses and uuN3POvKFJc-00383-00102617-00102868 sometimes what holds us back is they say uuN3POvKFJc-00384-00102869-00103144 okay well one I don't have time or I uuN3POvKFJc-00385-00103145-00103301 don't have the money uuN3POvKFJc-00386-00103302-00103486 um but I just feel like the stock market uuN3POvKFJc-00387-00103488-00103732 is a way it's like the cheapest business uuN3POvKFJc-00388-00103733-00103973 you can start you don't need a whole lot uuN3POvKFJc-00389-00103974-00104189 of overhead you don't need other staff uuN3POvKFJc-00390-00104190-00104578 employees you just need to take the time uuN3POvKFJc-00391-00104579-00104803 um and and just learn the information uuN3POvKFJc-00392-00104804-00105028 and especially like there's so many uuN3POvKFJc-00393-00105029-00105316 resources out there now as easy said uuN3POvKFJc-00394-00105317-00105586 that there's really no excuse not to uuN3POvKFJc-00395-00105588-00105754 know I mean you have YouTube you have uuN3POvKFJc-00396-00105755-00105899 Clubhouse you have all these different uuN3POvKFJc-00397-00105900-00106186 resources where you can learn this thing uuN3POvKFJc-00398-00106188-00106313 and it's no different than you're uuN3POvKFJc-00399-00106314-00106469 starting a business so some people may uuN3POvKFJc-00400-00106470-00106708 say I don't have time I don't want to do uuN3POvKFJc-00401-00106709-00106907 that but you still have to do that like uuN3POvKFJc-00402-00106908-00107069 even if you go out and start any uuN3POvKFJc-00403-00107070-00107284 business one you got to raise money you uuN3POvKFJc-00404-00107285-00107465 gotta have Capital you got to learn the uuN3POvKFJc-00405-00107466-00107651 business especially if it's a franchise uuN3POvKFJc-00406-00107652-00107843 or something you have to take time and uuN3POvKFJc-00407-00107844-00108101 sit down and learn that so to me this is uuN3POvKFJc-00408-00108102-00108377 just a great business and even if you uuN3POvKFJc-00409-00108378-00108508 want to start it on the side because uuN3POvKFJc-00410-00108509-00108677 it's something that you don't have to uuN3POvKFJc-00411-00108678-00108928 like sit there and monitor like even in uuN3POvKFJc-00412-00108929-00109181 options anyway well with any of it uuN3POvKFJc-00413-00109182-00109421 really I mean you can buy it but like uuN3POvKFJc-00414-00109422-00109708 you said the market is open doesn't mean uuN3POvKFJc-00415-00109709-00109895 you have to sit there from 9 30 to four uuN3POvKFJc-00416-00109896-00110093 you can just okay I bought this you uuN3POvKFJc-00417-00110094-00110254 could put in a stop loss or say okay uuN3POvKFJc-00418-00110255-00110471 well I don't I want to make this amount uuN3POvKFJc-00419-00110472-00110639 I don't want to lose this amount and you uuN3POvKFJc-00420-00110640-00110752 can just put it in there and then you uuN3POvKFJc-00421-00110753-00111010 can go on about your day so it's so many uuN3POvKFJc-00422-00111011-00111215 different ways and I just think this is uuN3POvKFJc-00423-00111216-00111533 just a great opportunity for anyone who uuN3POvKFJc-00424-00111533-00112051 wants to start a business uuN3POvKFJc-00425-00112052-00112301 yes yes uuN3POvKFJc-00426-00112302-00112643 um I first started to learn this right uuN3POvKFJc-00427-00112644-00112895 in 1996. uuN3POvKFJc-00428-00112896-00113147 you know when I was uh out there in the uuN3POvKFJc-00429-00113148-00113254 streets uuN3POvKFJc-00430-00113255-00113608 and um doing whatever somebody taught me uuN3POvKFJc-00431-00113609-00113902 how to do it they were telling me listen uuN3POvKFJc-00432-00113903-00114131 there's another way you know my uuN3POvKFJc-00433-00114132-00114395 mentality wasn't there at first you uuN3POvKFJc-00434-00114396-00114695 understand so when I when I was learning uuN3POvKFJc-00435-00114696-00114983 I was like wow this is this is something uuN3POvKFJc-00436-00114983-00115277 new something never I mean I saw I lived uuN3POvKFJc-00437-00115278-00115565 in New York Wall Street with the suits uuN3POvKFJc-00438-00115566-00115816 and everything but apparently it wasn't uuN3POvKFJc-00439-00115817-00116213 for us to do so the guy taught me how to uuN3POvKFJc-00440-00116214-00116608 do it and at the time I was in my home uuN3POvKFJc-00441-00116609-00116902 in New York sitting with a big old uuN3POvKFJc-00442-00116903-00117101 computer with charts and everything uuN3POvKFJc-00443-00117102-00117425 manually getting a Wall Street Journal uuN3POvKFJc-00444-00117426-00117689 you know circling things for the next uuN3POvKFJc-00445-00117690-00117899 day it was and had to call Charles uuN3POvKFJc-00446-00117900-00118393 Schwab on my phone but now fast forward uuN3POvKFJc-00447-00118394-00118649 technology caught up to the stock market uuN3POvKFJc-00448-00118650-00119021 so I could be anywhere with a device uuN3POvKFJc-00449-00119022-00119308 doing this you understand me so that's uuN3POvKFJc-00450-00119309-00119657 how advanced that uh is is lucrative to uuN3POvKFJc-00451-00119658-00119986 an easier now like then I had to stay uuN3POvKFJc-00452-00119988-00120089 home uuN3POvKFJc-00453-00120090-00120293 if I go to the store I have the room uuN3POvKFJc-00454-00120294-00120527 back home and make sure my money was uuN3POvKFJc-00455-00120528-00120743 good now I could be anywhere I could be uuN3POvKFJc-00456-00120744-00120947 I tweller house I could be in your uuN3POvKFJc-00457-00120948-00121175 studio still trading when with no uuN3POvKFJc-00458-00121176-00121463 problem so I just want to emphasize how uuN3POvKFJc-00459-00121464-00121816 from 30 years and 30 plus years ago how uuN3POvKFJc-00460-00121817-00122189 trans transformed to where where we are uuN3POvKFJc-00461-00122190-00122440 now uuN3POvKFJc-00462-00122441-00122749 that's an important fact because uuN3POvKFJc-00463-00122750-00123215 corporations and the times changing uuN3POvKFJc-00464-00123216-00123473 um there's so much of seeing losses and uuN3POvKFJc-00465-00123474-00123749 I teach singing because there's always a uuN3POvKFJc-00466-00123750-00124121 way to transform a situation it's just uuN3POvKFJc-00467-00124122-00124516 gaining knowledge like this on how you uuN3POvKFJc-00468-00124517-00124786 can if you feel that and I feel like I I uuN3POvKFJc-00469-00124788-00124978 believe that the feeling comes from uuN3POvKFJc-00470-00124979-00125201 Spirit somebody will say something like uuN3POvKFJc-00471-00125202-00125477 and that experience that you had someone uuN3POvKFJc-00472-00125478-00125728 came up and said pretty much not for uuN3POvKFJc-00473-00125729-00125939 verbatim change your thinking and then uuN3POvKFJc-00474-00125940-00126208 you can change your reality and so you uuN3POvKFJc-00475-00126209-00126551 you heard them and you saw uuN3POvKFJc-00476-00126552-00126736 and I'm sorry uuN3POvKFJc-00477-00126738-00127001 no I'm saying exactly the mindset go uuN3POvKFJc-00478-00127002-00127073 ahead uuN3POvKFJc-00479-00127074-00127373 yes so you saw uuN3POvKFJc-00480-00127374-00127589 um the opportunity but you didn't only uuN3POvKFJc-00481-00127590-00127858 see the opportunity back it seems like I uuN3POvKFJc-00482-00127859-00127960 think you said uuN3POvKFJc-00483-00127961-00128284 was that over 20 or 30 years ago yes I uuN3POvKFJc-00484-00128285-00128927 just want to say the right number 1996. uuN3POvKFJc-00485-00128928-00129334 yeah um so I do um astrology on that so uuN3POvKFJc-00486-00129335-00129569 you're in that cycle where you're seeing uuN3POvKFJc-00487-00129570-00129958 that the uh forward movement has uuN3POvKFJc-00488-00129959-00130204 upgraded as you said and brought in the uuN3POvKFJc-00489-00130205-00130433 technology where it's even easier for uuN3POvKFJc-00490-00130433-00130769 people from 2020 uuN3POvKFJc-00491-00130770-00131063 um where life had changed so and there uuN3POvKFJc-00492-00131064-00131459 was a halt in America nothing was moving uuN3POvKFJc-00493-00131460-00131759 um I'm sure that you saw the movement in uuN3POvKFJc-00494-00131760-00131909 that area how did that work out by the uuN3POvKFJc-00495-00131910-00132209 way thank you 2020 stop and options how uuN3POvKFJc-00496-00132210-00132443 did it work out uuN3POvKFJc-00497-00132444-00132743 um it was amazing it was amazing a lot uuN3POvKFJc-00498-00132744-00132869 of people made a whole lot of money uuN3POvKFJc-00499-00132870-00133199 doing the uh pandemic in the market uuN3POvKFJc-00500-00133200-00133637 everything was going up up up up up you uuN3POvKFJc-00501-00133638-00133793 know well I should say let's go both uuN3POvKFJc-00502-00133794-00133954 ways because you can make money going up uuN3POvKFJc-00503-00133955-00134249 and make money going down you understand uuN3POvKFJc-00504-00134250-00134573 so it was real repeated lucrative I mean uuN3POvKFJc-00505-00134574-00134747 it's always lucrative it's always an uuN3POvKFJc-00506-00134748-00135016 opportunity you know I'm an opportunist uuN3POvKFJc-00507-00135017-00135281 when it comes to this Market you know I uuN3POvKFJc-00508-00135282-00135527 mean I don't I'm a gunslinger meaning uuN3POvKFJc-00509-00135528-00135785 that if I see a trade uuN3POvKFJc-00510-00135786-00135919 and uuN3POvKFJc-00511-00135920-00136102 Enlightenment what you said with uuN3POvKFJc-00512-00136103-00136325 spiritual line if it's enlightenment uuN3POvKFJc-00513-00136326-00136625 I'm there I'm in it you know saying you uuN3POvKFJc-00514-00136626-00136840 don't have to tell me once or twice but uuN3POvKFJc-00515-00136841-00136997 once again I'll go back to the uuN3POvKFJc-00516-00136998-00137437 fundamentals you know learn learn learn uuN3POvKFJc-00517-00137438-00137747 and I can't stress that enough uuN3POvKFJc-00518-00137748-00138007 not laying my plane again uuN3POvKFJc-00519-00138008-00138316 I love that I'm gonna use it with your uuN3POvKFJc-00520-00138317-00138654 um permission Twila uuN3POvKFJc-00521-00138655-00138940 go ahead uuN3POvKFJc-00522-00138941-00139181 um I don't have very much to add with uuN3POvKFJc-00523-00139182-00139361 that like I mean you guys are right it uuN3POvKFJc-00524-00139362-00139516 is a mindset uuN3POvKFJc-00525-00139517-00139816 um you do have to do some mind shifting uuN3POvKFJc-00526-00139817-00140123 um as it relates and you have to be open uuN3POvKFJc-00527-00140124-00140464 um as you are learning there are so many uuN3POvKFJc-00528-00140465-00140627 um things you may think about or think uuN3POvKFJc-00529-00140628-00140885 you know or moves you may want to make uuN3POvKFJc-00530-00140886-00141083 the benefit of being in the community uuN3POvKFJc-00531-00141084-00141419 and even being in a room is you know you uuN3POvKFJc-00532-00141420-00141611 can be thinking one way and then someone uuN3POvKFJc-00533-00141612-00141839 else comes out and and says something uuN3POvKFJc-00534-00141840-00142054 different and it makes you realize uuN3POvKFJc-00535-00142055-00142175 something uuN3POvKFJc-00536-00142176-00142349 um you know like for example like we uuN3POvKFJc-00537-00142350-00142547 said you can make money going both ways uuN3POvKFJc-00538-00142548-00142852 you can make money when um a company is uuN3POvKFJc-00539-00142853-00143039 doing well and you can make money when a uuN3POvKFJc-00540-00143040-00143297 company is not and a lot of times well I uuN3POvKFJc-00541-00143298-00143459 just use myself for example I couldn't uuN3POvKFJc-00542-00143460-00143657 remember being in companies as they were uuN3POvKFJc-00543-00143658-00143873 going up and I knew they were going down uuN3POvKFJc-00544-00143874-00144071 but I didn't play it going down I was uuN3POvKFJc-00545-00144072-00144257 like what was I thinking and nor did it uuN3POvKFJc-00546-00144258-00144514 cross my mind but being in a room was uuN3POvKFJc-00547-00144515-00144749 like oh yeah I should have put some of uuN3POvKFJc-00548-00144750-00144923 that you know so uuN3POvKFJc-00549-00144924-00145054 um you know it does take some getting uuN3POvKFJc-00550-00145055-00145319 used to but it's just so much that you uuN3POvKFJc-00551-00145320-00145481 can learn and that's what I love about uuN3POvKFJc-00552-00145482-00145733 being in a community uuN3POvKFJc-00553-00145734-00145943 um trading because you get to hear so uuN3POvKFJc-00554-00145944-00146164 many different people's uuN3POvKFJc-00555-00146165-00146321 um thoughts there uuN3POvKFJc-00556-00146322-00146687 um how they do things as well as you uuN3POvKFJc-00557-00146688-00146878 have um people who are trading different uuN3POvKFJc-00558-00146879-00147035 things you know we all have different uuN3POvKFJc-00559-00147036-00147347 backgrounds and different experiences so uuN3POvKFJc-00560-00147348-00147640 um sometimes you gravitate towards those uuN3POvKFJc-00561-00147641-00147827 things that you know but being in a uuN3POvKFJc-00562-00147828-00148109 community of people then you uuN3POvKFJc-00563-00148110-00148289 um learn about other things or things uuN3POvKFJc-00564-00148290-00148523 you may not have looked at or things you uuN3POvKFJc-00565-00148524-00148709 may know like wait a minute I do know uuN3POvKFJc-00566-00148710-00148925 about that industry why am I not playing uuN3POvKFJc-00567-00148926-00149135 that industry or trade in that industry uuN3POvKFJc-00568-00149136-00149621 so I'm gonna say I land my plane too uuN3POvKFJc-00569-00149622-00149914 okay Ricky's here uuN3POvKFJc-00570-00149915-00150178 easy how you doing sir um I I have a uuN3POvKFJc-00571-00150179-00150407 question for you yes sir if I can pick uuN3POvKFJc-00572-00150408-00150551 your if I can pick your brain while uuN3POvKFJc-00573-00150552-00150916 you're here what's your take on nfts and uuN3POvKFJc-00574-00150917-00151193 um Bitcoin uuN3POvKFJc-00575-00151194-00151678 um I don't play uh I do play nfts I uuN3POvKFJc-00576-00151679-00151925 don't I don't play Bitcoin I'm strictly uuN3POvKFJc-00577-00151926-00152219 an options Trader but uh there are uuN3POvKFJc-00578-00152220-00152626 stocks that uh uh entwine with Bitcoin uuN3POvKFJc-00579-00152627-00153064 you know like uh a Hut h-u-t like uuN3POvKFJc-00580-00153065-00153587 coinbase c-o-i-n like Mara m-a-r-a you uuN3POvKFJc-00581-00153588-00153916 know like Riot r-i-o-t those tickets uuN3POvKFJc-00582-00153917-00154240 that I just uh told you they are in uuN3POvKFJc-00583-00154241-00154499 alignment so if Bitcoin going up they uuN3POvKFJc-00584-00154500-00154823 will follow that lead you know so those uuN3POvKFJc-00585-00154824-00155081 are four or five tickets I I I just said uuN3POvKFJc-00586-00155082-00155447 they will follow that so Bitcoin no but uuN3POvKFJc-00587-00155448-00155902 the uh actual options on those Mara Riot uuN3POvKFJc-00588-00155903-00156352 coin and Hut I do do that the thing so I uuN3POvKFJc-00589-00156353-00156616 can train them the way I think uuN3POvKFJc-00590-00156617-00156989 so they could be better uh Traders like uuN3POvKFJc-00591-00156990-00157295 for example uh Twyla she's a good uuN3POvKFJc-00592-00157296-00157475 student she definitely listens she uuN3POvKFJc-00593-00157476-00157649 definitely observed and she definitely uuN3POvKFJc-00594-00157650-00157966 put things into motion if she don't know uuN3POvKFJc-00595-00157967-00158111 something she asks uuN3POvKFJc-00596-00158112-00158363 and I like that uuN3POvKFJc-00597-00158364-00158716 and I land my plane once again all right uuN3POvKFJc-00598-00158717-00159083 all right wonderful so we are going to uuN3POvKFJc-00599-00159084-00159347 be wrapping up um if we want to have you uuN3POvKFJc-00600-00159348-00159576 back on would you come back on again uuN3POvKFJc-00601-00159577-00159881 yes definitely yeah yes he ain't even uuN3POvKFJc-00602-00159882-00160049 been in my favorite show for like four uuN3POvKFJc-00603-00160050-00160337 weeks okay uuN3POvKFJc-00604-00160338-00160601 Ricky got some more questions uuN3POvKFJc-00605-00160602-00160840 tell them how to contact you I got to be uuN3POvKFJc-00606-00160841-00161039 real with the audience we ain't no fake uuN3POvKFJc-00607-00161040-00161273 stuff over here now he know he my boy uuN3POvKFJc-00608-00161274-00161471 and my producer I'm like look at this uuN3POvKFJc-00609-00161472-00161923 here what yeah go ahead uuN3POvKFJc-00610-00161924-00162245 cash kids you can re you can um go to uuN3POvKFJc-00611-00162246-00162490 our site which is as you uuN3POvKFJc-00612-00162491-00162695 see there's cash with a k uuN3POvKFJc-00613-00162696-00162959 um you can also reach us on our social uuN3POvKFJc-00614-00162960-00163235 media on Instagram which is Cash kids uuN3POvKFJc-00615-00163236-00163528 and that's it's two s's on the end so uuN3POvKFJc-00616-00163529-00163799 k-s-h-k-i-d-s-s uuN3POvKFJc-00617-00163800-00163937 for uuN3POvKFJc-00618-00163938-00164140 um Instagram so those are the two ways uuN3POvKFJc-00619-00164141-00164447 and of course you know you can always on uuN3POvKFJc-00620-00164448-00164651 our site reach out to the contact page uuN3POvKFJc-00621-00164652-00164764 and that's how you can get in contact uuN3POvKFJc-00622-00164765-00164969 with us uuN3POvKFJc-00623-00164970-00165257 right and I really want you guys to come uuN3POvKFJc-00624-00165258-00165569 back so that the families will know how uuN3POvKFJc-00625-00165570-00165826 when the children can get involved so uuN3POvKFJc-00626-00165827-00166114 that we can get ahead with our uuN3POvKFJc-00627-00166115-00166619 Our Generations okay yes so I know that uuN3POvKFJc-00628-00166620-00166811 that's important to me what you all are uuN3POvKFJc-00629-00166812-00167057 doing in conjunction there so let's set uuN3POvKFJc-00630-00167058-00167423 up another time on back end and uuN3POvKFJc-00631-00167424-00167681 um let Ricky come with the questions uuN3POvKFJc-00632-00167682-00168102 right yeah I'm ready I'm ready uuN3POvKFJc-00633-00168103-00168316 and you know uuN3POvKFJc-00634-00168317-00168623 one one thing that I liked right before uuN3POvKFJc-00635-00168624-00169031 we wrap it up people asking questions as uuN3POvKFJc-00636-00169032-00169247 my father used to say a closed mouth uuN3POvKFJc-00637-00169248-00169511 don't get fit does that mean so no uuN3POvKFJc-00638-00169512-00169721 question is dumb no question is slow uuN3POvKFJc-00639-00169722-00169895 open your mouth uuN3POvKFJc-00640-00169896-00170081 ask the question if I don't know the uuN3POvKFJc-00641-00170082-00170369 answer I would get it for you so it uuN3POvKFJc-00642-00170370-00170663 won't be no homina homina I'm guessing uuN3POvKFJc-00643-00170664-00171020 you understand so u_3HnVQL4Uy-00001-00004748-00006505 [Music] u_3HnVQL4Uy-00002-00006506-00006698 [Applause] u_3HnVQL4Uy-00003-00006698-00008483 [Music] u_3HnVQL4Uy-00004-00008484-00008617 so u_3HnVQL4Uy-00005-00008618-00010164 [Music] u_3HnVQL4Uy-00006-00010165-00010368 [Applause] u_3HnVQL4Uy-00008-00014084-00014301 do u_3HnVQL4Uy-00009-00014302-00014943 [Music] u_3HnVQL4Uy-00010-00014944-00015152 you uBS5aKyvhDY-00000-00000008-00000359 careful be careful i have attention uBS5aKyvhDY-00001-00000360-00000495 shut your mouth uBS5aKyvhDY-00002-00000496-00000647 i have a shot uBS5aKyvhDY-00003-00000648-00000790 i have entered uBS5aKyvhDY-00004-00000791-00001047 my place uBS5aKyvhDY-00005-00001048-00001262 i have engines uBS5aKyvhDY-00006-00001263-00001495 i'm entering uBS5aKyvhDY-00007-00001496-00002767 entering uBS5aKyvhDY-00008-00002768-00003842 a question uBS5aKyvhDY-00009-00003843-00004103 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00010-00004104-00005347 foreign uBS5aKyvhDY-00011-00005348-00006070 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00012-00006071-00006232 foreign uBS5aKyvhDY-00013-00006233-00007555 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00014-00007556-00009079 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00015-00009080-00010412 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00016-00010413-00011987 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00017-00011988-00012583 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00018-00012584-00012934 yes uBS5aKyvhDY-00019-00012935-00014022 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00020-00014024-00014565 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00021-00014566-00015286 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00022-00015287-00015638 okay uBS5aKyvhDY-00023-00015638-00016799 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00024-00016800-00017127 yes uBS5aKyvhDY-00025-00017128-00017418 yes uBS5aKyvhDY-00026-00017419-00018713 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00027-00018714-00019158 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00028-00019159-00019267 yes uBS5aKyvhDY-00029-00019268-00021030 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00030-00021031-00021379 yes uBS5aKyvhDY-00031-00021380-00021961 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00032-00021962-00023655 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00033-00023656-00024830 is uBS5aKyvhDY-00034-00024831-00025129 is uBS5aKyvhDY-00035-00025130-00027006 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00036-00027007-00029916 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00038-00035040-00037479 foreign uBS5aKyvhDY-00040-00041915-00043455 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00042-00047008-00048182 is uBS5aKyvhDY-00043-00048183-00049046 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00044-00049047-00049430 do you remember uBS5aKyvhDY-00045-00049431-00049639 yesterday i had divine importation in uBS5aKyvhDY-00046-00049640-00049935 your hands uBS5aKyvhDY-00047-00049936-00050174 with the divine location in your head uBS5aKyvhDY-00048-00050175-00051446 you want to tell that little demon uBS5aKyvhDY-00050-00055424-00056047 sing the song uBS5aKyvhDY-00051-00056048-00057415 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00052-00057416-00057735 m uBS5aKyvhDY-00053-00057736-00058599 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00054-00058600-00058991 foreign uBS5aKyvhDY-00055-00058992-00059687 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00056-00059688-00060242 foreign uBS5aKyvhDY-00057-00060244-00060908 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00058-00060909-00061294 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00059-00061295-00062126 okay uBS5aKyvhDY-00060-00062127-00062579 foreign uBS5aKyvhDY-00061-00062579-00064138 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00062-00064139-00064479 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00063-00064479-00064670 is uBS5aKyvhDY-00064-00064671-00064847 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00065-00064848-00065648 yes uBS5aKyvhDY-00066-00065649-00066957 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00067-00066958-00067687 [Music] uBS5aKyvhDY-00068-00067688-00067988 yes uGNObLHJ8ZE-00000-00000008-00000167 so once again we find ourselves in a uGNObLHJ8ZE-00001-00000168-00000342 whirlwind of history uGNObLHJ8ZE-00002-00000343-00000495 more sure to china is challenging the uGNObLHJ8ZE-00003-00000496-00000695 rules-based international order that has uGNObLHJ8ZE-00004-00000696-00000847 long been the foundation of security and uGNObLHJ8ZE-00005-00000848-00001015 prosperity for americans and people uGNObLHJ8ZE-00006-00001016-00001183 around the world uGNObLHJ8ZE-00007-00001184-00001620 the post-cold war areas ended uI24zMhYB2Q-00000-00000003-00000329 math 151 we're looking at page 107 uI24zMhYB2Q-00001-00000330-00000607 that's section 2.3 and we're doing uI24zMhYB2Q-00002-00000608-00000811 problem number 30 right now and what uI24zMhYB2Q-00003-00000813-00000965 we're asked to do is find the limit of uI24zMhYB2Q-00004-00000966-00001283 this function whoops sorry about the uI24zMhYB2Q-00005-00001284-00001525 limit of this function as X approaches uI24zMhYB2Q-00006-00001526-00001801 negative for anybody just try and do uI24zMhYB2Q-00007-00001802-00001976 direct substitution right now I'm going uI24zMhYB2Q-00008-00001977-00002291 to be dividing by zero so I can't do uI24zMhYB2Q-00009-00002292-00002540 that but let me try manipulate this a uI24zMhYB2Q-00010-00002541-00002741 little bit so I can notice they have uI24zMhYB2Q-00011-00002742-00002945 this radical so I think what I'll do is uI24zMhYB2Q-00012-00002946-00003179 almost play by its conjugate and uI24zMhYB2Q-00013-00003180-00003397 actually I'm multiplying by one but I'm uI24zMhYB2Q-00014-00003398-00003538 going to use its conjugate to make the uI24zMhYB2Q-00015-00003539-00004562 one so x squared plus nine plus five uI24zMhYB2Q-00016-00004563-00005130 so and I did that so that this will get uI24zMhYB2Q-00017-00005131-00005457 I will know how longer have that that uI24zMhYB2Q-00018-00005458-00005685 radical up there so let me do this uI24zMhYB2Q-00019-00005686-00006045 multiplication this times this is just uI24zMhYB2Q-00020-00006046-00006234 something squared square root of x uI24zMhYB2Q-00021-00006235-00006431 itself square root so I just basically uI24zMhYB2Q-00022-00006433-00006870 gets for the square root so limit as X uI24zMhYB2Q-00023-00006870-00007179 approaches negative for of this times uI24zMhYB2Q-00024-00007180-00007530 this is is x squared plus nine negative uI24zMhYB2Q-00025-00007531-00007884 5 times positive 5 is its negative 25 uI24zMhYB2Q-00026-00007884-00008070 and then my middle term drops out uI24zMhYB2Q-00027-00008070-00008199 because I have negative 5 of those uI24zMhYB2Q-00028-00008200-00008796 positive 5 those and denominator is X uI24zMhYB2Q-00029-00008797-00009146 plus 4 times that conjugate I'm not uI24zMhYB2Q-00030-00009147-00009366 going to combine those because what I'm uI24zMhYB2Q-00031-00009367-00009537 hoping is half will happen is that that uI24zMhYB2Q-00032-00009538-00010235 X plus 4 1 it can't hear 9 minus 25 uI24zMhYB2Q-00033-00010236-00010548 that's 6 negative 16 so this is the same uI24zMhYB2Q-00034-00010549-00010914 as x squared minus 16 which is your uI24zMhYB2Q-00035-00010915-00011058 difference of squares I can factor this uI24zMhYB2Q-00036-00011059-00011676 now so this is X plus 4 times X minus so uI24zMhYB2Q-00037-00011677-00011904 what I did was I just now as I just said uI24zMhYB2Q-00038-00011905-00012225 combine those that became this and then uI24zMhYB2Q-00039-00012226-00012642 I factored it to this um so let me just uI24zMhYB2Q-00040-00012643-00012777 get a little messy so let me just uI24zMhYB2Q-00041-00012778-00013328 rewrite gather up what I have right now uI24zMhYB2Q-00042-00013329-00013636 X plus 4 times X minus 4 that's divided uI24zMhYB2Q-00043-00013637-00014641 by X plus 4 over all this so then now I uI24zMhYB2Q-00044-00014643-00014972 noticed that X plus 4 divided by X plus uI24zMhYB2Q-00045-00014972-00015072 4 is 1 uI24zMhYB2Q-00046-00015073-00015484 so notice conveniently how that did away uI24zMhYB2Q-00047-00015485-00015763 with my dividing by 0 when I plug in uI24zMhYB2Q-00048-00015765-00016042 negative 4 so what I'm left with now is uI24zMhYB2Q-00049-00016043-00016544 a limit of this X minus 4 over square uI24zMhYB2Q-00050-00016545-00016909 root x squared plus 9 Boop uI24zMhYB2Q-00051-00016910-00017239 plus 5 so let me try some direct uI24zMhYB2Q-00052-00017240-00017590 substitution here so I'm gonna plug in uI24zMhYB2Q-00053-00017591-00017937 that negative 4 so negative 4 minus 4 uI24zMhYB2Q-00054-00017938-00018500 down here I have negative 4 squared plus uI24zMhYB2Q-00055-00018501-00018912 9 5 so that's a negative 8 up here uI24zMhYB2Q-00056-00018913-00019392 negative 4 squared is 16 16 plus 9 is 25 uI24zMhYB2Q-00057-00019393-00019756 square root 25 is 5 and it's still plus uI24zMhYB2Q-00058-00019757-00020044 5 so negative 8 tenths which is the same uI24zMhYB2Q-00059-00020045-00020615 as negative 4/5 uL413vIS3qc-00000-00000016-00000295 having said that it is now time for a uL413vIS3qc-00001-00000296-00000471 member statement uL413vIS3qc-00002-00000472-00000743 and i recognize a member from spadina uL413vIS3qc-00003-00000744-00001079 fort yard uL413vIS3qc-00004-00001080-00001399 thank you mr speaker residents and uL413vIS3qc-00005-00001400-00001582 business owners in spadina fort york are uL413vIS3qc-00006-00001583-00001702 angry with this government for their uL413vIS3qc-00007-00001703-00001926 handling of the pandemic uL413vIS3qc-00008-00001927-00002207 this government spent had months has had uL413vIS3qc-00009-00002208-00002350 months to plan the rollout of the uL413vIS3qc-00010-00002351-00002542 vaccines but the online registration uL413vIS3qc-00011-00002543-00002687 portal still hasn't launched uL413vIS3qc-00012-00002688-00002879 in some areas you've got 80 year olds uL413vIS3qc-00013-00002880-00002999 competing online uL413vIS3qc-00014-00003000-00003215 for vaccine registrations as if they uL413vIS3qc-00015-00003215-00003367 were concert tickets uL413vIS3qc-00016-00003368-00003551 but the vaccine rollout is just one of uL413vIS3qc-00017-00003552-00003719 the recent many failures of this uL413vIS3qc-00018-00003720-00003790 government uL413vIS3qc-00019-00003792-00003983 this government is using lockdowns as if uL413vIS3qc-00020-00003984-00004111 they are the solution uL413vIS3qc-00021-00004112-00004279 lockdowns are necessary but they were uL413vIS3qc-00022-00004280-00004447 supposed to be a temporary measure uL413vIS3qc-00023-00004448-00004654 to get transmission under control and to uL413vIS3qc-00024-00004655-00004854 buy time so the government could set up uL413vIS3qc-00025-00004855-00005054 testing and tracing make long-term care uL413vIS3qc-00026-00005055-00005270 schools and workplaces safe uL413vIS3qc-00027-00005271-00005535 sarah spadina fort york parent says our uL413vIS3qc-00028-00005536-00005711 children are terribly affected by the uL413vIS3qc-00029-00005712-00005743 pet uL413vIS3qc-00030-00005744-00005975 by the lockdowns you failed you lost uL413vIS3qc-00031-00005976-00006134 your chance to get do it right uL413vIS3qc-00032-00006135-00006302 now make a new plan where our children uL413vIS3qc-00033-00006303-00006503 can get out and play with other kids uL413vIS3qc-00034-00006504-00006719 yvonne a business owner says if i ran my uL413vIS3qc-00035-00006720-00006927 business like ford runs the province i'd uL413vIS3qc-00036-00006928-00007103 have been bankrupt years ago uL413vIS3qc-00037-00007104-00007263 another business owner jeff cohen who uL413vIS3qc-00038-00007264-00007510 owns live stopped vlogger man please uL413vIS3qc-00039-00007511-00007823 excuse me um you may be reading uL413vIS3qc-00040-00007823-00007991 something that someone else may have uL413vIS3qc-00041-00007992-00008207 said but in reference to uL413vIS3qc-00042-00008208-00008455 a member in here i would ask that you uL413vIS3qc-00043-00008456-00008719 refer to either their their writing name uL413vIS3qc-00044-00008720-00009039 or if they have a title such as premier uL413vIS3qc-00045-00009040-00009191 i would ask that you refer to it as that uL413vIS3qc-00046-00009192-00009342 please uL413vIS3qc-00047-00009343-00009799 thank you uL413vIS3qc-00048-00009800-00009991 yvonne a business owner says that if i uL413vIS3qc-00049-00009992-00010183 ran my business like the premier runs uL413vIS3qc-00050-00010184-00010335 the province i'd have been bankrupt uL413vIS3qc-00051-00010336-00010406 years ago uL413vIS3qc-00052-00010407-00010599 i hope that's better another business uL413vIS3qc-00053-00010600-00010783 owner jeff cohen who owns live music uL413vIS3qc-00054-00010784-00010951 venues says that the inability to get uL413vIS3qc-00055-00010952-00011095 insurance and the lack of supports from uL413vIS3qc-00056-00011096-00011167 this government uL413vIS3qc-00057-00011168-00011367 is threatening the very existence of the uL413vIS3qc-00058-00011368-00011574 live music industry in toronto uL413vIS3qc-00059-00011575-00011799 your responsibilities were clear through uL413vIS3qc-00060-00011800-00011910 this pandemic uL413vIS3qc-00061-00011911-00012223 mr premier make long-term care homes uL413vIS3qc-00062-00012224-00012391 schools and workplaces safe so they uL413vIS3qc-00063-00012392-00012527 aren't transmission points uL413vIS3qc-00064-00012528-00012751 keep our small businesses solvent and uL413vIS3qc-00065-00012752-00012927 plan the vaccine rollout uL413vIS3qc-00066-00012928-00013151 will the premier please focus on getting uL413vIS3qc-00067-00013152-00013286 us through this pandemic uL413vIS3qc-00068-00013287-00013447 rather than planting in secret the uL413vIS3qc-00069-00013447-00013615 destruction of wetlands and heritage uL413vIS3qc-00070-00013616-00013686 buildings uL413vIS3qc-00071-00013687-00014158 thank you thank you very much uL413vIS3qc-00072-00014159-00014511 member statements the member for whitby uL413vIS3qc-00073-00014512-00014751 yeah good morning speaker durham college uL413vIS3qc-00074-00014752-00014871 in my riding uL413vIS3qc-00075-00014872-00015150 started to accept applications earlier uL413vIS3qc-00076-00015151-00015255 this week uL413vIS3qc-00077-00015256-00015455 to ontario's new accelerated training uL413vIS3qc-00078-00015456-00015607 program for personal support uL413vIS3qc-00079-00015608-00015871 workers the program speaker is part of uL413vIS3qc-00080-00015872-00016150 the government's 115 million dollar uL413vIS3qc-00081-00016151-00016439 investment to train up to eight thousand uL413vIS3qc-00082-00016440-00016663 two hundred new personal support workers uL413vIS3qc-00083-00016664-00016911 for high demand jobs in ontario's health uL413vIS3qc-00084-00016912-00017015 and long-term care uL413vIS3qc-00085-00017016-00017271 sectors we will be training speakers uL413vIS3qc-00086-00017272-00017375 some of our best uL413vIS3qc-00087-00017376-00017615 and brightest in durham region to be uL413vIS3qc-00088-00017616-00017830 personal support workers uL413vIS3qc-00089-00017831-00018014 speaker the accelerated personal support uL413vIS3qc-00090-00018015-00018199 workers training program is a uL413vIS3qc-00091-00018200-00018414 tuition-free opportunity for new uL413vIS3qc-00092-00018415-00018503 students uL413vIS3qc-00093-00018504-00018735 and is expected to take only six months uL413vIS3qc-00094-00018736-00018935 to complete rather than a typical eight uL413vIS3qc-00095-00018936-00019039 months uL413vIS3qc-00096-00019040-00019247 after three months of course work and uL413vIS3qc-00097-00019248-00019447 experiential learning in a clinical uL413vIS3qc-00098-00019448-00019527 setting uL413vIS3qc-00099-00019528-00019703 students will complete the final three uL413vIS3qc-00100-00019704-00019950 months in paid on-site training in a uL413vIS3qc-00101-00019951-00020183 long-term care home or in a home and uL413vIS3qc-00102-00020184-00020335 community care environment uL413vIS3qc-00103-00020336-00020519 speaker this personal support training uL413vIS3qc-00104-00020520-00020727 program is yet another way uL413vIS3qc-00105-00020728-00020927 entails collaborating with us partners uL413vIS3qc-00106-00020928-00021047 like durham college uL413vIS3qc-00107-00021048-00021319 to provide innovative services and build uL413vIS3qc-00108-00021320-00021486 a 21st century uL413vIS3qc-00109-00021487-00022023 long-term care system thank you speaker uL413vIS3qc-00110-00022024-00022327 [Applause] uL413vIS3qc-00111-00022328-00022486 member statements the member for york uL413vIS3qc-00112-00022487-00022727 southwestern thank you mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00113-00022728-00022975 last night i heard the disturbing news uL413vIS3qc-00114-00022976-00023191 that 12 families that had been living uL413vIS3qc-00115-00023192-00023494 at 24 19 kill street in my riding of uL413vIS3qc-00116-00023495-00023655 york southwestern received uL413vIS3qc-00117-00023656-00023942 an n13 notice with days of the building uL413vIS3qc-00118-00023943-00024039 being bought uL413vIS3qc-00119-00024040-00024247 by a new landlord and are being kicked uL413vIS3qc-00120-00024248-00024463 out for in evictions uL413vIS3qc-00121-00024464-00024735 displacing tenants in housing crisis and uL413vIS3qc-00122-00024736-00024950 during a pandemic is unacceptable uL413vIS3qc-00123-00024951-00025175 and wrong mr speaker these tenants in uL413vIS3qc-00124-00025176-00025335 many cases have lived uL413vIS3qc-00125-00025336-00025599 in the building for over 20 years the uL413vIS3qc-00126-00025600-00025711 pandemic has left uL413vIS3qc-00127-00025712-00026039 many without work or underemployed uL413vIS3qc-00128-00026039-00026343 some have newborn children how is it uL413vIS3qc-00129-00026344-00026518 that during a pandemic families uL413vIS3qc-00130-00026519-00026774 like this can have their world hand uL413vIS3qc-00131-00026775-00026943 upside down mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00132-00026944-00027174 the evictions are occurring more and uL413vIS3qc-00133-00027175-00027295 more in toronto uL413vIS3qc-00134-00027295-00027623 and bad bad landlords like this one uL413vIS3qc-00135-00027624-00027958 boost on their website to potential uL413vIS3qc-00136-00027960-00028039 visitors uL413vIS3qc-00137-00028039-00028311 the timing and precision are two key uL413vIS3qc-00138-00028312-00028399 drivers uL413vIS3qc-00139-00028400-00028639 and that they are excel at acquiring uL413vIS3qc-00140-00028639-00028711 under uL413vIS3qc-00141-00028712-00028943 under value properties and stabilizing uL413vIS3qc-00142-00028944-00029158 at today's market ransom uL413vIS3qc-00143-00029160-00029431 fancy words for innovating tenants and uL413vIS3qc-00144-00029432-00029599 forcing them during a pandemic uL413vIS3qc-00145-00029600-00029911 to leave their homes often with no uL413vIS3qc-00146-00029912-00029990 options uL413vIS3qc-00147-00029991-00030270 for housing they can afford mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00148-00030272-00030351 all to uL413vIS3qc-00149-00030352-00030639 maximize rent and to return dividends to uL413vIS3qc-00150-00030639-00030774 their stakeholders uL413vIS3qc-00151-00030775-00030974 when is this government going to take uL413vIS3qc-00152-00030975-00031111 the housing crisis uL413vIS3qc-00153-00031112-00031407 seriously and put protections in place uL413vIS3qc-00154-00031408-00031502 for families uL413vIS3qc-00155-00031503-00031727 in my riding of york southwestern and in uL413vIS3qc-00156-00031727-00031895 ontario mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00157-00031895-00032255 thank you uL413vIS3qc-00158-00032256-00032383 member statements the member for uL413vIS3qc-00159-00032383-00032614 stormont dundas south glengarry uL413vIS3qc-00160-00032616-00032815 thank you speaker i rise today to uL413vIS3qc-00161-00032816-00032983 commemorate the achievements of dr uL413vIS3qc-00162-00032984-00033262 robin paul who recently awarded the uL413vIS3qc-00163-00033263-00033415 order of canada uL413vIS3qc-00164-00033416-00033631 a native of great britain he moved to uL413vIS3qc-00165-00033632-00033815 south glengarry with his wife mary and uL413vIS3qc-00166-00033816-00033902 their children uL413vIS3qc-00167-00033903-00034262 lucian and jonathan about 20 years ago uL413vIS3qc-00168-00034263-00034511 dr paul won worldwide recognition for uL413vIS3qc-00169-00034512-00034695 his groundbreaking research that led to uL413vIS3qc-00170-00034696-00034918 the creation of faster diagnosis uL413vIS3qc-00171-00034919-00035207 techniques for the osteoarthritis uL413vIS3qc-00172-00035208-00035383 international acknowledgements include uL413vIS3qc-00173-00035384-00035518 being named the president uL413vIS3qc-00174-00035519-00035839 and symposium workshop chair uL413vIS3qc-00175-00035840-00036015 of the sixth world congress of uL413vIS3qc-00176-00036016-00036246 information research associations uL413vIS3qc-00177-00036247-00036415 and is an honorary member of the british uL413vIS3qc-00178-00036416-00036671 society of the matrix biology uL413vIS3qc-00179-00036672-00036871 he received the holly research prize and uL413vIS3qc-00180-00036872-00037143 appointed master of the american college uL413vIS3qc-00181-00037144-00037471 rheumatology lifetime achievement awards uL413vIS3qc-00182-00037472-00037590 were shot on uL413vIS3qc-00183-00037591-00037839 bestowed upon him from the austrial uL413vIS3qc-00184-00037840-00038095 arthritis research society international uL413vIS3qc-00185-00038096-00038287 and the international cartilage repair uL413vIS3qc-00186-00038288-00038479 society and the canadian connective uL413vIS3qc-00187-00038480-00038807 tissue society locally dr poole has uL413vIS3qc-00188-00038808-00039015 found time to support the cooper marsh uL413vIS3qc-00189-00039016-00039255 conservation authority dr poole uL413vIS3qc-00190-00039256-00039374 continues to be uL413vIS3qc-00191-00039375-00039543 a positive influence in the medical uL413vIS3qc-00192-00039544-00039767 field acting as a mentor for young uL413vIS3qc-00193-00039768-00039911 scientists while filling uL413vIS3qc-00194-00039912-00040135 a role as chair of the international uL413vIS3qc-00195-00040136-00040230 academy uL413vIS3qc-00196-00040231-00040518 advisory board of uot's arthritis uL413vIS3qc-00197-00040519-00040615 program at the uL413vIS3qc-00198-00040616-00040918 toronto western hospital thank you and uL413vIS3qc-00199-00040919-00041190 congratulations dr paul for your local uL413vIS3qc-00200-00041191-00041407 and international achievements uL413vIS3qc-00201-00041408-00041790 thank you speaker uL413vIS3qc-00202-00041791-00041935 thank you member statements the member uL413vIS3qc-00203-00041936-00042111 for windsor tecumseh uL413vIS3qc-00204-00042112-00042287 we have a great community college an uL413vIS3qc-00205-00042288-00042479 outstanding university uL413vIS3qc-00206-00042480-00042679 and a high class symphony orchestra in uL413vIS3qc-00207-00042680-00042815 windsor uL413vIS3qc-00208-00042816-00042999 the ford motor company builds really uL413vIS3qc-00209-00043000-00043279 good engines stalantis makes fantastic uL413vIS3qc-00210-00043280-00043455 minivans uL413vIS3qc-00211-00043456-00043630 our mold machining and tool and die uL413vIS3qc-00212-00043631-00043862 industries are world renowned uL413vIS3qc-00213-00043863-00044151 and speaker we manufacture some of the uL413vIS3qc-00214-00044152-00044390 best whiskey in the world uL413vIS3qc-00215-00044391-00044727 canadian club 43 is canada's whiskey of uL413vIS3qc-00216-00044728-00044823 the year uL413vIS3qc-00217-00044824-00044999 for the fourth straight year hiram uL413vIS3qc-00218-00045000-00045255 walker has been named canada's distiller uL413vIS3qc-00219-00045256-00045407 of the year uL413vIS3qc-00220-00045408-00045718 jp wiser's triple barrel rye won a uL413vIS3qc-00221-00045719-00045958 sip and whiskey of the year honor lot uL413vIS3qc-00222-00045959-00046183 number 40 dark oak claimed the best new uL413vIS3qc-00223-00046184-00046535 whiskey award and j.p weiser's uL413vIS3qc-00224-00046536-00046839 22 year old port cast finished came out uL413vIS3qc-00225-00046840-00046967 on top in the cast uL413vIS3qc-00226-00046968-00047262 strength whiskey of the year category uL413vIS3qc-00227-00047263-00047471 speaker hats off to ontario's grain uL413vIS3qc-00228-00047472-00047583 farmers uL413vIS3qc-00229-00047584-00047855 97 of the grain that we put into hiring uL413vIS3qc-00230-00047856-00048071 walkers award-winning whiskeys uL413vIS3qc-00231-00048072-00048286 comes from fields in essex county and uL413vIS3qc-00232-00048287-00048455 chatham-kent uL413vIS3qc-00233-00048456-00048671 windsor's master blender don livermore uL413vIS3qc-00234-00048672-00048767 says uL413vIS3qc-00235-00048768-00048943 this year there were more competitors uL413vIS3qc-00236-00048944-00049102 than ever before uL413vIS3qc-00237-00049103-00049295 the craft distilling industry is really uL413vIS3qc-00238-00049296-00049439 taking off in canada uL413vIS3qc-00239-00049440-00049758 the competition was fierce with 130 uL413vIS3qc-00240-00049759-00049886 entries uL413vIS3qc-00241-00049887-00050086 windsor is so proud of our distillery uL413vIS3qc-00242-00050087-00050295 district in old walkerville we've been uL413vIS3qc-00243-00050296-00050415 making whiskey uL413vIS3qc-00244-00050416-00050727 there since the 1850s we know a thing or uL413vIS3qc-00245-00050728-00050935 two about whiskey speaker uL413vIS3qc-00246-00050936-00051190 the awards just keep on coming and just uL413vIS3qc-00247-00051191-00051302 so you know uL413vIS3qc-00248-00051303-00051487 we haven't given up on reopening the uL413vIS3qc-00249-00051488-00051702 tours to the canadian club brand uL413vIS3qc-00250-00051703-00051766 heritage uL413vIS3qc-00251-00051767-00052190 center either thank you uL413vIS3qc-00252-00052191-00052430 thank you very much member statements uL413vIS3qc-00253-00052432-00052566 the member for cambridge thank you mr uL413vIS3qc-00254-00052567-00052750 speaker good morning on january 7th the uL413vIS3qc-00255-00052751-00052894 newest provincial political party was uL413vIS3qc-00256-00052895-00052966 registered uL413vIS3qc-00257-00052967-00053135 with elections ontario with a new blue uL413vIS3qc-00258-00053136-00053350 party of ontario and i'm happy to sit as uL413vIS3qc-00259-00053351-00053559 its first member of this legislature uL413vIS3qc-00260-00053560-00053711 today i present various concerns from uL413vIS3qc-00261-00053712-00053919 constituents parents in cambridge north uL413vIS3qc-00262-00053920-00054094 dumfries and north branch are concerned uL413vIS3qc-00263-00054095-00054230 with the draconian measure to mandate uL413vIS3qc-00264-00054232-00054399 mask wearing for children over the age uL413vIS3qc-00265-00054400-00054487 of two uL413vIS3qc-00266-00054488-00054638 even the world health organization uL413vIS3qc-00267-00054639-00054791 doesn't recommend children under the age uL413vIS3qc-00268-00054791-00054959 of 5 wear masks uL413vIS3qc-00269-00054960-00055142 small business owners continue to lose uL413vIS3qc-00270-00055144-00055335 their livelihoods and have to consider uL413vIS3qc-00271-00055336-00055519 if they haven't already the prospects of uL413vIS3qc-00272-00055520-00055679 starting over as a result of the uL413vIS3qc-00273-00055679-00055863 government's inconsistent application of uL413vIS3qc-00274-00055864-00055935 policies uL413vIS3qc-00275-00055936-00056103 that favor their lobbyist friends and uL413vIS3qc-00276-00056104-00056263 big corporate interests over small uL413vIS3qc-00277-00056264-00056430 businesses that are the lifeblood of our uL413vIS3qc-00278-00056432-00056535 economy uL413vIS3qc-00279-00056536-00056703 finally it would be remiss of me not to uL413vIS3qc-00280-00056704-00056847 mention the disappointment of watching uL413vIS3qc-00281-00056848-00056991 this government the premier and members uL413vIS3qc-00282-00056991-00057079 of the media uL413vIS3qc-00283-00057079-00057271 ridicule insult and condemn those uL413vIS3qc-00284-00057272-00057471 churches like trinity bible chapel uL413vIS3qc-00285-00057472-00057630 who decided to gather for worship over uL413vIS3qc-00286-00057632-00057815 the last month perhaps uL413vIS3qc-00287-00057816-00057991 if the premier and his government wanted uL413vIS3qc-00288-00057991-00058175 ontarians to take their public school uL413vIS3qc-00289-00058176-00058294 things seriously uL413vIS3qc-00290-00058295-00058454 they can work on abiding by their own uL413vIS3qc-00291-00058455-00058615 rules because apparently uL413vIS3qc-00292-00058616-00058823 while attending church or a synagogue or uL413vIS3qc-00293-00058824-00058982 opening your small business is not uL413vIS3qc-00294-00058983-00059111 deemed essential uL413vIS3qc-00295-00059112-00059319 traveling to a sunny location visiting a uL413vIS3qc-00296-00059320-00059526 cottage going to a politician's wedding uL413vIS3qc-00297-00059527-00059679 or saying happy birthday to a former uL413vIS3qc-00298-00059679-00059830 mayor are all acts uL413vIS3qc-00299-00059832-00060007 that the premier believes exempt him and uL413vIS3qc-00300-00060008-00060230 his cabinet from the rules they've set uL413vIS3qc-00301-00060232-00060823 for everyone else thank you mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00302-00060824-00061030 the next statement the member for keem uL413vIS3qc-00303-00061032-00061191 the member for burlington thank you so uL413vIS3qc-00304-00061191-00061438 much speaker speaker 86 percent of women uL413vIS3qc-00305-00061439-00061623 say that seeing more women in leadership uL413vIS3qc-00306-00061624-00061719 positions uL413vIS3qc-00307-00061720-00061942 inspires and encourage them to blaze uL413vIS3qc-00308-00061944-00062094 their own trail uL413vIS3qc-00309-00062095-00062311 our pc government has many strong women uL413vIS3qc-00310-00062312-00062494 in critical leadership positions uL413vIS3qc-00311-00062495-00062687 christine elliott is ontario's deputy uL413vIS3qc-00312-00062688-00062863 premier and minister of health uL413vIS3qc-00313-00062864-00063126 dr mary lee fullerton is our ministry of uL413vIS3qc-00314-00063127-00063247 long-term care uL413vIS3qc-00315-00063248-00063447 caroline mulroney is ontario's minister uL413vIS3qc-00316-00063448-00063599 of transportation and minister of uL413vIS3qc-00317-00063600-00063742 francophone affairs uL413vIS3qc-00318-00063744-00063911 lisa thompson is the minister of uL413vIS3qc-00319-00063912-00064103 government and consumer services uL413vIS3qc-00320-00064104-00064254 laurie scott is the minister of uL413vIS3qc-00321-00064255-00064471 infrastructure lisa mccloud is uL413vIS3qc-00322-00064472-00064687 ontario's minister of heritage sport uL413vIS3qc-00323-00064688-00064887 tourism and culture industries uL413vIS3qc-00324-00064888-00065103 sylvia jones is our ontario solicitor uL413vIS3qc-00325-00065104-00065191 general uL413vIS3qc-00326-00065191-00065399 and our two associate ministers minister uL413vIS3qc-00327-00065400-00065575 jill dunlop in children and women's uL413vIS3qc-00328-00065576-00065719 issues and king of sermon in uL413vIS3qc-00329-00065720-00065838 transportation uL413vIS3qc-00330-00065839-00066047 together these women are responsible for uL413vIS3qc-00331-00066048-00066159 the majority uL413vIS3qc-00332-00066160-00066375 all government spending in ontario uL413vIS3qc-00333-00066376-00066567 speaker i'm proud to serve alongside uL413vIS3qc-00334-00066568-00066703 these incredible women uL413vIS3qc-00335-00066704-00066911 who are making a positive difference in uL413vIS3qc-00336-00066912-00067015 our communities uL413vIS3qc-00337-00067016-00067247 every day tomorrow i'll be speaking at uL413vIS3qc-00338-00067248-00067415 wonder woman 2.0 uL413vIS3qc-00339-00067416-00067599 an event hosted by our burlington uL413vIS3qc-00340-00067600-00067791 chamber of commerce this event brings uL413vIS3qc-00341-00067792-00067999 together local women virtually this year uL413vIS3qc-00342-00068000-00068150 who are trailblazers uL413vIS3qc-00343-00068151-00068423 and leaders in our community speaker i'm uL413vIS3qc-00344-00068424-00068591 proud to represent burlington uL413vIS3qc-00345-00068592-00068831 a community led by so many strong women uL413vIS3qc-00346-00068832-00069175 thanks so much speaker uL413vIS3qc-00347-00069176-00069279 i want to thank the member for uL413vIS3qc-00348-00069280-00069415 burlington for her presentation i uL413vIS3qc-00349-00069416-00069623 noticed a few eyebrows going up uL413vIS3qc-00350-00069624-00069815 um but i wanted to say normally the rule uL413vIS3qc-00351-00069816-00069975 of course is that we refer to each other uL413vIS3qc-00352-00069976-00070143 by our riding name or our ministerial uL413vIS3qc-00353-00070144-00070199 title uL413vIS3qc-00354-00070200-00070375 but obviously that was those are uL413vIS3qc-00355-00070376-00070519 favorable references calling to uL413vIS3qc-00356-00070520-00070750 colleague and i allowed it uL413vIS3qc-00357-00070751-00070887 if anybody has an issue with it we can uL413vIS3qc-00358-00070888-00071255 talk about it later uL413vIS3qc-00359-00071256-00071511 member statements the member for uL413vIS3qc-00360-00071512-00071638 brampton north uL413vIS3qc-00361-00071639-00071847 thank you mr speaker i'm proud to rise uL413vIS3qc-00362-00071848-00071975 on behalf of the uL413vIS3qc-00363-00071976-00072143 residents of brampton north there's been uL413vIS3qc-00364-00072144-00072311 a peaceful protest going around the uL413vIS3qc-00365-00072312-00072391 world uL413vIS3qc-00366-00072392-00072511 and it's one of the largest one that's uL413vIS3qc-00367-00072512-00072703 been going on for several months now uL413vIS3qc-00368-00072704-00072887 it's the farmer's protest against the uL413vIS3qc-00369-00072888-00073038 indian farmer's bill uL413vIS3qc-00370-00073039-00073350 a bill which will allow the uL413vIS3qc-00371-00073351-00073599 the agricultural sector to be taken over uL413vIS3qc-00372-00073600-00073775 by large corporations uL413vIS3qc-00373-00073776-00073919 and unfortunately these peaceful uL413vIS3qc-00374-00073920-00074143 protesters they've been met with uL413vIS3qc-00375-00074144-00074382 tear gas water cannons and all they're uL413vIS3qc-00376-00074383-00074543 trying to do mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00377-00074544-00074806 is save their livelihood from mass uL413vIS3qc-00378-00074807-00074926 privatization uL413vIS3qc-00379-00074927-00075079 i've been getting calls to my uL413vIS3qc-00380-00075080-00075279 constituency office and emails uL413vIS3qc-00381-00075280-00075487 by concerned citizens who have family uL413vIS3qc-00382-00075488-00075606 back home uL413vIS3qc-00383-00075607-00075806 and they want me to stand up for the uL413vIS3qc-00384-00075807-00076031 farmers this is exactly what i'm doing uL413vIS3qc-00385-00076032-00076279 and what is happening now we are seeing uL413vIS3qc-00386-00076280-00076375 arrests uL413vIS3qc-00387-00076376-00076735 of journalists of of peaceful protesters uL413vIS3qc-00388-00076736-00076982 as well as for we've seen arrests with uL413vIS3qc-00389-00076983-00077071 uh uL413vIS3qc-00390-00077072-00077303 people who are more or less just trying uL413vIS3qc-00391-00077304-00077423 to uL413vIS3qc-00392-00077424-00077615 make sure that the government is doing uL413vIS3qc-00393-00077616-00077759 the right thing uL413vIS3qc-00394-00077760-00077982 one person disha ravi who's a human uL413vIS3qc-00395-00077983-00078103 rights activist uL413vIS3qc-00396-00078104-00078350 she was arrested recently peaceful uL413vIS3qc-00397-00078351-00078471 protest uL413vIS3qc-00398-00078472-00078806 is needed in our government mr speaker uL413vIS3qc-00399-00078807-00078982 and i'm calling on the indian government uL413vIS3qc-00400-00078983-00079175 to resolve this with dialogue uL413vIS3qc-00401-00079176-00079391 with these protesters and the canadian uL413vIS3qc-00402-00079392-00079519 government must also uL413vIS3qc-00403-00079520-00079791 set an example they must set an example uL413vIS3qc-00404-00079792-00079943 by standing up for these peaceful uL413vIS3qc-00405-00079944-00080047 protesters uL413vIS3qc-00406-00080048-00080311 and for the front line protesters my uL413vIS3qc-00407-00080312-00080479 brothers and sisters out there uL413vIS3qc-00408-00080480-00080735 i want them to know that i stand with uL413vIS3qc-00409-00080736-00080791 them uL413vIS3qc-00410-00080792-00081335 in these protests thank you uL413vIS3qc-00411-00081336-00081526 thank you very much member statements uL413vIS3qc-00412-00081527-00081719 the member for parry sound muskoka uL413vIS3qc-00413-00081720-00081975 thank you mr speaker just a few minutes uL413vIS3qc-00414-00081976-00082143 ago the minister of municipal uL413vIS3qc-00415-00082144-00082311 affairs and housing announced a new uL413vIS3qc-00416-00082312-00082535 round of provincial social services uL413vIS3qc-00417-00082536-00082782 relief funding today's announcement is uL413vIS3qc-00418-00082783-00083047 an investment of 255 million dollars uL413vIS3qc-00419-00083048-00083231 that can be used by local service uL413vIS3qc-00420-00083232-00083487 managers across ontario to reduce the uL413vIS3qc-00421-00083488-00083550 impacts uL413vIS3qc-00422-00083551-00083791 of covid on some of our most vulnerable uL413vIS3qc-00423-00083792-00083879 citizens uL413vIS3qc-00424-00083880-00084047 those who are homeless or rely on uL413vIS3qc-00425-00084048-00084199 housing supports and other uL413vIS3qc-00426-00084200-00084462 social services locally ontario is uL413vIS3qc-00427-00084463-00084559 providing almost uL413vIS3qc-00428-00084560-00084759 1.2 million dollars to the district of uL413vIS3qc-00429-00084760-00085023 muskoka 950 000 dollars uL413vIS3qc-00430-00085024-00085215 to the parry sound district social uL413vIS3qc-00431-00085216-00085447 services administration board uL413vIS3qc-00432-00085448-00085599 with this funding our government is uL413vIS3qc-00433-00085600-00085871 continuing to provide the resources uL413vIS3qc-00434-00085872-00086111 necessary to protect those residents who uL413vIS3qc-00435-00086112-00086303 rely on housing supports and other uL413vIS3qc-00436-00086304-00086471 social service uL413vIS3qc-00437-00086472-00086759 services during the pandemic this uL413vIS3qc-00438-00086760-00086950 funding is critical to so many people in uL413vIS3qc-00439-00086951-00087031 my riding uL413vIS3qc-00440-00087032-00087238 while perry sound is off at muskoka is uL413vIS3qc-00441-00087239-00087431 often seen as the playground of the rich uL413vIS3qc-00442-00087432-00087511 and famous uL413vIS3qc-00443-00087512-00087718 the average income of the year-round uL413vIS3qc-00444-00087719-00087926 population is well below the uL413vIS3qc-00445-00087927-00088238 provincial average the pandemic has only uL413vIS3qc-00446-00088239-00088447 made the situation worse with many in uL413vIS3qc-00447-00088448-00088647 the hospitality and tourism sectors uL413vIS3qc-00448-00088648-00088743 unemployed uL413vIS3qc-00449-00088744-00088950 and at the same time the cost of housing uL413vIS3qc-00450-00088951-00089135 has been driven up uL413vIS3qc-00451-00089136-00089391 in order to address these those trends uL413vIS3qc-00452-00089392-00089582 our government is providing a great deal uL413vIS3qc-00453-00089583-00089679 flexibility uL413vIS3qc-00454-00089680-00089823 in how this funding can be used for uL413vIS3qc-00455-00089824-00090023 example could be used to acquire motel uL413vIS3qc-00456-00090024-00090182 and hotel spaces for homeless uL413vIS3qc-00457-00090183-00090438 individuals purchase ppe or food uL413vIS3qc-00458-00090439-00090679 or add to rent and utility banks to help uL413vIS3qc-00459-00090680-00090743 prevent uL413vIS3qc-00460-00090744-00090982 people from becoming homeless so on uL413vIS3qc-00461-00090983-00091118 behalf of the people of perry saw uL413vIS3qc-00462-00091119-00091326 muskoka i want to thank minister clark uL413vIS3qc-00463-00091327-00091503 for this funding i know that both the uL413vIS3qc-00464-00091504-00091638 district muskoka uL413vIS3qc-00465-00091639-00091847 and the perry sound dsab will put this uL413vIS3qc-00466-00091848-00091991 money to great use uL413vIS3qc-00467-00091992-00092191 and support those residents who rely uL413vIS3qc-00468-00092192-00092615 upon those services thank you uL413vIS3qc-00469-00092616-00092759 member statements the member for uL413vIS3qc-00470-00092760-00092935 brantford brandt uL413vIS3qc-00471-00092936-00093191 thank you speaker i rise today to pay uL413vIS3qc-00472-00093192-00093350 tribute to arguably uL413vIS3qc-00473-00093351-00093599 canada's favorite hockey dad walter uL413vIS3qc-00474-00093600-00093703 gretzky uL413vIS3qc-00475-00093704-00093871 it was with profound sadness that i uL413vIS3qc-00476-00093872-00094150 learned of his passing last week uL413vIS3qc-00477-00094151-00094455 not only was he a brantford institution uL413vIS3qc-00478-00094456-00094662 legend and tireless promoter of our uL413vIS3qc-00479-00094663-00094950 community but he was a family man uL413vIS3qc-00480-00094951-00095182 walter was an active hockey player avid uL413vIS3qc-00481-00095183-00095350 hockey player as a youth uL413vIS3qc-00482-00095351-00095615 and a keen analyst of the game he built uL413vIS3qc-00483-00095616-00095806 a backyard rink for his children uL413vIS3qc-00484-00095807-00096047 and coached wayne the great one from the uL413vIS3qc-00485-00096048-00096159 age of three uL413vIS3qc-00486-00096160-00096406 devising creative exercises and drills uL413vIS3qc-00487-00096407-00096582 teaching him profound insights uL413vIS3qc-00488-00096583-00096862 into how to play successfully known for uL413vIS3qc-00489-00096863-00097023 his charitable work with the canadian uL413vIS3qc-00490-00097024-00097191 national institute for the blind uL413vIS3qc-00491-00097192-00097431 foundation and with a summer computer uL413vIS3qc-00492-00097432-00097655 orientation recreational education uL413vIS3qc-00493-00097656-00097726 program uL413vIS3qc-00494-00097727-00097999 known as score score helps blind uL413vIS3qc-00495-00098000-00098174 students learn computer skills uL413vIS3qc-00496-00098175-00098343 that will be needed for jobs in their uL413vIS3qc-00497-00098344-00098543 future and increases blind students uL413vIS3qc-00498-00098544-00098726 access to computer programs uL413vIS3qc-00499-00098727-00098999 and internet applications walter was uL413vIS3qc-00500-00099000-00099087 awarded uL413vIS3qc-00501-00099088-00099231 the brantford citizen of the year in uL413vIS3qc-00502-00099232-00099543 1996. he was also an inductee into the uL413vIS3qc-00503-00099544-00099711 brantford walk of fame uL413vIS3qc-00504-00099712-00099847 he was appointed as a member of the uL413vIS3qc-00505-00099848-00100071 order of ontario in 2002. uL413vIS3qc-00506-00100072-00100238 gretzky was named a member of the order uL413vIS3qc-00507-00100239-00100415 of canada on december 28 uL413vIS3qc-00508-00100416-00100774 2007. on february 12 2010 gretzky uL413vIS3qc-00509-00100775-00100911 carried the olympic torch during the uL413vIS3qc-00510-00100912-00101015 olympic relay uL413vIS3qc-00511-00101016-00101199 hours before the opening ceremonies in uL413vIS3qc-00512-00101200-00101350 vancouver british columbia uL413vIS3qc-00513-00101351-00101591 where wayne later lit the olympic flame uL413vIS3qc-00514-00101592-00101815 on behalf of the government of ontario uL413vIS3qc-00515-00101816-00102055 i send our sincere condolences to the uL413vIS3qc-00516-00102056-00102191 gretzky family uL413vIS3qc-00517-00102192-00102463 and to the city that he loved so dearly uL413vIS3qc-00518-00102464-00103047 thank you uL413vIS3qc-00519-00103048-00103390 thank you that concludes our members uL413vIS3qc-00520-00103391-00103630 statements for this morning uL413vIS3qc-00521-00103631-00103806 i understand the member for ottawa vanya uL413vIS3qc-00522-00103807-00104030 has a point of order uL413vIS3qc-00523-00104031-00104463 yes uh i'm requesting uL413vIS3qc-00524-00104464-00104854 a unanimous consent to table a uL413vIS3qc-00525-00104855-00105254 a notice to raise the flag uL413vIS3qc-00526-00105255-00105566 of the francophone francophone flag uL413vIS3qc-00527-00105567-00105727 a motion without notice regarding the uL413vIS3qc-00528-00105728-00105958 permanent display of the franco-ontarian uL413vIS3qc-00529-00105959-00106158 flag in the legislative chamber uL413vIS3qc-00530-00106159-00106358 in celebration of the flag as an uL413vIS3qc-00531-00106359-00106823 official emblem of ontario uL413vIS3qc-00532-00106824-00107143 on the same point of order uL413vIS3qc-00533-00107144-00107278 i think i just want to thank the member uL413vIS3qc-00534-00107279-00107478 for that motion it is a a very good uL413vIS3qc-00535-00107479-00107615 motion that we will be supporting i uL413vIS3qc-00536-00107616-00107775 wonder if she would entertain a friendly uL413vIS3qc-00537-00107776-00107895 amendment that uL413vIS3qc-00538-00107896-00108031 we recommend to the speaker that the uL413vIS3qc-00539-00108032-00108239 franco ontario flag be flown uL413vIS3qc-00540-00108240-00108463 on the legislative grounds as well as in uL413vIS3qc-00541-00108464-00108910 the chamber uL413vIS3qc-00542-00108911-00109183 would the member care to reply to that uL413vIS3qc-00543-00109183-00109247 thank you for uL413vIS3qc-00544-00109248-00109383 that amendment which is actually an uL413vIS3qc-00545-00109383-00109543 improvement to the motion so thank you uL413vIS3qc-00546-00109544-00109943 very much for this i do uL413vIS3qc-00547-00109944-00110102 member for ottawa vanier is seeking uL413vIS3qc-00548-00110103-00110263 unanimous consent of the house to move a uL413vIS3qc-00549-00110264-00110415 motion without notice regarding the uL413vIS3qc-00550-00110416-00110615 permanent display of the franco-ontarian uL413vIS3qc-00551-00110616-00110710 flag uL413vIS3qc-00552-00110711-00111063 in the legislative chamber and uL413vIS3qc-00553-00111064-00111207 in celebration of the flag as an uL413vIS3qc-00554-00111208-00111623 official emblem of ontario uL413vIS3qc-00555-00111624-00112883 and to display the flag outside uL413vIS3qc-00556-00112884-00114023 [Applause] uL413vIS3qc-00557-00114024-00114263 i'm requesting unanimous consent in uL413vIS3qc-00558-00114264-00114551 order to present a motion uL413vIS3qc-00559-00114552-00114807 so that in the opinion of this house uL413vIS3qc-00560-00114808-00114895 francophone uL413vIS3qc-00561-00114896-00115063 flag it should be displayed in a uL413vIS3qc-00562-00115064-00115271 permanent manner in the legislative uL413vIS3qc-00563-00115272-00115334 assembly uL413vIS3qc-00564-00115335-00115671 and on the grounds of queen's park uL413vIS3qc-00565-00115672-00115847 i move that in the opinion of this the uL413vIS3qc-00566-00115848-00115990 franco-ontarian flag uL413vIS3qc-00567-00115991-00116166 should be permanently displayed in the uL413vIS3qc-00568-00116167-00116334 legislative chamber uL413vIS3qc-00569-00116335-00117071 and on the legislative ground uL413vIS3qc-00570-00117072-00117247 ms killard has moved that in the opinion uL413vIS3qc-00571-00117248-00117431 of this house the franco-ontarian flag uL413vIS3qc-00572-00117432-00117575 should be permanently displayed in the uL413vIS3qc-00573-00117576-00117719 legislative chamber and on the uL413vIS3qc-00574-00117720-00118319 legislative grounds uL413vIS3qc-00575-00118320-00118631 i'm just seeing if there's any debate uL413vIS3qc-00576-00118632-00118775 is it the pleasure of the house that the uL413vIS3qc-00577-00118776-00119083 motion carry uL413vIS3qc-00578-00119083-00120023 carried uL413vIS3qc-00579-00120024-00120190 thank you very much the member for uL413vIS3qc-00580-00120191-00120319 brampton east i think has appointed the uL413vIS3qc-00581-00120320-00120471 quarter thank you speaker i seek the uL413vIS3qc-00582-00120472-00120631 unanimous consent of this house to bring uL413vIS3qc-00583-00120632-00120743 forward a motion uL413vIS3qc-00584-00120744-00120902 to call on the conservative government uL413vIS3qc-00585-00120903-00121110 to immediately implement paid sick days uL413vIS3qc-00586-00121111-00121231 so that workers in uL413vIS3qc-00587-00121232-00121383 brampton and throat ontario are uL413vIS3qc-00588-00121383-00121534 protected from cover 19 uL413vIS3qc-00589-00121535-00121647 and so they don't have to make the uL413vIS3qc-00590-00121648-00121847 terrible decision between going to work uL413vIS3qc-00591-00121848-00121878 sick uL413vIS3qc-00592-00121879-00122286 or paying their bills thank you speaker uL413vIS3qc-00593-00122288-00122414 the thing is seeking the unanimous uL413vIS3qc-00594-00122415-00122551 consent of the house to bring forward a uL413vIS3qc-00595-00122552-00122686 motion requiring the government to uL413vIS3qc-00596-00122688-00122758 implement uL413vIS3qc-00597-00122759-00123047 paid sick days legislation hope i uL413vIS3qc-00598-00123048-00123127 apologize uL413vIS3qc-00599-00123128-00123247 government house leader point of order uL413vIS3qc-00600-00123248-00123534 thank you speaker i just wanted to uL413vIS3qc-00601-00123535-00123671 just mention that of course there are uL413vIS3qc-00602-00123672-00123854 already 20 sick days i'm just wondering uL413vIS3qc-00603-00123855-00123902 if uL413vIS3qc-00604-00123903-00124039 the member opposite his point of order uL413vIS3qc-00605-00124040-00124254 suggesting that we repeal the 26 days uL413vIS3qc-00606-00124255-00124807 that are already in place uL413vIS3qc-00607-00124808-00124983 seeking unanimous consent to bring uL413vIS3qc-00608-00124983-00125134 forward a motion requiring uL413vIS3qc-00609-00125135-00125295 the government to implement paid sick uL413vIS3qc-00610-00125296-00125551 days legislation uL413vIS3qc-00611-00125552-00126208 it agreed i heard uNttCd-J9mQ-00000-00000000-00000286 in the devotional talk before we partake uNttCd-J9mQ-00001-00000287-00000495 of the communion uNttCd-J9mQ-00002-00000496-00000671 we usually focus uNttCd-J9mQ-00003-00000672-00000886 our remarks on jesus uNttCd-J9mQ-00004-00000888-00001062 as we should uNttCd-J9mQ-00005-00001063-00001366 his sacrifice on the cross to pay the uNttCd-J9mQ-00006-00001367-00001726 moral debt for our sins uNttCd-J9mQ-00007-00001727-00002023 that's the issue of the moment of course uNttCd-J9mQ-00008-00002023-00002191 but there's another person that's uNttCd-J9mQ-00009-00002192-00002415 present at the crucifixion uNttCd-J9mQ-00010-00002416-00002623 who is rarely mentioned uNttCd-J9mQ-00011-00002624-00002926 other than he gave his only son uNttCd-J9mQ-00012-00002927-00003351 and that of course is god the father uNttCd-J9mQ-00013-00003352-00003551 it's hard to get in touch with the uNttCd-J9mQ-00014-00003552-00003806 experience of the father uNttCd-J9mQ-00015-00003807-00004127 in the crucifixion scenario uNttCd-J9mQ-00016-00004128-00004447 but the father's suffering reminds me of uNttCd-J9mQ-00017-00004448-00004567 an incident uNttCd-J9mQ-00018-00004568-00004935 that took place when paul our eldest son uNttCd-J9mQ-00019-00004936-00005159 was just a little boy uNttCd-J9mQ-00020-00005160-00005431 and he came down with a serious eye uNttCd-J9mQ-00021-00005432-00005551 infection uNttCd-J9mQ-00022-00005552-00005686 that required uNttCd-J9mQ-00023-00005687-00005983 immediate antibiotics his eye was uNttCd-J9mQ-00024-00005984-00006231 swollen it was closed uNttCd-J9mQ-00025-00006232-00006495 the problem was that they had to be uNttCd-J9mQ-00026-00006495-00006775 administered intravenously uNttCd-J9mQ-00027-00006776-00007031 which of course required me to bring him uNttCd-J9mQ-00028-00007031-00007295 to the hospital in edmond uNttCd-J9mQ-00029-00007295-00007495 so they could get a needle into him to uNttCd-J9mQ-00030-00007495-00007727 establish a port in his arm so that they uNttCd-J9mQ-00031-00007728-00007878 could you know give him these uNttCd-J9mQ-00032-00007879-00008055 antibiotics uNttCd-J9mQ-00033-00008056-00008351 now he had never had a needle or a port uNttCd-J9mQ-00034-00008352-00008478 before uNttCd-J9mQ-00035-00008479-00008703 and he of course was afraid uNttCd-J9mQ-00036-00008704-00008942 what with the sense of urgency caused by uNttCd-J9mQ-00037-00008943-00009103 the infection uNttCd-J9mQ-00038-00009104-00009239 and now uNttCd-J9mQ-00039-00009240-00009327 he uNttCd-J9mQ-00040-00009328-00009527 his eye was closing uNttCd-J9mQ-00041-00009528-00009783 uh we could we could we could see it uNttCd-J9mQ-00042-00009784-00009959 happening it's turning uNttCd-J9mQ-00043-00009960-00010191 hot red swollen uNttCd-J9mQ-00044-00010192-00010359 closing down uNttCd-J9mQ-00045-00010360-00010503 and then of course there was the hustle uNttCd-J9mQ-00046-00010504-00010710 and bustle of people in the hospital uNttCd-J9mQ-00047-00010711-00011078 room which was also new and strange uNttCd-J9mQ-00048-00011079-00011374 and so the the nurse let me stay with uNttCd-J9mQ-00049-00011375-00011542 him in the room uNttCd-J9mQ-00050-00011543-00011727 as she poked uNttCd-J9mQ-00051-00011728-00012046 and missed his vein on the first try uNttCd-J9mQ-00052-00012047-00012278 and then attempted a second stick which uNttCd-J9mQ-00053-00012279-00012470 also missed its mark uNttCd-J9mQ-00054-00012471-00012830 and caused the start of the real crying uNttCd-J9mQ-00055-00012831-00013102 and the real yelling uNttCd-J9mQ-00056-00013103-00013366 they tried a third time on his other arm uNttCd-J9mQ-00057-00013368-00013599 as i held him fast