{"139":{"Title":"National Logistics Policy, 2018","Text":"Page 1 of 23 Draft Discussion Document 1 Introduction 1.1 An eff ective and eff icient logistics ecosystem can be a key contributor to robust economic growth in the country, with the potential to facilitate domestic and foreign trade, promote global competitiveness, enhance incomes, drive the Make in India initiative and reduce economic disparities across geographies. The sector is one of the most important accelerators of trade in the country. S pecifically, an efficient supply chain network has the potential to increase income manifold, which can lead to a domino effect on the overall economy. A reliable, efficient and cost -effective logistics infrastructure for commercial goods is hence critical to Indias continued inclusive and rapid economic growth 1.2 An efficient and reliable logistics network coupled with a transparent and consistent cross border trade facilitation process is a key driver of export competitiveness in the country. It ac ts as an enabler for expanding the foreign markets for indigenous goods. An efficient logistics ecosystem will also encourage investments in the country, especially FDI and will in turn positively impact international trade 1.3 Despite the recognition of logis tics being a critical driver of economic development, logistics cost in India, estimated at 13 -14% of GDP, is very high (USA 9 -10%, Europe 10%, Japan 11%) compared with more efficient global environments, and the sector continues to be highly unorganized. India also has a skewed modal transportation mix, with 60% of freight moving on roads, which is significantly larger than in key developed economies 1.4 Different parts of the logistics value chain currently are being managed by many ministries including Road Transport and Highways, Shipping, Railways, Civil Aviation, D\/o Posts, Commerce and Industry, Finance and Home Affairs. In addition, a large number of government agencies including Central Drug Standard Control Organization, Food Safety and Standards Auth ority of India, Plant and Animal Quarantine Certification Service provide relevant trade clearances and impact the value chain Page 2 of 23 1.5 Globally, leading countries that have achieved efficiency in logistics, like Germany, South Korea, Japan and Malaysia among other s, follow a completely integrated approach towards logistics, and the government provides a coordinated oversight to the entire logistics value chain. In some countries, a Special Committee Chaired by the Prime Minister reviews progress of the National Int egrated Logistics Action Plan. In line with the above, there is significant potential for India to integrate and optimize the various elements of its logistics value chain, to ensure seamless, multi modal growth of an efficient logistics sector 1.6 Government of India has also recognized the importance of the sector to propel the future growth of the country and a Logistics Wing has been created consequent to an amendment to the second schedule of the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, on 7th July 2017, allocating the task of \"Integrated development of Logistics sector\" to the Department of Commerce and Industry. Some of the activities like cold chains, multi -modal logistics parks etc. in the logistics sector have also been included in the Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure sub -sectors' and has been granted infrastructure status in November 2017 which will enable the sector to avail infrastructure lending at easier terms with enhanced limits, access to larger volume of funds as Extern al Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and access to longer tenure funds from insurance companies 1.7 In the above context, the primary aim of the National Logistics Policy 2018, is to enable integrated development of the logistics sector in the country. It aims to in form, clarify, strengthen and prioritize the key objectives, focus areas and the governance framework for Logistics in India. It also clarifies the role of the various stakeholders including central ministries, state governments and other key regulatory bodies 2 Vision and Objectives for Logistics in India 2.1 To drive economic growth and t rade competitiveness of the country through a truly integrated, seamless, efficient, reliable and cost effective logistics network, leveraging best in class technology, processes and skilled manpower Page 3 of 23 2.2 Key objectives of the national logistics policy: Given t he pivotal role of the logistics sector in the development of the economy and the need to incorporate learnings from global best practices , the policy outlines an ambitious set of objectives. The following are some of the key objectives for logistics in In dia, to be achieved in the next five years: 2.2.1 Creating a single point of reference for all logistics and trade facilitation matters in the country which will also function as a knowledge and information sharing platform 2.2.2 Driving logistics cost as a % of GDP down from estimated current levels of 13 -14% to 10% in line with best -in-class global standards1 and incentivize the sector to become more efficient by promoting integrated development of logistics Optimizing the curren t modal mix (road -60%,rail -31%,water -9%) in line with international benchmarks (25 -30% share of road, 50 -55% share of railways, 20 -25% share of waterways )2 and promote development of multi modal infrastructure Improving first mile and last mile connectivity to expand market access of farmers, MSMEs and small businesses Enhancing efficiency across the logistics value chain through increased digitization and technology adoption Ensuring standardization in logistics (warehousing, packaging, 3PL players, freight forwarders) 2.2.3 Creating a National Logistics e -marketplace as a one stop marketplace. It will involve simplification of documentation for exports\/imports and drive transparency through digitization of processes involving Customs, PGAs etc in regulatory, cert ification and compliance services 2.2.4 Creating a data and analytics center to drive transparency and continuous monitoring of key logistics metrics 1 USA: 10% , Germany : 9% 2 USA : (37:48:15) Page 4 of 23 2.2.5 Encouraging industry, academia and government to come together to create a logistics Center of Excellence, and d rive innovation in the logistic sector 2.2.6 Creating and managing on an ongoing basis, an Integrated National Logistics Action Plan which will serve as a master plan for all logistics related development. Also, there will be support for states for development o f respective state logistics plans aligned with the national and state priorities. An annual execution plan to continuously monitor progress against the set objectives will also be created 2.2.7 Providing an impetus to trade and hence economic growth by driving competitiveness in exports 2.2.8 Doubling employment in the logistics sector by generating additional 10-15 million3 jobs and focus on enhancing skills in the sector and encouraging gender diversity 2.2.9 Improve Indias ranking in the Logis tics Performance Index to between 25 to 30 2.2.10 Strengthening the warehousing sector in India by improving the quality of storage infrastructure including specialized warehouses across the country 2.2.11 Reducing losses due to agri -wastage to less than 5%4 through effective agri -logistics invo lving access to cold chain, packaging and other post -harvest management techniques and thereby enhance agriculture price realization and farmer income 2.2.12 Providing impetus to MSME sector in the country through a cost -effective logistics 2.2.13 Promoting cross regional trade on e -commerce platforms by enabling a seamless flow of goods 2.2.14 Encouraging adoption of green logistics in the country 3 On a current base of 20 million 4 Till wholesale markets Page 5 of 23 3 Policy thrust areas This policy defines the key thrust areas for logistics in India, which will be the focus of the relevant ministries as well as act as a guidance to the state governments. The prioritized focus areas for logistics are detailed below: 3.1 Focus ing on critical projects to drive an optimal modal mix and to enable first mile and last mile connectivity 3.1.1 Driving first mile and last mile connectivity and optimizing the current modal mix through operational research are two key focus areas for logistics in India. It is therefore critical to identify projects for driving the same, and to coordinate across the releva nt central ministries and state governments to drive their implementation. Where ver required, Viability Gap Funding may also be provided to respective state governments to expedite select projects 3.1.2 The Logistics Wing will be the nodal agency tasked to ident ify key projects for driving first mile and last mile connectivity and to optimize the modal mix through operational research to identify commodity and the corridor for the most cost effective mode of transport. Expedited clearances will be facilitated for infrastructure projects, for example, MoEF provides single window environmental clearance through platform. It will also identify key corridors which can be developed as Model Logisticscorridors connecting major clusters . Certain projects fo r development of logistics in heavy mining regions and oil pipeline infrastructure can be classified as critical projects. 3.2 Driv ing development of Multi Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs) 3.2.1 At present, there is a gap in the availability of MMLP infrastructure for enabling seamless multimodal freight transfer, providing world class storage and handling as well as delivering value added freight services. Even where ICDs' and CFSs' have been created, there is potential to improve their utilization and performance Page 6 of 23 3.2.2 Diff erent stakeholders in the country including MoRTH, CONCOR, DMICDC, State Governments, etc. are independently planning the development of MMLPs. There is a need to ensure that these MMLPs are developed at the right locations with appropriate value added ser vices, mechanization, technology adoption etc. for effectively driving the logistics efficiency in the country and ensuring duplication of facilities at the same location is minimized 3.2.3 An integrated policy will be defined for the development of MMLP in the country. Also a Multi Modal Logistics Park Authority (MMLPA) would be set up with representation from various central ministries (Rail, Road, Shipping, Civil Aviation, Customs etc.) as well as respective state governments. The Commerce Secretary will chair this Authority. MMLPA will identify the right locations for setting up of MMLP, facilitate single window for all administrative approvals and monitor the development and performance of MMLPs in consultation with all the relevant stakeholders. It may on se lect basis also provide Viability Gap Funding to MMLP projects 3.3 Driv ing interventions to reduce logistics cost and promote logistics efficiency for movement of key commodities 3.3.1 A critical aspect of driving down logistics cost is to identify commodity specif ic interventions. Of the commodities contributing to significant freight movement in India such as coal, iron ore, steel, cement, food grains, fruits and vegetables etc., most are distributed into regional clusters of supply and\/or demand. It is important to evaluate the key drivers of logistics costs at each commodity level, across the key origin and destination pairs, and identify levers to reduce these costs by undertaking operational research, benchmarking of global best practices and discussions with r elevant stakeholders. Also, minerals of national importance, such as rare earths will be studied for improving logistics effectiveness and responsiveness of supply chains. Similarly, safe handling of chemical and petrochemical products and waste and sustai nable reverse logistics will be a key area of focus. The Logistics Wing will drive the same in coordination with the relevant government and industry stakeholders. Page 7 of 23 3.3.2 A key focus area to reduce the logistics costs for the key commodities is to facilitate mod al shift for the long haul from road to rail, coastal shipping , inland waterways etc. It is critical to identify the average lead distance beyond which this modal shift should occur for the respective commodities. Alternate modes which are more economical will be identified and encouraged. For example, for iron ore the most economical mode of transport up to 400 -500 km is slurry pipeline, beyond 400km up to 1100 -1200 km is rail, and beyond 1100 km is coastal shipping. Where feasible beyond 300 -400 km, inland waterways are more economical. The aim is to promote cheaper alternate modes . This will also aid in addressing the environmental concerns associated with road transportation . RORO on flat rail wagons in challenging terrains will also be explored for cost savings and reduced environmental impact. 3.3.3 It is critical to identify the key OD pairs where movement of goods can be facilitated through coastal shipping and inland waterways for each commodity. Subsequently focus will be placed on identifying and im plementing key infrastructure interventions in coordination with the relevant ministry (for example, handling infrastructure for the specific commodity at the respective port) 3.3.4 The Logistics Wing will work with the respective ministries for identification and development of terminals\/ logistics parks next to specific rail sidings to optimize freight movement for key commodities. This would result in reduction of first mile and last mile costs, drastically bringing down the logistics cost. For example, the U S cement industry is organized in 350+ railway integrated terminals which provide storage and handling infrastructure for bag and bulk cement and also provide value added services like blending. In India as well, focus would be on building bulk terminals i n 8 -10 large institutional demand centers and bag handling terminals at additional 10 -12 strategic locations. The Logistics Wing will coordinate with the Ministry of Railways for development of such mechanized, integrated railway terminals for key commodit ies at identified locations 3.3.5 Focus will be given to perishable commodities given the specialized nature of requirements for their packaging, transportation and storage. India is the second largest Page 8 of 23 producer of fruits and vegetables in the world with fruit pr oduction of 92 MT and vegetable production of 178 MT. The wastage in fruits is around 25 -30% , mainly driven by the limited availability of cold chain infrastructure at the right locations. The Logistics Wing will work with the Ministry of Food Processing I ndustries, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution and the Departments of Horticulture in respective states to identify key policy interventions and infrastructure enhancement to promote penetration of cold chain facilities and adoption of reefer trucks in strategic locations. Focus will also be to encourage start -ups working in the farm to plate3.4 Creating a single window Logistics e -marketplace 3.4.1 The logistic sector in India is unorganized and fragmented with a large number of stakeh olders both private and public, small and large. These stakeholders have their own set of processes and systems. A large number of transactions are still happening manually and even where online systems exist, they do not communicate with each other. The d etails about number of certifications required and various agencies responsible for providing them is not available at one place. Also there is limited visibility on the capacity and availability of logistics infrastructure e.g. warehouses capacity . This informational asymmetry results in increased transactional costs 3.4.2 A National Logistics e -marketplace will be setup by the Logistics Wing, as a one stop marketplace. It will be a single window transactional platform. This single window portal will onboard va rious logistics service providers like transporters, warehousing providers, shipping lines, 3rd party service providers, freight forwarders, Customs brokers etc. and various government agencies including Customs, Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) etc. inv olved in regulatory, certification and compliance services. The portal will involve simplification of documentation for all exports\/imports. Information will be captured at one place which will be used by all regulatory agencies, thereby the need for docum ents to be submitted at multiple places will be discontinued and will enable the entire regulation system to be digitized. This will bring in greater transparency and faster clearances, thereby reducing logistics costs and making exports competitive, thus improving trade and bolstering economic growth. The portal will also enable improved Page 9 of 23 price discovery, route optimization, in -transit tracking, and timely delivery assurance and also provide seamless statutory clearances and certifications from State Govern ment authorities, EPCs, Customs, PGAs etc. The proposed portal shall be developed keeping in view the advancements in technologies like block chain, internet of things etc. 3.5 Set ting up a Logistics Data and Analytics Center 3.5.1 Currently, there is no single place\/ portal in the country that tracks and reports metrics across the logistics value chain. Thus, there is significant scope for consolidating, standardizing and driving consistency in data reporting and analytics in the logistics 3.5.2 A logistics dat a and analytics center will be set up by the Logistics Wing. The hub will serve as a single source of data for relevant performance metrics across the logistics value chain and will enable data driven decision -making for future infrastructure projects. Per formance dashboards will be defined for key logistics metrics across various Central Ministries as well as for respective State Governments . A diverse set of data sources comprising of telematics, remote sensing and track and trace data will be incorporate d in the same. 3.5.3 The data from the hub will be used to facilitate review of logistics performance metrics. This will be done on a quarterly basis by an inter -ministerial committee, chaired by the Minister for Commerce and Industry. On a half yearly basis, a review will be conducted by the National Council for Logistics, chaired by the Prime Minister 3.6 Creat ing a Center of Trade facilitation and Logistics excellence (CTFL) and leverag ing expertise of multilateral agencies 3.6.1 The policy aims to encourage partnersh ip between government, private players and academia to drive innovation in the logistics sector through structured programs Page 10 of 23 3.6.2 A Center for Trade Facilitation and Logistics Excellence (CTFL) will be created in partnership with the Indian Institute of Forei gn Trade (IIFT), New Delhi. CTFL will bring together key stakeholders (relevant central ministries Roads, Rail, Shipping, Civil Aviation and Customs, PGAs and relevant state governments), private players, industry associations and academia 3.6.3 This center wi ll ideate and identify intervention areas critical for streamlining logistics in the country and to drive innovation in the logistics sector. The CTFL will also focus on identifying global best practices in logistics, and adapt the same to Indias context. It will identify key gaps in skills in the logistics space, especially from the perspective of the industry and academia. Also, various Indian and global associations, such as International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, International Cham ber of Shipping among others will be included to provide insights on implementing solutions for logistics enhancement in their communities. 3.6.4 Multilateral agencies like The World Bank , AIIB and ADB, are working in improving logistics efficiency across many countries. They have developed, over the years, experience and expertise in measuring and monitoring efficiency in logistics. The Logistics Wing will leverage their capabilities and engage with them to identify key gaps in logistics infrastructure and processes, and develop an implementation plan for the 3.7 Creat ing an Integrated National Logistics Action Plan and align with respective state development plans 3.7.1 Globally, countries like Ja pan, Germany, South Korea, Australia and Malaysia among others define a 5 -10 year National Logistics Action Plan that drives the objectives, priorities and related interventions for these countries across the logistics value chain 3.7.2 Currently, in India, diff erent ministries including Rail, Roads, Shipping and Civil Aviation as well as various state governments define their respective plans and priorities for logistics. These plans could be further optimized to drive multi -modal synergies Page 11 of 23 3.7.3 There is a need to br idge this gap and create an Integrated National Logistics Action Plan in consultation with relevant ministries. The Integrated National Logistics Action Plan will serve as an optimized master plan to define logistics priorities across ministries including MoRTH, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Civil Aviation , D\/o Posts and the user ministries (Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Steel, Ministry of Mines & others) . Subsequently, it is important to define an annual execution plan, and contin uously monitor progress against the set objectives of driving efficiency and reducing costs and dwell times. An immediate focus of the annual execution plan will be to identify and drive specific interventions to optimize logistics costs for key commoditie s across the top corridors 3.7.4 The Logistics Wing will play a facilitating role in defining and aligning this plan in consultations with various ministries. The Wing will also provide support to states for development of respective state logistics plans aligned with the national and state priorities 3.7.5 An inter -ministerial logistics committee will be set up under the Minister of Commerce and Industry to evaluate progress against the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan on a quarterly basis to resolve ke y bottlenecks and address cross -ministerial issues if any. The composition of the Inter -ministerial logistics committee is covered in section 6.5 of this policy 3.7.6 Also, every six months the progress against the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan will be reviewed by the National Council for Logistics, chaired by the Prime Minister. The composition of the National Council for Logistics is covered in section 6.4 of this policy 3.8 Support strengthening of the warehousing sector 3.8.1 The Indian warehousing market i s highly fragmented and unorganized. A large proportion of the warehouses are less than 10,000 sq.ft.in size and unorganized players account for nearly 90% of the market Page 12 of 23 3.8.2 As the Indian economy evolves, sophisticated logistics and warehousing systems would be a key trigger for the manufacturing sector and the entire gamut of trade activities. An efficient warehouse can bring a 15 -20% cost reduction in the entire logistics operations. Several technological advances have been made in recent times to ensure opt imum utilization of resources, tracking of consignment s and seamless distribution of cargo such as Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Technology, Quick response (QR) code, Real Time Locating systems and RFID. Adoption of Warehouse Management System (WMS) and other IT -driven solutions are becoming effective in increasing the competitiveness of the warehousing industry 3.8.3 There are also gaps in the quality of specialized storage infrastructure in the country. For example: Controlled atmosphere stor age in apples significantly increases the shelf life, allowing prolonged storage. Apples can be stored for almost 10 months in a controlled atmosphere cold storage, while the shelf life in a conventional cold storage is only 3 -4 months 3.8.4 The Logistics Wing w ill coordinate with the relevant Central Ministries (Ministry of Food Processing Industries and Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution) and Department of Horticulture in respective states to identify and fund initiatives to scale up use o f technology and automation in warehouses and promote set up of specialized storage infrastructure 3.9 Enhanc ing transport and rolling stock infrastructure 3.9.1 A key focus area for Logistics in India is to identify gaps in the capacity as well as quality of criti cal transportation infrastructure across all modes of transport including Roads, Rail, Coastal Shipping , Inland Waterways and Air. This will be done through a comprehensive mapping of the existing and projected freight flows across the top origin destinati on stretches in the country and supplemented with independent data analysis and industry stakeholder interactions Page 13 of 23 3.9.2 Respective transport ministries (Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Shipping, and Ministry of Civil Aviation) are already focusing on several p rojects for enhancing capacity and quality of transport infrastructure in India. The Logistics Wing based on inputs from the commodity corridor analysis and industry stakeholders will identify select interventions for improvement in logistics infrastructur e and subsequently share those inputs with the respective ministries. The progress of critical interventions\/projects will be reviewed on a quarterly basis 3.9.3 Rolling stock is a critical driver of the total logistics cost given its influence on transit time, fuel consumption etc. Select interventions will be identified to enhance the capacity, quality and utilization of rolling stock in India (for example, policy to promote larger fleet sizes, improving availability of rakes, promoting the use of customized wagons where relevant, improving wagon turnaround time etc.) through global benchmarking and independent commodity - corridor analysis. Inputs arising from the above would be shared to the relevant ministries for implementation 3.9.4 Also when large CAPEX project f or logistics (greater than 500 Cr) are being sanctioned, it is critical to ensure that these are in line with the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan, and meet the overall objective of driving an optimal modal mix and promoting first mile\/ last mile connectivity. It will be done through participation of the Logistics Wing, in relevant inter -ministerial committees (For e.g. Standing Finance Committee (SFC), Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC), Public Investment Board (PIB), PPP Appraisal Committee, Com mittee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), Expanded Board of Railways etc.) 3.10 Streamlining EXIM processes to promote trade competitiveness 3.10.1 Export and import of goods currently accounts for ~27% of Indias GDP. It is thus imperative to streamline EXIM processes to in crease efficiencies, drive reliability and reduce costs and thereby integrate regional and global value chains. The dwell time at Indian ports and airports are higher than global benchmarks. Though, substantial steps have been taken to improve the same, fu rther scope exists . The Logistics Wing will also Page 14 of 23 work closely with the state governments to pro -actively streamline processes and improve trade competitiveness 3.10.2 A key focus area for logistics in India will be to define and monitor SLAs with relevant regulatory partner government agencies like Customs, FSSAI, Drug Control, Plant and Animal Quarantine etc. with the objective of reducing dwell time 3.10.3 It is also critical to drive efficiency and reliability of the customs clearance process to facilitate trad e. The Logistics Wing will seek feedback from key industry stakeholders (exporters, freight forwarders, customs house agents, terminal operators) and derive learning from global best practices to identify key interventions to further improve the customs cl earance process and reduce the EXIM dwell time. Initiatives such as autonomous data exchange, standardized information collection and storage to ensure faster processing of duties payable and approvals are some of the examples. A robust risk management sys tem (RMS) would also accelerate the flow of low risk goods, leading to cost and time savings for the department and also the exporter\/importer. Further, improvement of the Port Community System and its integration with Customs would also lead to faster pro cessing. The Logistics Wing will facilitate collaboration and alignment with various ministries and agencies like the Ministry of Shipping, Customs etc. to drive the same 3.11 Reduc ing dwell time for interstate cargo movement by road 3.11.1 Road transportation account s for approximately 60% of the freight movement in India, a significant proportion of which is interstate cargo movement. The average speed of trucks in India is about half when compared to the average speed of trucks in the USA. A part of this can be attr ibuted to high wait times at toll booths and multiplicity of check 3.11.2 A key focus area for logistics is to identify, implement and monitor technology based interventions such as e -tolling, electronic document flow, rationalization of checkpoints, Page 15 of 23 digit al verification at all checkpoints etc., to decrease wait time, in effect improving the average speed across key corridors 3.12 Promot ing standardization in the logistics sector 3.12.1 Globally, various standards have been developed for different parts of the logisti cs value chain concerning packaging, warehousing and transportation. For example, ASTM standards on packaging, AWSA Certified Warehousing Standards in Canada etc. These standards assure consistent service levels and quality of goods to the end user and eve ntually drive logistics efficiency. In India however, there is low adoption of these standards primarily because they are not market driven. Even existing standards in warehousing such as the WRDA have had limited acceptability due to low awareness of the standards and lack of tangible benefits to the players 3.12.2 The Logistics Wing will work with standard setting bodies for logistics in India such as the Bureau of India Standards, Indian Institute of Packaging to customize the international standards and facilitate the development of relevant standards for India. It will also work to ensure facilitation infrastructure is created to support adoption of these standards. For example, while palletization of cargo can help lower logistics costs and prevent hand ling losses, there is limited adoption of palletization in India. This is in part driven by lack of handling infrastructure for pallets at each step of the value chain. The Logistics Wing will evaluate the potential to introduce palletization for relevant cargo, and also facilitate creation of handling infrastructure for the same 3.12.3 To ensure increased adoption of the defined standards, the Logistics Wing will co -ordinate with relevant ministries to create awareness through structured marketing campaigns, prov ide differentiated benefits to logistics players who adhere to defined standards for fast track clearances & prioritized queuing. It will also work with the relevant ministries to mandate the select standards 3.13 Ensur ing seamless movement of goods at Land Cu stoms Stations (LCS) and Integrated Check Points (ICP) Page 16 of 23 3.13.1 Of India's total trade with the neighboring countries (Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar), over 55% is through land based trading points. CBIC has designated 109 border trading locations as 'Land Customs Stations' (LCS), of which 85 are operational. The adequacy of infrastructure at these LCSs, including warehousing, examination sheds, parking bays etc. as well as seamless movement and faster clearances by regulatory agen cies like Customs, FSSAI, Plant and Animal Quarantine will be critical to increase the overall trade across India's borders 3.13.2 An integrated approach is required to develop infrastructure and enable seamless trade clearance at the Land Custom Stations at Indi as borders. For the same, it is critical to enable the conversion of select Land Custom Stations (LCS) at key locations to Integrated Check Points (ICPs) , which come under the purview of Ministry of Home Affairs and will house all the regulatory agencies like Border Security, Immigration, Customs, Plant Quarantine etc. along with support facilities in a single enclosed complex equipped with all modern amenities to serve as a single window facility for EXIM cargo and passenger movement, as is available at A irports and Seaports. At present only 6 ICPs are operational, and there is a need to fast track conversion of select LCS at critical locations to ICPs particularly in the east\/northeast sector. It is also important to regularly monitor the performance of the LCSs and ICPs and continuously upgrade facilities and remove bottlenecks. Logistics Wing will identify logistics gap in the North Eastern States for better integration and providing flip to our Act East Policy3.14 Generat ing employment , enhanc ing skill ing and encouraging gender diversity in the logistics sector 3.14.1 Currently there are large gaps of skilled manpower in the Logistics sector in India. As per the Logistics Skill Council, 20 million jobs will be added to the sector by 2022. However in order to m eet this demand, it is critical to address key gaps in skilling in the logistics sector. For specific job roles, like truck drivers, the recruitment and retention becomes a challenge. This is driven by difficult working conditions, relatively lower wages a s well as poor perception of these jobs roles. Also , currently limited compensation is available to employees to make up for the loss of pay during training Page 17 of 23 days. The training curriculum is not always in line with requirements of the specific job roles. This coupled with high attrition rates in the sector leads to limited incentives to employers to train their employees. With the advent of technology , a large number of specialized skills will be required in the logistics sector, for example telematics, warehouse automation, mechatronics, etc. 3.14.2 The Logistics Wing will identify key policy interventions (for example incentives to compensate trainees in part for loss of wage s during the training duration, as well as incentives for employers to encourage hiring of skilled manpower) and provide inputs to MoRTH, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship and other relevant ministries. Also, projects will be identified for ramping up both the capacity as well as quality of logistics training infrastructure in India. A standardized curriculum for the logistics sector may be developed by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship to be adopted by various State government s and agencies across the country. To improve placement of skilled manpower in the logistics sector, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and other relevant government bodies, will be encouraged to hire skilled talent, for key government logistics needs. The Logistics Wing will also work with the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship to launch awareness campaigns to improve the perception of key job roles in the logistics sector. Further the Logistics Wing will work with the relevant ministries to e ncourage skilling institutes to update their curriculum and include specialized skills on technology and automation 3.15 Strengthen ing the MSME sector through efficient logistics 3.15.1 MSMEs are pegged to be Indias most powerful growth engine. Overall, the MSME sect or accounts for ~50% of Indias industrial output and over 40% of Indias exports. Therefore, it is important for the government to provide them with an impetus for growth through seamless and cost effective logistics which will enable them to expand their reach to new markets both within India as well as globally 3.15.2 The logistics e -marketplace will be a key enabler for MSMEs in India. It will provide them a single window for all EXIM certifications, while also giving access to a host of logistics Page 18 of 23 services at competitive rates. It will ease the MSME business through a transparent price discovery mechanism and will also remove information asymmetry on overall capacity availability of logistics infrastructure. Additionally, all efficiency improvement measures inc luding interventions to improve first mile and last mile connectivity, strengthening Indias warehousing capacity and quality will enable MSMEs to have better access to markets. 3.16 Promot ing cross regional trade on e -commerce platforms through seamless flow o f 3.16.1 E-commerce in India is growing exponentially and will continue to grow, with the improving penetration of mobile internet services and enhanced last mile connectivity. Logistics is a core function of e -commerce players and the key differentiator am ongst e-commerce companies. Ensuring seamless flow of goods by promoting first and last mile connectivity can provide a much wider marketplace in terms of aspirational districts and first time buyers . The role of D\/o Posts will be leveraged in formulating seamless first and last mile connectivity. 3.16.2 A seamless and reliable transportation network will help e -commerce players reduce transportation costs as well as inventory holding costs by ensuring higher predictability in deliveries. Interventions to increase efficiencies in warehousing as well as policies to encourage set -up of multi modal logistics hubs will further enhance logistics efficiencies for e -commerce players. Strengthening of the air cargo infrastructure, storage infrastructure for railways and im proving technology readiness of D\/o Posts will be important drivers to support the sector. The Logistics Wing will, on an ongoing basis, seek feedback from the e -commerce industry and work with relevant ministries to facilitate the logistics landscape for e-commerce in India. 3.17 Promot ing Green & Sustainable Logistics 3.17.1 Understanding, measuring, and reducing supply chain carbon footprint is a priority today. It is thus crucial to promote green and sustainable logistics in India by enabling Page 19 of 23 the modal shift to rai l, coastal shipping and inland waterways, improving vehicle utilization, raising energy efficiency and switching to greener fuels. Policy measures such as regulations relating to vehicular , noise, affluent emissions and wastage and duty rationalization on alternative fuels will further reduce the carbon footprint. Focus will also be needed to improve vehicle design, promot e road telematics and expedite infrastructure investment in alternative modes of transport (e.g. slurry pipelines). It will also be impor tant to encourage best practices in the industry and help players in the logistics sector advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking and improving freight transportation efficiency. Globally, there have been various instances of governm ents promoting green and sustainable logistics. For example, United States launched a voluntary public -private program to promote advances in sustainable transportation supply chain. It provides players a comprehensive system for tracking, doc umenting and sharing information about fuel use and freight emissions across supply chains. 3.17.2 In the warehousing space, players will be encouraged to adopt Green Principlesincluding recycling of water, rain water harvesting, use of bio -methanation for t reatment of bio waste and for generation of cooking gas, use of solar electricity etc. Also focus will be placed on the 3R Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in packaging, to promote green and sustainable logistics operations in India 3.18 Set ting up a Startup acceleration fund 3.18.1 There are a number of startups bringing in new technologies in the logistics space in areas like market aggregation, freight forwarding, cold chain, and telematics amongst others. They offer superior service quality at reduced costs and d well times due to increased efficiency made possible by technologies such as Internet of Things, telematics and big data analytics. Also several start -ups offer economic and portable cold chain solutions to small and medium farmers right at the farm gate 3.18.2 A startup acceleration fund will be setup to help incubate startups in the logistics sector. This will enable the sector in adopting newer technologies faster and promot ing Page 20 of 23 innovative practices that can help in reduc ing costs and turnaround times. The fun d will be managed by the Logistics Wing 3.18.3 To drive overall innovation and efficiency in logistics, awards\/ rewards will be announced for startups\/ 3PLs\/ 4PLs etc. in the logistics sector. The responsibility to run the awards\/ rewards program, through a pre -defined evaluation criteria which is aligned with the relevant stakeholders, will reside with Logistics Wing 4 Funding for logistics initiatives 4.1 A non -lapsable Logistics fund will be created, to drive progress against the key thrust areas. The Logistics fund can be deployed for the following Providing viability gap funding for select MMLP projects, first and last mile projects and projects for poorly -serviced remote areas. Incentivizing select logistics skilling programs and training institutes Setting up a start -up acceleration fund to incentivize development of new technology in logistics particularly the farm to plate space Creating the Center for Trade Facilitation and Logistics Excellence (CTFL) Setting up a big data enabled logistics data hub and analyti cs center Creating a single window logistics e -marketplace 5 Framework Act on Integrated Logistics Framework Act on Integrated Logistics will be enacted to define the role and responsibilities of all stakeholders in the multimodal logistics space. This will institutionalize the defined roles of the relevant stakeholders as per the National Logistics Policy, 2018 and enable the government to effectively drive the national logistics agenda while ensuring long term continuit y. The Act will provide a broad overarching national framework of general principles concerning the formulation and execution of and support for the policies and plans for logistics in India and overseas for greater efficiency in logistics, strengthening Page 21 of 23 competitive ness of the logistics industry and the greater advancement and internationalization of logistics. 6 Institutional Framework & Governance for Logistics 6.1 In order to drive the above thrust areas, a robust governance framework is critical to ensure e ffective coordination across the various stakeholders and track progress against the defined national logistics plan and the key objectives 6.2 The Logistics Wing under the Department of Commerce, will have the primary responsibility to drive the key thrust ar eas as per the National logistics policy and facilitate alignment across the key central ministries. This will involve extensive coordination, data gathering and monitoring across central ministries (e.g. Roads, Railways, Shipping, Civil Aviation, Food pro cessing and Consumer Affairs, Finance, Home Affairs , D\/o Posts ), Partner Government Agencies, and respective State governments 6.3 For this purpose, four committees\/councils will be constituted: National Council for Logistics, chaired by the Prime Minister Ape x inter -ministerial Committee, chaired by the Minister of Commerce and Industry India Logistics Forum chaired by the Commerce Secretary with representation from key industry\/business stakeholders and academia . Empowered task force on logistics will be created, as a standing committee chaired by the head of the Logistics Wing 6.4 Given the complexities and inter -ministerial nature of logistics, National Council for Logistics will be set up and chaired by the Prime Minister of India. The Council would be comp osed of the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Minister of Railways, Minister of Shipping, Minister of Civil Aviation , Minister of Communications and Minister of Finance. Additionally, as required, respective State Chief Ministers shall participate on invitation basis. The Council will provide overall direction and guidance for the integrated development of logistics in the country. Further, it will review the Page 22 of 23 progress made against the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan every six months. The Logistics Wing will provide secretarial support to the operations of the Council 6.5 An Apex Inter -Ministerial Committee will be setup under the chairmanship of the Minister of Commerce & Industry. This will include a core committee who will advise, provide, approve and implement projects on logistics and will comprise of Secretaries of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Rai lways, D\/o Revenue , Ministry of Environment & Forests & Climate Change, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Ministry of Home Affairs, D\/o of Legal Affairs , D\/o Posts , Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (FSSAI , Plant Quarantine) & Minist ry of Health & Family Welfare(CDSO) . Also, the APEX Inter -Ministerial Committee with constitute a group of user ministries \/departments consisting of Secretaries from Ministry of Steel, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Food & Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare , Ministry of Mines, D\/o of Chemicals & Petrochemicals and Ministry of Power . They will attend the Inter -Ministerial committee meetings on an invitation basis, depending on the matter under discussion. Chief Secretaries of s tate governments will also be made a part of this committee on an invitation basis. This Committee will review the progress against the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan on a quarterly basis, with secretarial support from Logistics Wing. They would a lso resolve cross ministerial issues and bottlenecks, thus facilitating seamless co -ordination between Ministries 6.6 A National Logistics Forum will be created to be chaired by the Commerce Secretary with representation from the government including D\/o Posts , academia , industry\/business stakeholders, for example, logistics service providers like fleet operators, freight forwarders, Custom s agents , shipping lines, warehouse operators, 3PLs etc. as well as from users of logistics services including industry and manufacturing associations, e -commerce players etc. The Forum will be leveraged to hear the voice of the industry on key challenges faced, as well as to understand best practices which could be implemented. Additionally, through this Forum, the Logistics Wing will facilitate industry buy -in and feedback for key interventions in the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan Page 23 of 23 6.7 An empowered task force headed by the head of the Logistics Wing, Department of Commerce will be created and will have representation a t the Joint Secretary (or equivalent) level from Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Finance, D\/o Posts, Ministry of Food & Consumer Affairs and Joint Secretary (or equi valent) from the Partner Government Agencies (FSSAI, Drug Control, Plant and Animal Quarantine). The task force will meet on a monthly basis to review progress against the Integrated National Logistics Action Plan at each intervention level, and also enabl e inter -ministerial coordination\/ information exchange required 7 Amendment of Policy 7.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing paras, the Logistics Wing under the Department of Commerce, with the approval of Competent Authority, may amend various aspects of this policy from time to time depending upon the experience gained during implementation, market dynamics, end user interest etc . ","Summary":"The Draft National Logistics policy has been framed with an aim to create an e-marketplace as an one stop marketplace for exporters and importers and set-up a separate fund for start-ups in the logistics sector in order to double the employment generated by the sector.\n\nThe policy focuses on perishable commodities because of the specialized nature of requirements and gets involved in the \"farm to plate\" domain. The draft policy suggests an increase in the usage of technology based interventions such as digital verification at all check-points to increase the speed across key corridors.\n\nAn online portal aims to bring greater transparency and faster clearances, reducing the cost of the logistics with the help of advanced technologies like blockchain. The Policy will be creating a single point of reference for all the logistics and trade facilitation matters in the country and will act as a knowledge and information sharing platform for all the logistics providers, buyers and government agencies.There will be a data and analytics centre for transparency and continuous monitoring of key logistics metrics, conducted by the National Council for Logistics, chaired by the Prime Minister.\n\nThe Policy aims to promote more cross-regional trade on e-commerce platforms by reducing the costs of transportation and inventory holding, strengthening the air cargo infrastructure, storage infrastructure for railways and improving the technology of the Department of Posts, while developing the warehousing sector.\n\nThe MSME sector and small business sector will be the key beneficiaries of the Policy and will have a better access to the market."},"30":{"Title":"Draft Almond (Kernel) Grading And Marking Rules, 2022","Text":"1920 GI\/2022 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section ( i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY , 1937 (1937 ) -121001 22, 202 2\/ 1, 194 4 No. 214] NEW DELHI, TU ESDAY, MARCH 22, 202 2\/ CHAITRA 1 , 194 4 .-22032022-234363CG-HR-E-22032022-2343632 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] , 2009 (2010 , 1937 (1937 , 2009 (2010 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 0.1 52.0 5.5 0.25 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 0.6 48.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 1.25 45.0 : 10.0 -11047\/06\/ 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE (Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the, 22nd March, 2022 G.S.R . 217 (E) .the following draft of the Almond (kernel) Grading and Marking Rules, 2022 which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of t he powers conferred by section 3 of the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Mark ing) Act, 1937 (1 o f 1937) is hereby published as required by the said section for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of a period of forty -five days from the date on which the copies of the Gazette of India containing this notification are made available to the public . 2. Objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules before the expiry of t he above said period s hall be taken into consideration by the Central Government . 3. Objections or suggestions, if any, in respect of the said draft rules, may be forward ed to the Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India, Directorate o f Marketi ng and Inspection, Head Office, CGO Complex, NH - IV, Faridabad (Haryana) 121001 . DRAFT RULES 1. Short title, application and commencement . - (1) These rules shall be called Almond (kernel) Grading and Marking Rules, 202 2. (2) They shall apply to Almond (kernel) obtained from Prunus amygdalus Batsch syn. and Prunus dulcis Mill.DA Webb. intended for human consumption. (3) They shall co me into force from the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions . - (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, - (a) \"Agricultural Marketing Adviser\" means the Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India ; (b) \"authorized packer\" means a person or a body of persons who has been granted a certificate o f authorization to grade and mark the Almond (kernel) in accordance with the grade standards and procedure prescribed under these rules and the General Grading and Marking Rules ; (c) \"Certificate of Authorization\" means a certificate issued under the provisions of the General Grading and Marking Rules, 1988 authorizing a person or a body of person to grade and mark Almond (kernel) with the grade designation mark; (d) \"General Grading and Marking Rules\" mea ns the General Grading and Marking Rules, 1988 made under section 3 of the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 (1 of 1937); (e) \"Grade Designation Mark\" means \"Agmark Insignia\" referred to in rule 3; (f) \"Legal Metrology (Packaged Commoditie s) Rules means the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, made under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (1 of 2010); and Schedule means a Schedule appended to these rules. (2) Words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 and General Grading and Marking Rules, shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them under th e said Act or the rule s. 3. Grade Designation Mark .-The grade designation mark shall consist of the design of \"AGMARK Insignia\" as set out in Schedule -I, incorporating the certificate of authorization number, the word AGMARK\", the name of commodity and its grade. 4. Grade designations .- The grade designations to indicate the quality of Almond (kernel) including the c riteria for grade designation shall be as set out in Schedule -II. [ 5. Quality . - For the purpose s of these rules, the quality of Almond (kernel) shall be as specif ied in Schedule - II. 6. Method of packing . - (1) Almond (kernel) shall be packed in new clean paper bags or cloth bags or dry jute bags or poly woven bags with inner lining of food grade material or new glass jar or any bio -degradable packaging materials or poly pack s of food grade material or any other packaging material as approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or the officer authorized by him under rule 11 of the General Grading and Marking Rules . (2) The pack aging material shall be free from in sect and fungal infestation and should not impart any toxic substance or undesirable odo ur or flavour to the product. (3) Almond (kernel) shall be packed in pack sizes either in accordance with the provisio ns of the Legal Metrology (Pac kaged Commodities) R ules or as allowed by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser under rule 11 of the General Grading and Marking Rules. (4) Graded material of small pack sizes of the same lot or batch and grade may be packed in a master container with complete details thereon along with grade designation mark. (5) Each package shall contain Almond (kernel) of the same type and of the same grade designation. (6) Each package shall be properly and securely closed and sealed so as to disallow spilling. 7. Method of Marking . - (1) The grade designation mark shall be securely affixed to or printed on each package in the manner approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or the officer authorized by him under Rule 11 of the General Grading and Marking Rules . (2) In addit ion to the grade designation mark, following particulars shall be clearly and indelibly marked on each package, namely. (a) name of the commodity ; (b) grade; (c) variety or trade name (optional) ; (d) lot \/batch number ; (e) date of packing; (f) crop year (optional); (g) net weight; (h) name and address of the authorized packer; (i) maximum retail price (inclusive of all taxes); (j) BEST BEFORE__________MONTH______YEAR; (k) any other particulars as may be specified under the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011 or under the Food Safety a nd Standards (Packaging) Regulations, 2018 and the Food Safety and Standards (Labellin g and Display) Regulations, 2020 or any other law for the time being in force or any instructions issued under provisions of the Act. (3) The ink used for marking on packages shall not contaminate the Almond (kernel) . (4) The authorized packer may after obtaining prior approval of the A gricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorized by him under rule 11 of General Grading & Marking Rules, mark his private t rade mark or trade brand on the graded pack ages provided the same do not indicate quality other th an that indicated by the grade designation mark affixed to the graded packages in accordance with these rules. 8. Special conditions of Certificate of Authorization . - (1) In addition to the conditions specified in sub -rule (8) of rule 3 of the General Grading and Marking Rules , every authorized packer shall comply the conditions specified under these rules. 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (2) T he authorized packer shall either set up his own laboratory as per prescribed norms or have access to an approved State Grading Laboratory or cooperative or association laboratory or a private commercial laboratory manned by a qualified chemist approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or the officer authorized by him under rule 9 of the General Grading and Marking Rules, for testing the quality of Almond (kernel) . (3) The premises of authorized packer shall be maintained in hygienic and sanitary condition s with proper ventilations and well lighted arrangement and the personnel engaged in these operations shall be in sound health and free from any infectious, contagious or communicable disease s. (4) The premises of the authorized packer shall have adequate storage facilities with pucca floor and free from dampness, any kind of cracks and crevices, r odent and insect infestation. (5) The authorized packer and the approved chemist shall observe all instructi ons regarding testing, grading, packing, marking, sealing and maintenance of records which may be issued by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorized by him in this behalf in accordance with the General Grading and Marking Rules from time to time . SCHEDULE -I (See rule 3) (Design of Agmark Insignia) Name of the Commodity (See rule 4 and 5) Grade Designation and Quality of Almond K ernel 1. Almond kernel shall be obtained by drying sound, mature, clean fruits of Prunus amygdalus Batsch syn. and Prunus dulcis Mill.DA Webb. varieties . 2. Minimum requirements : (i) Almond kernel shall. - (a) be sound , whole , sufficiently dried and properly cleaned; (b) have uniform colour and achieved appropriate stage of maturity; (c) have pleasant taste and flavour characteristics to the variety; (d) be free from visible mould growth , rodent contamination ; (e) be free from foreign matter, particles, dust, soil, extraneous vegetable matter, living i nsects, dead insects, insect fragments, insect eggs, mites, rodent contamination; [ (f) be free from any added coloring matter; (g) be free from off -odor, evidences of fermentation, mustiness and rancidity; (ii) for domestic trade, i t shall comply with the restrictions in regard to residual levels of metal contaminants, insecticides and pesticides residue, microbial requirements, crop contaminants, naturally occurring toxic substances and other food safety requirements as specified under th e Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulations, 2011, the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 and other regulations made for domestic trade under Food Safety and Standards Act , 2006 (34 of 2006). (iii) for export trade, i t shall comply with the residual limits of heavy metals, pesticides and other food safety requirements as laid down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission or importing c ountries requirement for exports. 3. Criteria for Grade Designation of Almond Kernel: Designation Maximum limit of tolerance (Percent by mass ) Oil (Minimum) Moisture In shell shell or skin fragments Rancid, rotton and damaged by insects or other pests and brown spot Blemished & Discoloured shrivelled , Dissimilar kernel s Spilt, & halves Kernels Chip ped Scratch ed Kernels Double Kernel Acid Value of Extracted Oil, as oleic insoluble (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Special 5.0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 0.4 0.1 52.0 Standard 5.5 0.25 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 0.6 48.0 General 6.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 1.25 45.0 Total tolerance: Not more than 10.0 ODB means on dry weight basis. Explanations: for the purpose of this table, - (a) Shrunken or shriveled dissimilar kernels means extremely flat and wrinkled, or almond kernel with desiccated, dried out or tough portions when the affected portion represents more than one quarter of the (b) Blemishes and discolored means damage caused by excessive heat \/ sunburn, scars mechanical injury that affects the flavor, color, appearance or edibility of the kernel. (c) Double kernel means two kernels developing in one shell, one side of a kernel is flat or concave. (d) Chip and Scratch kernel means loss of kernel skin or flesh due to mechanical injury. (e) Split and broken means almonds with more than one -third missing portio n. means resinous appearing substance, affecting or not the endosperm covering in aggregate an area more than the equivalent of a circle of 6 mm in diameter; brown spot means slightly depressed brown spots on the almond kernel, affecting or not the endosperm, either single or multiple, caused by the sting of insects as the box elder bug ( LeptocoristrivittatusSay ), covering in aggregate an area more than the equivalent of a circle of 3 mm in diameter; and blemish and discoloration apparent and spr ead stains, other than gum and brown spot, or severe dark or black discoloration contrasting with the natural colour of the kernel skin, affecting in aggregate more than one 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] quarter of the surface of the almond kernel; it is not considered as a defect the normal colour variations between the kernels of one lot. 4. Other requirements :- (i) The condition of the Almond kernel shall be so as to enable it to (a) withstand transport and handling ; and (b) arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination. (ii) Almond (kernel) shall be stored in cool, dry place and properly maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. [F. No.Q -11047\/06\/Almond\/2019 -Std. ] Dr. VIJAYA LAKSHMI NADENDLA, Jt. Secy. (Marketing) Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controll er of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"The Almond (Kernel) Grading and Marking Rules, 2022, specify the quality and the varieties that one needs to follow to get their Almond (kernel) accepted. The rules talk about the kind of grade design one needs to follow along with the method of packing and marking. They are applicable to only a certain type of almond which could be consumed by humans and are obtained from Prunus amygdalus. Batsch syn. and Prunus dulcis Mill. DA Webb. The rules state that the grade designation mark should have the design of \u201cAGMARK Insignia\u201d and it has to show the quality of almond (kernel). The rules explain how the almond (kernel) should be packed and the procedure for marking. They also state that the grade designation mark has to be affixed or printed on each package, and to be approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or by an officer authorised in this regard. To read the complete document, please click here."},"119":{"Title":"Draft notification on ash utilization by coal or lignite thermal power plants","Text":"7703 GI\/2021 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section ( ii) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY . 5075] 31, 202 1\/ 10, 194 3 No. 5075] NEW DEL HI, FRI DAY , DECEMBER 31, 2021\/PAUS HA 10, 1943 .-01012022-232336CG-DL-E-01012022-2323362 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] , 1986 (1986 , 1986 (1986 2021 -2022 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] -9\/1\/2019 - ( %) : 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] ( %) : (1: ____): 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] : - moefcc -coalash@gov.in MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st December , 2021 S.O. 548 1(E).Whereas by notification o f the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests vide S.O.763 (E), dated the 14th September, 1999, as amended from time to time, the Central Government, issued directions for restricting the excavation of top soil for manufact uring of bricks and promoting the utilisation of fly ash in the manufacturing of building materials and in construction activity within a specified radius of three hundred kilometres from the coal or lignite based thermal power plants; And whereas, to impl ement the aforesaid notification more effectively based on the polluter pays principle (PPP) thereby ensuring 100 per cent utilisation of fly ash by the coal or lignite based thermal power plants and for the sustainability of the fly ash management system, the Central Government reviewed the existing notification; and whereas environmental compensation needs to be introduced based on the polluter pays principle; [And whereas, there is a need to conserve top soil by promoting manufacture and mandating use of ash based products and building materials in the construction sector; And whereas, there is a need to conserve top soil and natural resources by promoting utili sation of ash in road laying, road and flyover embankments, shoreline protection measures, low lying areas of approved projects, backfilling of mines, as an alternative for filling of earthen materials; And whereas, it is necessary to protect the environme nt and prevent the dumping and disposal of fly ash discharged from coal or lignite based thermal power plants on land; And whereas, in the said notification the phrase 'ash, has been used which includes both fly ash as well as bottom ash generated from th e Coal or Lignite based thermal power plants; And whereas, the Central Government intends to bring out a comprehensive framework for ash utilisation including system of environmental compensation based on polluter pays principle; And whereas, a draft notif ication on ash utilisation by coal or lignite thermal power plants in supersession of the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests published in the Gazette of India, Extra Ordinary part II, section 3, sub -section (i) vide S.O.763 (E), dated the 14th September, 1999, by notification in exercise of the powers conferred under sub -section (1) and clause (v) of sub -section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with clause (d) of sub -rule (3) of rule (5) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub -section (i), vide G.S.R. 285(E), dated the 22nd April, 2021 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons lik ely to be affected thereby before the expiry of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing the said draft provisions were made available to the public; And, whereas all the objections and suggestions received from all persons likely to be affected thereby in respect of the said draft notification have been duly considered by the Central Government; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub -section (1) and clause (v) of sub -section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with clause (d) of sub -rule (3) of rule (5) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, and in supersession of the Notification S.O.763 (E), dated the 14th September, 1999 except as respect things done or omitted t o be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby issues the following notification on ash utilisation from coal or lignite thermal power plants which shall come into force on the date of the publication of this notification, namely: - A. Responsibilities of thermal power plants to dispose fly ash and bottom ash .(1) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co -generating stations or both) shall be primarily responsible to ensure 100 per cent utilisation of ash (fly a sh, and bottom ash) generated by it in an eco -friendly manner as given in sub -paragraph (2); (2) The ash generated from coal or lignite based thermal power plants shall be utilised only for the following eco -friendly purposes, namely: - (i) Fly ash based products v iz. bricks, blocks, tiles, fibre cement sheets, pipes, boards, panels; (ii) Cement manufacturing, ready mix concrete; (iii) Construction of road and fly over embankment, Ash and Geo -polymer based construction material; (iv) Construction of dam; (v) Filling up of low lying are a; (vi) Filling of mine voids; (vii) Manufacturing of sintered or cold bonded ash aggregate; (viii) Agriculture in a controlled manner based on soil testing; (ix) Construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts; 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] (x) Export of ash to other countries; (xi) Any other ec o-friendly purpose as notified from time to time. (3) A committee shall be constituted under the chairmanship of Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and having representatives from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Minis try of Power, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Institute of Road Congress, National Council for Cement and Building Materials, to examine and review and recomme nd the eco -friendly ways of utilisation of ash and make inclusion or exclusion or modification in the list of such ways as mentioned in Sub -paragraph (2) based on technological developments and requests received from stakeholders. The committee may invite State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee, operators of thermal power plants and mines, cement plants and other stakeholders as and when required for this purpose. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, Ministry of Environment, F orest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) may publish such eco -friendly purpose. (4) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall be responsible to utilise 100 per cent ash (fly ash and bottom ash) generated during that year, however, in no case shall utilisa tion fall below 80 per cent in any year, and the thermal power plant shall achieve average ash utilisation of 100 per cent in a three years cycle: Provided that the three years cycle applicable for the first time is extendable by one year for the thermal p ower plants where ash utilisation is in the range of 60 -80 per cent, and two years where ash utilisation is below 60 per cent and for the purpose of calculation of percentage of ash utilisation, the percentage quantity of utilisation in the year 2021 - 2022 shall be taken into account as per the table below: Utilisation percentages of thermal power plants First compliance Cycle to meet 100 per cent utilisation Second compliance cycle onwards, to meet 100 per cent utilisation >80 per cent 3 years 3 years 60-80 per cent 4 years 3 years <60 per cent 5 years 3 years Provided further that the minimum utilisation percentage of 80 per cent shall not be applicable to the first year and first two years of the first compliance cycle for the thermal power plants under the utilisation category of 60 -80 per cent and <60 per cent, respectively. Provided also that 20per cent of ash generated in the final year of compliance cycle may be carried forward to the next cycle which shall be utilised in the next three years c ycle along with the ash generated during that cycle. (5) The unutilised accumulated ash i.e. legacy ash, which is stored before the publication of this notification, shall be utilised progressively by the thermal power plants in such a manner that the utilizat ion of legacy ash shall be completed fully within ten years from the date of publication of this notification and this will be over and above the utilisation targets prescribed for ash generation through current operations of that particular year: Provided that the minimum quantity of legacy ash in percentages as mentioned below shall be utilised during the corresponding year and the minimum quantity of legacy ash is to be calculated based on the annual ash generation as per installed capacity of thermal po wer plant. Year from date of publication 1st 2nd 3rd -10th Utilisation of legacy ash (in percentage of Annual ash) At least 20 per cent At least 35 per cent At least 50 per cent [Provided further that the legacy ash utilisation shall not be required whe re ash pond or dyke has stabilised and the reclamation has taken place with greenbelt or plantation and the concerned State Pollution Control Board shall certify in this regard. Stabilisation and reclamation of an ash pond or dyke including certification b y the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall be carried out within a year from the date of publication of this notification. The ash remaining in all other ash ponds or dyke s shall be utilised in progressive manner as per the above mentioned timelines. Note : The obligations under sub -paragraph (4) and (5) above for achieving the ash utilisation targets shall be applicable from 1st April, 2022. (6) Any new as well as operational t hermal power plant may be permitted an emergency or temporary ash pond with an area of 0.1 hectare per Mega Watt (MW). Technical specifications of ash ponds or dykes shall be as per the guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) made in consultat ion with Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and these guidelines shall also lay down a procedure for annual certification of the ash pond or dyke on its safety, environmental pollution, available volume, mode of disposal, water consumption or conservation in disposal, ash water recycling and greenbelt, etc., and shall be put in place within three months from the date of publication of this notification. (7) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall ensure that loading, unloading, transport, storage and disposal of ash is done in an environmentally sound manner and that all precautions to prevent air and water pollution are taken and status in this regard shall be reported to the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Com mittee (PCC) in Annexure attached to this notification. (8) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall install dedicated silos for storage of dry fly ash silos for at least sixteen hours of ash based on installed capacity and it shall be reported up on to the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) in the Annexure and shall be inspected by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) from time to time. (9) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co -generating stations or both) shall provide real time data on daily basis of availability of ash with Thermal Power Plant (TPP), by providing link to Central Pollution C ontrol Boards web portal or mobile phone App for the benefit of actual user(s). (10) Statutory obligation of 100 per cent utilisation of ash shall be treated as a change in law, wherever applicable. B. For the purpose of utilisation of ash, the subsequent sub -par as shall apply .(1) All agencies (Government, Semi -government and Private) engaged in construction activities such as road laying, road and flyover embankments, shoreline protection structures in coastal districts and dams within 300 kms from the lignite or c oal based thermal power plants shall mandatorily utilise ash in these activities: Provided that it is delivered at the project site free of cost and transportation cost is borne by such coal or lignite based thermal power plants. Provided further that the rmal power plant may charge for ash cost and transportation as per mutually agreed terms, in case thermal power plant is able to dispose the ash through other means and those agencies makes a request for it and the provisions of ash free of cost and free t ransportation shall be applicable, if thermal power plant serves a notice on the construction agency for the same. (2) The utilisation of ash in the said activities shall be carried out in accordance with specifications and guidelines laid down by the Bureau o f Indian Standards, Indian Road Congress, Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, Central Road Research Institute, Delhi, Central Public Works Department, State Public Works Departments and other Central and State Government Agencies. 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] (3) It shall be ob ligatory on all mines located within 300 kilometres radius of thermal power plant, to undertake backfilling of ash in mine voids or mixing of ash with external Overburden dumps, under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). All mine owners or operators (Go vernment, Public and Private Sector) within three hundred kilometres (by road) from coal or lignite based thermal power plants, shall undertake measures to mix at least 25 per cent of ash on weight to weight basis of the materials used for external dump of overburden, backfilling or stowing of mine (running or abandoned as the case may be) as per the guidelines of the Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS): Provided that such thermal power stations shall facilitate the availability of required quantity of ash by delivering ash free of cost and bearing the cost of transportation or cost or transportation arrangement decided on mutually agreed terms and m ixing of ash with overburden in mine voids and dumps shall be applicable for the overburden generated from the date of publication of this notification and the utilisation of ash in the said activities shall be carried out in accordance with guidelines laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board, Director General of Mines Safety and Indian Bureau of Mines . Explanation. - For the purpose of this sub -paragraph, it is also clarified that the provisions of ash free of cost and free transportation shall be applicable, if thermal power plants serve a notice on the mine owner for the same and the mandate of using 25 per cent of ash for mixing with overburden dump and filling up of mine voids shall not be applicable unless a notice is served on the mine owner by thermal power plant. (4) (i) All mine owners shall get mine closure plans (progressive and final) to accommo date ash in the mine voids and the concerned authority shall approve mine plans for disposal of ash in mine voids and mixing of ash with overburden dumps. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has issued guidelines on 28th August, 2019 regarding exemption of requirement of Environmental Clearance of thermal power plants and coal mines along with the guidelines to be followed for such disposal. (ii) The Ministry in consultation with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Director General of Mine Safety (DGMS) and Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) may issue further guidelines time to time to facilitate ash disposal in mine voids and mixing with overburden dumps and it shall be the responsibility of mine owners to get the necessary amendm ents or modifications in the permissions issued by various regulatory authorities within one year from the date of identification of such mines. (5) (i) There shall be a committee headed by Chairperson, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with representativ es from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Coal, Director General of Mine Safety and Indian Bureau of Mines for identification of mines for backfilling of mine voids with ash or mixing of a sh with overburden dump including examination of safety, feasibility (not economic feasibility) and aspects of environmental contamination and the committee shall get updated quarterly reports prepared regarding identified mines (both underground and openc ast) for the stakeholder Ministries or Departments and the committee shall start identifying the suitable mines immediately after the publication of this notification. (ii) Thermal power plants or mines shall not wait for disposal of ash till the identific ation is done by the above mentioned committee, to meet the utilisation targets mandated as above. (6) Filling of low lying areas with ash shall be carried out with prior permission of the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee for approv ed projects, and in accordance with guidelines laid down by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall publish approved sites, location, area and permitted quantity annually on it s website. (7) Central Pollution Control Board after engaging relevant stakeholders, shall put in place the guidelines within one year for all types of activities envisaged under this notification including putting in place time bound online application proces s for the grant permission by State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) or Pollution Control Committees (PCCs). [(8) All building construction projects (Central, State and Local authorities, Govt. undertakings, other Govt. agencies and all private agencies) locate d within a radius of three hundred kilometres from a coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall use ash bricks, tiles, sintered ash aggregate or other ash based products, provided these are made available at prices not higher than the price of alterna tive products. (9) Manufacturing of ash based products and use of ash in such products shall be in accordance with specifications and guidelines laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards, Indian Road Congress, and Central Pollution Control Board. C. Environment al compensation for non -compliance. (1) In the first two years of a three years cycle, if the coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co -generating stations or both) has not achieved at least 80 per cent ash (fly ash and bottom ash) utilisation , then such non -compliant thermal power plants shall be imposed with an environmental compensation of Rs. 1000 per ton on unutilised ash during the end of financial year based on the annual reports submitted and if it is unable to utilise 100 per cent of ash in the third year of the three years cycle, it shall be liable to pay an environmental compensation of Rs. 1000 per ton on the unutilised quantity on which environmental compensation has not been imposed earlier: Provided that the environmental compensation shall be estimated and imposed at the end of last year of the first compliance cycle as per the various utilisation categories as mentioned in sub -paragraph (4) of Para A. (2) Environmental compensation collected by the authorities shall be depos ited in the designated account of Central Pollution Control Board. (3) In case of legacy ash, if the coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co -generating stations or both) has not achieved utilisation equivalent to at least 20 per cen t (for the first year), 35 per cent (for the second year), 50 per cent (for third to tenth year) of ash generated based on installed capacity, an environmental compensation of Rs. 1000 per ton of unutilised legacy ash during that financial year shall be imposed and if the utilization of legacy ash is not completed at the end of 10 years, an environmental compensation of Rs.1000 per ton shall be imposed on the remaining unutilised quantity which has not been imposed earlier. (4) It shall be the responsibility of the transporters or vehicle owner to deliver ash to authorised purchaser or user agency and if it is not complied, then an environmental compensation of Rs. 1500 per ton on such quantity as mis -delivered to unauthorised users or non - delivered to authoris ed users will be imposed besides prosecution of such non -compliant transporters by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (5) It is the responsibility of the purchasers or user agencies to utilise ash in an eco -friendly man ner as laid down at para B of this notification and if it is not complied, then an environmental compensation of Rs. 1500 or per ton shall be imposed by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC). (6) If the user agencies do not utilise ash to the extent obligated under para B or the extent to which they have been intimated through Notice(s) served under sub -paragraph (1) of para D, whichever is lower, they shall be liable to pay Rs. 1500 per ton of ash for the quantity they fall short off: Provided that the environmental compensation on building constructions shall be levied at Rs.75\/ - per square feet of built up area of construction. (7) (i) The environmental compensation collected by Central Pollution Control Board from the thermal power plants and other defaulters shall be used towards the safe disposal of the unutilised ash and the fund may also be utilised for advancing research on use of ash including ash based products. (ii) The liability of ash utilisation shall be with thermal power plants even after imposition of environmental compensation on unutilised quantities and in case thermal power plant achieves the ash utilisation of any 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] particular cycle after imposition of environmental compensation in subsequent cycles, the said am ount shall be returned to thermal power plant after deducting 10 per cent of the environmental compensation collected on the unutilised quantity during the next cycle and deduction of 20 per cent, 30 per cent, and so on, of the environmental compensation c ollected is to be made in case of utilisation of ash in subsequent cycles. D. Procedure for supply of ash or ash based products .(1) The owner of thermal power plants or manufacturers of ash bricks or tiles or sintered ash aggregate shall serve written notice to persons or agencies who are liable to utilise ash or ash based products, offering for sale, or transport or both. (2) Persons or user agencies who have been served notices by owner of thermal power plants or manufacturers of ash bricks or tiles or sintered as h aggregate, if they have already tied up with other agencies for the purpose of utilisation of ash or ash products, shall inform the thermal power plant accordingly, if they cannot use any ash or ash products or use reduced quantity. E. Enforcement, Monitor ing, Audit and Reporting .(1) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall be the enforcing and monitoring authority for ensuring compliance of the provisions and shall monitor the utilisation of ash on quarterly basis. Central Pollution Control Board shall develop a portal for the purpose within six months of date of publication of the notification. The concerned District Magistrate shall have concurrent jurisdicti on for enforcement and monitoring of the provisions of this notification. (2) (i) Thermal power plants shall upload monthly information regarding ash generation and utilisation by 5th of the next month on the web portal. Annual implementation report (for the period 1st April to 31st March) providing information about the compliance of provisions in this notification shall be submitted by the 30th day of April, every year to the Central Pollution Control Board, concerned State Pollution Control Board or Polluti on Control Committee (PCC), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), and concerned Integrated Regional Office of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change by the coal or lignite based thermal power plants. Central Pollution Control Board and Central E lectricity Authority shall compile the annual reports submitted by all the thermal power plants and submit to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change by 31st May. (ii) All other user agencies shall submit consumption or utilisation or disposal of ash and use of ash based products as mandated in this notification in the compliance report of Environmental Clearance (EC) issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change or State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) or Co nsent to Operate (CTO) issued by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC), whichever is applicable. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) sha ll publish annual report of ash utilisation of all other agencies except thermal power plants to review the effective implementation of the provisions of the notification. (3) For the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the provisions of this notificat ion, a committee shall be constituted under the Chairperson, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), with members from Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry Road Transportation and Highways, Department of Heavy Industry as well as any concerned stakeholder(s), to be nominated by the Chairman of the committee. The committee may make recommendations for effective and efficient implementation of the provisions of the notification. T he committee shall meet at least once in six months and review annual implementation reports and the committee shall also hold stakeholder consultations for monitoring of ash utilisation as mandated by this notification by inviting relevant stakeholder(s) at least once in six months. The committee shall submit the six monthly report to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). [(4) For the purpose of resolving disputes between thermal power plants and users of ash or manufacturer of ash based products, the State Governments or Union territory administration constitute a Committee within three months from the date of publication of this notification under the Chairman, State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) wit h representatives from Department of Power, and one representative from the Department which deals with the subject of concerned agency with which dispute is (5) The compliance audit for ash disposal by the thermal power plants and the user agency shall be conducted by auditors, authorised by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and audit report shall be submitted to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) by 30th Nov ember every year. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall initiate action against non -compliant thermal power plants within fifteen days of receipt of audit report . [F. No. HSM -9\/1\/2019 -HSM ] NARESH PAL GANGWAR , Jt. Secy . Annexure Ash Compliance Report (for the period 1st April -31st March) to be submitted on or before 31st May. Sl. No. Details 1. Name of Power Plant 2. Name of the company 3. District 4. State 5. Postal address for communication: 6. E-mail: 7. Power Plant installed capacity (MW): 8. Plant Load Factor (PLF): 9. No. of units generated (MWh): 10. Total area under power plant (ha): (including area under ash ponds) 11. Quantity of coal consumption during reporting period (Metric Tons per Annum): 12 Average ash content in percentage (per cent): 13. Quantity of current ash generation during reporting period (Metric Tons per Annum): Fly ash (Metric Tons per Annum): Bottom ash (Metric Tons per Annum): 14. Capacity of dry fly ash storage silo(s) (Metric Tons) : 15 Details of utilisation of current ash generated during reporting (a) Total quantity of current ash utilised (MTPA) during reporting period: (b) Quantity of fly ash utilised (MTPA): (i) Fly ash based products (bricks or blocks or tiles or fibre cement sheets or pipes or boards or panels) (ii) Cement manufacturing: 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] (iii) Ready mix concrete: (iv) Ash and Geo -polymer based construction material: (v) Manufacturing of sinte red or cold bonded ash aggregate: (vi) Construction of roads, road and fly over embankment: (vii) Construction of dams: (viii) Filling up of low lying area: (ix) Filling of mine voids: (x) Use in overburden dumps: (xi) Agriculture: (xii) Construction of shoreline protection structures in coas tal districts; (xiii) Export of ash to other countries: (xiv) Others (please specify): (c) Quantity of bottom ash utilised (MTPA): (i) Fly ash based products (bricks or blocks or tiles or fibre cement sheets or pipes or boards or panels): (ii) Cement manufacturing: (iii) Ready mix c oncrete: (iv) Ash and Geo -polymer based construction material: (v) Manufacturing of sintered or cold bonded ash aggregate: (vi) Construction of roads, road and flyover embankment: (vii) Construction of dams: (viii) Filling up of low lying area: (ix) Filling of mine voids: (x) Use in overbur den dumps: (xi) Agriculture: (xii) Construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts: (xiii) Export of ash to other countries: (xiv) Others (please specify): Total quantity of current ash unutilised (MTPA) during reporting period: 16. Percentage utilisatio n of current ash generated during reporting period (per cent): 17. Details of disposal of ash in ash ponds (a) Total quantity of ash disposed in ash pond(s) (Metric Tons) as on 31st March (excluding reporting period): (b) Quantity of ash disposed in ash pond(s) during reporting period (Metric Tons): (c) Total quantity of water consumption for slurry discharge into ash ponds during reporting period (m3): (d) Total number of ash ponds: (i) Active: (ii) Exhausted (yet to be reclaimed): (iii) Reclaimed: (e) total area u nder ash ponds (ha): 18. Individual ash pond details Ash pond -1,2, etc (please provide below mentioned details separately, if number of ash ponds is more than one) (a) Status: Under construction or Active or Exhausted or [Reclaimed (b) Date of start o f ash disposal in ash pond (DD\/MM\/YYYY or MMYYYY): (c) Date of stoppage of ash disposal in ash pond after completing its capacity (DD\/MM\/YYYY or MM\/YYYY): (Not applicable for active ash ponds) (c) area (hectares): (d) dyke height (m): (d) volume (m3): (e) quantity of ash disposed as on 31st March (Metric Tons): (f) available volume in percentage (per cent) and quantity of ash can be further disposed (Metric Tons): (g) expected life of ash pond (number of years and months): (e) co -ordinates (Lat and Long ): (please specify minimum 4 co -ordinates) (f) type of lining carried in ash pond: HDPE lining or LDPE lining or clay lining or No lining g) mode of disposal: Dry disposal or wet slurry (in case of wet slurry please specify whether HCSD or MCSD or LCSD) (h) Ratio of ash: water in slurry mix (1:___ ): (i) Ash water recycling system (AWRS) installed and functioning: Yes or No (j) Quantity of wastewater from ash pond discharged into land or water body (m3): (k) Last date when the dyke stability stu dy was conducted and name of the organisation who conducted the study: (l) Last date when the audit was conducted and name of the organisation who conducted the audit: 19. Quantity of legacy ash utilised (MTPA): i. Fly ash based products (bricks or bloc ks or tiles or fibre cement sheets or pipes or boards or panels): ii. Cement manufacturing: iii. Ready mix concrete: iv. Ash and Geo -polymer based construction material: v. Manufacturing of sintered or cold bonded ash aggregate: vi. Construction of roads, road and flyover emb ankment: vii. Construction of dams: viii. Filling up of low lying area: ix. Filling of mine voids: x. Use in overburden dumps: xi. Agriculture: xii. Construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts; xiii. Export of ash to other countries: xiv. Others (please specify): 20. Summary: Details Quantity generated (MTP) Quantity utilised (MTP) and (per cent) Balance quantity (MTP) 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( ii)] Current ash during reporting period Legacy ash Total 21. Any other information: Soft copy of the annual compliance report, and shape files of power plant and ash ponds may be e -mailed to: - moefcc -coalash@gov.in 22. Signature of Authorised Signatory Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) on December 31, 2021 has issued a draft notification to restrict the excavation of top soil for manufacturing of bricks and promoting the utilisation of fly ash in the manufacturing of building materials and in construction activity within a specified radius of three hundred kilometres from the coal or lignite based thermal power plants. The draft notification place responsibility to utilise fly and bottom ash generated by coal or ignite based thermal power plant for eco-friendly purposes. 100 percent of ash generated by plant shall be utilised, and in any case, utilisation shall not fall below 80 percent in given year. If the thermal plant does not utilise 80% of ash, then it is considered as non-compliance with a fine of 1000-\/ INR per ton. The transporter is responsible to deliver ash to authorised users, and non-compliance to that leads to compensation of 1500-\/ INR per ton along with prosecution. Non-compliance to eco-friendly utilisation invites compensation of 1500-\/ INR per ton. The compensation collected is deposited in the account of Central Pollution Control Board and the collected amount will be used for research. The role of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Board\/Pollution Control Committee (SPCB\/PCC) is to ensure compliance with respect to ash utilization and act if there exists non-compliance with respect to the same. The CPCB shall develop web portals for the users and manufacturers. They shall also publish an annual report on ash utilization for the purpose of the notification. The SPCB\/PCC shall collect the annual reports submitted by thermal power plants and submit a curated report to the MoEFCC. There are two proposed committees yet to be formed. One which will be headed by a member of the CPCB and the committee will make recommendations for effective implementation of the notification by meeting at least once in six months to submit monthly reports to MoEFCC. Another committee will be headed by a member from the SPCB\/PCC for the purpose of resolving disputes between power plant owners and ash users. To read the complete document, please click here."},"29":{"Title":"Draft Aircraft (Amendment) Rules, 2022","Text":"4574 GI\/2022 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section ( i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY , 1934 (1934 dgoffice.dgca@nic.in (.... .... 6, 202 2\/ 15, 194 4 No. 482] NEW DELHI, WEDNES DAY, JU LY 6, 202 2\/AS HADHA 15, 194 4 .-06072022-237129CG-DL-E-06072022-2371292 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PAR T IISEC. 3( i)] (iii) (vi) ( owner) II, ---- -11012\/1\/202 2- 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PAR T IISEC. 3( i)] MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 6th July, 2022 G.S.R . 520 (E).The following draft of certain rules further to amend the Aircraft Rules, 1937, which the Central Go vernment proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Aircraft Act, 1934 (22 of 1934), is hereby published as required by section 14 of the said Act, for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is he reby given that the said draft rules will be taken into consideration after a period of thirty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette of India, in which this notification is published, are made available to the public; Objections or suggestions, if any, may be addressed to the Director -General of Civil Aviation, Opposite Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi -110003 or mailed to dgoffice.dgca@nic.in ; Any objection or suggestion which ma y be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules before the expiry of the period specified above will be considered by the Central Government. Draft Rules 1. (1) These rules may be called the Aircraft (..Amendment) Rules, 2022. (2) The y shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Aircraft Rules, 1937 (A) in rule 13, (i) for the words Government Aerodrome w herever they occur, the words Aerodrome licensed by the Director -General of Civil Aviati on shall be substituted; (ii) for the words Civil Aviation Department, the words Directorate General of Civil Aviation shall be substituted; (B) in rule 38, in sub -rule (1), (i) for clause (h), the following clause shall be substituted, namely; (h) Flight Instructors Rating (for aeroplanes, helicopters);(ii) for clause (i), the following clause shall be substituted, namely; s License (for gliders, balloons, microlight aircraft, light sport aircraft and gyroplane); (C) in rule 39C, in sub -rule (1), in Table, (i) against serial number (i), in column (3), for the words Five years the words shall be substituted; (ii) against serial number (ii), in column (3), for the words Five years the words shall be substituted; (D) in rule 42, after fourth proviso to sub -rule (1), the following sub rules shall be inserted, (i) (1A). The requirements of competency and recency for exercising the privileges of the licence, as prescribed by the Director -General, shall be completed before Instrument rating test and Pilot Proficiency check; (ii) (1B). Ensuring compliance of requirements as mentioned above in sub -rule (1A) shall be the responsibility of the Examiner, Operator or individual and such compliance would be verified by the Director -General at the time of renewal of license, ratings, as the case may (iii) (1C). For all other cases, where renewal of rating is not required, the compliance of requirements as mentioned above in sub -rule (1A) shall be submitted to D irector -General [by the individual or by the Operator, in every 2 years during the validity period of the license. (E) in rule 66, (i) in sub -rule (1), (a) for the words , the words any light including but not limited to the lights from Lantern Kites, Wish Kites, Laser light or any other light shall be substituted; (b) in clause (a) , for the words 5 kilometres, the words five nautical miles shall be substituted; (c) in clause (c) , for the words the words vicinity o f five nautical milesbe substituted; (d) at the end of clause (d), the text the Central Government may serve a notice upon the owner or person in possession of the place where the light is exhibited or upon the person having charge of the light, directing that owner or person, within a reasonable time to be specified in the notice, to take effectual means for extinguishing or for effectually screening the light and for preventing for the future the exhibition of any similar light shall be omitte d; (ii) after clause (d) , the following clause shall be inserted, namely: ---- (e) which may disrupt safe operation of the aircraft or may pose hazard to the operating (iii) after clause (e) , the following text shall be inserted, namely: ---- the Central G overnment. or any person authorised by the Central Government through notification in Official Gazette, may serve a notice upon the owner or person in possession of the place where the light is exhibited or upon the person having charge of the light, direc ting the owner or person to take effectual means for extinguishing or for effectually screening the light with immediate effect and for preventing for the future, the exhibition of any similar light.(iv) in sub -rule (3), for the words in the absence of reasonable cause, the burden of proving which shall be upon him, comply with the direction contained in the notice. the words immediately act in accordance with the directions contained in the said notice. shall be substituted; (v) for the sub rule (4), the following sub -rule shall be substituted, namely; (4) In case the owner or person who has been directed to extinguish the light has any reasonable cause to operate such light, the burden of proving which shall be upon him, may, after exting uishing or stopping exhibition of lights, submit an appeal from the directions of Airport Operator, to the Director General of Civil Aviation.(vi) after sub -rule (4) , the following sub -rules shall be inserted, namely: (5) If any owner or person on whom a notice under this rule is served, neglects for a period of twenty four hour to extinguish or effectually to screen the light mentioned in the notice, the Central Government. or any person authorised by the Central Government may enter upon the place where the light is and forthwith extinguish the same, doing no unnecessary damage and may also report the matter to the concerned police station for initiating the action of commission of offence as provided under the Indian Penal Code. (6) In case the source of the light observed by the Operating crew of any aircraft is not located or the use of such light is not from a determined place or the source of emission of light is shifting from one place to another then the Airport Operator or the Airline Oper ator as the case may be, shall immediately report the matter to the concerned police station so as to initiate action for commission of offence as provided under the Indian Penal Code. (F) in rule 67A, in sub -rule (6) , for the word , the word , shall be substituted; 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PAR T IISEC. 3( i)] (G) in Schedule II, (i) in Section A, the paragraph 9, shall be renumbered as paragraph 10; (ii) in Section M, , in paragraph 4, for clause (c),the following clause shall be substituted, namely: - (c) Instrument Rating - The Instrument rating shall be part of the Airline Transport Pilot License and therefore no separate Instrument Rating will be issued, however, the Instrument Rating shall be renewed as per the requirements specified in Section Schedule II. (H) in Schedule VIB, in paragraph 2, in Table 2, against serial number 81, in column (2), the shall be omitted. [F. No. AV -11012\/1\/2022 -DG] SATYENDRA KUMAR MISHRA , Jt. Secy . Note : The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, vide notification number V -26, dated the 23rd March, 1937 and last amended vide G.S.R. 289(E), dated the 08th April, 2022 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub -section (i), dated the 08th April, 20 22. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"The Ministry of Civil Aviation has proposed changes to the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and has invited public comments on the proposed Rules. The Government is proposing several changes to these Rules. Some of these are: Increase in Validity of Licence The proposed Rules increase the validity of licences provided to Airline Transport Pilots, Commercial Pilots, Flight Navigators and Flight Navigators from five years to ten years. Licence Rules The proposed Rules introduce several compliance requirements for licence holders. Additionally, for licences that do not require a rating renewal, the holders must adhere to compliance requirements every two and a half years. False lights Aircraft Rules also regulate lights in the vicinity of aeronautical ground beacons that could endanger aircraft safety. The proposed Rules broaden the definition of \u2018lights\u2019 to include Lantern Kites, Wish Kites, Laser lights or any other light. Additionally, the term \u2018vicinity\u2019 would mean five nautical miles. To read the other proposed changes in the complete document, click here."},"144":{"Title":"Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019","Text":"THE PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION BILL, 2019 ARRANGEMENT OF CLAUSESCHAPTER IPRELIMINARY1. Short title and commencement.2. Application of Act to processing of personal data.3. Definitions. CHAPTER IIOBLIGATIONS OF D ATA FIDUCIARY4. Prohibition of processing of personal data.5. Limitation on purpose of processing of personal data.6. Limitation on collection of personal data.7. Requirement of notice for collection or processing of personal data.8. Quality of personal data processed.9. Restriction on retention of personal data.10. Accountability of data fiduciary.11. Consent necessary for processing of personal data. CHAPTER IIIGROUNDS FOR PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA WITHOUT CONSENT12. Grounds for processing of personal data without consent in certain cases.13. Processing of personal data necessary for purposes related to employment, etc.14. Processing of personal data for other reasonable purposes.15. Categorisation of personal data as sensitive personal data. CHAPTER IVPERSONAL D ATA AND SENSITIVE PERSONAL DA TA OF CHILDREN16. Processing of personal data and sensitive personal data of children. CHAPTER VRIGHTS OF DA TA PRINCIPAL17. Right to confirmation and access.18. Right to correction and erasure.19. Right to data portability.Bill No. 373 of 2019AS INTRODUCED IN LOK SABHACLAUSES(ii)20. Right to be forgotten.21. General conditions for the exercise of rights in this Chapter. CHAPTER VITRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES22. Privacy by design policy.23. Transparency in processing of personal data.24. Security safeguards.25. Reporting of personal data breach.26. Classification of data fiduciaries as significant data fiduciaries.27. Data protection impact assessment.28. Maintenance of records.29. Audit of policies and conduct of processing, etc.30. Data protection officer.31. Processing by entities other than data fiduciaries.32. Grievance redressal by data fiduciary. CHAPTER VIIRESTRICTION ON TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA OUTSIDE INDIA33. Prohibition of processing of sensitive personal data and critical personal data outsideIndia.34. Conditions for transfer of sensitive personal data and critical personal data. CHAPTER VIIIE35. Power of Central Government to exempt any agency of Government from applicationof the Act.36. Exemption of certain provisions for certain processing of personal data.37. Power of Central Government to exempt certain data processors.38. Exemption for research, archiving or statistical purposes.39. Exemption for manual processing by small entities.40. Sandbox for encouraging innovation, etc. CHAPTER IXDATA PROTECTION A UTHORITY OF INDIA41. Establishment of Authority.42. Composition and qualifications for appointment of Members.43. Terms and conditions of appointment.44. Removal of Chairperson or other Members.45. Powers of Chairperson.46. Meetings of Authority.47. Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of Authority.48. Officers and other employees of Authority.49. Powers and functions of Authority.50. Codes of practice.CLAUSES(iii)51. Power of Authority to issue directions.52. Power of Authority to call for information.53. Power of Authority to conduct inquiry.54. Action to be taken by Authority pursuant to an inquiry.55. Search and seizure.56. Co-ordination between Authority and other regulators or authorities. CHAPTER XPENALTIES AND COMPENSA TION57. Penalties for contravening certain provisions of the Act.58. Penalty for failure to comply with data principal requests under Chapter V .59. Penalty for failure to furnish report, returns, information, etc.60. Penalty for failure to comply with direction or order issued by Authority.61. Penalty for contravention where no separate penalty has been provided.62. Appointment of Adjudicating Officer.63. Procedure for adjudication by Adjudicating Officer.64. Compensation.65. Compensation or penalties not to interfere with other punishment.66. Recovery of amounts. CHAPTER XIAPPELLATE T RIBUNAL67. Establishment of Appellate Tribunal.68. Qualifications, appointment, term, conditions of service of Members.69. Vacancies.70. Staff of Appellate Tribunal.71. Distribution of business amongst Benches.72. Appeals to Appellate Tribunal.73. Procedure and powers of Appellate Tribunal.74. Orders passed by Appellate Tribunal to be executable as a decree.75. Appeal to Supreme Court.76. Right to legal representation.77. Civil court not to have jurisdiction. CHAPTER XIIFINANCE , ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT78. Grants by Central Government.79. Data Protection Authority of India Funds.80. Accounts and Audit.81. Furnishing of returns, etc., to Central Government. CHAPTER XIIIO82. Re-identification and processing of de-identified personal data.83. Offences to be cognizable and non-bailable.CLAUSES84. Offences by companies.85. Offences by State. CHAPTER XIVMISCELLANEOUS86. Power of Central Government to issue directions.87. Members, etc., to be public servants.88. Protection of action taken in good faith.89. Exemption from tax on income.90. Delegation.91. Act to promote framing of policies for digital economy, etc.92. Bar on processing certain forms of biometric data.93. Power to make rules.94. Power to make regulations.95. Rules and regulations to be laid before Parliament.96. Overriding effect of this Act.97. Power to remove difficulties.98. Amendment of Act 21 of 2000.THE SCHEDULE.(iv) CLAUSESTHE PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION BILL, 2019BILL to provide for protection of the privacy of individuals relating to their personal data,specify the flow and usage of personal data, create a relationship of trust betweenpersons and entities processing the personal data, protect the rights of individualswhose personal data are processed, to create a framework for organisational andtechnical measures in processing of data, laying down norms for social mediaintermediary, cross-border transfer, accountability of entities processing personaldata, remedies for unauthorised and harmful processing, and to establish a DataProtection Authority of India for the said purposes and for matters connected therewithor incidental thereto.WHEREAS the right to privacy is a fundamental right and it is necessary to protectpersonal data as an essential facet of informational privacy;AND WHEREAS the growth of the digital economy has expanded the use of data as acritical means of communication between persons;AS INTRODUCED IN LOK SABHABill No. 373 of 20192 AND WHEREAS it is necessary to create a collective culture that fosters a free and fairdigital economy, respecting the informational privacy of individuals, and ensuringempowerment, progress and innovation through digital governance and inclusion and formatters connected therewith or incidental thereto.BE it enacted by Parliament in the Seventieth Year of the Republic of India as follows:CHAPTER IPRELIMINARY1. (1) This Act may be called the Personal Data Protection Act, 2019.(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notificationin the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different provisionsof this Act and any reference in any such provision to the commencement of this Act shallbe construed as a reference to the coming into force of that provision.2. The provisions of this Act,(A) shall apply to(a) the processing of personal data where such data has been collected,disclosed, shared or otherwise processed within the territory of India;(b) the processing of personal data by the State, any Indian company, anycitizen of India or any person or body of persons incorporated or created underIndian law;(c) the processing of personal data by data fiduciaries or data processorsnot present within the territory of India, if such processing is(i) in connection with any business carried on in India, or anysystematic activity of offering goods or services to data principals withinthe territory of India; or(ii) in connection with any activity which involves profiling of dataprincipals within the territory of India.(B) shall not apply to the processing of anonymised data, other than theanonymised data referred to in section 91.3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,(1) \"Adjudicating Officer\" means the Adjudicating Officer appointed as suchunder sub-section (1) of section 62;(2) \"anonymisation\" in relation to personal data, means such irreversible processof transforming or converting personal data to a form in which a data principal cannotbe identified, which meets the standards of irreversibility specified by the Authority;(3) \"anonymised data\" means data which has undergone the process ofanonymisation;(4) \"Appellate Tribunal\" means the Tribunal established under sub-section ( 1) or notified under sub-section (4) of section 67;(5) \"Authority\" means the Data Protection Authority of India established undersub-section (1) of section 41;(6) \"automated means\" means any equipment capable of operating automaticallyin response to instructions given for the purpose of processing data;(7) \"biometric data\" means facial images, fingerprints, iris scans, or any othersimilar personal data resulting from measurements or technical processing operationsShort title andcommencement.Application ofAct toprocessing ofpersonal data.Definitions.5403 carried out on physical, physiological, or behavioural characteristics of a data principal,which allow or confirm the unique identification of that natural person;(8) \"child\" means a person who has not completed eighteen years of age;(9) \"code of practice\" means a code of practice issued by the Authority undersection 50;(10) \"consent\" means the consent referred to in section 11;(11) \"data\" includes a representation of information, facts, concepts, opinionsor instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processingby humans or by automated means;(12) \"data auditor\" means an independent data auditor referred to in section 29;(13) \"data fiduciary\" means any person, including the State, a company, anyjuristic entity or any individual who alone or in conjunction with others determines thepurpose and means of processing of personal data;(14) \"data principal\" means the natural person to whom the personal data relates;(15) \"data processor\" means any person, including the State, a company, anyjuristic entity or any individual, who processes personal data on behalf of a datafiduciary;(16) \"de-identification\" means the process by which a data fiduciary or dataprocessor may remove, or mask identifiers from personal data, or replace them withsuch other fictitious name or code that is unique to an individual but does not, on itsown, directly identify the data principal;(17) \"disaster\" shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause ( d) of section 2 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005;(18) \"financial data\" means any number or other personal data used to identifyan account opened by, or card or payment instrument issued by a financial institutionto a data principal or any personal data regarding the relationship between a financialinstitution and a data principal including financial status and credit history;(19) \"genetic data\" means personal data relating to the inherited or acquiredgenetic characteristics of a natural person which give unique information about thebehavioural characteristics, physiology or the health of that natural person and whichresult, in particular, from an analysis of a biological sample from the natural person inquestion;(20) \"harm\" includes(i) bodily or mental injury;(ii) loss, distortion or theft of identity;(iii) financial loss or loss of property;(iv) loss of reputation or humiliation;(v) loss of employment;(vi) any discriminatory treatment;(vii) any subjection to blackmail or extortion;(viii) any denial or withdrawal of a service, benefit or good resulting froman evaluative decision about the data principal;(ix) any restriction placed or suffered directly or indirectly on speech,movement or any other action arising out of a fear of being observed or surveilled;or53 of 2005.5454(x) any observation or surveillance that is not reasonably expected by thedata principal;(21) \"health data\" means the data related to the state of physical or mentalhealth of the data principal and includes records regarding the past, present or futurestate of the health of such data principal, data collected in the course of registrationfor, or provision of health services, data associating the data principal to the provisionof specific health services;(22) \"intra-group schemes\" means the schemes approved by the Authorityunder clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 34;(23) \"in writing\" includes any communication in electronic format as defined inclause (r) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Information Technology Act, 2000;(24) \"journalistic purpose\" means any activity intended towards thedissemination through print, electronic or any other media of factual reports, analysis,opinions, views or documentaries regarding(i) news, recent or current events; or(ii) any other information which the data fiduciary believes the public, orany significantly discernible class of the public, to have an interest in;(25) \"notification\" means a notification published in the Official Gazette and theexpression \"notify\" shall be construed accordingly;(26) \"official identifier\" means any number, code, or other identifier, assigned toa data principal under a law made by Parliament or any State Legislature which may beused for the purpose of verifying the identity of a data principal;(27) \"person\" includes(i) an individual,(ii) a Hindu undivided family,(iii) a company,(iv) a firm,(v) an association of persons or a body of individuals, whether incorporatedor not,(vi) the State, and(vii) every artificial juridical person, not falling within any of the precedingsub-clauses;(28) \"personal data\" means data about or relating to a natural person who isdirectly or indirectly identifiable, having regard to any characteristic, trait, attribute orany other feature of the identity of such natural person, whether online or offline, orany combination of such features with any other information, and shall include anyinference drawn from such data for the purpose of profiling;(29) \"personal data breach\" means any unauthorised or accidental disclosure,acquisition, sharing, use, alteration, destruction of or loss of access to, personal datathat compromises the confidentiality, integrity or availability of personal data to a dataprincipal;(30) \"prescribed\" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;(31) \"processing\" in relation to personal data, means an operation or set ofoperations performed on personal data, and may include operations such as collection,recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, use,alignment or combination, indexing, disclosure by transmission, dissemination orotherwise making available, restriction, erasure or destruction;21 of 2000.5455 (32) \"profiling\" means any form of processing of personal data that analyses orpredicts aspects concerning the behaviour, attributes or interests of a data principal;(33) \"regulations\" means the regulations made by the Authority under this Act;(34) \"re-identification\" means the process by which a data fiduciary or dataprocessor may reverse a process of de-identification;(35) \"Schedule\" means the Schedule appended to this Act;(36) \"sensitive personal data\" means such personal data, which may, reveal, berelated to, or constitute(i) financial data;(ii) health data;(iii) official identifier;(iv) sex life;(v) sexual orientation;(vi) biometric data;(vii) genetic data;(viii) transgender status;(ix) intersex status;(x) caste or tribe;(xi) religious or political belief or affiliation; or(xii) any other data categorised as sensitive personal data under section 15.Explanation. For the purposes of this clause, the expressions,(a) \"intersex status\" means the condition of a data principal who is(i) a combination of female or male;(ii) neither wholly female nor wholly male; or(iii) neither female nor male;(b) \"transgender status\" means the condition of a data principal whosesense of gender does not match with the gender assigned to that data principalat birth, whether or not they have undergone sex reassignment surgery, hormonetherapy, laser therapy, or any other similar medical procedure;(37) \"significant data fiduciary\" means a data fiduciary classified as such undersub-section (1) of section 26;(38) \"significant harm\" means harm that has an aggravated effect having regardto the nature of the personal data being processed, the impact, continuity, persistenceor irreversibility of the harm;(39) \"State\" means the State as defined under article 12 of the Constitution;(40) \"systematic activity\" means any structured or organised activity thatinvolves an element of planning, method, continuity or persistence.406CHAPTER IIOBLIGATIONS OF D ATA FIDUCIARY4. No personal data shall be processed by any person, except for any specific, clearand lawful purpose.5. Every person processing personal data of a data principal shall process such personaldata(a) in a fair and reasonable manner and ensure the privacy of the data principal;and(b) for the purpose consented to by the data principal or which is incidental toor connected with such purpose, and which the data principal would reasonablyexpect that such personal data shall be used for, having regard to the purpose, and inthe context and circumstances in which the personal data was collected.6. The personal data shall be collected only to the extent that is necessary for thepurposes of processing of such personal data.7. (1) Every data fiduciary shall give to the data principal a notice, at the time ofcollection of the personal data, or if the data is not collected from the data principal, as soonas reasonably practicable, containing the following information, namely:(a) the purposes for which the personal data is to be processed;(b) the nature and categories of personal data being collected;(c) the identity and contact details of the data fiduciary and the contact detailsof the data protection officer, if applicable;(d) the right of the data principal to withdraw his consent, and the procedure forsuch withdrawal, if the personal data is intended to be processed on the basis ofconsent;(e) the basis for such processing, and the consequences of the failure to providesuch personal data, if the processing of the personal data is based on the groundsspecified in sections 12 to 14;( f ) the source of such collection, if the personal data is not collected from thedata principal;(g) the individuals or entities including other data fiduciaries or data processors,with whom such personal data may be shared, if applicable;(h) information regarding any cross-border transfer of the personal data that thedata fiduciary intends to carry out, if applicable;(i) the period for which the personal data shall be retained in terms of section 9or where such period is not known, the criteria for determining such period;( j) the existence of and procedure for the exercise of rights mentioned in Chapter Vand any related contact details for the same;(k) the procedure for grievance redressal under section 32;(l) the existence of a right to file complaints to the Authority;(m) where applicable, any rating in the form of a data trust score that may beassigned to the data fiduciary under sub-section ( 5) of section 29; and (n) any other information as may be specified by the regulations.Prohibition ofprocessing ofpersonal data.Limitation onpurpose ofprocessing ofpersonal data.Limitation oncollection ofpersonal data.Requirementof notice forcollection orprocessing ofpersonal data.5407 (2) The notice referred to in sub-section ( 1) shall be clear, concise and easily comprehensible to a reasonable person and in multiple languages where necessary andpracticable.(3) The provisions of sub-section ( 1) shall not apply where such notice substantially prejudices the purpose of processing of personal data under section 12.8. (1) The data fiduciary shall take necessary steps to ensure that the personal dataprocessed is complete, accurate, not misleading and updated, having regard to the purposefor which it is processed.(2) While taking any steps under sub-section ( 1), the data fiduciary shall have regard to whether the personal data(a) is likely to be used to make a decision about the data principal;(b) is likely to be disclosed to other individuals or entities including other datafiduciaries or processors; or(c) is kept in a form that distinguishes personal data based on facts from personaldata based on opinions or personal assessments.(3) Where personal data is disclosed to any other individual or entity, including otherdata fiduciary or processor, and the data fiduciary finds that such data does not comply withthe requirement of sub-section ( 1), the data fiduciary shall take reasonable steps to notify such individual or entity of this fact.9. (1) The data fiduciary shall not retain any personal data beyond the period necessaryto satisfy the purpose for which it is processed and shall delete the personal data at the endof the processing.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), the personal data may be retained for a longer period if explicitly consented to by the data principal, or necessary tocomply with any obligation under any law for the time being in force.(3) The data fiduciary shall undertake periodic review to determine whether it isnecessary to retain the personal data in its possession.(4) Where it is not necessary for personal data to be retained by the data fiduciaryunder sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), then, such personal data shall be deleted in such manner as may be specified by regulations.10. The data fiduciary shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of thisAct in respect of any processing undertaken by it or on its behalf.11. (1) The personal data shall not be processed, except on the consent given by thedata principal at the commencement of its processing.(2) The consent of the data principal shall not be valid, unless such consent is(a) free, having regard to whether it complies with the standard specified undersection 14 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872;(b) informed, having regard to whether the data principal has been providedwith the information required under section 7;(c) specific, having regard to whether the data principal can determine the scopeof consent in respect of the purpose of processing;(d) clear, having regard to whether it is indicated through an affirmative actionthat is meaningful in a given context; and(e) capable of being withdrawn, having regard to whether the ease of suchwithdrawal is comparable to the ease with which consent may be given.Restriction onretention ofpersonal data.Accountabilityof datafiduciary.Consentnecessary forprocessing ofpersonal data.Quality ofpersonal dataprocessed.9 of 1872.5408 (3) In addition to the provisions contained in sub-section ( 2), the consent of the data principal in respect of processing of any sensitive personal data shall be explicitly obtained(a) after informing him the purpose of, or operation in, processing which is likelyto cause significant harm to the data principal;(b) in clear terms without recourse to inference from conduct in a context; and(c) after giving him the choice of separately consenting to the purposes of,operations in, the use of different categories of, sensitive personal data relevant toprocessing.(4) The provision of any goods or services or the quality thereof, or the performanceof any contract, or the enjoyment of any legal right or claim, shall not be made conditional onthe consent to the processing of any personal data not necessary for that purpose.(5) The burden of proof that the consent has been given by the data principal forprocessing of the personal data under this section shall be on the data fiduciary.(6) Where the data principal withdraws his consent from the processing of any personaldata without any valid reason, all legal consequences for the effects of such withdrawalshall be borne by such data principal. CHAPTER IIIGROUNDS FOR PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA WITHOUT CONSENT12. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 11, the personal data may beprocessed if such processing is necessary,(a) for the performance of any function of the State authorised by law for(i) the provision of any service or benefit to the data principal from theState; or(ii) the issuance of any certification, licence or permit for any action oractivity of the data principal by the State;(b) under any law for the time being in force made by the Parliament or any StateLegislature; or(c) for compliance with any order or judgment of any Court or Tribunal in India;(d) to respond to any medical emergency involving a threat to the life or a severethreat to the health of the data principal or any other individual;(e) to undertake any measure to provide medical treatment or health services toany individual during an epidemic, outbreak of disease or any other threat to publichealth; or(f) to undertake any measure to ensure safety of, or provide assistance or servicesto, any individual during any disaster or any breakdown of public order.13. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 11 and subject to sub-section(2), any personal data, not being any sensitive personal data, may be processed, if suchprocessing is necessary for(a) recruitment or termination of employment of a data principal by the datafiduciary;(b) provision of any service to, or benefit sought by, the data principal who is anemployee of the data fiduciary;Grounds forprocessing ofpersonal datawithoutconsent incertain cases.Processing ofpersonal datanecessary forpurposesrelated toemployment,etc.5409 (c) verifying the attendance of the data principal who is an employee of the datafiduciary; or(d) any other activity relating to the assessment of the performance of the dataprincipal who is an employee of the data fiduciary.(2) Any personal data, not being sensitive personal data, may be processed undersub-section (1), where the consent of the data principal is not appropriate having regard tothe employment relationship between the data fiduciary and the data principal, or wouldinvolve a disproportionate effort on the part of the data fiduciary due to the nature of theprocessing under the said sub-section.14. (1) In addition to the grounds referred to under sections 12 and 13, the personaldata may be processed without obtaining consent under section 11, if such processing isnecessary for such reasonable purposes as may be specified by regulations, after takinginto consideration(a) the interest of the data fiduciary in processing for that purpose;(b) whether the data fiduciary can reasonably be expected to obtain the consentof the data principal;(c) any public interest in processing for that purpose;(d) the effect of the processing activity on the rights of the data principal; and(e) the reasonable expectations of the data principal having regard to the contextof the processing.(2) For the purpose of sub-section ( 1), the expression \"reasonable purposes\" may include(a) prevention and detection of any unlawful activity including fraud;(b) whistle blowing;(c) mergers and acquisitions;(d) network and information security;(e) credit scoring;(f) recovery of debt;(g) processing of publicly available personal data; and(h) the operation of search engines.(3) Where the Authority specifies a reasonable purpose under sub-section ( 1), it shall(a) lay down, by regulations, such safeguards as may be appropriate to ensurethe protection of the rights of data principals; and(b) determine where the provision of notice under section 7 shall apply or notapply having regard to the fact whether such provision shall substantially prejudicethe relevant reasonable purpose.15. (1) The Central Government shall, in consultation with the Authority and thesectoral regulator concerned, notify such categories of personal data as \"sensitive personaldata\", having regard to(a) the risk of significant harm that may be caused to the data principal by theprocessing of such category of personal data;(b) the expectation of confidentiality attached to such category of personaldata;Processing ofpersonal datafor otherreasonablepurposes.Categorisationof personaldata assensitivepersonal data.54510 (c) whether a significantly discernible class of data principals may suffersignificant harm from the processing of such category of personal data; and(d) the adequacy of protection afforded by ordinary provisions applicable topersonal data.(2) The Authority may specify, by regulations, the additional safeguards or restrictionsfor the purposes of repeated, continuous or systematic collection of sensitive personal datafor profiling of such personal data. CHAPTER IVPERSONAL DA TA AND SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA OF CHILDREN16. (1) Every data fiduciary shall process personal data of a child in such manner thatprotects the rights of, and is in the best interests of, the child.(2) The data fiduciary shall, before processing of any personal data of a child, verifyhis age and obtain the consent of his parent or guardian, in such manner as may be specifiedby regulations.(3) The manner for verification of the age of child under sub-section ( 2) shall be specified by regulations, taking into consideration(a) the volume of personal data processed;(b) the proportion of such personal data likely to be that of child;(c) possibility of harm to child arising out of processing of personal data; and(d) such other factors as may be prescribed.(4) The Authority shall, by regulations, classify any data fiduciary, as guardian datafiduciary, who(a) operate commercial websites or online services directed at children; or(b) process large volumes of personal data of children.(5) The guardian data fiduciary shall be barred from profiling, tracking or behaviouralymonitoring of, or targeted advertising directed at, children and undertaking any otherprocessing of personal data that can cause significant harm to the child.(6) The provisions of sub-section ( 5) shall apply in such modified form to the data fiduciary offering counselling or child protection services to a child, as the Authority may byregulations specify.(7) A guardian data fiduciary providing exclusive counselling or child protectionservices to a child shall not require to obtain the consent of parent or guardian of the childunder sub-section (2).Explanation.For the purposes of this section, the expression \"guardian datafiduciary\" means any data fiduciary classified as a guardian data fiduciary undersub-section (4).CHAPTER VRIGHTS OF DA TA PRINCIPAL17. (1) The data principal shall have the right to obtain from the data fiduciary(a) confirmation whether the data fiduciary is processing or has processedpersonal data of the data principal;(b) the personal data of the data principal being processed or that has beenprocessed by the data fiduciary, or any summary thereof;Processing ofpersonal dataand sensitivepersonal dataof children.Right toconfirmationand access.54011 (c) a brief summary of processing activities undertaken by the data fiduciarywith respect to the personal data of the data principal, including any informationprovided in the notice under section 7in relation to such processing.(2) The data fiduciary shall provide the information under sub-section ( 1) to the data principal in a clear and concise manner that is easily comprehensible to a reasonable person.(3) The data principal shall have the right to access in one place the identities of thedata fiduciaries with whom his personal data has been shared by any data fiduciary togetherwith the categories of personal data shared with them, in such manner as may be specifiedby regulations.18. (1) The data principal shall where necessary, having regard to the purposes forwhich personal data is being processed, subject to such conditions and in such manner asmay be specified by regulations, have the right to(a) the correction of inaccurate or misleading personal data;(b) the completion of incomplete personal data;(c) the updating of personal data that is out-of-date; and(d) the erasure of personal data which is no longer necessary for the purpose forwhich it was processed.(2) Where the data fiduciary receives a request under sub-section ( 1), and the data fiduciary does not agree with such correction, completion, updation or erasure having regardto the purposes of processing, such data fiduciary shall provide the data principal withadequate justification in writing for rejecting the application.(3) Where the data principal is not satisfied with the justification provided by the datafiduciary under sub-section (2), the data principal may require that the data fiduciary takereasonable steps to indicate, alongside the relevant personal data, that the same is disputedby the data principal.(4) Where the data fiduciary corrects, completes, updates or erases any personal datain accordance with sub-section ( 1), such data fiduciary shall also take necessary steps to notify all relevant entities or individuals to whom such personal data may have been disclosedregarding the relevant correction, completion, updation or erasure, particularly where suchaction may have an impact on the rights and interests of the data principal or on decisionsmade regarding them.19. (1) Where the processing has been carried out through automated means, the dataprincipal shall have the right to(a) receive the following personal data in a structured, commonly used andmachine-readable format(i) the personal data provided to the data fiduciary;(ii) the data which has been generated in the course of provision of servicesor use of goods by the data fiduciary; or(iii) the data which forms part of any profile on the data principal, or whichthe data fiduciary has otherwise obtained; and(b) have the personal data referred to in clause ( a) transferred to any other data fiduciary in the format referred to in that clause.(2) The provisions of sub-section ( 1) shall not apply where(a) processing is necessary for functions of the State or in compliance of law ororder of a court under section 12;(b) compliance with the request in sub-section ( 1) would reveal a trade secret of any data fiduciary or would not be technically feasible.Right tocorrection anderasure.Right to dataportability.54512 20. (1) The data principal shall have the right to restrict or prevent the continuingdisclosure of his personal data by a data fiduciary where such disclosure(a) has served the purpose for which it was collected or is no longer necessaryfor the purpose;(b) was made with the consent of the data principal under section 11 and suchconsent has since been withdrawn; or(c) was made contrary to the provisions of this Act or any other law for the timebeing in force.(2) The rights under sub-section ( 1) may be enforced only on an order of the Adjudicating Officer made on an application filed by the data principal, in such form andmanner as may be prescribed, on any of the grounds specified under clauses ( a), (b) or clause (c) of that sub-section:Provided that no order shall be made under this sub-section unless it is shown by thedata principal that his right or interest in preventing or restricting the continued disclosureof his personal data overrides the right to freedom of speech and expression and the right toinformation of any other citizen.(3) The Adjudicating Officer shall, while making an order under sub-section ( 2), having regard to(a) the sensitivity of the personal data;(b) the scale of disclosure and the degree of accessibility sought to be restrictedor prevented;(c) the role of the data principal in public life;(d) the relevance of the personal data to the public; and(e) the nature of the disclosure and of the activities of the data fiduciary,particularly whether the data fiduciary systematically facilitates access to personaldata and whether the activities shall be significantly impeded if disclosures of therelevant nature were to be restricted or prevented.(4) Where any person finds that personal data, the disclosure of which has beenrestricted or prevented by an order of the Adjudicating Officer under sub-section ( 2), does not satisfy the conditions referred to in that sub-section, he may apply for the review of thatorder to the Adjudicating Officer in such manner as may be prescribed, and the Adjudicating Officer shall review his order.(5) Any person aggrieved by an order made under this section by the Adjudicating Officer may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.21. (1) The data principal, for exercising any right under this Chapter, except the rightunder section 20, shall make a request in writing to the data fiduciary either directly orthrough a consent manager with the necessary information as regard to his identity, and thedata fiduciary shall acknowledge the receipt of such request within such period as may bespecified by regulations.(2) For complying with the request made under sub-section ( 1), the data fiduciary may charge such fee as may be specified by regulations:Provided that no fee shall be required for any request in respect of rights referred to inclause (a) or (b) of sub-section (1) of section 17 or section 18.(3) The data fiduciary shall comply with the request under this Chapter and communicatethe same to the data principal, within such period as may be specified by regulations.(4) Where any request made under this Chapter is refused by the data fiduciary, it shallprovide the data principal the reasons in writing for such refusal and shall inform the dataRight to beforgotten.Generalconditions forthe exercise ofrights in thisChapter.54513 principal regarding the right to file a complaint with the Authority against the refusal, withinsuch period and in such manner as may be specified by regulations.(5) The data fiduciary is not obliged to comply with any request under this Chapterwhere such compliance shall harm the rights of any other data principal under this Act. CHAPTER VITRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES22. (1) Every data fiduciary shall prepare a privacy by design policy, containing(a) the managerial, organisational, business practices and technical systemsdesigned to anticipate, identify and avoid harm to the data principal;(b) the obligations of data fiduciaries;(c) the technology used in the processing of personal data is in accordance withcommercially accepted or certified standards;(d) the legitimate interests of businesses including any innovation is achievedwithout compromising privacy interests;(e) the protection of privacy throughout processing from the point of collectionto deletion of personal data;(f) the processing of personal data in a transparent manner; and(g) the interest of the data principal is accounted for at every stage of processingof personal data.(2) Subject to the regulations made by the Authority, the data fiduciary may submit itsprivacy by design policy prepared under sub-section ( 1) to the Authority for certification within such period and in such manner as may be specified by regulations.(3) The Authority, or an officer authorised by it, shall certify the privacy by designpolicy on being satisfied that it complies with the requirements of sub-section ( 1). (4) The privacy by design policy certified under sub-section ( 3) shall be published on the website of the data fiduciary and the Authority.23. (1) Every data fiduciary shall take necessary steps to maintain transparency inprocessing personal data and shall make the following information available in such formand manner as may be specified by regulations(a) the categories of personal data generally collected and the manner of suchcollection;(b) the purposes for which personal data is generally processed;(c) any categories of personal data processed in exceptional situations or anyexceptional purposes of processing that create a risk of significant harm;(d) the existence of and the procedure for exercise of rights of data principalunder Chapter V and any related contact details for the same;(e) the right of data principal to file complaint against the data fiduciary to theAuthority;(f) where applicable, any rating in the form of a data trust score that may beaccorded to the data fiduciary under sub-section ( 5) of section 29; (g) where applicable, information regarding cross-border transfers of personaldata that the data fiduciary generally carries out; and(h) any other information as may be specified by regulations.Privacy bydesign policy.Transparencyin processingof personaldata.5403514 (2) The data fiduciary shall notify, from time to time, the important operations in theprocessing of personal data related to the data principal in such manner as may be specifiedby regulations.(3) The data principal may give or withdraw his consent to the data fiduciary througha consent manager.(4) Where the data principal gives or withdraws consent to the data fiduciary througha consent manager, such consent or its withdrawal shall be deemed to have beencommunicated directly by the data principal.(5) The consent manager under sub-section ( 3), shall be registered with the Authority in such manner and subject to such technical, operational, financial and other conditions asmay be specified by regulations.Explanation.For the purposes of this section, a \"consent manager\" is a data fiduciarywhich enables a data principal to gain, withdraw, review and manage his consent through anaccessible, transparent and interoperable platform.24. (1) Every data fiduciary and the data processor shall, having regard to the nature,scope and purpose of processing personal data, the risks associated with such processing,and the likelihood and severity of the harm that may result from such processing, implementnecessary security safeguards, including(a) use of methods such as de-identification and encryption;(b) steps necessary to protect the integrity of personal data; and(c) steps necessary to prevent misuse, unauthorised access to, modification,disclosure or destruction of personal data.(2) Every data fiduciary and data processor shall undertake a review of its securitysafeguards periodically in such manner as may be specified by regulations and takeappropriate measures accordingly.25. (1) Every data fiduciary shall by notice inform the Authority about the breach ofany personal data processed by the data fiduciary where such breach is likely to cause harmto any data principal.(2) The notice referred to in sub-section ( 1) shall include the following particulars, namely:(a) nature of personal data which is the subject-matter of the breach;(b) number of data principals affected by the breach;(c) possible consequences of the breach; and(d) action being taken by the data fiduciary to remedy the breach.(3) The notice referred to in sub-section ( 1) shall be made by the data fiduciary to the Authority as soon as possible and within such period as may be specified by regulations,following the breach after accounting for any period that may be required to adopt anyurgent measures to remedy the breach or mitigate any immediate harm.(4) Where it is not possible to provide all the information specified in sub-section ( 2) at the same time, the data fiduciary shall provide such information to the Authority in phaseswithout undue delay.(5) Upon receipt of a notice, the Authority shall determine whether such breach shouldbe reported by the data fiduciary to the data principal, taking into account the severity of theharm that may be caused to such data principal or whether some action is required on thepart of the data principal to mitigate such harm.Reporting ofpersonal databreach.Securitysafeguards.54515 (6) The Authority may, in addition to requiring the data fiduciary to report the personaldata breach to the data principal under sub-section ( 5), direct the data fiduciary to take appropriate remedial action as soon as possible and to conspicuously post the details of thepersonal data breach on its website.(7) The Authority may, in addition, also post the details of the personal data breach onits website.26. (1) The Authority shall, having regard to the following factors, notify any datafiduciary or class of data fiduciary as significant data fiduciary, namely:(a) volume of personal data processed;(b) sensitivity of personal data processed;(c) turnover of the data fiduciary;(d) risk of harm by processing by the data fiduciary;(e) use of new technologies for processing; and(f) any other factor causing harm from such processing.(2) The data fiduciary or class of data fiduciary referred to in sub-section ( 1) shall register itself with the Authority in such manner as may be specified by regulations.(3) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, if the Authority is of the opinion that anyprocessing by any data fiduciary or class of data fiduciary carries a risk of significant harmto any data principal, it may, by notification, apply all or any of the obligations specified insections 27 to 30 to such data fiduciary or class of data fiduciary as if it is a significant datafiduciary.(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, any social media intermediary,(i) with users above such threshold as may be notified by the CentralGovernment, in consultation with the Authority; and(ii) whose actions have, or are likely to have a significant impact on electoraldemocracy, security of the State, public order or the sovereignty and integrity of India,shall be notified by the Central Government, in consultation with the Authority, as a significantdata fiduciary:Provided that different thresholds may be notified for different classes of social mediaintermediaries.Explanation.For the purposes of this sub-section, a \"social media intermediary\" isan intermediary who primarily or solely enables online interaction between two or moreusers and allows them to create, upload, share, disseminate, modify or access informationusing its services, but shall not include intermediaries which primarily,(a) enable commercial or business oriented transactions;(b) provide access to the Internet;(c) in the nature of search-engines, on-line encyclopedias, e-mail services or on-line storage services.27. (1) Where the significant data fiduciary intends to undertake any processinginvolving new technologies or large scale profiling or use of sensitive personal data such asgenetic data or biometric data, or any other processing which carries a risk of significantharm to data principals, such processing shall not be commenced unless the data fiduciaryhas undertaken a data protection impact assessment in accordance with the provisions ofthis section.Classificationof datafiduciaries assignificantdatafiduciaries.Dataprotectionimpactassessment.54016 (2) The Authority may, by regulations specify, such circumstances, or class of datafiduciary, or processing operation where such data protection impact assessment shall bemandatory, and also specify the instances where a data auditor under this Act shall beengaged by the data fiduciary to undertake a data protection impact assessment.(3) A data protection impact assessment shall, inter alia, contain (a) detailed description of the proposed processing operation, the purpose ofprocessing and the nature of personal data being processed;(b) assessment of the potential harm that may be caused to the data principalswhose personal data is proposed to be processed; and(c) measures for managing, minimising, mitigating or removing such risk of harm.(4) Upon completion of the data protection impact assessment, the data protectionofficer appointed under sub-section ( 1) of section 30, shall review the assessment and submit the assessment with his finding to the Authority in such manner as may be specifiedby regulations.(5) On receipt of the assessment and its review, if the Authority has reason to believethat the processing is likely to cause harm to the data principals, the Authority may direct thedata fiduciary to cease such processing or direct that such processing shall be subject tosuch conditions as the Authority may deem fit.28. (1) The significant data fiduciary shall maintain accurate and up-to-date records ofthe following, in such form and manner as may be specified by regulations, namely:(a) important operations in the data life-cycle including collection, transfers,and erasure of personal data to demonstrate compliance as required under section 10;(b) periodic review of security safeguards under section 24;(c) data protection impact assessments under section 27; and(d) any other aspect of processing as may be specified by regulations.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, this section shall also apply tothe State.(3) Every social media intermediary which is notified as a significant data fiduciaryunder sub-section (4) of section 26 shall enable the users who register their service fromIndia, or use their services in India, to voluntarily verify their accounts in such manner asmay be prescribed.(4) Any user who voluntarily verifies his account shall be provided with suchdemonstrable and visible mark of verification, which shall be visible to all users of theservice, in such manner as may be prescribed.29. (1) The significant data fiduciary shall have its policies and the conduct of itsprocessing of personal data audited annually by an independent data auditor under thisAct.(2) The data auditor shall evaluate the compliance of the data fiduciary with theprovisions of this Act, including(a) clarity and effectiveness of notices under section 7;(b) effectiveness of measures adopted under section 22;(c) transparency in relation to processing activities under section 23;(d) security safeguards adopted pursuant to section 24;(e) instances of personal data breach and response of the data fiduciary, includingthe promptness of notice to the Authority under section 25;Maintenanceof records.Audit ofpolicies andconduct ofprocessing,etc.54017 (f) timely implementation of processes and effective adherence to obligationsunder sub-section (3) of section 28; and(g) any other matter as may be specified by regulations.(3) The Authority shall specify, by regulations, the form and procedure for conductingaudits under this section.(4) The Authority shall register in such manner, the persons with expertise in the areaof information technology, computer systems, data science, data protection or privacy,possessing such qualifications, experience and eligibility having regard to factors such asindependence, integrity and ability, as it may be specified by regulations, as data auditorsunder this Act.(5) A data auditor may assign a rating in the form of a data trust score to the datafiduciary pursuant to a data audit conducted under this section.(6) The Authority shall, by regulations, specify the criteria for assigning a rating in theform of a data trust score having regard to the factors mentioned in sub-section ( 2). (7) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), where the Authority is of the view that the data fiduciary is processing personal data in such manner that is likely tocause harm to a data principal, the Authority may direct the data fiduciary to conduct anaudit and shall appoint a data auditor for that purpose.30. (1) Every significant data fiduciary shall appoint a data protection officer possessingsuch qualification and experience as may be specified by regulations for carrying out thefollowing functions(a) providing information and advice to the data fiduciary on matters relating tofulfilling its obligations under this Act;(b) monitoring personal data processing activities of the data fiduciary to ensurethat such processing does not violate the provisions of this Act;(c) providing advice to the data fiduciary on carrying out the data protectionimpact assessments, and carry out its review under sub-section ( 4) of section 27; (d) providing advice to the data fiduciary on the development of internalmechanisms to satisfy the principles specified under section 22;(e) providing assistance to and co-operating with the Authority on matters ofcompliance of the data fiduciary with the provisions under this Act;(f) act as the point of contact for the data principal for the purpose of grievancesredressal under section 32; and(g) maintaining an inventory of records to be maintained by the data fiduciaryunder section 28.(2) Nothing contained in sub-section ( 1) shall prevent the data fiduciary from assigning any other function to the data protection officer, which it may consider necessary.(3) The data protection officer appointed under sub-section ( 1) shall be based in India and shall represent the data fiduciary under this Act.31. (1) The data fiduciary shall not engage, appoint, use or involve a data processor toprocess personal data on its behalf without a contract entered into by the data fiduciary andsuch data processor.(2) The data processor referred to in sub-section ( 1) shall not engage, appoint, use, or involve another data processor in the processing on its behalf, except with the authorisationof the data fiduciary and unless permitted in the contract referred to in sub-section ( 1).Dataprotectionofficer.Processing byentities otherthan datafiduciaries.54518 (3) The data processor, and any employee of the data fiduciary or the data processor,shall only process personal data in accordance with the instructions of the data fiduciaryand treat it confidential.32. (1) Every data fiduciary shall have in place the procedure and effective mechanismsto redress the grievances of data principals efficiently and in a speedy manner.(2) A data principal may make a complaint of contravention of any of the provisions ofthis Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder, which has caused or is likely to causeharm to such data principal, to(a) the data protection officer, in case of a significant data fiduciary; or(b) an officer designated for this purpose, in case of any other data fiduciary.(3) A complaint made under sub-section ( 2) shall be resolved by the data fiduciary in an expeditious manner and not later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the complaintby such data fiduciary.(4) Where a complaint is not resolved within the period specified under sub-section ( 3), or where the data principal is not satisfied with the manner in which the complaint is resolved,or the data fiduciary has rejected the complaint, the data principal may file a complaint to theAuthority in such manner as may be prescribed. CHAPTER VIIRESTRICTION ON TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA OUTSIDE INDIA 33. (1) Subject to the conditions in sub-section ( 1) of section 34, the sensitive personal data may be transferred outside India, but such sensitive personal data shall continue to bestored in India.(2) The critical personal data shall only be processed in India.Explanation.For the purposes of sub-section ( 2), the expression \"critical personal data\" means such personal data as may be notified by the Central Government to be thecritical personal data.34. (1) The sensitive personal data may only be transferred outside India for thepurpose of processing, when explicit consent is given by the data principal for such transfer,and where(a) the transfer is made pursuant to a contract or intra-group scheme approvedby the Authority:Provided that such contract or intra-group scheme shall not be approved, unlessit makes the provisions for(i) effective protection of the rights of the data principal under this Act,including in relation to further transfer to any other person; and(ii) liability of the data fiduciary for harm caused due to non-complianceof the provisions of such contract or intra-group scheme by such transfer; or(b) the Central Government, after consultation with the Authority, has allowedthe transfer to a country or, such entity or class of entity in a country or, an internationalorganisation on the basis of its finding that(i) such sensitive personal data shall be subject to an adequate level ofprotection, having regard to the applicable laws and international agreements;andGrievanceredressal bydata fiduciary.Prohibition onprocessing ofsensitivepersonal dataand criticalpersonal dataoutside IndiaConditionsfor transfer ofsensitivepersonal dataand criticalpersonal data.54019(ii) such transfer shall not prejudicially affect the enforcement of relevantlaws by authorities with appropriate jurisdiction:Provided that any finding under this clause shall be reviewed periodicallyin such manner as may be prescribed;(c) the Authority has allowed transfer of any sensitive personal data or class ofsensitive personal data necessary for any specific purpose.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 2) of section 33, any critical personal data may be transferred outside India, only where such transfer is(a) to a person or entity engaged in the provision of health services or emergencyservices where such transfer is necessary for prompt action under section 12; or(b) to a country or, any entity or class of entity in a country or, to an internationalorganisation, where the Central Government has deemed such transfer to be permissibleunder clause (b) of sub-section (1) and where such transfer in the opinion of the Central Government does not prejudicially affect the security and strategic interest ofthe State.(3) Any transfer under clause (a) of sub-section (2) shall be notified to the Authority within such period as may be specified by regulations. CHAPTER VIIIE35. Where the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient,(i) in the interest of sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State,friendly relations with foreign States, public order; or(ii) for preventing incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence relatingto sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations withforeign States, public order,it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, direct that all or any of the provisionsof this Act shall not apply to any agency of the Government in respect of processing of suchpersonal data, as may be specified in the order subject to such procedure, safeguards andoversight mechanism to be followed by the agency, as may be prescribed.Explanation.For the purposes of this section,(i) the term \"cognizable offence\" means the offence as defined inclause (c) of section 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973;(ii) the expression \"processing of such personal data\" includes sharingby or sharing with such agency of the Government by any data fiduciary, dataprocessor or data principal.36. The provisions of Chapter II except section 4, Chapters III to V , Chapter VI exceptsection 24, and Chapter VII shall not apply where(a) personal data is processed in the interests of prevention, detection,investigation and prosecution of any offence or any other contravention of any lawfor the time being in force;Power ofCentralGovernmentto exemptany agency ofGovernmentfromapplication ofAct.2 of 1974.Exemption ofcertainprovisions forcertainprocessing ofpersonal data.5403520 (b) disclosure of personal data is necessary for enforcing any legal right orclaim, seeking any relief, defending any charge, opposing any claim, or obtaining anylegal advice from an advocate in any impending legal proceeding;(c) processing of personal data by any court or tribunal in India is necessary forthe exercise of any judicial function;(d) personal data is processed by a natural person for any personal or domesticpurpose, except where such processing involves disclosure to the public, or isundertaken in connection with any professional or commercial activity; or(e) processing of personal data is necessary for or relevant to a journalisticpurpose, by any person and is in compliance with any code of ethics issued by thePress Council of India, or by any media self-regulatory organisation.37. The Central Government may, by notification, exempt from the application of thisAct, the processing of personal data of data principals not within the territory of India,pursuant to any contract entered into with any person outside the territory of India, includingany company incorporated outside the territory of India, by any data processor or any classof data processors incorporated under Indian law.38. Where the processing of personal data is necessary for research, archiving, orstatistical purposes, and the Authority is satisfied that(a) the compliance with the provisions of this Act shall disproportionately divertresources from such purpose;(b) the purposes of processing cannot be achieved if the personal data isanonymised;(c) the data fiduciary has carried out de-identification in accordance with thecode of practice specified under section 50 and the purpose of processing can beachieved if the personal data is in de-identified form;(d) the personal data shall not be used to take any decision specific to or actiondirected to the data principal; and(e) the personal data shall not be processed in the manner that gives rise to a riskof significant harm to the data principal,it may, by notification, exempt such class of research, archiving, or statistical purposes fromthe application of any of the provisions of this Act as may be specified by regulations.39. (1) The provisions of sections 7, 8, 9, clause ( c) of sub-section (1) of section 17 and sections 19 to 32 shall not apply where the processing of personal data by a small entity isnot automated.(2) For the purposes of sub-section ( 1), a \"small entity\" means such data fiduciary as may be classified, by regulations, by Authority, having regard to(a) the turnover of data fiduciary in the preceding financial year;(b) the purpose of collection of personal data for disclosure to any otherindividuals or entities; and(c) the volume of personal data processed by such data fiduciary in any one dayin the preceding twelve calendar months.40. (1) The Authority shall, for the purposes of encouraging innovation in artificialintelligence, machine-learning or any other emerging technology in public interest, create aSandbox.Power ofCentralGovernmentto exemptcertain dataprocessors.Exemptionfor research,archiving orstatisticalpurposes.Exemptionfor manualprocessing bysmall entities.Sandbox forencouraginginnovation,etc.54021 (2) Any data fiduciary whose privacy by design policy is certified by the Authorityunder sub-section (3) of section 22 shall be eligible to apply, in such manner as may bespecified by regulations, for inclusion in the Sandbox created under sub-section ( 1). (3) Any data fiduciary applying for inclusion in the Sandbox under sub-section ( 2) shall furnish the following information, namely:(a) the term for which it seeks to utilise the benefits of Sandbox, provided thatsuch term shall not exceed twelve months;(b) the innovative use of technology and its beneficial uses;(c) the data principals or categories of data principals participating under theproposed processing; and(d) any other information as may be specified by regulations.(4) The Authority shall, while including any data fiduciary in the Sandbox, specify(a) the term of the inclusion in the Sandbox, which may be renewed not morethan twice, subject to a total period of thirty-six months;(b) the safeguards including terms and conditions in view of the obligationsunder clause (c) including the requirement of consent of data principals participatingunder any licensed activity, compensation to such data principals and penalties inrelation to such safeguards; and(c) that the following obligations shall not apply or apply with modified form tosuch data fiduciary, namely:(i) the obligation to specify clear and specific purposes under sections 4and 5; (ii) limitation on collection of personal data under section 6; and(iii) any other obligation to the extent, it is directly depending on theobligations under sections 5 and 6; and(iv) the restriction on retention of personal data under section 9.CHAPTER IXDATA PROTECTION AUTHORITY OF INDIA41. (1) The Central Government shall, by notification, establish, for the purposes ofthis Act, an Authority to be called the Data Protection Authority of India.(2) The Authority referred to in sub-section ( 1) shall be a body corporate by the name aforesaid, having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power, subject to theprovisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable,and to contract and shall, by the said name, sue or be sued.(3) The head office of the Authority shall be at such place as may be prescribed.(4) The Authority may, with the prior approval of the Central Government, establish itsoffices at other places in India.42. (1) The Authority shall consist of a Chairperson and not more than six whole-timeMembers, of which one shall be a person having qualification and experience in law.(2) The Chairperson and the Members of the Authority shall be appointed by theCentral Government on the recommendation made by a selection committee consisting of(a) the Cabinet Secretary, who shall be Chairperson of the selection committee;(b) the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry or Departmentdealing with the Legal Affairs; andEstablishmentof Authority.Compositionandqualificationsforappointmentof Members.54522 (c) the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry or Departmentdealing with the Electronics and Information Technology.(3) The procedure to be followed by the Selection Committee for recommending thenames under sub-section (2) shall be such as may be prescribed.(4) The Chairperson and the Members of the Authority shall be persons of ability,integrity and standing, and shall have qualification and specialised knowledge and experienceof, and not less than ten years in the field of data protection, information technology, datamanagement, data science, data security, cyber and internet laws, public administration,national security or related subjects.(5) A vacancy caused to the office of the Chairperson or any other member of theAuthority shall be filled up within a period of three months from the date on which suchvacancy occurs.43. (1) The Chairperson and the Members of the Authority shall be appointed for aterm of five years or till they attain the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier, and theyshall not be eligible for re-appointment.(2) The salaries and allowances payable to, and other terms and conditions of serviceof the Chairperson and the Members of the Authority shall be such as may be prescribed.(3) The Chairperson and the Members shall not, during their term and for a period oftwo years from the date on which they cease to hold office, accept(a) any employment either under the Central Government or under any StateGovernment; or(b) any appointment, in any capacity whatsoever, with a significant data fiduciary.(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), the Chairperson or a Member of the Authority may(a) relinquish his office by giving in writing to the Central Government a noticeof not less than three months; or(b) be removed from his office in accordance with the provisions of this Act.44. (1) The Central Government may remove from office, the Chairperson or anyMember of the Authority who(a) has been adjudged as an insolvent;(b) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a Chairperson ormember;(c) has been convicted of an offence, which in the opinion of the CentralGovernment, involves moral turpitude;(d) has so abused their position as to render their continuation in officedetrimental to the public interest; or(e) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudiciallytheir functions as a Chairperson or a member.(2) No Chairperson or any member of the Authority shall be removed under clause ( d) or (e) of sub-section (1) unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.45. The Chairperson of the Authority shall have powers of general superintendenceand direction of the affairs of the Authority and shall also exercise all powers and do all suchacts and things which may be exercised or done by the Authority under this Act.Terms andconditions ofappointment.Removal ofChairperson orotherMembers.Powers ofChairperson.54023 46. (1) The Chairperson and Members of the Authority shall meet at such times andplaces and shall observe such rules and procedures in regard to transaction of business atits meetings including quorum at such meetings, as may be prescribed.(2) If, for any reason, the Chairperson is unable to attend any meeting of the Authority,any other member chosen by the Members present at the meeting, shall preside the meeting.(3) All questions which come up before any meeting of the Authority shall be decidedby a majority of votes of the Members present and voting, and in the event of an equality ofvotes, the Chairperson or in his absence, the member presiding, shall have the right toexercise a second or casting vote.(4) Any Member who has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any matter comingup for consideration at a meeting of the Authority shall disclose the nature of his interest atsuch meeting, which shall be recorded in the proceedings of the Authority and such membershall not take part in any deliberation or decision of the Authority with respect to that matter.47. No act or proceeding of the Authority shall be invalid merely by reason of(a) any vacancy or defect in the constitution of the Authority;(b) any defect in the appointment of a person as a Chairperson or member; or(c) any irregularity in the procedure of the Authority not affecting the merits ofthe case.48. (1) The Authority may appoint such officers, other employees, consultants andexperts as it may consider necessary for effectively discharging of its functions under thisAct.(2) Any remuneration, salary or allowances, and other terms and conditions of serviceof such officers, employees, consultants and experts shall be such as may be specified byregulations.49. (1) It shall be the duty of the Authority to protect the interests of data principals,prevent any misuse of personal data, ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act, andpromote awareness about data protection.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing and other functions underthis Act, the functions of the Authority shall include(a) monitoring and enforcing application of the provisions of this Act;(b) taking prompt and appropriate action in response to personal data breach inaccordance with the provisions of this Act;(c) maintaining a database on its website containing names of significant datafiduciaries along with a rating in the form of a data trust score indicating compliancewith the obligations of this Act by such fiduciaries;(d) examination of any data audit reports and taking any action pursuant thereto;(e) issuance of a certificate of registration to data auditors and renewal, withdrawal,suspension or cancellation thereof and maintaining a database of registered dataauditors and specifying the qualifications, code of conduct, practical training andfunctions to be performed by such data auditors;( f ) classification of data fiduciaries;(g) monitoring cross-border transfer of personal data;(h) specifying codes of practice;Meetings ofAuthority.Vacancies,etc., not toinvalidateproceedingsof Authority.Officers andotheremployees ofAuthority.Powers andfunctions ofAuthority.5403524 (i) promoting awareness and understanding of the risks, rules, safeguards andrights in respect of protection of personal data amongst data fiduciaries and dataprincipals;(j) monitoring technological developments and commercial practices that mayaffect protection of personal data;(k) promoting measures and undertaking research for innovation in the field ofprotection of personal data;(l) advising Central Government, State Government and any other authority onmeasures required to be taken to promote protection of personal data and ensuringconsistency of application and enforcement of this Act;(m) specifying fees and other charges for carrying out the purposes of this Act;(n) receiving and inquiring complaints under this Act; and(o) performing such other functions as may be prescribed.(3) Where, pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the Authority processes any personaldata, it shall be construed as the data fiduciary or the data processor in relation to suchpersonal data as applicable, and where the Authority comes into possession of anyinformation that is treated as confidential by the data fiduciary or data processor, it shall notdisclose such information unless required under any law to do so, or where it is required tocarry out its function under this section.50. (1) The Authority shall, by regulations, specify codes of practice to promote goodpractices of data protection and facilitate compliance with the obligations under this Act.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), the Authority may approve any code of practice submitted by an industry or trade association, an associationrepresenting the interest of data principals, any sectoral regulator or statutory Authority, orany departments or ministries of the Central or State Government.(3) The Authority shall ensure transparency and compliance with the obligations ofdata fiduciary and the rights of the data principal under this Act while specifying or approvingany code of practice under this section.(4) A code of practice under sub-section ( 1) or sub-section (2), shall not be issued unless the Authority has made consultation with the sectoral regulators and otherstakeholders including the public and has followed such procedure as may be prescribed.(5) A code of practice issued under this section shall not derogate from the provisionsof this Act or any other law for the time being in force.(6) The code of practice under this Act may include the following matters, namely:(a) requirements for notice under section 7 including any model forms or guidancerelating to notice;(b) measures for ensuring quality of personal data processed under section 8;(c) measures pertaining to the retention of personal data under section 9;(d) manner for obtaining valid consent under section 11;(e) processing of personal data under section 12;(f) activities where processing of personal data may be undertaken undersection 14;(g) processing of sensitive personal data under Chapter III;(h) processing of personal data under any other ground for processing, includingprocessing of personal data of children and age-verification under this Act;Codes ofpractice.54525 (i) exercise of any right by data principals under Chapter V;(j) the standards and means by which a data principal may avail the right to dataportability under section 19;(k) transparency and accountability measures including the standards thereofto be maintained by data fiduciaries and data processors under Chapter VI;(l) standards for security safeguards to be maintained by data fiduciaries anddata processors under section 24;(m) methods of de-identification and anonymisation;(n) methods of destruction, deletion, or erasure of personal data where requiredunder this Act;(o) appropriate action to be taken by the data fiduciary or data processor inresponse to a personal data breach under section 25;(p) manner in which data protection impact assessments may be carried out bythe data fiduciary or a class thereof under section 27;(q) transfer of personal data outside India pursuant to section 34;(r) processing of any personal data or sensitive personal data to carry out anyactivity necessary for research, archiving or statistical purposes under section 38;and(s) any other matter which, in the view of the Authority, may be necessary to beprovided in the code of practice.(7) The Authority may review, modify or revoke a code of practice issued under thissection in such manner as may be prescribed.51. (1) The Authority may, for the discharge of its functions under this Act, issue suchdirections from time to time as it may consider necessary to any data fiduciary or dataprocessor who shall be bound to comply with such directions.(2) No direction shall be issued under sub-section ( 1) unless the Authority has given a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the data fiduciaries or data processor concerned.(3) The Authority may, on a representation made to it or on its own motion, modify,suspend, withdraw or cancel any direction issued under sub-section ( 1) and in doing so, may impose such conditions as it deems fit, subject to which the modification, suspension,withdrawal or cancellation shall have effect.52. (1) Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act, the Authority mayrequire a data fiduciary or data processor to provide such information as may be reasonablyrequired by it for discharging its functions under this Act.(2) If the Authority requires a data fiduciary or a data processor to provide anyinformation under sub-section (1), it shall provide a notice in writing to the data fiduciary or the data processor stating the reasons for such requisition.(3) The Authority shall, by regulations, specify the manner in which the data fiduciaryor data processor shall provide the information sought in sub-section ( 1), including the designation of the officer or employee of the Authority who may seek such information, theperiod within which such information is to be furnished and the form in which such informationmay be provided.53. (1) The Authority may, on its own or on a complaint received by it, inquire or causeto be inquired, if it has reasonable grounds to believe that(a) the activities of the data fiduciary or data processor are being conducted ina manner which is detrimental to the interest of data principals; orPower ofAuthority toissuedirections.Power ofAuthority tocall forinformation.Power ofAuthority toconductinquiry.54526 (b) any data fiduciary or data processor has contravened any of the provisionsof this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder, or any direction of the Authority.(2) For the purposes of sub-section ( 1), the Authority shall, by an order in writing, appoint one of its officers as an Inquiry Officer to inquire into the affairs of such datafiduciary or data processor and to report to the Authority on any inquiry made.(3) For the purpose of any inquiry under this section, the Inquiry Officer may, wherevernecessary, seek the assistance of any other person.(4) The order referred to in sub-section ( 2) shall specify the reasons for the inquiry and the scope of the inquiry and may be modified from time to time.(5) Every officer, employee or other person acting under the direct authority of thedata fiduciary or the data processor, or a service provider, or a contractor, where services arebeing obtained by or provided to the data fiduciary or data processor, as the case may be,shall be bound to produce before the Inquiry Officer, all such books, registers, documents,records and any data in their custody or power and to furnish to the Inquiry Officer anystatement and information relating to the affairs of the data fiduciary or data processor as theInquiry Officer may require within such time as the said Inquiry Officer may specify.(6) The Inquiry Officer shall provide a notice in writing to the persons referred to insub-section (5) stating the reasons thereof and the relationship between the data fiduciaryand the Inquiry Officer.(7) The Inquiry Officer may keep in its custody any books, registers, documents,records and other data produced under sub-section ( 5) for six months and thereafter shall return the same to the person by whom or on whose behalf such books, registers, documents,record and data are produced, unless an approval to retain such books, registers, documents,record and data for an additional period not exceeding three months has been obtained fromthe Authority.(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force,while exercising the powers under this section, the Authority or the Inquiry Officer, as thecase may be, shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of CivilProcedure, 1908 while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters, namely(a) the discovery and production of books of account and other documents, atsuch place and at such time as may be specified;(b) summoning and enforcing the attendance of persons and examining them onoath;(c) inspection of any book, document, register or record of any data fiduciary;(d) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; and(e) any other matter which may be prescribed.54. (1) On receipt of a report under sub-section ( 2) of section 53, the Authority may, after giving such opportunity to the data fiduciary or data processor to make a representationin connection with the report as the Authority deems reasonable, by an order in writing(a) issue a warning to the data fiduciary or data processor where the business oractivity is likely to violate the provisions of this Act;(b) issue a reprimand to the data fiduciary or data processor where the businessor activity has violated the provisions of this Act;(c) require the data fiduciary or data processor to cease and desist fromcommitting or causing any violation of the provisions of this Act;(d) require the data fiduciary or data processor to modify its business or activityto bring it in compliance with the provisions of this Act;5 of 1908.Action to betaken byAuthoritypursuant to aninquiry.54527 (e) temporarily suspend or discontinue business or activity of the data fiduciaryor data processor which is in contravention of the provisions of this Act;(f) vary, suspend or cancel any registration granted by the Authority in case ofa significant data fiduciary;(g) suspend or discontinue any cross-border flow of personal data; or(h) require the data fiduciary or data processor to take any such action in respectof any matter arising out of the report as the Authority may deems fit.(2) A data fiduciary or data processor aggrieved by an order made under this sectionmay prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.55. (1) Where in the course of inquiry under section 53, the Inquiry Officer hasreasonable ground to believe that any books, registers, documents, records or data belongingto any person as mentioned therein, are likely to be tampered with, altered, mutilated,manufactured, falsified or destroyed, the Inquiry Officer may make an application to suchdesignated court, as may be notified by the Central Government, for an order for the seizureof such books, registers, documents and records.(2) The Inquiry Officer may require the services of any police officer or any officer ofthe Central Government, or of both, to assist him for the purposes specified insub-section (1) and it shall be the duty of every such officer to comply with such requisition.(3) After considering the application and hearing the Inquiry Officer, if necessary, thedesignated court may, by order, authorise the Inquiry Officer(a) to enter, with such assistance, as may be required, the place or places where suchbooks, registers, documents and records are kept;(b) to search that place or those places in the manner specified in the order; and(c) to seize books, registers, documents and records it considers necessary for thepurposes of the inquiry.(4)The Inquiry Officer shall keep in its custody the books, registers, documents andrecords seized under this section for such period not later than the conclusion of the inquiryas it considers necessary and thereafter shall return the same to the person, from whosecustody or power they were seized and inform the designated court of such return.(5) Save as otherwise provided in this section, every search or seizure made under thissection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Code of CriminalProcedure, 1973 relating to searches or seizures made under that Code.56. Where any action proposed to be taken by the Authority under this Act is suchthat any other regulator or authority constituted under a law made by Parliament or the Statelegislature may also have concurrent jurisdiction, the Authority shall consult such otherregulator or authority before taking such action and may also enter into a memorandum ofunderstanding with such other regulator or authority governing the coordination of suchactions. CHAPTER XPENALTIES AND COMPENSA TION57. (1) Where the data fiduciary contravenes any of the following provisions,(a) obligation to take prompt and appropriate action in response to a data securitybreach under section 25;(b) failure to register with the Authority under sub-section ( 2) of section 26,Search andseizure.2 of 1974. Co-ordinationbetweenAuthority andotherregulators orauthorities.Penalties forcontraveningcertainprovisions ofthe Act.5403528 (c) obligation to undertake a data protection impact assessment by a significantdata fiduciary under section 27;(d) obligation to conduct a data audit by a significant data fiduciary undersection 29;(e) appointment of a data protection officer by a significant data fiduciary undersection 30,it shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to five crore rupees or two per cent. of its totalworldwide turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher;(2) Where a data fiduciary contravenes any of the following provisions,(a) processing of personal data in violation of the provisions of Chapter II orChapter III;(b) processing of personal data of children in violation of the provisions ofChapter IV;(c) failure to adhere to security safeguards as per section 24; or(d) transfer of personal data outside India in violation of the provisions ofChapter VII,it shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to fifteen crore rupees or four per cent. of itstotal worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher.(3) For the purposes of this section, (a) the expression \"total worldwide turnover\" means the gross amount ofrevenue recognised in the profit and loss account or any other equivalent statement,as applicable, from the sale, supply or distribution of goods or services or on accountof services rendered, or both, and where such revenue is generated within India andoutside India.(b) it is hereby clarified that total worldwide turnover in relation to a data fiduciaryis the total worldwide turnover of the data fiduciary and the total worldwide turnoverof any group entity of the data fiduciary where such turnover of a group entity arisesas a result of the processing activities of the data fiduciary, having regard to factors,including(i) the alignment of the overall economic interests of the data fiduciaryand the group entity;(ii) the relationship between the data fiduciary and the group entityspecifically in relation to the processing activity undertaken by the data fiduciary;and(iii) the degree of control exercised by the group entity over the datafiduciary or vice versa, as the case may be.(c) where of any provisions referred to in this section has been contravened bythe State, the maximum penalty shall not exceed five crore rupees undersub-section (1), and fifteen crore rupees under sub-section ( 2), respectively. 58. Where, any data fiduciary, without any reasonable explanation, fails to complywith any request made by a data principal under Chapter V , such data fiduciary shall be liableto a penalty of five thousand rupees for each day during which such default continues,subject to a maximum of ten lakh rupees in case of significant data fiduciaries and five lakhrupees in other cases.Penalty forfailure tocomply withdata principalrequests underChapter V.54029 59. If any data fiduciary, who is required under this Act, or the rules or regulationsmade thereunder, to furnish any report, return or information to the Authority, fails to furnishthe same, then such data fiduciary shall be liable to penalty which shall be ten thousandrupees for each day during which such default continues, subject to a maximum of twentylakh rupees in case of significant data fiduciaries and five lakh rupees in other cases.60. If any data fiduciary or data processor fails to comply with any direction issued bythe Authority under section 51or order issued by the Authority under section 54, such datafiduciary or data processor shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to twenty thousandrupees for each day during which such default continues, subject to a maximum of twocrores in case of a data processor it may extend to five thousand rupees for each day duringwhich such default continues, subject to a maximum of fifty lakh rupees.61. Where any person fails to comply with any provision of this Act or the rules orregulations made thereunder applicable to such person, for which no separate penalty hasbeen provided, then, such person shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to a maximumof one crore rupees in case of significant data fiduciaries, and a maximum of twenty five lakhrupees in other cases.62. (1) For the purpose of adjudging the penalties under sections 57 to 61or awardingcompensation under section 64, the Authority shall appoint such Adjudicating Officer asmay be prescribed.(2) The Central Government shall, having regard to the need to ensure the operationalsegregation, independence, and neutrality of the adjudication under this Act, prescribe(a) number of Adjudicating Officers to be appointed under sub-section ( 1); (b) manner and terms of appointment of Adjudicating Officers ensuringindependence of such officers;(c) jurisdiction of Adjudicating Officers;(d) other such requirements as the Central Government may deem fit.(3) The Adjudicating Officers shall be persons of ability, integrity and standing, and must have specialised knowledge of, and not less than seven years professional experiencein the fields of law, cyber and internet laws, information technology law and policy, dataprotection and related subjects.63. (1) No penalty shall be imposed under this Chapter, except after an inquiry made insuch manner as may be prescribed, and the data fiduciary or data processor or any person,as the case may be, has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard:Provided that no inquiry under this section shall be initiated except by a complaintmade by the Authority.(2) While holding an inquiry, the Adjudicating Officer shall have the power to summonand enforce the attendance of any person acquainted with the facts and circumstances ofthe case to give evidence or to produce any document which, in the opinion of theAdjudicating Officer, may be useful for or relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry.(3) If, on the conclusion of such inquiry, the Adjudicating Officer is satisfied that theperson has failed to comply with the provisions of this Act or has caused harm to any dataprincipal as a result of any contravention of the provisions of this Act, the Adjudicating Officer may impose such penalty specified under relevant section.(4) While deciding whether to impose a penalty under sub-section ( 3) and in determining the quantum of penalty under sections 57 to 61, the Adjudicating Officer shall have dueregard to the following factors, namely:(a) nature, gravity and duration of violation taking into account the nature,scope and purpose of processing concerned;Penalty forfailure tofurnish report,returns,information,etc.Penalty forfailure tocomply withdirection ororder issued byAuthority.Penalty forcontraventionwhere noseparatepenalty hasbeen provided.AppointmentofAdjudicatingOfficer.Procedure foradjudicationbyAdjudicatingOfficer.54530 (b) number of data principals affected, and the level of harm suffered by them;(c) intentional or negligent character of the violation;(d) nature of personal data impacted by the violation;(e) repetitive nature of the default;(f) transparency and accountability measures implemented by the data fiduciaryor data processor including adherence to any relevant code of practice relating tosecurity safeguards;(g) action taken by the data fiduciary or data processor to mitigate the harmsuffered by data principals; and(h) any other aggravating or mitigating factors relevant to the circumstances ofthe case, such as, the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, whereverquantifiable, made as a result of the default.(5) Any person aggrieved by an order under this section by the Adjudicating Officermay prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.64. (1) Any data principal who has suffered harm as a result of any violation of anyprovision under this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder, by a data fiduciary ora data processor, shall have the right to seek compensation from the data fiduciary or thedata processor, as the case may be.Explanation.For the removal of doubts, it is hereby clarified that a data processorshall be liable only where it has acted outside or contrary to the instructions of the datafiduciary pursuant to section 31, or where the data processor is found to have acted in anegligent manner, or where the data processor has not incorporated adequate securitysafeguards under section 24, or where it has violated any provisions of this Act expresslyapplicable to it.(2) The data principal may seek compensation under this section by making a complaintto the Adjudicating Officer in such form and manner as may be prescribed.(3) Where there are one or more data principals or any identifiable class of dataprincipals who have suffered harm as a result of any contravention by the same data fiduciaryor data processor, one complaint may be instituted on behalf of all such data principalsseeking compensation for the harm suffered.(4) While deciding to award compensation and the amount of compensation underthis section, the Adjudicating Officer shall have regard to the following factors, namely:(a) nature, duration and extent of violation of the provisions of the Act, rulesprescribed, or regulations specified thereunder;(b) nature and extent of harm suffered by the data principal;(c) intentional or negligent character of the violation;(d) transparency and accountability measures implemented by the data fiduciaryor the data processor, as the case may be, including adherence to any relevant code ofpractice relating to security safeguards;(e) action taken by the data fiduciary or the data processor, as the case may be,to mitigate the damage suffered by the data principal;(f) previous history of any, or such, violation by the data fiduciary or the dataprocessor, as the case may be;(g) whether the arrangement between the data fiduciary and data processorcontains adequate transparency and accountability measures to safeguard the personaldata being processed by the data processor on behalf of the data fiduciary;Compensation.54531 (h) any other aggravating or mitigating factor relevant to the circumstances ofthe case, such as, the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, whereverquantifiable, made as a result of the default.(5) Where more than one data fiduciary or data processor, or both a data fiduciary anda data processor are involved in the same processing activity and are found to have causedharm to the data principal, then, each data fiduciary or data processor may be ordered to paythe entire compensation for the harm to ensure effective and speedy compensation to thedata principal.(6) Where a data fiduciary or a data processor has, in accordance with sub-section ( 5), paid the entire amount of compensation for the harm suffered by the data principal, suchdata fiduciary or data processor shall be entitled to claim from the other data fiduciaries ordata processors, as the case may be, that amount of compensation corresponding to theirpart of responsibility for the harm caused.(7) Any person aggrieved by an order made under this section by the Adjudicating Officer may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal.(8) The Central Government may prescribe the procedure for hearing of a complaintunder this section.65. No compensation awarded, or penalty imposed, under this Act shall prevent theaward of compensation or imposition of any other penalty or punishment under this Act orany other law for the time being in force.66. (1) The amount of any penalty imposed or compensation awarded under this Act,if not paid, may be recovered as if it were an arrear of land revenue.(2) All sums realised by way of penalties under this Act shall be credited to theConsolidated Fund of India. CHAPTER XIAPPELLATE T RIBUNAL67. (1) The Central Government shall, by notification, establish an AppellateTribunal to(a) hear and dispose of any appeal from an order of the Adjudicating Officerunder sub-section (5) of section 20;(b) hear and dispose of any appeal from an order of the Authority undersub-section (2) of section 54;(c) hear and dispose of any appeal from an order of the Adjudicating Officerunder sub-section (5) of section 63; and(d) hear and dispose of any appeal from an order of an Adjudicating Officerunder sub-section (7) of section 64.(2) The Appellate Tribunal shall consist of a Chairperson and not more than membersto be appointed.(3) The Appellate Tribunal shall be established at such place or places, as theCentral Government may, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal,notify.(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections ( 1) to (3), where, in the opinion of the Central Government, any existing body is competent to discharge the functions of theAppellate Tribunal under this Act, then, the Central Government may notify such body toact as the Appellate Tribunal under this Act.Compensationor penaltiesnot tointerfere withotherpunishment.Recovery ofamounts.Establishmentof AppellateTribunal.54532 68. (1) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairperson or a memberof the Appellate Tribunal unless he(a) in the case of Chairperson, is, or has been a Judge of the Supreme Court orChief Justice of a High Court;(b) in the case of a member, has held the post of Secretary to the Government ofIndia or any equivalent post in the Central Government for a period of not less thantwo years or a person who is well versed in the field of data protection, informationtechnology, data management, data science, data security, cyber and internet laws orany related subject.(2) The Central Government may prescribe the manner of appointment, term of office,salaries and allowances, resignation, removal and the other terms and conditions of serviceof the Chairperson and any member of the Appellate Tribunal.69. If, for reason other than temporary absence, any vacancy occurs in the office ofthe Chairperson or a member of the Appellate Tribunal, the Central Government shall appointanother person in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules prescribed to fillthe vacancy and the proceedings may be continued before the Appellate Tribunal from thestage at which the vacancy is filled.70. (1) The Central Government shall provide the Appellate Tribunal with such officersand employees as it may deem fit.(2) The officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal shall discharge their functionsunder the general superintendence of its Chairperson.(3) The salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of such officers andemployees of the Appellate Tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed.71. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the jurisdiction of the Appellate Tribunalmay be exercised by Benches thereof, which shall be constituted by the Chairperson.(2) Where Benches of the Appellate Tribunal are constituted under sub-section ( 1), the Chairperson may, from time to time, by notification, make provisions as to the distributionof the business of the Appellate Tribunal amongst the Benches, transfer of Members betweenBenches, and also provide for the matters which may be dealt with by each bench.(3) On the application of any of the parties and after notice to the parties, and afterhearing such of them as the Chairperson may desire to be heard, or on the Chairperson's ownmotion without such notice, the Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal may transfer anycase pending before one Bench, for disposal, to any other Bench.72. (1) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Authority, may prefer an appeal tothe Appellate Tribunal within a period of thirty days from the receipt of the order appealedagainst, in such form, verified in such manner and be accompanied by such fee, as may beprescribed:Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may entertain any appeal after the expiry of thesaid period of thirty days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filing it withinthat period.(2) On receipt of an appeal under this section, the Appellate Tribunal may, afterproviding the parties to the dispute or appeal, an opportunity of being heard, pass suchorders thereon as it deems fit.(3) The Appellate Tribunal shall send a copy of every order made by it to the parties to the dispute or the appeal and to the Authority, as the case may be.Qualifications,appointment,term,conditions ofservice ofMembers.Vacancies.Staff ofAppellateTribunal.Distribution ofbusinessamongstBenches.Appeals toAppellateTribunal.54533 (4) The Appellate Tribunal may, for the purpose of examining the legality or propriety or correctness, of any decision, or order of the Authority or Adjudicating Officer referred toin the appeal preferred under this section, on its own motion or otherwise, call for the recordsrelevant to disposing of such appeal or application and make such orders as it thinks fit.73. (1) The Appellate Tribunal shall not be bound by the procedure laid down by theCode of Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be guided by the principles of natural justice and,subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Appellate Tribunal shall have powers toregulate its own procedure.(2) The Appellate Tribunal shall have, for the purposes of discharging its functionsunder this Act, the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of CivilProcedure, 1908, while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters, namely(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining hison oath;(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents;(c) receiving evidence on affidavits;(d) subject to the provisions of section 123 and section 124 of the Indian EvidenceAct, 1872, requisitioning any public record or document or a copy of such record ordocument, from any office;(e) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents;(f) reviewing its decisions;(g) dismissing an application for default or deciding it, ex parte; (h) setting aside any order of dismissal of any application for default or anyorder passed by it, ex parte; and(i) any other matter which may be prescribed.(3) Every proceeding before the Appellate Tribunal shall be deemed to be a judicialproceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228, and for the purposes of section 196of the Indian Penal Code and the Appellate Tribunal shall be deemed to be a civil court forthe purposes of section 195 and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.74. (1) An order passed by the Appellate Tribunal under this Act shall be executableby the Appellate Tribunal as a decree of civil court, and for this purpose, the AppellateTribunal shall have all the powers of a civil court.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), the Appellate Tribunal may transmit any order made by it to a civil court having local jurisdiction and such civilcourt shall execute the order as if it were a decree made by that court.75. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 or inany other law, an appeal shall lie against any order of the Appellate Tribunal, not being aninterlocutory order, to the Supreme Court on any substantial question of law.(2) No appeal shall lie against any decision or order made by the Appellate Tribunalwith the consent of the parties.(3) Every appeal under this section shall be preferred within a period of ninety daysfrom the date of the decision or order appealed against:Provided that the Supreme Court may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the saidperiod of ninety days, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient causefrom preferring the appeal in time.Procedure andpowers ofAppellateTribunal. 5 of 1908.5 of 1908.1 of 1872.45 of 1860.2 of 1974.Orders passedby AppellateTribunal tobe executableas a decree.Appeal toSupremeCourt. 5 of 1908.5403534 76. The applicant or appellant may either appear in person or authorise one or morelegal practitioners or any of its officers to present his or its case before the Appellate Tribunal.Explanation.For the purposes of this section, \"legal practitioner\" includes anadvocate, or an attorney and includes a pleader in practice.77. No civil court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceeding in respectof any matter which the Appellate Tribunal is empowered by or under this Act to determineand no injunction shall be granted by any court or other authority in respect of any actiontaken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act. CHAPTER XIIFINANCE , ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT78. The Central Government may, after due appropriation made by Parliament by law inthis behalf, make to the Authority grants of such sums of money as it may think fit for thepurposes of this Act.79. (1) There shall be constituted a Fund to be called the Data Protection AuthorityFund to which the following shall be credited(a) all Government grants, fees and charges received by the Authority underthis Act; and(b) all sums received by the Authority from such other source as may be decidedupon by the Central Government. (2) The Data Protection Authority Fund shall be applied for meeting(i) the salaries, allowances and other remuneration of the Chairperson, Members,officers, employees, consultants and experts appointed by the Authority; and(ii) the other expenses of the Authority in connection with the discharge of itsfunctions and for the purposes of this Act.80. (1) The Authority shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records andprepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as may be prescribed in consultationwith the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited by the Comptroller andAuditor-General of India at such intervals as may be prescribed and any expenditure incurredby him in connection with such audit shall be reimbursed to him by the Authority.(3) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India a nd any other person appointed by him in connection with the audit of the accounts of the Authority shall have the same rightsand privileges and authority in connection with such audit as the Comptroller andAuditor-General of India generally has in connection with the audit of the Governmentaccounts and, in particular, shall have the right to demand the production of books, accounts,connected vouchers and other documents and papers, and to inspect any of the offices ofthe Authority.(4) The accounts of the Authority as certified by the Comptroller and Auditor-Generalof India or any other person appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in this behalf together with the audit report thereon shall be forwarded annually to theCentral Government and the Central Government shall cause the same to be laid before eachHouse of the Parliament.81. (1) The Authority shall furnish to the Central Government at such time and in suchform and manner as may be prescribed or as the Central Government may direct, such returnsand statements (including statement on enforcement action taken) and such particulars inregard to any proposed or existing programme for the promotion and development ofprotection of personal data, as the Central Government from time to time, require.Right to legalrepresentation.Civil court notto havejurisdiction.Grants byCentralGovernment.DataProtectionAuthority ofIndia Funds.Accounts andAudit.Furnishing ofreturns, etc.,to CentralGovernment.54535 (2) The Authority shall prepare once every year in such form and at such time as maybe prescribed, an annual report giving a summary of its activities during the previous yearand copies of the report shall be forwarded to the Central Government.(3) A copy of the report prepared under sub-section ( 2) shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is received, before each House of the Parliament.(4) A copy of the report prepared under sub-section ( 2) shall also be made publicly available by the Authority. CHAPTER XIIIO82. (1) Any person who, knowingly or intentionally(a) re-identifies personal data which has been de-identified by a data fiduciaryor a data processor, as the case may be; or(b) re-identifies and processes such personal data as mentioned in clause ( a), without the consent of such data fiduciary or data processor, then, such person shall bepunishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or with a fine which mayextend to two lakh rupees or both.(2) Nothing contained in sub-section ( 1) shall render any such person liable to any punishment under this section, if he proves that(a) the personal data belongs to the person charged with the offence undersub-section (1); or(b) the data principal whose personal data is in question has explicitly consentedto such re-identification or processing as per the provisions of this Act.83. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,an offence punishable under this Act shall be cognizable and non-bailable.(2) No court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act, save on a complaintmade by the Authority.84. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company, everyperson who, at the time the offence was committed was in charge of, and was responsible to,the company for the conduct of the business of the company, as well as the company, shallbe deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against andpunished accordingly.(2) Nothing contained in sub-section ( 1) shall render any such person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was committed without hisknowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of suchoffence.(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company and it is proved that the offence has beencommitted with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of,any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager,secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liableto be proceeded against and punished accordingly.Explanation.For the purpose of this section(a) \"company\" means any body corporate, and includes(i) a firm; andRe-identificationand processingof de-identifiedpersonal data.2 of 1974. Offences tobe cognizableand non-bailable.Offences bycompanies.5403536(ii) an association of persons or a body of individuals whether incorporatedor not.(b) \"director\" in relation to(i) a firm, means a partner in the firm;(ii) an association of persons or a body of individuals, means any membercontrolling affairs thereof.85. (1) Where it has been proved that an offence under this Act has been committedby any department or authority or body of the State, by whatever name called, the head ofsuch department or authority or body shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shallbe liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.(2) Nothing contained in sub-section ( 1) shall render any such person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was committed without hisknowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of suchoffence.(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section ( 1), where an offence under this Act has been committed by a department of the Central or State Government, or anyauthority of the State and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the consentor connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any officer, other than thehead of the department or authority, such officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of theoffence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.(4) Notwithstanding anything in this section, the provisions of the Code of CriminalProcedure, 1973 relating to public servants shall continue to apply. CHAPTER XIVMISCELLANEOUS86. (1) The Central Government may, from time to time, issue to the Authority suchdirections as it may think necessary in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India,the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States or public order.(2) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the Authority shall, inexercise of its powers or the performance of its functions under this Act, be bound by suchdirections on questions of policy as the Central Government may give in writing to it fromtime to time:Provided that the Authority shall, as far as practicable, be given an opportunity toexpress its views before any direction is given under this sub-section.(3) The decision of the Central Government whether a question is one of policy or notshall be final.87. The Chairperson, Members, officers and employees of the Authority and theAppellate Tribunal shall be deemed, when acting or purporting to act in pursuance of any ofthe provisions of this Act, to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of theIndian Penal Code.88. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Authority orits Chairperson, member, employee or officer for anything which is done in good faith orintended to be done under this Act, or the rules prescribed, or the regulations specifiedthereunder.89. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Income Tax Act, 1961 or any otherenactment for the time being in force relating to tax on income, profits or gains, as the casemay be, the Authority shall not be liable to pay income tax or any other tax in respect of itsincome, profits or gains derived.Offences byState.2 of 1974.Power ofCentralGovernmentto issuedirections.Members, etc.,to be publicservants.Protection ofaction takenin good faith.Exemptionfrom tax onincome.45 of 1860.43 of 1961.54537 90. The Authority may, by general or special order in writing delegate to any memberor officer of the Authority subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order,such of its powers and functions under this Act, except the powers under section 94, as itmay deem necessary.91. (1) Nothing in this Act shall prevent the Central Government from framing of anypolicy for the digital economy, including measures for its growth, security, integrity, preventionof misuse, insofar as such policy do not govern personal data.(2) The Central Government may, in consultation with the Authority, direct any datafiduciary or data processor to provide any personal data anonymised or other non-personaldata to enable better targeting of delivery of services or formulation of evidence-basedpolicies by the Central Government, in such manner as may be prescribed.Explanation.For the purposes of this sub-section, the expression \"non-personaldata\" means the data other than personal data.(3) The Central Government shall disclose annually the directions, made by it undersub-section (2), in such form as may be prescribed.92. No data fiduciary shall process such biometric data as may be notified by theCentral Government, unless such processing is permitted by law.93. (1) The Central Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out theprovisions of this Act.(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, suchrules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:(a) any other categories of sensitive personal data under section 15;(b) other factors to be taken into consideration under clause ( d) of sub-section (3) of section 16;(c) the form and manner in which an application may be made to exercise theright under sub-section (2), and the manner of review of the order passed by theAdjudicating Officer under sub-section ( 4) of section 20; (d) the methods of voluntary identification to identify users of social mediaunder sub-section (3) and the identifying mark of verification of a voluntarily verifieduser under sub-section (4) of section 28;(e) the manner in which a complaint may be filed under sub-section ( 4) of section 32;(f) the entity or class of entity in a country, or international organisations towhich transfers may be permitted under clause ( b) of sub-section (1) of section 34; (g) the place of head office of the Authority under sub-section ( 3) of section 41; (h) procedure to be followed by the selection committee under sub-section ( 3) of section 42;(i) the salaries and allowances payable to, and other terms and conditions ofservice of the Chairperson and the Members of the Authority under sub-section ( 2) of section 43;(j) the time and place for, and the rules and procedures in regard to, transactionof business at the meetings of the Authority under sub-section ( 1) of section 46;(k) other functions of the Authority under clause ( o) of sub-section (2) of section 49;Delegation.Act topromoteframing ofpolicies fordigitaleconomy, etc..Bar onprocessingcertain formsof biometricdata.Power tomake rules.5403538 (l) the procedure of issuance of a code of practice under sub-section ( 4), the manner in which the Authority may review, modify or revoke a code of practice undersub-section (7), of section 50;(m) other matters under clause (e) of sub-section (8) of section 53, in respect of which the Authority shall have powers;(n) the number of Adjudicating Officers, manner and terms of their appointment,their jurisdiction and other requirements under sub-section ( 2) of section 62; (o) the manner in which the Adjudicating Officer shall conduct an inquiry undersub-section (1) of section 63;(p) the form and manner of making a complaint under sub-section ( 2), and the procedure for hearing of a complaint under sub-section ( 8) of section 64; (q) the manner of appointment, term of office, salaries and allowances, resignation,removal and the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and anymember of the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section ( 2) of section 68; (r) the procedure of filling of vacancies in the Appellate Tribunal under section 69;(s) the salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of the officersand employees of the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section ( 3) of section 70; (t) the form, manner and fee for filing an appeal or application, as the case maybe, with the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section ( 1) of section 72; (u) other matters under clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 73 in respect of powers of the Appellate Tribunal;(v) the form of accounts, other relevant records and annual statement of accountsunder sub-section (1), the intervals at which the accounts of the Authority shall beaudited under sub-section (2) of section 80;(w) the time in which and the form and manner in which the returns, statements,and particulars are to be furnished to the Central Government under sub-section ( 1), and annual report under sub-section ( 2) of section 81; (x) the manner in which the Central Government may issue a direction, includingthe specific purposes for which data is sought under sub-section ( 2) and the form of disclosure of such directions under sub-section ( 3) of section 91; or ( y) any other matter which is require to be, or may be, prescribed, or in respectof which provision is to be made, by rules.94. (1) The Authority may, by notification, make regulations consistent with this Actand the rules made thereunder to carry out the provisions of this Act.(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, suchregulations may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:(a) information required to be provided by the data fiduciary to the data principalin its notice under clause (n) of sub-section (1) of section 7; (b) manner in which the personal data retained by the data fiduciary must bedeleted under sub-section (4) of section 9;(c) the safeguards for protecting the rights of data principals undersub-section (3) of section 14;(d) the additional safeguards or restrictions under sub-section ( 2) of section 15; (e) the manner of obtaining consent of the parent or guardian of a child undersub-section (2), the manner of verification of age of a child under sub-section ( 3),Power tomakeregulations.54539 application of provision in modified form to data fiduciaries offering counselling orchild protection services under sub-section ( 6) of section 16; (f) the period within which a data fiduciary must acknowledge the receipt ofrequest under sub-section (1), the fee to be charged under sub-section ( 2), the period within which request is to be complied with under sub-section ( 3), and the manner and the period within which a data principal may file a complaint under sub-section ( 4) of section 21;(g) the manner for submission of privacy by design policy under sub-section ( 2) of section 22;(h) the manner and the technical, operation, financial and other conditions forregistration of the consent manager and its compliance under sub-section ( 5) of section 23;(i) the manner of registration of significant data fiduciaries undersub-section (2) of section 26;(j) the circumstances or classes of data fiduciaries or processing operationswhere data protection impact assessments shall be mandatory and instances wheredata auditor shall be appointed under sub-section ( 2), and the manner in which data protection officer shall review the data protection impact assessment and submit tothe Authority under sub-section ( 4) of section 27;(k) the form and manner for maintaining the records, and any other aspect ofprocessing for which records shall be maintained under sub-section ( 1) of section 28; (l) the other factors to be taken into consideration under clause ( g) of sub-section (2); the form and procedure for conducting audits under sub-section ( 3); the manner of registration of auditors under sub-section ( 4); criteria on the basis of which rating in the form of a data trust score may be assigned to a data fiduciary undersub-section (6) of section 29;(m) the qualification and experience of a data protection officer undersub-section (1) of section 30;(n) the period within which transfer of personal data shall be notified to theAuthority under sub-section (3) of section 34;(o) the provisions of the Act and the class of research, archival or statisticalpurposes which may be exempted under section 38;(p) the remuneration, salary or allowances and other terms and conditions ofservice of such officers, employees, consultants and experts under sub-section ( 2) of section 48;(q) the code of practice under sub-section ( 1) of section 50;(r) the form and manner for providing information to the Authority by the datafiduciary under sub-section (3) of section 52;(s) any other matter which is required to be, or may be specified, or in respect ofwhich provision is to be or may be made by regulations.95. Every rule and regulation made under this Act and notification issued undersub-section (4) of section 67 shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each Houseof Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised inone session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the sessionimmediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree inmaking any modification in the rule or regulation or notification or both Houses agree that therule or regulation or notification should not be made, the rule or regulation or notification shallthereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so,however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity ofanything previously done under that rule or regulation or notification.Rules andregulations tobe laid beforeParliament.55040 96. Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the provisions of this Act shall have effectnotwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith any other law for the time being in force orany instrument having effect by virtue of any law other than this Act.97. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the CentralGovernment may, by order, published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions notinconsistent with the provisions of this Act as may appear to be necessary or expedient forremoving the difficulty:Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of fiveyears from the commencement of this Act.(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made,before each House of Parliament.98. The Information Technology Act, 2000 shall be amended in the manner specified inthe Schedule to this Act. THE SCHEDULE(See section 98)AMENDMENTS TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000(21 OF 2000) 1. Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (hereafter in this Schedulereferred to as the principal Act) shall be omitted.2. In section 87 of the principal Act, in sub-section ( 2), clause (ob) shall be omitted.Overridingeffect of thisAct.Power toremovedifficulties.Amendmentof Act 21 of2000.Amendmentof section 87.Omission ofsection 43A.52041STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS In the matter of Justice K.S. Puttaswami and another Vs. Union of India [WP 494 of 2012], a nine Judge Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court, while delivering its judgmenton 24th August, 2017, declared \"privacy\" as a fundamental right under article 21 of theConstitution. Subsequently, on 26th September, 2018, a five Judge Constitutional Bench ofthe Supreme Court while delivering its final judgment in the above case impressed upon theGovernment to bring out a robust data protection regime.2. The Government on 31st July, 2017 constituted a \"Committee of Experts on DataProtection\" chaired by Justice B.N. Srikrishna to examine the issues relating to data protection.The said Committee examined the issues on data protection and submitted its Report on 27thJuly, 2018. On the basis of the recommendations made in the said Report and the suggestionsreceived from various stakeholders, it is proposed to enact a legislation, namely, the PersonalData Protection Bill, 2019.3. The proposed Legislation seeks to bring a strong and robust data protectionframework for India and to set up an Authority for protecting personal data and empoweringthe citizens' with rights relating to their personal data ensuring their fundamental right to\"privacy and protection of personal data\".4. The salient features of the Data Protection Bill, 2019, inter alia, are as under (i) to promote the concepts such as consent framework, purpose limitation,storage limitation and the data minimisation;(ii) to lay down obligations on entities collecting personal data (data fiduciary)to collect only that data which is required for a specific purpose and with the expressconsent of the individual (data principal);(iii) to confer rights on the individual to obtain personal data, correct inaccuratedata, erase data, update the data, port the data to other fiduciaries and the right torestrict or prevent the disclosure of personal data;(iv) to establish an Authority to be called the \"Data Protection Authority ofIndia\" (the Authority) which shall consist of a Chairperson and not more than sixwhole-time Members to be appointed by the Central Government;(v) to provide that the Authority shall protect the interests of data principals,prevent any misuse of personal data, ensure compliance with the provisions of theproposed legislation and promote awareness about the data protection;(vi) to specify a provision relating to \"social media intermediary\" whose actionshave significant impact on electoral democracy, security of the State, public order orthe sovereignty and integrity of India and to empower the Central Government, inconsultation with the Authority, to notify the said intermediary as a significant datafiduciary;(vii) to confer a \"right of grievance\" on data principal to make a complaintagainst the grievance to the data fiduciary and if aggrieved by the decision of suchdata fiduciary, he may approach the Authority;(viii) to empower the Central Government to exempt any agency of Governmentfrom application of the proposed Legislation;(ix) to empower the Authority to specify the \"code of practice\" to promote goodpractices of data protection and facilitate compliance with the obligations under thislegislation;42 (x) to appoint the \"Adjudicating Officer\" for the purpose of adjudging thepenalties to be imposed and the compensation to be awarded under the provisions ofthis legislation;(xi) to establish an \"Appellate Tribunal\" to hear and dispose of any appeal froman order of the Authority under clause 54 and the Adjudicating Officer underclauses 63 and 64; and(xii) to impose \"fines and penalties\" for contravention of the provisions of theproposed legislation.5. The Notes on Clauses explain in detail the various provisions contained in the Bill.6. The Bill seeks to achieve the above objectives.NEW D ELHI ; RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD.The 5th December, 2019.43Notes on ClausesClause 1.This clause seeks to provide for short title and commencement of the Act.Clause 2.This clause seeks to clarify the application of the Act with regard topersonal data of Indians and save for clause 91 would not be applicable to processing ofanonymised data.Clause 3.- This clause seeks to define certain expressions occurring in the Act. Clause 4.This clause seeks to prohibit processing of personal data without anyspecific, clear and lawful purpose.Clause 5.This clause seeks to limit the processing of personal data to the purposeconsented to by the data principal or which is incidental or connected thereto.Clause 6.This clause seeks to lay down limitation on collection of personal dataspecifying that it should be only to the extent that is necessary.Clause 7.This clause seeks to lay down the requirement of notice for collection orprocessing of personal data and lists the various types of information that should be containedin the notice given to the data principal.Clause 8.This clause seeks to lay down that the data fiduciary should ensure thequality of the personal data processed.Clause 9.This clause seeks to lay down restriction on retention of personal databeyond what is necessary.Clause 10.This clause seeks to lay down the responsibility for complying with theprovisions of this Act on the data fiduciary.Clause 11.This clause seeks to expound the various aspects of consent which arenecessary for processing of personal data.Clause 12.This clause seeks to list out certain cases which provide for processingof personal data without consent.Clause 13.This clause seeks to provide for processing of personal data necessaryfor purposes related to employment.Clause 14.This clause seeks to provide for other reasonable purposes for whichpersonal data may be processed.Clause 15.This clause seeks to provide for categorisation of personal data assensitive personal data and lists out criteria for such categorisation.Clause 16.This clause seeks to provide for obligations on data fiduciaries whoprocessed personal data of children.Clause 17.This clause seeks to provide the data principal with the right toconfirmation and access to his personal data.Clause 18.This clause seeks to provide the data principal with a right to correct anderase his personal data.Clause 19.This clause seeks to provide the data principal the right to port personaldata to any data fiduciary.Clause 20.This clause seeks to provide the data principal the right to be forgotten.Clause 21.This clause seeks to lay down the general conditions for the exercise ofthe rights in clauses 17 to 20.44 Clause 22.This clause seeks to list out the constituents of privacy by design policy.Clause 23.This clause seeks to require transparency in processing of personal databy requiring the fiduciary to inform the data principal and making information available.Clause 24.This clause seeks to require the data fiduciary to implement necessarysecurity safeguards.Clause 25.This clause seeks to require the data fiduciary to report to the Authorityabout breach of any personal data.Clause 26.This clause seeks to provide for classification of certain data fiduciariesas significant data fiduciaries including certain social media intermediaries.Clause 27.This clause seeks to require significant data fiduciaries to undertake dataprotection impact assessment.Clause 28.This clause seeks to require significant data fiduciaries to maintain accurateand up-to-date records, including requiring significant social media intermediaries to providefor voluntary verification mechanism.Clause 29.This clause seeks to require significant data fiduciaries to have theirpolicies and conduct audited by data auditors.Clause 30.This clause seeks to require significant data fiduciaries to appoint a DataProtection Officer.Clause 31.This clause seeks to require data fiduciaries to ensure a contract forprocessing by other data processors.Clause 32.This clause seeks to require every data fiduciary to have a grievanceredressal mechanism.Clause 33.This clause seeks to prohibit processing of sensitive personal data andcritical personal data outside India.Clause 34.This clause seeks to list out conditions under which sensitive personaldata and critical personal data could be transferred outside India.Clause 35.This clause seeks to empower the Central Government to exempt anyagency of the Government from application of the Act.Clause 36.This clause seeks to provide for exemption of certain provisions of theAct for certain processing of personal data.Clause 37.This clause seeks to clarify that the Government could exempt certaindata processors who are processing data of foreigners, from the application of this Act.Clause 38.This clause seeks to provide for exemption when personal data isprocessed for research, archival or statistical purposes.Clause 39.This clause seeks to provide for exemption for small entities who areengaged in manual processing of personal data.Clause 40.This clause seeks to provide for a Sandbox which can facilitate new ideasand approaches without any regulatory violations.Clause 41.This clause seeks to establish a regulator namely the Data ProtectionAuthority of India (the Authority).Clause 42This clause seeks to lift the compositions and qualifications forappointment of Chairperson and Members of the Authority and their method of selection.Clause 43.This clause seeks to list the terms and conditions of appointment for theChairperson and Members of the Authority.45 Clause 44.This clause seeks to list the conditions under which a Chairperson orother Members of the Authority can be removed.Clause 45.This clause seeks to lay down that the powers of the Authority rests withthe ChairpersonClause 46.This clause seeks to provide for the matters relating to meetings of theAuthority.Clause 47.This clause seeks to provide that the proceedings of the Authority wouldnot be invalidated due to vacancy, procedural irregularity, etc.Clause 48.This clause seeks to empower the Authority to appoint officers and otheremployees.Clause 49.This clause seeks to list the powers and functions of the Authority.Clause 50.This clause seeks to require the Authority to specify codes of practice topromote good practices of data protection.Clause 51.This clause seeks to empower the Authority to issue directions to anydata fiduciary for the discharge of its functions.Clause 52.This clause seeks to empower the Authority to call for information fromany data fiduciaryClause 53.This clause seeks to empower the Authority to conduct an inquiry intothe affairs of a data fiduciary.Clause 54.- This clause seeks to list out various actions that can be taken by theAuthority pursuant to an inquiryClause 55.This clause seeks to empower the Inquiry Officer of the Authority toorder for search and seizure of documents, records, etc.Clause 56.This clause seeks to provide for coordination between the Authority andother regulators.Clause 57.This clause seeks to list out penalties for contravening certain provisionsof the Act.Clause 58.This clause seeks to list out penalties for failure to comply with requestmade by data principal.Clause 59.This clause seeks to list out penalty for failure of the data fiduciary tofurnish report, return, information to the Authority.Clause 60.This clause seeks to list out penalty for failure of the data fiduciary tocomply with direction or order issued by the Authority.Clause 61.This clause seeks to list out penalty for contravention of any provisionof this Act or rules or regulations made thereunder for which no separate penalty has beenprovided.Clause 62.This clause seeks to provide for appointment of Adjudicating Officer foradjudging penalties.Clause 63.This clause seeks to lay down the procedure for adjudication byAdjudicating Officer.Clause 64This clause seeks to provide for data principal's right to seek compensationfrom the data fiduciary in case of suffering harm.Clause 65.This clause seeks to ensure that compensation or penalties under thisAct would not interfere with any other penalty or punishment.46 Clause 66.This clause seeks to lay down that penalties or compensation awardedunder this Act may be recovered as arrear of land revenue.Clause 67.This clause seeks to lay down provisions relating to establishment ofAppellate Tribunal.Clause 68.This clause seeks to list out qualifications, appointment, term, conditionsof service of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal.Clause 69.This clause seeks to provide for filling up vacancies in the office ofChairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal.Clause 70.This clause seeks to provide for staffing of Appellate Tribunal.Clause 71.This clause seeks to provide for distribution of business to differentbenches of the Appellate Tribunal.Clause 72.This clause seeks to provide for appeal to the Appellate Tribunal againstany decision of the Authority.Clause 73.This clause seeks to lay down the procedure and powers of the Appellate Tribunal.Clause 74.This clause seeks to provide that the Appellate Tribunal shall have all thepowers of a civil court.Clause 75.This clause seeks to provide for an appeal to the Supreme Court againstany order of the Appellate Tribunal.Clause 76.This clause seeks to provide for the applicant or appellant to appear inperson or authorise legal representative.Clause 77.This clause seeks to lay down that no civil court would have jurisdictionto entertain any suit on any matter which falls within the ambit of Appellate Tribunal.Clause 78.This clause seeks to provide for the Central Government to make grantsto the Authority.Clause 79. This clause seeks to provide for constitution of the Data ProtectionAuthority Fund.Clause 80.This clause seeks to require the Authority to maintain proper accountswhich are to be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.Clause 81.This clause seeks to require the Authority to furnish returns, statements,etc., to the Central Government.Clause 82.This clause seeks to list out punishment for the offence of reidentifyingof deidentified personal data.Clause 83.This clause seeks to lays out that offence in Clause 82 to be cognizableand non-bailable.Clause 84.This clause seeks to list out provisions relating to commission of offenceby companies.Clause 85.This clause seeks to list out provisions relating to commission of offenceby any State Government or Central Government Department or agency.Clause 86.This clause seeks to empower the Central Government to issue directionsto the Authority.Clause 87.This clause seeks to deem Members, officers etc. of the Authority to bepublic servants when acting pursuant to any provisions of the Act.Clause 88.This clause seeks to protect the Authority, Member, employee in case ofaction done under this Act in good faith.47 Clause 89.This clause seeks to exempts Authority from tax on income in respect ofits income, profits.Clause 90.This clause seeks to empower the Authority to delegate its powers orfunctions to any Member or officer.Clause 91.This clause seeks to empower the Central Government to frame policiesfor digital economy in respect of non-personal data.Clause 92.This clause seeks to ban processing of certain forms of biometric dataunless permitted by law.Clause 93.This clause seeks to empowers the Central Government to make rules tocarry out the provisions of the Act.Clause 94.This clause seeks to empowers the Authority to make regulationsconsistent with the Act and rules made there under.Clause 95.This clause seeks to require that rules and regulations made under thisAct are to be laid before the Parliament.Clause 96.This clause seeks to provide for the overriding effect of this Actnotwithstanding anything inconsistent with any other law.Clause 97.This clause seeks to provide for power of Central Government to removedifficulties.Clause 98.This clause seeks to provide for related amendments to the InformationsTechnology Act, 2000.48FINANCIAL MEMORANDUMSub-clause (2) of clause 43 provides for the payment of salaries and allowances tothe Chairperson, Members of the Authority.2. Sub-clause (2) of clause 48 provides for the payment of salaries and allowancesto the officers and employees of the Authority.3. Sub-clause (2) of clause 68 provides for the payment of salaries and allowancesto the Chairperson and Members of the Appellate Tribunal.4. Sub-clause (3) of clause 70 provides for the payment of salaries and allowancesto the officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal.5. For the aforesaid provisions, it would involve an expenditure of (recurring ornon-recurring) one hundred crore rupees from the Consolidated Fund of India.49MEMORANDUM REGARDING DELEGATED LEGISLATIONClause 93 of the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 seeks to empower theCentral Government to make rules for( a) categorization of sensitive personal data under section 15; (b) verification of the age of child under sub-section (3) of section (3); (c) the form and manner in which an application to enforce the right to be forgotten can be exercisedunder sub-section (2) of section 20 and the manner of review of order passed by theAdjudicating Officer under sub-section (4) of section 20; (d) the methods of voluntary identification to identify users of social media under sub-section (3) and the identifying mark of verification of a voluntarily verified user under sub-section (4) of section 28; (e) the manner in which a complaint regarding grievance redressal may be filed under sub-section(4) of section 32 ; (f) the entity or class of entity in a country, or international organisationsto which transfers may be permitted under clause ( b) of sub-section (1) of section 34; (g) the place of head office of the Authority under sub-section (3) of section 41; (h) procedure to be followed by the Selection Committee under sub-section (3) of section 42; (i) the salaries and allowances payable to, and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and theMembers of the Authority under sub-section (2) of section 43; (j) the procedure for conducting any inquiry under sub-section (2) of section 44; (k) the time and place for, and the rules and procedures in regard to, transaction of business at the meetings of the Authority undersub-section (1) of section 46; (l) other functions of the Authority under clause ( o) of sub-section (2) of section 49; (m) the procedure of issuance of a code of practice under sub-section (4), the manner in which the Authority may review, modify or revoke a code ofpractice under sub-section (7), of section 50; (n) other matters under clause ( e) of sub-section (8) of section 53 in respect of which the Authority shall have powers; ( o) the number of Adjudicating Officers, manner and terms of their appointment, their jurisdiction and other requirements under sub-section (2) of section 62; (p) the manner in which the Adjudicating Officer shall conduct an inquiry under sub-section (1) of section 63; (q) the form and manner of making a complaint under sub-section ( 2), and the procedure for hearing of a complaint under sub-section ( 8) of section 64; (r) the manner of appointment, term of office, salaries and allowances, resignation, removal and the other terms and conditions ofservice of the Chairperson and any member of the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (2) of section 68; (s) the procedure of filling of vacancies in the Appellate Tribunal under section69; (t) the salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of the officers and employeesof the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (3) of section 70; (u) the form, manner and fee for filing an appeal or application, as the case may be, with the Appellate Tribunal undersub-section (1) of section 72; (v) other matters under clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 73 in respect of powers of the Appellate Tribunal; ( w) the form of accounts, other relevant records and annual statement of accounts under sub-section ( 1), the intervals at which the accounts of the Authority shall be audited under sub-section (2) of section 80; (x) the time in which and the form and manner in which the returns, statements, and particulars are to befurnished to the Central Government under sub-section (1) and annual report under sub-section (2) of section 81; (y) the manner in which the Central Government may issue a direction, including the specific purposes for which data is sought under sub-section (2) and the form of disclosure of such directions under sub-section (3) of section 91; (z) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, prescribed, or in respect of which provision is to bemade, by rules.2. Clause 94 of the Bill empowers the Authority, with the previous approval of theCentral Government, by notification, to make regulations consistent with the provisions ofthe Act and the rules made thereunder to provide for( a) information required to be provided by the data fiduciary to the data principal in its notice under clause ( n) of sub-section (1) of section 7; (b) manner in which the personal data retained by the data fiduciary must bedeleted under sub-section (4) of section 9; (c) the safeguards for protecting the rights of data50 principals under sub-section (3) of section 14; (d) the additional safeguards or restrictions under sub-section (2) of section 15; (e) the manner of obtaining consent of the parent or guardian of a child under sub-section ( 2), the manner of verification of age of a child under sub-section (3), application of provision in modified form to data fiduciaries offeringcounselling or child protection services under sub-section ( 6) of section 16; (f) the period within which a data fiduciary must acknowledge the receipt of request under sub-section(1), the fee to be charged under sub-section ( 2), the period within which request is to be complied with under sub-section ( 3), and the manner and the period within which a data principal may file a complaint under sub-section (4) of section 21; (g) the manner for submission of privacy by design policy under sub-section (2) of section 22; (h) the manner and the technical, operation, financial and other conditions for registration of the consentmanager and its compliance under sub-section ( 5) of section 23; (i) the manner of registration of significant data fiduciaries under sub-section (2) of section 26; (j) the circumstances or classes of data fiduciaries or processing operations where data protection impact assessmentsshall be mandatory and instances where data auditor shall be appointed under sub-section ( 2), and the manner in which data protection officer shall review the data protection impactassessment and submit to the Authority under sub-section (4) of section 27; (k) the form and manner for maintaining the records, and any other aspect of processing for whichrecords shall be maintained under sub-section (1) of section 28; (l) the other factors to be taken into consideration under clause ( g) of sub-section (2); the form and procedure for conducting audits under sub-section ( 3); the manner of registration of auditors under sub-section (4); criteria on the basis of which rating in the form of a data trust score may beassigned to a data fiduciary under sub-section ( 6) of section 29; (m) the qualification and experience of a data protection officer under sub-section (1) of section 30; (n) the period within which transfer of personal data shall be notified to the Authority under sub-section (3) of section 34; (o) the provisions of the Act and the class of research, archival or statisticalpurposes which may be exempted under section 38; ( p) the remuneration, salary or allowances and other terms and conditions of service of such officers, employees, consultants andexperts under sub-section (2) of section 48; (q) the code of practice under sub-section (1) of section 50; (r) the form and manner for providing information to the Authority by the datafiduciary under sub-section (3) of section 52; and (s) any other matter which is required to be, or may be specified, or in respect of which provision is to be or may be made by regulations.3. The matters in respect of which the aforementioned rules and regulations may bemade are matters of procedure and administrative detail, and as such, it is not practicable toprovide for them in the proposed Bill itself. The delegation of legislative power is, therefore,of a normal character.ANNEXUREEXTRACTS FROM THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000(21 * * * * * *43A. Where a body corporate, possessing, dealing or handling any sensitive personaldata or information in a computer resource which it owns, controls or operates, is negligentin implementing and maintaining reasonable security practices and procedures and therebycauses wrongful loss or wrongful gain to any person, such body corporate shall be liable topay damages by way of compensation to the person so affected.Explanation.For the purposes of this section,(i) \"body corporate\" means any company and includes a firm, sole proprietorshipor other association of individuals engaged in commercial or professional activities;(ii) \"reasonable security practices and procedures\" means security practicesand procedures designed to protect such information from unauthorised access,damage, use, modification, disclosure or impairment, as may be specified in an agreementbetween the parties or as may be specified in any law for the time being in force and inthe absence of such agreement or any law, such reasonable security practices andprocedures, as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation withsuch professional bodies or associations as it may deem fit;(iii) \"sensitive personal data or information\" means such personal informationas may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with such professionalbodies or associations as it may deem fit.* * * * * *87.(1) * * * * * *(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, suchrules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:* * * * * *(ob) the reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personaldata or information under section 43A;* * * * * *Compensationfor failure toprotect data.Power ofCentralGovernmentto make rules.51MGIPMRND4173LS(S3)06-12-2019.LOK SABHABILL to provide for protection of the privacy of individuals relating to their personal data, specifythe flow and usage of personal data, create a relationship of trust between persons andentities processing the personal data, protect the rights of individuals whose personaldata are processed, to create a framework for organisational and technical measures inprocessing of data, laying down norms for social media intermediary, cross-border transfer,accountability of entities processing personal data, remedies for unauthorised and harmfulprocessing, and to establish a Data Protection Authority of India for the said purposesand for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.(Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Law and Justice, Communications andElectronics and Information Technology)","Summary":"The Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 aims to protect the privacy of individuals and their personal data, create a framework for the processing of personal data, and establish the Data Protection Authority of India.\n\nThe Bill states that any person, including a company, who processes personal data must only process data only for a specific, clear and lawful purpose, within a predefined time period. They must not collect data that goes beyond what is required, and must process such data in a manner that protects the privacy of the individual. The Bill stipulates that individuals should be given a notice, at the time of sharing data which is easily comprehensible, and includes:\n\u2022 The purpose for which their data will be processed.\u00a0\n\u2022 The right to withdraw consent for processing of their personal data and the process to withdraw consent.\n\u2022 The source from which data has been collected, among other provisions.\n\n\nPersonal data cannot be processed without explicit consent from an individual. However, personal data can be processed without consent if it is necessary for any function of the State or to respond to any medical emergency. In addition, personal data can be processed without consent for other \u201creasonable purposes\u201d like prevention of unlawful activities, whistle blowing etc. The Data Protection Authority will set out regulations for this.\u00a0\n\nPersonal data of children will require the consent of their guardians before it is processed. Individuals will have the following rights with respect to their personal data:\n\n\u2022 They can ask for a confirmation and summary of their data that has been collected and processed.\n\u2022 They can correct errors and request erasure of their personal data.\n\u2022 They can receive their data and the data generated about them in a machine readable format.\n\u2022 They can prevent or restrict the disclosure and continuing use of their personal data.\n\n\nOrganisations will create a \u2018privacy by design\u2019 policy and submit it to the Authority to certify, the Authority will ensure that this policy matches the requirements set out in the Bill. Further information of any data breach must also be reported to the Authority.\u00a0\n\nSocial media intermediaries or organisations that enable online interaction between two or more users, whose activities have an impact on or potentially could have an impact on the security of the State, public order or the sovereignty of India, will be demarcated as \u2018significant data fiduciaries\u2019. They will adhere to special provisions like the appointment of an independent data auditor. Users of these social media platforms can voluntarily verify their profiles.\u00a0\n\nSensitive personal data like financial data, health data, transgender or intersex status, sexual orientation and biometric data can be processed outside India, with one copy stored in India.\u00a0\n\nThe Bill states that where the Central Government sees fit, it can be exempted from any or all provisions of the Bill, if it needs to process Personal Data in a matter concerning:\n\n\u2022 The security of the State.\u00a0\n\u2022 Preventing the commission of any offence relating to sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State or public order.\n\n\nThis is subject to the safeguards and oversight mechanism laid out by the Data Protection Authority, which will be constituted and appointed by the Central Government. \n\nThe Bill sets out the composition, powers and functions of the Data Protection Authority, an Appellate Authority as well as the penalties for breaching any provisions of the Bill. The full text of the Bill can be found here."},"163":{"Title":"The Draft Industrial Relations (Haryana) Rules, 2021","Text":"GOVERNMENT OF HARYANALABOUR DEPARTMENTNOTIFICATIONthe 16thSeptember, 2021No. 02\/10\/2021 -2 Lab: The following draft of rules which the Governor of Haryanaproposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 99 of the Industrial RelationsCode, 2020 (Central Act 35 of 2020) read with section 24 of the General Clauses Act, 1897(Central Act 10 of 1897), is hereby published as required by sub -section (1) of section 99 ofthe Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (Central Act 35 of 2020) , for the information of personslikely to be affected thereby.Notice is hereby given that the draft of rules s hall be taken into consideration by theGovernment on or after the expiry of a period of forty five days from the date of publicationof this notification in the Official Gazette together with objections and suggestions, if any,which may be addressed to Labour Commissioner, Haryana, 30 Bays Building, Sector -17B, Chandigarh or by email at ircodehry@gmail.com by any person with respect to thedraft of rules before the expiry of the period so specified. The objections and suggestionsshould be sent in a proforma containing columns (i) specifying the name and address of theperson\/organization, column (ii) speci fying the rule or sub -rule which is proposed to bemodified and column (iii) specifying the revised rule or sub -rule proposed to be substitutedand reasons thereof.1. Short title, application and commencement (1)These rules may be called The Industrial Relat ions (Haryana) Rules, 2021 .(2)They extend to the whole of the State of Haryana in respect of theindustrial establishments or undertakings and matters for which the StateGovernment is the appropriate Government.(3)They shall come into force from the date of t heir final publication in theOfficial Gazette after the date of the commencement of the IndustrialRelations Code, 2020 (Central Act 35 of 2020).2. Definition (1)In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, - means the Industrial Relations Code, 2020;electronically means any information submitted by email or uploaded on thedesignated portal of Labour Department, Haryana or digital payment by any modefor the purpose of the Code; means a form appended to these rules ; me ans the section of the Code;state government means the Government of the State of Haryana.(2)The words and expressions used in these rules which are not defined therein, but aredefined in the Code, shall have their respective meaning as assigned to the m in the3. Memorandum of settlement under clause (zi) of section 2 (1)The settlement arrived at in the course of conciliation proceedings or otherwise, shallbe inForm I .(2)The settlement shall be signed by, -(a)in the case of an employer, by the employer himself, or by his authorised agent, orwhen the employer is an incorporated Company, or other body corporate, by theagent, manager or other principal officer of the corporation or such other body;(b) in the c ase of workers , any of the following officers of Trade Union, namely: -(i) the President;(ii) the Vice -President;(iii) the Secretary (including the General Secretary); and(iv) a Joint Secretary;(c)any other officer of the Trade Union authorized in this behalf by the President andSecretary of the Union;(d) by five representatives of workers duly authorized in this behalf at the meeting ofthe workers held for the purpose;(e) In case of an indust rial dispute between individual worker and employer, by theworkers concerned.(3)Where the settlement is arrived at in the course of conciliation proceedings theconciliation officer shall send a report thereof to the State Government together with acopy of the memorandum of settlement signed by the parties to the dispute.(4)Where a settlement is arrived at between an employer and his worker otherwise thanin the course of conciliation proceedings before a Conciliation Officer, the parties tothe settlement s hall jointly send a copy thereof electronically or by speed post or byregistered post, to the conciliation officer concerned and Labour Commissioner.(5)The conciliation officer shall file all settlements effected under this Code in respect ofindustrial di sputes in the area within his jurisdiction in the register maintainedelectronically or otherwise. The register shall contain the details including serialnumber, name of the industry, parties to the settlement, date of settlement, remarksand whether set tlement was effected at the intervention of conciliation officer or bymutual negotiation:Provided that signature of conciliation officer on the agreement shall not benecessary where the agreement for settlement is arrived at outside conciliation:Provided further that nothing in this rule shall prohibit a settlement between aworker or workers or Trade Union and an employer on mutually agreed terms andsuch settlement may be in the form other than Form I.4. Constitution of Works Committee etc. under Sect ion 3(1)Every employer to whom an order made under sub -section (1) of section 3 relates,shall forthwith proceed to constitute a Works Committee (hereinafter in this rulereferred to as the Committee) to promote measures for securing and preserving amityand good relations between the employer and workers and, to that end, to commentupon matters of common interest or concern, in the manner as is specified in thefollowing sub -rules.(2)The number of members constituting the Committee shall be so fixed so as t o affordrepresentation to the various categories, groups and class of workers engaged in, andto the sections, shops or departments of the establishment:Provided that the total number of members of the Committee shall not exceedtwenty:Provided further that the number of representatives of the workers in theCommittee shall not be less than the number of representatives of the employer(3)Subject to the provisions of this rule, the representatives of the employer in theCommittee shall be nominated by the employer and shall, as far as may be possible,be officials in direct touch with, or associated with, the working of the industrialestablishment.(4)(a) where any workers of the industrial establishment are members of a registeredTrade Union or, th e employer shall ask such registered Trade Union or to inform himin writing as to how many of the workers are members of such Trade Union or; and(b) where an employer has reason to believe that the information furnished to himunder clause (a) by the registered Trade Union or is false, he may, after informingsuch Trade Union or, refer the matter to the Assistant Labour Commissioner orDeputy Labour Commissioner, who shall, after hearing the parties, shall decide thematter and his decision shall be fi nal.(5)On receipt of the information called for under sub -rule (4), the employer shall providefor the selection of workers representative on the Committee in the followingmanner, namely: -(a) where there is a negotiating union under sub -section (2) or sub -section (3) ofsection 14 or a negotiating council under sub -section (4) of that section, then, suchnegotiating union or negotiating council, as the case may be, shall nominate thes representatives on the Committee and in the case of the negotiat ingcouncil, the nomination shall be in the manner that every registered Trade Unionrepresenting in the negotiating council shall be represented in the Committee inproportion to the number of workers of the industrial establishment who aremembers of su ch Trade Union;(b) where there is no recognized negotiating union or negotiating council referred toin clause (a), the workers of the industrial establishment shall elect amongstthemselves the workers representatives on the Committee:Provided that th e employer may, with the mutual agreement with workers ofthe industrial establishment, deploy an electronic process of conducting the electionprocess over an information technology application, online platform or like otherplatform to enable as to how t he representatives of workers shall be elected for theCommittee under clause (b):Provided further that where a registered Trade Union neglects or fails tofurnish the information called for under clause (a) of sub -rule (4) within one month ofthe date on which it is so called for, then, such Trade Union shall for the purpose ofthis rule be treated as if it did not exist:Provided also that where any reference has been made by the employer underclause (b) of sub -rule (4), the process of choosing the w orkers representative relatingthereto shall be held on receipt of the decision of the concerned Deputy LabourCommissioner.(6)The employer may, if he thinks fit, sub -divide the electoral constituency orconstituencies, as the case may be, and direct that w orkers shall vote in either bygroups, sections, shops or departments.(7)Any worker, of not less than 19 years of age and with a service of not less than oneyear in the industrial establishment may, if nominated as provided in this rule, be acandidate for election as a representative of the workers on the Committee:Provided that the service qualification shall not apply to the first election in anindustrial establishment which has been in existence for less than a year.Explanation. A worker who has p ut in a continuous service of not less than oneyear in two or more industrial establishments belonging to the same employer shall bedeemed to have satisfied the service qualification specified under this sub -rule.(8)All workers who are not less than 18 ye ars of age and who have put in not less than 6 continuous service in the industrial establishment shall be entitled to vote inthe election of the representative of workers.Explanation. A worker who has put in continuous service of not less tha n sixmonths in two or more industrial establishments belonging to the same employer shallbe deemed to have satisfied the service qualification specified under this rule.(9)(a) the employer shall fix a date as the closing date for receiving nominationsfrom candidates for election as workers representatives on the Committee;(b) for holding the election, the employer shall fix a date which shall not be earlierthan three days and later than fifteen days after the closing date for receivingnominations;(c) the dates so fixed shall be notified at least seven days in advance to theworkers concerned. Such notice shall be affixed on the notice board or electronicnotice board of the industrial establishment and given adequate publicity amongst theworker s. The notice shall specify the number of seats to be elected.(10)(a) every nomination shall be made on a nomination paper to be provided byemployer and the copies thereof shall be supplied by the employer to the workersrequiring them;(b) each nominati on paper shall be signed by the candidate to whom it relates andattested by at least two other voters belonging to the group, section, shop ordepartment the candidate seeking election will represent, and shall be delivered to the(11)(a) on the d ay following the last day fixed for filing nomination papers, thenomination papers shall be scrutinized by the employer in the presence of thecandidates and the attesting persons and those which are not valid shall be rejected;(b) for the purposes of clause (a), a nomination paper shall be held to be not validif-(i) the candidate nominated is ineligible for being candidate under sub -rule (7);or (ii) the requirements of sub -rule (10) have not been complied with:Provided that where a candidat e or an attesting person is unable to be presentat the time of scrutiny, he may send a duly authorised nominee for the purpose.(12)Any candidate whose nomination for election has been accepted may withdraw hiscandidature within 48 hours of the completion o f scrutiny of the nomination papers.(13)(a) if the number of candidates who have been validly nominated is equal to thenumber of seats, the candidates shall be forthwith declared duly elected;(b) if in any constituency the number of candidates is more than the number ofseats allotted to it, voting shall take place on the day fixed for election;(14)(a) the Committee shall have among its office -bearers a Chairman, a Vice -Chairman, a Secretary and a Joint -Secretary. The Secretary and the Joint -Secretaryshallbe elected every year;(b) the Chairman shall be nominated by the employer from amongst thes representatives on the Committee and he shall, as far as possible, be thehead of the industrial establishment;(c) the Vice -Chairman shall be elected by the members, on the Committeerepresenting the workers, from amongst themselves:Provided that in the event of equality of votes in the election of the Vice -Chairman, the matter shall be decided by draw of a lot:(d) the Committee shall elect the Sec retary and the Joint Secretary provided thatwhere the Secretary is elected from amongst the representatives of the employers, theJoint Secretary shall be elected from amongst the representatives of the workers andvice versa:Provided that the post of t he Secretary or the Joint Secretary, as the case maybe, shall not be held by a representative of the employer or the workers for threeconsecutive years:Provided further that the representatives of the employer shall not take part inthe election of the Secretary or Joint Secretary, as the case may be, and only therepresentatives of the workers shall be entitled to vote in elections for the post ofSecretary or Joint Secretary;(e) in any election under clause (d), in the event of equality of votes, the mattershall be decided by a draw of lot.(15)(a) the term of office of the representatives on the Committee other than amember chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall be three years;(b) a member chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office for the unexpiredterm of his predecessor;(c) a member who without obtaining leave from the Committee, fails to attendthree consecutive meetings of the Committee shall forfeit his membership.(16)In the event of workers representative ceasing to be a member under clause (c) ofsub-rule (15) or ceasing to be employed in the industrial establishment or in the eventof his resignation, death or otherwise, his successor shall be chosen in accordancewith the provisions of this rule from the same group to which the mem ber vacatingthe seat belonged for the remaining period of the committee.(17)The Committee shall have the right to co -opt in a consultative capacity, personsemployed in the industrial establishment having particular or special knowledge of amatter under dis cussion. Such co -opted member shall not be entitled to vote and shallbe present at meetings only for the period during which the particular question isbefore the Committee.(18)(a) the Committee may meet as often as necessary but not less often than once inthree months;(b) the Committee shall at its first meeting regulate its own procedure.(19)(a) the employer shall provide accommodation for holding meetings of theCommittee. He shall also provide all necessary facilities to the Committee and to themembe rs thereof for carrying out the work of the Committee. The Committee shallordinarily meet during working hours of the industrial establishment concerned onany working day and the representatives of the workers shall be deemed to be on dutywhile attendi ng the meeting;(b) the Secretary of the Committee may with the prior concurrence of theChairman, put up notice regarding the functions of the Committee on the notice boardof the industrial establishment.(20)The employer shall submit the details of the con stitution and the functioning of theCommittee as a part of unified annual return provided under the Occupational Safety,Health and Working Condition (Central) Rules, 2020 framed under the OccupationalSafety, Health and Working Condition Code, 2020 (Cent ral Act 37 of 2020).(21)The State Government, or the officer authorized on its behalf, may after making suchinquiry as it or he may deem fit, dissolve any Committee at any time, by an order inwriting, if it or he, as the case may be, is satisfied that the Committee has not beenconstituted in accordance with this rule or that not less than two -thirds of the numberof representatives of the workers have without any reasonable justification failed toattend three consecutive meetings of the Committee or that the Committee has, forany other reason, ceased to function:Provided that where the Committee is dissolved under this sub -rule, theemployer may, and if so required by the State Government or, as the case may be, bysuch officer, shall take steps to re -constitute the Committee in accordance with this5. Choosing of members from the employers and the workers for GrievanceRedressal Committee under sub -section (2) of section 4 (1)The Grievance Redressal Committee (hereinafter in this rule referred to as theGrievance Committee) in an industrial establishment employing twenty or moreworkers, shall consist of equal number of members representing the employer and theworkers, which s hall not exceed ten.(2)The representatives of the employer in the Grievance Committee shall be nominatedby the employer and shall, as far as may be possible, be officials in direct touch withor associated with the working of the industrial establishment, preferably the heads o fmajor departments of the industrial establishment.(3)The representative of the workers in the Grievance Committee shall be chosen in thefollowing manner, namely: -(a) where there is a negotiating union under sub -section (2) or sub -section (3) of section14 or a negotiating council under sub -section (4) of that section, then, suchnegotiating union or negotiating council, as the case may be, shall nominate thes representatives on the Grievance Committee and in the case of thenegotiating council, the nomination shall be in the manner that every registered TradeUnion representing in negotiating council shall be represented in the GrievanceCommittee in proportion to the number of workers of the industrial establishment whoare members of such Trade Union;(b) where there is no recognized negotiating union or negotiating council referred to theclause (a), the workers of the industrial establishment shall choose amongstthemselves the workers representatives on the Grievance Committee:Provided th at, the employer may, deploy an electronic process for choosingrepresentative of workers, over an information technology application, onlineplatform or like other platform, under clause (b):Provided further that there shall be adequate representation of women workersin the Grievance Committee and such representation shall not be less than theproportion of women workers to the total workers employed in the industrialestablishment:Provided further that the tenure of the members of the Grievance C ommitteeshall be three years:Provided also that in case there is no recognized negotiating union ornegotiating council and where any dispute arises regarding choosing of the workerrepresentative to the Grievance Committee, the matter may be referre d to theconcerned Deputy Labour Commissioner, who shall after hearing the parties decidethe matter and his decision shall be final.6. Application in respect of any dispute to be filed before the Grievance RedressalCommittee by any aggrieved worker under s ub-section (5) of section 4 Any aggrieved worker may file an application stating such workers dispute thereinbefore the Grievance Redressal Committee giving name, designation, worker Code ortoken number, department where posted, length of service in years, category ofworker, address for correspondence, contact number, details of grievances and reliefsought. Such application may be sent electronically or otherwise. The Grievance maybe raised within one year from the date on which the cause of act ion of such dispute7. Manner of filing application for the conciliation of grievance as against thedecision of the Grievance Redressal Committee to the conciliation officer undersub-section (8) of section 4 Any worker who is aggrieved by the decis ion of the Grievance Redressal Committeeor whose grievance is not resolved by the said Committee within thirty days of receiptof the application, may file an application online or through any designated portal orby registered post or speed post or in pe rson within a period of sixty days from thedate of the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee or from the date on whichthe period specified in sub -section (6) of section 4 expires, as the case may be, to theconciliation officer through the Trade Union, of which heis a member or otherwise.Provided that in case of manual receipt of such application through registeredpost or speed post, the conciliation officer shall get the same digitized and enter theparticulars of the application in the onlin e mechanism under intimation to theconcerned worker.8. Application for registration of Trade Union under sub -section (1) and (2) ofsection 8 Every application for registration of a Trade Union shall be made to the Registrarelectronically specified in Form II .The fee of one thousand rupees for the registrationof a Trade Union shall be applicable and be paid electronically.Provided that the State Government may revise such fee structure from time totime by notification in the Official Gazette.9. Verification of Application and Registration of Trade Unions (1)On receipt of an application under rule 8, the Registrar may require from theapplicants such evidence as he may necessary to show that the applicants have beenduly authorised to make the appl ication on behalf of the Trade Union and that theother particulars in Form III are correct.(2)When the Registrar calls for further information from a Trade Union under sub -section (3) of section 8, the President or the General Secretary of such union shallsupply the same within fifteen days. If information is not furnished by the TradeUnion within specified time, the Registrar may reject the application.The Registrar shall, after satisfying himself that the Trade Union has complied withall the requiremen ts of the Act and Rules in regard to registration, register the Trade10. Certificate of registration of Trade Union under sub -section (2) of section 9 The Certificate of Registration of Trade Union under sub -section (2) of section 9 shallbe issued by Registrar electronically in the form specified in Form III .11. Register of Trade Unions under sub -section (3) of section 9 The Register of Trade Unions shall be maintained in the office of Registrar TradeUnion electronically in the form specified in Form IV .12. Verification of application of the Trade Union for withdrawal or cancellation ofCertificate of Registration of Trade Union under sub -section (5) of section 9 The Registrar on receiving an application of the Trade Union under clause (i) of sub -section (5) of section 9 for the withdrawal or cancellation of registration shall, beforegranting the application, satisfy himself that the withdrawal or cancellation ofregistration was approved by simple majority in the general meeting of the TradeUnion. For this purpose, he may call for such further particulars as he may deemnecessary, may examine any officer of the Union and get the verification of theapplication done by the concerned Conciliation Officer.13. Appeal against non -registration or cancella tion of registration under sub -section(1) of section 10 An appeal against the order of the Registrar, Trade Union refusing registration ofTrade Union or cancellation of certificate of registration under sub -section (1) ofsection 10 of the Code shall be filed within sixty days of the date of communication ofsuch order.14. Communications and notices under sub -section (1) of section 11 All communication and notices to a registered Trade Union shall be sentelectronically or otherwise on the address ent ered in the register by the Registrar,Trade Union.15. Notice in case of Cancellation or withdrawal of registration of Trade Unionorder under section 9 (5) The Registrar shall, when proposes to withdraw or cancel the certificate ofregistration of a Trade Union under Section 9 of the Code, causes a notice to beserved on the Trade Union through its President or the General Secretary,electronically or otherwise. It shall also be posted on the Portal of LabourDepartment, Haryana. If the President or the Gen eral Secretary refuses to receive thenotice then it may be pasted on any conspicuous place of the registered office of theTrade Union in the presence of two witnesses whose statements shall be recorded incertification of such pasting.16. Surrender of Certificate of registration When the Registrar, Trade Union withdraws or cancels certificate of registrationunder section 9 of the Code, in that case the President or the General Secretary of theUnion shall surrender the certificate of registration is sued to the Trade Union withinfifteen days to the Registrar.17. Change of address of Head Office (1)Notice of any change in the address of the Head Office of a Trade Union shall besigned by the Secretary and seven members of the Trade Union be given to theRegistrar within fifteen days of such change, electronically or otherwise.(2)On receipt of intimation under sub -rule (1), the Registrar shall register the change inthe register in after satisfying himself that the change has been made in accordancewith th e provisions of the rules of the Trade Union. The Registrar shall be competentto ask, any further information from the Trade Union before registering the change.18. Change in the names of the office bearers (1)Intimation of any change in the names of the off ice bearers of a Trade Union, due toelection or on any other account shall be sent to the Registrar within fifteen days ofthe change electronically or otherwise.(2)On receipt of intimation under sub -rule (1), the Registrar shall register the change intheregister in after satisfying himself that the change has been made in accordancewith the provisions of the rules of the Trade Union. The Registrar shall be competentto ask, any further information from the Trade Union before registering the change.19. Chang e in the name of the Trade Union under section 24 (1)The notice of any change in the name of a Trade Union shall be signed by theSecretary and seven members of the Trade Union and shall be sent to Registrar alongwith the Certificate of Registration withi n fifteen days of such change, electronicallyor otherwise.(2)The Registrar on receiving any such notice may take such step as he thinks fit toverify or cause to be verified the facts stated therein and to satisfy himself that thenotice is genuine.(3)When th e Registrar registers a change of name under sub section (3) of Section 24 ofthe Code, he shall certify under his signature at the foot of the Certificate issued thatthe new name has been registered.20. Change in the registration particulars etc. or altera tions under section 11 (3) and(1)The Trade Union shall through application signed by the Secretary and by sevenmembers inform the Registrar of any change or alteration in the particulars given by itin its application for registration and in its constitution or rules, electronically orotherwise.(2)On receiving the changes \/ alterations made in the rules of a registered Trade Union,the Registrar, unless he has reasons to believe that the changes \/ alterations has notbeen made in the manner provi ded by the rules of the Trade Union, shall register themin a register to be maintained for this purpose and shall notify the fact that he has doneso, electronically or otherwise.21. Fee for change or alteration of rules etc. Fee payable for every change or alteration in the rules of the Trade Union shall be onehundred rupees for each such change or alteration and fee for copy of any otherdocument relating to a Trade Union, shall be ten rupees per page.Provided that the State Government may revise such fee structure from time totime by notification in the Official Gazette.22. Notice of amalgamation of Trade Unions and registration of Federation of TradeUnions -Sec. 24 (1)(a) Notice of amalgamation shall be signed by the Secretary and seven membersof each and every Trade Union which is party thereto, shall be sent to the Registrarelectronically or otherwise and where the head office of the amalgamated TradeUnion is situated in a different State, to the Registrar of such State, electronically orotherw ise.(b) When the amalgamated Trade Union is registered it shall be assigned a newnumber in the register in Form V and the Registrar shall issue a new certificate inForm IV thereof. He shall also record the fact of amalgamation against the entries, ifany, relati ng to the Trade Unions so amalgamated in the register and send intimationof the registration of the amalgamated union to the Registrars of the Trade Unions soamalgamated in other States in India, if any, by electronically or otherwise.(2)(a) Application for registration of a Federation of Trade Unions shall besigned by the General Secretary or Secretary and seven members of each andevery Trade Union which is party thereto by passing a resolution in this behalf inaccordance with their respective Constit ution. Such application, mutatismutandis, shall be sent to the Registrar electronically or otherwise in the samemanner as prescribed for registration of a Trade Union and where the headoffice of any such Trade Union is situated in a different State, a c opy thereofshall also be sent to the Registrar of such State, electronically or otherwise.(b) The Registrar shall register such Federation in the same manner as aTrade Union is registered under section 8 read with section 9 of the Code.23. Payment of subs cription by members of the Trade Union and donation fromsuch members and others under clause (f) of section 7 etc (1)The subscription of the Trade Union shall be not less than -(a)Twenty rupees per annum for workers in unorganized sectors; and(b) Fifty rupees per annum for workers in any other case.(2)The donation from members of the Trade Union and others shall be at their will.24. Annual audit under clause (j) of section 7 (1)The annual audit of the account of any registered Trade Union where the membershipofTrade Union during the financial year exceeds 2,500 shall be conducted by anauditor authorized to audit the accounts of companies under the Indian CompaniesAct, 2013 (Central Act 18 of 2013).(2)Where the membership of Trade Union did not at any time during the financial yearexceed 2,500, the annual audit of the accounts may be conducted -(a) by any examiner of Local Fund Accounts; or(b) by any Local Fund Auditor appointed by the State Government; or(c) by the person, who, having held a post under Governm ent in any Audit orAccounts Departments.(3)Where the membership of a Trade Union did not at any time during the financial yearexceed 750, the annual audit of the accounts may be conducted -(a) by any person, who, having held a post under State or Central Government inany Audit or Accounts Department, is in receipt of a pension fromGovernment of not less than Rs. 2,000 a month, or(b) by any auditor appointed to conduct the Audit of any Co -operative Societiesby State Government or by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies or by anyState Co -operative Organization recognized by State Government for this(4)Where the membership of a Trade Union did not at any time during the financial yearexceed 250, the annual audit of the accounts may be conduc ted by any two membersof the Union.(5)Where the Trade Union is a federation of unions, and the number of unions affiliatedto it at any time during the financial year did not exceed 50, 15 or 5, respectively, theaudit of the accounts of the federation may be conducted as if it had not at any timeduring the year had a membership of more than 2,500, 750 or 250, respectively.(6)Notwithstanding anything contained above, no person, who, at any time during theyear, was entrusted with any part of the funds or secu rities belonging to the TradeUnion, shall be eligible to audit the accounts of that Union.(7)The audit of the political funds of a registered Trade Union shall be carried out alongwith the audit of the general account of the Trade Union and by the same aud itor or(8)The auditor or auditors appointed in accordance with the rules shall be given access toall the books of the Trade Union and shall verify the annual return with the accountsand vouchers relating thereto and thereafter sign the auditor's declaration in Form V ,indicating separately on that form under his signature or their signatures, a statementshowing in what respect he or they find the return to be incorrect, un -vouched or notin accordance with the Code. The particulars given in this statement shall indicate -(a) every payment which appears to be unauthorized by the rules of the TradeUnion or contrary to the provisions of the Code,(b) the amount of any deficiency or loss which appears to have been incurred bythe negligence or misco nduct of any person,(c) the amount of any sum which ought to have been but is not brought to accountby any person.25. Matters on which negotiating union or negotiating council in an industrialestablishment may negotiate with the employer of the industrial establishmentunder sub -section (1) of section 14 The negotiating union or negotiating council in an industrial establishment shall becompetent to negotiate in the following matters: -(1)Industrial Dispute.(2)Collective bargaining.(3)Issues related to welfare, safety, productivity, discipline and compliances oflabour laws.(4)Any other matter incidental to peace, harmony and industrial relations.26. The criteria to be followed by the employer of the industrial establishment undersub-section (2) of section 1 4(1)The Registered Trade Union shall submit an application for recognition to the(2)The employer shall display notice of the same on the notice board at the mainentrance of the industrial establishment and the office of the concerned Manager ofthe industrial establishment for inviting objections, if any.(3)The employer shall dispose of the application and objections, if any, within thirtydays of receipt of the application referred in sub -rule (1). If the application is notdisposed of within the prescribed period, the registered Trade Union shall be deemedto be recognized as a sole negotiating union of the workers.27. Manner of verification of workers on the muster roll of the industrialestablishment, under sub -sections (3) and (4) of section 14 If more than one registered Trade Union of workers is functioning in an industrialestablishment, the representative character of such Unions shall be determined by theconciliation officer on the basis of the verification of members of the Unions on theapplication of the employer or any of the Trade Union. The conciliation officer shallvisit the industrial establishment, obtain the manpower list from the employer andshall ask each worker individually, whether or not they are members of a particularUnion. The conciliation officer shall forward his report to the employer accordingly.28. Facilities to be provided by industrial establishment to a negotiating union ornegotiating council under sub -section (7) of section 14 (1)The employer shall provide accommo dation to the negotiation union or negotiatingcouncil for holding meetings.Provided that prior intimation has been given electronically or in writing to theemployer by the negotiating union or negotiating council in this regard.(2)The negotiating union o r negotiating council shall ordinarily meet during workinghours of the industrial establishment concerned on any working day and the membersthereof shall be deemed to be on duty while attending the meeting.29. Objects on which general funds may be spent under sub -section (1) of section 15The general funds of a registered Trade Union shall not be spent on any other objectsthan the following, namely: -(1)the payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to office -bearers of the Trade(2)the payment of e xpenses for the administration of the Trade Union, including audit ofthe accounts of the general funds of the Trade Union;(3)the prosecution or defence of any legal proceeding to which the Trade Union or anymember thereof is a party, when such prosecution or defence is undertaken for thepurpose of securing or protecting any rights of the Trade Union or any member(4)conducting trade disputes on behalf of the Trade Union or any member thereof;(5)the compensation to members for loss arising out of trade disputes;(6)allowances to members or their dependents on account of death, old age, sickness,accident, unemployment of such members;(7)the Issue of undertaking the liability of insurance policies of members againstsickness, accident or unemployment;(8)infrastructure support such as computers\/ internet service and stationary;(9)provision of educational, social or religious benefits for members (including thepayment of the expenses of funeral or religious ceremonies for deceased members) orfor the dependents of members;(10)upkeep of any periodical published mainly for the purpose of discussing questionsaffecting employers or workers as such;(11)the payment of contribution intended to benefit members of the Trade Union ingeneral in furtherance of any object on which the fund of the trade union may beProvided that the expenditure in respect of such contributions in any financialyear shall not at any time during that year be in excess of one -fourth of the combinedtotal of the gross income which has up to that time accrued to the general funds of theTrade Union during that year and of the balance at the credit of those funds at thecommencement of that year; and(12)subject to any conditions contained in the notification, any other object notified by theState Government in the Official Gazette.30. Objects on which political funds may be spent under sub -section (2) of section 15The political funds of a registered Trade Union shall not be spent on any other objectsthan the following, namely: -(1)the payment of any expenses incurred, either directly or indirectly, by a candidate orprospective candidate for election as a member of any legislative body constitutedunder the Constitution of India or of any local authority, before, during, or after theelection i n connection with his candidature or election; or(2)the holding of any meeting or the distribution of any literature or documents insupport of any such candidate or prospective candidate; or(3)to support any person who is a member of any legislative body cons tituted under theConstitution of India or of any local authority; or(4)the holding of political meetings of any kind, or the distribution of political literatureor political documents of any kind.31. The application for adjudication before Tribunal under sub -section (1) of 22 The application for adjudication before the Tribunal shall be made in Form VI .32. Distribution of funds of the Trade Union on dissolution by Registrar under sub -section (2) of section 25 Where it is necessary for the Registrar, to distribute the funds of a Trade Union whichhas been dissolved, he shall divide the funds in proportion to the amounts contributedby the members by way of subscription during their membership.33. Annual returns under clause (a) of sub -section (1) of section 26(1)The annual return to be furnished shall be submitted to the Registrar electronically bythe 31st day of July in each year and shall be in Form V .(2)The annual return shall be audited in the manner prescribed under sub -rule 8 of rule34. Manner and pur pose of recognition of a Trade Union or a federation of TradeUnions by the State Government as a State Trade Union at the State level andthe authority and the manner of deciding dispute by it under sub -section (2) ofsection 27 (1)Trade Union or federatio n of Trade Unions whose affiliated unions have a combinedmembership of at least seventy -five thousand shall be eligible to be recognized by theState Government as State Trade Union.(2)The recognition shall be granted strictly in accordance with the provisi ons of the Codeof Discipline notified by State Government.(3)The competent authority to grant recognition, shall be the Registrar, Trade Union.(4)The appellate authority to decide any dispute relating to such recognition, shall beSecretary to State Governme nt, Labour Department. The Trade Union organizationaggrieved by the decision of the Registrar, Trade Union, Haryana under sub -rule (2)shall submit an application within sixty days of the communication of the saiddecision to the appellate Authority.(5)Thepurpose will be to give representation to the State Trade Union to variousCommittees, State, National and International conferences.35. Forwarding of information to certifying officer under sub -section (3) of section(1)If the employer adopts the model standing orders of the Central Government referredto in section 29 with respect to matters relevant to his industrial establishment orundertaking, then, he shall intimate the concerned certifying officer electronically orin person or by speed post or by registered post the specific date from which theprovisions of the model standing orders which are relevant to his establishment orundertaking have been adopted.(2)The Model Standing Order adopted under sub -rule (1) shall apply to all the units inthe State of the industrial establishment which has adopted the model standing order:(3)On receipt of information under sub -rule (1), the certifying officer shall enter thedetails of the industrial establishment which has adopted the Model Sta nding Order inthe register maintained under rule 15. In the event, the certifying officer observesthat the industrial establishment which has intimated adoption of model standingorders is also engaged in activities other than for which model standing orders havebeen adopted then, he shall within a period of thirty days from such receipt ofintimation of model standing orders so adopted may give his observation, if any, thatthe employer is required to include or adopt certain provisions which are rele vant tohis industrial establishment and indicate those relevant provisions and direct theemployer of the industrial establishment that he shall, within a period of thirty daysfrom the date of the receipt of such direction comply with the direction and s endcompliance report only in respect of those provisions which the certifying officerobserves to get included. The provisions of the model standing orders so adoptedshall remain in force with effect from the date specified in sub -rule (1).(4)If noobservation is made by certifying officer within a period of thirty days of thereceipt of the information as specified in sub -rule (1) then, the standing order shall bedeemed to have been certified by the certifying officer.Explanation. -For removal of doubt, it is clarified that certifying officer shall not raiseany observation in the event the industrial establishment is engaged in activities whichare wholly covered by the activities of the industrial establishment to which thestanding orders app ly.36. Choosing of representatives of workers of the industrial establishment orundertaking for issuing notice by certifying officer where there is no TradeUnion under clause (ii) of sub -section (5) of section 30 (1)Where there is no Trade Union as is referred to in clause (ii) of said sub -section (5) ofsection 30, then, the certifying officer or any authorized officer in his behalf, shall calla meeting of the workers to elect three representatives, to whom he shall, upon, theirbeing elected issue n otice with a copy of the standing order or modification, as thecase may be requiring comments, if any, which the workers may desire to make to thedraft standing orders to be submitted within fifteen days from the receipt of the notice.(2)Trade Union or negotiating union or constituent of negotiating council shall be givena copy of the draft standing orders or modification, as the case may be, in English aswell as the translation thereof in Hindi for seeking their comments, if any, withinfifteen da ys from the date of the receipt of the notice.37. Authentication of certified standing orders under sub -section (8) of section 30 Standing orders or modifications in the standing orders, certified in pursuance of sub -section (8) of section 30; or the copy of the said standing orders or modificationsthereof referred to in sub -section (i) of section 33, shall be authenticated by thecertifying officer or the appellate authority , as the case may be, and shall be sentelectronically and a hard copy by registered post or speed post within a week from thedate of such authentication to all concerned that is to say the employer and all theregistered Trade Unions or elected representative of workers:Provided that there shall not be any requirement of certification in cases ofdeemed certification under sub -section (3) of section 30 and in cases where theemployer has certified adoption of model standing orders.38. Statement to be accompanied with draft standing orders under sub -section (9) ofsection 30 A statement to be accompanied with -(i)draft standing order shall contain, the particulars such as name of the industrialestablishment or undertaking concerned, address, e -mail address, contact number andstrength and details of workers employed therein including particulars of Trade unionto which such workers belong; and(ii)draft modification in the existing standing orders, shall co ntain the particulars of suchstanding orders which are proposed to be modified along with a tabular statementcontaining details of each of the relevant provision of standing order in force andproposed modification therein and reasons thereof and such st atement shall be signedby a person authorized by the industrial establishment or undertaking.Provided that model standing orders, if amended, shall also apply to all theunits of the industrial establishment or undertaking in the State.39. Conditions for submission of draft standing orders in similar establishmentunder sub -section (10) of section 30 In case of group of employers engaged in similar industrial establishments, they maysubmit a joint draft standing orders under section 30 and for the purpose ofproceedings specified in sub -sections (1), (5), (6), (8) and (9) thereof afterconsultation with the concerned Trade Union:Provided that the joint draft standing orders, in cases of group of employersengaged in similar industrial establishments, will be drafted and submitted to theLabour Commissioner, Haryana, who shall, in consultation with the certifying officer,certify or refuse to certify the said joint draft standing orders, after recording reasonsProvided th at certifying officer shall give notice to all the concerned parties,and ensure reasonable opportunity of hearing before certifying the standing orders.40. Disposal of appeal by appellate authority under section 32 (1)An employer or Trade Union or any person desirous of preferring an appeal againstthe order of the certifying officer given under sub -section (5) of section 30 shall,within sixty days of the receipt of such order draw up a memorandum of appeal intabular form stating therein the provisio ns of the standing orders which are required tobe altered or modified or deleted or added and reasons thereof which shall be filedelectronically or in person to the appellate authority.(2)The appellate authority shall fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and direct noticethereof to be given (a)where the appeal is filed by the employer or a worker, to Trade Union of the workersof the industrial establishment or to the representative body of the workers concernedor to the employer, as the case may be;(b)where the appeal is filed by a Trade Union, to the employer and all other TradeUnions of the workers of the industrial establishment; and(c)where the appeal is filed by the representative of the workers, to the employer and anyother worker whom the app ellate authority joins as a party to the appeal.(3)The appellant shall furnish each of the respondents with a copy of the memorandumof appeal.(4)The appellate authority may at any stage of the proceeding call for any evidence, if itconsiders necess ary for the disposal of the appeal.(5)On the date fixed under sub -rule (2) for the hearing of the appeal, the appellateauthority shall take such evidence as it may have called or considers it to be relevantif produced and after hearing the parties dis pose of the appeal.41. Sending of order and maintaining of standing orders under sub -sections (1) and(2) of section 33 (1)The order of the appellate authority shall be sent electronically or otherwise to theworker or Trade Union or the negotiating uni on or negotiating council or any union orrepresentative body of the workers, as the case may be, by whom the appeal has been(2)The text of the standing orders as finally certified or deemed to have been certified oradopted model standing order s under this Chapter shall be maintained by theemployer in Hindi or in English and in the language understood by majority ofworkers where the industrial establishment is situated. These certified standing ordersshall be displayed on the special board to be maintained for the purpose at theentrance or near the entrance through which majority of workers enter the industrialestablishment.42. Register for final certified copy of standing orders under section 34 (1) The certifying officer shall maintain elec tronically, a register in Form -VII, of allstanding orders certified or deemed to have been certified or adopted model standingorders of all the concerned industrial establishments, inter -alia, containing the details(a)the unique number assigned to each standing orders;(b)name of industrial establishment;(c)nature of industrial establishment;(d)date of certification or deemed certification or date of adoption of modelstanding orders by each establishment or undertaking;(e)the areas of the operation of the industrial establishment; and(f)such other details as may be relevant and helpful in retrieving the standingorders and create a data base of such of all standing orders.(2)The certifying officer shall furnish a copy of the certified standing orders or deemedcertified standing orders to any person applying there for on payment of two rupeesper page of the certified standing orders or deemed certified standing orders, as thecase may be. The payment for such purpose can also be made through electronic43. Application for modification of standing orders under sub -section (2) of sectionThe application for modification of an existing standing orders under sub -section (2)of section 35 shall be submitted electronically or in person or by registered post orspeed post and contain the particulars of such standing orders which are proposed tobe modified along with a tabular statement containing details of each of the rel evantprovisions of standing order in force, and proposed modifications therein, reasonsthereof and the details of registered Trade Unions operating therein, and suchstatement shall be signed by a person authorized by the industrial establishment orundertaking or workers or a Trade Union or other representative body of the workers,as the case may be, who has submitted such application for modification.44. Notice for change proposed to be effected under clause (i) of section 40 (1)Any employer intending to effect any change in the conditions of service applicable toany worker in respect of any matter specified in the Third Schedule to the Code, shallgive notice in Form-VIIIelectronically or otherwise to such workers likely to beaffected by such chang e. Such notice may also be posted on the designated portal ofthe industrial establishment, if any.(2)The notice referred to in sub -rule (1) shall be displayed conspicuously by theemployer on the notice board or on the electronic notice board at the mai n entrance ofthe industrial establishment:Provided that where there is a registered Trade Union or registered TradeUnions or a negotiating union or negotiating council relating to the concernedindustrial establishment, a copy of such notice shall also be served electronically orotherwise, to the secretary of such Trade Union or each of the secretaries of suchUnions, or secretary of the negotiating union or constituent of negotiating council, asthe case may be.45. Form of arbitration agreement and the manner thereof under sub -section (3) ofsection 42 (1)Where the employer and workers agree to refer the dispute to arbitration, theArbitration Agreement shall be in Form-IXand shall be signed by the parties to theagreement. Such agreement shall be accompanied by the consent, either in writing orelectronically, of arbitrator or arbitrators.(2)The Arbitration Agreement referred to in sub -rule (1) shall be signed, -(i)in case of an employer, by the employer himself, or when the employer is anincorporated company or other body corporate, by the agent, manager or otherofficer of the corporation authorized for such purpose;(ii)in the case of the workers by the officer of the registered Trade Unionauthorized in this behalf or by five represent atives of the workers dulyauthorized in this behalf at a meeting of the concerned workers held for suchpurpose; and(iii)in the case of an individual worker, by the worker himself or by an officer ofregistered Trade Union of which the worker is a memb er or by another workerin the same establishment duly authorized by him in this behalf:Explanation .-For a purpose of this Rule the expression (1)in case of an association of the employees means any officer of such association ofthe employers authorized for such purpose; and(2)in case of a registered Trade Union, means any of the following officers of suchTrade Union authorized for such purpose, namely: -(a)the President;(b)the Vice -President;(c)the Secretary (including the General Secretary);(d)aJoint Secretary; and(e)any other officer of such Trade Union authorized in this behalf by the Presidentand Secretary of such union.46. Manner of issue of notification under sub -section (5) of section 42 Where an industrial dispute has been referred to arbi tration and the StateGovernment is satisfied that the persons making the reference represent the majorityof each party, it shall publish a notification in this behalf in the Official Gazette andelectronically for the information of the employers and wor kers who are not parties tothe arbitration agreement but are concerned in the dispute and they may present theircase before the arbitrator or arbitrators appointed for such purpose.47. Manner of choosing representatives of workers where there is no Trade Un ionunder sub -section (5) of section 42 Where there is no Trade Union, the representative of workers to present their casebefore the arbitrator or arbitrators in pursuance of clause (c) of the proviso to sub -section (5) of section 42, shall be chosen by a resolution passed by the majority ofconcerned workers in Form X authorizing therein to represent the case. Such workersshall be bound by the acts of representatives who have been authorized to representbefore the arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be.48. Manner of filling up of the vacancy under sub -section (9) of Section 44 andprocedure for selection, salaries and allowances and other terms and condition ofJudicial Member of the Industrial Tribunal under sub -section (5) of Section 44 (1)A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Judicial Member of theIndustrial Tribunal unless he has, for a period of not less than three years, be a District Judge or an AdditionalDistrict Judge.(2)The Judicial Member shall be appointed by the State Government on therecommendations of the State High Court, if such appointment is intended to be madefrom amongst the serving judicial officers under the State High Court.(3)If appointment of Judicial Mem ber is intended to be made from amongst the retired orsuperannuated Judicial Officers, such appointment shall be made by the StateGovernment on the recommendations of Selection Committee as constituted underrule 50. This will be considered as fresh appo intment for all intent and purposes.(4)A Judicial Member shall hold office for a term of three years from the date on whichhe enters upon his office or till he attains the age of sixty -five years, whichever is(5)In case of casual vacancy in the office of Judicial Member, the State Governmentshall appoint the Judicial Member of the other Industrial Tribunal to officiate asJudicial Member or otherwise, as the case may be.(6)The salaries and allowances payable to the Judicial Member shall be as foll ows:-(a)the serving Judicial Member shall take salary as he is getting in his parent cadre andshall be entitled to draw allowances as are admissible to an officer of the StateGovernment holding Group A post carrying the same scale of pay.(b) aJudicial Member of the Industrial Tribunal shall be paid a salary of two lacs rupees(fixed) per month in case of appointment of retired judicial officer as Judicial Memberand his pay shall be reduced by the gross amount of pension drawn by him.(c)in case of a Judicial Officer appointed as a Judicial Member, leave shall be admissibleas are admissible to an officer of the State Government holding Group A post carryingthe same pay provided in HCS (Leave) Rules, 2016.(7)A Judicial Member shall be entitled for rent free accommodation or house rentallowance at the rate as admissible to an officer of the State Government holdingGroup A post carrying the same pay.(8)(a) The State Government shall be the leave sanctioning authority for the JudicialMember of the In dustrial Tribunal.(b) The State Government shall be the sanctioning authority for foreign travel tothe Judicial Member of the Industrial Tribunal.(9)State Government Health Scheme facilities as admissible to an officer of the StateGovernment holding Grou p A post carrying the same scale of pay shall be applicableto a Judicial Member.