uNttCd-J9mQ-00058-00013600-00013735 but again uNttCd-J9mQ-00059-00013736-00013886 no avail uNttCd-J9mQ-00060-00013887-00014071 at which point uNttCd-J9mQ-00061-00014072-00014294 the head nurse was called in because he uNttCd-J9mQ-00062-00014295-00014583 had to have these antibiotics to treat uNttCd-J9mQ-00063-00014584-00014775 his growing infection uNttCd-J9mQ-00064-00014776-00014911 and the needle uNttCd-J9mQ-00065-00014912-00015207 was the only way in uNttCd-J9mQ-00066-00015208-00015494 so they sent for her as i held a very uNttCd-J9mQ-00067-00015495-00015758 upset and frightened little boy in my uNttCd-J9mQ-00068-00015759-00015903 arms uNttCd-J9mQ-00069-00015904-00016166 at some point i remember a commanding uNttCd-J9mQ-00070-00016168-00016471 older woman stepping into the room and uNttCd-J9mQ-00071-00016472-00016599 immediately uNttCd-J9mQ-00072-00016600-00016758 taking charge uNttCd-J9mQ-00073-00016759-00017015 with just a look she dismissed the young uNttCd-J9mQ-00074-00017016-00017239 nurse who had been unsuccessful in uNttCd-J9mQ-00075-00017240-00017415 starting the iv uNttCd-J9mQ-00076-00017416-00017694 and then led me to the door uNttCd-J9mQ-00077-00017695-00017967 telling me to wait in the hallway uNttCd-J9mQ-00078-00017968-00018327 while she made another attempt uNttCd-J9mQ-00079-00018328-00018558 she convinced me that paul would need uNttCd-J9mQ-00080-00018559-00018855 comforting after she was through and uNttCd-J9mQ-00081-00018856-00019079 coming back after would enable me to uNttCd-J9mQ-00082-00019080-00019319 play the part of the good guy uNttCd-J9mQ-00083-00019320-00019439 role uNttCd-J9mQ-00084-00019440-00019686 against her bad guy role uNttCd-J9mQ-00085-00019687-00019927 as the one with the dreaded uNttCd-J9mQ-00086-00019928-00020071 needle uNttCd-J9mQ-00087-00020072-00020207 and so uNttCd-J9mQ-00088-00020208-00020494 out in the hospital hallway uNttCd-J9mQ-00089-00020495-00020783 i could hear paul this little guy uNttCd-J9mQ-00090-00020784-00021175 crying and pleading no no he was saying uNttCd-J9mQ-00091-00021176-00021430 and it was very quiet except for that uNttCd-J9mQ-00092-00021431-00021550 room uNttCd-J9mQ-00093-00021551-00021799 and then all of a sudden he cried out uNttCd-J9mQ-00094-00021800-00021927 daddy uNttCd-J9mQ-00095-00021928-00022094 they're hurting me uNttCd-J9mQ-00096-00022095-00022527 please make them stop uNttCd-J9mQ-00097-00022528-00022783 and at that moment i remember to this uNttCd-J9mQ-00098-00022784-00022903 day uNttCd-J9mQ-00099-00022904-00023239 that in my own parental anguish uNttCd-J9mQ-00100-00023240-00023486 that i would have done anything uNttCd-J9mQ-00101-00023487-00023719 to save that little boy uNttCd-J9mQ-00102-00023720-00023911 the fear and the pain uNttCd-J9mQ-00103-00023912-00024278 that he was suffering at that moment uNttCd-J9mQ-00104-00024279-00024550 i knew however that unless that line uNttCd-J9mQ-00105-00024551-00024727 went into his arm delivering the uNttCd-J9mQ-00106-00024728-00024950 antibiotics that he needed uNttCd-J9mQ-00107-00024951-00025191 he was in danger of losing uNttCd-J9mQ-00108-00025192-00025711 sight in that eye uNttCd-J9mQ-00109-00025712-00025983 i sometimes wonder if that moment in the uNttCd-J9mQ-00110-00025983-00026134 hallway uNttCd-J9mQ-00111-00026135-00026390 was not just a small taste uNttCd-J9mQ-00112-00026391-00026683 of what the heavenly father must have uNttCd-J9mQ-00113-00026683-00027070 suffered when his only begotten son uNttCd-J9mQ-00114-00027072-00027335 tortured and crucified uNttCd-J9mQ-00115-00027336-00027567 cried out to him father uNttCd-J9mQ-00116-00027568-00028462 why have you forsaken me uNttCd-J9mQ-00117-00028463-00028670 despite the pain uNttCd-J9mQ-00118-00028672-00029023 the father had to leave his son there uNttCd-J9mQ-00119-00029024-00029199 on the cross uNttCd-J9mQ-00120-00029200-00029414 so that his bloodshed uNttCd-J9mQ-00121-00029416-00029670 and suffering could save us uNttCd-J9mQ-00122-00029672-00029887 from the infection of sin uNttCd-J9mQ-00123-00029888-00030087 that threatened all of us uNttCd-J9mQ-00124-00030088-00030383 with eternal death uNttCd-J9mQ-00125-00030383-00030590 i was finally led back into the room and uNttCd-J9mQ-00126-00030591-00030887 exactly as the nurse said paul fell into uNttCd-J9mQ-00127-00030888-00031118 my arms and hugged my neck for a long uNttCd-J9mQ-00128-00031119-00031239 time uNttCd-J9mQ-00129-00031239-00031446 knowing that he was safe uNttCd-J9mQ-00130-00031447-00031767 now that daddy was there uNttCd-J9mQ-00131-00031768-00032023 we know the aftermath of the crucifixion uNttCd-J9mQ-00132-00032024-00032231 and the death of jesus uNttCd-J9mQ-00133-00032232-00032446 after three days he rose from the dead uNttCd-J9mQ-00134-00032447-00032687 and eventually returned to the loving uNttCd-J9mQ-00135-00032688-00032999 presence of his father in heaven uNttCd-J9mQ-00136-00033000-00033199 today and every sunday uNttCd-J9mQ-00137-00033200-00033455 we remember that terrible time uNttCd-J9mQ-00138-00033456-00033687 as well as the happy ending for the uNttCd-J9mQ-00139-00033688-00033879 father and the son uNttCd-J9mQ-00140-00033880-00034118 and all those who follow the son through uNttCd-J9mQ-00141-00034119-00034223 faith uNttCd-J9mQ-00142-00034224-00034607 expressed in repentance and baptism uNttCd-J9mQ-00143-00034608-00034767 and so this morning uNttCd-J9mQ-00144-00034768-00034990 i encourage all of us to especially uNttCd-J9mQ-00145-00034991-00035287 remember the sacrifice of the heavenly uNttCd-J9mQ-00146-00035288-00035407 father uNttCd-J9mQ-00147-00035408-00035767 in sending his only son to suffer uNttCd-J9mQ-00148-00035768-00036023 true suffering and death uNttCd-J9mQ-00149-00036024-00036359 to save each one of us uNttCd-J9mQ-00150-00036360-00036439 think uNttCd-J9mQ-00151-00036440-00036711 on the father's great love on this uNttCd-J9mQ-00152-00036712-00036887 father's day uNttCd-J9mQ-00153-00036888-00037039 for us uNttCd-J9mQ-00154-00037040-00037311 that would cause him the anguish of uNttCd-J9mQ-00155-00037312-00037687 seeing his only son suffer uNttCd-J9mQ-00156-00037688-00037902 and hear him cry out uNttCd-J9mQ-00157-00037903-00038087 and not answer uNttCd-J9mQ-00158-00038088-00038367 because he knew in the end uNttCd-J9mQ-00159-00038368-00038590 all of this would save us uNttCd-J9mQ-00160-00038591-00038823 the ones he loved uNttCd-J9mQ-00161-00038824-00039102 the ones he wanted to save from eternal uNttCd-J9mQ-00162-00039103-00039255 separation uNttCd-J9mQ-00163-00039256-00039446 from him uNttCd-J9mQ-00164-00039447-00039559 something uNttCd-J9mQ-00165-00039560-00039695 a father uNttCd-J9mQ-00166-00039696-00039871 would do uNttCd-J9mQ-00167-00039872-00040159 so we pray uNttCd-J9mQ-00168-00040160-00040359 dear father in heaven uNttCd-J9mQ-00169-00040360-00040615 i thank you for being a good father to uNttCd-J9mQ-00170-00040616-00040727 us uNttCd-J9mQ-00171-00040728-00041055 in letting jesus your only begotten son uNttCd-J9mQ-00172-00041056-00041390 to be separated from you for a time uNttCd-J9mQ-00173-00041391-00041607 so we could be united to you forever uNttCd-J9mQ-00174-00041608-00041807 through his sacrifice uNttCd-J9mQ-00175-00041808-00042083 we take this bread in remembrance of uNttCd-J9mQ-00176-00042084-00042374 him in jesus name we pray uNttCd-J9mQ-00177-00042375-00042675 amen upWJChmTNek-00000-00000463-00002433 who are you upWJChmTNek-00001-00002434-00003383 [Music] upWJChmTNek-00002-00003384-00003679 you're like who are you where did you upWJChmTNek-00003-00003679-00004480 come from uObXUBHndDk-00000-00000000-00000316 oh look shipping fuel right at the end uObXUBHndDk-00001-00000317-00000518 of the episode nice how they put it in uObXUBHndDk-00002-00000519-00000713 the credit so probably none of the kids uObXUBHndDk-00003-00000714-00001120 heard it I was talking more about how uObXUBHndDk-00004-00001121-00001283 they were interacting with each other at uObXUBHndDk-00005-00001284-00001469 the end of the episode like well you're uObXUBHndDk-00006-00001470-00001691 nice and they're kind of got whole hoof uObXUBHndDk-00007-00001692-00001993 scuffle thing yeah but the fandom uObXUBHndDk-00008-00001994-00002218 doesn't seem to be very much in favor uObXUBHndDk-00009-00002219-00002741 straight ships so you think that stops uObXUBHndDk-00010-00002742-00003067 them no I mean there's quite literally a uObXUBHndDk-00011-00003068-00003410 fanfiction out there called rainbow dash uObXUBHndDk-00012-00003411-00003959 shipped with everything oh let moving on uObXUBHndDk-00013-00003960-00004411 hello I'm Lux and I remember and this is uObXUBHndDk-00014-00004412-00004595 our thoughts on my little pony uObXUBHndDk-00015-00004596-00004993 friendship is magic season 6 episode 13 uObXUBHndDk-00016-00004994-00005297 stranger than fanfiction that's pretty uObXUBHndDk-00017-00005298-00005534 strange mm-hmm so some of the 10 uObXUBHndDk-00018-00005535-00005765 fictions I've read let's just say I've uObXUBHndDk-00019-00005766-00005911 dived into some of the sections that uObXUBHndDk-00020-00005912-00006088 aren't quite the kiddie section of the uObXUBHndDk-00021-00006089-00006523 pool ah but moving on I quite enjoyed uObXUBHndDk-00022-00006525-00006778 this episode yes but it's another uObXUBHndDk-00023-00006779-00006998 derring-do episode so prepare for the uObXUBHndDk-00024-00006998-00007541 fandom to be split again uh yeah when uObXUBHndDk-00025-00007542-00007784 one of my friends it's just like the uObXUBHndDk-00026-00007784-00007958 ponies like yeah I'm not really into uObXUBHndDk-00027-00007959-00008131 these during do episodes ever since they uObXUBHndDk-00028-00008133-00008353 made her real I just don't find it right uObXUBHndDk-00029-00008354-00008653 because I always saw it as being Rainbow uObXUBHndDk-00030-00008654-00008960 Dash's imagination projecting derring-do uObXUBHndDk-00031-00008961-00009214 to look like her like but in the episode uObXUBHndDk-00032-00009215-00009383 itself the cover of the books actually uObXUBHndDk-00033-00009384-00009548 shows that that's exactly what uObXUBHndDk-00034-00009549-00009974 derring-do looks like yes and pony uObXUBHndDk-00035-00009975-00010352 palette colour swaps for new ponies is a uObXUBHndDk-00036-00010353-00010634 common tactic my problem is the items I uObXUBHndDk-00037-00010635-00010901 stated before with how is she pinning uObXUBHndDk-00038-00010902-00011087 this stuff as fiction and getting away uObXUBHndDk-00039-00011088-00011660 with it also she's a Pegasus why walk uObXUBHndDk-00040-00011661-00012062 across the rickety bridge ever mm-hmm uObXUBHndDk-00041-00012063-00012496 also why walk across the stones and also uObXUBHndDk-00042-00012497-00012739 why worry about the stones falling away uObXUBHndDk-00043-00012740-00012919 when you can just I don't know use your uObXUBHndDk-00044-00012920-00013115 wings they clearly weren't injured in uObXUBHndDk-00045-00013116-00013352 that intro scene uObXUBHndDk-00046-00013353-00013672 Hey Oh speak of that interesting I felt uObXUBHndDk-00047-00013674-00013855 sorry for late but I also would stop uObXUBHndDk-00048-00013856-00014201 guilt-tripping poor Rainbow Dash I don't uObXUBHndDk-00049-00014202-00014341 think you're realizing you're doing it uObXUBHndDk-00050-00014343-00014494 but your kid guilt-tripping the poor uObXUBHndDk-00051-00014495-00014801 ladies and I was mainly thinking quit uObXUBHndDk-00052-00014802-00015013 whining Twilight you spent most of uObXUBHndDk-00053-00015015-00015224 season four feeling like a useless uObXUBHndDk-00054-00015225-00015515 princess that had no purpose and you uObXUBHndDk-00055-00015516-00015772 spent a good five minutes at least uObXUBHndDk-00056-00015773-00015971 whining about how you couldn't go to uObXUBHndDk-00057-00015972-00016130 griffonstone because the table tree uObXUBHndDk-00058-00016131-00016319 castle map didn't send you now you're uObXUBHndDk-00059-00016319-00016715 going to griffonstone in your role as a uObXUBHndDk-00060-00016716-00016931 princess in your whining that you can't uObXUBHndDk-00061-00016932-00017272 go to a convention ah but she is a bit uObXUBHndDk-00062-00017273-00017500 of a book nerd so it may be just her uObXUBHndDk-00063-00017501-00017744 fans I overriding her more logical side uObXUBHndDk-00064-00017745-00018113 at the same time she personally knows AK uObXUBHndDk-00065-00018114-00018509 yearling so what at a convention would uObXUBHndDk-00066-00018510-00018758 really appeal to Twilight she has all uObXUBHndDk-00067-00018759-00018947 the books I don't see your collecting uObXUBHndDk-00068-00018948-00019150 statuary she's not a particularly uObXUBHndDk-00069-00019151-00019583 physical pony so doing all the jumps and uObXUBHndDk-00070-00019584-00019825 fake stunts and stuff we have no idea uObXUBHndDk-00071-00019826-00019991 what the panels are like because we uObXUBHndDk-00072-00019992-00020321 didn't hear about any panels oh I want uObXUBHndDk-00073-00020322-00020438 some of that stuff that was at that uObXUBHndDk-00074-00020439-00020717 convention I wouldn't mind going to it uObXUBHndDk-00075-00020718-00020921 well I'm sure they'll be some at the uObXUBHndDk-00076-00020922-00021200 next convention we go to also it is nice uObXUBHndDk-00077-00021201-00021415 to find another affair who is a new way uObXUBHndDk-00078-00021416-00021597 series just as much as you are uObXUBHndDk-00079-00021598-00021752 especially when you eat them at a uObXUBHndDk-00080-00021753-00021899 convention and you get to talk about all uObXUBHndDk-00081-00021900-00022075 the stuff that's going on there mm-hmm uObXUBHndDk-00082-00022076-00022346 it's really interesting until you find uObXUBHndDk-00083-00022347-00022528 that point where you guys disagree and uObXUBHndDk-00084-00022529-00022892 it takes them the rest of the episode to uObXUBHndDk-00085-00022893-00023093 realize that you can agree to disagree uObXUBHndDk-00086-00023094-00023434 and why is it so important to Rainbow uObXUBHndDk-00087-00023435-00023741 Dash that quibble like the remaining uObXUBHndDk-00088-00023742-00024022 books they were having a great time so uObXUBHndDk-00089-00024023-00024350 why is this such a serious flaw and why uObXUBHndDk-00090-00024351-00024503 couldn't you have a rational discussion uObXUBHndDk-00091-00024504-00024788 instead of going straight to almost uObXUBHndDk-00092-00024789-00025072 blurting out the secret that AK yearling uObXUBHndDk-00093-00025073-00025283 is derring-do derring-do is real and uObXUBHndDk-00094-00025284-00025499 i've been on an adventure with her and uObXUBHndDk-00095-00025500-00025643 therefore i know all this to be possible uObXUBHndDk-00096-00025644-00026108 why don't you pull out oh because I'm a uObXUBHndDk-00097-00026108-00026285 member of the Wonderbolts and I can uObXUBHndDk-00098-00026286-00026580 perform a Sonic Rainboom oh and I'm uObXUBHndDk-00099-00026581-00026814 member of the six ponies who repeatedly uObXUBHndDk-00100-00026814-00027114 save Equestria so I know I'm capable of uObXUBHndDk-00101-00027114-00027306 doing all that stuff there for another uObXUBHndDk-00102-00027307-00027525 Pony would probably also be capable of uObXUBHndDk-00103-00027526-00027717 doing all that stuff yeah just about to uObXUBHndDk-00104-00027718-00027914 bring up that point she had a very valid uObXUBHndDk-00105-00027916-00028167 reason without even having to say uObXUBHndDk-00106-00028168-00028407 anything about ikea dude I'm a bearer of uObXUBHndDk-00107-00028408-00028645 Harmony my hair went all Rambo and uObXUBHndDk-00108-00028647-00028937 extensions and I kicked the tail of a uObXUBHndDk-00109-00028938-00029268 giant six-limbed creature with horns uObXUBHndDk-00110-00029269-00029526 that use magic blast I be literally saw uObXUBHndDk-00111-00029527-00029789 a dragon ball z fight happening in front uObXUBHndDk-00112-00029791-00029979 of me also I've see the question uObXUBHndDk-00113-00029980-00030290 multiple times including that time so uObXUBHndDk-00114-00030291-00030489 yeah that stuff's pretty tiddlywinks uObXUBHndDk-00115-00030489-00030920 what I've done yeah and she could have uObXUBHndDk-00116-00030922-00031218 made her argument logically but instead uObXUBHndDk-00117-00031219-00031415 she had to be stubborn and go you're uObXUBHndDk-00118-00031416-00031715 stupid therefore I'm right but going to uObXUBHndDk-00119-00031716-00031998 this new pony quibble pants interesting uObXUBHndDk-00120-00031999-00032160 name I don't mind the first name but uObXUBHndDk-00121-00032161-00032483 pants pants I like us to sign he's uObXUBHndDk-00122-00032485-00032733 actually slightly chubby which is kind uObXUBHndDk-00123-00032733-00032970 of a nice thing to see different body uObXUBHndDk-00124-00032971-00033213 types of than extreme this way extreme uObXUBHndDk-00125-00033214-00033462 that way or the perfect right in the uObXUBHndDk-00126-00033463-00033726 middle that all the main 6r he's just uObXUBHndDk-00127-00033727-00033912 slightly chubby bitching like that that uObXUBHndDk-00128-00033913-00034200 makes perfect sense for a convention we uObXUBHndDk-00129-00034201-00034398 don't always take care of ourselves the uObXUBHndDk-00130-00034399-00034563 boy have I gotten exercise recently uObXUBHndDk-00131-00034564-00034896 Thank You Pokemon go I know I'm having uObXUBHndDk-00132-00034897-00035157 withdrawals I barely have two thousand i uObXUBHndDk-00133-00035158-00035334 don't even have two thousand steps on my uObXUBHndDk-00134-00035335-00035751 counter today oh i think i was just a uObXUBHndDk-00135-00035752-00036075 thousand or a thousand fifteen last time uObXUBHndDk-00136-00036076-00036390 i looked oh well do the episode moving uObXUBHndDk-00137-00036391-00036552 on though they did do a lot of steps uObXUBHndDk-00138-00036553-00036834 yeah also apparently should be getting a uObXUBHndDk-00139-00036835-00037254 frequent flyer miles oh and why did it uObXUBHndDk-00140-00037255-00037452 take him so long I guess cuz of how uObXUBHndDk-00141-00037453-00037683 stubborn he was to go wait a minute this uObXUBHndDk-00142-00037684-00037871 is real though he did like the one who uObXUBHndDk-00143-00037872-00038180 everyone oh this is real that's real I uObXUBHndDk-00144-00038181-00038469 also got to get props to the voice actor uObXUBHndDk-00145-00038470-00038742 for him he nailed his role as well if uObXUBHndDk-00146-00038743-00038961 you think about it we kept seeing the uObXUBHndDk-00147-00038962-00039243 derring-do experience pushed at the uObXUBHndDk-00148-00039244-00039596 convention so of course he's going to uObXUBHndDk-00149-00039597-00039895 figure that that's what's going on uObXUBHndDk-00150-00039896-00040309 you know and don't know if calvess was uObXUBHndDk-00151-00040310-00040683 in the earlier books for sure though uObXUBHndDk-00152-00040684-00040990 he'd have to be because quibble like the uObXUBHndDk-00153-00040991-00041202 way he was written as a villain but uObXUBHndDk-00154-00041203-00041536 didn't care for the logic of him in real uObXUBHndDk-00155-00041537-00041808 life which is interesting in my figure uObXUBHndDk-00156-00041809-00042040 what's going on is in the earlier books uObXUBHndDk-00157-00042041-00042295 there were the villains and derring-do uObXUBHndDk-00158-00042296-00042568 we're getting to know each other and as uObXUBHndDk-00159-00042569-00042705 they got to know each other they got uObXUBHndDk-00160-00042706-00043042 lazier about how they did things so that uObXUBHndDk-00161-00043043-00043204 they also started to try and come up uObXUBHndDk-00162-00043205-00043390 with more and more extraordinary plants uObXUBHndDk-00163-00043391-00043518 try to get rid of derring-do because uObXUBHndDk-00164-00043519-00043671 eating more and more frustrated over uObXUBHndDk-00165-00043672-00043861 time so that's why everything's just to uObXUBHndDk-00166-00043862-00044239 get very cliche and very um oh there's uObXUBHndDk-00167-00044240-00044443 another word I think starts with C or AC uObXUBHndDk-00168-00044444-00044710 sound convoluted there's a word and uObXUBHndDk-00169-00044711-00044929 things got more and more convoluted a uObXUBHndDk-00170-00044930-00045070 down the road and less believable uObXUBHndDk-00171-00045071-00045286 because the villains kept trying to like uObXUBHndDk-00172-00045287-00045664 how do we get rid of Gary yeah and dairy uObXUBHndDk-00173-00045665-00045892 do just over time got so used to how the uObXUBHndDk-00174-00045893-00046074 villains were doing things that she kind uObXUBHndDk-00175-00046075-00046243 of got lazy about how she does things uObXUBHndDk-00176-00046244-00046533 well that's the thing if it works why uObXUBHndDk-00177-00046534-00046873 stop and earlier on they wouldn't know uObXUBHndDk-00178-00046874-00047032 each other's strengths and weaknesses uObXUBHndDk-00179-00047033-00047277 because of course now the villains know uObXUBHndDk-00180-00047278-00047493 oh you know she won't let these innocent uObXUBHndDk-00181-00047494-00047649 ponies suffers whole way if do is kidnap uObXUBHndDk-00182-00047650-00047914 someone mm-hmm also his pen wasn't uObXUBHndDk-00183-00047915-00048108 really that complicated capture people uObXUBHndDk-00184-00048109-00048312 dare and do care is about draw her out uObXUBHndDk-00185-00048313-00048577 get the treasure she has yeah not really uObXUBHndDk-00186-00048578-00048937 that convoluted mmm but very cliche and uObXUBHndDk-00187-00048938-00049218 also it might have to do with the uObXUBHndDk-00188-00049219-00049423 treasures that jarang was going after uObXUBHndDk-00189-00049424-00049683 you know things that occurred in the uObXUBHndDk-00190-00049684-00049873 first books might have had more uObXUBHndDk-00191-00049874-00050080 complicated puzzles you know all these uObXUBHndDk-00192-00050081-00050326 mysterious temples can't be equal though uObXUBHndDk-00193-00050327-00050533 I took a moment I she pause the video uObXUBHndDk-00194-00050534-00050755 and look the map during two rolled out uObXUBHndDk-00195-00050756-00050964 you actually see all the stuff that uObXUBHndDk-00196-00050965-00051315 Rainbow Dash and quibble go through in uObXUBHndDk-00197-00051316-00051552 that map it points out the waterfall it uObXUBHndDk-00198-00051553-00051756 points out a couple other things I don't uObXUBHndDk-00199-00051757-00052079 know nice little for shuttering there uObXUBHndDk-00200-00052080-00052479 and going back to the convention because uObXUBHndDk-00201-00052480-00052743 we didn't mention it yet nice touch of uObXUBHndDk-00202-00052744-00052956 that drawing that Fluttershy did of a uObXUBHndDk-00203-00052957-00053198 rama style pony for her halloween uObXUBHndDk-00204-00053199-00053396 so being in the background so does that uObXUBHndDk-00205-00053397-00053563 mean that Fluttershy was at the uObXUBHndDk-00206-00053564-00053842 convention that that is somehow a uObXUBHndDk-00207-00053844-00054098 character in the derring-do series uObXUBHndDk-00208-00054099-00054287 because it was specifically a daring new uObXUBHndDk-00209-00054288-00054619 convention so there should only be items uObXUBHndDk-00210-00054620-00054892 directly related to derring-do yeah uObXUBHndDk-00211-00054894-00055105 that's another thing and or is it just uObXUBHndDk-00212-00055107-00055301 parted Fluttershy just do a really good uObXUBHndDk-00213-00055302-00055526 drawing of the character well hers uObXUBHndDk-00214-00055527-00055799 wasn't that large so it would have to be uObXUBHndDk-00215-00055800-00056084 another drawing another little thing uObXUBHndDk-00216-00056085-00056354 let's be within the MLP world it might uObXUBHndDk-00217-00056354-00056510 have been just animators being lazy they uObXUBHndDk-00218-00056511-00056696 needed some background art oh this one's uObXUBHndDk-00219-00056697-00057038 good or just to call back to another uObXUBHndDk-00220-00057039-00057341 episode mm-hmm dad too that's most uObXUBHndDk-00221-00057341-00057449 likely the thing that happened is they uObXUBHndDk-00222-00057450-00057601 wouldn't huh let's call back to this uObXUBHndDk-00223-00057602-00058136 episode slap I liked it she's kind of uObXUBHndDk-00224-00058137-00058385 surprised that derring-do didn't arrive uObXUBHndDk-00225-00058386-00058591 sooner but I guess she was a little uObXUBHndDk-00226-00058592-00058847 farther behind than usual I also give uObXUBHndDk-00227-00058848-00059021 opportunities for him to be like wait a uObXUBHndDk-00228-00059022-00059372 minute so I did like the brig see uObXUBHndDk-00229-00059373-00059711 because of that one moment with her uObXUBHndDk-00230-00059712-00059936 walking along and he stopping us yeah if uObXUBHndDk-00231-00059937-00060146 this was a terrible derring-do book I uObXUBHndDk-00232-00060147-00060434 would step on a bad board at just the uObXUBHndDk-00233-00060435-00060899 wrong mama head right after the struggle uObXUBHndDk-00234-00060900-00061094 he's hanging up to now get your money uObXUBHndDk-00235-00061095-00061625 back oh it's just because the voice uObXUBHndDk-00236-00061626-00061816 actor him did such a good job in this uObXUBHndDk-00237-00061817-00062005 episode he delivered his lines uObXUBHndDk-00238-00062007-00062494 flawlessly and of course nice surfing uObXUBHndDk-00239-00062495-00062905 and I'm picking the little spin and rope uObXUBHndDk-00240-00062907-00063161 and vine break was a little over doing uObXUBHndDk-00241-00063162-00063503 it but hey it worked yeah and everything uObXUBHndDk-00242-00063504-00063701 had to be over the top because things uObXUBHndDk-00243-00063702-00063878 that happened had to be things that were uObXUBHndDk-00244-00063879-00064175 unrealistic for quibble also it's kind uObXUBHndDk-00245-00064176-00064511 of interesting how his a cutie mark is a uObXUBHndDk-00246-00064512-00064763 speech bubble mm-hmm and speaking of uObXUBHndDk-00247-00064764-00064946 cutie marks if I paid attention to it uObXUBHndDk-00248-00064947-00065280 correctly I think one of the henchmen uObXUBHndDk-00249-00065282-00065546 actually his cutie mark is all the uObXUBHndDk-00250-00065547-00065786 symbols are usually used alongside sound uObXUBHndDk-00251-00065787-00066110 effects like pow boom and womp and all uObXUBHndDk-00252-00066111-00066274 those others and fix uObXUBHndDk-00253-00066275-00066502 Greg you're kidding yep I was like oh uObXUBHndDk-00254-00066503-00066802 that makes sense another thing i liked uObXUBHndDk-00255-00066803-00066967 design of in this episode is the uObXUBHndDk-00256-00066968-00067258 alligator creature it really fit with uObXUBHndDk-00257-00067259-00067477 the aesthetic of derring-do but also fit uObXUBHndDk-00258-00067478-00067774 very well mmlp world was nice it wasn't uObXUBHndDk-00259-00067775-00067981 you know ridiculously over-the-top uObXUBHndDk-00260-00067982-00068311 though the wall breaking from derring-do uObXUBHndDk-00261-00068312-00068599 throwing that one little stone a little uObXUBHndDk-00262-00068600-00068905 bit yeah it was a nice little in there uObXUBHndDk-00263-00068906-00069118 but yeah that's another favorite moment uObXUBHndDk-00264-00069119-00069304 of mine when that creature first appear uObXUBHndDk-00265-00069305-00069660 and he's going it's real this is real uObXUBHndDk-00266-00069661-00069871 once again it's just the performance uObXUBHndDk-00267-00069872-00070195 that does it for me there ah and of uObXUBHndDk-00268-00070196-00070378 course he they both have to get saved by uObXUBHndDk-00269-00070379-00070768 daring do and he's like well you're real uObXUBHndDk-00270-00070769-00071110 way don't you know her yes so the only uObXUBHndDk-00271-00071111-00071317 piece of the puzzle he's missing is that uObXUBHndDk-00272-00071318-00071710 AK yearling is derring-do mm-hmm also uObXUBHndDk-00273-00071711-00071854 Rainbow Dash get that smug look off your uObXUBHndDk-00274-00071855-00072076 face he look a little grey p there just uObXUBHndDk-00275-00072077-00072343 a tad also you guys aren't safe yet uObXUBHndDk-00276-00072344-00072604 you're still in the dang temple and it's uObXUBHndDk-00277-00072605-00072985 kind of interesting he's a bit of a jerk uObXUBHndDk-00278-00072986-00073225 but I like the way he was played as a uObXUBHndDk-00279-00073226-00073557 jerk unlike a certain other Pony that uObXUBHndDk-00280-00073558-00073951 didn't deserve a drawing uh-huh that I uObXUBHndDk-00281-00073952-00074170 love remand escalating going yeah he's uObXUBHndDk-00282-00074171-00074365 like this all the time but he's usually uObXUBHndDk-00283-00074366-00074656 right I'm like really yeah cuz I'm like uObXUBHndDk-00284-00074657-00075001 okay what instances was it pointed out uObXUBHndDk-00285-00075002-00075238 that he was right about things that uObXUBHndDk-00286-00075239-00075667 Rainbow Dash was wrong about cuz up into uObXUBHndDk-00287-00075668-00075814 the point where they had their fight uObXUBHndDk-00288-00075815-00076063 they were in total agreement which means uObXUBHndDk-00289-00076064-00076291 they high came to the same logical uObXUBHndDk-00290-00076292-00076519 conclusions I think the only thing he uObXUBHndDk-00291-00076520-00076636 could really point back to is how uObXUBHndDk-00292-00076637-00077029 quickly he solved the lock mm-hmm also uObXUBHndDk-00293-00077030-00077218 for a second there I kind of an alpha uObXUBHndDk-00294-00077219-00077488 corns oh yeah i forgot Celestia and Luna uObXUBHndDk-00295-00077489-00077863 or over a thousand years old that uObXUBHndDk-00296-00077864-00078009 doesn't mean there couldn't have been uObXUBHndDk-00297-00078010-00078282 legends about alicorns before they uObXUBHndDk-00298-00078283-00078568 existed nobody want an episode where we uObXUBHndDk-00299-00078569-00078826 might go back in time and see the past uObXUBHndDk-00300-00078827-00079096 and may be canonized some of a certain uObXUBHndDk-00301-00079097-00079509 book maybe clear up some stuff about uObXUBHndDk-00302-00079510-00079818 alicorns and stuff like that although uObXUBHndDk-00303-00079819-00079984 I'd really just settle for an episode uObXUBHndDk-00304-00079985-00080179 that completely focused on Celestia and uObXUBHndDk-00305-00080180-00080467 Luna and they're just a day in the life uObXUBHndDk-00306-00080468-00080811 of yeah a slice of life episode would be uObXUBHndDk-00307-00080812-00081057 nice because I doubt we're gonna get the uObXUBHndDk-00308-00081058-00081253 background episode you want especially uObXUBHndDk-00309-00081254-00081530 with Hasbro adding more cannon alicorns uObXUBHndDk-00310-00081531-00081876 hmm we need to sell more toys kids seem uObXUBHndDk-00311-00081877-00082167 to like these alicorns let's do that oh uObXUBHndDk-00312-00082168-00082344 it's not the pink one that will sell uObXUBHndDk-00313-00082345-00082713 even better not really no but back to uObXUBHndDk-00314-00082714-00083017 the episode any more points or were uObXUBHndDk-00315-00083018-00083288 there more nitpicks you want to go over uObXUBHndDk-00316-00083289-00083550 most of my stuff regarding derring-do uObXUBHndDk-00317-00083551-00083860 we've covered in other recordings so i uObXUBHndDk-00318-00083861-00084081 don't want to repeat myself i was also uObXUBHndDk-00319-00084082-00084237 thinking about anything particular that uObXUBHndDk-00320-00084238-00084553 it's just in this episode you said most uObXUBHndDk-00321-00084554-00084762 of it i don't have a lot to nitpick most uObXUBHndDk-00322-00084763-00085056 of my Gerald unit pics are old so I've uObXUBHndDk-00323-00085057-00085224 only touched on aspects that were needed uObXUBHndDk-00324-00085225-00085636 to this episode okay just make sure so uObXUBHndDk-00325-00085637-00085905 shall we wrap things up then mm-hmm well uObXUBHndDk-00326-00085906-00086146 I really liked this episode I especially uObXUBHndDk-00327-00086147-00086424 like the voice actor for quibble pants uObXUBHndDk-00328-00086425-00086590 that still feels hot saying that name uObXUBHndDk-00329-00086591-00086838 but he was a good character lasted a uObXUBHndDk-00330-00086839-00087265 little bit of a jerk but I like the kind uObXUBHndDk-00331-00087266-00087571 of jerky was compared to Fluttershy's uObXUBHndDk-00332-00087572-00087859 brother I think it's cuz he was flasher uObXUBHndDk-00333-00087860-00088015 brother was more about user and he was uObXUBHndDk-00334-00088016-00088192 just a guy who was very opinionated he's uObXUBHndDk-00335-00088193-00088332 very opinionated about his opinion on uObXUBHndDk-00336-00088333-00088587 books on those particular series of bugs uObXUBHndDk-00337-00088588-00088891 i should say but overall I enjoyed his uObXUBHndDk-00338-00088892-00089104 character I enjoyed his moments because uObXUBHndDk-00339-00089105-00089322 he brought mostly come into the episode uObXUBHndDk-00340-00089323-00089754 and I can't wait for more episodes uObXUBHndDk-00341-00089755-00089961 because hey we're out of this small high uObXUBHndDk-00342-00089962-00090190 as we had mm-hmm well I can very much uObXUBHndDk-00343-00090191-00090554 empathize with copal because I've gotten uObXUBHndDk-00344-00090555-00090843 turned off of some authors you know I uObXUBHndDk-00345-00090844-00091123 started strong with them then kept uObXUBHndDk-00346-00091124-00091326 reading books within the same universe uObXUBHndDk-00347-00091327-00091581 and you know they would violate their uObXUBHndDk-00348-00091582-00091849 own canon they would get repetitive they uObXUBHndDk-00349-00091850-00092071 would have errors that editors should uObXUBHndDk-00350-00092072-00092187 have caught uObXUBHndDk-00351-00092188-00092451 so so that's that's something that i can uObXUBHndDk-00352-00092452-00092682 understand of you know still being a fan uObXUBHndDk-00353-00092683-00092898 and still wine to go to a convention but uObXUBHndDk-00354-00092899-00093231 having to ignore certain areas of it uObXUBHndDk-00355-00093232-00093549 authors were mmm i can understand that uObXUBHndDk-00356-00093550-00093732 now that you brought it up in that way uObXUBHndDk-00357-00093733-00093984 in that context it kind of hit me that i uObXUBHndDk-00358-00093985-00094209 have issues with a certain series of uObXUBHndDk-00359-00094210-00094372 books I've been reading where it seems uObXUBHndDk-00360-00094373-00094522 like the author apparently this author uObXUBHndDk-00361-00094523-00094650 has at NZ to use with other characters uObXUBHndDk-00362-00094651-00094854 as well turn their characters into a uObXUBHndDk-00363-00094855-00095181 mary-sue I like that you do realize that uObXUBHndDk-00364-00095182-00095322 the side characters are now more uObXUBHndDk-00365-00095323-00095505 interesting your main character right I uObXUBHndDk-00366-00095506-00095793 want to know about these guys is that uObXUBHndDk-00367-00095794-00095967 character that character will pretty uObXUBHndDk-00368-00095968-00096381 much be okay so yeah now suppose sighs uObXUBHndDk-00369-00096382-00096569 with that with the way you put that hmm uObXUBHndDk-00370-00096570-00096909 well I hope you've enjoyed our thoughts uObXUBHndDk-00371-00096910-00097203 on my little pony friendship is magic uObXUBHndDk-00372-00097204-00097753 season 6 episode 13 stranger than uObXUBHndDk-00373-00097754-00098040 fanfiction thank you for listening if uObXUBHndDk-00374-00098041-00098259 you've enjoyed this please subscribe if uObXUBHndDk-00375-00098260-00098478 you like my art you can find me on uObXUBHndDk-00376-00098479-00098751 tumblr and deviantart or if you want to uObXUBHndDk-00377-00098752-00098994 support me you can go to my patreon or uObXUBHndDk-00378-00098995-00099168 check the link for commission uObXUBHndDk-00379-00099169-00099429 availability uVnjAmvs7jI-00000-00000126-00000316 um I start my presentation I brought you uVnjAmvs7jI-00001-00000317-00000574 a couple of slides so that's on the left uVnjAmvs7jI-00002-00000575-00000755 hand side you see the report that has uVnjAmvs7jI-00003-00000756-00000928 just been published uVnjAmvs7jI-00004-00000930-00001385 um including the title uVnjAmvs7jI-00005-00001386-00001528 um uVnjAmvs7jI-00006-00001529-00001780 one second uVnjAmvs7jI-00007-00001782-00002045 okay so what I want to do is talk about uVnjAmvs7jI-00008-00002046-00002291 why has digitalization not delivered on uVnjAmvs7jI-00009-00002292-00002434 green growth on environmental uVnjAmvs7jI-00010-00002435-00002705 sustainability so far then I explained uVnjAmvs7jI-00011-00002706-00002879 the relation between digitalization and uVnjAmvs7jI-00012-00002880-00003041 growth Independence and then I want to uVnjAmvs7jI-00013-00003042-00003383 point out a four broad policies that uVnjAmvs7jI-00014-00003384-00003683 would help to combine digitalization of uVnjAmvs7jI-00015-00003684-00003856 growth Independence uVnjAmvs7jI-00016-00003857-00004090 so I think we all know this but I just uVnjAmvs7jI-00017-00004092-00004319 want to put the whole discussion into uVnjAmvs7jI-00018-00004320-00004553 perspective this is um this is the uVnjAmvs7jI-00019-00004554-00004775 climate situation that we face at the uVnjAmvs7jI-00020-00004776-00004997 moment the red line we see climate uVnjAmvs7jI-00021-00004998-00005188 emissions have been rising in the past uVnjAmvs7jI-00022-00005189-00005459 the red line is then business as usual uVnjAmvs7jI-00023-00005460-00005741 if we don't do anything and the the blue uVnjAmvs7jI-00024-00005742-00005986 and green gray areas those are the uVnjAmvs7jI-00025-00005987-00006238 transitions to stay within 1.5 degrees uVnjAmvs7jI-00026-00006239-00006610 and what is very clear is that that's a uVnjAmvs7jI-00027-00006611-00006796 radical change I want to leave it at uVnjAmvs7jI-00028-00006797-00007031 that I don't want to go into the numbers uVnjAmvs7jI-00029-00007031-00007223 now with this in mind there was this uVnjAmvs7jI-00030-00007223-00007528 debate on green growth versus degrowth uVnjAmvs7jI-00031-00007529-00007720 and growth Independence is somewhere in uVnjAmvs7jI-00032-00007722-00007937 between I would say uVnjAmvs7jI-00033-00007938-00008141 and I don't want to go into the detail uVnjAmvs7jI-00034-00008142-00008309 on that either and I don't do it in the uVnjAmvs7jI-00035-00008310-00008483 report there is this debate that's still uVnjAmvs7jI-00036-00008484-00008741 going on I think what is clear from my uVnjAmvs7jI-00037-00008742-00008999 perspective is that having this picture uVnjAmvs7jI-00038-00009000-00009233 in front of us it's clear that we need uVnjAmvs7jI-00039-00009234-00009551 to do anything that that makes sense to uVnjAmvs7jI-00040-00009552-00009755 reduce greenhouse gas emissions and if uVnjAmvs7jI-00041-00009756-00010013 that includes reducing economic growth uVnjAmvs7jI-00042-00010014-00010360 we should be able to do it and if uVnjAmvs7jI-00043-00010361-00010619 that's the case then we should organize uVnjAmvs7jI-00044-00010620-00010960 our societies and economies so that they uVnjAmvs7jI-00045-00010961-00011273 work even if we reduce GDP gross uVnjAmvs7jI-00046-00011274-00011471 domestic product and that's the idea of uVnjAmvs7jI-00047-00011472-00011933 growth Independence uVnjAmvs7jI-00048-00011934-00012185 now the question has digitalization so uVnjAmvs7jI-00049-00012186-00012377 far helped to achieve green growth and uVnjAmvs7jI-00050-00012378-00012617 could it do so in the future and this is uVnjAmvs7jI-00051-00012618-00012821 just a very descriptive situation of uVnjAmvs7jI-00052-00012822-00012988 what we have experienced over the past uVnjAmvs7jI-00053-00012989-00013277 decades so you see in the black the blue uVnjAmvs7jI-00054-00013278-00013588 line is GDP growth then the green line uVnjAmvs7jI-00055-00013590-00013816 is a greenhouse carbon emissions here uVnjAmvs7jI-00056-00013818-00014111 energy consumption the red line and then uVnjAmvs7jI-00057-00014112-00014315 you see the different phases at the top uVnjAmvs7jI-00058-00014316-00014543 of digitalization just very broadly uVnjAmvs7jI-00059-00014544-00014680 compute and internet mobile phone uVnjAmvs7jI-00060-00014681-00014951 smartphone and what you see is well we uVnjAmvs7jI-00061-00014952-00015136 have experienced digitalization but uVnjAmvs7jI-00062-00015137-00015353 still we have only I mean here it looks uVnjAmvs7jI-00063-00015354-00015527 like the coupling right so we have uVnjAmvs7jI-00064-00015528-00015755 experienced more growth than increase in uVnjAmvs7jI-00065-00015756-00016175 carbon emissions but nevertheless carbon uVnjAmvs7jI-00066-00016176-00016427 emissions have still been increasing so uVnjAmvs7jI-00067-00016428-00016679 we have had no what we call absolute uVnjAmvs7jI-00068-00016680-00016919 decoupling uVnjAmvs7jI-00069-00016920-00017165 why is that the case why has uVnjAmvs7jI-00070-00017166-00017363 digitalization not lived up to its uVnjAmvs7jI-00071-00017364-00017525 promises and I think this is in the uVnjAmvs7jI-00072-00017526-00017722 debate It's always important to keep in uVnjAmvs7jI-00073-00017723-00017867 mind I mean uVnjAmvs7jI-00074-00017868-00018083 there are those promises still out there uVnjAmvs7jI-00075-00018084-00018263 I I started working on digitalization uVnjAmvs7jI-00076-00018264-00018533 around 10 years ago and they were there uVnjAmvs7jI-00077-00018534-00018694 10 years ago and then they are still uVnjAmvs7jI-00078-00018695-00018833 there today uVnjAmvs7jI-00079-00018834-00019222 um that promises are and and hopes uVnjAmvs7jI-00080-00019223-00019372 um in policy discussions in business uVnjAmvs7jI-00081-00019373-00019535 discussions uVnjAmvs7jI-00082-00019536-00019714 um that digitalization will be the game uVnjAmvs7jI-00083-00019715-00020077 changer for sustainability with growth uVnjAmvs7jI-00084-00020078-00020471 why has that not materialized so far uVnjAmvs7jI-00085-00020472-00020717 um in the report we summarize four uVnjAmvs7jI-00086-00020718-00020908 effects of digitalization too positive uVnjAmvs7jI-00087-00020909-00021100 and two negative ones so on the left uVnjAmvs7jI-00088-00021101-00021389 side you see the beneficial effects that uVnjAmvs7jI-00089-00021390-00021719 would help uh how digitalization helps uVnjAmvs7jI-00090-00021720-00021953 to achieve environmental sustainability uVnjAmvs7jI-00091-00021954-00022228 and one is efficiency so the argument is uVnjAmvs7jI-00092-00022229-00022414 we see more efficiency in Industry more uVnjAmvs7jI-00093-00022415-00022613 efficiency and Mobility uVnjAmvs7jI-00094-00022614-00022805 etc etc and the second one is uVnjAmvs7jI-00095-00022806-00022997 substitution so we substitute physical uVnjAmvs7jI-00096-00022998-00023321 Goods by Digital Services what we do at uVnjAmvs7jI-00097-00023322-00023494 the moment is I think the most prominent uVnjAmvs7jI-00098-00023495-00023777 example we have a video conference uVnjAmvs7jI-00099-00023778-00024017 instead of traveling from from somewhere uVnjAmvs7jI-00100-00024018-00024214 to Brussels uVnjAmvs7jI-00101-00024215-00024533 now the point is that both have been uVnjAmvs7jI-00102-00024534-00024844 much less than hoped for the efficiency uVnjAmvs7jI-00103-00024845-00025030 gains when you've we have quite good uVnjAmvs7jI-00104-00025031-00025253 data in in industry in industrial uVnjAmvs7jI-00105-00025254-00025480 production the implement the use of uVnjAmvs7jI-00106-00025481-00025727 digital Technologies there has increased uVnjAmvs7jI-00107-00025727-00025943 efficiency but only a bit uVnjAmvs7jI-00108-00025944-00026122 um and when you look at substitution the uVnjAmvs7jI-00109-00026123-00026285 point is yet substitution yes uVnjAmvs7jI-00110-00026286-00026662 substitution sometimes place takes place uVnjAmvs7jI-00111-00026663-00026849 but actually it's not substitution but uVnjAmvs7jI-00112-00026850-00027089 it comes on top so we do video uVnjAmvs7jI-00113-00027089-00027527 conferences now but we do not travel uh uVnjAmvs7jI-00114-00027527-00027718 less to the amount that we do video uVnjAmvs7jI-00115-00027719-00027989 video conferences so since since Corona uVnjAmvs7jI-00116-00027989-00028258 or since after Corona we actually start uVnjAmvs7jI-00117-00028260-00028607 doing both again so that's the left side uVnjAmvs7jI-00118-00028608-00028667 um uVnjAmvs7jI-00119-00028668-00028870 beneficial effects smaller than hope for uVnjAmvs7jI-00120-00028872-00029105 on the right hand side you see the uVnjAmvs7jI-00121-00029106-00029308 detrimental effect environmental uVnjAmvs7jI-00122-00029310-00029608 footprint and I think that's obvious uVnjAmvs7jI-00123-00029610-00029908 by now in the debate certainly that the uVnjAmvs7jI-00124-00029910-00030173 production of all the the device that we uVnjAmvs7jI-00125-00030174-00030485 have smartphones computers monitors Etc uVnjAmvs7jI-00126-00030486-00030737 it just takes up a lot of energy and uVnjAmvs7jI-00127-00030738-00031085 resources and I spared you the numbers uVnjAmvs7jI-00128-00031086-00031301 um if you want to know numbers we can uVnjAmvs7jI-00129-00031302-00031505 talk about it in the discussion the uVnjAmvs7jI-00130-00031506-00031643 second one is rebound and deduction uVnjAmvs7jI-00131-00031644-00031870 effect so it's not only the energy that uVnjAmvs7jI-00132-00031872-00032051 we need for uVnjAmvs7jI-00133-00032052-00032320 uh for all of these devices to produce uVnjAmvs7jI-00134-00032322-00032567 them but um we use the devices to uVnjAmvs7jI-00135-00032568-00032752 consume more and again the smartphone is uVnjAmvs7jI-00136-00032753-00032974 the best example we can buy anything uVnjAmvs7jI-00137-00032975-00033209 from anywhere at any time uVnjAmvs7jI-00138-00033210-00033418 um when I wait for a bus we can buy I I uVnjAmvs7jI-00139-00033419-00033671 can buy anything on Amazon and that's a uVnjAmvs7jI-00140-00033672-00033905 typical I would say induction or rebound uVnjAmvs7jI-00141-00033906-00034001 effect uVnjAmvs7jI-00142-00034002-00034162 um where digitalization brings about uVnjAmvs7jI-00143-00034163-00034396 more consumption and thereby also more uVnjAmvs7jI-00144-00034397-00034973 energy and resource consumption uVnjAmvs7jI-00145-00034974-00035207 so that's the explanation of why it has uVnjAmvs7jI-00146-00035208-00035507 it has not delivered yet and now the uVnjAmvs7jI-00147-00035508-00035615 question is uVnjAmvs7jI-00148-00035616-00035824 what does that have to do with this uVnjAmvs7jI-00149-00035825-00035962 growth debate and with growth uVnjAmvs7jI-00150-00035963-00036179 Independence in particular so when we uVnjAmvs7jI-00151-00036180-00036335 say uVnjAmvs7jI-00152-00036336-00036539 um we need the environmental uVnjAmvs7jI-00153-00036540-00036749 transformation right now very uVnjAmvs7jI-00154-00036750-00036946 drastically and that might reduce uVnjAmvs7jI-00155-00036947-00037151 economic growth uVnjAmvs7jI-00156-00037152-00037373 um and at the same time we have uVnjAmvs7jI-00157-00037374-00037649 digitalization what does that do with um uVnjAmvs7jI-00158-00037650-00037979 growth dependencies and two aspects of uVnjAmvs7jI-00159-00037980-00038207 growth dependencies are always discussed uVnjAmvs7jI-00160-00038208-00038459 most it's employment and the social uVnjAmvs7jI-00161-00038460-00038711 welfare system and I want to look at how uVnjAmvs7jI-00162-00038712-00039040 digitalization changes the picture here uVnjAmvs7jI-00163-00039041-00039299 so the argument is regarding employment uVnjAmvs7jI-00164-00039300-00039496 that employment and growth have been uVnjAmvs7jI-00165-00039497-00039695 quite closely linked in the past when uVnjAmvs7jI-00166-00039696-00039851 economies grow more we have less uVnjAmvs7jI-00167-00039852-00040205 unemployment so then the fear is that if uVnjAmvs7jI-00168-00040206-00040324 we have this environmental uVnjAmvs7jI-00169-00040325-00040439 transformation that brings about uVnjAmvs7jI-00170-00040440-00040667 non-growing or even shrinking economies uVnjAmvs7jI-00171-00040668-00040985 in the unemployment might rise the role uVnjAmvs7jI-00172-00040986-00041218 of digital Technologies here is that it uVnjAmvs7jI-00173-00041219-00041537 makes the problem even bigger because uVnjAmvs7jI-00174-00041538-00041783 digital Technologies uVnjAmvs7jI-00175-00041784-00042029 um are at the moment used for increasing uVnjAmvs7jI-00176-00042030-00042299 labor productivity so they are not uh I uVnjAmvs7jI-00177-00042300-00042509 would even say not primarily used let's uVnjAmvs7jI-00178-00042510-00042689 say an industrial production to reduce uVnjAmvs7jI-00179-00042690-00042905 energy and resource consumption but they uVnjAmvs7jI-00180-00042906-00043109 are primarily you being used to increase uVnjAmvs7jI-00181-00043110-00043343 labor productivity so that we have let's uVnjAmvs7jI-00182-00043344-00043690 say the um what what uh the factories uVnjAmvs7jI-00183-00043691-00043895 without any people in there without any uVnjAmvs7jI-00184-00043896-00044105 workers that's not really the case but uVnjAmvs7jI-00185-00044106-00044308 it goes into that direction uVnjAmvs7jI-00186-00044309-00044555 now comes a bit big butt and I think uVnjAmvs7jI-00187-00044556-00044824 this argument is really important in the uVnjAmvs7jI-00188-00044825-00044951 debate uVnjAmvs7jI-00189-00044952-00045215 when the transformation would be uVnjAmvs7jI-00190-00045216-00045479 initiated that in the to the extent that uVnjAmvs7jI-00191-00045480-00045785 we needed again think about this uh we uVnjAmvs7jI-00192-00045786-00045946 know scarce emission reductions that I uVnjAmvs7jI-00193-00045947-00046187 showed you in the first slide that would uVnjAmvs7jI-00194-00046188-00046415 change these relations it would change uVnjAmvs7jI-00195-00046416-00046637 the relation between economic growth and uVnjAmvs7jI-00196-00046638-00046840 employment and it would change the uVnjAmvs7jI-00197-00046841-00047093 relation between digitalization labor uVnjAmvs7jI-00198-00047094-00047374 productivity and um and resource uVnjAmvs7jI-00199-00047375-00047537 consumption uVnjAmvs7jI-00200-00047538-00047758 and to give you I think the most uVnjAmvs7jI-00201-00047759-00048058 important example or aspect of that is uVnjAmvs7jI-00202-00048059-00048317 that labor intensive production would be uVnjAmvs7jI-00203-00048318-00048623 fostered within such a transformation uVnjAmvs7jI-00204-00048624-00048815 um so when you look at concept for for uVnjAmvs7jI-00205-00048816-00049001 environmental or socio-environmental uVnjAmvs7jI-00206-00049002-00049199 Transformations uVnjAmvs7jI-00207-00049200-00049451 um More Money More public money would go uVnjAmvs7jI-00208-00049452-00049630 into care work uVnjAmvs7jI-00209-00049631-00049912 um a lot more what going on in recycling uVnjAmvs7jI-00210-00049913-00050177 and repairing compared to buying new uVnjAmvs7jI-00211-00050178-00050495 products and all of those activities are uVnjAmvs7jI-00212-00050496-00050812 very labor intensive so uVnjAmvs7jI-00213-00050813-00051029 um actually due to these changes we uVnjAmvs7jI-00214-00051030-00051232 would have I would argue less of a uVnjAmvs7jI-00215-00051233-00051473 problem of unemployment even if the uVnjAmvs7jI-00216-00051474-00051629 transformation goes along with the uVnjAmvs7jI-00217-00051629-00051844 reduction in GDP uVnjAmvs7jI-00218-00051845-00052073 and digitalization can be used for uVnjAmvs7jI-00219-00052074-00052276 example these aspects in particular uVnjAmvs7jI-00220-00052277-00052451 Recycling and preparing I come to that uVnjAmvs7jI-00221-00052452-00052703 in a second uVnjAmvs7jI-00222-00052704-00052876 um so I would say regarding employment uVnjAmvs7jI-00223-00052877-00053104 actually the the major challenge is to uVnjAmvs7jI-00224-00053105-00053315 master the transition from from the jobs uVnjAmvs7jI-00225-00053316-00053542 that we used to see to the jobs that we uVnjAmvs7jI-00226-00053544-00054082 would see in a both independent economy uVnjAmvs7jI-00227-00054083-00054365 the second part of growth Independence uVnjAmvs7jI-00228-00054366-00054688 social welfare systems again what's the uVnjAmvs7jI-00229-00054689-00054941 idea so financing of social welfare uVnjAmvs7jI-00230-00054941-00055126 systems is closely linked to economic uVnjAmvs7jI-00231-00055127-00055337 growth at the moment for example uVnjAmvs7jI-00232-00055338-00055588 because economic growth uVnjAmvs7jI-00233-00055589-00055930 at least sometimes or often goes along uVnjAmvs7jI-00234-00055932-00056285 with increasing wages and social welfare uVnjAmvs7jI-00235-00056286-00056549 systems are often linked to the to the uVnjAmvs7jI-00236-00056550-00056854 level of wages so then the fear is again uVnjAmvs7jI-00237-00056855-00057042 when we don't when we don't have any uVnjAmvs7jI-00238-00057044-00057280 economic growth anymore as part of the uVnjAmvs7jI-00239-00057282-00057485 environmental transformation financing uVnjAmvs7jI-00240-00057486-00057850 these systems becomes more difficult uVnjAmvs7jI-00241-00057851-00058288 the role of digitalization here is I uVnjAmvs7jI-00242-00058289-00058523 think at least two aspects the first one uVnjAmvs7jI-00243-00058524-00058787 is that and David touched upon that the uVnjAmvs7jI-00244-00058788-00058913 first one is that there are a lot of uVnjAmvs7jI-00245-00058914-00059147 precarious uh drops in the digital uVnjAmvs7jI-00246-00059148-00059392 economy itself so that they don't uVnjAmvs7jI-00247-00059394-00059585 contribute to Social Insurance financing uVnjAmvs7jI-00248-00059586-00059885 and the second one is that we see an a uVnjAmvs7jI-00249-00059886-00060161 shift from wages towards capital income uVnjAmvs7jI-00250-00060162-00060466 so the capital owners earn more and the uVnjAmvs7jI-00251-00060467-00060754 wage owners uh the the wage earners um uVnjAmvs7jI-00252-00060755-00061013 earn less and that again makes it more uVnjAmvs7jI-00253-00061014-00061282 difficult to find those systems uVnjAmvs7jI-00254-00061283-00061421 again uVnjAmvs7jI-00255-00061422-00061738 also like an employee at the example of uVnjAmvs7jI-00256-00061739-00061973 employment and the initiation of a uVnjAmvs7jI-00257-00061974-00062194 sustainability transformation is likely uVnjAmvs7jI-00258-00062195-00062344 to change the situation and then the uVnjAmvs7jI-00259-00062345-00062542 question is how is the sustainability uVnjAmvs7jI-00260-00062544-00062921 transformation initiated and um what are uVnjAmvs7jI-00261-00062922-00063076 the policies and that comes with that in uVnjAmvs7jI-00262-00063077-00063244 the end uVnjAmvs7jI-00263-00063245-00063449 that's it regarding growth Independence uVnjAmvs7jI-00264-00063450-00063611 the other aspect that we do in the uVnjAmvs7jI-00265-00063612-00063850 report is that we combine it and again uVnjAmvs7jI-00266-00063851-00064030 it closely links to what David said uVnjAmvs7jI-00267-00064032-00064253 regarding the sobriety we call the uVnjAmvs7jI-00268-00064254-00064487 digital sufficiency uVnjAmvs7jI-00269-00064488-00064630 um I think the difference is there but uVnjAmvs7jI-00270-00064632-00064816 it's small I would argue again we can uVnjAmvs7jI-00271-00064817-00064991 discuss that uVnjAmvs7jI-00272-00064991-00065099 um uVnjAmvs7jI-00273-00065100-00065261 in the report I argued that uVnjAmvs7jI-00274-00065262-00065435 digitalization can be used for uVnjAmvs7jI-00275-00065436-00065591 sufficiency and I want to give you a uVnjAmvs7jI-00276-00065592-00065806 couple of examples here uVnjAmvs7jI-00277-00065807-00066041 um so digital substitution I already set uVnjAmvs7jI-00278-00066042-00066311 video conferences can substitute travel uVnjAmvs7jI-00279-00066312-00066485 but then they actually need to uVnjAmvs7jI-00280-00066486-00066761 substitute it and not come on top uVnjAmvs7jI-00281-00066762-00066929 um sharing I think we know these uVnjAmvs7jI-00282-00066930-00067055 examples uVnjAmvs7jI-00283-00067056-00067271 um can be facilitated by digitalization uVnjAmvs7jI-00284-00067272-00067511 most permanent examples are is in the uVnjAmvs7jI-00285-00067512-00067763 mobility sector car sharing bike sharing uVnjAmvs7jI-00286-00067764-00067997 second hand I think this is a big uVnjAmvs7jI-00287-00067998-00068188 potential uVnjAmvs7jI-00288-00068189-00068356 um in the environmental transformation uVnjAmvs7jI-00289-00068357-00068644 and in the potentials of digitalization uVnjAmvs7jI-00290-00068645-00068963 because there's so many objects in uVnjAmvs7jI-00291-00068964-00069256 particular in our affluent European uVnjAmvs7jI-00292-00069257-00069479 societies you know the sellers and uVnjAmvs7jI-00293-00069480-00069605 ethics are full uVnjAmvs7jI-00294-00069606-00069679 of uVnjAmvs7jI-00295-00069680-00070055 objects and they can be reused many of uVnjAmvs7jI-00296-00070056-00070331 them we can be we used uVnjAmvs7jI-00297-00070332-00070523 um repairing uVnjAmvs7jI-00298-00070524-00070817 um will need to become a bigger part of uVnjAmvs7jI-00299-00070818-00071063 the economy in the environment in the uVnjAmvs7jI-00300-00071064-00071279 sustainability in the sustainable future uVnjAmvs7jI-00301-00071280-00071459 and digitalization helps to bring about uVnjAmvs7jI-00302-00071460-00071681 you know so that you get the information uVnjAmvs7jI-00303-00071682-00071885 how to repair uVnjAmvs7jI-00304-00071886-00072161 um guidelines YouTube videos you name it uVnjAmvs7jI-00305-00072162-00072365 and then the last one presuming and uVnjAmvs7jI-00306-00072366-00072623 substitis subsistence they're the ideas uVnjAmvs7jI-00307-00072624-00072850 that digitalization can help to produce uVnjAmvs7jI-00308-00072851-00073175 Goods uh regionally or even at home and uVnjAmvs7jI-00309-00073176-00073421 and a prominent example are solar panels uVnjAmvs7jI-00310-00073422-00073643 that are digitally connected in the in uVnjAmvs7jI-00311-00073644-00073925 the energy grid and are a form of uVnjAmvs7jI-00312-00073926-00074213 presuming so presuming means you produce uVnjAmvs7jI-00313-00074214-00074459 energy and you consume at the same time uVnjAmvs7jI-00314-00074460-00074999 that's what's what consumers are uVnjAmvs7jI-00315-00075000-00075269 now what are the policy uVnjAmvs7jI-00316-00075270-00075497 um areas and policy um recommendations uVnjAmvs7jI-00317-00075498-00075706 that we can draw from combining those uVnjAmvs7jI-00318-00075707-00075991 two aspects growth Independence and uVnjAmvs7jI-00319-00075992-00076306 sufficiency from the perspective of uVnjAmvs7jI-00320-00076307-00076582 digitalization and I want to point out uVnjAmvs7jI-00321-00076583-00076835 four very broad ones uVnjAmvs7jI-00322-00076836-00077062 um the first one is again and I don't I uVnjAmvs7jI-00323-00077063-00077261 don't think we can um we can do without uVnjAmvs7jI-00324-00077262-00077411 it in the environmental transformation uVnjAmvs7jI-00325-00077412-00077615 to change relative prices of resources uVnjAmvs7jI-00326-00077616-00077849 and labor and that's a an old one I uVnjAmvs7jI-00327-00077850-00078011 would say but for digitalization uVnjAmvs7jI-00328-00078012-00078143 nonetheless uVnjAmvs7jI-00329-00078144-00078335 um as important as before uVnjAmvs7jI-00330-00078336-00078587 because only if if we have different uVnjAmvs7jI-00331-00078588-00078869 prices for for resources relative prices uVnjAmvs7jI-00332-00078870-00079049 for resources and labels so resources uVnjAmvs7jI-00333-00079050-00079306 become natural resources uh and uVnjAmvs7jI-00334-00079307-00079499 Emissions become more expensive and uVnjAmvs7jI-00335-00079500-00079744 label relatively cheaper uVnjAmvs7jI-00336-00079745-00079955 um that doesn't mean that wages are uVnjAmvs7jI-00337-00079956-00080081 reduced uVnjAmvs7jI-00338-00080082-00080291 um that gives the intense incentives for uVnjAmvs7jI-00339-00080292-00080506 example for businesses not to produce uVnjAmvs7jI-00340-00080507-00080794 new Goods but to repair Goods uVnjAmvs7jI-00341-00080795-00080867 um uVnjAmvs7jI-00342-00080868-00081203 or for for business or for businesses to uVnjAmvs7jI-00343-00081204-00081406 um to develop that organize actually uVnjAmvs7jI-00344-00081407-00081671 very efficient second market so that it uVnjAmvs7jI-00345-00081672-00081906 becomes more convenient to buy and sell uVnjAmvs7jI-00346-00081907-00082288 Goods as a as a as an individual on the uVnjAmvs7jI-00347-00082289-00082450 second-hand Market just to give two uVnjAmvs7jI-00348-00082451-00082576 examples uVnjAmvs7jI-00349-00082577-00082805 the second one is a very strong social uVnjAmvs7jI-00350-00082806-00082961 welfare system uVnjAmvs7jI-00351-00082962-00083212 and and this again comes back to my uVnjAmvs7jI-00352-00083213-00083459 point on employment I think that the uVnjAmvs7jI-00353-00083460-00083669 transition of jobs uVnjAmvs7jI-00354-00083670-00083861 um is is the real challenge a lot of uVnjAmvs7jI-00355-00083862-00084203 jobs will disappear in the if we succeed uVnjAmvs7jI-00356-00084204-00084406 in the environmental transformation a uVnjAmvs7jI-00357-00084407-00084676 lot of jobs for example in recycling and uVnjAmvs7jI-00358-00084677-00085012 repairing and in care work etc will will uVnjAmvs7jI-00359-00085013-00085312 come up and how do people get people uVnjAmvs7jI-00360-00085313-00085649 retrained maybe it's at another location uVnjAmvs7jI-00361-00085650-00085961 Etc so I think here the the governments uVnjAmvs7jI-00362-00085962-00086147 and the state have a very big will to uVnjAmvs7jI-00363-00086148-00086447 play in guaranteeing a very so a very uVnjAmvs7jI-00364-00086448-00086711 strong social welfare system uVnjAmvs7jI-00365-00086712-00086956 then come sexual policies and I cannot uVnjAmvs7jI-00366-00086957-00087191 go into detail here but when you look at uVnjAmvs7jI-00367-00087192-00087515 how digitalization can can be used for uVnjAmvs7jI-00368-00087516-00087749 sufficiency in the different sectors uVnjAmvs7jI-00369-00087750-00088079 in in agriculture mobility and energy in uVnjAmvs7jI-00370-00088080-00088438 buildings Etc it's always connected not uVnjAmvs7jI-00371-00088439-00088661 only to relative prices and to a social uVnjAmvs7jI-00372-00088662-00088882 welfare system but to a lot of other uVnjAmvs7jI-00373-00088883-00089279 detailed policies in each sector uVnjAmvs7jI-00374-00089280-00089597 and the the fourth one is uVnjAmvs7jI-00375-00089598-00089926 um we need different digital actors uVnjAmvs7jI-00376-00089927-00090215 um so the first three have been you know uVnjAmvs7jI-00377-00090216-00090388 um framework conditions policy uVnjAmvs7jI-00378-00090389-00090575 conditions the fourth one is the uVnjAmvs7jI-00379-00090576-00090725 question Who develops the digital uVnjAmvs7jI-00380-00090726-00090988 Technologies and with what purpose and uVnjAmvs7jI-00381-00090989-00091271 so far it has been global companies with uVnjAmvs7jI-00382-00091272-00091487 a perfect with the purpose of profit uVnjAmvs7jI-00383-00091488-00091649 maximization and I think that has to uVnjAmvs7jI-00384-00091650-00091841 change so that there are actors where uVnjAmvs7jI-00385-00091842-00092075 actually have sustainability in mind and uVnjAmvs7jI-00386-00092076-00092261 I think these can be public actors but uVnjAmvs7jI-00387-00092262-00092461 only but also private actors like uVnjAmvs7jI-00388-00092462-00092837 cooperatives or foundations uVnjAmvs7jI-00389-00092838-00093092 thank you uVOPcahl8ZY-00000-00000071-00000293 hi guys and welcome back in this video uVOPcahl8ZY-00001-00000294-00000484 we're going to learn about unpacking uVOPcahl8ZY-00002-00000486-00000815 keyword arguments the last video was a uVOPcahl8ZY-00003-00000816-00001000 little bit confusing now it's going to uVOPcahl8ZY-00004-00001001-00001235 get a little bit more confusing as we uVOPcahl8ZY-00005-00001236-00001481 learn about keyboard arguments once uVOPcahl8ZY-00006-00001482-00001636 these two videos are over though you're uVOPcahl8ZY-00007-00001637-00001864 going to have all of the tools necessary uVOPcahl8ZY-00008-00001866-00002242 in Python to create any type of function uVOPcahl8ZY-00009-00002243-00002584 and use it in many different ways so up uVOPcahl8ZY-00010-00002585-00002723 to now we've been learning about all uVOPcahl8ZY-00011-00002724-00002873 these fundamental building blocks and uVOPcahl8ZY-00012-00002874-00003089 this is one of the last ones after this uVOPcahl8ZY-00013-00003090-00003233 we can learn about object oriented uVOPcahl8ZY-00014-00003234-00003401 programming and that's another type of uVOPcahl8ZY-00015-00003402-00003685 Beast altogether let's start by defining uVOPcahl8ZY-00016-00003686-00004006 a simple function that will use this uVOPcahl8ZY-00017-00004007-00004235 unpacking of keyword arguments so I'm uVOPcahl8ZY-00018-00004236-00004385 going to do star star uVOPcahl8ZY-00019-00004386-00004847 quarks now args and quarks when you use uVOPcahl8ZY-00020-00004848-00005201 star arcs and star star quarks the usual uVOPcahl8ZY-00021-00005202-00005386 names for these things but they don't uVOPcahl8ZY-00022-00005387-00005567 have to be you can use whatever variable uVOPcahl8ZY-00023-00005568-00005788 name you want here and indeed with star uVOPcahl8ZY-00024-00005789-00005951 arcs as well uVOPcahl8ZY-00025-00005952-00006197 we're going to just print them out so I uVOPcahl8ZY-00026-00006198-00006365 want you to take a look at what happens uVOPcahl8ZY-00027-00006366-00006664 when I call my named function and I say uVOPcahl8ZY-00028-00006665-00006917 something like name equal Bob and age uVOPcahl8ZY-00029-00006918-00007109 equal 25. uVOPcahl8ZY-00030-00007109-00007373 if I run this code here you can see that uVOPcahl8ZY-00031-00007373-00007642 what we get out is a dictionary uVOPcahl8ZY-00032-00007643-00007984 so we called our named function that uVOPcahl8ZY-00033-00007986-00008345 does this dictionary unpacking with two uVOPcahl8ZY-00034-00008346-00008596 keyword arguments and what happens in uVOPcahl8ZY-00035-00008597-00008783 Python is that these keyword arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00036-00008784-00009173 all get collected into these quarks uVOPcahl8ZY-00037-00009174-00009442 variable that is what the star star does uVOPcahl8ZY-00038-00009443-00009803 it collects keyword arguments so all of uVOPcahl8ZY-00039-00009804-00009953 these keyword arguments get collected uVOPcahl8ZY-00040-00009954-00010174 and put into a dictionary where the uVOPcahl8ZY-00041-00010175-00010439 dictionary key is equal to the name of uVOPcahl8ZY-00042-00010440-00010685 the keyword argument so you end up with uVOPcahl8ZY-00043-00010686-00011021 a name key and a bob value for this one uVOPcahl8ZY-00044-00011022-00011363 and an age key and a 25 value for this uVOPcahl8ZY-00045-00011364-00011453 one uVOPcahl8ZY-00046-00011454-00011849 the same way that you can collect named uVOPcahl8ZY-00047-00011850-00012106 arguments into a dictionary you can go uVOPcahl8ZY-00048-00012107-00012299 the other way around you can unpack a uVOPcahl8ZY-00049-00012300-00012527 dictionary into named arguments so I'm uVOPcahl8ZY-00050-00012528-00012701 going to make a small change to my name uVOPcahl8ZY-00051-00012702-00012899 and function I'm going to pass a name uVOPcahl8ZY-00052-00012900-00013096 and age and I'm going to print them out uVOPcahl8ZY-00053-00013097-00013265 name and age uVOPcahl8ZY-00054-00013266-00013505 and now I'm going to define a details uVOPcahl8ZY-00055-00013506-00013805 dictionary which has a name of Bob and uVOPcahl8ZY-00056-00013806-00014135 an age of 25. now I'm going to call my uVOPcahl8ZY-00057-00014136-00014357 name function with my details uVOPcahl8ZY-00058-00014358-00014585 we know that this won't work because uVOPcahl8ZY-00059-00014586-00014879 details is a dictionary and I'm passing uVOPcahl8ZY-00060-00014880-00015130 it as a positional argument which means uVOPcahl8ZY-00061-00015131-00015353 that the details dictionary will become uVOPcahl8ZY-00062-00015354-00015635 a value for the name parameter but the uVOPcahl8ZY-00063-00015636-00015833 age parameter will not have a value we uVOPcahl8ZY-00064-00015834-00015971 need to pass that in separately uVOPcahl8ZY-00065-00015972-00016115 something like this uVOPcahl8ZY-00066-00016116-00016288 but of course that's not what we want to uVOPcahl8ZY-00067-00016290-00016469 do we don't want to pass in this whole uVOPcahl8ZY-00068-00016470-00016708 thing as a name that would be a bit uVOPcahl8ZY-00069-00016709-00016865 weird and if you run this you'll see uVOPcahl8ZY-00070-00016866-00017039 that you get the entire dictionary uVOPcahl8ZY-00071-00017040-00017171 printed out because that's the name uVOPcahl8ZY-00072-00017172-00017422 variable and then 25 printed out because uVOPcahl8ZY-00073-00017423-00017650 that's the age variable instead what we uVOPcahl8ZY-00074-00017651-00017915 want to do is we want to pass in the uVOPcahl8ZY-00075-00017916-00018353 name key as the name parameter and the uVOPcahl8ZY-00076-00018354-00018550 age key as the age parameter and we saw uVOPcahl8ZY-00077-00018551-00018839 how to do this in the last video just by uVOPcahl8ZY-00078-00018840-00019183 unpacking the dictionary into two named uVOPcahl8ZY-00079-00019184-00019397 arguments like that uVOPcahl8ZY-00080-00019398-00019769 when you do that it treats the key as uVOPcahl8ZY-00081-00019770-00020122 the name for the argument and age as the uVOPcahl8ZY-00082-00020123-00020279 key for the argument and assigns to them uVOPcahl8ZY-00083-00020280-00020513 the value associated with those so you uVOPcahl8ZY-00084-00020514-00020855 do end up now with Bob and 25. uVOPcahl8ZY-00085-00020856-00021197 note that if you had star star quarks uVOPcahl8ZY-00086-00021198-00021407 which is the collection of multiple uVOPcahl8ZY-00087-00021408-00021599 named arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00088-00021600-00021785 you can print them out and you can still uVOPcahl8ZY-00089-00021786-00022097 do this what will happen now is instead uVOPcahl8ZY-00090-00022098-00022530 of doing name equal Bob and age equal 25 uVOPcahl8ZY-00091-00022531-00022775 you're doing exactly the same thing but uVOPcahl8ZY-00092-00022776-00022991 using this dictionary to pass in uVOPcahl8ZY-00093-00022992-00023308 multiple keyword arguments and then they uVOPcahl8ZY-00094-00023309-00023471 are being collected into this dictionary uVOPcahl8ZY-00095-00023472-00023603 up here and then you're going to print a uVOPcahl8ZY-00096-00023604-00023849 dictionary out so that is how these two uVOPcahl8ZY-00097-00023850-00024028 stars work they can be used in a uVOPcahl8ZY-00098-00024029-00024244 function to collect named arguments into uVOPcahl8ZY-00099-00024245-00024461 a dictionary or they can be used in a uVOPcahl8ZY-00100-00024462-00024725 function call to unpack a dictionary uVOPcahl8ZY-00101-00024726-00025019 into keyword arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00102-00025020-00025192 let's say we have another function uVOPcahl8ZY-00103-00025193-00025391 called print nicely that is going to uVOPcahl8ZY-00104-00025392-00025727 print out this dictionary into a nice uVOPcahl8ZY-00105-00025727-00026158 format so let's call the named uVOPcahl8ZY-00106-00026160-00026339 function first to print the arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00107-00026339-00026579 out and then we are going to print them uVOPcahl8ZY-00108-00026580-00026789 nicely so we're going to do four Arc and uVOPcahl8ZY-00109-00026789-00027118 value in quarks now items then we're uVOPcahl8ZY-00110-00027119-00027389 going to print ARG uVOPcahl8ZY-00111-00027389-00027707 and the value notice that quarks is a uVOPcahl8ZY-00112-00027708-00027881 dictionary so you can use the items uVOPcahl8ZY-00113-00027882-00028127 method on it so that you can iterate uVOPcahl8ZY-00114-00028127-00028343 over two of these things notice that uVOPcahl8ZY-00115-00028344-00028529 here we're using a whole bunch of things uVOPcahl8ZY-00116-00028530-00028727 that we've learned so far including uVOPcahl8ZY-00117-00028727-00029020 normal data types like dictionaries we uVOPcahl8ZY-00118-00029022-00029207 are calling functions we are uVOPcahl8ZY-00119-00029208-00029411 destructuring the Tuple that that uVOPcahl8ZY-00120-00029412-00029633 returns into two values we are even uVOPcahl8ZY-00121-00029633-00029968 unpacking and repacking named arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00122-00029969-00030112 so there's a lot of stuff going on here uVOPcahl8ZY-00123-00030113-00030335 and I know it's a little bit confusing uVOPcahl8ZY-00124-00030336-00030514 now with this function we can do