(10)(a) Travelling allowance to a Judicial Member shall be admissible as perentitlement of an officer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying thesame scale of pa y;(b) In case of a retired Judicial officer appointed as a Judicial Member, transfertravelling allowance for joining the Industrial Tribunal from home town to headquarter and vice -versa at the end of assignment shall also be admissible as entitlementof an officer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying the same scale(11)A Judicial Member shall be entitled for leave travel concession as admissible to anofficer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying the same pay.(12)AJudicial Member shall be entitled for transport allowance as admissible to anofficer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying the same pay.(13)No person shall be appointed as a Judicial Member unless he is declared medically fitby an authority specified by the State Government in this behalf.(14)(a) If a written and verifiable complaint is received by the State Government,alleging any definite charge of misbehavior or incapacity to perform the functions asJudicial Member, it shall make a prelimi nary scrutiny of such complaint;(b) If on preliminary scrutiny, the State Government is of the opinion that there isa reasonable ground for making an inquiry into the truth of such misbehavior orincapacity of a Judicial Member, it shall make a referenc e to the Chief Justice of HighCourt for appropriate action or in such manner as may be decided by the StateGovernment.(15)A Judicial Member may, resign his office at any time by giving notice to this effect inwriting under his hand addressed to the State Government:Provided that the Judicial Member shall, unless he is permitted by the StateGovernment to relinquish office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiry ofthree months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appoi ntedas a successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of his term of the office,whichever is earlier.(16)The State Government shall, remove from office any Judicial Member, who, -(a)has been adjudged as an insolvent; or(b)has been convicted of an offenc e which, involves moral turpitude; or(c)has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as such a Judicial Member;(d)has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially hisfunctions as a Judicial Member; or(e)has so abuse d his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to thepublic interest:Provided that where a Judicial Member is proposed to be removed on anyground specified in clauses (b) to (e), he shall be informed of the charges against himand given an opportunity of being heard in respect of those charges.(17)Every person appointed as Judicial Member shall, before entering upon his office,make and subscribe an oath of office in the Form-VIannexed to these rules.(18)Matter relating to the terms and co nditions of services of the Judicial Member withrespect to which no express provisions has been made in this rule, shall be referred bythe Tribunal to the State Government for its decision, and the decision of the StateGovernment thereon shall be bindin g.(19)The State Government shall have power to relax any provision of any of these rules inrespect of any class or categories of persons for the reasons to be recorded in writing.49. Manner of filling up of the vacancy under sub -section (9) of Section 44 andprocedure for selection, salaries and allowances and other terms and condition ofAdministrative Member of the Industrial Tribunal under sub -section (5) ofsection 44 (1)A person shall not be qualified for appointment as an Administrative Member of theIndustrial Tribunal (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as Administrative Member)(a)he has worked as a Labour Commissioner in the State Labour Department havingadequate experience of handling labour related matters; or(b)he is or has been an Additional Labour Commissioner or a Joint LabourCommissioner of the State Labour Department, having a degree in law and at least experience in the State Labour Depa rtment or in the administration,including five years experience as Conciliation Officer; or(c)Retired IAS \/ HCS having experience of 5 years of holding court; or(d)In case of non -availability of administrative member the person having theeligibility of judi cial members may be considered for the appointment asAdministrative Member.Provided that no such serving officer shall be appointed, unless he resignsfrom the services of the State, before being appointed as an Administrative Member.(2)The Administrativ e Member shall be appointed by the State Government on therecommendations of Selection Committee as constituted under rule 50.(3)An Administrative Member shall hold office for a term of three years or till he attainsthe age of sixty -five years, whichever is earlier. This will be considered as freshappointment for all intent and purposes.(4)In case of casual vacancy in the office of Administrative Member, the StateGovernment shall appoint the Administrative Member of the other Industrial Tribunalto officia te as Administrative Member or otherwise as the case may be.(5)The Administrative Member of the Industrial Tribunal shall be paid a salary ofrupees 1,75,000\/ -(fixed) per month and his pay shall be reduced by the grossamount of pension drawn by him.(6)Admini strative Member shall be entitled for rent free accommodation or house rentallowance at the rate as admissible to an officer of the State Government holdingGroup A post carrying the same pay.(7)In case of an Administrative Member of the Industrial Tribunal , leave shall beadmissible as are admissible to an officer of the State Government holding Group Apost carrying the same scale of pay provided in HCS (Leave) Rules, 2016.(8)The State Government shall be the leave sanctioning authority for the Administrativ e(9)The State Government shall be the sanctioning authority for foreign travel to theAdministrative Member.(10)State Government Health Scheme facilities as admissible to an officer of the StateGovernment holding Group A post carrying the same pay shal l be applicable.(11)(a) Travelling allowance to an Administrative Member shall be admissible as perentitlement an officer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying thesame scale of pay.(b) In case of retired Government Officer, transfer travelling allowance for joiningthe Industrial Tribunal from home town to head quarter and vice -versa at the end ofassignment shall also be admissible as entitlement of an officer of the StateGovernment of Haryana holding Group A post carrying the same scale of pay.(12)An Administrative Member shall be entitled for leave travel concession as admissibleto an officer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying the same scale(13)An Administrative Member shall be entitled for transport allowance as admissible toan officer of the State Government holding Group A post carrying the same scale of(14)No person shall be appointed as an Administrative Member, unless he is declaredmedically fit by an au thority specified by the State Government in this behalf.(15)An Administrative Member may, resign his office at any time by giving notice to thiseffect in writing under his hand addressed to the State Government:Provided that the Administrative Member shall, unless he is permitted by theState Government to relinquish office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiryof three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person dulyappointed as a successor enters upon his office or un til the expiry of his term of theoffice, whichever is earlier.(16)Every person appointed as Administrative Member shall, before entering upon hisoffice, make and subscribe an oath of office and secrecy in the Form XI annexed tothese rules.(17)Matter relating to the terms and conditions of services of the Administrative Memberwith respect to which no express provisions has been made in these rules, shall bereferred by the Industrial Tribunal to the State Government for its decision, and thedecision of the S tate Government thereon shall be binding.(18)The State Government shall have power to relax the provision of any of these rules inrespect of any class or categories of persons for the reasons to be recorded in writing.49 (A) A person who was previously in pensionable or non -pensionable service in anyDepartment or any constitutional, statutory or any other body wholly orsubstantially owned or controlled by a State Government or CentralGovernment, shall not be entitled to any additional pension or gratuity for theperiod of service of the Tribunal.50. Constitution of Search and Selection Committee for selection of JudicialMembers from retired Judicial Officers and Administrative Member fromretired officers (rule 48 and 49) (1)As and when any vacancy of Admini strative Member or Judicial Member in theTribunal exist or arises, or is likely to arise, the Government may make a reference tothe Search and Selection Committee in respect of the vacancies to be filled.(2)The Search and Selection Committee shall consist of LR Haryana, Additional ChiefSecretary \/ Principal Secretary (Labour), Additional Chief Secretary \/ PrincipalSecretary (Finance Department) and shall be headed by Chief Secretary, Haryana.(3)The Search and Selection Committee may, for the purpose of sel ection of the JudicialMember and the Administrative Member in the Tribunal shall follow such procedureas deemed fit.(4)The Search and Selection Committee shall select two persons for each vacancy andrecommend the same to the Government.(5)The Search and Sel ection committee shall make its recommendations to theGovernment within a period of thirty days from the date of reference made under sub -(6)The Government shall within thirty days from the date of receipt of therecommendations by the Search and Selection Committee, appoint one of the twopersons recommended by the Search and Selection Committee for the vacancy of theJudicial Members and Admi nistrative Members.51. Manner of holding conciliation proceedings under sub -section (1), full reportunder sub -section (4), and application and the manner of deciding suchapplication under sub -section (6) of section 53 (1)Where any industrial dispute exists or is apprehended or a notice under section 62 hasbeen given, the conciliation officer on receipt of such application shall issue notice tothe parties concerned declaring his intention to commence conciliation proceedingsand shall hold the concil iation.(2)The employer or the workers representative in the first meeting shall submit theirrespective statement in the matter of said dispute.Provided that the conciliation officer may when he considers necessary extend thetime limit as he may deem fit.(3)The conciliation officer shall hold conciliation proceedings for the purpose ofbringing about a settlement of the dispute and may do all such things as he thinks fitfor the purpose of inducing the parties to come to a fair and amicable settlement.(4)If nosuch settlement is arrived at in the conciliation proceeding referred to in sub -rule(1), the conciliation officer shall submit a report on Portal of Labour Department,Haryana within seven days from the date on which the conciliation proceedings areconcluded and made available on the said Portal.(5)If a settlement of the dispute or of any of the matters in dispute is arrived at in thecourse of the conciliation proceedings, the Conciliation Officer shall, apart fromsending a report thereof to the State Go vernment or an officer authorized in thisbehalf by the State Government together with a memorandum of the settlementssigned by the parties to the dispute, also upload such report and memorandum ofsettlement on the Portal of Labour Department.(6)The repor t referred to in sub -rule (4) and (5) shall be accessible to the partiesconcerned on the said Portal.(7)The report referred to in sub -rule (4) shall contain inter -alia the submissions of theemployer, worker or Trade union, as the case may be, and it shall also contain theefforts made by the conciliation officer to bring the parties to the amicable settlement,reasons for refusal of the parties to resolve the dispute and the conclusion of theconciliation officer.(8)The conciliation officer shall send his rep ort to the concerned parties within a periodof forty -five days from the commencement of the conciliation proceedings asprovided under sub -section (5) of section 53.(9)All the evidences before the conciliation officer, except the documentary evidence,shallbe filed in the form of affidavit and the opposite party shall be providedopportunity to file reply thereof in the affidavit form.52. Proceedings before Tribunal (1)Any dispute which is not settled during the conciliation proceedings, then, either ofthe concerned party may make an application in Form XII , before the Tribunalthrough an online application or through Portal of Labour Department, Haryana or byregistere d post or speed post or in person, within ninety days from the date of thereport under sub -rule (4) of rule 50.(2)On receipt of the application referred to in sub -rule (1), the Tribunal shall direct theparty raising the dispute to file a statement of claim with complete details along withrelevant documents, list of supporting documents and witnesses within thirty daysfrom the date on which application is filed. A copy of such statement may be sentelectronically or uploaded on the portal of Labour D epartment or through registeredpost or by speed post for service on each of the opposite parties in the dispute.(3)The Tribunal, after ascertaining that the copies of statement of claim and other relateddocuments are furnished to the other side by th e party raising the dispute, shall fixthe first hearing as soon as possible and within a period of one month from the dateof receipt of the application. The opposite party or parties shall file their writtenstatement together with supporting documen ts and the list thereof and list ofwitnesses, if any, within a period of thirty days from the date of first hearing andsimultaneously forward a copy thereof to the opposite party or parties for service.(4)Where the Tribunal finds that the party raising the dispute, despite its directions, didnot forward the copy of the statement of claim and other documents to the oppositeparty or parties, it shall give directions to the concerned party to furnish the cop y ofthe statement to the opposite party or parties, granting extension of fifteen days forfiling the statement, if the Tribunal finds sufficient cause for not filing the statementof claim and other documents within time.(5)Evidence shall be recorded either in Tribunal or, may be filed on affidavit or recordedin the Tribunal on oath, but in the case of affidavit the opposite party shall have theright to cross -examine each of the deponents filing the affidavit. Where the oralexamination of each witn ess proceeds, the Tribunal, shall make a memorandum of thesubstance of what is being deposed and while recording the oral evidence the Tribunalshall follow the procedure laid down in rule 5 of Order XVIII of the First Schedule tothe Code of Civil Proced ure, 1908 (Central Act 5 of 1908).(6)On completion of evidence, arguments may be heard immediately or a date may befixed for arguments, which shall not be beyond a period of fifteen days from theclosure of evidence.(7)The Tribunal, shall not ordinar ily grant an adjournment for a period exceeding a weekat a time, but not in any case more than three adjournments in all, at the instance ofthe parties to the dispute, shall be granted:Provided that the Tribunal, for reasons to be recorded in writing, grant anadjournment exceeding a week at a time but not in any case more than threeadjournments, at the instance of any one of the parties to the dispute, shall be granted.(8)A Tribunal or Arbitrator may at any time correct any clerical or arithmetica l mistakeor error arising from an accidental slip or omission in any proceedings, report, awardor decision either of its or his own motion or on application of any of the parties.(9)In case any party defaults or fails to appear at any stage, the Tribu nal, may proceedwith the case ex -parte, and decide the application or reference, as the case may be, inthe absence of the defaulting party:Provided that the Tribunal may on the application of either party filed beforethe submission of the award, rev oke the order that the case shall proceed ex -parte, ifit is satisfied that the absence of the party was on justifiable grounds, and proceedfurther to decide the matter as contested.(10) The Tribunal, shall communicate its award electronically or throu gh registered post orspeed post to the parties concerned and the State Government and upload on the portalof Labour Department, w ithin one month from the date of the pronouncement of the(11)The Tribunal may summon and examine any person whose evidence appears to it tobe material for deciding the case and shall be deemed to be a civil court within themeaning of sections 345, 346 and 348 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973(Central Act 1 of 1974).(12) Where assessors are appointed to adv ise a Tribunal under sub -section (5) of section49 in relation to proceeding before it, the Tribunal shall obtain the advice of suchassessors, but such advice shall not be binding on such Tribunal.(13) A party in an award, who wants to obtain a copy of t he award or other document, mayobtain a copy of the award or other document after depositing the fee electronically orby bank draft in the Tribunal, in the following manner, namely : -(a)fee for obtaining a copy of an award or the document filed in any pro ceedings ofTribunal be charged at the rate of rupees Two per page;(b)for certifying a copy of any such award or order or document, a fee of rupeesTwo per page shall be payable;(c)copying and certifying fees shall be payable electronically;(d)where a party appl ies for immediate delivery of a copy of any such award ordocument, an additional fee equal to one -half of the fee leviable under this ruleshall be payable.Provided that the State Government may revise such fee structure from time totime by notification in the Official Gazette.(14)The representatives of the parties appearing before a Tribunal or an Arbitrator shallhave the right of examination, cross -examination and of addressing the Tribunal or anArbitrator when evidence has been called.(15) The proceedings before Tribunal shall be held in open court:Provided that the proceedings before the Tribunal may be at the request of theparties or of the di rections of the Tribunal, held by video conferencing:Provided further that Tribunal may, at any stage of the proceeding direct thatany witness shall be examined, or its proceedings be held, in -camera.(16)A conciliation officer, Judicial Member or A dministrative Member of the Tribunal orany person authorized in writing by the conciliation officer, Tribunal in this behalfmay, for the purposes of any conciliation or adjudication under the Code at any timebetween the hours of sunrise and sunset and i n the case of person so authorized aftergiving reasonable notice in writing , may enter any building, factory, workshop, orother place or premises whatsoever, and inspect the same or any work, machinery,appliance or article therein or interrogate any person therein in respect of anythingsituated therein or any matter relevant to the subject matter of conciliation oradjudication, as the case may be.(17)A Tribunal may, in the interest of justice and after recording reasons therefor, admitor accept any evidence at any stage of the proceeding before it.53. Application for recovery of dues under section 59 (1)Where any money is due from an employer to a worker or a group of workers under asettlement or an award or under the provisions of Chapter I X or Chapter X, theworker or the group of workers, as the case may be, may apply in Form XIII for therecovery of the money due:Provided that in the case of a person authorized in writing by the worker, or inthe case of the death of the worker the assignee or heir of the deceased worker, theapplication shall be made in Form XIV .(2)Where any worker or a group of workers is entitled to receive from the employer anymoney or any benefit which is capable of being computed in terms of money, theworker or the group of workers, as the case may be, may apply to the Tribunal havingjurisdic tion, in Form XV for the determination of the amount due or, as the case maybe, the amount at which such benefit should be computed and such Tribunal shalldecide the application within a period not exceeding three months from the date onwhich the applic ation is filed;Provided that in the case of the death of a worker, application shall be made inForm XVI by the assignee or heir of the deceased worker54. Number of persons by whom the notice of strike shall be given, the person orpersons to whom such not ice shall be given and the manner of giving such noticeunder sub -section (4) of section 62 (1)The notice of strike referred to in sub -section (1) of section 62 shall be given to theemployer of an industrial establishment in Form-XVIIwhich shall be duly signed bythe Secretary of the concerned registered Trade Union or where there is no registeredTrade Union, by five elected representatives of the workers giving the notice,relating to the concerned industrial establishment endorsing the copy the reofelectronically or by registered post or speed post to the concerned conciliation officer,Labour Commissioner and the State Government and the date of receipt of suchnotice by the conciliation officer shall be the date of receiving the notice for thepurpose of clause (a) of sub -rule (1) of Section 62 .(2)If the employer of an industrial establishment receives from any person employed byhim any notice of strike as referred to in sub -section (1) of section 62 then he shallwithin five days from the date of receiving of such notice, intimate the sameelectro nically to the concerned conciliation officer and Labour Commissioner.55. Manner of giving notice of lock -out under sub -section (5) and authority undersub-section (6) of section 62 (1)The notice of lock -out referred to in sub -section (2) of section 62 shall be given by theemployer of an industrial establishment in Form XVIII to the Secretary of everyregistered Trade Union relating to such industrial establishment endorsing a copythereof to the concerned conciliation officer, Labour Commissioner, Haryana a nd theState Government electronically or otherwise.Provided that where there is no Registered Trade Union, such notice shall begiven to all the concerned workers by displaying the requisite notice on the noticeboard of the premises of the industrial establishment. The notice shall be displayedconspicuously by the employer on a notice board or on electronic board at the mainentrance to the industrial establishment.(2)If the employer gives to any person employed by him a notice of lock -out, then heshall within five days from the date of such notice, intimate electronically the same tothe concerned conciliation officer and the Labour Commissioner.56. Service of notice before retrenchment of the worker under clause (c) of sectionIf any employer desires to retrench any worker employed in his industrialestablishment who has been in continuous service for not less than one year under himthen, such employer shall give prior notice of intimation of such retrenchment, inForm-XIXto the State Government, Labour Commissioner, concerned DeputyLabour Commissioner and Assistant Labour Commissioner through e -mail or, byregistered or speed post, in the following manner, namely: -(a)where notice is given to a worker, notice of retrenchment shall be sent withinthree days from the date on which notice is served on the worker;(b)where no notice is given to the worker, and he is paid one months wages in lieuthereof, notice of retrenchment shall be sent within three days from the date onwhich s uch wages are paid; and(c)where retrenchment is carried out under an agreement which specifies a date forthe termination of service, notice of retrenchment shall be sent so as to reach theState Government, the Deputy Labour Commissioner, at least one month beforesuch date:Provided that if the date of termination of service agreed upon is within thirtydays of the agreement, the notice of retrenchment shall be sent to State Government,Labour Commissioner, Deputy Labour Commissioner concerned and Assista ntLabour Commissioner within three days of the agreement.57. Manner of giving an opportunity for re -employment to the retrenched workersunder section 72 (1)The employer shall prepare a list of all workers in the particular category from whichretrench ment is contemplated arranged according to the seniority of their service inthat category and cause a copy thereof to be pasted on a notice board in conspicuousplace in the premises of the industrial establishment at least seven days before theactual da te of retrenchment.(2)At least fifteen days before the date on which the vacancies are to be filled, theemployer shall arrange for the display on a notice board in a conspicuous place in thepremises of the industrial establishment details of those va cancies and shall also giveintimation of those vacancies by registered post or speed post or through e -mail toevery one of all the retrenched workers eligible to be considered therefor, to the latestaddress or e -mail, given by each of them at the time o f retrenchment or at any timethereafter:Provided that when the number of such vacancies is less than the number ofretrenched workers, it shall be sufficient if intimation is given by the employerindividually to the senior -most retrenched workers in t he list referred to in sub -rule(1) and the number of such senior -most workers being double the number of suchvacancies:Provided further that where the vacancy is of duration of less than one monththere shall be no obligation on the employer to send i ntimation of such vacancy toindividual retrenched workers:Provided also that if a retrenched worker, without sufficient cause beingshown in writing to the employer, does not offer himself for re -employment on thedate or dates specified in the intimat ion sent to him by the employer under this sub -rule, the employer may not intimate to him the vacancies that may be filled on anysubsequent occasion.(3)Immediately after complying with the provisions of sub -rule (2), the employer shallalso inform the negotiating union or the constituent of negotiating council or TradeUnions connected with the industrial establishment, of the number of vacancies to befilled and names of the retrenched workers to whom intimation has been sent underthat sub -rule:Provided that the provisions of this sub -rule need not be complied with by theemployer in any case where intimation is sent to every one of the workers mentionedin the list prepared under sub -rule (1).(4)When any vacancy occurs in an industrial establis hment and there are workers of suchindustrial establishment retrenched within one year prior to the proposal for fillingsuch vacancies, then, employer of such industrial establishment shall, if such workersare citizens of India and have given their will ingness for employment, give thempreference over other on the basis of their service seniority.58. Service of notice by the employer for intended closure under sub-section (1) ofsection 74 If an employer intends to close down an industrial establishment he shall give notice,within the time as specified in sub -section (1) of section 74, of such closure in Form-XIXto the State Government and a copy thereof to the concerned Deputy LabourComm issioner and Assistant Labour Commissioner, by e -mail or registered post orspeed post. A copy of the notice shall also be sent to the registered Trade Unions orauthorised representatives of workers, as the case may be, operating in the Industrialestabli shments.59. Manner of making application to the State Government by the employer for theintended lay -off and the manner of serving copy of such application to workersunder sub -section (2) of section 78 An application for permission under sub -section (1) of section 78 shall be madeelectronically by the employer in Form XX to the State Government or suchauthority who has been delegated such powers u\/s 100 of the code stating clearlytherein the reasons for the intended lay off and a copy of such applicati on shall beserved simultaneously to the worker concerned electronically or otherwise. Suchapplication shall also be displayed conspicuously by the employer on a notice boardor on electronic board at the main entrance of the industrial establishment.60. Time-limit for review under sub -section (7) of section 78 (1)The State Government or such authority who has been delegated such powers u\/s100 of the code may, either on its own motion or on the application made by theemployer or any worker, review its order granting or refusing to grant permissionunder sub -section (4) of the section 78.(2)The employer or any worker concerned, along with the order referred to in sub -rule(1), may make an application, within thirty days from the date on which t he order ismade, to the State Government or specified authority for reviewing the order and theState Government shall within two months from the date on which the application ismade dispose of the application after providing the concerned parties an opp ortunityof being heard.(3)Where the State Government or specified authority takes step, to review the orderreferred to in sub -section (1), on its own motion, it may take such step within onemonth from the date on which the order is made and after pr oviding the concernedparties the opportunity of being heard dispose of such review within two months fromthe date on which such step is taken.61. Manner of making application to the State Government by the employer for theintended retrenchment and manner o f serving copy of such application toworkers under sub -section (2) of section 79 An application for prior permission referred to in clause (b) of sub -section (1) ofsection 79 shall be made by the employer in Form-XXstating clearly therein thereasons for the intended retrenchment electronically and a copy of such applicationshall also be sent to concerned workers electronically or in person or by registeredpost or speed post. Such application shall also be displayed conspicuously by theemployer on a notice board or on electronic board at the main entrance to theindustrial establishment.62. Time-limit for review under sub -section (6) of section 79 (1)The State Government or such authority who has been delegated such powers u\/s 100of the code may, either on its own motion or on the application made by the employeror any worker, review its order granting or refusing to grant permission under sub -section (3) of section 79.(2)The employer or any worker concerned, along with the order referred to in sub -rule(1), may make an application, within thirty days from the date on which the order ismade, to the State Government \/ specified authority for revie wing the order and theState Government \/ specified authority shall within two months from the date onwhich the application is made dispose of the application after providing the concernedparties an opportunity of being heard.(3)Where the Central Gov ernment takes step, to review the order referred to in sub -section (1), on its own motion, it may take such step within one month from the dateon which the order is made and after providing the concerned parties the opportunityof being heard dispose of s uch review within two months from the date on which suchstep is taken.63. Manner of making application to the State Government by the employer forintended closing down of an industrial establishment and the manner of servingcopy of such application to the representatives of workers under sub -section (1)of section 80 An employer who intends to close down an industrial establishment to which ChapterX of the Code applies shall apply electronically in Form XX for prior perm ission atleast ninety days before the date on which intended closure is to become effective totheState Government or specified authority , stating clearly therein the reasons forthe intended closure of the industrial establishment and simultaneously a c opy of suchapplication shall also be sent to the representatives of the workers electronically or byspeed post or by registered post or in person.64. Time-limit for review under sub -section (5) of section 80 (1)The State Government may, either on its o wn motion or on the application made bythe employer or any worker, review its order granting or refusing to grant permissionunder sub -section (2) of section 80.(2)The employer or any worker concerned, along with the order referred to in sub -rule(1),may make an application, within thirty days from the date on which the order ismade, to the State Government \/ specified authority for reviewing the order and theState Government \/ specified authority shall within two months from the date onwhich the ap plication is made dispose of the application after providing the concernedparties an opportunity of being heard.(3)Where the State Government \/ specified authority takes step, to review the orderreferred to in sub -section (1), on its own motion, it m ay take such step within onemonth from the date on which the order is made and after providing the concernedparties the opportunity of being heard dispose of such review within two months fromthe date on which such step is taken.65. Manner of utilization of fund under sub -section (3) of section 83 Every employer who has retrenched a worker or workers under the Code, shall, withinten days, from the date of retrenching a worker or workers in his industrialestablishment shall electronically transfer a n amount equivalent to fifteen days of lastdrawn wages of such retrenched worker or workers in the account (name of theaccount shall be displayed on the website of Labour Department. The fund soreceived shall be transferred by the State Government to e ach worker or workersaccount, as the case may be, electronically within forty five days of receipt of fundsfrom the employer and the worker or workers shall utilize such amount for his re -skilling. The employer shall also submit the list containing the name of each workerretrenched, the amount equivalent to fifteen days of wages last drawn by such workeralong with his bank account details to enable the State Government to transfer theamount in their respective account.66. Manner of composition of offence by a Gazetted Officer specified under sub -section (1) of section 89 and the manner of making application for thecompounding of an offence specified under sub -section (4) of section 89 (1)(Additional Labour Commissioner) The officer notified by the State G overnmentfor the purposes of compounding of offences under sub -section (1) of section 89(hereinafter referred to as the compounding officer), shall in the offences in whichprosecution is not instituted, if the compounding officer is of the opinion that anyoffence under the Code for which the compounding is permissible under section 89,he shall send a notice through Portal of Labour Department, Haryana to theaccused in Form XXI consisting of three parts. In part I of such Form, thecompounding officer shall inter -alia specify the name of the offender and his otherparticulars, the details of the offence and in which section the offence has beencommitted, the compounding amount required to be paid towards the composition ofthe offence. Part II of the Form shall specify the consequences if the offence is notcompounded and part III of the Form shall contain the application to be filed by theaccused if he desires to compound the offence. Each notice shall have a continuousunique number containing alph abets or numeric and other details such as officersending notice, year, place, type of inspection for the purpose of easy identification.(2)The accused to whom the notice referred to in sub -rule (1) is served, may send thepart III of the Form duly filled b y him to the compounding officer electronically anddeposit the compounding amount electronically or otherwise, within fifteen days ofthe receipt of the notice, in the account specified by the compounding officer in the(3)Where the prosecution has a lready been instituted against the accused in thecompetent Court, he may make an application to the Court to compound the offenceagainst him and the Court, after considering the application, may allow compositionof the offence by the compounding officer in accordance with provisions of section(4)If the accused complies with the requirement of sub -rule (2), the compounding officershall compound the offence for the amount of money deposited by the accused and -(a)if the offence is compounded before the prosecution, then no complaint forprosecution shall be instituted against the accused and if the offence is compoundedpending proceeding under section 85, the compounding officer shall intimate thecomposition to the officer referred to in that section who shall after intimation closethe proceeding in respect of the accused person of such offence; and(b)if the offence is compounded after institution of prosecution under sub -rule (3) withthe permission of the Court, then, the compounding officer shal l treat the case asclosed as if no prosecution had been launched and will proceed in accordance withcomposition as under clause (a) and intimate the composition of offence to thecompetent Court in which the prosecution is pending and after receiving suc hintimation, the Court shall discharge the accused and close the prosecution.(5)The compounding officer shall exercise the powers to compound the offence underthis rule, subject to the direction, control and supervision of the State Government.67. Protected workers under sub -section (3) and (4) of section 90 (1)Every registered Trade Union connected with an industrial establishment, to whichthe Code applies, shall communicate to the employer before the 30th April of everyyear, the names and addresses of such of the officers of the Union who are employedin that establishment and who, in the opinion of the Union should be recognized asprotected workers. Any change in the incumbency of any such officer shall becommunicated to the employer by the union withi n fifteen days of such change.(2)The employer shall, subject to sub -section (3) and sub -section (4) of section 90,recognize such workers to be protected workers for the purposes of section 90 andcommunicate to the Trade Union concerned, in writing, withi n fifteen days of thereceipt of the names and addresses under sub -rule (1), the list of workers recognizedas protected workers for the period of twelve months from the date of suchcommunication.(3)Where the total number of names received by the employer u nder sub -rule (1) exceedsthe maximum number of protected workers, admissible for the industrialestablishment, under sub -section (4) of section (90), the employer shall recognize asprotected workers only such maximum number of workers:Provided that whe re there is more than one registered Trade Union in theindustrial establishment, the maximum number shall be so distributed by the employeramong the Unions that the numbers of recognized protected workers in individualUnions bear practicably by the same proportion to one another as the membershipfigures of the Unions. The employer shall in that case intimate in writing to thePresident or the Secretary of the each concerned Union the number of protectedworkers allotted to it:Provided further that whe re the number of protected workers allotted to aUnion under this sub -rule falls short of the number of officers of the Union seekingprotection, the union shall be entitled to select the officers to be recognized asprotected workers. Such selection shall be made by the Union and communicated tothe employer within five days of the receipt of the employers letter in this regard.(4)When a dispute arises between an employer and any registered Trade Union in anymatter connected with the recognition of protec ted workers under this rule, thedispute shall be referred to the Deputy Labour Commissioner concerned, whosedecision thereon shall be final.68. Manner of making complaint by an aggrieved worker under section 91 (1)Every complaint under section 91 of the Co de shall be made electronically or byregistered post or by speed post in Form XXII and shall be accompanied by as manycopies as there are opposite parties mentioned in the complaint.(2)Every complaint under sub -rule (1) shall be verified by the worker making thecomplaint or by authorized representative of the worker proved to the satisfaction ofthe conciliation officer, arbitrator or the Tribunal, as the case may be, to be acquaintedwith the facts of the case.69. Manner of authorization of worker for re presenting in any proceeding undersub-section (1) of section 94 Where the worker is not a member of any Trade Union, then, any member of theexecutive or other office -bearer of any Trade Union connected with or by any otherworker employed in the indu stry in which the worker is employed may be authorizedby such worker to represent him in any proceeding under the Code relating to adispute in which the worker is a party in Form X .70. Manner of authorization of employer for representing in any proceeding undersub-section (2) of Section 94 Where the employer, is not a member of any association of employers, may authorizeinForm X an officer of any association of employers connected with, or by any otheremployer engaged in, the industry in which the employer is engaged to represent himin any proceeding under the Code relating to a dispute in which the employer is a71. Manner of holding an enquiry under sub -section (1) of section 85(1)On receipt of a complaint of the offence committed under sub -sections (3), (5), (7),(8), (9), (10), (11) and (20) of section 86 and sub -section (7) of section 89, the sameshall be enquired by an officer notified by State Government under sub -section (1) ofsection 85 (hereinafter referred to as the Enquiry officer).Provided that if a party so desires may request in writing to such officer tosend notice in the enquiry only by post and also in cases where enquiry officer feelsthat no electronic m eans of communication are available to the parties concerned, hemay send such notice by registered or speed post.(2)Issue of Notice. -If the complaint filed is admitted by the Enquiry officer, he shall callupon the person or persons through a notice to be sent electronically or by registeredpost or speed post and a copy of the same to be posted on Labour Department ,Haryana Portal to appear before him on a specified date together with all relevantdocuments and witnesses, if any, and shall inform the com plainant of the date sospecified.(3)Inspite of the service of notice, if the person or his representative fails to appear onthe specified date, the Enquiry Officer may proceed to hear and determine thecomplaint ex -parte.(4)If the complainant fails to appear on the specified date without any intimation to theEnquiry officer on two consecutive dates, the complaint may be dismissed.Provided that not more than three adjournments may be given on the jointapplication made by complainant and the opposite party.Provided further that the Enquiry officer shall at his discretion may permithearing of the parties or any of the party, as the case may be, through videoconference.(5)Authorization. -The authorization to appear on behalf of any person, under sectionsub-section (2) of section 85 shall be given by a certificate or electronic certificate, asthe case may be, which shall be presented to the Enquiry Officer during the hearing ofthe complaint and shall form part of the record.(6)Permission to appear. -Any person who intends to appear in the proceeding on behalfof complainant shall present before the Enquiry Officer and submit a brief writtenstatement explaining the reason for his appearance. The Enquiry officer shall recordan order on the statement and in the c ase of refusal shall include reasons for the same,and incorporate it in the record.(7)Presentation of documents. -Complaint or other documents relevant to the complaintmay be presented in person to the Enquiry officer at any time during hours fixed bythe Enquiry officer, or may be sent to him electronically or or by registered post orspeed post and opposite party shall have the right to reply the complaint and suchother documents.(8)The Enquiry officer shall endorse, or cause to be endorsed, on each document the dateof the presentation or receipt, as the case may be. If the documents have beensubmitted electronically, no such endorsement shall be necessary.(9)Refusal to entertain complaint. -(i)The Enquiry Officer may refuse to entertain a complaint pres ented under sub -section(1) of section 85 if after giving the complainant an opportunity of being heard, theEnquiry Officer is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded in writing that -(a) the complainant is not entitled to present the complaint; or(b) thecomplainant has filed the complaint beyond six months from the date onwhich the offence complained is committed;(c) The complainant fails to comply with the directions given by the Enquiryofficer under sub -section (2) of section 85.(ii)The Enquiry Officer may refuse to entertain complaint which is otherwise incomplete.He may ask complainant to rectify the defects and if the Enquiry officer thinks thatthe complaint cannot be rectified he may return the complaint indicating the defectsand, if he, so refuse s shall return it at once indicating the defects. If the complaint ispresented again, after the defects have been rectified, the date of representation shallbe deemed to be the date of presentation for the purpose of sub -section (1) of section(10)Record of proceedings. -The Enquiry officer shall in all cases mention the particularsat the time of passing of order containing the details, i.e., date of complaint, name andaddress of the complainant, name and address of the opposite party or parties, sectio n-wise details of the offence committed, plea of the opposite party, findings and briefstatement of the reason and penalty imposed with signature, date and place.(11)Exercise of powers. -In exercise of the powers of a Civil Court, conferred under theCode of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Enquiry Officer shall be guided in respect ofprocedure by relevant orders of the First Schedule of the Code of Civil Procedure,1908, with such alterations as the Enquiry officer may find necessary, not affectingtheir substance , for adapting them to the matter before him, and save where theyconflict with the express provisions of this Code or these rules.(12)Order or direction when to be made. -The Enquiry officer, after the case has beenheard, shall make the order or direction on a future date to be fixed for this purpose.(13)Inspection of documents. Any person, who is either a complainant or an oppositeparty or his representative, or any person permitted under sub -rule (3) shall be entitledto inspect any complaint, or any other do cument filed with the Enquiry officer, in acase to which he is a party.72. Expenses of witness Every person who is summoned and duly attends or otherwise appears as a witnessbefore a Tribunal or arbitrator shall be entitled to an allowance for expenses a ccordingto scale for the time being in force with respect to witnesses in the civil court in theState where the enquiry, adjudication or arbitration, as the case may be, is beingconducted.73. Submission of copy of each Form to the office of Statistical Off icer under clause(zzf) of sub -section (2) of section 99 A copy each of Form XVII (notice of strike), Form XVIII (notice of lockout), FormXIX(notice for intimation of retrenchment or closure to the Haryana Government),Form XX (Application for permission of lay -off or retrenchment or closure), andForm XXI (compounding of offences), shall be shared electronically or otherwisewithStatistical Officer office of Labour Commissioner, Haryana.74. Publication for communication TheState Government, the Tribunal, every employer, every Trade Union ornegotiating union or the constituents of negotiating council and every authorityreferred to in these rules shall adequately make known their e -mail id or website orportal or any or al l of them, as the case may be, by specifying in the letter -head, forthe purposes of every communication to effect service of messages and documentsunder these rules.75. Maintenance of records, registers, forms, notice, and display on board All records, registers, forms, notice, display board and other documents which arerequired to be maintained under the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (Central Act 36of 2020) can be maintained in electronic manner and in the required format orcontaining the informati on as is required and they shall be produced and shown as andwhen required by the authority or Inspector -cum-Facilitator under this Code and rulesframed thereunder. The maintenance of these records shall comply with therequirement of retention of record s.76. Appointment of Commissioner Where it is necessary to appoint a Commissioner under sub -section (3) of section 59,the Tribunal may appoint a person with experience in the particular industry, trade orbusiness involved in question referred to in sub -section (2) of section 59 or a personwith experience as a judge of civil court, or as a stipendiary magistrate or as aRegistrar or Secretary of a Tribunal constituted under any State Act.77. Fees for the Commissioner, etc (1)The Tribunal shall, after c onsultation with the parties, estimate the probable durationof the enquiry and fix the amount of the Commissioners fees and other incidentalexpenses and direct the payment thereof into the nearest treasury, within a specifiedtime, by such party or part ies and in such proportion as it may consider fit. TheCommission shall not issue until satisfactory evidence of the deposit into the treasuryof the sum fixed is filed before the Tribunal:Provided that the Tribunal may from time to time direct that an y further sumor sums be deposited into the treasury within such time and by such parties as it mayconsider fit:Provided further that the Tribunal may in its discretion, extend the time fordepositing the sum into the treasury.(2)The Tribunal may, at any time, for reasons to be recorded in writing, vary the amountof the Commissioners fees in consultation with the parties.(3)The Tribunal may direct that the fees shall be disbursed to the Commissioner in suchinstallments and on such date as it may consider fit.(4)The undisbursed balance, if any, of the sum deposited shall be refunded to the party orparties who deposited the sum in the same proportion as that in which it wasdeposited.78. Time for submission of report (1)Every order for the appointment of Commissioner under sub -section (3) of section 59shall indicate a date, allowing sufficient time, for the Commissioner to submit his(2)If for any reason the Commissioner anticipates that the date fixed for the submissionof his report is likely to be exceeded, he shall apply, before the expiry of the said date,for extension of time setting forth grounds thereof and the Tribunal shall take suchgrounds into consideration in passing orders on the application:Provided that the Tribunal may grant extension of time notwithstanding thatno application for such extension has been received from the Commissioner withinthe reasonable time limit.79. Collection of statistics The employer shall submit the details of str ike, lockout, layoff, retrenchment andclosure statistics required under these rules electronically and manner from time totime to the State Government as well as to the Office of Director General, Labour80. Repeal and savings The Industrial Disp utes (Punjab) Rules, 1958, the Industrial Employment (StandingOrders) Rules, 1978 and the Punjab Trade Union Regulations, 1927 are herebyProvided that any order issued or any action taken under the aforesaid rulesand regulations so repealed, shall be deemed to have been issued or taken under thecorresponding provisions of these rules.Form-I(See Rule 3)(Memorandum of settlement arrived at during conciliation\/ or settlement arrived at betweenthe employer and his workers otherwise than in the course of conciliation proceeding)Names of Parties along with respective Aadhar Number:. Representingemployer(s);. RepresentingShort recital of the caseTerms of settlementSignature of the parties*Signature & Stamp of Conciliation OfficerIn case the settlement arrived at between the employer and his workers otherwise than in thecourse of conciliation proceeding the copy of the memorandum shall be marke d to the StateGovernment, Labour Commissioner and concerned Conciliation Officer.FORM -II(See Rule 8)Application for Registration of Trade UnionTo the Registrar of Trade Union,Dated the ...................day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.We hereby apply for the registration of a Trade Union under the name of2.The Address of the head office of the Union is3.The E-Mail of the Union4.The Union came into existence on the ....................dayof.................................................................................5.The Union is a Union of employers\/workers engaged in the.. (or profession).6.The declaratio n by an affidavit required under clause (a) of sub -section (1) of section 8of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 is at Schedule I.7.The particulars given in Schedule II show the provision made in the rules for thematters detailed in section 7 of the Indu strial Relations Code, 2020.8.(To be struck out in the case of unions which have not been in existence for one yearbefore the date of application). The particulars required by of sub -section (2) ofsection 8 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 are given in Schedule III.9.List of all members of the executive of the Union showing in Column II the names ofany posts held by them (e.g., President, Secretary, Treasurer etc.,) in addition to theiroffices as members of the executive are given belowSr. No. Title Name Age Address Occupation10.We have been duly authorized to make this application by *Name Occupation Address Signature3* State here whether the authority was given by a resolution of a general meeting oftheUnion, if not, in what other way it was given.SCHEDULE -IDeclaration by way of AffidavitI, __________________ s\/o Sh._________________ Age ________ yrs.r\/o__________________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as1.That I am the elected General Secretary of ___________________________(Name of______________________________ (Address of Union).2.That to the best of my knowledge and belief no Union \/ Association by the name of_________________________ (Name of Union) is registered under the Industri al RelationsCode, 2020 in Haryana or anywhere in India.3.That in case of any legitimate claimant of union's name, we will surrender the certificateand change name of the union as per directions of the Registrar Trade Unions, Haryana.4.That no member o r office bearer has ever been convicted by Court of India for anyoffence involving moral turpitude and sentenced to imprisonment.5.That all particulars supplied as per Form -III as well as other documents are true6.That the scope of the Union shall be for th e employees of ------------- (Name ofEstablishment).7. That neither the applicants nor the office bearer and I are the member of any other unionfunctioning in ________________ (Name of Establishment)8. That there are approximate ________ __ workers working in______________(Name ofEstablishment) and out of which_________________ workers are members of our union.9. That this is my true statement.Verification: -Verified at ________________ on______ ____________ that the contents of the paras 1 to 9of my above declaration by affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge andbelief. No part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.DeponentREFERENCE TO RULESThe numbers of the rules making provision for the several matters detailed in Column 1 aregiven in Column 2 below:Matter Number of rulesName of Trade UnionThe whole of the objects for which the Trade Union has been established.The whole of the purposes for which the general fund of the Trade Union shall be applicable.The maintenance of a list of members of the Trade Union.The facilities provided for the inspection of the list of members by officer -bearers andmembers of the Trade UnionThe admission of ordinary members.The admission of honorary or temporary members.The payment of a subscription by members of the Trade Un ion from such members and othersThe conditions under which members are entitled to benefit assured by the rules.The conditions under which fines or forfeiture may be imposed or varied on any memberThe manner in which the rule shall be amended, varied or rescinded.The holding of annual general body meeting of the members of the Trade UnionThe business to be transacted at the annual general body meetingThe manner in which the members of the executive and the other office -bearers of the TradeUnion sh all be appointed and removed.The safe custody of the funds of the Trade UnionThe annual audit of the accounts of the Trade UnionThe facilities for the inspection of the account books by the office -bearers and members of theTrade UnionThe manner in which the Trade Union may be dissolved.SCHEDULE IIISTATEMENT OF LIABILITIES AND ASSETS ON THE...........DAY OF............ 20.......(This need not be filled in if the Union came into existence less than one year before thedate of application for registration.)Liabilities (Rs.) Assets (Rs.)Amount of general fundAmount of political fund In hand of TreasurerLoans from - In hand of Secretary. In hand of In the bank.. In the bankDebts due to Securities as per list below.. Unpaid subscriptionsdue Loans toOther liabilities (to be specified) Immovable property.. Goods and furniture. Other assets(to be specified)Total Liabilities Total assetsList of SecuritiesParticulars Nominal Value Market Value In hands of(See Rule 10)Certificate of Registration of Trade UnionIt is hereby certified thathas been registered under theIndustrial Relations Code, 2020 this dayRegistrar of Trade Unions(See Rule 11)Register of Trade UnionsSerial No.Name of Union.Address of Head Office.Date of Registration.UnionYear ofofficeName Age onentryAddress Occupation Year ofrelinquishingofficeOtheroffices heldin additionmembershipNumber of application formList of members applying for registration(See Rule 33)Annual Return prescribed under Section 26 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 forthe year ending on 31st March, 20____Name of UnionRegistered Head OfficeNumber of certificate of registrationReturn to be made by Federations oftheUnions Number of unions affiliated at thebeginning of year.Number of unions joining duringNumber of unions disaffiliated atthe end of year.This return need not be made by Federation of Trade Unio nNumber of members on books atthe beginning of year.Number of members admittedduring the year (add together).Number of members who leftduring the year (deduct).Total Number of members onbooks at the end of the year.Number of members contributingto political fund.A copy of the rules of the Trade Union, corrected up to date of dispatch of this return, isStatement ofliabilities andAssets onthe______ day of ______20__Liabilities Rs. P. Asset Rs.PAmount of general fund Cash-In hands of TreasurerIn hands of SecretaryAmount of Political fund In hands ofIn the Bank In the BankLoanFrom Securities as per list belowDebts due to Unpaid subscription dueImmovable property.Goods and furnitureOther liabilities (to be specified) Other assets to be (specified).................... ..............TotalLiabilities TotalAssets.................... ..............List of SecuritiesParticulars Nominal Market -value at the dateof In hands ofValue Accounts have been made upGeneral Fund AccountIncome Rs. P. Expenditure Rs.P.Balance at beginning ofyear Salaries, allowance and expenses ofContributions from members Salaries, allowances and expenses ofas per member establishmentDonations Legal expensesSale of periodicals, rules etc. Expenses in conducting trade disputesInterest on investments Compensation paid to membersIncome from miscellaneous for loss arising out of trade disputesSources ( to be specified) Funeral, old age, sickness,unemployment benefits, etc.Educational, social and religiousCost of publishing periodicalRents, rates and taxesStationery, printing and postageExpenses incurred under secti on 15 (1)of Code (to be specified)Other expenses (to be specified)Balance at the end of yearTotal TotalPolitical Fund Account________________________Rs.P._______________________________________Rs.P. __Balance at beginning ofyear Payment made on objects Specified insection 15 of the Code (to be specified)Contributions from members Expenses of managementsas per member (to be specified)Balance at the end of year.................... ..............Total Total.................... ..............TreasurerAuditors DeclarationThe undersigned having has access to all the books and accounts of the Trade Unionsand having examined the foregoing state ments and verified the same as found to becorrect, duly vouched and in accordance with the law, subject to the remarks. if and,appended hereto.The following changes of officers have been made during the year -s Relinquishing OfficeName Office Date of relinquishing officeOfficers AppointedName Age Office Address Occupation Date of appointmentSecretaryFORM (See Rule 31 )(Application to be submitted for adjudication before the Tribunal under section 22(1) of TheIndustrial Relations Code, 2020 regarding dispute) (Here mention the name of the Tribunal having jurisdiction over the area)In the matter of:........................... Applicant Address & Aadhar Number......................................................................Opposite Party (ies) Address..................................The above mentioned applicant begs to state as follows : -(Here set out the relevant facts andcircumstances of the case).The applicant prays that the instant dispute may please be admitted for adjudication andrequest to pass appropriate Order.Place .........Form VII(See Rule 42)The Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (Refer section 34)Register for certified standing ordersIndustrial EstablishmentcontinuousnumberName of theindustrialestablishmentNature of theindustrialestablishmentWhether standing order is(a) model standing order,(b) deemed standing(c) certified standingorderDate of adoptionor date ofauthentication orCertification \/authentication ofStanding OrderAppealDate and Natureof DecisionAmendmentmade on appeal,if anyDate of thedispatch of thecopy of StandingOrders as settledon appealAny other relevant6 7 8 9 10Form VIII(See Rule 44)(Notice of change of service conditions proposed by an employer)Name of employer................................................................................................Address...............................................................................................................Dated the ............. ............................... day of ................................. 20..............In accordance with section 40(1) of Industrial Relations Code , 2020 I\/We hereby give noticeto all concerned that it is my\/our intention toeffect thechange\/changes specified intheannexure, with effect fromconditions of service applicable to workers in respect of the matters specified in the ThirdSchedule to this codeSignature.....................Designation(Here specify the change\/changes intended to be e ffected)Copy forwarded to:1.Concerned Deputy Labour Commissioner.2.The Secretary of registered Trade Union, if any.FORM -IX(Agreement for voluntary arbitration )(see rule 45)Name of the parties representing employer (s).Representing workerIt is hereby agreed between the parties to refer the following dispute to the arbitration of........................[here specify the name(s) and address(es) of the arbitrator (s).(i) Specific matters in dispute.(ii) Details of the parties to the dispute including the name and address of theestablishment or undertaking involved.(iii) Name of the worker in case he himself is involved in the dispute or the name ofthe union, if any, representing the worker or workers in question.(iv) Totalnumber of workers employed in the undertaking affected.(v) Estimated number of workers affected or likely to be affected by the dispute.*We further agree that the majority decision of the arbitrators) shall be binding on us in casethe arbitrator(s) are equ ally divided in their opinion they shall appoint another person asumpire whose award shall be binding on us.The arbitrator (s) shall make his (their) award within a period of ........................ (here specifythe period agreed upon by the parties) f rom the date of publication of this agreement in theOfficial Gazette by the State Government or within such further time as is extended bymutual agreement between us in writing. In case, the award is not made within the periodafore mentioned, the refere nce to the arbitration shall stand automatically cancelled and weshall be free to negotiate for fresh arbitrator.Signature of the parties Representing employer] Representing worker\/ workers. ]1...................................2...................................(i) The Conciliation Officer [here enter office address of the Conciliation Officer for thearea concerned]. .(ii) The Secretary to the Government of Haryana, Department of Labour.(See Rule 47, Rule 69 and Rule 70 )(Authorization by a worker, group of worker, employer, group of employer to be representedin a proceeding before the authority under this Code).Before the Authority(Here mention the authority concerned)In the matter of:. (mention the name of the proceeding ).............................................workers with Aadhar Number..EmployerI\/we hereby authorise Shri \/ Sarvashri (if representatives are more than one)1.....2....3represent me\/us in the above matter.Dated this......................day of..............................20..........Signature of person(s) nominating the representative(s)Address Acce pted(See Rule 49)Form of Oath ofOffice for Administrative Member of Industrial TribunalI, A, B., having been appointed as Administrative Member of Industrial Tribunal(Name of the Tribunal) do solemnly affirm\/ do swear in the name of God that I will faithfullyand conscientiously discharge my duties as the Administrative Member of Industrial Tribunal(Name of the Tribunal) to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment, without fear orfavour, affection or ill -will and that I will uphol d the Constitution and the laws of the land.(Signature)Date:FORM (See Rule 52 )(Application to be submitted before the Tribunal in the matter not settled by the Conciliation (here mention the name of the Tribunal having jurisdiction over the area)In the matter of:............................................ ApplicantAddress and Aadhar Number ................................................................................................................... Opposite party (ies)Address......................................................The above mentioned applicant begs to state as follows : -(Here set out the relevant facts andcircumstanc es of the case).The applicant prays that the instant dispute may please be admitted for adjudication andrequest to pass appropriate Award.Place .........Form-XIII(See rule 53)Application under sub -section (1) of section 59 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020(1) The Secretary to the Government of Haryana, Labour Department, Chandigarh(2) The Labour Commissioner, Haryana.I\/We have to state that I am\/we are entitled to receive from M\/s ...................................a sum of Rs.............(in words) on account of ................ under the provisions of Chapter IXand X of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020\/in terms of the award dated the ....................given by..................... \/in terms of the settlement dated the ..................... arrived at betweenthe said M\/s ......................... and their worker through........................... the duly electedrepresentatives.I\/We further state that I\/we served the management with a demand notice byregistered post on .................. for the said amount which the management has neither paidnor offered to pay to me\/us even though a fortnight has since elapsed. The d etails of theamount have been mentioned in the statement hereto annexed.I\/We request that the said sum may kindly be recovered for the management undersub-section (1) of section 59 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 and paid to me\/us asearly as possible.Signature of the applicant(s)Address(es)(Here indicate the details of the amount(s) claimed.)]Form XIV[See rule 53]Application by a person authorised by a worker or by the assignee or heir of a deceasedworker under sub -section (1) of section 59 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020(1) The Secretary to the Government of Haryana, Labour Department ,Chandigarh.(2) The Deputy Labour Commissioner .....................(here insert the name of the region).I Shri\/Shrimati\/Kumari.............have to state tha t Shri\/Shrimati Kumari.........................is\/was entitled to receive from M\/s................................. a sum of Rs. .................(in words)on account of............................. under the provisions of Chapter IX and X of the Indu strialRelations Code, 2020 \/in terms of the award dated the............................ given by.....................\/in terms of the settlement, dated the.....................arrived at between the saidM\/s..................... and their worker through. ................. the duly elected representatives.I further state that I served the management with a demand notice by registered poston.....................for the said amount which the management has neither paid nor offered topay to me even though a fortnight has since elapsed. The details of the amount have beenmentioned in the statement hereto annexed.I request that the said sum may kindly be recovered from the management under sub -section (1) of section 59 of the Industrial Relations Code, 202 0, and paid to me as early asI have been duly authorised in writing by.....................(here insert the name of theworker) to make this application and to receive the payment of the aforesaid amount due toI am the assignee\/heir of the deceased worker and am entitled to receive the paymentof the aforesaid amount due to him.Station......................... Signature of the authorized person\/assignee\/heirsAddress.........................(Here indicate the details of the amount claimed.)Form XV[See rule 53]Application under sub -section (2) of section 59 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (35 ofBefore the Central Government Industrial Tribunal at. ............................................................. between......................... and..........................................................................................(1) Name of the applicant(s)(2) Name of the employerThe petitioner(s) .................... a worker of ......................M\/s. ..............................of.........................................The petitioner(s) undersigned, worker\/workers of ............................is\/are entitled to receive from the said M\/s. .................................. the money \/benefitsmentioned in the statement hereto annexed.It is prayed that the Tribunal may be pleased to determine the amount \/amountsdue to the petitioner (s).Signature or Thumb Impression (s) of the applicant(s)Address (es) Place......................................................Date...................................... ...................(Here set out the details of the money due or the benefits accrued together with the case fortheir admissibility.)Form XVI[See rule 53]Application by a person who is an assignee or heir of a deceased worker under sub-section(2) of section 59 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (35 of 2020)Before the Central Government Industrial Tribunal at ................................(i) Name of the applicant\/applicants (ii) Name of the employer I am\/We are the assignee(s) of the deceased worker and am\/are entitled to make anapplication on his behalf.Shri................... former worker of M\/s .............. ............ of........................is entitledto receive from the said M\/s............................ the money\/benefits mentioned in the statementhereto annexed;It is prayed that the Tribunal be pleased to determine the amount\/amo unts due tothe deceased worker.Name and Address of worker..........................Signature of the assignee\/heirsAddress (es) Place......................................................Date.........................................................(Herein set out the details of the money due or the benefits accrued together with the case fortheir admissibility).Form-XVII(See Rule 54 )(Notice of Strike to be given by Union(Name of Union)\/ Group of Workers)Name of five elected representatives of workersDated the...............day of................20............(The name of the employer).Dear Sir\/Sirs,Inaccordance withtheprovisions contained insub-section (1)ofsection 62oftheIndustrialRelations CodeI\/We hereby give you notice that I propose to call a strike \/ we propose to go on strike for the reasons explained in the annexure.Yours faithfully,(Secretary of the Union)Five representatives of the workers duly elected at a meeting held on ...............................(date), vide resolution attached.]Statement of the Case1)Labour Commissioner Haryana2)Deputy Labour Commissioner of the concerned area .3)Assistant Labour Commissioner of the concerned area .FORM -XVIII(See Rule 55 )(Notice of Lock -out to be given by an employer of an industrial establishment)Name of employer ..........................................................................................................Address.............................................................................................................. ............Labour Identification Number .......................................................................................Dated the...............day of................20...................In accordance with the provisions of 62(6) of this code, I\/we hereby give notice to allconcerned that it is my\/our intention to effect lock outin.. department(s) , \/section(s) of my\/our establishment with effectfromfor the reasons explained in theSignature.....................................................Designation............................................1. Statement of reasonsCopy forwarded to:(1) Labour Commissioner , Haryana(2) Conciliation officer .......................... [Here enter office address of the Assistant LabourCommissioner \/ Deputy Labour Commissioner of the concerned area.](3) The Secretary of the Registered Union, if anyForm-XIX(See Rule 56 and 58)(Notice of Intimation of Retrenchment\/ Closure to be given by an employer to the StateGovernment under the provisions of Chapter IX of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020and rules made there under)( To be submitted online. In case of exigencies, on paper in the pr escribed format below)Name of Industrial Establishment \/Undertaking\/ Employer.........................................Labour Identification Number .......................................................................................Dated............. ....(Note: The intimation for Closure\/Retrenchment to the appropriate government shall beserved 60 days and 30 days before commencement of Closure\/Retrenchment respectively )The Secretary to the Government of Haryana , Labour DepartmentChandigarh1.*(Retrenchment) (a) Under Section 70(C) of this Code, I\/ we* hereby intimate you thatI*\/we* have decided to retrench.................................. workers** out of a total of Workers** with effect from ....(DD\/MM\/YYYY)*(Closure) (b) Under Section 74(1) of this Code, I \/ we* hereby intimate you that I*\/we*have decided to close down,. ................................ .....(name of the industrial establishment orundertaking) with effect from......................... (DD\/MM\/YYYY). The number of workerswhose services wo uld be terminated on account of the closure of the undertaking is................................ ................................ .................... (number of workers)2.Thereason forRetrenchment \/Closure is3.*Theworker(s)* concerned weregiven onthe.................. (DD\/MM\/YYYY) ones notice inwriting as required under section 70(a)*\/ section 75(1)* of this Code.* The worker(s) concerned have been given onthe.........(DD\/MM\/YYYY) one monthpay in lieu ofthe notice as required under section 70(a)*\/ section 75(1)* of this Code .4.* I*\/We* hereby declare that the worker(s) concerned have been*\/will be* paid all their duesalong with the compensation due to them under section 70* \/ section 75* of this Code beforeor on the expiry of the notice period.or*I\/We* hereby state that currently Insolvency proceedings are on in respect of the saidIndustrial Establishment\/Undertaking\/Employer, and that I*\/we* will pay all the dues alongwith the compensation due to them under concerned laws.5.(Retrenchment) I\/we* hereby declare that the worker(s) concerned have been* \/ will be*retrenched in compliance to the Section 71 and section 72 of this Code.6.I*\/ we* hereby declare that no court case is pending before any Court in the matter, and ifyes, the details thereof have been Annexed.7.I*\/ we * hereby declare that the above information given by me*\/us* in this notice and theAnnexures is true, I*\/ we* am*\/ are* solely responsible for its accuracy and no facts\/materials has been suppressed in the matter.Yours faithfully,(Name of Employer\/ ***Authorized Representative(* Strike off which is not applicable.)(** Indicate number in figures and words both)(***Copy of Authorization letter issued by the employer shall be enclosed)(1)To Labour Commissioner, Haryana(2)Deputy Labour Commissioner of the concerned area.(3)Assistant Labour Commissioner of the concerned area.(4)To the Registered Unions\/ Authorized Representatives of Workers operating in theestablishments or undertakings.FORM XX[See Rule 59, 61 and 63][Application for permission of Lay -off\/ Continuation of Lay -off\/ Retrenchment\/ Closureto be given by an employer \/ Industrial establishment \/Undertaking to the StateGovernment under the provisions of Chapter X of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020and rules made there under ](Tobesubmitted online. Incaseofexigencies onpaperintheprescribed format below) Nameof Industrial Establishment or Undertaking or Employer.....................................Labour Identification Number.........................................................................................Dated.................( Note: The application to the State Government shall be served as indicated below: Lay -off :at least 15 days before the intended Lay-offContinuation of Lay -offat least 15 days before the expiry of earlier Lay -off Retrenchmentat least 60 days before the intended date of Retrenchment Closure at least 90 days beforethe intended date of Closure)The Secretary to the Govern ment of Haryana, Ministry of LabourChandigarh*(Lay-off) (a). Under section 78(2) of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, I*\/we* herebypermission to lay -off .workers** out of total of workers** employed in my*\/ our*establishment (details to be given in Annex -I) witheffect from(DD\/MM\/YYYY).*(Continuation oflay-off)(b)Under section 78(3) oftheIndustrial Relations Code, 2020,I*\/we* hereby apply for permission to continue the Lay -off.........workers** out of totalof................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......laid offworkers** in my*\/our* establishment (details to be given in Annex -I) with effect.(DD\/MM\/YYYY).*(Retrenchment) (c) Under section 79(2) of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, I*\/we*hereby apply for permission for intended retrenchment of................. workers out of total of.. workers** employed in my*\/our* establishment (details to be given in Annex -I) witheffect from.(DD\/MM\/YYYY).*(Closure) (d) Under section 80(1) of the Industrial Rel ations Code, 2020, I \/ we* herebyinform you that I*\/we* intended to close down the undertaking........................................(name of the industrial establishment or undertaking or employer) (details to be given inAnnex -1) with effect from..... ...(DD\/MM\/YYYY). The number of workers whose serviceswould be terminated on account of the closure of the undertaking is(number of workers)1.* (Lay -off\/Continuation of Lay -off) The worker(s) concerned were givenon(DD\/MM\/YYYY) notice in writing as required under section 78(2)*\/ section 78(3)*of this Code.*(Retrenchment\/ Closure) The worker(s) concerned were given on(DD\/MM\/YYYY) one months notice in writing as required under section 79*\/section 80* of this Code.*(Retrenchment\/ Closure) The worker(s) have been givenon (DD\/MM\/YYYY)s pay in lieu of notice as required under section 79*\/ section 80* of this2.The details of affected worker(s) is at Annexure II.3.(Retrenchment) I*\/we* hereby declare that the workers con cerned will be retrenchedin compliance to the Section 71 and section 72 of this Code.4.*I\/We* hereby declare that the worker(s) concerned have been*\/will be* paid all thedues and compensation due to them under section 67, read with section 78(10)*\/section 79* \/ section 80* of this Code before or on the expiry of the notice period.*I\/We hereby state that currently Insolvency proceedings are on in respect of the saidIndustrial Establishment\/Undertaking\/Employer, and that I*\/we* will pay all the duesalong with the compensation due to them under concerned laws.5.I\/ we* hereby declare that no court case is pending before any Court in the matter,and if yes, the details thereof have been Annexed.6.I\/ we hereby declare that the above information given by me\/ us* in this notice andenclosures is\/ are* true, I\/ we am\/ are solely responsible for its accuracy and no facts\/materials has been suppressed in the matter.The permission sought for may please be granted.Yours faithfully,(Name of Employer\/ ***Authorised Representativewith Seal)(* Strike off which is not applicable.)(** Indicate number in figures and word both)(***Copy of Authorization letter issued by the employer shall be enclosed)ANNEXURE I(Please give replies against each item)1Name of the undertaking with complete postal address, email,mobile and land line.2Status of undertaking (i) Whether State public sector\/ etc,(ii) Whether a private limited company\/ partnership firm\/partnership firm(iii) Whether the undertaking is Licensed\/registered and if so,name of licensing\/ registration authority andlicence\/registration certificate numbers.3(a) MCA Number(b) GSTN Number4(i)Annual production, item wise for preceding three years-(ii)Production figures, month -wise, for the preceding twelve5Audit report of establishment\/ undertaking including Balancesheets, profit and loss accounts for the last three years.To be annexed6Names of the inter -connected companies or companies under thesame management.7Details of lay -off\/ Retrenchment resorted to in the last three yearsincluding the periods of such lay -offs\/ Retrenchment the numberof workmen involved in each such lay -off\/ Retrenchment \/continuation of lay off8Any other relevant details which have bearing on lay -off\/continuation of lay off\/ retrenchment\/ closure.ANNEXURE II(Details of affected workers)CMPFOName of theWorkerCategory (\/ Skilled\/Semi-skilled \/Unskilled )Date from whichin service in\/withestablishment\/Undertaking\/EmployerWage as onApplicationRemark(See Rule 66)Notice to the Employer who committed an offence for the first time under this code, forcompounding of offence under sub -section (4) of section 89,The undersigned and the Compounding Officer under sub -section 1 of section 89 of theIndustrial Relation Code, 2020 hereby intimates that the allegation has been madeagainst you for committing offence for the violation of various provision of this Code asper the details given below; -1.Name and Address of the offender Employer -2.Address of the Establishment 4. Particulars of the offence 5.Section of the Code under which the offence is committed6.Compounding amount required to be paid towards composition of the offenceYou are advised to deposit the above mentioned amount within fifteen days from the date ofissue of this notice for compounding the offence as per section 89 (1) of the IndustrialRelation Code, 2020, along with an application dully filled in part III of this notice.In case you fail to deposit the said amount within the specified time, no further opportunityshall be given and necessary direc tion for filing of prosecution under section shall be issued.(Signature of the Compounding Officer)Place:PART Application under sub -section (4) of section 89 for compounding of offence1. Name of applicant (name of the employer who committed the offence under theIndustrial Relation Code 2020 to be mentioned2. Address of the applicant 3.Particulars of the offence4.Section of the Code under which the offence has been committed5.Details of the compounding amount deposited (electronically generated receipt to be6.Details of the prosecution, if filed for the violation of above mentioned offences may7.Whether the offence is first offence or the applicant had committed any other offenceprior to this offence, if committed, then, full details of the offence8.Any other information which the applicant desires to providePlace:Applicant (Nameand signature)67(See Rule 68 )(Complaint under Section 91 of the Industrial Relations Code , 2020) Before theConciliation Officer\/Arbitrator\/ Industrial Tribunal_________ _________In the matter of :................................... ReferenceA...................... Complainant(s);B...................... Opposite Party(ies).The petitioner(s) begs\/beg to complain that the Opposite Party(ies) has\/have been guiltyof a contravention of the provisions of section 90 of the Industrial Relations Code, asshown below:(Here set out briefly the particulars showing the manner in which the allegedcontravention has taken place and the grounds on which the order or ac t of themanagement is challenged.)The complainant(s) accordingly prays\/pray that the Conciliation Officer\/ Arbitrator\/Industrial Tribunal may be pleased to decide the complaint set out above and pass suchorder or orders thereon as it may deem fit and p roper.The number of copies of .the complaint and its annexure required under rule 91 of theIndustrial Relations Code are submitted herewith.Dated this............day of............20. Signature of the Complainant(s)VerificationI do solemnly declare th at what is stated inparagraph ....................... above is true to myknowledge and that what is stated inparagraphs ............................... above is stated uponinformation received and believed bymetobetrue.Thisverification issigned bymeat......................... on.day of....................20.....................Signature or Thumb impression of the person verifying.Dr. Raja Sekhar Vundru, IASAdditional Chief Secretary to Govt. HaryanaLabour Department68gfj;k.kk ljdkjfnukad16 flrEcj ] 2021la[;k 02@10@2021&2 Je & fu;eksa dk fuEufyf[kr k:i ]ftlsgfj;k.kk dsjkT;iky] lkekU; [k.M vf\/kfu;e] 1897 1897 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 10]dh \/kkjk 24 dslkFk ifBr vkS|ksfxd laca\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsanzh; vf\/kfu;e 35]dh \/kkjk 99 }kjk;ksx djrs gq, cukus dk izLrko djrs gSa rFkkblds }kjk vkS|ksfxd laca\/klafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsanzh; vf\/kfu;e 35] dh \/kkjk 99 dh mi&\/kkjk }kjk ;Fkkvisf{kr ,sls lHkh O;fDr;ksa] ftuds blls izHkkfor gksus dh lHkkouk gS] dh tkudkjh ds fy,kr djokrs gSa (blds}kjkuksfVl fn;k tkrk gS fd jkT; ljdkj fu;eksa ds izk:i ij]jkti= esa blvf\/klwpuk ds izdkku dh frfFk ls45 fnu dh vof\/k dh lekfIr ij ;k mlds ckn ,sls vk{ksiksarFkk lq>koksa ;fn dksbZ gks fopkj djsxh] tks Je vk;qDr] gfj;k.kk] 30 cst Hkou] lSDVj17&ch] p.Mhx<+ dks vFkok bZ&esy ircode hry@gmail.com ds ek\/;e ls bl izdkjfofufnZ\"V vof\/k dh lekfIr ls iwoZ izk:i fu;eksa ds laca\/k esa fdlh O;fDr ls izkIr gksaA vk{ksirFkk lq>ko] izksQkekZ ds [kkuk esa O;fDr@laxBu dk uke rFkk irk fofufnZ\"V djrs gq,] esa mikUrfjr fd, tkus okys izLrkfor fu;e ;k mi&fu;e dks fofufnZ\"V djrs gq,vkSj [kkuk esa izfrLFkkfir fd, tkus okys izLrkfor iqu%jhf{kr fu;e ;k mi&fu;e vkSjblds dkj.kksa dks fofufnZ\"V djrs gq, Hkstus p kfg,A69laf{kIr uke] foLrkj rFkk ykxwdj.k vkSj izk: i fu;e &;s fu;e vkS|ksfxd laca\/k fu;e] 2021 ]dgs tk ldrs gS aAbu fu;eksa dk foLrkj vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ksa ;k lkoZtfud mieksa vkSj ,slsekeyksa] ftlds fy, jkT; ljdkj] leq fpr ljdkj gS] ds lEcU\/k esa lEiw.kZgfj;k.kk jkT; esa gksxkA ;s fu;e jkti= esa buds vafre izdkku dh frfFk ds ckn vkS|ksfxd laca\/klafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsanzh; vf\/kfu;e 35ds ykxw gksus dh frfFk ls izHkkohifjHkk\"kk-&bu fu;eksa esa] tc rd lanHkZ ls vU;Fkk visf{kr u gks -& ^^lafgrk** ls vfHkizk; gS] vkS|ksfxd laca\/k lafgrk] 2020 (dsanzh; vf\/kfu;e 35kfud :i ls** vfHkizk; gS] lafgrk ds iz;kstu ds fy, dksbZlwpuk]ftls bZ&esy }kjk izLrqr fd;k x;k gks vFkok ftls Je foHkkxds fofuf nZ\"V iksVZyij viyksM fd;k x;k gks vFkok fdlh Hkh :i esafMftVy Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gks ( iz:i** ls vfHkizk; gS] bu fu; eksa ls layX u iz:i ( ^^\/kkjk**ls vfHkizk; gS] lafgrk dh \/kkjk ( ^^jkT; ljdkj** ls vfHkizk; gS] izkkldh; foHkkx esa gfj;k.kk jkT; dhbu fu;eksa esa iz;qDr fdUrq vifjHkkf\"kr rFkk lafgrk esa ifjHkkf\"kr 'kCnksa rFkkvfHkO;fDr;ka sds ogha vFkZ gksaxs] tks mUgas k%lafgrk eas fn, x, gS aA3-\/kkjk 2 ds [k.M ds v\/khu lqyg dk Kkiu&70;kds nkSjku vFkok vU;Fkk ls fd;k x;k le>kSrk] iz:i& Iesa le>kSrkfuEufyf[kr }kjk gLrk{kfjr fd;k tk,xk ]& fu;ksDrk ds ekeys esa] Lo;a fu;ksDrk }kjk] vFkok mlds izkf\/kd`rkkZ }kjk] vFkok tc fu;ksDrk] fuxfer dEiuh] ;k vU; f uxferfudk; gS] rks fuxe ;k ,sls vU; fudk; ds vfHkdkkZ] izcU\/kd ;kiz\/kku vf\/kdkjh }kjk( deZdkjksa ds ekeys esa] VsM ;wfu;u ds fuEufyf[kr vf\/kdkfj;ksa esa lsfdlh ,d }kjk] vFkkZr~&mi&iz\/kku%blesa egklfpao Hkh 'kkfey gSla;qDr lfpoA ;wfu;u ds iz\/kku rFkk lfpo }kjk bl fufek izkf\/kd`r VsM ;wfu;u dkdksbZ vU; vf\/kdkjh( bl iz;kstu ds fy, vk;ksftr deZdkjksa dh cSBd esa bl fufelE;d~ :i ls izkf\/kd`r deZdkjksa ds ikap izfrfuf\/k;ksa( vdsysdeZdkj vkSj fu;ksDr ds e\/; vkS|ksfxd fooknds ekeys esalEcfU\/kr deZdkjA tgka lqyg dhizf;kds nkSjku le>kSr kfd;k tkrk gS] rks lqyg vf\/kdkjh]fooknls lacaf\/kr i{kdkjksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr le>kSrkds Kkiu dh izfr lfgrjkT; ljdkj dks mldh fjiksVZ HkstsxkA71 tgka lqyg vf\/kdkjh ds le{k lqyg izf;k ls vU;Fkk fu;ksDrk rFkk mldsdeZdkj ds chp le>kSrkgksrk gS] rks le>kSrkdjus okys i{kdkj] la;qDr :ilslEcfU\/kr lqyg vf\/kdkjh vkSj Je vk;qDr dks mldh izfr by sDVls;k LihM iksLV ;k iathd`r Mkd } kjkHkstsaxsA lqyg vf\/kdkjh] viuh vf\/kdkfjrk ds Hkhrj vkusokys {ks= ds vkS|ksfxdfooknksa ds lEcU\/k esabysDVkWfud:i lsvFkok vU;Fkk ls vuqjf{kr jftLVbl lafgrk ds v\/khu izHkkoh lHkhle>kSrksa dks ntZ djsxkA jftLVj esa le>kSrse la[;k ]m+|ksx] le>kSrs ds i{kdkjksa dk uke] le>kSrsdh frfFk]fVIif.k;ksa rFkk le>kSrk] lqyg vf\/kdkjh ds gLr{ksi }kjk izHkkoh ;k ijLijckrphr }kjk ] fooj.k ntZ gksaxs %ijUrqtgka le>kSrs dk djkj lqyg ls ckgj fd;k tkrk gS ]ij lqygvf\/kdkjh ds gLrk{kj vko';d ugha gksaxs%ijarq ;g vkSj dh bl fu;e dh dksbZ Hkh ckr] deZdkj ;k deZdkjksa ;ksM;wfu;uksa rFkk fdlh fu;ksDrk ds chp vkilh lgefr dh krksZa ij fd,x, le>kSrs dks fuk\/kugha djsxh vkSj ,slk le>kSrk iz:i 1 ls fHkUu iz:i esagks ldrk gSA4-\/kkjk 3 ds v\/khu dk;Z lfefr dk xBu -& izR;sd fu;ksDrk] ftlls \/kkjk 3 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fd;k x;k vkns'klacaf\/kr gSa] ,slh jhfr] tks fuEufyf[kr mi&fu;eksa esa fofufnZ\"V dh xbZ gS] esafu;ksDr vkSj deZdkjksa ds e\/; eS=h vkSj vPNs lEcU\/k lqfuf'pr djus rFkkcuk, j[k us ds fy, mik; izksUurdjus gsrq dk;Z lfefr ft ls] blesa] bldsckn] bl fu;e esa lfefr ds :i esa fufnZ\"V fd;k x;k gS xfBr djus dh;k rqjUr vkjEHk djsxk vkSj blds fy, lkekU; fgr ;k lEcfU\/kr ekeyksaij fVIi.kh djsxkAlfefr dk xBu djus okys lnL;ksa dh la[;k]bl izdkj fu;r dh tk,xhrkfdizfr\"Bkuk sa esa vkSj bu ds vuqHkkxksa ] nqdkuksa ;k foHkkxksa esa fu;ksftr72deZdkjksa ds fofHkUu izoxksZa] x qziksa rFkk Jsf.k;ksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dks izfrfuf\/kRofn;k tk lds %ijUrq lfefr ds lnL;ksa dh dqy la[;k chl ls vf \/kd ughagksxh%ijUrq ;g vkSj fd lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrf uf\/k;ksa dh la[;k] blesafu;ksDrk ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dh la[;k ls de u ghagksxhA bl fu;e ds micU\/kksa ds v\/;\/khu] lfefr esa fu;ksDrk ds izfrfuf\/k] fu;ksDr k}kjk euksuhr fd, tk,axs vkSj tgka rd lEHko gks] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dhdk;Ziz.kkyhls izR;{k :i ls lEcfU\/kr] vFkok lg;ksftr deZpkjh gksaxsA tgkavkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds deZdkj] fdlh iathd`r VsM ;wfu;u ;k;wfu;uksa ds lnL; gSa] rks fu;ksDrk] ,sls iathd`r VsM ;wfu;u;k;wfu;uksa ls fyf[kr esa lwfpr djrs gq, fuosnu djsxk fd fdrusdeZdkj] ,sls VsM ;wfu;u ;k;wfu;uksa ds lnL; gS a( vkSj tgka fdlh fu;ksDrk dks fo'okl djus dk dkj.k gS fd iathd`r Vs;wfu;u ;k;wfu;uksa }kjk [k.M ds v\/khu mls Hkst h xbZ lwpukxyr gS] rks og] ,slh VsM ;wfu;u ;k;wfu;uksa dks lwfpr djus ds ckn]ekeys dks lgk;d Je vk;qDr ;k mi Je vk;qDr dks fufnZ\"V djldrk gS] tks i{kdkjksa dks lquus ds ckn] ekeys dkfu.kZ;djsxkvkSjmldk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkA ds v\/khu ekaxh xbZ lwpuk] dh izkfIr ij] fu;ksDrk fuEufyf[krjhfr esa]lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k ds p;u ds fy, O;oLFkk djok,xk] tgkaij\/kkjk 14 dh mi\/kkjk ;k mi&\/kkjk dsv\/khuokrkZdkj;wfu;ugSvFkok ml \/kkjk dh mi\/kkjk ds v\/khu okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~gS] rks ,slhokrkZdkj ;wfu;u vFkokokrkZdkj ifj\"kn~]tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks]lfefr esa deZdk jksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dks euksuh r djsxh vkSj okrkZdkj73ifj\"kn~ ds ekeys esa] ukekadu ,slh jhfr esa gksxk fd okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ esaizfrfuf\/kRo djus okys izR;sd iathd`r VsM ;wfu;u dk]vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku esa deZdkjksa dh la[;k ds vuqikr e ]sa lfefr esa ]izfrfuf\/kRogksxk] tks ,sl hVsM ;wfu;u ksads lnL; gSa( tgka [k.M esa fufnZ\"V dksbZ ekU;rk izkIr okrkZdkj ;wfu;u ;kokrkZdkj ifj\"kn ugha gS] rks vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds deZdkj] lfefr esavius Lo;a esa ls deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dk p;u djs axs%ijUrq fu;ksDrk] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds deZdkjksa ds lkFkijLij djkj ls] deZdkjksa dks [k.M ds v\/khu lfefr ds fy,vius izfrfuf\/k;kas dk pquko djus esa leFkZ cukus ds fy, lwp ukizkS|ksfxdh ,fIysds'ku ij vk\/kkfjr pquko izf;k vk;ksftr djus dh;k vkuykbu IysVQkeZ ;k bl izdkj ds fdlh vU;IysVQkeZ dh O;oLFkk dj ldrk gSAijUrq ;g vkSj fd tgka iathd`r VsM ;wfu;u ] mi&fu;e ds v\/khu ekaxh xbZ lwpuk] ,slh frfFk] ftldks ,slhlwpuk bl izdkj ekaxh xbZ gS] ls ,d ekl ds Hkhrj izLrqr djus esamis{kk djrh gS ;k vlQy jgrh gS] rks ,sls VsM ;wfu;u dks blfu;e ds iz;kstu gsrq ,slk le>k tk,xk ekuksa ;g vfLrRo esa ghughaijUrq ;g vkSj fd tgka mi&fu;e fdlh fu;ksDrk }kjk dksbZ lUnHkZ fd;k x;k gS] rks mlls lEcfU\/krdeZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k ds pquko dh izf;k] lEcfU\/kr mi Je vk;qDrds fu.kZ; dh izkfIr ij izkjEHk dh tk,xhA fu;ksDrk] ;fn og mfpr le>sa ] fuokZpu {ks= vFkok fuokZpu&{ks=ksa] tSlh HkhfLFkfr gks] dks foHkkftr dj ldrk gS vkSj funsZ'k ns ldrk gS fd deZdkj ;krks xzqiksa]vuqHkkxksa ]nqdkuksa esa;k foHkkxksa esa ernku djsaxsA74 dksbZ Hkh deZdkj] tks 19 o\"kZ ls de vk;qdk u gks vkS jftldh vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku esa,d o\"kZ ls de dh lsok u gks] lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k ds:i esa pquko ds fy, mEehnokj gks ldrk gS] ;fn bl fu;e esa ;FkkmicfU\/kr ukekafdr fd;k tkrk gS %ijUrqfdlhvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku tks ,d o\"kZ ls de le; dh vof\/k esavfLrRo esa vk;k gS]esa izFke pquko ds fy, lsok dh ;ksX;rk ykxw ugha gksxh AO;k[;k-&fdlh deZdkj] ftlus ,d gh fu;ksDrk ls lacf\/kr nks ;k vf\/kdvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ksa esa de ls de ,d o\"kZ dh fujUrj lsok nh gks] dks blmi&fu;e ds v\/khu fof ufnZ\"V lsok ;ksX;rk ds fy, vgZd le>k tk,xkA lHkh deZdkj] tks 18 o\"kZ ls de vk;q ds u gkas vkSj ftUgksaus vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku esa de ls de Ng ekl dh fujUrj lsok nh gks] deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/kds pquko esa ernku djus ds gdnkj gksaxs AO;k[;k%& fdlh deZdkj] ftlus ,d gh fu;ksDrk lslacaf\/kr nks ;k vf\/kdvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ksa esa de ls de Ng ekl dh fujUrj lsok nh gks] dks blfu;e ds v\/khu fofufnZ\"V lsok ;ksX;rk ds fy, vgZd le>k tk,xkA fu;ksDrk] lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa ds :i esa pqukods fy,mEehnokjksa lsukekadu izkIr djus dh vfUre frfFk ds :i esa frfFkfu;r djsxk(kk ]pqukodjokus gsrq ,slh frfFk fu;r djsxk] tks ukekadu izkIrdjus dh vfUre frfFk ls rhu fnu lsigys vkSj iUnzg fnu ds ckn bl izdkj fu;r frfFk] lEcfU\/kr deZdkjksa ds fy, de ls de lkrfnu vfxze esa vf\/klwfpr dh tk,xhA ,slk uksfVl] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"BkudsuksfVl cksMZ vFkok bySDVk Wfud uksfVl cksMZ ij fpidk;k@iznf'kZrfd;k tk,xk vkSj deZdkjksa ds e\/; bldki;kZIr izpkj fd;k tk,xkA75uksfVl esa lhVksa dh la[;k ] ftu ij pquko gksus okyk gS] fofufnZ\"V dh izR;sd ukekadu] fu;ksDr }kjk miyC\/k djok, tkus okys ukekadu isijijfd;k tk,xk] vkSj ml dh izfr;k fu;ksDrk }kjk ekax djus okysdeZdkjksa dks miyC\/k djokbZ tk,axh( izR;sd ukekadu isij] lEcfU\/kr mEehnokj }kjk gLrk{ kfjr fd;ktk,xk vkSj pquko yM+us okys mEehnokj ds xqzi] vuqHkkx]nqdku;kfoHkkxlslEcfU\/kr de ls de nks vU; ernkrkvksa }kjk lR;kfirfd;k tk,xk vkSj fu;ksDrk ds lqiqnZ fd;k tk,xkA ukekadu isij nkf[ky djus ds fy, fu;r vfUre fnuls vuqorhZ fnudksmEehnokjksa rFkk lR;k firdjus okys O;fDr;ksa dh mifLFkfr esafu;ksDrk }kjk ukekadu isijksa dh laoh{kk dh tk,xh vkSj mUgsa] tks oS\/kugha gS]jn~ndj fn;k tk,xk( ds iz;kst uksa gsrq] ukekadu isij dks voS\/k le>k tk,xk ]ukekafdr mEehnokj] mi&fu;e ds v\/khu mEehnokj cuusds fy, vik= gS( vFkok dh vis{kkvksa dh vuqikyuk ugha dh xbZ gS %ijUrq tgka dksbZmEehnokj ;k lR;kfir djus okyk O;fDr]laoh{kk ds le; mifLFkr jgus esa vleFkZ jgrkgS] rks og bliz;kstukF kZ lE;d~ :i ls izkf\/kd`r fdlh ukefunsZfkrh dks Hkst ldrk dksbZ Hkh mEehnokj] ftldk ukekadu pquko gsrq Lohdkj dj fy;k x;k gS]ukekadu isijksa dh laoh{kk iwjh gksus ds vM+rkyhl ?k.Vksa ds Hkhrj viuhmEehnokjh okil ys ldrk gSA76 ;fn mEehnok jksa dh la[;k] ftUgsa oS\/k :i ls ukekafdr fd;k x;k gS]lhVksa dh la[;k ds cjkcj gS ] rks mEehnokjksa dks rqjUr fof\/kor :i lsfuokZfpr ?kksf\"kr dj fn;k tk,xk( ;fn fdlh HkhfuokZpu {ks= esa mEehnokjksa dh la[;k] mlsvkcafVrlhVksa dh la[;k ls vf\/kd gS] rks fuokZpu ds fy, fu;r fnu dksernku djok;k tk,xkA lfefr esa ] blds in\/kkfj;ksa esa] ,d v\/;{k] ,dmik\/;{k] ,dlfpovkSj,dla;qDr lfpo gksaxs] lfpo vkSj la;qDr lfpo dk pqukoizR;sd o\"kZ djok;k tk,xk( v\/;{k dk ukekadu lfefr esa fu;ksDrk ds iz frfuf\/k;ksa esa ls fd;ktk,xk vkSj og] tgka rd lEHko gks lds] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dkeqf[k;k gksxk( mik\/;{k dk pquko lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa esa ls fuokZfprlnL;ksa }kjkfd;k tk,xk%ijUrq mik\/;{k ds pqukoesaerksa dh cjkcjh gksus dh n 'kk esa]ekeys dk fu.kZ; Mk vkWQ ykWV }kjk fd;k tk,xk( lfefr] lfpo rFkk la;qDr lfpo dk pquko djsxh c'krsZa fd tgkafu;ksDrk ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa esa ls lfpo dk pquko fd;k tkrk gS] rksdeZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa esa ls la;qDr lfpo dk p quko fd;k tk,xkvkSj vkxs foi;Z; u gksxk%ijUrq lfpo ;k la;qDr lfpo ds in] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks]fu;ksDrk vFkok deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa }kjk fujarj rhu o\/kkfjr ugha fd;k tk,xk%ijUrq ;g vkSj fd fu;ksDrk ds izfrfuf\/k] lfpo vFkok la;qDrlfpo] tSlh Hkh fLFkf r gks] ds pqukoesa Hkkx ugha ysaxs] vkSj dsoy77deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k gh] lfpo ;k la;qDr lfpo ds in gsrq pqukoesaerMkyusds gdnkj gks axs( ds v\/khu fdlh Hkh pquko esa] erksa dh cjkcjhdh n'kk esa]ekeysdkfu.kZ; MkW vkWQ ykWV }kjk fd;k t k,xkA vkdfLedfjfDr dks Hkjus ds fy, pqus x, lnL; ls fHkUu ]lfefr esaizfrfuf\/k;ksa dk dk;Zdky] rhu o\"kZ gksxk( fdlh vkdfLed fjfDr dks Hkjus gsrq pquk x;k lnL;] viusiwokZf\/kdkjh ds vlekIr dk;Zdky ds fy, in \/kkj.k djsxk( dksbZ Hkh lnL;] tks lfefr ls vodk'k izkIr fd, fcuk] lfefr dhfujUrj rhu cSBdksa esa Hkkx ysus esa vlQy jgrk gS] rks mldhlnL;rk lekIr gks tk,xhA ds v\/khu deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k dh lnL;rk dhlekfIr] ;k vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku esa fu;kstu dh lekfIr dh n'kk esa] vFkokmlds R;kxi=] e`R;q ;k vU;Fkk dh n'kk esa] mlds mkjkf\/kdkjh dk pqukomlh xzqi] ftlls lhV fjDr djus okyk lnL; lEcfU\/kr gS] ls lfefr esa 'ks\"kvof\/k ds fy, bl fu;e ds micU\/kksa ds vuqlkj pquko djok;k tk,xkA lfefrdks]fopkj\/khu ekeys esafof'k\"V ;k fo'ks\"k Kku j[kus okys] vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku esa fu;ksftr O;fDr;ksa dks ]ijke'khZ l{kerk esa lg;ksftr djus dkvf\/kdkj gksxkA,slk lg;ksft r lnL; er Mkyusds fy, gdnkj ugha gksxkvkSj cSBd esa flQZ,slh vof\/k] ftlds nkSjku l fefr ds le{k fof'k\"V iz'uj[kk tkrk gS] ds nkSjku mifLFkr jgsxkA lfefrizk;%;Fkk vko';d ]fdUrq izk;% de ls de rhu ekl esa ,dckj]cSBd dj ldrh gS( lfefr] viuh izFke cSBd esa viuh Lo;a dh izf;k fofu;fer djsxhA78 fu;ksDrk] lfefr dh cSBdksa dks vk;ksftr djus ds fy, LFkkumiyC\/kdjok,xkA og lfefr ds dk;ksZa dks dk;kZfUor djus ds fy, lfefrvkSj mlds lnL;ksa dks lHkh vko';d lqfo\/kk,a miyC\/k djok,xkAlfefr] lkekU;r% lEcfU\/kr vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds dk;Z ?k.Vksa dsnkSjku fdlh Hkhdk;Z fnol dks cSBd djsxh vkSj deZdkjksa dsizfrfuf\/k;ksa dks cSBd esaHkkx ysus ds nkSjku dk;Z ij le>k tk,xk( lfefr dk lfpo] v\/;{k dh iwoZ lgefr ls] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dsuksfVl cksMZ ij lfefr ds d`R;ksa ds lEcU\/k esa uksfVl yxk,xkA fu;ksDrk] O; olkf;d lqj{kk] LokLF; vkSj dk;Z 'kr saZ lafgrk] 2020 dsanzh; vf\/kfu;e 37 ds v\/khu cuk, x, O;olkf;d lqj{kk] LokLF; vkSj dk;Z fu;e] 2020 ds v\/khu micfU\/kr ,dhdj.k okf\"kZd fooj.kh dsHkkx :i esa lfefr ds xBu vkSj d`R;ksa ds C;kSjs* i zLrqr djsxkA jkT; ljdkj] vFkok blds fufek izkf\/kd`r dksbZvf\/kdkjh ,slh tkap ] tks;g@og mfpr le>sa] djus ds ckn] fyf[kr vkns'k }kjk fdlh Hkh le;]fdlh lfefr dks Hkax dj ldrh gS@ dj ldrk gS] ;fn ;g vFkok og] tSlhHkh fLFkfr gks] lUrq\"V gks tkrh gS@tkrk gS fd lfefr dk xBu bl fu;e dsvuqlkj ugha fd;k x;k gS vFkok deZdkjksa ds de ls de ,d frgkbZ izfrfuf\/k]fdlh ;qfDr;qDr&U;k;ksfpr ds fcuk lfefr dh rhu fujUrj cSBdksa esa HkkxysusesavlQy jgs gSa vFkok ;g fd lfefr us fdlh vU; dkj.k ls viusd`R; djus cUn dj fn, gS a%ijUrq tgka bl mi&fu;e ds v\/khu lfefr Hkax dh tkrh gS] rksfu;ksDrk vkSj ;fnjkT; ljdkj,slk pkgrh gS] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks rks]fdlh,sls vf\/kdkjh] }kjkbl fu;e ds vuqlkj lfefr dk iqu Z%xBu djus ds fy,dnemBk;s tk,axsA5-\/kkjk 4 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu f'kdk;r fuokj.k lfefr ds fy, f u;ksDrkvksa vkSjdeZdkjksa esa lslnL;ksa dk pquko djukA79 chl vFkok chlls vf\/kd fu;ksftr deZdkjksa okys vkS|ksfxd izfr\"B kuesaf'kdk;r fuokj.k lfefr ftls] blesa] blds ckn] bl fu;e esaf'kdk;rlfefr ds :i fufnZ\"V fd;k x;k gS esa ]fu;ksDrk vkSj deZdkjksa dk izfrfuf\/kRodjus okys lnL;ksa dh la[;k leku gksxh] tks fdnllsvf\/kd ugha gksxhA f'kdk;r lfefr esa fu;ksDrk ds iz frfuf\/k;ksa dks fu;ksDrk }kjk ukekafdr fd;ktk,xk vkSj tgka rd laHko gks lds] deZdkjh vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dhdk;Ziz.kkyh ls lac)vFkok izR;{k :i ls laidZ esa gks ] vf\/kekur% vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku dseq[;foHkkxksa dseqf[k;kgksxsaA f'kdk;r lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k dk pquko fuEufyf[kr jhfr esa fd;ktk,xk] vFkkZr%& tgka]\/kkjk 14 dh mi&\/kkjk vFkok mi&\/kkjk okrkZdkj ;wfu;u gS vFkok ml \/kkjk dh mi&\/kkjk okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ gS] rks ,slk okrkZdkj ;wfu;u vFkokokrkZdkj ifj\"kn]tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] f'kdk;r lfefr esa deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dkukekadu djsxh vkSj okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ ds ekeys esa] ukekadu ,slh jhfresa fd;k tk,xk fd okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ esa izfrfuf\/kRo djus okyk izR;sdiathd`r VsM ;wfu;u ]vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dsdeZdkjksa dh la[;k dsvuqikr esa tks ,sls VsM ;wfu;u ds lnL; g Sf'kdk;r ifj\"kn~ esaizfrfuf\/kRo djsxk( tgka [k.M esa fufnZ\"V dksbZ iathd`r okrkZdkj ;wfu;u ;kokrkZdkjifj\"kn~ ugha gS] rks vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds deZdkj] f'kdk; rlfefr esadeZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dk pquko vius esa ls djsaxs(ijUrq]fu;ksDrk][k.M ds v\/khu lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh,Iyhds'kuvkWu ykbZu IysVQkeZ vFkok bl izdkj ds fdlh vU;IysVQkeZij deZdkjksads izfrfuf\/k;ksa dk pquko djus ds fy, fdlh;kdk bLrseky dj ldrk gS %80ijUrq ;g vkSj fd f'kdk;r lfefr esa efgyk deZdkjksa dki;kZIr izfrfuf\/kRo gksxk ]vkSj,slk izfrfuf\/kRo] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku esafu;ksftr dqy deZdkjksa esa efgyk deZdkjksa ds vuqikr ls de ughaijUrq ;g vkSj fdf'kdk;r lfefr ds lnL;ksa dk dk;Zdkyrhu o\"kZ gksxk%ijUrq ;g vkSj fd tgka dksbZ iathd`r okrkZdkj ;wfu;u vFkokokrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ ugha gS vkSj tgkaf'kdk;r lfefr esa deZdkjksa dsizfrfuf\/k ds pquko ds lEcU\/k esadksbZ fookn mRiUu gksrk gS] rks ekeyklEcfU\/kr mi Je vk;qDr dks fufnZ\"V fd;k tk,xk] tks i{kdkjksa dkslquus ds ckn ]ekeys esa fu.kZ; nsxk vkSj mldk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkA6-\/kkjk4dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fdlh O;fFkr deZdkj }kjkf'kdk;r fuokj.klfefr ds le{k nk;j fd, tkus okys fdlh fookn ds lac a\/k esa vkosnuAdksbZ Hkh O;fFkr deZdkj] vkosnu esa ,sls deZdkj ds fookn dks dfFkr djrs gq, vkSjviuk uke] inuke] deZdkj dksM ;k Vksdu la[;k ]foHkkx]tgka inLFk gS] o\"kksZa esalsokdky] deZdkj dh Js.kh] i=kpkj irk] lEidZ uEcj] f'kdk;r ds C;kSjs vkSj ekaxhxbZ jkgr ]nkkZrsgq, f'kd k;r fuokj.k lfefr ds le{k vkosnu nk;j djldrk gSA7-\/kkjk 4 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu f'kdk;r fuokj.k lfefr ds fu.kZ; ds fo:) l qygvf\/kdkjh ds le{k f'kdk;r ds lqyg dh fy, vkosnu nk;j djus dh jhfrAdksbZ Hkh deZdkj] tks f'kdk;r fuokj.k lfefr ds fu.kZ; ls O;fFkr gS vFkok ft ldhf'kdk;r dk lek\/kku mDr lfefr }kjk vkosnu dh izkfIr ds rhl fnu ds Hkhrj ughafd;k tkrk gS] rks ogVsM ;wfu;u ] ftldk og lnL; gS] ds ek\/;e ls vFkok vU;Fkkls lqyg vf\/kdkjh ds le{k f'kdk;r fuokj.k lfefr ds fu.kZ; dh frfFk ls lkB fnudh vof\/k ds Hkhrj vFkok \/kkjk 4 dh mi&\/kkjk esa fofufnZ\"V vof\/k dh lekfIr dhfrfFk ls vkWu ykbu ;k f dlh inkfHkfgr iksVZy ds ek\/;e ls ;k iathd`r Mkd }kjk;kLihM iksLV }kjk ;k O;fDrxr :i esa vkosnu nk;j dj ldrk gS%81ijUrq iathd`r Mkd ;k LihM iksLV ds ek\/;e ls izkIr ,sls vkosnu dh eSuqv yizkfIrdh n'kk esa] lqyg vf\/kdkjh mls fMthVy :iesa djok,xk vkSj lEcfU\/krdeZdkj dks lwpuk nsrs gq, vk Wuykbu r= esa vkosnu ds fooj.k ntZ djsxkA8-\/kkjk 8 dh mi& \/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k gsrq vkosnuAM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k gsrq izR;sd vkosnu iz:i& IIesafofufnZf:i ls jftLVkj dks fd;k tk,xkA VsM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k gsrq 1000@& :i, dhQhlykxw gksxh vkSj bySDVkWfud :i ls tek djokbZ tk,xh%ijUrq jkT; ljdkj] jkti= esa ]vf\/klwpuk }kjk] le;≤ ij] ,sl hQhldss fdvkosnd dksVs;wfu;u ds fufek vkosnu djus ds fy, lE; ~d :i ls izkf\/kd`r fd;k x;k gSvkSj;gfd iz:i IIesafn, x, vU; fooj.k lgh gSaAkj ]\/kkjk 8 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fdlhVsM ;wfu;u ls vkSjdksbZlwpuk ekaxrk gS] rks ,sls ;wfu;u dk iz\/kku ;k egklfpo mlsiUnzg fnuds Hkhrj izLrqrdjsxkA ;fn VsM ;wfu;u }kjk fufnZ\"V le; ds Hkhrj lwpukizLrqr ugha dh tkrh gS] rks jftLVkj vkosnu dks jn~n dj ldrk gSAkj] Loa; dh lUrqf\"V djus ds ckn fd VsM ;wfu;u us iathdj.k ds laca\/kesa vf\/kf u;e vkSj fu;eksa d h lHkh vis{kkvksa dks iwjk dj fn ;k gS] rks Vs;wfu;u dk iathdj.k djsxkA10-\/kkjk 9 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u dk iathdj.k izek.k&i=A\/kkjk 9 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k dk izek.k&i=] jftLV}kjk iz:i& IIIesa fofufoZ\"V iz:i esa bySDV Wkfud :i ls tkjh fd;k tk,xkA8211-\/kkjk 9 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u dk jftLVjAM ;wfu;u dk jftLVj] iz:i& IVesa fofufnZ\"V iz:i esa bySDVk Wfud :i lsM ;wfu;u ds dk;kZy; esa vuqjf{k rfd;k tk,xkA\/kkjk 9 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k izek.k&i= dks okil ysusvFkok jn~n djus gsrq VsM ;wfu;u ds vkosnu dk tkap iM+rky djukA12-iathdj.k dks okil ysus vFkok jn~ndj.k gsrq \/kkjk 9 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u ds vkosnu dh izkfIr ij ]jftLVkj] vkosnu dks Lohd`r djus lsiwoZ] Loa; dks lUrq f\"V djsxk fd iathdj.k dks okil ysus vFkok jn~ndj.k Vsdh lkekU; cSBd esa lk\/kkj.k cgqer }kjk dks vuqeksfnr fd;k x;k FkkA bl iz ;kstugsrq] og ,sls vkSj C;kSjksa dhekax dj ldrk gS] tks og vko';d le>s] ;wfu;u dsfdlh vf\/kdkjh dk ijh{k.k dj ldrk gS vkSj lEcfU\/kr lqyg vf\/kdkjh ls vkosnu dklR;kiu djok ldrk gSA\/kkjk 10 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vaith;u vFkok ia thdj.k ds jn~ndj.k ds fo:)13-lafgrk dh \/kkjk 10 dh m i&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u dk iathdj.k djus lsbUdkj d jus vFkok iathdj.k izek.k&i= ds jn~ndj.k ds jftLVM ;wfu;u dsvkns'k ds fo:),sls vkns'k dh lalwpuk dh frfFk ls lkB fnu ds Hkhrj vihy nk;jdh tk ldrh gSA\/kkjk 11 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu lalwpuk vkSj uksfVlA14-fdlh iathd`r VsM ;wfu;u dks lHkh lalwpuk,a vkSj uksfVl] jft LV}kjk jftLVj esa ntZ irs ij bySDVkWfud :i esa ;k vU;Fkk ls Hksts tk,axsA- \/kkjk 9 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu VsM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k dks okil ysus ;kjn~ndj. k ds vkns'k ds ekeys esa uksfVlA15-tcjftLVkj] lafgrk dh \/kkjk 9 ds v\/khu fdlh VsM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k dsizek.k i= dks okil ysus v Fkok jn~n djus dk izLrko djrk gS] rks VsM ;wfu;u ds83iz\/kku ;k egklfpo ds ek\/;e ls bysDVkfud :i ls;k vU;Fkk ls VsM;wfu;u dksuksfVl rkeh y djok,xkA bls Je foHkkx] gfj;k.kk ds iksVZy ij Hkh iznf'kZr fd;ktk,xkA ;fn iz\/kku ;k egklfpo uksfVl izkIr djus ls bUdkj djrk gS] rks bls nksxokgksa] dh mifLFkfr esa VsM ;wfu;u ds iathd`r dk;kZy; ds fdlhHkhlgtn`';LFkku ij fpidk;k tk ldrk gS] ftudk dFku ,sls uksfVl dks fpidkus dsizek.khdj.k gsrq fjdkMZ fd;k tk,xkAiathdj.k izek.k&i= dk vH;iZ.kA16-tc jftLVM ;wfu;u lafgrk dh \/kkjk 9 ds v\/khu ds iathdj.k izek.k&i= dksokilysrk gS vFkok jn~n djrk gS ] rks ml fLFkfr esa ;wfu;u dk iz\/kku ;k egklfpoiUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj VsM ;wfu;u dks tkjh fd, x, iathdj.k] izek.k&i= dks iUnzgfnu ds Hkhrj dkjftLVkj dks vH;iZ.k dj asxsAeq[;ky; ds irk esa ifjorZuAM ;wfu;u ds eq[;ky; ds irk esa fd lhHkh ifjorZu ds uksfVl dksM ;wfu;u ds lfpo rFkk lkr lnL;ksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr fd;k tk,xk vkSj,slsifjorZu dsiUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj by sDVkfud :i esa ;k vU;Fkk ls jftLVfn;k tk,xkA ds v\/khu lwpuk dh izkfIr ij] jftLVkj Lo;a dks lUrq\"V djusds ckn]fd ifjorZu VsM;qfu;u ds fu;eksa ds micU\/kksa ds vuqlkj fd;k x;kgS] jftLVj esa ifjorZu ntZ djsxkA jftLVkj ]ifjorZu ntZ djus ls iwoZ Vs;wfu;u ls dksbZ vkSj lwpuk ekaxus ds fy, l{ke gksxkA\/kkjk 24 ds v\/khu VsM;wfu;u ds uke esa ifjorZuAsM;wfu;u ds uke esa fdlh Hkh ifjorZu ds uksfVl dks VsM;wfu;u dslfpo vkSj lkr lnL;ksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr fd;k tk,xk vkSj,sls ifjorZu dsiUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj iathdj.k izek.k&i= lfgr bySDVkfud :i esa ;k vU;Fkkkj dks Hkstk tk,xkA84kj],slsfdlh uksfVl dh izkfIr ij ,sls dne mBk ldrk gS] tks ogblesa dfFkr rF;ksa dk lR;kiu djus vFkok lR;kiu djokus ds fy, vkSjLo;a dh lUrqf\"V gsrq fd uksfVl okLrfod gS] mfpr le>sAkj ]lafgrk dh \/kkjk 24 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu uke es a ifjorZudksntZ djrk gS] rks og tkjh izek.k&i= ij vius gLrk{kjk\/khu izekf.krdjsxk fd u;k uke ntZ dj fn;k x;k gSA ds v\/khu iathdj.k ds fooj.k bR;kfn esa ifjroZu vFkokla'kks\/kuAsM;wfu;u] lfpo }kjkvkSj lkr lnL;ksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr vkosnu ds ek\/;ekj dks iathdj.k vkSj blds xBu esa;k fu;eksa esa blds }kjk viusvkosnu esa fn, x, fdlh ifjorZu vFkok la'kks\/ku ds fooj.kksa ds ckjs esakWfud :i esa vFkok vU;Fkk ls lwfpr djsxkA fdlh iathd `rVsM;wfu;u ds fu;eksa esa ifjorZu@la' kks\/ku dh izkfIr ij]kj] t c rd ogbl fo'okl dk dkj.k ugha j[krk gSfdifjorZu@la'kks\/ku VsM;wfu;u ds fu;eksa }kjk micfU\/kr jhfr esa ugha fd,x, gS] rks og bl iz;kstu ds fy, vuqjf{kr jftLVj esamUgsa ntZ djsxkhdy :i esa ;k vU;Fkk ls rF;dks vf\/klwfpr djsxk fd mlus ,slkdj fn;k gSAfu;e bR;kfn es a ifjorZu ;k la'kks\/ku gsrq QhlAsM;wfu;u ds fu;eksa esa izR;sd ifjorZu ;k la'kks\/ku ds fy, Hkqxrku;ksX; Qhl],slsizR;sd ifjorZu ;k la'kks\/ku ds fy, 100@& :i, gksxh vkSj VsM;wfu;u lslEcfU\/kr fdlh vU; nLrkost dh izfr ds fy, 10@& :i, izfr i`\"B gksxh%ijUrq jkT; ljdkj] jkti= esa ]vf\/klwpuk }kjk] le;≤ ij] ,slsQhldss tk,axsAO;k[;k-&lansg nwj djus gsrq] ;g izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd izek.ku vf\/kdkjhml ekeys esa dksbZ fVIi.kh ugha djsxk ]ftlesa vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku muxfrfof\/k;ksa esa fyIrgS] tksvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dh xfrfof\/k;ksa esa iw.kZ :i ls'kkfey gSa ftu ij LFkkbZ vkns'k ykxw gksrs gSA36-izek.ku vf\/kdkjh }kjk uksfVl tkjh djrs gq, vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku vFkok mideZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k;ksa dk pquko djuk] tgka \/kkjk 30 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu dksbZ VsM;wfu;u ugha gS& tgka \/kkj k 30 dh mi&\/kkjk esa ;Fkk fofufnZ\"V dksbZ V;wfu;u ugha gS] rks izek.ku vf\/kdkjh vFkok bl fufek dksbZizkf\/kd`rvf\/kdkjh ]rhuizfrfuf\/k ;ksadk pquko djus ds fy, deZdkjksa dh cSBd cqyk,xk]ftUgsa og muds pqus tkus ij LFkkbZ vkns'k ]vFkok mikUrj.k] tSlh Hkh fLFkfrgks]dhizfr ds lkFk uksfVltkjh djrs gq, muls fVIif.k;ksa] ;fn dksbZ gksa] dh95vis{kk djsxk] ftl ij deZdkj uksfVl dh izkfIr ls iUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj izLrqrfd, tkus okys vknkZLFkkbZ vkns'kksa ds izk:i nsus dhbPNk dj ldrs gSaAsM;wfu;u vFkok okrkZdkj ;wfu; u vFkok okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ ds ?kVdksa dksuksfVl izkfIr dh frfFk ls iUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj mudh fVIif.k;ksa] ;fn dksbZ gksa]izkIr djus ds fy, LFkkbZ vkns'kksa vFkok mikUrj.k] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gkss] dsizk:i dh vaxzsth ds lkFk&lkFk mldsfgUnh vuqokn dh izfr Hkhnh tk,xhA37-\/kkjk] 30 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu izekf.kr LFkk bZ vkns'kksa dk vf\/kizek.khdj.kA\/kkjk 30 dh mi&\/kkjk ds vuqlj.k esa izekf.kr LFkkbZ vkns'k vFkok LFkkbZ vkns'k ksaesamikUrj.k( vFkok \/kkjk 33 dh mi&\/kkjk esa fofufnZ\"V mDr LFkkbZ vkns' kksa vFkokmlds mikUrj.kksa dh izf rdk vf\/kizek.khdj.k ]izek.ku vf\/kdkjh vFkok vihyizkf\/kdkjh] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] }kjk fd;k tk,xk vkSj lHkh lEcfU\/krksa d ks bySDV:i esa vkSj ,d gkMZ izfr iathd`r Mkd ;k LihM iksLV }kjk ,sls vf\/kizek.khdj.k dhfrfFk ls ,d lIrkg ds Hkhrj Hksth tk,xh %ijUrq \/kkjk 30 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/ khu le>s x, izek.khdj.k ds ekeyksa esaizek.khdj.k dh dksbZ vko';drk ugha gksxhA38-\/kkjk 30 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu LFkkbZ vkns'k izk:i ds lkFk yxkbZ tkus okyhfuEufyf[kr ds lkFk yxk, tkus okys fooj.k&LFkkbZ vkns'k izk:i esa ,sls C;kSjs gksaxs tSls lEcfU\/kr vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ;ke dk uke] irk] bZ&esy irk] lEidZ uEcj vkSj VsM;wfu;u] ftlls ,slsdeZdkj lEcfU\/kr gS] ds C;kSjksa lfgr blesa fu;ksftr deZdkjksa dh la[;k rFkkC;kSjs( vkSjfo|eku LFkkbZ vkns'kksa e as mikUrj.k izk:i e ]sa ,sls LFkkbZ vkns'k dskkfey gksaxs] tks ykxw LFkkbZ vkns'k ds izR;sd lq laxr micU\/kksa ds C;kSjsnsrs gq, fooj.kksa dh rkfydk lfgr izLrkfor mikUrj.k vkSj mlds96kkfey gksaxs rFkk ,sls fooj.k] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku vFkok miizkf\/kd`r fdlh O;fDr }kjk gLrk{kfjr fd, tk,axs %ijUrq vkn'kZ LFkkbZ vkns'k] ;fn la'kksf\/kr fd, x, gSa] jkT; esavkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku vFkok mie dh lHkh bZdkb;ksa ij Hkh ykxw gksaxsA39-\/kkjk 30 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu le:i izfr\"Bku esa LFkkbZ vkns'k ds izk: i dksizLrqr djus ds fy, 'krsZaAle:i vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ksa esa fu;ksftr deZpkfj;ksa ds lew g dsekeys esa] os lEcfU\/krsM;wfu;u ds lkFk ijke'kZ djus ds ckn \/kkjk 30 ds v\/khu vkSj ]mldh mi&\/kkjk esa fofufnZ\"V dk;Zokfg;ksa ds iz;kstu gsrq LFkkbZ vkns'k dkla;qDr izk:i izLrqr dj ldrs gSa %ijUrq le:i vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku esa fu;ksftr deZpkfj;ksa ds lew g ds ekeys esa ]LFkkbZ vkns'k dk sizk:i dk la;qDr elkSnk rS;kj fd;k tk,xk vkSj Je vk;qDr]gfj;k.kk dks izLrqr fd;k tk,xk] tks izek.ku vf\/kdkjh ds ijkekZ ls mDr LFkkbZvkns'k ds la;qDr izk:i dks izekf.kr djsxk vFkok mlds dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djus dspkr~mldks izekf.kr djus ls bUdkj djsxk %ijUrq ;g vkSj fd izek.ku vf\/kdkjh ]LFkkbZ vkns'k ksads izek.khdj.k ds iwoZ ]lHkhlEcfU\/kr i{kdkjksa dks uksfVl nsxk vkSj lquokbZ dk ;qfDr;qDr volj nsuklqfuf'pr40-\/kkjk 32 ds v\/khu vihyizkf\/kdkjh }kjk vihy dk fuiVkuA \/kkjk 30 dh mi\/kkjk ds v\/khu izek.ku vf\/kdkjh ds vkns'k ds fo:)vihy nk;j djus okyk b ZPNqd dksbZ fu;ksDr kvFkokVsM;wfu;u vFkok dksbZO;fDr] ,sls vkns'k dh izkfIr ds lkB fnu ds Hkhrj rkfydk iz:i esa vihy dkKkiu rS;kj djsxk] ftlesa LFkkbZ vkns'k ds os micU\/k dfFkr fd, tk,axs ]tksifjofrZr vFkok mikUrfjr vFkok gVk, vFkok tksM+s tkus gSa vkSj muds dkj.k]97ftls vihy izkf\/kdkjh dks bySDV kWfud :i esa vFkok O;fDrxr :i esa nk;jfd;k tk,xkA vihy izkf\/kdkjh] vihy dh lquokbZ ds fy, frfFk fu;r djsxk vkSj mldkuksfVl fuEufyf[kr dks nsus ckjs vkns'k djsxk& tgka vihy fdlh fu;ksDr kvFkok fdlh deZdkj }kjk nk;j dh tkrhgS] rksvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds deZdkjksa dh VsM;wfu;u dks vFkoklEcfU\/kr deZdkjksa dh izfrfuf\/k fudk; dks vFkok fu;ksDrk dks] tSlhHkh fLFkfr gks( tgka fdlh VsM;wfu;u }kjk vihy nk;j dh tkrh gS] rks fu;ksDrkdksvkSjvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds deZdkjksa dh lHkh vU; VsM;wfu;uksa tgka vihy deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k }kjk nk;j dh tkrh gS] rks fu ;ksDrkvkSj fdlh vU; deZdkj dks ]ftlsi{kdkj ds :i vihy izkf\/kdkjh esavihy esa 'kkfey djsA vihykFkhZ] izR;sd izfroknh dks vihy ds Kkiu dh ,d izfr HkstsxkA vihy izkf\/kdkjh] dk;Zokgh ds fdlh Hkh Lrj ij fdlh lk{; dh ekax djldrk gS] ;fn og blsvihyds fuiVku ds fy, vko';d le>sA vihy dh lquokbZ ds fy, mi&fu;e ds v\/khu fu;r frfFk ij] vihyizkf\/kdkjh] ,sls lk{;dksxzg.k djsxk] ftldh ekax dh xbZ gks ;k blsizklafxd ekurk gS ];fn izLrqr fd;k tkrk gS vkSj i{kdkjksa dks lquus ds cknvihy dk fuiVku djsxkA41-\/kkjk 33 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vkns'k Hkstsuk vkSjLFkkbZ vkns'k dkj[k&j[kko djukA vihy izkf\/kdkjh dk vkns'k] ml deZdkj ;k VsM;wfu;u ;k okrkZdkj ;wfu;u;k okrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ ;k deZdkjksa dh fdlh ;wfu;u ;k izfrfuf\/k fudk;] tSlh98Hkh fLFkfr gks] dks bySDVkfud :i esa vFkok vU;Fkk ls Hkst k tk,xk] ftlds}kjk vihy nk;j dh xbZ gSA bl v\/;k; ds v\/khu vfUre :i ls izekf.kr ;k izekf.kr le>s x, LFkkbZvkns'kksa vFkok vaxhd`r LFkkbZ vk ns'kksa dh iqLrd] fu;ksDrk }kjk] tgka vkS|ksfxdizfr\"BkuvofLFkr gS] fgUnh vFkok vaxzsth vFkok vf\/kdkak deZdkjksa }kjkle>h tkus okyh Hkk\"kk esa vuqjf{kr j[kh tk,xhA muizekf.kr LFkkbZ vkns'kksadksvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku esa izos'k djus okys vf\/kdkak deZdkjksa ds izos'k }kj ;kizos'k }kj ds fudVre LFkku ij bl iz;kstu ds fy, cuk, x, fo'ks\"k cksMZij iznf'kZr djsxkA42-\/kkjk34ds v\/khu LFkkbZ vkns'kksa dh vfUre izekf.kr izfr gsrq jftLVjA izek.ku vf\/kdkjh] fuEufyf[kr C;kSjs n'kkZus ds lkFk&lkFk lHkh lEcfU\/krvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ksa ds izekf.kr vFkok izekf.kr le>s x, LFkkbZ vkns'k vFkokvaxhd`r vkn'kZ LFkkbZ vkns'k dks iz:i& VIIesa jftLVj esa bySDVkfud :i lscuk, j[ksxk& izR;sd LFkkbZ vkns'k dks nh xbZ fofk\"V la[;k( vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dk uke( vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dh izd`fr( vkn'kZ LFkkbZ vkns'k ksads izek.khdj.k ;k le>s x, izek.khdj.k dhfrfFk vFkok izR;sd vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku vFkok mie }kjk mudsvaxhdj.k dh frfFk( vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds lapkyu dk {ks=( vkSj ,sls vU; C;kSjs ]tks LFkkbZ vkns'kksa dks iqu% izkIr djus gsrq l qlaxr vkSjlgk;d gksa vkSj ,sls lHkh LFkkbZ vkns'kksa dk MkVk cs l rS;kj djukA99izef.kr vf\/kdkjh] fdlh O;fDr }kjk izekf.kr LFkkbZ vknskksa ;k izekf.kr le> sx, LFkkbZ vknskksa] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] ds fy, vkosnu djus ij izekf.kr LFkkbZkksa ;k izekf.kr le>s x, LFkkbZ vknskksa ds izfr i`\"B nks #i, ds Hkqxrkuij izfr miyC\/k djok,xkA43-\/kkjk 35 dh mi\/kkjk ds v\/khu LFkkbZ vkns'kksa dkmikUrj.k djus gsrq vkosnuA\/kkjk 35 dh mi\/kkjk ds v\/khu fo|eku LFkkbZ vkns'kksa ds mikUrj.k gsrq vkosnukfud :i esa ;k O;fDrxr :i esa ;k iathd`r Mkd }kjk ;k LihM iksLV }kjkizLrqr fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlesa ,sls LFkkbZ vkns'kksa ds C;kSjs fn, tk,axs ]ftUgsa mikUrfj rfd;k tkuk izLrkfor gS vkSj blds lkFk ]ykxw LFkkbZ vkns'k ds izR;sd lwlaxr micU\/kksavkSj blds izLrkfor mikUrj.kksa vkSj mlds dkj.k nsrs gq, vkSj blesa lapkfyr iathd`rsM;wfu;u ds C;ksjksa d h rkfydk fooj.kh layXu dh tk,xh vkSj,slh fooj.khvkS|ksfxd izf r\"BkuvFkok mie }kjk izkf\/kd`r fdlh O;fDr vFkok deZdkjksa vFkoksM;wfu;u vFkok deZdkjks dh vU; izfrfuf\/k fudk;] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] }kjkgLrk{kfjr dh tk,xh] ftl us mikUrj.k ds fy, ,slk vkosnu izLrqr fd;k gSA44-\/kkjk 40 ds [k.M ds v\/khu izHkkfor gksus okys izLrkfor ifjorZu gsrq uksfVlA lafgrk dh r`rh; vuqlwph esa fofufnZ\"V fdlh ekeys ds lEcU\/k es ]a fdlhdeZdkj dks ykxw lsok dh 'krksZa esa fdlh izdkj ds ifjorZu dks ykxwds fy,vk'kf;r dksbZ fu; ksDrk] ,sls deZdkjksa] f tuds,sls ifjorZu ls izHkkf or gksus dhlEHkkouk gS] dks bySDVhdy :i esa ;k vU;Fkk ls iz:i& VIIIesauksfVl nsxkA,sls uksfVl ];fn dksbZ gks] dksvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds inkfHk fgr iksVZy] ij Hkhfpidk;k tk ldrk gSA esa fufnZ\"V uksfVl dks fu;ksDrk }kjk ]vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dseq[; izos'k }kj ij uksfVl cksMZ vFkok bySDVkfud cksMZ ij lgtn`'; LFkkuij iznf'kZr fd;k tk,xk%100ijUrq tgka lEcfU\/kr vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ls lacf\/kr dksbZ iathd`r V;wfu;u vFkok iathd`r VsM;wfu;u ;k okrkZdkj ;wfu;u ;k okrkZdkj ifj\"kngS] rks ,sls uksf Vl dh ,d i zfr ,slh VsM;wfu;u ds lfpo vFk ok ,slh V;wfu;uksa ds izR;sd lfpo vFkok okrkZdkj ;wfu;u vFkok okrkZdkj ifj\"kn dslfpo] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] dks Hkh bysDVkfud :i esa vFkok vU;Fkk ls rkehy45-\/kkjk 42 dh mi \/kkjk ds v\/khu e\/;LFk e~ djkj dk iz:i vkSj mldh jhfrA tgka fu;ksDrk vkSj deZdkj fookn dks e\/;LFke~ dks fufnZ\"V djrs gsrq lgergSa] rks e\/;LFke~ djkj iz:i& IXesa gksxk vkSj djkj djus okys i{kdkjksa }kjkgLrk{kfjr fd;k tk,xkA ,sls djkj ds lkFk ;k rks bySDVk Wfud :i esa ;kfyf[kr esa e\/;LFk vFkok e\/;LFkksa dh lgefr yxkbZ tk,xhA esa fufnZ\"V e\/;LFke~ djkj fuEufyf[kr }kjk gLrk{kfjr fd;kfu;ksDrk ds ekeys esa] Lo;a fu;ksDrk }kjk] ;k tc dksbZ fu;ksDr kfuxfer dEiuh ;k vU; fuxfer fud k; gS] rks ,sls iz;kstu gsrq fux eds izkf\/kd`r vfHkdrkZ] izcU\/kd vFkok vU; vf\/kdkjh }kjk(deZdkjksa ds ekeys esa] bl fufek izkf\/kd`r iathd`r VsM;wfu;u dsvf\/kdkjh }kjk vFkok bl iz;kstu gsrq vk;ksftr cSBd esa lEcfU\/krdeZdkjksa }kjk bl fufek lE;d~ :i ls izkf\/kd`r deZdkjksa ds ikapizfrfuf\/k;ksa }kjk ( vkSjO;fDrxr deZpkjh ds ekeys esa] Lo; deZdkj }kjk ;k ml iathd`rsM;wfu;u ds vf\/kdkjh }kjk] ftldk deZpkjh lnL; gS vFkok blk ml }kjk lE;d~ :i ls i zkf\/kd`r mlh izfr\"Bku ds fdlh vU;deZdkj }kjkAO;k[;k-&bl fu;e ds iz;kstu gsrq ^^vf\/kdkjh** vfHkO;fDr ls vfHkizk; gS]&101 deZpkfj;ksa ds fdlhlaxBu ds ekeys esa] ,slsiz;kstu ds fy, ]deZpkfj;ksa ds,sls laxBu dk izkf\/kd`r dksbZ vf\/kdkjh( vkSj fdlh iat hd`rVsM;wfu;u ds ekeys esa ],sls iz;kstu ds fy, izkf\/kd`r ,slhsM;wfu;u ds fuEufyf[kr fdlhvf\/kdkjh& mi&iz\/kku(blesa egklfpo Hkh 'kkfey gS la;qDr lfpo( vkSj ,slh ;wfu;u ds iz\/kku rFkklfpo }kjk bl fufedk izkf\/kd`r dksbZ vU; vf\/kdkjhA46-\/kkjk 42 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vf\/klwpuk t kjh djus dh jhfrAtgka dksbZ vkS|ksfxd fookn e\/;LFke~ dks fufnZ\"V fd;k x;k gS vkSj jkT; ljdkj dhlUrqf\"V gks tkrh gS fd lUnHkZ fufnZ\"V djus okys O;fDr izR; sd i{kdkj ds cgqer dkizfrfuf\/kRo djrs gS] rks ;gbl fufek ]mu deZpkfj;ksa vkSj deZdkjksa] tks e\/;LFke~djkj esa i{kdkj ugha gSa fdUrq fookn ls lEcfU\/kr g aS] dh tkudkjh ds fy, bldhvf\/klwpuk jkti= esa vkSj bySDVkfud :i esa izdkfkr djok;sxk vkSj o,slsiz;kstu dsfy, fu;qDr e\/;LFk vFkok e\/;L Fkksa ds lEeq[k viuhleL;k izLrqr dj ldrs gSaA47-tgka\/kkjk 42 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu dksbZ VsM;wfu;u uk gks ogka deZdkjksa dsizfrfuf\/k;ksa dk pquko djus dh jhfrAtgka dksbZ VsM;wfu;u ugha gS] \/kkjk 42 dh mi&\/kkjk ds ij Urqd ds [k.M vuqlj.k esa e\/;LFk ;k e\/;LFkksa ds lEeq[ k deZdkjksa ds ekeyksa d ksizLrqr djus ds fy,lEcfU\/kr deZdkjksa ds cgqer ls izLrko ikl djrs gq, deZdkjksa ds izfrfuf\/k dk pqukofd;k tk,xk vkSj ekeys dks izLrqr djus gsrq iz:i Xesa izkf\/kd`r fd; k tk,xkA ,sls102deZdkj] ml izfrfuf\/k }kjk fd, x;sdk;Z ds fy, ck\/; gksaxs] ftls e\/;LFk vFkoke\/;LFkksa] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] ds lEeq [k izfrfuf\/kRo djus gsrq izkf\/kd`r fd;k x;k gSA48-\/kkjk 44 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fjfDr ;ka Hkjus dh jhfr vkSj \/kkjk 44 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds U;kf;d lnL;ksa ds p;u dh izf;k ]osru vkSjksrFkk vU; fucU\/ku rFkk 'krssZaA dksbZ Hkh O;fDr ]rc rd vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k dk U;kf;d lnL; cuus ds fy,;ksX; ugha gksxk ]tc rd og de ls de rhu o\"kZ dh vof\/k ds fy, ftykU;k;k\/kh'k vFkok vij ftyk U;k;k\/kh'k u jgk gksA U;kf;d lnL; dhfu;qfDrjkT;dsmPp U;k;ky; dh flQkfj'kksa ij ]jkT;ljdkj }kjk dh tk, axh] ;fn ,slh fu;qfDr] jkT; mPp U;k;ky; ds v\/khulsokjr U;kf;d vf\/kd kfj;ksa esa ls dh tkuh vk'kf;r gS A ;fn U;kf;d lnL; dh fu;qfDr ]lsokfuo`k U;kf;d vf\/kdkfj;ksa esa ls dhtkuh vk'kf;r gS a] rks ,slh fu;qfDr jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu;e 50 ds v\/khuxfBr p;u lfefr dh flQkfj'kksa ij dh tk,xhA bls lHkh vk'k; vkSjiz;kstuksa ds fy, ubZ fu;qfD rds :i esa ekuk tk,xkA U;kf;d lnL;] dk;Z xzg.k djus dh frfFk ls rhu o\"kZ dh vof\/k rdvFkokiSalB o\"kZ dh vk;q iwjh gksus rd in \/kkj.k djsxk] tks Hkh igys gksA U;kf;d lnL; ds in esa vkdfLed fjfDr ds ekeys eas ]jkT; ljdkj] vU;vkS|ksfxd vf\/kd j.k ds U;kf;d lnL; dks U;kf;d lnL; ds :i esa vFkokvU;Fkk] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] ls fu;qDr djsxhA U;kf;d lnL; dk sHkqxrku;ksX; osru vkSj Hkks fuEukuqlkj gksaxs%& lsokjr U;kf;d lnL;] ogh osru izkIr djsxk tks og vius ewy laoxZesa izkIr dj jgk gS vkSj gfj;k.kk ljdkj ds le:i osru eku esa xzq id dkin \/kkj.k djus okys fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; Hkdjus dk gdnkj gksxk (103 vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds U;kf;d lnL; dks izfr ekl2]00]000@&:i, fu;r osru dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xk] ;fn U;kf;dlnL; ds :i esa ls okfuo`k U;kf;d vf\/kdkjh dks fu;qDr fd;k tkrkgS vkSj mlds osru ls ml }kjk izkIr dh tk jgh isa'ku dh ldyjkf'k dk s ?kVk;k tk,xk ( fdlh U;kf;d vf\/kdkjh dks U;kf;d lnL; ds :i esa fu;qDr djus dsekeys esa] gfj;k.kk flfoy lsok fu;e] 2016 esamicfU\/krjkT; ljdkj ds le:i osrueku esa xz qi ddkin \/kkj.k djus okysvf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; Nq V~Vh ds le:i NqV ~Vh vuqKs; gksaxhA dksbZ Hkh U;kf;d lnL;] leku osru ysus okys xzqi ddkin \/kkj.k djus okysjkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; nj ij fu'kqDyfdjk;kvkokl vFkok edku fdjk;k Hkkk ysus dk gdnkj gksxkA jkT; ljdkj dksvkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds U;kf;d lnL; dh N qV~VhLohd`r djus dk izkf\/kdkj gksxk ( jkT; ljdkj dks vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds U;kf;d lnL; dh fo ns'k;k=k Lohd`r djus dk izkf\/kdkj gksxkA leku osrueku esa xqzi d dk in \/kkj.k djus okys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlhvf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; jkT; ljdkj LokLF; Ldhe lqfo\/kk,a ]U;kf;dlnL; ds fy, Hkh vuqKs; gksaxhA fdlh U;kf;d lnL; dk sleku osrueku esa xqzi d dkin \/kkj.kdjus okys jkT ; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dh gdnkjh ds vuqlkjkk vuqKs; gksxk( U;kf;d lnL; ds :i esa fu;qDr fdlhlsokfuo`vf\/kdkjh dh nkk esa ] x`g uxj ls eq[;ky; vkSj foi;Z;su lkSais x,dk;Z ds vUr esa ]vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k esa dk;Zxzg.k djus ds fy,104LFkkukUrj.k ;k=kHkkk Hkh leku osrueku esa xzqi d dkin \/kkj.kdjus okys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dh gdnkjh ds vuqlkjvuqKs; gksxkA dksbZ Hkh U;kf;d lnL;] leku osrueku esa xqzi d dkin \/kkj.k djus okysjkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkj h dks ;Fkk vuqKs; vodk'k ;k=k NwV ds fy,gdnkj gksxkA dksbZ Hkh U;kf;d lnL;] leku osrueku esa xzqi d dkin \/kkj.k djus okysjkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; ifjogu Hkgdnkj gksxkA fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks rc rd U;kf;d lnL; ds :i es a fu;qDr ugha fd;ktk,xk tc rd ]mls bl fufek jkT; ljdkj }kjk fofufnZ\"V izkf\/kdj.k }kjkfpfdRldh; :i lsfQV ?kksf\"kr ugha fd;k x;k gksA ;fn]dnkpkj dk dksbZ fuf'pr vkjksi yxkrs gq, vFkok U;kf;dlnL; ds :i esa d`R;ksa dk fuoZgu djusesa v{kerk ds ckjs jkT;ljdkj dks fyf[kr vkSj izekf.kd f'kdk;r izkIr gksrh gS] rks ;g ,slhf'kdk;r dh izkjfEHkd laoh{k kdjok,xh ( ;fn izkjfEHkd laoh{kk ijjkT; ljdkj dh jk; gS fd fdlh U;kf;dlnL; dks ,sls dnkpkj vFkok v{kerk dh lPpkbZ dh tkap djokus dsfy, ;qfDr; qDr vk\/kkj gS] rks ;g ]mPp U;k;ky; ds eq[; U;k;k\/kh'kdks ,slh jhfr] esatks jkT; ljdkj fofuf'pr djs] leqfpr dkjZokbZdjus ds fy, lUnHkZ djsxhAdksbZ Hkh U;kf;d lnL;] ls jkT; ljdkj dks lEcksf\/kr ]fyf[kr esa viusgLrk{kj blvkk;dk uksfVl nsrs gq, fdl h Hkh le; vius in ls R;kxi=ns ldrk gS%105ijUrq U;kf;d lnL;] tc rd mls jkT; ljdkj }kjk in dk R;kxdjus ds fy, vuqer ugha fd;k tkrk] ,sls uksfVl dh izkfIr dh frfFk ls rhuekl dh lekfIr rd vFkok mlds mkjkf\/kdkjh ds :i esalE;d~ :i lsfu;qDr fdlh O;fDr ds in \/kkj.k rd vFkok mldh inkof\/k dhlekfIr rd]tks Hkh igys gks] fujU rj in ij cuk jgsxkA jkT; ljdkj fdlh HkhU;kf;d lnL; dks ]mlds in ls gVk, xh] ftls]& fnokfy;k ds :i esa U;k;fu .khZr fd;k x;k gS( vFkok fdlh,sls vijk\/k dk nks\"kh Bgjk; k x;k] ftleas uSfrd v| erk'kkfey gS( vFkok tks'kkjhfjd :i ls U;kf;d lnL; ds :i esa dk;Z djus esa ;kekufld :i ls v{ke gks x;k gS( vFkok ftlus,slk fokh; vFkok vU; fgr vf tZr fd;k gS ftlls] U;kf;dlnL; ds :i esa] mlds d`R;ksa ij izfrdwy izHkko iM+us dh lEHkkoukgks( vFkok ftlusvius in dk bl izdkj nq:i;ksx fd;k gS] ftlds in ijfujUrj cus jguk yksd fgr esa izfrdw y gks%ijUrq tgka fdlh U;kf;d lnL; dks [k.M esa fofufnZ\"V fdlh Hkhvk\/kkj ij gVk;s tkus ds fy, izLrkfor fd;k tkrk gS] rks mls ]mlds fo:) yxk,x;svkjksiksa ds ckjs esa lwfpr fd;k tk,xk vkSj mu vkjksiksa ds laca\/k esa lquokbZ dkvolj fn;k tk,xkA U;kf;d lnL; ds :i fu;qDr izR;sd O;fDr viuk in xzg.k djus ls iwoZ bufu;eksa ls layXu iz:i& VIesa vius in dh 'kiFk ysxkA U;kf;d ln L; dh lsok ds fucU\/kuksa rFkk 'krksZa ls lEcfU\/kr ekeyk] ftldslaca\/k esa bl fu;e esa dksbZ micU\/k vfHkO;Dr ugha fd;s x;s gaS] rks vf\/kdj.k106}kjk jkT; ljdkj dks bl ij fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, Hkstk tk,x k vkSj ml ijjkT; ljdkj }kjk fy;k x;k fu.kZ; ck\/; dkjhgksxkA jkT; ljdkj dksfyf[kr esa dkj.k vfHkfyf[kr djrs gq, ]O;fDr;ksa dh fdlhJs.kh vFkok izoxZ ds laca\/k esa ]bl fu;e ds fdlh micU\/k ls NwV nsus dh'kfDr gksxhA49-\/kkjk 44 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fjfDr;ksa dks Hkjus dh jhfr vkSj \/kkjk 44 dh ds v\/khu vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds iz'kkldh; lnL; ds p;u dh izfvkSj osru rFkk Hkks vkSj lsok ds vU; fucU\/ku rFkk 'krsZa A dksbZ Hkh O;fDr rc rd vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds iz'kkldh; lnL; blesa] blds ckn] bl v\/;k; esa iz'kklh; lnL; ds :i esa fufnZ\"V fd ;k x;k ds :i esa fu;qfDr ds fy, ;ksX; ugha gksxk tc rd dh& mlus jkT; Je foHkkx esa Je vk;qDr ds :i esa dk;Z u fd;k gks vkSjJe ls lEcfU\/kr ekeyk sa dk fuiVku djus dk vuqHko u j[krk gks( og jkT; Je foHkkx esa vij Je vk;qDr ;k la;qDr Je vk; qDr ugksvFkok ugha jgk gks vkSj fof\/k mikf\/k uj[krk gks rFkk lqyg vf\/kdkjhds :i esa ikap o\"kZ ds vuqHko lfgr jkT; Je foHkkx esa vFkokiz'kklu esa de ls de nl o\"kZ dk vuqHko u j[krk gks( vFkok U;k;ky; ds {ks= dk ikap o\"kZ dk vuqHko j[kus okyk Hkkjrh ;iz'kklfud lsok @gfj;k.kk flfoy lsok dk dksbZ lsokfuo`Rr vf\/kdkjhu gks( vFkok iz'kkldh; lnL; dh vu &miyC\/krk ds ekeys esa] U;kf;d lnL; dhik=rk j[kus okys O;fDr dks iz'kkldh ;lnL; ds :i esa fu;qDr dsfy, fopkjk tk ldrk gS%107ijUrq fdlh Hkh ,sls lsokjr vf\/kdkjh dksrc rd fu;qDr ughafd;k tk,xk tc rd og iz'kkldh; lnL; ds :i fu;qDr gksus lsiwoZ jkT; lsok ls R;kx i= ugha nsrk gSA jkT; ljdkj }kjk iz'kkldh; lnL; dh fu;qfDr fu;e 50 ds v\/khu xfBrp;u lfefr dh flQkfj'kksa ij dh tk,xhA iz'kkldh; lnL; ]rhu o\"kZ dh vof\/k ds fy, vFkoktc rd og iSlaB o\"kZdh vk;q iw.kZ ugha djrk ] tks Hkhigys gks] in \/kkj.k djsxkA bls lHkh vk'k; ksarFkk iz;kstuksa ds fy, ubZ fu;qfDr ds :i esa le>k tk,xkA iz'kkldh; lnL; ds dk;kZy; esa vkdfLed fjfDr ds ekeys esa] jkT; ljdkj ]]vU; vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds iz'kkldh; lnL; dksiz'kkldh; lnL; vFkokvU;Fkk] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] ds :i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, fu;qDr djsxhA vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k d siz'kkldh; lnL; dks izfr ekl 1]75]000@& :i,osru dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlds osru e sa ls mlds }kjk izkIrdh tk jgh isa'ku dh ldy jkf'k ?kVk nh tk,xh A iz'kkldh ;lnL;]fu'kqYd fdjk;k vkokl vFkok leku osru eku okys xzqi ddkin \/kkj.k djus okys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; njij edku fdjk;k HkRrk dk gdnkj gksxkA vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds iz'kkldh; lnL; ds ekeys esa ]gfj;k.kk flfoy lsok fu;e] 2016 esa micfU\/kr] leku osreku okys xqzi d dkin \/kkj.kdjus okys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; NqV~Vh dsvuqlkj NqV~Vh vuqKs; gks axhA jkT; ljdkj dks iz'kkld h; lnL; dk vodk'k Lohd`r djus dk izkf\/kdkj jkT; ljdkj dks iz'kkldh; lnL; dh fons'k ;k=k Lohd`r djus dk izkf\/kdkj iz'kkldh; lnL; dks leku osrueku okys xzqi d dkin\/kkj.k djus okys]jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; ]jkT; lj dkj LokLF; Ldhe]ykxw gksxhA iz'kkldh; lnL; dks] leku osrueku okys xqzi d dkin \/kkj.k djusokys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dh gdnkjh ds vuqlkj ;k=kkkvuqKs; gksxk(k ljdkjh vf\/kdkjh ds ekeys esa] lkSais x, dk;Z dh lekfIrijx`g uxj ls eq[;ky; rd vkSj foykser% ] vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k esadk;Z xzg.k djus ds fy, LFkkukUrj.k ;k=kHkkk Hkh]leku osruekuokys xzqi d dkin \/kkj.k djus okys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjhdh gdnkjh ds vuqlkj vuqKs; gksxkA dksbZ Hkh iz'kkldh; lnL;] leku osrueku okys xqzi d dkin \/kkj.k djusokys jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk vuqKs; vodk'k ;k=k NwV dsfy, gdnkj gksxkA dksbZ Hkh iz'kkldh; lnL;] leku osrueku okys xqzi d dkin \/kkj.k djusokys jkT; ljdkj ds vf\/kdkjh dks ;Fkk v uqKs; ifjogu Hkkk ds fy, gdnkj fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks rc rd iz'kkldh; lnL; ds:i esa fu;qDr ugha fd;ktk,xk]tc rd og jkT; ljdkj }kjk fo fufnZ\"V izkf\/kdj.k }kjk fpfdRlk dhn`f\"V ls fQV ?kksf\"kr ugha fd;k tkrk gSA dksbZ Hkh iz'kkldh; lnL;] jkT; ljdkj dks lEcksf\/kr ]fyf[kr esa ]vius gLrk{kjk;dk uksfVl nsrs gq, fdlh le; vius in ls R;kxi= ns ldrkijUrq iz'kkldh; lnL;] tc rd fd igys mls jkT; ljdkj }kjkin dk R;kx djus ds fy, vuqer ugha fd;k tkrk ] ,sls uksfVl dh izkfIr dh109frfFk ls rhu ekl dh lekfIr rd vFkok mlds mkjkf\/kdkjh ds :i esalE;d~ :i ls fu;qDr fdlh O;fDr ds in dks xzg.k djus rd vFkokmldhinkof\/k dh lekfIr rd] tks Hkh igys gks] fujUrj in ij cuk jgsxk A iz'kkldh; lnL; ds :i esa fu;qDr izR;sd O;fDr] viuk in \/kkj.k djus lsiwoZ]bu fu;eksa ls layXu iz:i& XIesa vius in rFkk xksiuh;rk dh 'kiFk iz'kkldh; lnL; dh lsok ds fucU\/kuksa rFkk 'krksZa ls lEcfU\/kr ekeyk] ftudslEca\/k esa bu fu;eksa esa dksbZ Li\"VmicU\/k ugha fd;k x;k gS] vkS|ksfxdvf\/kdj.k }kjk jkT; ljdkj dks bldsfu.kZ;gsrqHkstk tk,xk] vkSj ml ijjkT; ljdkj dk fu.kZ; ck\/; dkjhgksxkA jkT; ljdkj dks] fyf[kr esa vfHkfyf[kr fd, tkus okys dkj.kksa ds fy, fdlhJs.kh vFkok fdlhizoxZ ds O;fDr;ksa ds laca\/k esa bu fu;eksa ds fdlh Hkhfu;eesa NwV nsus dh 'kfDr gksx hAdksbZ Hkh O;fDr] tks ]iwoZ esa]fdlh foHkk x ;k fdlh laoS\/kkfud ;k oS\/k kfud ;kiw.kZr% ;k Hkkxr% fdlh jkT; ljdkj ;k dsUnzh; ljdkj ds LokehRok\/khu ;kfu;U=.kk\/khu fdlh vU; fudk; esa isa'ku&;ksX;vFkok xSj& isa'ku&;ksX;lsok esaFkk]rks ogvf\/kdj.k dhlsok dh vof\/k ds fy, fdlh vfrfjDr isa'ku vFkokminku ds fy, gdnkj ugha gksxkA50-lsokfuo`k U;kf;d vf\/kdkfj;ksa esa ls U;kf;d lnL;ksa vkSj lsokfuo`k vf\/kdkfj;ksa esa lsiz'kkldh; lnL; ds p;u ds fy, vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr dk xBu tc dHkh Hkhvf\/kdj.k esa ]iz'kkldh; lnL; vFkok U;kf;d lnL ;dh dksbZfjfDr fo|eku gS vFkok gksrh gS ;k gksus dh lEHkkouk gS] rks jkT; ljdkj Hkjhtkus okyh fjfDr;ksa ds laca\/k esa vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr dks lUnHkZ djldrh gSA110 vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr] fo f\/k ijke'khZ ,oa izkkldh; lfpo] gfj;k.kk] vijeq[; lfop@iz\/kku lfpo ] vij eq[; lfpo@iz\/kku lfpo ls feydj cusxh vkSj mldh v\/;{krk eq[; lfpo] gfj;k.kk }kjk dh tk,xhA vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lf efr] vf\/kdj.k esa U;kf;d lnL; vkSj iz'kkldh; lnL;ds p;u ds iz;kstukFkZ] ,slh izf;k viuk,xh tks ;g mfpr le>sA vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr] izR;sd fjfDr ds fy, nks O;fDr;ksa dk p;u djsxhvkSj jkT ;ljdkj dks mldh vuq'kalk djsxhA vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr] mi&fu;e ds v\/khu fd, x, lUnHkZ dh frfFkls rhl fnu dh vof\/k ds Hkhrj jkT; ljdkj dk sviuh flQkfj'k djsxhA jkT; ljdkj] vUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr ls flQkfj'kksa dh izkfIr dh frfFk lsrhl fnu ds Hkhrj] U;kf;d lnL; vkSj iz'kkldh; lnL; dh fjfDr gsrqvUos\"k.k rFkk p;u lfefr }kjk flQkfj'k fd, x, nks O;fDr ;ksa esals,d dhfu;qfDr djsxhA51-\/kkjk 53 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu lqyg dk;Zokfg;k sa dksvk;ksftr djus dh jhfr] ds v\/khu lEiw.kZ fjiksVZ] rFkk mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vkosnu djus rFkk ,slsvkosnu dks fu.khZr djus dh jhfrA tgka dksbZ vkS|ksfxd fookn fo|eku gS ;kfookn dh vk'kadk gS vFkok \/kkjk 62ds v\/khu dksbZuksfVl fn;k x;k gS] rks lqyg vf\/kdkjh] ,sls vkosnu dh izkfIrij]lqyg dk;Zokfg;k izkjEHk djus ds vius vk'k; dh ?kks\"k.kk djrs gq,lEcfU\/kr i{kdkjksa dks uksf Vl tkjh d jsxk vkSj lqyg djok,xk% izFke cSBd esa ]fu;ksDrk vFkok deZdkjksa dk izfrfuf\/k] mDr fookn ds ekeys e savius&vius dFku izLrqr djsaxs%ijarq lqyg vf\/kdkjh tc og vko;d le>sa] le;&lhek dks c<+k ldrk gS]tSlk og Bhd le>saA111 lqyg vf\/kdkjh] fookn ds le>kSr s ds iz;kstu gsrq lqyg dk;Zokfg;kvkSj fu\"i{k rFkk lkSgknZiw.kZ le>kSrk djokus ds fy, i{kdkjksa dks 'kkfey djrsgq, bl iz;kstu gsrq ,slh lHkh ckrs dj ldrk gS] tks og mfpr le>sA ;fn mi&fu;e esa fufnZ\"V lqyg dk;Zokgh fdlh ,sls le>ksrs ij ughaigqaprh gS] rks lqyg vf\/kdkjh] ,slh frfFk] ftldks lqyg dk;Zokfg;k lekIr gkstkrh gSa] ls lkr fnu ds Hkhrj Je foHkkx] gfj;k.kk ds iksVZy ij fjiksVZizLrqr djsxk vkSj mDr iksVZy ij fjiksVZ miyC\/k djok,xkA ;fn fookn vFkok fookn dk dksbZ vU; ekeyk lq yg dk;Zokfg;ksa ds nkSjkule>kSrs ij igqaprk gS rks]lqyg vf\/kdkjh] jkT; ljdkj vFkok jkT; ljdkj}kjk bl fufek izkf\/kd`r vf\/kdkjh dks mldh fjiksVZ ds lkFk&lkFk fookn lslacaf\/kr i{kdkjksa }kjk gLrk{kfjr le>kS rk Kkiu HkhHkstsxk vkSj ,slh fjiksVZvkSj le>kSrk K kiu dks Je foHkkx ds iksVZy ij HkhviyksM djsxkA esa fufnZ\"V fjiksVZ ]mDr iksVZ y ij lEcfU\/kr i{kdkjksadks lqyHk gksxhA mi&\/kkjk esa fufnZ\"V fjiksVZ esa vU; ckrksa ds lkFk&lkFk fu;ksDrk] deZdkjsM;wfu;u] tSlh HkhfLFkfr gks] dh izLrqfr ;kaHkh 'kkfey gksxh] vkSj blesai{kdkjksa ds chp lkSgknZiw.kZ le>kSrk djokus ds fy, lqyg vf\/kdkjh }kjk fd,x,iz;klksa] fookn dks lqy>kus ds fy, i{kdkjksa ds bUdkj djusds dkj.kvkSj lqyg vf\/kdkjh dk fu\"d\" kZ Hkh 'kkfey gks axsA lqyg vf\/kdkjh] \/kkjk 53 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu ;Fkk micfU\/kr lqygdk;Zokfg;ksa ds izkjEHk ls iSarkyhl fnu dh vof\/k ds Hkhrj lEcfU\/kr i{kdkjksadks viuh fjiksVZ HkstsxkA lqyg vf\/kdkjh ds lEeq [knLrkosth lk{; dk s NksM+dj] lHkh lk{;] 'kiFk i=ds :i esa n k;j fd, tk,axs vkSj fojks\/khi{kdkj dks 'kiFk&i= ds :i esamldktokc nk;j djus dkvolj miyC\/k djok;k tk,xkA11252-vf\/kdj.k ds lEeq[k dk;Zokfg;k dksbZHkhfookn]ftldk lqyg dk;Zokfg;ksa ds nkSjku fu.kZ;ughagksrk gS] rksdksbZ Hkh lEcfU\/kr i{kdkj] vf\/kdj.k ds lEe q[k]iz:i&XIIesa vkWuykbuvkosnu ds ek\/;e ls ;k Je foHkkx ] gfj;k.kkk ds iksVZy ds ek\/;e ls vFkokiathd`r Mkd }kjk ;k LihM iksLV }kjk ;k O;fDrxr :i esa ]fu;e 50 ds ds v\/khu fjiksVZ dh frfFk ls uCcs fnu ds Hkhrj vkosnu dj esa fufnZ\"V vkosnu dh izkfIr ij] vf\/kdj.k] fookn djus okysi{kdkj dks ]vkosnu nk;j djus dh frfFk ls rhl fnu ds Hkhrj l qlaxrlefFkZr nLrkostksa vkSj xokgksa dh lwph lfgr lEiw.kZ C;kS jksa ds lkFk nkos dhfooj.kh nk;j djus ds fy, funsZ'k nsxk A ,slh fooj.kh dh ,d izfr ]fookn esa'kkfey izR;sdfojks\/khi{kdkjksa gsrq bySDVk Wfud :i esa Hksth tk,axh ;k JefoHkkx ds iksVZy ij viyksM dh tk,ax; k iathd`r Mkd ;k LihM iksLV }kjkHksth tk,xhA vf\/kdj.k] ;g lqfuf'pr djus ds ckn fd fookn djus okys i{k dkj }kjk nkosdh fooj.kh dh izfr;k vkSj vU; lEcfU\/kr nLrkost ]nwljsi{kdkjksa dks Hkst fn,x, gSa] rks;Fkk 'kh?kz lEHko vkSj vkosnu dh izkfIr dh frfFk ls ,d ekl dhvof\/k ds Hkhrj ]izFke lquokbZ fu;r djsxkA fojks\/khi{kdkj izFke lquokbZ dhfrfFklsrhl fnu dh vof\/k ds Hkhrj lefFkZr nLrkost ksavkSj xokgksa] ;fn dksbZgkas] dh lwph lfgrviuh fyf[kr fooj.kh nk;j djsaxs vkSj lkFk&lkFk mldh,d izfr fojks\/khi{kdkj vFkok i{kdkjksa dks lsok gsrq Hksts axsA tgkavf\/kdj.k dks irk py rk gS fd fookn djus okys i{kdkj }kjk ]bldsfunsZ'knsus ds ckotwn Hkh fojks\/khi{kdkj vFkok i{kdkjksa d ks]nkos dh fooj.khvkSj vU; nLrkostksa dh izfr ;kaHksth ugha xbZ g aS] rks ;g fooj.kh nk;j djusgsrq;fn vf\/kdj.k dks le; ij nkos dh fooj.kh vkSj vU; nLrkost nk;jugha djus ds i;kZIr dj.kksa dk irk pyrk gS] iUnzg fnu dk foLrkj i znku113djrs gq, ]lEcfU\/kr i{kdkj d ks fojks\/kh i{kdkj ;k i{kdkjksa dks fooj.kh dhizfrnsus ds fy, funsZ'k nsxkA lk{;dks];k rksvf\/kdj.k esa fyfic) fd;k tk,xk] ;k 'kiFk&i= ij nk;jfd;ktk,xk ;k 'kiFk ij ]vf\/kdj.k esa fyfic) fd;ktk,xk] fdUrq]'kiFk&i= ds ekeys esa ]fojks\/khi{kdkj dks 'kiFk&i= nk;j djus okys izR;sdvfHklkf{k ;ksals ftjg djusdkvf\/kdkj gksxkA tgka izR;sd xokg dh ekSf[kdijh{kk vxzlj gksrh gS] rks vf\/kdj.k ]tkstek fd;k tk jgk gS] ds lkj dkKkiudjsxk vkSj ekSf[kd lk{; fyfic) djrs le;] vf\/kdj.k] flfoy;k lafgrk] 1908 1908 dk dsanzh; vf\/kfu;e 5]dh izFke vuqlwph dsvkns'kXVIII ds fu;e 5 esa vf\/kdfFkr izf;k viuk,xkA lk{;dsiwjs gksus ij] nyhysarqjUrlquhtk ldrh gS ;kcglds fy, dksbZfnu fu;r fd;k tk ldrk gS] tks lk{; cUn djus ls iUnzg fnu dh vof\/kijdk ugha gksxkA vf\/kdj.k ]lkekU;r% ],d le; ij ,d lIrkg ls vf\/kd ]fdUrq fdlh Hkhekeys esa] rhu LFkxu ls vf\/kd ugha] fdlh fookn esa i{kdkjksa dh izsj.kk ijLFkxu iznk u ugha djsxk %ijUrq vf\/kdj.k] fyf[kr esa fyfic) fd, tkus okys dkj.kksa gsrq] ,dle; ij ,d lIrkg ls vf\/kd ]fdUrq fdlh Hkh ekeys esa fdlh i{kdkj dhizsj.kk ij] rhu LFkxu ls vf\/kd ughaLFkxu iznku dj ldrk gS A dksbZ Hkh vf\/kdj.k vFkok e\/;LFk] fdlh Hkh le; ;k rks viuh Loizsj.kk ls ;kfdlh i{kdkj ds vkosnu ij ]fdlh dk;Zokgh] fjiksVZ] iapkV ;k fu.kZ; esa fdlhys[ku vFkok xf.kr lEc\/kh Hkwy vFkok vkdfLed Hkwy vFkok yksi ls mRiUugksus okyh fdlh =qfV d ksBhd dj ldrk gSA ;fn]dksbZHkh i{k fdlh Hkh Lrj ijmifLFkr gksus esa pwd tkrk gS vFkokvlQy jgrk gS] rks vf\/kdj.k ]ekeys esa ,di{kh; dk;Zokgh dj ldrk gS]114vkSj pwddrkZ i{k dh vuqifLFkfr esa ]vkosnu vFkok lUnHkZ] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks]dk fu.kZ; dj ldrk gS %ijUrq vf\/kdj.k] iapkV nsus lsiwoZ fdlh Hkh i{kdkj } kjkizLrqrfd,x,vkosnu ij] vkns'k ]fd ekeys esa ,di{kh; dk;Zokgh dh tk,xh] dks okilys ldrk gS ;fn bldh lUrqf\"V gks tkrh gS fd vuqifLFkr i{kdkj dkrdZlaxr vk\/kkj Fkk vkSj vkxs ekeys dk fu.kZ; izfrokn ds vuqlkj djsxkA vf\/kdj.k ] viusiapkV dh] iapkV lqu kus dh frfFk ls ,d ekl ds HkhrjlEcfU\/kr i{kdkjksa dksrFkk jkT; ljdkj dks bySDVk Wfud kSrs vFkok iapkV ds v\/khu vFkok v\/;k; IX;kXds v\/khu ]fdlh fu;ksD rk dhvksj ls fdlh deZdkj vFkok deZdkjksa ds fdlh lewg dh\/kujkf'k cdk;kgS] rks deZdkj vFkok deZdkjksa dk lewg] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gk s]cdk;k \/kujkf'k dholwyh ds fy, iz:i XIIIesa vkosnu dj ldrk gS%ijUrq]deZdkj }kjk fyf[kr esa izkf\/kd`r fdlh O;fDr] vFkok deZdkjdh e`R;q ds ekeys esa ]e`rd deZdkj ds leu qnsf'krh vFkok okfjl }kjk iz:iXIVesa vkosnu fd;k tk,xkA tgka]dksbZ deZdkj vFk ok deZdkjksa dk sbZlewg]fu;ksDrk ls fdlh \/kujkf'kvFkok fdlh ykHk] tks \/kujkf'k ds lUnHkZ esa x.kuk djus esa l eFkZgS]dksolwydjus ds fy, gdnkj gS] rks deZdkj vFkok deZdkjksa dk lewg] tSlh Hkh fLFkfrgks] cdk;k jkf'k vFkok ,slh jkf'k] ftl ij ,sls ykHk d h x.kuk djuh pkfg,]tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] ds fu\/kkZj.k ds fy, iz:i XVesa vf\/kdkfjrk j[kus okysvf\/kdj.k dks vkosnu dj ldrk gS vkSj ,slk vf\/kdj.k] ,slh frfFk] ftldksvkosnu nk;j fd;k x;k gS] ls rhu ekl dh vuf\/kd vof\/k ds Hkhrj vkosnuij fu.kZ; ysxk%ijUrq]fdlhdeZdkj dh e`R;q ds ekeys esa] e`rd deZdkj dsleuqnsf'krh vFkok okfjl }kjk iz:iXVIesavkosnu nk;j fd;k tk,xkA11754-\/kkjk 62 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu gM+rky ds fy, uksfVl nsus okys O;fDr;ksa dhla[;k] O;fDr vFkok O;fDr;ksa] ftldks@ftudks ,slk uksfVl fn;k tkuk gS vk Sj ,sls uksfVldks nsus dh jhfrA \/kkjk 62 dh mi\/kkjk esa fufnZ\"V gM+rky dk uksfVl] iz:i& XVII esa]vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds fu;ksDrk dks fn;k tk,xk] ftls lEcfU\/kr iathd`r V;wfu;u ds lfpo }kjk ;ktgka dksbZ iathd`r VsM;wfu;u ugha gS ] rks deZdkjksa}kjk pqus x, ikap izfrfuf\/k;ksa }kjk lE;d~ lsgLrk{kfjr fd;k tk,xk]lEcfU\/kr vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dks uksfVl nsrs le; mldh ,d izfrkfud s x, lHkh N VuhxzLrdeZdkjksa dks mu }kjk N Vuh ds le; ij vFkokmldsckn fn, x, uohure irk vFkok bZ&esy ij iathd`r Mkd ;k LihMiksLV ;k bZ&esy ds ek\/;e ls Hkh mu fjfDr;ksa dh lwpuk nsxk%ijUrqtc,slh fjfDr;kas dh la[;k] NVuh fd, x, deZdkjksa dh la[;kls de gS] rks ;g i;kZIr gksxk ];fn fu;ksDrk mi&fu;e esa fufnZ\"V lwph esaofj\"Bre N VuhxzLrdeZdkjksa dks O;fDrxr :i esa lwpuk nsrkgS vkSj ,slsofj\"Bre N VuhxzLrdeZdkj ,slh fjfDr;ksa dh la[;k ls nks xq.kk gksaxs%ijUrq ;g vkSj fd tgka fjfDr dh vof\/k ,d ekl ls de gS] rksfu;ksDrk ,slh fjfDr;ksa dh lwpuk NVuh fd, x, deZdkjksa dks O;fDrxr :iesa Hkstus ds fy, ck\/; ugha gksxkAijarq ;g vkSj Hkh ;fn dksbZ NVuhxzLr deZxkj] fu;ksDrk dks] fyf[kresa] fcuk dksbZ mi;qDr d kj.k nkkZ,] bl mi&fu;e ds v\/khu fu;ksDrk }kjkmls Hksth xbZ lwpuk esa fufnZ\"V frfFk ;k frfFk;ksa dks vius vkidks iqu%fu;kstu gsrw isk ugha djrk gS] rks fu;ksDrk mls mu fjfDr;ksa ds ckjs esa] tksckn ds vQljksa ij Hkjh tk ldrh gS] lwfpr ugha dj ldrkA120 ds micU\/kksa dh vuqi kyuk djus ds rqjUr ckn] fu;ksDrk ]vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ls lEc) okrkZdkj ;wfu;u ;k okrkZdkj ifj\"kn ~ds fuokZpdsM;wfu;uksa dks Hkh ]Hkjh tkus okyh fjfDr;ksa dh la[;k r Fkk Nx, deZdkjksa] ftUgsabl mi& fu;e d s v\/khu lwpuk nh xbZ gS] ds ukeksa dhlwpuk nsxk %ijUrq fu;ksDrk }kjk ,slsfdlh Hkh ekeys esa bumi&fu;e ds micU\/kksadh vuqikyuk djus dh vko';d rkugha gS] tgka mi&fu;e rS;kjdh xbZ lwph esa of.kZr izR;sd deZdkj dks lwpuk Hksth xbZgSA tc fdlhHkhvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku esa ]dksbZ fjfDr gksrh gS] vkSj ,slh fjfDr;ksadks Hkjus dsizLrko ls iwoZ ],slsvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds NVuhxzLr deZdkj gSa ,do\"kZ ds Hkhrj rks],sls vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dk fu;ksDrk] ;fn ,sls deZdkj Hkkjrds ukxfjd gSa vkSj fu;kstu ds fy, viuh lEefr nsrs gSa] mudh lsok dhofj\"Brk ds vk\/kkj ij nwljksa ij mUgsa vf\/keku nsxkA58-\/kkjk 74 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu cUn djus gsrq vk'kf;r fu;ksDr }kjk uksfVl dh;fn dksbZ fu;ksDrk] vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku dks cUn djus dk fopkj djrk gS] rks og]jkT; ljdkj dks iz:i& XIXesa ,sls cUn ds fy, \/kkjk 74 dh mi&\/kkjk fofufnZ\"V le; ds Hkhrj uksfVl nsxk vkSj mldh ,d izfr bZ&esy ;k iathd`r Mkd;k LihM iksLV }kjk lEcfU\/kr mi Je vk;qDr rFkklgk;d Je vk;qDr dks HkstsxkAuksfVl dh ,d izfr vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds orZeku iathd`r VsM;wfu;u ;kdeZdkjksadsizkf\/kd`r izfrfuf\/k;ksa] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] dks Hkh HkstsxkA59-\/kkjk 78 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fu;ksDrk }kjk] NVuhdjus ds bjkns ds fy, jkT;ljdkj dks vkosnu djus dh jhfr vkSj deZdkjksa dks ,sls v kosnu dh izfr dks rk ehydjusdh jhfrA\/kkjk 78 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vuqefr ds fy, vkosnu] fu;ksDrk }kjk mlesaVuh djus ds bjkns ds dkj.kksa dks Li\"V :i ls crkrs gq, jkT; ljdkj dksvFkok121,slsizkf\/kdkjh] ftls ,slh 'kfDr;ka lafgrk dh \/kkjk 100 ds v\/khu izR;k;ksftr dh xbZgSa] dks iz:i XXesa bySDVkfud sxk ekuksa vfHk;kstu izkjEHk ghughafd;k x;k Fkk vkSj [k.M ds v\/khu iz'keu ds vuqlkj dk;Zokgh126djsxk vkSj vijk\/k ds iz'keu ds c kjs esa l{ke U;k;ky;] ftleasvfHk;kstu yfEcr gS] dks lwfpr djsxk vkSj ,slh lwpuk dh izkfIr dsckn] U;k;ky; vfHk;qDr dks cjhdjsxk vkSj vfHk;kstu dks cUn iz'keu vf\/kdkjh] jkT; ljdkj ds funsZ'k] fu;U=.k vkSj i;Zos{k.k ds v\/;\/khu ]bl fu;e ds v\/khu vijk\/k ds iz'keu dh 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djsxkA67-\/kkjk 90 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu lajf{kr deZdkjA fdlh vkS|ks fxd izfr\"Bku] ftl ij lafgrk ykxw gS] ls lEcfU\/kr izR;sdiathd``r VsM;wfu;u] fu;ksDrk dks ;wfu;u ds ,sls vf\/kdkfj;ksa] tks mlizfr\"Bku esa fu;ksftr gSa] vkSj ftUgsa ;wfu; udh jk; esa ^^lajf{kr deZdkjksa** ds:i esa ekU; gksuk pkfg, ]dk uke rFkk irk izR;sd o\"kZ ds 30 vizSy ls iwoZlalwfpr djsxh Afdlh ,sls vf\/kdkjh ds in esa fdlh ifjorZu ds ckjs esa ];wfu;u }kjk ],sls ifjorZu ds iUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj fu;ksDrk dks lalwfpr fd;k fu;ksDrk] \/kkjk 90 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/;\/khu] \/kkjk 90 dsiz;kstukFkZ ^^lajf{kr deZdkjksa** ds :i esa ,sls deZdkjksa dks ekU;rk nsxk vkSj ds v\/khu uke rFkk irk dh izkfIr ds iUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj ]fyf[kr esa ]lEcfU\/kr VsM;wfu;u dks lalwfpr djsxk] vkSj ,slh lalwpuk dhfrfFk ls ckjg ekl dh vof\/k ds fy, lajf{kr deZdkjksa ds :i esa ekU;deZdkjksa dh lwph Hkh nsxkA tgka mi&fu;e ds v\/khu fu;ksDrk }kjk izkIr fd, x, ukeksa dh dqyla[;k]\/kkjk 90 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds fy, vuqKs;lajf{kr deZdkjksa dh vf\/kdre la[;k ls vf\/kd g S] rks fu;ksDrk] dsoy ,slsdeZdkjksa dh vf\/kdre la[;k dks lajf{kr deZdkjksa ds :i esa ekU;rk nsxk %ijUrq]tgka fdlh vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku esa ,d ls vf\/kd iathd`r V;wfu;u gSa] rks];wfu;uksa ds e\/; vf\/kdre la[;k fu;ksDrk }kjk bl izdkj127forfjr dh tk,xh fd oS;fDr d;wfu;uksa esa ekU; lajf{kr deZdkjksa dh la[;k];wfu;uksa dh lnL;rk vkadM+ksa ds :i esa ,d&nwljs ds fy, le:i vuqikr esaO;ogkfjd :i esa gksA fu;ksDrk bl ekeys e ]sa izR;sd lEcfU\/kr ;wfu;u dsiz\/kku vFkok lfpo dks ]bls vkcafVr lajf{kr deZdkjksa dh la[;k fyf[kr esalwfpr djsxk %ijUrq ;g vkSj fd tgka bl mi&fu;e ds v\/khu fdlh ;wfu;u dksvkcafVr lajf{kr deZdk jksa dh la[;k] laj{k.k dh ekax djus okyh ;wfu;u dsvf\/kdkfj;ksa dh la[;k de iM+rh gS] rks ;wfu;u] lajf{kr deZdkjksa ds :i esaekU; gksus ds fy, vf\/kdkfj;ksa dk p;u djus dhgdnkj gksxhA ,slk pquko;wfu;u }kjk djok;k tk,xk vkSj fu;ksDrk lsbl lEcU\/k esa i= dh izkfIr lsikap fnu ds Hkhrj fu;ksDrk dks lalwfpr fd;k tk,xkA tc]bl fu;e ds v\/khu ]^^lajf{kr deZdkjksa** dh ekU;rk ls lEcfU\/kr fdlhekeys esa fu;ksDrk vkSj fdlh iathd`r VsM;wfu;u ds chp dksbZ fookn mRiUugksrk gS rks]ekeys dks lEcfU\/kr mi Je vk;qD r dks fufnZ\"V fd;k tk,xk vkSjml ij mldk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkA68-\/kkjk 91 ds v\/khu fdlh O;f FkrdeZdkj }kjk f'kdk;r djus dh jhfrA lafgrk dh \/kkjk 91 ds v\/khu izR;sd f'kdk;r] iz:i& XXII esa bySDVrk gS] vkSj ]tgka os bl lafgrk vFkok fu;eksa ds vfHkO;DrmicU\/kksa ls ijLijfojks\/kh g aS] dks NksM+dj] flfoy izf;k lafgrk] 1908 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 5 dh izFke vuqlwph ds lqlaxr vkns'kksa dh izflEcU\/k esa funsZf'kr fd;k tk,xkA fd;k tkus okyk vkns'k v Fkok funsZ'k& tkap vf\/kdkjh] ekeys dks lquus dsckn] bl iz;kstu ds fy, fu;r dh tkus okyh vkxkeh frfFk dks ]vkns'kvFkok funsZ'k tkjhdjsxkA nLrkostksa dk fujh{k.k&dksbZ Hkh O;fDr tks];k rks f'kdk;rdrkZ gS ;k fojks\/khi{kdkj gS ;k mldk izfrfuf\/k gS] vFkok mi&fu;e ds v\/khu vuqKs; dksbZ132O;fDr gS] ,slk ekeysa ] ftlesa og i{kdkj gS] esa ]tkap vf\/kdkjh ds ikl nk;jdh xbZ fdlh f'kdk;r] vFkok fdlhvU; nLrkost dk fujh{k.k djus dkgdnkj gksxkA72-xokgksa dk [kpZAizR;sd O;fDr] ftls lEeu tkjh fd;k x;k gS vk Sjtksfdlh vf\/kdj.k ;k eLFkLFk dslEeq[k xokg ds :i esa fof\/kor~ Hkkx ysrk gS vFkok vU;Fkk ls mifLFkr gksrkgS]og]jkT; esa]fdlh flfoy U;k;ky; esa] tgka tkap] U;k;fu.kZ;u ;k eLFkLFke~] tSlh HkhfLFkfr gks] lapkfyr fd, tk jgs gSa] xokgksa ds lEcU\/k esa r Rle; ykxw Ldsy dsvuqlkj [kpZ ds fy, Hkkk ysus dk gdnkj gksxkA73-\/kkjk 99 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/kh ulkaf[;dh; vf\/kdkjh ds dk;kZy;esaizR;sd iz:i dh izfr izLrqr djukAizR;sd iz:i& XVIIgM+rky dk uksfVl] iz:i& XVIII rkyk cUnh dk uksfVlgfj;k.kk ljdkj dks vLFkkbZ N Vuh;kcUn djus dhlwpukds fy,] iz:i &XXfudkyus ;k NVuh djus vFkok can djus dh vuqKk ds fy,vkSj iz:i& XXIvijk\/k dk iz'keu ]dh ,d izfr] lkaf[;dh; vf\/kdkjh]dk;kZy; Je vk;qD r] gfj;k.kk ls]bySDVkWfud h dh74-lalwpuk dk izdk'kuAjkT; ljdkj] vf\/kdj.k] izR;sd fu;ksDrk] izR;sd VsM;wfu;u ;k okrkZdkj ;wfu;u ;kokrkZdkj ifj\"kn~ ds la?kVd vkSj bu fu;eksa esa fufnZ\"V izR;sd izkf\/kdkjh ]bu fu;eksa dsv\/khu lans'k lsok rFkk nLrkostksa ds izR;sd lalwpuk ds izHkkohiz;kstukFkZ ySVj&gSM esaviuh Kkr i;kZIr :is.k bZ&esy vkbZ -Mh-;k oSclkbV ;k iksVZy ;k muesa ls dksbZ ,d;k lHkh]fofufnZ\"V djrs gq, ]crk,axsA75-fjdkMZ] jftLVj] iz:i ksa] uksfVl ksa vkSj izn'kZu cksMksZa dk vuqj{k.kA133lHkh fjdkMZ] jftLVj kas] iz:iksa] uksfVl ksa] izn'kZu cksMksZa rFkk vU; nLrkost ksa]ftUgsavkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ]ds v\/khu vuqjf{krfd,tkus dh vko;drk gS] dks bySDVkWfud jhfr esa ;kvko';d QkesZV esa vkSjvko';d lwpuk lfEefyr djrs gq, cuk, j[ks tk ldrs gS avkSj mUgsa bl lafgrk rFkkblds v\/khu cuk, x, fu;eksa ds v\/khu izkf\/kdkjh vFkok fujh{kd& lg&lqfo\/kkiznkrkdks]tc dHkh visf{kr gksa] izLrqrfd, tk,axs rFkk fn[kk, tk,axs A bu vfHky s[kksadkj[k&j[kko] fjdkMZ dh izfr\/kkj.kk dh vis{kkvksa dh vuqikyuk djsxkA76-vk;qDr dh fu;qfDrAtgka]\/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fdlh vk;qDr dh fu;qfDr djuk vko';dgks] rks]vf\/kdj.k ]\/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk esa fufnZ\"V fo\"k;& oLrq ls lEcfU\/krfof'k\"V m|ksx] O;kikj ;k O;olk; esa vuqHko j[kus okys O;fDr vFkok flfoyU;k;ky; ds U;k;k\/kh'k] vFkok oSrfud eftLVsV ds :i esa vFkok fdlh jkT;vf\/kfu;e ds v\/khu xfBr fdlh vf\/kdj.k ds jftLVkj ;k lfpo ds :i esa vuqHkoj[kus okys fdlh O;fDr dks]fu;qDr dj ldrk gSA77-vk;qDr dh Qhl bR;kfnA vf\/kdj.k] i{kdkjksa ds lkFk ijke'kZ ds ckn] tkap dh lEHkkfor vof\/k dkvuqeku yxk,xk vkSj vk;qDr dh Qhl rFkk vU; vkuq\"kfxad [kp sZ fu;r djsxkvkSj ,slsi{kdkj ;k i{kdkjksa dks fofufnZ\"V l e; ds Hkhrj rFkk ,sls vuqikr esa]tSlk ;g mfpr le>s] fudVre [ktkuk esa mldk Hkqxrku djus dk funsZ'knsxkA okn fo\"k; rc rd ugha pyk;k tk,xk tc rd fu;r \/kujkf'k dks[ktkuk esa tek djokus dk lUrks\"ktud lcwr vf\/kdj.k ds ikl tekughadjok;k tkrk %ijUrq vf\/kdj.k] le;≤ ij] f unsZ'k ns ldrk gS fd ,sls i{kdkjvFkok i{kdkjksa }kjk ,sls le; ds Hkhrj [ktkuk esa dksbZ vU;vkSj \/kujkf'kvFkok \/kujkf'k;ka tek djokbZ tk, a] tSls og mfpr le>s%134ijUrq ;g vkSj fdvf\/kdj.k] vius foosd ls] [ktkuk esa \/kujkf'k tekdjokus ds fy, ]le; esa o`f) d j ldrk gSA vf\/kdj.k] fdlh Hkh le;] fyf[kr esa fyfic) dkj.kksa gsrq i{kdkjksa ds lkFkijke'kZ ls] vk;qDr dh Qhl dh jkf'k esa ifjorZu dj ldrk gSA vf\/kdj.k ;gfunsZ'k ns ldrk gS fd Qhl dk laforj.k vk;qDr dks ,slhfdLrksa vkSj ,slh frfFk dks fd;k tk,] tks og mfpr le>sA tek djokbZ xbZ jkf'k dk v laforfjr 'ks\"k] ;fn dksbZ gks] i{kdkj vFkoki{kdkjksa] dks mlh vuqikr esa okil fd;k tk,xk] ftl vuqikr esa mu }kjkjkf'k tek djokbZ FkhA78-fjiksVZ izLrqr djus gsrq le;A \/kkjk 59 dks mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vk;qDr dh fu;qfDr gsrq izR;sd vkns'k esavk;qDr dksviuh fjiksVZ izLrqr djus d s fy,i;kZIr le; nsrs gq, frfFkvuqKkr dh tk,xh A ;fn]fdlhHkhdkj.k ls vk;qDr lksprkgS fd viuh fjik sVZ izLrqr djus gsrqfu;r frfFk dks vkxs c<+us dh lEHkkouk gS] rks og ]mDr frfFk dh lekfIr lsiwoZdkj.kdfFkr djrs gq, le; foLrkj djus ds fy, vkosnu djsxk vkSjvf\/kdj.k vkosnu ij vkns'k ikfjr djrs le; ,sls dkj.kksaij fopkj djsxk%ijUrq vf\/kdj.k ]bl ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh ]le; esa foLrkj iznku djldrk gS fd ,sls foLrkj gsrq ;qf Dr;qDr le;&lhek ds Hkhrj vk;qDr ls dksbZvkosnu izkIr ugha gqvk gSA79-vkadM+ksa dk laxzg.k djukAfu;ksDrk] jkT; ljdkj ds lkFk&lkFk egkfuns'kd] Je C;wjksds dk;kZy; dks Hkhle;≤ ij] bySDVhdy h tk,xhA136nsf[k, fu;e 3lqygdk;Zokgh ds vuqe ls vU;Fkk fu;ksDrk vkSj mlds deZdkjksa ds e\/; lqyg ds nkSjkule>kSrk@vFkok le>kSrk dk Kkiui{kdkjksa ds uke vkSj muds vk\/kkj la[;k------------------------------ fu;ksDrk vksadk izfrfuf\/k----------------------------- deZdkjksa dk izfrfu f\/kekeysadk laf{kIr fooj.k--------------------------------------------------le>kSrs dh 'krsZa-------------------------------------------i{kdkjksa ds gLrk{kj--------------------------------------------lqyg vf\/kdkjh ds gLrk{kj@eksgjlqyg dk;Zokgh ds vuqe esa fu;ksDrk vkSj mlds deZdkjksa ds e\/; le>kSrk gksus dsekeysa esaKkiu dh izfr] jkT; ljdkj] Je vk;qDr vkSj lEcfU\/kr lqyg vf\/kdkjh dks Hksthnsf[k, fu;e 8sM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k gsrq vkosnusM ;wfu;u] gfj;k.kkfnukad------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------1-ge] blds }kjk] ------------------------------ sM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k ds fy, vkosnu2-;wfu;u ds eq[;ky; dkirk %------------------------------3-;wfu;u dh bZ&esy % ----------------------------------------- gSA4-;wfu;u ------------------------- ------------------------------ ls vfLrRo esa vkbZ gS A5-;wfu;u ---------------------------- m|ksx esa fu;ksftr deZpkfj;ksa@deZdkjksa dh;wfu;u gSA6-vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 8 dh ds v\/khu visf{kr 'kiFk&i= }kjk ?kks\"k.kk] vuqlwph& Iij7-vuqlwph&AA esa fn, x, fooj.k fn, x, vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 7 esa of.kZr ekeyksa ds fy, fu;eksa esa fd;s x;s izko\/kkun'kkZrs gSaAmu ;wfu;uksa ds ekeysa esa( tks vkosnu dh frfFk ls ,d o\"kZ ls iwoZ vfLrRo esa ugha gSa(dkV fn;k tk, vkS|ksfx d lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35\/kkjk 8 dh mi&\/kkjk }kjk visf{kr fooj.k] vuqlwph& IIIesa fn, x, gSaA1389-[kkukIIesa n'kkZ, x, mu }kjk \/kkfjr in ksa ds uke ;wfu;u ds lHkh dk;Zdkjh lnL;ksamnkgj.kkFkZ iz\/kku] lfpo] dks\"kk\/ ;{k bR;kfn blds vfrfjDr dk;ZdkjhlnL; ds :i esa muds dk;kZy; uhps fn, x, gSa&kh\"kZd uke vk;q irk O;olk;10-gesa fuEufyf[kr }kjk bl vkosnu dks nsus ds fy, lE;d~ :i ls izkf\/kd`r fd;k x;kuke O;olk; irk gLrk{kj*;gka o.kZu dj asfdD;k ;wfu;u dh lkekU; cSBd ds izLrko }kjk izkf\/kdkj fn;k x;kFkk];fn ugha] rks bls nsus dh vU; rjhdk D;k Fkk A139vuqlwph& I'kiFk&i= }kjk ?kks\"k.kkeSa]----------------------------- lqiq=@lqiq=h Jh-------------------------- vk;q----------------------- fuoklh ----------------------------------------------- ] blds }kjk] lR;fu\"Bk ls izfrKk djrk@djrh gwa vkSj fuEu vuqlkj?kks\"k.kk djrk @djrh gwa&1-fd eSa----------------------------------- ;wfu;u dk uke ------------------------ ;wfu;u dk irk dk pqukx;kegklfpo gwaA2-fd esjs loksZke Kku vkSj fo'okl ls -------------------------- ;wfu;u dk uke uke ls dksbZ Hkh;wfu;u@laxBu] gfj;k.kk vFk ok Hkkjr esa] dgha Hkh]vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 20202020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ds v\/khu iathd`r ugha gSA3-fd ;wfu;u ds uke ls fdlh oS\/k nkosnkj ds ekeys esa] ge izek.k&i= dk vH;i Z.kdjsaxs vkSj jftLVsM ;wfu;u] gfj;k.kk ds funsZ'k vuqlkj ;wfu;u ds uke esaifjorZu djsaxsA4-fd fdlh Hkh lnL; vFkok inkf\/kdkfj;ksa dks Hkkjr ds fdlh HkhU;k;ky; }kjk uSfrdv|erk okys fdlh vijk\/k ds fy, nks\"kfl) ugha Bgjk;k x;k gS vkSj dkjkokl dhltk ugha nh xbZ gSA5-fd iz:i& IIds vuqlkj fn, x, lHkh fooj.kksa ds lkFk&lkFk vU; lHkhnLrkost Hkh6-fd ;wfu;u dh O;kidrk] ----------------------- izfr\"Bku dk uke ds deZpkfj;ksa ds fy,7-fd-------------------- izfr\"Bku dk uke esa dk;Zjr u rks vkosnd u gh in\/kkjh vkSj eSa fdlhvU; ;wfu;u ds lnL; gSaA1408-fd------------------------izfr\"Bku dk uke e sa vuqekur%---------------- deZdkjdk;Zjr gSa vkSj muesals---------------- deZdkj gekjh ;wfu;u ds lnL; gSaA9-fd ;g esjs lR; dFku gSAvkt fnukad -------------- dks ;g lR;kfir fd;k tkrk gS fd 'kiFk&i= }kjk esjh mijksDr?kks\"k.kk ds iSjk 1 ls 9 dh fo\"k; oLrq esjs loksZke Kku vkSj fo'okl ls lR; rFkk lgh gS vkSjblesa dksbZ Hkh tkudkjh fNikbZ ugha xbZ gSAvfHklk{kh141vuqlwph& IIfu;eksa dk lUnHkZ[kkukIesaof.kZr vusd ekeyksa ds fooj.k ds fy, micU\/k djus okys fu;eksa dh la[;k] uhps ][kkuk 2 esa nh xbZ gS%&Ekkeyk fu;eksa dh la[;ksM ;wfu;u dk uke lEiw.kZ mn~ns';] ftuds fy, VsM ;wfu;u LFkkfir dh xbZ gS lEiw.kZ iz;kstu ftuds fy, VsM ;wfu;u dh lkekU; fuf\/k ykxw gksxhsM ;wfu;u ds lnL;ksa dh lwph dk j[k&j[kkosM ;wfu;u ds inkf\/kd kfj;ksa vkSj lnL;ksa }kjk lnL;ksa dh lwph ds fujh{k.k gsrqmiyC\/k djokbZ xbZ lqfo\/kk,a A lkekU; lnL;ksa dk nkf[kykA ekun vFkok vLFkkbZ lnL;ksa dk nkf[kykAsM ;wfu;u ds ,sls lnL;ksa vkSj vU; lnL;ksa }kjk va'knku dk Hkqxrku A 'krsZa]ftuds v\/khu lnL; fu;eksa }kjk lqfuf'pr ykHk ds fy, gdnkj gSa A 'krsZa]ftuds v\/khu fdlh lnL; ij tqekZuk ;k tCrh vf\/kjksfir dh tk ldrh gSvFkok ifjofrZr dh tk ldrh gSA jhfr]ftlesa]fu;e esa la'kks\/ku] ifjorZu vFkok fo[k.Mu fd;k tk ldrk gSAsM ;wfu ;u ds lnL;ksa dh okf\"kZd lkekU; lHkkdh cSBd cqyokukA lkekU; lHkkdh cSBd esa fd;k tkus okyk dkedkt A142 jhfr]ftlesa VsM ;wfu;u ds dk;Zdkjh lnL; ksavkSj vU; ink f\/kdkfj;ksadks fu;qDrfd;k tk;sxk rFkk gVk;k tk;sxkAsM ;wfu;u dh fuf\/k dh lqjf{kr vfHkj{kksM ;wfu;u ds ys[kksa dh okf\"kZd ys[kk&ijh{kksM ;wfu;u ds ink f\/kdkfj;ksa vkSj lnL;ksa }kjk ys[kk cfg;ksa ds fujh{k.k gsrq lqfo\/kk,a A jhfr]ftlesa VsM ;wfu;u Hkax dh tk ldrh gSA143vuqlwph& III20-------------------- ds--------------------- ds ------------------------ fnu dks nsunkfj;ksa vkSj vkfLr;ksa dsbls Hkjus dh vko';drk ugha gS] ;fn] iathdj.k ds fy, vkosnu dh frfFk ls ,d o\"kZls de le; igys ;wfu;u vfLrRo esa vkbZ gSnsunkfj;ka vkfLr;ka lkekU; fuf\/k dh jkf'kjktuSfrd fuf\/k dh jkf'k-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cdk;k _.k dksvU; nkf;RofofufnZ\"V fd, tk,a------------------------------------------------------dqy nsunkfj;kadks\"kk\/;{k ds gLrxrlfpo ds gLrxr------------------------------- gLrxruhps nh xbZ lwph ds vuqlkj izfrHkwfr;kadh vksj cdk;k _.k-----------------------------------------------lkeku vkSj Q uhZpjvU; vkfLr;kafofufnZ\"V dh tk,a-------------------------------------------dqy vkfLr;ka144izfrHkwfr;ksa dh lwphfooj.k vafdr ewY; cktkj ewY; ds gLrxrnsf[k, fu;e 10sM ;wfu;u ds iathdj.k dk izek.k&i=blds }kjk izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd------------------------------ ;wfu;u dk ukevkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ds v\/khu 2020 --------------------- ds---------------------------- ds --------------------- fnu dks iathd`r fd;k x;k gSAsM ;wfu;u] gfj;k.kk146nsf[k, fu;e 11sM ;wfu;u dk jftLVj;wfu;u dk ukeeq[;ky; dk irkiathdj.k dh frfFk %o\"kZuke invk;qirkO;olk; indk o\"kZdk;Zdkjh dh lnL;rkds vfrfjDr vU; \/kkfjrin rFkk frfFkvkosnu iz:i ksadh la[;kiathdj.k ds fy, vkosnu djus okys lnL;ksa dh lwphnsf[k, fu;e 33 (1)]31 ekpZ] 20 --------------------------------- dks lekIr gksus okys o\"kZ ds fy,vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 26 ds v\/khu fofgrokf\"kZd fooj.kh;wfu;u dk uke %iathd`r eq[;ky; %iathdj.k izek.k&i= la[;k;wfu;uksa dh QSMjs'ku }kjk Hkjh tkus okyhfooj.kho\"kZ ds izkjEHk esa lgc) ;wfu;uksa dh la[;ko\"kZ ds nkSjku 'kkfey gksus okyh ;wfu;uksa dho\"kZ ds vUr esa vlE c) ;wfu;uksa dh la[;kblfooj.kh dksVsM ;wfu;uksa dh QSMjs'ku}kjk Hkjh tkus dh vko';drk ugha gSAo\"kZ ds izkjEHk esaiqLrdksa esa lnL;ksa dh la[;k Ao\"kZ ds nkSjku dqy feykdj ntZ fd, x,lnL;ksa dh la[;k Ao\"kZ ds nkSjku NksM+us okys lnL;ksa dh la[;k?kVkrs gq,o\"kZ ds vUr esaiqLrdksaesa lnL;ksa dh dqyjktuSfrd fuf\/k esa va'knku djus okys lnL;ksadh la[;k148bl fooj.kh dks izsf\"kr djus ds le; VsM ;wfu;u ds fu;eksa dh ,dv|ru izfr blds lkFkfnukad---------------------- lfpo20------------------------- ds------------------- ds ------------------ fnudksnsunkfj;ksa vkSj vkfLr;ksa ds fooj.knsunkfj;ka :i, iSls vkfLr;ka :i,@iSlslkekU; fuf\/k dhjkf'kjktuSfrd fuf\/k dhjkf'k-------------------------- ls _.k--------------------------------- dks ns; _.kvU; nsunkfj;ka fofufnZ\"V dh-----------------------------------------------dqy nsunkfj;ka ------------------------------udndks\"kk\/;{k ds gLrxrlfpo ds gLrxr--------------- ds gLrxr cSad esauhps nh xbZ lwph dsvuqlkjizfrHkwfr;kau pqdk;kx;k cdk;k va'knku --------------------- dks _.klkeku vkSj QuhZpjvU; vkfLr;ka fofufnZ\"V dh--------------------------------------dqy vkfLr;ka --------------------------------izfrHkwfr;ksa dh lwphfooj.k vafdr ewY; ys[kk rS;kj djus dhfrfFk ds le; cktkjewY;gLrkxrdks\"kk\/;{k149lkekU; fuf\/k ys[kkvk; :i,@iSlsO;; :i,@iSlso\"kZds vkjEHk esa vfr'ks\"kizfr lnL; ds vuqlkj lnL;ksals va'knkui=&if=dkvksa dh fcizfrHkwfr;ksa ij C;ktfofo\/klzksrksa ls vk; dqy----------------------------------------vf\/kdkfj;ksa ds osru] HkLFkkiuk ds osru] Hkks vkSj [kpZys[kk&ijh {kd dh QhlA fof\/kdM fooknksa ds lapkyu esa fd;klnL;ksa dks Hkqxrku fd;k x;kM fooknksa] vfUre laLdkj]o`)koLFkk] chekj h] csjkstxkj hykHkksabR;kfn ls gqbZ gkfuA'kS{kf.kd] lkekftd vkSj \/kkfeZdi=&if=dkvksa ds izdk'ku dhfdjk;k] nj rFkkdjAlafgrk dh \/kkjk 15 ds v\/kh umixr ys[ku lkexzh] fizafVaxvkSj Mkd fVdV [kpZ fofufnZ\"V djs ao\"kZ ds vUr esa vfr'ks\"kdqy--------------------------------------------150jktuSfrd fuf\/k ys[kk:i, iSls :i, iSlso\"kZ ds vkjEHk esavfr'ks\"kizfr lnL; ds vuqlkj lnL;ksals va'knku------------------------------------------------------dqy---------------------------------------------lafgrk dh \/kkjk 15 esa fofufnZ\"Vmn~ns';ksa ds fy, fd;k x;kfofufnZ\"V djsaizcU\/kuksads [kpZAfofufnZ\"V d jsao\"kZ ds vUr esa vfr'ks\"k Adqy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dks\"kk\/;{k151ys[kk&ijh{kd dh ?kks\"k.kkv\/kksgLrk{kjh dks] VsM ;wfu;u ksadh lHkh iqLrdksa vkSj ys[kksa rd igqap gS vkSj fVIif.k;ksa];fn dksbZ gSa ] ds v\/;\/khu blls layXu iwoZxkeh fooj.kksa dh tkap dh xbZ gS vkSj budslghik;s tkus ij fof\/kor izekf.kr vkSj fof\/k dsvuqlkj gksus ij mUgsa lR;kfir fd;k x;k gSys[kk&ijh{kdo\"kZ ds nkSjku fuEufyf[kr vf\/kdkfj;ksa esa ifjorZu fd;k x;k gSAvf\/kdkfj;ksa }kjk in NksM+ukuke in in NksM+us dh frfFkvf\/kdkfj;ksa dh fu;qfDruke vk;q in irk O;olk; fu;qfDr dh frfFknsf[k, fu;e 31fookn ds lEcU\/k esa vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 3522dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vf\/kdj.k ds lEeq[k U;k;fu .kZ;u gsrq izLrqr fd;k tkus okyk------------------------------- ds ekeys esa ;gka {ks= dh vf\/kdkfjrk j[k us okys vf\/kdj.k dk uke of.kZr ds lEeq [kvkosnd dk uke rFkk vk\/kkj la[;k ---------------------------------------------------------------- fojks\/kh i{kdkj dk irk ---------------------- ds ekeys esaAmijksDr of.kZr vkosnd fuEukuqlkj v uqjks\/k djrk gS ;gka ekeys ls lEcfU\/kr rF; rFkkifjfLFkfr;ka of.kZr djsavkosnd izkFkZuk djrk gS fd orZeku fookn dk U;k;fu.kZ;u djus ds fy, rqjUrLohd`r djus dh d`i;k djsa vkSj leqfpr vkns'k ikfjr djus dk vuqjks\/k djrk gSAfnukad % ---------------------- ---------LFkku %------------------------153nsf[k, fu;e 42vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35\/kkjk 34 ds lanHkZ esaizekf.kr LFkkbZ vkns'kksa dk jftLVjvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bkufof'k\"V rFkkla[;kvkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku dkukevkS|ksfxddk izdkjD;kLFkkbZ vkns'k%&vkn'kZ LFkkbZ vkns'kMhEM LFkkbZ vkns'kgS(izekf.kr LFkkbZ vkns'kgSALFkkbZ vkns'kksa dsvaxhdj.k dh frfFkvf\/kizekf.kdj.k dhfrfFk vFkokizek.khdj.k@ vf\/kizek.khdj.k dhdjus dh frfFkfu.kZ; dhfrfFk rFkkizd`frvihy ij fd;kx;k la'kks\/ku ;fndksbZ gksvihy esa gq, le>kSrsdsvuqlkj LFkkbZvkns'k dh izfr dsizs\"k.k dh frfFkdksbZ vU;6 7 8 9 10154iz:i &VIIInsf[k, fu;e 44 fu;ksDrk }kjk izLrkfor ]lsok 'krksZa esa ifjorZu dk uksfVlfu;ksDrk dk uke ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------irk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fnukad------------------------------------------------------ ekl---------------------------- 20 ---------------------------------- -vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 40 dh ds vuqlkj eSa@ge] blds }kjk ]lHkh lEcfU\/krksa dks uksfVl nsrs gS fdesjk@gekjk vk'k; ]bl lafgrk dh r`rh; vuqlwph esa fofufnZ\"V ekeyksa ds lEcU\/k esa deZdkjksadks ykxw lsok dh 'krksZa esa ----------------- ls izHkkoh] vuqcU\/k esa fofufnZ\"V ifjorZu@ifjorZuksa dksizHkkoh djuk gSAgLrk{kj --------------------------inuke---------------------------;gka izHkkfo rvuqca\/kgksus okys ifjorZu@ifjorZuksa dks fufnZ\"V djsafuEufyf[kr dks izfr izsf\"kr dh tkrh gS&1-lEcfU\/kr mi& Je vk;qDrA2-iathd`r VsM ;wfu;u ] dk lfpo ;fn dksbZ gksA155nsf[k, fu;e 45 LoSfPNd eLFkLFke ds fy, djkjfu;ksDrkvksa dk izfrfuf\/kRo djus okys i{kdkjksa dk uke % ---------------------------deZdkj dk izfrfuf\/kRo djus okyk -----------------------------------------------------------blds }kjk] i{kdkjksa ds e\/; --------------------------------- ;gka e\/;LFk; dk uke rFkk irkfofufnZ\"V djsa dks e\/;LFke~ ds fy, fuEufyf[kr fookn dks fufnZ\"V djus ds fy,lgefr gks xbZ gSAfookn ls lEcfU\/kr ekeysa dh rQlhyAfookn esa 'kkfey izfr\"Bku vFkok mie ds uke rFkk irk lfgr ]i{kdkjksa ds C;kSjsAdeZdkj dk uke ;fn ] og Lo;a fookn esa 'kkfey gS vFkok lEcfU\/kr deZdkj vFkokdeZdkjksa dk izfrfuf\/kRo djus okyh ;wfu;u dk uke] ;fn dksbZ gk sAizHkkfor mie esa fu;ksftr deZdkjksa dh dqy la[;k Afookn ls izHkkfor gksus okys vFkok izHkkfor gksus dh lEHkkouk okys deZdkjksa dhvuqekfur la[;kAge vkxs lger gS fd eLFkL;ksa ds cg qer dk fu.kZ;] ge ij ck\/; gksxk vkSj;fn]eLFkLFk viuh jk; esa leku :i ls foHkkftr gksrs gSa] rks os fdlh vU; O;fDrdks vaik;j dh fu;q Drdjsaxs] ftldk iapkV ge ij ck\/;dkjh gksxkAeLFkLFk] jkT; ljdkj }kjk ]jkti= esa ]bl djkj ds izdk'ku dh frfFk ls ---------------------;gka i{kdkjksa dh lgefr ds vuqlkj vof\/k fofufnZ\"V djs dh vof\/k ds Hkhrj vFkok,sls vkxkeh le; ds Hkhrj] tSlk fyf[kr esa ]gekjs e\/; ]ijLij djkj }kjk ck tk,xk vkSj ge u;se\/;LFk ds fy, ckrphr djus ds fy, LorU= gksaxsAfu;ksDrk dk izfrfuf\/kRo djus okys@deZdkj@ deZdkjksa dk izfrfuf\/kRo djus okysi{kdkjksa ds gLrk{kj xokg %&fuEufyf[kr dks izfr izsf\"kr dh tkrh gS %&lqygvf\/kdkjh ;gka ij lEcfU\/kr {ks= ds lqyg vf\/kdkjh ds dk;kZy; dkirk ntZ djslfpo] gfj;k.kk ljdkj] Je foHkkxA157nsf[k, fu;e 47] 69 rFkk 70bl lafgrk ds v\/khu izkf\/kdkjh ds lEeq[k fdlhdk;Zokgh esaizfrfuf\/kRo djus gs rq fdlhdeZdkj] deZdkjksa ds lewg] fu;ksDrk] fu;ksDrkvksa ds lew g }kjk izkf\/kdkj nsukizkf\/kdkjh ds lEeq[k;gka ij lEcfU\/kr izkf\/kdkj h of.kZr dk mYys[k ekeysa------------------------------ dk;Zokgh dk 'kh\"kZd dkmYys[k djsa ------------------------- deZdkj rFkk mldh vk\/kkj la[;k--------------------------------------------------- fu;ksDrkeSa@ge] blds }kjk] mijksDr ekeys esa esjk@gekjk izfrfuf\/kRo djus ds fy,Jh@loZ Jh--------------------------- ;fn izfrfuf\/k ,d ls vf\/kd gSa 1 ------------------- 2--------------- 3-------------dks izkf\/kd`r djrk gwa@djrs gSaA20------------------ ds---------------------------------- fnu dks ------------------------- frfFkizfrfuf\/k dks ukekafdr djus okys O;f Dr ds gLrk{kjirk Lohd`r fd;k tkrk gSA158nsf[k, fu;e 49 (16)]vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ds iz'kkldh; lnL;gsrq in dh 'kiFk dk iz:ieSa]------------------------------ vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k vf\/kdj.k dk uke dks iz'kkldh; lnL;] :iesa fu;qDr fd;k x; k gwavkSj eSa] blds }kjk] lR;fu\"Bk ls izfrKk djrk gwaA bZ'oj dh 'kiFkysrk gwa fd eSa fcukfdlh Hk; vFkok i{kikr] vuqjkx ;k oSeuL; ds esjh loksZke ;ksX;rk] KkuvkSj foosd cqf) ls vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k vf\/kdj.k dk uke ds iz'kkldh; lnL;]:i esa viusdrZO;ksa dk fu\"BkiwoZd vkSj 'kq )vUr%dj.k ls fugZou d:axk vkSj lafo\/kku vkSj ns'k dhfof\/k;ksa dh e;kZnk cuk, j[kwaxkAfnukad %159nsf[k, fu;e 52(1)]lqyg vf\/kdkjh }kjk lqyg ugha djok, x, ekeys e sa vf\/kdj.k ds lEeq[k izLrqr fd;k tkusokyk vkosnu----------------------------------- ;gka {ks= dh vf\/kdkfjrk j[kus okys vf\/kdj.k dk uke of.kZr djsads lEeq[k ------------------------------- ekeysa esairk rFkk vk\/kkj la[;k ---------------- --------------------- vkosnd---------------------------------- fojks\/kh i{kdkj irk-----------------------------------------------------mijksDr of.kZr vkosnd fuEukuqlkj vuqjks\/k djrk gS ;gka ekeys ls lEcfU\/kr rF;rFkkifjfLFkfr;ka of.kZr djsavkosnd izkFkZuk djrk gS fd orZeku fookn dk U;k;fu.kZ;u djus ds fy, rqjUrLohd`r djus dh d`i k djsa vkSj leqfpr vkns'k i kfjr djus dk vuqjks\/k djrk gSa Afnukad % --------------------------------LFkku %----------------------------------------160iz:i &XIIInsf[k, fu;e 53(1)]vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vkosnu lfpo] gfj;k.kk ljdkj] Je foHkkx] p.Mhx<+A Je vk;qDr] gfj;k.kkJh eku th]eSa@ge crkuk pkgrk gwa @pkgrs gSa fd eSa@ge lE;d~ :i ls pqus x, izfrfuf\/k;ksa ----------------------- ds ek\/;e ls --------------------------- eSltZ------------------------------- rFkkmuds deZdkjksa dse\/; fnukad --------------------------- dks gq, le>kSrs dh 'krksZa ds vuqlkj -------------------- }kjk fn,x, iapk V fnukad ------------------------ ds vuqlkj vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ds v\/;k;& IXds micU\/kksa ds v\/khu --------------------------- ds dkj.kls--------------------- 'kCnksa esa :i, dh \/kujkf'k mDr eSltZ ---------------- ----------------- ls izkIr djusdk gdnkj gwa@gSaAeSa@ge vkxs ;g Hkh crkuk pkgrk gwa@pkgrs gSa fd esjs@gekjs }kjk mDr jkf'k]ftldk nks lIrkg dh lekfIr ij Hkh u rks eq>s@gesa izcU\/ku }kjk Hkqxrku fd;k x;kgS vkSj u gh Hkqxrku djus ds fy, is'kdl dh xbZ gS] d s fy, fnukad ------------------ dksiathd`r Mkd }kjk ekax uksfVl ] izcU\/ku dks rk ehy fd;k x;k gSA jkf'k ds C;kSjs bllslayXu fooj.kh esa of.kZr fd, x, gS aAeSa@ge vkils vuqjks\/k djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd mijksDr \/kujkf'k dh vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/klafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk izcU\/ku ls olwy djus dh d`ik djsa vkSj ;Fkk lEHko 'kh?k zrk ds lkFk eq>s@gesa Hkqxrkufd;ktk,A161 ds gLrk{kjirk--------------------------------------LFkku-----------------------------------fnukad-----------------------------------;gka nko s dh ekax dh xbZ jkf'k ds C;kSjs n'kkZ,ansf[k, fu;e 53(1)]vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 59 dh mi& \/kkjk ds v\/khu fdlh deZdkj }kjk izkf\/kd`r fdlh O;fDr }kjkvFkokfdlhe`rd d eZdkj dsleuqnsf'krh vFkok okfjl }kjk vkosnu lfpo] gfj;k.kk ljdkj] Je foHkkx] p.Mhx<+A mi&Je vk;qDr -------------------------- ;gka ij {ks= dk uke n'kkZ,eSa] Jh@Jherh@dqekjh -------------------------- crkuk pkgrk@pkgrh g wJh@Jherh@dqekjh --------------------------------------------- lE;d~ :i ls pqus x, izfrfuf\/k;ksa ------------------------ds ek\/;e ls ------------------------------ eSltZ------------------------- rFkkmuds deZdkjksa ds e\/; fnukad ------------------------------- dks gq, le>kSrs dh 'krksZa ds vuqlkj ------------------------ }kjk fn, x, iapkV fnukad ----------------------------- ds vuqlkj vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsU nzh; vf\/kfu;e 35v\/;k; IXrFkkXds micU\/kksa ds v\/khu ------------------------- ds dkj.k ls-------------------------- :i,'kCnksa esa dh \/kujkf'k mDr eSltZ ------------------------ ls izkIr djus dk @dhgdnkj gw @Fkk@FkhAeSa vkxs ;g Hkh crkuk pkgrk@pkgrh gwa fd esjs }kjk mDr jkf'k] ftldk nks lIrkgdh lekfIr ij Hkh u rks eq>s izcU\/ku }kjk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gS vkSj u gh Hkqxrku djus dhis'kdl dh xbZ gS] ds fy, fnukad ------------------- dks iathd`r Mkd }kjk ekax uksfVl izcU\/k u dkrkehy fd;k x;k gSA jkf'k ds C;kSjs blls lyaXu fooj.kh esa of.kZr fd, x, gSaAeSa vkils vuqjks\/k djrk@djrh gwa fd mijksDr \/kujkf'k dh vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk]2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/ khu izcU\/ku lsolwy djus dh d`ik djsa vkSj eq>s ;Fkk lEHko 'kh?kzrk ls Hkqxrku fd;k tk,A163eSa] ;g vkosnu djus gsrq vkSj mijksDr cdk;k jkf'k ds Hkqxrku dks izkIr djus gsrqfyf[kr esa ---------------------------------------- ;gka deZdkj dk uke n'kkZ,a dks lE;d~ :i ls izkf\/kd`rdjrk gwa@djrh gwaAeSa] e`rd deZdkj dk leuqnsf'krh@okfjl gwa vkSj mijksDr cdk;k jkf'k ds Hkqxrku dksizkIr djus dk gdnkj gwaALFkku %-------------------------------fnukad % ---------------------------irk %-------------------------------------izkf\/kd`r O;fDr@leuqnsf'krh@okfjl ds gLrk{kj;gka ij nkokd`r jkf'k ds C;kSjs n'kkZ,ansf[k, fu;e 53(2)]vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vkosnudsUnzh; ljdkj vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k] ---------------------------------- ds lEeq[k--------------- rFkk--------------- dse\/; fu;ksDrk dk uke %;kfpdkdrkZ] -------------------- eSltZ-------------------------------------- dk deZdkj gSA --------------------------------v\/kksgLrk{kjh ;kfpdkdrkZ deZdkj] blls layXu fooj.kh esa of.kZr \/kujkf'k@ykHk mDreSltZ----------------------- ls izkIr djus dk@ds gdnkj gwa@gSaA;gizkFkZuk dh tkrh gS fd vf\/kdj.k ;kfpdkdrkZ dh cdk;k jkf'k@jkf 'k;ksa dkfu\/kkZj.k djus dh d`i k djsaA ds gLrk{kj vFkok vaxwB sdk fu'kku%--------------------------------------LFkku % ---------------------------------------fnukad %------------------------------------;gka ij mudh Lohdk;Zrk gsrq ekeys ds lkFk&lkFk cdk;k \/kujkf'k vkSj izksn~Hkwr ykHkksa ds C;kSjsof.kZr djsansf[k, fu;e 53(2)]vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35dh \/kkjk 59 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu fdlh ,sls O;fDr }kjk vkosnu] tks fdlh e`rd deZdkj dk leuqnsf'krh vFkokdsUnzh; ljdkj vkS|ksfxd vf\/kdj.k ------------------- ds lEeq[k------------rFkk---------------vkosnd@vkosndksa dk uke %fu;ksDrk dk uke %eSa@ge e`rd deZdkj dk@ds leuqnsf'krh@okfjl gaq@gSa vkSj mldh vks j ls vkosnudjus dk gdnkj gqa@gS aAJh---------------------rRdkyhu deZdkj] eSltZ ------------------------ blls layXu fooj.kh esa of.kZr\/kujkf'k@ ykHk mijksDr eSltZ ------------------------ls izkIr djus ds fy, gdnkj gSA;g izkFkZuk dh tkrh gS fd vf\/kdj.k e `rddeZdkj dh cdk;k jkf'k@jkf 'k;ksa dkfu\/kkZj.k djus dh d`i k djsAleuqnsf'krh@okfjl ds gLrk{kj;gka ij mudh Lohdk;Zrk gsrq ekeys ds lkFk cdk;k \/kujkf'k vFkok izksn~Hkwr ykHkksa dsC;kSjsHkhof.kZr djsansf[k, fu;e 54(1)];wfu;u dk uke @deZdkjksa ds leqg }kjk gM+rky dk uksfVldeZdkjksa ds ikapfuokZfprizfrfuf\/k;ksa ds uke-------------------fnukad----------------------------------------------------------- fu;ksDrk dk ukevkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35dh \/kkjk 62dh mi&\/kkjk esa fn, x, micU\/kksa ds vuqlkj] eSa@ge] blds }kjk] vkidks uksfVl nsrkgwa@nsrs gSa fd eSavuqcU\/k esa of.kZr dkj.kksa ls gM+rky cqykus dk izLrko djrk gw@ge fnukad------------------------------- lsgM+rky ij tkus dk izLrko djrk gwvkidk vkHkkjh]lfpo ;wfu;ufnukad------------------ dks vk;ksf tr cSBd esa lE;d :i ls fuokZfpr deZdkjksa ds ikapizfrfuf\/k vkSj izLrko layXu gSA,d izfr fuEufyf[kr ekeys dh fooj.khdks izsf\"kr dh tkrh gS&1-Je vk;qDr] gfj;k.kkA2-lEcfU\/kr {ks= ds mi&Je vk;qDrA3-lEcfU\/kr {ks= ds lgk;d Je vk;qDrA167iz:i&XVIIInsf[k, fu;e 55(2)]fdlhvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ds fu;ksDr k}kjkfn;k tkus okyk rkyk cUnh dk uksfVlfu;ksDrk dk uke ---------------------------------------------------------------------------irk--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Je igpku la[;k -------------------------------------------------------------------------fnukad-------------------------------------bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 62 dh mi&\/kkjk ds micU\/kksa ds vuqlk j] eSa@ge] blds }kjk]lHkh lEcf \/krksa dks uksfVl nsrk gwa@nsrs gaS fd esjk@gekjk bjknk ]vuqcU\/k esa of.kZr dkj.kksa lsfnukad ----------------------------- ls esjs@gekjs izfr\"Bku ds ----------------------- foHkkx foHkk xksarkyk&cUnh djuk izHkkoh gSAgLrk{kj------------------------------inuke--------------------------------1- dkj.kksa ds fooj.k,d izfr fuEufyf[kr dks izsf\"kr dh tkrh gS&1-Je vk;qDr] gfj;k.kk2-lqygvf\/kdkjh ------------------ ;gka ij l EcfU\/kr {ks= ds lgk;d Je vk;qDr@ mi Jevk;qDr ds dk;kZy; dk irk ntZ djsa3-lfpo] iathd`r ;wfu;u] ;fn dksbZ gksA168[nsf[k, fu;e 56 rFkk 58 ]vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ds v\/;k; IXrFkk bldsv\/khu cuk, x, fu;eksa ds micU\/kksa ds v\/khu ]fu;ksDrk }kjk ]jkT; ljdkj dksNVauh@cUndjus dh lwpuk dk uksfVlvkWuykbu izLrqr fd;k tk,A vkikrdky esa] isij ij uhps fofgr Qke ZsV esvkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku@mie@fu;ksDrk dk uke ----------------------Jeigpku la[;k ----------------------------------------------------------------------------fnukad % -----------------------------uksV % leqfpr ljdkj dks ]cUn djus@N Vuhdjusdh lwpuk] lkB fnu iwoZ vkSj Vuh ds izkjEHk gksusls rhl fnu iwoZ nh tk,xh1-lfpo] gfj;k.kk ljdkj] Je foHkkx] p.Mhx<+ bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 70 ds v\/khu] eSa@ge] blds }kjk] vkidks lwfprdjrk gwa@djrs gSa fd esjs@gekjs }kjk fnukad ---------------- ls dqy---------------------- deZdkjk esa ls---------------- deZdkjksa dh N Vuhdjusdk fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gSA bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 74 dh mi \/kkjk ds v\/khu] eSa@ge] blds }kjk]vkidks lwfpr djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd esjs@gekjs }kjk fnukad ----------------- ls--------------------vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku vFkok mi dks cUn djus dk fu.kZ;] fy;k x;k gSAdeZdkjksa dh la[;k] ftudh lsok,a mie ds cUn gksus ds dkj.k lekIr dj nhtk,xh]-------------------------- deZdkjksa dh la[;kVuh@cUn djus dk dkj.k --------------------------- gSaA1693-lEcfU\/kr deZdkj dks bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 70 ds [k.M *@\/kkjk 75 dh mi**ds v\/khu ;Fkk vko'; d fyf[kr esa ,d ekl dk uksfVl fnukad ------------------dks ns fn;k x;kFkk@x,FksA4-eSa@ge] blds }kjk] ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd lEcfU\/kr deZdkj dks uksfVldh vof\/k dh lekfIr ls iwoZ vFkok dh lekfIr ij bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 70 *@ \/kkjk75*ds v\/khu mUgsa cdk;k eqvkotk lfgr muds lHkh cdk;ksa dk Hkqxrku dj fn;kx;k gS@tk,xkAeSa@ge] blds }kjk] dfFkr djrk gwa@djrs g aSfdmDr vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku@mie@fu;ksDrk ds lEcU\/k esa orZeku esa fnokfy;kiu dh dk;Zokfg;ka pkywgSa] vkSj fd eSa@ge lEcfU\/kr fof\/k;ksa ds v\/khu cdk;k eqvkotk lfgr lHkh cdk;ksa dkHkqxrku d:xk@djsaxsaA eSa@ge] blds }kjk] ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd lEcfU\/kr deZdkjVuh bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 71 rFkk \/kkjk 72 dh vuqikyuk esa dh xbZ gS@ dhtk,xhA6-eSa@ge] blds }kjk ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gS afd bl ekeys esa fdlh flfoyU;k;ky; ds le{k dksbZ dksVZ dsl yfEcr ugha gS( vkSj ;fn gk] rks mlds C;kSjs layXudj fn;s x, gSa A7-eSa@ge] blds }kjk ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd bl uksfVl esa esjs@gekjs }kjk nhxbZ mijksDr lwpuk vkSj vuqcU\/k lR; gS] eSa@ge bldh lR;rk ds fy,vdsyk@vdsys mkjnk;h gwa@g aS vkSj bl ekeys esa dksbZ Hkh rF;@lkexzh NqikbZ ughavkidk vkHkkjhfu;ksDrk@izkf\/kd`r izfrfuf\/k ds gLrk{kj rFkk eksgj*tks ykxw ugha gS] dkV nsa**la[;k]vadksa rFkk 'kCnksa ]nksuksa esa n'kkZ,a***fu;ksDrk }kjk tkjh izkf\/kdkj dh izfr layXu dh tk,xhAizfr fuEufyf[kr dks izsf\"kr dh tkrh gS%& Je vk;qDr] gfj;k.kk lEcfU\/kr {ks= dk mi Je vk;qDr lEcfU\/kr {ks= dk lgk;d Je vk;qDr izfr\"Bkuksa@mieksa esa dk;Zjr iathd`r ;wfu;uksa@deZ dkjksa ds izkf\/kd`r izfrfuf\/k A171nsf[k, fu;e 59] 61 rFkk 63vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ds v\/;k; XvkSj bldsv\/khu cuk, x, fu;eksa ds micU\/kks ads v\/khu ]fdlh fu;ksDrk@vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku@mi}kjk]jkT; ljdkj dks ]vLFkkbZ N Vuh dh fujUrjrk@NVuh@cUn djus dh vuqKk dsfy, fn;k tkus okyk vkosnuvkWuykbu izLrqr djs aA vkikrdky esa isij ij uhps fofgr QkeZsV esa vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku vFkok mie vFkok fu;ksDrk dk uke ------------------Je igpku la[;k------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fnukad % ------------------------------uksV % jkT; ljdkj dks ]vkosnu]uhps n'kkZ, vuqlkj fd;k tk,xk % vLFkkbZ N Vuh % vLFkkbZVuh ds bjkns ls de ls de iUnzg fnu iwoZ %Vuh dh fujUrjrk & iwoZdhvLFkkbZ N Vuh dh lekfIr ls de ls de iUnzg fnu iwoZVuh ds bjkns dh frfFk ls de ls de lkB fnu iwoZcUn% cUn ds bjkns dh frfFk ls de ls de uCcs fnu iwoZlfpo] gfj;k.kk ljdkj] Je foHkkx] p.Mhx<+AvLFkkbZ N vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k] lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35\/kkjk 78 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu] eSa@ge] blds }kjk] esjs@gekjs izfr\"Bku esa fu;ksftrdqy------------------- deZdkjksa esa ls -------------------- deZdkjksa dh fnukad ------------------- ls vLFkkbZ N gsrq vuqKk ds fy, vkosnu djrk gwa@djrs g aS C;kSjsvuqcU\/k& Iesa fn, tk us gSfujUrj vLFkkbZ N vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 20202020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;edh \/kkjk 78 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/ khu] eaS@ge] blds }kjk] esjs@gekjs izfr\"Bku esafu;ksftr dqy ------------deZdkjksa esa ls ----------------- deZdkjksa dh fnukad --------------------- ls fujUrj vLFkkbZVuh djus gsrq vuqKk ds fy, vkosnu djrk gwa@djrs gSa C;kSjsvuqcU\/k& Iesa fn, tk us gS vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 79 dh ds v\/khu] eSa@ge blds }kjk] gekjs izfr\"Bku esa fu;ksftr dqy --------------- deZdkjksa esals------------deZdkjksa dh fnukad ---------------------- ls NVuhdjus gsrq vuqKk ds fy, vkosnu djrkgwa@djrs gSa C;kSjs vuqcU\/k& Iesa fn, tk us g vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 81 ds v\/khu] eSa@ge] blds }kjk] vkidks lwpuk nsrk g w@nsrs gSa fd eSa@ge fnukad ----------------- ls mie ------------------- vkS|ksfxd izfr\"Bku ;k mie ;k fu;ksDrk dk ukedjus dk bjknk j[krk gwa@j[krs gSa C;kSjs vuqcU\/k& Iesa fn, tk us g deZdkjksa dh la[;k]ftudh lsok,a mie ds cUn djus ds dkj.k ls lekIr dh tkuh gS a]------------------ gS deZdkjksa dhvLFkkbZ N Vuh@fujUrj vLFkkbZ N lEcfU\/kr deZdkj dks bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 78 dh@\/kkjk 78 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu ;Fkk vko';d fyf[kr esa uksfVl fnukad ----------------dksfn;k x;k Fkk@fn, x, F ksA lEcfU\/kr deZdkj dks fnukad ------------------------ dks bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk79@\/kkjk 80 ds v\/khu ;Fkk vko';d fyf[kr esa ,d ekl dk uksfVl fn;k x;k Fkk@fn, x,NVauh@cUn djuk lEcfU\/kr deZdkj dks fnukad --------------- dks bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk79*@\/kkjk 80 *ds v\/khu ;Fkk vko';d uksfVl ds cnys esa ,d ekl ds osru dk Hkqxrkufd;k x;k gSA2-izHkkfor deZdkj dk C;kS jk vuqcU\/k& IIesa gSA eSa@ge] blds }kjk] ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd lEcfU\/kr deZdkjksaVuhbl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 71 rFkk \/kkjk 72 dh vuqikyuk esa dh tk,xhA4-eSa@ge] blds }kjk] ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd lEcfU\/kr deZdkj dks uksfVlvof\/k ls iwoZ vFkok dh lekfIr ij bl lafgrk dh \/kkjk 78 dh mi&\/kkjk 79@\/kkjk 80 ds lkFk i fBr \/kkjk 67 ds v\/khu muds lHkhcdk;ksa vkSj cdk;keqvkotk dk Hkqxrku dj fn;k x;k gS @dj fn;k tk,xkAeSa@ge] blds }kjk] dfFkr djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd mDr vkS|ksfxdizfr\"Bku@mie@fu;ksDrk ds lEcU\/k esa orZeku esa fnokfy;kiu dh dk;Zokfg;kgS] vkSj eSa@ge lEcfU\/kr fof\/k;ksa ds v\/khu muds cdk;k eqvkotk lfgr lHkh cdk;ksadk Hkqxrku d:axk@djsaxsA5-eSa@ge] blds }kjk] ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd fdlh Hkh ekeys esa fdlh flfoyU;k;ky; ds lEeq[k dksbZ dks VZ dsl yfEcr ugha gS] vkSj ;fn gka ] rks mlds C;ksjslayXudj fn;s x, gSA6-eSa@ge] blds }kjk] ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gS fd esjs@gekjs }kjk uksfVl esa nh xbZlwpukvkSj vuqcU\/k lR; gS] eSa@ge bldh lR;rk dsfy, vdsyk@vdsys m@gaS vkSj ekeys esa dksbZ rF;@lkexzh NqikbZ ugha xbZ gSAd`I;k ekaxh xbZ vuqKk iznku djsavkidk vkHkkjhfu;ksDrk@izkf\/kd`r izfrfuf\/k ds gLrk{kj rFkk eksgj*tks ykxw ugha gks] dkV nsa**la[;k]vadksa rFkk 'kCnks ]a nksuksaesan'kkZ,a***fu;ksDrk }kj ktkjh izkf\/kdkj dh izfr layXu dh tk,xh vuqcU\/k& Id`i;k izR;sd en ds lkeus tokc nsos1- lEiw.kZ Mkd irk] bZ&esy] eksckbZy vkSj ySaM ykbu uEcje dh fLFkfr &D;k jkT; lkoZtfud {ks= bR;kfn gSD;k dksbZ izkbosV fyfeVsM dEiuh@Hkkxhnkjh QeZe vuqKfIr izkIr gS@iathd`r gS vkSj;fn ,slk gS] rks vuqKkiu izkf\/kdkjh@iathdj.kizkf\/kdkjh dk uke vkSj vuqKfIr@iathdj.kizek.k&i= la[;kA ,e-lh-,-uEcj th-,l-Vh-,u-uEcjiwoZxkeh rhu o\"kZ ds en okbZt okf\"kZd mRiknuiwoZxkeh ckjg ekl ds ekl&okbZt mRiknu ds5- rqyu&i=] ykHk vkSj gkfu ys[ks lfgrizfr\"Bku@mivfUrerhuo\"kZdh ys[kk&ijh{kk fjiksVZ A6- mlh izcU\/ku ds v\/khu dEifu;ka vFkok ijLijla;ksftr dEifu;ksa ds uke1767- vfUre rhu o\"kksZsaesa fjlksZfVM vLFkkbZ NaVuh@NaVuh dsC;kSjs rFkk ,slh vLFkkbZ NaVuh@NaVuh dh vof\/k@izR;sd,slh vLFkkbZ NVuh@fujUrj vLFkkbZ N'kkfey deZdkjksa dh la[;kA8- dksbZ vU; lEcfU\/kr C;kSjs ] tks vLFkkbZ NVuh@vLFkkbZNaVuhdhfujUrjrk@ NVuh@cUn ls lEcfU\/kr gSAvuqcU\/k& IIizHkkfor deZdkjksa ds C;kSjsla[;k;w,,u@,QvksdeZdkjdq'ky@vdq'kyfrfFk] ftlls mDrizfr\"Bku@mie @fu;ksDrkesa@ds ikl lsok esa gSAvkosnuetnwjhfVIif.k;ka[nsf[k, fu;e 66\/kkjk 89 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vijk\/k ds iz'keu gsrq ]fu;ksDrk] ftlus bl lafgrk dsv\/khu izFke ckj vijk\/k fd;k g S] dks uksfVl AvkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh\/kkjk 89 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu v\/kksgLrk{kjh vkSj iz'keu vf\/kdkjh] blds }kjk ]lwfpr djrs gSa fd ]uhps fn,x,C;kSjksa ds vuqlkj bl lafgrk ds fofHkUu micU\/kksa dh mYya?kuk esa vkids fo:) vijk\/kdjus dk vkjksi yxk;k x;k gS%&1-mYy?kauk djus okys fu;ksDrk dk uke rFkk irk -------------------------------------------2-izfr\"Bku dk irk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-vijk\/kdsC;kSjs-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------4-lafgrk dh \/kkjk ]ftlds v\/kh uvijk\/k fd;k x;k gS ----------------5-vijk\/k ds iz'keu ds fy, Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh iz'keu jkf'k -------------vkidks] bl uksfVl ds Hkkx& IIIesa lE;d~ :i ls Hkjs x, vkosnu lfgr] vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/klafgrk] 20202020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 89 dh mi&\/kkjk ds vuqlkjvijk\/k ds iz'keu gsrq bl uksfVl ds tkjh gksus dh frfFk ls iUnzg fnu ds Hkhrj ]mijksDrof.kZr jkf'k tek djokus dh lykg nh tkrh gSA;fn]vki fofufnZ\"V le; ds Hkhrj mijksDr jkf'k tek djokus esa vlQy jgrs gSa ] rksvkxsdksbZ Hkh volj ugha fn;k tk,xk vkSj bl \/kkjk ds v\/khu vfHk;kstu nk;j djus ds fy,vko';d funsZ'k tkjh dj fn;s tk;saxsA178iz'keu vf\/kdkjh dss gLrk{kjHkkx & III\/kkjk 89 dh mi&\/kkjk ds v\/khu vijk\/k ds iz'keu ds fy, vkosnu1-vkosnd dk uke fu;ksDrk dk uke of.kZr fd;k tk,] ftlus vkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk]2020 dk dsUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 ds v\/khu vijk\/k fd;k gSA -----------------2-vkosnd dk irk ----------------------------------------------- -----3-vijk\/k ds C;kSjs ------------------------------------------------------4-lafgrk dh \/kkjk] ftlds v\/khu vijk\/k fd;k x;k gS ------------------------5-tek djokbZ xbZ iz'keu jkf'k ds C;kSjs k Wfud sAvkS|ksfxd lEcU\/k lafgrk] 2020 2020 dk d sUnzh; vf\/kfu;e 35 dh \/kkjk 91 ds v\/khu okafNrf'kdk;r vkSj blds micU\/kksa dh izfr;ka blds lkFk izLrqr gSaAfnukad--------------------- 20---------------------f'kdk;rdrkZ ds gLrk{kj180eSa]lR;fu\"Bk ls ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa fd mijksDr iSjk esa tks dfFkr fd;k x;k gS --------------- esjske Kku ls lR; gS vkSj fd mijksDr dfFkr iSjk ------------------- esatks dfFkr fd;k x;k g SogdFku esjs }kjk izkIr lwpuk vkSj fo'okl ls lR; gS aA ;g lR;kiu esjs }kjk --------------------ekl] 20 ----------------ds----------------- fnu dks gLrk{kfjr fd;k x;k gSAlR;kiu djus oky s O;fDr dsgLrk{kj vFkok vaxwBs dk fu'kkuMkW0 jktk ls[kj oqUnzw] Hkk0izk0ls0vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo] gfj;k.kk ljdkj","Summary":"The Draft Industrial Relations (Haryana) Rules, 2021 lay down the criteria for the constitution of the Works Committee wherein measures for preserving good relations between the workers and the employers are encouraged. Further, the criteria for appointing members to the Grievance Redressal Committee are also laid down in the 2021 Rules. The Committee in any industrial establishment employing 20 or more workers, is supposed to have equal numbers of members representing both the workers and the employer. The Rules further lay down the criteria reading the appointments of the members of the Committee and the way grievance redressal application are to be filed. The Draft Rules also deal with matters of registration, verification, certification, and change in the names, or any other alterations related to the Trade Unions. The rules have a provision for the amalgamation of two trade unions by sending a notice to the Registrar. The rules also talk of the objects on which the general funds and the political funds may be spent by a trade union. The rules, in addition to specifying the format of filing returns, also provide for carrying out an annual audit of the trade union. The audit is to be carried out by an authorised auditor if the membership of the trade union during that particular financial year exceeds 2500 members and provisions have also been made for audit in cases where the membership was less than 2500. All orders to the Trade Union or any union or representative body of the workers shall be sent electronically. Any employer intending to effect any change in the conditions of service applicable to any worker shall give notice electronically to such worker likely to get affected by such order. The notice of strike shall be given to the employer shall be duly signed by the Secretary of the Trade Union or by five elected representatives of the workers giving the notice. A copy of such notice shall be sent electronically or by post to the concerned conciliation officer. The rules require the employer to send retrenchment applications to employees along with displaying them on a notice board at the entrance to the industrial establishment. An employer intending to close an industrial establishment shall submit an application and its copy at least ninety days before the intended date of closure to the State Government and representatives of the workers respectively. Every registered Trade Union is required to submit details of such officers to the employer before the 30th of April of every year, who in its opinion should be recognized as \u201cprotected workers\u201d. The rules mention the manner of holding an enquiry by the Enquiry Officer. The rules require employers to submit details of strikes, lockout, layoff, retrenchment and closure statistics to the State Government as well as to the Office of Director General, Labour Bureau. Lastly, these rules repeal the Industrial Disputes (Punjab) Rules, 1958, the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Rules, 1978 and the Punjab Trade Union Regulations, 192."},"166":{"Title":"The Social Security (Bihar) Rules 2021","Text":" \/g5470-40 [\/glyph417 \/u0939\/glyph400\/glyph400 \/glyph147\/glyph400\/u09661\/glyph55 \/glyph400\/glyph82 1\/glyph7042 \/glyph53\/glyph55\/glyph59 \/glyph417\/glyph55 \/glyph400 13\/glyph68 ) \/glyph400\/glyph61 \/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Je lalk\/ku foHkkx vf\/klwpukvf\/klwpukvf\/klwpukvf\/klwpuk 2626 2626 Qjojh 2021Qjojh 2021Qjojh 2021Qjojh 2021 82] fnukad 1 ekkpZ 2021 fuEufyf[kr izk:Ik fu;e] ftUgsa jkT; ljdkj lkekU; [k .M vf\/kfu;e] 1897 dh \/kkjk 24 ds lkFk ifBr lkekftd lqj {kk lafgrk] 2020 dh \/kkjk 154 vkSj 156 eas iznk 'k fDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, rFkk 1- fcgkj ekr`Ro izlwfo\/kk fu;ekoyh] 1964 2- fcgkj miknku Hkqxrku Hkqxrku fu;ekoyh] 1972 3- fcgkj Hkou vkSj vU; lUufuekZ.k deZdkj jkstxkj vkSj lsok dh 'krksaZ dk fofu;eu fu;ekoyh] 2005] 4- fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk fu;ekoyh] 2 015 ftUgsa jkT;iky }kjk ekr`Ro ykHk vf\/kfu;e] 1961] mik nku Hkqxrku vf\/kfu;e] 1972] Hkou vkSj vU; fuekZ.k jkstxkj vkSj lsok dh 'krksaZ dk fofu;eu v kSj 1996 esa vlaxfBr lkekftd lqj{kk vf\/kfu;e }kjk ;ksx djds cuk;k x;k Fkk] dks \/kkjk 154 dh mi\/kk jk 1 ,oa \/kkjk 156 dh mi\/kkjk 1 dh vis{kkuqlkj lHkh lacaf\/krksa ds lwpukFkZ izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS ,oa ;g izdk'ku bl ds laca\/k esa vkifk ,oa lq>ko dks vkeaf=r djus ds fufe fu;ekoyh ds laca\/k esa lHkh vkifk;ka vkSj lq>ko la;q ;k bZesy lcbihar@bihar.gov.in ij lacksf\/kr nks izfr;ksa esa Hksts tkus pkfg,A vf\/ klwpuk ds dk'ku dh rkjh[k ls bDdhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj vkSj lq>koksa ij fopkj fd;k tk,xkA 1- y?kq 'kh\"kZd] vkosnu vkSj bu fu;eksa dks lkekftd lqj{kk fu;ekoyh 2021 dgk tk ldrk gS budk foLrkj iwjs fcgkj jkT; rd gSA ;g lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds ykxw gksus d h frfFk ls izo`r gksxkA 2 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 2- ifjHkk\"kk, bu fu;eksa esa] tc rd fd fo\"k; ;k lanHkZ vU;Fk k dh vko';drk u gks] & ^^,tsalh^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fdlh Hkh fuxe] fudk; ;k laLFkku ls gS] ftls dsa ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr laln ;k dsah; lkoZtfud {ks= ds mie ;k fo'ks\"k ;k stu okgu ds vf\/kfu;e ds rgr LFkkfir fd;k x;k gSA ^^vihyh; kf\/kdkjh^^ ls vfHkizsr gS jkT; ljdkj ;k \/kkjk 56 ds mi&\/kkjk ds rgr jkT; ljdkj }kjk fufnZ\"V kf\/kdj.k ;k lafgrk ds \/kkjk 105 ds ;kstuksa ds fy, ewY;kadu vf\/kdkjh ds in ij ofj\"B] jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu;q] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks ^^ewY;kadu vf\/kdkjh^^ ls vfHkizsr gS jkT; ljdkj dk jktif=r vf\/kdkjh ;k L Fkkuh; kf\/kdkjh dk dksbZ vf\/kdkjh tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk jktif=r vf\/kdkjh ds lerqY; in j[krk gS] tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk lafgrk ds rgr midj ds ewY;kadu ds fy, fu;q fd ;k tkrk gS dksM ds v\/;k; IV ds rgr ^^,d etnwjh vof\/k ds nkSjku vkSlr nSfud etnwjh^^ ls vfHkizsr gS& le;&nj ds vk\/kkj ij dk;Zjr deZpkjh ds laca\/k esa ] etnwjh dh jkf'k tks mlds fy, ns; gksxhA iw.kZ etnwjh dh vof\/k mUgksaus ml osru vof\/k esa lHkh dk;Z fnolksa ij dke fd;k Fkk] ftls 26 ls foHkkftr fd;k x;k Fkk ;fn og ekfld jsVsM gS] 13 ;fn og ikf{kd jsVsM gS] 6 ;fn og lkIrkfgd jsVsM gS vkSj 1 ;fn og nSfud jsVsM gS; fdlh vU; vk\/kkj ij dk;Zjr deZpkjh ds laca\/k esa] va'knku dh vof\/k esa iw.kZ osru vof\/k ds nkSjku vftZr etnwjh dh jkf'k dks iw.kZ ;k ml fgLls esa foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gS] ftlds fy, mlus ml osru vof\/k esa etnwjh ds fy, dke fd;k g S% c'krsZ fd fdlh deZpkjh dks ,slh etnwjh vof\/k ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh fnu dke fd, fc uk etnwjh feyrh gS] rks mls 26] 13] 6 ;k 1 fnu ;k fnu ds fy, dke djus ds fy, ekuk t k,xk ;fn etnwjh dh vof\/k ,d eghus] ,d i[kokM+s] ,d lIrkg ;k ,d fnu gks e'k% fnuA Li\"Vhdj.k & tgka dksbZ Hkh ukbV f'kV vk\/kh jkr ls igys tkjh j grh gS] vk\/kh jkr ds ckn dh ukbV f'kV dh vof\/k dks ml fnu dh x.k uk ds fy, fxuk tk,xk] tks igys ds fnu ds fgLls ds :i esa dke djrk Fkk( ^^ykHk dh vof\/k^^ ls vfHkizsr gS ;ksxnku vof\/k ds vuq:i yxkrkj Ng eg hus ls vf\/kd dh vof\/k] tSlk fd fofu;eksa esa fufnZ\"V fd;k tk ldrk gS( ^^dSfj;j dsa^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fd jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr dSfj;j dsa ^^midj dysDVj^^ ls vfHkizsr gS lafgrk ds rgr midj laxzg ds fy, jkT ; ljdkj }kjk fu;q,d vf\/kdkjh( ^^pkVZMZ bathfu;j^^ ls vfHkizsr gS ,d O;f ftlds ikl bathfu;fjax dh fM xzh vkSj baLVhVbathfu;lZ bafM;k dh diksZjsV lnL;rk gS( ^^dksM^^ ls vfHkizsr gS lkekftd lqj{kk ij dksM] 2020 2020 dk 36fud :i ls^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fd dksM ds ms'; ds fy, fdlh Hkh ek sM esa bZesy }kjk ;k fdlh Hkh eksM esa fufnZ\"V iksVZy ;k fMftVy Hkqxrku ij viyksM fd, x, fdlh Hkh tkudkjh ;k lapkj dk eryc gS( ;ksa dks ckgj j[kk x;k^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fd os fjf;ka ftUgsa \/kkjk 140 ds m i&oxksaZ ko\/kkuksa ds vuqlkj \/kkjk 139 ds nk;js ls c kgj j[kk x;k gS( eZ^^ ls vfHkizsr gS bu fu;eksa ls tqM+k ,d :i gS( ^^QaM^^ ls vfHkizsr gS deZpkjh jkT; chek dks\"k] deZpkjh Hk fo\"; fuf\/k] deZpkjh isa'ku dks\"k] deZpkjh tek&fyaDM chek dks\"k ;k lkekftd lqj{kk dks\"k] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks( ^^ljdkjh frHkwfr^^ ls vfHkizsr gS ljdkjh frHkwfr;ksa ds :i esa ljdkj h frHkwfr vf\/kfu;e] 2006 2016 dk 38 esa ifjHkkf\"kr( ^^vpy laifk^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fd esa Hkwfe 'kkfey gS] Hkwfe ls mR iUu gksus okys ykHk] i`Foh ls tqM+h phtsa ;k LFkk;h :i ls i`Foh ls tqM+h fdlh Hkh pht d s fy, miokl( ^^py laifk^^ ls vfHkizsr gS vpy laifk dks NksM+dj gj fooj.k dh laif ^^uksMy vf\/kdkjh^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fd Hkou vkSj vU; lfUuekZ.k deZdkj d Y;k.k cksMZ ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk ukfer O;f] tks iathdj.k] uohdj.k vkSj v iMs'ku dks bysDVfud ;k vU;Fkk futh {ks=] jkT; esa dke djus okys Hkou fuekZ.k Jfedksa d s fdlh vU; dk;Z dh lqfo\/kk nku djrk gSA vkSj jkT; ljdkjksa ;k LFkkuh; kf\/kdj.k dh ljd kj] dsa ljdkj vkSj lkoZtfud {ks= ds eA uksMy vf\/kdkjh mi;q ljdkj }kjk ukfer ykHkkFk hZ iathdj.k vf\/kdkfj;ksa ds dk;ksaZ dh ns[kjs[k vkSj fuxjkuh Hkh djsxk( ^^ukekadu^^ ls vfHkizsr gS dksM dh \/kkjk 55 ds rgr fd;k x;k uk ekadu( 3 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 ^^efgyk deZpkfj;ksa dk jftLVj^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fu;e 27 ds rgr cuk, x, efgyk deZpkfj;ksa dk jftLVj gS( ^^vuqlwph^^ ls vfHkizsr gS lafgrk dh vuqlwph( ^^vuqHkkx^^ ls vfHkizsr gS lafgrk dk ,d [kaM( ^^Je lqfo\/kk iksVZy^^ ls vfHkizsr gS Je vkSj jkstxkj ea=ky; dk iksVZy gS ^^fufnZ\"V^^ ls vfHkizsr gS dsa ljdkj ;k fdlh jkT; ljdkj ;k fd lh Hkh vf\/kdkjh }kjk bl rjg dh ljdkj }kjk vf\/kr vkns'k( ^^ekud ykHk nj^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fd mu fnuksa dh dqy la[;k }kjk ;ksx nku vof\/k ds nkSjku Hkqxrku dh xbZ dqy etnwjh dks foHkkftr djds kIr vkSlr nSfu d etnwjh] ftlds fy, bu etnwjh dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k Fkk( ^^o\"kZ^^ ls vfHkizsr gS fokh; o\"kZ gksxk] tks vSy ds igys ls 'kq: gksrk gS vkSj vxys o\"kZ ds rhl ekpZ rd lekIr gksrk gSA bu fu;eksa esa 'kCn vkSj Hkko tks fd ifjHk kf\"kr ugha gSa] ysfdu dksM esa ifjHkkf\"kr gSa] muds lacaf\/kr vFkZ dksM esa mUgsa lkSais tk,axsA lkekftd lqj{kk laxBu fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ 3- \/kkjk 6 dh mi&\/kkjk ,oa mi&\/kkjk ds vUr xZr cksMZ ds lnL;ksa ds ukekadu dk rjhdk] muds dk;Zdky dh vof\/k vkSj lsok dh vU; 'krksaZ ds r gr jkT; vlaxfBr dkexkj cksMZ }kjk 'kf;ksa vkSj dk;ksaZ ds ca\/ku] muds dk;ksaZ ds fuoZgu esa viukbZ tkus okyh ;k] vkSj mi&\/kkjk rgr cksMZ ds lnL;ksa ds chp fjf;ksa dks Hkjus dk r jhdk] O;olk; ds ysu&nsu ls lacaf\/kr le;] LFkku vkSj fu;e vlaxfBr dkexkj ds fy, jkT; lke kftd lqj{kk cksMZ dh mi\/kkjk bldh cSBdsa A& fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ dk xB u \/kkjk 6 dh mi\/kkjk vf\/klwpuk }kjk xfBr cksMZ fcgkj vlaxfBr etnwj lkekf td lqj{kk cksMZ dgk tk,xk ^ ,d insu lnL; ds vykok vU; lnL;] vius ukekadu dh rkjh[k ls rhu o\"kZ ls vf\/kd dh vof\/k ds fy, in \/kkj.k djsxkA ,d lnL; iqu% ukekadu ds fy, ik= gksxk% c'krsZ fd dksbZ lnL; dqy nks dk;Zdky ls vf\/kd le; rd in ij ugha jgsxkA jkT; ljdkj vlaxfBr {ks= ds vlaxfBr {ks= ds Jfedk sa vkSj fu;kskvksa ds la?kksa ds frfuf\/k;ksa ds chp] fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj vlaxfBr dkexkjksa ds fy, lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ] mi&[kaMksa dh Js.kh esa \/kkjk 6 ds mi&\/kkjk dks bl rjg ls ukekadu ys ldrh gS] tSlk fd ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr gSA c'krsZ fd ukekafdr de ls de nks lnL; dksM ds rgr i athr vlaxfBr lf; dk;ZdrkZ gksaA jkT; ljdkj Je dY;k.k] k] dkuwu vkSj d s iz'kklu {ks= esa frf\"Br O;f;ksa ds chp \/kkjk 6 ds mi&[kaM ds mi[kaM ds rgr ikap O;f;ksa dks ukfer djsxhA fu;e 3 ds mi&fu;e ds rgr ukfer lkr O;f;ksa esa ls] vuqlwfpr tkfr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr] vYila[;dksa vkSj efgykvksa e sa ls de ls de ,d lnL; dk frfuf\/kRo fd;k tk,xkA jkT; ljdkj \/kkjk 6 ds mi&\/kkjk ds mi[kaM ds mi[kaM ds rgr jkT; fo\/kku lHkk frfuf\/kRo djus okys nks lnL;ksa ds ukekadu dh e kax djsxhA jkT; ljdkj] vlaxfBr {ks= ds dY;k.k ls lacaf\/kr e keyksa ls lacaf\/kr] jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa ds ds mi[kaM ds rgr nl l nL;ksa dks ukfer djsxhA \/kkjk 6 dh mi&\/kkjk ds mi[kaM ds mi&\/kkjk ds rgr ukfer lnL;] cksMZ dk lnL; ugha jg tk;sxk] ;fn og ml Js.kh dk f rfuf\/kRo ugha dj jgk gks] ftlds fy, ftlls og ukfer fd;k x;k FkkA \/kkjk 6 dh mi&\/kkjk ds mi[kaM ds mi&[k aM ds rgr ukfer ,d lnL; cksMZ dk lnL; ugha jgsxk] ;fn og jkT; fo\/kku lHkk dk fuokZfp r lnL; ugha jg tkrk gSA fdlh O;f dks cksMZ ds lnL; ds :i esa ugha pquk tk,xk] ;k tkjh jgsxk] ;fn ,slk O;fdh \/kkjk s ds fdlh dks vkdf\"kZ r djrk gSA 4 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ ds lnL ; lfpo ds :Ik esa Je lalk\/ku foHkkx ds ,d vf\/kdkjh gksaxs tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk la;q ls vU;qu iafDr ds gksaxs] vf\/klwfpr fd;k tk,xkA fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ ds dk ;ksaZ dh 'kf;ksa dk iz;ksx vkSj dk;ksZ dk n'kZu A& cksMZ] \/kkjk 6 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr] blds dk; ksaZ dks lkSais tkus ds fy, cksMZ] ,slh lfefr dks fufnZ\"V djus ds fy, fof'k\"V eqs ij fopkj&foe'kZ dj us vkSj vuq'kalk djus ds fy, ,d lfefr dk xBu djukA ,slh lfefr cksMZ ds ckgj ;k ckgj ds lnL;k sa dks lg&fodYi ns ldrh gS tSlk fd ekeyk gks ldrk gS] fo'ks\"kKksa ds {ks= ls] f tl ij lfefr dks fopkj&foe'kZ djuk vko';d cksMZ dk iquxZBu A& jkT; ljdkj fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk c ksMZ ds iquxZBu dh ;k 'kq: djsxh] tks cksMZ ds dk;Zdky dh lekfIr ds Ng eghus igys gks xhA ;fn cksMZ dk dk;Zdky iwjk gksus ds ckn u, cksMZ dk iqu% xBu ugha fd;k tkrk gS] rks cksMZ dh dk;Z fu\"iknu vkSj dk;Z ds fy, ,slh O;oLFkk dh tk ld rh gS] tSlk fd jkT; ljdkj }kjk ,d vf\/klwpuk ds ek\/;e ls u, cksMZ ds xBu rd r; fd;k tk ldrk gSA bl rjg dh O;oLFkk ds ifj.kkeLo:i] lHkh dk;Zokfg; ksa ij mlh rjg dk Hkko iM+sxk tSls fd cksMZ }kjk Lo;a fd;k x;k gSA R;kxi= A& cksMZ dk lnL;] insu lnL; ds vykok] jkT; ljdkj dk s lacksf\/kr i= esa bLrhQk ns ldrk gSA ,sls lnL; dh lhV ml rkjh[k ls fj gks tk,xh ftl fnu mudk bLrhQk Lohdkj dj fy;k tkrk gS ;k bLrhQs dh lwpuk kIr gksus dh rkjh[k ls rhl fnuksa dh lekfIr ij] tks Hkh igys gksA fdlh lnL; ds bLrhQs dks Lohdkj djus dh 'kf jkT; ljdkj esa fufgr gksxhA irs dk ifjorZu A& ;fn dksbZ lnL; viuk irk cnyrk gS] rks og vius u, i rs dks cksMZ ds lnL; lfpo dks lwfpr djsxk] tks vkf\/kdkfjd fjdMZ esa viu k u;k irk ntZ djsxk% c'krsZ fd dksbZ lnL; vius u, i rs dks lwfpr djus esa foQy jgrk gS rks lHkh ms';ksa ds fy , vkf\/kdkfjd fjdMZ esa irs dks lnL; dk lgh irk eku k tk,xkA ;ksa dks Hkjus dk ca\/k A& tc cksMZ dh lnL;rk esa dksbZ fjf vkrh gS ;k gksus dh laHkkouk gS] rc cksMZ ds lnL; lfpo jkT; ljdkj dks ,d fjiksVZ Lr qr djsaxs vkSj ,slh fjiksVZ kIr gksus ij] jkT; ljd kj] vf\/klwpuk ds vuqlkj] mi;qZ fu;e 3 ds mi&fu;eksa ds rgr fu\/kkZfjr rjhds ls fjf dks Hkjus ds fy, f dlh dks ukekafdr djsxh] vkSj blds fy, ukekafdr O;f ml lnL; ds in ds 'ks\"k vof\/k ds fy, in \/kkj.k djs xk] ftlds LFkku ij og ukekafdr gSA fdlh lnL; dks gVkus dh dk;Zokgh dh yafcr jgus ds nkSjku] ;fn dksbZ gks] rks \/kkjk 8 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr] lnL; dks gVkus ds fy, fcgkj vlaxfBr dk exkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ] ,sls lnL; cksMZ dh cSBd ls nwj jgsaxsA lafgrk dh \/kkjk 8 ds rgr fdlh Hkh lnL; ds oafpr djus] v;ksX;rk vkSj gVkus ij jkT; ljdkj dk fu.kZ; vafre gksxkA cSBdA& cksMZ ,sls LFkkuksa ij vkSj ,sls le; ij cSBd djs xk tks v\/;{k }kjk fu\/kkZfjr fd;k tk ldrk gSA cksMZ pkj eghus esa ,d ckj cSBd djsxkA rkRdkfydrk ds fdlh Hkh ekeys ds ckjs esa ppkZ ds fo\"k;&oLrq vkSj rkRdkfydrk ds dkj.kksa ds ckjs esa lnL;ksa dks vfxze esa lwfpr djus ds ckn v\/ ;{k }kjk fo'ks\"k cSBdsa cqyk;h tk ldrh gSA rkRdkfyd cSBd ds fdlh Hkh ekeys ds fy, lapyu ;k vU; eksM }kjk vk;ksftr fd;k tk v\/;{k cksMZ dh R;sd cSBd dh v\/;{krk djsxk ftles a og ekStwn gS vkSj mldh vuqifLFkfr esa cksMZ dh cSBd dh v\/;{krk mik\/;{k }kjk dh tk,xhA cSBd vkSj dk;Z dh lwph dh lwpuk A& Lrkfor cSBd ds laca\/k esa lkekU;r% cksMZ ds lnL ;ksa dks iag fnuksa dk uksfVl fn;k tk,xk% v\/;{k] ;fn larq\"V gS fd ,slk djuk lehphu gS] Nks Vh vof\/k dh lwpuk ns ldrk gSA 5 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 cksMZ dh cSBd ds fy, dk;Z dh lwph dks NksM+dj cS Bd esa dksbZ Hkh dk;Z v\/;{k dh vuqefr ds fcuk ugha fd;k tk,xkA cksMZ dh fdlh Hkh cSBd esa dksbZ Hkh dk;Z rc rd ugha fd;k tk,xk tc rd fd ml cSBd esa de ls de nl lnL; mifLFkr u gksa% c'krsZ fd vxj ,d cSBd esa] nl ls de lnL; mifLFkr gksa] rks v\/;{k cSBd dks fdlh vU; frfFk rd LFkfxr djus dh lwpuk mifLFkr lnL;ksa d ks nsxk ldrk gS vkSj mifLFkr lnL;ksa dks lwfpr djsxk vkSj og LFkfxr cSBd esa dk;Z ds fui Vku dk Lrko j[ksxk] pkgs og fu\/kkZfjr gks kZ gks ;k ugha] vkSj cSBd esa Hkkx ysus okys lnL;ksa dh la[;k ds ckotwn dk;Z fuiVku oS\/k v\/;{k cksMZ dh cSBd esa Hkkx ysus ls] insu lnL;k sa ds vykok] fdlh Hkh lnL; dks oafpr dj ldrk gS ;fn% & og v\/;{k dh fyf[kr tkudkjh vkSj v\/;{k dh lgefr ds fcuk cksMZ dh yxkrkj rhu cSBdksa ls Lo;a dks vuqifLFkr djrk gS] ;k jkT; ljdkj dh f\"V esa] ,sls lnL; us ml Js.kh dk frfuf\/kRo djuk can dj fn;k gS ftleas og cksMZ esa izfrfuf\/kRo djus ds fy, fu\/kkZf jr FkkA dk;ksZ dk fuiVku A& fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ dh cSB d esa fopkj fd, tkus okys dk fu.kZ; lacaf\/kr fudk; ds lnL;ksa ds oksVksa ds c gqer ls gksxkA erksa dh lekurk dh fLFkfr esa v\/;{k ,d vfrfj fu.kkZ;d oksV nsxk% v\/;{k] ;fn og mfpr le>s] rks ;g funsZ'k ns ldrk gS fd dksbZ 'u fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ ds lnL;ksa dks vko';d dkxtkr d s pyu ls vkSj fyf[kr :i esa mudh kIr djus ds }kjk fu\/kkZfjr fd;k tk,xkA bl rjg ds fdlh Hkh 'u dh vuqefr le;&lhek ds Hkhrj kIr lnL;ksa ds cgqer dh jk; ds v uqlkj r; dh tk,xh vkSj ;fn jk; leku :i ls foHkkftr gSa] rks v\/;{k dh jk; cy gksxh % c'krsZ fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ d k dksbZ Hkh lnL; vuqjks\/k dj ldrk gS fd fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ dh ,d cSBd esa fyf[kr jk; ds fy, lacaf\/kr fudk; ds lnL;ksa dks lanfHkZr 'u] fopkfjr fd;k tk;] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] ;fn vuqjks\/k lacaf\/kr fudk; ds de ls de rhu ls de lnL;k sa }kjk fd;k tkrk gS] rks viukbZ tkus ;k dks funsZf'kr djsxkA xSj&ljdkjh lnL;ksa dks Hkks A& xSj ljdkjh lnL; jkT; ljdkj ds lewg ^^,^^ vf\/kdkfj; ksa ds fy, Lohdk;Z nj ij ;k=k Hkkk vkSj nSfud Hkkk ds gdnkj gksaxsA fcgkj Hkou ,oa vU; lUufuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksMZ 4- \/kkjk 7 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr] v\/;{k vkSj fcfYM ax odZlZ osyQs;j cksMZ ds vU; lnL;ksa ds osru vkSj vU; Hkks vkSj bl rjg ds lnL;ksa ds vkdfL ed fjf;ksa dks Hkjus ds rjhds ds fy, ns; osru vkSj vU; Hkks] 'krsaZ vkSj fu;qf dh 'krsaZ vkSj \/ kkjk 7 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr lfpo vkS j vU; vf\/kdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa dks ns; osru vkSj Hk cksMZ dh lajpuk A& fcgkj Hkou ,oa vU; lUufuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksM Z dh ps;jilZu Je lalk\/ku foHkkx ds ojh; inkf\/kdkjh lfpo ds in ls uhps dh vf\/kdkjh ugha gksaxsA jkT; ljdkj ,d vf\/klwpuk ds ek\/;e fcgkj Hkou ,oa vU; lUufuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksMZ esa g lnL;ksa dks ukfer djsxhA izR;sd Js.kh ls de ls de ,d efgyk lnL; gksxhA jkT; ljdkj ds foHkkxksa ds frfuf\/k la;q lfpo d s in ls uhps ds vf\/kdkjh ugha gksaxs vkSj blesa 'kkfey gksaxs A& k foHkkx] [k- lekt dY;k.k foHkkx x- f'k{kk foHkkx ?k- Je lalk\/ku foHkkx ds ljdkj i{k ds ,d lnL; vkSj M- Je lalk\/ku foHkkx ds Je i{k ds ,d lnL; Hkou fuekZ.k Jfedksa ds ikfrfuf\/k gksaxsA 6 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 c'krsZ fd Hkou fuekZ.k Jfedksa ds de ls de rhu frfuf\/k fuekZ.k Jfedksa ds cksMZ esa iath; Jfed gksa vkSj de ls de efgyk dkexkj gksaA fuekZ.k Jfedksa ds fu;kskvksa ds ikap frfuf\/k gksaxs] fuEufyf[kr esa ls R;sd ls ,d( & d- 'kgjh fodkl ,ao vkokl foHkkx( [k- Hkou fuekZ.k foHkkx( x- iFk fuekZ.k foHkkx( ?k- fcYMlZ ,lksfl,'ku( r Bsdsnkj( cksMZ dk dk;Zdky vkSj iquxZBu A& fcgkj Hkou ,oa vU; lUufuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksMZ dh vof\/k blds xBu dh frfFk ls rhu o\"kZ dh gksaxhA jkT; ljdkj fcgkj Hkou vkSj vU; lfUuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksMZ ds iquxZBu dh cksMZ ds dk;Zdky dh lekfIr ds Ng eghus igys 'kq: dj sxh( ;fn cksMZ dk dk;Zdky iwjk gksus ds ckn u, cksMZ dk iqu% xBu ugha fd;k tkrk gS] rks cksMZ dh dk;Z fu\"iknu vkSj dk;Z ds fy, ,slh O;oLFkk dh tk ld rh gS] tSlk fd jkT; ljdkj }kjk ,d vf\/klwpuk ds ek\/;e l u, cksMZ ds xBu rd r; fd;k tk ldrk gSA bl rjg dh O;oLFkk ds v\/khu gksus ij] lHkh dkjZok b;ksa ij mlh rjg dk Hkko iM+sxk tSls fd os cksMZ }kjk Lo;a fd;k x;k gSA ,d lnL; insu lnL; ds vykok ,d lnL;] vius ukekadu dh frfFk ls rhu o\"kZ ls vf\/kd dh vof\/k ds fy, in \/kkj.k djsxkA ,d lnL; iqu% ukekadu ds fy, ik= gksxk% c'krsZ fd dksbZ lnL; dqy nks ckj ls vf\/kd ds fy, in \/kkj.k ugha djsxkA xSj&ljdkjh lnL;ksa dks jkT; ljdkj }kjk cksMZ ls g Vk fn;k tk,xk ;fn os ml oxZ dk frfuf\/kRo ugha djrs gSa ftlds fy, mUgsa ukekafdr f d;k x;k Fkk ;k ;fn ,slk O;f lafgrk dh \/kkjk 8 ds fdlh ls izHkkfor gk srk gSA ;ksa dks Hkjus dk rjhdk A& tc cksMZ dh lnL;rk esa fdlh dkj.k ;k fjf gksrh gS ;k fjDr gksus dh laHkkouk gksrh] rks cksMZ ds lfpo jkT; ljdkj dks ,d fjiksVZ Lrqr djsaxs tks fjf dks Hkjus ds fy, dne mBk,xhA ml O;f dh Js.kh ds chp ls] tks lnL;rk NksM +us okyk gS vkSj og O;f ftls ukekafdr fd;k x;k gS] og ml lnL; ds in ds 'ks\"k vof\/k ds fy, in \/kkj.k djsxk ] ftlds LFkku ij og fu;q cSBd A& fcgkj Hkou vkSj vU; lfUuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksM Z ,sls LFkkuksa ij vkSj ,sls le; esa cSBd djsaxs] tSlk fd v\/;{k }kjk r; fd;k tk,xkA cksMZ pkj eghus esa ,d ckj cSBd djsxkA rkRdkfydrk ds fdlh Hkh ekeys ds ckjs esa ppkZ ds fo\"k;&oLrq vkSj rkRdkfydrk ds dkj.kksa ds ckjs esa lnL;ksa dks vfxze esa lwfpr djus ds ckn v\/ ;{k }kjk fo'ks\"k cSBdsa cqyk;h tk ldrh gSA rkRdkfydrk ds fdlh Hkh ekeys ds fy, cSBds lapkyu vFkok vU; eksM ls vk;ksftr fd;k tk v\/;{k cksMZ dh R;sd cSBd dh v\/;{krk djsxk ftles a og mifLFkr gS vkSj mldh vuqifLFkfr esa] cksMZ dh cSBd dh v\/;{krk mldh vksj ls v\/;{k }kjk uk fer fdlh Hkh lnL; }kjk dh tk,xhA fcgkj Hkou vkSj vU; lfUuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksM Z dh fdlh Hkh cSBd esa dksbZ Hkh dk;Z rc rd ugha fd;k tk,xk] tc rd fd ml cSBd esa de ls de Ng l nL; mifLFkr u gksa% ;fn fdlh cSBd esa] mifLFkfr x.kiwfkZ ls de gS] rks v\/;{k cSBd dks fdlh vU; frfFk rd LFkfxr djus dh lwpuk mifLFkr lnL;ksa dks nsxk ldrk gS vkSj mifLFkr lnL;ksa dks lwfpr djsxk vkSj og LFkfxr cSBd esa dk;Z ds fuiVku dk Lrko j[k sxk] pkgs og fu\/kkZfjr gks x.kiwfkZ gks ;k ugha] vkSj cSBd esa Hkkx ysus okys lnL;ksa dh la[;k ds ckotwn dk;Z fuiVku oS\/k gksxkA v\/;{k cksMZ dh cSBd esa Hkkx ysus ls] insu lnL;k sa ds vykok] fdlh Hkh lnL; dks oafpr dj ldrk gS ;fn %& og v\/;{k dh fyf[kr tkudkjh vkSj v\/;{k dh lgefr ds fcuk cksMZ dh yxkrkj rhu cSBdksa ls ls vuqifLFkr jgrk gS] ;k 7 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 jkT; ljdkj ds fopkj esa] ,sls lnL; us ml Js.k h dk frfuf\/kRo ugh dj jgk gS] ftls og fu;e 4 ds mi&fu;e ds vuqlkj cksMZ esa izfrfuf\/kRo djus ds fy, fu\/kkZfjr FkkA dk;Z dk fuiVku A& fcgkj Hkou vkSj vU; lfUuekZ.k dkexkj dY;k.k cksM Z dh cSBd esa fopkj fd, tkus okys 'u dk fu.kZ; lacaf\/kr fudk; ds lnL;ksa ds erksa ds cgqer ls gksxkA erksa dh lekurk dh fLFkfr esa v\/;{k ,d vfrfj fu.kkZ;d oksV nsxk% v\/;{k ;fn og mfpr le>rk gS] fd dksbZ Hkh 'u cks MZ ds lnL;ksa dks vko';d dkxtkr ds pyu ls vkSj fyf[kr :i esa mudh jk; kIr djus ds }k jk r; fd;k tk,xkA bl rjg ds 'u dh vuqefr le;&lhek ds Hkhrj kIr lnL;k sa ds cgqer dh jk; ds vuqlkj r; dh tk,xh vkSj ;fn jk; leku :i ls foHkkftr gSa] rks v\/;{k dh jk; cy gksxh% c'krsZ fd cksMZ dk dksbZ Hkh lnL; vuqjks\/k dj ldrk gS fd lacaf\/kr fudk; ds lnL;ksa dks lanfHkZr 'u] tSlk Hkh gks] fyf[kr jk; ds fy, cksMZ dh cSBd esa fopkj fd;k tk, vkSj v\/;{k ls lacaf\/kr fudk; ds de ls de rhu lnL;ksa }kjk viukbZ tkus okyh izf; k funsf'kr djsxkA v\/;{k vkSj xSj& vkf\/kdkfjd lnL;ksa dks osru vkS j Hk xSj ljdkjh lnL; jkT; ljdkj ds lewg ^^,^^ vf\/kdkf j;ksa ds fy, Lohdk;Z nj ij ;k=k HkvkSj nSfud Hkkk ds gdnkj gksaxsA ;fn vko';d gks rks cksMZ ds v\/;{k dks osru vkSj Hkks] jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwpuk }kjk r; fd, tk,axsA cksMZ ds lfpo vkSj vU; vf\/kdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkf j;ksa dh fu;qf] osru vkSj Hkks dh 'krsaZA& cksMZ jkT; ljdkj dh iwoZ Lohfr ds lkFk Je lalk\/ ku foHkkx ds la;q ds vU;qu iafDr ds ,d vf\/kdkjh dks cksMZ ds lfpo dks fu;q dj sxk] cksMZ jkT; ljdkj dh iwoZ Lohfr ds lkFk cksMZ ds dk;ksaZ ds fuiVku ds fy, lfpo] vU; inkf\/kdkfj;ksa vkSj vU; deZpkfj;ksa dks fu;q cksMZ ds lfpo] vU; vf\/kdkjh vkSj deZpk fj;ksa dks vf\/klwpuk }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu\/kkZfjr rjhds ls fu;q fd;k tk,xk vkSj mUgsa jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu\/kkZfjr osru vkSj HkHkqxrku fd;k tk,xkA \/kkjk 7 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr lkekftd lqj{kk ; kstuk, vkSj dY;k.kdkjh mik; %& cksMZ jkT; ljdkj dh iwoZ Lohfr ds lkFk \/kkjk 7 dh mi\/kkjk fu\/kkZfjr lkekftd lqj{kk ;kstuk vkSj dY;k.kdkjh mik ;ksa dks vf\/klwfpr djsaxsA cksMZ lkekftd lqj{kk ;kstukvksa vkSj dY;k.kdkjh mik;ksa dks rS;kj djsxk ftlesa ik=rk lhek] fofHkUu ykHkksa dk fooj.k] vkosnu i=] ;k] ykHk d s vuqeksnu ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh dk fu\/kkZj.k vkSj Hkqxrku ds rjhds vkSj vU; vkdfLed ek eyksa dk Li\"V :i ls mYys[k fd;k v\/;k; III deZpkjh chek U;k;ky; ;k vkSj le; ftlds Hkhrj chfer O;f ;k fuxe } kjk \/kkjk 37 dh \/kkjk 37 ds v\/khu ba';ksjsal dksVZ ;k baIykbt dksVZ esa nwljh v ihy nk;j dh tk ldrh gS A& chfer O;f ;k fuxe esfMdy cksMZ ;k fuxe ds esf Mdy vihy fVC;wuy ds fu.kZ; dh frfFk ds uCcs fnuksa ds Hkhrj ,d vkosnu Lrqr djds deZpkjh c hek U;k;ky; esa vihy dj ldrk gS] tSlk fd ekeyk gks ldrk gS% o'kksZ deZpkjh chek U;k ;ky; uCcs fnuksa dh vof\/k ds ckn ,d vkosnu dk fopkfjr dj ldrk gS] vxj ;g larq\"V gks fd vihydrkZ ds ikl m vof\/k ds Hkhrj vkosnu Lrqr ugha djus ds fy, i;kZIr dkj.k Fk sA deZpkjh chek U;k;ky; esa vkosnu izi= I esa gksaxs 6- \/kkjk 50 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr deZpkjh chek U;k ;ky; }kjk dh tkus okyh ;k vkSj \/kkjk 50 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr fu;e vkSj deZpkjh chek U; k;ky; ds le{k dk;Zokgh 'kq: djus dk rjhdk] \/kkjk 51 dk mi\/kkjk ds rgr Qhl vkSj \/kkjk 48 ds ;kstu ds fy,] jkT; ljdkj] vf\/klwpuk }kjk] ,sls LFkkuh; {ks= ds fy, ,d deZpkjh chek U;k;ky; dk xBu djsxh tks vf\/klwpuk esa fufnZ\"V fd;k tk ldrk gSA 8 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 deZpkjh chek U;k;ky; esa vkosnu ds fy, \/kkjk 49 ds rgr ,d vkosnu i= II esa rhu fr;ksa esa Lrqr fd;k tk,xk vkSj blesa fuEufyf[kr fooj.k 'kkfey gksaxs% & U;k;ky; dk uke ftlesa vkosnu yk;k tkrk gSA vkosnd vkSj foijhr i{k dh vk;q] O;olk; vkSj i w.kZ Mkd irs lfgr iwjk uke fooj.kA tgka vkosnd ;k foijhr i{k ,d ukckfyx ;k fod`r fp gS] ml vk'k; dk ,d c;ku vkSj mlds ;k mlds vfHkHkkod dk vxyk uke] vk ;q] O;olk; vkSj iw.kZ Mkd irk] ifjtu] ;k viuh vksj ls dkjZokbZ djus ds fy , vf\/kr fd;k x;k vU; dkjZokbZ ds dkj.k vkSj ;g mRiUu gksus dh rkjh [kA og rF; tks ;g crk lds fd ;g U;k;ky; dk {ks=kf \/kdkj gSA vkosnd ftl jkgr dk nkok djrk gSA R;sd vkosnu dks mlh rjg ls lR;kfir fd;k tkuk pk fg, tSls fd flfoy dksVZ esa ,d nyhy lR;kfir fd;k tkrk gSA lHkh nLrkost] ftl ij vkosnu vk\/kkfjr gS ;k vkosn d }kjk okafNr gS] dks ,d lVhd lwph ds lkFk vkosnu djus ds fy, laYXk fd;k tk,xk lHkh vkosnu U;k;ky; }kjk cuk, j[kus ds fy, i=& III esa ,d iath esa ntZ fd, tk,axsA deZpkjh chek U;k;ky; dh dk;Zokgh A& U;k;ky; esa R;sd vkosnu dks 3 o\"kksaZ ds Hkhrj yk;k tk,xk] ftl ij dkjZokbZ dk dkj.k mRiUu gqvk ;k tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] nkok ns; gks tkrk gS( tgka fdlh Hkh Lrj ij ;g U;k;ky; dks rhr gksrk gS fd vkosnu dks fdlh vU; U;k;ky; esa Lrqr fd;k tkuk pkfg,] ;k fdlh vU; U;k;ky; }kjk fop kfjr fd;k tkuk pkfg,] rks igys mYys[k fd;s x;s U;k;ky; vkosnu ;k ekeys dh Qkby U;k ;ky; dks Hkstus ds fy, vf\/kd`r gksxkA blds lkFk vkosnd vkSj foijhr i{k dks rnuqlkj lwfpr djsxk vkSj U;k;ky; dks ftl Qkby ds fy, vkosnu gLrkarfjr fd;k tkrk gS og dk;Zokgh tkjh j[ksxk tSls fd fiNyh dk;Zokgh ;k mlds fdlh Hkh fgLls dks blls igys fy;k x;k FkkA U;k;ky; ikfVZ;ksa ds lEeu] leu dh lsok] lquokbZ dh ksa ds fooj.k] c;ku vkSj lk{; ds mRiknu] fjdfMaZx lk{; dh fof\/k] xokg dh ftjg vkSj tkap ls lacaf\/kr vU; ekeys esa ukxfjd ;k lafgrk ds fu;eksa dk ikyu djsxkA 'kqYd vkSj ykxr A& dksM dh \/kkjk 49 esa fufnZ\"V fdlh Hkh ekeys ds l aca\/k esa ,d vkosnu ij ns; 'kqYd 100@& # fdlh Hkh vU; ekeyksa ds laca\/k esa ns; 'kqYd vkS j ykxr le;≤ ij bl rjg ds dkuwu }kjk fu\/kkZfjr gksaxsA bl fu;e esa mfYyf[kr lHkh 'kqYd vkSj ykxr U;k;ky ; 'kqYd fVdVksa ds ek\/;e ls ,d= fd, v\/;k; IV 7- cSad ;k vU; fokh; laLFkku ftlesa \/kkjk 53 dh mi &\/kkjk ds rgr rhljs ijUrqd ds rgr ukckfyx ds ykHk ds fy, miknku dk fuos'k fd;k tk,xk A& 1- ukekafdr O;f ;k okfjl ds ekeys esa] tks ukckfyx gS] l{ke kf\/kdkjh Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad ;k fdl h vU; jk\"Vr cSad ds lkFk lkof\/k tek esa ,sls uk ckfyx ds ykHk ds fy, mlds ikl tek dh xbZ miknku jkf'k dk fuo s'k djsxkA Li\"Vhdj.k & ^^jk\"Vr cSad^^ dk vFkZ gS cSafdax daifu;ksa dh igyh vuqlwph esa fufnZ\"V ,d u;k cSad eksa dk vf\/kxzg.k vkSj gLrkarj.k vf\/kfu;e] 197 0 ;k cSafdax daifu;ksa dh igyh vuqlwph esa fufnZ\"V ,d u;k cSad eksa dk vf\/kxzg.k vkSj gLrkarj.k v f\/kfu;e] 1980 1980 dk 40 \/kkjk 55 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr ,d deZpkjh }kjk uke kadu dk QeZ vkSj rjhds vkSj le;] mi&\/kkjk ds rgr u, ukekadu djus dk le;] mi &\/kkjk ds rgr ukekadu ds la'kks\/ku dk :i vkSj rjhdk vkSj \/kkjk 55 dh mi& \/kkjk ds rgr u, ukekadu ds ,d ukekadu QeZ& IV esa gksxk vkSj deZpkjh }kjk ;k rks O;fxr :Ik ls m fpr jlhn ysus ds ckn ;k iathr Mkd }kjk ;k bysDVfud :i fu;kDrk dks nks izfr;ksa esa tek fd;k tk,xk] 9 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 ,d ,sls deZpkjh ds ekeys esa] tks bu fu;eksa ds kjaHk gksus dh rkjh[k ij ,d o\"kZ ;k mlls vf\/kd ds fy, igys ls gh fu;ksftr gS] ijarq lef iZr ugha fd;k gS lkekU;r% bl frfFk ds uCcs fnuks ds vUrxZr ,oa ,d deZpkjh ds ekeys esa] tks bu fu;eksa ds ykxw gksus dh frfFk ds ckn lsok dk ,d o\"kZ iwjk djrk gS] tks lkekU;r;k] lsok ds ,d o\"kZ i wjk gksus ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj gksrk gS% c'krsZ fd i=& IV esa ukekadu fufnZ\"V vof\/k ds ckn fu;ksk }kjk Lohd kj fd;k tk,xk] ;fn nk;j fd;k x;k gS vkSj dksbZ ukekadu dsoy blfy, vekU; gksxk D;ksafd ;g fufnZ\"V vof\/k ds ckn nk;j ugha fd;k x;k FkkA mi&fu;e eZ& IV esa ukekadu kIr gksus ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj] fu; ksdeZpkjh ds lsok fooj.k kIr gksaxs] tSlk fd ukekadu izi= esa mYys[k fd;k x;k gS ,oa vfHkys[kksa ds lanHkZ esa LFkkiuk vkSj deZpkjh ds f ooj.kh ls lR;kfir gksxk] mlds ckn ,d kIr djus ds ckn] QeZ& IV esa ukekadu dh nks izfr fu;ksk ;k mlds }kjk vf\/kdkjh }kjk fof\/kor :i ls lR;kfir dh tkrh gS] fu; ksk }kjk ukekadu dh fjdVksdu ds :i esa ukekadu dh vU; fr ntZ dh tk,xhA ,d deZpkjh ftlds ikl ukekadu djus ds le; dksbZ ifjokj ugha gS] ifjokj gksus ds 90 fnuksa ds vUnj mi&fu;e esa ,d u;k ukekadu] tSlk fd \/kkjk 55 dh mi&\/kkjk 4 ds rgr vko';d gS fu;kseZ V esa MqfIydsV vkSj mlds ckn mi&fu;e ko\/kku E;wVsfVl E;wVsafMl dks ykxw djsaxs tSls fd bls mi&fu;e ds rgr cuk;k x;k ,d ukekadu ds la'kks\/ku dh lwpuk] mu ekeyksa l fgr tgka ,d ufeuh ,d deZpkjh dks iwoZfu\/kkZfjr djrk gS] mls mi&fu;e esa fufnZ\"V rjhds ls fu;kseZ& VI esa MqfIydsV esa Lrqr fd;k tk,xk] vkSj mlds ckn mi ds ko\/kku &mifu;e ds izko\/kku esa E;wVsfVl E;wVsafMl ykxw djsxkA ,d ukekadu ;k ,d u;k ukekadu ;k ukekadu ds la' kks\/ku dh ,d lwpuk] deZpkjh }kjk gLrk{kfjr ;k] ;fn fuj{kj gS] rks viuk vaxwBk dk fu' kku nsxk vkSj deZpkjh }kjk fud :i ls ;k iathr Mkd ikorh }kjk Lrqr fd; k tk,xkA ,d ukekadu] u, ukekadu ;k ukekadu ds la'kks\/ku dh lwpuk fu;kskfIr dh rkjh[k Hkkoh gksxhA 8- \/kkjk 56 dh mi\/kkjk 5 ds [k.M ch ds vUrxZr le; f tlds Hkhrj vkSj ftl :i esa ,d fyf[kr vkosnu fd;k tk,xk ,oa l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks vkosnu dk QkeZ izi=A& miknku ds fy, vkosnu A& ,d deZpkjh tks dksM ds rgr miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, ik= gS] ;k dksbZ Hkh O;f] tks fyf[kr :i fu;ksDrk dks QkeZ VII esa vf\/kr gS] viuh vksj ls dkjZokbZ djus ds fy,] lkekU;r% miknku Hkqxrs; gksus ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj ykxw djsxkA c'krsZ fd fdlh deZpkjh dh lsokfuo`fk ;k lsokfuo`f k dh rkjh[k Kkr gks] deZpkjh lsokfuo`fk dh rkjh[k ls rhl fnu igys fu;ksk dks v kosnu dj ldrk gS% c'krsZ vkSj fd fu;r vof\/k ds jkstxkj ij ,d deZpkjh miknku ds fy, ik= gksxk] ;fn og ,d o\"kZ dh vof\/k ds fy, vuqca\/k ds rgr lsok nku djrk gS vkSj mls mlds }kjk dh xbZ lsok ds iw.kZ o\"kZ ds fy, ;k mlds Ng eghus ls vf\/kd le; ds fy, etnwjh dh nj ds vk\/kkj ij iag fnuksa dh etnwjh dh nj ls Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xkA ,d deZpkjh dk ukfer tks \/kkjk 53 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr nwljs ijUrqd ds rgr miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, ik= gS] tks fd] miknku Hkqxrs; gksus dh frfFk ls rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj] fu;kseZ& VII esa vkosnu djsxk% c'krsZ fd lacaf\/kr fooj.k ds lkFk lkns dkxt esa ,d vkosnu Hkh Lohdkj fd;k tk,xkA fu;ks,sls vU; fooj.k kIr dj ldrk gS tks mlds }kjk vko'; d le>k tk ldrk gSA ,d deZpkjh dk oS\/k mkjkf\/kdkjh] tks \/kkjk 53 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr nwljs ijUrqd ds rgr miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, ik= gS] tks fd] miknku dh rkjh[k ls ,d o\"kZ ds Hkhrj] mlds fy,] eZ& VII esa fu;ksk dks vkosnu djsxkA tgka bu fu;eksa ds ykxw gksus ls igys lafgrk ds rgr miknku Hkqxrs; gks tkrh gS] Dy esa fufnZ\"V lhek dh vof\/ k dks rkjh[k ,slh 'kq#vkr ls vekuk tk,xk 10 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 bl fu;e esa fufnZ\"V vof\/k;ksa dh lekfIr ds ckn n k;j miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, ,d vkosnu k }kjk fopkfjr fd;k tk,xk] ;fn vkosnd viu s nkos dks kFkfedrk nsus esa nsjh ds fy, i;kZIr dkj.k tksM+rk gS] vkSj dksM ds rgr miknk u ds fy, dksbZ nkok dsoy blfy, vekU; ugha gksxk D;ksafd nkosnkj fufnZ\"V vof\/k ds Hkhrj v iuk vkosnu Lrqr djus esa foQy jgkA bl laca\/k esa fdlh Hkh fookn dks mlds fu.kZ; ds fy, l{ ke kf\/kdkjh dks lanfHkZr fd;k tk,xkA bl fu;e ds rgr ,d vkosnu fu;ksk dks bysDVfud ;k O;fxr :Ik ls ;k fucaf\/kr iksLV ikorh }kjk Lrqr fd;k tk,xkA miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, uksfVl %& miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, mi&fu;e ds rgr vkos nu kIr gksus ds iag fnuksa ds Hkhrj] k djsxkA& ;fn lR;kiu ij nkok vuqekU; ik;k tkrk gS] rks v kosnd deZpkjh] ukfer ;k oS\/k kjkf\/kdkjh dks QeZ& VIII esa uksfVl tkjh djsxk] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] ns; mikn ku dh jkf'k fufnZ\"V djuk vkSj mlds Hkqxrku ds fy,] ;k ,d rkjh[k r; djsxk tks vkosnu dh kfIr dh frfFk ds ckn rhlosa fnu ls vf\/kd ugha gksx kA ;fn miknku ds fy, nkok vuqekU; ugha gS] rks v kosnd deZpkjh] ufeuh ;k dkuwuh kjkf\/kdkjh dks] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] QeZ& VI esa uksfVl tkjh djsxk vkSj dkj.k crk,xk fd miknku ds fy, nkos dks Lohdk;Z D;ksa ugha ekuk x ;k gS rFkk miknku dks vLohdkj djus ds ekeys esa uksfVl dh ,d kf\/kdkjh d ks nh tk,xhA ;fn miknku dk Hkqxrku fu;ksk ds dk;kZy; esa fd; k tkuk gS] rks mi&fu;e ds [kaM d ds eZ& VIII esa uksfVl esa ms'; ds fy, r; dh xbZ rkjh[k fu;ks k }kjk fQj ls r; fd;k tk ldrk gS] vxj bl laca\/k esa ,d fyf[kr vkosnu HkqxrkudkkZ }kjk crk;k tkrk gS fd fufnZ\"V frfFk ij O;f ds fy, mifLFkr gksuk mlds fy, D;ksa laHko ugha gSA ;fn miknku dk nkosnkj ukekafdr O;f ;k oS\/k mkj kf\/kdkjh gS] rks fu;ksk ,sls xokg ;k lcwr ekax ldrk gS] tks mldh igpku LFkkfir djus ;k mlds n kos dh fLFkjrk ds fy, klafxd ekuk tk ldrk gS] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gksA ml ekeys esa] mi&fu ;e ds rgr uksfVl tkjh djus ds fy, fufnZ\"V le; lhek bl rjg ds xokg ;k lk{; ls Hkkoh gksxh] tSlk fd ekeyk gks ldrk gS] fu;ksk }kjk ekaxk x;k gSA i=& VIII esa ,d uksfVl vkosnd dks jlhn ysus ds ckn ;k bysDV fud :i ls ikorh ds lkFk r Mkd }kjk ;k rks O;fxr :Ik ls fn;k tk,xkA \/kkjk 56 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr uksfVl QeZ& VIII esa gksxkA miknku ds Hkqxrku dk rjhdkA& dksM ds rgr ns; miknku dk Hkqxrku ukfer ;k oS\/k vkf Jr dks V ds ek\/;e ls ;k ik= deZpkjh ds cSad [kk rs esa tek djds fd;k tk ldrk gS% c'krsZ fd Hkqxrku ds fooj.k ds ckjs esa tkudkjh fu; ksk }kjk {ks= ds l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks nh tk,xhA \/kkjk 56 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr fn'kk &funsZ'k ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks vkosnu% ;fn ds rgr ukekadu Lohdkj djus ;k mi&fu ;e ;k ds rgr nk;j fd, x, vkosnu dk fopkfjr djus ls budkj djrk gS mi&fu;e ds ds rgr ,d uksfVl tkjh djrk gS mifu ;e 2 ds [kaM ds rgr ,d uksfVl tkjh djrk gS ;k miknku dh jkf'k fufnZ\"V djrk gS] tks vko snd dks ns; ls de ;k vLohdkj fd;k tkrk gS] mi&fu;e ds rgr ,d vkosnu kIr gksus ij mi& fu;e ds rgr vko';d uksfVl tkjh djus esa foQy jgrk gS] blesa nkokdkkZ deZpkjh] ukf er ;k oS\/k vkfJr] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] \/kkjk 56 ds mi&\/kkjk ds rgr ,d fn'kk&funsZ'k tkjh dju s ds fy, ,d lkS vLlh fnuksa ds Hkhrj] kf\/kdkjh dks QeZ& IX esa lkFk gh dbZ vfrfjfr;ksa ds :i esa foijhr ik VhZ ds vuqlkj vkosnu djsxk c'krsZ fd l{ke kf\/kdkjh bl mi&fu;e ds rgr fdlh Hkh vkosnu dks vkosnd }kjk fn[kk, tkus okys i;kZIr dkj.k ij fufnZ\"V vof\/k ds lekIr gksus d s ckn Lohdkj dj ldrk gSA ds rgr vkosnu vkSj bl rjg d s vkosnu ls lacaf\/kr vU; nLrkost l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks O;fLrqr fd, tk,axs ;k iath r Mkd ikorh }kjk ns; ;k bysDV:i ls Hksts tk,axsA 11 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 funsZ'k ds fy, vkosnu djus dh mi&fu;e ds rgr ,d vkosnu kIr gksus ij l{ke kf\/kdkjh] i=& X esa ,d uksfVl tkjh djds] bysDVfud ;k iathr Mkd ikorh }kjk ;k O;fxr :Ik ls vkosnd ds lkFk&lkFk fu;ksdks Hkh fufnZ\"V frfFk] le; vkSj LFkku ij mlds le{k mifLFkr gksus ds fy,] ;k rks Lo;a ;k mlds frfuf\/k ds ek\/;e ls lHkh lacaf\/kr nLrkostks a vkSj xokgksa ds lkFk] ;fn dksbZ gks] ij cqyk k ;k deZpkjh] ukferh ;k oS\/k mkjkf\/kdkjh dh vksj ls dkjZokbZ djus dk bPNqd dksbZ Hkh ] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks fu;ks k ;k lacaf\/kr O;f ls vf\/kdkj i= djsxk] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks ftlds vksj ls og bl ekeys esa viuh fgr dks Li\"V djrs gq, fyf[kr c;ku ds lkFk feydj dkjZokbZ djus dh vuqefr pkgrk gS A l{ke kf\/kdkjh mldh vuqefr ds vuqlkj ;k vkns'k ds vuqlkj ,d vkns'k fjdMZ djsxk v kSj budkj djus ds fy, kFkZuk dh vuqefr nsus ds fy, euk djus ds ekeys esaA frfuf\/k }kjk frfuf\/kRo djus okys i{k iz frfuf\/k ds R;ksa ls ca\/ks gksaxsA ds rgr fu\/kkZfjr dh xbZ rkjh[k ij lquokbZ iwjh gk sus ds ckn] ;k bl rjg ds vU; lcwrksa ds ckn] nLrkostksa] xokgksa] lquokbZ vkSj iwNrkN dh tkap] tSlk fd vko';d le>k tk ldrk gS] kf\/kdkjh viuh [kkst dks fjdMZ djsxk fd D;k d ksbZ dksM ds rgr vkosnd dks jkf'k ns; gSA R;sd i{k dks [kkst dh ,d fr nh tk,xhA ;fn lacaf\/kr fu;ksk i;kZIr dkj.k ds fcuk uksfVl dh mfpr lsok ds ckn lquokbZ dh fufnZ\"V frfFk dV gksus esa foQy jgrk gS] rks l{ke vf\/kdkjh vk osnu dks ,di{kh; lquus vkSj fu\/kkZfjr djus ds fy, dkjZokbZ dj ldrk gSA ;fn vkosnd i;kZIr dkj.k ds fcuk lquokbZ dh fufnZ\"V frfFk ij mifLFkr gksus esa foQy jgrk gS] rks l{ke vf\/kdkjh v kosnu dks [kkfjt dj ldrk gS% c'krsZ fd mi&fu;e ds rgr ,d vkns'k] m vkns'k ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhr j fn[kk, tkus okys vPNs dkj.k ij leh{kk dh tk ldrh gS vkSj iqu% fopkj dk vkosnu foifjr i{kksa dks pkSng fnuksa ls de dk uksfVl ugha nsus ds ckn fQj l s lquk tk ldrk gSA c'krsZ vkSj fd funsZ'k ds fy, vkosnu ds fuiVku dh l e; lhek l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds le{k vkosnu nkf[ky djus dh frfFk ls 90 fnu ls vf\/kd ugha gksxhA fdlh Hkh i{k }kjk mifLFkr ugha gksus dh fLFkfr esa] vkosnu ds fuiVku ls igys vf\/kdre rhu volj fn, tk ldrs gSaA lquokbZ dk LFkku vkSj le; A& l{ke vf\/kdkjh dh cSBdsa ,sls le; ij vkSj ,sls LFkk uksa ij vk;ksftr dh tk,axh] tks og fu\/kkZfjr dj ldrs gSa vkSj os Bhd mlh rjg ls i{kksa ds lnL;ksa dks lwfpr djsaxs tSls og Bhd le>rs gSaA 'kiFk dk 'kklu A& 'kiFk i= cukus ds ms'; ls l{ke kf\/kdkjh vius dk;k Zy; ds ,d fyfid dks 'kiFk fnykus gsrq izkf\/kd`r dj ldrk gSA xokgksa dh lEeu vkSj mifLFkfr A& l{ke kf\/kdkjh] muds le{k dk;Zokgh esa 'kkfey fdlh Hkh i{k }kjk ;k mlds fcuk fdlh vkosnu ds fdlh Hkh Lrj ij ;k mlls igys dk;Zokgh dj ldrk gS] vkSj bl rjg dh 'krksaZ ij dV gks ldrk gSA l{ke kf\/kdkjh] QeZ& X esa fdlh Hkh O;f dks ;k rks lcwr nsus ds fy, ;k nLrkostksa dk izLrqr djus ds fy, ;k fdlh fuf nZ\"V frfFk] le; vkSj LFkku ij nksuksa ms';ksa ds fy, leu tkjh djrk gSA lEeu ;k uksfVl dks Hkstk tkukA& [kaM ds ko\/kkuksa ds v\/khu kf\/kdkjh }kjk tkjh fd, x, fdlh Hkh uksfVl] lEeu] ;k ;k vkns'k dks O;fxr ;k iathr iksLV ikorh }k jk ;k bysDVfud :i ls ;k lsok esa Lrqr fd;k tk ldrk gS vFkok ukxfjd ;k lafgrk] 19 08 ds rgr fu\/kkZfjr fdlh vU; rjhds lsA tgka l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds le{k fdlh dk;Zokgh ds i{k dkj ds :i esa dbZ O;f gSa vkSj ,sls O;ffdlh Hkh VsM ;wfu;u ;k ,lksfl,'ku ds lnL; gSa ;k , d vf\/kfrfuf\/kRo fd;k tkrk gS] lfpo ij uksfVl dh lsok] ;k tgka dksbZ lfpo ugha gS] VsM ;wfu;u ;k ,lksfl,'ku ds eq[k vf\/kdkjh ij] ;k vf\/k dks ,sls O;f;ksa ij lsok djus ds fy, le>k tk,xkA kf\/kdkjh }kjk ekeyksa ds vfHkys[kksa dk j[kj[kko A& l{ke vf\/kdkjh \/kkjk 56 ds rgr R;sd ekeys ds foo j.k ntZ djsxk vkSj ikfjr gksus ds vkns'kksa ij gLrk{kj fd, x, fooj.k ntZ djsxkA R;sd ekeys esa vkns'k ikfjr djrs le;] ekeys dh ;ksX;rk ij fu\"d\"kZ Hkh ntZ djrk gS vkSj vkns'k i= ds lkFk lk{; ds Kkiu ds lkFk bls ntZ djrk gSA 12 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 fdlh Hkh vkns'k ;k funsZ'k ds fjdMZ ds vykok dk sbZ Hkh fjdMZ] tks bu fu;eksa ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh }kjk gLrk{kfjr gksuk vko';d gS] dh vksj l s vkSj fdlh Hkh v\/khuLFk vf\/kdkjh }kjk l{ke vf\/kdkjh ds funsZ'ku esa gLrk{kj fd, tk ldrs g SaA l{ke kf\/kdkjh }kjk bl ms'; ds fy, miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, funsZ'kA& ;fn fu;e ds mi&fu;e ds rgr ,d fjdfd;k tkrk gS fd vkosnd dksM ds rgr miknku ds Hkqxrk u dk gdnkj gS] rks l{ke vf\/kdkjh fu;ksdks ,d uksfVl tkjh djsxk QeZ& XI esa bysDVfud ;k iathr iksLV ikorh ds dkj.k ;k n s; jkf'k dks fufnZ\"V djus okys O;fC;kt lfgr ns;] ;fn dksbZ gk s] rks \/kkjk 56 dh mi&\/kkjk blds rgr vkosnd dks Hkqxrku dk funsZ'k nsukA fu;ks k }kjk uksfVl kIr gksus dh rkjh[k ls rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj l{ke kf\/kdkjhA tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] uksfVl dh ,d fr vkosnd deZpkjh] ukfer ;k kjkf\/kdkjh dks nh tk,xhA vihy A& lafgrk dh \/kkjk 56 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vihy d k Kkiu vihyh; kf\/kdkjh dks mldh fr vkSj i{k esa l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks mldh fr ds lkF k iathr iksLV ikorh ds dkj.k ;k fud :i ls Lrqr fd;k tk,xkA le>kSrk Kkiu esa ekeys ds rF;] l{ke kf\/kdkjh dk fu.kZ;] vihy dk vk\/kkj vkSj ekaxh xbZ jkgr 'kkfey gksxhA miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh vkSj fn' kk dh [kkst dh fr vihy ds Kkiu esa vihy dh tk,xhA vihy ds Kkiu dh kIr gksus ij] l{ke kf\/ kdkjh vihyh; kf\/kdkjh dks ekeys ds MZ dks vxzsf\"kr djsxkA vihy dh Kkiu dh kIr gksus ds pkSng fnuksa d s Hkhrj] foijhr i{k vihydrkZ dks ,d fr ds lkFk vihyh; kf\/kdkjh dks] vfrfj nyhyksa ds lkFk] Kkiu ds R;sd iSjkxzkQ dh viuh fVIi.kh Lrqr djsxkA vihy ij i{kdkj lquokbZ dk mfpr volj nku djus ds ckn vihyh; kf\/kdkjh viuk fu.kZ; ntZ djsxkA fu.kZ; dh ,d fr ikfVZ;ksa dks bysDVfu d ;k iathr Mkd ;k O;f }kjk vihy djus ds fy, nh tk,xh vkSj mldh ,d fr l{ke vf\/kdkjh dks ekeys ds vius fjdokil Hkst nh tk,xhA kf\/kdkjh] vihy kf\/kdkjh ds fu.kZ; dh kfI r ij] mlds }kjk cuk, x, ekeys ds fjdesa vko';d fof\"V djsxkA kf\/kdkjh ds fu.kZ; dh kfIr ij] l{ke kf \/kdkjh ml fu.kZ; ds rgr vko';d gksus ij] miknku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, mlds fu.kZ; dks la'kks f\/kr djsxk vkSj QeZ& XI esa lacaf\/kr k dks Hkqxrku ;ksX; jkf'k dk mYys[k djrs gq, ,d uksfVl tkjh djsxk ,oa fu;ksDrk dks Hkqxrku djus dh uksfVl nsxkA uksfVl dh ,d fr vihy drkZ deZpkjh] ukfer ;k oS\/k kjkf\/kdkjh dks nh tk ldrh gS] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] vkSj vihy kf\/kdkjh dksA vihy ds fuLrkj.k dh le; lhek vihy nk;j djus dh r kjh[k ls 90 fnu ls vf\/kd ugha gksxhA nksuksa i{kksa esa ls dksbZ Hkh mifLFkr ugha gksus dh fLFkfr esa vihy ds fuiVku ls igys vf\/kdre rhu volj fn, tk ldrs gSaA miknku dh olwyh ds fy, vkosnu A& tgka ,d fu;ksk mi&fu;e ;k mi&fu;e kf\/kdkjh }kjk uksfVl ds vuqlkj lafgrk ds dkj.k miknku dk Hkqxrku djus esa foQy jgrk gS] tSlk fd ekeyk gks ldrk gS] lacaf\/kr deZpkjh] mldk ukekafdr O;f ;k dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] ft l ij miknku ns; gS] og dksM dh \/kkjk 129 ds rgr olwyh ds fy, QeZ XII esa nks izfr;ksa esa l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds le{k vkosnu djsxkA 9- \/kkjk 57 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr fu;ksk }kjk ,d fr\"Bku ds iathdj.k dk ca\/k vkSj vuqeksfnr miknku QaM ds U;klh cksMZ dh lajpuk dk rj hdk vkSj ftl rjhds ls l{ke kf\/kdkjh ,d deZpkjh dks ns; miknku dh jkf'k dh olwyh chekdrkZ l s dj ldrk gS A & jkT; ljdkj }kjk mfYyf[kr ko\/kku ds vuqlkj \/kk jk 57 dh mi\/kkjk ds mi [kaM esa ds rgr fu;ksk }kjk fdlh fr\"Bku ds iathdj .k ds rjhds dks vf\/klwfpr fd;k tk,xkA vuqeksfnr miknku QaM ds U;klh cksMZ dh lajpuk jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr dh tk,xhA lHkh iathdj.k bysDVfud :i ls XIII ds :i esa fd, tk,axsA bl \/kkjk ds rgr Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh dksbZ Hkh jkf'k Hkw&jktLo ds cdk;k ds :i esa olwyh ;ksX; gksxhA 13 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 10- \/kkjk 58 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr l{ke vf\/kdkjh ds :i esa fu;q vf\/kdkjh dh ;ksX;rk vkSj vuqHko A& l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwpuk }k jk fu;q fd;k tk,xkA ekr`Ro ykHk vf\/kfu;e kf\/kdj.k ftls \/kkjk 72 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr v ihy nk;j dh tk ldrh gSA& \/kkjk 72 ds rgr f'kdk;r A& \/kkjk 72 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr ,d f'kdk;r fyf[ kr esa eZ& XIV esa tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] dh tk,xhA tc ,d baLisD Vj&de&QSflfyVsVj }kjk \/kkjk 72 esa lanfHkZr f'kdk;r kIr gksrh gS] rks og fu;ksk }kjk bl laca\/k esa cuk, x, klafxd vfHkys[kksa dh tkap djsxk ,oa fr\"Bku esa dk;Zjr fdlh Hkh O;f dh tkap djsxk vkSj ms'; ds fy, vko';d c;ku ysxkA tkap vkSj vxj og larq\"V gS fd ekr`Ro ykH k ;k jkf'k vuqfpr :i ls jksd j[kh xbZ gS] rks og fu;ksk dks \/kkjk 63 ds rgr rqjar ;k ,d fufn Z\"V vof\/k ds Hkhrj Hkqxrku dk nkok djus okyh efgyk ;k O;f dks Hkqxrku djus dk funsZ'k nsxk ] tSlk fd ekeyk gks ldrk gSA c'krsZ fd f'kdk;r ds fuLrkj.k dh le; lhek f'kd k;r ntZ djus dh rkjh[k ls 90 fnu ls vf\/kd u gksA nksuksa i{kksa esa ls fdlh ds mifLF kr u gksus dh fLFkfr esa] f'kdk;r ds fuiVku ls igys vf\/kdre rhu volj fn, tk ldrs gSaA \/kkjk 72 ds rgr vihy A& \/kkjk 72 ds mi&[kaM ds rgr baLisDVj&de&QSf lfyVsVj ds fu.kZ; ds f[kykQ ,d vihy l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds le{k nk;j fd;k tk ldsxkA ihfM+r O;feZ& XV esa fu\/kkZfjr kf\/kdj.k dks fyf[kr esa ,d vihy nk; j djsxk vkSj vU; lgk;d nLrkost nkf[ky djsaxsA tc dksbZ vihy kIr gksrh gS] rks fu\/kkZfjr kf \/kdkjh fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kkdrkZ ls ,d fuf'pr frfFk ls igys] ekeys dk fjdMZ ntZ djsxkA ;f n vko';d gks] rks fu\/kkZfjr kf\/kdkjh Hkh m ds c;kuksa dks ntZ djsxk ] vkSj baLisDVj&de&QSflfyVsVj dks vkSj ;fn vko';d gks rks Li\"Vhdj.k ekax ldrk gSA nLrkostksa dks \/;ku esa j[krs gq,] muds lkeus is'k fd, x, lcwr vkSj muds }kjk fd, x, rF; ;k muds }kjk irk yxk, x,] fu\/kkZfjr kf\/ kdj.k muds le{k vkosnu nkf[ky djus ls 90 fnuksa dh vof\/k ds Hkhrj viuk fu.kZ; nsx kA nksuksa i{kksa esa ls fdlh ds Hkh mifLFkr ugha gksus dh fLFkfr esa vihy ds fuiVku ls igys vf\/kdre rhu volj fn, tk ldrs gSaA lafgrk dh \/kkjk 72 dh mi\/kkjk kf\/kd kjh dks ,d vf\/klwpuk }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk fd;k tk,xkA v\/;k;& VI deZdkj dk eqvkotk 12 \/kkjk 76 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr fu;ksk }kjk l{ke vf\/kdkjh ds ikl deZpkjh ds vafre laLdkj ds [kpZ ds fy, tek dh tkus okyh jkf'k A& ;fn deZpkjh dh pksV ls e`R;q gks tkrh gS] rks fu;k seqvkots ds vykok bl rjg ds deZpkjh ds vafre laLdkj ds [kpZ ds fy, deZpkjh ds lcls cM+s thfor vkfJrksa dks mlh ds Hkqxrku ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds ikl iag gt kj #i;s dh jkf'k ;k jkti= vf\/klwpuk ds ek\/;e ls jkT ; ljdkj }kjk fu\/kkZfjr jkf'k tek djsxk ;k tgka deZpkj h ds ikl vkfJr ugha Fkk ;k mldh e`R;q ds le; mlds v kfJr ds lkFk ugha jg jgk Fkk] ml O;fDr dks ftlus ok Lro esa bl rjg ds [kpZ dks ogu fd;k Fkk( c'krsZ fd vxj dsa ljdkj vf\/klwpuk esa \/kkjk 76 dh mi&\/kkjk esa fufnZ\"V jkf'k dks c<+krh gS ] rks bl fu;e ds rgr tek dh tkus okyh jkf'k Lor% c<+kbZ t k,xhA eqvkotk fu\/kkZfjr fd;k x;k Fkk] deZpkjh dh etn wjh esa o`f) gqbZ gS( deZpkjh }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd {kfriwfrZ dk vf \/kdkj fu\/kkZfjr gksus ds ckn ls] mldk osru de gks deZpkjh }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd fu;ksk us eqvko ts dk Hkqxrku djus dh 'kq#vkr dh gS] og Hkqxrku djuk can dj fn;k gS] bl rF; ds ckotwn fd de Zpkjh dh fLFkfr esa dksbZ cnyko ugha gqvk gS tSls fd bl rjg ds fujks\/kh okjaV( ;k rks fu;ksk ;k deZpkjh }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd eqvkots dh nj dk fu\/kkZj.k le; ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS] \/kks[kk\/kM+h ;k vuqfpr Hkko ;k vU; v uqfpr lk\/kuksa }kjk kIr fd;k x;k Fkk( ;k rks fu;ksk ;k deZpkjh }kjk bl vk\/kkj ij fd eqvkots ds fu\/kkZj. k esa fjdMZ ds Lo:Ik ij dksbZ xyrh ;k =qfV gSA 14 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 13- \/kkjk 79 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr tc leh{kk ds f y, vkosnu ,d fpfdRlk O;olk;h ds ek.k i= ds fcuk fd;k tkrk gS&\/kkjk 79 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vk\/ks&ekfld Hkqxrku dh leh{kk ds fy, vkosnu fcuk ,d fpfdRlk ek.k i= ds lkFk fd;k tk ldrk gS % & k }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd {kfriwfrZ dk vf\/ kdkj fu\/kkZfjr gksus ds ckn ls] deZpkjh dh etnwjh esa o`f) gqbZ gS( deZpkjh }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd {kfriwfrZ dk vf \/kdkj fu\/kkZfjr gksus ds ckn ls] mldk osru de gks deZpkjh }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd fu;ksk us eqvko ts dk Hkqxrku djus dh 'kq#vkr dh gS] og Hkqxrku djuk can dj fn;k gS] bl rF; ds ckotwn fd tS ls fd bl rjg ds fujks\/kh okjaV ds vuqlkj deZpkjh dh fLFkfr esa dksbZ cnyko ugha gqvk gS( ;k rks fu;ksk ;k deZpkjh }kjk] bl vk\/kkj ij fd eqvkots dh nj dk fu\/kkZj.k le; ds fy, fd;k x;k Fkk \/kks[kk\/kM+h ;k vuqfpr Hkko ;k vU; vuqfpr lk\/kuksa }kjk kIr fd;k x;k Fkk( ;k rks fu;ksk ;k deZpkjh }kjk bl vk\/kkj ij f d eqvkots ds fu\/kkZj.k esa fjdMZ ds Lo:Ik esa dksb Z xyrh ;k =qfV gSA kvksa dh Js.kh vkSj \/kkjk 82 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr uksfVl cqd dk :iA& k ftl ij dksM ykxw gksrk gS] og \/kkjk 82 dh m i&\/kkjk ds vuqlkj ,d uksfVl cqd QeZ XVI cuk, j[ksxkA 15- \/kkjk 84 dh mi&\/kkjk ds ijUrqd ds rgr vafre fpfdRlk ijh{kk ds fy, varjky A& ,d deZpkjh tks ,d vk\/kk ekfld Hkqxrku dh izkfIr djrk g S] mls ml txg ds LFkku ij dgha vkSj fpfdRlk ijh{kk ds fy, [kqn dks Lrqr djus dh vko';drk ugha gksxh tgka og fuokl dj jgk gS nq?kZVuk ds ckn igys eghus esa nks ckj ls vf\/kd le; rd ;k fdlh Hkh ckn ds eghus esa ,d ls vf\/kd ckjA k }kjk \/kkjk 88 dh mi&\/kkjk L rqr fd;k tkus okyk fooj.k& \/kkjk 88 dh }kjk vko';d ?kkrd nq?kZVuk ds fy, fooj .k] i= XVII esa gksxkA 17- \/kkjk 89 dh mi&\/kkjk ;kstu ds fy, fjdf MaZx Kkiu dk ca\/k A& Kkiu dk i=A& le>kSrk 89 ds mi&\/kkjk ds rgr l{ke kf\/kdkjh dk s Hkstk x;k le>kSrk Kkiu tc rd fd l{ke kf\/kdkjh u gks vU;Fkk f unsZ'k u nsa] nks izfr;ksa esa] vkSj XVIII &A] ;k i= XVIII &A] ;k i= XVIII &B ds :i esa ekeyk gks ldrk gS ds lkFk Lohdkj fd, tk;saxsA le>kSrs dk ,d Kkiu kIr djus ij] l{ke vf\/kdkjh Kkiu fjdMZ djus ds fy, fu.kZ; ysus ;k MZ djus ls budkj djus ds fy,] fu\/kkZfjr frfFk v kSj lquokbZ dh txg i= XIX esa ikfVZ;ksa dks uksfVl tkjh djsxk fd vkifk;ksa ds fMQYV :i es a og Lrko djrk gSA fu\/kkZfjr frfFk ij MZ djsa% bl mi&fu;e ds rgr uksfVl O;fxr : i ls ;k iathr iksLV@LihM iksLV ;k bysDVfud ek\/;e ls Hkstk tk ldrk gSA c'krsZ fd uksfVl fdlh Hkh i{k dks ekSf[kd :i l s lwfpr fd;k tk ldrk gS tks ml le; ekStwn gSa tc fyf[kr :i esa uksfVl vU;Fkk tkjh djsx kA fu\/kkZfjr frfFk ij] l{ke kf\/kdkjh] i{kksa dks lquus ds ckn le>kSrs dks fjdMZ djus ;k Kkiu MZ djus ls budkj djus dk fu.kZ; ysxkA c'krsZ fd fu;e ds rgr ,d uksfVl ds eqs ij l{ ke kf\/kdkjh dks ml rkjh[k dks MZ djus ls budkj djus ls jksdus ds fy, ugh a le>k tk,xk] Hkys gh fdlh Hkh ikVhZ }kjk dksbZ vkifk u dh tk,A ;fn ,slh frfFk ij l{ke kf\/kdkjh ;g fu.kZ; ysrk gS fd Kkiu dks ntZ ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,] rks og vius fu.kZ; vkSj mlds dkj.kksa dks mifLFkr i{kksa dks lwfpr djsxk vkSj ;fn dksbZ Kkiu ntZ djus ds bPNqd ikVhZ mifLFkr ugha gS] rks ml ikV hZ dks lwpuk HkstsxkA MZ ds fy, Kkiu dk iathdj.k Lohdkj fd;k tku k A& le>kSrs ds Kkiu dks ntZ djus esa] l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks i= XX esa ,d jftLVj esa ntZ djus dk dkj.k gksxk vkSj mld s }kjk fuEufyf[kr esa mlds }kjk j[ks tkus okys Kkiu d h ,d fr ij mlds gLrk{kj ds rgr ,d c;ku ntZ fd;k tk,xkA uker% jftLVj esa ---------------------- ds lhfj;y uac j ------------------------------------------------- -----------------ds le>kSrs dk Kkiu bl ------------------------------------------- - fnu -------------------------------------------- ds :i esa ntZ fd;k x;k gSA kf\/kdkjh^^ 15 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 18- \/kkjk 91 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds fy, ;ksX;rk vkSj vuqHko A& l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks vf\/klwpuk }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu;q fd;k tk,xkA 19- \/kkjk 92 dh mi \/kkjk ds vUrxZr ekeyksa dks fopkfjr djus dk rjhdkA& vkosnu izkfIr ds Ik'pkr~ l{ke kf\/kdkjh }kjk ; k mlls igys fuiVk;k tk ldrk gS] \/kkjk 92 dh ds mi[k.M ds fufnZ\" V ekinaMksa ds vuqlkj {ks=kf\/kdkj dk lR;kiu djsxkA ;fn vkosnu kIr djus ij l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks ;g rhr gksrk gS fd bls fdlh vU; l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds lkeus Lrqr fd;k tkuk pkfg,] rks og vk osnd dks bls Lrqfr dh rkjh[k vkSj leFkZu ds ckn bls ykSVkus dk dkj.k vkSj inuke l{ke kf\/kdkjh ftls ;g Lrqr fd;k tkuk pkfg,] ykSVk nsxkA ;fn fdlh ekeys esa ;g l{ke kf\/kdkjh dks izrhr gksrk gS] rks vkosnu dks fdlh vU; l{ke kf\/kdkjh }kjk fopkfjr fd;k tkuk pkfg,] og ekeys dh Qkby dks lafgrk dh \/kkjk 93 dh esa ifjHkkf\"kr ;k ds vuqlkj ml kf\/k dj.k dks Hkstsxk vkSj ftlds ikl mldk vf\/kdkj {ks= gS] vkSj vkosnd vkSj vU; i{kksa dks lw fpr djsxkA kf\/kdkjh] ftls ekeyk LFkkukarfjr fd;k x; k gS] vkxs c<+uk tkjh j[ksxk tSls fd fiNyh dk;Zokgh mlds le{k dh xbZ Fkh] c'krsZ og larq\"V gks fd blls lacaf\/kr i{kksa dks iwokZxzg ugha 20- \/kkjk 93 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vkosnu ds fuiVk u ds fy, le; lhek A& lk{;& mi;qkIr vkosnu dh rkjh[k ls Ng eghus e sa vkosnu dk fuiVku djsxkA vkdfLed ykxrA & fookn dk dksbZ Hkh i{k tks fu.kZ;] fMh] ;k vU; nLrkost dh dh bPNk j[krk gS] mls fuEufyf[kr nj ij ykxr ds Hkqx rku ij fu.kZ;] fMkIr gks ldrk gS% & MZ ;k c;ku ;k vkns'k ;k fMh ds fdlh Hkh n Lrkost dh fr;ksa ds fy, ykxr ds lkFk fr i`\"B 2@& vkosnu ds fr;ksa ds fy, 10@& izfr i`\"B lsok ;k lEeu ;k uksfVl ;k xokgksa ds [kpZ ;k fdlh Hkh ekeys ds laca\/k esa ns; ykxr] tks igys mYys[k ugha dh xbZ gks] ,slh jkf'k g ksxh tks U;k;ky; }kjk R;sd ekeys esa fufnZ\"V dh tk; vkSj ,slh jkf'k ;k f dlh vU; jkf'k bl fu;e ds rgr ns; bl rjg ls Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xk vkSj ,sls l e; esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr fd;k tk ldrk gSA U;k;ky;] tc Hkh ;g vkosnd ds vkosnuksa ij ikrk gS ;k vU;Fkk fd vkosnd ykxr dk Hkqxrku djus esa vleFkZ gS] rks ;g vkosnd d ks ykxr ds Hkqxrku ls NwV ns ldrk gSA dksbZ Hkh O;f tks fookn djus ds fy, i{kdkj ugha gS] og mijks nLrkostksa esa fu\/kkZfjr 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku ij xksiuh; nLrkostksa dks NksM+dj fu.kZ;] fMh ;k vU; nLrkostksa dh kIr dj ldrk gSA 21- \/kkjk 97 ds rgr Kkiu ds ek.khdj.k dh izfksa ds fu\/kkZj.k ds ckn] i{k gyQukes ij vius lk{; Lrqr dj ldrs gSa] ftl ij foijhr i{k ds ikl ftjg djus dk vf\/kdkj gksxkA fdlh Hkh i{k }kjk dk;Zokgh ij vkSj l{ke kf\/kdkj h }kjk fu\/kkZfjr Qhl vkSj [kpksaZ dks tek djus kf\/kdkjh fdlh Hkh xokg dks leu dj ldrk gS ] ftlds lk{;] og ekeys ds flQZ fu.kZ; ds fy, vko';d le>rk gSA lHkh xokgksa ds lk{; l{ke kf\/kdkjh dh mifLFkfr esa ntZ fd, tk,axs vkSj muds gLrk{kj vkSj eqgj }kjk ekf.kr fd;k tk,xkA ;k lafgrk ds dqN ko\/kku] 1908 ykxw d jus ds fy, A& vf\/kfu;e ds vuqlkj vU;Fkk Li\"V :i ls nku fd, x, cpr djsa ;k ;s fu;e] flfoy ;k lafgrk] 1908 dh igyh vuqlwph ds fuEufyf[kr ko\/kku] vFkkZRk] e V] fu;e 9 esa fufgr gSaA 13 vkSj 15 ls 30( vkns'k IX; vkns'k XII] fu;e 3 ls 10( vkns'k XVI ] fu;e 2 ls 21( vkns'k XVII ] vkSj vkns'k XXIII ] fu;e 1 vkSj 2] l{ke vf\/kdkfj;ksa ds le{k dk;Zokgh ds fy, ykxw gksaxs] tgka rd os ykxw gks ldrs gSa% c'krsZ fd % & ko\/kkuksa ds vUrxZr vkosnu dks lqxe cukus ds ms'; ls l{ke kf\/kdkjh fo\"k; oLrq dks Hkkfor ugha fd;s fcuk muesa ,sls ifjorZu dj ldrs g Sa tks muds le{k ekeys ds fy, mUgsa vuqdwfyr djus ds fy, vko';d ;k mfpr gks ldrk gSA 16 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 kf\/kdkjh] i;kZIr dkj.kksa ls] mko\/kk u ds vuqlkj vkxs dkjZokbZ dj+ ldrs gSa] ;fn mUgsa b l ckr dh larqf\"V gS fd ikfVZ;ksa ds fgrksa esa i{kikr ugha gksxkA 22- \/kkjk 101 ds rgr midj dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djus dh le; lhek A & \/kkjk 101 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr yxk;k x;k midj fu;ksk }kjk fuekZ.k ifj;kstuk ds iwjk gksus ds rhl fnuksa esa ;k ml rkjh[k ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj ftl ij ns; midj dk ewY;kadu lekIr gks tkrk gS] tks Hkh igys gks dk Hkqxrku midj dysDVj dk s fd;k tk,xkA mi&fu;e ko\/kkuksa ds ckotwn] tgka ifj; kstuk ;k fuekZ.k dk;Z dh vof\/k ,d o\"kZ ls vf\/kd gks] midj dk Hkqxrku dk;Z 'kq: gksus dh frfFk ls ,d o\"kZ iwjk gksus ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlds ckn gj o\"kZ klafxd vof\/k ds nkSjku fuekZ.k dh ykxr ij vf\/klwfpr njksa ijA 23- \/kkjk 105 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vihy ds fy, 'kqYd A& fookn ;k tqekZuk ;k nksuksa esa jkf'k ds fr'kr ds cjkcj 'kqYd] tSlk fd bl rjg dh vihy ds rgr gks ldrk gSA 24- \/kkjk 120 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr fdlh Hkh py ;k vpy laifkIr djus] j[kus] cspus ;k vU;Fkk gLrkarfjr djus dh 'krsaZ] \/ku tqVkus ds f y, 'krsaZ] _.k c<+kus vkSj mik; djus ds fy, 'krksaZ ds rgr fuos'k dks fQj ls fuos' k djuk ;k eglwl djuk] mi&\/kkjk ds rgr bl rjg ds _.kksa ds lekIr djus ds fy, vkSj mi&\/kkjk ds rgr Hkfo\"; ;k vU; ykHk vf\/kdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa ;k muds fdlh Hkh oxZ ds ykHk ds fy, lax fBr djus ds fy, jkT; ljdkj dh 'krksaZ dks fofoHkkx ls ijke'kZ ds ckn vf\/klwfpr dj ldrh gSA 25- \/kkjk 121 ds rgr viwj.kh; cdk;k jkf'k fy[kus dh 'krsaZ vkSj rjhds A& tgk fcgkj vlaxfBr dkexkj lkekftd lqj{kk cksMZ dk fopkj gS fd cksMZ ds dkj.k va'knku] midj] C;kt vkSj gtkZuk dh jkf'k vif jorZuh; gks xbZ gS] cksMZ ;k dksbZ vU; vf\/kdkjh bl vksj ls vf\/kr] fuEufyf[kr 'krksaZ ds v\/khu] m jkf'k ds ys [ku dks eatwjh ns ldrk gS A& LFkkiuk dks ikap lky ls vf\/kd le; ls can dj fn;k x;k gS vkSj lHkh laHkkfor ;klksa ds ckotwn fu;ksk dk irk ugha yxk;k tk ldrk gS( YV djus okys fu;ksk dh i;kZIr laifk ds fy, cksMZ }kjk h dks lQyrkiwoZd fu\"ikfnr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS( ;k va'knku ds fy, nkok iwjh rjg ls iwjk ugha fd;k x ;k gS & dkj[kkuksa@fr\"Bkuksa dh fLFkfr esa vkf\/kdkfjd ifjlekid ifjlekiu esa pyk x;k( ;k ljdkj }kjk bdkbZ dk jk\"Vh;dj.k ;k vf\/kxzg.k fd, tkus dh fLFkfr esaA 26- \/kkjk 122 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr f ujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kkdkkZ ds vU; vf\/kdkj A& \/kkjk 122 dh mi&\/kkjk ;ksa ds vfrfj] fujh{kd lg lqfo\/kkdrkZ ,slh vU; 'kf;ksx d j ldrs gSa vFkok bl rjg ds vU; drZO;ksa dk ikyu djsxk] tks lkekU; ;k fo'ks\"k vkns'k }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk lkSa ik tk 27- \/kkjk 123 ds [kaM ds rgr fjdMZ v kSj jftLVj vkSj vU; fooj.kksa vkSj fooj.kksa ds j[kj[kko ds fy, QeZ vkSj rjhds] Dy ds rg r deZpkfj;ksa ds dk;Z LFkkuksa ij uksfVl djus ds rjhds vkSj QeZ vkSj vf\/kdkfj;ksa vFkok izk f\/kdkjksa dks fjVuZ nkf[ky djus ds rjhds vkSj vof\/k A efgyk deZpkfj;ksa dk jftLVj A& fr\"Bku dk fu;ksk ftlesa efgyk,a dk;Zjr gSa] os QeZ XXI esa efgyk deZpkfj;ksa ds ,d jftLVj dks bysDVfud :i ls ;k gkMZ dih esa la\/kkfjr j[ksaxh vkSj fr\"Bku esa lHkh efgyk Jfedksa ds fooj.k ntZ djsaxhA blds vykok] ;g ges'kk fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kk ds fy , vf\/klwfpr fujh{k.k ;kstuk ds rgr fujh{k.k ds fy, miyC\/k gksxkA k efgyk deZpkfj;ksa ds jftLVj esa ntZ d j ldrk gS tSls fd dksM ds fdlh vU; s'; ds fy, vko';d gks ldrk gSA vfHkys[k& lafgrk ds v\/;k; V ds rgr j[ks x, vfHkys[k vkSj mlds rgr rS;kj fu;eksa dks mudh rS;kjh dh rkjh[k ls nks lky dh vof\/k ds fy, lajf{kr fd;k tk,xkA okf\"kZd fjVuZ& og fu;ksk ftlds fy, dksM ds v\/;k; V ds ko\/kku ykxw gksrs gSa] os R;sd o\"kZ esa Qjojh ds igys fnu ;k mlls igys ljdkj ds osc iksVZy ij QeZ& XXII esa iwoZorhZ o\"kZ ds laca\/k esa fufnZ\"V fooj.kksa dh tkudkjh nsrs gq, ,dhr okf\"kZd fjVuZ viyksM djrs gSaA c'krsZ fd fujh{k.k ds nkSjku] fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kkdrk Z dks bysDVfud :i esa ;k vU;Fkk j[ks x, [kkrksa] iqLrdksa] jftLVj vkSj vU; nLrkostk sa ds izLrqr djus dh vko';drk gks ldrh gS A 17 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 gj fu;ksfud :i ls ;k vU;Fkk ,sls vf \/kdkjh ;k kf\/kdj.k dks fjVuZ nkf[ky djsxk tSlk fd lkekU; ;k fo'ks\"k vkns'k }kjk jkT; lj dkj }kjk r; fd;k tk ldrk gS Li\"Vhdj.k & bl mi&fu;e ds ;kstuksa ds fy,] vfHkO;ffud :i^^ dk ogh vFkZ gksxk tks kS|ksfxdh vf\/kfu;e] 2000 2000 dk 21 dh \/kk jk 2 ds [kaM esa fn;k x;k gS A ;fn fu;ksk ftl ij dksM ykxw djrk gS] og fr\"B ku ds dkedkt dks csprk gS] NksM+ nsrk gS ;k can dj nsrk gS] rks] og bl rjg dh fch ; k ifjR;kx dh rkjh[k ds ,d eghus ds Hkhrj ;k bl rjg ds vfu;fer gksus dh rkjh[k ds pkj eghus ds Hkhrj tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks] ljdkj ds osc iksVZy ij i= XVIII esa vkxs ,dhviyksM dj ldsxk] tks [kaM esa lanfHkZr fd;k tkr k gS ,oa iwoZorhZ o\"kZ ds var vkSj h dh rkjh[k] ifjR;kx ;k vfu;fer ds chp dh vof\/k ds laca\/k esa gSA A v\/;k; VII vijk\/k ,oa 'kkfLr 28- \/kkjk 138 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vijk\/k ds 'keu ds fy, vkosnu dk rjhdk %& \/kkjk 138 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vijk\/kksa ds 'keu ds ;kstuksa ds fy, vf\/klwpuk }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/kr vf\/kdkjh bysDVfud :i ls mu vijk \/kksa ds fy, i=& XXIII esa ,d 'keu uksfVl tkjh djsxk ftuds fy, \/kkjk 138 ds rgr 'keu ; ksX; gSa dks uksfVl fn;k x;k gS] og i=& XXIII ds Hkkx III esa vf\/kdkjh dks bysDVls vkosnu dj ldrk gS vkSj uksfVl dh kfIr ds iag f nuksa ds Hkhrj bysDVfud gLrkarj.k ;k vU;Fkk iwjh daikmafMax jkf'k tek dj ldrk gSA 'keu vf\/kdkjh] daiksth'ku jkf'k kIr gksus ds nl fnuksa ds Hkhrj QeZ& XXIII ds Hkkx Iv esa ,d dEiksft'ku lfVZfQdsV ,sls O;f dks tkjh djsxk] ftld s ikl ls ,slh jkf'k feyh gS] tks daiksth'ku uksfVl ds vuqikyu es kIr gqbZ gSA ;fn dksbZ O;f fu\/kkZfjr le; ds Hkhrj jpuk jkf 'k tek djus esa foQy jgrk gS] rks vfHk;kstu dks l{ke U;k;ky; ;k ml vijk\/k ds laca\/k esa] ftlds laca\/k esa ,sls O;f ds f[kykQ 'keu uksfVl tkjh fd;k x;k Fkk] LFkkfir fd;k tk,xkA vfHk;kstu LFkkfir djus ds ckn dEiksft'ku A& U;k;ky; fdlh Hkh le; dksM dh \/kkjk 138 ds rgr f'kdk;r ntZ djus ds ckn fdlh Hkh dkj ds 'keu ;ksX; vijk\/k dks 'keu dj ldrk gSA ;k lafgrk 1973 dh \/kkjk 320 ds ko\/kku ,slh dEiksft'ku ij ykxw gksaxsA v\/;k;& VIII jkstxkj dh tkudkjh vkSj fuxjkuh 29- \/kkjk 139 dh mi \/kkjk ds rgr lacaf\/kr dSfj; j lsaVj dks fjf;ksa dh fjiksVZ djus vkSj k }kjk fjVuZ Qkby djus dk Q dSfj;j dsaksa dks fjf;ksa dh fjiksfVaZx % jkT; ;k {ks= esa bl dksM ds 'kq: gksus ds ckn] fu;ksk ml jkT; ;k {ks= esa lkoZtfud {ks= esa gj fr\"Bku esa fdlh Hkh jkstxkj esa dksbZ Hkh in Hkjus ls igys jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwpuk esa fufnZ\"V fd, tk ldus okys ,sls dSfj;j dsa ;k dkj.k crk;k tk futh {ks= esa fdlh fr\"Bku esa fdlh Hkh oxZ ; k Js.kh ls lacaf\/kr fr\"Bku esa futh fr\"Bku ;k fr\"Bku esa fu;ksfr\"Bku es a fdlh Hkh jkstxkj esa fdlh Hkh dks Hkjus ls igys] bl rjg ds dSfj;j lsaVj dks jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwpuk esa fufnZ\"V dh xbZ rkjh[k ls fjf ;k dkj.k dh fjiksVZ d jsxkA jkT; ljdkj fu;kskvksa }kjk fjiksVZ dh xbZ fjf kfIr ds fy, ra= nku djsxhA dSfj;j lsaVj] ftls fjf;ks a dh lwpuk nh tkrh gS] fjiksVZ dh ds fy, ,d vf}rh; fjf fjiksfVaZx la[;k nk u djsxk vkSj bls fu;ksfyf[kr :i esa bZesy ;k fMftVy ;k fdlh vU; ek\/;e ls fjf;ksa dh fjiksfVaZx dh rkjh[k ls rqjar Hkst nsxk] ysfdu fdlh Hkh ekeys esa rhu dk ;Z fnolksa ds ckn ughaA 18 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 Li\"Vhdj.k% ^^lkoZtfud {ks=^^ esa LFkkiuk dk vFk Z gS ,d LokfeRo] fu;af=r ;k caf\/kr A& ljdkj ;k ljdkj dk ,d foHkkx daiuh vf\/kfu;e] 2013 2013 dh la[;k 18 dh \/kkjk 2 ds [kaM esa ifjHkkf\"kr ,d ljdkjh daiuh( ,d fuxe ,d lgdkjh lfefr lfgr ;k ,d Lok;k laxB u ;k ,d h; ;k jkT; vf\/kfu;e ds rgr ;k ljdkj }kjk LFkkfir fudk;] ftldk LokfeRo] fu;a=.k ;k ca\/ku ljdkj }kjk fd;k tk rk gS( rFkk ,d LFkkuh; kf\/kdkjhA ^^futh {ks= esa LFkkiuk^^ dk vFkZ gS ,slk fr\" Bku tks lkoZtfud {ks= esa dksbZ LFkkiuk ugha gS vkSj vkerkSj ij 50 ;k mlls vf\/kd deZpkfj;ksa ;k ,sls deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k gS ftUgsa jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr fd;k tk ldrk gSA ;ksa dh fjiksfVaZx ds fy, fjf;ksa vkSj la caf\/kr dSfj;j dsa fuEufyf[kr fjf;ksa] vFkkZRk& rduhdh vkSj oSKkfud fr ds inksa esa lHkh fjf; ka U;wure osru ;k osru Lrj ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr nksuksa ds :i esa] fr\"Bk uksa ds laca\/k esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk lafgrk ds rgr mi;q ljdkj( rFkk os fu;ksk tks jkT; ;k dsans'k ds ckgj dSfj;j dsaksa esa ifjpkfyr fd, tkus dh bPNk dj ldrs gSa ftlesa fr\"Bku fLFkr gS ,s ls dfj;j dsa dks lwfpr fd;k tk ldrk gS tks vf\/klwpuk }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk fufnZ\"V fd;k tk ;ka tks dSfj;j dsa dks lwfpr dh xbZ g Sa vkSj ftlds fy, HkrhZ jkT; ;k varj&jkT; ;k vf[ky Hkkjrh; vk\/kkj ij dh tkuh gS] dS fj;j lsaVj lwfpr fd;k tk,xk ftls dsa ljdkj us vf\/klwpuk }kjk fofufnZ\"V fd;k gS ;k ,d fMftVy iksVZy ij viyksM fd;k tk,xkA ;ksa dh fjiksfVaZx dk QeZ vkSj rjhdsA& ;ksa dks fyf[kr :i esa ;k oS\/k ljdkjh bZes y ds ek\/;e ls ;k fMftVy :i ls jkT; ljdkj }kjk fufnZ\"V dSfj;j lsaVj dks lwfpr f d;k tk,xkA dkj ds fjf ds laca\/k esa vyx&vyx] O;kogkfjd :i esa dbZ Lrqr djrs gq, QeZ XXV esa fn, x, k:i esa lwfpr fd;k tk,xkA mi&fu;e ds rgr dfj;j lsaVj esa igys ls ekStwn fooj.kksa esa dksbZ Hkh ifjorZu] fyf[kr :i esa ;k vkf\/kdkfjd bZesy ;k fMftV y :i ls ekeys ds vuqlkj fufnZ\"V dfj;j lsaVj dks lwfpr fd;k tk,xkA ;ksa dh fjiksfVaZx esa le; lhekA& dSfj;j dsa dks fjiksVZ fd, tkus ds fy, vko';d ;ka] fu;qf ds fy, laHkkfor mEehnokjksa ds vkos nu kIr djus dh vafre frfFk ls de ls de g fnu igys crkbZ tk,xh] fu;qf ;k lk{kkRdkj ds f y, ;k tks fjf;ksa dh lwpuk ijh{kk ysus s'; ls gSA vfHkys[kksa dk j[k&j[kko A& bl dksM dks fdlh jkT; ;k {ks= esa ykxw gksus ds ckn] ml jkT; ;k {ks= esa lkoZtfud {ks= esa fr\"Bku esa fu;ksk eSU;qvy ;k bysDVfud ;k fMf tVy :i ls fjdMZ la\/kkfjr j[ksaxsA R;sd o\"kZ ds 31 ekpZ dks deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy la[ ;k fu;fer] lafonk ;k fu;r vof\/k 31 ekpZ dks lekIr gksus okys o\"kZ ds nkSjku Hkrh Z gq, O;f izR;sd o\"kZ 31 ekpZ dks vius deZpkfj;ksa dk O;ko lkf;d fooj.k( fjfDr ftuds fy, mi;q mEehnokj 31 ekpZ dks lekIr gksus okys o\"kZ ds nkSjku miyC\/k ugha Fks rFkk kh; o\"kZ ds nkSjku fjf;ksa dh vuqekfur la[;k gksus dh laHkkouk gSA jkT; ljdkj vf\/klwpuk }kjk frfFk fu\/kkZfjr djrs gq, fufnZ\"V fd;k tk ldrk gS] futh {ks= esaizR;sd fr\"Bku esa fu;ksk ;k fdlh Hkh oxZ ;k f uth {ks= esa LFkkiuk dh Js.kh ls lacaf\/kr R;sd LFkkiuk eSU;qvy ;k bysDVfud :i ls fjdMZ cu k, j[ksxh ;k fMftVy :i ls R;sd o\"kZ ds 31 ekpZ dks deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy la[ ;k fu;fer] lafonk ;k fuf'pr 31 ekpZ dks lekIr gksus okys o\"kZ ds nkSjku Hkrh Z gq, O;f( 19 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 R;sd o\"kZ ds 31 ekpZ dks vius deZpkfj;ksa dk O; kolkf;d fooj.k( fjfDr;ka ftuds fy, mi;q mEehnokj 31 ekpZ dks le kIr gksus okys o\"kZ ds nkSjku miyC\/k ugha Fks( rFkk kh; o\"kZ ds nkSjku fjf;ksa dh vuqekfur la[;k gksus dh laHkkouk gSA fjVuZ tek djuk A& ,d fu;ksk lacaf\/kr dfj;j lsaVj dks okf\"kZd :i ls b ZvkbZvkj lwpuk fjVuZ ds :i esa fu;r rkjh[k ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj vFkkZr~ o\"kZ ds 31 ekpZ dks djsxk] tSlk fd QeZ& XXVI okf\"kZd fjVuZ esa fn;k x;k gS] eSU;qvy :i ls ;k bys DVfud :i ls ;k fMftVy :i ls Lrqr fd;k tk,xk] tSlk fd ekeyk gks ldrk gS] tSlk fd lacaf\/kr jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwpuk esa fufnZ\"V gS] dk;Zdkjh vf\/kdkjh dh ?kks\"k.kk A& dksM ds v\/;k; XIII jkstxkj lwpuk vkSj fuxjkuhiz;kstukFkZ funs'kd fu;kstu] lacaf\/kr jkT; ljdkj ds dSfj;j dsaksa ds dk;Z dks fu;af=r djus] orZu@dk;kZUo;u ds ms'; ds fy, R;sd ftys ds fy, ^ ^dk;Zdkjh vf\/kdkjh^^ ds :i esa dSfj;j ksa dk dk;Z ns[kus okys ,d vf\/kdkjh dks fyf[kr :i esa ?kksf\"kr djsxkA og vf\/kdkjh mu vf\/kdkjksa dk ;ksx djsxk vkSj lafgrk dh \/kkjk 139 esa mfYyf[kr drZO;ksa dk ikyu djsxk] ;k fyf[kr esa fdlh Hkh O;f dks mu vf\/kdkjksa dk ;ksx djus vkSj drZO;ksa dk ikyu djus ds fy, lafgrk ds v\/;k; XIII ds rgr naM dh jkf'k A& \/kkjk 133 ds rgr lafgrk ds rgr vijk\/k ds fy, naM ds iz;kstukFkZ funs'kd fu;kstu ;k led{k ;k mlls ij ds jSad ds vf\/kdkjh] lacaf\/kr jkT; ds dSfj;j dsaksa ds dk;Z dks fu;af=r djus] la LFkk dks eatwjh nsus ;k laLFkk dh laLFkk dks eatwjh nsus ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh gksaxsA 30- \/kkjk 141 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr dks\"k dk xBu A \/kkjk 141 ds [kaM esa mfYyf[kr fuf\/k ds lzksr ds vykok] fuEufyf[k r ls kIr jkf'k lzksr fuf\/k esa tek fd, tk,axs% & dks\"k dh LFkkiuk ds fy, jkT; ljdkj }kjk nh xbZ j kf'kA Hkkjr ljdkj] jkT; ljdkj vkSj vU; kf\/kdj.kksa vk Sj oS\/kkfud fudk;ksa }kjk nh tkus okyh vuqnku dh jkf'kA ykHkkfFkZ;ksa ds iathdj.k \/ uohuhdj.k vkSj muds va'knku ds fy, kIr jkf'kA Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr ;kstuk ds dk;kZUo;u d s fy, kIr jkf'kA jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf\/klwfpr ;kstuk ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, kIr jkf'kA lkekU; ;k fo'ks\"k vkns'k }kjk jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu \/kkZfjr fu;ksk] muds la?k ;k dlkekftd nkf;Ro dks\"k ls ;ksxnku ;k nku ;k dksbZ vU; fokh; lgk;r kA dksbZ vU; lzksr tks vf\/klwpuk ds ek\/;e ls jkT; l jdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr gSA fu;e 5 ns[ksadeZpkjh chek U;k;ky; esa vihy izkf\/kdkj] lkekftd lqj{kk] 2020 ij lafgrk ds rgr fu;q----------------------------------------------- eSa ----------------------------------------------- --] v\/kksgLrk{kjh] ---------------------------uke vkSj LFkkiuk dk iwjk irk dk deZpkjh gw* \/kkjk 37 dh \/kkjk 7 ls tqM+s dkj.kksa ds fy, -- --------------------------------------------- ds vk ns'k ls vkgr gwdjsa] \/kkjk 37 dh mi\/kkjk 7 ds rgr bl nwljh vi hy dks kFkfedrk nsa vkSj vuqjks\/k djsa fd m ----- ----------- dk vkns'k fn;k tk, ---------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ds vkns'k dh ,d fr --------------------------------- ------------- bl esa gS layXuA gLrk{kj ;k vaxwBs dk fu'kku rkjh[k ----------------------- 20 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 deZpkjh] chek U;k;ky; esa ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- fooj.k vkSj fuokl tksM+sa--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- i{k ds foijhr ikVhZ fu;e vkSj fuokl dks tksM+sa vkosnu ds vU; fooj.k 6 fu;e esa fufnZ\"V ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----- vkosnd ds gLrk{kj rkjh[k ---------------------- vkosnd }kjk lR;kiubl vkosnu esa fufgr rF;ksa dk fooj.k esjs Kku vkSj fo'okl] : vkSj lgh ds fy, lcls vPNk gSA ---------------------- rkjh[k --------------------- gLrk{kj QkeZ III deZpkjh chek U;k;ky; ------------------------------ ------ o\"kZ 20 esa dk;Zokgh dk jftLVj -------------------- - foijhr ikVhZ mifLFkfr vf\/kdkjh vkosnu dh Lrqfr dh frfFk dk;Zokgh dh la[;k fuokl dk LFkku fo'ks\"k fooj.k ewY; dh jkf'k] ;fn gks fuokl dk LFkku fo'ks\"k fooj .k jkf'k ;k ewY; dkjZokbZ dk dkj.k ;fn gks vkosnd ds i{k esa vk, fnu foijhr ikVhZ ftlds fy, vihy ds fu.kZ; dh frfFk ;fn dksbZ gks vihy dk fu.kZ; vkosnu dh frfFk fdlds fy,] fdl jkf'k ds fy,] fdruh jkf'k gS] vkns'k dh rkjh[k vU; vFkksf jVh dks LFkkukrfjr djus dh frfFk vU; fooj.k] ;fn dksbZ gks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 ns[ksa ] lsok esa] LFkkiuk dk uke ;k fooj.k iw.kZ irs ds lkFk nsa;gka iwjk uke eSa] Jh@Jherh@dqekjh ----------------------------- ---- uhps fn, x, fooj.k esa] esjs }kjk e`R;q ds ckn ns; 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gLrk{kj @vaxwBs dk fu'kku yxk,a deZpkjh dh frfFkA lk{kh }kjk ?kks\"k.kk esjs le{k ukekadu gLrk{kfjr@vaxwBk yxk gqvk iw.kZ vkSj iw.kZ irs esa uke lk{kh ds gLrk {kj 1 1 2 2 ekf.kr fd;k x;k fd mi;qZ ukekadu ds fooj.kksa dks lR;kfir vkSj LFkkiuk esa ntZ fd;k x;k gSA k dk lanHkZ laA ;fn dksbZA k@vf\/kdkjh dk gLrk{kj in fnukad uke vkSj LFkkiuk dk irk ;k jcj LVSEi mlds cknA deZpkjh }kjk vkHkkj esjs }kjk nk;j i= IV esa ukekadu dh MqfIydsV kIr djsa vkSj fu;ksekf.kr drZO;A deZpkjh ds gLrk{kj fnukadA uksV&mu 'kCnksa vkSj iSjkxzkQksa ij gkj djsa tks y kxw ugha gSaA 22 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 fu;e 7 dk u;k ukekadu lsok esa------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -------- ;gka izfr\"Bku dk uke ;k fooj.k iwjs irs ds lkFk fy [ksaeSa] Jh@Jherh dqekjh------------------------------- ------------------------;gka iwjk uke fy[ksa ftld k fooj.k uhps vfHkO;fd;k x;k gS] ,rokjk uhps mYysf[kr O;f dks @lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 dh \/kkjk dh \/kkkjk ds [kaM ds vFkZ esa viuk, x, ifjokj dks -------------- -;gka rkjh[k fy[ksa ls fuEufyf[kr bafxr rjhds ls ukfer djrk@djrh gwa vkSj blfy, uhps mYysf[kr dks e sjh e``R;q ds mijkar ns; m;ksa dks muds nku vkSj lk Fk gh esjh e`R;q dh fLFkfr esa eq>s ns; gks xbZ gS] ;k ns ; gksus dk Hkqxrku gha fd;k x;k gS vkSj m minku jk f'k dks ukfer@;ksa dks muds uke ds vkxs n'kkZ;s x, vuqikr e sa ckaV nh tkus dk funsZ'k nsrk@nsrh gwaA eSa] Jh@Jherh@dqekjh------------------------------- -------------;gka iwjk uke fy[ksa ftldk fooj.k uh ps vfHkO;okjk lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd esjs }kjk fnuk ad----------------------------------------------dks ukekadu Hkjk x;k gS rFkk vkids fnukad-----------------------------ds lanHkZ la[;k ------------------------------ds rgr fjdkMZfd , x, dks fuEukuqlkj lalksf\/kr fd;k *vuko';d Hkkx dks dkV nsaA 2- eSa ,rokjk izekf.kr djrk@djrh gwa fd mYysf[kr O;f lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 dh \/kkjk 2 ds [kaM ds vFkZ esa esjs ifjokj dk@ds lnL; 3- eSa ,rokjk ?kks\"k.kk djrk@djrh gwa fd m lafgr dh \/kkjk 2 ds [kaM ds vFkZ esa esjk dksbZ ifjokj blds varxZr ugha gSA esjs ifr @ekrk@ekrk&firk@eq> ij fuHkZj ugha gSA esjs ifr ds firk@ekrk@ekrk&firk esjs ifr ij fuHkZj ugha gS 5- eSus mijks lafgrk dh \/kkjk dh 'krksZa ds vuqlkj l{ke izkfr\/kdkjh dks fnukad ---- ---------------------------------------dks fn, uksfVl ds } kjk vius ifjokj ls vius ifr dks vyx dj fn;k gSA 6- ;g ukekadu esjs iqjkus ukekadu dk fujLr dj nsxk A la- ukfefr@;ksa dk iwjk uke ,oa irk deZpkjh ls laca\/k ukfefr dh vk;q minku lk>k djus ds fy, vuqiku ^^,d ifjokj ^^dks viukus dk rjhdk ;gka bl ckr dk fooj.k nsa fd ,d ifjokj dks dSls vi uk;k x;k Fkk] vFkkZr fookg ;k ekrk&firk }kjk vkfJkr gksus ;k vU; ;k tSls xksn ysuk ds ek\/;e ls1- deZpkjh dk iwjk uke 4- D;k vki vfookfgr@fookfgr@fo\/kok@fo\/kqj gS 5- foHkkx@'kk[kk @vuqHkkx tgka rSukr gS 6- inuke ds lkFk fVdV ;k ekad la[;k];fn dksbZ gks dh rkjh[k 23 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 8- LFkk;h irk% xkao----------------------------------------------- --------Fkkuk-------------------------------------- -------------mi izHkkx----------------------------- -------------------- Mkd?kj--------------------------------------------- -----ftyk------------------------------------------ -------jkT;---------------------------------------- -------------------- bZesy vkbZMh -------------------------------------- --------------------eksckby la[;k------------------ ---------------- fnukad deZpkjh ds gLrk{kj @vaxwBs dk fu'kku k ds }kjk izek.k i= izekfur fd;k tkrk gS fd mijks ukekadr dk fooj.k lR ;kfir fd;k x;k g vkSj bls laLFkku fjdkMZ dj fy;k x;k gSA k dk lanHkZ la[;k] ;fn dksbZ gks k ds gLrk{kj@izf\/kr vf\/kdkjh dk inuke laLFkku dk uke ,oa irk ;k mldk jcj eksgj fnukad--------------------------------------------- -- deZpkjh ds }kjk ikofr esjs }kjk Hkjs x, vSj fu;ks k }kjk izekf.kr fd, x, ukekadu izi= dh MqIyhdsV dkW ih izkIr dj yh xbZ gSA fnukad------------------------------------ deZpkjh ds gLrk{kj ns[ksa ] ukedj.k esa la'kks\/ku lsok esa] ----------------------------------------- ----------- [LFkkiuk dk uke ;k fooj.k iw.kZ irs ds lkFk nsa ] eSa] Jh @ Jhefr @ dqekjh ---------------------- [iwjk uke ;gk] ftuds fooj.k uhps fn, x, fooj.k esa fn, x, gSa] ,r}kjk ;g lwpuk nsrs gSa fd esjs }kjk nk;j ukekadu ----------------------------- [fnukad ] ] vkSj vkids lanHkZ ds rgr ntZ dh xbZ la[;k ---------------- -fnuakd-------------- ---- fuEufyf[kr rjhds ls la'kksf\/kr gksxhA [;gk bfPNr la'kks\/kuksa dk fooj.k nsa ] 1- iw.kZ :i ls deZpkjh dk uke 4- pkgs vfookfgr @ fookfgr @ fo\/kok @ fo\/kqj gks 5- foHkkx @ 'kk[kk @ vuqHkkx tgka dk;Zjr gks 6- fVdV ;k lhfj;y uacj ds lkFk vk;ksftr iksLV ;fn dksbZ gks dh frfFk 8- iwjk irk k ds gLrk{kj @ vaxwBs dk fu'kku yxk,a xokg }kjk ?kks\"k.kk esjs le{k ukekadu gLrk{kfjr \/ vaxwBs dk la'kks\/ku xokgksa ds iwjs vkSj iwjs irs esa ukeA xokgksa dk gLrk{kj deZpkjh }kjk ekf.kr fd;k x;k gS fd mijks la'kks\/ku ntZ fd;k x; k gSA fu;ksk dk lanHkZ laA] ;fn dksbZ gks 24 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 k @ vf\/kdkjh dk gLrk{kj LFkkiuk dk uke vkSj irk ;k mlds ckn jcj LVkEiA ,EIy ks; }kjk Lohdkj fd, tkrs gSa ekf.kr esjs }kjk nk;j fd, x, QeZ VI *esa la'kks\/ku ds fy, uksfVl dh MqfIydsV dkIr djsaA fnukad deZpkjh dk gLrk{kj izi=& VII deZpkjh@ukfefr@dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh }kjk minku ds fy , vkosnu tks 'kCn ykxw u gks dkV nsalsok esa] ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ;gka izfr\"Bku dk uke ;k fooj.k iwjs irs ds lkFk f y[ksegksn;@egksn;k] eSa] ---------------------------------------------- -------deZpkjh@ukfefr@dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh dk uke@L oxhZ;-----------------------------------deZpkjh dk uke }kjk ukfer O;f dk uke@LoxhZ; ---- ----------------------------------------deZpkjh dk ukekjkf\/kdkjh ds :Ik esa]lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 dh \/kkjk 53 dh \/kkjk ds rgr gdnkj gwa] minku d s Hkqxrku ds vkosnu djrk gw esjh v\/kZof\"kZrk@lsokfuo`fk@de ls de ikap o\"k Z dh fujarj lsok ds iwjs djus ckn R;kxi=@nq?kZVUkk ds dkj.k dqy fodykaxrk@chekjh ds d kj.k dqy fodykaxrk@------------------------------frfFk ls izHkkoh fu;r vof\/k jkstxkj ds rgr lafonk v of\/k dh lekfIr ij ;k ( lsok esa jgrs gq, mi;Zq deZpkjh dh e``R;q @l sok esa -----------------------o\"kZ dh lekfIr ds Ik 'pkr~~ fnukad ---------------------------dks v\/kZof\"kZrk @fnukad -------------------------ls nq?kZVuk ;k lsok esa jg rs gq, esa chekjh ds dkj.k mi;Zq deZpkjh dh dqy fodykaxrk ;k( lsok esa jgrs gq, vkids izfr\"Bku esa mi;qZ de Zpkjh dh e``R;q@fnukad-----------------------dks v\/ kZof\"kZrk vk;q izkIr djus ds Ik'pkr fcuk dksbZ ukekadu ds --- ----------o\"kZ dh lsok iwjh djus ds Ik'pkr@-------- ------------------- ls lsok esa jgrs gq, m deZ pkjh dh nq?kZVuk ;k chekjh }kjk dqy fodykaxrk ( esjh fu;qf ls lacaf\/kr vko';d fooj.k fuEukuqlkj gS A 1- deZpkjh dk iwjk uke] ;fn fdlh deZpkjh }kjk mink u dk nkok fd;k tkrk gS d- deZpkjh dh oSokfgd fLFkfr vfookfgr@fookfgr fo\/kok@fo\/kqj [k- deZpkjh dk iwjk irk 2- ukfefr @dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh dk uke ;fn fdlh deZ pkjh }kjk minku dk nkok fd;k tkrk gSd- deZpkjh dk uke [k- ukfefr@dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh dk dh oSokfgd fLFkfr vfookfgr@fookfgr@fo\/kok@fo\/kqj x- ukfefr @dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh dk deZpkjh ds lkFk l aca\/k ?k- ukfefr @dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh dk iwjk irk M- deZpkjh dh e``R;q dh frfFk vkSj e`R;q dk izek.k i= p- fjdkMZ fd, x, ukekadu dh lanHkZ la[;k ;fn miyC\/k gks 3- foHkkx@'kk[kk@vuqHkkx tgka vafre rSukrh Fkh & 4- deZpkjh }kjk \/kkfjr in & dh rkjh[k & 6- lsok lekfIr dh rkjh[k vkSj dkj.k & 7 e`R;q dh rkjh[k & 8- deZpkjh dh lsok dh dqy vof\/k & 25 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 9- deZpkjh }kjk vkgfjr dqy vafre osru 10- deZpkjh dks ns; dqy minku@ukfefr@dkuwuh mkjkf\/ kdkjh }kjk fd, x, minku dk Hkqxrku& 11- esjs cSad [kkrk la[;k ------------------------- -----esa Ik;k cSad psd@sfMV }kjk Hkqxrku fd;k tk, A LFkku% Hkonh;@Hkonh;k rkjh[k% vkosnd deZpkjh@ukfefr@ kjkf\/kdkjh dk gLrk{kj@vaxwBs dk fu'kku - izi=& VIII minku ds nkos dk Hkqxrku@[kkfjt fd, tkus dh lwpuk tks 'kCn ykxw u gks dkV nsalsok esa] ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------- vkosfnr deZpkjh@ukfer dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh dk uke v kSj irkvkidks ,r}kjk lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd * lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds fu;e 8 ds mi&fu;e ds Dykmt rgr vko';druqlkj] m fu;eksa ds rgr vko';drkuqlkj] m fu;esa ds rgr QkWeZ& VII esa fn, x, vkids vkosnu ij bafxr minku ds Hkqxrku ds fy idk nkok mfYyf[kr dkj.k Lohdk;Z dkj.k ;gka dkj.k Li\"V djsa * lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds fu;e 35 ds mi&fu;e ds mi&[kaM vko';drkuqlkj]-------------------:Ik;s------------ ------------- dh jkf'k dk minku ds :Ik esa Hkqxrku fd;k tk,@ vkids }kjk------------------------------------ ------------------------ij dh xbZ ukekadu dh 'krksZ a esaa minku ds Hkkx ds :Ik esa vkSj bl izfr\"Bku ds deZpkjh ------- -----------------------------ds dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh :Ik esa fd, x, ukekadu dh 'krksZa esa vkids fgLls ds :Ik es a ---------------------------fn;k rFkk ------------ ------------------fjdksMZ fd;k x;kA 2 *vkids minku ds Hkqxrku dk kl psd izkIr djus ds fy, d``I;k -------------------------------- dks------------------------------------- -- ij ----------------------- ij dkWy djsaA 3- vkidh bPNkuqlkj ns; jkf'k vkidks fMekaM MV d s ek\/;e ls ;k vkids cSad [kkrs esa }kjk Hksth tk,xhA 4- dsyD;w'ku dk la{ksi fooj.k dh rkjh[k lekfIr @v\/kZZof\"kZrk@ R;kxi=@fodykaxrk@e``R;q dh rkjh[kA lacaf\/kr O;f dh dqy lsok vof\/k%-------------- --------------------o\"kZ--------------------------- -----------ekg------------------- vafre vkjfgr osru% ukekadu@,d dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh ds :Ik esa ns; Lohdk;Z minku dk vuqikr% ns; jkf'k% * iSjk tks ykxw u gks dkV nsa fu;ksk@l{ke vf\/kdkjh ds gLrk{kj izfr\"Bku dk uke ;k fooj.k ;k mldh jcj dh eksgj fr% xzsP;qVh ls budkj djus ds ekeys esa l{ke kf\/k dkjhA frfyfi% Mhth yscj C;wjks] Je vkSj jkstxkj ea=ky;] paMhx<+ dk dk;kZy;A 26 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 izi= & IX ns[ksa fu;e 35minku dh olwyh ds fy, vkosnu lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds rgr v\/;k; V ds fy, l{ke izkf\/kdj.k ds le{k vkosnu la[;k lacaf\/kr fu;ksk@U;kl@chekdrkZ dk irk lfgr iwjk uk e1- vkosnd mi;qZ dk deZpkjh gS tks LoxhZ; -- --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------dk dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k gS tks mi;qZk ds ,d deZpkj h Fks vkSj vkius vius uksfVl esa mk dks lke kftd fu;e] 2020 ds rgr funsZf'kr fd;k f dlkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds rgr fu;e 35 ds ;k mi&fu;e ds varxZr ns; minku ds :i esa :i;s -------------------------------------- ---------- dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk,A 2- vkosnd us ;g lwfpr fd;k gS fd gkykafd eSaus Hkqx rku ds fy, mlls laidZ fd;k Fkk fQj Hkh mk vkids }kjk ;Fkk funsZf'kr minku jkf'k dk Hk qxrku djus esa foQy jgk gSA 3- vkosnd ;g izkFkZuk djrk gS fd vkids funsZ'k ds v uq:i minku ds :i esa ns; -------------------------- ------- jkf'k dh olwyh ds fy, lafgrk dh \/kkjk 129 ds rgr ,d izek.k i= tkjh fd;k tk,A vkosnd ds gLrk{kj@vaxwBs dk fu'kkukA uksV& ykxw ugha gksus okys 'kCnksa dks gVk nsaA izi= & IX lkekftd lqj{kk] 2020 ij lafgrk ds rgr v\/;k; v ds fy, l{ke izkf\/kdkjh ls le{k funsZ'k ds fy, vkosnu vkosnu la[;k] fnukad vkosnd ds iwjs uke lfgr iwjk irklacaf\/kr fu;ksk dk iwjk ukevkosnd mijksk dk ,d deZpkjh mijks d s deZpkjh LoxhZ;----------------------------------- --ds }kjk ukekafdr@mijksk dk deZpkjh vkSj LoxhZ;----- ------------------dkuquh mkjkf\/kdkjh gS vkSj lkekf td lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 dh \/kkjk 53 ds rgr minku ds Hkqxrku ds fy, Lo; a gdnkj gS@m deZpkjh------------------------------ --------------- dks v\/kZof\"kZrk dh vk;q izkIr dh @Lo;a dh lsokfuo``fk @-----------------------o\"kZ dh fujarj lsok ---------------------------- iwjh gksus ij mi;qZ deZpkjh dk R;kxi= @ml dh viuh @mi;Zq deZpkjh dh ------------------------ -----------------------ls nq?kZVuk @chekjh ds dkj.k dqy fodykaxrk@ ------------------------------------------rkjh[k d ks mi;qZ deZpkjh dh 2- vkosnd us lkekftd lqj{kk fu;e ij 2021 ij lafgrk ds fu;e 8 ds rgr ,d vkosnu -------------------------------dks fd;k ijarq mi;qZ k us bls vLohdk;Z dj fn;k@----------------- -----------------------------------fu;e ds mi fu;e -------------------------------ds---------- -----------------[kaM ds rgr fnukad---------------- -----------------dks eq>s ns; minku dh de jkf'k dk mYys[k djrk gS@---------------------fu;e ds mi f u;e --------------------ds [kaaM ds rgr esjs minku ds Hkqxrku dh ik=rk dks fujLr djrs gq, fnukad ------------------------- --dks ,d uksV tkjh fd;k gSA lwpuk dh ,d MqIyhdsV izfr layxz gSA 27 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 3- vkosnd us ekuk gS fd ekeys ij dksbZ fookn gS fo okn Li\"V djsa4- vkosnd ;gka vuqyxzd esa vko';d fooj.k izLrqr djr k gS vkSj izkFkZuk djrk gS fd l{ke izkf\/kdkjh ;kfpdrkZ dks ns; minku dh jkf'k dks fu\/kkZfjr djs v kSj mi;qZk dks ;kfpdkdrkZ dks m Hkqxrku dj us ds fy, funsZf'kr dj ldrk gSA 5- vkosnd bl ckr dh ?kks\"k.kk djrk gS fd vuqyxzd es a izLrqr fooj.k mlds Kku vkSj fo'okl ds vuqlkj lR; vkSj lgh gSaA vkosnd dk gLrk{kj@ vaxwBs dk fu'kku 1- vkosnd ds iwjs uke lfgr iwjk irk %& 2- nkos dk vk\/kkj e`R;q@vf\/kof\"kZrk@lsokfuo`fk@R ;kxi= @deZpkjh dh fodykaxrk@fu;r vof\/k jkstxkj ds rgr lafonk vof\/k jkstxkj ds rgr lafonk vof\/k dh lekfIr3- deZpkjh dk iwjk uke vkSj irk 4- deZpkjh dh oSokfgd fLFkfr vfookfgr@fookfgr@fo\/ kok@fo\/kqjk dk uke vkSj iwjk irk 6- foHkkx@'kk[kk@vuqHkkx tgka deZpkjh vafre ckj dk ;Zjr Fkk ;fn Kkr gks7- fVdV ;k e la[;k lfgr deZpkjh }kjk \/kkfjr in] ; fn dksbZ gks ;fn Kkr gks8- deZpkjh dh fu;qf dh rkjh[k ;fn Kkr gks9- rkjh[k lfgr deZpkjh dh lsok lekfIr dk dkj.k vf \/kof\"kZrk@lsokfuoZfk@R;kxi=@fodykaxrk@ e~`R;q@fu;r vof\/k jkstxkj ds rgr lafonk vof\/k d h lekfIr10- deZpkjh }kjk lsok dh dqy vof\/k 11- deZpkjh }kjk vkgfjr vafre osru 12- ;fn deZpkjh e``r gS] rks mldh frfFk vkSj dkj. k 13- deZpkjh dh e`R;q ds leFkZu esa lk{;@xokg 14- ;fn ,d ukfer gS] fu;ksk ds lkFk ukekadu dh la [;k vkSj fjdkMZ dh rkjh[k 15- dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh gksus ds leFkZu esa lk{;@x okg] ;fn mkjkf\/kdkjh gS 16- deZpkjh dks ns; dqy minku ;fn Kkr gks17- vkosnd dks ukfefr@dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh ds :Ik e sa ns; minku dk izfr'kr 18- vkosnd }kjknkok dh xbZ minku dh jkf'k fnukad vkosnd dk gLrk{kj@vaxwBs dk fu'kku 28 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 ns[ksa ] xHkZikr@xHkZ\/kkj.k ;k V;wcsDVkseh vkWijs'ku@cPps dh fMyhojh@cPps dks xksn ysus ds fy, fpfdRlk vf\/kdkjh@fpfdRlk O;olk;h dk izek.k&i= ;g izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd & eSaus fnukad ------------------------------- dk s LFkkiuk dk uke ----------------------------- dh tkap dh vkSj ik;k@Kkr ugha dj ldk fd fu;ksftr deZpkjh@efgyk deZpkjh ---------- ---------------- dh iRuh@csVh m rkjh[k ls xHkZorh gS vkSj ----------------------- ls@dks ,d eghus vkSj fnuksa ds Hkhrj fMyhojh dh mEehn gS@ml ds cPps dk xHkZikr gks x;k gS@esfMdy VfeZus'ku vkWQ izsxusalh ;k V;wcsDVeh vkWijs'kuW ---------------- ----------------- dks cPps dks tUe fn;k gS vFkok ----------------- ------ ls xHkkZoLFkk@fMyhojh@cPps dk vle; tUe vFkok xHkZikr@xHkkZoLFkk dk esfMdy VfeZus'ku ;k V;wcsDVks eh vkWijs'ku ds dkj.k gksus okyh chekjh ls xzLr gSA LFkkiuk dk uke----------------------------------- --------------- esa fu;ksftr Jh ------------------- ----------------------------------------------dh iRuh@csVh Jherh ----------------------- dh ds cPps dh e`R;q xHkkZoLFkk ls iwoZ@nkSjku@lekfIr ds ckn gk s xbZA eSaus tkap dh fd LFkkiuk dk uke-------------- ---- esa fu;ksftr Jh ------------------- dh iRuh@cs Vh ;k efgyk deZpkjh Jerh ---------- dh@dk---------------------- ---------- rkjh[k dks mlds cPps dk fMyhojh gks x;k gS@mldk xHkZikr gks * vuko';d Hkkx dks gVk nsaA gLrk{kj] ;ksX;rk vkSj inuke fpfdRlk vf\/kdkjh@fpfdRlk O;olk;@\/kkbZ fnukad-------------------------------- lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds vuqlkj dh ijHkk\"kk, esa e`rtkr cPpk Hkh 'kkfey gSA dk vFkZ xHkkZoLFkk ds NCchlosa lIrkg ls igys ;k mlds nkSjku fdlh Hkh le; xHkZorh ds xHkkZ'k; dh lkexzh dk fu\"dklku djuk] ysfdu blesa dk sbZ xHkZikr 'kkfey ugha gS] Hkkjrh; naM lafgrk ds rgr naMuh; gSA 29 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 izi=& XI ns[ksa ] \/kkjk 62 vkSj 63 ds rgr ekr`Ro ykHk vkSj Hkqxrku ds fy, nkos dk uksfVl lsok esa] izfr\"Bku dk uke ------------------------------ ns[ksa ] LFkkiuk dk uke --------------------------- esa -- -------------------- ds :i esa fu;ksftr Jh -------- ---------------------------------- dh iRuh@csVh efgyk dk uke eSa ---------------------- -------------- ,r}kjk lwpuk nsrh gwa fd eSa bl uksf Vl dh rkjh[k ls vxys Ng lIrkg@xHkkZoLFkk ds Hkhrj] --------------------- --------------------- dks ,d cPps ds tUe d h mEehn djrh gwa@tUe fn;k gS ftl dkj.k eSa ----------------------------- ---- ls dke ls vuqifLFkr jgwaxhA ftl vof\/k esa eq>s ekr`Ro ykHk izkIr gksrk gS] ml vof\/k esa eSa fdlh Hkh izfr\"Bku esa dke ugha d:axhA 2- \/kkjk 63 ds fufgrkFkZ eSa blds }kjk ukekafdr djr h gwa fd --------------------------------- esjh e` R;q gksus dh fLFkfr esa ---------------------- ;gka ukekafdr O;f dk u ke vkSj irk ntZ djsa lafgrk ds rgr ekr`Ro ykHk vkS j @;k fdlh vU; jkf'k dks izkIr djsaxsA ekeys esa ,d lR;kiui dk gLrk{kj efgyk dk gLrk{kj ;k vaxwBs dk Nki ;fn efgyk gLrk{kj djus vkSj vaxwBs dk fu'kku yxkus esa l{ke ugha gSAfnukad------------------------- izlwfr izlqfo\/kk ykHk izkfIr dk izi= ns[ksa ] eSa ----------------------------------------------- --- v\/kksgLrk{kjh] lkekftd lqj{kk] 2020 ij lafgrk d s rgr ftyk---------------- esa LFkkiuk dk uke--------------------- esa fu; ksftr@e`rd efgyk deZpkjh--------------------------- -- dk ukferh@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k gwa ftlus izlwfr izlqfo\/kk ds :i esa ns; jkf'k fuEu kuqlkj izkIr dh gS %& izlwfr izlqfo\/kk dh igyh fdLr ds :i esa fnukad----- -------------------------- dks Hkqxrku dh xbZ jkf'k --------------- :i;s fMyhojh ds mijkar izlwfr izlqfo\/kk dh nwljh fdLr ds :i esa fnukad ---------------------- dks Hkqxrku d h xbZ jkf'k ----------------- :i;s lafgrk dh \/kkjk 64 ds varxZr fpfdRlk cksul ds :i es a fnukad ---------- dks Hkqxrku dh xbZ jkf'k ------ ----:i;s \/kkjk 65 ds rgr mfYyf[kr NqV~Vh vof\/k ds fy, fnukad ------------------------- dks osru ds :i esa Hkqxr ku dh xbZ jkf'k ----------------------- :i;s esjh@mldh fMyhojh@xHkZikr ds fy, vkWijs'ku ;k V;wcs DVkWeh vkWijs'ku fnukad--------------------- dks gq bZ Fkh vFkok eSa@og xHkkZoLFkk@fMyhojh@cPps ds vle; tUe vF kok xHkZikr ds dkj.k xHkkZoLFkk fpfdRlk dh lekfIr fnukad ----------------------------- dks vkWijs'ku ;k V;wcsDVkWeh vkWijs'ku ds dkj.k gks xbZA blds ifj .kkeLo:i --------------------- eq>s ---------------------------------- mlds ukfer@dkuwu h izfrfuf\/k ds :i esa lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 d h \/kkjk 60] 64 vkSj 65 mfYyf[kr jkf'k izkIr gqbZ gSA efgyk deZpkjh ;k mlds }kjk ukfer ;k dkuwuh izfrfuf\/ k ;fn efgyk gLrk{kj djus esa l{ke ugha gS rks lk{kh d s gLrk{kj vkSj vaxwBs dk fu'kku fnukad------------------------------ * vuko';d Hkkx dks gVk nsaA 30 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 fu;e 8 dk ns[ksa ] kf\/kdkjh @ leu ds le{k mifLFkfr ds fy, lwpuk ykxw u gksus okys 'kCnksa dks gVk nsak @ vkosnd dk uke vkSj irk tcfd Jh ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ vkids vi us deZpkjh@mlds ukekafdr deZpkjh@ deZpkjh @ dkuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh mi;qZk] us mi &fu;e ds rgr ,d vkosnu nk;j fd;k gS --------------- ----------fu;e ds ------------------------------ fu;e ------- ----------------------- lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk fu;e] 2021 ij ;g vkjksi yxkrs gq, fd --------- vkosnu dh ,d fr layXu gS] ;fn ] leu tkjh fd;k x;k gS] rks vkosnu dh vko';drk ugha gS vc] blfy,] vkidks blds }kjk cqyk; k tkrk gS @l{ke ds le{k mifLFkr gksus ds fy, cqyk;k tkrk gSA kf\/kdj.k esa --------------------- ---------------- ;k rks O;fxr :i ls ;k fdl h O;f ds ek\/;e ls bl laca\/k esa fof\/kor vkosnu ds laca\/k esa lHkh HkkSfr d 'uksa ds mkj nsus ds ms'; ls ------------- 20- ------ ds fnu --------------------vkjksi dk tokc nsus ds fy, @ ds leFkZu esa @ ds leF kZu esa @ ------------ cts iwokZg~u @ vijkg~u esa( vkSj ftl fnu vkidh mifLFkfr ds fy, vkosnu ds vafre fuiVku ds fy, fu;r fd;k x;k gS] ml fnu vkidks mu lHkh xokgksa dks Lrqr djus ds fy, rS;kj jguk pkfg, ftud s lk{;] vkSj ftu nLrkostksa ij vki vius vkjksi @ cp ko ds leFkZu esa Hkjkslk djuk pkgrs gSaA \/;ku nsa fd igys mYys[k ds fnu vkids mifLFkfr ds f MQYV esa] vkosnu dks vkidh vuqifLFkfr esa [kkfjt \/ lquk vkSj fu\/kkZfjr fd;k tk,xkA tcfd lk{; nsus ds fy, vkidh mifLFkfr vko';d gS \/ v kidks bl lwph esa mfYyf[kr nLrkostksa dk mRiknu djuk vko';d gS ----------------------------- ----- dh vksj ls ------------------ }kjk xzsP;qVh d s fy, nkos ls mRiUu ekeys esaA eZ ------------------ vkSj bl kf\/kdj.k dks lkekf td lqj{kk] 2020 ij lafgrk dh \/kkjk 56 ds rgr ,d vko snu }kjk lanfHkZr fd;k x;k gS] vkidks bl kf\/kdj.k ds le{k O ;fLrqr djus ds fy, cqyk;k x;k gS ------- ------- nLrkostksa ds fnu ------------20 --------------- - ij --------------- for cts ls nksigj @ nksigj esa vkSj bl kf\/kdj.k esa Hkstus ds fy, vkids lkFk ykus ds fy,nLrkostksa dh lwph& 3- bR;kfn esjs gkFk vkSj eqgj ds rgr] ;g-------------- --fnu- ----------- dk ---------------20------- u lks'ky flD;ksfjVh dksM] 2020 ds rgr 1- mu 'kCnksa vkSj iSjkxzkQksa ij gkj djsa tks yk xw ugha gSaA 2- gVk, tkus ds fy, ykxw ugha gksus okyk fgLlkA 3- leu MqfIydsV esa tkjh fd;k tk,xkA MqfIydsV ij g Lrk{kj fd;k tkuk gS vkSj fu;r rkjh[k ls igys lsokjr O;f;ksa }kjk ykSVk;k tkuk gSA 4- ;fn leu dsoy nLrkost Lrqr djus ds fy, tkjh fd; k tkrk gS vkSj lk{; ugha fn, tkrs gSa rks ;g lEeu ds fy, i;kZIr vuqikyu gksxk ;fn nLrkost ms'; ds fy, l{ke kf\/kdkjh ds le{k tkus ds fnu vkSj ?kaVs ds fy, mRiUu fd, tkrs gSaA 31 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 l{ke@vihyh; kf\/kdkjh }kjk fu\/kkZfjr xzsP;qVh ds Hk qxrku ds fy, lwpuk ykxw u gksus okys 'kCnksa dks gVk nsauke vkSj fu;ks1- tcfd Jh @ Jherh @ dqekjh ----------------------- ----------------------------------- deZpkjh ------- --------------------------------- vkids rgr @,d ukekafdr O;f @ dkuwuh mkjkf\/ kdkjh dk LoxhZ; ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------&vkiuk dksbZ deZpkjh vkids v\/khu] lkekftd lqj{kk] 2020 ij lafgrk dh \/kkjk 56 ds rgr ,d vkosnu nk;j fd;k Fkk( ;k tcfd vkidks ,d lwpuk nh xbZ Fkh fd --------------- ------------------------- -vkidks : dk Hkqxrku dju s ds fy, ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- lkekftd lqj{kk la fgrk] 2021 ds rgr xzsP;qVh ds :i esaA 2- vkSj tcfd vkosnu vkidh mifLFkfr esa lquk x;k Fkk --------------- vkSj lquokbZ ds ckn irk pyk gS fd Jherh @ dqekjh --------------------------------- ------- lkekftd lqj{kk] 2020 ij lafgrk ds rgr xzsP; qVh ds :i esa #i;s dk Hkqxrku djus dk gdnkj gS( ;k tcfd vki \/ vkosnd vihyh; kf\/kdkjh ds le{k vihy es a x, Fks] ftUgksaus fu.kZ; fy;k gS fd #A dh jkf'k -- dk Hkqxrku Jh @ Jherh @ dqek jh -------------- ds Hkqxrku ds dkj.k gSA --------- -----lkekftd lqj{kk] 2021 ij lafgrk ds dkj.k C;kt ds :i esa ns; jkf'k vkSj ns; jkf'kA vc] blfy,] eSa vkidks blds fy, #i;s dk Hkqxrku djus dk funsZ'k nsrk gwaA ----------------------------- ----------- -rks Jh @ Jherh @ dqekjh ------------------------------- --------- bl uksfVl dh kfIr ds rhl fnuksa ds Hkhrj esjs ikl ,d lwpuk ds esjs gkFk vkSj lhy ds rgr] ;g ----------------- -fn u dk ------------------------- -20 ---------------- -- lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2021 dh lafgrk ds rgr 1- vkosnd& mls Hkqxrku ,d= djus ds fy, fu;ksk ls l aidZ djus dh lykg nh tkrh gSA 2- ykxw gksus ij vihyh; kf\/kdkjhA uksV A&&& ykxw ugha gksus ij iSjkxzkQksa dks gVk n sa 32 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 fu;e 8 dk ns[ksa ] xzsP;qVh dh olwyh ds fy, vkosnu lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds rgr v\/;k; V ds fy, l {ke kf\/kdj.k ls igys vkosnu la[;k iwjs irs ds lkFk vkosnd dk ukek @iw.kZ@lacaf\/kr irs ij lacaf\/kr chekdrkZ d k uke1- vkosnd mi;qZk dk ,d deZpkjh gS@nsj ls vk us okyk ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- n~xkrk gS fd mi;qZk dk ,d deZpkjh @ ,d d kuwuh mkjkf\/kdkjh @ deZpkjh &vk;qvki vius uksfVl esa mk dks funsZf'kr djus d h ik dj jgs Fks --- lkekftd lqj{kk fu;e] 2 021 dh jkf'k ds Hkqxrku ds fy, dksM vQ lks'ky flD;ksfj Vh fu;e] 2021 --- ------------------ lkekft d lqj{kk] 2021 esa lafgrk ds rgr ns; xzsP;qVh ds :i esaA 2- vkosnd ;g Lohdkj djrk gS fd mk eq>s vkid s }kjk funsZf'kr ds :i esa m xzsP;qVh dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djus esa foQy jgk] gkykafd eSaus H kqxrku ds fy, mlls laidZ fd;k FkkA 3- vkosnd blfy, kFkZuk djrk gS fd #i;s dh m jkf'k dh olwyh ds fy, lafgrk dh \/kkjk 129 ds ek.k i= tkjh fd;k tk ldrk gSA ------------- ------- vkidh fn'kk ds lanHkZ esa xzsP;qVh ds :i es a esjs dkj.kA vkosnd ds gLrk{kj @ vaxwBs dk fu'kkuA uksV%& vuko';d Hkkx dks gVk nsaA 33 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 i= & XIII ns[ksa ] \/kkjk 57 dh mi\/kkjk ds rgr ,d fr\"Bku ds iathdj .k ds fy, vkosnuA d- LFkkiuk fooj.k 1- fyu @ iathdj.k la[;k ds ek\/;e ls LFkkiuk dk fooj .k kIr djsa% 2- LFkkiuk dk uke% 3- LFkku vkSj LFkkiuk dk irk% 4- LFkkiuk ds vU; fooj.k% LFkkiuk esa lh\/ks yxs deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy la[;k% vuqcaf\/kr deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy la[;k% dk;Zjr varjjkT;h; oklh Jfedksa dh dqy la[;k% 5- LokfeRo dkj@ {ks=% h; vkS|ksfxd oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj xfrfof\/k% 7- p;fur ,uvkbZlh dksM dk fooj.k% frfuf\/k dh LFkkiuk bZ&lkbu @ fMftVy lkb u dh igpku% k dk fooj.k% & k@ekfyd@ekfyd@,tsaV@eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf\/kdkjh dk uke vkSj irk& 2- inuke% k ds firk@ifr dk uke% 4- bZesy irk] VsyhQksu vkSj eksckby uacj% ca\/kd@,tsaV fooj.k 1- iwjk uke vkSj ca\/kd@,tsaV ;k i;Zos{k.k vkSj fu ;a=.k ds fy, ftEesnkj O;f dk irk LFkkiuk( ca\/kd@,tsaV dk irk% 3- bZesy irk] VsyhQksu vkSj eksckby uacj% ?k- xzsP;qVh ds fy, Hkqxrku dh ns;rk ds fy, Lohr x zsP;qVh QaM @ chek dk fooj.k; M- vU; fooj.k% & k ds gLrk{kj @ bZ&lkbu @ fMftVy gLrk{kj fnukad %& txg %& 34 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 ns[ksa ] fujh{kd&lg& lqfo\/kk iznkrk dks f'kdk;r fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kkiznkrk lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 eSa ----------------------------------------- ef gyk dk ukeuke vkSj LFkkiuk dk iwjk irk--------- ---------------------------------- esa dk;Zjr ga vFkok eSa --------------------------- ------------------- \/kkjk 62 ds rgr ukekafdr ,d O;f ;k-------------------------------- efgyk dk ukeuke vkSj LFkkiuk dk iwjk irk------ ------------------------------ ds ,d dkuwuh izfrfu\/ k ds :i esa ukfer gwa] eSa lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ,oa mlds varxZr fu;eks a esa fu\/kkZfjr 'krksZa ds vuqlkj ekr`Ro ykHk vksj esfMdy cksul ds :i esa :i;s ------------------------------ ------------------ ikus dk gdnkj gw vkSj@ vFkok \/k kjk 65 ds rgr NqV~Vh vof\/k ds fy, osru ds :i esa ns; jkf'k dks fu;ksk }kjk lkekf td lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds bl v\/;k; VI ds izko\/kkuksa ds vuqlkj vuqfpr :i ls jksd fn;k x;k gS@dke ls mldh vu qifLFkfr ds nkSjku mls gVk fn;k x;k gS ;k c[kkZLr dj fn;k x;k gSA vr% vkils vuqjks\/k fd;k tkrk gS fd fu;ksk dks eq >s jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djus vkSj fu;ksdk;Z ls gVkus ;k c[kkZLrxh dks lekIr djus ds fy, fu nsZf'kr djsaA efgyk@ukfer@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k dk gLrk{kj ;k vaxwBs d k fu'kku fnukad------------------------- ;fn efgyk@ukfer@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k ;fn djus esa l{ke ugha gS rks lR;kiu ds gLrk{kj vkSj vaxwBs dk fu'kku efgyk@ukfer@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k dk iwjk irk 35 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 lsok esa] izkf\/kdkjh] lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ij ds rgr fu;q--------------------------------------------------- ---------- eSa----------------------- v\/kksgLrk{kjh] uke vkSj LFkkiuk dk iwjk irk------------------------------ --------------- dh efgyk deZpkjh gwa] eSa & *\/kkjk 72 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kki znkrk ds vkns'k ls fujk'k gwa ftlds dkj.k blds lkF layXu gSa] \/kkjk 68 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vkids le{k ;g vihy djuk pkgrh gwa vkSj ;g vuqjks\/k djrh gwa fd mk dks eq>s ns; mi;qZ jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djus dk vkns'k fn;k tk,A bl laca\/k esa fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kkiznkrk ds vkns'k dh ,d izfr layXu gS( ;k *Jh -------------------------------- fujh{kd&lg&lqfo \/kkiznkrk dks \/kkjk 72 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr ekr`R o ykHk ;k vU; jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djus ds fy, funsZf'kr fd;k tk jgk gS--------------------------- jkf'k dh iz ftls----------------------- efgyk dk uke lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds v\/;k; V ds izko\/kkuksa ds vuqlkj gdnkj gksus@dk;Z ls vuqifLFkfr ds nkSjku ;k dk;Z ds vHkko esa esjs }kjk dh xbZ c[kkZLrxh dks jn~n djus ds fy, funsZf'kr fd ;k x;k vuko';d Hkkx gVk nsa*eSa \/kkjk 72 dh mi&\/kkjk ds rgr vihy djrh gwaA Kkiu esa of.kZr rF;ksa ds en~nsutj vkSj vU; nLrkostksa ds lkFk ;g dgk tkrk gS fd efgyk ekr`Ro y kHk ;k m jkf'k dh gdnkj ugha gS vkSj blfy, fujh{kd&lg&lqfo\/kkiznkrk ds vkns'k dh layXu izfr dk s fujLr fd; tk ldrk gSA *vuko';d Hkkx dks gVk nsaA efgyk@ukfer@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k dk gLrk{kj ;k vaxwBs d k fu'kku fnukad-------------------- ;fn efgyk@ukfer@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k ;fn gLrk{kj djus gsrq l{ke ugha gS rks lR;kid dk gLrk{kj vkSj vaxwBs dk fu'kku efgyk@ukfer@dkuwuh izfrfuf\/k dk iwjk irk 36 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 fu;e 14 ns[ksanq?kZVukvksa dh lwpuk iqfLrdkLFkkiuk dk uke ------------------------------------ --- O;olk; dh fr ------------------------------------ --- mn~?kkVu dh frfFk --------------------------------- ------ iathdj.k la[;k ;fn dksbZ gks & ------------------ --------------------- k @ O;olk;h dk uke -------------------------- ------------- nq?kZVukvksa dh frfFk nq?kZVuk fooj.k ?kk;y dk uke pkgs ekSr gks] pkgs nq?kZVuk dk ifj.kke dqy fodykaxrk gks] pkgs nq?kZVuk dk fodykaxrk gks] pkgs fodykaxrk gks] deZpkjh dks Hkqxrku dh xbZ eqvkots dh jkf'k ;k mlds vkfJr l{ke gksus ds fy, eqvkots eqvkots dh Hkqxrku ;k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 37 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 i= -XVII fu;e 16 ns[ksa?kkrd nq?kZVukvksa dk c;ku kf\/kdkjh] -------------------------------------- 1- eq>s ,d nq?kZVuk ds fuEu dFku dks Lrqr djus dk lEeku gS tks ifjlj dk fooj.k esa gqbZ gS vkSj ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i deZpk jh @ deZpkfj;ksa dh e`R;q gks xbZ gS] ftUgsa fooj.k esa fn;k x;k gSA 2- deZpkjh @deZpkfj;ksa dh e`R;q ls lacaf\/kr ifjfL Fkfr;ka fuEukuqlkj Fkha% & nq?kZVuk dk le;A ftl LFkku ij nq?kZVuk gqbZ gSA ml le; e`rd ftlesa e`rd dk;Zjr Fkk@FksA nq?kZVuk dk dkj.kA dksbZ vU; klafxd fooj.kA 3- eSa eqvkots ds Hkqxrku ds fy, ftEesnkj gwaA 4- deZpkjh dk fooj.k ------------------ deZpkjh dk uke ------------------ deZpkjh dh vk;q ------------------ deZpkjh dk osru ------------------ 5- uhps mfYyf[kr dkj.kksa ds dkj.k {kfriwfrZ ds Hk qxrku ds fy, fr\"Bku ftEesnkj ugha gS ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- gLrk{kj vkSj inuke 38 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 i= -XVIII fu;e 17 ns[ksale>kSrs dk Kkiu blds }kjk ;g Lrqr fd;k x;k gS fd ---------------- ---------------- ds fnu ------------------------- 2 0 ------ O;fFkh ds dkj.k ----------------------- nq?kZVuk ls mR iUu gksus ds dkj.k vkSj vius jkstxkj ds nkSjku ---- ------ ------- mdkj.k] fuEu deZdkj dks LFkk;h :i ls v{ke dj fn;k x;k gS% & deZpkjh dh ekfld etnwjh : vuqekfur gSA ------- ----------------------- 15 o\"kZ dh vk;q ls vf\/kd dk deZpkjh 15 o\"kZ dh vk;q rd igqp tk,xk --- -------- ----------------A deZpkjh dks le>kSrs dh rkjh[k ls igys] fuEufyf[k r Hkqxrku kIr gq, gSa] vFkkZr % & ------------------------------------- ij ------- ---------------------- : ------------------------- -------- ij --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ij ------- ---------------------- : ------------------------- -------- ij --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ij ------- ---------------------- : ------------------------- -------- ij --------------------------------- Lrqr fd;k x;k gS fd m deZpkjh dk fu;ksk Hkqxrku djus ds fy, lger gks x;k gS] vkSj deZpkjh us : -------------------- lkekftd lqj{k k] 2020 ds rgr lHkh ds iw.kZ fuiVku esa vkSj ij of .kZr fodykaxrk dh kfIr esa 2020 rd vkSj lHkh fodykaxrk vc dV gksrh gSaA blfy, vuqjks\/k fd;k tkrk gS fd bl Kkiu dks fof\/kor ntZ fd;k tk,A fnukad -------------------------- 20 --------A fu;ksk lk{kh dk gLrk{kj xokg gLrk{kj ;k deZpkjh uksV& le>kSrs dks iathr djus ds fy, vkosnu ,d i{k ds gLrk{kj ds rgr Lrqr fd;k tk ldrk gS% c'krsZ fd nwljk i{k 'krksaZ ls lger gksA ysfdu tc Hkh laHko gks] nksuksa gLrk{kjksa dks layXu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A tc okLro esa iSls dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gks rk s Hkjk tk, le>kSrs ds vuqlkj] eq>s bl fnu #i;s dk ;ksx feyk gS ---------------- fnukad ------------------- 20 ----A deZpkjh iSls dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;g jlhn esjh mifL Fkfr esa gLrk{kfjr gSA uksV& ;g i= fo'ks\"k ekeyksa ds fy, fofo\/k gks ldrk gS] mnkA O;kolkf;d chekjh ls pksV] tc deZpkjh dkuwuh fodykaxrk ds v\/khu gS] rks le>kSrk d jsa vkfnA 39 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 i= -XVIII - A fu;e 17 ns[ksale>kSrs dk Kkiu blds }kjk Lrqr fd;k x;k gS fd -------------------- ------------------- ds fnu ------------------ 20 - --------- O;fxr pksV ds dkj.k ------------------------------------------ dk fuokl Fkk ---------------------------------------- ----------- nq?kZVuk ls mRiUu gksus okys jkstxkj ds e esa dgk ------------------------------------ ---------- m pksV ds dkj.k m deZpkjh dks vLFkkbZ viaxrk gqbZ gS] tks orZeku esa #A dh jkf'k ij etnwjh dh kfIr esa gSA fr ekg @ dksbZ etnwjh ughaA nq?kZVuk ls igys m deZpkjh dh ekfld etnwjh #A vuqe kfur gSA ---------------------------------- deZpkjh ds dkj.k dkuwuh fodykaxrk ds v\/khu gSA Lrqr fd;k x;k gS fd deZpkjh dk fu;ksk Hkq xrku djus ds fy, lger gks x;k gS vkSj mdh vksj ls #A dh nj ls vk\/kk ekfld Hkqxrku Lohdkj d jus ds fy, lger gks x;k gSA -------------- m vLFkk ;h viaxrk dh vof\/k ds fy,A ;g le>kSrk bl 'krZ ds v\/khu gS fd v{kerk ds nkSjku m deZpkjh dh vk; esa ifjorZu ds dkj.k m vf\/kfu;e ds ko\/kkuksa ds vuqlk j vk\/ks&ekfld Hkqxrku dh jkf'k fHkUu gks ldrh gSA ; g Hkh dgk x;k gS fd m vf\/kfu;e dh \/kkjk 7 ds rgr dE; wVs'ku ds lHkh vf\/kdkj bl le>kSrs ls vHkkfor gSa blfy, ;g vuqjks\/k fd;k tkrk gS fd bl Kkiu dks fof\/k or ntZ fd;k tk,A fnukad ---------------- 20 ---- k dk gLrk{kj deZpkjh dk gLrk{kj uksV& iathdj.k vkSj le>kSrs ds fy, ,d vkosnu ,d i{k ds gLrk{kj ds rgr Lrqr fd;k tk ldrk gS% c'krsZ fd nwljk i{k 'krksaZ ls lger gksA ysfdu tc Hkh laHk o gks] nksuksa gLrk{kjksa dks layXu fd;k tkuk pkfg, A tc okLro esa iSls dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gks Hk jk tkukA le>kSrs ds vuqlkj] eq>s bl fnu : dh jkf'k kIr gqbZ gSA fnukad ----------------------------20 iSls dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;g jlhn esjh mifLF kfr esa gLrk{kfjr gSA uksV& ;g :i fo'ks\"k ekeyksa ds vuqdwy gksus ds fy, fofo\/k gks ldrk gS] tSls] O;kolkf;d chekjh ls pksV] vkfnA 40 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 i= -XVIII - B fu;e 17 ns[ksale>kSrs dk Kkiu blds }kjk ;g Lrqr fd;k x;k gS fd ----------------- ------------ ds fnu ------------ 20 ------ O;fxr p ksV Fkh ds dkj.k ----------------------- nq?kZVuk ls mRiUu gks us ds dkj.k vkSj vius jkstxkj ds nkSjku ---------- ------- m pksV ls mdeZdkj dh e`R;q gqbZ gSA deZpkjh dh ekfld etnwjh #A vuqekfur gSA -------- ---------------- 15 o\"kZ ls vf\/kd vk;q dk deZpkjh 1 5 o\"kZ dh vk;q rd igqap tk,xk --------A ------------- ----- deZpkjh dks le>kSrs dh rkjh[k ls igys] fuEufyf[k r Hkqxrku kIr gq, gSa] vFkkZR% & --------------------- ij -------------------- : ----------------------- ij --------------------- ----------- --------------------- ij -------------------- : ----------------------- ij -------------------- ------------ ---------------------- ij --------------------- : ------ --------------- ij -------------------- ------------ Lrqr fd;k x;k gS fd m deZpkjh dk fu;ksk Hkqxrku djus ds fy, lger gks x;k gS vkSj deZpkjh ds vkfJr ---------------- ---- lkekftd lqj{kk] 2020 ij mi;qZ e`R;q dh kfIr esa lHkh vkSj lHkh nkoksa ij iw.kZ fuiVku esaA blfy, vuqjks\/ k fd;k tkrk gS fd bl Kkiu dks fof\/kor ntZ fd;k tk,A fnukad -------------------------- 20 -------- k dk gLrk{kj lk{kh gLrk{kj ;k vkfJr uksV& le>kSrs dks iathr djus ds fy, vkosnu ,d i{k ds gL rk{kj ds rgr Lrqr fd;k tk ldrk gS% c'krsZ fd nwljk i{k 'krksaZ ls lger gksA ysfdu tc H kh laHko gks] nksuksa gLrk{kjksa dks layXu fd;k tku k pkfg,A tc okLro esa iSls dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gks rks Hkjk tk, le>kSrs ds vuqlkj] eq>s bl fnu #i;s dk ;ksx feyk gSA fnukad ------------------- 20 ----A iSls dk Hkqxrku fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;g jlhn esjh mifLF kfr esa gLrk{kfjr gSA [fu;e 17 dk ns[ksa ] tcfd eqvkots dk Hkqxrku djus ds fy, le>kSrk ------- ------------ vkSj ---------------- ds chp igqap x;k gSA vkSj tcfd lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds vUrxZr \/kkjk 89 ds rgr le>kSrs ds iathdj.k ds fy, vkosnu fd;k@fd;k x;k gS] uksfVl fn;k x;k gS fd le>kSrs ij ---------------------------- ------------- 20 ----- --------dks fopkj fd;k tk,xk vkSj ;g fd m le>kSrs ds iathdj.k ij dksbZ vkifk m l rkjh[k dks dh tkuh pkfg,A oS\/k vkifk;ksa ds vHkk o esa le>kSrs ds iathdj.k ds fy, vxzskj dkjZokbZ djuk es jk mfnukad ---------------------- 20 ------A kf\/kdkjh 41 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 [fu;e 17 dk ns[ksa ] o\"kZ 20 ds fy, le>kSrs dk jftLVj ---------------- -la- le>kSrs dh rkjh[k iathdj.k dh rkjh[k fu;ksDrk deZpkjh l{ke gLrk{kj jftLVj dks lq\/kkjus ds fy, lanHkZ ns[ksa ] fxu dkexkjksa vkSj IysVi= dkexkjksa ds ,xzhesaVjks a }kjk Lrqr dh tkus okyh fooj.kh pkyw o\"kZ ftlesa va'knku ns; gS] ds 31 vDVwcj rd Lrqr fd;k tk,1- ,xzhxsVj@IysVi= dh iathdj.k la[;k 2- ,xzhxsVj@IysVi= dk uke vkSj ,xzhxsVj@IysVi= dk irk vkSj LFkku kf\/kd`r O;fDr dk uke vkSj irk lfgr laidZ fooj.k 4- pkyw fokh; o\"kZ ds kjafHkd fnu ds vuqlkj] vFkk Zr o\"kZ esa vSy dh igyh rkjh[k ftlesa va'knku ns; gS] ,xzhxsVj@IysVi= ds l kFk laca) fxx dkexkjksa i= dkexkjksa dh la[;kA 5- iwoZorhZ o\"kZ ds ,sls ,xzhxsVj@IysVi= eap dk ok f\"kZd VuZ vksoj 6- ,xzhxsVj dh ns;rk] tks iwoZorhZ o\"kZ ds nkSjku f xx dkexkjksa vkSj IysVQ+kWeZ dkexkjksa ds fy, ns; 7- vaufre va'knku ewY;kadu jkf'k :Ik;s esa 7-1 iwoZorhZ o\"kZ ds fy, \/kkjk 114 dh mi&\/kkjk ds varxZr ;Fkk vf\/klwfpr okf\"kZd VuZvksoj dk 7-2 fxx dkexkjksa vkSj IysVi= dkexkjksa dks ,xzhxzVj d s 5 % dh ns;rk 8- ns; va'knku dh jkf'k 7-1 vkSj 7-2 dk U;wure: Ik;s esaij fn, x, vkdyu ds vuqlkj vaufre va'knku dk Hkq xrkuA 10- vuafre Hkqxrku dk fooj.k 11- Hkqxrku fd, tkus okys cdk;s va'knku dh jkf'k 42 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 Hkqxrku fd, x, va'knku dh jkf'k] ;fn dks bZ gks 13- vf\/kd Hkqxrku fd, tkus ij] ml cSad [kkrs dk foo j.k ftlesa \/kuokilh jkf'k okil dh tkuh gS 14- fVIi.kh] ;fn dksbZ gks uksV&1% va'knku dh x.kuk ds k;kstukFkZ] daiuh vf\/kfu;e] 20 13 dh \/kkjk 2 ds varxZr mi&\/kkjk rgr ;Fkk ifjHkkf\"kr fdlh ,xzhxsVj ds VuZvksoj dk vF kZ fdlh fokh; o\"kZ ds nkSjku daiuh }kjk h] vkiwfrZ] ;k eky ds forj.k ;k nku dh xbZ lsok vksa[ ;k nksuksa ls ykHk vkSj gkfu [kkrs esa kIr jktLo dh ldy jkf'k gSA uksV&2% bl ;kstukFkZ] fdlh ,xzhxzsVj ds okf\"kZd VuZvksoj esa dsUnz ljdkj dks dksbZ dj] ysoh vkSj Hkqxrku fd;k x;k ;k ns; midj 'kkfey ugha gksxkA ?kks\"k.kk 1- eSa@ge ,rn}kjk ;g ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa @djrs gSa f d mi;qZ fooj.k esjh@gekjh vf\/kdre tkudkjh vkSj fo'okl ds vuqlkj lR; gS vkSj eSa@ge ,rn}kjk ;g ?kks\"k.kk djrk gwa@djrs gSa fd esjs@gekjs }kjk nh xbZ x.kuk esa dqN Nqik;k ugha x;k gS ;k dksbZ rF ; xyr - lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds varxZr lwfr ykHk % fr\"Bku] fpfdRlk ,oa iSjk&fpfdRlk LVkQ dk fooj. k% fr\"Bku ds [kqyus dh rkjh[k 02 - can gksus dh rkjh[k] ;fn can gks rks 03 - fpfdRlk vf\/kdkjh dk uke 03 (i) fpfdRlk vf\/kdkjh dh ;ksX;rk 03 (ii) D;k fpfdRlk vf\/kdkjh [kku vFkok ldlZ esa gS \\ 03 (iii) D;k og va'kdkfyd gS] rks fdruh ck j fr\"Bku dk nkSjk djrk@djrh gS\\ 03 (iv) D;k ogka dksbZ vLirky gS \\ 03 (v) ;fn gka] rks fdrus fcLrjksa dh lqfo\/kk miyC\/k gS \\ 03 (vi) D;k ogka dksbZ efgyk fpfdRld gS \\ 03 (vii) ;fn gka] rks mldh ;ksX;rk D;k gS \\ 03 (viii) D;k ogka dksbZ ;ksX; nkbZ gS \\ 03 (ix) D;k f'k'kqx`g dh lqfo\/kk miyC\/k djkbZ xbZ gS \\ 46 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 lkekftd lqj{kk lafgrk] 2020 ds varxZr vuqeksfn r vodk'k fr\"Bku esa efgyk deZpkjh;ksa dh dqy la[;k 02 - vuqeksfnr vodk'k ds fnuksa dh dqy la[;k 03 - deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k ftUgsa lwfr vodk'k fn;k x;k@bZ,lvkbZ }kjk ykHkkfUor gq, ?kks\"k.kk ekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd mijks lwpuk lR; ,oa lgh gS rFkk ;g Hkh ekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd eSaus esjs fr\"Bku ij ykxw gksus okys Je dkuwuksa d s lHkh mica\/kksa dk vuqikyu fd;k gSA LFkku rkjh[k ;gka gLrk{kj djs [fu;e &27 dk ns[ksa ] \/kkjk 56 dh mi\/kkjk 1 ds vUrxZr vijk\/k ds dEikmfMax ds fy, uksfVl lsok esa] ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- vkidh LFkkiuk dk fujh{k.k baLisDVj&de&QSflfyVs Vj }kjk ------------------- ds ------------------- -- 20 ------------ ds fujh{k.k ij fd;k x;k gSA fujh{k.k esa vkidks lafgrk dk ------------- ------------------------- lafgrk dk mYya?ku djrs gq , ik;k x;k gSA \/kkjk 56 ds mi&\/kkjk lgifBr fu;e 38 ds mi fu;e 1 ds ko\/kkuksa ds vuqlkj] vkidks bl vk'k; dh lwpuk nh tkrh gS fd ;fn vki vijk\/k dh dEik sft'ku ds fy, vkosnu djus ds bPNqd gSa] rks vki --------------- :i, Je vk;q ds foHkkxh; ik sVZy ij Vstjh pkyku ;k bysDVfud ek\/;e ls tek djus ds lkFk QeZ XXIV esa vkosnu tek dj dEiksft'ku ds fy, vkosnu djsaA f tldk fooj.k uhps fn;k tk jgk gSA& stjh gsM fud Hkqxrku dk yks pkVZ A& -------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- uke vkSj inuke vf\/kdkjh dk ------------------- 47 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 [fu;e &27 dk ns[ksa ] \/kkjk 56 dh mi\/kkjk ds vUrxZr vijk\/k ds dEikmfM ax gsrq vkosnu lsok esa] --------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- i;k vius uksfVl la -------------------------- -- fnukad -------------------------- dk funs'k djsaA eSa @ge blds Qsal ds dEiksft'ku ds fy, vkosnu djrs gSa vk Sj eSaus # -------------------------- fnuakd---- -------------- Jek;qDr] fcgkj dks Vstjh pkyku ;k bysDVksfud ek\/;e ls tek fd;k gS i;k esjs vkosnu dks Lohdkj fd;k tk; vkSj laf grk ds rgr dk;Zokgh dks can dh tk;A vuqyXud% bysDVfud Hkqxrku ds Vstjh pkyku @ Hkqxrku jlhnA vkosnd dk uke LFkkiuk dk uke% -------------------------- LFkkiuk dk irk% -------------------------- ns[ksa ] dSfj;j dsUnzksa dks fjf;ka fjiksVZ djus gsrq dkj ds in ds fy, vyx&vyx ;ksx fd;k tkuk gSk dk fooj.k % fiu dksM lfgr irk% nwjHkk\"k la[;k% eksckby la[;k% bZ&esy irk% fr\"Bku dk uke ,oa dsUnz ljdkj] jkT; ljdkj] ih,l;w] Lok;k] futh] bR;kfnlafgrk ds varxZr fr\"Bku dh iathdj.k la[;k% ;kdykiksa dk fooj.k 2- baMsafVax vf\/kdkjh dk fooj.k% nwjHkk\"k la[;k% eksckby la[;k% bZ&esy irk% dk fooj.k% Hkjh tkus okyh fjf dk inuke@ukekoyh in ds nkf;Roksa dk o.kZu t kWc Hkwfedk@dk;Z visf{kr ;ksX;rk,a@dkS'ky 'kS{kf.kd] rduhdh] vuqHko vfuok;Z okaNuh;@kFkfedrk ;ksX; 'kSf{kf.kd ;ksX;rk rduhdh ;ksX;rk vuqHko 48 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 vk;q lhek] ;fn dksbZ gks vkosnu djus dh vafre rkjh[k dks vk;qkFkfedrk,a tSlsfd HkwriwoZ lSfud] fnO;kax O;fDr ] efgyk,a bR;kfn ;fn dksb gksaA fu;kstu dh vof\/k 3&6 ekg 6&12 ekg 12 ekg inksa dh la[;k 4- D;k fjf;ksa dks Hkjus esa vuqlwfpr tkfr ] vu qlwfp r tutkfr ] vkfFkZd :Ik ls detksj oxZ ] vU; fiNM+k oxZ ] HkwriwoZ lSf ud rFkk fnO;kax O;fDr ] bR;kfn tSls O;fD r;ksa dh fdlh Js.kh dks vkj{k.k@kFkfedrk nsus dh O;oLFkk djus dk dksbZ nkf;Ro gS% gk;fn gka] rks uhps fn, x, fooj.k ds vuqlkj O;fDr;ks a dh ,slh Jsf.k;ksa }kjk Hkjh tkus okyh fjfla[;k crkbZ tk,5- Js.kh Hkjh tkus okyh fjf;ksa dh la[;k vuqlwfpr tkfr vuqlwfpr tutkfr vU; fiNM+k oxZ vkfFkZd :Ik ls detksj oxZ HkwriwoZ lSfud fnO;kax O;f ihMCY;wMh fofufnZ\"V djsakFkfedrk vH;kfFkZ;ksa }kjk dsUnz ljdkj dh fjf;ksa ds fy, ykxw6- osru ,oa Hkljdkjh fjf;ksa ds fy,% vU; fooj.k ds lkFk frekg osru lfgr in ds osru Lrj@osru Ldsy] ;fn dksbZ gks] dk mYys[k vU; ds fy,% vU; fooj.k ds lkFk frekg U;wure dqy osru] ;fn dksb gks] dk mYys[k djsaA 7- dk;Z LFkydLcs@xkao rFkk ftyk dk uke] fiu dksM bR;kfn ds lkFk] ftlesa ;g fLFkr gS8- vkosnu dk rjhdk bZ&esy] vkWu ykbu] fyf[kr esa] bR;kfnvkosnu dh kfIr dh vafre rkjh[k 9- ml vf\/kdkjh dk fooj.k ftldks vkosnu Hksts tk,a@ vH;kFkhZ lEidZ djsa% uke] inuke] bZ&esy vkbZMh irk] nwjHkk\"k la[;k] vkWu ykbu ds ekeys esa osclkbV ds idk mYys[k djsa10 - HkrhZ dk rjhdk {dSfj;j dsUnz] IyslesaV ,tsalh] Lo ek\/;e ls] vU; dksbZ rjhdk fofufnZ\"V djsa11 - D;k dSfj;j dsUnz esa iathd`r ik= vH;fFkZ;ksa dh lwph lkSaiusa dks ojh;rk nsaxsA gka@ugha 12 - vU; dksbzZ klafxd lwpuk 49 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 fr\"Bku@fu;kskf\/kd`r gLrk{kjdrkZ ds eqgj ,oa rkfj[k ds lkFk gLrk{kj] uke ,oa inuke ;ksx ds fy,&dSfj;j dsUnz }kjk Hkjk tk,13 - dSfj;j dsUnz dk uke] irk] bZ&esy vkbZMh kIr gases dh rkjh[k fr\"Bku dk ,uvkbZlh dksM 16 - in dk ,ulhvks dksM 17 - fof'k\"V fjfdSfj;j dsUnz ds kf\/kd`r gLrk{kjdrkZ ds eqgj ,oa rk jh[k ds lkFk gLrk{kj@uke@inuke 1- dSfj;j dsUnz ftldks fjf;ksa fjiksVZ dh tkrh gSa ] og fjiksVZ dh abs fjf dks ,d fof'k\"V fjf fjiksf VZax nku djsxk rFkk bls fyf[kr esa bZ&esy vFkok f MftVy k tk;sxkA 1@ COSS 10-01\/2021 &827@Jfcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls] lw;ZdkUr ef.k] ljdkj ds mi&lfpoA The 26th February 2021 S.O. 82 dated 1st March 2021 The following draft rules which the State Governmen t proposes to make in exercise of the powers under su b-section (1) of section 154 and 156 of the Code on Social Security, 2020 (Act no. 36 of 20 20) in suppression of the.- 1. Bihar Maternity Benefit Rules, 1964. 2. Bihar Payment of Gratuity Rules, 1972. 3. Bihar Building and Other Construction Workers (Regu lation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2005, and 4. Bihar Unorganized Workers Social Security Rules, 20 15 made by Governor in exercise of the powers conferre d by The Maternity benefit Act, 1961, The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, The Buildi ng and Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service ), 1996, and The Unorganized Social Security Act, 2008, are hereby published as requir ed under sub-section (1) of Section 154 52 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 and sub-section (1) of Section 156, for information of all concerned and with a view to invite objections and suggestions in respect thereof; All objections and suggestions with respect to sai d rules should be sent in duplicate addressed to Joint Labour Commissioner or email lcbihar@bihar.gov.in. Only those objections and suggestions which are received withi n twenty-one days from the date of publication of the notification shall be taken into consideration. Chapter- I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, application and commencement. (1) These rules may be called The Social Security (Bihar) Rules, 2021 (2) They extend to whole of the State of Bihar. (3) They shall come into force from the date that Code on Social Security, 2020 comes into effect. 2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the subject or context otherwise requires, means any corporation, body or institution, establ ished under an Act of Parliament or Central Public Sector Undertak ing or Special Purpose Vehicle as notified by the Central Government. (b) \"Appellate authority\" means the State Government or the authority specified by the State Government under sub-section (8) of section 56 or an officer, senior in rank to the Assessing Officer fo r the purposes of section 105 of the Code, appointed by the State Government, as the case may be; Assessing Officer means a gazetted officer of a State Government or an officer of the local authority holding an equivalen t post to a gazetted officer of the State Government appointed by such State Gov ernment for assessment of Cess under the Code; Average daily wages during a wage period under chapter IV of the Code (i) in respect of an employee who is employed on t ime-rate basis, the amount of wage which would have been payable to him for the complete wage period had he worked on all the worki ng days in that wage period, divided by 26 if he is monthly rated, 13 if he is fortnightly rated, 6 if he is weekly rated and 1 if he is daily rated; (ii) in respect of an employee employed on any oth er basis, the amount of wages earned during the complete wage period in the Contribution period divided by the number of days in full or par t for which he has worked for wages in that wage period : Provided tha t where an employee receives wages without working on any day during such wage period, he shall be deemed to have worked for 26, 13, 6 or 1 days or day if the wage period be a month, a fortni ght, a week or a day respectively. Explanation. Where any night shift continues beyon d midnight, the period of the night shift after midni ght shall be counted for reckoning the day worked as part of the day precedi ng; benefit period means the period not exceeding six consecutive mon ths corresponding to the contribution period, as may be specified in the Regulations; Career centre means that career centre as notified by the State Government; 53 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 cess collector means an officer appointed by the State Government for collection of cess under the Code ; chartered engineer means a person having an engineering degree and th e corporate membership of Institute of Engineers Indi a; means the Code on Social Security, 2020 (36 of 202 0); Electronically means any information or communication submitted b y email or uploading on the designated portal or digi tal payment in any mode for the purpose of Code; excluded vacancies means those vacancies which have been excluded from the purview of the section 139 as per the prov isions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 140; means a form appended to these rules; means the Employees State Insurance Fund, the Emp loyeesProvident Fund, the Employees Pension Fund, the Em ployeesLinked Insurance Fund or the Social Security Fund, as the case may be; Government Securities means Government Securities as defined in the Government Securities Act, 2006 (38 of 2016); immovable property includes land, benefits to arise out of land, thin gs attached to the earth, or permanently fastened to a nything attached to the movable property means property of every description except immovab le property; Nodal officer means a person designated by Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board or the State Go vernment to facilitate the registration, renewal and updation electronical ly or otherwise or any such other function of Building Workers working in the Private Sector, State Government, Central Government and Public Sec tor Undertakings of the Central and the State Governments or local auth ority. The Nodal officer shall also supervise and monitor functions of the B eneficiary Registering Officers designated by Appropriate Government; Nomination\" means nomination made under section 55 of the code ; register of women employees means a register of women employees maintained under rule 27(1); means the schedule of the Code; means a section of the Code; ShramSuvidha Portal means portal of Ministry of Labour and Employment means specified by an order of the Central Governm ent or any State Government or any officer so authorised by su ch Government; standard benefit rate means average daily wages obtained by dividing the total wages paid during the Contribution period by the number of days for which these wages were paid ; shall mean the financial year, beginning from the first of April and ending with the thirty first of March of the year f ollowing. (2) The words and expressions used in these rules which are not defined therein, but are defined in the Code, shall have their respectiv e meaning as assigned to them in the Code. 54 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 Chapter- II Social Security Organization Bihar Unorganized Workers Social Security Board 3. Manner of exercising the powers and performance of functions by State Unorganised Workers' Board under sub-section (9) an d sub section (16), the manner of nomination of members of the Board, their term of o ffice and other conditions of service, the procedure to be followed in the discharge of th eir functions by, and the manner of filling vacancies among the members of, the Board u nder sub-section (12), the time, place and rules of procedure relating to the transaction of business at its meetings under sub-section (14) of section 6. (1) Constitution of the State Social Security Board for Unorganised (i) The Board constituted by notification under s ub-section (9) of section 6 shall be called as Bihar Unorganised Wor kers Social Security Board(ii) A member, other than an ex-officio member, sh all hold office for a period not exceeding three years from the date of his nomination. (iii) A member shall be eligible for re-nomination : Provided that a member shall not hold the office for more than tota l of two terms. (iv) State Government may seek nomination from amo ngst the representatives of associations of unorganised sect or workers and associations of unorganised sector, in t he Bihar Unorganised Workers Social Security Board for Unorg anised Workers, in the category of sub-clauses (i) and (ii ) of clause (d) of sub-section (10) of section 6 in such a manner, as notified by the Government. Provided that at least two members nominated shal l be active unorganised worker registered under the code . (v) The State Government shall nominate five perso ns under sub-clause (iv) of clause (d) of sub-section (10) of se ction 6 from amongst persons of eminence in the field of labour welfare, management, finance, law and administration. (vi) Out of seven persons nominated under clause (iv) and (v) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 3, at least one member each from t he Scheduled Caste, the Scheduled Tribe, the Minorities and Wome n shall be represented. (vii) The State Government shall seek nomination o f two members representing the State Legislative Assembly under s ub-clause (iii) of clause (d) of sub-section (10) of section 6. (viii) The State Government shall nominate ten Mem bers under sub-clause (v) of clause (d) of sub-section (10) of sec tion 6 55 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 representing Departments of State Government, conce rned with the matters related to the welfare of the unorganis ed sector workers. (ix) A member nominated under sub-clauses (i), (ii ) and (iv) of clause (d) of sub-section (10) of the section 6, shall cea se to be a member of the Board if he ceases to represent the c ategory of interest from which he was so nominated: (x) A member nominated under sub-clause (iii) of c lause (d) of sub-section (10) of the section 6 shall cease to be a m ember of the Board if he ceases to be a member of State Legislat ive Assembly by which he was so elected. (xi) No person shall be chosen as, or continue to be, a member of the Board, if such person attracts any provision(s) of section 8 of the (xii) The Member Secretary of the Bihar Unorganise d Workers Social Security Board shall be an officer of the Labour Re sources Department notified by the State Government not bel ow the rank of Joint Labour Commissioner. (2) Manner of exercising the powers and performance of the functions of the Bihar Unorganised Workers Social Security Board.(i) The Board, for discharging its functions as as signed to it, under sub-section (15) of section 6, may constitute a com mittee to deliberate and recommend on the specific issue(s) a s may be assigned to such committee. (ii) Such committee(s) may co-opt Members from the Board or outside as the case may be, from the field(s) of the expert s, on which committee is required to deliberate. (3) Reconstitution of the Board.(i) State Government shall initiate the process fo r reconstitution of the Bihar Unorganised Workers Social Security Board, pr ior to six months of expiry of the term of the Board. (ii) If the new Board is not re-constituted after completion of the term of the Board, such arrangements may be made for discha rging and function of the board as may be decided by the Stat e Government for the period till the new Board is constituted, t hrough a notification. (iii) Consequent upon institution of such arrangem ent, all actions taken shall have the same effect as if it has been carrie d out by the Board (4) Resignation.(i) A member of the Board, not being an ex-officio member, may resign by a letter in writing addressed to the Stat e Government. 56 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (ii) The seat of such a member shall fall vacant f rom the date on which his resignation is accepted or on the expiry of thi rty days from the date of receipt of intimation of resignation, which ever is earlier. (iii) The power to accept the resignation of a mem ber shall vest with the State Government. (5) Change of Address. If a member changes his address, he shall notify hi s new address to the Member Secretary of the Board wh o shall thereupon enter his new address in the official records: Prov ided that if a member fails to notify his new address, the address in the offic ial records shall for all purposes be deemed to be the members correct addre ss. (6) Manner of filling vacancies. When a vacancy occurs or is likely to occur in the membership of the Board, Member Secretary of the Board shall submit a report to the State Government and on rece ipt of such report, the State Government may, by notification, nominate a p erson to fill the vacancy in the manner prescribed under sub-rules (1 ) of rule 3 above, and the person so nominated shall hold office for the r emainder of the term of office of the member in whose place he is nominated . (7) Procedure for removal of a Member. (i) During the pendency of the proceeding, if any , under clauses (b) and (c) of sub-section (2) of section 8, for removal of a member of the Bihar Unorganised Workers Social Security Board, su ch member shall abstain from the meeting(s) of the Board. (ii) The decision of the State Government, on the debarment, dis-qualification and removal of any member under section 8 of the Code, shall be final. (8) Meeting .(i) The Board shall meet at such places and at such times as may be decided by the Chairperson. (ii) The Board shall meet once in four months. (iii) In case of any matter of urgency special mee tings may be called by the Chairperson after informing the members in advance about the subject-matter of discussion and the reasons of urgency . (iv) In case of any matter of urgency meeting by c irculation or other mode may be held. (v) The Chairperson shall preside over every meeting of the Board in which he is present and in his absence t he meeting of the Board shall be chaired by the Vice-Chairperson. (9) Notice of meeting and list of business.(i) Ordinarily, fifteen days notice shall be gi ven to the members of the Board of a proposed meeting: (ii) The Chairperson, if he is satisfied that it i s expedient to do so, may give notice of shorter period. 57 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (iii) No business except which is included i n the list of business for a meeting of the Board shall be considered at the meeting without the permission of the Chairperson. (10) Quorum.(i) No business shall be transacted at any mee ting of the Board unless at least ten members are present in tha t meeting: Provided that if at a meeting, less than te n members are present, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeti ng to another date informing the members present and giving notice to the other members that he proposes to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting whether there is prescri bed quorum or not, and it shall thereupon be lawful for him to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting irrespective o f the number of members attending. (ii) The Chairperson may debar any member, ot her than ex-officio members, from taking part in the Meeting of the Board if- (a) he absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Board without written information to and conse nt of the Chairperson, or (b) in the view of the State Government, su ch member has ceased to represent the interest which he pur ports to represent on the Board. 11. Disposal of business.(i) Every question considered at a meeting of the Bihar Unorganised Workers Social Security Board shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members of the body concerned present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall exercise an additional casting vote: (ii) The Chairperson may, if he thinks fit, direct that any question shall be decided by the circulation of necessary papers to m embers of the Bihar Unorganized Workers Social Security Board and by securing their opinions in writing. Any such question shall be decided in accordance with the opinion of the majority of memb ers received within the time-limit allowed and if the opinions a re equally divided, the opinion of the Chairperson shall prevail: Provided that any member of the Bihar Unorganised Workers Social Security Board may request that the question referred to members of the concerned body, as the case may be, for written opinion be considered at a meeting of the Bihar uno rganized Workers Social Security Board and there upon the Chairperso n may, if the request is made by not less than three members of t he concerned body, direct the procedure to be adopted. 58 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (12) Allowances to non-official members. Non official members shall be entitled for travelling allowance and daily allo wance at the rate admissible to the group officers of State Gover nment. Bihar Building and Others Construction Workers Welf are Board 4. Terms and conditions of appointment and the sala ries and other allowances payable to the chairperson and the other members of the Building Workers' Welfare Board and the manner of filling of casual vacancies of such members, under sub-section (4), the terms and conditions of appointment and th e salary and allowances payable to the Secretary and the other officers and employees of t he said Board under clause (c) of sub-section (5) of section 7; (1) Composition of Board.(i) The chairperson of the Bihar Building and Othe r Construction Workers Welfare Board shall be an officer not below the rank of Secretary, heading the Labour Resource Department. (ii) State Government shall nominate fifteen membe rs in Bihar Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. There shall be at least one woman member from the every category ment ioned below- A. The representatives of departments of State Governm ent shall be Officer(s) not below the rank of Joint Secretary and consist a. Finance Department, b. Social Welfare Department and c. Education Department. d. One member of Labour Resources Department from Government wing and e. One member of Labour Resources Department from Labour wing B. There shall be five representatives of building wor kers. Provided that at least three representative of bui lding workers shall be active building workers registered in boar d of Construction workers and at least one shall be woman worker. C. There shall be five representatives of employers o f building workers, one from each of the following;- a. Urban and Housing Development Department; b. Building Construction Department; c. Road Construction Department; d. Builders Association; e. Registered Contractors; (2) Term and Reconstitution of Board- (i) The terms of Bihar Building and Other Construc tion Workers Welfare Board shall be three years from the date of its con stitution. 59 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (ii) State Government shall initiate the process f or reconstitution of the Bihar Building and other Construction Workers Welfa re Board, prior to six months of expiry of the term of the Board. (iii) If the new Board is not re-constituted after completion of the term of the Board, such arrangements may be made for discha rging and function of the board as may be decided by the Stat e Government for the period till the new Board is constituted, throu gh a notification. (iv) Consequent upon institution of such arrangemen t, all actions taken shall have the same effect as if it has been carrie d out by the Board (v) A member, other than an ex-officio member, sha ll hold office for a period not exceeding three years from the date of h is nomination. (vi) A member shall be eligible for re-nomination: Provided that a member shall not hold the office for more than total of tw o terms. (vii) The non-official members shall be removed by State Government from the Board if they cease to represent the inter est for which he was nominated or if such person attracts any provision( s) of section 8 of the Code. (3) Manner of filling of vacancies. When a Vacancy occurs for any reason or likely to occur in the membership of the Board, the Secretary of the board shall submit a report to the State Government who s hall take steps to fill the vacancy from amongst the category of person, to whi ch the person vacating membership belongs and the person so nominated shal l hold office for the remainder of the term of the office of the member w hose place he is appointed. (4) Meeting. (i) The Bihar Building and other Construction Wor kers Welfare Board shall meet at such places and at such times as may be decided by the Chairperson. (ii) The Board shall meet once in four months. (iii) In case of any matter of urgency special mee tings may be called by the Chairperson after informing the members in advance about the subject-matter of discussion and the reasons of urgency . (iv) In case of any matter of urgency meeting by c irculation or other mode may be held. (v) The Chairperson shall preside over every m eeting of the Board in which he is present and in his absence, the meeting of the Board shall be chaired by the any member nominated by cha irperson in his (5) Quorum.(i) No business shall be transacted at any mee ting of the Bihar Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Boa rd unless at least six members are present in that meeting: 60 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (ii) If in a meeting, presence is less than quo rum , the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting to another date informing the members present and giving notice to the other memb ers that he proposes to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting whether there is prescribed quorum or not, and it sha ll thereupon be lawful for him to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting irrespective of the number of members attendin g. (iii) The Chairperson may debar any member, o ther than ex-officio members, from taking part in the Meeting of the Board if- (a) he absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Board without written information to and consent of the Chairperson, or (b) in the view of the State Government, suc h member has ceased to represent the interest which he purports t o represent on the Board as per clause (vii) of sub-rule (2) of R ule 4. (6) Disposal of business.(i) Every question considered at a meeting of the Bihar Building and other Construction workers Welfare Board shall be d ecided by a majority of the votes of the members of the body co ncerned present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes th e Chairperson shall exercise an additional casting vote: (ii) The Chairperson may, if he thinks fit, direct that any question shall be decided by the circulation of necessary papers to m embers of the Board and by securing their opinions in writing. An y such question shall be decided in accordance with the opinion of the majority of members received within the time-limit allowed and if the opinions are equally divided, the opinion of the Chairperson shall prevail: Provided that any member of the Board may request t hat the question referred to members of the concerned body, as the c ase may be, for written opinion be considered at a meeting of the Board and thereupon the Chairperson may, if the request is made by not less than three members of the concerned body, direct the procedure to be adopted. (7) Salary and allowances to Chairperson and non-offici al members:- (i) Non official members shall be entitled for travelli ng allowance and daily allowance at the rate admissible to the group officers of State Government. (ii) Salary and allowances to the Chairperson of t he board, if required, shall be fixed by State Government by notification. (8) Conditions of appointment, salary and allowances of Secretary and other officers and staff of the Board- (i) Board with the prior approval of State Governm ent shall appoint an officer of Labour Resources Department not below th e rank of Joint Labour Commissioner, as a Secretary of the Board; 61 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (ii) Board with the prior approval of State Govern ment shall appoint officer(s) and other staff(s) for disposal of funct ions of the Board. (iii) Secretary of the Board, other officer(s) and staff(s) shall be appointed in the manner determined by State Government by not ification and they shall be paid salary and allowances as fixed b y the State Government. (9) Social security schemes and welfare measures under sub-section (6) of Section 7.(i) Board with the prior approval of State Governm ent shall notify social security scheme and welfare measures prescribed in clause (c), (d) and (e) of sub-section (6) of Section 7. (ii) Board shall formulate social security schemes and welfare measures in which eligibility limit, detail of various benefits , application form, procedure, determination of competent authority for sanction of benefit and manner of payment and other incidental matters thereto shall be clearly mentioned. Chapter III Employees Insurance Court 5. Manner and time within which second appeal may be f iled to the Employees' Insurance Court by the Insured Person or the Corpor ation under clause (b) of sub-section (7) of section 37.(1) The Insured Person or the Corporation may appeal to the EmployeesInsurance Court by presenting an application within ninety days of the date of communication of the decision of the Medical Boa rd or of the Medical Appeal Tribunal to the Insured Person or the Corpor ation, as the case may be: Provided that the Employees Insurance Court ma y entertain an application after the period of ninety days, if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient reasons for not presenting the appli cation within the said (2) The applications to the Employees Insurance Cour t, shall be in Form I 6. Procedure to be followed by the Employees' Insuranc e Court under sub-section (2) and the rules under sub-section (3) of section 50 and the manner of commencement of proceedings before the Employees' Insurance Court, fees and procedure thereof under sub-section (1) of section 51; (1) For the purpose of Section 48, the State Governme nt, by notification, shall constitute an Employees' Insurance Court for such l ocal area as may be specified in notification. (2) Procedure for application to the Employee Insurance Court- (i) An Application under Section 49 shall be prese nted in triplicate in Form II and shall contain the following particulars :- (a) The Name of the Court in which Application is brought. (b) Full name description including age, occupati on and full postal address of applicant and the opposite party. 62 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (c) Where the applicant or the opposite party is a minor or a person of unsound mind, a statement to that effect and the full name, age, occupation and full postal address of hi s or her guardian, next-of-kin, or any other person authoriz ed to act on his or her behalf. (d) The fact constituting the cause of action and the date when it (e) The facts showing that court has jurisdiction . (f) The relief which the applicant claims. (ii) Every application shall be verified in the sa me manner as a pleading in a Civil Court. (iii) All the documents on which the application i s based or has desired by applicant shall be appended to application with an accurate list (iv) All application shall be entered in a registe red in Form- III to be maintained by the Court. (3) Proceeding of Employees Insurance Court.(i) Every application to the Court shall be brough t within 3 years on which the cause of action arose or as the case may be, th e claim become due; (ii) Where at any stage it appears to the Court th at the application should be presented to another Court, or should be enterta in by the another Court, the first mention Court shall send the appli cation or file of the case to the Court empowered to deal with it and sha ll inform the applicant and the opposite party accordingly and th e Court to which application for file is transferred shall continue the proceedings as if the previous proceedings or any part of it had been taken before it. (iii) The Court shall follow the rules of code of civil procedure in respect of summoning of the parties, service of summon, proced ure of hearing, framing of issues, statement and production of evid ence, method of recording evidence, cross examination of witness an d other related (4). Fees and Costs.(i) The fee payable on an application in respect o f any matter referred to in Section 49 of the Code shall be Rs. 100\/- (ii) The fee and costs payable in respect of any o ther matters shall be such as prescribed by the relevant laws prescribed for t he time being in (iii) All fees and costs referred to in this rule shall be collected by means of Court fee stamps. 63 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Chapter IV Gratuity 7. Bank or other financial institution in which the gr atuity shall be invested for the benefit of minor under the third proviso to sub-sec tion (1) of section 53.(1) In the case of nominee, or an heir, who is minor, t he competentauthority shall invest the gratuity amount deposited with him for the benefit of such minor in term deposit with theState Bank of India o r any other Nationalised Explanation.- \"Nationalised Bank\" means a corresponding new bank specified in the First Schedule to the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 (5 of 1970) or a corresponding new bank specified in the First Schedule of the Ban king Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 198 0 (40 of 1980).] (2). Time, form and manner of nomination by an employee under sub-section (1), the time to make fresh nomination under sub-se ction (4), the form and manner of modification of a nomination under su b-section (5)and the form for fresh nomination under sub-section (6) of section 55 .(1) A nomination shall be in Form-IV andsubmitted in duplicate by the employee either by personal service, after taking p roper receipt or by registered postacknowledgement due or electronicall y to the employer, (i) in the case of an employee who is already in e mployment for a year or more on the date of commencement of these rules but not submitted the nomination, ordinarily, withi n ninety days from such date; and (ii) in the case of an employee who completes one year of service after the date of commencement of these rules, ordi narily within thirty days of the completion of one year of service: Provided that nomination in Form-IV shall be accepted by the employer after the specified period, if filed a nd no nomination so accepted shall be invalid merely because it was fil ed after the specified period. (2) Within thirty days of the receipt of nomination i n Form-IV under sub-rule (1), the employer shall get the service pa rticulars of the employee, as mentioned in the form of nomination, v erified with reference to the records of the establishment and r eturn to the employee, after obtaining a receipt thereof, the du plicate copy of the nomination in Form-IV duly attested either by the employer or an officer authorised in this behalf by him, as a toke n of recording of the nomination by the employer and the other copy of th e nomination shall be recorded. 64 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (3) An employee who has no family at the time of maki ng a nomination shall, within ninety days of acquiring a family sub mit in the manner specified in sub-rule (1), a fresh nomination, as r equired under sub-section (4) of section 55, duplicate in Form V to the employer and thereafter the provisions of sub-rule (2) shall app ly mutatis mutandis as if it was made under sub-rule (1). (4) A notice of modification of a nomination, includi ng cases where a nominee predeceases an employee, shall be submitted in duplicate in Form-VI to the employer in the manner specified in sub-rule (1), and thereafter the provisions of sub-rule (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis . (5) A nomination or a fresh nomination or a notice of modification of nomination shall be, signed by the employee or, if illiterate, shall bear his thumb impression and shall be submitted by the employee electronically or by registered post acknowledgemen t due. (6) A nomination, fresh nomination or notice of modif ication of nomination shall take effect from the date of recei pt thereof by the employer. 8. Time within which and the form in which a written a pplication shall be made under sub-section (1) and the form of application t o the competent authority under clause (b) of sub-section (5) of section 56. (1) Application for Gratuity:- (i) An employee who is eligible for payment of gra tuity under the Code, or any person authorized, inwriting, to act on his behalf, shall apply, ordinarily within thirty days from the date the gra tuity became payable, in Form-VII to the employer: Provided that where the date of superannuation or r etirement of an employee is known, the employee may apply to the employer before thirty days of the date of superannuation or retirement: Provided further that an employee on fixed term emp loyment shall be eligible for gratuity, if he renders servi ce under the contract for a period of one year and he shall be paid gratu ity at the rate of fifteen days wages, based on the rate of wages las t drawn by him, for every completed year of service or part thereof in excess of six (ii) A nominee of an employee who is eligible for payment of gratuity under the second proviso to sub-section (1) of sect ion 53 shall apply, ordinarily within thirty days from the date of grat uity became payable to him, in Form-VII to the employer: Provided further that an application in plain pap er with relevant particulars shall also be accepted. The em ployer may obtain such other particulars as may be deemed necessary b y him. 65 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (iii) A legal heir of an employee who is eligible for payment of gratuity under the second proviso to sub-section (1) of sect ion 53 shall apply, ordinarily within one year from the date of gratuit y became payable to him, in Form-VII to the employer. (iv) Where gratuity becomes payable under the Code before the commencement of these rules, the periods of limitat ion specified in clauses (a), (b) and (c) sub-rule (1) shall be deem ed to be operative from the date of such commencement. (v) An application for payment of gratuity filed a fter the expiry of the periods specified in this rule shall also be entert ained by the employer, if the applicant adduces sufficient cause for the d elay in preferring his claim, and no claim for gratuity under the Code sha ll be invalid merely because the claimant failed to present his a pplication within the specified period. Any dispute in this regard sh all be referred to the competent authority for his decision. (vi) An application under this rule shall be prese nted to the employer either by electronically or personal service or by registered post acknowledgement due. (2) Notice for payment of gratuity:- (i) Within fifteen days of the receipt of an appli cation under sub-rule (1) for payment of gratuity, the employer shall- (a) if the claim is found admissible on verificati on, issue a notice in Form-VIII to the applicant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may be, specifying the amount of gratuity payable and fixing a date, not being later than the thirtieth day after the date of receipt of the application, for p ayment thereof, (b) if the claim for gratuity is not found admissi ble, issue a notice in Form-VI to the applicant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may be, specifying the reasons why the claim for gratuity is not considered admissible. In the case of denial of gratuity a copy of the notice shall be endorsed to the competent authority. (ii) In case payment of gratuity is due to be made in the employer's office, the date fixed for the purpose in the notice in Form-VIII under sub-clause (i) of clause (a) sub-rule (2) shall be re-f ixed by the employer, if a written application in this behalf is made by the payee explaining why it is not possible for him to be present in per son on the date specified. (iii) If the claimant for gratuity is a nominee or a legal heir, the employer may ask for such witness or evidence as may be deem ed relevant for establishing his identity or maintainability of his claim, as the case may be. In that case, the time limit specified for issuance of notices 66 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 under clause (a) of sub-rule (2) shall be operative with effect from the date such witness or evidence, as the case may be, called for by the employer is furnished to the employer. (iv) A notice in Form-VIII shall be served on the applicant either by personal service after taking receipt or by registe red post with acknowledgement due or electronically. (v) A notice under sub-section (2) of section 56 s hall be in Form-VIII. (3) Mode of payment of gratuity. The gratuity payable under the Code shall be paid through Demand Draft or by crediting in the ba nk account of the eligible employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may be : Provided that intimation about the details of pay ment shall also be given by the employer to the competent authority of the area. (4) Application to competent authority for direction un der clause (b) of sub-section (5) of section 56.(i) If an employer- (a) refuses to accept a nomination under rule 7(2) or to entertain an application sought to be filed under sub rule (1) o r (b) issues a notice under clause (a) of sub-rule ( 2) either specifying an amount of gratuity which is considered by the appli cant less than what is payable or rejecting eligibility to payment of g ratuity, or (c) having received an application under sub-rule (1) fails to issue notice as required under sub-rule (2) within the time spec ified therein, the claimant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the ca se may be, may, within one hundred eighty days of the occurrence of the cause for the application, apply in Form-IX to the competent authority for issuing a direction under sub-section (5) of section 56 with as many extra copies as are the opposite party: Provided that the competent authority may accept any application under this sub-rule, on sufficient caus e being shown by the applicant, after the expiry of the specified period . (ii) Application under clause (a) sub-rule (4) and other documents relevant to such an application shall be presented in person to the competent authority or shall be sent by registered post ackno wledgement due or electronically. (5) Procedure for dealing with application for directio n.(i) On receipt of an application under sub-rule (4 ) the competent authority shall, by issuing a notice in Form-X , by electronically or registered post acknowledgment due or in person call upon the applicant as well as the employer to appear before him on a specified date, time and place, either by himself or through his authorized representative together with all relevant documents and witnesses, if any. 67 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (ii) Any person desiring to act on behalf of an em ployer or employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may be, shall pr esent to the competent authority a letter of authority from the employer or the person concerned, as the case may be, on whose beha lf he seeks to act together with a written statement explaining his in terest in the matter and praying for permission so to act. The competent authority shall record thereon an order either according his approv al or specifying, in the case of refusal to grant the permission prayed for, the reasons for the refusal. (iii) A party appearing by an authorized represent ative shall be bound by the acts of the representative. (iv) After completion of hearing on the date fixed under clause (i), or after such further evidence, examination of documents, wi tnesses, hearing and inquiry, as may be deemed necessary, the compet ent authority shall record his finding as to whether any amount i s payable to the applicant under the Code. A copy of the finding sha ll be given to each of the parties. (v) If the employer concerned fails to appear on t he specified date of hearing after due service of notice without suffici ent cause, the competent authority may proceed to hear and determi ne the application ex parte. If the applicant fails to appear on the s pecified date of hearing without sufficient cause, the competent authority m ay dismiss the application: Provided that an order under clause (v) of sub-r ule (5) may, on good cause being shown within thirty days of the sa id order, be reviewed and the application re-heard after giving not less than fourteen days' notice to the opposite party of the date fixed for rehearing of the application. Provided further that the time limit for disposa l of application for direction shall not exceed 90 days from the dat e of filing of the application before the Competent Authority. In case of non-appearance by either of the parties, a maximum of three oppor tunities may be given before disposal of the application. (6) Place and time of hearing. The sittings of the competent authority shall be held at such times and at such places as he may fix and he shall inform the parties of the same in such manner as he thinks fit . (7) Administration of oath. The competent authority may authorize a clerk of his office to administer oaths for the purpose of m aking affidavits. (8) Summoning and attendance of witnesses. The competent authority may, at any stage of the proceedings before him, either upo n or without an application by any of the parties involved in the proceedings b efore him, and on such terms as may appear to the competent authority just , issue summons to any 68 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 person in Form-X either to give evidence or to produce documents or for both purposes on a specified date, time and place. (9) Service of summons or notice.(i) Subject to the provisions of clause (b) any no tice, summons, process or order issued by the competent authority may be serv ed either personally or by registered post acknowledgement due or electr onically or in any other manner as prescribed under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908). (ii) Where there are numerous persons as parties t o any proceeding before the competent authority and such persons are member s of any trade union or association or are represented by an autho rised person, the service of notice on the Secretary, or where there is no Secretary, on the principal officer of the trade union or association , or on the authorized person shall be deemed to be service on such person s. (10) Maintenance of records of cases by the competent au thority.(i) The competent authority shall record the parti culars of each case under section 56 and at the time of passing orders shall sign and date the particulars so recorded. (ii) The competent authority shall, while passing orders in each case, also record the findings on the merits of the case and f ile it together with the memoranda of evidence with the order sheet. (iii) Any record, other than a record of any order or direction, which is required by these rules to be signed by the compete nt authority, may be signed on behalf of and under the direction of the competent authority by any subordinate officer appointed in writing for this purpose by the competent authority. (11) Direction for payment of gratuity .If a finding is recorded under sub-rule (d) of rule (5) that the applicant is entitled to p ayment of gratuity under the Code, the competent authority shall issue a notice to the employer concerned in Form-XI electronically or registered post acknowledgment du e or in person specifying the amount payable (including int erest due, if any, under sub-section (4) of Section 56 of the Code) and dire cting payment thereof to the applicant under intimation to the competent aut hority within thirty days from the date of the receipt of the notice by the e mployer. A copy of the notice shall be endorsed to the applicant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may be. (12) Appeal.(i) The Memorandum of appeal under sub-section (8) of section 56 of the Code shall be submitted to the appellate authority with a copy thereof to the opposite party and the competent authority eith er through delivery in person or under registered post acknowledgement due or electronically. 69 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (ii) The Memorandum of appeal shall contain the fa cts of the case, the decision of the competent authority, the grounds of appeal and the relief (iii) There shall be appended to the Memorandum of appeal a certified copy of the finding of the competent authority and direc tion for payment of gratuity. (iv) On receipt of the copy of Memorandum of appea l, the competent authority shall forward records of the case to the appellate authority. (v) Within fourteen days of the receipt of the cop y of the Memorandum of appeal, the opposite party shall submit his comment s of each paragraph of the memorandum with additional pleas, if any, to the appellate authority with a copy to the appellant. (vi) The appellate authority shall record its deci sion after giving the parties to the appeal a reasonable opportunity of being hea rd. A copy of the decision shall be given to the parties to the appea l by electronically or registered post or in person and a copy thereof sha ll be sent to the competent authority returning his records of the ca se. (vii) The competent authority shall, on receipt of the decision of the appellate authority, make necessary entry in the records of t he case maintained by (viii) On receipt of the decision of the appellate authority, the competent authority shall, if required under that decision, m odify his direction for payment of gratuity and issue a notice to the emplo yer concerned in Form-XI specifying the modified amount payable and directin g payment thereof to the applicant, under intimation to the competent authority within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice by the employer. A copy of the notice be endorsed to the a ppellant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may be, and to t he appellate authority. (ix) The time limit for disposal of appeal shall not exc eed 90 days from the date of filing of appeal. In case of non-appear ance by either of the parties, a maximum of three opportunities may b e given before disposal of the appeal. (13) Application for recovery of gratuity. Where an employer fails to pay the gratuity due under the Code in accordance with the notice by the competent authority under sub-rule (11) or sub-rule (12), as the case may be, the employee concerned, his nominee or legal heir, as t he case may be, to whom the gratuity is payable may apply to the competent authority in duplicate in Form XII for recovery thereof under section 129 of the Code. 9. Manner of registration of an establishment by the e mployer under sub-section (3) and the manner of composition of the Board of T rustees of the approved gratuity fund and the manner in which the competent authority may recover the amount of the gratuity payable to an employee from the insurer under sub-s ection (4) of section 57 - 70 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (1) The State government shall notify the manner of re gistration of an establishment by the employer under sub-section (3) of Section 57 as according to the provision referred in sub section (1) and (2). (2) The composition of the Board of Trustees of the a pproved gratuity fund shall be notified by State Government. (3) All registration shall be done electronically in form XIII. (4) Any amount directed to be paid under this section shall be recoverable as an arrear of land revenue. 10. Qualifications and experience of the officer appoin ted as the competent authority under sub-section (1) ofsection 58. The competent authority shall be appointed by the State Government by notification. CHAPTER- V MATERNITY BENEFIT ACT 11. Authority to whom an appeal may be preferred under sub-section (3) of section 72.(1) Complaint under section 72.(a) A complaint under sub-section (1) of section 7 2 shall be made in writing in Form-XIV as the case may be. (b) When a complaint referred to in section 72 is received by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator, he shall examine the relevant reco rds maintained by the employer in this behalf, examine any person employe d in the establishment and take down necessary statement for the purpose o f the enquiry and if he is satisfied that the maternity benefit or the amou nt has been improperly withheld, he shall direct the employer to make the payment to the woman or to the person claiming the payment under section 63, as the case may be, immediately or within a specified period. Provided that the time limit for disposal of compl aint shall not exceed 90 days from the date of filing of complaint. In case of non-appearance by either of the parties, a maximum of three opportunities may b e given before disposal of the complaint. (2) Appeal under section 72(a) An appeal against the decision of the Inspecto r-cum-Facilitator under sub-section (2) of section 72, shall lie to the Com petent Authority. (b) The aggrieved person shall prefer an appeal in writing to the prescribed Authority in Form-XV and file other supporting docu ments. (c) When an appeal is received, the prescribed Aut hority shall call from the Inspector-cum-Facilitator before a fixed date, the record of the case. The prescribed Authority shall, if necessary, also reco rd the statements of the aggrieved person, and of the Inspector-cum-Faci litator and seek clarification if any is required. (d) Taking into account the documents, the evidenc e produced before him and the facts presented to him or ascertained by hi m, the prescribed Authority shall give his decision within a period o f 90 days from filing of the application before him. In case of non-appea rance by either of the parties, a maximum of three opportunities may be gi ven before disposal of the appeal. 71 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (3) The authority under the sub-section (3) of Sec tion 72 of the Code shall be appointed by the State Government by a notification . CHAPTER- VI EMPLOYE ES COMPENSATION 12. Amount to be deposited towards the expenditure of t he funeral of the employee with the competent authority by the employer under sub-section (7) of section 76.injury of employee results in death, the employer s hall in addition to compensation to be deposited under the code with competent authority a sum of Fifteen thousands rupees or such amount as may be prescribed by the State Gover nment through Gazette notification, for payment of the same to the eldest surviving depende nts of the employee towards the expenditure of the funeral of such employee or wher e the employee did not have the dependent or was not living with his dependent at t he time of his death to the person who actually incurred such expenditure; Provided that if the Central Government by notifica tion enhances the amount specified in sub-section (7) of section 76, the amount to be deposited under this rule shall be automatically enhanced. 13. Conditions when application for review is made with out certificate of a medical practitioner under sub-section (1) of section 79. Application for review of half-monthly payment under sub-section (1) of Section 79, may b e made without being accompanied by a medical certificate;- (a) by the employer, on the ground that since the right to compensation was determined, the employees wages have increased; (b) by the employee, on the ground that since the right to compensation was determined, his wages have diminished; (c) by the employee, on the ground that the emplo yer, having commenced to pay compensation, has ceased to pay the same, notwi thstanding the fact that there has been no change in the employees conditio n such as to warrant such cessation; (d) either by the employer or by the employee, on the ground that the determination of the rate of compensation for the t ime being in force was obtained by fraud or undue influence or other impro per means; (e) either by the employer or by the employee on the ground that in the determination of compensation there is a mistake or error apparent on the face of the record. 14. Class of employers and the form of notice-book unde r sub-section (4) of section 82. Every employer to which the code applies shall main tain a notice book in accordance with sub-section (4) of section 82 in Form- XVI. 15 . Interval for medical examination under the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 84 .A employee who is in receipt of a half monthly paym ent shall not be required to submit himself for medical examination elsewhere than at the place where he is residing for the time being for more than twice in the first month following the accident or more than once in any subsequent month. 16. Form of statement to be submitted by the employer u nder sub-section (1) of section 88. The Statement for fatal accident required by sub s ection (1) of Section 88 shall, be in Form XVII. 72 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 17. Manner of Recording Memorandum for the purpose of s ub-section (1) of Section 89. (1) Form of Memorandum- Memoranda of agreement sent t o the Competent authority under sub-section (1) of Section 89 shall unless the Competent authority otherwise directs, be in duplicate, and s hall be in as close conformity as the circumstances of the case admit w ith, Form XVIII , or Form XVIII -A, or Form XVIII-B as the case may be. (2) On receiving a memorandum of agreement, the Compe tent authority shall, for taking decision to record memorandum or refusin g to record, shall issue notice to parties to agreement in Form XIX fixing d ate and place of hearing that in default of objections he proposes to record the memorandum on the date so fixed: The notice under this sub-rule may b e sent personally or through registered post\/speed post or electronicall y. Provided that the notice may be communicated oral ly to any parties who are present at the time when notice in writing would otherwise issue. (3) On the date so fixed, the Competent authority, af ter hearing the parties to agreement shall take decision to record or refuse t o record the memorandum. Provided that the issue of a notice under rule (1 ) shall not be deemed to prevent the Competent authority from refusing to record the memorandum on the date so fixed even if no objectio n be made by any party concerned. (4) If on such date the Competent authority decides t hat the memorandum ought not to be recorded, he shall inform the parti es present of his decision and of the reasons thereof and if any party desirin g the memorandum to be recorded is not present, he shall send information to that party. (5) Registration of memorandum accepted for record . -- In recording a memorandum of agreement, the Competent authority sh all cause the same to be entered in a register in Form XX and shall cause an endorsement to be entered under his signature on a copy of a memor andum to be retained by him in the following terms, namely- The memorandum of agreement bearing Serial No. _____________ of 20_______ in the register has been recorded this _________ day ________ of. (Signature) Competent authority18. Qualifications and Experience for Competent authori ty under sub-section (1) of Section 91. The competent authority shall be appointed by the S tate Government by notification. 19. Manner in which matters may be dealt with by or bef ore a competent authority under sub-section (1) of section 92.(1) On receipt of the application, the Competent A uthority shall verify the jurisdiction as per the parameters specified in cla use (a), (b) and (c) of sub-section (1) of section 92. (2) If it appears to the Competent authority on re ceiving application that it should be presented to another Competent authority, he shall return it to the applicant after endorsing upon it the date of the p resentation and return, the reason for returning it and designation of the Comp etent authority to whom it should be presented. 73 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (3) If at any stage of case it appears to competen t authority the application should be entertained by another competent authorit y, he shall send file of the case to that authority and who has the jurisdic tion, and inform to applicant and other parties as per the procedure de fined in sub-section (3) of Section 93 of the Code. (4) The competent authority to whom the case has b een transferred, shall continue to proceed as if the previous proceedings were done before him, provided he is satisfied that it will not cause pre judice to the concerned 20. Time-limit for disposal of application and cost inc idental to the proceedings under sub-section (4) of section 93 .(1) The appropriate authority shall dispose the applica tion with in six months from the date of application received . (2) Incidental Costs.(i) Any party to the dispute who desires to get ce rtified copies of decision, decree, or other document may get decisio n, decree, or other document on payment of cost at the following rate :- (a) The cost for the copies of any document of re cord or statement or order or decree may be notified by the State Government from time to time. (b) The cost of service or summons or notices or expenses of witnesses or the cost payable in respect of any mat ter not referred before shall be such amount as may be spec ified in each case by the Court and such amount or any other sum of money payable under this rule shall be paid in such manner and within such time as may be notified by State Go vernment. (c) The court may, whenever it finds either on app lications of applicant or otherwise that the applicant is unable to pay the cost it may exempt the applicant from the payment o f cost. (ii) Any person who is not a party to dispute, may get the certify copy of decision, decree or other documents except the conf idential documents, on payment of the fees prescribed in abo ve mentioned 21. Manner of authentication of memorandum under sectio n 97- (1) Evidence:- (i) After framing of issues, parties may submit th eir evidence on affidavit, on which opposite party shall have right to cross examination. (ii) On application by any party to the proceeding s and on deposit of fees and expenses fixed by the Competent authority, the competent authority may summon any witness whose evidence, he thinks necessary for just decision of the case. (iii) The evidence of all witnesses shall be recor ded in the presence of competent authority and shall be authenticated by h is signature and (2) Provisions of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 to apply .otherwise expressly provided in the Act or these ru les the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 shall apply to proceedings before C ompetent authorities, in so far as they may be applicable thereto: 74 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 Provided that: - (a) for the purpose of facilitating the application of the said provisions the Competent authority may construct them with such al ternations not affecting the substance as may be necessary or prop er to adapt them to the matter before him; (b) the competent authority may, for sufficient reas ons, proceed otherwise than in accordance with the said provisio n, if he is satisfied that the interests of the parties will not thereby be prejudiced. 22. Time limit to pay the amount of cess under section 101 .(1) The cess levied under the sub-section (1) of sect ion 100 shall be paid by an employer, with in thirty days of the completion of the construction project or within thirty days of the date on which assessme nt of cess payable is finished, whichever is earlier, to the cess collect or. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) , where the duration of the project or construction work exceeds one year, cess shall be paid within thirty days of completion of one year from t he date of commencement of work and every year thereafter at t he notified rates on the cost of construction incurred during the rel evant period . 23. Fees for appeal under sub-section (2) of section 10 5 .A Fee equivalent to one percentage of the amount in dispute or penalty or b oth, as the case may be, under such 24. Conditions to acquire, hold, sell or otherwise tran sfer any movable or immovable property under sub-section (1), condition s to invest moneys, re-invest or realise investments under sub-section (2) terms to raise lo ans and take measures for discharging such loans under sub-section (3) and terms to const itute for the benefit of officers and staff or any class of them, provident or other benefit funds under sub-section (4) of section 120; State Government may notify the conditions after co nsultation with Finance Department. 25. Conditions and manner of writing off irrecoverable dues under section 121 .Where Bihar Unorganized Workers Social Security Board is of the opinion that the amount of contribution, cess, interest and damages due to board the has become irrecoverable, the Board or any other officer authorised by it in this behalf may sanction the writing off of the said amount, subject to the following conditions, n amely: (i) Establishment has been closed for more than fi ve years and the whereabouts of the employer cannot be ascertained, despite all possible efforts; (ii) Decree obtained by the Board could not be exe cuted successfully for want of sufficient assets of the defaulting employer; or (iii) Claim for contribution is not fully met by (a) The Official Liquidator in the event of facto ries\/establishments having gone into liquidation; or (b) In the event of unit being nationalised or t aken over by the Government. 26. Other powers of Inspector-cum-Facilitator under cla use (e) of sub-section (6) of section 122 . An addition to powers in sub-section (6) of Section 122, Inspector cum facilitator may exercise such other powers and shal l perform such other duties as may be assigned by State Government by general or special order. 75 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 27. Form and manner for maintenance of records and regi sters and other particulars and details under clause (a), manner an d form for display of notices at the work places of the employees under clause (b) and t he manner and period of filing returns to the officers or authority under clause (d) of se ction 123. (1) Register of Women Employees . (a) The employer of every establishment in which w omen are employed shall prepare and maintain a register of women empl oyees in Form XXI electronically or in hard copy and shall enter therein particulars of all women workers in the establishment. Further, it shall always be available for inspection under notified inspection scheme for the Inspector-cum-Facilitator . (b) The employer may enter in the register of wome n employees such other particulars as may be required for any other purpose of the Code. (2) Records .Records kept under the provisions Chapter V of the Code and the rules framed thereunder shall be preserved for a period of two years from the date of their preparation. (3) Annual returns .(a) The employer to which the provisions of Chapte r V of the Code applies, on or before the 1st day of February in ea ch year, upload a unified annual return in Form-XXII online on the w eb portal of the Government, giving information as to the particular s specified, in respect of the preceding year: Provided that during inspection, the Inspector-cum-Facilitator may require the productio n of accounts, books, register and other documents maintained in e lectronic form or otherwise. (b) Every employer shall file such returns electro nically or otherwise to such officer or authority as may be fixed by State Government by general or special order Explanation.- (a) For the purposes of this sub-rule, the expression electronic form shall have the sam e meaning as assigned to it in clause (r) of section 2 of the In formation Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000). (c) If the employer to which the Code applies sell s, abandons or discontinues the working of the establishment, then , he shall, within one month of the date of such sale or abandonment o r four months of the date of such discontinuance, as the case may be , upload online, on the web portal of the Government a further unified return in Form XVIII referred to in clause(a) in respect of the p eriod between the end of the preceding year and the date of the sale, aba ndonment or discontinuance. 76 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 Chapter VII OFFENCES AND PENALTIES 28. Form and manner of application for compounding of a n offence under sub-section (4) of section 138.(1) The officer authorized by the State Government by notification for the purposes of compounding of offences under sub-secti on (1) of section 138 shall issue electronically a compounding notice in Form-XXIII for the offences for which are compoundable under section 1 38 (2) The person so noticed may apply in Part III of the Form-XXIII to the officer electronically and deposit the entire compounding a mount by electronic transfer or otherwise, within fifteen days of the r eceipt of the notice. (3) The Compounding Officer shall issue a composit ion certificate in Part IV of Form-XXIII within ten days of receipt of the compos ition amount, to such person from whom such amount has been received in s atisfaction of the composition notice. (4) If a person so noticed fails to deposit the co mposition amount within the prescribed time, the prosecution shall be institute d before the competent Court or the offence in respect of which the compou nding notice was issued, against such person. (5) Composition after institution of prosecution. (a) The Court may compound any compoundable offence at any time after filing of a complaint under section 138 of the Code. (b) The provisions of section 320 of the Code of C riminal Procedure, 1973 shall apply to such compositions. Chapter VIII Employment information and monitoring 29. Manner and form of reporting vacancies and form of filing the return by the employer, to the concerned career centre under sub- section (2) of section 139.(1) Reporting of Vacancies to Career Centers: (a) After the commencement of this Code in the Sta te or area thereof, the employer in every establishment in public sectorin that State or area shall, before filling up any vacancy in any employm ent in that establishment, report that vacancy or cause to be r eported to such Career Centre as may be specified in the notificati on by the State Government. (b) The employer in every establishment in private sector or every establishment pertaining to any class or category o f establishments in private sector shall, before filling up any vacancy in any employment in that establishment, report that vacancy or cause to be reported to such Career Centre from such date as may be specifi ed in the notification by the State Government. (c) State Government shall provide for mechanism (including digital) for receipt of vacancies reported by the employers. Car eer Centre to 77 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 which the vacancies are reported, would provide a u nique vacancy reporting number for the vacancy reported and conve y it to the employer in writing, through email or digitally or through any other such media immediately but in any case not later th an three working days from the date of receipt of reporting of vaca ncies. Explanation .(1) Establishment in public sector means an establishment owned, controlled or managed by .(i) the Government or a Department of theGovernment (ii) a Government company as defined in clause (45) of S ection 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 ( No. 18 of 2013); (iii) a corporation (including a co-operative society) or an autonomous organization or an authority or a body e stablished by or under a Central or State Act, which is owned ,controlled or managed by the Government; and (iv) a localauthority. Establishment in private sector means an establishment which is not an establishment in public sector and with ordinarily 50 or more employees or such number of employees as may be not ified by the State Government . (2) Type of vacancies and respective Career Centre for reporting of vacancies .(a) The following vacancies,namely- (i) All vacancies in posts of Technical and Scientific nature carrying a minimum pay or pay level or both as notified by t he State Government, occurring in establishments in respect of which the State Government is the appropriate Government unde r the (ii) Vacancies which an employer may desire to be circul ated to the Career Centers outside the State or Union Territory in which the establishment issituated shall be reported to such Career Centre as may be specified by the State Government by notification . (b) Vacancies which have been reported to the Care er Centre and for which recruitment is to be made on State or Inter-S tate or all India basis, shall also be reported to Career Centre(Cent ral) or uploaded on a digital portal as specified by the Central Gover nment bynotification. (3) Form and manner of reporting of vacancies .(a) The vacancies shall be reported in writing or through valid official email or digitally to the Career Centre specified b y the State Government. (b) The vacancies shall be reported in the format given at Form XXV, furnishing as many details as practicable, separate ly in respect of each type of vacancy. 78 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (c) Any change in the particulars already furnish ed to the Career Centre under clause (a) of sub-rule(3), shall be reported in writing or through official email or digitally as the case may be, to the specified Career (4). Time limit in the reporting ofvacancies. Vacancies, required to be reported to the Career Centre, shall be reported at least fifteen days before the last date of receipt of the applications of the prospective candidates for purpose of appointment or taking interview or test against the vacanciesreported. (5). Maintenance of records.(a) After commencement of this Code in any state o r area thereof, the employers in every establishment in the public sect or in that state or area shall maintain records manually or electronica lly or digitallyabout i) Total number of employees (regular, contractual or fixed term employment) on 31 st March of everyyear; ii) Persons recruited during the year ending on 31 st March; iii) Occupational details of its employees on 31 st March of everyyear; iv) Vacancies for which suitable candidates were not av ailable during the year ending on 31 st March;and v) Approximate number of vacancies likely to occur dur ing the next financial year. (b) State Government may by notification, require that from such date as may be specified in the notification, the employ er in every establishment in private sector or every establishm ent pertaining to any class or category of establishment in private s ector shall maintain records manually or electronically or digi tallyabout i) Total number of employees (regular, contractual or fixed term employment) on 31 st March of everyyear; ii) Persons recruited during the year ending on 31 st March; iii) Occupational details of its employees on 31 st March of everyyear; iv) Vacancies for which suitable candidates were not av ailable during the year ending on 31 st March;and v) Approximate number of vacancies likely to occur dur ing the next financialyear . (6) Submission of returns. An employer shall furnish to the concerned Career Centre yearly returns in form EIR (Employment Infor mation Return) as given at Form-XXVI Yearly returns shall be furnished manually or, electronically, or digitally, as the case may be, a s specified by the respective State Government in notification, within thirty day s of the due date namely 31 st March of theyear. 79 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (7). Declaration of Executive Officer. The Director of Employment, controlling the work of Career Centers of the respe ctive State Government, will declare in writing an officer looking after th e work of Career Centers Executive Officer for each district for the pu rpose of enforcement \/implementation of Chapter XIII (Employment Informa tion and Monitoring) of the Code. He shall be the officer wh o shall exercise the rights and perform duties referred to in section 13 9 of the Code, or authorize any person in writing to exercise those r ights and performduties. (8). Levy of penalty under the Chapter XIII of the Code. The Director of Employment or an officer of equivalent or above ran k, controlling the work of Career Centers, of the respective State sha ll be the competent authority to approve institution or sanction the in stitution of levy of penalty for an offence under the Code as mentioned in secti on133. 30. Constitution of Fund under Clause (ii) of sub-secti on (5) of Section 141.addition to source of fund mentioned in Clause (i) sub-section (5) of Section 141, the amount received from the following sources shall be credited to the Fund:- (i) Amount given by the State Government for the establishment of the fund. (ii) The amount of grant given by the Government of India, the State Government and other authorities and statutory bodi es. (iii) Amount received for registration\/renewal of beneficiaries and their contribution. (iv) Amount received for implementation of the sc heme notified by the Government of India. (v) Amount received for implementation of the sch eme notified by the State Government. (vi) Contribution or donation or any other financ ial support from employer, their association or from Corporate Social responsi bility (CSR) Fund as determined by the State Government by general or sp ecial order. (vii) Any other source which is approved by State Government through notification. 80 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 (See Rule 5) Appeal to Employees' Insurance Court The Authority, (Appointed under the Code on Social Security, 2020 ) (Address) .., the undersigned, employee of (Name a nd full address of the establishment) *Feel aggrieved by the order of .................. ....................... under sub section 7(a) of section 37 for the reasons attached hereto, prefer this second appeal under sub-section 7(b) of section 37 and request that the said ........... ...... be ordered ................................................... .......................................... A copy of the order of ................................................ .......................................... in this behalf is enclosed. Signature or thumb impression of the Aggrieved person Date ....................... Signature of an Attester in case the person is not able to sign and affixes thumb impression . [See rule 6 (2)] In the Employees, Insurance Court at ................................................................. ................................................... .................................................. ...................... ................................................... .......... Applicant (add description and residence) Opposite Party (add description and residence) Othe r Particulars of Application specified in rule 6(2) ...................... ................................................... .......... Signature of Applicant (verification by the applicant) The statement of facts contained in this applicati on is to the best of my knowledge and belief, rue and correct. Signature 81 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 [(See Rule 6(2)(iv)] s Insurance Court at ..................... ................ Register of proceedings in the year 20............. Applicant opposite party appearances executive other remarkrks, if any Date of presentation of application No of proceedings Description Place of residence Particulars Amount of value, if any place of residence particulars amount or value, if any when the cause of action accured day of parties to appear applicant opposite -party for whom Date of De cision of appeal, if any jadgment in appeal, Date of application againet whom For what, and amount of money amount of costs Date of order yrasferingto another vivil court 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 82 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 [See Rule 7 (2)] Nomination (Give here name or description of the establishmen t with full address) (Name in full here) I, Shri\/Shrimati\/Kumari........................... ............whose particulars are given in the statement below, hereby nominate the person(s) ment ioned below to receive the gratuity payable after my death as also the gratuity standin g to my credit in the event of my death before that amount has become payable, or having be come payable has not been paid and direct that the said amount of gratuity shall be pa id in proportion indicated against the name (s) of the nominee(s). 2. I, hereby certify that the person (s) mentioned is a\/are member (s) of my family within the meaning sub section (33) of section 2 of the code. 3. I hereby declare that I have no family within t he meaning of sub-section (33) of Section 2 of the Code. 4 (a) My father\/mother\/parents is\/are not depende nt on me. (b) My husband's father\/mother\/parents is\/are n ot dependent on my husband. NOMINEE(S) Name in full with full address of nominee(s) Relationship employee Age of nominee Proportion by which the gratuity will be STATEMENT 1. Name Of The Employee in full. 3. Religion. 4. Whether unmarried\/married\/widow\/widower. 5. Department\/branch\/section where employed. 6. Post held with ticket no., or serial no., if any 7. Date of appointment 8. Permanent address Village , t hana , sub-divi sion Post office , di strict , state Place signature\/thumb-i mpression Date of the em ployee. 83 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Declaration by witness Nomination signed\/thumb-impressed before me Name in full and full address Of witness signature of witness 1. 1. 2. 2. Certificate by the employer Certified that the particulars that of the above no mination have been verified and recorded in the establishment. s reference no., Signature of the employer\/officer author ized Designation Date name and the address of the establishment Or rubber stamp thereof. Acknowledgment by the employee Received the duplicate copy of nomination in form filed by me and duty certified by the employer. Date signature of th e employee. Note-Strike out the words and paragraphs not applic able. 84 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 [See Rule 7 (2)(3) ] Fresh Nomination Give her name or description of the establishment w ith full address.) I, sri\/srimati..(name in full here) whose particulars are given in the statement below, have acquired a family within the meaning of sub-section (33) of section 2 of the code .. with effect from the .. (date here).. in the matter ind icated below and therefore nominate a fresh person(s)mentioned below to receive the gratuity payable after my death as also the gratuity standing to my credit in the event of my death before that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid, direct that the said amount of gratuity shall be paid in proportio n indicated against the name(s) of the nominee(s). 2. I hereby certify the person(s) nominated is a\/ar e member(s) of my family within the meaning of sub-section (33) of section 2 of the code. 3.(a) my father\/mother\/parents is\/are not dependent on me. (b) my husbands father\/mother\/parents is\/are no t dependent on my husband. 4. I have excluded my husband from my family by a n otice, dated the to the controlling authority in terms of t he proviso to sub-section (33) of section 2 of the code. NOMINEE(S) Name in full with address of nominee(s) Relationship with the employee Age of nominee Proportion by which the gratuity will be Manner of acquiring a (here give details as to how a family was acquired, i.e. whether by marriage or parents being rendered dependent or through other process like ad option.) STATEMENT 1. Name Of The Employee. 3. Religion 4. Whether unmarried\/married\/widow\/widower 5. Department\/branch\/section where employed 6. Post held with ticket no., or serial no., if any. 7. Date of appointment 8. Permanent address Village, Tha na, Sub -division, Post office, Dist rict, St ate Place signature\/thumb-impres sion Date of the employ ee 85 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Declaration by witnesses Fresh nomination signed\/thum-impressed before me. Name in full and full address of witness. Signature o f witnesses CERTIFICATE BY THE EMPLOYER Certified that the particulars of the above nominat ion have been verified and recorded in this establishment. s reference no., if any. Designation . Name and address of the establishment Or rubber stamp thereof. Acknowledgment by the employee Received the duplicate copy of the nomination in fo rm's filed by me onduly certified by the employer. Date signature of the em ployee Note-Strike out the words and paragraphs not applic able. [SEE RULE 7 (2) (4)] MODIFICATION OF NOMINATION [Give here name or description of the establishment with full address] I, Shri\/Shrimati\/Kumari[Name in full here ] whose particulars are given in the statement below, hereby give notice that the nomina tion filed by me on and recorded under your reference No. shall stand modified in the following manner. [Here give details of modificatio ns intended] STATEMENT 1. Name of employee in full. 3. Religion. 4. Whether unmarried\/married\/widow\/widower. 5. Department \/Branch\/Section where employed. 6. Post held with Ticket or Serial No. if any. 7. Date of appointment. 8. Address in full. Place Signature\/Thumb impression of the employer Date 86 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 DECLARATION BY WITNESSES Modification of nomination signed\/thumb impressed before me. Name in full and full address of witnesses. Signature of witnesses 1. 2. CERTIFICATE BY THE EMPLOYER Certified that the above modification have been rec orded. Employers Reference No., if any. Signature of the employer\/ officer authorized Designation Name and address of the Establishment or rubber stamp thereof. ACKN OWLEDGMENT BY THE EMPLOYEE Received the duplicate copy of the notice for modi fication in Form filed by me .duly certified by the employer. Date Signature of the employee (See Rule 8(1) Application for Gratuity by an Employee\/Nominee\/Leg al Heir (Strike out the words not applicable) (Give here name or description of the establishmen t with full address) Sir\/Madam, ..(name of employee\/nominee\/legal heir ) \/nominee of .(Name of the employee)\/ as a legal heir of .(Name of the employee), beg to appl y for payment of gratuity to which I am entitled under sub-section ( 1) of section 53 of the Code on Social Security, 2020 on account of- (a) my superannuation\/retirement\/resignation afte r completion of not less than five years of continuous service\/total disablement due to accident\/total disablement due to disease\/ on termination of contr act period under fixed term employment with effect from the (b) death of the aforesaid employee while in serv ice\/superannuation after completion of..years of service\/t otal disablement of the aforesaid employee due to accide nt or disease while in service with effect from the (c) death of aforesaid employee of your establishm ent while in service\/superannuation 87 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 (date) without making any nomination a fter completion of ..years of service\/total disable ment of the aforesaid employee due to accident or disease while in servic e with effect Necessary particulars relating to my appointment a re given in the statement below. 1. Name of employee in full, (if, the gratuity is claimed by an employee) a. Marital status of employee(unmarried\/married\/wi dow\/widower) b. Address in full of employee or 2. Name of nominee\/legal heir, (if the gratuity is claimed by nominee\/legal heir) a. Name of Employee b. Marital status of nominee\/legal heir(unmarried\/ married\/widow\/widower) c. Relationship of nominee\/legal heir with the emp loyee d. Address in full of nominee\/legal heir e. Date of death and proof of death of the employe e f. Reference No. of recorded nomination if availab le 3. Department\/Branch\/Section where last employed 4. Post held by employee. 5. Date of appointment. 6. Date and cause of termination of service 7. Date of Death 8. Total period of service of the employee 9. Total wages last drawn by the employee. 10. Total gratuity payable to the employee\/ share of gratuity claimed by a nominee\/legal heir. 11. Payment may please be made by crossed bank che que\/credit in my bank account noYours faithfully, Signature\/Thumb-impression of the applicant employee\/nominee\/legal heir. Date: 88 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 FORM-VIII [(See Rule 8(i] Notice for Payment\/Rejecting claim of Gratuity (Strike out the words not applicable) (Name and address of the applicant employee\/nomine e legal heir) You are hereby informed that (a) *as required under clause (b) sub-rule (2) of rule 8 of the Code on Social Security Rules, 2020, that your claim for payments of gratui ty as indicated on your application in Form-VII under the said rules is not admissible for the reas ons stated below: Reasons (Here specify the reasons); or (b) *as required under clause (a) sub-rule (2) of r ule 8 of the Code on Social Security Rules Rules, 2020 that a sum of Rs. ) is payable to you as gratuity\/as your share of gratuity in terms of nomi nation made by recorded in this as a lega l heir .an employee of this establishment. 2. *Please call at (Here spe cify ..(date) at.(time) for collecti ng your payment of gratuity crossed cheque. 3. Amount payable shall be sent to you through dema nd draft or shall be credited in your bank account as desired by you. 4. Brief statement of calculation (a) Date of appointment. (b) Date of termination\/superannuation\/resignation \/ disablement\/death. (c) Total period of service of the employee concer ned: ......years(d) Wages last drawn: (e) Proportion of the admissible gratuity payable in terms of nomination\/as a legal heir: (f) Amount payable: Signature of the Employer\/ authorised officer. Name or description of establishment or rubber stam p thereof. Copy to: The Competent Authority in case of denial of gratuity. Copy also to: Office of DG Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Chandigarh. 89 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 [(See Rule 8(4)] Application for Direction Before the Competent Authority for Chapter V under the Code on Social Security, 2020 Application No. Date (Name in full of the applicant with full address) (Name in full of the employer concerned with full a ddress) The applicant is an employee of the above-mentione d employer\/a nominee of an employee of the above-mentioned e mployer\/a legal heir of and employee of the abovementioned e mployer, and is entitled to payment of gratuity under section 53 of the Code on Social Security, 2020 on account of his own\/aforesaid employee's superannuat ion (date)\/his own retirement\/aforesaid em ployees' resignation ..(date) completion ofyears of cont inuous service\/his own\/aforesaid employees' total disablement with eff ect from .(date) due to accident\/disease death of aforesaid employee on2. The applicant submitted an application under Bih ar Rule 8(1) of the Code on Social Security (Bihar) Rules, 2021 on the .b ut the above-mentioned employer refused to entertain it\/issued a notice da ted the. under clause .of sub-rule of rule .offering an amount of gratuity which is less than my due\/issued a notice dated ..the under clause. rejecting my eligibility to payment of gratuity. The duplicate copy of the said notice is enclosed. 3. The applicant submits that there is a dispute on the matter (specify the dispute). 4. The applicant furnishes the necessary particular s in the annexure hereto and prays that the Competent Authority may be pleased to dete rmine the amount of gratuity payable to the petitioner and direct the above-mentioned em ployer to pay the same to the petitioner. 5. The applicant declares that the particulars furn ished in the annexure hereto are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and b elief. Signature\/Thumb impression of the applicant. ANNEXURE 1. Name in full of applicant with full address 2. Basis of claim (Death\/Superannuation\/Retirement\/Res ignation\/Disablement of Employee\/Completion of contract period under Fixed Term Employment) 3. Name and address in full of the employee 4. Marital status of the employee (unmarried\/married\/w idow\/widower) 5. Name and address in full of the employer 6. Department\/Branch\/Section where the employee was la st employed (if known) 7. Post held by the employee with Ticket or Sl. No., i f any (if known) 8. Date of appointment of the employee (if known) 9. Date and cause of termination of service of the emp loyee (Superannuation \/ retirement \/resignation\/disablement\/death\/Completio n of contract period under Fixed Term Employment) 90 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 10. Total period of service by the employee 11. Wages last drawn by the employee 12. If the employee is dead, date and cause thereof 13. Evidence\/witness in support of death of the employe e 14. If a nominee, No. and date of recording of nominati on with the employer 15. Evidence\/witness in support of being a legal heir i f a legal heir 16. Total gratuity payable to the employee (if known) 17. Percentage of gratuity payable to the applicant as nominee\/legal heir 18. Amount of gratuity claimed by the applicant Signature\/Thumb-impression of the applicant [(See Rule 8 (5),(8)] Notice for Appearance before the Competent Authorit y\/Summon (Strike out the words not applicable) (Name and address of the employer\/applicant) Whereas Shri ..an employee under you\/a n ominee(s)\/legal heir(s) of Shri.an employee under the above-mentioned employer, has\/have filed an application under sub-r ule ........... of rule .......... of the Code on Social Security(Bihar) Rules, 2021 alleging that... ...... (A copy of the said application is enclosed, if, summon is issued then copy of applica tion is not required) Now, therefore, you are hereby called upon\/summoned to appear befor e the Competent Authority at ..(place)either personally or through a pers on duly authorized in this behalf for the purpose of answering all material qu estions relating to the application on the .. day of .'O' clock in the fore noon\/afternoon in support of\/to answer the allegation; and as the day fixed f or your appearance is appointed for final disposal of the application, you must be prepared t o produce on that day all the witnesses upon whose evidence, and the documents upon which y ou intend to rely in support of your allegation\/defence. Take notice that in default of your appearance on t he day before-mentioned, the application will be dismissed\/heard and determined in your abse nce. Whereas your attendance is required to give evidenc e\/you are required to produce the documents mentioned in this list below, on behalf o f .. in the case arising out of the claim for gratuity by.. and referred t o this Authority by an application under section 56 of the Code on Social Security, 2020, you are hereby summoned to appear personally before this Authority on the clock in the forenoon\/aft ernoon and to bring with you for to send to this Authority) the said documen ts. List of documents- Given under my hand and seal, this Competent Authority under the Code on Social Security Code, 2020 91 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Note: 1. Strike out the words and paragraphs not applica ble. 2. The portion not applicable to be deleted. 3. The summons shall be issued in duplicate. The duplicate is to be signed and returned by the persons served before the date fixe d. 4. In case the summons is issued only for produci ng a document and not to given evidence it will be sufficient compliance to the summons if the documents are caused to be produced before the Comp etent authority on the day and hour fixed for the purpose . [(See Rule 8(11) and (12) ] Notice for Payment of Gratuity as Determined by Com petent\/Appellate Authority (Strike out the words not applicable) (Name and address of employer) 1. Whereas Shri\/Smt.\/Kumari (address)under you\/a nominee(s)\/legal heir(s) of late an employee under you, filed an application under section 56 of the Code on Social Security, 2020, before Whereas a notice was given to you on .requ iring you to make payment of Rsto Shri\/Smt.\/Kumarigratuity under the Code on Social Security, 2021. 2. And whereas the application was heard in your p resence on..and after the hearing have come to the finding that the said Shri\/Smt.\/Kumari is entitled to a p ayment of as gratuity under the Code on Social Secur ity, 2020; or Whereas you\/the applicant went in appeal before the appellate authority, who has decided that an amount of Rs.. is due to be paid to Shri\/Smt.\/Kumari.as gratuity due and the amount as interest due under The Code on Social Security, 2021. Now, therefore, I hereby direct you to pay the said sum of Rs. Shri\/Smt.\/Kumari . within thirty days o f the receipt of this notice with an intimation thereof to me. Given under my hand and seal, this Competent Authority under the Code on Social Security Code, 2021 Copy to: 1. The Applicant- He is advised to contact the empl oyer for collecting payment. 2. The Appellate Authority if applicable. Note.--- (Strike out paragraphs if not applicable) 92 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 [(See Rule 8(13)] Application for Recovery of Gratuity Before the Competent Authority for Chapter V under the Social Security Code, 2020 Application No. Date (Name in full of the applicant with full address) (Name in full of the employer\/Trust\/Insurer concern ed with full address) 1. The applicant is an employee of the above-mentioned employer\/a nominee of an employee of the above mentioned emp loyer\/a legal heir an employee of the above-mentioned em ployer, and you were pleased to direct the said employer in your notice dated the of Code on Social Security (Bihar) Rules, 2021 for payment of a sum of .. as gratuity payable under the Code on S ocial Security, 2021. 2. The applicant submits that the said employer failed to pay the said amount of gratuity to me as directed by you although I approa ched him for payment. 3. The applicant therefore prays that a certificate ma y be issued under section 129 of the Code for recovery of the said sum of Rs. due to me as gratuity in terms of your direction. Signature\/Thumb-impression of applicant. Strike out the words not applicable. FORM-XIII [See Rule-9(3)] Application for Registration of an Establishment un der sub-section (3) of Section 57. A. Establishment Details. 1. Retrieve details of Establishment through LIN\/R egistration Number: 2. Name of Establishment: 3. Location and Address of the Establishment: 4. Others details of Establishment: a. Total Number of employees engaged directly in t he establishment: b. Total Number of the contract employees engaged: c. Total Number of Inter-State Migrant workers emp loyed: 5. Ownership Type\/Sector: 6. Activity as per National Industrial Classificat ion (NIC): 7. Details of Selected NIC Code: 8. Identification of the establishment e-sign\/ dig ital sign of employer\/ representative: B. Details of Employer:- 1. Name & Address of Employer \/ Occupier \/ Owner\/Agent \/ Chief Executive- 2. Designation: 3. Fathers\/ Husbands Name of the Employer: 4. Email Address, Telephone& Mobile No: 93 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 C. Manager\/ Agent Details 1. Full name & Address of Manager\/ Agent or person responsible for supervision and control of the Establishment; 2. Address of Manager\/ Agent: 3. Email Address, Telephone& Mobile No : D. Details of Approved Gratuity Fund\/Insurance obt ained for liability of payment towards the Gratuity; E. Others Details:- Signature\/ E-sign\/digital sign of employer [See Rule 11(1)(a)] Complaint to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator The Inspector-cum-Facilitator (Under The Code on Social Security, 2020) (Name of woman) employed in (name and full ad dress of the establishment) or I.............., (name), a pers on nominated under section 62 by or a legal representative of..........................(name of woman) employed in.(name and full address of the establishment) having fulfilled the conditions laid down in the Code on Social Security , 2020 and the Rules thereunder, am entitled to Rs.......................... being maternity benefit and\/ or Rs................ ....... being the medical bonus and\/ or ............ being wages for leave due under s ection 65 but the same has been improperly withheld by the employer\/discharged or d ismissed during or on account of her absence from work in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter VI of Code on Social Security , 2020. You are therefore requested, to direct the employe r to pay the amount to me\/ to set aside the discharge or dismissal done by the employ er. Signature or thumb impression of the Woman\/ nominee\/ legal representative Signature of an Attester in case the woman\/ nominee\/ legal representative is unable to sign and affixes thumb impression. Full address of the women\/nominee\/legal representat ive . 94 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 [See Rule 11 (2) (b)] The Authority, (Appointed under the Code on Social Security, 2020 ) (Address) , the undersigned, woman employee of (name a nd full address of the establishment) *Feel aggrieved by the order of Inspector-cum-Faci litator under sub section (2) of section 72 for the reasons attached hereto, prefer this appeal under sub-section (2) of section 68 and request that the said employer be ordered to pay the above mentioned amount to me. A copy of the order of Inspector-cum-Facilitator cu m Facilitator in this behalf is enclosed; ................................, Inspector -cum-Facilitator, having directed under sub-section (2) of section 72 to pay the maternity bene fit or other amount being................(Nature of amount) to which....................... ........ (Name of woman) is said to be entitled\/to set aside my discharge or dismissal dur ing or on account of absence from work in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter V of the Code on Social Security , 2020 (Strike out unnecessary portion) . I prefer this appeal under sub-section (3) of sect ion 72. In view of the facts mentioned in the memorandum attached hereto and oth er documents filed herewith it is submitted that the woman is not entitled to the mat ernity benefit or the said amount and hence the order of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator in the copy of which is enclosed, may be set *Strike out unnecessary portion. Signature or thumb impression of the Women \/Aggrieved person Signature of an Attester in case the woman is not able to sign and affixes thumb impression. Full address of the nominee\/legal representative 95 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Form XVI (Notice Book of the Accidents) (See rule 14 ) Name of the Establishment..................... ..........................Nature of Business .......................... ........................Date of opening.............................................. ....Registration no (if any)-.................. ......................... Name of the employer\/occupier................ ................. Date of accidents Short detail of Accident Name of the injured person Whether accident result in death Whether accident result in total disablement Whether accident result in partial disablement Whether accident result in Temporary disablement Amount of Compensation paid to employee or his dependent Amount of Compensation deposited to Competent Authority Date of payment or deposit of Compensation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 96 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 FORM XVII (See Rule 16) Statement of Fatal Accidents Competent Authority, ............................... 1. I have the honor to submit the following statement of an accident which occurred in (date), at (here enter details of premises) and whi ch resulted in the death of the employee\/employees of whom particulars are given in the statement annexed. 2. The circumstances relating to the death of the empl oyee\/employees were as under: - a. Time of accident. b. Place where the accident occurred. c. Manner in which deceased was\/were employed at the t ime. d. Cause of the accident. e. Any other relevant particulars. 3. I am responsible for payment of compensation. 4. Details of employee a. Name of the employee b. Age of the employee c. Wages of the employee 5. The establishment is not responsible for payment of compensation due to reasons mentioned below ................................... ................................................... (Signature and designation of person making the statement) 97 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 FORM XVIII (See Rule 17) Memorandum of Agreement It is hereby submitted that on the ................ ... day of ............ 20...... personal injury was caused to ....................... residing at b y accident arising out of and in the course of his employment in ................. The said injury has resulted in permanent disablement to the said workman of the following nature, namely:- The said employees monthly wages are estimated at Rs. .............................. The employee is over the age of 15 years will reach the age of 1 5 years on ........................... . The said employee has, prior to the date of the agr eement, received the following payments, namely: -- Rs. ..................................... on ...... .......... Rs. ......................... on ....... ......................... Rs. ..................................... on ...... ......... Rs. ......................... on ........ ....................... Rs. ..................................... on ...... ......... Rs ......................... on ........ ........................ It is further submitted that the employer of the s aid employee has agreed to pay, and the said employee has agreed to accept, the sum of Rs. .................... in full settlement of all and every claim under the Code on Social Security, 2020 in receipt of the disablement stated above and all disablement now manifest. It i s therefore requested that this memorandum be duly recorded. Dated ..........................20........ . Signature of employer Witness Witness Signature or employee Note- Application to register an agreement can be presen ted under signature of one party: provided that the other party has agreed to the terms. But both signatures should be appended, whenever possible. Receipt (to be filled in when the money has actuall y been paid) In accordance with the above agreement, I have this day received the sum of Rs................ Dated ...................20.... . Employee The money has been paid and this receipt signed in my presence. Witness Note- This form may be varied to suit special cases, e.g . injury by occupational disease, agreement when employee is under legal dis ability, etc. 98 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 FORM XVIII-A (See Rule 17) Memorandum of Agreement It is hereby submitted that on the ................ .... day of .................. 20 ............ pers onal injury was caused to ....................... residi ng at ................... by accident arising out o f said in the course of employment in ....................... ........................ . The said injury has resu lted in temporary disablement to the said employee, who is at present in receipt of wages amounting to Rs. per month\/no wages. The said employees monthly wages prior to the acc ident are estimated at Rs. ............... . The employee is subject to a legal disability by reason of. It is further submitted that the employer of the e mployee has agreed to pay and on behalf of the said employee has agreed to accept ha lf-monthly payments at the rate of Rs. .............. for the period of the said tempo rary disablement. This agreement is subject to the condition that the amount of the half-monthly p ayments may be varied in accordance with provisions of the said Act on account of an al teration in the earnings of the said employee during disablement. It is further stipulat ed that all rights of commutation under Section 7 of the said Act are unaffected by this ag reement it is therefore requested that this memorandum be duly recorded. Dated ................ 20.... . Signature of employer Witness Signature of employee Witness Note- An application to register and agreement can be pr esented under the signature of one party : provided that the other party has ag reed to the terms. But both signatures should be appended, whenever possible. Receipt (to be filled in when the money has actual ly been paid). In accordance with the above agreement, I have thi s day received the sum of Rs........ Employee Dated ..................20 . The money has been paid and this receipt signed in my presence. Note- This form may be varied to suit special cases , e.g., injury by occupational disease, etc. 99 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 FORM XVIII-B (See Rule 17) Memorandum of Agreement It is hereby submitted that on the ................ ... day of ............ 20...... personal injury was caused to ....................... residing at b y accident arising out of and in the course of his employment in ................. The said injury has resulted in death to the said workman. The said employees monthly wages are estimated at Rs. ........................ The employee is over the age of 15 years will reach the age of 15 years on ........................... . The said employee has, prior to the date of the agr eement, received the following payments, namely: -- Rs. ..................... on ................ Rs. . ........................ on ....................... ......... Rs.................... on ......................... .... Rs. .............. on ........................ ....... Rs. ......................on .................. Rs ......................... on ..................... ........... It is further submitted that the employer of the s aid employee has agreed to pay, and dependent (s) of the said employee has agreed to ac cept, the sum of Rs. .................... in full settlement of all and every claim under the Code on Social Security, 2020 in receipt of death stated above. It is therefore requested that this memorandum be duly recorded. Dated ..........................20........ . Signature of employer Witness Witness Signature or dependant(s) Note- Application to register an agreement can be presen ted under signature of one party: provided that the other party has agreed to the terms. But both signatures should be appended, whenever possible. Receipt (to be filled in when the money has actuall y been paid) In accordance with the above agreement, I have this day received the sum of Rs................... Dated ...................20.... . Dependant(s) The money has been paid and this receipt signed in my presence. Witness 100 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 FORM XIX [(See Rule 17(2)] Whereas an agreement to pay compensation is said t o have been reached between ................... and ...................... and whereas has\/have applied for registration of the agreement under Section 89 of the Code of Social Se curity, 2020 notice is hereby given that said agreement will be taken into consideratio n on ....................... 20 ................ an d that any objections to the registration of the said agreement should be made on that date. In the absence of valid objections it is my intention to proceed to the registration of the agreement. Dated ......................20 ....... Competent Authority {See Rule 17(5)} Register of Agreement for year 20................ S.No. Date of agreement Date of registration Employer Employee Initial of Competent Authority Reference to rectifying the 101 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 [(See Rule 26(1)(a)] REGISTER OF WOMEN EMPLOYEES Name of establishment 1. Serial Number. 2. Name of woman and her father's (or, if married, husband's) name. 3. Date of appointment. 4. Nature of work. 5. Dates with month and year in which she is emplo yed, laid off and not employed. Month No. of days employed No. of days laid off No. of days not employed Remark a b c d e 6. Date on which the woman gives notice under sect ion 62. 7. Date of discharge\/dismissal, if any. 8. Date of production of proof of pregnancy under section 62. 9. Date of birth of child. 10. Date of production of proof of delivery\/miscar riage\/Medical Termination of pregnancy\/ tubectomy operation\/death \/ adoption of child. 11. Date of production of proof of illness referre d to in section 65. 12. Date with the amount of maternity benefit paid in advance of expected delivery. 13. Date with the amount of subsequent payment of maternity benefit. 14. Date with the amount of bonus, if paid, under section 64. 15. Date with the amount of wages paid on account of leave under section 65(1) & 16. Date with the amount of wages paid on account of leave under section 65(2) and period of leave granted. 17. Name of the person nominated by the woman unde r section 62. 18. If the woman dies, the date of her death, the name of the person to whom maternity benefits and\/or other amount was paid, the amount t hereof, and the date of payment. 19. If the woman dies and the child survives, the name of the person to whom the amount of maternity benefit was paid on behalf of t he child and the period for which it was paid. 20. Signature of the employer of the establishment authenticating the entries in the register of women employees. 21. Remarks column for the use of the Inspector-cu m-Facilitator. 102 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 FORM XXII [(See Rule 26(3)(a)] Unified Annual Return A. General Part: (a) Name of the establishment ............................ .............. Address of the establishment: House No.\/Flat No. . Street No.\/Plot No . District pin code (b) Name of the employer ................................................... ................................ Address of the employer: House No.\/Flat No. . Street No.\/Plot No. . District . pin code E-mail ID Telephone Number .. Mobile number..........(c) Name of the manager or person responsible for s upervision and control of establishment House No.\/Flat No . Street No.\/Plot No . District . Pin code E-mail ID Telephone Number .. Mobile number .................. B. Employers Registration\/Licence number under the Codes mentioned in column (2) of the table below: S. No. Name Registration If yes (Registration No.) S.No. Name Registration If yes (Registration No.) 01. The Code on Occupational Safety Health and working 02 The Code on Social Security 03 Any other Law for the time being in force. 03. C. Details of Employer, Contractor and Contract Labour : 01. Name of the employer in the case of a contracto rs establishment. 02. Date of commencement of the establishment. 03. Number of Contractors engaged in the establishm ent during the year. 04. Total Number of days during the year on which Contr act Labour was employed. 05. Total number of man-days worked by Contract Lab our during the year. 103 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 06. Name of the Manager or Agent (in case of mines) . 07. Address House No.\/Flat No. Street\/Plot No. Town District S tate Pin Code E-mail ID Teleph one Number Moblie Number D. Working hours and weekly rest day: 01. Number of days worked during the year. 02. Number of mandays worked during the year. 03. Daily hours of work. 04. Weekly day of rest. E. Maximum number of persons employed in any day du ring the year: Sl. No. Males Females Adolescents (between the age of 14 to 18 years.) Children (below 14 years of age.) Total F. Wage rates (Category Wise): Category Rates of Wages No. of workers Regular Contract Male Female Children Adolescent Male Female Children Adolescent Highly Skilled Skilled Semiskilled Unskilled 104 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 G. (a) Details of Payments: Gross wages paid Deductions Net wages paid In cash In kind Fines Deductions for dam age or loss Others In cash In kind (b) Number of workers who were granted leave with w ages during the year : Sl. No. During the year Number of workers Granted l eave with wages H. Details of various welfare amenities provided un der the statutory schemes: Sl. No. Nature of various welfare amenities provided Statutory (specify the statute) I. Maternity Benefit under the Code on Social Secur ity, 2020: (a) Details of establishment, medical and Para-medi cal staff: 01 Date of opening of establishment 02 Date of closing, if close 03 Name of Medical Officer 03(i) Qualification of Medical Officer 03(ii) Is Medical Officer at (the mines or circus) ? 03(iii) If a part time, how often does he\/she pay visit to establishment ? 03(iv) Is there any Hospital? 03(v) If so, how many beds are provided? 03(vi) Is there a lady Doctor? 03(vii) If so, what is her qualification? 03(viii) Is there a qualified mid-wife? 03(ix) Has any crche been provided? (b) Leave Granted under the Code on Social Securit y, 2020 01 Total number of female employees in the establishme nt 02 Total number days of leave granted 03 Number of employees granted maternity leave\/benefit ed by ESI Declaration It is to certify that the above information is true and correct and also I certify that I have complied with the all provisions of Labour Laws app licable to my establishment. Sign. Here Date 105 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 Form XXIII [See rule-27(1)] NOTICE FOR UNDER SUB-SECTION (1) OF SECTION 56 FOR COMPOUNDING OF OFFENCE (1) Your establishment has been inspected by Inspector- cum-Facilitator on (2) In the said inspection you have been found violatin g Section ... of the Code. (3) As per provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 56 read with Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 38, you are hereby given notice to the effect that if you are willing to apply for composition of offence, you may apply for compositi on by submitting the application in Form XXIV along with deposit of Rupees .. \/- through treasury challan or electronically on the departmen tal portal of Labour Commissioner. The details of which are given below. - (i) Treasury Head (ii) Flow chart of electronic payment .-(Signature) Name and designation of the Form XXIV [See rule-27(2)] APPLICATION UNDER SUB-SECTION (1) OF SECTION 56 FOR COMPOUNDING OF OFFENCE Kindly refer to your notice no. hereby applying for composition of Offence and I ha ve deposited Rs..\/- as the amount of Composition by depositing through Treasur y Challan or electronically through the portal of Labour Commissioner on ........\/.. (dd\/mm\/year). So please accept my application and close the pro ceeding under the Code. Enclosure: The Treasury Challan\/Payment receipt of electronic Payment. (Signature) Name of the Applicant (1) Name of the establishment:(2) Address of Establishment : 106 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 FORM-XXV [See Rule 28(3)(b)] Form for Reporting Vacancies to Career Centers (Separate forms to be used for each type of posts) 1 Particulars of the employer: Address with pin code: Telephone No. : Mobile No.: Email address : Name & Type of Establishment (Central Government, State Government, PSU, Autonom ous, Private, etc) Registration No of establishment under Code: Econom ic activity details: 2. Particulars of the indenting Officer: Name: Designation: Telephone No. : Mobile No.: Email address : 3. Particulars of vacancy(ies): (a) Designation\/nomenclature of the vacancy(ies) to be filled (b) Description of duties of the post (job role\/fun ctional role) (c) Qualifications\/Skills required (educational, te chnical, experience) Essential Desirable\/ Preferable (i) Educational Qualifications (ii) Technical Qualifications (iii) Skills (iv) Experience (d) Age Limits, if any ( Age as on last date of application) (e) Preferences (such as Ex-servicemen, persons wit h disabilities, women, etc) if any (f) duration of employment (i) 3-6 months Number of posts (ii) 6-12 months (iii) 12 months and more Whether there is any obligation for arrangement for giving reservation\/ preference to any category of persons such as Scheduled Caste( SC), Scheduled Tribe(ST), Economically Weaker Sections(EWS), Other Backward C lasses(OBC), Ex-serviceman and persons with disabilities (pwd) , etc, in fill ing up the vacancies: Yes\/No (if yes, give the number of vacancies to be filled by such categories of persons as detailed below) 107 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 2021 5. Category Number of vacancies to be (a) Scheduled Caste (b) Scheduled Tribe (e) Ex-Serviceman (f) Persons with disabilities (pwd) (g) women (h) Others(specify) Total *By Priority candidates *(Applicable for Central Government vacancies) 6. Pay and Allowances: For Government vacancies: Mention pay level\/pay scale of the post with basic pay\/pay per month with other details if any For others: Mention minimum total emoluments per month with other details, if any. 7. Place of work ( Name of the town\/village 8. Mode of Application(email, online, in writing, e tc) and Last date for receipt of applications. 9. Particulars of officer to whom the applications be sent\/candidates should approach (Mention Name, designation, email id, address , telephone No., website address in case of online) 10. Mode of Recruitment {Through Career Centre, Placement Agency , self- management, any other mode(specify) } 11. Would like to prefer submission of list of eligible candidates registered with Career Centre Yes\/No 12. Any other relevant information 13. Name, address, email id of the Career Centre 14. Date of receipt of Vacancies 15. NIC Code of the establishment\/ 16. NCO Code of the post 17. Unique Vacancy ID(number) Signature, Name& Designation of Authorized Signatory of Career Centre with seal & date 1. Career Centre to which the vacancies are reported, would provide a unique vacancy reporting number for the vacancy reported and conve y it to the employer in writing, through email or digitally or through any other suc h media immediately but in any case not later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of reporting of vacancies. 108 \/u0962 \/glyph53[ \/glyph59\/glyph61 1 \/g91 20 21 2. An employer, if advertises that vacancy in any medi a or makes recruitment through any agency or any other mode, may invariably quote that unique vacancy reporting number in that advertisement or recruitment process . 3. Any change in the particulars already furnished to the Career Centre, shall be reported in writing or through valid official email or digitally (including through a portal) as the case may be, to the appropriate Care er Centre. 1@ COSS 10-01\/2021 &826@Jfcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls] lw;ZdkUr ef.k] ljdkj ds mi lfpoA \/u0967\/glyph144\/glyph61 \/glyph400 \/u0939\/glyph400\/glyph400 \/glyph147\/glyph400\/u0966\/glyph417 \/u0967\/u0962\/glyph144 \/glyph53[\/glyph59 136 \/glyph625\/glyph691+ 200 \/glyph62\/glyph401\/glyph55\/glyph402\/glyph55\/glyph401\/glyph55? Website: http:\/\/egazette.bih.nic.in ","Summary":"The Bihar government recently released the Social Security (Bihar) Rules, 2021, exercising its powers under the Code of Social Security 2020. The Rules put forward the following provisions: The Rules propose the Constitution of a State Social Security Board for unauthorized workers that will be called the Bihar Unorganized Workers Social Security Board. For constituting the board, the state government may seek nominations from representatives of associations of unorganized sector workers and employee\u2019s associations of unorganized sector. The government will also be required to nominate five members from persons of eminence in the field of labour welfare, management, finance, law and administration. There shall also be a Bihar Building and Others Construction Workers Welfare Board. The state government will also nominate fifteen members for the board from three categories. These categories will be: (a) Representatives of different state government departments, (b) representatives of building workers, and (c) representatives of employers building workers. There shall be at least one women member from each of these categories and the term of the board shall be three years from the date of constitution. All salary and allowances to the Chairperson of the Bihar Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, shall be fixed by the State Government. Non-official members are entitled to a travel and daily allowance. A Labour Resources dept. officer may be appointed as a Secretary of the Board and other staff as required with approval from the State Government which shall also fix their salary and allowances. An employee who is eligible for gratuity payments must submit his application within 30 days of the gratuity becoming payable to his employer. A nominee or legal heir can also follow the same procedure. If the application is made after expiry of the time period, the employer may entertain such application provided a sufficient cause has been given for the delay. The Act prescribes a compensation towards the funeral expenses of an employee by the employer if the injuries have caused death and such payment goes either to the eldest surviving dependent of the employee or to the person who incurred the expenses. Employers who hire women are also required to maintain a register, either electronically or in hardcopy which will contain the particulars of all such women employees. Employment information and monitoring of private and public employers under the Act dictates that each such employer before filling up the vacancy will report the particular vacancy to a Career Centre notified by the State Government. The complete Rules can be read here."},"51":{"Title":"Draft Data Centre Policy 2020","Text":"DRAFT FOR DISCUSSSION No. xxx \/YY\/2020 Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (e-Governance Division ) Data Centre Policy 2020 Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 2 of 16 Contents: 1 BACKGROUND 3 2 VISION 5 3 MISSION 5 4 OBJECTIVES 5 5 STRATEGIES FOR GROWT H OF DATA CENTRE SEC TOR 6 5.1 Enable Ease of Doing Business 6 5.2 Enabling a favourable ecosystem for the operations of Data Centres 8 5.3 Setting -up of Data Centre Economic Zones 10 5.4 Promote indigenous technology development, research and capacity building 10 5.5 Institutional Mechanism for Policy g overnance 12 Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 3 of 16 1 Background 1.1. India is witnessing a transition from an emerging to a developed market economy and digital is slated to play a key role in this journey. Digital is not only catalysing economic growth across all sectors and sub -sectors , but also forms the bedrock for providing better services to citizens, enabl ing social and financial inclusion, enhanc ing productivity and help ing create a connected ecosystem. The size of the digital economy in India is estimated to grow from $ 200 billion in 2017 -18 to a staggering $ 1 trillion by 202 5. 1.2. With over a billion mobile phones and more than 700 million internet subscribers, India has also witnessed an exponential growth in digital -commerce, digital entertainment and use of social media. Indias mobile data consumption is already the highest in the world and is constantly increasing. 1.3. The size of the digital population in India and the growth trajectory of digital economy necessitates a strong growth of Data Centre s, which has the potential to fulfil the growing demands of the country. Indian Da ta Centre market has seen tremendous growth in the past decade , riding on the explosion of data through smartphones, social networking sites, ecommerce, digital entertainment, digital education, digital payments and many other digital businesses \/ services . This growth in data is further stimulated by adoption of emerging technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, internet of things etc. This has been supported by various efforts of government in forms of various enablement for the sector. 1.4. Need for Data Centre infrastructure within the boundaries of the country is further necessitated by the data localization provisions of proposed Data Pro tection Act and for protect ion of the digital sovereignty of the country in an increasing ly connected world. India also offers advantages of having a favourable geographical location on the world map, availability of economic resources, established global connectivity through submarine cables, easy and cost -effective access power and readily available skilled manpower provides , enabling the nation to become a global Data Centre hub. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 4 of 16 1.5. This need for Data Centre infrastructure in the country already open s up a potential opportunity for investments of the order of USD 4.9 billion by 2025 , which could be further increased given we progress in the direction of becoming a Data Centre location of choice for global players. Currently , as per various estimates, India has around 375 MW installed power capacity for Data Centre and as per projection s, this may grow to three time by 2025. This policy inten ds to accelerate the projected Data Centre growth and investments in the sector. 1.6. While the Data Centre sector is witnessing growth in the country, there are known impediment s to its growth such as lack of infrastructure or Industry status of the Data Centres , complex clearance process es, time consuming approvals , high cost of power , lack of published standards , absence of specialised building norms for building the Data Centre s, submarine cable network connectivity limited to few stat es and high cost of capital and operational expenditure etc. This policy aims to offset these challenges in order to accelerate the current pace of growth and propel India in becoming a global Data Centre hub. 1.7. This document lays out a policy framework including various structural \/ regulatory interventions, investment promotion in the sector , possible Incentivization mechanisms a long with the institutional mechanism required for the governance. The policy framework also seeks to strengthen the recently announced Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative by identifying possible opportunities of manuf acturing of Data Centre equipment (IT as w ell as non -IT) in the country. It also identifies possible areas of participation by MSMEs and Start -ups. 1.8. The policy measures, as mentioned in the document, are applicable for Data Centre park developer s\/Data Centre operator s as well as the allied ecosystem of Data Centre sector. 1.9. This policy framework shall be followed by a detailed scheme with implem entation guideline document providing the particulars of various fiscal and non -fiscal incentives to be provided to the sector by the Central and State Government. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 5 of 16 2 Vision 2.1 Making India a Global Data Centr e hub, promote investment in the sector, propel digital economy growth, enable provisioning of trusted hosting infrastructure to fulfil the growing demand of t he country and facilitate state of the art service delivery to citizens . 3 Mission 3.1 Ensure sustainable and trusted Data Centre capacity in the country to meet the enormous demand generated in one of the fastest growing economies . 3.2 Strengthen Indias position as one of the most favourable countries for Data Centre s by incentivizing and facilitating establishment of state -of-the -art Data Centre s. 3.3 Encourage domestic and foreign investments in the sector 3.4 Promote R& D for manufacturing and development of Data Centre related products and services for domestic and global markets . 3.5 Promote domestic manufacturing , including non -IT as well as IT components, to increase domestic value addition and reduce dependence on impor ted equipment for Data Centre s. 4 Objectives The following are some of the key objectives to be driven through this policy: 4.1 Drive necessary regulatory, structural and procedural interventions for enabling ease of doing business in the secto r, towards attracting investments and accelerat ing the existing pace of Data Centre growth in the country . 4.2 Promote sector competitiveness through various fiscal and non -fiscal incentives . Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 6 of 16 4.3 Promote domestic start -ups, MSMEs and other Indian IT companies and provide imp etus to indigenous manufacturing of IT and non -IT equipment . 4.4 Facilitate access to uninterrupted and cost -effective power , which forms one of the most critical aspects for operat ing the Data Centre . 4.5 Measures to bring in necessary improvement in network backhaul, domestic as well as international. 4.6 Meet the data security needs by promoting investments in trusted (safe and secure) Data Centre s in India. 4.7 Facilitate standardization in the development of Data Centre s. 4.8 Promote capacity building in the sector through association with various skilling \/ human resource development programs . 5 Strategies for growth of Data Centre Sector 5.1 Enable Ease of Doing Business The Policy aims at c reat ing a favourable climate for investments in the Data Centre Sector , both domestic investments and Foreign Direct Investments, and incentiviz ing the growth of a robust and sustainable Data Centre sector in the country through the following reforms: 5.1.1 Providing Infrastructure Status to the Data Centre Sector Government of India to work towards provid ing Infrastructure statusfor the Data Centre sector , at par with other sectors like Railways, Roadways and Power , bringing in the benefits of availing long -term credit from domestic and international lenders at easier terms . This will provide a boost to the investments in this sector. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 7 of 16 5.1.2 Simplify clearances for setting up Data Centre s in India Rationalize the clearances required to set -up Data Centre s\/ Data Centre parks in the country. Institutionalize process es for granting single window clearance, in a time bound manner by State Governments \/ UTs . Publish list of approvals \/ clearances required for operationalization of Data Centre s along with the defined timelines for obtaining the sa me, in collaboration with State Governments \/ UTs. 5.1.3 Setting up of Pre -provision ed Data Centre Parks States shall be encouraged to demarcat e specific zones (land parcels) for setting up Data Centre parks with necessary infrastructure like road connectivity, availability of water and other essential infrastructure items . Promote pre -provisioned Data Centre parks , to enable plug and playmodel for Data Centre providers, by provisioning access to: i) Land parcel ii) Power availability at low rates iii) High capacity network back -haul iv) Pre -approved clearances\/ approvals 5.1.4 Central and State Governments shall formulate their respective schemes and guidelines detailing out fiscal and non -fiscal incentives in this sector to enable further expansion of Data Centre s in the country . 5.1.5 Formulation of Data Centre Incentivization Scheme (DCIS) for promotion of Data Centre Parks \/ Data Centre . A Data Centre Incentivization Scheme (DCIS) will be formulated by Government of India which would specify the intended beneficiaries, applicability criteria and fiscal and non -fiscal incentives for the sector . Incentive s shall also be provided on usage of domestic IT hardware including servers, storage, network devices, etc. and non -IT equipment such a s mechanical , electrical , plumbing, cooling equipmen t etc Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 8 of 16 5.2 Enabling a favourable ecosystem for the operations of Data For the long -term growth of the Data Centre sector in the country, it is critical to create a congenial, competitive and sustainable operating environment for the businesses. Some of the key policy thrust areas in this direction include: 5.2.1 Availability of uninterrupted, clean and cost -effective electricity for Data Centre s remains as one of the most important considerations for the Data Centre sector . The key focus areas of the policy are as follows: - Facilitate provisioning of quality power for uninterrupted supply to Data Centre s \/ Data Centre Parks Facilitate Data Centre Parks to setup own power generation units to ensure quality of power Identify mechanisms to ascertain long term availability of electricity at reasonable rate s Enable effective open access system to allow Data Centre service provide rs directly procure power from generation companies (including renewable power generation units) Encourage use of renewable energy for Data Centre s solar or wind -based power by collaborating with Ministry of Power on their various green and sustainable energy initiatives. Encourage efficient utilization of energy by promoting innovative techniques and solutions for energy management for reducing the carbon footprint of the Data Centre s. Formation of Steering group, comprising of representatives from Ministry of Power, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and State Governments to identify the execution mechanism for the identified intervention related to availability of quali ty power . 5.2.2 MeitY to work with Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to facilitate robust and cost -effective connectivity backhaul Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 9 of 16 Leverage the f ramework provided by National Digital Communications Policy 2018 (NDCP) to encourage and facilitate i. Common s ervice ducts and utility corridors for enabling proliferation of Optical Fibre Cables and dark fibre for the Data Centre operations and ensuring sharp reduction in downtime due to fibre cuts. ii. Sharing of active infrastructure by enhancing the scope of Infra structure Providers (IP) and promoting and incentivizing deployment of common sharable, passive as well as active, infrastructure ( Ref: NDCP 2018 ). Facilitate Data Centre providers to establish captive fibre networks , especially for connecting Data Centre s, through appropriate review and re-alignment of existing regulations and policies (Ref: NDCP 2018) . Enable and encourage Dial Before You Dig Policy (DBYDP) to allow easy access to information about the underlying network infrastructure before the commencement of digging. Improve international connectivity and cost of bandwidth, as per the guidance provi ded in NDCP 2018. Improved international connectivity will be a key driver for global players to consider India as a preferred destination for their Data Centre investments. 5.2.3 Data Centre s to be declared as an Essential Service under The Essential Services Maintenance Act, 1968 (ESMA) Continuous functioning of Data Centre s is critical for continued delivery of services and to maintain the normalcy of day to day activities. Inclusion of Data Centre under the ESMA will enable seamless continuity of services even during times of calamities or crisis. 5.2.4 Recognize Data Centre s as a separate category under National Building Code Data Centre buildings require different norms as compared to other office\/ commercial buildings and therefore, there is a need for creation of a separate category code for Data Centre s in the National Building Code of India (NBC 2016 ). Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 10 of 16 As an interim measure, MeitY shall collaborate with authorised Central Govt. bodies for drafting broad guidelines to be issued for Data Centre buildings, facilitating specialized construction and safety approvals. These guidelines would be followe d by publishing of a separate building code under NBC. 5.3 Setting -up of Data Centre Economic Zones 5.3.1 The benefits, as indicated in this policy, would be a pplicable for both private sector as well as public sector Data Cent re Park s \/Data Centr e Developers and Data Centr e Operators 5.3.2 Additionally, Government of India also proposes to set -up at least four (4) Data Centre Economic Zones (DCEZ) in the country , as a Central Sector Scheme - DCEZ Scheme . These DCEZ s would be concentrated and specialized Data Zones, with the most conducive non -IT and IT infrastructure, connectivity, power and regulatory environment . The proposed Data Centre Economic Zones would create an eco -system of Hyper -scale Data Centre s, Cloud Service Provider s, IT companies , R&D units and other allied industries . DCEZ Scheme will be implemented by inviting proposals from the States. 5.4 Promote indigenous technology development, research and capacity building 5.4.1 Promote local manufacturing Promote and encourage use of indigenous hardware (IT as well as non -IT equipment) and software products used in the Data Centre s, thereby reducing the overall import burden of the country. Extend fiscal incentives to domestic start -ups and MSMEs to develop solutions for Data Centre usage. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 11 of 16 Incentivize global equipment manufacturers to set up manufacturing units of IT\/ Non -IT components in India , catering not only to local demands but also for export purposes . Strengthen the testing and certification framework for the Data Centre ecosystem, including for the IT and non -IT equipment and software products pertaining to Data Centre s operations. 5.4.2 Encourage joint ventures between the foreign investors and domestic companies to promote participation from Indian companies, in the development of Data Centre s. This would enable long -term capacity building of the domestic companies operating in this spac e. 5.4.3 Promote R&D in Data Centre ecosystem Promote setting up of R&D units to create an ecosystem that will promote development of Data Centre components within the country. Promot e technology firms to produce innovative products and services for the Data C entre ecosystem and facilitate their commercialization for sustainable growth. 5.4.4 Promote Adoption of Established Global Standards MeitY shall pu blish and mandate minimum standards for Data Centre s \/ Data Centre Parks in the areas of build, IT, non -IT and security. 5.4.5 MeitY to promote global adoption of services from state -of-the -art Data Centre infrastructure available in India, through various inter -governmental initiatives \/ 5.4.6 Capacity Building and Human Resource Development Collaborate with Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and leading academic institutes to impart large scale trainings to workforce on Data Centre , Digital and Cloud technologies, and facilitate sector linkages for such trained workforce. Promote skill developm ent and upgradation initiatives aimed at addressing the skill gap of trained manpower to be able to meet the demands of Data Centre s and Cloud Computing Platform. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 12 of 16 Provide assistance for these programs through Skill Development Mission at National and State Level. Design programs for continuous capacity building amongst government officials and personnel on Data Centre and cloud technologies, data classification, storage policies, data security and other allied technologies. 5.5 Institutional Mechanism for Policy governance 5.5.1 An Inter -Ministerial Empowered Committee (IMEC) to be set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary, MeitY, with participation from various Central Ministries and State Governments . It shall be the key decision -making body to facilitate the implementation of various measures as defin ed under this policy framework , enabling ease of doing business in the sector . ToR and constitution of the IM EC shall be notified by MeitY . 5.5.2 Institutionalizing Data Centre Facilitation Units (DCFU ) Setup a Data Centre Facilitation Unit (DCFU) within MeitY to provide harmonized services to interested Data Centre Park s\/Data Centre developers on matters related to setting up of Data Centre s. Data Centre Facilitation Unit (DCFU) would be the nodal agency to work unde r the Inter -Ministerial Empowered Committee to drive and support the implementation of decisions taken. DCFU would monitor the implementation of policy framework and would work with various stakeholders to facilitate timely progress of various initiatives . DCFU would also be responsible for evolving Centre -State coordination mechanism(s) to ensure policy objectives are met. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 13 of 16 5.5.3 An independent Data Centre Industry Council (DCIC) is also proposed to be set -up, which would act as an interface between the sector and the Government. The council will work to represent the sectors viewpoint and engage with MeitY regarding various matters concerning the growth of Data Centre sector in the country. 5.5.4 Government of India to undertake mid -term evaluation of t he policy and propose any modifications\/ amendments, if required. This would be followed by an end of policy period evaluation. Such evaluation to be carried out by an independent agency appointed by the Inter -Ministerial Empowered Committee\/ DCFU. Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 14 of 16 Glos sary of Terms Acronyms Expansion AI Artificial Intelligence APAC Asia Pacific CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate CEZ Cloud Economic Zone CoE Centre of Excellence COVID -19 Corona Virus Disease 2019 DC Data Centre DEA Department of Economic Affairs, Government of India Do E Department of Expenditure, Government of India DoT The Department of Telecommunication, Government of India EoDB Ease of Doing Business FDI Direct Investments GDP Gross Domestic Product GSI Geological Survey of India GW Gigawatt (Unit) HSDC Hyperscale Data Centre s ICT Information and Communications Technology IIM Indian Institute of Management IIT Indian Institute of Technology IoT Internet of Things ISO International Organization for Standardization ISP Internet Service Providers IT Information Technology IT BPM Information Technology Business Process Management ITeS Information Technology enabled Services Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 15 of 16 Acronyms Expansion MeitY Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India MHA Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India MoHUA Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India MoF Ministry of Finance, Government of India MoP Ministry of Power, Government of India MSDE Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India MW Megawatts (Unit) NIT National Institutes of Technology NIXI National Internet Exchange of India NSDC The National Skill Development Corporation India (NSDC) PPP Public Private Partnership PSU Public Sector Undertakings R&D Research and Development ROI Return on Investment SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SGST State Goods and Service Tax SME Subject Matter Expert SPV Special Purpose Vehicle TCO Total Cost of Ownership TIA Telecommunications Industry Association USD United States Dollar UT Union Territories Data Cen tre Policy 2020 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION Page 16 of 16 Definitions Term Definition Data Centre Data Centre is a dedicated secure space within a building \/ centralized location where computing and networking equipment is concentrated for the purpose of collecting, storing, processing, distributing or allowing access to large amounts of data. Data Centre Park Data Centr e Parks are specialized secure Data Zone , strategically located with the most conducive non -IT and IT infrastructure, and regulatory environment for housing mix of small scale \/ large scale \/ clusters of Data Cent res to serve the high needs of compute, st orage, networking and provision of a wide range of data -related services . Data Centre Park Developer Data Centre Park Developer is an entity who would be responsible to build the facility of DC park covering land, park area (Water, sewage, Road, parking, green area, etc.), provision of DC essentials setup \/ s (i.e. Electricity, Network \/ Fibre connectivity, Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing equipments (MEP), etc. Data Centre Operators Data Centre operator is an entity who would be responsibl e to manage and operate end to end Data Centre operations Cloud Service Providers A cloud service provider is a third -party firm offering a cloud -based platform, infrastructure, application or storage service. These entities would be hosting their IT Inf rastructure in Data Centre \/ Data Centre Parks to provide the Cloud Computing services to the end users Data Centre Economic Zone (DCEZ) It would be concentrated and specialized Data Zones, with the most conducive non -IT and IT infrastructure, connectivity, power and regulatory environment Data Centre Facilitation Unit Data Centre Facilitation Unit would be an entity setup by MeitY to monitor existing portal to provide harmonized services to interested Data Centre Park\/Data Centre developers on matters related to setting up of Data Centres Data Centre Industry Council (DCIC) Data Centre Industry Council (DCIC) would be an entity which shall act as an interface between the sector and the Government. This council shall work to represent the sectors viewpoint and engage with MeitY regarding various matters concerning the growth of Data Centre sector in the country Data Centre Incen tivization Scheme (DCIS) Data Centre Incentivization Scheme is projected scheme outlay that will be published by MeitY to provide the scheme details to provide the fiscal and non -fiscal benefits to Data Centr e sector and Cloud Service providers ","Summary":"The Draft Data Centre Policy 2020 (DDCP) has been published by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (e-Governance Division). India, once an emerging market economy, is now moving forward to be a developed market economy. In this path to become a developed economy, digital is going to play a significant role. With an exceptional growth in digital-commerce, use of social media, digital entertainment, India already has the highest consumption of mobile data, which is increasing day-by-day. To satisfy the needs of the large digital population in India and to cater to the growth of the digital economy, strengthening of Data Centres (DC) is necessary. The DDCP has been brought up to offset the impediments of the DC sector. This would help to foster the growth of this sector. The DDCP provides for a policy framework, along with promotion of investments, structural interventions, etc. The measures of the DDCP would be applicable for DC park developers or operators along with the allied ecosystem of DC sector. To follow the policy framework, a detailed scheme with an implementation guideline document, containing the information about various incentives, would be provided by the Central government and the State governments. VISION: To make India a Global DC hub, foster digital economy growth, promote investment, provide essential infrastructure to satisfy the growing demand, and lastly help in state of art service delivery to the citizens. MISSION: To ensure a sustainable and trusted DC capacity, to make India one of the most favoured Global DC hubs, to encourage investments, both domestic and foreign, and to promote research and development and domestic manufacturing. OBJECTIVES: Promotion of sector competitiveness Inclusion of various structural and regulatory interventions Promotion of start-ups, IT companies and MSMEs Facilitation of access to cost-effective and uninterrupted power supply Improvement of network backhaul Promotion of capacity building Standardisation of DC's development Meeting data security requirements STRATEGIES FOR GROWTH OF DC SECTOR: Enable \u2018easy of doing business\u2019: In order to enable ease of doing business, the DDCP puts forwards the following reforms: Provision of infrastructure status to the DC Sector Simplification of clearances for setting up of DCs in the country Setting up pre-provisioned DC Parks Formulation of schemes and guidelines by central Government and State governments Formulating a \u2018Data Centre Incentivisation Scheme\u2019 to promote DC Parks or DC 2. Enable a favourable environment for operation: The key areas recognised by the DDCP in this respect are: Availability of cost-effective, clean and uninterrupted power supply Facilitation of cost-effective and robust connectivity backhaul Declaration of DCs as an Essential Service under the \u201cEssential Services Maintenance Act, 1968\" Recognition of DCs as a separate category under National Building Code 3. Establishing DC Economic Zones: The Central Government proposed to set up at least four DC Economic Zones in India. These would provide for an eco-system of Hyperscale DCs, R&D units, various IT Companies, Cloud Service Providers, and other related industries. 4. Promotion of indigenous research, technology development, and capacity building: The key focus is to promote local manufacturing; promote R&D in DC ecosystem; encourage joint ventures between domestic companies and foreign investors; promote adopting Established Global Standards along with global adoption of services from \u201cstate-of-the-art DC infrastructure\u2019 in India; and work upon human resource development and capacity building. 5. Institutional Mechanism for Policy Governance: The focus areas identified in this aspect are: Setting up an Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee (IMEC) that would be the decision-making body responsible for implementation of policy measures Institutionalization of DC Facilitation Units (DCFU) Setting up of DC Industry Council to act as a bridge between the Government and the sector Mid-term evaluation of the policy by the Central government and proposing amendments\/modifications, followed by an evaluation (by an independent agency) at the end of policy period The complete report can be accessed here."},"105":{"Title":"Draft Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (11th Amendment) Regulations, 2022","Text":" CENTRAL ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION NEW DELHI No. L -1\/265\/2022\/CERC Dated: 7th June 2022 PREAMBLE has been defined in sub -section 32 of Section 2 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (the Act) to mean the high voltage backbone system of inter -connected transmission lines, sub -stations and generating plants. The Central Commission has been vested with the functions under clauses (h) of sub -section (1) of S ection 79 of the Act to specify the Grid Code having regard to the Grid Standard s. Clause (d) of Section 73 of the Act mandates the Central Electricity Authority to specify the Grid Standards for operation and maintenance of the transmission lines. Further , clause (i) of sub -section (1) of Section 79 of the Act enjoins upon the Central Commission to specify and enforce the standards with respect to the quality, continuity and reliability of services by the licensees. Sub -Section 2 of Section 28 of the Act provides that the Regional Load Despatch Centre shall comply with such principles, guidelines and methodologies in respect of wheeling and optimum scheduling and d espatch of electricity as the Central Commission may specify in the Grid Code. Clause (e) of s ub-section (3) of Section 28 of the Act provides that the Regional Load Despatch Centre shall be responsible for carrying out real time operations for grid control and d espatch of electricity within the region through secure and economic operation of the r egional grid in accordance with the Grid Standards and the Grid Code. Sub -Section (1) of Section 26 of the Act provides that National Load Despatch Centre shall be established at the national level for optimum scheduling and despatch of electricity among t he Regional Load Despatch Centres. Sub -Section (1) of Section 29 of the Act provides that the Regional Load Despatch Centre shall give such directions and exercise such supervision and control as may be required for ensuring stability of the grid operation and for achieving the maximum economy and efficiency in the operation of the power system in the region under its control. Sub -section (2) of Section 29 of the Act mandates every licensee, generating company, generating station, sub -station and any other person connected with the operation of the power system shall comply w ith the directions issued by the Regional Load Despatch Centre under sub -section (1). Sub -Section (3) of Section 29 provides that all directions issued by the Regional Load Despatch Cent res to the transmission licensee of State transmission lines or any other licensee of the State or generating company (other than those connected with inter -State transmission System) or sub -station in the State shall be issued through the State Load Despa tch Centre who shall ensure compliance to such directions by the concerned generating company or the licensee or sub -station. Sub -Section (3) of Section 33 of the Act provides that the State Load Despatch Centre shall comply with the directions of the Regi onal Load Despatch Centre. Sub -section (4) of Section 29 of the Act provides that the Regional Power Committee in the region may, from time to time, agree on matters concerning the stability and smooth operation of the integrated grid and economy and effic iency of the power system within the region. While Section 38 and Section 39 deal with the functions of the Central Transmission Utility and State Transmission Utility respectively, Section 40 and Section 42 deal with the duties of the transmission license es and distribution licensees respectively. Therefore, the Act envisages and assigns specific roles and functions to Central Electricity Authority, Regional Power Committees, Central Transmission Utility, National Load Despatch Centre, Regional Load Despat ch Centres, State Transmission Utilities, State Load Despatch Centres , generating companies and licensees and any other person connected with the operation of the power system in order to achieve real time operation and control of the grid within the regions and amongst the regions and also within the States for not only en suring secure, economic and stable operation of the grid but also for achieving maximum economy and efficiency of the power system. Accordingly, the Grid Code hereinafter specified by the Central Commission contains the provisions regarding the roles, fu nctions and responsibilities of the concerned statutory bodies, generating companies, licensees and any other person connected with the operation of the power systems within the statutory frameworks envisaged in the Act and the Rules and Notifications issu ed by the Central Government. Under Clause (h) of sub -section (1) of Section 86 of the Act, the State Commissions are mandated to specify the State Grid Codes consistent with the Grid Code specified by the Central Commission under clause (h) of sub -sectio n (1) of Section 86 of the Act. This has been duly recognized by the Honble Supreme Court in its judgement dated 17.8.2007 in Civil Appeal No. 2104 of 2006 in the matter of Central Power Distribution Company & Others Vs Central Electricity Regulatory Comm ission. Keeping in view the mandate and statutory framework as envisaged in the Act for stable, reliable and secure grid operation in order to achieve maximum economy and efficiency of the power system, the Grid Code apart from the provisions relating to t he role of various statutory bodies and organisations and their linkages, contain extensive provisions pertaining to (a) reliability and adequacy of resources; (b) technical and design criteria for connectivity to the grid including integration of new elem ents, trial operation and declaration of commercial operation of generating stations and inter -State transmission systems; (c) protection setting and performance monitoring of the protection systems including protection audit; (d) operational requirements and technical capabilities for secure and reliable grid operation including load generation balance, outage planning and system operation; (e) unit commitment, scheduling and d espatch criteria for physical delivery of electricity; (f) integration of renew ables; (g) ancillary services and reserves; and (g) cyber security etc. NOTIFICATION (DRAFT) In exercise of powers conferred under clause (h) of sub -section (1) of Section 79 read with clause (g) of sub -section (2) of Section 178 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Central Electricity Reg ulatory Commission hereby specifies the Grid Code as under: CHAPTER1 PRELIMINARY 1. SHORT TITLE , EXTENT AND COMMENCEMENT (1) These regulations may be called the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 20 22. (2) These regulations shall come into force from the date notified by the Commission. 2. SCOPE AND EXTENT OF APPLICATION (1) These regulations shall apply to: all users, S tate Load Despatch Centre s, R egional Load Despatch Centre s, N ational Load Despatch Centre , Central Transmission Utility , State Transmission Utilitie s, licensees, Regional Power Committee s and Power Exchanges to the extent applicable . (2) For the purpose of these regulations , the Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) shall be treated as a regional entity and a se parate control area. The DVC Load Despatch Centre shall perform functions of a SLDC for the control area of DVC. (3) The generating stations of the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) and Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) shall be treated as regional entit ies and their generating units shall be scheduled and despatched in coordination with BBMB or Narmada Control Authority, as the case may be , having due regard to the irrigation requirements of the participating States . (4) Any country inter -connected with the National Grid or Regional Grid shall be treated as a separate control area. 3. DEFINITIONS (1) In these regulations , unless the context otherwise requires: Sr.No. Particulars Definition means the Electricity Act , 2003; Alert State means the state in which the system is within the operational parameters as defined in th is Code but a contingency has occurred ; Ancillary Services in relation to power system operation, means the service necessary to support the grid operation in maintaining power quality, reliability and security of the grid and includes Primary Reserve Ancillary Service, Secondary Reserve Ancillary Service, Tertiary Reserve Ancillary Service, active power support for load following, reactive power support, black start and such oth er services as defined in this Sr.No. Particulars Definition Ancillary Services Regulations Regulations means Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Ancillary Services) Regulations, 2022 ; Area Control Error shall be as specified in Regulation 30(11) of these regulations ; Automatic Generation means a mechanism that automatically adjusts the generation of a control area to maintain its interchange schedule plus its share of frequency response ; Automatic Voltage Regulator means a continuously acting automatic excitation control system to control the voltage of a generating unit measured at the generator terminals; Available Transfer Capability means power transfer capability of the inter -control area transmission system or across electrical regions or between ISTS and state network or between cross -border interconnections available for scheduling transactions in a specific direction, taking into accou nt the network security declared by the concerned load despatch centre. Mathematically, ATC is the Total Transfer Capability less Transmission Reliability Margin; Beneficiary means a person who has a share (as defined in clause 110 of this Regulation ) in an ISGS ; Bilateral Transaction means a transaction for exchange of energy or Sr.No. Particulars Definition power (MW or MWh) between a specified buyer and a specified seller, directly or through a trading licensee or discovered in the Term Ahead Market at power exchange throug h anonymous bidding, and scheduled from a specified point of injection to a specified point of drawal for a fixed or varying quantum of power (MW) for any time Blackout State means a condition at a specific time wh ere a part or all the operations of the power system have got suspended ; Black Start Procedure means the procedure necessary to recover from a partial or a total blackout in the region; Bulk Consumer shall have the same meaning as defined in CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity ; means a person purchasing electricity through a transaction scheduled through inter -State transmission system in accordance with these regulations . Captive Generating means a power plant set up by any person to generate electricity primarily for his own use and includes a power plant set up by any co -operative society or association of persons for generating electricity primarily for use of members of such cooperative society or association; CEA Grid Standards means the Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010 Sr.No. Particulars Definition CEA Technical Standards for Communication means the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operation) Regulations, 2020 CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity means the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007; CEA Technical Standards for Construction means the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, 2010 Central Generating means the generating station owned by a company owned or controlled by the Central Government; Central Transmission means any government company, which the Central Government may notify under sub -section (1) of Section 38 of the Act; Cold Start in relation to steam turbine means start up after a shutdown period exceeding 72 hours (turbine metal te mperatures below approximately 40% of their full load values); Collective Transaction shall have the same meaning as defined in Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2021 ; Communication System shall have the same meaning as defined in Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Communication System for inter -State transmission of electricity) Regulations, 2017. ; Congestion means a situation where the demand for transmission capacity or power flow on any Sr.No. Particulars Definition transmis sion corridor exceeds its Available Transfer Capability; Connect ivity Agreement means an agreement between CTU and any other person setting out the terms relating to a connection to and\/or use of the Inter -State Transmission System in terms of GNA Regulations ; Connectivity means the state of getting connected to the inter -State transmission system by a generating station including a captive generating plant, a bulk consumer or an Inter -State Transmission licensee; Control Area means an electrical system bounded by interconnections (tie lines), metering and telemetry which controls its generation and\/or load to maintain its interchange schedule with other control areas and contributes to regulation of frequency as specified in these regulations ; Control Centre includes NLDC or RLDC or REMC or SLDC or Area LDC or Sub -LDC or DISCOM LDC including main and backup Centre , as applicable; Date of Commercial shall have the same meaning as specified in Regulation 27 of these regulations; Declared Capacity in relation to a generating station means, the capability to deliver ex -bus electricity in MW declared by such generating station in relation to any time -block of the day as defined in the Grid Code or whole of the day, duly taking into account the availab ility of fuel or water, and Sr.No. Particulars Definition subject to further qualification in the relevant regulations; means the demand of active power in MW; Demand Response means variation in electricity usage by end customers\/control area manually or automatically, as per system requirement identified by concerned load despatch centre; Despatch Schedule means the ex -power plant net MW and MWh output of a generating station, scheduled to be exported to the Grid from time to time; DSM Regulations means Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2022; Disturbance Recorder means a device for record ing the behavior of the pre -selected digital and analog values of the system parameters during an event; Data Acquisition System means a system for record ing the sequence of operation in time, of the relays\/equipment as well as the measurement of pre -selected system parameters; Drawal Schedule means the summation of the station -wise ex -power plant drawal schedules from all ISGS and drawal from\/injection to regional grid under GNA and T -GNA ; means the Damodar Valley Corporation established under sub -section (1) of Section 3 of the Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948; Sr.No. Particulars Definition Emergency State means the state in which one or more variables are outside their operating limit or many of the equipment are operating above their respective loading limit ; Energy Storage System means any system or device capable of storing electrical energy in any form using any technology and delivering it back in the form of electrical energy; means an unscheduled or unplanned occurrence in the grid including faults, incidents and breakdowns; Event Logging Facilities means a device for record ing the chronological sequence of operations, of the relays and other equipment; Ex-Power Plant means net MW or MWh output of a generating station, after deducting auxiliary consumption and transformation losses; Fault Locator means a device installed at the end of a transmission line to measure\/ indicate the distance at which a line fault may have occurred; Flat frequency control means a mechanism for correcting ACE by factoring in only the frequency deviation and ignoring the deviation of net actual interchange from net scheduled interchange ; Flat tie -line control means a mechanism for correcting ACE by factoring in only the deviation of net actual interchange from net scheduled interchange ignoring frequency deviation ; Sr.No. Particulars Definition Flexible Alternating Current Transmission means a power electronics based system and other static equipment that provide control of one or more AC transmission system parameters to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability; Flow -gate means a group of parallel transmission line (s), outage of which may lead to cascade tripping or separation of systems or loss of generation complex or loss of load centre; Forced Outage means an outage of a generating unit or a transmission facility due to a fault or other reasons which has not been planned; Frequency Response Characteristics means automatic, sustained change in the power consumption by load or output of the generators that occurs immediately after a change in the load -generation balance of a control area and which is in a direction to oppose a change in frequency . Mathematically it is equivalent to FRC = Change in Power (P) \/ Change in Frequency (Frequency Response Obligation means the minimum frequency response a control area has to provide in the event of any frequency deviation; Frequency Response Performance means the ratio of actual frequency response with frequency response obligation; Frequency Stability means the ability of the transmission system to maintain stable frequency in the normal state Sr.No. Particulars Definition and after being subjected to a disturbance; Gate Closuremeans the time at which the bidding for a specific delivery period closes at the power exchange and no further bidding or modification of already placed bids can take place for the said delivery period. Generating Unita) for all generating stations except solar photo voltaic, wind and hybrid stations , an electrical generator coupled to a prime mover within a power station together with all plant and apparatus at the power station which relate exclusively to operation of that turbo -generator; b) for solar photo voltaic generating stations including hybrid, each inverter along with associated m odules shall be reckoned as a separate generating unit; c) for wind generating stations including hybrid: each wind turbine generator with associated equipment shall be reckoned as a separate generating unit; GNA Regulations means the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter -State Transmission System) Regulations, 2022; GNA Grantee means a person who has been granted GNA or is deemed to have been granted GNA under GNA Regulations; Sr.No. Particulars Definition Governor Droop in relation to the operation of the governor of a generating unit means the percentage drop in system frequency which would cause the generating unit under governor action to change its output from no load to full load ; 60. Grid -forming capability means the capability of a Power Generating Module to generate its own voltage waveform without relying on the grid voltage to synchronize and run as a black -start resource. Grid Security means the power systems capability to retain a normal state or to return to a normal state as soon as possible, and which is characterized by operational security limits; Grid Standards means the standards specified by the Authority under clause (d) of the Section 73 of the Act; in relation to steam turbine, means the start up after a shutdown period of less than 10 hours (turbine metal temperatures below approximately 80% of their full load values); means the contribution to the capability of the power system to resist changes in frequency by means of an inertial response from a generating unit, network element or other equipment that is coupled with the power system and synchronized to the frequency of the power system; Infirm Power means the electricity inje cted into the grid prior to the date of commercial operation of a unit of the generating station; Sr.No. Particulars Definition Inter -State Generating means a central generating station or any other generating station having a scheme for generation and sale of electricity in more than one state; Inter -State Transmission shall have the same meaning as defined in sub -section (36) of Section 2 of the Act; means a person who has been granted a license under Section 14 of the Act; means the active, reactive or apparent power consumed by a utility\/ installation o f consumer; Maximum Continuous means the maximum continuous output in MW at the generator terminals guaranteed by the manufacturer at rated parameters; Merit Order means the order of ranking of available electricity generation in ascending order from least energy charge to highest energy charge to be used for deciding despatch instruction s to minimize the overall cost of generation ; Minimum Turndown means minimum station loading corresponding to the units on bar upto which a regional entity generating stations is required to be on bar on account of less schedule by its buyers or as per the direction of RLDC as detailed in Chapter 7 of this Code ; Nadir Frequency means minimum frequency after a contingency in case of generation loss and maximum frequency after a contingency in case of load loss; Sr.No. Particulars Definition National Grid means the entire inter -connected electric power network of the country; National Load Despatch means the centre established under sub -section (1) of Section 26 of the Act; Net Drawal Schedule means the drawal schedule of a regional entity which is the algebraic sum of all its transactions through the inter -State transmission system at ISTS periphery after deducting the transmission Net Injection Schedule means the injection schedule of a regional entity which is the algebraic sum of all its transactions through the inter -State transmission system at ISTS periphery; Normal State means the state in which the system is within the operational parameters as defined in these regulations On -Bar Declared in relation to a generating station means the capability to deliver ex -bus electricity in MW from the units on -bar declare d by such generating station in relation to any time block of the day or whole of the day, duly taking into account the availability of fuel and water and subject to further qualification in the relevant regulations; On -Bar Installed means the summation of name plate capacities or the capacities as approved by the Commission from time to time, of all units of the generating station in MW which are on - bar. In case of a Sr.No. Particulars Definition combined cycle module of a gas or liquid fuel -based stations, the installed capacity of steam turbine shall be in proportion to the on -bar capacity of gas turbines of the module; Off -Bar Declared Capability means the difference between Declared Capacity and On -Bar Declared Capacity in MW; Operation Co -ordination Sub -Committee means a sub -committee of RPC which deliberates and decides the operational aspects of the regional grid; Primary Reserve means the maximum quantum of power which will immediately come into service through governor action of the generator in the event of sudden change in frequency. This reserve response shall start instantaneously and attain its peak in less than 30 seconds, and shall sustain upto 5 minutes; Pool Account means Deviation and Ancillary Service Pool Account as defined in DSM Regulations, where following transactions shall be accounted: i. deviations and ancillary services ii. reactive energy exchanges iii. congestion charge; Pooling Station means the ISTS grid sub -station where pooling of generation of connected individual generat ing stations is done for interfacing with the next higher voltage level; Power Exchange means an exchange registered under C entral Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Sr.No. Particulars Definition Market), Regulations 20 21; Power System shall have the same meaning as defined in sub -section (50) of Section 2 of the Act Protection Co -ordination Sub -Committee means a sub -committee of RPC with members from all the regional entities which decides on the protection aspects of the regional grid; Qualified Coordinating means the lead generator or any authorized agency on behalf of REGS or RHGS ( as per GNA Regulations) includin g Energy Storage Systems connected to one or more pooling station(s) for coordinating with concerned load des patch centre for scheduling, operational coordination and deviation settlement; means rate of change of a generating station output expressed in %MW per minute; Rate of Change of means the time derivative of the power system frequency which negates short term transients and therefore reflects the actual change in synchronous network frequency; Reference contingency means the maximum positive power deviation occurring instantaneously between generation and demand and considered for estimation of reserves; Regional Entity means such entities which are in the RLDC control area and whose metering and energy accounting is done at the regional level; Regional Power shall have the same meaning as defined in sub - Sr.No. Particulars Definition section (55) of Section 2 of the Act . Restorative State means a condition in which control action is being taken to reconnect the system elements and to restore system load ; Regional Energy means accounts of energy and other parameters issued by the respective RPC for the purpose of billing and settlement of charges of ISGS and other users of the concerned Regional Transmission means accounts of transmission issued by the RPC Secretariat for the purpose of billing and settlement of transmission charges of ISTS in the concerned region ; Regional Grid means the high voltage backbone system of inter -connected transmission lines, sub -stations and generating plants in a region ; Regional Load Despatch means the Centre established under sub -section (1) of Section 27 of the Act; Renewable Energy Generating Station means a generating station based on a renewable source of energy with or without Energy Storage System and shall include Renewable Hybrid Generating Station . Renewable Hybrid Generating Station means a generating station based on hybrid of two or more renewable source(s) of energy with or without Energy Storage System, connected at the same inter -connection point . Secondary Reserve means the maximum quantum of power which can be activated through Automatic Generation Sr.No. Particulars Definition Control (AGC) to free the capacity engaged by the primary control. This reserve response shall come into service starting from 30 seconds and shall sustain up to 15 minutes; Secondary Reserve Ancillary Service means the Ancillary Service comprising SRAS -Up and SRAS -Down, which is activated and deployed through secondary control signal s. Secondary Reserve Ancillary Service means an entity which provides SRAS -Up or SRAS -Down service in accordance with Ancillary Service Regulations ; Security Constrained Economic Despatch means despatch of generatin g units as per merit order subject to operational and technical limits of generation and transmission facilities and shall be in terms of Regulation 47(2)(a) of these regulations ; Security Constrained Unit Commitment means committing or de-committing generating units while respecting limitations of the transmission system and unit operating characteristics and shall be in terms of Regulation 46 of these regulations ; means a person, including a generating station, supplying electricity through a transaction scheduled in accordance with the se regulations ; or State Commission means State Electricity Regulatory Commission as defined in sub -section (64) of Section 2 of the Act. ; Settlement Nodal means the nodal agency as notified by Ministry of Sr.No. Particulars Definition Power, Government of India for each neighboring country for settlement of grid operation related charges in terms of C entral Electricity Regulatory Commission (Cross Border Trade of Electricity) Regulations, 2019; means percentage or MW entitlement of a beneficiary in an ISGS either notified by Government of India or agreed between the generating company and beneficiary through contracts and implemented through GNA or TGNA, as the case may be ; State Load Despatch means the Centre established under sub -section (1) of Section 31 of the Act; State Transmission means the board or the government company specified as such by the concerned S tate Government under sub -section (1) of section 39 of the Act; System Constraint means a situation in which there is a need to prepare and activate a remedial action in order to respect operational security limits; System State means the operational state of the power system in relation to the operational security limits which can be normal state, alert state, emergency state, extreme emergency state and restoration state; Technical Co -ordination means the sub -committee set up by the respective RPC to coordinate the technical and commercial aspects of the operation of the regional grid; Sr.No. Particulars Definition Tertiary Reserve means the quantum of power which can be activated in order to take care of contingencies and to cater to the need for replacing secondary reserves .; Tie -line bias control means a mechanism of correcting ACE by factoring in deviation of net actual interchange from net scheduled interchange as well as frequency deviation Time Block means block of duration as specified by the Commission for which energy meters record values of specified electrical parameters with first time block starting at 00.00 Hours, presently of fifteen (15) minutes duration ; Total Transfer Capability means the amount of electric power that can be transferred reliably over the inter -control area transmission system under a given set of operating conditions considering the effect of occurrence of the worst credible contingency; Transmission Pla nning means the criteria issued by CEA for transmission system planning; Transmission Reliability means the amount of margin earmarked in the total transfer capability to ensure that the interconnected transmission network is secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in system conditions; Trial Operation shall have the same meaning as specified in Regulation 2 2 or Regulation 23 of these regulations , as applicable ; Sr.No. Particulars Definition means a nd includes generating company, captive generating plant, energy storage system, transmission licensee including deemed transmission licensee, distribution licensee, solar park developer, wind park developer, wind -solar photo voltaic hybrid system, or bulk consumer whose electrical plant is connected to the grid at voltage level 33 kV and above; Voltage Stability means the ability of a transmission system to maintain steady acceptable voltages at all nodes in the transmission system in the normal situation and after being subjected to a disturbance; Warm Start means the start up after a shutdown period between 10 hours and 72 hours (turbine metal temperatures between approximately 40% to 80% of their full load values) in relation to steam turbine ; (2) Words and expressions used in these regulations and not defined herein but defined in the Act or other relevant regulations of the Commission shall have the meaning as assigned to them under the Act or relevant regulations of the Commission. (3) Reference to any Acts, Rules and Regulations shall include amendments or consolidation or re -enactment thereof . CHAPTER 2 RESOURCE PLANNING CO DE 4. GENERAL (1) This chapter covers the integrated resource planning including demand forecasting, generation resource adequacy planning and transmission resource adequacy assessment, required for secure grid operation. (2) The planning of generation and transmission resources shall be for reliably meeting the projected demand in compliance with specified reliability standards for serv ing the load with optimum generation mix with a focus on integration of environmentally benign technologies after taking into account the need , inter alia , for flexible resources, storage systems for energy shift and demand response measures for managing t he intermittency and variability of renewable energy sources. 5. INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING (1) The integrated resource planning shall include: (a) Demand forecasting as detailed in sub -Regulation ( 2) of this Regulation; (b) Generation resource adequacy planning to m eet the projected demand as detailed in sub -Regulation ( 3) of this Regulation; and (c) Transmission resource planning as detailed in sub -Regulation ( 4) of this Regulation (2) Demand Forecasting: (i) Each distribution licensee within a State shall estimate the demand in its control area including the demand of open access consumers and factoring in captive generating plants, energy efficiency measures, distributed generation, demand response, for the next five (5) years starting from 1st April of the next year and sub mit the same to the STU by 31stJuly every year. The demand estimation shall be done using trend method, time series, econometric methods or any state of the art methods and shall include daily load curve (hourly basis) for a typical day of each month. (ii) STU, based on the demand estimates furnished by the distribution licensees of the concerned State as per clause (i) of this sub -Regulation and in co -ordination with all the distribution licensees, shall estimate by 30th August every year, the demand for th e entire State duly considering the diversity for the next five (5) years starting from 1st April of the next year. (iii) Forum of Regulators may develop guidelines for demand estimation by the distribution licensees for achieving consistency and statistical accuracy by taking into consideration the factors such as economic parameters, historical data and sensitivity and probability analysis. (3) Generation Resource Adequacy Planning: (a) After the demand estimation as per sub -Regulation ( 2) of this Regulation, each distribution licensee shall (i) assess the existing generation resource s and identify the additional generation resource requirement to meet the estimated demand in different time horizons, (ii) prepare generation resource procurement plan. (b) Assessment of the existing generation resources shall be done with due regard to their capacity contribution to meet the peak demand. (c) Generation resource procurement planning (specifying procurement from resources under State control area and regional control area) shall b e undertaken in different time horizons, namely long -term, medium term and short -term to ensure (i) adequacy of generation resources and (ii) planning reserve margin (PRM) taking into account loss of load probability and energy not served as specified by CEA. (d) In order to ensure optimum and least cost generation resource procurement planning, each distribution licensee shall give due consideration to the factors such as its share in the national coincident peak, seasonal requirement and possibility of sharing gener ation capacity seasonally with other States. For this purpose, each STU on behalf of the distribution licensees in the State shall provide to NLDC by 30th September every year, the details regarding demand forecasting, assessment of existing generation res ources and such other details as may be required for carrying out a national level simulation for generation resource adequacy for States. (e) Based on the information received under clause (iv) of this sub -Regulation and after considering inter alia the na tional level planning reserve margin, share of each State in the national coincident peak, seasonal requirements of States and possibility of sharing generation capacity seasonally among States, NLDC shall carry out a simulation by 31st October every year, to assist the States in drawing their optimal generation resource adequacy plan. While carrying out the simulation, NLDC shall also take into consideration the information related to demand estimation, generation planning and related matters as available with CEA. The simulation carried out by NLDC for this purpose shall be considere d merely an aid to the distribution licensees in the resp ective States in their exercise of generation resource adequacy planning and the distribution licensees shall be responsible for all commercial decisions on generation resource procurement. (f) After considering the demand forecasting and the generation resource procurement planning carried out based on the principles specified under this Regulation, each distribution licensee shall ensure demonstrable generation resource adequacy as specified by the respective SERC for the next five (5) years starting 1st April of the next year. Failure of a distribution licensee to meet the generation resource adequacy target approved by the SERC shall render the concerned distribution licensee liable for payment of resource adequacy non -compliance charge as may be specified by the respective SERC. (g) For the sake of uniformity in approach and in the interest of optimality in generation resource adequacy in the States, FOR may develop a model Regulation stipulating inter alia the methodology for generation resource adequacy assessment, generation resource procurement planning and compliance of resource adequacy target by the distribution licensees. (4) Transmission resource adequacy assessment (a) CTU shall undertake assessment and planning of the inter -State transmission system as per the provisions of the Act and shall inter alia take into account : (i) adequate power transfer capability across each flow -gate; (ii) import and export capability for each cont rol area; (iii) import and export capability between regions; and (iv) cross -border import and export capability. (b) STU shall undertake assessment and planning of the intra -State transmission system as per the provisions of the Act and shall inter alia take into accou nt: (i) import and export capability across ISTS and STU interface; and (ii) adequate power transfer capability across each flow -gate. CHAPTER 3 CONNECTION CODE 6. GENERAL (1) This chapter covers the technical and design criteria for connectivity, procedure and requirements for physical connection and integration of grid elements. (2) The connectivity to the ISTS shall be granted by CTU in accordance with the GNA Regulations . (3) Users seeking to get connect ed to the ISTS for the first time through new or modified power system element shall fulfill the requirements and follow the procedure s specified under this Code prior to obtaining the permission of the NLDC or RLDC or SLDC , as the case may be .. Transmission licensee s including deemed transmission licensees or cross -border entit ies shall comply with the technical requirements specified und er this Connection Code prior to being allowed by NLDC or RLDC or SLDC to energize a new or modified power sy stem element. (4) After grant of connectivity and prior to the trial run for declaration of commercial operation , the tests as specifie d under this Code shall be performed . 7. COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING RULES AND REGULATIONS (1) All Users connected to or seeking connection to the grid shall comply with all the applicable regulations as enacted or amended from time to time , such as : (a) Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 ; (b) Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, 2010 ; (c) Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety & Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 ; (d) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Communication System for Inter -State Transmission of Electricity) Regulations,2017 ; (e) Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, (f) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connectivity and General Net work Access to the inter -State Transmission System) Regulations, 2022 ; (g) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Fees and Charges for Regional Load Despatch Centres ) Regulations, 2019 ; (h) Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operation) Regulations, 2020 ; (i) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Furnishing of Technical Details by the Generating Companies) Regulations, 2009. (j) Any other regulations and standards as specified from time to time . 8. PROCEDURE FO R CONNECTION (1) The grant of connecti vity to the ISTS by the CTU shall be governed by the GNA Regulations. (2) NLDC, in coordination with RPCs and RLDCs after due consul tation of stakeholders , shall publish a detailed procedure covering modalities for first time energization and integration of new or modified power system element. The procedure shall specify requirements for integration with the grid such as protection, telemetry and communication systems, metering, statutory clearances and modelling data requirem ents for system studies. (3) Post completion of all physical arrangements of connectivity and necessary site tests, the concerned user shall request the RLDC for permission of first energization in the specified format as per the procedure published by NLDC. (4) SLDC shall prepare procedure for first time energization of new or modified power system elements to intra -State transmission system . In the absence of such procedure of SLDC, the NLDC procedure shall apply for the elements of 220 kV and above (132 kV and above in case of North Eastern region). 9. CONNECTI VITY AGREEMENT (1) In case of users seeking connecti vity to the ISTS under GNA Regulations, Connectivity Agreement shall be signed between such users and the CTU. (2) In case of an inter -State transmission licensee , Connectivity Agreement shall be signed between such licensee and CTU after the award of the project and before physical connection to ISTS . 10. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (1) NLDC or RLDC , as the case may be, in consultation with CTU shall carry out a joint system study six (6) months before the expected date of first energization of a new power system element to identify operational constraints, if any. The connectivity grantee, transmissio n licensee and SLDC\/STU shall furnish all technical data including that of its embedded generators and other elements to the CTU and NLDC or RLDC, as the case may be, for necessary technical studies. (2) Similar exercise shall be done by SLDC in consulta tion with STU for the intra -state system , and specifically for elements of 220 kV and above (132 kV and above in case of North Eastern region) . 11. DATA AND COMMUNICATION FACILITIES (1) Reliable speech and data communication systems shall be provided to facilitate necessary communication , data exchange , supervision and control of the grid by the NLDC, RLDC and SLDC in accordance with the CERC (Communication System for Inter -State Transmi ssion of Electricity) Regulations, 2017 and the CEA Technical Standards on Communication . (2) The associated communication system to facilitate data flow up to appropriate data collection point on CTU system including inter -operability requirements shall also be established by the concerned user as specified by CTU in the Connecti vity Agreement. (3) All users , STU and participating entities in case of cross -border trade shall provide, in coordination with CTU, the required facilities at their respective ends as specified in the connecti vity agreement. The communication system along with data links provided for speech and real time data communication shall be monitored in real time by all users, CTU, STU , SLDC and RLDC to ensure high reliability of the communication links. CHAPTER 4 PROTECTION CODE 12. GENERAL (1) This chapter covers the protection protocol, protection settings and protection audit plan of electrical systems. (2) There shall be a uniform protection protocol for the users of the grid : (a) for proper co -ordination of protection system in order to isolate the faulty equipment and avoid unintended operation of protection system ; (b) to have a repository of protection system , settings and events at regional level ; (c) specifying timelines for submission of data ; (d) to ensure healthiness of recording equipment including time synchronization ; and (e) to provide for periodic audit of protection system . 13. PROTECTION PROTOCOL (1) All users connected to the integrated grid shall provide and maintain effective protection s ystem having reliability, selectivity, speed and sensitivity to isolate faulty section and protect element(s) as per the CEA Technical Standards for Construction, the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity , the CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010 and the CEA Technical Standards for Communication . (2) Back -up protection system shall be provided to protect an element in the event of failur e of the primary protection system. (3) RPC shall develop the protection protocol and revise the same , after review from time to time , in consultation with the stakeholders in the concerned region, and in doing so shall be guided by the principle that minimum electrical protection functions for equipment connected with the grid shall be provided as per the CEA Technical Stan dards for Construction, the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity, the CEA Technical Standards for Communication , the CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010, the CEA (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, and any other CEA standards specified from time to time. (4) The protection protocol in a particular system may vary depending upon operational experience . Changes in protection protocol, as and when required, shall be carried out after deliberation and approval of the concerned RPC. 14. PROTECTION SETTINGS (1) RPC s shall undertake review of the protection settings, assess the requirement of revisions in protection setting s and revise protection settings in consultation with the stakeholders of the respective region, from t ime to time and at least once in a year. The necessary studies in this regard shall be carried out by the respective RPC. (2) All users connected to the grid shall: (a) furnish the protection settings implemented for each element to respective RPC in a format as prescribed by the concerned RPC ; (b) obtain approval of the concerned RPC for ( i) any revision in settings, and ( ii) implementation of new protection system ; (c) intimat e to the concerned RPC about the changes implemented in protection system or protection setting s within a fortnight of such change s; (d) ensure correct and appropriate settings of protection as specified by the concerned (e) ensure proper coordinated protection settings. (3) RPC s shall: (a) maintain a centralized database in respect of their respective region containing details of relay settings for grid elements connected to 220 kV and above (132 kV and above in NER). (b) carry out detaile d system studies, twice a year, for protection settings and advise modifications \/ changes, if any, to the CTU and to all users and STU s of their respective regions . (c) provide the database access to CTU and NLDC and to all users, RLDC, SLDC s, and STU s of the respective regions . The database shall have different access rights for different users. 15. PROTECTION AUDIT PLAN (1) All users shall conduct internal audit of their protection system s annually, and any shortcomings identified shall be rectified and informed to their respective RPC. (2) All users shall also conduct third party protection audit of each sub -station at 220 kV and above (132 kV and above in NER) once in five years or earlier as advised by the respective RPC. (3) After analysis of any event, each RPC shal l identify a list of substations \/ and generating stations where third -party protection audit is required to be carried out and accordingly advise the respective users to complete third party audit within three (4) The third -party protection audit rep ort shall contain information sought in format enclosed as Annexure 1. The protection audit reports, along with action plan for rectification of deficiencies detected , if any, shall be submitted to the respective RPC and RLDC within a month of submission of third party audit report . (5) Annual audit plan for the next financial year shall be submitted by the users to their respective RPC by 31st October. The u sers shall adhere to the annual audit plan and report complia nce of the same to their respective RPC. (6) Users shall submit the following protection performance indices of previous month to their respective RPC on monthly basis , which shall be reviewed by the RPC: (a) The Dependability Index defined as Nc is the number of correct operations at internal power system faults and Nf is the number of failures to operate at internal power system faults. (b) The Security Index defined as Nc is the number of correct operations at inte rnal power system faults Nu is the number of unwanted operations. (c) The Reliability Index defined as Nc is the number of correct operations at internal power system faults Ni is the number of incorrect operations and is the sum of N f and N u (7) Each user shall also submit the reasons for performance indices less than unity of individual element wise protection system to the respective RPC and action plan for corrective measures. The action plan will be followed up regularly in the respec tive (8) In case any user fai ls to comply with the protection protocol specified by the RPC or fails to undertake remedial action identified by the RPC within the specified timelines , the concerned RPC may approach the Commission with all relevant details for suitable direction s. 16. SYSTEM PROTECTION SCHEME (SPS) (1) SPS for identified system shall have redundancies in measurement of input signals and communication paths involved upto the last mile to ensure security and dependability. (2) For the operational SPS, RPC s shall perform regular dynamic studies and mock testing for reviewing SPS parameters & functions, at least once in a year. (3) The users and SLDC s shall report about the operation of SPS within three days of operation to the concerned RPC and RLDC in the format specified by the respective 17. RECORDING INSTRUMENTS (1) All users shall keep the recording instruments (disturbance recorder and event logger) in proper working condition . (2) The disturbance recorders sh all have time synchronization and a standard format for recording analogue and digital signals which shall be included in the guidelines issued by the respective RPC s. CHAPTER 5 COMMISSIONING AND COMMERCIAL OPERA TION CODE 18. GENERAL This chapter cover s aspects related to (i) drawl of startup power from and injection of infirm power into the grid , (ii) trial run operation (iii) documents and tests required to be furnished before declaration of COD, (iv) requirements for declaration of COD. 19. DRAWAL OF START UP POWER AND INJECTION OF INFIRM POWER (1) A unit of a generating station including that of a captive generating plant which has been granted connectivity to the inter -State Transmission System in accordance with GNA Regulations shall be allowed to inter -change infirm power with the gr id during the commissioning period, including testing and full load testing before the COD, after obtaining prior permission of the concerned Regional Load Despatch Centre : Provided that concerned Regional Load Despatch Centre while granting such permission shall keep the grid security in view. (2) The period for which such interchange shall be allowed shall be as follows :- (a) Drawal of start -up power shall not exceed 15 months prior to the expected date of first synchronization and 6 months after the date of first synchronization; and (b) Injection of infirm power shall not exceed six months from the date of first synchronization. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (2) of this Regulation, the Commission may in exceptional circumstances, allow extension of the period for inter -change of power beyond the stipulated period on an application made by the generating station at least two months in advance of completion of the stipulated period: (4) Draw al of start -up power shall be subject to payment of transmission charges as per Sharing Regulations ; (5) Start -up power shall not be used by the generating station for the construction activities; (6) The onus of proving that the interchange of infirm power from t he unit(s) of the generating station is for the purpose of pre -commissioning activities, testing and commissioning, shall rest with the generating station and the concerned RLDC shall seek such information on each occasion of interchange of power before CO D. For this, the generating station shall furnish to the concerned RLDC relevant details of the specific commissioning activity, testing and full load testing, its duration and intended period of interchange, etc . (7) RLDC shall stop the drawl of the start -up Power in the following events: (a) In case, it is established that the start -up power has been used by the generating station for construction activity ; (b) In case of default in payment of monthly transmission charges. 20. DATA TO BE FURNISHED PRIOR TO NOTICE OF TRIAL RUN (1) The following details, as applicable, shall be furnished by each regional entity generating station prior to notice of trial run : TABLE 1: DETAILS TO BE FURNISHED BY GENERATING ENTITY PRIOR TO TRIAL RUN Description Units Installed Capacity of generating station MW Installed Capacity of generating station MWh Description Units Number x unit size No x MW Time required for cold start Minute Time required for warm start minute Time required for hot start Minute Time required for combined cycle operation under cold conditions Minute Time required for combined cycle operation under warm conditions Minute Ramping up capability % per minute Ramping down capability % per minute Minimum turndown level % of ex -bus capacity Inverter Loading Ratio (DC\/AC capacity) Name of QCA (where applicable) Full reservoir level (FRL) Metre Design Head Metre Minimum draw down level (MDDL) Metre Water released at Design Head M3\/ MW 21. NOTICE OF TRIAL RUN (1) The generating company proposing its generating station or a unit thereof for trial run or repeat of trial run shall give a notice of not less than seven (7) days to the concerned RLDC and the beneficiaries of the generating station s wherever identified . The concerned RLDC shall commence the trial run from the requested date or in case of any system constraints not later than seven (7) days from the proposed date of trial run. The trial run shall commence from the time and date as decided and informed by the concerned RLDC. (2) In case the repeat trial run is to take place within twenty -four (24) hours of the failed trial run, fresh notice shall not be required. (3) The transmission licensee proposing its transmission system or an element thereof for trial run shall give a notice of not less than seven days to the concerned RLDC and 22. TRIAL RUN OF GENERATING UNIT (1) Trial Run of Thermal Generating Unit shall be carried out in accordance with following provisions: (a) A thermal generating unit shall be in continuous operation at MCR for seventy -two (72) hours on designated fuel : Provided that : (i) short interruption or load reduction shall be permissible with corresponding increase in duration of the test ; (ii) interruption or partial loading may be allowed with the condition that the average load during the duration of trial run shall not be less than MCR excluding period of interruption but including the corresponding extended (iii) cumulative interruption of more than four (4) hours shall call for a repeat of trial run. (b) Where on the basi s of the trial run, a thermal generating unit fails to demonstrate the unit capacity corresponding to MCR, the generating company has the option to de-rate the capacity of the generating unit or to go for repeat trial run. If the generating company decide s to de -rate the unit capacity, the de -rated capacity in such cases shall be not more than 95% of the demonstrated capacity , to cater for primary response. (2) Trial Run of Hydro Generating Unit shall be carried out in accordance with following provisions: (a) A hydro generating unit shall be in continuous operation at MCR for twelve (12) Provided that - (i) any interruption shall call for a repeat of trial run ; (ii) partial loading may be allowed with the condition that the average load during the duration of trial run shall not be less than MCR ; (iii) if it is not possible to demonstrate the MCR due to insufficient reservoir or pond level or insufficient inflow, COD may be declared, subject to the condition that the same shall be demonstrated immediately when sufficient water is available after COD . (b) Where on the basis of the trial run, a hydro generating unit fails to demonstrate the unit capacity corresponding to MCR, the generating company shall have the option to either de -rate the capacity or to go for repeat trial ru n. If the generating company decides to de -rate the unit capacity, the de -rated capacity in such cases shall be not more than 90% of the demonstrated capacity to cater for primary response (3) Trial Run of Wind \/ Solar \/ Storage \/ Hybrid Generating Station (a) Successful trial run of a solar inverter unit(s) aggregating to 50 MW and above shall mean flow of power and communication signal for not less than the period between sunrise to sunset in a single day with the requisite metering system, telemetry and prote ction system in service. The generating company shall record the output of the unit(s) during the trial run and its performance shall be corroborated with the solar irradiation recorded at site during the day and plant design parameters. For the trial run , a declaration shall be given by the generating company that no panel has been replaced or added or taken out or design of the plant has been altered : Provided that: (i) the output below the corroborated performance level with the solar irradiation of the day shall call for repeat of the trial run ; (ii) if it is not possible to demonstrate the rated capacity of the plant due to insufficient solar irradiation, COD may be declared subject to the condition that the same shall be demonstrated immediately when sufficient solar irradiation is available after COD. (b) Successful trial run of a wind turbine(s) aggregating to 50 MW and above shall mean flow of power and communication signal for a period of not less than four (4) hours during periods of wind availability with the requisite metering system, telemetry and protection system in service. The generating company shall record the output of the unit(s) during the trial run and corroborate its performance with the wind speed recorded at site (s) during the day and plant desig n parameters : Provided that - (i) the output below the corroborated performance level with the wind speed of the day shall call for repeat of the trial run ; (ii) if it is not possible to demonstrate the rated capacity of the plant due to insufficient wind velocity, COD may be declared subject to the condition that the same shall be demonstrated immediately when sufficient wind velocity is available after COD. (c) Successful trial run of a standalone Energy Storage System (ESS) shall mean one (1) cycle of charging and dis charging of energy as per the design capabilities with the requisite metering, telemetry and protection system being in service. (d) Successful trial run of a pumped storage plant shall mean one (1) cycle of turbo -generator and pumping motor mode as per the de sign capabilities upto the rated water drawing levels with the requisite metering, telemetry and protection system being in service. (e) Successful trial run of a hybrid system shall mean successful trial run of individual source of hybrid system in accordance with the applicable provisions of these regulations . (f) Where on the basis of the trial run, solar \/ wind \/ storage \/ hybrid generating station fails to demonstrate its rated capacity, the generating company shall have the option to either to go for repeat t rial run or de -rate the capacity subject to a minimum aggregated de -rated capacity of 50 MW . If the generating company decides to de -rate the unit capacity, the de-rated capacity in such cases shall be not more than 90% of the demonstrated capacity to cate r for primary response. 23. TRIAL RUN OF INTER -STATE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM (1) Trial run of a transmission system or an element thereof shall mean successful energisation of the transmission system or the element thereof at its nominal system voltage through interconnection with the grid for continuous twenty -four (24) hours flow of power and communication signal from the sending end to the receiving end and with requisite metering system, telemetry and protection system : Provided that under exceptional circum stances and with the prior approval of CEA, a transmission element can be energized at lower nominal system voltage level . 24. DOCUMENTS AND TEST REPORTS PRIOR TO DECLARATION OF COMMERCIAL OPERATION (1) Notwithstanding the requirements in other standards, codes an d contracts, for ensuring grid security, the tests as specified in the following clauses shall be scheduled and carried out in coordination with NLDC and the concerned RLDC by the generating company or the transmission licensee, as the case may be, and relevant reports and other documents as specified shall be submitted to NLDC and the concerned RLDC before a certificate of successful trial run is issued to such generating company or the transmission licensee, as the case may be . (2) Documents and Tests Required for Thermal (coal\/lignite) Generating Stations : (a) The generating company shall submit OEM documents for (i) performance characteristic curve for boiler, turbine and generator, (ii) starting time of unit in cold, warm and hot conditions, (iii) design ramp rate ; (b) The f ollowing tests shall be performed: (i) Operation at a control load of fifty (50) percent of MCR as per the CEA Technical Standards for Construction for a sustained period of four (4) hours. (ii) Ramp -up from fifty (50) percent of MCR to MCR at a ramp rate of at least one (1) percent of MCR per minute and sustained operation at MCR for one (1) (iii) Demonstrate overload capability with valve wide open as per the CEA Technical Standards for Construction and sustained operation at that level for at least five (5) minutes. (iv) Ramp -down from MCR to fifty (50) percent of MCR at a ramp rate of at least one (1) percent of MCR per minute. (v) Primary response through injecting a frequency test signal with a step change 0.1 Hz at 60%, 75% and 100% load. (vi) Reactive power capability as per the generator capability curve as provided by OEM considering over -excitation and under -excitation limiter settings. (3) Documents and Tests Required for Hydro Generating Stations : (a) The generating company shall submit OEM docume nts for turbine characteristics curve indicating the operating zone(s) and forbidden zone(s). In order to demonstrate operating flexibility of the generating unit, it shall be operated below and above the forbidden zone(s). (b) The f ollowing tests shall be performed considering the water availability and head : (i) Primary response through injecting a frequency test signal with a step change 0.1 Hz for various loadings within the operating zone. (ii) Reactive power capability as per the generator capability curv e considering over -excitation and under -excitation limiter settings. (iii) Black start capability. (iv) Operation in synchronous condenser mode wherever designed. (4) Documents and Test Required for Gas Turbine based Generating Stations : (a) The generating company shall subm it OEM documents for (i) starting time of unit in cold, warm and hot conditions (ii) design ramp rate. (b) The f ollowing tests shall be performed: (i) Primary response through injecting a frequency test signal with a step change 0.1 Hz for various loadings within the operating zone. (ii) Reactive power capability as per the generator capability curve considering over -excitation and under -excitation limiter settings. (iii) Black start capability up to 100 MW capacity wherever designed. (iv) Operation in synchronous condenser mode wherever designed. (5) Documents and Tests Required for the Generating Stations based on wind and solar resources : (a) The generating company shall submit certificate confirming compliance to CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity. (b) The f ollowing tests shall be performed: (i) Frequency response of machines as per the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity. (ii) Reactive power capability as per OEM rating at the available irradiance or the wind energy, as the case may be. (iii) Grid -forming capability, wherever provi ded, in inverter based units that may be used as black start resource. (6) Documents and Tests Required for Energy Storage Systems : (a) The ESS shall submit certificate confirming compliance to the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity. (b) The f ollowing tests sha ll be performed: (i) Power output capability in MW and energy output capacity in MWh. (ii) Frequency response of ESS. (iii) Ramping capability as per design. (7) Documents and Tests Required for HVDC Transmission System : (a) The transmission licensee shall submit technical details including operating guidelines such as filter bank requirements at various operating loads and monopolar \/ or bipolar configuration, reactive power controller, power demand overrides, run -back features, frequency controller, reduced voltage mode of operation and power oscillation damping. (b) The f ollowing tests shall be performed : (i) Minimum load operation. (ii) Ramp rate. (iii) Overload capability. (iv) Black start capability in case of Voltage source convertor (VSC) HVDC. (8) Documents and Tests Required for SVC\/STATCOM (a) The transmission licensee shall submit technical particulars including operating guidelines such as number of blocks and rating of each block, single line diagram, V\/I characteristics, rating of coupling transformer, MSR\/MSC design parameters, different operating modes, IEEE standard Model, Power Oscillation Damping (POD) enabled and tuned (if not then reasons for same) and the results of Offline simulation -based study to validate the performance of POD. (b) The f ollowing tests shall be performed to validate full reactive power capability of SVC and STATCOM in both the directions i.e. absorption as well as injection (i) POD performance test . (ii) dynamic performance testing. 25. CERTIFICATE OF SUCCES SFUL TRIAL RUN (1) In case any objection is raised by a beneficiar y in writing to the concerned RLDC with copy to all concerned regarding the trial run within two (2) days of completion of such trial run, the concerned RLDC shall , within five (5) days of receipt of such objection , in coordination with the concerned entity and the beneficiaries , decide if the trial run was successful o r there is a need for repeat trial run . (2) After completion of successful trial run and receipt of documents and test reports as per Regulation 2 4 of these regulations , the concerned RLDC shall issue a certif icate to that effect to the concerned generating station, ESS or transmission licensee , as the case may be , with a copy to the ir respective beneficiary(ies) . 26. DECLARATION BY GENERAT ING COMPANY AND TRANSMISSION LICENSEE (1) Thermal Generating Station (a) The generating company shall certify that: (i) The generating station or unit thereof meets the relevant requirements and provisions of the CEA Technical Standards for Construction, CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity, CEA Technical Standards for Communication and these regulations , as applicable. (ii) The main plant equipment and auxiliary systems including balance of plant such as fuel oil system, coal handling plant, DM plant, pre -treatment plant, fire -fighting system, ash disposal system and any other site specific system have been commissioned and are capable of full load operation of the units of the generating station on sustained basis. (iii) Permanent electric supply system includin g emergency supplies and all necessary instrumentation, control and protection systems and auto loops for full load operation of unit have been put in service. (b) The certificates as required under clause (a) of this Regulation shall be signed by the authorized signatory not below the rank of CMD or CEO or MD of the generating company and shall be submitted to the concerned RLDC and to the Member Secretary of the concerned RPC before declaration of COD. (2) Hydro Generating Station (a) The generating company s hall certify that: (i) The generating station or unit thereof meets the requirement and relevant provisions of the CEA Technical Standards for Construction, CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity, CEA Technical Standards for Communication and these regulations , as applicable. (ii) The main plant equipment and auxiliary systems including drainage de -watering system, primary and secondary cooling system, LP and HP air compressor and firefighting system have been commissioned and are capable for full load op eration of units on sustained basis. (iii) Permanent electric supply system s including emergency supplies and all necessary Instrumentations Control and Protection Systems and auto loops for full load operation of the unit are put into service. (b) The certificates as required under clause (a) of this Regulation shall be signed by the authorized signatory not below the rank of CMD or CEO or MD of the generating company and shall be submitted to the concerned RLDC and to the Member Secretary of the co ncerned RPC before declaration of COD . (3) Transmission system (a) The transmission licensee shall submit a certificate signed by the authorized signatory not below the rank of CMD or CEO or MD of the company to the concerned RLDC and to the Member Secretary of th e concerned RPC before declaration of COD that the transmission line, sub -station and communication system conform to the CEA Technical Standards for Construction, CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity, CEA Technical Standards for Communication and these regulations and are capable of operation to their full capacity . (4) Wind , Solar , Storage , and Hybrid Generating Station (a) The generating station based on wind and solar resources, the ESS and the hybrid generating station shall submit a certificate signed by the authorized signatory not below the rank of CMD or CEO or MD to the concerned RLDC and to the Member Secretary of the concerned RPC before declaration of COD , that the said generating station or the ESS as the case may be, including main plant equipment such as wind turbines or solar inverters or auxiliary systems, as the case may be, has complied with all relevant provisions of CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity, CEA Technical Standards for Communication and these r egulations . 27. DECLARATION OF COMMERCIAL OPERATION (DOCO) AND COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE (COD) (1) A generating station or unit thereof or a transmission system or an element thereof or ESS may declar e commercial operation as follows and inform CEA, the concerned RLDC , the co ncerned RPC and its beneficiaries : (a) Thermal Generating Station or a unit thereof (i) The commercial operation date in case of a unit of the thermal generation station shall be the date declared by the generating company after successful trial run at MCR or de-rated capacity as per Regulation 22 (1)(b) , as the case may be, a nd submission of declaration as per Regulation 26(1) of these regulations . (ii) In case of the generating station, the COD of the last unit of the generating station shall be considered as the COD of the generating station. (b) Hydro Generating Station (i) The commercial operation date in case of a unit of the hydro generating station including pumped storage hydro generating station shall be the date declared by the generating station after after successful trial run at MCR or de -rated capacity as per Regulation 22(2)(b) , as the case may be, and submission of declaration as per Regulation 2 6(2) of these regulations . (ii) In case of the generating station, the COD of the last unit of the generati ng station shall be considered as the COD of the generating station. (c) Transmission System (i) The commercial operation date in case of an Inter -State Transmission System or an element thereof shall be the date declared by the transmission licensee on which the Transmission System or an element there of is in regular service at 0000 hours after successful trial operation for transmitting electricity and communication signal from the sending end to the receiving end as per Regulation 23 and submission of declarati on as per Regulation 26(3) of these regulations : Provided that the commercial operation date of a transmission element which is a part of Associated Transmission System ( ATS ) shall be declared only after successful trial run of the last element of the said ATS : Provided further that where only some of the transmission elements of the ATS have achieved successful trial run and the Connectivity grantee under GNA Regulations seeks commercial operation of such element for utilization by such grantee and is agreed by the Central Transmission Utility , the commercial operation date of such transmission elements of the ATS may be declared by the transmission licensee as per this Regulation: Provided also that where only some of the transmission element (s) of the ATS have achieved successful trial run and if the operation of such transmission elements are certified by the concerned Regional Power Committee(s) for improving the performance, safety and security of the grid, the commercial operation date of such transmission element (s) of the ATS may be declared by the transmission licensee as per this Regulation: Provided also that in case a transmission system or an element thereof executed under regulated tariff mechanism is prevented from regular service on or after the scheduled COD for reasons not attributable to the transmission licensee or its supplier or its contractors but is on account of the delay in commissioning of the concerned generating station or in commissi oning of the upstream or downstream transmission system of other transmission licensee, the transmission licensee shall approach the Commission through an appropriate petition along with a certificate from the CTU to the effect that the transmission system is complete as per the applicable CEA Standards , for approval of the commercial operation date of such transmission system or an element thereof : Provided also that in case of inter -State Transmission System executed through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding, the transmission licensee may declare deemed COD of the ISTS in accordance with the provisions of the Transmission Service Agreement after obtaining a certif icate from the CTU to the effect that the transmission system is complete as per the specifications of the bidding guidelines and applicable CEA Standards . (ii) The COD of a transmission element of the transmission system under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding shall be declared only after declaration of COD of all the pre -required transmission elements as per the Transmission Services Agreement : Provided that i n case any transmission element is required in the interest o f the power system as certified by concerned RPC (s), the COD of the said transmission element may be declared prior to the declaration of COD of its pre -required transmission element s. (d) Communication System Date of commercial operation in relation to a communication system or an element thereof shall mean the date declared by the transmission licensee from 0000 hour of which a communication system or element thereof shall be put into service after completion of site acceptance test including transfer of voice and data to the respective control centre s as certified by the respective Regional Load D espatch (e) Generating Stations based on Wind and Solar resources; ESS and Hybrid Generating Station (i) The c ommer cial operation date in case of units of a renewable generating station aggregating to 50 MW and above shall mean the date declared by the generating station after undergoing successful trial run as per clause (3) of Regulation 22 of these regulations ,submission of declaration as per clause (4) of Regulation 26 of these regulations , and subject to fulfilment of other conditions , if any as per PPA . (ii) In case of a generating station as a whole, the commercial operation date of the last unit of the generating station shall be considered as the COD of the generating station. (2) Scheduling of generating station or unit thereof shall start from 0000 hours of the Commercial Operation Date of the said generating station or unit thereof . CHAPTER 6 OPERATING CODE 28. OPERATING PHILOSOPHY (1) All entities such as NLDC, RLDCs, SLDCs, CTU, STUs, RPCs, power exchanges, QCAs, SNAs, licensees, generating stations and other grid connected entities shall at all times function in coordination to ensure stability and resilience of the grid and achieve maximum economy and efficiency in operation of power system. (2) Operation of the State grid shall be monitored by the respective SLDC. Operation of the regional grid shall be monitored by the respective RLDC. Op eration of the National grid shall be monitored by NLDC. (3) Detailed Operating Procedures for the National grid shall be developed , maintained and updated by NLDC in consultation with RLDCs and relevant stakeholders and shall be kept posted on NLDCs website. (4) Detailed Operating Procedures for each regional grid shall be developed , maintained and updated by respective RLDC s in consultation with NLDC, concerned RPC and regional entities and shall be kept posted on the respective RLDCs website. (5) Detailed Operating Procedures for each State grid shall be developed , maintained and updated by the SLDC s, consistent with the Detailed O perating Procedure s of respective RLDC . (6) NLDC, RLDCs and SLDCs shall have qualified operating personnel manning the control room round the c lock. (7) Every generating station and transmission substation of 132 kV and above shall have a control room manned by qualified operating personnel round the clock . Alternatively, the same may be operated round the clock from a remotely located control room, subject to the condition that such remote operation does not result in delay in execution of any switching instructions and information flow: Provided that a transmission licensee owning a transmission line but not owning the connected substation, shall have a round the clock coordination centre. (8) SNA and QCA shall have round the clock coordination centre s manned by qualified personnel for opera tional coordination with the concerned load despatch centre s and generat ing stations . 29. SYSTEM SECURITY (1) All users shall operate their respective power system s in an integrated manner at all times in coordination with the concerned load despatch centres. (2) Isolation, Taking out of service and Switching off of an element of the grid: (a) No element(s) of the grid shall be isolated from the grid, except (i) during emergency as per the Detailed Operating Procedure(s) of NLDC or RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be, whe re such isolation would prevent a total grid collapse or would enable early restoration of power supply ; (ii) for safety of human life ; (iii) when serious damage to a costly equipment is imminent and such isolation would prevent it ; and (iv) when such isolation is specifically instructed by NLDC or RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be. (b) Each RLDC, in consultation with CTU, the concerned users, SLDCs, STUs, shall prepare a list of important elements in the regional grid, including those in the State grids which are critical for regional grid operation and shall make available the said list to all concerned. (c) An important element of the grid as listed at Clause (b) of this Regulation can be taken out of service only after prior clearance o f the concerned RLDC, except under emergency as per the Detailed Operating Procedure(s) of NLDC or RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be . RLDC shall inform opening or removal of any such important element (s) of the regional grid to NLDC and to the concerned re gional entities who are likely to be affected, as specified in the Detailed Operating Procedure of NLDC. (d) In case of switching off or tripping of any of the important elements of the regional grid under emergency conditions or otherwise, it shall be intima ted immediately by the users with available details (i) to SLDC if the element is within the control area of SLDC, who in turn shall intimate the concerned RLDC and (ii) to RLDC if the element is within the control area of RLDC. The reason s for such switching off or tripping to the extent determined and the likely time of restoration shall also be intimated within half an hour. The concerned RLDC or SLDC and the user s shall ensure restoration of such elements within the estimated time of restora tion as intimated. (e) The isolated, taken out or switched off elements shall be restored as soon as the system conditions permit. The restoration process shall be supervised by RLDC, in co -ordination with NLDC and concerned SLDC(s) in accordance with system restoration procedures of NLDC and RLDC(s). (3) Maintenance of grid elements shall be carried out by the respective users, transmission licensees, STUs and CTU in accordance with the provisions of the Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulations , 2010. Outage of any element which is causing or likely to cause danger to the grid or sub -optimal operation of the grid shall be monitored by the concerned RLDC. RLDC shall report such outages to RPC and RPC shall issue suitable instructions to restore s uch elements in a specified time period. (4) Except under an emergency, or when it becomes necessary to prevent an imminent damage to a costly equipment, no user shall suddenly reduce its generating unit output by more than 100 (one hundred) MW [20 (twenty) MW in case of NER] without prior permission of the respective RLDC. (5) Except under an emergency, or when it becomes necessary to prevent an imminent damage to a costly equipment, no user shall cause a sudden variation in its load by more than 100 (one hund red) MW without prior permission of the respective RLDC. (6) All generating units shall have their automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), Power System Stabilizers (PSSs), voltage (reactive power) controllers and any other requirement in operation , as per CEA Te chnical Standards for Connectivity. If a generating unit with capacity higher than 50 (fifty) MW is required to be operated without its AVR in service, the generating station shall immediately intimate to the concerned RLDC along with the reasons there of and the likely duration of such operation and obtain its permission. (7) The tuning, including for low and high voltage ride through capability of wind and solar generators or any other requirement as per CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity shall be carr ied out: at least once in every five (5) years; based on operational feedback provided by the RLDC after analysis of a grid event or disturbance; and in case of a major change in excitation system or major network changes or fault level changes near the generating plant as reported by NLDC or RLDC (s), as the case may be . (8) Power System Stabilizers (PSSs), AVRs of generating units and reactive power controllers shall be properly tuned by the generating station as per the plan and the procedure prepared by the concerned RPC. In case the tuning is not complied with as per the plan and procedure, the concerned RPC shall issue notice to the defaulting generating station to complete the tuning within a specified time, failing which the generating unit may be disconnected from the grid by the concerned RLDC on receipt of intimation to that effect from the concerned RPC. (9) Provisions of protection and relay settings shall be coordinated periodically throughout the regional grid, as per plan finalized by the respective RPC in accordance with the Protection, Testing and Commissioning Code of these regulations. (10) RPCs sha ll prepare the islanding schemes in accordance with C entral Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010 for identified generating stations, cities and locations and ensure its implementation. The islanding schemes shall be reviewed and augment ed depending on assessment of critical loads at least once in 3 (three) years. (11) Mock drill of the islanding scheme s shall be carried out annually by the respective RLDC s in coordination with the concerned SLDC s and other users involved in the islanding scheme. (12) All distribution licensees, STUs and bulk consumers shall provide automatic under -frequency relays (UFR) and df\/dt relays for load shedding in their respective systems to arrest frequency decline that co uld result in grid failure as per the plan given by the RPCs from time to time. The default UFR settings shall be as specified in Table -2 below: Table 2: Default UFR Settings Sr. No. Stage of UFR Operation Frequency (Hz) 1 Stage -1 49.40 2 Stage -2 49.20 3 Stage -3 49.00 4 Stage -4 48.80 Note 1: All states (or STUs) shall plan UFR settings and df\/dt load shedding schemes depending on their local load generation balance in coordination with and approval of the concerned RPC. Note 2: Pumped storage hydro plants operating in pumping mode or ESS operating in charging mode shall be automatically disconnected before the first stage of UFR. The load shedding for each Stage of UFR operation, in percentage of demand or MW shall be as finalised by the respective RPC s. (13) The following shall be factored in while designing and implementing the UFR and df\/dt relay scheme s: (a) The under -frequency and df\/dt load shedding relays are always functional. (b) Demand disconnection shall not be set with any time delay in addition to the operating time of the relays and circuit breakers. (c) There shall be uniform spatial spread of feeders selected for UFR and df\/dt disconnection. (d) SLDC shall ensure that telemetered data of feeders (MW power flow in r eal time and circuit breaker status) on which UFR and df\/dt relay are installed is available at its control centre. SLDC shall monitor the combined load in MW of these feeders at all the time. SLDC shall share the above data with the respective RLDC in rea l time and submit monthly exception report to the respective RPC. RLDC shall inform SLDC s as well as the concerned RPC on quarterly basis, durations during the quarter when combined load in MW of these feeders was below the level considered while designing UFR scheme by the RPC. SLDC shall take corrective measures within a reasonable period and inform the respective RLDC and RPC. (e) RPC shall undertake monthly review of UFR and df\/dt scheme and also carry out random inspection of the under -frequency relays. RP C shall publish such monthly review along with exception report on its website. (14) NLDC, RLDC s, SLDC s, CTU, STU s or user s may identify the requirement of System Protection Schemes (SPS) (including inter -tripping and run -back) in the power system to operate the transmission system within operating limits and to protect against situations such as voltage collapse, cascade trip ping and tripping of important corridors\/flow -gates. Any such SPS at the intra -regional level shall be finalized by the concerned RPC. SPS at inter -regional level and cross -border level shall be finalized by NLDC in coordination with the concerned RPCs. S PS shall be installed and commissioned by the concerned user s. SPS shall always be kept in service. If any SPS at intra -regional level is to be taken out of service, permission of the concerned RLDC shall be required. If any SPS at inter -regional level and cross -border level is to be taken out of service, permission of NLDC shall be required. (15) NLDC, RLDCs, SLDCs, CTU, STUs and users shall operate in a manner to ensure that the steady state grid voltage as per the Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standard s) Regulations, 2010 remains within the following operating range: TABLE 3: VOLTAGE RANGE Voltage (kV rms) Nominal Maximum Minimum 765 800 728 400 420 380 220 245 198 132 145 122 110 121 99 (16) NLDC, RLDCs and SLDCs, as the case may be, shall take appropriate measures to control the voltage as per their operating procedure. (17) Transmission licensees and distribution licensees shall implement defense mechanism s as finalized by the respective RPCs to prevent vol tage collapse and cascade tripping. 30. FREQUENCY CONTROL AND RESERVES (1) The National Reference Frequency shall be 50.000 Hz and shall be measured with a resolution of +\/ -0.001 Hz. The frequency data measured at every second shall be archived by RLDCs. (2) The NLDC, RLDC and SLDC shall ensure that the grid frequency remains close to 50 Hz . and ensure that the frequency is restored within the allowable band of 49. 95-50.05 Hz at the earliest. (3) All users shall adhere to their schedule of injection or drawl, as the c ase may be , and take such action as required under these regulations and as directed by NLDC or respective RLDCs or respective SLDCs so that the grid frequency is maintained and remains within the allowable band. Reserves (4) There shall be reserves as under: (a) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary reserves: (i) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary reserves shall be deployed for the purpose of frequency control, reducing area control error and relieving congestion. (ii) The response under Primary reserve shall be provided as per t hese regulations. (iii) Secondary reserves including automatic generation control and demand response shall be deployed by a control area as per these regulations or the Ancillary Services Regulations, as the case may be. (iv) Tertiary reserves shall be deployed by a control area as per these regulations or the Ancillary Services Regulations, as the case may be. (b) Black Start reserves: Generating stations having black start capability shall be identified by NLDC and RLDCs to act as black start reserves. (c) Voltage Control reserves: Voltage Control reserves shall be deployed for controlling the voltage at a bus through reactive power injection or drawl. (5) The reserves shall be operated as Ancillary Services, namely (a) Primary Reserve Ancillary Service (PRAS) ; (b) Secondary Reserve Ancillary Service (SRAS); (c) Tertiary Reserve Ancillary Service (TRAS) ; (d) Black Start Ancillary Services; and (e) Voltage Control Ancillary Services . (6) The mechanism of procurement and deployment of PRAS shall be as specified in these regulations or in the A ncillary Services Regulations , as the case may be . (7) The mechanism of procurement, deployment and payment of SRAS and TRAS shall be as specified in the A ncillary Services Regulations. (8) The primary response of the generating units s hall be verified by the LDCs during grid events. Control Hierarchy (9) Inertia: The power system shall be operated at all the times with a minimum inertia to be stipulated by NLDC so that minimum nadir frequency post reference contingency stays above the threshold set for under frequency load shedding (UFLS). NLDC shall reschedule generation including curtailment of wind, solar and wind -solar hybrid generation, if required , in coordination with the respective RLDCs and SLDCs to maintain the minimum inertia . (10) Primary Control: (a) Primary control is local automatic control in a generating unit or energy storage system or demand side resource for the purpose of adjusting its active power output or consumption, as the case may be, in response to frequency excursion. Primary control is the immediate automatic control implemented through turbine speed governors or frequency controllers. (b) Primary control shall be provided by Primary Reserves Ancillary Service (c) The minimum quantum of PRAS required for reference contingency shall be declared by NLDC at the start of each financial year. (d) The generating stations and units thereof shall have the electronically controlled governing system s or frequency controller s in accordance with the CEA Technical Standards for Conn ectivity and are mandated to provide PRAS. (e) NLDC may also identify other resources such as ESS and demand resource to provide PRAS for which PRAS Providers shall be compensated in accordance with the A ncillary Services Regulations. (f) The minimum All India tar get frequency response characteris tics (FRC) shall be estimated and based on such target FRC, the frequency response obligation of each control area shall be assessed by NLDC as per Annexure -2, giving d ue consideration to generation and load within eac h co ntrol area and details as given in Table 4 under clause (g) of this sub -Regulation . The same shall be informed to all control areas by 15tth of March every year for the next financial (g) The generating units shall have their governors or controllers in operation at all times with droop settings of 3 -6 % or as specified in the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity as per the requirements mentioned in the Table 4. TABLE 4: PRIMARY RESPONSE OF VARIOUS TYPES OF GENERATING UNITS Fuel\/ Source Minimum unit size\/Capacity Up to Coal\/Lignite Based 200 MW and above 5% of MCR Hydro 25 MW and above non -canal based 10 % of MCR Gas based Gas Turbine above 50 MW 5% of MCR (corrected for ambience temperature) Solar\/Renewable Hybrid Energy (commissioned after the date as specified in the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity ) ^ Capacity of Generating station more than 10 MW and connected at 33 kV and above 10% of the maximum Alternating Current active power capacity in case of frequency deviations in excess of ^Wind\/Solar\/Hybrid plant commissioned after the date as specified in CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity shall have the option to provide primary response individually through BESS or through a common BESS installed at its pooling station. (h) All generating stations mentioned in Table -4 (under clause (g) of this Regulation ) shall have the capability of instantaneously picking up to a minimum 105% of their operating level and up to 105% or 110% of their MCR, as the case maybe, when the frequency falls suddenly and shall provide primary response . Any generating station not complying with the above requirem ents shall be kept in operation (synchronized with the regional grid) only after obtaining the permission of the concerned RLDC. (i) The normal governor action shall not be suppressed in any manner through load limiter, Automatic Turbine Run -up System (ATRS), turbine supervisory control or coordinated control system and no time delays shall be deliberately introduced. In case of renewable energy generating unit, reactive power limiter or power factor controller or voltage limiter shall not suppress the primary frequency response within its capability. The inherent dead band of a generating unit\/frequency controller shall not exceed +\/ - 0.03 Hz. (j) The thermal and hydro generating unit s shall not resort to Valve Wide Open (VWO) operation to make available margin f or providing governor action. (k) The PRAS shall start immediately (within two seconds) when the frequency deviates beyond the dead band as specified in clause ( i) of this Regulation and provide its full PRAS capacity obligation within 30 seconds and shall sus tain up to five (5) minutes. (l) Each control area shall assess its frequency response characteristics and share assessment with the concerned RLDC along with high resolution data of at least 1 (one) second for regional entity generating stations and energy storage system s and 10 (ten) seconds for state control area. (m) The concerned RLDC shall calculate actual frequency response characteristic of all the control areas within its region. The performance of each control area in providing frequency response characteristic shall be calculated for each reportable event as per Annexure -2. (n) The NLDC in consultation with RLDCs shall calculate actual frequency response characteristic at national level by factoring in FRC of all regio ns and shall also calculate FRC for cross border control areas. (o) NLDC, RLDCs and SLDCs shall grade the median Frequency Response Performance annually, considering at least 10 reportable events. In case the median Frequency Response Performance is less than 0.75 as calculated as per Annexure -2, NLDC, RLDC s, SLDC s, as the case may be, after analyzing the FRP shall direct the concerned entities to take corrective action. (11) Secondary Control: (a) Secondary control is a centralized automatic function to regulate the g eneration or load in a control area to restore the frequency within the allowable band or replenish deployed primary reserves. (b) Secondary Control shall be provided by a generating station or an entity having energy storage resource or an entity capable of providing demand response, on standalone or aggregated basis, connected to inter -State transmission system or intra -State transmission system, as Secondary Reserve Ancillary Service (SRAS) Provider, as specified in the A ncillary Service s Regulations. (c) Secondary control signals shall be automatically generated from NLDC and shall be transmitted to SRAS Providers through the concerned RLDC exercising the control area jurisdictions for desired automated response when the Area Control Error (ACE) goes beyon d the minimum threshold limit of 10 MW , which may be reviewed from time to time based on review of performance of SRAS . Provided that as and when bi -directional communication system of SRAS providers with RLDC s is fully established, secondary control sign als shall be automatically generated from the respective RLDC. (d) ACE of each State or Regional control, shall be auto calculated at the control centre of NLDC or RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be, based on telemetered values, and external inputs , namely, the Frequency Bias Coefficient and Offset referred to in clauses (e) and (f) respectively of this Regulation as per the following formula: ACE = (I a 10 * B f * (F a Fs) + Offset Ia = Actual net interchange in MW (positive value for export) Is = Scheduled net interchange in MW (positive value for export) Bf = Frequency Bias Coefficient in MW\/0.1 Hz (negative value) Fa = Actual system frequency in Hz Fs = Schedule system frequency in Hz Offset = Provision for compensating measurement error (e) Frequency Bias Coefficient ( Bf) shall be assessed and declared by NLDC in coordination with RLDC for each region. Frequency Bias Coefficient ( Bf) shall be assessed and declared by SLDC for each State. Frequency Bias Coefficient shall normally be based on median Frequency Response Characteristics (FRC) during previous financial year of each control area and refined from time to time. (f) Offset shall be used to account for measurement errors and shall be decided by NLDC or RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be, for its respective control area. (g) Secondary control may be operated under tie -line bias control , flat frequency control or flat tie -line control mode depending on grid requirement s: Provided that NLDC in coordination with RLDC and SLDC shall lay down in its Detailed operating procedure after stakeholder consultation , the conditions during which a particular mode shall be chosen and shall document the reasons for operatin g in a particular mode : Provided further that the c oordinated operation of AGC by the nested control areas shall be adopted based on mutually agreed protocols. (h) Schedule system frequency (Fs) shall be reference frequency of 50 Hz unless otherwise specified by NLDC under certain conditions to be reco rded in writing. (i) RLDC s and SLDC s shall compute the ACE of the respective regional or state control area in real time based on telemetered data. ACE data shall be archived at the interval of 10 seconds or lower . RLDC s shall share the data with NLDC. (j) The SRAS Providers shall start responding to SRAS signal s within thirty (30) seconds and shall be capable of providing the entire SRAS capacity obligation within fifteen (15) minutes and sustaining at least for the next thirty (30) minutes . The secondary reserves shall be gradually replaced by tertiary reserves within 30 minutes . (k) With due regard to the requirement of planning reserve margin and resource adequacy referred to in clause (3) of Regulation 5 of these regulations, and based on the following methodologies, the secondary reserve capacity shall be estimated by RLDCs for the ir respective regional control area s : The positive and negative secondary reserve capacity for any control area for a financial year shall be equal to 99 percentile of positive and negative ACE respectively of that control area during the previous financial year ( Detailed Procedure shall be as per Annexure -3 to these regulations ), The secondary reserves capacity for any control area shall be equal to the 110 % of largest unit size in the respective regional control area or state control area plus load forecast error plus wind forecast error plus solar forecast error during the previous financial year. (l) Unl ess otherwise specified by the concerned SERC, the methodology specified in clause (k) of this Regulation shall be adopted by the SLDCs to estimate the secondary reserve capacity in their respective control areas. (m) The reserve capacity as per the methodology mentioned in clause ( k) of this Regulation shall be estimated by 15th February every year for next financial year and submitted to NLDC. (n) All India secondary reserves requirement for the regional control area and the State control area shall be estimated by NLDC based on reference contingency and other factors such as forecast errors. All India secondary reserves capacity for the regional control area and the State control area shall be estimated by NLDC based on reference contingency and other factors such as forecast errors. (o) NLDC shall allocate such All India secondary reserves capacity, to be maintained at regional control area and at State control area, based on the estimated reserves as per clause (k) of this Regulation and publish the information on its website by 1st March every year. (p) Each State control area shall ensure availability of the quantum of secondary reserve at the State control area on day ahead basis with due regard to the secondary reserves estimated and allo cated for that State by NLDC in terms of clause ( o) of this Regulation, and inform the same to the concerned RLDC and (q) NLDC through RLDCs shall re -assess the quantum of requirement of secondary reserve at the state control area and regional level on day ahead basis and also on real time basis, with due regard inter alia to the secondary reserve maintained at State control area and the need to replenish primary reserves, as specified in the Ancillary Service s Regulations. (r) If a State falls short of maintaining secondary reserve capacity as allocated to it in terms of clause (o) of this Regulation, the NLDC through RLDC shall procure such Secondary reserve capacity on behalf of the State and allocate the cost of procurement of suc h capacity on that State based on the methodology specified in the Ancillary Service Regulations. (s) Secondary reserves shall be procured by the NLDC from a generating station or an entity having energy storage resource or an entity capable of providing deman d response, on standalone or aggregated basis, connected to inter -State transmission system or intra -State transmission system in accordance with the Ancillary Service s regulations. (t) All thermal and hydro generating stations shall make arrangements to enable automatic operation of plant from the appropriate load despatch centre by integrating the controls and tele -metering features of their system into the automatic generation control in accordance with the CEA Technical Standards for Construction and the CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity . The communication system shall be established in accordance with the CEA Communication Regulations. (u) All renewable energy generating stations and ESS shall be enabled with frequency controller to provide secondary control in accordance with the CEA Connectivity Standards and the communication system shall be established in accordance with the CEA Technical Standards for Communication. (v) SRAS shall have bi -directional communication system along with metering a nd SCADA telemetry in place as per the requirement stipulated in the Detailed Procedure issued under Ancillary Service Regulations. (12) Tertiary Control: (a) Tertiary reserves requirement for the regional control area and the State control area, shall be estimate d by NLDC with due regard inter alia to the requirement of planning reserve margin and resource adequacy as referred to in Clause ( 3) of Regulation 5 of these regulations, so as to take care of contingencies and to cater to the need for replacing secondary reserves estimated at sub -clause ( n) of clause (11) of this Regulation by 1st March every year, which will be implemented for the next financial ye ar from 1st April onwards by the respective control areas. (b) NLDC shall allocate such tertiary reserves capacity, to be maintained at regional control area and state control area, based on the estimated reserves as per these regulations and publish the info rmation on its website by 1st March every year. (c) Each State control area shall ensure availability of the quantum of tertiary reserve at the State control area on day ahead basis with due regard to the tertiary reserves estimated and allocated for that State by NLDC in terms of sub -clause (b) of clause ( 12) of this Regulation, and inform the same to concerned RLDC and (d) NLDC through RLDCs shall re -assess the quantum of requirement of tertiary reserve at the state control area and regional level on day ahead basis and also on real time basis, with due regard to estimation inter alia to tertiary reserve maintained at State contr ol area and the need of replacing secondary reserves, as specified in the Ancillary Service s Regulations. (e) If a State falls short of maintaining tertiary reserve capacity as allocated to it in terms of sub -clause (d) of clause ( 12) of this Regulation, the N LDC through RLDC s shall procure such tertiary reserve capacity on behalf of this State and allocate the cost of procurement of such capacity to that State based on the methodology specified in the Ancillary Service s Regulations. (f) Tertiary reserves shall be procured by the NLDC from a generating station or an entity having energy storage resource or an entity capable of providing demand response, on standalone or aggregated basis, connected to inter -State transmission system or intra -State transmission system in accordance with the Ancillary Service s regulations. (g) Tertiary reserve s to be provided by TRAS provider shall be capable of providing TRAS within fifteen (15) minutes of d espatch instructions from RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be, and shall be capable o f sustaining the service for at least next 60 minutes. TRAS shall be activated and deployed by the appropriate load d espatch center on account of following events: (i) To replenish the secondary reserve, i n case the secondary reserve has been deployed continuously in one direction for fifteen (15) minutes for more than 100 MW; (ii) Generation unit or transmission line outages; (iii) Any such other event affecting the grid security. (h) The quantum of reserves procured by each State control area shall be informed to the concerned RLDC. (13) The control area wise performance of SRAS and TRAS shall be evaluated in accordance with the Detailed Procedure prepared by NLDC. 31. OPERATIONAL PLANNING (1) Time Horizon (a) Operational planning shall be carried out in advance by NLDC, RLDC s and SLDC s within their respective control area s with Monthly and Yearly time horizons in co -ordination with CTU , RPCs or STU s, as applicable. (b) Operational planning shall be carried out in advance by NLDC, RLDC s and SLDC s within their respective control a rea s on Intra -day, Day Ahead, Weekly time horizons. (c) RLDC s in consultation with NLDC shall issue procedure and formats for data collection to carry out : (i) Operational planning analysis, (ii) Real -time monitoring, (iii) Real -time assessments . (d) SLDC may also issue procedure and format for data collection for above purposes. (2) Demand Estimation (a) Each SLDC shall carry out demand estimation as part of operational planning after duly factoring in the demand estimation done by STU as part of resource ade quacy planning referred to in clause ( 2) of Regulation (5) of these regulations. Demand estimation by SLDC shall be for both active power and reactive power incident on the transmission system based on the details collected from distribution licensees, g rid-connected distributed generation resources, captive power plants and other bulk consumers embedded within the State. (b) Each SLDC shall develop methodology for daily , weekly , monthly , yearly demand estimation in MW and MWh for operational analysis as well as resource adequacy purposes . Each SLDC, while estimating demand may utilize state of the art tools, weather data, historical data and any other data. For this purpose, all distributi on licensees shall maintain historical database of demand. (c) The demand estimation by each SLDC shall be done on day ahead basis with time block wise granularity for the daily operation and scheduling. In case, SLDC observes major change in demand in real ti me for the day, it shall immediately submit the revised demand estimate to concerned RLDC for demand estimate correction. (d) Each SLDC shall submit node -wise morning peak, evening peak, day shoulder and night off -peak estimated demand in MW and MVAr on monthl y and quarterly basis for the nodes 132 kV and above for preparation of scenarios for computation of TTC and ATC by the concerned RLDC and NLDC. (e) SLDC shall also estimate peak and off -peak demand (active as well as reactive power) on weekly and monthly ba sis for load - generation balance planning as well as for operational planning analysis, which shall be a part of the operational planning data. The demand estimates mentioned above shall have granularity of a time block . The estimate shall cover the load incident on the grid as well as net load incident taking into account embedded generation in the form of roof -top solar and other distributed generation. (f) Based on the demand estimate furnished by the SLDCs, each RLDC shall prepare the regional demand estim ate and submit to NLDC. NLDC, based on regional demand estimate furnished by RLDCs, shall prepare national demand estimate. (g) Timeline for submission of demand estimate data by SLDC s to respective RLDC and RPC shall be as follows: TABLE 5: TIMELINE FOR DEMAND ESTIMATION Daily demand estimation 10:00 hours of previous day Weekly demand estimation First working day of previous week Monthly demand estimation Fifth day of previous month Yearly demand estimation 31st August of the previous year (h) SLDC s, RLDC s and NLDC shall compute forecasting error for daily, day -ahead, weekly, monthly and yearly forecasts and analyse the same in order to reduce forecasting error in future . The computed forecasting errors shall be made available by SLDC s, RLDC s and NLDC on their respective website s. (3) Generation Estimation (a) The modalities of generation estimation by entities shall be as per the Procedure referred to in sub -clause (c) of clause (1) of Regulation 3 1 of these regulations. (b) RLDC shall f orecast generation from wind and solar generating stations which are regional entities for different time horizons as referred to in clause (1) of Regulation 3 1 of these regulations for the purpose of operation al planning. (4) Adequacy of Resourc es (a) SLDC s shall estimate and ensure adequacy of resources, identify generation reserves, demand response capacity and generation flexibility requirement with due regard to the long term resource adequacy framework as specified in Regulation 5 of these regulations . (b) SLDC s shall furnish time block -wise information for the following day in respect of all intra -state entities to the concerned RLDC who shall validate adequacy of resources with due regard to the following: (i) Demand forecast aggregated for the control area; (ii) Renewable energy generation forecast for the control area; (iii) Injection schedule for intra -State entity generating station ; (iv) Requisition from regional entity generating stations . 32. OUTAGE PLANNING (1) Outage planning shall be prepare d for the grid elements in a coordinated and optimal manner keeping in view the system operating conditions and grid security. The coordinated generation and transmission outage plan for the national and regional grid shall take into consideration all the available generation resources, demand estimates, transmission constraints, factoring in water for irrigation requirements, if any. To optimize the transmission outages of the national and regional grids, to avoid grid operation getting adversely affected and to maintain system security standards, the outage plan shall also take into account the generation outage schedule and transmission outage schedule. (2) Annual outage plan shall be prepared as follows: (a) Annual outage plan of grid elements shall be prepared in advance for the financial year by the RPC s in consultation with the users, respective RLDC s and NLDC and reviewed before every quarter and every month. (b) Annual outage plan shall be prepared in such a manne r as to minimize the overall downtime, particularly where multiple entities are involved in outage of any grid element(s). (c) The outage plan of hydro generation plant, wind and solar generation plant and its associated evacuation network shall be prepared w ith a view to extract maximum generation from these sources. Example: Outage of wind generator shall be planned during lean wind season. Outage of solar generator, if required, shall be planned during the rainy season. Outage of hydro generator could be p lanned during the lean water season. (d) Protection relay related outages, auto re-closure outages and SPS testing outages shall be planned on monthly basis with prior permission of the concerned RPC, which shall consult the concerned RLDC & NLDC. (3) Outage Pla nning Process shall be as follows: (a) RPC s shall prepare and finalize the annual outage plan for the next financial year in respect of grid elements of their respective regional grid. (b) RPC s shall prepare LGBR based on the LGBR submitted by SLDCs for their respective states and shall prepare annual outage plan for generating units and transmission elements in their respective region after carrying out necessary system studies in order to ensu re system security and resource adequacy. (c) RPC s shall finalize the outage plan s in consultation with NLDC and respective RLDCs. The final outage plan and the final LGBR shall be intimated to NLDC, concerned RLDC, Users, STUs, CTU, the generating stations co nnected to the ISTS. The final outage plan and the final LGBR shall be made available on the websites of the respective users , RPCs, RLDCs and NLDC. (d) The timeline for Outage Planning Process shall be as follows: TABLE 6: TIMELINE FOR OUTAGE PLANNING PROCESS Activity Agency Cut -off date Submission of proposed outage plan for the next financial year to RPC with the earliest start date and latest finishing date CTU, STUs, transmission licensees and generating stations 31st October Submission of LGBR of the control area to RPC for both peak and off -peak scenarios SLDC 31st October Publishing draft LGBR and draft outage plan of regional grid for next financial year on the concerned RPCs website for inviting suggestions, comments, o bjections etc of stakeholders. RPC 30th November Publishing final LGBR and final outage plan of regional grid for next financial year on the concerned s website RPC 31st December (e) The annual outage plan shall be reviewed by RPC on monthly and quarterly basis in coordination with all the parties concerned, and adjustments shall be made wherever necessary. (f) All users, CTU, STUs, licensee s shall follow the annual outage plan. If any deviation is required, the same shall be allowed only with prior permission of the concerned RPC, which shall consult the concerned RLDC and NLDC. (g) Each user shall obtain the final clearance from NLDC or the concerned RLDC, prior to the planned outage of any grid element. All deviations from the outage plan s hall be uploaded on the RPC website. (h) In case of grid disturbances, system isolation, partial black -out in a State or any other event in the system that may have an adverse impact on the system security due to proposed outage, (i) NLDC or RLDC, as the case may be, shall have the authority to defer the planned outage; (ii) SLDC, RLDC or NLDC, as the case may be, before giving clearance of the planned outage may conduct studies again. (4) To facilitate coordinated planned outages of grid elements, a common outage planning procedure shall be formulated by each RPC in consultation with NLDC and concerned 33. OPERATIONAL PLANNING STUDY (1) Based on the operational planning analysis data, operational planning study shall be carried out by various agencies for time horizons as under : TABLE 7: TIME HORIZON FOR OPER ATIONAL PLANNING STU DY Time horizon of operational planning study Agency Means for carrying out study Real time and Intra -day NLDC , RLDC , and SLDC At least fifteen (15) minutes interval using online\/offline SCADA\/EMS Day -ahead NLDC , RLDC , and SLDC For various operating conditions using offline tools Weekly NLDC , RLDC , and SLDC For various operating conditions using offline tools Monthly\/Yearly RPC For various operating conditions using offline tools (2) SLDC s, RLDC s and NLDC shall utilize network estimation tool integrated in their EMS , and SCADA system for the real time operational planning study. All users shall make available at all time s real time error free operational data for successful execution of network analysis using EMS\/SCADA. Failure to make available such data shall be immediately reported to the concerned SLDC, the concerned RLDC and NLDC along with firm timeline for restorati on. The performance of online network estimation tools at SLDC and RLDC shall be reviewed in the monthly operational meeting of RPC. Any telemetry related issues impacting the online network estimation tool shall be monitored by RPC for its early resolutio n. (3) SLDC s shall perform day -ahead, weekly, monthly and yearly operational study for the concerned State for: (a) assessment and declaration of total transfer capability (TTC ) and available transfer capability ( ATC ) for import or export of electricity by the State . TTC and ATC shall be revised from time to time based on commissioning of new elements and other grid conditions and shall be published on SLDC website with all the assumptions and limiting constraints; (b) planned outage assessment; (c) special scenario ass essment; (d) system protection scheme assessment; (e) natural disaster assessment; and (f) any other study relevant in operational scenario . (4) RLDC s and NLDC shall perform day -ahead, weekly, monthly and yearly operational study for: (a) assessment of TTC and ATC at inter -regional, intra -regional and inter -state (b) planned outage assessment; (c) special scenario assessment; (d) system protection scheme assessment; (e) natural disaster assessment; and (f) any other study relevant in operational scenario (5) RLDC shall assess intra -regional and inter -state level TTC and ATC and submit to NLDC. NLDC shall declare TTC and ATC for import or export of electricity between regions including simultaneous import or export capability for a region and cross -border interconnections 11 (El even) months in advance for each of the month on a rolling basis. TTC and ATC shall be revised from time to time bas ed on commissioning of new elements and other grid conditions and shall be published on the websites of NLDC and respective RLDC s with all the assumptions and limiting constraints . (6) Operational planning study shall be done to assess whether the planned operations shall result in deviations from any of the system operational limits defined under these regulations and applicable CEA St andards. (7) NLDC, RLDCs, RPCs and SLDC s shall maintain record s of the completed operational planning study, including dated power flow study results, operational plan and minutes of meeting s on operational study. (8) NLDC, RLDCs, RPCs and SLD Cs shall have oper ating plan s to address potential deviations of system operational limit identified as a result of the operational pla nning study. These operating plans shall be intimated to users in advance to take corrective measures. In case any user is unable to adhere to such operati ng plan, it shall intimate the respective SLDC, RLDC and NLDC in advance with detailed reason s and explanation for the non -adherence. These detailed reasons and explanation shall be discussed in the monthly operation sub -committee of the respective region and a quarterly report shall be submitted to the Commission and (9) Each SLDC shall undertake study on the impact of new elements to be commissioned in intra -state system in the next six (6) months on the TTC and ATC for the State. (10) Each RLDC shall undertake study on the impact of new elements to be commissioned in the next six (6) months in (a) the ISTS of the region and (b) the intra -state system on the inter -state system. (11) NLDC shall undertake study on the impact of new elements to be commissioned in the next six (6) months in (a) inter -regional system, (b) cross -border link and (c) intra -regional system on the inter -regional system. (12) NLDC, RLDC s and SLDC s shall compare the results of the studies of impact of new elements on the system a nd transfer capability addition with those of the interconnection and planning studies by CTU and STU s, and any significant variations observed shall be communicated to CTU and STU s for immediate and long -term mitigation measures. (13) Defense mechanisms like s ystem protection scheme, load -rejection scheme, generation run -back, islanding scheme or any other scheme for system security shall be proposed by concerned user or SLDC or RLDC or NLDC and shall be deployed as finalized by the respective RPC. 34. SYSTEM REST ORATION (1) Based on the template issued by NLDC, SLDC of each State and RLDC of each region shall prepare restoration procedure for the grid for their respective control area s, which shall be updated every year by the concerned SLDC and RLDC taking into account changes in the configuration of their respective power system s. (2) Each RLDC, in consultation with NLDC, CTU, and the concerned STUs, SLDCs, users and RPC, shall prepare detailed procedures for restoration of the regional grid under partial and tota l blackout which shall be reviewed and updated annually by the concerned RLDC. (3) Detailed procedures for restoration post partial and total blackout of each user system within a region shall be prepared by the concerned user in coordination with the concern ed SLDC, RLDC or NLDC, as the case may be. The concerned user shall review the procedure every year and update the same. The user shall carry out mock trial run of the procedure for different sub -systems including black -start of generating units along with grid forming capability of inverter based generating station, VSC based HVDC black -start support at least once in a year under intimation to the concerned SLDC and RLDC. Diesel generator sets and other standalone auxiliary supply source to be used for bla ck start shall be tested on weekly basis and the user shall send the test reports to concerned SLDC, RLDC and NLDC on a quarterly basis. (4) Simulation studies shall be carried out by each user in coordination with RLDC for preparing, reviewing and updating t he restoration procedures considering the following: (a) Black start capability of generator; (b) Ability of black start generator to build cranking path and sustain island; (c) Impact of block load switching in or out; (d) Line\/transformer charging; (e) Reduced fault levels; (f) Protection settings under restoration condition . (5) The thermal and nuclear generating station s shall be prepared for house load operation as per design. Concerned user and SLDC shall report the performance of house load operation of a generating stat ion in the event where such operation was required. (6) NLDC, RLDC and SLDC shall identify the generating stations with black start, grid forming capability, house load facility, inter -State or inter -regional ties, synchronizing points and essential loads to be restored on priority. (7) During restoration process following a black out, SLDC, RLDC and NLDC are authorized to operate with reduced security standards for voltage and frequency and may direct for implementation of such operational measures, namely, suspension of secondary or tertiary frequency control, power market activities, defense schemes, reduced governor droop setting as necessary, in order to achieve the fastest possible recovery of the grid. (8) All communication channels required for restoration process shall be used for operational communication only till the grid normalcy is restored. (9) Any entity extending black start support by way of injection of power as identified in clause (6) of this Regulation shall be paid for actual injection @ 110 % of normal rate of charges for deviation in accordance with DSM Regulations for the last block in which the grid was available. 35. REAL TIME OPERATION (1) System state Power system shall be categorized under normal, alert, emergency, extreme emergency and restoration state depending on the type of contingencies and value of operational parameters of the power system by RLDC, NLDC or SLDC, as the case may be. (a) Normal state Power system shall be categorized under normal state when the power system is operating with operational parameters within their respective operational limits and equipment are within their respective loading limits. Under normal sate, the power system is secure and capable of maintaining stability under contingencies defined in the CEA Transmission Planning Criteria. (b) Alert state Power system shall be categorized under alert sate when the power system is operating with operational parameters within their r espective operational limit s, but a single contingency lead s to violation of security criteria. The power system remains intact under such alert state . However, whenever the power system is under alert sate, the system operator shall take corrective measures to bring back the power system to normal state. (c) Emergency state Power system shall be categorized under emergency sate when the power system is op erating with operational parameters outside their respective operational limit s or equipment are above their respective loading limit s. Emergency s tate can arise out of multiple contingencies or any major grid disturbance in the system. The power system re mains intact under such emergency state. However, whenever the power system is under emergency sate, the system operator, to bring back the power system to alert\/normal state shall take corrective measures such as: extreme measures such as load shedding, generation unit tripping, line tripping or closing, emergency control action such as HVDC Control, Excitation Control, HP-LP Bypass, tie line flow rescheduling on critical lines, and automated action such as system protection scheme, load curtailment sch eme and generation run -back scheme. (d) Extreme Emergency state Power system shall be categorized under extreme emergency state if the control actions taken during emergency state are not able to bring the system either to alert state or normal state and ope rational parameters are outside their respective operational limit s or equipment are critically loaded. Extreme emergency state may arise due to high impact low frequency events like natural disasters. The power system may or may not remain intact (splitti ng may occur) and extreme events like generation plant tripping, bulk load shedding, under frequency load shedding (UFLS) and under voltage load shedding (UVLS) operation may occur. (e) Restorative State Power system shall be categorized under restorative sta te when control action is being taken to reconnect the system elements and to restore system load. The power system transits from restorative state to either the alert state or the normal state, depending on the system conditions. (2) Each RLDC in consultatio n with NLDC and SLDCs shall carry out the study for the concerned region and based on historical data and grid incidences evolve the detailed criteria to categorise the power system in terms of the above state. The detailed criteria shall be included in re spective Detailed Operating Procedure to be issued by RLDC s and NLDC. (3) NLDC, RLDC s or SLDC s, as the case may be , shall maintain the grid in the normal state by taking suitable measures. In case the power system moves away from the normal state, appropriate measures shall be taken to bring the system back to the normal state. In case the power system has moved to ext reme emergency state, appropriate LDCs shall take emergency action and initiate restorative measures immediately. (4) Procedure to be followed during an event (a) in case of an event on intra -State transmission system which may significantly impact the inter -State transmission system, the concerned SLDC shall immediately inform the RLDC; (b) in case of an event on the inter -State transmission system or relating to a regional entity , the concerned entity shall immediately inform RLDC. (c) immediately following an event on regional grid, the RLDC shall inform the concerned user s and the concerned SLDC for necessary action. (d) any warning in respect of system security issued by NLDC or RLDC or SLDC shall be taken note of immediately by the concerned users who shall take neces sary action to withstand the said event or to minimize its effect. (5) Operational coordination (a) For operational coordination , each inter -State transmission licensee, generating station, QCA and SNA shall have a control center or coordination centre for round t he clock coordination as specified in Clauses (7) and Clause (8) of Regulation 28 of these regulations. (b) Any planned operation activity in ISTS system [such as transmission element opening or closing (including breakers), protection system outage, SPS outage and testing etc.] shall be done by taking operational code from RLDC or NLDC , as the case may be. The operational code shall have validity period of thirty (30) minutes from the time of issue. In case such operation activity does not take place with in the validity period of the code, the entity shall obtain a fresh operational code from RLDC or NLDC, as the case may be. 36. DEMAND AND LOAD MANAGEMENT (1) The demand and load shall be managed for ensuring grid security. (2) Whenever the power system is in alert s tate or emergency state as assessed by SLDC or advised by RLDC, (a) the respective distribution licensee shall abide by directions of SLDC to secure the system, and extreme measures like load shedding may be carried out as a last resort. (b) SLDC or RLDC through SLDC may direct distribution licensee to restrict drawal from the grid or curtail load for ensuring the stability of the grid: Provided that load shedding shall be resorted to after the demand response option has been exhausted. (c) The load disconnected, if any, shall be restored as soon as possible on clearance from SLDC, in coordination with RLDC if required, after the system has been normalized. 37. POST DESPATCH ANALYSIS (1) Operational analysis (a) NLDC, RLDC s and SLDC s shall analyse the following: (i) Pattern of demand met, frequency profile, voltage and tie -line flows, angular spread, area control error, reserve margin, ancillary services despatched, transmission congestion and (n -1) violations ; (ii) Generation mix in terms of source and station wise genera tion ; (iii) Irregular pattern in any of the system parameters mentioned in Clause 1(a) (i) and Clause 1(a) (ii) of Regulation 37 of these Regulations and reasons thereof ; and (iv) Extreme weather events or any other event affecting the grid security. (b) Such analysis shall be disclosed on their respective website in formats issued by (c) RLDCs shall prepare a quarterly report which shall bring out the system constraints, reasons for not meeting the requirements, if any, of security standards and qualit y of service, along with details of actions taken, including by those responsible for causing disturbances in the system parameters. (d) RLDCs shall also provide such report to the concerned RPC. (e) For the purpose of analysis and reporting, telemetered data sha ll be archived with granularity of not more than five (5) minutes and higher granularity for special events. Such data shall be stored by SLDC s, RLDC s and NLDC for at least fifteen (15) years and reports shall be stored for twenty -five (25) years for opera tional analysis. (2) Event reporting Event reporting shall make available adequate data to facilitate event analysis. (a) Immediately following an event ( grid disturbance or grid incidence as defined in CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010) in the system, the co ncerned user or SLDC shall inform the RLDC through voice message. (b) Written flash report shall be submitted to RLDC and SLDC by the concerned user within the time line specified in the Table 8 below. (c) Disturbance Recorder (DR), station Event Logger (EL), Data Acquisition System (DAS) shall be submitted within time line specified in the Table 8 (d) RLDC shall report the event (grid disturbance or grid incidence) to CEA, RPC and all regional entities within twenty -four (24) hours of receipt of the flash (e) After complete analysis of the event, user shall submit a detailed report in case of grid disturbance or grid incidence within one (1) week of occurrence of event to RLDC and RPC. (f) RLDC s and NLDC (for events involving more than one region) shall prepare a draft report of each grid disturbance or grid incidence including simulation results and analysis which shall be discussed and finalized at Protection sub -committee of RPC as per timeline specifi ed in the table below. TABLE 8: REPORT SUBMISSION TIM ELINE No. Grid Event^ (Classification) Flash report submission Disturbance record and station event log submission SLDC) Detailed report and submission SLDC) Draft report submission Discussion in protection committee meeting and final report submission deadline (RPC) 1 GI-1\/GI -2 8 hours 24 hours +7 days +14 days +30 days 2 Near miss * 8 hours 24 hours +7 days +30 days +30 days 3 GD -1 8 hours 24 hours +7 days +14 days +30 days 4 GD -2\/GD -3 8 hours 24 hours +7 days +21 days +30 days 5 GD -4\/GD -5 8 hours 24 hours +7 days +30 days +30 days ^The classification of Grid Disturbance (GD)\/Grid Incident (GI) shall be as per the CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010. *Near miss event means an incident of multiple failures that had the potential to cause a grid disturbance, power failure or partial collapse but did not result in a grid disturbance. (g) The implementation of the recommendations of final report shall be monitored in the protection sub -committee of the RPC. NLDC shall disseminate the lessons learnt from each event to all the RPCs for neces sary action in the respective region s. (h) Any additional data such as single line diagram (SLD) of station, protection relay settings, HVDC transient fault record, switchyard equipment and any other relevant station data required for carrying out analysis of an event by RPC, NLDC, RLDC and SLDC shall be furnished by the users including RLDC and SLDC, as the case may be , within forty - eight (48) hours of the request. All users shall also furnish high -resolution analog data from various instruments including po wer electronic devices like HVDC, FACTS, renewable generation on the request of RPC s, NLDC, RLDC s or SLDC s. (i) Triggering of STATCOM, TCSC, HVDC run -back, HVDC power oscillation damping, generating station power system stabilizer and any other controller sys tem during any event in the grid shall be reported to the concerned RLDC and RPC if connected to ISTS and to the concerned SLDC if connected to intra -state system. The transient fault records and event logger data shall be submitted to the concerned RLDC o r SLDC within 24 hours of occurrence of the incident. (j) A monthly report on events of unintended operation or non -operation of protection system shall be prepared and submitted by each user to concerned RPC and RLDC within the first week of the subsequent month. 38. PERIODIC REPORTS (1) Daily and monthly report s covering performance of the integrated grid shall be prepared by NLDC. (2) Daily and monthly report s covering the performance of the regional grid shall be prepared by each RLDC based on the inputs received fro m SLDCs and users. (3) The reports shall inter -alia contain the following: (i) Frequency profile; (ii) Source wise generation for each control area; (iii) Drawal from the grid and area control error; (iv) Demand met (peak, off -peak and average); (v) Demand\/Energy unserved in MW and M Wh; (vi) Instances and quantum of curtailment of renewable energy; (vii) Voltage profile of important substations and sub -stations normally having low or high voltage; (viii) Major generation and transmission outages; (ix) Constraints and instances of congestion in transmission system; (x) Instances of persistent\/significant non -compliance of Grid Code; (xi) Status of reservoirs. (4) The NLDC shall prepare a quarterly report providing operational feedback for grid planning and re -optimization and submit to CTU and CEA and upload on its websi te. 39. REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT (1) All users shall endeavour to maintain the voltage at interconnection point in the range specified in the Grid Code. (2) All generating station s shall be capable of supplying dynamically varying reactive power support so as to main tain power factor within the limits as per the CEA Connectivity Standard Regulations (3) All generating stations connected to the grid shall generate or absorb reactive power as per instructions of the concerned RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be. within capabil ity limits of the respective generating units. Explanation: Capability limit of a generating unit shall be as specified by the OEM. (4) NLDC, RLDC s or SLDC s may direct the users about reactive power set -points, voltage set -points and power factor control to m aintain the voltage at interconnection point s. (5) NLDC, RLDC s and SLDC s shall assess the dynamic reactive power reserve available at various substations or generating stations under any credible contingency on a regular basis based on technical details and data provided by the (6) NLDC, RLDC s and SLDC s shall take appropri ate measures to maintain the voltage within limits inter -alia using following facilities and facility owner shall abide by the instructions of NLDC , RLDCs and SLDCs : (i) shunt reactors , (ii) shunt capacitors , (iii) TCSC , (iv) VSC based HVDC , (v) synchronous\/non -synchronous generator voltage control , (vi) synchronous condenser , (vii) static VAR compensators (SVC), STATCOM and other FACTS devices , (viii) transformer tap change: generator transformer and inter -connecting transformer , (ix) HVDC power order or HVDC controll er selection to optimise filter bank . (7) Reactive power facility shall be in operation at all times and shall not be taken out without the permission of the concerned RLDC or SLDC. (8) Periodic or seasonal tap changing of inter -connecting transformers and genera tor transformers shall be carried out to optimize the voltages and if required , other options such as tap staggering may be carried out in the network. (9) Hydro and gas generating units having capability shall operate in synchronous condenser mode operation a s per instructions of RLDC or SLDC of the respective control area. Standalone synchronous condenser units shall operate as per instructions of RLDC or SLDC, as per respective control area. (10) Any commercial settlement for reactive power shall be governed as per regulatory framework specified in Annexure 4 until the same is separately notified as part of the CERC Ancillary Services Regulations . (11) If voltages are outside the limit as specified in clause (15) of Regulation 29 of these regulations and the means of voltage control set out in Clause (6) of this Regulation are exhausted, in that event SLDC s, RLDC s or NLDC shall take all reasonable actions necessary to restore the voltages so as to be within the relevant limits including opening of lines considering security of system. 40. FIELD TESTING FOR MODEL VALIDATION (1) There shall be periodic tests as required under Clause (3) of this Regulation to be carried out on power system elements for ascertaining correctness of mathematical models used for simulation studies as well as ensuring desired performance during an event in the system. (2) General provisions (a) The owner of the power system element shall be responsible to carry out test s as specified in these regulations and for submission of report s to NLDC, RLDC s, CEA and CTU for all elements and to STU s and SLDC s for intra -State elements. (b) All equipment owner s shall submit a testing plan for the next year to the concerned RPC by 31st October for ensuring proper coordination duri ng testing as per the schedule. In case of any change in the schedule, the owner s shall inform the concerned RPC in advance. (c) The tests shall be performed once in every five (5) years or whenever major retrofitting is done or if necessitated earlier due to any adverse performance observed during any grid event. (d) The owner s of the power system elements shall implement the recommendations , if any , suggested in the test reports by the concerned RPC in consultation with NLDC, RLDC, CEA and CTU. (3) Testing requiremen ts The following tests shall be carried out on respective power system elements: TABLE 9: TESTS REQUIRED FOR PO WER SYSTEM ELEMENTS Power System Elements Tests Applicability Synchronous Generator (1) Real and Reactive Power Capability assessment. (2) Reactive Power Control Capability (As per CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007) assessment . (3) Model Validation and verification test for the complete Generator and Excitation System model including PSS. (4) Model Validation and verification of Individual Unit of rating 100MW and above for Coal\/lignite, above gas turbine and 25 MW and above Power System Elements Tests Applicability Turbine\/Governor and Load Control or Active Power\/ Frequency Control Functions. (5) Testing of Governor performance and Automatic Generation Control. for Hydro. synchronous Generator (Solar\/Wind) (1) Real and Reactive Power Capability for Generator (2) Power Plant Controller Function Test (3) Frequency Response Test (4) Fault Ride through Test (sample testing of a unit in the generating stations). Applicable as per CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity ) Regulations, HVDC\/FACTS Devices (1) Damping capability of HVDC\/FACTS Controller (2) Frequency Controller Capability of HVDC Controller (3) Reactive Power Controller (RPC) Capability for HVDC\/FACTS (4) Validation of voltage dependent current order limiter (VDCOL) characteristic for ensuring proper validation of HVDC performance (5) Filter bank adequacy assessment based on present grid condition. (6) Validation of response by FACTS devices as per s ettings. To all ISTS HVDC as well as Intra -State HVDC\/FACTS 41. CAPACITY BUILDING AND CERTIFICATION Capacity building, skill upgradation and certification of the personnel deployed in load despatch centres shall be done periodically under an institutional framework through accredited certifying agency (ies). CHAPTER 7 SCHEDULING AND DESPA TCH CODE 42. INTRODUCTION This chapter deals with the procedure for scheduling injection and drawal of power by the regional entities and the modalities for exchange of information including scheduling for intra -state and cross -border entities transacting power through Inter -State Transmission System. This chapter also covers provisions in respect of control area jurisdiction. 43. CONTROL AREA JURISDICTION OF LOAD DESPATCH CENTER (1) The national grid shall be demarcated into Regional and State control areas and each control area shall be under the jurisdiction of RLDC or SLDC, as the case may (2) The RLDCs shall be responsible for scheduling and despatch of electricity , monitoring of real time grid operations and management of the reserves including energy storage system and demand response within its control area, supervision and control over the inter -state transmission system, processing of interface energy meter dat a and coordinating the accounting and settlement of regional pool account. (3) The SLDCs shall be responsible for scheduling and despatch of electricity, monitoring of real time grid operations and management of the reserves including energy storage system and demand response within its State control area, supervision and control over the intra -State transmission system, processing of interface energy meter data and coordinating the accounting and settlement of State pool account, as may be specified by the app ropriate State Commission. (4) The entities connected only to inter -State transmission system shall be under control area jurisdiction of RLDC s for scheduling and despatch of electricity for such entities. (5) Entities connected to both inter -State transmission sy stem and intra -State transmission system shall be under control area jurisdiction of RLDC, if more than 50% of quantum of connectivity is with ISTS, and if more than 50% of the quantum of connectivity is with intra -State transmission system, then it shall be under control area jurisdiction of SLDC. (6) In case an entity is connected to both inter -State transmission system and intra -State transmission system, the load despatch centre responsible for scheduling such entity shall coordinate with the concerned RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be, with a view to ensuring grid security. 44. RESPONSIBILITIES OF LOAD DESPATCH CENTRES (1) The Regional Load Despatch Centre, in discharge of its functions under the Act, shall be responsible for the following, within its regional control area: (a) Forecasting of demand based on the inputs from SLDCs (under clause (2) of Regulation 31 of these regulations ) and other regional entities for each time block on day -ahead and intraday basis. (b) Forecasting of generation from wind and solar generating stations, which are regional entities, for each time block on day -ahead and intraday basis: Provided that such forecasts may be used by the wind and solar generating stations at their own risk and discretion along with all commercial liabilities arising out of it . (c) Scheduling of electricity within the region which includes: (i) Injection and drawal schedule for regional entities, cross -border entities, in accordance with the contracts; (ii) Incorporation of schedules under collective transactions for regional entities; (iii) optimisation of scheduling inter alia through Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED); (d) Secure operation of grid by: (i) Balancing demand and supply to minimize Area Control Error (ACE); (ii) Maintaining and despatching reserves in accordance with these regulations and Ancillary Services Regulations. (e) Assessment of transmission capacity for inter -State transmission system for secure operation of the grid including but not limited to: (i) Assessment of TTC and ATC for inter -regional, intra -regional and inter -State level s for its region and submit to NLDC. (ii) Assessment of TTC and ATC for import or export of electricity for a State in coordination with concerned SLDC and submit to NLDC. (f) Publication of TTC and ATC, as finalised by NLDC, with all the assumptions and constraints on its website . (g) Running of a Security Constraint Unit Commitment (SCUC) for regional entity generating station s. (2) The National Load Despatch Centre, in discharge of its functions under the Act, shall be responsible for the following: (a) Optimum scheduling and despatch of electricity over inter -regional links amongst Regional Load Despatch Centers ; (b) Coordination with Regional Load Despatch Centers for the energy accounting of inter -regional exchange of power ; (c) Coordination and scheduling of trans -national exchange of power ; (d) Coordination of the set -points of all HVDCs within the country and cross -bord er HVDC interconnections ; (e) Finalising the TTC and ATC with all assumptions and limitations based on inputs received from RLDCs and publishing the same on its website ; (f) Finalising SCED and SCUC through RLDCs and publishing the same on its website ; (g) Furnishing availability of transmission corridors to the Power Exchange(s) for day ahead and real time collective transactions and in case of congestion, allocating available transmission corridors among Power Exchange(s) in the ratio of initial unconstrained market clearing volume in the respective Power Exchange(s). (3) The State Load Despatch Centre in discharge of its functions under the Act and for stable, smooth and secure operation of the integrated grid, shall be responsible for the following in its control area: (a) Forecasting demand for its control area under Regulation 31(2) for each time block on day -ahead and intra -day basis ; (b) Forecasting of generation from wind and solar generating stations under its jurisdiction for each time block on day -ahead and intra -day basis ; Provided that such forecasts may be used by the wind and solar generating stations at their own risk and discretion along with all commercial liabilities arising out of it ; (c) Scheduling and despatch for the entities in the State control area in accordance with contracts .; (d) Balancing demand and supply to minimize Area Control Error (ACE) for the (e) Maintaining and despatching reserves ; (f) Declaring Total Transfer Capacity and Available Transfer Capacity in respect of import and export of electricity of its control area with inter -State transmission system in coordination with the Central Transmission Utility and revising the same from time to time based on grid conditions (4) Damodar Valley Corporation and Settlement Nodal Agency shall carry out the responsibilities in their respective control area, in accordance with clause (2) of this Regulation, for stable, smooth and secure operation of the integrated grid. 45. GENERAL PROVISIONS (1) Details of regional entity generating stations to be published by RLDC (a) RLDC s shall publish list of all regional entity generating stations within their control area , which shall be updated quarterly on its website along with details such as station capacity, allocated share of beneficiaries, contracted quantum by buy ers and balance available capacity. (b) RLDC s shall also publish details, as applicable, for regional entity generating stations other than renewable generating stations, as submitted by such generating stations in accordance with Regulation 20 of these regulations . (c) RLDC shall publish the details, as applicable, for all regional entity renewable generating stations as submitted by such generating stations in accordance with Annexure -5. (2) The regional entity generating stations must be capable of receiving the load setpoint signals from the RLDC s\/NLDC as per CEA Technical Standards for Connectivity. (3) List of Drawee Regional Entities: RLDC s shall update on quarterly basis the list of all drawee regional entities within their respective control area and post the same on their website s along with allocated or contracted quantum from all entities excluding the intra -State entit ies within their control area. (4) Entitlement of a buyer and beneficiary: (a) In cases of allocation of power from central generating station by the Central Government, each beneficiary shall be entitled for MW despatch out of declared capacity of such generating station, in proportion to its share allocation. (b) For all other cases not covered under Clause (a), the buyer shall be entitled for MW d espatch out of declared capacity of regional entity generating station as per its contracts. (c) The entitlement from regional entity generating station shall be rounded off up to two (2) decimal points for the purposes of scheduling and accounting. (5) Requirement for Commencement of Scheduling: (a) The following documents shall be submitted to the respective RLDC before commencement of schedu ling of transactions under GNA or T -GNA, as the case (i) Grant of GNA with effective date, by the seller s and the buyer s; (ii) Grant of T -GNA with effective date , by the buyer s; (iii) Declaration by the seller s and the buyer s about existence of valid contract s for the transaction s. (iv) Copies of the valid contract s by the seller s and the buyer s, for transactions other than collective transactions. (b) In case of allocation of power from the central generating station s by the Central Government, the concerned RLDC shall obtain the share allocation of each beneficiary issued by RPC. (6) Adherence to Schedule: Each regional entity shall regulate its generation or demand or both, as the case may be, so as to adhere to schedule of net injection into or net drawal from the inter -State transmission system. (7) Area Control Error: The concerned Load D espatch Centre and other drawee regional entities shall keep their Area Control Error close to zero (0) by deploying reserves and automatic demand management scheme . (8) Declaration of Declared Capacity by Regional entity generating stations (a) The regional entity generating station shall declare ex -bus Declared Capacity , limited to 100% MCR, on day ahead basis as per provisions of Regulation 47 of these regulations. Provided that in case of REGS or ESS the available capacity shall be declared by such regional entity generating station . (b) The regional entity generating station s may be required to demonstrate the declared capacity of their generating station s as and when directed by the concerned RLDC. For this purpose, RLDC, in coordination with SLDC and the beneficiaries, shall schedule the regional entity generating station upto its declared capacity as declared on day ahead basis at time of first declarati on. RLDC shall ask each generating station, at least once in a year, to demonstrate the declared capacity. (c) The schedule issued by the RLDC shall be binding on the beneficiaries for such testing of declared capacity of the regional entity generating station . In case the generating station fails to demonstrate the declared capacity, it shall be treated as mis -declaration for which charges shall be levied on the generating station by RPC as follows: The charges for the first mis -declaration for a block or multiple blocks in a day shall be the charges corresponding to two days fixed charges at normative availability. For the second mis -declaration, the charges shall be corresponding to four days fixed charges at normative availability and for subsequent mis -declarations, the charges shall increase in a geometric progression over a period of a month. (9) Ramping Rate to be Declared for Scheduling: (a) The regional entity generating station shall declare the ramping rate along with the declaration of day -ahead declared capacity in the following manne r, which shall be accounted for in the preparation of generation schedules: (i) Coal or lignite fired plants shall declare a ramp up or ramp down rate of not less than 1% of ex -bus capacity corresponding to MCR on bar per minute ; (ii) Gas power plants shall declare a ramp up or ramp down rate of not less than 3% of ex -bus capacity corresponding to MCR on bar per minute ; (iii) Hydro power plants shall declare a ramp up or ramp down rate of not less than 10% of ex -bus capacity corresponding to MCR on bar per minute ; (iv) Renewable Energy generating station shall declare a ramp up or ramp down rate as per CEA Connectivity Standards. (10) Optimum Utilization of Hydro Energy (a) During high inflow and water spillage conditions, for Storage type generating station and Run of-River Generating Station with Pondage, the declared capacity for the day may be upto the installed capacity plus overload capability (upto 10%) minus auxiliary consumption, corrected for the reservoir level. (b) During high inflow and water spillage conditions, the concerned RLDC shall allow scheduling of power from hydro generating stations for the overload capability upto 10% of Installed capacity without the requirement of additional GNA for such overload capacity, subject to av ailability of margins in the transmission system. (11) Scheduling of renewable energy generating station by QCA (a) The regional entity renewable energy generating station(s) or Projects based on energy storage system(s) connected at a particular ISTS substation or at multiple ISTS substations may appoint a QCA on their behalf to coordinate and facilitate scheduling for such generating stations or energy storage system(s). (b) NLDC shall notify a proc edure for aggregation of pooling stations for the purpose of combined scheduling and deviation settlement for wind or solar or renewable hybrid generating stations within six (6) months of notification of these regulations. (c) The QCA shall be registered with concerned RLDC. (d) QCA registered with the concerned RLDC shall, on behalf of wind, solar or renewable hybrid generating stations: (i) Coordinate and facilitate scheduling of power with the concerned RLDC; (ii) Undertake commercial settlement of deviations with the concerned RLDC in accordance with the DSM Regulations. (e) The concerned wind, solar or renewable hybrid generating stations including energy storage systems shall indemnify the RLDC for any act of commission or omission on the part of QCA including compliance with the Grid Code and settlement of its financial liability in the pooled account. (f) Any dispute arising between the generating stations and QCA shall be resolved in accordance with the mechanis m in the contracts entered into between them. (12) Minimum turndown level for thermal generating stations The minimum turndown level for operation in respect of a unit of a regional entity thermal generating station shall be 55% of MCR of the said unit : Provided that the Commission may fix through an order a different minimum turndown level of operation in respect of specific unit(s) of a regional entity thermal generating station : Provided further that such generating station on its own option may declare a minimum turndown level below 55% of MCR :. Provided also that the regional entity thermal generating stations shall be compensated for generation below the normative level either as per the mechanism in the Tariff Regulations or in terms of the contract entered into by such generating station with the beneficiaries or buyers, as the case may be. (13) Scheduling of Inter -Regional and Cross -Border Transactions (a) NLDC shall prepare schedule for cross -border exchange of power which shall be on net of the country basis ; (b) NLDC shall coordinate scheduling and despatch of electricity over inter -regional links with concerned RLDCs. (14) A generating station or ESS or a drawee entity shall be allowed to schedule injection or drawal only upto its effective GNA quantum or T -GNA quantu m, as applicable, in accordance with the GNA Regulations. (15) A generating station including renewable energy generating station shall be allowed to draw power from ISTS during non -generation hours, whether before COD or after COD, only after obtaining schedul e for such drawal of power in accordance with a valid contract entered into by it with a seller or distribution licensee or through power exchange . 46. SECURITY CONSTRAINED UNIT COMMITMENT (SCUC) (1) The objective of Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) is to commit a generating station or unit thereof, for maximisation of reserves in the interest of grid security, without altering the entitlements and schedule of the buyers of the said generating station in the day ahead time horizon . (2) Reserves shall be procured and deployed in accordance with the Ancillary Service s Regulations, and SCUC shall supplement such procurement of reserves under certain conditions, as specified in this Regulati on. (3) SCUC shall be undertaken if the NLDC, in coordination with RLDCs and based on assessment of the power system condition , anticipates that there is likely to be a shortage of reserves despite efforts made to procure such reserves in accordance with Ancil lary Services Regulations. (4) The SCUC may be undertaken on day ahead basis, in respect of the generating stations or units thereof, for which tariffs are determined by the Commission under section 62 of the Act, as per the following process: (a) By 1330 Hrs of D -1 day, being the day of delivery, NLDC in coordination with RLDCs shall publish a tentative list of generating stations or units thereof, which are likely to be scheduled below the minimum turn down level of the respective stations for some or al l the time blocks of the D day, based on beneficiary requisitions and initial unconstrained bid results of DAM in power exchanges, received till 1300 Hrs of the D -1 day. (b) Beneficiaries of such stations, whose units are likely to be scheduled below minimum t urndown level for some or all time blocks of the D day, shall be permitted to revise their requisitions from such stations by 1630 Hrs of D -1 day, in order to enable such units to be on bar. The revised requisition from the said generating stations, once c onfirmed by the beneficiaries by 1630 Hrs of D -1 day, shall be final and binding after 1630 Hrs of D -1 day and further reduction in drawal schedule shall not be allowed from such stations for such time blocks. (c) After 1630 Hrs, the NLDC in coordination with RLDCs shall prepare the final list of such generating units that are likely to go below their minimum turndown level and such generating units shall be stacked as per merit order, that is, in the order of the lowest variable charge to the highest variable charge. The generating units so identified shall be considered for undertaking SCUC. (d) If the NLDC in coordination with RLDCs, after considering the bid results as finalized and available from DAM -AS, anticipates shortfall of reserves in D day due to (i) ext reme variation in weather conditions; (ii) high load forecast; (iii) the requirement of maintaining reserves on regional or all India basis for grid security; (iv) network congestion, NLDC may schedule incremental energy from the generating units in the li st referred to in sub -clause (c) of clause 4 of this Regulation, so as to bring such units to their minimum turndown level, in order to maximize availability of on -bar units, by 1800 Hrs. of D -1 day and update the list on the respective RLDC website. (e) In order to maintain load generation balance consequent to scheduling of incremental generation as per sub -clause (d) of clause 4 of this Regulation, the NLDC in coordination with RLDCs, shall make commensurate reduction in generation from the on -bar gener ating station(s), subject to technical constraints, starting with the highest variable charge in the stack of generating stations maintained for the purpose of SCED in accordance with these regulations .. (f) The generating station from which incremental energ y has been scheduled as per sub -clause (d) of clause 4 of this Regulation shall be paid from the Deviation and Ancillary Services Pool Account, for the energy charge equivalent to the incremental energy scheduled, and the generating station from which reduction in generation has been directed as per sub-clause (e) of clause (4) of this Regulation shall pay back to the Deviation and Ancillary Services Pool Account, the energy charge equivalent to the decremental energy. (g) The URS power over and above the minimum turn down level, available in the generatin g station or unit thereof, brought on -bar under clause 4(d) of this Regulation shall be deemed to be available for use as SRAS or TRAS or both in terms of the Ancillary Services Regulations. (h) UNIT SHUT DOWN (USD) (i) The generating stations or units thereof, identified by NLDC in co -ordination with RLDCs, as per Clause (4) (c) of Regulation 46 of these regulations, but not brought on bar under SCUC, shall have the option to operate at a level below the minimum turn down level or to go under Unit Shut Down (US D). (ii) In case a generating station, or unit thereof, opts to go under unit shut down (USD), the generating company owning such generating station or unit thereof shall fulfil its obligation to supply electricity to its beneficiaries who had made requisition from the said generating station prior to it going under USD, by entering into a contract(s) covered under the Power Market Regulation or by arranging supply from any other generating station o r unit thereof owned by such generating company subject to honouring of rights of the original beneficiaries of the said generating station or unit thereof from which supply is arranged . 