print uVOPcahl8ZY-00125-00030516-00030802 nicely and we can pass name is Bob and uVOPcahl8ZY-00126-00030804-00031055 age is 25 and what's going to happen is uVOPcahl8ZY-00127-00031056-00031367 we're going to collect these named uVOPcahl8ZY-00128-00031368-00031631 arguments into this dictionary then uVOPcahl8ZY-00129-00031632-00031811 we're going to call the name function uVOPcahl8ZY-00130-00031812-00032002 but we're going to unpack that uVOPcahl8ZY-00131-00032004-00032170 dictionary into named arguments so we're uVOPcahl8ZY-00132-00032172-00032327 going to pass in name equal Bob and age uVOPcahl8ZY-00133-00032327-00032567 equal 25. those are then going to be uVOPcahl8ZY-00134-00032568-00032837 collected into this dictionary and uVOPcahl8ZY-00135-00032838-00032951 they're going to be printed out so we're uVOPcahl8ZY-00136-00032952-00033118 going to print a dictionary uVOPcahl8ZY-00137-00033119-00033287 and then we're gonna come back out here uVOPcahl8ZY-00138-00033288-00033449 and we're going to iterate over the uVOPcahl8ZY-00139-00033450-00033683 items getting ARG and value for each uVOPcahl8ZY-00140-00033684-00033874 item in the dictionary which is going to uVOPcahl8ZY-00141-00033875-00034157 give us name and Bob and then agent 25. uVOPcahl8ZY-00142-00034158-00034307 and finally we're going to print those uVOPcahl8ZY-00143-00034308-00034505 out in a bit of a nicer way so we're uVOPcahl8ZY-00144-00034506-00034643 going to print the dictionary first and uVOPcahl8ZY-00145-00034644-00034846 then two more lines uVOPcahl8ZY-00146-00034847-00035302 and that is indeed what we get back uVOPcahl8ZY-00147-00035303-00035627 you can use both actually star args and uVOPcahl8ZY-00148-00035628-00035962 star star quarks if you want and nothing uVOPcahl8ZY-00149-00035963-00036155 changes you're going to collect all the uVOPcahl8ZY-00150-00036156-00036401 positional arguments into args and all uVOPcahl8ZY-00151-00036402-00036683 the named arguments into quarks so you uVOPcahl8ZY-00152-00036684-00036965 can do something like both 135 name uVOPcahl8ZY-00153-00036966-00037337 equal Bob and age equal 25 1 3 and 5 uVOPcahl8ZY-00154-00037338-00037546 will be collected into args because they uVOPcahl8ZY-00155-00037547-00037751 are positional arguments name equal Bob uVOPcahl8ZY-00156-00037752-00037949 and H equal 25 we will collect it into uVOPcahl8ZY-00157-00037950-00038218 quarks so if we run that you can see uVOPcahl8ZY-00158-00038219-00038440 that you get a tuple of arguments and uVOPcahl8ZY-00159-00038441-00038717 then a dictionary of arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00160-00038718-00038993 this syntax here args and quarters with uVOPcahl8ZY-00161-00038994-00039346 the Stars is normally used to accept an uVOPcahl8ZY-00162-00039347-00039599 unlimited number of arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00163-00039600-00039767 so you can pass in anything you want to uVOPcahl8ZY-00164-00039768-00039935 this function any positional arguments uVOPcahl8ZY-00165-00039936-00040217 and any named arguments and it will uVOPcahl8ZY-00166-00040218-00040523 accept them and that is normally used so uVOPcahl8ZY-00167-00040524-00040690 that some of those arguments or all of uVOPcahl8ZY-00168-00040691-00040835 those arguments can be passed on to uVOPcahl8ZY-00169-00040836-00040985 another function uVOPcahl8ZY-00170-00040986-00041333 here's an example of something that is uVOPcahl8ZY-00171-00041334-00041579 done quite frequently and we haven't uVOPcahl8ZY-00172-00041580-00041723 written this code don't worry about how uVOPcahl8ZY-00173-00041724-00041879 it's implemented uVOPcahl8ZY-00174-00041880-00042059 but you have uVOPcahl8ZY-00175-00042060-00042473 a post function that takes in a URL some uVOPcahl8ZY-00176-00042474-00042749 data some variable called Json and then uVOPcahl8ZY-00177-00042750-00043090 any number of keyword arguments and it uVOPcahl8ZY-00178-00043091-00043295 returns just calling another function uVOPcahl8ZY-00179-00043296-00043696 and it passes the URL the data the Json uVOPcahl8ZY-00180-00043697-00044008 and all of the keyword arguments so it uVOPcahl8ZY-00181-00044009-00044189 essentially seems to do the same thing uVOPcahl8ZY-00182-00044190-00044627 but it also adds an extra argument so uVOPcahl8ZY-00183-00044628-00044830 this is very common pattern to do in uVOPcahl8ZY-00184-00044831-00045173 Python to have a function that seemingly uVOPcahl8ZY-00185-00045174-00045389 just calls another but adds something uVOPcahl8ZY-00186-00045390-00045665 more to it and that is used to simplify uVOPcahl8ZY-00187-00045666-00045868 calling this initial function so that uVOPcahl8ZY-00188-00045869-00046055 you don't have to pass in this argument uVOPcahl8ZY-00189-00046056-00046180 as well uVOPcahl8ZY-00190-00046181-00046462 so just an example of the quarks being uVOPcahl8ZY-00191-00046463-00046745 used to essentially pass arguments from uVOPcahl8ZY-00192-00046746-00046961 one function to another until they get uVOPcahl8ZY-00193-00046962-00047279 used so that's very common thing to do uVOPcahl8ZY-00194-00047280-00047512 a final example if you define a function uVOPcahl8ZY-00195-00047513-00047873 that uses this unpacking you need to uVOPcahl8ZY-00196-00047874-00048118 call it with a mapping if you're going uVOPcahl8ZY-00197-00048119-00048401 to pass in this star star so if you do uVOPcahl8ZY-00198-00048402-00048574 star star Bob you're going to get an uVOPcahl8ZY-00199-00048575-00048724 error because this is not a dictionary uVOPcahl8ZY-00200-00048725-00048911 similarly with star star none you're uVOPcahl8ZY-00201-00048912-00049073 going to get an error because that's not uVOPcahl8ZY-00202-00049074-00049295 a dictionary so if you're working with uVOPcahl8ZY-00203-00049296-00049451 variables in your code and then uVOPcahl8ZY-00204-00049452-00049667 eventually you're passing them unpacked uVOPcahl8ZY-00205-00049668-00049918 to a function then you must make sure uVOPcahl8ZY-00206-00049919-00050105 that they are dictionaries if they are uVOPcahl8ZY-00207-00050106-00050243 anything else then you're going to get uVOPcahl8ZY-00208-00050244-00050446 an error when this line runs so that's uVOPcahl8ZY-00209-00050447-00050561 something that you'll see quite uVOPcahl8ZY-00210-00050562-00050783 frequently in Python code the variable uVOPcahl8ZY-00211-00050784-00050957 has an unexpected value or something uVOPcahl8ZY-00212-00050958-00051118 like that and students sometimes uVOPcahl8ZY-00213-00051119-00051382 struggle to determine why you get an uVOPcahl8ZY-00214-00051383-00051569 error that's because sometimes the uVOPcahl8ZY-00215-00051570-00051851 variables that we use may not be what we uVOPcahl8ZY-00216-00051852-00052042 expect that's it for this video though uVOPcahl8ZY-00217-00052044-00052229 thanks for joining me in this one I hope uVOPcahl8ZY-00218-00052229-00052402 you've enjoyed it and I'll see you in uVOPcahl8ZY-00219-00052403-00052645 the next one uZsIvvSqkuM-00000-00000384-00001491 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00001-00001492-00001620 good uZsIvvSqkuM-00002-00001621-00004283 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00003-00004284-00005683 me uZsIvvSqkuM-00004-00005684-00005956 so uZsIvvSqkuM-00005-00005957-00006766 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00006-00006767-00008028 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00007-00008029-00008920 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00008-00008921-00010035 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00009-00010036-00012660 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00010-00012661-00014286 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00011-00014287-00015015 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00012-00015016-00015618 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00013-00015619-00017920 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00014-00017921-00018898 [Music] uZsIvvSqkuM-00017-00028083-00028379 so uZsIvvSqkuM-00019-00037680-00037888 you ub5EowKAAJM-00000-00000017-00000260 this is the nice family they're from ub5EowKAAJM-00001-00000261-00000601 nice in France mr. nice mrs. nice and ub5EowKAAJM-00002-00000602-00000860 they're nice they're into nice food nice ub5EowKAAJM-00003-00000861-00001229 wine and Bing nice muthi at the nice ub5EowKAAJM-00004-00001230-00001448 house the whole nice family drink nice ub5EowKAAJM-00005-00001449-00001702 wine nightly with their nice dinners but ub5EowKAAJM-00006-00001703-00001885 when they go out for dinner it would be ub5EowKAAJM-00007-00001886-00002150 nice if she waited until she's 18 cuz ub5EowKAAJM-00008-00002151-00002321 it's illegal ub5EowKAAJM-00009-00002322-00002529 North ub5EowKAAJM-00010-00002530-00002922 whether they just say cold or a bit of ub5EowKAAJM-00011-00002923-00003135 the food had too much to drink all cause ub5EowKAAJM-00012-00003136-00003213 of the stink ub5EowKAAJM-00013-00003214-00003456 there's no ID in there on the right ub5EowKAAJM-00014-00003457-00003714 scowling a thousand flaming grenades ub5EowKAAJM-00015-00003715-00003965 it's responsible service that where I'm ub5EowKAAJM-00016-00003967-00004430 in for and it's up to you to follow the uc8OMEK3glE-00000-00000028-00000308 Jainism traditionally known as Jane uc8OMEK3glE-00001-00000309-00000532 Dharma is an ancient Indian religion uc8OMEK3glE-00002-00000533-00000761 followers of Jainism are called uc8OMEK3glE-00003-00000762-00001064 Jane's a word derived from the Sanskrit uc8OMEK3glE-00004-00001065-00001127 word jina uc8OMEK3glE-00005-00001128-00001324 Victor and Cano ting the path of victory uc8OMEK3glE-00006-00001325-00001541 in crossing over life stream of rebirths uc8OMEK3glE-00007-00001542-00001726 through an ethical and spiritual life uc8OMEK3glE-00008-00001727-00001898 Jane's trace their history through a uc8OMEK3glE-00009-00001898-00002167 succession of 24 victorious saviors and uc8OMEK3glE-00010-00002168-00002359 teachers known as tyr thank Aras with uc8OMEK3glE-00011-00002360-00002531 the first being rishabh Anitha who uc8OMEK3glE-00012-00002532-00002690 according to Jain tradition lived uc8OMEK3glE-00013-00002691-00002941 millions of years ago and 24th being the uc8OMEK3glE-00014-00002942-00003311 Mahavira around 500 BCE James believed uc8OMEK3glE-00015-00003311-00003511 that Jainism as an eternal Dharma with uc8OMEK3glE-00016-00003513-00003713 the tear thank AR is guiding every cycle uc8OMEK3glE-00017-00003714-00004043 of the Jain cosmology the main religious uc8OMEK3glE-00018-00004044-00004216 premises of Jainism are ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-00019-00004217-00004561 non-violence anekantavada many uc8OMEK3glE-00020-00004562-00004931 sightedness a paragraph non-attachment uc8OMEK3glE-00021-00004932-00005218 and asceticism devout Jane's take five uc8OMEK3glE-00022-00005219-00005593 main valves ahimsa non-violence satya uc8OMEK3glE-00023-00005594-00006052 truth Ostia not stealing Ramachari a-- uc8OMEK3glE-00024-00006053-00006393 celibacy or chastity and a paragraph uc8OMEK3glE-00025-00006394-00006535 non-attachment uc8OMEK3glE-00026-00006536-00006788 these principles have impacted Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00027-00006789-00007013 culture in many ways such as leading to uc8OMEK3glE-00028-00007014-00007220 a predominantly vegetarian lifestyle uc8OMEK3glE-00029-00007220-00007406 that avoids harm to animals in their uc8OMEK3glE-00030-00007406-00007712 lifecycles Paris Bharath agraja giovanna uc8OMEK3glE-00031-00007713-00007945 the function of souls is to help one uc8OMEK3glE-00032-00007947-00008264 another is the motto of Jainism namo uc8OMEK3glE-00033-00008265-00008489 guru mantra is the most common and basic uc8OMEK3glE-00034-00008490-00008732 prayer in Jainism Jainism has two major uc8OMEK3glE-00035-00008733-00008987 ancient sub traditions digambara sand uc8OMEK3glE-00036-00008988-00009194 sled embarrass and several smaller sub uc8OMEK3glE-00037-00009195-00009377 traditions that emerged in the second uc8OMEK3glE-00038-00009378-00009677 millennium CE II the digambara since ved uc8OMEK3glE-00039-00009678-00009884 embarras have different views on ascetic uc8OMEK3glE-00040-00009885-00010127 practices gender in which Jain texts can uc8OMEK3glE-00041-00010128-00010409 be considered canonical Jain mendicants uc8OMEK3glE-00042-00010410-00010598 are found in all Jain sub traditions uc8OMEK3glE-00043-00010599-00010838 with laypersons shravakas supporting the uc8OMEK3glE-00044-00010839-00011006 mendicant spiritual pursuits with uc8OMEK3glE-00045-00011007-00011381 resources Jainism has between 4 and 5 uc8OMEK3glE-00046-00011382-00011560 million followers with most james uc8OMEK3glE-00047-00011561-00011885 residing in india outside india some of uc8OMEK3glE-00048-00011886-00012085 the largest Jain communities are present uc8OMEK3glE-00049-00012086-00012317 in Canada Europe Kenya the United uc8OMEK3glE-00050-00012318-00012587 Kingdom Hong Kong Suriname Fiji and the uc8OMEK3glE-00051-00012588-00012883 United States major Jain festivals uc8OMEK3glE-00052-00012884-00013091 include par u Shonda and des slack Shona uc8OMEK3glE-00053-00013091-00013441 Maha veer Jandy in Diwali uc8OMEK3glE-00054-00013443-00013790 you uc8OMEK3glE-00055-00013791-00014341 topic main principles uc8OMEK3glE-00056-00014343-00014683 you uc8OMEK3glE-00057-00014684-00015288 topic non-violence ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-00058-00015290-00015686 the principle of ahimsa non-violence or uc8OMEK3glE-00059-00015687-00015988 non-injury is a fundamental tenet of uc8OMEK3glE-00060-00015988-00016194 Jainism it believes that one must uc8OMEK3glE-00061-00016195-00016408 abandon all violent activity and without uc8OMEK3glE-00062-00016409-00016594 such a commitment to non-violence all uc8OMEK3glE-00063-00016595-00016882 religious behavior is worthless in jain uc8OMEK3glE-00064-00016883-00017103 theology it does not matter how correct uc8OMEK3glE-00065-00017104-00017317 or defensible the violence may be one uc8OMEK3glE-00066-00017318-00017583 must not kill any being end non-violence uc8OMEK3glE-00067-00017584-00017878 as one's highest religious duty Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00068-00017879-00018124 texts such as a Karanga Sutra and tat uc8OMEK3glE-00069-00018125-00018286 vaartha sutra state that one must uc8OMEK3glE-00070-00018287-00018466 renounce all killing of living beings uc8OMEK3glE-00071-00018467-00018675 whether tiny are large movable or uc8OMEK3glE-00072-00018676-00018972 immovable its theology teaches that one uc8OMEK3glE-00073-00018973-00019122 must neither kill another living being uc8OMEK3glE-00074-00019123-00019390 nor cause another to kill nor consent to uc8OMEK3glE-00075-00019391-00019602 any killing directly or indirectly uc8OMEK3glE-00076-00019603-00019839 furthermore Jainism emphasizes uc8OMEK3glE-00077-00019840-00020031 non-violence against all beings not only uc8OMEK3glE-00078-00020032-00020250 in action but also in speech and in uc8OMEK3glE-00079-00020251-00020500 thought it states that instead of hate uc8OMEK3glE-00080-00020501-00020739 or violence against anyone all living uc8OMEK3glE-00081-00020740-00020952 creatures must help each other uc8OMEK3glE-00082-00020953-00021225 violence negatively affects and destroys uc8OMEK3glE-00083-00021226-00021411 one's soul particularly when the uc8OMEK3glE-00084-00021412-00021606 violence is done with intent hate or uc8OMEK3glE-00085-00021607-00021793 carelessness or when one indirectly uc8OMEK3glE-00086-00021794-00022003 causes or consents to the killing of a uc8OMEK3glE-00087-00022004-00022230 human or non-human living being the idea uc8OMEK3glE-00088-00022231-00022453 of reverence for non-violence ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-00089-00022454-00022630 is founded in Hindu and Buddhist uc8OMEK3glE-00090-00022631-00022830 canonical texts and it may have origins uc8OMEK3glE-00091-00022831-00023025 in more ancient Brahmanical vedic uc8OMEK3glE-00092-00023026-00023286 thoughts however no other indian uc8OMEK3glE-00093-00023287-00023461 religion has developed the non-violence uc8OMEK3glE-00094-00023462-00023655 doctrine and its implications on uc8OMEK3glE-00095-00023656-00023847 everyday life as has Jainism the uc8OMEK3glE-00096-00023848-00024078 theological basis of non-violence as the uc8OMEK3glE-00097-00024079-00024237 highest religious duty has been uc8OMEK3glE-00098-00024238-00024430 interpreted by some James scholars not uc8OMEK3glE-00099-00024431-00024697 to be driven by merit from giving or uc8OMEK3glE-00100-00024698-00024955 compassion to other creatures nor a duty uc8OMEK3glE-00101-00024956-00025290 to rescue all creatures but resulting uc8OMEK3glE-00102-00025291-00025522 from continual self-discipline a uc8OMEK3glE-00103-00025523-00025731 cleansing of the soul that leaves to uc8OMEK3glE-00104-00025732-00025920 one's own spiritual development which uc8OMEK3glE-00105-00025922-00026118 ultimately affects one's salvation and uc8OMEK3glE-00106-00026119-00026407 release from reverse causing injury to uc8OMEK3glE-00107-00026408-00026652 any being in any form creates bad karma uc8OMEK3glE-00108-00026653-00026827 which affects one's rebirth future uc8OMEK3glE-00109-00026827-00027031 well-being and suffering late medieval uc8OMEK3glE-00110-00027032-00027220 Jain scholars re-examined the ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-00111-00027220-00027420 doctrine when one is faced with external uc8OMEK3glE-00112-00027422-00027696 threat or violence for example they uc8OMEK3glE-00113-00027697-00027910 justified violence by monks to protect uc8OMEK3glE-00114-00027911-00028144 months according to Dundas the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00115-00028145-00028351 scholar Jinnah Dada Suri wrote during a uc8OMEK3glE-00116-00028352-00028549 time of Muslim destruction of temples uc8OMEK3glE-00117-00028550-00028681 and persecution that uc8OMEK3glE-00118-00028682-00028948 anybody engaged in a religious activity uc8OMEK3glE-00119-00028949-00029119 who was forced to fight and kill uc8OMEK3glE-00120-00029120-00029335 somebody would not lose any spiritual uc8OMEK3glE-00121-00029336-00029622 merit but instead attained deliverance uc8OMEK3glE-00122-00029623-00029938 however such examples in Jain texts that uc8OMEK3glE-00123-00029939-00030097 condone fighting and killing under uc8OMEK3glE-00124-00030098-00030283 certain circumstances are relatively uc8OMEK3glE-00125-00030283-00030804 rare uc8OMEK3glE-00126-00030805-00031501 topic many-sided reality anekantavada uc8OMEK3glE-00127-00031502-00031764 the second main principle of jainism is uc8OMEK3glE-00128-00031766-00032005 anekantavada or anakin tattva a word uc8OMEK3glE-00129-00032006-00032257 derived from anaconda not one ended uc8OMEK3glE-00130-00032258-00032719 cited many sidedness or manifold nests uc8OMEK3glE-00131-00032720-00033151 and vada doctrine way the anekantavada uc8OMEK3glE-00132-00033152-00033361 doctrine states that truth and reality uc8OMEK3glE-00133-00033362-00033595 is complex and always has multiple uc8OMEK3glE-00134-00033596-00033913 aspects reality can be experienced but uc8OMEK3glE-00135-00033914-00034123 it is not possible to totally express it uc8OMEK3glE-00136-00034124-00034360 with language human attempts to uc8OMEK3glE-00137-00034361-00034645 communicate as Naya explained as partial uc8OMEK3glE-00138-00034646-00034945 expression of the truth language is not uc8OMEK3glE-00139-00034946-00035155 truth but a means an attempt to express uc8OMEK3glE-00140-00035156-00035452 truth from truth according to Mahavira uc8OMEK3glE-00141-00035453-00035659 language returns and not the other way uc8OMEK3glE-00142-00035660-00035935 round one can experience the truth of a uc8OMEK3glE-00143-00035936-00036136 taste but cannot fully express that uc8OMEK3glE-00144-00036137-00036388 taste through language any attempts to uc8OMEK3glE-00145-00036389-00036592 express the experience a sigh at or uc8OMEK3glE-00146-00036593-00036910 valid in some respect but it remains a uc8OMEK3glE-00147-00036911-00037213 perhaps just one perspective incomplete uc8OMEK3glE-00148-00037214-00037522 in the same way spiritual truths are uc8OMEK3glE-00149-00037523-00037747 complex they have multiple aspects and uc8OMEK3glE-00150-00037748-00037957 language cannot express their plurality uc8OMEK3glE-00151-00037958-00038149 yet through effort and appropriate karma uc8OMEK3glE-00152-00038150-00038434 they can be experienced since reality is uc8OMEK3glE-00153-00038435-00038638 many cited the great error according to uc8OMEK3glE-00154-00038639-00038884 Jainism is a Kanda one-sidedness where uc8OMEK3glE-00155-00038885-00039064 some relative truth is treated as an uc8OMEK3glE-00156-00039065-00039244 absolute truth to the exclusion of uc8OMEK3glE-00157-00039245-00039454 others the anekantavada premise of the uc8OMEK3glE-00158-00039455-00039634 Jains is ancient as evidenced by its uc8OMEK3glE-00159-00039635-00039820 mention in Buddhist texts such as the uc8OMEK3glE-00160-00039821-00040062 samanya fallacy de the jain agamas uc8OMEK3glE-00161-00040063-00040309 suggests that mahavira's approach to uc8OMEK3glE-00162-00040310-00040525 answering all metaphysical philosophical uc8OMEK3glE-00163-00040526-00040855 questions was a qualified yes sigh at uc8OMEK3glE-00164-00040856-00041059 these texts identify anekantavada uc8OMEK3glE-00165-00041060-00041227 doctrine to be one of the key uc8OMEK3glE-00166-00041228-00041404 differences between the teachings of the uc8OMEK3glE-00167-00041405-00041641 Mahavira and those of the Buddha the uc8OMEK3glE-00168-00041642-00041830 Buddha taught the middle way rejecting uc8OMEK3glE-00169-00041831-00042166 extremes of the answer it is or it is uc8OMEK3glE-00170-00042167-00042406 not two metaphysical questions uc8OMEK3glE-00171-00042407-00042637 the Mahavira in contrast taught his uc8OMEK3glE-00172-00042638-00042991 followers to accept both it is and it is uc8OMEK3glE-00173-00042992-00043381 not with perhaps qualification and with uc8OMEK3glE-00174-00043382-00043564 reconciliation to understand the uc8OMEK3glE-00175-00043565-00043867 absolute reality syadavada predication uc8OMEK3glE-00176-00043868-00044056 logic and nayavada perspective uc8OMEK3glE-00177-00044057-00044290 epistemology of Jainism expand on the uc8OMEK3glE-00178-00044291-00044551 concept of anekantavada syadavada uc8OMEK3glE-00179-00044552-00044785 recommends the expression of anti canta uc8OMEK3glE-00180-00044786-00044890 by prefixing the uc8OMEK3glE-00181-00044891-00045055 that's I add to every phrase or uc8OMEK3glE-00182-00045056-00045277 expression describing the permanent uc8OMEK3glE-00183-00045278-00045592 being there is no Creator God in jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00184-00045593-00045775 existence has neither beginning nor end uc8OMEK3glE-00185-00045776-00045931 and the permanent being is uc8OMEK3glE-00186-00045932-00046084 conceptualized as Jeeva uc8OMEK3glE-00187-00046085-00046456 soul and a Jeeva matter within a uc8OMEK3glE-00188-00046457-00046654 dualistic anekantavada framework uc8OMEK3glE-00189-00046655-00046867 according to Paul Dundas in contemporary uc8OMEK3glE-00190-00046868-00047104 times the anekantavada doctrine has been uc8OMEK3glE-00191-00047105-00047302 interpreted by some Jaynes as intending uc8OMEK3glE-00192-00047303-00047533 to promote a universal religious uc8OMEK3glE-00193-00047534-00047809 tolerance and a teaching of plurality uc8OMEK3glE-00194-00047810-00048184 and benign attitude to other ethical uc8OMEK3glE-00195-00048185-00048508 religious positions Dundas states this uc8OMEK3glE-00196-00048509-00048721 is problematic in a misreading of Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00197-00048722-00048907 historical texts and mahavira's uc8OMEK3glE-00198-00048908-00049267 teachings the many pointedness multiple uc8OMEK3glE-00199-00049268-00049555 perspective teachings of the Mahavira is uc8OMEK3glE-00200-00049556-00049750 a doctrine about the nature of absolute uc8OMEK3glE-00201-00049751-00049963 reality in human existence and it is uc8OMEK3glE-00202-00049964-00050311 sometimes called non absolutism doctrine uc8OMEK3glE-00203-00050312-00050512 however it is not a doctrine about uc8OMEK3glE-00204-00050513-00050752 tolerating or condoning activities such uc8OMEK3glE-00205-00050753-00050962 as sacrificing or killing animals for uc8OMEK3glE-00206-00050963-00051202 food nor violence against disbelievers uc8OMEK3glE-00207-00051203-00051402 or any other living being as perhaps uc8OMEK3glE-00208-00051403-00051717 right the five valves for jain monks and uc8OMEK3glE-00209-00051719-00051954 nuns for example are strict requirements uc8OMEK3glE-00210-00051955-00052302 and there is no perhaps or that is just uc8OMEK3glE-00211-00052303-00052594 one perspective about them similarly uc8OMEK3glE-00212-00052595-00052738 since ancient times uc8OMEK3glE-00213-00052739-00052957 Jainism coexisted with Buddhism and uc8OMEK3glE-00214-00052958-00053194 Hinduism according to Dundas but Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00215-00053195-00053355 was highly critical of the knowledge uc8OMEK3glE-00216-00053357-00053592 systems and ideologies of its rivals and uc8OMEK3glE-00217-00053594-00054147 vice versa uc8OMEK3glE-00218-00054148-00054766 topic non-attachment a paragraph uc8OMEK3glE-00219-00054767-00055030 the third main principle in Jainism as a uc8OMEK3glE-00220-00055031-00055265 paragraph which means non attachment to uc8OMEK3glE-00221-00055266-00055582 worldly possessions for ascetics Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00222-00055583-00055744 requires a vow of complete non uc8OMEK3glE-00223-00055745-00056032 possession of any property for Jain lay uc8OMEK3glE-00224-00056033-00056260 persons it recommends limited possession uc8OMEK3glE-00225-00056261-00056416 of property that has been honestly uc8OMEK3glE-00226-00056417-00056609 earned and giving excess property to uc8OMEK3glE-00227-00056610-00056891 charity according to the two by sha a uc8OMEK3glE-00228-00056891-00057116 paragraph applies to both the material uc8OMEK3glE-00229-00057116-00057388 and the psychic material possessions uc8OMEK3glE-00230-00057389-00057579 refer to various forms of property uc8OMEK3glE-00231-00057580-00057848 psychic possessions referred to emotions uc8OMEK3glE-00232-00057849-00058066 likes and dislikes and attachments of uc8OMEK3glE-00233-00058067-00058312 any form unchecked attachment to uc8OMEK3glE-00234-00058313-00058519 possessions is said to result in direct uc8OMEK3glE-00235-00058520-00058663 harm to one's personality uc8OMEK3glE-00236-00058664-00058918 Jainism views attachments to material or uc8OMEK3glE-00237-00058919-00059098 emotional possessions as what leads to uc8OMEK3glE-00238-00059099-00059347 passions which in turn leads to violence uc8OMEK3glE-00239-00059348-00059609 according to the apero graha principle a uc8OMEK3glE-00240-00059610-00059806 Jain monk or nun is expected to be uc8OMEK3glE-00241-00059807-00059972 homeless and family less with no uc8OMEK3glE-00242-00059973-00060254 emotional longings or attachments the uc8OMEK3glE-00243-00060254-00060448 ascetic is a wandering mendicant in the uc8OMEK3glE-00244-00060449-00060643 digambara tradition or a resident uc8OMEK3glE-00245-00060644-00060848 mendicant in the svet umber addition in uc8OMEK3glE-00246-00060849-00061044 addition Jain texts mention that uc8OMEK3glE-00247-00061045-00061366 attachment to possessions paragrah ha is uc8OMEK3glE-00248-00061367-00061591 of two kinds attachment to internal uc8OMEK3glE-00249-00061592-00061804 possessions a beam tarah paragrah and uc8OMEK3glE-00250-00061805-00062017 attachment to external possessions bio uc8OMEK3glE-00251-00062018-00062305 paragraph for internal possessions uc8OMEK3glE-00252-00062306-00062566 Jainism identifies four key passions of uc8OMEK3glE-00253-00062567-00062809 the mind cache iya anger pride ego uc8OMEK3glE-00254-00062810-00063136 deceitfulness and greed in addition to uc8OMEK3glE-00255-00063137-00063301 the four passions of the mind the uc8OMEK3glE-00256-00063302-00063485 remaining ten internal passions are uc8OMEK3glE-00257-00063486-00063722 wrong belief the three sex passions male uc8OMEK3glE-00258-00063723-00063971 sex passion female sex passion neuter uc8OMEK3glE-00259-00063972-00064216 sex passion and the six defects laughter uc8OMEK3glE-00260-00064217-00064975 like dislike sorrow fear disgust uc8OMEK3glE-00261-00064976-00065605 topic jane ethics and five vows uc8OMEK3glE-00262-00065606-00065860 Jainism teaches five ethical duties uc8OMEK3glE-00263-00065861-00066094 which it calls five vows these are uc8OMEK3glE-00264-00066095-00066421 called a new Radha's small vows for Jane uc8OMEK3glE-00265-00066422-00066681 lay persons and Maharaja's great vows uc8OMEK3glE-00266-00066682-00067012 for Jane mendicants for both its moral uc8OMEK3glE-00267-00067013-00067192 precepts preface that the Jane has uc8OMEK3glE-00268-00067193-00067642 access to a guru teacher counselor diva uc8OMEK3glE-00269-00067643-00067726 jina uc8OMEK3glE-00270-00067727-00068065 God doctrine and that the individual is uc8OMEK3glE-00271-00068066-00068290 free from five offenses doubts about the uc8OMEK3glE-00272-00068291-00068512 faith indecisiveness about the truths of uc8OMEK3glE-00273-00068513-00068716 Jainism sincere desire for Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00274-00068717-00068920 teachings recognition of fellow Jane's uc8OMEK3glE-00275-00068921-00069103 and admiration for their spiritual uc8OMEK3glE-00276-00069104-00069388 pursuits such a person undertakes the uc8OMEK3glE-00277-00069389-00069732 following five vows of Jainism ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-00278-00069733-00070114 intentional non-violence or non injury uc8OMEK3glE-00279-00070115-00070399 the first major vowed taken by James is uc8OMEK3glE-00280-00070400-00070594 to cause no harm to other human beings uc8OMEK3glE-00281-00070595-00070708 as well as all living beings uc8OMEK3glE-00282-00070709-00071029 particularly animals this is the highest uc8OMEK3glE-00283-00071030-00071236 ethical duty in Jainism and it applies uc8OMEK3glE-00284-00071237-00071443 not only to one's actions but demands uc8OMEK3glE-00285-00071444-00071629 that one be nonviolent in one's speech uc8OMEK3glE-00286-00071630-00072052 and thoughts satya truth this vow is to uc8OMEK3glE-00287-00072053-00072160 always speak the truth uc8OMEK3glE-00288-00072161-00072412 neither lie nor speak what is not true uc8OMEK3glE-00289-00072413-00072616 and do not encourage others or approve uc8OMEK3glE-00290-00072617-00072973 anyone who speaks an untruth ostia not uc8OMEK3glE-00291-00072974-00073231 stealing a Jane lay person should not uc8OMEK3glE-00292-00073232-00073399 take anything that is not willingly uc8OMEK3glE-00293-00073400-00073678 given additionally a Jane mendicant uc8OMEK3glE-00294-00073679-00073858 should ask for permission to take it if uc8OMEK3glE-00295-00073859-00074166 something is being given brahmacarya uc8OMEK3glE-00296-00074167-00074515 celibacy abstinence from sex and sensual uc8OMEK3glE-00297-00074516-00074719 pleasures is prescribed for Jane monks uc8OMEK3glE-00298-00074720-00074998 and nuns for lay persons the vow means uc8OMEK3glE-00299-00074999-00075276 chastity faithfulness to one's partner a uc8OMEK3glE-00300-00075277-00075622 paragraph non possessiveness this uc8OMEK3glE-00301-00075623-00075847 includes non attachment to material and uc8OMEK3glE-00302-00075848-00076057 psychological possessions avoiding uc8OMEK3glE-00303-00076058-00076324 craving and greed Jain monks and nuns uc8OMEK3glE-00304-00076325-00076567 completely renounce property and social uc8OMEK3glE-00305-00076568-00076756 relations own nothing and are attached uc8OMEK3glE-00306-00076757-00077323 to no one uc8OMEK3glE-00307-00077324-00077839 topic practices uc8OMEK3glE-00308-00077840-00078179 you uc8OMEK3glE-00309-00078180-00078698 topic asceticism uc8OMEK3glE-00310-00078699-00078914 of all the major Indian religions uc8OMEK3glE-00311-00078915-00079145 Jainism has had the strongest austerity uc8OMEK3glE-00312-00079146-00079328 driven ascetic tradition and it is an uc8OMEK3glE-00313-00079329-00079526 essential part of a mendicant spiritual uc8OMEK3glE-00314-00079527-00079784 pursuits ascetic life may include uc8OMEK3glE-00315-00079785-00080012 nakedness symbolizing non possession of uc8OMEK3glE-00316-00080013-00080282 even clothes fasting body mortification uc8OMEK3glE-00317-00080283-00080510 penance and other austerities in order uc8OMEK3glE-00318-00080511-00080693 to burn away past karma and stop uc8OMEK3glE-00319-00080694-00080882 producing new karma both of which are uc8OMEK3glE-00320-00080883-00081065 believed in Jainism to be essential for uc8OMEK3glE-00321-00081066-00081235 reaching citta and moksha liberation uc8OMEK3glE-00322-00081236-00081725 from rebirth and salvation Jain texts uc8OMEK3glE-00323-00081726-00081932 like tat vaartha Sutra and uh doraji on uc8OMEK3glE-00324-00081933-00082172 a sutra discuss ascetic austerities to uc8OMEK3glE-00325-00082173-00082460 great lengths and formulations six outer uc8OMEK3glE-00326-00082461-00082694 and six inner practices are most common uc8OMEK3glE-00327-00082695-00082936 and oft repeated in later Jain texts uc8OMEK3glE-00328-00082937-00083132 according to John Court outer uc8OMEK3glE-00329-00083133-00083354 austerities include complete fasting uc8OMEK3glE-00330-00083355-00083570 eating limited amounts eating restricted uc8OMEK3glE-00331-00083571-00083771 items abstaining from tasty foods uc8OMEK3glE-00332-00083772-00083975 mortifying the flesh and guarding the uc8OMEK3glE-00333-00083976-00084167 flesh avoiding anything that is a source uc8OMEK3glE-00334-00084168-00084452 of temptation inner austerities include uc8OMEK3glE-00335-00084453-00084692 expiation confession respecting and uc8OMEK3glE-00336-00084693-00084935 assisting mendicants studying meditation uc8OMEK3glE-00337-00084936-00085136 and ignoring bodily once in order to uc8OMEK3glE-00338-00085137-00085355 abandon the body lists of internal and uc8OMEK3glE-00339-00085356-00085577 external austerities in Jainism varies uc8OMEK3glE-00340-00085578-00085826 with the text and tradition asceticism uc8OMEK3glE-00341-00085827-00086048 as viewed as a means to control desires uc8OMEK3glE-00342-00086049-00086414 and a means to purify the Jeeva soul the uc8OMEK3glE-00343-00086415-00086633 tear thank cars of Jainism such as the uc8OMEK3glE-00344-00086634-00086870 Mahavira Varda mana set an example of uc8OMEK3glE-00345-00086871-00087056 leading an ascetic life by performing uc8OMEK3glE-00346-00087057-00087726 severe austerities for 12 years uc8OMEK3glE-00347-00087727-00088254 topic food and fasting uc8OMEK3glE-00348-00088255-00088509 the practice of non-violence towards all uc8OMEK3glE-00349-00088510-00088713 living beings has led to Jain culture uc8OMEK3glE-00350-00088714-00089013 being vegetarian devout Jane's practice uc8OMEK3glE-00351-00089014-00089253 lacto vegetarianism that is eat no eggs uc8OMEK3glE-00352-00089254-00089469 but accept dairy products if there is no uc8OMEK3glE-00353-00089470-00089646 violence against animals during their uc8OMEK3glE-00354-00089647-00089916 production veganism is encouraged if uc8OMEK3glE-00355-00089917-00090077 there are concerns about animal welfare uc8OMEK3glE-00356-00090078-00090345 Jain monks and nuns do not eat root uc8OMEK3glE-00357-00090346-00090585 vegetables such as potatoes onions and uc8OMEK3glE-00358-00090586-00090774 garlic because tiny organisms are uc8OMEK3glE-00359-00090775-00090945 injured when the plant is pulled up and uc8OMEK3glE-00360-00090946-00091140 because a bulb or tubers ability to uc8OMEK3glE-00361-00091141-00091338 sprout is seen as characteristic of a uc8OMEK3glE-00362-00091339-00091440 higher living being uc8OMEK3glE-00363-00091441-00091593 Jane's fast on different occasions uc8OMEK3glE-00364-00091594-00091812 throughout the year particularly during uc8OMEK3glE-00365-00091813-00092091 festivals this practice is called oopah uc8OMEK3glE-00366-00092092-00092274 Vasa Topacio Radha uc8OMEK3glE-00367-00092275-00092499 according to sane this takes on various uc8OMEK3glE-00368-00092500-00092685 forms and may be practiced based on uc8OMEK3glE-00369-00092686-00092765 one's ability uc8OMEK3glE-00370-00092766-00093093 some examples include digambara fasting uc8OMEK3glE-00371-00093094-00093312 for docile oksana Parvin where a Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00372-00093313-00093525 layperson eats only one or two meals per uc8OMEK3glE-00373-00093526-00093762 day drinking only boiled water for 10 uc8OMEK3glE-00374-00093763-00093984 days or fasting completely on the first uc8OMEK3glE-00375-00093985-00094239 and last day of the festival with these uc8OMEK3glE-00376-00094240-00094422 practices the layperson mimics the uc8OMEK3glE-00377-00094423-00094617 practices of a Jain mendicant during the uc8OMEK3glE-00378-00094618-00094887 festival a similar practice has found uc8OMEK3glE-00379-00094888-00095085 amongst Vedam barrage aims on eight-day uc8OMEK3glE-00380-00095086-00095298 Perri asana with samvatsara pratik uc8OMEK3glE-00381-00095299-00095505 ramana the fasting practice is believed uc8OMEK3glE-00382-00095506-00095691 to remove karma from one's soul and uc8OMEK3glE-00383-00095692-00096024 allow one to gain merit Ponyo a one-day uc8OMEK3glE-00384-00096025-00096348 fast in Jain tradition lasts about 36 uc8OMEK3glE-00385-00096349-00096570 hours starting at sunset before the day uc8OMEK3glE-00386-00096571-00096804 of the fast and ending 48 minutes after uc8OMEK3glE-00387-00096805-00097041 the sunrise the day after among uc8OMEK3glE-00388-00097042-00097239 laypeople fasting is more commonly uc8OMEK3glE-00389-00097240-00097437 observed by women where it is believed uc8OMEK3glE-00390-00097438-00097620 that this shows her piety religious uc8OMEK3glE-00391-00097621-00097815 purity gains her and her family prestige uc8OMEK3glE-00392-00097816-00098022 leads to merit earning and helps ensure uc8OMEK3glE-00393-00098023-00098298 future well-being for her family some uc8OMEK3glE-00394-00098299-00098505 religious fasts are observed as a group uc8OMEK3glE-00395-00098506-00098706 where Jain women bond socially and uc8OMEK3glE-00396-00098707-00098967 support each other long fasts are uc8OMEK3glE-00397-00098968-00099177 celebrated by friends and families with uc8OMEK3glE-00398-00099178-00099733 special ceremonies uc8OMEK3glE-00399-00099734-00100236 topic meditation uc8OMEK3glE-00400-00100237-00100538 Jainism considers meditation dianna a uc8OMEK3glE-00401-00100539-00100746 necessary practice but its goals are uc8OMEK3glE-00402-00100747-00100913 very different from those in Buddhism uc8OMEK3glE-00403-00100914-00101219 and Hinduism in Jainism meditation is uc8OMEK3glE-00404-00101220-00101399 concerned more with stopping karmic uc8OMEK3glE-00405-00101400-00101618 attachments and activity not as a means uc8OMEK3glE-00406-00101619-00101804 to transformational insights or uc8OMEK3glE-00407-00101805-00101975 self-realization in other Indian uc8OMEK3glE-00408-00101976-00102257 religions meditation in early Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00409-00102258-00102467 literature as a form of austerity and uc8OMEK3glE-00410-00102468-00102665 ascetic practice in Jainism while in uc8OMEK3glE-00411-00102666-00102866 late medieval era the practice adopted uc8OMEK3glE-00412-00102867-00103076 ideas from other Indian traditions uc8OMEK3glE-00413-00103077-00103314 according to Paul Dundas this lack of uc8OMEK3glE-00414-00103315-00103583 meditative practices in early Jain texts uc8OMEK3glE-00415-00103584-00103781 may be because substantial portions of uc8OMEK3glE-00416-00103782-00103991 ancient Jain texts were lost according uc8OMEK3glE-00417-00103992-00104186 to Pat madam Jami sama Yoga is a uc8OMEK3glE-00418-00104188-00104468 practice of brief periods in meditation uc8OMEK3glE-00419-00104469-00104705 in Jainism that is a part of six of uc8OMEK3glE-00420-00104706-00105033 Radha ritual restraint the goal of Sami uc8OMEK3glE-00421-00105033-00105239 yoga is to achieve equanimity and it is uc8OMEK3glE-00422-00105240-00105369 the second six of Radha uc8OMEK3glE-00423-00105370-00105621 thus a mihika ritual is practiced at uc8OMEK3glE-00424-00105622-00105809 least three times a day by mendicants uc8OMEK3glE-00425-00105810-00105993 while a layperson includes it with other uc8OMEK3glE-00426-00105994-00106233 ritual practices such as puja in a jain uc8OMEK3glE-00427-00106233-00106511 temple and doing charity work according uc8OMEK3glE-00428-00106513-00106739 to Johnson as well as Jani sameoka uc8OMEK3glE-00429-00106740-00106944 connotes more than meditation and for a uc8OMEK3glE-00430-00106945-00107169 jain householder as the voluntary ritual uc8OMEK3glE-00431-00107170-00107429 practice of assuming temporary ascetic uc8OMEK3glE-00432-00107430-00107738 status the digambara jain scholar Kunda uc8OMEK3glE-00433-00107739-00107949 Kunda in his profit connoisseur estates uc8OMEK3glE-00434-00107950-00108147 that a Jain mendicant should meditate on uc8OMEK3glE-00435-00108148-00108533 I the pure self anyone who considers his uc8OMEK3glE-00436-00108534-00108795 body or possessions as I am this this is uc8OMEK3glE-00437-00108796-00109064 mine is on the wrong road while one who uc8OMEK3glE-00438-00109065-00109269 meditates thinking the antithesis and I uc8OMEK3glE-00439-00109270-00109541 am NOT others they are not mine I am one uc8OMEK3glE-00440-00109542-00109797 knowledge is on the right road to uc8OMEK3glE-00441-00109798-00110577 meditating on that soul the pure self uc8OMEK3glE-00442-00110578-00111126 topic rituals and worship uc8OMEK3glE-00443-00111127-00111339 there are many rituals in Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00444-00111340-00111600 various sects according to Dundas the uc8OMEK3glE-00445-00111601-00111798 ritualistic lay path amongst venom uc8OMEK3glE-00446-00111799-00112016 barrage Eanes us heavily imbued with uc8OMEK3glE-00447-00112017-00112314 ascetic values where the rituals either uc8OMEK3glE-00448-00112315-00112535 Revere or celebrate the ascetic life of uc8OMEK3glE-00449-00112536-00112716 tear thanked Aras or mendicants or uc8OMEK3glE-00450-00112717-00112881 progressively get closer to uc8OMEK3glE-00451-00112882-00113058 psychologically and physically living uc8OMEK3glE-00452-00113058-00113322 ever more like an ascetic the ultimate uc8OMEK3glE-00453-00113323-00113544 ritual is sallekhana a religious death uc8OMEK3glE-00454-00113545-00113739 through ascetic abandonment of food and uc8OMEK3glE-00455-00113740-00114027 drinks the digambara Jane's follow the uc8OMEK3glE-00456-00114028-00114222 same theme but the details differ from uc8OMEK3glE-00457-00114223-00114414 sweat embarrass and according to Dundas uc8OMEK3glE-00458-00114415-00114639 the life cycle and religious rituals are uc8OMEK3glE-00459-00114640-00114843 closer to the liturgy found among Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-00460-00114844-00115143 traditions the overlap in Jain and Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-00461-00115144-00115341 rituals is largely in the life cycle uc8OMEK3glE-00462-00115342-00115586 rites of passage rituals according to uc8OMEK3glE-00463-00115588-00115788 Pat man obtain e and likely one that uc8OMEK3glE-00464-00115789-00115983 developed over time because Jane's and uc8OMEK3glE-00465-00115983-00116214 Hindu societies overlapped and rituals uc8OMEK3glE-00466-00116215-00116394 were viewed as necessary in secular uc8OMEK3glE-00467-00116395-00116613 ceremonies Jane's do not believe in a uc8OMEK3glE-00468-00116614-00116684 creator god uc8OMEK3glE-00469-00116685-00116898 but do ritually worship numerous deities uc8OMEK3glE-00470-00116899-00117153 the Gina's are prominent and a large uc8OMEK3glE-00471-00117154-00117359 focus of this ritualism but they are not uc8OMEK3glE-00472-00117360-00117669 the only diva in Jainism a Gina as diva uc8OMEK3glE-00473-00117670-00117935 is not an avatar incarnation in Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00474-00117936-00118083 but the highest state of omniscience uc8OMEK3glE-00475-00118083-00118286 that an ascetic tier thank ara achieved uc8OMEK3glE-00476-00118288-00118586 out of the 24 tier thank Aras Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00477-00118588-00118779 devotional worship is predominantly uc8OMEK3glE-00478-00118780-00119054 addressed to four Mahavira parsh Manasa uc8OMEK3glE-00479-00119055-00119319 nummy Mata and Rishabh Anitha among the uc8OMEK3glE-00480-00119320-00119526 non tier thank our Saints devotional uc8OMEK3glE-00481-00119527-00119724 worship is common for baahubali among uc8OMEK3glE-00482-00119725-00120006 the deagle Barriss some of Jana rituals uc8OMEK3glE-00483-00120007-00120195 remember the five life events of the uc8OMEK3glE-00484-00120196-00120383 tirthankaras called the Panch Kali uc8OMEK3glE-00485-00120384-00120579 Annika our rituals such as the Panch uc8OMEK3glE-00486-00120580-00120809 Kali Annika Pradesh the mahasabha Panch uc8OMEK3glE-00487-00120810-00121125 Kali Annika puja and snatcher puja the uc8OMEK3glE-00488-00121126-00121356 basic worship ritual practiced by Jane's uc8OMEK3glE-00489-00121357-00121698 is darsana seeing AB Deva which includes uc8OMEK3glE-00490-00121699-00121965 Gina or other yaksas gods and goddesses uc8OMEK3glE-00491-00121966-00122253 such as Brahma Deva 52 Vera's padmavati uc8OMEK3glE-00492-00122254-00122534 Ambika and sixteen video Devas sarasvati uc8OMEK3glE-00493-00122535-00122850 Lakshmi others the Terrapin T sub uc8OMEK3glE-00494-00122851-00123048 tradition of digambara z' do not worship uc8OMEK3glE-00495-00123049-00123243 many of the deities popular among uc8OMEK3glE-00496-00123244-00123434 mainstream vegan beerus and they limit uc8OMEK3glE-00497-00123435-00123582 their ritual worship to tear thanked uc8OMEK3glE-00498-00123583-00123846 Aras the worship ritual is called the uc8OMEK3glE-00499-00123847-00124065 Deva pooja is found in all Jaina sub uc8OMEK3glE-00500-00124066-00124304 traditions which share common features uc8OMEK3glE-00501-00124305-00124488 typically the Jaina late uc8OMEK3glE-00502-00124489-00124680 person enters the temple inner sanctum uc8OMEK3glE-00503-00124681-00124875 in simple clothing and bare feet with a uc8OMEK3glE-00504-00124876-00125055 plate filled with offerings bows down uc8OMEK3glE-00505-00125056-00125292 says the namaskara completes his or her uc8OMEK3glE-00506-00125293-00125526 litany and prayers sometimes is assisted uc8OMEK3glE-00507-00125527-00125679 by the temple priest leaves the uc8OMEK3glE-00508-00125680-00125850 offerings and then departs jain uc8OMEK3glE-00509-00125851-00126080 practices include performing abhisheka uc8OMEK3glE-00510-00126081-00126434 ceremonial baths of the images some Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00511-00126435-00126675 sects employ a pujari also called you uc8OMEK3glE-00512-00126676-00126915 puja for rituals who may be a non Jain a uc8OMEK3glE-00513-00126916-00127149 Hindu to perform special rituals and uc8OMEK3glE-00514-00127150-00127422 other priestly duties at the temple more uc8OMEK3glE-00515-00127423-00127614 elaborate worship includes ritual uc8OMEK3glE-00516-00127615-00127833 offerings such as rice fresh and dry uc8OMEK3glE-00517-00127833-00128129 fruits flowers coconut sweets and money uc8OMEK3glE-00518-00128130-00128384 some may light up a lamp with camphor uc8OMEK3glE-00519-00128385-00128529 and make auspicious marks with uc8OMEK3glE-00520-00128530-00128844 sandalwood paste devotees also recite uc8OMEK3glE-00521-00128845-00129099 Jain texts particularly the life stories uc8OMEK3glE-00522-00129100-00129294 of the tirthankaras the traditional uc8OMEK3glE-00523-00129295-00129434 Jane's like Buddhists and Hindus uc8OMEK3glE-00524-00129435-00129681 believed in the efficacy of mantras and uc8OMEK3glE-00525-00129682-00129825 that certain sounds and words are uc8OMEK3glE-00526-00129826-00130023 inherently auspicious powerful and uc8OMEK3glE-00527-00130024-00130310 spiritual the most famous of the mantras uc8OMEK3glE-00528-00130311-00130515 broadly accepted in various sects of uc8OMEK3glE-00529-00130516-00130815 Jainism is the five homage panca uc8OMEK3glE-00530-00130816-00131016 namaskara mantra which is believed to be uc8OMEK3glE-00531-00131017-00131202 eternal in existence since the first uc8OMEK3glE-00532-00131203-00131496 Ford makers time the medieval era Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00533-00131497-00131700 worship practices according to Ellen uc8OMEK3glE-00534-00131701-00131949 Gough also developed tantric diagrams of uc8OMEK3glE-00535-00131950-00132105 the regime mandala where the tear uc8OMEK3glE-00536-00132106-00132360 thanked Aras are portrayed the tantric uc8OMEK3glE-00537-00132361-00132585 traditions within Jainism use mantra and uc8OMEK3glE-00538-00132586-00132747 rituals that are believed to accrue uc8OMEK3glE-00539-00132748-00133364 merit for rebirth realms uc8OMEK3glE-00540-00133365-00133861 topic festivals uc8OMEK3glE-00541-00133862-00134127 jain's celebrate many annual festivals uc8OMEK3glE-00542-00134128-00134391 many of the major festivals in jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00543-00134392-00134620 fall in and around the co masu sanskrit uc8OMEK3glE-00544-00134621-00134821 your mass a period of the calendar uc8OMEK3glE-00545-00134822-00135126 it is the four month monsoon period when uc8OMEK3glE-00546-00135127-00135325 the jain ascetics are mandated to remain uc8OMEK3glE-00547-00135326-00135516 in residence at one place in the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00548-00135517-00135714 tradition rather than be traveling or uc8OMEK3glE-00549-00135715-00135903 going around Indian villages and towns uc8OMEK3glE-00550-00135904-00136096 and never staying in one place for more uc8OMEK3glE-00551-00136097-00136377 than a month the co masu period allows uc8OMEK3glE-00552-00136378-00136590 the four orders of the Jain community to uc8OMEK3glE-00553-00136591-00136768 be together and participate in the uc8OMEK3glE-00554-00136769-00137098 festival says the most important annual uc8OMEK3glE-00555-00137099-00137344 Jain festival is called the par USANA by uc8OMEK3glE-00556-00137345-00137572 svet embarrassin docile action a parva uc8OMEK3glE-00557-00137573-00137824 by the deagle beerus it is celebrated uc8OMEK3glE-00558-00137825-00138022 from the 12th day of waning moon in the uc8OMEK3glE-00559-00138023-00138189 traditional loony solar month of uc8OMEK3glE-00560-00138190-00138465 Bhadrapada in the Indian calendar this uc8OMEK3glE-00561-00138466-00138651 typically falls in August or September uc8OMEK3glE-00562-00138652-00138931 of the Gregorian calendar it lasts eight uc8OMEK3glE-00563-00138932-00139132 days force-fed embarrass and ten days uc8OMEK3glE-00564-00139133-00139389 among the deagle beerus it is a time uc8OMEK3glE-00565-00139390-00139645 when laypeople fast and pray the five uc8OMEK3glE-00566-00139646-00139849 vows are emphasized during this time uc8OMEK3glE-00567-00139850-00140083 Sveta and beras recite the Kalpa sutras uc8OMEK3glE-00568-00140084-00140238 while Deegan bearers read their own uc8OMEK3glE-00569-00140239-00140506 texts the festival is an occasion where uc8OMEK3glE-00570-00140507-00140679 Jane's make active effort to stop uc8OMEK3glE-00571-00140680-00140913 cruelty towards other life-forms freeing uc8OMEK3glE-00572-00140914-00141109 animals in captivity and preventing uc8OMEK3glE-00573-00141110-00141378 slaughter of animals the last day uc8OMEK3glE-00574-00141379-00141538 involves a focused prayer meditation uc8OMEK3glE-00575-00141539-00141750 session known as Sam batt sorry uc8OMEK3glE-00576-00141751-00141978 Jane's consider this as a Day of uc8OMEK3glE-00577-00141979-00142183 Atonement granting forgiveness to others uc8OMEK3glE-00578-00142184-00142381 seeking forgiveness from all living uc8OMEK3glE-00579-00142382-00142597 beings physically or mentally asking for uc8OMEK3glE-00580-00142598-00142764 forgiveness and resolving to treat uc8OMEK3glE-00581-00142765-00142938 everyone in the world as friends uc8OMEK3glE-00582-00142939-00143277 forgiveness is asked by saying Masami do uc8OMEK3glE-00583-00143278-00143664 Kadhim or comic calm na to others this uc8OMEK3glE-00584-00143665-00143908 means if I have offended you in any way uc8OMEK3glE-00585-00143909-00144196 knowingly or unknowingly in thought word uc8OMEK3glE-00586-00144197-00144450 or action then I seek your forgiveness uc8OMEK3glE-00587-00144451-00144713 the literal meaning of par u Shawna's uc8OMEK3glE-00588-00144714-00145132 abiding or coming together Mahaveer uc8OMEK3glE-00589-00145133-00145341 Jandy celebrates the birth of Mahavira uc8OMEK3glE-00590-00145342-00145606 it is celebrated on the 13th day of the uc8OMEK3glE-00591-00145607-00145783 lunisolar month of chaitra in the uc8OMEK3glE-00592-00145784-00146016 traditional indian calendar this uc8OMEK3glE-00593-00146017-00146238 typically falls in March or April of the uc8OMEK3glE-00594-00146239-00146466 Gregorian calendar the festivities uc8OMEK3glE-00595-00146467-00146640 include visiting Jain temples uc8OMEK3glE-00596-00146641-00146865 pilgrimages to shrines reading Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00597-00146866-00147082 texts and processions of Mahavira by the uc8OMEK3glE-00598-00147083-00147193 community uc8OMEK3glE-00599-00147194-00147424 at his legendary birthplace of Kunta uc8OMEK3glE-00600-00147425-00147610 grandma in Bihar north of Patna uc8OMEK3glE-00601-00147611-00147844 special events are held by Jane's Diwali uc8OMEK3glE-00602-00147845-00148062 is observed by Jane's as the anniversary uc8OMEK3glE-00603-00148063-00148329 of mahavira's attainment of moksha the uc8OMEK3glE-00604-00148330-00148536 Hindu festival of Diwali is also uc8OMEK3glE-00605-00148537-00148735 celebrated on the same date Kartika uc8OMEK3glE-00606-00148736-00149103 Amavasya Jain temples homes offices and uc8OMEK3glE-00607-00149104-00149320 shops are decorated with lights and Dias uc8OMEK3glE-00608-00149321-00149688 small oil lamps the lights are symbolic uc8OMEK3glE-00609-00149689-00149860 of knowledge or removal of ignorance uc8OMEK3glE-00610-00149861-00150136 sweets are often distributed on Diwali uc8OMEK3glE-00611-00150137-00150361 morning nirvan ladoo is offered after uc8OMEK3glE-00612-00150362-00150574 praying to Mahavira in all Jain temples uc8OMEK3glE-00613-00150575-00150816 across the world the Jain new year uc8OMEK3glE-00614-00150817-00151050 starts right after Diwali some other uc8OMEK3glE-00615-00151051-00151258 festivals celebrated by James are uc8OMEK3glE-00616-00151259-00151461 Akshaya Tritiya and rush abundant uc8OMEK3glE-00617-00151462-00151614 similar to those in the hindu uc8OMEK3glE-00618-00151615-00152156 communities uc8OMEK3glE-00619-00152157-00152671 topic monasticism uc8OMEK3glE-00620-00152672-00152929 Jane is a monastic organization as a uc8OMEK3glE-00621-00152930-00153148 part of Jane's society called sang a uc8OMEK3glE-00622-00153149-00153403 sang has a four-fold order or cutter uc8OMEK3glE-00623-00153404-00153751 v-cycle sang this consists of sadhu male uc8OMEK3glE-00624-00153752-00154036 ascetics Muni sadhvi female ascetics are uc8OMEK3glE-00625-00154037-00154396 you gonna a layman and serve iike lay uc8OMEK3glE-00626-00154397-00154696 woman the latter to support the ascetics uc8OMEK3glE-00627-00154697-00154894 and their monastic organizations called uc8OMEK3glE-00628-00154895-00155101 gosh or Sam you day in autonomous uc8OMEK3glE-00629-00155102-00155335 regional Jain congregations Digambar uc8OMEK3glE-00630-00155336-00155557 tradition has two main monastic orders uc8OMEK3glE-00631-00155558-00155761 mule assange and the cash the same both uc8OMEK3glE-00632-00155762-00156088 led by Baracus other notable monastic uc8OMEK3glE-00633-00156089-00156304 orders include the digambara Terra Panth uc8OMEK3glE-00634-00156305-00156522 which emerged in the 17th century uc8OMEK3glE-00635-00156523-00156799 Sveta Mara's have their own sayings but uc8OMEK3glE-00636-00156800-00156961 unlike digambara 's which have had uc8OMEK3glE-00637-00156962-00157204 predominantly sadhu Sanks male monastic uc8OMEK3glE-00638-00157205-00157417 organizations they have major sadhu and uc8OMEK3glE-00639-00157418-00157659 sadhvi sangs monks and nuns uc8OMEK3glE-00640-00157660-00157912 according to svet embarras ain texts uc8OMEK3glE-00641-00157913-00158146 from Kalpa sutras onwards it's monastic uc8OMEK3glE-00642-00158147-00158332 community has had more sod vus than uc8OMEK3glE-00643-00158333-00158541 sadhus female than male mendicants in uc8OMEK3glE-00644-00158542-00158836 tapa gosh of the modern era the ratio of uc8OMEK3glE-00645-00158837-00159100 sod Vista sadhus nuns to monks is about uc8OMEK3glE-00646-00159101-00159499 3.5 to 1 in contrast to sveta Mara the uc8OMEK3glE-00647-00159500-00159721 Digambar a sect monastic community has uc8OMEK3glE-00648-00159722-00160000 been predominantly male in the digambara uc8OMEK3glE-00649-00160001-00160192 tradition a male human being is uc8OMEK3glE-00650-00160193-00160396 considered closest to the apex with the uc8OMEK3glE-00651-00160397-00160543 potential to achieve his soul's uc8OMEK3glE-00652-00160544-00160696 liberation from rebirths through uc8OMEK3glE-00653-00160697-00160996 asceticism women must gain karmic merit uc8OMEK3glE-00654-00160997-00161200 to be reborn as man and only then can uc8OMEK3glE-00655-00161201-00161392 they achieve spiritual liberation in the uc8OMEK3glE-00656-00161393-00161659 digambara sect of Jainism the svet uc8OMEK3glE-00657-00161660-00161854 embarras disagree with the deagle beerus uc8OMEK3glE-00658-00161855-00162028 believing that women can also achieve uc8OMEK3glE-00659-00162029-00162259 liberation from samsara through ascetic uc8OMEK3glE-00660-00162260-00162508 practices the jain monastic organization uc8OMEK3glE-00661-00162509-00162694 shares many parallels with those found uc8OMEK3glE-00662-00162695-00162874 in Buddhist and Brahmanical Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-00663-00162875-00163152 monasticism they all have similar rules uc8OMEK3glE-00664-00163153-00163396 hierarchical structure practices such as uc8OMEK3glE-00665-00163397-00163546 not travelling during the four-month uc8OMEK3glE-00666-00163547-00163764 monsoon season and celibacy uc8OMEK3glE-00667-00163765-00164014 according to William Johnston this is uc8OMEK3glE-00668-00164015-00164197 not likely from mutual borrowing of uc8OMEK3glE-00669-00164198-00164383 ideas but because these traditions uc8OMEK3glE-00670-00164384-00164566 emerged from the same ancient Indian uc8OMEK3glE-00671-00164567-00164758 monastic traditions that preceded the uc8OMEK3glE-00672-00164759-00164989 Buddha in the Mahavira there are some uc8OMEK3glE-00673-00164990-00165226 differences for example the Jain and uc8OMEK3glE-00674-00165227-00165412 Hindu monastic community has been uc8OMEK3glE-00675-00165413-00165589 traditionally more mobile and had an uc8OMEK3glE-00676-00165590-00165808 itinerant lifestyle while Buddhist monks uc8OMEK3glE-00677-00165809-00166027 have favored belonging to a Sangha Manas uc8OMEK3glE-00678-00166028-00166209 Darry and staying in its premises uc8OMEK3glE-00679-00166210-00166492 Buddhist monastic rules forbid a monk to uc8OMEK3glE-00680-00166493-00166681 go outside without wearing the sanga's uc8OMEK3glE-00681-00166682-00166888 distinctive ruddy robe or to use wooden uc8OMEK3glE-00682-00166889-00167227 bowls in contrast Jain monastic rules uc8OMEK3glE-00683-00167228-00167386 have either required no clothes uc8OMEK3glE-00684-00167387-00167638 digambara or white said Umbra and the uc8OMEK3glE-00685-00167639-00167815 use of wooden or empty gourd as the uc8OMEK3glE-00686-00167816-00168085 begging bowl the Jain monastic rules uc8OMEK3glE-00687-00168086-00168271 have encouraged the use of mouth cover uc8OMEK3glE-00688-00168272-00168475 as well as a broom to gently remove any uc8OMEK3glE-00689-00168476-00169106 insect that comes in their path uc8OMEK3glE-00690-00169107-00169749 topic supplementary vows in sallekhana uc8OMEK3glE-00691-00169750-00169983 Jainism also prescribes seven uc8OMEK3glE-00692-00169984-00170177 supplementary vows which include three uc8OMEK3glE-00693-00170178-00170514 goon of Radha's merit vows and for six uc8OMEK3glE-00694-00170515-00170760 of Radha's the sallekhana or Santara vow uc8OMEK3glE-00695-00170761-00171089 is a religious death ritual vow observed uc8OMEK3glE-00696-00171090-00171306 at the end of life historically by jain uc8OMEK3glE-00697-00171307-00171501 monks and nuns but rare in the modern uc8OMEK3glE-00698-00171502-00171803 age in this vow there is voluntary and uc8OMEK3glE-00699-00171804-00171996 gradual reduction of food and liquid uc8OMEK3glE-00700-00171997-00172178 intake to end one's life by choice and uc8OMEK3glE-00701-00172179-00172391 with dispassion in Jainism this is uc8OMEK3glE-00702-00172392-00172581 believed to reduce negative karma that uc8OMEK3glE-00703-00172582-00173261 affects a soul's future reverse uc8OMEK3glE-00704-00173262-00173839 topic traditions and sects uc8OMEK3glE-00705-00173840-00174185 you uc8OMEK3glE-00706-00174186-00174804 topic digambara x' and svet embarrass uc8OMEK3glE-00707-00174805-00175065 the Jain community is divided into two uc8OMEK3glE-00708-00175066-00175314 major denominations digambara and svet uc8OMEK3glE-00709-00175315-00175679 Amara monks of the digambara Skyclad uc8OMEK3glE-00710-00175680-00175969 tradition do not wear clothes female uc8OMEK3glE-00711-00175970-00176175 monastics of the digambara sect wear uc8OMEK3glE-00712-00176176-00176368 unstitched plain white sarees and are uc8OMEK3glE-00713-00176369-00176569 referred to as arya cos of edinburgh uc8OMEK3glE-00714-00176570-00176881 white clad monastics on the other hand uc8OMEK3glE-00715-00176882-00177063 wear seamless white clothes during uc8OMEK3glE-00716-00177064-00177246 chandragupta maurya's reign Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00717-00177247-00177462 tradition states that acharya Bhadra ba uc8OMEK3glE-00718-00177463-00177672 who predicted a 12 year long famine and uc8OMEK3glE-00719-00177673-00177866 moved to Karnataka with his disciples uc8OMEK3glE-00720-00177867-00178158 Saint EULA Bhadra a pupil of Acharya uc8OMEK3glE-00721-00178159-00178407 Bhadra ba who stayed in Magadha later uc8OMEK3glE-00722-00178408-00178638 when followers of acharya Bhadra ba who uc8OMEK3glE-00723-00178639-00178795 returned they found those who had uc8OMEK3glE-00724-00178796-00178977 remained Atma gada had started wearing uc8OMEK3glE-00725-00178978-00179194 white clothes which was unacceptable to uc8OMEK3glE-00726-00179195-00179445 the others who remain naked this is how uc8OMEK3glE-00727-00179446-00179652 Jane's believe the digambara and svet uc8OMEK3glE-00728-00179653-00179847 embarrass schism began with the former uc8OMEK3glE-00729-00179848-00180019 being naked while the latter wore white uc8OMEK3glE-00730-00180020-00180309 clothes digambara saw this is being uc8OMEK3glE-00731-00180310-00180501 opposed to the Jain tenet of a paragraph uc8OMEK3glE-00732-00180502-00180720 which according to them required not uc8OMEK3glE-00733-00180721-00180948 even possesion of clothes ie complete uc8OMEK3glE-00734-00180949-00181245 nudity in the 5th century CE II the uc8OMEK3glE-00735-00181246-00181434 Council of the lobby was organized by uc8OMEK3glE-00736-00181435-00181657 cedam bara which digambara did not uc8OMEK3glE-00737-00181658-00181941 attend at the council thus vedam bara uc8OMEK3glE-00738-00181942-00182139 adopted the texts they had preserved as uc8OMEK3glE-00739-00182140-00182344 canonical scriptures which digambara uc8OMEK3glE-00740-00182345-00182625 have ever since rejected this council uc8OMEK3glE-00741-00182626-00182808 solidified the historic schism between uc8OMEK3glE-00742-00182809-00183036 these two major traditions of Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-00743-00183037-00183327 the earliest record of digambara beliefs uc8OMEK3glE-00744-00183328-00183513 has contained in the Procrit siddhappa uc8OMEK3glE-00745-00183514-00183765 buddha of Kunda Kunda other than uc8OMEK3glE-00746-00183766-00183963 rejecting or accepting different ancient uc8OMEK3glE-00747-00183964-00184231 Jain texts digambara since Vedam bara uc8OMEK3glE-00748-00184232-00184475 differ in other significant ways such as uc8OMEK3glE-00749-00184476-00184744 sweat embarrassed race their practices uc8OMEK3glE-00750-00184745-00184911 and dress code to the teachings of uc8OMEK3glE-00751-00184912-00185107 partial anata the twenty-third tear uc8OMEK3glE-00752-00185108-00185262 thank ara which they believed taught uc8OMEK3glE-00753-00185263-00185487 only four restraints acclaim scholars uc8OMEK3glE-00754-00185488-00185637 say are confirmed by the ancient uc8OMEK3glE-00755-00185638-00185814 Buddhist texts that discuss Jaina uc8OMEK3glE-00756-00185815-00186123 monastic life Mahavira taught five vows uc8OMEK3glE-00757-00186124-00186396 which digambara follow the digambara uc8OMEK3glE-00758-00186397-00186579 sect disagrees with the svet Umbra uc8OMEK3glE-00759-00186580-00186786 interpretations and reject the theory of uc8OMEK3glE-00760-00186787-00186957 difference in parsh manatsu and uc8OMEK3glE-00761-00186958-00187251 mahavira's teachings Deegan Beres uc8OMEK3glE-00762-00187252-00187434 believed that both partial anata and uc8OMEK3glE-00763-00187435-00187602 Mahavira remained unmarried uc8OMEK3glE-00764-00187603-00187807 whereas svet and Barbra leaved the 23rd uc8OMEK3glE-00765-00187808-00188040 and 24th did indeed marry uc8OMEK3glE-00766-00188041-00188232 according to this vedam bar aversion uc8OMEK3glE-00767-00188233-00188472 partial married Prabhavati and Mahavira uc8OMEK3glE-00768-00188473-00188628 married Yashoda who bore him a daughter uc8OMEK3glE-00769-00188629-00188955 named Priya darshana the two sexes also uc8OMEK3glE-00770-00188956-00189111 differ on the origin of Trishula uc8OMEK3glE-00771-00189112-00189357 mahavira's mother as well as the details uc8OMEK3glE-00772-00189358-00189582 of tirthankaras biographies such as how uc8OMEK3glE-00773-00189583-00189774 many auspicious dreams their mothers had uc8OMEK3glE-00774-00189775-00190047 when they were in the wombs digambara uc8OMEK3glE-00775-00190048-00190296 believed Rishabha Vasa Padilla and Amina uc8OMEK3glE-00776-00190297-00190473 were the three tier thang Aras who uc8OMEK3glE-00777-00190474-00190638 reached omniscience while in sitting uc8OMEK3glE-00778-00190639-00190824 posture and other tier thanked Aras were uc8OMEK3glE-00779-00190825-00191136 in standing ascetic posture in contrast uc8OMEK3glE-00780-00191137-00191337 svet embarras believe it was Rishabha uc8OMEK3glE-00781-00191338-00191559 nemi and Mahavira who were the three in uc8OMEK3glE-00782-00191560-00191874 sitting posture digambara monasticism uc8OMEK3glE-00783-00191875-00192168 rules are more rigid digambara uc8OMEK3glE-00784-00192169-00192432 iconography are plain Sveta Mara icons uc8OMEK3glE-00785-00192433-00192618 are decorated and colored to be more uc8OMEK3glE-00786-00192619-00192861 lifelike excavations at mathura revealed uc8OMEK3glE-00787-00192862-00193083 jain statues from the time of the kushan uc8OMEK3glE-00788-00193084-00193437 empire see 1st century ce e tier thang uc8OMEK3glE-00789-00193438-00193632 are represented without clothes and uc8OMEK3glE-00790-00193633-00193812 monks with cloth wrapped around the left uc8OMEK3glE-00791-00193813-00194031 arm are identified as the Artefill akka uc8OMEK3glE-00792-00194032-00194364 half clothed mentioned in texts the yah uc8OMEK3glE-00793-00194365-00194538 pony is believed to have originated from uc8OMEK3glE-00794-00194539-00194742 the Artefill akka followed digambara uc8OMEK3glE-00795-00194743-00194937 nudity along with several sweatin bar uc8OMEK3glE-00796-00194938-00195469 beliefs uc8OMEK3glE-00797-00195470-00196034 topic other sub traditions uc8OMEK3glE-00798-00196035-00196247 both of the major Jain traditions uc8OMEK3glE-00799-00196248-00196453 evolved into sub traditions over time uc8OMEK3glE-00800-00196454-00196709 for example the devotional worship uc8OMEK3glE-00801-00196710-00196919 traditions of sveta Mara are referred to uc8OMEK3glE-00802-00196920-00197140 as more deep oaxaca's those who live in uc8OMEK3glE-00803-00197141-00197314 and around jain temples became de uc8OMEK3glE-00804-00197315-00197612 Revathi or Mandira Margy those who avoid uc8OMEK3glE-00805-00197613-00197854 temples and pursue their spirituality at uc8OMEK3glE-00806-00197855-00198088 a designated monastic meeting place came uc8OMEK3glE-00807-00198089-00198364 to be known as Stanek Abbasi about the uc8OMEK3glE-00808-00198365-00198577 18th century the sveta Mara and uc8OMEK3glE-00809-00198578-00198802 digambara traditions saw an emergence of uc8OMEK3glE-00810-00198803-00199051 separate Tara panty movements some uc8OMEK3glE-00811-00199052-00199261 scholars such as malva Nia state that uc8OMEK3glE-00812-00199262-00199448 these ideas entered Jainism from an uc8OMEK3glE-00813-00199449-00199646 influence of Islam while others such as uc8OMEK3glE-00814-00199647-00199868 done to state that these ideas debates uc8OMEK3glE-00815-00199869-00200033 and movements can be traced in more uc8OMEK3glE-00816-00200034-00200246 ancient texts than the start of Islam in uc8OMEK3glE-00817-00200247-00200333 the modern era uc8OMEK3glE-00818-00200334-00200551 according to flugel new Jaina religious uc8OMEK3glE-00819-00200552-00200807 movements that are primarily devotional uc8OMEK3glE-00820-00200808-00201074 form of Jainism have developed which uc8OMEK3glE-00821-00201075-00201422 resemble jain mahayana style devotional uc8OMEK3glE-00822-00201423-00201876 ism uc8OMEK3glE-00823-00201877-00202504 topic gender and spiritual liberation uc8OMEK3glE-00824-00202505-00202784 a male human being is considered closest uc8OMEK3glE-00825-00202785-00202951 to the apex with the potential to uc8OMEK3glE-00826-00202952-00203152 achieve liberation particularly through uc8OMEK3glE-00827-00203153-00203449 asceticism in the digambara traditional uc8OMEK3glE-00828-00203450-00203674 belief women must gain karmic merit to uc8OMEK3glE-00829-00203675-00203870 be reborn as man and only then can they uc8OMEK3glE-00830-00203871-00204127 achieve spiritual liberation however uc8OMEK3glE-00831-00204128-00204349 this view has been historically debated uc8OMEK3glE-00832-00204350-00204557 within Jainism and different Jaina sects uc8OMEK3glE-00833-00204558-00204698 have expressed different views uc8OMEK3glE-00834-00204699-00204913 particularly the svet embarass act that uc8OMEK3glE-00835-00204914-00205057 believes that women too can achieve uc8OMEK3glE-00836-00205058-00205280 spiritual liberation from rebirth sin uc8OMEK3glE-00837-00205281-00205585 samsara the svet embarras state the 19th uc8OMEK3glE-00838-00205586-00205786 tier thank Karim Allah Natha was female uc8OMEK3glE-00839-00205787-00206044 however digambara reject this and uc8OMEK3glE-00840-00206046-00206706 worship Mallon atha as a male uc8OMEK3glE-00841-00206707-00207296 topic beliefs in philosophy uc8OMEK3glE-00842-00207296-00207646 you uc8OMEK3glE-00843-00207646-00208306 topic dravya substance uc8OMEK3glE-00844-00208307-00208555 the dravya in jainism are fundamental uc8OMEK3glE-00845-00208556-00208750 entities called astha kya literally uc8OMEK3glE-00846-00208751-00209071 collection that exists they are believed uc8OMEK3glE-00847-00209071-00209212 to be eternal in the ontological uc8OMEK3glE-00848-00209213-00209448 building blocks that constitute and uc8OMEK3glE-00849-00209450-00209665 explain all existence whether perceived uc8OMEK3glE-00850-00209666-00209919 or not according to the svet embarass of uc8OMEK3glE-00851-00209921-00210088 Jainism there are five eternal uc8OMEK3glE-00852-00210089-00210369 substances in existence soul Jeeva mater uc8OMEK3glE-00853-00210371-00210706 Padula space Akasha motion Dharma and uc8OMEK3glE-00854-00210707-00211012 rest a dharma to this list of five the uc8OMEK3glE-00855-00211013-00211344 digambara jain tradition adds time kala uc8OMEK3glE-00856-00211346-00211615 as the sixth eternal substance in both uc8OMEK3glE-00857-00211616-00211821 traditions the substance of space is uc8OMEK3glE-00858-00211823-00212179 conceptualized as world space loca kasha uc8OMEK3glE-00859-00212180-00212590 and non world space ology Akasha further uc8OMEK3glE-00860-00212591-00212803 both soul and matter are considered as uc8OMEK3glE-00861-00212804-00213025 active ontological substances while the uc8OMEK3glE-00862-00213026-00213271 rest are inactive another categorization uc8OMEK3glE-00863-00213271-00213550 found in Jain philosophy as Jeeva and a uc8OMEK3glE-00864-00213551-00213763 Jeeva the latter being all dravya that uc8OMEK3glE-00865-00213764-00214289 is not Jeeva uc8OMEK3glE-00866-00214290-00215153 topic jiva soul a Jeeva non soul uc8OMEK3glE-00867-00215154-00215537 jiva means soul in Jainism and is also uc8OMEK3glE-00868-00215538-00215819 called givat men it is a core concept in uc8OMEK3glE-00869-00215819-00215981 the fundamental focus of the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00870-00215982-00216244 theology the soul is believed to be uc8OMEK3glE-00871-00216246-00216452 eternal and a substance that undergoes uc8OMEK3glE-00872-00216453-00216673 constant modifications in every life uc8OMEK3glE-00873-00216675-00216886 after every rebirth of a living being uc8OMEK3glE-00874-00216887-00217166 Jeeva consists of pure consciousness in uc8OMEK3glE-00875-00217167-00217388 the Jain thought has an eight free will uc8OMEK3glE-00876-00217389-00217646 that causes it to act but is believed to uc8OMEK3glE-00877-00217646-00217919 be intangible and formless it is the uc8OMEK3glE-00878-00217919-00218119 soul that experiences existence and uc8OMEK3glE-00879-00218121-00218351 gains knowledge not mind nor body both uc8OMEK3glE-00880-00218352-00218591 believed to a heap of matter Jain uc8OMEK3glE-00881-00218592-00218780 philosophy further believes that the uc8OMEK3glE-00882-00218781-00218960 soul is the mechanism of rebirth and uc8OMEK3glE-00883-00218961-00219242 karma accumulation it is the same size uc8OMEK3glE-00884-00219242-00219458 in all living beings such as a human uc8OMEK3glE-00885-00219459-00219706 being a tiny insect and a large elephant uc8OMEK3glE-00886-00219707-00219881 Jeeva is everywhere uc8OMEK3glE-00887-00219882-00220069 filling and infused in every miniscule uc8OMEK3glE-00888-00220071-00220244 part of the entire loca realm of uc8OMEK3glE-00889-00220244-00220532 existence according to Jainism the soul uc8OMEK3glE-00890-00220533-00220723 has the potential to reach omniscience uc8OMEK3glE-00891-00220725-00220940 and eternal bliss and end the cycles of uc8OMEK3glE-00892-00220941-00221146 rebirth and associated suffering which uc8OMEK3glE-00893-00221148-00221363 is the goal of James spirituality the uc8OMEK3glE-00894-00221364-00221525 Jeeva is believed to rely on other uc8OMEK3glE-00895-00221526-00221782 dravya to function the Jain philosophy uc8OMEK3glE-00896-00221783-00222050 completely separates body matter from uc8OMEK3glE-00897-00222051-00222344 the soul consciousness Souls reside in uc8OMEK3glE-00898-00222344-00222521 bodies and journey endlessly through uc8OMEK3glE-00899-00222521-00222692 samsara that is realms of existence uc8OMEK3glE-00900-00222692-00222923 through cycles of rebirth Sandra deaths uc8OMEK3glE-00901-00222923-00223151 jivas are believed to be of two types uc8OMEK3glE-00902-00223152-00223436 stationary and mobile illustration of uc8OMEK3glE-00903-00223437-00223594 the former are plants while moving uc8OMEK3glE-00904-00223596-00223823 jiva's include examples such as human uc8OMEK3glE-00905-00223823-00224078 beings animals gods hell beings and uc8OMEK3glE-00906-00224079-00224381 insects jiva's are further classified in uc8OMEK3glE-00907-00224382-00224585 jain philosophy by a signed number of uc8OMEK3glE-00908-00224586-00224777 senses which range from one sensory uc8OMEK3glE-00909-00224778-00225089 organ to five sensory organs inert world uc8OMEK3glE-00910-00225090-00225287 such as air fire or clod of dirt uc8OMEK3glE-00911-00225288-00225536 considered nonsense 8 in contemporary uc8OMEK3glE-00912-00225537-00225761 science are asserted in historic texts uc8OMEK3glE-00913-00225762-00225953 of Jainism to be living and with sensory uc8OMEK3glE-00914-00225954-00226171 powers a Jeeva consists of everything uc8OMEK3glE-00915-00226173-00226448 other than Jeeva life processes such as uc8OMEK3glE-00916-00226448-00226628 breath means of knowledge such as uc8OMEK3glE-00917-00226629-00226877 language all emotional and biological uc8OMEK3glE-00918-00226878-00227081 experiences such as pleasure and pain uc8OMEK3glE-00919-00227082-00227269 are all believed in Jainism to be made uc8OMEK3glE-00920-00227271-00227576 of Padula matter these interact with uc8OMEK3glE-00921-00227577-00227852 tattva or reality to create bind destroy uc8OMEK3glE-00922-00227853-00228077 or unbind karma particles to the soul uc8OMEK3glE-00923-00228078-00228257 according to dundas dharma as a uc8OMEK3glE-00924-00228258-00228431 metaphysical substance in jain uc8OMEK3glE-00925-00228432-00228540 philosophy may be uc8OMEK3glE-00926-00228541-00228848 understood as that which carries instead uc8OMEK3glE-00927-00228850-00229008 of the literal sense of ordinary uc8OMEK3glE-00928-00229009-00229113 physical motion uc8OMEK3glE-00929-00229114-00229341 thus Dharma includes all verbal and uc8OMEK3glE-00930-00229342-00229554 mental activity that contribute to karma uc8OMEK3glE-00931-00229555-00230187 and purification of the soul uc8OMEK3glE-00932-00230188-00230839 topic tattva reality uc8OMEK3glE-00933-00230840-00231231 tattva connotes reality truth in jain uc8OMEK3glE-00934-00231232-00231402 philosophy and as the framework for uc8OMEK3glE-00935-00231403-00231669 salvation according to digambara Jane's uc8OMEK3glE-00936-00231671-00231867 there are seven tablets while svet uc8OMEK3glE-00937-00231869-00232144 embarras believe in ninth at phase the uc8OMEK3glE-00938-00232144-00232467 sentient Jeeva soul the in sentient a uc8OMEK3glE-00939-00232469-00232816 Jeeva the karmic influx us raava to the uc8OMEK3glE-00940-00232817-00233148 soul good karma punya merits found in uc8OMEK3glE-00941-00233149-00233319 the tattva theory of sweatin bara uc8OMEK3glE-00942-00233321-00233641 but not of Deegan beerus bad karma Papa uc8OMEK3glE-00943-00233642-00233866 negatives found in the tattva theory of uc8OMEK3glE-00944-00233867-00233949 sweatin bara uc8OMEK3glE-00945-00233950-00234234 but not of Deegan beerus the bondage uc8OMEK3glE-00946-00234235-00234463 bandha of karmic particles to the soul uc8OMEK3glE-00947-00234464-00234646 thereby causing its change which uc8OMEK3glE-00948-00234646-00234817 cumulatively determines the future uc8OMEK3glE-00949-00234817-00235179 reverse the stoppage Sam vara of karmic uc8OMEK3glE-00950-00235180-00235494 influx the dissociation and wiping away uc8OMEK3glE-00951-00235496-00235744 of past karmic particles nirjara from uc8OMEK3glE-00952-00235744-00236065 the soul the liberation moksha the true uc8OMEK3glE-00953-00236066-00236290 insight in Jain philosophy is considered uc8OMEK3glE-00954-00236291-00236610 as faith in the Tattvas the spiritual uc8OMEK3glE-00955-00236611-00236826 goal in Jainism is to reach moksha for uc8OMEK3glE-00956-00236827-00237033 ascetics but for most Jain laypersons uc8OMEK3glE-00957-00237034-00237225 and ascetics it is to accumulate good uc8OMEK3glE-00958-00237226-00237423 karma that leads to better rebirth in a uc8OMEK3glE-00959-00237424-00238041 step closer to liberation uc8OMEK3glE-00960-00238042-00238569 topic Sol in karma uc8OMEK3glE-00961-00238569-00238835 according to Jainism the existence of a uc8OMEK3glE-00962-00238836-00239129 bound and ever-changing soul is a uc8OMEK3glE-00963-00239130-00239246 self-evident truth uc8OMEK3glE-00964-00239248-00239415 an axiom which does not need to be uc8OMEK3glE-00965-00239416-00239678 proven there are numerous souls but uc8OMEK3glE-00966-00239679-00239853 every one of them has three qualities uc8OMEK3glE-00967-00239854-00240096 guna consciousness caitanya most uc8OMEK3glE-00968-00240096-00240378 important quality of soul bliss suka and uc8OMEK3glE-00969-00240379-00240696 vibrational energy virya the vibration uc8OMEK3glE-00970-00240696-00240881 draws karmic particles to the soul and uc8OMEK3glE-00971-00240882-00241116 creates bondages but is also what adds uc8OMEK3glE-00972-00241117-00241355 merit or demerit to the soul Karma like uc8OMEK3glE-00973-00241356-00241544 in other Indian religions connotes in uc8OMEK3glE-00974-00241546-00241694 Jainism the universal cause-and-effect uc8OMEK3glE-00975-00241696-00242009 law however it is envisioned as a uc8OMEK3glE-00976-00242010-00242226 material substance subtle matter that uc8OMEK3glE-00977-00242227-00242400 can bind to the soul travel with the uc8OMEK3glE-00978-00242401-00242571 soul substance in bound form between uc8OMEK3glE-00979-00242571-00242646 rebirths uc8OMEK3glE-00980-00242646-00242789 and affect the suffering and happiness uc8OMEK3glE-00981-00242790-00243031 experienced by the Jeeva in the locus uc8OMEK3glE-00982-00243032-00243308 karma is also believed to obscure and uc8OMEK3glE-00983-00243309-00243494 obstruct the innate nature and striving uc8OMEK3glE-00984-00243496-00243680 of the soul as well as its spiritual uc8OMEK3glE-00985-00243681-00243860 potential in the next rebirth the uc8OMEK3glE-00986-00243861-00244058 relationship between the soul and karma uc8OMEK3glE-00987-00244059-00244292 states padmanabham II can be explained uc8OMEK3glE-00988-00244294-00244569 with the analogy of gold like gold is uc8OMEK3glE-00989-00244569-00244764 always found mixed with impurities in uc8OMEK3glE-00990-00244765-00244875 its original state uc8OMEK3glE-00991-00244876-00245076 Jainism holds that the soul is not pure uc8OMEK3glE-00992-00245077-00245289 at its origin but as always impure and uc8OMEK3glE-00993-00245290-00245571 defiled like natural gold one can exert uc8OMEK3glE-00994-00245571-00245732 effort and purify gold uc8OMEK3glE-00995-00245733-00245921 similarly Jainism states that the uc8OMEK3glE-00996-00245923-00246144 defiled soul can be purified by proper uc8OMEK3glE-00997-00246144-00246398 refining methodology karma either uc8OMEK3glE-00998-00246400-00246627 defiles the soul further or refines it uc8OMEK3glE-00999-00246628-00246792 to a cleaner state and this affects uc8OMEK3glE-01000-00246792-00247058 future reverse karma is thus an uc8OMEK3glE-01001-00247059-00247263 efficient cost nimita in jain philosophy uc8OMEK3glE-01002-00247264-00247535 but not the material cause oopah denna uc8OMEK3glE-01003-00247536-00247794 the soul is believed to be the material uc8OMEK3glE-01004-00247794-00248013 cost tier thank AR anima karma as a uc8OMEK3glE-01005-00248014-00248228 special type of karma bondage of which uc8OMEK3glE-01006-00248229-00248451 raises a soul to the supreme status of a uc8OMEK3glE-01007-00248452-00248751 tier thank ARRA Jain texts state that uc8OMEK3glE-01008-00248752-00249012 souls exist as clothed with material uc8OMEK3glE-01009-00249013-00249267 bodies where it entirely fills up the uc8OMEK3glE-01010-00249267-00249513 body there are five types of bodies in uc8OMEK3glE-01011-00249514-00249762 the Jaina thought earthly eg most humans uc8OMEK3glE-01012-00249763-00250053 animals and plants metamorphic eg gods uc8OMEK3glE-01013-00250054-00250326 hell beings find matter some animals and uc8OMEK3glE-01014-00250327-00250500 a few humans who can morph because of uc8OMEK3glE-01015-00250501-00250713 their perfections transference type eg uc8OMEK3glE-01016-00250714-00250946 good and pure substance is realized by uc8OMEK3glE-01017-00250948-00251021 ascetics uc8OMEK3glE-01018-00251023-00251325 fiery eg heat that transforms or digests uc8OMEK3glE-01019-00251326-00251531 food and karmic the substrate where the uc8OMEK3glE-01020-00251532-00251732 karmic particles reside and which make uc8OMEK3glE-01021-00251733-00251957 the soul ever-changing Jain philosophy uc8OMEK3glE-01022-00251958-00252149 further divides the earthly body by uc8OMEK3glE-01023-00252150-00252350 symmetry number of sensory organs uc8OMEK3glE-01024-00252351-00252650 vitality is functional capabilities and uc8OMEK3glE-01025-00252651-00252872 whether one body hosts one soul or one uc8OMEK3glE-01026-00252873-00253181 body hosts many every living being has uc8OMEK3glE-01027-00253182-00253406 one two five senses three balance power uc8OMEK3glE-01028-00253407-00253673 of body language and mind respiration uc8OMEK3glE-01029-00253674-00253883 inhalation and exhalation and life uc8OMEK3glE-01030-00253884-00254163 duration all living beings in every uc8OMEK3glE-01031-00254164-00254354 realm including the gods and help beings uc8OMEK3glE-01032-00254355-00254570 accrue and destroy eight types of karma uc8OMEK3glE-01033-00254571-00254739 according to the elaborate theories in uc8OMEK3glE-01034-00254740-00255042 Jain texts elaborate descriptions of the uc8OMEK3glE-01035-00255042-00255224 shape and function of the physical and uc8OMEK3glE-01036-00255225-00255387 metaphysical universe and its uc8OMEK3glE-01037-00255388-00255575 constituents are also provided in the uc8OMEK3glE-01038-00255576-00255842 Jain texts all of these elaborate uc8OMEK3glE-01039-00255844-00256010 theories attempt to illustrate and uc8OMEK3glE-01040-00256011-00256205 consistently explain the jain karma uc8OMEK3glE-01041-00256206-00256424 theory in a deeply moral framework much uc8OMEK3glE-01042-00256425-00256619 like Buddhism and Hinduism but with uc8OMEK3glE-01043-00256621-00256788 significant differences in the details uc8OMEK3glE-01044-00256789-00257371 and assumptions uc8OMEK3glE-01045-00257373-00257869 topic samsara uc8OMEK3glE-01046-00257871-00258092 the conceptual framework of the samsara uc8OMEK3glE-01047-00258092-00258308 doctrine differs between the Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-01048-00258309-00258492 traditions and other Indian religions uc8OMEK3glE-01049-00258494-00258800 for instance in Jaina traditions soul uc8OMEK3glE-01050-00258801-00259031 Jeeva is accepted as a truth as is uc8OMEK3glE-01051-00259032-00259273 assumed in the Hindu traditions it is uc8OMEK3glE-01052-00259275-00259463 not assumed in the Buddhist traditions uc8OMEK3glE-01053-00259464-00259760 however samsara or the cycle of rebirths uc8OMEK3glE-01054-00259761-00259952 has a definite beginning and end in uc8OMEK3glE-01055-00259953-00260276 Jainism the Jaina theosophy unlike Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-01056-00260277-00260489 and Buddhist theosophy asserts that each uc8OMEK3glE-01057-00260490-00260783 soul passes through 8,400,000 birth uc8OMEK3glE-01058-00260784-00260963 situations as they circle through uc8OMEK3glE-01059-00260964-00261281 samsara as the soul cycles States Pat uc8OMEK3glE-01060-00261282-00261517 men of Jaime Jainism traditions believe uc8OMEK3glE-01061-00261519-00261677 that it goes through five types of uc8OMEK3glE-01062-00261678-00261929 bodies earth bodies water bodies fire uc8OMEK3glE-01063-00261930-00262153 bodies air bodies and vegetable lives uc8OMEK3glE-01064-00262154-00262442 with all human and non-human activities uc8OMEK3glE-01065-00262443-00262703 such as rainfall agriculture eating and uc8OMEK3glE-01066-00262704-00262913 even breathing miniscule living beings uc8OMEK3glE-01067-00262914-00263108 are taking birth or dying their souls uc8OMEK3glE-01068-00263109-00263252 are believed to be constantly changing uc8OMEK3glE-01069-00263253-00263600 bodies perturbing harming or killing any uc8OMEK3glE-01070-00263601-00263828 life-form including any human being is uc8OMEK3glE-01071-00263829-00264020 considered a sin in Jainism with uc8OMEK3glE-01072-00264021-00264233 negative karmic effects souls begin uc8OMEK3glE-01073-00264234-00264422 their journey in a primordial state and uc8OMEK3glE-01074-00264423-00264578 exist in a state of consciousness uc8OMEK3glE-01075-00264579-00264785 continuum that is constantly evolving uc8OMEK3glE-01076-00264786-00265046 through samsara some evolved to a higher uc8OMEK3glE-01077-00265047-00265247 state some regress asserts the Jaina uc8OMEK3glE-01078-00265248-00265439 theory a movement that is driven by the uc8OMEK3glE-01079-00265440-00265739 Karma further Jaina traditions believe uc8OMEK3glE-01080-00265740-00265991 that there exists abhava incapable or a uc8OMEK3glE-01081-00265992-00266228 class of souls that can never attain uc8OMEK3glE-01082-00266229-00266564 moksha liberation the abhava state of uc8OMEK3glE-01083-00266565-00266774 soul is entered after an intentional and uc8OMEK3glE-01084-00266775-00266891 shockingly evil act uc8OMEK3glE-01085-00266892-00267173 Jainism considers souls as pluralistic uc8OMEK3glE-01086-00267174-00267425 each in a karma samsara cycle and is not uc8OMEK3glE-01087-00267426-00267676 subscribed to Advaita style not to uc8OMEK3glE-01088-00267677-00267989 module ism of Hinduism or adviye style uc8OMEK3glE-01089-00267990-00268256 non-dualism of Buddhism a liberated soul uc8OMEK3glE-01090-00268257-00268454 in Jainism as one who has gone beyond uc8OMEK3glE-01091-00268455-00268703 samsara is at the apex is omniscient uc8OMEK3glE-01092-00268704-00268886 remains there eternally and is known as uc8OMEK3glE-01093-00268887-00269414 a Siddha uc8OMEK3glE-01094-00269415-00269927 topic cosmology uc8OMEK3glE-01095-00269928-00270164 Jain texts propound that the universe uc8OMEK3glE-01096-00270165-00270425 consists of many eternal locust realms uc8OMEK3glE-01097-00270426-00270704 of existence as in Buddhism and Hinduism uc8OMEK3glE-01098-00270705-00271013 Jain cosmology believes both time in the uc8OMEK3glE-01099-00271014-00271172 universe are eternal without beginning uc8OMEK3glE-01100-00271173-00271346 an end and that the universe is uc8OMEK3glE-01101-00271347-00271553 transient impermanent in attributes at uc8OMEK3glE-01102-00271554-00271850 the same time the universe body matter uc8OMEK3glE-01103-00271851-00272018 and time are considered in jain uc8OMEK3glE-01104-00272019-00272201 philosophy as separate from the soul uc8OMEK3glE-01105-00272202-00272483 Jeeva or Javan men their interaction uc8OMEK3glE-01106-00272484-00272773 explains life living death and rebirth uc8OMEK3glE-01107-00272774-00273038 according to the Jain texts the universe uc8OMEK3glE-01108-00273039-00273227 is divided into three parts the upper uc8OMEK3glE-01109-00273228-00273431 middle and lower worlds called uc8OMEK3glE-01110-00273432-00273686 respectively Orvil oka madhya loca and uc8OMEK3glE-01111-00273687-00273932 Advil oka as with the realms of uc8OMEK3glE-01112-00273933-00274232 existence as kala time is without uc8OMEK3glE-01113-00274233-00274442 beginning and eternal the cosmic Wheel uc8OMEK3glE-01114-00274443-00274661 of Time called Kalachakra rotates uc8OMEK3glE-01115-00274662-00274961 ceaselessly according to Jain texts in uc8OMEK3glE-01116-00274962-00275150 this part of the universe there are six uc8OMEK3glE-01117-00275151-00275402 periods of time within to ian's era and uc8OMEK3glE-01118-00275403-00275603 in the first eon the universe generates uc8OMEK3glE-01119-00275604-00275771 and in the next it degenerates uc8OMEK3glE-01120-00275772-00276035 thus the worldly cycle of time is uc8OMEK3glE-01121-00276036-00276251 divided into two parts or half cycles uc8OMEK3glE-01122-00276252-00276581 Utz are peeny ascending an avatar peeny uc8OMEK3glE-01123-00276582-00276911 descending Utz are peeny is a period of uc8OMEK3glE-01124-00276912-00277094 progressive prosperity where happiness uc8OMEK3glE-01125-00277095-00277364 increases while avatar peeny is a period uc8OMEK3glE-01126-00277365-00277576 of increasing sorrow and immorality uc8OMEK3glE-01127-00277577-00277835 according to Jane cosmology it is uc8OMEK3glE-01128-00277836-00278033 currently the fifth era of avatar pini uc8OMEK3glE-01129-00278034-00278263 half time cycle of degeneration the uc8OMEK3glE-01130-00278264-00278507 present age is one of sorrow and misery uc8OMEK3glE-01131-00278508-00278726 of religious decline where the height uc8OMEK3glE-01132-00278727-00278993 and shape of living beings shrink Jane uc8OMEK3glE-01133-00278994-00279176 thought holds that after the sixth era uc8OMEK3glE-01134-00279177-00279368 the universe will be reawakened in the uc8OMEK3glE-01135-00279369-00279560 new cycle in the start of utz our peeny uc8OMEK3glE-01136-00279561-00279827 Aris according to Jane texts 63 uc8OMEK3glE-01137-00279828-00280034 illustrious beings called solid copper uc8OMEK3glE-01138-00280035-00280235 oozes are born on this earth in every do uc8OMEK3glE-01139-00280236-00280526 kama sukima era the jane universal uc8OMEK3glE-01140-00280527-00280724 history is a compilation of the deeds of uc8OMEK3glE-01141-00280725-00280994 these illustrious persons they comprised uc8OMEK3glE-01142-00280995-00281306 2040 thank Aras 12 chakra vardhan's nine uc8OMEK3glE-01143-00281307-00281573 balabhadra nine narayana and nine pretty uc8OMEK3glE-01144-00281574-00281633 narayana uc8OMEK3glE-01145-00281634-00281825 a Chakravarti as an emperor of the world uc8OMEK3glE-01146-00281826-00282080 and lord of the material realm though he uc8OMEK3glE-01147-00282081-00282302 possesses worldly power he often finds uc8OMEK3glE-01148-00282303-00282497 his ambitions dwarfed by the vastness of uc8OMEK3glE-01149-00282498-00282589 the cosmos uc8OMEK3glE-01150-00282590-00282893 Jane Puranas give a list of 12 chakra uc8OMEK3glE-01151-00282894-00283171 vardhan's Universal monarchs uc8OMEK3glE-01152-00283172-00283405 they are golden in complexion one of the uc8OMEK3glE-01153-00283406-00283567 chakra vardhan's mentioned in james uc8OMEK3glE-01154-00283568-00283758 scriptures as bharata chakra Vardhan uc8OMEK3glE-01155-00283759-00284023 Jain texts like Hera vamsa purana and uc8OMEK3glE-01156-00284024-00284248 Hindu texts like Vishnu Purana state uc8OMEK3glE-01157-00284249-00284437 that Indian subcontinent came to be uc8OMEK3glE-01158-00284438-00284634 known as bharata-varsa in his memory uc8OMEK3glE-01159-00284635-00284824 there are nine sets of balabhadra uc8OMEK3glE-01160-00284825-00285094 narayana and prety Maryana the uc8OMEK3glE-01161-00285095-00285315 balabhadra and Mariana are brothers uc8OMEK3glE-01162-00285316-00285604 balabhadra are nonviolent heroes Mariana uc8OMEK3glE-01163-00285605-00285810 are violent heroes and preteen arianna uc8OMEK3glE-01164-00285811-00286054 the villains according to the legends uc8OMEK3glE-01165-00286055-00286231 the Narayana ultimately killed the uc8OMEK3glE-01166-00286232-00286474 protein arianna of the nine balabhadra uc8OMEK3glE-01167-00286475-00286654 eight attained liberation and the last uc8OMEK3glE-01168-00286655-00286954 goes to heaven on death the Narayana go uc8OMEK3glE-01169-00286955-00287077 to hell because of their violent uc8OMEK3glE-01170-00287078-00287293 exploits even if these were intended to uc8OMEK3glE-01171-00287294-00287524 uphold righteousness Jain cosmology uc8OMEK3glE-01172-00287525-00287743 divides the worldly cycle of time into uc8OMEK3glE-01173-00287744-00287994 two parts a bizarre peeny and XRP me uc8OMEK3glE-01174-00287995-00288244 according to Jane belief in every half uc8OMEK3glE-01175-00288245-00288523 cycle of time 24 teeth and cars are born uc8OMEK3glE-01176-00288524-00288712 in the human realm to discover and teach uc8OMEK3glE-01177-00288713-00288892 the Jain doctrine appropriate for that uc8OMEK3glE-01178-00288893-00289258 era the word tear thank our assigment uc8OMEK3glE-01179-00289259-00289450 eartha which means affordable passage uc8OMEK3glE-01180-00289451-00289702 across a sea the tear thank our has uc8OMEK3glE-01181-00289703-00289894 showed the fordable path across the sea uc8OMEK3glE-01182-00289895-00290073 of interminable births and deaths uc8OMEK3glE-01183-00290074-00290307 rishabh Anitha is said to be the first uc8OMEK3glE-01184-00290308-00290530 tear thank era of the present half cycle uc8OMEK3glE-01185-00290531-00290896 a bizarre pini Mahavira 6th century BC uc8OMEK3glE-01186-00290897-00291151 is revered as the 24th tier thank era of uc8OMEK3glE-01187-00291152-00291427 a bizarre peeny Jain texts explain that uc8OMEK3glE-01188-00291428-00291640 Jainism has always existed and will uc8OMEK3glE-01189-00291641-00291960 always exist in Jainism perfect souls uc8OMEK3glE-01190-00291961-00292192 with the body are called arahant victors uc8OMEK3glE-01191-00292193-00292444 and perfect souls without the body are uc8OMEK3glE-01192-00292445-00293152 called sidess liberated Souls uc8OMEK3glE-01193-00293153-00293614 topic god uc8OMEK3glE-01194-00293615-00293853 according to Jainism the universe was uc8OMEK3glE-01195-00293854-00294057 never created nor will it ever cease to uc8OMEK3glE-01196-00294058-00294285 exist it is independent and uc8OMEK3glE-01197-00294286-00294459 self-sufficient does not require a uc8OMEK3glE-01198-00294460-00294708 creator nor any superior power to govern uc8OMEK3glE-01199-00294709-00294991 it nor a judge nor destroyer in this uc8OMEK3glE-01200-00294992-00295147 belief it is distinct from the uc8OMEK3glE-01201-00295148-00295366 monotheistic Abrahamic religions it is uc8OMEK3glE-01202-00295367-00295651 similar to Buddhism it shares premises uc8OMEK3glE-01203-00295652-00295803 with the none theistic part of the uc8OMEK3glE-01204-00295804-00296007 spectrum of diverse beliefs found in uc8OMEK3glE-01205-00296008-00296164 different traditions within Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-01206-00296165-00296371 philosophy and distinct from theistic uc8OMEK3glE-01207-00296372-00296604 Hindu traditions Jain texts reject the uc8OMEK3glE-01208-00296605-00296859 idea of a creator ruler or destroyer God uc8OMEK3glE-01209-00296860-00297048 and postulate an eternal universe uc8OMEK3glE-01210-00297049-00297351 however Jainism believes in the world of uc8OMEK3glE-01211-00297352-00297534 gods and Hell beings who are born and uc8OMEK3glE-01212-00297535-00297729 who died to be reborn like living beings uc8OMEK3glE-01213-00297730-00297988 in the earthly realm of existence those uc8OMEK3glE-01214-00297989-00298195 souls who live in the body of a God do uc8OMEK3glE-01215-00298196-00298455 so because of their positive karma they uc8OMEK3glE-01216-00298456-00298635 have a metamorphic body that as they're uc8OMEK3glE-01217-00298636-00298801 believed in Jain thought to be able to uc8OMEK3glE-01218-00298802-00299074 change their body at will the gods live uc8OMEK3glE-01219-00299075-00299299 a life of happiness fun and frolic whose uc8OMEK3glE-01220-00299300-00299566 wishes are automatically fulfilled they uc8OMEK3glE-01221-00299567-00299746 also possess a more transcendent uc8OMEK3glE-01222-00299747-00299934 knowledge about material things and can uc8OMEK3glE-01223-00299935-00300147 anticipate events in the human realms uc8OMEK3glE-01224-00300148-00300418 however once they're past karmic merit uc8OMEK3glE-01225-00300419-00300643 is exhausted the souls leave the god uc8OMEK3glE-01226-00300644-00300919 body and are reborn again as humans uc8OMEK3glE-01227-00300920-00301517 animals or other beings uc8OMEK3glE-01228-00301518-00302055 topic epistemology uc8OMEK3glE-01229-00302056-00302310 Jain philosophy accepts three reliable uc8OMEK3glE-01230-00302311-00302571 means of knowledge pramana it holds that uc8OMEK3glE-01231-00302572-00302778 correct knowledge is based on perception uc8OMEK3glE-01232-00302779-00303013 projects ax inference on amana and uc8OMEK3glE-01233-00303014-00303204 testimony sabda or the word of uc8OMEK3glE-01234-00303205-00303273 scriptures uc8OMEK3glE-01235-00303274-00303579 these ideas are elaborated in Jain texts uc8OMEK3glE-01236-00303580-00303780 such as tad vaartha Sutra parva kana uc8OMEK3glE-01237-00303781-00303828 Sarah uc8OMEK3glE-01238-00303829-00304119 Nandi and a new yoga vorenii some Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01239-00304120-00304344 texts at analogy oopah mana as the uc8OMEK3glE-01240-00304345-00304521 fourth reliable means in a manner uc8OMEK3glE-01241-00304522-00304734 similar to epistemological theories uc8OMEK3glE-01242-00304735-00304905 found in other Indian religions in uc8OMEK3glE-01243-00304906-00305235 Jainism jnana knowledge is said to be of uc8OMEK3glE-01244-00305236-00305553 five kinds Kavala jnana omniscience uc8OMEK3glE-01245-00305554-00305840 shroo - Jan Jana scriptural knowledge uc8OMEK3glE-01246-00305841-00306240 Maddy Jane Jana sensory knowledge Avadi uc8OMEK3glE-01247-00306241-00306558 Jain Jana clairvoyance and mana preah uc8OMEK3glE-01248-00306559-00306885 Jain Jana telepathy according to the uc8OMEK3glE-01249-00306886-00307107 Jain texts at vaartha sutra the first uc8OMEK3glE-01250-00307108-00307281 two are indirect knowledge in the uc8OMEK3glE-01251-00307282-00307933 remaining three are direct knowledge uc8OMEK3glE-01252-00307934-00308516 topic salvation liberation uc8OMEK3glE-01253-00308517-00308776 according to Jainism purification of uc8OMEK3glE-01254-00308777-00308956 soul and liberation can be achieved uc8OMEK3glE-01255-00308957-00309256 through the path of Three Jewels Sameach uc8OMEK3glE-01256-00309257-00309577 darsana correct view faith in basic uc8OMEK3glE-01257-00309578-00309775 tenets of Jainism acceptance of the uc8OMEK3glE-01258-00309776-00310121 self-evident truth of soul Jeeva Sameach uc8OMEK3glE-01259-00310122-00310418 jnana correct knowledge knowledge of the uc8OMEK3glE-01260-00310419-00310534 Tattvas without any doubt or uc8OMEK3glE-01261-00310535-00310885 misapprehension Sameach Charitra correct uc8OMEK3glE-01262-00310886-00311075 conduct behavior consistent with the uc8OMEK3glE-01263-00311076-00311372 5000 texts often add Sameach tap correct uc8OMEK3glE-01264-00311373-00311608 asceticism as the fourth jewel thereby uc8OMEK3glE-01265-00311609-00311776 emphasizing their belief in ascetic uc8OMEK3glE-01266-00311777-00311966 practices as the means to liberation uc8OMEK3glE-01267-00311967-00312299 moksha the four jewels of Orthodox Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01268-00312300-00312488 ideology are called moksha mark uc8OMEK3glE-01269-00312489-00312751 according to Jain texts the liberated uc8OMEK3glE-01270-00312752-00312965 pure soul Siddha goes up to the summit uc8OMEK3glE-01271-00312966-00313156 of universe said a Sheila and dwells uc8OMEK3glE-01272-00313157-00313778 there in eternal bliss uc8OMEK3glE-01273-00313779-00314385 topic scriptures and texts uc8OMEK3glE-01274-00314386-00314661 James Scriptures are called agamas they uc8OMEK3glE-01275-00314662-00314793 are believed to have been verbally uc8OMEK3glE-01276-00314794-00314979 transmitted by the oral tradition from uc8OMEK3glE-01277-00314980-00315141 one generation to the next uc8OMEK3glE-01278-00315142-00315294 much like the ancient Buddhist and Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-01279-00315295-00315606 texts the Jain tradition believes that uc8OMEK3glE-01280-00315607-00315768 their religion is eternal and the uc8OMEK3glE-01281-00315769-00315936 teachings of their first tear thank our uc8OMEK3glE-01282-00315937-00316086 rishabh Anitha were their scriptures uc8OMEK3glE-01283-00316087-00316377 millions of years ago the mythology uc8OMEK3glE-01284-00316378-00316572 states that the tear thank our etat in a uc8OMEK3glE-01285-00316573-00316770 divine preaching hall called samovar uc8OMEK3glE-01286-00316771-00316968 cerana which were heard by the gods the uc8OMEK3glE-01287-00316969-00317232 ascetics and lay persons the discourse uc8OMEK3glE-01288-00317233-00317427 delivered is called shret jnana and uc8OMEK3glE-01289-00317428-00317637 comprises eleven Angas and fourteen uc8OMEK3glE-01290-00317638-00317910 Pervis the discourse is remembered and uc8OMEK3glE-01291-00317911-00318129 transmitted by the Gannet Haris chief uc8OMEK3glE-01292-00318130-00318387 disciples and is composed of twelve uc8OMEK3glE-01293-00318388-00318714 Angus departments it is symbolically uc8OMEK3glE-01294-00318715-00318903 represented by a tree with twelve uc8OMEK3glE-01295-00318904-00319086 branches according to the Jain tradition uc8OMEK3glE-01296-00319087-00319443 Anna raha worthy one speaks meaning that uc8OMEK3glE-01297-00319444-00319662 is then converted into Sutra sutta by uc8OMEK3glE-01298-00319663-00319857 his disciples and from such sutras uc8OMEK3glE-01299-00319858-00320109 emerged the doctrine the creation and uc8OMEK3glE-01300-00320110-00320292 transmission of the a gamma as the work uc8OMEK3glE-01301-00320293-00320574 of disciples in Jainism these texts uc8OMEK3glE-01302-00320575-00320805 historically for Jane's have represented uc8OMEK3glE-01303-00320806-00320964 the truths uttered by their tear thank uc8OMEK3glE-01304-00320965-00321270 eras particularly the Mahavira in every uc8OMEK3glE-01305-00321271-00321552 cycle of jain cosmology 2040 r thank uc8OMEK3glE-01306-00321553-00321717 eras appear and so did the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01307-00321718-00321972 scriptures for that era the spoken uc8OMEK3glE-01308-00321973-00322143 scriptural language is believed to be uc8OMEK3glE-01309-00322144-00322341 our demagogy by the sveta barrage Eanes uc8OMEK3glE-01310-00322342-00322539 and a form of sonic resonance by the uc8OMEK3glE-01311-00322540-00322845 digambara Jains these then become coated uc8OMEK3glE-01312-00322846-00323082 in to do vollis am Ghajini pita twelve uc8OMEK3glE-01313-00323083-00323277 limbed baskets by disciples but uc8OMEK3glE-01314-00323278-00323526 transmitted orally in the nine hundred uc8OMEK3glE-01315-00323527-00323790 80th year after mahavira's death tilde uc8OMEK3glE-01316-00323791-00323991 5th century CE II the texts were written uc8OMEK3glE-01317-00323992-00324198 down for the first time by the Council uc8OMEK3glE-01318-00324199-00324390 of the lobby the svet embarras believed uc8OMEK3glE-01319-00324391-00324522 that they have the original jain uc8OMEK3glE-01320-00324523-00324798 scriptures the sveta marble leaf is uc8OMEK3glE-01321-00324799-00324999 denied by the deagle beerus who instead uc8OMEK3glE-01322-00325000-00325242 believed the scriptures were lost the uc8OMEK3glE-01323-00325243-00325380 svet embarras state that their uc8OMEK3glE-01324-00325381-00325605 collection of 45 works represent a uc8OMEK3glE-01325-00325606-00325791 continuous tradition though they accept uc8OMEK3glE-01326-00325792-00325956 that their collection is also incomplete uc8OMEK3glE-01327-00325957-00326178 because of a loss tanga texts and for uc8OMEK3glE-01328-00326179-00326487 lost purva texts the digambara sect of uc8OMEK3glE-01329-00326488-00326691 Jainism believes that acharya buddha uc8OMEK3glE-01330-00326692-00326862 bali was the last ascetic who had uc8OMEK3glE-01331-00326863-00327068 partial knowledge of the original canon uc8OMEK3glE-01332-00327069-00327333 according to them digambara acharya is uc8OMEK3glE-01333-00327334-00327531 recreated the oldest known digambara uc8OMEK3glE-01334-00327532-00327785 jain texts including the foreign new yo uc8OMEK3glE-01335-00327786-00328049 according to von glace nap the digambara uc8OMEK3glE-01336-00328050-00328217 texts partially agree with the uc8OMEK3glE-01337-00328218-00328427 enumerations and works of older said in uc8OMEK3glE-01338-00328428-00328628 barra texts but in many cases there are uc8OMEK3glE-01339-00328629-00328865 also gross differences between the texts uc8OMEK3glE-01340-00328866-00329054 of the two major jain traditions the uc8OMEK3glE-01341-00329055-00329276 svet american siddur their 45 text uc8OMEK3glE-01342-00329277-00329540 collection is canonical the Deegan bear uc8OMEK3glE-01343-00329541-00329837 is created a secondary canon between 600 uc8OMEK3glE-01344-00329838-00330080 and 900 seee compiling it into four uc8OMEK3glE-01345-00330081-00330368 groups history cosmography philosophy uc8OMEK3glE-01346-00330369-00330644 and ethics this four set collection is uc8OMEK3glE-01347-00330645-00330941 called the four Vedas by the digambara uc8OMEK3glE-01348-00330942-00331115 x' the most popular and influential uc8OMEK3glE-01349-00331116-00331316 texts of Jainism have been its non uc8OMEK3glE-01350-00331317-00331616 canonical literature of these the Kalpa uc8OMEK3glE-01351-00331617-00331829 sutras are particularly popular amongst uc8OMEK3glE-01352-00331830-00332003 fed embarras which they attribute to uc8OMEK3glE-01353-00332004-00332378 Bhadra bajo see 300 BCE this ancient uc8OMEK3glE-01354-00332379-00332573 scholar is revered in the digambara uc8OMEK3glE-01355-00332574-00332750 tradition and they believed he led their uc8OMEK3glE-01356-00332751-00332909 migration into the ancient south uc8OMEK3glE-01357-00332910-00333098 karnataka region and created their uc8OMEK3glE-01358-00333099-00333158 tradition uc8OMEK3glE-01359-00333159-00333428 Sveta Mira's disagree and they believe uc8OMEK3glE-01360-00333429-00333638 that Bhadra ba who moved to Nepal not uc8OMEK3glE-01361-00333639-00333920 into peninsular India both traditions uc8OMEK3glE-01362-00333921-00334127 however consider his near yuktah stand uc8OMEK3glE-01363-00334128-00334421 samhitas as important texts the earliest uc8OMEK3glE-01364-00334422-00334634 surviving Sanskrit texts by uma Swati uc8OMEK3glE-01365-00334635-00334799 called the tat vaartha Sutra is uc8OMEK3glE-01366-00334800-00334979 considered authoritative Jain philosophy uc8OMEK3glE-01367-00334980-00335303 texts by all traditions of Jainism his uc8OMEK3glE-01368-00335304-00335531 text has the same importance in Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-01369-00335532-00335762 as vedanta-sutra xin yoga sutras have in uc8OMEK3glE-01370-00335763-00335996 hinduism in the digambara tradition the uc8OMEK3glE-01371-00335997-00336206 texts written by Kundu kunda are highly uc8OMEK3glE-01372-00336207-00336359 revered and have been historically uc8OMEK3glE-01373-00336360-00336674 influential other important Jain texts uc8OMEK3glE-01374-00336675-00336803 include Samia Zara uc8OMEK3glE-01375-00336804-00337007 Ratnakar and Ezra vodka cara and Nia uc8OMEK3glE-01376-00337008-00337537 Mazzara uc8OMEK3glE-01377-00337538-00338160 topic influence on Indian literature uc8OMEK3glE-01378-00338161-00338406 parts of the Sangam literature in tamil uc8OMEK3glE-01379-00338407-00338658 are attributed to Jaina authors the uc8OMEK3glE-01380-00338659-00338853 authenticity and interpolations are uc8OMEK3glE-01381-00338854-00339006 controversial because the Sangam uc8OMEK3glE-01382-00339007-00339306 literature presents Hindu ideas some uc8OMEK3glE-01383-00339307-00339513 scholars state that the Jain portions of uc8OMEK3glE-01384-00339514-00339696 the Sangam literature were added about uc8OMEK3glE-01385-00339697-00339927 or after the 8th century CE II and they uc8OMEK3glE-01386-00339928-00340101 are not the ancient layer Tamil Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01387-00340102-00340320 texts such as the Sobotka cintamani and uc8OMEK3glE-01388-00340321-00340542 nology are accredited to digambara jain uc8OMEK3glE-01389-00340543-00340773 authors these texts have seen uc8OMEK3glE-01390-00340774-00341040 interpolations and revisions for example uc8OMEK3glE-01391-00341041-00341238 it is generally accepted now that the uc8OMEK3glE-01392-00341239-00341568 jain nun kandi inserted a 445 verse poem uc8OMEK3glE-01393-00341569-00341763 into so vaca cintamani in the 12th uc8OMEK3glE-01394-00341764-00342024 century the Tamil Jain literature uc8OMEK3glE-01395-00342025-00342261 according to Dundas has been lovingly uc8OMEK3glE-01396-00342262-00342522 studied and commented upon for centuries uc8OMEK3glE-01397-00342523-00342879 by Hindus as well as Jane's the themes uc8OMEK3glE-01398-00342880-00343086 of two of the tamil epics including the uc8OMEK3glE-01399-00343087-00343239 Silla pada chram have an embedded uc8OMEK3glE-01400-00343240-00343491 influence of Jainism Jain scholars also uc8OMEK3glE-01401-00343492-00343767 contributed to Kannada literature the uc8OMEK3glE-01402-00343768-00344004 digambara jain texts in karnataka are uc8OMEK3glE-01403-00344005-00344187 unusual in that they were written under uc8OMEK3glE-01404-00344188-00344355 the patronage of kings and regional uc8OMEK3glE-01405-00344356-00344658 aristocrats these Jain texts describe uc8OMEK3glE-01406-00344659-00344865 warrior violence and martial valour as uc8OMEK3glE-01407-00344866-00345087 equivalent to a fully committed jain uc8OMEK3glE-01408-00345088-00345333 ascetic they thus set aside the uc8OMEK3glE-01409-00345334-00345489 religious premise of absolute uc8OMEK3glE-01410-00345490-00345696 non-violence possibly reflecting an uc8OMEK3glE-01411-00345697-00345894 effort to synchronize various doctrines uc8OMEK3glE-01412-00345895-00346083 and beliefs found in Hinduism and uc8OMEK3glE-01413-00346084-00346326 Jainism Jain manuscript libraries called uc8OMEK3glE-01414-00346327-00346548 bandura's inside Jain temples are the uc8OMEK3glE-01415-00346549-00346857 oldest surviving in India Jain libraries uc8OMEK3glE-01416-00346858-00347061 including the svet embark elections at uc8OMEK3glE-01417-00347062-00347319 patent Gujarat and jaisalmer rajasthan uc8OMEK3glE-01418-00347320-00347541 as well as the digambara collections in uc8OMEK3glE-01419-00347542-00347748 karnataka temples have a large number of uc8OMEK3glE-01420-00347749-00347988 well-preserved manuscripts the uc8OMEK3glE-01421-00347989-00348174 manuscripts in the Jain libraries uc8OMEK3glE-01422-00348175-00348360 include Jaina literature as well as uc8OMEK3glE-01423-00348361-00348657 Hindu and Buddhist texts almost all uc8OMEK3glE-01424-00348658-00348834 their texts have been dated to about or uc8OMEK3glE-01425-00348835-00349176 after the 11th century CE II the largest uc8OMEK3glE-01426-00349177-00349395 and most valuable libraries are found in uc8OMEK3glE-01427-00349396-00349527 the thar desert hidden in the uc8OMEK3glE-01428-00349528-00349797 underground vault of jain temples these uc8OMEK3glE-01429-00349798-00349983 collections have witnessed insect damage uc8OMEK3glE-01430-00349984-00350169 and only a small portion of these uc8OMEK3glE-01431-00350170-00350337 manuscripts have been published and uc8OMEK3glE-01432-00350338-00350604 studied by scholars uc8OMEK3glE-01433-00350605-00350955 you uc8OMEK3glE-01434-00350956-00351249 topic comparison with Buddhism and uc8OMEK3glE-01435-00351250-00351655 Hinduism uc8OMEK3glE-01436-00351656-00351901 Jainism differs from both Buddhism and uc8OMEK3glE-01437-00351902-00352165 Hinduism in its ontological premises all uc8OMEK3glE-01438-00352166-00352342 of them believe in impermanence uc8OMEK3glE-01439-00352343-00352546 but Buddhism incorporates amongst other uc8OMEK3glE-01440-00352547-00352915 things the premise of enade' non-self no uc8OMEK3glE-01441-00352916-00353240 eternal self or soul Hinduism uc8OMEK3glE-01442-00353241-00353422 incorporates the premise of an eternal uc8OMEK3glE-01443-00353423-00353872 unchanging Atman self soul while Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-01444-00353873-00354049 incorporates the premises of a Jeeva uc8OMEK3glE-01445-00354050-00354454 self soul that is both eternal and uc8OMEK3glE-01446-00354455-00354658 changing in Jaina thought there are uc8OMEK3glE-01447-00354659-00354887 infinite eternal jivas predominantly all uc8OMEK3glE-01448-00354888-00355057 of which are in their cycles of rebirth uc8OMEK3glE-01449-00355058-00355252 and a few who have liberated themselves uc8OMEK3glE-01450-00355253-00355396 through an ascetic life and become uc8OMEK3glE-01451-00355397-00355726 sidess a perfect one in contrast to uc8OMEK3glE-01452-00355727-00355948 Jainism Hindu philosophies Express a uc8OMEK3glE-01453-00355949-00356122 spectrum of views ranging from uc8OMEK3glE-01454-00356123-00356302 non-dualism where all souls are uc8OMEK3glE-01455-00356303-00356509 identical as Brahman and posited as uc8OMEK3glE-01456-00356510-00356740 interconnected one - dualism where souls uc8OMEK3glE-01457-00356741-00356939 are same and have Brahman nature but are uc8OMEK3glE-01458-00356940-00357079 different from Brahman and two other uc8OMEK3glE-01459-00357080-00357413 ideas further in Hindu thought Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-01460-00357414-00357610 style asceticism is not emphasized uc8OMEK3glE-01461-00357611-00357826 rather liberation as achievable through uc8OMEK3glE-01462-00357827-00358081 alternate paths such as jnana yoga karma uc8OMEK3glE-01463-00358082-00358303 yoga and bhakti yoga while both Hinduism uc8OMEK3glE-01464-00358304-00358654 and Jainism believe soul exists to be a uc8OMEK3glE-01465-00358655-00358891 self-evident truth most Hindu systems uc8OMEK3glE-01466-00358892-00359053 consider it to be eternally present uc8OMEK3glE-01467-00359054-00359293 infinite in the constant vibhu but some uc8OMEK3glE-01468-00359294-00359482 Hindu scholars proposed soul to be uc8OMEK3glE-01469-00359483-00359738 atomic the Hindu thought generally uc8OMEK3glE-01470-00359739-00359923 discusses atman and brahman through a uc8OMEK3glE-01471-00359924-00360159 monistic or dualistic framework in uc8OMEK3glE-01472-00360160-00360415 contrast the Jaina thought denies the uc8OMEK3glE-01473-00360416-00360628 Hindu metaphysical concept of Brahman uc8OMEK3glE-01474-00360629-00360841 and Jain philosophy considers the soul uc8OMEK3glE-01475-00360842-00361018 to be ever-changing and bound to the uc8OMEK3glE-01476-00361019-00361240 body or matter for each lifetime thereby uc8OMEK3glE-01477-00361241-00361456 having a finite size that infuses the uc8OMEK3glE-01478-00361457-00361681 entire body of a living being some early uc8OMEK3glE-01479-00361682-00361897 colonial scholars stated that Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-01480-00361898-00362128 like Buddhism was in part a rejection of uc8OMEK3glE-01481-00362129-00362380 the caste system in Hinduism later uc8OMEK3glE-01482-00362381-00362599 scholars such as Gombrich state that uc8OMEK3glE-01483-00362600-00362824 this notion is an error for which mainly uc8OMEK3glE-01484-00362825-00363154 Western authors are responsible a caste uc8OMEK3glE-01485-00363155-00363367 system has been a historic part of Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01486-00363368-00363643 society according to Vela sadden if San uc8OMEK3glE-01487-00363644-00363922 gave caste system as a universal feature uc8OMEK3glE-01488-00363923-00364222 of the Jaina community and the focus of uc8OMEK3glE-01489-00364223-00364381 Jainism has been the spiritual uc8OMEK3glE-01490-00364382-00364589 liberation of the individual rather than uc8OMEK3glE-01491-00364590-00364867 social reforms according to padam myth uc8OMEK3glE-01492-00364868-00364997 Janie the eighth uc8OMEK3glE-01493-00364998-00365260 digambara scholar Jena Sina stated that uc8OMEK3glE-01494-00365261-00365492 Jane King Bharata the son of first-tier uc8OMEK3glE-01495-00365493-00365705 thang are named Rishabh Anitha invented uc8OMEK3glE-01496-00365706-00365876 the caste system by performing the uc8OMEK3glE-01497-00365877-00366113 ahimsa non-violence test with Jane uc8OMEK3glE-01498-00366114-00366283 Brahmins being those who followed the uc8OMEK3glE-01499-00366284-00366512 non-violence precept all three religions uc8OMEK3glE-01500-00366513-00366709 share concepts and doctrines such as uc8OMEK3glE-01501-00366710-00366905 karma and rebirth and have similar uc8OMEK3glE-01502-00366906-00367139 ritual festival grammar mythologies and uc8OMEK3glE-01503-00367140-00367397 monastic traditions they do not believe uc8OMEK3glE-01504-00367398-00367601 in eternal heaven or hell or Judgment uc8OMEK3glE-01505-00367602-00367856 Day Jainism like Buddhism and Hinduism uc8OMEK3glE-01506-00367857-00368087 grants the freedom to choose beliefs uc8OMEK3glE-01507-00368088-00368330 such as in gods or no gods agree or uc8OMEK3glE-01508-00368331-00368557 disagree with core teachings participate uc8OMEK3glE-01509-00368558-00368795 or not participate in prayers rituals uc8OMEK3glE-01510-00368796-00369080 and festivals they all consider ethical uc8OMEK3glE-01511-00369081-00369272 values such as non-violence to be uc8OMEK3glE-01512-00369273-00369425 important and linked suffering to uc8OMEK3glE-01513-00369426-00369677 craving individual's actions intent and uc8OMEK3glE-01514-00369678-00369917 karma and belief spirituality as a means uc8OMEK3glE-01515-00369918-00370132 to enlighten peace bliss and eternal uc8OMEK3glE-01516-00370133-00370384 liberation moksha Jainism is similar to uc8OMEK3glE-01517-00370385-00370589 Buddhism in epistemically rejecting the uc8OMEK3glE-01518-00370590-00370799 Vedas in the Hindu metaphysical concept uc8OMEK3glE-01519-00370800-00371090 for reality called Brahman Jainism and uc8OMEK3glE-01520-00371091-00371332 Hinduism however both believe soul uc8OMEK3glE-01521-00371333-00371639 exists as a self-evident truth and in uc8OMEK3glE-01522-00371640-00371825 their historic theology and practice uc8OMEK3glE-01523-00371826-00371954 have been more similar than with uc8OMEK3glE-01524-00371955-00372191 Buddhism James and Hindus have uc8OMEK3glE-01525-00372192-00372350 frequently intermarried over their uc8OMEK3glE-01526-00372351-00372569 history particularly in northern central uc8OMEK3glE-01527-00372570-00373247 and western regions of India uc8OMEK3glE-01528-00373248-00373833 topic art and architecture uc8OMEK3glE-01529-00373834-00374089 Jainism has contributed significantly to uc8OMEK3glE-01530-00374090-00374358 Indian art and architecture Jain arts uc8OMEK3glE-01531-00374359-00374571 depict life legends of tear thanked ara uc8OMEK3glE-01532-00374572-00374767 or other important people particularly uc8OMEK3glE-01533-00374768-00374904 with them in a seated or standing uc8OMEK3glE-01534-00374905-00375217 meditative posture yaksha's and yak uc8OMEK3glE-01535-00375218-00375420 SHINee's attendant spirits who guard the uc8OMEK3glE-01536-00375421-00375613 tear thank ara are usually shown with uc8OMEK3glE-01537-00375614-00375882 them the earliest known Jain image is in uc8OMEK3glE-01538-00375883-00376063 the Patna Museum it is dated uc8OMEK3glE-01539-00376064-00376296 approximately to the 3rd century BCE uc8OMEK3glE-01540-00376297-00376581 bronze images of Parsa can be seen in uc8OMEK3glE-01541-00376582-00376821 the Prince of Wales Museum Mumbai and in uc8OMEK3glE-01542-00376822-00377001 the Patna Museum these are dated to the uc8OMEK3glE-01543-00377002-00377389 second century BCE a yoga pada is a type uc8OMEK3glE-01544-00377390-00377601 of votive tablet used in Jainism for uc8OMEK3glE-01545-00377602-00377760 donation and worship in the early uc8OMEK3glE-01546-00377761-00378037 centuries these tablets are decorated uc8OMEK3glE-01547-00378038-00378249 with objects and designs central to Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01548-00378250-00378442 worship such as the stupa Dharma chakra uc8OMEK3glE-01549-00378443-00378768 and triratna they present simultaneous uc8OMEK3glE-01550-00378769-00378964 trends or image and symbol worship uc8OMEK3glE-01551-00378965-00379176 numerous such stone tablets were uc8OMEK3glE-01552-00379177-00379368 discovered during excavations at ancient uc8OMEK3glE-01553-00379369-00379591 Jain sites like cankle ET land near uc8OMEK3glE-01554-00379592-00379813 mathura in uttar pradesh india uc8OMEK3glE-01555-00379814-00380055 the practice of donating these tablets uc8OMEK3glE-01556-00380056-00380307 is documented from 1st century BCE to uc8OMEK3glE-01557-00380308-00380568 3rd century CE II samovar Serena a uc8OMEK3glE-01558-00380569-00380767 preaching Hall of teir thank Aras with uc8OMEK3glE-01559-00380768-00380992 various beings concentric Li placed is uc8OMEK3glE-01560-00380993-00381207 an important theme of Jain art the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01561-00381208-00381435 tower in Chittor Rajasthan is a good uc8OMEK3glE-01562-00381436-00381735 example of Jain architecture decorated uc8OMEK3glE-01563-00381736-00381900 manuscripts are preserved in Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01564-00381901-00382141 libraries containing diagrams from Jane uc8OMEK3glE-01565-00382142-00382414 cosmology most of the paintings and uc8OMEK3glE-01566-00382415-00382632 illustrations depict historical events uc8OMEK3glE-01567-00382633-00382843 known as Panch kali annika from the life uc8OMEK3glE-01568-00382844-00383094 of the Tirthankara Rishabha the uc8OMEK3glE-01569-00383095-00383290 first-tier thank cara is usually uc8OMEK3glE-01570-00383291-00383445 depicted in either the lotus position uc8OMEK3glE-01571-00383446-00383672 dork ayotte saga the standing position uc8OMEK3glE-01572-00383673-00383919 he is distinguished from other tear uc8OMEK3glE-01573-00383920-00384091 thank Cara by the long locks of hair uc8OMEK3glE-01574-00384092-00384369 falling to his shoulders bull images uc8OMEK3glE-01575-00384370-00384552 also appear in his sculptures in uc8OMEK3glE-01576-00384553-00384801 paintings incidents from his life like uc8OMEK3glE-01577-00384802-00384957 his marriage in Indra marking his uc8OMEK3glE-01578-00384958-00385227 forehead are depicted other paintings uc8OMEK3glE-01579-00385228-00385419 show him presenting a pottery Bowl to uc8OMEK3glE-01580-00385420-00385623 his followers he has also seen painting uc8OMEK3glE-01581-00385624-00385837 a house weaving and being visited by his uc8OMEK3glE-01582-00385838-00386137 mother maru devi each of the 24 tear uc8OMEK3glE-01583-00386138-00386287 thanked Cara is associated with uc8OMEK3glE-01584-00386288-00386499 distinctive emblems which are listed in uc8OMEK3glE-01585-00386500-00386799 such texts as Tilia Ponte Cavalli improv uc8OMEK3glE-01586-00386800-00387055 econo Suraj Hara uc8OMEK3glE-01587-00387056-00387381 you uc8OMEK3glE-01588-00387382-00387864 topic temples uc8OMEK3glE-01589-00387865-00388155 a Jain temple derp a sir Orbis Adi is a uc8OMEK3glE-01590-00388156-00388464 place of worship for Jane's Jain temples uc8OMEK3glE-01591-00388465-00388641 are built with various architectural uc8OMEK3glE-01592-00388642-00388812 designs but there are mainly two types uc8OMEK3glE-01593-00388813-00389145 of jain temples shekhar bundy jain uc8OMEK3glE-01594-00389146-00389469 temple one with a dome guard jain temple uc8OMEK3glE-01595-00389470-00389667 Jain house temple one without a dome uc8OMEK3glE-01596-00389668-00389877 there is always a main deity also known uc8OMEK3glE-01597-00389878-00390090 as molniya kin every jain temple placed uc8OMEK3glE-01598-00390091-00390317 inside a sanctum called gambhira uc8OMEK3glE-01599-00390318-00390666 garbhagriha a Manas tomba column of uc8OMEK3glE-01600-00390667-00390891 honor is a pillar that is often uc8OMEK3glE-01601-00390892-00391103 constructed in front of jain temples uc8OMEK3glE-01602-00391104-00391515 there are 26 caves 200 stone beds 60 uc8OMEK3glE-01603-00391516-00391764 inscriptions and over 100 sculptures in uc8OMEK3glE-01604-00391765-00392046 and around Madurai this is also the site uc8OMEK3glE-01605-00392047-00392253 where Jane ascetics wrote great epics uc8OMEK3glE-01606-00392254-00392466 and books on grammar in Tamil ancient uc8OMEK3glE-01607-00392467-00392643 Jain monuments include the you degree uc8OMEK3glE-01608-00392644-00392874 Hills near Belsen Vidisha in Madhya uc8OMEK3glE-01609-00392875-00393108 Pradesh the Alaura in Maharashtra the uc8OMEK3glE-01610-00393109-00393345 Palitana temples in Gujarat and the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01611-00393346-00393543 temples at dilwara temples near mount uc8OMEK3glE-01612-00393544-00393852 abu rajasthan cha mukla temple in uc8OMEK3glE-01613-00393853-00394029 Roenick poor is considered one of the uc8OMEK3glE-01614-00394030-00394209 most beautiful jain temples and is uc8OMEK3glE-01615-00394210-00394406 famous for its detailed carvings uc8OMEK3glE-01616-00394407-00394683 according to Jain texts Shekhar ji is uc8OMEK3glE-01617-00394684-00394905 the place where 20 of the 24 jain uc8OMEK3glE-01618-00394906-00395088 tirthankar is along with many other uc8OMEK3glE-01619-00395089-00395277 monks attained moksha died without being uc8OMEK3glE-01620-00395278-00395487 reborn with their soul and City Sheila uc8OMEK3glE-01621-00395488-00395757 the Shekhar ji site in northeastern uc8OMEK3glE-01622-00395758-00395922 Jharkhand is therefore a revered uc8OMEK3glE-01623-00395923-00396225 pilgrimage site the palitana temples are uc8OMEK3glE-01624-00396226-00396429 the holiest shrine for the svet embalmer uc8OMEK3glE-01625-00396430-00396711 t priyanka sacked along with Shekhar ji uc8OMEK3glE-01626-00396712-00396900 the two sites are considered the holiest uc8OMEK3glE-01627-00396901-00397095 of all pilgrimage sites by the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01628-00397096-00397359 community the jain complex khajuraho and uc8OMEK3glE-01629-00397360-00397602 jain Mariana temple are part of a unesco uc8OMEK3glE-01630-00397603-00397850 world heritage site shravanabelagola uc8OMEK3glE-01631-00397851-00398190 Savera cambot abyss adi or 1000 pillars uc8OMEK3glE-01632-00398191-00398409 and Brahmaji malaya are important jain uc8OMEK3glE-01633-00398410-00398637 centers in karnataka the UDA giri and uc8OMEK3glE-01634-00398638-00398838 kondeh giri caves dating back to the uc8OMEK3glE-01635-00398839-00399087 second - one stone century BCE are uc8OMEK3glE-01636-00399088-00399348 dedicated to Jainism they are rich with uc8OMEK3glE-01637-00399349-00399534 carvings of Jane Keerthana kurz and uc8OMEK3glE-01638-00399535-00399714 deities with inscriptions including the uc8OMEK3glE-01639-00399715-00399971 hatha gum that inscription elephant cave uc8OMEK3glE-01640-00399972-00400266 inscription jain cave temples at bata me uc8OMEK3glE-01641-00400267-00400488 mangy tungee and the ellora caves are uc8OMEK3glE-01642-00400489-00400686 considered important the Satana basel uc8OMEK3glE-01643-00400687-00400860 cave temple is regarded as one of the uc8OMEK3glE-01644-00400861-00401148 finest examples of jain art it is the uc8OMEK3glE-01645-00401149-00401250 oldest and most uc8OMEK3glE-01646-00401251-00401532 Jane's Center in the region it possesses uc8OMEK3glE-01647-00401533-00401763 both an early Jain cave shelter and a uc8OMEK3glE-01648-00401764-00401958 medieval rock-cut temple with excellent uc8OMEK3glE-01649-00401959-00402159 fresco paintings comparable to a gent uc8OMEK3glE-01650-00402160-00402357 the paintings the steep hill contains an uc8OMEK3glE-01651-00402358-00402669 isolated but spacious cabin locally this uc8OMEK3glE-01652-00402670-00402981 cabin is known as a lad apothem a name uc8OMEK3glE-01653-00402982-00403176 that is derived from the seven holes cut uc8OMEK3glE-01654-00403177-00403356 into the rock that service steps leading uc8OMEK3glE-01655-00403357-00403608 to the shelter within the cave there are uc8OMEK3glE-01656-00403609-00403869 17 stone beds aligned in rows each of uc8OMEK3glE-01657-00403870-00404040 these has a raised portion that could uc8OMEK3glE-01658-00404041-00404310 have served as a pillow loft the largest uc8OMEK3glE-01659-00404311-00404508 stone bed has a distinct Tamil Brahmin uc8OMEK3glE-01660-00404509-00404715 inscription assignable to the second uc8OMEK3glE-01661-00404716-00404913 century BCE and some inscriptions uc8OMEK3glE-01662-00404914-00405162 belonging to the eighth century BCE are uc8OMEK3glE-01663-00405163-00405471 also found on the nearby beds the Satana uc8OMEK3glE-01664-00405472-00405654 Vasil Cavan continued to be the holy uc8OMEK3glE-01665-00405655-00405852 s--t Ramana abode until the seventh and uc8OMEK3glE-01666-00405853-00406119 eighth centuries inscriptions over the uc8OMEK3glE-01667-00406120-00406317 remaining stone beds named mendicants uc8OMEK3glE-01668-00406318-00406515 such as tall Khun rot ook at a villain uc8OMEK3glE-01669-00406516-00406770 Taran Dylan Terra puree Ninh Teti cannon uc8OMEK3glE-01670-00406771-00406971 Sri Pernik andron the route Chapman uc8OMEK3glE-01671-00406972-00407196 Island Gautham in Sri Lilly Gavin and uc8OMEK3glE-01672-00407197-00407502 MIDI a current paddock le as monks the uc8OMEK3glE-01673-00407503-00407724 8th century cazuca malai temple marks uc8OMEK3glE-01674-00407725-00408069 the revival of Jainism in South India uc8OMEK3glE-01675-00408070-00408687 Jane temples in India and abroad uc8OMEK3glE-01676-00408688-00409195 topic pilgrimages uc8OMEK3glE-01677-00409196-00409549 Jane tirtha pilgrim sites are divided uc8OMEK3glE-01678-00409550-00409834 into the following categories sadaq uc8OMEK3glE-01679-00409835-00410026 Chaitra site of the moksha of an arahant uc8OMEK3glE-01680-00410027-00410287 ki Volyn or tear thanked era such as ash uc8OMEK3glE-01681-00410288-00410560 - pas de Shack RG Gerner po opera uc8OMEK3glE-01682-00410560-00410835 Palitana mangy tungee and Champa poori uc8OMEK3glE-01683-00410837-00411160 capital of anga at ishaak Chaitra uc8OMEK3glE-01684-00411160-00411346 locations where divine events have uc8OMEK3glE-01685-00411347-00411592 occurred such as Maha veer G rishabh deo uc8OMEK3glE-01686-00411593-00412035 candle / t Hara and AHA G pura nakshatra uc8OMEK3glE-01687-00412037-00412234 places associated with the lives of uc8OMEK3glE-01688-00412235-00412474 great men such as Ayodhya Vidisha uc8OMEK3glE-01689-00412475-00412831 hasta napur and raja gir gaya nakshatra uc8OMEK3glE-01690-00412832-00413064 places associated with famous acharya uc8OMEK3glE-01691-00413066-00413239 s-- or centers of learning such as uc8OMEK3glE-01692-00413239-00413482 shravanabelagola outside contemporary uc8OMEK3glE-01693-00413483-00413710 India Jane communities built temples in uc8OMEK3glE-01694-00413710-00413943 locations such as Nagar park car sin uc8OMEK3glE-01695-00413945-00414289 Pakistan however according to a UNESCO uc8OMEK3glE-01696-00414289-00414439 tentative World Heritage Site uc8OMEK3glE-01697-00414439-00414637 application Nagar park car was not a uc8OMEK3glE-01698-00414638-00414916 major religious centre or a place of uc8OMEK3glE-01699-00414917-00415189 pilgrimage for Jainism but it was once uc8OMEK3glE-01700-00415189-00415378 an important cultural landscape before uc8OMEK3glE-01701-00415379-00415663 the last remaining Jain community left uc8OMEK3glE-01702-00415664-00416484 the area in 1947 at partition uc8OMEK3glE-01703-00416485-00417065 topic statues and sculptures uc8OMEK3glE-01704-00417066-00417296 Jane's sculptures are mainly images uc8OMEK3glE-01705-00417297-00417533 depicting tear thank Aras a sculpture uc8OMEK3glE-01706-00417534-00417719 could depict any of the twenty four tier uc8OMEK3glE-01707-00417720-00418013 thank arses images harsh vanitha Rishabh uc8OMEK3glE-01708-00418014-00418205 Anitha and Mahavira are among the more uc8OMEK3glE-01709-00418206-00418469 popular these tier thank our is usually uc8OMEK3glE-01710-00418470-00418643 depicted in the lotus position dork uc8OMEK3glE-01711-00418644-00418882 Ayotte saga sculptures of cha mukha uc8OMEK3glE-01712-00418883-00419192 quadruple images are also popular in uc8OMEK3glE-01713-00419193-00419481 Jainism sculptures of arahant baahubali uc8OMEK3glE-01714-00419482-00419687 and protector deities like Ambika are uc8OMEK3glE-01715-00419688-00419985 also found tear chthonic are idols look uc8OMEK3glE-01716-00419985-00420164 similar and are differentiated by the uc8OMEK3glE-01717-00420165-00420354 symbol belonging to each tier chthonic uc8OMEK3glE-01718-00420355-00420633 are accept partial Anitha statues of uc8OMEK3glE-01719-00420634-00420827 parsh benef have a snake crown on head uc8OMEK3glE-01720-00420828-00421046 there are a few differences between the uc8OMEK3glE-01721-00421047-00421200 digambara and the sweatin bara uc8OMEK3glE-01722-00421201-00421523 depictions of idols digambara images are uc8OMEK3glE-01723-00421524-00421733 naked without any beautification whereas uc8OMEK3glE-01724-00421734-00421937 sveta merida pic shion's are clothed and uc8OMEK3glE-01725-00421938-00422133 decorated with temporary ornaments a uc8OMEK3glE-01726-00422134-00422441 monolithic 18 meter 59 foot statue of uc8OMEK3glE-01727-00422442-00422658 baahubali referred to as Gamesa vara uc8OMEK3glE-01728-00422659-00422942 built in 981 seee by the ganga minister uc8OMEK3glE-01729-00422943-00423170 in commander chavin de Riya is situated uc8OMEK3glE-01730-00423171-00423383 on a hilltop in shravanabelagola in the uc8OMEK3glE-01731-00423384-00423662 hassan district of karnataka state this uc8OMEK3glE-01732-00423663-00423923 statue was voted first in the SMS polls uc8OMEK3glE-01733-00423924-00424127 7 wonders of india conducted by The uc8OMEK3glE-01734-00424128-00424391 Times of India the statue of ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-01735-00424392-00424631 depicting rishabh Anitha was erected in uc8OMEK3glE-01736-00424632-00424925 the Nashik district in 2015 it is 33 uc8OMEK3glE-01737-00424926-00425291 meters 108 feet tall idols made from ash uc8OMEK3glE-01738-00425292-00425519 2.2 literally ate metals uc8OMEK3glE-01739-00425520-00425879 ACOTA bronze brass gold silver stone uc8OMEK3glE-01740-00425880-00426071 monoliths rock cut and precious stones uc8OMEK3glE-01741-00426072-00426323 are popular in Jainism a large number of uc8OMEK3glE-01742-00426324-00426563 a yoga pata votive tablets for offerings uc8OMEK3glE-01743-00426564-00426743 and the worship of Tirith ankara were uc8OMEK3glE-01744-00426744-00426979 excavated from cankle ET la mathura uc8OMEK3glE-01745-00426980-00427238 these sculptures date from the second uc8OMEK3glE-01746-00427239-00427979 century BCE to the 12th century CE II uc8OMEK3glE-01747-00427980-00428466 topic symbols uc8OMEK3glE-01748-00428467-00428755 Jane icons and arts incorporate symbols uc8OMEK3glE-01749-00428756-00428962 such as swastika ohm and the ash to uc8OMEK3glE-01750-00428963-00429458 Mangala uc8OMEK3glE-01751-00429459-00429942 topic swastika uc8OMEK3glE-01752-00429943-00430209 the swastika is an important Jain symbol uc8OMEK3glE-01753-00430210-00430452 its forearms symbolize the four realms uc8OMEK3glE-01754-00430453-00430662 of existence in which rebirth occurs uc8OMEK3glE-01755-00430663-00430884 according to Jainism humans heavenly uc8OMEK3glE-01756-00430885-00431097 beings hellish beings and nonhumans uc8OMEK3glE-01757-00431097-00431367 plants and animals this is conceptually uc8OMEK3glE-01758-00431368-00431583 similar to the six realms of rebirth uc8OMEK3glE-01759-00431584-00431810 represented by bhava chakra in Buddhism uc8OMEK3glE-01760-00431812-00432081 it is usually shown with three dots on uc8OMEK3glE-01761-00432082-00432272 the top which represent the three jewels uc8OMEK3glE-01762-00432274-00432485 mentioned in ancient texts such as tat uc8OMEK3glE-01763-00432487-00432705 vaartha Sutra and uh doraji on a Sutra uc8OMEK3glE-01764-00432706-00432921 correct faith correct understanding and uc8OMEK3glE-01765-00432922-00433170 correct conduct these jewels are the uc8OMEK3glE-01766-00433171-00433383 memes believed in Jainism to lead one to uc8OMEK3glE-01767-00433384-00433566 the state of spiritual perfection a uc8OMEK3glE-01768-00433567-00433776 state that is symbolically represented uc8OMEK3glE-01769-00433777-00433947 by a crescent in one dot on top uc8OMEK3glE-01770-00433947-00434571 representing the liberated soul uc8OMEK3glE-01771-00434572-00435089 topic symbol of ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-01772-00435090-00435272 the hand with a wheel on the palm uc8OMEK3glE-01773-00435273-00435512 symbolizes ahimsa in Jainism with ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-01774-00435513-00435722 written in the middle the wheel uc8OMEK3glE-01775-00435723-00435968 represents the dharmachakra wheel of the uc8OMEK3glE-01776-00435969-00436206 Dharma which stands for the resolve to uc8OMEK3glE-01777-00436207-00436466 halt the samsara wandering through the uc8OMEK3glE-01778-00436467-00437170 relentless pursuit of ahimsa compassion uc8OMEK3glE-01779-00437171-00437600 topic home uc8OMEK3glE-01780-00437601-00437876 in Jainism ohm is considered a condensed uc8OMEK3glE-01781-00437877-00438101 form of reference to the poncy param st uc8OMEK3glE-01782-00438102-00438460 by their initials 8 + 8 + 8 + u + m o 3 uc8OMEK3glE-01783-00438462-00438718 meters according to the Dre V awesome uc8OMEK3glE-01784-00438720-00439013 graha by Acharya Nima Kendra a a a um or uc8OMEK3glE-01785-00439014-00439259 just ohm is a one syllable short form of uc8OMEK3glE-01786-00439260-00439435 the initials of the 5 Paramesh this uc8OMEK3glE-01787-00439437-00439610 arahant a shiri uc8OMEK3glE-01788-00439610-00440035 acharya you padua muni the ohm symbol is uc8OMEK3glE-01789-00440037-00440260 also used in ancient james scriptures to uc8OMEK3glE-01790-00440262-00440435 represent the five lines of the namikawa uc8OMEK3glE-01791-00440435-00440950 mantra uc8OMEK3glE-01792-00440951-00441431 topic jane emblem uc8OMEK3glE-01793-00441432-00441875 in 1974 on the 2500th anniversary of the uc8OMEK3glE-01794-00441876-00442064 nirvana of Mahavira the Jain community uc8OMEK3glE-01795-00442064-00442292 chose one image as an emblem to be the uc8OMEK3glE-01796-00442293-00442571 main identifying symbol for Jainism the uc8OMEK3glE-01797-00442572-00442775 overall shape depicts the three loca uc8OMEK3glE-01798-00442776-00443117 realms of rebirth of Jain cosmology ie uc8OMEK3glE-01799-00443118-00443402 heaven human world in hell the uc8OMEK3glE-01800-00443403-00443651 semicircular topmost portion symbolizes uc8OMEK3glE-01801-00443652-00443843 Siddha Sheila which is a zone beyond the uc8OMEK3glE-01802-00443843-00444110 three realms the Jain swastika is uc8OMEK3glE-01803-00444110-00444281 present in the top portion and the uc8OMEK3glE-01804-00444282-00444533 symbol of ahimsa in the lower portion at uc8OMEK3glE-01805-00444534-00444718 the bottom of the emblem as the Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01806-00444720-00444949 mantra Paris para pagar ahoge Ivana uc8OMEK3glE-01807-00444950-00445205 according to Vela Sam gave the mantra uc8OMEK3glE-01808-00445206-00445454 means all life is bound together by uc8OMEK3glE-01809-00445455-00445710 mutual support and interdependence uc8OMEK3glE-01810-00445712-00445967 according to Anne Bailey this mantra is uc8OMEK3glE-01811-00445968-00446249 from Sutra 5.21 of Ouma swati's tat uc8OMEK3glE-01812-00446250-00446510 vaartha Sutra and it means Souls render uc8OMEK3glE-01813-00446510-00447102 service to one another uc8OMEK3glE-01814-00447103-00447593 topic jane flag uc8OMEK3glE-01815-00447593-00447803 the five colors of the Jain flag uc8OMEK3glE-01816-00447804-00448049 represent the poncy param STM the five uc8OMEK3glE-01817-00448050-00448355 vows small as well as great white uc8OMEK3glE-01818-00448356-00448574 represents the era hunts souls who have uc8OMEK3glE-01819-00448575-00448820 conquered all passions anger attachments uc8OMEK3glE-01820-00448821-00449014 aversion and have attained omniscience uc8OMEK3glE-01821-00449016-00449134 and eternal bliss through uc8OMEK3glE-01822-00449135-00449420 self-realization it also denotes peace uc8OMEK3glE-01823-00449421-00449872 or ahimsa non-violence red represents uc8OMEK3glE-01824-00449874-00450035 the citta souls that have attained uc8OMEK3glE-01825-00450035-00450302 salvation and truth it also denotes uc8OMEK3glE-01826-00450303-00450718 satya truthfulness yellow represents the uc8OMEK3glE-01827-00450720-00450947 acharya of the Masters of adapts the uc8OMEK3glE-01828-00450947-00451127 color also stands for a torva uc8OMEK3glE-01829-00451128-00451321 non-stealing uc8OMEK3glE-01830-00451322-00451664 green represents the you padiha adapts uc8OMEK3glE-01831-00451664-00451943 those who teach scriptures to monks it uc8OMEK3glE-01832-00451943-00452302 also signifies Brahma chharia chastity uc8OMEK3glE-01833-00452303-00452614 black represents the jain ascetics it uc8OMEK3glE-01834-00452616-00452803 also signifies a paragraph uc8OMEK3glE-01835-00452804-00453376 non-possession uc8OMEK3glE-01836-00453377-00453878 topic ashta Mangala uc8OMEK3glE-01837-00453879-00454103 the ashta Mangala are a set of eight uc8OMEK3glE-01838-00454104-00454285 auspicious symbols which are different uc8OMEK3glE-01839-00454287-00454454 in the digambara and satin bar uc8OMEK3glE-01840-00454455-00454676 traditions in the digambara tradition uc8OMEK3glE-01841-00454677-00454883 the eight auspicious symbols are chattri uc8OMEK3glE-01842-00454884-00455234 de Vaca Kalasha Gemara mirror chair hand uc8OMEK3glE-01843-00455235-00455483 fan and vessel in this Vedam bar uc8OMEK3glE-01844-00455484-00455702 tradition these are swastika srivasa uc8OMEK3glE-01845-00455703-00455993 