47. PROCEDURE FOR SCHEDULING AND DESPATCH FOR INTER -STATE TRANSACTIONS (1) The following scheduling related activities shall be carried out on daily basis for regional entities, on day ahead basis, day, for supply of power on day, as follows: (a) Declaration of Declared Capacity by generating stations: (i) The generating station based on coal and lignite shall submit the following information for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 6 AM on (a) Time block -wise On -bar Declared Capacity (MW) for on -bar units ; (b) Time block -wise Off-bar Declared Capacity (MW) for off-bar units ; (c) Time block -wise Ramp up rate (MW\/min) for on -bar capacity ; (d) Time block -wise Ramp down rate (MW\/min) for on -bar capacity ; (e) MWh capability for the day ; (f) Minimum turndown level (MW) and in percentage (%) of ex-bus capacity on -bar ;. (ii) The generating station based on hydro energy shall submit the following information for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 6 AM on (a) Time block -wise ex-bus declared capacity ; (b) MWh capability for the day ; (c) Ex-bus peaking capability in MW and MWh ; (d) Time block -wise Ramp up rate (MW\/min) for on -bar capacity ; (e) Time block -wise Ramp down rate (MW\/min) for on -bar capacity ; (f) Unit -wise forbidden zones in MW and percentage (%) of ex -bus installed capacity ; (g) Minimum MW and duration corresponding to requirement of water release for irrigation, drinking water and other considerations. (iii) The generating station based on gas or combined cycle generating station shall submit the following for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 6 AM on (a) Time block -wise On-bar Declared Capacity (DC) for the station in MW separately for each fuel such as domestic gas, RLNG or liquid fuel and On-bar units; (b) Time block wise Off -bar Declared Capacity(MW) and off -bar units ; (c) MWh capability for the next day; (d) Time block wise Ramp up rate (MW\/min) for on -bar capacity; (e) Time block wise Ramp down rate (MW\/min) for on -bar capacity; (f) Minimum turndown level (MW) and in percentage (%) of ex -bus capacity (iv) The renewable energy generating station, individually or represented by a lead generator or QCA, shall submit aggregate available capacity of the pooled generation and aggregate schedule along with contract -wise breakup for each time block for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 6 AM on (v) ESS including pumped storage plant, individually or represented by lead ESS or QCA on their behalf, shall submit aggregate available capacity of the pooled generation and aggregate schedule along with contract -wise breakup for each time -block for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 6 AM on (vi) The availability declaration by regional entity generating station shall have a resolution of two decimal (0.01) MW and three decimal (0.001) MWh. (b) Entitlement of each beneficiary or buyer : (i) For generating station, where Central Government has allocated power, each State shall be entitled to a MW despatch up to the States Share in the stationdeclared capacity for the day. Accordingly, based on declared capacity of such generating station, RLDC shall declare entitled share of each beneficiary or buyer for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 7 AM on (ii) The generating station other than those having allocation of power by the Central Government shall indicate the declared cap acity along with respective share of the beneficiary(ies) or buyers in accordance with the contracts entered with them . Based on declared capacity of such generating station and share of the beneficiaries or buyers as indicated by such generating station, RLDC shall declare share of each beneficiary or buyer for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 7 AM on (c) The requisition for scheduling of intra -State entities shall be as submitted by the regional entity buyers and regional entity sellers in accordance with the contracts entered between them . (d) The requisition for cross -border schedule along with its breakup from various sources shall be submitted by Settlement Nodal Agency ( SNA) for 0000 hours to 2400 hours of the day, by 7 AM on (e) Requisition of schedule by buyers who are GNA grantees : (i) Based on the entitlement declared in accordance with sub -clause (b) of clause (1) of Regulation 47 of these regulations, SLDC on behalf of intra -State entities which are drawee GNA grantees, shall furnish time block -wise requisition for drawal to concerned RLDC in accordance with the contracts, by 8 AM of (ii) Other drawee GNA grantees who are regional entities shall furnish time block -wise requisition for drawal to the concerned RLDC in accordance with contracts, by 8 AM of (iii) The SLDC on behalf of the intra -State entities which are drawee GNA grantees, as well as other drawee GNA grantees while furnishing time block -wise requisition under this Regulation shall duly factor in merit order of the generating stations with which it has entered into contract(s): Provided that the renewable energy generating stations shall not be subjected to merit order d espatch, and subject to technical constraints shall be requisitioned first followed by requisition from other generating stations in merit order. (f) Allocation of corridors by RLDC for GNA grantees (i) RLDC shall check if drawl schedules as requisitioned by drawee GNA grantees can be allowed based on available transmission capability : Provided that in case of constraint in transmission system, the available transmission corridor shall be allocated to the drawee GNA grantees in proportion to their GNA within the region or from outside region, depending upon the transmission constraint, whether it is within the region or from outside the r egion, as the case may be. The same shall be intimated to drawee GNA grantees by 8.15 AM on (ii) GNA grantees shall revise their requisition for drawl schedule based on availability of transmission corridors for such grantee by 8.30 AM on (iii) RLDC shall issue final drawl schedules for GNA grantees by 9 AM on (iv) For the purpose of Use of GNA by other GNA grantees as specified in GNA Regulations, the GNA shared with other entity shall considered as GNA of the new entity . (g) Requisition of schedule by T -GNA grantees (i) Based on the entitlement or otherwise, SLDC on behalf of intra -State entities which are T -GNA grantees, shall furnish time block -wise requisition for drawl to the concerned RLDC in accordance with contracts by 9 AM of (ii) Other drawee T -GNA grantees who are regional entities , shall furnish time block -wise requisition for drawl to concerned RLDC in accordance with contracts by 9 (iii) Allocation of corridors by RLDC for T -GNA grantees RLDC shall check if drawl schedules as requisitioned by T -GNA grantees can be granted based on available transmission capabil ity after allocating corridors to GNA grantees. Provided that in case of constraint in transmission system, the available transmission corridor shall be allocated to the T -GNA grantees in proportion to their T -GNA. (iv) RLDC shall issue final drawl schedules for T -GNA grantees by 9.30 AM of (h) RLDC shall release the balance corridors after finalisation of schedules for GNA and T-GNA grantees for day ahead collective transactions. (i) The generating station whose tariff is determined under Section 62 of the Act, may sell its unrequisitioned surplus as available at 10 AM in the day ahead market. (j) Scheduling of collective transactions: (i) Power Exchange(s) shall open bidding window for day ahead collective transactions from 10 AM to 11.30 AM of (ii) The power exchange shall submit the day -ahead provisional trade schedules along with net power interchange of each bid area and region to NLDC by 12.00 (iii) NLDC shall validate the same from system security angle and inform the power exchange with revisions required, if any, due to transmission congestion or any other system constraint by 12.30 PM of (iv) The power exchange sh all submit the final trade schedules to NLDC for regional entities and to SLDC for intra -State entities by 1.00 PM of (k) RLDC shall release balance corridors after finalisation of schedules under day ahead collective transactions by 1.00 PM of (l) RLDC shall process exigency applications received till 1 PM of day for the day by 2 PM of (m) RLDC shall update the availability of balance transmission corridors, if any, after finalisation of schedules for exigency applications under clause (l) by 2.00 PM of day on its website. The balance transmission corridor may be utilised by GNA grantees by way of revision of schedule, as per clause (4) of Regulation 47 of these regulations, under any contract within its GNA or for exigency applications or in real time market on first cum first serve basis. (n) Procedure for scheduling of transaction in Real -time market (RTM) (i) All the entities participating in the real -time market may place their bids and offers on the Power Exchange(s) for purchase and sale of power. (ii) The window for trade in real -time market for day (D) shall open from 22.45 hrs to 23.00 hrs of (D -1) for the delivery of power for the first two time -blocks of 1st hour of day (D) i.e., 00.00 hrs to 00.30 hrs, and will be repeated every half an hour thereafter. (iii) NLDC shall indicate to the Power Exchange(s) the available margin on each of the transmission corridors before the gate closure. (iv) The power exchanges shall clear t he real -time bids from 23.00 hrs till 23.15 hrs of day based on the available transmission corridor and the buy and sell bids for the real time market (RTM) for the specified duration. (v) The cleared bids shall be submitted by the Power Exchanges to th e NLDC for scheduling. The NLDC shall announce the final schedule by 23.45 hrs of day and communicate to the RLDCs to prepare the schedule for d espatch. (o) Issuance of day -ahead schedule: RLDC shall convey the following for the next day to all regional and other entities involved in inter -state transactions after each step of finalisation of schedules for GNA grantees and T -GNA grantees: (i) The ex -power plant schedule to each of the regional entity generating station, in MW for different time blocks along with breakup of schedule for each beneficiary or buyer. net drawal schedule for each regional entity in MW for each time block. (iii) All requisitions and schedules shall be rounded off to the nearest two decimals at each control area boundary for each of the transaction and shall have a resolution of 0.01 MW. (p) Issue of schedules by SLDC: (i) SLDC s shall take into account the schedule released by the concerned RLDC for their intra -State entities and finalise the intra -State schedule. (ii) Power Exchange(s) shall furnish the detailed break up of each point of injection and each point of drawal within each State to respective SLDCs after receipt of acceptance from NLDC. Power Exchange(s) shall ensure necessary coordination with SLDCs for sche duling of the transactions. (2) Additional factors to be considered while finalising schedule (a) Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) (i) The objective of Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) is to optimise generation despatch after gate closure in the real time market, by incrementing generation from the generating stations with cheaper variable charge and decrementing commensurate generation from the generating station with higher variable charge, after taking into a ccount the operational and technical constraints of generation and transmission facilities. (ii) NLDC shall be the nodal agency for implementing Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) through RLDCs for the generating stations connected to inter -State tr ansmission system that are willing to participate under SCED. (iii) The generating stations, including those for which the tariff is determined by the Commission under Section 62 of the Act, willing to participate in SCED shall declare at their discretion, the v ariable charges upfront to NLDC on weekly basis after factoring in likely changes in fuel cost and part load compensation, if any. (iv) NLDC shall prepare stack of URS available in such generating stations from the lowest variable charge to the highest variabl e charge in each time block. After gate closure in the real time market, the generating stations so identified shall be instructed and despatched for SCED Up in the order of the lowest variable charge to the highest variable charge, after taking into accou nt ramp up or ramp down rate, response time, transmission congestion and such other parameters as stipulated in the Detailed Procedure. Corresponding to the incremental generation under SCED Up, instruction and d espatch for SCED Down shall be given to the generating stations in the order of the highest variable charge to the lowest variable charge subject to ramp up or ramp down rate, response time, transmission congestion and such other parameters as stipulated in the Detailed Procedure. (v) The deviation in respect of such generating stations shall be settled with reference to their revised schedule. The increment or decrement of generation under SCED shall not form part of schedule considered under ancillary service s for such generating stations. (vi) The schedul e of beneficiaries shall not be changed on account of SCED. Buyers or beneficiaries shall continue to pay the charges for the scheduled energy directly to the generating station(s) participating in the SCED. (vii) NLDC shall open a separate bank account called National Pool Account . All payments to and from the generating station(s) on account of SCED schedules shall flow from and to the said National Pool Account (viii) For any increment in the generation schedule on account of SCED, the participatin g generator shall be paid from the National Pool Account at the rate of its variable charge declared upfront by the generator. For any decrement in the generation schedule on account of SCED, the participating generator shall pay to the National Pool Account (SCED)the rate of variable charge. (ix) The net saving to the generating stations shall be shared between the beneficiaries or buyers and the generating stations as per the prevailing Tariff Regulations in respect of the generating stations whose tariff is determined by the Commission under Section 62 of the Act and in respect of other generating stations as per the terms of the contracts with their respective buyers or beneficiaries . (x) NLDC shall publish the Detailed Procedure for SCED within two months of the notification of the se regulations after stakeholder consultation and intimate the Commission. (b) Margins for primary response: For the purpose of ensuring primary response, RLDCs and SLDCs, as the case may be, shall not schedule the generating station or unit(s) thereof beyond ex -bus generation corresponding to 100% of the Installed capacity of the generating station or unit(s) thereof. The generating station shall not resort to Valve Wide Open (VWO) operation of units , whether running on full load or part load, and shall ensure that there is margin available for providing governor action as primary response. In case of gas or liquid fuel -based units, suitable adjustment in Installed Capacity should be made by RLDCs and SLDCs, as the case may be, for scheduling in due consideration the prevailing ambient conditions of temperature and pressure -vis site amb ient conditions on which installed capacity of the generating station or unit(s) thereof have been specified: Provided that the hydro generating stations shall be permitted to schedule ex -bus generation corresponding to 110% of the installed capacity duri ng high inflow periods to avoid spillage: (3) Power to revise schedules: (a) Curtailment of Scheduled transactions for grid security When for the reason of transmission constraints or in the interest of grid security, it becomes inevitable to curtail power flow o n a transmission corridor, the transactions already scheduled may be curtailed by the Regional Load Despatch Centre (keeping in view the transaction which is likely to relieve the threat to grid security) as follows: (i) Transactions under T -GNA shall be cur tailed first followed by transactions under GNA. (ii) Transactions under T - GNA shall be curtailed in the following order: (a) Within transactions under T -GNA, bilateral transactions shall be curtailed first followed by collective transactions under day ahead market followed by collective transactions under real time market; (b) Within bilateral transactions under T -GNA, curtailment shall be done first from generation sources other than wind, solar, wind -solar hybrid and run of the river hydro plants with upto thre e hours pondage (in case of excess water leading to spillage), pro rata based on their T -GNA quantum; (c) The generation from wind, solar, wind -solar hybrid and run of the river hydro plants with upto three hours pondage (in case of excess water leading to spi llage) shall be curtailed pro rata based on T -GNA, after curtailment of generation from other sources, within T -GNA. (d) Collective transactions under day ahead market shall be curtailed after curtailment of bilateral transactions under T -GNA. (e) Collective tran sactions under real time market shall be curtailed after curtailment of collective transactions under day ahead market. (iii) Transactions under GNA shall be curtailed in the following order: (a) Within transactions under GNA, curtailment shall be done first from generation sources other than wind, solar, wind -solar hybrid and run of the river hydro plants with upto three hours pondage (in case of excess water leading to spillage), on pro rata basis based on their GNA quantum. (b) The generation from wind, solar, wind -solar hybrid and run of the river hydro plants with upto three hours pondage (in case of excess water leading to spillage) shall be curtailed pro rata based on their GNA quantum, after curtailment of generation from other sources, within (iv) RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be, shall publish a report of such incidents on its website. (b) In the event of bottleneck in evacuation of power due to outage, failure or limitation in the transmission system or any other constraint necessitating reduction in generation, t he RLDC shall revise the schedules. Provided that generation and drawal schedules revised by the Regional Load Despatch Centre shall become effective from 7th block or 8th block depending on time block in which sc hedule has been revised as first time block. (c) In case of contingencies such as critical loading of lines, transformers, abnormal voltages or threat to system security, the following steps as considered necessary, may be taken by RLDC: (i) Issue directions to concerned entities to adhere to the sch edules ; (ii) Deployment of ancillary services; (iii) Switching off pump storage plants operating in pumping mode ; (iv) Despatching emergency demand response measures ; (v) Direct the SLDCs or other regional entities to increase or decrease their drawal or injection by revising their schedules and such directions shall be immediately acted upon. (d) Whenever RLDC revises final schedules due to reasons of grid security or contingency, brief reason s shall be informed immediately to the concerned entity followed by a detai led explanation to be posted on RLDC website within 24 (e) Any verbal directions by RLDC shall be confirmed in writing as soon as possible latest within twenty four hours . (4) Revision of schedules on request of regional entities: (a) SLDC s, regional entity generating station s, regional entity ESS s, beneficiaries, buyers or cross -border entities may revise their schedules under GNA as per clause (b) and clause (c) of this Regulation in accordance with their respective contracts. Provided that scheduled transactions under T -GNA once scheduled cannot be revised other than in case of forced outage as per clause (7) of Regulation 47 of these regulations. (b) The request for revision of scheduled transaction for day, shall be allowed to be made in any time block starting 2 PM on day subject to the following: (i) In respect of a generating station s whose tariff is determined under Section 62 of the Act, upward revision of schedule shall be allowed starting 2 P M on day, only in respect of the remaining available quantum of un -requisitioned surplus after finalization of schedules under day ahead (ii) In respect of a generating station s whose tariff is not determined under Section 62 of the Act, revision of schedule shall be in terms of provisions of the respective contract s between the generating stations and beneficiaries or buyers . (c) Based on the request for revision in schedule made as per sub -clause s (a) and (b) of Clause 4 of this Regulation, any revision in schedule made in odd time blocks shall become effective from 7th time block and any revision in schedule made in even time blocks shall become effective from 8 th time block, counting the time block in which the request for revision has been received by the RLDCs to be the first one. (d) While finalizing the drawal and despatch schedules, in case any congestion is foreseen in the inter -State transmission system or t echnical constraints of a generating station, the concerned RLDC shall moderate the schedules as required, under intimation to the concerned regional entities. (5) Grid disturbance of category GD -5: (a) GD -5 is defined under Regulation 11(2) of CEA G rid Standards as forty per cent or more of the antecedent generation or load in a regional grid (b) Certification of such grid disturbance and its duration shall be done by the RLDC. (c) Scheduled generation of all the affected regional entity generating stations supplying power under bilateral transactions shall be deemed to have been revised to be equal to their actual generation for all the time blocks affected by the grid disturbance . Such regional entity generating station shall pay back t he energy charges received by it for the scheduled generation revised as actual generation to the pool account. : Provided that , in case the beneficiaries or buyers of such regional entity generating station are also affected by such grid disturbance, the scheduled drawals of such beneficiaries or buyers shall be deemed to have been revised to corresponding actual generation schedule of regional entity generating stations. Provided further that in case the beneficiaries or buyers of such regional entity gen erating station are not affected by such grid disturbance and they continue to draw power , the scheduled drawals of such beneficiaries or buyers shall not be revised. (d) The scheduled generation of all the affected regional entity generating stations supplying power under collective transactions shall be deemed to have been revised to be equal to their actual generation. Such regional entity generating stations shall refund the charges received towards such scheduled energy to the DSM pool account . (e) The declaration of grid disturbance shall be done by the concerned RLDC at the earliest. A notice to this effect shall be posted at its website by the RLDC of the region in which the grid disturbance has occurred which shall be considered as declaration of the grid disturbance by RLDC. All regional entities shall take note of the grid disturbance and take appropriate action at their end. (f) Energy and deviation settlement for the period of any grid disturbance causing disruption in injection or drawal of power shall be done by the concerned RPC(s) in consultation with the concerned RLDC(s). Provided that generation and drawal schedules revised by the Regional Load Despatch Centre shall become effective from 7th block or 8thblock depending on block in which schedule has been revised as first block. (6) The generation schedules and drawl schedules shall be accessible to the regional entities though user credentials controlled access. After the operating day is over at 2400 hours, the schedule finall y implemented during the day (taking into account all before -the-fact changes in despatch schedule of regional entity generating stations and drawal schedule of the States) shall be issued by the concerned RLDC. These schedules shall be the basis for comme rcial accounting. (7) In case of forced outage of a unit of a generating station (having generating capacity of 100 MW or more) and selling power under bilateral transaction (excluding collective transactions in day ahead market and real time market through po wer exchange), the generating station or electricity trader or any other agency selling power from the unit of the generating station shall immediately intimate the outage of the unit along with the requisition for revision of schedule and estimated time of restoration of the unit, to SLDC or RLDC, as the case may be. The schedule of beneficiaries, sellers and buyers of power from this generating unit shall be revised accordingly. The revised schedules shall become effective from the time block and in the manner as specified in Clause (4) of this Regulation : Provided that the generating station or trading licensee or any other agency selling power from a generating station or unit(s) thereof may revise its estimated restoration time once in a day and the revised schedule shall become effective from the 7th time block or 8th time block as per Cla use (4) of this Regulation, counting the time block in which the revision is informed by the generator to be the first one. Provided further that SLDC or RLDC as the case may be, shall inform the revised schedule to the seller and the buyer. The original s chedule shall become effective from the estimated time of restoration of the unit. (8) Discrepancy in schedule (a) All regional entities, open access customers, injecting entities and drawee consumers may closely check their transaction Schedule and point out errors, if any, to the concerned LD C. (b) The final schedules issued by RLDC shall be open to all regional entities and other regional open access entities for any checking and verification, for a period of 5 days. In case any mistake or omission is detected, the RLDC shall make a complete check a nd rectify the same. (9) Energy Metering and Accounting: (a) The CTU shall be responsible for installation, operation and periodic calibration of Interface Energy Meters (IEMs) covering all the ISTS interface points, points of connections between the regional entities, cross border entities and other identified points for recording of actual active and reactive energy interchanged in each time -block through those points. (b) The installation, operation, calibration and maintenance of Interface Energy Meters (IEMs) with automatic remote meter reading (AMR) facility shall be in accordance with CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time. (c) The installation, operation, and maintenance of addit ional communication links, if any, required for the purpose of AMR facility shall be in accordance with CEA Communications Regulations. (d) CTU shall provide access to such metering data to concerned RLDC and (e) CTU shall be responsible for installation of Automatic Meter Reading and shall ensure that all IEMs not capable of having the facility of AMR are phased out within two (2) years on effectiveness of these regulations. (f) Entities in whose premises the IEMs are installed shall be responsible for (i) mon itoring the healthiness of the CT and PT inputs to the meters, (ii) taking weekly meter readings for the seven day period ending on the preceding Sunday 2400 hrs and transmitting them to the RLDC by Tuesday noon, in case such readings have not been transmi tted through automatic remote meter reading (AMR) facility (iii) monitoring and ensuring that the time drift of IEM is within the limits as specified in CEA Metering Regulations 2006 and (iv) promptly intimating the changes in CT and PT ratio to RLDC. (g) SLD C shall transmit the meter data from all installations within their control area to the concerned RLDC within the specified time schedule. (h) RLDC shall, based on the IEM readings, compute time block wise actual net injection and drawal of regional entities and cross border entities within their control area. Provided that the computations done by RLDCs shall be open to all regional entities and cross border entities for a period of fifteen (15) days for checking and verification. (i) In case any error or omission is detected by self analysis or brought to notice by an entity, the RLDC or RPC or NLDC, as the case may be , shall make a complete check and rectify the error within a period of a month from date of such detection. (j) RLDC shall forward the IEM readings and the implemented schedule to the concerned RPC on a weekly basis by each Friday for the preceding seven days period ending on the preceding Sunday mid -night, to enable the latter to prepare and issue the various accounts suc h as Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM), reactive charges, congestion charges, ancillary services, SCED, heat rate compensation charges and regional transmission deviation in accordance with relevant regulations. (10) Inspection of Records: The operational logs and records of the regional entity generating stat ions and inter -State transmission licensees shall be available for inspection and review by the RLDC s and RPC s. (11) Oversight of Injection an Drawal : NLDC or RLDC, as the case may be, shall periodically review the over drawal from or under injection into the grid. In case of persistent over drawal or under injection, the matter shall be reported to the RPC and the Commission for necessary action. CHAPTER 8 CYBER SECURITY 48. GENERAL (1) This chapter deals with measures to be taken to safeguard the national grid from spyware, malware, cyber -attacks, network hacking, procedure for security audit from time to time, upgradation of system requirements and keeping abreast of latest developments in the area of cyb er-attacks and cyber security requirements. (2) All users, NLDC, RLDC s, SLDC s, CTU and STU s shall have in place, a cyber security framework in accordance with Information Technology Act, 2000 ; CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity) Regulations, 2007 ; CEA (Cyber Security in Power Sector) Guidelines, 2021 and any such regulations issued from time to time, by an appropriate authority, so as to support reliable operation of the grid. 49. CYBER SECURITY AUDIT All users shall conduct Cyber Security Audit as per the guidelines mentioned in the CEA (Cyber Security in Power Sector) Guidelines, 2021 and any other guidelines issued by an appropriate Authority. 50. MECHANISM OF REPORTING (1) All entities shall immediately report to the appropriate government agencies in accor dance with the Information Technology Act , 2000 in case of any cyber -attack. (2) NLDC, RLDC s, SLDC s, RPC s and the Commission shall also be informed by such entities in case of any instance of cyber -attack. CHAPTER 9 MONITORING AND COMPL IANCE CODE 51. GENERAL This chapter deals with (a) monitoring of compliance of these regulations by various entities in the grid by RLDC s, RPC s or any other person, (b) manner of reporting the instances of violations of these regulations and (c) taking remedial steps or initiati ng appropriate action. 52. ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIA NCE S The performance of all users, CTU, STU s, NLDC, RLDC s, SLDC s and RPC s with respect to compliance of these regulations shall be assessed periodically. 53. MONITORING OF COMPLIANCE (1) In order to ensure compliance, two methodologies shall be followed: (a) Self -Audit (b) Compliance Audit (a) All users, CTU, STU s, NLDC, RLDC s, RPC s and SLDC s shall conduct annual self -audits to review compliance of the se regulations and submit the reports by 31st July of every year. (b) The self -audit report shall inter alia contain the following information with respect to non -compliance: (i) Sufficient information to understand how and why the non -compliance occurred ; (ii) Extent of damage caused by such non -compliance ; (iii) Steps and timeline planned to rectify the same ; (iv) Steps taken to mitigate any future recurrence ; (c) The self -audit reports by users shall be submitted to the concerned RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be. (d) The self -audit reports of NLDC, RLDC s, CTU, and RPC s shall be submitted to the Commis sion . The self -audit report of SLDC and STU s shall be submitted to the concerned SERC. (e) The deficiencies shall be rectified in a time bound manner within a reasonable (f) The monitoring agency for user s shall be the concerned RLDC or SLDC on the basis of their respective control area . The monitoring agency shall track the progress of compliances of users, and exceptional reporting for non -compliance shall be submitted to the appropriate Commission. (g) The monitoring agency for RLDC, NLDC, CTU and RPC shall b e the Commission , and for STU s and SLDC s, shall be the concerned SERC. (h) The Regional Power Committee (RPC) in the region shall also continuously monitor the instances of non -compliance of the provisions of these regulations and endeavor to sort out all op erational issues and deliberate on the ways in which such cases of non -compliance shall be prevented in future by building consensus. The Member Secretary of respective RPC s may also report any unresolved issue s to the Commission. (i) The Commission may ini tiate appropriate proceedings upon receipt of report under sub -clauses (f) and (h) above. (j) In case of non -compliance of any provisions of the se regulations by NLDC, RLDC s, SLDC s, RPC s and any other person , the matter may be reported by any person to the Commission through filing of a petition. (3) Independent Third -Party Compliance Audit: The Commission may order independent third -party compliance audit for any user, CTU, NLDC, RLDC and RPC as deemed necessary based on the facts brought to the knowledge of th e Commission . CHAPTER 10 MISCELLANEOUS 54. POWER TO RELAX The Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, may relax any of the provisions of these regulations on its own motion or on an application made before it by an affected person to remove the hardship arising out of the operation of any of these regu lation s, applicable to a class of persons. 55. POWER TO REMOVE DIFFICULTY If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these regulations, the Commission may, on its own motion or on an application made before it by the nodal agency, by order, make such provision s not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act or provisions of other regulations specified by the Commission, as may appear to be necessary for removing the difficulty in giving effect to the objectives of these regulations. 56. REPEAL AND SAVINGS (1) Save as otherwise provided in these regulations, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission ( Indian Electricity Grid Code ) Regulations, 201 0 and all subsequent amendments thereof shall stand repealed from the date of commencement of these Regulations. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken or purported to have been done or taken including any procedure, minutes, reports, confirmation or declaration of any instrument executed under the repealed regulations shall b e deemed to have been done or taken under the relevant provisions of these regulations. 57. ISSUE OF SUO MOTO ORDERS AND DIRECTIONS The Commission may from time to time issue suo moto orders and practice directions with regards to implementation of these re gulations and matters incidental or ancillary thereto, as the case may be. (Harpreet Singh Pruthi) Secretary ANNEXURE - 1 THIRD PARTY PROTECTI ON SYSTEM CHECKING & VALIDATION TEMPLATE FOR A SUBST ATION (1) Introduction (1) The audit reports, along with action plan for rectification of deficiencies found, if any, shall be submitted to RPC or RLDC within a month of submission of report by auditor. (2) The third -party protection system checking shall be carried at site by the designated agency. The agency shall furnish two reports: I. Preliminary Report: This report shall be prepared on the site and shall be sign ed by all the parties present. II. Detailed Report: This report shall be furnished by agency within one month after carrying out detailed analysis. (2) Checklist (1) The protection system checklist shall contain information as per this Regulation . 1) General Informatio n (to be provided prior to the checking as well as to be included in final report): a) Substation name b) Name of Owner Utility c) Voltage Level (s) or highest voltage level? d) Short circuit current rating of all equipment (for all voltage level) e) Date of commissionin g of the substation f) Checking and validation date g) Record of previous trippings (in last one year) and details of protection operation h) Previous Relay Test Reports i) Overall single line diagram (SLD) j) AC aux SLD k) DC aux SLD l) SAS architecture diagram m) SPS scheme implemented (if any) 2) The preliminary report shall inter -alia contain the following: TABLE J: FORMAT OF PRELIMINARY REPORT S. No. Issues Remarks 1 Recommendation of last protection checking and validation Status of works and pending issues if any 2 Review of existing settings at substation Recommended Action 3 Disturbance Recorder out available for last 6 trippings (Y\/N) Recommended Action 4 Chronic reason of tripping, if any Recommended Action 5 Major non -conformity\/defi ciency observed Recommended Action 3) The relay configuration checklist for available power system elements at station: a) Transmission Line b) Bus Reactor\/Line Reactor c) Inter -connecting Transformer d) Busbar Protection Relay e) AC auxiliary system f) DC auxiliary system g) Communication system h) Circuit Breaker Details i) Current Transformer Details j) Capacitive Voltage Transformers Details k) Any other equipment\/system relevant for protection system operation 4) The minimum set of points on which checking and validation shall be carried out is covered in this clause . The detailed list shall be prepared by checking and validation team in consultation with concerned entity, RLDC and RPC. a) Transmission Line Distance Protection\/Differential Protection (a) Name and Length of Line (b) Whethe r series compensated or not (c) Mode of communication used (PLCC\/OPGW) (d) Relay Make and Model for Main -I and Main -II (e) List of all active protections & settings (f) Carrier aided scheme if any (g) Status of Power Swing\/Out of Step\/SOTF\/Breaker Failure\/Broken Conductor\/STU B\/Fault Locator\/DR\/VT fuse fail\/Overvoltage Protection\/Trip Circuit supervision\/Auto -reclose\/Load encroachment etc. (h) Relay connected to Trip Coil -1 or 2 or both (i) CT ratio and PT ratio (j) Feed from DC supply -1 or 2 (k) Connected to dedicated CT core (mention name) (l) Other requirements for protection checking and validation b) Shunt Reactor & Inter -connecting Transformer Protection (a) Whether two groups of protections used (Group A and Group B) (b) Do the groups have separate DC sources (c) Relay Make and Model (d) List of all active protections along with settings (e) Status of Differential Protection\/Restricted Earth Fault Protection\/Back -up Directional Overcurrent\/Backup Earth fault\/ Breaker Failure (f) Status of Oil Temperature Indicator\/Winding Temperature Indicator\/Bucholz\/Pressure Relea se Device etc. (g) Relay connected to Trip Coil -1 or 2 or both (h) CT ratio and PT ratio (i) Feed from DC supply -1 or 2 (j) Connected to dedicated CT core (mention name) (k) Other requirements for protection checking and validation c) Busbar Protection Relay (a) Busbar and redundan t relay makes and models (b) Type of Busbar arrangement (c) Zones (d) Dedicated CT core for each busbar protection (Yes\/No) (e) Breaker Failure relay included (Yes\/No), if additional then furnish make and model (f) Trip issued to both Busbar protection in case of enabling (g) Isolator indication and check relays (h) Other requirements for protection checking and validation d) AC auxiliary system (a) Source of AC auxiliary system (b) Supply changeover between sources (Auto\/Manual) (c) Diesel generator (DG) details (d) Maintenance plan and supply changeover periodicity in DG (e) Single Line Diagram (f) Other requirements for protection checking and validation e) DC auxiliary system (a) Type of Batteries (Make, vintage, model) (b) Status of battery Charger (c) Measured voltage (positive to earth and negative to earth) (d) Availability of ground fault detectors (e) Protection relays and trip circuits with independent DC sources (f) Other requirements for protection checking and validation (g) Communication system (i) Mode of communication for Main -1 and Main -2 protection (ii) Mode of communication for data and speech communication (iii) Status of PLCC channels (iv) Time synchronization equipment details (v) OPGW on geographically diversified paths for Main -1 and main -2 (vi) Other requirements for protection checking and validation f) Circuit Breaker Details (a) Details and Status (b) Healthiness of Tripping Coil and Trip circuit supervision relay (c) Single Pole\/Multi pole operation (d) Pole Discrepancy Relay available(Y\/N) (e) Monitoring Devices for checking the dielectric medium (f) Other requirements for protection checking and validation g) Current Transformer (CT)\/Capacitive Voltage Transformer (CVT) Details (a) CT\/CVT ID name and voltage level (b) CT\/CVT core connection details (c) Accuracy Class (d) Whether Protection\/Metering (e) CT\/CVT ratio available and ratio adopted (f) Details of last checking and validation of CT\/CVT healthiness (g) Other requirements for protection checking and validation (h) Other protections: Direction earth fault, negative sequence, over current, over voltage, over frequency, under voltage, under frequency, forward power, reverse power, out of step\/power swing, HVDC protection etc. 5) Summary of Checking: The summary shall specifically mention minimum following (i) The settings and scheme adopted are in line with agreed protection philosophy or any accepted guidelines (e.g. Ram akrishna guidelines or CBIP manual (ii) The deviations from the RPC protection philosophy, if any and reasons for taking the deviations shall be recorded. (iii) All the major general deficiency shall be listed in detail along with remedial recommendations. (iv) The relay settings to be adopted shall be validated with simulation based or EMTP studies and details shall be enclosed in report. (v) The cases of protection maloperation shall be analysed from protection indices report furnished by concerned utility, the c auses of failure along with corrective actions and recommendations based on the findings shall be noted in the report. ANNEXURE - 2 GENERATION RESERVE ESTIMATION AND FREQUENCY CONTROL 1. Introduction This procedure is in line with the clause 30(10)(f) of IEGC which requires methodology for the following: (1) Assessment of reference contingency, (2) All India minimum target frequency response characteristics, (3) Calculation of frequency response obligation of each control area, (4) Criteria for reportable event, (5) Calculation of actual frequency response characteristics of control area and (6) Calculation of frequency response performance 2. The requirements are detailed in the points given below: (1) Assessment of Reference Contingency The reference contingency is the quantum of sudden generation or demand outage in an event. The reference contingency shall consider quantum of generation outage based on outage of largest power plant, group of power plants, a generation complex, or a generation pooling station, or the actual ge neration outage occurred in an event during last two years, or a credible outage scenario. Similarly reference contingency shall also consider outage of single largest load center or actual outage of load occurred in an event during last two years. To sta rt with reference contingency shall be considered as outage of 4500 MW which shall be revised by NLDC from time to time. The primary reserve at All India level shall be more than the reference contingency quantum. Therefore, minimum quantum of primary rese rve shall be currently 4500 MW. (2) All India minimum target frequency response characteristics (a) The all India minimum target frequency response characteristic (MW\/Hz) shall be reference contingency quantum (MW) divided by maximum steady frequency deviation (Hz ) allowable for the reference contingency event. (b) The primary reserves shall be activated immediately (within few seconds) when the frequency deviates from 50 Hz. The safe, secure and reliable operation of grid requires that the nadir frequency should be a t least 0.1 Hz above the first stage of under frequency load shedding scheme. This implies that the nadir frequency shall be above or 49.5 Hz (considering first stage of under frequency loading shedding setting as 49.4 Hz) for the reference contingency eve nt and the maximum steady state frequency deviation should not cross 0.30 Hz for the reference contingency event. (c) Therefore, the minimum All India target Frequency Response Characteristic currently shall be quantum of load or generation loss in reference contingency (as defined in Section (1) above divided by frequency deviation value of 0.3 Hz i.e. 15000 MW\/Hz (4500 MW\/0.3 Hz). (3) Calculation of Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) of each control area: The minimum Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) of each control area in MW\/Hz shall be calculated as: FRO = (Control Area average Demand + Control Area average Generation) * minimum all India Target Frequency Response Characteristic\/ (Sum of peak or average demand of all control areas + Sum of average generati on of all control areas) Provided FRO shall be nil in case of a control area not having any generation resources, such as Goa, DD, DNH etc. (4) Criteria for reportable event : The frequency response characteristic (FRC) calculation shall be carried out by each control area for any load or generation loss incident involving net change of more than 1000 MW of loa d or generation or a frequency change involving 0.1 Hz or more. The event shall be notified by the NLDC. (5) Calculation of actual frequency response characteristics of control area (a) Frequency Response Characteristics (FRC) computations: Frequency Response Characteristics (FRC) will be computed for all events involving a sudden 1000 MW or more load or generation loss or a step change in frequency by 0.10 Hz i.e. for all reportable events as notified by NLDC. The FRC shall be worked out by NLDC, RLDCs and SLDCs to for each interconnection\/region\/control area (including for each generating station). Each generating station shall also compute its FRC. The following steps shall be followed for computation of FRC (i) After every event involving a sudden 1000 MW or more load or generation loss or a step change in frequency by 0.1 Hz, NLDC would get the PMUs frequ ency data. NLDC would also get the exact quantum of load\/generation lost from the RLDC of the affected region. (ii) NLDC shall plot the frequency graph and determine the initial frequency, minimum\/maximum frequency, settling frequency and time points (points A, C and B of the Figure -a). Accordingly, frequency difference points & corresponding time to be used for FRC calculations would be informed to all RLDCs. (iii) NLDC shall also work out region wise and neighboring countries (Bhutan and Nepal) FRC (Format as per Ta ble - B) based on 10 second Historical Data Recording (HDR) data available at NLDC and inform all RLDCs within three (3) working days. RLDCs shall inform the SLDCs\/regional entities in their region. (iv) RLDCs shall also work out each control area wise FRC (For mat as per Table -B) based on HDR data available at RLDCs within six (6) working days after the (v) All the SLDCs shall work out FRC for all the intrastate entities (for events indicated by the Regional Load Despatch Centres) based on the HDR available at their respective SLDCs and submit the same to respective RLDC within six (6) working days after the event . (Format as per Table -B). (vi) All regional entity generating stations shall also assess the FRC for their respective stations and submit the same to re spective RLDC within six (6) working days. (Format as per Table -B). The high resolution data (1 second or better resolution) of active power generation and frequency shall also be shared with (b) Input data for FRC: (i) The data for frequency response characteristic Calculations may be taken from the real time telemetered data recorded by the SCADA systems installed at Control Areas \/ Regional Load Despatch Centres \/ National Load Despatch (ii) Bad quality of data coul d be flagged \/ mentioned by the control centre (s) and reasonable assumptions made for FRC computation. Details of these may be mentioned. (c) Instructions for computation of FRC: A sample frequency chart given at Figure -a with points A, B, and C labeled, de picts a typical frequency excursion caused by a loss of a large generator in Indian power system. Point A denotes the interconnection frequency immediately before the disturbance. Point B represents the Interconnection frequency at the point immediately af ter the frequency stabilizes due to governor action but before the contingent area takes any corrective actions, automatic or manual. Point C represents the interconnection frequency at its maximum deviation due to the loss of generation. FIGURE A: SAMPLE PMU FREQUENCY PLOT SHOWING RELEVANT POINTS FOR FRC CALCULATION (d) Steps to work out frequency response characteristics of control area are as follows : - 49.8549.8749.8949.9149.9349.9549.9749.9950.0150.0350.0517:33:22.76017:33:26.32017:33:29.88017:33:33.44017:33:37.00017:33:40.56017:33:44.12017:33:47.68017:33:51.24017:33:54.80017:33:58.36017:34:01.92017:34:05.48017:34:09.04017:34:12.60017:34:16.16017:34:19.72017:34:23.28017:34:26.84017:34:30.40017:34:33.96017:34:37.52017:34:41.08017:34:44.64017:34:48.20017:34:51.76017:34:55.32017:34:58.88017:35:02.44017:35:06.00017:35:09.56017:35:13.12017:35:16.68017:35:20.240DADRI:Frequency Point A PMU Frequency During the Event Hz Point C Point B Step -1: Actual net interchange of the control area immediately before the disturbance A in the figure -a), say PA. Sign convention for net power imported into a Control Area is positive (+) and net power exported out of a control area is negative ( -). Step -2: Actual net interchange of the control area immediately after the disturbance B in the figure -a), say PB. Use the same sign convention as Step -1. Step -3: The change in net interchange of the C ontrol Area = (P B -PA). [For a disturban ce that causes the frequency to decrease, this value should ideally be negative. The net interchange of a control area may be positive , if the drop in generation has occurred in that control area . Similarly, for load thr ow off or frequency rise cases in a control area , the net interchange shall normally be positive except for the Control Area , where the load throw off has taken place.] Step -4: If the control area has suffered the loss, then Load or generation lost by the control area = PL. Otherwise, the lo ss (PL) is zero. Sign convention for Load Loss is negative ( -) and Generation Loss positive (+). Step -5: The Control Area Response P = (PB -PA) - PL Step -6: The Frequency immediately before the disturbance = fA. Step -7: The Frequency immediately after the disturbance = fB. Step -8: Change in Interconnection Frequency from Point A to Point B = f = (fB - fA) Step -9: Frequency Response Characteristic (FRC) of the Control Area = Step -10: Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) of each control area calculat ed in advance as per Clause 3 of this Annexure Step 11: Frequency Response Performance (FRP) = Actual Frequency Response Characteristic (AFRC)\/ Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) TABLE K: FRC CALCULATION SHEET TO BE USED BY ALL SLDC \/RLDC \/NLDC \/CONTROL AREA S. No Particulars Dimension Control Area -1 1 Actual Net Interchange before the Event (Time= hh:mm:ss) MW 2 Actual Net Interchange after the Event (Time= hh:mm:ss) MW 3 Change in Net Interchange (2 - 1) MW 4 Generation Loss (+) \/ Load Throw off ( -) during the Event MW 5 Control Area Response (3 -4) MW 6 Frequency before the Event Hz 7 Frequency after the Event Hz 8 Change in Frequency (7 -6) Hz 9 Frequency Response Characteristic (5 \/ 8) MW\/H z 10 Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) of control area MW\/Hz 11 Frequency Response Performance (FRP)(9\/10) Numeric value (upto two decimal places) (6) Calculation of frequency response performance (a) The performance of each control area in providing frequency response characteristic shall be calculated for each reportable event. Each control area shall separately assess their frequency response characteristic and share with RLDC along with high resolution data of at least one (1) second for regional entity generating stations and ten (10) second for state control area . Frequency Response Performance (FRP) = Actual Frequency Response Characteristic (AFRC)\/ Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) Each control area shall be graded ba sed on median Frequency Response Performance annually (at least 10 events) as per following criteria: TABLE L: FREQUENCY RESPONSE C RITERIA S. N Performance * Grading 1 Excellent FRP < 1 Good iii. 0.75 FRP <0.85 Average FRP < 0.75 Below Average v. FRP <0.5 Poor *Provided that for wind\/solar generating stations and state control areas with internal generation less than 100 MW or annual peak demand less than 1000 MW, the FRP grading shall be indicative only. ANNEXURE -3 ASSESSMENT OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY GENERATION RESERVES AT REGIONAL\/STATE LEVEL 1. Area control error (ACE) for each Control Area shall be calculated using Regulation 30(11)(d), time blockwise for the last financial year. 2. The positive ACE and negative ACE shall be separately tabulated. 3. The positive ACE shall be arranged in ascending order and 99 percentile of such ACE shall be captured. Similarly , negative ACE shall be arranged in ascending order and 99 percentile of such ACE shall be captured. 4. Such 99 percentile of positive and negative ACE respectively of a control area for previous financial year, is the desired positive and negative secondary r eserve capacity for such control area for next financial year. Desired quantum of tertiary reserve of the control area shall also be equal to such estimated secondary reserve. 5. The total reserves in a region shall be algebraic sum of reserves in each state control area. However, due to diversity within the region, the Region as a whole might need lesser reserves of secondary and tertiary reserves. As such, All India reserve capacity is taken as equal to reference contingency i.e 4500 MW and this reserve req uirement shall be distributed pro -rata amongst the regions based on regional ACE which shall further be divided to identify the share of each state based on 99 percentile ACE of such State control area. 6. The amount of reserve to be kept with each State con trol area at Step 5 shall be validated against the maximum unit size of the intra -state generator of that control area such that reserve requirement is not more than unit size of maximum intra -state generator. 7. The secondary reserves for each control area obtained at Step 5 shall be further apportioned among the reserve to be kept at intra -state generation and at inter -state generation as per the following formulation: (1) The maximum demand and maximum internal generation are listed for each control (2) The ratio of demand met through internal generation and inter -state generation (drawl from the grid) is calculated. (3) The above ratio is used to apportion the secondary reserve obtained in Sl. No. 5 among the reserves to be maintained by each control area at intra -state generators and inter -state generators. Illustration: The maximum demand met of Punjab is 13602 MW and internal generation is 6932 MW. The drawl from the grid is therefore 13602 -6932= 6670 MW. Suppose the reserve capacity calculated for Punjab in step -5 is 91 MW. The ratio of demand met by internal generation is 0.51(6932\/13602) and by ISGS generation is 0.49 (6670\/13602). Thus reserve to be kept by Punjab in intra -state generation is 46 MW(0.51*91) and in ISGS generation is 44 MW (0.49*91). 8. For control areas having no generation or very small generation, the entire reserves capacity calculated at step -5 for the state, shall be kept at inter -state generation. ANNEXURE - 4 1. Reactive Power Compensation (1) Reactive power compensation should ideally be provided locally, by generating reactive power as close to the reactive power consumption as possible. The regional entities are therefore expected to provide local VAr compensation or generation such that they do not draw VA Rs from the EHV grid, particularly under low -voltage condition. To discourage VAr drawals by regional entities, VAr exchanges with ISTS shall be priced as follows: (a) The regional entity pays for VAr drawal when voltage is below 97% (b) The regiona l entity gets paid for VAr return when voltage is below 97% . (c) The regional entity gets paid for VAr drawal when voltage is above103% . (d) The regional entity pays for VAr return when voltage is above 103% . Where all voltage measurements are at the interface poi nt with ISTS. (2) The charge for VArh shall be at the rate of 5 paise\/kVArh w.e.f. the date of effect of these regulations. This rate shall be escalated at 0.5paise\/kVArh per year thereafter, unless otherwise revised. (3) All the Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) covering wind, solar and energy storage shall ensure that they have the necessary capability, as per CEA Connectivity Standards, all the time including non -operating hours and night hours for solar. The active power consumed by these devices for purpose of providing reactive power support, when operating under synchronous condenser\/night -mode, shall not be charged under deviations and shall be treated as transmission losses in the ISTS. (4) For IBRs of capacity 50 MW and below not coming directly to the point o f interconnection but through the pooling at the Power Park Developer end, the Power Park Developer shall act as aggregator for the Reactive Energy Charges for payments to andfrom the Pool Account at RLDC level. The de -pooling of Reactive Energy charges am ongst the individual wind and solar shall be done by the Power Park Developer. 2. Payment for Reactive Energy Exchanges On State -Owned Lines 1: Interconnecting line owned by State -A Metering Point: Substation of State -B Case - 2: Interconnecting line owned by State -B Metering point: Substation of State -A Note: Net VArh and net payment may be positive or negative 3: Interconnecting line is jointly owned by States -A and B. Metering points: Substations of State -A and Stat e-B Net VArh exported from S\/S -A, while voltage < 97% = X 1 Net VArh exported from S\/S -A, while voltage > 103% = X 2 Net VArh imported at S\/S -B, while voltage < 97% = X 3 Net VArh imported at S\/S -B, while voltage > 103% = X 4 (i) State -B pays to State -A for X1 or X 3, whichever is smaller in magnitude, and (ii) State -A pays to State -B for X2 or X 4, whichever is smaller in magnitude. I. Net VArh and net payment may be positive or negative. II. In case X 1 is positive and X 3 is negative, or vice -versa, there shall be no payment under (i) above. III. In case X 2 is positive and X 4 is negative, or vice -versa, there shall be no payment under (ii) above. 3. Accounting And Payment For Reactive Energy Exchanges (a) RPC Secretariat shall also issue the weekly statement for VAR charges, to all regional entities. (b) The concerned regional entities shall pay the amounts into regional reactive pool account operated by the RLDC within 10 (ten) days of issue of statement. (c) The regional entities who have to receive the money on account of VAR charges would then be paid out from the regional Deviation and Ancillary Service Pool Account , within two(2) working days from the receipt of payment in the Deviation and Ancillary Servi ce Pool Account . (d) If payments against the above VAr charges are delayed by more than two days, i.e., beyond twelve (12) days from issue of the statement by RPC Secretariat, the defaulting regional entity shall pay simple interest @ 0.04% for each day of del ay. The interest so collected shall be paid to the regional entities who had to receive the amount, payment of which got delayed. (e) Persistent payment defaults, if any, shall be reported by the RLDC to the Member Secretary, RPC, for initiating remedial actio n. ANNEXURE -5 PROCEDURE SPECIFYING DATA, FORECASTING AND SCHE DULING FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATING STATIONS (REGS) AT INTER -STATE LEVEL 1. Introduction (1) This procedure contains requirements of data submission by Renewable Energy Generating Station or the Qualifying Coordinating Agency ( QCA ) on behalf of Renewable Energy Generating Station(s) , prior to COD and real time and scheduling methodology to be followed for multiple renewable energy generating station(s) connected at a pooling station . (2) The responsi bility to provide forecast and other data and to coordinate with RLDC under this Procedure shall be that of QCA on behalf of all generating stations it is representing. Provided that where the QCA is not identified, individual renewable energy generating station or lead generator , as the case may be, shall be responsible for the same. 2. Role of Entities (1) QCA or Renewable Energy Generating Station or Lead Generator (a) The individual generating station or Lead Generator shall submit one time details to conc 0erned RLDC as per A ppendix -I to this Procedure . Further, if there is any change in the information furnished, then the updated information shall be shared with the concerned RLDC not later than 7 working days of such change. (b) QCA (for the REGSs it is representin g) or REGS (who are not represented through QCA) or Lead Generator , as the case may be, shall undertake the following activities: (i) Shall undertake t echnical coordination amongst the generatin g stations it is representing, connected at a pooling station . (ii) Provide to concerned RLDC, Available Capacity, Day ahead forecast (based on their own forecast or on the forecast done by RLDC) and Schedule as per Appendix -II through web -based application maintained by RLDCs. (iii) Provide to concerned RLDC, real time data at turbine\/inverter level and generation data at pooling station level as per Appendix -III. (iv) Provide to concerned RLDC, monthly data: a. For wind plants - average wind speed, average power generation for 15 -min time block for each turbine b. For solar plants - average solar irradiation, average power generation at 15 -min time block level for all inverters* >=1 MW * if a solar plant uses only smaller string inverters, then data may be provided at the plant (v) Be responsible for metering and data collection and co-ordination with RLDC, SLDC, RPC, CTU and other agencies as per IEGC and extant CERC Regulations issued by the Commission as amended from time to time . (vi) Undertake commercial settlement for deviation as per applicable Regulations issued by the Commission . (vii) Submit a copy of the agreement entered between QCA and generating stations authorizing QCA specific responsibilities on behalf of generating stations , to the concerned RLDC. (viii) Use Automatic meter reading technologies for transfer, analysis and processing of interface meter data. (ix) Shall furnish the contract rate(s) along with a copy of the contract(s), for the purpose of Deviation charge account preparation, to respective RPC. (x) Shall comply the instruction of respective RLDCs in normal operation as well as emer gency condition. (xi) Shall establish protocol for communication with individual generators to implement the instructions of RLDCs effectively. (xii) Shall maintain records and accounts of the time -block wise Schedules, the Actual generation injected and the deviation, for the po oling station and individual generator(s) separately. (xiii) Shall ensure availability of data telemetry at the turbine\/inverter level to the concerned RLDC and shall ensure the correctness of the real -time data and undertake the corrective actions, if required. The suggested data telemetry requirement is enclosed at A ppendix -III. (xiv) Keep each of the RLDCs indemnified at all times and shall undertake to indemnify, defend and save the SLDCs\/RLDCs harmless from any and all damages, losses includi ng commercial losses due to forecasting error, claims and actions including those relating to injury to or death of any person or damage to property, demands, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by o r to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the transactions undertaken by the Generators. (2) RLDC (a) The concerned RLDC shall be responsible for scheduling, communication, coordination with QCA or generating station or Lead Generator. (b) The concerned R LDC will be responsible for processing the interface meter data and computing the net injections at pooling station represented by each QCA or REGS or Lead Generator, as the case may be, as specified in Annexure - V. 3. Forecasting (1) QCA or generating station or Lead Generator shall provide the forecast to the concerned RLDC which may be based on their own forecast or RLDC s forecast as per A ppendix -II. (2) A generating station , or a Lead Generator or QCA on behalf of generating stations , may prepare schedule based RLDC s or their own forecast. Any commercial impact on account of deviation from schedule based on the forecast chosen by the generating station , or a Lead Generator or QCA shall be borne by the respective generating station , or a Lead Generator or QCA. 4. Scheduling and Despatch (1) Following alternatives exist for Scheduling and Despatch for Generators within Solar \/ Wind \/Hybrid Power parks due to multiple generation developers within the Park injecting at various points within the park and ultimately i njecting at interface with ISTS: Case -1 QCA has been identified for all generating stations connected at a pooling station. Case -2 Where QCA at a pooling station is identified for some of the generating stations but not all of generating stations at such p ooling station Case -3 Where QCA at a pooling station is not identified following situations may arise Case -A: The concerned RLDC shall be responsible for the scheduling, communication, coordination with REGS of 50 MW and above and connected to Inter State Transmission System (ISTS). Case -B: Lead generator shall be responsible for the coordination and communication with RLDC, SLDC, RPC and other agencies for scheduling of REGS s individually having less than 5 0 MW, but collectively having an aggregate installed capacity of 50 MW and above and connected within the solar park. Block diagram for Case -1, Case -2, Case -3 shall be as per Appendix -IV. (2) For Case -1, QCA shall be responsible for doing de -pooling of DSM cha rges as per the mutual agreement between generating stations and QCA. (3) For Case - 2 and Case - 3, where scheduling and accounting is to be coordinated by RLDC, a representative sketch showing the scheduling is at Annexure -IV. (4) The change of QCA would need a notice period of fifteen (15) days and the changeover shall take place with effect from 0000 hours of a Monday, the first day of weekly settlement cycle. (5) In case of any payment default by the QCA, the generating stations shall be liable to pay the DSM char ges in proportion to their MW capacity. Appendix -I Details to be submitted by the Wind\/Solar generating stations which are regional entities\/ lead generator Type: Wind\/Solar Generator Individual \/ on Behalf of Group of generating stations If on Behalf of Group of generating stations group of then details of agreement to be attached Total Installed Capacity of Generating Station Total Number of Units with details Physical Address of the RE Generating Station Whether any PPA has been signed: (Y\/N) If yes ,then attach details Connectivity Details Location\/Voltage Level Metering Details Meter No. 1. Main 2. Check Connectivity Diagram (Please Enclose) Static data As per attached sheet Contact Details of the Nodal Person Name : Designation : Number: Landline Number, Mobile Number, E - Mail Address : Contact Details of the Alternate Nodal Person Name : Designation : Number: Landline Number, Mobile Number, E - Mail Address : Data to be submitted by the REGS \/ lead generator for Wind turbine generating plants S No Particulars 2 Manufacturer 3 Make \/Model 4 Capacity 6 Hub height 7 Total height 8 RPM range 9 Rated wind speed Performance Parameter s 10 Rated electrical power at rated wind speed 11 Cut in speed 12 Cut out speed 13 Survival speed (Max wind speed) 14 Ambient temperature for out of operation 15 Ambient temperature for in operation 16 Survival temperature 17 Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) setting 18 High Voltage Ride Through (HVRT) setting 19 Lightning strength (KA & in coulombs) 20 Noise power level (db) 21 Rotor 22 Hub type 23 Rotor diameter 24 Number of blades 25 Area swept by blades 26 Rated rotational speed 27 Rotational Direction 28 Coning angle 29 Tilting angle 30 Design tip speed ratio 31 Length 32 Diameter 33 Material 34 Twist angle Generating station 35 Generator Type 36 Generator no of poles 37 Generator speed 38 Winding type 39 Rated Gen.Voltage 40 Rated Gen. frequency 41 Generator current 42 Rated Temperature of generator 43 Generator cooling 44 Generator power factor 45 KW\/MW @ Rated Wind speed 46 KW\/MW @ peak continuous 47 Frequency Converter 48 Filter generator side 49 Filter grid side Transformer 50 Transformer capacity 51 Transformer cooling type 52 Voltage 53 Winding configuration 54 Rotor weight 55 Nacelle weight 56 Tower weight 57 Over speed Protection 58 Design Life 59 Design Standard 60 Latitude 61 Longitude 62 COD Details 63 Past Generation History from the COD to the date on which DAS facility provided at RLDC, if applicable 64 Distance above mean sea level For Solar generating stations : Static data points: 1. Latitude 2. Longitude 3. Turbine Power Curve 4. Elevation and orientation angles of arrays or concentrators 5. The generation capacity of the Generating Facility 6. Distance above mean sea level etc. 7. COD details 8. Rated voltage 9. Details of Type of Mounting: (Tracking Technology If used, single axis or dual axis, auto or 10. Manufacturer and Model (of Important Components, Such as Turbine, Concentrators, Inverter, Cable, PV Module, Transformer, Cables) 11. DC installed Capacity 12. Module Cell Technology 13. I-V Characteristic of the Module 14. Inverter Rating at different temperature 15. Inverter Efficiency Curve 16. Transformer Capacity & Rating, evacuation voltage, distance form injection point Appendix -II Forecast and Schedule Data to be submitted by QCA, generat ing station -wise FORMAT: A (to be submitted a day in advance) 15 Min time block (96 Block in a day) TIME Available Capacity (MW) - Day Ahead Day Ahead Forecast (MW) Day Ahead Schedule 1 00:00 -00:15 2 00:15 -00:30 3 00:30 -00:45 4 00:45 -01:00 Note: The forecast should ideally factor forecasting errors. FORMAT: B (to be submitted on the day of actual generation, revision of availability and schedule, if any, shall be done as per these regulations . 15 Min time block (96 Block in a day) TIME Day schedule (MW) Current Available (MW) Revised Schedule 1 00:00 -00:15 2 00:15 -00:30 3 00:30 -00:45 4 00:45 -01:00 Appendix -III Real -time Data Telemetry requirement (Suggested List) Wind turbine generating plants 1. Turbine Generation (MW\/MVAR) 2. Wind Speed(meter\/second) 3. Generator Status (on\/off -line) - this is required for calculation of availability of the WTG 4. Wind Direction ( degrees from true north) 5. Voltage(Volt) 6. Ambient air temperature ( o C ) 7. Barometric pressure (Pascal) 8. Relative humidity(in percent) 9. Air Density (kg\/m3) For Solar generating Plant s 1. Solar Generation unit\/ Inverter -wise ( MW and MVAR ) 2. Voltage at interconnection point (Volt) 3. Generator\/Inverter Status (on\/off -line) 4. Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) - Watt per meter square 5. Ambient temperature ( oC) 6. Diffuse Irradiance - Watt per meter square 7. Direct Irradiance - Watt per meter square 8. Sun -rise and sunset timings 9. Cloud cover -(Okta) 10. Rainfall (mm) 11. Relative humidity (%) 12. Performance Ratio - Appendix -IV Block Diagram showing the case wise Scheduling and Forecasting considering a sample Case -I (QCA responsible for all generating stations) : FIGURE B: QCA RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL GEN ERATING STATIONS (a) Sup pose an REGS of 1000 MW capacity is developed in four blocks namely A,B,C & D of 250 MW capacity each and is directly connected to point A1,B1,C1& D1 respectively at ISTS. Let REGSs of 50 MW each aggregating to 250 MW (5 Nos. namely E, F, G, H & I) be connected to intermediate pooling station. REGSs are connected to interface point E1, F1, G1, H1& I1 and thereby connected to ISTS at XX point. (b) Suppose all the REGSs have mutually agreed to appoint a QCA for all scheduling and forecasting activities, such QCA, shall be responsible for carrying out activities as assigned under this Code. Case -2 (QCA responsible for some of the generating stations ): A. QCA is responsible for all REGS connected at Intermediate pooling station FIGURE C: QCA RESPONSIB LE FOR ALL REGS CONNECTED AT INTERMEDIATE POOL ING STATION B. QCA responsible for some REGS connected at Intermediate pooling station FIGURE D: QCA RESPONSIBLE FOR SOME OF THE REGS AT INTERMEDIATE POOLING STATION In each of the above scenarios, the QCA shall be responsible for coordination of scheduling and de -pooling of DSM charges for all those REGS that mutually agreed to appoint a QCA. The other REGS shall be required to submit their schedule as well as be liable to pay their DSM charges. Case -3: 50 MW and above (Phase -I &II) FIGURE E: 50 MW AND ABOVE (PHASE 1 &II) A single generating station of 1000 MW capacity is developing the generating station in phase -1 in four blocks namely A,B,C & D of 250 MW capacity each and is directly connected to point A1,B1,C1& D1 respectively at ISTS. At the interface point scheduling and forec asting shall be done by RLDC . Phase -II- 500 MW (Separate Generating station \/Entities) (a) Let multiple REGS of 50 MW each aggregating to 250 MW (5 Nos. Multiple Generat ing Stations of 50 Mw each (as separate entities), be connected to inter mediate pooling stations. (b) REGS namely E, F, G, H & I each having the capacity of 50 MW each are connected to interface point E1, F1, G1, H1& I1 and thereby connected to ISTS at XX point. (c) In such a case , scheduling, accounting, forecasting for these generating stations needs to be segregated at point E1, F1,G1, H1, I1. Scheduling shall be done at point P and shall be segregated at E1,F1,G1,H1,I1 by RLDC. (d) Further there may be case where multiple generating stations less than 50MW (<50MW) capacity are connected to the intermediate pooling station are stated as under: - Case -II Below 50 MW FIGURE F: CASE II BELOW 50 MW (e) Let us consider, multiple REGS (namely J,K,L,M,N,O& P ) collectively having an aggregate installed capacity of 50 MW or more and are represented through a Lead Generator . Further REGS Q & R each of 100 MW are connected at Q1 & R1. All these REGS are connected to ISTS at point Z1. (f) Scheduling and forecasting for the REGSs J,K,L,M,N,O& P shall be done at Point Z1, but need to segregated at Point J1, K1,L1, M1, N1,O1& P1 and for REGSs Q & R needs to be segregated at Q1 and R1. In this case, RLDC shall schedule at point Z1 and segregate at Y1,Q1& R1 . The lead ge nerator shall provide aggregated schedule to RLDC at Y1. Further the lead generator shall do segregation of schedules and other operational & commercial activities for generators J,K,L,M,N,O,P at points J1, K1,L1, M1, N1,O1& P1. ANNEXURE - 6 ACCOUNTING AND POOL SETTLEMENT SYSTEM (1) METERING , ACCOUNTING AND SETTLEMENT SYSTEM : (a) At the Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) level, the basic principle followed is that all settlements for the energy scheduled are done directly between the sellers and the buyers, with the Regional Power Committee issuing the accounts specifying the quantum of energy scheduled. All deviations from the schedule are settled through a regulatory pool account maintained by RLDCs; a net settlement where only the deviation payments are handled. (b) The settlement system shall be transparent, robust, scale -able ( multi buyer\/seller, inter connection with lower and upper pool systems) and dispute -free with integrity & probity possible and usage of state of the art techniques. The settlement computation details, applicable charges and operation of different regulator y pool accounts shall be in accordance with various regulations of the Commission. (c) The Implemented Schedule incorporat ing all before -the-fact changes in schedule shall be used as a reference for energy accounting. (d) Energy Accounts inter -alia shall indicat e Declared Capability of generating stations, Entitlements, Requisitions, Scheduled loss, Scheduled transactions GNA and T -GNA and actual Interchange. (e) Assumptions, if any, in the accounts sh all be clearly stated in Notes to the Accounts. (f) Each regional enti ty (whether a generating station , REGS , captive Power Plant, OA customer connected to ISTS , any other entity ) in a region shall be a member of the regional pool and separately accountable for deviations. For cross border transactions, the Settlement Nodal Agency (SNA) as appointed by the Government of India would be a member of the regional pool. ANNEXURE - 7 A. REPORTING REQUIREMEN TS S. No. Entity Responsible Reporting Requirement and Frequency Relevant Regulation No. Exception report of UFR (monthly) Operating Code: Regulation No. 29(13)(e) Annual Outage Plan (annual) Operating Code: Regulation No. 32(2)(a) Feedback Report to address potential violation of system operational limit (quarterly) Operating Code Regulation No. 33(8) Final report on grid disturbance (post grid disturbance) Operating Code Regulation No. 37(2)(f) All India transmission review (yearly) Planned inter -regional and ISTS -STU power transfer capability for the next 3 -5 years (yearly) Resource Planning Code Regulation No. 5(4)(a) 3. NLDC Forecast error (daily\/day -ahead \/ weekly \/ monthly and yearly) Operating Code Regulation 31(2)(h) Operational study ( intra -day, Day -ahead\/ weekly\/ monthly\/ yearly ) Operating Code Regulation 31(1)(a), 31(1)(b) Operational analysis (post despatch) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(1) Draft report of each grid disturbance \/ grid (post grid disturbance) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(2)(f) Daily and monthly report of integrated grid performance (daily and monthly) Operating Code Regulation 38(1) 4. RLDC Forecast error (daily\/day -ahead \/ weekly \/ monthly and yearly) Operating Code Regulation 31(2)(h) Operational study ( Day -ahead\/ weekly\/ monthly\/ yearly ) Operating Code Regulation 31(1)(a), 31(1)(b) Operational analysis (post despatch) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(1) S. No. Entity Responsible Reporting Requirement and Frequency Relevant Regulation No. Draft report of each grid disturbance (post grid disturbance) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(2)(f) Integrated grid performance (daily and monthly) Operating Code Regulation 38(2) Details of regional entity generating stations (quarterly) Scheduling and Despatch Code Regulation No. 45(1) 5. SLDC Exception report of UFR (monthly) Operating Code: Regulation No. 29(13)( d) Forecast error (daily\/day -ahead\/weekly\/monthly and yearly) Operating Code Regulation 31(2)(h) Operational study (intra -day\/ Day -ahead\/ weekly\/ monthly\/ yearly) Operating Code Regulation 31(1)(a), 31(1)(b) Operational analysis (post despatch) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(1) Flash report and detailed report on any grid disturbance (post grid disturbance) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(2)(f) 6. User Flash report and detailed report on any grid disturbance (post grid disturbance) Operating Code: Regulation No. 37(2)(b) PSS tuning report by generators (based on tuning requirements) Operating Code: Regulation No. 29(8) B. PROCEDURE DRAFTIN G REQUIREMENTS S. No. Entity Responsible Drafting Responsibilities Regulation No. 1. RPC Common outage planning procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 32(4) PSS tuning procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 29(8) 2. CTU All India transmission review Resource Planning Code Regulation No. 5(4)(a) Planned inter -regional and ISTS -STU power transfer capability for the next 3 -5 S. No. Entity Responsible Drafting Responsibilities Regulation No. 3. NLDC Detailed procedure covering modalities for first time energization and integration of new or modified power system elements Connection Code Regulation No. 8(2) Operating procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 28(3) Quantum of secondary \/ tertiary reserves Operating Code: Regulation No. 30 (11) (n), 30(12)(a) Assessment of secondary \/ tertiary reserves Operating Code Regulation No. 30 (11)(p) , 30(12)(d) Procedure for operational planning analysis, real -time monitoring, real -time assessments and format for data submission and updating Operating Code: Regulation No. 31 (1)(c) Template for Restoration Procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 34 (1) 4. RLDC Operating procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 28(4) Procedure for operational planning analysis, real -time monitoring, real -time assessments and format for data submission and updating Operating Code: Regulation No. 31 (1)(c) Restoration Procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 34 (1) 5. SLDC Detailed procedure covering modalities for first time energization and integration of new or modified power system elements Connection Code Regulation No. 8(4) Operating procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 28(5) Restoration Procedure Operating Code: Regulation No. 34 (1) 6. Governing certifying Periodic capacity building, certification and recertification for system operators at NLDC, RLDC, SLDC and Operating Code: Regulation No. 41 S. No. Entity Responsible Drafting Responsibilities Regulation No. agency sub -LDC ","Summary":"The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission has published the Draft Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (11th Amendment) Regulations, 2022. General Terms The distributor\u2019s website and notice board should display the procedure for getting new connections, temporary connections, the charges, list of documents etc. He should have a mobile app and a web portal for submitting the application forms and registration number should be issued on successful submission with tracking facility. If the forms are submitted in hard copies, then it should be scanned and uploaded on the website and the registration number should be issued within twenty-four hours. Application for load up to 500kW\/kVA The consumer requiring a new connection or additional load up to 500kW, can submit the respective form with the required documents mentioned in the document. What if the sanctioned load is exceeded? \u2013 Then the consumer will be charged as per the rules mentioned in the document. Requirement of Meters Either smart pre-payment or pre-payment meters is necessary for the connection. The consumer can test the accuracy of the meter and need not pay if the meter was faulty. The distributor should only issue two bills per consumer in a financial year. Duplicate Bill The distributor should also provide duplicate bills on request. If no records are available then the consumer can do a self-assessment and pay the bill within the due date Change of Occupancy If there is a change of occupancy then the consumer should get a no dues certificate from the distributor by following the due procedure. Cancelling the Connection If the consumer fails to pay for six months, the connection will be disconnected. The consumer can also request for the cancellation. Consumer Service & Consumer Grievances Redressal Mechanism The Distributor should establish: - a toll-free call center to provide relevant information to the consumers - a Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum consisting of distributor and consumer representatives If the issue is not solved then the consumer can approach the Ombudsman. The complaints should be registered by the consumer in the right format mentioned in the act. Standards of Performance The Distributor should maintain the standard of performance of the services provided to the consumers and failure to do so will result in compensation paid to the consumer. The claim for such compensation should be submitted within one month by the consumer. If the Consumer is not satisfied with the orders for the claim, then it can be further submitted to the forum within two months and further gain to ombudsman within 30 days, if not satisfied with the orders of the forum. To read the full document, click here."},"60":{"Title":"Draft Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2022","Text":"3643 GI\/2022 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section ( i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY , 1986 (1986 : mscb.cpcb@nic.in sonu.singh@gov.in 31, 202 2\/ 10, 194 4 No. 384] NEW DELHI, TUES DAY, MAY 31, 202 2\/JYAISTHA 10, 194 4 .-01062022-236176CG-DL-E-01062022-236176.-01062022-236176CG-DL-E-01062022-2361762 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (1) (2) (3) (4) (mg\/Nm3) PM 50 0.23 SO 2 150 0.7 H= 14Q0.3 ( H= 74Q0.27 ( -15017\/10\/2019 -MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st May, 2022 G.S.R. 405 (E).In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) the Central Gov ernment hereby makes the following draft rules, as required under sub -rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft notificati on shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the public. Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification may forward the same in writing, for consideration of the Central Government within the period specified above to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhaw an, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi -110003, or send it to the e -mail address: mscb.cpcb@nic.in and sonu.singh@gov.in. 1. Short title and commencement . (1) These rules may be called the Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2022. (2) They shall come into force after one year from the date of publication of final notification in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, in Schedule -l, after the serial number 115 and the entries relating thereto, the following en try shall be inserted, namely: - [S. No. Industry Parameter Standards (1) (2) (3) (4) 116 Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPU) units Emission Concentration (mg\/Nm3) Emission Load (kg per tonne of CPC) PM 50 0.23 SO2 150 0.7 Minimum stack hei ght (in meter) shall be as per the formula: H=14Q0.3 (where Q is SO2 emission rate in kg\/hr) or H=74Q0.27 (where Q is PM emission rate in tonne\/hr) whichever is more. However, in no case the stack height shall be less than 30 m All petroleum coke calciners shall install continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) for PM and SO 2, as per CPCBs guidelines. CO monitoring by CEMS and VOC testing once every quarter shall be conducted to have better process control. [F. No Q-15017\/10\/201 9-CPW ] NARESH PAL GANGWAR, Add l. Secy . Note: The principle rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub -section (i) vide number S.O. 844(E), dated the 19th November, 1986 and lastly amended vide notification G.S.R. 1 43(E), dated the 22nd February, 2022. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has published the Draft Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2022. The draft amendment seeks to add Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPU), that is used mostly in the aluminium industry, to the list of pollutants given in Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986. To read the full document, click here."},"15":{"Title":"Consultation Paper on Health Data Retention Policy 2021","Text":" Consultation Paper 04\/2021 Consultation Paper Proposed Health Data Retention Policy 9th Floor, Tower - 1 Jeevan Bharati Building, Connaught Place New Delhi - 110001 Written Comments on the Consultation Paper are invited f rom the stakeholders by 24th December 2021. Comments are to be preferably posted electronically on the ABDM website via the form available at https:\/\/ abdm .gov.in\/publication\/consultationpapers. The comments could also be sent to Shri Kiran Gopal Vaska , Joi nt Director (Coordination), National Health Authority, on the email ID abdm @nha.gov.in. For any clarification\/ information, he may be contacted at Telephone No. 011 -23468 703 Acronym s and Abbreviation s ABDM Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission API Applicati on Programming Interface EHR Electronic Health Records EMR Electronic Medical Records HFR Health Facility Registry HID Health ID HIP Health Information Provider HIU Heath Inform ation User HPR Healthcare Professionals Registry HRP Healthcare Reposi tory Provider ICT Information Communication & Technology MoHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare NABH National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers NABL Nat ional Accreditatio n Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories NDHB National Digital Health Blueprint NDHE National Digital Health Ecosystem NHA National Health Authority NHP National Health Policy PHI Personal Health Information PHR Personal Hea lth Records PII Personally Identifiable Information Table of Conten ts Executive Summary ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 6 Chapter 1: Introduction and Background of the Consultation P aper ............................. 8 1.1 Background ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 8 1.2 Objectives ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 8 1.3 Scope of C onsultation Paper ................................ ................................ ..................... 9 1.4 Consultation Process ................................ ................................ ................................ ..10 1.5 Evol ution of ABDM ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 10 1.6 Envisioned ABD M Architecture ................................ ................................ ................. 11 1.7 Pilot of ABDM Building Blocks ................................ ................................ .................... 12 Chapter 2 Need for Health Data Retention Guideline\/ Policy ................................ ...... 15 2.1 Importance of Health Data Retention ................................ ................................ ..... 15 2.2 Existing Guidelines for Health Data Retention in India ................................ ............ 16 2.3 Relevance within ABDM ................................ ................................ ............................ 18 2.4 Key Issues for Consultation ................................ ................................ ........................ 20 Chapter 3 - Scope of the Health Data Retention Guideline\/ Policy ................................ 21 3.1 Stakeholders ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 21 3.2 Key Issues for Consultation ................................ ................................ ........................ 22 Chapter 4 Key Elements for Health Data Retention ................................ ...................... 24 4.1 Retention Duration for Health Data ................................ ................................ .......... 24 4.2 Storage and Maintenance of Health Data Re tention ................................ ............ 25 4.3 Data Classification for Health Data ................................ ................................ .......... 26 4.4 Anonymization and Pseudonymization ................................ ................................ ....30 4.5 Co untry Comparison on Data Retention ................................ ................................ .31 4.6 Use cases as per requirement of the health record in India ................................ ..36 4.7 Existing Implem entation of Guidelines for Retention of Health Records in India ..36 4.8 Key Issues for Consultation ................................ ................................ ........................ 37 Chapter 5 - Proposed Approach fo r Healt h Data Re tention Guideline\/ Policy ............. 39 5.1 Proposed Classification ................................ ................................ ............................. 39 5.2 Proposed Duration by Health Data Type ................................ ................................ .40 5 5.3 Mode of Health Data Retention ................................ ................................ ............... 40 5.4 Proposed Health Data Retention Governance Structure ................................ ...... 41 5.5 Key Issues for Consultation ................................ ................................ ........................ 41 Annexure ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 42 List of Questions ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 42 Discla imer ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 44 Executive Summary The purpose of formulation and implementation of a Health Data Retention Guideline \/Policy1 for India is to ensure uniformity in a manner , which ensures that every healthcare facility impl ements record rete ntion and compliance with all applicable regulations \/ guidelines \/ laws in India. The proposed Health Data Retention Guideline\/ Policy has been envisioned to minimize risks associated with personal health data and to maximize benefits from us age of this data by en suring that data retention guidelines are in sync with all applicable legal and regulatory compliances . Several lines of evidence show that nations , which have developed strong health data governance systems , have safely and securely use d healt h data for strengthen ing healthcare \/ public health delivery syste ms2,3,4,5,6. s healthcare ecosystem shall benefit from this policy under ABDM . In order to ensure that health data of individuals is available for a pre -determined period of t ime as required by the ecosystem , this consultation paper covers in detail varied viewpoints across the chapters, in cluding context ual requirements and use cases while weighing in the benefi ts for better health outcomes via a Health Data Retention Policy, which m ay be gover ned by ABDM . 1 The term guideline and policy for heath data retentio n may be used interchangeabl y in the document 2 eHealth Network (20 15). Governance model for the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure during the CEF funding. Available at: https:\/\/ec.europa.eu\/health\/sites\/health\/files\/ehealth\/docs\/ev_20151123_co02_en.pd f 3 5 Research 2Guidance (2018). Digital Diabete s Care Market 2018 -2022. Available at: https:\/\/research2guidance.com\/wp -content\/uploads\/2018\/08 \/R2G -Digital -Diabetes -Care -Marke t-2018 - 2022 -Ready -To-Take -Off -Report -Preview.pdf 4 ESPON Future Digital Health in the EU Scient ific Access. Available at: https: \/\/www.espon.eu\/sites \/default\/files\/attachments\/Scientific%20annexes.%20TG%202019%2003%2025_fina l%20version_0.pdf 5 EU2017.ee (2 017). Estonias unique e -health: thousands of data fields, one personal health rec ord. Available at: https:\/\/www.eu2017.ee\/news\/p ress -releases\/estoni as-unique -e-health -thousands -datafields -one -personal -health -record 6 Kauppi nen, H., Ahonen, R., M, P., Timonen, J. (2017). Medication Safety and the Usability of Electronic Prescri bing as Percei ved by Physicians - A Semistructu red Interview among Primary Health Care Physicians in Finland. Journal of Evaluation in Clinica l Practice, 23, 1187 -1194. 7 Chapter 1 highlights the objectives of this consultation paper giving us a background on ABDM and its scope , as well as the importance of data management policies from which a need arises for further exploring applicable dat a reten tion policy . Chapter 2 lays the context, importance , and existing landscape for health data retention while explaining the relevance and need for a new policy for India to be supported under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM ). Chapter 3 lays out the scope of t he health data retention policy. In this regard, detailed emphasis is laid on establishing the role of concerned stakeholders under the ambit of the policy , and whether the entire healthcare ecosystem or only entities part of ABDM should be cove red by the policy being discussed. Chapter 4 focuses on the different aspects such as the need to define retention duration, impact of short -term vs long -term retention of health data based on type of data. Data classification is discussed from bot h macro - and micro -level perspectives, and a cross -country comparison has also been di scussed. This chapter also covers policy enforcement for applicable guidelines in the Indian context for certain use cases along with compliance to certain accreditations . Cha pter 5 cove rs a proposed approach for health data retention policy for India , pertaining to different data types, and also covers what suitable modes of retention could be considered. The proposed guidelines are aligned with the long -term horizon fo r bette r quality o f healthcare delivery systems. Finally, Annexure 1 provides a list of all consultation questions. Chapter 1: Introduction and Background of the Consultation 1.1 Background In India, retention of health records by various health care entities and systems is governed by multiple guidelines as may be required to ensure compliance with an act, or an accredit ation mandate, or organizational polic y in force. Health facilities are obligated for maintain ence and retriev al of any past rec ords for future diagnosis or healthcare delivery activities. Henceforth , health facilities are follow ing non -uniform retention duration across healthcare system s, which eventually does not benefit citi zens due to fragmented record management practice s of h ealth records. In the absence of a uniform guideline, and d ue to lack of understanding of implications of such fragmented rete ntion approaches, realizing the goals of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Miss ion ( ABDM ) in facilitating long -term health benefits vi a quality, data -driven digital solutions would be challeng ing . The need for guidelines on data retention for personally identifi able information (PII) , or perso nal health information (PHI) also stems from the emerging landscape and thinking and on the need for protection of sensitive data while ensuring effective us age of such information in clinical decision -making by health care professionals . This leads to impr ovement in overall quality of healthcare delivery and which is possible only if longer retention periods are mandated for certain types of health data discus sed later in this paper. Various existing guidelines discussed sub sequently in this paper have bee n reviewed before writing this consultation paper ; however, none provide a superseding directive covering the entire healthcare ecosystem in India. 1.2 Obj ectives This consultation paper invite s stakeholders comment s and feedback on developing a Health Data Retention Policy (HDRP) under the ambit of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM ), and to subsequently define the best practices required to be inco rporated into the policy . Under ABDM , digital health records shall be maintained in a federated arc hitecture . Furthermore, availability of this health data for ensuring continuity of care via interoperable systems is critical. Pursuant to the Health Data M anagement Policy, NHA is required to formulate a policy on health d ata retention to be adopted by the healthcare ecosystem in India and associated entities in the National Digital Health Ecosyste m (NDHE). As directed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfa re (MoHFW) , NHA is required to develop a policy covering detailed g uidelines on health data retenti on and this policy may have 9 implication beyond the ABDM ecosystem . Through this consultation pap er, the NHA is provid ing interested stakeholders with informa tion that may be useful to understand the considerations for the proposed policy for India , and its related implications , and to seek their suggestions\/inputs on health data retention under ABDM . In this document, an a ttempt has been made to frame and con textualize the issues for consultation and provide adequate context for the public to weigh in with their comments. A wide range of policy, strategic , and technical matters are covered, some of w hich may depend upon leg al interpretation. The information gi ven is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requir ements and should not be regarde d as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The approaches discussed henceforth are ideas and not decisions. Fina l decision shall be taken after consi dering suggestions and feedback received on this paper. Multiple research studies have been revie wed for draft ing this consultation paper and the information presented herein. This consultation is of high importance, and it shall enable ABDM to build a r obust policy, which could become a uniform policy for adopt ion by t he Indian healthcare ecosystem , beyond National Digital Health Ecosystem ( NDHE ) as well . This would benefit sta keholders by (i) providing clarity on how long retention duration for certain data types shall improve service delivery to patients and (ii) layi ng out the direction for ensurin g compliance for retention. NHA understands that there might still be gaps with respect to the research undertaken . Hence, the desired outcome from this pro cess of consultation is to obtain clear feedback and answers to the questions posed at the end of e ach chapter. Additionally, stakeholders are welcome to raise any other issues they deem critical for the development of such a policy. This consultation pap er is restricted to the proposed Health Data Retention Policy of th e Ayushman Bharat Digital Missio n ( ABDM ). Information on other building blocks (Health Facility Registry (HFR) , Healthcare Profe ssionals Registry (HPR) , United Health Interface (UHI) , etc. and issues within them have been discussed in other consultation pa pers published by the NHA. 1.3 Scope of Consultation Paper This paper focuses on the Health Data Retention policy within the ABD M ecosystem. It describes NHAs current approach related to d ata retention , and how a health data retention policy for ABDM stak eholders will help the healthcar e ecosystem . Importantly, the Health Data Retention Policy is p rospective, not retrospective. ABDM is currently evaluating the most feasible option for la ying down guidelines on Health Data Retention , and thus each sectio n has specific open questions wh ere feedback from stakeholders has been sought to ensure the proposed policy is beneficial to al l parties and will help accelerate the adoption of digital he alth services in India. The guidelines of the proposed policy, p otential benefits to various eco system stakeholders, the approach towards designing the system and the governanc e for managing t he systems are also covered, and open for comments and feedba ck. 1.4 Consultation Process Prior to issuing this comprehensive co nsultation paper, ABDM has rev iewed various aspects related to health data retention in India as well as globally , some of whi ch are covered in the following sections. Based on the analysis of existing guidelines, international practices mentioned in the following sections, and interna l analysis, this consultation paper has been prepared to seek inputs from stakeholders on specif ic issues raised henceforth. 1.5 Evolution of ABDM 1.5.1 The N ational Health Policy (NHP), published in 2017, ha s the following goal : The attainment of the h ighest possible level of health and wellbeing for all at all ages, through a preventive and prom otive health care orientation in all developmental policies, an d universal access to good quality health care services without an yone having to face financial h ardship as a consequence.1.5.2 A key tenet of the NHP was the adoption of digital technologie s in the healthcare ecosystem. To realize this goal, the Minist ry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) constituted a committee hea ded by Shri J. Satyanarayana t o develop an implementation frame work for the National Health Stack. This committee produced the National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB), laying out the build ing blocks and a comprehensive action plan to holistically implemen t a nationwide digital health strategy . 1.5.3 To define the ra tionale, scope , and implementation arrangements of the framewor k of digital healthcare ecosystem laid out in the NDHB, Ayushma n Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM ), was then launched on August 15, 20 20, with the following vision: To create a national digital health ecosystem that supports universal health coverage in an efficient, accessible, inclusive, affordable, timely and safe m anner, that provides a wide -range of data, information and infrastr ucture services, duly leveragi ng open, interoperable, standards based digital systems, and ensures the security, confidentiali ty and privacy of health -related personal information. For mo re information on the framework and evolution of the ABDM , you can refer to the National Digital Health Blueprint document at https:\/\/ abdm .gov.in \/home\/ndhb . 1.6 Envisioned ABDM Architecture 1.6.1 Going for ward, ABDM aims to transform the way digital health services are re ndered in India. In order to a chieve this goal , a revised representation of the ABDM architecture is represented below. The ai m of this architecture is to allow for interoperability of both health data and health services. Fig. 1. Envisaged ABDM Architec ture 1.6.2 The definitions an d the envisioned functions of each of the layers is as mentioned below (the layers are described bottom -up) 1. JAM and Existing Digital Ecosystems: ABDM has been designed to operate effectively with , and leverage Indias extant digital ecosystems, such as Aa dhaar , Jan Dhan Bank Accounts, and Mobile (JAM), UPI, eSign, Digilocker, etc. These cross -domain capabilities are leveraged in ABDM to enable certain key funct ionalities such as (i) creation of a H ealth ID for individuals (ii) access ibility of digital heal th records through Digi Locker (iii) access to doctors and health facilitie s 2. Health Data Excha nge Layer: This layer encompasses the core digital infrastructu re modules needed to ensure the interoperability of health data. Th ese building blocks include co re registries - the Health ID, the Healthcare Professionals Registry and the Health Facility Reg istry, Heal th Information Exchange and Consent Manager, Health Data Standards (based on FHIR), coding terminology and data aggrega tion specifications that drive trust and shareability of health data between patients and healthcare providers. 3. Health Servi ces Layer: Building blocks in this layer are envisioned to enab le interoperable and seamless interactions between patients and pro viders of digital health servi ces, and along with other ABDM building blocks to address challenges in delivering healthcare se rvices digi tally by creating an ecosystem that benefits both pa tients and providers. 4. User Applications: This is the end -user laye r of the ABDM ecosystem. It co mprises the applications and platforms developed by the government or private sector through whi ch patients , healthcare providers, insurers, researchers, polic y makers, etc . access trusted health services . The application laye r will interact with the healt h services and the health data layer s thereby enabling health data exchange and a wide range of digital hea lth services. 1.7 Rollout of ABDM Building Blocks 1.7.1 ABDM has been conceptualized as a set of digital building blo cks. Each building block is se en as a digital public good that can be used by any entity in the digital health ecosystem and provides key capabilities that enable the ABDM Vision. 1.7.2 Since t he announcement of ABDM , the National Health Authority (N HA) has launched the following key building blocks - Health ID, Perso nal H ealth Recor ds (PHR) App, Healthcare Professionals Registry (HPR) starting with doctors, Health Facility Registry (HFR) , and Health Information Exchange & Cons ent Manager (HIE -CM) . 13 Fig. 2. ABD M Building Blocks These buildin g blocks are designed to enable identification of participating entities (health care providers, patients, and health professionals) and enable e xchange of interoperable health data with patient consent . Any entity that wish es to share health information w ith a patient digitally in compliance with ABDM health s tandards is called a Health Information Provider (HIP) and any entity that seeks to acces s health data with consent is called a Health Information User (HIU) . 1.7.3 The ABDM building blocks have en abled new foundational capabilities including: A Health ID for every resident who wishes to obta in their health records digitally. Registered health facilities can link health records with Health IDs. This helps create a longitudinal Personal Health Recor d (PHR) for the individual, i.e. , a medical record across multiple patient encounters at differe nt health facilities. A consent mechanism to em power patients to access and share their PHR data. This mechanism is fully align ed with the draft Personal Data Protection Bill (2019)11 of Ind ia. Standardization of the formatting of health records like diag nostic reports, discharge summaries, prescriptio ns, consultation notes and immunization records to make them interoperable. Howe ver, th is standardization is not mandatory , and ABDM envisions the ecosystem to adopt standardization in order to garner the ful l benefits of technolog ical flexibility. Digital identity for every verified health care professional and health facility who par ticipates in ABDM. Additional i nformation on these building blocks and the pilot is available at https:\/\/abdm.gov.in\/ 1.7.4 The current ABDM building blocks have been built with the primary goal of ensuring the seamle ss interoperability of health -related data . Stakeholders in the ecosystem may use the ABDM APIs to access, share and verify heal th records, healthcare professionals and health faci lities. Chapter 2 Need for Health Data Retention Guideline\/ Policy This chapter provides background information o n why a Health Data Retention Policy may be required as part of NDH E and sets the context for su bsequent chapters . The relevance of health data r etention in the context of the ABDM , Health Data Management Policy , and HIU\/HIP guidelines have be en discussed. 2.1 Importance of Health Data Retention Data retention is the practice of storing and managing personal health data and records for a designated period and typically, the policies pertain to data type, format, duration, del etion mechanism, ownership , and procedure for violation or bre ach of the policy. Health care organizations establish appropriate retention and archival or destruction schedules , to ensure the availability of timely and relevant data related to patient care , supported by robust life cycle of records management , which begins when information is created and ends when information is archived\/ destroyed. This ensure s that patient diagn osis, prognosis , and health profile s are available for longer period, throughou t patient lifetime or at least until completion of ongoing care delivery. These organizations , however , need a directive vi a ne cessary policies governing their practice of data retention. The healthcare providers or labs create terabytes of data every ye ar in the form of health records , lab results, and m edical images. This data can be accessed by patients, government organizatio ns, and doctors for healthcare decision -making af ter seeking s due consent . Thus, any such policy should cover the below requirements7: A system for com pliance with data retention laws \/rules\/regulations etc. Ensuring availability of documents when needed Cost, time and space savings to balance st orage, security, and infrastructure constraints of health facilities Protection against accidental loss or sele ctive record destruction Schedule for destruction of non -relevant or obsolete documents Traditi onally retention functions have been managed usin g different media, including paper, images, optical disk, microfilm, DVD, and C D-ROM. The warehouses or resourc es from which to retrieve, store, and maintain data and information include, but are not limited to, application -specific databases, diagnostic b iomedical devices, master patient indexes, and patient medical records and heal th information. 7 https:\/\/library.ahima.org\/PB\/RetentionDestruction#.YQvD6I4zY2w 16 Specifically , a record retention guideline should : Ensure patient health information is available to meet the n eeds of continued patient care, legal requirement s, research, education, and other legitimate uses. Specify what information is kept, the time period for which it is k ept, and the storage medium on which it will be maintained. Specify clear destruction p olicies and procedures , that include appropriate methods of destruction for each medium on which the information is maintained 2.2 Existing Guidelines for Healt h Data Retention in India Patient health information is defined as Sensitive Data under the Inf ormation Technology (Reasonable Security Practice s and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 20118, but no guideline on retention schedu le exists. In the absence of any superseding legislations or policies defined on health data ret ention in the country, many healthcare providers currently comply with self -prescribed standards applicable to their organizatio n for storing, retaining, and ma intaining applicable health records , which may cover compliance requirements per state, central or accreditation guidelines. The MoHFW had notifi ed the EHR Standards 2013 (revised in 2016 )9, which are applicable for all Heal thcare Provider s, such that all electronic records must compulsorily be preserved and never destroyed during the lifetime of the person. With regards to ABDM , these standards co uld be adopted as a foundation for a policy on data retention , while considerin g a broader framework for the entire healthcare ecosystem. With reference to the Indian healthcare regulations, a few other gui delines\/policies exist in this regard . These have been reviewed thoroughly to understand how ret ention duration for health data types has been defined , to ident ify the gaps , and thereby propose a case for a new policy for ABDM stakeholders : The Indian Medi cal Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 200210 - These regulations prescribe that every physician shall maintain the medical recor ds pertaining to his \/ her indoor patients for a period of 3 years from the date of commencement of the treatment in a standard proforma laid dow n by the Medical Council of I ndia8 https:\/\/www.prsindia .org\/sites\/def ault\/files\/bill_files\/IT_Rules_20 11.pdf 9 Notificatio n of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Standards - 2016 for India -reg 10https:\/\/wbconsumers.gov.in\/writereaddata\/ ACT%20&%20RULES\/Relevant%20Act%20&%20Rules\/Code%20of%20Medical%20Ethics%20R egulations.pdf 17 The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Draft Rules, 201 011 The Draft Rules for Central Government suggest that medical records should be retained with the clinical establishment concerned for 3 to 5 years. The Act has taken effect in four States viz., Arunachal Pradesh, Himacha l Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, and all Union Territories, excluding the NCT of Delhi since 1st of March 2012, vide Gazette notifica tion dated 28th February 2012. The States of Utta r Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, and Haryana have ad opted the Act under clause (1) o f article 252 of the Constitution of India. Directorate General of Health Services for Central G overnment Hospitals in 201412, in an Office Memora ndum , stated that Medical Records of indoor patients may be stored in digitized form for at least 10 years or p er availability. Hospitals can store hard copy of medical records inpatient, OPD 3 years; me dico -legal registers and case 10 years o r till the disposal of ongoing cases. The provisions of specific Acts like The Pre -Conception Pre -Natal Diagnos tic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, etc. necessitate proper maintenance of records that have to be retained for 2 year s as specif ied in the Act . The Personal Data Protection Bill, 201913 provides the pro vision that data can be stored only for as long as it is necessary to satisfy the purpose for which the data has been recorded b y the entity. Digital Information Security in Hea lthcare Act (DISHA) was introduced in March 2019 by the Govern ment of India to regulate ownership, collection, purpose, and storage of digital health data in alignment with the Electronics Health Records Sta ndards of India (2016)14. Entities currently are h ighly restricted under DISHA, and are only permitted to gener ate, collect, and store health data for the follow ing purposes15: To advance the delivery of patient -centred medical care, To provide information t o guide medical decisions, or To improve coordina tion of care and information among hospitals, laboratories, The approach considered in DISHA has been subs umed by the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill, 2019 to avoid duplicity of efforts . 11 http:\/\/www.clinicalestabli shments.gov.in \/cms\/Home.asp x 12 https:\/\/cghs.gov.in\/index 1.php?lang=1&level=2&sublinkid=7 039&lid=4643 13 https:\/ \/prsindia.org\/billtrack\/the -personal -dat a-protection -bill-2019 14 http s:\/\/www.nhp.gov.in\/NHPfiles\/EHR -Standards -2016 -MoHFW.pdf 15 Section 29(2), DISHA, 2018: Purpose s of collectio n, storage, transmission and use of dig ital health data 18 2.3 Releva nce within ABDM As per the National Digital Healt h Blueprint, 2019 ( Blueprint ) a federated architecture shall be adopted, for the management of digital health data to ensure interoperability across the National Digital Health Ecosystem. 2.3.1 Generatio n and Exchange of Health Records Patient health d ata relating to an encounter or a set of encounters , is generated and maintaine d at the facility level (at the Point of Care) and would not be stored centrally . The health facility would be able to share th e digitally created health records of patients with concerned doctors via EMR or HMIS solution , and in effect to the patients via a PHR Application, after patien ts due consent. Health Information Exchange & Consent Manager (HIE -CM) shall enable the exchan ge of an interoperable health record for each indi vidual by connectin g the health information contained in various organizations across the entire continuum of c are. The current ABDM building blocks have been built with the primary goal of ensuring seam less interoperability of health -related data. Stak eholders in the eco system may use the ABDM APIs to access, share, and verify he alth records, healthcare profess ionals, and healthcare facilities. ABDM building blocks are designed to enable identification of participating entities (health care providers, patients, and heal th professionals) and enable exchange of interoperable healt h data with patient consent. 2.3.2 HIP\/HIU Guidelines The HIP\/HIU guidelines suggest that a healthcare provider who is creati ng health data (diagnostic reports, discharge summ aries, prescriptions, etc. ) digitally should be able to share these records wit h the patients , and also fetch r ecords issued by other p roviders with user consent. To enable this, the hospital or the lab inf ormation management system need to be ABDM complia nt, and wil l be required to mod ify and integrate their systems with ABDM buildi ng blocks and maintain health re cords of patients digita lly to offer long term storage of health records on behalf of an HIP . The primary requirement from a n HIP is to ensure t hat : (1) All systems where data is maintained are up and running ; and (2) Data is available for sharing and sea mless exchange across applications as and when required. 19 2.3.3 Health Data Management Policy ABDM has published the Health Data Management Polic y (HDMP) , and as per clause 6 it is required that a data retention policy is to be notified with adequate repre sentation from all stakeholders involved in implementation of the ABDM . The Health Data Manage ment policy was approved ( in December 2020) under ABDM to protect and manage personal data of patients using the digital services available in NDHE . The policy a cts as a guidance document across NDHE , and sets out the minimum standard for data privacy prot ection that should be followed across the board to ensu re compliance with relevant and applicable laws, rules, and regulations.16 The policy is dynamic in nature and subject to revision as may be required. Necessary guidelines with further consultation on scope for data retention guidelines shall be appen ded and issued for implementation within NDHE. The guidelines for the current policy shall be identified as req uired from this policy on health data retention under Clauses 14, 16.2, 19.2, 22.2 of He alth Data Management Policy necessitates notificat ion of a data retention policy. As per clause 26. 6 any personal data collected will not be retained beyond the period necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it is collected and the data fiduciary w ill d elete such personal data at the end of such proces sing in accordance with Clause 14 of HDMP as well as any guidelines relating to data retention and archival tha t may be notified from time to time. The NDHE also enables service providers with health lock ers to maintain and retain, health information gen erated by HIPs as well as any user uploaded records. A large hospital or a publ ic health program (like RCH) cou ld hold the records of patients in long term storage on premises or in the cloud . As per i ts ow n policies smaller diagnostic centers \/ clinics ma y use a specialized health repository provider who provides software solutions to help issue documents to patie nts and hold the same in long term storage. As t he policy guidelines are further being laid do wn, the current consultation on data retention rul es and requirements shall help the ABDM receive clarity on roles and responsibi lities of data fiduciaries and d ata processors with regards to retention schedules, business continuity to ensure the mandated duration and lifecycle of the records maintenance under all circumstances. Eventually, only this policy on data retention will be considered and adopted regardin g applicable guidelines for retention of health records by all stakeholders under NDHE. 16 https:\/\/www.insightsonindia.co m\/2021\/01\/21\/rstv -the -big -pictur e-health -data -management policy\/#:~:text=Data%20collected%20across%20the%20Nationa l,Objectives%2 0of%20this%20Policy%3A&text=To%20ensure%20portability %20in%20the%20provis ion%20of%20health%20services 20 2.4 Key Issues for Consultation Health data retention und er ABDM is a critical element for electronic record keeping by associated entit ies namely healthcare practition er or health facility or any other public or private healthcare institution. There are benefits for retention as it facilitates better decision m aking for public health concerns, research at the State level . Data retention requires ownership, maintenance , and regulated guidelines for enforcing a standardized approach via a common policy applicable for ABDM stakeholders, with recourse on any breac hes . Thus, we invite concerned stakeholders to share their comments on below qu estions: 1. Whether there is a ne ed for a Health Data Retention Policy and w ill India n healthcare ecosystem benefit from such a Universal Data Retention Policy and what should be the key elements of this policy? 2. How should the guiding principle of this poli cy be determine d for the benefit of stakeholders and ease of adoption by varying sizes of entities deciding to opt in for ABDM ? Chapter 3 - Scope of the Health Data Retention Guideline\/ Policy In this chapter, th e consultation paper outlines the envisaged scope of the Health Data Retention Guid eline\/ Policy , and whether the scope should be applicable for the entire healthcare ecosystem in India , or i f it should be limited to part icipating entities of NDHE. The advantages and disadvantages for each of the options , have also bee n int roduced. 3.1 Stakeholders 3.1.1 Option 1 Entire Healthcare Ecosystem in India In this option, the policy scope shall include all healthcare faciliti es and associated entities in India who will adopt the data retention guidelines as defined , irresp ective of their decision to opt -in or opt -out of NDH E. Several entities who may not be covered , or those who may decide to opt out of the NDHE, including ins urance providers, third -party administrators (TPA) offering individual and group insurance schemes, providers of open API systems, private PHR apps, teleconsultation platforms, data processors etc., will also be required to en sure that data retention guide lines are followed. 3.1.2 Option 2 Healthcare entities opting -in for ABDM In this option, t he po licy shall be applicable to only the health facilities and other entities opting in for ABDM . Any hospital, diagnostic center, clinic, public health program, etc. creating digital health records for patients can become a n HIP or an HIU by signing up with t he ABDM registries. The registry will issue them a digital key that needs to be configured in the application, being used by th e facility, that is certified to be compliant with ABDM standards17 and the policy will be applicable for all types of health reco rds generated via associated IDs pertaining to an individual . The entities operating as part of ABDM , shall be responsible for ensuring that records are reta ined as per the predefined period under this policy . Considering the above discussion , if Option 1 is adopted, it shall facilitate ease of opt -in and opt -out , and have a standardized approach to health data retention . For ei ther options, the policy would be applicable for all health records generated by the entities. However, to ensure that the policy is adopted , regulatory and l ega l 17 Guidelines for Health Information Providers, Health Re pository Providers, Health Information Users and Health Lockers, ABDM 22 considerations shall be required. The details for both the options have been discussed furthe r in this document. 3.1. 3 Adva ntages and Disadvantages of each option Scope Advantages Disadvantages Option 1 Entire Healthcar e Ecosystem in The policy will p rovide a uniform approach towards health data retention enabling ease of adoption of any future policies\/ guidelines , r educing friction in any cases of opt -in\/opt -out. Challenges maybe encountered in enforce ment of the policy and it may be difficult for governing authorities to ensure adherence by each healthcare entity in the ecosystem Opti on 2 Healthcare entities opti ng-in for ABDM As the scope shall be limited to entities opting -in for ABDM , it shall be easier to identify them and ensure that th e policy is adopt ed along with other applicable guidelines for ABDM stakeholders , if any This might create subsystems within the larger healthcare ecosystem and may lead to a situation where entities not opting for ABDM con tinue with their non -standardise d process of data retention If an entity opts out of ABDM , deletes all the health record s, and later decide s to opt -in again, the entity will still be in compliance of this policy. But the very purpose of this policy for ens uring long term authentic health records would not be fulfilled. 3.2 Key Issues for Consultation The impact of the policy on different healthcare entities will be the deciding factor on the enforceability of the policy. The policy scope requires deliber ation if it may be 23 applicable on the entire healthcare ecosystem requiring necessary capability, training, and suitable technol ogies to be implemented by all stakeholders , or it may be applicable only for heathcare entities participating in ABDM . With bett er understanding of available infrastructure, and readiness, the policy parameters can ensure suitab le guidelines and uniform e xperience. Thus, addressing t he following questions would be helpful in building the scope and coverage of the policy: 1. As per O ption 1, it has been proposed th at the policy would be applicable to all healthcare entities from health data retention perspec tive. As per Option 2, the pol icy will be applicable only to entities participating in ABDM ? Which would be a better option for t he scope of the health data rete ntion policy? 2. How such a policy should be implemented given limitations in terms of infrastruc ture, capability, and sufficie nt understanding of health data in the healthcare ecosystem? 3. As ABDM has a provision for opt -out, in such a scenario what may be t he possible implications from the perspective of health data retention ? Chapter 4 Key Ele ments for Health Data Retentio n The proposed policy will consider two critical elements of data retention, i.e. duration of rete ntion and data classification , to understand if different duration periods should be defined for different types of health reco rds as may be feasible . As retention schedules for very complex clas sification can be time consuming and resource intensive , it is important to evaluate the ideal minimum duration for each type of health data . Thus , this chapter is focused on the benefit s of short -term vs long -term duration, types of health data collected, international comparison of data type as applicable , to ev aluate and arrive at a proposed policy with retention schedules for each type of health data. 4.1 Retention Du ration for Healt h Data Globally, the requireme nt for health data retention polic y stems from a countrys personal data protection laws \/legislatio ns, which stipulates the require ment for personal health data as well. The retention schedules for personal health data retenti on, stem from the key principl es of a countrys data protection laws as maybe applicable at the state or federal levels. There are no definite guidelines in In dia regarding how long health records should be retained since data protection guidelines are e volving . As observed across multiple healthcare providers in India, a minimum of 3 years of retention period is adopted for pers onal health data to ensure conti nuity of care for patients registered at those facilities. But most of them are moving towards retention of health data for l ifetime. Other facilities may prescribe different retention periods as per data type. The se facili ties have an organizational poli cy in place, which cover s guidelines of councils, accreditation compliance requirements or requ irements by systems\/ HMIS , stat e or central compliance requirements, as notified by MoHFW for medical \/health records . Whi le the total retention requirements und er ABDM may propose a minimum retention period, for any health record there may be circumstance s where records could be kept for longer periods for specific purposes and in some cases, there may be a provision for further ex tension upon special request. A classification -based retention schedule may cover and minimize such scenarios, as duration fo r more valuable health data ty pes could be mandated for longer periods. 4.2 Storage and Maintenance of Health Data Retention ABD M stakeholders may be required t o manage the technological infrastructure for collection and storage of core\/master data throu gh various centrally maintained registries . This may further improv e quality of health data collection, storage , and dissemination with focus on c onsent based dat a sharing as key to building data architecture. HIPs and HIUs may adopt feasible technology requirements including , cloud -based systems. Due to the need for exchange of health care data across platforms, compatibility acros s systems and platforms may be e ssential to seek alignment and compliance with interopera bility standards. Storage, transmis sion or any other aspect of pro cessing of personal data is the responsibility of the data fiduciary and over -writing, anonymizatio n or other method(s) of removal or erasure should be made possible on the request of a Data Principal.18 The same has also been mentioned in the HIU\/HIP guide lines of ABDM per which any health records obtained by the HIU needs to be stored and managed secur ely in accordance with ABDM Heal th Data Management policy and Information Security Polic y for external ecosystem. 4.2.1 Modes of Retention of Health Data The method of storing patient information is one of the biggest data storage challenges organizations may face i n integration of lega cy systems while onboarding new systems into the health IT infrastructure. This indicates the importance of interoperability between different cloud vendors to facilitate smooth transition. An Electronic (E), Physical (P) or Original Form (O) of health dat a may be chosen as mode of retention by clinical establishments and health care providers alth ough electronic medical records and electronic health records may be preferred . With the possibility of hosting data off -premise, cloud data storage options seem to have gained popularity among healthcare organizations and storing health data in the cloud could give stakeholders better access . To manage, store, and access health data, modern technologies, such as cloud, mobile, and new generation databases seem to have gained preference amongst users. A challenge that the healthcare domain would have fac ed in this regard pertain to se curity of h ealthcare data19. 18 Health Dat a Management P olicy, NDHM 19 https:\/\/archer -soft.com\/blog\/impor tance -healthca re-data -securit y 26 With regards to the mode of retention of large imaging files, includi ng those related to MRIs, etc. , storage may be an issue of concern for smaller entities or clinics due to large format files. However, storage space availabi lity may not be a challenge at large due to existing options of coding and storing large quantities of data , for example by some leading hospitals across India. 4.2.2 Maintenance and Exchange of Health Data For scalability, flexibility, and econom ic reaso ns, cloud -based healthcare data sharing schemes have been proposed through data encryption and oper ation anonymization. However, us ers are hesitant to transferring private and sensitive data to cloud systems due to potential risks. In this regard, blockcha in-based solutions have been widely discussed20. Legacy health IT systems may exchange resources in ternally and, as a result, may n ot be interoperable with external systems. This may negatively impact inter -organizational sec ure data access, which is often required, for example, during physician -specialist, physician -research organization interactions, etc. In this regard, newer appro aches, for example, those combining blockchain, digest chain, and structured peer -to-peer (P2P ) networking technique s may hel p resolve issues with legacy IT systems and data sharing agreements may also be defined. For safeg uarding retained data, the data fiduciary will have to ensure that in case of any outsourc ing , the vendor s must first be asses sed to ensure they comply with the policy guidelines, to avoid any breech. Any requests for extension of retention peri od or des truction before the recommened period shall be managed by the data fiduciary along with the data processor and they would be r esponsible for storage optimiza tion techniques that provide high efficiency. 4.3 Data Classification for Health Data Classificati on is the process of organizing data by relevant categories so that rules on usage, storage, retention, protection, and associ ated costs can be managed more efficiently. Data retention policies are essential for Personal Health Information (PHI ) or Persona lly Identifiable Information (PI I) due to the sensitive nature of these records, and retention being a resource -intensive proc edure requires an understanding on what rules should apply to different categories of health data. These categories ma y be based o n 20 Appl. Sci (2019) 9, 1207; doi.10. 3390\/app9061207 27 the type of health record s suc h as diagnosis, test results, discharge summaries or on the functionality of these health reco rds. While a more complex clas sification matrix may require strict governance, it shall essentially help in defining appropriate guidelines applicable for more s ensitive type of data hosted on public platforms. Data can also be classified depending on its usage, the value and risk asso ciated, content of documents, location, and time of acces s. A classification -based retention sched ule helps to: Automat e complianc e and systems Save costs in maintaining compliance Reduce risk of any privacy\/security breache s for more sensitive type of da ta Discard l ess relevant or inactive records 4.2.1 Classification by Record Type Across the globe , below types have been defined and they may have different retention periods to reduce risk of data bre ach as certain types o f data are more valuable than henc e, recognizing the value based on frequency of usage, and expected repeat references re quired for treatment or medical investigation , helps in classification. 1. OPD (Outpatient Department ) General OPD o Patient exits h ospital post -OPD consultation Records stored as General OPD Records . o Patient is admitted to hospital post -OPD consultation Records to be stored as IPD Recor ds. Emergency o Any medical cases requiring immediate medical attention , including but not limite d to accidents, burns, trauma , which are addressed under Day Care Unit Records stored as Day Care Unit RecordEmergency Department Recordo Any medical cases requiring immediate medical attention , including but not limited to accidents, burns, trau ma, bleeding, stroke, and sub sequently leading to admission in the hospital Records stored a s IPD Records. o Medico legal cases Patient is brought dead to the h ospital stored as Deceased Patients Records under Emergency Department 2. IPD (In-pati ent Department ) General Cases transferred from OPD : Patients brought to emergency requiring admission would have their health da ta, generated at OPD , transferre d to IPD for main taining care continuum. Maternity\/Birth Records : Birth - and maternity - indicati ons will lead to generation o f health data and reten tion. Deceased Patient Records : Incidences of death during or after treatme nt will lead to generation of he alth data and retention. Leave Against Medical Advice (LAMA)\/Discharge Against Medical Advice (DAMA)\/Discharge On Patient Re quest (DOPR) Records : Incidences of LAMA, DAMA, DOPR by admitted patients will lead to generation o f health data and retention. 3. Special Category - (Can be part of both OPD and IPD) Mental records : Incidences of p atients requi ring psychological counsellin g or psychiatric treatm ent will lead to generation of health data and retention. Genetic records : Genetic records may be used for better disease prognosis and for improved clinical outcomes, leading to generation of health dat a and retention. Donor recor ds: Dono r records may b e used for i mproved care delivery, leading to generation of health data and retention. Medical d evices , inc luding wearables and smart -connected devices : Use of medical devices for patient monitoring , or of wearables and smart -connec ted devices will lead t o generation of health data and retention per guidance of Regulati on of Medical Devices of the De partment of Pharmaceuticals, Government of India21. 21 https:\/\/www.biotech.co.in\/sites\/default\/files\/2020 -01\/MDR17 -%20Regulations.p df 29 Daily monitoring records of IPD patients may not fall under guidance of th is policy. 4.2.2 G ranular Data Classification Level s of granularity may be attributed to the de gree of data classification with or without identifiers. Accordingly , a high level of granularity is indicative of more detailed data classification as compa red to low level of gr anularity. The following matrix delves on granularity of data classificatio n and its advantages and disadva ntages, thereof: Level of Granularity Advantages Disadvantages Minimize incidences of non -compliance with regulatory guidances May not adequ ately cover exceptionally new categories of patient cases May adequatel y cover exceptionally new catego ries of patient cases May afford unreasonably greater bureaucracy over regulatory compliance. 4.4 Anonymization and Pseud onymization Alterna tives that are sometimes used instead of deletion are anonymization and pseudony mization. Pseudonymized data mig ht still allow for some re -identification, while anonymous data cannot be re -identified. Because of the chance of re -identify ing someone, the da ta retention period for pseudonymized data is no longer than the original data. Pseudonymization can be an alter native to keeping data for a longer period of time. However, the usability of this data is in mo st cases limited. No personal data is to be proc essed or stor ed in anonymized\/pseudonymized form by any person\/entity\/Data Fiduc iary except for any specific, cl ear, and lawful purpose and without informed consent of Data Principal. In addition, the scope a nd applicability of processin g of personal data and sensitive personal data of children may follow clause 12 of Health Data Mana gement policy. The process and m ethod of anonymization\/pseudonymizatio n may be organization specific and may depend on Data Fidu ciary, data processors, data sub processors, etc . Anonymize d \/ pseudonymized data may be deleted following fulfillment of the following conditions: a. If the Dat a Principal has made a request for data deletion. b. If the purpose for data anonymization\/pseudony mization is achieved and ther e is no requirement further to s tore data. c. Data retention period has expired. d. If prescribed under a ny law prevalent at that point i n time. e. As per any relevant court order. f. As per any government regulation or directive issued fr om time to time. g. For any othe r valid reason that those mentioned above. Anonymized \/ pseudonymized data shall not be deleted ev an after there is a valid reques t of data deletion: a. If the data does not directly attribute to Data Principal. b. If the same is re quired for study of medical p olicies for benefit of society at large. c. If it is prescribed under any law prevalent at that point in time. d. As per any relevant cou rt order. e. As per any government regulation or directive issued from time to time. f. For any other reasonable reason as notified by ABDM from time to time. 31 4.5 Country Comparison on Data Retention Data retention pol icies of countries like Canada, United States , United Kingdom etc. vary . A single or a standardized retention schedule does not exist , and health care entitie s or health service providers in these countries have to follow both federal - and state -specific retention requirements , as well as rules applicable to them from other laws or acts. Further, it was observed, that across countr ies compliance requirement s m ay adopt some or all the below applicable mandates: Country Blanket Rules State Mandate Federal\/Na tional Mandate Accreditation Mandate Other Guidelines Links for Applicable Pat ient Retention Record Laws Information Governance on Retent ion of M edic al Australia Health (Clinical Rec ords) Retention and Disposal Schedule Medica l Retention in Med ical Service Act Estonia Thailand The retention periods of various health rec ord types are based on certain c riterions, as mentioned here . For example, Canada and New Zealand have adopt ed a blanket structure for retention , and in Canada different states may have mor e granular classification additionally . Other countries adopt a more granular approach for rete ntion as discussed below : USA (H IPAA ) - Covered Entities to retain medical records for 6 years, measured from the time the recor d was created, or when it was last in effect, whichever is later. Other r egulatory frameworks of American Health Information Man agement Association (AHIMA ), Cod e of Federal Regulations (CFR) etc . are also adopted . UK (NHS ) is required to retain medical rec ords for up to 20 years after the last interaction with the patient, up to 8 years after their d eath, or up to 25 years after the birth of the child for materni ty records. Referring to international data retention policies overseas, most record types are identified into the following categories : Inpatient Outpatient Deceased Patients Except ion Cases which include Mental Disease, Suicide, Maternity\/Fertility , Genetic, Radiotherapy, etc. A more detailed view across different health data type is presented in the below table : Healt h Data Types Canada22 USA23 UK24 Australia25 Inpatient 10 years from the date of last For Minors - 10 years from the patient would have reached the age of majority 10 years a fter discharge. Varie s across states, ranging from 5 ye ars after discharge to lifetime . For Minors - varies across states, ranging from 1 year after majority t ill the 30th birthday 8 years from the date of last In case of minor or adoles cent, the records are maintained until 25th or 26th birthday after the end of their treatment 10 yea rs from the date of last dis charge. Different states may have different requirements Teaching Hospital - 15 years after the last discharge. For Minors - 15 years after the last visit or until the patient's 25th birthd ay ( whichever is Outpatient 10 years from the date of last entry or, in the case of m inors, 10 years from the time the patient would have reached the age of majority Same as above26 Same as above 7 years after the last visit or until the 25th Birt hday, the longer one will be considered. Patients Most states do not practice dist inct time retention for this type of records. 8 years after death Up to 10 years after the Patie nt's death and may vary as per the state 22 Standards of Practice Patient Record Retention 23 Medical Record Retention Periods Med ical Doctors & Hospitals 24 INFORMATION GOVERNANCE Retention of Medical Records Policy , NHS Trust 25 INFORMATION G OVERNANCE Retention of Medical Records Policy , NHS Trust 26 https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.n ih.gov\/pmc\/art icles\/PMC3508852 \/ 34 Apart from the above major categories , some countries have below exceptions or additio nal categories which may be iden tified from the above classification as exceptions : Health Data Types Canada USA UK Australia Exceptions \/ Categorizations 7 years from the end of any Research - Suicide Records - 10 Years Rape Record s 30 years Maternity\/Fertility Records - 35 Years Fertility records 35 Years Clinical trial - 15 years Radiotherapy treatmen ts 10 years after last discharge, Genetic Records - 30 Yea rs Diagnostic Records & Permanently On the a dvice of clinicians, data can be retained for a longer period if death has genetical relevance to the deed's family. Obste tric records - 25 Donor records - 11 years Onco logy and Radiotherapy 30 years Mental Diseases Records 20 Years 35 Retention beyond last procedure for neurological, records for 30 A comparison of the above countrie s with India highlights how some of the types , such Outpati ent data maybe retaine d for longer duration. The table below pro vides a comparative perspective on the duration of health data storage in India vis -global scenario. Health Data Type s Reasoning Lower limit of data retention countries Uppe r Limit of data retenti on countries India* Inpatient Lon ger retention period for critica l medical record s. Duration for Minors may be different and higher so as to account for birth related details up to the age of 30 years 5 years 30 years 10-15 years Outpatient (incl uding emergency) Outpatient records are ge nerally for short term ailments and do not require longer retentions 7 years 10 years 3-5 years Patients Only a few co untries have guidelines for this type of record, especially in cases where a genetic implication may be applicable for the famil y 8 years 10 years ~3 years 36 Exc eptions All records pertaining to long term implications of medical conditions for patients 7 years 35 years 10 years27 *Facilities adopt applicable guideline s specified in section 2.2 of this paper or adopt an approach fur ther specified in section 4.5. 4.6 Use cases as per requirement of the health record in India As observed across facilities in India , predominantly the purpose of longer -term data retention is to facilitate the be low specific use cases: Insurance requirem ents as specified by IRDA Clinic al trials Medico -legal cases where records maybe kept for up to 10 years or until the case has been closed28 4.7 Existing Implementation of Guidelines for Rete ntion of Health Records in India As observed, Indian facilities comply to certain guidelines for retention as required by below guidelines. While state level or accreditation guidelines may exi st, this is to highlight a few examples of how compliance is cu rrently being enforced. Council Mandated Implementation - Medica l Council of India (National Med ical Commission) As per the The Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Eth ics) Regulations, 200229, below type s of data have been identifi ed: Indoor Records - standard proforma for 3 years from commence ment of treatment Outpatient Rec ords 3 years Medico legal cases - until the final disposal of the case Accreditation based im plementation - NABL and NABH Accreditation Records of reviews, including any signific ant changes, are required to be retained b y accredited hospitals or labora tories. Records are also required to be retained of pertinent 27 https:\/\/main.mohfw.gov.in\/sites\/d efault\/files\/12%20Ch.%20XII%20Meical%20Record.pdf 28 https:\/\/main.mohfw.gov. in\/sites\/default\/files\/12%20Ch.% 20XII%20Meical%20Record.pdf 29https:\/\/wbconsumers.gov.in\/writereaddata\/ACT%20&% 20RULES\/Relevant%20Act%20&%20Rul es\/Code%20of%20Medical%20Ethics%20Regulations.pdf 37 discussions with a patient relatin g to the ir requirements or the results of th e laboratory activi ties. Retention Perio ds for different data types have been defi ned for NABH\/NABL are mentioned below: Inpatient Case Sheets 7 years Outpatient Case Sheets 5 years All other records, summ aries, (admission, discharge, or death), lab reports, pre analy tical reports etc. are required to be retained for a minimum of 5 years. 4.8 Key Issues for Cons ultation A data classification framework will be helpful in determining duration by the type of data. A more granular data with complex mechanisms, for ensurin g compliance for retent ion, may require additional steps in valid ating the process of retention a nd maintenance, till expiration of retention period. Thus, addressing further questions as menti oned bel ow, may help in identification of the right stakeholder for managing the overa rching responsibility of data retention. Further consultation on how rete ntion schedules by data type may be considered for defining the policy on data retention is requ ired and hence addressing below questions will be helpful: 1. Should a blanket rete ntion duration be adopted for all health r ecords in India or different sch edules be defined as per a classification? Which is a better approach of retention? 2. How granular should data classification be? Is more granularity required be yond that presented in the sections above? Addressing this aspect of the Health Data Retention Po licy would help assess whether minimalist data classification pertaining only to inpatients an d outpatients - would suffice the purpose of health data retent ion. A minimalist data cl assification would have both advantages and disadvantages. Please sugges t your view in this regard. 3. How in your view will a detailed granular data classification enable a better health data retention? Please suggest your view on th e classification of heal th record types as proposed above or if a ny further granularity is necess ary and what are the overarching benefits for different stakeholders? 4. What should be the ideal d uration for these different health data types ? 5. While ABDM propo ses that all entities o pting to join NDHE must be able to retain health data in electronic format , and other entities of the healthcare ecosystem may consider physical or original formats, what options should be made allowable 38 as part of the policy being p roposed? Health data records can be only digital, only physical, or combination in any hospital . Accordingly, the question arises whether all the above considerations should fall under one poli cy or under separate\/independent policies? 6. Should there be a p rovision for extension of duration or retention of health data under the policy being proposed? W hat considerations should be made in defining the guidelines, allowing for such an extension? 7. Wh o shall have the apex authority to oversee and implement health data retention? Which entity as part of the ecosystem should be rolling out this policy at the m acro -level? 8. How can smaller clinics or centres, both public and private, build capability in a timely and cost -efficient manner to take responsibility of data retention for long tim e periods? 9. How can business continuity be e nsured in case of fall of the es tablishment, platform or service providers? Chapter 5 - Proposed Approach for Health Data R etention Guideline\/ Policy There is change in disease burden, fro m communicable disease s (CDs) to non -communicable diseases (NCDs) , such as cardiovascular ailments, diabete s, and other metabolic syndromes. Interestingly, younger Indians are contracting these chronic metabolic syndromes at an alarming rate and a decade e arlier than what their parents would have contracted 30 years ago30. This sh ifting disease burden has prompt ed a growing trend among Indians in wellness and preventative medicine, early screening and rapi d diagnoses, and care delivery. In such chronic NCDs, the first diagnosis may often lead to multiple engagements in due course f or patients in earlier age group s. Thus, a longer -term retention will enable easy access to health records for further diagnosis , treatment , and monitoring for the patients. Data can be stored permanently since the cost of retention is decreasing, and sy stems required for the same have capability for very long -term secure records management , including ease of exchange and real -time access. In this regard, the policy may leverage the available EH R Standards 2016, as notified by MoHFW . However, th is may not be applicable for grassroots fa cilities in India and in cases where non -electronic formats are retained. These considerations e stablish the need for a more inclusive health data retention policy for India. Deter mination of a stipulated period stems from the risk of leak age of sensitive personal data , and bre ach of data privacy . In order to minimize bre ach of data privacy, and for ease of capacity management by smaller facilities, g uidelines on retention via polic y will be helpful. 5.1 Proposed Classifica tion While a more granular clas sification could be considered , to simpl ify the process of classification and management of rete ntion of records , the below structure shall fulfill a standa rdized approach for ABDM s recommendations for both Option s 1 and 2, (as defined under section 3.1) of this consultation paper. Inpatient Out -Patient Deceased Patient Exception cases 30 https:\/\/www.who.int\/data\/gho\/data\/indicators\/indi cator -details\/GHO\/medical -doctor s-(per -10-000 -population) 40 5.2 Proposed Duration by Health Data Type Based on the explorator y discussions in the above chapt ers, the retention schedule from the time o f generation of the record by a n HIP could be defined as per the below table for each type of health data . Health Data Type Min imum Retention Period In-patient 10 years after the last entry\/encounter . In case , of a minor patient, this type of record could be maintained until patientbirthday or 10 years whichever is later Out -patient 10 years after the last entry\/enc ounter. Deceased Patient 10 years after the last entry\/encounter. Exception s, such as: Medico Legal Documents Immunization records Clinical trials Birth R egister Death Register Permanently The guidelines applicable for the proposed policy beyond the retention schedule shall also consider mode or re tention and governance of the da ta. 5.3 Mode of Health Data Retention ABDM recommends that health data sho uld necessarily be retained in electronic format , and the same shall be preferred for all entiti es opting -in to be a part of NDH E, such that health r ecord s are easy to retrieve as a nd when desired by a healthcare entity from interoperable systems . If the policy is made applicable as per Option 1, as per section 3.1 of this document, the Electronic, Physical or Original Form of retention should also be acceptable for data retention . This would follow in the interest of clini cal establishments and health ca re providers that may have decided to opt -out of ABDM . 41 5.4 Proposed Health Data Retention G overn ance Structure The purpose of a data governance struc ture is to ensure that HIPs\/HIUs and individuals trust the integrity of the retained data, which is essenti al for making patient care decisions such that legally allowable exceptions are accounted for . It should also ensure that the primary requirements as mentioned in section 2. 3.2 of t his document are always fulfilled . The dat a governance structure for this policy can be defined similar to the governance structure in cons onance with clause 6 of the Hea lth Data Management Policy per which the appointed ABDM Data Protection Officer (DPO) shall be responsible for compliance relate d to data retention for all cove red entities. The DPO may additionally be responsible for matters concerning retention and bui lding any audit mechanism , upwards from the grassroot s levels , to avoid orphanisation of data in cases where an HIP\/HIU no longe r exists . Identified data fiduci aries under such a governance structure could be made responsible (as data custodian, for exampl e) to ensur e that data be retained in line with the guidelines throughout the life c ycle of retention , as defined for a particu lar category of data . ABDM woul d like to additional ly emphasize that once the policy on data retention is released and made in effect , it shall not have an overriding effect on any of the existing laws or guideli nes mentioned above or applicable. The supe rseding legislati ve guidelines as mandated should be followed by the healthcare ecosystem in complia nce with total retention req uirement. 5.5 Key Issues for Consultation 1. Will the go vernance model as per Health Dat a Management Policy be sufficient for the retention policy? 2. How will the p olicy regulation be enforced and what should be the structure across relevant entities responsib le for retaining the health data ? 3. How should the impl ementation of the policy be done in case the policy is made applicable for the ecosystem beyo nd ABDM ? 4. Is th ere an alternative model or policy approach which could be considered? Annexure List of Quest ions 1. Whether there is a need for a Health Data Retent ion Policy and w ill India n healthcare ecosystem benefit from such a Univers al Data Retention Policy and wha t should be the key elements of this policy? 2. How should the guiding principle of this policy be determine d for the benefit of stakeholders and ease o f adoption by varying sizes of entities deciding to opt in for ABDM ? 3. As per Option 1, it has been proposed that the policy would be applicable to all healthcare entities from health data retention perspe ctive. As per Option 2, the policy will be applicable only to entities participating in ABDM ? Which would be a better option for the scope of the health data re tention policy? 4. How such a policy should be implemented given limitations in terms of infrastruc ture, capability, and sufficient understanding of hea lth data in the healthcare ecosystem? 5. As ABDM has a provision for opt -out, in such a scenario what may be t he possible implications from the perspective of health data retention ? 6. Should a blanket rete ntion duration be adopted for all health records in Ind ia or different schedules be defined as per a classification? Which is a be tter approach of retention? 7. How granular should data classification be? Is more granularity required beyond that presented in the sections above? Addressing this aspect of the Healt h Data Retention Policy would help assess whether minimalist data classific ation pertaining only to inpat ients and outpatients - would suffice the purpose of health data retention. A minimalist data cl assification would have both advantages and disadvant ages. Please suggest your view in this regard. 8. How in your view will a deta iled granular data classificatio n enable a better health data retention? Please suggest your view on the classification of heal th record types as proposed above or if any further gr anularity is necessar y and what are the overarching benefits for different stakeholders? 9. What should be the ideal duration for these different health data types ? 10. While ABDM proposes that all entities o pting to join NDHE must be able to retain health data i n electronic format, and other entities of the healthcare ecosystem may con sider physical or original forma ts, what options should be made allowable as part of the policy being proposed? Health data reco rds can be only digital, only physical, or combinatio n in any hospital . Accordingly, the question arises whether all the above c onsiderations should fall under one policy or under separate\/independent policies? 43 11. Should there be a provision for extension of duration or retention of health data under the polic y being proposed? What considerations should be made in defining the guidel ines, allowing for such an exten sion? 12. Who shall have the apex authority to oversee and implement health data retention? Which entity as part of the ecosystem should be rolling out this policy at the macro -level? 13. How can smaller clinics or centres, both pub lic and private, build capabilit y in a timely and cost -efficient manner to take responsibility of data retention for long tim e p eriods? 14. How can business continuity be ensured in cas e of fall of the establishment, platform or service providers? 15. Will the gov ernance model as per Health Dat a Management Policy be sufficient for the retention policy? 16. How will the policy regulation be en forced and what should be the structure across releva nt entities responsible for retaining the health data ? 17. How should the imple mentation of the policy be done in case the policy is made applicable for the ecosystem beyo nd ABDM ? 18. Is there an alternative mod el or policy approach which could be considered? If there are any other issues that the public would like to be raised or comme nt on, they are invited and enco uraged to do so . 44 Disclaimer Please note that the above document is intended to be purely consul tative in nature and is intended to provide an overvi ew of the creation and operation of the Health Data Retention Policy. Nothi ng contained in this document sh ould be considered legally binding in any manner. The NHA, its employees and advis ors, make no r epresentation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person, under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, princ iples of restitution for unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, costs or expenses which may arise f rom or be incu rred or suffered on account of anything contained in this document or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of t he document and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained the rein or deemed to form part of this document. ","Summary":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/qbHrS0KdHhI What was the landscape before the Health Data Retention Policy (HRDP) 2021 was proposed? Health facilities are required to maintain and retrieve past records of patients for future diagnosis or healthcare delivery activities. However, their practice to retain such records has not been uniform and the duration of retention varies across healthcare systems. which ultimately does not benefit citizens due to poor record management. Due to the absence of any existing laws on health data retention, many healthcare providers have self-prescribed standards for data retention in their organisation. The Health Data Retention Policy (HDRP) has been proposed to ensure uniformity in recording health data across healthcare facilities in India. What change does this policy aim to bring about? This consultation paper invites stakeholders\u2019 comments on developing the HDRP under the scope of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM).\u00a0ABDM aims to transform the way digital health services are provided in India. According to the guidelines, in order to enable the healthcare providers to create healthcare data in the correct manner, the hospital or the lab information management system must follow the standards set under ABDM.\u00a0The important provisions of the policy primarily pertain to data classification and retention with respect to digital health records. This must be done as per the principles of privacy of personal information of patients. What does the Consultation Paper on the HDRP cover? In order to ensure that health data of individuals is available for a pre-determined period of time as required by the ecosystem, this consultation paper covers in detail varied viewpoints across the chapters, including contextual requirements and use cases while weighing in the benefits for better health outcomes via a Health Data Retention Policy, which may be governed by ABDM. The paper goes on to discuss the requirement of setting up relevant infrastructure, for example, cloud systems for storing and maintaining the data being collected.. To overcome issues of cybersecurity threats while using cloud systems, the paper mentions use of blockchain-based mechanisms. It also recommends the use of anonymization or pseudonymization to protect the privacy of patients. Other recommendations of the paper include - retaining data electronically, classification, as per in-patient, out-patient, deceased patient and exception cases and the policy not having an overriding effect on any other relevant laws or guidelines after it comes into force. To read the complete document, please click here."},"158":{"Title":"Technical Implementation Guidelines for Citizen-Centric Smart Governance","Text":"Technical Implementation Guidelines for Citizen -Centric Smart Governance (CCSG) Draft for Consultation Contents CONTEXT ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 3 National Urban Innovation Stack (NUIS) A Digital Blueprint for Urban India ................................ ............ 3 Citizen -Centric Smart Governance (CCSG) ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 3 CCSG Technical Imp lementation Guidelines ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 4 PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 5 ONBOARDING OPT IONS FOR STATES ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 6 Guidelines ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 6 Illustrations ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 7 TYPES OF STANDARDS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 8 Guidelines ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 8 Illustrations ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 8 LINK BETWEEN STANDARDS AND ONBOARDING OPTIONS ................................ ........................... 10 Guidelines ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 10 Illustrations ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 11 ROLE of MoHUA & NIUA ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 12 Guidelines ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 12 ROLE OF STATES AND ULBs ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 13 Guidelines ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 13 Illustrations ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 13 Appendix 1: NUIS Architectural Principles ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 14 3 CONTEXT s cities are driving the economic growth of the country. By 2030, urban India is projected to contribute more than 70% of Indias GDP, and to be home to at least 40% of the population. Cities are home to a vibrant ecosystem of actors, across government, industry, academia, and civil society. To capitalize on the potential of s cities and their ecosystems, it is important to drive greater collaboration between ecosys tem actors. National Urban Innovation Stack (NUIS) A Digital Blueprint for Urban India The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India released the National Urban Innovation Stack ( NUIS) strategy in February 2019. The NUIS program will build and provide a shared digital infrastructure - a collection of digital platforms - together with programmatic support to enable stakeholders across the urban ecosystem to adopt and scale up these platforms. Designed with a deep understanding of the urban ecosystem, these platforms will provide a set of building blocks that can be assembled to meet local needs, reduce duplication of efforts, enhance equitable access to government services, and simp lify the process of collaboration and solution development. NUIS will save costs and time, while ensuring flexibility and interoperability. While the need for urban e -governance is felt across the country, different states and cities are at different stages of this journey. In creating national open digital platforms, the NUIS program aims to ensure that all states have equal opportunity to participate and develop solutions localized to their needs. Citizen -Centric Smart Governance (CCSG) Und er the aegis of NUIS, the Citizen -Centric Smart Governance Program looks at ways to improve service delivery by urban local bodies (ULBs) and other government agencies that provide services in urban India. The urban ecosystem today struggles with constrain ts on capacity and data. This results in a lack of citizen -centric governance, affecting quality of service delivery and reducing the ease of doing business. ULB leaders, citizens and municipal employees need tools to manage the inherent complexity and dyn amism of Indias cities. To address these challenges at scale and speed, the CCSG Program will provide the following: An open digital platform (hereafter national reference platform), which states can adopt either on a central instance (Platform -as-a-service or PaaS model) or host at the state level. ( CCSG envisages state -wide adoption; the program is not intended for individual ULBs. ) Reference applications for specific services and functions, such as property tax, water \/ sewage connection, building p lan approval, trade licenses, public grievance redressal, billing etc. A panel of service providers, who have been vetted and approved to work with states on implementing the platform, at pre -discovered rates. Standards for platforms, software, and data reporting related to municipal services delivery. Advisory and support on various elements of program design, to enable adoption of the platform and applications, in order to gain maximum value from the technology. 4 CCSG will enable states to rapidly d igitise the systems used to register, monitor, and collect payments for key municipal services in an integrated manner across all ULBs in the state. By streamlining and automating the administration of service delivery, CCSG will make the entire process mo re transparent and accountable for citizens, while simplifying the day -to-day tasks of frontline employees, and providing powerful tools for administrators to use for performance monitoring and planning. CCSG Technical Implementation Guidelines The Techni cal Implementation Guidelines will help states identify ways to leverage the platforms, applications, and other support provided by the CCSG program in order to improve urban e -governance in their cities. The CCSG program recognises that states and ULBs a cross India are at different stages of maturity in terms of e-governance. Some states are already using state -wide urban e -governance platforms to manage municipal functions. In other states, individual ULBs are using digital systems and tools to enable mu nicipal service delivery. A large number of ULBs across many states are yet to adopt such systems; this is especially true of census towns and statutory towns with populations of less than 100,000 persons, which make up the majority of Indian cities. The CCSG program aims to provide this long tail of small cities, in particular, with a quick and simple way of adopting world -class e -governance systems and practices. Keeping in mind this diversity of systems, the Technical Implementation Guidelines provide the following information: On -boarding options for states (i.e. to adopt or integrate with the CCSG platform) The types of standards that will be developed and applied as part of the CCSG program Links between the on -boarding options and the standards Sup port proposed to be provided by MoHUA and NIUA as part of the CCSG program The role proposed for states and ULBs as part of the CCSG program 5 PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE This document presents the draft Citizen -Centric Smart Governance (CCSG) Technical Implementation Guidelines, together with illustrations of some of the concepts, and guiding questions for reader feedback. A final version of the CCSG Technical Implementati on Guidelines will be prepared based on the feedback received on this draft. The purpose of the finalised Guidelines document is to enable Urban Development Departments and ULBs to design and implement the digital infrastructure envisaged under the CCSG program. In particular, it will enable them to: Identify levels of compliance with the NUIS framework for adoption of digital infrastructure, with a focus on digitally -enabled service delivery. Identify and leverage support available from MoHUA for ad option of digital infrastructure, with a focus on digitally -enabled service delivery. The primary audience for this document are: Principal Secretaries of the Urban Development Department of states & union territories in India Principal Secretaries of the Information Technology Department of states & union territories in India Urban Local Body (ULB) leaders (e.g. Municipal Commissioners) and senior officers in cities across India Other relevant experts (e.g. on governance, tech -enabled service delivery, ur ban India, technology policy, 1. While this consultation is open, a level of familiarity with urban e -governance in general, and platform thinking in particular, will be helpful when reading and commenting on this document. The NUIS Strategy and Approach (2019) can be a useful reference on these topics. 2. This document is to be read with the consultation \/ feedback form provided at this link . Readers are requested to go through the document, and to provide feedback based on their own experiences and expertise in this field. The fields for feedback in th e form correspond to the guiding questions posed in this document. 6 ONBOARDING OPTIONS FOR STATES Guidelines The CCSG program will provide a national reference platform, including certain reference applications. States can choose from the following options: Option 1: Adopt the national reference platform in a Platform -as-a-Service (PaaS) model States can use the centrally -hosted platform, which will be provided on a cloud server, and maintained by NIUA. The focus for states will primarily be to configure 1 the platform as needed. Option 2: Create state instance of the national reference platform States can use the national reference platform as a state -level platform, hosting it on a SDC or any other cloud. States that choose this option w ill need to procure the needed cloud infrastructure, work with technology partners to set up the platform on the cloud, and then proceed to configuring, customizing 2, and possibly extending 3 it. Option 3: Integrate existing platforms and solutions using OpenAPIs States can use their existing systems rather than adopting the national reference platform; they will only report data aggregates - as specified in the data reporting standards - using OpenAPIs, and this data will be integrated wit h data streams from states using the national platform. Partial adoption \/ Partial integration States can adopt the national reference platform (whether PaaS or state -hosted) with some of the reference applications, while integrating existing solutions for other applications. 1 Configuration refers to establishing certain settings - e.g. what languages the interface will support, names and boundaries of cities and wards, etc. This does not involve writing new software, as the ability to establish or chan ge these settings is a functionality that the platform will be designed to provide. 2 Customization refers to making changes to a reference application. It may involve writing new software; however, the coding involved will be relatively minimal. This will be required if a particular use case is not provided for within the reference application. 3 Extension refers to creating a new application, which was not provided with the platform. It will involve writing new software; the CCSG platform will use a micro -services architecture, which can simplify this process to some degree. This will be required if a state\/ULB wants to provide a service for which no application has been provided. 7 Illustrations In State A, most cities do not have a digital municipal service delivery system. Service requests are received over telephone and in person, and recorded in physical registers; bills are printed and mailed, and payments a re made at service centres, mostly in cash. State A adopts the national reference platform and all the reference applications in the Platform -as-a-Service mode, directly configuring the website and mobile application to work in the local language. State B has attempted to introduce state -wide digital systems for urban governance in the past. Most of the applications introduced during that effort have fallen into disuse, but a property tax self -assessment tool is still being used by all ULBs. Two municipal c orporations are using custom -made software for online building plan approval as well. The capital city has recently adopted a software platform, covering multiple services, which can be accessed through a mobile app called StateCares State B is deciding whether to adopt the national reference platform, which it will host on its own SDC, or whether to expand the platform used in the capital to other ULBs while ensuring integration \/ data reporting as per the CCSG standards. Even if Sta te B adopts the national reference platform as a state -hosted platform, the property tax and building plan approval applications in use will not be replaced; they will integrate with the platform to report the required data through open APIs. 8 TYPES OF STANDARDS Guidelines Standards provide a way for interoperability across multiple systems, which is required to ensure compatibility across the various systems and solutions used by ULBs in India. Compliance with standards increases the extensibility of the platform and applic ations, so that future needs and use cases can be met rapidly and relatively easily, by building on what already exists. The CCSG program has identified three types of standards for digital platforms and software: Data Reporting Standards (Aggregate Stand ards): The platform\/software should have the ability to report aggregate service data using Open APIs. As they will be asked to report aggregates rather than individual data points, they are also known as aggregate standards . Managing the creation and publ ishing of these standards is one of the tracks of work under the CCSG program. Software Design Standards (Transaction Standards): The platform\/software should meet domain -specific standards in terms of its components and processes, such as Service Registri es (e.g. Property registry, connection registry, trade registry), Workflows (e.g. Assessment Flow, New Connection flow, New License flow) and Transactions (e.g. payment of taxes, fees, challans). As they indicate how any transaction or interaction between components or processes should take place, they are also known as transaction standards. Managing the creation and publishing of these standards is one of the tracks of work under the CCSG program. Architectural Standards for Platforms (Architectural Principles): The platform should comply with the NUIS architectural principles, as published in the NUIS Strategy and Approach Paper. (See Appendix 1.) While it is possible for a single solution to comply with some of these principles as wel l, these principles are used to assess digital platforms as a whole, rather than individual applications. Illustrations is a software for property tax self -assessment. It is a website -based tool where any resident of State M can enter some details about their property, and it will calculate what taxes are due. PTSoft has integrated with a payments gateway to enable online payments of this amount as well. State M receives data reporting standards, developed under the CCSG program, from MoHUA, and co nveys these to the developers of PTSoft. They integrate with the APIs specified in the standards, to report data aggregates as required. PTSoft is compliant with data reporting standards under CCSG. State M is compliant with data reporting standards, at least in the domain of property tax. State M also receives software design standards for the property tax domain from MoHUA, and shares these with the developers of PTSoft. They find that PTSoft is already compliant with most of the standards; they can 9 make the changes necessary for full compliance, but this will take 3 -4 months. State M requests them to make these changes; at the end of this process, PTSoft is compliant with software design standards under CCSG. State M is compliant with software design stan dards under CCSG, at least in the domain of property tax. DigitalCity is a platform for urban e -governance, covering multiple services such as property tax, building plan approval, public grievance redressal, and transfer of benefits and subsidies. Digit alCity is based on a monolith architecture, which cannot be easily unbundled; it does not provide a federated architecture, so it has to be installed afresh in any city that wishes to use it. DigitalCity is not compliant with architectural principles under CCSG. A state or city that uses DigitalCity will not be compliant with CCSG architectural principles, even if it is compliant with data reporting or software design standards in some specific domains. 10 LINK BETWEEN STANDARDS AND ONBOARDING Guidelines The CCSG program aims to ensure states and ULBs can achieve compliance with standards as easily and efficiently as possible. The standards and platform options correspond as follows: Level 1: Compliant with Data Reporting Standards only At this level, the ULB may or may not be using a digital infrastructure to enable service delivery. Whatever the underlying system, the ULB has adopted API -based reporting of aggregate data, in keeping with standards published by the CCSG program from tim e to time. Any state that adopts the national reference platform, whether in PaaS mode or hosted by the state itself (Option 1\/ Option 2), will ensure compliance with data reporting standards. A state that does not adopt the platform will have to take spec ific steps to ensure compliance with data reporting standards (Option 3) . Level 2: Compliant with Software Design Standards and Data Reporting Standards At this level, the ULB has a digital infrastructure for service delivery, and this digital infrastructure is compliant with the software design standards published by the CCSG program from time to time. It is assumed that a digital infrastructure compliant with software design standards will have the capacity to report aggregate data through the specified API, hence will be compliant with data reporting standards. Any state that adopts the national reference platform in PaaS mode (Option 1) will be assured of compliance with software design standards, as the reference applications will be updated periodically to ensure such compliance once the standards are developed. States that host the platform themselves (Option 2) will have to update the relevant applications on being notified that a new version has been developed in order to ensure complianc e. States that do not adopt the platform will have to take specific steps to ensure compliance with software design standards (Option 3) ; this may require switching out existing software or requiring the vendor \/ developer to update it to ensure compliance . Level 3: Compliant with Architectural Principles, Software Design Standards, and Data Reporting Standards At this level, the ULB has a digital platform with applications for municipal service delivery; the platform is compliant with NUIS architectural p rinciples, and applications on that platform are compliant with the software design standards for their respective domains. The platform reports data aggregates through the specified APIs. A state that adopts the national reference platform, whether in Pa aS mode or hosted by the state itself (Option 1 \/ Option 2), will ensure compliance with the NUIS architectural principles. Reference applications will be updated to ensure compliance with software design standards as those are developed; states using the platform in PaaS mode will remain in compliance automatically (Option 1) , while states hosting the platform themselves will have to ensure the relevant updates take place (Option 2) . 11 States not using the national reference platform will have to adopt an alternate state -wide platform, while taking specific steps to ensure it is compliant with all three sets of standards (Option 3) . Converting existing stand -alone software into a platform is unlikely to be feasible; integrating existing software into a new state -wide platform could be attempted, though it will affect compliance with architectural principles and design standards, e.g. if some of that software is not open source. Illustrations In State R, ULBs collect Property Tax using a paper -based system. P roperty records are maintained on paper, bills are printed and sent to citizens home or business addresses, and payments are made in person by cash \/ cheque. The financial accounting system of the ULB is computerised, and is able to report specified aggre gates - e.g. number of properties, total revenue collected, total amount charged but uncollected \/ overdue - through the specified API. State R is compliant with data reporting standards, but not with software design standards or architectural principles. If State R adopted the national reference platform, it would be compliant with all three sets of standards. In State S, some ULBs have their own software for Property Tax collection; the components of that software - e.g. property registry, assessment flow , receipts \/ challans, payment gateway integration - are compliant with the software design standards as published by the CCSG program. Aggregate data is reported through the specified API. However, the software is a standalone product, not part of any lar ger platform. This system is compliant with data reporting standards as well as software design standards, but not with the architectural principles. State S may adopt the national reference platform, either in PaaS mode or hosted by the state itself; eve n if the state continued with the existing property tax software, it would still be in compliance with all three sets of standards - provided that the property tax software were also open source. Otherwise, the state would have to switch to the property ta x reference application (or any other application that met software design standards, and did not contradict architectural principles) to ensure compliance with all three sets of standards. State T has adopted the centrally -hosted CCSG platform, and all UL Bs in the state are using the reference solution for Property Tax provided with that platform. This ensures that they are compliant with architectural principles, software design standards, and data reporting standards. 12 ROLE of MoHUA & NIUA Guidelines In order to enable states and cities to fast -track their digital journey, the CCSG program will provide the following support to states: Provide a national reference platform, which states can adopt either in PaaS mode or choose to host themselves: This platform will be selected by an evaluation panel from among candidates nominated by states (i.e. states will nominate platforms they are using and the panel will select), based on criteria that assess its compliance with NUIS architectural principles It wi ll include certain reference solutions \/ applications, which will be periodically updated to be compliant with transaction standards and aggregate standards It will be maintained centrally, and states\/ULBs will be able to easily adopt their own instances, i.e. a Software as a Service (SaaS) model Provide hand -holding support to states in areas such as program design, capacity -building, solution architecture, and technical support. Empanel service providers who can work with states to implement the platform, as well as to design and implement programs to boost adoption and gain maximum value from the platform. Constituting working groups to create and publish domain -specific standards for data reporting and software design. These standards will be created through a collaborative process between experts and key stakeholders from government, industry, academia, and civil society. Establish a process for assessment of state\/ULB digital architectures, which can certify their compliance with aggregate st andards, transaction standards, and NUIS architectural principles. 13 ROLE OF STATES AND ULBs Guidelines States, primarily through their urban development and IT departments, will be called upon to: Participate in consultations on the program offering, incl uding this consultation; Nominate their systems for selection as the national reference platform. (Criteria for selection have been ; Choose an on -boarding option: States and ULBs which have existing systems in place can consider compliance with data reporting standards, and then gradually moving to compliance with software design standards and\/or architectural principles; they can also consider adopting the platform and some reference applications, e.g. for domains for which they do not have a softwar e in place. States and ULBs which do not have existing systems in place can choose between introducing their own platform (designed \/ hosted at state level) or adopting the centrally -hosted platform. Illustrations State H learns about the CCSG Program thro ugh this consultation. All ULBs in state H are currently using a software for online building plan approvals. The capital city of state H is using a platform that covers multiple municipal services. The Principal Secretary (Urban Development) of state H di rects their staff to assess both of these against the platform selection criteria shared with state H by NIUA and MoHUA, and submits the platform used in the state capital for nomination. State H is informed by NIUA that a different platform has been selec ted as the national reference platform. State H examines the options for platform adoption or integration, and decides to do the following: Adopt the national reference platform, in PaaS mode, in all ULBs except the state capital. In place of the referenc e application for building plan approvals, continue using the existing software, while ensuring it reports the required data aggregates through the specified APIs. The vendor \/ developer of this software is also informed of the possibility that software de sign standards will be published for this domain, and requested to prepare an action plan for how the software will be brought in compliance with such standards when they are issued. Work with the vendor \/ developer of the platform used in the capital city to ensure compliance with all three sets of standards to the maximum extent possible. 14 Appendix 1: NUIS Architectural Principles The key guiding principles for the NUIS are: 1. Ecosystem Driven NUIS will foster a vibrant ecosystem of urban actors and respond to their needs by enabling effective collaboration for the purpose of devising solutions that are relevant to the contexts of each urban challenge. 2. Interoperability through Open APIs and Open Standards Interoperability is essential for NUIS to b e able to support a large number of diverse use cases. NUIS must be built using open standards and avoid dependence on specific platforms or software frameworks that become a barrier to the participation of any actor in the ecosystem. In addition, the comp onents of the stack would be loosely coupled using open interfaces (APIs). Adoption of open and vendor -neutral APIs and open standards and, wherever appropriate, choosing open source frameworks and components over proprietary ones, will help achieve the go al of interoperability. NUIS will integrate with all relevant open platforms of the government including Aadhaar, GSTN, UPI, BBPS, and BharatQR. 3. Inclusive The design is aimed at ensuring that all segments of citizens can benefit from NUIS. Different ins tances of NUIS should be able to configure, extend or customize applications to cater to their specific needs. In addition, it can be leveraged across multiple channels - both digital and physical to engage and serve citizens effectively. 4. Minimalistic The goal of the stack is to enable relevant solutions; hence it is important that the stack remains minimal and allows innovative solutions to emerge rather than forcing a particular type of solution. It may provide reference implementations to seed the im agination of the ecosystem, but should remain minimalistic to allow actors to respond to context and complexity. 5. Privacy and Security by Design Managing security and privacy of data is crucial to building and maintaining trust between ecosystem partici pants and thus will be a critical design principle. All data access must be through API calls to ensure appropriate security controls. NUIS will provide standards and certification for data privacy and security. Except for open data, direct access to data will be prohibited and use of APIs will be mandated. NUIS will ensure privacy, data encryption and data integrity and will disseminate data only to authenticated and authorized stakeholders (both internal and external) through data fiduciaries. 6. Unbundli ng Platforms achieve scale and flexibility by unbundling complex challenges into micro solutions and services and subsequently allowing their re -bundling in specific contexts. These layers rise from context -neutral bottom layers to more context -sensitive l ayers similar to LEGO building blocks. Unbundling promotes reusability, 15 lowers the barrier for new solutions and enhances participation by abstracting complexity under simple interfaces. 7. Designing for Evolvability and Scale NUIS will need to keep pac e with Indias urban challenges as they evolve over the years. It will have an architecture that can easily accommodate new capabilities that will be needed as the ecosystem evolves and to incorporate new technologies as they emerge. The stack will be able to scale horizontally to hundreds of millions of users in the urban ecosystem and to handle trillions of data records. All components, including computer, network and storage resources, must be capable of scaling horizontally. Being cloud -ready and using commodity hardware will ensure that capital investments on the stack will be minimal. This will also give a choice of infrastructure to the actors and users and enable systems to evolve heterogeneously. 8. Transparency and Accountability through Data The v erified registry of all the entities and the non -repudiable transaction trails shall lead to higher trust and stronger accountability. NUIS will be data -driven and will use data generated through transactions for reporting and analysis. Public Open Data sh all be made available via APIs for transparency. The access to open data will ensure high -quality analytics, accurate fraud detection, shorter cycles for system improvement and, most importantly, high responsiveness to user needs. 9. Non -Repudiable The sta ck would enable the verifiability of data and its provenance and thereby ensure trust and accountability within the ecosystem. All data would be non -repudiable and verifiable . In order to energize the ecosystem for collaboration and interaction between act ors. 10. Domain Modelling Since NUIS must balance between abstraction, for wider adaptability, and context -specific solutions, the data specifications would remain generic without making concrete assumptions about the purpose for which the data is used. The data specifications would be extensible, allowing programs to model their own domain by adding new data attributes on top of available specifications. 11. Federated Architecture To resolve for scale and ensure agency, the ability to solve must be distributed, empowering stakeholders to overcome the challenges they face. Hence, NUIS will have a federated architecture enabling actors to retain agency and choice in solutions. 12. Ensuring extensibility through the use of layered design The design of NUIS will be modular, with clear separation of data storage, software services and APIs. Components will be minimalistic, independently replaceable and extensible. This will allow different components to be loosely coupled when building applications, there by enabling application diversity. Different instances of the stack will be able to customize and create contextual solutions to serve their specific purpose. 16 13. Multi -Channel Access With the rapid growth of net connectivity and the variety of electronic devices available in the market, it is important that the end users access points and access interfaces are kept in mind while enabling access channels Citizen Service Centres, PCs, Tablets, Smartphones, local kiosks and doorstep delivery and ensuring an engaging user experience on all of these channels to enable rapid adoption and ease of operation by the end users. This will enable cities to effectively respond to the needs of all citizens including digitally excluded sections of the society. For any queries please contact us at : ccsg@niua.org National Urban Innovation Stack (NUIS) 1st & 2nd Floor, Core 4B, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Phone: (+91 11) 24617517, 24617543, 24617595 Fax: (+91 11) 24617513 ","Summary":"Under the aegis of the National Urban Innovation Stack, the Citizen-Centric Smart Governance Program (CCSG Program) looks at ways to improve service delivery by urban local bodies (ULBs) and other government agencies that provide services in urban India.\u00a0\n\nThe Technical Implementation Guidelines that are open for Consultation help states identify ways to leverage the platforms, applications, and other support provided by the CCSG Program in order to improve urban e-governance in their cities.\n\nULB leaders, citizens and municipal employees need tools to manage the inherent complexity of India\u2019s cities and towns. To address these challenges at scale and with speed, the CCSG Program will provide the following:\n\u2022 An open digital platform, which states can adopt either on a central instance or host at the state level.\n\u2022 Reference applications for specific services and functions, such as property tax, water, sewage connection, building plan approval, trade licences, public grievance redressal, billing etc.\n\u2022 A panel of service providers, who have been vetted and approved to work with states on implementing the platform, at pre-discovered rates.\u00a0\n\u2022 Standards for platforms, software, and data reporting related to municipal service delivery.\n\u2022 Advisory and support on various elements of program design, to enable adoption of the platform and applications, in order to gain maximum value from the technology.\n\n\nThe CCSG Program will enable urban governments to rapidly digitise the systems used to register, monitor, and collect payments for key municipal services in an integrated manner. The CCSG Program will provide a national reference platform, including certain reference applications. States can choose from the following options:\n\n- Option 1: Adopt the national reference platform in a\u00a0 \u2018Platform-as-a-Service\u2019 (PaaS) model. States can use the centrally-hosted platform, which will be provided on a cloud server, and maintained by NIUA. The focus for states will primarily be to configure the platform as needed.\n\n- Option 2: Create state instance of the national reference platform. States can use the national reference platform as a state-level platform, hosting it on a SDC or any other cloud. States that choose this option will need to procure the needed cloud infrastructure, work with technology partners to set up the platform on the cloud, and then proceed to configuring, customizing, and possibly extending it.\u00a0\n\n- Option 3: Integrate existing platforms and solutions using OpenAPIs. States can use their existing systems rather than adopting the national reference platform; they will only report data aggregates - as specified in the data reporting standards - using OpenAPIs, and this data will be integrated with data streams from states using the national platform.\n\nThe TIG document also shares the Types of Standards to be maintained by the States on Data Reporting, Software Design Standards and Architectural Standards. There are three levels of compliance which each State would need to meet under the program. MoHUA and NIUA provide.\n\nThe complete document can be accessed here."},"135":{"Title":"National Education Policy, 2019","Text":"National Education Policy 2019DraftNational Education Policy 2019 Committee for Draft National Education Policy(Constituted by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India)Chairman Dr. K. Kasturirangan Former Chairman, ISROBangalore, Karnataka MembersProf. Vasudha KamatFormer VC, SNDTWU, Mumbai, MaharashtraProf. Manjul BhargavaProf., Dept. of Mathematics, Princeton University, USADr. Ram Shankar KureelFormer Founder VC, Baba Saheb Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Madhya Pradesh Prof. T. V. KattimaniVC, IGNTU, Amarkantak, Madhya PradeshSri Krishna Mohan TripathyFormer Chairperson,High School & Intermediate-Examination Board, UPProf. Mazhar AsifDean, Centre for Persian and Central Asian Studies, Literature and Culture Studies,JNU, New DelhiProf. M. K. SridharFormer Member SecretaryKarnataka Knowledge Commission, GoK, Bangalore, KarnatakaSecretaryDr. Shakila T. ShamsuOSD (NEP)Dept. of Higher Education, MHRD,GoI, New DelhiTechnical Secretariat Room No. 201, Guest House, NAAC, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore -560072 Ph: 080 2300 5211; Email: ts.nep17@gmail.com To,Shri Prakash Javadekar Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development Government of India December 15, 2018 Respected Shri Javadekar ji,At the outset, I take this opportunity to thank you for being a pillar of strength in the onerous endeavour that you have entrusted to me and my team members. We are submitting the Draft National Education Policy, 2019. We have tried to prepare a Policy, which to the best of our wisdom, will change the educational landscape so that we prepare our youth to meet the variety of present and future challenges. It has been a journey in which each one of the team members, both individually and collectively, have strived to cover the varied aspects of our countrys large education scenario. The Policy is founded on the guiding goals of Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability and Accountability. We have looked at the sector in a single organic continuum from pre-school to higher education and also touched on related sectors that form part of the larger picture. We are indeed indebted to your unstinting support at every stage in this exercise and are confident that under your visionary leadership, your Ministry will try to reach the desired goals that this Policy has envisaged. Vasudha Kamat(Member)K. Kasturirangan (Chairman)Ram Shankar Kureel(Member)T.V . Kattimani(Member)Mazhar Asif (Member)Shakila T. Shamsu(Secretary)Krishna Mohan Tripathy(Member)Manjul Bhargava(Member)M.K. Sridhar(Member)Committee for Draft National Education Policy1K. Kasturirangan ChairmanFormer Chairman, ISROHonorary Distinguished Scientific Advisor, ISRO Ex- Member of Parliament (nominated Rajya Sabha)Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru2Vasudha Kamat Member Former Vice-Chancellor, SNDT Women's University,Mumbai3K.J. Alphons Member (discontinued on assuming office as Union Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology, Culture, and Tourism since 3 September 2017) Noida4Manjul Bhargava Member R. Brandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics, Princeton UniversityPrinceton, USA5Ram Shankar Kureel MemberFormer Founder Vice Chancellor of Baba Saheb Ambedkar University of Social Sciences Madhya Pradesh6T.V. Kattimani Member Vice-ChancellorIndira Gandhi National Tribal UniversityAmarkantak, Madhya Pradesh7Krishna Mohan Tripathy Member Director of Education (Secondary) and Former Chairperson of Uttar Pradesh High School and Intermediate Examination Board Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh8Mazhar Asif MemberProfessor Centre for Persian and Central Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi9M.K. Sridhar MemberFormer Member Secretary, Karnataka Knowledge CommissionBengaluru, Karnataka10Rajendra Pratap Gupta Member(co-opted member resigned in December 2017)Former Advisor to Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Government of India11Shakila T. Shamsu Secretary OSD(NEP), Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development, New DelhiAbbreviationsAI Accreditation InstitutionAC Advisory CouncilAEC Adult Education CentreAESDC Adult Education and Skill Development Centres AICTE All India Council for Technical EducationAIDS\/STD Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome\/ Sexually Transmitted Diseases AISHE All India Survey of Higher EducationAIU Association of Indian UniversitiesAU Agriculture UniversityAYUSH Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and HomeopathyB.A. Bachelor of ArtsB.Ed Bachelor of EducationB.Sc. Bachelor of ScienceB.Voc Bachelor of VocationBA Binary AccreditationBCI Bar Council of IndiaBDS Bachelor of Dental SurgeryBEO Block Education OfficerBLA Bachelor of Liberal ArtsBLE Bachelor of Liberal EducationBoG Board of Governors BRC Block Resource CentreCAD\/CAM Computer-Aided Design\/ Computer-Aided ManufacturingCBCS Choice Based Credit SystemCDAC Centre for Development of Advanced ComputingCEP Continuing Education ProgrammeCESD Central Educational Statistics DivisionCFTI Centrally Funded Technical InstitutionsCHC Community Health CentreCIAE Central Institute of Adult Education CIET Central Institute of Educational TechnologyCNE Continuing Nursing EducationCPD Continuous Professional Development CRC Cluster Resource CentreCSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSTT Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology CTE College of Teacher EducationCU Central UniversitiesCWSN Children With Special NeedsDAE Department of Atomic EnergyDARE Department of Agricultural Research and EducationDBT Department of BiotechnologyDCI Dental Council of IndiaDEC District Education CouncilDEO District Education OfficerDIET District Institute of Education and TrainingDSE Directorate of School EducationDST Department of Science and TechnologyDTE Department of Technical EducationEC Executive CouncilECCE Early Childhood Care and EducationED Executive DirectorEMT-B Emergency Medical Technicians-BasicFOSSEE Free and Open Source Software in EducationGA Graded AccreditationGDA General Duty AssistantsGDP Gross Domestic ProductGEC General Education CouncilGER Gross Enrolment RatioGNM General Nursing and MidwiferyGoI Government of IndiaHBCSE Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education HEGC Higher Education Grants CouncilHEI Higher Education InstitutionsHRDC Human Resource Development CentreIAF Institutional Accreditation FrameworkIAS Indian Academy of SciencesIASE Institute of Advanced Studies in EducationIB Independent BoardICAR Indian Council of Agricultural ResearchICDS Integrated Child Development ServicesICMR Indian Council of Medical ResearchICT Information and Communication Technology IDP Institutional Development Plan IIEC India International Education CentreIILA Indian Institute of Liberal ArtsIIT Indian Institute of TechnologyINAE Indian National Academy of EngineeringINC Indian Nursing CouncilINI Institutions of National ImportanceINSA Indian National Science AcademyInSCED Indian Standard Classification of EducationISCO International Standard Classification of OccupationsISL Indian Sign Language ITI Industrial Training InstituteIUC Inter-University ConsortiumJRMB Joint Review and Monitoring BoardKGBV Kasturba Gandhi Balika VidyalayaLMIS Labour Market Information SystemLSS Licence to Start a School MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of SurgeryMCI Medical Council of IndiaMERU Multidisciplinary Education and Research UniversitiesMHFW Ministry of Health and Family WelfareMHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development MN Mission NalandaMoE Ministry of EducationMOOC Massive Open Online CourseMOU Memorandum of UnderstandingMSDE Ministry of Skill Development and EntrepreneurshipMSME Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesMT Mission TakshashilaMWCD Ministry of Women and Child DevelopmentNAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council NAS National Achievement SurveyNASI National Academy of Sciences, IndiaNATP National Adult Tutors ProgrammeNCC National Cadet CorpsNCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training NCF National Curriculum FrameworkNCFAE National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education NCTE National Council for Teacher EducationNCVET National Council for Vocational Education and TrainingNCVIE National Committee for the Integration of Vocational EducationNDF National Doctoral FellowNEC National Education CommissionNEET National Eligibility cum Entrance Test NETF National Educational Technology ForumNGO Non Governmental OrganisationNHEQF National Higher Education Qualifications Framework NHERA National Higher Education Regulatory Authority NIEPA National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling NIT National Institutes of TechnologyNITI Aayog National Institution for Transforming IndiaNLM National Literacy MissionNLP Natural Language ProcessingNMC National Medical CommissionNMEICT National Mission on Education through ICTNPDF National Post Doctoral FellowNPSDE National Policy on Skills Development and EntrepreneurshipNQR National Qualifications RegisterNRED National Repository of Educational DataNRF National Research FoundationNROER National Repository of Open Educational ResourcesNSDA National Skill Development AgencyNSDC National Skill Development CorporationNSQF National Skills Qualifications FrameworkNSS National Service SchemeNTA National Testing Agency NTP National Tutors ProgrammeOBC Other Backward ClassesODL Open and Distance Learning OER Open Educational ResourcesPHC Primary Health CentrePI Principal InvestigatorPM Prime MinisterPSSB Professional Standard Setting BodyPSSCIVE Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational EducationPSUs Public Sector UnitsPTR Pupil Teacher RatioQPs-NOS Qualification Packs - National Occupational StandardsR&I Research and InnovationRCI Rehabilitation Council of IndiaRIAP Remedial Instructional Aides ProgrammeRIE Regional Institute of Education RjSA Rajya Shiksha AayogRMSA Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan ROI Return on InvestmentRPL Recognition of Prior LearningRSA Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog RSAAC RSA Appointment CommitteeRTE Act Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009RUSA Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha AbhiyanSC Scheduled Caste(s)SCC Standing Committee on CoordinationSCERT State Council of Educational Research and TrainingSCMC School Complex Management CommitteeSDG Sustainable Development GoalSDP School Development PlanSEC State Education CommissionSEZ Special Education Zone SHEC State Higher Education CouncilSIOS State Institutes of Open SchoolingSKP Skill Knowledge ProviderSMC School Management CommitteeSQAAF School Quality Assessment and Accreditation FrameworkSQAAS School Quality Assessment and Accreditation SystemSSA Sarva Shiksha AbhiyanSSC Sector Skill CouncilSSDMs State Skill Development MissionSSRA State School Regulatory AuthoritySSS Simple Standard Sanskrit ST Scheduled Tribe(s)STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and MathematicsSTEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and MathematicsSTS Sanskrit through Sanskrit SVE School of Vocational EducationSWAYAM Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring MindsTEI Teacher Education InstitutionTET Teacher Eligibility TestTLC Total Literacy Campaign U-DISE Unified District Information System for Education UGC University Grants Commission ULB Urban Local BodiesUME Union Minister for EducationURG Underrepresented Group(s)UT Union Territory VCI Veterinary Council of IndiaVEI Vocational Education InstitutionsVESB Vocational Education Skills BoardWIPO World Intellectual Property OrganizationContentsPreambleVisionPart I - School Education1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning2. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy3. Reintegrating Dropouts and Ensuring Universal Access to Education4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools4.1. A new curricular and pedagogical structure for school education 4.2. Holistic development of learners 4.3. Reduce curriculum content to enhance essential learning and critical thinking 4.4. Empower students through flexibility in course choices 4.5. Education in the local language\/mother tongue; multilingualism and the power of language4.6. Curricular integration of essential subjects and skills4.7. National Curriculum Framework 4.8. National textbooks with local content and flavour4.9. Transforming assessment for student development 4.10. Support of students with singular interests and talents5. Teachers5.1. Effective teacher recruitment and deployment 5.2. School environment and culture that is conducive to quality education 23414555 65731135.3. Continuous professional development 5.4. Career management 5.5. Approach to teacher education6. Equitable and Inclusive Education6.1. Upliftment of underrepresented groups in education 6.2. Education of girls as a cross-cutting theme 6.3. Education of children belonging to Scheduled Caste Communities and Other Backward Classes6.4. Education of children from tribal communities 6.5. Education of children from educationally underrepresented groups within minority communities 6.6. Education of children from urban poor families 6.7. Education of transgender children 6.8. Education of children with special needs7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School Complexes 7.1. Ending the isolation of small schools through school complexes 7.2. Better resourcing of schools through school complexes 7.3. Fostering integrated education through school complexes 7.4. Improved support to teachers through school complexes 7.5. Administration and management of school complexes 7.6. Effective governance through school complexes 7.7. Effective governance and management of individual schools within school complexes8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Education8.1. System architecture and roles in school education system 8.2. Accreditation for autonomy with accountability 8.3. Regulation, accreditation, and oversight of private schools 1371778.4. Implications for the RTE Act 8.5. Assessment of functioning of the school education system 8.6. Protection of rights of the child and adolescent educationPart II - Higher Education9. Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education System10. Institutional Restructuring and Consolidation11. Towards a More Liberal Education11.1. Liberal education to energise undergraduate programmes11.2. Liberal education approach to energise graduate programmes11.3. Enhancing professional education through a liberal education approach11.4. Liberal education and research to foster and bolster each other11.5. Programmes, degrees, and other certifications in higher education12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Students 12.1. Innovative and responsive curriculum and pedagogy 12.2. Student support for learning and development 12.3. Open and distance learning: Curriculum and pedagogy for enhancing access and opportunities for life-long learning12.4. Internationalisation of higher education 20121122323913. Energised, Engaged and Capable Faculty13.1 Putting faculty back into the heart of higher education institutions14. National Research Foundation14.1. Establishing a new National Research Foundation 14.2. Funding research proposals through rigorous peer review 14.3. Building research capacity at all universities and colleges 14.4. Creating beneficial linkages among government, industry, and researchers 14.5. Recognising outstanding research funded by the National Research Foundation through awards and national seminars 15. Teacher Education15.1. Restoring integrity to teacher education 15.2. Moving teacher education into multidisciplinary colleges and universities 15.3. Departments of Education in universities 15.4. Faculty for teacher education 15.5. Faculty in higher education16. Professional Education16.1. Undergraduate education 16.2. Capacity planning for professionals 16.3. Postgraduate education and research 16.4. Faculty 16.5. Governance, Regulation and Accreditation 16.6. Agriculture and allied disciplines 16.7. Legal Education 16.8. Healthcare Education 16.9. Technical Education25526529317. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education Institutions17.1. Empowered governance and effective leadership18. Transforming the Regulatory System18.1. Design and architecture of the regulatory system 18.2. Accreditation as the basis for regulation 18.3. Standard setting bodies 18.4. Role of other bodies 18.5. Establishing new higher education institutions18.6. Common regulatory regimePart III - Additional Key Focus Areas19. Technology in Education19.1. Setting up of a new National Educational Technology Forum 19.2. Approach to the induction of technology 19.3. Teacher preparation and continuous professional development 19.4. Improving teaching, learning and evaluation processes 19.5. Enhancing educational access 19.6. Streamlining educational planning and management 19.7. Disruptive technologies20. Vocational Education20.1. Integrating vocational education into all schools, colleges and universities20.2. Frameworks and standards20.3. Vocational education in secondary school20.4. Vocational education as an integral part of higher education20.5. Vocational education for adults and youth20.6. Areas of special focus30932135721. Adult Education21.1. Developing a curriculum framework for adult education 21.2. Ensuring infrastructure and universal access 21.3. Training a cadre of adult education volunteers 21.4. Ensuring widespread participation in adult education22. Promotion of Indian LanguagesPart IV - Transforming Education23. Rashtriya Shiksha AayogAddendum - Making It HappenA1 FinancingA1.1. Education - perhaps the best investment for a societyA1.2. Inadequate investment and other financial issuesA1.3. Policy for higher investment to improve quality and equity of educationA1.4. Where will the additional resources be required?A1.5. One time expenditureA2 Way ForwardA2.1. Policy implementation A2.2. Principles to guide implementation of National Education Policy 2019 A2. 3. Approach to road map for implementation: Key actions led by various bodies A2.4. Conclusion373422Appendices: Part 1Appendix I: Drafting Committee for Draft National Education PolicyAppendix II: Peer Reviewers of the Draft National Education PolicyAppendix III: Secretariat to the Committee for Draft National Education PolicyAppendix IV: Technical Secretariat to the Committee for Draft National Education Policy Appendix V: Consultation Process: A WalkthroughAppendix VI: Meetings of the Committee for Draft National Education PolicyAppendix VII: Details of Consultations by the Committee for Draft National Education Policy (July 2017 onwards) Appendix VIII: Acknowledgements Appendices: Part 2Appendix IX: Order of Constitution of the Committee, 24.06.2017 up to 31.12.2017Appendix X: Extension of Tenure of the Committee up to 31.03.2018.Appendix XI: Extension of Tenure of the Committee up to 30.06.2018.Appendix XII: Extension of Tenure of the Committee up to 31.08.2018.Appendix XIII: Extension of Tenure of the Committee up to 31.10.2018.Appendix XIV: Extension of Tenure of the Committee up to 15.12.2018437466PreambleThe Journey of the Committee When I was asked in June 2017 by the Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar, to Chair a Committee to draft a new National Education Policy within six months, I agreed readily. At that time, my thinking was that the Committee would build on the extensive work already done by the TSR Subramanian Committee, and the Some Inputs for Draft National Education Policy, 2016 brought out by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) subsequently. We would also use the inputs that had come in from as early as 2015, when the consultations on the NEP first began. All this seemed very doable in six months. However, what followed was something entirely different. As the members of the Committee began to share their early inputs for the Policy, and we took up the task of assessing the contents of the two earlier documents, I began to get a sense of the members. It became clear very soon that this Committee was going to be out-of-the-box in its thinking. Each member displayed a distinct way of thinking, with unique inputs to offer, based on their background and expertise. The members also brought rich and unique insights about our society and their implications for education. This diverse set of ideas brought a freshness in the process of the development of the Policy. It was quite clear that this was a great asset, and as Chairman I had to utilise maximally this strength of the Committee. This was my challenge. Almost immediately after the Committee started work, we began receiving requests for meetings from individuals, institutions, organisations, and groups of people. This included people representing different educational ideologies and ideas, different cultural and social backgrounds, and from different regions of the country, a range truly reflective of the diversity of our nation. It also included many people who were extraordinary individuals, and had delved deep into the issues of education in this country. They were passionate about education and thus wanted to share their ideas with the Committee. Many of them had provided their inputs earlier but were still keen to meet the new Committee. I made the decision that we should meet National Education Policy 2019anyone who asks for an appointment. What began as a trickle soon turned into an avalanche as the requests and inputs came pouring in! This extraordinary response from across the length and breadth of the country made us realise the far-reaching implications of our own mandate. It dawned on us that in order to do justice to the deep, multi-dimensional, and practical knowledge and suggestions that we were receiving, we would have to do more than just tinker with the existing documents. By mid-October 2017, we had acknowledged the fact that we could not afford to be limited in our thinking, and that we must take bold decisions towards attempting to craft a completely new and far-sighted Policy. This thought was fortified by the assertion by the Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar, that the NEP must be relevant and applicable for at least two decades, within the context of the dynamic and fast-changing nature of the education space in India and the world. The members brought this commitment to bear in executing their task. In this, they were supported by a highly dedicated Secretariat, to which we added a Drafting Committee early in 2018. As the document came to its final stages, we sought the views of some of the leading thinkers in education in this country, who served as peer reviewers of the document. Needless to say that the Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development has been continuously engaged with us during this entire process, reviewing the progress of the work, sharing new ideas, suggesting additional topics for us to explore, and supporting us in every way. A vision for the education system in India The vision of Indias new education system has accordingly been crafted to ensure that it touches the life of each and every citizen, consistent with their ability to contribute to many growing developmental imperatives of this country on the one hand, and towards creating a just and equitable society on the other. We have proposed the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st century education, while remaining consistent with Indias traditions and value systems. The historic Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted at the UN General Assembly in 1948, declared that everyone has the right to education. Article 26 in the Declaration stated that education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stageselementary education shall be compulsory, and that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms . The idea that education must result in the full development of the human personality continued to be reflected in influential reports such as that entitled PreambleLearning: The Treasure Within, which the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century chaired by Jacques Delors, submitted to UNESCO in 1996. The Report argued that education throughout life was based on four pillars: i) Learning to know - acquiring a body of knowledge and learning how to learn, so as to benefit from the opportunities education provides throughout life; ii) Learning to do - acquiring not only an occupational skill but also the competence to deal with many situations and work in teams, and a package of skills that enables one to deal with the various challenges of working life; iii) Learning to live together - developing an understanding of other people and an appreciation of interdependence in a spirit of respect for the values of pluralism, mutual understanding and peace; and iv) Learning to be - developing ones personality and being able to act with autonomy, judgement and personal responsibility, while ensuring that education does not disregard any aspect of the potential of a person: memory, reasoning, aesthetic sense, physical capacities and communication skills. Such an articulation of a broad view of education encompassing the holistic development of students with special emphasis on the development of the creative potential of each individual, in all its richness and complexity, has grown increasingly popular in recent years, and many recent reports from UNESCO, the OECD, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, and the Brookings Institution have highlighted the broad consensus that has developed. Students must develop not only cognitive skills - both foundational skills of literacy and numeracy and higher-order cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem solving skills - but also social and emotional skills, also referred to as soft skills, including cultural awareness and empathy, perseverance and grit, teamwork and leadership, among others. The process by which children and adults acquire these competencies is also referred to as Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Based on the developments that have taken place in the world of cognitive science, there is now deep engagement with the idea that these social and emotional competencies must be acquired by all learners and that all learners should become more academically, socially and emotionally competent. The Policy recognises that it is important to conceive education in a more encompassing fashion, and this principle should inform and guide reforms in relation to the reorientation of the contents and processes of education. Drawing from Indias heritage India has had a long and illustrious history of holistic education. The aim of education in ancient India was not just the acquisition of knowledge, as preparation for life in this world or for life beyond schooling, but for complete realisation and liberation of the self. According to Swami Vivekananda, Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, National Education Policy 2019character-making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. If education is identical with information, the libraries are the greatest sages of the world and encyclopedia are the greatest Rishis . The Indian education system produced scholars like Charaka and Susruta, Aryabhata, Bhaskaracharya, Chanakya, Patanjali and Panini, and numerous others. They made seminal contributions to world knowledge in diverse fields such as mathematics, astronomy, metallurgy, medical science and surgery, civil engineering and architecture, shipbuilding and navigation, yoga, fine arts, chess, and more. Buddhism and its strong influence on the world, particularly in south-east Asia and especially so in China, prompted Hu Shih the former Ambassador of China to the United States of America to say India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. Education in India was only enriched through the mixing of cultures that arose from the very first invasions, till the arrival of the British. The country has absorbed many of these influences and blended them into a unique culture of its own. Culturally, India has been, and continues to be, a cradle of great diversity in all walks of life, with its myriad languages and dialects, with as many as seven classical dance forms and two classical music forms, many well-developed traditions of folk arts and music, pottery, sculptures and bronzes, exquisite architecture, incredible cuisines, fabulous textiles of all kinds, and so much more. These rich legacies to world heritage must not only be nurtured and preserved for posterity, but also enhanced and put to new uses through our education system. For instance, they can be integrated into a Liberal Arts education to help develop the creativity and originality of students, and to encourage them to innovate. As Einstein said to a group of children Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools is the work of many generations. All this is put into your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children. Thus do we mortals achieve immortality in the permanent things that we create in commonTaking forward the agenda of previous education policies In the decades since Independence, we have been preoccupied largely with issues of access and equity, and have unfortunately dropped the baton with regard to quality of education. The implementation of the two previous education policies is still incomplete. The unfinished agenda of the National Policy on Education 1986, Modified in 1992 (NPE 1986\/92) is appropriately dealt with in this Policy. A major development since the formulation of the NPE 1986\/92 has been the establishment of Constitutional and legal underpinnings for achieving universal elementary education. The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 that inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India Preambleenvisages free and compulsory education for all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act) which came into force in April 2010, entitles every child of the age of six to fourteen years to the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till the completion of elementary education. However, despite progress in some aspects, a mind-numbing uniformity prevails in the education system today, one in which students are not nurtured for their individual potential, in complete antithesis to our ancient traditions. There have been many important developments since the formulation of the NPE 1986\/92 that have made it imperative to formulate a new Policy at this time. The NPE 1986\/92 was formulated just before the Internet revolution and, while recognising the potential of technology, could not foresee the radical changes of the past few decades. Since then we have been almost fatally slow in the adoption of technology to improve the quality of education, as well as in using it to improve governance and planning and management of education. Young learners today belong to a generation that is born and raised in technology-rich environments. They will use technologies that havent been invented so far and enter jobs that dont exist at present. Globalisation and the demands of a knowledge economy and a knowledge society call for emphasis on the need for acquisition of new skills by learners on a regular basis, for them to learn how to learn and become lifelong learners. The narrow time lag between the generation of new knowledge and its application, especially in the fields of science and technology, necessitate the periodic renewal of school and higher education curricula to maintain their relevance to the changing societal and personal needs of learners, and the emerging national development goals. The demographic dividend that India is fortunate to have is expected to last for only a little over 20 years. Therefore, it is essential that children and youth in the country are equipped with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values as well as employable skills that would enable them to contribute to Indias social, economic, and political transformation. Alignment with the global sustainable development goals The direction of the global education development agenda is reflected in the sustainable development goal 4 (SDG4) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. SDG4 seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. Five of the seven targets of SDG4 focus on quality education and learning outcomes. SDG4 is, therefore, an all-encompassing goal, which is applicable to every nation attempting to bring quality of life to its citizens in a sustainable way, without degrading the environment. This is a huge challenge and the National Education Policy 2019understanding of this should begin in the early part of education. Another dimension of the future of education is the need to deal with the connected dimensions of education. Knowledge will be transformative because of the manner in which it will be connected to all domains. An overarching aspect of SDG4 is that of inclusion and fostering quality education, and in order to be a practitioner in the field of education, one needs to have some orientation to this mode of thinking. Educational opportunity is created when students and teachers engage in purposeful learning experiences that help students develop in various ways. This requires clear goals, the skills to translate these goals into sound curriculum and pedagogy, and the leadership of teachers, and school and educational administrators to focus on supporting the creation of meaningful learning opportunities. In a nutshell, educational opportunity requires an effective system to support learning, including supportive organisations, resources, and sound policies. Such a lofty goal will require the entire education system to be reconfigured to support learning. Else none of the goals of the SDGs can be achieved. Pedagogical innovations alone will not succeed. An integrated yet flexible approach to education The present Policy begins with viewing early childhood care and education (ECCE) as a part of the Foundational stage of school education (three years of pre-primary education and Grades 1 and 2), a single curricular and pedagogical phase of play- and discovery-based learning for very young children, between the ages of 3-8 years. The Eighty-sixth Constitutional Amendment in 2002 extended the provision of ECCE to children from age 3 onwards and this commitment has been honoured. The Policy takes cognizance of the differences in the development of cognitive abilities in children. The flexibility in the first five years will enable equalising of the multiple cognitive abilities of children. This is followed by a Preparatory phase consisting of three years (Grades 3, 4 and 5) of basic education incorporating some textbooks as well as aspects of more formal classroom learning. The next three years of Middle school education (Grades 6, 7 and 8) would involve developing more abstract thinking and subject teaching leading up to a Secondary education phase of four years (Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12). This last phase of four years of secondary school education will facilitate multidisciplinary studies with appropriate exit options besides preparing for the next phase of undergraduate programme of study, including early introduction to Liberal Arts education. In conceptualising and drafting an overarching Policy for education development, the Committee has kept the interconnectedness of the various phases of education in mind and how the same will enable continuity, coherence and processes to ultimately realise an end-to-end educational Preambleroadmap for the country. We have provided for multiple exit and entry options for students starting with secondary education stage and going all the way into undergraduate and postgraduate education and research. Even though a student may discontinue his\/her studies in different phases he\/she will be eligible for re-entry and continuing education into the higher levels, for which adequate thought has been given in the formulation of the Policy. The Committee has not overlooked the fact that the multiple facets of the education structure should be within an overall framework of a cogent end-to-end educational progression. The concept of interconnectedness also provides for preparation of the students for further studies at higher levels through proper orientation, coming from early efforts at broad-based liberal education that will be introduced at the Secondary stage of education. A strong base of Liberal Arts education and provision for vocational education at different levels are all part of undergraduate education. A fourth year of undergraduate education can also seamlessly integrate itself to education at the Masters and Doctoral levels. In the long run, this integrated concept should also lead to bringing professional education into mainstream undergraduate education, thereby creating an overarching integrated approach to education, embodying the spirit of the Policy in totality. Finally, the concept of interconnectedness also applies to the location of education in a social context, which both influences and is influenced by it. The Policy sees the engagement of the community extending to ownership for the success of educational endeavours, whether through deeper ownership of school complexes through School Complex Management Committees or through volunteering to ensure the success of educational programmes. It envisages convergence of similar efforts by community-based organisation and educational institutions, and drawing from the expertise of community members, while institutions contribute towards progress of the community in multiple ways. Liberal arts approach in higher education Since the times of Nalanda and Takshashila or even earlier, the history of higher education in India recognised the holistic aspect of all human knowledge and enquiry as fundamentally connected. The holistic nature of knowledge as imparted through a broad and interwoven education is an important factor for the preparation of students for life, work and to be an effective member of society. In this context, several institutions of higher studies across the world have implemented what we today characterise as Liberal Education through an array of different disciplines that include the Arts, Humanities, Mathematics and Sciences suitably integrated with a deeper study of a special area of interest. The available assessments on such an approach that integrate the humanities and arts with Science, National Education Policy 2019Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) have showed positive learning outcomes. More explicitly, the outcomes here include, among other things, increased critical thinking abilities, higher order thinking and deeper learning, mastery of content, problem solving, team work and communication skills besides general engagement and enjoyment of learning. Even though such conclusive assessments are yet to be available through studies, including systematic research in India, the available assessments elsewhere are persuasive enough to introduce Liberal Education at the undergraduate level for preparing students to navigate their way into the future with a variety of employment scenarios as well as many other roles they will play in their professions. This approach to the structure of undergraduate education envisaged in the policy is both appropriate in the present context and at the same time futuristic in recognising the many uncertainties in the evolving nature of the multiplicity of human endeavours as well as related ecosystems.Focus on high quality research The Masters and Doctoral levels are being strengthened with provision of at least three routes into the Masters degree - a one-year degree, a two-year degree, and the integrated five-year degree. The Masters degree will also have a strong research component to strengthen the appropriate professional competence in the domain area, and to prepare students for a research degree. The biggest lacuna in the present education system is the lack of a coherent direction for planning and implementation of research at the university level. We have addressed this critical lacuna in this Policy by introducing, for the very first time a new National Research Foundation (NRF) that will focus on funding research within the education system, primarily at colleges and universities. The Foundation will encompass the four broad areas of Sciences, Technology, Social Sciences, and Arts & Humanities. Besides strengthening the presently weak support that subjects such as the Social Sciences and the Humanities receive, NRF will also bring in cohesion among the various research endeavours of multidisciplinary character. Besides providing funding, NRF will also take care of the need to seed and build research capacity in universities and colleges through a formal mechanism of mentoring that will be instituted. In enunciating the principles of the functioning of the NRF, the need to: i) bring in synergies between the stakeholders and research groups, ii) create a mechanism for monitoring and mid-course corrections, and iii) strengthen the linkages between universities and their counterparts at the global level will all be addressed. The NRF will catalyse research in universities and colleges, institutions that have hitherto not been big players in the research scene of the country, and help build the capacity to do research through an institutionalised mentoring mechanism, involving expert researchers from premier institutions in the country.Facilitating transformation of the education system None of this will be possible without passionate and committed school teachers and faculty in higher education institutions who will take charge of transforming the education system as envisioned in this Policy. For this, they also need to be adequately prepared. Teacher preparation, orientation and training will, therefore, move into the higher education sector, into multidisciplinary environments available at universities. The contributions of teachers to all aspects of improving the education system, through teaching, research, institution building, student empowerment and such other aspects will be recognised. With regard to schools, the introduction of school complexes will bring about a new culture of sharing common resources in an optimal way. The idea of the school complex was proposed by the Education Commission Report (1964-66) and is also mentioned in the Programme of Action 1992 document of the NPE 1986\/92, but has faltered in its implementation. An attitudinal change needs to be brought in so that the implementation effort is carefully nurtured, and best practices and processes developed at successful school complexes can be replicated at many places. The culture of openness and resource sharing this brings will contribute to a paradigm shift in attitude and mindset, that will help successfully implement this Policy. It is only when institutions, school complexes, colleges and universities are autonomous and empowered to deliver on the goals of the Policy that we will have a responsive education that is key to achieving a knowledge society. Institutional governance of higher educational institutions enunciated in this Policy is an integrated concept in which the curricular, administrative and financial elements are brought together as a single entity with the necessary autonomy to create an independent and efficient management. Any effort to truncate this concept will be counterproductive, and we should not make any attempt to provide piecemeal autonomy. Accountability norms can and must be put in place so that the freedoms of autonomy are exercised in the spirit in which they have been given. In order to implement this Policy, there is a need for a large number of high quality professionals at the level of vice chancellors, directors of institutions, registrars, policy makers, project and programme management personnel, and so on. Their roles, as envisaged in the Policy, are very unique for the educational profession, and they need to be specially trained and oriented towards the same. The necessary institutional mechanism towards this should be created through the education system itself. The characterisation\/delineation of the university structure at different levels are based on the integration of higher education with research, keeping interdisciplinarity as a central concept. The Policy also creates a new niche for research and development as a culture in universities and colleges. It is expected that in the years to come, universities will provide opportunities for higher education and research, in a multidisciplinary environment National Education Policy 2019and suitably integrate professional education, such as agriculture, medicine, law, etc., thus making education a truly holistic exercise, with flexibility for students to make their own choices, thereby bringing in the best of creativity and originality. With regard to regulation, we have made our recommendations based on a key principle namely, that regulation, provision of education, accreditation, funding, and standard setting, will all be done by separate entities, and that regulation will be kept to a minimum. This will eliminate conflicts of interest and the concentration of power. Corruption remains an important element that distorts governance of education. The resolve to root out corruption from our public systems is founded on the conviction that without a foundation of integrity and rectitude, we will not achieve the greatness as a country that is our due. Corruption is not just financial or monetary in its nature. It consists of any force that undermines integrity and honesty in the operation of systems that are important for the public good. Designing systems of governance that guarantee institutional integrity through organisational revival will be pursued as a key priority. Inefficient systems will need to be rebuilt and made to work with effective leadership and new resolve. The approach should be to ensure that both political initiatives and administrative systems serve the goal of transforming the education system, and eliminating the power of vested interests, improving the transparency and efficiency of regulation, and investing public resources in areas that build the capital for effecting change. The present Policy spans several components of the national endeavour that go well beyond the mandate of the present MHRD. The Committee recognises the importance of creating an overarching body that will synergise and integrate the multiple efforts that are in progress in widely diverse institutions and departments of the government both at the Central and State levels, through an institutional mechanism that will have the necessary authority to make it feasible. It is here that we have made another unique suggestion to create a Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (RSA)\/National Education Commission (NEC). Education must be delivered in a holistic manner and the education system must be responsive to the fast-changing environment and the needs of a knowledge society. The RSA will bring in a new approach to governance that will draw considerable expertise through educationists, researchers and professionals, and provide oversight of the educational system that is consistent with the objectives of a 21st century education system. The organisational set-up and the coordination structures for the RSA will draw their authority from the highest political levels of the country. This highest body is being placed under the responsibility of the Prime Minister himself\/herself so that in his\/her role as the highest functionary of the government of the country, the Prime Minister can bring his\/her authority to create the necessary synergies and provide direction to this national endeavour, as a part of the countrys overall vision of a knowledge society. While crafting the Policy we had a serious problem with acquiring authentic data in both quality and quantity. Education policies are largely the outcome of analysing trends in the patterns of evolution of important parameters of Preambleeducation. A major effort is called for in the country for data collection, organisation, analysis and the building capability to study trends and patterns of the various aspects of education. We have suggested that the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) be strengthened and all the data gathering, analysis and dissemination work be consolidated and expanded there, under a new Central Educational Statistics Division (CESD) as an independent autonomous entity within NIEPA. Facilitating national development India aspires to take its place beside the United States and China as the third largest economy by 2030-2032, the same period during which this Policy will bring about the biggest transformation. India is the sixth largest economy now and we will reach five trillion in five-seven years taking us to fourth or fifth position. By 2030-2032 we will be the third largest economy at over ten trillion. Our ten trillion economy will not be driven by natural resources, but by knowledge resources. We have not looked ahead into the implications of being the worlds third largest economy. It will be a totally different environment. Ecosystems force us to think differently and achieving this milestone will have ramifications all across the country. Are we ready to take our place besides the USA and China as the top three largest economies of the world and be confident of sustaining it in the following years? To do this, we will need a knowledge society based on a robust education system, with all the requisite attributes and characteristics in the context of changes in knowledge demands, technologies, and the way in which society lives and works. In this context, the Prime Ministers recent call to leverage the Fourth Industrial Revolution to take India to new heights is particularly apt. Even at the risk of repetition, it would be appropriate to recognise that becoming a ten trillion dollar economy will give us the money we need, but if we dont spend now then it will not be easy to achieve and sustain such a large economy. We cannot wait until we get to the ten trillion mark to prepare the human resources that we will need. Quality education will be a key part of the transition to the knowledge economy that is currently underway in parts of India but needs to encompass the entire country. We must, therefore, find the funding that education needs and find it quickly. For the sake of completeness, we have included a rough and preliminary estimation of the financing need for this Policy to be translated into reality within the next decade or so. Similarly, the broad steps we need to take to implement this Policy are also included in the Addendum. Both of these are more in the nature of guidelines for implementation and not directly part of the Policy. National Education Policy 2019Ensuring implementation in spirit and intent Even though a lot of thought has gone into this Policy, this is not the logical end to realise our dream of a meritorious knowledge society. There are many more steps that one has to take at National and State levels before the Policy can make its impact. From this point, this will depend on careful planning and a well thought-out implementation strategy, consistent with pragmatism and ground realities. This, in turn, will be influenced by the attitude of the different segments of society, which in Indias context is inherently complex, as well as how well we are willing to bring to bear the most rigorous professional, intellectual, moral and ethical principles into its implementation, keeping national interest at the centre of all planning and implementation endeavours. Within the broad framework of the Policy objectives and initiatives, States and Union Territories will be encouraged to (i) prioritise and adapt the broader Policy objectives and targets to their contexts; (ii) formulate state-specific targets and education sector development programmes\/plans within the broader scope of the national Policy objectives; (iii) establish appropriate intermediate targets (e.g. for 2025 and 2030) taking into account the past achievements in the education sector, emerging national development priorities, availability of resources, and institutional capacities. In order to ensure participation in education of marginalised and excluded groups, education systems will devise strategies and programmatic interventions to respond flexibly keeping in view the circumstances and needs of diverse groups of learners. The challenge is, therefore, the ability to implement the Policy in the spirit in which it has been articulated. I am confident that we will be able to do so. In the past, many groups have made valuable contributions to the development of quality education in India and I believe they will continue to do so. Several philanthropic organisations and foundations as well as many other cultural, faith-based and community organisations from the Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Sikh communities, the Christian Missionary groups, Jain sects, and so on stand out in the large numbers of early institutions they started, many of which are still some of the leading educational institutions in the country today. These and other contributions must rise to even greater heights given the facilitation that will be provided by this Policy. Going ahead, the successful implementation of the Policy will require that every Indian must contribute his\/her best. We have understood this need and have tried to create avenues to formalise the contribution of everyone through this Policy, but these contributions must be held together in a coherent whole, through the governance reforms indicated in the Policy. This will take commitment and leadership of the type we have not seen since the time of the Independence movement. The success of the Policy is wholly dependent on the quality of its implementation. Dr Ambedkar famously said about the Constitution ...Because I feel, however good a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called to work it, happen to be a bad lot. However bad a Constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happen to be a good Preamblelot. The working of a Constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of the Constitution..... Although the NEP is not to be compared with the Constitution, its impact on the lives of over 50% of the citizens of this country who are below the age of 25 years will be phenomenal, and it, therefore needs to be implemented with the utmost care and commitment. The extent to which high quality educational opportunities are made available to children and youth in the coming years will determine the direction of the future of India and its people. These thoughts have been weighing on our minds as we address the multiple dimensions of an education system for the future of this country, duly factoring in the status of where we are presently. The challenges are many but certainly well within the capability of this great nation to face squarely and make a success of. Considering the extraordinary influence that an educational endeavour has on society and vice versa, it is important not to overlook societal response to the different aspects of building of a knowledge society for which this Policy is expected to play a central role. More explicitly, this needs to be addressed taking cognizance of several aspects such as mindset, attitudes, and culture, as well as at the individual, institutional, systemic and societal levels. Even though it may look like a challenging proposition, both financially and from the standpoint of execution, what we have so far not recognised is that there are a multiplicity of agencies and individuals in this country who will come forward willingly with their support if they are convinced that there is sincerity and honesty and an ethical approach to building a knowledge society. The National Education Policy 2019 provides a framework for the transformation and reinvigoration of the education system in order to respond to the requirements of fast-changing, knowledge-based societies while taking into account the diversity of the Indian people, their traditions, cultures, and languages. It seeks to ensure that human capital, the most vital form of capital that would fuel the necessary transformation, is secured and strengthened. Highest priority is accorded to the task of ensuring universal access to an education of high quality and breadth that would support Indias continued ascent, progress, and leadership on the global stage - in terms of economic development, social justice and equality, environmental stewardship, scientific advancement and cultural preservation, and help develop and maximise our countrys rich talents and resources for the good of the individual, the country, and the world. An education system built on the premises of quality and equity is considered central to sustainable development, achieving success in the emerging knowledge economy and society, for socio-economic mobility, and for building an equitable, just and humane society. National Education Policy 2019A note of gratitudePersonally, I express my deepest gratitude to each of the Members of the National Education Policy Committee. Prof M. K. Sridhar had an overall role to play in the organisation of the activities of the Committee that included providing multiple paths to the conduct of deliberations, including carefully reviewing the agenda for the meetings, identifying individuals\/organisations\/agencies with whom interactions should take place, as well as providing timely alerts on several fronts with implications to the formulations of the Policy itself. His broad knowledge and experience in the field of education proved to be a critical asset for the Committee to craft suitable strategies related to different areas. Prof Manjul Bhargava injected several important ideas, many of them out-of-the-box in their nature and several with a futuristic relevance. I am particularly touched by his exceptional sense of dedication and commitment to the cause of formulating and drafting a policy keeping in mind the highest standards of excellence and realism. He came to India on his own several times from the United States to participate in all the important meetings of the Committee. Words fail to express my feelings about him. Prof Vasudha Kamat was a unique member of the Committee with an extraordinary perception of this countrys education system. She brought to bear her highest level of knowledge and erudition in shaping and providing the right emphasis to several elements of the Policy, spanning over a wide spectrum of educational endeavours. Besides helping to formulate, she also proved to be a very valuable internal critic of our stand on several issues related to this Policy. Shri Krishna Mohan Tripathy brought in his lifelong knowledge and experience of school education in one of the largest states of India, Uttar Pradesh. He brought to the attention of the Committee the minutest aspects of both the good and not-so-good characteristics of school education with respect to students, teachers as well as issues of infrastructure, funding, etc. His inputs had a major influence on the formulation of our Policy related to school education. Prof T. V. Kattimani with his wide and in-depth knowledge of educational issues related to the underprivileged segment of society, with particular focus on the countrys tribal population, gave the Committee a very rare insight which became the basis for us to formulate the Policy on educating the underprivileged. Prof Mazhar Asifs scholarship of languages in general, as well as his critical knowledge of the issues of development of classical and modern languages, were central to defining a comprehensive Policy in this area. Prof Ram Shankar Kureel provided very broad, thoughtful and appropriate commentaries on the problems of university education, with particular reference to governance and the need to bring in necessary reforms. Further, his deep understanding of the issues of agricultural education provided interesting Preambleinsights not only with respect to agriculture, but also to the broader aspects of professional education. Even though we could have only limited association with Shri K. J. Alphonse in the early phase of the Committees deliberations, his written inputs proved to be very insightful, and the Committee has suitably incorporated many of his useful suggestions. He showed continuing interest in the progress of the Committee even after moving to Government of India to serve as a Union Minister. Last but not the least, Dr Shakila Shamsu as the Secretary to the Committee, played the very important role of continuously supporting the Committees deliberations through Agenda and Minutes preparations, setting up meetings in Delhi and other places, and providing several important inputs available with the Ministry from earlier studies. Further, her vast experience and the resulting comments that she offered on various major issues of the policy were vital to giving final shape to the same. Also, Dr Shamsus professional competence gave her the ability to articulate the Policy with clarity and focus whenever she had to brief individuals or groups on the same.In order to give a final shape to the Policy, including editorial work as well as the style of presentation, we invited both Prof K Ramachandran and Prof Anurag Behar to join us as part of the Committees activities. Prof Ramachandran proved to be a walking encyclopedia on all aspects of education which was truly a great asset for ensuring appropriate coverage of key areas while formulating the Policy. He had been a part of drafting several of the earlier policies, and has been active both at the national and international levels in matters of policy and planning of education. His passion and enthusiasm coupled with his incredible energy came to our assistance in an immeasurable way during our continuing endeavours leading to the finalisation of the draft document. Prof Anurag Behar was a unique addition to the efforts of crafting and drafting the Policy through his extensive knowledge of planning and implementing education systems, and in particular as the Vice Chancellor of the Azim Premji University. His deep insights into the subtleties of the multifaceted educational system of this country have been truly valuable for our continuing efforts to give a final shape to the document; added to this was his exceptional ability to effectively articulate complex ideas and present them in a digestible form for the general readership.In the final stages of the preparation of the document, we decided to invite a review of our work by a peer review committee. In this role, Shri Jayaprakash Narayan, General Secretary, Foundation for Democratic Reforms, and a very well-respected social worker with deep interest in education made a critical assessment of the draft version of the Policy, particularly with respect to school education. Prof P. Rama Rao an academician of high standing in this country and presently the Chairman of the Governing Council of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, has had a role in reviewing several research and academic National Education Policy 2019activities of this country over decades. Prof Rama Rao has meticulously gone through our draft, and has made many valuable suggestions specially focusing on higher and professional education. His observations on governance related to higher education were extremely relevant. Shri Mohandas Pai, presently the Chairman of Manipal Global Education, provided several candid remarks and observations with regard to the document. His broad understanding of both school and higher education, and also his uncanny ability to recall numbers where appropriate to authenticate his comments was especially useful. Dr Vijay Kelkar, a leading intellectual, with a broad-based knowledge of the countrys multiple developmental issues gave us a unique perspective on the Policy. The approach he adopted to highlight specific issues of education covered a broad range of themes and disciplines. Prof J. S. Rajput, former Director of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), was a member of the TSR Subramanian Committee, and his extensive experience on dealing with education related matters enabled him to provide extremely valuable suggestions on many aspects of the Policy. Similarly, Prof Aniruddha Deshpande, former Principal of the Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune, with his wide experience at the grassroot levels of education, gave very thoughtful feedback on the draft document.Dr Leena Wadia helped in the overall efforts of the Committee, right from its formative stages to the serious phases of crafting the various aspects of the Policy, and helping to realise the final version of the draft document. Dr Viraj Kumar played a key role in providing focused support on several aspects of formulation of the Policy, including initial trend analysis of the available data and many aspects of technology in education. Regarding the other Members of the Technical Secretariat, Dr Vinaychandra brought to bear his work on Indian languages, Shri Chetan Singai his research work on higher education; whereas Shri Gowrisha Joshi and Smt. Soumya coordinated the Technical Secretariat and consultations.Shri Hem Raj was the link between the Ministry and the Secretariat, which was essential for the smooth conduct of the meetings, and also provided administrative support to the Committee. Shri Shakeel Quereshi kept the Committee continuously abreast of several inputs received from various sources at the Ministry and coordinated logistical assistance for the Chairman during his visits to Delhi for meetings. Shri Ramanand Pandey also provided the relevant support from the Ministry as warranted.Prof D. P. Singh, presently Chairman of University Grants Commission (UGC) and former Director of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), not only facilitated the work of the Committee but also provided very useful and practical inputs. Equally supportive were Prof Rajesh Gopakumar and Prof Spenta Wadia of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTS). The overall institutional support provided by the ICTS, UGC, NAAC and the Azim Premji University were similarly valuable. PreambleIn formulating the policy aspects of professional education, I cannot forget the most crucial inputs, suggestions and guidance provided by Prof N.R. Madhava Menon (Legal Education), Dr S. Ayyappan (Agricultural Education), Dr B.N. Suresh (Engineering Education), Dr Devi Prasad Shetty and Dr Alex Thomas (Medical Education). They had also chosen very eminent experts in their respective fields to assist them to formulate the relevant Policy actions. Prof Anil Sahasrabuddhe, presently the Chairman of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), played a very critical advisory role to the different deliberations of the Committee in the context of Engineering Education. The Secretary for Higher Education, earlier Shri K. K. Sharma and currently Shri R. Subrahmanyam, took continuous interest in all matters of the drafting activity, and provided their own inputs and opinions besides keeping track of the progress of the document from time to time. I would also like to express my appreciation of the contribution of the Joint Secretary for Higher Education, earlier Shri Rakesh Ranjan and currently Dr Saravana Kumar, towards aspects related to higher education. Similarly, the Secretary for School Education and Literacy, earlier Shri Anil Swarup and currently Smt Rina Ray, played an important role on matters related to school education. I also acknowledge the invaluable support provided by several institutions and individuals in the processes leading to the formulation of this Policy. The preparation of the Draft National Education Policy would not have been possible without the ideas and suggestions provided by a large number of individuals and organisations engaged in the task of promoting education development. The Committee would like to place on record its deep gratitude to them for their immense support and contribution to the formulation of this Draft National Education Policy. K Kasturirangan BengaluruThe National Education Policy 2019 envisions an India centred education system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high quality education to all.VisionPart ISchool Education1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of LearningEarly Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning Objective: Every child in the age range of 3-6 years has access to free, safe, high quality, developmentally appropriate care and education by 2025.The learning process for a child commences immediately at birth. Evidence from neuroscience shows that over 85% of a childs cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of 6, indicating the critical importance of developmentally appropriate care and stimulation of the brain in a childs early years to promote sustained and healthy brain development and growth. Indeed, analysis of brain scans of children who encountered various levels of neglect or deprivation in their early years revealed unfortunate defi ciencies in the development of critical areas of the brain, and corresponding adverse effects on cognitive and emotional processing. Excellent care, nurture, nutrition, physical activity, psycho-social environment, and cognitive and emotional stimulation during a childs first six years are thus considered extremely critical for ensuring proper brain development and, consequently, desired learning curves over a persons lifetime.This evidence from cognitive science is fully borne out by numerous national and international studies on the learning outcomes of children having various levels of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). A study conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) titled The impact of pre-school education on retention in primary grades (1992) on 30,000 children illustrated strong and direct correlations between exposure to pre-school education and retention rates, attendance National Education Policy 2019rates, and most significantly learning outcomes in primary school and beyond. Various global studies have also revealed longer-term impacts: quality pre-school education is strongly correlated with higher incomes and rates of home ownership, and lower rates of unemployment, crime, and arrest. In terms of the growth of the national economy, it has been estimated that the development of a strong ECCE programme is among the very best investments that India could make, with an expected return of ` 10 or more for every `1 invested. In summary, it is recognised that investment in ECCE gives the best chance for children to grow up into good, moral, thoughtful, creative, empathetic, and productive human beings.Studies tracking student learning outcomes clearly demonstrate that children who start out behind tend to stay behind throughout their school years. At the current time, there is a severe learning crisis in India, where children are enrolled in primary school but are failing to attain even basic skills such as foundational literacy and numeracy. A major part of this crisis appears to be occurring well before children even enter Grade 1. Far too many 6+ year olds are entering Grade 1 with very limited ECCE. Furthermore, far too many children are enrolling in Grade 1 before the age of 6, due to a lack of any suitable pre-primary options; these are often the children that remain the most behind in primary school and beyond. In fact, during the academic year 2016-17, over 70 lakh children were enrolled in Grade 1 prior to the age of 6 (Unifi ed District Information System for Education (U-DISE) 2016-17).This tragic deficiency in grade school-preparedness is particularly marked between advantaged and disadvantaged groups. This is because students from more advantaged families have greater access to role models, print awareness, language fluency in the school language, and strong learning environments at home, in addition to better nutrition, healthcare, and of course access to pre-school education. Investment in ECCE has the potential to give all young children such access in an engaging and holistic way, thereby allowing all children to participate and flourish in the educational system throughout their lives. ECCE is perhaps the greatest and most powerful equaliser.For all these reasons - from brain development to school-preparedness, improved learning outcomes, equality and justice, employability, and the prosperity and economic growth of the country - India absolutely must invest in accessible and quality ECCE for all children.What does quality ECCE entail? During the ages prior to 3 years, quality ECCE includes the health and nutrition of both the mother and the child, but also crucially includes cognitive and emotional stimulation of the infant through talking, playing, moving, listening to music and sounds, and stimulating all the other senses particularly sight and touch. Exposure to languages, numbers, and simple problem-solving is also considered important during this period.From 3 to 6 years of age, ECCE includes continued healthcare and nutrition, but also crucially self-help skills (such as getting ready on one), motor skills, cleanliness, the handling of separation anxiety, being comfortable around ones peers, moral development (such as knowing the difference between ), physical development through movement and exercise, expressing and communicating thoughts and feelings to parents and others, 1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learningsitting for longer periods of time in order to work on and complete a task, and generally forming all-round good habits.Supervised play-based education, in groups and individually, is considered particularly important during this age range to naturally build up the childs innate abilities and all-important lifelong skills of cooperation, teamwork, social interaction, compassion, equity, inclusiveness, communication, cultural appreciation, playfulness, curiosity, creativity, as well as the ability to successfully and respectfully interact with teachers, fellow students, staff, and others. ECCE during these years also entails learning about alphabets, languages, numbers, counting, colours, shapes, drawing\/painting, indoor and outdoor play, puzzles and logical thinking, visual art, craft, drama, puppetry, music, and movement.Over 85% of cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of six.How should India best deliver quality ECCE? The most current research in ECCE shows that children under the age of 8 do not tend to follow the linear, age-based educational trajectories that are prescribed to them by policy or by any preset timelines for curriculum; as a result, a large proportion of children in pre-school and Grades 1 and 2 are not receiving developmentally appropriate education suited to their needs. It is only at about the age of 8 that children adapt to more prescripted learning.Therefore, it is important that children of ages 3-8 have access to a flexible, multifaceted, multilevel, play-based, activity-based, and discovery-based education. It also becomes natural then to view this period, from up to three years of pre-school (ages 3-6) to the end of Grade 2 (age 8), as a single pedagogical unit called the Foundational Stage. It is necessary, therefore, to develop and establish such an integrated foundational curricular and pedagogical framework, and corresponding teacher preparation, for this critical Foundational Stage of a childs development.At the current time, most early childhood education is delivered in the form of Anganwadis and private pre-schools, with a very small proportion coming from pre-schools run by NGOs and other organisations. Where well supported, the Anganwadi system of pre-primary education, under the aegis of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), has worked with great success in many parts of India, especially with respect to healthcare for mothers and infants. These centres have truly helped support parents and build communities; they have served to provide critical nutrition and health awareness, immunisation, basic health check-ups, and referrals and connections to local public health systems, thus preparing crores of children for healthy development and therefore far more productive lives. However, National Education Policy 2019while providing some essential cognitive stimulation, play, and day care, most Anganwadis have remained relatively light on the educational aspects of ECCE. Anganwadis are currently quite defi cient in supplies and infrastructure for education; as a result, they tend to contain more children in the 2-4 year age range and fewer in the educationally critical 4-6 year age range; they also have few teachers trained in or specially dedicated to early childhood education.Meanwhile, private and other pre-schools have largely functioned as downward extensions of primary school. Though providing better infrastructure and learning supplies for children, they consist primarily of formal teaching and rote memorisation, with high Pupil Teacher Ratios (PTRs) and limited developmentally appropriate play-based and activity-based learning; they too generally contain teachers untrained in early childhood education. They generally are very limited on the health aspects, and do not usually cater to younger children in the age range of 0-4 years.A recent Early Childhood Education Impact study (2017) undertaken by Ambedkar University, Delhi, showed that a signifi cant proportion of children in India who completed pre-primary education, public or private, did not have the needed school readiness competencies when they joined primary school. Thus, in addition to problems of access, quality related defi ciencies such as developementally inappropriate curriculum, the lack of qualifi ed and trained educators, and less-than-optimal pedagogy have remained major challenges for many if not most existing early childhood learning programmes.The Policy therefore focuses on developing an excellent curricular and pedagogical framework for early childhood education by NCERT in accordance with the above guidelines, which would be delivered through a signifi cantly expanded and strengthened system of early childhood educational institutions, consisting of Anganwadis, pre-primary schools\/sections co-located with existing primary schools, and stand-alone pre-schools, all of which will employ workers\/teachers specially trained in the curriculum and pedagogy of ECCE.The numerous rich traditions of India over millennia in ECCE, involving art, stories, poetry, songs, gatherings of relatives, and more, that exist throughout India must also be incorporated in the curricular and pedagogical framework of ECCE to impart a sense of local relevance, enjoyment, excitement, culture, and sense of identity and community. The traditional roles of families in raising, nurturing, and educating children also must be strongly supported and integrated. In particular, family leave policies that afford women and men the ability to tend to their children in their earliest years of life are critical in enabling families to fulfil these traditional roles.To reinforce the public systems commitment to provide quality early childhood care and education to all children before the age of 6, the Policy suggests that ECCE be included as an integral part of the RTE Act. The 86th Amendment of the Constitution in 2002 in fact provided an unambiguous commitment for universalisation of ECCE by directing the State to provi de ECCE to all children until they complete the age of six years. Section 11 of the RTE Act also already discussed the possible public provision of early childhood education: With a view to prepare children above the age of three years for elementary education and to provide ECCE for all children until they complete the age of 1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learningsix years, the appropriate Government may make necessary arrangement for providing free pre-school education for such children. For the sake of the country and her children, it is time to ensure that these critical commitments for attaining quality ECCE for all are fulfilled as early as possible.Specific policy initiatives to attain quality early childhood education for all by 2025 will be as follows:Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Education: The mandate of the NCERT will be expanded to include the development of a Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Education, in accordance with the above principles and guidelines.The Framework will consist of two parts:a. The first part will be a framework of guidelines for 0-3 year olds - intended for parents as well as Anganwadi teachers\/workers - for appropriate cognitive stimulation of infants and young children in this age range. The guidelines would include how to make simple low-cost learning aids (such as baby rattles using a plastic bottle and colorful hard candy; simple melodic and percussion instruments that can be hit with sticks; hats and boats made from folding newspaper; etc.); these could form craft exercises for children in Anganwadis, and also be distributed to parents in the community.b. The second part will be an educational framework for 3-8 year olds (Foundational Stage) - intended for parents as well as for Anganwadis, pre-primary schools, and Grades 1 and 2 - consisting of a fl exible, multilevel, play-based, activity-based, and discovery-based system of learning that aims to teach young children alphabets, numbers, basic communication in the local language\/mother tongue and other languages, colours, shapes, sounds, movement, games, elements of drawing, painting, music, and the local arts, as well as various socio-emotional skills such as curiosity, patience, teamwork, cooperation, interaction, and empathy required for school-preparedness. The framework would also include suggestions regarding exercises, puzzles, colouring books, connect-the-dots drawings, stories, rhymes, songs, games, etc. that would help in developing children in the Foundational Stage in a holistic way.Because children learn languages most quickly during the period of 0-3 years and during the Foundational Stage of 3-8 years - and because learning languages is an extremely important aspect of childrens cognitive development-a key part of the Framework will be aimed at instilling excellent multilingual skills in children as early as is possible and developmentally appropriate.The National Curriculum Framework (NCF), and State and local variations of the Framework, will also extensively incorporate the numerous rich traditions of India with respect to ECCE - including national as well as more localised arts, songs, stories, rhymes, puzzles, riddles, games, knowledge, customs, and innovations.P1.1.National Education Policy 2019cant expansion and strengthening of facilities for early childhood education: The new Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Education will be delivered to children up to the age of 6 via a four-pronged approach:a. Strengthening and expansion of the Anganwadi system to include a robust education component: Anganwadi Centres will be heavily built up to deal with the educational needs of children up to the age of 6. In particular, Anganwadi workers trained in techniques of cognitive stimulation for infants and of play-based and multilevel education for 3-6 year olds will be stationed across the country, so that there is at least one such worker at every Anganwadi. Each Anganwadi will be provided with excellent educational material as per the curricular and pedagogical framework for early childhood education. Additional quality centres will also be built around the country as needed to ensure that every mother and child has free and easy access to Anganwadi Centres. Anganwadis will aim to become outstanding educational centres that also contain a strong health and nutrition component.b. Co-locating Angawadis with primary schools: When possible, co-locating Anganwadis with existing primary schools will provide further benefits to parents and children, both from the comprehensive services provided by the Anganwadi and the improved opportunity for children to learn in a cohesive educational environment with their siblings and peers at primary schools. Co-location of Anganwadis and primary schools will be considered a high priority during location planning for new Anganwadis and primary schools, as this will help to build better and stronger school communities.c. Co-locating pre-schools with primary schools where possible: Alternatively, up to three years of quality pre-school for ages 3-6 will be added to existing or new primary schools. Such composite schools will also be supported by a package of health, nutrition, and growth-monitoring services, especially for the pre-school students. The care and educational requirements of 0-3 year olds in the region would continue to be handled by neighborhood Anganwadis in such cases.d. Building stand-alone pre-schools: High quality stand-alone pre-schools will be built in areas where existing Anganwadis and primary schools are not able to take on the educational requirements of children in the age range of 3-6 years. Such pre-schools would again be supported by the health, nutrition, and growth-monitoring services as required for children in this age range.All four of the above approaches will be implemented in accordance with local needs and feasibility of geography and infrastructure. Overall, the goal will be to ensure that every child of 0-6 years has free and easy access to quality ECCE. This will require suitable monitoring of quality and outcomes for each of the four methods and in each State.Due to the equalising nature of ECCE, special attention and high priority will be given to those districts or locations that are particularly socio-economically disadvantaged.P1.2.1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of LearningBecause of the multi-level, play-based nature of the curriculum and pedagogy framework for early childhood education in the age range 3-8 years, no hard separation of ages in this range would be required for Anganwadis and pre-schools (including when they are co-located with primary schools), except as needed for social reasons or due to limitations of institutional infrastructure.All Anganwadi Centres and pre-primary schools will be linked, if not physically then formally\/pedagogically, to a primary school in the area, as the lowest rung in the School Complex (see P7.3.1).Universal access to quality early childhood education is perhaps the best investment that India can make for our childrens and our nationOversight of Early Childhood Education by the Ministry of Human Resource Development: All aspects of early childhood education will come under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), in order to ensure continuity of curriculum and pedagogy from pre-primary school to primary school, and to ensure due attention nationwide to the foundational aspects of education.A detailed plan outlining the operational and financial implications of the integration of early childhood education with the school education system will be developed in consultation with the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MHFW). This plan will be finalised by the end of 2019 by a special task force jointly constituted by the MWCD, MHFW, and MHRD.At the current time, Anganwadis are under the purview of the MWCD. Regardless of which ministry is offi cially in charge of running the Anganwadis (which will be decided jointly by the ministries and the joint task force), the Policy stresses that the responsibility for planning and implementation of all ECCE curriculum and pedagogy in Anganwadis and all pre-schools lie with the MHRD - just as health services in ICDS lie with the MHFW. This transition would greatly help in optimising and smoothly integrating the delivery of quality early childhood and foundational education by the MHRD across Anganwadis, pre-schools, and primary schools.P1.3.National Education Policy 2019P1.6.Design of learning-friendly environments: Anganwadis, pre-schools, and primary schools will all have high quality physical infrastructure that is conducive to learning. A committee of cognitive scientists, early childhood education experts, artists, and architects will be formed in each State (or locality) to design spaces, within the funding allocations, that are truly inviting and inspiring places to spend time and learn.The physical environments for early childhood education will be welcoming and stimulating, with accessible infrastructure, drinking water, and toilets; they will be safe, clean, and brightly lit. Classrooms will allow fl exible seating arrangements; learning materials will be safe, stimulating, developmentally appropriate, low cost, and preferably created using environmentally-friendly and locally-sourced materials. While the teacher\/educator will be involved in the selection and development of learning materials, children could also participate. Some examples of learning materials are picture cards, puzzles, dominoes, picture story books, blocks, simple musical instruments, number towers and rods, puppets, materials for arts and crafts, and colouring books. Posters, graphics, and art containing alphabets, words, numbers, shapes, colours, etc. will be placed on walls at the eye levels of children for high quality stimulation and engagement.Professionalisation of high quality educators for early childhood education: State Governments will prepare cadres of professionally qualifi ed educators for early childhood education, through stage-specifi c professional training, mentoring mechanisms, and career mapping. Necessary facilities will also be created for the initial professional preparation of these educators and their Continuous Professional Development (CPD).Current Anganwadi workers and educators handling the pre-school education component of the ICDS will be given the opportunity to participate in a 6-month special training programme to enable them to carry out effective early childhood teaching-learning practices.Access for children aged 3 - 8 years to a flexible, multifaceted, multilevel, play-based and activity-based education is of utmost importance.Instituting an effective and quality regulatory system for ECCE: An effective quality regulation or accreditation system for ECCE will be instituted as recommended in the National ECCE Policy (2013). This regulatory system will cover all pre-school education - private, public, and philanthropic - in order to ensure compliance with essential quality standards.P1.4.P1.5.1. Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of LearningGenerating demand from stakeholders for early childhood education: In order to generate demand for ECCE, all stakeholders, including policy makers, parents, teachers, and community members must be well-informed on how a young childs needs are so different from what formal education provides, and why fulfilling these needs is so important for a childs lifelong learning and development. Large-scale advocacy through public service messages and media campaigns, direct communication between pre-primary education programmes and parents, and wide-scale dissemination of simple methods and materials to enable parents to actively support their childrens early learning needs will be prioritised and proactively supported.The mandate of the NCERT will be expanded to include the development of a Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Education.Extension of the RTE Act to include early childhood education: Given the necessity and importance of developmentally-appropriate learning during a childs most critical phase of brain development, the availability of free and compulsory quality pre-primary education for all 3-6 year olds will be included as an integral part of the RTE Act (see P8.4.1). Here, by compulsory, it is meant that it will be obligatory for the public system to provide appropriate and quality educational infrastructure, facilities, and educators to all children in the age group 3-6 years, with a special emphasis on reaching the most socio-economically disadvantaged children through ECCE services.P1.8.P1.7.National Education Policy 20192. Foundational Literacy and NumeracyFoundational Literacy and NumeracyObjective: By 2025, every student in Grade 5 and beyond has achieved foundational literacy and numeracy.The ability to read and write, and to perform basic operations with numbers, is a necessary foundation and indispensable prerequisite for all future school and lifelong learning. However, various governmental as well as non-governmental surveys clearly indicate that, at the current time, we are in a severe learning crisis with respect to these most basic skills: a large proportion of students currently in elementary school - perhaps over 5 crore in number - have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy, i.e., the ability to read and comprehend basic text and the ability to carry out basic addition and subtraction with Indian numerals.Numerous studies show that, in the current educational system, once students fall behind on foundational literacy and numeracy, they tend to maintain flat learning curves for years, perpetually unable to catch up. So many capable students have found themselves in this unfortunate black hole, unable to emerge. For many students, this has become a major reason for not attending school, or for dropping out altogether. At the same time, teachers have explained the extreme diffi culty they currently face - due to the sheer size of the problem today - in covering the mandated curriculum while also simultaneously paying attention to the large numbers of students who have fallen vastly (often several years) behind.It is imperative to address this crisis head on and immediately so that basic learning can be accomplished in schools, and so that all students may thereby gain the opportunity to obtain an education of quality. If action is not taken soon, over the next few years the country could lose 10 crore or National Education Policy 2019more students - the size of a large country - from the learning system and to illiteracy. The country simply cannot allow that to happen - the cost is far too great - to crores of individuals, and to the nation.Attaining foundational literacy and numeracy for all children must become an immediate national mission. Students, along with their schools, teachers, parents, and communities, must be urgently supported and encouraged in every way possible to help carry out this all-important target and mission, which indeed forms the basis of all future learning.What are the primary causes of the learning crisis? A large proportion of students that fall behind during their elementary school years in fact fall behind already during the first few weeks of Grade 1.Thus a major cause of the current learning crisis is a lack of school-preparedness, i.e., the background early childhood care and learning (including pre-literacy and pre-numeracy) that is required for a child to engage in more formal grade school education. The problem most acutely afflicts first-generation learners, and children who have not had access to pre-primary education; it hence affects large numbers of children from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.Schooling in the early years also lays too little curricular emphasis on foundational literacy and numeracy and, in general, on the reading, writing, and speaking of languages and on mathematical ideas and thinking. Indeed, the curriculum in early grades moves very quickly towards rote learning and more mechanical academic skills, while not giving foundational material its proper due. The principle must be that: if students are given a solid foundation in reading, writing, speaking, counting, arithmetic, mathematical and logical thinking, problem-solving, and in being creative, then all other future lifelong learning will become that much easier, faster, more enjoyable, and more individualised; all curriculum and pedagogy in early grade school must be designed with this principle in mind.Teacher capacity also plays a central role in the attainment of foundational skills. Currently, few teachers have had the opportunity to be trained in a multilevel, play-based, student-centred style of learning that, according to extensive ECCE research (see P1.5), is so important for students in early grade school, particularly in Grades 1 and 2. Children naturally learn at different levels and paces during their early school years; however, because the current formal system assumes from the very beginning a common level and pace for all, many students start to fall behind almost immediately.A further factor in the crisis in many areas relates to teacher deployment. One aspect of teacher deployment (or lack thereof) - which sometimes forms a barrier to play-based, multilevel, and individualised learning - is the PTR, which in some disadvantaged areas, often exceeds 30:1, making learning for all much more difficult in these areas. Another aspect of deployment contributing to students falling behind involves the language barriers that often exist between teachers and students when teachers are not from the local area. When children struggle to understand the language in which they are being taught, it becomes very difficult for them to grasp concepts in that language, and their attention wanes. It is well-established that students learn best, especially in 2. Foundational Literacy and Numeracytheir early years, when they are taught in the language in which they are most comfortable.One significant further factor in the learning crisis that cannot be overlooked relates to the health and nutrition of children. It is well documented that nutrition plays a very significant role in learning, especially in the early years; however, too many of our children simply do not receive the nutrition (both quality and quantity) necessary to enable learning. Hunger and malnutrition indeed prevent too many children from being able to pay proper attention in school - for many students, the midday meal provided in school is the only meal that they eat.What can be done to reverse this crisis, and urgently? ECCE - while being an extremely important stage in a childs development on its own - is also a key method to ensure grade-school-preparedness. Once access to ECCE is instituted across the country (as described in Chapter 1), the problem of school-preparedness - and of students falling behind so quickly in grade school - will be greatly mitigated for future generations of students. However, for all those students who are already in grade school, and who remain currently at the centre of this crisis, a mission-mode dedication to remediation and enabling all students who have fallen vastly behind to catch up will be required most urgently and on a national scale.Because of the depth and severity of the problem, teachers cannot be asked to go at this alone - a large scale nationwide effort and dedication will truly be required, which will involve the community as well. Students themselves can be a first major resource in this regard. Studies around the world show one-on-one peer tutoring to be extremely effective for learning - not just for the learner, but also for the tutor. An old Indian saying incisively states that Knowledge is the only quantity that increases for oneself when one gives it away to others; indeed, one-on-one peer tutoring by senior students was one of the key successful hallmarks of the ancient gurukula system. Prestigious peer-tutoring positions will be instituted, not just for foundational literacy and numeracy, but across all school subjects, in order to improve learning outcomes for all.A further help must come from the local community. Educated members of the local community who are also passionate about teaching - and aiding in this crisis - will help by holding remedial classes, with students grouped according to level, during or after school, under the guidance and advice of teachers. Such local community members would also, in particular, be able to help bridge the language divide between students and teachers when it exists. These local remedial instructors would be true local heroes; the aim would be for many if not most to be women and mothers in order to help ensure and encourage maximal girls participation.It will also be important to make it easier for volunteers - both from the local community and beyond - to participate in this large-scale mission of the schooling system. Qualifi ed community members who wish to volunteer as remedial instructors or as one-on-one tutors - as a service to their communities and to the nation - will be welcomed to teach particular National Education Policy 2019aspects of foundational literacy and numeracy, as needed, under the guidance and coordination of teachers. If every literate member of the community could commit to teaching one student\/person how to read, it would change the countrys landscape very quickly; this mission will be highly encouraged and supported.Teacher vacancies will be filled as soon as possible, especially in disadvantaged areas and areas with large Pupil Teacher Ratios or high rates of illiteracy, with special attention given to employing local teachers and female teachers. Current and future teachers will be trained in the relevant aspects of ECCE as is urgently required in Grades 1 and 2 - such as play-based and multilevel learning - so that students of varying levels will be able to keep learning.On the curricular side, it will be extremely vital to introduce an increased focus on foundational literacy and numeracy - and generally on reading, writing, speaking, counting, arithmetic, and mathematical thinking - throughout the primary school curriculum. The dedication of specifi c hours daily, and regular events over the year, to activities involving these subjects has been found to be a successful method in exciting students to pursue these areas.Finally, the nutrition and health (including mental health) of children will be seriously addressed, through healthy meals and the introduction of counsellors and social workers into the schooling system, as well as through various continuing measures for addressing poverty that may lie beyond the education system. Research shows that the hours of the morning after a nutritious breakfast can be particularly productive for the study of subjects that are cognitively more demanding; these hours may be leveraged by providing a simple but energising breakfast in addition to midday meals.Specific and urgent measures for this national mission, designed to help students at all levels achieve foundational literacy and numeracy as quickly as possible, will include the following:Expansion of midday meal programme: Both a nutritious breakfast (e.g. even just some milk and a banana) and a midday meal will be served to pre-primary and primary school students. This will help make the hours between breakfast and lunch significantly more productive, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Expenditure on the morning and midday meal programmes will be linked to food costs and inflation in order to ensure the quality of food served.We are in a severe learning crisis: a large proportion of students in elementary school has not attained foundational literacy and numeracy. P2.1.2. Foundational Literacy and NumeracyIncreased focus in school on foundational literacy and numeracy: The school and classroom curriculum and schedules for Grades 1-5 will be re-designed to focus on foundational literacy and numeracy, and to build a love for reading and mathematics among students. Illustratively, initiatives in this direction would include:a. Dedicated mathematics and reading hours every day for Grades 1, 2 and 3, and an additional writing hour for Grades 4 and 5. The hours between breakfast and lunch may be the most effective time periods for these subjects.b. Designated language weeksmathematics weeks during the school year, where children will participate in a variety of activities and projects around languages and mathematics.c. Regular language melasmathematics melas, where children can participate and demonstrate their abilities in both of these subjects; this could become a community event involving parents, teachers, community members, and neighbouring schools.d. Weekly language and mathematics-focused school assemblies; celebrations of writers and mathematicians anniversaries through language- and mathematics-related activities.e. Weekly activities around the library, such as story-telling, theatre, group reading, writing, and display of original writings and other art by children.f. Weekly fun puzzle-solving sessions that naturally inculcate logical and mathematical thinking.g. Regular activities that explore connections between classroom mathematicsreal-life mathematics.If action is not taken soon, over the next few years the country could lose 10 crore or more students from the learning system and to illiteracy.Workbooks on language and mathematics: Every child in Grades 1-5 will have a workbook for languages and mathematics in addition to the school textbook. This will ensure that grade-appropriate, creative, and engaging practice opportunities are available for each child to work at his\/her own pace. This would supplement the textbook, build on lessons with a variety of P2.2.P2.3.National Education Policy 2019exercises\/examples, save teachers time, help teachers identify what each child can do and, therefore, help individualise instruction.Attaining foundational literacy and numeracy for all children must become an immediate national mission and an indispensable, non-negotiable part of the curriculum.National repository of language and mathematics resources: The National Teachers Portal (DIKSHA) will have a special section of high quality resources on foundational literacy and numeracy. These resources will be collated from across the country and will be used, in particular, for the two initiatives outlined below.National Tutors Programme: A National Tutors Programme (NTP) will be instituted, where the best performers in each school will be drawn in the programme for up to five hours a week as tutors during the school for fellow (generally younger) students who need help. Selecting tutors from URGs whenever possible will be particularly encouraged.Being selected as a peer tutor will be considered a prestigious position, earning a certificate from the State each year that indicates the hours of service.Remedial Instructional Aides Programme: A Remedial Instructional Aides Programme (RIAP) will be instituted initially as a temporary 10-year project to draw instructors - especially women - from local communities to formally help students who have fallen behind and bring them back into the fold. These instructional aides would hold special remediation classes during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer for those children who have fallen so behind that they cannot catch up without an intervention; when possible, these children would be grouped by level and pace.The instructional aides would be true local heroes - bringing back students who might otherwise drop out, not attend, or never catch up. The IAs would be drawn from among those in the local communities who have graduated from Grade 12 (or the highest grade in school that was available in their region at their time) and who have been among the good performers in their schools. Drawing P2.4.P2.5.P2.6.2. Foundational Literacy and NumeracyIAs from socially and economically disadvantaged groups will be particularly encouraged, to ensure a truly diverse collection of these local role models. Ensuring that most IAs are women would help empower women and allow more women to be employed and be a part of the educational systems of their local communities; it would also greatly help in the enrollment and retention of girls in the schooling system. Training for these positions would concentrate specifically on the teaching of foundational literacy and numeracy.Should the instructional aides choose to complete a B.Ed. and become teachers, they will be given suitable credit for their years of IA service upon employment. Instructional aides will also make for excellent candidates to be trained to become early childhood education teachers in Anganwadis and pre-schools.Two key factors that will determine the effectiveness of this initiative will be ensuring that IAs are selected on merit and without nepotism, and that they are provided the necessary workbooks and learning materials for their work with children.Encouragement of large-scale community and volunteer involvement: Qualified volunteers (such as retired teachers and army offi cers, excellent students from neighboring schools, and passionate socially-conscious college graduates from across the country) will also be drawn on a large scale to join the NTP and the RIAP on an unpaid basis, during the academic year as well as in the summer, as a service to their communities and to the country. Thus the NTP and RIAP programmes will each have two modes: Conventional (consisting of peer tutors, and paid IAs from the local community) and Volunteer; both modes will be highly encouraged for the benefit of these programmes. Volunteers will also be awarded certifi cates from the State government or Government of India (GOI), honoring their invaluable contribution to the State and to the nation, and indicating the hours served as a tutor or IA.Management of the NTP and RIAP programmes: It will be the responsibility of the teachers to assess the learning levels of each student in class, and to identify those students who would make excellent tutors, as well as those students who could benefit from NTP tutors and RIAP remedial sessions. Teachers will also work together with principals to recruit IAs, and consider interested volunteers for both the NTP and RIAP programmes.Teachers will manage and continually work with tutors and IAs to monitor each childs progress and ensure that each child catches up with the average class level at the earliest.Regular adaptive assessment: A robust system of adaptive assessment will be developed and implemented at all levels in schools, in order to help teachers regularly evaluate each students progress, and identify where each student is on the learning-ladder continuum, and thus provide accurate feedback P2.7.P2.9.National Education Policy 2019and individualised learning plans for students. Adaptive assessments will also help minimise the importance of rote memory in examinations.Computer-based adaptive assessment may first be implemented in secondary schools and, eventually, by 2023, with computers or tablets available in all schools, extended to cover every student in every school at the basic level and beyond as needed (see P4.9.3).Piloting other technological interventions as aids to teachers: Various technological interventions will be made available to teachers, especially as computers, tablets, smartphones, and the relevant software will become widely available. Such interventions will include apps and games on smartphones and tablets in various regional languages that teach literacy, numeracy, and other foundational and curriculum material, and carry out adaptive assessments and other personalised learning. Such technological interventions will never be viewed as substitutes for teachers, but will be piloted and\/or used by teachers and students as learning aids.School preparation module for all Grade 1 students: As evidence shows that a large number of students start to fall behind within the first couple of months of Grade 1, starting in 2019, all Grade 1 students will begin with a three-months-long school preparation module, which will help ensure that students have the required learning readiness and prerequisite learning levels prior to starting the usual Grade 1 syllabus. NCERT will develop a curriculum framework, syllabus and pedagogical strategy for this school preparation module, which will be distributed to all Grade 1 teachers and will eventually be incorporated into the Grade 1 curriculum framework and in related workbooks and other learning materials. Students will help each other during this module to develop skills of empathy and helpfulness towards fellow students. This will ensure a solid foundation, and develop enthusiasm and comradery for early school learning, for all learners. The module would concentrate on play with alphabets, words, colours, shapes, and numbers, and would actively involve parents, including take-home worksheets and interactive activities to be done at home together with parents to help develop parental involvement in their childs schoolwork.A prestigious National Tutors Programme will be instituted across the country to enable high-quality peer tutoring among students.P2.10.P2.11.2. Foundational Literacy and NumeracyThe importance of parental participation: Research evidence points to the significant impact that home environment has on childrens academic learning. Collaboration with parents is an essential ingredient in optimising learning, regardless of parents literacy, numeracy, or educational status. Parents will be asked to meet with their childrens teachers at least twice every year, and even more often if they wish to do so, or as needed, in order to help track, encourage, and optimise their childrens learning. Teachers will also regularly give take-home worksheets, activities, or assignments to be completed in collaboration with parents to further develop parental involvement in childrens schoolwork, learning, and progress.Redesign of teacher education for foundational literacy and numeracy: Teacher education and development, both pre-service and in-service, will have a renewed emphasis on the teaching of foundational literacy and numeracy, including the school preparation module, ECCE, and multilevel activity-based learning; this emphasis will be particularly relevant for teachers of Grades 1 and 2.Teacher education and development at all levels will also include strategies for: more interactive classrooms with less rote learning; adaptive and formative assessment; and how best to use tutors, remedial instructors, and technology (such as apps for smartphones or tablets) in developing optimal individualised learning plans for students.All Grade 1 teachers will have the opportunity to go through a 5-day capacity development workshop for integrating the three-month long school preparation module.Ensuring proper teacher deployment and teacher conditions, and a Pupil Teacher Ratio under 30 : 1 at every school: All the measures for strong foundational literacy and numeracy will require that the PTR be less than 30 : 1. Teacher vacancies will be filled urgently so that this PTR is ensured not merely at a cluster or block level but in every school; strong preference will be given to teachers from local areas to help bridge the language divide. Teacher attendance is key to ensuring proper PTR in the classroom; conditions for teachers will be such that near-100% teacher attendance is attained; in particular, teachers must be able to spend the vast majority of their working time with their students rather than on administrative or other tasks (see P5.2.3).A Remedial Instructional Aides Programme will be instituted to recruit qualified community members to help students learn.P2.13.P2.12.P2.14.National Education Policy 2019Expansion of public and school libraries and building a culture of reading and communication: To create a culture of reading, public and school libraries will be expanded across the country, and will contain books - particularly childrens books - in local and regional languages. Schools and school complexes will also have a large selection of books in local languages, and teachers will actively encourage children to take books home to read.Students will be asked to read excerpts from their favourite books\/stories and present oral summaries and their own thoughts each week or month in front of their class, to encourage reading as well as develop communication skills. As students learn more languages, these readings and presentations could then be carried out in additional languages.Role of social workers and counsellors: Social workers and counsellors will be hired to school complexes (see P3.8) to work with students - and their parents, teachers, tutors, IAs, and community members - to help ensure the retention in school and the mental health of all children.Mobilisation of the local community and of volunteers: Teachers, parents, students, community members, and the public must and will be made aware of this urgent national mission to end the learning crisis, and of the resulting opportunities available for community and volunteer involvement. Large-scale public service announcements, media campaigns, and direct communications between schools and their communities in this direction will be prioritised to maximise involvement of passionate citizens across the country; this will also help recruit community members and volunteers for the NTP and RIAP programmes. Last but not least, the principle that every literate citizen commit to teaching at least one child (or adult) how to read will be highly publicised, encouraged, facilitated, and supported (see also Chapter 21). To repeat, our highest priority must be to achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy in primary school and beyond by 2025. The rest of the Policy will be largely irrelevant for such a large portion of our students if this most basic learning (reading, writing, and arithmetic at the foundational level) is not first achieved.P2.15.P2.16.P2.17.3. Reintegrating Dropouts and Ensuring Universal Access to EducationReintegrating Dropouts and Ensuring Universal Access to EducationObjective: Achieve access and participation in free and compulsory quality school education for all children in the age group of 3-18 years by 2030.One of the primary goals of the schooling system must be to ensure that children are actually enrolled in and attending school. Through initiatives such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the RTE Act, India has made remarkable strides in recent years in attaining near-universal enrollment in primary school: according to U-DISE data, the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in 2016-17 for Grades 1-5 was at 95.1%. However, the data for later grades indicates some serious issues in retaining children in the schooling system. The GER for Grades 6-8 was 90.7%, while for Grades 9-10 and 11-12 it was only 79.3% and 51.3%, respectively - indicating that a signifi cant proportion of enrolled students begin to drop out after Grade 5 and especially after Grade 8. In absolute numbers, an estimated 6.2 crore children of school age (between 6 and 18 years) were out of school in 2015.It must be a top priority of the country to bring these children back into the educational fold as early as possible, and to prevent further students from dropping out.What causes such large numbers of students to drop out? One key reason has already been mentioned in Chapters 1 and 2: so many students find themselves falling increasingly behind in school as time passes by - many not even attaining foundational literacy and numeracy by Grade 5 or even by Grade 8 - that it becomes a waste of their time to attend school.National Education Policy 2019The problem of access to schools also remains a major concern. While the problem of access has been largely solved for primary and even upper primary schools - the vast majority of children in 2016-17 had a primary and upper primary school within close proximity - access to secondary schools and upper secondary schools remains a very serious issue. In 2016-17, for every 100 primary schools\/sections in India, there were about 50 upper primary schools\/sections, 20 secondary schools\/sections, and only about 9 higher secondary schools\/sections. For many children, this means that the closest secondary and higher secondary schools are at prohibitively large distances - too far to walk, with no safe and practical conveyances available to reach school.Bringing children who have dropped out back into the educational fold as early as possible, and preventing others from dropping out is top priority.Socio-cultural and economic issues also play a signifi cant role in dropout rates. For example, some children and adolescents are not sent to secondary school because of harmful practices relating to early or child marriage, perceived roles of gender or caste, or child labour and pressure on children\/adolescents to work and earn. Often the need to care for siblings prevents older children from attending school. In regions with poor hygienic conditions, lack of good sanitation and unhealthy food habits unfortunately make children prone to chronic illnesses, thereby preventing them from attending classes consistently or at all.There also remain serious issues of inadequate infrastructure and lack of safety. Many children, especially girls, drop out due to lack of working toilet facilities; others - particularly girls and children from various other Underrepresented Groups (URGs) - drop out due to problems with harassment and safety. Sometimes students bicycles are stolen while at school, and they are forced to drop out.Finally, some children and adolescents report dropping out, not because of any of the above reasons, but simply because they do not nd school interesting or useful.What can be done to bring children who have dropped out back to school and to prevent further children from dropping out? There are two basic initiatives that must be undertaken.The first is to provide effective and sufcient infrastructure so that all students have access to safe and engaging school education at all levels from 3. Reintegrating Dropouts and Ensuring Universal Access to Educationpre-primary school through Grade 12. This will be attained by upgrading and enlarging the schools that already exist, building additional quality schools in areas where they do not exist, and providing safe and practical conveyances and\/or hostels to children as needed so that all children have the opportunity to attend a quality school of the appropriate level.The second is to achieve universal participation in school by carefully tracking students, as well as their learning levels in school, in order to continually work towards ensuring that they a) are enrolled in and attending school, and b) have suitable opportunities for remediation and re-entry to catch up in case they have fallen behind or dropped out. The free and compulsory aspect of the RTE Act must be enforced, and extended through Grade 12 and to all children up to the age of 18. Social workers and counsellors recruited to school complexes will continuously work with students, parents, teachers, and communities to ensure that all school-age children are attending and learning in school.Access will be increased, especially for Grades 9-12, to achieve 100% GER across school stages.Once infrastructure and participation are in place, ensuring quality across the board is indeed key in retaining students, so that students and parents do not lose interest in attending school. This will require a strong channel for the best teachers to be deployed to areas where dropout rates are particularly high, as well as an overhaul of the curriculum to make it more engaging, dynamic, and useful; these last two points will be addressed in more detail in the next two chapters, respectively.The current chapter will therefore focus on these two basic issues of creating effective school infrastructure and then ensuring participation.Creating effective school infrastructureAddressing access gaps in infrastructure: The number and coverage of schools\/sections will be increased at all levels, especially Grades 9-12, in order to work towards achieving 100% GER from the Foundational Stage through Grade 12 for all children by 2030. P3.1. National Education Policy 2019The strategy will consist of: a. Increasing the intake capacity of existing schools in areas where many students are out of school; b. Building new educational facilities in under-served or un-served locations; and c. Consolidating existing stand-alone primary, upper primary, secondary, and higher secondary schools - especially those that may have too low an attendance to be sustainable on their own - into composite schools\/school complex whenever possible. Note that composite schools\/school complexes containing a wider range of grade levels have a number of advantages, including the sharing of material and human resources, a wider range of classes and opportunities for students, and the ability of siblings and neighbors of differing ages to travel together to and attend the same school.Appropriate norms for the expansion, establishment, and consolidation of schools will be developed for each region\/State\/district based on the local reality, with the understanding that proximate access in the early years is critical. The current rigid norms for school access (based solely on distance from habitations of residence) will be made flexible to meet local geographic and demographic needs, without compromising on access, quality, equity, and safety.Social workers will help track student attendance and work towards bringing dropouts back into school; programmes like the NTP and RIAP will enable this.Supporting transport facilities: School rationalisation as in P3.1 will take place alongside efforts to enhance roads and transport facilities to schools. Bicycles will be provided to older children, especially girls, as necessary in order to enable educational access (with appropriate measures for security of the bicycles at the school), with arrangements made for travel in groups to the maximal extent possible.Other transport facilities, such as school buses, organised walking groups, paid walking escorts, or a transport allowance, will also be provided as appropriate, especially for younger children, girls, and Children With Special Needs (CWSN) to ensure safe transport; in rural areas or where the routes to school are not safely or feasibly walkable, cycle rickshaws could also be provided to local community members (such as a parent of a child in the school), who would P3.2. 