Nando Varda vard Monica food vessel uc8OMEK3glE-01846-00455993-00456472 Bhadra sana seat Kalasha pot Darpan uc8OMEK3glE-01847-00456474-00457165 mirror and pair of fish uc8OMEK3glE-01848-00457166-00457666 topic history uc8OMEK3glE-01849-00457667-00458005 you uc8OMEK3glE-01850-00458006-00458511 topic origins uc8OMEK3glE-01851-00458512-00458806 the origins of Jainism are obscure the uc8OMEK3glE-01852-00458807-00458956 Jane's claim their religion to be uc8OMEK3glE-01853-00458957-00459171 eternal and consider Rishabh Anitha to uc8OMEK3glE-01854-00459172-00459369 be the founder in the present time cycle uc8OMEK3glE-01855-00459370-00459625 the first of 24 Jain Tirthankara Zin uc8OMEK3glE-01856-00459626-00459884 Jain belief and someone who lived for uc8OMEK3glE-01857-00459885-00460206 8,400,000 purva years according to one uc8OMEK3glE-01858-00460207-00460425 hypothesis such as one by Sarvepalli uc8OMEK3glE-01859-00460426-00460614 Radhakrishnan the first vice-president uc8OMEK3glE-01860-00460615-00460890 of india Jainism was in existence before uc8OMEK3glE-01861-00460891-00461160 the Vedas were composed according to uc8OMEK3glE-01862-00461161-00461454 historians the first 22 of the 24 tear uc8OMEK3glE-01863-00461455-00461709 thanked cars were mythical figures these uc8OMEK3glE-01864-00461710-00461898 figures were supposed to have lived more uc8OMEK3glE-01865-00461899-00462229 than 85,000 years ago they were five two uc8OMEK3glE-01866-00462230-00462423 hundred times taller than average human uc8OMEK3glE-01867-00462424-00462609 beings and lived for thousands of years uc8OMEK3glE-01868-00462610-00462960 the 23rd tier thank our apartment is uc8OMEK3glE-01869-00462961-00463156 generally accepted to be based on an uc8OMEK3glE-01870-00463157-00463323 ancient historic human being of uc8OMEK3glE-01871-00463324-00463533 uncertain dates possibly eighth 7th uc8OMEK3glE-01872-00463534-00463875 century BCE some confessional Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01873-00463876-00464085 scholars such as Parikh have argued that uc8OMEK3glE-01874-00464086-00464292 some images such as those of the bull in uc8OMEK3glE-01875-00464293-00464500 Indus Valley Civilisation seal may be uc8OMEK3glE-01876-00464501-00464727 related to Jainism but such claims are uc8OMEK3glE-01877-00464728-00464888 highly speculative in a subjective uc8OMEK3glE-01878-00464889-00465181 interpretation this theory has not been uc8OMEK3glE-01879-00465182-00465390 accepted by most scholars because very uc8OMEK3glE-01880-00465391-00465545 little is known about the Indus Valley uc8OMEK3glE-01881-00465546-00465858 iconography and script Jainism like uc8OMEK3glE-01882-00465859-00466014 Buddhism is one of the sramana uc8OMEK3glE-01883-00466015-00466231 traditions of ancient India those that uc8OMEK3glE-01884-00466232-00466404 rejected the Vedas and developed their uc8OMEK3glE-01885-00466405-00466581 own scriptures there is inscriptional uc8OMEK3glE-01886-00466582-00466773 evidence for the presence of jain monks uc8OMEK3glE-01887-00466774-00466944 in south india by the 2nd or 1st uc8OMEK3glE-01888-00466945-00467235 centuries b.c an archaeological evidence uc8OMEK3glE-01889-00467236-00467460 of jain monks in Saurashtra in gujarat uc8OMEK3glE-01890-00467461-00467772 by the second century ce II statues of uc8OMEK3glE-01891-00467773-00467961 Jain Tirthankara have been found dating uc8OMEK3glE-01892-00467962-00468633 back to 2nd century BC uc8OMEK3glE-01893-00468634-00469189 topic political history uc8OMEK3glE-01894-00469189-00469376 information regarding the political uc8OMEK3glE-01895-00469377-00469597 history of jainism is uncertain in uc8OMEK3glE-01896-00469598-00469676 fragmentary uc8OMEK3glE-01897-00469677-00470105 Jane's consider the king bimbisara C 558 uc8OMEK3glE-01898-00470106-00470314 to 491 BCE uc8OMEK3glE-01899-00470316-00470864 ajatashatru C 492 to 460 BCE and you Dan uc8OMEK3glE-01900-00470864-00471389 C 460 to 440 BCE of the Honka dynasty as uc8OMEK3glE-01901-00471389-00471563 a patron of Jainism Jain tradition uc8OMEK3glE-01902-00471564-00471926 states that Chandragupta Maurya 322 to uc8OMEK3glE-01903-00471927-00472243 298 BCE the founder of the Mauryan uc8OMEK3glE-01904-00472245-00472487 Empire and grandfather of Ashoka became uc8OMEK3glE-01905-00472488-00472676 a monk and disciple of jain ascetic uc8OMEK3glE-01906-00472677-00472859 Bhadra ba who during later part of his uc8OMEK3glE-01907-00472860-00473102 life according to historians uc8OMEK3glE-01908-00473103-00473300 Chandragupta story appears in various uc8OMEK3glE-01909-00473301-00473539 versions in Buddhist Jain and Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-01910-00473541-00473864 texts broadly Chandragupta was born into uc8OMEK3glE-01911-00473864-00474083 a humble family abandoned raised as a uc8OMEK3glE-01912-00474084-00474272 son by another family then with the uc8OMEK3glE-01913-00474272-00474458 training and counsel of Chanakya of uc8OMEK3glE-01914-00474459-00474668 arthashastra fame ultimately built one uc8OMEK3glE-01915-00474668-00474880 of the largest empires in ancient India uc8OMEK3glE-01916-00474881-00475142 according to Jane history late in his uc8OMEK3glE-01917-00475143-00475193 life uc8OMEK3glE-01918-00475193-00475385 Chandragupta renounced the Empire he uc8OMEK3glE-01919-00475385-00475574 built and handed over his power to his uc8OMEK3glE-01920-00475575-00475793 son became a Jaina monk and headed to uc8OMEK3glE-01921-00475793-00476009 meditate and pursue spirituality in the uc8OMEK3glE-01922-00476010-00476192 Deccan region under the Jaina teacher uc8OMEK3glE-01923-00476193-00476477 Bhadra ba who at shravanabelagola their uc8OMEK3glE-01924-00476478-00476726 state Jain texts he died by fasting a uc8OMEK3glE-01925-00476727-00476914 Jaina ascetic method of ending one's uc8OMEK3glE-01926-00476916-00477020 life by choice uc8OMEK3glE-01927-00477021-00477332 selling kana Radha the third century BCE uc8OMEK3glE-01928-00477333-00477566 emperor Ashoka in his pillar edicts uc8OMEK3glE-01929-00477567-00477739 mentioned several ancient Indian uc8OMEK3glE-01930-00477741-00477917 religious groups including the nigantha uc8OMEK3glE-01931-00477918-00478163 Siena according to another Jain legend uc8OMEK3glE-01932-00478164-00478349 King Sal of a Honda of the late first uc8OMEK3glE-01933-00478350-00478604 century CE II was a patron of Jainism as uc8OMEK3glE-01934-00478605-00478766 were many others in the early centuries uc8OMEK3glE-01935-00478767-00479068 of the first millennium CE II but von uc8OMEK3glE-01936-00479070-00479291 glaze states that the historic city of uc8OMEK3glE-01937-00479292-00479560 these stories is difficult to establish uc8OMEK3glE-01938-00479560-00479771 archaeological evidence suggests that uc8OMEK3glE-01939-00479772-00479981 Mathura was an important Jain center uc8OMEK3glE-01940-00479982-00480206 between the second century BCE and the uc8OMEK3glE-01941-00480207-00480503 5th century CE he inscriptions from the uc8OMEK3glE-01942-00480504-00480749 1st and 2nd century CE II showed that uc8OMEK3glE-01943-00480750-00480959 the schism between digambara and svet uc8OMEK3glE-01944-00480960-00481175 Umbra had already taken place King uc8OMEK3glE-01945-00481176-00481412 harshwardhan of the 7th century grew up uc8OMEK3glE-01946-00481413-00481637 in Shaivism following his family but he uc8OMEK3glE-01947-00481638-00481826 championed Jainism Buddhism and all uc8OMEK3glE-01948-00481827-00482102 traditions of Hinduism King AMA of the uc8OMEK3glE-01949-00482103-00482312 eighth century converted to Jainism and uc8OMEK3glE-01950-00482313-00482504 the Jaina pilgrimage tradition was well uc8OMEK3glE-01951-00482505-00482560 established uc8OMEK3glE-01952-00482562-00482852 in his era Malhar aha the founder of uc8OMEK3glE-01953-00482853-00483068 shall Luca dynasty constructed a Jain uc8OMEK3glE-01954-00483068-00483275 temple even though he was not a Jain in uc8OMEK3glE-01955-00483276-00483467 the second half of the first century CE uc8OMEK3glE-01956-00483468-00483685 II Hindu Kings sponsored and helped uc8OMEK3glE-01957-00483687-00483950 build major Jaina cave temples for uc8OMEK3glE-01958-00483951-00484135 example the Hindu rashtrakuta dynasty uc8OMEK3glE-01959-00484137-00484391 started the early group of jain temples uc8OMEK3glE-01960-00484392-00484595 and the Yadava dynasty built many of the uc8OMEK3glE-01961-00484596-00484799 middle and later Jain group of temples uc8OMEK3glE-01962-00484800-00485024 at the ellora caves between 700 and uc8OMEK3glE-01963-00485025-00485610 1,000 c/e uc8OMEK3glE-01964-00485612-00486218 topic interaction with other religions uc8OMEK3glE-01965-00486218-00486449 Mahavira and Buddha are generally uc8OMEK3glE-01966-00486450-00486662 accepted as contemporaries circa fifth uc8OMEK3glE-01967-00486663-00486929 century BCE the interaction between uc8OMEK3glE-01968-00486930-00487154 Jainism and Buddhism began with the uc8OMEK3glE-01969-00487155-00487412 Buddha Buddhist texts refer to Mahavira uc8OMEK3glE-01970-00487413-00487618 as nigantha nada pada beyond the times uc8OMEK3glE-01971-00487619-00487810 of the Mahavira and the Buddha the two uc8OMEK3glE-01972-00487812-00488105 ascetics ramana seeker religions uc8OMEK3glE-01973-00488106-00488291 competed for followers as well as the uc8OMEK3glE-01974-00488292-00488468 merchants trade networks that sustain uc8OMEK3glE-01975-00488468-00488747 them their mutual interaction along with uc8OMEK3glE-01976-00488747-00488914 those of Hindu traditions have been uc8OMEK3glE-01977-00488916-00489209 significant in some cases the titles of uc8OMEK3glE-01978-00489210-00489385 the Buddhist and Jaina texts are the uc8OMEK3glE-01979-00489387-00489602 same or similar but present different uc8OMEK3glE-01980-00489603-00489818 doctrines royal patronage has been a key uc8OMEK3glE-01981-00489818-00489977 factor in the growth as well as the uc8OMEK3glE-01982-00489978-00490232 decline of Jainism the Pallavi King uc8OMEK3glE-01983-00490233-00490532 Mahendra Berman the first 600 to 630 uc8OMEK3glE-01984-00490533-00490793 seee converted from Jainism to Shaivism uc8OMEK3glE-01985-00490793-00491042 under the influence of appar his work uc8OMEK3glE-01986-00491043-00491255 Mehta vilasa Pro husana ridicules uc8OMEK3glE-01987-00491256-00491453 certain Shiva sects and the Buddhists uc8OMEK3glE-01988-00491454-00491672 and also expresses contempt towards Jane uc8OMEK3glE-01989-00491672-00491935 ascetics sambandar converted the uc8OMEK3glE-01990-00491937-00492149 contemporary pandya king to Shaivism uc8OMEK3glE-01991-00492150-00492322 during the 11th century uc8OMEK3glE-01992-00492323-00492560 Basava a minister to the jain kalachuri uc8OMEK3glE-01993-00492560-00492772 king by allah succeeded in converting uc8OMEK3glE-01994-00492773-00492943 numerous jane's to the link ayat uc8OMEK3glE-01995-00492944-00493208 shaivites act the link ayats destroyed uc8OMEK3glE-01996-00493209-00493427 various temples belonging to Jane's and uc8OMEK3glE-01997-00493428-00493688 adapted them to their use the hoysala uc8OMEK3glE-01998-00493689-00494093 King Vishnu Vardhan I see 11:08 - 1152 C uc8OMEK3glE-01999-00494093-00494272 II became a follower of the Vaishnava uc8OMEK3glE-02000-00494273-00494504 sect under the influence of ramanuja uc8OMEK3glE-02001-00494505-00494732 after which Vaishnavism grew rapidly in uc8OMEK3glE-02002-00494733-00495022 what is now Karnataka Jainism and uc8OMEK3glE-02003-00495023-00495209 Hinduism influenced each other uc8OMEK3glE-02004-00495210-00495431 Jain texts declares some of the Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-02005-00495432-00495629 gods as blood relatives of legendary uc8OMEK3glE-02006-00495630-00495884 Tirthankara Namine atha the uc8OMEK3glE-02007-00495885-00496103 twenty-second tier thank ara for example uc8OMEK3glE-02008-00496104-00496301 is presented as a cousin of Krishna in uc8OMEK3glE-02009-00496302-00496492 Jain Puranas and other texts uc8OMEK3glE-02010-00496493-00496768 however Jane's scholars such as Hara uc8OMEK3glE-02011-00496769-00496993 Bhadra also wrote satires about Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-02012-00496994-00497210 gods mocking them with novel outrageous uc8OMEK3glE-02013-00497210-00497420 stories where the gods misbehave and act uc8OMEK3glE-02014-00497421-00497710 unethically the Hindu gods are presented uc8OMEK3glE-02015-00497712-00497909 by some Jain writers as persecuting uc8OMEK3glE-02016-00497910-00498097 tempting afraid of or serving a uc8OMEK3glE-02017-00498098-00498266 legendary jeanna before he gains uc8OMEK3glE-02018-00498267-00498557 omniscience in other stories one or more uc8OMEK3glE-02019-00498558-00498772 Gina's easily defeat the Hindu deities uc8OMEK3glE-02020-00498773-00499025 such as Vishnu or Rama and Sita who come uc8OMEK3glE-02021-00499026-00499250 to pay respect to Aegina at a major Jain uc8OMEK3glE-02022-00499251-00499478 pilgrimage site such as mounts a Trangia uc8OMEK3glE-02023-00499479-00499610 the Jain and Hindu uc8OMEK3glE-02024-00499610-00499862 have often been very close and mutually uc8OMEK3glE-02025-00499863-00500117 accepting some Hindu temples have uc8OMEK3glE-02026-00500118-00500324 included a Jain Tirthankara within its uc8OMEK3glE-02027-00500325-00500503 premises in a place of honor uc8OMEK3glE-02028-00500504-00500762 similarly numerous temple complexes uc8OMEK3glE-02029-00500763-00500968 feature both Hindu and Jain monuments uc8OMEK3glE-02030-00500970-00501185 with bottome cave temples in khajuraho uc8OMEK3glE-02031-00501185-00501393 among some of the most well known uc8OMEK3glE-02032-00501395-00501650 Jainism faced persecution during and uc8OMEK3glE-02033-00501651-00501857 after the Muslim conquests on the Indian uc8OMEK3glE-02034-00501858-00502157 subcontinent muslims rulers such as uc8OMEK3glE-02035-00502158-00502464 Mahmud Ghazni 1000won Mohammed Ghori uc8OMEK3glE-02036-00502466-00502757 1175 and Allah ud-din Muhammad Shah uc8OMEK3glE-02037-00502758-00503018 called ji 1298 further oppressed the uc8OMEK3glE-02038-00503018-00503303 Jain community they vandalized idols and uc8OMEK3glE-02039-00503304-00503492 destroyed temples or converted them into uc8OMEK3glE-02040-00503493-00503764 mosques they also burned Jain books and uc8OMEK3glE-02041-00503766-00503975 killed Jane's there were significant uc8OMEK3glE-02042-00503976-00504326 exceptions such as emperor Akbar 1542 to uc8OMEK3glE-02043-00504327-00504620 1605 whose legendary religious tolerance uc8OMEK3glE-02044-00504621-00504818 out of respect for James ordered the uc8OMEK3glE-02045-00504818-00504997 release of caged birds and banned the uc8OMEK3glE-02046-00504999-00505196 killing of animals on the Jain festival uc8OMEK3glE-02047-00505197-00505285 of pareshan uc8OMEK3glE-02048-00505287-00505564 after Akbar jain's faced an intense uc8OMEK3glE-02049-00505566-00505826 period of Muslim persecution in the 17th uc8OMEK3glE-02050-00505827-00506014 century the Jain community were the uc8OMEK3glE-02051-00506016-00506231 traditional bankers and financiers and uc8OMEK3glE-02052-00506232-00506429 this significantly impacted the Muslim uc8OMEK3glE-02053-00506430-00506491 rulers uc8OMEK3glE-02054-00506492-00506735 however they rarely were a part of the uc8OMEK3glE-02055-00506735-00506942 political power during the Islamic rule uc8OMEK3glE-02056-00506943-00507595 period of the Indian subcontinent uc8OMEK3glE-02057-00507596-00508143 topic colonial-era uc8OMEK3glE-02058-00508143-00508372 colonial-era reports and Christian uc8OMEK3glE-02059-00508372-00508579 missions variously viewed Jainism as uc8OMEK3glE-02060-00508580-00508801 either a sect of Hinduism or Buddhism or uc8OMEK3glE-02061-00508802-00509074 as a distinct religion according to pat uc8OMEK3glE-02062-00509075-00509268 madethe Jani Christian missionaries uc8OMEK3glE-02063-00509269-00509470 expressed extreme frustration at Jain uc8OMEK3glE-02064-00509471-00509662 people without pagan creator gods uc8OMEK3glE-02065-00509663-00509860 refusing to convert to Christianity uc8OMEK3glE-02066-00509860-00510082 while colonial-era Jain scholars such as uc8OMEK3glE-02067-00510083-00510310 Champa tried Jain defended Jainism uc8OMEK3glE-02068-00510310-00510535 against criticism and misrepresentation uc8OMEK3glE-02069-00510535-00510822 by Christian activists missionaries of uc8OMEK3glE-02070-00510823-00511051 Christianity and Islam considered Jain uc8OMEK3glE-02071-00511052-00511258 traditions as idolatrous and a false uc8OMEK3glE-02072-00511259-00511491 religion characterizing Jain temples and uc8OMEK3glE-02073-00511492-00511732 icons such of those of Jeana as false uc8OMEK3glE-02074-00511733-00512020 idols and superstitious practices these uc8OMEK3glE-02075-00512021-00512275 criticisms states john court were flood uc8OMEK3glE-02076-00512276-00512476 and also ignored similar practices uc8OMEK3glE-02077-00512477-00512695 within sects of Christianity the British uc8OMEK3glE-02078-00512696-00512899 colonial government in India as well as uc8OMEK3glE-02079-00512900-00513106 Indian princely states passed laws that uc8OMEK3glE-02080-00513107-00513313 made monks roaming naked in streets a uc8OMEK3glE-02081-00513314-00513601 crime one that led to arrest this law uc8OMEK3glE-02082-00513602-00513802 particularly impacted the digambara uc8OMEK3glE-02083-00513803-00514089 monks the Akhil Bharatiya Jana Samaj uc8OMEK3glE-02084-00514090-00514293 opposed this law and argued that it uc8OMEK3glE-02085-00514294-00514464 interfered with the religious rights of uc8OMEK3glE-02086-00514465-00514747 Jane's Acharya Chandi Sagar entered uc8OMEK3glE-02087-00514747-00515091 Bombay now Mumbai in 1927 but was forced uc8OMEK3glE-02088-00515092-00515370 to cover his body he then led an India uc8OMEK3glE-02089-00515371-00515560 wide tour as the naked monk with his uc8OMEK3glE-02090-00515560-00515791 followers to various digambara sacred uc8OMEK3glE-02091-00515792-00515980 sites and was welcomed by kings of the uc8OMEK3glE-02092-00515981-00516264 Maharashtra provinces Chandi sigur uc8OMEK3glE-02093-00516265-00516439 fasted to oppose the restrictions uc8OMEK3glE-02094-00516439-00516618 imposed on digambara monks by the uc8OMEK3glE-02095-00516619-00516778 British Raj and prompted their uc8OMEK3glE-02096-00516779-00517054 discontinuance the colonial era laws uc8OMEK3glE-02097-00517055-00517266 that ban naked monks remained effective uc8OMEK3glE-02098-00517267-00517422 through world war ii but they were uc8OMEK3glE-02099-00517423-00517635 abolished by independent india after it uc8OMEK3glE-02100-00517637-00518237 gained independence uc8OMEK3glE-02101-00518238-00518847 topic James in the modern era uc8OMEK3glE-02102-00518848-00519072 followers of the path practiced by the uc8OMEK3glE-02103-00519073-00519367 Gina's are known as Jane's the majority uc8OMEK3glE-02104-00519368-00519618 of Jane's currently reside in India with uc8OMEK3glE-02105-00519620-00519804 4 to 5 million followers worldwide uc8OMEK3glE-02106-00519805-00520066 Jainism is relatively small compared to uc8OMEK3glE-02107-00520067-00520480 major world religions Jane's forum 0.37 uc8OMEK3glE-02108-00520481-00520729 percent of India's population most of uc8OMEK3glE-02109-00520730-00520900 them are concentrated in the states of uc8OMEK3glE-02110-00520901-00521410 Maharashtra 1.4 million in 2011 31.4 6% uc8OMEK3glE-02111-00521410-00521785 of Indian James Rajasthan 13.9 7% uc8OMEK3glE-02112-00521785-00522264 Gujarat 13.0 2% and Madhya Pradesh 12.7 uc8OMEK3glE-02113-00522266-00522925 4% Karnataka 9.8 9% Uttar Pradesh 4.7 9% uc8OMEK3glE-02114-00522926-00523462 Delhi 3.7 3% and Tamil Nadu 2.0 1% also uc8OMEK3glE-02115-00523463-00523670 have significant Jain populations uc8OMEK3glE-02116-00523671-00523957 outside India Jain communities can be uc8OMEK3glE-02117-00523958-00524155 found in Europe the United States Canada uc8OMEK3glE-02118-00524156-00524413 Australia and Kenya according to the uc8OMEK3glE-02119-00524414-00524716 National Family and health survey NFHS 4 uc8OMEK3glE-02120-00524717-00525028 conducted in 2015-16 jane's form the uc8OMEK3glE-02121-00525029-00525283 wealthiest community in india jane's uc8OMEK3glE-02122-00525284-00525574 have the highest literacy rate 87% in uc8OMEK3glE-02123-00525575-00525787 india in the seven years to oldest age uc8OMEK3glE-02124-00525788-00526044 group according to its 2011 census the uc8OMEK3glE-02125-00526045-00526285 Jana community also has the highest uc8OMEK3glE-02126-00526286-00526570 number of college graduates excluding uc8OMEK3glE-02127-00526571-00526765 the retired senior citizens Jain uc8OMEK3glE-02128-00526766-00527149 literacy rate in India exceeded 97% the uc8OMEK3glE-02129-00527150-00527416 female to male child sex ratio in the 0 uc8OMEK3glE-02130-00527417-00527638 to 6 year age was second lowest for uc8OMEK3glE-02131-00527639-00527968 Jane's 870 girls per 1,000 boys higher uc8OMEK3glE-02132-00527969-00528259 than Sikhs in India further Jain males uc8OMEK3glE-02133-00528260-00528412 have the highest work participation uc8OMEK3glE-02134-00528413-00528655 rates while Jane females have the lowest uc8OMEK3glE-02135-00528656-00528901 work participation rates in India major uc8OMEK3glE-02136-00528902-00529219 Jain communities Jane bundt are a Jain uc8OMEK3glE-02137-00529220-00529545 community from Karnataka India Jane uc8OMEK3glE-02138-00529546-00529753 commodity is a small community scattered uc8OMEK3glE-02139-00529754-00529954 all over South and Central India and uc8OMEK3glE-02140-00529955-00530284 patrons of many Jain institutions sir uc8OMEK3glE-02141-00530285-00530491 acts as a community in Jharkhand Bihar uc8OMEK3glE-02142-00530492-00530770 Bengal and Orissa they have been uc8OMEK3glE-02143-00530771-00531012 followers of Jainism since ancient time uc8OMEK3glE-02144-00531013-00531295 poor wall community that originated in uc8OMEK3glE-02145-00531296-00531622 southern Rajasthan India Parr war is a uc8OMEK3glE-02146-00531623-00531790 major Jain community from the uc8OMEK3glE-02147-00531791-00531994 Bundelkhand region which is largely in uc8OMEK3glE-02148-00531995-00532231 Madhya Pradesh in Lalit poor district uc8OMEK3glE-02149-00532232-00532623 see Agrawal jain of his are Coriana uc8OMEK3glE-02150-00532624-00532903 Barbara of Punjab as an ancient merchant uc8OMEK3glE-02151-00532904-00533086 community from Punjab region which uc8OMEK3glE-02152-00533087-00533452 mainly follows Jainism Sarawak er candle uc8OMEK3glE-02153-00533453-00533644 wali originated from Khandala a uc8OMEK3glE-02154-00533645-00533886 historical town in northern Rajasthan uc8OMEK3glE-02155-00533887-00534166 the girl from begorrah currently known uc8OMEK3glE-02156-00534167-00534388 as ad more districts least eight in uc8OMEK3glE-02157-00534389-00534604 Rajasthan a community of Deegan bar uc8OMEK3glE-02158-00534605-00534681 sacked uc8OMEK3glE-02159-00534682-00535000 shrim 'l originally from rajasthan shrim uc8OMEK3glE-02160-00535001-00535216 old town in southern rajasthan the uc8OMEK3glE-02161-00535217-00535414 Shrimant shreemant jain are part of the uc8OMEK3glE-02162-00535415-00535624 Oswal merchant and minister caste that uc8OMEK3glE-02163-00535625-00535878 is found primarily in the north of india uc8OMEK3glE-02164-00535879-00536164 Oswal are a Jain community with origins uc8OMEK3glE-02165-00536165-00536350 in the Marwar region of Rajasthan and uc8OMEK3glE-02166-00536351-00536692 thar Park our district and Sindh jaiswal uc8OMEK3glE-02167-00536693-00536890 are mainly located in the Gwalior and uc8OMEK3glE-02168-00536891-00537226 Agra region nav nad emerged as a result uc8OMEK3glE-02169-00537227-00537412 of blending of several smaller jain uc8OMEK3glE-02170-00537413-00537616 communities in East Africa as well as in uc8OMEK3glE-02171-00537617-00537877 Gujarat itself in early 20th century uc8OMEK3glE-02172-00537878-00538081 Jainism has been praised for some of its uc8OMEK3glE-02173-00538082-00538435 practices and beliefs Mahatma Gandhi who uc8OMEK3glE-02174-00538436-00538768 is greatly influenced by Jainism said no uc8OMEK3glE-02175-00538769-00538951 religion in the world has explained the uc8OMEK3glE-02176-00538952-00539143 principle of ahimsa so deeply and uc8OMEK3glE-02177-00539144-00539353 systematically as is discussed with its uc8OMEK3glE-02178-00539354-00539548 applicability in every human life in uc8OMEK3glE-02179-00539549-00539788 Jainism as and when the benevolent uc8OMEK3glE-02180-00539789-00540013 principle of ahimsa or non-violence will uc8OMEK3glE-02181-00540014-00540196 be ascribed for practice by the people uc8OMEK3glE-02182-00540197-00540349 of the world to achieve their end of uc8OMEK3glE-02183-00540350-00540580 life in this world and Beyond Jainism is uc8OMEK3glE-02184-00540581-00540766 sure to have the uppermost status and uc8OMEK3glE-02185-00540767-00540961 Mahavira is sure to be respected as the uc8OMEK3glE-02186-00540962-00541613 greatest authority on ahimsa uc8OMEK3glE-02187-00541614-00542161 topic see also uc8OMEK3glE-02188-00542162-00542518 criticism of Jainism Jane law uc8OMEK3glE-02189-00542519-00542943 Jane cosmology list of James uc8OMEK3glE-02190-00542944-00543464 non-violence equals equals notes uffllcb-kKk-00000-00000024-00000324 foreign uhUDisxEYpk-00000-00000039-00000335 hi everyone how's it going today uhUDisxEYpk-00001-00000336-00000695 i am on makassu hill and uhUDisxEYpk-00002-00000696-00001039 that is located in washington state uhUDisxEYpk-00003-00001040-00001358 and not a few a lot of people have uhUDisxEYpk-00004-00001359-00001847 flown over auburn adventist academy uhUDisxEYpk-00005-00001848-00002095 now auburn avenue academy is a private uhUDisxEYpk-00006-00002096-00002231 school for uhUDisxEYpk-00007-00002232-00002487 people that are religious and that want uhUDisxEYpk-00008-00002488-00002710 to go to a private school uhUDisxEYpk-00009-00002711-00003102 and so today i am going to fly uhUDisxEYpk-00010-00003103-00003431 over to auburn average uhUDisxEYpk-00011-00003432-00003743 auburn avenue academy and we're going to uhUDisxEYpk-00012-00003744-00004183 fly that and um with my buddy here uhUDisxEYpk-00013-00004184-00004527 the evo 2 pro 6k uhUDisxEYpk-00014-00004528-00004719 and we're going to have a little bit of uhUDisxEYpk-00015-00004720-00004831 fun so uhUDisxEYpk-00016-00004832-00005143 who is ready for a flight uhUDisxEYpk-00017-00005144-00005447 so you could say yes this is uhUDisxEYpk-00018-00005448-00005991 flight auburn adventist academy uhUDisxEYpk-00019-00005992-00006695 let's go start recording uhUDisxEYpk-00020-00006695-00007459 the home point has been reset uhUDisxEYpk-00021-00007461-00009503 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00022-00009504-00009967 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00023-00009968-00010262 bye uhUDisxEYpk-00025-00013624-00016013 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00026-00016013-00016430 [Applause] uhUDisxEYpk-00027-00016431-00016679 i guess i never really had the chance to uhUDisxEYpk-00028-00016680-00016863 speak my mind uhUDisxEYpk-00029-00016864-00016993 never uhUDisxEYpk-00030-00016994-00017621 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00031-00017622-00018255 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00032-00018256-00018487 fingers uhUDisxEYpk-00033-00018488-00019341 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00034-00019342-00019711 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00035-00019712-00021094 show me what it's all about morning on uhUDisxEYpk-00036-00021095-00022239 this out youtube are you waiting for uhUDisxEYpk-00037-00022240-00022845 so keep me moving to the beat uhUDisxEYpk-00038-00022846-00024983 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00039-00024984-00025651 can you feel it uhUDisxEYpk-00040-00025652-00026599 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00041-00026600-00026850 fingers crossed you take me home uhUDisxEYpk-00042-00026851-00027657 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00043-00027658-00028118 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00044-00028119-00028658 what it's all about uhUDisxEYpk-00045-00028660-00029764 morning on youtube uhUDisxEYpk-00046-00029764-00030567 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00047-00030568-00031190 tell me uhUDisxEYpk-00048-00031191-00032474 what are you waiting for uhUDisxEYpk-00049-00032475-00032862 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00050-00032863-00034111 what are you waiting for a paradise uhUDisxEYpk-00051-00034112-00035702 that purple eyes uhUDisxEYpk-00052-00035703-00036030 stars collide uhUDisxEYpk-00053-00036031-00036768 on fire uhUDisxEYpk-00054-00036769-00037883 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00055-00037884-00039283 is uhUDisxEYpk-00056-00039284-00040430 is uhUDisxEYpk-00057-00040431-00040874 catching fire i'm frozen uhUDisxEYpk-00058-00040875-00041511 grounded uhUDisxEYpk-00059-00041512-00041951 and i wanna be the one uhUDisxEYpk-00060-00041952-00043000 to give you all uhUDisxEYpk-00061-00043001-00043551 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00062-00043552-00043698 to is uhUDisxEYpk-00063-00043699-00044883 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00064-00044884-00045233 alive uhUDisxEYpk-00065-00045234-00046262 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00066-00046263-00047199 just uhUDisxEYpk-00067-00047200-00048615 where we could uhUDisxEYpk-00068-00048616-00049901 they will watch us uhUDisxEYpk-00069-00049902-00050483 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00070-00050484-00050688 is uhUDisxEYpk-00071-00050689-00051102 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00073-00054683-00055703 so uhUDisxEYpk-00074-00055704-00056303 when we don't feel the same uhUDisxEYpk-00075-00056304-00056667 we've come a long way uhUDisxEYpk-00076-00056669-00056903 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00077-00056904-00057254 don't ever let it change uhUDisxEYpk-00078-00057255-00057503 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00079-00057504-00057978 no matter where we go uhUDisxEYpk-00080-00057979-00058103 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00081-00058104-00060282 no matter where it is uhUDisxEYpk-00082-00060283-00060542 reasons uhUDisxEYpk-00083-00060544-00061671 asking for changes coming uhUDisxEYpk-00084-00061672-00062719 put uhUDisxEYpk-00086-00067088-00067509 when there's no one to blame uhUDisxEYpk-00087-00067510-00067671 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00088-00067672-00068943 i'm not letting it fade uhUDisxEYpk-00089-00068944-00069319 asking for change uhUDisxEYpk-00090-00069320-00071271 we got good things uhUDisxEYpk-00092-00074283-00075400 oh uhUDisxEYpk-00094-00081283-00081492 so uhUDisxEYpk-00095-00081493-00084082 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00096-00084083-00084219 so uhUDisxEYpk-00098-00093839-00094135 secrets can i be the one who wakes you uhUDisxEYpk-00099-00094136-00094238 up before you uhUDisxEYpk-00100-00094239-00094631 missed your ride cause i wanna be uhUDisxEYpk-00101-00094632-00095035 close to you and i wanna show you uhUDisxEYpk-00102-00095036-00095359 something new uhUDisxEYpk-00103-00095360-00095711 you gotta know every day i got your back uhUDisxEYpk-00104-00095712-00095879 here you can count on me uhUDisxEYpk-00105-00095880-00096255 for that uhUDisxEYpk-00106-00096256-00096559 so put your hand in my mind i will be uhUDisxEYpk-00107-00096560-00096687 there every day uhUDisxEYpk-00108-00096688-00096959 when you're sick of the climb i'll make uhUDisxEYpk-00109-00096960-00098340 sure it's okay uhUDisxEYpk-00110-00098341-00099482 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00111-00099483-00099882 is uhUDisxEYpk-00112-00099883-00101359 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00113-00101360-00101582 gonna try to keep the pace but someday uhUDisxEYpk-00114-00101583-00101750 we will find uhUDisxEYpk-00115-00101751-00101935 that the world has changed but we stay uhUDisxEYpk-00116-00101936-00102159 true to each other uhUDisxEYpk-00117-00102160-00102406 i will always be there for you whenever uhUDisxEYpk-00118-00102407-00102494 you need uhUDisxEYpk-00119-00102495-00103378 my help i'm taking my time to be uhUDisxEYpk-00120-00103379-00103558 alright uhUDisxEYpk-00121-00103559-00103891 you gotta know uhUDisxEYpk-00122-00103892-00106483 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00123-00106483-00106664 okay uhUDisxEYpk-00124-00106665-00109051 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00126-00112083-00112380 so uhUDisxEYpk-00127-00112381-00114352 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00128-00114353-00114823 [Music] uhUDisxEYpk-00129-00114824-00115032 you ujjSHoxWRKo-00001-00006396-00007692 [Applause] ujjSHoxWRKo-00002-00007693-00008969 you ujjSHoxWRKo-00003-00008970-00009504 you ujjSHoxWRKo-00004-00009505-00010196 [Laughter] ujjSHoxWRKo-00005-00010197-00012837 [Music] ujjSHoxWRKo-00007-00018343-00019474 [Music] ujjSHoxWRKo-00009-00025044-00026201 [Music] ujjSHoxWRKo-00010-00026202-00027610 [Music] ujjSHoxWRKo-00013-00036568-00037699 [Music] ujjSHoxWRKo-00015-00041901-00042146 [Applause] ujjSHoxWRKo-00017-00053638-00053915 [Applause] ujq1lIw69aM-00000-00000215-00000455 hey everyone um this is arvin i'm ujq1lIw69aM-00001-00000456-00000671 working as a sdhs ujq1lIw69aM-00002-00000672-00000902 uh just place a bengal basic startup uh ujq1lIw69aM-00003-00000903-00001119 which started around 2012 ujq1lIw69aM-00004-00001120-00001343 and we were mainly focused on payment ujq1lIw69aM-00005-00001344-00001639 systems in india ujq1lIw69aM-00006-00001639-00001879 yeah sorry for my voice i had a bad ujq1lIw69aM-00007-00001880-00001998 throw today ujq1lIw69aM-00008-00002000-00002175 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00009-00002176-00002439 yeah we have been doing payments uh ujq1lIw69aM-00010-00002440-00002647 from last 10 to 12 years and ujq1lIw69aM-00011-00002648-00002799 most of our stacks are mainly in ujq1lIw69aM-00012-00002800-00003007 functional programming ujq1lIw69aM-00013-00003008-00003303 we use haskell and your script at a ujq1lIw69aM-00014-00003304-00003447 very high scale ujq1lIw69aM-00015-00003447-00003631 um ujq1lIw69aM-00016-00003632-00003767 so so ujq1lIw69aM-00017-00003768-00004022 over the years like using your script ujq1lIw69aM-00018-00004023-00004303 and and implementing a very huge ujq1lIw69aM-00019-00004304-00004647 data code base we have faced some issues ujq1lIw69aM-00020-00004648-00004775 while uh ujq1lIw69aM-00021-00004776-00005079 using compiler uh so like then then we ujq1lIw69aM-00022-00005080-00005270 evaluated some of the ujq1lIw69aM-00023-00005271-00005486 ways to make the compiler better and i'm ujq1lIw69aM-00024-00005487-00005647 gonna share like ujq1lIw69aM-00025-00005648-00005847 some of our thoughts and and what are ujq1lIw69aM-00026-00005848-00005999 the changes we did and what are the ujq1lIw69aM-00027-00006000-00006215 changes we're planning to do and how can ujq1lIw69aM-00028-00006216-00006446 we merge this to upstream javascript ujq1lIw69aM-00029-00006447-00006559 compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00030-00006559-00006783 um yeah if you have any queries so i'm ujq1lIw69aM-00031-00006784-00006983 i'm happy to take while the talk or or ujq1lIw69aM-00032-00006984-00007295 we can meet in the hangout ujq1lIw69aM-00033-00007295-00007391 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00034-00007392-00007574 yeah this talk is mainly about ujq1lIw69aM-00035-00007575-00007855 your script compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00036-00007856-00008063 in cases of incremental ujq1lIw69aM-00037-00008064-00008151 um ujq1lIw69aM-00038-00008152-00008319 so before even going further i'll just ujq1lIw69aM-00039-00008320-00008519 give you some of the metrics of ujq1lIw69aM-00040-00008520-00008791 adjustments uh one of the code base not ujq1lIw69aM-00041-00008792-00008951 not considering all the code bases and ujq1lIw69aM-00042-00008952-00009142 consider i considered one of the main ujq1lIw69aM-00043-00009143-00009303 codebase that we use ujq1lIw69aM-00044-00009304-00009455 which handles around ujq1lIw69aM-00045-00009456-00009719 five million transactions per day ujq1lIw69aM-00046-00009720-00009855 um ujq1lIw69aM-00047-00009856-00010031 so the metrics are like we have like ujq1lIw69aM-00048-00010032-00010367 almost uh 2.5 lakhs ujq1lIw69aM-00049-00010368-00010606 lines of code and and every time a ujq1lIw69aM-00050-00010607-00010759 developer does a build it will take more ujq1lIw69aM-00051-00010760-00010919 than 10 minutes and ujq1lIw69aM-00052-00010920-00011159 we have on an average 100 days working ujq1lIw69aM-00053-00011160-00011374 on the project ujq1lIw69aM-00054-00011375-00011655 on on a day on an outage ujq1lIw69aM-00055-00011656-00011767 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00056-00011768-00012014 so so this is this this is the agenda uh ujq1lIw69aM-00057-00012015-00012199 all the way so earlier it used to be ujq1lIw69aM-00058-00012200-00012391 like this like when we say pulp compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00059-00012392-00012503 was built ujq1lIw69aM-00060-00012504-00012710 um it used to take like we can just go ujq1lIw69aM-00061-00012711-00012919 out and grab a lunch and come back so ujq1lIw69aM-00062-00012919-00013151 your pulp bill will be ready ujq1lIw69aM-00063-00013152-00013375 also now with the incremental changes we ujq1lIw69aM-00064-00013376-00013655 did now it's like okay ujq1lIw69aM-00065-00013656-00013791 maybe you can ujq1lIw69aM-00066-00013791-00014030 you can get a chance to go and ujq1lIw69aM-00067-00014031-00014247 grab snacks ujq1lIw69aM-00068-00014247-00014407 um ujq1lIw69aM-00069-00014408-00014551 the next thing was ujq1lIw69aM-00070-00014552-00014766 like the future that we're planning and ujq1lIw69aM-00071-00014768-00014943 and some of the ideas that uh on the ujq1lIw69aM-00072-00014944-00015094 implementation were like ujq1lIw69aM-00073-00015095-00015286 you just do call build and you know more ujq1lIw69aM-00074-00015287-00015422 like you're not going anywhere so you ujq1lIw69aM-00075-00015423-00015583 have to stay hungry and ujq1lIw69aM-00076-00015584-00015975 stay foolish i guess ujq1lIw69aM-00077-00015976-00016230 so so like considering main use cases ujq1lIw69aM-00078-00016231-00016439 right then when we are working on any ujq1lIw69aM-00079-00016440-00016575 project ujq1lIw69aM-00080-00016576-00016727 some of the major use cases would be ujq1lIw69aM-00081-00016728-00016967 like adding a new functionality ujq1lIw69aM-00082-00016968-00017135 that would be considered as adding new ujq1lIw69aM-00083-00017136-00017286 functions in functional programming ujq1lIw69aM-00084-00017287-00017463 language and second thing would be ujq1lIw69aM-00085-00017464-00017711 changing some values or maybe ujq1lIw69aM-00086-00017712-00017886 you want to try building out with ujq1lIw69aM-00087-00017887-00018150 different values in ui or different ujq1lIw69aM-00088-00018151-00018358 environmental variables or some ujq1lIw69aM-00089-00018359-00018567 constants you want to switch to ujq1lIw69aM-00090-00018568-00018750 and and something else would be like you ujq1lIw69aM-00091-00018751-00018894 want to do some debugging so you want to ujq1lIw69aM-00092-00018895-00019111 add some logs maybe maybe comment out ujq1lIw69aM-00093-00019112-00019247 some logs so ujq1lIw69aM-00094-00019248-00019439 sorry comment out some code to make sure ujq1lIw69aM-00095-00019440-00019799 that uh which part of code is taking ujq1lIw69aM-00096-00019800-00020150 more time or a perfect analysis or even ujq1lIw69aM-00097-00020151-00020271 understanding where the bug was ujq1lIw69aM-00098-00020272-00020430 introduced ujq1lIw69aM-00099-00020431-00020543 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00100-00020544-00020822 see considering these use cases like ujq1lIw69aM-00101-00020823-00020999 this is one of the main code base that i ujq1lIw69aM-00102-00021000-00021222 was talking about so ideally first and ujq1lIw69aM-00103-00021223-00021503 compilation takes around uh ujq1lIw69aM-00104-00021504-00021775 4 365 seconds ujq1lIw69aM-00105-00021776-00022047 and and let's say i made a small change ujq1lIw69aM-00106-00022048-00022255 which is nothing but i have updated my ujq1lIw69aM-00107-00022256-00022471 default version from one to two ujq1lIw69aM-00108-00022472-00022750 and then my compilation time took around ujq1lIw69aM-00109-00022751-00023007 almost the same it's uh it's like i'm ujq1lIw69aM-00110-00023008-00023286 i'm compiling every time to almost 37 ujq1lIw69aM-00111-00023287-00023583 minutes or around that time for 37 98 ujq1lIw69aM-00112-00023584-00023703 seconds ujq1lIw69aM-00113-00023704-00023814 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00114-00023815-00024014 so so ideally the thought was like when ujq1lIw69aM-00115-00024015-00024214 we are making these kind of changes why ujq1lIw69aM-00116-00024215-00024447 does it has to do the compilation ujq1lIw69aM-00117-00024448-00024599 like how it does for the first time ujq1lIw69aM-00118-00024600-00024839 right uh from this from this pain point ujq1lIw69aM-00119-00024840-00025047 and from this thought uh we have started ujq1lIw69aM-00120-00025048-00025342 working on the optimizing compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00121-00025343-00025622 uh so you can even see uh how the cpu ujq1lIw69aM-00122-00025623-00025799 was behaving i mean it's taking all the ujq1lIw69aM-00123-00025800-00026031 cores and memory is also high ujq1lIw69aM-00124-00026032-00026143 um and ujq1lIw69aM-00125-00026144-00026287 and that's the reason why i said like ujq1lIw69aM-00126-00026288-00026439 when you do pull build you just go and ujq1lIw69aM-00127-00026439-00026695 grab his lunch so it's gonna like take ujq1lIw69aM-00128-00026695-00026895 take a while ujq1lIw69aM-00129-00026895-00027014 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00130-00027016-00027231 another another interesting thing that ujq1lIw69aM-00131-00027232-00027446 we observed was like when i even don't ujq1lIw69aM-00132-00027447-00027599 make a change right ujq1lIw69aM-00133-00027600-00027790 sometimes this some of the some of the ujq1lIw69aM-00134-00027791-00028070 ids make this crazy auto save even ujq1lIw69aM-00135-00028072-00028318 though we don't change anything or ujq1lIw69aM-00136-00028319-00028462 you might have commented the line and ujq1lIw69aM-00137-00028463-00028679 uncommented the same line or you might ujq1lIw69aM-00138-00028680-00028831 have removed ujq1lIw69aM-00139-00028832-00029007 extra lines and all right ujq1lIw69aM-00140-00029008-00029214 so that's what i considered as no change ujq1lIw69aM-00141-00029216-00029318 in the goal ujq1lIw69aM-00142-00029319-00029511 even then ujq1lIw69aM-00143-00029512-00029655 the compiler took ujq1lIw69aM-00144-00029656-00029862 almost the same time like ujq1lIw69aM-00145-00029863-00029990 um ujq1lIw69aM-00146-00029991-00030190 no no no ujq1lIw69aM-00147-00030191-00030407 no more of an intelligent system which ujq1lIw69aM-00148-00030408-00030567 says that hey man see you didn't really ujq1lIw69aM-00149-00030568-00030783 change any code i'm not gonna compile ujq1lIw69aM-00150-00030783-00031062 the code versus hey i have seen some ujq1lIw69aM-00151-00031063-00031287 some the file has been changed the ujq1lIw69aM-00152-00031288-00031446 modified time has been changed i'll just ujq1lIw69aM-00153-00031447-00031662 literally re-compile everything ujq1lIw69aM-00154-00031663-00031814 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00155-00031816-00031999 see okay now i'm gonna talk a little ujq1lIw69aM-00156-00032000-00032279 about a principle thought ujq1lIw69aM-00157-00032280-00032487 of mine and mostly that we followed just ujq1lIw69aM-00158-00032488-00032662 pay so one of the principal thought is ujq1lIw69aM-00159-00032663-00032846 like we always try to attack any problem ujq1lIw69aM-00160-00032847-00033135 with 80 20. so the main idea itself is ujq1lIw69aM-00161-00033136-00033239 that uh ujq1lIw69aM-00162-00033240-00033590 can we find that 20 percentage of effort ujq1lIw69aM-00163-00033591-00033887 that can be solving 80 of the use cases ujq1lIw69aM-00164-00033888-00033974 and ujq1lIw69aM-00165-00033975-00034143 so this is this is the one of the main ujq1lIw69aM-00166-00034144-00034423 reason why this compiler was uh we kind ujq1lIw69aM-00167-00034424-00034639 of found only few places where ujq1lIw69aM-00168-00034640-00034862 we really need help or or it takes most ujq1lIw69aM-00169-00034863-00035111 of the time of from developers so that's ujq1lIw69aM-00170-00035112-00035262 those are the main problems that we ujq1lIw69aM-00171-00035263-00035399 focused on and those are the main ujq1lIw69aM-00172-00035400-00035679 problems before uh we solved with more ujq1lIw69aM-00173-00035680-00035862 or less a 20 effort to be honest it's ujq1lIw69aM-00174-00035863-00036007 not like uh ujq1lIw69aM-00175-00036008-00036207 we have considered all the scenarios and ujq1lIw69aM-00176-00036208-00036551 and and it's gonna be like uh like like ujq1lIw69aM-00177-00036552-00036711 so good at all the scenarios but we have ujq1lIw69aM-00178-00036712-00036887 considered most of the scenarios that ujq1lIw69aM-00179-00036888-00037118 developers using uh which were added ujq1lIw69aM-00180-00037119-00037343 also in the use cases part and in all ujq1lIw69aM-00181-00037344-00037487 those cases we have ujq1lIw69aM-00182-00037488-00037883 put 20 percenters of report of minimal ujq1lIw69aM-00183-00037884-00038095 minimal changes that you can do to the ujq1lIw69aM-00184-00038096-00038318 compiler to to get the maximum of the ujq1lIw69aM-00185-00038319-00038535 benefit and this is one of the ujq1lIw69aM-00186-00038536-00038718 way we work at just we will always try ujq1lIw69aM-00187-00038719-00039030 to find any 80 20s and try to ujq1lIw69aM-00188-00039031-00039279 uh if you see the matrix here ujq1lIw69aM-00189-00039280-00039511 it's like you can solve it 99 of the ujq1lIw69aM-00190-00039512-00039823 problem with just 24 24 of your effort ujq1lIw69aM-00191-00039824-00040023 so like this is something always we we ujq1lIw69aM-00192-00040024-00040111 try to ujq1lIw69aM-00193-00040112-00040374 find out and and solve the problem ujq1lIw69aM-00194-00040375-00040711 more or less very fast away ujq1lIw69aM-00195-00040712-00040943 uh i see this is the first thought that ujq1lIw69aM-00196-00040944-00041135 triggered to me when when ujq1lIw69aM-00197-00041136-00041311 when we were actually trying to ujq1lIw69aM-00198-00041312-00041487 understand like why the compilers are ujq1lIw69aM-00199-00041488-00041679 taking time the very first thought that ujq1lIw69aM-00200-00041680-00041862 triggered to us was ujq1lIw69aM-00201-00041863-00042118 why why why do i have to compile ujq1lIw69aM-00202-00042119-00042287 when my function was not function ujq1lIw69aM-00203-00042288-00042487 signature was not even changing ujq1lIw69aM-00204-00042488-00042718 um so even before answer before even ujq1lIw69aM-00205-00042719-00042846 coming to this point right we were ujq1lIw69aM-00206-00042847-00042990 asking questions like what do you mean ujq1lIw69aM-00207-00042991-00043190 by compilation so what are we really ujq1lIw69aM-00208-00043191-00043374 saying when we say compilation is it ujq1lIw69aM-00209-00043375-00043615 doing a type in friends is it uh is it ujq1lIw69aM-00210-00043616-00043823 generation of uh whatever the back end ujq1lIw69aM-00211-00043824-00044030 we support javascript python php ujq1lIw69aM-00212-00044031-00044327 anything right is it what exactly do we ujq1lIw69aM-00213-00044328-00044551 say build and how much of uh who is ujq1lIw69aM-00214-00044552-00044774 taking how much of uh ujq1lIw69aM-00215-00044775-00044990 time right and in that we have noticed ujq1lIw69aM-00216-00044991-00045167 that when the function signature was not ujq1lIw69aM-00217-00045168-00045390 changing ideally you don't have to ujq1lIw69aM-00218-00045391-00045518 um ujq1lIw69aM-00219-00045519-00045646 do the type influence for all the ujq1lIw69aM-00220-00045647-00045879 dependencies right like ujq1lIw69aM-00221-00045880-00046007 um ujq1lIw69aM-00222-00046008-00046174 this is one of our first thoughts and we ujq1lIw69aM-00223-00046175-00046374 try to evaluate that using some of the ujq1lIw69aM-00224-00046375-00046479 changes ujq1lIw69aM-00225-00046480-00046662 uh so if you observe uh we did the ujq1lIw69aM-00226-00046663-00046895 modules like we have a module which have ujq1lIw69aM-00227-00046896-00047062 a function called add five ujq1lIw69aM-00228-00047063-00047271 and i'm trying to import that module in ujq1lIw69aM-00229-00047272-00047455 another module called y ujq1lIw69aM-00230-00047456-00047607 and ujq1lIw69aM-00231-00047608-00047935 when i i've made change in module x ujq1lIw69aM-00232-00047936-00048207 saying that uh i have just reached the x ujq1lIw69aM-00233-00048208-00048590 plus y with y plus x by five plus x and ujq1lIw69aM-00234-00048591-00048783 uh then then we have realized that that ujq1lIw69aM-00235-00048784-00049007 module y shouldn't be recompiled ujq1lIw69aM-00236-00049008-00049318 right we don't want the module by to be ujq1lIw69aM-00237-00049319-00049662 recompiled because ujq1lIw69aM-00238-00049663-00049846 because the type influences are no more ujq1lIw69aM-00239-00049847-00050030 required right because ad 5 is always an ujq1lIw69aM-00240-00050031-00050295 into intent module by using ad 5 won't ujq1lIw69aM-00241-00050296-00050615 have any issues ujq1lIw69aM-00242-00050616-00050767 yeah i mean uh these are some of the ujq1lIw69aM-00243-00050768-00051039 metrics uh that i that i like after ujq1lIw69aM-00244-00051040-00051238 making this one change where ujq1lIw69aM-00245-00051239-00051430 uh when i come you know function ujq1lIw69aM-00246-00051432-00051630 signatures was not changed we don't ujq1lIw69aM-00247-00051632-00051838 wanna recompile all the dependencies ujq1lIw69aM-00248-00051839-00051999 with that one change we could able to ujq1lIw69aM-00249-00052000-00052254 bring down numbers like on the left ujq1lIw69aM-00250-00052255-00052399 which are very high ujq1lIw69aM-00251-00052400-00052694 37 and all and we bought them down to 10 ujq1lIw69aM-00252-00052695-00052903 seconds the same way when there is no ujq1lIw69aM-00253-00052904-00053103 change in the code maybe you you move ujq1lIw69aM-00254-00053104-00053326 the few more lines ujq1lIw69aM-00255-00053327-00053463 um ujq1lIw69aM-00256-00053464-00053671 um maybe you commented and uncommented ujq1lIw69aM-00257-00053672-00053919 the same line then and all you wanted ujq1lIw69aM-00258-00053920-00054071 these numbers are again ujq1lIw69aM-00259-00054072-00054223 the numbers on the right side are more ujq1lIw69aM-00260-00054224-00054599 of more or less using a stock board so ujq1lIw69aM-00261-00054600-00054785 because because there is no ujq1lIw69aM-00262-00054786-00055887 [Music] ujq1lIw69aM-00263-00055888-00055991 um ujq1lIw69aM-00264-00055991-00056150 yeah i'll just give you some of the ujq1lIw69aM-00265-00056151-00056375 implementation details um what we ujq1lIw69aM-00266-00056376-00056703 actually did uh so ujq1lIw69aM-00267-00056704-00056887 to solve this problem right like what we ujq1lIw69aM-00268-00056888-00057030 said was like when we are actually ujq1lIw69aM-00269-00057032-00057215 passing and when we are actually ujq1lIw69aM-00270-00057216-00057311 um ujq1lIw69aM-00271-00057312-00057494 trying to build a particular file we ujq1lIw69aM-00272-00057495-00057663 actually build a hash map ujq1lIw69aM-00273-00057664-00057815 um which will have a function name and ujq1lIw69aM-00274-00057816-00058023 the function signature so ujq1lIw69aM-00275-00058024-00058191 every time you make a change and you try ujq1lIw69aM-00276-00058191-00058519 to compile we we again build this uh ujq1lIw69aM-00277-00058520-00058647 name and ujq1lIw69aM-00278-00058648-00058815 function signature hashmap and we make ujq1lIw69aM-00279-00058816-00059047 sure that nothing has changed let's say ujq1lIw69aM-00280-00059048-00059207 for particular functions ujq1lIw69aM-00281-00059208-00059366 function signature has changed that's ujq1lIw69aM-00282-00059367-00059559 when we will say okay go and recompile ujq1lIw69aM-00283-00059560-00059830 like i can't give any advantage but ujq1lIw69aM-00284-00059832-00059966 let's say ujq1lIw69aM-00285-00059967-00060094 for any particular function the ujq1lIw69aM-00286-00060095-00060350 functions type signature has now changed ujq1lIw69aM-00287-00060351-00060535 then we can simply say that hey nancy ujq1lIw69aM-00288-00060536-00060687 you compare yourself ujq1lIw69aM-00289-00060688-00060950 but don't expect or don't tell your ujq1lIw69aM-00290-00060951-00061279 dependencies uh to compile them right so ujq1lIw69aM-00291-00061279-00061487 that's how we ujq1lIw69aM-00292-00061488-00061703 majorly solve the problem ujq1lIw69aM-00293-00061704-00061926 see one of the main concern to be honest ujq1lIw69aM-00294-00061927-00062279 till now is the cpu and the memory which ujq1lIw69aM-00295-00062279-00062471 which we started working on we ujq1lIw69aM-00296-00062472-00062654 we kind of figured out a couple of ways ujq1lIw69aM-00297-00062655-00062919 to make these changes and ujq1lIw69aM-00298-00062920-00063230 try to use less cpu or memory but but ujq1lIw69aM-00299-00063232-00063399 it's still in our implementation so i ujq1lIw69aM-00300-00063400-00063494 can't ujq1lIw69aM-00301-00063495-00063775 really give out numbers as of now but ujq1lIw69aM-00302-00063776-00064023 but to be honest it's right now um ujq1lIw69aM-00303-00064024-00064199 good enough to heat up the ujq1lIw69aM-00304-00064200-00064471 laptop so this is still a concern ujq1lIw69aM-00305-00064472-00064566 from ujq1lIw69aM-00306-00064567-00065015 from the compiler that we are using ujq1lIw69aM-00307-00065016-00065206 see if we did a release ujq1lIw69aM-00308-00065207-00065287 so ujq1lIw69aM-00309-00065288-00065567 people can find this release in ujq1lIw69aM-00310-00065568-00065767 npm packages um ujq1lIw69aM-00311-00065768-00066006 under the name hyperf and purescript but ujq1lIw69aM-00312-00066007-00066182 as of now we released only for the four ujq1lIw69aM-00313-00066183-00066311 versions ujq1lIw69aM-00314-00066312-00066559 which are mainly used at just pay so we ujq1lIw69aM-00315-00066560-00066671 have very ujq1lIw69aM-00316-00066672-00066799 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00317-00066800-00067087 old code base that even still using 0.11 ujq1lIw69aM-00318-00067088-00067359 so we have only these ujq1lIw69aM-00319-00067360-00067487 for ujq1lIw69aM-00320-00067488-00067735 versions but but we are planning to add ujq1lIw69aM-00321-00067736-00068031 for 0.15 or the latest versions also and ujq1lIw69aM-00322-00068032-00068271 we hope like before any new releases we ujq1lIw69aM-00323-00068272-00068399 will try to ujq1lIw69aM-00324-00068400-00068615 bring these changes in top stream ujq1lIw69aM-00325-00068616-00068815 if anyone is interested uh they can they ujq1lIw69aM-00326-00068816-00068991 can get these ujq1lIw69aM-00327-00068992-00069175 old versions which i mean i can't help ujq1lIw69aM-00328-00069176-00069415 but if it if someone is using 0.15 as of ujq1lIw69aM-00329-00069416-00069655 now but if you have any code base using ujq1lIw69aM-00330-00069656-00069815 these versions you can try out the ujq1lIw69aM-00331-00069816-00069926 compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00332-00069927-00070182 using the npm package or if not you can ujq1lIw69aM-00333-00070183-00070479 visit just space github it's it's a pure ujq1lIw69aM-00334-00070480-00070694 fork of periscope ujq1lIw69aM-00335-00070695-00070911 repo and and we made changes on top of ujq1lIw69aM-00336-00070912-00071055 that so ujq1lIw69aM-00337-00071056-00071206 so ideally you can even observe what ujq1lIw69aM-00338-00071207-00071375 kind of changes we did and maybe some ujq1lIw69aM-00339-00071376-00071543 more suggestions like ujq1lIw69aM-00340-00071544-00071743 um ujq1lIw69aM-00341-00071744-00072031 like any any suggestions regarding the ujq1lIw69aM-00342-00072032-00072287 changes that we did and the way we did ujq1lIw69aM-00343-00072288-00072479 uh also any people have any other ujq1lIw69aM-00344-00072480-00072623 thoughts regarding ujq1lIw69aM-00345-00072624-00072750 um ujq1lIw69aM-00346-00072751-00072950 the use case versus this 80 20s that we ujq1lIw69aM-00347-00072951-00073199 can do early and and try to come up try ujq1lIw69aM-00348-00073200-00073335 to achieve some ujq1lIw69aM-00349-00073336-00073559 higher numbers or higher advantages we ujq1lIw69aM-00350-00073560-00073711 are we are happy to ujq1lIw69aM-00351-00073712-00073975 uh here and and there was also there was ujq1lIw69aM-00352-00073976-00074262 also a post on this this course ujq1lIw69aM-00353-00074263-00074519 regarding this and and we are happy to ujq1lIw69aM-00354-00074520-00074671 like interact with folks and we are ujq1lIw69aM-00355-00074672-00074782 happy to ujq1lIw69aM-00356-00074783-00074982 speak with more folks to get more uh ujq1lIw69aM-00357-00074983-00075167 inputs regarding ujq1lIw69aM-00358-00075168-00075350 regarding this compiler and see if there ujq1lIw69aM-00359-00075351-00075550 are any more changes that we can do or ujq1lIw69aM-00360-00075551-00075703 if there are any issues that are being ujq1lIw69aM-00361-00075704-00075871 faced with people ujq1lIw69aM-00362-00075872-00076038 or or yeah ujq1lIw69aM-00363-00076039-00076462 more or less in that way ujq1lIw69aM-00364-00076463-00076726 see as i mentioned um until now this is ujq1lIw69aM-00365-00076727-00076879 one of the main change we did and we ujq1lIw69aM-00366-00076880-00076999 were able to achieve the numbers that ujq1lIw69aM-00367-00077000-00077135 i've shown ago ujq1lIw69aM-00368-00077136-00077479 but but there are there are other ujq1lIw69aM-00369-00077480-00077615 thoughts which we were which we were ujq1lIw69aM-00370-00077616-00077815 evaluating and also started working on ujq1lIw69aM-00371-00077816-00078087 it and they seem like giving even more ujq1lIw69aM-00372-00078088-00078255 benefit ujq1lIw69aM-00373-00078256-00078519 and also also helping out in ujq1lIw69aM-00374-00078520-00078638 many more ujq1lIw69aM-00375-00078639-00078855 use cases one of them is to build a ujq1lIw69aM-00376-00078856-00079094 function level dependency uh so if you ujq1lIw69aM-00377-00079095-00079287 observe like in the previous ujq1lIw69aM-00378-00079288-00079550 uh in the previous explanation uh what ujq1lIw69aM-00379-00079551-00079823 we did was like we we said if a ujq1lIw69aM-00380-00079824-00079975 particular function signature doesn't ujq1lIw69aM-00381-00079976-00080055 change ujq1lIw69aM-00382-00080056-00080311 then only you don't recompile but if a ujq1lIw69aM-00383-00080312-00080479 function signature change will simply ujq1lIw69aM-00384-00080480-00080855 say go and recompile the dependencies ujq1lIw69aM-00385-00080856-00081062 but ideally let's say ujq1lIw69aM-00386-00081063-00081238 a module imported ujq1lIw69aM-00387-00081239-00081455 a module imported a function ujq1lIw69aM-00388-00081456-00081735 and that function is not being used or ujq1lIw69aM-00389-00081736-00081991 or it being used but uh ujq1lIw69aM-00390-00081992-00082223 it it's really not changing the function ujq1lIw69aM-00391-00082224-00082359 signature of the current module so ujq1lIw69aM-00392-00082360-00082582 example could be let's say we have a x ujq1lIw69aM-00393-00082583-00082791 module in the y module x module have a ujq1lIw69aM-00394-00082792-00083031 add five function and y module imported ujq1lIw69aM-00395-00083032-00083255 that ad with function and ujq1lIw69aM-00396-00083256-00083462 uh somehow we changed the add5 function ujq1lIw69aM-00397-00083463-00083703 type signature so ideally we say go and ujq1lIw69aM-00398-00083704-00083855 recompile y ujq1lIw69aM-00399-00083856-00083999 and ujq1lIw69aM-00400-00084000-00084215 we don't reapply the same logic on the y ujq1lIw69aM-00401-00084216-00084359 and we simply say we ujq1lIw69aM-00402-00084360-00084575 recompile all the dependencies ujq1lIw69aM-00403-00084576-00084679 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00404-00084680-00084887 i mean the better way could be uh you ujq1lIw69aM-00405-00084888-00085135 you you consider y now and since add ujq1lIw69aM-00406-00085136-00085391 five signature has changed uh the the ujq1lIw69aM-00407-00085392-00085623 you again look at all the functions of y ujq1lIw69aM-00408-00085624-00085879 and see if if the functions of y ujq1lIw69aM-00409-00085880-00086191 uh functions of y signatures has changed ujq1lIw69aM-00410-00086192-00086350 or not if not ujq1lIw69aM-00411-00086351-00086526 i don't recompile all the dependencies ujq1lIw69aM-00412-00086527-00086831 but recompile only if and only if ujq1lIw69aM-00413-00086832-00087103 y function by file function ujq1lIw69aM-00414-00087104-00087247 signatures are changed so this is ujq1lIw69aM-00415-00087248-00087438 something we were evaluating and looks ujq1lIw69aM-00416-00087439-00087647 like most of our use cases are like this ujq1lIw69aM-00417-00087648-00087791 so even though some of the util ujq1lIw69aM-00418-00087792-00088015 functions type signature change i don't ujq1lIw69aM-00419-00088016-00088318 need to compile till the main ujq1lIw69aM-00420-00088319-00088455 mostly because the youtube function ujq1lIw69aM-00421-00088456-00088687 stripe signature or the function uh ujq1lIw69aM-00422-00088688-00088926 who's who's whose signature has changed ujq1lIw69aM-00423-00088927-00089118 is mainly being used by ujq1lIw69aM-00424-00089119-00089255 um ujq1lIw69aM-00425-00089256-00089367 uh um ujq1lIw69aM-00426-00089368-00089615 more or less only for by few from a few ujq1lIw69aM-00427-00089616-00089871 modules and we want to compile only them ujq1lIw69aM-00428-00089872-00090071 and then we re-evaluate the same logic ujq1lIw69aM-00429-00090072-00090335 and on the change modules or evaluate ujq1lIw69aM-00430-00090336-00090438 whether ujq1lIw69aM-00431-00090439-00090606 those functions the functions in those ujq1lIw69aM-00432-00090607-00090806 modules like type signatures has changed ujq1lIw69aM-00433-00090807-00090926 or not ujq1lIw69aM-00434-00090927-00091103 um ujq1lIw69aM-00435-00091104-00091326 yeah i'm i'm taking a question so sort ujq1lIw69aM-00436-00091327-00091494 of ask like what about the inline ujq1lIw69aM-00437-00091495-00091687 functions um ujq1lIw69aM-00438-00091688-00091879 uh this is true i mean this is this is ujq1lIw69aM-00439-00091880-00092111 one thing that we observe uh when there ujq1lIw69aM-00440-00092112-00092350 are these inline optimizations though ujq1lIw69aM-00441-00092351-00092711 ideally we have to recompile and angry ujq1lIw69aM-00442-00092712-00092959 and generate the javascript code but ujq1lIw69aM-00443-00092960-00093167 as we noticed like most of our code was ujq1lIw69aM-00444-00093168-00093406 not doing any inline optimizations ujq1lIw69aM-00445-00093407-00093582 um so that's one of the main reason that ujq1lIw69aM-00446-00093583-00093662 we ujq1lIw69aM-00447-00093663-00093855 were able to use this compiler but yeah ujq1lIw69aM-00448-00093856-00094071 this is this is really a ujq1lIw69aM-00449-00094072-00094199 um ujq1lIw69aM-00450-00094200-00094359 this is really right ujq1lIw69aM-00451-00094360-00094526 right question where ujq1lIw69aM-00452-00094527-00094782 if any inline optimizations were done by ujq1lIw69aM-00453-00094783-00095118 the compiler we can't really uh ujq1lIw69aM-00454-00095119-00095438 avoid recompiling the dependency modules ujq1lIw69aM-00455-00095439-00095526 um ujq1lIw69aM-00456-00095527-00095662 yeah see this is something we were ujq1lIw69aM-00457-00095663-00095847 evaluating and trying to solve the ujq1lIw69aM-00458-00095848-00096055 problem in the more ujq1lIw69aM-00459-00096056-00096343 general way not just uh ujq1lIw69aM-00460-00096344-00096494 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00461-00096495-00096687 not just like uh saying that oh seeing ujq1lIw69aM-00462-00096688-00096855 just a we were not getting any inline ujq1lIw69aM-00463-00096856-00097006 function so we'll just use it use this ujq1lIw69aM-00464-00097007-00097223 compiler but ujq1lIw69aM-00465-00097224-00097406 we were trying to look at we're actually ujq1lIw69aM-00466-00097407-00097631 evaluating the prescriptive compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00467-00097632-00097782 is there any way we can actually disable ujq1lIw69aM-00468-00097783-00097943 the inline while we are doing the while ujq1lIw69aM-00469-00097944-00098159 we're using this compiler and maybe for ujq1lIw69aM-00470-00098160-00098479 the final pulse build maybe or the or ujq1lIw69aM-00471-00098480-00098638 the release will write you we can add a ujq1lIw69aM-00472-00098639-00098791 flag saying that it's a release build ujq1lIw69aM-00473-00098792-00098879 and then ujq1lIw69aM-00474-00098880-00099191 we will just remove the ujq1lIw69aM-00475-00099192-00099391 the optimizations and we will simply say ujq1lIw69aM-00476-00099392-00099550 hey just go and compile everything and ujq1lIw69aM-00477-00099551-00099726 generate the proper ujq1lIw69aM-00478-00099727-00099871 output ujq1lIw69aM-00479-00099872-00100079 so yeah it's it's a it's a genuine ujq1lIw69aM-00480-00100080-00100206 question and this is something we have ujq1lIw69aM-00481-00100207-00100423 evaluated and and ujq1lIw69aM-00482-00100424-00100647 and it's a known issue but but as of now ujq1lIw69aM-00483-00100648-00100806 and since we're using this compiler for ujq1lIw69aM-00484-00100807-00101023 very time as of now we didn't see any ujq1lIw69aM-00485-00101024-00101247 issue or ujq1lIw69aM-00486-00101248-00101382 any bug ujq1lIw69aM-00487-00101383-00101526 that got introduced because of the ujq1lIw69aM-00488-00101527-00101871 inline uh in like inline concerns ujq1lIw69aM-00489-00101872-00102038 yeah ujq1lIw69aM-00490-00102039-00102262 yeah back to the function level ujq1lIw69aM-00491-00102263-00102623 dependency graph we just don't wanna um ujq1lIw69aM-00492-00102624-00102782 yeah we don't wanna go with the file ujq1lIw69aM-00493-00102783-00102934 level but we wanna go at the function ujq1lIw69aM-00494-00102935-00103175 level and and build the graph and ujq1lIw69aM-00495-00103176-00103366 only the function signature change we ujq1lIw69aM-00496-00103367-00103518 build the modules which are dependent on ujq1lIw69aM-00497-00103519-00103663 the function not ujq1lIw69aM-00498-00103664-00103823 not like okay i imported this file so ujq1lIw69aM-00499-00103824-00103934 i'll simply ujq1lIw69aM-00500-00103935-00104166 go and recompile that file ujq1lIw69aM-00501-00104167-00104399 uh other than this like there is another ujq1lIw69aM-00502-00104400-00104542 thought which is for first time ujq1lIw69aM-00503-00104543-00104734 compilation um ujq1lIw69aM-00504-00104735-00104975 but but this is mostly uh i'm not sure ujq1lIw69aM-00505-00104976-00105247 like how well it is useful for a general ujq1lIw69aM-00506-00105248-00105431 audience but but considering a company ujq1lIw69aM-00507-00105432-00105727 like us where we have around hundreds to ujq1lIw69aM-00508-00105728-00106031 120 devs work on average every day ujq1lIw69aM-00509-00106032-00106231 and and make new features make new ujq1lIw69aM-00510-00106232-00106375 releases ujq1lIw69aM-00511-00106376-00106543 we thought we can actually use something ujq1lIw69aM-00512-00106544-00106775 like ipfs and maybe share the output ujq1lIw69aM-00513-00106776-00107143 folder across us such that uh our custom ujq1lIw69aM-00514-00107144-00107383 compilation also won't take much ujq1lIw69aM-00515-00107383-00107615 uh time because it's always like this ujq1lIw69aM-00516-00107616-00107775 right like when the code is ending up in ujq1lIw69aM-00517-00107776-00107847 a ujq1lIw69aM-00518-00107848-00108015 bit bucket it's been pushed by one of my ujq1lIw69aM-00519-00108016-00108199 friends or one of my colleagues so ujq1lIw69aM-00520-00108200-00108415 ideally if i could just like i didn't if ujq1lIw69aM-00521-00108416-00108583 i could just create a tar file of the ujq1lIw69aM-00522-00108583-00108799 output folder and get it into my laptop ujq1lIw69aM-00523-00108800-00109015 i can use it so we thought like maybe ujq1lIw69aM-00524-00109016-00109278 why not ipfsn and the ps2 compiler ujq1lIw69aM-00525-00109279-00109551 itself can using that git commit hash it ujq1lIw69aM-00526-00109552-00109790 can look at the ipfs network and if the ujq1lIw69aM-00527-00109791-00110031 output module is fine output module it ujq1lIw69aM-00528-00110032-00110278 found it can just bring it down if not ujq1lIw69aM-00529-00110279-00110439 it can ujq1lIw69aM-00530-00110440-00110663 it can do a simple compilation as as it ujq1lIw69aM-00531-00110664-00110878 does right now so ujq1lIw69aM-00532-00110879-00111119 again as i mentioned i'm not sure like ujq1lIw69aM-00533-00111120-00111278 is this really useful for the general ujq1lIw69aM-00534-00111279-00111431 audience but but if you're a company and ujq1lIw69aM-00535-00111432-00111534 you have like ujq1lIw69aM-00536-00111535-00111702 a good enough number of people and you ujq1lIw69aM-00537-00111703-00111895 make changes most of the time and you ujq1lIw69aM-00538-00111896-00112086 see ujq1lIw69aM-00539-00112088-00112319 a lot of new branches and new features ujq1lIw69aM-00540-00112320-00112471 that you always do ujq1lIw69aM-00541-00112472-00112654 i would say this is something that ujq1lIw69aM-00542-00112655-00112807 we are ujq1lIw69aM-00543-00112808-00112958 yeah this is something that can be ujq1lIw69aM-00544-00112959-00113127 majorly useful ujq1lIw69aM-00545-00113128-00113263 um ujq1lIw69aM-00546-00113264-00113543 because like as i as i shown shown it on ujq1lIw69aM-00547-00113544-00113678 the screens earlier the first time ujq1lIw69aM-00548-00113679-00113847 compilation is something is still a ujq1lIw69aM-00549-00113848-00114031 problem and it takes around ujq1lIw69aM-00550-00114032-00114302 yeah it takes like huge amount of ujq1lIw69aM-00551-00114303-00114751 time of devs and which is not like ujq1lIw69aM-00552-00114752-00114910 which is which is one of the major ujq1lIw69aM-00553-00114911-00115078 hindrance that we are still facing ujq1lIw69aM-00554-00115079-00115358 facing but we were saying if ipfs can be ujq1lIw69aM-00555-00115359-00115686 evaluated and and maybe ujq1lIw69aM-00556-00115688-00115854 maybe add the ujq1lIw69aM-00557-00115855-00116071 commit level based uh ujq1lIw69aM-00558-00116072-00116302 output your output bringing into the ujq1lIw69aM-00559-00116303-00116471 system by using ipfs network is ujq1lIw69aM-00560-00116472-00116654 something we were looking at but we are ujq1lIw69aM-00561-00116655-00116863 not completely sure ujq1lIw69aM-00562-00116864-00117183 okay um ujq1lIw69aM-00563-00117183-00117407 yeah see other than this like uh majorly ujq1lIw69aM-00564-00117408-00117631 adjustable we work on functional ujq1lIw69aM-00565-00117632-00117863 programming and we build ujq1lIw69aM-00566-00117864-00118023 products of ujq1lIw69aM-00567-00118024-00118231 we build products or payments at the ujq1lIw69aM-00568-00118232-00118454 scale of india and most of our stacks ujq1lIw69aM-00569-00118455-00118719 are running in haskell and javascript ujq1lIw69aM-00570-00118720-00118990 and even rescript so we were one of the ujq1lIw69aM-00571-00118991-00119327 major companies who uses types and ujq1lIw69aM-00572-00119328-00119590 who who gets the ujq1lIw69aM-00573-00119591-00119727 functional programming ujq1lIw69aM-00574-00119728-00119934 to the scale of india ujq1lIw69aM-00575-00119935-00120175 and into the production directly ujq1lIw69aM-00576-00120176-00120278 um ujq1lIw69aM-00577-00120279-00120486 and as i mentioned about the 80 20 this ujq1lIw69aM-00578-00120488-00120727 is one of the things that we always like ujq1lIw69aM-00579-00120728-00120927 or trying to figure out ujq1lIw69aM-00580-00120928-00121190 any 80 20s in doing the task see ujq1lIw69aM-00581-00121191-00121358 as if you observe even the peer script ujq1lIw69aM-00582-00121359-00121575 compiler it's not like uh ujq1lIw69aM-00583-00121576-00121727 we have considered all the all the