3. Reintegrating Dropouts and Ensuring Universal Access to Educationbe hired and paid a stipend for ensuring the safe transport to school of 2-4 young children each.Supporting hostel facilities: Free room and board facilities in the form of hostels will be built - matching the standard of Navodaya Vidyalayas - in school locations where students may have to come from particularly far, and\/or for students who come from disadvantaged economic backgrounds, with suitable arrangements for the safety of all children, especially girls (e.g. girls hostels would be separate and have female wardens and security guards). In particular, the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) will be strengthened and expanded to increase the participation in quality schools (up to Grade 12) of girls from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.Ensuring security: Appropriate measures will be taken at all schools at all levels to ensure the safety of students (particularly girls and other URGs) by building safe infrastructure (including roads and conveyances for transport), hiring security guards (especially female security guards) according to needs, maintaining connections with local police, and arranging credible mechanisms for students to report harassment or other transgressions, and for appropriate reviews and actions to be taken in an expedited manner. A zero-tolerance policy towards breaches of child rights will be adopted to ensure physical and emotional safety of children.To avoid instances of girls and other children dropping out due to facing harassment on the way to, or within the school, school principals, social workers and local law enforcement will work together to identify the miscreants and discipline them, and take legal action if needed. A 24 x 7 helpline number will also be communicated among the public. The local police will work with the social workers to instruct parents and students on identifying and reporting incidences of harassment, both within and outside the school. Areas where harassment is one of the major reasons for high dropout rates will be given special attention.Ensuring participation and learningMonitoring students attendance in school: Transparent and reliable systems for tracking attendance of all students will be set up at the local level in collaboration with teachers and SMCs. Parents will be contacted to inquire as to the reasons for the absence of any student. Effective strategies will be put in place for boosting attendance, such as the provision of both morning and midday meals, and recognition of and awards to students having 100% or near-100% attendance.Monitoring students who may be falling behind: Teachers will consistently monitor learning outcomes of students through adaptive assessments in order to identify students who may be falling behind, and work to set up personalised learning strategies for these students in consultation with P3.3. P3.6. National Education Policy 2019parents to help them catch up, including connecting them to remediation programmes such as the NTP and RIAP; see P2.5 and P2.6. Tracking out-of-school children: An appropriate area-specifi c and locally relevant mechanism will be put in place, in collaboration with social workers, principals, community members, and SMCs, for tracking down and forming a database of all dropouts and out-of-school children. In most cases, social workers appointed to the school complex will take charge of managing the database, interfacing with the community, and ensuring that every child in the database is cared for and helped to return to school.Role of social workers and counsellors: In cases of a) enrolled students having lengthy absences beyond a few days, b) enrolled students falling vastly behind, or c) children who have never enrolled or who have dropped out, social workers appointed to the school complex will pro-actively meet with such children and their parents to understand why they are not attending or enrolled, or why they are falling behind, and will work with them (in collaboration with counsellors) to help ensure attendance\/enrolment, and (in consultation with teachers) connect them to remedial programmes such as NTP and RIAP or alternative learning programmes. Social workers will also help in identifying and managing CWSN to ensure that they are fully engaged with the education system.Role of schools in childrens health: In areas where poor sanitary conditions, unhygienic food practices, and lack of appropriate precautions cause diseases among school age children, subsequently causing them to drop out, schools, social workers, counsellors, and\/or health workers will help instruct parents, students, and the community-at-large on good health, hygiene, cleanliness, and timely vaccination practices, and will connect them to the appropriate health services so that children may return to school as soon as possible. Hiring of health workers to school complexes will be prioritised in areas with widespread malnutrition, disease, and lack of sanitation in order to ensure the well-being of children and as a consequence their attendance and progress in school.Second-chance education programmes for long-term out-of-school adolescents: In cases of children or adolescents who have been out of school for multiple years, sustained programmatic initiatives will be undertaken to provide them meaningful education and training opportunities. Access to second-chance education programmes will be enhanced by establishing equivalency and bridging programmes, recognised and accredited by the school education system, wherever remedial programmes such NTP and RIAP are insufficient.Strengthening of institutional capacity for expanding second-chance educational opportunities will be accorded priority, including vocational P3.7. P3.10. 3. Reintegrating Dropouts and Ensuring Universal Access to Educationeducation and skills development opportunities (e.g. market-driven courses to make them rapidly employable).Dropouts aged 15 and above, who have fallen too far behind or are nearly illiterate, will be given the alternative option to attend adult literacy programmes (see Chapter 21) to gain foundational and functional literacy, and then, if desired, enrol in vocational training programmes conducted for adult neo-literates. Such decisions, regarding the optimal solution for each student, will be made in consultation with the students themselves, their parents, school teachers, and social workers.Enabling multiple pathways to learning: To facilitate learning for all students, including CWSN or children of migrant workers, the scope of school education will be broadened to facilitate multiple pathways to learning involving formal and non-formal education modes. One of the thrusts would be to develop and utilise innovative educational platforms involving the use of technology, including the development and sharing of e-resources and promotion of e-learning, and introduction of assessment on demand. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Programmes offered by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) will be expanded and strengthened for meeting the learning needs of young people in India who are not able to attend a physical school. Keeping in view the diversifi ed needs of the target groups, NIOS will continue to offer Open Basic Education for learners aged above 14 years, including adolescents and adults. In addition, the following programmes will be offered: education at A, B and C levels that are equivalent to Grades 3, 5, and 8 of the formal school system; secondary education programmes that are equivalent to Grades 10 and 12; vocational education courses\/programmes; and adult literacy and life-enrichment programmes. States will be encouraged to develop State analogues of these offerings in regional languages by establishing State Institutes of Open Schooling (SIOS).Allowing multiple models for schools, and loosening the input restrictions of the RTE Act: To make it easier for both governments as well as non-governmental philanthropic organisations to build schools, to encourage local variations on account of culture, geography, and demographics, and to allow alternative models of education such as gurukulas, paathshaalas, madrasas, and home schooling, the RTE Act requirements for schools will be made substantially less restrictive. The focus will be to have less emphasis on input and greater emphasis on output potential with respect to desired learning outcomes. Regulations on inputs will be limited to ensuring safety of children (both physical and psychological), access and inclusion, the non-profit nature of schools, and minimum standards for learning outcomes. Enabling the construction of quality schools by all parties with greater flexibility will create greater educational choices for students and healthy competition among schools, leading to enhanced access to more and higher-quality schools (including higher-quality government schools). Other models for schools will also be piloted, such as philanthropic-public partnerships.P3.11. P3.12. National Education Policy 2019Extension of the RTE Act to include secondary education: The availability of free and compulsory quality secondary education (Grades 9-12; typically ages 14-18) will be included as an integral part of the RTE Act to ensure that, by 2030, all students enrol and participate in quality school education through Grade 12 (see P8.4.1).P3.13. 4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsCurriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsObjective: Curriculum and pedagogy are transformed by 2022 in order to minimise rote learning and instead encourage holistic development and 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, scientific temper, communication, collaboration, multilingualism, problem solving, ethics, social responsibility, and digital literacy.4.1. A new curricular and pedagogical structure for school educationOne of the most well-known legacies of the National Policy on Education 1968 is the structure of the school education system - an extremely important and influential recommendation for the time which helped to standardise and uniformise the structure of school education across the country. In many parts of the country, the 12 years of the 10+2 system have been referred to as Grades \/ Classes 1-12, with Grades 1-5 the primary stage, Grades 6-8 the upper primary stage, Grades 9-10 the secondary stage, and Grades 11-12 the higher secondary, pre-university, intermediate, or junior college stage.While the 10+2 system of school education has served the country well over the past 50 years - and has been an important step forward in uniformising the school education structure in India - modern times and needs with respect to employment and beyond, together with advances and discoveries in cognitive science, have also made clear that a new structure for the National Education Policy 2019educational system is required in order to deliver the vision of education enunciated in this Policy and to prepare our students optimally in the 21st century.The restructuring of school education mentioned in this Policy is based, in particular, on the cognitive importance of play-based ECCE starting at age 3, together with the modern necessity of providing free and compulsory education for all students through Grade 12 - as was already discussed in the first three chapters. Furthermore, within this school-age range of 3 to 18 years, there must be periodic changes in curricular and pedagogical delivery and styles, designed to be in sync with a childs natural cognitive, emotional, and physical development. For example, as already mentioned in Chapter 1, studies in cognitive science demonstrate that children prior to the age of 8 learn best through play-based, activity-based, and discovery-based multilevel flexible styles of learning and interaction, whereas around the age of 8 children naturally begin to adapt to a more prescripted style of learning, indicating that teaching-learning processes in Grade 3 may also begin to transition to a more formal style of learning, e.g. by incorporating some basic textbooks, while still maintaining a strong play- and discovery-based approach.Meanwhile, by the age of 11, children begin to develop the capacity for abstraction. At this stage, i.e., around Grade 6, it therefore becomes benefi cial for students to begin to have specialised subject teachers in the classroom, where students discussion of higher-level concepts within each subject area becomes possible and indeed desirable. By the age of 14, i.e., Grade 9, adolescents begin to think about their life plans; schooling at this stage must therefore build on the styles of previous stages, while also incorporating preparation for university, for the world of work, and for life. Students at this stage must have flexibility of subject options for their differing talents, interests, goals, and ambitions, including access to vocational and arts courses. A semester-based system, which allows exposure to a multitude of subjects at differing levels, can be of great benefit to students at this stage.Based on these natural cognitive and practical considerations regarding the optimal holistic development of students, the following new curricular and pedagogical structure for school education will therefore be of immense value in truly revolutionising, and thereby making more effective, our school education system (it must be noted that the physical infrastructure of schools need not necessarily be aligned with this pedagogical and curricular organisation):A new developmentally appropriate curriculum and pedagogical structure for school education: 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 design.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsRestructuring school curriculum and pedagogy in a new 5+3+3+4 design: The curricular and pedagogical structure of school education will be reconfigured to make them responsive and relevant to the developmental needs and interests of learners at different stages of their development, corresponding to the age ranges of 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years, respectively. The curricular and pedagogical structure and the curricular framework for school education will therefore be guided by a 5+3+3+4 design: 5 years of the Foundational Stage: 3 years of pre-primary school and Grades 1, 2. 3 years of the Preparatory (or Latter Primary) Stage: Grades 3, 4, 5. 3 years of the Middle (or Upper Primary) Stage: Grades 6, 7, 8. 4 years of the High (or Secondary) Stage: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12.a. The Foundational Stage will comprise five years of fl exible, multilevel, play-based, activity-based, and discovery-based learning, continuously incorporating the latest research in ECCE as well as the various time-tested Indian traditions for cognitive and emotional stimulation of children.b. The Preparatory Stage will comprise three years of education, building on the play-, discovery-, and activity-based pedagogical and curricular style of the Foundational Stage, but also gradually beginning to incorporate textbooks as well as aspects of more formal classroom learning. There would mostly be generalist teachers during this stage, with the possible exception of some specialist language and art teachers (who may be shared across the school or school complex). The aim of this stage will be to lay the general groundwork across subjects, including reading, writing, speaking, physical education, art, languages, science, and mathematics, so that students are prepared to delve deeper into learning areas through specialised subjects and subject teachers in the stages that follow.c. The Middle Stage will comprise three years of education, building on the more formal pedagogical and curricular style of the Elementary Stage, but will see the introduction of subject teachers for learning\/discussion of the more abstract concepts in each subject that students will be ready for at this stage across the sciences, mathematics, arts, social sciences, and humanities. Experiential learning within each subject, and explorations of relations among different subjects, will be encouraged and emphasised despite the introduction of more specialised subjects and subject teachers.d. The Secondary Stage will comprise four years of multidisciplinary study, and will build on the subject-oriented pedagogical and curricular style of the Middle stage, but with greater depth, greater critical thinking, greater attention to life aspirations, and greater flexibility and student choice. Each year of the Secondary Stage will be divided into 2 semesters, for a total of 8 semesters. Each student would take 5 to 6 subjects each semester. There will be some essential common subjects for all, while simultaneously there will be a great fl exibility in selecting elective courses (including in the arts, vocational subjects, and physical education) so P4.1.1.National Education Policy 2019that all students can expand their horizons as they see fit and explore their individual interests and talents. A system of modular Board Examinations - restructured to test only core concepts, principles, critical thinking, and other higher-order skills in each subject - will help to pin down the common courses, while great fl exibility will be offered for remaining courses (see P4.9.5). The notions of higher secondaryjunior college will be eliminated; Grades 11 and 12 will be considered an integral part of the secondary stage.All stages will heavily incorporate Indian and local traditions, as well as ethical reasoning, socio-emotional learning, quantitative and logical reasoning, computational thinking and digital literacy, scientifi c temper, languages, and communication skills, in a manner that is developmentally appropriate and in the curricular\/pedagogical style that is optimal for each stage.The above-described stages are purely curricular and pedagogical, designed to optimise learning for students based on cognitive development of children; they will inform the development of National and State curricula and teaching-learning strategies at each stage, but it will not be necessary to make parallel changes to physical infrastructure.Interactive and fun classrooms, where questions are encouraged, with creative, collaborative, and exploratory activities for deeper and more experiential learning.4.2. Holistic development of learnersThe key overall thrust of curriculum and pedagogy reform across all stages will be to move the education system towards real understanding and learning how to learn - and away from the culture of rote learning present today. The goal will be to create holistic and complete individuals equipped with key 21st century skills. All aspects of curriculum and pedagogy will be reoriented and revamped in order to attain these critical goals.Reorientation of the content and process of school education: The entire school education curriculum will be reoriented to develop holistic learners and develop in learners higher order skills of critical thinking, creativity, logical deduction, collaboration\/teamwork, social responsibility, multilingualism, quantitative reasoning, and digital literacy. Learning will thus move away from rote memorisation; if and when rote learning is used, it will always be pre-P4.2.1.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolsaccompanied by context and motivation, and post-accompanied by analysis, discussion, and application.The curriculum will aim at enabling learners to attain learning outcomes relating to all curricular areas, including sports, science, art, language, literature, and ethics education, thereby ensuring that all children and youth receive an education that helps realise their potential, in all realms, to the fullest.4.3. Reduce curriculum content to enhance essential learning and critical thinkingThe Policy recognises, from inputs of teachers, students, scientists, and educators, that the curriculum content is currently severely overloaded. Both the 1993 MHRD Yashpal Committee report 1993 Learning Without Burden and the NCF 2005 highlighted the great need for reducing our overcrowded curriculum content load in favour of a more engaging, holistic, experiential, and analysis-based form of learning. Those well-researched recommendations have never been more relevant than today. Indeed, today, the rush in classrooms to finish and rush through all the mandated curricular material via rote memorisation continues to prevent opportunities for critical thinking and discovery-based, discussion-based, and analysis-based learning - and thus true understanding - from taking place.Reduce curriculum load in each subject to its essential core content, in order to make space for more holistic, experiential, discussion-based, and analysis-based learning: The mandated contents in the curriculum will be reduced, in each subject area, to its core, focussing on key concepts and essential ideas. This will thereby yield more space for discussion and nuanced understanding, analysis, and application of key concepts. Teaching and learning will strive to be conducted in a more interactive manner; questions will be encouraged, and classroom sessions will regularly contain more fun, creative, collaborative, and exploratory activities for students for deeper and more experiential learning.Students will be given increased flexibility and choice of subjects to study across the arts, humanities, sciences, sports, and vocational subjects. P4.3.1.National Education Policy 20194.4. Empower students through flexibility in course choicesReducing the curriculum content load - in addition to allowing greater room for nuanced understanding, analysis, and discussion in mandated curriculum - will also enable students to explore subjects beyond the current usual curriculum. Learners must be empowered to have more fl exibility in the courses that they take, especially in secondary school, so that they may make the best use of their time in school; in particular, they must be given the time and the options to experiment with different subjects in a more hands-on and experiential way in order to decide what they enjoy, and so that they can gradually assess what they may want to do with their lives. Specialisation should be delayed, so that students choices are not dictated simply by parents or society, but rather via their own experiences, interests, and self-refl ections. All fields of human endeavor, including arts, crafts, and sports, are valuable to both human and societal advancement, and so should be actively pursued by students in their curricula to achieve holistic development. In particular, there should be no extra-curricular and co-curricular activities; all such activities must also be considered curricular. A holistic approach to education must come hand-in-hand with student empowerment and choice, and all subjects should carry importance within the curriculum for each student according to his\/her choices and inclinations.Increased flexibility in choice of subjects: Students will be given an increased flexibility and choice of subjects to study, particularly in secondary school - including subjects in physical education, the arts, and vocational crafts - so that they may be free to design their own paths of study and life plans. Continuing holistic development and a wide choice of subjects and courses year to year will be the new distinguishing feature of secondary school education.No hard separation of content in terms of curricular, extra-curricular, or co-curricular areas: All school subjects will be considered curricular rather than extra-curricular or co-curricular, including sports, yoga, dance, music, drawing, painting, sculpting, pottery making, woodworking, gardening, and electric work. NCERT will prepare syllabi and textbooks as per the National Curriculum Framework, to incorporate these subjects into the national curriculum, which the State Councils of Educational Research and Training (SCERTs) in States may edit, supplement, and rewrite as per States needs. Subjects such as physical education, the arts, and vocational crafts will be seriously incorporated throughout the school curriculum, with a consideration for what is interesting and safe at each age.No hard separation of arts and sciences: All students will have the opportunity to engage deeply in the arts and humanities as well as in the study of the sciences and social sciences. Such a separation will be discouraged in higher education as well; see Section 11.2.P4.4.2.P4.4.3.P4.4.1.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsNo hard separation of vocational streams: The curricula for elementary and secondary education will ensure that there will be no hard separation of vocational streams as all students will have the opportunity of developing both kinds of capacities. With the rapidly changing economic scenarios, fundamental capacities have become even more important than specific skills. Pre-vocational orientation - exposure to different vocations - will begin during the elementary stage, and will be available to every child. Learning will primarily be experiential and will aim at fostering respect for a variety of professions. All students will take vocational courses which will be an integral part of the formal curriculum, and will give learners in-depth exposure to areas such as agriculture, electronics, local trades and crafts, etc. The areas of emphasis will be identifi ed by careful planning at the district level, and schools will be provided adequate infrastructure and resources to deliver rigorous vocational education in these areas. During the school years, students will be exposed to different careers, and will be kept abreast of the ever-changing world of employment and the corresponding curricular choices available to them.There will be no hard separation between streams, or between vocational4.5. Education in the local language\/mother tongue; multilingualism and the power of languageThe issues regarding language are most fundamental to education. Language is a medium of expression of the individual, society and its collective continuity in culture, in addition to being a tool for communication. Language has a direct bearing as the mediator in all cognitive and social capacities, including in knowledge acquisition and production. The science of child development and language acquisition suggests that young children become literate in (as a language) and learn best through (as a medium of instruction) their local language i.e. the language spoken at home.Children between the ages of 2 and 8 also have an extremely fl exible capacity to learn multiple languages, which is a crucial social capacity that must be harnessed, in addition to the well-established cognitive benefits of multilingualism.P4.4.4.National Education Policy 2019Since children learn languages most quickly between 2-8 years, and multilingualism has great cognitive benefits for students, children will be immersed in three languages early on, from the Foundational Stage.Education in the home language\/mother tongueIt is well-understood that young children learn and grasp nontrivial concepts most quickly in their home language\/mother tongue. The Policy further recognises the large numbers of students going to school to classes that are being conducted in a language that they do not understand, causing them to fall behind before they even start learning. Thus there is a strong need for classes in early years to be conducted in students local languages. On the other hand, textbooks (especially science textbooks) written in Indias vernaculars at the current time are generally not nearly of the same quality as those written in English. It is important that local languages, including tribal languages, are respected and that excellent textbooks are developed in local languages, when possible, and outstanding teachers are deployed to teach in these languages.Home language\/mother tongue as medium of instruction: When possible, the medium of instruction - at least until Grade 5 but preferably till at least Grade 8 - will be the home language\/mother tongue\/local language. Thereafter, the home\/local language shall continue to be taught as a language wherever possible. High quality textbooks, including in science, will be made available in home languages as is needed and feasible, e.g. via the Indian Translation and Interpretation Mission (see P4.8.4) or its State counterparts. In cases where such textbook material is not available, the language of transaction between teachers and students will still remain the home language when possible, even if textbooks are, e.g. in the State\/regional language.The school education system will make its best effort to use the regionally preponderant home language as the medium of instruction. However, the system should also make full efforts to establish an adequate number of schools having medium of instruction catering to signifi cant linguistic minorities in that region.Bilingual approach for those whose language is different from the primary medium of instruction: The curriculum will encourage a fl exible language approach in the classroom. Teachers will be encouraged to use a bilingual approach, including bilingual teaching-learning materials, with those students whose home language may be different from the medium of instruction to ensure smoother transition from the home language to the medium of instruction.P4.5.2.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsExposure to three or more languages in schools: To leverage the enhanced language-learning abilities of young children, all students from pre-school and Grade 1 onwards will be exposed to three or more languages with the aim of developing speaking profi ciency and interaction, and the ability to recognise scripts and read basic text, in all three languages by Grade 3. In terms of writing, students will begin writing primarily in the medium of instruction until Grade 3, after which writing with additional scripts will also be introduced gradually.Standardising sign language: Indian Sign Language (ISL) will be standardised across the country, and National and State curriculum materials developed, for use by students with hearing impairment. Local sign languages will be respected and taught as well where possible and relevant.Multilingualism and the power of languageMultilinguism is a necessity of India (as of much of the developed world), and must be considered a boon and an opportunity for learning and expanding ones horizons rather than a burden. Children learn languages extremely quickly when immersed early, and multilingual children in studies around the world have also been found to learn faster and be placed better later in life than those who are unilingual. It enriches them intellectually and culturally, and allows them, throughout their lives, to think in more than one way, by being equipped with the structures of expression, vocabulary, idioms, and literature of more than one language. A multilingual India is better educated and also better nationally integrated. Moreover, Indias languages are some of the richest, most scientific, and most expressive in the world, with a huge body of ancient as well as modern literature that help form Indias national identity.Despite the rich, expressive and scientifi c nature of Indian languages, there has been an unfortunate trend in schools and society towards English as a medium of instruction and as a medium of conversation. Logically speaking, of course, English has no advantage over other languages in expressing thoughts; on the contrary, Indian languages have been specifi cally developed over centuries and generations to express thoughts in the Indian scenario, climate, and culture. Moreover, Indian languages are very scientifi cally structured, and do not have unphonetic, complicated spellings of words and numerous grammatical exceptions; they also have a vast and highly sophisticated ancient, medieval, and modern literature in the Indian context; as a consequence, they have a certain home-feel and quality in the Indian context, making them easier, more relatable, and more relevant for children and adults alike to learn and speak, and with which to learn and express deep concepts across school subjects.What then is the reason that English is being pursued by so many in India as a medium of instruction and of conversation, when most other technologically advanced countries of the world have naturally kept their P4.5.3.P4.5.4.National Education Policy 2019own native languages for these purposes? The answer, of course, is that, since Independence, the economic elite of India have adopted English as their language; only about 15% of the country speaks English, and this population almost entirely coincides with the economic elite (compared with, e.g. 54% of Indians who speak Hindi). Furthermore, the elite often use English (whether deliberately or inadvertently) as a test for entry into the elite class and for the jobs that they control: English is regularly used by the elite as a criterion to determine whether someone is , and perhaps most unfortunately of all, as a prerequisite for jobs - even in cases of jobs where knowledge of English is entirely irrelevant. This sad scenario and attitude (again, it may well be inadvertent) has resulted in the marginalisation of large sections of society based on language, keeping them out of higher-paying jobs and the higher socio-economic strata.This attitude has kept the elite class and the jobs they control segregated from the economically weaker sections of society, which of course contain many hardworking, smart, high quality, highly skilled, and educated people who happen not to speak the language of the colonists and current elite. It has created an unnatural aspiration of parents for their children to concentrate on learning and speaking languages that are not their own.For true equity and inclusion in society, and in the education and employment systems across the country, this power structure of language must be stopped at the earliest. A major effort in this direction must be taken by the elite and the educated to make increased use of languages native to India, and give these languages the space and respect that they deserve (particularly in hiring, societal events, and in schools and all educational institutions, as well as in daily conversation wherever possible). An importance and prominence must be returned to Indian languages that has been lost in recent years. Language teaching jobs must be created in schools and universities across the country to help connect together Indians from differing geographical areas as well as from differing socio-economic strata.In particular, taking into account the enhanced abilities of young children to learn languages, and to help break the current divide between the economic elite and the rest of the country, in addition to teaching languages native to India, English must also be available and taught in a high quality manner at all government and non-government schools. The emphasis should be on functionality and fluency. Meanwhile the medium of instruction, and the depth of study of literature, arts, and culture in the Indian context should be conducted and explored to the extent possible through the local language\/mother tongue and other Indian languages.We further observe that English has not become the international language that it was expected to become back in the 1960s. As already noted, most advanced countries use their own native languages as the languages of interaction and transaction, and it is suggested that India works towards the same, or its rich language and cultural heritage, along with the rich power of expression, may slowly be lost. It is also strongly recommended that interactions between people within India be conducted in languages native to India; thus Indian languages must be heavily promoted again and with new vigour (see Chapter 22).4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsOf course, English has become an international common language in certain realms such as science and technology research, e.g. most high level scientifi c journals around the world at the current time publish predominantly in English. For this reason, it is also important for children (especially those who intend to pursue scientific subjects at a postgraduate level) to become bilingual in science and to be able to communicate science fl uently both in their home\/local language and in English. This is in concurrence with the practice in all technologically advanced countries.Continuation of the three language formula in schools: The three language formula, followed since the adoption of the National Policy on Education 1968, and endorsed in the National Policy on Education 1986\/1992 as well as the NCF 2005, will be continued, keeping in mind the Constitutional provisions and aspirations of the people, regions, and the Union.However, because research now clearly shows that children pick up languages extremely quickly between the ages of 2 and 8, and moreover that multilingualism has great cognitive benefits to students, children will now be immersed in three languages early on, starting from the Foundational Stage onwards.Implementation of the three-language formula: The three-language formula will need to be implemented in its spirit throughout the country, promoting multilingual communicative abilities for a multilingual country. However, it must be better implemented in certain States, particularly Hindi-speaking States; for purposes of national integration, schools in Hindi-speaking areas should also offer and teach Indian languages from other parts of India. This would help raise the status of all Indian languages, the teachers of such languages, and the literature of such languages, and would open positions and increase opportunities for language teachers across the country; it would of course also truly expand horizons and enlarge the range of opportunities for graduating students.There will be a major effort from both the Central and State governments to invest in large numbers of language teachers in all regional languages around the country, and in particular all Schedule 8 languages. States, especially States from different regions of India, may enter bilateral agreements to hire teachers in large numbers from each other other, in order to satisfy the three-language formula in their respective States, and also to encourage the study of Indian languages across the country.Recruitment of teachers for language teaching: In localities where there is a shortage of teachers who speak a given language, special efforts will be made, and special schemes rolled out, to recruit teachers (including retired teachers) to that locality who speak that language. There will be a major nationwide effort and initiative for the development of teachers of Indian languages.P4.5.5.P4.5.7.National Education Policy 2019Learning science bilingually: Students whose medium of instruction is the local\/home language will begin to learn science bilingually in Grade 8 or earlier, so that by the end of Grade 10 they can speak about science both in their home language and English.This will enable students to think about scientifi c concepts in more than one way, and enable future scientists to talk about their work and about science to their families and to local news channels, write about their work for regional newspapers, and speak to children about their work in their home States and towns to help inspire the next generation.Being science-bilingual in this way is indeed a boon; most Nobel Prize winners in science indeed report being able to think and speak about science in more than one language. In the current Indian system, many scientists have complained about their inability to think and speak about their subject in their mother tongue, and how this has hindered both their own thinking and their outreach capabilities in their communities.Flexibility in the three-language formula: In keeping with the principle of flexibility, students who wish to change one or more of the three languages they are studying may do so in Grade 6 or Grade 7, so long as they are able to still demonstrate proficiency in three languages (one language at the literature level) in their modular Board Examinations some time during secondary school (see P4.9.5). Since the modular Board Examinations for language proficiency will indeed test only for basic proficiency in each language, such a change in language choice in Grade 6 would certainly be feasible if the student so desires and would in such cases be supported by teachers and the schooling system. Additional choices of languages would therefore be offered in middle school for this purpose of choice and flexibility.Foreign language offerings in secondary school: A choice of foreign language(s) (e.g. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese) would be offered and available to interested students to choose as elective(s) during secondary school. Such an elective would indeed be an elective and not in lieu of the three-language formula. Because of the need for excellent translators in the country, one aspect of teaching foreign languages will include translation exercises between Indian and foreign languages.Approach to language learning and teaching: During the Foundational stage of education (pre-primary school to Grade 2), languages will be taught in a fun and interactive style with an emphasis on functionality and interaction (Samskrita Bharati and Alliance Francaise, which are organisations in India that teach Sanskrit and French, respectively, may serve as excellent models for such language teaching, and which may be adapted to other languages if desired). Language teaching would consist primarily of conversation (with a knowledge of alphabets and reading basic words) in the Foundational stage. It would move on to more sophisticated reading and basic writing abilities in each languages script in the Preparatory stage. Writing will be incorporated P4.5.8.P4.5.11.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolsmore extensively during the middle stage. Language teaching at all stages will include extensive speaking exercises (especially in the home\/local language in the beginning) to increase students power of expression in each language.In addition, the home\/local language and\/or second language will be enhanced with the reading of and analysis of uplifting literature from the Indian subcontinent, ancient to modern, and by authors from all walks of life (see also P4.5.12-P4.5.16.); these languages will also be enhanced through other arts, such as by playing and discussing music or film excerpts, or engaging in theatre in these languages. The incorporation of literature and other arts relating to language will be incorporated at all stages as appropriate, but particularly in depth during the secondary stage.When teaching the State language and its literature, other forms of the language and other languages predominant in the region or variations thereof may also receive suitable attention for inclusivity, interest, enjoyment, and enrichment (e.g. excerpts from the rich traditions of Khariboli, Awadhi, Maithili, Braj, and Urdu literature may be included in Hindi courses for inclusivity and enrichment).Exposure to Languages of India: Modern and ClassicalAs so many developed countries around the world have amply demonstrated, being well educated in ones language, culture, and traditions is not a detriment but indeed a huge benefit to educational, social, and technological advancement. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that Indias languages, art, and culture be given a prominence again that has been lost in recent years. These cultural resources of ones country help make the people human beings equipped with cultural values, identity, and expression, which is necessary to work efficiently, creatively, and with happiness.Indias languages are among the richest, most scientifi c, most beautiful, and most expressive in the world, with a huge body of ancient as well as modern literature (both prose and poetry), along with films, and music that help form Indias national identity and wealth. For purposes of cultural enrichment as well as national integration, all young Indians should be aware of the rich and vast array of languages of their country, and the treasures that they and their literatures contain.Course on the Languages of India: Every student in the country will take a fun course on The Languages of India sometime in Grades 6-8. In this course, students will learn about the remarkable unity of most of the major Indian languages, starting with their common phonetic and scientifi cally- arranged alphabets and scripts, their common grammatical structures, their origins and sources of vocabularies from Sanskrit and other classical languages, as well as their rich inter-infl uences and differences. They will also learn what geographical areas speak which languages, get a sense of P4.5.12.National Education Policy 2019the nature and structure of tribal languages. They will learn to say a few lines in every major language of India (greetings and other useful or fun phrases), and a bit about the literature (e.g. simple poetry or major uplifting works from a representative and diverse set of authors) of each. Such a class would give them both a sense of the unity and the beautiful cultural heritage and diversity of India, and would be a wonderful icebreaker their entire lives as they meet people from other parts of India.NCERT, together with SCERTs and language experts from across the country, will be tasked with designing this important course.Incorporation of relevant excerpts from great works of Indian literature throughout the curriculum: Excerpts from works of great Indian authors, classical and modern, in all Indian languages, suitably translated into the medium of instruction, will be incorporated as relevant throughout the curriculum across all subjects in order to expose students to great inspirational writings of India (e.g. suitable excerpts from works of Shri Rabindranath Tagore may be incorporated in classes on philosophy, writing, ethics, or history, etc.). See also P4.5.14-P4.5.15. Classical languages and literatures of India. The importance, relevance, and beauty of the classical languages and literature of India cannot be overlooked. Sanskrit, while also an important modern (Schedule 8) language, possesses a classical literature that is greater in volume than that of Latin and Greek put together, containing vast treasures of mathematics, philosophy, grammar, music, politics, medicine, architecture, metallurgy, drama, poetry, storytelling, and more, written by people of various religions as well as non-religious people, and by people from all walks of life and a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds over thousands of years.India also has an extremely rich literature in other classical languages, including classical Tamil, as well as classical Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Odia, in addition to Pali, Persian, and Prakrit; these classical languages and their literatures too must be preserved for their richness and for the pleasure and enrichment of posterity. When India becomes a fully developed country, the next generation will want to be able to partake in and be enriched as humans by Indias extensive and beautiful classical literature which contain great intellectual and cultural treasures.Study of Sanskrit and knowledge of its extensive literature: Sanskrit has been a great repository of knowledge pertaining to numerous subjects including science, mathematics, medicine, mathematics, law, economics, politics, music, linguistics, drama, storytelling, architecture, and more, by authors from all walks of life. Sanskrit (and Prakrit) has played a great role in the Indian tradition of the quest for knowledge, including the study of the 64 kalas or liberal arts.Considering the special importance of Sanskrit to the growth and development of Indian languages, and its unique contribution to knowledge development in P4.5.13.P4.5.14.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolsas well as the cultural unity of the country, facilities for the study of Sanskrit, its scientific nature, and including samplings of diverse ancient and medieval writings in Sanskrit from a diverse set of authors (e.g. the plays of Kalidasa and Bhasa), will be made widely available in schools and higher educational institutions.Where relevant, history-changing Sanskrit writings will be integrated suitably in various school subjects as well as in literature and writing classes (e.g. Bhaskaras poems on mathematics and puzzles that help to make the study of mathematics more engaging, the incorporation of relevant Panchatantra stories in ethics classes, etc.).Sanskrit will be offered at all levels of school and higher education as one of the optional languages on par with all Schedule 8 languages. Sanskrit textbooks at the Foundational and Middle school level may be rewritten in Simple Standard Sanskrit (SSS) in order to teach Sanskrit through Sanskrit (STS) and make its study truly enjoyable.Make available courses on all classical languages of India: In addition to Sanskrit, the teaching of other classical languages and literatures of India, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Pali, Persian, and Prakrit, will also be widely available in schools, to ensure that these languages and literatures stay alive and vibrant, especially in States where they may be best taught and nurtured. Classical writings in these and other languages across India from diverse sets of authors will also be studied and suitably incorporated throughout the curriculum and in literature and writing classes to inspire students with the rich long-standing traditions and writings of India (e.g. Sangam poetry in classical Tamil, the Jataka tales in Pali, the works of Sarala Dasa in classical Odia, excepts from Raghavankas epic Harishchandra Kavya in Kannada, Amir Khusros works in Persian, and Kabirs poems in Hindi, etc.).A two-year relevant course on a classical language: For the enrichment of our children, and for the preservation of these rich languages and their artistic treasures, all students in all schools, public or private, will take at least two years of a classical language of India in Grades 6-8, with the option to continue through secondary education and university. In order to make such courses in classical languages more enjoyable and relevant, relevant great works of literature that are easy to read, enjoyable, and relatable, and written by authors from diverse sections of society, will be read, and their connection to the phonetics and etymology of, and their infl uence on, modern languages will be discussed.Students who may have opted for Sanskrit as one of their chosen languages in the three-language formula may instead take an additional modern or classical Indian language or literature class for two years in lieu of the classical language requirement. For example, students in Hindi-speaking States who are taking Hindi, Sanskrit, and English as their three languages could take two years of a language from another part of India (e.g. Tamil) in order to satisfy this language requirement.P4.5.15.P4.5.16.National Education Policy 20194.6. Curricular integration of essential subjects and skillsWhile students must have a large amount of fl exibility in choosing their individual curricula, at the same time this Policy envisions that certain subjects and skills should be learned by all students in order to become good, successful, innovative, adaptable, and productive human beings in todays rapidly-changing world. In addition to profi ciency in languages, these skills include: scientific temper; sense of aesthetics and art; languages; communication; ethical reasoning; digital literacy; knowledge of India; and knowledge of critical issues facing local communities, States, the country, and the world.Young children learn and grasp nontrivial concepts most quickly in their home language\/mother tongue.4.6.1. ScientiInculcate scientic temper and encourage evidence-based thinking throughout the curriculum: Evidence-based reasoning and the scientifi c method will be incorporated throughout the school curriculum - in science as well as in traditionally non-science subjects - in order to encourage rational, analytical, logical, and quantitive thinking in all aspects of the curriculum.For example, in history, one could ask, What are the possible historical scenarios consistent with the known archaeological and literary evidences? In music\/physics, one could ask, What frequencies of notes should be used in musical scales, given that notes with resonant frequencies are the ones that sound good together to the ear? In ethics, one could ask, What are the positive benefits to society if every individual always acts according to certain ethical principles?Evidence-based and scientific thinking throughout the curriculum will lead naturally to rational, ethical, and compassionate individuals who can make good, logical, and sound decisions throughout their lives. Evidence-based thinking and a scientific temper is also considered a key ingredient in teaching students to learn how to learn, to adapt to new situations, and to establish themselves as lifelong learners.P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools4.6.2. Art and aestheticsAny education emphasising creativity and innovation must include the arts. It is well established that people (including engineers and scientists) who are well educated in the arts as children tend to be more productive, creative, and innovative in their lives as adults.Music, in particular, has been shown to build in children emotional well being and the ability to focus, be creative, and collaborate. Wide-scale research also clearly demonstrates that children who practice music score substantially higher reading and math scores; schools that have music programmes also have significantly higher graduation rates; and people who learned music as children had far lower rates of substance abuse as adolescents and adults. A survey of Nobel Prize winners in all fi elds revealed them to be six times more likely to be practicing musicians or have a musical hobby than general adults.These studies make it clear that including art - particularly music - from an early age and throughout school can be extremely benefi cial for childrens education and for their lives. India has extremely rich traditions in the arts, including and especially in music, and every student at every level must have the opportunity to partake in these character-building creative activities.Thus specific Policy actions are:Music and art experiences in the early years: Every student from the Foundational stage onwards will have basic exposure to the notes, scales, ragas, and rhythms of classical Indian music (Carnatic and\/or Hindustani) through vocal exercises, singing, and clapping, as well as in local folk music, art, and craft in a hands-on way; they will have exposure to both vocal and instrumental music. Simple, inexpensive hand instruments such as shakers and xylophones would be available in pre-schools and schools, especially for young children, in order for them to learn, make, and experience music.Arts experiences will also include theatre, poetry, painting, drawing, and sculpture, and vocational arts such as carpentry and embroidery\/sewing\/clothes-making.The methodology of teaching will aim to be age appropriate and safe. Instruction will be imparted throughout the school years by general teachers, as well as through trained art teachers and professional artists\/musicians hired at the school and school complex level.The aim, over time, will be to create a strong community of music and art educators. Community musicians and artists will also be recruited and trained to teach as special instructors in schools and school complexes.These initiatives for music and art would also help preserve local artistic traditions and cultural heritage.P4.6.2.1.National Education Policy 2019P4.6.3.1.Taking up at least one art for deeper study: In addition to spending suffi cient time experimenting with and learning the basics of the arts, be it through an instrument, singing, sculpting, drawing, painting, or a vocational craft, students will be strongly encouraged to take up at least one such art more deeply - even if they plan to specialise in science or engineering in the future. Experience with the arts will help bring out the creative and innovative side of the brain regardless of specialisation.Technology use for bringing the arts to more students: Technology will be used to bring the arts to more students. For example, professionally recorded classes\/demonstrations by great, famous artists of the country could be played on video screens or projectors, and students and teachers could follow along together in the exercises. This has been found to be a fun way to learn.Interaction with local artists: Local artists and crafts-persons will be recruited and utilised in schools - from short demonstrations to full- fledged classes - in order to ensure that local arts are enjoyed, well represented, and nurtured in each community.A more holistic, artistic, interactive, fun, collaborative, and cross-disciplinary education will be key in unlocking the creativity, innovation, and humanity of students.4.6.3. Oral and written communicationCommunication skills - both verbal and written - have become increasingly important in the modern world. People spend much of their daily lives communicating messages, requests, questions, opinions, feedback, anecdotes, and more - both in person and in written or digital form. Numerous surveys of employers around the world reveal that verbal communication skills are ranked first among potential job candidate skills and qualities. The ability to speak, listen, question, discuss, and write with clarity and conciseness - and with confidence, eloquence, friendliness, and open-mindedness - is considered a truly essential skill for all managers and leaders.The Policy therefore recognises the importance of schooling systems developing excellent communicators. As students learn languages, they must have regular practice in using these languages to speak, write, and communicate with their teachers and their peers. A core principle here will be that every student must have the opportunity to speak freely and creatively in front of their peers on topics of interest to them for at least a few minutes every week, starting in the very foundational years. Some of the key initiatives will be the following:Show and tell sessions in the Foundational and Preparatory years: The concept of Show and tellDikhao, batao in Hindi with similar translations in other languages) has been a great success in India and around the world in developing public speaking and listening skills and promoting communication and interaction among children early on. All students in primary school, starting in Grade 1, will have the opportunity (along with their teachers) to P4.6.2.2.P4.6.2.3.P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolsparticipate in an enjoyable show and tell session at least once every week. This will involve students and teachers bringing in their favourite toys, games, family photos, flowers, childrens books, original short stories, and personal anecdotes (about family members, friends, festivals, experiences, holidays, favourite lessons that week, favorite subjects, etc.), and speaking for a few minutes about them in front of the class. These show and tell sessions would initially be in the childrens home languages, but eventually would also be held in other languages that students are learning within their language classes. Students and teachers would also ask questions and give comments during or at the end of each presentation to make the sessions more fun and interactive. Teachers would lead the way with their own presentations to set an example, and would participate throughout, encouraging discussion, in order for teachers to truly bond with students and for students to bond with each other.In middle school, such show-and-tell sessions would still continue but be limited to a one-period-per-week course, and would discuss more sophisticated matters. Students would again source their own material, talking about anything that is important or of interest to them, such as news items, science trivia, recent technological gadgets, local art events, or their own artwork, poems, stories, humour, etc.Incorporation of communication in every subject in the Middle and Secondary years: In the Middle and Secondary stages, communication in front of ones peers will continue, with the aim to discuss more sophisticated and course-specific topics. For example, in science class, students may be asked to explain a creative solution to a problem at the board, or in ethics class, explain their own perspective on an ethical dilemma or discuss examples from their own lives. Teachers will constantly assess where the talents and interests of each student lie, and will ask her\/him to speak on topics and problems, and at the level, in which they will do very well, so that each students confidence is built up and fellow students are inspired, all while their collective communication skills are improved.At the Middle and Secondary stages, students will also formally learn to talk about social, scientific, technological, agricultural, medical, and environmental problems facing India and the world (see P4.6.10.1 and P4.6.10.2). These aspects would naturally have important implications for students future contributions to the country and to the global community.School education will develop scientific temper, aesthetic sense, communication, ethical reasoning, digital literacy, knowledge of India, knowledge of critical issues facing the community and the world.P4.6.3.2.National Education Policy 20194.6.4. Physical education, wellness, and sportsPhysical education is important for both physical and mental health and development. It helps improve a childs muscular and cardiovascular strength, flexibility, endurance, motor skills, and mind-body connection and wellness. It gives children the opportunity to set and strive for personaland achievable goals. Moreover, playing sports also helps students develop the qualities of teamwork, cooperation, problem-solving, discipline, perseverance, and responsibility. In general, physical activity is well established to be among the best releases for tension and anxiety, and facilitates emotional stability and resilience. All of these qualities and benefits are also relevant to success in the classroom; studies show that students who stay physically active are more successful with other school work as well. Finally, people who are physically active as young people tend to stay more fit as adults as well, leading them to lead longer, healthier, and more productive lives.The following measures will therefore be taken:Incorporating physical education, mind-and-body wellness, and sports into the curriculum starting at the Foundational stage: All students at all levels of school will have regular periods and opportunities to participate in physical activity and exercise, including sports, games, yoga, martial arts, dance, gardening, and more, in accordance with local availability of teachers and facilities. Playgrounds and sports fi elds will be available - if not on the school grounds, then within the school complex region, with suitable transport provided if needed - so that all students have the opportunity to participate and excel in sports. Joint sports activities and competitions between schools within the school complex and across school complexes will be fostered and encouraged.4.6.5. Problem-solving and logical reasoningJust as exercising the body is important to keep it fit and healthy, so too is exercising the mind. Games of strategy, logic and word puzzles, and recreational mathematics are the best way to excite children about mathematics, and to develop the logical skills that are so critical throughout their school years and indeed throughout life.Jigsaw puzzles, playing with blocks, and solving mazes help to develop a childs spatial reasoning; games of strategy (such as tic-tac-toe, and leading up to deeper games like chess) develop strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.Word and logic puzzles (including grid-process-of-elimination puzzles) are a fun way to teach deductive reasoning. Simple puzzles can help develop in students skills of logical and creative thinking in an enjoyable manner. For example:P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools If a drawer in a very dark room has 10 red socks and 10 blue socks, how many socks does one need to remove from the drawer to ensure that one has two socks of the same colour? A farmer traveling with a fox, a goat, and a head of cabbage needs to cross a river by boat. Alas, the boat only fits the farmer and one of the fox, goat, or cabbage, and the farmer cannot leave the fox with the goat on either bank of the river unsupervised (or the fox may try to eat the goat), and similarly she cannot leave the goat with the cabbage unsupervised. How can the farmer successfully bring the fox, goat, and cabbage across the river? A domino consists of two squares, 1x2, and covers two adjacent squares of the chessboard. Can 32 dominoes be used to perfectly cover an 8x8 chessboard? (Of course.) Can 31 dominoes be used to perfectly cover an 8x8 chessboard with 2 diagonally-opposite corners of the chessboard removed? Why or why not? (The answer is one sentence!)The puzzles can get more challenging, and incorporate arithmetic and other elements, as students get older.Language puzzles teach students to think linguistically - e.g. in North and South Indian languages, competitions asking students to write a paragraph about some chosen topic, in which no labial sounds () are used - or in English, where the letter is not used - can be fun ways for students to understand and play with language.Arithmetic puzzles and games can help develop a comfort with numbers and develop quantitative reasoning, e.g.: Take your favorite single digit number and multiply it by 9. Then multiply the result by 12345679. What happens? Why? Would you prefer to receive: (a) 1 crore rupees today, or (b) 1 rupee today, 2 rupees tomorrow, 4 rupees the day after, etc., doubling the amount received each day, for 30 days?For instance, the last puzzle above - which has its origins in Indian writings (in a famous story about a king agreeing to grant rice on each square of a chessboard, in this doubling fashion, to the poor but brilliant citizen who invented chess) - teaches students about the powers of 2, exponential growth, and large numbers.Given the extensive need and use for large numbers in the world today, in science, mathematics, finance, and beyond, it will be important to familiarise students, and enable students to be comfortable, with large numbers. At the moment, students generally only learn how to count up to 1 crore, which is hardly sufficient in todays world. In order to talk about the numbers needed for life and work in modern times, students must be taught the first several powers of 10: one, ten, hundred, thousand, 10 thousand, lakh, 10 lakh, crore, 10 crore, arab, 10 arab, kharab, 10 kharab, neel, 10 neel, padma, 10 padma, shank, 10 shank, mahashank, so that they can understand and speak about larger numbers early on and throughout their lives. These numbers can be incorporated across subjects to enhance learning. Interesting examples, National Education Policy 2019from biology, astronomy, finance, and geology, could include: the number of brain cells in a human - and the number of stars in our galaxy - is each about one kharab; the GDP of India is approximately 20 neels; and the number of grains of sand on Earth is about one mahashank!India has a long tradition of riddles and mathematical puzzles - often written in the form of poetry, e.g. as in Bhaskara IIs works - that would also be similarly enjoyable, enlightening, and benefi cial to students. Making learning enjoyable through fun exercises, games, and puzzles across subjects will be a key aspect in ensuring that students stay engaged in school and at the same develop strong mental capacity and creativity.Seriously incorporating games, puzzles, and problem-solving activities into the curriculum: Games, puzzles, and problem-solving activities, including word puzzles such as those illustrated above, that involve spatial reasoning, wordplay, strategy, logic, arithmetic, and play with large numbers, will be seriously incorporated throughout the curriculum, particularly in the mathematics curriculum, in order to develop a love for thinking, logical deduction, quantitative reasoning, and creativity. Examples relevant to India, and which incorporate Indias rich traditions of problem-solving and riddles, will also be extensively incorporated. In particular, chess (which also has its origins in India) will be seriously promoted as a mental sport.4.6.6. Vocational exposure and skillsVocational education is extremely vital for our country to run effi ciently and properly, and thus it is benefi cial to increasingly incorporate elements of vocational education into the school curriculum to expose children to its utility and its value as art. Indeed, some exposure to practical vocational-style training is always fun for young students, and for many students it may offer a glimpse of future professions while for others it would at the very least help teach and reinforce the dignity of all labour.Vocational exposure: The importance of and a basic knowledge of various livelihoods and life-skills (such as gardening, pottery, wood-work, electric work, and many others) will be taught at the Foundational and Elementary level, as early as the safety of children allows, so that students are well aware of, and may become interested in, these professions well before finishing high school. Some vocational arts, such as gardening or work with clay, will even be introduced in the foundational years (ages 3-8), so that experiential learning through working with ones hands is completely integrated.Schools may choose a subset of livelihoods and related skills that are of value to the local community. Artisans and practitioners will be hired as tutors by schools or school complexes for teaching each of these skills, and tutors may be shared across multiple schools in the school complex as needed.P4.6.5.1.P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsSurvey course on vocational skills and crafts in Grades 6, 7, or 8: Every student will take a fun year-long course, during Grades 6-8, that gives a survey and hands-on experience of a sampling of important vocational crafts such as carpentry, electric work, metal work, gardening, pottery making, etc., as decided by States and local communities and as mapped by local skilling needs.Include ample vocational course options for all in secondary school curriculum: Vocational courses in addition to more traditional academic courses will be offered in Grades 9-12 in secondary school and all children will have access to all courses on offer. Students will have plenty of choice regarding the curriculum, being allowed to mix and match academics with skills education, with sports and arts, and with soft skills training.4.6.7. Digital literacy and computational thinkingIntegration of digital literacy: The new curriculum will also integrate digital literacy for all learners at the basic level, with hands-on assessments and worksheets keeping in mind the available digital infrastructure on the ground.At a more advanced level, curricula will be developed for:a. Computational thinking (the thought processes involved in formulating problems and solutions in ways that computers can effectively execute), a fundamental skill in the digital age;b. Programming and other computer-based activities.Appropriate learning outcomes will be formulated as part of the National Curricular Framework in these subjects, and they will be extensively offered as courses in upper primary and secondary schools with adequate computing and teacher resources.4.6.8. Ethical and moral reasoningIntroducing an component to the curriculum early on and throughout the years of school is also considered extremely important in helping students to build character, grow up into moral and good human beings, lead productive and happy lives, and contribute positively to society. Major initiatives will include:P4.6.6.2.P4.6.6.3.P4.6.7.1.National Education Policy 2019Incorporation of basic ethical and moral reasoning throughout the school curriculum: Students will be taught at a young age the importance of doing what, and will be given a logical framework for making ethical decisions: Will this hurt somebody? Is that a good thing to do? In later years, this would then be expanded along themes of cheating, violence, plagiarism, tolerance, equality, empathy, etc., with a view to enabling children to embrace moral\/ethical values in conducting ones life; formulate a position\/argument about an ethical issue from multiple perspectives; and use ethical practices in all work.Incorporation of ethical and moral awareness and reasoning in the curriculum will be promoted through direct as well as indirect methods. In the direct method there will be classroom activities, discussions and readings specifi cally designed to address ethical and moral awareness and reasoning. In the indirect method, the contents of languages, literature, history, and the social sciences will incorporate discussions particularly aimed at addressing ethical and moral principles and values such as patriotism, sacrifi ce, nonviolence, truth, honesty, peace, forgiveness, tolerance, mercy, sympathy, equality and fraternity.Incorporation of ethical and moral principles and values: As consequences of basic ethical reasoning as in P4.6.8.1, traditional Indian values of seva, ahimsa, swacchata, satya, nishkam karma, tolerance, honest hard work, respect for women, respect for elders, respect for all people and their inherent capabilities regardless of background, respect for environment, etc. will be inculcated in students. Scientifically speaking, these qualities are extremely important for societys and Indias progress. Using dustbins, using toilets and leaving toilets clean after use, standing in queues properly and patiently, helping the less fortunate and conducting charity work, being punctual, and always being courteous and helpful to those around you in general even when you do not know them, are basic values of social responsibility that will be taught and inculcated in students early and throughout their school years.Development of Constitutional values: The process and the content of education at all levels will also aim to develop Constitutional values in all students, and the capacities for their practice. This goal will inform the curriculum as well as the overall culture and environment of every school. Some of these Constitutional values are: democratic outlook and commitment to liberty and freedom; equality, justice, and fairness; embracing diversity, plurality, and inclusion; humaneness and fraternal spirit; social responsibility and the spirit of service; ethics of integrity and honesty; scientifi c temper and commitment to rational and public dialogue; peace; social action through Constitutional means; unity and integrity of the nation, and a true rootedness and pride in India with a forward-looking spirit to continuously improve as a nation.P4.6.8.1.P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsDevelopment of ideas of personal freedom and responsibility among students: At the same time, ideas of personal freedom and responsibility will be important to develop as well: the idea that India is a free society, but that freedom comes with responsibility for all citizens, in order for society to truly function and prosper.Students will be taught not to cave into peer or societal pressure, and aim to pursue what they are most passionate about; it is best for the individual and for society if everyone attempts to do what they are best at and enjoy the most. In this regard, the school system will also help the individual by allowing students more freedom and empowerment to choose their own path, and a longer time period over which to do so.Basic health and safety training, as a service to oneself and to those around us: Basic training in health, including preventative health, mental health, nutrition, personal and public hygiene, and first-aid will also be included in the curriculum, as will be scientifi c explanations of the detrimental and damaging effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Sex education will also be included in secondary school for future judgment surrounding consent, harassment, respect for women, safety, family planning, and STD prevention.Socio-emotional learning: Recent research drawing from a large number of scientifically rigorous cross-sectional and longitudinal studies demonstrates that introduction ofsocio-emotional learning (SEL) in schools can lead to improved cognitive and emotional resilience and promote constructive social engagement. Examples of activities that inculcate socio-emotional learning include: carrying out work or tasks in teams\/groups, organising get-togethers and games across different grades, role-playing and conflict resolution, discussing stories of kindness, and refl ective writing, speaking, and art. Explicit training in socio-emotional skills ensures higher levels of attention and emotional and cognitive regulation that are necessary not only for well-being, empathy towards others, and lower stress, but also leads to increased academic success.Inspiring lessons from the literature and people of India: India has a long history and tradition of people and stories that beautifully teach us about so many of the above-mentioned core values and socio-emotional skills. Children will have the opportunity to read and learn from the original stories of the Panchatantra, Jataka, Hitopadesh, and other fun fables and inspiring tales from the Indian tradition. Excerpts from the Indian Constitution will also be considered essential reading for students, for the values of Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity that it espouses. Highlights from the lives of great Indians of history will also be an excellent way to inspire and introduce core values in Indias young people - such Indian heroes including but not limited to Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Swami Vivekananda, P4.6.8.4.P4.6.8.7.National Education Policy 2019Guru Nanak, Mahavira Acharya, Gautam Buddha, Sri Aurobindo, Babasaheb Ambedkar, Shri Rabindranath Tagore, Dr. MS Subbulakshmi, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Dr. C.V. Raman, and Dr. Homi Bhabha, and indeed all Bharat Ratna awardees. Heroes from all over the world in various disciplines will also be studied to further inspire our youth, such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela.Courses on ethical and moral reasoning: In addition to incorporating P4.6.8.1-P4.6.8.7 throughout the school curriculum, a one-year course on ethical and moral reasoning will be required for all students sometime in Grades 6-8, where the subject of ethics as already described above will be discussed in a more sophisticated and deeper manner, with full class participation, and drawing from arguments of Indias and the worlds great philosophers and leaders. Subjects such as seva, swacchata, nonviolence, respect and safety for women, cheating, helpfulness, tolerance, equality, fraternity, etc. will again be discussed in this context. More advanced semester courses on philosophy, ethics, and moral reasoning will be available in high school as well.4.6.9. Knowledge of IndiaIndian literature and traditions contain deep knowledge in a variety of disciplines, including mathematics, philosophy, art, logic, grammar, law, poetry, drama, astronomy, chemistry, metallurgy, botany, zoology, ecology, environmental conservation, medicine, architecture, water management, agriculture, music, dance, yoga, psychology, politics, fables, and education. These knowledge systems, which occur in ancient as well as more recent Indian literature, folk arts, and local oral and tribal traditions, serve to impart culture as well as valuable knowledge - yet much of this knowledge remains better known outside India than in India.For example, in mathematics, the so-called Pythagorean theorem, Fibonacci numbers, and Pascals triangle were first discovered and mathematically described in history (in very artistic and fascinating ways) by Baudhayana, Virahanka, and Pingala, respectively. The concept of zero and its use in the place value system that the world uses to write all numbers today - without which computers and modern technology would not be possible - also originated in India, over 2000 years ago; the use of this place value system for scientifi c computations was first demonstrated, extensively, by Aryabhata. The negative numbers - and the algebraic rules governing zero and negative numbers - were first introduced and used by Brahmagupta in Rajasthan, while the seeds of calculus were first laid down by Bhaskara II and Madhava in Karnataka and Kerala, respectively - among numerous other such fundamental contributions throughout mathematics and other fi elds. Such basic historical facts are not currently taught in India - perhaps a remnant of an earlier colonial time.Indian contributions to knowledge and the contexts in which they were discovered must be incorporated into the school curriculum not just for reasons of historical accuracy (which is suffi cient reason on its own), but also for the often more holistic nature of the traditional Indian approach which leads to a P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolsdeeper understanding, as well as for reasons of increased relatability due to geographic location, national pride, inspiration, and self-esteem.There are a number of excellent, truly scientifi c, and learned scholars in India who are experts in traditional knowledge systems of India in various subjects, including in tribal knowledge. We must get their help to accurately and scientifically bring the most enlightening and relevant aspects of Indian knowledge systems to the appropriate grade levels in the school curriculum. Specific initiatives will include:Incorporation of Indian knowledge systems into the curriculum: Indian contributions to knowledge - and the historical contexts that led to them - will be incorporated in an accurate and engaging manner, wherever relevant, into the existing school curriculum and textbooks. Topics will include Indian contributions to mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, psychology, yoga, architecture, medicine, as well as governance, polity, society, and conservation.Inclusion of local and tribal knowledge systems in the curriculum and textbooks: Local and tribal knowledge systems will also be included in more detail in regions where such knowledge systems may hold a greater relevance with respect to local needs and customs.Course on Indian knowledge systems: A course on Indian knowledge systems (one such has already previously been designed by NCERT) will be available as an elective to students in secondary school who may wish to delve deeper into the subject.4.6.10. Current affairsThe knowledge that schools impart to students is not an end in itself, but a means to a better and more meaningful and purposeful life in the future. In particular, since possible future endeavors and occupations to be taken up after school or university are dictated by the realities of the evolving world around us, we must encourage a constant connect between the classroom and the real world, and not isolate the two.Much of the material in the school curriculum - though fundamental - is also . Indeed, compiling knowledge into format freezes it, often for decades! Thus it it logical and critical to have at least one subject that can focus purely on content - especially when it is the dynamic content that will eventually serve as the bridge between school lessons in theory and their real world applications in practice.Dynamic content would involve talking about the current economic scenario, recent scientific inventions, advances in medicine, geopolitical power equations around the world, trends in art and music, gender issues, environmental concerns, etc. - all topics that would have a direct bearing in the future on students lives and their livelihoods.P4.6.9.1.P4.6.9.2.P4.6.9.3.National Education Policy 2019Any education emphasising creativity and innovation must include the arts.Course on critical issues facing the community, the country, and the world for all students in Grades 7-8: All students in Grades 7 and 8 will take a course (one period per week, for one session) on Critical Issues facing humans in their communities and around the world. In this class, students would learn about current issues that they will likely need to face and hopefully address in their futures as adults, including those surrounding climate change, sanitation, water, Swacch Bharat, gender equality, social justice, science and its interaction with society, universal education, and, e.g. problems with this national education policy. The focus would be on content that is slightly dynamic but still introductory in nature in order to get students acquainted with the issues, and their potential solutions, that require awareness and attention from society. This course would also encourage communication, and serve as a discussion group where students would speak a few sentences to the class about their viewpoints, concerns, experiences, and aspirations relating to the topics in question.Course on current affairs for all students in Grades 9-12: Having become aware of some of the key issues, in Grades 9-12 the course in P4.6.10.1 would be continued in a more advanced manner, to be held during one period each week, and be sourced from current newspapers, journals\/magazines, books, and even films. This will encourage reading and awareness about current affairs and foster critical thinking. The article will be assigned or read by the teacher in class, and the students will be asked to discuss and debate it, as individuals or in groups.Teachers of current affairs within the same geographical region may gather or consult with each other periodically to discuss what will be taught in the forthcoming months current affairs classes. This will allow the content to remain current and well-sourced, and also include a healthy amount of regional literature to encourage discussions over articles by regional authors as well. This local flavour will help in gaining relevance and relatability with respect to students lives and experiences.The job of the teacher will be primarily to help simplify ideas and communicate the content of the article to the students, until students themselves develop the skill of reading, digesting, and analyzing complex information. The teacher will nudge the discussions in the right direction and ask questions when required, but otherwise must mostly stay out of voicing her\/his own opinions. It will be necessary to include a wide variety of material in this class ranging from science, technology and medicine to art, literature, and music. Articles addressing social issues such as patriarchy and racism will be included as well.P4.6.10.1.P4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools4.7. National Curriculum FrameworkRevision of the National Curriculum Framework: The NCF 2005 outlines many excellent strategies that are still relevant for accomplishing a more constructivist type of learning. This document will be revisited and updated by the end of 2020, taking into account the changing context of education today and, in particular, all the above Policy points, and will be made available in all regional languages.4.8. National textbooks with local content and flavourThe reduction in, and increased fl exibility of, school curriculum content - and the renewed emphasis on constructivist rather than rote learning - must be accompanied by parallel changes in school textbooks. All textbooks shall aim to contain the essential core material (together with discussion, analysis, examples, and applications) deemed important on a national level, but at the same time contain any desired nuances and supplementary material in accordance with local contexts and needs. Where possible, teachers will also have choices in the textbooks they employ - from among a set of textbooks that contain the requisite national and local material - so that they may teach in a manner that is best suited to their own desired teaching styles and to the needs of the students and communities.The aim will be to provide such quality textbooks at the lowest possible cost - namely, the cost of production\/printing - in order to remove the burdens of textbook prices on the students and on the education system. This may be accomplished by using high quality textbook materials developed by NCERT in conjunction with the SCERTs; additional textbook materials would be funded by public private partnerships and crowdsourcing that incentivise experts to write such at-cost-priced high quality textbooks. States will prepare their own curricula (which may be based on the NCERT Curriculum Framework) and prepare textbooks (which may be based on the NCERT textbook materials) having State flavour. The availability of such textbooks in all regional languages must be a top priority, so that all students have access to high quality learning.P4.7.1.National Education Policy 2019P4.8.4.Revision of NCERT textbooks: Following the shrinking of the curriculum content in each subject to its core (see Section 4.3), NCERT textbooks will be revised to first contain only the essential core material in each subject, keeping in mind a constructivist, discovery-based, analysis-based, engaging, and enjoyable style of learning in accordance with the revised NCF as in Section 4.7. In certain subjects, in addition to this core material, NCERT may also prepare a few supplementary units that may be used to enhance the core material in various States.Preparation of textbooks at the State level: In order to have a national curriculum which also allows local variations, the SCERTs in each State will be encouraged to prepare textbooks that contain: a. NCERT core material; b. Any NCERT supplementary material deemed of interest to the State; and c. Any other material and edits prepared by SCERT or local districts that add local relevance and flavor as needed or desired. The goal, overall, will still be to have textbooks that contain far less content load than they do now, but that are written in a more constructivist, analysis-based, and enjoyable style emphasising 21st century skills.Textbooks will aim to contain only correct, relevant material; when unproven hypotheses or guesses are included, this will be explicitly stated.After review, SCERTs may simply adopt NCERT textbook material, consisting of core national material, and supplementary material as chosen by the State, when no further modifications are necessary for the local context; if NCERT does not include certain material relevant in the local context, this may be added by SCERTs. For example, the NCERT core material in music may contain primarily the fundamentals of Hindustani and Carnatic music, while additional State material in Maharashtra may include information regarding abhangs, lavanis, and other varieties of folk and local musical traditions. Such textbooks will be finalised by SCERTs and then printed and made available at minimal cost, i.e., at the cost of production\/printing.Textbooks and materials for additional subjects: With the new flexibility in the school curriculum, NCERT\/SCERT textbooks and teaching-learning materials will be developed for additional subjects as well, e.g. computer science, music, and literature. All textbooks will aim to have a national and Indian flavor, as well as a local flavor where possible\/desirable.High quality translations: An Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation (IITI) will be established as a constituent unit of one of the existing national-level institutions or in a Central University, in collaboration with States, to carry out high quality translations of materials of importance between various Indian languages as well between foreign languages and Indian languages. The IITI will be equipped with state of the art equipment to enable it to use P4.8.1.P4.8.3.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolslatest processes and adopt modern approaches to translation of materials into different languages. The IITI will have multilingual language experts from across the country, which will help to promote all Indian languages. In particular, through the IITI, all NCERT-developed textbooks and nationally recommended teaching-learning materials (with collaboration from SCERTs) will be made available in all major Indian languages.Innovative textbook development for increased choice of textbooks in schools: To encourage innovative new school textbooks in all States and in all regional languages, and to give teachers choice in the textbooks and pedagogical styles that they use, both public and private schemes will be developed to give incentives or prizes to authors for excellent textbooks for given subjects, levels, and regional languages.Such textbooks will be approved by an autonomous body of experts nationally and in each State. Textbooks will be approved on the basis of containing: a. The national core curricular material and, where relevant, any local material deemed necessary by States; b. Innovative, creative, and engaging presentation; and c. Correctness and accuracy.Such textbooks would also be available to teachers and students at minimal cost, i.e., at the cost of printing. The exact model for how to pay, incentivise, recognise, or crowdsource authors would be set separately for each such public or private philanthropic scheme.Every student has innate talents, which must be discovered, nurtured, fostered, and developed.P4.8.5.National Education Policy 20194.9. Transforming assessment for student developmentThe changes in curriculum described in Section 4.2-Section 4.8 must be accompanied by parallel changes in assessment procedures and mechanisms.The very aim of assessment in the culture of our schooling system must shift from one that primarily tests rote memorisation skills to one that is more formative, promotes learning and development for our students, and tests higher-order skills such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity.The primary purpose of assessment should indeed be for learning - it should help the teacher and student - and the entire schooling system - continuously revise teaching-learning processes in order to optimise learning and development for all students.The approach must be to focus on formative and developmental assessment throughout the school years. Learning assessment must shift towards testing only the understanding of core concepts and knowledge, along with higher-order capacities such as critical thinking, analysis, and application; this approach must be used throughout the educational system and throughout all subjects, including on school examinations, Board Examinations, entrance examinations for universities, university examinations, and examinations for employment.Unfortunately, the current nature of examinations - and the resulting coaching culture of today - are doing much harm, especially at the secondary school level, replacing valuable time for true learning with excessive examination coaching and preparation.While the rigour of and the importance placed upon the Grade 10 and 12 Board Examinations do force students to study, and have been important resources with which to assess students for university admissions and employment, the current structure of the Board Examinations have also systematically prevented optimal learning from taking place in a number of ways: First and foremost, the Grade 10 and 12 Board Examinations place an enormous amount of pressure on students over just a few days of their lives. The harmful coaching culture results from the fact that students lives depend so heavily on their performance over these few days, that all other considerations in a students life become secondary. In particular, real understanding, thinking, analysing, doing, and learning takes a secondary seat to mugging, rote learning, and obtaining coaching for performing on these life-altering examinations. Second, the current structure of Board Examinations force students to concentrate only on a few subjects at the expense of others, preventing a truly holistic development. Specialisation is forced upon students early on, and an unnatural and early streaming and partitioning of students into science, arts, or commerce is the result. The desired fl exibility for students to choose a wide range of courses across fi elds throughout secondary school and beyond is prevented by such early specialisation. Moreover, when 4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolscertain necessary areas, such as sciences, mathematics, arts, humanities, languages, and vocational skills are simply not assessed at all for some students, depending on their specialisations, such students simply never learn those areas well, as there is little incentive for them to do so. For example, science students in the country rarely study the arts, vocational subjects, or sports after grade 8, and vice versa, due to the nature of these all-important examinations, and this strongly prevents students from learning in the desired multidisciplinary manner in accordance with their interests. Third, if life-determining Board Examinations are given on only two occasions, in Grade 10 and 12, then it is inevitable that these examinations will be mostly summative and not formative, which is a wasted opportunity. Examinations should also be learning experiences, from which one can learn and improve in the future; the current Board Examination system does not line up with these goals.These various negative effects of the current Board Examination system are also seen in the current university entrance examination system - in particular, there is a corresponding harmful coaching culture and further incentives for early specialisation and rote learning. To make matters worse, many universities give their own entrance examinations despite offering similar programmes, rendering 12th Grade for many students as a year of mugging and obtaining coaching for various different entrance examinations, rather than actually learning in school and pursuing their individual talents. Students often have to travel across the country for taking these examinations to enter select institutes.Furthermore, many of these examinations happen only on one given day during the year - if a student misses a test, he\/she has to wait a full year to try again. The financial load of taking multiple examinations with infl exibility in terms of timing, location, and content represents a tremendous burden on students. Entrance to postgraduate programmes suffers from similar issues.In order to break these harmful effects of Board and entrance examinations during secondary school, it is necessary that Board and entrance examinations be restructured to encourage holistic development, fl exible and individualised curricula, and formative assessment. For these aims, the solution that emerges is that: Board Examinations should be given in a range of subjects to encourage holistic development; Students should be able to choose many of the subjects in which they take Board Examinations, depending on their individualised interests; Board Examinations must also be made , in the sense that they test primarily core capacities rather than months of coaching and memorisation; any student who has been going to and making a basic effort in a school class should be able to pass the corresponding subject Board Examination without much additional effort;National Education Policy 2019 Students should be able to take a Board examination in a given subject in whichever semester they take the corresponding class in school, i.e., whenever they feel most ready; and they should be able to take any such subject Board Examination again if they feel they can study and do better. Board Examinations in each subject may replace the in-school final examinations for semester or year-long courses, whenever possible, so as not to increase the examination load on students.Such a system is used by many countries, where coaching cultures for Board Examinations have not developed due to their structure.The principles for university entrance examinations must be similar; the National Testing Agency (NTA) (see P4.9.6) will work to offer high quality common modular entrance examinations multiple times each year in various subjects, from logic, quantitative reasoning, and languages, to more specialised subject examinations in the sciences, arts, and vocational subjects, so that most universities may use these common entrance examinations, rather than having hundreds of universities devising their own examinations - thereby reducing the burden on both students and universities and colleges. The advantage of such a system is that students will be able to choose the range of subjects that they are interested in, and each university will be able to see each students individual subject portfolio, and admit students into their programmes based on individual interests and talents.It is thus of high importance that the NTA serve as a premiere, expert, autonomous testing organisation to conduct entrance examinations for admissions and fellowships in higher educational institutions. The NTA will be entrusted with the responsibility of assessing competence at scale in an efficient, transparent, and rigorous manner, using state-of-the-art methods in test preparation, test delivery, and test analysis. It will use the best subject experts, psychometricians, and IT-delivery and security professionals to ensure high quality assessment across the board.Finally, all examinations such as Board and entrance examinations will not be as high stakes, by allowing students best of multiple (i.e., at least two) attempts.A new paradigm of assessment for learning and development: Guidelines will be prepared by NCERT, and teachers prepared, for a transformation in the assessment system by 2022, to align with the NCF 2020. The focus will be on formative assessment, i.e., assessment for learning.In this transformation, assessment will be redesigned to primarily test core concepts and skills along with higher order capacities such as critical thinking, analysis, and conceptual clarity rather than rote memorisation. This approach will be used across all examinations - from schools to entrance examinations to National or State-level achievement surveys to university examinations and examinations for employment. Examinations will not be as high-stakes - the psychological burden on students will be signifi cantly reduced through mechanisms such as best of multiple attempts.P4.9.1.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsFormative assessment to continually improve teaching-learning processes: At the school level, such developmental assessment of learning will be carried out periodically, and at least once a month, in all domains, to help both teachers and students continuously reassess and optimise learning plans. Over time, online question banks of higher order questions will be made available to teachers and students for this purpose. Since assessment will be formative and will test primarily higher order skills and applications of essential concepts, open book examinations may be used as well, and portfolios may be used in the Secondary Stage.Teachers will prepare their own quizzes, examinations, and portfolio assessments in this spirit to track students progress and revise personalised lesson plans accordingly for each student as needed.These quizzes, examinations, and portfolios will also help teachers identify students who may make excellent candidates for participation in local subject-specific clubs and circles, who may make for excellent peer tutors in given subjects, and who may benefit from, e.g. the NTP and RIAP programmes in given subjects.The culture of assessment must shift from one that primarily tests rote memorisation to one that is more formative, promotes learning, and tests higher-order skills.Piloting adaptive computerised testing: Once internet and computers are standard in schools, assessment at all levels - especially during the Middle and Secondary stages - may also be conducted in an adaptive computer-assisted manner, so that students could regularly monitor their own progress and formulate, with the help of their teachers, revised personalised learning plans and goals. Formal official assessments, such as Board and entrance examinations, could eventually be conducted in this manner also, with students thereby being easily able to take such tests on more than one or two occasions to improve.Census examinations in Grades 3, 5, and 8: To track students progress throughout their school experience, and not just at the end in Grade 10 and 12 - for the benefit of students, parents, teachers, principals, and school management committees in planning improvements to schools and teaching-learning processes - all students will take State census examinations in Grades 3, 5, and 8 in addition to the Board Examinations in Grades 10 and P4.9.2.P4.9.4.National Education Policy 201912. Again, these examinations would test core concepts and knowledge from the national and local curricula, along with relevant higher order skills gained during the respective levels of education, rather than rote memorisation. The Grade 3 census examination, in particular, would test basic literacy, numeracy, and other foundational skills.Restructuring of Board Examinations: Board Examinations will be signifi cantly restructured to test only core concepts, skills, and higher order capacities in a range of required subjects and a range of elective subjects of the students choice. The goal will be to be flexible, like the curriculum, and to design the Board Examinations so that any student attending classes in their chosen subjects and making basic efforts in these classes will be able to comfortably pass their Board Examinations - without any necessity for coaching, cramming, or other major outside-of-usual-schoolwork efforts. Board Examinations will thus be used as a check for basic learning, skills, and analysis. To eliminate the high stakes aspect of Board Examinations, all students will be allowed to take Board Examinations on up to two occasions during any given school year.Eventually, when computerised adaptive testing becomes widely available, multiple attempts for Board Examinations could be allowed.To achieve such flexibility, reduce stress, lessen the examination burden on students by replacing in-class final examinations with Board Examinations, and allowing students to take the Board Examination in each subject at the end of the semester in which they take that subject, the Policy envisions shifting, as soon as is possible, to a modular Board Examinations approach, where Board examinations are offered each semester in a range of subjects.As a suggested model, each student over the duration of secondary school would be required to take at least two semester Board Examinations in mathematics, two in science, one in Indian history, one in world history, one in knowledge of contemporary India, one in ethics and philosophy, one in economics, one in business\/commerce, one in digital literacy \/ computational thinking, one in art, one in physical education, and two in vocational subjects. In addition, each student would be required to take three basic language Board Examinations that assess basic proficiency in the three-language formula, and at least one additional Board Examination in a language of India at the literature level.Additional Board Examinations in various other subjects, including more advanced subjects in mathematics, statistics, science, computer programming, history, art, language, and vocational subjects, will be available. Students will be expected to take a total of at least 24 subject Board Examinations, or on average three a semester, and these examinations would be in lieu of in-school final examinations so as not to be any additional burden on students or teachers. Practical portions of certain Board Examinations would be assessed locally according to a pre-set State paradigm, and grades for the written and practical portions would be listed separately on a students assessment report.Recall that students will be taking 40+ semester courses during secondary school, so 15 or more semester courses could be decided completely locally by the student and assessed locally by the school, including subjects that would traditionally have been considered co-curricular or extra-curricular.P4.9.5.4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in SchoolsNational Testing Agency strengthened to conduct college and university entrance examinations: The autonomous NTA will comprise of numerous academic, educational, and psychometric experts, and from 2020 onwards will administer aptitude tests and tests in specifi c subjects that can be taken on multiple occasions during the year in order to reduce the intense and unnecessary pressures of the university entrance examinations system. The NTA tests will aim to assess essential concepts, knowledge, and higher order skills from the national common curriculum as per the NCF in each subject, for the purpose of aiding colleges and universities in their admissions decisions.While admissions to institutions of higher learning will be based on criteria that higher educational institutions choose to set, most educational institutions and many employers will be encouraged to use these NTA tests rather than their own examinations to ease the burden on students and on themselves. This will help to eliminate the intensity, stressfulness, and wasted time of the Grade 12 examination season faced by students every year as well as by so many higher educational institutions and employers. The NTA will institute processes which would ease admissions into higher education programmes (e.g. directly sending scores to the institution). It could also institute processes which would connect it directly to the bodies offering scholarships to students.The NTA will establish test centres across the country and have rigorous processes to enable their effective functioning. Tests will be offered in as many languages as possible. In the long run, tests will be offered in all mediums of instruction offered by higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country, and the NTA will institute processes for reliable translations of test material into multiple languages. The preferred modality will be computer-based testing (with the exception of assessment of practical skills), e.g. at ICT-equipped adult-education centres and schools; where this is not possible, paper-pencil tests will be used till such time the transition can be made.The NTA will develop strategies for ensuring validity and reliability of its assessments, and to create credibility of its tests for admissions to universities and colleges across India as well as other countries. The NTA may also partner with institutions in the country and across the world to build up its capability. It will work in close collaboration with school systems, HEIs, Professional Standard Setting Bodies (PSSBs) (See P18.3.1) and all other relevant institutions in the education system. It may constitute an Advisory Board with representatives from such institutions which would ensure that its work remains relevant and forward-looking.Due to its large-scale work, the NTA may also serve as a storehouse for assessment data in the country, which it may use and make available to external academics for educational research purposes and to policymakers within appropriate ethical considerations. Through assessment, data collection, and other initiatives towards research and assessment-literacy among all stakeholders, and building of capacity for formative assessment, the NTA will be committed to improving education quality and access across the country.P4.9.6.National Education Policy 20194.10. Support of students with singular interests and talentsEvery student has innate talents, which must be discovered, nurtured, fostered, and developed. These talents may express themselves in the form of varying interests, dispositions, and capacities. Those that show particularly strong interests and capacities in a given realm must be encouraged to pursue that realm beyond the general school curriculum.The current curricular transaction arrangements involve a One-size- fits-all approach to education with little variation or modifi cation from student to student. All students in a given course receive the same type of instruction, same assignments, same learning assessments and pre- fixed assessment schedules. The Policy recognises the need to strongly support students who exhibit singular interests beyond what is ordinarily available to them in the school curriculum.Some approaches to supporting students who exhibit singular interests and or talents will include: making individual interests and talents an important consideration in instructional approaches; designing a variety of learning experiences and academic support strategies, such as themes or topic-centered learning activities; project-based learning; etc. that are intended to respond to the distinct interests, talents and dispositions of individual students.In mathematics, the idea of a Mathematics Circle has been a highly successful method (in Bulgaria, Russia, and more recently the United States) of enriching the mathematical horizons of young students who exhibit unusual inclinations and talents in mathematics - many of the worlds great mathematicians have come through this system. The idea is to use school or university infrastructure, generally on weekends or evenings when school is not in session, to gather interested students (typically from Grade 6 and up) and their teachers, from around the neighborhood, to engage in enjoyable enrichment activities that go beyond the school curriculum. These activities may include creative problem-solving competitions (team or individual) interspersed with inspiring lectures by local mathematicians or math teachers, or other play-based activities that stimulate the mind. A Math Circle generally meets once every week or two, and is organised jointly by enthusiastic local teachers and talented university or high school students. It is an opportunity for students and teachers with common interests to explore a topic together in more depth and at a high level. These Math Circles, to add prestige, may be named after donors or after eminent mathematicians from the local area.In a similar manner, topic-centred and project-based Clubs and Circles in localities in all subjects where there is such interest from students are highly encouraged to be set up in this manner at the levels of schools, school complexes, districts, and beyond. Examples include Science Circles, Music Performance Circles, Chess Circles, Poetry Circles, Language Circles, Debate Circles, and so on. Funds should be made available for transportation for teachers to 4. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schoolstake their students to these circles or clubs when not taking place at their schools. Along these lines, national residential summer programmes for secondary school students in these various subjects will also be funded, with a rigorous merit-based admissions process to attract the very best students and teachers to these programmes. Teachers may also encourage students with singular interests and\/or talents in the classroom, or groups of these students in a school setting, by giving them supplementary enrichment material and guidance and encouragement. Key initiatives will include:Identify and foster singular interests and talents: Teachers will aim to identify students with singular interests and talents and help support such students through supplementary enrichment material, projects, guidance, and encouragement. Project-based teaching in general will be encouraged at all levels so that a diversity of talents, interests, and dispositions may be fostered. Such students will be selected to help lead, along with the support and participation of teachers, topic-centered and project-based clubs at the school, school complex, block, and district levels.Establish topic-centered and project-based clubs at the school, school complex, block, and district levels: A system of Topic-centered and Project-based Clubs and Circles in Mathematics, Science, Music, Chess, Poetry, Language, Literature, Debate, Sports, etc. will be set up and funded in accordance with student needs in various localities, in order to foster singular interests and talents of students across the country. Teachers along with students would be encouraged to apply for such clubs where suffi cient interest is present; further funding would be based on attendance levels achieved and the transportation and educational material needs of the circle or club.Establish a system of centrally funded topic-based residential summer programmes across the country in various subjects for students with singular interests and talents: New centrally-funded national residential summer programmes with rigorous merit-based subject-dependent admissions processes will be set up in various subjects, to be held once a year at institutions offering to host such programmes. The various clubs and circles mentioned in P4.10.2 may naturally lead up to participation in these national programmes.Olympiads and competitions: Olympiads and competitions in various subjects will be strengthened across the country, with clear coordination and progression from school to local to State to national levels. The very best performers in India would be funded to attend International Olympiads in various subjects. Public and private universities would be permitted and indeed encouraged to use results from Regional, National, and International P4.10.1.P4.10.4.National Education Policy 2019Olympiads, as well as results from and work in regional and national topic-based programmes, as criteria for admissions into their undergraduate programmes.Internet-based apps, assessments, and online communities for students with singular interests and talents: Once internet-connected smartphones or tablets are in the hands of all students, online apps with quizzes, competitions, assessments, enrichment materials, and online communities for shared interests will be developed, and will work to enhance the initiatives in P4.10.1-P4.10.4.P4.10.5.5. TeachersChapter 5 Objective: Ensure that all students at all levels of school education are taught by passionate, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, and well equipped teachers.Teachers truly shape the futures of our children - and, therefore, the future of our nation. It is through teachers that our children are imparted with values, knowledge, empathy, creativity, ethics, life skills, and social responsibility. Teachers thus form the very heart of the education process, and represent an indispensable vehicle towards a progressive, just, educated, and prosperous society.It is because of this noble role that the teacher in ancient India was the most respected member of society. Only the very best and most learned became teachers. Society gave teachers, or gurus, what they needed in order to pass on their knowledge, skills, and ethics optimally to students; in particular, gurus were given full autonomy to decide how best to carry out this creative process, and as a consequence, they did their very best to develop personalised learning plans for every student in order to help each student achieve her\/his lifes potential.Today, however, the status of the teacher has undoubtedly and unfortunately dropped. The quality of training, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, and empowerment of teachers is not where it should be, and consequently the quality and motivation of teachers does not reach the standards where it could be. The high respect for teachers and the high status of the teaching profession must be revived and restored for the very best to be inspired to enter the profession, for teachers to be well motivated and empowered to innovate, and for education to therefore reach the heights and levels that are truly required to ensure the best possible future for our children and our nation.National Education Policy 2019What makes for outstanding teachers and teaching? Experiences and studies from India and around the world show that there are a few key qualities of teachers, teacher education, school resourcing, and school culture that enable and ensure excellent teachers and teaching. Teachers must be passionate, motivated, and well qualifi ed, and well trained in content, pedagogy, and practice. It is important that teachers relate to the students whom they teach, and are invested in the communities in which they serve. To ensure that they perform well, teachers must be valued, supported, respected - happy teachers and students make for excellent teaching and learning! In particular, the everyday working environment of teachers and students must be safe, comfortable, and inviting. Teachers, and their schools, school complexes, and classrooms, must be well supplied with the learning resources that they need for effective teaching. Teachers should not be overburdened, especially with non-teaching activities, or with the teaching of subjects outside of their expertise. Teachers must have the autonomy to innovate and teach in the style that best suits them and their students. Teachers must have robust opportunities for CPD, and access to learning the latest advances and ideas in both pedagogy as well as subject content. Teachers must feel part of a vibrant professional community. The schools in which teachers work must have a caring, collaborative, and inclusive school culture, which encourages excellence, curiosity, empathy, and equity. A large part of this school culture must be set by school principals, school complex leaders, and SMCs and School Complex Management Committee (SCMCs). Finally, career management and progression of teachers (including promotion \/ salary structure, and the selection of school and school complex leadership positions) must be based on outstanding performance and merit, through clear standards for evaluation of the same.What are the primary issues affecting teachers and teacher education today? Unfortunately, at the current time, most of these ten goals for enabling outstanding teachers and teaching are not being attained, for a number of reasons: First, there are few initiatives that explicitly aim to recruit the best-performing students, or those that have the most talent for teaching, into the teaching profession. In particular, current teacher recruitment does not involve any interviews or classroom demonstrations that assess motivation and passion; written examinations such as the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) often have little correlation with teaching ability. Second, teacher education is severely lacking and indeed in a crisis at the current time. There are approximately 17,000 teacher education 5. Teachersinstitutions in the country, of which over 92% are privately owned. Various in-depth studies - including the Justice J.S. Verma Commission (2012) constituted by the Supreme Court - have shown that a large proportion of these teaching colleges are not even attempting to provide a good education; instead, many are functioning as commercial shops where even the minimum curricular or course requirements are not met, and where degrees are essentially available for a price. The integrity of teacher education cannot be attained without first shutting down this practice.Moreover, most of the remaining teacher education institutions are stand-alone teaching colleges; thus despite their good intentions, they generally do not have the capability of providing teacher education that includes a full range of content across fi elds - which is truly needed for teaching in the modern day - and that also includes strong pedagogical and practicum training. Third, there are severe shortcomings and suboptimal practices in the deployment of teachers. According to government data, the country faces over 10 lakh teacher vacancies - a large proportion of them in rural areas - leading to PTRs that are even larger than 60:1 in certain areas. Even more worrisome than the problem of PTRs in some areas is the issue of lack of teachers in schools across the necessary subjects. Many schools face the serious problem of having no teachers at all having expertise in key subjects of the curriculum; in many cases, a Hindi teacher may be asked to teach mathematics, or a science teacher asked to teach history.The majority of schools have no music or art teachers whatsoever, and there is a major shortage of language teachers.A further issue that is currently faced in the deployment of teachers is the often unfortunate and unpredictable transfers to which teachers (and thus their students and their schools) are too often subjected. Losing teachers suddenly can have harmful effects on students, particularly young children, with respect to both their psychology and their educations. Transfers also prevent teachers from becoming truly invested in and building relationships with the schools and communities in which they serve. Teachers must have stability of tenure because this has a direct bearing on educational outcomes.An additional critical issue with teacher deployment is that frequently students do not have role models from their own communities, and teachers with whom they can speak their home language. It is vital, particularly in remote, rural, and tribal areas, that at least some teachers are hired locally or speak the local language, so that they may communicate fluently and effectively with students and parents, and so that students may have local role models. Fourth, many schools lack sufcient infrastructure, resources, and supplies for teachers to feel comfortable in their professions. Lack of safe drinking water, working toilets, and electricity in some schools National Education Policy 2019is an initial problem that must be dealt with at the earliest. In addition, lack of adequate learning resources and supplies is common, including a lack of human resources such as social workers, counsellors, and remedial instructors who can help support teachers in their duties. Fifth, teachers are often asked to spend large portions of their time on non-teaching activities, such as midday meal preparation, electioneering, or various administrative tasks. This prevents teachers from concentrating on their actual teaching jobs. Sixth, quality professional development opportunities are not sufciently available. Teachers often speak of teacher development workshops as not particularly relevant to them, while others do not have any such opportunities at all. There are few teacher organisations that help to connect teachers within localities, exacerbating the lack of opportunities for increasing teacher motivation through the sharing of ideas and best practices with peers. Finally, salary, promotion, career management, and leadership positions in the school system and beyond tend not to have any formal merit-based structures, but rather are based on lobbying, luck, or seniority. An excellent system of merit-based structures and reviews, with excellent enabling school and school complex leadership and environment, is essential for outstanding teachers to be incentivised and motivated to do, and be appreciated for doing, their highest quality work.What can be done to help restore the high prestige of the profession, and to ensure high quality teachers and teaching across the country? The structure of teacher education, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, professional development, and career management must be completely overhauled in order to restore the high status of the teaching profession, and to ensure that teachers are maximally productive and effective in their efforts.To this end, the Policy envisages a complete overhaul of the teaching profession in these key areas, so that the seven key issues listed above, currently affecting teaching are fully addressed, and so that the ten above mentioned goals required for outstanding teaching may be achieved.Recruitment and deployment: To ensure that truly excellent students enter the teaching profession - especially from and in rural areas - a large number of merit-based scholarships will be instituted across the country for studies at outstanding four-year integrated Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programmes.In rural areas, special merit-scholarships will be established that also include guaranteed employment in their local areas upon successful completion of their four-year integrated B.Ed. programmes; such scholarships with guaranteed employment will provide local job opportunities to outstanding local students (especially female students), so that these students may serve as local area role models for the next generations.To further encourage outstanding teachers to be deployed to rural areas, incentives will be provided for teachers to take up teaching jobs in rural areas, especially in those rural areas with the greatest current teacher shortages 5. Teachersand the greatest needs for outstanding teachers. One diffi culty that new teachers in rural areas face is finding proximate housing; often the nearest accommodations that teachers are able to procure are kilometres away. Therefore, a key incentive for teachers being deployed at rural schools will be the provision of local housing near or on the school premises.The harmful practice of excessive teacher transfers will be halted with immediate effect, to ensure that teachers can build relationships with and become invested in their communities, and so that students have a continuity in their role models and in their educational environments. Transfers will occur only in very special circumstances, to solve two-body or other family-related issues, for reasons of large changes in school attendance at a school, or for promotions of outstanding teachers to leadership positions.To ensure that the best enter the teaching profession, the (TETs) will be strengthened through improved test material correlated to capacities of outstanding teachers, both in terms of content and pedagogy.In addition, for subject teachers, suitable NTA test scores in the corresponding subjects will also be taken into account for recruitment.Finally, in order to gauge passion and motivation for teaching, a classroom demonstration or interview will become an integral part of teacher hiring at schools and school complexes; these interviews would also be used to assess comfort and proficiency in teaching in the local language, so that every school \/ school complex has at least some teachers who can converse with students in the local language. It is vital, particularly in remote, rural, and tribal areas, that a significant number of teachers are hired locally or speak the local language\/dialect, so that they may communicate fl uently and effectively with students and their parents.In order to ensure an adequate number of teachers across subjects, particularly in subjects such as art, physical education, vocational education, and languages, teachers will often be hired to a school complex (a conglomeration of local area schools consisting of one secondary school and a number of pre-primary through middle schools - see Section 7.2) rather than a specific school; such teachers could then be shared across schools in the complex as needed.In the long term, the minimal degree requirement for all permanent tenured teachers will be the four-year integrated B.Ed. degree. However, to promote local knowledge and expertise, schools and\/or school complexes will be permitted and, indeed, supported with suitable resources to hire local eminent persons or experts as specialised instructors in various subjects, such as traditional local arts, vocational crafts, entrepreneurship, agriculture, or any other subject where local expertise exists, and would benefit students and help preserve and promote local knowledge.A comprehensive teacher requirement planning exercise will be conducted across India and in each State to assess expected teacher and subject vacancies over the next two decades. All the above described initiatives in recruitment and deployment will be scaled as needed over time, with the aim to fill all vacancies with outstanding teachers, including outstanding local teachers.National Education Policy 2019Service environment and culture: The primary goal of overhauling the service environments and cultures of schools will be to maximise the abilities of teachers to do their jobs effectively, and to ensure that they are part of vibrant, caring, and inclusive communities of teachers, students, parents, principals, and other supporting staff, all of whom share a common goal: to ensure that our children are learning.A very first requirement in this direction is to ensure decent and pleasant service conditions at schools. Adequate and safe infrastructure, including working toilets, clean drinking water, clean and attractive spaces conducive to learning, electricity, computing devices, and internet, will be important to provide to all schools in order to ensure that teachers and students are comfortable and inspired to teach and learn in their schools.Meanwhile, the creation of school complexes (see Section 7.4) will go a long way towards building vibrant teacher communities. As already mentioned, the hiring of teachers to school complexes will automatically create relationships between schools across the school complex; it will also help ensure excellent subject distribution of teachers, creating a more vibrant teacher knowledge base. Teachers at very small schools will remain isolated no longer and will become part of and work with larger school complex communities.The creation of the school complex as the smallest viable unit of governance will therefore help create vibrant communities of teachers, who can share community best practices with each other and aim to work collectively and collaboratively to ensure an empowering culture for themselves and to ensure that all children in the system are learning. School complexes will also share counsellors, social workers, technical and repair staff, and remedial instructors to further support teachers and help create an effective community environment for learning.In collaboration with parents and other key local stakeholders, teachers will also be more involved in the governance of schools and school complexes, including as members of SMCs and SCMCs.To prevent the large amounts of time spent currently by teachers on non-teaching activities, teachers will not be allowed any longer to conduct government work that is not directly related to teaching (except for rare events that do not interfere with their class work); in particular, teachers will not be involved in electioneering, cooking of midday meals, and other strenuous administrative tasks, so that they may fully concentrate on their teaching-learning duties.To help ensure that schools have positive learning environments, the role expectations of principals and teachers will explicitly include developing a caring and inclusive culture at their schools, for more effective learning for all, and for the benet of all in their communities.Finally, teachers will be given more autonomy in choosing ner aspects of curriculum and pedagogy, so that they may teach in the manner that they find most effective for the students in their classrooms and communities. Teachers will be recognised for novel approaches to teaching that improve learning outcomes in their classrooms.5. TeachersContinuous professional development: Teachers must be given constant opportunities for self-improvement and to learn the latest innovations and advances in their profession. To ensure that every teacher has the fl exibility to optimise their own development as teachers, a modular approach to CPD will be adopted.Developmental opportunities, in the form of local, State, national, and international teaching and subject workshops, as well as online teacher development modules, will be available to all teachers so that each teacher may choose what is most useful for their own development. Platforms (especially online platforms) will be developed so that teachers may share ideas and best practices. Each teacher may be expected to participate in, say, 50 hours of CPD opportunities every year for their own professional development.Leaders such as school principals and school complex leaders will be have similar modular leadership \/ management workshops and online development opportunities and platforms to continuously improve their own leadership and management skills, and so that they too may share best practices with each other. Such leaders would also be expected to participate in 50 total hours of CPD modules per year, covering leadership and management, as well as content and pedagogy for the teaching aspects of their jobs.Career management: Career management of teachers is an important area of reform to restore the prestige of the teaching profession. Teachers doing outstanding work must be recognised, promoted, and given salary raises, to incentivise passionate teachers to do their best work for their students and the community.Therefore, a robust merit-based promotion and salary structure will be developed, with multiple levels within each teacher rank, to incentivise and recognise excellent and committed teachers through promotions and salary increases. A system of multiple parameters for proper assessment of performance will be developed for the same, that would be based on peer reviews, student reviews, attendance, commitment, hours of CPD, and other forms of service to the school and the community. Such merit-based assessments would be used to determine tenure decisions, and the rate of promotions and salary increases for each teacher.Vertical mobility of teachers based on merit will also be paramount; outstanding teachers with demonstrated leadership and management skills would be trained over time to take on academic leadership positions in schools, school complexes, and at Block Resource Centres (BRCs), Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs), BITEs (Block Institutes of Teacher Education), and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs).Approach to teacher education: Recognising that the best teachers will require training in a range of content as well as pedagogy, teacher education will gradually be moved into multidisciplinary colleges and universities. As colleges and universities all move towards becoming multidisciplinary (see P10.4), they will also aim to house outstanding education departments that offer B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees.National Education Policy 2019By 2030, the minimum degree qualifi cation for teaching will be a four-year liberal integrated B.Ed. degree that teaches a range of knowledge content and pedagogy, and includes strong practicum training in the form of student-teaching at local schools. The two-year B.Ed.\/D.El.Ed. (now to be referred to only as B.Ed.) programmes will also be offered, by the same multidisciplinary institutions offering the four-year integrated B.Ed.; the two-year B.Ed. will be intended only for those who have already obtained Bachelors Degrees in other specialised subjects. These B.Ed. programmes may also be replaced by suitably adapted to one-year B.Ed. programmes for those who have completed the equivalent of four-year multidisciplinary Bachelors Degrees or who have obtained a Masters degree in a specialty and wish to become a subject teacher in that specialty. Again, all such B.Ed. degrees would be offered only by accredited multidisciplinary higher educational institutions offering four-year integrated B.Ed. programmes.All B.Ed. programmes will include training in time-tested as well as the most recent advances in pedagogy, including with respect to foundational literacy and numeracy, multilevel teaching and evaluation, teaching CWSN, using educational technology, and learning-centered and collaborative learning; all B.Ed. programmes will also include strong practicum training in the form of in-classroom teaching demonstrations and student-teaching at local schools. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the B.Ed. degree, regardless of its duration, all B.Ed. degrees will be housed in the multidisciplinary colleges and universities.Teachers form the very heart of the education process all teachers will have academic and professional support within a motivating environment and culture.Special shorter local teacher education programmes will also be available at BITEs, DIETs, or at school complexes themselves, so that eminent local persons may be hired to teach at schools or school complexes as specialised instructors, for the purpose of promoting local knowledge and skills, e.g. local art, music, agriculture, business, sports, carpentry, and other vocational crafts.Secondary shorter post-B.Ed. certication courses will also be made widely available, at multidisciplinary colleges and universities, to teachers who may wish to move into more specialised areas of teaching, such as the teaching of students with special needs, or move into leadership and management positions in the schooling system.5. TeachersFinally, in order to fully restore the integrity of the teacher education system, the thousands of substandard standalone Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) across the country will be shut down as soon as possible.5.1. Effective teacher recruitment and deploymentMerit-based scholarships to encourage outstanding students to enter the teaching profession: A large number of scholarships will be instituted for high-performing high school students, upon graduation from secondary school, to study at outstanding four-year integrated B.Ed. programmes at colleges and universities across the country. Partnerships between governments, colleges and universities, and philanthropic organisations will be established to fund and establish such scholarships. These scholarships will be especially targeted at outstanding students from underprivileged backgrounds; scholarship offers would be based on school performance, NTA test scores, and geographic and socio-economic background.Special such merit-based scholarships will also be instituted, for students from underprivileged, rural, or tribal areas - or other areas where teachers having proficiency in the local language are limited - that will also include guaranteed employment in their local areas upon successful completion of their four-year integrated B.Ed. degrees. This will help provide local job opportunities to outstanding local students, provide local role models, as well as ensure that there are suffi ciently many teachers at schools familiar with the local language and culture and who are comfortable conversing with students and parents in their home languages. Female students will be a special target of such scholarships to provide an increased number of local female role models.Teacher recruitment process: The recruitment process for teachers will be rigorous and transparent, designed to find the best teachers, instill confidence in them, and be a representation of the high regard and respect in which they and their profession are held by society.The TET will be the first screening for recruitment. The present TETs will be improved and strengthened to ensure more meaningful testing of the capacities and knowledge of aspiring teachers. The TETs will also be extended to cover teachers across all stages (Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary) of school education. In addition, for subject teachers, NTA test scores in relevant subjects will also be factored suitably in the recruitment process. The requirement of qualifying through the TETs (either State or Central level examinations) and NTA examinations will be made mandatory also for teachers of private schools with immediate effect.Because written examinations cannot necessarily test passion and motivation for teaching - key qualities needed for outstanding teachers - and cannot P5.1.1. P5.1.2. National Education Policy 2019always determine familiarity with local language profi ciency when relevant, a second screening for aspiring teachers will be instituted, that would involve an interview and a short 5-7 minute teaching demonstration. This second screening would take place at a local BRC, or when that is not possible, via a phone call and a demonstration video sent electronically.The high respect for teachers and the high status of the teaching profession must be revived and restored for the very best to be inspired to enter the profession.Achieving desired Pupil Teacher Ratios: The practice of assigning teachers to individual schools based on overall student-teacher ratios will be replaced by a much more careful assignment system based on the educational needs of the children. Given that teachers can be shared across the school complex, this will not cost as much as it would have to fulfill PTR ratios in each subject at the level of individual schools. Adequate numbers of teachers will be recruited and deployed in school complexes to ensure that all subject-teaching needs at every school in the complex are met. Teachers in subjects such as art, music, vocational crafts, sports, and yoga will be shared across the school complex, as will be substitute teachers, student counsellors, and social workers.Ensuring both local teachers as well as diversity: In hiring school teachers, at all stages but particularly at the Foundational, Elementary, and Middle stages, strong preference will be given to local teachers and to teachers fl uent in the local language, so that teachers may communicate easily with students, and with their parents and community members. Teachers will also be recruited and deployed with respect to considerations of diversity, with an emphasis on recruiting from URG. This will help to make education as inclusive as possible, and students from URGs will also have excellent role models in their teachers, in every locality. There will also be a strong imperative to recruit an increased number of female teachers, including local female teachers.Deployment of teachers to a particular school complex: Teachers will be recruited to the district, as is done now in many States, and then deployed to the school complex, and then, as per school needs, to individual schools. For certain subjects, such as art, music, physical education, languages, and vocational crafts, some teachers may be shared across schools in the complex to ensure that these subjects are available and taught well at all schools.P5.1.3. P5.1.5. 5. TeachersIncentives to teach in rural areas: Suitable incentives will be developed for excellent teachers to desire teaching jobs in schools in rural, tribal, and remote areas, where they are especially needed. These incentives will include, in particular, quality housing on or near the school premises, so that the frequent hurdles for teachers of procuring suitable housing close to schools in such areas are eliminated.Recruitment will be rigorous, impartial, transparent - designed to find the best teachers, representing the high regard and respect in which they and their profession are held by society.Halting \/ slowing teacher transfers to ensure continuity of teacher-student-community relationships: For teachers to develop strong relationships with their school complex communities, teachers will ideally not be transferred out of the school complex. A one-time adjustment of teacher placements may be carried out in accordance with their wishes, tenure status, and ability to speak the local language; all future teacher recruitments will be carried out against vacancies and subject\/stage\/local language requirements in specifi c school complexes. If teacher transfers cannot be discontinued, then transfers must be carried out in a much more sparing manner by the State governments to ensure continuity of teacher appointments and teacher investment in their communities. A fixed tenure of at least 5 to 7 years, and a rule- and empathy-based system of transfers, through a transparent IT system, will be the way forward. Such a move will need to be backed by suitable legislation.Stopping the practice of para-teachers: All para-teacher (Shikshakarmi, Shikshamitra, etc.) systems across the country will be stopped by 2022. This is for the same reason: we must ensure that teachers are invested in, and can build strong long-term relationships with, their communities.Induction of freshly trained teachers into schools: Research and understanding of the development of teachers draws attention to the initial post-employment period as being crucial and requiring support and mentoring. All fresh teachers, in their first two years of teaching, will be registered with a centre for CPD such as the BRC, CRC, BITE, or DIET that is associated with the school complex where they are inducted, so that they can be mentored and integrated into a community of their peers. Teacher P5.1.6.P5.1.8.P5.1.9.National Education Policy 2019induction could also be designed as blended learning, with some face-to-face meetings and school-based mentoring and participation in a community of practice. During the period of their induction, beginning teachers could be given a lighter workload as compared to experienced teachers (about 80% of the workload). Collaborative unit planning, review and discussion of modules, plans and experiences, knowledge of and use of school complex resources, evaluation techniques, individualising teaching, organising group work and collaborative learning, classroom management, and building connection and relationships with the complex and the community are some of the areas that merit such specific mentoring and focus during the beginning teacher phase.Teachers must feel a part of, and be invested in, the schools and communities in which they serve.Teacher-requirement planning: Recruitment of teachers will be carried out through a robust process based on projections for the number of teachers needed, taking into consideration the requirements for subject teachers as well as special teachers at all schools within a school complex. A careful and comprehensive teacher-requirement planning exercise will be undertaken immediately, along with the demarcation of school complexes, and then once again every five years at the Centre as well as at the State levels. State governments will prioritise funding to ensure that every school complex has a full complement of teachers at the level of the complex, and on a shared basis at the level of individual schools. The number of B.Ed. scholarships with guaranteed employment in each geographical region, as in P5.1.1 will also be determined based on the data collected during such teacher-requirement planning exercises.5.2. School environment and culture that is conducive to quality educationHappy and motivated teachers and students make for good learning. Schools should be aesthetically pleasing, inviting, and inspiring places to be for students as well as teachers. They must be clean, pleasant, and safe, and teachers must have the necessary freedom, infrastructure, and resources to perform their roles. It is important that teachers feel a part of, and are invested in, the schools and communities in which they serve so they must be provided with basic facilities and supplies they need to help them teach effectively, with safety, dignity, and good health.P5.1.10.5. TeachersAdequate physical infrastructure, facilities, and learning resources: All schools will be provided with adequate physical infrastructure, facilities, and learning resources, either individually or within their school complex. State governments will review all schools against clearly stated norms for essential facilities and safe and attractive learning environments and achieve them by 2022. Funding will be allocated by the Centre and State governments on a priority basis for the design, development, and maintenance of infrastructure and resources that are effective and conducive to learning.Electricity connections will be provided to all schools that do not already have them, by 2022, and they will be charged the lowest rate of tariff. All schools will also be provided with computers and internet connectivity for pedagogical purposes, infrastructure and materials to support differently-abled students, safe drinking water on the school premises, functioning toilets with running water, separate for girls and boys, and basic hand washing facilities by 2022. The infrastructure and teaching materials necessary to teach students effectively include functioning classroom boards, vibrant school libraries, equipment for use in science experiments and laboratories, material for arts\/crafts and vocational training classes, computer rooms, as well as suitable classrooms with adequate furniture.Consultations will be held with leading educators, cognitive scientists, artists, and architects on Learning Space Designs that optimise learning and are inviting, and that take into consideration and incorporate local cultures, arts, and traditions. New schools will be constructed keeping in view these designs.Teachers must be given constant opportunities for self-improvement and to learn the latest innovations and advances in their profession.Caring and inclusive school culture: Schools will attempt to develop and demonstrate a caring, collaborative, and inclusive school culture. This will be specified in the role expectations of the head teacher\/principal and teachers. Both pre-service teacher education and CPD shall make development of the dispositions and capacities for caring and inclusive culture as an integral part of their goals. The School Management Committee (SMC) shall be sensitised about the need for creating a caring and inclusive school culture on a continuing basis and the offi cials of the Directorate of School Education (DSE) will reorient their functioning to support such a culture. This must be made explicit in their role expectations.P5.2.1.P5.2.2.National Education Policy 2019Practices of inclusive, caring, and collaborative culture will be shared across schools and innovations and good practices recognised - e.g. with respect to the way in which the principal interacts with teachers, and teachers interact with children and parents; the way responsibilities are organised and shared; the accessibility of learning resources to all; the organisation of the school calendar and time-table; the participation of teachers and children in the school; and non-discriminatory and equal behaviour with children from all (particularly disadvantaged) groups.Ensuring that teachers are able to teach with full dedication and at full capacity - no non-teaching activities: There must be no interruption to school schedules so that teachers can use their work time to concentrate solely on and excel at their chosen professions. Aside from the minimal Supreme Court directives related to election duty and conducting surveys, teachers will not be requested nor allowed to participate in any non-teaching activities during school hours that affect their capacities as teachers - e.g. cooking midday meals, participating in vaccination campaigns, procuring school supplies, or any other time-consuming administrative assignments. For any non-teaching jobs at schools, staff must be deployed as needed and shared across the school complex. Teachers in turn will be held accountable for being absent from school without cause or without being on approved leave.Remedial education: Remedial programmes will be established at all levels to help teachers in ensuring that all students are achieving their potential. Teachers will manage school remedial programmes, such as the NTP and the RIAP. They will help identify students who require the services of peer tutors and IAs and connect them with tutors and aides on an expedited basis. Teachers will also select the tutors and guide their work in the NTP, and that of the IAs in RIAP, so that they can effectively support their students who require extra support. The RIAP programme is time bound, designed to help schools catch up with backlog of falling behind, and neither the aides not the tutors are in any way a replacement for the teacher. In the long term, post the closure of the RIAP, it will be the teachers who will be responsible for identifying and helping students who are falling behind in the curricular work in the classroom along with the peer and volunteer tutors that they assign and supervise. The work load of the teachers will be suitably adjusted to make time for these critical tasks.Rejuvenating academic support institutions (SCERT, BITE, DIET, BRC, CRC, CTE, IASE): The BITEs, DIETs, BRCs, CRCs, and other academic support institutions represent an important investment in developing an infrastructure to support quality in school education. These institutions provide school-based teacher support and mentoring, access to resources and professional development, and quality monitoring and supersion. A well-connected, well-resourced network of these support institutions at the district and sub-district levels, with CRCs at the school complex level linked to BITEs and DIETs P5.2.3.P5.2.5.5. Teachersthrough BRCs, and integrated into the States long-term vision and plan for quality improvement of schools and teacher education, will go a long way in supporting teachers and improving the quality of education. A careful plan to strengthen all existing academic support institutions will be created and implemented.Community connect: In the spirit of increasing local governance, and involving the most crucial stakeholders (including teachers) in the governance process, every teacher by rotation will have the opportunity to serve and connect with their community by being on the SMC and SCMC.Materials for teachers in Indian languages: Developing high-quality material for teachers and teacher educators in Indian languages, including tribal languages, will be accorded priority in order to ensure quality learning in the local language and thereby the inclusion of all students. This will be carried out in a distributed manner, backed with appropriate funding, to ensure that innovation is fostered. Universities\/departments that could take responsibility for translations and validation of language quality will be identified and supported. Material will be produced in print or in digital form. Teachers and teacher educators will be encouraged to develop material in local languages.5.3. Continuous professional developmentThe development of teacher interests and their own continuous education and related career shifts within the profession must be supported by a rational approach to professional development that is based on a modular approach. A range of opportunities to be members of professional communities where they share their experiences, practices and insights, and opportunities to update their knowledge must be made available.Teachers should be able to develop in their professions to become academic coordinators or supervisors in their schools, educational administrators, mentors, and also become faculty at teacher education institutions. A common practice has been to bring in teachers to serve in Cluster and BRCs as Resource Persons; this practice will also be continued and the opportunity will be seen as a career advancement opportunity with a stable tenure of at least five years. Experienced teachers developing into these new roles within the profession would go a long way in strengthening not only the quality of school education, but also the quality of teacher preparation programmes. Such CPD also requires that teachers should be able to access accredited certified and modular programmes.P5.2.6.P5.2.7.National Education Policy 2019Flexible and modular approach to continuous professional development for teachers: Teachers must have access to more short courses that are certifi ed, for modular approaches that allow them to accumulate credits and earn certificates and diplomas, even leading to professional degrees (including an M.A. in Education or M.Ed. degrees). Such courses must be offered in a range of formats including part time, evening, blended, and online in additional to full time programmes either by Departments of Education at Universities or at Centres of Professional Development that are accredited. Teachers must also have opportunities for research, access to professional communities through which they develop and share their professional knowledge. Teachers who are in service need to be seen as an important student clientele by Departments of Education at universities, so that programmes that meet their requirements for research and further study are developed and offered.These requirements and avenues of professional development are over and above other avenues that are already well established presently, including workshops, seminars, short courses, teacher meets, and also certifi cate and diploma courses for various areas of pedagogy and related skills, understanding of education, school social work, administration and leadership.The practice of assigning teachers to individual schools based on overall student-teacher ratios will be replaced by a much more careful assignment system based on the educational needs of children.Revamping continuous professional development: All CPD will be redesigned, keeping in mind the following considerations:a. A well-integrated CPD curriculum will be developed for all stages and subjects including subject content, pedagogical content knowledge, development of school culture, classroom practice, and - in cases of principals\/headmasters\/school complex leaders - also management, administration, resource sharing, effective handling of finances, and leadership.b. Teachers must be able to choose what they want to learn, the content as well as the delivery methods. Teachers will have the opportunity to choose from multiple modes of learning - namely, expert-driven, peer-supported, or self-directed; in-person workshops, blended, or online; etc. - which would be all informed by the CPD curriculum and will include short and long-duration workshops, short discussions, exposure visits, in-class demonstrations, online apps and content, and other creative methods.P5.3.2.P5.3.1.5. Teachersc. Teachers will complete, at minimum, 50 hours of CPD training per year, across all platforms, as per their choosing.Self-directed personal development of teachers: All States should adopt a technology-based system for enabling choice-based CPD and to track the professional trajectory of each teacher. This system must be used for developmental purposes by the teacher as well as head teachers and principals, and be based on a personal development plan and goals. Professional learning communities and centres must be created, developed and sustained. While such efforts do require great academic and social expertise, they must be carried out so that a culture of self\/peer learning is developed rather than a command and control-type directed learning. CPD must be delivered within school complexes by making use of the nearest CRCs, which can be upgraded into well-resourced and pleasant environments, offering platforms for peer learning. Mechanisms for regular interactions, such as school complex meetings, may also be utilised for peer-supported CPD.Online resources for continuous professional development: ICT will also be utilised extensively for CPD. Teachers will be given access to the internet and to technology platforms both at school and from their homes. There will be no centralised determination of the curriculum, no cascade-model training and no rigid norms.The resource people for delivering these CPD programmes will be carefully selected, effectively trained, and will have tenure in the role. The capacity of these resource persons \/ teacher educators will have considerable impact on the quality of the CPDs so they will be suitably invested in. Such resource persons will most often be selected from amongst the best teachers and they must be given every opportunity to develop their knowledge continually.Collaboration with civil society organisations will be encouraged for the development and execution of effective CPD. The programmes will be based on a coherent curriculum framework that addresses issues relevant to the practice of teaching, including perspectives in education, content, pedagogy, interrelated nature of subjects, school culture, governance, management, resource sharing, and leadership.In-school teacher development processes: Every head teacher and\/or school principal will be responsible for building strong in-school teacher development processes and a supportive school culture that enhances the capabilities of all the teachers in the school. This task will be integrated into their role definition and evaluation. In this effort, the teachers and the head teacher\/principal can receive support from the larger community available to them within the school complex.Recognising outstanding teachers: Truly outstanding teachers - as nominated and recommended by students, parents, principals, school complex leaders, and peers - will be given awards annually at ceremonies at P5.3.3.P5.3.6.National Education Policy 2019the school, school complex, district, State, and national levels, to recognise and incentivise innovative and transformative work of dedicated teachers across the country.5.4. Career managementTenure track system of hiring teachers: A tenure track system for hiring teachers across all levels of education will be established. Under the tenure track systems, teachers will be on a three-year probationary\/tenure track period followed by a performance-based confirmation.Confirmation\/tenure decisions will be made based on multiple factors including peer review, dedication, and classroom evaluation. The framework for this review will be set up by the SCERTs. It must include evaluation and assessment of long-term work and must not be based on episodic assessment. This assessment should be multi-source; reviews of peers, supervisors, and parents, and actual evidence of work, must be included. The system must be professionally rigorous and fair.Parity in service conditions across all stages of school education: As soon as possible and in the long term, pay and service conditions of teachers have to be commensurate with their social and professional responsibilities, and must be set so as to attract and retain talented teachers in the profession. All teachers, from Foundational stage teachers to Secondary school teachers, will be recruited with standard service conditions as per their work requirements and the same salary structure.All teachers will have the opportunity to progress in their career (in terms of salary, promotions, etc.) while remaining as teachers in the same stage of education (i.e., Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, or Secondary). The approach will be to ensure that growth in ones career (salary and promotion) is available to teachers within a single school stage, and that there is no career-progression-related incentive to move from being teachers in early stages to later stages (though such career moves across stages will be allowed, provided the teacher has the desire and qualifi cations for such a move). This is to support the fact that all stages of school education will require the highest-quality teachers, and thus no stage will be considered more important than any other - indeed, early stages of school education are equally important and will require highly qualified teachers in the practice of early childhood education. Therefore, in ten years (by 2030), as the necessary qualifi cation for all teacher roles becomes the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme, the salary-and-promotion structure will also be made equivalent across all stages.Professional progression via promotions and salary increases: Independent of the stage of school education they are currently engaged with, teachers will be able to progress within that stage via merit-based promotions and salary P5.4.2.P5.4.3.P5.4.1.5. Teachersincreases. The aim will be to have a clearly-defined promotion-and-salary ladder to mark milestones in professional development and accomplishment, and therefore continuous incentives for conducting outstanding work as a teacher.There will be at least five promotional levels as a teacher in each stage, which may be labelled Early Teacher (without tenure), Early Teacher (with tenure), Proficient Teacher, Expert Teacher, and Master Teacher. Within each promotional level \/ rank, there would be a preset range of salary levels through which teachers could progress based on merit and performance in that rank.Professional standards would be defined (see P5.4.4 below) for these levels, including expectations from teachers in these levels; e.g. Master Teachers would naturally become the resource persons for CPD of teachers in their geographical area.There will be parity in service conditions for teachers across all stages of school education.Professional standards for teachers: Clearly laid out professional standards for teachers will inform career progression of teachers. A common guiding set of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) will be developed by 2022, coordinated by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and NCERT, while involving the SCERTs, teachers from across levels and regions, expert organisations in teacher preparation and development, and higher educational institutions.Each State may then develop its own specifi c standards, State Professional Standards for Teachers (SPST), coordinated by the SCERT; these standards, and performance appraisal vis-a`-vis these standards, will determine all teacher career management, including tenure (after the probationary\/tenure track period), professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions. Promotions and salary increases will not occur based on the length of tenure or seniority, but only on the basis of such appraisal.The professional standards will be reviewed and revised nationally and then at the State level in 2030, and thereafter every ten years, on the basis of rigorous empirical analysis of the effi cacy of the system. The standards would cover expectations of the role of the teacher at different levels of expertise \/ rank, and the competencies required for that rank. It will also comprise standards for performance appraisal, for each rank, that would be carried out on a periodic basis and would be used, in particular, for salary increases within that rank.P5.4.4.National Education Policy 2019Such standards for performance appraisal would include both hard indicators which are non-negotiable (e.g. attendance regularity and punctuality, financial propriety, not using corporal punishment, participating in any mandatory school functions and meetings, etc.) and soft indicators (such as effective pedagogy and classroom practices, effective developmental assessment of progress of students, effective use of teaching-learning material, quality of engagement and interaction with parents and students, organisation of quality school events, etc.) which are related to professional practice and competencies.The NPST and SPST will also inform the design of the pre-service teacher education programmes.Performance Indicators for Elementary School Teachers (PINDICS) already developed by NCERT can be a useful document to serve as a starting point for this exercise.All teachers will have possible career progression paths to become educational administrators or teacher educators.Periodic (annual or higher frequency) performance appraisal of teachers: The SPST will form the basis for the performance appraisal of teachers. Such an appraisal will be carried out by the head teacher and the head of the school complex, and similarly for the head teacher by the head of the school complex and the Block Education Officer (BEO). All heads of school complexes will be appraised by the BEO and District Education Offi cer (DEO). All appraisals will be based on carefully recorded multiple sources of evidence, comprising minimally of school visits, school records and classroom observations, peer review, and feedback on progress of students. The appraisal must be endorsed by the SMC. The details of this process will delineated by the SCERTs by 2022 for each State.This process will also be the basis for determining teacher accountability. Teachers are accountable to students, their parents, the community and the public at large for what they are doing or not doing for education in schools. This ensures professional integrity and transparency in the education system. It will always be important to remember that empowerment and autonomy are preconditions for true accountability - a threatening environment is the nemesis of sustainable quality. An accountability mechanism that has clear non-negotiables and supports teachers in effecting improvements will tend to work the most effectively. This mechanism will look at several factors that make up accountability while ensuring autonomy and empowerment for all teachers. Based on the NPST, the SCERTs will also develop the frameworks and norms for this autonomy and empowerment in the teachers role within their States as a part of their SPSTs.P5.4.5.5. TeachersProfessional progression via vertical mobility: In addition to moving across ranks within their own stage or stages of teaching, teachers will also be able to move into either educational administration or teacher education as part of their career progressions. After outstanding and clearly-defined accomplishments as a teacher, school teachers may choose to a. Enter educational administration, or b. Become teacher educators. In the long term, all educational administrative positions in CRCs, BRCs, BITEs, DIETs, SCERTs, etc. will be reserved for outstanding teachers who are interested in administration by way of their career development paths. The professional standards to enter educational administration or teacher education will again be set by the NPST and SPSTs, and would require at a minimum outstanding teaching, in addition to requirements (in the case of educational administration) of leadership \/ management experience or training.5.5. Approach to teacher educationTeacher education requires multidisciplinary inputs and a marriage of high-quality content with pedagogy that can only be truly attained if teacher preparation is conducted within composite institutions offering multidisciplinary academic programmes and environments. As a consequence, programmes of teacher preparation at all levels must be conducted within large multidisciplinary universities or colleges in order to be maximally effective. Teacher education in multidisciplinary colleges or universities would ensure that teacher education benefits from interaction with other areas of higher education, and that student-teachers develop in liberal spaces with access to a full range of academic resources, including libraries, internet, and extra-curricular activities. Teachers-in-training would thereby be able to interact with peers from other disciplines and be taught by faculty in allied disciplines of education such as psychology, child development, and social sciences - making them that much stronger as teachers when they graduate. Multidisciplinary settings will also ensure that the disciplinary components of integrated programmes will be offered by experts from the relevant departments.In terms of areas for further reform within the education component of the B.Ed. programme, multilevel, discussion-based, and constructivist learning, and a concentration on foundational literacy\/numeracy, inclusive pedagogy and evaluation, knowledge of India and its traditions, and the development in students of 21st century skills such as problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, ethical and moral reasoning, and communication and discussion abilities, are among the key areas of the curriculum for teacher preparation that will be reformed and revitalised.P5.4.6.National Education Policy 2019Ensuring that university B.Ed. programmes are affiliated with a variety of nearby schools at various levels - in which potential teachers may student-teach in order to hone the above skills and obtain practical teaching experience - will complete the well-rounded education and training of B.Ed. candidates that will be needed to produce outstanding teachers.While such four-year Integrated B.Ed. programmes are being developed at multidisciplinary universities, every effort will be made to shut down the practice of corrupt and substandard teacher education institutions that sell degrees with little actual education; the purpose of this important initiative will be to bring, as quickly as possible, the needed integrity and thus quality into the teacher education system. By 2030, the goal will be to have all B.Ed. programmes moved into multidisciplinary colleges universities.The actions that will be required in the higher education system for this shift of teacher education will be described in more detail in Chapter 15; below are described the basic changes in the approach for teacher education that will be adopted in order to ensure passionate, motivated, well-qualifi ed, and holistically well-trained teachers in our schools.Teacher education for all levels will take place within the university \/ higher education system as a stage-specific, 4-year integrated Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme that combines high-quality content, pedagogy, and practical training.Moving teacher education into the university system; the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme: Teacher education for all levels - Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary - will take place within the university\/higher education system as a stage-specific, four-year integrated B.Ed. programme, combining content, pedagogy, and practical training. The four-year integrated B.Ed. programme of pre-service teacher preparation for different tracks will be offered at the university level as a dual-degree (in education together with any desired specialised subject) undergraduate programme of study, and will thus include both disciplinary as well as teacher preparation courses.Every B.Ed. programme will be affiliated with 10-15 local schools where student-teacher internships would take place. Each student in a B.Ed. programme will go through a period of student teaching at one of these schools where she\/P5.5.1.5. Teachershe would be placed with a mentoring teacher - first observing the mentors class, then teaching students in the mentors classroom with feedback from the mentor, and also carrying out remedial work or other teaching-related tasks under the mentors guidance.The different tracks that teachers will be prepared for in a B.Ed. programme will include: a. Foundational and Preparatory school generalist teachers; b. Subject teachers for Middle and Secondary school; c. Special education teachers; d. Art teachers (including visual and performing arts); e. Teachers for vocational education; and f. Physical education teachers. The four-year degree will be on par with other undergraduate degrees and students with a four-year integrated B.Ed. will be eligible to move on to a Masters degree programme in either the disciplinary stream or the pedagogic stream.The two-year B.Ed. programme for lateral entry into teaching: The two-year B.Ed. degree will be offered to Bachelors degree holders in various disciplines for the preparation of teachers for various levels of schooling, e.g. as subject teachers for Middle and Secondary education, and will again include a strong practical training component in schools. Offering a two-year B.Ed. programme, in addition to the four-year integrated B.Ed., will enable entry into the profession of teaching for people who are at later stages in their careers, and will help to attract diverse talent into the profession. The two-year programme will continue to be offered at institutions such as Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs), Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs), and other locations till such time as the four-year degree is seeded at universities, and begins graduating an adequate number of teachers. Beyond that, the two-year degree will be retained only at multidisciplinary institutions offering the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme. For those students who have obtained a four-year liberal Bachelors degree, or for persons with other outstanding specialised qualifi cations to become a subject teacher (such as a Masters degree in the specialised subject), the two-year B.Ed. programme could be replaced by a suitably structured special B.Ed. programme of slightly shorter duration, as determined by the same multidisciplinary institutions offering the four-year integrated and two-year B.Ed. programmes.Specialised instructors for specialised subjects: In the case of certain specialised subjects or expertise of a local nature - including but not limited to local traditional art, music, vocational crafts, language, poetry, literature, or business - a well-respected local expert may be hired as a Specialised Instructor to teach in a school or a school complex, after a short, say, 10-day orientation programme offered by the school complex itself. This will P5.5.2.P5.5.3.National Education Policy 2019help to easily introduce local arts, languages, crafts, etc. into the curriculum, support the local arts, and will also encourage prominent persons from the community to come share their knowledge with students and inspire them.Closing down substandard standalone teacher education institutions: The process of reviewing the performance of teacher education institutions, and closing down the corrupt or substandard ones will be immediately initiated through mandatory accreditation of all TEIs as multidisciplinary HEIs within the next 3-5 years. A sound legal strategy to weed out poorly performing programmes and shutting them down will be put in place by the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (RSA) (see Chapter 23), in collaboration with the National Higher Education Regulatory Authority (NHERA). Promoters of such institutions will be free to put their infrastructure to other productive uses, such as for vocational education. See also Section 16.1. Pedagogical aspects of the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme: In addition to multidisciplinary knowledge, and specialised subject content as chosen by the student, the pedagogical aspects of the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme will consist of integrated theory and practice. Teachers-in-training will learn about learning-centred and collaborative learning strategies and they will be taught techniques to simultaneously teach students at multiple levels. Their courses will include diversity training - regarding how to enable underserved groups to thrive - ranging from women to socio-economically disadvantaged to differently-abled students. Trainees will use these teaching methods during their practice teaching so that they gain experience in their respective classes. Projects, rubrics, portfolios, concept maps, and mock classroom observations will replace or significantly supplement written tests, so that continuous assessment of higher order objectives will become the norm.Specialist teachers: There is an urgent need for additional special educators for certain areas of school education. Some examples of such specialist requirements include subject teaching for CWSN at the Middle and Secondary school level, education of children with singular interests and talents, and teaching for specific learning disabilities. Such teachers would require not only subject-teaching knowledge and understanding of subject-related aims of education, but also the relevant skills for and understanding of such special requirements of children.While the generalist special educator is competent to work across the primary school subject areas and can also support and complement a subject teacher in middle or high school, a special educator will not himself\/herself have adequate knowledge to undertake subject teaching at higher levels of school. Similarly, education of children with singular interests and talents is best prepared for after a teacher has accumulated work experience. Therefore, such areas could be developed as secondary specialisations for subject teachers or generalist teachers, after initial or pre-service teacher preparation is completed. They will be offered as certificate courses, in the in-service mode, either full time or as part time \/ blended courses - again, necessarily, at multidisciplinary colleges or universities.P5.5.4.P5.5.6.6. Equitable and Inclusive EducationEquitable and Inclusive EducationObjective: Achieve an inclusive and equitable education system so that all children have equal opportunity to learn and thrive, and so that participation and learning outcomes are equalised across all genders and social categories by 2030.Education is the single greatest tool for achieving social justice and equality. Inclusive and equitable education - while indeed an essential goal in its own right - is also critical to achieving an inclusive and equitable society in which every citizen has the opportunity to dream, thrive, and contribute to the nation. Unfortunately, prejudice and bias, based on gender, social and economic status, and special needs, among other factors, often affect peoples capacity to benefit from the education system, compounding social cleavages that hold the nation back from growth, innovation, and progress. This Policy aims to shape an education system that benefits all of Indias children so that no child loses any opportunity to learn and excel because of the circumstances of birth or background.Data shows that, over the last three decades, the Indian education system and successive government policies have made steady progress towards bridging gender and social category gaps in all levels of school education. However, large disparities still remain, especially at the secondary level, particularly for groups that have been historically underrepresented in education.URGs in education can be broadly categorised into those having given gender identities (including women and transgender individuals), given socio-cultural identities (such as SC, ST, OBCs, Muslims, migrant communities), given special needs (such as learning disabilities), and given socio-economic conditions (such as the urban poor). While overall enrolments in schools National Education Policy 2019decline steadily from Grade 1 to Grade 12 - a problem which must be addressed across the country as discussed in Chapter 3 - this decline in enrolments is considerably more pronounced for many of these URG. According to U-DISE 2016-17 data, about 19.6% of students belong to SC at the primary school level, but this fraction falls to 17.3% at the higher secondary level. These enrolment drop-offs are even more severe for ST students (10.6% to 6.8%), Muslim students (15% to 7.9%), and differently-abled children (1.1% to 0.25%), with even greater declines for female students within each of these URG. The declines in URGs enrolment in higher education is even steeper.These statistics make it clear that inequities affect children already in primary school. Actions must be taken urgently to understand the barriers students face and to implement proactive measures ensuring inclusive and equitable participation of children from URGs across all levels of school education, beginning in a childs early years. This will, in particular, also help ensure that all children will be a part of an inclusive and equitable society when they grow up, which in turn will raise the peace, harmony, and productivity of the nation.What causes exclusion and discrimination in education? A first basic cause for the exclusion of URGs from the education system is that children from URGs often suffer from a lack of access to schools, especially quality schools. Despite the dramatic leap in access to schooling over the past decade, there remain very serious barriers to access to early childhood and secondary education - especially for areas with large populations from educationally underrepresented groups (see Chapters 1 and 3). The problem does not end at access, however. Even when a child from a URGs does succeed in accessing and entering a quality school, a number of other factors can and often do come into play that create barriers to learning, which in turn lead to low attendance, poor learning outcomes, and higher rates of dropping out. Indeed, there is a complex web of discriminatory and exclusionary practices and realities, due to various economic, social, political, and historical factors, that often lead to such barriers.Poverty plays a major role in both exclusion and discrimination. Poor families struggle to send their children to school (even when there is access), and to provide support for their schooling when they do. Children from poorer homes often also suffer nutritional deficiencies that have a direct impact on learning. The lack of quality infrastructure, functional and secure toilets, and safe drinking water in schools in poorer areas represents a severe form of discrimination in education for children from socio-economically disadvantaged communities. The lack of good libraries, laboratories, and learning supplies at school hits children from disadvantaged communities the hardest, as they generally will not have as many educational resources at home.Social mores and biases also contribute in a serious way to discriminatory practices; for example, many communities believe that girls need not go through formal schooling. Historical discrimination against various groups in our society has had a strong corresponding harmful impact on the practice of education as well, e.g. differential classroom seating based on caste, or only girls doing domestic chores in school. A longer-term consequence of this kind 6. Equitable and Inclusive Educationof systemic bias and discrimination that children witness in school is that many of these groups then remain underrepresented and discriminated against when they grow up and join the professional education community as teachers, school leaders, and educational functionaries, creating a vicious cycle of discrimination.Finally, school curriculum and textbooks often also play a role. For some communities, the connection between formal schooling and their own lives is unclear, e.g. in cases of exclusionary curricula that do not refer to what is familiar, valuable, or relatable to them. Indeed, any analysis of the existing curricula, pedagogy or textbooks exhibits a biased picture of life where the view of the prevails: for example, the earning member of a family is almost always male in our textbooks; names of children in stories might not reflect all communities; there are almost no references to people that are differently-abled. Thus many of our classroom processes do not welcome or encourage children from disadvantaged or underrepresented communities.What can be done to work towards and thereby attain full equity and inclusion in schools? The critical problems and Policy actions regarding early childhood education, foundational literacy\/numeracy, and access\/enrolment\/attendance discussed in Chapters 1-3, respectively, are well- established to be particularly relevant and important for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups; therefore, the measures from Chapters 1-3 must be targeted in a concerted way for URG.In addition, there have been various successful policies and schemes implemented over the past several years (such as targeted scholarships, conditional cash transfers to incentivise parents to send their children to school, providing bicycles for transport, etc.) that have signifi cantly increased participation of URGs in the schooling system in certain areas. These successful policies and schemes of past years must be renewed and signicantly strengthened for URGs across the country.It will also be essential to take into account research that ascertains which measures are particularly effective for certain URGs. For example, providing bicycles and organising cycling and walking groups to provide access to school have been shown to be particularly powerful methods in increasing participation of female students - even at lesser distances - because of the safety benefits and comfort to parents that they also provide. One-on-one tutors and open schooling can be particularly effective for certain CWSN. Schools having quality ECCE reap the greatest dividends for children who come from families that are socially or economically disadvantaged. Meanwhile, the hiring of social workers and counsellors that work with and connect students, parents, schools, and teachers in order to improve attendance and learning outcomes have been found to be especially effective for children in urban poor areas.Data shows that certain geographical areas contain signifi cantly larger proportions of URG. Thus, this Policy states that certain regions of the country with large populations from URGs should be declared Special Education Zones (SEZs), where all the above schemes and policies are National Education Policy 2019implemented to the maximum through additional concerted efforts and funding from the Centre and States in order to truly change the educational landscape of these Zones.It must be noted that women cut across all URG, making up about one half of all other URGs - unfortunately, the exclusion and inequity that URGs face are only amplified for women. The Policy additionally recognises the special and critical role that women play in society and in shaping social mores - not only in their own generation but in the next one; therefore, providing a quality education to girls in URGs is the best way to increase the education levels in these URGs not just in the present but also in future generations. The Policy thus states that the policies and schemes designed to uplift students from URGs should be especially targeted towards the girls in these URGs.All the above policies and measures are absolutely critical to attaining full inclusion and equity for all URGs - but they are not suffi cient. What will also be required is a change in school culture. All participants in the school education system, including teachers, principals, administrators, social workers, counsellors, and students, will need to be sensitised to the requirements of all students, the notions of inclusion and equity, and the respect and dignity of all persons. Such an educational culture will be the best tool to help students become empowered individuals who, in turn, will enable society to transform into one that is responsible towards its most vulnerable citizens. Inclusion and equity will become a key aspect of teacher education (and training for all leadership, administrative, and other positions in schools); efforts will be made to recruit more high quality teachers and leaders from URGs in order to bring in excellent role models for all students.Finally, students will be sensitised through this new school culture brought in by teachers and other school workers (such as social workers and counsellors), and also by corresponding changes in the school curriculum. The school curriculum will include material on human values such as respect for all persons, empathy, tolerance, inclusion, and equity early on; any biases in school curriculum will be removed, and more material will be included that is relevant and relatable to all communities, and which develops these human values.6.1. Upliftment of underrepresented groups in educationThis Policy envisages concerted and intensifi ed policy efforts to support all such URGs in school education. In this section, policy initiatives for inclusion and equity that are critical to all URGs are described. In subsequent sections, policy initiatives that are specific to, or that need strengthening for, particular URGs will be discussed.6. Equitable and Inclusive EducationEmphasis on the Policy actions of Chapters 1-3 for students from underrepresented groups: The critical educational issues raised in Chapters 1-3, relating to ECCE, foundational literacy\/numeracy, and school access\/enrollment\/attendance, are often especially relevant for students from URG. The Policy actions in Chapters 1-3 will thus receive targeted attention and support for students from URG.Special Education Zones will be set up in disadvantaged regions across the country.Establishment of Special Education Zones: Special Education Zones will be set up in disadvantaged regions across the country. It is known that there is inequitable development across regions - even within States that are otherwise performing better than the national average on human development indicators. Data reveals that there are signifi cantly higher proportions of students from URGs in certain geographical areas. States will be encouraged to declare any clearly definable area as a SEZ on the basis of clear social development and socio-economic indicators (e.g. tribal districts of Madhya Pradesh).The Central government will support extra investment and per-child expenditure in the ratio of 2:1 for each rupee spent by the State in these Zones. These extra investments will be spent on multiple aspects required for improving educational outcomes in these regions, including implementation of the Policy laid down in Chapters 1-3 as well as in this chapter; in particular, infrastructure, learning resources, and teacher capacity will receive targeted support in these regions. Other innovative educational initiatives will also be piloted in these zones, and will be closely monitored and adjusted based on outcomes.The key idea will be to have these Zones act upon all the Policy actions for the upliftment of URGs in a concerted manner, with close joint monitoring by the Centre and the State, in order to quickly enable substantial positive differences in the areas of the country that truly need it most.Availability and capacity development of teachers:a. Inclusive education in teacher preparation: Inclusive education will be an integral part of both pre-service teacher education as well as in in-service professional development, including for Anganwadi workers, pre-school and school teachers, school leaders, and other education functionaries. These programmes will ensure that all teachers are continuously P6.1.1. P6.1.3. National Education Policy 2019sensitised about different learners and hence will be able to cater to the educational needs of all learners, particularly from URGs and including those with certain disabilities, developmental delays or trauma who require additional attention. States and districts will develop customised training modules based on their specific contexts. Universities will be encouraged to offer certificate courses on topics related to equity and inclusiveness, and teachers will also be encouraged to undertake such courses.b. Alternate pathways for recruitment of teachers from URG: T o address the underrepresentation of teachers from URG, alternate pathways for the recruitment of high-quality teachers from URGs will be developed. Such efforts will include a recruitment followed by training model (instead of the typical training followed by recruitment model) for teachers from URG.c. Pupil-Teacher Ratio: PTR in schools with a high proportion of learners from URGs should not be more than 25:1. This ratio is keeping in mind the remedial measures and bridge activities that will be required at every such school on a continuous basis until such time that the gaps are bridged.Inclusive education will be an integral part of both pre-service and in-service teacher education.Creation of inclusive school environments:Establishing mechanisms to address discrimination, harassment and intimidation: Admissions processes that go against the spirit of inclusivity will be abolished, and institutional processes (including time-tables and academic calendars) will reflect the diverse needs of learners and their communities. Schools will define and enforce rules and regulations to ensure privacy, dignity, safety, and access to all school resources, activities, and events (including sports and self-defense classes) for learners from URG.a. Eliminating exclusionary practices: Clear criteria on equity and inclusiveness will be laid down that schools will be expected to follow. Criteria for assessing equity and inclusiveness of all schools will be developed and given adequate weight during accreditation or self-evaluation processes.b. Sensitising learners: All students will develop sensitivity and appreciation of the diverse cultures and traditions to which we belong. A concerted set of actions on various fronts will be implemented, e.g. through inclusion of narratives around different socio-economic situations in the curriculum, questioning simplistic labeling of individuals on the basis of their community or beliefs, etc. Basic human values of tolerance, inclusiveness, P6.1.4. 6. Equitable and Inclusive Educationequity, empathy, helpfulness, service, etc. will be incorporated throughout the curriculum.c. Inclusive curriculum: School curricula, syllabi and teaching learning materials (especially textbooks) will be reviewed to identify and remove overt or hidden bias and stereotyping. In all curricular reform, a concerted effort will be made to mainstream issues related to URGs in curricula for school education as well as for teacher development programmes.In schools with a high proportion of learners from underrepresented groups, PTR should not be more than 25:1.Maintenance of databases: Up to date information for each student will be maintained in the National Repository of Educational Data (NRED). While some education indicators will be common to all URGs, specifi c indicators may be tracked for particular groups. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) will devise an appropriate mechanism to track students from educationally URGs. The use of tools to capture and analyse data of URGs will enable effective monitoring of the progress of children from URGs in school education. The Central Educational Statistics Division (CESD), which will be set up within NIPEA, will undertake the analysis of this data in order to facilitate the design and delivery of targeted initiatives.Financial support to individual students:a. Targeted scholarships: A special National Fund will be created specifi cally for providing scholarships and developing resources and facilities for students from URG. Students will be able to apply for financial support in a simplified manner - from a single national agency or a single window system - and will be able to register complaints if they are denied due support or services. Additionally, data will be linked to the NRED to ensure that no student is denied due support or resources, while also ensuring that the privacy and dignity of students are always respected.b. Alternative means of support: Besides scholarships, other means of support may be made available, e.g.: Recruitment of talented and meritorious students from URGs to participate in NTP and RIAP programmes as educational role models, tutors, and instructional aides.P6.1.5. P6.1.6. National Education Policy 2019 Breakfast (in addition to midday meals), particularly for learners in economically-disadvantaged areas, following similar quality stan - dards as for midday meals. Special internship opportunities under various departments con - cerned with the development of URG.Admissions processes and institutional processes (including time-tables and academic calendars) will reflect the diverse needs of learners and their communities.Targeted funding and support for inclusion and access to districts and institutions:a. District-wise nancial assistance: Provision of financial assistance for initiatives related to inclusion and access will be made to districts identifi ed as special focus districts for implementing context-specifi c and targeted interventions\/strategies, including strengthening of infrastructure. District-wise financing will be accompanied with autonomy to the districts to spend funds on aspects identified by the respective district stakeholders and based on their specific needs.b. Adequate nancial and other resources for institutions: Institutions serving the educational needs of students from URGs will identify specifi c needs; initiatives to address these needs will be backed by adequate financial resources by the system (e.g. additional teacher recruitments from the respective communities, translated material catering to the needs of specific URG, social workers to appraise the concerned community and build awareness among its members on school education, etc.)c. Funding will be made available for independent research on inclusive education: This will include teacher development and impact evaluation studies of all schemes related to the promotion of inclusive education and the identification of causes for dropouts and poor educational outcomes, particularly of learners from URG, and initiatives to address these issues. Coordinated and integrated policy implementation to support underrepresented groups: There will be a focused approach and carefully planned synergy among all efforts towards increased participation of URGs in school education. While the ultimate responsibility for ensuring equitable educational opportunities lies with the Ministry of Human Resource P6.1.7. P6.1.8. 6. Equitable and Inclusive EducationDevelopment and relevant State\/UT-level Departments\/Ministries of Education, an enabling ecosystem for participation of members of URGs will be created (e.g. by specific Ministries dedicated to empowerment of specifi c groups, health and nutrition in early years, transport facilities, etc.).A special National Fund will be created for providing scholarships and developing resources and facilities for students from underrepresented groups.6.2. Education of girls as a cross-cutting themeIndian society has long upheld the high status of women and girls and the importance of girls education. Early history dating back thousands of years indicates the preeminent role women played as leaders in politics, defense, religion, literature as well as the fabric of Indian society.Girls access to education is the clearest path to disrupt poverty and violence, promote community health and well being, and foster development dividends that carry on into the next generation. Thus a key strategy in uplifting Indian society is to give concerted attention to uplifting women and girls; and a key strategy in uplifting URGs is to give due attention to uplifting the women in these groups.For all these reasons, and in order to achieve gender equality in education, the Policy aims to integrate gender as a cross cutting priority for all aspects of policy implementation. Key efforts will include:Partnerships with States and community organisations for girls education: The Government of India will develop a Gender-Inclusion Fund to build the nations capacity to provide quality and equitable education for all girls, focusing on five pillars: a. Ensuring 100% participation of girls in the schooling system and a high participation rate in higher education; b. Closing gender gaps in educational attainment at all levels; c. Changing mindsets and halting harmful practices to foster gender equity and inclusion; d. Inculcating girls capacity for leadership to help develop current and future role models; and P6.2.1. National Education Policy 2019P6.2.3. e. Improving dialogue with civil society to exchange best practices and lessons learned.The fund will authorise two funding streams - formula and discretionary grants. Formula grants will be available to States to implement priorities determined by the central government critical for assisting women and girls in gaining access to education (such as the provision of sanitation and toilets, bicycles, conditional cash transfers etc.).Discretionary funds will enable States to support and scale effective community-based interventions that address localised and context-specifi c barriers to girls access to and participation in quality education. Discretionary funds will be directed towards underfunded educational challenges facing women and girls at the community level based on a comprehensive independent-needs assessment. A portion of discretionary funds will be used to conduct due diligence on community-based organisations and to provide them with targeted technical assistance to enhance their capacity to deliver programming. States that receive resources through the fund will detail out their plan to consult civil society as a component of its efforts to close the gender gap in education.A Gender-Inclusion Fund will focus on supporting quality and equitable education for all girls. Fostering womens participation and leadership in education: Resources will be made available to increase the number of women in positions of leadership in schools, including but not limited to institutional heads, teachers, hostel wardens, health workers, security guards, and sports instructors. To facilitate the hiring and retention of women in education, the amended Maternity Benefit Act will be implemented to provide cre `che facilities for educators. By focusing on leadership development, incentive programmes, teacher education, recruitment and retention efforts, these initiatives will ensure women play a leading role in childrens education.To address the gender imbalance among school teachers (especially in some rural schools), alternate pathways for female teacher recruitment will be developed, without compromising on merit and qualifi cation, both educational and professional. For example, in rural and remote areas with low proportions of female teachers, scholarships will be offered to the best female students and IAs of that area to enter outstanding teacher education programmes and become teachers, and efforts will be made to preferentially employ them in these areas after they complete their education.Prioritising school safety and security: All schools will develop credible mechanisms to ensure schools remain discrimination-, harassment-, and P6.2.2. 6. Equitable and Inclusive Educationintimidation-free, especially for women and girls. Guidelines for ensuring school safety and security of girls will be developed and made a part of the eligibility conditions for institutional accreditation. This framework will include mandatory training for educators and administrators on efforts to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence. Working female-only toilets with a regular stock of menstrual hygiene products will be constructed and available.Girls safety outside of school is also recognised as critical to their attendance and overall educational attainment; unfortunately, transportation to and from school can sometimes infringe on their personal safety in some areas. Efforts will be made to ensure girls benefit from initiatives that promote access to safe and reliable transportation, including bicycle access programmes.All schools will develop credible mechanisms to ensure that they remain free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation especially for women and girls. Addressing social mores and gender stereotypes that encourage school non-attendance: As part of an ongoing effort to identify and eliminate gender stereotypes in society, especially those that encourage withdrawal from schools, schools and social workers will hold regular discussions with parents, e.g. on social issues like child marriage, not sending girls to high school or for further studies, placing financial expectations on boys pre-maturely, forming negative perceptions around women employment, involving school-going children in the family profession or household work, and in general, according external factors precedence over formal education. The importance of formal education in securing better positions in medium- to high-productivity jobs and attaining financial independence will also be stressed. In addition, the presence of strong role models, e.g. female teachers, as in P6.2.2, will help change societal perceptions about womens abilities and ambitions.Gender sensitisation in schools: All educational institutions and affiliated offices will be mandated to conduct awareness sessions on gender issues to break stereotyped gender roles, on the importance of harassment-free environments and equal treatment of genders, and on legal protections and entitlements for girls and women including the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act (POCSO), Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, the Maternity Benefit Act (along with its Amendment), and the Sexual P6.2.4. P6.2.5. National Education Policy 2019Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act. Training will aim to raise teachers and educational administrators awareness of gender-sensitive and inclusive classroom management.The importance of focusing on girls from URG: Acknowledging the special role that women play in society, and in the shaping of the social mores and educational values of the next generation, as well as the extra underrepresentation that they face even within URG, all policy initiatives for the upliftment of underrepresented socio-economic and socio-cultural groups will be especially targeted towards the girls and women in these groups.6.3. Education of children belonging to Scheduled Caste Communities and Other Backward ClassesDue to various historical and linguistic factors, SC and OBC communities face severe disadvantages at multiple levels. Bridging the social category gaps in access, participation, and learning outcomes in school education will continue to be one of the major goals of all education sector development programmes. While several programmatic interventions to reduce social category gaps in education that are currently in place will continue to be pursued, along with all other key policy laid out in Section 6.1, additional key specific interventions for reducing the social category gaps in school education will include:Recruitment of teachers from SC and OBC communities: Affirmative action in higher education space has allowed for a signifi cant number from marginalised communities acquire teaching degrees. However, due to the various disadvantages they carry forward, many find it diffi cult to obtain a job. Special initiatives should be taken up by the concerned ministries and departments to up-skill them and prepare them to be recruited as teachers in schools, especially in their home regions where they can become excellent role models.In addition, in geographies where SC and OBC teachers are underrepresented, scholarships will be offered to the best students and IAs from SC and OBC communities to enter outstanding teacher education programmes and become teachers; efforts will be made to employ them in these areas after they complete their education.Translated learning material: Many students from SC and OBC communities have home languages that are different from the State\/offi cial language. This puts them at a disadvantage up front as they have to learn a new language unlike other peers whose home language and medium of instruction may not differ. Easy-read material translated into local spoken languages will be used P6.2.6. P6.3.2.6. Equitable and Inclusive Educationin the early grades to initiate children into learning; such learning materials will be prepared locally under the supervision of BITE\/DIET faculty or other academic coordinators. A concerted effort will be made to hire teachers who speak various local home languages so that they may use these languages as a medium of transaction with students, as needed, in order to improve learning outcomes.6.4. Education of children from tribal communitiesTribal communities and children from Scheduled Tribes also face severe disadvantages at multiple levels due to various historical and geographical factors. Children from tribal communities often report finding their school education irrelevant and foreign to their lives, both culturally and academically. While several programmatic interventions to uplift children from tribal communities are currently in place, and will continue to be pursued, sometimes children do not receive the benefits of these interventions due to geographical barriers and a lack of proper oversight, management, and community knowledge of these benefits. All the Policy actions of Section 6.1 will again be very important also for tribal communities.Contextualising curriculum and incorporating tribal knowledge traditions will be an immediate action, while encouraging students from the community to gain qualifications as teachers will be a longer-term one.Relevant education: Curriculum and pedagogy will be contextualised to make education a relevant experience for students from tribal communities. Unfortunately, one of the foremost issues children face today is the lack of relevance of the education that takes place in their schools; this comes from a curriculum design and pedagogy that often excludes them, and from teachers who do not understand or relate to their culture or language.All these aspects have to be addressed systematically to make education relevant. Contextualising curriculum and incorporating tribal knowledge P6.4.1. National Education Policy 2019traditions will be an immediate and necessary action, while encouraging students from the community to gain qualifi cations as teachers will be a longer- term one. To the latter end, scholarships will be offered to the best students and IAs in tribal areas to enter outstanding teacher education programmes and become teachers, and efforts will be made to employ them in these areas after they complete their education. Concerted efforts will be made to provide learning materials in local tribal languages, and also teach in these languages (as a medium of communication, transaction, or instruction), especially in childrens early years, whenever possible. Bilingual textbooks will be prepared and bilingual education will be pursued to facilitate smooth transition from the home language of children to the language which is used as the medium of instruction in schools.Community coordinators: Coordinators at the State level and tribal-dominated districts will be deployed by choosing members from the specifi c tribal communities. These coordinators will monitor education programmes and support the activities of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, and education departments and ministries in order to ensure that children of these communities receive the benefits earmarked for them.6.5. Education of children from educationally underrepresented groups within minority communitiesThe Policy acknowledges the importance of interventions to promote education of children belonging to all minority or religious communities, and particularly those communities that are educationally underrepresented.The greatest educational underrepresentation among religious communities in the school and higher education system has occurred in the Muslim community. Even though there have been signifi cant improvements in the enrolment and retention of Muslim children in school education, the gap between Muslims and other population groups continues to remain high. Muslim students have primary enrolment rates that are lower than the national average, and this gap only increases at the middle, secondary and higher education levels. All the Policy actions of Section 6.1 thus must apply, in particular, also to children from Muslim communities - in particular special actions must be taken to attain higher participation levels and learning outcomes of Muslims in newly dedicated Special Education Zones having high populations from Muslim communities as per P6.1.2. Analogous Special Education Zones must also be dedicated in areas where there is underrepresentation in higher education among other minority or religious groups.Some of the other initiatives to enhance participation of children belonging to Muslim and other underrepresented minority communities in school education will include the following:P6.4.2. 6. Equitable and Inclusive EducationSupply-side interventions to incentivise Muslims and other educationally underrepresented minorities to complete school education: Excellent schools will be established in areas with high Muslim populations, with efforts to bridge language barriers when they exist by hiring teachers who speak and write Urdu or other home languages.Strong efforts will be made to impart foundational literacy and numeracy, in accordance with the three language formula, along with strong science, mathematics, and art backgrounds, to prepare an increasing number of students from Muslim communities and other educationally under-represented minorities for higher education. Steps will be taken for all linguistic and minority groups that exist in high concentrations in certain areas and that are educationally-underrepresented. In particular, scholarships for excellent students from Muslim communities and other underrepresented minority communities to enter higher education - identifi ed on the basis of National Testing Service scores - will be established.Strengthening madrasas, maktabs, and other traditional or religious schools, and modernising their curriculum: Existing traditional or religious schools, such as madrasas, maktabs, gurukuls, pathshalas, and religious schools from the Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist and other traditions may be encouraged to preserve their traditions and pedagogical styles, but at the same time must be supported to also integrate the subject and learning areas prescribed by the National Curricular Framework into their curricula in order to reduce and eventually eliminate the underrepresentation of children from these schools in higher education. The programmes being implemented to encourage traditional or religious institutions to modernise their curriculum will be expanded and strengthened:a. Financial assistance will be provided to introduce science, mathematics, social studies, Hindi, English, or other relevant languages in their curriculum in order to enable children studying in traditional cultural or religious schools to attain the learning outcomes defined for Grades 1-12.b. Students in madrasas, maktabs, and other traditional or religious institutions such as schools in Buddhist monasteries, etc. will be allowed and indeed encouraged to appear for State Board Examinations and assessments by the National Testing Agency in order to enrol in higher education institutions.c. Capacities of teachers in teaching of science, mathematics, language, social studies will be developed, including orientation to new pedagogical practices.d. Libraries and laboratories will be strengthened and adequate teaching-learning materials made available.P6.5.1. P6.5.2.National Education Policy 20196.6. Education of children from urban poor familiesThere are nearly 1 crore children from urban poor families, and this number seems to continue to increase (though it is hoped that measures may be taken soon to reverse this trajectory). About half of all urban poor children are severely malnourished, while nearly three-quarters are illiterate. The parents of these children have often left their hometowns in other States to make a new living in an urban area in a new State, often rendering their children unacquainted with both their home States culture as well as life in the city. As a result, the generational divide between parents and children is often particularly stark among the urban poor. This, coupled with the lack of literacy and proper schooling and playing opportunities, often leads children and adolescents into unfortunate and harmful activities, including petty crime and drugs; an estimated one third of street children are dealing with substance abuse.Providing children from urban poor families with quality education is the only way to rescue so many of these children and enable them to become happy and productive members of society. The Policy points in Chapters 1-3 (and many in Section 6.1) are particularly relevant for children from urban poor families and must be implemented urgently for these children.Additional specific Policy points for urban poor children include:Focused efforts on educational access: Greater attention will be paid to enhance access to school education by children from urban poor families. Partnerships with urban local bodies will be strengthened to establish new schools in unserved and underserved areas, to enhance the enrollment capacity of existing schools, and to ensure that safe routes exist for children to access these schools from urban poor areas.Role of social workers and counsellors: Research studies show that visits from and associations with social workers form the most effective intervention in encouraging children from urban poor families to go to school. The new and existing schools that will enhance access for children in urban poor areas, as per P6.6.1, will also invest in hiring excellent social workers and counsellors. The social workers will: work to find children and parents in urban poor areas; explain to them the value of school; connect parents and children with schools, teachers, remedial instructors, and tutors; plan with them methods (such as walking groups) and routes for children to reach school safely; inform parents of childrens learning outcomes and help them to be involved in their childrens learning (including arranging parent-teacher conferences as necessary); help children maintain connections with their parents languages and culture; help keep children away from harmful activities; and, along with counsellors, generally be a source of support and advice to children and their families throughout the learning process as needed.P6.6.1. P6.6.2. 6. Equitable and Inclusive EducationCurricula that take into account the needs of the urban poor: Some parts of the curriculum will be redesigned to help students from urban poor families navigate life in urban poor areas, and will include: matters of health and safety, clean drinking water, the harmful effects of substance abuse, ethics, nonviolence, matters of gender equality, respect for women, tolerance and empathy for people of all backgrounds, multilingualism, the harmful side of improper use of technology such as smartphones, benefi cial uses of technology, financial literacy, aspirations for employment and higher education, and skills and vocational training. The curriculum will be designed to maximise health and safety, opportunities for learning, and the future security and productivity of children from urban poor families.6.7. Education of transgender childrenEnsuring participation of transgender children in school education: The Policy recognises the urgent need to address matters related to the education of transgender children and initiating appropriate measures to remove the stigma and discrimination they face in their life, including with respect to education. As a part of the initiative to promote education of transgender children, a reliable national database on transgender children will be crated. The creation of safe and supportive school environments which do not violate their Constitutional rights will be accorded priority. Schools, school complexes, and social workers will be encouraged to develop a plan in consultation with transgender students and their parents regarding the use of their names and access to rest rooms and other spaces corresponding to their gender identity. The curriculum and textbooks will be reoriented to address issues related to transgender children, their concerns, and approaches that would help meet their learning needs. Teachers will be sensitised about the issues related to transgender children and their concerns and learning needs.Involvement of civil society groups: Civil society groups that have gained substantial knowledge of and experience in working with transgender children will be involved in the planning and implementation of education programmes for these children. Active involvement of civil society groups in conjunction with social workers will be sought to facilitate and ensure participation of transgender children in all levels of school education. More active engagement of the Directorate of Education in the States as well as NCPCR\/SCPCR will be sought to ensure that all transgender children of school age are enabled to receive quality school education.P6.6.3. P6.7.2.National Education Policy 20196.8. Education of children with special needsThe Policy recognises the importance of providing CWSN the same opportunities of obtaining quality education as any other child. The RTE Act Amendment Act, which came into force with effect from the 1st of August, 2012, provides for the inclusion of CWSN as contained in the Persons with Disabilities Act 2005 and the National Trust Act, under the purview of the RTE Act, thereby providing CWSN free and compulsory education; in fact, the RTE Act ensures CWSN free and compulsory education either until the completion of the elementary stage of school education or till the age of 18 years. Further, the RTE Act also provides to parents of children with severe and profound disabilities the right to opt for home-based education. The Policy points indicated in Section 6.1 are all important in the context of CWSN as well.Specific additional policy initiatives to ensure that every CWSN is provided meaningful and quality education will include the following:Inclusion of children with special needs in regular schools: One of the priority areas of action in regard to education programmes for CWSN will continue to be mainstreaming them in neighborhood schools and supporting their participation in the schooling process from the Foundational stage through Grade 12.Physical access to schools for children with special needs will be enabled through prioritising barrier-free structures, ramps, handrails, disabled-friendly toilets, and suitable transportation. Financial support for initiatives for educating children with special needs: Clear and efficient avenues for obtaining financial support will be provided to schools or school complexes for integration of CWSN, as well as for the establishment of resource centres at the village\/block level where needed for learners with severe or multiple disabilities - such centres would assist parents\/guardians in part-time or full time home-schooling and in skilling such learners (including in ISL or other local sign languages if they exist, and accessing provisions available through NIOS).P6.8.1. P6.8.2. 6. Equitable and Inclusive EducationPhysical access to schools for children with special needs will be enabled through prioritising barrier-free structures, ramps, handrails, disabled-friendly toilets, and suitable transportation for CWSN to comfortably attend schools. While in the long-term, the goal will be for all schools to have such facilities, in the interim schools and school complexes will be able to apply for funding to arrange and build such facilities as needed.Inclusion of children with special needs: Assistive devices and appropriate technology-based tools, as well as adequate and language-appropriate teaching-learning materials (e.g. textbooks in accessible formats such as large print and Braille) will be made available to help CWSN integrate more easily into classrooms and engage with teachers and their peers. To this end, research efforts to develop and test solutions that are effective in local contexts will be supported. The other components of interventions will include functional and formal assessment, appropriate educational placement, and preparation of Individualised Educational Plans (IEP).Provisions for home-based education: Home-based education will be provided for children with severe and profound disabilities who are unable to go to schools, with the objective of enabling them to complete school education, including through NIOS. Orientation of parents\/caregivers along with wide-scale dissemination of learning materials to enable parents\/caregivers to actively support their childrens learning needs will be accorded priority.The programmes for inclusive education of CWSN will be implemented in collaboration with resource centres for CWSN as well as NGOs and volunteer organisations who may wish to participate. Local resource centres and NGOs would be involved in the planning of inclusive education, awareness generation, community mobilisation, early detection, identifi cation and assessment of CWSN.Availability of open schooling for hearing-impaired students: NIOS will develop high quality modules to teach ISL, and to teach other basic subjects using ISL.Special educators and therapists with cross-disability training: To assist teachers in catering to the needs of all learners more fully, each school complex will appoint an adequate number of special educators with cross-disability training to work with all schools within that complex. Resource centres at the block level in conjunction with special educators at the school complex level will support the rehabilitation and educational needs of learners with severe or multiple disabilities, and will assist parents\/guardians in achieving high quality home-schooling and skilling for such students.P6.8.3. P6.8.4.P6.8.6.P6.8.7.National Education Policy 2019Scholarships for differently-abled students: As a part of the efforts to enhance participation of differently-abled children in school education, scholarships for talented and meritorious students will be offered on a more liberal scale, especially at the secondary stage of education, to facilitate their entry into higher education.P6.8.8. 7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesEfficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesObjective: Schools are grouped into school complexes to facilitate the sharing of resources and render school governance more local, effective, and efficient.Achievements and challenges related to the expansion of the Indian schooling systemIndia now has near universal enrolment of children in primary schools. Gender parity has been achieved and the most disadvantaged groups have access to primary schools. These are laudable achievements, and must be acknowledged as such, while the task may be unfinished.All this has been enabled by expansion of the elementary schooling system, notably by the establishment of primary schools in every habitation across the country, driven by the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), and other efforts across the States. While the basic principle of the expansion of the schooling system, of having a primary school within 1 km of each habitation, has enabled access, it has led to certain signifi cant issues and challenges. According to U-DISE 2016-17 data, nearly 28% of Indias public primary schools and 14.8% of Indias upper primary schools have less than 30 students. The average number of students per grade in the elementary schooling system (primary and upper primary, i.e. Grades 1-8) is about 14, with a notable proportion even below 6; during the year 201617, there were 119,303 single-teacher schools, the majority of them (94,028) being primary schools serving Grades 15.National Education Policy 2019In essence: our strategy of school expansion has delivered access, but has resulted in the development of very small schools, i.e., schools with small number of students. This is now a structural matter of our schooling system and underlies some key issues that are serious challenges to improving the quality of education. There are three kinds of serious challenges, and other relatively smaller ones.First, the small size of schools makes it economically suboptimal and operationally complex, to allocate and deploy all the resources necessary to run a good school. Most importantly, this affects the deployment of teachers and availability of critical physical resources. Some of the most serious manifestations and implications of this matter are: Teachers have to teach multiple grades at the same time (called multigrade teaching). While there are many occasions where varied age groups learning together is very useful, a structural constraint of this sort, where multigrade teaching is the default, is deeply detrimental to educational quality. Teachers have to teach many subjects, often teaching subjects in which they have no background. This problem becomes even more severe in Grades 6 Very rarely are teachers appointed to subjects\/areas that have been traditionally given the status of co-curricular, e.g. music, sports, arts. Physical resources such as experimental kits, laboratory equipment, library books etc., are very inadequate across schools.Second, small schools present a systemic challenge for governance and management. The geographical dispersion, challenging access conditions and the very large numbers of schools, make it diffi cult for any effort to reach all schools equally. This has an impact on improvement initiatives, on provision of support that the schools need (e.g. BRC and DIET), and all matters of interface of the individual school with the overall education system. This situation is exacerbated because the administrative structures have not been expanded in accordance with the expansion of the number of schools.Third, schools with small number of students and few teachers, are educationally sub-optimal. While this is one of the most serious effects of the phenomenon of small schools, it is paid woefully inadequate attention. This matter has two dimensions. One, optimal learning environments require a certain cohort size (about 15 at least) of same-age students. Most of our schools do not have these numbers. Second, teachers function effectively and optimally in teams. Our structural situation has led to 80% of elementary schools having three or fewer teachers. Such small schools exacerbate the phenomenon of isolation of teachers and impede their professional development.Although consolidation of schools is an option that is often discussed, any efforts to do this must not impact educational access in rural areas. Consolidation must therefore be done very judiciously, and only when it is ensured that there 7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School Complexesis genuinely no impact on access. This is likely to result in only a small degree of consolidation, something that will not solve the structural problem.Schools will be organised into school complexes which will be the basic unit of governance and administration.Addressing these challenges through the establishment of school complexes. The suggestion to create a larger group structure called the school complex, consisting of one secondary school together with all other schools offering lower grades in its neighbourhood, a radius of five to ten miles, was first made by the Education Commission (196466) but was left unimplemented. Here we adopt and extend the ideas for the utility of school complexes.The aim is to provide peer support to principals and teachers of individual schools and thereby end their isolation. By additionally devolving various administrative, organisational, governance-related, and management-related responsibilities to the school complex, it will therefore become possible to: Build vibrant communities of teachers, school leaders, and other supporting staff; Better integrate education across all school levels, from early childhood education through Grade 12, for all students in the local region; Share key material resources such as libraries, science laboratories and equipment, computer labs, sports facilities, as well as human resources such as social workers, counsellors, and specialised subject teachers, such as those for music, art, languages, and physical education, amongst schools in the complex; Develop a critical mass of teachers, students, supporting staff, as well as equipment, infrastructure, labs, etc., resulting in more effective leadership, governance, and management of schools and the schooling system.The establishment of school complexes and the sharing of resources across complexes will have a number of other benefits as a consequence, such as significantly improved support for children with special needs, more topic-centred clubs and academic \/ sports \/ arts \/ crafts events across school complexes, better incorporation of art, music, language, physical education, National Education Policy 2019and other subjects in the classroom through the sharing of teachers in these subjects, better student support, enrolment, attendance, and performance through the sharing of social workers and counsellors, and SCMCs (rather than simply SMCs) for more robust and improved governance, monitoring, oversight, innovations, and initiatives by local stakeholders. Building such larger communities of schools, school leaders, teachers, students, supporting staff, parents, and local citizens would energise and enable the schooling system, and in a resource-efficient manner.7.1. Ending the isolation of small schools through school complexesPublic school complexes: Multiple public schools will be brought together in an organisational and administrative unit called the school complex. This will not require physical relocation of schools. Each individual school that is viable in size will continue to function even as it is integrated administratively into a school complex.The school complex will become the basic unit of educational administration of the public school system, and will be developed accordingly.a. The school complex will be used to break the severe isolation in which teachers at small schools function today. It will create a community of teachers and principals who can meet face-to-face and work together to support each other - academically and administratively.b. School complexes will also enable administrators at all levels of the State government to function more effectively, since each complex will be treated as a single unit, with substantial autonomy and independence, thus reducing the span of direct management.c. While each individual school will be adequately resourced, the introduction of complexes will enable substantially better resourcing across all schools in the complex due to the ability to share resources e.g. teachers for all subjects and grades, more books for libraries, better equipped laboratories and sports facilities. Students will be able to get all the facilities they need until Grade 12, within their own school complex.A school complex will be a cluster of public schools in a contiguous geography offering education across all stages - Foundational to Secondary.P7.1.1.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesComposition of the school complex: Each school complex will be a semi-autonomous unit that will offer education from the Foundational stage (age 3-8 years) till Grade 12 (age 18). The complex will consist of one secondary school (covering Grades 9-12) and all the public schools in its neighbourhood that offer education from pre-primary till Grade 8. All the schools that are part of a complex will be chosen due to their proximity to each other, forming a logical geographical group. If for any reason a school complex does not have a secondary school where Grades 9-12 are being taught, then these grades must be introduced in one of the schools. The school complexes will also have pre-school centres\/Anganwadis, vocational education facilities, an Adult Education Centre (AEC) etc., associated with them.It will be up to the individual State governments to group schools into school complexes according to the population distribution, road connectivity, and other local considerations. Therefore the size and composition of the school complexes can vary, but the grouping must ensure convenience of access for students and families, administrative ease for the State government, and a support system for teachers and principals.Leadership of school complexes: The principal of the secondary school will be the head of the school complex. S\/he will be endowed with administrative, financial and academic powers to oversee the coordinated development of all the schools within the complex. S\/he will be given adequate administrative support by the functionaries of the DSE, the DEO and the BEO, and be assigned an adequate number of staff members for general administration, finance and accounting, and so on. The principals\/head teachers of the other schools within the school complex will report to the head of the school complex. They will form a team that will be charged with the responsibility of improving the quality of each individual school in the complex, increase enrolment, reduce drop out rates sharply, and encourage all children to stay in school until Grade 12.7.2. Better resourcing of schools through school complexesThe grouping of schools across the country into school complexes will enable the sharing of resources across schools including subject teachers, sports, music and art teachers, counsellors, social workers and so on, and also material resources such as laboratories, libraries and so on. School complexes will be used for increased, improved resourcing of ICT equipment, musical instruments, sports equipment, sports fields etc. - all these resources would thus now be shared and therefore be available to a much larger number of students than is possible today.P7.1.3.P7.1.2.National Education Policy 2019School infrastructure: While each individual school will be resourced adequately for their basic functioning, school complexes can house shared facilities and equipment at the secondary school that cannot be provided separately to each individual school. For audio-video systems with a portable generator can be taken around from school to school. Similarly, the secondary school may have a good laboratory, musical instruments, and playgrounds with sports equipment that students from the pre-primary, primary, and upper primary schools in the complex may be given access to on a regular basis. The secondary school can maintain a large circulating library from which books can be sent out to schools in the neighbourhood. All shared resources will be in the charge of the principal of the secondary school who will ensure their optimal use.Teachers: Teachers can also be shared among the schools in the complex. Areas\/subjects, which by the nature of the curriculum, do not require a teacher for every school (accounting for the number of students), may have teachers appointed to the overall school complex thus making it possible for resourcing to happen optimally. For instance, language teachers, sports teachers, art and music teachers, yoga teachers, school nurses, and counsellors can all be appointed to the staff of the secondary school and be shared across the schools in the complex.It is generally difficult to provide leave substitutes for teachers in primary schools, because of the small sizes of the schools. The problem becomes acute in single teacher schools where, if the teacher is on leave, no education can happen. With the school complex concept, it will become possible to attach one or two leave reserve teachers to the secondary school so that they can be sent to schools within the complex as and when the need arises. School complexes shall have adequate numbers of teachers for all areas\/subjects in the curriculum on behalf of all schools within the complex.Social workers: Adequate numbers of social workers will be appointed to the school complexes depending on the student population and the population of adult learners in that geography.The social workers will engage deeply with the community being served by the school complex. They will work pro-actively with parents and students, to ensure enrolment and attendance, and to eliminate the phenomenon of children dropping out of school. They will work to bring back students who have dropped out of school. Particular attention will be paid in this regard to areas where there are many students from socially and economically disadvantaged groups, including in urban areas.Social workers will help teachers in identifying and managing CWSN including managing relationships with their families and the community. They will also facilitate the engagement of teachers with the communities that the school complex serves.Social workers will help in making the SMC more effective. They will also work with counsellors and families to help students identify vocations of their P7.2.3.P7.2.2.P7.2.1.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School Complexeschoice, and identify and mobilise adults who can benefit from participation in adult education programs.The school complex will support social workers in every way to achieve these aims. The State departments of education will coordinate with the departments of health and of law enforcement to establish mechanisms to provide support to the social workers when needed, e.g. in cases where students attendance is affected by illness, there are cases of abuse, there is lack of safety, etc.Counsellors: While the teachers will have the central role in student care and well-being, each school complex will have one or more capable counsellors available. The counselling available will range from career guidance to mental health. While there may be other areas of counselling that can be identified and mechanisms established to offer them, the following will be provided:a. Counselling on choice of subjects in secondary grades, including vocational subjects, and on choices in higher education, leading to potential career choicesb. Support and counselling on age related growth and development issues, especially during the adolescent yearsc. Support and counselling on mental health issues, including stress and mood disordersThe mechanisms to make such counselling available will have to be responsive to the practical reality of the school complex, including training some of the teachers or social workers to be able to play the role of counsellors, appointing full time counsellors for one or more school complexes, and arranging for counsellors to visit the schools frequently. This counselling support should also be able to identify cases requiring clinical mental health support - and the school complex must have the tie-ups necessary to provide this. The State departments of education and health will have to coordinate closely for enabling this.School complexes will ensure availability of all resources - infrastructure, academic (e.g. libraries) and people (e.g. art and music teachers)P7.2.4.National Education Policy 2019Optimal utilisation of institutional facilities: Since the physical infrastructure of educational institutions is investment intensive, it is important to utilise these as fully as possible, for the longest time during each day and for all the days in the year, by making suitable administrative arrangements. An administrative plan to enable this must be created urgently by the government for each school complex, and should be integrated in the development plan for the complex.Given that vocational education and adult education will all be administered through the school complex, utilising the physical infrastructure outside of school hours will be possible. Teachers and students would continue to have their own hours of work and vacations.However, the libraries, laboratories, workshops, craft sheds, sports fi elds, play grounds etc., should be open all the year round and should be utilised for at least eight hours a day, if not longer, by anyone interested in learning through the use of these facilities. Even the classrooms can be used post school hours as needed.Special vacation programs should be arranged to utilise institutional facilities for community service, teacher professional development, adult education, enrichment programs for gifted students and supporting programs for students with special needs.With an encouraging climate for the sustained use of facilities, teachers, students and the local communities will discover innumerable ways of utilising school facilities to their maximum potential throughout the year.7.3. Fostering integrated education through school complexesThe definition of a school complex as envisaged by the Education Commission (1964-66) will be generalised and extended in the present context, to go beyond the original goal of ending the isolation of small schools and improving educational outcomes. The aim will be to create a coherent set of educational facilities including pre-schools\/Anganwadis, institutions offering vocational education and adult education, teacher support institutions and support for CWSN that are located within a well-connected geographical area and can support each other in their work. Such a school complex would then become the primary administrative unit of the public school system.Integrating early childhood care and education: The requisite focus and emphasis on ECCE will be enabled through the school complexes - by providing academic, resource and administrative support to all public institutions engaged in ECCE within the geographic area of that school complex. Schools that already have or will start pre-primary education, will run these classes fully integrated with the school complex system.P7.3.1.P7.2.5.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesThe school complex will provide specifi c support to Anganwadis in its vicinity. This will include moving the Anganwadi to within one of the school premises if possible, provided such a move does not impact access but improves the physical infrastructure substantially. The support will also include sharing of resources, social workers, teachers and including the Anganwadi staff in professional development activities within the school complex. Each State government will promote interactions between its Department of Women and Child Development and Department of School Education to facilitate the tighter coordination that will be needed for this purpose. The RSA, through its Standing Committee on Coordination (SCC), will also work towards formalising such programs of support and integration.Integrating vocational and adult education: School complexes will collaborate with institutions such as ITIs, Polytechnics, etc., with local businesses (industry, service, agrarian, etc.), health centres and hospitals, artists and artisans, and those with expertise in local crafts and traditions, to offer a range of vocational education courses (see Chapter 20). Since vocational education has a large hands-on learning component, school complexes must take on the responsibility of ensuring that the students receive this component of training even while they continue in school to complete the rest of their broad-based general education. Infrastructure for adult education (see P21.2.1) can also be associated with specifi c school complexes and be made available to the entire community served by the complex.Children with special needs: Every school complex will create the infrastructure necessary to ensure that appropriate support is available to all CWSN, within the complex. Irrespective of the type of support that a child requires, s\/he should be able to study at one or the other of the schools within the complex, with transport provided as needed. Teachers will be trained to help identify students that are differently-abled. Once such children are identified, the school complex will be given suitable funds and provided with the knowhow they need, to integrate the child into the school community, if they dont already have the ability to do so. A special fund will be created for this activity in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Council of India.Role of higher education institutions: Universities, colleges, and polytechnics in the vicinities of schools will contribute to improving school outcomes using the capacities relevant to school education that they may have. This may be particularly useful for secondary schools in terms of support for subject content and in offering physical resources such as laboratories, books, and playgrounds. Specifi c contributions will also be possible in supporting schools to offer vocational courses, including by the use of facilities in colleges and polytechnics. Each college will be functionally related to one or more school complexes in their neighbourhood and provide such support. The universities and colleges could also support students with P7.3.3.P7.3.4.P7.3.2.National Education Policy 2019singular talents and interests from the local schools \/ school complexes. Many such possibilities of support will emerge, as the HEIs integrate community service into their Institutional Development Plans (IDPs), including with regard to school education and adult education.Each district will have atleast one HEI offering high quality liberal education programmes (see P10.15). This HEI will play a significant role in supporting the school systems in the district to improve, for example, by supporting teacher professional development and helping in the development of localised vocational courses.The DEO and the BEO will work with the HEIs in the district to plan and enable their support to the schools. The support to the local schooling system will be a part of the mandate of all HEIs.7.4. Improved support to teachers through school complexesSchool complexes will be organised in such a way that they will have 80-100 teachers each, so that a strong community of teachers can be formed. Such teacher communities can support each other and work together more effectively for improving the outcomes at schools, and for their own professional development.Since teachers will henceforth be appointed to school complexes, they can form lasting relationships among themselves and with the community they serve. The school complex can also provide guidance to new teachers with planning their teaching since there will be several experienced teachers in the group.Continuous professional development for teachers: The CPD of teachers will be an important responsibility of the school complex. A comprehensive teacher development plan (TDP) will be drawn up for the purpose, including multiple modes of development (see P7.4.2 and P7.6.2). All the teachers of the complex would be developed into a community, to provide each other with support and learning opportunities. These will be participative communities of peer support and learning, and will culturally be encouraging and informal. The development of these peer learning communities will require sustained work from the school leadership and other resources. The SCERT and BITEs\/DIETs will create special programmes for learning how to develop and run effective peer learning communities. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) will be encouraged to contribute and engage with the development and functioning of these peer learning communities.In addition to the peer learning communities, which in themselves will be enabled by relevant mechanisms (e.g. weekly meetings, teacher-learning-centres) by the school complex, it will also provide other modes of CPD, e.g. seminars, in-class mentoring, exposure visits, etc.P7.4.1.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesThe continuous professional development of teachers will be an important responsibility of the school complex. A comprehensive teacher development plan will be drawn up for the purpose, including multiple modes of development.Aligning the teacher support systems: The academic and teacher support system, and its institutions, will be aligned to the school complex system by the DSE and the SCERT. This will include the CRCs, BRCs, BITEs, and DIETs.The States may consider integrating the CRCs within the school complexes, depending on the geography. This would imply that the dedicated CRC resources are available for the school complex. These CRCs may develop into Teacher Learning Centres (TLCs) for the school complex. The TLC may have books, periodicals, experimental kits, online resources, etc.The functioning of the BRCs and BITEs\/DIETs will have to respond to the school complex system and the role of the latter in teacher professional development, especially by the development of teacher communities. The BRCs and the BITEs\/DIETs will respond to fulfil the needs of the School Complex Development Plan (SCDPs) including the TDP, and this shall form an integral part of the short and mid-term plans of these institutions. The school complexes, BRCs and BITEs\/DIETs will develop their plans for teacher development and academic support collaboratively and consultatively, this must be facilitated by the DEOs and the SCERT.A plan for this alignment and functioning will be developed by each State and will be facilitated by the SCERT.7.5. Administration and management of school complexesAdministration and management of individual schools will be facilitated by the creation of school complexes, through enabling peer interaction and support, and creating a single point of contact with government. The administrative infrastructure, including offi cials such as the BEO and DEO, and academic support institutions such as CRCs, BRCs, BITEs, and DIETs, will be able to interface better and provide more relevant support, P7.4.2.National Education Policy 2019by interacting with the school complex on behalf of each of its individual constituents.Organisation of schools into school complexes: Individual State governments will group schools into complexes according to the population distribution, connectivity, and other local considerations. While the size and specifi c composition of the school complexes will vary, the grouping will ensure convenience of access for students and families, administrative ease, and the creation of a support system for teachers and principals.The grouping exercise will also include the review and consolidation of schools that have very small enrolment (e.g. < 20 students) and are not viable as independent units. Access to a school for students must not be impacted in the process. Transport will be provided within the school complex for students as well as teachers to ensure safe access (bicycles, buses and other means as needed).State governments will complete the process of organisation of schools into school complexes by 2023. Adequate planning and preparation must be done to ensure that the spirit in which school complexes are being created, as a facilitation mechanism for teachers and principals towards improved learning outcomes, is communicated to all stakeholders.Upgrading infrastructure of schools and ensuring maintenance through school complexes: The process of organisation of schools into complexes will also be used as an opportunity to assess the status of infrastructure at all schools and to allocate adequate one-time funding to upgrade them. Adequacy of classrooms, toilets, water, electricity, safety features such as boundary wall and other important facilities and educational resources that may be identifi ed as missing must be recorded and provided for at the earliest. Subsequently, the school complexes will be given adequate budgets for maintaining the infrastructure of all their schools in good shape, on an ongoing basis, by the DSE.School Complex Management Committee: Each school complex will have an SCMC comprising representatives from all the schools in the complex. The SCMC will be led by the head teacher\/principal of the secondary school in the complex and will have the head teachers\/principals of all schools within the complex as well as one teacher and a civil society member from the SMCs of each of the schools. Besides this, the SCMC will also have membership from all the other institutions that are attached to the school complex such as AECs, academic support institutions such as CRCs and so on. The SCMC will be the tasked with improving learning outcomes of all schools within the complex. Towards this they will meet regularly - at least once a month at times convenient to the members, especially the parents\/civil society members - to discuss and chalk out the development plans of the schools and the school complex individually and collectively, and monitor the progress on all their initiatives. They will take into account any issues\/suggestions\/complaints raised by the SMCs in the school complex, as reported by the SMC representatives on the P7.5.2.P7.5.3.P7.5.1.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesSCMC. The SCMC will consider creating smaller teams\/ committees to look into specific long-term goals such as integration of vocational education, development of professional learning communities among teachers and so on.Managing school complexes: Only a small fraction of schools in the country have support staff associated with them, with the result that teachers are generally in-charge of everything, from the midday meal to accessing supplies for the school. With the creation of school complexes this will change. School complexes will be assigned an adequate number of staff members by the DSE, to ensure smooth functioning of the school complex. This will include staff to handle accounts, general administration etc., and arrangements for cleaning and maintenance of infrastructure. This is in addition to the appropriate numbers of teachers, social workers and counsellors. Staff as well as teachers who work with multiple schools in the school complex will be provided with either transport or transport allowance by the head of the school complex.7.6. Effective governance through school complexesThe introduction of school complexes bring in at least two important advantages with regard to governance of the school education system. The first is that responsibility for decision making devolves downwards, towards principals, teachers and other stakeholders within the school complex who are better placed to make these decisions and work towards improved learning outcomes. The second is that the role and responsibility of State governments get simplifi ed since their DSEs can treat the complex as a semi-autonomous unit, leaving all the finer local decision making to them, even as they focus on the larger picture of the evolution of quality. State governments must also create district level units of governance called District Education Councils (DEC) as an intermediate stage between school complexes and the DSE to help in making local district-level decisions at the district level.Improved governance through school complexes: The DSE will devolve authority to the school complex and each complex will be a semi-autonomous unit. The DEO and the BEO will interact primarily with each school complex as a single unit and facilitate their work. The complex itself will perform certain delegated tasks, tasks that would otherwise have been performed by the inspecting officers of the DSE, and deal with the individual schools within it.This school complex will be given signifi cant autonomy by the DSE to innovate towards providing integrated education and to experiment with pedagogies, curriculum etc., while adhering to the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and State Curriculum Framework (SCF).P7.6.1.P7.5.4.National Education Policy 2019Under this organisation, schools will gain in strength, will be able to exercise greater freedom, and will contribute towards making the complex more innovative and responsive. The DSE will be able to focus on the aggregate level goals that need to be achieved, improving overall system effectiveness.Nurturing the culture of planning: The culture of working to a plan, both short-term and long-term ones, will be developed across the leadership of all educational institutions.Schools will develop their School Development Plans (SDPs) with the involvement of their SMCs. These plans will then become the basis for the creation of School Complex Development Plans (SCDPs). The SCDP will also involve the plans of all other institutions associated with the school complex such as the vocational education institutions and so on, and will be created by the principals and teachers of the school complex with the involvement of the SCMC.The plans will include human resources, learning resources, physical resources and infrastructure, improvement initiatives, financial resources and educational outcomes. The improvement efforts will include a comprehensive and integrated educational plan for improving learning in the school, this will include pedagogical approaches and changes in school culture that may be required. It will also include the TDP. It will detail the efforts to leverage the teachers and students across the school complex to develop vibrant learning communities.The SDP and SCDP will be the primary mechanism to align all stakeholders of the school including the DSE, and to ensure its smooth functioning. The SDP and SCDP will be made available publicly. The SMC and SCMC will use the SDP and SCDP for oversight of the functioning and direction of the school. They will assist in the execution of these plans.The DSE, through its relevant offi cial, e.g. the BEO, will endorse and confirm the SCDP of each school complex. It will then provide the resources (financial, human, physical, etc.) necessary to achieve the SCDPs, both short-term (one-year) and long-term (3-5 years). It will also provide all other relevant support to the school complexes to achieve the desired educational outcomes. The DSE and the SCERT may share specifi c norms (e.g. financial, staffing, process) and frameworks for development of the SDP and SCDP with all schools, which may be revised periodically.District Education Council Zilla Shiksha Parishad: Each district will have a DEC\/ZSP for oversight of the functioning of the school system in the district, and to enable the functioning and empowerment of the schools, school complexes, SCMCs, and SMCs. The DEC will also enable coordination with other departments of the State, e.g. the Department of Woman and Child Development, Department of Health, and the Department of Higher Education.P7.6.3.P7.6.2.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesThe DEC will report to the DSE and will focus on achievement of the educational outcomes for the district. It will not have any regulatory or standard setting role. The DEC will play a key role in encouraging teachers and schools to improve, for this it may devise specifi c schemes for schools and school complexes, especially for recognition and replication of good practises.The collector\/district magistrate will chair the DEC. The DEO will be the executive officer of the DEC. It will have 15-20 members, including parents, teachers, principals, civil society organisation representatives, and the principal of the DIET. At least five of the members will be people with expertise in education, with a track record of public contribution in that district - this will be in addition to the teachers and principals in the DEC. All BEOs of the districts will be invitees to the DEC.The DEC will develop a mid-term and short-term District Education Development Plan (DEDP), on the basis of the SDPs and SCDPs of the district. The framework for this will be decided by the DSE.Planning and review for development at every level: A culture of rigorous planning and review will be established at all levels by the corresponding apex governing bodies; the SDP, SCDP, and DEDP will form the basis for such reviews. The objective of the planning and review process will be developmental - to improve all aspects of education at schools.Such reviews will also be used to recognise and award best practices and contributions to school education, including recognition of teachers, principals, social workers, counsellors, schools, school complexes, etc. These reviews will also form the basis for the planning processes at each level for the following year.7.7. Effective governance and management of individual schools within school complexesSchools are social institutions. They are an integral part of the community and its development. It is this community - including the parents of current and future students - that have the greatest and most immediate investment in the school. They are best placed to provide support and oversight to the governance of schools through the SCMCs and SMCs. This mechanism has already been enabled for schools by the RTE Act.This approach is in tandem with Indias overall commitment to local governance. The Panchayati Raj and other local self-governance institutions were empowered through the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments, P7.6.4.National Education Policy 2019facilitating the three-tier system of governance at the State, district and village\/town levels. This devolution of power to the people was the direct route to addressing local concerns effectively and facilitating appropriate contextual responses.However, the desirable state in which all SMCs actively participate in school governance is still not a reality. Various challenges have come to fore, including lack of awareness among parents, the inability of parents dependent on daily wages to participate in the activities of the SMC, lack of participation of women, etc. It has been observed that meetings of the SMC are often not held, or held without sufficient representation, or with no infl uence on the matters of the school.Over the past two decades, a large proportion of the socio-economic middle and upper middle class has moved its children to private schools. Thus, the parents of students in public schools are often those with relatively less political and economic influence - they have a smaller in the socio-political sphere. This very unequal power equation also impacts the effectiveness of the SMCs and any other form of community engagement with the school. The DSEs across the States continue to manage and govern the schools, with only a secondary role to the SMCs.Making SMCs effective for improved local governance of schools. States have already laid out guidelines for constitution of SMCs, which generally include representation by school teachers, parents, students and the community. This will be executed with greater adherence to the spirit of the role of the SMC and also be built upon for improvements. The community engagement model of the SMC will be extended to School Complexes, by the creation of the SCMCs.Those who have the greatest investment in the school and its well-being (e.g. mothers of students) and alumni of the school, will be the ones who will strive the hardest to ensure the aspirations and needs of their children are met. This group must find adequate and empowered role in the SMC. The membership of the SMC could also include local people with expertise in relevant areas of school functioning, and those with exemplary public spirit. This will substantially increase the engagement of the SMC with the school.This issue of unequal power structure and the relatively smaller of the communities being served by the public school system will be addressed and will be crucial to making SMCs more effective. This will be done by supporting the SMC by school complexes and other institutions of local governance (e.g. panchayats, ward councils), and also developing effective and easy-to-use grievance handling mechanisms, including a public IT based platform, which will escalate issues to higher authorities and provide public scrutiny to the handling all such matters.Teachers and the school leadership must be fully involved in the governance mechanisms of the school for them to have a sense of deep ownership of the development and functioning of the school. The SMC and SCMC will empower school leaders and their teams to run the school.The DSE, which would be fully responsible for the operations of the public schools across the State, will enable this overall governance and management system, including by fulfilling the resource requirements across the State.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School ComplexesSchool Management Committees as a mechanism for community support and supervision: Functioning of all schools (government\/public, private-aided and private-unaided) will be supervised by the SMC, the constitution of which is mandatory since the enactment of the RTE Act.States may review the constitution of the SMCs using the following as guidelines.a. SMCs should have 10-12 members, the majority of them should be parents of students, especially mothers. At least two teachers along with the head teacher should be a part of the SMC. The other members should be: one or more alumni, a member of the panchayat, and a local person of reputation of social contribution.b. The SMC must elect a chairperson, who will ensure its functioning, arrange meetings, set the agenda, review progress and plan for the future.c. The head-teacher\/principal of the school will be accountable to the SMC. The SMC will be responsible for supervising governance and holding the school and DSE (including its offi cials) accountable for educational outcomes. The SMCs will enable a sense of ownership for the school within the community, and would nurture the feeling of social cohesion and working together.Enabling the School Management Committees to function effectively: Specific efforts will be made on a continuous basis, to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the SMCs.The SMC will meet at least once a month. Meetings will be held at a time which is convenient to the members, especially the parents on the SMC. All SMC meetings shall have minutes recorded, which shall be made available publicly.Capacity development programs for SMCs will be run on a continuing basis, by the DSE and its institutions such as the Cluster and Block Resource Centres and civil society organisations with relevant capacity.The local panchayat or ward council will oversee that the SMC of each school in its area of jurisdiction is functioning effectively and is meeting regularly. The district educational administration should evaluate the functioning of every SMC to ensure that it does not become the exclusive preserve of powerful local interests.Performance management of teachers: The SMC will play a central role in performance management of teachers and head teachers, by endorsing their evaluation and assessment, including the annual appraisal, as detailed in the section on teachers (see P5.4.5).The SMC will closely monitor matters of adherence to the basic code of conduct by teachers including regular attendance at school, treatment of children, proper usage of school resources and probity. This will form an integral part of the annual appraisal of the teachers and the principals. P7.7.2.P7.7.3.P7.7.1.National Education Policy 2019Promotion and compensation increases of teachers and principals will be done only upon endorsement by the SMC based on their adherence to the basic code of conduct.Addressing School Management Committee issues and grievances: SMCs will be empowered to have a voice to intervene on behalf of the school with the State and its bodies. To enable this, an IT-based grievance logging system visible to the public and easily useable on mobile devices will be set up, for addressing SMC issues and grievances, with specifi c timeline based escalation up the hierarchy of the State education system.The District Education Council will champion the SMCs and their issues, with the DSE and other relevant bodies.The local panchayat\/ward council must track, support and advocate (with DSE, Zilla Parishad, Collector and local MLA) for the SMC, including for adequate resourcing of all schools in their area of jurisdiction. The assessment and evaluation of performance of BEOs and DEOs will take into account systematic feedback from SMCs and SCMCs in their geography.Leadership of schools: The head-teacher\/principal will be the executive head of the school - with responsibility and authority over all academic and administrative matters, while being accountable to the SMC, for the educational outcomes of the school and for the probity of its functioning, as per norms set by the DSE and detailed in the SDP. Leaders of schools will be chosen by the DSE and its relevant officers on the basis of relevant capacities, determined through their performance appraisal, and not on the basis of seniority.The role of school principals will be strengthened by giving them autonomy and authority over financial decisions within a framework announced by the school complex. They will also be supported by the school complex to make best use of their autonomy. The financial decisions and fl ows will be reviewed by the SMC, in addition to oversight by the head of the school complex.Managing schools as a team: Teachers and principals will continue to be responsible for working together as a team, and with the parents and community members, to steer their own institutions towards excellence. In addition to the learning of their students, this team will also be responsible for their care and overall well-being.The team of teachers headed by the principal\/head teacher, in close collaboration with their counterparts at other schools within the school complex, will work closely together to manage the school. This team will work towards clear curricular, learning and administrative objectives both for the short-term (one year and less) and the long-term (three to five years) agreed upon with the DSE, the SCMC and the local SMC. This will include objectives of improving learning of students and the overall quality of the school, including ensuring that foundation literacy is achieved for all, and age appropriate learning happens right up to grade 12. It will also include increasing enrolment, reducing P7.7.5.P7.7.6.P7.7.4.7. Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School Complexesdropouts sharply, and ensuring that all children stay in school until grade 12. All these matters should be integrated within the SDP.This team will have significant autonomy to make decisions that help meet the objectives and implement the SDP and will be supported and supervised by the SMC.8. Regulation and Accreditation of School EducationRegulation and Accreditation of School EducationObjective: Indias school education system is invigorated through effective regulation and accreditation mechanisms that ensure integrity and transparency and foster quality and innovation for continually improving educational outcomes. Realigning the core aims of regulationRegulation must invigorate Indias school education system and work continually to improve its educational outcomes. It must accomplish this by empowering schools and teachers with trust, enabling them to perform at their very best, while ensuring integrity through transparency and full public disclosure. Without such a culture, we have at the current time an irreconcilable dichotomy in our education system. On the one hand, we want our education system to develop citizens who are responsible, creative, autonomous, independent, and humane, and creative; and on the other, the regulatory and governance culture is sclerotic and disempowering. Teachers and principals are often not allowed to take decisions of a local nature that they should be taking, this includes choices of pedagogical approaches and teaching learning material, matters of setting the time table, and basic financial matters that are important to the daily functioning of the school etc. They are also not trusted as professionals, with the offi cials adopting an inspectorial approach to management of the system. Even this inspectorial approach is generally National Education Policy 2019focused more on the appearances and procedural aspects of the school, rather than educational matters. And at a human level, they are often mistreated by officials, without the basic respect due to any human being. School cultures are shaped by this culture of the system, leading to undesirable outcomes on many dimensions.The present structure of governance of the school education system in which all three main functions, the provision of public education, regulation of all educational institutions, and making policy are all handled by the Department of School Education or its arms (e.g. DSE and its offi cials such as the DEO, BEO), leads to deep concentration of power and conflicts of interest. It also leads to ineffective management of the school system, since the efforts towards education provision is often diluted by the focus on the other roles, particularly regulation, that the DSE must perform.The current regulatory regime also has not been able to curb the rampant commercialisation and economic exploitation of parents by many for-profit private schools, yet at the same time it has all too often inadvertently discouraged public spirited private\/philanthropic schools. There has been far too much asymmetry between the regulatory approaches to public and private schools, even though the goals of both types of schools should be the same: to provide a quality education.A revolution in our approach to governance and regulation is required, in order to address these issues at the earliest and make regulation a true engine for educational attainment and improvement. The public education system is the foundation of a vibrant democratic society, and the way it is run must be transformed and invigorated in order to achieve the highest levels of educational outcomes for the nation. At the same time, the private philanthropic school sector must also be encouraged and enabled to play a significant and beneficial role.Regulation to catalyse and invigorate educational attainment and improvementThe governance and regulatory systems of this policy are formulated to enable the empowerment of schools, local communities, and all primary stakeholders, while also addressing the issues of conflict of interest and concentration of power outlined above. To this end, the key principles and recommendations of this policy regarding the State school education system, the responsibilities within that system, and the approach to its regulation are as follows:The three distinct roles of policymaking, the provision\/operation of education, and the regulation of the education system will be conducted by separate independent bodies, in order to avoid conflicts of interest and concentrations of power, and to ensure due and quality focus on each role.The Department of School Education currently acts as the apex state level body in school education. If the Rajya Shiksha Ayog (see Chapter 23) is created, it would then become the apex body, and the role of the Department would then 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Educationbe accordingly delineated. This apex body will be the primary institution for overall monitoring and policymaking for continual improvement of the system; however, it will not be involved with the operation of schools (service provision) or with regulation of the system, which will be carried out by separate bodies to eliminate conflicts of interest.The educational operations and service provision for the public schooling system of the whole state will be handled by the Directorate of School Education (DSE); it will work to implement policies regarding educational operations and provision, but otherwise will be separated from and work independently of the apex body above.An independent, state-wide, regulatory body called the State School Regulatory Authority (SSRA) will be created for each state. All regulation will be carried out by the SSRA, based on very few basic parameters (namely, safety, security, basic infrastructure, the number of teachers across subjects and grades, probity, and sound processes of governance), to bring down significantly the heavy load of regulatory mandates currently borne by schools. The framework for these parameters will be created by the SCERT for each state in consultation with various stakeholders, especially teachers and schools. Accreditation and audit will be used to implement these frame-works. Transparent public disclosure of all regulatory information, by the regulatory bodies and by the schools, will be used extensively for public oversight and accountability.Academic matters, including standards setting and curricula in the State, will be led by the SCERT, which must be reinvigorated as an institution along with the other academic support structures such as the BRCs, BIETs, and DIETs. Certification of competencies of students at the school-leaving stage will be handled by the Boards of Certification\/Examination in each State, which will conduct meaningful examinations for this purpose. The Boards will assess core capacities in each subject (see x4.9), but will have no role in mandating curricula (including syllabi or textbooks).Public and private schools will be regulated on the same criteria, benchmarks, and processes, emphasising public disclosure and transparency rather than mandates, so as to ensure that public spirited private schools are encouraged and not stifled in any way. Private philanthropic efforts for quality education will be encouraged thereby affirming the public good nature of education while protecting parents and communities from usurious commercial practices, including arbitrary increases in tuition fees.Since the RTE Act, 2009 has been the statutory lynchpin for school regulation and governance for the past decade, it will be reviewed and appropriate modifications made to enable this policy and to incorporate improvements on the basis of the learnings and experiences gained since it was enacted.For a periodic health check-up of the overall system, a sample-based National Achievement Survey (NAS) of student learning levels will continue to be carried out by the NCERT. States will also be encouraged to conduct their own census-based State Assessment Survey (SAS) ( see P8.5.1), the National Education Policy 2019P8.1.2. results of which will be used only for developmental purposes, by sharing it with teachers, students, and their parents.The children and adolescents enrolled in schools must not be forgotten in this whole process; after all, the school system is designed for them. Careful attention to their safety and rights, and the various difficult issues faced by adolescents, must be provided the highest importance by the system, with clear, safe, and efficient mechanisms for reporting and for due process on any infractions against childrens\/adolescents rights or safety. The quick development of such mechanisms that are effective, timely, and well known to all students will be accorded the highest priority.8.1. System architecture and roles in the school education systemSeparation of functions of policymaking, regulation, operations, and academic standards: States will separate the regulatory function from that of other functions in education, such as policymaking, school operations and education provision, academic development and assessment, and ancillary services. They will thus establish clear, separate systems for policymaking, regulation, operations and academic matters.The new regulatory authority for schools called the State School Regulatory Authority (SSRA), will have the regulatory mandate, and will set basic and uniform standards for both public and private schools. The establishment of the authority will free up administrative resources in the DSE to focus on the provisioning of education in public schools, and will facilitate the structural reform of separating roles of policy making, regulation and service provisioning.Enforcement of regulation will not be driven by the current inspectorial approach. Instead, all relevant information like school infrastructure, teacher resources, including their qualifications, school results in a public examinations, fees, etc. will be put in the public domain for the parents to make informed choices and thereby become the de facto regulator.Regulation will be based on separation of functions to eliminate conflicts of interest.Apex body for policy and overall coordination: The Department of Education of the State will be the apex policy making body and shall also be responsible P8.1.1. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Educationfor policy and the overall coordination and monitoring of the system. If the State were to set up a RjSA (see P 23.19), the roles of the Department and the Aayog will be suitably delineated and clearly separated.A single independent regulator for the school education sector: An independent SSRA will be established to handle all aspects of school regulation including the oversight of the school system and implementation of Accreditation. SSRA will be a body similar to NHERA (see P 18.1.4). The newly constituted SSRA will be the sole regulator for the school sector in the State. SSRA shall be governed by an independent board, consisting of 10-15 members with expertise in education and other relevant areas, with high integrity and an unimpeachable track record. The SSRA will report to the RjSA, in the absence of which it will report to the Chief Minister of the State.a. The RjSA (or CM) shall appoint the chairperson and the board members, each of who will not have more than two consecutive terms of 3 years.b. SSRA will have adequate staff and resourcing to carry out its mandate. It will develop and oversee the system of regulation based on accreditation as detailed in Section 8.2.c. SSRA will set up a robust and easily accessible public grievance and redressal mechanism which shall be widely communicated and disseminated. This may include multiple ombudspersons across the State.d. SSRA may have a quasi-judicial status, and will set up an adjudication body within, for the speedy judicial resolution of matters that require the same. This body may have offices across the State. If the State sets up an empowered Education Tribunal, this function may then be performed by the Tribunal. SSRA shall be fully empowered to enforce the regulatory regime, including by withdrawing approval to operate schools, i.e. shutting down schools, if the basic minimal parameters for accreditation are not satisfied. An independent State School Regulatory Authority will be established to handle all aspects of school regulation including the oversight of the system and implementation of accreditation.Responsibility for operations and running of the public school system: The DSE, which is also called Directorate of Public Instruction in some States, P8.1.3. P8.1.4. National Education Policy 2019will continue to be responsible for running the public school system. It will continue to report to the Department of School Education. In the redesigned architecture of the school system in the State, DSE will be able to focus on the improvement, functioning and operations of public schools, with its regulatory function having entirely devolved to SSRA.All existing missions (e.g. Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan which combines Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan, teacher education, etc.) will be merged\/mainstreamed with the DSE for focused efforts on the provision of education. The DSE will also be responsible for schools runs by municipal corporations and any other public body.Enabling the change in role of the Directorate of School Education: This whole effort of transforming the DSE from a regulator cum operator of schools to only an (effective) operator of schools may require a project-like change management process, over a period of 2-3 years - DSEs should develop a framework and plan for this change and create a highly competent and empowered team to enact this change. Some of the key dimensions of this change will be:a. First, officials (e.g. directors, joint directors, DEOs, BEOs) of public schooling system will have to transform themselves into becoming and playing the role of, education leaders focused on effective and effi cient functioning of the public schools, in order to deliver continually educational outcomes. DSEs must review and revise the role descriptions and expectations of its officials at every level. The officials (e.g. BEOs, DEOs, Deputy Directors of Public Instruction) would be accountable for educational outcomes of the schools in their territories.b. Second, officials must be supported and provided professional development, as well as incentives such as career progression opportunities and recognitions for outstanding work, in order to play these roles effectively.c. Third, to make the empowered SMCs function well will require a substantial change in the administrative culture and practices of the DSE and its officials, most crucially the frontline offi cials such as the BEOs. This system and its officials will play the role of leaders of change and improvement in schools, for which they would support the schools in every way.d. Fourth, the overall planning and management systems of the DSE will have to be reconfigured so that it benefits to the maximum from the new governance structure of the empowered SMCs, school complexes and DEC\/ZSP. This will include but will not be limited to grounds up resource and academic planning via consolidation and analysis of the States SDPs. P8.1.5. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School EducationThe Directorate of School Education will be responsible for running the public school system.Apex body for academic matters: The State Council for Education Research and Training (SCERT) will be the apex body on all academic matters including curriculum, textbooks, standards for teacher related processes (e.g. recruitment, development, evaluation and assessment), and learning standards for all stages of school education including early childhood education. It will also lead the other academic support institutions of the public system, e.g. CRCs, BRCs, and DIETs.SCERTs will have to be reinvigorated to become outstanding institutions with the ability to provide educational vision and leadership to the State through their expertise. The SCERTs will develop State Curricular Frameworks (SCF) and Curriculum (including syllabus, textbooks etc.) aligned with the NCF, which may be used by the public school system and others. The SCF may take the common dimensions and areas of the NCF entirely, while developing and adding any desired State specifi c dimensions. This must be done within two years of the revision of the NCF (see Sections 4.7 and 4.8). All curricula will be reviewed and revised every 5 years. The SCERT will develop and revise curriculum through processes of wide consultation with teachers, other educators, civil society organisations, etc.The SCERT will be responsible for the capacity development of the teachers and leaders of the public school system. The DSE must ensure that its entire staff - all teachers and leaders - undergo effective CPD to continually improve as educators as reflected in the trajectory of their evaluation over the years of service. The State Institute of Education Management and Training (SIEMAT) of each State, if they have been established, will work with the SCERT to focus on development of the capacity of education leaders - from school leaders (head teachers\/principals) up to the highest offi cials in the DSE. The SCERT will be led by an educationist who has high competence and a track record of unimpeachable integrity; the SCERT will report to the Department of Education.Reinvigoration of CRCs, BRCs and DIETs: The CRCs, BRCs, and DIETs will provide educational support to teachers and schools in their geographies, for all stages of school education including early childhood education, and for vocational education. This will include support to CPD of teachers and school leaders, support in development and access to effective teaching-learning material, support in development of the SDP and SCDP and its execution on the academic matters, etc.These academic support institutions will be staffed adequately with people having requisite capacities. Reinvigoration of these institutions will play an P8.1.7. P8.1.6. National Education Policy 2019important role in the improvement of school education. People staffing these institutions must be selected rigorously for their competence - through a transparent process - from amongst the existing teachers of the public system. Those selected should go through specifi c rigorous training on a carefully designed curriculum by the SCERT, which is informed by the needs for support of teachers, head teachers and SMCs.The SCERT will lead a change management process similar to that of the DSE for the reinvigoration of these institutions, which must change the capacity and work culture of these institutions in 3 years, developing them into vibrant institutions of excellence.The State Council for Educational Research and Training will be the apex body on all academic matters for the whole of school education.Boards of Assessment: Every State must have one or more Boards of Assessment (BOA) which conduct the assessment for the school leaving certifi cate and certify the same. In addition to the State BOAs, students at some schools may also have the option to be assessed by central BOAs, or other (international) BOAs. The State BOAs will report to the Department of Education and the central ones to MHRD or to an authority designated by the RSA. It is these authorities that will approve the formation of any new BOA through a preannounced process and transparent criteria. There may be private not-for-profit BOAs, which may be entirely independent, only with oversight by the Department of Education or MHRD to ensure that they continue to abide by the approval conditions. Universities may also start BOAs, if approved through the aforementioned process.The State and Central BOAs will completely reform and improve the examination system, moving it away from the current content heavy testing to a genuine assessment of the competencies, which are the objectives of the curricula framed by the NCERT, SCERT and other relevant bodies (see Section 4.9).The BOAs will not determine or have any role in determining the curriculum or syllabus or text books, for any school in any way. All these will be decided by the State school system. They will also have no regulatory or oversight role with schools.More than one BOA may operate in all states including some that operate nationally, including the existing Central BOAs (e.g., CBSE, ICSE, NIOS). This will offer a liberalised system for school leaving certification, with multiple P8.1.8. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Educationchoices available. BOAs will not affiliate schools but will offer their services for schools and students to choose; schools may decide which Board(s) of Assessment they use, based on the curricula they set. All Central and State BOAs will assess core capacities and competencies across subjects, as articulated by the NCF and SCF (see Section 4.9). Schools that opt for international Boards will supplement their curricula suitably so that they are in line with the NCF\/SCF (e.g., with regard to the three language formula, and suitably covering art, music, history, philosophy, etc. with respect to the Indian context).The Boards of Assessment will completely reform and improve the examination system - they will have no role in setting curricula or creating textbooks.Flexibility to choose curriculum: Schools and schools system will have full flexibility to choose their curriculum. However all curricula of all schools, including goals, academic content, and process should be aligned with the NCF and SCF. In the public school system, all school education authorities and academic support institutions discussed in P8.1.6P8.1.7 will coordinate the development and implementation of curricula in consultation with the schools.Planning and review for development: All bodies and institutions mentioned in this chapter will develop rigorous plans each year to guide their work. They will also develop mid-term plans (3-5 years). These plans will be drawn to achieve the goals of the institution and help it to perform its intended role in the education system with a high degree of effi cacy. These plans and their successful delivery will be reviewed by the corresponding apex governance body of the institution for the purpose of support, development, and improvement.The RjSA (or the Department of School Education) will lead this planning and review process for the State, ensuring that the individual plans are synchronised to continually improve the educational outcomes of the system.P8.1.10. P8.1.9. National Education Policy 20198.2. Accreditation for autonomy with accountabilityAccreditation will be the method used to ensure that schools are meeting the standards of the School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework (SQAAF) and Licence to Start a School (LSS), as defined below.The system and structure for accreditation of schools will take into account the wide variability of local conditions, the flexibility that is required when dealing with younger students and with small institutions, and the operational reality of dealing with the huge number of schools across the country. This will require a system whose operations are distributed across geographical regions enabling easy access to all schools yet having strong checks and balances to ensure probity. This policy also recognises and indeed requires that responsibility and accountability must flow concomitantly with empowerment.School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework: The SCERT will develop a School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework (SQAAF) for each State. This will be used by the SSRA for its regulation of schools based on a system of accreditation.The SQAAF will be developed with wide consultation from all stakeholders in education, including teachers, other educators, school leaders, schools, parents, SMCs, SCMCs, and civil society organisations. It will incorporate the learnings from the School Education Quality Index (SEQI) and implementation of the Shala Siddhi (National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation).NIEPA along with NCERT, will develop a set of national guidelines for the development of the SQAAF, to enable a common approach for all States. This will be done in consultation with the States and other stakeholders. These guidelines will not be prescriptive but facilitative.These guidelines and therefore the SQAAF of all States will be based on the following principles:a. SQAAF will set standards on a few basic parameters, which schools must fulfil\/meet, in order to obtain regulatory approval to function as a school. In addition to these basic parameters, it may have multiple other parameters or dimensions that enable schools to improve continually, but these additional parameters will have no bearing on the schools regulatory status.b. The basic parameters will only address: safety and security of all within the school, essential infrastructure required to run the school, explicit statement of a curriculum which aligns with the NCF\/SCF, number of teachers and their distribution with respect to the number of students, subjects, and grades taught at the school, probity in all aspects of functioning, and processes of governance including public and transparent disclosure of all such regulatory information. P8.2.1. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Education On infrastructure, a one-size-fits-all approach will not be adopt-ed, it will be responsive to local reality, while ensuring adequacy from a perspective of safety and security. The school will have full freedom to choose any curriculum, or develop its own, so long as it is aligned with the NCF and SCF; the basic parameter on curriculum will be only the expectation for an explicit articulation of the curriculum being followed by the school. The requirement on teachers will be limited to stating the number and distribution of teachers across subjects and grades that have the requisite qualification as mandated by the national system for teacher education; it will not require any other information on this front. On all the basic parameters, while setting the expectations from the schools, the purpose and spirit of the parameter will be para - mount, and a mechanistic, input and process focussed approach will not be adopted. No other parameters will be added to the list of expected basic standards.c. Any additional parameters\/dimensions that the SQAAF may have would all be included with the objective of improving educational outcomes. Some of these parameters could be: Processes for classroom transaction of the curriculum, and review processes for their efficacy; Effective methods for continuous developmental assessment of student learning, and their use in fine tuning individualised learing plans; Processes that enable teachers to work as a team, to ensure that each student receives appropriate attention and intervention Functioning of the SMC, and methods to seek its support in and for the school; Retention of students and the curtailing of dropout rates; Effective professional development plans for teachers; Cohesive functioning of the school with the school complexThe basic parameters of the SQAAF will also be used by the SCERT to develop the requirements for LSS. The LSS will also not mandate any parameter, other than the basic parameters of the SQAAF.Both of these frameworks (SQAAF and LSS) must be periodically reviewed and improved through a wide consultation with all stakeholders; this must be carried out once in 5 years. DSE and SCERT may use the SQAAF to inform the framework for SDP in the state.National Education Policy 2019This overall system may be developed by 2023 and will be reviewed by the DSE, SCERT and RSA for it efficacy every 5 years.School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework and Licence to Start a School as the basis for accreditation based regulation: The SQAAF will form the basis for the accreditation of any school, and this will be used as such by the SSRA to develop a robust accreditation system, which will be revised periodically (every 5 years) on the basis of experiences and other developments. Schools not meeting the expectation on the basic parameters of the SQAAF, even after a suitable probationary period, will not be allowed to operate, and its students will be transferred to nearby schools.Self-accreditation: On the basis of SQAAF, all schools must self-accredit, by giving details on their meeting all the basic parameters, and the relevant supporting documents. The SMC and two peer schools must endorse the self-accreditation for it to be valid, after adequate due diligence.Self-accreditation must be repeated every three years. The peer schools shall not be schools from within the same school complex. The self-accreditation and its endorsements, and their details, will be publicly available as mentioned in P8.2.5 below.Mechanism of audit of accreditation: The SSRA will set up a mechanism of audit of accreditation. This will be done using peer schools and other organisations with capacity and credibility; all schools (government\/public, private-aided and private-unaided schools) will be covered by this audit once in five years. Results and details of the audit will be publicly available as mentioned in P8.2.5 below.DSE and its officials will not be involved in the accreditation of schools or its audit, but they must facilitate the overall process of accreditation, by providing for time and resources for accreditation in the plans of schools in their respective geographies. DSE or its officials will be held accountable for any hindrance, disruption, or misuse of the accreditation process, caused or enabled by their action or inaction.Public availability of information relating to accreditation and its audit: Public scrutiny of all information and supporting documents regarding all steps and processes of the accreditation system will be used as a key mechanism for oversight and accountability.To enable this, all information regarding accreditation (including self-accreditation) and audit, their rationale and the supportive documents, for all schools shall be available publicly and freely. The SSRA will develop and operate a public website where all this information will have to be uploaded and maintained by the schools. This website will be developed in all States by 2024. The format for these disclosures will be determined by the SSRA.P8.2.4. P8.2.5. P8.2.2. P8.2.3. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School EducationIn addition to the public website maintained by the SSRA, the schools must disclose the same information in the same format: on their own website, keep printed copies readily available at the school, and also share this information freely on request.Any failure on these disclosures or any misrepresentation will lead to penal action against the school as well as the endorsers. Members of the public will be encouraged to use the grievance redressal system or any other system to highlight any misrepresentation.8.3. Regulation, accreditation, and oversight of private schoolsPrivate philanthropic schools have played and will continue to play an important role in India. These initiatives must be encouraged and not stifl ed by treating them with suspicion. Such schools too must be empowered and freed of the regulatory overload, and its resulting problems. At the same time private operators who try to run schools as commercial enterprises, vitiating the basic public good nature of education, will be stopped.Education and schools are not marketable goods . There is substantial information asymmetry - schools have enormously more knowledge about educational processes and their outcomes, than students and their parents can ever have. There are also unaffordable switching costs - students cannot keep changing schools because of geographical, social, and economic reasons. This concentrates power in the hands of schools vis-a-vis their users. Thus, students, parents and communities must have adequate protection within this highly unequal power distribution, especially from the often and arbitrary behaviour of some schools.The educational outcomes of private schools also need to improve substantially, akin to the public schools. This is essential for the future of the millions of children that are being educated in private schools. The responsibility for such improvement rests with the private schools themselves, including their management and owners. Those private schools that wish to receive various types of support from the public system for this improvement will be provided with this support under suitable arrangements.Private schools will not use the word in their names. schools will only be those that are funded publicly, i.e., government schools and government-aided schools.National Education Policy 2019Regulation of private schools: Regulation of private schools will be conducted within the same framework as public schools, and all policies above will apply equally to public and private schools.The loading of regulatory requirements only against private schools should end with uniform requirements for all schools emphasising public disclosure on basic parameters. Existing private schools will have to go through the aforementioned regulatory regime and receive accreditation. The criteria of assessment for accreditation and thus regulation will be objective, consistent, unobtrusive, and transparent and in line with those for public schools.Correcting nomenclature of private schools: Private schools will not use the word in their names in any communication, documentation or declaration of status. This change will be effected by all private schools within 3 years. schools will only be those that are funded publicly, i.e., government schools (including schools run by any body of the State) and government-aided schools.Starting new schools: New private schools will have to obtain an LSS from SSRA - this will be on the basis of a self-declaration on the requirements and criteria set up by the SSRA. This self-declaration must be endorsed by the local panchayat\/ward committee, the SMC, and by a Chartered Accountant. At this juncture, the SMC will not have any parent representatives, since the school has not started, but will have other members as mentioned in P7.7.1 . Public disclosure of all information: Parents should be able to make informed choices while admitting their child to a school. To achieve this, all relevant information of schools must be available in the public domain; this will include information in addition to what is available as a part of the accreditation process, including fees structure, facilities, learning outcomes, details of teachers and their qualifications, and other matters relevant to the decision making of the parents on choosing a school for their child.The dimensions on which information has to be disclosed, and the format of disclosure, will be decided by the SSRA. It will have to be made available and kept updated by all schools, on the aforementioned public website maintained by the SSRA, on the schools website, and must be physically available for public inspection in the school, and on request to any member of the public.Private schools may be free to set their fees, but they shall not increase school fees arbitrarily. Reasonable increases that can stand public scrutiny can be made. P8.3.4. P8.3.1. P8.3.2. P8.3.3. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School EducationSchool Management Committees for private schools: All private schools must form an SMC like any public school and have an SDP reviewed and endorsed by the SMC on a continuous basis. They must also transparently report their annual audited financial statements and other reports submitted to the Income Tax Department, the SMC and the public. The SMC must endorse the statement for it to be valid. The financial disclosure standards must be the same as for Section 8 (not-for-profit) companies. The SDP and the Financial Statements shall be freely and publicly available (including online).Fees in private schools: Private schools may be free to set their fees, but they shall not increase school fees (taken under any head) arbitrarily. Reasonable increases that can stand public scrutiny due to increase in costs can be made (e.g. inflation related). However, any substantial increases in the fees that cannot be anticipated and\/or justifi ed shall not be made, including under any school developmentinfrastructure fund, etc. The percentage fee increase permissible based on inflation, etc. will be decided by SSRA for every three year period.Schools must be not-for-prot: Schools must be not-for-profit entities, as evidenced by their audited financial statements that must be held to the same disclosure standards as for Section 8 companies. In addition to the stipulations under the Income Tax Act, State Governments may stipulate additional accounting and reporting standards for schools that discourage the possibility of profiteering.Diversity in private schools: Private schools have, over the last 50 years become much less diverse in student socio-economic profile than before. This harmfully stratifies the school system and access to it. This must be reversed; the regulatory authority and the licensing authority must encourage all private schools to build diversity and inclusion within their student populations, through recruitment, lotteries, and scholarships. The impetus for this must come also from educationists, NGOs, and public intellectuals. In the end, the schools must decide that they want this; forcing schools through measures such as those in the RTE Act 12(1)(c) have not worked nearly as effectively as had been hoped. Giving schools the autonomy to do the right thing, and to innovate, is in general the better way to encourage best practices in schools, and is in better alignment with the principles of this policy.Improvement of educational outcomes of private schools: Private schools should also strive to improve their educational outcomes, the results of which would be publicly disclosed as already mentioned in P8.3.4. If a private school wishes to avail of support from the public system for such improvements, it will be provided under the following conditions:P8.3.7. P8.3.8. P8.3.9. P8.3.5. P8.3.6. National Education Policy 2019a. The public system institutions will not make extra and specifi c efforts for the private schools, but will enable the private schools to leverage ongoing activities of the public system, e.g. a private school may send its teachers to participate in capacity development workshops being designed and run for public school teachers; or it may participate in resource-sharing activities of school complexes (e.g. use or building of common playgrounds, or sharing of vocational teachers, etc.).b. An appropriate charge or cost may have to be borne by the private school for any such public support.c. Any such arrangement must be agreed upon explicitly between the private school and the public institution (e.g. school complex, BRC, DIET), and this arrangement must be then approved by the relevant governing body (e.g. SMC, DEO, SCERT), and the costs borne and utilisations made by the private schools under this arrangement will be publicly disclosed.d. Under no circumstances will any such support to private schools be provided at the cost of reducing opportunities or support to the public school system, and mutual benefit and synergy will always be the key consideration.8.4. Implications for the RTE ActThe RTE Act has been an important milestone in the history of Indian education. Many of the actions in this Policy have implications for matters within the RTE Act. This Policy envisages a comprehensive and detailed review of the RTE Act, to ensure enablement of this Policy. Subsequent to this review, the RTE Act may be suitably amended and\/or the Government may consider a comprehensive legislative enablement of this Policy, since the overall policy has many legislative dimensions, in addition to the RTE Act.Moreover, this review must also be used for the improvement of the RTE based on the learnings and experiences of the past decade. In brief, the RTE must focus more on educational outcomes and less on inputs. It must also not have a mechanistic and deterministic approach on inputs and processes, but be responsive and enabling, e.g., on infrastructure requirements. It must emphasise disclosure for public scrutiny rather than mandates, but otherwise empower public and public spirited private schools with the ability to locally determine optimal practices regarding infrastructure, curricula, pedagogical methods, syllabi, Boards of Assessment, admissions, teachers, diversity of student body, service to students from underprivileged backgrounds, scholarships, and so on, in accordance with local needs and local constraints.Extension of the RTE Act, 2009 to include early childhood education through secondary school education: To ensure that all students, particularly students from under-privileged and disadvantaged sections, have a guaranteed opportunity to participate in high quality schooling from early childhood P8.4.1. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Educationeducation (age 3 onwards) through higher secondary education (i.e., until Grade 12) both today considered essential for a young persons educational development and attainment the right to free and compulsory education as guaranteed by the RTE Act will be extended downwards to include up to three years of early childhood education prior to Grade 1, and upwards to include Grades 11 and 12.In other words, there will be government provision for free and compulsory education for all children and adolescents between the ages of 3 and 18, from the full foundational stage through the full secondary stage. See also P1.8 and P3.13.The RTE Act must be responsive and enabling - it must focus more on educational outcomes and less on inputs.Review of the RTE Act: The RTE Act will be reviewed comprehensively in light of this policy, to enable the policy, and at the same time to improve it on the basis of the experiences and learnings of the past decade: a. The overemphasis on inputs, and the mechanistic nature of their specifications physical and infrastructural will be changed and the requirements be made more responsive to realities on the ground, e.g. regarding land areas and room sizes, practicalities of playgrounds in urban areas, etc. These mandates will be adjusted and loosened, leaving suitable flexibility for each school to make its own decisions based on local needs and constraints, but without in any way compromising on the requirements of safety, security, and a pleasant and productive learning space.b. Educational outcomes will be given due importance and will be added adequately in the assessment of schools.c. Clause 12(1)(c) will be reviewed in light of this policy and in light of any positive as well as negative experiences it has encountered over the past decade. In a basic sense, 12(1)(c) is extremely well intentioned, aiming to bolster the inclusion of students from socio-economically disad - vantaged backgrounds in private schools. However, the clause is not quite in tune with the principle of autonomy of institutions P8.4.2. National Education Policy 2019(including for student admission) in this Policy, which empowers schools and trusts them to do the right thing. In addition, in practice the clause has been implemented with very mixed effect, including opening up a variety of possibilities for corruption, the manufactur - ing of fake student numbers and certificates, increases in fees (in - cluding fees collected under other guises), lobbies to attain minority status to avoid the clause, and more. Furthermore, the large amounts of money and effort spent on implementing this clause may be more effectively spent, e.g. by investing the money on the public schooling system particularly in disadvantaged areas which would directly support many more students from underprivileged backgrounds in a sustainable manner. If the review suggests that 12(1)(c) be kept as it is, then it must be bet-ter enforced, in the following manner.i. Admissions of students from disadvantaged sections, under Clause 12(1)(c), will be fairly and fully implemented in all private schools. A transparent common public IT platform-based system, as is already being used in some States, should be developed and used for all such admissions by all schools. All schools must receive the requisite funding guaranteed to them on time and in a punctual manner so as not to disrupt the schools educational activities.ii. Schools receiving support from 12(1)(c) will make full and specific efforts to integrate and welcome students thus admitted into the school there shall be no overt or covert discrimination. Extra support to all students who may be falling behind, or starting out behind, will be provided by the schools, in a natural and kind manner, e.g., through peer tutoring and remedial instructor programmes. Credible systems will be made available for grievance redressal in case of discrimination or the charging of additional or hidden fees, etc.; this may, for example, be implemented through the SSRA grievance redressal system.iii. Misuse of certain specific provisions\/clauses of the RTE that have occurred over the past decade will be stopped by effective enforcement, administrative, and legislative measures. While there may be others, two prominent misuses are: (i) Clause 12(1)(c) may have been misused by certain private schools by in - flating admission numbers of children from socio-economically disadvantaged groups, by charging fees to these students over and above the State reimbursement, and\/or by treating these students in a discriminatory manner; and (ii) Judicial exemption, granted by the Supreme Court, may have been misused by certain schools, by claiming minority status, while in reality their school is not serving primarily that minority group, as reflected in the proportion of the schools students from that minority group.8. Regulation and Accreditation of School Educationd. Schools such as gurukulas, madrasas, pathshalas, home schools, alternative schools, etc. will be allowed and enabled to deliver a quality education and participate in the education system (e.g., in BOAs). Specific norms will be developed (including with respect to educational outcomes), so that a wide variety of schools can be recognised and enabled to deliver a quality education; these norms will be minimal but essential and used with great probity, and will be strictly enforced to prevent misuse.e. The recent amendments to the RTE Act on continuous and comprehensive evaluation and the no detention policy must be reviewed. This Policy states that there should be no detention of children in Grades up to 8; instead, schools must ensure that children are achieving age-appropriate learning levels and are receiving the relevant extra support (e.g., through remedial support programmes such as the NTP and RIAP) in every instance where it is required.f. There may be better provision for third party assessment of student learning in all schools including private schools.8.5. Assessment of functioning of the school education systemAssessment of educational outcomes will form an important feedback loop for the functioning and improvement of the school education system.National Achievement Surveys and State Assessment Surveys: The NAS of student learning levels will be carried out periodically. The cycle of assessment will be a minimum of 3 years. The assessment will cover the entire range of curricular and learning domains, including knowledge and skills that are specific to disciplines, and generic capacities and skills that students should acquire. This survey will provide an educational health check-up of the system and thereby should be based on a sample and should not venture into a full-scale census assessment. NAS will be conducted nationally with a common national framework. The framework for the NAS will be decided by NCERT. NAS will be conducted by organisations following a process identified by NCERT.States may conduct a census-based assessment of student learning at the class and school level similar to the NAS periodically called the State Assessment Survey (SAS). This may be considered for Grades 3, 5, and 8. The SAS results should be made available transparently to teachers, students, and their parents, the SMC, and the community. The data from SAS may also be used, in an anonymous manner with names of students removed, for research purposes and to guide Policy to continually improve educational outcomes.P8.5.1. The purpose of the SAS is to give summary feedback to the interested parties mentioned above to help in developing and adjusting teaching-learning processes at the micro- and macro-levels. This Policy explicitly recognises that educationally such summative assessment at the individual level is of limited use, and cannot replace the developmental and educational role of continuous comprehensive developmental evaluation, which must be conducted rigorously.The SAS results are thus only for the information of the interested parties as an occasional health check up and shall not be used to take any administrative or educational decisions regarding individual students or teachers. Specifically, NAS and SAS assessments must not be used to evaluate\/grade individual teachers, students, and\/or the school, and they should not be used as a means of tracking or labelling individual students, schools, or school complexes. These surveys will not publicly release information about any specific students, teachers, or schools, or their social-demographic characteristics. The purpose of the surveys will to give individual feedback to local stakeholders, and to assess the general state of learning and learning outcomes in the State based on aggregate data and anonymous testing, to help guide the continual improvement of the educational system.Identification of students with learning difficulties, developmental challenges, and other kinds of support needs should be carried out within schools and must involve teachers and parents, and must be done sensitively.8.6. Protection of rights of the child and adolescent educationProtection of child rights goes beyond personal safety of children and includes: prevention of corporal punishment; absence of emotional and physical harassment or abuse; precautions against injury during school activities; safe infrastructure; use of child friendly language and actions; non-discrimination; etc. It calls for creating the right environment for children that is sensitive to child rights. A zero-tolerance approach for any breach of child rights will be adopted to ensure physical and emotional safety of children.The following initiatives will be taken:A framework and guidelines for ensuring school safety and security of children will be developed, and will be made a part of the eligibility conditions for a school education institution for recognition and registration.Every principal and teacher will be made aware of the provisions of the relevant Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. relating to child rights, and what constitutes their violation, by including a module in the teachers\/principals education\/training programmes and refresher courses.P8.6.2. P8.6.1. 8. Regulation and Accreditation of School EducationSelf-learning online programmes on child rights will be developed for the benefit of students, teachers, and parents.Credible mechanisms for students to report breaches of their rights, and for appropriate actions to be taken against perpetrators, will be developed and implemented, in collaboration with local police.The Adolescent Education Programme and National Population Education Programme will be integrated into the curriculum of schools in a phased manner.Adolescent Education will be included in pre- and in-service education and development programmes of secondary school teachers.School and school complex counsellors and social workers will be trained to confidentially advise parents and teachers on adolescent problems faced by growing boys and girls.P8.6.7.P8.6.3. P8.6.4. P8.6.5. P8.6.6. Part IIHigher Education9. Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward - Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education SystemQuality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education SystemObjective: Revamp the higher education system, create world class multidisciplinary higher education institutions across the country - increase GER to at least 50% by 2035.Higher education is a critical contributor to sustainable livelihoods and economic development of the nation. Higher education also plays a large and equally important role in improving human well being, and developing India as envisioned in the Constitution - a democratic, just, sociallyconscious, self- aware, cultured, and humane nation, with liberty, equality, fraternal spirit, and justice for all. Higher education aims to serve as a hub for developing ideas and innovations that enlighten individuals and help propel the country forward socially, culturally, artistically, scientifically, technologically, and economically.As India moves towards becoming a true knowledge society and economy - and in view of the forthcoming fourth industrial revolution, where India aims to lead and where an increasing proportion of employment opportunities will consist of skilled jobs of a creative and multidisciplinary nature - more and more young Indians are aspiring to higher education. Accordingly, the higher education system in India must, at the earliest, be readjusted, National Education Policy 2019revamped, and re-energised to fulfil these important and noble aspirations of the people.In view of the requirements of the 21st century, the aim of a quality university or college education must be to develop good, well rounded, and creative individuals. It must enable an individual to study one or more specialised areas of interest at a deeper level, while at the same time building character, ethical and Constitutional values, intellectual curiosity, spirit of service, and 21st century capabilities across a range of disciplines including the sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, as well as professional, technical, and vocational crafts. Quality higher education must enable personal accomplishment and enlightenment, constructive public engagement, and productive contribution to society. It must prepare students for more meaningful and satisfying lives and work roles, and enable economic independence. Quality university and college education must therefore aim to be both a joy and an opportunity to which all citizens must have access if they so desire.At the level of society, the aim of higher education must be to enable the development of an enlightened, socially conscious, knowledgable, and skilled nation that can uplift its people, and construct and implement robust solutions to its own problems. Higher education must form the basis for knowledge creation and innovation in the nation and thereby contribute deeply to a growing national economy. The purpose of quality higher education is therefore more than simply the creation of greater opportunities for individual employment; it represents the key to more vibrant, socially engaged, and cooperative communities and a more happy, cohesive, cultured, productive, innovative, and prosperous nation.In order for it to attain these critical end goals, higher education must possess some fundamental attributes. It must provide students with broad-based multidisciplinary education and 21st century skills, while developing specialised knowledge with true disciplinary rigour. It should engage faculty and students with local communities and with real world problems, and function in collaborative, inclusive, and cross-disciplinary ways. Instead of solely mechanistic rote learning, colleges and universities must encourage active learners to develop the abilities of independent, logical, and scientific thinking, creativity and problem solving, and decision making. It must engage young people in national issues and concerns of the day. Finally, it must generate human capacity to build new knowledge and foster innovation. The structure, curriculum, and processes of higher education must all work together coherently towards attaining all of these characteristics in order to deliver its lofty end goals.It should be emphasised that higher education must build expertise that society will need over the next 25 years and beyond. Simply tailoring people into jobs that exist today, but that are likely to change or disappear after some years, is suboptimal and even counterproductive. The future workplace will demand critical thinking, communication, problem solving, creativity, and multidisciplinary capability. Single-skill and single-discipline jobs are likely to become automated over time. Therefore, there will be a great need to focus on multidisciplinary and 21st century competencies for future work roles 9. Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward - Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education System- these are indeed the capabilities that will separate humans from robots. In particular, education must empower workers of the future to become enterprising and creative innovators. By focusing on such broad based, flexible, individualised, innovative, and multidisciplinary learning, higher education must aim to prepare its students not just for their first jobs - but also for their second, third, and all future jobs over their lifetimes. In particular, the higher education system must aim to form the hub for the next industrial revolution.Happily and coincidentally, the aforementioned multidisciplinary education and 21st century capabilities necessary for the employment landscape of the future - such as critical thinking, communication, problem solving, creativity, cultural literacy, global outlook, teamwork, ethical reasoning, and social responsibility - will not only help to develop outstanding employees but also outstanding citizens and communities.Higher education must develop good, well-rounded and creative individuals, with intellectual curiosity, spirit of service and a strong ethical compass.What are the challenges currently facing Indias higher education system? India faces a number of challenges at the current time in the attainment of the above key goals of higher education.Fragmentation of the higher education system: India has over 800 universities and approximately 40,000 colleges, reflecting the overall severe fragmentation and small size of HEIs currently in the country. Remarkably, over 40% of all colleges in the country run only a single programme, far from the multidisciplinary style of higher education that will be required in the 21st century. In fact, over 20% of colleges have enrolment below 100, while only 4% of colleges have enrolment over 3000 (AISHE 2016-17). To make matters worse, thousands of the smaller colleges hardly have any teaching faculty at all, and there is little or no education taking place - thus affecting severely the integrity of the higher education system in the country.This fragmentation of the system leads directly to severe suboptimality on various fronts: resource utilisation, the range and number of programmes and disciplines, the range and number of faculty, and the ability to carry out high-quality multidisciplinary research.Too many silos; too much early specialisation and streaming of students into disciplines: Indias higher education has developed rigid boundaries of disciplines and fields, along with a narrow view of what constitutes National Education Policy 2019education. As already mentioned, its most harmful expression is in the enormous number of mono-field institutions that have been developed, most notably in the professional and vocational fields. For example, there are thousands of stand alone teacher education institutions, and most engineering and medical colleges are also stand alone institutions. Even in institutions that offer programmes across more than one discipline, there are silos that separate disciplines within these institutions, e.g. students in engineering are generally not encouraged or even allowed to take courses outside of their single programmes (e.g. in the arts, humanities, social sciences, or even in the pure sciences), thereby producing thousands of students with identical educations rather than true individuals and humans exercising their own creativity, and developing their own talents and interests. Such rigid boundaries and silos violate the basic requirement of good higher education.Lack of access, especially in socio-economically disadvantaged areas: Access in higher education has significantly improved in the past few decades, but is still not sufficient to reach all our young citizens; equity in and quality of education still remain a big challenge. While the GER of higher education has risen over the last several years, to around 25%, and notable progress has been made, this Policy aims for GER to reach 50% by 2035, in order to fulfil the aspirations of our youth and to form the basis for a vibrant society and economy. This implies more than doubling enrolment, from the present base of 35 million students, and including increased opportunities and access for students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and areas.Lack of teacher and institutional autonomy: The lack of teacher autonomy has led to a severe lack of faculty motivation and scope for innovation. In order for faculty members and institutional leaders to innovate and explore in their teaching, research, and service, they must have the individual autonomy that allows them to do so. In particular, the system of affiliated colleges which are required to follow a central syllabus, curriculum, pedagogy, and textbook makes it very difficult to provide teachers with such autonomy.In the same manner, most institutions and institutional leaders are unable to take bold and innovative steps to enhance their educational offerings or research related and community outreach programmes, because they too do not have the academic, administrative, or financial autonomy to do so.A final challenge in recent years is that the very word has come to mean reduction of public funding, when the true meaning of the word could not be further from this. must mean the freedom to innovate, to compete, to cooperate, to govern more locally, to optimise resources given ones direct local knowledge of circumstances and opportunities, to break silos, and to excel.Inadequate mechanisms for career management and progression of faculty and institutional leaders: A further reason for lack of novel initiatives from faculty and institutional leaders, besides the lack of autonomy, is the lack of a suitable structure for career management of faculty and of institutional leaders. The system of selection, tenure, promotion, salary increases and other recognition and vertical mobility of faculty and institutional leaders is, at the 9. Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward - Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education Systemcurrent time, not based on merit but tends to be either seniority based or arbitrary. This has had the negative effect of severely disincentivising quality and innovation at all levels.The lack of research at most universities and colleges, and the lack of transparent and competitive peer reviewed research funding across disciplines: The separation in higher education between teaching institutions and research institutions post-independence has caused much harm, as most universities and colleges in the country today conduct very little research. This is problematic on two fronts. First, so many members of the academic community of the country not conducting (and not incentivised to conduct) scholarly research is an enormous lost opportunity for research and innovation in the country. Secondly, on the education side, it is difficult to have outstanding higher education and teaching in an environment where knowledge creation is not taking place; indeed, how can students be taught to innovate in a location where innovation is not on the agenda?At the current time, there is no mechanism to seed or mentor research at universities and colleges where research is in a nascent stage particularly at State Universities where 93% of all students in higher education are enrolled. In addition, very little funding is available for novel research ideas and proposals at most HEIs, especially for research in important multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas (e.g. relating to clean water, renewable energy, education and pedagogy, health, etc.).Suboptimal governance and leadership of higher education institutions: Governance and leadership of HEIs are, at the current time, deeply influenced and controlled by external bodies and individuals. Often these external influences have vested political and\/or commercial interests in the HEIs. Public institutions are often operated as extensions of government departments. There is significant external interference in the selection and functioning of leaders of public institutions; this is all too often starkly visible in undeserving and inappropriate people as leaders of HEIs, appointed through corrupt or arbitrary practices that are not merit based. The educational aspects, including curricula, of HEIs are controlled by multiple external bodies. HEIs are not empowered to manage their own teams, and often have little or no influence on compensation, progression of faculty, and appointments. Internal governance structures have thereby become dysfunctional.A regulatory system allowing fake colleges to thrive while constraining excellent, innovative institutions: There are many fake colleges in existence that run with impunity, while excellent colleges and universities feel constrained academically, administratively, and financially. Regulation has been too heavy handed for decades. It has been the key contributor to the diffused sense of autonomy and accountability in the system. Too much has been attempted to be regulated with too little effect.The mechanistic and disempowering regulatory system has been rife with basic problems, such as a concentration of power within a few bodies, conflicts of interest among these bodies, and a resulting lack of accountability. This National Education Policy 2019regulatory culture has unfortunately stifled innovation and creativity, and unfortunately instead has fostered mediocrity and graft. Moreover, private HEIs have not been treated on an equal footing with public institutions. On the one hand this approach has discouraged public- spirited philanthropic HEIs, while on the other hand it has been unable to stop commercialisation of education.Overcoming these challenges in order to establish high-quality access to higher education for all. This Policy envisions a complete overhaul and re-energising of the higher education system in order to overcome the aforementioned eight challenges and thereby deliver high quality higher education, with equity and inclusion, to all young people who aspire to it. The Policys vision includes the following key changes to the current system:Moving towards a higher educational system consisting of large, multidisciplinary universities and colleges: The main thrust of this policy regarding higher education is the ending of the fragmentation of higher education by moving higher education into large multidisciplinary universities and colleges, each of which will aim to have upwards of 5,000 or more students.If higher education is moved entirely into large multidisciplinary HEIs, it would address many of the problems that higher education faces today: It would give students vibrant communities of scholars and peers in which to learn; It would help break down harmful silos between disciplines; It would enable students to become well-rounded and develop optimally both sides of their brains (artistic\/creative and analytic), and would help bring flexibility and individuality into their learning programmes; It would help develop active research communities across disciplines - particularly cross-disciplinary research, which will be key for the innovations of the 21st century; It would greatly improve (by an order of magnitude) the efficiency of use of resources and of resource sharing, both material and human, across higher education.Thus, regarding the structure of higher education, this Policy places the highest emphasis on moving to large multidisciplinary universities. The ancient Indian universities of Takshashila and Nalanda which had thousands of students from India and the world studying in such vibrant multidisciplinary environments, and modern universities today, amply demonstrate the great success that such large multidisciplinary research universities can bring. It is time that India brings back this great Indian tradition, that is needed more today than ever to create well-rounded and innovative individuals, and which is already transforming other countries educationally and economically.P9.1. 9. Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward - Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education SystemThis move towards large multidisciplinary HEIs will be carried out as swiftly as possible and in a systematic and thoughtful manner, by consolidating and restructuring existing institutions and building new ones including establishing new world class model institutions of this type across the country, and also establishing at least one large high quality multidiscipilinary HEI in (or close to) every district.Three types of such HEIs along the research-teaching and university-college spectrum will be developed in accordance with the needs of the country. Single-stream HEIs will be phased out, and all single-stream HEIs will move towards becoming multidisciplinary.All higher education will happen in multidisciplinary institutions with teaching programmes across disciplines and fields to ensure optimised resources, integration across disciplines and vibrant, large education communities.Moving towards a more liberal undergraduate education: This goes hand-in-hand with the first policy initiative. The needs of the 21st century require that liberal broad-based multidisciplinary education become the basis for all higher education. This will help develop well-rounded individuals that possess critical 21st century capacities in fields across the arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, and professional, technical, and vocational crafts, an ethic of social engagement, and rigorous specialisation in a chosen field or fields. Such a liberal education would be, in the long run, the approach across all undergraduate programmes, including those in professional, technical, and vocational disciplines.Imaginative and flexible curricular structures will enable creative combinations of disciplines for students to study, and would offer multiple useful entry and exit points, thus demolishing currently prevalent rigid boundaries and creating new possibilities for lifelong learning. Graduate (masters and doctoral) level education in large multidisciplinary universities, while providing rigorous research-based specialisation, would also provide opportunities for multidisciplinary work, including in education and in industry.P9.2.National Education Policy 2019India has a long tradition of holistic and multidisciplinary learning in the so-called liberal arts, from universities such as Takshashila and Nalanda to extensive literatures combining subjects across fields. Ancient books described education as knowledge of the 64 Kalas or arts, and among these 64 arts were included subjects such as singing, playing musical instruments, and painting, but also scientific fields such as engineering, medicine, and mathematics. The notion of knowledge of many arts- i.e. what is called liberal arts in modern times - must be brought back to Indian education, as it is exactly the kind of education that will be required for the 21st century.Moving towards faculty and institutional autonomy: Through faculty autonomy, faculty will be enabled and motivated to innovate in their teaching and pedagogical approaches, student assessment, community service initiatives, and research, and share best practices and ideas with each other in university wide and larger forums in order to continually improve. Through institutional academic and administrative autonomy, institutions will be enabled to start and run novel and cutting-edge programmes, develop innovative curricula, govern more locally given local knowledge of circumstances and requirements, and set up optimal people and career management systems. All of these issues of administration and academics would be best handled (and innovated and improved upon) locally by those who are directly involved in the local issues (namely, faculty and institutional leaders), and they must in due course be empowered to do so.Substantial and adequate public funding, with stability, must therefore be provided to public institutions to enable such academic and administrative autonomy. Over time, as financial probity and responsibility is demonstrated by various public institutions, an increasing amount of financial autonomy may be granted so that resource allocations for teaching, service, equipment, and research may also be decided locally to optimise resources by those who understand local needs best; this would, as usual, be contigent on continual demonstration of financial probity through full transparency and public disclosure of all finances. Financial autonomy will not mean a cut in funding, but rather the freedom to decide how best to spend funds to maximise educational attainments.Private higher educational institutions will arrange their own funding; however, so long as they publicly disclose their full academic, administrative, and financial details to demonstrate financial probity, and academic and administrative responsibility, they too will move towards full autonomy in order to allow them to strive for excellence.Such gradual granting of autonomy to all institutions that are making serious attempts towards attaining excellence will indeed be key to actually attaining true excellence at all higher educational institutions.Curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and student support will be revamped: Curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment will move away from solely rote learning of facts and mechanical procedures. The examination system in higher P9.3.P9.4.9. Quality Universities and Colleges: A New and Forward - Looking Vision for Indias Higher Education Systemeducation will be recast; evaluation will be guided by curricular objectives and overarching educational goals. Faculty will be supported to achieve these transformations. Quality higher education in Indian languages will be offered across fields.ODL programmes will be reimagined to ensure that their quality is equivalent to the best in class programmes. ODL will help expand the reach of higher education and thus improve access.Strong academic, financial, social, and psychological support systems for students shall be put in place with a special focus on those from disadvantaged groups.Reaffirming the integrity of faculty positions and institutional leadership through merit based appointments and career management: All faculty positions will be filled, based on rigorous recruitment evaluations, and the practice of contract employment will be stopped. Appointment of faculty, their tenures and promotions, and compensation increases will be on the basis of merit taking into account teaching, research, and service - the assessment of which will be carried out through a rigorous process of evaluation by students, institutional leaders, and committees consisting of peers, as defined clearly by the HEI governing boards and institutional leadership.Institutional leaders will be prepared years in advance through leadership training and promotion ladders based on merit. Leadership transitions will be overlapping and smooth. Institutional leaders will help create a culture of innovation and excellence that will encourage and incentivise outstanding and innovative teaching, research, institutional service, and community outreach from faculty and HEI leaders.Incentives will be created, allowing colleges and universities to attain new heights of excellence across fields, and across teaching, research, and service.Establishment of a National Research Foundation: A National Research Foundation (NRF) will be established to grant competitive funding for outstanding research proposals across all disciplines, as determined by peer review and success of proposals. Most importantly, it will aim to seed, grow, and facilitate research at academic institutions where research is currently in a nascent stage, through systems of mentoring by active research scholars, who may have retired or be near retirement at top research institutions. The NRF will also act as a liaison among researchers, ministries of government, and industry, in order to ensure that the most relevant and societally useful research reaches the people as soon as possible. Finally, the NRF will recognise outstanding research accomplishments achieved through NRF funding and initiatives, across subjects and various categories, through prizes and seminars recognising the work of the researchers. All these initiatives, together with career management structures suitably incentivising research at HEIs, will help bring research cultures to institutions, including most State Universities, where research has not previously been present in a strong way.P9.5.P9.6.National Education Policy 2019Higher education institutions will be governed by Independent Boards, with complete academic and administrative autonomy: Clear merit based procedures for appointments of the Board of Governors (BoG), the Chancellor, and the Vice Chancellor\/Director\/Chief Executive of HEI will ensure elimination of external interference, including from the government, and will aim to engage high capacity individuals who are invested in and have strong commitment towards the institution. Accountability for educational outcomes will flow concomitantly to the Board of the institution. Mechanisms will be established to align all stakeholders, including the government (and its bodies), for the long term development of the institution.Light but tight regulation: The regulatory system will be transformed to have only one regulator for all higher education, including professional education. Accreditation on basic parameters (such as financial probity) will form the basis for all regulation - these parameters will be minimalistic but rigorously enforced, including shutting down HEIs which do not adhere. Public disclosure of all relevant information by HEIs will be enforced and used for public scrutiny and informed decision making.The various distinct functions of funding, standard setting, accreditation, and regulation will be separated and will be conducted by independent bodies, eliminating concentration of power and conflicts of interest. Private and public institutions will be treated on par by the regulatory regime. Commercialisation of education will be stopped and philanthropic efforts will be highly encouraged.The above represents a summary of the vision of this Policy for ensuring high-quality higher education in the 21st century. In the ensuing chapters of Part II, more details are given on each of the above initiatives.Terminology. A programme consists of a set of courses or other modes of learning, the successful Completion of which results in a degree or diploma. A course is a properly designed unit of study\/instruction in a particular subject, generally transacted as a series of lectures or lessons, for which credit is awarded (e.g., towards a programme or programmes). A course would generally run for a semester, trimester, or 123 quarter, while programmes generally run for 35 years. A curriculum is an organisational framework for various educational activities, structured as courses and other modes of learning, that make up a programme of study. This Policy uses the term Higher Education Institution (HEI) to include any institution of education post the secondary school level (Grade 12) that awards a degree at any level in any field or discipline. This includes universities (of all kinds), autonomous colleges, and institutions that have the status of a university. Affiliated colleges are presumed to be a part of the affiliating university for purposes of governance and regulation. Institutions, such as polytechnics, are not included within HEIs so long as they offer only diplomas. Such institutions are covered by this Policy in Chapter 20 on Vocational Education, and also referred to specifically elsewhere when relevant. P9.8.P9.7.10. Institutional Restructuring - and ConsolidationChapter 10Institutional Restructuring and ConsolidationObjective: Vibrant multidisciplinary institutions of high quality that increase capacity of higher education in India and ensure equitable access.The vision of higher education enunciated in Chapter 9 will require, in particular, a new vision for what constitutes an HEI, i.e. a university or a college. All HEIs will aim to become large and multidisciplinary, in order to fulfil the attributes of broad-based education, research, and service required of them. Accordingly, a university will mean a multidisciplinary institution of higher learning that offers undergraduate and graduate programmes, with high quality teaching, research, and service. The definition of universities will thus allow those that place equal emphasis on teaching and research (research universities) as well as those that place greater emphasis on teaching but still conduct significant research (teaching universities).Meanwhile, a college will eventually be restricted to being a large multidisciplinary institution of higher learning primarily focused on, though not restricted to, undergraduate teaching, and it would generally be smaller than a typical university. A college would either be an autonomous degree granting institution or a constituent college of a university - in the latter case, it would be fully a part of the university. With appropriate accreditations over a period of time, colleges could evolve into autonomous research or teaching universities if they so aspire.It is the vision of this Policy that all HEIs evolve into one of these three types of institutions, which we will refer to as Types 1, 2, and 3: research universities, National Education Policy 2019teaching universities, and colleges. All three types of multidisciplinary higher educational institutions must aim to have student enrolments in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, for optimal use of infrastructure and resources, and to attain the type of multidisciplinary ecosystem of teaching, research, and service that is being envisioned for the higher education of the future.A suitable number of Type 1-3 institutions must be developed in order to ensure geographical diversity with full access, equity, and inclusion. The GER goal that is being set over the period of this Policy is 50%, commensurate with the aspirations of the people and comparable with other rapidly developing nations (such as, e.g. China and Brazil, which have GERs in higher education of 44% and 50%, respectively). While a number of new institutions may be developed, in order to attain these goals a large part of the capacity creation shall happen by consolidating, expanding, and improving existing ones. Growth will be in both public and private institutions, with strong emphasis on developing a large number of outstanding public institutions of Types 1, 2 and 3. Access to high quality institutions in disadvantaged geographies will be a priority. This consolidation, expansion and improvement shall ensure equitable and high quality higher education across the country.New institutional architecture with large, well-resourced, vibrant multidisciplinary institutions for teaching and research, which will significantly expand reach and capacity.Nationwide ecosystem of vibrant multidisciplinary universities and colleges: HEIs will be developed into vibrant communities of high quality teaching, research, and service, and these will form a national ecosystem of learning and knowledge generation, with special measures to provide equitable access to all citizens. To enable this development, some of the most important dimensions of action shall be:a. All HEIs will become multidisciplinary institutions, with teaching programmes across disciplines and fields, which is essential for high quality higher education. This will require that all HEIs have relatively large numbers of students, a must for being able to develop such multidisciplinary institutions efficiently and effectively. An HEI will be called multidisciplinary if it offers at least two programmes or majors in the arts and humanities, at least two in science and mathematics, and at least one in the social sciences, though most multidisciplinary HEIs in the long run will offer far more P10.1.10. Institutional Restructuring - and Consolidationthan this minimum requirement, and will also include professional and vocational programmes.b. All HEIs will be adequately resourced and staffed with high quality teams of faculty and members in other roles, including leadership roles. These teams will be empowered and will have effective merit-based performance management, in order to foster the best possible culture of deep learning, knowledge generation, service and excellence.c. All HEIs will gradually move towards full autonomy - academic, administrative, and eventually financial - in order to enable this vibrant culture. The autonomy of public institutions will be backed by adequate public financial support and stability. Private institutions with public spirited commitment to high quality, equitable education will be encouraged and treated on par. The new regulatory system envisioned by this Policy will foster this overall culture of empowerment and autonomy to innovate, including by gradually phasing out the system of affiliated colleges in order to enable and encourage local innovation.d. The overall higher education sector will be integrated into one higher education system - including professional and vocational education. This Policy, its approach, and specific policy points will be equally applicable to all HEIs across all current streams which would eventually merge into one coherent ecosystem of higher education. Professional education will be an integral part of higher education.Public higher education will be expanded and improved: Public institutions will be developed and improved, strongly reaffirming a commitment to the national importance of public education.New institutional architecture for higher education: To make quality higher education accessible to all who desire to pursue it and to foster high quality research, a new institutional architecture with three kinds (or Type) of institutions shall be developed. These three kinds of institution will differ in their focus of goals and work, but will have equal commitment to ensuring high quality. All HEIs, by 2030, will develop into one of three types of institutions. These three types of institutions will differ in their focus as far as goals and work are concerned, but will have equal commitment toward ensuring high quality. These three types of institutions are characterised as follows.P10.2. P10.3. National Education Policy 2019a. Type 1: Research universities. These will focus equally on research and teaching: they will dedicate themselves to cutting-edge research for new knowledge creation while at the same time offering the highest quality teaching across undergraduate, masters, Ph.D., professional, and vocational programmes. Many graduate and research institutions do not currently offer undergraduate education, which is essential for ensuring that knowledge from the best institutions gets passed on, on a wide scale, to the next generation. These institutions will be encouraged to introduce undergraduate programmes as well. It is expected that, over a period of two decades, a couple of hundred institutions, say 150300, will belong to the Type 1 category, and each will aim for on-campus enrolments between 5000 to 25000 or more students. They will aim to become world-class research universities and compete with global institutions.b. Type 2: Teaching universities. These will focus primarily on high quality teaching across disciplines and programmes, including undergraduate, masters and doctoral, professional, vocational, certificate and diploma programmes, while also significantly contributing to cutting-edge research. Such institutions will target enrolments between 5,000 and 25,000 or more on their campuses. It is expected that there will be several hundred such universities, say, between 1000 to 2000, created over a period of two decades. As they begin to achieve higher quality in research and the range of programmes offered, some of them may aim to join the ranks of Type 1 institutions.c. Type 3: Colleges. These will focus almost exclusively on the goal of high quality teaching. These institutions will largely run undergraduate programmes, in addition to diploma and certificate programmes, across disciplines and fields, including vocational and professional. A large number of such autonomous colleges, say 5,00010,000, will provide high quality liberal undergraduate education, with a target of on-campus enrolments of 2,0005,000 or higher. These colleges will also be expected to offer certificate, diploma, and degree courses in vocational education, and in some fields of professional education. Given that teaching is strengthened through research and vice-versa, faculty at these colleges will be encouraged to apply for research funding and conduct, and be able to give senior undergraduate students a flavour of research. Over time, such autonomous colleges can begin to conduct quality research across disciplines and introduce graduate programmes, and may thereby aim towards becoming either Type 2 or Type 1 institutions.It is important to note that the categorisation of HEIs into these three is not in any natural way a sharp, exclusionary categorisation, but is along a continuum. HEIs will have the autonomy and freedom to move from one Type to another, on the basis of their plans, actions, and effectiveness. The most salient marker for the three types of institutions will be the focus of their goals and work. The accreditation system ( see Section 18.2) will develop and use appropriately different and relevant norms for the three types of HEIs.However, the expectations of high quality of education, and therefore of teaching-learning, across all Types and all HEIs will be the same. In addition 10. Institutional Restructuring - and Consolidationto teaching and research, HEIs will also have other crucial responsibilities, which they will discharge through appropriate resourcing and structures. This includes supporting other HEIs in their development, community engagement and service, contribution to various fields of practice, faculty development for the higher education system, and contribution to school education.In the long term (by 2040), the Indian higher education system will consolidate into a far smaller number of institutions, across the three Types of HEIs, but the average size of these institutions will be much larger than the average size today; this will help increase resource efficiency, multidisciplinary capacity and quality, as well as GER.All types of institutions must be equitably distributed across the states and regions.Liberal education and programmes\/departments\/schools of higher education institutions: A liberal education approach will be the basis of undergraduate education in all fields and disciplines at the undergraduate level, including professional education. The notion of , where science, arts, and vocational students are separated, based on their academic performance, majors, interests, or any other such criteria, will end. Courses across all subjects will be available for all students across majors.All HEIs, including all universities (Type 1 and 2), shall be required to offer liberal education undergraduate programmes. All universities shall also offer the four-year teacher education programmes, to enable the preparation of outstanding school teachers; many colleges will also aim to establish the same. All Type 1 and 2 HEIs will offer graduate programmes. HEIs will offer programmes and majors across the basic disciplines and fields, and also in interdisciplinary areas. They will also innovate and develop relevant programmes for emerging areas of study, including areas of application.To enable these programmes, the HEIs will establish quality departments and schools across all basic disciplines and fields, particularly languages, social sciences, humanities, physical sciences, education, mathematics, arts, music, sports, etc., and also in application fields such as engineering, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, forestry, etc.There will be three types of institutions based on a difference in focus - all three types will be of high quality.P10.4. National Education Policy 2019Development of the new institutional architecture: The development of this new institutional architecture across the country will be energised by the autonomy of the institutions, substantial increased public financial support, and encouragement of private philanthropic efforts.Each HEI will chart out a course for its own development through its IDP (see P17.1.7 ), including choosing the kind of institution it wants to be, the action plan for reaching there, and the continuing growth thereafter. The substantial part of the actions to fulfil these plans and aspirations will be within the HEI, empowered by the administrative and curricular autonomy provided by this Policy, and the associated full public academic, administrative, and financial disclosure and demonstration of probity required by this Policy.The primary mechanism for aligning, committing, regulating\/monitoring\/auditing, and thereafter guiding action for all HEIs and their stakeholders, regarding their growth and development, will be the IDP. This will explicitly account for the financial support from the relevant public body in the case of public HEIs.Substantial public investment will be made to expand and vitalize public higher education.Fair and transparent system for determining public funding: There will be a fair and transparent system for determining (increased) levels of public funding support for public HEIs. This system will give equitable opportunity for public institutions to grow and develop.The system will be based on transparent, preannounced criteria from within the accreditation norms of the accreditation system (see P 18.5.1). This system will be used by the relevant State and\/or Central government public body, including by the Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC) ( see P18.4.1), to commit to short-, mid-, and long-term support for carrying out the IDPs (see P17.1.7), which will reflect the goals and plans of the HEIs.In providing increased financial support, the relevant government\/public body may consider other factors such as ensuring regional distribution of Type 1 and 2 HEIs, ease of access for students, and the availability of supporting ecosystems. These additional considerations will not result in denying any public institution appropriately increased support that meets the preannounced criteria for the same.Over time, as financial probity and responsibility is demonstrated by various public institutions, through full and proper public academic, administrative, and financial disclosure, an increasing amount of financial autonomy may be P10.6. P10.5. 10. Institutional Restructuring - and Consolidationgranted so that resource allocations for teaching, service, equipment, and research may also be decided locally to optimise resources by those who understand local needs best; this would, as usual, be contigent on continual demonstration of financial probity through full transparency and public disclosure of all finances. Increasing financial autonomy will not imply cuts in funding, but rather the freedom to decide locally how best to spend funds to maximise educational attainments.The framework for this system will be developed by the apex body of Mission Nalanda (see P10.15 below), with wide consultations with the states, by 2021, and approved by the RSA. This will be reviewed and revised in 2024 and 2030.Central government funded higher education institutions to develop into Type 1 institutions: The existing Central Universities (CUs), Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), Institutions of National Importance (INIs) and other institutions substantially (around 50% or more) supported by the Central government (e.g., National Institutes of Technology), and Research Institutions (RIs) will all be supported to become Type 1 institutions.This support will also be driven by the aforementioned criterion-based system for public funding. Some RIs may have insurmountable constraints in developing to become Type 1 HEIs (e.g. campus size that cannot accommodate 5000+ students). Such RIs may choose not to grow into Type 1 institutions, and should instead closely align and work with proximate Type 1 or 2 institutions for engaging their own faculty in adequate teaching and mentoring opportunities.State level plans for new institutional architecture: All State governments should prepare and execute a comprehensive 10-year plan for the development of this institutional architecture in their states. This plan should envision a judicious distribution of the types of institutions across the State, with a special emphasis on access in disadvantaged regions which may form an integral part of the plan for the Special Education Zones (see P6.1.2). The plans will target approximately the following numbers of different types of institutions: one each of Types 1, 2, and 3 for 50 lakhs, 5 lakhs, and 2 lakhs of population, respectively. These are indicative numbers, and may vary notably across geographies. Demographic trends would also be considered in these plans, as also the phenomenon that good universities, by their very presence, lead to growth and development of localities.The plan will require a thoughtful consolidation of existing HEIs into a fewer number of HEIs, considering issues of access, distribution, and the quality of existing and future outcomes. The plan may build on the momentum and progress of the Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA).The consolidation must result in larger and more vibrant educational communities within each HEI. The existing resources of the HEIs, affected by the consolidation, must be used optimally: human resources will not be rendered surplus, since capacities only have to be increased; physical P10.8. P10.7. National Education Policy 2019resources (i.e., a college campus) must be reused effectively as a part of the 10-year educational plan of the State for uses ranging from the development of school complexes to extension centres for vocational education. The success of these plans will require a careful synchronisation of the multiple actions emanating from this Policy, especially between the Central and State governments, which may be facilitated by the Standing Committee on Coordination of the RSA (see P23.10). It will also require a culture of encouragement to the HEIs, such that they feel energised, and supported to grow and develop. It will require the commitment of adequately higher resources to specific HEIs, including those that are specifically encouraged to become Type 1 and 2 HEIs; for this, the State may articulate its own version of the aforementioned criterion-based system of increased financial support, considering State level factors.Support from the National Research Foundation: All HEIs will have the opportunity to access and raise funds for support for their development, including for development as Type 1 and 2 HEIs. These mechanisms are in addition to the public funding that may be committed through the IDP. One of these important mechanisms is the ecosystem of research funding being created in this Policy though the NRF (see Section 14.2 ). The systems and culture of the HEIs should encourage their faculty to seek and secure substantial research grants from the NRF. This will be a critical mechanism in facilitating their journey to becoming a Type 1 or 2 HEI and in sustaining the change.The NRF will run a special programme till 2040 to support State Universities to enhance their research capacities, thus enabling them to transition to Type 1 or 2 institutions. Under this programme, the NRF will select and offer 500 National Postdoctoral Fellowships (NPDF) and 500 National Doctoral Fellowships (NDF) every year across disciplines and fields. The fellowships will be for 3 and 5 years, and will be awarded on the basis of a national selection process organised by the NRF. Those receiving NPDFs may join designated research groups in their areas of work in State Universities. NRF will select the State Universities that may host NPDF recipients, in specific areas of research. State universities may apply to the NRF for recognition as host institutions for specific areas. This list of host HEIs will be made available publicly, with descriptions of the research being conducted there, so that candidates may apply to them according to their own passions and interests. The detailed guidelines for this programme will be formulated and circulated by the NRF within a year of its formation.Equal encouragement and empowerment for private higher education institutions: Private HEIs will be encouraged to develop into Type 1 and 2 institutions, and must develop to become Type 3 institutions. While the financial support for such development must be arranged by the private HEI, the government will treat them on par with public institutions, and empower them equally. The private HEIs will have equal access to NRF funding for research support as public institutions.P10.10. P10.9. 10. Institutional Restructuring - and ConsolidationQuality transformation of open and distance learning and expansion for access: All types of institutions may run ODL programmes, provided they are specifically accredited to do so (see Section 12.3), in order to enhance their offerings, improve access, increase GER, and provide increased opportunities for lifelong learning.All ODL programmes (and their components) leading to any diploma or degree will be of a standard and quality equivalent to the highest quality programmes run by the HEIs on their campus. To ensure that truly high quality ODLs are developed and delivered, HEIs will use their best faculty, and will invest in adequate facilities and support staff. HEIs will also use the best possible materials, resources, and web-based platforms available throughout the world through technology and not remain limited to their own resources.Disadvantaged geographies will be a priority - there will be at least one Type 1 - 3 institution for every district within 5 years.ed institutional categories, and streamlining university nomenclature: A university has only one definition worldwide, namely, a multidisciplinary institution of higher learning that offers undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. programmes, and engages in high quality teaching and research. The present complex nomenclature of HEIs in the country as deemed to be universityaffiliating universityunitary university, and so on will be phased out. Universities will be characterised only as public, private, or private-aided; and as multidisciplinary research universities (Type 1) or comprehensive teaching universities (Type 2).Degree-granting powers: Degree-granting powers are, at present, vested only with universities. This will change, as autonomous colleges will also gain the freedom to grant their own degrees. All institutions of education and research, public as well as private, will be allowed to award degrees in their own names, irrespective of whether the word university figures in their name or not. Universities will be distinguished from degree-granting colleges by the fact that they offer graduate programmes in a broad range of subjects, especially quality PhD programmes, and are of relatively larger sizes. By 2032, all higher educational qualifications including all degrees and diplomas shall be granted only by accredited (see Section 18.2) Type 1, 2, or 3 institutions.P10.12.P10.13.P10.11.National Education Policy 2019Transforming affiliating universities: All affiliating universities shall completely transform their institutional structure:a. All affiliating universities will transition to a Type 1 or 2 institution, with one or more campuses. Universities will have no affiliated colleges.b. All (currently) affiliated colleges, must develop into autonomous degree granting colleges (Type 3) by 2032, or merge completely with the university that they are affiliated to, or develop into a university themselves (Type 1 or 2). These transitions will be a part of State level plans for developing the new higher education institutional architecture ( see P.10.3). c. To enable this transition and development of the colleges into Type HEIs, adequate support, including mentoring, will be provided by Type 1 or 2 HEIs or other mentor institutions. Special budgets will be allocated to the mentor institutions for this purpose.d. There will be an adequate time period provided for this transition to happen. This time period may extend up to twelve years. Thus, there will be no affiliating universities or affiliated colleges after 2032.e. The facilities and resources of colleges that do not develop into Type 3 HEIs by 2032 will be optimally utilised for other public good and services, for example as adult education centres, public libraries, vocational education facilities, etc. This will also be a part of the State level plan.f. These developments will require enablement by the governance and regulatory regimes, in addition to institutional development, which will be facilitated by the relevant bodies of the State and the Centre.All higher education institutions will either be universities or degree granting autonomous colleges - there will be no affiliating universities or affiliated colleges.Missions Nalanda and Takshashila for catalysing the new institutional architecture: The long-term vision for the Indian higher education system, articulated above, will take time and considerable effort to achieve. In order to kick-start the efforts and to ensure that a significant number of high quality Type 1, 2 and 3 institutions are in place by 2030, Mission Nalanda (MN) and Mission Takshashila (MT) will be launched in tandem. These missions will be constituted by the RSA (see Chapter 23) and will have a common apex body the Mission Directorate.P10.15. P10.14. 10. Institutional Restructuring - and ConsolidationMission Nalanda will ensure that there are at least 100 Type 1 and 500 Type 2 HEIs functioning vibrantly by 2030, with equitable regional distribution. Mission Takshashila will strive to establish at least one high quality HEI in or close to every district of India, with 2 or 3 such HEIs in districts with larger populations, each with residential facilities for students.The Mission Directorate will oversee and manage the development of the new institutional architecture with a clearly articulated plan, milestones, and commitments towards funding from the Central and State governments. The plan would include not only all institutional aspects, but also ecosystem aspects such as local infrastructure and community development, which are essential for the development of high quality HEIs. This plan should be jointly owned by State and Central governments. The aforementioned State level plans may leverage the plan of the missions, and State governments will be actively involved in the planning and execution of MN and MT.As a first step for MN, the focus shall be on existing institutions that can be quickly developed into Type 1 and 2 institutions, such as the CUs, CFTIs, NITs and large State Universities. These will be fully residential universities. The MN and MT will receive shared funding by Central and State governments, in the cases of State institutions, for developmental funding exceeding the current budgets; Central institutions will be funded 100% by the Central government.A few new model institutions may also be set up and developed as a part of this mission, e.g., the Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities (MERUs) (see P11.1.4) which will be pace-setting institutions for multidisciplinary undergraduate education and research. The missions will also enable and support private HEIs aspiring to develop into Type 1 or 2 HEIs.Several institutions will require concentrated support and mentoring to be able to get started on the path to multidisciplinary capacity, accreditation, and autonomy, as well as for inputs on making the best use of their autonomy, over the coming decade. Such support will be institutionalised, and the modalities will be worked out by the RSA. Other institutions will require mentoring to seed and grow research, and this will be made available through the NRF (see Section 14.3). The missions will track all such requirements for expertise and knowhow and make them available appropriately.11. Towards a More Liberal EducationChapter 11Towards a More Liberal EducationObjective: Move towards a more imaginative and broad-based liberal education as a foundation for holistic development of all students, with rigorous specialisation in chosen disciplines and fields.The concept of liberal arts literally means a liberal notion of the arts. The very idea that all branches of creative human endeavour (including mathematics and science) should be considered indeed has distinctly Indian origins. Numerous ancient books in India going back over 2000 years (including Banabhattas Kadambari, written 1400 years ago and one of the worlds first-ever novels) described the 64 kalas or arts, wherein a truly educated person was described as one who mastered all the 64 kalas. These 64 kalas included music, dance, painting, sculpture, languages, and literature, in addition to subjects such as engineering and mathematics as well as vocational subjects such as carpentry this is very close to what the liberal arts refers to today! The number of kalas grew over time, with 86 described in the Lalitavistara Sutra, and 512 kalas across various human endeavours mentioned in Yasodharas Jayamangala in the 13th century! Indian literature is replete with instances of cross-disciplinary works combining various subjects across the arts and sciences (such as Bharatas Natyashastra, c. 300 BCE, a text largely about music and dance but which also delves deeply into connections with principles of mathematics and physics).Indian universities such as Takshashila and Nalanda were the oldest universities in the world, and of the very highest quality. These ancient universities definitively emphasised the liberal arts and liberal education tradition. Students from across the world came to study grammar, philosophy, National Education Policy 2019medicine, politics, astronomy, mathematics, commerce, music, dance, and much more. Among the eminent graduates and scholars of Takshashila and Nalanda were the philosopher and economist Chanakya; the Sanskrit grammarian, mathematician, and discoverer of generative grammar, Panini; the leader and statesman Chandragupta Maurya; and the mathematician and astronomer, Aryabhata.This critical Indian concept of liberal arts education has indeed become extremely important in the modern day employment landscape of the 21st century, and liberal arts education of this kind is already being extensively implemented today (e.g. in the United States in Ivy League schools) with great success. It is time India also brought back this great tradition to its place of origin.A liberal arts education, as so beautifully described and practiced in Indias past, enables one to truly develop both sides of the brain - both the creative side and the analytical side.The purpose and importance of a liberal arts education today i.e. an education across the kalas is to enable students to explore the numerous remarkable relationships that exist among the sciences and the humanities, mathematics and art, medicine and physics, etc. and more generally, to explore the surprising unity of all fields of human endeavour. A comprehensive liberal arts education develops all capacities of human beings intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional and moral in an integrated manner. Such education, which develops the fundamental capacities of individuals on all aspects of being human, is by its very nature liberal education, and is aimed at developing good and complete human beings.The overly pragmatic and sceptical student will, of course, always ask: Why do I need to know about disciplines that seemingly have nothing to do with the job I intend to work in? There are many answers to this question. Firstly and perhaps most importantly a liberal arts education greatly enriches ones life, and makes it so much more meaningful and joyful when one is able to appreciate many worlds.Secondly, one never actually knows what ones job is going to be in the long-term, or what work it will entail! As remarked by journalist Fareed Zakaria, the purpose of a liberal arts education is not simply to prepare for ones first job, but also for ones second job, third job, and beyond. With the coming fourth industrial revolution, and the rapidly changing employment landscape, 11. Towards a More Liberal Educationa liberal arts education is more important and useful for ones employment than ever before.Thirdly, even if one somehow knows in advance what job one will have forever, one still never knows when certain ideas and concepts from other disciplines might make an appearance, in a way that could improve or even completely transform the work that one is doing. For example, many of the worlds greatest innovations and breakthroughs have occurred due to such cross-fertilisation of ideas across seemingly different fields. X-rays, CAT scans, MRIs, and lasers in medicine all originally came about due to physicists and space scientists thinking about these concepts for completely different reasons. In most cases, the immediate purpose was pure curiosity in that field! Radiocarbon dating, as used in archaeology, anthropology, and history, is another example of where ideas from in this case physics and chemistry resulted in a revolution in completely different fields. Music is another subject that has had incredibly interesting influences on and has in turn been influenced by many areas: psychology, physiology, sociology, engineering, physics, and mathematics.A liberal arts education enables one to truly develop both sides of the brain both the creative\/artistic side and the analytic side. Aesthetic, social, and moral capabilities can greatly enhance ones scientific capabilities, and vice versa; and education across all such fields can fire up ones capacity and desire for creativity and innovation, and enhance ones skills in communication, ethics, service, critical thinking, cooperation, and collaboration. Many of the worlds top entrepreneurs have often spoken about how having team members with a liberal education allowed their enterprises to truly excel. For example, Steve Jobs was famous for ideas for products that married top-notch aesthetics with top-notch engineering. When asked about why the Macintosh computer revolutionised computing, he remarked: I think part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians and poets and artists and zoologists and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world.Indeed, the available assessments on educational approaches in undergraduate education that integrate the humanities and arts with STEM have consistently showed positive learning outcomes, including increased creativity and innovation, critical thinking and higher order thinking capacities, problem solving abilities, teamwork, communication skills, deeper learning and mastery of curricula across fields, an increase in social and moral awareness, besides general engagement and enjoyment of learning. As an example, a survey of Nobel Prize winning scientists revealed that they are three times more likely than the average scientist to have an artistic hobby. Research is also improved and enhanced through a liberal education approach.A holistic and liberal education as described so beautifully in Indias past is indeed what is needed for the education of India in the future to truly lead the country into the 21st century and the fourth industrial revolution. Even engineering schools such as the IITs must move towards a more liberal education integrating arts and humanities, while arts and humanities National Education Policy 2019students must aim to learn more science while all must make the effort to learn more vocational subjects. Indias rich legacy in the arts as well as in the sciences and beyond will greatly help in making the move towards liberal education an easy and natural transition.What is the best way to deliver a liberal arts education? A number of measures must be taken to properly bring back high quality liberal arts education to India in an appropriate manner, and to optimally prepare Indias young people for the challenges of the 21st century.Multidisciplinary environments and institutions: High quality liberal education is, by its very definition and nature, multidisciplinary. For liberal education to become the norm and to truly thrive, higher education must move into multidisciplinary institutions. Institutions offering a single stream must be phased out, and all universities and colleges must aim to become composite multidisciplinary HEIs.Breaking silos within universities: Even within multidisciplinary universities, there is currently little interaction among different disciplines. Students are streamed into narrow areas such as science, or engineering, or art, or professional or vocational subjects, and are generally mandated to take almost all if not all courses only within their stream. This is a very harmful practice that prevents students from having the flexibility to develop their own individual interests and talents; develop cross-disciplinary capabilities; and develop both the creative and analytic sides of their brains.These silos must be broken in order to develop true liberal education for all students, and to encourage cross-disciplinary collaborative research and study among faculty as well. In summary, we must swiftly move away from single-stream HEIs and indeed away from all forms of streaming and silos within institutions.Imaginative curriculum and pedagogy: HEIs must offer flexibility in curriculum, and novel and engaging course options to students. This will be facilitated through increased faculty and institutional autonomy in setting curricula. Pedagogy for courses will strive for significantly less rote learning and an increased emphasis on communication, discussion, and opportunities for cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary thinking.Establishment and strengthening of departments needed for multidisciplinarity and cross-disciplinarity: Departments of languages (especially Indian languages), literature (especially Indian literature), music (including Carnatic, Hindustani, folk, and film), philosophy (especially Indian philosophy, including Buddhist and Jain philosophy), Indology and the study of India, art, dance, theatre, education, statistics, pure and applied sciences, sociology, economics, sports, and other such departments truly needed for a multidisciplinary and stimulating Indian education and environment will be established and strengthened at HEIs across the country.Liberal education to be accompanied by rigorous specialisation: A liberal and broad-based education must be accompanied by rigorous specialisation in chosen disciplines or fields in order to develop deeper expertise in one or 11. Towards a More Liberal Educationmore subjects. A broad-based education will in fact help in attaining better expertise and creativity in ones field due to better overall development of a range of capacities and the ability to think in a cross- and interdisciplinary manner. Thus, undergraduate education will consist of great flexibility in choosing courses to satisfy core subject distribution requirements, together with a selection of courses to establish expertise in a chosen field or fields (called majors, dual majors, or minors). This will ensure well-rounded individuals who are also experts in given disciplines or fields.Inclusion of lessons in seva \/ service as part of liberal education: How can one use ones broad-based knowledge and rigorous specialisation to improve ones own life and the lives of those around? Universities and colleges will take the lead in community service using their multidisciplinary repository of knowledge, research, and knowhow, and their capable faculty and students to address local needs such as clean water, energy, adult education, issues with school education, and more. Students will think about questions such as How can the art, science, engineering, professional, or vocational craft that I study be used to improve the lives of others? When possible, courses will strive to include relevant and educational local community service opportunities (inside or outside of the university premises) as part of their curricula to help develop socially conscious individuals, and to help connect the subjects that students study to life.Internships and research opportunities: Finally, as part of a liberal education, students will be provided with opportunities for internships with local industry as well as research internships with faculty and researchers at their own or other HEIs or research institutions. This will be recognised as a component of the liberal arts degrees for those students who partake in this option, and they will receive credit for such work as part of their Bachelors degrees when applying for graduate programmes or other employment.Flexible Bachelors degree options: To facilitate the attainment of all the above ideal attributes of liberal education, a four-year Bachelor of Liberal Arts (BLA) or Bachelor of Liberal Education (BLE) degree (or BLA \/ BLE with Research) will be offered by those institutions which are ready to run such programmes consisting of a broad-based liberal education together with rigorous specialisation in a field or fields. The three-year traditional B.A., B.Sc., as well as B.Voc. degrees will continue as well for those institutions that wish to continue such programmes, but all Bachelors degrees will move towards taking a more comprehensive liberal education approach.Liberal education approach for enhancing graduate programmes and research in HEIs: A multidisciplinary and liberal approach to higher education will serve to enhance not only undergraduate programmes but also graduate programmes and research in HEIs. Indeed, the multidisciplinary environments, the breaking of silos, and the connection with local communities and industry will help greatly in making research by faculty and graduate students more interdisciplinary and locally relevant. It will encourage collaboration across departments to tackle local issues relating to, e.g. clean water, energy, environmental sustainability, gender equality, preservation of endangered languages, preservation of local arts, etc.National Education Policy 2019University research and graduate programmes will thus connect with the liberal ethos to conduct higher quality, more relevant, and interdisciplinary research. One of the core goals of the NRF (see Sections 14.2 and 14.3) will indeed be to help seed and grow such high quality, relevant, and interdisciplinary research at HEIs across the country, and to connect such research across disciplines with societal needs and with governmental bodies and with industry.11.1. Liberal education to energise undergraduate programmesThe overall transformation of undergraduate education shall entail institutions offering courses and programmes across the humanities and arts, social, physical and life sciences, mathematics, and sports, alongside vocational and professional fields. Appropriate grouping of courses and credit structures will then offer students the flexibility to fulfil both the requirements of their programme and any other interests that they may have, as well as give them the option to choose the number of years they devote to a programme through credit-based systems and multiple exit and entry options. To enable this overall transformation, all undergraduate programmes will be developed on an underlying foundation of liberal education, which develops the intellectual, social, ethical, analytical, and aesthetic capacities of all students.A liberal and broad-based undergraduate education will also be accompanied by rigorous specialisation in chosen disciplines or fields in order to develop deeper expertise in one or more subjects.Redesigning undergraduate programmes for liberal education: Undergraduate programmes shall be interdisciplinary with curricula designed to develop broadly useful capacities and important dispositions, while offering rigorous education in specialisations, as chosen by students, from across all disciplines and fields: arts, physical and life sciences, mathematics, social sciences and humanities, vocational and professional fields.To enable this overall transformation of undergraduate education, the curriculum shall have:P11.1.1.11. Towards a More Liberal Educationa. A common core curriculum \/ subject distribution requirement for all students; and b. One or two area(s) of specialisation.The common core curriculum shall aim to develop broad capacities and important dispositions, including but not limited to: critical thinking (e.g. courses on statistics, data analysis, or quantitative methods); communication skills (e.g. courses on writing and speaking); aesthetic sensibilities (e.g. courses in music, visual art, or theatre); scientific temper and the scientific method; an understanding of India, our context, and our challenges (e.g. courses on Indias history and diversity, or on the social realities of contemporary India); Constitutional values and their practice; social responsibility and moral and ethical reasoning; an adequate exposure to multiple disciplines and fields including the arts, humanities, and sports; and science in relation to society and the environment. The overall institutional experience of the students, in addition to the curriculum, must be designed and fostered to develop these capacities and dispositions. Students will be given adequate flexibility in deciding which courses to take in order to satisfy the core curriculum requirements.Students shall furthermore be required to choose an area of specialisation called their (e.g. history, chemistry, philosophy, mathematics, or electrical engineering) and optionally an area of additional study called their (e.g. music, Tamil, physics, geography, or pharmacy), or they may choose to double-major. Students shall gain deep disciplinary knowledge through theory and practical experiences in their area of specialisation (major). They shall gain additional understanding of any additional area of study (minor) that they choose. Students will be allowed to choose subject combinations across the current so-called , including professional and vocational streams, e.g. a student will be able to choose a in physics with a in history. Again, students will be given some degree of flexibility in deciding which courses to take in order to satisfy the requirements for the major or minor.All HEIs will strive to develop and run programmes with these goals and structure. In addition, all undergraduate programmes will also feature:Opportunities for conducting community service, especially service that makes use of capacities and subjects being learned by the student at the HEI. All HEIs will create mechanisms for social engagement of students at the undergraduate level, by contributing to issues of justice, equity and development. These engagements should be designed and run to offer exposure of students to the pressing issues of the local community, State, and country. To the extent possible, these will be integrated within the programme curriculum. The time allotted for social engagement for each student should be at least equal to a full one-semester course, across the duration of the programme. This could be attained through volunteering in local communities, through engagement in public social welfare programmes, or through collaboration with civil society institutions. It could also be attained through programmes such as the National Service Scheme, the National Cadet Core, and the youth wing of the Indian Red Cross.National Education Policy 2019Practical engagement with the world: All programmes should combine conceptual knowledge with practical engagement which has relevant real world connections (e.g. through practical laboratory work, field work, workshops, internships, involvement in teaching or tutoring, student research projects, and student portfolios).Focus on language, literature, arts, sports, and music: All undergraduate programmes shall have a special focus on language education. Institutions will be encouraged and funded to offer several Indian languages, as well as some foreign languages, so that students can develop proficiency in as many as possible and increase their cultural literacy of India and the world. These programmes will cover both language and literature. Students will be required to attain proficiency in discussing their major in at least one Indian language, through an appropriate written project or presentation in that language.All undergraduate programmes will also emphasise music, visual arts, performing arts, and sports. This shall include Indias deep traditions in the arts, music and sports, including the numerous remarkable local regional traditions. Yoga shall form an integral part of such efforts as well. Institutions will be encouraged and funded to offer full-fledged programmes and courses in these areas.Professional competence within liberal education: All undergraduate liberal education programmes shall have a robust element of skills and professional competence. Curriculum and pedagogy shall have a strong connection with the world of work, so as to develop capacities for employment and livelihood, along with those for being an engaged citizen. Students must also be prepared to respond to changes in the workplace.Professional and vocational subjects: Professional and vocational areas of study (e.g. engineering, medicine, law, and teacher education) will be an integral part of, and will work towards, this liberal education approach and curriculum. In the long-term, subjects from these streams will be offered as part of the liberal education approach to the undergraduate curriculum, within the constraints posed by the specific requirements of learning within these fields. Given that professional and vocational fields are also better served in many cases by those obtaining a liberal education (this is especially true for teacher education, but also, e.g. for engineering, medicine, and law), professional, technical, and vocational education programmes will arrange to enable arrangements and room for students to pursue a truly liberal undergraduate education. (See also Chapters 15, 16 and 20)A four-year duration programme will offer the full possibilities for such a transformed liberal undergraduate education programme, and shall be called a Liberal Arts programme, resulting in a BLA or BLE degree. The BLA or BLE will also offer students the possibility of in-depth research in their final year, resulting in a BLA or BLE with Research. The three-year undergraduate programmes currently running will also be redesigned with the same objectives and principles, recognising the fact that the shorter duration of the programme will result in somewhat lesser possibilities for broad exposure or in-depth research. The existing three-year programmes will also continue, and it will be left to individual educational institutions to decide the duration (3 or 4 years) 11. Towards a More Liberal Educationof the undergraduate programmes that they offer in different disciplines. The four-year programme will certainly allow for deeper possibilities for multidisciplinary exposure, research, internships, and dual majors or minors.Liberal education to develop Constitutional values: HEIs will develop an understanding of our Constitutional values, and the disposition and capacities for their practice, amongst all their students. The curricula of (all) programmes, in tandem with the overall culture and environment of the HEI, will enable this. The duties and rights in action, of all citizens of India, informed by these values will also be highlighted. Some of the Constitutional values that will be thus developed, as evidenced in action through the life of the students, are: democratic spirit and commitment to liberty and freedom; commitment to equality, justice, and fairness; embracing diversity, plurality, and inclusion; humaneness and fraternal spirit; social responsibility and the spirit of service; spirit of universalism, with rootedness in India; scientific temper and commitment to rational dialogue and public reasoning; and an ethic of integrity and honesty.High quality Bachelor of Liberal Arts in every district: There shall be at least one high quality HEI offering the four-year undergraduate BLA programme in or near every district in the country. The design of these programmes could also offer an exit option for the student after three years with a B.A., B.Sc., B.Voc., or other relevant undergraduate degree if a student so desires.This effort could begin with the educationally disadvantaged districts, while all districts should be covered by 2030. These HEIs may be set up as Model Undergraduate Colleges. Availability of high quality infrastructure, all relevant learning resources, and adequate number of capable faculty across disciplines will be ensured in these HEIs. Special incentives may be offered to all staff, including to faculty, to relocate to HEIs in disadvantaged districts, for long periods (e.g. not less than ten years).New Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities or Indian Institutes of Liberal Arts: As with the establishment of the first IITs in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the first IIMs in the early 1960s, central universities in the 1970s and 1980s, IIITs in the 1990s, the IISERs in the 2000s, and other new institutions, this Policy must result in the creation of new pace-setting institutions in the liberal arts and in multidisciplinary education and research. These would be centres of holistic learning, important in the advancement of knowledge in the country.The liberal arts educations given by the Ivy Leagues have played a major role in the development of the United States for a number of years, and Tsinghua is playing a major role in the development of China in recent years, among other examples throughout history such as Nalanda which produced scholars of the highest quality for many centuries, many of whom changed world history.A small number (say five) of multidisciplinary education and research universities providing world class liberal arts education and modelled after P11.1.2.P11.1.4.National Education Policy 2019some of the best universities in world history, such as Nalanda and the Ivy League schools in the U.S., will be set up in India within the next five years. Their locations will be decided based on the State governments ability to make available a large tract of land, say 2,000 acres, in an attractive location and provide up to 50% of the funding requirements of these universities.These residential Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities (MERUs) \/ Indian Institutes of Liberal Arts (IILAs) will aim to become model multidisciplinary liberal arts institutions and pinnacles of excellence in education and research in India and the world, and will grow to support 30,000 or even more students at peak capacity. They will be exemplary institutions of liberal arts education offering the four-year undergraduate degree, the BLA. They will be comprehensive in their coverage of disciplines and will support under-graduate, Masters, and PhD programmes of the highest quality. Faculty and leadership of these institutions will be given the exemplary freedoms they would need to build world class universities in India in the shortest possible time.MERUs \/ IILAs will offer the entire range of physical sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and application fields as majors and minors. They will also lead in integrating vocational and professional education within the liberal arts education approach. This can be used as a model by HEIs that are currently dedicated to professional and\/or vocational education in their transformations.11.2. Liberal education approach to energise graduate programmesMasters and Doctoral programmes will also be significantly enhanced by being located in vibrant multidisciplinary communities, by the breaking of silos, and via the overall liberal education approach. As such, there will be an increased emphasis on developing interdisciplinary research projects for graduate students, and on developing research relevant to local communities and the nation. Connections with education, with local, State, and National cultures and communities, and with industry (as is in the aim of the liberal education approach) will be exploited in order to enable higher quality and more relevant research. Masters and Doctoral programmes will be called programmes, as these programmes will follow undergraduate education. The aim will be for graduate students to become increasingly involved in teaching undergraduates through the liberal education approach, involved with internships in industry, involved with service in the community, and involved in collaboration with research faculty, in order to foster the highest possible quality education and research in graduate programmes. Institutional and faculty autonomy will help greatly in developing such initiatives for developing quality.Enhancing graduate programmes through the liberal education approach: Vibrant multidisciplinary communities and the liberal education approach P11.2.1.11. Towards a More Liberal Educationwill enhance not only undergraduate programmes but also graduate programmes on campuses, through initiatives such as the breaking of silos, teaching undergraduates with the liberal education approach, collaborating with industry, and conducting interdisciplinary research.All Masters and Doctoral programmes will develop rigorous and deep understanding and expertise in their disciplines and fields within these stimulating multidisciplinary environments. Graduate programmes will develop the capacities to generate new, relevant, and cross-disciplinary knowledge both pure and applied in their fields of study.The new multidisciplinary atmosphere of liberal education will help graduate students to focus their research and coursework on more interdisciplinary subjects; on research that helps local, State and National communities; and generally on more relevant research. Research conducted by graduate students will increasingly include collaborations with faculty, with industry, and with undergraduates.All Masters students will have some exposure to research and to cross-disciplinary themes in their subject as a significant part of their learning experiences.One of the goals of the liberal education approach will be to better connect research and education at all levels. To enhance their own connection with education, Doctoral students at HEIs will engage in teaching as a substantial (but not overly time consuming) part of their learning experiences. In particular, all Doctoral students will take a one-semester course\/seminar on teaching both the general aspects of good pedagogy as well as aspects more specialised to their specific subject.Following such a course, Doctoral students may be engaged significantly in providing academic support to undergraduate students, including through teaching assistantships to support faculty in the teaching of courses, which would help in the overall holistic learning experiences of graduate students and also help provide financial support for their expenses. All Doctoral students will take a unit on communication in at least one Indian language other than English (e.g. as part of their course on teaching), in order to develop the capacity to communicate their discipline\/field in that language. This is considered important to, e.g. write newspaper articles and conduct interviews in Indian languages, and to visit and speak in areas (e.g. at schools) about their subject where that language is prevalent. (This requirement is of course automatically satisfied for programmes that are directly conducted in or where theses are written in Indian languages.)The course work for graduate programmes (both Doctoral and Masters) will aim to develop relevant skills and ethics in students (e.g. an understanding of what constitutes innovation, academic honesty, and non-plagiarism, as well as the ability to write proposals for grants). Wherever relevant, industry internships and field studies will become part of training.National Education Policy 2019The number and quality of Doctoral (PhD) programmes at multidisciplinary institutions will be increased substantially (while increasing their quality) in order to bridge the current gap that exists at universities between education and research. In the medium term, once the accreditation system is in place, only accredited institutions will be permitted to have PhD programmes. This will ensure that poor quality Doctoral programmes can be weeded out.The NRF will also provide prestigious fellowships for postdoctoral fellows (including foreign applicants) to pursue high quality research at universities, in areas identified by the NRF. Such postdoctoral programmes will contribute significantly to the growth of individuals pursuing doctorates, and will help develop them into independent researchers (see Chapter 14). Special support will be provided to faculty in existing HEIs for working towards their PhDs, in order to stimulate their professional growth and therefore enhance the quality of multidisciplinary research and education at HEIs. A separate admission process for faculty seeking admission to premier research institutions in the country will be set up so that the best researchers in the country, from the top national HEIs conducting research, are enabled to mentor and supervise their research.Masters, doctoral, professional, and vocational programmes will also be significantly enhanced by being located in vibrant multidisciplinary institutions, by the breaking of silos, and via the overall liberal education approach.11.3. Enhancing professional education through a liberal education approachTransforming professional education and single- eld programmes: The large number of professional education (including technical education) and single-field programmes across the country should over time morph into full-fledged liberal education programmes, offering the entire range of majors and minors. During the transition, and for those HEIs which choose to continue to be focused on professional programmes, the curriculum shall integrate strong elements of other disciplines and fields, including humanities, social sciences, and arts, in order to develop the important attributes of scientific temper as well as creative and innovative thinking. These programmes must be cognisant P11.3.1.11. Towards a More Liberal Educationof larger social concerns, and develop a mindset of public service and cultural awareness. These programmes will thus develop the same broadly useful capacities and important dispositions that the liberal education programmes would, and will not remain narrowly-focussed on technical expertise alone (see Section 16.1).Institutions that currently are focused on single (or few) fields will build and develop themselves into Type 1, 2, or 3 multidisciplinary institutions. This will manifest in their offering undergraduate and graduate programmes across fields and disciplines. This will be particularly important in many of the professional fields, which already have a large number of well-resourced institutions, including engineering, medicine\/health, law and agriculture. It will also include the large number of teacher education institutions.Special initiatives will be envisioned and implemented to enable and foster the culture of liberal education in such institutions, e.g. through programmes such as artist-in-residencewriter-in-residence, musical concerts, organising conferences and lectures in humanities and social sciences, engagement with school education, etc.The four-year Bachelor of Liberal Arts \/ Education will provide the full range of liberal education with choice of major and minors. The three-year programme will lead to a Bachelors degree. Multiple exit options, with appropriate certification, will be available.11.4. Liberal education and research to foster and bolster each otherAs already remarked, high quality knowledge generation across fields is necessary for high quality liberal higher education; conversely, a multidisciplinary atmosphere of liberal education greatly enhances research. The fact that so many Nobel Prize winning scientists have had serious hobbies in the arts is indeed strong evidence for this important synergy. Thus high quality liberal education and high quality research must go hand-in-hand at higher educational institutions, in order to foster and energise each other.Liberal education culture to enhance research: Silos will be broken between disciplines in all higher educational institutions to encourage more multi-, P11.4.1.National Education Policy 2019inter-, and cross-disciplinary conversation, interaction, events, education, and research. Connections that the liberal education approach will develop with industry and with local communities will further encourage and strengthen high quality, and locally and societally relevant research by faculty and by graduate students, including on interdisciplinary subjects of high importance to society such as clean water, energy, environmental sustainability, gender equality, preservation of endangered languages, preservation of local arts, and more. The injection of a liberal education ethos into research culture will truly enhance research, improve its quality, and make it more interdisciplinary, and more relevant.Initiatives to promote quality research and teaching that foster quality liberal education: Specific measures will be taken to promote a culture of research, and for research to contribute to the development of a vibrant liberal education culture; four are listed below, and more will be envisioned and added.a. Promoting Inter-University Centres for collaborative research and teaching: As a part of the initiative to promote collaborative research, several new research-based Inter-University Centres (IUCs) in different areas will be established. These will be an integral part of the universities that host them unlike older IUCs. The IUCs will foster interdisciplinary research and teaching in several areas, organise training programmes for researchers to enhance their research competence and increase their innovation capacity in both research and teaching. Networks will be established by creating linkages between national laboratories \/ national research centres and universities.b. Research and teaching in languages, language education, literature, arts, philosophy, Indology, and related cultural areas: Research in languages, language education, literature, arts, philosophy, Indology, and related cultural areas will be supported by the NRF with adequate funds. This will encourage the growth of strong departments with a variety of rich courses for developing cultural literacy at various HEIs across the country, and thereby foster stronger liberal education and innovative relevant research. All institutes supporting language programmes will be funded to study and teach comparative literature. (See P22.4) c. Research and teaching in the culture and history of Indias neighbours: Research and teaching in the languages, culture, and history of Indias neighbours should be strongly encouraged, such as the culture and civilisation of China. Understanding and knowledge of our neighbours contributes to regional peace and mutual economic growth.d. Dynamic and proactive introduction of research and teaching programmes in fields of national importance: There will be a rigorous periodic review (once every 5 years) of areas and fields of current national importance, and of emerging fields, by a committee constituted by the RSA for this purpose. Programmes at the undergraduate and graduate levels in education and research will be introduced to address these needs. Some currently relevant examples of such fields are: strategic areas (e.g. aerospace, rocket propulsion, advanced materials), areas of critical economic importance (e.g. geology, P11.4.2.11. Towards a More Liberal Educationexploration and mining), and emerging fields (e.g. bio-informatics, artificial intelligence).Enhancing access to libraries and online journals: Access to high quality multidisciplinary libraries and online journals play a key role in liberal education and also in the performance of high quality research. The Government of India will set up a mechanism, e.g. becoming a single buyer, for online access to journals for all public institutions in the country, so as to save on costs and improve access. This would replace the present practice of funding premier institutions to subscribe to journals, which will save significant cost, and enable access for students and faculty from all public institutions.11.5. Programmes, degrees and other certications in higher educationProgrammes and certication in higher education: The awarding of specific degrees, diplomas, and other certificates at each HEI will require specific combinations and numbers of courses to be completed successfully. This will be appropriately detailed within the overall curricular framework by each HEI. There may be differential credit requirements (i.e. the number of courses to be completed) for different types of certification across fields. Various fields and disciplines may have requirements for larger and more tightly-knit sets of courses, but in all cases there shall be adequate curricular space for the basic expectations of liberal education.The undergraduate degree will move towards a strong liberal education approach, regardless of subject, and be of either three- or four-year duration. HEIs may offer multiple exit options within this period, with appropriate certification, e.g. an advanced diploma in a discipline or field (including vocational and professional areas) after completing two years of study or a diploma after completing one year.The four-year programme, the BLA or BLE in the chosen major and minors, will provide students the opportunity to experience the full range of liberal arts education. The three-year programme will lead to a Bachelors degree. Both programmes may lead to a degree with Research, if the student completes a rigorous research project as specified by the HEI. HEIs may choose to call their three-year undergraduate degree a Bachelor of Arts, or Science, or Vocation, or the appropriate professional field.Certain professional streams (e.g. teacher education, engineering, medicine, law) may only have programmes of a four-year duration (or more) for the undergraduate degree.The duration of any of the programmes is reflective of general time requirements for achieving the required credits for the relevant degree or P11.4.3.P11.5.1.National Education Policy 2019certificate. However, students may take less or more time to complete the programme, depending on a range of factors including their effort, courses on offer by the HEI, etc.HEIs will have the flexibility to offer different designs of Masters programmes, e.g. there may be a two-year programme with the second year devoted entirely to research, for those who have completed the three-year undergraduate programme; there may be an integrated five-year Bachelors\/Masters programme; and for students completing a four-year BLA or BLE with Research, there could be a one-year Masters programme.Undertaking a PhD shall require either a Masters degree or a four-year Bachelors degree with Research. The MPhil programme shall be discontinued.Admission to all undergraduate programmes of public HEIs will be through a process of assessment through the NTA (see P4.9.6).12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for StudentsChapter 12Optimal Learning Environments and Support for StudentsObjective: Ensure a joyful, rigorous, and responsive curriculum, engaging and effective pedagogy, and caring support to optimise learning and the overall development of students.Effective learning requires a comprehensive approach, beginning with a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, and clearly articulates a vision for the desired outcomes and how to attain them. However, even the finest curricula in the world require effective pedagogy to successfully impart the curricular material to students; pedagogical practices determine the learning experiences that are provided to students thus directly influencing learning outcomes.Additionally, the development of capacities that promote student wellness such as good health, psycho-social well-being, and sound ethical grounding are also necessary for high quality learning. Young people enrolled at the higher education level are capable of intense effort, commitment, and purposefulness. However, this stage can also be a tumultuous period in the personal, social, and intellectual world of the student. Often, higher education represents the first time in students lives when they are living and working independently, and the resulting stress and pressures of student life can sometimes form a serious threat to wellness. Robust care and support systems are thus vital for maintaining beneficial conditions for student wellness, an important precondition for effective learning.National Education Policy 2019In summary, curriculum, pedagogy, and student support are the fundamental requirements for quality learning; infrastructure, resources, technology, etc., while important, are merely the means for supporting these necessary ingredients.India has a number of high quality institutions which already have excellent practices that are designed to ensure that students learn effectively; their alumni are spread across the world and contribute across various domains. However, this must be the case consistently for all institutions across the country.Current challenges to effective learning environments. Despite well-meaning efforts over the past decades, the quality of programmes at a majority of our institutions, in both in-class and ODL modes, have been lacking across a number of parameters. First, curricula remain rigid, narrow, and archaic. They have too often not responded to the modern advances in disciplinary knowledge or in educational practice. Programmes do not cultivate a broad knowledge of the Indian context and its history and culture or of the global literacy that is required for effective learning in the 21st century, and that is needed to make our programmes attractive and relevant for todays Indian and global citizens.Second, faculty too often lack the autonomy to design curricula, and this lack of autonomy also negatively impacts pedagogy indeed, faculty perform best when they are able to teach in their own innovative styles, and when they are able to take into account their own expertise and their own knowledge of students needs. The rigid curriculum that is transacted, combined with the external assessment of students that follows with no formal processes for formative assessments in the majority of institutions ensure emphasis on rote memorisation with little room for critical thinking, creative projects, and discussion.Finally, student support is currently almost non-existent at most institutions. While some form of academic support may be available in a few institutions, the quality care that young people may need is generally missing.Ensuring that learning environments are engaging and supportive for all students to succeed. Institutions and faculty must have the autonomy to innovate on matters of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, informed by a broad overall framework of higher educational qualifications that ensures consistency across institutions and equivalence across programmes, both in the ODL and the traditional in-class modes. Curriculum and pedagogy must be designed by institutions and motivated faculty to ensure a stimulating and engaging learning environment for all students, and assessment must be used to further the goals of each programme.Each institution must integrate their academic plans ranging from curricular improvement to quality of classroom transaction into the larger IDP. Each institution must also be committed to holistic development of students, and create strong internal systems for supporting diverse student cohorts in academic, social and interpersonal domains both inside and outside formal academic interactions in the classroom. Faculty must have the capacity and training to be able to approach students not just as teachers in the classroom, but also as mentors and guides.12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for StudentsStudents from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds require particular encouragement and support to make the transition to higher education successfully. Providing access is only the first step; continuous support must also be provided. Universities and colleges must be required to set up high quality academic support for educationally disadvantaged groups and must be given adequate funds and academic resources to carry this out effectively.ODL provides a natural path to increase access to high quality higher education. In order to leverage its potential completely, ODL must be renewed through concerted, evidence-based efforts towards expansion and strengthening, while ensuring adherence to clearly articulated standards of quality. ODL programmes must consistently aim to be equivalent to the highest quality in-class programmes available.Programmes, courses, curricula, pedagogy across subjects, including those in both in-class and in ODL modes, as well as student support must aim to achieve global standards of quality. This would also help in having larger numbers of international students studying in India, and provide greater mobility to students in India who may wish to visit, study at, transfer credits to, or carry out research at institutions abroad, and vice versa. Courses and programmes in subjects such as knowledge of India and its languages, arts, history, culture, and global context; global literacy; internationally relevant curricula in the sciences, social sciences, and beyond; quality residential facilities and on-campus support; etc. must be fostered to attain this goal of global quality standards and internationalisation at home12.1. Innovative and responsive curriculum and pedagogyAutonomy on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment: All HEIs will have complete autonomy on curricular, pedagogical, and assessment- and resource-related (including qualification of faculty) matters (see P17.1.20). Development of vibrant and rigorous curricula: While each HEI will have complete autonomy in developing the curricula for its programmes, all curricula must respond to the standards of professional practice or learning outcomes or graduate attributes set up by the relevant standards-setting body in that field\/discipline.The Board of Governors (see Section 17.1) must approve a plan for developing and running programmes of the HEI and this must form an integral part of the IDP. All curricula must be developed to serve rigorously the learning goals of the specific programmes by a multidisciplinary group of capable faculty, who must thereafter operate the programme as a collective endeavour. All curricula must be periodically (maximum in 5 years) reviewed and revised to P12.1.1. P12.1.2. National Education Policy 2019improve, on the basis of developments in the relevant fields, the experiences of the faculty and the students, and the track record of achievement of learning outcomes.Curriculum and pedagogy in higher education will move away from rote learning of facts and mechanical procedures. They will help young people prepare to contribute both as active citizens of a democracy and as successful professionals in any field.National framework for learning goals: A National Higher Education Qualifications Frame-work (NHEQF) outlining the learning outcomes associated with degree\/diploma\/certification shall be the guiding document for curricula across all disciplines and fields, which do not have their individual PSSBs (see P18.3.1). This framework will be formulated by the General Education Council (GEC)(see P18.3.2). In the case of vocational subjects, correspondence between the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) and the NHEQF shall be established to enable equivalences and mobility.Stimulating learning experiences through effective teaching-learning and pedagogical practices: Classroom processes including pedagogical approaches will move decisively away from pure rote learning, and will encourage rigorous training with conceptual understanding, development of fundamental capacities and dispositions, practical and hands-on exercises, discussions, and a sense of excitement about learning. Faculty must be empowered and supported by the HEIs to innovate and adopt pedagogical approaches that help make this happen.This would require going beyond the standard lecture method to use pedagogical approaches that involve student participation and dialogue, relevant field work and hands-on activities, and facilitating student ownership of learning experiences. Seminars, symposia, independent reading scaffolded by the teacher, and group and individual projects are some examples of pedagogical strategies that can be adopted. Cooperative and peer-supported activities can help substantially in empowering students to take charge of their own learning.A significant part of classroom pedagogy may be devoted to the of things, i.e., the application of theory and ideas. All programmes (especially those in P12.1.4. P12.1.3. 12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Studentsthe visual or performing arts, the sciences, and mathematics) should have equipment, material, and appropriate spaces where students can experiment, understand, and try out ideas. All programmes (including those in the humanities and social sciences) should design local and relevant projects and practicums for students to engage in relevant hands-on experiences. To complement conceptual learning in the classroom, as well as to help students gain significant exposure to field realities, field experiences, projects, practicums, and internships will be widely integrated within programmes.Pedagogical practices will be designed to ensure that students learn to engage with issues through peaceful dialogue. Our students should be able to see and reinforce the importance of public spaces for critical dialogue, and peaceful public discussion and tolerance as a bulwark of democracy.While faculty must have the freedom to identify and use the pedagogical approach that is best suited to a particular course and student, all pedagogical approaches must ensure that issues of inclusion and diversity are addressed adequately.Meaningful opportunities for social engagement for all students in higher education institutions: All HEIs will create mechanisms for social engagement of students at the undergraduate level to contribute to issues of justice, equity, and development. Such mechanisms should be designed and run to give exposure to students to the pressing issues of the local community, State, and country. To the extent possible, these mechanisms would be integrated within the programme curricula as much as possible. The time allotted for such social engagement for each student should be at least equal to a full one semester course, across the duration of the programme. This could be accomplished through relevant volunteering programmes in local communities, engagement in public social welfare programmes, collaboration with civil society institutions, participation in tutoring or support groups on campus, or other social engagement activities that are equally effective.Assessment for development and not judgement: All assessment systems shall be decided by the HEI, including those that lead to final certification. The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of the current UGC will be revised and improved, in order to make clear the basic vision while leaving plenty of room for innovation and flexibility. HEIs should move to a criterion-based grading system that assesses student achievement based on the learning goals for each programme making the system fairer and outcomes more comparable. HEIs should also move away from high-stakes examinations towards more continuous and comprehensive evaluation.Assessment will be comprehensive along all aspects of learning and would be designed to reflect learning experiences along with learning outcomes. Students should be assessed not only on academic aspects but also on the broad capacities and dispositions that are the goals of liberal education.Assessment must provide a basis for frequent reflection by students to assess their progress, and by faculty to further improve the quality of learning P12.1.5. P12.1.6. National Education Policy 2019experiences being provided. The purpose of assessment must not be to label or rank but to identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement, as students move towards attaining the outcomes defined for their programme. A range of tools and processes for assessment should be used for this purpose, e.g. peer and self-assessment, portfolios, assignments, projects, presentations, and dissertations. The criteria and rubrics for assessment must be determined in a collaborative manner by the faculty and shared with students.Curriculum and pedagogy to be integral to institutional assessment and development: The quality of the curriculum, its improvement, the actual quality of classroom transaction, and the learning outcomes of the students shall form an integral part of the IDP of all HEIs. This should be used systematically and judiciously for assessment of the institution, its programmes, and also of its faculty. This may include student evaluations, peer reviews, and other relevant mechanisms. This assessment of the institution may be in the nature of self-assessment for improvement or as part of the accreditation process in the accreditation system (see Section 18.2).12.2. Student support for learning and developmentAcademic support for students: All institutions shall provide academic support to students in addition to regular classes. Institutions shall achieve this through a variety of means appropriate to their individual contexts, e.g. initiatives for improving capacities in given languages, academic reading, academic writing, academic speaking, reasoning, and analysis; focussed support for a particular subject; special (sensible and sensitive) bridge programmes\/centres for additional\/remedial support; and special tutorials and tutoring programmes and centres. Universities\/colleges may choose to offer bridge programmes to students before they enter higher education this should primarily aim to lessen the impact of social or educational disadvantages.Academic, financial and emotional support will be available for students to help them attain better outcomes.Career support for students: All institutions will ensure occupational readiness in their students. The curriculum will help students develop capacities for the world of work. In addition, institutions will help students in other ways, e.g. through: placement\/counselling assistance to help them clarify P12.1.7. P12.2.2. 12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Studentstheir occupational choices, facilitate processes to identify employment opportunities, and set up interactions with potential employers; and workshops and short courses on specific workplace skills that may not be part of the regular curriculum.Physical and emotional health support for students: Institutions shall create systems and processes, and allocate time to ensure students physical health and emotional wellness. Facilities for medical care, counselling services, therapy, and treatment in cases of illness or distress will be made available. Institutions must set up strong mentoring programmes by faculty along with peer support programmes (e.g. buddy systems and student support groups). There must be formal student and faculty development initiatives to help everybody value the practice of care and promote conversations among all these groups. These initiatives must help staff and students recognise that care in educational settings eventually resides in the quality of relationships and the responses to interpersonal needs and challenges it is not an activity to be executed by specialists but an ethos that informs all relationships. Even when some of the responses require the attention of specialists, the ability to detect such needs and to initiate the appropriate responses will be important to cultivate in the culture of each HEI.Financial support for students: Financial assistance to students who need such financial support shall be made available. No student will be deprived of higher education because of financial inability. A National Scholarship Fund will be established which will ensure that all students who require financial support to attend a public HEI will receive it this could also cover stipends, and boarding and lodging, and not just waivers of tuition fees. Private HEIs will offer scholarships ranging from 100% to 50% for at least half of their students (see P18.6.3).Facilities for sports and arts: All institutions will offer facilities, classes, and clubs for students to participate in activities related to sports and to visual and performing arts. There will be funds set aside for the development and maintenance of such facilities and programmes, including artist-in-residence programmes at all HEIs.Involving students in institutional processes: Students will be involved in relevant processes and committees of the institution systems and mechanisms may be set up for this. This will be developed as a mechanism to enhance the educational experiences of students as well as a method for HEIs to be more responsive to feedback and the needs of students.Topic-centred clubs and activities: All HEIs will have mechanisms and opportunities for funding for topic-centered clubs and activities organised by students (with the help of faculty and other experts as needed), such as clubs and events dedicated to science, mathematics, poetry, language, P12.2.3. P12.2.5. P12.2.6. P12.2.7. National Education Policy 2019literature, debate, music, table tennis, etc. Over time, such activities could be incorporated into the curriculum once appropriate faculty expertise and campus student demand is developed.Adequate grievance redressal: Delivery of time-bound and reliable quality of student services and grievance redressal will be ensured; fines or other penalties or actions may be suitably levied on the concerned persons if not delivered as promised.12.3. Open and distance learning: Curriculum and pedagogy for enhancing access and opportunities for life-long learningTransforming the quality of open and distance learning: The full potential of ODL as a curricular and pedagogical approach that can substantially expand access to higher education will be fully leveraged by ensuring that ODL programmes are of the highest quality. The explicit aim will be for ODL programmes to be equivalent to the highest quality in-class programmes available at the institution, via making use of the highest quality faculty, programmes, courses, and resources available. The highest student evaluations and peer reviews of courses\/programmes and teachers at the institution will be nominated by a rigorous process and supported to be converted into ODL courses and programmes (in particular, MOOCs).Leveraging open and distance learning for improving access to quality learning experiences: High quality ODL courses and programmes will be expanded to: i) enhance access to higher education, including professional and vocational education; ii) promote life-long learning and certification through reaching out to people engaged in various livelihoods as well as those who wish to re-enter the formal education system; and iii) support the continuous professional development of teachers in school and higher education.Both traditional and open and distance learning modes to be offered by institutions: All Type 1 and Type 2 institutions will be encouraged to offer innovative ODL programmes with the help of the very best teachers at their institutions. Existing programmes of high quality may be used to develop ODL programmes with similar learning goals. These institutions may also offer programmes exclusively in the ODL mode again when equivalence to standards of the highest quality in-class programmes at the institution can be ensured. Type 3 institutions may also offer ODL, based on receiving appropriate accreditation for the same.Ensuring quality of open and distance learning: To ensure that the highest quality ODLs are developed and delivered, HEIs will use their highest-rated P12.2.8. P12.3.4. 12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Studentsfaculty, courses, and programmes, and invest in adequate facilities and support staff, amongst other such initiatives to produce the highest-quality content with innovative curricula and pedagogical practices. The quality of ODL programmes will be measured by their effectiveness in delivering learning outcomes relative to the best in-class programmes of a similar nature across HEIs. All institutions offering courses and programmes in ODL mode will develop and standardise programmes based on national as well as local needs. Norms, standards and guidelines for systemic development, regulation, and accreditation of ODL will be prepared by NHERA, and a framework for quality of ODL that will be recommendatory for all HEIs will be developed by the GEC.An internal nomination and review mechanism in all HEIs for the development and offering of ODL courses and programmes, in order to ensure high quality, promote innovation, and continually reshape and refresh ODL courses and programmes, will be put in place.Only HEIs accredited to offer ODL will be allowed to offer ODL programmes (see Section 18.2).ODL must play a significant role in increasing GER to 50%. Innovation and expansion of ODL must be encouraged, while ensuring quality.Online digital repository: To ensure efficient utilisation of resources and to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort, all content developed for ODL will be included in an online digital repository (see P19.4.6). An appropriate mechanism will be put in place for creating and continually reviewing content to ensure their quality. The content will be available freely to all students and faculty across the country.Funding for research to improve the quality of open and distance learning: Adequate funding will be provided for research to continually improve the quality of ODL-specific pedagogy and assessments, student support services, models of ODL, and integration of technology.Support services for students enrolled in open and distance learning: Learner support services shall be institutionalised at all institutions offering ODL. These must be as effective and relevant as the ones on offer for full-time students of the same HEI. Services will include providing learning P12.3.5. P12.3.6. P12.3.7. National Education Policy 2019material (e.g. hosting courseware, repositories, Open Educational Resources or OERs, MOOCs), support from help desk services, tutoring and counselling, conduct of classes (through webinars, discussion forums, webcasting), library facilities, virtual labs, e-learning modules, timely feedback on performance, online examinations, declaration of results, granting of certifications, redressal of grievances, etc.Capacity development for expertise in open and distance learning: Type 1 HEIs will be funded specifically to devise and offer capacity development programmes for faculty for developing and transacting ODL courses and programmes. This will include training educators and writers for development of ODL materials and offering such learning resources widely. These programmes could be offered both fully in the in-class mode and in the ODL mode. A cadre of experts on ODL would thereby be developed though these programmes.Massive Open Online Courses: MOOCs have emerged as an important form of ODL. The demand for enrolment in high quality MOOCs continues to increase. Although MOOCs have not yet fulfilled the initial projections made about their usage, they continue to be a useful way to reach large numbers of students without boundaries, and are still being experimented with to improve their quality of engagement and learning outcomes. Presently, India enrols the second largest number of students in MOOCs after the USA. The SWAYAM (Study Web of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) platform is a recently-launched Indian platform for offering MOOCs that will be used to help individual educators and HEIs to cater to this demand.Meeting the growing demand for MOOCs: HEIs will be encouraged, through funding and other support mechanisms, to put some of their best courses online. This could be either by setting up their own open learning platforms or putting them on the SWAYAM platform to meet the growing demand for MOOCs for the continuous upgrading of knowledge for young students and adult learners alike. Students will have the freedom to opt for online courses offered by various universities and institutions across the country. Well known experts and teachers in the country will be encouraged and supported to design and deliver MOOCs on topics in their area of expertise. Faculty and HEIs offering MOOCs will ensure reliable and credible student assessment and institutionalise an appropriate mechanism for providing timely feedback to enrolled students on their performance.Recognition and accumulation of credits earned by MOOCs. A mechanism for the recognition and accumulation of credits earned through MOOCs will be put in place by the GEC as part of the NHEQF. MOOCs offered by universities anywhere in the world will be suitably recognised, after ascertaining the alignment of their contents with the NHEQF, and appropriate checks on their delivery methods, modes of interaction with students, and assessment procedures. HEIs may allow their students to take part of their total requirement P12.3.8. P12.3.10. P12.3.11. 12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Studentsin a particular semester (especially for subjects not yet represented at the HEI) through recognised MOOCs, as per their choice. The details will be left to individual HEIs to specify as per their needs.Ensuring the quality of MOOCs: HEIs must take the lead to ensure rigorous nomination and review processes for MOOCs (and all forms of ODL) so that the MOOCs offered by their faculty, and taken by students for credit, are run as per the guidelines from the GEC, and achieve standards of quality equivalent to the very best and most highly-rated courses at the HEI, with due attention being paid to student interaction and support to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Being requested by an HEI to transform an in-class course into a MOOC (or other ODL course) will be considered a prestigious honour and task for a faculty member to receive and undertake, and faculty members so requested will be well-supported with resources (human, material, and technological) to carry out such a transformation to ensure a resulting MOOC of the highest quality.12.4. Internationalisation of higher educationWhile preparing our students to participate in world affairs through providing them with learning experiences that cut across countries and cultures, we must also attract students from other countries to participate in our higher education programmes. The understanding these students will derive and the relationships they will forge in our country will influence their work in their home countries. India has had an illustrious history in the internationalisation of higher education. The worlds first university was established in Takshashila in 700 BCE. In its heyday in the 7th century CE, the University of Nalanda had students and scholars from China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Persia, Turkey, and other parts of the world. However, currently, while Indian students are increasingly travelling abroad for their studies, only approximately 45,000 (11,250 per year) international students study in Indian higher education institutions, making India the 26th ranked country among the top destinations for international student mobility. This accounts for less than 1% of global international student mobility, given that globally, nearly 5 million students were reported to be studying outside their home countries in 2014.An education that prepares students to think globally and become global citizens, confident and capable of working in different countries around the world, is one of the foremost considerations influencing student choice regarding the country they would like to study in; and it is important to recognise the fact that international students are attracted due to the reputation of an institution, and thereby the first step must be towards creating such institutions. Therefore, the quality of education on offer at Indian institutions becomes of critical importance in the endeavour to attract foreign students.P12.3.12. National Education Policy 2019Thus, the approaches to promoting internationalisation of higher education in this Policy will involve facilitating student and faculty mobility, establishing international partnerships for research and cross-border delivery of higher education programmes, easing the processes through which institutions can enroll students from around the world, as well as the feasibility of carrying credits across institutions in multiple countries, and other such measures.Internationally relevant education: Indian higher education institutions must take advantage of the freedoms that will come with the autonomy that will be widely granted as a result of this Policy to create a nationally and internationally competitive education. The curriculum, its delivery, assessment processes, and the entire educational experience of students must equip them with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to become global citizens. The NHEQF as well as similar qualifications frameworks in professional education must be aligned with global standards so that students receive internationally recognised qualifications. These efforts towards internationalisation at home must be achieved without compromising the requirements of the Indian context. Faculty in HEIs must also be assisted in cultivating a global outlook. This will require investment in quality academic infrastructure such as well-equipped laboratories, libraries, computing services, and so on.Courses on Indian languages, arts, culture, history, and traditions: Universities seeking to become attractive destinations for foreign students will receive funds to develop and offer specially designed courses on Indian languages, arts, history, Ayurveda, yoga, etc. Other areas of strength in India such as STEM subjects, computer science, gaming, and related topics are also attractive to foreign students, and efforts must be made to tie these courses up with internships and industry attachment to make them even more attractive. There are many other uniquely Indian cultural traditions such as cuisines, textiles, and so on that also offer extremely attractive opportunities for study, not just for foreign students, but also for Indian students. Departments for Indic studies will also be funded in several institutions on a competitive basis, so that even Indian students do not have to go abroad to learn Indology as is often the case today.Encouraging institutional collaborations: Collaboration between foreign and Indian institutions will be facilitated for twinning programmes a programme of study whereby students enrolled with an Indian educational institution may complete their programme of study partly in India, complying with relevant regulations, and partly in the main campus of a foreign institution, and vice versa. Given that the duration of undergraduate and graduate courses can be different in different countries, MHRD will sign MOUs with many countries, thus suitably providing mutual recognition to the degrees awarded by both countries as a very important means of attracting students. More MOUs need to be signed with countries of interest such as those in the Global South because with the rising cost of education in the U.S. and Europe, students around the world could also find low-cost high quality education in India very attractive.P12.4.1. P12.4.3. 12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for StudentsFacilitating entry of international students and researchers: The ease of entry for international students will be improved. The RSA will examine the formalities required by various ministries to achieve this and will make all the information available on a Study in India Portal that will be set up by MHRD. It will also work with all the relevant ministries to improve processes and set transparent criteria for permissions. The visa and Foreigner Registration Regional Office (FRRO) processes, extension of stay, and internship policies will be simplified to attract high quality students from all over the world.The newly constituted NRF (See Chapter 14) will be encouraged to support special schemes for offering research scholarships to talented international students from developing countries. Good quality credit-based short-term Indian studies courses will be offered to enable students who wish to stay for a shorter period. Students who have completed a degree in India will be allowed to seek employment in the country for a pre-decided period of time so that they can gather some work experience before they return to their respective countries if they so desire.Facilitating stay and integration of incoming students within local communities: Admissions for international students are facilitated by the 15% supernumerary quota that has already been in place for some time. However, educational institutions keen on hosting international students must create the additional infrastructure, such as residential facilities, required to host them, either on their own or in partnerships with service providers. Institutions must also focus on providing incoming students with a safe, positive, and holistic experience by creating the necessary social infrastructure to help them. These include assigning faculty mentors, host families and student buddies, and offering local language courses and other bridge courses as needed. HEIs can also introduce scholarships to attract meritorious international students. At present, most of the foreign students studying in India are doing so at private institutions because they offer the best student experience available, but in time the influx into Central and State universities must increase.Student exchange: Indian students will be supported to have a global immersion experience through short-duration visits to reputed universities abroad. Movement of undergraduate and graduate students from Indian universities to take up semester-abroad programmes, short-term internships, training or project work in international institutions will be encouraged. Tie-ups with educational institutions abroad for student exchange programmes will be expanded and strengthened. The provision for credit transfer to such selected students will be facilitated. Scholarships and\/or educational loans for students and researchers aspiring to pursue higher studies abroad and return to India will be enhanced.Faculty mobility: Faculty members at Indian institutions will be encouraged to get exposure to foreign universities, and vice versa. This could include exchange programmes with designated universities, deputation\/lien, short-P12.4.4. P12.4.7. National Education Policy 2019term assignments\/jobs and short-term training programmes in India and abroad. Faculty at Indian higher education institutions will be eligible for sabbatical leave which they can use for availing of such opportunities.Additionally, Indian institutions hosting visiting scholars under the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) scheme will be encouraged to provide such analogous opportunities for selected faculty from their institutions to visit foreign institutions.Research collaborations: Strategic partnerships between universities in India and abroad will be used to expand research collaborations. The NRF will provide funding support for the two-way movement of talented research students and post-doctoral fellows, as part of funding joint research projects. Once again, factors such as visas, registration, extension of stay, etc., must be facilitated by their International Offices set up to develop and deliver on an internationalisation strategy, and offer services and supports to international students working with the newly set-up Inter-University Centre for International Education (IUCIE) (see P12.4.12). Offshore campuses: Public and private universities that meet specified eligibility criteria will be encouraged to set up campuses in select countries particularly in the Global South. Both the Central and State governments will take up the task of initiating amendments in the Acts of the Central and State Universities to enable such initiatives.MOOCs and open and distance learning: Indian HEIs will be encouraged to extend the coverage of their ODL programmes to other States and to foreign countries to meet in-country and overseas demands. Indian universities may also consider launching online and blended learning courses in various disciplines to expand their reach in India and abroad. Necessary software support and funding can be made available to all interested higher education institutions. In turn, MOUs for the recognition of mutual degrees, signed between the two countries, must also cover the online domain. Indian HEIs must work with their foreign counterparts, under the umbrella provided by the MOUs, to mutually recognise MOOCs and other forms of online courses and degrees.Inviting foreign universities into India: Select universities (i.e. those from among the top 200 universities in the world) will be permitted to operate in India. A legislative framework facilitating such entry will be put in place, and such universities will have to follow all the regulatory, governance, and content norms applicable to Indian universities.An Inter-University Centre for International Education: The IUCIE will be set up along with an International Education Centre (IEC) within selected Indian universities to support internationalisation of higher education in universities. Necessary budget provision will be made available to operationalise these Centres.P12.4.8. P12.4.9. P12.4.10. P12.4.11. P12.4.12. 12. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for StudentsOutreach and branding: A systematic brand building campaign will be undertaken for attracting students from abroad. This will include using all forms of communication and outreach, including social media. The IUCIE, the government, and Indian HEIs through their International Offices, must undertake this systematic brand-building exercise. Scholarships are a very important component of making it attractive for students to come to India. A large number of scholarships for outstanding international students to study in India must be made available.In addition, country-specific dossiers based on primary and secondary market research will be prepared. Seminars\/workshops\/presentations and cultural events highlighting educational opportunities available in India will be organised in each of the target countries. Identified institutions will be provided with funding support to undertake these outreach events.P12.4.13. 13. Energised, Engaged and Capable Faculty Chapter 13Energised, Engaged and Capable FacultyObjective: Empowered faculty with high competence and deep commitment, energised for excellence in teaching and research.The most important factor in the success of higher education institutions is the quality and engagement of its faculty. This crucial matter has not escaped the attention of Indias current higher education system. Acknowledging the criticality of faculty in achieving the goals of higher education, various initiatives have been introduced in the past several years to systemise recruitment and career progression, and to ensure equitable representation from various groups in the hiring of faculty. Compensation levels of permanent faculty in public institutions have been increased substantially. Various initiatives have also been taken towards providing faculty with professional development opportunities through the Human Resource Development Centres (HRDCs), formerly known as the Academic Staff Colleges.Happily, there are thousands of faculty members working in higher education across the country who are motivated, engaged, and fully committed towards achieving the highest levels of excellence. Their dedicated involvement with teaching and research, as well as with community service and service to their profession, has been truly inspirational.However, despite these various improvements in the status of the academic profession - and the existence of so many model faculty members who truly inspire us all - on an average, faculty motivation in terms of teaching, research, and service in universities and colleges remains far lower than National Education Policy 2019would be truly desired and needed for the higher education system to thrive and reach the high levels that are expected of it. The various factors that lie behind the lower-than-desired faculty motivation levels must be assessed carefully and addressed in turn to ensure that each faculty member is happy, enthusiastic, engaged, and motivated towards advancing her\/his profession and institution.Challenges for faculty motivation in HEIsThere remain a number of challenges for faculty motivation in HEIs at the current time.First, physical infrastructure and service conditions remain less than ideal at too many institutions, including at many Central and State Universities. Many institutions lack the basic facilities and infrastructure needed for faculty (and students) to feel comfortable in coming to work. Essential facilities such as clean drinking water, clean working toilets, as well as blackboards, offices, teaching supplies, laboratories, pleasant classroom spaces and campuses, etc. must be provided and maintained at all institutions for faculty to want to come and spend significant time working at and for their institution.The service conditions of faculty members are also severely inadequate. At the current time, there are too many faculty members on temporary appointments, with low salaries and\/or insecurity. Indeed, faculty vacancies against permanent roles remain extremely high; for example, faculty vacancies in the new Central Universities are reported to be over 50% and 35% in the new IITs; at other universities, the numbers are generally even worse. Ad hoc and contractual appointments have become the norm, compromising institutional processes and depleting the energies and motivation of all faculty members. This is true for both public and private HEIs. In addition, heavy teaching loads (often as much as 36 hours a week), with high student-teacher ratios in each class (sometimes higher than 50 to 1), leave little time for adequate class preparation or proper student interaction, let alone time for research or other university activities and service.A second, related, issue is that faculty completely lack autonomy - in course development, on curricular matters, on pedagogical approaches, on taking service initiatives, and on research. Even for faculty members who are not on short term contracts, the feeling of being empowered and having the freedom to innovate is generally lacking. Curricula and syllabi are too often simply handed to faculty members to teach, with little room for any creativity or innovation in presentation, content, assignments, or assessment. This stymies the energy of the educational enterprise and demotivates faculty. Moreover, the heavy teaching loads, and high student-teacher ratios in each class, leave little time for creative class preparation, let alone time for innovative research or service initiatives.A further challenge with faculty motivation is that career management is too often not based on merit, but rather on seniority, luck, or other arbitrary 13. Energised, Engaged and Capable Faculty factors. There is no clear tenure track or career progression system at most institutions that ensures that hiring, retention, salary increase, promotion, and vertical mobility are all based on merit and quality of performance in teaching, research, and service. Incentives for conducting outstanding work are not an inherent part of the system, severely reducing faculty motivation and commitment to excellence.Finally, the institutional leadership system is broken. Institutional leaders are not trained and fostered well in advance, or always chosen based on merit; in fact, in too many cases, institutional leadership is chosen based on totally corrupt practices. Transition between institutional leaders is too often not smooth, with reports of leadership vacancies for several months or more. As institutional leadership, by definition, must take the lead in creating a merit-based culture of excellence and high performance at each institution, the broken system of leadership can have a severely demotivating effect on both faculty and students.13.1. Putting faculty back into the heart of higher education institutionsMotivating and energising faculty to achieve high quality in higher education: Service conditions, faculty empowerment, performance management or career progression, and institutional leadership in HEIs must be completely overhauled so that faculty members are motivated, energised, and incentivised to spend their energies on achieving personal and institutional excellence in teaching, research, and service to their communities.Ensuring service conditions conducive to excellent teaching and research: All HEIs must be equipped with the basic infrastructure and facilities necessary to carry out good work in higher education, including but not limited to: clean drinking water, clean working toilets, blackboards, offices, teaching supplies, laboratories, pleasant classroom spaces and campuses, etc. Teaching duties must also not be excessive, and student-teacher ratios not too high, so that the activity of teaching remains pleasant and there remains adequate time for interaction with students, for conducting research, and for other university activities. Faculty must be appointed to individual institutions and not be transferable across institutions, so that they may feel truly invested in and committed to their institution and community.Enabling vibrant university communities through faculty empowerment: To motivate faculty members, it is important that they be trusted and empowered; they must have the freedom to creatively design their own curricular and pedagogical approaches, including with respect to syllabi, pedagogy, assignments, and assessments, and to choose their textbooks and other learning materials.National Education Policy 2019Faculty perform best when they are able to teach in their own innovative and personalised styles, and when they are able, in their teaching, to take into account their own expertise as well as their knowledge of their students needs. Faculty must also be empowered to decide how best to invest their time, with respect to research and other institutional activities and service - within some basic norms. In summary, empowering faculty to do innovative research, teaching, and service is a key motivator and enabler for faculty to do truly outstanding, creative work. Incentivising excellence through merit-based career management: Institutional decisions regarding faculty recruitment, retention, salary increases, promotions, recognition, and vertical mobility into institutional leadership must all be based entirely on merit and performance with respect to the quality of teaching, research, and service. Meanwhile, faculty who do not deliver on basic norms must be held to account. In keeping with the vision of autonomous institutions empowered to drive excellence, HEIs will have clearly defined, independent and transparent processes for faculty recruitment. The intent will be to ensure the highest capability individuals as well as a wide range of capacities and experience among teachers within an institution, as determined by each HEI.A robust and merit-based tenure track, promotion and salary structure will be developed, with multiple levels within each faculty rank, to incentivise and recognise excellent and committed faculty through tenure, promotions, and salary increases. A system of multiple parameters for proper assessment of performance will be developed for the same, including peer reviews, student reviews, innovations in teaching, quality and impact of research, and other forms of service to the institution and the community. Such merit-based assessments would be used to determine tenure decisions, as well as promotions and salary increases for each faculty member, among other possible department-wide and institution-wide recognitions.Vertical mobility of faculty based on merit will also be essential; outstanding faculty with demonstrated leadership and management skills would be trained over time to take on academic leadership positions.Faculty recruitment, development, performance management, and career progression will be part of the IDP (see P17.1.7). Creating a culture of excellence through outstanding institutional leadership: The presence of outstanding and enthusiastic institutional leadership that cultivates excellence and innovation through creating a merit and performance-based culture is the need of the hour. High quality institutional leadership is extremely important for the success of an institution and of its faculty. Various outstanding faculty with high academic and service credentials as well-demonstrated leadership and management skills will be identified early, and trained through a ladder of leadership positions. Leadership positions will not remain vacant, but rather an overlapping time period during changes in leadership will be the norm to ensure smooth 13. Energised, Engaged and Capable Faculty transitions and the smooth running of institutions. Corrupt practices will be removed and replaced by merit-based hiring of institutional leaders.Institutional leaders will aim to create a culture of innovation and excellence that will encourage and incentivise outstanding and innovative teaching, research, institutional service, and community outreach from faculty members and all HEI leaders. It is the institutional leaders that would be held to account for the quality and direction of the institution (See Chapter 17).Higher education faculty must be valued and supported with excellent preparation and conducive working environments.Adequate physical infrastructure and facilities: All HEIs will have adequate physical infrastructure and facilities with basic hygienic requirements by 2023, including: safe drinking water and functioning toilets; faculty office space; conducive learning environments through pleasant classrooms with adequate furniture; materials and infrastructure to support differently-abled students; well-designed campuses; computers and computer rooms, internet connectivity, and institutional e-mail; science laboratories; vocational education spaces; materials for arts\/crafts, etc.Ensuring faculty availability: Every institution must have adequate faculty, ensuring that all programme, subject and field needs are met, a desirable student-teacher ratio (not more than 30:1) is maintained and diversity is ensured. The prevalent approach of adhoc, contractual appointments must be stopped immediately.Judicious mix of capacities within each institution: Faculty must have academic expertise and depth, and teaching capacities along with dispositions for public service; they must be inspired and guided by the educational goals and the vision for the country as envisaged in the Constitution. Faculty must also have the capacity to engage with students not just as teachers in the classroom, but also as mentors and guides.The faculty body must be a mix of academicians and field practitioners, which is critical for establishing strong and involved connections with the field of practice; lateral recruitment will therefore be encouraged. For such faculty with backgrounds as practitioners, their experience and capacity will be the criterion for appointment, and not their educational qualifications.P13.1.1.P13.1.2.P13.1.3.National Education Policy 2019Institutional autonomy for recruitment: All institutions, including public institutions (and aided institutions), will have the autonomy to recruit faculty and other members of their choice. Recruitment will be based on rigorous and transparent criteria and processes; both the criteria and processes will be available in the public domain. Recruitment criteria for faculty should include diversity, disciplinary understanding, social perspectives, pedagogical ability, and contribution to practice and research; the ability to work with diverse groups must be an important criteria for those in senior positions. The BoG, through the President\/Vice-Chancellor\/Director, will ensure that the appropriate process is followed during recruitment, e.g. by constituting appropriate search and recruitment committees. (See Section 17.1) Empowering and motivating institutional culture: An enabling and participative culture characterised by equality, and respect for the value and dignity of each member will prevail in every institution. The environment should be open with new ideas being encouraged, with a commitment to dialogue even in the face of dissent. A sense of ownership will be fostered through shared institutional vision and goals. Faculty must be informed about their roles and responsibilities, and should be accountable for fulfilment of the same, while contributing to the furtherance of the larger goals of the institution. Space must also be accorded for them to share challenges and to seek support for professional development.The most important element of the empowering culture must be academic freedom for the faculty, including the freedom to pursue their research, write, and adopt innovative pedagogical and curricular practices. Developing such a culture would be one of the most important facets of the role of the institutional leaders, including the Vice Chancellor\/Director.Permanent (tenure) employment track for university staff including faculty: An appropriately designed permanent employment (tenure) track system for faculty will be introduced for all college and university staff, including the faculty - this will be fully functional in all institutions by 2030, including private HEIs. The probation period will typically be five years, which may be reduced or increased upon evaluation. Confirmation will be based on a rigorous and comprehensive assessment process with multiple sources of data. This could include 360 degree feedback (supervisor, peer and student review) over a period of time and assessment of a portfolio of work. Every institution will decide on its own process to confirm permanent employment\/tenure. Such appointments will be made to individual institutions; faculty will not be transferable across institutions.Permanent employment refers to an employee who has been hired\/recruited for a position without a predetermined time limit. A permanent employee differs from a term or temporary or contract employee, all of which have a predetermined period of employment. Such a permanent employee will have an explicit long term appointment contract, usually ending when the employee reaches the age of retirement in that institution or resigns or is dismissed\/terminated from the employment of the institution following the due processes of the institution.P13.1.5.P13.1.6.P13.1.4.13. Energised, Engaged and Capable Faculty Faculty recruitment will be on the basis of academic expertise and depth, on teaching capacities and dispositions for public service.Faculty development plan: All institutions will develop a CPD plan for the faculty and determine the process for its implementation. The plan should include capacity development in the field\/discipline, pedagogical capacities, research and contribution to practice. Institutions could consider putting in place a mentorship programme for young faculty members and a self-assessment tracking system that would encourage faculty to assess their own progress and learning.The HRDCs will be integrated into the Universities presently hosting them, instead of remaining external entities. MHRD will provide for the expenditure of HRDCs in two separate parts: funding for (i) the centre and the staff as part of the university budgets, and (ii) professional development programmes. HRDCs will be allowed to train teachers of private HEIs, and charge for the same. The number of HRDCs will be expanded by funding new ones within the multidisciplinary universities.A national programme for the professional development of teachers (faculty) in higher education will be launched, the curricular framework for which will be designed by the HRDCs, in consultation with HEIs across the country. This framework may be used by HEIs to run their own CPD programmes; the HEIs will be responsible for the effective CPD of their faculty and other members. (See P15.5.2)Orientation programme for new faculty: All new faculty in HEIs must undergo orientation programmes, which may also be designed and offered by the Departments\/Colleges of Education. This programme must familiarise them with the culture and ethos of the institution, the programmes and courses, good teaching practices and pedagogical approaches, and other matters that will facilitate them into becoming an effective part of the team of the HEI. Each new faculty member may also be assigned a faculty mentor having a long tenure in the HEI and an exemplary track record.Mentoring by senior academics: A large pool of outstanding senior\/retired faculty, willing to provide short term mentoring\/professional support to University\/ College teachers must be funded and established, particularly those with the ability to teach in Indian languages.Outstanding people for specific subjects or geographies must be specially considered. This pool must be fully utilised for improvement of the quality of HEIs across disadvantaged districts. This can call for a specific initiative within MN and MT. (See P10.15)P13.1.7.P13.1.9.Faculty will empowered to make curricular choices for their courses and to pursue research with academic freedom.Career and compensation management of faculty and other employees: All HEIs will decide their people management processes, including career progression, promotions, compensation (salary) determination, and service conditions of all their employees.HEIs will set up effective and fair processes for career progression, promotion and compensation determination (including service conditions) of all its employees, including the faculty. These processes will be based on developing, recognising and rewarding performance and contribution; they will not be based on . They will be set up by the institution with an explicit approval from its BoG, which will also review and monitor them to ensure that they are implemented effectively and fairly. More than two people (from the management of the HEI) will be included in the decision making process - they must have knowledge of the contribution, performance and capacity of the individual for determination of compensation or its increase, or of promotion or other actions for career progression.The evaluation of contributions and performance, through these processes, will be in the context of the work goals and objectives set up for individuals, deriving from the goals of the institution and informed by measures of excellence in the relevant field across the country and the world.The evaluation could include 360 degree feedback (supervisor, peer and student review) on assessment of contribution to teaching, research, practice (e.g. engagement with practising professionals, adult education, community service, field intervention projects), institutional development (e.g. serving on academic\/administrative committees, student support) and other dimensions that the HEI may decide. Relative weightage to each of these parameters could vary across the different kinds of institutions (Type 1, 2 and 3) depending on their focus.The evaluation of research will ensure that the quality of work is assessed rigorously, and will not be driven by mere number of publications, being especially careful about the credibility and reputation of the publication platforms (journals, etc), ensuring that no credence is given to low quality (some being ) journals.Academic staff would have three levels - Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor - across which promotions may happen depending on evaluation of individual faculty members as mentioned earlier. Within each of these levels there would be a wide compensation range, with some overlap across the levels. The HEI may decide the overall structure and levels of staffing.While HEIs, including public HEIs, will be empowered to set up the compensation levels and its increases for all its employees, HEIs shall not reduce P13.1.10.13. Energised, Engaged and Capable Faculty the compensation of its employees from currently prevailing levels, nor will they recruit new employees in equivalent roles with lower compensation. However, the future trajectory of compensation increases will be entirely the prerogative of the HEI.Regulatory authorities or regulatory processes (including accreditation) will have no role in determining this process for any HEI, they will assess the diligence of adherence of the HEI to the process articulated by itself.Faculty recruitment and development, career progression and compensation management to be part of the Intitutional Development Plan: All matters pertaining to faculty, from number of faculty to be recruited to recruitment criteria and processes, to career progression, and compensation determination will be part of the IDP, and will be owned by the BoG.Since the IDP is the primary mechanism for alignment of all stakeholders of the HEI, including for public HEIs, it will be used as such for all these people processes. This will include commitment of adequate funding in the long term from the relevant public body\/sponsoring institution, for supporting all costs related to all the employees of the HEI, including their compensation. By 2030, all HEIs, including public HEIs, shall have empowerment on all these counts, enabling them to manage and develop their people resources, aligned with their growth and development plans.P13.1.11.14. National Research FoundationChapter 14National ResearchFoundationObjective: Catalyse and energise research and innovation across the country in all academic disciplines, with a special focus on seeding and growing research at universities and colleges - create a conducive ecosystem for research through competitive peer-reviewed funding, mentoring, and facilitation. Knowledge creation and research are well-known to be centrally critical to growing and sustaining a large and vibrant economy, uplifting society, and continuously inspiring a nation to achieve even greater heights. Indeed, some of the most prosperous civilisations throughout history, from ancient times (such as India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and Greece) to the modern era (such as the United States, Germany, Israel, South Korea, and Japan), were \/are strong knowledge societies that attained their intellectual and material wealth in large part through celebrated and fundamental contributions to new knowledge - in the realm of science as well as art, language, and culture - that enhanced and uplifted not only their own civilisations but those around the globe.A robust ecosystem of research is perhaps more important than ever with the rapid changes occurring in the world today, e.g. in the realm of climate change, population dynamics and management, biotechnology, an expanding digital marketplace, and the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence. If India is to become a leader in these disparate areas, and truly achieve the potential of its vast talent pool to again become a leading knowledge society in the coming years and decades, the nation will require a significant expansion of its research capabilities and output National Education Policy 2019across disciplines. Research has never been more essential for the economic, intellectual, societal, environmental, and technological health and progress of a nation.Research and innovation is central to growing and sustaining a large and vibrant society and economy.The above observations are borne out by recent data and economic studies from around the world. For example, in a policy brief released by the European Union, titled The Economic Rationale for Public R&I funding and its Impact (2017), it was reported that: two-thirds of the economic growth of Europe from 1995 to 2007 came from research and innovation (R&I); R&I accounted for 15% of all productivity gains in Europe during the period 2000 and 2013; and that an annual increase of 0.2% of GDP in R&D investment would result in an annual increase of 1.1% in GDP - a five-fold return. Other countries across the globe, including the United States, have reached similar conclusions on the criticality of R&I investment for their economic growth. Indeed, there is a clear correlation between the rates of R&I investment of developing\/developed nations and various measures of their prosperity such as GDP per capita.Unfortunately, levels of R&I investment in India have not grown but instead have steadily dropped over the last decade - from 0.84% of GDP in 2008 to around 0.69% in 2014, where it remains today. For the sake of comparison, the levels of R&I investment as a proportion of GDP in some other countries are: United States (2.8%), China (2.1%), Israel (4.3%), and South Korea (4.2%); i.e. all invest at least three times as much as a proportion of GDP.The exceedingly small proportion of GDP that India currently invests in R&I is naturally reflected in its research-output numbers. The number of researchers per lakh of population was shockingly only 15 in India, compared to 111 in China, 423 in the United States, and 825 in Israel (Economic Survey of India 2016-17). As a direct consequence, India severely lags behind in the number of patents and publications produced: according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), China made as many as 13,38,503 patent applications, with just 10% being made by non-resident Chinese, the USA made 605,571 patent applications, while India made a mere 45,057, of which over 70% were by non-resident Indians. In terms of publications, India has been doing somewhat better, showing a steady growth in its output and taking Indias share of scientific publications from 3.1% in 2009 to 4.4% in 2013. However, a 2018 compilation of Science and Engineering indicators by the US National Science Foundation showed that both the USA and China published at least four times as many articles as India in 2016.14. National Research FoundationThe national importance of a permeating culture of research and innovation. The societal challenges that India needs to address today, such as access for all its citizens to clean drinking water and sanitation, quality education and healthcare, improved transportation, air quality, energy, and infrastructure, will require the implementation of approaches and solutions that are informed by top-notch science and technology and are also rooted in a deep understanding of the social sciences and humanities and the various socio-cultural dimensions of the nation. Facing and addressing these challenges will require high quality interdisciplinary research across fields that must be done in India and cannot simply be imported; the ability to conduct ones own research also enables a country to much more easily import and adapt relevant research from abroad.Furthermore, in addition to their value in solutions to societal problems, any countrys identity, upliftment, spiritual\/intellectual satisfaction and creativity is also attained in a major way through its history, art, language, and culture. Research in the arts and humanities, along with innovations in the sciences and social sciences, are therefore extremely important for the progress and enlightened nature of a nation.Research and innovation at institutions in India, particularly those that are engaged in higher education, is critical. Evidence from the worlds best universities throughout history shows that the best teaching and learning processes at the higher education level occur in environments where there is also a strong culture of research and knowledge creation; conversely, much of the very best research in the world has occurred in multidisciplinary university settings.It is also extremely important to note that only the government can have the perspective to drive the research that will result in innovations that will facilitate economic growth.India has a long historical tradition of research and knowledge creation, in disciplines ranging from science and mathematics to art and literature to phonetics and languages to medicine and agriculture, and it is time India reclaimed this tradition, at the earliest, to be ready to lead research and innovation in the 21st century, as a strong and enlightened knowledge society and one of the three largest economies in the world.What are the impediments to research and innovation in India today? There are a number of impediments to conducting research in India at the current time. As a consequence, many talented Indians wishing to innovate often leave the country, or otherwise turn to other jobs that do not optimise their talents. Reducing these impediments to research and innovation will be key to increasing home-grown research, retaining talent in the country, and again attaining a vibrant research ecosystem by which India can solve some of its most pressing problems and grow its economy, and intellectual and material prosperity.Some of the primary obstacles to conducting research in India at the present time include:National Education Policy 2019 Lack of funding for research: As already mentioned, a lack of funding sources, both public and private, to support outstanding research and innovation initiatives remains a major issue. Lack of a research culture and mindset: A related problem is the associated decline of prestige and encouragement of young people to enter research and innovation. Talented students are rarely encouraged by parents or by society to pursue their research interests in, e.g. pure science or - even less often - in the humanities. If all students were enabled and encouraged to pursue subjects that they found the most interesting and in which they had the most talent, it would be best for these students as well as best for the nation. At the current time, most students who excel at studies (regardless of their subject of interest) are generally urged towards a few restricted areas, such as engineering or medicine; a full range of individual interests must be encouraged to help rebuild a vibrant knowledge and research culture. Lack of research capability in most universities: Even if the above two obstacles were overcome, there is still the serious issue of lack of research capacity in most State universities where the bulk of the students study (93%). Unfortunately, at the current time, most universities where undergraduate students study in India simply do not have the capability of seeding, managing, funding, and conducting research. The decision to separate research and teaching in post-independence India, with research being conducted at relatively well-funded standalone research institutions while universities were designated only for teaching and largely starved of research funds, has evidently hurt the country considerably - both in education and in research. The relatively few scholars in the country who are enabled to conduct research (only 15 per lakh of population) are then generally not in a position to pass on and teach their research knowledge and experience to the next generation!A concerted effort thus needs to be made to halt and reverse the effects of this separation in higher education between teaching and research. Research will have to be seeded, grown, supported, and fostered at HEIs around the country that do not currently have the capacity for research.Removing impediments to and thereby signicantly expanding research and innovation in the country through a new National Research Foundation. This Policy envisions a comprehensive approach to transforming the quality and quantity of research in India. This includes definitive shifts in school education to a more play and discovery-based style of learning - with a key emphasis on the scientific method and critical thinking, career counseling in schools towards identifying student interests and talents, the institutional restructuring of the higher educational system to promote research in universities, the multidisciplinary nature of all HEIs and the emphasis on liberal education, the inclusion of research and internships in the undergraduate curriculum, faculty career management systems to substantially include research in its considerations, and the governance and regulatory changes that encourage faculty and institutional autonomy and innovation - all of these aspects are extremely critical for a research mindset in the country and have been elaborated on in other parts of this Policy.14. National Research FoundationTo build on these various elements in a synergistic manner, and to thereby truly grow and catalyse quality research in the nation, this Policy envisions the establishment of an NRF. The overarching goal of the NRF will be to enable a culture of research to permeate through our universities.In particular, the NRF will explicitly aim to remove the above-mentioned obstacles to research in the country by providing a reliable base of merit-based peer-reviewed research funding, helping to develop a culture of research in the country through suitable incentives for and recognition of outstanding research, and by undertaking major initiatives to seed and grow research at State Universities and other public institutions where research capability is currently limited. Successful research will be recognised, and where relevant, implemented through close linkages with governmental agencies as well as with industry and private\/philanthropic organisations.The primary activities of the NRF will be to: Fund competitive, peer-reviewed grant proposals of all types and across all disciplines; Seed, grow, and facilitate research at academic institutions, particularly at universities and colleges where research is currently in a nascent stage, through mentoring of such institutions by eminent research scholars across the country, hiring excellent young research students and faculty, and strengthening and recognising existing high quality programmes at such institutions; Act as a liason between researchers and relevant branches of government as well as industry, so that research scholars are constantly made aware of the most urgent national research issues of the day, and so that policymakers are constantly made aware of the latest research breakthroughs; this would allow breakthroughs to be brought into policy and\/or implementation in an optimal fashion; and Recognise outstanding research and progress achieved via NRF funding\/mentoring across subjects, through prizes and special seminars recognising the work of the researchers.Today, unfortunately, no organised mechanism exists to address these important matters regarding research in an interrelated fashion. This is precisely the goal of a new and comprehensive NRF.The National Research Foundation will catalyze and expand research and innovation in the country.National Education Policy 201914.1. Establishing a new National Research FoundationEstablishment of a National Research Foundation: A new NRF will be set up through an Act of Parliament, as an autonomous body of the Government of India, to fund, mentor, incentivise, and build capacity for quality research across the country in all disciplines, primarily at universities and colleges, both public and private. Appropriate infrastructure and a trained staff will be provided to enable it to fulfil its mission.Scope of work: The NRF will consist of four major divisions - Sciences; Technology; Social Sciences; and Arts and Humanities - with the provision to add additional divisions (e.g. health, agriculture, environmental issues), whenever it may be determined to be beneficial by the Governing Council of the NRF.The NRF will competitively fund research in all disciplines across the academic landscape - from subjects such as Medicine, Physics, Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanoscience to Education, Sociology, Archaeology, Art History, and Literature. The NRF may on occasion identify areas of research that are of special importance to the country and prioritise funding to them, but it will consider and fund outstanding proposals in all areas. The NRF will not directly fund defence-related or other sensitive strategic research.In addition to directly funding outstanding research proposals, the NRF will also help seed centres of research in select disciplines at various universities, through providing institutional funding, bringing in research mentors as well as postdoctoral and doctoral students to grow an ecosystem for research at institutions where it currently does not exist or is limited.The NRF, through its Governing Board, will also act as a liason between researchers and the government, helping to ensure that the most urgent national issues of the day (e.g. clean water, sanitation, energy) are well-studied by researchers, and that the latest research breakthroughs are implemented for the public good through policy in an efficient manner.Finally, the NRF will recognise outstanding research progress (especially research funded by the NRF), through NRF Prizes and through the organisation of national seminars on truly transformative research and successful seeding \/ growth of research at higher educational institutions.All proposals funded, together with amounts of annual funding, annual updates on progress, and final results achieved (all explained also in layperson terms) will be publicly displayed on the NRF website.Funding for the National Research Foundation: The NRF will be given an annual grant of 20,000 crores (Rs. 2 kharab, or approximately 0.1% of GDP) and will be conferred with the autonomy to set its own finances, governance rules, and statutes. Given the imperative to increase research and innovation P14.1.1. P14.1.2. P14.1.3. 14. National Research Foundationactivities widely and across the country, this initial grant will be increased progressively over the next decade as the countrys capacity for quality research is developed. Any unspent funds in the initial years will be held towards a corpus for the NRF which will be managed professionally for steady risk-free return.Governing Board: The NRF will have a Governing Board consisting of leading academics and professionals in their respective fields. This Board will be constituted by the RSA.Divisional Councils: Each of the four divisions of the NRF - Science, Technology, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities - will have an associated Divisional Council consisting of an appropriate number of eminent academics from India and abroad who have a broad range of expertise within these respective divisions. The eminence of these Councils, and of the Governing Board, will set a very high bar for the proceedings of the NRF. The Divisional Councils for each division will be constituted by the Governing Board of the NRF. They will articulate a vision for funding basic and applied research within their respective divisions. The Chair of each Divisional Council will be a member of the Governing Board.Subject Committees and Chairpersons: Each Divisional Council will partition its Division area into subjects as needed in order to suitably handle all proposals across the Division. For each such subject, the Divisional Council will constitute an empowered Subject Committee of peers having a broad range of expertise within the subject.a. To ensure that substantial research occurs in interdisciplinary areas and application fields, specific joint Subject Committees that span two or more Divisions will also be constituted, including in areas such as health, environmental conservation, education, agriculture, among others (until which time they may become separate Divisions).b. Each Subject Committee will have a Chairperson who is a distinguished expert in the subject. The Chairperson of each Subject Committee will be appointed by the Divisional Council; the other members of the Subject Committee will then be selected by the Divisional Council in consultation with the Chairperson.c. Each Subject Committee will consist of approximately 10 members, although the exact number in each case may vary according to its needs. The scope of each subject and subject Committee will be narrow enough to evaluate in depth all proposals received in the subject, yet broad enough to include sufficiently many subject experts who, together, may assess all proposals in the subject without conflicts of interest.d. It will be the empowered Subject Committees that make the primary decisions on funding within each subject, subject to allocations of funding to each subject as determined by the Divisional Councils, and subject to P14.1.6. P14.1.4. P14.1.5. National Education Policy 2019allocations of funding to each Division as determined by the Governing Board. Any unused funds may be returned to the associated Divisional Council\/Division\/NRF corpus.e. The Subject Committees will also review annual reports regarding progress on each funded proposal within the subject, and sign off on recommendations to their Divisional Councils of proposals\/projects that appear to be worthy of government or industry implementation (see Section 14.4) and\/or for NRF Prizes (see Section 14.5).Allocation of funds: The allocation of funds among the four major divisions will be as per the needs and funding requirements of each division. In general, science and technology will require much higher levels of funding for laboratory equipment, experiments, etc. However, funding for the humanities and social sciences will be increased considerably from present levels, in recognition of the fact that such areas have been ignored in the country for far too long. Allocation of funds among divisions will be determined by the Governing Board of the NRF, in consultation with the Divisional Councils - who in turn will consult with Chairpersons of Subject Committees - and fine tuned year-to-year, based on prior research outcomes and annually-updated assessments of research needs. Similarly, Divisional Councils will determine funding allocations among subjects within their respective divisions, again in consultation with Chairpersons of Subject Committees, taking into view prior outcomes of research in each subject, upcoming proposals, and updated assessments of national research needs.Governance of the National Research Foundation: The Governing Board will be the custodian of the overall vision of the NRF and it will work with the Divisional Councils and Subject Committees to ensure oversight and course corrections as needed; the Governing Board will hold a meeting with the Councils and Subject Committee Chairs at least twice a year for this purpose. The Divisional Councils, along with the Subject Committee Chairs, will oversee and ensure the smooth functioning of the Subject Committees. Members of the Governing Board will have fixed tenures, to be decided by the RSA. Members of the Divisional Councils and Subject Committees will also have fixed tenures to be decided by the Governing Board.Eligibility for receiving National Research Foundation funding: Researchers from all educational institutions, universities, colleges and schools, both public and private, as well as from research institutions, will be eligible to compete for funding from the NRF.Other funding agencies: Institutions that currently fund research at some level, such as DST, DAE, DBT, ICAR, ICMR, UGC, as well as various private and philanthropic organisations, will continue to independently fund research according to their priorities and needs. Many of the leading research-producing nations in the world have multiple public and private funding agencies, and P14.1.9. P14.1.10. P14.1.7. P14.1.8.14. National Research FoundationIndia would benefit from the same. However, a central NRF that transparently seeds and funds research across educational institutions in the country in all disciplines, with a special mandate to foster research and innovation in universities and colleges, including interdisciplinary research, not limited by any particular subject or geographic interests, and through a robust system of peer review, is distinct from the mandates of other organisations and will be critical in building quality research capacity in universities and colleges across the country.14.2. Funding research proposals through rigorous peer reviewThe primary task of the NRF will be to fund peer-reviewed research proposals across all disciplines.Calls for research proposals: Every year, each Divisional Council will make public calls for research proposals of various types. Divisional Councils may choose to emphasise certain subject areas within their division according to national needs, but all proposals within the discipline of the division will be considered. Interdisciplinary proposals, across two or more divisions, would also be specially welcomed and encouraged.The National Research Foundation will fund competitive peer - reviewed grant proposals of all types, across all disciplines.Types of proposals: Proposals of various types will be allowed, including: a. Research projects to be conducted by a single principal investigator (PI); b. Collaborative grants for inter- and intra-institutional projects; c. Initial capacity building by a mentor researcher and mentee institution; d. Capacity building to push institutions that are already conducting research into a higher orbit; e. Well-envisioned consortia and conferences that are likely to move forward research in the country; f. Research facilities of national and international importance; P14.2.1. P14.2.2. National Education Policy 2019g. Larger and longer duration projects\/facilities of national importance or inspiration. In addition to describing the research to be carried out, and detailed resource and funding requirements, proposals will also describe any societal impact expected and sought, e.g. the training of students and postdoctoral fellows, public outreach, cleaning of a river, elimination of a disease, increasing agricultural yields, taking strides towards gender equality, preservation of ancient manuscripts and artifacts, etc.Research proposals would generally be for projects of three-years duration; however, for truly outstanding proposals of high impact, proposals of five years or even longer in exceptional cases would be considered.Assessing and funding quality research proposals through a system of rigourous peer review: All proposals received within each Division will be distributed appropriately by subject to the empowered Subject Committees. All funding decisions for proposals will be made by the empowered Subject Committees.a. The Subject Committees will make funding decisions based on detailed written reviews for each proposal, providing ample justification, comparisons, and rationale for funding. Such reviews will be carried out by members of the Subject Committees themselves, or in instances where there is insufficient expertise or capacity within the Subject Committee, through external peer reviews, national or international, as necessary. Funding decisions, together with the full record of written reviews, will be submitted to the Divisional Council. Peer reviews will also be made available to the writers of each proposal, without revealing the names of the specific referees, in order to provide proposers with valuable feedback.b. A key aspect of this peer-review process will be the absence of conflicts of interest: committee members will recuse themselves and leave the room during discussions of proposals submitted by their colleagues from the same institution, by their collaborators or family members, or from institutions that have funded them in the recent past. Committee members will not participate in the writing of the reviews in such cases.c. In cases of mega-projects, or large-scale facilities (i.e. for projects demanding larger-than-usual amounts of funding or that must be carried out over longer periods of time) that have extremely high merit or a likely huge positive impact for knowledge or society, a special committee of expert peers dedicated to the study and evaluation of the megaproject - and if funded, to the financing, administrative, and other practical needs of the large project - will be set up by the relevant Divisional Councils. The funding of such proposals would have to be approved by this special Committee, together with all relevant Divisional Councils and by the Governing Board.P14.2.3. 14. National Research FoundationApproach to funds disbursal: Sanctioned funds will be released annually, and in a timely manner, to the researchers institutions, subject to receipt of annual detailed reports describing progress and spending. Suitable overhead expenses will be provided to the recipient institutions for administration of the grant. Separate financial auditing procedures and norms will be instituted for research projects, and fair consideration will be given to the inherent uncertainties and risks involved in research.Oversight and coordination by Subject Committee Chairpersons: Funded projects within each given subject will be overseen end-to-end, in terms of funding, advice, progress, and completion, by the Subject Committee Chairperson, who will also serve as the point of contact for funded proposals and will annually report to the Council on the status of each funded proposal. Subject Committee Chairpersons will be given suitable support to carry out their duties, e.g. the provision for an administrative assistant at their home institution.Assessment and accountability: The NRF will not only revamp the current funding and support mechanisms for research in the country, but will also change the culture of research into one of accountability and the responsible use of funds. Initial funding will be provided only if the proposals clear a specified, high, benchmark. Progress reports with transparent disclosure of the use of funds, and the results achieved, will be submitted by the writers and host institutions of funded proposals each year.The NRF will expect the host institutions to ensure fiduciary accountability for the research project, and will set up specific reporting mechanisms for the host institutions for this purpose; the NRF will also periodically conduct audits to ascertain appropriate responsible usage of funds. Assessment of outcomes of research will be carried out annually on quality metrics that will be pre-specified and agreed upon (suitably taking into account the risks inherent in research). NRF will attain further accountability by ensuring that only investigators who handle their initial funding well will receive new funds in the future.Intellectual property to belong to researchers: In accordance with international best practice, all intellectual property rights, including publications and patents, of NRF-funded research will be retained solely by those carrying out the research, while giving the government (including any of its assigned agencies) the license to use, practice, or implement the research\/invention (or any of its output) for the public good without payment of any royalty or charge. In cases where NRF funding is being provided by a P14.2.4. P14.2.7.National Education Policy 2019public-sector, private, or philanthropic entity for a particular research project (see Section 14.4), this entity would also receive, along with the government, the same royalty- and charge-free license to utilise the research and its output.14.3. Building research capacity at all universities and collegesIn addition to funding peer-reviewed research proposals from around the nation, an important mandate of the NRF will be to seed, grow, and facilitate research at institutions in India where currently research is very limited. A key aspect of NRFs approach to build research capacity will be to utilise and bring outstanding serving or retired researchers from research universities and institutions to help mentor and seed research at State Universities and other universities and colleges where research is currently only in a nascent stage. Growing outstanding existing research cells at State Universities will also be a top priority of the NRF. Finally, providing doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships to outstanding young researchers to join and help lead research programmes around the country will round out NRFs three-pronged approach to building research capacity at universities and colleges.The NRF will seed, grow, and facilitate research at academic institutions; create beneficial linkages between researchers, government and industry and recognise outstanding research.Encouraging proposals that help build research capacity at State Universities: A number of specific types of proposals will be sought to help build capacity at State Universities and other universities\/colleges that currently have little research capability. These will include:a. Seeding research at State Universities through Research Mentors: Serving or retired\/close to retirement faculty at research universities and institutions who are still active in research may choose to serve as Research Mentors at State Universities. Such a potential Research Mentor would submit to the NRF, in conjunction with a faculty member or a department chair at the desired State institution who would be a co-PI, a detailed research P14.3.1. 14. National Research Foundationproject proposal that describes how existing and new faculty members at the State institution, as well as new postdoctoral fellows and students, could participate in this project to grow a research cell(s). The proposal would be accompanied by an appropriate commitment from a university authority to suitably host the mentor and the proposed research project. Successful grants, given for an initial (but renewable) 3-5 year period, will provide Mentors with salaries (over and above their pensions, if applicable, to bring them to up to their original salary level) as well as research funding for the project, including for infrastructure, postdocs, and graduate students. Research Mentors at the State University would work not only on the proposed research project, but would also teach at least one relevant course a year to connect to the university community, and would also advise the university and its departments on growing a culture of research to transform into a research-conducting institution. b. There will be no age limit for Mentors; they will be permitted to serve as Mentors and apply for funding for as long as they are active and add value to their institutions. The talents of outstanding retired research faculty in the country are currently severely underutilised; this will be an invaluable opportunity to employ their expertise to expand research culture across the country.c. Growing existing research at State Universities: Outstanding research project proposals will be sought from all institutions of higher education and research across the country. However, special consideration for funding will be given to research being conducted at State Universities. In particular, grants to build infrastructure (especially infrastructure that could be shared across many research groups), to fund travel and collaboration, and to hire doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, in order to grow existing and promising research programmes or seed new outstanding research programmes at locations where merit and expertise have been established, will be prioritised for State Universities.d. NRF doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships: Bringing in young research talent will be key to developing research cultures at educational institutions. For this purpose, NRF will launch a large and prestigious system of doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships to be used at State Universities. NRF will maintain a list of doctoral and postdoctoral positions and projects that arise from the successful proposals in (a) and (b) above, and will make a public call for applications for these positions. Outstanding applicants may apply for one or more of these positions based on their areas of interest\/expertise.All selections for (a), (b), and (c) above will be made based on merit, by empowered committees via a rigorous system of peer review and evaluation. In the case of (c), PIs or co-PIs may be consulted on the suitability of potential candidates for their projects.National Education Policy 2019Capacity building through large, long-term, or mega projects: The NRF will consider funding larger national and international projects, in particular those that help build research, teaching, and other capacities at universities or that have a direct impact on society or fundamental knowledge in other ways. Examples of larger research projects of this type could include: a. Nationwide projects to clean rivers: universities located near rivers could discuss the latest research on cleaning rivers - in a teaching and\/or a research context - and participate on a mass scale in the practical aspects of this research at their own local rivers (leading to both scientific advancement and lessons in social responsibility); b. Projects to bring clean energy to villages: universities located across the country could discuss the best clean energy solutions for their areas, and help implement these in their localities; c. Nationwide projects to eliminate diseases such as malaria; d. Novel methods to teach literacy, or to preserve local languages, arts, or culture, that could be researched, developed and implemented by universities in their local communities across the country; e. Scientific megaprojects where many universities could participate in analysing and interpreting the large amounts of data produced.To this end, the NRF may help address the issues of capacity building, creation of new technological capabilities, upgradation of different technologies, boosting fundamental research in university settings, as well as facilitating exchanges of scholars at the international level. The NRF will work alongside all other funding agencies for this purpose.Funding international collaborations: International research collaborations will be encouraged and supported by the NRF, especially in areas where India does not yet have enough research strength on its own. In particular, special efforts and special schemes will be made to strengthen international collaboration that leverages the Indian diaspora, which is seen as an important asset for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the country.Mentoring for grant applications and outcomes: The NRF will not only provide funds but, as part of capacity building, applicants from institutions where research is only in nascent stages, but who submit research proposals of the level that could potentially be funded by the NRF, will be assisted by one or more mentors at the NRF - who will be specifically commissioned by the NRF for this purpose - to help bring the writing of the research applications up to the quality levels sought by the NRF, before the application is put through the official review process of Subject Committees.Researchers of the above type that are funded will also be similarly mentored P14.3.3. P14.3.4. P14.3.2. 14. National Research Foundationand supported as needed, to conduct research and to deliver on the desired outcomes. Retired scientists, social scientists and researchers in other disciplines will be called upon to serve as mentors. They will be compensated and appropriately incentivised to contribute. A large, trained, group of experts will be needed to take up this enormous but important task.Role of Academies: Academics associated with the national science and engineering academies and learned societies in the humanities and social sciences can add considerable value to the efforts of the NRF. The NRF can commission the academies and learned societies to produce expert reports and provide valuable advice on various topics that will help direct government efforts particularly with regard to government policy issues on research and education. Academies can also contribute greatly to capacity building for teachers and for researchers: their members can be mentors to university departments and colleges as these institutions seek to improve the quality of their teaching and research. NRF will aim to facilitate such linkages, especially to State Universities.14.4. Creating benecial linkages among government, industry, and researchersAt the current time, there is no direct link between research being conducted in the country and relevant government entities (both Central and State), which makes it much more difficult for breakthroughs in research and innovation to be implemented for the benefit of society. The NRF will help in playing this linking role. The NRF will also help link both researchers and government with industry, in order to increase collaboration and synergy of purpose with respect to research, innovation, and implementation among all three parties. The Governing Board will stay in constant contact with relevant government entities and with industry for this purpose. Furthermore, in addition to the annual grant to the NRF from GoI, NRF may also receive additional funds from various ministries of the GoI and from State governments for funding research. Similarly, Public-Sector Units (PSUs), the private sector, and philanthropic organisations will also be encouraged to fund research of interest to them through the NRF. The infrastructure that will be created by the NRF for end-to-end management of the life-cycle of research projects, covering evaluation of proposals, disbursement of funds, mentoring for helping to achieve project goals, and regular monitoring and assessment of research outcomes, will be invaluable to ministries and other agencies that require research towards their own endeavours. Different models of collaboration between the NRF and ministries and other governmental entities, industry, and philanthropic organisations can be explored.P14.3.5.National Education Policy 2019Research requirements of ministries: Many government ministries have research needs that are not being met at the present time. Several ministries have research cells that are largely not functional. The NRF will offer its expertise to ministries for their research needs. Research of interest to ministries will be funded via the same mechanisms as set up by the NRF, namely, national calls for proposals, peer-review via empowered Subject Committees (a representative from the relevant ministry may also be included on the Committee for this purpose), allocation and disbursement of funds, mentoring, and monitoring of progress. It is likely that, over time, funding from ministries will grow into becoming say 2% or more of their budgets as they see value in their association with and the research work carried out through the NRF.Research requirements of State governments: The contribution to research spending by State governments has been negligible so far, just 7% of the budget for 2015-16, according to the DST. States may wish to fund areas of research of special interest to their geography through the NRF, e.g. for health and disease control, or for the promotion and preservation of State languages, literature, arts, culture, artifacts, manuscripts, heritage sites, etc. through suitable research (again, a representative from the State could be included on the relevant Subject Committees if so desired).Non-strategic aspects of strategic research establishments: There are many areas of basic research that strategic departments would find useful to meet their varied requirements. These include basic research on materials, fluid dynamics, cryptography, coding theory, atmospheric sciences, electro-optics, lasers, nanoscience, scientific aspects of hydrogen as a fuel, photo-voltaic, machine learning, basic semi-conductor physics, as well as various areas of study in the social sciences, humanities, and languages. One should see an expanded fundamental research activity coming out of the demands of the strategic departments which could also similarly be carried out through the NRF structure, in addition to research carried out directly by the strategic sector.Research requirements of other government entities: Other government entities (including from States) may also wish to similarly have research carried out by the NRF for their research needs. Research requirements of industry and other organisations: Public and private sector enterprises and organisations, including philanthropic organisations, will also be given the opportunity to similarly participate in the NRFs research mechanisms. Providing funds for specific research needs through the NRF will have the advantage of helping enterprises and organisations identify academic groups in the country with the expertise they are looking for. They will also benefit from the peer-review process of the NRF for allocation of projects to specific research groups, and be able to ensure that their research projects receive adequate oversight. The process of funding research through the NRF will also help develop links between academia and the concerned public and P14.4.2. P14.4.4. P14.4.5. P14.4.1.14. National Research Foundationprivate sector companies and organisations. Subject Committees of the NRF may each contain one representative from the respective organisations during deliberations of funding from these sources.In any given year, no more than one third of the NRFs funding budget would come from public and private enterprises and other private organisations for specific research requests. All such research requests would be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Governing Board and Divisional Councils of the NRF, based on assessment of the potential for national benefit, funding offered, and the NRFs ability, expertise in, and previous involvement with the general area. General donations to the NRF, even if they are for a given recognised subject, e.g. for Health, Agriculture, Literature, Physics, etc. (but not for a specific research project, need, or request) will have no restriction on amounts donated from any organisation.Donations from industry: It is suggested that all public and private sector enterprises will contribute a small percentage, say at least 0.1%, of their annual profits to research (such as donations for research to the NRF). This could be done within or outside CSR funds, and such contributions would come with suitable tax incentives.Governing Board as a linking entity among researchers, government entities, and the private sector: The Governing Board will monitor the functioning of the NRF; in the process, it will receive recommendations from Subject Committees and Divisional Councils on outstanding research progress occurring in the country, which they may convey to relevant government entities for possible implementation of such research by the government or public-private partnerships for national benefit. Conversely, suggestions and requests from government entities as well as industry regarding important directions for the countrys research may help guide the NRF.14.5. Recognising outstanding research funded by the National Research Foundation through awards and national seminarsReceiving funding from the NRF will, by itself, be a prestigious recognition for a researcher. However, one final mandate of the NRF will be to specially recognise particularly outstanding research progress in the nation, on proposals funded by the NRF as well as for other research being conducted around the country. Being a centre for proposals, reports, and updates on research from around the nation, with extensive review by peer-scholars from P14.4.6.P14.4.7. National Education Policy 2019across disciplines, the NRF will be in a unique position to assess, recognise, and thereby encourage truly outstanding research in the country, through awards, prizes, and national seminars on prize-winning work.Recognition of truly outstanding research through awards and national seminars: The NRF will institute a system of awards for truly successful research taking place in the nation, and in particular for research funded by the NRF. The awards will be given across divisions and subjects, and in a number of categories, e.g. for postdoctoral fellows and young un-tenured faculty, and for institutions (and the people involved) for successful efforts in seeding and growing research where it was previously limited.The NRF will also organise national seminars and public lectures on outstanding research to encourage the award-winning researchers as well as other scholars and members of the public to get involved in the important issues that the research addresses.P14.5.1.15. Teacher EducationChapter 15Teacher EducationObjective: Ensure that teachers are given the highest quality training in content, pedagogy, and practice, by moving the teacher education system into multidisciplinary colleges and universities, and establishing the four-year integrated Bachelors Degree as the minimum qualification for all school teachers.Teacher education is truly vital in creating the team of teachers that will shape the next generation. The teaching profession, like all high level service professions such as medicine and law - where peoples lives are truly at stake and lie in the practitioners hands - requires the very highest standards for education and training. Teacher preparation is an activity that requires multidisciplinary perspectives and knowledge, the formation of dispositions and values, and the development of practice under the best mentors. Teachers must be grounded in Indian values, ethos, knowledge, and traditions, while also being well-versed in the latest advances in education and pedagogy.Heartbreakingly, the teacher education sector has been beleaguered with mediocrity as well as rampant corruption due to commercialisation. Most institutions today providing teacher education are small colleges in the private sector that offer only a single narrow programme, and where there is a general lack of commitment to the need for rigour and quality in teacher preparation. Indeed, according to AISHE data for 2015-16, of the 17000+ colleges in India that teach just a single programme, nearly 90% are teacher training institutes! Moreover, according to the Justice J. S. Verma Commission (2012) constituted by the Supreme Court, a majority of these standalone teaching institutes - over 10,000 in number - are not even attempting serious teacher education, but are essentially selling degrees for a price.National Education Policy 2019Regulatory efforts so far have neither been able to curb the corruption rampant in the system, nor enforce basic standards for quality, and in fact have had the negative effect of curbing the growth of excellence and innovation in the sector. The sector and its regulatory system are therefore in urgent need of revitalisation through radical action, in order to raise standards and restore integrity, credibility, efficacy, and high quality to the teacher education system.Restoring integrity and credibility to the teacher education system. The integrity and credibility of the teacher education system has unfortunately taken a great hit and witnessed a severe decline due to the thousands of Teacher Education Institutions that are solely commercial operations where little if any teacher education is taking place. If teacher education is to improve and reach the levels of integrity and credibility required to restore the prestige of the teaching profession and thereby attain a successful school system, such substandard institutions will have to be closed immediately while good institutions with positive intent strengthened as described in Section 15.1. Corrupt and substandard institutions cannot and must not be allowed to run. They must be shut down. The Policy gives a very clear in the mandate to do this, and it stresses that this action will have to be implemented with energy and will, in the face of every resistance. It must be carried out urgently because the future of the nation is truly at stake on this matter. If we let such fake colleges remain functional, the fundamentals of our schools, and the integrity and credibility of the teacher education system cannot be restored.Bringing efficacy and high quality to the teacher education system through strong education departments in multidisciplinary colleges and universities.As discussed in Chapter 5, teacher education requires multidisciplinary inputs and a combination of high quality content and pedagogy that can only be truly attained if teacher preparation is conducted within composite multidisciplinary institutions. The importance of providing such a holistic and complete education to our teachers, who will then be asked to impart such holistic and complete educations to our school children, is yet another important reason that all higher education institutions must themselves become places for holistic and multidisciplinary learning, so that such holistic and multidisciplinary learning can, in particular, be attained by teachers.Integrated programmes of teacher preparation for all levels of education, and in all areas of the curriculum, must be launched across the higher education sector, while single-stream programmes must be phased out. To this end, all large multidisciplinary universities including all public universities as well as all Model Multidisciplinary Colleges must aim to establish, develop, and house outstanding education departments which, aside from carrying out cutting-edge research in various aspects of education, will also run B.Ed. programmes to educate future teachers, in collaboration with other departments such as psychology, philosophy, sociology, neuroscience, Indian languages, arts, history, and literature, as well as various other specialised subjects such as science and mathematics. In addition, all currently existing genuine teacher education institutions must aim to become multidisciplinary higher educational institutions by 2030. This is the major transformation of teacher education that will bring back high quality to the system in accordance with the true multidisciplinary requirements of modern education.15. Teacher Education15.1. Restoring integrity to teacher educationClosure of substandard and dysfunctional teacher education institutions: Substandard and dysfunctional TEIs that do not meet basic educational criteria will be closed. This effort will be launched in a mission mode by MHRD with strong political will, positive administrative intent, and an effective implementation strategy. All TEIs will be held accountable for adherence to the basic criteria of approval of their programmes; after giving one year for remedy, if any breaches are found, they will be shut down if the breaches are not remedied. There must be a sound legal approach developed to make sure this enforcement is carried out effectively. By 2023, India should have only educationally sound teacher preparation programmes in operation, developing professionally competent teachers - all others must be shut down.Rigorous monitoring and review of clean up of the teacher education sector: A quasi-judicial body may be constituted for this mission-mode clean up exercise. Progress on this mission will be reviewed by NHERA every 3 months and by RSA every 6 months.All teacher education will happen in multidisciplinary institutions - teacher education will be an integral part of the higher education system.15.2. Moving teacher education into multidisciplinary colleges and universitiesMany of the difficulties relating to the quality of education available to students today can be traced to the systemic neglect of teacher education that has taken place over several decades. Most current teacher preparation programmes build very little perspective or capability - curriculum and classroom processes are mostly outdated and distanced from the reality of the schools and the children that they supposedly serve. The faculty members of teacher education institutes are mostly isolated from the larger community of researchers and educators.P15.1.1.P15.1.2.National Education Policy 2019Curriculum and pedagogy in teacher education must provide for rigorous theoretical understanding of educational perspectives, subjects, and pedagogy, along with a strong theory-practice connect. Teachers must engage deeply with education - its history, aims, connect with society, and its ethical moorings. They need to have an appreciation of issues around child development and the social context of learning in addition to conceptual understanding of the subject matter and learning how to teach.Teacher preparation requires sufficient time and space to develop educational perspectives, and understanding of subject and pedagogy, along with developing an identity as a teacher - for this, theory must be integrated with continuous graded practice. This is best done in a true multidisciplinary knowledge environment.Good teacher education requires expertise across all areas connected to education - specialists in early childhood education, understanding and pedagogy of subjects, assessment, curriculum and material development, school leadership and management along with psychology, philosophy, sociology, knowledge of India, and history of education. Institutions that can provide for faculty across disciplines and offer different programmes besides teacher education are best suited to run teacher preparation programmes.Currently most teacher education institutions are stand-alone institutions - this has led to both intellectual and professional isolation from the rest of higher education. Stand-alone teacher education institutions cannot build the kind of varied faculty that good teacher education needs. Finally, teacher education faculty cannot simply rote-teach the textbook, as often happens today, but must come with deep disciplinary understanding as well as a strong and positive experience with teaching.Moving all teacher preparation programmes into multidisciplinary higher education institutions; building education departments and connections between HEIs and schools \/ school complexes: As described in P5.5.1, the four- year integrated B.Ed. will, by 2030, become the minimal degree qualification for school teachers. All pre-service teacher education programmes will henceforth be offered only in multidisciplinary higher educational institutions to satisfy the modern requirements of the teaching profession, and to give teachers the multidisciplinary exposure and education necessary to become outstanding teachers.To this end, multidisciplinary higher educational institutions will work towards establishing high quality education departments and teacher education programmes, and will be supported by governments as necessary to achieve this goal. Such HEIs will ensure the availability of a range of experts in education and related disciplines as well as specialised subjects. Each higher educational institution will have a network of government and private schools and school complexes to work with in close proximity, where potential teachers will student-teach (among other synergistic activities between HEIs and school complexes, such as community service, adult and vocational education, etc.). Such HEIs will develop holistic teacher education programmes based on their P15.2.1.15. Teacher Educationacademic subject strengths related to education as well as in specialised subjects. Beyond the teaching of cutting-edge pedagogy, the curriculum will include grounding in sociology, history, science, philosophy, psychology, early childhood education, foundational literacy and numeracy, knowledge of India and its values\/ethos\/art\/traditions, and more.By 2030, every HEI offering a teacher education programme will be multidisciplinary and offer the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme. The four-year integrated B.Ed. will be a dual-major liberal Bachelors degree, in education as well as a specialised subject (such as a language, or history, music, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, economics, etc.).All HEIs currently offering the two-year programmes, including the Diploma programmes, will be able to transition into multidisciplinary institutions offering the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme.Each HEI offering the four-year integrated B.Ed. may also design a two-year B.Ed. on its campus, as described in P5.5.2, for outstanding students who have already received a Bachelors degree and wish to pursue teaching. Subsequent to such a development, other special and more individualised B.Ed. programmes for unusually highly qualified individuals, with demonstrated experience and disposition towards teaching, to become teachers may be developed by such HEIs.Good teachers are prepared and developed by good teacher educators - faculty of teacher education must be experts in diverse fields, both theoretical and practical. Admission to pre-service teacher preparation programmes: Admission to pre-service teacher preparation programmes, like all HEI admissions, will be carried out in large part through subject and aptitude tests as conducted by the National Testing Agency. This is in keeping with the principle of separating Board Examinations from official university entrance examinations, while the full criteria and process for admissions will be left to the universities and colleges offering these programmes.Creation of substantial new teacher preparation capacity: The fundamental transformation to the four-year integrated teacher preparation programme on one hand and the shutting down of dysfunctional institutions on the other hand, will require the creation of substantial new teacher preparation capacity: substantial public investment will be required for the sector - an P15.2.2.P15.2.3.National Education Policy 2019estimate will be made annually every year for the next 10 years and provided on priority. Each Public University (by 2024) and Model Multidisciplinary College (by 2029) will offer a four-year teacher preparation programme. Philanthropic efforts will be encouraged in this sector through special schemes to be designed by the RSA.Conversion of independent teacher education institutions to multidisciplinary institutions: All independent TEIs will be required to convert to multidisciplinary institutions by 2030, since they will have to offer the four-year integrated teacher preparation programme.15.3. Departments of Education in universitiesDepartments of education in universities, in addition to teaching, will need to be strengthened and developed as spaces for research and innovation in education. These are ambitious goals and the Departments of Education in universities will need to be built up to take on the central role of anchoring education programmes in all disciplines through meaningful relationships with all other departments in education. They will cater to pre-service education and in-service CPD of teachers in school education as well as faculty in higher education. They will also prepare faculty for teacher education, a truly onerous responsibility.The faculty at such departments will be multidisciplinary in nature and have good track records of research and publication, and the departments should be encouraged to offer a range of specialisation at the Masters level and research degrees, to cater to the range of expertise that will be needed. These centres must also be able to offer programmes which are blended and part time to enable practicing teachers to continue their higher education studies and aspire for professional mobility. They must develop courses and activities for in-service CPD of teachers, and offer mentoring programmes to beginning teachers.Departments\/Centres of Excellence in Education at universities: Government funding for teacher education will be increased considerably on a priority basis. Departments of Education\/Centres of Excellence in Teacher Education will be set up at interested universities, based on predictive data analysis on the requirements for teachers in school and higher education, and the corresponding faculty for teacher education. These Departments of Education will aim to provide quality teacher preparation programmes, in both pre-service and in-service modes, for school teachers, and research programmes to prepare researchers and faculty in higher education. These Departments of Education will nurture collaborative relationships with all other departments in the university for teacher preparation, and with schools P15.2.4.P15.3.1.15. Teacher Educationin their neighbourhood where student-teachers may intern and engage with in order to develop their practice.Capacity planning for teacher education: A careful and comprehensive planning exercise will be undertaken immediately by the RSA, and then once every five years, at the Centre as well as in the States, to match the demand and supply of teachers and faculty for teacher education. Projections for the number of teachers required will also take into consideration the requirements for subject teachers and special teachers at all schools. The number of universities and autonomous colleges at which the four-year B.Ed. programme will be seeded will be determined accordingly.Faculty in teacher education: Departments of Education must include diverse faculty who represent the range of expertise required for teacher prepration: knowledge of and experience of teaching, multidisciplinary perspectives on society, aims of education, nature of knowledge and inclusion, and knowledge of pedagogy, curriculum, and evaluation. Faculty must also have good track records of research, publication, field action, and engagement with schools and teaching. Departments must cultivate faculty such that there is a balance of the various specialisations and expertise that are needed to develop all-round teachers who are rooted in Constitutional values, have strong theoretical knowledge and perspectives, and experience of adaptive practice.Online education: Departments of Education must also be able to offer programmes that are blended and part time, to enable practicing teachers to continue their higher education studies and aspire for professional mobility. They must develop courses and activities for inservice teachers as well as mentoring programmes for beginning teachers. All courses offerings must be available in a range of formats including part time, evening, blended and online, in addition to full time programmes. Working professional teachers need to be seen as an important student clientele of education departments, and programmes that meet their research and higher education interests should be developed and offered in the online as well as face-to-face modes.Research-based teacher preparation: The Departments of Education will support vibrant research groups that will conduct many field experiments, and all faculty members will be encouraged to engage in research. The last thirty years have seen significant developments in educational research and understanding of how students learn, on teacher preparation, and on how schools can function to achieve quality in learning. These developments have been possible through research internationally, and several innovative field experiments that are uniquely Indian. The discipline of education and the practice of teacher education must draw on the best of these to provide student-teachers with rich understanding and practices that draw from Indian efforts and innovations, and from the contextualised global best. It will be ideal to have teacher preparation take place in centres of research P15.3.2. P15.3.5.National Education Policy 2019and field action which offer a vibrant ambience of research and innovation in which knowledge and practice can be formed. Research based teaching and specialisations will ensure that knowledge and practices are contemporary and up-to-date, and relevant to the current contexts of schools and higher education.Inter-departmental collaboration for special subjects: Departments of art, fine arts, and performing and folk arts at the university will be encouraged to establish or collaborate with Departments of Education, to offer programmes in teacher education. Until this area of teacher education emerges as a specialisation in education, faculty and practitioners of arts and fine arts will need to be involved in shaping and contributing to teacher preparation programmes. Masters in Education programmes as well as specialisation in education within Masters and research programmes in art education will be established. Similar collaborations between departments will be needed for education in other disciplines so that stage-specific preparation of subject teachers, specialist teachers and teachers of special subjects can be taken up. University managements must actively promote these inter-departmental collaborations.Post-graduate and Doctoral Programmes: Development of knowledge related to teaching, pedagogy, and various aspects of education including equity, issues of marginalisation, economics and financing of education, policy and management and leadership also need to be developed at the University through research and higher academic degrees in education including the M.A. in Education (Research), as well as doctoral programmes of study. The Masters in Education with a range of specialisations would enable the development of professionals and researchers for various areas of education including pedagogic studies in different curricular areas, evaluation and assessment, school leadership and management, policy studies, foundational areas of education psychology, sociology, history and philosophy, financing of education, comparative and international education, and ICT and education.15.4. Faculty for teacher educationFaculty of teacher education programmes must reflect the range of specialisations from multidisciplinary perspectives that are required for teacher preparation today. Faculty with specialisation in areas of curriculum and pedagogy, foundational areas of education technology, and research in teacher education will be required as core educators. They must be supplemented by faculty with Masters and PhD degrees in various related disciplines such as science education, psychology, cognitive studies, human development, linguistics and many other disciplines. Teaching experience, research experience at field stations, publications in international peer-reviewed journals of education and allied disciplines, are some of the other critical skills and competencies that P15.3.6.P15.3.7.15. Teacher Educationwill go towards making up a well rounded faculty of a good Department of Education.Preparation of faculty: The large scope of the teaching programmes required for school teacher preparation across all levels and disciplines points to the need for faculty with a wide range of specific expertise. PhDs in Education and in many related disciplines such as Science Education, Mathematics Education, Psychology, Child Development, Sociology, Linguistics and so on, from reputed institutions that meet international standards, must be encouraged to enter the profession and contribute as faculty of teacher education programmes. Given that some of them may have expertise to teach but are lacking in experience of the practices of teacher preparation, an induction and orientation course will be made available for such faculty before they take up teaching duties. It will be left to the individual departments of education to design such induction programmes for their own faculty, and deliver them through their own experienced faculty.Faculty profile: The faculty profile in Departments of Education will necessarily have to be diverse. Not everyone would be required to have a PhD, but teaching experience and field research experience will be highly valued. Faculty with training in areas of social sciences that are directly relevant to school education (e.g. psychology, child development, linguistics, sociology, philosophy\/political science) as well as from science education, mathematics education, social science education, and language education programmes will be attracted and retained in teacher education institutions, to strengthen multidisciplinary education of teachers and provide rigour in conceptual development. It is desirable to have faculty who have researched\/worked with children and teachers, and to ensure that a minimum of at least 50% of faculty come with such experience. It is also desirable for faculty to have at least one degree in Education (M.Ed. or a Masters degree or Doctorate in Education) but this will not be mandatory for faculty. The focus of the Departments of Education will be on creating a well-rounded faculty with a diversity of expertise and experience.15.5. Faculty in higher educationFaculty members in universities and colleges need to have opportunities to develop their own understanding of the development of education, curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation of their disciplines. They need to be inducted and exposed to contemporary pedagogic practices and the use of resources in teaching. Some necessary inputs that faculty in higher education will benefit from include: developing a deep understanding of the structure and content of their own disciplines leading to the design of units and lessons; selecting and organising content and learning experiences; incorporating ICT in teaching; gaining experience in collaborative and team teaching; designing P15.4.1.P15.4.2.National Education Policy 2019credible evaluations and designing learning experiences that are relevant to their learners. Faculty members also need an understanding of the social diversity of their own classrooms and develop inclusive pedagogies.Exposure to pedagogy during PhD programmes: All fresh PhD entrants, irrespective of discipline, will be required to have taken 8-credit courses in teaching\/ education\/ pedagogy related to their chosen PhD subject, during their doctoral training period. Exposure to pedagogic practices, designing curriculum, credible evaluation systems and so on, is desirable since many research scholars will go on to become faculty. They must also have a minimum number of hours of actual teaching experience gathered through teaching assistantships and other means. PhD programmes at universities around the country must be reoriented for this purpose. Opportunities for PhD students to assist faculty as teaching assistants must be created as part of all PhD programmes.Human Resource Development Centres and Continuous Professional Development of teachers at Departments of Education: In-service CPD for college and university teachers will continue at HRDCs. However, these centres will be integrated completely into the universities that presently host them, instead of being seen as external entities as they are now. The HRDCs will either be a part of the Department of Education if one already exists, or become the seed for creating such a Department. A coordination mechanism between all HRDCs will be put in place to ensure that all teachers in the university system have access to the courses they aspire to take, at one or other HRDC. The number of HRDCs will be increased after a planning exercise that will be conducted by the RSA. Funding to the HRDCs will be provided in two separate parts: i) funding for the centre and the staff as part of the university budgets, and ii) funding for teacher education programmes. HRDCs will be allowed to cater to the preparation and development of teachers in the private sector.Sustained focus on facilitating the work of teachers and higher education faculty members: Given that teachers will be expected to lead the reform, and help transform the education system, any concerns or difficulties that teachers have must be immediately addressed. A senior functionary in both Central and all State governments, not below the rank of Joint Secretary, will be made responsible for addressing the concerns of teachers and ensuring their ability to function smoothly. Teachers will be able to escalate grievances to the RSA or to its equivalent in the State. The aim is to ensure that the work of teachers, teacher educators, and all higher education faculty members, which is central to quality education, is never hindered, in order to enable constant innovation and progress in the sector.P15.5.1.P15.5.3.16. Professional EducationChapter 16 Professional EducationObjective: Build a holistic approach to the preparation of professionals, by ensuring broad-based competencies and 21st century skills, an understanding of the social-human context, and a strong ethical compass, in addition to the highest-quality professional capacities.Professional education must seek to develop individuals with the capacity to combine a strong foundation of theoretical knowledge and specific competencies; the ability to connect theory to practice; an understanding of how their profession impacts and is impacted by society; generic competencies such as decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, and communication; and an ethical compass and disposition to be constructive, contributing citizens. Achieving such a goal necessitates that professional education be integrated with liberal education.Professional education in India, in Agriculture, Law, Healthcare, and Technical education is, however, offered largely in silos of individual subjects and separate from general higher education. The practice of setting up separate technical universities, health sciences universities, legal and agriculture universities (AUs) in each State to affiliate colleges offering professional education in their respective disciplines, has resulted in deepening the isolation further. Although the effort in professional education has been focused mainly on making students ready for , the outcomes, in terms of employability, leave a lot to be desired.Professional education must also be separated from professional practice. In the healthcare sector for example, professional practice requires considerable oversight by a body of professionals, with regard to the need for updating the knowledge of doctors and other medical practitioners on a regular basis, and with regards to the various protocols and procedures followed for National Education Policy 2019treatment. For the same professional councils, such as the MCI, INC, DCI and several others, who regulate professional practice to also specify curriculum and regulate professional education is an undesirable anomaly that must be set right immediately. Professional councils must restrict themselves to the role of PSSBs (see 18.3.1), when it comes to education. It must be left to the universities and colleges disbursing professional education to work out all the academic aspects such as curriculum, pedagogy and so on. The remaining responsibilities of governance, regulation, accreditation, and funding must be aligned with that of general education, with RSA (see Chapter 23), NHERA, NAAC and HEGC extending their roles to also cover professional education (see Chapter 18) .Professional education will be an integral part of the overall higher education system.There is a tremendous shortage of professionals in the country, most particularly in the healthcare sector. It is critical that the need for professionals in various disciplines of higher education is mapped on a regular basis, based on careful data gathering, and adequate capacity is created at educational institutions. A separate committee needs be set up to work out a detailed transformation plan for each broad area of professional education, e.g agriculture, law, medical and technical education.However, the general principles laid out in this Policy, and the overall spirit and approach to reforming higher education will also be applicable to professional education. The Policy initiatives that relate to the interface of professional education with general education, and some domain specific reforms in each area of professional education area listed below.16.1. Undergraduate educationAll professions have elements that are universal and elements that are specific to the contexts in which they are practiced. The impact of professional education on society and on the economy is disproportionate relative to its small size. The contexts in which professions are practiced are being redefined constantly by the changes in our understanding of society, the environment, 16. Professional Educationhuman rights and ethics. At the same time, professions are also becoming highly differentiated and are constantly evolving, as developments in science and technology gather pace. Professional undergraduate education must rise to this challenge.Reintegrating professional education into higher education: Given their huge impact on society and on the economy, the preparation of professionals must involve: (i) an education in the ethic and importance of public purpose; (ii) an education in the specific profession and its role in realising that purpose; and (iii) an education for professional practice. This is best achieved by making institutions offering professional education a part of the larger ecosystem of higher education, instead of remaining as isolated entities. All higher educational institutions including those offering professional education will be empowered to widen the scope of their course offerings so that each of them becomes a large multidisciplinary institution offering a wide selection of courses.Integrated education within professional disciplines: All new AUs will be integrated universities covering all interrelated aspects of agriculture including horticulture, livestock, agro-forestry, aquaculture, food production systems and so on. Existing AUs must integrate to the extent possible. AUs will also be encouraged to have strong linkages with all relevant national laboratories and other universities, in terms of training, business incubation, start-ups, etc. for broadening the horizons of the graduates in terms of vision and skills. Similar approaches will be adopted with many areas of technical and healthcare education. For instance, the current solution-driven, utilitarian approach to programmes in architecture will be changed into an interdisciplinary approach encompassing urban planning, social sciences and economics, with the intent of preparing future architects who are able to resolve the gap between technological considerations and the need to develop living spaces in consonance with peoples aspirations. The scope of education in other disciplines of professional education will be similarly widened.Technical and vocational education and training: The challenge of providing vocational education to millions of Indian youth is the most pronounced in disciplines related to agriculture, technical and healthcare education. For instance, agriculture education needs to be supplemented with skilled workers in many related areas such as horticulture, fertilizers and pesticides, food processing, fisheries and livestock. Similarly, technical education includes degree and diploma programmes in engineering, technology, management, architecture, town planning, pharmacy, hotel management and catering technology, while healthcare education includes a whole host of allied health staff such as radiologists, laboratory technicians, physiologists, home caregivers for the elderly, and many others that total up to a projected 80 million jobs worldwide by 2030 according to the WHO. Many of these sectors are critical to Indias wellbeing and overall development, so the very P16.1.1. P16.1.3. National Education Policy 2019large targets for vocational education must be addressed in multiple ways. Governments, employers, the respective Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) and all other stakeholders are working together to address a large part of this target, but as mentioned earlier the role of academic institutions in providing skills will be critical in achieving the stated targets for trained youth.Preparation of professionals must involve an education in the ethic and importance of public purpose, an education in the discipline, and an education for practice - professional education must not happen in the isolation of specialty.Provision of vocational education at all institutions offering professional education: As with general education, all universities and autonomous colleges offering professional education will be empowered to offer vocational education in their related disciplines at the undergraduate level through Diploma, Advanced Diploma and B.Voc. degrees that are aligned with NSQF Levels 5, 6 and 7. The respective professional councils and the SSCs will set the professional standards for each occupation in conjunction with the National Skill Development Authority (NSDA), based on the National Occupational Standards-Qualification Packs (NOS-QPs). It will be left to the universities and autonomous colleges to develop syllabus and curriculum for these courses. Funding to educational institutions for the provision of vocational education will remain with the HEGC.Provision of vocational education during senior secondary school stage: Given that NSQF levels 1-4 will be integrated into school curriculum (see Chapter 20) through the Vocational Education and Skills Board (VESB), it will be up to the SSCs to work with the VESB to create the curriculum for vocational education in disciplines related to agriculture, law, technical and healthcare education. Provision of vocational education integrated with general school education, at secondary and senior-secondary schools, is a new and exciting challenge that will be taken up by the VESB and the NCERT together. Funding for integrating VE into school education will be granted to school complexes through the respective State governments.P16.1.4. P16.1.5. 16. Professional EducationMultidisciplinary education with multiple entry\/exit points: In order to facilitate the free exchange of ideas across disciplines, pathways for multiple entry points into various disciplines of professional education programmes will be created, including integration of learners with demonstrated competence or work experience in relevant areas. This will require a mechanism for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and their concomitant assessment frameworks to be brought over into professional education. The NSQF, and the equivalent of the NHEQF for each of the professional disciplines, must be brought together to enable this. The RSA will help initiate this activity through the SCCs (see P23.10). Time and age limits for entering and completing programmes will be relaxed to allow learners to take breaks in between their studies, and a system for transferring credits between institutions will be developed.16.2. Capacity planning for professionalsThe professional education sector is plagued by over-capacity of some professions such as engineering graduates and dentists, and severe under-capacity in many other professions such as doctors, nurses, radiologists and agriculture graduates. Scarce educational resources must be channelled better through better planning based on better data gathering.Perspective planning of capacity creation: The RSA will commission a comprehensive perspective plan for professional education in India, which will be based on comprehensive data gathering and analysis. Such a perspective plan will identify emerging areas in professional education where new institutions or programmes need to be created and will assess the countrys projected technical human resource requirements (including regional disparities in supply and demand) in current and emerging areas over the next 15 years.NHERA will use the information when considering permissions to set up new institutions and State governments will use this perspective plan as inputs into their decision-making. Hence, a long-term mechanism will be devised to ensure that such a perspective plan remains up-to-date and useful for planning.The CESD (see P6.1.5) within NIEPA will extend its activities to cover data gathering not just for general education, but also in professional education.Processes shall be put in place to strengthen the annual data collection, analysis and dissemination of information on the various types of degrees being offered, also in new and emerging areas, demand for qualifications from employers, quality of various degrees, etc. This information will be shared with educational institutions and used for planning programmes.P16.1.6. P16.2.1. National Education Policy 201916.3. Postgraduate education and researchPost-graduate education in the professional streams need to be strengthened considerably. The curriculum must ensure that post-graduates acquire knowledge, skills, self-confidence and entrepreneurship training, to enable them to contribute to social and national productivity.Post-graduates either go on to professional practice at higher levels or become educators by taking up teaching, with only a very small fraction continuing into research. In either case, they need to be among the best the profession has to offer so that succeeding generations can get the best possible education.Postgraduate education will be revamped: Postgraduate education curriculum and pedagogical approach will be revamped to ensure strong exposure to professional practice in the context of each specialisation. This may require tight collaboration between HEIs and different professional institutions (e.g. the healthcare system) in the country.Research: Many disciplines in professional education such as architecture and fine arts are practice based and research in these areas is in a nascent stage. For instance, several organisations are working on modernisation of indigenous technologies and crafts, an area that needs considerable research support. Borrowing research methodology from other more academic fields is leading to a choice of topics for research that are theoretical and distant from ground realities. At the same time, there are several unresolved issues in each of these fields, particularly in their interfaces with society, and these need to become the starting point for academically rigorous research. Communication between professional practice and educational institutions is an integral part of making research more relevant.Research in all professional disciplines will be eligible for funding by the NRF. Existing funding agencies such as the ICMR and the ICAR will also continue with their funding. Research will be oriented towards new knowledge generation as well as towards improving the outcomes of professional education. At the National level, it shall provide the basis for policy making and perspective planning, including facilitating decisions around setting up new institutions. At the institutional level, it will facilitate curricular and pedagogical improvement.16.4. FacultyTeacher education programmes in professional education, at college and university level, tend to have a wide scope of objectives. These need to be focused and teachers need to be educated to specialise in teaching particular subjects. A heavy dependence on the individual understanding of teachers and their P16.3.1. P16.3.2. 16. Professional Educationability to evolve teaching methods leads not only to highly varying outcomes in students, but also puts undue pressure on teachers. Collaborative and experiential learning methods and an awareness of professional ethics need to be brought in systematically through improved teacher education.Professional education continues to be a domain where teachers are still largely Masters degree holders and likely to continue to remain so in the foreseeable future. Professional education is also an area in which people with industry\/ business\/ hospital experience must be invited to come back and teach with appropriate preparation. It must be ensured that new faculty receive induction training and continuous in-service professional development.Setting up Departments of Education for preparing faculty for professional education: In order to strengthen teacher education in the professional education streams, Departments of Education will be set up, if they dont already exist, at all universities that affiliate colleges offering professional education in any discipline. It is expected that these universities will eventually evolve into multidisciplinary HEIs. These Departments of Education will develop curriculum for teacher education in the respective professions and offer the Masters degree in Teaching and Research, which will be a mandatory qualification for all aspiring teachers, to be taken besides a Masters degree in their subject specialisation. The course will orient aspiring teachers and practitioners on curriculum development, pedagogy, assessment techniques etc., and will be delivered in the part-time, blended, or online mode to enable access to working professionals.Mitigating the shortage of faculty across disciplines: Universities and institutions will be encouraged and facilitated to address faculty shortage in multiple ways: taking measures to attract and retain faculty; engaging with other institutions in the vicinity to share faculty; inviting rolling faculty of eminent and superannuated scientists\/professors\/experts from industry; provisioning teaching assistantships for doctoral students; making use of talent from the private sector; inviting overseas researchers, etc. Given the importance of aptitude and choice of candidates in choosing their career, it is desirable that teachers counsel promising students during their studies and encourage them to take up academic careers. Senior students with academic inclinations maybe given opportunities to mentor juniors and be recognised as teaching assistants in appropriate cases with due academic credits.Professional development of faculty: The Departments of Education at the respective universities must also offer continuing education programmes for the professional development of faculty. Research will not be mandatory for all teachers in the shorter run, and emphasis will be shifted towards teaching methodology, classroom innovations and student motivation in evaluating teachers. Writing of textbooks, and translation of literature between different languages also needs support and encouragement.P16.4.3. P16.4.1. P16.4.2. National Education Policy 2019Professional Councils for Teachers: A professional council for faculty in each discipline of professional education is necessary, to take responsibility for ensuring that every faculty member receives refresher courses at regular intervals. For instance, a professional body for teachers at medical colleges will be created so that teachers can upgrade their knowledge every five years. Infrastructure for providing continuing education in all branches of medicine, including nursing, dental and allied health, will be strengthened for this purpose.16.5. Governance, Regulation and AccreditationThe RSA through appropriate mechanisms will mentor the evolution of professional education in sync with the rest of higher education. The guiding principle shall be one of looking at higher education in a holistic way and not in a piecemeal fashion.The overall regulatory framework created for higher education will be extended to professional education, and NHERA will remain the sole regulatory authority.The regulatory role of the 17 or more professional councils such as the BCI, ICAR, MCI (or the proposed National Medical Commission - NMC), INC, VCI and others, with regard to professional education, will be converted to being PSSBs as far as education is concerned. They will not specify curriculum. Instead, they will specify professional standards and \/ or a curriculum framework, against which educational institutions will prepare their own curricula.Improvement of academic performance including reforms in curriculum, teaching, and preparation of teachers will be done through providing autonomy to the HEIs themselves. All institutions offering professional education will also be mandatorily accredited once every 5 years, by accreditation agencies empanelled by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in consultation with the professional councils. Independent accreditation agencies with the necessary mandate to accredit all professional streams of education will be empaneled.Fees for professional education: In line with the spirit of providing autonomy to educational institutions to charter their own course, fees for professional education courses will be left to the management of educational institutions, both public and private. They will however, be required to fulfil their social obligations and provide scholarships to students from the socially and economically weaker sections of society. Up to 50% of students qualifying for admission must receive some degree of scholarships, and a minimum 20% of these must receive full scholarships.P16.4.4. P16.5.1. 16. Professional EducationEquitable access to quality professional education: Equitable access shall be the most important principle guiding decisions regarding the setting up of new institutions and of investment in improving infrastructure and learning resources. The different characteristics, and requirements, of each discipline of professional education will be taken into consideration for these decisions.The practice of setting up stand-alone universities for professional education will be discontinued. All institutions offering either professional or general education must organically evolve into institutions offering both seamlessly by 2030.16.6. Agriculture and allied disciplinesAt present, there are 67 AUs set up on the Land Grants pattern of the USA which involves financial contributions from the State and Centre, as well as resource generation by the university. Although AUs comprise approximately 9% of all universities in the country, enrolment in agriculture and allied sciences is less than 1% of all enrolment in higher education. There is high demand in the government and development sector for agriculture graduates and there is also increasing demand in the private sector in all aspects of agriculture, particularly high-value agro-industry, food processing and specialised knowledge-intensive areas such as water efficiency, food safety and trade. Both general and specialised education in agriculture is needed, in order to increase agricultural productivity through better skilled graduates and technicians, innovative research and market-based extension linked to technologies and practices.Agriculture education: Undergraduate education in agriculture is presently unable to cope with the demand from industry, and particularly from agri-business, for trained graduates. The demand is well over twice the present capacity of AUs. The capacity to provide integrated undergraduate education, in all the related disciplines of agriculture and veterinary sciences, as well as with general education will be increased sharply, both at existing institutions and by setting up new AUs. Despite the demand, youth are not P16.5.2. P16.6.1. National Education Policy 2019attracted to this discipline. It is imperative to present the opportunities that exist in agriculture to both students and parents, to help them make informed choices.Integrated agricultural education: Farming is an integrated activity and therefore the education provided must also be integrated in all possible ways to make it holistic. Therefore,a. All new AUs will be integrated, covering all interrelated aspects including agriculture, horticulture, veterinary sciences, agro-forestry, aquaculture and all the food production systems. They will be encouraged to actively interact with national and international agencies and universities through multimode exchange.b. The initial stage of four-year undergraduate programmes will substantially include basic sciences, humanities and disciplines of social sciences like economics, agribusiness management, marketing and rural sociology, and agricultural ethics and polices. Further, the curriculum will ensure that graduates and postgraduates acquire knowledge, skills and entrepreneurship ability, and self-confidence, thus developing them as enablers of social and national productivity.c. Agriculture being a composite economic activity, AUs will be encouraged to have strong linkages with all relevant national laboratories and other universities, in terms of training, business incubation, start-ups, etc. d. An appropriate framework to continuously upgrade and update agriculture education curriculum and syllabi considering aspects of food safety, quality assurance and disciplines of social sciences like economics, agri-business management, marketing and rural sociology, and agricultural ethics and policies will be developed.Professional education and community\/extension services: Educational institutions also have the responsibility to directly benefit their local communities in other ways. For instance, it is critical that AUs help alleviate the lot of the small and marginal farmers to the extent possible. Every AU must engage with local groups of farmers and provide them with extension services, - e.g. with knowhow to help mitigate their risks (deal with pests, etc.) and ways to increase their income through access to knowhow in agri-processing and other areas by way of short-term courses. AUs must also take an active role in setting up Agricultural Technology Parks to promote technology incubation and dissemination. They will be funded for these activities by the HEGC.Department of Agricultural Research and Education at State\/UTs level: The Policy encourages establishment of appropriate structures and mechanisms (on the lines of DARE at the National level) at State\/UT levels for better coordination of the governance of education in agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc., currently administered by separate Ministries\/ Departments, P16.6.2. P16.6.4. 16. Professional Educationto ensure synergy among all these stakeholders providing for a holistic vision of the sector leading to enhanced productivity, sectoral development, technology innovation, application and widespread dissemination.Enhancing public grants: In addition to the land grants pattern, the AUs will be supported with sufficient public grants for funding by establishing Centre-State partnerships on a mutually agreed basis.16.7. Legal Educations development in the 21st century and the fulfilment of our dream of taking our rightful place in the global arena will depend crucially on our ability to strengthen institutional frameworks that underpin governance. A key aspect of governance systems is the ability of the State and private interests to adhere to Constitutional values, and establish, support and maintain the rule of the law as envisioned in our founding documents. The maintenance and flourishing of socio-political institutions requires a cadre of professionals in the judicial system, including lawyers, judges, paralegal and administrative staff. All these roles require the continued development of legal education. Further, this Policy envisages a law education that is informed and illuminated with Constitutional values of Justice Social, Economic and Political and directed towards national reconstruction through instrumentation of democracy, rule of law and human rights. It recognises that the legal profession has social responsibilities to reach justice to the unreached in rural and tribal areas of the country through community or social justice lawyering. Therefore, legal education is visualised as a public rather than a private good wherein the State, society and markets have distinct interests and reasonable expectations related to their contribution to inclusive and equitable development.Finally, professional education in law has to be globally competitive, adopting best practices and embracing new technologies for wider access to justice and timely delivery of justice. Hence a new legal education policy is found imperative for assigning direction for future change.Curriculum to reflect socio-cultural contexts: It is the function of legal education to transmit the foundational values of Indian democracy to learners in order to give legal studies the necessary social relevance and acceptability. In doing so, the law curriculum has to fall back upon the culture and traditions of people, the history of legal institutions and victory of writ large in Indian literature and mythology. Further, there is growing consensus worldwide that the study and practice of law cannot be independent of the culture of society, including the study of classical law texts. Hence, concerned authorities in universities must ensure that the curriculum reflects, in an evidence-based manner, the history of legal thinking, principles of justice, practice of jurisprudence and other related content appropriately and adequately.P16.6.5. P16.7.1. National Education Policy 2019Multilingual education: A new generation of children will grow up to be completely multilingual through the implementation of this Policy. In the meantime, some areas of professional education, such as law education will require innovative solutions to a specific challenge. Legal transactions at the lower courts are conducted in their respective regional languages whereas those at the High Courts and Supreme Court continues to be done in English, in most States in India. This contributes to the considerable delay in legal outcomes as cases can move up only after the documentation has been translated.State institutions offering law education must consider offering bilingual education for future lawyers and judges - in English and in the language of the State in which the law programme is situated. To facilitate this transition, a host of measures will be undertaken such as, inducting teachers who are well versed in the regional language as well as English, making text books and study materials available in both languages, and allowing examinees to write their examination in either medium. In addition, special cells for translating legal materials from the State language to English and vice-versa will be setup and students who are fluent in both languages will be invited\/incentivised to contribute to the work of the translation cells.16.8. Healthcare EducationThere is now a global shift from curative medical practice towards a more holistic approach to healthcare that balances wellness, prevention and cure. This has deep implications for medical education in India. Indians have always exercised pluralistic choices in healthcare, seeking help from different systems of medicine for different needs. This makes it important to impart medical education in an integrative health science framework and replace the current silos in which it is imparted in India. Healthcare education must ensure that that skilled doctors, nurses, and paramedics are trained in a scheme that appreciates pluralistic health education perspectives alongside specific disciplinary foci.Reforms in medical education must necessarily have a profound impact on the quality of healthcare delivery. The goals and standards for medical education must be derived from the vision of state of the art, quality, and affordable healthcare for all. Reforms in healthcare education must aim to improve the quality of infrastructure for primary and secondary healthcare, particularly in rural areas.Improving access to healthcare education for rural students, and lowering the cost of education is key to achieving this goal.Ensuring superior quality of the MBBS degree: The expectation that society has from a medical doctor is extremely high, more than any other profession. Yet, both the numbers and the quality of MBBS doctors being produced has been deteriorating. All MBBS graduates must necessarily possess: (i) medical skills; (ii) diagnostic skills; (iii) surgical skills; and (iv) emergency skills; and P16.7.2. P16.8.1. 16. Professional Educationthe revamped education of medical students must ensure this. Curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and opportunities for gaining work experience during the studies must all be improved. Students must be assessed at regular intervals on well-defined parameters primarily for the skills required for working in primary care and in secondary hospitals. The compulsory rotation internship, which has become virtually non-existent, will be reintroduced and made more robust and effective.Pluralistic healthcare education and delivery: The first year or two of the MBBS course will be designed as a common period for all science graduates after which they can take up MBBS, BDS, Nursing or other specialisations. Common foundational courses based on medical pluralism will be followed by core courses focused on specific systems, and electives that encourage bridging across systems. Graduates from other medical disciplines such as nursing, dental etc., will also be allowed lateral entry into the MBBS course. A medical education qualification framework to achieve this will be developed in conjunction with the NMC.Given the pluralistic health care legacy of the country, the different health systems such as Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) will be mainstreamed, and better access to AYUSH treatment will be provided through co-location in public facilities. The precedent set by the National Rural Health Mission, which leveraged the popularity of AYUSH and the low cost of medicines, by appointing AYUSH physicians at the PHC\/CHC levels will be evaluated and adapted as necessary.Centralised exit examination for MBBS education: Just as the NEET has been introduced as a common entrance examination for the MBBS, a common exit examination for the MBBS will be introduced (as has been suggested in the National Medical Commission Bill) that will play a dual role as also the entrance examination for admission into postgraduate programmes. This exit examination will be administered at the end of the fourth year of the MBBS so that students are relieved of the burden of studying for a separate, competitive entrance examinations at the end of their residency period. With the entrance examination out of the way, they can spend their residency period acquiring valuable skills and competence.Similar common exit examinations can also be conducted for dental education and other disciplines as needed.Nursing education and career progression of nurses: In the long term, it is advisable to make BSc Nursing the sole entry-level qualification for nurses. However, given the current shortage of nursing staff, a careful decision of when the GNM course can begin to be phased out, will be made. Quality (specially the curriculum) of nursing education will be improved and strengthened. Institutions providing nursing education will be accredited every five years. A national accreditation body for nursing education and other sub-streams will be created for the purpose.P16.8.2. P16.8.4. National Education Policy 2019Nurse Practitioners courses will be introduced and recognised throughout India so that nurses can compensate in part for the non-availability of doctors. Professional development pathways for nurses with different levels of qualifications will be created. Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), and Renewal of License guidelines will be framed by the Indian Nursing Council (INC) for all nurses, including faculty in nursing education. An Indian Nurses Registry will be created. The role of the INC will be reviewed and amended as needed.Allied health education for cost-effective healthcare delivery: A certificate skills-based training programme (minimum 1 to 2 years with significant on-the-job training) for General Duty Assistants (GDA), Emergency Medical Technicians-Basic (EMT-B) and Laboratory Technicians who can be employed in Primary Health Centres (PHC) and other government set-ups will be introduced to strengthen delivery of healthcare. The syllabus will be standardised pan-India, drawn up in conjunction with Health Universities and State Allied Health Sciences Boards, with inputs from the Healthcare Sector Skill Councils, and reviewed and revised every five years. These training programmes will be hospital-based, at those hospitals that have adequate facilities, including state-of-the-art simulation facilities, and adequate student-patient ratio. These courses will be made accessible and affordable to students from rural backgrounds. Focus will also be given to priority areas like physiotherapy, hospital management, medical engineering and technology, etc.Increasing the intake of students in healthcare education: The 600 or so district hospitals in the country will be upgraded to teaching hospitals at the earliest by investing in infrastructure for targeted medical specialities and in stationing adequately qualified teaching faculty. Both the teaching institutions and the hospitals will be mandatorily accredited before they can begin functioning. The investment and upgradation plan for the district hospitals will address intake and training requirements not just for MBBS doctors, nurses, dentists, etc., but also for many areas of allied health services that are in short supply and that require clinical training at hospitals. A meticulous exercise in planning for manpower in all branches of medicine, dentistry, nursing, AYUSH and allied health, in all districts in the country will be undertaken on a regular basis, say once every five years by the CESD.Expanding postgraduate education: There is a shortfall in the number of seats in postgraduate courses in many disciplines, particularly in medical education where the number of seats in postgraduate education is only approximately half the number of MBBS seats. These will be increased as quickly as the available infrastructure in hospitals around the country allows. New medical colleges and hospitals that have an adequate number of patients and well-trained teaching faculty will be allowed to start postgraduate courses and district hospitals will move towards having a medical college attached to them. Diploma courses such as the one being offered by the College of Physicians P16.8.5. P16.8.7. 16. Professional Educationand Surgeons, Mumbai, will be promoted throughout the country, to help produce sufficient numbers of intermediate specialists.16.9. Technical EducationTechnical education includes degree and diploma programmes in engineering, technology, management, architecture, town planning, pharmacy, hotel management and catering technology. Many of these sectors are critical to Indias overall development. Not only will these sectors continue to demand well-qualified individuals for several decades, but there will be greater need for closer collaboration between industry and institutions to drive innovation and research. Further, as the influence of technology on all human endeavour grows, the silos between technical education and other disciplines are expected to erode.Teaching learning processes in professional education face specific challenges as these disciplines are neither entirely knowledge based nor are they entirely skill based. They require individual creativity and application of both knowledge and skill on the part of the teachers and the students. Lack of adequate text books in many disciplines further exacerbates the difficulty, and student performances are heavily dependent on the quality of the educational institution and their teachers, leaving a lot to chance.Curriculum to strengthen undergraduate degrees: Curricula must be renewed with a focus on opportunities to engage deeply with the field and be more inclusive of other disciplines. Engineering and technology programmes will be revised to prepare professionals who are well prepared for both current and future practices, and are able to exploit emerging science and technology while being responsive to changing socio-economic and environmental contexts. The current solution-driven, utilitarian approach informing programmes in architecture will be changed to an interdisciplinary approach encompassing urban planning, social sciences and economics, intended to prepare future architects who are able to resolve the gap between technological considerations and the need to develop a living space in consonance with peoples aspirations. The gap between the education and practice of architecture will be removed through a focus on preparing professionals capable of analysing societys problems, with an understanding of rural and urban patterns and infrastructure networks and the ability to develop holistic solutions.Curricula in all disciplines will be frequently renewed, infused with a set of carefully selected material from other disciplines, connect of theory and practice, collaboration with industry, and opportunities for a variety of internships. Curriculum delivery will focus on giving students the ability to apply their knowledge and skills in different, often unknown, settings, and inculcating professional dispositions and ethics.P16.9.1. National Education Policy 2019Strategic thrust on new and emerging disciplines in professional education: India must take the lead in preparing professionals in cutting-edge areas that are fast gaining prominence such as artificial intelligence, 3-D machining, big data analysis and machine learning among others in technical education, genomic studies, bio-technology, nanotechnology, neuroscience and so on in the sciences. These topics, and many others like them, must be woven into undergraduate education at the earliest with support from the three National Academies of Sciences and the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) to devise appropriate curricula. Retired as well as serving scientists and engineers can be roped in to train the faculty in colleges and universities.Encouraging industry interactions: Interactions leading to innovation and research need to be strengthened considerably between industry and institutions offering technical education. To encourage such interactions, accreditation\/ranking will incentivise:a. Industry-academic collaborations such as establishing industry centres of excellence and incubation cells in institutions (with joint funding and protections for intellectual property).b. Appointing faculty with research and industry experience, in addition to academic qualifications; the latter by themselves will not be considered adequate qualifications for technical faculty.c. Offering positions to selected industry experts on boards of studies and as adjunct faculty.d. Creating internship opportunities for learners, especially with nearby industries to develop products to address local needs. Industries will report such collaborative activities in their annual reports, under CSR expenditure.e. Using state-of-the-art resources for educational purposes, particularly by sharing expensive equipment with industries or by using virtual laboratories to access resources located elsewhere.Improving equity and inclusiveness in technical education: There will be multiple initiatives to increase the enrolment of students from URGs in technical education. These efforts will include ensuring that each district has at least one government-supported accredited institution that offers programmes in technical education; providing merit-based scholarships for students from URGs who are preparing for technical education and those who are studying in high quality technical education institutions; and providing bridge courses for those seeking lateral entry into technical education. In addition, private institutions will be permitted to generate additional funds by utilising resources more efficiently (e.g. institutions may offer executive programmes and use laboratories for carrying out Skill Development Programmes in off-hours) and will be incentivised to use these funds to provide additional support for students from URG.P16.9.2. P16.9.4. 17. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education InstitutionsChapter 17Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education InstitutionsObjective: Independent, self-governed higher education institutions with capable and ethical leadership.Leadership and governance deeply influence all aspects of an institutions. All other efforts can be brought together for developing good institutions by strong governance and effective leadership, but the same efforts would be mostly wasted with weak institutional governance and poor leadership.High quality education and research requires intellectual ferment in a nurturing culture - the governance of higher education institutions determines this culture. National Education Policy 2019Institutions in India that have been given autonomy with strong self-governance and have had good leadership have grown into world-class institutions. We have had examples of institutions that have sustained excellence over a long period because of the kind of academic and operational leadership that they have had, supported by strong governance mechanisms.Weak leadership and governanceUnfortunately, governance and leadership of the majority of institutions of higher education in India has been severely compromised. Institutions have been plagued by external interference at both these levels. Such external influence has diluted the independence and effectiveness of the institution, and has often been wielded not for the good of the institution but for serving vested interests.In addition to the informal exercise of power by external bodies, the governance and leadership of institutions is also disempowered by the formal structures and systems of higher education. Decisions related to many aspects which should be within the purview of institutional governance and leadership are centralised at the level of the UGC or other bodies of the State and Centre. Colleges are unable to chart their own courses, controlled as they are in many significant ways by the affiliating University. Higher education departments of the State and other such bodies often tend to treat Universities and Colleges as an extension of their hierarchy. All this deeply undermines institutional autonomy.The various bodies of institutional governance (e.g. Executive Council, Academic Council, Court) often mix up the chains of responsibility and accountability in practice, diffusing the overall accountability system of the institution. The appointment or nomination of individuals to these bodies are through processes that do not ensure that competent people with commitment to the good of the institution are in the bodies. Instead such appointments\/nominations are sometimes used as mechanisms to distribute favours.Leaders of institutions are often not the people who should be in these roles. Too many of them lack the competence to lead organisations and institutions. A shockingly high proportion lack the ethical standards, institutional commitment and public spiritedness that is a must to lead any education institution. This is partly a result of the selection and appointment processes. These processes are often influenced, driven and decided by people who themselves do not have the requisite commitment to the good of the institution, do not have boldness of imagination for good leadership, and are caught in procedures missing the substance. Often seniority is given disproportionate importance rather than leadership capacities and merit. To exacerbate matters these processes are prone to all manner of influence - ranging from political influence to downright corruption in many cases.17. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education Institutions17.1. Empowered governance and effective leadershipThe special status of universities in society, to award degrees, and as sites of its renewal and development, will receive societal inspiration and consecration through specific offices\/roles performed by people of the highest eminence. These roles will be played by the President of India, the Governors of States and people of eminence, in their roles as Visitor or Chancellor to the HEI.All HEIs will become independent institutions governed by a competent and committed Board. A group of carefully selected individuals, with high capability and ownership of the institution must be empowered to govern institutions so that excellence can be actualised. This group must be free of any kind of political interference, should be unbiased and public spirited, while being capable of providing both academic and administrative leadership. This group will form the Board of the institution. This clear chain of responsibility and accountability of the HEI, with the Board at the apex, will be enabled through relevant legislative actions, since it may require reconfiguring the roles of existing bodies, their powers and reporting structures.Each higher education institution will be governed by an Independent Board - this will ensure a clear chain of responsibility and accountability within.There will be clear mechanism for public accountability of HEIs, either by appointment of an adequate number of independent and highly competent public figures in the Board, and where applicable (as detailed later) in the Court of the HEI as a representative of the public.As we move towards renewing the content and processes of higher education, selection and professional development processes for those in institutional leadership positions must be revamped. Rigorous, impartial, competency-based processes for selection of people in leadership positions needs to be followed, with well-defined guidelines for each position based on the role and the competencies required for that role.All leadership positions (not only that of the Head) in institutions must be offered to the person most suitable for such a role. It should not be offered on the basis of seniority. Sensibilities and capacities for leadership and National Education Policy 2019management must be the criterion for choosing and appointing institutional leaders.This is not the same set of capacities as academic excellence. While educational and academic sensibilities are essential in leaders of HEIs, leadership and management capacities are critical. The appointment processes of HEI leaders should assess all this rigorously and objectively, and should also have the creative energy to make bold bets on people who show promise. Some of Indias and the worlds best institutions have been built by leaders who showed such promise, but may not have fitted into traditional notions of who should be an institutional leader.Leaders must demonstrate strong alignment to Constitutional values and the overall vision of the institution, along with attributes such as a strong social commitment, belief in team work, pluralism, ability to work with diverse people and a positive outlook. These attributes and capacities are important for all leadership roles within an HEI, not only that of the head of the institution.As we move towards institutional autonomy, strong and ethical leadership, both in terms of governing bodies and leaders, becomes even more imperative. While stability of tenure is importance to ensure the development of a suitable culture, at the same time, leadership succession must be planned with care to ensure that good practices that define an institutions processes do not end with a change in leadership. The effort must be to build strong diverse teams, comprising both academic and non-academic members. Coherent, shared plans rather than the decisions made by a few individuals, must be the basis for progress towards institutional goals.While being provided with adequate funding, academic and administrative autonomy, and legislative enablement, institutions must display commitment to engaging with communities they are located in as well as to larger society, along with financial accountability.Institutional governance will be based on full autonomy - academic, administrative and financial - for all higher education institutions with financial certainty and backing.Inspiration and consecration from society: The special status of universities in society, to award degrees, and as sites of its renewal and development, will receive societal inspiration and consecration through specific offices\/roles performed by people of the highest eminence.P17.1.1. 17. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education Institutionsa. Central Universities\/HEIs (Type 1 or 2): The President of India will be the Visitor to the university, who may from time to time review the work of the university and provide advice. The Chancellor of the university will be appointed by the Visitor, who will be a person of high eminence. The Chancellor will preside over the convocation (when present) and chair the Court (see P17.1.3) if it exists in the said university.b. State Universities\/HEIs (Type 1 or 2): The Governor of the State will be the Chancellor of the university, who will preside over the convocation (when present), and may from time to time review the work of the university and provide advice.c. Private Universities\/HEIs (Type 1 or 2): The Governor of the State in which the university has been established shall be the Visitor to the university, and will preside over the convocation (when present).The sponsoring body of the university will appoint a person of high eminence as the Chancellor of the university, who may from time to time review the work of the university and provide advice.d. Under these offices, all HEIs will have the same governance structures, which are detailed in the rest of this chapter. If there is any difference for any particular kind\/type of institution, it has been appropriately detailed within this chapter.Independent Board of Governors: All HEIs, public and private, shall be governed by an independent BoG, which shall be the apex body for the institution, with complete autonomy.The independence of the BoG should ensure that external influence (e.g. political, governmental) is eliminated. The BoG must also ensure that the HEI operates as a public-spirited institution striving for excellence and not as a commercial body. The BoG shall be accountable for the educational outcomes, research outcomes, and for good management, including efficiency and productivity, with robust and transparent academic, financial, and administrative processes. The assessment of these outcomes must be on the basis of pre-agreed criteria between the BoG and its sponsoring body (public or private).Mechanisms for public accountability of higher education institutions: Institutions will have clear mechanisms for public accountability within their governance structure. This can be through one of two approaches:a. Constitution of a (sometimes called ) headed by a person of high eminence, such as the Chancellor of the institution.b. The Court may be constituted in the manner as currently in some of the high functioning CUs or CFTIs or as described by the statute of the HEI. Members to the Court will not be elected. It will consist of people of eminence, representing public interest. The Chancellor will lead P17.1.2. P17.1.3. National Education Policy 2019the Court and the BoG will each year present before the court the public contribution and progress of the HEI.c. Not less than 50% of the members of the BoG will be persons representing public interest independently i.e. not being in any functional\/administrative\/executive role in the government and not having a role within the HEI.The second approach may be simpler and more efficient in the long term. After 10 years, institutions choosing to exercise option (a) may conduct a review and transition to option (b) if such change is deemed to be suitable.Chairperson (Chair) of Board of Governors: The BoG shall select a person from amongst themselves as the Chair or invite someone from outside, after a rigorous process of identification (e.g. though a search committee), to join the Board and serve as the Chair of the BoG. The role of the Chair of the BoG will be a non-executive role.Board of Governors as the apex body: The BoG shall be the apex body of the HEI; there shall be no parallel structure. Internal governance and management structures of all HEIs shall be redesigned and reconstituted to ensure this. All bodies of the HEI will report to the BoG through the Vice Chancellor\/Director. The constitution of these redesigned structures should be entirely the prerogative of the BoG. This may require specific legislative enablement (e.g. role of the BoG, change in role of the Court) across universities, as also changes in their statutes.Composition of the Board of Governors: The constitution and appointment of the BoG will be the lynchpin for the efficacy of the institution. The BoG may have 10-20 members, with one third of the members being from within the HEI (e.g. faculty, administrative leadership). The relevant governments (the government that provides majority of the funding, the State in which the HEI is located, and the Central government) all together may have up to three nominees on the BoG. All other members of the BoG must be carefully selected for their commitment to the institution and capacity to contribute. The BoG should have adequate representation of alumni, local community and experts from fields and disciplines of concern to the HEI.All new members of the BoG will be identified by a committee formed by the BoG. The BoG may thereafter vote on the membership of the individual. If approved by a majority, the Chair will invite the new member to the BoG. The criterion for the choice of the members of the BoG and its fulfilment in each specific case shall be made public and transparent.Responsibilities of Board of Governors: The BoG shall be responsible for the institution, in the manner of the responsibilities of all independent board-governed institutions. These responsibilities include upholding the purpose and mission of the institution and their renewal, and organising strategies, resources, programmes, systems, etc., for achieving these purposes and P17.1.4. P17.1.5. P17.1.7. 17. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education Institutionsmission. The responsibility would thus also include the appointment of the Vice Chancellor\/Director i.e. the Chief Executive (CE) of the HEI, and through the CE the appointment of the other employees of the HEI, their compensation and service conditions (see P17.1.10-P17.1.14). This includes the selection and appointment of the leadership, faculty and all other administrative staff. The BoG will have the authority to discharge these responsibilities and would be accountable for them.It shall be concomitantly responsible and accountable for the outcomes of the HEI to the public through transparent disclosure of its review and proceedings records. It will also be responsible for meeting all regulatory guidelines mandated by NHERA.It shall ensure that effective and robust academic, financial and administrative processes are developed and maintained; this shall be done by the BoG through the CE. The BoG shall develop a long-term (10-15 year), a medium-term (5 years) and short-term (1-3 years) Institutional Development Plan (IDP), which must enumerate its educational and research outcomes, quality and capacity parameters, financial and human resource development plans, and organisational development plans. The BoG should measure the institutions progress along the IDP, and the IDP and its review should be made publicly available.Board of Governors for public institutions: All publicly-funded HEIs must form a BoG by 2020. The first such BoG shall be constituted by the existing apex governance body with membership as specified in this Policy. One third of members shall be appointed for a two-year term, one third for a four-year term and one third for a six-year term. Thereafter, all new members shall be appointed for a six-year term. No member shall serve for more than two consecutive terms.Members of the BoG may retire from the BoG or be removed for cause as determined by the rest of the BoG or removed for non-contribution to the functioning of the BoG by the rest of the BoG, the steps for all of which can be initiated by the Chair.Board of Governors for private institutions: The sponsoring body of the HEI shall appoint the BoG, while considering a composition similar as that for public institutions. The BoG shall elect the Chair from within itself, who shall have to be approved by the sponsoring body, and the name ratified by the Visitor.Role of Chief Executive of the higher education institution: The Vice Chancellor\/Director shall be the Chief Executive (CE) of the HEI and shall report to the BoG. All bodies\/authorities\/structures within the HEI shall report to her\/him.P17.1.8. P17.1.9. P17.1.10. National Education Policy 2019The CE must be a person of high competence, integrity and public spirit - this assessment shall be the responsibility of the BoG. The search and selection committee for the CE shall be formed by the Chair. The Chair shall appoint the CE.The process of appointment will have the provision to invite outstanding achievers to the role of the CE (and similarly for other leadership roles of the HEI), with due endorsement by the BoG, without going through other steps of the process. This provision may be used for both outstanding external candidates and for similar internal candidates who have been developed within the institution, and have been identified as such through the succession planning process of the HEI.Leadership roles (including that of the CE) in institutions will be offered to the person most suitable for such a role. Sensibilities and capacities for leadership and management will be the criterion for choosing and appointing institutional leaders. While educational and academic sensibilities will be essential, leadership and management capacities will be critical. The appointment processes of HEI leaders will assess all this rigorously and objectively, and should also have the creative energy to make bold bets on people who show promise. There will be no hesitation in appointing leaders who may not fit into traditional notions of who should be an institutional leader.The CE shall anchor the IDP and be responsible for the HEI and all its aspects as its executive head and leader. The CE, with the approval of the BoG, may decide to form appropriate internal governance structures and mechanisms for various matters, such as the Research Council and Management Board, etc.The CE, with approval of the BoG, shall be free to close, reconstitute, redefine membership and change structures currently existing within the HEI.There will be no elected members to any of the bodies\/structures within the HEI, other than some bodies of students.Selection for other leadership roles: People in other academic and operational leadership positions (e.g. Deans, Heads of Departments) shall be chosen in a similar manner as the CE, with care and on the basis of a rigorous, impartial, competency-based process with well-defined guidelines for each position based on the role and the competencies required for that role. Guided by these processes, all these appointments will be done by the CE.Creating a leadership pipeline: Institutions should identify people with leadership potential early in their careers and put them through capability building experiences (e.g. additional responsibilities, roles that require handling varieties of people, courses on leadership and on legal\/financial issues in higher education) that would ensure their readiness at the right time. This should include succession planning for all leadership roles, including for that of the CE. The IDP must have a succession planning process.P17.1.11. P17.1.12. 17. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education InstitutionsStability of tenure and smooth transition: Stability in leadership positions (minimum of five year tenure) shall be ensured. Transitions from the incumbent to the successor in a leadership role will be planned well and facilitated smoothly, including a reasonable period of overlap.Continuous professional development for heads of institutions and others in leadership roles: There shall be CPD opportunities made available for those in leadership positions. New leaders must be fully supported through formal and informal mentoring - this will help leaders transition smoothly into their new roles. Other mechanisms like post-appointment professional conferences\/seminars with other colleagues in similar positions, professional training programmes or a formal advanced degree must be made available to all those in leadership positions, in relevant areas such as people management, financial management, project management, etc. Forums for Vice Chancellors\/Directors to share their experiences and learn from each other will be encouraged and developed.Overall strong operational team in higher education institutions: There shall be equally strong focus and investment, in selection and development of people for the non-academic roles in higher education institutions. The importance of these roles and their contributions will be recognised. The service conditions and empowerment of non-academic roles will be the same as academic roles.Academic Council for vibrant educational programmes and rigorous academic standards: The AC of the HEI will ensure that the highest educational and academic standards are maintained in the programmes and processes of the institution. All programme curricula, syllabus, assessment schemes and other matters that have a bearing on academic standards shall be approved by the AC. The AC will be constituted by the CE, with membership norms as approved by the BoG. The AC should have members from the faculty of the HEI and also external members, and will be chaired by the CE.Strong structures and mechanisms for raising resources - Development Office: Higher education institutions will set up empowered and effective structures for developing and building sustainable methods of raising resources for the institution. Such a Development Office will be resourced adequately and will be facilitated in learning how to undertake resource-raising efforts from global leaders. Appropriate people will be recruited for the Development Office. The funds raised by the Development Office must in no way substitute for public funding; these funds would always be in addition to the public funding made available to the HEIs i.e. public funding will not be reduced with the success of the Development Office.P17.1.13. P17.1.14. P17.1.15. P17.1.16. P17.1.17. National Education Policy 2019Effective structures and mechanisms for connection with society: HEIs will set up empowered and effective structures (e.g. Societal Contribution Council or Community Engagement Council) for direct and effective contribution towards service of local communities and broader society. While these structures will be resourced with relevant people, the faculty will be expected to contribute in these efforts through their expertise; this will form a part of their evaluation.Funding of public institutions: Public funding must be committed to and given to public institutions in the form of block grants based on IDPs. For this there must be an agreement between the HEI (through its BoG) and the relevant government departments\/body providing the funding, on the basis of the long and medium-term IDP. This will include long-term commitment for all base costs of running the institution, including compensation costs of all employees, maintenance and upkeep of all facilities (e.g. infrastructure, learning resources), all recurring costs of programmes (e.g. expenditure on laboratories, internships, admissions), etc.The government must not get involved in micromanagement of spending, nor get involved with the short-term IDP.The HEI must be accountable to the legislature for good and responsible use of public funds. At the same time, this must not impinge on the autonomy of the HEI, which must be insulated from external interference, and vagaries of financial policy and political economy, while being provided adequate funds. This requires a fine balance, which is currently being achieved by a few successful public HEIs. This Policy is architecting a framework to enable this fine balance for all HEIs, while it will eventually depend on the people who staff the relevant roles.Academic and administrative autonomy: HEIs will have real and complete autonomy - academic, administrative and financial - to unleash their full potential for excellence. This will be done over a period of time, such that HEIs can develop capacities and systems to operate effectively with autonomy. HEIs will be supported on this developmental path through mentorship by relevant HEIs and other resource institutions. Other kinds of support will also be provided, for example, experienced advisors, collaborative forums to share experiences and experts on matters such as people management systems.a. Academic autonomy will include freedom to start programmes across fields (including professional) and disciplines, devise and decide the curricula, decide the educational resources required including faculty and their qualifications, develop research programmes and pursue them, decide the criteria and number for student admission, open and run multiple campuses, run ODL programmes, and on all other academic and educational matters. HEIs will transparently and publicly disclose all these academic\/educational matters, on which they will have autonomy. HEIs will be exercise their academic autonomy with epistemic, educational and ethical responsibility. They will also ensure that their educational programmes are responsive P17.1.19. P17.1.20. P17.1.18. 