ujq1lIw69aM-00584-00121728-00121895 scenarios and we have come up with a ujq1lIw69aM-00585-00121896-00122023 complete hundred percent working ujq1lIw69aM-00586-00122024-00122151 compiler but ujq1lIw69aM-00587-00122152-00122358 it kind of solves eighty percent of the ujq1lIw69aM-00588-00122359-00122519 problems and it helps a lot of our ujq1lIw69aM-00589-00122520-00122814 developers right now in-house um ujq1lIw69aM-00590-00122815-00123039 and and they could able to make releases ujq1lIw69aM-00591-00123040-00123214 faster they could able to ujq1lIw69aM-00592-00123215-00123431 push forward faster otherwise like it ujq1lIw69aM-00593-00123432-00123631 usually takes an hour or two ujq1lIw69aM-00594-00123632-00123943 for for any person to like make a change ujq1lIw69aM-00595-00123944-00124086 if there is any bug found it takes ujq1lIw69aM-00596-00124088-00124327 around two hours for our developers to ujq1lIw69aM-00597-00124328-00124454 make a change ujq1lIw69aM-00598-00124455-00124702 maybe maybe add more logs ujq1lIw69aM-00599-00124703-00124934 go through the code the compilation ujq1lIw69aM-00600-00124935-00125063 again you make some more changes ujq1lIw69aM-00601-00125064-00125223 compilation again you make some more ujq1lIw69aM-00602-00125224-00125463 changes find out about come up with a ujq1lIw69aM-00603-00125464-00125599 solution and push it to production it ujq1lIw69aM-00604-00125600-00125710 takes around ujq1lIw69aM-00605-00125711-00125951 two to three hours on an average but but ujq1lIw69aM-00606-00125952-00126158 it kind of dropped into less than five ujq1lIw69aM-00607-00126159-00126254 minutes ujq1lIw69aM-00608-00126255-00126454 uh because because because of the use ujq1lIw69aM-00609-00126455-00126639 cases that we usually have but but there ujq1lIw69aM-00610-00126640-00126807 are scenarios ujq1lIw69aM-00611-00126808-00126958 as i mentioned if we have to change the ujq1lIw69aM-00612-00126959-00127119 function signature or adding a new ujq1lIw69aM-00613-00127120-00127343 functionality ujq1lIw69aM-00614-00127344-00127551 or or updating the dependency graph or ujq1lIw69aM-00615-00127552-00127702 is it a first-time compilation we are ujq1lIw69aM-00616-00127703-00127943 still like we're still at a ujq1lIw69aM-00617-00127944-00128031 uh ujq1lIw69aM-00618-00128032-00128239 issue level where ujq1lIw69aM-00619-00128240-00128439 we have to decompile from the first hand ujq1lIw69aM-00620-00128440-00128654 it does take a lot of time and and as ujq1lIw69aM-00621-00128655-00128847 the code base increases at the as the ujq1lIw69aM-00622-00128848-00129054 code increases we kind of think ujq1lIw69aM-00623-00129055-00129254 uh we kind of seeing this compilation is ujq1lIw69aM-00624-00129255-00129414 actually going exponential not just ujq1lIw69aM-00625-00129415-00129623 linear uh because earlier when we have ujq1lIw69aM-00626-00129624-00129807 very less number of files or less number ujq1lIw69aM-00627-00129808-00129919 of modules ujq1lIw69aM-00628-00129920-00130102 it used to be like very linear not ujq1lIw69aM-00629-00130103-00130319 increasing or not taking much time it ujq1lIw69aM-00630-00130320-00130663 kind of went from 5 to 20 in a very ujq1lIw69aM-00631-00130664-00130854 very fast way because because we are ujq1lIw69aM-00632-00130855-00131023 just like working ujq1lIw69aM-00633-00131024-00131159 we are just adding more features more ujq1lIw69aM-00634-00131160-00131366 features and and suddenly we just went ujq1lIw69aM-00635-00131367-00131527 to this 30 minutes 40 minutes ujq1lIw69aM-00636-00131528-00131759 compilation time and ujq1lIw69aM-00637-00131760-00132390 that's become a high endurance for us ujq1lIw69aM-00638-00132391-00132478 ah ujq1lIw69aM-00639-00132479-00132590 yeah i mean ujq1lIw69aM-00640-00132591-00132902 true i kind of have a bad throat so ujq1lIw69aM-00641-00132903-00133175 if if if you have like if something was ujq1lIw69aM-00642-00133176-00133287 not ujq1lIw69aM-00643-00133288-00133447 clear maybe you can ask questions so i ujq1lIw69aM-00644-00133448-00133647 can i'm happy to help ujq1lIw69aM-00645-00133648-00133719 but ujq1lIw69aM-00646-00133720-00134023 uh sorry for my voice i i just had a bad ujq1lIw69aM-00647-00134024-00134319 throw today ujq1lIw69aM-00648-00134320-00134676 so thank you umYx66qIUn0-00000-00000056-00000367 jakarta indonesian pronunciation dakar umYx66qIUn0-00001-00000368-00000593 de officially the special capital region umYx66qIUn0-00002-00000594-00000881 of jakarta indonesian daerah kusa sai bu umYx66qIUn0-00003-00000882-00001079 kota Jakarta is the capital and largest umYx66qIUn0-00004-00001080-00001427 city of Indonesia it is located on the umYx66qIUn0-00005-00001428-00001591 northwest coast of the world's most umYx66qIUn0-00006-00001592-00001829 populous island Java it is the center of umYx66qIUn0-00007-00001830-00002042 economics culture and politics of umYx66qIUn0-00008-00002043-00002342 Indonesia it hosted a population of 10 umYx66qIUn0-00009-00002343-00002798 million 75 thousand 310 as of 2014 the umYx66qIUn0-00010-00002799-00003043 greater Jakarta metropolitan area has an umYx66qIUn0-00011-00003044-00003410 area of 6300 92 square kilometers which umYx66qIUn0-00012-00003411-00003620 is known as Jabodetabek an acronym of umYx66qIUn0-00013-00003621-00003913 Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang and Bekasi umYx66qIUn0-00014-00003914-00004190 it is the world's second largest urban umYx66qIUn0-00015-00004191-00004388 agglomeration after Tokyo with a umYx66qIUn0-00016-00004389-00004802 population of 30 million 214,000 303 as umYx66qIUn0-00017-00004803-00005131 of 2010 Jakarta is predicted to reach 30 umYx66qIUn0-00018-00005132-00005459 5.6 million people by 2030 to become the umYx66qIUn0-00019-00005460-00005629 world's biggest mega city umYx66qIUn0-00020-00005630-00005906 jakarta's business opportunities as well umYx66qIUn0-00021-00005907-00006074 as its potential to offer a higher umYx66qIUn0-00022-00006075-00006284 standard of living attract migrants from umYx66qIUn0-00023-00006285-00006432 across the Indonesian archipelago umYx66qIUn0-00024-00006433-00006660 combining many communities and cultures umYx66qIUn0-00025-00006661-00006902 established in the 4th century as soon umYx66qIUn0-00026-00006903-00007114 to kalapa the city became an important umYx66qIUn0-00027-00007115-00007298 trading port for the soon 2 Kingdom it umYx66qIUn0-00028-00007298-00007549 was the de facto capital of the Dutch umYx66qIUn0-00029-00007550-00007798 East Indies when it was known as Batavia umYx66qIUn0-00030-00007798-00008039 Jakarta is officially a province with umYx66qIUn0-00031-00008040-00008249 special capital region status but is umYx66qIUn0-00032-00008250-00008495 commonly referred to as a city the umYx66qIUn0-00033-00008496-00008710 Jakarta provincial government consists umYx66qIUn0-00034-00008711-00008903 of five administrative cities and one umYx66qIUn0-00035-00008904-00009178 administrative Regency Jakarta is umYx66qIUn0-00036-00009179-00009364 nicknamed the big durian the thorny umYx66qIUn0-00037-00009365-00009542 strongly odered fruit native to the umYx66qIUn0-00038-00009543-00009719 region as the city is seen as the umYx66qIUn0-00039-00009720-00009914 Indonesian equivalent of New York Big umYx66qIUn0-00040-00009915-00010160 Apple Jakarta is an alpha world city and umYx66qIUn0-00041-00010161-00010342 is the seed of the Aegean Secretariat umYx66qIUn0-00042-00010343-00010492 making it an important city for umYx66qIUn0-00043-00010493-00010771 international diplomacy important umYx66qIUn0-00044-00010772-00011003 financial institutions such as Bank of umYx66qIUn0-00045-00011004-00011237 Indonesia Indonesia Stock Exchange and umYx66qIUn0-00046-00011238-00011413 corporate headquarters of numerous umYx66qIUn0-00047-00011414-00011620 indonesian companies and multinational umYx66qIUn0-00048-00011621-00011828 corporations are located in the city as umYx66qIUn0-00049-00011829-00012196 of 2017 the city is home for six Forbes umYx66qIUn0-00050-00012197-00012488 Global 2000 two fortune 500 and four umYx66qIUn0-00051-00012489-00012908 unicorn companies in 2014 the city's GDP umYx66qIUn0-00052-00012909-00013274 was estimated at 320 1.3 billion dollars umYx66qIUn0-00053-00013275-00013343 in economic umYx66qIUn0-00054-00013344-00013574 growth was ranked 34th among the world's umYx66qIUn0-00055-00013575-00013894 200 largest cities Jakarta has grown umYx66qIUn0-00056-00013896-00014144 more rapidly than koala Lumpur Bangkok umYx66qIUn0-00057-00014144-00014378 and Beijing Jakarta's major challenges umYx66qIUn0-00058-00014379-00014618 include rapid urban growth ecological umYx66qIUn0-00059-00014619-00014804 breakdown gridlock traffic and umYx66qIUn0-00060-00014805-00015032 congestion poverty and inequality and umYx66qIUn0-00061-00015033-00015332 flooding Jakarta is sinking up to 17 umYx66qIUn0-00062-00015333-00015622 centimeters 6.7 inches per year which umYx66qIUn0-00063-00015624-00015836 coupled with the rising of sea level has umYx66qIUn0-00064-00015837-00016300 made the city more prone to flooding umYx66qIUn0-00065-00016301-00016804 topic history umYx66qIUn0-00066-00016805-00017357 topic names and etymology umYx66qIUn0-00067-00017358-00017555 Jakarta has been home to multiple umYx66qIUn0-00068-00017556-00017880 settlements soonduk kalapa three nine umYx66qIUn0-00069-00017881-00018360 seven one five to seven Jaya Carta 15:27 umYx66qIUn0-00070-00018361-00018953 to sixteen nineteen Batavia 1619 to 1942 umYx66qIUn0-00071-00018954-00019560 Jakarta 1942 to 1945 Jakarta 1945 umYx66qIUn0-00072-00019561-00019887 present its current name Jakarta derives umYx66qIUn0-00073-00019888-00020075 from the word Jaya Carta David auguri umYx66qIUn0-00074-00020076-00020300 Jaya kurta which is ultimately derived umYx66qIUn0-00075-00020301-00020517 from Sanskrit language Jaya Jaya umYx66qIUn0-00076-00020518-00020811 victorious and kurta krta accomplished umYx66qIUn0-00077-00020812-00021068 acquired thus Jaya Carta translates as umYx66qIUn0-00078-00021069-00021546 victorious deed complete act or complete umYx66qIUn0-00079-00021547-00021810 victory which literally Jakarta means umYx66qIUn0-00080-00021811-00022130 the victorious City it was named after umYx66qIUn0-00081-00022131-00022341 troops of fat ahilla successfully umYx66qIUn0-00082-00022342-00022524 defeated and drove away Portuguese umYx66qIUn0-00083-00022525-00022890 invaders from the city in 1527 before it umYx66qIUn0-00084-00022891-00023190 was named Jaya Carta the city was known umYx66qIUn0-00085-00023191-00023465 as soon to quell Appa umYx66qIUn0-00086-00023466-00023726 in the colonial era the city was also umYx66qIUn0-00087-00023727-00023909 known as coning and van head Austin umYx66qIUn0-00088-00023910-00024101 Queen of the Orient initially in the umYx66qIUn0-00089-00024102-00024317 17th century for the urban beauty of umYx66qIUn0-00090-00024318-00024554 downtown Batavia canals mansions and umYx66qIUn0-00091-00024555-00024839 ordered city layout after expanding to umYx66qIUn0-00092-00024840-00025037 the south in the 19th century this umYx66qIUn0-00093-00025038-00025247 nickname came to be more associated with umYx66qIUn0-00094-00025248-00025463 the suburbs eg men tang and the area umYx66qIUn0-00095-00025464-00025645 around Merdeka square with their wide umYx66qIUn0-00096-00025647-00026180 lanes green spaces and villas umYx66qIUn0-00097-00026181-00026714 topic pre-colonial era umYx66qIUn0-00098-00026714-00026962 the north coast area of Western Java umYx66qIUn0-00099-00026963-00027179 including Jakarta was the location of umYx66qIUn0-00100-00027180-00027349 prehistoric bunny culture that umYx66qIUn0-00101-00027350-00027715 flourished from 400 BC to 100 AD the umYx66qIUn0-00102-00027716-00027926 area in and around modern Jakarta was umYx66qIUn0-00103-00027927-00028099 part of the 4th century Sundanese umYx66qIUn0-00104-00028100-00028292 kingdom of terumah negara one of the umYx66qIUn0-00105-00028293-00028570 oldest Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia the umYx66qIUn0-00106-00028572-00028823 area of North Jakarta around 2 GU became umYx66qIUn0-00107-00028824-00029018 a populated settlement at least in the umYx66qIUn0-00108-00029019-00029312 early 5th century the 2 GU inscription umYx66qIUn0-00109-00029313-00029552 probably written around 417 ad umYx66qIUn0-00110-00029552-00029780 discovered in Batu timba hamlet - gu umYx66qIUn0-00111-00029781-00030056 village koja north jakarta mentions that umYx66qIUn0-00112-00030057-00030236 king Berner Worman of terumah negara umYx66qIUn0-00113-00030237-00030439 undertook hydraulic projects the umYx66qIUn0-00114-00030441-00030664 irrigation and water drainage project of umYx66qIUn0-00115-00030666-00030827 the Chandrabhaga river and the Gomati umYx66qIUn0-00116-00030827-00031085 river near his capital following the umYx66qIUn0-00117-00031086-00031229 decline of terumah Negara umYx66qIUn0-00118-00031230-00031445 its territories including the Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00119-00031445-00031658 area became part of the Hindu kingdom of umYx66qIUn0-00120-00031658-00031939 Sunda from the 7th to the early 13th umYx66qIUn0-00121-00031941-00032152 century the port of Sunda was under the umYx66qIUn0-00122-00032153-00032450 Sri Vijaya maritime Empire according to umYx66qIUn0-00123-00032451-00032677 the Chinese source chief an Chi written umYx66qIUn0-00124-00032678-00033014 circuit 1225 shoujo kua reported in the umYx66qIUn0-00125-00033015-00033248 early 13th century Sri Vijaya still umYx66qIUn0-00126-00033249-00033470 ruled Sumatra the Malay Peninsula and umYx66qIUn0-00127-00033471-00033770 Western Java soon de the source reports umYx66qIUn0-00128-00033771-00033965 the port of Sinda as strategic and umYx66qIUn0-00129-00033966-00034162 thriving mentioning pepper from soon de umYx66qIUn0-00130-00034163-00034445 as among the best in quality the people umYx66qIUn0-00131-00034446-00034615 worked in agriculture and their houses umYx66qIUn0-00132-00034616-00034898 were built on wooden piles the harbour umYx66qIUn0-00133-00034899-00035108 area became known as soon to kelapa umYx66qIUn0-00134-00035109-00035396 Sundanese and by the 14th century it was umYx66qIUn0-00135-00035397-00035573 a major trading port for the soonduk umYx66qIUn0-00136-00035574-00035870 kingdom the first European fleet for umYx66qIUn0-00137-00035871-00036101 Portuguese ships from Malacca arrived in umYx66qIUn0-00138-00036102-00036323 1513 while looking for a route for umYx66qIUn0-00139-00036324-00036571 spices the soon to Kingdom made an umYx66qIUn0-00140-00036572-00036767 alliance treaty with the Portuguese by umYx66qIUn0-00141-00036768-00037033 allowing them to build a port in 1522 to umYx66qIUn0-00142-00037034-00037196 defend against the rising power of umYx66qIUn0-00143-00037197-00037693 democracy ah in 1527 fat ahilla a umYx66qIUn0-00144-00037694-00037931 Javanese general from democ tacked and umYx66qIUn0-00145-00037932-00038143 conquered soon to kalapa driving out the umYx66qIUn0-00146-00038144-00038432 Portuguese soon to kalapa was renamed umYx66qIUn0-00147-00038433-00038642 Jaya Carta and became a fiefdom of the umYx66qIUn0-00148-00038643-00038810 Bandon Sultanate which became a major umYx66qIUn0-00149-00038811-00039131 Southeast Asia trading centre through umYx66qIUn0-00150-00039132-00039308 the relationship with Prince Jai alais umYx66qIUn0-00151-00039309-00039502 Carta of Banton Sultanate Dutch ships umYx66qIUn0-00152-00039503-00039680 arrived in 1596 umYx66qIUn0-00153-00039681-00040055 in 1602 the English East India Company's umYx66qIUn0-00154-00040056-00040097 first umYx66qIUn0-00155-00040098-00040328 voyage commanded by Sir James Lancaster umYx66qIUn0-00156-00040329-00040514 arrived in each a and sailed on to umYx66qIUn0-00157-00040515-00040664 Benton where they were allowed to build umYx66qIUn0-00158-00040665-00040925 a trading post this site became the umYx66qIUn0-00159-00040926-00041099 center of English trade in Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00160-00041100-00041459 until 1682 Jaya wit Carta is thought to umYx66qIUn0-00161-00041460-00041624 have made trading connections with the umYx66qIUn0-00162-00041625-00041834 English merchants rivals of the Dutch by umYx66qIUn0-00163-00041835-00042014 allowing them to build houses directly umYx66qIUn0-00164-00042015-00042602 across from the Dutch buildings in 1615 umYx66qIUn0-00165-00042603-00043028 topic colonial-era umYx66qIUn0-00166-00043029-00043356 when relations between Prince jaha Carta umYx66qIUn0-00167-00043357-00043566 and the Dutch deteriorated his soldiers umYx66qIUn0-00168-00043567-00043842 attacked the Dutch fortress his army in umYx66qIUn0-00169-00043843-00044037 the English however were defeated by the umYx66qIUn0-00170-00044038-00044214 Dutch in part owing to the timely umYx66qIUn0-00171-00044215-00044478 arrival of jan pieterszoon coen the umYx66qIUn0-00172-00044479-00044673 Dutch burned the English fort and forced umYx66qIUn0-00173-00044674-00044889 them to retreat on their ships the umYx66qIUn0-00174-00044890-00045117 victory consolidated Dutch power and in umYx66qIUn0-00175-00045118-00045434 1619 they renamed the city Batavia umYx66qIUn0-00176-00045435-00045669 commercial opportunities in the city umYx66qIUn0-00177-00045670-00045894 attracted native and especially Chinese umYx66qIUn0-00178-00045895-00046125 and Arab immigrants this sudden umYx66qIUn0-00179-00046126-00046350 population increase created burdens on umYx66qIUn0-00180-00046351-00046599 the city tensions grew as the colonial umYx66qIUn0-00181-00046600-00046767 government tried to restrict Chinese umYx66qIUn0-00182-00046768-00047052 migration through deportations following umYx66qIUn0-00183-00047053-00047298 a revolt 5,000 Chinese were massacred by umYx66qIUn0-00184-00047299-00047466 the Dutch and natives on the 9th of umYx66qIUn0-00185-00047467-00047718 October 1740 in the following year umYx66qIUn0-00186-00047719-00047889 Chinese inhabitants were moved to umYx66qIUn0-00187-00047890-00048147 glottic outside the city walls at the umYx66qIUn0-00188-00048148-00048435 beginning of the 19th century around 400 umYx66qIUn0-00189-00048436-00048636 Arabs and Moors lived in Batavia a umYx66qIUn0-00190-00048637-00048810 number which changed little during the umYx66qIUn0-00191-00048811-00049080 following decades among the commodities umYx66qIUn0-00192-00049081-00049323 traded fabrics especially imported umYx66qIUn0-00193-00049324-00049554 cotton batik and clothing worn by Arab umYx66qIUn0-00194-00049555-00049839 communities the city began to expand umYx66qIUn0-00195-00049840-00050133 further south as epidemics in 1835 and umYx66qIUn0-00196-00050134-00050364 1870 forced residents to move away from umYx66qIUn0-00197-00050365-00050667 the port the Cunnings plain now Merdeka umYx66qIUn0-00198-00050668-00050943 square was completed in 1818 the housing umYx66qIUn0-00199-00050944-00051213 park of montaine was started in 1913 in umYx66qIUn0-00200-00051214-00051420 khabar and baru was the last Dutch built umYx66qIUn0-00201-00051421-00051791 residential area by 1930 Batavia had umYx66qIUn0-00202-00051792-00052067 more than 500,000 inhabitants including umYx66qIUn0-00203-00052069-00052454 37 thousand 67 Europeans after World War umYx66qIUn0-00204-00052455-00052691 2 the city of Batavia was renamed umYx66qIUn0-00205-00052692-00053016 Jakarta a short form of Jaya Carta by umYx66qIUn0-00206-00053016-00053145 nationalists after achieving umYx66qIUn0-00207-00053146-00053472 independence in 1949 on the 5th of March umYx66qIUn0-00208-00053473-00053796 1942 the Japanese rested Batavia from umYx66qIUn0-00209-00053797-00053973 Dutch control in the city was named umYx66qIUn0-00210-00053974-00054266 Jakarta Jakarta special city Jah crudité umYx66qIUn0-00211-00054267-00054537 by a she jackaroo de tokubetsu she in umYx66qIUn0-00212-00054538-00054726 accordance with the special status that umYx66qIUn0-00213-00054727-00054978 was assigned to the city after the war umYx66qIUn0-00214-00054979-00055137 the Dutch named Batavia was umYx66qIUn0-00215-00055138-00055338 internationally recognized until full umYx66qIUn0-00216-00055339-00055536 Indonesian independence was achieved on umYx66qIUn0-00217-00055537-00055869 the 27th of December 1949 in Jakarta was umYx66qIUn0-00218-00055870-00056034 officially proclaimed the national umYx66qIUn0-00219-00056035-00056426 capital of Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00220-00056427-00057062 topic independence era following World umYx66qIUn0-00221-00057063-00057323 War two Indonesian Republicans withdrew umYx66qIUn0-00222-00057324-00057521 from Allied occupied Jakarta during umYx66qIUn0-00223-00057522-00057662 their fight for independence and umYx66qIUn0-00224-00057663-00057901 established their capital in Yogyakarta umYx66qIUn0-00225-00057902-00058117 Indonesian nationalists declared umYx66qIUn0-00226-00058119-00058427 independence on the 17th of August 1945 umYx66qIUn0-00227-00058428-00058625 and the government of Jakarta City was umYx66qIUn0-00228-00058626-00058792 changed into the Jakarta national umYx66qIUn0-00229-00058794-00059079 administration in the following month in umYx66qIUn0-00230-00059080-00059354 1950 once independence was secured umYx66qIUn0-00231-00059354-00059537 Jakarta again became the national umYx66qIUn0-00232-00059538-00059608 capital umYx66qIUn0-00233-00059609-00059909 Sukarno envisaging Jakarta as a great umYx66qIUn0-00234-00059910-00060119 international City instigated large umYx66qIUn0-00235-00060120-00060329 government funded projects with openly umYx66qIUn0-00236-00060329-00060574 nationalistic and modernist architecture umYx66qIUn0-00237-00060575-00060857 projects included a cloverleaf Highway a umYx66qIUn0-00238-00060858-00061141 major Boulevard Jalan MH tamarind Sudhir umYx66qIUn0-00239-00061142-00061330 man monuments such as the National umYx66qIUn0-00240-00061332-00061553 Monument Hotel Indonesia a shopping umYx66qIUn0-00241-00061554-00061777 center and a new Parliament building in umYx66qIUn0-00242-00061778-00062135 October 1965 Jakarta was the site of an umYx66qIUn0-00243-00062136-00062341 abortive coup attempt in which six top umYx66qIUn0-00244-00062342-00062542 generals were killed precipitating a umYx66qIUn0-00245-00062544-00062744 violent anti-communist purge in which umYx66qIUn0-00246-00062745-00062894 half a million people were killed umYx66qIUn0-00247-00062895-00063116 including many ethnic Chinese marking umYx66qIUn0-00248-00063116-00063334 the beginning of Suharto's new order a umYx66qIUn0-00249-00063335-00063551 monument stands where the generals umYx66qIUn0-00250-00063552-00063854 bodies were dumped this first government umYx66qIUn0-00251-00063854-00064115 was led by a mayor until the end of 1960 umYx66qIUn0-00252-00064116-00064301 when the office was changed to that of a umYx66qIUn0-00253-00064302-00064579 governor the last mayor of Jakarta was umYx66qIUn0-00254-00064580-00064799 Sodra until he was replaced by Samar umYx66qIUn0-00255-00064800-00065066 Knossos wrote madjoe as governor based umYx66qIUn0-00256-00065066-00065396 on act number 5 of 1974 relating to the umYx66qIUn0-00257-00065397-00065567 fundamentals of regional government umYx66qIUn0-00258-00065568-00065768 Jakarta was confirmed as the capital of umYx66qIUn0-00259-00065769-00066020 Indonesia and one of Indonesia's than 26 umYx66qIUn0-00260-00066021-00066464 provinces in 1966 Jakarta was declared a umYx66qIUn0-00261-00066465-00066824 special capital region daerah kusa Cebu umYx66qIUn0-00262-00066825-00067031 Kota with status equivalent to that of a umYx66qIUn0-00263-00067032-00067346 province Lieutenant General Ali seda can umYx66qIUn0-00264-00067347-00067559 served as governor from the mid-1960s umYx66qIUn0-00265-00067560-00067970 commencement of the new order until 1977 umYx66qIUn0-00266-00067971-00068180 he rehabilitated roads and bridges umYx66qIUn0-00267-00068181-00068432 encouraged the arts built hospitals in a umYx66qIUn0-00268-00068433-00068687 large number of schools he cleared out umYx66qIUn0-00269-00068688-00068870 slum dwellers for new development umYx66qIUn0-00270-00068871-00069098 projects some for the benefit of the umYx66qIUn0-00271-00069099-00069323 Suharto family and tried to eliminate umYx66qIUn0-00272-00069324-00069530 rickshaws and banned street vendors umYx66qIUn0-00273-00069531-00069776 he began control of migration to the umYx66qIUn0-00274-00069777-00069815 city umYx66qIUn0-00275-00069816-00070103 to stem overcrowding in poverty foreign umYx66qIUn0-00276-00070104-00070280 investment contributed to a real-estate umYx66qIUn0-00277-00070281-00070499 boom that transformed the face of the umYx66qIUn0-00278-00070500-00070784 city the boom ended with the 1997 Asian umYx66qIUn0-00279-00070785-00071009 financial crisis putting Jakarta at the umYx66qIUn0-00280-00071010-00071234 center of violence protests in political umYx66qIUn0-00281-00071235-00071516 manoeuvring after 32 years in power umYx66qIUn0-00282-00071517-00071765 support for President Suharto began to umYx66qIUn0-00283-00071766-00072041 wane tensions reached a peak when four umYx66qIUn0-00284-00072042-00072209 students were shot dead at Trisakti umYx66qIUn0-00285-00072210-00072487 University by security forces four days umYx66qIUn0-00286-00072488-00072706 of riots and violence ensued that killed umYx66qIUn0-00287-00072707-00072994 an estimated 1200 and destroyed or umYx66qIUn0-00288-00072995-00073051 damaged umYx66qIUn0-00289-00073052-00073271 six thousand buildings forcing Suharto umYx66qIUn0-00290-00073272-00073553 to resign much of the rioting targeted umYx66qIUn0-00291-00073554-00073829 Chinese Indonesians Jakarta has remained umYx66qIUn0-00292-00073830-00074042 the focal point of democratic change in umYx66qIUn0-00293-00074043-00074344 Indonesia jamala Maia connected bombings umYx66qIUn0-00294-00074345-00074530 occurred almost annually in the city umYx66qIUn0-00295-00074531-00074800 between 2000 and 2005 with another umYx66qIUn0-00296-00074801-00075173 bombing in 2009 in August 2007 Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00297-00075174-00075355 held its first-ever election to choose a umYx66qIUn0-00298-00075356-00075507 governor as part of a nationwide umYx66qIUn0-00299-00075508-00075724 decentralization program that allows umYx66qIUn0-00300-00075725-00075969 direct local elections in several areas umYx66qIUn0-00301-00075970-00076247 previously governors were elected by the umYx66qIUn0-00302-00076248-00076809 members of Jakarta Council DPR D umYx66qIUn0-00303-00076810-00077343 topic administration umYx66qIUn0-00304-00077344-00077896 topic government and politics umYx66qIUn0-00305-00077897-00078150 Jakarta is administratively equal to a umYx66qIUn0-00306-00078151-00078367 province with special status the umYx66qIUn0-00307-00078368-00078582 executive branch is headed by an elected umYx66qIUn0-00308-00078583-00078825 governor and a deputy governor while DPR umYx66qIUn0-00309-00078826-00079090 D is the legislative branch with 106 umYx66qIUn0-00310-00079091-00079372 directly elected members executive umYx66qIUn0-00311-00079373-00079522 governance consists of five umYx66qIUn0-00312-00079523-00079678 administrative cities Kota umYx66qIUn0-00313-00079679-00079869 administrative each headed by a mayor umYx66qIUn0-00314-00079870-00080055 and one Administrative Region C umYx66qIUn0-00315-00080056-00080262 kabupaten administrative headed by a umYx66qIUn0-00316-00080263-00080562 regent Bhupati unlike other cities and umYx66qIUn0-00317-00080563-00080761 region C's in Indonesia where the mayor umYx66qIUn0-00318-00080762-00080992 or regent are directly elected jakarta's umYx66qIUn0-00319-00080993-00081156 mayor's in regent are chosen by the umYx66qIUn0-00320-00081157-00081415 governor of Jakarta each city and umYx66qIUn0-00321-00081416-00081624 Regency is divided into administrative umYx66qIUn0-00322-00081625-00081963 districts aside from representatives to umYx66qIUn0-00323-00081964-00082105 the regional representative council umYx66qIUn0-00324-00082106-00082374 Jakarta sent 21 members to the people's umYx66qIUn0-00325-00082375-00082579 representative council the umYx66qIUn0-00326-00082580-00082737 representatives are elected from umYx66qIUn0-00327-00082738-00082932 jakarta's three national electoral umYx66qIUn0-00328-00082933-00083161 districts which also includes overseas umYx66qIUn0-00329-00083162-00083398 voters polled a Metro Jaya maintains the umYx66qIUn0-00330-00083399-00083700 law security and order of Jakarta it is umYx66qIUn0-00331-00083701-00083880 led by a regional chief of police umYx66qIUn0-00332-00083881-00084046 Coppola who holds the rank of Inspector umYx66qIUn0-00333-00084047-00084470 General of Police umYx66qIUn0-00334-00084471-00085021 topic municipal finances umYx66qIUn0-00335-00085022-00085270 the Jakarta provincial government relies umYx66qIUn0-00336-00085271-00085420 on transfers from the central government umYx66qIUn0-00337-00085421-00085720 for the bulk of its income local non umYx66qIUn0-00338-00085721-00085921 central government sources of revenue umYx66qIUn0-00339-00085922-00086122 are incomes from various taxes such as umYx66qIUn0-00340-00086123-00086338 vehicle ownership and vehicle transfer umYx66qIUn0-00341-00086339-00086593 fees among others the ability of the umYx66qIUn0-00342-00086594-00086755 regional government to respond to umYx66qIUn0-00343-00086756-00086956 Jakarta as many problems as constrained umYx66qIUn0-00344-00086957-00087331 by limited finances in 2013 the budget umYx66qIUn0-00345-00087332-00087628 was around RP 50 trillion about 5.2 umYx66qIUn0-00346-00087629-00087852 billion dollars equivalent to around umYx66qIUn0-00347-00087853-00088159 $380 per citizen spending priorities umYx66qIUn0-00348-00088160-00088449 were education transport flood control umYx66qIUn0-00349-00088450-00088708 environment and social spending such as umYx66qIUn0-00350-00088709-00088873 health and housing the provincial umYx66qIUn0-00351-00088874-00089062 government consistently runs a surplus umYx66qIUn0-00352-00089063-00089323 of between 15 to 20 percent of planned umYx66qIUn0-00353-00089324-00089509 spending largely because of delays in umYx66qIUn0-00354-00089510-00089733 procurement and other inefficiencies umYx66qIUn0-00355-00089734-00089971 regular under spending as a matter of umYx66qIUn0-00356-00089972-00090391 public comment umYx66qIUn0-00357-00090392-00090904 topic administrative divisions umYx66qIUn0-00358-00090905-00091132 Jakarta consists of five Kota umYx66qIUn0-00359-00091133-00091339 administrative administrative cities umYx66qIUn0-00360-00091340-00091549 municipalities each headed by a mayor umYx66qIUn0-00361-00091550-00091741 and a kabupaten administrative umYx66qIUn0-00362-00091742-00092023 administrative region see each city and umYx66qIUn0-00363-00092024-00092251 Regency is divided into districts Keck umYx66qIUn0-00364-00092252-00092452 ammidon the administrative cities umYx66qIUn0-00365-00092453-00092779 municipalities of Jakarta are Central umYx66qIUn0-00366-00092780-00093007 Jakarta Jakarta pusat is Jakarta's umYx66qIUn0-00367-00093008-00093217 smallest city and the administrative and umYx66qIUn0-00368-00093218-00093466 political center it is divided into umYx66qIUn0-00369-00093467-00093706 eight districts it is characterized by umYx66qIUn0-00370-00093707-00093948 large parks and Dutch colonial buildings umYx66qIUn0-00371-00093949-00094171 landmarks include the National Monument umYx66qIUn0-00372-00094172-00094471 Mona's Istiqlal mosque Jakarta Cathedral umYx66qIUn0-00373-00094472-00094816 and museums West Jakarta Jakarta Bharat umYx66qIUn0-00374-00094817-00095035 has the city's highest concentration of umYx66qIUn0-00375-00095036-00095308 small-scale industries this city has umYx66qIUn0-00376-00095309-00095530 eight districts the area includes umYx66qIUn0-00377-00095531-00095752 jakarta's Chinatown and Dutch colonial umYx66qIUn0-00378-00095753-00095956 landmarks such as the Chinese Langham umYx66qIUn0-00379-00095957-00096097 building and Tocco Mara umYx66qIUn0-00380-00096098-00096399 it contains part of Jakarta Old Town umYx66qIUn0-00381-00096400-00096733 South Jakarta Jakarta Selatan originally umYx66qIUn0-00382-00096734-00096925 planned as a satellite city is now the umYx66qIUn0-00383-00096926-00097144 location of upscale shopping centers and umYx66qIUn0-00384-00097145-00097450 affluent residential areas it has ten umYx66qIUn0-00385-00097451-00097636 districts and functions as Jakarta's umYx66qIUn0-00386-00097637-00097828 groundwater buffer but recently the umYx66qIUn0-00387-00097829-00098002 Greenbelt areas are threatened by new umYx66qIUn0-00388-00098003-00098236 developments much of the central umYx66qIUn0-00389-00098237-00098428 business district has concentrated in umYx66qIUn0-00390-00098429-00098659 sedia Budi south jakarta bordering the umYx66qIUn0-00391-00098660-00098896 Tana a bank Sudirman area of central umYx66qIUn0-00392-00098897-00099211 jakarta east jakarta jakarta timur umYx66qIUn0-00393-00099212-00099421 territory is characterized by several umYx66qIUn0-00394-00099422-00099754 industrial sectors also located in East umYx66qIUn0-00395-00099755-00099979 Jakarta are taman mini indonesia indah umYx66qIUn0-00396-00099980-00100192 and Halim Perdana Kusuma International umYx66qIUn0-00397-00100193-00100255 Airport umYx66qIUn0-00398-00100256-00100609 this city has ten districts North umYx66qIUn0-00399-00100610-00100777 Jakarta Jakarta Utara umYx66qIUn0-00400-00100778-00101056 is bounded by the Java Sea it is the umYx66qIUn0-00401-00101057-00101329 location of port of Tanjung Priya large umYx66qIUn0-00402-00101330-00101506 and medium scale industries are umYx66qIUn0-00403-00101507-00101617 concentrated there umYx66qIUn0-00404-00101618-00101872 it contains part of Jakarta old town and umYx66qIUn0-00405-00101873-00102091 was the center of EOC trade activity umYx66qIUn0-00406-00102092-00102397 during the colonial era also located in umYx66qIUn0-00407-00102398-00102592 north jakarta a zen called dreamland umYx66qIUn0-00408-00102593-00102848 taman MP and jaya and call the largest umYx66qIUn0-00409-00102849-00103060 integrated tourism area in southeast umYx66qIUn0-00410-00103061-00103375 asia north jakarta is divided into six umYx66qIUn0-00411-00103376-00103558 districts the only administrative umYx66qIUn0-00412-00103559-00103831 Regency kabupaten of Jakarta as Thousand umYx66qIUn0-00413-00103832-00104053 Islands Capello and Sri boo formerly a umYx66qIUn0-00414-00104054-00104260 district within North Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00415-00104261-00104552 it is a collection of 105 small islands umYx66qIUn0-00416-00104553-00104833 located on the Java Sea it has of high umYx66qIUn0-00417-00104834-00105023 conservation value because of its umYx66qIUn0-00418-00105024-00105320 special ecosystems marine tourism such umYx66qIUn0-00419-00105321-00105500 as diving water bicycling and umYx66qIUn0-00420-00105501-00105701 windsurfing are the primary tourist umYx66qIUn0-00421-00105702-00105968 activities in this territory the main umYx66qIUn0-00422-00105969-00106142 mode of transportation between the umYx66qIUn0-00423-00106143-00106309 islands are speed boats are small umYx66qIUn0-00424-00106310-00106664 ferries umYx66qIUn0-00425-00106665-00107195 topic geography umYx66qIUn0-00426-00107196-00107450 Jakarta covers six hundred ninety-nine umYx66qIUn0-00427-00107451-00107752 point five square kilometers 270 point umYx66qIUn0-00428-00107753-00107963 one square miles square kilometers umYx66qIUn0-00429-00107964-00108189 thirty third among Indonesian provinces umYx66qIUn0-00430-00108190-00108506 greater Jakarta metropolitan area has an umYx66qIUn0-00431-00108507-00108676 area of six thousand three hundred umYx66qIUn0-00432-00108677-00108872 ninety two square kilometers which umYx66qIUn0-00433-00108873-00109031 extends into two of the bordering umYx66qIUn0-00434-00109032-00109315 provinces of West Java and Banten the umYx66qIUn0-00435-00109316-00109526 greater Jakarta area includes three umYx66qIUn0-00436-00109527-00109753 bordering regencies bekesy regency umYx66qIUn0-00437-00109754-00110011 Tangerang Regency and Bogor regency and umYx66qIUn0-00438-00110013-00110306 five adjacent cities Bogor Depok bekesy umYx66qIUn0-00439-00110307-00110740 Tangerang and south tangerang umYx66qIUn0-00440-00110741-00111244 topic topography umYx66qIUn0-00441-00111245-00111486 Jakarta is situated on the northwest umYx66qIUn0-00442-00111488-00111660 coast of Java at the mouth of the umYx66qIUn0-00443-00111661-00111901 Ciliwung River on Jakarta Bay an inlet umYx66qIUn0-00444-00111902-00112156 of the Java Sea the northern part of umYx66qIUn0-00445-00112157-00112378 Jakarta is plain land some areas of umYx66qIUn0-00446-00112379-00112584 which are below sea level and subject to umYx66qIUn0-00447-00112585-00112831 frequent flooding the southern parts of umYx66qIUn0-00448-00112832-00113050 the city are hilly it is one of only two umYx66qIUn0-00449-00113051-00113278 Asian capital cities located in the umYx66qIUn0-00450-00113279-00113368 southern hemisphere umYx66qIUn0-00451-00113369-00113661 along with East teemo's Dilli officially umYx66qIUn0-00452-00113663-00113890 the area of the Jakarta special district umYx66qIUn0-00453-00113891-00114295 as 662 square kilometres 256 square umYx66qIUn0-00454-00114296-00114711 miles of land area and 6,000 977 square umYx66qIUn0-00455-00114713-00115054 kilometers 2,690 four square miles of umYx66qIUn0-00456-00115055-00115335 sea area the Thousand Islands which are umYx66qIUn0-00457-00115336-00115543 administrative Lee a part of Jakarta are umYx66qIUn0-00458-00115544-00115854 located in Jakarta Bay north of the city umYx66qIUn0-00459-00115855-00116131 Jakarta lies in a low and flat alluvial umYx66qIUn0-00460-00116132-00116464 plain ranging from - to 250 metres - 7 umYx66qIUn0-00461-00116465-00116776 to 164 feet with an average elevation of umYx66qIUn0-00462-00116777-00117040 8 meters 26 feet above sea level with umYx66qIUn0-00463-00117041-00117376 historically extensive swampy areas 13 umYx66qIUn0-00464-00117377-00117589 rivers flow through Jakarta they are umYx66qIUn0-00465-00117590-00117856 Ciliwung River caliber ooh pace on Gran umYx66qIUn0-00466-00117857-00118138 cipinang Anki River Maha mucker vert umYx66qIUn0-00467-00118139-00118426 crew get barren west taroom cakung the umYx66qIUn0-00468-00118427-00118653 two kangen center river and groggy liver umYx66qIUn0-00469-00118654-00118897 these rivers flow from the pancha umYx66qIUn0-00470-00118898-00119089 islands to the south of the city then umYx66qIUn0-00471-00119090-00119283 across the city northwards towards the umYx66qIUn0-00472-00119284-00119590 Java Sea the Ciliwung River divides the umYx66qIUn0-00473-00119591-00119725 city into the western and eastern umYx66qIUn0-00474-00119726-00120055 districts these rivers combined with the umYx66qIUn0-00475-00120056-00120234 wet season rains and insufficient umYx66qIUn0-00476-00120235-00120433 drainage due to clogging make Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00477-00120433-00120519 prone to flooding umYx66qIUn0-00478-00120520-00120802 moreover Jakarta is sinking about five umYx66qIUn0-00479-00120803-00120928 to ten centimeters umYx66qIUn0-00480-00120929-00121279 2.0 to 3.9 inches each year and up to 20 umYx66qIUn0-00481-00121280-00121543 centimeters 7.9 inches in the northern umYx66qIUn0-00482-00121544-00121804 coastal areas to help cope with the umYx66qIUn0-00483-00121805-00121978 threat from the sea the Netherlands will umYx66qIUn0-00484-00121979-00122131 give four million dollars for a umYx66qIUn0-00485-00122132-00122334 feasibility study to build a dike around umYx66qIUn0-00486-00122335-00122583 Jakarta Bay the ring dike would be umYx66qIUn0-00487-00122584-00122743 equipped with a pumping system and umYx66qIUn0-00488-00122744-00122950 retention areas to defend against sea umYx66qIUn0-00489-00122951-00123205 water and function as a toll road the umYx66qIUn0-00490-00123206-00123490 project was to be completed by 2025 in umYx66qIUn0-00491-00123491-00123676 January 2014 umYx66qIUn0-00492-00123677-00123871 central government agreed to build two umYx66qIUn0-00493-00123872-00124201 dams in CI a WI Bogor and a 1.2 umYx66qIUn0-00494-00124202-00124565 kilometres 75 mile tunnel from silly umYx66qIUn0-00495-00124566-00124754 River to Sisseton River to East Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00496-00124755-00125063 floods construction costs will be paid umYx66qIUn0-00497-00125064-00125240 for by the central government but land umYx66qIUn0-00498-00125241-00125438 acquisitions are the responsibility of umYx66qIUn0-00499-00125439-00125780 the Jakarta Authority nowadays and 1.2 umYx66qIUn0-00500-00125781-00126200 kilometers 75-mile with capacity 60 umYx66qIUn0-00501-00126201-00126539 cubic meters 2,100 cubic feet per second umYx66qIUn0-00502-00126540-00126692 underground water tunnel between umYx66qIUn0-00503-00126693-00126914 Ciliwung River and the east flood canal umYx66qIUn0-00504-00126915-00127094 is being worked on to ease the Ciliwung umYx66qIUn0-00505-00127095-00127477 River overflows umYx66qIUn0-00506-00127478-00127945 topic climate umYx66qIUn0-00507-00127946-00128176 Jakarta has a tropical monsoon climate umYx66qIUn0-00508-00128177-00128377 em according to the köppen climate umYx66qIUn0-00509-00128378-00128683 classification system the wet season in umYx66qIUn0-00510-00128684-00128894 Jakarta covers the majority of the year umYx66qIUn0-00511-00128895-00129136 running from October through May the umYx66qIUn0-00512-00129137-00129308 remaining four months June through umYx66qIUn0-00513-00129308-00129514 September constitute the city's drier umYx66qIUn0-00514-00129515-00129722 season each of these four months has an umYx66qIUn0-00515-00129723-00129910 average monthly rainfall of less than umYx66qIUn0-00516-00129911-00130279 100 millimetres 3.9 in located in the umYx66qIUn0-00517-00130280-00130486 western part of Java Jakarta's wet umYx66qIUn0-00518-00130487-00130714 season rainfall peak is January in umYx66qIUn0-00519-00130715-00130883 February with average monthly rainfall umYx66qIUn0-00520-00130883-00131132 of two hundred ninety nine point seven umYx66qIUn0-00521-00131133-00131350 millimeters eleven point eight zero in umYx66qIUn0-00522-00131351-00131570 and it's dry season low point is August umYx66qIUn0-00523-00131571-00131752 with a monthly average of forty three umYx66qIUn0-00524-00131753-00131962 point two millimeters one point seven umYx66qIUn0-00525-00131963-00132289 zero in umYx66qIUn0-00526-00132290-00132809 topic parks and lakes umYx66qIUn0-00527-00132810-00133163 in June 2011 Jakarta had only 10.5% umYx66qIUn0-00528-00133164-00133445 green open spaces ruing turbo cahaya umYx66qIUn0-00529-00133446-00133634 although this grew to thirteen point umYx66qIUn0-00530-00133635-00133904 nine four percent public parks are umYx66qIUn0-00531-00133905-00134177 included in public green open spaces as umYx66qIUn0-00532-00134178-00134305 of 2014 umYx66qIUn0-00533-00134306-00134627 183 water reservoirs and lakes supported umYx66qIUn0-00534-00134628-00134918 the greater Jakarta area Merdeka square umYx66qIUn0-00535-00134919-00135197 maiden Merdeka is an almost one square umYx66qIUn0-00536-00135198-00135392 kilometre field housing the symbol of umYx66qIUn0-00537-00135393-00135617 Jakarta Mona's her Monument Nacional umYx66qIUn0-00538-00135618-00135950 National Monument until 2000 it was the umYx66qIUn0-00539-00135951-00136172 world's largest city square the square umYx66qIUn0-00540-00136173-00136355 was created by Dutch governor-general umYx66qIUn0-00541-00136356-00136631 Hermann Willem Danville's 1810 and was umYx66qIUn0-00542-00136632-00136820 originally named Kahn explain King umYx66qIUn0-00543-00136821-00137150 Square on the 10th of January 1993 umYx66qIUn0-00544-00137151-00137357 President Suharto started the umYx66qIUn0-00545-00137358-00137591 beautification of the square features umYx66qIUn0-00546-00137592-00137867 including a deer park and 33 trees that umYx66qIUn0-00547-00137868-00138083 represent the 33 provinces of Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00548-00138084-00138431 were added Lipan gun ban tang buffalo umYx66qIUn0-00549-00138432-00138677 field is located in central jakarta near umYx66qIUn0-00550-00138678-00138893 istic lao mosque Jakarta Cathedral and umYx66qIUn0-00551-00138894-00139199 Jakarta central post office it covers umYx66qIUn0-00552-00139200-00139502 about 4.5 hectares initially it was umYx66qIUn0-00553-00139503-00139697 called water loop line and functioned as umYx66qIUn0-00554-00139698-00139850 the ceremonial square during the umYx66qIUn0-00555-00139851-00140141 colonial period colonial monuments and umYx66qIUn0-00556-00140142-00140327 memorials erected on the square during umYx66qIUn0-00557-00140328-00140495 the colonial period were demolished umYx66qIUn0-00558-00140496-00140771 during the sukarno era the most notable umYx66qIUn0-00559-00140772-00140951 monument in the square as the monument umYx66qIUn0-00560-00140952-00141200 Pemba vas an Aryan Bharat monument of umYx66qIUn0-00561-00141201-00141464 the liberation of West I rien during the umYx66qIUn0-00562-00141465-00141776 1970s and 1980s the park was used as a umYx66qIUn0-00563-00141777-00142139 bus terminal in 1993 the park was turned umYx66qIUn0-00564-00142140-00142409 into a public space again it became a umYx66qIUn0-00565-00142410-00142622 recreation place for people and serves umYx66qIUn0-00566-00142623-00142802 as an Exhibition Place or for other umYx66qIUn0-00567-00142803-00143150 events Jakarta flow 'no Floridan fauna a umYx66qIUn0-00568-00143151-00143357 flower and decoration plants and pet umYx66qIUn0-00569-00143358-00143549 exhibition is held in this park around umYx66qIUn0-00570-00143550-00143867 august annually taman mini indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00571-00143868-00144089 indah miniature park of indonesia in umYx66qIUn0-00572-00144090-00144467 east jakarta has 10 mini parks saroja umYx66qIUn0-00573-00144468-00144644 theme park is located in maintained umYx66qIUn0-00574-00144645-00144869 central jakarta the park is surrounded umYx66qIUn0-00575-00144870-00145175 by dutch colonial buildings taman syrup umYx66qIUn0-00576-00145176-00145376 Athey was known as Burgermeister bishop umYx66qIUn0-00577-00145377-00145604 lane during the colonial time the park umYx66qIUn0-00578-00145605-00145790 is circular shaped with a surface area umYx66qIUn0-00579-00145791-00146012 of sixteen thousand three hundred twenty umYx66qIUn0-00580-00146013-00146171 two square meters umYx66qIUn0-00581-00146172-00146375 seventy-five thousand six hundred ninety umYx66qIUn0-00582-00146376-00146699 square feet several modern statues were umYx66qIUn0-00583-00146700-00146894 made for the park by artists of his e'en umYx66qIUn0-00584-00146895-00147068 countries which contributes to its umYx66qIUn0-00585-00147069-00147227 nickname taman pursue hobbit and umYx66qIUn0-00586-00147228-00147422 cinnamon as ian park of the aegean umYx66qIUn0-00587-00147423-00147728 artists friendship men tank park in the umYx66qIUn0-00588-00147729-00148004 situ lem bong pond men tank park was umYx66qIUn0-00589-00148005-00148121 built on the site of the former umYx66qIUn0-00590-00148122-00148445 procedure football stadium cali hodo umYx66qIUn0-00591-00148446-00148673 park is the newest park in pending and umYx66qIUn0-00592-00148674-00148838 sub district with three point four umYx66qIUn0-00593-00148839-00149054 hectares eight point four acres beside umYx66qIUn0-00594-00149055-00149318 the crane gang river it formally opened umYx66qIUn0-00595-00149319-00149678 on the 22nd of February 2017 the park is umYx66qIUn0-00596-00149679-00150005 open 24 hours as a green open space R th umYx66qIUn0-00597-00150006-00150200 and child-friendly integrated public umYx66qIUn0-00598-00150201-00150476 space RP tra and has international umYx66qIUn0-00599-00150477-00150818 standards skateboard facilities mu ara umYx66qIUn0-00600-00150819-00151097 Anki wildlife sanctuary and Anki copic umYx66qIUn0-00601-00151098-00151304 nature tourism park at Pender ingen in umYx66qIUn0-00602-00151305-00151652 North Jakarta Ragunan Zoo is located in umYx66qIUn0-00603-00151653-00151844 pasar minggu south jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00604-00151845-00152072 it is the world's third oldest zoo and umYx66qIUn0-00605-00152073-00152225 is the second largest with the most umYx66qIUn0-00606-00152226-00152557 diverse animal and plant populations umYx66qIUn0-00607-00152558-00152864 Sidhu Babacan as a 32 hectare lake umYx66qIUn0-00608-00152865-00153065 surrounded by bateau a cultural village umYx66qIUn0-00609-00153066-00153382 located at jaga Karsa south jakarta and umYx66qIUn0-00610-00153383-00153620 called dream land as the largest umYx66qIUn0-00611-00153621-00153836 integrated tourism area in Southeast umYx66qIUn0-00612-00153837-00154145 Asia it is located along the bay at an umYx66qIUn0-00613-00154146-00154448 call in north jakarta taman hua duke umYx66qIUn0-00614-00154449-00154640 blue it flew at Lake Park at Blewett umYx66qIUn0-00615-00154641-00154973 north jakarta honda park at tibet south umYx66qIUn0-00616-00154974-00155327 jakarta taman langsat and tammany Agia umYx66qIUn0-00617-00155328-00155713 in south jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00618-00155714-00156274 topic demography umYx66qIUn0-00619-00156275-00156767 topic population umYx66qIUn0-00620-00156768-00157001 Jakarta attracts people from across umYx66qIUn0-00621-00157002-00157204 Indonesia often in search of employment umYx66qIUn0-00622-00157205-00157643 the 1961 census showed that 51% of the umYx66qIUn0-00623-00157644-00157864 city's population was born in Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00624-00157865-00158129 inwards immigration tended to negate the umYx66qIUn0-00625-00158130-00158306 effect of family planning programs umYx66qIUn0-00626-00158307-00158672 between 1961 and 1980 the population of umYx66qIUn0-00627-00158673-00158849 Jakarta doubled and during the period umYx66qIUn0-00628-00158850-00159197 1980 to 1990 the city's population grew umYx66qIUn0-00629-00159198-00159602 annually by 3.7 percent the 2010 census umYx66qIUn0-00630-00159603-00159767 counted some nine point five eight umYx66qIUn0-00631-00159768-00159959 million people well above government umYx66qIUn0-00632-00159960-00160301 estimates the population rose from 4.5 umYx66qIUn0-00633-00160302-00160673 million in 1970 to 9.5 million in 2010 umYx66qIUn0-00634-00160674-00160889 counting only legal residents while the umYx66qIUn0-00635-00160890-00161102 population of greater Jakarta rose from umYx66qIUn0-00636-00161103-00161381 8.2 million in 1970 to twenty eight umYx66qIUn0-00637-00161382-00161687 point five million in 2010 according to umYx66qIUn0-00638-00161688-00161864 the government's Jakarta in figures umYx66qIUn0-00639-00161865-00162074 document the population stood at ten umYx66qIUn0-00640-00162075-00162227 million one hundred eighty seven umYx66qIUn0-00641-00162228-00162425 thousand five hundred ninety five in umYx66qIUn0-00642-00162426-00162623 2011 and nine million seven hundred umYx66qIUn0-00643-00162624-00162869 sixty one thousand four hundred seven in umYx66qIUn0-00644-00162870-00163244 2012 as per 2014 the population of umYx66qIUn0-00645-00163245-00163475 Jakarta stood at 10 million seventy five umYx66qIUn0-00646-00163476-00163676 thousand three hundred ten people with a umYx66qIUn0-00647-00163677-00163927 population density of fifteen thousand umYx66qIUn0-00648-00163928-00164291 174 people per square kilometer as per umYx66qIUn0-00649-00164292-00164540 2014 the population of greater Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00650-00164541-00164792 was 30 million three hundred twenty six umYx66qIUn0-00651-00164793-00164993 thousand one hundred three accounting umYx66qIUn0-00652-00164994-00165158 for eleven percent of Indonesia's umYx66qIUn0-00653-00165159-00165467 overall population the gender ratio was umYx66qIUn0-00654-00165468-00165773 102 point eight males per 100 females in umYx66qIUn0-00655-00165774-00166470 2010 and 101.3 in 2014 umYx66qIUn0-00656-00166471-00166935 ethnicity and language umYx66qIUn0-00657-00166936-00167197 Jakarta is a pluralistic and religiously umYx66qIUn0-00658-00167198-00167578 diverse city as of 2035 point one six umYx66qIUn0-00659-00167579-00167776 percent of the city's population are umYx66qIUn0-00660-00167777-00167983 Javanese twenty seven point six five umYx66qIUn0-00661-00167984-00168226 percent batali fifteen point two seven umYx66qIUn0-00662-00168227-00168457 percent Sundanese five point five three umYx66qIUn0-00663-00168458-00168679 percent Chinese three point six one umYx66qIUn0-00664-00168680-00168850 percent Batak three point one eight umYx66qIUn0-00665-00168851-00169147 percent minangkabau and one point six 2% umYx66qIUn0-00666-00169148-00169489 Malays and as of 2010 census thirty-six umYx66qIUn0-00667-00169490-00169681 point one seven percent of the city's umYx66qIUn0-00668-00169682-00169882 population are Javanese twenty-eight umYx66qIUn0-00669-00169883-00170113 point two nine percent batali fourteen umYx66qIUn0-00670-00170114-00170356 point six one percent Sundanese six umYx66qIUn0-00671-00170357-00170626 point six 2% Chinese three point four umYx66qIUn0-00672-00170627-00170839 two percent Batak two point eight five umYx66qIUn0-00673-00170840-00171061 percent Manang caballé zero point nine umYx66qIUn0-00674-00171062-00171316 six percent Malays endo and others seven umYx66qIUn0-00675-00171317-00171622 point zero eight percent the potami umYx66qIUn0-00676-00171623-00171874 Arang batali or people of Batavia are umYx66qIUn0-00677-00171875-00172045 the descendants of the people living in umYx66qIUn0-00678-00172046-00172261 and around Batavia and became recognized umYx66qIUn0-00679-00172262-00172468 as an ethnic group around the 18th 19th umYx66qIUn0-00680-00172469-00172783 century the batali people are mostly umYx66qIUn0-00681-00172784-00172990 descended from Southeast Asian ethnic umYx66qIUn0-00682-00172991-00173206 groups brought or attracted to Batavia umYx66qIUn0-00683-00173207-00173464 to meet labour needs but Tommy people umYx66qIUn0-00684-00173465-00173671 are a Creole ethnic group who came from umYx66qIUn0-00685-00173672-00173845 various parts of Indonesia and umYx66qIUn0-00686-00173846-00174043 intermarried with Chinese Arabs and umYx66qIUn0-00687-00174044-00174343 Europeans but Tommy form a minority in umYx66qIUn0-00688-00174344-00174547 the city most live in the fringe areas umYx66qIUn0-00689-00174548-00174745 of Jakarta with hardly any bateau we umYx66qIUn0-00690-00174746-00174976 dominated areas in Central Jakarta a umYx66qIUn0-00691-00174977-00175183 significant Chinese community has lived umYx66qIUn0-00692-00175184-00175489 in Jakarta for many centuries Chinese in umYx66qIUn0-00693-00175490-00175711 Jakarta traditionally reside around old umYx66qIUn0-00694-00175712-00175969 urban areas such as Penang Jia fluid and umYx66qIUn0-00695-00175970-00176269 glow deck Jakarta Chinatown areas they umYx66qIUn0-00696-00176270-00176467 also can be found in the old China towns umYx66qIUn0-00697-00176468-00176764 of Sena ninjetta negara officially they umYx66qIUn0-00698-00176765-00177109 make up 5.5 3% of the Jakarta population umYx66qIUn0-00699-00177110-00177220 although this number may be umYx66qIUn0-00700-00177221-00177448 underreported the Sumatran residents are umYx66qIUn0-00701-00177449-00177796 diverse according to 2010 census roughly umYx66qIUn0-00702-00177797-00178242 340 6,000 batak 305,000 minangkabau and umYx66qIUn0-00703-00178243-00178573 155 thousand Malays lived there the umYx66qIUn0-00704-00178574-00178750 Batak and minangkabau are spread umYx66qIUn0-00705-00178751-00178969 throughout the city the Batak ethnic umYx66qIUn0-00706-00178970-00179146 group has increased in ranking from umYx66qIUn0-00707-00179147-00179497 eighth in 1930 to fifth in 2000 Toba umYx66qIUn0-00708-00179498-00179731 Batak is the largest sub ethnic Batak umYx66qIUn0-00709-00179732-00179851 group in jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00710-00179852-00180073 Manang Cubao people work as merchants umYx66qIUn0-00711-00180074-00180289 peddlers and artisans with more in umYx66qIUn0-00712-00180290-00180535 Koller professions doctors teachers and umYx66qIUn0-00713-00180536-00180748 journalists Indonesian is the official umYx66qIUn0-00714-00180749-00181027 and dominant language of Jakarta English umYx66qIUn0-00715-00181028-00181186 is the second language while many umYx66qIUn0-00716-00181187-00181348 elderly people speak Dutch and umYx66qIUn0-00717-00181349-00181636 Portuguese each of the ethnic groups use umYx66qIUn0-00718-00181637-00181813 their mother language at home such as umYx66qIUn0-00719-00181814-00182134 batali language Javanese Sundanese Malay umYx66qIUn0-00720-00182135-00182290 Madurese but talk umYx66qIUn0-00721-00182291-00182554 Manang cabal Chinese Arabic and Tamil umYx66qIUn0-00722-00182555-00182809 but towie language is distinct from umYx66qIUn0-00723-00182810-00182983 those of the Sundanese or Javanese umYx66qIUn0-00724-00182984-00183205 forming itself as a language island in umYx66qIUn0-00725-00183206-00183448 the surrounding area the language is umYx66qIUn0-00726-00183449-00183658 mostly based on the East Malay dialect umYx66qIUn0-00727-00183659-00183844 and enriched by loan words from Dutch umYx66qIUn0-00728-00183845-00184132 Portuguese Sundanese Javanese manang umYx66qIUn0-00729-00184133-00184474 cabal Chinese and Arabic topic religion umYx66qIUn0-00730-00184475-00184744 in 2017 jakarta's religious composition umYx66qIUn0-00731-00184745-00185119 has distributed over Islam 83.4 3% umYx66qIUn0-00732-00185120-00185556 Protestantism 8.6 3% Catholicism 4.0% umYx66qIUn0-00733-00185557-00186097 Buddhism 3.7 4% Hinduism 0.19% in umYx66qIUn0-00734-00186098-00186532 Confucianism 0.01% folk religion has umYx66qIUn0-00735-00186533-00186829 claimed for 231 people most pesantren umYx66qIUn0-00736-00186830-00187078 Islamic boarding schools in Jakarta are umYx66qIUn0-00737-00187079-00187264 affiliated with the traditionalist not umYx66qIUn0-00738-00187265-00187486 little ulama modernist organizations umYx66qIUn0-00739-00187487-00187648 mostly catering to a socio-economic umYx66qIUn0-00740-00187649-00187897 class of educated urban elites and umYx66qIUn0-00741-00187898-00188152 merchants traders they give priority to umYx66qIUn0-00742-00188153-00188410 education social welfare programs and umYx66qIUn0-00743-00188411-00188689 religious propagation many Islamic umYx66qIUn0-00744-00188690-00188878 organizations have headquarters in umYx66qIUn0-00745-00188879-00189085 Jakarta including not little ulama umYx66qIUn0-00746-00189086-00189322 Indonesian Ulema Council muhammediye umYx66qIUn0-00747-00189323-00189562 Darrington islam liberal and front PEM umYx66qIUn0-00748-00189563-00189829 Bela Islam Roman Catholics have a umYx66qIUn0-00749-00189830-00190051 Metropolitan see the Archdiocese of umYx66qIUn0-00750-00190052-00190297 Jakarta which includes West Java as part umYx66qIUn0-00751-00190298-00190570 of the ecclesiastical province a Baha'i umYx66qIUn0-00752-00190571-00190825 community is their topic culture rather umYx66qIUn0-00753-00190826-00191056 than a single dominant culture jakarta's umYx66qIUn0-00754-00191057-00191299 many languages and ethnic groups support umYx66qIUn0-00755-00191300-00191476 differences in regard to religion umYx66qIUn0-00756-00191477-00191779 traditions and linguistics topic arts umYx66qIUn0-00757-00191780-00191980 and festivals the batali culture is umYx66qIUn0-00758-00191981-00192157 distinct from those of the Sundanese or umYx66qIUn0-00759-00192158-00192373 Javanese forming a language island in umYx66qIUn0-00760-00192374-00192649 the surrounding area but towie arts have umYx66qIUn0-00761-00192650-00192892 a low profile in jakarta and most betal umYx66qIUn0-00762-00192893-00193081 we have moved to the suburbs displaced umYx66qIUn0-00763-00193082-00193336 by new migrants it is easier to find umYx66qIUn0-00764-00193337-00193585 Java or meaning-based wedding ceremonies umYx66qIUn0-00765-00193586-00193681 rather than batao umYx66qIUn0-00766-00193682-00193969 weddings in Jakarta it is easier to find umYx66qIUn0-00767-00193970-00194226 Javanese gamelan instead of tanjit or a umYx66qIUn0-00768-00194227-00194446 mixture between batali and Portuguese umYx66qIUn0-00769-00194447-00194712 music Muro 'is a mixture between Batali umYx66qIUn0-00770-00194713-00194925 and Yemeni music or gambling cramming a umYx66qIUn0-00771-00194926-00195172 mixture between batali and Chinese music umYx66qIUn0-00772-00195173-00195460 the Chinese influenced batali culture umYx66qIUn0-00773-00195461-00195678 reflected in the popularity of Chinese umYx66qIUn0-00774-00195679-00195934 cakes and sweets firecrackers and Batali umYx66qIUn0-00775-00195935-00196144 wedding attire that demonstrates Chinese umYx66qIUn0-00776-00196145-00196437 and Arab influences some festivals such umYx66qIUn0-00777-00196438-00196657 as the Jalan JAXA festival or kamon umYx66qIUn0-00778-00196658-00196870 festival include efforts to preserve the umYx66qIUn0-00779-00196871-00197076 towie arts by inviting artists to give umYx66qIUn0-00780-00197077-00197349 performances Jakarta has several umYx66qIUn0-00781-00197350-00197541 performing arts centers such as the umYx66qIUn0-00782-00197542-00197770 classical concert hall ala symphonia umYx66qIUn0-00783-00197771-00197986 Jakarta in Khmer orang taman ismail umYx66qIUn0-00784-00197987-00198058 marzuki umYx66qIUn0-00785-00198059-00198339 Tim Arts Center in Cikini gudumba simi umYx66qIUn0-00786-00198340-00198624 and Jakarta near pasar Baru police RB me umYx66qIUn0-00787-00198625-00198796 in the plaza samang G area umYx66qIUn0-00788-00198797-00199050 Ventura budaya Jakarta in Palmeira area umYx66qIUn0-00789-00199051-00199311 pasar seni art market in ankle and umYx66qIUn0-00790-00199312-00199531 traditional indonesian art performances umYx66qIUn0-00791-00199532-00199720 at the pavilions of some provinces in umYx66qIUn0-00792-00199721-00200001 taman mini indonesia indah traditional umYx66qIUn0-00793-00200002-00200178 music is often found at high-class umYx66qIUn0-00794-00200179-00200398 hotels including weighing and gamelan umYx66qIUn0-00795-00200399-00200683 performances Javanese wayang Arang umYx66qIUn0-00796-00200684-00200869 performances can be found at weighing umYx66qIUn0-00797-00200870-00201157 Arang Bharata theatre arts and culture umYx66qIUn0-00798-00201158-00201378 festivals and exhibitions including the umYx66qIUn0-00799-00201379-00201571 annual Jakarta International Film umYx66qIUn0-00800-00201572-00201769 Festival chiefest Jakarta International umYx66qIUn0-00801-00201770-00202060 Java Jazz Festival Jakarta warehouse umYx66qIUn0-00802-00202061-00202321 project Jakarta Fashion Week Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00803-00202322-00202621 fashion and food festival J FFF Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00804-00202622-00202851 Fair Indonesia creative products and umYx66qIUn0-00805-00202852-00203146 Jakarta arts and crafts exhibition flown umYx66qIUn0-00806-00203147-00203313 to Jakarta as a flora and fauna umYx66qIUn0-00807-00203314-00203560 exhibition held annually in August ATLA umYx66qIUn0-00808-00203561-00203775 pengon Banting park featuring flowers umYx66qIUn0-00809-00203776-00204114 plant nurseries and pets Jakarta Fair is umYx66qIUn0-00810-00204115-00204343 held annually from mid June to mid to umYx66qIUn0-00811-00204344-00204525 celebrate the anniversary of the city umYx66qIUn0-00812-00204526-00204711 and is largely centered around a trade umYx66qIUn0-00813-00204712-00205032 fair however this month-long Fair also umYx66qIUn0-00814-00205033-00205233 features entertainment including arts umYx66qIUn0-00815-00205234-00205375 and music performances by local umYx66qIUn0-00816-00205376-00205707 musicians Jakarta International Java umYx66qIUn0-00817-00205708-00205996 Jazz Festival jjf is one of the largest umYx66qIUn0-00818-00205996-00206217 jazz festivals in the world and arguably umYx66qIUn0-00819-00206219-00206358 the biggest in the southern hemisphere umYx66qIUn0-00820-00206359-00206580 which is held annually in March umYx66qIUn0-00821-00206581-00206838 several foreign art and culture centers umYx66qIUn0-00822-00206839-00207031 are established in Jakarta and May umYx66qIUn0-00823-00207032-00207217 we serve to promote culture and language umYx66qIUn0-00824-00207217-00207415 through learning centers libraries and umYx66qIUn0-00825-00207416-00207498 art galleries umYx66qIUn0-00826-00207500-00207736 among these foreign art and cultural umYx66qIUn0-00827-00207737-00207948 centers are China Confucius Institute umYx66qIUn0-00828-00207950-00208198 Netherlands Erasmus huis UK British umYx66qIUn0-00829-00208198-00208396 Council France Alliance Francaise umYx66qIUn0-00830-00208396-00208606 Germany Goethe Institute Japan umYx66qIUn0-00831-00208607-00208831 Foundation an India Jawaharlal Nehru umYx66qIUn0-00832-00208832-00209152 Indian Cultural Center topic cuisine all umYx66qIUn0-00833-00209153-00209371 varieties of Indonesian cuisine have the umYx66qIUn0-00834-00209371-00209662 presence in Jakarta the local cuisine is umYx66qIUn0-00835-00209663-00209890 batali cuisine which reflects various umYx66qIUn0-00836-00209891-00210154 foreign culinary traditions but tau umYx66qIUn0-00837-00210155-00210376 equals n is heavily influenced by Malay umYx66qIUn0-00838-00210377-00210601 Chinese piranha canned cuisine Sundanese umYx66qIUn0-00839-00210602-00210805 and Javanese cuisine which is also umYx66qIUn0-00840-00210806-00211044 influenced by Indian Arabic and European umYx66qIUn0-00841-00211046-00211336 cuisines one of the most popular local umYx66qIUn0-00842-00211337-00211579 dishes of bed Y cuisine is SoDo Batali umYx66qIUn0-00843-00211580-00211744 which is prepared from chunks of beef umYx66qIUn0-00844-00211744-00211971 and offal enriched and spicy cow's milk umYx66qIUn0-00845-00211973-00212233 or coconut milk broth other popular umYx66qIUn0-00846-00212234-00212566 Batali dishes include soto kaki nasi you umYx66qIUn0-00847-00212567-00212863 Duke couric teller spicy omelette nasi umYx66qIUn0-00848-00212864-00213184 ulam esenin ketoprak ruj akin gado-gado umYx66qIUn0-00849-00213185-00213529 betta we sallied in peanut sauce Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00850-00213530-00213717 cuisine can be found in modest street umYx66qIUn0-00851-00213719-00213942 side warring food stalls and kaki Lima umYx66qIUn0-00852-00213944-00214165 five legs traveling vendors to high-end umYx66qIUn0-00853-00214166-00214462 fine-dining restaurants live music umYx66qIUn0-00854-00214463-00214651 venues and exclusive restaurants are umYx66qIUn0-00855-00214652-00214885 abundant many traditional foods from umYx66qIUn0-00856-00214886-00215101 far-flung regions in Indonesia can be umYx66qIUn0-00857-00215102-00215407 found in Jakarta for example traditional umYx66qIUn0-00858-00215408-00215608 Padang restaurants and low budget wort umYx66qIUn0-00859-00215609-00215812 egg while ring Tegel food stalls are umYx66qIUn0-00860-00215813-00216091 ubiquitous in the capital other popular umYx66qIUn0-00861-00216092-00216337 street foods include nasi goreng fried umYx66qIUn0-00862-00216338-00216541 rice sat skewered meats umYx66qIUn0-00863-00216542-00216781 Pucelle Lele fried catfish back so umYx66qIUn0-00864-00216782-00217090 meatballs back pal Chinese bun and so my umYx66qIUn0-00865-00217091-00217471 fish dumplings jalan sabang jalan Sidora umYx66qIUn0-00866-00217471-00217732 Jalan Kendall at menteng area Kota tua umYx66qIUn0-00867-00217733-00217998 black ass black M Jalan Tibet are all umYx66qIUn0-00868-00218000-00218194 popular destinations for Street food umYx66qIUn0-00869-00218194-00218539 lovers men tank c'mon jalan Senapati umYx66qIUn0-00870-00218540-00218830 kuningan Senayan and Pantai Indah copic umYx66qIUn0-00871-00218831-00219028 Kelapa Gading areas have trendy umYx66qIUn0-00872-00219029-00219348 restaurants cafe and bars chinese street umYx66qIUn0-00873-00219350-00219562 food is plentiful at Jalan pangeran umYx66qIUn0-00874-00219563-00219811 manga besar and pedak sembilan in the umYx66qIUn0-00875-00219812-00220048 old Jakarta area while little Tokyo area umYx66qIUn0-00876-00220048-00220276 of block M has many Japanese style umYx66qIUn0-00877-00220277-00220396 restaurants and bar umYx66qIUn0-00878-00220396-00220579 lenggang Jakarta is a food court umYx66qIUn0-00879-00220580-00220801 accommodating small traders and street umYx66qIUn0-00880-00220802-00220983 vendors where indonesian foods are umYx66qIUn0-00881-00220984-00221244 available within a single compound at umYx66qIUn0-00882-00221246-00221448 present there are two such food courts umYx66qIUn0-00883-00221450-00221689 located at Mona's and chemi orang global umYx66qIUn0-00884-00221690-00221892 fast food chain like McDonald's KFC umYx66qIUn0-00885-00221894-00222244 Burger King a and W fat burger Johnny umYx66qIUn0-00886-00222244-00222483 Rockets Starbucks Dunkin Donuts are umYx66qIUn0-00887-00222484-00222694 present along with local brands like Joe umYx66qIUn0-00888-00222694-00223057 s teller 77 kebab turkey and CFC or umYx66qIUn0-00889-00223058-00223339 Japanese Hawk ban foreign cuisines such umYx66qIUn0-00890-00223340-00223659 as Chinese Japanese Korean Thai Indian umYx66qIUn0-00891-00223660-00223927 American French Mediterranean cuisines umYx66qIUn0-00892-00223928-00224146 like Turkish Italian Middle Eastern umYx66qIUn0-00893-00224146-00224362 cuisine and modern fusion food can all umYx66qIUn0-00894-00224363-00224634 be found in Jakarta topic museums umYx66qIUn0-00895-00224635-00224958 Jakarta hosts 142 museums clustered umYx66qIUn0-00896-00224959-00225142 around the central jakarta's Merdeka umYx66qIUn0-00897-00225142-00225388 square area Jakarta Old Town and taman umYx66qIUn0-00898-00225389-00225669 mini indonesia indah old town contains umYx66qIUn0-00899-00225671-00225883 museums in former institutional umYx66qIUn0-00900-00225884-00226110 buildings of colonial Batavia including umYx66qIUn0-00901-00226111-00226351 Jakarta History Museum former city hall umYx66qIUn0-00902-00226352-00226608 of Batavia wayang museum puppet museum umYx66qIUn0-00903-00226609-00226833 former Church of Batavia the fine art umYx66qIUn0-00904-00226834-00227067 and ceramic museum former court house of umYx66qIUn0-00905-00227069-00227298 Justice of Batavia the maritime museum umYx66qIUn0-00906-00227300-00227455 former soon to kill out the warehouse umYx66qIUn0-00907-00227456-00227725 Bank Indonesia Museum former Java SH umYx66qIUn0-00908-00227726-00227953 Bank and Bank Mandir II museum former umYx66qIUn0-00909-00227954-00228253 Nederlander handles Machat Beach museums umYx66qIUn0-00910-00228254-00228459 clustered in central jakarta around the umYx66qIUn0-00911-00228460-00228682 Merdeka square area include national umYx66qIUn0-00912-00228683-00228907 museum of indonesia which also known as umYx66qIUn0-00913-00228908-00229129 gudumba the elephant building national umYx66qIUn0-00914-00229130-00229383 gallery of indonesia national history umYx66qIUn0-00915-00229384-00229582 museum at national monument Istiqlal umYx66qIUn0-00916-00229583-00229873 Islamic Museum in Istanbul and Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00917-00229873-00230071 cathedral museum on the second floor of umYx66qIUn0-00918-00230071-00230389 Jakarta Cathedral also in central as the umYx66qIUn0-00919-00230390-00230656 taman pristy museum former Cemetery of umYx66qIUn0-00920-00230657-00230917 Batavia and textile museum in Tana Bank umYx66qIUn0-00921-00230917-00231234 area museum Macan as an art museum of umYx66qIUn0-00922-00231235-00231444 modern and contemporary indonesian and umYx66qIUn0-00923-00231446-00231631 international art located at west umYx66qIUn0-00924-00231632-00231882 jakarta the recreational area of taman umYx66qIUn0-00925-00231883-00232063 mini indonesia indah in east jakarta umYx66qIUn0-00926-00232064-00232342 contains 14 museums such as Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00927-00232342-00232612 Museum Poorna bhakti