17. Empowered Governance and Effective Leadership for Higher Education Institutionsto professional standards set by the various PSSBs (see 18.3.1) and the learning outcomes from higher education articulated by the GEC (see 18.3.2).b. Administrative autonomy will be achieved by HEIs through becoming self-governing independent entities, with an Independent Board at the apex. This Board will appoint the Vice Chancellor\/Director\/Chief Executive, govern and decide on all matters of the institution, while being accountable to its stakeholders and the general public through transparent disclosures. This will include freedom for appointment and management (including compensation - while decreases will not be permitted) of all its employees, including faculty; setting up of its internal governance and management structures; and control over its own growth and development trajectory. The CE will lead the institution and the Board will operate the management through the CE.c. Financial autonomy will be achieved by adequate public funds being committed and given to the public HEIs, with stability and certainty. This will be enabled by aligning all stakeholders through long term IDPs. Private HEIs will arrange for their own financial autonomy, but on all other matters private and public HEIs will have identical status and freedoms. All HEIs (private and public) will transparently and publicly disclose their audited financials and other financial matters such as fees. Private HEIs will be free to set the fees for their programmes subject to discharge of social responsibility in the form of scholarships for 50% of students in all their programmes. The financial autonomy will be exercised with the highest degree of probity and fiduciary responsibility by the HEI; any financial impropriety will call for definitive and quick regulatory action, including shutting down the HEI where warranted.d. Financial autonomy will be devolved as confidence is established on capacity and probity of the institutions. Financial autonomy must not in any way give freedom for arbitrary financial decisions or lack of financial probity - e.g. arbitrary reduction of salaries, embezzlement, laundering, bribing - minor or major.e. Accountability will flow with autonomy. HEIs will be accountable for their educational outcomes, the probity of their functioning and the public spirited nature of their work.Financial accountability: All HEIs shall report their audited financial statements and publicly disclose key financial matters; the auditing and financial disclosures shall follow exactly those expected of Section 8 (not-for-profit) companies. There also must be assurance of financial stability of the HEI, since instability on this count can put the future of students at stake. There must be clear markers of the public-spirited nature of the HEI, and clear audited financial evidence that the HEI is not-for-profit.HEIs shall publicly disclose key matters on fees, educational facilities, including faculty numbers and student ratio, and all other facilities e.g. hostel, library, based on a proforma for disclosure, determined by NHERA. The purpose of the disclosures is to ensure that the HEI is in reality delivering P17.1.21. National Education Policy 2019what it is committing\/promising to the students - the proforma will have only categories not any mandates within them.The HEI must have robust controllership mechanisms to ensure financial probity. NHERA shall take decisive and quick action in cases of financial impropriety, in addition to other actions that may be taken by other relevant bodies.Legislative enablement: The policies of this chapter and the next in particular, will require comprehensive legislative enablement at the Centre and the States, which will be enabled by the RSA.P17.1.22. 18. Transforming the Regulatory SystemChapter 18Transforming the Regulatory SystemObjective: Effective, enabling and responsive regulation to encourage excellence and public-spiritedness in higher education.s higher education system is the third largest in the world, next only to that in the United States and China. In the past few decades, expansion has also been rapid, particularly in the private sector. Regulation for coordination and growth of higher educationManaging such a large system has inherent challenges which we have been trying to handle, some successfully and others not so successfully. The challenge has been greater due to our pursuit of access, equity and reasonable cost per student in public institutions.While the inception of the centralised regulatory bodies was essentially based on the need for coordination across the country and for determining regulations based on certain standards, their role was always intended to be facilitative. Autonomy was a non-negotiable fundamental principle to ensure each institution developed its unique culture determined by its mandate, vision and geography.National Education Policy 2019Regulation must be responsive and minimalistic - light but tight - to ensure public spiritedness, equity, excellence, financial stability and probity, along with good governance. Current challengeOver time, the mandate of regulatory bodies has shifted. This is particularly true of the UGC, which has the dual role of regulator as well as grant-giving body.Decisions that should be the purview of universities - e.g. starting a programme in distance education, opening a new department\/school, collaboration with a foreign University - require permission from the UGC. Not only does this undermine autonomy, it also creates an environment of dependency and centralised decision making that does not account for contextualised local factors.This is fatal for academic growth.The situation becomes even more complex when we consider the multiple independent bodies which regulate professional courses, and the lack of adequate number of bodies for accreditation. The former has resulted in overlapping regulations within an institute - e.g. for a University offering a programme in technical education, the regulatory body will not be UGC alone but also the relevant regulator for the specific domain of the programme. The latter has resulted in a huge backlog of institutions yet to undergo accreditation, thus making any discussion around quality of higher education purely academic and not comprehensively informed by the situation on ground.India has some of the toughest requirements for setting up higher education institutions across the world; however, these are largely input-centric, focussing on land norms, endowment funds along with source, and other such requirements. This along with centralised, outdated and rigid requirements with respect to faculty qualifications and implementation of curricula, has developed an inspectorial regime instead of an effective regulatory system. Ironically, this inspectorial regime has a consistent record of enforcement that does not weed out poor practices and institutions.What must be doneThe most basic principle is that the functions of regulation, provision of education, funding, accreditation and standard setting must be performed by independent and empowered bodies. This is essential to create checks-and-18. Transforming the Regulatory Systembalances in the system, minimise conflicts of interest and eliminate the concentration of power.There must also be a common regulatory regime for the entire higher education sector, eliminating isolation and disjunction. The regulator should regulate in a light but tight, and facilitative manner, meaning few important matters must be very effectively regulated, leaving most to the judgment of the HEIs, which is essential for institutional autonomy.The primary mechanism for such regulation could be accreditation, focussed primarily on outcomes, carried out by an independent ecosystem of Accreditation Institutions (AI). Specialised institutions could set the standards or expectations in a particular field of learning and practice, while they will have no regulatory role. HEIs will decide how their educational programmes respond to these standards, and other considerations; they will also be able to reach out for support if needed. Such a system architecture will bring to life the principle of functional separation; it will empower HEIs - with full autonomy - academic, administrative and financial. This would mean no external interference in HEIs, including from funding agencies. The autonomy of HEIs shall backed with adequate public funding. Responsibility and accountability shall devolve to the HEIs concomitantly. No distinction shall be made between private and public HEIs.Regulation must be responsive and minimalistic - light but tight - to ensure public spiritedness, equity, excellence, financial stability and probity, along with good governance.This transformation would require existing structures and institutions to undergo an evolution of sorts. The separation of functions would mean that each one would end up with a new role, which is relevant, meaningful and important in the new scheme of things.Setting up new HEIs will be made easier, while ensuring with great effectiveness that these are set up with the spirit of public service and with due financial backing for long term stability.The functions of standard setting, funding, accreditation and regulation will be separated and be conducted by independent bodies, eliminating concentration of power and conflicts of interest.National Education Policy 201918.1. Design and architecture of the regulatory systemFundamental design and operating principles of the regime, structure, and culture of regulation: Separation of functions: The functions of regulation, provision of education, funding, accreditation and standard setting will be separated, and will not be performed by the same institution or institutional hierarchy. These will all be dealt with by independent and empowered bodies. Character of regulation: Regulation shall be responsive and minimalistic, to ensure public spiritedness, financial stability and probity, and good governance. A few meaningful and important things must be regulated effectively, while all else must be decided by the institutions in their best judgement to foster excellence in education. The court of public opinion must play a crucial role enabled by the regulatory requirements ensuring full public disclosure of information by the HEIs and by all other institutions in the regulatory system. Design of regulation: Regulation will be focused on system outcomes and not on inputs, while being transparent and providing intellectual and moral leadership. Public and private HEIs shall be regulated on the same criteria, benchmarks and processes. There will be a single regulator for the entire higher education sector, including professional and vocational education. An independent body will decide accreditation parameters for HEIs. There will be an independent ecosystem of AIs, to accredit HEIs, which will be the primary mechanism for regulation. Accreditation will be the bedrock for ensuring quality. Standard setting: A set of bodies will set the standards or expectations in a particular field of learning and practice. These bodies will have no regulatory role. HEIs shall be free to take all educational and resource decisions, in response to these standards, and other considerations, such as requirements of the field and their own assessment of societal need. Funding mechanisms: Funding of public institutions will be handled by bodies that have no regulatory, standard setting, or accreditation roles. There may be specific empowered bodies for this purpose. The funding commitments will be long term, agreed as per the IDP of the HEI. Accountable institutions: A system shall be established by the RSA to hold all bodies in this system accountable for delivering on their responsibilities. This system will include periodic review by the RSA and public disclosure of the results of the review.The subsequent Policy points of this chapter detail a full regulatory structure and regime on the basis of these principles. The Policy notes that it is absolutely essential to adhere to the spirit of these principles in the practice of these policies.P18.1.1. 18. Transforming the Regulatory SystemThe National Higher Education Regulatory Authority will be the only regulator for all higher education including professional education.The regulatory architecture: NHERA shall be the sole regulator for higher education, including professional education (see P18.1.4). The NAAC shall develop an ecosystem of multiple AIs and oversee the accreditation processes. The HEGC shall be responsible for disbursing developmental grants and fellowships across the entire higher education sector including professional education - the current UGC shall transform to the HEGC (see P18.4.1). All other current regulatory bodies may transform to PSSBs; this includes NCTE, MCI, BCI and AICTE - they (PSSBs) may set standards for professions (e.g. for teachers, doctors, engineers, nurses, etc.).The GEC shall set up expected learning outcomes for higher education programmes, also referred to as graduate attributes. In addition, the GEC shall set up facilitative norms for issues like credit transfer, equivalence etc, through the NHEQF (see P18.3.2).The Policy recognises that these transformative changes to the regulatory regime and structure may take time and effort - some matters may require a transition phase comprising the next 5-7 years - such details are in each section below.Responsibilities of institutions within the new regulatory framework: The responsibilities of each institution within the new regulatory architecture and framework shall be clearly delineated. The existing Acts under which existing regulatory authorities as well as professional bodies have been created shall be modified as necessary to provide an enabling framework; at the same time they shall be separately and collectively held accountable for the quality of educational outcomes in the country.Overlaps in jurisdiction shall be avoided, and formal mechanisms for coordination between the bodies worked out by the RSA, which will be the apex body for education in the country (see Chapter 23). For this, each body shall be governed and run by an Independent Board (IB) consisting of people with expertise in relevant areas, integrity, commitment and a demonstrated track record of public service. All the IBs shall be constituted by the RSA, unless specified otherwise, e.g. for PSSBs - even in case of exceptions, the IB may have to be ratified by the RSA. The chairperson and the chief executives of all the bodies shall be appointed by the RSA. These bodies shall be accountable to the RSA through their IBs.The RSA will conduct a thorough review of the performance of all these bodies and the overall system, through an independent set of experts, every P18.1.2. P18.1.3. National Education Policy 20195 years. The conclusions of this review and the action plans to improve the functioning of the system will be made publicly available.Sole regulator for the higher education sector: NHERA shall be the sole regulator for all of higher education.NHERA shall regulate on the basis of the following dimensions: good governance, financial probity and stability, and educational outcomes.The dimensions and parameters of regulation shall not be mechanical, prescriptive or reductionist; they must be responsive to changes in society, economy, technology, etc. They shall also not be at a level of detail which is not in consonance with the basic principle of empowerment of HEIs. With this overarching approach the principles for each of the three dimensions (the Dimensions of Regulation) will be: Good governance: The objective will be to ensure that there are clear governance mechanisms and that these mechanisms are adhered to in practice by the HEI. There shall be a recommendatory framework for practices in good governance which must draw from global good governance practices of institutions\/organisations run by an IB across sectors e.g. higher education, civil society, business. However, the HEI will be free to set up its own mechanisms and practices with these principles of good governance. Regulation will only ensure that these are publicly disclosed along with their implementation. For a list of the principles of good governance refer to the box at the end of this Chapter. Financial probity and stability: The objectives would be to ensure that all financial affairs of the HEI are conducted lawfully and reported transparently. That, the institution is financially solvent and has financial stability, so that students do not suffer from disruption in academic operations. That, all the financial commitments made by the HEI, including fees and scholarship, are being practiced, as professed. For this the best practices of financial audit, as recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India may be used. Educational outcomes: The objective will be to ensure that each HEI has specific educational outcomes as its goals, that these are publicly stated, and there is continual assessment of the HEIs progress on these goals which is publicly reported. Regulation or its processes will not determine any specific outcome or its level that an HEI must have. The educational outcomes may be, for example, number of students and diversity, assessment of learning of various programmes, publication of research papers, etc. These must be focused on the quality of outcomes and shall not be about input, resources, processes, conditions, etc., unless these are impinging on the safety and security of students and the HEI community.NHERA will set up an ombudsperson mechanism to handle grievances, with adequate number of ombudspersons across the country, to ensure easy access.NHERA shall have a quasi-judicial status, and shall set up an adjudication body P18.1.4. 18. Transforming the Regulatory Systemwithin for the speedy judicial resolution of matters that require the same. This body may have offices across the country, and shall be fully empowered and authorised to shut down, derecognise, or penalise by any other means, HEIs that fail to comply with regulatory norms.Till NHERA and its regulatory ecosystem is operational, existing regulatory authorities must be fully empowered through appropriate legislation, so that they can ensure that HEIs within their oversight are fully meeting regulatory norms and there is probity in their conduct. These regulatory authorities must then develop a systematic plan and implement it to ensure that there is no misconduct and corruption in the HEIs, and any such instance must be penalised, including with closure of the institution. This must lead to strong encouragement to good and public spirited institutions, and a shutting down of institutions that lack probity. This plan and its implementation will be reviewed by the RSA.Implementation of the new regulatory regime: Within 6 months of its formation, NHERA shall develop a detailed plan for the implementation of the new regulatory regime, in collaboration with NAAC and other relevant bodies. This plan should include the details of the roles of all bodies (NHERA, NAAC, PSSBs, GEC, HEGC, AIs, HEIs, etc.), mechanisms and processes of functioning, authorities and responsibilities, and accountability mechanisms. The RSA will review this plan and approve it before it can be implemented.18.2. Accreditation as the basis for regulationAccreditation of higher education institutions: Accreditation of HEIs shall be the lynchpin of the regulatory system. NAAC shall be reinvented and separated from the UGC into a completely independent, autonomous body and be given the responsibility of overseeing accreditation of all institutions of higher education, across all disciplines and field.In its new role, NAAC shall function as the top level accreditor, and will issue licenses to as many AIs, which shall be called AIs, as are needed to cope with the workload of accreditation every HEI in India once every five-seven years. It may also train these agencies, and must resolve disputes between AIs and HEIs.An Institutional Accreditation Framework (IAF) for use by AIs shall be established by the RSA in consultation with multiple relevant stakeholders, including, NHERA, NAAC, HEIs, AIs, PSSBs, and others. It must be responsive and flexible, not rigid and unimaginative. It must focus on outcomes and their quality, and not inputs or process parameters.P18.1.5. P18.2.1. National Education Policy 2019Regulation ( to operate and continue to operate) will be based on the Dimensions of Regulation (see P18.1.4) as detailed earlier; other dimensions or parameters will be for enabling institutions to improve and excel. These Dimensions of Regulation will be a distinct part of accreditation, such that regulation is based on them, while other dimensions used for accreditation may be used by the HEI for improvement and also for public disclosure.The IAF should be revised with wide public consultation within 7 years of the first implementation. Till the accreditation system is set up and HEIs get their accreditation, they shall be regulated by current relevant regimes, including on starting of various programmes.For the next 10 years, the graded accreditation (GA) of HEIs with concomitant graded autonomy, as per the system already in place, will continue. This will be reviewed for improvement by 2020. After 10 years (by 2030) there shall only be a accreditation - Binary Accreditation (BA). It is this step that shall fully empower HEIs and give them autonomy. The BA system should be introduced at the earliest, certainly by 2022. Till 2030, HEIs would be free to choose between the GA or BA regime.A HEI may choose to have a time gap of between 12-24 months between accreditation and taking up autonomy, and it may take up autonomy in steps within this period. This should form a part of the IDP of the HEI.All existing HEIs shall be accredited by 2030, those that are not accredited will cease operations. This includes HEIs of all kinds - general, professional and vocational, which award degrees or diplomas to students, through any mode of study. The accreditation of affiliating universities shall account for the educational outcomes of the affiliated colleges.While accreditation shall be institutional, programme accreditation shall be entirely voluntary for the HEIs. Such programme accreditation may be offered by various bodies, but it shall have no bearing on the HEI running a programme with full curricular autonomy.The institutional accreditation norms shall pay specific attention to the matter of ODL, which in the past has been marred by inadvertent and advertent misuse, and questionable quality. Accreditation of the HEI shall include an assessment of the capacity of the HEI to offer high quality ODL, which may lead to accreditation without ODL.An accreditation ecosystem led by a revamped National Accreditation and Assessment Council will be created.18. Transforming the Regulatory SystemTransition plan for accreditation and autonomy: A phased transition plan for existing colleges to get accredited and become autonomous over a period of a decade shall be put in place. The revamped and strengthened accreditation mechanism shall be the basis on which colleges shall be assessed for quality. Colleges that have already been accredited shall be given appropriate graded autonomy within the next 3 years.A special fund shall be created to support public HEIs (including government colleges) that would like to prepare for autonomy; they will also be provided mentorship. Newly autonomous government colleges and universities shall be given one-time grants so that they can upgrade their infrastructure. State governments must also create a similar fund and provide generous grants to some of their best universities and colleges so that they can make the full use of their autonomy. These plans will be an integral part of the States plans for establishing the new higher education institutional architecture, and the plans of MN and MT.A new NAAC: NACC will play a central role in the new higher education system. This shall require a completely new imagination of NAAC, developing the capacity of NAAC to perform these roles and transforming its governance and management, to ensure probity and excellence. The RSA will constitute the committee to plan and enable this transformation.High quality and high integrity ecosystem of Accreditation Institutions: Setting up a high quality and high integrity ecosystem of adequate number of AIs shall be the most urgent task for NAAC. One AI may be required for every 100-200 HEIs. This estimate must be fine-tuned in the plan of NAAC and reviewed on the basis of the first 2-3 years of experience.Licenses to function as an AI, called meta-accreditation, shall be awarded to an appropriate number of public as well as private not-for-profit institutions by NAAC. HEIs and other not for profit bodies can also choose to set up accreditation agencies\/ cells, and they can charge for their services to recover cost.NAAC will set up and operate mechanisms to ensure that the AIs are calibrated, i.e. there is a common shared understanding of the accreditation process and its parameters, and that this reflects in the narrow range of variation of the accreditations done by the AIs, of the same HEI.The performance of the AIs themselves shall be reviewed stringently, every 3-5 years. They shall be held accountable for their work, including tracking the decisions made and the people who made them. Accreditation shall be done in a way that mentors and AIs are known to the public and are required to take responsibility for the quality of the institutions they accredit. Ratings and rankings of HEI shall be left to public opinion and market forces.The detailed plan for developing the ecosystem and its processes shall be prepared by NAAC by June 2020 for review and approval by RSA. This shall include a system where AIs are assigned through a randomised allotment to P18.2.2. P18.2.3. P18.2.4. National Education Policy 2019HEIs. All HEIs shall pay an accreditation fee to NEHRA annually - which shall be a modest sum - but adequate to cover for all expenses of AIs. The AIs shall be paid by NHERA for each accreditation.Accreditation institutions as facilitators and mentors: AIs should also function as facilitators and mentors, by hand-holding institutions to build on their strengths to qualify for accreditation. All future accreditation efforts shall become capacity building exercises for the institutions. The mentoring AI for an HEI cannot be the accreditation AI for that institution.Availability of accreditation-related information in the public domain: All accreditation related data, processes, assessments, decisions and rationale must be transparently available to the public online and in any other form with easy access. The objective is to have the highest degree of probity by ensuring completely transparency.18.3. Standard setting bodiesCurrent regulatory bodies shall transform into Professional Standard Setting Bodies:All the other current regulatory authorities such as NCTE, AICTE, MCI, BCI, etc. shall transfer their regulatory function to NHERA which shall become the sole regulator for higher education. These bodies may transform themselves into PSSBs.The PSSBs should become lighthouses of intellectual leadership for their respective professions and so must be staffed as such. The detailed plan for this change shall be developed and implemented by each of the ministries related to these bodies, including their constitution and governance. The PSSBs may develop professional standards for methods and other relevant matters in the field, which may govern that field of practice.The education system shall be responsive to these standards. The educational response to the professional standards, including all aspects of curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and requirements of teachers, shall be the prerogative of the HEIs, on which they shall have full autonomy. The PSSBs may devise a curricular framework which shall facilitate this process in the HEIs.Accreditation of programmes\/courses may be made available. However any such accreditation shall be entirely voluntary for the HEIs, and shall have no implication on the autonomy of the HEI to design and run any such programme.Thus, the foundational principle of this Policy (on this matter) is that education for professional fields must be governed and regulated as a part of the education system, while professional bodies should govern and regulate the professional fields themselves.P18.2.5. P18.2.6. P18.3.1. 18. Transforming the Regulatory SystemAll higher education qualifications in terms of learning outcomes shall be described by the National Higher Education Qualification Framework.Functions of the General Education Council: The GEC shall be constituted as an academic leadership institution, to define attributes and learning expected from students who graduate from the higher education system. This would be at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels, for all disciplines and fields. These graduate attributes must include disciplinary knowledge, and the range of cognitive, social, ethical and emotional capacities and dispositions, which are the outcomes of good education. The RSA will do a rigorous assessment of the higher education system every 5 years, on a sample based evaluation of students for these outcomes.The NHEQF shall be created by the GEC and it shall be in-sync with the NSQF. Higher education qualifications leading to a degree\/diploma\/certificate in terms of learning outcomes shall be described by the NHEQF. This will be enabled by expanding the current Indian Standard Classification of Education of the MHRD (InSCED) to include descriptions of the goals and learning outcomes expected from each level of the classification system.Such descriptions shall enable universities to prepare their own curricular frameworks and curricula with consistency and comparability, nationally and also internationally.The NHEQF shall permit flexibility - a system of credit transfer shall be put in place, making student mobility possible in the following ways: changes across streams of study (e.g. arts to science, vocational to science), choice across combinations of areas of study (e.g. music and chemistry), flexible entry into and exit from programmes, and transfers across institutions and programmes.The GEC shall set up national norms for credit transfers, equivalence and the like, to facilitate students to avail of education opportunities without hindrance and discontinuity across the country. A system for RPL shall also be defined. The NHEQF can also become the basis for India to sign pacts with different countries to mutually recognise their degrees.The GEC shall develop curricular frameworks for programmes and courses, which shall help HEIs to start and run programmes, till they develop full capacity to be completely autonomous on these matters. These frameworks shall be recommendatory and guiding, and shall not be mandatory.P18.3.2. National Education Policy 201918.4. Role of other bodiesRole of the Higher Education Grants Council: The UGC shall transition into the HEGC, continuing with the responsibility for funding institutions and individuals. Funding norms for institutions shall be re-examined, simplified, and streamlined. The funding role of AICTE may also be transferred to the HEGC. HEGC shall not have any role in setting or indicating salaries for employees (faculty or other staff) in HEIs, nor for setting any other kind of norms for HEIs. It shall also not fund any research, which shall be done entirely by the NRF, including for research infrastructure. HEGC shall focus its energy on scholarships and on developmental funds to start new focus areas in HEIs across fields and disciplines.The State Departments of Higher Education and State Higher Education Councils: The State Department of Higher Education will play the role of relevant policy formulation, coordination and orchestration of the overall improvement of the higher education system in the State, including the development of the higher education institutional architecture, as envisioned in this Policy. This would include provision of adequate financial support to public HEIs, on the basis of their IDPs. The State Higher Education Councils (SHECs) (in States that they exist) shall transform to become facilitative bodies for best practice sharing and peer support amongst HEIs.The State Department of Education and SHEC will not have any regulatory role or administrative control over the HEIs.Fine balance in the role of government: The government shall be responsible overall for creating and developing a vibrant public higher education sector - it must increase its financial commitment to higher education (see P17.1.19). This point is being emphasised here to guard against the tendency of funders (in this case the government) to control what they fund, and to reduce commitments if they cannot control the institutions. The Ministries and Departments currently responsible for funding HEIs shall continue to be their financial sponsors. In turn, their role shall be reviewed by the RSA. The government should specifically help institutions doing well, with acquisition of land, with no detrimental effect on local communities.Role of sponsors of private institutions: Sponsors of private institutions must ensure financial stability and probity, since without this, institutional governance will be compromised.P18.4.1. P18.4.4. 18. Transforming the Regulatory System18.5. Establishing new higher education institutionsSetting up of new higher education institutions: Any new HEI will only be set up by the Parliament or a State Legislature or with an HEI Charter from NHERA. Setting up new HEIs will be made easier, while ensuring with great effectiveness that these are set up with the spirit of public service and with due financial backing for long term stability. The HEI Charter shall be awarded on the basis of transparent assessment of certain specified criteria. While the criteria shall have to be detailed by NHERA, they shall cover public spirited nature of the endeavour; sources of financing with long term stability; robustness of governance, including transparent disclosures; and credibility of people involved to assure that a high quality institution is set up. While the initial charter to start and operate an HEI shall be given on the basis of these criterion, mechanisms and processes for periodic review of new HEIs, to assure that they are abiding by the Charter, shall be put in place.NHERA shall develop a Model Act which may inform any legislative body setting up an HEI. This Model Act shall be entirely consonant with the spirit of this Policy, in terms of empowering the HEI and giving it the greatest possible freedom.Constituent colleges, off-campuses and multiple campuses may be freely started by (existing or new) HEIs across the country - these shall not require any regulatory approval. Constituent colleges will be integrally a part of the University that starts and runs them.All newly-constituted HEIs must receive accreditation as mandated by NHERA within 5 years of being established. And they must receive a second accreditation within 10 years from another AI, not the one that gave them their first accreditation.Categories for new higher education institutions: All new colleges started from 2020 onwards must only be autonomous colleges (Type 3). No new affiliated colleges shall be started after 2020. After 2030 there shall be no affiliated colleges in existence - all colleges must develop to become autonomous degree granting colleges or a university.P18.5.1. P18.5.2. National Education Policy 201918.6. Common regulatory regimeCommon regulatory regime - private higher education institutions: All HEIs - public and private - shall be treated on par within this regulatory regime. The regulatory regime shall encourage private philanthropic efforts in education. At the same time it shall eliminate commercialisation of education.The IDP and audited financial statement of all private HEIs must be made public after due endorsement by the Board.All private HEIs shall be governed and regulated with norms identical to public institutions, unless otherwise specified. Private HEIs shall not be mandated to adhere to reservation guidelines other than those stated in this Policy and their formative Acts with respect to local State students.Private and public institutions will be treated on par by the regulatory regime.Guidelines for enablement of private higher education institutions (universities): The RSA will issue common national guidelines for all legislative Acts that will form private HEIs. These common minimal guidelines will enable all such Acts to establish private HEI while fully reflecting the spirit of this Policy, thus enabling the common regulatory regime for private and public HEIs. These common guidelines will cover Good Governance, Financial Stability and Security, Educational Outcomes, and Transparency of Disclosures as mentioned in this chapter. These guidelines will enable consistency across the country, and will enable Acts to be similar to the HEI charter . Such an action will ensure that establishment and functioning of such private HEIs is for not-for-profit public spirited purposes and not for commercial purposes.Public HEIs that are established shall also fully reflect the spirit of this Policy in all their Acts of establishment and their functioning.Fee regime to manifest public spirited nature of private higher education institutions: Private HEIs with philanthropic and public spirited intent will be encouraged through a progressive regime of fees determination. This regime will empower the private HEIs to set the fees for their programmes independently, while ensuring that a significant proportion of their students get freeships and scholarships. This fee regime will ensure reasonable recovery of cost while ensuring that the HEIs discharge their social obligations.The fees set by private HEIs for all their programmes, must be transparently and fully disclosed, with no increase during the tenure of the student cohort P18.6.1. P18.6.3. 18. Transforming the Regulatory Systemin the programme. Fees may be increased only for another student cohort, before they join the programme. The term includes money collected under any and all heads by the HEI or any of its agencies, including lodging but not including boarding.Admissions will be done on a need blind basis, and the HEI will make best efforts to arrange funding for all those offered admission, and in need of financial support.The HEI shall ensure that 50% of students in each of its programme will be given fee waivers ranging from 25%-100%. The fee waivers shall be given to socio-economically disadvantaged students based on the current definition of disadvantage, and the criterion being used by the HEI to determine the applicability of fee waiver must be publicly announced. At least 20% students in each programme\/course shall have 100% fee waivers. At least 30% students in each programme\/course shall get between 100% to 25% fee waivers, ensuring that that the fees are affordable for students from families whose income are at the level of the 75th percentile of consumption in the latest NSSO survey.HEIs shall run all programmes, such that they meet the fee waiver obligations in full, on the average over a rolling four year period. If they do not meet this obligation, they shall have to discontinue the programme.The fair and ethical implementation of the fee regime will be an integral part of the Financial Probity dimension of regulation, including for accreditation.Students will have free access to the grievance redressal mechanisms of NHERA for resolution of their issue on all matters related to violation of these policies by any HEI.Common regulatory regime - institutions not classied under higher education institution: Institutions that are not classified as HEI in the Policy, may also be governed and regulated with principles enumerated in this Policy. This should be done by their relevant regulatory authority.Principles of good governance:Principle 1 - The Board plays a key role in approving the vision, purpose and strategies of the institution. It is accountable to the public and the institutions members as a whole and must act in their best interest.Principle 2 - The Board sets the cultural and ethical tone for the institution.Principle 3 - All directors should exercise independent judgment and provide independent oversight of management of the institution, while ensuring P18.6.4. National Education Policy 2019autonomy to members to pursue their roles within the larger vision of the institution.Principle 4 - Taking into consideration the scale and nature of the institutions activities, the Board should comprise an appropriate number of directors who have a relevant and diverse range of skills, expertise, experience and background and who are able to effectively understand the issues arising with respect to both the larger picture and the daily functioning of the institution.Where practicable, the chairman of the Board should be independent, with the role of the chairman being separate from the role of the CE.Principle 5 - The Board should have an appropriate system of anticipating potential issues and challenges, and processes for avoiding\/managing these should be put in place.Principle 6 - Directors should act diligently on an appropriately informed basis, and have access to accurate, relevant and evidence-based, timely information.Principle 7 - The Board would normally delegate certain functions to the management of the institution. Where it does so, there should be a clear statement and understanding as to the functions that have been delegated. In no way must the autonomy, specifically academic, be compromised.Principle 8 - The Board is responsible for the appointment of the CE and the continuing evaluation of his or her performance based on transparent criteria.Principle 9 - The Board should ensure that the institution communicates with members of the institution and other stakeholders in a regular and timely manner, so that they have sufficient information to make appropriately informed decisions related to their specific roles within the institution.Principle 10 - The Boards performance (including the performance of its chair, the individual directors and, where appropriate, the Boards subcommittees), needs to be regularly assessed against criteria specified beforehand, and appropriate actions taken to address any issues identified.Part IIIAdditional Key Focus Areas19. Technology in EducationChapter 19Technology in EducationObjective: Appropriate integration of technology into all levels of education - to support teacher preparation and development; improve teaching, learning and evaluation processes; enhance educational access to disadvantaged groups; and streamline educational planning, administration and management.India is a global leader in ICT and in other cutting-edge domains such as space. The Digital India Campaign is helping to transform the entire nation into a digitally empowered society. Quality education will play a critical role in this transformation, and technology itself will play an important role in the improvement of educational processes and outcomes. Thus, the relationship between technology and education at all levels is bidirectional.The use of technology in education can be classified broadly into four categories, three of which are concerned directly with students, teachers and classroom processes. The first and most important area is teacher preparation and their CPD. It is essential for teachers to receive adequate training in how to leverage technology to improve educational outcomes. Teacher preparation may itself leverage technology (e.g. through the use of online courses), but the quality of training must be of the highest quality. A second important area where technology can be impactful is in the classroom processes of teaching, learning and evaluation. Technology-based tools must be created in response to challenges in these areas, in a continuous process. The tools must be carefully evaluated to ensure that they address the challenges without creating additional new ones. The third area is the use of technology to improve access to education for disadvantaged groups, including differently-abled students, girls and women, and students living in remote areas. The fourth area is the planning, administration and management of the entire education system.National Education Policy 2019Since technological change is rapid, it is essential to acknowledge key technology trends in order to identify ways in which education can leverage not just current technologies but emerging technologies as well. The first technology trend of relevance is the increasing access to electricity, partly due to ongoing government initiatives to expand electricity networks, and partly due to falling costs of locally generated power such as solar energy. In view of this trend, this Policy advocates focused electrification of all educational institutions at the earliest, since access to electricity is a basic requirement for all technology-based interventions. The second technology trend is the falling cost of computation, data storage, and data connectivity. This trend is largely driven by market forces, and it enhances the feasability of sophisticated educational applications that can gather, process and share data (as opposed to simpler, stand-alone applications). This immediately links to the third technology trend, namely the increasing importance of data. Not only is it becoming easier to gather and process data, but tools to perform sophisticated data analysis are becoming easier to use. It is therefore important to ensure that data is secured against misuse and that privacy concerns are carefully addressed. A suitable institution must be empowered to analyse this data and this task has been assigned to the CESD that is to be set up at NIEPA (see P6.1.5). Finally, an important technological trend is the accelerated rate at which disruptive technologies are emerging.In view of these trends, it is worth highlighting their implications for infrastructure, end-user hardware, software development, deployment and data. The use of technology in education is likely to require considerable investment in basic infrastructure such as electricity, hardware and connectivity. The bulk of schools and colleges in remote and rural areas do not have access to the basics (electricity, hardware and reliable connectivity) and, government must ensure that this situation is remedied at the earliest, if not at the level of each individual school then certainly at the level of school complexes.With regards to end-user hardware, it is important to draw a distinction between institutional devices such as desktop computers, classroom projectors, WiFi routers, etc. and personal devices (such as smartphones and laptops). Educational institutions must be allowed to purchase and maintain institutional devices to support technology-based educational activities such as blended learning and computer-based laboratories. A key area of concern is the non-availability of local expertise to help use and maintain all the relevant hardware and software at these locations. Funding for hiring trained IT staff, at school complexes for instance, must be provided as needed. However, this effort can be complemented imaginatively by stationing trained local youth, either engineers or those with adequate technical training in hardware and software, at these locations. They must be provided with special, named, fellowships lasting two to three years during which time they can be associated with schools, school complexes and other educational institutions in rural areas to help them with the induction and use of technology. [see P19.4.5] The success of solutions that require institutional devices has been limited, in part due to non-uniform availability of resources for procuring them and in part due the lack of knowhow available locally for maintaining equipment. For 19. Technology in Educationthis reason, the increasing availability of personal devices needs to carefully considered. Today, low-cost personal devices provide data communication, computation and multimedia on a single platform, and students generally learn to operate them quickly and effectively. Hence, personal devices have the potential to support technology-based educational interventions. There is a need to recognise however, that access to such devices is not universal, and that they can also be addictive and distracting, and hence detrimental to learning. A well thought out approach to making use of personal devices in educational institutions is needed.Several models for the creation of software for education exist, ranging from software platforms such as SWAYAM commissioned by the MHRD for use by the entire country, to applications and software developed and tested by educational institutions such as IIT Bombay that need to be scaled, and software applications created by entrepreneurs that need to be evaluated and inducted if found to be useful. Although several innovative software solutions have been created over the past 2-3 decades and are in use, a mechansim to drive the cycle of: Identifying stakeholder (student, teacher, administrator) needs, Creating technology-based solutions that address these needs, Assessing these solutions in meaningful pilots, and Deploying them at scale, with government funding as needed, is missing in the system. This lacuna can be filled by setting up of special body that can be assigned this task (see P19.1.1). Both top-down and bottom up approaches to software development and induction need to be supported on a continuous basis. The proliferation of cloud computing technologies makes it relatively easy to scale successful software solutions across all educational institutions, either on a State-by-State basis or at the National level. Examples that illustrate this principle well include software created as part of the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT), such as Virtual laboratories that provide remote-access to laboratories in various disciplines of Science and Engineering, and Spoken Tutorials that help students learn and use open source software by listening to audio commentary in Indian languages. Certain types of educational software can be standardised (at State\/National levels), which can leverage scale to reduce development and operational costs per person\/institution.Promotion of the use of open source software in education is another area that requires considerable support, and the existing effort of FOSSEE (Free and Open Source Software in Education) needs to become much more widespread. The challenge with the use of free and open source software of course is the higher level of technical competence that is required at each individual institution, and this challenge must be addressed too (see P19.4.5). In addition, there must be active encouragement for faculty in educational institutions, those who are involved in the development of key National Education Policy 2019pieces of software in education, to incubate companies so as to ensure that these solutions are evaluated and inducted \/ actively marketed to educational institutions. In the past, entrepreneurship among faculty, in technology or in other areas, has been actively discouraged. This is changing now but much more encouragement is needed for faculty and student teams to engage in entrepreneurship. Faculty must be rewarded for this in their performance appraisals.While it is natural that many software initiatives are seeded by the Government of India at premier institutions such as IIT Bombay or Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), adequate attention needs to also be paid to the task of making these software solutions available to all educational institutions in the country. This can be done in more than one way and the appropriate choice needs to be made based on considerations of the size of the target group, the urgency and the costs: They can be popularised by the developers themselves as is being done now, which is best for niche solutions in technology; They can be handed over to institutions such as the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) so that they can maintain them with a 24x7 helpdesk that educational institutions can avail of; A new company is incubated by the developer institution to actively popularise the solution and provide support for adoption and maintenance to the educational institutions. PPP models for these can also be explored, and government can also consider paying for solutions created by the private sector to be deployed at scale. Recipient educational institutions can either receive budgetary allocations to evaluate and adopt specific technologies in the model), or have it made available to them through the State or Central government in the model. The two options are useful in different contexts and need to be used appropriately, else hardware and software will remain unused as it does today in many institutions.With regards to data, there are at least three categories to consider. Some data is personal to individuals - teachers and young students. In order to safeguard privacy, the strictest possible privacy regime is necessary to ensure that personal data cannot be shared without the explicit consent of the concerned individuals or their guardians. Some data pertains to groups of individuals (e.g. all students in a particular class, or all teachers in a particular institution), and such data can be shared with appropriate safeguards to ensure privacy. A third category consists of data generated and consumed by educational applications. Such applications increasingly use advances in artificial intelligence to grow in sophistication, and the value of such data is therefore growing. This Policy recognises the need for an evolving set of guidelines related to such data, to ensure that it is not misused.19. Technology in Education19.1. Setting up of a new National Educational Technology ForumMany experiments and pilot studies on the use of technology for improving the quality of education in school as well as higher education have been undertaken all around the country over the last two decades. These need to be reviewed for their outcomes and carefully evaluated for their benefits, risks and effectiveness, as well as their potential to scale, in the different contexts in which they need to be deployed. This is a complex task requiring a wide range of expertise.The National Educational Technology Forum will be a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to improve learning, assessment, planning and administration.The National Educational Technology Forum: An autonomous body, the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF), will be created to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to improve learning, assessment, planning, administration, and so on. The aim of NETF will be to facilitate decision making on the induction, deployment, and use of technology, by providing to the leadership of educational institutions, State and Central governments and other stakeholders the latest knowledge and research as well as the opportunity to consult and share best practices with each other.Role and functioning of the National Educational Technology Forum: The NETF will have the following roles: a. Provide independent evidence-based advice to Central and State government agencies on technology-based interventions; b. Build intellectual and institutional capacities in educational technology; c. Envision strategic thrust areas in this domain; and d. Articulate new directions for research and innovation. P19.1.1. P19.1.2. National Education Policy 2019To remain relevant in the fast-changing field of educational technology, the NETF will maintain a regular inflow of authentic data from multiple sources including educational technology innovators and practitioners, particularly at the grass-roots level, and will engage with a diverse set of researchers to analyse this data. It will act as a forum for harnessing the distributed energy that democratising technology can unleash, particularly among the youth of the country who continually prove their capacity to innovate and lead, while also bringing a scholarly emphasis to ensure that the overall impact of these efforts is positive.Funding and support to the National Educational Technology Forum: To ensure deep connectivity with the field of education, NETF may be housed within CIET\/ NCERT\/ NIEPA or any suitable body determined by the RSA. While NETF will be supported initially with public funding, it should also be able to receive funding from other sources such as memberships, and other neutral technology industry bodies such as NASSCOM among others. The work of NETF will be supported by decentralised institutional structures at the State and District levels, whose specifics may be decided by the RSA, in consultation with the States.Collective assessment and adoption of technology solutions: To support the development of a vibrant body of knowledge and practice, NETF will organise multiple regional and national conferences, workshops, etc. to solicit inputs from national and international educational technology researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners. NETF will enable educational technology experts from schools, universities, research institutions and other organisations to evaluate these inputs against current best practices from multiple perspectives, including pedagogical, psychological, social and economic, and distil them into: a. Necessary interventions, which should complement existing best-practices and be implemented immediately in specific contexts; b. Promising interventions, which require additional large-scale studies that could, for example, be funded by NRF; and c. Inappropriate interventions, which ought not be considered. Such analysis will be regularly and publicly disseminated, and may be used to advise Central and State governmental agencies on all matters related to educational technology, including interventions that may be continued, piloted at scale, or discontinued. NETF may also use this analysis to propose strategic thrust areas and research directions in educational technology for NRF to consider funding.P19.1.3. P19.1.4. 19. Technology in Education19.2 Approach to the induction of technologyGlobal evidence suggests that the effects of technology on classroom processes and educational outcomes, particularly for very young childen, are modest and mixed with multiple sociological and psychological side-effects. However, many other uses of technology, including in teaching, learning and assessment for older children, have tremendous transformative potential. Therefore, a positive yet cautious approach to the induction of technology at scale will be adopted, to ensure that the limited funds available and energies devoted to educational technology are deployed in an optimal manner.Qualied support for educational technology with teachers playing a central role: All use and integration of technology to improve multiple aspects of education will be supported and adopted, provided these interventions have been rigorously and transparently evaluated in relevant contexts before they are scaled up. Education technology is amongst the most powerful array of tools and methods that a teacher may potentially use in her\/his work. Teachers will be completely empowered through adequate training and support to lead the activities and initiatives related to the use of appropriate technologies in classrooms, and for all other uses of technology in educational institutions.Technology use and integration in educational settings: Technology use and integration will be pursued as an important strategy for improving the overall quality of education. Thus, the focus will not just be on creating and delivering high quality content, but also on using technology to: support translation of content into multiple languages; assist differently-abled learners; improve the quality of pedagogy and learning processes through the use of intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive assessment systems; create new types of interactive and immersive content (e.g. using augmented and virtual reality); strengthen educational planning and management and bring greater transparency and efficiency to the examination system as well as to administrative and governance processes; assist in the management of education such as supporting teacher development programmes; and scale up the ODL system so that it can respond to the growing demand for education from all age groups, across school education, higher education, professional and vocational education, adult education, and lifelong learning.Centres of Excellence in Educational Technology: Centres of Excellence in Educational Technology will be established at prominent Universities and other institutions to perform research as well as support functions for the uptake of appropriate technology solutions. These Centres of Excellence will be represented at the NETF and they will engage themselves in a two-way interaction with other members of the NETF for sharing of knowledge and knowhow.P19.2.1. P19.2.3. National Education Policy 2019General guidelines for technology-based interventions: Three main components will form an integral part of most technology-based interventions: hardware, software and data. In general, the following guidelines will be used. Exceptions to these guidelines, if any, will be carefully and publicly justified.a. Hardware: Commodity hardware solutions such as cloud-based commercial infrastructure and personal computing devices for end-users will be preferred.b. Software: Software for educational use will preferably be FOSSEE. Where necessary, the government will pay for professionally developing and maintaining the software, and will acquire the rights to distribute it to learners, teachers and institutions for free-and-unlimited offline usage. Steps will be taken to ensure that this software remains compatible with popular and affordable end-user computing devices. c. Data: All public data will be owned by the government and will be used for improving educational standards (see Section 19.6 ). Individuals will retain full ownership of their own data, which may not be used without their explicit permission. In line with the Open Data Initiative, educational data that has been anonymised, as per the best-practice in data security, will be made publicly available on a regular basis for research purposes.19.3 Teacher preparation and continuous professional developmentA very large effort towards the CPD of teachers will be needed if the implementation of this Policy is to succeed. Many online learning experiments do not work very well for first-time student learners who really need a classroom environment that provides oportunities for peer learning, as well as mentoring and guidance from faculty. However, this is not true for existing faculty who are mature enough to be able to make the most of online courses. Most faculty members will require upgradation of their subject knowledge, which can just as well be done through online education.With regard to school teacher preparation through the four-year integrated B.Ed. programme, the considerations are similar to all undergraduate programmes. Online, open and distance education, can both be used, but extremely judiciously. Teachers will also need to be prepared to use education technology in classrooms.Teacher preparation in the use of educational technology: To skill teachers at all levels in the use of educational technology, all teacher preparation programmes will include hands-on training in leveraging technology-based resources, including addressing common problems related to connectivity, maintenance of equipment and its safe operation, pedagogical strategies for utilising e-content (including conducting classes effectively in a flipped mode P19.2.4. P19.3.1. 19. Technology in Educationand leveraging MOOCs), and using appropriate tools to enhance teaching-learning processes (e.g. tools to assist CWSN and tools to help teachers reflect on their pedagogical styles by capturing classroom practices).Videos in the open educational repository (see P19.5.2) will be used for teacher training discussions in every subject. Appropriate technology-based tools will be developed to assess competencies of teacher trainees, including, but not limited to, competence in the use of educational technology for improving teaching, learning, and evaluation processes.Initially, a large number of certified master teachers will be trained to provide training to all teacher trainees in a phased manner. Hence, a suitable initiative will be launched and run in a mission mode for 5-6 years by the CIET.Use of educational technology for continuous teacher professional development: An online training platform - linked to appropriate mechanisms to certify trainees in specific areas - will be developed to empower in-service teachers at all levels of education to stay at the cutting edge of pedagogical techniques.Since teachers will have increasing access to personal computing devices (e.g. smartphones), all in-service teachers will be provided with sufficient connectivity to access this training platform, explore high quality online educational resources to incorporate into their pedagogy, and participate in online teacher communities where best practices can be shared. The online platform will also allow teachers to share ideas and showcase their pedagogy; teachers with outstanding portfolios will be awarded due recognition, including financial support for participating in national and international training sessions, conferences, workshops, etc., and invitations to present their work at NETF events.Specic technology related policy actions: The necessary interventions must include customised courses for faculty development programmes on a platform such as SWAYAM. Both for school teachers and for faculty in higher education, SWAYAM can cover the theoretical aspects of learning. At the same time, DIETs and and HRDCs will continue to provide academic support to school teachers and faculty in higher education, respectively. The course contents must be reengineered for the online mode and not be simply recordings of classroom interactions. Similarly, the assessment for certification must be designed in a way that is convenient for teachers, but also rigorous enough to create value.The development and widespread use of teacher professional learning communities, where teachers can interact with other teachers teaching the same subjects and exchange knowhow, experience, and even educational content is a promising intervention that is already in use in some States with great impact. This must be encouraged and expanded to cover many States and different subjects.P19.3.2. P19.3.3. National Education Policy 201919.4 Improving teaching, learning and evaluation processesThe Internet is a veritable treasure house of text, audio and video that can be used for educational purposes. Availability of an adequate number of access devices (rapidly becoming smart phones or iPads and equivalents) and controlled access (for safety purposes) to the Internet can empower teachers as well as students to make use of these resources and even contribute to creating more. They can engage in many forms of active learning, using the available material to do projects, engage in self as well as group learning methods that can completely transform the delivery of education from the present chalk-and-talk models prevalent in most classrooms in India today.Integrating educational technology into the school curriculum: To prepare school students for the digital age and bolster efforts in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics) education, the following steps will be taken:a. From age 6 onwards, computational thinking (the thought processes involved in formulating problems and solutions in ways that computers can effectively execute) will be integrated into the school curriculum. This is a fundamental skill in the digital age, and it can be effectively taught with well-designed paper worksheets.b. Given the diffusion of devices and their affordability, all students are likely to have access to connected personal computing devices by 2025. The school curriculum will promote digital literacy using these personal devices as well as available digital infrastructure (computer laboratories, tinkering laboratories, makerspaces, etc.).c. The school curriculum will offer optional subjects focused on programming and other advanced computer-based activities at the late upper primary and secondary stages.Developing educational software: A rich variety of educational software will be developed and made available for students and teachers at all levels. All such software will be available in all major Indian languages and will be accessible to a wide range of users including CWSN and differently-abled students, and will include:a. Software to assist learners with disabilities (e.g. text-to-speech software in all major Indian languages for blind\/partially sighted students).b. Intelligent Tutoring Systems to promote numeracy and foundational literacy in all major Indian languages.c. Educational software in the form of serious games, simulations, and applications using augmented and virtual reality.d. Software to create personalised learning trajectories for each learner based P19.4.1. P19.4.2. 19. Technology in Educationon curriculum, with content (readings, videos, interactive worksheets, etc.) arranged in learning ladders.e. Adaptive assessment tools that provide formative feedback to help learners take remedial steps, such as self-study or learning collaboratively with fellow students.Software to help teachers create adaptive assessments, formative as well as summative, evaluate the assessments, and provide appropriate feedback to learners. Such assessments will minimise the importance of rote memory, and will instead focus on 21st century skills including critical and creative thinking, communication, and collaboration. Data generated by such tools, that reflects the performance of individual learners and overall institutional performance, will be appropriately recorded in the NRED for subsequent analysis and research (see P6.1.5). Video viewing equipment: For maximal use of content in the open educational repository, institutions will be supported with inexpensive and portable video viewing equipment (e.g. solar powered video playback and projection devices). Teachers will be encouraged to integrate such videos into teaching-learning processes, along with their own teaching, where ever they add value.Advanced online courses: Educational institutions will be encouraged to offer course credits to students who complete specified courses (especially advanced electives) online, e.g. via SWAYAM or other such platforms developed in the future. This will include courses on topics such as IT Enabled Services (ITES) and other such areas of vocational education and adult education that can benefit from online courses.Support for appropriate information and communication technology usage: Most educational institutions have difficulty maintaining and using their hardware and software. This problem can be addressed through the creation of a large number of prestigious IT Ambassador Fellowships for students who have completed their senior secondary courses. They can support school complexes with managing their IT infastructure in a version of rural service that is similar to military service in some countries. Computer hardware and maintenance, as well as training in software installation and maintenance (especially for open-source software) must be taught to these students. As far as possible, local people must be given these Fellowships. This will also help promote entrepreneurship among these Fellows at a later date.Specic technology related policy actions: These are split into two groups, the necessary interventions and the promising interventions. Some of the necessary interventions in teaching, learning and assessment are the following:P19.4.3. P19.4.4. P19.4.5. P19.4.6. National Education Policy 2019a. Content repositories in Indian languages for educational content: along with editorial processes for uploading content, and rating methods that will allow the best content to surface to the top. The content must be made available under the Creative Commons Licensing. The National Repository for Open Educational Resources (NROER) is one such example, but it needs to be supplemented with much more awareness building so that a lot more content comes online and more people find it useful. A suitable financial model to sustain such a repository needs to be selected. The content repository could optionally be integrated with payment systems so that, in time, content creators can be compensated in a small way for contributing content. This will incentivise many teachers to create innovative age appropriate content. The decision to create separate repositories for each State, or hold all content in a single repository, can be made by the NETF based on appropriate financial models.b. Machine translation of content uploaded into any content repository: This should be supplemented with editorial processes to check the quality of translation, so that good quality content in any language can be translated into multiple Indian languages.Some of the promising interventions are the following:c. Publishing software for educational material: Teachers must be able to compile free content from one or more content repositories to devise interesting courses for which material can be shared with students in pdf form. Many older universities have printing divisions which can be used to print relatively inexpensive hard copies of educational material for students who would like to have them.d. Online assessments: Assessments can be partly online multiple-choice examinations combined with projects and other hands on work that is evaluated separately by teachers. Some app-based multiple-choice examination systems are already available now that make it very easy for faculty to conduct quizzes.19.5. Enhancing educational accessAppropriate use of ICT can help ensure that no student is left behind, by helping to reach students in remote areas, women, CWSN, students who have dropped out of schools, adults, and many others looking for lifelong education. However, it is critical that educational content for these purposes is developed keeping the specific requirements in mind.Access to technology in remote areas: School complexes must become the nodal agency for reaching out to the unreached. For this, they must be equipped with electricity, computers\/ smart phones or other access devices, and Internet access else the promise of reaching the unreached will not be realised.P19.5.1. 19. Technology in EducationHigh quality specialised content to be made available in open educational repositories: To ensure that all learners have access to high quality educational content, copyright-free educational resources including textbooks, reference books, videos (ideally with subtitles), teaching-learning materials, etc. will be created and curated from national and global sources at all levels of education and in multiple Indian languages, and made available in a single online digital repository e.g. the National Digital Library or NROER. This repository must be organised so that anyone can quickly and easily locate and download all relevant content. In order to reach the maximum number of students and teachers, distributing this content in any form for a nominal fee will be facilitated and encouraged.Maintaining content quality: It is critical to ensure that the repository in P19.5.2 remains a high quality and up-to-date resource so that it will be of value not only to teachers and students in the formal education system, but will also be a powerful enabler of lifelong learning. Hence a mechanism for creating and reviewing these learning resources will be devised (e.g. through online feedback on quality, relevance, and usefulness of content from users, both teachers and students, as well as competitions leading to national recognition for outstanding content creation). Thus, the platform will showcase the work of the best teachers, teaching in exemplary styles, across the country in every subject, level, and language. The platform itself (as in the case of all shared resources) once piloted and identified to be more widely usable by NETF, must be maintained by specialist organisations such as the CDAC or by private industry. The funding for this kind of professional maintenance of shared resources will be provided by the Central government.Development of tools for automated language translation of educational content: NRF will prioritise research and development of tools for automated and\/or crowd-sourced language translation of educational content into all major Indian languages, so that additional content created in one language can be made rapidly available in other languages.Specic technology related policy actions: In terms of necessary interventions, software for adaptive learning for children of all ages with special needs must be prepared. Considerable research into pedagogy will be required for this purpose, and this can be funded by NRF at the Departments of Education in universities. Similarly, with intelligent tutoring systems, and many others.The NRED will maintain all records related to institutions, teachers and students in digital form.P19.5.2. P19.5.4. P19.5.5. National Education Policy 201919.6. Streamlining educational planning and managementArguably, the most important benefits from ICT are in the area of governance and management, where ICT tools can help with data-gathering and analysis, and record-keeping. ICT can also help in mainstreaming education by providing relatively simple and inexpensive solutions to problems that have plagued the sector for a long time, such as the problem of fake degrees among others.National Repository of Educational Data: ICTs will be fully leveraged for efficient and safe maintenance of educational information. All records related to institutions, teachers, and students will be maintained by a single agency in digital form in the NRED, which may be set up as part of the Digital India programme (see P6.1.5). NRED will be tasked with:a. Developing appropriate systems for authorised institutional users to enter and update data. Teachers would be asked to enter data at most four times per year, in order to ease the significant burden on teachers in collecting, managing and transmitting data on an ongoing basis. This will be the only mechanism for institutions to disclose data to government agencies (both State and Central) for purposes of monitoring, accreditation, ranking, rating, and eligibility for government schemes.b. Validating employment records of teachers and credits earned by learners (who will be, e.g. identified by their Aadhar numbers). This will simplify the process for learners and teachers seeking scholarships, employment, transfers between institutions, and re-entry into the education system. It will also minimise the manual effort in tracking details of students and teachers.c. Complementing efforts to assess learning outcomes (e.g. NAS) by analyzing the performance of individual learners and institutions, and attempting to predict failures to meet outcomes so that proactive assistance measures can be undertaken.d. Maintaining records while adhering to national norms, best-practices, and laws related to privacy of data. Practices based on security by obscurity will be explicitly rejected. This Policy further states that laws be strengthened to preserve the privacy of all individuals at the earliest.e. Developing appropriate mechanisms to ensure the timeliness and reliability of data, so that policies can be based on high quality data. Current best practices employed by State and Central agencies can be studied and used as a baseline.f. Alerting concerned governmental agencies about important trends (both positive and negative) as they are developing, for immediate action where necessary, and making these analyses public on an annual basis. These analyses will also include assessments of the quality of school education at the district level.P19.6.1.19. Technology in Educationg. Monitoring migrant learners, and tracking their health and educational progress in order to mitigate the negative impact of disruptions to their well-being due to frequent displacement.The National Repository of Educational Data will maintain all records related to institutions, teachers and students in digital form.Technology for improving governance and administration: Educational information management systems for community monitoring will be created and integrated with NRED. These systems will be used to streamline manual processes related to educational planning, admissions, attendance, assessments, etc. Local communities, panchayats, and SMCs will be able to look at the data and make sense of it themselves. ICT-based tools will be used immediately for all administrative tasks where they can improve efficiency and accuracy, including systems related to admissions, scholarships, assessments, counselling, placements, accreditation, etc. ICT will also be used for more efficient information dissemination and data gathering towards decision making. To facilitate information exchange between stakeholders, all educational institutions will provide all relevant stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, staff, etc.) with access to official institutional communication channels (e.g. institutional email).Specic technology related policy actions: Well over 30 years after the advent of email, many of our educational institutions do not offer institutional email to their faculty and students. The efficiency of communications that can be brought in through institutional email and list servers must be provided to all educational institutions without any further delay.The problem of fake degrees can now be solved very elegantly by the new Blockchain technology. Each State government must commission its own depository of certificates, like the National Academic Depository, for all educational institutions within the States.A considerable degree of computerisation of the administration and management of education has already taken place, with many aspects such as admissions, student records and even online assesment of examinations taking place in many universities in the State. These need to be scaled out to all educational institutions.P19.6.2. P19.6.3. National Education Policy 201919.7. Disruptive technologiesTechnology is increasingly disrupting multiple aspects of human society, including education. Some disruptive technologies will have clear applications to education, and methods to integrate such technologies into the education system through the involvement of the NETF have alredy been discussed. This section focuses on policies to address the broader consequences of disruptive technologies that are relevant to education, namely research, de-skilling, and awareness raising.When the National Policy on Education 1986\/1992 was formulated, it was difficult to predict the disruptive effect that the internet was about to have, particularly in boosting the development rates and impacts of other disruptive technologies. Our present education systems inability to cope with these rapid and disruptive changes places us (individually and nationally) at a perilous disadvantage in an increasingly competitive world. For instance, while computers have largely surpassed humans in leveraging factual and procedural knowledge, our education at all levels excessively burdens students with such knowledge at the expense of developing their higher order competencies.This Policy comes at a time when the Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway, and disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence have emerged. At its core, artificial intelligence lowers the cost of prediction tasks that use existing data (such as, This patients symptoms) to fill information gaps (such as, What disease does this patient have?). As the cost of artificial intelligence based prediction falls, artificial intelligence will be able to match or outperform even skilled professionals such as doctors in certain predictive tasks and will therefore be a valuable aid to them in their work. Hence, artificial intelligences disruptive potential is clear.NITI Aayog recently produced a timely discussion paper entitled National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence: #AIForAll, drawing on several prior investigations by MHRD and other national and international institutions, to identify challenges in leveraging artificial intelligence in India, and to articulate a national perspective and action agenda for artificial intelligence. This Policy broadly endorses the recommendations of NITI Aayog that pertain to education. It further notes that artificial intelligence provides an excellent example of how the Policy actions related to disruptive technologies can be applied to specific technologies. Thus, each of the Policy actions below is followed by comments on its application to artificial intelligence.Other disruptive technologies such as Blockchain and Virtual Reality are just two of the many new technologies that are likely to have a sizeable impact on education.Monitoring potentially disruptive technologies: One of the permanent tasks of the Advisory Council of the RSA (see Chapter 23 ) will be to categorise emergent technologies based on their potential and estimated timeframe for disruption, and to periodically present this analysis to the RSA. Based on these inputs, the RSA will formally identify those technologies whose emergence P19.7.1. 19. Technology in Educationdemands responses from the education system. Given the increasing pace of technological development, the traditional cycle of education policy revision may be too slow to respond to such disruptions. The Advisory Council of the RSA will propose technology-specific responses based on national and international perspectives, which will be refined in consultation with academia, industry and the wider public. These responses will be guided by the EC of the RSA. While some agility in the education system is necessary, the need for careful deliberation while assessing a specific technologys disruptive potential is well illustrated by artificial intelligence (which encompasses several distinct technologies). Decades ago, some experts viewed rule-based expert systems as an imminent disruptive artificial intelligence technology. Artificial intelligences recent gains are in fact based on different techniques developed in the 1990s (multilayer neural networks with feedback) and were primarily triggered by recent advances in computation and the availability of large data-sets. NITI Aayogs discussion paper models one way in which the Advisory Council can propose technology-specific policy changes.Research in disruptive technologies: In response to the RSAs formal recognition of a new disruptive technology, the NRF will initiate or expand research efforts in appropriate areas including fundamental research in the domain, advancing the technologys development, and assessing the technologys socio-economic impact. For certain disruptive technologies, NRF may fund mega-projects with international collaborations.In the context of artificial intelligence, the NRF may consider a three-pronged approach: a) Advancing core artificial intelligence research, b) Developing and deploying application-based research, and c) Establishing international research efforts to address global challenges in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and climate change using artificial intelligence.Skilling and re-skilling: The new institutional structure in higher education is well suited to skilling students and re-skilling the current workforce rapidly. Type 1 and Type 2 institutions will play an active role not only in conducting research on disruptive technologies, but also in creating initial versions of instructional materials and courses (including online courses) in cutting-edge domains and assessing their impact on specific areas such as professional education. Once the technology has attained a level of maturity, Type III institutions are ideally placed to scale these teaching and skilling efforts, which will include targeted training for job readiness. Disruptive technologies will make certain jobs redundant, and hence approaches to skilling and de-skilling that are both efficient and ensure quality will be of increasing importance to create and sustain employment. Institutions will have autonomy to approve institutional and non-institutional partners to deliver such training, which will be integrated with skills and higher education frameworks.P19.7.2. P19.7.3. National Education Policy 2019In the context of artificial intelligence, Type I and Type II institutions may offer PhD and Masters programmes in core areas (such as Machine Learning) as well as multidisciplinary fields (artificial intelligence + X) and professional areas (healthcare, agriculture and law). They may also develop and disseminate authoritative courses in these areas via platforms such as SWAYAM. For rapid adoption, Type III institutions may initially blend these online courses with traditional teaching in undergraduate and vocational programmes. Type III institutions may also offer targeted training in low-expertise tasks for supporting the artificial intelligence value chain such as data annotation, image classification and speech transcription. In the context of Natural Language Processing (NLP), certain low-expertise tasks (such as translating simple sentences) may also be valuable from a pedagogical standpoint. Thus, efforts to teach languages to school students should be dovetailed with efforts to enhance NLP for Indias diverse languages.Raising awareness: As disruptive technologies emerge, schooling and continuing education will assist in raising the general populaces awareness of their potential disruptive effects, and will also address related issues. This awareness is necessary to have informed public consent on matters related to these technologies. In school, the study of ethical issues (see Section 4.6.8) and current affairs (see Section 4.6.10 ) will include a discussion on disruptive technologies such as those identified by RSA. Appropriate instructional and discussion materials will also be prepared for continuing education.Data is a key fuel for artificial intelligence based technologies, and it is critical to raise awareness on issues of privacy, laws and standards associated with data handling and data protection, etc. It is also necessary to highlight ethical issues surrounding the development and deployment of artificial intelligence based technologies. Education will play a key role in these efforts to raise awareness around these issues.P19.7.4. 20. Vocational EducationChapter 20 Vocational EducationObjective: Integrate vocational education into all educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities. Provide access to vocational education to at least 50% of all learners by 2025.Higher education must play a key role in preparing individuals for the world of work. Undoubtedly, all higher education must lead people to meaningful work roles. However, certain kinds of educational programmes are designed for preparing people for specific occupations. This is referred to as vocational education. The 12th Five-Year Plan (2012-2017) estimated that less than 5 % of the Indian workforce in the age group of 19-24 received formal vocational education; in comparison, the USA has 52%, Germany has 75%, and South Korea has 96%. These numbers underline the need to hasten the spread of vocational education in India. Inadequate organisational structure for the provision of vocational education is also a serious concern, since the infrastructure set up during the implementation of the National Policy on Education 1986 has either petered out or remained largely stagnant.Vocational education distinguishes itself from academic education in the close linking of knowledge and skills to specific practical challenges and work situations in the economy. It aims for students to acquire a defined set of practical competences in specific areas of work in the economy that requires knowledge, skills and attitudes relating to that field of work.A broad definition of vocational education would include professional education as well (e.g. legal education, medical education). Given the current institutional and regulatory structures associated with professional education in India, we discuss it separately in Chapter 18. Also, we use the term vocational education in this Policy though Technical and Vocational Education and Training is the term often used in this regard.National Education Policy 2019Vocational education must be also distinguished from skills and skilling. Vocational education integrates a complex of knowledge, attitudes and skills, for particular occupations. Thus, skills are a part of vocational education. There are certain occupations that may not require the fullness of vocational education but may just require training in certain skills. Examples can be used to clarify this - being an electrician for domestic services versus being responsible for electrical maintenance of a factory, bricklaying versus being responsible for a construction site project etc. Vocational education is most effective for areas where apprenticeship or emulation alone are not efficient or adequate to prepare for practice. Certainly, occupations that require skilling and occupations that require vocational education are in a continuum, and individuals can progress from one to the other with requisite development. But it is important to make the distinction between skilling and vocational education for the effective and efficient progress of individuals and the system. This is especially relevant today, since skilling and vocational education have been used somewhat loosely and interchangeably. Vocational education integrates not just the hands-on skilling component but also the theoretical knowledge, attitudes and mindsets, and soft skills that are required for particular occupations, through a broad-based education that is necessary for students to be able to take on a fast-changing world of work.Vocational education will be an integral part of school and higher education.Social status hierarchy and vocational education The matter of social status hierarchy of occupations has vexed higher education in multiple ways. It has significantly influenced the public perception of vocational education and thus the choices that students make in higher education. There is no gainsaying the fact that vocational education has been less desirable to students making these choices. Other factors have also influenced this perception of vocational education. Notably, the separation of vocational education from academic and professional education, most clearly manifested in complete institutional and curricular separation from school onwards, has had a role to play as has the mostly indifferent quality of vocational education institutions. This situation is in urgent need of change. Vocational education must become an attractive option for students to choose from. This is crucial for the well-being of the millions of people joining and already in the workforce. It is equally important for the national economy. This Policy takes decisive actions - both in the immediate and long term - to address this matter. 20. Vocational EducationA fresh approach to vocational education As the most basic and important step, implementation of vocational education must be improved. This must be on all dimensions teacher development and recruitment, curriculum, and infrastructure. Alongside this basic important step, India needs to transform the imagination of vocational education and restore it to its rightful status in all stages of education. Vocational education must not be developed separately from mainstream education. It must be fully integrated within mainstream education so that all students are exposed to vocational education and have the choice to pursue specific streams of vocational education. There must also be easy mobility across vocational and general academic streams, through clear equivalence of qualifications\/certifications and credit structures. This will help in expanding vocational education, will increase its social acceptance and will give all students the opportunity to pursue vocational education alone or a mix of vocational education with professional streams, and academic disciplines. The lynchpin of this reimagination is offering to all students the flexibility of making a vocational choice at a stage in their academic career, spending the relevant time period pursuing this choice, while benefitting from access to courses that are broader based. This would mean having the choice later to further pursue a higher vocational degree or to pursue a programme in another stream. In essence this flexibility will keep multiple possibilities open for each student, instead of the current situation of rigidity once the first choice is made. This new imagination of education will contribute to the economic goals of individuals and the nation in multiple ways, developing the capacities and dispositions of individuals for economic independence, including employment and entrepreneurship. It will also contribute to social equalisation of different professions and vocations, by breaking down current rigid hierarchies. This is the imagination of liberal education in this Policy - deeply and seamlessly integrating professionalvocational education - all being within the mainstream.Important aspects of this new approachThe National Policy on Skills Development and Entrepreneurship (NPSDE) announced in 2015 specified that 25% of educational institutions would target offering vocational education. We make a major departure from this policy to specify that not just 25%, but all educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities - must integrate vocational education programmes in a phased manner.All school students must receive vocational education in at least one vocation during Grades 9-12. Students will choose from among a selection of courses National Education Policy 2019that their schools will offer, on the basis of the availability of hands-on training facilities and job opportunities in the region. They will specialise to varying degrees in their chosen vocations, through the four years of secondary school, depending on their levels of interest. HEIs will also offer vocational courses that are integrated into the undergraduate education programmes, with course content that combines adequate hands-on experience with the requisite theoretical background, delivered within a general education setting.However, there are many challenges in the short term, given the involvement of many ministries and numerous other stakeholders in the provision of vocational education currently. Therefore, many aspects of the integration of vocational education will require more detailed study, and also the creation of mechanisms for coordination with all stakeholders, to envision and implement. A separate National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education (NCIVE) will need to be set up, consisting of members from across ministries, to review the long term goals outlined here and to work out the steps that need to be taken towards achieving them. We will flag some of the issues that NCIVE will need to consider, at various points in this Chapter.The entire education sector - faculty and management of all schools and school complexes, colleges and universities - backed by their respective State governments, and also by the Central government, must come together to reimagine vocational education in this way. A concerted effort can then be made to deal with the persistent shortcomings that have plagued the sector so far. Integrating vocational education poses additional challenges for academia. They will also have to work closely with standards bodies within industry and with potential employers, so that the graduates from schools and colleges have adequate employment opportunities at the end of their education. Educational institutions will therefore have to develop considerable expertise to be able to deliver on these expectations from them. Some of the expertise that they will need to develop is capacity among the management, administration, and teachers of all educational institutions to do the following: Collaborate with ITIs, polytechnics, local industries and businesses, farms, hospitals, NGOs and all other such facilities where students can receive practical skills training, to build vocational education programmes that can supplement this practical training with the associated theoretical knowledge, integrated into mainstream education. The programmes must include critically important courses in life skills such as communication skills, digital and financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and so on; Work with NCERT through the Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) and with the SCERTs (through the State Institutes of Vocational Education where they exist) to create curriculum and supplementary educational material for vocational education that are adapted to local needs. This is a mammoth task requiring considerable effort 20. Vocational Educationand capacity. NCVIE will need to create a plan for this in collaboration with all stakeholders; Induct many external experts in different vocations, either part time or full time, as faculty and provide them with the necessary orientation for training students. Appropriate training modules for faculty to teach students of different age groups will need to be created. Train local teachers in schools and HEIs to contribute towards offering vocational education through supplementing the hand-on training students receive. In the case of schools, this task is presently being handled by PSSCIVE, but a more scalable model of training large numbers of teachers will be needed, that makes use of the capacities of school complexes and DIETs for school teachers and the Departments of Education at Universities for faculty in higher education; Conduct assessments of all vocational education courses, jointly with partners that are providing the practical skills training. This again is a very complex and mammoth task requiring capacity building at scale. Educational institutions will need to collaborate with the Sector Skill Councils (SSC) for this task; Develop capability to assess youth and adults for prior learning as per NSQF levels and provide them with certification. This activity, known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), is well understood as a concept. However, well thought-out processes for conducting such assessments have not been developed yet. Educational institutions must contribute towards creating and standardising such assessment processes so that students, including dropouts and adults, may be assessed for their expertise and then provided with further opportunities for horizontal and vertical mobility.State and Central governments must fund these preparatory efforts towards capacity building generously, and provide all possible support to educational institutions to deliver on the national goal of scaling up vocational education. A coordinating body at the Centre and State can gather and record the initial learning from educational institutions and disseminate these widely. Such a body can also bring together all the stakeholders - teachers and practitioners - to share experiences through regular meetings and conferences, to speed up the spread of knowhow regarding provision of quality vocational education. The NCVIE can look into this.In order to operationalise this fresh approach to vocational education, the Policy envisages the following: Relevant and meaningful integration of vocational education into school and higher education through skills analysis and mapping of local opportunities, along with efforts to formalise the capabilities of youth already in the workforce through mechanisms like RPL, adult education, online learning, etc.National Education Policy 2019 Network of ministries, bodies\/agencies and institutions as well as local industries and individuals in an effort to optimise the learning and exposure of students at all stages. Adequate investment in developing infrastructure, as well as recruiting, preparing and supporting individuals to transact vocational education effectively. Maintenance of databases and study of possible models of vocational education which can be applied in our context. Ensuring mobility of learners across institutions and streams, through alignment with international standards, and curricula and assessment aligned to the NHEQF and NSQF. Enhanced capacity of vocational education particularly at the higher education stage, and in rural and tribal areas. Integration of work of local craftspersons and artisans into the curriculum, along with measures to disseminate their work more widely.Vocational education will be part of the secondary school curriculum and aligned to the NSQF.20.1. Integrating vocational education into all schools, colleges and universities A concerted effort will be needed by all the stakeholders in the system: (i) Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), MHRD, and all other ministries of the Central and State governments engaged in vocational education; (ii) enablers of vocational education such as the National Skills Development Agency (NSDA), now National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET), State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs), SSCs, financial institutions and others; (iii) implementing bodies such as ITIs, polytechnics, industries, businesses, and other training providers along with schools, colleges, and universities; and (iv) the beneficiaries themselves, youth and adults; in order to tackle the challenge of integrating vocational education into the mainstream in a meaningful manner. 20. Vocational EducationIntegrating vocational education into all secondary schools and higher education institutions: All academic institutions will be required to integrate vocational education into their educational offerings in a phased manner over a period of a decade. Towards this, they will collaborate with ITIs, polytechnics, local businesses and industries, hospitals, farms, and NGOs. Each educational institution will make a careful choice of a few areas that they would like to offer, based on an analysis of the jobs available in their regions. The focus will be the development of practical skills as well as the associated theoretical knowledge along with a broad-based education.Facilitating sharing of knowhow and best practices among educational institutions: Formal mechanisms for mentoring and sharing knowhow will be put in place. A formal body must be dedicated to this task. Such a body can serve schools, colleges and universities, so as to help bring synergies across school and higher education. Skills gap analysis and mapping of local opportunities: Carrying forward the work already done by the NSDC in various sectors towards determining gross estimates of requirements for trained personnel, State governments will create more fine-grained mappings of training requirements in different regions of their states. Educational institutions can then use the State-level mappings as the basis for conducting further research to select the vocations they would like to offer, based on the projected gap in human resources and the availability and potential requirements for hands-on training facilities.Funding support for the integration of vocational education into all educational institutions: Curricular integration of vocational education will require funding for teacher preparation and professional development of teachers, for the creation of local infrastructure (equipment and laboratories, etc.) at educational institutions, for sourcing of locally available resources where necessary, hiring of experts in different areas of vocational education at competitive salaries, etc. A separate fund for the integration of vocational education into educational institutions will be set up. The NCIVE will work out the modalities for the disbursement of these funds and the processes for monitoring progress.Coordination between MHRD and MSDE: Given the crucial role that mainstream academic institutions can play in delivering vocational education to millions of young Indians at the earliest, it is imperative that MHRD and MSDE, and indeed all ministries involved in the provision of skills training, work in close cooperation to facilitate the interaction of academic institutions with other components of the skilling ecosystem managed by the MSDE, such as the NCVET, which is currently the custodian of the NSQF, and the SSCs, which define professional standards and conduct assessments. The RSA through its SCC will play a major role in helping to achieve this, both at the Centre and in the States.P20.1.1.P20.1.2.P20.1.3.P20.1.5.National Education Policy 2019Data gathering, MIS and technology support for the rollout of vocational education: A considerable amount of data gathering and analysis will need to be done on a continuous basis to ensure that rollout of vocational education at educational institutions remains on track. NCVET currently hosts a Labour Market Information System (LMIS) which tracks certified candidates, courses, training providers, trainers, assessors, and so on, which must be extended into the education sector. Considerable use of technology towards: (i) data gathering for determining the types and nature of courses that will be required in particular geographies; (ii) MIS for data on successful courses conducted by all the institutions in various sectors of the economy; and (iii) technology platforms for training of teachers and for end-to-end delivery of vocational education will be needed to successfully achieve the integration at scale. A plan for such data gathering and analysis will be created by NCIVE. 20.2. Frameworks and standardsMany countries are in the process of bridging the gap between general and vocational education through qualifications frameworks that define learning outcomes and competencies that students must possess at each level. The number of levels in a framework varies between six and twelve in different countries. The NSQF was notified in 2013 with ten levels. The common parameters used to specify learning outcomes are generally four or five in number, including professional knowledge, skills and aptitude. It was also mandated in the NSQF that the eligibility criteria for all jobs and for admissions to educational institutions would be defined in terms of the NSQF competency levels. This is intended to help students who are currently employed to be able to move seamlessly into higher education at a later date since the necessary competencies can also be acquired over time through a credit-based system.Specifying learning outcomes allows the learner to better see what they need to know and to see how their knowledge will link to other courses and programmes. Potential employers will also know what to expect from educational institutions and their graduates, thus strengthening the accountability requirements from education providers. Given that competencies can be acquired through multiple means, formal, non-formal and informal education, the NSQF will help integrate not just vocational and mainstream general education but also skills training acquired informally on the job, provided students can be assessed for these competencies independently, on demand, and be certified as having complied with a particular level of the NSQF.Detailing the National Skills Qualications Framework: The generic competencies defined at each of the 10 levels by the umbrella framework of the NSQF will be translated into specifics for each of the disciplines\/vocations\/professions in different sectors. Course content and assessment criteria, and appropriate curricular and assessment frameworks will be standardised by P20.1.6.P20.2.1.20. Vocational Educationacademic institutions in collaboration with other stakeholders aligned to these levels. The specification of the NSQF levels itself also requires a thorough review along with adjustments based on the experience of educational institutions so far. These tasks can be coordinated by the NCIVE.National Occupational Standards and International compatibility of standards: Indian standards must be aligned with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) that is maintained by the International Labour Organiastion (ILO); on this basis, the Qualification Packs - National Occupational Standards (QPs-NOS) must be reviewed to ensure alignment with international standards. Once this is done, employers can proceed to specify the most appropriate standards for each of the job roles within their organisation and educators can train to the same standards.The Ministry of Labour and Employment has announced the National Classification of Occupations 2015 (NCO-2015), in alignment with ISCO 2008. The NCO-2015 claims to be also mapped to the QPs-NOS. However, in the light of the mandate to all educational institutions to offer vocational education, it is critical that the NCIVE re-examine all the standards for vocational education and training across all ministries, and align them with each other and with the relevant international standards.All higher education institutions will offer vocational education courses and programmes.National Qualications Register: Managed by the NCVET, the NQR is designed to be the official national public record of all qualifications aligned to the NSQF. Educational institutions offering an NSQF-aligned qualification can enter details of their training programmes on the NQR portal that can then be used by other institutions. Policies for sharing and widespread reuse of course content and material in the NQR, such as the use of Creative Commons type licenses, will be put in place. Also, a robust and more responsive mechanism to review and publish course content on the NQR will be made available. The NCIVE can evolve the modalities for this, in consultation with MSDE and MHRD.P20.2.2.P20.2.3.National Education Policy 201920.3. Vocational education in secondary schoolThe integration of vocational education into educational institutions will ensure that every student receives training in at least one vocation, and more if they are interested. The entire four-year period in secondary school, Grades 9-12, can be used to not just expose a student to different vocations but to help him\/her to progressively build a considerable degree of expertise in his\/her vocation of choice. However, the choice of the vocation and the degree of expertise (number of courses) that a particular student takes will be left entirely to them. The introduction of school complexes will help to leverage the synergies between schools and institutions that have facilities for the provision of practical skills. Students must be enabled to spend part of their time gaining work\/ practical experience at these facilities while they are still in school.The reimagination envisaged for the last four years of schooling, in Grades 9-12, by introducing the liberal approach and a semester system in which students can take courses of their choice from subject groups such as languages, mathematics, vocational education and so on (See P4.1.1), and the easing of norms for board examinations will facilitate the introduction of vocational education. Students must receive exposure and orientation to vocations in more than one sector during Grades 6-8, with preliminary hands on training provided at the school premises, so that they can make informed choices in Grades 9-12.High\/ Secondary school - Grades 9-12: School complexes must build expertise in curriculum delivery that is aligned to NSQF levels 1 to 4, with accompanying practical training being provided either at school or outside, in conjunction with external partners. The ability to sign on appropriate training partners in the role of Skills Knowledge Providers (SKP) will influence the choice of vocations that the school complexes can offer their students. The use of local SKPs will also help ensure that students are trained for vocations of relevance in the local area, and improve the likelihood of them finding jobs locally after Grade 12. Students must also receive assistance with selecting their vocations through counselors stationed at school complexes.Schools must also ensure that all students continue to remain in school till the completion of grade 12 so that they can receive supplementary broad based general education, as well as courses in entrepreneurship, soft skills such as communication skills, courses on digital and financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and so on. Part-time apprenticeships and skills training can be supplemented with education at school during the remaining time. The use of evening\/night classes can also be explored. It should be possible for students to exit from Grade 12 with a holistic education that allows them to enter the world of work.P20.3.1.20. Vocational EducationCurriculum and assessment: The curriculum must be adapted to local environments, which also points to a distributed model of curriculum creation. Assessment of vocational education must necessarily be split into two parts, with the experiential component being assessed by the SKP, and the remaining by the educational institution and\/or the BOA (see P 8.1.8). A suitable framework for this needs to be created by the NCIVE, working in conjunction with PSSCIVE and with State-level institutions and BOA.Teachers and trainers: Apart from regular teachers who are trained in imparting vocational education, a large number of trainers will have to be drawn from different sections of society for their expertise in different vocations. They can be brought in as guest faculty and can either impart knowledge of both theory and practice in their respective vocations or provide only practical training, as the case may be. In cases where specialised practical training is being provided to students outside schools, external trainers can also be brought in to teach the theoretical aspects. School complexes must assist these trainers to become comfortable in an academic environment, to handle students, and to comply with broader definitions of curricular and assessment frameworks in their work, through short term training courses provided at the DIETs.Teacher training: The shortage of teachers trained in providing vocational education along with capacity to provide teacher support must be addressed. PSSCIVE must be assisted in developing teacher training modules and teacher handbooks by the Departments of Education within universities that are engaged in teacher preparation, and by the State governments through SCERTs, DIETs, SIVEs and the schools themselves, in order to train the requisite numbers of teachers. Short term training courses for this purpose must be designed and prepared by leading educational institutions and shared widely, both online and offline, through the SCERTs and the DIETs. External trainers, who are experts in their vocations, can also be invited to train local teachers at CRCs, BRCs and DIETs. The NCIVE can explore options to cater to the training needs of large numbers of external, part-time faculty as well as regular teachers.Strengthening PSSCIVE and the State level infrastructure for the provision of vocational education: The PSSCIVE will need considerable strengthening, through heavy investments in human resources and infrastructure, including technology, so that it is able to play the major role that it has in proliferating vocational education. Similarly, strengthening of State-level institutions by the individual State governments is also critical given that SIVEs are not active in many States and that it is often the Directorate of Technical Education that oversees vocational education. A new, more coherent, strategy involving all relevant institutions, and new institutions where needed, must be created in each State by the NCIVE, in coordination with the SCC (see P23.10) of the RSA (see Chapter 23) as part of the implementation plan.P20.3.2.P20.3.5.National Education Policy 201920.4. Vocational education as an integral part of higher educationSmooth integration of vocational education into colleges and universities is an imperative, if the acceptance of vocational education is to grow rapidly and achieve the targets set in this policy. The new B.Voc degrees must continue to exist, but vocational courses must also be available to students enrolled in all Bachelors degree programmes, including the four-year liberal arts programmes. Individual institutions that are early adopters must innovate to find models and practices that work and then share these with other institutions through mechanisms set up by the NCIVE, to help extend the reach of vocational education.An appropriate mechanism for assessment and Recognition of Prior Learning will be developed.Expansion of vocational education at undergraduate level: Vocational education at the undergraduate level will be expanded and targeted to offer enrolment to all interested learners (up to 50% of the total enrollment) by 2025, up from the present level of enrollment of well below 10%. Vocational education in several sectors is already being integrated into the undergraduate curriculum through the B.Voc programmes. All interested HEIs, beginning with premier universities and autonomous colleges will be supported by the HEGC (see P18.4.1), through a specially created fund, to offer vocational education at the undergraduate level through Diploma, Advanced Diploma and B.Voc degrees that are aligned with NSQF levels 5-7. HEIs can establish a school\/department of vocational education and offer vocational education that is completely integrated with higher education, either on their own or in partnership with industry, and work towards ensuring seamless mobility of students across both streams. The choice of sectors, types and duration of courses etc., will be left to each autonomous institution, but they will submit data regarding their courses and its content to NQR and\/or other bodies suggested by the NCIVE, for sharing and analytics purposes.Student mobility across general and vocational education: Undergraduate programmes in the liberal arts will also offer majors and minors in vocations. Autonomous HEIs offering the four-year undergraduate degrees can choose to include a wide range of vocational courses among their offerings. Some of the best institutions will be expected to develop innovative curricula and P20.4.1.P20.4.2.20. Vocational Educationimplement them within about five years, and then mentor other institutions and help to train faculty. The NHEQF will be made compatible with the NSQF (see P12.1.3) in order to further assist the cause of student mobility across general and vocational education streams.Work integrated training and other models: Several models of vocational education have been used by other countries. However, a thorough study of the various models must be undertaken before any model, or blend of models can be recommended for use. NCIVE could take the responsibility of coordinating such a study.Incentivising apprenticeships: A policy for creating more apprenticeships, and other opportunities for work-integrated training for students must be explored by the NCIVE. The cooperation of SKPs is critical in achieving the ambitious targets set for vocational education, and the NCIVE must explore ways to incentivise them to provide more and better training opportunities for students. The NCIVE must prescribe similar norms for apprenticeships under the programmes\/schemes of various ministries so that student movement can be facilitated. The possibility of giving some freedom to academic institutions to determine policies based on the requirements of each sector, and of the specific course, must also be explored.Certicate courses for students in mainstream education: The transition to a fully integrated higher education system that includes vocational education will take several years to achieve, and short term certificate courses, in soft skills and life skills such as communication skills, computer literacy, digital literacy, basic financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and many other such topics, can benefit students greatly in the interim. A choice of such courses must be made available to students in all institutions, so as to help them become more confident and employable. Technology can be used in various ways to help achieve these goals.Curriculum and trainers: HEIs will have autonomy on curriculum in vocational education, and they must develop innovative curriculum and delivery methods, and assessment practices. Many students will require bridge courses that will facilitate their horizontal or vertical mobility across fields\/disciplines. Other short and long term certificate courses that do not have a work-integrated training component, must rely on internships and other methods of learning by doing, practices that educational institutions must establish in collaboration with their industry partners. The NCIVE can assist with these efforts by creating a blueprint.The qualifications of trainers required in vocational education will necessarily cover a very broad range of expertise. Trainers will have to be drawn from many different sections of society, and their work experience must be treated on par with academic qualifications. They can be hired either part time or full time by the HEIs. A short term induction training for such trainers can be conceived and designed by some leading HEIs and shared widely online.P20.4.3.P20.4.4.P20.4.6.National Education Policy 2019Incubation centres and centres of excellence: To support the goal of nurturing the ideas of students and developing an entrepreneurial culture among them, universities and colleges will be encouraged to set up incubation centres. Universities will also be encouraged to create one or more centres of excellence in specific skills that are characteristic of the communities they serve, in partnership with industry. A good example of this would be jewelry design in Rajasthan. Such centres will become a hub of interaction between the HEIs and their local communities and will also bring in revenue for the HEI.20.5. Vocational education for adults and youthExpertise must be built in creating curriculum that is aligned with NSQF and QPs-NOS at the earliest, and combining this with the RPL assessment mechanism so that all youth and adults can get access to tertiary education irrespective of their prior educational experience. Reintegrating dropouts: The data on the uptake of vocational education in the NIOS must be studied and the vocational component strengthened as needed. State governments that have not already done so will be encouraged to open State Institutes of Open Schooling (SIOS) to deliver on the goal of educating every child till grade 12. Students who have dropped out from school can also be brought back into regular schools by giving them bridge courses, post assessment of their prior learning and RPL certification. They must be provided with vocational counseling, and access to additional vocational courses integrated with general education courses, designed by PSSCIVE or another body set up as a result of the work of the NCIVE.Assessment and Recognition of Prior Learning: An assessment framework to evaluate the existing skills of the current workforce will enable youth and adults who have not had any formal training in their vocations, and are self taught, to receive appropriate RPL certification. Such a mechanism of assessment on demand and certification will complement the detailed specification of the competencies associated with the levels of the NSQF, when completed, and will help provide horizontal and vertical mobility to youth. All educational institutions including those providing adult education, and those handling dropouts that are active in vocational education will be required to develop the capacity to conduct assessment in their areas of interest, on demand, to provide RPL certification to incoming students.Upskilling and reskilling requirements: The projected requirement for upskilling and reskilling youth is several times larger than that of training fresh candidates. HEIs can consider ways to address this requirement, through evening courses, online courses, and so on that can bring in additional revenue for them. These will largely be in the form of short courses. Once an educational P20.4.7.P20.5.3.20. Vocational Educationinstitution has worked out the curriculum and delivery including the practical component, and assessment practices for their own students, they can offer it to members of the community for additional revenue. Faculty can be incentivised to do this through revenue sharing arrangements with the institution. This task will also require projections of the need for such skilling in various sectors (e.g. skills gap analysis).Vocational education for the unorganised sector: A large percentage of Indias workforce is in the unorganised sector and in small businesses. They must have the option of moving from being hired as unskilled or semi-skilled labour to becoming skilled labour instead and being paid correspondingly higher wages. Many of them would also benefit greatly from receiving training in areas like entrepreneurship, financial and digital literacy. HEIs must be incentivised to look for models to address this need. The infrastructure for adult education as well as online education must also be used to provide opportunities for them to get trained during off work hours.Certicate courses through online education: Online education can be used to handle the theoretical aspects of vocational courses since students can access them either after work or during weekends. School complexes and HEIs can develop such short modules and make them available through an online platform that can be hosted by an appropriate body identified by the NCIVE. This can be combined with online testing towards certification, benefitting large numbers of students, youth and adults. Students should be able to complete their practical training locally and also be evaluated for it locally by their training provider. For the theory component and for other courses that are mandatory for them, they can take the online versions.20.6. Areas of special focusThere is millennia worth of learning embodied in the systems and knowledge that have developed in India for the production, development and management of various goods and services. These range from the finest, most intricately designed, textiles and embroidery to the grand architecture of historic buildings; from the development of local knowledge systems in medicine to myriad varieties of art and handicrafts; and water conservation, among many others. The immense value of these capacities, referred to as Lok Vidya, must also be nurtured as vocations, be fully leveraged for the economic wellbeing of its practitioners, and be passed on to future generations in a systematic fashion. This is important not only for sustaining Indias socio-cultural legacy but also for the benefit of millions of Indian artisans.P20.5.4.P20.5.5.National Education Policy 2019Enhancing the work of local crafts persons and artisans: Lok Vidya has enormous economic potential and must therefore be integrated into appropriately designed courses in vocational education and made more widely accessible. Technologies such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing must be pressed into service to help preserve, nurture, and enhance this knowledge, and extend its scope and reach.Lok Vidya - knowledge developed in India - will be an integral part of vocational education programmes.Special focus on rural areas: Each educationally disadvantaged district will have an HEI offering high quality vocational education integrated with undergraduate programmes (see P11.1.3). These HEIs must also work with schools, ITIs and\/or polytechnics within their regions to support the vocational education being provided in secondary schools, and ensure that every student receives quality education until Grade 12. Special focus on tribal areas: The model of integrated higher education is of particular importance in tribal areas since the aspiration of tribal youth for a mainstream education can be combined with vocational education in the elements of their local economy such as a Bamboo Research Centre or a Centre for Wildlife Conservation, or even a Centre for Traditional Medicine. School complexes as well as HEIs in the region must be supported and funded to engage in developing curriculum for these, and assisting with the delivery of such courses.P20.6.1.P20.6.2.P20.6.3.21. Adult EducationChapter 21 Adult EducationObjective: Achieve 100% youth and adult literacy rates by 2030, and significantly expand adult and continuing education programmes.The abilities to attain foundational literacy, obtain an education, and pursue a livelihood must be viewed as fundamental rights of every citizen. Quality access to adult education is therefore critical to ensure that all citizens are able to fulfil this right. Adult education provides mature learners with opportunities to increase their knowledge, develop new skills, gain helpful qualifications and credentials, enhance career prospects, and thereby truly enrich their lives. At the level of the country, a fully literate and educated workforce will naturally lead to a huge increase in productivity and a more enlightened nation, with corresponding increases in health, justice and equality, and a much higher per capita income and GDP.Over the past three decades, India has achieved substantial progress towards improving access to adult education and learning, through initiatives such as the National Literacy Mission (NLM) (1988-2009), Sakshar Bharat (2009-2017), Scheme of Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development, and most recently the Padhna Likhna Abhiyaan (2018 onwards). These initiatives have aimed to provide opportunities for adults to obtain not only foundational literacy and numeracy, i.e. the ability to read, write, and perform basic arithmetic operations, but also other education such as financial, digital, electoral, environmental and legal literacy, and skill development. In particular, the overall literacy rate in India increased by 9% to 74% over the period 2001-2011.However, according to data from the last census, India still had over 3.26 crore youth non-literates (15-24 years of age) and a total of 26.5 crore adult non-literates (15 years and above) - a number comparable to the entire population National Education Policy 2019of students in the school and higher education sectors taken together - and representing one third of the worlds non-literate people.The NLM, when it launched in 1988, was largely based on the voluntary involvement and support of the people. As a consequence, the literacy mission was able to achieve not only improvement in basic literacy and numeracy skills, but also initiated dialogue and discussions on pertinent social issues of the day such as alcoholism. The Total Literacy Campaigns (TLC), a principal strategy of the NLM, were highly successful, as evidenced by the growth of literacy during the decades of 1991-2011. The TLC were area-specific, volunteer-based, and outcome-oriented programmes dedicated to adult literacy; schools and community organisations were also actively involved in adult literacy efforts. A greater proportion of the population was thus covered during the volunteer-based period of the TLC - particularly women. Unfortunately, towards the end of the mission, the voluntary nature of the mission got diluted, and the mission lost efficacy.Indeed, extensive field studies and analyses, both in India and across the world (e.g. in China and Brazil), clearly demonstrate that volunteerism and community mobilisation are key success factors of adult literacy programmes, in conjunction with political will, organisational structure, proper planning, adequate financial support, and high quality capacity building of volunteers. Successful volunteer-based literacy programmes result not only in the growth of literacy among adults in the community, but also result in increased demand for education for all children in the community, as well as greater community contributions to positive social change and justice.Results on the vast scale desired cannot be achieved by government actions alone; rather they require commitment from the whole nation and vast community volunteerism and mobilisation, with solid commitment and support from the government. Voluntary and community involvement on this all-important mission must thus be restored as soon as possible to truly expedite this all-important aim of achieving 100% literacy in the nation.It is therefore imperative that Indias literacy programmes be significantly strengthened and expanded across the country, with widespread governmental support and strong provisions for community, NGO, and volunteer involvement, in order to ensure 100% literacy among youth and adults by 2030. Adult education programmes will also ensure ample and robust opportunities for lifelong learning for all adults to help enrich their lives and increase their productivity and earning potential. All these of these initiatives will be key in unleashing Indias vast potential.The importance of adult educationBeing a non-literate member of a community has innumerable disadvantages, including the inability to: carry out basic financial transactions; compare the quality \/ quantity of goods purchased against the price charged; fill out forms to apply for jobs, loans, services, etc.; comprehend public circulars and articles in 21. Adult Educationthe news media; use conventional and electronic mail to communicate and conduct business; make use of the internet and other technology to improve ones life and profession; comprehend directions and safety directives on the street, on medicines, etc.; help children with their education; be aware of ones basic rights and responsibilities as a citizen of India; appreciate works of literature; and pursue employment in medium- or high-productivity sectors that require literacy.Thus, literacy and basic education open up a whole new world of personal, civic, economic, and lifelong-learning opportunities for the individual that enable one to progress personally and professionally. At the level of society and the nation, literacy and basic education are powerful force multipliers which greatly enhance, the success of all other developmental efforts. Worldwide data on nations indicate extremely high correlations between literacy rates and per capita income \/ GDP.Unfortunately, our past failures over generations to universalise education has resulted in the large number of adults today who never had the opportunity to attend or complete school. The only means of compensating for this lack of access in the past is through a robust and effective system of adult education.What can be done to make adult education effective and widely accessible?Developing an adult education curriculum framework: An outstanding curriculum framework for adult education must be developed, keeping in view what would be most useful and enriching for various types and levels of mature learners. The framework must be flexible enough to adjust to local needs, and include at least five types of programmes: Foundational literacy and numeracy; Critical life skills (including financial literacy, digital literacy, commercial skills, health care and awareness, child care and education, and family welfare); Vocational skills development (with a view towards obtaining local employment); Basic education (including preparatory, middle, and secondary stage equivalency); and Continuing education (including engaging liberal adult education courses in arts, sciences, technology, culture, sports, and recreation, as well as other topics of interest or use to local learners, such as more advanced material on critical life skills).National Education Policy 2019The adult education curriculum framework would ideally be developed by a new and well-supported constituent body of the NCERT, dedicated to adult education, so as to develop synergy with and build upon NCERTs existing expertise in establishing outstanding curricula for literacy, numeracy, basic education, vocational skills, and beyond, while at the same recognise the differences that exist along the pedagogy-androgogy continuum (i.e. adults in many cases require rather different teaching-learning methods and materials than those designed for children).Building and making use of shared infrastructure to ensure access: Suitable infrastructure will be imperative to ensure that all interested adults have access to adult education. A key initiative in this direction will be to use schools (after school hours and on weekends) and public library spaces for adult education courses, which will be ICT-equipped when possible. The sharing of infrastructure for school, adult, and vocational education will be critical for ensuring efficient use of both physical and human resources as well as for creating synergy among these three types of education. For these reasons, AECs will also be included as an integral part of school complexes. The existing well-equipped ICT-enabled Adult Education and Skill Development Centres (AESDCs) and Jan Shikshan Sansthans must, in particular, be strengthened across the country, and new ones set up in various regions and school complexes where they are currently needed but do not exist, and co-located with schools, public libraries, or other vocational training centres whenever possible.Effectively training instructors for adult education: A cadre of excellent instructors \/ educators \/ preraks will be required to deliver the curriculum framework to mature learners. Instructors for all five types of adult education as described in the adult education curriculum framework will be trained by the national, state, and district level resource support institutions to organise and lead learning activities at AECs, as well as coordinate with volunteer instructors and tutors. Qualified community members will be encouraged and welcomed to take a short training course and volunteer, on a large scale, as adult literacy instructors, or to serve as one-on-one volunteer tutors, and will be recognised for their critical service to the nation.Ensuring participation: All adults who may benefit from or be interested in local adult education programmes must be made aware of and encouraged to participate in these programmes. Social workers travelling through their communities to track and ensure participation of non-enrolled students and dropouts (see P6.6.2) will also be requested, during their travels, to gather data of parents, adolescents, and others interested in adult education opportunities (both as learners and as teachers\/tutors); the social workers will then connect them and provide their information to local AECs. Opportunities for adult education will also be widely publicised through events and initiatives of NGOs and other local organisations.Mobilising the community: Any national literacy mission must mobilise community organisations and volunteers in order to achieve large-scale adult literacy and education outcomes. Qualified community members who wish to volunteer as adult education instructors or as one-on-one tutors - as a service to their communities and to the nation - will be welcomed to teach foundational 21. Adult Educationliteracy and numeracy, and other adult education course material, under the guidance and coordination of AECs. Governments will work closely with NGOs and other community organisations, and support them as necessary, in order to enhance efforts towards literacy and adult education.As mentioned in Chapter 2: If every literate member of the community could commit to help\/teach one person how to read, it would change the countrys landscape very quickly; this mission will be highly encouraged and supported. With its large and highly talented population, India would experience unimagined productivity and prosperity if all her citizens were literate. Achieving this goal must be a highest priority for all of IndiaA National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education will be developed to cover five broad areas - foundational literacy and numeracy, critical life skills, vocational skills, basic education and continuing education.21.1. Developing a curriculum framework for adult educationEstablishment of a technical and resource support structure for adult education, research, and training: An autonomous Central Institute of Adult Education (CIAE) will be established as a constituent unit of NCERT, consisting of experts in adult education, tasked to develop a National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE), prepare effective teaching-learning materials for adult education, and support planning, implementation, and monitoring of adult education programmes. A separate Adult Education Department\/Unit will be set up in each SCERT and DIET to suitably adjust the work of the CIAE as required for local needs in order to carry out the analogous tasks at the state and district levels, including the development of State Curriculum Frameworks for Adult Education, the preparation of associated teaching-learning materials, and the effective planning, implementation, and monitoring of adult education programmes at the state and district levels.P21.1.1.National Education Policy 2019National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education: A revised NCFAE will be prepared by the CIAE for adult education in at least five broad areas: (i) foundational literacy and numeracy; (ii) critical life skills; (iii) vocational skills; (iv) basic education, and (v) continuing education. A national curricular framework was formulated by a committee of experts under the MHRD in 2011. This will be made relevant for the current time and updated periodically, especially with regards to digital literacy, by the CIAE, in consultation with the Directorate of Adult Education as well as other organisations (including NGOs) dedicated to adult literacy and education. All parts of the framework will be flexible enough to accommodate local needs (including employment needs), with a clear view also to incorporate local art, literature, language, culture, knowledge, interests, and customs.a. Foundational literacy and numeracy: The material in this programme will initially cover basic reading and writing (including of numbers) so that the learner may successfully carry out essential daily activities outside of the home, including reading signs, price tags, receipts, license plates, etc., as well as filling out forms, addressing envelopes to mail, etc. It will then move into foundational literacy and numeracy, so that the learner can also then read basic instructions, safety directives, booklets, newspapers, books, etc., and read and write letters, fill out survey forms, and more. In contrast with the school-level foundational and literacy curriculum, reading and writing in adult education will focus more on issues of interest to adults, including stories from great literature, parenting stories, lessons from the Indian Constitution, or enlightening discussions regarding social issues of the day such as parenting, child marriage, womens rights, or alcoholism.b. Critical life skills: This programme will be intended for neo-literates to learn essential life skills for modern times: how to open a bank account and carry out basic financial transactions; how to use a computer or tablet\/smartphone to connect to the internet in order to send e-mails, learn (e.g. via NIOS or other websites), or conduct business; how to be wary of the misuses and dangers of the internet (especially for children and adolescents); how to help in childrens education, and other useful parenting skills for the 21st century; how to manage accounts for home and commercial purposes; basic health care and nutritional awareness; and family welfare. The essential skills taught will of course also depend on the local region and its needs, such as any local health or economic issues.c. Basic education: The thrust of the Basic Education Programme will be to enable neo-literates to continue learning beyond basic literacy and numeracy, and acquire education equivalent to the Preparatory, Middle and Secondary stages of education through either the formal education system or the open learning system. The competency levels developed by the NLM Authority for flexible basic education at Level I, Level II and Level III, which are and shall be roughly equivalent to finishing the Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary stages of formal schooling, will form the basis for organisation of the programme as well as for certification.P21.1.2.21. Adult Educationd. Vocational skills development: The Vocational Skills Development Programme will aim at equipping non- and neo-literate adults with vocational skills to improve their living conditions and earning capabilities. Under the programme, skill development training may relate to vocations such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical and electronics, tailoring and embroidery, cosmetology and beauty, health care, fashion design, computer support, automobile repair, agriculture, cottage industry and handicrafts, textile technology, construction, transportation, bookkeeping and accounting, food services, etc. The Vocational Skills Programme courses in each local region will be guided by a study of local demand for each vocation and the employment needs of the region.e. Continuing education: The Continuing Education Programme (CEP) will provide lifelong-learning opportunities to neo-literates and other targeted beneficiaries. The programme will involve short-term thematic courses on, e.g.: health awareness\/care; food and nutrition; water conservation and drinking water; sanitation; education; AIDS\/STD; consumer awareness\/rights; legal literacy; group discussions on various social issues of the day; vocational and skill development; readings and discussions of great literature (including local literature such as poetry in the local language); sports, recreation, and cultural activities; teaching of music; technology demonstration and use; electoral literacy and voting; and other topics (such as continuations of material in (a)-(d) above) that may be of interest to local learners.Quality teaching-learning materials: Textbooks, workbooks, and other teaching-learning materials for adult literacy and critical life skills in Hindi and English will be developed by the proposed CIAE, and analogues in other languages will be developed by the adult literacy units of SCERTs, with help from NGOs and volunteers as needed. As in the case of textbooks for schools (see Section 4.8), these teaching-learning materials will be sold at the cost of preparation to make them maximally affordable. School textbooks will also be available at the cost of printing for adults enrolled in the basic education programme.Assessment of learning outcomes and objective criteria for certication: The criteria and materials developed under the NLM, the Saakshar Bharat mission, and NIOS to assess learning outcomes relating to functional literacy and numeracy, skill development, prior learning, and equivalency will be improved and built upon by CIAE, and its state and district analogues, and will used by AECs for the assessment and certification of the achievement levels of adult learners and to certify them on the successful completion of chosen programmes, particularly literacy programmes.P21.1.3.P21.1.4.National Education Policy 201921.2. Ensuring infrastructure and universal accessCreating appropriate infrastructure and resource support: To ensure access to adult education programmes (of all five varieties as in P21.1.2) for all adults, and to attain 100% literacy in the country at the earliest, support will be provided to create appropriate institutional structures and infrastructure across the country for adult education. The sharing of infrastructure, ICT, learning supplies, and human resources across school, vocational, and adult education will form a key strategy for efficient financing, and will help to create synergy among these three types of education.AECs will be included within school complexes to facilitate a beneficial sharing of material and human resources. Already established schools and library\/reading rooms in these school complexes will be strengthened and further equipped, by Central and State government authorities, to serve as multi-purpose AECs to meet the local needs of both youth and adults. The existing well-equipped ICT-enabled AESDCs and Jan Shikshan Sansthans will also be strengthened across the country, and new ones set up in various regions and school complexes as needed, and will be co-located with schools, public libraries, or vocational training centres whenever possible to enable the desired synergy and resource sharing.All AECs will be stocked with relevant learning supplies, textbooks, and workbooks, for suitable use by adult education teachers. High quality textbooks and workbooks will be sold, at the cost of printing, to interested adults.Multiple pathways to learning: An important thrust will be to ensure lifelong learning opportunities by enabling and strengthening various pathways to learning involving formal and non-formal education modes - including one-on-one tutoring, ODLs, and smartphone apps - with a view to enabling all young people and adults to be literate and to acquire knowledge needed to respond to the fast transforming economy and skills requirements of the nation.In particular, NIOS will be strengthened to provide opportunities to interested learners by making available courses\/programmes of study through ODL relevant for youth and adults (particularly, with respect to vocational skills development, basic education, and continuing education). The SIOSs will develop analogous programmes in regional languages, with NIOS offering technical and academic support.In anticipation of AECs being equipped with ICT devices, a wide range of digital material for adult education will be designed and available for use in AECs and on individual smartphones. Competitions to develop outstanding smartphone apps and other digital material for imparting functional literacy and other knowledge\/skills to adults will be established in all Indian languages. A major goal will be to have a range of outstanding apps available for download to smartphones by adults (at minimal or no cost) to enhance literacy and other learning opportunities.P21.2.1.P21.2.2.21. Adult Education21.3. Training a cadre of adult education volunteersCreating a cadre of Adult Education Centre managers and instructors: A cadre of qualified and certified preraks (who manage and teach at the AECs) and adult education instructors (who teach at the AECs) will be created via special training modules conducted by special units dedicated to adult education in BITEs, DIETs, BRCs, and CRCs. Preraks and other teachers will be educated volunteers from the local area. Social workers, community organisations, NGOs, volunteers, and panchayats will be heavily involved in identifying such educated people from the local area who are interested in helping their communities on this most important mission of achieving 100% adult literacy. All preraks and adult education instructors will be given certificates of recognition by the State indicating their service roles, classroom hours taught, and\/or the number of people they helped bring into literacy.The modules for training preraks and adult education teachers would include material on: managing AECs and adult learners; working with social workers and community organisations and volunteers; the NCFAE; how to deliver literacy and adult education through teaching classes, one-on-one tutoring, and the use of technology; teaching-learning resources including textbooks, workbooks, smartphone apps, and other learning supplies; and techniques for developmental assessment.A cadre of Adult Education Centre managers and instructors, as well as a large team of one-on-one tutors created through the National Adult Education Tutors Programme will be capacitated to deliver adult education.Creating a large team of one-on-one tutors through a newly-established National Adult Tutors Programme (NATP): Like the NTP programme at the school level as in P2.5, literate and educated adults will also be recruited on a wide scale and given the opportunity to tutor and impart literacy to fellow adults through the NATP. Volunteers for the NATP will be managed by AECs, and will be connected to non-literate adults who would like to be tutored through the NATP programme. All tutors in the NATP will be given P21.3.1.P21.3.2.National Education Policy 2019certificates by the State recognising their service to their communities and the nation, and the number of hours taught and\/or the number of people they helped bring into literacy.21.4. Ensuring widespread participation in adult educationLocating and inviting persons in the community to join adult education programmes as both learners and instructors: The location of adults \/ adolescents in the community who could benefit from, or teach in, adult education programmes will work in tandem with locating school dropouts in communities as in P3.7 and P3.8. Namely, social workers traveling through their communities to identify and locate school dropouts and other children not attending school will also be commissioned (in collaboration with volunteers, NGOs, community organisations, and Zilla Saksharta Samitis wherever they exist) to locate and identify adults in the community who would benefit from adult education opportunities, particularly regarding literacy. This data will be recorded (with the permission of the beneficiaries) and shared with preraks\/AECs in order to connect these adults to relevant adult education programmes. Parents of school children will be especially encouraged by social workers to join adult education programmes so that they naturally can be more involved in their childrens education. Teenagers between 14 and 18 years of age, who are identified as non-literate, will be given the option to either join adult literacy programmes or re-enter formal education by joining remedial education programmes such as the NTP and RIAP.Social workers, community organisations, and public service announcements will also invite enthusiastic literate adults to join adult education programmes as volunteer tutors or certified adult education instructors, and will connect them to preraks and AECs for this all-important mission of achieving 100% literacy in their community.Encouraging every literate member of the nation to teach at least one person to read - as an AEC manager (prerak), adult education instructor, or as a one-on-one tutor - will be a key strategy in eliminating illiteracy in the country.Convergence and partnerships with States and community organisations for adult literacy and education: Convergence and partnerships will be forged with States and with various agencies and community organisations for establishing adult literacy and education programmes at AECs covering the five types of programmes as in P21.1.2. States, community social\/social- service organisations, local industry, higher education institutions, and NGOs will be encouraged to participate in and help lead adult literacy and education programmes in their localities by locating volunteers, identifying adults in their communities who may benefit from these programmes, and helping to plan and develop relevant education programmes according to local needs.P21.4.1.P21.4.2.21. Adult EducationIn particular, the Government of India will establish a Fund for Literacy to support States, community organisations, and NGOs dedicated to the cause of adult literacy. The fund will authorise two funding streams - formula and discretionary grants. Formula grants will be available directly to States to implement the development of adult education programmes.Discretionary funds will enable States to support and scale effective community-based interventions that address localised youth and adult literacy and education needs. A portion of these discretionary funds will be used to conduct due diligence on community-based organisations and to provide them with targeted technical assistance to enhance their capacity to deliver programming.Community volunteers will be encouraged - each literate member of the community to teach at least one person to read will be a key strategy.Involvement of higher education institutions: Higher education institutions, through their community service initiatives, will also support local adult education efforts. In particular, students may be involved in local adult education initiatives as part of their social service requirements or their internships. Higher education institutions will also be encouraged to pursue research in adult education and establish Departments of Adult Education \/ Lifelong Learning. In the long term, once 100% literacy is achieved and there is universal access to quality school education, much of adult education, in the form of vocational and continuing education \/ lifelong learning, will be handled by universities.Emphasis on women, and on socially and economically disadvantaged groups and regions: Since literacy rates among women and among youth and adults belonging to SC\/ST, some minority groups, and other disadvantaged groups continue to lag behind overall literacy rates, all initiatives for adult education will receive special emphasis and support for women and groups having relatively lower youth and adult literacy rates.Special emphasis will be placed on achieving substantial increases in youth and adult literacy rates in rural areas, and in States and districts currently having lower literacy rates.Large-scale public awareness of literacy mission: The public must be made aware of the national mission to attain 100% literacy, and of the resulting opportunities available for community and volunteer involvement. Large-scale public service announcements, media campaigns, and direct P21.4.3.P21.4.5.National Education Policy 2019communications between AECs and their communities will be prioritised in this direction, in conjunction with the initiatives for youth literacy discussed in Chapter 2. The goal will be to attain widespread enrolments in adult literacy and education programmes, and to recruit community members and volunteers as teachers for both adult and school education initiatives (including the NATP, RIAP, and NTP programmes). The principle that every literate citizen commit to teaching at least one adult or child how to read will be highly publicised, encouraged, facilitated, and supported.Revival and rejuvenation of support and resource institutions for adult education: Support and resource institutions for adult education at the Centre, State, and local levels - such as the Directorate of Adult Education, State Directorates of Adult Education, and Zilla Saksharta Samitis - will be reformed and rejuvenated as nodal agencies for coordination and support of all initiatives for adult education, with the express goal of attaining 100% literacy by 2030.P21.4.6.22. Promotion of Indian LanguagesChapter 22Promotion of Indian LanguagesObjective: Ensure the preservation, growth, and vibrancy of all Indian languages.Indian languages are some of the most expressive and scientific in the world, containing much of the worlds great literature and knowledge. They are also truly functional languages, many spoken by lakhs if not crores of people, and represent the culture and heritage of entire regions and generations, and of centuries if not millennia. True inclusion and preservation of culture and traditions of each region, and true understanding by all students in schools, can be achieved only when suitable respect is given to all Indian languages, including tribal languages. It is thus absolutely critical to preserve the truly rich languages and literatures of India, just as other technologically advanced countries (such as South Korea, Japan, France, Germany, Holland, etc.) have so deftly preserved their languages in the face of internationalisation.While India has an extremely rich repository of literature as part of its cultural heritage, academic literature and textbooks in Indian languages are currently not of the highest quality, to the detriment of students whose mother tongues are among these various Indian languages. Where original textbooks and work exist in Indian languages, only a few schools, teachers, and students have access to them due to a lack of appropriate processes for dissemination. This deprives most of our students of the opportunity to engage with thought, research, and interpretations in their home\/local languages.While translations of textbooks and academic work are important, there is an urgent need to develop original materials as well. This must not be left to individuals - processes to create a rich repository of original textbooks, National Education Policy 2019storybooks, and other academic material in Indian languages must be institutionalised through government and philanthropic efforts.Furthermore, as knowledge develops and is acquired from across the world, there needs to be adequate vocabulary across Indian languages to keep pace with these developments. This must be coordinated well for (at least) the languages in the Eighth Schedule. Other countries, such as France, have academies of experts at the Centre and State levels that help their languages keep pace, grow, and be preserved for posterity - while preserving the integrity of local variations; India must do the same with its languages.Educational institutions must aim to offer rich programmes in Indian languages - at both the school and higher education levels. For this, school, college, and university teachers must have capacities in Indian languages. Thus, departments in Indian languages and their rich literary traditions must be set up at all higher educational institutions; these departments will help train language teachers who would then be deployed in schools across the country, in order for our children to learn well their own mother tongues as well as other Indian languages for the purposes of national unity and integration. This cycle will form the basis of the education systems contribution to the vibrancy and growth of all Indian languages, and Indias rich cultural heritage and traditions. For our current children and for posterity, Indian languages must be rejuvenated and preserved in a way that they simply have not been for decades.A National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit will be set up. Highly capable and strong Indian language and literature programmes across higher education institutions: Universities shall be supported to set up and revive Indian language programmes and capabilities across the country. This must happen across Types 1, 2 and 3 HEIs. This will include but not be limited to Schedule 8 languages, and would include also, e.g. tribal languages wherever suitable. This will enable strong Indian language components in all teacher education programmes for school education. The four-year integrated B.Ed. programmes must integrate these language programmes adequately.Recruitment of teachers and faculty: All HEIs must recruit high quality faculty for at least three Indian languages, in addition to the local Indian language. All States will recruit at least one teacher of a non-local Indian language at each school complex.P22.1.P22.2.22. Promotion of Indian LanguagesResearch on Indian languages, literature, language education, and related cultural areas: Research on Indian languages, literature, language education, and related cultural areas will be supported by the NRF with adequate funds.The mandate of the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology will be renewed and expanded to include all disciplines and fields, not just the physical sciences.Classical languages: Specific plans for the promotion of classical Indian languages and literature must be developed by HEIs. The existing institutions, including National Institutes, for these languages will be strengthened and expanded. A National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit will also be set up. All institutes supporting language programmes will be affiliated with and preferably located in universities, and will be funded to study comparative literature.Vocabulary in Indian languages: The mandate of the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT) will be renewed and vastly expanded to include all disciplines and fields, and not just the physical sciences. This will require adequate staffing, regular meetings of experts, and funding to ensure its objectives are met.Regional bodies\/academies with a similar mandate will be set up to coordinate efforts at State\/UT levels, for each of the 22 Schedule 8 languages. Both the CSTT and the regional bodies will coordinate with scholars and experts at universities for both coining and standardisation of terminology and related linguistic matters. While languages such as Hindi and Sanskrit, which are not primarily tied to one State, could be handled at the Central level in consultation with States, other languages would primarily be taken care of at the State level, with suitable Centre\/States coordination to ensure maximal terminology in common.Each of these bodies will publish the comprehensive updated dictionary of their respective languages every 3 years.All curricula in both schools and universities will use the same standardised terminology that is developed by these institutions.The efforts towards dissemination in the form of dictionaries, glossaries, etc. must be supplemented through facilitating extensive use by teachers and faculty of higher education, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.P22.3.P22.5.Part IVTransforming Education23. Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog Chapter 23Rashtriya Shiksha AayogObjective: Synergistic functioning of Indias education system, to deliver equity and excellence at all levels, from vision to implementation, led by a new Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog.A good education system is central to realizing the ambitious socio-economic development goals of new India. On the other hand, education is also an extraordinarily complex field by its very nature and goals. Indias vibrant diversity exacerbates this complexity. Furthermore this Policy, as is evident from the foregoing chapters, emphasises the creation of a knowledge society which recognises the multiple dimensions of education as well as its holistic nature.The current governance of education in this country falls far short of being able to achieve this goal. This, in turn, will create additional complexities and challenges in the implementation of this Policy. Against this backdrop, there is a need to revisit the existing system of governance, its structures and leadership mechanisms. In particular, for example, one should recognise the need to bring in synergy and coordination between different ministries, departments and agencies among others to make this Policy work given the multiple linkages and also the need to address the dynamic nature of the educational environment. Achieving successful implementation of this Policy thus demands a long-term vision, availability of expertise on a sustained basis, and concerted action from all concerned actors, encompassing national, state, institutional and individual levels. In this context, the Policy envisages the creation of a National Education Commission (NEC)\/RSA as an apex body for Indian education. As the highest level functionary of the government, the Prime Minister (PM) will chair this body and bring to bear the vision of education and the authority of the office in directing the educational endeavour. Also, such a step would ensure the necessary National Education Policy 2019cohesion and synergy between the multiple dimensions of education in the country.The collective vision, under the leadership of the PM, of a body of eminent educationists, researchers, and professionals, with their holistic understanding of the complex demands of the knowledge society will provide an effective high level direction to the national education endeavour. This will also ensure that the NEC\/RSA is flexible, responsive and adaptive to the imperatives of a dynamic fast changing environment. Educational governance as a standalone effort will not achieve the desired success unless the rest of the components of the society have the appropriate attitude and culture. This Policy, for its realisation in the coming years, would certainly call for extraordinary steps in governance, which are unprecedented, and in a sense will precede similar action that India would have to adopt in other national endeavours, in the context of realizing the totality of development.A new apex body, the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog or National Education Commission, will be constituted. It will be headed by the Prime Minister. A new apex body for education - the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: A new apex body, designated as the RSA \/ NEC, will be constituted. The RSA will be responsible for developing, articulating, implementing, evaluating, and revising the vision of education in the country on a continuous and sustained basis. It will also create and oversee the institutional frameworks that will help achieve this vision.Ministry of Education: In order to bring the focus back on education and learning, the MHRD will be redesignated as the Ministry of Education (MoE).Chairperson of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The PM of India will be the Chairperson of the RSA. The PM will convene a meeting of the RSA at least once a year, or as often as is deemed necessary, to review the progress of education in India in its totality, and to appropriately empower and motivate the RSA as needed through his\/her authority.Vice Chairperson of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The Union Minister for Education (UME) will be the Vice Chairperson of the RSA. The UME will provide leadership and chair key operating bodies of the RSA, as detailed in the following.P23.1. P23.2. P23.4. P23.3. 23. Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog Membership of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The RSA will consist of approximately 20-30 members. Membership will include some of the Union Ministers, in rotation, whose ministries impact education directly (e.g. health, woman and child development, finance), as well as a few Chief Ministers of States, in rotation, the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Secretary, Vice-Chairperson of the Niti Aayog, the senior-most Secretary in the Ministry of Education, and other such senior bureaucrats\/administrators as the government may deem appropriate. At least 50% of the members will be eminent educationists, researchers and leading professionals from various fields such as arts, business, health , agriculture and social work. All these members will be people of high expertise, unimpeachable integrity and independence.Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog Appointment Committee: A RSA Appointment Committee (RSAAC), consisting of the PM, the Chief Justice of India, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the leader of the opposition in Parliament, and the UME, will be constituted to enable the appointments to the RSA and to other key related roles and structures.Executive Council of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The RSA will have an EC that will be chaired by the UME in his capacity as the Vice-Chairperson of the RSA. The EC will be charged with translating the vision of the RSA into action, driving the day-to-day work involved in ensuring that the school, higher education and related sectors are evolving in the desired direction, assessing progress through continually analysing data, and taking corrective actions as needed. The UME as chairperson of the EC will enable the functioning of the RSA, by garnering appropriate support for it across the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary, as well as across the States and Union Territories.The Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog will be responsible for developing, articulating, implementing, evaluating and revising the vision of education in the country. Executive Director of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The executive head of the RSA will be the Executive Director (ED), who will also be the Vice-Chairperson of the EC and a member of both the Standing Committees on Coordination (SCCs; see P23.10). The ED will be appointed by the RSAAC P23.5. P23.6. P23.7. P23.8. National Education Policy 2019and will have the rank of Minister of State. The ED will be a person of eminence in education, with deep understanding of Indias education system, a record of stellar public contribution, and broad experience of administration and leadership. The ED will have a five-year term of appointment, which will be renewable one time.Membership of the Executive Council: The EC will have 10-15 members who will be nominated by the RSA for five-year terms which will be renewable just once. All members of the EC will be people with expertise, integrity, and distinction in their respective fields. Two-thirds of the members of the EC will be people from education and research. One-third of the members of the EC will be people who have significant leadership roles in administration, policy, and other fields of development. This will also include senior bureaucrats from the Ministry of Education, the Secretary from the Ministry of Finance, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Niti Aayog.States may set up apex State level bodies called the Rajya Shiksha Aayog or the State Education Commission.Standing Committees on Coordination: The Vice Chairperson of RSA will also chair two SCCs. The first will consist of the Ministers of Education from all the States. The second will consist of Union Ministers from all the relevant ministries connected with education. They will be supported by the Joint Review and Monitoring Board (JRMB) (see P.23.14) to ensure timely coordination and implementation of goals and targets associated with the vision for education articulated by the RSA.Complementary roles of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog and the Ministry of Education: The existing functions and roles within the present MHRD (and related ministries) will be reviewed, mapped, and harmonised with the RSA for complementarity, including the roles and responsibilities of its support structures and teams. A committee chaired by the UME and consisting of the ED and a few members appointed by the UME will be constituted for this purpose at the earliest. Over a period of time, as the roles and functions stabilise, the RSA will be given Constitutional status through an Act of the Parliament.Advisory Council of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The RSA will also be supported by an Advisory Council (AC) consisting of a diverse group of 20-30 people including some of the foremost national and international experts in P23.12. P23.9. P23.11. 23. Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog education. The AC will serve as a think tank for the RSA. It will work in close coordination with the NITI Aayog, with the States, and with other bodies at the Centre as well as the States. It will work with the EC to analyse data, commission field research, and make appropriate policy recommendations. The Advisory Council will be chaired by an eminent educationist from the RSA and will have the ED as its member.Membership of the Advisory Council: The RSA will nominate the members of the AC and appoint its chair. The AC will consist of members from the following groups:a. Eminent educationists from India and from across the world, andb. Members from civil society and other fields related to education and research. All members will have five-year terms. The AC will be convened a few times a year, and both the EC and the RSA will take up its recommendations for consideration.Joint Review and Monitoring Board: A JRMB will be instituted by the RSA to review the performance of the various schemes of both the Central and State governments, and to ensure proper educational development and timely implementation of goals and targets. The JRMB will be a standing board with a term of two years. The JRMB will support all the bodies of the RSA to discharge their functions effectively, including the EC, SCCs and the AC.Secretariat of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog: The RSA will be supported by a strong secretariat, consisting of several layers of bureaucrats and technocrats, who will work on efficiently and effectively progressing the various decisions of the RSA. The Secretariat of the RSA will be adequately staffed and resourced, and housed within the premises of the RSA\/MoE.Coordination with regulatory bodies: The following National level apex bodies will report to the RSA, which will oversee their smooth and effective functioning. The RSA will appoint the chairpersons, chief executives, and members of the Board of all the bodies that report to it: (Proposed) National Higher Education Regulatory Authority National Accreditation and Assessment Council (Proposed) General Education Council (Proposed) Higher Education Grants Council National Council of Educational Research and Training National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (Proposed) National Research FoundationP23.13. P23.15. P23.16. National Education Policy 2019Mechanism for conflict resolution: In the event of conflicts in the functioning of the different components of the regulatory bodies, it will be the responsibility of the ED to resolve the same through the setting up of appropriate mechanisms.Review of budgets: Budgets and their utilisation by all agencies of the Government of India related to education in any way will be reviewed and approved by the RSA. Spending will be prioritised accordingly, in order to ensure coordination and sustained efforts in the direction of the educational vision.Rajya Shiksha Aayogs \/ State Education Commissions: Similar to the RSA, a RjSA\/State Education Commission (SEC) may be constituted in each State, chaired by the Chief Minister with the Minister of Education, nominated by the chair, as Vice-Chair. The respective SECs can have as its members the ministers of education, ministers of other stakeholder ministries related to education, eminent educationists and professionals, and a senior representative from the RSA. The creation of the SECs in the States will facilitate better coordination with the Centre.Terminology: , when used in this Policy document, refer to the RSA itself and any of the other structures or roles supporting the RSA as duly authorised by it. The details of such authorisations will be determined subsequent to the constitution of the RSA.P23.18. P23.19. P23.17. AddendumMaking It HappenAddendum I. FinancingAddendum 1Education will be vital to individual, social and national development in the 21st century. To build and run an equitable and high quality education system, which enables such development, substantial investments will be required. These investments will require expertise, energy, time, and money.This Policy unequivocally commits to raising investment in education substantially - including a significant increase in public financial investment, as also in philanthropic investment.It needs to be noted that this Policy considers all financial support and spend on education as investment, and not as expenditure . Clearly, monies spent on education are all investment into the future of our nation.A1.1. Education - perhaps the best investment for a societyThe nature of education is what economists call a quasi-public good . In other words, the benefits of education accrue not only to the individuals who are educated, but more broadly to society as a whole. And this is without even considering many of the most important aims and benefits of education, which cannot be viewed in economic terms at all, e.g. robust democracy, an equitable society and cultural vibrancy.While fully recognizing that all the benefits of education cannot be viewed from an economic perspective, the points that follow enumerate the strong economic case for investment in education.From an economic perspective, the benefits of investing in education are often viewed in terms of return on investment (ROI). Such ROI in education must be considered at many levels, even within the economic perspective.National Education Policy 2019 At the most basic level, education has ROI for the individual who is educated, in the form of increased earnings (wages) over a life time. This is referred to as private or individual return The next level is benefit to the individual who is educated in other forms of well-being, referred to as externalities in economic literature, e.g. better health, increased life expectancy, and more productive professional and social networks. These benefits are not in money terms, but some part of these benefits can be monetised. Illustratively, better health would result in less cost to the individual and the system. It must be explicitly stated that such monetisation captures only a part of these benefits, e.g. money alone cannot capture the overall effect of better health on the individual and their families. The societal level benefits of education are, again, only partly measurable in money terms (referred to as social return). These accrue from many sources, e.g. the greater productive capacity of an educated workforce, the technological boost to economic activity, innovation driven by research and knowledge development, greater participation of women in more productive work, better public health outcomes, lower rates of incarceration, reduced infant mortality, improved family planning, and enhanced life expectancy, among many others.There are many other important nuances within the economic perspective of education. Some of these are: Higher ROI in education across demographic\/social groups, e.g. for women, for those in poverty, and for disadvantaged regions. ROI of various stages of education, e.g. on early childhood education, on secondary education, on tertiary education.An overview of ROIs at these different levels and nuances follows - this is not an exhaustive list. There is an enormous body of research evidence across decades and across the world on these matters. It must be noted that there is inadequate research on these matters in India, as on most other matters. Therefore, the numbers below are refl ective of global evidence from a range of economies, including those economically less developed to those which are more developed. These ROIs mentioned are in the standard way that they are measured and stated, i.e. as , which denotes percent return on investment for each year of education, up to college education. Each year of education yields a return of around 6-12% to earnings of individuals. The ROI is particularly large for women and for disadvantaged groups: ROI for women are, on average, one percentage point more than those of men. Particularly for early childhood education, the returns are larger at about 13% on an average, and range from 7%-18%; this is due to the larger advantages gained by individuals with early childhood care and education (ECCE), both in terms of overall health as well as education as the inputs are in the early years of growth.Addendum I. Financing While there are a host of ways in which education confers other economic benefits to individuals which are hard to monetise, even single externalities as achieving better health through education can yield an additional 3-4% to earnings of individuals. A very small part of the societal level benefits are quantifiable in monetary terms. One measure is the correlation between differences in years of education and output per capita across countries in the world. An estimate based on this measure suggests that societal level returns of education could measure up-to 3-4 times higher than private returns. In other words, they yield 25%-30% rates of social return over and above the 6-12% private rates of return. It is important to note again that this estimated return does not include the many other social goods being created, which cannot be monetised.The numbers above must be viewed in comparison to other economic investment. For comparison, a long term study suggests that the global average returns on of publicly listed companies is around 5% while the return on financial instruments of debt such as is only 1.8%.It is quite clear that there is a resounding case for investment in education, even when viewed with the narrow lens of economic returns. In fact, it is harder to find any better investment in a society.And this is when some of the most important benefits of education cannot be monetised and hence are not considered in economic analyses. These benefits range from more equal societies and better environment to better human rights and more robust democracies.For the sake of abundant clarity the use of the word in this chapter is in the way it used in economic literature for measuring benefits of investment in education, it in no way refers to . This Policy is unambiguous and explicit that education must be a not-for-profit activity and enterprise in society.A1.1.1. Criticality of public educationThe extremely high overall benefits to society of investment in education - both economic returns and benefits that cannot be monetised - are quite clear. It is also clear that benefits are over and above individual benefits (private returns) on education. Thus, it is absolutely critical that the basis of education in a society be investment in public education. Such public education investment also has direct equity outcomes - those who benefit most from investment in education often do not have the capital to invest into education.In summary, investment in education is the perhaps the best investment for a nation. This Policy envisions an outstanding education system in India, fully backed by the investment that is required to make that happen.National Education Policy 2019A1.2. Inadequate investment and other nancial issuesOn matters related to money, Indian education has faced multiple issues and challenges. Some of the key ones are listed in the following section, along with the Policys approach to addressing these issues.A1.2.1. Inadequate investmentPublic expenditure on education in India was 2.7% of GDP in 2017-18. This was about 10% of the total government (Centre and States) spending (Economic Survey 2017-18). Public spending on education has never attained the 6% of GDP envisaged in the 1968 Policy, reiterated in the Policy of 1986, and which was further reaffirmed in the 1992 Programme of Action.Countries across the world make substantially higher public investment (expenditure) in education than India does. This is true for countries across the spectrum of economic development and of size. The annual public investment in education in India over the last 5 years has been hovering around 3% of GDP. And (illustratively) the corresponding figures stand at 7.5% for Bhutan, Zimbabwe and Sweden; 7% for Costa Rica and Finland; 6% for Kyrgyzstan, South Africa and Brazil; 5.5% for U.K, Netherlands and Palestine; and 5% for Malaysia, Kenya, Mongolia, Korea & USA.(OECD & UNESCO, 2017)It is also worth noting that many of these countries, particularly the OECD countries and the middle-income countries, are in a phase where expansion of education requires little public investment since their education systems are well established and provide complete access often with high quality out- comes. So, the allocation is mostly to merely run their systems. As against this, India still needs to make substantial investments in capacity expansion along with the expenditure to run the system.Equally important is the fact that we need to make substantial additional investments to improve our education outcomes.The large deficit in the public financing that is required versus what has been made available eventually manifests in compromised quality of educational outcomes and lack of improvement. A large proportion of public expenditure on education comprises salaries of people (including teachers) existing in the system, with grossly inadequate amounts allocated for other matters, e.g. learning resources, school maintenance, laboratories, midday meals, etc. Even lesser amounts are allocated for real changes and development of the system, which are necessary for improvement of key educational outcomes. Also, urgently needed manpower (e.g. teachers, support staff) is not added, or added with temporary contracts and low salaries. All of this is directly a result of inadequate financial resources being made available.Addendum I. FinancingA1.2.2. Approach of the Policy on investment in educationThe Policy envisions significant increase in public investment in education. This would go up from the current 10% of overall public expenditure in education to 20%, over a 10-year period. This gradual increase will ensure that as all the actions of this Policy come on stream, adequate funding is made available, while giving the government room to plan and accommodate these increases.Two important trends of the Indian economy will support these increased investments. First, the rapid pace of economic growth will increase the size of the Indian economy, making it the worlds third largest economy by 2030-32. The estimated size of the Indian economy (according to NITI Aayog, 2016) then is USD 10 trillion, up from the current USD 2.8 trillion. Second, driven by the systematic measures of the government, the tax-to-GDP ratio is likely to improve, continuing the trend of the past 4 years where it has improved by 1.5%.Thus, the Policy is confident of the rising public investment in education, which will be appropriately allocated as per the directions of this Policy. An indicative summary of the use of these increased funding is in Section A1.4 of this chapter.A1.2.3. Operational problems and leakageThe inefficiencies and operational problems within the financing system of education eventually affect the operations of schools and colleges.The public system is plagued by lack of timely disbursement of funds. For example, salaries for college faculty are delayed by months in many States, schools get the funds for midday meals late, and facility maintenance funds are disbursed after long intervals while the requirement is on a daily and monthly basis.Often the funds are released to the users, towards the end of the financial year. This leads to one of two problems. Either the funds are not utilied, since adequate time is not there to use the funds effectively, for example, to assess and buy the right learning resources or conduct high quality training. Or the funds are spent for the sake of spending, with no genuine educational impact. These problems are exacerbated because the next years budgets are dependent substantially on utilisation of funds in the current year.An even more fundamental problem is that the investment in creating and developing human capacity is highly inadequate. This has a cascading effect across the education chain through many pathways, deeply affecting educational outcomes. From a financial perspective, this drives suboptimal utilisation of funds. For example, the District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) have about 45% vacancies (Concept Paper on Strengthening National Education Policy 2019District Institutes of Education and Training, MHRD, 2017) against their approved manpower, and are often staffed with people who are not appropriate for these roles; this leads to the DIET allocations not being used or being used ineffectively.The importance of integrity and probity cannot be overemphasised. The education system is afflicted by the same kind of maladies on this matter, as most other things in the country. This leads to leakage of funds, eventually depriving students of resources that should have been deployed for their benefit and development.A1.2.4. Approach of the Policy to operational problems and leakage in the nancial system of educationThe overall governance and management structures envisaged by this Policy will focus on the smooth, timely and appropriate fl ow of funds, and their usage with probity. This will be enabled by the clear separation of roles (e.g. of running the school system by Directorate of School Education (DSE) and regulation by State School Regulatory Authority (SSRA), empowerment and autonomy to institutions (e.g. to Higher Education Institutions [HEIs] and school complexes), appointment of people to leadership roles who have the relevant capacity (e.g. as Block Education Officers [BEOs] and Directors), mechanisms for public spirited oversight (e.g. empowered School Management Committees [ SMCs] for schools and Board of Governors [BoGs] for HEIs), rigorous planning processes (e.g School Development Plans [SDPs] for schools), and enlightened oversight thorough the Rajya Shiksha Aayog (RjSA) and Rashtriya Shiksha RSA. Also, the Policy gives top priority to the creation and development of human capacity at all levels.The details of this approach are in the respective chapters (see Chapters 7, 8, 17 and 18); this Chapter has a few brief directional points.A1.2.5. Role for non-public sources of fundsWhile India has had a long history of private philanthropic educational activity and direct institutional intervention in education, this impetus was lost after the first half century post-Independence. This was probably due to the mistrust of private activity over time that was seen to have become profit-seeking, and also the resurgence of increasing government control over education that happened in the 1960-80 period. Many private institutions became dependent on government financial support, as in the case of aided schools and colleges all over the country, and the distinction between private and public activity became blurred.Addendum I. FinancingThe resurgence of private educational provision that began gathering momentum after the economic liberalisation of the 1990s is arguably different from that in the past. It is evident, at least for a large segment of private providers, that education became de facto a commercial profit-seeking exercise. The tight control of the government on the allocation of licences for starting schools, colleges and universities resulted in individuals and organisations with political connections being able to dominate the new institutional space.Governments, in an effort to control profit-seeking, have tended to introduce tighter regulatory controls and restrictions, thereby robbing institutions of autonomy and preventing innovation. The control of teacher education through a plethora of rules is a cautionary tale of such overzealous regulation, which has neither succeeded in checking expansion of profiteering poor quality institutions nor in encouraging good public-spirited institutions and overall improvement of system outcomes.Public spirited not-for-profit initiatives in education have faced other hurdles. For example, the operational obstacles in collaborating with public systems, absence of clear mechanisms for contributions to find good use, and the absence of an enthusiastic response on the part of many public officials. While it is clear from Indias own experience, as in other countries, that such philanthropic capital has a signifi cant role to play in education, we are far from leveraging its full potential. For example, some of the best universities in the world are philanthropically funded, while we have very few such instances in India. The current situation is a function of both the hurdles that philanthropic initiatives face, and the philanthropic intent of the public, especially the wealthy.A1.2.6. Approach of the Policy to encourage not-for-prot, public-spirited private funding in educationThis Policy calls for the rejuvenation, active promotion and support for private philanthropic activity in the education sector. All sources of philanthropic activity will be encouraged through these mechanisms such as the development office in the HEIs, funding for research through the National Research Foundation (NRF), etc. Philanthropic is used by the Policy in it broadest sense to include public spirited funding on a not-for- profit basis for any educational endeavour. This includes philanthropy by individuals (whether large or small scale), corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds of corporates, and community mobilisation of funds. The Policy also suggests an equitable method for charging fees to those students who have the capacity to pay in higher education, while fully recognizing that such fees cannot support financial viability of any HEI; private philanthropic (or public) support will be required (see P18.6.3).National Education Policy 2019The matter of commercialisation of education has been dealt by the Policy through multiple relevant fronts, including the light but tight regulatory approach, the substantial investment in public education, and by mechanisms for good governance including transparent public disclosure. These matters are dealt with in detail in Chapters 8, 17 and 18 of the Policy.A1.3. Policy for higher investment to improve quality and equity of educationThe overall public investment on education (by both Central and State governments) will be scaled up substantially in the coming years to realise the goals of education that the nation requires. Along with this, other sources of financing will also have to be scaled up.A1.3.1. Public investment to improve quality and equity of educationWhile this Policy reaffirms the national commitment of 6% of GDP as public investment in education, it recognises that this would only be possible as Indias tax-to-GDP ratio improves. Given the recent decisive actions and encouraging outcomes in this regard, it would certainly be possible to reach the 6% number in the mid-to-long term.It is more effective (and actionable) in the short-to-medium term to consider goals of public investment in education as a proportion of overall public expenditure. On this count, the policy envisions that the overall public expenditure on education must increase to 20% of all public expenditure - Central and State governments combined - for the appropriate Policy actions to be undertaken.There must be a gradual but sure increase of resource allocations. This must happen in the face of other existing claims on government finances. The growth rate of GDP will not be a constraint, given the overall increasing size of the Indian economy. Such increases may be helped by dedicating specifi c revenue streams (such as cesses) to education or by gradually reserving a larger share of a growing pie of revenues to education.Incremental increase in public investment till it reaches 20% of total public expenditure: At an overall level, e.g. a 1% increase every year, will take public expenditure to 20% in 10 years from the current 10%. Funds must be strategically deployed to improve access to quality education at all levels, from early childhood education to higher education. Additional one-time expenditure will also be required for all levels of education. This will require adequate autonomy with fiduciary accountability at different levels, including A1.3.1.1. Addendum I. Financingthe school, to utilise the allocated funds effectively. A directional estimate of resources that may be required to implement key areas in this Policy is appended at the end of this chapter.Multiple sources of funding - complementary to public funding: Within the public and private sectors, there are multiple sources of finance which includes the government revenue- based funds as well as philanthropy and business-related funds. For example, public expenditure is not restricted to funds allocated by Central and State governments from their revenue but also includes funds deployed by public sector corporations as a part of their mandated CSR efforts in line with the Companies Act, 2013. These different sources of funds must be seen together as complementary sources of financing that can provide the required financial impetus to meet all the policy actions envisaged.Central government expenditure on education has to double: The current investment from the Central government will have to increase proportionately, for overall public investment on education to rise to 20% of overall public expenditure. The primary source of funds will be from tax receipts. The recent trends reported and projections are optimistic in terms of the tax collections; e.g. if trends such as a 50% increase in unique indirect taxpayers under the GSTadditional 1.8 million individual income tax filers since November 2016 (Economic Survey 2017-18) continue, the increased allocation can happen at a faster pace.State government expenditure will have to increase signicantly in some States: The States support a substantial part of the overall education investment in the country, around 75% of the overall education spends are by the States. Some State governments have been able to spend a substantial proportion of their total expenditure on education, showing that the allocation is not always linked to the economic status of the State. Comparatively economically disadvantaged States have incurred larger expenditure on education in order to provide adequately for envisioned education projects. Some UTs \/ States spend nearly a quarter of their expenditure or up to a fifth on education, while others spend only around 11-12% of their total expenditure. All State governments have to prioritise education and increase allocation, thereby driving the national education agenda as in this Policy. It is recommended that all States allocate at least 20% of their overall spends to education.Appropriate allocations for all matters: Required sums will be allocated for all heads, and special care will be taken that financial support is not in any way compromised for important components e.g. learning resources, matters of student safety and well-being, nutritional support, adequate staffing, teacher development and support. These allocations will ensure that full and adequate support is provided for all initiatives to ensure equitable high quality education for underprivileged and underrepresented groups.A1.3.1.2. A1.3.1.3. A1.3.1.4. A1.3.1.5. National Education Policy 2019A1.3.2. Efcient disbursal and use of public funds - addressing operational issuesThe structural, governance and regulatory mechanisms to enable effi cient management of the public education system along with a high degree of probity are detailed in other chapters (e.g. See Section 18.6). This improved system will enable sound financial management and smooth funds fl ow by tackling the current hurdles, which will be eliminated systematically. This financial system will ensure transparency and integrity, and support the effective functioning of the education system, by providing adequate funds in a timely manner, without uncertainties, and empowerment for usage.Funds flow - on time: It is critical that all allocated funds are released on time by the Central and State governments, and disbursed such that the fl ow of funds aids on-time utilisation. Once the budgets are approved, there should not be any reason for withholding any part of the allocated funds.The fund release will be done completely and as per agreed upon in the institutional development plans (IDPs). This is essential for actionizing the plans and implementing this Policy, hence should not be violated. Post the release, the funds will be disbursed without delay at any level till they reach the last unit where they are to be spent. The processes of fund disbursal will be made completely transparent such that they can be easily monitored and accountability can be fixed at all levels.Utilizing allocated funds: Complete and on-time utilisation of disbursed funds is a crucial aspect of education finance. The allocated funds will be released and disbursed to the respective account at the beginning of the financial year as per the IDPs and the utilisation of the amount will be spread across the year or at given points of time as per the IDP. Deviations to this plan will be allowed within the financial year in order to encourage the execution of the plan; however, lump sum utilisation of funds towards the end of the financial year will be discouraged.Genuine utilisation of funds: Funds that are allocated based on the IDPs submitted should be completely utilised, and this Policy encourages stakeholders at all levels to facilitate this process. It provides for the required autonomy at all levels with accountability only against the submitted plans; while allowing for deviations to some extent due to change of plans and external circumstances.While funds must be disbursed and not withheld, the utilisation must be genuine, and the culture of utilisation for utilisations sake must be stopped. At different levels of the governance structure, stakeholders will be encouraged to utilise all the funds without any fear as long as it is honestly done. Integrity in this matter will be measured, including against the plan and in the processes adhered to. Therefore, the processes should be made transparent such that, for A1.3.2.1. A1.3.2.2. A1.3.2.3. Addendum I. Financingall honest stakeholders, it is easy to utilise any funds and at the same time all concerned stakeholders can be aware of the expenditure incurred.Capacity development for optimal utilisation of funds: Substantial and adequate investment will be made to develop human and institutional capacity to utilise funds appropriately.A1.3.3. Systematic encouragement and opportunity for philanthropic support to education from multiple sourcesThe emphasis of this policy is to ensure adequate public funding for education, however this increased public funding does not have to be at the cost of public-spirited private activity.Public and private activity are not at odds, but need to complement each other. Private investment in provision of education, that is truly not-for-profit and philanthropic in nature, must be encouraged and facilitated. Along with this, profiteering must be checked and scrupulously pushed back using existing laws diligently. This section describes the manner in which not-for-profit private activity such as philanthropy, CSR, etc., can be encouraged and supported to aid the improvement of the education system.Supporting a philanthropic culture: State and Central governments will develop mechanisms and a culture to support philanthropy. On the ground response and support by the public system are often most important for such efforts to succeed or fail; hence, culture and capacity for this would be developed within the public system - especially at the levels concerned with the operational handling of these matters. This support must be available to both small and large philanthropic efforts.A new class of grant-making private institutions as part of the enabling mechanism: A new class of private institutions purely for grant-making with impeccable integrity, which pool smaller private funding for both new institutions and also for supporting existing institutions, may be established. The government may facilitate the establishment of such institutions by using the good offices of large private donors, both individuals and existing Trusts, and also creating the necessary regulatory enablers. In other words, this can be operationalised through the private philanthropic trusts model which already has precedence in the country.Qualitative shift in the focus of regulation: Truly not-for-profit private initiatives through philanthropic funding must be actively encouraged, enabled and sought out. Philanthropic funding that would enable this may A1.3.2.4. A1.3.3.1. A1.3.3.2. A1.3.3.3. National Education Policy 2019be prioritised towards direct intervention. Direct intervention works at two levels:a. Setting up high quality institutions that improve both quality and equity of provision; and b. Reaching ultimate beneficiaries directly through existing institutions. For-profit educational activity must be completely stopped.Facilitating setting of up of high quality philanthropic institutions committed to inclusion: Every State government may set up processes of fast-track regulatory permission for obtaining licences for starting institutions, including for obtaining permission for establishing infrastructure, entirely on a not-for-profit basis. The funders must have proven financial capacity for not just beginning operations, but ensuring long-term sustainability with strong corpus\/endowment funds.In order to enable such initiatives, the Central government must enable such funders through removing obstacles for national operations. At the same time, there must be clear financial guidelines that ensure that such institutions meet educational and financial norms for quality. For example, all such new institutions must not depend on fees for more than 25% of expenses; the student-faculty ratio must not exceed 30:1 in schools and 20:1 in higher education institutions; they must have a presence in small towns and Special Education Zones (see Chapter 6).Every such new institution must have a long-term commitment to inclusion of socio-economically disadvantaged students, and supporting them till graduation through adequate bridge programmes, mentoring and other systematic academic support initiatives. At the same time, these institutions must have complete financial and curricular autonomy as described in Section 17.1 on Empowered governance and effective leadership (See P17.1.20 and P17.1.21). This encouragement to set up new high quality institutions would focus on priority areas; e.g. early childhood education in underserved geographies and for excluded populations, in higher education leading to liberal undergraduate degrees, in teacher education and in preparation of medical professionals. Involvement of industry bodies in the improvement of quality of technical education is also to be promoted.Thrust areas to channelise private funding for existing institutions: Private philanthropic funding will also be channelised towards critical needs of existing institutions. This policy identifies four key thrust areas for private funding to support existing educational work. Such funding will be made available to all institutions, both public and private. This list is not exhaustive and more such avenues would be added as and when required.a. The rst thrust area to channelise private funding is scholarships: A large nation-wide initiative for drawing private funding to award both need-based and achievement- based scholarships at all levels of education must be initiated. The initiative can be administered by the grant-making institutions mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs. The organisational mechanism for A1.3.3.4. A1.3.3.5. Addendum I. Financingadministering the funds must be transparent, low on bureaucracy and managed by private philanthropic groups with impeccable track record and integrity. Grants for doctoral programmes that prepare teachers in higher education will be an important element of this initiative.b. The second thrust area to channelise private funding is infrastructure funding: Many existing institutions need signifi cant funding for adding to physical infrastructure. A global fund-raising initiative that allows the grant-making institutions to create an infrastructure fund is important. National and international financial institutions could play an important part in this. Infrastructure requires substantial one-time funding, which large national banks and international financial institutions should be encouraged to contribute to.c. The third thrust area to channelise private funding is faculty recruitment and development in technical and other areas of tertiary education: Existing institutions will be supported to fill faculty positions through grants specifically directed for this. Many existing institutions have not been able to improve the quality of their teaching and research because faculty have not been supported for continued professional development. Supporting institutions for faculty development programmes, and hiring of temporary faculty to replace those on professional development leave can be funded under this initiative. A tried and tested approach in this regard is to establish Chairs in HEIs. Several types of Chairs supported by various national and international philanthropic initiatives should be established in this regard across all the major HEIs in the country.d. The fourth thrust area is teacher professional development and organisational funding in school education: Professional development of teachers through existing public systems is under-funded and also relatively ineffective. This is an area for signifi cant public-private partnerships. In addition, private initiatives are needed in areas like creation of computing platforms, apps and tools that help institutions manage their infrastructure, operations and communication effectively.State governments may consider creating independent trusts, governed by eminent educationists, which can help channel funds donated by philanthropists to public schools, for various purposes, e.g. creating infrastructure, improving meals, purchase of books. Such trusts will enable philanthropists to deploy their funds in an optimal manner in the service of public education.Encouraging philanthropic activity for research and innovation: Philanthropy will be encouraged in domains and areas which require research and innovation. For this, NRF will offer opportunities for research funding.This encouragement will also be given in areas that involve taking risks, which large public systems take time to engage with and find hard to make a success of. This would include matters that require attracting and building A1.3.3.6. National Education Policy 2019teams that do cutting edge and\/or diffi cult work. Such efforts would be used for learning and eventually scaled up by the public systems.A1.3.4. Some specic sources of philanthropic fundingAll sources of philanthropic funds, including individuals, corporations and communities will be encouraged. Individuals who do large scale philanthropy and those who are equally (or even more) committed, but may be able to offer a lower quantum of funding because of their relatively lower income and wealth, will be equally encouraged. While all the mechanisms and actions discussed in A1.3.3. will be available to all sources of philanthropic funds, some other matters are relevant in the context of corporations and specifi c communities.A1.3.4.1. Business and industrial corporationsThe Companies Act, 2013 is a landmark legislation and one of its kind in the world wherein there is an attempt to guide and quantify CSR expenditure. The Act, as it came into effect from April 1, 2014, mandated every company, private limited or public limited, which either has a net worth of 500 crore or a turnover of 1000 crore or net profit of , to spend at least 2% of its average net profit for the immediately preceding three financial years on Corporate Social Responsibility activities . One of the important areas listed for CSR is promoting education, including special education and employment, enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects. This aspect should be further strengthened with mechanisms to channel the CSR funds into specifi c areas prioritised in this Policy.a. Corporate social responsibility should bring in substantial funds for education: Large business houses and industries should be encouraged to contribute to the national agenda on education. Appropriate pathways will be created to enable this.b. Corporate social responsibility of Public Sector Undertakings: CSR activity of PSUs could focus substantially on education, especially in disadvantaged communities and areas close to their areas of operation.A1.3.4.2. Alumni and local communitiesA largely untapped source of funds is the alumni of our educational institutions. Anecdotal references indicate that many alumni are keen to fund various initiatives in the institutions they have studied in, but do not find appropriate means to do so. Efforts to engage and seek the support of local communities have also been inadequate across the education system. In both these cases, Addendum I. Financingthere are successful exemplars available across the country, which can be learnt from.a. Facilitating contribution of alumni and local communities: Appropriate measures should be taken up in order to facilitate the aspirations of alumni and the local community to contribute to education.Transparency is the key principle in this regard and, if people are assured that their contributions will be utilised well, it can become a regular source of funds, particularly for the many old and well-established institutions, which in most cases are public ones.Institutions will be encouraged to set up mechanisms to enable these contributions. In the case of the HEIs the Development Offi ce will play a key role in enabling this (See P17.1.17. Strong structures and mechanisms for raising resources - Development Office). One of the first steps in this regard will be to develop a dossier with relevant information about the alumni of HEIs. Creating and maintaining a dossier on alumni should become a part of the culture in all educational institutions in the country.b. Encouraging the continued involvement of religious institutions in national educational activities: Hindu Mutts and Ashrams, Christian Missionary Institutions, Islamic trusts, Buddhist and Jain community initiatives, Gurudwaras, etc. have contributed to various educational initiatives throughout our history. They have also eagerly participated in the national educational initiatives which should be acknowledged and strengthened in a manner that the overall objectives of this policy received further support.A1.4. Where will the additional resources be required?The implementation of this Policy will require additional resources. Some of the additional investment will be of nature (See A1.5; table A1.9), and some will be of continuing\/recurring nature (See tables A1.1 to A1.8). The increase in public expenditure on education from the current 10% of the overall public expenditure in the country to 20% over a period of time will support the Policy implementation.This section has a very high level estimate on additional resources required for different areas of the Policy. These estimates are only directional indicators, the National Education Policy 2019actual requirements may vary significantly on the basis of several factors such as timing, prevailing economic conditions, and demographic trends. These estimates are only for public funds; private philanthropic funds will be invested in addition to these estimates.A1.4.1. Overview of additional continuing\/recurring expenditureThe percentage figures indicate the estimated additional expenditure for that particular head as a proportion of the total public (government) expenditure that may be required. These are estimated on the basis of 2017-18 (Budget Estimate) public expenditure figures - the actual gures in terms of rupees will grow with the growth in public nance over time. Allocation items Annual* expenditure- % to total expenditure by the government#Relevant sections in this Policy DocumentA. Early childhood education - expansion \/ improvementsB. Foundational literacy and numeracy - NTP \/ RIAP \/ LibrariesC. Schools - additional teacher costs \/ complex resourcesD. Food \/ nutrition (MDM+) - Breakfast \/ enhanced nutrition componentE. Teacher education and continuing professional development of teachersF. Universities and colleges - Quality \/ faculty \/operationsG. Research - NRF funding1. 1 (P1.2.)Chapter 2 (P2.5., P2.6. and P2.15.) Chapter 7 (7.1. and 7.2.)Chapter 2 (P2.1.) Chapter 5 (5.3. and 5.5.)Chapter 10 (10.3., 10.7. and 10.11.)Chapter 14 (P.14.1.3.) Total additional expenditure as % of overall public expenditure (per annum) Current proportion of public expenditure on education (per annum)10.910Overall proportion of Public Expenditure on Education (per annum) 20.9Addendum I. Financing*recurring \/ will grow with the public finance growth#all percentages are rounded off to the closest first decimal NTP: National Tutors ProgrammeRIAP: Remedial Instructional Aides Programme Table A1.1 The high-level explanation and approximate workings for each of the items in Table A1.1 are presented in the sections that follow.A1.4.2. Expansion and improving early childhood educationEarly childhood education will be improved and will become an integral part of school education, and also be included in the RTE Act. Table A1.2 The investments in early childhood education will be on creating adequate infrastructure, developing learning resources, building teacher capacity and ensuring nutrition.Infrastructure has to be improved on two fronts. Existing Anganwadis have to be improved and on the other hand, new infrastructure has to be created wherever early childhood education groups will be added to existing schools.All early childhood education centres have to be adequately and substantially resourced, including for safety, creating a cheerful environment and providing comfort. Learning resources have to enhanced and improved.The current Anganwadi workers will require substantial training to develop as early childhood educators. Subsequently, they will need continuous Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* 1. Universalisation of early childhood education - Catering to all children in the age group 3-6 years2. Capacity development of teachers & helpers - 20 days of annual in-service programme1.30.1 Total additional expenditure required for Early Childhood Education*all % are rounded off to the closest first decimal 1.4National Education Policy 2019professional development like other school teachers. Additional teachers have to be appointed to have an adequate number of teachers at this level. Also, the service conditions of Anganwadi staff will have to be improved.Nutrition has to be improved for all children, for which early childhood centres are important. The nutritional related aspects the current Anganwadi system focusses on are a bare minimum, and need to be enhanced considerably.A1.4.3. Foundational literacy and numeracyBasic literacy and numeracy require immediate attention, as currently there is a huge deficit of learning. In this regard, it is important to actionize the NTP and RIAP; these two programmes with their large teams of well trained volunteers will help teachers in schools bridge the gap on an immediate basis.Table A1.3 The NTP and RIAP are part of the short mid-term measure. The tutors and aid instructors will have to go through adequate training on a regular basis till the goal of foundational literacy and numeracy is achieved.Suitable reading material is critical in enhancing foundational literacy and numeracy. It is, therefore, crucial that all learning spaces are converted into print rich environments with library corners, class libraries and school libraries. The investment will be on resources, which include books, journals and magazines. These reading materials will not only be teaching learning materials for the classroom but will also excite children about learning during the Foundational years.Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* 1. National Tutors programme (NTP) for all public schools.2. Remedial Instructional Aides programme (RIAP) - Aid Instructors (AI) for every school complex3. Capacity building of WAIs4. Libraries - creating print rich environment in each class0. additional expenditure for Foundational Literacy-Numeracy*all % are rounded off to the closest second decimal and the total to the first decimal0.2Addendum I. FinancingA1.4.4. Adequate and appropriate resources at all schools, leveraging the efciency of school complexesAll schools will be adequately and appropriately resourced, including physical infrastructure, learning resources, and human resources, including teachers. For this, school complexes will be looked at as the basic unit of educational administration, so that maximum effi ciencies can be obtained. Table A1.4All teacher vacancies will be filled, with appropriate pupil teacher ratio and for full coverage of subjects. Teachers will be appointed for areas such as special education, art, theatre, yoga etc. The appointments will be made so as to adequately resource the entire school complex, fully staffing the primary schools, and cross leveraging subject teachers and other special area teachers across the complex. Social workers will be appointed the school complexes. Also, adequate support staff will be provided to the school complex.Learning resources of various kinds, including digital resources, books, and laboratory material will be provided and will need continuous renewal. This will also include material for children to work with, including for vocational education, sports, music.Adequate funds for maintaining all facilities in the schools will be provided, including for electricity, water and general infrastructure upkeep.Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* 1. Additional staff resourcing- Filling all teacher vacancies - salary impact- Teachers for special education, theatre, arts, sports, etc. for every school complex- Social workers for school complex2. Increase in maintenance budget for Schools3. Recurring expenditure on learning resources0. Total additional expenditure required for 2.0 adequate Resourcing of Schools*all % are rounded off to the closest first decimal, except item 3National Education Policy 2019Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* 1. High quality four-year integrated B.Ed. programmes across the country - investment in faculty, learning resources, operations2. Reimagined continuous professional development for over 8 million teachers.0.30.3A1.4.5. Food and nutritionThe importance of adequate nutrition cannot be overemphasised. The mid-day meal in public schools has played a critical role in the well-being of children, however it has over time become very insuffi cient because of inadequate financial allocation. Food at all levels of the school will be improved to provide full and adequate nutrition to all students.Table A1.5The per-meal allotment will be increased to provide nutritionally adequate food to all students, appropriate to their age. This allotment will also be linked to food inflation, so that there is a continuing increase to maintain nutritional adequacy. Breakfast will be added to the meals provided in schools. The school-based meal programme will be extended up to Grade 12. All food choices will be made judiciously on the basis of nutrition content, fresh local sourcing, and diversity. Safety and quality of food will be paramount; adequate investments will be made to ensure this.1.4.6. Teacher education and continuing professional development of teachersThe improvements in the teacher education system and effective continuous professional development of teachers will require signifi cant specific support.Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* 1. Adding Breakfast2. Increasing per meal allotment for nutritional adequacy 0.60.7 Total additional expenditure required for Breakfast 1.3 and MDM+*all % are rounded off to the closest first decimalAddendum I. FinancingTotal additional expenditure required for 0.6 Teacher Development *all % are rounded off to the closest first decimal Table A 1.6 Teacher education in the country will move towards a high quality four-year integrated B.Ed. programme. This will require substantial investment and capacity creation. To enable these high quality teacher education programmes, significant investment will be required in facilities, as also in the development of teacher educators. The approach of continuous professional development of teachers will be changed completely to provide effective, multimodal and high quality professional development opportunities. This will be very important in the short- and mid-term improvement of educational outcomes.A1.4.7. Universities and CollegesThe new institutional architecture of higher education with large multidisciplinary institutions, with a liberal education approach, will require significant investment. This will range from faculty, learning resources, infrastructure, maintenance, etc.Table A1.7 The consolidation of smaller HEIs and development of large multidisciplinary institutions will offer possibilities of resource effi ciency. However, overall significant support will be required for ensuring availability of adequate facilities, learning resources, and faculty. This will also include factoring for appropriate staffing of faculty, to support research along with teaching in Type 1 and 2 institutions.The development of high quality vocational programmes within mainstream education will also require substantial support.Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* 1. Type 1: 150-300 HEIs (research universities)2. Type 2: 1000-2000 HEIs (teaching universities)3. Type 3: 5000-10000 HEIs (colleges) Total additional expenditure required for Higher Education 5.0 *all % are rounded off to the closest first decimalNational Education Policy 2019Allocation items % to Total Government Expenditure*One-time A. Expansion and improvement of ECCE centresB. Strengthening school infrastructureC. Digital resourcesD. HEI teaching infrastructure and residencesE. Scholarships endowments0. Total Additional Expenditure required 3.0 *all % are rounded off to the closest first decimalA1.4.8. ResearchFunding for research has to be accessible and broad-based across disciplines. High quality research will require the development of an overall vibrant system.Table A1.8 The NRF will be a new apex body set up to facilitate research. The NRF will be an autonomous body that will establish mechanisms to fund and mentor research capacity creation.A1.5. One time expenditureIn addition to the above recurring investments across various segments, there will be one-time expenditure as well on some things. These one-time expenditures will primarily be for resources, which includes infrastructure related work.Table A1.9Additional expenditure required for: % to Total Government Expenditure* Support for NRF 0.4 Total additional expenditure required for Research activities*all % are rounded off to the closest first decimal 0.4National Education Policy 2019Addendum 2 Way ForwardObjective: Ensure that the Policy is fully implemented in its spirit and intent, through coherence in planning and synergy across all bodies involved in education.Any policy is only as good as its implementation. The National Education Policy 2019 needs to be implemented true to its spirit for Indias education to be transformed. This implementation will require multiple initiatives and actions, which will have to be taken by multiple bodies in a synchronised and systematic manner. Further, the strategy of implementation would involve setting appropriate timelines and priorities.A2.1. Policy implementationIndia has a history of well-thought out and well-intentioned policy initiatives, guided by principles of access, equity and quality, and implemented with thought and care. However, the challenge of implementation of initiatives, which involve multiple bodies and multiple stakeholders, remains. To add to this complexity are issues such as investment, reviews and mid-course corrections, communication, contextualisation, advocacy, etc.These issues lead to challenges such as incoherence between policy and implementation, partial implementation, a fragmented and\/or a programmatic and short-term approach, overlap and\/or lack of synergy between programmes and activities designed to reach a common goal, inadequate or inappropriate distribution of resources, inadequate monitoring mechanisms, and so on.A few key guiding principles for implementing this Policy, along with a broad road map of actions to be initiated by the appropriate bodies\/authorities is enumerated in this chapter. It is quite clear that these principles and Addendum 2. Way Forwardroadmap are a high level guide; much more detailed planning will have to be done by the bodies in charge of the implementation.A2.2. Principles to guide implementation of National Education Policy 2019In order to ensure the Policy is realised, implementation must be guided by the following principles:Spirit and intent: Implementation of the spirit and intent of the Policy is the most critical matter. While the Policy has much detail, the real intent and the spirit of the Policy must be the most important consideration.Phased implementation: It is important to implement the Policy initiatives in a phased mannera. Each policy point has many stepsb. Phases are critical as they lay the foundation for the next level of implementationc. Phased implementation provides for better overall integrity of the PolicyPrioritisation: Prioritisation is important to appropriately sequence the policy initiativesa. Though the Policy aims to transform education comprehensively, it requires a step-by-step approach which includes prioritisation of actionb. Prioritisation will help in sequencing the action in a manner that the most critical and urgent actions are taken up first, enabling a strong baseComprehensiveness: Comprehensiveness of implementation - not piecemeal; addressing the entire education system as a whole will be the approacha. This Policy is focused on transforming education in the country and hence it takes a comprehensive look; there is a totality about the Policyb. The approach therefore has to be a full-fledged one in order to achieve the objectivesBuilding on existing structures when possible: The focus will be to build on existing structures - to revive and invigorate existing structures wherever possible will be the priority; building new ones is a second priority and will be within the existing structuresA2.2.1.A2.2.2.A2.2.5.National Education Policy 2019a. The strength of any good Policy lies in building on what already exists - particularly the structures and institutions; therefore this Policy will prioritise on strengthening what existsb. New structures and institutions will aid in further streamlining and consolidating the education sectorJoint monitoring and cohesive implementation: Since education is a concurrent subject, it needs careful planning, joint monitoring and cohesive implementation.Appropriate resourcing: Timely infusion of requisite resources - human, infrastructural, and financial - will be key for the satisfactory execution.Analysis and review: Careful analysis and review of the linkages between multiple implementation steps will be necessary in order to ensure effective dovetailing of all initiatives. This will also include early investment in some of the specific actions that will be imperative to ensuring a strong base and a smooth progression for all subsequent programmes and actions.A2.3. Approach to road map for implementation: Key actions led by various bodiesThe section below outlines the broad timelines and responsibility for policy initiatives stated in the National Education Policy 2019. The end date for implementation, which indicates that the policy initiative has been implemented completely as envisaged and is in steady state, has been stated for each action (in bold within square brackets).Responsibility for anchoring a policy initiative is assigned to a body\/bodies which will be central to implementation in terms of driving the reform. This would imply that all bodies which report to the anchoring body, as well as all others which will contribute towards attaining the same goals will also be involved and accountable for the end result. For example, while regulation of higher education will be done by NHERA, it will also require NAAC and AIs working in tandem.The roadmap identifies key policy initiatives at a systemic level. The actual implementation of the Policy will require a much greater level of detail. It is up to the body\/bodies leading the specific policy areas to undertake planning of implementation in much greater detail, in adherence to the principles mentioned above.A2.2.6.A2.2.7.A2.2.8.Addendum 2. Way ForwardActions by Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentThe establishment of the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (RSA) \/ National Education Commission (NEC) will be a first priority to help in comprehensively and holistically implementing this Policy.MHRD.1 The RSA \/ NEC will be established. All relevant initiatives for its formation will be facilitated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. [2019] MHRD.2 The RSA Appointment Committee (RSAAC), consisting of the Prime Minister (PM), the Chief Justice of India, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, and the Union Minister for Education, will be constituted to enable the appointments to the RSA and to other key related roles. [2019] MHRD.3 The MHRD will be re-designated as the Ministry of Education (MoE). [2019]Actions by the Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog and Ministry of EducationThe following actions will ideally be taken by the RSA and MoE once MHRD.1-3 are completed.RSA-MOE.1 The RSA and its bodies will be constituted and relevant appointments will be made by the RSAAC. This will include the Executive Council, the Standing Committees on Coordination, and the Advisory Council. It will also include the appointment of the Executive Director of the RSA. The transition, as outlined in the Policy, will include formalising the roles and responsibilities of MoE, the RSA, and its bodies. [2020] RSA-MOE.2 The entire higher education regulatory system will be transformed with a single regulatory body, and the existing multiple regulatory bodies will evolve into playing new roles. The National Higher Education Regulatory Authority (NHERA) will be set up as the single regulatory body for the entire HE sector. The UGC and existing regulatory bodies will be transformed into the Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC) and Professional Standard Setting Bodies (PSSBs), respectively. The General Education Council (GEC) will be constituted as an academic leadership institution. [2020]National Education Policy 2019RSA-MOE.3 Early childhood education will be integrated with school education in all aspects as outlined in MoE-SDoE.1. In keeping with this change, oversight of early childhood education will be the responsibility of MoE, while MWCD and MHFW will continue to be responsible for their mandates. MoE will coordinate with MWCD, RSA, and State level equivalents to fulfil this responsibility. [2020]RSA-MOE.4 The RTE Act will be reviewed comprehensively to enable the Policy. Availability of free and compulsory quality pre-primary education will be included as an integral part of the RTE Act. Availability of free and compulsory quality education for Grades 9-12 will also be made an integral part of the RTE Act. [2020] RSA-MOE.5 Indian Institutes of Liberal Arts (IILAs) or Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities (MERUs) will be set up as models of the liberal education approach, with specific focus on integration of vocational and professional education into mainstream higher education. [2025] RSA-MOE.6 At least one high quality HEI offering multidisciplinary education, including liberal arts programmes will be set up in each district; the effort will start with educationally backward districts. This action will be aligned with MoE-SDoE.6. [2025] RSA-MOE.7 A significant number of high quality HEIs of all three Types will be distributed equitably across the country, with special emphasis on disadvantaged districts, to achieve a GER target of 50% by 2035. Access to quality higher education will be made possible through the Nalanda and Takshashila missions. [ 2035] RSA-MOE.8 The National Research Foundation (NRF) will be established with the intent to strengthen research capacities and catalyze vibrant research primarily focusing on the higher education system. [ 2020] RSA-MOE.9 An autonomous National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) will be set up to facilitate review of initiatives related to the use of technology in education along with sharing of best practices. [2020] RSA-MOE.10 The potential of technology for improving governance and management will be facilitated by setting up the National Repository of Educational Data (NRED). [ 2020]Addendum 2. Way ForwardActions by Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog and State Departments of EducationRSA-SDOE.1 Once PMO-MHRD.1-3 and RSA-MoE.1 are completed, interface mechanisms will be established between the States and the RSA. A Rajya Shiksha Aayog (RjSA)\/ State Education Commission (SEC) may be constituted in each State, chaired by the Chief Minister with the Minister of Education (nominated by the chair) as the vice-chair. These bodies may have structure, constitution, and norms similar to those of the RSA, and perform similar functions within the State. [2020]Actions by State Governments and State Departments of EducationSG-SDOE.1 Individual State governments along with State Departments of Education will develop comprehensive plans to resource all schools adequately, and group schools into school complexes according to the population distribution, connectivity, and other local considerations. While the size and specific composition of the school complexes will vary, the grouping will ensure convenience of access\/support for safe access for students and families, administrative ease and a support system for teachers and principals. The resourcing plan will ensure adequate teachers, physical infrastructure, learning resources and support facilities. This plan will also include a strategy for consolidating schools that have very small student numbers (<20). Such consolidation will be done only if it does not impact access to the school. [2020] SG-SDOE.2 The plan in SG-SDoE.1 will be implemented. Teacher recruitment and deployment will be carried out on the basis of detailed planning and assessment of requirements at the school and school complex levels to ensure that each school within the complex has the desired number of teachers across subjects. Due focus will be on teacher professional development, service conditions, and performance management. While resources may be shared across schools in a complex, it will be ensured that each individual school has adequate resources to deliver on the requirements of the Policy. [2022]National Education Policy 2019SG-SDOE.3 The curricular reforms in SCERT.1-3 will also be accompanied by the creation of enabling environments and the provision of relevant learning resources across all schools to deliver on the new curricular, pedagogical, and assessment paradigms. [2023]Actions by the Ministry of Education and State Departments of EducationMOE-SDOE.1 With the help of MWCD, RSA, and their State equivalents, early childhood education will be integrated with school education in all aspects - governance, regulation, curriculum, and pedagogy; however, physical integration of existing structures will not be attempted. This action will be aligned with RSA-MoE.3. [ 2020] MOE-SDOE.2 Once MoE-SDoE.1 is completed, delivery of early childhood education at the institutional level will be planned for all States via a four pronged approach contingent on local needs, and feasibility of geography and infrastructure. A comprehensive plan for each State for implementation of suitable infrastructure and delivery of early childhood education curriculum as in NCERT.1 and SCERT.1 will be developed by 2022 and fully implemented by 2028. This action will be aligned with SG-SDoE.2. [2022-2028] MOE-SDOE.3 School curriculum and pedagogy will be restructured in the following stages, with internal coherence and integrity, appropriate to the relevant age groups: 5 years of the Foundational Stage: 3 years of pre-primary school and Grades 1-2. 3 years of the Preparatory (or Latter Primary) Stage: Grades 3-5 3 years of the Middle (or Upper Primary) Stage: Grades 6-8 4 years of the High (or Secondary) Stage: Grades 9-12 The secondary stage will comprise four years of study from Grade 9 to Grade 12, where each year is divided into 2 semesters, for a total of 8 semesters. [ 2022] MOE-SDOE.4 Foundational literacy and numeracy will be addressed urgently and with unconventional measures as will be necessary. Large-scale mobilisation and engagement Addendum 2. Way Forwardof the community will be leveraged for this purpose. The Remedial Instructional Aides Programme (RIAP) and the National Tutors programme (NTP) will be launched to suit-ably support school teachers. School teachers will be trained to lead the RIAP and NTP, and will also undergo specific capacity development to ensure foundational literacy and numeracy amongst all students. All public school teachers will be covered. [ 2022] MOE-SDOE.5 The actions in MoE-SDoE.3-4, NCERT.1-2, and SCERT.1-3 will be accompanied by creating enabling environments and providing relevant learning resources across all schools to deliver the new curricular, pedagogical, and assessment paradigms. [2023] MOE-SDOE.6 The new institutional architecture for higher education will comprise three Types of institutions: Type 1 institutions focusing equally on research and teaching, Type 2 focusing primarily on teaching but conducting significant research as well, and Type 3 focusing only on teaching. Plans will be developed for this transformation into three Types of HEIs based on a careful evaluation of current status. These plans will inform RSA-MoE.6. [2020] MOE-SDOE.7 All academic and non-academic posts in HEIs will be filled in permanent (tenure) track. Processes for professional development of faculty will be institutionalised both at the level of the HEI and at the National level. MoE and State Departments of Education will coordinate with NHERA to fulfil this responsibility. [2023] MOE-SDOE.8 Initiatives to include educationally disadvantaged and underrepresented groups at all stages of education will include Special Education Zones in educationally disadvantaged regions across the country with targeted funding. This will be applicable to both school and higher education. Funds at the National level will be created for providing scholarships to students at both school and higher education level. These funds will also be used for research on improving inclusion. Targeted support and programmes to address specific URGs as per their particular needs will be provided. These actions will be aligned with RSA-MoE.7 and SG-SDoE.2. [2025] MOE-SDOE.9 Initiatives to protect the rights of the child will include generating awareness through online programmes for students, teachers and parents, and formalising processes for enforcement in schools. The latter will inform SSRA.1. [2020]National Education Policy 2019MOE-SDOE.10 Programmes will be initiated to focus on functional literacy and numeracy, and follow up through basic education, skill development and continuing education programmes. Programmes will particularly target women, and individuals from socially and economically disadvantaged groups. [2020] MOE-SDOE.11 High quality resources, including translations between various Indian languages, and between Indian and foreign languages will be made available through online repositories for a range of educational materials. Original texts will be commissioned and developed in all Indian languages, beginning with the Schedule 8 languages but not limited to them. [2030] MOE-SDOE.12 The teacher education system will be overhauled completely. Teacher preparation for all school stages will be offered only in multidisciplinary universities through a four year programme, with the curricula and processes being revamped to address current issues with teacher preparation. Institutions currently offering the two year programme will either transition to this mode or be phased out; no new two year programmes will be given recognition. MoE and State Departments of Education will coordinate with NHERA and NCTE as PSSBs to fulfil this responsibility. [2030]Actions by State Departments of EducationSDOE.1 The State School Regulatory Authority (SSRA), an independent state-wide body with quasi-judicial status, will be set up as the sole regulator for the entire school education (including early childhood education), with responsibility also for oversight of the system and implementation of accreditation. Both public and private schools will be treated in the same manner to encourage private philanthropic efforts and to ensure the public-good nature of education. The DSE will handle operations. Operations of the public schooling system of the whole state will be handled by the DSE. [ 2020] SDOE.2 Processes for teacher recruitment and management will be changed and improved. [2023] SDOE.3 School complexes will be formed. [ 2023]Addendum 2. Way ForwardActions by State School Regulatory AuthoritySSRA.1 The School Quality Assessment and Accreditation System (SQAAS) for the State, developed in collaboration with NIEPA, will be used by the SSRA for its regulatory practice, and will be the basis for the requirements and criterion for LSS. [2023]Actions by Directorate of School EducationDSE.1 Decentralisation of governance will be enabled through the constitution of District Education Councils\/Zila Shiksha Parishad (headed by the Collector\/District Magistrate), and through participation of teachers, school leadership and the community in the governance mechanisms of the school\/school complex through the School Management Committee\/School Complex Management Committee. [2023]DSE.2 All school leaders will be appointed on the basis of their capacity of leadership and suitability for the roles, not on the basis of seniority. Continuous Professional Development support shall be made available to school leaders. [ 2023]Actions by National Council of Educational Research and TrainingNCERT.1 A National Curricular Framework for all school stages, from early childhood education to Grade 12, will be developed in accordance with the Policy - in particular, with the new pedagogical structure in MOE-SDOE.3. The framework will have an integrated and flexible approach, keeping the focus on essential learning and critical thinking, flexibility, multilingualism, languages and literature, communication, quantitative reasoning, creativity, physical wellness, vocational exposure, ethical and moral reasoning, digital literacy, and knowledge of India and current affairs. The mandate of NCERT will be expanded to include the role of early childhood education. [2020] NCERT.2 A new assessment paradigm will be put in place, aligned with NCERT.1, that focuses on the assessment of core concepts and skills along with higher order capacities. Formative assessment will be carried out in a variety of modes in order to optimise learning. Guidelines will be provided for National Education Policy 2019assessment for learning and development in each area of the National Curricular Framework in accordance with this new paradigm. [2021]Actions by State Council of Educational Research and Training (or equivalent organisations) in each StateSCERT.1 Once NCERT.1 is completed, SCERTs (or equivalent organisations) will develop State Curricular Frameworks aligned with the National Curriculum Framework. [ 2021] SCERT.2 State assessment paradigms will be developed that are aligned with NCERT.2 and SCERT.1. [ 2022] SCERT.3 Textbooks and materials will be developed in a variety of languages for all curricular areas in accordance with the State Curricular Frameworks and assessment paradigms in SCERT.1-2. [2023]Actions by National Council of Educational Research and Training and by State Council of Educational Research and Training (or equivalent organisations) in each StateN\/SCERT.1 The Continuous Professional Development system for teachers will be redesigned across all States. CRCs, BRCs, BITEs, DIETs and SCERTs will be rejuvenated by appointing adequate number of high quality people, improving infrastructure and empowerment; it will be ensured that they do not get caught up in administrative tasks. NCERT will support SCERTs in fulfilling this responsibility. [2023] N\/SCERT.2 Teachers and institutional leaders will be oriented towards the effective use of technology in pedagogy, other curricular matters, and management of education. [2025]Actions by Central Boards and State Boards of Assessment CB-SB.1 Certificate examinations of Central Boards and State Boards will be redesigned in keeping with the curricular and assessment reforms in NCERT.1-2 and SCERT.1-2, Addendum 2. Way Forwardrespectively. In particular, the comprehensive Grade 10 and 12 Board Examinations will be eliminated, and replaced with modular assessments for each subject that can be taken anytime between Grade 9 and Grade 12. The certification requirements for the end of the middle stage and for Grades 10 and 12 will be redesigned. In particular, certificate examinations for Grades 10 and 12 will reflect the semester and modular examination-based scheme. While certification of competencies of students at the school-leaving stage will be handled by the Boards of Assessment, the Boards will have no role in determining the curricula (including textbooks). [ 2023]Actions by the Ministry of Education and the National Testing AgencyMOE-NTA.1 The autonomous National Testing Agency (NTA) will administer aptitude tests and tests in various subjects, which can be taken on multiple occasions during the year. [2023]Actions by National Assessment and Accreditation CouncilNAAC.1 NAAC will create a fully developed accreditation ecosystem, comprising around 100-150 Accreditation Institutes, within which all HEIs are accredited on an ongoing basis. [ 2032]Actions by National Higher Education Regulatory AuthorityNHERA.1 All HEIs will have complete administrative, academic and financial autonomy, with empowered and independent Boards of Governors, after having been accredited. The system of affiliating universities will be stopped. NHERA will work with NAAC to fulfil this responsibility. [ 2030] NHERA.2 Poorly performing teacher education institutions, not adhering to basic norms, will be shut down. [ 2023]National Education Policy 2019Actions by Higher Education Grants CouncilHEGC.1 A fair and transparent system for determining public funding based on criteria aligned with accreditation norms will be put in place. [2023]Actions by General Education CouncilGEC.1 A National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF) outlining the learning outcomes associated with degree\/diploma\/certification will be developed as the guiding document for curricula across all disciplines and fields, that do not have their individual Professional Standard Setting Bodies. In case of vocational streams, correspondence between the National Skills Qualifications Framework shall be established to the NHEQF to enable equivalences and mobility. [ 2023]Actions by National Higher Education Regulatory Authority and General Education CouncilNHERA-GEC.1 Norms, standards and guidelines for systemic development and regulation of open and distance learning (ODL) will be prepared by NHERA, and a framework for quality of ODL that will be recommendatory for all HEIs will be developed by the GEC. [2023]Actions by Higher Education InstitutionsHEI.1 All undergraduate programmes, including professional and vocational, will offer liberal education programmes with rigorous specialisation through a multidisciplinary approach. These programmes will have multiple exit options; all undergraduate programmes will be redesigned with these principles. The transformation will be demonstrated through RSA-MoE.5. [ 2023] HEI.2 Professional and vocational areas of studies (e.g. engineering, medicine, legal, teacher education) will be completely integrated into higher education and follow the same liberal education approach. This responsibility will be facilitated by the regulatory system, the GEC and PSSBs. [2023] HEI.3 Innovative, vibrant, rigorous and responsive curricula Addendum 2. Way Forwardwill guide the design of stimulating learning experiences and assessment for development, based on the NFHEQ. This action will be aligned with GEC.1. An effective and enriching learning environment will be in place across all HEIs. HEIs will be supported by GEC and the respective PSSBs in fulfilling this responsibility. [2030] HEI.4 In order to ensure equitable access to all desirous of HE, curriculum and pedagogy of ODL programmes will be strengthened, so that their quality is better or equivalent to the best in-class programmes. HEIs will be facilitated by NHERA in fulfilling this responsibility. This action will be aligned to NHERA-GEC.1 [2030] HEI.5 Student support will be provided in HEIs not only to succeed academically; students will also be provided care, to support their well-being and holistic development. This will be aligned with MoE-SDoE.8. [ 2030]Actions by relevant appointing body\/committeeALL.1 Appointment of people in leadership roles in all bodies and institutions - the RSA, NHERA, NCERT, NIEPA, SCERT, BITE, DIET, school leaders, etc - shall be through rigorous and transparent processes, shared in the public domain for scrutiny. Only persons with a strong academic and personal record of the highest integrity will be placed in leadership positions, and will perform their responsibilities with commitment and transparency. [ 2020]Actions by the Union Government and all State GovernmentsUG-SG.1 An incremental increase in public investment will be made progressively till it reaches around 20% of total public expenditure. [2030]A2.4. ConclusionYearly joint reviews of the progress of implementation of the Policy, in accordance with the targets set for each action, will be conducted by the designated team constituted by RSA and the corresponding State body.National Education Policy 2019There will be provisions for rescheduling certain State targets, after due identification of the reasons leading to non-adherence with set timelines; remedial measures will be taken immediately to resolve issues.By 2030, it is expected that the past decade would have provided ample opportunities for evaluation, fine tuning as well as major changes, if called for, to be effected. Therefore, a comprehensive review of the status of the implementation of the Policy in its entirety will be undertaken.In the decade of 2030-40, the entire Policy will be in an operational mode, following which another comprehensive review will be undertaken. It is, of course, expected that annual reviews will continue.Appendices: Part 1Appendix 1. Drafting Committee1Manjul Bhargava R. Brandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics, Princeton UniversityPrinceton, U.S.A.2K. Ramachandran Advisor, IAIEPANational Institute of Educational Planning and AdministrationNew Delhi3Anurag BeharCEO, Azim Premji Foundation& Vice Chancellor, Azim Premji UniversityBengaluru4Leena Chandran WadiaObserver Research Foundation MumbaiAppendix IDrafting Committee for Draft National Education PolicyAppendix II. Peer Reviewers1Jayaprakash NarayanGeneral Secretary Foundation for Democratic Reforms Hyderabad2P. Rama RaoChairman Governing Council Indian Institute of ScienceBengaluru3J.S. Rajput Indias representative to the Executive Board of UNESCOFormer Director, NCERT, New Delhi4Vijay KelkarFormer Chairman National Institute of Public Finance and Policy New Delhi5Aniruddha DeshpandeFormer Principal Bruhan Maharashtra College of Commerce Pune6Dinesh SinghFormer Vice-ChancellorDelhi University, New Delhi7Mohandas PaiChairman Manipal Global Education BengaluruAppendix IIPeer Reviewers of the Draft National Education PolicyAppendix III. Secretariat1.Dev SwarupJoint Secretary (Admn.)University Grants Commission2.Jitendra K. TripathiJoint Secretary (Admn.)University Grants Commission3.Tirath RamUnder SecretaryUniversity Grants Commission4.Hitesh Manik University Grants Commission5.Dwarka Prasad University Grants CommissionAppendix IIISecretariat to the Committee for Draft National Education PolicyThe University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi was the Secretariat to the Committee, which provided all administrative and secretarial assistance as well as logistical support for conduct of meetings, hospitality, travel and stay arrangements.Appendix IV. Technical SecretariatAppendix IVTechnical Secretariat to the Committee for Draft National Education Policy The University Grants Commission (UGC) set up a Technical Secretariat in the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bengaluru with office space and basic facilities for the smooth day to day functioning of the Committee. M. K. Sridhar, Member, headed the same. A team of Chief Consultants were inducted to assist the Committee in data analysis and research. Two consultants on the National Education Policy from the Ministry also assisted the Technical Secretariat.1Leena Chandran WadiaObserver Research FoundationMumbai2Viraj Kumar Visiting Professor Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru3Vinayachandra Director Veda Vignana Shodha Samsthanam, Bengaluru4Chetan B. Singai Assistant Profesor Ramaiah College of Law, Bengaluru Deputy Director, Ramaiah Public Policy Centre, Bengaluru5Gowrisha Head New Initiatives, Centre for Educational and Social Studies, Bengaluru6Hem Raj Assistant Section Officer (ASO), MHRD7Shakeel Ahemed Quereshi Consultant (NEP), MHRD8Ramanand Pandey Consultant (NEP), MHRD9Soumya Prakash B.S.ResearcherNational Education Policy 2019NAAC, Bengaluru, as the agency nominated by UGC, provided the space and other logistics for the Technical Secretariat. For ensuring smooth facilitation, the following NAAC officials played a critical supportive role.1Vishnukant S. Chatpalli Advisor2M. ArunAdministrative Officer3V. Uma ShankarFinance Officer4V. LakshmanSenior Facilitation cum Liaison OfficerAppendix V. Consultation ProcessAppendix VConsultation Process: A WalkthroughThe National Education Policy is the outcome of an extensive, highly participatory and inclusive, multipronged consultation process. The task of this Committee was daunting in so far as it is a culmination of the ongoing exercise that the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has undertaken since January 2015. The Committee had the onerous task of analysing and examining a humungous volume of suggestions, inputs, reports, and outcome documents that preceded its own efforts. The underlying spirit that dictated the Committees own course of crafting this significant document was primarily to bring out a vision document which will hold the test of time for at least another 20 years. Hence, the Committee felt it extremely important that its recommendations must judiciously address the diverse needs of multiple stakeholders in a harmonious manner, moving towards a common minimum goal of providing quality education to all. To achieve this overarching goal, notwithstanding the elaborate consultations that happened earlier, this Committee also had separate deliberations and discussions with different stakeholders. These range from autonomous bodies, such as the University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), Association of Indian Universities (AIU), National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC); premier educational institutions across the sector; public, private and non-governmental educational institutions and organisations; eminent personalities from various walks of life; professional education groups, namely technical education, medical education, legal education, skill based education and agriculture education, along with early childhood education. It held meetings with Ministries of the Government of India, viz. Human Resource Development, Health and Family Welfare, Women and Child Development, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Legal Affairs, and Science and Technology, along with NITI Aayog, and international organisations like the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). The Committee also interacted with national level science, social sciences, liberal arts and humanities, and language academies, as well as think tanks. Being sensitive to the diversity in the country, the Committee sought views and inputs from representatives of different minority organisations (including Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists), and differently-abled, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, other backward classes, transgender and other marginalised groups. These consultations were aimed at capturing the needs and challenges of each of these sections, so that equal opportunities for participation and a level playing field was assured.Another major segment consulted was a wide range of industry associations\/bodies, which made detailed presentations on improving the quality of higher education, enhancing employability through skill development as well as promoting research and innovation. National Education Policy 2019Given the federal nature of our country and the fact that education is a subject under the Concurrent List, the Committee supplemented earlier consultations with State governments with actual interactions with ground level institutions, namely elementary and secondary schools, private and government schools, State public and private universities, and NGO-run education institutions. The work of this Committee is seen as a continuum to the ongoing exercise of formulating the National Education Policy, which was initiated by MHRD in January, 2015. For this purpose, 33 themes were identified with 20 themes from higher education and 13 themes from school education. The consultation process has been quite different from earlier efforts, which adopted a top down approach with an Education Commission giving recommendations based on reports from its own internal working groups. The current exercise was more participatory and democratic, involving bottom up consultations aimed at giving each citizen an opportunity to participate in policy making. A multipronged approach was adopted, which included online consultations through the MyGov portal, thematic and expert consultations by a varied set of institutions\/organisations, and Ministry-driven and State-led grassroots consultations through Panchayats upto the State level, using a technology platform.To ensure the spirit of cooperative federalism, the consultation process was discussed in the 63rd meeting of the Central Advisory Board on Education (CABE) held in August 2015. Six Zonal Meetings were held by MHRD in Eastern, Central, North-Eastern, Western, Southern and Northern Zones, covering all States and Union Territories during September and October 2015. These Zonal Meetings were attended by Education Ministers and officials of the respective States\/Union Territories. The New Education Policy was also discussed in the 64th CABE meeting held in October 2016. The grassroots consultations, covering 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats, 6600 Blocks, 6000 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), 676 districts and 36 States\/Union Territories were carried out between the period from May to October 2015. Finally, 110623 villages, 3250 blocks, 962 ULBs , 406 districts, and 21 States uploaded the result of the consultations on survey.mygov.in. The number of suggestions, inputs and comments received included around 35,000 online suggestions from a cross-section of the population, 31 Government of India Ministries, 29 States and Union Territories, 76 Members of Parliament, 305 from Very Important Persons (VIPs), 324 Organisations\/Institutions, 485 letters from individuals, 7613 electronic communications, and inputs from the Prime Ministers Office and the Presidents Secretariat. The MHRD constituted a five member Committee for the Evolution of the National Education Policy headed by the Former Cabinet Secretary Late Shri TSR Subramanian on 31 October 2015, which submitted its Report in May 2016. This was followed by an internal exercise in the Ministry which resulted in a document titled Some Inputs for Draft National Education Policy, 2016 . Both the Report of the TSR Subramanian Committee as well as the MHRD document have been treated as inputs for the current Committee. Under rule 176, a short duration discussion was taken up in the Rajya Sabha on the Draft National Education Policy 2016 during the Monsoon session of Parliament on 10 August 2016. An Education Dialogue to discuss the New Education Policy with Members of Parliament was held in November 2016.The voluminous and numerous inputs posed a major opportunity as well as a challenge for the Committee, which identified key words to decide on its thematic thrusts. This Committee has not only benefitted from its own consultations and stakeholder engagements Appendix V. Consultation Processbut has also greatly drawn its Policy actions from the wide range of suggestions and reports. This Committee met 12 times, and its thinking evolved from identifying critical themes to actually translating these into a Policy document, after several layers of iterations, for furthering the goals of access, equity, quality, accountability and affordability. The details of the consultations are given at Appendix VII.Shakila ShamsuOSD (NEP) and Secretary to the CommitteeMHRDAppendix VI. Meetings of the CommitteeS. No.Details Date & Venue 1First Meeting11 July 2017 UGC, New Delhi 2Second Meeting16-18 August 2017 NAAC, Bengaluru 3Third Meeting21-22 September 2017 NAAC, Bengaluru 4Fourth Meeting10-12 October 2017 UGC, New Delhi 5Fifth Meeting14-15 November 2017 NAAC, Bengaluru 6Sixth Meeting30 November-1 December 2017 NAAC, Bengaluru 7Seventh Meeting22-23 December 2017 NAAC, Bengaluru 8Eighth Meeting30-31 January 2018 NAAC, Bengaluru 9Ninth Meeting19-20 February 2018 NAAC, Bengaluru 10Tenth Meeting26 March 2018 Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru 11Informal Meeting of the Committee Members with the Chairman29 May 2018 UGC, New Delhi12Eleventh Meeting4 June 2018 UGC, New Delhi 13Committee Brieng Meeting17 August 2018 UGC, New Delhi 14Informal Meeting of the Committee20 October 2018 NAAC, BengaluruAppendix VIMeetings of the Committee for Draft National Education PolicyAppendix VII. Details of ConsultationsAppendix VIIDetails of Consultations by the Committee for Draft National Education Policy (July 2017 onwards)The following is an inventory of various organizations, autonomous bodies, institutions, ministries, eminent persons and individuals with whom the Committee or any member has met and interacted. It is to be noted that under the first category, only institutions\/ organizations have been listed which were represented by several functionaries and officials, whose individual names have not been included.I. Ministries \/ Institutions \/ Associations \/ Organizations1. Aga Khan Foundation2. Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad3. Akshay Patra Foundation4. All India Council for Technical Education 5. All India Management Association6. All India Secondary Teachers Association7. Anjuman-I-Islam8. Associated Chambers of Commerce of India 9. Association of Healthcare Providers India, Bengaluru10. Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi11. Azim Premji University12. Bharath Shikshana Mandal13. Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan, Lucknow14. Catholic Bishops Conference of India 15. Center for Contemporary Studies Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 16. Confederation of Indian Industry 17. Consortium of Christian Minority Higher Education Institutions18. Darul Uloom Deoband 19. Department of Higher Education, MHRD20. Department of Legal Affairs, New DelhiNational Education Policy 201921. Department of School Education and Literacy, MHRD22. Education Promotion Society of India, New Delhi23. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry 24. Indian Academy of Sciences25. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi26. Indian Council of Historical Research 27. Indian Council of Philosophical Research28. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad29. Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru30. Indian National Academy of Engineering31. Indian National Science Academy32. Indian Society for Training and Development 33. Institute of Chinese Studies34. International Conference on Harmonisation 35. International Institute of Information Technology, Bengaluru36. Librarians from leading Institutions, Bengaluru37. Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society, Pune38. Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad39. Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi40. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi41. Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi42. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, New Delhi43. Ministry of Women and Child Development, New Delhi44. Muslim Educational Society 45. National Academy of Sciences 46. National Assessment and Accreditation Council, New Delhi 47. National Association of Software and Services Companies48. National Council of Educational Research and Training49. National HRD Network 50. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi51. National Institute of Labour Economics Research, New Delhi52. National Institute of Personnel Management53. National Law School of India University, Bengaluru54. National Social Science AssociationAppendix VII. Details of Consultations55. New Delhi Institute of Management56. NITI Aayog, New Delhi57. Osmania University, Hyderabad58. PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry59. Prime Ministers Office, Government of India60. Pune International Centre, Pune61. R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru62. R V Institute of Management, Bengaluru63. Rahmani Foundation, Bihar 64. Rashtrotthana Parishat, Bengaluru65. Representatives from Transgender groups66. Shanthilal Mutha Foundation67. Shiksha Sankul, Bengaluru68. Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee 69. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College70. Tata Trusts71. Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council 72. UNICEF73. University Grants Commission74. University of MysoreII. Eminent Persons1. Bharat Ratna, C.N.R. Rao, JNCASR, Bengaluru2. Acharya Vidyasagarji Maharaj, Jain Muni, Pratibhasthali, Near Raipur3. Alexander Thomas, Association of Health Care Providers, Bengaluru4. Anantha Kumar Duraiappah, UNESCO, New Delhi5. Anil Kakodkar, TIFAC, Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, GOI6. Anil D Sahasrabuddhe, Chairman, AICTE7. Anurag Behar, Vice- Chancellor, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru8. Anuradha Bakshi, Head Department of Human Development, Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai9. Anuradha Deshmukh, Director (collaborations and special initiatives), YCMOU, Nashik10. Ajay Seth, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka11. Anindya Gupta, American India Foundation, New DelhiNational Education Policy 201912. A.K. Sengupta, Higher Education Forum, Mumbai13. Antara Sengupta, ORF Mumbai14. Arman Ali, National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People, New Delhi15. Asha Thomas, The Samhita Academy, Bengaluru16. Ashish Dhawan, Co-founder, Ashoka University, Sonipat17. Ashish Jain, CEO, Healthcare Sector Skill Council, New Delhi18. Ashwini Chandrashekhar, Embibe, Bengaluru19. Arun Aggarwal, Former Dean Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi20. Anna Pulimood, Principal, CMC Vellore21. Ajay Srivastava, Department of Radiology & Radiotherapy, UCMS & GTB Hospital, New Delhi22. Balakrishna Pisupathi, former VC, Trans Disciplinary University, Bengaluru23. Late Baldev Raj, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru 24. Bhanumati Narsimhan, Art of Living Foundation, Bengaluru25. Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director, IIT Madras26. Bhimaraya Metri, Director, IIM Trichy27. Bikramjit Basu, IISc, Bengaluru 28. Binaifer Chogga, Principal Udayachal School, Mumbai29. B.N. Suresh, ISRO, Bengaluru30. Bhushan Patwardhan, Vice Chairman, UGC31. Bhabatosh Biswas, Former Vice President, NBE32. B.P. Sable, Former VC, YCMOU, Nashik33. B.V. Ravishakar, Vice-Principal, BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru34. B N Gangadhar, Director, NIMHANS, Bengaluru35. Camille Framroze, Holland and Knight LLP, Boston, USA36. CBS Venkataramana, Former IAS, ASCI37. Chandrashekar, Education Consultant38. Chadrashekaran Nair, Professor Emeritus39. C. Siva Ram Murthy, IIT Madras40. Late Dada J.P. Vaswani, Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Mumbai41. Damodar Pujari, UNDP, Pune42. David Gross, Nobel Laureate, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA43. Darshan Shankar - Vice Chancellor, Trans Disciplinary University, Bengaluru44. Deviprasad Shetty, Founder Narayana Health, BengaluruAppendix VII. Details of Consultations45. Divya Balagopal, Mundkur Law Partners, Bengaluru46. D. V. Jagadish, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai47. Dwiti Vikramaditya, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneshwar48. Dymphena Dias, Muktangan, Mumbai49. Dilip Kumar, President, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi50. D.G. Kanhere, University of Pune51. Elizabeth Mehta, Founder-Director of the Muktangan Schools Network, Mumbai52. Elizabeth John, Former Additional Director Training, General Military Nursing Services, New Delhi 53. Farida Lambay, Co-Founder Pratham, Mumbai54. Frazer Mascarenhas Former Principal St Xaviers College, Mumbai55. Furqan Qamar, Secretary-General , Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi 56. Geeta Singh, Director, UGC-HRDC, University of Delhi57. Gadadhar Misra, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru58. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, University College London, UK59. G. Chandrashekhar Indian Merchants Chamber, Mumbai60. G. Nagarjuna, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education-TIFR, Mumbai61. Govindaraju, Project Head, CESS, Bengaluru62. Gurumurthy Kasinathan, IT for Change, Bengaluru63. Guna Magesan, VC, Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar64. G.Raghuram, Director, Indian Institute of Management Bengaluru65. Girish Maindarkar, President, College of Physicians, Mumbai66. G. Vishwanathan, Chancellor, VIT, Vellore 67. Hrishikesh Senapaty, Director NCERT, New Delhi 68. H.S. Nagaraj, BASE Educational Services, Bengaluru69. H.R Nagendra, Chancellor, SVYASA, Bengaluru70. Hemlata Bagla, K.C. College, Mumbai71. Indranil Manna , Director, IIT Kanpur 72. Indu Prasad, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru73. I.P. Sharma, Ex. Additional Director, Secondary Education, Allahabad74. J.B.G. Tilak, Former Vice Chancellor, NUEPA, New Delhi75. Jyotsna Jha, Centre for Budget and Policy Research, Bengaluru76. J.S. Rajput, Former Director, NCERT, New Delhi77. Jayakar Shetty, Vice President, Dental Council of India, New DelhiNational Education Policy 201978. J.A.K Tareen, Former Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University79. Jayaprakash Narayan, Foundation for Democratic Reforms, Hyderabad80. Jayashree Shinde, Head, Department of Educational Technology, SNDT Womens University, Mumbai81. John Kurrien, RTE Forum, Pune82. Joy Chakraborty, Chief Operating Officer, P D Hinduja Hospital & MRC , Mumbai83. Venerable Kabir Saxena Bhikkhu Sumati Sasana, Buddhist Monk, New Delhi84. Kamini Kapadia, UNICEF Consultant, Maharashtra85. K. Ramachandran, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi86. K.S. Venkatesh, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai 87. K.S. Misra, Allahabad University88. Kumaraswamy T, CCL-NLSIU Bengaluru89. Kadey Soren, Orissa Tribal Council, Bhubaneshwar90. K Vijay Raghavan, NCBS-TIFR; PSA, Govt. of India91. Karthik Muralidharan, University of California, San Diego, USA92. K Sadashiva Shetty, Principal, Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere93. Lalit M Patnaik, Former Vice Chancellor, DIAT, Pune94. L.S. Shashidhara, IISER Pune95. L. Subramaniam, Founder, Subramaniam Academy of Performing Arts, Bengaluru96. Latha Venkatesan, Principal, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai97. M. Sasikumar, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Mumbai98. M.R. Jayaram, Chairman, Gokula Education Foundation, Bengaluru 99. Madhav Menon, Founder National Law School of India University Bengaluru100. Manjula Rao, British Council, New Delhi101. Maya Menon, The Teacher Foundation, Bengaluru102. M.A. Balasubramanya, Director, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Bengaluru103. Milind Mhaske, Praja, Pune104. Michel Danino, IIT Gandhinagar105. M. D. Srinivas, Chairman, Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai106. M.M. Salunkhe, Vice Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune, 107. Mohd. Akhtar Siddiqui, I.A.S.E, Faculty of Education, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi108. Mufti Abul Qasim Sahab, Mohtamim of Darul Uloom Deoband, Uttar Pradesh109. Mohammed Ashraf Dar, University of KashmirAppendix VII. Details of Consultations110. M. R. N. Murthy, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru111. M.S. Ananth, Former Director IIT Madras112. M S Hegde, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru113. M.S. Raghunathan, IIT Bombay114. Nachiketa Tiwari, Prof. IIT Kanpur115. Narasimha Murthy, Bengaluru University116. Nagaraju H. N117. Nalini Chugani, President, Association for Education and Development, Mumbai118. Neela Dabir, Dean, School of Vocational Education, TISS, Mumbai119. N.V. Satyanarayana, Informatics India Ltd, Bengaluru120. N.V. Varghese, Vice-Chancellor NIEPA, New Delhi121. Neelima, ISKCON, Bengaluru122. Nirmala Raja123. N Sathyamurthy, IISER, Mohali124. N. Mukunda, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru125. Om Pathak, Chairman at Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Society, New Delhi126. Padma Sarangapani, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Bengaluru127. Pankaj Chandra, Ahmedabad University128. Parth Shah, Centre for Civil Society, New Delhi129. Paul Ravindran, CMC Vellore130. Pavnesh Kumar, CBSE, New Delhi 131. Piyush Swami, Professor of Education, University of Cincinnati (USA)132. Poornima Contractor, Secretary, Association for Education and Development, Mumbai133. Pradeep Ramavath, NLSIU, Bengaluru134. Prakash Padukone, co-founder of Olympic Gold Quest, Mumbai135. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Vice-Chancellor, Ashoka University, Sonipat136. P.J. Lavakare, International Advisory Board at Asian Institute of Technology 137. Prasad, Principal KLE Ayurveda College, Belgaum.138. Purnendu Ghosh, Executive Director , Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur139. P.S. Goel, NIAS, Bengaluru140. Pawan Kapoor, DGMS (Air), New Delhi141. Prem Vrat, Northcap University, Gurgaon142. Radhika Prabhu, India Research Group, Washingtion D.C.143. Rajendra K, SamarthanamNational Education Policy 2019144. Raj K. Kaushal, SM, VSM (Retd.)145. Rajan Saxena, NMIMS, Mumbai146. Rajani Konantambigi, TISS, Mumbai147. Rajesh Khambayat, Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal148. Ravi Narayan, Advisor, Centre for Public Health and Equity, Bengaluru149. Ramasubramanian K., IIT Bombay150. Rajaram Nityananda, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru151. Ravi Subramaniam, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai152. Rajiv Yeravdekar, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune153. Renuka Gupta, Pardada Pardadi, New Delhi154. Renuka Raju, CMD, Kovida Limited, Hyderabad155. Reeta Sonawat, Head, Department of Human Development, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai156. Ribhu Vohra157. R. Karthikeyan, Indian Society for Training and Development, New Delhi158. Rohini Paul, Nursing Head, Corporate, Narayana Health, Bengaluru159. S Ayyappan, Former Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, New Delhi 160. Sadhana Nair, Air Officer Commanding, Medical Training Center, IAF.161. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Former Director TIFR, Ashoka University, Sonipat162. Saikat Majumdar, Ashoka University, Sonipat163. Sampath Kumar, Tata Motors, Jharkhand164. Sandip Trivedi, Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai165. Sanjay Awasthi, Member-Secretary, NCTE, New Delhi166. Sanjay Inamdar, Member Board of Governors, College of Engineering, Pune 167. Sanjay Salunkhe, CEO, Jaro Institute of Technology Management & Research Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai168. Sanchayan Bhattacharjee, ORF Mumbai169. Sandeep Shastri, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Jain University, Bengaluru170. Sanjay Mittal, IIT Kanpur171. Santosh Mehrotra, Human Development Economist, JNU, New Delhi172. Sankaran Valiathan, National Research Professor, GOI173. Satish Modh, Director, IMSR, Mumbai174. Satyajit Mayor, Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences-TIFR, Bengaluru175. Saumen Chattopadhyay, Jawaharlal Nehru UniversityAppendix VII. Details of Consultations176. Shail Kumar, Author, Building Golden India, USA177. Shanti Satish, Reussir Trust, Bengaluru178. Sharath Ananthamurthy , University of Hyderabad 179. Shobha Bharat, P.N. Doshi College of Home Science, Mumbai180. Spenta R. Wadia, Founding Director, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR, Bengaluru181. Srikanth Sastry, JNCASR, Bengaluru182. Srinath Sridharan, South Indian Education Society, Mumbai183. Srinivasan Ramani, founding Director, National Centre for Software Technology (now CDAC), Mumbai184. Srinivas Murthy, former Additional Chief Secretary Finance, Government of Karnataka 185. Subramanya, Principal, R.V.Engineering College, Bengaluru186. Subhash Khuntia, Former Secretary SE&L, MHRD187. Subodh Kumar, University of Lucknow188. Suja Koshy, SVT College of Home Science, SNDTWU, Mumbai189. Sujata Sriram, Professor Human Ecology, TISS, Mumbai190. Suman Sharma, Principal, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi191. Sunil Mehta, Muktangan, Managing Trustee of the Muktangan Schools Network, Mumbai192. Sujaya Rathi, Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, Bengaluru193. Sudheendra Kulkarni, Observer Research Foundation, Mumbai 194. Sunil Kumar Pandey, Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Lucknow195. Surendra Prasad, Former Director, IIT Delhi196. Suvrat Raju, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR, Bengaluru. 197. S.V. Ranganath, Former Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka198. S. Kannan, Director, UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Madurai Kamaraj University199. Sunil Koshy, Formerly at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru200. Selva Titus, Dean, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore201. T.J. Mathew, Pillai College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai202. Late T.S.R. Subramanian, Former Cabinet Secretary, GOI, New Delhi203. T.D. Kemparaju, Vice Chancellor, Bengaluru North University204. Tanil Kilachand, Indian Merchant Chambers, Mumbai205. Tushar Kanti Senapati, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneshwar206. Uma Mahadevan, Principal Secretary, Government of Karnataka207. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WE School, Mumbai 208. Venita Kaul, Professor Emeritus, Ambedkar University, New Delhi209. Vidushi Sharma, Fulbright Scholar, Princeton University, USA210. Vijay Khole, VC, Amity University, Maharashtra211. Vikram Sampath, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi212. Vincent G Furtado, Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Mysore213. V.S. Basavaraju, DNA, Bengaluru214. V.S. Chauhan, former Chairman, NAAC, New Delhi215. V. S. Prasad, Former PVC, IGNOU, New Delhi216. V. C. Shanmuganandan, Coordinator, Joint Director, AHPI, Bengaluru217. Vishal Dang, Manav Rachna Dental College, Faridabad, UPAppendix VIII. AcknowledgementsAppendix VIIIAcknowledgementsThe Committee for Draft National Education Policy would like to acknowledge several organisations, institutions, associations as well as individuals, without whose contributions and support we may not have effectively and efficiently achieved what was mandated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The order of mention does not in any way enhance or reduce the role or significance of contribution. Similarly, it may be unfair to specify anyone by name as it would be tantamount to discriminating against those not named, purely due to the need for brevity. While doing so, we would not like to risk belittling anyone who has either directly or indirectly helped the Committee in accomplishing its onerous responsibility. At the outset, it is only appropriate to thank the Ministry of Human Resource Development and, in particular, the Secretary, Higher Education, and the Joint Secretary, Policy Bureau along with officials and staff for providing continuous administrative cooperation. The support extended by officials of the University Grants Commission, the Director and staff of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, the Director and his team at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, the Director and his team at the Raman Research Institute, the personal staff of Dr K Kasturirangan as well as the Vice Chancellor and his team from Azim Premji University needs to be acknowledged wholeheartedly. The authorities of Rashtreeya Shikshana Samithi Trust, PES University, Ramaiah College of Law and Veda Vignana Shodha Samsthanam deserve our special thanks for having deputed their faculty to work for the Technical Secretariat.We sincerely thank each and every one of the listed organisations and their representatives as well as numerous individuals for their constructive and informative inputs, which have enriched us in this exercise. We are overwhelmed by the sincerity and eagerness that marked each very valuable contribution. We also express our appreciation to each and every person who sent in their views, suggestions, and inputs through various ways, such as emails, letters, and documents, either directly or channelled through different offices. The inundating response by the general public and citizens across all age groups, from all parts of the country and various segments of the society, in several languages, is indeed worthy to note. The office of the Union Minister for Human Resource Development has from the inception maintained a hands-off policy, but ensured ease of communication whenever necessary. We are grateful to the senior officials of the Prime Ministers Office for giving us dedicated time for focussed discussions. Last but not the least, we would like to thank all those involved in the important Policy formulation exercise which preceded our work, that helped pave our way to the holistic and comprehensive development of this Draft Policy. Shakila ShamsuSecretary to the CommitteeAppendices: Part 2Appendix IX. Order of ConstitutionAppendix IXNational Education Policy 2019Appendix X. Extension of Tenure- 31.03.18 Appendix XAppendix XI. Extension of Tenure- 30.06.18 Appendix XIAppendix XII. Extension of Tenure- 31.08.18 Appendix XIIAppendix XIII. Extension of Tenure- 31.10.18 Appendix XIIIAppendix XIV. Extension of Tenure- 15.12.18 Appendix XIVIn every epoch of humankind, knowledge represents the sum of what is created by all previous generations, to which the present generation adds its own. The motif of the Mobius strip symbolizes the perpetual, developing and live nature of knowledge - that which has no beginning and that which has no end. This Policy envisages creation, transmission, use and dissemination of knowledge as a part of this continuum.National Education Policy 2019","Summary":"The Draft Policy is built on the pillars of Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability and Accountability. The Draft Policy proposes to change the traditional 10+2 education system into:\u00a0\n\u2022 \u00a0Foundation stage (three years of pre-primary school, followed by grade 1 and 2).\u00a0\n\u2022 Preparatory stage (grades 3,4 and 5).\u00a0\n\u2022 Middle stage (grades 6,7 and 8).\u00a0\n\u2022 Secondary stage (grades 9,10,11 and 12).\u00a0\n\n\nThe draft policy proposes a paradigm shift in the secondary stage, the secondary stage will be divided into a semester system where each student can take 5-6 subjects each per semester, thus there is flexibility in the selective as well as elective courses, making way for individual interests.\u00a0\n\nThe facility of free and compulsory education under the RTE has been extended from pre-school till class 12. Schools have to provide mid-day meals and there are provisions for nutritious breakfast for pre-school and primary school students. The Committee has also recommended teaching of Hindi, English and one regional language in the non-Hindi states and vice-versa for the Hindi-Speaking States.\u00a0\n\nA four year integrated Stage-Specific B.Ed. programme will eventually be the minimum degree qualification for teachers.\u00a0\n\nThe Draft Policy suggests extending the Undergraduate Degree to four years instead of three years with a stage-wise exit system. The policy proposes restructuring of higher education Institutions to enable high quality research that meets global standards, as well as high quality teaching. There will be the formation of a National Research Foundation to create a research culture and capacity across institutions of higher education. These will be driven by two missions - Mission Nalanda and Mission Takshashila\u00a0\n\nThe Rashtriya Shiksha Ayog will enable implementation of all educational initiatives and interventions, in addition to coordinating efforts between the Centre and the States. All private and public institutions will be treated on par and education will remain a non-profit activity. The draft policy suggests several new policy initiatives to create opportunities for distance learning; enhance the participation of under-represented groups; eliminate gender disparity and fulfil regional gaps in the education system."},"45":{"Title":"Draft Chartered Accountants (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2022","Text":"3713 GI\/2022 (1) .- 33004 \/99 REGD . No. D. L.-33004 \/99 xxxGIDHxxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 4 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY (7)\/ 201\/2022 . , 1949 (1949 - 110002 ) , 2022 . 283] 2, 202 2\/ 12, 194 4 No. 283] NEW DELHI, THURS DAY, JUNE 2, 20 22\/JYAI SH THA 12, 194 4 .-02062022-236259CG-DL-E-02062022-2362592 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III , 1988 , - , -- 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III, 1959 (1959 , 1980 (1980 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III(1) (2) (3) (4) :- 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III (2), (4) . ( .) , .\/ 103\/2022 -23] (7)134\/88 , (7)\/198\/2021 THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 2nd June, 2022 No. 1-CA(7)\/201\/2022. The following draft of certain regulations further to amend the Ch artered Accountants Regulations, 1988, which the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India proposes to make, is hereby published, as required by sub -section (3) of section 30 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (38 of 1949) for the info rmation of all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft regulation shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Gazette of India, in whic h these draft regulations are published, are made available to the public; Any person desiring to make any objection or suggestion in respect of the said draft regulations, may forward the same to the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of I ndia within the period so specified addressed to the Secretary, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi 110 002; Any objection or s uggestion which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft regulations before the expiry of the period so specified shall be taken into consideration by the Council. Draft Regulations I. (1) These regulations may be called the Ch artered Accountants (2nd Amendment) Regulations, (2) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette. II. In the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, - 1. In Regulation 5, after clause (a) of sub -regulat ion (1), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely, - Provided a person who has completed his practical training under regulation 54AA shall not be entitled to have his name entered in the register of Member until and unless he has fulfilled the addi tional eligibility criteria as specified by the Council from time to time2. In Regulation 9, for sub -regulation (1), the following shall be substituted, namely : - (1) A member may apply to the Council for a certificate entitling him to practise as a chartered accountant. Provided that a person who has been admitted as a member at any point of time shall be eligible for certificate of practice on completion of one year of post qualification work experience with a fellow Chartered Accountant in Pract ice. Provided further that the requirement of one year post qualification work experience shall not be applicable for a member who has worked for a minimum period of one year with a fellow Chartered Accountant in Practice in the immediately preceding five years before the date of making such application.3. Regulations 25C and 25D shall be omitted; 4. In Regulation 25E, after for sub -regulation (2), the following sub -regulation (3) shall be inserted, namely : - (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in t hese regulations, the Council may, after the commencement of registration for the Foundation Course under regulation 25G, discontinue registration of the Foundation Course under this regulation by notice in the website of the Institute.5. In Regulation 2 5F, after for sub -regulation (3), the following sub -regulation (4) shall be inserted, namely : - (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Council may, after the commencement of the Foundation Examination under Regulation 25H, discon tinue holding the Foundation Examination under this regulation and the candidates shall be required to pass the Foundation Examination as per the syllabus approved by the Council from time to time under regulation 25H.; 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III6. After Regulation 25F, the follow ing regulations 25G and 25H shall be inserted, namely : - 25G. Registration for the Foundation Course (1) No candidate shall be registered for the Foundation Course unless he has passed the Class 10th Examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or outside India an examination recognised by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -regulation (1), a candidate who was already registered for Common Proficienc y Course or Foundation Course under these regulations shall be eligible for conversion to Foundation Course under this regulation subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Council. (3) The registration for Foundation Course shall be valid only for a period of four years from the date of registration \/ conversion. (4) A candidate shall pay such fee, as may be fixed by the Council from time to time, which shall not exceed twenty -five thousand rupees, along with an application in the form approved by the Council for registration to the Foundation Course. Provided a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. 25H. Admission to the Foundation Examination, Fee and Syllabus (1) No cand idate shall be admitted to the Foundation Examination unless he - (a) is registered with the Board of Studies of the Institute for a minimum period of four months on or before the 1st day of month in which the examination is held and has complied with suc h other requirements as may be decided by the Council from time to time; and (b) has appeared in the Senior Secondary (10+2) examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or outside India an examination recognised by the Central Go vernment or the State Government as equivalent thereto for the purpose of admission to graduation course. (2) A candidate for the Foundation examination shall pay such fees, as may be fixed by the Council, which shall in any case not exceed ten thousand r upees. Provided a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. (3) A candidate for the Foundation examination shall be examined in the syllabus approved by the Council from time to time.7. Regulations 28D and 28E shall be omitted; 8. In regulation 28F, after sub -regulation (6), the following sub -regulation (7), shall be inserted, namely : - (7) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Council may, after the commencemen t of registration for the Intermediate Course under regulation 28H, discontinue registration for the Intermediate Course under this regulation by notice in the website of the Institute.9. In regulation 28G, after sub -regulation (4), the following sub -regulation (5), shall be inserted, namely : - (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Council may, after the commencement of Intermediate Examination under regulation 28I, discontinue holding the Intermediate Examination under this r egulation and the candidates shall be required to pass the Intermediate Examination as per the syllabus approved by the Council from time to time as per regulation 28I.10. After Regulation 28G, the following regulations 28H and 25I shall be inserted, na mely : - 28H. Registration for Intermediate Course and Fees (1) The study course for the chartered accountancy candidates shall be named as Intermediate Course, which shall be composed of two Groups viz. Group I and Group II. (2) No candidate shall be r egistered for the Intermediate Course unless he has passed the Foundation Examination under these regulations and Senior Secondary (10+2) examination conducted by an examining [body constituted by law in India or outside India or an examination recognised b y the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto for the purpose of admission to graduation course and has complied with such other requirements as may be decided by the Council from time to time. Provided that a candidate who has pas sed the Entrance Examination or erstwhile Foundation Examination or Professional Education (Examination I) or Common Proficiency Test or Foundation Examination under these regulations shall be eligible for registration to Intermediate Course under this r egulation subject to such conditions as m ay be specified by the Council. Provided further that a candidate who was already registered for erstwhile Intermediate or Professional Education (Course -II) or Intermediate (Professional Competence) Course or the I ntermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course or the Intermediate Course under these regulations shall be eligible for conversion to Intermediate Course under this regulation subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Council. (3) Notw ithstanding anything contained in sub -regulation (2), a graduate or post graduate as referred to in sub -clause (ix) of regulation 2(1) shall be eligible for registration to Intermediate Course, if such person (a) graduate or post graduate in comme rce having secured in aggregate a minimum of fifty five per cent. of the total marks or its equivalent grade in the examination conducted by any recognised university (including Open University) by studying any three papers each carrying a minimum of fifty marks in a semester or year and cumulatively hundred or more marks over the entire duration of the concerned course, out of the subjects i.e., Accounting, Auditing, Mercantile laws, Corporate laws, Economics, Management (including Financial Management), T axation (including Direct Tax Laws and Indirect Tax Laws), Costing, Business Administration or Management Accounting or similar to the title of these papers with different nomenclatures, as approved by the Board of Studies of the Institute; or (b) graduat e or post graduate other than those referred to in clause (a), having secured in aggregate a minimum of sixty per cent. of the total marks or its equivalent grade in the examination conducted by any recognised university (including Open University). Expla nation For the purpose of this sub -regulation - (i) for calculating the percentage of marks, the marks secured in subjects in which a person is required by the University (including Open University) to obtain only pass marks and for which no special credi t is given for higher marks, shall be ignored; and (ii) any fraction of half or more shall be rounded up to the next whole number and any fraction of less than half number shall be ignored. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -regulation (2), a c andidate who is pursuing the final year of graduation \/ post graduation course shall be eligible for provisional registration to the Intermediate Course which shall be confirmed only on submission of satisfactory proof of having passed the graduation \/ pos t graduation examination with the minimum marks as provided in sub -regulation (3) of this regulation before making the application for admission to Intermediate Examination; Provided further that if candidates fail to secure minimum marks as provided in s ub-regulation (3) of this regulation before making the application for admission to Intermediate Examination, his provisional registration shall be cancelled and for the purpose of these regulations (i) no credit shall be given for the theoretical educa tion undergone; and (ii) the Council may on receipt of an application from a candidate who is unable to produce the satisfactory proof referred to in this regulation, permit refund of such amount of registration and tuition fee, as may be decided by it fr om time to time. Provided that a candidate who has already been granted the provisional registration under regulation 28F on or before the coming into force of this regulation shall be required to submit the satisfactory proof of having passed the graduat ion examination within such period not exceeding six months as may be decided by the Council, from the date of appearance in the final year graduation examination. Provided further that if candidates fails to produce the proof within the aforesaid period, his provisional registration shall be cancelled and for the purpose of these regulations 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III(i) no credit shall be given for the theoretical education undergone; and (ii) the Council may on receipt of an application from a candidate who is unable to produ ce the satisfactory proof referred to in this regulation, permit refund of such amount of registration and tuition fee, as may be decided by it from time to time. (5) A candidate who has passed the Intermediate examination conducted by the Institute of Co st Accountants of India set up under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959) or by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India set up under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (56 of 1980) shall also be eligible for registration to Intermedia te Course: (6) A candidate for registration for Intermediate Course shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council which shall not exceed twenty -five thousand rupees along with his application in the form as may be approved by the Council. Provided a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. (7) The registration of a candidate under this regulation shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of registration\/conversion Prov ided that a candidate shall be eligible for a one time re -validation for a further period of five years on his making an application in the form approved by the Council and on payment of such fee as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. (8) Notwit hstanding anything contained in this regulation, a candidate registered for Intermediate Course shall also be treated as having registered for Business Accounting Associate also. 28I. Admission to the Intermediate Examination, Fees and Syllabus [ Applicab le to candidates registered for Intermediate Course under regulation 28H ] (1) No candidate shall be admitted to the Intermediate Examination unless he is registered with the Board of Studies of the Institute and produces a certificate to the effect that h e has undergone a study course for such period and in such manner as may be specified by the Council from time to time as on the first day of the month in which the examination is held: Provided that a candidate who is registered for the Intermediate Cour se under sub -regulation (3) of regulation 28H shall be eligible for admission to the Intermediate examination on fulfilling of the following criteria: - (a) produce a certificate to the effect that he has undergone a study course for a period not less than eigh t months, and; (b) submission of satisfactory proof of having passed the graduation \/ post graduation examination with the minimum marks as provided in said regulation before making the application for admission to Intermediate Examination (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -regulation (1), a candidate who was registered for the erstwhile Intermediate or Professional Education (Course II) or Intermediate (Professional Competence) Course or the Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course o r the Intermediate Course shall be eligible for admission to the Intermediate Examination subject to such conditions as specified by the Council. (3) A candidate for the Intermediate examination shall pay such fees, as may be fixed by the Council from tim e to time, which shall not exceed ten thousand rupees. Provided a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. (4) A candidate for the Intermediate Examination, shall be examined as per the syllabus approved by the Council from time to time.11. In Regulation 29, - after sub -regulation (2), the following sub -regulation (3) shall be inserted, namely : - [(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Council may, after the co mmencement of registration for the Final Course under regulation 29E, discontinue registration for the Final Course under this regulation by notice in the website of the Institute.12. Regulations 29B and 29C shall be omitted; 13. In Regulation 29D, -after sub -regulation (2), the following sub -regulation (3) shall be inserted, namely, - (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Council may, after the commencement of the Final Examination under Regulation 29F, discontinue holding the F inal Examination under this regulation and the candidates shall be required to pass the Final Examination as per the syllabus approved by the Council from time to time under regulation 31(v).14. After Regulation 29D, the following regulations 29E and 29 F shall be inserted, namely : - 29E. Registration for Final Course and fees (1) A candidate who has passed the Intermediate examination under these regulations shall be required to register for the Final course: Provided that a candidate who has passed th e erstwhile Intermediate Examination or Professional Education (Examination -II) or Intermediate (Professional Competence) Examination or the Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Examination or the Intermediate Examination held under these regu lations but has not registered for Final Course on the date of coming into force of these regulations shall be eligible for registration to the Final Course subject to compliance with other provisions of these regulations. Provided further that a candidat e who is already registered for Final Course under these regulations shall be eligible for conversion to Final Course subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Council. (2) A candidate for registration to the Final Course shall pay such fee as may be fixed by the Council from time to time which shall not exceed forty thousand rupees along with an application in the Form approved by the Council. Provided a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. (3) The registration of a candidate under this regulation shall be valid for a period of ten years from the date of registration\/conversion Provided that a candidate shall be eligible for re -validation for a further period of ten years on his making an application in the form approved by the Council and on payment of such fee as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. 29F Admission to Final Examination [Applicable to candidates appearing in Final Examination under the syllabus approved by the Council under regulation 31(v)] (1) No candidate shall be admitted to the Final Examination unless he (i) is registered for the Final Course and has passed both the Groups of the Intermediate Examination held under regulation 28I; and (ii) has completed the practical training as required for admission as a member at least six months before the 1st day of the month in which the examination is held; and (iii) has successfully completed advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills under regulation 51E; and (iv) has passed the self paced online modules as per regulation 51F; and (v) has complied with such other requirements in such manner as may be specified by the Council from time to time. (2) Notwithstanding an ything contained in sub -regulation (1), a candidate who has passed the Professional Education (Examination II) or the Professional Competence Examination or the Integrated Professional Competence Examination or the Intermediate (Professional Competence) Ex amination or Intermediate 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III(Integrated Professional Competence) Examination or the Intermediate Examination held under these Regulations or Intermediate Examination under the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1964 or the Intermediate or the first examinati on under the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1949, or was exempted from passing the first examination under those regulations shall be admitted to the Final examination provided that he has completed the practical training as required for admission as a member or has been serving the last six months of practical training, including excess leave, if any, under regulation 50 on the first day of the month in which the examination is held and has complied with other provisions of these regulations. Explanat ion. - A candidate who has been admitted to the Final Examination before coming into force of these regulations shall be required to complete the Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills under regulation 51E and to pass the self -paced online modules under regulation 51F and has complied with such other requirement in such manner as may be specified by the Council from time to time before applying for membership of the Institute. 