Pertiwi museum as umYx66qIUn0-00928-00232613-00232935 mat museum bate al-quran Islamic Museum umYx66qIUn0-00929-00232936-00233131 moussaka heirloom Museum and other umYx66qIUn0-00930-00233132-00233353 science-based museums such as research umYx66qIUn0-00931-00233354-00233596 and Technology Information Centre komodo umYx66qIUn0-00932-00233596-00233767 indonesian fonda museum umYx66qIUn0-00933-00233767-00234028 insect museum petrol and gas museum plus umYx66qIUn0-00934-00234029-00234313 the Transportation Museum other museums umYx66qIUn0-00935-00234314-00234541 are Satria mandala military museum umYx66qIUn0-00936-00234542-00234783 museum some Papa muta and Liu bang whaaa umYx66qIUn0-00937-00234784-00235131 crocodile well topic Media Jakarta has umYx66qIUn0-00938-00235132-00235356 numerous newspapers television and radio umYx66qIUn0-00939-00235357-00235623 stations daily newspapers include umYx66qIUn0-00940-00235625-00235873 compass Quran tempo media Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00941-00235873-00236160 Republica suara Pemba ruin saputo umYx66qIUn0-00942-00236161-00236437 indonesia soo araucaria seiner Harappan umYx66qIUn0-00943-00236438-00236692 in dope-ass journal Nacional and Harry umYx66qIUn0-00944-00236692-00236979 and pilita english-language newspapers umYx66qIUn0-00945-00236980-00237207 are also published daily for example The umYx66qIUn0-00946-00237208-00237414 Jakarta Post in the Jakarta Globe umYx66qIUn0-00947-00237415-00237648 Chinese language newspapers are umYx66qIUn0-00948-00237650-00237865 Indonesia Shang Bao yummy Shang Bao umYx66qIUn0-00949-00237866-00237979 hairy and Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00950-00237980-00238232 yummy Shing joery bow and guo giri bow umYx66qIUn0-00951-00238233-00238519 guo giri but the only Japanese language umYx66qIUn0-00952-00238519-00238755 newspaper is the daily Jakarta Shimbun umYx66qIUn0-00953-00238756-00239031 jackaroo - Anwen Jakarta has also the umYx66qIUn0-00954-00239032-00239269 daily newspapers segment such as POSCO umYx66qIUn0-00955-00239269-00239542 de war Dakota Quran Jakarta burry Dakota umYx66qIUn0-00956-00239542-00239742 for local readers business Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-00957-00239744-00240021 investor daily Condon Harry and naraka umYx66qIUn0-00958-00240023-00240228 business news as well as top scorer and umYx66qIUn0-00959-00240229-00240510 soccer sport news Jakarta is the umYx66qIUn0-00960-00240511-00240729 headquarters for Indonesia's state media umYx66qIUn0-00961-00240730-00240988 TV RI as well as private national umYx66qIUn0-00962-00240989-00241303 television networks Metro TV TV one umYx66qIUn0-00963-00241304-00241839 compass TV trans TV trans7 RCT i MNC umYx66qIUn0-00964-00241840-00242408 sctv GTV endo CRA and TV r TV and net umYx66qIUn0-00965-00242409-00242679 jakarta has local television channels umYx66qIUn0-00966-00242680-00242982 such as jack TV a channel elgyn to TV umYx66qIUn0-00967-00242983-00243352 and daa itv indonesia the city is home umYx66qIUn0-00968-00243353-00243534 to the country's main paid television umYx66qIUn0-00969-00243535-00243723 service cable channels available umYx66qIUn0-00970-00243725-00243971 includes first media and telkomvision umYx66qIUn0-00971-00243973-00244294 satellite television DTH has yet to gain umYx66qIUn0-00972-00244294-00244632 mass acceptance in jakarta prominent DTH umYx66qIUn0-00973-00244633-00244846 entertainment services are in division umYx66qIUn0-00974-00244846-00245154 oak vision yes TV trans vision and aora umYx66qIUn0-00975-00245155-00245559 TV many TV stations are analog pal but umYx66qIUn0-00976-00245560-00245689 some are now converting to digital umYx66qIUn0-00977-00245690-00245973 signals using dvb-t - following a umYx66qIUn0-00978-00245975-00246129 government plan to digital television umYx66qIUn0-00979-00246130-00246555 migration 75 radio stations broadcast in umYx66qIUn0-00980-00246556-00246882 jakarta 52 on the FM band and 23 on the umYx66qIUn0-00981-00246883-00246998 am band umYx66qIUn0-00982-00246998-00247271 topic economy Indonesia as the largest umYx66qIUn0-00983-00247271-00247478 economy of as Ian and Jakarta as the umYx66qIUn0-00984-00247479-00247673 economic nerve center of the Indonesian umYx66qIUn0-00985-00247673-00247982 archipelago the city generated about one umYx66qIUn0-00986-00247983-00248305 sixth of Indonesian GDP in 2008 umYx66qIUn0-00987-00248306-00248723 jakarta's nominal GDP was 480 3.8 umYx66qIUn0-00988-00248723-00248987 billion dollars in 2016 which is about umYx66qIUn0-00989-00248988-00249169 seventeen point five percent of umYx66qIUn0-00990-00249171-00249404 Indonesia's Jakarta's economy depends umYx66qIUn0-00991-00249405-00249596 highly on manufacturing and service umYx66qIUn0-00992-00249596-00249794 sectors such as banking trading and umYx66qIUn0-00993-00249794-00250103 financial industries include electronics umYx66qIUn0-00994-00250104-00250313 automotive chemicals mechanical umYx66qIUn0-00995-00250314-00250607 engineering and biomedical sciences the umYx66qIUn0-00996-00250608-00250796 head office of Bank Indonesia and umYx66qIUn0-00997-00250796-00251021 Indonesia Stock Exchange located in the umYx66qIUn0-00998-00251021-00251066 city umYx66qIUn0-00999-00251067-00251405 most of the SOE including Pertamina pln umYx66qIUn0-01000-00251406-00251801 PGN and casa pura bul og Telkom sell umYx66qIUn0-01001-00251802-00252023 wasps key to operate head offices in the umYx66qIUn0-01002-00252023-00252305 city major Indonesian conglomerates umYx66qIUn0-01003-00252306-00252491 maintain head offices there such as umYx66qIUn0-01004-00252492-00252734 Salim Group seiner mas Group asked her umYx66qIUn0-01005-00252735-00252971 international Lippo group back Rai group umYx66qIUn0-01006-00252971-00253208 saputra Group a Gong paddle Moro group umYx66qIUn0-01007-00253209-00253340 Unilever Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01008-00253341-00253585 jerem GU dang garam Compass grrah Media umYx66qIUn0-01009-00253586-00253889 Lion Air sri we Jaya air Medeco Energy umYx66qIUn0-01010-00253890-00254371 MNC Trans Corp kalbi Pharma as of 2018 umYx66qIUn0-01011-00254373-00254651 Jakarta contributes about 17% of umYx66qIUn0-01012-00254652-00254879 Indonesia's G RDP gross regional umYx66qIUn0-01013-00254880-00255263 domestic product economic growth was 6.2 umYx66qIUn0-01014-00255264-00255452 two percent and five point zero two umYx66qIUn0-01015-00255453-00255810 percent in 2017 and 2016 respectively umYx66qIUn0-01016-00255811-00256100 throughout 2017 total value of umYx66qIUn0-01017-00256101-00256415 investment was RP 108 point six trillion umYx66qIUn0-01018-00256416-00256598 about eight billion United States umYx66qIUn0-01019-00256598-00256819 dollars an increase of eighty four point umYx66qIUn0-01020-00256821-00257017 seven percent from the same period in umYx66qIUn0-01021-00257019-00257294 2016 in 2014 umYx66qIUn0-01022-00257294-00257681 per-capita GDP was RP 174 point eight umYx66qIUn0-01023-00257682-00257912 seven million or fourteen thousand seven umYx66qIUn0-01024-00257913-00258089 hundred twenty seven United States umYx66qIUn0-01025-00258090-00258479 dollars in 2015 GDP per capita was umYx66qIUn0-01026-00258480-00258800 estimated RP 194 point eight seven umYx66qIUn0-01027-00258801-00258983 million or fourteen thousand five umYx66qIUn0-01028-00258984-00259242 hundred seventy dollars the largest umYx66qIUn0-01029-00259244-00259546 contributions to G RDP were by finance umYx66qIUn0-01030-00259548-00259832 ownership and business services 29% umYx66qIUn0-01031-00259833-00260084 trade hotel and restaurant sector 20 umYx66qIUn0-01032-00260085-00260282 percent and manufacturing industry umYx66qIUn0-01033-00260283-00260384 sector sixty umYx66qIUn0-01034-00260385-00260732 percent in 2007 the increase in per umYx66qIUn0-01035-00260733-00261008 capita G our DP of Jakarta inhabitants umYx66qIUn0-01036-00261009-00261248 was 11.6 percent compared to the umYx66qIUn0-01037-00261248-00261503 previous year both gr DP by a current umYx66qIUn0-01038-00261504-00261800 market price and gr DP by a 2000 umYx66qIUn0-01039-00261801-00262021 constant price in 2007 for the umYx66qIUn0-01040-00262023-00262235 municipality of Central Jakarta which umYx66qIUn0-01041-00262236-00262670 was RP 146 million and RP 81 million was umYx66qIUn0-01042-00262671-00262847 higher than other municipalities in umYx66qIUn0-01043-00262848-00263114 Jakarta The Wealth Report 2015 by night umYx66qIUn0-01044-00263115-00263366 Frank reported that 24 individuals in umYx66qIUn0-01045-00263367-00263645 Indonesia in 2014 had wealth at least 1 umYx66qIUn0-01046-00263646-00263879 billion dollars in 18 live in Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01047-00263880-00264070 the cost of living continues to rise umYx66qIUn0-01048-00264071-00264344 both land price and rents have become umYx66qIUn0-01049-00264345-00264671 expensive Mercer's 2017 cost of living umYx66qIUn0-01050-00264672-00264932 survey ranked Jakarta as 88th costliest umYx66qIUn0-01051-00264933-00265171 city in the world for expatriates umYx66qIUn0-01052-00265172-00265364 industrial development and the umYx66qIUn0-01053-00265365-00265553 construction of new housing thrive on umYx66qIUn0-01054-00265554-00265754 the outskirts while commerce and banking umYx66qIUn0-01055-00265755-00265981 remained concentrated in the city center umYx66qIUn0-01056-00265982-00266267 Jakarta has a bustling luxury property umYx66qIUn0-01057-00266268-00266512 market Knight Frank a global real estate umYx66qIUn0-01058-00266513-00266771 consultancy based in London reported in umYx66qIUn0-01059-00266772-00267002 2014 that Jakarta offered the highest umYx66qIUn0-01060-00267003-00267233 return on high-end property investment umYx66qIUn0-01061-00267234-00267479 in the world in 2013 citing a supply umYx66qIUn0-01062-00267480-00267677 shortage and a sharply depreciated umYx66qIUn0-01063-00267678-00268131 currency as reasons umYx66qIUn0-01064-00268132-00268535 topic shopping umYx66qIUn0-01065-00268536-00268795 Jakarta has numerous shopping malls in umYx66qIUn0-01066-00268796-00269116 markets with a total of 550 hectares umYx66qIUn0-01067-00269117-00269355 Jakarta has the world's largest shopping umYx66qIUn0-01068-00269356-00269646 mall floor area within a single city the umYx66qIUn0-01069-00269647-00269871 annual Jakarta great sale festival is umYx66qIUn0-01070-00269872-00270048 held every year in June and July to umYx66qIUn0-01071-00270049-00270265 celebrate Jakarta's anniversary with umYx66qIUn0-01072-00270266-00270538 about 83 participating shopping malls in umYx66qIUn0-01073-00270539-00270913 2018 malls include Plaza Indonesia grand umYx66qIUn0-01074-00270914-00271125 Indonesia Shopping Town Plaza Senayan umYx66qIUn0-01075-00271126-00271393 Senayan City and Pacific Place Mall umYx66qIUn0-01076-00271394-00271626 taman and Rec pondok indah mall mal umYx66qIUn0-01077-00271627-00271891 Kelapa Gading central park jakarta lotte umYx66qIUn0-01078-00271892-00272124 shopping avenue gan Darya City Kota umYx66qIUn0-01079-00272125-00272406 Casablanca c'mon village lippo mall puri umYx66qIUn0-01080-00272407-00272746 and bay walk mall department stores in umYx66qIUn0-01081-00272747-00272949 Senayan city and lip though mall c'mon umYx66qIUn0-01082-00272950-00273153 village used the Debenhams brand under umYx66qIUn0-01083-00273154-00273346 license while the japanese so go umYx66qIUn0-01084-00273347-00273570 department store has about seven stores umYx66qIUn0-01085-00273571-00273895 size flagship store is located in grand umYx66qIUn0-01086-00273896-00274087 Indonesia Shopping Town and French umYx66qIUn0-01087-00274088-00274288 luxury department store galeries umYx66qIUn0-01088-00274289-00274458 lafayette opened its doors for the first umYx66qIUn0-01089-00274459-00274709 time in Southeast Asia at Pacific Place umYx66qIUn0-01090-00274710-00275079 the Satria Casablanca corridor 3.5 umYx66qIUn0-01091-00275080-00275290 kilometres street as a new shopping belt umYx66qIUn0-01092-00275291-00275580 in Jakarta many multi-story shopping umYx66qIUn0-01093-00275581-00275721 centers are located there umYx66qIUn0-01094-00275722-00275949 such as kuningan city mal Ambassador umYx66qIUn0-01095-00275950-00276120 Kota Casablanca and lotte shopping umYx66qIUn0-01096-00276121-00276490 Avenue traditional markets include block umYx66qIUn0-01097-00276491-00276828 M tanah abang Senen pasar Baru glottic umYx66qIUn0-01098-00276829-00277148 mangga dua Cempaka mas and jetty negara umYx66qIUn0-01099-00277149-00277404 special markets sell antique goods at umYx66qIUn0-01100-00277405-00277620 Surabaya Street and gemstones in Rama umYx66qIUn0-01101-00277621-00277956 Benny market umYx66qIUn0-01102-00277957-00278432 topic tourism umYx66qIUn0-01103-00278433-00278682 Jakarta has been named the most popular umYx66qIUn0-01104-00278683-00278898 location as per tag stories and ranked umYx66qIUn0-01105-00278899-00279081 eighth most posted among the cities in umYx66qIUn0-01106-00279082-00279348 the world in 2017 on image sharing site umYx66qIUn0-01107-00279349-00279603 Instagram the city is not a top umYx66qIUn0-01108-00279604-00279795 international tourist destination umYx66qIUn0-01109-00279796-00279975 although it ranked as the fifth fastest umYx66qIUn0-01110-00279976-00280260 growing destination among 132 cities umYx66qIUn0-01111-00280261-00280431 according to MasterCard global umYx66qIUn0-01112-00280432-00280647 destination cities Index published in umYx66qIUn0-01113-00280648-00280977 September 2017 fifty nine point one umYx66qIUn0-01114-00280978-00281181 percent of visitors came for business umYx66qIUn0-01115-00281182-00281337 while the other forty point nine percent umYx66qIUn0-01116-00281338-00281516 were visiting for leisure umYx66qIUn0-01117-00281517-00281717 according to Euromonitor International umYx66qIUn0-01118-00281718-00282063 latest top 100 city destinations ranking umYx66qIUn0-01119-00282064-00282357 Jakarta ranked at 83 with more than 3.5 umYx66qIUn0-01120-00282358-00282579 million international tourists visited umYx66qIUn0-01121-00282580-00282759 in a year forty eight point five percent umYx66qIUn0-01122-00282760-00282963 higher in comparison to the previous umYx66qIUn0-01123-00282964-00283164 year most of the visitors attracted to umYx66qIUn0-01124-00283165-00283437 Jakarta are domestic tourists as the umYx66qIUn0-01125-00283438-00283644 Gateway of Indonesia Jakarta often umYx66qIUn0-01126-00283645-00283821 serves as a stopover for foreign umYx66qIUn0-01127-00283822-00283956 visitors on their way to other umYx66qIUn0-01128-00283957-00284166 Indonesian tourist destinations such as umYx66qIUn0-01129-00284167-00284480 Bali Lombok Komodo Island in Yogyakarta umYx66qIUn0-01130-00284481-00284700 Jakarta is trying to attract more umYx66qIUn0-01131-00284701-00284916 international tourists by mice tourism umYx66qIUn0-01132-00284917-00285075 by arranging increasing numbers of umYx66qIUn0-01133-00285076-00285348 conventions in 2012 the tourism sector umYx66qIUn0-01134-00285349-00285546 contributed two point six trillion umYx66qIUn0-01135-00285547-00285897 rupiah 268 point five million dollars to umYx66qIUn0-01136-00285898-00286080 the city's total direct income of umYx66qIUn0-01137-00286081-00286248 seventeen point eight three trillion umYx66qIUn0-01138-00286249-00286461 rupiah one point four five billion umYx66qIUn0-01139-00286462-00286695 dollars a seventeen point nine percent umYx66qIUn0-01140-00286696-00287034 increase from the previous year 2011 the umYx66qIUn0-01141-00287035-00287265 popular heritage tourism attractions are umYx66qIUn0-01142-00287266-00287553 encoded and around merdeka square Kota umYx66qIUn0-01143-00287554-00287751 is the center of old Jakarta with its umYx66qIUn0-01144-00287752-00287991 maritime museum Kota intened drawbridge umYx66qIUn0-01145-00287992-00288300 Girija Sion wayang museum status Batavia umYx66qIUn0-01146-00288301-00288555 sign art and ceramic museum Tokyo Mara umYx66qIUn0-01147-00288556-00288804 Bank Indonesia Museum Bank Mandir II umYx66qIUn0-01148-00288805-00289065 museum Jakarta Kota Station and Glo deck umYx66qIUn0-01149-00289066-00289293 Chinatown Kota tua was named the most umYx66qIUn0-01150-00289294-00289584 visited destination in Indonesia in 2017 umYx66qIUn0-01151-00289585-00289800 by image sharing platform Instagram in umYx66qIUn0-01152-00289801-00290085 the old ports of soon to kalapa the tall umYx66qIUn0-01153-00290086-00290238 masted penny see ships are still umYx66qIUn0-01154-00290239-00290526 anchored the Jakarta Cathedral with neo umYx66qIUn0-01155-00290527-00290721 gothic architecture in Central Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01156-00290722-00291005 also attracts architecture enthusiasts umYx66qIUn0-01157-00291006-00291264 other tourist attractions include umYx66qIUn0-01158-00291265-00291474 Thousand Islands taman mini indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01159-00291475-00291762 indah Sidhu Babacan Roggin and zoo soon umYx66qIUn0-01160-00291763-00291853 to kill Appa umYx66qIUn0-01161-00291854-00292012 port and the end called dreamland umYx66qIUn0-01162-00292013-00292219 complex on Jakarta Bay which houses umYx66qIUn0-01163-00292220-00292501 duniya fantasy fantasy world theme park umYx66qIUn0-01164-00292502-00292738 SeaWorld Atlantis water adventure in umYx66qIUn0-01165-00292739-00293023 jalan gang Samudra Thousand Islands umYx66qIUn0-01166-00293024-00293191 which is north to the coast of the city umYx66qIUn0-01167-00293192-00293398 and in Java Sea is also a popular umYx66qIUn0-01168-00293399-00293722 tourist destination most international umYx66qIUn0-01169-00293723-00294016 hotel chains are present Jalan JAXA and umYx66qIUn0-01170-00294017-00294205 surrounding area as popular among umYx66qIUn0-01171-00294206-00294409 backpackers for cheaper accommodation umYx66qIUn0-01172-00294410-00294655 travel agencies secondhand bookstores umYx66qIUn0-01173-00294656-00294919 moneychangers laundries and pubs pick is umYx66qIUn0-01174-00294920-00295102 a relatively new suburb for hang out umYx66qIUn0-01175-00295103-00295300 while c'mon is a favorite suburb for umYx66qIUn0-01176-00295301-00295658 expats umYx66qIUn0-01177-00295659-00296190 topic infrastructure umYx66qIUn0-01178-00296191-00296696 topic water supply umYx66qIUn0-01179-00296697-00297065 to private companies PIL yja and atria umYx66qIUn0-01180-00297066-00297266 provide piped water in the western and umYx66qIUn0-01181-00297267-00297464 eastern half of Jakarta respectively umYx66qIUn0-01182-00297465-00297725 under 25-year concession contract signed umYx66qIUn0-01183-00297726-00298085 in 1998 a public asset holding company umYx66qIUn0-01184-00298086-00298318 called Pam Jaya owns the infrastructure umYx66qIUn0-01185-00298319-00298613 80% of the water distributed in Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01186-00298614-00298784 comes through the West Haroon canal umYx66qIUn0-01187-00298785-00299006 system from jutila her reservoir on the umYx66qIUn0-01188-00299007-00299264 Citarum River 70 kilometres 43 miles umYx66qIUn0-01189-00299265-00299585 southeast of the city water supply was umYx66qIUn0-01190-00299586-00299885 privatized by President Suharto in 1998 umYx66qIUn0-01191-00299886-00300104 to the French company suez environment umYx66qIUn0-01192-00300105-00300263 and the British company Thames Water umYx66qIUn0-01193-00300264-00300488 International both companies umYx66qIUn0-01194-00300489-00300689 subsequently sold their concessions to umYx66qIUn0-01195-00300690-00300953 Indonesian companies customer growth in umYx66qIUn0-01196-00300954-00301148 the seven first years of the concessions umYx66qIUn0-01197-00301149-00301343 had been lower than before possibly umYx66qIUn0-01198-00301344-00301460 because of substantial umYx66qIUn0-01199-00301461-00301664 inflation-adjusted tariff increases umYx66qIUn0-01200-00301665-00301994 during this period in 2005 tariffs were umYx66qIUn0-01201-00301995-00302162 frozen leading the private water umYx66qIUn0-01202-00302163-00302416 companies to cut down on investments umYx66qIUn0-01203-00302417-00302663 according to P Al yja umYx66qIUn0-01204-00302664-00302855 in its western half of the concession umYx66qIUn0-01205-00302856-00303047 the service coverage ratio increased umYx66qIUn0-01206-00303048-00303500 substantially from 34% in 1998 to 59% in umYx66qIUn0-01207-00303501-00303968 2007 and 65% in 2010 according to data umYx66qIUn0-01208-00303969-00304211 by the Jakarta water supply regulatory umYx66qIUn0-01209-00304212-00304424 body access in the eastern half of the umYx66qIUn0-01210-00304425-00304673 city served by ptj increased from about umYx66qIUn0-01211-00304674-00305051 57 percent in 1998 to about 67 percent umYx66qIUn0-01212-00305052-00305429 in 2004 but stagnated after that however umYx66qIUn0-01213-00305430-00305651 other sources cite much lower access umYx66qIUn0-01214-00305652-00305909 figures for piped water supply to houses umYx66qIUn0-01215-00305910-00306143 excluding access provided through public umYx66qIUn0-01216-00306144-00306392 hydrants one study estimated access as umYx66qIUn0-01217-00306393-00306695 low as 25 percent in 2005 while another umYx66qIUn0-01218-00306696-00306872 source estimates it to be as low as umYx66qIUn0-01219-00306873-00307108 eighteen point five percent in 2011 umYx66qIUn0-01220-00307109-00307400 those without access to piped water get umYx66qIUn0-01221-00307401-00307589 water mostly from wells that are often umYx66qIUn0-01222-00307590-00307934 salty and unsanitary as of 2017 umYx66qIUn0-01223-00307935-00308138 according to the Ministry of Energy and umYx66qIUn0-01224-00308139-00308378 Mineral Resources Jakarta had a crisis umYx66qIUn0-01225-00308379-00308812 over clean water umYx66qIUn0-01226-00308813-00309247 topic healthcare umYx66qIUn0-01227-00309248-00309488 Indonesia's health care system is among umYx66qIUn0-01228-00309489-00309707 the best in Southeast Asia together with umYx66qIUn0-01229-00309708-00309875 neighboring countries such as Singapore umYx66qIUn0-01230-00309876-00310133 Malaysia or Thailand the capital Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01231-00310134-00310316 does have many of the country's best umYx66qIUn0-01232-00310317-00310517 equipped private and public facilities umYx66qIUn0-01233-00310518-00310853 in January 2014 the Indonesian umYx66qIUn0-01234-00310854-00311012 government launched jamming in Casa umYx66qIUn0-01235-00311013-00311345 Nacional jkn universal healthcare in umYx66qIUn0-01236-00311346-00311603 Indonesia this scheme is the world's umYx66qIUn0-01237-00311604-00311774 largest insurance system today that umYx66qIUn0-01238-00311775-00312128 covers around 250 million people it is umYx66qIUn0-01239-00312129-00312347 expected that the entire population will umYx66qIUn0-01240-00312348-00312590 be covered in 2019 hospitals are of a umYx66qIUn0-01241-00312591-00312767 good standard however they are often umYx66qIUn0-01242-00312768-00313061 overcrowded government-run specialized umYx66qIUn0-01243-00313062-00313298 hospitals include doctors Scipio Mangan umYx66qIUn0-01244-00313299-00313553 kusuma Hospital gatot Sobrato army umYx66qIUn0-01245-00313554-00313766 hospital as well as community hospitals umYx66qIUn0-01246-00313767-00314078 puskesmas private hospitals and clinics umYx66qIUn0-01247-00314079-00314228 are another option for healthcare umYx66qIUn0-01248-00314229-00314483 services private healthcare sector has umYx66qIUn0-01249-00314484-00314663 seen significant changes as the umYx66qIUn0-01250-00314664-00314813 government began allowing foreign umYx66qIUn0-01251-00314814-00315044 investment in the private sector in 2010 umYx66qIUn0-01252-00315045-00315305 while some private facilities are run by umYx66qIUn0-01253-00315306-00315533 nonprofit or religious organizations umYx66qIUn0-01254-00315534-00315848 most are for-profit hospital chains such umYx66qIUn0-01255-00315849-00316085 as Siloam Maya pada Mitra keluarga umYx66qIUn0-01256-00316086-00316349 medica Med astray Herrmann to operate in umYx66qIUn0-01257-00316350-00316692 the city umYx66qIUn0-01258-00316693-00317205 topic transport umYx66qIUn0-01259-00317206-00317478 despite a variety of transport systems umYx66qIUn0-01260-00317479-00317718 Jakarta faces traffic jams during rush umYx66qIUn0-01261-00317719-00318024 hours the city prioritized development umYx66qIUn0-01262-00318025-00318201 of road networks which were designed to umYx66qIUn0-01263-00318202-00318487 accommodate private vehicles according umYx66qIUn0-01264-00318488-00318645 to the national development planning umYx66qIUn0-01265-00318646-00318894 agency or bap penis traffic congestion umYx66qIUn0-01266-00318895-00319114 in greater Jakarta wastes about seven umYx66qIUn0-01267-00319115-00319320 point four billion dollars each year due umYx66qIUn0-01268-00319321-00319707 to congestion as of 2018 about 3.6 umYx66qIUn0-01269-00319708-00319872 million commuters commute from the umYx66qIUn0-01270-00319873-00320188 outskirts 58 percent of these commuters umYx66qIUn0-01271-00320189-00320544 use motorcycles 12.8% used cars and only umYx66qIUn0-01272-00320545-00320790 27 percent used public transportation umYx66qIUn0-01273-00320791-00321040 the city's nine point five percent umYx66qIUn0-01274-00321041-00321270 average annual growth rate of motorized umYx66qIUn0-01275-00321271-00321568 vehicles far exceeds the 0.01 percent umYx66qIUn0-01276-00321569-00321831 increase in Road length between 2005 and umYx66qIUn0-01277-00321832-00322269 2010 as of 2010 public transportation in umYx66qIUn0-01278-00322270-00322503 Jakarta serves only 56 percent of umYx66qIUn0-01279-00322504-00322755 commuter trips the first public umYx66qIUn0-01280-00322756-00322987 transport system in the city was Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01281-00322988-00323235 tram line which opened in 1869 and umYx66qIUn0-01282-00323236-00323646 ceased operation in 1962 public transit umYx66qIUn0-01283-00323647-00323919 consists of a BRT Transjakarta commuter umYx66qIUn0-01284-00323920-00324198 rail KRL Jabodetabek and Soekarno Hatta umYx66qIUn0-01285-00324199-00324517 Airport rail link transit systems under umYx66qIUn0-01286-00324518-00324787 construction are Jakarta MRT in Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01287-00324788-00324991 LRT which are expected to be operational umYx66qIUn0-01288-00324992-00325425 by 2018 umYx66qIUn0-01289-00325426-00325887 topic road umYx66qIUn0-01290-00325888-00326135 a structured road network was developed umYx66qIUn0-01291-00326136-00326357 in the early 19th century as a part of umYx66qIUn0-01292-00326358-00326555 the Java grape Post Road by former umYx66qIUn0-01293-00326556-00326823 governor-general dandled it connects umYx66qIUn0-01294-00326824-00327053 most cities throughout Java during the umYx66qIUn0-01295-00327054-00327257 following decades the expanding road umYx66qIUn0-01296-00327258-00327410 network could not keep up with the umYx66qIUn0-01297-00327411-00327594 increasing numbers of motorised vehicles umYx66qIUn0-01298-00327595-00327924 a toll road network composed of an inner umYx66qIUn0-01299-00327925-00328127 and outer ring road and five toll roads umYx66qIUn0-01300-00328128-00328341 radiating outwards provides inner as umYx66qIUn0-01301-00328342-00328638 well as outer city connections Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01302-00328639-00328818 Outer Ring Road - as a toll road umYx66qIUn0-01303-00328819-00329091 encircling greater Jakarta area parallel umYx66qIUn0-01304-00329092-00329378 with Jakarta Outer Ring Road Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01305-00329379-00329576 elevated toll road with a dedicated umYx66qIUn0-01306-00329577-00329801 public transportation lane connecting umYx66qIUn0-01307-00329802-00330005 Jakarta inner ring toll road which is umYx66qIUn0-01308-00330006-00330233 sixty nine point seven seven kilometers umYx66qIUn0-01309-00330234-00330495 in length is under construction many umYx66qIUn0-01310-00330496-00330626 attempts have been made to reduce umYx66qIUn0-01311-00330627-00330864 traffic congestion including a three in umYx66qIUn0-01312-00330865-00331100 one rush-hour law during which cars with umYx66qIUn0-01313-00331101-00331253 fewer than three passengers were umYx66qIUn0-01314-00331254-00331478 prohibited abandoned trucks passing main umYx66qIUn0-01315-00331479-00331700 avenues during the day and an odd-even umYx66qIUn0-01316-00331701-00331890 policy that permitted cars with either umYx66qIUn0-01317-00331891-00332102 odd or even numbered registration plates umYx66qIUn0-01318-00332103-00332394 to drive on alternate days electronic umYx66qIUn0-01319-00332395-00332562 road pricing is expected to be umYx66qIUn0-01320-00332563-00332793 operational by 2019 along with the umYx66qIUn0-01321-00332794-00333099 opening of the Jakarta MRT many bus umYx66qIUn0-01322-00333100-00333275 routes connect neighborhoods within the umYx66qIUn0-01323-00333276-00333462 city limit to other areas of greater umYx66qIUn0-01324-00333463-00333674 Jakarta area and to cities across the umYx66qIUn0-01325-00333675-00333959 island the biggest bus terminal is Paulo umYx66qIUn0-01326-00333960-00334197 Gabon bus terminal arguably the largest umYx66qIUn0-01327-00334198-00334473 in Southeast Asia many companies operate umYx66qIUn0-01328-00334474-00334658 taxis and maintain vehicle pools umYx66qIUn0-01329-00334659-00334850 accessible with app based ride-hailing umYx66qIUn0-01330-00334851-00335337 go je K and grab in 1971 pedicabs becak umYx66qIUn0-01331-00335338-00335598 were banned from major roads shortly umYx66qIUn0-01332-00335599-00335772 thereafter the government attempted a umYx66qIUn0-01333-00335773-00335981 total ban which substantially reduced umYx66qIUn0-01334-00335982-00336291 their numbers from the early 1940s to umYx66qIUn0-01335-00336292-00336588 1991 bajaj auto rickshaws were common umYx66qIUn0-01336-00336589-00336765 later allowed only in the back streets umYx66qIUn0-01337-00336766-00337017 of some parts of the city angkot umYx66qIUn0-01338-00337018-00337256 microbuses play a major role although umYx66qIUn0-01339-00337257-00337508 oject motorcycle taxi are not an umYx66qIUn0-01340-00337509-00337716 official form of public transport they umYx66qIUn0-01341-00337717-00337985 can be found throughout most objects are umYx66qIUn0-01342-00337986-00338172 operated under app based ride-hailing umYx66qIUn0-01343-00338173-00338431 companies like go je k and grab umYx66qIUn0-01344-00338432-00338697 Transjakarta serves as the bus rapid umYx66qIUn0-01345-00338698-00338892 transit service including the world's umYx66qIUn0-01346-00338893-00339174 longest bus rapid transit routes 210 umYx66qIUn0-01347-00339175-00339270 kilometers one umYx66qIUn0-01348-00339271-00339603 130 miles in length Transjakarta had a umYx66qIUn0-01349-00339604-00339954 total of 128 routes as of April 20 18 umYx66qIUn0-01350-00339955-00340191 corridor cross route and feeder route a umYx66qIUn0-01351-00340192-00340431 significant increase from 41 routes in umYx66qIUn0-01352-00340432-00340541 2015 umYx66qIUn0-01353-00340542-00340821 Transjakarta targeted to serve 1 million umYx66qIUn0-01354-00340822-00341054 passengers per day by the end of 2018 umYx66qIUn0-01355-00341055-00341325 other private owned bus systems like umYx66qIUn0-01356-00341326-00341649 Kapaa metromini Maiasaura bhakta and apt umYx66qIUn0-01357-00341650-00341928 b provide service Jakarta city umYx66qIUn0-01358-00341929-00342123 government provides free double-decker umYx66qIUn0-01359-00342124-00342300 city tour bus service that offers umYx66qIUn0-01360-00342301-00342564 sightseeing tourists can catch the umYx66qIUn0-01361-00342565-00342753 double-decker bus free of charge in umYx66qIUn0-01362-00342754-00342996 several designated bus stops in front of umYx66qIUn0-01363-00342997-00343257 cities points of interest several routes umYx66qIUn0-01364-00343258-00343440 covered tourist attractions such as umYx66qIUn0-01365-00343441-00343677 Mona's Istiqlal mosque the Cathedral umYx66qIUn0-01366-00343678-00343926 National Museum Serena Hotel Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01367-00343927-00344277 Crossing Kota tua in Cali hodo park the umYx66qIUn0-01368-00344278-00344493 service includes Kota tua in the North umYx66qIUn0-01369-00344494-00344718 Cali hodo Park in the West and Gelora umYx66qIUn0-01370-00344719-00344964 Bung Karno Stadium in Senayan area in umYx66qIUn0-01371-00344965-00345164 the south via Sudirman Avenue umYx66qIUn0-01372-00345165-00345447 Transjakarta operates free tour buses umYx66qIUn0-01373-00345448-00345741 every Saturday from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. to umYx66qIUn0-01374-00345742-00345969 popular culinary destinations in Central umYx66qIUn0-01375-00345970-00346269 Jakarta Transjakarta has special bus umYx66qIUn0-01376-00346270-00346460 service to move shoppers from one mall umYx66qIUn0-01377-00346461-00346665 to another including brand Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01378-00346666-00346944 Plaza Indonesia Plaza Senayan Senayan umYx66qIUn0-01379-00346945-00347262 City and FX Sudirman topic rail long umYx66qIUn0-01380-00347263-00347448 distance railways and local tram umYx66qIUn0-01381-00347449-00347622 services were introduced during the umYx66qIUn0-01382-00347623-00347913 colonial era the first station was built umYx66qIUn0-01383-00347914-00348195 in 1887 by a private railway company umYx66qIUn0-01384-00348196-00348426 which later became Jakarta Kota station umYx66qIUn0-01385-00348427-00348690 the trams were replaced with buses in umYx66qIUn0-01386-00348691-00348867 the post-colonial era while long umYx66qIUn0-01387-00348868-00349050 distance railways continued to connect umYx66qIUn0-01388-00349051-00349224 the city to its neighboring regions as umYx66qIUn0-01389-00349225-00349482 well as cities throughout Java the main umYx66qIUn0-01390-00349483-00349650 terminus for long-distance train umYx66qIUn0-01391-00349651-00349892 services are Gambia and pasar Senen umYx66qIUn0-01392-00349893-00350088 high-speed railways are under umYx66qIUn0-01393-00350089-00350265 construction connecting Jakarta to umYx66qIUn0-01394-00350266-00350472 bonden while a line between Jakarta and umYx66qIUn0-01395-00350473-00350721 Surabaya is in planning KRL Jabodetabek umYx66qIUn0-01396-00350722-00350967 is a commuter rail system that reaches umYx66qIUn0-01397-00350968-00351165 ranked as fighting in Banton and sakura umYx66qIUn0-01398-00351166-00351492 in bekesy regency the rail system uses umYx66qIUn0-01399-00351493-00351720 rolling stock of Rapid Transit standard umYx66qIUn0-01400-00351721-00351900 and operates at high frequency with a umYx66qIUn0-01401-00351901-00352206 minimum headway daily ridership average umYx66qIUn0-01402-00352207-00352590 was about 0.9 5,000,000 totaling 315 umYx66qIUn0-01403-00352591-00352658 point eight umYx66qIUn0-01404-00352659-00352989 passengers in 2017 Jakarta MRT is umYx66qIUn0-01405-00352990-00353187 constructing a north-south line between umYx66qIUn0-01406-00353188-00353421 Kota and Lebec Beulah's and an east-west umYx66qIUn0-01407-00353422-00353546 line that will connect to the umYx66qIUn0-01408-00353547-00353766 north-south line at Sawa besar station umYx66qIUn0-01409-00353767-00354125 the first 15 2 km long line between umYx66qIUn0-01410-00354126-00354366 Hotel Indonesia and Levesque bullets was umYx66qIUn0-01411-00354367-00354632 scheduled to be operational by 2018 and umYx66qIUn0-01412-00354633-00354926 the north-south line MRT network by 2020 umYx66qIUn0-01413-00354927-00355172 the network when complete will stretch umYx66qIUn0-01414-00355173-00355498 approximately 100 10.8 kilometers umYx66qIUn0-01415-00355499-00355818 miles Jakarta LRT was launched to umYx66qIUn0-01416-00355819-00356030 replace a previously abandoned monorail umYx66qIUn0-01417-00356031-00356306 project the system is planned to connect umYx66qIUn0-01418-00356307-00356520 Jakarta city centre with suburbs such as umYx66qIUn0-01419-00356521-00356838 bekasi Bogor and epic the first phase umYx66qIUn0-01420-00356839-00357039 will connect East bekasi and Cebu burr umYx66qIUn0-01421-00357040-00357213 with dukkha passing through Chuang umYx66qIUn0-01422-00357214-00357479 intersection this phase will be forty umYx66qIUn0-01423-00357480-00357809 two point one kilometers 26.2 miles long umYx66qIUn0-01424-00357810-00358146 with 18 stations another LRT line umYx66qIUn0-01425-00358147-00358352 connecting Kelapa Gading district and umYx66qIUn0-01426-00358353-00358563 Jakarta International velodrome as to umYx66qIUn0-01427-00358564-00358826 open in December 2018 Soekarno Hatta umYx66qIUn0-01428-00358827-00359021 Airport rail link is a commuter train umYx66qIUn0-01429-00359022-00359225 service connecting the soekarno-hatta umYx66qIUn0-01430-00359226-00359455 International Airport to the city center umYx66qIUn0-01431-00359456-00359745 another Express train service is now in umYx66qIUn0-01432-00359746-00359906 planning to connect soekarno-hatta umYx66qIUn0-01433-00359907-00360125 International Airport with Halim Perdana umYx66qIUn0-01434-00360126-00360422 Kusuma Airport completion of this line umYx66qIUn0-01435-00360423-00360889 is expected to be in 2019 umYx66qIUn0-01436-00360890-00361166 topic air umYx66qIUn0-01437-00361167-00361379 you umYx66qIUn0-01438-00361380-00361692 soekarno-hatta International Airport cgk umYx66qIUn0-01439-00361693-00361935 is the main airport located in Tangerang umYx66qIUn0-01440-00361936-00362226 Banten the airport was ranked 17th umYx66qIUn0-01441-00362227-00362369 busiest by airports council umYx66qIUn0-01442-00362370-00362610 international with about 63 million umYx66qIUn0-01443-00362611-00362964 passengers in 2017 the Soekarno Hatta umYx66qIUn0-01444-00362965-00363189 Airport rail link connects the airport umYx66qIUn0-01445-00363190-00363429 to Sudirman baru railway station south umYx66qIUn0-01446-00363430-00363492 jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01447-00363493-00363771 a second airport Halim Perdana Kusuma umYx66qIUn0-01448-00363772-00364077 airport hlp serves domestic low-cost umYx66qIUn0-01449-00364078-00364404 airlines private and VIP flights other umYx66qIUn0-01450-00364405-00364653 airports include pondok cabe Airport and umYx66qIUn0-01451-00364654-00364884 an airfield on pulau panjang part of the umYx66qIUn0-01452-00364885-00365058 Thousand Island archipelago cap umYx66qIUn0-01453-00365059-00365427 allowance Arriba umYx66qIUn0-01454-00365428-00365954 topic water transport umYx66qIUn0-01455-00365955-00366216 jakarta's main seaport 10 jump Rio umYx66qIUn0-01456-00366217-00366522 offers ferry connections 10 jump Rio as umYx66qIUn0-01457-00366523-00366753 Indonesia's busiest port and the 21st umYx66qIUn0-01458-00366754-00366951 busiest port in the world in 2013 umYx66qIUn0-01459-00366952-00367164 handling over six point five nine umYx66qIUn0-01460-00367165-00367545 million TEUs to boost port capacity the umYx66qIUn0-01461-00367546-00367905 two-phase new 10 jump Rio extension umYx66qIUn0-01462-00367906-00368115 project was undertaken when fully umYx66qIUn0-01463-00368116-00368391 operational in 2023 it will triple umYx66qIUn0-01464-00368392-00368709 existing capacity nuwara Anki port is umYx66qIUn0-01465-00368710-00368901 used as a public port while an call umYx66qIUn0-01466-00368902-00369129 marina port is used as a tourist port to umYx66qIUn0-01467-00369130-00369318 connect thousand islands on the 6th of umYx66qIUn0-01468-00369319-00369570 june 2007 the city administration umYx66qIUn0-01469-00369571-00369768 introduced the waterway officially umYx66qIUn0-01470-00369769-00369975 anchored in soon by a river boat service umYx66qIUn0-01471-00369976-00370133 along the Ciliwung River umYx66qIUn0-01472-00370134-00370416 however because of varying water levels umYx66qIUn0-01473-00370417-00370629 during the dry and wet seasons plastic umYx66qIUn0-01474-00370630-00370797 garbage those comes with water from umYx66qIUn0-01475-00370798-00370998 upstream during raining this service was umYx66qIUn0-01476-00370999-00371366 discontinued umYx66qIUn0-01477-00371367-00371883 topic cityscape umYx66qIUn0-01478-00371884-00372380 topic architecture umYx66qIUn0-01479-00372381-00372656 Jakarta has architectural II significant umYx66qIUn0-01480-00372657-00372866 buildings spanning distinct historical umYx66qIUn0-01481-00372867-00373100 and cultural periods architectural umYx66qIUn0-01482-00373101-00373361 styles reflect Malay Javanese Arabic umYx66qIUn0-01483-00373362-00373673 Chinese and Dutch influences external umYx66qIUn0-01484-00373674-00373871 influences inform the architecture of umYx66qIUn0-01485-00373872-00374111 the batawees house the houses were built umYx66qIUn0-01486-00374112-00374357 of nangka wood artocarpus Integra folia umYx66qIUn0-01487-00374358-00374627 and comprised three rooms the shape of umYx66qIUn0-01488-00374628-00374768 the roof is reminiscent of the umYx66qIUn0-01489-00374769-00375077 traditional javanese Zhuo glow 600 umYx66qIUn0-01490-00375078-00375278 registered cultural heritage buildings umYx66qIUn0-01491-00375279-00375455 survived colonial buildings and umYx66qIUn0-01492-00375456-00375596 structures include those that were umYx66qIUn0-01493-00375597-00375785 constructed during the colonial period umYx66qIUn0-01494-00375786-00376040 the dominant colonial styles can be umYx66qIUn0-01495-00376041-00376244 divided into three periods the Dutch umYx66qIUn0-01496-00376245-00376556 Golden Age 17th to late 18th century the umYx66qIUn0-01497-00376557-00376787 transitional style period late 18th umYx66qIUn0-01498-00376788-00377054 century 19th century and Dutch modernism umYx66qIUn0-01499-00377055-00377375 20th century colonial architecture as umYx66qIUn0-01500-00377376-00377594 apparent in houses and villas churches umYx66qIUn0-01501-00377595-00377816 Civic buildings and offices mostly umYx66qIUn0-01502-00377817-00378035 concentrated in the Jakarta old town in umYx66qIUn0-01503-00378036-00378335 Central Jakarta Architects such as JC umYx66qIUn0-01504-00378336-00378539 Schultz and Edouard Kuiper's designed umYx66qIUn0-01505-00378540-00378718 some of the significant buildings umYx66qIUn0-01506-00378719-00378968 Schultz's works include Jakarta art umYx66qIUn0-01507-00378969-00379169 building the Indonesia Supreme Court umYx66qIUn0-01508-00379170-00379340 building and Ministry of Finance umYx66qIUn0-01509-00379341-00379526 building while Kuiper's designed Bank umYx66qIUn0-01510-00379527-00379772 Indonesia Museum & Bank Mandir a museum umYx66qIUn0-01511-00379773-00380117 in the early 20th century most buildings umYx66qIUn0-01512-00380118-00380264 were built in neo-renaissance umYx66qIUn0-01513-00380265-00380594 style by the 1920s the architectural umYx66qIUn0-01514-00380595-00380774 tastes had begun to shift in favour of umYx66qIUn0-01515-00380775-00381011 rationalism and modernism particularly umYx66qIUn0-01516-00381012-00381302 Art Deco architecture the elite suburb umYx66qIUn0-01517-00381303-00381557 Montaine developed during the 1910s was umYx66qIUn0-01518-00381558-00381710 the city's first attempt at creating umYx66qIUn0-01519-00381711-00381911 ideal and healthy housing for the umYx66qIUn0-01520-00381912-00382190 middle-class the original houses had a umYx66qIUn0-01521-00382191-00382376 longitudinal organization with umYx66qIUn0-01522-00382377-00382601 overhanging eaves large windows and open umYx66qIUn0-01523-00382602-00382835 ventilation all practical features for a umYx66qIUn0-01524-00382836-00383087 tropical climate it was developed by umYx66qIUn0-01525-00383088-00383339 developer envied about bloke established umYx66qIUn0-01526-00383340-00383789 by PHA Mugen after independence the umYx66qIUn0-01527-00383790-00383993 process of nation-building in Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01528-00383994-00384134 and demolishing the memory of umYx66qIUn0-01529-00384135-00384335 colonialism was as important as the umYx66qIUn0-01530-00384336-00384578 symbolic building of arterials monuments umYx66qIUn0-01531-00384579-00384821 government buildings the national umYx66qIUn0-01532-00384822-00385064 monument in jakarta designed by Sukarno umYx66qIUn0-01533-00385065-00385295 is Indonesia's beacon of nationalism in umYx66qIUn0-01534-00385296-00385616 the early 1960s Jakarta provided umYx66qIUn0-01535-00385617-00385759 highways and super scale umYx66qIUn0-01536-00385760-00385946 cultural monuments as well as Senayan umYx66qIUn0-01537-00385947-00386209 sports stadium the Parliament building umYx66qIUn0-01538-00386210-00386428 features a hyperbolic roof reminiscent umYx66qIUn0-01539-00386429-00386626 of German rationalist and cor Bhushan umYx66qIUn0-01540-00386627-00387076 designed concepts in 1996 Wisma 46 soars umYx66qIUn0-01541-00387077-00387491 to height of 262 metres 860 feet with 48 umYx66qIUn0-01542-00387492-00387652 stories and its nib shaped top umYx66qIUn0-01543-00387653-00387871 celebrates technology and symbolizes umYx66qIUn0-01544-00387872-00388222 stereoscopy the urban construction booms umYx66qIUn0-01545-00388223-00388514 continued in the 21st century Golden umYx66qIUn0-01546-00388515-00388691 Triangle of Jakarta is one of the umYx66qIUn0-01547-00388692-00388924 fastest evolving CBDs in asia-pacific umYx66qIUn0-01548-00388925-00389315 region according to CTV you H&M poorest umYx66qIUn0-01549-00389316-00389642 88 skyscrapers reach or exceed 150 umYx66qIUn0-01550-00389643-00389915 meters 490 feet which puts the city at umYx66qIUn0-01551-00389916-00390197 the top-10 of world rankings it has more umYx66qIUn0-01552-00390198-00390472 buildings taller than 500 feet 150 umYx66qIUn0-01553-00390473-00390706 meters than any other Southeast Asia or umYx66qIUn0-01554-00390707-00390982 Southern Hemisphere cities Gama tower umYx66qIUn0-01555-00390983-00391217 with 310 meters tip height as the umYx66qIUn0-01556-00391218-00391635 tallest building in Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01557-00391636-00392131 topic landmarks umYx66qIUn0-01558-00392132-00392393 most landmarks monuments and statues umYx66qIUn0-01559-00392394-00392578 were built during the sukarno era umYx66qIUn0-01560-00392579-00392857 beginning in the 1960s then completed in umYx66qIUn0-01561-00392858-00393070 the Suharto era while some originated in umYx66qIUn0-01562-00393071-00393341 the colonial period the most famous umYx66qIUn0-01563-00393342-00393559 landmark which became the symbol of the umYx66qIUn0-01564-00393560-00393952 city as the 132 metre tall 433 foot umYx66qIUn0-01565-00393953-00394174 obelisk of National Monument Monument umYx66qIUn0-01566-00394175-00394372 Nacional or Mona's in the center of umYx66qIUn0-01567-00394373-00394648 Merdeka square on its southwest corner umYx66qIUn0-01568-00394649-00394873 stands a Mahabharata themed Arjuna umYx66qIUn0-01569-00394874-00395080 whadya chariot statue and fountain umYx66qIUn0-01570-00395081-00395428 further south through Jalan MH Damron umYx66qIUn0-01571-00395429-00395620 one of the main avenues the selamat umYx66qIUn0-01572-00395621-00395794 dating monument stands on the fountain umYx66qIUn0-01573-00395795-00395966 in the center of hotel indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01574-00395967-00396247 roundabout other landmarks include the umYx66qIUn0-01575-00396248-00396472 Istiqlal mosque the Jakarta Cathedral in umYx66qIUn0-01576-00396473-00396580 a manual Church umYx66qIUn0-01577-00396581-00396850 the former Batavia stad was soon to umYx66qIUn0-01578-00396851-00397105 kalapa port in Jakarta old town is also umYx66qIUn0-01579-00397106-00397396 the city's landmark Gama tower building umYx66qIUn0-01580-00397397-00397732 at Jalan HR razuna said South Jakarta is umYx66qIUn0-01581-00397733-00397885 currently the tallest building in umYx66qIUn0-01582-00397886-00398194 Indonesia some of statues and monuments umYx66qIUn0-01583-00398195-00398410 are nationalists such as the West Irie umYx66qIUn0-01584-00398411-00398639 and liberation monument youth statue and umYx66qIUn0-01585-00398640-00398939 ERG antara statue in Venetian national umYx66qIUn0-01586-00398940-00399178 heroes are commemorated in statues such umYx66qIUn0-01587-00399179-00399430 as diponegoro and Kartini statues in umYx66qIUn0-01588-00399431-00399662 merdeka square Sudhir man and Bammer and umYx66qIUn0-01589-00399663-00399866 statues located in each respectable umYx66qIUn0-01590-00399867-00400126 avenues also sukarno and hottest statues umYx66qIUn0-01591-00400127-00400333 in Proclamation monument also on the umYx66qIUn0-01592-00400334-00400492 entrance of soekarno-hatta International umYx66qIUn0-01593-00400493-00400895 Airport umYx66qIUn0-01594-00400896-00401406 topic sports umYx66qIUn0-01595-00401407-00401758 Jakarta hosted the 1962 Asian Games in umYx66qIUn0-01596-00401759-00402001 the 2018 Asian Games co-hosted by umYx66qIUn0-01597-00402002-00402289 Palembang Jakarta also hosted the umYx66qIUn0-01598-00402290-00402784 Southeast Asian Games in 1979 1987 1997 umYx66qIUn0-01599-00402785-00403096 and 2011 supporting palembang Gelora umYx66qIUn0-01600-00403097-00403318 Bung Karno Stadium the biggest in the umYx66qIUn0-01601-00403319-00403744 city with a capacity of 77,000 193 seats umYx66qIUn0-01602-00403745-00403981 hosted the group stage quarter-final and umYx66qIUn0-01603-00403982-00404305 final of 2007 AFC Asian Cup along with umYx66qIUn0-01604-00404306-00404515 Malaysia Thailand and Vietnam the umYx66qIUn0-01605-00404516-00404764 Senayan Sports Complex has several sport umYx66qIUn0-01606-00404765-00404989 venues including the bung karno football umYx66qIUn0-01607-00404990-00405244 stadium magia Stadium ice torus anion umYx66qIUn0-01608-00405245-00405520 aquatic arena baseball field basketball umYx66qIUn0-01609-00405521-00405766 hall a shooting range several indoor and umYx66qIUn0-01610-00405767-00406012 outdoor tennis courts the Senayan umYx66qIUn0-01611-00406013-00406297 complex was built in 1960 to accommodate umYx66qIUn0-01612-00406298-00406681 the Asian Games in 1962 for basketball umYx66qIUn0-01613-00406682-00406909 the Kelapa Gading sport mall in kel umYx66qIUn0-01614-00406910-00407098 optica dame north jakarta with a umYx66qIUn0-01615-00407099-00407350 capacity of 7,000 seats is the home umYx66qIUn0-01616-00407351-00407476 arena of the Indonesian national umYx66qIUn0-01617-00407477-00407782 basketball team the Brittain arena umYx66qIUn0-01618-00407783-00407998 serves as playground for Satria muta umYx66qIUn0-01619-00407999-00408283 Pertamina jakarta 2017 runner-up of the umYx66qIUn0-01620-00408284-00408559 indonesian basketball league jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01621-00408560-00408763 international velodrome as a sporting umYx66qIUn0-01622-00408764-00408979 facility located at rama Mangan which umYx66qIUn0-01623-00408980-00409237 was used as a venue for 2018 Asian Games umYx66qIUn0-01624-00409238-00409590 the velodrome has a seating capacity of umYx66qIUn0-01625-00409591-00409953 3500 for Track Cycling and up to 8,500 umYx66qIUn0-01626-00409954-00410172 for shows and concerts which can also be umYx66qIUn0-01627-00410174-00410385 used for various sports activities such umYx66qIUn0-01628-00410387-00410622 as volleyball badminton and futsal umYx66qIUn0-01629-00410622-00410920 Jakarta international equestrian park is umYx66qIUn0-01630-00410921-00411135 an equestrian sport venue located at umYx66qIUn0-01631-00411137-00411349 Palomas which was used also as a venue umYx66qIUn0-01632-00411350-00411637 for 2018 Asian Games Jakarta car-free umYx66qIUn0-01633-00411638-00411828 days are held weekly on Sunday on the umYx66qIUn0-01634-00411829-00412057 main avenues of the city Jalan Sudhir umYx66qIUn0-01635-00412058-00412339 man and Jalan Dameron from 6 a.m. to 11 umYx66qIUn0-01636-00412339-00412597 a.m. the briefer car-free day which umYx66qIUn0-01637-00412597-00412852 lasts from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. is held on umYx66qIUn0-01638-00412853-00413116 every other Sunday the event invites umYx66qIUn0-01639-00413117-00413332 local pedestrians to do sports and umYx66qIUn0-01640-00413333-00413521 exercise and have their activities on umYx66qIUn0-01641-00413522-00413680 the streets that are normally full of umYx66qIUn0-01642-00413681-00413955 cars and traffic along the road from the umYx66qIUn0-01643-00413956-00414187 Senayan traffic circle on Jalan Sudhir umYx66qIUn0-01644-00414188-00414489 Man South Jakarta to the selamat dating umYx66qIUn0-01645-00414489-00414757 monument at the Hotel Indonesia traffic umYx66qIUn0-01646-00414758-00414789 sir umYx66qIUn0-01647-00414790-00415005 on Jalan Dameron north to the national umYx66qIUn0-01648-00415006-00415162 monument in central jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01649-00415163-00415362 cars are cleared out for pedestrians umYx66qIUn0-01650-00415363-00415639 morning gymnastics calisthenics and umYx66qIUn0-01651-00415639-00415923 aerobic exercises futsal games jogging umYx66qIUn0-01652-00415924-00416193 bicycling skateboarding badminton karate umYx66qIUn0-01653-00416194-00416397 on street library and musical umYx66qIUn0-01654-00416398-00416598 performances take over the roads and the umYx66qIUn0-01655-00416599-00416829 main parks jakarta's most popular home umYx66qIUn0-01656-00416830-00417048 football club is procedure which plays umYx66qIUn0-01657-00417049-00417267 in indonesia super league and uses Bung umYx66qIUn0-01658-00417268-00417546 Karno stadium as home venue another umYx66qIUn0-01659-00417547-00417783 football team in Jakarta as pursuit ARA umYx66qIUn0-01660-00417784-00417993 who compete in second division football umYx66qIUn0-01661-00417994-00418215 league and play in kamal nuwara stadium umYx66qIUn0-01662-00418216-00418368 and so man tree brought Jonah Goro umYx66qIUn0-01663-00418369-00418692 Stadium Jakarta marathon is said to be umYx66qIUn0-01664-00418693-00418923 the biggest running event of Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01665-00418924-00419334 it is recognized by Ames in IAAF it was umYx66qIUn0-01666-00419335-00419602 established in 2013 to promote Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01667-00419603-00419904 sports tourism in the 2015 edition more umYx66qIUn0-01668-00419905-00420164 than 15,000 runners from 53 countries umYx66qIUn0-01669-00420165-00420637 participated umYx66qIUn0-01670-00420638-00421079 pick education umYx66qIUn0-01671-00421080-00421302 Jakarta is home to colleges and umYx66qIUn0-01672-00421303-00421599 universities university of indonesia UI umYx66qIUn0-01673-00421600-00421862 is the largest and oldest tertiary level umYx66qIUn0-01674-00421863-00422102 educational institution in indonesia it umYx66qIUn0-01675-00422103-00422393 is a public institution with campuses in umYx66qIUn0-01676-00422394-00422706 Salemba central jakarta and in Depok the umYx66qIUn0-01677-00422707-00422897 three other public universities in umYx66qIUn0-01678-00422898-00423122 jakarta are Seraph hidayatullah State umYx66qIUn0-01679-00423123-00423362 Islamic University Jakarta the State umYx66qIUn0-01680-00423363-00423624 University of Jakarta unj and the umYx66qIUn0-01681-00423625-00423814 University of Penn bong-gun and Nacional umYx66qIUn0-01682-00423815-00424331 veteran Jakarta upn veteran Jakarta some umYx66qIUn0-01683-00424332-00424556 major private universities in Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01684-00424557-00424793 are Trisakti University the Christian umYx66qIUn0-01685-00424794-00425010 University of Indonesia Merck you wanna umYx66qIUn0-01686-00425010-00425256 university to Rumana gara university umYx66qIUn0-01687-00425257-00425475 atma jaya catholic university of umYx66qIUn0-01688-00425476-00425708 indonesia pilita Harappan university umYx66qIUn0-01689-00425709-00425954 bhima nusantara university jaya by umYx66qIUn0-01690-00425955-00426254 university and Peng Casilla university umYx66qIUn0-01691-00426255-00426602 sto VI a school Tod oppa lighting van umYx66qIUn0-01692-00426603-00426779 Indus aartsen was the first high school umYx66qIUn0-01693-00426780-00427200 in Jakarta established in 1851 Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01694-00427201-00427362 houses many students from around umYx66qIUn0-01695-00427363-00427554 Indonesia many of whom reside in umYx66qIUn0-01696-00427555-00427860 dormitories or homestay residences for umYx66qIUn0-01697-00427860-00428118 basic education a variety of primary and umYx66qIUn0-01698-00428118-00428337 secondary schools are available tagged umYx66qIUn0-01699-00428338-00428562 with public national private national umYx66qIUn0-01700-00428563-00428747 and bilingual national plus and umYx66qIUn0-01701-00428748-00428877 international labels umYx66qIUn0-01702-00428878-00429131 four of the major international schools umYx66qIUn0-01703-00429132-00429327 are the Gandhi Memorial International umYx66qIUn0-01704-00429328-00429591 School IPE ka International Christian umYx66qIUn0-01705-00429592-00429825 school Jakarta intercultural school and umYx66qIUn0-01706-00429826-00430035 the British school Jakarta other umYx66qIUn0-01707-00430035-00430227 international schools include the umYx66qIUn0-01708-00430228-00430464 Jakarta International Korean school bina umYx66qIUn0-01709-00430464-00430672 bongsa school Jakarta International umYx66qIUn0-01710-00430673-00430887 multicultural school Australian umYx66qIUn0-01711-00430888-00431070 International School New Zealand umYx66qIUn0-01712-00431071-00431241 International School Singapore umYx66qIUn0-01713-00431242-00431454 International School in sekolah paleta umYx66qIUn0-01714-00431455-00431875 Harappan umYx66qIUn0-01715-00431876-00432400 topic international relations umYx66qIUn0-01716-00432401-00432712 Jakarta hosts foreign embassies Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01717-00432713-00432906 serves as the seat of Association of umYx66qIUn0-01718-00432907-00433056 Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN umYx66qIUn0-01719-00433057-00433393 Secretariat and as ASEA ends diplomatic umYx66qIUn0-01720-00433393-00433612 capital Jakarta is a member of the Asian umYx66qIUn0-01721-00433613-00433902 network of major cities 21c 40 cities umYx66qIUn0-01722-00433903-00434106 climate leadership group and is Ian's umYx66qIUn0-01723-00434107-00434502 smart cities network umYx66qIUn0-01724-00434503-00435016 topic sister cities umYx66qIUn0-01725-00435017-00435272 Jakarta signs sister city agreements umYx66qIUn0-01726-00435272-00435488 with other cities including Casablanca umYx66qIUn0-01727-00435489-00435722 to promote friendship between two cities umYx66qIUn0-01728-00435722-00435920 a main avenue famous for its shopping umYx66qIUn0-01729-00435921-00436088 and business centers was named after umYx66qIUn0-01730-00436089-00436406 jakarta's moroccan sister city no street umYx66qIUn0-01731-00436407-00436643 in casablanca is named after Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01732-00436643-00436864 however Rabat Morocco is capital city umYx66qIUn0-01733-00436865-00437075 has an avenue named after Sukarno umYx66qIUn0-01734-00437076-00437249 Indonesia's first president to umYx66qIUn0-01735-00437250-00437501 commemorate his visit in 1960 and as a umYx66qIUn0-01736-00437502-00437678 token of friendship Jakarta has umYx66qIUn0-01737-00437679-00437879 established a partnership with Rotterdam umYx66qIUn0-01738-00437880-00438091 especially on integrated urban water umYx66qIUn0-01739-00438092-00438310 management including capacity building umYx66qIUn0-01740-00438312-00438575 and knowledge exchange this cooperation umYx66qIUn0-01741-00438576-00438800 is mainly because Jakarta and Rotterdam umYx66qIUn0-01742-00438801-00438989 are dealing with similar problems both umYx66qIUn0-01743-00438989-00439195 cities lie in low-lying flat plains umYx66qIUn0-01744-00439196-00439320 prone to flooding umYx66qIUn0-01745-00439321-00439601 additionally below sea level areas make umYx66qIUn0-01746-00439602-00439826 a drainage system involving canals dams umYx66qIUn0-01747-00439827-00440393 and pumps vital for both cities umYx66qIUn0-01748-00440393-00440916 topic C also umYx66qIUn0-01749-00440917-00441306 Jakarta portal outline of Jakarta umYx66qIUn0-01750-00441307-00441702 Jabodetabek provinces of Indonesia umYx66qIUn0-01751-00441703-00442180 Mona's port of Tanjung prio batali umYx66qIUn0-01752-00442181-00442522 people umYx66qIUn0-01753-00442524-00443052 topic notes umYx66qIUn0-01754-00443053-00443576 topic references umYx66qIUn0-01755-00443577-00444120 topic external links umYx66qIUn0-01756-00444121-00444497 official website Jakarta official travel umYx66qIUn0-01757-00444498-00444942 website Jakarta at curly geographic data umYx66qIUn0-01758-00444943-00445356 related to Jakarta at OpenStreetMap vojrcYZInDY-00000-00000156-00000377 hi everyone I hope you're all well and vojrcYZInDY-00001-00000378-00000580 enjoying the conference my name is Dara vojrcYZInDY-00002-00000581-00000802 Coakley and I'm an LX designer and vojrcYZInDY-00003-00000803-00001008 developer based in the monster attack vojrcYZInDY-00004-00001009-00001319 Technological University in Ireland and vojrcYZInDY-00005-00001320-00001577 the core campus for anyone unfamiliar vojrcYZInDY-00006-00001578-00001798 cork is here and some of the more famous vojrcYZInDY-00007-00001800-00002029 people from Cork include Graham Norton vojrcYZInDY-00008-00002030-00002459 donoco Callahan and Roy Keane and I vojrcYZInDY-00009-00002460-00002591 mentioned all of this just at the vojrcYZInDY-00010-00002592-00002747 beginning because even though I'm a very vojrcYZInDY-00011-00002748-00002975 proud courtman I'm aware that the cork vojrcYZInDY-00012-00002976-00003256 accent isn't always the easiest to vojrcYZInDY-00013-00003257-00003497 understand so if you've ever struggled vojrcYZInDY-00014-00003497-00003749 to understand what Roy Keane is yelling vojrcYZInDY-00015-00003750-00004025 about then my accent might also be a bit vojrcYZInDY-00016-00004026-00004235 of a challenge so I just want to offer vojrcYZInDY-00017-00004236-00004559 apologies at the beginning for that I vojrcYZInDY-00018-00004560-00004781 actually did produce subtitles for this vojrcYZInDY-00019-00004782-00004997 video but unfortunately they're only vojrcYZInDY-00020-00004998-00005381 also available in a cork accent so again vojrcYZInDY-00021-00005382-00005783 apologies for that vojrcYZInDY-00022-00005784-00006065 so the starting point for what I'd like vojrcYZInDY-00023-00006066-00006317 to talk about today is based on what vojrcYZInDY-00024-00006318-00006575 Zimmerman referred to as the great vojrcYZInDY-00025-00006576-00006833 unlining or the great online learning vojrcYZInDY-00026-00006834-00007073 experiment and I'm aware I'm preaching vojrcYZInDY-00027-00007073-00007355 to the choir but with the 2020 pandemic vojrcYZInDY-00028-00007356-00007595 there was a massive shift in the vojrcYZInDY-00029-00007595-00007877 delivery of teaching and learning in vojrcYZInDY-00030-00007878-00008074 particular I need to move all teaching vojrcYZInDY-00031-00008075-00008483 all Learners all people to emergency vojrcYZInDY-00032-00008484-00008789 remote teaching or ERT or emergency vojrcYZInDY-00033-00008790-00009124 remote education or ere vojrcYZInDY-00034-00009125-00009389 so regardless of subject matter being vojrcYZInDY-00035-00009390-00009610 taught our previous experience with vojrcYZInDY-00036-00009611-00009941 digital delivery everyone everywhere was vojrcYZInDY-00037-00009942-00010133 required to quickly develop the skills vojrcYZInDY-00038-00010134-00010301 and knowledge needed to move their vojrcYZInDY-00039-00010302-00010456 teaching and learning online and vojrcYZInDY-00040-00010457-00010624 obviously very well done to all of you vojrcYZInDY-00041-00010625-00010901 in terms of facilitating and supporting vojrcYZInDY-00042-00010902-00011003 that vojrcYZInDY-00043-00011004-00011237 what this means is that we now all find vojrcYZInDY-00044-00011238-00011513 ourselves in a new landscape post covert vojrcYZInDY-00045-00011514-00011759 in terms of digital teaching and digital vojrcYZInDY-00046-00011760-00012010 learning vojrcYZInDY-00047-00012011-00012251 but in this new landscape we also find vojrcYZInDY-00048-00012252-00012514 ourselves facing barriers some new some vojrcYZInDY-00049-00012515-00012796 not so new one barrier is digital vojrcYZInDY-00050-00012797-00012991 fatigue post vojrcYZInDY-00051-00012991-00013301 ertan and oddsimer refer to this as vojrcYZInDY-00052-00013302-00013547 stress fatigue desensitization towards vojrcYZInDY-00053-00013547-00013769 the environment loss of interest and vojrcYZInDY-00054-00013769-00013991 physical and mental problems and vojrcYZInDY-00055-00013991-00014249 buzzkart and Sharma have noted that vojrcYZInDY-00056-00014250-00014561 after the pivot to online learning vojrcYZInDY-00057-00014562-00014771 there's been widespread reports of vojrcYZInDY-00058-00014772-00015022 digital burnout and fatigue and that is vojrcYZInDY-00059-00015023-00015371 likely to continue to be an issue in the vojrcYZInDY-00060-00015372-00015575 near and the distant future vojrcYZInDY-00061-00015576-00015761 another barrier which arose during vojrcYZInDY-00062-00015762-00016036 covert and continues to be referenced is vojrcYZInDY-00063-00016037-00016253 a lack of distinction between emergency vojrcYZInDY-00064-00016254-00016594 remote education with properly planned vojrcYZInDY-00065-00016595-00016879 distance learning and buzzkart vojrcYZInDY-00066-00016880-00017177 distinguishes between the two as distant vojrcYZInDY-00067-00017178-00017422 education being an optional planned vojrcYZInDY-00068-00017423-00017597 activity which is grounded in vojrcYZInDY-00069-00017598-00017753 theoretical non-practical knowledge vojrcYZInDY-00070-00017754-00018130 whereas ERT is a mandatory survival mode vojrcYZInDY-00071-00018131-00018377 of Education implemented in times of vojrcYZInDY-00072-00018378-00018743 Crisis so faced with these issues the vojrcYZInDY-00073-00018744-00018911 research question for me around this vojrcYZInDY-00074-00018912-00019150 session was around how we could be vojrcYZInDY-00075-00019151-00019408 keeping going how do we ensure that all vojrcYZInDY-00076-00019409-00019571 the skills and the knowledge around vojrcYZInDY-00077-00019572-00019757 digital teaching and learning which was vojrcYZInDY-00078-00019758-00020083 developed during covert is not lost vojrcYZInDY-00079-00020084-00020430 certainly hybrid and high Flex delivery vojrcYZInDY-00080-00020431-00020741 approaches offer a very strong means of vojrcYZInDY-00081-00020742-00021011 proceeding and keeping that engagement vojrcYZInDY-00082-00021012-00021275 and those skills and knowledge alive but vojrcYZInDY-00083-00021276-00021430 those would obviously require huge vojrcYZInDY-00084-00021431-00021622 Investments and would also require a vojrcYZInDY-00085-00021623-00021850 fundamental change in how teaching and vojrcYZInDY-00086-00021851-00022061 learning systems operate vojrcYZInDY-00087-00022062-00022289 so my interest is based around the vojrcYZInDY-00088-00022290-00022493 flipped classroom as a kind of a middle vojrcYZInDY-00089-00022494-00022763 ground and a kind of first step in the vojrcYZInDY-00090-00022764-00023069 post ERT landscape so the flip classroom vojrcYZInDY-00091-00023070-00023225 I'm sure you're all aware of broadly vojrcYZInDY-00092-00023226-00023422 aims to increase student engagement by vojrcYZInDY-00093-00023423-00023627 having Learners undertake self-study vojrcYZInDY-00094-00023628-00023867 usually through digital resources prior vojrcYZInDY-00095-00023868-00024058 to a live class and then using class vojrcYZInDY-00096-00024059-00024300 time for active collaborative activities vojrcYZInDY-00097-00024301-00024550 but traditionally the flipped classroom vojrcYZInDY-00098-00024551-00024797 has a number of barriers associated with vojrcYZInDY-00099-00024798-00025078 its implementation teaching staff need vojrcYZInDY-00100-00025079-00025253 to be able to use digital Technologies vojrcYZInDY-00101-00025254-00025594 to produce quality resources that can be vojrcYZInDY-00102-00025595-00025852 accessed outside of the classroom and vojrcYZInDY-00103-00025854-00026039 even Beyond learning how to use the vojrcYZInDY-00104-00026039-00026339 tools teachers also need time and space vojrcYZInDY-00105-00026339-00026555 to be able to create digital resources vojrcYZInDY-00106-00026556-00026746 that are relevant to their learning vojrcYZInDY-00107-00026747-00027070 outcomes and their teaching plans vojrcYZInDY-00108-00027072-00027383 um there is also with all of this a very vojrcYZInDY-00109-00027383-00027685 common element which is that people not vojrcYZInDY-00110-00027686-00027940 unjustifiably have to be convinced that vojrcYZInDY-00111-00027941-00028193 all this effort has benefit to it so vojrcYZInDY-00112-00028194-00028396 they kind of need to be sold on the use vojrcYZInDY-00113-00028397-00028612 of these tools and Technologies vojrcYZInDY-00114-00028613-00028864 but in the post-covered landscape many vojrcYZInDY-00115-00028866-00029068 of these barriers have been at least vojrcYZInDY-00116-00029069-00029327 addressed if not fully realized all vojrcYZInDY-00117-00029327-00029518 teachers during covet were required to vojrcYZInDY-00118-00029519-00029657 develop the skills and knowledge vojrcYZInDY-00119-00029658-00030070 required to teach in a digital format in vojrcYZInDY-00120-00030072-00030239 terms of developing digital resources vojrcYZInDY-00121-00030239-00030455 most universities ourselves included vojrcYZInDY-00122-00030456-00030851 have from the ERT period a full year of vojrcYZInDY-00123-00030852-00031114 recorded lectures available and because vojrcYZInDY-00124-00031116-00031312 these lectures were planned and vojrcYZInDY-00125-00031313-00031487 delivered by the teachers themselves vojrcYZInDY-00126-00031488-00031739 they're guaranteed to align to the vojrcYZInDY-00127-00031739-00032002 teachers required learning outcomes and vojrcYZInDY-00128-00032003-00032267 the teachers teaching approaches for vojrcYZInDY-00129-00032268-00032495 their programs vojrcYZInDY-00130-00032495-00032740 and in terms of attitudinal change or vojrcYZInDY-00131-00032741-00032993 the selling required this has not for vojrcYZInDY-00132-00032994-00033287 everyone but for a great many Arisen as vojrcYZInDY-00133-00033288-00033587 a result of the ERT period within our vojrcYZInDY-00134-00033588-00033821 own University the department of Tel vojrcYZInDY-00135-00033822-00034102 undertook a large-scale survey around vojrcYZInDY-00136-00034103-00034507 the experience of over 283 staff and vojrcYZInDY-00137-00034508-00034846 1700 students and the majority of both vojrcYZInDY-00138-00034847-00035057 staff and students identified a number vojrcYZInDY-00139-00035058-00035290 of major benefits to the digital vojrcYZInDY-00140-00035291-00035530 teaching experience and digital teaching vojrcYZInDY-00141-00035531-00035729 approaches if you'd like to know more vojrcYZInDY-00142-00035730-00035909 about that survey by the way my vojrcYZInDY-00143-00035910-00036112 colleagues Gerald osulawan and Tom vojrcYZInDY-00144-00036113-00036359 Farley have a data set based on this vojrcYZInDY-00145-00036360-00036611 data set on student experiences and vojrcYZInDY-00146-00036612-00036833 perceptions of emergency remote teaching vojrcYZInDY-00147-00036834-00037259 in an Irish University vojrcYZInDY-00148-00037260-00037462 so something for the post-covered vojrcYZInDY-00149-00037463-00037793 landscape I've undertaken work around a vojrcYZInDY-00150-00037794-00037973 flipped classroom framework and I've vojrcYZInDY-00151-00037974-00038296 tentatively call this for flipsync I vojrcYZInDY-00152-00038297-00038417 would note that there's nothing vojrcYZInDY-00153-00038418-00038596 particularly groundbreaking nor vojrcYZInDY-00154-00038597-00038843 particularly new in this approach it's vojrcYZInDY-00155-00038844-00039052 really more of an attempt to equip vojrcYZInDY-00156-00039053-00039383 Educators and Ed techs with a practical vojrcYZInDY-00157-00039384-00039605 way to introduce the flipped classroom vojrcYZInDY-00158-00039606-00039911 in the post-covered landscape and at the vojrcYZInDY-00159-00039912-00040162 heart of this is something noted by vojrcYZInDY-00160-00040163-00040474 Christine at a global education keynote vojrcYZInDY-00161-00040475-00040930 in 2011 and he identified that with a vojrcYZInDY-00162-00040931-00041224 flipped classroom many Educators may not vojrcYZInDY-00163-00041225-00041405 actually know what to do in the vojrcYZInDY-00164-00041406-00041608 classroom with that whatever they want vojrcYZInDY-00165-00041609-00041729 to do time vojrcYZInDY-00166-00041730-00041993 so the first step in the for Flipside vojrcYZInDY-00167-00041994-00042311 process is to set an intention so for vojrcYZInDY-00168-00042312-00042545 teachers to consider how extra in-class vojrcYZInDY-00169-00042546-00042796 time typically spend teaching content vojrcYZInDY-00170-00042797-00043061 could be alternatively spent and this vojrcYZInDY-00171-00043062-00043283 could be anything from extra time in the vojrcYZInDY-00172-00043284-00043558 lab the discussion and debate to group vojrcYZInDY-00173-00043559-00043793 our individual feedback to actual vojrcYZInDY-00174-00043794-00044135 application and practice vojrcYZInDY-00175-00044136-00044362 after that intention is set step one vojrcYZInDY-00176-00044363-00044590 then is to identify existing content vojrcYZInDY-00177-00044591-00044795 which is taught in class but which vojrcYZInDY-00178-00044796-00044999 students could potentially absorb by vojrcYZInDY-00179-00045000-00045221 themselves and this is essentially kind vojrcYZInDY-00180-00045222-00045418 of can think of this essentially as a vojrcYZInDY-00181-00045419-00045689 process of freeing up in-class time for vojrcYZInDY-00182-00045690-00045983 more engaged or practical activities vojrcYZInDY-00183-00045984-00046258 step two then is to develop the digital vojrcYZInDY-00184-00046259-00046427 resources based on the identified vojrcYZInDY-00185-00046428-00046618 content for the students to review vojrcYZInDY-00186-00046619-00046990 outside a class or pre-class and in the vojrcYZInDY-00187-00046991-00047183 post-covered landscape an immediate vojrcYZInDY-00188-00047184-00047411 asset for these two steps could well be vojrcYZInDY-00189-00047412-00047668 the existing lecture recordings which vojrcYZInDY-00190-00047669-00047867 were developed during the covet period vojrcYZInDY-00191-00047868-00048083 and because these lectures were vojrcYZInDY-00192-00048084-00048358 developed and delivered by the teacher vojrcYZInDY-00193-00048359-00048658 they're all but in assured to be vojrcYZInDY-00194-00048659-00048862 relevant to the teacher in terms of the vojrcYZInDY-00195-00048863-00049102 learning outcomes and also their place vojrcYZInDY-00196-00049103-00049373 in the teachers teaching plan vojrcYZInDY-00197-00049374-00049583 because the lecture recording is already vojrcYZInDY-00198-00049584-00049727 available the work and actually vojrcYZInDY-00199-00049728-00050057 producing a usable viable digital asset vojrcYZInDY-00200-00050058-00050362 is minimum so with the out of class vojrcYZInDY-00201-00050363-00050627 resources done the next step then is to vojrcYZInDY-00202-00050628-00050812 place the to plan the face-to-face vojrcYZInDY-00203-00050813-00051065 activities for the in-class period and vojrcYZInDY-00204-00051066-00051238 this goes back to the intention set at vojrcYZInDY-00205-00051239-00051340 the start vojrcYZInDY-00206-00051341-00051557 the final step is to communicate all of vojrcYZInDY-00207-00051558-00051730 this to students and to apply it with vojrcYZInDY-00208-00051732-00051850 them vojrcYZInDY-00209-00051851-00052102 um the pre-class digital resources and vojrcYZInDY-00210-00052103-00052319 the in-class activities and for those in vojrcYZInDY-00211-00052320-00052469 class activities there's a number of vojrcYZInDY-00212-00052470-00052630 useful Frameworks that can help guide vojrcYZInDY-00213-00052632-00052973 that such as the ABC approach vojrcYZInDY-00214-00052974-00053116 there's an additional kind of final vojrcYZInDY-00215-00053117-00053279 thought around this something that did vojrcYZInDY-00216-00053279-00053465 stand out to me while I was working on vojrcYZInDY-00217-00053466-00053675 this was something that I hadn't heard vojrcYZInDY-00218-00053676-00053950 articulated much in Ireland at least so vojrcYZInDY-00219-00053951-00054130 I mentioned earlier that the landscape vojrcYZInDY-00220-00054132-00054353 had changed for teachers and for vojrcYZInDY-00221-00054354-00054563 students post covered vojrcYZInDY-00222-00054564-00054761 but a key consideration is that that vojrcYZInDY-00223-00054762-00055013 landscape has changed for us edtech and vojrcYZInDY-00224-00055014-00055354 lxd folk as well as Christine mentioned vojrcYZInDY-00225-00055355-00055529 one of the biggest challenges to the vojrcYZInDY-00226-00055529-00055732 flipped classroom is not actually a vojrcYZInDY-00227-00055733-00055961 technical one but a pedagogical one vojrcYZInDY-00228-00055962-00056176 and this role of giving pedagogical vojrcYZInDY-00229-00056177-00056411 advice is something we saw a great deal vojrcYZInDY-00230-00056412-00056716 of during the ERT period but vojrcYZInDY-00231-00056717-00056903 historically a lot of people like vojrcYZInDY-00232-00056904-00057191 ourselves Ed tax and lxt people and vojrcYZInDY-00233-00057191-00057316 digital teaching and learning people vojrcYZInDY-00234-00057317-00057599 have been very reluctant to advise on vojrcYZInDY-00235-00057600-00057904 anything other than digital tools but to vojrcYZInDY-00236-00057905-00058150 avoid that inertia or that kind of slide vojrcYZInDY-00237-00058151-00058403 backwards post covert there may be a vojrcYZInDY-00238-00058404-00058613 need for us to actually step into the vojrcYZInDY-00239-00058614-00058865 classroom and advise on things you don't vojrcYZInDY-00240-00058866-00059026 just plug in vojrcYZInDY-00241-00059027-00059242 so if you'd like to know more about this vojrcYZInDY-00242-00059244-00059392 approach or if you've been interested in vojrcYZInDY-00243-00059394-00059615 piloting I really welcome any and all vojrcYZInDY-00244-00059616-00059921 input and ultimately I hope that this vojrcYZInDY-00245-00059922-00060053 framework would be a collaborative vojrcYZInDY-00246-00060054-00060269 project and not just my own and that vojrcYZInDY-00247-00060270-00060538 people can adapt it as they require so vojrcYZInDY-00248-00060539-00060719 if you would like to know more about it vojrcYZInDY-00249-00060720-00060982 I have information and guidelines at my vojrcYZInDY-00250-00060983-00061115 website vojrcYZInDY-00251-00061116-00061511 perfectly so please do feel vojrcYZInDY-00252-00061512-00061697 free to get in touch if you're vojrcYZInDY-00253-00061698-00061937 interested other than that thank you so vojrcYZInDY-00254-00061938-00062111 much for your attention and I do hope vojrcYZInDY-00255-00062112-00062242 that you enjoyed the rest of the vojrcYZInDY-00256-00062244-00062479 conference voWZ37FeQg0-00000-00000041-00000316 Applied Science is the application of voWZ37FeQg0-00001-00000317-00000484 existing scientific knowledge to voWZ37FeQg0-00002-00000485-00000713 practical applications like technology voWZ37FeQg0-00003-00000714-00001094 or inventions within natural science voWZ37FeQg0-00004-00001095-00001345 disciplines that are basic science also voWZ37FeQg0-00005-00001346-00001562 called pure science develop basic voWZ37FeQg0-00006-00001563-00001855 information to predict and perhaps voWZ37FeQg0-00007-00001857-00002099 explain and understand phenomena in the voWZ37FeQg0-00008-00002100-00002417 natural world Applied Science is the use voWZ37FeQg0-00009-00002418-00002642 of scientific processes and knowledge as voWZ37FeQg0-00010-00002643-00002782 the means to achieve a particular voWZ37FeQg0-00011-00002783-00003151 practical or useful result this includes voWZ37FeQg0-00012-00003152-00003383 a broad range of applied science related voWZ37FeQg0-00013-00003384-00003569 fields from engineering business voWZ37FeQg0-00014-00003570-00003877 medicine to early childhood education voWZ37FeQg0-00015-00003878-00004169 applied science can also apply formal voWZ37FeQg0-00016-00004170-00004367 science such as statistics and voWZ37FeQg0-00017-00004368-00004660 probability theory as in epidemiology voWZ37FeQg0-00018-00004661-00004925 genetic epidemiology is an applied voWZ37FeQg0-00019-00004926-00005147 science applying both biological and voWZ37FeQg0-00020-00005148-00005585 statistical methods topic applied voWZ37FeQg0-00021-00005586-00005765 research applied research is the voWZ37FeQg0-00022-00005766-00006020 practical application of science it voWZ37FeQg0-00023-00006021-00006277 accesses and uses accumulated theories voWZ37FeQg0-00024-00006278-00006523 knowledge methods and techniques for a voWZ37FeQg0-00025-00006525-00006773 specific state business or client-driven voWZ37FeQg0-00026-00006773-00007135 purpose Applied Research is contrasted voWZ37FeQg0-00027-00007136-00007355 with pure research basic research in voWZ37FeQg0-00028-00007356-00007541 discussion about research ideals voWZ37FeQg0-00029-00007542-00007858 methodologies programs and projects voWZ37FeQg0-00030-00007859-00008123 applied research deals with solving voWZ37FeQg0-00031-00008123-00008342 practical problems and generally employs voWZ37FeQg0-00032-00008343-00008669 empirical methodologies because Applied voWZ37FeQg0-00033-00008670-00008891 Research resides in the messy real world voWZ37FeQg0-00034-00008892-00009146 strict research protocols may need to be voWZ37FeQg0-00035-00009147-00009464 relaxed for example it may be impossible voWZ37FeQg0-00036-00009465-00009866 to use a random sample thus transparency voWZ37FeQg0-00037-00009867-00010066 in the methodology is crucial voWZ37FeQg0-00038-00010067-00010298 implications for interpretation of voWZ37FeQg0-00039-00010299-00010496 results brought about by relaxing an voWZ37FeQg0-00040-00010497-00010703 otherwise strict canon of methodology voWZ37FeQg0-00041-00010704-00010999 should also be considered since applied voWZ37FeQg0-00042-00011000-00011203 research has a provisional close to the voWZ37FeQg0-00043-00011204-00011345 problem and close to the data voWZ37FeQg0-00044-00011346-00011581 orientation it may also use a more voWZ37FeQg0-00045-00011582-00011813 provisional conceptual framework such as voWZ37FeQg0-00046-00011814-00012058 working hypotheses or pillar questions voWZ37FeQg0-00047-00012059-00012431 the OECD's Frascati manual describes voWZ37FeQg0-00048-00012432-00012602 applied research as one of the three voWZ37FeQg0-00049-00012603-00012794 forms of research along with basic voWZ37FeQg0-00050-00012795-00013051 research and experimental development voWZ37FeQg0-00051-00013052-00013349 due to its practical focus apply voWZ37FeQg0-00052-00013350-00013553 research information will be found in voWZ37FeQg0-00053-00013554-00013721 the literature associated with voWZ37FeQg0-00054-00013722-00014391 individual disciplines voWZ37FeQg0-00055-00014391-00015068 topic branches of Applied Science voWZ37FeQg0-00056-00015069-00015260 engineering fields include voWZ37FeQg0-00057-00015261-00015516 thermodynamics heat transfer fluid voWZ37FeQg0-00058-00015516-00015831 mechanics statics dynamics mechanics of voWZ37FeQg0-00059-00015832-00016110 materials kinematics electromagnetism voWZ37FeQg0-00060-00016111-00016362 materials science Earth Sciences voWZ37FeQg0-00061-00016363-00016776 engineering physics medical sciences for voWZ37FeQg0-00062-00016777-00016974 instance Medical Microbiology and voWZ37FeQg0-00063-00016975-00017223 clinical virology are applied sciences voWZ37FeQg0-00064-00017224-00017397 that apply biology toward medical voWZ37FeQg0-00065-00017398-00017592 knowledge and inventions but not voWZ37FeQg0-00066-00017593-00017811 necessarily medical technology whose voWZ37FeQg0-00067-00017812-00017988 development is more specifically voWZ37FeQg0-00068-00017989-00018398 biomedicine or biomedical engineering voWZ37FeQg0-00069-00018399-00018672 topic in education in Canada the voWZ37FeQg0-00070-00018673-00018834 Netherlands and other places the voWZ37FeQg0-00071-00018835-00019053 Bachelor of Applied Science Basque is voWZ37FeQg0-00072-00019054-00019185 equivalent to the Bachelor of voWZ37FeQg0-00073-00019186-00019383 engineering and is classified as a voWZ37FeQg0-00074-00019384-00019680 professional degree the Basque tends to voWZ37FeQg0-00075-00019681-00019878 focus more on the application of the voWZ37FeQg0-00076-00019879-00020235 engineering sciences in Australia in New voWZ37FeQg0-00077-00020236-00020418 Zealand this degree is awarded in voWZ37FeQg0-00078-00020419-00020592 various fields of study and is voWZ37FeQg0-00079-00020593-00020760 considered a highly specialized voWZ37FeQg0-00080-00020761-00021051 professional degree in the United voWZ37FeQg0-00081-00021052-00021276 Kingdom's educational system Applied voWZ37FeQg0-00082-00021277-00021525 Science refers to a suite of vocational voWZ37FeQg0-00083-00021526-00021719 science qualifications that run voWZ37FeQg0-00084-00021720-00021894 alongside traditional General voWZ37FeQg0-00085-00021895-00022122 Certificate of secondary education or voWZ37FeQg0-00086-00022123-00022464 a-level sciences applied science courses voWZ37FeQg0-00087-00022465-00022698 generally contain more coursework also voWZ37FeQg0-00088-00022699-00022932 known as portfolio or internally assess voWZ37FeQg0-00089-00022933-00023106 work compared to their traditional voWZ37FeQg0-00090-00023107-00023412 counterparts these are an evolution of voWZ37FeQg0-00091-00023413-00023643 the G NVQ qualifications that were voWZ37FeQg0-00092-00023644-00023994 offered up to 2005 these courses voWZ37FeQg0-00093-00023995-00024204 regularly come under scrutiny in a do voWZ37FeQg0-00094-00024205-00024393 for review following the Wolfe report voWZ37FeQg0-00095-00024394-00024663 2011 however their merits are argued voWZ37FeQg0-00096-00024664-00024882 elsewhere in the United States the voWZ37FeQg0-00097-00024883-00025077 College of William & Mary offers an voWZ37FeQg0-00098-00025078-00025293 undergraduate minor as well as Master of voWZ37FeQg0-00099-00025294-00025509 Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees voWZ37FeQg0-00100-00025510-00025743 in applied science courses and research voWZ37FeQg0-00101-00025744-00025938 cover varied fields including voWZ37FeQg0-00102-00025939-00026208 neuroscience optics materials science voWZ37FeQg0-00103-00026208-00026430 and engineering non-destructive testing voWZ37FeQg0-00104-00026431-00026760 and nuclear magnetic resonance in New voWZ37FeQg0-00105-00026761-00026951 York City the Bloomberg administration voWZ37FeQg0-00106-00026952-00027186 awarded the consortium of Cornell voWZ37FeQg0-00107-00027187-00027417 Technion 100 million dollars in city voWZ37FeQg0-00108-00027418-00027639 capital to construct the university's voWZ37FeQg0-00109-00027639-00027870 proposed Applied Sciences campus on voWZ37FeQg0-00110-00027870-00028507 Roosevelt Island voWZ37FeQg0-00111-00028508-00029064 topic C also voWZ37FeQg0-00112-00029064-00029598 exact science fundamental research hard voWZ37FeQg0-00113-00029599-00030062 and soft science invention secondary voWZ37FeQg0-00114-00030063-00030302 research v06ya8ySmeU-00000-00002884-00004283 foreign v06ya8ySmeU-00001-00004284-00005991 ago v06ya8ySmeU-00002-00005992-00007341 i don't know but v06ya8ySmeU-00003-00007342-00007783 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00004-00007784-00008483 toby v06ya8ySmeU-00005-00008484-00008614 nope v06ya8ySmeU-00006-00008615-00010438 patience don't do anything stupid v06ya8ySmeU-00007-00010439-00012193 bruh look at this dude v06ya8ySmeU-00008-00012194-00013749 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00009-00013750-00014083 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00010-00014084-00014194 nope v06ya8ySmeU-00011-00014194-00015055 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00012-00015056-00015732 oh my god inhuman reactions v06ya8ySmeU-00013-00015733-00017255 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00014-00017256-00019154 this baby hits 88 miles per hour v06ya8ySmeU-00015-00019155-00019727 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00016-00019728-00021306 why are you nope me v06ya8ySmeU-00017-00021307-00022483 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00018-00022484-00023144 so v06ya8ySmeU-00019-00023145-00023439 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00020-00023440-00024256 quick quack v06ya8ySmeU-00021-00024257-00025283 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00022-00025284-00025558 perfect v06ya8ySmeU-00023-00025559-00027476 what he's doing v06ya8ySmeU-00024-00027477-00028902 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00025-00028904-00029958 the last one complete the mission v06ya8ySmeU-00026-00029960-00032441 do it do it come on kill me i'm here v06ya8ySmeU-00027-00032442-00032943 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00028-00032944-00033790 the [__] you say to me v06ya8ySmeU-00029-00033791-00034150 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00030-00034151-00034605 [Applause] v06ya8ySmeU-00031-00034606-00035083 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00032-00035084-00035308 oh v06ya8ySmeU-00033-00035309-00036483 [Music] v06ya8ySmeU-00034-00036484-00036723 foreign v06ya8ySmeU-00035-00036724-00037024 bye v151Luax0ro-00000-00000026-00000316 bio economics is closely related to the v151Luax0ro-00001-00000317-00000470 early development of theories in v151Luax0ro-00002-00000471-00000674 fisheries economics initially in the mid v151Luax0ro-00003-00000675-00000950 1950s by Canadian economist Scott Gordon v151Luax0ro-00004-00000951-00001391 in 1954 and Anthony Scott 1955 their v151Luax0ro-00005-00001392-00001579 ideas used recent achievements in v151Luax0ro-00006-00001580-00001789 biological fisheries modeling primarily v151Luax0ro-00007-00001791-00002150 the works by Schafer in 1954 and 1957 on v151Luax0ro-00008-00002151-00002326 establishing a formal relationship v151Luax0ro-00009-00002327-00002485 between fishing activities and v151Luax0ro-00010-00002486-00002668 biological growth through mathematical v151Luax0ro-00011-00002669-00002867 modeling confirmed by empirical studies v151Luax0ro-00012-00002868-00003085 and also relates itself to ecology and v151Luax0ro-00013-00003086-00003254 the environment and resource protection v151Luax0ro-00014-00003254-00003410 these ideas developed out of the v151Luax0ro-00015-00003411-00003586 multidisciplinary fishery science v151Luax0ro-00016-00003588-00003784 environment in Canada at the time v151Luax0ro-00017-00003785-00003979 fisheries science and modelling v151Luax0ro-00018-00003980-00004160 developed rapidly during a productive v151Luax0ro-00019-00004161-00004352 and innovative period particularly among v151Luax0ro-00020-00004353-00004513 Canadian fisheries researchers of v151Luax0ro-00021-00004514-00004795 various disciplines population modeling v151Luax0ro-00022-00004796-00004994 and fishing mortality were introduced to v151Luax0ro-00023-00004995-00005138 economists and new interdisciplinary v151Luax0ro-00024-00005139-00005381 modeling tools became available for the v151Luax0ro-00025-00005382-00005552 economist which made it possible to v151Luax0ro-00026-00005553-00005795 evaluate biological and economic impacts v151Luax0ro-00027-00005796-00005951 of different fishing activities and v151Luax0ro-00028-00005952-00006767 fisheries management decisions topic see v151Luax0ro-00029-00006768-00007621 also green economics akan mult economics v151Luax0ro-00030-00007622-00007981 of biodiversity ecological economics v151Luax0ro-00031-00007981-00008246 list of harvested aquatic animals by v151Luax0ro-00032-00008247-00008681 weight equals equals notes v17kQGGinqY-00000-00000202-00000421 [Music] v17kQGGinqY-00001-00000422-00000743 welcome Eco Sy today we have a hero v17kQGGinqY-00002-00000744-00000850 episode and we're going to be talking v17kQGGinqY-00003-00000851-00001181 with Ali G or Alicia Gilpin and then v17kQGGinqY-00004-00001182-00001397 she's the director of engineering at v17kQGGinqY-00005-00001398-00001636 process and controls engineering LLC and v17kQGGinqY-00006-00001637-00001787 she's also the co-host of a pretty v17kQGGinqY-00007-00001788-00002002 awesome podcast called automation ladies v17kQGGinqY-00008-00002003-00002284 so Ali G how you doing today v17kQGGinqY-00009-00002285-00002513 I'm doing great how are you doing I'm v17kQGGinqY-00010-00002514-00002675 awesome I'm awesome thank you for asking v17kQGGinqY-00011-00002676-00002921 and and you know we always like to get v17kQGGinqY-00012-00002922-00003137 started with you know hearing about our v17kQGGinqY-00013-00003138-00003377 hero Journeys and I'm very excited to v17kQGGinqY-00014-00003378-00003527 hear yours particularly because I know v17kQGGinqY-00015-00003528-00003754 you had so many some different Trails v17kQGGinqY-00016-00003755-00003983 some different paths and and I'm I'm I v17kQGGinqY-00017-00003984-00004090 think this is going to be an exciting v17kQGGinqY-00018-00004092-00004283 conversation so how did you get to where v17kQGGinqY-00019-00004284-00004511 you're at right now at the processing v17kQGGinqY-00020-00004512-00004804 controls engineering I study chemical v17kQGGinqY-00021-00004805-00004985 engineering v17kQGGinqY-00022-00004986-00005231 um and I v17kQGGinqY-00023-00005232-00005536 got a traditional like process v17kQGGinqY-00024-00005537-00005752 engineering job v17kQGGinqY-00025-00005753-00006022 um and I really like that and I you know v17kQGGinqY-00026-00006023-00006322 for the first three and a half years v17kQGGinqY-00027-00006323-00006545 um really just you know learned as much v17kQGGinqY-00028-00006545-00006725 as I could and I had a lot of different v17kQGGinqY-00029-00006726-00006892 managers v17kQGGinqY-00030-00006893-00007084 um but one of them is still my mentor v17kQGGinqY-00031-00007086-00007217 today v17kQGGinqY-00032-00007218-00007396 um from that original you know first v17kQGGinqY-00033-00007397-00007696 process engineering job that I had v17kQGGinqY-00034-00007697-00008010 um but then there was a you know layoff v17kQGGinqY-00035-00008011-00008417 and so I kind of just kind of looked for v17kQGGinqY-00036-00008418-00008674 work and v17kQGGinqY-00037-00008675-00008855 um what I found v17kQGGinqY-00038-00008856-00009035 and it kind of just like caught my eye v17kQGGinqY-00039-00009036-00009383 was a company that was going to that was v17kQGGinqY-00040-00009384-00009659 um hiring for entry level so I was v17kQGGinqY-00041-00009660-00009851 already four years out right but this v17kQGGinqY-00042-00009852-00010091 was a entry level uh it was called v17kQGGinqY-00043-00010092-00010414 Industrial Automation engineer v17kQGGinqY-00044-00010415-00010619 um and so I was like oh intrigued and it v17kQGGinqY-00045-00010620-00010864 was it was where I was at I was like v17kQGGinqY-00046-00010865-00010924 um v17kQGGinqY-00047-00010925-00011141 you know I wasn't laid off but I was v17kQGGinqY-00048-00011142-00011363 basically you know gonna be laid off v17kQGGinqY-00049-00011364-00011656 next and we weren't doing well and so I v17kQGGinqY-00050-00011657-00011842 was just like I need a job so I went v17kQGGinqY-00051-00011843-00012191 after this job and I got it and v17kQGGinqY-00052-00012192-00012467 um that's where I you know and I knew v17kQGGinqY-00053-00012468-00012659 what that type of work was I knew what v17kQGGinqY-00054-00012660-00013043 controls was because I managed like as a v17kQGGinqY-00055-00013044-00013241 process engineer I managed like the v17kQGGinqY-00056-00013241-00013565 controls like contractors v17kQGGinqY-00057-00013566-00013816 um when we did a Greenfield build like v17kQGGinqY-00058-00013818-00014038 in my previous job so I knew what they v17kQGGinqY-00059-00014040-00014230 did I just I was on the other end you v17kQGGinqY-00060-00014231-00014405 know they were on the PLC side and I v17kQGGinqY-00061-00014406-00014572 would be on the valve side saying okay v17kQGGinqY-00062-00014573-00014855 yeah you did open it you know 100 or 50 v17kQGGinqY-00063-00014856-00015058 or whatever v17kQGGinqY-00064-00015059-00015311 um so I I knew about like I O checkout I v17kQGGinqY-00065-00015312-00015533 understood what that is I just didn't v17kQGGinqY-00066-00015534-00015725 know you know the the details of what v17kQGGinqY-00067-00015726-00015958 they did and so I finally got my break v17kQGGinqY-00068-00015959-00016330 to like learn that stuff and um you know v17kQGGinqY-00069-00016331-00016600 I learned it really fast and even within v17kQGGinqY-00070-00016601-00016919 my first year I kind of translated like v17kQGGinqY-00071-00016920-00017297 as a as a process engineer I lived in v17kQGGinqY-00072-00017298-00017477 spreadsheets so I just have these v17kQGGinqY-00073-00017478-00017686 gigantic spreadsheets of like every v17kQGGinqY-00074-00017687-00017933 valve every solenoid every pump inside v17kQGGinqY-00075-00017934-00018143 of a facility right so it's like every v17kQGGinqY-00076-00018144-00018311 let's say equipment lists were like v17kQGGinqY-00077-00018312-00018563 normal for me like at quantities v17kQGGinqY-00078-00018564-00018839 descriptions just like so that was a v17kQGGinqY-00079-00018840-00019139 bill of material but I just needed to v17kQGGinqY-00080-00019140-00019307 kind of tweak the way I looked at it and v17kQGGinqY-00081-00019308-00019480 then I could create bill of materials v17kQGGinqY-00082-00019481-00019775 for like control panels once I got a few v17kQGGinqY-00083-00019776-00020039 examples I started seeing like oh and I v17kQGGinqY-00084-00020040-00020393 could kind of you know ask why why do we v17kQGGinqY-00085-00020394-00020507 need this v17kQGGinqY-00086-00020508-00020777 um why does this and I just like grasped v17kQGGinqY-00087-00020778-00020980 it really fast v17kQGGinqY-00088-00020981-00021113 um to the point where I was able to v17kQGGinqY-00089-00021114-00021503 design uh my first control panel ever in v17kQGGinqY-00090-00021504-00021880 that first year as a controls engineer v17kQGGinqY-00091-00021881-00021949 um v17kQGGinqY-00092-00021950-00022253 and from then I and I did that with v17kQGGinqY-00093-00022254-00022414 Vizio I had no AutoCAD there was no v17kQGGinqY-00094-00022415-00022661 AutoCAD available and I did it to scale v17kQGGinqY-00095-00022662-00023008 like so I did I and like I did a bill of v17kQGGinqY-00096-00023009-00023243 material and then like the the wiring v17kQGGinqY-00097-00023244-00023549 like the wiring it was a flex i o panel v17kQGGinqY-00098-00023550-00023897 so um I did all that and you know I that v17kQGGinqY-00099-00023898-00024214 is when I got addicted completely to v17kQGGinqY-00100-00024215-00024503 build designing the actual control panel v17kQGGinqY-00101-00024504-00024635 itself v17kQGGinqY-00102-00024636-00024905 um so I I like programming like the v17kQGGinqY-00103-00024906-00025144 hardware to me and troubleshooting and v17kQGGinqY-00104-00025145-00025428 that design end is like so much more v17kQGGinqY-00105-00025429-00025840 like my passion than the programming is v17kQGGinqY-00106-00025841-00026008 um I just you know I just want to hire v17kQGGinqY-00107-00026010-00026285 programmers to just go do programming v17kQGGinqY-00108-00026286-00026579 um like even though programming does pay v17kQGGinqY-00109-00026580-00026945 more like I I don't know I really love v17kQGGinqY-00110-00026945-00027202 the design side but anyway um v17kQGGinqY-00111-00027204-00027520 that I got into you know that and I v17kQGGinqY-00112-00027522-00027796 quickly like left because I grew out of v17kQGGinqY-00113-00027797-00028018 it so fast because there were not so v17kQGGinqY-00114-00028019-00028145 many projects and there was too much v17kQGGinqY-00115-00028145-00028517 training and I was like eager to be you v17kQGGinqY-00116-00028518-00028702 know I was from already being on v17kQGGinqY-00117-00028704-00028870 projects where we were building real v17kQGGinqY-00118-00028872-00029081 things and then to being put in all this v17kQGGinqY-00119-00029082-00029285 training like I kind of got you know v17kQGGinqY-00120-00029286-00029590 antsy and then I got a new job as a v17kQGGinqY-00121-00029591-00029951 basically a field startup engineer for v17kQGGinqY-00122-00029952-00030287 controls so I ran around and like all v17kQGGinqY-00123-00030288-00030568 over the country flew around and started v17kQGGinqY-00124-00030569-00030779 up coffee v17kQGGinqY-00125-00030780-00031061 um coffee equipment so Coffee Roasters v17kQGGinqY-00126-00031062-00031349 or trash systems or just Industrial v17kQGGinqY-00127-00031350-00031745 Systems that are used in roasting coffee v17kQGGinqY-00128-00031745-00031996 um and so I did that for you know a v17kQGGinqY-00129-00031997-00032381 couple years and then I went and ran a v17kQGGinqY-00130-00032382-00032705 UL 508 a shop because I wanted to design v17kQGGinqY-00131-00032706-00032896 it again like I went back to wanting to v17kQGGinqY-00132-00032897-00033202 do design so I actually like got the v17kQGGinqY-00133-00033203-00033401 shop I was working in I basically was v17kQGGinqY-00134-00033402-00033659 the one designing the program designing v17kQGGinqY-00135-00033660-00033917 I had someone else build for me and then v17kQGGinqY-00136-00033918-00034043 I would v17kQGGinqY-00137-00034044-00034265 um program it all so like once it's v17kQGGinqY-00138-00034266-00034565 built I buy it all like I I spec it all v17kQGGinqY-00139-00034566-00034840 make the drawings like buy all the v17kQGGinqY-00140-00034841-00035057 pieces like get them all in give them to v17kQGGinqY-00141-00035058-00035309 my Builder and then have him you know v17kQGGinqY-00142-00035310-00035524 build it and then I check out the entire v17kQGGinqY-00143-00035525-00035662 thing because we actually had the v17kQGGinqY-00144-00035663-00035861 Machinery being built there it was an v17kQGGinqY-00145-00035862-00036179 oem a Machinery OEM and so I took them v17kQGGinqY-00146-00036180-00036359 through the process of getting them UL v17kQGGinqY-00147-00036360-00036581 certified so that we could put our own v17kQGGinqY-00148-00036582-00036779 UL 5088 v17kQGGinqY-00149-00036780-00037007 um thicker on there so we got an e-file v17kQGGinqY-00150-00037008-00037259 number and I was the UL gatekeeper v17kQGGinqY-00151-00037260-00037415 um and then I went back to flying around v17kQGGinqY-00152-00037416-00037607 and like starting up coffee systems v17kQGGinqY-00153-00037608-00037931 again and then I moved to Washington v17kQGGinqY-00154-00037932-00038062 um and I started doing a lot more v17kQGGinqY-00155-00038063-00038423 estimating so I was doing like how do we v17kQGGinqY-00156-00038424-00038746 charge for all of this engineering work v17kQGGinqY-00157-00038747-00039029 um so I got like way more business v17kQGGinqY-00158-00039030-00039640 um woke and like uh at that point like v17kQGGinqY-00159-00039641-00039761 um v17kQGGinqY-00160-00039762-00040018 at that point I got some kind of like v17kQGGinqY-00161-00040019-00040402 not like I got encouragement from v17kQGGinqY-00162-00040403-00040618 friends v17kQGGinqY-00163-00040619-00040805 um and I had already started my company v17kQGGinqY-00164-00040806-00040955 but I was just too scared to do anything v17kQGGinqY-00165-00040956-00041257 about it so I started it in 2018 v17kQGGinqY-00166-00041258-00041602 and I didn't like fully go v17kQGGinqY-00167-00041603-00041968 crazy until July of 2021 v17kQGGinqY-00168-00041969-00042239 and you know so I actually have passed v17kQGGinqY-00169-00042240-00042496 my first full year of just like me v17kQGGinqY-00170-00042497-00042689 flying solo v17kQGGinqY-00171-00042690-00042755 um v17kQGGinqY-00172-00042756-00043252 and uh and what oh v17kQGGinqY-00173-00043253-00043559 yeah so I guess I you know it was hard v17kQGGinqY-00174-00043560-00043751 because like v17kQGGinqY-00175-00043752-00043943 kind of like what was the pushing point v17kQGGinqY-00176-00043944-00044308 right to like go solo was v17kQGGinqY-00177-00044309-00044465 um you know it was like the end it was v17kQGGinqY-00178-00044466-00044812 coveted so you know Kobe just like v17kQGGinqY-00179-00044813-00045149 ruined everything for everybody and you v17kQGGinqY-00180-00045150-00045239 know v17kQGGinqY-00181-00045240-00045617 at the end of it I just become like v17kQGGinqY-00182-00045618-00045815 I was like if I'm going to work this v17kQGGinqY-00183-00045816-00046265 hard I'm going to do it for myself v17kQGGinqY-00184-00046266-00046535 um and so here I am still doing it and I v17kQGGinqY-00185-00046536-00046727 it's this is the hardest thing I've ever v17kQGGinqY-00186-00046728-00046858 done v17kQGGinqY-00187-00046859-00047171 um that's why like so I would never like v17kQGGinqY-00188-00047172-00047417 if you asked me five years ago if I v17kQGGinqY-00189-00047418-00047812 would do a podcast the answer is hell no v17kQGGinqY-00190-00047813-00048307 um but after starting my own business v17kQGGinqY-00191-00048308-00048749 nothing is hard because that is so hard v17kQGGinqY-00192-00048750-00049102 everything else is easy so you know go v17kQGGinqY-00193-00049103-00049349 putting your face on a podcast which I v17kQGGinqY-00194-00049350-00049643 wouldn't be able to do before v17kQGGinqY-00195-00049644-00049846 um is now just like no big deal it's v17kQGGinqY-00196-00049847-00050230 like well I I've done harder things v17kQGGinqY-00197-00050231-00050435 um and and it is like difficult I'm not v17kQGGinqY-00198-00050436-00050729 I I'm actually pretty shy v17kQGGinqY-00199-00050730-00051112 um you won't believe that but I am and v17kQGGinqY-00200-00051113-00051340 um and I and I when I was young I was v17kQGGinqY-00201-00051341-00051508 really shy like I you would never hear v17kQGGinqY-00202-00051509-00051773 me like if I wanted something like I was v17kQGGinqY-00203-00051774-00051935 like oh I guess they don't hear me I v17kQGGinqY-00204-00051936-00052151 guess too bad for me you know I would v17kQGGinqY-00205-00052152-00052523 never speak up ever for myself and now v17kQGGinqY-00206-00052524-00052769 I'm just like so v17kQGGinqY-00207-00052770-00052991 I guess you know like you there's a v17kQGGinqY-00208-00052991-00053182 breaking point for people and that I v17kQGGinqY-00209-00053183-00053447 reached mine and I was just like I'm so v17kQGGinqY-00210-00053448-00053747 tired of being invisible v17kQGGinqY-00211-00053748-00053999 um because I have like good things to v17kQGGinqY-00212-00054000-00054130 say v17kQGGinqY-00213-00054132-00054215 um v17kQGGinqY-00214-00054216-00054557 and I can help and so I kind of just v17kQGGinqY-00215-00054558-00054904 changed everything I changed my demeanor v17kQGGinqY-00216-00054905-00055180 um and kind of just like just showed v17kQGGinqY-00217-00055182-00055511 people what I what I am and most take v17kQGGinqY-00218-00055512-00055804 well to it and you know Nikki found me v17kQGGinqY-00219-00055805-00056003 Nikki is my co-host for automation v17kQGGinqY-00220-00056004-00056266 ladies and you know so we started this v17kQGGinqY-00221-00056267-00056453 podcast it was her idea v17kQGGinqY-00222-00056454-00056615 um but I wanted to do something like v17kQGGinqY-00223-00056616-00056735 that v17kQGGinqY-00224-00056736-00057071 um so when she asked me I was like yes v17kQGGinqY-00225-00057072-00057359 um and so what we do is we interview v17kQGGinqY-00226-00057360-00057737 um women not only women but mostly women v17kQGGinqY-00227-00057738-00058092 um from you know different types of v17kQGGinqY-00228-00058094-00058354 manufacturing jobs or automation type v17kQGGinqY-00229-00058355-00058499 jobs v17kQGGinqY-00230-00058500-00058685 um you know not all automation we also v17kQGGinqY-00231-00058686-00058937 interview like electricians whatever but v17kQGGinqY-00232-00058938-00058997 um v17kQGGinqY-00233-00058998-00059285 uh so and some of these women just not v17kQGGinqY-00234-00059286-00059542 some they all have such v17kQGGinqY-00235-00059544-00059849 like amazing stories about overcoming v17kQGGinqY-00236-00059850-00060094 just crap like different types of v17kQGGinqY-00237-00060095-00060419 diversity like sorry adversity v17kQGGinqY-00238-00060420-00060803 um and you know just but but we do have v17kQGGinqY-00239-00060804-00061144 this common like thing where you know v17kQGGinqY-00240-00061145-00061379 people are normally v17kQGGinqY-00241-00061379-00061642 at some point in our lives just telling v17kQGGinqY-00242-00061644-00061769 us that we shouldn't be doing what we're v17kQGGinqY-00243-00061770-00061937 doing so kind of just like trying to v17kQGGinqY-00244-00061938-00062291 discourage us and so and and actually v17kQGGinqY-00245-00062291-00062561 like in my family I've had you know v17kQGGinqY-00246-00062562-00062791 female members of my family v17kQGGinqY-00247-00062791-00062987 discouraged to the point of changing v17kQGGinqY-00248-00062988-00063161 Majors v17kQGGinqY-00249-00063162-00063559 um and that sucks to me so you know v17kQGGinqY-00250-00063560-00063844 uh oh and obviously sucks to her like v17kQGGinqY-00251-00063845-00064007 and I feel like there are a lot of women v17kQGGinqY-00252-00064008-00064187 out there that do experience this and v17kQGGinqY-00253-00064188-00064403 like it's time to watch the rest of us v17kQGGinqY-00254-00064404-00064661 do all this stuff so that they can feel v17kQGGinqY-00255-00064662-00064888 like they can do it and they and know v17kQGGinqY-00256-00064889-00065050 that they can v17kQGGinqY-00257-00065051-00065549 um be like how can you not look at me v17kQGGinqY-00258-00065550-00065782 um so that's right that's the hope of my v17kQGGinqY-00259-00065783-00066082 automation ladies is just like you know v17kQGGinqY-00260-00066083-00066311 um I'm not a mom but Nikki's a mom and v17kQGGinqY-00261-00066312-00066437 we're just trying to show that's like v17kQGGinqY-00262-00066438-00066682 that's I mean we're so passionate about v17kQGGinqY-00263-00066683-00066923 you know even our friend v17kQGGinqY-00264-00066924-00067217 Courtney uh Fernandez you know she's a v17kQGGinqY-00265-00067218-00067499 robot mom so she is like raising her v17kQGGinqY-00266-00067500-00067763 children like with a cobot v17kQGGinqY-00267-00067764-00068015 um you know so the the six-year-old can v17kQGGinqY-00268-00068016-00068206 like pick up whatever you want with a v17kQGGinqY-00269-00068207-00068441 cobot and it's like a video game and v17kQGGinqY-00270-00068442-00068585 like so we're just like you know what v17kQGGinqY-00271-00068586-00068956 like Engineers women are very handy very v17kQGGinqY-00272-00068957-00069143 technical v17kQGGinqY-00273-00069144-00069479 um just by nature and you know it it v17kQGGinqY-00274-00069480-00069706 looks funny to others to certain people v17kQGGinqY-00275-00069707-00069844 because they're not used to seeing it v17kQGGinqY-00276-00069845-00070103 but like it was never I feel like in the v17kQGGinqY-00277-00070104-00070409 past it wasn't nurtured v17kQGGinqY-00278-00070410-00070697 um so if a if a woman were to show that v17kQGGinqY-00279-00070698-00070829 like v17kQGGinqY-00280-00070830-00071015 um you know maybe she got lucky and like v17kQGGinqY-00281-00071016-00071153 people were supportive around her but v17kQGGinqY-00282-00071154-00071309 for the most part it wasn't super v17kQGGinqY-00283-00071310-00071615 nurtured and now we're nurturing it so v17kQGGinqY-00284-00071616-00071926 you're seeing all kinds of women that v17kQGGinqY-00285-00071927-00072497 you don't expect in every role ever v17kQGGinqY-00286-00072498-00072797 um right and you know we have a special v17kQGGinqY-00287-00072798-00072976 place in our heart for manufacturing and v17kQGGinqY-00288-00072977-00073211 automation so we decided that I mean v17kQGGinqY-00289-00073212-00073432 that's our passion but it's also you v17kQGGinqY-00290-00073433-00073775 know about women too it's not just about v17kQGGinqY-00291-00073776-00074021 um right yeah and it's about kind of v17kQGGinqY-00292-00074022-00074249 advocating like to men about their v17kQGGinqY-00293-00074250-00074435 daughters like we kind of highlight like v17kQGGinqY-00294-00074436-00074675 awesome dads that like do teach their v17kQGGinqY-00295-00074676-00074855 daughters amazing stuff v17kQGGinqY-00296-00074856-00075185 um like Jordan day and Elena day v17kQGGinqY-00297-00075186-00075406 um I highly recommend like find like v17kQGGinqY-00298-00075407-00075575 following them she has a YouTube channel v17kQGGinqY-00299-00075576-00075797 Little Miss fix it v17kQGGinqY-00300-00075798-00075871 um v17kQGGinqY-00301-00075872-00076235 and and what v17kQGGinqY-00302-00076236-00076511 um so yeah that's that's my story is you v17kQGGinqY-00303-00076512-00076871 know I I started a company and you know v17kQGGinqY-00304-00076872-00077117 it's it's super hard v17kQGGinqY-00305-00077118-00077441 um and and I do plan to continue to do v17kQGGinqY-00306-00077442-00077573 this until v17kQGGinqY-00307-00077574-00077788 I don't know until I maybe start a v17kQGGinqY-00308-00077789-00078059 family but v17kQGGinqY-00309-00078060-00078371 I don't know maybe not I don't know I v17kQGGinqY-00310-00078372-00078659 don't know v17kQGGinqY-00311-00078660-00078844 well you can figure I mean you'll figure v17kQGGinqY-00312-00078845-00079049 it out as you go I'm sure I mean and and v17kQGGinqY-00313-00079050-00079282 so far as the the advocates for women v17kQGGinqY-00314-00079283-00079679 but we we've had two series on ecos why v17kQGGinqY-00315-00079680-00079937 one of them was women in engineering one v17kQGGinqY-00316-00079938-00080153 of them was women in Industry they each v17kQGGinqY-00317-00080154-00080411 were 10 interviews each so about 20 plus v17kQGGinqY-00318-00080412-00080656 episodes of just a strictly women focus v17kQGGinqY-00319-00080657-00080921 and we did that primarily because I'm a v17kQGGinqY-00320-00080922-00081185 three-time girl dad and you know I have v17kQGGinqY-00321-00081186-00081400 young ladies running around my house and v17kQGGinqY-00322-00081401-00081635 I'm trying to to show them you know the v17kQGGinqY-00323-00081636-00081850 different paths that do exist you know v17kQGGinqY-00324-00081851-00082019 if they choose to go a path like that v17kQGGinqY-00325-00082020-00082259 and plus it's just we need more of it if v17kQGGinqY-00326-00082260-00082403 you go to any of the industry trade v17kQGGinqY-00327-00082404-00082673 shows as you as you as I know you do uh v17kQGGinqY-00328-00082674-00082894 they're heavily male dominated you know v17kQGGinqY-00329-00082895-00083111 there's a there's a heavy male presence v17kQGGinqY-00330-00083112-00083344 and we need more females there because v17kQGGinqY-00331-00083345-00083512 there's just so much value that we can v17kQGGinqY-00332-00083513-00083662 learn from our ladies particularly when v17kQGGinqY-00333-00083663-00083843 in manufacturing and Industry and v17kQGGinqY-00334-00083844-00084100 Engineering uh so you know we're right v17kQGGinqY-00335-00084101-00084244 there with you and I think what you and v17kQGGinqY-00336-00084245-00084437 Nikki are doing or it's great we're v17kQGGinqY-00337-00084438-00084719 definitely supporting that I actually uh v17kQGGinqY-00338-00084720-00085019 before you get started she and I met and v17kQGGinqY-00339-00085020-00085247 I gave her some some just some Insider v17kQGGinqY-00340-00085248-00085361 things that I've learned over the years v17kQGGinqY-00341-00085362-00085571 of podcasting to hopefully maybe help v17kQGGinqY-00342-00085572-00085721 you guys get going I'm curious from v17kQGGinqY-00343-00085722-00085931 automation ladies standpoint what's been v17kQGGinqY-00344-00085932-00086206 the funnest part of that show for you v17kQGGinqY-00345-00086207-00086423 oh meeting these women v17kQGGinqY-00346-00086424-00086644 oh my God v17kQGGinqY-00347-00086645-00086782 you talk there v17kQGGinqY-00348-00086783-00087203 tell their story is worth it we we are v17kQGGinqY-00349-00087204-00087485 getting like in some cases I I think v17kQGGinqY-00350-00087486-00087676 lifelong friends out of some of these v17kQGGinqY-00351-00087677-00087869 you know interviews v17kQGGinqY-00352-00087870-00088121 um so how do you beat that yeah um and v17kQGGinqY-00353-00088122-00088247 that and that helps with the listening v17kQGGinqY-00354-00088248-00088517 because I think they can tell that we v17kQGGinqY-00355-00088518-00088744 are really like interested in these v17kQGGinqY-00356-00088745-00088906 people's stories like when we're v17kQGGinqY-00357-00088907-00089135 interviewing them and v17kQGGinqY-00358-00089136-00089226 um v17kQGGinqY-00359-00089227-00089609 yeah it's definitely it's almost like v17kQGGinqY-00360-00089610-00089831 free therapy v17kQGGinqY-00361-00089832-00090106 right right I'm curious how do you find v17kQGGinqY-00362-00090107-00090287 the time I mean that's a lot of that's a v17kQGGinqY-00363-00090288-00090467 lot of commitment to make content like v17kQGGinqY-00364-00090468-00090659 that and you're in your LinkedIn Pages v17kQGGinqY-00365-00090660-00090844 kill it you know you're crushing it with v17kQGGinqY-00366-00090845-00091073 content every day how do you find the v17kQGGinqY-00367-00091074-00091217 time to create the content that you do v17kQGGinqY-00368-00091218-00091493 in such an engaging way I'm kind of just v17kQGGinqY-00369-00091494-00091750 like because I I'm stream of v17kQGGinqY-00370-00091751-00091894 consciousness v17kQGGinqY-00371-00091895-00092237 when I create the the content if I had v17kQGGinqY-00372-00092238-00092518 to plan content which I know that a lot v17kQGGinqY-00373-00092519-00092693 of people do v17kQGGinqY-00374-00092694-00092818 um they're just like okay I'm gonna put v17kQGGinqY-00375-00092819-00093082 out this kind of content this week like v17kQGGinqY-00376-00093083-00093556 I cannot afford to do that so I have v17kQGGinqY-00377-00093557-00093868 like a totally sporadic you know if I go v17kQGGinqY-00378-00093869-00094091 to a show like you know I'll have more v17kQGGinqY-00379-00094092-00094235 activity but like I kind of just have v17kQGGinqY-00380-00094236-00094559 this like steady growth where people are v17kQGGinqY-00381-00094560-00094756 like what is she doing and no one can v17kQGGinqY-00382-00094757-00094918 figure out the end game because there v17kQGGinqY-00383-00094919-00095153 isn't one v17kQGGinqY-00384-00095154-00095512 um and like I just you know when as I v17kQGGinqY-00385-00095513-00095662 come up with something like I'll be on a v17kQGGinqY-00386-00095663-00095956 bus right and I will have just had this v17kQGGinqY-00387-00095957-00096203 like moment and like it's on my phone so v17kQGGinqY-00388-00096204-00096394 I can just write v17kQGGinqY-00389-00096395-00096611 what I just like had this moment about v17kQGGinqY-00390-00096612-00096809 and like sometimes I just like have v17kQGGinqY-00391-00096810-00097025 these moments and random times so if you v17kQGGinqY-00392-00097026-00097175 look at like the times I post things v17kQGGinqY-00393-00097176-00097409 it's completely crazy but that's just v17kQGGinqY-00394-00097410-00097612 because that's the way that I create v17kQGGinqY-00395-00097613-00097793 this content is like it just comes out v17kQGGinqY-00396-00097794-00098129 of me and then I move on and like and I v17kQGGinqY-00397-00098130-00098332 may not even look again at like the v17kQGGinqY-00398-00098333-00098555 responses for a while v17kQGGinqY-00399-00098556-00098741 um because you know because I like v17kQGGinqY-00400-00098742-00098938 you're saying I have like stuff that I'm v17kQGGinqY-00401-00098939-00099118 always doing v17kQGGinqY-00402-00099119-00099311 um I'm either planning to go somewhere v17kQGGinqY-00403-00099312-00099550 or after a phone call because some v17kQGGinqY-00404-00099551-00099815 something is broken somewhere or you v17kQGGinqY-00405-00099816-00100055 know someone can't come do some I don't v17kQGGinqY-00406-00100056-00100259 know there's always something and you v17kQGGinqY-00407-00100260-00100444 know people are asking for help in v17kQGGinqY-00408-00100445-00100762 different ways so I it's just uh it's v17kQGGinqY-00409-00100763-00100955 reactionary v17kQGGinqY-00410-00100956-00101255 um and it's it's difficult uh to manage v17kQGGinqY-00411-00101256-00101506 it all but that's why I did say this is v17kQGGinqY-00412-00101507-00101681 the hardest thing I've ever done is v17kQGGinqY-00413-00101682-00101950 trying to have a business and you know v17kQGGinqY-00414-00101951-00102173 promote myself but I was already like v17kQGGinqY-00415-00102174-00102442 embedded promoting myself in my work v17kQGGinqY-00416-00102443-00102671 anyway so it wasn't that hard to just v17kQGGinqY-00417-00102672-00102844 continue to just like right it's the v17kQGGinqY-00418-00102845-00103192 business part that's killing me the um v17kQGGinqY-00419-00103193-00103415 the the me creating content is just it's v17kQGGinqY-00420-00103416-00103606 natural so v17kQGGinqY-00421-00103607-00103792 well I mean I see so many of these these v17kQGGinqY-00422-00103793-00103942 influencers out there and they have such v17kQGGinqY-00423-00103943-00104116 a big emphasis on just growing their v17kQGGinqY-00424-00104117-00104236 followers I just want to grow my v17kQGGinqY-00425-00104238-00104375 followers I want to get to ten thousand v17kQGGinqY-00426-00104376-00104494 twenty thousand thirty thousand whatever v17kQGGinqY-00427-00104495-00104849 it is versus actually serving with the v17kQGGinqY-00428-00104850-00105016 unselfish motive it seems like you're v17kQGGinqY-00429-00105017-00105203 pretty unselfish about this I mean I'm v17kQGGinqY-00430-00105204-00105371 what is your what so what is your take v17kQGGinqY-00431-00105372-00105575 on social media I mean are you do you v17kQGGinqY-00432-00105576-00105731 have a follow or goal or are you just v17kQGGinqY-00433-00105732-00105869 trying to put stuff out there that helps v17kQGGinqY-00434-00105870-00106175 people so originally you know I I still v17kQGGinqY-00435-00106176-00106463 I always want even in when I get you v17kQGGinqY-00436-00106464-00106697 know as I get more followers v17kQGGinqY-00437-00106698-00106936 um but what I realize you know what v17kQGGinqY-00438-00106938-00107116 changed I guess is yeah in the beginning v17kQGGinqY-00439-00107117-00107483 it was just like creating like these v17kQGGinqY-00440-00107483-00107681 YouTube videos that would help you learn v17kQGGinqY-00441-00107682-00107975 the stuff that I wish like was out when v17kQGGinqY-00442-00107976-00108166 I was in college because I was like this v17kQGGinqY-00443-00108167-00108515 is really good like 3D animation of v17kQGGinqY-00444-00108516-00108713 something I did not understand in v17kQGGinqY-00445-00108714-00108839 college v17kQGGinqY-00446-00108840-00109133 um so I you know got that was like how I v17kQGGinqY-00447-00109133-00109402 kind of got to my first 10 000 people v17kQGGinqY-00448-00109403-00109619 um and after 10 000 people it snowballs v17kQGGinqY-00449-00109620-00109999 but with when you have more followers v17kQGGinqY-00450-00110000-00110327 you can you actually can help more v17kQGGinqY-00451-00110328-00110465 people v17kQGGinqY-00452-00110466-00110734 um and so you know I think that's part v17kQGGinqY-00453-00110735-00110939 of why people even follow me because if v17kQGGinqY-00454-00110940-00111210 if I'm just selling something v17kQGGinqY-00455-00111211-00111425 why would they be interested they v17kQGGinqY-00456-00111426-00111563 wouldn't be v17kQGGinqY-00457-00111564-00111857 um and so I we really I'm at this point v17kQGGinqY-00458-00111858-00112097 like with the amount of followers I have v17kQGGinqY-00459-00112098-00112378 I can make a bigger impact on like v17kQGGinqY-00460-00112379-00112781 uh visibility of the trade so I actually v17kQGGinqY-00461-00112782-00113045 like want more numbers because I can v17kQGGinqY-00462-00113046-00113219 reach more people and more people be v17kQGGinqY-00463-00113220-00113447 like oh yeah I know about that one girl v17kQGGinqY-00464-00113448-00113663 um you know Ali G and then you know I v17kQGGinqY-00465-00113664-00113981 want LinkedIn to turn into like little v17kQGGinqY-00466-00113982-00114310 girls like seeing this stuff v17kQGGinqY-00467-00114311-00114521 um and I can't do that if I have a v17kQGGinqY-00468-00114522-00114689 thousand followers or I mean you can do v17kQGGinqY-00469-00114690-00114989 that but it does help if you have more v17kQGGinqY-00470-00114990-00115390 so at this point like I do care about v17kQGGinqY-00471-00115391-00115666 like my end game is to have you know v17kQGGinqY-00472-00115667-00115823 more v17kQGGinqY-00473-00115824-00115901 um v17kQGGinqY-00474-00115902-00116201 but at the same time I have plenty so v17kQGGinqY-00475-00116202-00116345 I'm actually very grateful for the v17kQGGinqY-00476-00116346-00116621 following I do have because I can you v17kQGGinqY-00477-00116622-00116728 know v17kQGGinqY-00478-00116729-00116969 I can one of the things that I'm proud v17kQGGinqY-00479-00116970-00117208 of is I just did this the other day v17kQGGinqY-00480-00117209-00117557 um is someone asked for some help a v17kQGGinqY-00481-00117558-00117881 technician just messaged specifically me v17kQGGinqY-00482-00117882-00118097 like a technician in California and then v17kQGGinqY-00483-00118098-00118325 I posted about it asking for that help v17kQGGinqY-00484-00118326-00118625 and I got people from all kinds of v17kQGGinqY-00485-00118626-00118828 countries responding v17kQGGinqY-00486-00118829-00119057 um Italy Spain v17kQGGinqY-00487-00119058-00119254 um Finland v17kQGGinqY-00488-00119255-00119597 um just all these countries India v17kQGGinqY-00489-00119598-00119951 um just responding helping me help this v17kQGGinqY-00490-00119952-00120310 other person and so it's just like v17kQGGinqY-00491-00120311-00120695 that's a that's a really powerful like v17kQGGinqY-00492-00120696-00120977 thing to have a network that is global v17kQGGinqY-00493-00120978-00121199 that like we have all these same v17kQGGinqY-00494-00121200-00121373 problems v17kQGGinqY-00495-00121374-00121565 um with our controllers and like v17kQGGinqY-00496-00121566-00121786 somebody out there in my network has v17kQGGinqY-00497-00121788-00122104 seen because my network is so huge like v17kQGGinqY-00498-00122105-00122321 I'm not trying to brag like it's it's to v17kQGGinqY-00499-00122322-00122458 me amazing because it was an accident v17kQGGinqY-00500-00122459-00122747 anyway like getting it that big so it's v17kQGGinqY-00501-00122748-00122986 amazing what it can do now it's its own v17kQGGinqY-00502-00122988-00123131 thing v17kQGGinqY-00503-00123132-00123299 um and yeah it can be taken away I have v17kQGGinqY-00504-00123300-00123425 actually been kicked off of LinkedIn v17kQGGinqY-00505-00123426-00123713 before v17kQGGinqY-00506-00123714-00123833 um but v17kQGGinqY-00507-00123833-00123893 um v17kQGGinqY-00508-00123894-00124090 I don't know it's a it's a beautiful v17kQGGinqY-00509-00124091-00124360 thing to have that this connection with v17kQGGinqY-00510-00124361-00124636 like people from every country well you v17kQGGinqY-00511-00124638-00124828 can't you can't leave something like v17kQGGinqY-00512-00124829-00124973 that out there and not give us more on v17kQGGinqY-00513-00124974-00125104 that allergy so would you get kicked out v17kQGGinqY-00514-00125105-00125340 of LinkedIn for come on now v17kQGGinqY-00515-00125341-00125849 so so someone oh I was a female welder v17kQGGinqY-00516-00125850-00126004 like v17kQGGinqY-00517-00126005-00126202 put a weld v17kQGGinqY-00518-00126203-00126528 and this guy who just like v17kQGGinqY-00519-00126529-00126845 specifically like trolls just welders v17kQGGinqY-00520-00126846-00127108 because he he runs like a welding like v17kQGGinqY-00521-00127109-00127336 right consulting firm and it's not even v17kQGGinqY-00522-00127338-00127631 in the US so so anyway this guy like v17kQGGinqY-00523-00127632-00127901 rips into her but saying like really v17kQGGinqY-00524-00127902-00128158 nasty like just things and he was v17kQGGinqY-00525-00128159-00128347 allowed to say it because he wasn't like v17kQGGinqY-00526-00128348-00128578 bullying but he was just like I would v17kQGGinqY-00527-00128579-00128789 never hire you like you're never gonna v17kQGGinqY-00528-00128790-00129028 make it as a coded welder just like v17kQGGinqY-00529-00129029-00129154 stuff like that it's just like okay v17kQGGinqY-00530-00129155-00129304 that's just like v17kQGGinqY-00531-00129305-00129689 really disheartening stuff so I wrote uh v17kQGGinqY-00532-00129690-00129958 shame on you I think v17kQGGinqY-00533-00129959-00130204 like that shame on you is that that's v17kQGGinqY-00534-00130205-00130408 really what I wrote and that is like me v17kQGGinqY-00535-00130409-00130660 bullying so I got kicked off v17kQGGinqY-00536-00130661-00130895 um and then I had to petition to get v17kQGGinqY-00537-00130896-00131159 back on and he he got nothing for being v17kQGGinqY-00538-00131160-00131339 like that like because it's not he v17kQGGinqY-00539-00131340-00131549 didn't call her names he just said he v17kQGGinqY-00540-00131550-00131693 would never hire her in that she'll v17kQGGinqY-00541-00131694-00131921 never make it in her life as her as her v17kQGGinqY-00542-00131922-00132178 goal of a welder it's like dude you are v17kQGGinqY-00543-00132179-00132502 such a beep but anyway um so I lost my v17kQGGinqY-00544-00132503-00132707 cool and but I learned from that because v17kQGGinqY-00545-00132708-00132995 I can't just lose my cool whenever I you v17kQGGinqY-00546-00132996-00133228 know want to because that's not a thing v17kQGGinqY-00547-00133229-00133499 that I can do anymore when I'm this many v17kQGGinqY-00548-00133500-00133739 followers in so I can I have more to v17kQGGinqY-00549-00133740-00134027 lose when I do stupid things like go v17kQGGinqY-00550-00134028-00134249 after some troll Internet troll like how v17kQGGinqY-00551-00134250-00134447 many internet trolls are there a billion v17kQGGinqY-00552-00134448-00134723 you know like whatever v17kQGGinqY-00553-00134724-00134945 I can't can't get them all v17kQGGinqY-00554-00134946-00135101 no you're right I mean there's so much v17kQGGinqY-00555-00135102-00135316 more downside than upside you know going v17kQGGinqY-00556-00135317-00135575 that path I mean I think but you know at v17kQGGinqY-00557-00135576-00135785 some point though you know I apologize v17kQGGinqY-00558-00135786-00135947 for taking a stand so I mean how long v17kQGGinqY-00559-00135948-00136061 did it did you were you kicked off v17kQGGinqY-00560-00136062-00136259 before they let you back on the platform v17kQGGinqY-00561-00136260-00136535 I think five days v17kQGGinqY-00562-00136536-00136816 and I guess that's my my only concern v17kQGGinqY-00563-00136817-00136990 with any of these social platforms is v17kQGGinqY-00564-00136991-00137237 that you live and die by their rules v17kQGGinqY-00565-00137238-00137428 right I mean so you do have to somewhat v17kQGGinqY-00566-00137429-00137633 play within the confines of how they v17kQGGinqY-00567-00137634-00138047 what they see fit so I mean uh yeah so I v17kQGGinqY-00568-00138048-00138275 mean there's risk there for sure well v17kQGGinqY-00569-00138276-00138514 Ali allergy we always like to touch a v17kQGGinqY-00570-00138515-00138683 little bit about you outside of work on v17kQGGinqY-00571-00138684-00138827 these hero episodes so what's what's v17kQGGinqY-00572-00138828-00138983 something you like to do for fun you got v17kQGGinqY-00573-00138984-00139181 any hobbies v17kQGGinqY-00574-00139182-00139511 um so I love uh so building up my v17kQGGinqY-00575-00139512-00139793 electronics lab but outside of like v17kQGGinqY-00576-00139794-00139949 Electronics because I have a huge lab v17kQGGinqY-00577-00139950-00140152 here at mechatronics lab v17kQGGinqY-00578-00140153-00140327 um I love hiking v17kQGGinqY-00579-00140328-00140495 um and so I moved out here there's like v17kQGGinqY-00580-00140496-00140764 Ferns and waterfalls and amazing scenery v17kQGGinqY-00581-00140765-00141001 up in I'm in like the Pacific Northwest v17kQGGinqY-00582-00141002-00141389 specifically around Seattle area so you v17kQGGinqY-00583-00141390-00141575 know I have three gorgeous national v17kQGGinqY-00584-00141576-00142007 parks like within you know not too far v17kQGGinqY-00585-00142008-00142385 um so I I love to go out and be in the v17kQGGinqY-00586-00142386-00142685 ferns in the waterfalls like in out v17kQGGinqY-00587-00142686-00142925 there hiking that's really cool that's v17kQGGinqY-00588-00142926-00143123 awesome now we also love to hear about v17kQGGinqY-00589-00143124-00143290 family at Eco that's why is there v17kQGGinqY-00590-00143291-00143452 anything about your your loved ones v17kQGGinqY-00591-00143453-00143578 family that you like to share with us v17kQGGinqY-00592-00143579-00143861 here yeah my mom she lives with me v17kQGGinqY-00593-00143862-00144173 um I love her she is my everything so v17kQGGinqY-00594-00144174-00144419 and uh shout out to my mom that's v17kQGGinqY-00595-00144420-00144743 awesome so any podcast or or other v17kQGGinqY-00596-00144744-00144964 resources obviously automation ladies v17kQGGinqY-00597-00144965-00145139 but just things that you enjoy are v17kQGGinqY-00598-00145140-00145319 consuming for fun that you think others v17kQGGinqY-00599-00145320-00145493 would find Value in v17kQGGinqY-00600-00145494-00145769 also you know I like watching v17kQGGinqY-00601-00145770-00146290 trolls and like v17kQGGinqY-00602-00146291-00146590 and like Channel and that just like is v17kQGGinqY-00603-00146591-00146764 my that's that's my favorite thing about v17kQGGinqY-00604-00146765-00146963 it like it at first it was like I v17kQGGinqY-00605-00146964-00147197 thought it was just Tim and not no v17kQGGinqY-00606-00147198-00147425 offense to just him but like him having v17kQGGinqY-00607-00147426-00147664 like the whole family as like part of v17kQGGinqY-00608-00147665-00147845 this thing just made it just took it to v17kQGGinqY-00609-00147846-00148078 like the way next level v17kQGGinqY-00610-00148079-00148331 um to have this like controls family v17kQGGinqY-00611-00148332-00148540 um you know doing doing really the v17kQGGinqY-00612-00148541-00148775 controls life like it's just it's really v17kQGGinqY-00613-00148776-00148949 cool v17kQGGinqY-00614-00148950-00149213 um so and they have so many videos to do v17kQGGinqY-00615-00149214-00149513 really uh useful things for Rockwell v17kQGGinqY-00616-00149514-00149693 stuff so if you're trying to do compact v17kQGGinqY-00617-00149694-00149939 Logics control Logics or guard Logics v17kQGGinqY-00618-00149940-00150125 you're trying to do any power Flex v17kQGGinqY-00619-00150126-00150275 you're trying to do stuff with like v17kQGGinqY-00620-00150276-00150461 Allen Bradley products like they got v17kQGGinqY-00621-00150462-00150701 some free videos v17kQGGinqY-00622-00150702-00150857 um and and if you want to buy some v17kQGGinqY-00623-00150858-00151007 trainers from them from your maintenance v17kQGGinqY-00624-00151008-00151181 departments that's also a smart idea v17kQGGinqY-00625-00151182-00151390 they're they're great I mean we've had v17kQGGinqY-00626-00151391-00151552 the whole family on eco that's why I've v17kQGGinqY-00627-00151553-00151757 had Tim I've had Amber I've had their v17kQGGinqY-00628-00151758-00151978 son Michael like Michael's been on v17kQGGinqY-00629-00151979-00152254 before as well uh we even had Mary Bruce v17kQGGinqY-00630-00152255-00152428 you know she works out there with them v17kQGGinqY-00631-00152429-00152783 so yeah uh we we definitely love the our v17kQGGinqY-00632-00152784-00153059 friends over there at TW control so our v17kQGGinqY-00633-00153060-00153299 last thing we do uh Ali G is a lightning v17kQGGinqY-00634-00153300-00153545 round or a Heroes uh conversation so if v17kQGGinqY-00635-00153546-00153671 you're willing to jump in we'll we'll v17kQGGinqY-00636-00153672-00153869 fire off a few quick quick fire v17kQGGinqY-00637-00153870-00154078 questions and and love to to learn a v17kQGGinqY-00638-00154079-00154199 little bit more about you as we go so v17kQGGinqY-00639-00154200-00154366 you good with that all right so what's v17kQGGinqY-00640-00154367-00154661 your what's your favorite food oh uh v17kQGGinqY-00641-00154662-00154987 Mexican food all right adult bed average v17kQGGinqY-00642-00154988-00155447 uh white wine either like Pinot Grigio v17kQGGinqY-00643-00155448-00155866 or or sauvignon blanc okay favorite v17kQGGinqY-00644-00155867-00156161 movie of all time I'm gonna be so cliche v17kQGGinqY-00645-00156162-00156487 and say Shawshank Redemption v17kQGGinqY-00646-00156488-00156863 okay okay what v17kQGGinqY-00647-00156864-00157025 what what's your uh what kind of music v17kQGGinqY-00648-00157026-00157181 do you enjoy v17kQGGinqY-00649-00157182-00157499 oh I love um rap current rap but v17kQGGinqY-00650-00157500-00157769 specifically female rap okay favorite v17kQGGinqY-00651-00157770-00157943 rapper v17kQGGinqY-00652-00157944-00158423 ooh cardi B okay all right what what uh v17kQGGinqY-00653-00158424-00158626 let's see let's go with your all-time v17kQGGinqY-00654-00158627-00158831 favorite TV show v17kQGGinqY-00655-00158832-00159040 lost v17kQGGinqY-00656-00159041-00159340 okay all right and last question allergy v17kQGGinqY-00657-00159341-00159593 for the lightning round dogs or cats v17kQGGinqY-00658-00159594-00159845 oh cats v17kQGGinqY-00659-00159846-00160061 oh you're so close so close on that v17kQGGinqY-00660-00160062-00160495 that's okay we'll let you slide v17kQGGinqY-00661-00160496-00160763 well LG this has been great we call it v17kQGGinqY-00662-00160764-00160997 Eco s wow we always wrap up with the why v17kQGGinqY-00663-00160998-00161128 so if somebody wants to come up to you v17kQGGinqY-00664-00161129-00161333 and say hey Ali G what is your personal v17kQGGinqY-00665-00161334-00161621 why what are you gonna tell them v17kQGGinqY-00666-00161622-00161983 because I can v17kQGGinqY-00667-00161984-00162287 I don't know v17kQGGinqY-00668-00162288-00162443 okay v17kQGGinqY-00669-00162444-00162671 well hey this is this has been a lot of v17kQGGinqY-00670-00162672-00162875 a lot of fun getting working with you v17kQGGinqY-00671-00162876-00163025 again where why don't you shout out v17kQGGinqY-00672-00163026-00163151 where you want people to connect with v17kQGGinqY-00673-00163152-00163378 you at and and that way they can hear it v17kQGGinqY-00674-00163379-00163516 well obviously we'll sync all that up in v17kQGGinqY-00675-00163517-00163625 our show notes but where should people v17kQGGinqY-00676-00163626-00163769 go to learn more about you and what v17kQGGinqY-00677-00163770-00163864 you're doing v17kQGGinqY-00678-00163865-00164189 uh my LinkedIn page is very active as I v17kQGGinqY-00679-00164190-00164399 kind of mentioned earlier so if you want v17kQGGinqY-00680-00164400-00164549 to see what I'm thinking throughout the v17kQGGinqY-00681-00164550-00164837 day and I'm just kidding v17kQGGinqY-00682-00164838-00165023 um go on to my LinkedIn page Alicia v17kQGGinqY-00683-00165024-00165287 Gilpin awesome awesome and we'll we'll v17kQGGinqY-00684-00165288-00165490 have all that stuff uh synced up in the v17kQGGinqY-00685-00165491-00165623 show notes so allergy anything else v17kQGGinqY-00686-00165624-00165754 you'd like to share with the listeners v17kQGGinqY-00687-00165755-00165935 today onico ask why v17kQGGinqY-00688-00165936-00166066 no v17kQGGinqY-00689-00166067-00166283 um please follow automation ladies and v17kQGGinqY-00690-00166284-00166523 listen to our podcast v17kQGGinqY-00691-00166524-00166709 there you go absolutely we'll make sure v17kQGGinqY-00692-00166710-00166871 we have that link in the show notes as v17kQGGinqY-00693-00166872-00167021 well for automation ladies we should v17kQGGinqY-00694-00167022-00167147 definitely support you and and v17kQGGinqY-00695-00167148-00167399 everything you got you all are doing uh v17kQGGinqY-00696-00167400-00167573 over there on that show so thank you so v17kQGGinqY-00697-00167574-00167716 much for your time today LG hope you v17kQGGinqY-00698-00167717-00167831 have a wonderful day v17kQGGinqY-00699-00167832-00168071 thank you Chris yeah that was a fun v17kQGGinqY-00700-00168072-00168251 conversation with Ali G just hearing her v17kQGGinqY-00701-00168252-00168466 story her passion just how she just made v17kQGGinqY-00702-00168467-00168664 that leap and then all the things she's v17kQGGinqY-00703-00168665-00168887 done from a podcast standpoint as well v17kQGGinqY-00704-00168888-00169169 as her LinkedIn Focus to help just not v17kQGGinqY-00705-00169170-00169439 just be an influencer but actually help v17kQGGinqY-00706-00169440-00169631 people so I loved how she has that v17kQGGinqY-00707-00169632-00169793 servant heart she's trying to connect v17kQGGinqY-00708-00169794-00170039 ideas and people together and just serve v17kQGGinqY-00709-00170040-00170176 at the highest level so definitely v17kQGGinqY-00710-00170177-00170321 encourage you to check out automation v17kQGGinqY-00711-00170322-00170716 ladies check out the uh uh her her show v17kQGGinqY-00712-00170717-00171011 go go connects with her on LinkedIn she v17kQGGinqY-00713-00171012-00171173 she gave a shout out to our friends at v17kQGGinqY-00714-00171174-00171347 TW control so if you haven't connected v17kQGGinqY-00715-00171348-00171533 with them yet definitely do that as well v17kQGGinqY-00716-00171534-00171797 at Tim and Amber everything everybody v17kQGGinqY-00717-00171798-00172019 over TW controls everything that they do v17kQGGinqY-00718-00172020-00172223 we support we're behind them uh v17kQGGinqY-00719-00172224-00172402 definitely there's so much value there v17kQGGinqY-00720-00172403-00172751 but Ali G again what a story what a v17kQGGinqY-00721-00172752-00172913 story so highly encourage you check her v17kQGGinqY-00722-00172914-00173164 out be it be become a follower you won't v17kQGGinqY-00723-00173165-00173387 go wrong there if you're enjoying Eco v17kQGGinqY-00724-00173388-00173537 asked why we'd encourage you to give us v17kQGGinqY-00725-00173538-00173693 a rating and write a review that really v17kQGGinqY-00726-00173694-00173885 goes a long way maybe share share this v17kQGGinqY-00727-00173886-00174052 conversation with someone else because v17kQGGinqY-00728-00174053-00174226 that really helps too particularly the v17kQGGinqY-00729-00174227-00174340 the ladies out there that may be v17kQGGinqY-00730-00174341-00174473 listening or that you think would be v17kQGGinqY-00731-00174474-00174625 interested in coming into industry v17kQGGinqY-00732-00174626-00174881 conversations like this matter v17kQGGinqY-00733-00174882-00175139 so share that with them we thank you for v17kQGGinqY-00734-00175140-00175366 for joining us today on eco ask why come v17kQGGinqY-00735-00175367-00175540 back next week as we have some more v17kQGGinqY-00736-00175541-00175811 great jobs to dig into and remember to v17kQGGinqY-00737-00175812-00176278 keep asking why v17kQGGinqY-00738-00176279-00176590 thank you for listening to Eco Sy this v17kQGGinqY-00739-00176591-00176825 show is supported ad free by electrical v17kQGGinqY-00740-00176826-00177088 equipment company Eco is redefining the v17kQGGinqY-00741-00177089-00177226 expectations of an electrical v17kQGGinqY-00742-00177227-00177466 distributor by placing people and ideas v17kQGGinqY-00743-00177467-00177766 before products Please Subscribe and v17kQGGinqY-00744-00177767-00177907 share with your colleagues and Friends v17kQGGinqY-00745-00177908-00178240 also leave comments feedback and any new v17kQGGinqY-00746-00178241-00178438 topic that you would like to hear to v17kQGGinqY-00747-00178439-00178613 learn more or to share your insights 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