15. In regulation 30, for regulation 30, the follo wing regulation shall be substituted, namely, - A candidate for admission to all the groups or only one group of the Final examination shall pay such fee as may be fixed by the Council from time to time which shall not exceed ten thousand rupees.Provide d a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. 16. In regulation 31, clauses (ii) and (iii) shall be omitted and after clause (iv), the following clasue (v) shall be inserted, namely : - (v) as per the syllabus approved by the Council from time to time after commencement of enrolment to Intermediate Course under regulation 28H. 17. In regulation 32, after the words electronically or the words shall be inserted. 18. Regulation 3 6A shall be omitted.; 19. In regulation 36B, -for sub -regulation (1), the following sub -regulation (1), shall be substituted, namely, - (1) A candidate admitted to the Foundation Examination under Regulation 25F shall ordinarily be declared to have passed the examination if he obtains at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each paper and a minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers.20. After regulation 36B, the following regulation 36C shall be inserted, namely, - 36C. Requirement for passing the Foundation Examination [Applicable to candidates appearing in Foundation Examination under Regulation 25H] (1) A candidate admitted to the Foundation Examination under Regulation 25H shall ordinarily be declared to have pa ssed the examination if he obtains at one sitting a minimum of fifty per cent marks in each paper. (2) The Council may adopt the criteria of negative marking in a paper or papers having objective type questions in such manner as may be specified by it f rom time to time.21. Regulation 37C shall be omitted; 22. In regulation 37D, after the heading the following shall be inserted, namely, - [Applicable to candidates who will be appearing in Intermediate Examination under Regulation 28G]23. After regul ation 37D, the following regulation 37E shall be inserted, namely, - 37E. Requirements for passing the Intermediate Examination [Applicable to candidates appearing in Intermediate Examination under Regulation 28I] (1) A candidate may appear in Group I or Group II, separately or simultaneously or in a Unit comprising of a set of papers of Group I or Group II. (2) A candidate shall ordinarily be declared to have passed the Intermediate Examination, if he passes in both Group I and Group II. [(3) A candidate , shall be eligible for Business Accounting Associate Certificate if he - (a) passes both Group I and Group II of Intermediate Examination; and (b) successfully completes Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills under regulation 51D; a nd (c) completes the practical training as provided in these regulations; and (d) successfully completes the self paced online modules as provided in these regulations; and (e) pay such fees as may be decided by the Council from time to time which shall n ot exceed Rs five thousand. Provided a candidate who is residing outside India shall pay such fees as may be fixed by the Council from time to time. (f) A candidate, who has passed either the Intermediate Examination or Intermediate (Integrated Professiona l Competence) Examination or Integrated Professional Competence Examination or Intermediate (Professional Competence) Examination or Professional Competence Examination or Professional Education -II Examination or erstwhile Intermediate Examination under th ese regulations or the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1964 or Intermediate or the first examination under the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1949 or was exempted from passing the first examination under that regulation have either been granted or n ot granted the Accounting Technician Certificate shall be eligible for making an application for Business Accounting Associate Certificate on compliance with such other requirements as may be specified by the Council from time to time. (4) A candidate shal l ordinarily be declared to have passed in both the Groups simultaneously, if he (a) secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each paper of each of the Groups, viz., Group I and Group II, and minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the a ggregate of all the papers of each of the Groups; or (b) secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each paper of both the Groups, viz., Group I and Group II, and a minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of b oth the Groups taken together. (5) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in Group I or Group II or Unit, as the case may be, if he secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each paper of the Group or Unit and a minimum of fifty p er cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of that Group or Unit. (6) A candidate, who has passed in any one but not in both the groups either of the Intermediate Examination held under these regulations or Intermediate (Integrated Professional Com petence) Examination or Integrated Professional Competence Examination or Intermediate (Professional Competence) Examination or Professional Education (Examination -II) or of the erstwhile Intermediate Examination, shall be eligible for exemption in the cor responding paper or papers for the unexpired chance or chances, if the corresponding paper or papers exists in the new syllabus approved by the Council. (7) The Council may frame guidelines to continue to award exemption in a paper or papers to a candidat e, granted earlier in the Intermediate Examination held under these regulations for the unexpired chance or chances of the exemption in the corresponding paper or papers, in which he has secured exemption if the corresponding paper or papers exists in the new syllabus approved by the Council under sub -regulation (4) of regulation 28I. On appearing in the examination of the corresponding paper or papers in which he had failed, he shall be declared to have passed the examination if he secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in the corresponding paper or papers in which he had failed earlier and a minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of the Group including the marks of the paper or papers in which he had earlier been granted exemption by the Council. (8) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -regulations (1) to (5), a candidate who has appeared in all the papers comprised in a Group or Unit and fails in one or more papers comprised in a Group but secures a min imum of sixty per cent. marks in any paper or papers of that Group shall be eligible to appear at any one or more of the next three following examinations in the paper or papers in which he secured less than sixty per cent. marks. He shall be declared to h ave passed in that Group or Unit if he secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each of such papers and a minimum of fifty per cent. of the total marks of all papers of that Group or Unit including the paper or papers in which he had se cured a minimum 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IIIof sixty per cent. marks in the earlier examination referred to above. He shall not be eligible for any further exemption in the remaining paper or papers of that Group or Unit until he has exhausted the exemption already granted to him in that Group or Unit. (9) If a candidate has exhausted the exemption granted to him under sub -regulation (8) and he was not able to pass the said Group or Unit, he may opt for the continuing of said exemption to the subsequent examinations. However, in suc h a case, such candidate shall be required to obtain a minimum of fifty per cent marks in each of the remaining paper\/s of that Group or Unit in order to declare him to have passed in that Group or Unit. (10) The Council may adopt the criteria of negative marking in a paper or papers having objective type questions in such manner as may be specified by it from time to time.24. Regulations 38B and 38C shall be omitted; 25. In regulation 38D, after the heading, the following shall be inserted, namely, - [Applicable to candidates appearing in Final Examination under the syllabus approved by the Council under regulation 31 (iv)]26. After regulation 38D, the following regulation 38E, shall be inserted, namely, - [Applicable to candidates appearing in Fin al Examination under the syllabus approved by the Council under regulation 31 (v)] (1) A candidate may appear in Group I or Group II or in a Unit comprising of a set of papers of Group I or Group II simultaneously or one Group\/ Unit in one examination and the remaining Group \/ Unit and shall ordinarily be declared to have passed the Final Examination if he passes in both the Groups. (2) A candidate shall ordinarily be declared to have passed in both the Groups\/Units as the case may be simultaneously, if he (a) secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each paper of each of the Groups\/ Units and minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of each of the Groups\/ Units; or (b) secures at one sitting a minimum of f orty per cent. marks in each paper of both the Groups\/Units and a minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of both the Groups\/Units taken together. (3) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in a Group\/Unit if he secures a t one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each paper of the Group\/Unit and a minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of that Group\/Unit. (4) A candidate who has passed in any one but not in both the groups\/Units of th e Final Examination under the syllabus approved by the Council under clause (iv) of regulation 31 or of the Final Examination as per the syllabus under paragraph 3 or 3A of Schedule `B to the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 or paragraph 3 of Sched ule to the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1964 (two Groups\/Units scheme after January 1, 1985) enforced at the relevant time shall be eligible for exemption in that particular Group\/Unit and shall be required to appear and pass in the remaining Gr oup\/Unit in order to pass the Final Examination. (5) The Council may frame guidelines to continue to award exemption in a paper or papers to a candidate, granted earlier under the syllabus approved under clause (iv) of regulation 31 for the unexpired chan ce or chances of the exemption in the corresponding paper or papers in which he had secured exemption, if the corresponding paper or papers exist in the new syllabus of the Final Examination approved by the Council under regulation 31(v). On appearing in t he examination of the corresponding paper or papers in which he had failed, he shall be declared to have passed the examination, if he secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in the corresponding paper or papers in which he had failed ear lier and a minimum of fifty per cent. marks in the aggregate of all the papers of the Group\/Unit including the marks of the paper or papers in which he had earlier been granted exemption by the Council. (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -regula tions (1) to (5), a candidate who has appeared in all the papers comprised in a Group\/Unit and fails in one or more papers comprised in a Group\/Unit but secures a minimum of sixty per cent. marks in any paper or papers of that Group\/Unit shall be eligible to appear at any one or more of the immediately next three following examinations in the paper or papers in which he secured less than sixty per cent. marks. He shall be declared to have passed in that Group\/Unit, if he secures at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent. marks in each of such papers and a minimum of fifty [per cent. of the total marks of all papers of that Group\/Unit including the paper or papers in which he had secured a minimum of sixty per cent. marks in the earlier examination referred t o above. He shall not be eligible for any further exemption in the remaining paper or papers of that Group\/Unit until he has exhausted the exemption already granted to him in that Group\/Unit] (7) If a candidate has exhausted the exemption granted to him u nder sub -regulation (6) and he was not able to pass the said Group\/Unit, he may opt for the continuing of said exemption to the subsequent examinations. However, in such a case, such candidate shall be required to obtain a minimum of fifty per cent marks in each of the remaining paper\/s of that Group\/Unit in order to declare him to have passed in that Group\/Unit. (8) The Council may adopt the criteria of negative marking in a paper or papers having objective type questions in such manner as may be specif ied by it from time to time.27. In regulation 39, in sub -regulation (1), for clause (a), the following clause (a) shall be substituted, namely, - (a) The result of each examination indicating whether a candidate has been successful or unsuccessful in the said examination shall be made available on the website of the Institute;28. In regulation 40, for sub -regulation (1), the following shall be substituted, namely, - (1) A candidate who has passed the Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) E xamination, Intermediate Examination or Final Examination held under these regulations shall be granted a certificate to that effect in the Form approved by the Council. Provided that the Council may refuse to grant such certificate to a candidate who has passed the final examination but has not complied with other provisions of these regulations which are required to be complied with for becoming a member of the Institute. Provided further that a candidate may apply for Business Accounting Associate Certi ficate on fulfilment of the criteria as specified by the Council from time to time.29. In regulation 45, in sub -regulation (1), - (i) In clause (a), after the word and figures regulation 43,, the words having regard toshall be inserted; (ii) In clause (b)(i) of sub -regulation (1), after the words and figure regulation 28Gwords and figure or both the Groups of Intermediate Examination held under regulation shall be inserted.; 30. In regulation 48, in sub -regulation (1), for the Table, the followi ng Table shall be substituted, namely, - Classification of the Normal place of service of the articled assistant During the first year of training During the second year of training During the third year of training (2) (2) (3) (4) (i) Cities\/Towns having population of twenty lakhs and above Rs.4000\/ - Rs.5000\/ - Rs.6000\/ - (ii) Cities\/Towns having population of five lakhs and above but less than twenty lakhs Rs.3000\/ - Rs.4000\/ - Rs.5000\/ - (iii) Cities\/Towns havin g a population of less than five lakhs Rs.2000\/ - Rs.3000\/ - Rs.4000\/ - 31. In regulation 50, - (i) In clause (ii), for the words three years, the words shall be substituted; (ii) For the proviso to clause (ii), the following proviso shall b e substituted, namely, - 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IIIPROVIDED that a candidate who was registered as an articled assistant for a period of three years before coming into force the Chartered Accountants (2nd Amendments) Regulations, 2022 shall be eligible to continue and complete th e remaining period of practical training as per the deed of articles executed under these regulations irrespective of any break in the continuity of training.32. In regulation 51, - (i) In sub -regulation (1), after the words Intermediate examination the wor ds under these regulations shall be inserted and for the words eighteen months, the words shall be substituted; (ii) In sub -regulation (4) and (9), for the words eighteen months, the words twelve monthsshall be substituted; (iii) In sub -regul ation (11), after the words, industrial training, the words subject to a minimum of rupees fifteen thousand per month shall be inserted; (iv) After sub -regulation (11), the following sub -regulation (12), shall be inserted, namely, - (12) Notwithstanding an ything contained in this regulation, an articled assistant who is already undergoing industrial training on or before the coming into force of the Chartered Accountants (2nd Amendments) Regulations, 2022 shall be eligible to continue and complete the remai ning period of industrial training as per agreement of training entered into under sub -regulation (6).33. In regulation 51D, after the words Intermediate Course, the word and after the words and figure, the words and figure or under regulati on 28H, as the case may be shall be inserted. 34. In regulation 51E, for the words last two years, the word and for the words without any break in continuity the words and before appearing in the Final examination shall be substituted; 35. After regulation 51E, the following regulation 51F, shall be inserted, namely, - 51F. S elf paced online modules (1) A candidate who has passed both the Groups of the Intermediate Examination shall be required to undergo and pass self paced online modu les consisting of such number of modules and in such manner as may be specified by the Council from time to time. (2) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in the self paced modules if he obtains a minimum of fifty per cent marks in each module.36. In regulation 54, in sub -regulation (5), for the word , the word shall be substituted; 37. After regulation 54A, the following regulation 54AA shall be inserted, namely, - 54AA. Practical Training of a candidate who is residing outsi de India under eligible members of Accountancy Institutions or Bodies outside India A candidate who is residing outside India may undergo the practical training under eligible members of such other accounting institutions or bodies outside India recognize d by the International Federation of Accountants in such manner as may be determined by the Council. 38. In regulation 56, for first proviso to sub -regulation (1), the following proviso shall be substituted, namely, - Provided that in the first year of such training, the articles so engaged may, by agreement between the articled assistant and his principal, be terminated. During the second year of training, the termination of articles shall be permitted if the articled assistant opts for industrial tra ining or under such exceptional circumstances or conditions, as may be decided by the Council.39. In regulation 59, - (i) For sub -regulation (1), the following shall be substituted, namely, - (1) An articled assistant shall be eligible for leave of twelve da ys in each year of his practical training. (ii) Sub -regulations (2), 4) and (5) shall be omitted; (iii) In sub -regulation (7), - [(a) In Explanation (1), for the words Course on Information Technology Training, and Course on General Management and Communication Skills: the words Course under regulation 51E shall be substituted; (b) Explanation (2) shall be omitted (iv) After sub -regulation (7), the following sub -regulation (8), shall be inserted, namely, - (8) An articled assistant who is already registered on or before the com ing into force of the Chartered Accountants (2nd Amendments) Regulations, 2022 shall continue to be governed by the provisions of this regulation which were in force prior to their amendment and as per the deed of articles executed under these regulations. CA. (Dr.) JAI KUMAR BATRA , Sec y. [ADVT .-III\/4\/Exty.\/103\/2022 -23] Note : The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, dated the 1st June, 1988 vide Notification number 1 -CA(7)\/134\/88 dated 1st June, 1988 and last amen ded vide Notification No. 1 -CA(7)\/198\/2021 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary dated 7th March, 2022 Uploaded by Dte . of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054 . ","Summary":"The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has published the Draft Chartered Accountants (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2022 to amend the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988. The amendment brings changes to the eligibility criteria of chartered accountants. Following are some of the noteworthy changes: The requirement of one year post qualification work experience is not applicable for a member who has a year of work experience with a fellow CA in practice in the immediately preceding five years of application. Registration for Common Proficiency is no more required. Regulations regarding its test, fee and syllabus have also been omitted. Regulation regarding registration for the Foundation Course has been inserted. Regulation regarding Enrolment for Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course and Fees has been deleted. Regulation delineating requirements for passing the intermediate examination have been added, which lays down the eligibility to appear for and requirements to pass group I and II papers. Regulation has been inserted for Practical Training of a candidate residing outside India, under the eligible members of Accountancy Institutions or Bodies outside India. To read the full document, click here."},"68":{"Title":"Draft Indian Telecom Security Assurance Requirements for 5-G Access and Mobility Management Function","Text":"Subject: Notice for seeking stakeholder inputs on the DFC (Draft For Comment) of Indian Telecom Security Assurance Requirements (ITSAR) for 5G-Access and Mobility Management Function ( 5G-AMF ) Dear Stakeholders, In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885), the Central Government amended the Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951 to insert Rule 528 to 537 in Part XI under the heading Testing & Certification of Telegraph. The new rules provide that every telecom equipment must undergo prior mandatory testing and certification. 2. Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) came out with Procedure for Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment (MTCTE) in December 2017. The MTCTE document outlines the proce dure to operationalise the new Rules. 3. The testing and certification described in the MTCTE procedure document requires that the equipment meets the Essential Requirements (ER). Security Requirement is part of ER for which the equipment must be tested and certified against. The responsibility for framing Security requirements and for Security testing and certification lies with National Centre for Communication Security (NCCS), a centre under Department of Telecommunications headquartered at Bengaluru. 4. Sec urity Assurance Standards (SAS) vertical under NCCS is responsible for drafting and finalizing ITSARs for communication equipment. In this regard, an online meeting is scheduled for discussion with the stakeholders (TSPs, OEMs , prospective labs, industry b odies, and academia) on the Draft ITSAR for 5G-Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF) . The details of the online meeting and registration link are as follows: Date of meeting: 31.05.202 2 (at 1 1:30 hrs onwards ) Registration link : will be shared later The comments received from stakeholders will form the basis for discussion. Stakeholders are hereby requested to participate in the above meeting & send their suggestions\/comments \/inputs to the following e-mail addresses on or before 27.05.202 2 1) Shri R. Babu Srinivasa Kumar Director (SAS -II), NCCS dirnccs5.bg -dot@ gov.in 2) Shri. Manas Kumar Panda ADG (SAS -II), NCCS adg2sasf.nccs -dot@gov.in In case of any queries, Please call Sh.R. Babu Srinivasa Ku mar , at +91 9444000960 or Sh. Manas Kumar Panda at +91 82490 17281 Thanks and regards R. Babu Srinivasa Kumar Director(SAS -II) O\/o Sr DDG(NCCS), NCCS, DoT, Bengaluru -27. ","Summary":"Under the Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE) regime, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) wants all network gear checked for safety checks at local labs. Prior to use, it must pass obligatory testing and certification for parameters set by the TEC authority. To read complete document, click here."},"85":{"Title":"Draft National Data Governance Framework Policy","Text":"NA TIONAL DA T AGOVERNANCEFRAMEWORK POLICY&-&$530\/*$4\"\/%*\/'03.\"5*0\/5&$)\/0-0(:(07&3\/.&\/5~ \\il90cc ICE two wheelers. Following incentives shall be provided by GNCTD in addition to the FAME India demand incentive: Purchase Incentive equivalent to 50 % of the demand incentive offered under FAME India. Existing subsidies provided through the Air Ambience Fund of Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) will stand withdrawn and subsumed under the Purchase Incentive . 3.1.2. An additional Top -up Incentive of up to 50% of the FAME India incentive will be provided to vehicles with swappab le batteries for a period of three years from the date of notification of this policy. List of approved vehicles for Top -up Incentive will be noti fied by the Transport Department, GNCTD from time to time. 3.1.3 Ride hailing and two wheeler rental service providers will be allowed to operate electric two wheeler taxis subject to obtaining a commercial vehicle registration in Delhi and operating within guidelines notified by the Transport Department, GNCTD from time to time. 3.1.4 Road tax, registration fees and MCD one -time parking fee will be waived for all electric two -wheelers with an Advance Battery3.1.5 Existing ICE two wheeler owners will get a scrapping and de -registration incentive of up to 15,000 per vehicle f or scrapping two wheelers that are not BS [IV] certified. This incentive will be applicable for up to two years from the date of notification of this policy. The incentive will be provided by the RTO as a certificate on completion of the pre scribed de -registration process. Incentive certificates will be transferable but can only be utilised as additional incentive towards the purchase of an electric vehicle in the same financial year as the year of issuance of the certificate. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD4 Incentives listed above will be applied and paid out as per FAME India guidelines and procedures. In the event that FAME India incentives are reduced during the validity of this policy , the GNCTD will review the additional incentives offered by this policy in a manner that ensur es price competitiveness of two wheeler EVs with equivalent internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The GNCTD is committed to providing stable incentives with a view to encourag ing long term investments by manufacturers, dealers and charging facility pr oviders . 3.2 Three -Seater Auto -Rickshaws (TSRs) Passenger t hree wheelers or Three -Seater Auto -Rickshaws (TSRs) critical part of the public transport infrastructure in Delhi . Travelling up to 300 km per day, they provide last mile connectivity and access to areas that are underserved by public transport. Delhi EV Policy 2018 will aim to incentivise the purchase and use of new electric autos with swappable batteries () instead of ICE equivalents and simult aneously promote conversion of existing CNG autos to e -autos. Following incentives shall be provided by GNCTD in addition to the FAME India demand incentive: 3.2.1. An open permit system will apply to approved e-autos, with no limits on the number of Auto Rickshaw Permits (e -auto Permits) to be issued. The list of approved e -autos will be notified by the Department of Transport, GNCTD. This list will comprise passenger three wheelers listed as being eligible under FAME India (having fulfilled all the eligibility and testing conditions as specified under the scheme) and additionally should be vehicles which use a swappable Advance Battery . 3.2.2. Road tax, registration charges , MCD one -time parking fee and Auto Ricksh aw Permit fees will be waived for e -autos 3.2.3. Individuals with a valid light motor vehicle driving license (DL) and a PSV badge will be eligible to apply for e -auto permits. These e -auto permits will be non -transferable (except to legal heirs) . 3.2.4. Hire purchase and hypothecation of e -autos will be allowed for Scheduled Banks and Non -Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) duly approved by the Reserve Bank of India or any other competent authority notified by the Government of India 3.2.5. Fleet owners will al so be allowed to obtain and hold e -auto Permits. Such permits may be transferred to individual drivers holding a valid DL pursuant to a hire purchase, lease or loan agreement Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD5 3.2.6. To support wide ownership and improve d incomes of individual e -auto owners, the GNCTD will provide following support to individuals with a valid DL and PSV badge who want to finance the purchase of an e -auto in Delhi : i. 5% of the purchase price (net of FAME India subsidy) will be provided as down payment subsidy to an empaneled finance provider subject to a maximum of 12,500 , and ii. 5% interest subvention will be provided subject to the loan amount being capped at 2,50,000 and a maximum loan tenor of 3 years Finance providers will be empaneled by the Delhi Financial Corporation (DFC) on the basis of applications from Scheduled Banks and NBFCs. These applications will be evaluated for empanelment based on attractiveness of terms offered to potential borrowers . 3.2.7. Existing TSR Permit holders w ill get an incentive of up to 15 ,000 per vehic le if they de -register and scrap vehicles that are more than seven years old provided they also surrender their permits. This incentive will be provided by the RTO as a certificate on completion of the prescribed de -registration process. Incentive certific ates will be transferable but can only be utilised towards the purchase of an e -auto in the same financial year as the year of issuance of the certificate. Auto Rickshaw Permits linked to the de -registered vehicle can be exchanged for an e -auto Permit at no additional cost. 3.3 E-rickshaws The number of e -rickshaws in Delhi has grown rapidly and they provide useful means for last mile connectivity. This policy will aim to support the use of e -rickshaws that are safe and driven in compliance with regulations , and for the replacement of e-rickshaws with lead acid batteries with those having advanced, swappable batteries. Existing subsidies provided through the Delhi Pollution Control Commi ttee (DPCC) from the Air Ambience Fund will stand withdrawn a nd subsumed under the following: 3.3.1. Delhi Financial Corporation (DFC) will provide a hire -purchase scheme for approved e -rickshaws and to drivers with a valid driving license and PSV badge. Drivers will have to provide 5% of the purchase price of the e -rickshaw as an initial deposit and pay the remainder of the purchase price along with interest at 5 % over a 36 month period. Details of the hire -purchase scheme will be notified by DFC and a list of approved e -rickshaws will be notified by the Department of Transport, GNCTD. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD6 3.3.2. The GNCTD will also provide following support to individuals with a valid DL who want to finance the purchase of an e -rickshaw through a DFC empaneled NBFC or Scheduled Bank : i. 10% of the purchase price will be provided as down payment subsidy to an empaneled finance provider subject to a maximum of ii. 5% interest subvention will be provided subject to th e loan amount being capped at 1,80,000 and a maximum loan tenor of 3 years 3.4 Promoting u sage of App based e-autos and e -cabs Increased use of e-cabs and e -autos will have a positive impact on air pollution. With a view to promote the use of these vehicles , the following measures will be adopted for a period three years from the date of notification of this po licy : 3.4.1. App -based a ggregators and ride hailing service providers who provide mobility solutions will be invited to participate in the App -based e-cab\/e -auto user incentive scheme . App -based a ggregators who participate will need to aggregate a fleet of e -autos and \/or e -cabs and offer rides in these v ehicles. 3.4.2. For all e -cab\/ e-auto rides taken through an App -based aggregator , the GNCTD will offer rebates for short first and last mile connectivit y trips. These rebates will be capped at a maximum of 20% of trip cost and an absolute value of 10 per ride . The objective of the rebate will be to make an e-cab\/ e-auto ride at least 10 -20% cheaper than an equivalent ride in an ICE cab\/auto . 3.5 Buses Substantial additions of buses to the public transport fleet are expected in the period 201 9-2023. The GNCTD commits to pure electric buses being at least 50% of all new state -carriage bus es procured for the city fleet including for last mile connectivity , starting with the induction of 1000 pure electric buses in 2019. This will help achieve a target of making 50% of the public transport bus fleet zero emission by 2023. In addition, GNCTD will offer reasonable incentives to operators of private stage -carr iage vehicles of all sizes to ensure that battery electric vehicles make up least 50% of the entire public transport system in Delhi by 2023. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD3.6 Goods carriers (3 Wheeler) Three wheeler goods carriers are useful for low capacity, short haul deliveries in congested areas of the city. This policy recognises their importance and will seek to incentivise the electrif ication of this fleet. Specific measures aimed at supporting th is segment of vehicles are: 3.6.1. Fleet owners, businesses using three wheeler goods carriers and individual owners will be encouraged to adopt electric three wheeler goods carriers () by providing an additional pu rchase incentive equivalent to 50% of the incentive offered under FAME India. This e-Carrier Incentiveavailable for approved list of vehicles as notified by the Transport Department, GNCTD and will be available for the first 5000 e-carriers to be regi stered. The list of appro ved e -Carriers will comprise three wheelers (goods carriers) listed as being eligible under FAME India (having fulfilled all the eligibility and testing conditions as specified under the scheme) and additionally should be vehicles which use a swappable , advance b attery 3.6.2. Road tax, registration fees and MCD one -time parking fee will be waived for e-Carriers that are eligible for e-Carrier Incentive 3.6.3. e-Carriers that are eligible for e-Carrier Incentive will be exempt from the prohibition on plying and idle parking of lights goods vehicles during specified timings as notified by the Transport Department, GNCTD from time to time. 3.7 Other vehicles Road tax, registration fees and MCD one -time parking fee will be waived for all other electric vehicles that are eligible for FAME India demand incentives. This waiver will apply for the period of this policy i.e. 2018 -2023. A summary of FAME India and Delhi EV policy incentives applicable to various c lasses of vehicles can be found in Annexure I ; the existing DPCC subsidies are also listed for comparison. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD4.0 Charging infrastructure Experience in other cities across the globe indicates that availability of charging infrastructure is a key driver of EV adoption. The objective of this policy will be to create an enabling environment for the provision of private as well as public charging infrastructure. 4.1 Private charging points It is expected that most EV users will use home and workplace charging po ints for their core charging needs. The following policy measures will be put in place to encourage installation of private charging infrastructure: 4.1.1. Following changes in b uilding bye -law s will be made to make home an d work place parking a) All new and renovated non -residential buildings with parking demarcated for more than 10 equivalent car spaces ( ) will need to have at least ECS spots with conduits installed. b) All new and renovated residential buildings, Co -op, Group H ousing Soci eties and colonies managed by Residents Welfare Associations (RWAs) with more than 10 ECS parking space will need to make 100% of demarcated ECS parking, EV ready with conduits installed . 4.1.2. All existing residential building owners, RWAs and Co -op Group Housing Societies with demarcated parking area of more than 10 ECS will be encouraged to install one EV AC charger ( i.e., a charger with either single phase or three phase input but confirming t o other BEVC - AC001 specifications ) for e very three ECS . The GNCTD will provide a grant of 10 0% of the purchase and installation cost o f these charging points up to per charging point for the first 10,000 charging points. Grants will be available only for chargers that are either single phase or three phase input but comply with all other BEVC -AC001 specifications 4.1.3. All non -residential building owners and Market Associations with parking demarcated for more than 10 ECS will be encouraged to install one Bharat EV AC charger (i.e., a charger with BEVC - AC001 s pecifications) for every three ECS. The GNCTD will provide a grant of 100% of the purchase and installation cost o f these charging points up to 30,000 pe r charging point f or the first 10,000 charging points. Grants will be available only for chargers that comply with BEVC -AC001 specifications Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD9 4.1.4. Power distribution companies (DISCOMS) will work wit h owners of residential and non -residential buildings, RWAs and Co -op Group Housing Societies to ensure adequate supply infrastructure is made available for the installation of these charging points. 4.1.5. Electricity tariff applicable for Charging Stations for e -rickshaws\/e -vehicle on single point delivery (5.50 per kWh for supply at L T with ToD rebates as applicable) will be extended to include all charging points that are BEVC -AC001 compl iant and are connected to an on-site single point of delivery meter . The GNCTD will endeavour to maintain the existing special electricity tariff for EV charging at the same rate or lower for the entire duration of this 4.2. Public Charging Infrastructure Providing accessible public charging facilities within 3 km travel from anywhere in Delhi is a key objective of this policy. Keeping this in mind, the following steps will be followed to set a public charging network across Delhi: 4.2.1. The city will be divided into 11 travel districts mapping onto existing revenue districts . Energy Operators (EOs) will be invited to bid to set up charging stations in each of the travel districts. Specifications for charging infrastructure to be provided will be defined by the Department of Transport, GNCTD. In defining specifications for public charging infrastr ucture, the Department of Transport, GNCTD will use the existing BEVC -AC001 and DC001 specifications notified by the Government of India and any subsequent changes thereon . 4.2.2. Concessional l ocation s for charging stations will be made available by the GNCTD in every district along with bare minimum lease rental s. These Concessional l ocations will be carved out fro m existing public parking zones, bus depots and terminals, metro stations and other GNCTD identified locations such that they offer easy entry and exit. EOs will also be allo wed to sublet or operate up to 20% of the allocated charging station space as retail kiosks. Outside of the Concessional l ocations , EOs can set up any number of other sites as long as th ey have required publ ic access. 4.2.3. EOs will be selected for each travel district based on competitive bidding on the basis of lowest capital subsidy requested per charging point installation and the density of charging points (i.e., points\/sq .km.) being inst alled within a two yea r period this will include charging points at both Concessional locations and other sites . Successful bidders will be given the exclusive right to operate public charging stations within the assigned travel district for a Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD10 period of 10 years subject to m eeting the conditions laid out in the bid documents. 4.2.4. GNCTD will provide a capital subsidy covering cost o f chargers and installation expenses to the winning bidder in a district. Subsidy levels will differ based on bids received fr om EOs for each travel district . Subsidies will be paid out as per a pre -agreed schedule as laid out in the bid documents . Successful EOs will be free to price their service as they want. No operational subsidies will be provided to the EOs. 4.3. Public Battery Swapping Infrastructu re 4.3.1. GNCTD will also invite bids from battery manufacturers and others interested in setting up a battery swapping busi ness. Bids will be invited for up to three Battery Swapping Operators (BSOs) who can operate across Delhi . Bidders will have to bid on the basis of price they will charge per kWh to users ( all inclusive including the price for power , lease rental for the battery and any other charges) and the number of swapping kiosks they commit to set up across the city within a two year period. 4.3.2. BSOs thus selected based on a competitive bidding process will have the right to set up and operate battery swapping kiosks\/points within public parking zones bus depots and terminals, metro stations and other GNCTD identified locations . Space within these site s will be allocated by the GNCTD at bare minimum lease rentals. BSOs can operate these kiosks either on their own or in partnership with Energy Operators. BSOs can also set up and operate either themselves or through a business associate\/franchisee - swapping stations across the city . 4.3.3. 100% of net SGST, accrued to the GNCTD, will be provided as reimbursement to BSOs for purchase of Advanced Batteries to be used at swapping stations. This reimbursement will be available for a period of two years from the date of notification giving effect to this rei mbursement scheme. 4.4. Favourable e lectricity tariff for EOs and BSOs 4.4.1. Electricity tariff applicable for BSOs and EOs will be as notified in the DERC Tariff Schedule for 2018 -19 as being applicable for Charging Stations for e -rickshaws\/e -vehicle on si ngle point delivery5.50 per kWh for supply at LT with ToD rebates as applicable) . The GNCTD will endeavour to maintain the existing special electricity tariff for EV charging at the same rate or l ower for the entire duration of this policy. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD11 4.4.2. EOs and BSOs who have won a concession to operate will be encouraged to use low cost and renewable sources of power. In consultation with DERC, the GNCTD will look to provide: a) Open Access without the condition of having contract demand of 1MW and above at every charging station or swapping kiosk ; so long as cumulative demand for the EO or BSO is more than 1MW . b) Power banking EOs and BSOs who set up captive renewable energy faci lities will be given power banking facilities with the DISCOMS operating in Delhi over a period of one year. This will encourage generation and use of renewable power. Terms for Power Banking will be notified in due course . 4.5. Payment infrastructure and information sharing 4.5.1. EOs, BSOs and mini swapping station operators will be expected to accept payments by multiple modes (e.g., cash, cards, mobile wallets, UPI); payments through the common mobility card payment system will also need to be offered as an op tion for payments. 4.5.2. An open, publicly owned database will be developed by Transport Department, GNCTD offering users up to date and real time information on public charging infrastructure (i.e., location, number and type of swapping kiosks\/chargers, queue lengths\/availability and pricing). EOs, BSOs and mini swapping station operators will have to provide data to this public database. The database c an be used free of charge by in -vehicle navigations systems and charging apps and maps. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD5.0 Recycling Ecosystem Battery and EVs EV batteries typically need to be replaced once they have degraded to operating at 70-80% of their capacities. EVs are therefore going to outlive the batteries powering them, with a vehicle requiring about two batteri es in a 10 -year life span. Batteries that have reached their end of life will need to be either reused or recycled. Lack of adequate reuse or recycling will have a high environmental cost. Not only do EV batteries carry a risk of giving off toxic gases if damaged during disposal, but core materials such as lithium and cobalt are finite and very expensive to extract . The Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 will encourage the re -use of EV batteries that have reached the end of their life and setting up of rec ycling businesses in collaboration with battery and EV manufacturers that focus on urban miningmaterials within the battery for re -use by battery manufacturers . 5.1 R euse of EV batteries 5.1.1. EOs and BSOs will be operate as end of life battery recycling agencies. EV owners can deposit vehicle batteries that have reached their end of life at any charging point or swapping station operated by an EO or BSO and in return get a remunerative price for this battery. Disposal of EV batteries in any other e.g., in landfills or as scrap, will not be allowed. 5.1.2. A nodal agency shall be appointed by GNCTD to act as an aggregator to purchase EV batteries that are at least 70% of rated capacity. These batteries will be purchased f rom EOs and BSOs and will then be re -used as to store renewable energy. Batteries procured in such manner will be auctioned to renewable generators within and outside Delhi. The nodal agency shall publish purchase price of end of life batteries every month based on auction prices achieved and a margin for itself and the EO\/BSO. 5.2 End -of-life battery and EV recycling EV batteries that cannot be re -used, either because of poor condition of the battery or lack of demand for reuse, will b e sent to recycling facilities. At these recycling facilities, high value battery materials (e.g., Nickel and Cobalt) will be recovered and then sold to battery manufacturers for re -use. 5.2.1 The GNCTD will invite battery recycling businesses to establish a presence in Delhi. Appropriate protocols and investment subsidies for setting up such a business shall be notified by the GNCTD after consultation with stakeholders , especially battery and EV manufacturers . Battery recycling businesses will purchase end of life batteries from EOs and BSO s as per mutually agreed prices. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD13 6.0 Funding The GNCTD will seek to fund a high proportion of the incentives proposed in this policy using the concept i.e. by adopting measures by which inefficient or polluting vehicles incur a surcharge (fee -) while efficient ones receive a rebate (-bate). As per NITI Aayog and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), Austria, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Ontario (Canada), and Singapore have introduced variations of feebates. Funding for the various incentives under Delhi EV Policy will be obtained from the following sources and aggregated under an umbrella , non -lapsable State EV Fund6.1 Pollution Cess All petrol and diesel -powered vehicle users will pay a Pollution Cess on the sale of fuel beginning with April 2019. A higher cess will be levied on Diesel, being a more polluting fuel and a known carcinogen, and the existing Diesel Cess will be subsumed under this. The Pollution Cess will be reviewed and revised once every year to fund the increased subsidy bill due to higher adopti on of Electric Vehicles. Fees collected will be deposited on a daily basis with the GNCTD and allocated exclusively to the State EV Fund. 6.2 Parking surcharge An Air Quality Parking Surcharge will be levied on Base Parking Fees -BPF (as defined under the draft Delhi Maintenance and Management of Parking Rules, 2017) and applicable to all ICE vehicles only . The level of the surcharge will be notified by the Depart ment of Transport, GNCTD and will be determined based on traffic density in an area. Funds raised through the Air Quality Surcharge will be allocated to the State EV Fund and the surcharge will be reviewed and revised once every 6.3 Road tax Additional road taxes will be levied on diesel and petrol vehicles , especially luxury cars. Additional taxes will be based on a sliding scale with high price diesel vehicles paying the highest additional road tax and low price two wheelers incurring a smal l addition. Revised Road Ta x rates in line with this principle will be notified by the Department of Transport, GNCTD and the additional road tax thus collected will be allocated to the State EV Fund. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD14 6.4 Congestion fee A congestion fee up to 2.5% on fare will be levied on all trips originatin g or terminating within the NCT of Delhi and taken through cab aggreg ator and ride hailing services. This tax will be waived for rides taken in an e -two wheeler, e -auto or e-cab. Tax due will have to deposited wi th the GNCTD every month and will be allocated to the State EV Fund. 6.5 Other Sources Any gaps left after funding from the State EV Fund has been entirely utilised will be filled either through allocations from the Environment Compensation Charge (ECC) already being collected in Delhi , after obtaining necessary approvals from the ble Supreme Court, or through budgetary allocations from the GNCTD. It is expected that budgetary allocations will not be the major source of funding for incentives detailed in this policy. The State EV Fund, with contributions from the Pollution Cess, the Air Quality Parking Surcharge, additional Road Tax, Congestion Fee and ECC should be the primary contributor towards funding the proposals in this Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD7.0 Creating Jobs Vocational Training and R&D A large number of new jobs can be created due to increasing EV adoption e.g., e -auto and e -cab drivers, charging station operators and EV service mechanics. Delhi has the opportunity to become a hub for the provision of training related to jobs in the EV eco -system. Following policy measures will be taken to train personnel for the EV eco -system: 7.1. In partnership with auto OEMs, EOs and BSOs, vocational courses will be designed to train EV mechanics and charging station staff. These courses will be delivered through the World Class Skill Centres (WCSCs) set up by the GNCTD 7.2. Private sector partners i.e., auto OEMs, EOs and BSOs will be allowed to conduct their own captive staff training at the WCSCs. Space and faculty will be provided at concessional rates 7.3. The GNCTD will conduct regular recruitment at the WCSCs for private sector recruiters w ho would like to hire trained personnel 7.4. WCSCs will also offer short re -training courses for ICE mechanics who would like to be trained in repairing and servicing EVs. These part time courses will be offered through the year at concessional fees 7.5. High levels of EV penetration and availabi lity of charging infrastructure will offer an opportunity to design and test new models of electric mobility and charging equipment. A Centre of Excellence focused on design and use of EV s will be funded by the GNCTD and set up at one of the Central or State universities within Delhi. This Centre will focus on impro ving usage and efficiency of EV s and charging equipment. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD8.0 Policy implementation Department of Transport , GNCTD, will be the nodal department for the implementation of Delhi State EV Policy. Following measures shall be taken to ensure a smooth implementation of various proposals in Delhi State EV Policy: 8.1. A dedicated EV cell shall be established within the Transport Department for effective day -to-day implementation of the Delhi State EV Policy . It will be led by a Chief EV Officer hired on a contractual basis with relevant technical expertise and supported by adequate and competent staff to exclusively deal with all matters related to electric mobility in the NCT of Delhi. 8.2. A State EV Board shall be constituted as the apex body for effective implementation of the State EV Policy. It will be chaired by the Honble Minister of Transport , GNCTD, and comprise of the follo wing members: a) Vice Chairman, Dialogue and Development Commission b) Secretary -cum -Commissioner (Transport) Member Secretary c) Principal Secretary (Finance) d) Principal Secretary (Power) e) Chief EV Officer, GNCTD f) Up to 5 experts from Industry, Academia and Civil society to be nominated by ble Minister of Transport 8.3. The State EV Board will be fully empowered to sanction the expenditure of funds collected under the State EV Fund for the various incentive schemes and projects emanating out of the Delhi EV Policy . The Board will meet at least once every three months and will perform the following roles: g) Review the implementation and effectiveness of the policy and undertake necessary and sufficient corrective measures \/ changes \/ amendments if required to achieve th e goals desired under the policy h) Put in place the institutional mechanisms required to implement this policy (e.g., notifying list of approved vehicles, identifying public charging and battery swapping locations etc.) i) Bring about inter -departmental coordination in respect of matters related to this Policy. j) Review the definitions of EV, EV components, Battery and Charging Station or any other related definitions and approve the amendments as may be appropriate. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD17 k) Review the best practices l) Recommend the formation of sub -committees or special task forces on priority areas from time to time. 8.4. The GNCTD is committed to providing stability in the EV policy framework in the NCT of Delhi . The State EV Board will be fully empowered to make any changes in the level of incentives or subsidies or to take measures for effective targeting of such subsidies such that the primary objective of this policy i.e. to drive rapid adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) in a manner where they contribute to 25% of all new vehicle registrations by 2023, is achieved. Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTDAnnexure 1 - Summary of incentives available for various classes of EVs categories FAME India, 2015 (and subsequent amendments) Air Ambience Fund\/DPCC Draft Delhi EV Policy Mild, Strong and Plug in Hybrid Vehicles Demand incentive as applicable NIL NIL Pure Electric - Battery Electric Vehicles Demand incentive as applicable Subsidy as per cost of vehicle provided to purchaser - Purchase Incentive - Top Up Incentive - Scrapping Incentive (all incentives applicable at time of purchase and payable to Auto OEM or dealer) Two wheelers incentive - Level 9400 - 22,000 per vehicle) Subsidy to purchaser vehicles that cost up to vehicles that cost more than 20,000 but less 5,500 for vehicles that cost more than 25,000 - Purchase and Top Up Incentives for specific vehicle categories (i.e., High power with Advance Battery); 11,000 -22,000 per vehicle - Scrapping Incentive of up to Three wheelers (passenger) \/ e-Autos Demand incentive 61,000 per vehicle) NIL - E-auto permits issued without any restrictions - Grant for down payment and interest subvention to individual drivers for vehicles with swappable batterie s (~ per vehicle over a Draft Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy 2018 Transport Department, GNCTD19 Vehicle categories FAME India, 2015 (and subsequent amendments) Air Ambience Fund\/DPCC Draft Delhi EV Policy 3 year period) - Scrapping Incentive of up to - Cash back for passengers up to 10 per trip e-rickshaws Demand incentive of 37,500 -45,00 0 for specified models Subsidy of 30,000 - Hire purchase scheme at concessional terms 49,000 over a 3 year period) for vehicles with advance, swappable batteries Three wheeler (goods) \/ e-Carriers Demand incentive of 25,000 -61,000 NIL Purchase Incentive of 12,500 -20,500 for vehicles with advance, swappable batteries Buses and Other Stage vehicles Subsidy for public transport purchases in specified cities NIL - Subsidy as decided by GNCTD from time to time to ensure 50% of fleets comprise of EVs by 2023 Passenger cars \/ e-Cabs Demand incentives as per specification Subsidy of 30,000 for vehicles that cost 5 lacs and 1,50,000 for vehicles that cost more than 5 lacs - Waiver registration fees, r oad tax and MCD one -time parking fee - Cash back for passengers up to 10 per trip LCVs Demand incentives as specified NIL - Waiver registration fees, r oad tax and MCD one -time parking fee Retrofitment Demand incentive as per vehicle category - NIL ","Summary":"The Delhi Government has proposed the Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy, 2018 to fight vehicular pollution. The draft policy aims to make 25% of all vehicles in Delhi electric by 2023. In order to do so, the Delhi Government would incentivize the purchase and use of electric vehicles and support the electrification of public transport. These incentives would be over and above the incentives offered by the Government of India as a part of the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India (FAME) scheme.\n\u2022 A subsidy of up to Rs. 22,000 would be offered on purchase of e-two wheelers. Models with swappable battery would be offered additional subsidy and incentives of up to Rs. 15,000 would be given for scrapping Bharat Stage II and III two-wheelers.\n\u2022 The draft policy promises to allow open permit system for e-autos. Individual e-autos will get down payment subsidy of up to Rs. 12,500 and 5% interest grant. Passengers using App-based e-autos will get cashback up to Rs.10 per trip.\n\u2022 E-rickshaws would get payment subsidy of up to Rs. 20,000 and 5% interest grant. Passengers using App-based e-rickshaws will also be offered a cashback up to Rs. 10 per trip.\n\u2022 The Delhi Government aims to buy 1000 electric buses in 2019. The draft policy ensures that 50% of the public transport bus fleet would comprise of electric vehicles by 2023.\n\u2022 According to the draft policy, the Government of Delhi would offer subsidy of up to Rs. 20,000 for the first 5,000 e-Carriers with advanced, swappable batteries.\n\u2022 Electric vehicles would enjoy a waiver of all road tax, registration and MCD parking fees.\n\n\nThe policy recommends setting up public battery charging and swapping stations across Delhi every 3 kms. It offers a subsidy of 100% up to Rs. 30,000 to set up charging points for the first 10,000 private charging points.\n\nApart from providing incentives, the policy also seeks to promote large\u2013scale job creation in driving, selling, financing, servicing and charging of electric vehicles."},"109":{"Title":"Draft Rules for Electronic Devices Used by Traffic Officers","Text":"1202 GI\/2021 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section (i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY : amit.vardan@gov.in , 25, 2021 \/ 6, 1942 No. 95] NEW DELHI, THURS DAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2021\/ PHALGUNA 6, 1942 .-25022021-225462CG-DL-E-25022021-2254622 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (... ... (2) 112\/183 ) (5) , (6) -16031\/1\/2021 - 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] . _____ ( MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 25th February, 2021 G.S.R. 136 (E) .The following draft of certain rules further to ame nd the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 136A of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), is hereby published as required by sub -section (1) of section 212 of the said Act for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of thirty days from the date on which the copies of this notification as publ ished in the Official Gazette, are made available to the public; Objections and suggestions to these draft rules, if any, may be sent to the Joint Secretary (Transport), email: amit.varadan@gov.in Ministry of Roa d Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, 1 -Parliament Street, New Delhi -110 001. The objections or suggestions which may be received from any person in respect of the said draft rules before the expiry of the aforesaid period will be considered by the C entral Government. Draft Rules 1. Short Title and commencement .-(1) These rules may be called the Central Motor Vehicles Amendment) Rules, 2021. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In Centr al Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), after Rule 139A, in Chapter VI \"Control of Traffic\" the following rules shall be inserted, namely: -\"139B. Electronic Monitoring and Enforcement of Road Safety. - (a) The electronic e nforcement device used for issuance of a challan shall have an approval certificate signed by an appropriate police officer or designated authority certifying that the device is accurate and operating properly. The approval certificate must be renewed on a yearly basis. Explanation: For the purpose of this rule electronic enforcement device means a speed camera, closed -circuit television camera, speed gun, body wearable camera, dashboard camera, Weigh in Motion (WIM) and any such other technology. Body we arable camera may be worn by police officer, transport official or any other official authorised by the State Government and the official must notify to the offender that he is being recorded by the body camera. Similarly dashboard camera may be placed on the dashboard of any police vehicle or in any other vehicle as authorised by the State Government for enforcing the traffic rules and the official must notify to the offender that he is being recorded by the dashboard camera. (b) State Governments shall e nsure that appropriate electronic enforcement devices are placed at high -risk and high -density corridors on National Highways and State Highways, and at critical junctions in State Capitals and cities with more than 1 million population (as per data availa ble based on Million Plus Urban Agglomerations\/Cities: census of India 2011 or as per the latest census). The electronic enforcement device should be placed in such a manner so as not to cause any obstruction, line -of-sight issues or interruption in traffi c flow. (c) For the purpose of clause (a) and (b), the footage from an electronic enforcement device can be used to issue challan for the following offences: i. Not driving within the prescribed speed limit (Section 112\/183) ii. Stopping or parking vehicle at a n unauthorised location (Section 122) [iii. Safety measures for drivers and pillion riders (Section 128) iv. Wearing of protective headgear\/ helmets (Section 129) v. Jumping a red light, violating a stop sign, use of handheld communications devices while driving, passi ng or overtaking other vehicles in a manner contrary to law, driving against the authorised flow of traffic, driving in any manner that falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver and where it would be obvious to a competent an d careful driver that driving in that manner would be dangerous (Section 184) vi. Driving vehicle exceeding permissible weight (Section 194) vii. Driving without safety belt (Section 194B) (d) State Governments shall ensure that appropriate warning signs are cons picuously placed before the stretches monitored by electronic enforcement device, notifying the public that such device is in use. Concerned authorities shall ensure that physical markings and pedestrian crossing are clearly marked on the road. Appropriate fixed and dynamic speed limit signs may also be used to notify the speed limits on the road sections during adverse weather conditions such as rain, hail, foggy weather, etc. as well as for indicating any obstruction ahead in the route. (e) Body wearable cameras shall be explicitly used by the law enforcement officers, such as police and transport officials while managing the traffic or carrying out any enforcement drive. Such devices shall be used to record the proceedings of an event, which can be used in the court as an evidence against the offending driver or person and also ensure that the law enforcement official has acted as per the provisions of law while penalising the offending driver or person. Both the video and audio functions of the body came ra shall be activated only when the law enforcement official is on duty and the official must notify the subjects that they are being recorded by the body camera. (f) All challans issued under clauses (a), (b) and (c) shall be approved and signed by an ap propriate police officer and must be accompanied with the following information: (i) Clear photographic evidence highlighting the offence and the license plate of the vehicle (ii) Measurement from the electronic enforcement device (iii) Date, time and p lace of the offence (iv) Notice specifying the provision of Act that has been violated (v) Certificate as per Section 65B(4) of the Indian Evidence Act 1872, which: identifies the electronic record and describes the manner in which it was produced; gives such particulars of any device involved in the production of that electronic record, as may be appropriate for the purpose of showing that the electronic record was produced by a computer; signed by the officer authorised in this behalf by the State Gove rnment (g) Challans, under clauses (a) and (b), shall be issued in the name of the registered owner of the vehicle and must be accompanied with a notice of offence in electronic form i.e. SMS\/e -mail or in physical form to a person acting in the violatio n of the provisions of the Act. (h) Payment of the challan shall be made within the time period specified in the sub -rule (5), (6) and (7) of Rule 167. The payment of e -challan can be made electronically on an online portal specified by the State Governme nt or using cash or electronic means at Traffic Police stations or at designated places as specified by the States. (i) The notice of offence shall be sent within 15 days of the occurrence of the offence. The electronic record collected by way of electro nic monitoring should be stored for a minimum period of 30 days, and in the case where the electronic record relates to an offence, should be stored till the conclusion of proceedings initiated, including appeals. 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (j) In case the owner of the vehicle was not driving the vehicle at the time of offence, he may claim innocence in the court, by providing appropriate proof that he was not the driver at the time of the offence, or that another person was the driver at the time of the offence.\" [No. RT -16031\/1 \/2021 -T] AMIT VARADAN, Jt. Secy . Note : The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub -section (i) vide notification number G.S.R. 590(E), dated the 2ndJune, 1989 and last amended vide notification numbe r G.S.R. _____(E) dated ______. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"These rules create provisions for electronic devices to be used by traffic officers while monitoring traffic. CCTV cameras, speed guns, body wearable cameras and dashboard cameras must have an approval certificate signed by an authorised officer - which says the device is working properly. This certificate must be renewed annually. Body cameras can be worn by traffic police or any other officers that the State Government authorise. For body cameras and dashboard cameras, the officer must inform the offender that they are being recorded by the camera. The footage can be used in Court as evidence, such cameras will also ensure that traffic officials are following provisions of the law. These cameras can only be used while on duty. State Governments will ensure that such electronic devices are placed at high risk and congested areas on highways and in cities with a population of more than 1 million people. It should be ensured that such devices don't obstruct traffic or a driver's vision. A sign will indicate that the road is being monitored by an electronic device, wherever it is placed. Footage from these devices can be used to issue fines for not driving within the speed limit, illegal parking, not wearing helmets, not wearing seatbelt, speaking on the phone while driving and other such offences. Fines must have a clear image of the offence along with the date and time of the offence being committed and any readings from the device - as required. These fines can be communicated via SMS, email or by post - to the offender. Payments of fines can also be made electronically or by cash. If some one else is driving the vehicle at the time of the offence, that can be proven to the court, the other person will then be fined. Electronic records collected by such cameras should be stored for 30 days minimum, if the offence has been committed - then records will be stored till the proceedings are concluded, this includes filing of appeals etc. The full notification can be read here."},"75":{"Title":"Draft Madhya Pradesh Code on Wages Rules, 2020","Text":"","Summary":"On 24th December 2020, the State Government of Madhya Pradesh released the draft of rules called as the Madhya Pradesh Code on Wages Rules, 2020 that shall apply to the whole state of Madhya Pradesh after their publication in the Official Gazette. The draft defines the semi-skilled, skilled and unskilled occupations. It mentions that the minimum rate of wages shall be fixed on the basis of floor wages fixed by the Central Government. The State Government while fixing the minimum rate of wages, shall divide the concerned geographical area into three categories namely, metropolitan, non-metropolitan and rural areas. The draft also elaborates that the normal working day shall comprise eight hours of work and the total intervals of rest shall not exceed one hour, with one rest day per week that is ordinarily Sunday. It is to be noted that a person who has not worked for requisite hours shall not be entitled to the wages of a full normal working day. The draft also mentions that a rest day shall be provided when an employee in an employment works on a shift which extends midnight. It also has provisions related to the payment of wages and bonus, intimation of deduction and computation of gross profit. The draft clearly specifies that the constitution of the State Advisory Board includes persons to be nominated by the State Government representing employers and employees. The meeting and the notice of meeting shall be decided by the Chairperson of the Board who performs many other important functions also. Chapter six of the draft discusses the ways and modes of the payment of dues, claims etc payable to the employees. In chapter seven of the draft, provisions related to different forms, register and wage slip are mentioned in relation to the employment. The draft also discusses the powers of the Inspector-cum-Facilitators include to prosecute, conduct or defend before a Court any complaint or other proceeding arising under the Code or in a discharge of his duties as an Inspector. The officer shall decide the complaint after hearing the parties and considering the evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Code. The draft also mentions that timely payment of wages to the employees should take place. If the employees are employed in an establishment through a contractor, then, the company or firm or association of any other person who is the proprietor of the establishment shall pay to the contractor the amount payable to him or it for a speedy dispersal of wages. The draft specifies that for the purposes of the Code and the rules, there shall be formulated an inspection scheme by the Labour Commissioner. The complete draft can be read here."},"108":{"Title":"Draft Regulatory Guidelines for Development of Vaccines (Including the Covid-19 Vaccine)","Text":"Page 1 of 40 DRAFT REGULATORY GUIDELINES DEVELOPMENT OF VACCINES WITH SPECIAL CONSIDERATION COVID -19 VACCINE Central Drugs Standard Control Organization Director ate General of Health Services Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India Page 2 of 40 S. No. Subject Page No. 1. Introduction 5 2. Background 5 3 Chemistry, Manufacturing &Controls 6 3.1 General Consideration 6 3.2 Manufacturing 6 3.3 Potency 8 3.4 Stability 8 3.5 Batch release and independent laboratory evaluation 9 4 Nonclinical Development Programme 9 4.1 General Co nsiderations 9 4.2 Special consideration for COVID -19 vaccine 10 4.2.1 Characterization of the Immune Response in Animal Models for COVID vaccine 11 4.2.2 Studies to Address the Potential for COVID Vaccine -associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (ERD). 11 4.3 Toxicity assessment 12 4.3.1 Study design 12 4.3.2 Special consideration for COVID -19 vaccine 12 4.3.3 Animal species, sex, age and size of groups 13 4.3.4 Dose, route of administration and control groups 14 4.3.5 Parameters Assessed 15 4.3.6 Local tolerance 16 4.4 Additional toxicity assessments 16 4.4.1 Special immunological investigations 16 4.4.2 Developmental and R eproductive toxicity studies 17 Page 3 of 40 4.4.3 Geno -toxicity and carcinogenicity studies 18 4.5 Safety pharmacology 18 4.5.1 Pharmacokinetic studies 18 4.6 Adjuvants 18 4.7 Additives (excipients and preservatives) 19 4.8 Vaccine formulation and delivery device 19 4.9 Alternative routes of administration 19 4.9.1 Animal models 20 4.9.2 Dose 20 4.9.3 End -points 20 4.9.4 Immunogenicity assessment 21 5 Clinical development Programme 21 5.1 General Consideration 21 5.2 Special consideration for COVID -19 Vaccine 22 5.3 Immunogenicity 22 5.3.1 General Consideration 22 5.3.2 Characterization of the immune response 22 5.3.3 Humoral immune response 23 5.3.4 Cell -mediated immune response 23 5.3.5 Identification and use of Immune Correlates of Protection (ICP) 24 Immune correlates of protection and their uses 24 Establishing an ICP 24 Using immunogenicity data to predict efficacy 25 Bridging to efficacy data 25 Other approaches 26 Special consideration for COVID -19 vaccine 26 5.3.6 Immunization of pregnant women 26 Page 4 of 40 5.3.7 Measuring the immune response 27 Collection of specimens 27 Assays 28 5.4 Immunogenicity trials 28 5.4.1 Objectives 28 5.4.2 General considerations for trial design 28 5.4.3 End -points 29 5.4.4 Trials designed to demonstrate superiority 30 5.4.5 Trials designed to demonstrate non -inferiority 30 5.4.6 Analysis and interpretation 31 5.5 Special consideration for COVID -19 Vaccine 31 5.5.1 Trial Populations 31 5.5.2 Trial Design 33 5.6 Efficacy trial 33 5.6.1 Efficacy trial design 35 5.6.2 Clinical End Points 35 Primary End Points 35 Secondary End Points 36 5.6.3 Special consideration for Efficacy of COVID -19 Vaccine 36 Statistical Considerations 37 5.7 Safety Considerations 38 5.8 Post Marketing clinical evaluation 39 6 References 40 Page 5 of 40 1. Introduction The main objective of development of vaccine is to generate adequate data on quality, safety , immunogenicity and \/or efficacy to support application for marketing authorization. As vaccines are heterogeneous class of medical products, much of the considerations for their development should be given on a product -specific basis. Requirements may vary depending on the type of vaccine whether it is inactivated or live attenuated microorganisms based or antigen based which is extracted from pathogen or derived from r-DNA technology or by chemical synthesis , or a vaccine containing naked nucleic acid, including plasmids for expressing specific antigens or otherwise, it will also be dependent on manufacturing process, its mechanism of action and the nature of the disease to be prevented as well as target populati on. This guidance provided in these documents will be applicable in general for CMC, nonclinical and clinical development of any vaccine including COVI D-19 vaccines. This document will provide guidance to the vaccine developers to ensure that - --vaccines are well -characterized and manufactured consistently. --Vaccine s remain stable at the recommended storage conditions for the duration of clinical trial during clinical development stage and throughout its shelf life post approval. --adequate t oxicity data as well as immunogenicity in respect of humoral and\/or cell -mediated immune response are generated in nonclinical studies in relevant animal --challenge studies in relevant animal species and non -human primates may be conducted concur rently with clinical trial. --adequate cli nical data to establish safety and protective immunity are generated . --Post Marketing Surveillance including assessment of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) and Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) is carried out to assess vaccine safety in post market scenario . 2. Background Import or manufacture for sale of drugs including vaccine s are regulated under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Drugs & cosmetics Rules, 1945 and New Drugs and Clinical Trials Ru les, 2019. Detail ed requirements and guidelines for conduct of nonclinical and clinical studies and approval of new drug which includes vaccine are specified in SECOND SCHEDULE of New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019. As per the rules, products like vaccines, r -DNA derived products, LMO, Stem cell derived products, gene therapeutic products, etc are always considered to be new drugs. For such products manufacturers are required to obtain manufacturing permission from CDSCO under the New Drugs and Clin ical Trials Rules, 2019 before Licencing the product under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,1945 The manufacturing licence for such product is granted after join t evaluation and inspection by the concerned State Licencing Authority & CDSCO along with subject expert . Page 6 of 40 In general , all vaccines including the vaccines against CORONA virus infection manufactured \/ imported into the country are required to comply with the requirements and guidelines specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 & New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 , Guidance for Industry and other applicable guidelines published by CDSCO fr om time to time . For manufacturing, r-DNA derived vaccines the requirements and guidelines prescribed by Department of Biotechnology are also required to be complied with . However, vaccines unlike chemical drugs are complex heterogeneous class of medical products, and hence specific consideration in respect of development of CMC data, non -clinical data, and clinical data will provide clear understanding of regulatory landsc ape for their development and approval in a scientific manner. Therefore, t hese document s have been prepared to provide detail ed guidelines and regulatory pathways for CMC, nonclinical and clinical development of vaccines including COVID -19 vaccines. 3. Chemistry, manufacturing & controls 3.1 General Consideration In general, all vaccines including the vaccines against CORONA virus infection manufactured \/ imported into the country are required to comply with the requirements and guidelines for CMC specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 & New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . Guidance for industry and other applicable guidelines published by CDSCO from time to time. All vaccines are required to be characterized and manufactured in com pliance with the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as prescribed in the Rules. It is important that the manufacturing processes of every vaccine are validated, defined and controlled adequately to ensure batch to batch consistency This Section of the do cuments specify the need for appropriate starting materials, including seed lot system and cell banks; strict adherence to established protocols; tests for identity, purity, potency, stability and safety at specific steps during production; and documentati on of the records properly. The adjuvant used for vaccine formulation, its safety and toxicity along with delivery system if at all used need to be explained in detail . 3.2 Manufacturing The biological nature of the starting materials, the manufacturing process and the test methods needed to characterize batches of the product are important elements to be considered for vaccine production and interpretation of pre clinical testing of vaccin es. Establishment of a seed -lot system is essential for vaccine production. The quality, safety and potency of vaccine are usually sensitive to changes in manufacturing conditions. Therefore, purity and quality of the starting material (raw materials and seeds), in -process control testing, testing for process additives and process intermediates and the development and establishment of lot release tests are required to be demonstrated. Page 7 of 40 Moreover, as the relationship between physical and chemical character istics, and the immunogenicity and efficacy of these products is frequently not completely understood, biological characterization through the use of biological assays should always complement the physical and chemical product characterization. The develo pment of appropriate laboratory methods to characterize a vaccine formulation with respect to its components, as well as its safety and potency, is a prerequisite to the clinical use of new or novel vaccines including vaccine against CORONA viruses. Consis tency of production is essential, and the demonstration that the product does not differ from vaccine lots that have been shown to be safe and adequately immunogenic and protective in clinical studies is a crucial component of vaccine evaluation, approval and batch release. For this reason, manufacturers should make every effort to characterize these clinical lots and preferably keep some of these lots for future reference. Where no appropriate animal model exists for testing potency or where direct serolo gical or immunological correlates of clinical protection are not available , as in the case of CORONA vaccine, the challenge is to ensure that each production batch has the same protective efficacy as those batches shown to be protective in clinical In such cases, emphasis should be given on assuring the consistency of production using modern physical, chemical and immunological methods that enable characterization of the developed products to a degree of precision. The vaccine lots used in preclini cal studies should be adequately representative of the formulation intended for use in the clinical trial and, ideally, preclinical testing should be done on the same lot as that proposed for the clinical trials. If this is not feasible, then the lots stud ied should be comparable with respect to physicochemical data, stability and formulation. Any change proposed to the manufacturing process during vaccine development should be considered carefully to evaluate its impact on the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccine and the possible need for additional nonclinical and clinical investigations. Subsequent changes in production methods or scale -up following product approval will necessitate further product characterization to demonstrate comparability wit h the original lot(s) used to demonstrate safety and efficacy of the product. The extent of comparability testing needed depends on the nature of the changes implemented. These changes should be documented and submitted to CDSCO for approval or notificati on depending on the nature of changes made. For further guidance in this matter, the guidelines published by CDSCO for Post Approval Changes for biological should be referred. Page 8 of 40 3.3 Potency Potency measurement is often used to verify the consistency of the manufacturing process. Classical challenge studies in animals immunized with the vaccine under consideration are developed for routine potency assays. Where no suitable animal challenge mod el exists, potency is often based on measurement of immune responses, usually serological. Recombinant DNA methodology and modern physicochemical techniques have resulted in the manufacture of highly purified products that can be better characterized than the classic biological. However, for these products, characterization using physicochemical parameters, such as amount of antigen, size of the antigen, protein content and others can be used as a measure of consistency, but not necessarily of the potency of a vaccine, as the ability to measure the biological activity for such products may still be lacking For live attenuated vaccines, the approach to potency measurement is generally different. The potency of live viral vaccines is usually based on titration of the minimum infective dose in cell culture or chicken embryos, which may be considered as a surrogate marker of potency, but not as a measure of potency itself. For vaccines that express inserts encoding heterologous vaccine antigens (vacc ines based on viral or bacterial vectors), it is not sufficient to determine the biological of the entire construct by measuring colony forming units (CFU) or infectious titre. For these vaccines, the use of other methods such as the quantitatio n of the expression of the insert, or the evaluation of the effective dose (ED50) of the vectored vaccine should be considered. 3.4 Stability The evaluation of vaccine stability is complex, as they are very susceptible to inactivation by environmental fact ors. Potency should be measured as a part of the stability testing, except in those cases where potency testing based on biological activity is not possible. Physical and chemical product characterization should be included in the stability evaluation. For a product entering human clinical trials, sufficient data should be collected to support the stability of the product for the duration of the clinical trial. In certain cases, accelerated stability data may be used to support preliminary data obtained at the normal storage temperature. Stability data to support licensure should be obtained under the proposed storage conditions and should be based on long -term, real -time stability studies. Finally, the stability of standards and reference materials als o needs to be considered to ensure that the procedures used to measure relevant parameters are reliably standardized. Page 9 of 40 3.5 Batch release and independent laboratory evaluation The potential variability of methods for the production of biologicals emphasizes to specify requirements to define procedures for assuring the quality of vaccines and for assessing consistency. Licensed vaccines are subject to independent batch release through review, testing and authorizing release of a batch of vaccine by Central Drugs Laboratory, Kasauli before release into the market. Validation and establishment of lot release tests and specifications are a process that continues throughout product development and should be finalized prior to licens ing. Samples of vacci ne for clinical trials are also required to be manufactured under a License in Form -29 granted based on inspection jointly by the CDSCO and the concerned State Licensing Authority along with subject expert , as a part of the approval process for clinical t rials. 4. Nonclinical Development Programme 4.1 General Considerations In general, all vaccines including the vaccines against CORONA virus infection manufactured \/ imported into the country are required to comply with the requirements and guidelines specified in New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 in the pre -clinical study. Nonclinical studies in animal models are required to be conducted to identify potential vaccine related safety risks and assess immunogenicity. The safety studies are also important for determine the dose, dosing regimen, and route of administration to be used in clinical trial. Nonclinical immunogenicity studies should assess the relevant immune response, e.g. humoral and\/or cell -mediated immune response, and functional immu ne responses. The aspects of immunogenicity to be measured should be appropriate for the vaccine construct and its intended mechanism of action. Depending on the immune response induced, immunogenicity studies may include an evaluation of seroconversion ra tes, geometric mean antibody titres, or cell -mediated immunity in vaccinated animals. These studies may also be designed to address interference between antigens and\/or live viruses. If a vaccine consists of more than one defined antigen the response to ea ch antigen should be evaluated. The extent of nonclinical data required to support proceeding to first in human (FIH) clinical trials depends on the vaccine construct, the supportive data available for the construct and data from closely related vaccines. Challenge studies with the corresponding infectious agent may be conducted to confirm the relevance of the animal models concurrently with phase I clinical trial. Page 10 of 40 4.2 Special consideration for COVID -19 vaccine Data from studies in animal models administered certain vaccine constructs against other coronaviruses (SARS -CoV and MERS -CoV) have raised concerns of a theoretical risk for COVID -19 vaccine -associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease In these studies, animal models were administered vac cine constructs against other coronaviruses and subsequently challenged with the respective wild type virus. These studies have shown evidence of immune -pathologic lung reactions characteristic of a Th -2 type hypersensitivity similar to ERD described in i nfants and animals that were administered formalin -inactivated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine and that were subsequently challenged with RSV virus due to natural exposure or in the laboratory, respectively. COVID vaccine candidates should be as sessed in light of the above studies, as described below. For a COVID -19 vaccine candidate consisting of a novel product type and for which no prior nonclinical and clinical data are available, nonclinical safety studies will be required prior to proceedi ng to FIH clinical trials. The preclinical program for any investigational product should be individualized with respect to scope, complexity, and overall design. The principles of the reduce, refine, and replace animal use in testing when feasi ble should be followed . In some cases, it may not be necessary to perform nonclinical safety studies prior to FIH clinical trials because adequate information to characterize product safety may be available from other sources. For example, if the COVID -19 vaccine candidate is made using a platform technology utilized to manufacture a n approved vaccine or other previously studied investigational vaccines and is sufficiently characterized, it may be possible to use toxicology data (e.g., data from repeat dose toxicity studies, bio -distribution studies) and clinical data accrued with other product s using the same platform to support FIH clinical trials for that COVID -19 vaccine candidate. When needed to support proceeding to FIH clinical trials, nonclinical safety assessments including toxicity and local tolerance studies must be conducted under conditions of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). Such studies should be completed and analyzed prior to initiation of FIH clinical trials. When toxicology studies do not adequately characterize risk, additional safety testing should be conducted as appropria te. Use of COVID -19 preventive vaccines in pregnancy and in women of childbearing potential will be an important consideration for vaccination programs. Therefore, prior to enrolling pregnant women and women of childbearing potential who are not actively avoiding pregnancy in clinical trials; applicant is required to conduct developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) studies with their respective COVID -19 vaccine candidate. Page 11 of 40 Alternatively, applicant may submit available data from DART studies with a sim ilar product using comparable platform technology if, those data are scientifically sufficient. Bio -distribution studies in an animal species should be considered if the vaccine construct is novel in nature and there are no existing bio -distribution data f rom the platform technology. 4.2.1 Characterization of the Immune Response in Animal Models for COVID Immunogenicity studies in animal models responsive to the selected COVID -19 vaccine antigen should be conducted to evaluate the immunologic prope rties of the COVID -19 vaccine candidate and to support FIH clinical trials. The aspects of immunogenicity to be measured should be appropriate for the vaccine construct and its intended mechanism of action. Studies should include an evaluation of humoral, cellular, and functional i mmune responses, as appropriate to each of the included COVID -19 antigens. Use of antigen -specific enyzme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) should be considered to characterize th e humoral response. Evaluation of cellular responses should include the examination of CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses using sensitive and specific assays. The functional activity of immune responses should be evaluated in vitro in neutralization assays us ing either wild -type virus or pseudo virion . The assays used for immunogen icity evaluation should be demonstrated to be suitable for their intended purpose. 4.2.2 Studies to Address the Potential for COVID Vaccine -associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease ( VAERD). To support proceeding to FIH clinical trials, sponsors should conduct studies characterizing the vaccine -induced immune response in animal models evaluating immune markers of potential ERD outcomes. These should include assessments of functional im mune responses (e.g., neutralizing antibody) versus total antibody responses and Th1\/Th2 balance in animals vaccinated with clinically relevant doses of the COVID -19 vaccine candidate. COVID -19 vaccine candidates with immunogenicity data demonstrating high neutralizing antibody titers and Th1 -type T cell polarization may be allowed to proceed to FIH trials without first completing post -vaccination challenge studies in appropriate animal models provided adequate risk mitigation strategies are put in place i n the FIH In these situations, post -vaccination challenge studies are expected to be conducted in parallel with FIH trials to ensure the potential for vaccine -associated VAERD is addressed prior to enrolling large numbers of human subjects into Pha se 2 and 3 clinical trials. For COVID -19 vaccine candidates for whom other data raise increased concerns about VAERD , post -vaccination animal challenge data and\/or animal Page 12 of 40 immunopathology studies are critical to assess protection and\/or VAERD prior to advancing to FIH clinical trials. The totality of data for a specific COVID -19 vaccine candidate, including data from post -vaccination challenge studies in small animal models and from FIH clinical trials characterizing the type of immune responses induced by the vaccine will be considered in determining whether Phase 3 studies can proceed in the absence of post -vaccination challenge data to address risk of VAERD . A primary concern in interpreting the data obtained from such studies should be to determine how closely the animal model resembles the disease and immune response in humans. It should be recognized that animal models frequently fail to predict immunogenicity and efficacy in humans. 4.3 Toxicity assessments As the design of any toxicity study is product -specific and based on indications, modifications to the framework outlined below may be necessary in response to particular product features, availability of animal models, methodologies, etc. Special toxicity assessments that may be required shou ld be decided on a case -by-case basis. 4.3.1 Study design The preclinical toxicity study should be adequate to identify and characterize potential toxic effects of a vaccine to allow investigators to conclude that it is reasonably safe to proceed to clinical investigation. The parameters to be considered in desi gning animal toxicology studies are the relevant animal species and strain, dosing schedule and method of vaccine administration, as well as timing of evaluation of end -points (e.g. sampling for clinical chemistry, antibody evaluation and necropsy). The ro ute of administration should correspond to that intended for use in the clinical trials. When the vaccine is to be administered in human clinical trials using a particular device, the same device should be used in the animal study, where feasible (e.g. mea sles aerosol vaccine in the monkey model). Potential toxic effects of the product should be evaluated with regard to target organs, dose, route(s) of exposure, duration and frequency of exposure, and potential reversibility. The toxicity assessment of the vaccine formulation can be done either in dedicated -stand alone toxicity studies or in combination with studies of safety and activity that have toxicity endpoints incorporated into the design. The study should also include an assessment of local toleranc e. 4.3.2 Special consideration for COVID -19 vaccine Studies in animal models (e.g., rodents and non -human primates) are considered important to address the potential for COVID vaccine -associated ERD. Page 13 of 40 Post -vaccination animal challenge studies and the charac terization of the type of the nonclinical and clinical immune response induced by the particular COVID -19 vaccine candidate can be used to evaluate the likelihood of the vaccine to induce VAERD in To support proceeding to FIH clinical trials, spo nsors should conduct studies characterizing the vaccine -induced immune response in animal models evaluating immune markers of potential VAERD outcomes. These should include assessments of functional immune responses (e.g., neutralizing antibody) versus tot al antibody responses and Th1\/Th2 balance in animals vaccinated with clinically relevant doses of the COVID -19 vaccine candidate. COVID -19 vaccine candidates with immunogenicity data demonstrating high neutralizing antibody titers and Th1 -type T cell polar ization may be allowed to proceed to FIH trials without first completing post -vaccination challenge studies in appropriate animal models provided adequate risk mitigation strategies are put in place in the FIH In these situations, post -vaccination challenge studies are expected to be conducted in parallel with FIH trials to ensure the potential for vaccine -associated ERD is addressed prior to enrolling large numbers of human subjects into Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. For COVID -19 vaccine candidate s for which other data raise increased concerns about ERD, post -vaccination animal challenge data and\/or animal immune -pathology studies are critical to assess protection and\/or ERD prior to advancing to FIH clinical The totality of data for a spe cific COVID -19 vaccine candidate, including data from post vaccination challenge studies in small animal models and from FIH clinical trials characterizing the type of immune responses induced by the vaccine are taken into consideration in determining whether Phase 3 studies can proceed in the absence of post -vaccination challenge data to address risk of VAERD. 4.3.3 Animal species, sex, age and size of groups Data to be recorded on the animals used for toxicity testing should include information on the source, species and animal husbandry procedures (e.g. housing, feeding, handling and care of animals). Where possible, the safety profile of a product should be characterized in a species sensitive to the biological effects of the vaccin e being studied. Ideally, the species chosen should be sensitive to the pathogenic organism or toxin. The animal species used should develop an immune response to the vaccine antigen. In general, one relevant animal species is sufficient for use in toxic ity studies to support initiation of clinical trials. However, there may be situations in which two or more species may be necessary to characterize the product, for example where the mechanism of protection induced by the vaccine is not well understood (f or example, intranasal influenza vaccine and intranasal measles vaccine). Page 14 of 40 In addition, when species -specific or strain -specific differences in the pharmacodynamics of the product are observed, it may be necessary to address the nonclinical safety of the pr oduct in more than one safety study and in more than one animal model. The size of the treatment group depends on the animal model chosen. The number of animals used in studies using non -human primates would be expected to be less than that in studies that used rodents. For small animal models, e.g. rats and mice, it is recommended that approximately 10 males + 10 females per group be studied. In general, the approximate age at the start of the study for rodents is 6 8 weeks, and for rabbits, 3 4 months. 4.3.4 Dose, route of administration and control groups The toxicity study should be performed using a dose that maximizes exposure of the animal to the candidate vaccine and the immune response induced, for example, peak antibody response. In general, an evaluation of the dose response is not required as part of the basic toxicity assessment and the lethal dose does not have to be determined. However, pilot dose response studies may be conducted to determine which dose induces the highest antibody product ion in the animal model. If feasible, the highest dose (in absolute terms) to be used in the proposed clinical trial should be evaluated in the animal model. However, the dose is sometimes limited by the total volume that can be administered in a single in jection, and guidelines on animal welfare should be followed. In such cases, the total volume may be administered at more than one site using the same route of administration. Alternatively, a dose that exceeds the human dose on a mg\/kg basis and that indu ces an immune response in the animal model may be used. In such cases, the factor between human and animal dose should be justified. The number of doses administered to the test animals should be equal to or more than the number of doses proposed in humans . To better simulate the proposed clinical usage, vaccine doses should be given at defined time intervals rather than as daily doses; the dosing interval used in the toxicity study may be shorter (e.g. an interval of 2 3 weeks) than the proposed interval in clinical trials in humans. The dosing interval in nonclinical trials may be based on the kinetics of the primary and secondary antibody responses observed in the animal model. A single -dose study may be performed in situations in which vaccine -induced antibodies are expected to neutralize a live viral vector, thus limiting the expression of the gene of interest (e.g. anti -adenovirus immune response), or when immune responses induced in animals are expected to react with species -specific proteins presen t in the vaccine formulation (e.g. human recombinant cytokines used as adjuvants). Page 15 of 40 The route of administration should correspond to that intended for use in the human clinical trials. If toxic effects are observed in safety studies using a particular route of administration (e.g. intranasal), further toxicity studies using a different route of administration (e.g. intravenous) may be helpful in understanding the full spectrum of toxicity of the product. The study design should include a negative control gr oup(s) to evaluate a baseline level of treatment. If appropriate, active control groups (e.g. vaccine formulation without antigen) may also be included in the study. The study should include an additional treatment group of animals to be killed and evaluat ed as described below at later time points after treatment, to investigate the reversibility of any adverse effects observed during the treatment period and to screen for possible delayed adverse effects. 4.3. 5 Parameters Assessed Toxicity studies should address the potential of the product for causing local inflammatory reactions, and possible effects on the draining lymph nodes, systemic toxicity and on the immune system. A broad spectrum of information should be obtained from the toxicity studies. Parameters to be monitored should include daily clinical observations, weekly body weights and weekly food consumption. During the first week of administration frequent measurements of body weight and food consumption are recommended, i f feasible, as these are sensitive parameters indicating Interim analysis of haematology and serum chemistry should be considered approximately 1 3 days following the administration of the first and last dose and at the end of the recovery perio d. Haematology and serum chemistry analyses should include, at the minimum, an evaluation of relative and absolute differential white blood cell counts (lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, abnormal cells) and albumin\/globulin ratio, enzymes and electrol ytes. In some cases, it may also be useful to evaluate coagulation parameters, urine samples and serum immunoglobulin classes. Data should be collected not only during treatment, but also following the recovery phase (e.g. 2 weeks or more following the last dose) to determine persistence, and look at exacerbation and\/or reversibility of potential adverse effects. At study termination, final body weights (after a period of fasting) should be measured. Terminal blood samples should be collected and serum che mistry, haematology and immunological investigations should be done as described in the preceding paragraph. The immune response induced by the candidate vaccine should be assessed in order to confirm that the relevant animal model has been selected. A complete gross necropsy should be conducted and tissues collected and preserved, gross lesions should be examined and organ weights recorded. Histopathological examinations of tissues should be performed and special attention paid to the immune organs, i.e . lymph nodes (both local and distant from site of Page 16 of 40 administration), thymus, spleen, bone marrow and Peyers patches or bronchus associated l ymphoid tissue, as well as organs that may be expected to be affected as a result of the particular route of adminis tration chosen. Histopathological examinations should always include pivotal organs (e.g. brain, kidneys, liver and reproductive organs) and the site of vaccine administration. The choice of tissues to be examined will depend on the vaccine in question, a nd the knowledge and experience obtained from previous nonclinical and clinical testing of the vaccine components. For example, full tissue examination will be required in the case of novel vaccines for which no prior nonclinical and clinical data are avai lable. Therefore, the list of tissues to be tested should be defined on a case by -case basis, following consultation with the relevant regulatory authority. Data should be reported in full listing the original collection of values, and summarized. 4.3. 6 Local tolerance The evaluation of local tolerance should be conducted either as a part of the repeated dose toxicity study or as a stand -alone study. Tolerance should be determined at those sites that come into contact with the vaccine antigen as a result of the method of administration, and also at those sites inadvertently exposed (e.g. eye exposure during administration by aerosol) to the vaccine. More details have been published in various guidance documents . If abnormalities are observed in the basic t oxicity study , further studies may be necessary to evaluate the mechanism of the toxic effect. 4.4 Additional toxicity assessments 4.4.1 Special immunological investigations In certain cases, the results from evaluations of immune response from nonclinical and clinical studies, or from data on natural disease, may indicate immunological aspects of toxicity, e.g. precipitation of immune complexes, humoral or cell -mediated immu ne response against antigenic determinants of the host itself as a consequence of molecular mimicry or exacerbation of the disease (e.g. inactivated measles vaccine). In such cases, additional studies to investigate the mechanism of the effect observed mig ht be necessary. Great similarity of vaccine determinants and host molecules could cause autoimmune reactions induced by molecular mimicry. Therefore, any vaccine antigen whose characteristics might mimic those of a host antigen should be treated with cau tion, even though it is recognized that molecular mimicry does not necessarily predispose to autoimmunity. Because considerable efforts may be required in selecting and developing relevant animal models to address the above issues, caution should be exerci sed and a strong rationale provided when developing vaccines for diseases associated with autoimmune pathology. If data suggest that the pathogen against which the vaccine is directed may cause autoimmune pathology, studies may be needed to address this co ncern on a case -by-case basis, if an appropriate animal model exists. It should be noted that observations of biological markers for autoimmune reactions are not necessarily linked to pathogenic consequences. For instance, the presence of autoimmune antibo dies does Page 17 of 40 not necessarily indicate the induction of autoimmune disease . When hypersensitivity reactions induced by the antigen(s), adjuvants, excipients or preservatives are of concern, additional investigations may be warranted. 4.4.2 Developmental and R eproductive toxicity studies Use of COVID -19 preventive vaccines in pregnancy and in women of childbearing potential is an important consideration for vaccination programs. Therefore, prior to enrolling pregnant women and women of childbearing potential who are not actively avoiding pregnancy in clinical trials, developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) studies should be conducted with COVID -19 vaccine candidate unless a scientific and clinically sound argument is put forward by the manufacturer to s how that conducting such studies is unnecessary . For a preventive vaccine, reproductive toxicity assessments are generally restricted to prenatal and postnatal developmental studies, because the primary concern is any potential untoward effect on the deve loping embryo, fetus or newborn. The need to conduct fertility and post -weaning assessments should be considered on a case -by-case basis. The animal model chosen should develop an immune response to the vaccine, which is usually determined by serum antibo dy measurements. In addition, it is important to evaluate maternal antibody transfer by measuring vaccine -induced antibody in cord or fetal blood to verify exposure of the embryo or fetus to maternal antibody. The route of administration should mimic the clinical route of administration. Ideally, the maximal human dose should be administered to the test animal. If it is not possible to administer the full human dose, e.g. limitations on the total volume that can be administered, or if local toxicity is obs erved that may result in maternal stress, a dose that exceeds the human dose on a mg\/kg basis and is able to induce an immune response in the animal should be used. To assess any potential adverse effects of the vaccine during the period of organogenesis, the gestating animal is usually exposed to the vaccine during the period from implantation until closure of the hard palate and end of gestation defined as stages C, D and E in the ICH S5a document. Because of the relatively short gestation period of most animal models used, pre -mating treatment is frequently required to ensure maximal exposure of the embryo or fetus to the vaccine -induced immune response. For a preventive vaccine, the number of doses administered depends on the time of onset and duration of the response. Booster immunizations may be necessary at certain times during the period of gestation to maintain a high level of antibody throughout the gestation period and to expose the developing embryo to the components of the vaccine formulation. End -points include, but are not limited to, viability, resorptions, abortions, fetal body weight and morphology. It is also recommended that a period of postnatal follow -up of pups from birth to weaning be incorporated in the study design to assess normal ity of growth, body weight gain, suckling activity and viability. Studies should therefore be designed so that test groups are divided into subgroups. Half of the animals should be delivered by Page 18 of 40 Caesarean section and the other half allowed to deliver their pups without surgical intervention. 4.4.3 Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity studies Genotoxicity studies are normally not needed for the final vaccine formulation. However, they may be required for particular vaccine components such as novel adjuvants and additives. If needed, the in - vitro tests for mutations and chromosomal damage should be done prior to first human exposure. The full battery of tests for genotoxicity may be performed in parallel with clinical trials. Carcinogenicity studies are not requ ired for vaccine antigens. However, they may be required for particular vaccine components such as novel adjuvants and additives. 4.5 Safety pharmacology The purpose of safety pharmacology is to investigate the effects of the candidate vaccine on vital fun ctions. If data from nonclinical and\/or human clinical studies suggest that the vaccine may affect physiological functions (e.g. central nervous system, respiratory, cardiovascular and renal functions) other than those of the immune system, safety pharmaco logy studies should be incorporated into the toxicity assessment. 4.5 .1 Pharmacokinetic studies Pharmacokinetic studies (e.g. for determining serum or tissue concentrations of vaccine components) are normally not needed. The need for specific studies should be considered on a case -by-case basis (e.g. when using novel adjuvants or alternative routes o f administration) and may include local deposition studies that would assess the retention of the vaccine component at the site of injection and its further distribution (e.g. to the draining lymph nodes). Distribution studies should be considered in the case of new formulations, novel adjuvants or when alternative routes of administration are intended to be used (e.g. oral or intranasal). 5 Special considerations 4.6 Adjuvants Adjuvants may be included in vaccine formulations or co -administered with vacc ines to enhance the immune responses to particular antigen(s), or to target a particular immune response. It is important that the adjuvants used comply with pharmacopoeial requirements where they exist, and that they do not cause unacceptable toxicity. Ad juvant activity is a result of many factors and the immune response obtained with one particular antigen\/adjuvant formulation cannot, as a rule, be extrapolated to another antigen. Individual antigens vary in their physical and biological properties and an tigens may interact differently with an adjuvant. Adjuvants must be chosen according to the type of immune response desired and they must be formulated with the antigen in such a way that distribution of both is optimized to ensure availability to the rele vant lymphatic tissues. The route of administration of Page 19 of 40 the vaccine is also an important factor influencing the efficacy and safety of an adjuvant. The effect of the adjuvant should be demonstrated in preclinical immunogenicity studies. If no toxicological data exist for a new adjuvant, toxicity studies of the adjuvant alone should first be performed. In general, assessment of new or novel adjuvants should be undertaken as required for new chemical entity. These data may be obtained by the vaccine manufact urer or by the producer of the adjuvant. In addition to assessing the safety of the adjuvant by itself it is also important to assess whether the combination of antigen and adjuvant exerts a synergistic adverse effect in the animal model. When species -spec ific proteins (e.g. cytokines) are used as novel adjuvants, the issue of species -specific response should be considered. When evaluating the safety profile of the combination of adjuvant and vaccine, the formulation proposed for clinical use should be use d. Compatibility of the adjuvant(s) (e.g. lack of immune interference) with all antigenic components present in the vaccine should be evaluated. If applicable, adsorption of all antigenic components present in the vaccine should be shown to be consistent o n a lot -to-lot basis. Potential desorption of antigen during the shelf -life of the product should be performed as a part of stability studies, the results reported and specifications set, as this may affect not only immunogenicity, but also the toxicity pr ofile of the product. It should be noted that no adjuvant is licensed in its own right, but only as a component of a particular vaccine. 4.7 Additives (excipients and preservatives) Where a new additive is to be used, for which no toxicological data exis t, toxicity studies of the additive alone should first be performed and the results documented according to the guidelines for new chemical entities. The compatibility of a new additive with all vaccine antigens should be documented together with the toxic ological profile of the final vaccine formulation under consideration in animal models. 4.8 Vaccine formulation and delivery device The vaccine formulation (i.e. liquid form, capsules or powder), as well as the delivery device, may have an impact on the uptake of the vaccine, its effectiveness and safety. Ideally, the delivery device and vaccine formulation tested in an animal safety study should be identical to those intended to be used clinically. However, animal models in which delivery devices intend ed for clinical use can be tested may not be available. In these instances, in order to develop an appropriate animal model, it may be necessary to conduct pilot studies to define and optimize the conditions for drug delivery in the animal model before it can be used to assess the preclinical safety of the product. 4.9 Alternative routes of administration When using a vaccine formulation administered by alternative routes (e.g. intranasal, oral, intradermal, rectal and intravaginal routes), it can be assum ed that their potency, Page 20 of 40 relevant immunogenicity, tolerability, toxicity, and long -term safety may differ from that of products delivered by the parenteral route. Thus, when different routes of administration are proposed, nonclinical safety studies may have to be conducted using vaccine formulation and\/or adjuvant alone in a suitable animal model to address the specific safety concerns associated with vaccine administration by these routes. Particular issues relevant to vaccines administered using alternativ e routes that may need to be considered are discussed below. 4.9.1 Animal models A special consideration for vaccines administered by alternative routes should be the anatomy and physiology of the site of vaccine administration of the particular animal model chosen and its accessibility for the administration of the vaccine. For example, for intranasally administered products, the species chosen should ideally be receptive to spray administration of the product. In general, rabbits and dogs are useful t est models for use of spray devices; however, their olfactory bulbs are highly protected and special techniques would be required to ensure that the test product reached this organ. Although mice and rats are useful models, intranasal administration to the se species presents technical difficulties. Intranasal administration to non -human primates may be preferable, if they are susceptible to the infectious agent in question. Depending on the level of concern regarding a particular route of administration or when there are species -specific differences between the animal models in their sensitivity to the candidate vaccine, it may be necessary to address the preclinical safety of the product in more than one safety study and in more than one animal model. 4.9.2 Dose As the optimal dose derived from studies using the parenteral route of administration may differ from the dose used for alternative route(s) of administration, dose -finding studies may need to be conducted for a particular route of administration. Also, consideration should be given to the total volume of the vaccine administered as it may affect the outcome of the safety study. For example, intranasal administration of more than 5ml of test preparation per nostril to a mouse would result in the tes t preparation being swallowed, rather than being adsorbed by the nasal mucosa. 4.9.3 End -points The toxicity end -points would include those described in section 4 and may include additional outcome measures that would depend on the route of administration and specific concerns associated with the particular route and target organ. For example, if th ere is concern about the potential passage of vaccine components to the brain following intranasal administration, immunohistology and and\/or neurological assays and examinations may be necessary. For vaccines administered by inhalation, outcome measures may include pulmonary function tests and data on histopathology of the lungs. Considerable efforts may be Page 21 of 40 required to develop appropriate methods to address potential safety concerns associated with the use of new routes of administration . 4.9.4 Immunogenicity assessment The development of appropriate assays for measuring mucosal immune responses is critical for vaccines that are expected to function as mucosal immunogens because serological assays alone may not reflect the relevant immune response for a mucosal vaccine. Thus, in addition to measuring serological responses, it may be necessary to evaluate T cell responses, antibody -secreting cells and cytokine production. In addition, assays may need to be developed to assess the induction of local and systemic responses a t sites distant from administration of the vaccine antigen. 5. Clinical development Programme 5.1. General Consideration In general, the clinical development methodology and requirements as prescribed in First Schedule and Second Schedule of the New Drugs and Clin ical Trials Rules, 2019 respectively are applicable for clinical development of any vaccine . As per the rules, for new candidate vaccines discovered or developed in India, clinical trials are required to be carried out right from Phase I. The clinical development for any new candidate vaccines should always start with a phase I clinical trial conducted in India or outside to explore the safety of different amounts of the antigen(s) in each dose of the vaccine. It is also usual that immune responses to the antigens are generated in the Phase I trial. Permission to carry out these trials is generally given in stages, considering the data emerging from earlier phases. However, on case by case basis, clinical development programs may proceed through a seamless approach to expedite the development of a vaccine for which, there is an unmet medical need in the country . Regardless of whether clinical development programs proceed in discrete phases with separate studies or via a seamless approach , adequate data should be generated to support mark eting authorization application to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Conducting clinical trials in the setting of a public health emergency like COVID -19 pandemic, presents operational challenges. CDSCO has issued brief guidelines providing general considerations to address challenges in conducting clinical trial in COVID pandemic situation in protecting the right, safety and well -being of trial subjects. The same should be followed for conducting the trial in present situation maintaining compliance with GCP and validity of the data generated. In most cases the first clinical trial should be conducted in healthy adults, while, phase II trials should be conducted in subjects who are representative of the intended target population for the vaccine at the time of approval. For vaccines intended for all age groups of population it may not be necessary in all instances to apply an age de -escalation approach generally followed for any new drug development. If a vaccine has negligible potential benefit for older children it may be Page 22 of 40 acceptable in some cases to proceed directly from trials in adults to trials in younger children, including infants and toddlers. Phase III clinical trials may be designed to provide an estimate of vaccine efficacy or to provide an indication of the ability of the vaccine to prevent clinical disease on the basis of immunogenicity data. On occasion, an assessment of a specific safety aspect may be the primary (or a co -primary) objective in a phase III trial. In case , a vaccine has been developed and has undergone clinical trial development outside India and marketing authorization application for the same have been submitted to CDSCO, the clinical data gener ated will be considered for evaluation of overall safety and effectiveness of the vaccine . However, additional clinical trial may be required in local population to confirm the safety and effectiveness in Indian population. The extent of local clinical trial requirements will be decided on case by case basis considering the urgency , unmet need of the vaccine in the country . 5.2. Special consideration for COVID -19 Vaccine Considering the urgent need of a safe and effective vaccine for prevention of COVID -19, clinical development programs of COVID -19 vaccine may proceed through adaptive and seamless approach. However , as applicable for any vaccine, regardless of whether clinical development programs proceed in discrete phases with separate studies or via a more seamles s approach, an adequate data, including data to inform the potential risk of vaccine -associated E nhanced Respiratory Disease (ERD ) will be 5.3 Immunogenicity 5.3. 1 General Consideration Immunogenicity trials are conducted at all stages of clinical development of vaccines . The evaluation of immune responses relies upon the collection of adequate specimens at appropriate time intervals and the measurement of immune parameters most relevant to the vaccine. 5.3.2 Characterization of the immune response Characterization of the immune response may depend on whether any information on immune responses to the same or similar antigenic components in approved vaccines is available or otherwise . Immunological parameters are measures that describe the humo ral immune response (for example, antibody concentrations or antibody titres,) or the cell -mediated immune response (for example, percentages of sensitized T -cells). For known microorganisms or antigens in a candidate vaccine the range of parameters to be measured in clinical trials is usually selected on the basis of prior experience and whether or not there is an established Immune Correlate of Protection (ICP),which is a type and amount of immunological response that correlates with vaccine -induced prot ection against an infectious disease and that might predict the clinical efficacy . For microorganisms or antigens not previously included in human vaccines the selection of parameters to be measured should take into account what is known about Page 23 of 40 natural immu nity. For some infectious diseases the nature of the immune response to infection in animal models may also be useful for parameter selection. 5.3.3 Humoral immune response The humoral immune response is assessed from the post -vaccination appearance of, or increase after vaccination in, antibody directed at specific microorganisms or antigens in the vaccine. If data are available, most weight is usually placed on functional antibody responses for example, serum virucidal antibody or virus -neutralizing anti body or opsonophagocytic antibody (OPA). Alternatively, or in addition to the determination of functional antibody, the immune response may be assessed by measuring total antibody for example, total immunoglobulin G (IgG) measured by ELISA. Only a proportion of the total antibody detected may be functional. The following should be taken into consideration when deciding how to measure the humoral immune response: o If a correlation has already been established between total and functional antibody resp onses to a specific microorganism or antigen , it may be acceptable to measure only total IgG in further trials. However, determination of functional immune responses might be important for specific age groups or target populations where it is known or suspected that the binding and functional capacit y of the antibodies elicited differs. o For antigens for which there is an established ICP it may suffice to measure only the relevant functional antibody (for example, SBA for meningococcal vaccines) or total IgG response. o If the ICP is based on total IgG t here may be instances where there is still merit in measuring functional antibody. o If there is no ICP the functional antibody response should be measured if this is feasible. o Occasionally there may be more than one immunological parameter that can measure functional antibody but one is considered to be a more definitive measure than the other. In this case the more definitive parameter may be determined, at least in a subset. o For some vaccines against certain viruses there is a possibility that some of the total antibody detected has no protective effect but could enhance cellular infection by wild -type virus and result in an increased risk of severe disease after vaccination. To assess this possibility, the routine measurement of total antibody to assess th e humoral immune response to vaccination should be supported by other detailed investigations. 5.3.4 Cell -mediated immune response Assessment of the cell -mediated immune response may have a role to play in the assessment of the interaction between the vaccine a nd the human immune system for some type of infectious diseases . In other cases, evaluation of the cellular immune response may serve to support findings based on the humoral immune response . Page 24 of 40 The cell -mediated immune response is most commonly assessed by detecting and quantifying sensitized T -cells in blood from trial subjects. These investigations may also serve to characterize the predominant cytokines released and to detect differences in sensitization between T -cell subpopulations. Several methods m ay be used which are typically based on measuring the production of a range of cytokines following in -vitro stimulation of T -cells with individual or pooled antigens. The results may provide useful comparisons between treatment groups within any one study. If there are marked discrepancies in the patterns of responses observed between cell -mediated and humoral responses the findings should be carefully considered . 5.3.5 Identification and use of Immune Correlates of Protection (ICP) Immune correlates of protection and their uses All established ICPs are based on humoral immune response parameters that measure functional or total IgG antibody. In most cases established ICPs have been shown to correlate with prevention of clinically apparent infectious dis ease, but for some pathogens, the ICP correlates with prevention of documented infection. Establishing an ICP Documentation of the immune response to natural infection, the duration of protection after clinically apparent infection and the specificity of p rotection should be taken into consideration when attempting to establish an ICP from clinical data . To date, widely accepted clinical ICPs have been established on the basis of one or more of the following: o Sero -surveillance and disease prevalence in specific populations; o passive protection using antibody derived from immune humans or manufactured using recombinant technology; o efficacy trials; o effectiveness trials; o Investigation of vaccine failure in immunosuppressed populations. Wherever it is feasibl e, ICP should be determined from vaccine efficacy trial that is initiated pre -approval, often with long -term follow -up of subjects that is extended into the post -approval period. Efficacy trial protocol should plan to collect sufficient information to allo w for analyses of the relationship between immune parameters and protection against clinically apparent disease. To investigate the predictive capacity of a putative ICP, protocols should predefine the assessments to be applied to all cases of the disease to be prevented that occur in the vaccinated and control groups. These assessments should include investigation of the immune status of subjects as well as microbiological studies with the infecting microorganisms whenever these have been recovered. For br eakthrough cases from which both post -vaccination sera and organisms have been recovered , it is recommended that, whenever feasible, functional antibody (or, if not possible, total antibody) should be determined for individuals against their own pathogen. An Page 25 of 40 exploration of vaccine -elicited cell -mediated responses in individuals against their own pathogen may also be useful and, for some types of infectious disease, may be very important for further understanding vaccine -associated protection. These data may be very important for investigating the broad applicability of the ICP, depending on host and organism factors. A single clinical ICP identified from a vaccine efficacy trial in a defined population may not necessarily be applicable to other vaccine const ructs or to other populations and disease settings intended to prevent the same infectious disease. Therefore ,the reliance that is placed on a clinical ICP, should take into account details of the efficacy trials from which it was derived. If it is not possible to derive a clinical ICP , the interpretation of the human immune response data may take into account what is known about immunological parameters that correlate with protection in relevant animal models and any nonclinical ICPs that have been iden tified (for example, from trials that assess passive protection and active immunization). This approach may be the only option available for interpreting immune responses to some new candidate vaccines. Nevertheless, ICPs derived wholly from nonclinical d ata should be viewed with caution and attempts should be made to obtain a clinical ICP whenever the opportunity arises (for example, when the vaccine is used in the context of an outbreak). If conducted, human challenge trials may also provide preliminary evidence supporting an ICP. If a human challenge trial suggests a correlation between a specific immunological parameter and protection, this may be further investigated during the clinical development programme. The detailed considerations for trial end -points and approach to analysis and interpretation of immunogenicity data in the presence or absence of an ICP have been elaborated in Section 5 of this document . Using immunogenicity data to predict efficacy Bridging to efficacy data Immunogenicity data may be used to provide evidence of efficacy when: o there is a well -established ICP that can be used to interpret the immune responses to a specific antigenic component; o it is possible to use immune responses to bridge to estimates of vaccine efficacy obtain ed from prior well -designed clinical trials. The following two main situations should be considered when using immunogenicity data to bridge to estimates of vaccine efficacy obtained in prior clinical trials. i. Modifying the use of the vaccine for which eff icacy has been estimated. ii. Inferring the efficacy of a new candidate vaccine In both cases comparative immunogenicity trials designed to demonstrate non -inferiority are recommended. The choice of comparator is a critical factor in the interpretation of the results. In case of Inferring the efficacy of a new candidate vaccine , the main evidence of efficacy for approval comes from one or more bridging efficacy trials. Page 26 of 40 The trial design may involve a direct comparison between: (a) the new posology and that used in the efficacy trial; or (b) the new intended population and a control group consisting of subjects who are representative of the prior efficacy trial population. It may also be acceptable to make an indirect (cross trial)comparison with the immunogenicity data that were obtained during the efficacy trial. The vaccine formulation and assay used should be the same as those used in the efficacy trial whenever possible. If the new candidate vaccine contains additional subtypes of an org anism compared to approved products and\/or it contains subtypes of an organism that have not previously been included in any licensed vaccine then interpretation of the immune responses to the added or new subtypes is not straightforward. Approaches that c ould be considered include comparing immune responses to each added or new subtype with the mean immune response to all subtypes or with the lowest immune response to any individual subtype included in a vaccine for which efficacy was demonstrated. Althoug h these approaches may provide a route to approval, the limitations of these comparisons in predicting efficacy should be taken into account considering the overall benefit relationship for the new vaccine. Other approaches When there is no ICP and i t is not possible to bridge to a prior demonstration of efficacy , the evidence that may be provided to support likely vaccine efficacy must be considered on a case -by-case basis. In each case , the depth of evidence that may be provided should be weighed a gainst the advantages of having a approved vaccine one that has been subjected to a full review of quality and nonclinical data, and for which it is considered that there are adequate clinical safety and immunogenicity data available for use when neede d. Potential approaches may include establishing a nonclinical model of efficacy that is thought to be relevant to the human infection and identifying which immunological parameter best correlates with protection and, if possible, a putative ICP. Special consideration for COVID -19 vaccine The Immune Correlate of Protection (ICP) is currently limited in case of SARS -CoV -2. The understanding of SARS -CoV -2 immunology is currently evolving. However, considering that there is an urgent need of COVID -19 vacci ne, the predictive value of the immune response for short -term and\/or longer -term protection from SARS -CoV -2 infection and\/or disease may be investigated. Subsequently, after approval of the vaccine, however, the direct evidence of vaccine efficacy in pro tection from SARS -CoV -2 infection and\/or disease must be accessed through appropriate study in Post Marketing Scenario. Clinical development programs for COVID -19 vaccines might be expedited by adaptive and\/or seamless clinical trial designs that allow for selection between vaccine candidates and dosing regimens and for more rapid progression through the usual phases of clinical development. Page 27 of 40 5.3.6 Immunization of pregnant women Whenever the target population for a vaccine includes women of childbearing age there is a need to consider the importance of generating data in pregnant women. These considerations should take into account the nature of the vaccine construct (for example, whether the vaccine contains a live organism that is replication competent), whether pregnant women can reasonably avoid exposure to an infectious agent and whether they may have the same risk of exposure but a greater risk of experiencing severe disease compared to non -pregnant women of the same age. However, in such case, the developmental and reproductive toxicity studies data are required to be generated in accordance with the SECOND SCHEDULE of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019, prior to consideration of inclusion of p regnant women in clinical trial. 5.3.7 Measuring the immune response Collection of specimens Immune responses to vaccination are routinely measured in serum (humoral immune response s) and blood (cellular immune responses). For some vaccines it may be of interest to explore immune responses in other body fluids relevant to the site at which the target microorganism infects and\/or replicates (for example, in nasal washes or cervical m ucus), especially if it is known or suspected that the systemic immune response does not show a strong correlation with protective efficacy for the type of vaccine under trial (for example, intranasal vaccination against influenza). Pre -vaccination samples should be collected from all subjects in early preliminary immunogenicity trials, after which it may be justifiable to omit these samples or to obtain them from subsets (for example, if antibody is rarely detectable or quantifiable prior to vaccination in the target population). Pre -vaccination sampling remains essential if it is expected that the target population will have some degree of pre -existing immunity due to natural exposure and\/ or vaccination history, since the assessmen t of the immune response will need to take into account seroconversion rates and increments in geometric mean titres (GMTs) or geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) from pre - to post -vaccination. Pre -vaccination sampling is also necessary if it is known or suspected that pre -existing immune status may have an impact on the magnitude of the immune response to vaccination that is positive (for example, because pre existing antibody reflects past priming) or negative (for example, due to maternal antibody inte rfering with primary vaccination with certain antigens in infants). The timing of post -vaccination sampling should be based on what is already known about the peak immune response after the first and, if applicable, sequential doses (for example, for vacci nes that elicit priming, the rise in antibody after a booster dose is usually much more rapid than the rise after earlier doses). For antigens not previously used in human vaccines, sampling times may be based on nonclinical data and then adjusted when dat a that are specific to the antigen(s) under trial have been generated. As information is accumulated, the number and volume of samples taken Page 28 of 40 from individual subjects may be reduced to the minimum considered necessary to meet the trial objectives. Assays Assays of functional or total antibody that are used to report immune responses to vaccination (whether to the candidate vaccine or to co -administered vaccines) in trials intended to support approval (that is, in pivotal trials) is acceptable. They may be: o commercially available assays specifically designed and intended for quantification of antibody (that is, assays that have undergone a robust regulatory review); o assays that are not commercially available but have been shown to be comparable to a referenc e assay (for example, to an assay established in a WHO reference laboratory or to an assay that is established in a recognized public health laboratory and has been used previously to support clinical trials that were pivotal for licensure). Clinical tria l protocols should specify which assays will be used. Clinical trial reports should include a summary of the assay methodology and its commercial or other validation status. For assays that are not commercially available any available validation reports sh ould be provided. The same assays should preferably be used in the same laboratories throughout the clinical development programme (including pre - and post -approval trials) for an individual vaccine. 5.4 Immunogenicity trials 5.4.1 Objectives The objectives of immunogenicity trials include, but are not limited to, the following: o to select vaccine formulations and posologies (including primary and booster doses) ; o to compare immune responses documented in a specific population and, using one vaccine formulation a nd posology, o to compare immune responses to the same vaccine when used in other settings or with a different vaccine intended to protect against the same infectious disease(s) ; o to support co -administration with other vaccines; o to support maternal immuniza tion; o to support major changes to the manufacturing process o to assess lot -to-lot consistency. o alternative posology , 5.4.2 General considerations for trial design Immunogenicity trials are almost without exception comparative trials. For candidate vaccines containing antigens for which there are well -established ICPs that can be applied to interpret the results sponsors may sometimes question the value Page 29 of 40 of including a comparative arm. Nevertheless, there is great value in conducting a randomized controlled trial. For example, the inclusion of a control group that receives a n approv ed vaccine provides assurance of the adequacy of the trial procedures and methods, including the assays, and facilitates interpretation of data in circumstanc es in which unexpected results (for example, low immune response to one or more antigens, high rates of specific AEs or unexpected AEs) are observed. Comparative trials include those in which all subjects receive the same vaccine formulation but there are differences between groups in terms of how or to whom the vaccine is administered (for example, using a different dose or dose interval, or administering the vaccine to different age groups) as well as trials in which one or more group(s) receive an altern ative treatment, which may be placebo and\/or another licensed vaccine. The design of comparative immunogenicity trials is driven by the characteristics of the vaccine, the trial objectives, the stage of clinical development, the trial population, the avail ability and acceptability of suitable comparators, and what is known about immune parameters that correlate with protection (including whether or not there is an established ICP). In comparative immunogenicity trials, subjects should be randomized to one of the trial groups at enrolment. This also applies to trials that enroll sequential cohorts of subjects (as in ascending dose trials in which at least some subjects are assigned to receive placebo or another vaccine). In some cases it may be appropriate that subjects who meet certain criteria (for example, completed all assigned doses in the initial part of the trial) are re -randomized at a later stage of the trial to receive a fur ther dose of a test or control treatment. 5.4.3 End -points The trial protocol should predefine the primary, co -primary, secondary and any other end -points (which may be designated tertiary or exploratory). Co-primary end points may be appropriate in some cases, namely: o The vaccine is intended to protect against multiple subtypes of the same microorganism. o The vaccine contains multiple microorganisms or multiple antigens. The following should be taken into consideration when selecting the primary end -point(s) fol lowing primary vaccination: o When an ICP has been established the primary end -point is usually the percentage of subjects that achieves an antibody level at or above the ICP, which is sometimes referred to as the sero -protection rate. o When there is no estab lished ICP the primary end -point or the co -primary end -points is\/are usually based on a measure of the humoral immune response. In some instances, there may be evidence to support the application of a threshold value (that is, the primary end -point may be the percentage of subjects that achieves antibody levels at or above the threshold value). If there is no threshold value that can be applied it may be appropriate to base the primary end -point on the seroconversion rate or on some other Page 30 of 40 definition of the magnitude of the immune response that differentiates responders from non -responders. Comparisons of post -vaccination sero -positivity rates may also be informative if pre -vaccination rates are very low. An anamnestic (memory) immune response is anticipated following administration of a vaccine to subjects who are already primed (by natural exposure or prior vaccination) against one or more microorganisms or antigens in the vaccine. Thus the sero -protection, seroconversion (fold -rise from pre -boost to post -boost) and sero -positivity rates after the booster dose are likely to be very high. In these cases, and in other situations in which post -vaccination sero -protection and\/or seroconversion rates are expected to be very high (that is, the vaccine is very immu nogenic) the most sensitive immunological parameter for detecting differences between groups may be the GMC or GMT. After primary vaccination and after any additional doses the results for all measured immunological parameter s should be presented in the c linical trial report. 5.4.4 Trials designed to demonstrate superiority Trials may assess whether a specific candidate vaccine formulation elicits superior immune responses compared to no vaccination against the disease to be prevented. In some cases trials may also assess whether immune responses elicited by a specific formulation of a candidate vaccine are superior to those elicited by other formulations. An assessment of superiority may also be applicable when an adjuvant is proposed for inclusion in the vaccine (for example, to demonstrate that the immune response to at least one of the antigenic components in an adjuvanted formulation is superior to the response in the absence of the adjuvant). Protocols should predefine the magnitude of the diffe rence between vaccine groups or between vaccine and control groups that will be regarded as evidence of superiority. This difference should be defined in such a way that it provides some evidence of a potential clinical advantage. 5.4.5 Trials designed to demon strate non -inferiority Most comparative immunogenicity trials are intended to show that the test vaccinated groups achieve comparable immune responses to the selected reference groups. If these trials are intended to be pivotal they should be designed and powered to demonstrate non -inferiority using a predefined and justifiable non -inferiority margin. Factors to consider with regard to the stringency of the non -inferiority margin include the clinical relevance of the end -point, seriousness of the disease to be prevented, vulnerability of the target population, availability of a well -established ICP and the performance characteristics of the assay(s). A more stringent margin may be appropriate when the vaccine is intended to prevent severe or life -threatening diseases and\/or will be used in particularly vulnerable populations (for example, infants and pregnant women). A more stringent margin could also be considered when there is potential for a downward drift in immunogenicity such as that which could occur when a new candidate vaccine can be compared only with vaccines that were approved on the basis of non -inferiority trials. In contrast, if a new candidate vaccine is known to offer substantial benefits in terms of safety or improved coverage then Page 31 of 40 margins th at are less stringent may be considered. As a result of such considerations it is possible that different non -inferiority margins may be considered appropriate in different settings. When it is proposed to demonstrate non -inferiority between vaccine groups based on GMT or GMC ratios for antibody titers or concentrations it is suggested that the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval around the ratio (test versus reference vaccine) should not fall below 0.67. Under certain circumstances it may be consider ed to allow a lower bound (for example, 0.5) or alternative criteria. The selection of a criterion should take into account whether or not an ICP has been identified. In addition, any marked separations between the reverse cumulative distributions of antibody titres or concentrations should be discussed in terms of potential clinical implications, including those which occur at the lower or upper ends of the curves. 5.4.6 Analysis and interpretation A statistical analysis plan should be finalized before closing the trial database and unblinking treatment assignments (if these were blinded). This should include any planned interim analyses, which should be adequately addressed in terms of purpose, timing and any statistical adjustments required. The immuno genicity data from all subjects with at least one result for any immunological parameter measured in the trial should be included in the clinical trial report. The analysis of the immune response based on any one parameter is commonly restricted to all sub jects with a re -vaccination measurement (if this is to be obtained from all subjects) and at least one post -vaccination measurement. Protocols may also restrict the primary analysis population to subjects with pre - and post -vaccination results, or to thos e with post -vaccination results who received all the assigned doses within predefined windows of the intended schedule and had no other major protocol violations. Other analysis populations of interest may be predefined in accordance with the primary or se condary objectives. Whatever the predefined primary analysis population, all available immunogenicity data should be presented in the clinical trial report. If a trial fails to meet the predefined criteria for superiority and\/or non -inferiority with respec t to any of the antigenic components, the possible reasons for the result and the clinical implications of it should be carefully considered before proceeding with clinical development or licensure. The considerations may take into account: (a) the basis f or setting the predefined criteria (for example, does failure to meet the criteria strongly imply that lower efficacy may result?); (b) the comparisons made for all other immune parameters measured (for example, were criteria not met for only one or severa l of many antigenic components of the vaccine?); (c) any differences in composition between the test and comparator vaccines that could explain the result; (d) the severity of the disease(s) to be prevented; and (e) the overall anticipated benefits of the vaccine, including its safety profile . 5.5 Special consideration for COVID -19 Vaccine 5.5.1 Trial Populations Page 32 of 40 First In Human (FIH) and other early phase studies should first enroll healthy adult participants who are at low risk of severe COVID -19. Exclusion of participants at higher risk of severe COVID -19 from early phase studies is necessary to mitigate potential risk of vaccine associated E nhanced Respiratory Disease (ERD) . As the understanding of COVID -19 pathogenesis continues to evolve, exclusion criteria should reflect the current understanding of risk factors for more severe COVID -19 risk. Older adult participants (e.g., over 55 years of age) may be enrolled in FIH and other early phase studies so long as they do not have medical co -morbidities associate d with an increased risk of severe COVID -19. Some preliminary safety data in younger adults (e.g., 7 days after a single vaccination) should be available prior to enrolling older adult participants, especially for vaccine platforms without prior clinical e xperience. If possible, early clinical studies should also exclude participants at high risk of SARS -CoV -2 exposure (e.g., healthcare workers). At least preliminary clinical safety and immunogenicity data for each dose level and age group (e.g., younger v ersus older adults) should be there to support progression of clinical development to include larger numbers (e.g., hundreds) of participants and participants at higher risk of severe COVID -19. Preliminary immunogenicity data from early phase development s hould include assessments of neutralizing vs. total antibody responses and Th1 vs. Th2 polarization. Additional data to further inform potential risk of vaccine -associated ERD and to support progression of clinical development, if available, may include p reliminary evaluation of COVID -19 disease outcomes from earlier clinical development of non -clinical studies evaluating protection and\/or histopathological markers of vaccine -associated ERD following SARS -CoV -2 challenge. Initiation of phase III trials sho uld be preceded by adequate characterization of safety and immunogenicity for each vaccine candidate, dose level, and age group to be evaluated to support general safety, potential for vaccine efficacy, and low risk of vaccine associated ERD. Establishing vaccine safety and efficacy in SARS -CoV -2 nave individuals is critical. Vaccine safety and COVID -19 outcomes in individuals with prior SARS -CoV -2 infection, which might have been asymptomatic, is also important to examine because pre -vaccination screening for prior infection may not be feasible in practice when the COVID -19 va ccine is approved and introduced in the market. Therefore, subjects with history or laboratory evidence of prior COVID -19 infection should not be excluded from COVID -19 vaccine trial. However, subjects with acute COVID -19 or other acute infectious illnes s should be excluded from such trials. Consideration should be given for inclusion of diverse populations in all phases of vaccine clinical development to ensure that vaccines are safe and effective for everyone in the indicated populations. Page 33 of 40 Evaluation of vaccine safety and efficacy in phase III clinical trial in adults should include adequate representation of elderly individuals and individuals with co -morbidities. Early c onsider ation of data should be given in the development programs that might support inclusion of pregnant women and women of childbearing potential who are not actively avoiding pregnancy in clinical trials. In such cases, the reproductive and developmental toxicity data should be there as per the requirements specified in the SECOND SCH EDULE of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 to support the inclusion of pregnant women and women of childbearing potential. It is important for COVID -19 vaccines to plan for pediatric assessments of safety and effectiveness considering the pande mic in accordance with the requirements and guidelines specified in the Second Schedule of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019. 5.5.2 Trial Design Early phase trials often aim to down -select among multiple vaccine candidates and\/or dosing regimens vi a randomization of participants to different treatment groups. While including a placebo control and blinding are not required for early phase studies, doing so may assist in interpretation of preliminary safety data. Later phase trials, including effica cy trials, should be randomized, double -blinded, and placebo controlled. An individually randomized controlled trial with 1:1 randomization between vaccine and placebo groups is usually the most efficient study design for demonstrating vaccine efficacy. An efficacy trial that evaluates multiple vaccine candidates against a single placebo group may be an acceptable approach to further increase efficiency, provided that the trial is adequately designed with appropriate statistical methods to evaluate efficacy . If the availability of a COVID -19 vaccine proven to be safe and effective precludes ethical inclusion of a placebo control group, that vaccine could serve as the control treatment in a study designed to evaluate efficacy with non -inferiority hypothesis testing. Protocols for adaptive trials should include pre -specified criteria for adding or removing vaccine candidates or dosing regimens and protocols for seamless trials should include pre -specified criteria (e.g., safety and immunogenicity data) for advan cing from one phase of the study to the next. Follow -up of study participants for COVID -19 outcomes (in particular, for severe COVID -19 disease manifestations) should continue as long as feasible, ideally at least one to two years, to assess duration of protection and potential for vaccine associated ERD as immune responses to the vaccine wane. Efficacy trials should include contingency plans for continued follow up and analysis of safety and effectiveness outcomes in the event that a safe and effective vaccine becomes available (e.g., as demonstrated in a planned interim analysis or as demonstrated in another clinical trial). Page 34 of 40 In that case, prior deliberation and examination with CDSCO in consultation with the SEC is necessary to address ethical arguments to break the blind and offer vaccine to placebo recipients. In cases where statistical equivalency testing of vaccine immune responses in humans is required to support manufacturing consistency (clinical lot -to-lot consistency trial), this testing can be incorporated into the design of an efficacy tria l and does not need to be conducted in a separate study. 5.6 Efficacy trial If immunological data cannot be used to select a dose, formulation and schedule that can be predicted to provide satisfactory protection against the infectious disease(s) to be preven ted a vaccine efficacy trial should be conducted whenever this is feasible. Vaccine efficacy trials are usually required whenever a new candidate vaccine is developed with intent to protect against an infectious disease and one or more of the following apply: o There is no established ICP that could be used to predict the efficacy of the new candidate vaccine. o There is no approved vaccine with documented efficacy against a specific infectious disease to allow for bridging to a new candidate vaccine. o Use of immune responses to bridge the documented efficacy of a n approved vaccine to a new candidate vaccine is not considered tobe possible. o There are sound scientific reasons to expect that the efficacy of a vaccine cannot be assumed to be similar between the population(s) included in the prior efficacy trial(s) and one or more other populations. o It cannot be assumed that the vaccine efficacy demonstrated against disease due to specific strains of a pathogen (for example, serotypes or subtypes) would apply to o ther strains. If it is not feasible to perform vaccine efficacy trials and there is no ICP , itmay be possible to obtain evidence in support of vaccine efficacy and\/or to derive an immunological marker of protection from one or more of the following: o Nonclinical efficacy trials. o Passive protection trials that is, nonclinical or clinical trials which assess the effects of administering normal or hyper -immune humangamma globulin or convalescent sera. The results may point to the sufficiency of humoral immunity for the prevention of clinical disease and may suggest a minimum protective antibody level that could be used to interpret data obtained in clinical trials with candidate vaccines. o Comparison of immunological responses with those seen in past tri als of similar vaccines with proven protective efficacy even if the relationship between immune responses to one or more antigeniccomponents and efficacy remains unknown. o Human challenge trials. Considerationmay be needed for conducting more than one vaccine efficacy trial in case different subtypes of a pathogen are involved. In such cases, the efficacy trials may be required to be conducted in different regions where certain subtypes are Page 35 of 40 known to predominate. Depending on the vaccine construct, non clinical and\/or other clinical evidence may also be used to support the likely consistency of efficacy across all subtypes. For some infectious diseases, there may be good scientific reasons to anticipate that the protective efficacy demonstrated in a piv otal efficacy trial in one population in a specific age range may not be extrapolated to other populations with the same age range. For example, in some regions there may be multiple co -infections in populations and\/or there may be considerable boosting of the immune response due to natural exposure that could have positive or negative effects on the estimate of vaccine efficacy. In these cases, it may be necessary to conduct a pivotal trial that enrolls representative samples of different populations or to conduct more than one trial in separate populations . 5.6.1 Efficacy trial design The protective efficacy of a vaccine against a specific infectious disease is usually determined in randomized trials that compare the incidence of disease after vaccination relative to the incidence of disease in the control group that has not been vaccinated. Less frequently, vaccine efficacy may be determined in a prospective randomized trial which compares the incidence of disease after vaccination between the group that r eceived the new candidate vaccine and a control group that received a licensed vaccine intended to prevent the same infectious disease. The unit of randomization is most usually the individual. Alternatives include the household or the cluster under trial (for example, a school population or a local community). Randomization of groups or clusters, rather than individuals, may be preferred when it is logistically much easier to administer the vaccine to groups than to individuals and when estimates of the in direct effects of vaccination (for example, herd immunity) are of interest. When the trial aims to vaccinate pregnant women to protect the infant during the early months of life then the unit of randomization is the The simplest design involves ran domization of equal numbers of subjects to the candidate vaccine and control groups (that is, 1:1). In trials that employ a control group that is not vaccinated against the disease to be prevented, but some clinical data are available to support the likely efficacy of the candidate vaccine, it may be appropriate (subject to statistical considerations and an assessment of the impact on the total trial sample size) to use unbalanced randomization (for example,2:1 or 3:1) to reduce the chance that individual s ubjects will be randomized to the control group, thus ensuring that the majority of trial subjects receive the candidate vaccine. Trials may be planned to follow trial subjects for a fixed period after the last dose of the primary series. The time at which the primary analysis is conducted should take into account the anticipated rates of the disease understudy in each treatment group, including the unvaccinated control group if applicable. Other considerations regarding Page 36 of 40 the timing of the primary analysis may include the possible importance of having some information on the duration of protection before approval of the vaccine , the feasibility of following up subjects for prolonged periods, and whether or not the vaccine could address a pressing unmet need ( for example, in an outbreak situation where there is no approved vaccine to prevent the disease). 5.6.2 Clinical End Points Primary End Points In most cases the focus of vaccine efficacy trials is the prevention of clinically apparent infections that fit the primary case definition based on clinical and laboratory criteria. If an organism causes a range of disease manifestations the primary end -point in any one trial should be carefully selected in accordance with the proposed indication(s) for use. In case a candidate vaccine contain s antigens derived from one or several types (serotypes, subtypes or genotypes) of the same organism and t here may also be some potential for cross -protection against types not included in the vaccine , it is usual for the primary end -point to comprise cases due to any of the types included in the vaccine, and the trial is powered for this composite end -point. It is not usually possible to power the trial to assess efficacy against individual types in the vaccine or to assess cross -protection against types not in the vaccine. Alternative primary end -points may include: o clinical manifestations of reactivated latent infection; o established chronic infections that may be asymptomatic but predispose to infection -related disease later in; o other markers that predict progression to clinically apparent disease. Secondary End Points As applicable to the individual candidate vaccine, other important end -points may include: o cases that occur after each dose, when the vaccine schedule includes multiple doses and\/or a booster; o cases due to each of the individual types of the organism included in the vaccine; o cases due to the organism, regardless of whether the cases are caused by types that are or are not included in the candidate vaccine; o cases due to non -vaccine types; o cases occurring in groups with host factors of interest (for example, age or region); o cases meeting criteria for disease severity if available, validated measures of criteria for severity should be used to facilitate interpretat ion of the results; o duration and\/or severity of the illness, which may include clinical measurements and laboratory measurements Eradication of carriage and\/or reduction in disease transmission that is not directly linked to, and\/or accompanied by, a clini cal benefit of vaccination to the individual are not usually considered to be sufficient to support licensure. 5.6.3 Special consideration for Efficacy of COVID -19 Vaccine Page 37 of 40 Either laboratory -confirmed COVID -19 or laboratory -confirmed SARS -CoV -2 infection is an acceptable primary endpoint for a COVID -19 vaccine efficacy trial. Acute cases of COVID -19 should be virologically confirmed.SARS -CoV -2 infection, including asymptomatic infection, can be monitored for and confirmed either by virologic methods or by serolo gic methods evaluating antibodies to SARS -CoV -2 antigens not included in the vaccine. Standardization of efficacy endpoints across clinical trials may facilitate comparative evaluation of vaccines for deployment programs, provided that such comparisons are not confounded by differences in trial design or study populations. It is advised that either the primary endpoint or a secondary endpoint (with or without formal hypothesis testing) be defined as virologically confirmed SARS -CoV -2 infection with one or m ore of the following symptoms: Fever or chills Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue o r Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea As it is possible that a COVID -19 vaccine might be much more effective in preventing moderate to severe versus mild COVID -19, consideration should be given for powering efficacy trials for formal hypothesis testing on a severe COVID -19 endpoint. Regardless , moderate to severe COVID -19 should be evaluated as a secondary endpoint (with or without formal hypothesis testing) if not evaluated as a primary endpoint. It is recommended that severe COVID -19 be defined as virologically confirmed SARSCoV -2 infection w ith any of the following: o Clinical signs at rest indicative of moderate to severe systemic illness (respiratory 30 per minute, SpO2 94 % on room air or PaO2\/FiO2 < 300 mm Hg) o Respiratory failure (defined as needing high -flow oxygen, noninvasive ventilation, mechanical ventilation or ECMO) o Evidence of shock (SBP < 90 mm Hg, DBP < 60 mm Hg, or requiring vasopressors) o Significant acute renal, hepatic, or neurologic dysfunction Contains o Admission to an ICU SARS -CoV -2 infection (whether or not symptomatic) should be evaluated as a secondary or exploratory endpoint, if not evaluated as a primary endpoint. The above diagnostic criteria may need to be modified in certain populations; for example, in pediatric patients and those with respiratory co -morbidities. Sponsors should discuss their proposed case definitions with the Agency prior to initiating enrollment. Page 38 of 40 Statistical Considerations To ensure that a widely deployed COVID -19 vaccine is effective, the primary efficacy endpoint point estimate for a placebo -controlled efficacy trial should be at least 50%, and the statistical success criterion should be that the lower bound of the appropriately alpha -adjusted confidence interval around the primary efficacy endpoint point estimate is >30%. The s ame statistical success criterion should be used for any interim analysis designed for early detection of efficacy. A lower bound 30% but >0% may be acceptable as a statistical success criterion for a secondary efficacy endpoint, provided that secondary e ndpoint hypothesis testing is dependent on success on the primary endpoint. For non -inferiority comparison to a COVID -19 vaccine already proven to be effective, the statistical success criterion should be that the lower bound of the appropriately alpha -adjusted confidence interval around the primary relative efficacy point estimate is > -10%. For each vaccine candidate, appropriate statistical methods should be used to control type 1 error for hypothesis testing on multiple endpoints and\/or interim efficacy analyses. Late phase studies should include interim analyses to assess risk of vaccine associated ERD and futility. Study sample sizes and timing of interim analyses should be based on the statistical success criteria for primary and secondary (if applicable) effica cy analyses and realistic, data -driven estimates of vaccine efficacy and incidence of COVID -19 (or SARS -CoV -2 infection) for the populations and locales in which the trial will be conducted. 5.7 Safety Considerations The size of the pre -approval safety database should be decided on a case by case basis. If a candidate vaccine contains new components not previously included in approved vaccines it would be usual to aim for a safety database that is sufficient to estimate the frequency of uncommon adverse events (occurring in between 1\/100 and 1\/1000 vaccinated persons). However, there may be cases where special concerns may be needed to be addressed and in such cases a much larger database would be required. A smaller safety database may be acceptable, if a candidate vaccine combines antigens with or without adjuvant that are all included in approved vaccines or contains additional antigens compared to an approved vaccine but all are derived from the same pathogen and manufactured in a similar fashion. The duration of safety follow -up after the last dose should be justified based on the candidate vaccine construct, the inclusion of a new adjuvant and prior data of relevance to any of the components of the vaccine under development. Safety assessments throug hout clinical development should include: o Solicited local and systemic adverse events for at least 7 days after each study vaccination in an adequate number of study participants to characterize Page 39 of 40 reactogenicity (including at least a subset of participants in late phase efficacy trials). o Unsolicited adverse events in all study participants for at least 21 28 days after each study vaccination. o Serious and other medically attended adverse events in all study participants for at least 6 months after completion of all study vaccinations. Longer safety monitoring may be warranted for certain vaccine platforms (e.g., those that include novel adjuvants). o All pregnancies in study participants for which the date of conception is prior to vaccination or within 30 days after vaccination should be followed for pregnancy outcomes, including pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and congenital anomalies. o The safety database through pre and post approval of clinical develo pment for preventive new candidate vaccines fo r infectious diseases may consists of many thousand subject s. o The general safety evaluation of COVID -19 vaccines, including the size of the safety database to support vaccine licensure, should be no different t han for other preventive vaccines for infectious diseases o It is anticipated that adequately powered efficacy trials for COVID -19 vaccines will be of sufficient size to provide an acceptable safety database for each of younger adult and elderly populations, provided that no significant safety concerns arise during clinical development that would warrant further pre -licensure evaluation . o COVID -19 vaccine trials should periodically monitor for unfavorable imbalances between vaccine and control groups in COVID -19 disease outcomes, in particular for cases of moderate to severe COVID -19 that may be a signal for vaccine -associated ERD. o Studies should include pre -specified criteria for halting based on signals of potential vaccine -associated ERD. o It is recommended to use of an independent data safety monitoring board (DSMB ) for vaccine -associated ERD and other safety signal monitoring, especially during later stage development. 5.8 Post Marketing clinical evaluation After approval of a vaccine, i t is essential to monitor vaccine safety in routine use. Studies designed to address specific safety issues that were identified as potential concerns from pre -approval trials may need to be conducted. It may be appropriate to conduct studies specifically intended to estimate vaccine effectiveness. Post Marketing Assessment of vaccines for safety and \/or effectiveness of vaccines should be considered on case by case basis defending on the category, nature of vaccine and the quantum of data generated through the non -clinical and clinical development programme in accordance with the general guidelines specified in the FIFTH SCHEDULE of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules , 2019. Accordingly, to ensure the vaccine safety and effectiveness of marketed vaccine , post marketing assessment may be carried out through the following ways: Phase IV (Post Marketing Trial) Page 40 of 40 Post Marketing Surveillance or observational or non -interventional study for active surveillance Post Marketing Surveillance including assessment of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) and Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) . 6 References 1. Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,1945 2. New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules,2019 3. WHO guidelines on nonclinical evaluation of vaccines. TRS 927; Annex1 4. Guidelines on clinical evaluation of v accines: regulatory Expectation WHO TRS 1004, Annex 9 5. Guidelines on clinical evaluation of vaccines: regulatory expectations, WHO TRS. 924 Annex 1 6. Guidance for Industry: Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID -19, USFDA, June 2020 7. Guideline on clinical evaluation of vaccine s EMEA\/CHMP\/VWP\/164653\/05 Rev. ********* ","Summary":"Development of a vaccine is a complicated activity, which needs adequate trials and data to be generated, to ensure that vaccines are safe for use and are of a high quality. To facilitate the development of an effective and safe vaccine, specially for the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry has consolidated its guidelines to vaccine manufacturers in one document. This document provides guidelines applicable in general for clinical and nonclinical development of any vaccines including Covid-19 vaccines. The document aims to guide vaccine developers and ensure that: Vaccines are manufactured consistently They remain stable during their development and till the end of their shelf life Adequate data is generated in nonclinical studies conducted through animal trials Studies of the vaccine on animals are conducted concurrently with the clinical trials. Though the guidelines also highlight that animal use for testing must be reduced, refined and replaced wherever possible. Adequate data to establish safety of the vaccine is generated Assessment of adverse effects after immunisation is conducted to ensure that vaccines are safe after they have been released The key components assessed when a vaccine is being approved are the characterisation of the vaccine and its components. The consistency of the vaccine - here any changes made to the vaccine formula when it goes into production must be documented. The stability in different conditions and the potency of the vaccine are equally important. All vaccines released must be independently analysed by the Central Drugs Laboratory, Kasauli and other State authorities, before they are released into the market. For the Covid-19 vaccine, some special considerations are: Special consideration and research is required since pregnant mothers will also be immunised with the Covid-19 vaccine. In some situations, animal trials for the Covid-19 vaccine can be conducted alongside research, in these cases all precautions must be taken to determine the effectiveness of the vaccine before human trials. Data on the animal species, handling and care of animals should be recorded during trials. Special provisions have also been made to monitor the dosage of vaccines in trial. Toxicity studies done on any Covid-19 vaccines should collect broad data for other reactions that may arise, that can be described as illness due to the vaccine. This includes body weight and food consumption. Such indicators must be monitored closely, specially in the first week after the vaccine trials. Certain vaccine components will require additional research for genotoxicity and carcinogenicity if used. If there are different methods of administering vaccines, each method will need to be tested to determine the ideal dosage. For vaccines developed in India, trials need to begin with Phase 1 trials. Permission to carry out these trials is generally given in stages, considering the data emerging from earlier phases. However, in certain cases, this process can be expedited, as long as adequate data is collected to ensure that the vaccine is effective. These Guidelines are consolidated from the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1940, the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 and relevant guidelines from WHO, USFDA and EMA. They reflect the current thinking of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation and are dynamic and recommendations that don\u2019t replace any existing laws."},"19":{"Title":"Consultation Paper on Unified Health Interface","Text":"Consultation Paper 03\/ 2021Consultation PaperUnified Health InterfaceNational Health Authority9th Floor, Tower - 1Jeevan Bharati Building, Connaught PlaceNew Delhi - 110001https:\/\/www.nha.gov.in\/Consultationstakeholderspreferablyelectronicallyhttps:\/\/ndhm.gov.in\/publication\/consultationpapers.(Coordination),Authority,ndhm@nha.gov.in.information,contacted at Telephone No. 011-23468786.2Acronyms and AbbreviationsApplication Programming InterfaceAyurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and HomeopathyEnd User ApplicationElectronic Health RecordElectronic Medical RecordHealth Facility RegistryHealth Information ExchangeHealth Information ProviderHealth Information UserHealthcare Professionals RegistryHealth Service ProviderHealth Service Provider ApplicationMinistry of Electronics and Information TechnologyMinistry of Health and Family WelfareMedical Council of IndiaNational Digital Health BlueprintNational Digital Health EcosystemNational Digital Health MissionNational Health AuthorityNational Health PolicyNational Payments Corporation of IndiaPersonal Health RecordsTechnology Service Providered Health Interface3Table of ContentsAcronyms and AbbreviationsIntroduction and Background1.1 Objectives1.2 Scope of Consultation Paper1.3 Evolution of NDHM1.4 Pilot of NDHM Building Blocks1.5 Envisioned NDHM Architecture1.6 Need for Standards in Digital Health Interactions1.7 Questions for ConsultationCreating an Open Network for Digital Health Services2.1 Introduction to Open Networks2.2 An Open Network for Digital Health Services2.3 Community and Governance for Open Networks2.4 Questions for ConsultationCreating an Open Network for Services in NDHM3.1 Unified Health Interface (UHI) as a part of NDHMArchitecture3.2 Introduction to UHI and UHI Network3.3 Stakeholders in UHI Network3.3.1 End-Users\/ Patients3.3.2 Health Service Providers (HSPs)3.3.3 Technology Service Providers (TSPs):3.4 Objectives of UHI and UHI Network3.5 Trust and Privacy in UHI and UHI Network3.6 Role of NDHM in Building UHI and UHI Network3.7 Re-Thinking Digital Health Services with UHI3.8 Questions for ConsultationEcosystem Adoption4.1 Potential Incentives for Stakeholders4.1.1 End-Users\/ Patients4.1.2 Health Service Providers (HSPs)4.1.3 Technology Service Providers (TSPs)4.2 Potential Disincentives for Stakeholders4.2.1 Health Service Providers (HSPs)44.2.2 Technology Service Providers (TSPs)4.3 Questions for ConsultationUnified Health Interface in Depth5.1 UHI Architecture5.1.1 UHI Gateway5.1.2 UHI Digital Health Services (Open Protocols5.1.3 Inside a UHI Digital Health Service5.1.3.1 Service Discovery5.1.3.2 Service Booking5.1.3.3 Service Fulfilment5.1.3.4 Financial Settlement5.1.3.5 Post Fulfilment5.2 UHI Protocols in Action - An example5.2.1 Patient Experience5.2.2 Doctor Experience5.3 Questions for ConsultationUHI Development, Governance and Management6.1 Development of UHI6.2 Management of UHI Gateway6.3 Onboarding of Participants6.4 Charges for Usage of UHI Gateway6.5 Questions for ConsultationAppendix 1: List of Questions5Chapter 1Introduction and Background1.1 Objectivesstakeholderconsultationcertain strategic and functional considerations ofed Health Interface (UHI).contextualizeconsultationstakeholdersinterpretationinformationexhaustiverequirementsauthoritativeapproacheshenceforthdecisions.consideringsuggestionsthis paper.consultationinformationunderstandsimplementation.consultationAdditionally,stakeholdersdeem critical for the development of such a platform.1.2 Scope of Consultation Paperarchitecturehealthcareecosystem.functionalitiesstakeholders,governanceEach section has specic open questions where feedbackfrom stakeholders is sought.ecosystem.consultationacceleratethe adoption of digital health services in India.Information(HealthcareProfessionalsRetention,consultation papers published by NHA.1.3 Evolution of NDHMhighlightsprinciplescitizen-centricity,inclusivenessprincipallyleveragingtechnologies.recognizesimportancetechnologieshealthcareordability,monitoringentitlementsestablishmentarchitecture,registries,smartphones\/tabletsteleconsultationservices, leveraging digital health solutions forAYUSH, etc.Subsequently,implementationinitiativescomponentselectronicregistries,framework,platform, and other horizontal components.recognizedprinciples,applicationsstandards,institutional frameworks etc, to create such an ecosystem.documents,developmentstechnology,implementation.learnings and needs shall be made during the implementation.informationhttps:\/\/ndhm.gov.in\/1.4 Pilot of NDHM Building Blocksconceptualizedprovides key capabilities that enable the NDHM vision.registries.Registriesrepositoriesfacilities,healthcareprofessionals(individualsorganizations)voluntarilyregistriesgovernancemechanisms,principlesaccessibility,management.respectiveregistriesnationallyrecognizeddatabases.consideredsuccessfulstakeholdersto drive adoption, these registries must be interoperablewith other NDHM building blocks.registriesconstituteregistriesregistriesdeveloped,GovernmentCurrently,registriesstandardizeindividualhealthcareproviders,scanned to enable seamless patient registration athealth facilities.consultationand health data consent manager for stakeholders toshare their comments and suggestions on.HealthcareProfessionalsHealthcareProfessionalsinformationparamedicalhealthcareprofessionalsdevelopingregistriesDigiDoctorpart of the NDHM pilot in August 2020.healthcarehospitals,diagnosticpharmaciesfacilities.announcementHealthcareProfessionalsInformation8Fig. 1. NDHM Building Blocksparticipatingproviders,professionals)interoperableinformationInformationSimilarly,Informationapplication,the health records of a patient with their consent.1.4.5 These NDHM building blocks have enabled newfoundational capabilities including:A Health ID for every resident who wishes to obtaintheir health records digitally.Registeredfacilitieslongitudinalindividual,multiple patient encounters in dierent health facilities.mechanism is fully aligned with the Draft PersonalData Protection Bill of India.Standardizationformattingdiagnosticsummaries,prescriptions,consultationimmunizationinteroperable.professionalparticipatesAdditionalinformationhttps:\/\/ndhm.gov.in\/architecture,evolving needs of NDHM.interoperabilityhealth-relatedStakeholdershealthcareprofessionalshealthcarefacilities.1.5 Envisioned NDHM ArchitecturerepresentationarchitecturerepresentedarchitectureinteroperabilityFig. 2. NDHM Architectureenvisioned(the layers are described bottom-up).Digilocker,horizontalfoundationalfunctionalitiesalmost any digital platform.cross-domaincapabilitiesfunctionalities.authenticationDigiLockerHealthcareProfessionalsSimilarly,programmesintegrationsscalable manner.encompassesinfrastructureinteroperabilityregistriesHealthcareProfessionalsInformationterminologyaggregationshareabilityhealthcareproviders.standardizesinformation ow between providers and payers.Interface:envisionedinteroperableinteractionsin detail in the upcoming sections.Applications:ecosystem.applicationsgovernmenthealthcareproviders,researchers,applicationinterchange.envisionedinnovation.applicationsdemonstratecapabilitiesparticipantsexperiencesdevelopinginnovative solutions.1.6 Need for Standards in Digital Health InteractionsHealthcaredigitizingexperiences.appointment and consult with a doctor digitally.1conductedrepresentativepopulation,out-patientconsultationsconsultations.consultationsadoption due to COVID-19.TelemedicineGuidelinesRegisteredPractitionertelemedicineconsultationteleconsultationscantly concentrated in urban areas.telemedicine,Discussionsconsultingplatforms.experienceimprovement.consultationsappointment,streamlined.consultationsadministrativetasks like bookings, payments, conrmations, reconciliationschallengesconsultationappointmentsauthenticitycredentialscredentialoperators are not scrutinized by any regulatory body.challengesfragmentedstandardizedmethodologiesprescriptionse-prescriptions.frequentlycontinuitychallengingand patients.2https:\/\/www.mohfw.gov.in\/pdf\/Telemedicine.pdf1NSS 75http:\/\/mospi.nic.in\/sites\/default\/les\/publication_reports\/KI_Health_75th_Final.pdfimportanceappointmentsvaccinationtreatment,availabilitycollectionenvisionedchallengesdeliveringhealthcareboth the patients and the Health Service Providers.1.7 Questions for ConsultationTelemedicineGuidelinesStakeholderstelemedicinee-pharmacy.13Chapter 2Creating an Open Network for Digital Health Services2.1 Introduction to Open NetworksFig. 3. Email as an example of an Open Networkaccessible(nonproprietary)particularparticularorganisationinteroperabledistributedCurrently,fragmented,non-interoperabletele-consultationappointment)approach requires both patients and health serviceproviders to use the same platform.2.2 An Open Network for Digital Health ServicesPlatform-Centric ModelOpen Network-CentricFig. 4. Platform-Centric Model vs Open Network-Centrichttps:\/\/beckn.org\/interoperableconnectionsnationwide,decentralized,drasticallydemand-supply ecosystems.participantdiscoverableapplication of their choice.applicationecosystem,regardlessapplicationproviders.onboardingopen protocols may lead to larger demand from bothpatients \/ health service providers.establishmentRegistriesparticipatingcommunicateprotocols.standardizationcould benet from the development of open protocols.Fig. 5. Potential Digital Health Services on an Opendiscoverability,restrictedgeography.ecosystem to make payments to any other party.conjunctiondemocratizesfoundationmarketplace,can be matched seamlessly with minimal informationasymmetry.2.3 Community and Governance for Open Networksprotocols,engagementcommunity (of stakeholders) and Governance of theecosystem to be successful.Ecosystemstransparentgovernancemechanisms,innovativesolutions,three important pillars of open digital networks -digital platforms, community, and governance.technologyinfrastructure(gateways,registries,extensibleinteroperability,end-user solutions can be co-created.stakeholdersbusinesses,start-ups,developers,governmentindividuals,entities),facilitatorsgovernmentaccountableOrganizationsfoundations,collaboratethe platform to create shared value, drive greateradoption, and ensure accountability.Governanceecosystem.stakeholderaccountabilities,liabilities,exclusion.Governancethe open nature of such networks stronger so thatit upholds the objective it was set up for.172.4 Questions for Consultationstakeholderecosystem,network approach to digital health services is implemented?Please respond with details.18Chapter 3Creating an Open Network for Services in NDHM3.1 Unified Health Interface (UHI) as a part of NDHMArchitectureinteroperabilityregistriesprofessionalsfacilities.additionalinteroperabilityaggregated \/ anonymized health data, etc.interoperabilityfoundationalbe an open protocol for digital health services.Fig. 6. UHI Layer in the NDHM Architectureprotocols.participantsinteraction.Registriesestablishedparticipateecosystem.3.2 Introduction to UHI and UHI NetworkenvisionedApplicationsparticipatingapplications.health service providers (HSPs)including, but notlimited to:Booking OPD appointments at hospitals \/ clinicsBooking Tele-ConsultationDiscovering availability of critical care bedsDiscovery of lab and diagnostic servicesBooking of home visits for lab sample collectionsBooking an ambulanceDiscovery of nearby pharmaciesapplicationapplication(frequentlyinteractive voice response systems (IVRS), virtualassistants in English and local languages, etc.individualhospitals,pharmacies,Provider Applications (HSPA) that support UHI.ecosystem.inter-operableapplicationwallet to any other bank account.3.3 Stakeholders in UHI Network3.3.1 End-Users\/ Patientsaccessibility,electronically, and share them with chosen healthcareproviders.203.3.2 Health Service Providers (HSPs)Health service providers are expected to adopt UHI.HSPs include, but are not limited to:Doctors of any system of medicinePharmaciesaggregatorsorganisationser services to end users)(includingteleconsultations,home sample collection services)digitally.discoverableavailabilitydelivery using any UHI compatible HSP applicationof their choice.3.3.3 Technology Service Providers (TSPs):stakeholderecosystem,technologyorganisationsinterfacescompatibleapplicationsprotocols,UHI. Only certied applications can be registeredand access services on the UHI network.3.4 Objectives of UHI and UHI NetworkdiscoverabilityopportunityparticipatediscoveredhealthcareparticipateInteroperabilityInteroperabilityhealth service providers,and associatedhealth datatransactiontransaction and ability to track status updates tillthe service is fulsettlements:parties in a secure and transparent mannerrequirementscollecting feedback on the service rendered and enableany grievance to be addressedprotocols:interoperableparticipate.innovative new solutions for patients or health serviceTechnologyapplicationdeveloperstechnologydevelopmentapplicationsApplicationsapplications,interfaces,any other format or technology desired by the developer3.5 Trust and Privacy in UHI and UHI Networktransactionsdecentralizedtrust across the ecosystem. UHI Network will try toenable this usingned UHI Policy that all network participantscation of all entities as a prerequisite forparticipationA rating \/ reputation system for entities and servicesSupport grievance redressal mechanismsinformation about their services, patients and othersare private and in their control.principlesapplicableManagementpreservingparticipatedtele-consultationspatients at all times.Additionally,Blueprint,aggregatedanonymisedensure more informed decision making by the Government.3.6 Role of NDHM in Building UHI and UHI Networkorchestratorcollaboratingparticipants.development,governancemanagementsection 6.223.7 Re-Thinking Digital Health Services with UHIdelivered.possibilities are listed below:Current ScenarioIn the Future (with UHI)Doctors and patients need to use the sameapplication for a good digital experienceDoctors do not have an easy way to letpatients know how to reach them digitallyDiscovery of a specic Health Provider iscult as transactions & data get fragmentedacross appsPatients will be able to use any app of their choicend a doctor, book an appointment, make payments,receive prescriptions and store their data digitally.Doctors will be able to use any app of their choicemanage their availability for online consultations,their price, see their patients records (after consent)and give e-prescriptions.Doctors can be discovered by patients easily acrossany apps on the UHI Network. Doctors will be ableshare a universally recognized ID, their Healthprofessional ID, with their patients.Patients with serious illnesses who seek asecond opinion take CDs of their MRI \/ CT \/X-Ray scans and organize their own medicalrecords. They then have to either visit anotherphysician physically for a second opinion orupload records on websitesPatients can obtain a Health ID (or PHR Address) andshare the HID with health care providers. TheHealthcare Provides can share images of thes MRI \/ CT \/ X-Ray scans digitally availablethrough their PHR address. The patient can save therecords into their Health Lockers.The patients can share these medical records withany doctor easily by providing consent to thedoctors to view the records.Doctors will be able to view the health records ofpatient across all hospitals\/ doctors (longitudinalhealth records).Doctors can get access to full resolution MRI \/ CTX-Ray scans to provide a detailed second opinion forany patient from anywhere in the country.Ambulance services are fragmented acrossthe country with no standard to call for an anAmbulance quickly when required or to reachindependent ambulance service providersAmbulance operators can list their service via HealthFacility Registry and be discoverable on UHI.When a patient requests an ambulance they will bend the closest one that can respond the23Patients with multiple disorders (e.g. Diabetes,heart disease and knee replacement) needconsultations with multiple doctors-integrating all medical advice & records iscult and may be error prone.Group Consult will emerge as a common feature inUHI, where doctors can come together inchallenging cases and discuss the best treatmentoption for a patient.Chronic patients who require regular care,reminders and review of their medicalcondition spend an outsized amount of timeattending to their chronic condition.Patients can sign up with Health Bots that will looktheir medical history, send reminders, provide advicebased on their trends and support doctors inmanaging chronic care.Patients may not be able to prescribed by the Doctor. Patients may haveto visit multiple pharmacists or onlinepharmacies to purchase these drugs.Patients can check if drugs that they require areavailable in pharmacies near their location. Theyeven place the order and have it home delivered ifthe local pharmacy provides such services.In order to nd the best price for a service likeMRI, patients need to call individual labs toidentify rates and book appointmentsUHI will make prices and the rating for servicestransparent. Patients can discover the rates for testslike MRI \/ CT scans from labs near them easily.Further, they can book the appointment online.3.8 Questions for Consultationarchitectureenvisionedparticipatingstakeholdersobjectivesstakeholdersstakeholdersindicativeexhaustive,stakeholdersconsideredinterface?ecosystem.objectivescomprehensivenessobjectives,objectivesobjectivesin section 3.4.should the digital health services be phased in theupcoming versions of UHI?24Chapter 4Ecosystem Adoptionindicativestakeholdersincentivesdisincentivesstakeholders to participate in UHI.4.1 Potential Incentives for Stakeholders4.1.1 End-Users\/ Patientsinteroperability.applicationcompatible.regardlessinformationprescriptions,doctor notes digitally on their devices.transparencyfor the health service.4.1.2 Health Service Providers (HSPs)Participationc advantages as mentioned below.Discoverabilityparticipatingirrespectiveavailable to the User.the service and get the full amount with no commissions.professionalappointment,teleconsultationsany End User Application that customers prefersummarisesthey could oer to benet from UHI. This list isnot exhaustive.HSP EntityServices and BeneProfessionalEUA to connect with them for services.nancial transactions seamlessly.widespreadtechnologyconsultationstreatments.positive impact in improving access to care esp forrural populationsmultidisciplinarycare to patients with complex problems (e.g., Diabetes,Cancer etc.)appointmentstele-consultations.services).Labs and the services they oer will be discoverableacross any EUA.appointmentsample collection or Imaging services to a nationalpopulation pool.providersHometele-consultations,collections etc.AggregatorsSigniregistries)marketing (as they can tap in demand across EUAs)interoperability for their transactions4.1.3 Technology Service Providers (TSPs)functionalitiestransactionsexistence of common protocols and open APIs allowsfor easy integration.aggregatorsparticipateecosystem.pharmacies,paramedicalapplicationsexperience.drasticallyerentiated(including4.2 Potential Disincentives for Stakeholderssuccessfullyecosystem,disincentiveshesitationstakeholdersparticipate4.2.1 Health Service Providers (HSPs)disincentivepractitioners and the health facilities.practitionersfacilitiesparticipateecosystem.discoveredconsultationspractitioners,arrangementsdigital services.Therefore,practitionersparticipateindependentlyfacilities.practitionertransmittedindividualinterface.participatingtransmittedfacility'stransferredbetween the facility and the doctor.practitionersparticipateindependentlyadministrativerelationshipsneed to be extended to digital services.274.2.2 Existing Platform ProvidersParticipationpotentiallydisincentiveaggregatorscontrol over both the service providers as well theaggregatorsdisruptionaims to be an open, interoperable health servicesnetwork for patients, doctors and facilities.potentiallyconsultationinputs for how a more level playing eld should becreated for UHI.disadvantageavailabilitythe business.4.3 Questions for Consultationincentivesdisincentivesstakeholdersparticipatechapter 4? If not, please provide the list and mentionthe role and description of the stakeholder.disincentivesmitigatingminimize the impact of said disincentives.28Chapter 5Unified Health Interface in Depth5.1 UHI Architectureinteroperable layer for digital health services.Fig. 7. High Level UHI ArchitectureThe key building blocks involved as part of UHI protocolsRegistriesHealthcareProfessionalsRegistry (HFR) for identication and veriof entitiesimplementsfor various health services as part of the open networkInformationinteroperableproviders.Applicationsapplicationsrespectively.including grievance and feedback are expected to behandled in the UHI Open network.5.1.1 UHI GatewayThe UHI Gateway implements the interoperable digitalhealth service protocols.operationalecosystem.registriesinteroperability.ecosystem.Corporationimplementationstakeholdersecosystem.5.1.2 UHI Digital Health Services (Open Protocolsadd more health services. Some of the potential servicesto be supported are listed below.Discovery of healthcare providersBooking a Healthcare Appointment For both physical\/ digital consultationsDiscovery of Hospitals and their facilitiesDiscovery of Labs and their servicesDiscovery of PharmaciesDiscovery of availability of medicineDiscovery of available critical care bedsBooking an ambulance serviceBooking an appointment for home collection of samplesOrdering medicines for home deliveryAdditionalintroducedservice will be worked out in consultation with theimplementedApplicationspart of delivery of the interoperable digital healthecosystem,governancebe adopted for designing the UHI Protocols is outlinedin Chapter 6.suggestionsecosystem.ecosystem.interoperableapplicationsservice provider applications call APIs on the UHIGateway to deliver a health service.5.1.3 Inside a UHI Digital Health ServiceThis section describes the various steps that couldbe part of the UHI protocol. While there maybe variations based on the actual digital health service,these steps provide insight for how UHIwould work. The actual protocol will be developedalong with the ecosystem as outlined inChapter 6. The contents of this section merely representa potential approach.UHI Protocols could consist of the following as partof its workService DiscoveryService BookingService FulFinancial Settlement5.1.3.1 Service Discoveryavailabilityassociatedparametersregisteredapplicationthe choices to the user.Some examples for service discovery have been describedteleconsultation:specialistregisteredteleconsultationInterestedconsultationavailabilityavailabilityconsultationProfessionalprofessionalconsultations.aggregator).available,consultationis presented to the user.ambulance:registeredambulance,estimated time for the ambulance to reach the user.registeredmethods and time to complete the testavailabilityservice provider and display it on the EUA. Service Bookingavailability,then decide on the right option for their requirement.charges. The total price to the user is computed as:HSP price for service + UHI Gateway charges (if any)+ EUA service chargescancellationparametersservice fullment are shared by the HSP with theEUA when they accept the booking.successfultransactiontransactionUHI Gateway.32Enablingtransactionsencourage adoption.An example to illustrate how service booking functionsis described below.collectioncollection.transactioncaptures the details for the selected service. Service Fulfilmentresponsibilitycommitmentsparameterscompletionaccountabilitydelivered.various HSPs will build their reputation dependingon how well they have provided various services.responsibletransactionsettlementinformationany dispute arbitration. UHI gateway does not participatein service ful5.1.3.4 Financial Settlementparticipants.payment methods are supported.transactionsestablishedtime of service booking.An example to illustrate how nancial settlementfunctions is described below.Teleconsultationsettlementresponsibilityteleconsultationstipulatedmust also transfer any network usage charges to theUHI gateway.charges. The Lab must settle with all parties withinthe stipulated SLA.transactionparticipatecollectiontransactiontransactionconsultationecosystem. Post Fulfilmentlment covers two functions - rating\/ reputationmanagement and grievances redressal.Rating\/ Reputation Managementreputationproviders,participantstheir use to improve trust in the system.acknowledgeshealthcarehealthcareprofessionalplatforms,accessibledisclosurehealthcareauthenticity of ratings and feedback provided on thehospital, hospital itself, or platform through whichhospital\/ doctor was accessed.Grievance Redressalresponsibilitygrievancesmanagementredressal.grievancespertaininghealthcareaddressed through existing mechanisms used in non-digitalinteractions.participantsuspensionwill be established for each type of service in discussionwith the ecosystem.5.2 UHI Protocols in Action - An exampleAn interoperable UHI protocol for teleconsultationcan be visualized as follows:Fig. 8. UHI Protocol for Teleconsultation5.2.1 Patient ExperiencePatient experience can be visualized as follows:associatedthe patient.dermatologist.Additionalparametersincluding languages spoken, years of experience ,price range for consultation, etc.departmentspecialistconduct the consultation. The time slots availableand price for the consultation is shown.Patient picks a suitable dermatologist and requeststo book an appointment.consultation.amount has been collected.additionallymay have with the consultant.At the appointed time, the patient gets a call fromthe doctor.prescriptionprescriptionapplicationprescriptionconsultationdoctor\/hospital\/EUAservice received.5.2.2 Doctor Experienceteleconsultation.participateindependentlyaggregator HSPs.s experience can be visualized as follows:applicationHealthcareProfessionalcredentialsteleconsultation.teleconsultationprice for the consultation and times when they areavailable.The doctor can view all the appointments booked forthe day in the HSP application.applicationrequesting consent. The same would be available tothe doctor for review.The doctor initiates the tele-consultation by callingthe patient.consultationprescriptions,automaticallyof the patients health records.Post the completion of the consultation, the doctorcan also rate the patient.automatically.service in the HSP application.365.3 Questions for Consultationinteroperable digital health ecosystem. Questionsto relevant stakeholders are:any alternate models be allowed? If yes, provide details.5.3.2 Are there any challenges to the proposed approachto pricing of services detailed insection Please suggest other alternate pricingmodels that must be supported by thesection If yes, provide details.grievances.yes, provide details.might be adopted.37Chapter 6UHI Development, Governance and Management6.1 Development of UHIRegistriesplayers to enable their systems for new capabilitiesover time.developingacceptableProtocols.change of each UHI Protocol will go through the followingunderstandingformulate,initial UHI Open Protocols.Consultationgovernment,independentconsultationexpert group and revised by the specication committeeConsultationconsultationadditionalincorporatedcommittee.consultationNDHM for adoptionthe UHI ecosystem6.2 Management of UHI Gatewaydevelopmentecosystem,centralizedsuggestionsoptimizationgateways, if deemed necessary, would be easier oncethe initial versions are stable and proven.the following options:Engage a software development agency to develop thegateway as per specicontributedtheir software with the UHI gatewayProductiondoctors to deliver a wide variety of health services6.3 Onboarding of Participantsrepositoryproviders,Informationonboarding of UHI compliant EUAs and HSPs.Technologycompliancerequirements.compliance,productiongateway will be provided.themselvesservices available to consumers.Aarogyasetu,Digilocker,applicationsconsumers.applicationsneed to be UHI compliant in order to access the production396.4 Charges for Usage of UHI Gatewaydevelopment,managementoperationsInterestedstakeholdersimplemented to maintain the gateway.6.5 Questions for Consultationapproaches,consideredmanaging and governing the UHI gateway? Please provideoperation?model evolve over time?ts and risks of the options.40Appendix 1: List of Questions1. Please refer to section 1.6.3. The TelemedicineGuidelines were issued by The Board ofGovernors of the Medical Council of India (MCI) inMarch 2020. Stakeholders are requested to gothrough them and suggest changes to the policy, ifany, to ensure adoption of telemedicine ande-pharmacy. Please note that NHA will act as a coordinatorand only forward these suggestionsto the appropriate\/ concerned ministrystakeholderecosystem,network approach to digital health services is implemented?Please respond with details.stakeholdersindicativeexhaustive,stakeholdersconsideredinterface?ecosystem.objectivescomprehensivenessobjectives,objectivesobjectivesin section 3.4.digital health services should the initial versionof UHI focus on?incentivesdisincentivesstakeholdersparticipatechapter 4? If not, please provide the list and mentionthe role and description of the stakeholder.disincentivesmitigatingdisincentives.models be allowed? If yes, provide details.challenges5.1.3.2? Please suggest other alternate pricing modelsthat must be supported by the Gateway.section If yes, provide details.grievances.yes, provide details.be adopted.approaches,consideredmanaging and governing the UHI gateway? Please provideoperation?evolve over time?ts and risks of the options.Disclaimer:consultativeconsideredrepresentationregulationsprinciplesrestitutionenrichmentotherwise,correctness,completenessreliabilityassessment,assumption,informationdeemed to form part of this document.","Summary":"The National Health Authority has released a consultation paper on Unified Health Interface, providing an overview of the proposed National Digital Health Ecosystem (NDHE). This consultation paper explains the unified interface where the various constituents of NDHE would work in tandem with other digital public goods like Aadhar, Digilocker, UPI etc. and will facilitate the sharing of health-related data.\n\nThe NDHE seeks to create a unified system wherein health-related information of patients, with their consent, would be accessed by \u2018health information users\u2019 (HIU) like hospitals, doctors, mobile applications etc. The interoperability of data with other public goods would help an HIU to identify a patient from his Aadhar, access his past medical prescriptions from Digilocker and transfer any subsidies to his bank account. Interoperability is the property that facilitates unrestricted sharing and use of data or resources between disparate systems via local area networks (LANs) or wide area networks (WANs). Creating an Open Network for Digital Health Services An Open Network is based on an Open Protocol, a set of shared technical standards accessible to everyone operating within the framework. For instance, Gmail works on the principle of Open Network since it allows someone using Gmail to send an email to any other email id even if the receiver is not using Gmail.\n\nThe Authority has, thus, suggested three pillars of open digital networks: Digital Platforms (First Layer): This layer includes technology infrastructure that is open to make the platform interoperable. Community (Second Layer): This layer comprises all the stakeholders (for instance, businesses, start-ups, individuals, civil society, etc. Governance (Third Layer): This layer includes the legislation that will govern the framework. UHI open protocols enable each HSPs to declare the digital health service they want to offer. Users send a service discovery request with a few associated parameters to the UHI gateway. The UHI gateway then sends these requests to all registered HSP. The EUA is to present all the results from the UHI gateway in an order chosen by the user and not an order defined by the HSP. Once a user has booked a service, the HSP is responsible to deliver the services as per the parameters discussed with the user during service booking. UHI in DepthUHI protocols consist of the following as part of its workflow: Ecosystem Adoption\n To read the complete document, please click here."},"16":{"Title":"Consultation Paper on IDEA (India Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture)","Text":"Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmer Government of India 1st June 2021 Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 2 Contents 1. Context of Digital Agriculture 1.1. Challenges of Agriculture Sector 1.2. Digital transformation of Agrifood Systems 1.3. Need for Ecosystem Thinking 1.4. Idea behind IDEA 2. The Idea Perspective 2.1. Digital Opportunities 2.2. IDEA Vision 2.3. IDEA Objectives 2.4. IDEA Value Proposition 3. IDEA Principles 3.1. Ecosystem Principles 3.2. Architecture Principles 3.3. Business Principles 3.4. Technology Principles 3.5. Architecture Governance Principles 4. IDEA Architecture 4.1. Building Blocks 4.2. IDEA Architecture 5. IDEA Standards 5.1. Standards Landscape 5.2. Approach to developing standards Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 3 5.3. FAIR Standard - a possible game changer 6. Implementation Framework 7. Conclusion ISSUES FOR CONSULTATION Annexure s Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 4 1. Context 1.1. Challenges of agriculture sector s agriculture sector accounts for about 15.9 % of the countrys US$ 2.7 trillion economy and 49% of employment (2018 -19)[1]. Viewed from the socio -economic point, agriculture is the most important sector that needs focus and attention at all levels. The call of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Doubling Farmers Income (DFI [2]) by 2022, in a way, epitomizes the need to pursue all possible ways of increasing the agricultural productivity and profitability of the farmers. It also touches upon the need to accelerate our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger, poverty, and malnutrition in a sustainable manner. Agriculture cannot be seen in isolation. It should be seen as an integral part of a larger ecosystem spanning the entire primary sector including horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, dairy, poultry, and other allied activities. Several studies undertaken recently in India, including the one on DFI have brought out the problems afflicting the agriculture sector. The recommendations of these studies include, inter alia, ensuring timely availability of inputs, an increased focus on measures to enhance the productivity - especially of small and marginal farms, adoption of modern agricultural practices, optimal use of inputs, choice of the right crops through macro and micro -level planning, availability of near real -time information on prices and markets, enhanced efficiencies in the post -harvest operations like storage, logistics and food processing, affording the farmer a greater role and share in the value chain, diversification, and above all, addressing the issues relating to information asymmetry across the entire agricultural cycle. Such long and complex agenda calls for a concerted action both on the policy and implementation fronts, in the form of Green Revolution 2.0. The major challenges of the agriculture sector are: a) Foo d Sufficiency but Nutrition Deficiency. b) High import of edible oil and oilseeds. c) Yield plateaus. d) Degrading soil, Water stress. e) Inadequate market infra\/linkages. f) Unpredictable, volatile prices. g) Post -harvest losses, wastages. h) Lack of crop planning due to info rmation asymmetry. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 5 1.2. Digital Transformation of Agrifood Systems Digital technologies are transforming all the sectors of the economy and the society in innumerable ways. Communications, banking, payments, travel, energy, healthcare, taxation, and governance have significantly benefited by deploying digital solutions. Agriculture and allied sectors call for doing more with less if the challenges depicted above are to be overcome effectively or more so converted into opportunities to leapfrog. In a recent report the World Bank Group has underpinned the need for the agriculture sector to embrace digital technologies. The digital revolution and the data it generates to building an agriculture and food system that is efficient, environmentally sustainab le, equitable, and able to link the worlds 570 million farms with 8 billion consumers . The Bank has suggested 7 strategies to achieve the much -desired digital transformation . These are depicted in Figure 1: Figure 1: Global strategies for transforming food systems A holistic approach to adoption of digital technologies, the critical role of data, the requirement to ensure that the farmer has agency and control over his\/her data, the paramount importance of privacy through protection of pers onal data, and the need to leverage emerging technologies for precision agriculture are key takeaways from the global perspective. 1.3. Need for Ecosystem Thinking Agriculture sector is a large, diverse, heterogeneous, complex, and sensitive ecosystem. Any atte mpt to transform the sector needs to imbibe an ecosystem thinking and a digital ecosystem. A digital ecosystem is a distributed, adaptive, and open socio -technical system with properties of self -organization, scalability, and sustainability. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 6 The agriculture value chain extends from crop\/ varietal selection and crop management to the market. It involves public and private players in agricultural inputs and services as also logistics. Establishing a digital ecosystem of agriculture needs to take a long -term view of aspects like interoperability, data governance, data quality, data standards, security and privacy, besides promoting open innovation. A significant requirement is adoption of a decentralized, federated architecture that assures auton omy to the service providers and all other actors and ensures interoperability at the same time. 1.4. The idea behind IDEA Against the above backdrop, the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmer Welfare (DoAC&FW), Government of India (GoI) constit uted a Task Force (TF) and a Working Group (WG) consisting of domain experts and technology experts to design a blueprint for digital agriculture. The TF co-chaired by Sri Sanjay Agarwal, Secretary MoAC&FW and Sri J Satyanarayana, former Secretary MeitY, GoI and coordinated by Sri Vivek Aggarwal Additional Secretary DoAC&FW, met 8 times during 2019 -21. The compositions of the TF and the WG are given in Annexure 1 and Annexure II respectively. The TF and the WG realized quite early that an ecosystem approach was the only way forward to address the agriculture sector holistically. Moreover, it was felt appropriate to draw from the national architecture principles and patterns designed by the Ministry of Electronics and IT, especially the India Digital Ecosyste m Architecture (InDEA ). Accordingly, the initiative was named IDEA InDEA Digital Ecosystem of AgricultureThe Ministry aspires that the IDEA initiative would place the farmer in the centre of the agriculture ecosystem leveraging open digital technologies. Some of these aspirations are articulated succinc tly below. The farmer takes informed decisions on what crop to grow, what variety of seed to buy, when to sow, and what best practices to adopt to maximize the yield . The agriculture supply chain players plan their production and logistics on precise and timely information. Precision agriculture becomes a reality with access to the right information at the right time. Farmers know whether to sell or store their produce, and when, where and at what price to sell. Farmers get the benefits of innovative solutions and personalized services driven by emerging technologies with protection of privacy. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 7 2. The IDEA perspective 2.1. Opportunities Digital technologies, and especially the emerging technologies like AI\/ML, IoT and DLT open immense opportunities, if we create the right architecture and an enabling environment. Figure 2 gives a birds eye view of the array of opportunities that the IDEA initiative can create. Figure 2: Opportunities provided by IDEA 2.2. IDEA Vision The following vision statement reflects the medium - and long -term outcomes sought to be attained by the IDEA initiative. To build a National Digital Agriculture Ecosystem , to elevate Indian Agriculture Sector to higher levels of efficiency and productivity, and to improve the welfare and income of farmers2.3. IDEA Objectives The objectives of National Digital Agriculture Ecosystem are as follows: 1. To enable the farmer to realize higher income and better profitability through access to right information at the right time, and from innovative services. 2. To enable better planning and execution of policies, programs, and schemes of the Central and State governments, and, also of the private sector and Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs) 3. To enhance efficiencies in the usage of resources including land, water, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and farm mechanization by providing easier access to information Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 8 4. To provide location -specific and personalized extension services across agriculture lifecycle, with simultaneous protection of privacy of personal 5. To build capacities across the gamut of digital agriculture and precision agriculture 6. To promote adoption of standards for interoperability and seamless exchange of information across ecosystem, while ensuring that he digital rights are properly managed. 7. To give a fillip to R&D and Innovations in agriculture through access to high -quality data 8. To adopt the best principles of cooperative federalism while working with the states and union territories for the realization of the vision of 9. To formulate and leverage PPP frameworks for realizing the power of the 2.4. IDEA Value Proposition In line with the value -centric, and stakeholder -centric approaches required to build the digital ecosystem of agriculture, a mapping is done around the major stakeholders and the related value nodes. The result of the mapping is depicted in Figure 3. Figure 3: Mapping of agriculture value chain The salient features of the agriculture value chain are given below: Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 9 a. The value is mapped around 3 direct stakeholders farmer, governments\/ governance and the market, and 2 supporting ecosystems Innovation and Agri Industry. Value nodes are functional areas in which value can be enhanced or new value created through innovation. c. The big picture view enables interrelationships of various value nodes to be visualized and leveraged for realizing value on an end -to-end basis. d. The objectives of IDEA highlighted in section 2.3 can be realized by planning all activities around the value nodes. e. The list of value nodes is non -exhaustive and can be modified or enhanced depending upon the context of design and implementation. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 3. IDEA Principles Any large and complex system can only evolve around a set of commonly agreed principles. Multiple systems in the ecosystem can be designed or redesigned to align with the common principles to ensure interoperability -by-design and conformance -by-design. The Ministry of Electronics and IT, GoIin its ongoing initiative on InDEA 2.0 has formulated a comprehensive set of principles for guiding the design of digital ecosystems. It addresses the requirements of the Ministries, States and Departments embarking on a holistic digital initiative. The set of InDEA 2.0 principles is proposed to be leveraged for designing the IDEA Architecture. These principles are to be considered for adoption by the Central and State Governments as also all the private entities of the agriculture ecosystem. The IDEA Principles are presented below in 5 categories. 3.1. Ecosystem Principles 1. Ecosystem Thinking : Design all digital initiatives as ecosystems , and NOT as systems . Ecosystems span across Centre and States, public and private, and are composed of several autonomous, interoperable, and federated systems. 2. Building Block approach : Architect and design systems and ecosystems in terms of minimal and reusable Building Blocks. Categorize the Building Blocks as Core, Common or Reference Building Blocks basing on the degree to which they are to be decentralized. All the building blocks shall be able to evolve orthogonally, thereby meaning that any building block can be modified without requiring the other building blocks to make any consequential changes. 3. Open API -based : Adopt the principle of Open -API by defaultExceptions shall be justified. 4. Open, Open and Open : Design the digital systems to be built on open source, to be published as open source, and to conform to open standards. Exceptions shall be justified. 5. National Portability : Design national digital systems and platforms for portability across India. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Factor the requirements of localization and diversity, inclusion, and special needs. 6. Participatory Design : Drive participatory design and end -user engagement at all stages of the digital initiative. To enable this, establish a set of robust and transparent rules of engagement for the ecosystem players. 7. Inn ovation : Enable and promote innovation, and responsibledeployment of emerging technologies. Establishing an ecosystem can be good enabler of open innovation . 3.2. Architecture Principles 1. Federated Architecture: Adopt a Federated Architecture model for designing digital ecosystems especially data and applications. Architect around the constructs of Single -Source -of-Truth , System -of-Records, and unbundled applications2. Agile Architecture: Permit the architecture to evolve in an agile and iterative manner. Do not restrict or constrain the potential by being prescriptive when not necessary. Adopt the principles and methods suggested in Agile IndEA Framework [3] 3. Technology Independence: Architect systems to be technology -independent. 3.3. Business (Domain) Principles 1. Value -driven: Focus on providing additional or new value to the user. Plan to Define, Design and Deliver value . (Pl see Figure 3) Measure service levels (planned and achieved), impact and outcomes. Adopt the methods suggested in Digital Service Standard[4]. 2. Integrated Services : Identify, design, and deliver integrated services that cut-across agency boundaries - public and private, to realize the goal of Connected Government. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 3. Outcome -driven : Define service levels and outcomes benchmarking with the best and build services around such outcomes. Work backwards to re-engineer the processes - where necessary. 4. Choice : Provide choice, by design, to the farmer. 5. Universal Access : Ensure that the digital services are accessible to all the target groups, including those residing in remote areas and to the disadvantaged groups. Ensure that the benefits of IDEA reach small and marginal farmers. 3.4. Technology Principles 1. Cloud First : Adopt the principle of Cloud First or Cloud -by-default and leverage the full range of benefits offered by the cloud technologies. 2. Mobile First : Design the delivery of all digital services through mobile by default. 3. Data is an asset : Design data systems in a manner that creates, supports, maintains, and enhances value to the ecosystem. Promote establishment of Data Exchange(s) that enable regulated exchange of data for public purposes, innovation, and research, and for permissible commercial purposes. 4. Data sharing: Lay down clear policies specific to the agriculture domain that enable and regulate the sharing of data, in conformance with the applicable data protection regulations . 5. Standards : Specify the existing technology and data standards applicable to the ecosy stem and define methods to ensure compliance with the same. The technology standards recommended by IndEAFramework[5] may be followed. 6. Privacy -by-Design : All entities participating in IDEA shall ensure to protect the personal information and publish a privacy policy(ies) that conform(s) to the principles of Privacy -by-Design. Security -by-Design : All entities participating in IDEA may design and enforce a cybers ecurity policy that conforms to the principles of Security -Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 13 by-Design, and an ISMS (Information Security Management System) that conforms to the ISOs relating to information security. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 4. IDEA Architecture Designing the architecture for an ecosystem is a new concept. While Enterprise Architecture has been well established globally, it is not so with Ecosystem Architecture. The concepts like National Public Digital Platform, National Open Digital Ecosystem are emerging in India. A few attempts are in the offing in this area National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB)[6]and National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) are examples in point. InDEA 2.0 is an ongoing effort of the Ministry of Electronics and IT, GoI to create a set of reference architecture patterns for designing ecosystem architectures by various Ministries and States. InDEA 2.0 has proposed a set of Architectural Patterns meant to be adopted up by the Ministries of GoI, State Governments or small departments to design their own ecosystem architectures. The IDEA Framework adopts the Domain Architecture Pattern proposed by InDEA 2.0 and customizes it to suit the needs of the agriculture domain (ecosystem). 1. Building Blocks The architectural patterns are defined in terms of Building Blocks. It is expedient therefore, to define the term Building Block in the architectural parlance. A Building Block is a reusable package of busi ness or technological functionality. Representing an architecture in terms of a set of building blocks brings the following advantages: a. The functionality can be reused in toto in multiple use cases and solutions with a marginal effort, thereby cutting dow n design and development time. b. The specifications and requirements of each building block can evolve independently of other building blocks or components, adding greatly to the flexibility and innovation. c. Building blocks can be made to interoperate with other building blocks in a standard way, through pre-defined APIs, thus making the integration of the systems and ecosystems easier and faster. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 15 d. Since a building block is technology -agnostic, it should be possible to realize a building block in several differ ent ways without impacting the boundary or specification of the building block. e. In substance, a building block may comprise of data, application, or a set of interfaces. Figure 4 is a technical representation of a typical building block. While TOGAF has recently introduced two types of building blocks, namely Architectural Building Block (ABB) and Solution Building Block (SBB)[7], it is felt adequate to use the term Building Block to represent both in the context of IDEA. Figure 4: Building Block defined. In line with InDEA framework, Building Blocks are categorized into three -depending on the degree to which they are decentralized. These are defined a. Core Building Blocks : A core building block acts as the single -source -of-truth at the national level or provides a centralized functionality required for interoperability. By virtue of their critical and central nature, the core building blocks are designed, developed, and maintained by the government. b. Common Building Blocks : A common building block is a reusable functio nality or application with the key objective of ensuring uniformity and \/ or to prevent duplicative development work. Common Building Blocks are developed and hosted by the Ministry on a multi -tenant framework, and can be shared by the States and other ecosystem entities optionally. c. Reference Building Blocks : A reference building block has a generic functionality which can be customized as needed. It is developed by the Ministry and the code is published as open source for download by the States or private sector organizations. 2. IDEA Architecture Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 16 The IDEA architecture is derived from the InDEA Domain Architecture Patternby including the core, common and reference building blocks relevant to the agriculture sector. Figure 5 represents the IDEA Architect ure. The salient features of IDEA Architecture are described in what follows. (an enlarged figure is provided in Annexure ) Figure 5: IDEA Ecosystem Architecture Salient Features of IDEA Architecture IDEA is a layered architecture and is federated. Core layer, national layer and State layer are independent but are interoperable as per need. The architecture is crafted in 10 major components, serially numbered, and explained below. 1. InDEA Principles have been adopted in toto. These are stated in section 3 above. All the entities participating in IDEA may comply with these principles. 2. IDEA Core : IDEA Core has the minimal but foundational building blocks, required for most other building blocks and most of the entities participating in IDEA. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 17 i. Unique Farmer ID (UFID) : A unique number assigned to every farmer, and unique across the country. It is a random number. The role of the UFID building block is i. to validate that the demographic details and the associated identifier (Aadhaar Number, Mobile number, or other permitted ID)provided for assigning the UFID are unique across the country ii. to generate and return the UFID, the validated identifier, and demographic data to the authorized seeker iii. to store a copy of the UFID, the demographic data and the validated identifier, and iv. to authenticate the user when an API call for authentication is received along with UFID, using a multi -factor authentication mechanism as prescribed. v. The regulations applicable to personal data shall app ly to the UFID database, to protect the privacy of personally identifiable information. The UFID Building Block DOES NOT CAPTURE OR STORE any transaction data. ii. IDEA Core Registries : Core registries are a set of databases that contain the unique identifiers of entities, products or services required to be registered with an authority of the Central Government under a statute, rule, or notification. An entry to the any of the Core Registries can be made only after the designated statutory authority has approv ed its registration. Each registry contains details of the registered entity, product, or service, along with its identifier, registration particulars, period of validity, location(s), and other details required to be provided while seeking registration. iii. IDEA Core Directories : Core directories are lists of entities, locations, products, authorities, offices, and services maintained centrally for administrative convenience and easy reference by the user systems across the country. They contain information akin to that in a registry, except the registration details, as it is administrative but not statutory in nature. iv. Master Codes : Master codes are identifiers of locations, products and classifications that need to be adopted uniformly by all organizations across the country, for uniformity and interoperability. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 18 A non -exhaustive list of Core Registries, Core Directories and Master Codes is provided in Annexure III. v. Unified Farmer Service Interface (UFSI) : UFSI is the most important CORE Building Block of IDEA. It plays a unifying role. UFSI is envisaged to play a role comparable to UPI (Unified Payment Interface) in the space of digital payments. While UPI has transformed the payment systems by optimizing the underlying processes and providing a set of APIs for identification, authentication, and authorization, UFSI is required to handle multiple types of transactions in the digital agriculture space. Hence, the design, development deployment, and management of UFSI is likely to be more complex. The followi ng considerations should weigh with the design of UFSI. a. Given that majority of the digital services and transactions in the agriculture space happen within the State jurisdictions, a monolithic architecture of UFSI would pose problems of management and scalability. A federated architecture is preferable. b. GoI can establish the first instance of UFSI to handle services and transactions (i) involving the central government or its agencies, and, (ii) pan -India or cross -border (intra -national and international) transfer of data. c. The States will have the option of joining the national UFSI to meet their data exchange requirements or establish their own FSI and federate the same with UFSI. The architecture s can follow the prototype of UFSI for faster implementation. d. Private agencies may register and operate on the UFSI or FSI or both depending on the nature and geographical spread of their operations. e. An active collaboration of the Ministry with NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) would lead to a faster design and implementation of UFSI. Figure 6 provides a high -level view of the UFSI. Essentially UFSI enables the data providers and data consumers to exchange data in an efficient, transparent and streamlined manner. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Figure 6: Unified Farmer Service Interface vi. IDEA Architecture Repository : IDEA is not a static document. It evolves with need to accommodate more functionality in some of the building blocks, with the advancement of technologies and emergence of innovative products and solutions. Keeping this in view, IDEA architecture shall be developed as a dynamic portal. All the artefacts, building blocks and code updated continually, would be hosted on the IDEA Portal. The portal will have the requisite features like user registration, authen tication and authorization, search and discovery, performance monitoring, downloads, alerts and notifications on updates, FAQs, adoption toolkits and help desk. IDEA Portal shall eventually be a one -stop -shop for all architectural needs of the ecosystem. The portal will offer IDEA -as-a-Service . The example of South Korea in this area is quite instructive.All the common modules and common components required by most of the public sector organizations have been designed and the source code with instructions for deployment is hosted on a common portal (https:\/\/ egovframe.go.kr\/eng\/main.do ). This has reduced duplicative work. 3. IDEA Common Building Blocks : The high -level functionalities of the ten IDEA Common Building Blocks are mentioned below. These are register -and -use or subscribe -and -use or plug -and -play app lications with configurable functionalities, with a short time to deploy, typically a week at the most. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) i. IDEA Service Portal : IDEA Service Portal (different from IDEA Architecture Portal described earlier), provides the user interface for all the stakeholders. It has all the dynamic and interactive functionalities to deliver a wide range of information and e-Services offered by the Ministry and its associated departments and agencies to farmers, agri -industry, supply chain actors and officials of the Ministry and the States. IT IS A ONE -STOP -SHOP for all the domain services delivered by the Central Governments to its stakeholders . It shall comply with the Digital Service Standard notified by ii. IDEA App Store :IDEA App Store (IAS ) translates the principle of Mobile First into reality. It is designed and built adopting the Enterprise App Store (EAS) architecture, standards, and features. IAS is a one -stop -shop for all the apps developed by the Ministry. It will subscribe to the UMA NG platform established by MeitY GoI and extends it by additional functionalities specific to the agriculture sector. It will have multi -lingual capabilities. iii. Call Centre : The existing Kisan Call Centre system(s) may be re-aligned to be in tune with the IDEA principles and integrated. iv. SMS (Messaging) : In the context of farmer -specific, farm -specific, personalized advisories being possible with the implementation of IDEA, the existing arrangements for sending out SMS advisories may be reviewed and aligned to IDEA. Use of chatbots may also be made part of the communication plan. v. Weather Data : Multiple sources of weather data exist. This Building Block organizes the data into open and priced, and acts as a single point of access to the multiple datasets on weather through standard IDEA Common Building Blocks Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) vi. Lab -to-Field : A well -established network of Agriculture Universities, Research Stations, and the specialized research institutions of ICMR dot the country. They create significant amount of cutting -edge knowledge on new crop varieties and crop management methods. The Lab -to-Field Building Block will be designed to be the storehouse of all such knowledge and good agriculture practices and available through appropriate APIs to not only the extension officers of the central and state governments but also to the innovation ecosystem and agri -industry. The objective is to ensure that there is very little lag between the creation of knowledge and its widespread use by the farmers . vii. Real -time Prices : This is one of the most pivotal building blocks that affects the agriculture economy. This building block provides an integrated access to the vast amount of data on prices of agricultural commodities across the country and abroad. A large number of innovative solutions useful to the farm ers and market players can be built around this building block. viii. DBT : The multiple benefit schemes of the Central Government relating to the Farmer are brought together in a unifying environment, with efficiency, transparency, and farmer -centricity as the goals. This building block shall operate in a truly federated manner , architecturally and operationally. ix. GoI Schemes : This building block brings uniformity in the way multiple schemes of GOI relating to agriculture and farmer welfare are delivered. Integr ated delivery and cross -referencing of the beneficiaries across multiple schemes is a desirable feature, subject to the applicable consent requirements. Monitoring, analytics, and impact analysis can be achieved in an integrated\/ coordinated way. x. Regulati ons and EoDB : This building block addresses the need for re-engineering, simplifying and reducing paperwork relating to obtaining licenses and permissions for a wide range of agri -businesses. Its twin -goals are to enhance Ease -of-Doing -Business and effecti veness of enforcing the agri -related regulations. The States can emulate these building blocks in designing and implementing their own applications in consonance with the above. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 4. IDEA Reference Building Blocks Reference Building Blocks are applications with generic functionality available for download and customization. These are preferably built using open source software, products and components. An illustrative list of five reference building blocks is included in IDEA Architecture. These are briefly discussed i. Analytics : These are tools useful for general statistical analysis or those developed for analytical needs specific to the agriculture sector. Examples of the former are monitoring of trends of crop sowing, crop condition, results of CCEs, physical and financial progress in implementation of GoI programs. Examples of the latter are tools for prediction of commodity prices, market intelligence and weather prediction. It is desirable that a set of tools that can yield quick results are identified, enhanced to meet the IDEA principles and standards, and positioned as reference building blocks\/ applications. These could include well -stabilized applications. ii. e-NAM : Keeping in view the need to speedily modernize and automate all the market yards across the nation, the e-NAM application may be converted into a reference application and hosted, to enable the AMCs that have adequate resources to take up fast track implementation. iii. GIS Layers and Tools : Given the critical role of geo -spatial technology in the agriculture sector, a set of OSS Products in geo -spatial technology may be positioned along with the most popularly used layers. This would open large opportunities for innovative products to emerge. IDEA Reference Building Blocks Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 23 iv. IDEA Sandbox or I-Box : The goal of the I-Box is to promote open innova tion by creating a Minimum Enabling Environment (MEE). The MEE consists of both technology environment and facilitatory environment. The technology environment has the capabilities of (a) testing and validation of innovative solutions for conformance to IDEA principles and standards (b) validation w.r.t compliance to the norms and (c) assurance of no harmful effects. The facilitatory environment includes (a) enablement of access to data for training, testing and validation of algorithms (b) validation for compliance to AI Ethics (c) certification for conformance and (d) access to domain and technological knowledge required by the startups. I-Box would provide equitable opportunities to all innovative solutions (innovators) which satisfy the minimum eligibil ity criteria for entry into the I-Box. I-Box would have appropriate governance structure comprising of techni cal and domain experts. Figure 7 provides a high -level architecture of an Ecosystem Sandbox (ESB), termed I-Box in the context of IDEA. Figure 7: High -level architecture of I-Box v. Agri Data Exchange(ADEx) : ADExis proposed as a key enabler of data economy. Data of appropriate quality is an asset that has multiple ways of creating economic value through its innovative use in a regulated envi ronment. Agricultural data forms one of the most diverse, complex, and huge data ecosystems. However, several studies including the DFI report show that the apparent and latent value of data is not exploited to any significant extent currently for several reasons like (a) lack of qualitative data (b) incomplete datasets (c) lack of an organized and trustworthy system for exchanging of data and (d) lack of interoperability standards. IDEA proposes to address all these challenges systematically by promoting the establishment of Agri Data Exchange(s). The concept of Data Exchange is at a nascent stage globally. A brief description of a 6-Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 24 layer Reference Model of Data Exchange designed by C4IR India, World Economic Forum is shown in Annexure IV. 5. InDEACommon Building Blocks and Reference Building Blocks InDEA 2.0 framework is at an advanced stage of development by the Ministry of Electronics and IT, GoI. It has identified and included several Common Building Blocks and Reference Building Blocks. These are gene ric applications that help increase productivity or provide shared infrastructure environment, and tools that enable build applications. A set of these readily available applications, tools and infrastructure is proposed to be adopted\/ adapted to be part of IDEA Architecture. The benefit is a quick and uniform implementation across the landscape of agriculture sector. These can be useful to both public and private sector entities. Table 1 provides an overview of the functionality of these building blocks being borrowed from the InDEA Framework. IndEACommon &Reference Building Blocks Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) No Common\/Reference Building Block of InDEA 2.0 Functionality 1 e-Office Creates paperless environment through e- Complies with all the office procedures prescribed by Central\/ State Secretariat Office manuals Well stabilized and user -friendly Complies with security and confidentiality requirements. Can be launched in a short time of 4 to 8 weeks for small to large offices (10 users to 10,000+ users) Maintained by NIC at notified licensing cost per user 2 KMS (Knowledge Management Bundled along with e-Office Enables systematic organization of knowledge of the Ministry or department for easy access by the employees while processing the files. Knowledge includes Office Memos, Policy documents, domain -specific knowledge 3 LMS (Learning Management Designed and developed by NIC, based on LMS Standards Currently contains several courses on e-Governance. The Ministry can host a wide variety of courses and content on Agriculture domain that can be used across the country. Can be a useful tool for self-paced capacity building. 4 Search Engine Under development by NIC\/MeitY 5 Payment Gateway UPI and BHIM can be leveraged 6 Service Plus A platform for rapid development and deployment of digital services G2C and Deployed by several Ministries and Governments Developed and supported by NIC 7 Language Tools A set of tools called that provide capabilities for translation, building of web -sites in local languages Useful in sending communications to the farmers in their language Compliant with relevant Standards. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 26 8 Consent Manager Developed to comply with the Consent requirements under the privacy laws. Critical for ensuring that all projects relating to data sharing comply with the applicable regulations Well established through its extensive use in Digi Locker 9 e-Mail e-mail system developed by NIC on Outlook platform. Can enable the Ministry to enforce the e-Mail policy of GoI strictly across all its offices. It is recommended that the Ministry collaborates closely with NIC and MeitY to (i) satisfy that the above applications conform to \/ made to conform to IDEA principles and DSS standards (ii) provides necessary budget and (iii) implements these application s in a time -bound manner in all its offices across the country. This would enhance internal efficiency and productivity significantly. 6. State Core(s) InDEA 2.0 framework is designed keeping in view the federal structure of Government in India. Several subj ects, including Agriculture are dealt with by both the Central and State Governments by undertaking various schemes. Moreover, the concept of Ecosystem Architecture can succeed only if the Central and State Governments have interoperable and compatible systems in place. Hence a State Core has been proposed by InDEA 2.0 The basic function of the State Core is to act as a bridge (i) between the various state departments and agencies and (ii) between a State department and the corresponding Ministry of GoI. State Core Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 27 The State Core represented in the IDEA Architecture, therefore, does not relate to the agriculture sector alone, but provides similar functionality to multiple departments. With wider adoption of InDEA 2.0 Framework, the State Cores are expected to be esta blished in several states. The Ministry of Agriculture may make a coordinated effort with MeitY, GoI in accelerating the establishment of state Cores, with the requirements of agricultural sector taken care of in the first phase of such State Cores. The functionalities of the building blocks comprising the State Core are not described here as they are identical to those of the IDEA Core but applied at the State level. 7. National Agriculture Applications adopted by the State(s): Over the last 2 decades, several applications relating to agricultural sector have been developed by the Ministry and the organizations under it. It is desirable that the States examine these app lications and adopt them if they meet their requirements. Appropriate customizations may be needed to suit local requirements. It is a fundamental first step that the Ministry scrutinizes the applications w.r.t their conformance to IDEA Principles and arch itecture, before offering them to the States. Annexure V provides the top applications under this category and indicates the owner of the application, besides the major States which have adopted each application. Common Applications As in the case of the Ministry of Agriculture, GoI, several States have developed large applications with state -wide footprint. These are time -tested and the field functionaries are well -acquainted with using them. In line with the IDEA Principles, such well -establish ed legacy applications need to be mainstreamed into IDEA. The following broad guidelines are given in this regard. a. The States may prepare an inventory of applications (and Apps) in the agriculture domain that have a state -wide footprint and are stabilized at least over a year. b. The applications may be audited critically in association with the IT department of the State, NeGD Division of MeitY and the Digital Agriculture Wing of the Ministry of Agriculture, GoI. The purpose of the audit is to assess the deg ree of its compliance to the IDEA principles set out in this report, identify the gaps and explore ways and means of enhancing the applications to conform completely to IDEA Principles, besides the Digital Service Standard notified by MeitY. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 28 c. Special emphas is may be laid on the feasibility of achieving (with a reasonable effort in 3months) - (i) interoperability with other correlated applications of the State, State Core and IDEA Core, through an API-based approach (ii) conformance of the database(s) to the MDDS standards notified by MeitY (iii) compliance with security and privacy requirements (iv) scalability (v) use of open standards and open source products (vi) amenability of providing access to the data by digital service providers and innovators to be permitted (vii) availability of services through mobile. (viii) possibility of offering the application to the common pool for adoption by the other States d. An indicate list of themes in which such application can be identified is shown in part 8 of the IDEA Architecture depicted in Figure 5 (ante). 9. Value -added services and Innovative services Data is the new oil. When managed properly, it can fuel innovation and support several value -added services. With the promise of IDEA streamlining the digital systems of agriculture, both in the public and private sectors, high quality, real -time data is expected to be accessible openly or made available for a cost. With this scenario being possible soon, especially through the establishment of I-Box and Agri Data Exchange(s), we can expect a large number of value -added services and innovative services bein g developed and delivered by the industry and startups. The possible list of innovative services across the agriculture value chain are given in Table 2. Table 2: Illustrative list of Value -added & Innovative services No Theme \/ Segment of Agriculture Value Chain Value -added Innovative Service Value Proposition Technologies to be used Value -added & Innovative Services by AgriTech Industry & Startups Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 29 1 Crop Planning Macro Crop Planning Planning the extents, locations and varieties of crop to be grown in different agro -climatic zones Focus on import substitution, nutrition, and export revenues Statistical Big data Micro Crop Planning Advisories to the farmers 4-6 weeks ahead of each season, on what crops\/ varieties to sow Advisories on optimal sowing Soil data Satellite 2 Cultivation Smart F-a-Farming -as-a-Service) Providing an entire range of digital services to the farmer in respect of crop management Through aggregation of innovative services provided by multiple service providers on a single app. The portfolio of services could o Rapid soil testing o e-Soil Health Card (on mobile) o Integrated Nutrient Management o Uberized farm machinery services o Hyper -local weather advisories o Pest prediction and management advisories o Credit services o Insurance services Aggregation platform Satellite data PoS devices 3 Supply Chain Logistics Logistics services for transportation of inputs and produce Blockchain 4 Market Market Market Intelligence o Demand & Price prediction Storage o warehousing o cold chain Produce Aggregation Services Hyper -local connect (F2C) Online Retail Satellite 5 Quality Quality Rapid quality testing & certification @ o Public Procurement o Market Yards o Exports o Retail Traceability Exports High -value produce Organic produce Blockchain Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 30 6 Data Data Exchange Unlocking the potential value of Ease of availability of data for innovation and research Fair distribution of data valueall participants\/ data owners, including farmer Digital Technologi10. Infrastructure and Technology Services Several components of the technology and infrastructure can be sourced in a standard way to enable faster implementations. These include the cloud infrastructure, video -conferencing, visualization, document management and analytics. Institutionalized arrangement may be made at the State level to provide all such technology -related services on a shared basis, along with 24x7 support. This would free the domain personnel from a lot of infructuous effort in procurement\/ discovery of resources and troubleshooting. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 31 5. IDEA Standards Standards are like the CNS of a large digital ecosystem like IDEA. They enable and streamline seamless flow of information across the entire ecosystem instantaneously as per need. A significant, intensive, large, and coordinated effort is needed in standard setting in the agriculture sector. A high -level approach is provided for the samein this section. 1. Standards Landscape Figure 8 depicts the landscape of standards in the agriculture sector. An overview of the IDEA standards is given in what follows. Figure 8: The Standards landscape of IDEA a. IDEA Standards or standards required for the digital ecosystem of agriculture sector fall into two categories domain standards and IT Standards. The former deal with the standards relating to the agricultural commodities and products, and the materials used to produce them. IT Standards can relate to the various technologies and the most imp ortant ingredient of IT namely, data. b. The domain standards are meant to classify the various commodities, products, and materials, lay down quality norms and the terms and processes used in trading in the commodities and products. Some of these standards are available and are listed in the Table 3. Significant and systematic work needs to be commissioned by the Ministry in promoting and supporting the development of the complete set of standards required in the domain space. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 32 c. Development and enforcement of the domain standards enables innovative products and solutions to emerge in the areas of Quality Testing, Conformance certification, traceability, supply chain optimization and enhancing the efficiencies in trading and commodity exchanges, besides transpar ency in various transactions in the ecosystem. Item Applicable Standard Definition and classification of commodities FAOSTAT commodity list Food items (commodities) CPC ver.2.1 expanded for agriculture (crops, livestock, and derived products) and correspondences to FCL Definition and classification of agricultural Definitions & classifications of agricultural machinery and equipment Definitions and classifications of pesticides Definitions and classifications of fertilizers Land use Definitions and classification of Land Use, Agricultural Practices, and Irrigation Agricultural Definitions and classification of Land Use, Agricultural Practices, and Irrigation Table 3: List of domain standards available in agriculture sector d. In the context of IDEA, IT Standards serve the following critical objectives: Enable interoperability of various systems in the central and state governments and the private sector. Development of solutions which are scalable across the country. Automation of several repetitive activities through machine -readability of information using a combination of methods that leverage the syntactic and semantic interoperability. Sustainability of the IT solutions over a long period. e. 3 sets of IT standards avail able today are shown in Figure 8. These are Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 33 (i) an exhaustive list of standards applicable to the hardware, software, networking, and security areas of IT provided in IndEA 1.0 Framework (compiled in 2017 and need to be updated). (ii) Digital Service Standard(DSS) , notified by MeitY, GoI in 2019 that lay dow n the norms for the design, development, and deployment of IT Solutions to provide digital services to the stakeholders. (iii) A set of MDDS (Metadata and Data Standards)[8] notified by MeitY to define the most used data elements (fields) while designing databases. 2. Approach to developing Data Standards for IDEA An important gap that impedes the development of interoperable solutions in the IDEA ecosystem is the abse nce of standards for defining the various data elements, entities, and activities of the agriculture ecosystem in a globally understood way. A step -by-step approach is needed for developing these standards, as shown in Figure 9, starting with the easy ones and advancing the development to more complex tasks with time. Figure 9: Approach to developing Data Standards for IDEA The following guidelines are suggested for the systematic and time -bound development of standards a. An organization dedicated to the development of standards may be established bythe Ministry. b. A multi -stakeholder governance system may be established with representation from academia, governments (central and state), and industry. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 34 c. A set of multi -disciplinary teams may form the organization structure, to be responsible for development of domain standards and IT standards. d. Adequate budgetary resources may be provides to the organization with specific timelines and deliverables. 3. FAIR Standa rd While the various standards may be developed in a phased manner, a special focus may be laid on the development of interoperable data standards on the lines of FHIR in respect of the health sector. Tentatively named as FAIR (Fast Agriculture Interoperability Resources), these standards can be shaped on the lines of the corresponding health artifacts. This calls for a seamless exchange of information in machine -readable form between organizations and systems that span the ecosystem. Significant opportunities, like the following, can open up if the challenge of interoperability in agri -informatics is add ressed by establishing data standards. Bridging a huge gap that exists in the national, regional and global food systems. Development of innovative digital agriculture systems that provide an array of value -added services to the stakeholders Paving the way for the evolution of a huge digital agri -ecosystem, and a number of open, interoperable, public digital platforms Enabling horizontal and vertical scaling of the numerous deployments of emerging technologies in the space of food systems, including crop yield estimation, stress prediction, price forecasting, food grading, precision farming and AI-powered advisories to farmers The proposed FAIR initiative will have significant impact in multiple dimensions as indicated below: FAIR will enable automated exch ange of information in real -time across the entire chain of food systems, nationally and globally. This will enhance the velocity of all operations across the agriculture value chain. Increase profitability of farmers by empowering them to take the right decisions at the right time on various farm activities, enable reducing the input costs due to more efficient supply chains, increase the yield due to accurate AI-enabled advisories, and provide market linkages by deploying innovative IT solutions. Governme nts can make more timely interventions to reduce the stress of the farmers, by taking up a data -driven approach using emerging technologies. Collectively, the above benefits can make a positive impact on the SDGs. FAIR will have to develop standards for over 100 datasets in the agriculture ecosystem. Eventually it can be extended to the entire primary sector, which includes animal husbandry and fisheries. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 35 Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 36 6. Implementation Framework Implementing IDEA is a challenging task, given the wide scope, multiple dependencies, and complexities in coordination across the country. A federated implementation structure is best suited with clear definition of roles and clear division of responsibili ties between the Central and State Government. A significant role needs to be played by the private sector in the co-creation of the various artifacts and solutions, as also adoption and implementation at the field level. The following broad guidelines are suggested in this regard: a. IDEA is proposed to be implemented on a mission -mode, by establishing a National Mission on Digital Agriculture (NMDA) with a dedicated team of experts. An autonomous and professional wing within the just -established National Farmers Welfare Society . b. A multi -stake holder IDEA Advisory Council will be established to guide c. Counterpart organizations may be established at the State -level, with partial funding from the Ministry, preferably under a central sector scheme. d. An effective PPP Framework will be formulated after co-designing it with the private sector. The framework should allocate responsibilities, risks and rewards between the public and private sector. e. The adoption of IDEA may be incentivized by linking a portio n of the central assistance in the agriculture sector to the progress achieved in implementing IDEA. f. NMDA may be required to draw up a comprehensive plan of capability building for the design, development, and implementation of IDEA. The plan should addres s the capabilities required at the policy, technology, management, and program implementation levels. g. A three -year action plan may be developed for implementing IDEA across the country. The plan may specify the milestones, deliverables, and timelines. The action plan may include the following: i. Establishment of National Mission on Digital Agriculture (NMDA) ii. Design and development of Federated Architecture of IDEA iii. Design, development, and implementation of IDEA Core iv. Assessment of legacy systems of Centre & States for conformance to IDEA Principles and Architecture and enhancing the same to conform. v. Design and notification of Policies on Security, Privacy and Consent Management and Data Sharing, in consultation with States and Industry. vi. Establishing UHID system and publication of relevant APIs vii. Design, development \/ enhancement of IDEA Common Applications Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 37 viii. Formulate appropriate Central Sector Scheme for IDEA ix. Establishing a dedicated institution for setting IDEA Standards x. Notification of PPP Framework for implemen tation of various components of IDEA. h. An impact assessment framework may be designed to assess the outcomes and impact on the targeted beneficiary groups. 7. Conclusion IDEA is an idea whose time has arrived. Adoption of a holistic ecosystem approach to addre ss the multiple challenges faced by the agriculture sector is of national importance, to fulfil the aspirations like Doubling Farmers Income and achieving the SDGs. A multi -stakeholder approach is essential with government playing the role of an enabler of the ecosystem players, rather than acting as a builder of digital systems. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 38 Issues for Consultation 1. Vision and Objectives Is the idea of IDEA necessary for India Agriculture ecosystem? < Is the proposed Digital Ecosystem a high priority for realization of the aspirations like DFI and SDG1B- Is IDEA feasible? 2. IDEA Architecture Is the 3-level Architecture proposed for IDEA appropriate? Does IDEA cap ture the spirit of Federated Architecture correctly and adequately? IDEA Architecture is designed in terms of Building Blocks. Is this appropriate? Is FAIR feasible? [Fast Agriculture Interoperability Resource] 4. IDEA Implementation Framework IDEA proposes development of a PPP framework for its implementation. How to develop such a framework? Can IDEA attract\/ facilitate fresh investments in Digital Agriculture? 5. Agri Data Economy Is Agri Data Exchange[ADEx] necessary? What should be the implementation model for ADEx? Wha t are the regulatory requirements for ADEx? 6. Innovation around IDEA Is IDEA Sandbox [I-Box] necessary? What should be the implementation model for I-Box? 7. Other Suggestions < Pl provide any other suggestions not covered by the above questionnaire> Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 41 Annexure I - OM on Constitution of Task Force Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Annexures II - OM on Constitution of Working Group Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 45 OM on Constitution of Working Group s Sub Group A Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 47 OM on Constitution of Working Group s Sub Group B Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 49 OM on Constitution of Working Group s Sub Group C Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 51 Annexure III (see Section 4.2(2)) Illustrative list of Core Registries, Core Directories and Master Codes in Agri Sector Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 52 Annexure IV (see Section 4.2(4)) Reference Model of Data Exchange (DEx) 1. Overview Data Exchange (DEx) is a critical building block in the evolution of data economy. Multiple Exchanges need to evolve to meet the widely varying requirements of the various sectors of the economy to realize the full potential. This model outlines the technical, regulatory, and operational requirements of the DEx. Considering that itis a nascent concept with very few functional exchanges available globally, it is felt appropriate to provide an illustrative reference model of DEx that incorporates all the features and requirements.. 2. Value proposition and objectives of Data Exchange It is a necessary first step for the sponsors of a DEx to set out clearly the sector(s) that the DExM proposes to address, and the value proposition of the DEx in specific terms. This is essentially required to see that the critical mass of data providers, data consumers and other service providers are convinced of the viability of participating in the DEx initiative. While the value proposition depends substantially on the sector, the following is an illustrative list of objectives that DEx could pursue and offer. a. Ease of discovery of data critically required for business operations. b. Deriving the full economic value out of the data, which is anyway created by an organization for its business purposes. c. Availability of data required for innovation using AI and other emerging technologies. d. Being able to provide value -added, integrated, and end -to-end services to the customers using the combinatorial power of differen t datasets obtained from multiple sources. e. Development of services that promote public good by using data, which was not easily available in pre-DEx situation. f. Enhancing the transparency of businesses and the public sector through analysis of data and deriving insights into the functioning and performance of various organizations. g. Accelerating research in areas of public interest like health, education, agriculture, and environment. h. Inculcating data discipline among various organizations in their effort to participate actively in the DEx ecosystem. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 53 3. Scope of Data Exchange DEx needs to play the role of a facilitator. It should be data -agnostic, technology -neutral, fair, and equitable through the transparency of its governance systems. Considering this, a DEx needs to limit its scope to establishing the Minimum Enabling Environment with the mission of connecting the data providers and data consumers by merely acting as an intelligent bridge between them. The scope of the DExneeds to be carefully delineat ed by the sponsors spelling out what the DExwill do, and equally importantly, what it will not do. The minimal technical and functional capabilities of the DEx are indicated in what follows. 4. Logical Architecture of Data Exchange Figure A gives a high -level view of the DEx in terms of the various components and their respective capabilities. Figure A: Reference Model of DEx The salient features of the structure, as below. a. The 6 components of the DEx represent 30 capabilities in the areas of technology, regulation, and management. These are considered adequate to form the Minimum Enabling environment. b. The promoters of DEx should detail these capabilities into a set of granular requirements and specifi cations that inform and guide the actual implementation. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 54 c. Open standards, open source components and agile development methodology are recommended. d. The 6 components should be developed adopting the principle of orthogonality. 5. Guidelines for Implementation a. A multi -stakeholder governance structure should be established to ingrain trust, and to balance the interests of diverse groups of stakeholders. Considerations of gender, equity and sustainability should weigh with the sponsor in arriving at the constituti on. b. The initiative can be government -led or business -led depending on the sector or theme. Government -led DEx implementations should consider PPP model or partnership model in preference to an RFP -based or least -cost -based procurement. The partner should have adequate expertise in the sector and its data space and should have adequate stake in the success of the venture. c. An appropriate business model may be devised to ensure that the DEx is financially sustainable. It is preferable that the sponsor bears the capex of the MEE and the operational costs are recovered through service charges to be collected from the participants of DEx. d. While selecting a partner for the DEx project, is essential to eliminate any possible conflict of interest in terms of technolo gy or the use of data. 6. Conclusion Data Economy promises a lot. Catalyzing the development of a few data exchanges is an essential first step. This note provides a high -level guidance for its implementation. Consultation Paper on IDEA (June, 1) 55 Annexure V (see Section 4.7) Major Applications developed by the Ministry of Agriculture (to be considered by the States for adoption) No Name of the Application Overview of Functionality Website\/ URL Contact details of Developer\/ 1 PM-KISAN May be seen through URL www.pmkisan.gov.in\/ NIC Team Agriculture 2 Soil Health Card http:\/\/soilhealth.dac.gov.in 3 Agri -Clinics and Agri - Business Centre http:\/\/www.agriclinics.net\/ 4 Agrimarket Portal https:\/\/agmarknet.gov.in\/ 5 DBT Central Agri Portal http:\/\/dbtdacfw.gov.in 6 DBT Farm Mechanisation http:\/\/agrimachinery.nic.in 7 Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Website http:\/\/agricoop.gov.in\/ 8 Farm Analysis Package 2.0 http:\/\/farmap.dac.gov.in 9 FQCS http:\/\/fqcs.dac.gov.in 10 SEEDEXIM http:\/\/Seedexim.gov.in 56 Annexure VI IDEA Architecture (see section 4.2) 57 References 1. https:\/\/ficci.in\/spdocument\/23154\/Online_Farm -mechanization -ficci.pdf 2. https:\/\/agricoop.gov.in\/hi\/doubli ng-farmers -income -0 3. https:\/\/www.meity.gov.in\/writereaddata\/files\/agile_indea_framework -v.1.0.pdf 4. https :\/\/negd.gov.in\/digital -service -standard 5. http:\/\/egovstandards.gov.in\/sites\/default\/files\/IndEA%20Framework%201.0.pdf 6. https:\/\/www.nhp.gov.in\/NHPfiles\/National_Digital_Health_Blueprint_Report_comments_invited.pdf 7. http:\/\/egovstandards.gov.in\/sites\/default\/files\/IndEA%20Framework%201.0.pdf 8. http:\/\/egovstandards.gov.in\/sites\/default\/files\/IndEA%20Framework%201.0.pdf ","Summary":"India\u2019s agriculture sector accounts for about 15.9 % of the country\u2019s US$ 2.7 trillion economy and 49% of employment (2018-19). To achieve the government\u2019s goal of doubling farmer\u2019s income by 2022, the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmer Welfare has decided to take an ecosystem approach to address the agriculture sector holistically. It is referencing the framework designed by the Ministry of Electronics and IT, especially the India Digital Ecosystem Architecture (InDEA). The initiative proposed for the agriculture sector is thus named IDEA (InDEA Digital Ecosytem of Agriculture). The consultation paper outlines the proposed operations structure for IDEA. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/g8fEBkvz0Tc IDEA envisions farmers utilizing various open digital technologies throughout the farming process, to usher in a Green Revolution 2.0, taking inspiration from similar frameworks in countries like South Korea. The proposed IDEA infrastructure essentially plans to create agriculture-specific technology that can be deployed from the smallest unit at the farmer, to the large corporations who are the end purchasers. This will be done through new interventions such as Unique Farmer IDs (UFIDs) which would serve to identify the farmers in this digital space, United Farmer Service Interface (USFI), a specialized UPI based system designed for agricultural transactions at the union and state level, and incorporating older schemes, such as Kisan Call Centres, SMS services and Weather Data services. IDEA\u2019s proposed implementation is divided between the states and the center, and central implementation will be governed by the National Mission on Digital Architecture (NDMA), which in turn would be guided by a multi-stakeholder IDEA Council. The NDMA will utilize a PPP framework, along with linking of IDEA implementation to central government incentives. The consultation paper proposes the development of a three-year action plan to implement all the measures proposed in the consultation paper. To read the complete document, please click here."},"31":{"Title":"Draft Amendment New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules","Text":"1800 GI\/2019 (1) &33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004\/99 vlk\/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY mi&[k.M (i) Sub-section (i) izkf\/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 200 ] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] ekpZ 19] 2019@iQkYxqu 28] 1940 No. 200] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2019\/ PH ALGUNA 28, 1940 \/g7021\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E \/g7021\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E \/g7021\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E \/g7021\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E\/g7021\/uni0020 \/g7005\/uni0020 \/uni092F \/g7021\/uni0020 \/g7005\/uni0020 \/uni092F \/g7021\/uni0020 \/g7005\/uni0020 \/uni092F \/g7021\/uni0020 \/g7005\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni092A\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7016\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E \/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni092A\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7016\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E \/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni092A\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7016\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E 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\/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0932\/uni090F\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni094B\/uni091F\/uni094B\/uni0915\/uni0949\/uni0932\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0932\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni092D\/g7382\/uni0020\/uni0906\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni093F\/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924 \/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/uni092E\/uni0902\/uni091C\/uni0942\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B \/g7079\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0941\/uni0924\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E ; \/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni0917\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092E\/uni094B\/uni0926\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092C\/uni093E\/uni0930 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0020\/g7079 \/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092E\/uni094B\/uni0926\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409 \/uni092A\/uni0902\/g7076\/uni0939\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni092F\/g6981\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0935\/uni0938\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0924\/uni0930\/uni0020 (v) \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni0947\/uni0924\/uni0941\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0939\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni0902\/uni0915\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0942\/uni0935\/g6981\/uni0020 \/uni092D\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni091A\/g7408\/uni0915\/g7004\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938 \/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0937\/uni0926 \/uni094D \/uni0020 \/uni0020 \/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0930\/uni093F\/g6979\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni092D\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0930\/uni093F\/uni091C\/g7021\/g7069\/uni0940\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni093E\/uni0938\/uni0020\/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni0930\/uni093F\/uni091C\/g7021 \/g7069\/uni0940\/uni0915 \/uni0943 \/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092E\/uni094B\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni094B\/uni091F\/uni094B\/uni0915\/uni0949\/uni0932\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7008\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0926\/g7021 \/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0935\/uni0947\/uni091C\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g6994\/uni091B \/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7012\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0938\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0936\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0926\/g7287\/uni0936\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0907\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni092F\/uni092E\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni0935\/uni0927\/uni093E\/uni0928\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F \/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E ; (vii) \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923 \/uni0905\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni092F\/g7298 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni0902\/uni0915\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/g7021\/uni0925\/uni093F\/uni0924 , \/g7074\/uni0948\/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0938\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0927\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092E\/uni094B\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni094B \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0927 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092F\/uni0941\/g7334\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930 , , \/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/g7079\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0941\/uni0924\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0964 (viii) \/g7079\/g7004\/uni092F\/uni0947\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni091B\/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni0939\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/g7021\/uni0925\/uni093F\/uni0924 \/g7407\/uni0930\/uni092A\/uni094B\/uni091F\/g6981\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni0939\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni0948 , \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0930\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091A\/uni0941\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0020 , \/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni0907\/uni0932\/uni0947\/g6989\/g7069\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/g7272\/uni092A\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0947 \/uni0938\/uni0941\/uni0917\/uni092E\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0949\/uni091F\/g6981\/uni0932\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930 \/g7079\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0941\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 (ix) \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0930\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020\/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0930\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0930\/uni0915\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0935\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0943\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0930\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0938\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni092F\/g6981 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0935\/uni0938 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0924\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni093F\/uni091A\/uni0924\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923 \/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni0902\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0915 \/uni0942 \/uni0932\/uni0020 \/uni0918\/uni091F\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940 \/g7407\/uni0930\/uni092A\/uni094B\/uni091F\/g6981 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/g7395\/uni0947\/uni0937\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni092A\/g7391\/uni093E\/uni0924\/uni094D\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0938\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0035\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0941\/uni0928\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni092E\/g7286 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0928\/g7416\/uni0926\/g7397\/uni0020 [Hkkx II[k.M 3(i) ] Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 15 \/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni092F\/g6981\/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni092F\/g7298 \/g7263\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni0938\/uni0020 \/uni0918\/uni091F\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni091A\/uni094C\/uni0926\/uni0939\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0902\/uni0926\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930 \/uni0923 , \/uni0938\/uni093F\/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/g6979\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0939\/uni093E\/uni0902\/uni0020\/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0917\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni0948\/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni0938\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0902\/g7021\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0947\/uni091C\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni0940 ; (xi) \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923 \/uni0905\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/g6979\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/g7263\/uni0902\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092A\/uni0942\/uni0923\/g6981 \/uni093F\/uni091A\/g7408\/uni0915\/g7004\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0928 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni092E \/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni0935 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B \/uni0909\/g7334 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni092F\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0938\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0902\/uni0926\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni0940 ; (xii) \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923 \/uni0905\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0943\/g7004\/uni092F\/uni0941 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7021\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni0915\/uni0932\/uni093E\/uni0902\/uni0917\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286 , \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E \/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni0935 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni0915 \/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni092F\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/g7385 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0938\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0902\/uni0926\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni0940 ; (xiii) \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni094B\/uni091C\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092A\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0938\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni0938\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni092F\/g7298\/uni0020 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\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915 \/uni0943 \/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0930\/uni093E\/g6996\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni093E\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni092F\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092C\/uni093E\/uni0939\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni0936\/uni0947\/uni0937\/g6980\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0925 \/uni0020 \/uni0907\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni092F\/uni092E\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni092A\/uni0947\/g6979\/uni093E\/g7312\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g6994\/uni091B \/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7012\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0938 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0936\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0926\/g7287\/uni0936\/g7298 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092A\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0938\/g7004\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947 , \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947 , \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0020\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0915\/uni0949\/uni0921\/g6981\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/uni0916\/uni094B\/uni091C\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/g7011\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947 , \/uni092A\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0020 \/uni0926\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0935\/uni0947\/uni091C , \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni093E\/g7004\/uni092E\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/g7004\/uni092A\/uni093E\/uni0926\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni093F\/uni0932\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0915\/uni0924\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/g7289\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092F\/uni0941\/g6981\/g7334\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020\/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0942\/uni091B \/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0917\/uni090F\/uni0020\/g7079\/g7396\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0909\/g7275\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni0947\/uni0928\/uni093E \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni093E\/g7004\/uni092E\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0938\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092F\/uni094B\/uni0917\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni094B\/uni091C\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0907\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni092F\/uni092E\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 X \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092D\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0908\/uni0020 \/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0937\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0020 \/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 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\/g7286 \/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0935\/g7019\/uni092F\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni092E \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0936\/g7397\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/g7298 \/uni0909\/g7374\/uni0947\/g7019\/uni092F , , \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0928\/uni0938\/uni0902\/g6990\/uni092F\/uni093E , - \/uni0935\/g7021\/uni0924\/uni0941\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni092F\/uni094B\/g6991\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E , , \/uni0906\/uni091A\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0020\/uni0020\/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0936\/g7397\/uni0020\/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286 \/uni093F\/uni0932\/uni093F\/uni0916\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286 \/g7021\/uni092A\/g7397\/uni0940\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0925\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7008\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0936\/uni0924\/g6981\/uni0020\/uni0932\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0915\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni0948 ; (xvii) \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni094B\/uni091C\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7008\/uni0935\/uni0947\/uni0937\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0909\/g7004\/uni092A\/g7382\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0916\/uni0902\/uni0921\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni092C\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni0930\/uni0916\/g7286\/uni0917\/uni0947\/uni0964 26. 26. 26. 26. \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0930 \/uni0902 \/uni092D\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 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\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0902\/uni0917\/uni0947 ; (viii) \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni0916\/g7004\/uni092E\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni0936\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0907\/uni0938\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 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\/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F \/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni0902\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0915 \/uni0942 \/uni0932\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni092D\/uni093E\/uni0935\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0908\/uni0020 \/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0935\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/g7395\/uni0947\/uni0937\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni092A\/g7391\/uni093E\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923 , \/uni0928\/uni0940\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0936\/uni093E\/g7403\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093F\/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/g6979\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/g7076\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/g7021\/uni0925\/uni093E , \/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0938\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0940\/uni0020 5 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni093F\/uni0928\/g7416\/uni0926\/g7397\/uni0020 \/g7079\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/g7312\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092A\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni092D\/uni093E\/uni0935\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 14 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/g7298 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0924\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7061\/uni0947\/uni093F\/uni0937\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni0940 ; (x) \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/g7079\/uni092F\/uni094B\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924 \/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0908\/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0020\/g6979\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0942\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni091A\/g7408\/uni0915\/g7004\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E \/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/g7011\/uni092F\/uni094C\/uni0930 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0940\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0936\/uni093E\/g7403\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093F \/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0926\/uni0947\/uni0936\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 30 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/g7008\/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni0940 ; (xi) \/uni092F\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0938 \/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni092F\/uni094B\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0927\/uni0940\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7390\/uni093F\/g7334\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0943\/g7004\/uni092F\/uni0941\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni0948\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni0939\/uni0020\/g7021\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/g7272\/uni092A\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g6979\/uni092E\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni0948 , \/uni0924\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/g7334\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0942\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni091A\/g7408\/uni0915\/g7004\/uni0938\/uni0940 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0926\/uni093E \/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0941\/uni0906\/uni0935\/uni091C\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/g7011\/uni092F\/uni094C\/uni0930 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] \/uni0909\/g7334\/uni0020\/uni0905\/g7007\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni092F\/uni0020 VI \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni0906\/uni0926 \/uni0947\/uni0936\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 30 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0924\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 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\/uni091C\/g7011\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni0947\/uni0924\/uni0941\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni091C\/uni0928\/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0930\/uni093E\/g6996\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/g7076\/uni0940\/uni092F\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093F\/g7385\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915 \/uni0943 \/uni0924 \/uni0905\/g7008\/uni092F\/uni0020 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\/uni093F\/uni0932\/uni090F\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093F\/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409 \/g7407\/uni0930\/uni092A\/uni094B\/uni091F\/g6981\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni091A\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0915\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0020 (vi) \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0020 \/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928 \/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni0020 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\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni0943\/g7004\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0941 \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0020 \/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E , \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0928\/uni0939\/g7277\/uni0964\/uni0020 (viii) \/uni0928\/uni0948\/uni0926\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni0930\/uni0940\/g6979\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0020 \/uni0927 \/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 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\/uni0028 iv) \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/g7416\/uni0926\/g7397\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0926\/uni0947\/uni0936\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/uni093E\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni091C\/uni0939\/uni093E\/uni0902\/uni0020 \/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0906\/uni0935\/g7019\/uni092F\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B , \/g6979\/uni093F\/uni0924 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni0902\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0915 \/uni0942 \/uni0932\/uni0020 \/uni0918\/uni091F\/uni0928\/uni093E\/g7312\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409 \/uni090F\/uni0915\/uni0020 \/g7021\/uni0935\/uni0924\/uni0902\/g7074\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/uni0936\/uni0947\/uni0937\/g6980\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni093F\/uni092E\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0917\/uni0920\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0915\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni0948 , 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\/uni0924\/g7004\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/uni0020 \/g7076\/uni0940 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni0938\/uni0902\/g7079\/uni0947\/uni093F\/uni0937\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0939\/g7298 (viii) \/uni0910\/uni0938\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F \/uni092E\/g7286 \/uni0930\/uni094B\/uni0917\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0918\/g7407\/uni091F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0917\/uni0902\/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093F \/uni0924\/uni0915 \/uni0942 \/uni0932\/uni0020 \/uni0918\/uni091F\/uni0928\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0908\/uni0020 \/uni092D\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/g7407\/uni0930\/uni092A\/uni094B\/uni091F\/g6981\/uni0020 \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni092F\/uni0941\/g6989\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0935\/g7019\/uni0020 \/uni0932\/uni0947 , \/uni0907\/uni0938\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0918\/g7407\/uni091F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni091A\/uni094C\/uni0926\/uni0939\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/g7298\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0902\/uni0926\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni0938\/uni0942\/uni091A\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093E\/g7407\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0940 5 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/g7416\/uni0926\/g7020\/uni0020 \/uni091F \/g7079\/uni092A\/g7074 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni092F\/uni092E\/uni0020 \/uni0034\/uni0034\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni0925\/uni093E \/uni093F\/uni0928\/g7416\/uni0926\/g7020\/uni0020 \/uni091F\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni093E\/uni092F\/g6981\/uni0020 \/uni092A\/g7373\/uni093F\/uni0924\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/uni092A\/uni093E\/uni0932\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/uni0020 \/g7076\/uni0940 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7061\/uni0947\/uni093F\/uni0937\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0915\/g7409\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni093E\/uni090F\/uni0917\/uni0940 ; (ix) \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni0926\/uni094C\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/g7408\/uni0915\/uni0938\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0930\/uni094B\/uni0917\/uni0940\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020 \/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0908\/uni0020 \/uni091A\/uni094B\/uni091F\/uni0020 \/uni0932\/uni0917\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020 \/uni092E\/uni093E\/uni092E\/uni0932\/uni0947\/uni0020 \/uni092E\/g7286 , \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092A\/uni0942\/uni0923\/g6981\/uni0020 \/uni093F\/uni091A\/g7408\/uni0915\/g7004\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni0927\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F \/uni0938\/uni0902\/uni092C\/uni0902\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni091A\/uni094B\/uni091F\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 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\/uni0924\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0928\/uni0947\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0924\/uni0940\/uni0938\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0928\/g7298\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/uni0020\/uni0905\/uni0902\/uni0926\/uni0930\/uni0020\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/uni0020 \/g7076\/uni0940 \/uni0905\/uni0928\/uni0941\/g6980\/uni093E\/uni092A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/g7079\/uni093E\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0923\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni094B\/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni0947\/uni0928\/uni0940\/uni0020\/uni0939\/uni094B\/uni0917\/uni0940\/uni0964 [Hkkx II[k.M 3(i) ] Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 27 (xi) \/uni092F\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni0020\/uni091C\/uni0948\/uni0935 - \/uni0909\/uni092A\/uni0932\/g7011\/uni0020 \/uni0927 \/uni0938\/uni092E\/uni0924\/uni0941\/g7016\/uni092F\/uni0924\/uni093E \/g7007\/uni0020 \/uni092F\/uni092F\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 \/g7008\/uni0020 \/g7076\/uni0020\/uni0915 \/uni0947 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\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0926\/uni090F\/uni0020\/uni0939\/g7289\/uni0964 8. \/uni092E\/g7289\/uni0020\/uni090F\/uni0924\/uni0926 \/uni094D \/uni0020\/g7367\/uni093E\/uni0930\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0918\/uni094B\/uni0937\/uni0923\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni0915\/uni0930\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/uni090F\/uni0935\/uni0902\/uni0020 \/uni0935\/uni091A\/uni0928\/uni0020\/uni0926\/uni0947\/uni0924\/uni093E\/uni0020\/g7264\/uni0902\/uni0020\/g7408\/uni0915\/uni003A\/uni0020 (i) \/uni092E\/g7289\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0937\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0020 \/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0930\/uni0020 \/uni0938\/g7301\/uni0926\/uni092F\/g6981\/uni0020 \/g7079\/uni0938\/uni093E\/uni0927\/uni0928\/uni0020 \/uni0905\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni093F\/uni0928\/uni092F\/uni092E , \/uni0031\/uni0039\/uni0034\/uni0030\/uni0020 \/uni090F\/uni0935\/uni0902\/uni0020 \/uni0928\/uni0908\/uni0020 \/uni0914\/uni0937\/uni093F\/uni0927\/uni0020 \/uni0924\/uni0925\/uni093E\/uni0020 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HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (Department of Health and Family Welfare) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 19th March, 2019 G.S.R.227(E) . \/uni2015 WHEREAS the draft of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rule s, 2018 was published, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 12 and sub-section (1) of section 33 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-sect ion (i) vide notification number G.S.R. 104(E), dated the 1 st February, 2018, by the Central Government, after c onsultation with the Drugs Technical Advisory Board, inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affe cted thereby, before the expiry of a period of forty-five days fr om the date on which copies of the Official Gazette containing the said notification were made available to the public; AND WHEREAS, copies of the Official Gazette containing the said notification were made available to the public on the 7th February, 2018; AND WHEREAS, all objections and suggestions received in response to the said draft notification have been duly considered by the Central Government; AND WHEREAS, the Honble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition(s) (Civil) No (s). 33\/2012 Swathaya Adhikar Manch, Indore and another Versus Union of I ndia and others with W.P.(C) No. 79\/2012 (PIL-W), inter alia, observed that new clinical trial rules shall be fin alised urgently; NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 12 a nd section 33 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), the Central Gover nment, after consultation with the Drugs Technical Advisory Board, hereby makes the following rules, namely: \/uni2015 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, commencement and applicability. \/uni2015 (1) These rules may be called the New Drugs and Cl inical Trials Rules, 2019. (2) They shall come in to force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette, except Chapter IV which shall come in to force after one hundred and eighty days. (3) They shall apply to all new drugs, investigational new drugs for human use, clinical trial, bioequival ence study, bioavailability study and Ethics Committee. 2. Definitions. \/uni2015 (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise r equires, \/uni2015 academic clinical trial means a clinical trial of a drug already approved for a certain claim and in itiated by any investigator, academic or research institution for a new indication or new route of administration or new dose or new dosage form, where the results of such a trial are intended to be used only for academic o r research purposes and not for seeking approval of t he Central Licencing Authority or regulatory author ity of any country for marketing or commercial purpose; means the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 o f 1940); active pharmaceutical ingredient means any substa nce which can be used in a pharmaceutical formulati on with the intention to provide pharmacological activ ity; or to otherwise have direct effect in the diag nosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of diseas e; or to have direct effect in restoring, correctin g or modifying physiological functions in human beings o r animals; adverse event means any untoward medical occurren ce (including a symptom or disease or an abnormal laboratory finding) during treatment with an invest igational drug or a pharmaceutical product in a pat ient or a trial subject that does not necessarily have a rela tionship with the treatment being given; bioavailability study means a study to assess the rate and extent to which the drug is absorbed from a pharmaceutical formulation and becomes available in the systemic circulation or availability of the dr ug at the site of action; 148 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] bioequivalence study means a study to establish t he absence of a statistically significant differenc e in the rate and extent of absorption of an active ingredie nt from a pharmaceutical formulation in comparison to the reference formulation having the same active ingred ient when administered in the same molar dose under similar conditions; bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre m eans a centre created or established to undertake bioavailability study or bioequivalence study of a drug for either clinical part or for both clinical and analytical part of such study; biomedical and health research means research inc luding studies on basic, applied and operational re search or clinical research, designed primarily to increas e scientific knowledge about diseases and condition s (physical or socio-behavioral); their detection and cause; and evolving strategies for health promotio n, prevention, or amelioration of disease and rehabili tation but does not include clinical trial as defin ed in clause Central Licencing Authority means the Drugs Contr oller, India as referred to in rule 3; (j) clinical trial in relation to a new dru g or investigational new drug means any systematic study of such new drug or investigational new drug in human subjects to generate data for discovering or verifying its,- (i) clinical or; (ii) pharmacological including pharmacodynamics, pharmac okinetics or; (iii) adverse effects, with the objective of determining the safety, effic acy or tolerance of such new drug or investigationa l new drug; clinical trial protocol means a document con taining the background, objective, rationale, desig n, methodology including matters concerning performance, managemen t, conduct, analysis, adverse event, withdrawal, statistical consideration and record keeping pertai ning to clinical trial; clinical trial site means any hospital or ins titute or any other clinical establishment having t he required facilities to conduct a clinical trial; in relation to a drug means its abi lity to achieve the desired effect in a controlled clinical setting; effectiveness in relation to a drug means its ability to achieve the desired effect in a real wo rld clinical situation after approval of the drug; Ethics Committee means, for the purpose of, - (i) clinical trial, Ethics Committee, constituted under rule 7 and registered under rule 8; (ii) biomedical and health research, Ethics Committee, c onstituted under rule 16 and registered under rule 17; Good Clinical Practices Guidelines means the Good Clinical Practices Guidelines for conduct of clinical studies in India, formulated by the Central Drugs S tandard Control Organisation and adopted by the Dru gs Technical Advisory Board; global clinical trial means any clinical t rial which is conducted as part of a clinical devel opment of a drug in more than one country; investigational new drug means a new chemical or biological entity or substance that has not bee n approved for marketing as a drug in any country; investigational product means the pharmaceuti cal formulation of an active ingredient or placebo being tested or used in a clinical trial; investigator means a person who is responsibl e for conducting clinical trial at the clinical tri al site; medical management means treatment and other necessary activities for providing the medical care to complement the treatment; new chemical entity means any substance that has not been approved for marketing as a drug by a drug regulatory authority of any country including the a uthorities specified under these rules and is propo sed to be developed as a new drug for the first time by estab lishing its safety and efficacy; [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 149 means, \/uni2015 (i) a drug, including active pharmaceutical ingredient or phytopharmaceutical drug, which has not been used in the country to any significant extent, except in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder, as per condition s specified in the labelling thereof and has not been approved as safe and efficacious by the Centra l Licencing Authority with respect to its claims; or (ii) a drug approved by the Central Licencing Authority for certain claims and proposed to be marketed with modified or new claims including indi cation, route of administration, dosage and dosage form; or (iii) a fixed dose combination of two or more drugs, appr oved separately for certain claims and proposed to be combined for the first time in a fix ed ratio, or where the ratio of ingredients in an approved combination is proposed to be changed with certain claims including indication, route of administration, dosage and dosage form; or (iv) a modified or sustained release form of a drug or n ovel drug delivery system of any drug approved by the Central Licencing Authority; or (v) a vaccine, recombinant Deoxyribonucleic Acid (r-DNA ) derived product, living modified organism, monoclonal anti-body, stem cell derived p roduct, gene therapeutic product or xenografts, intended to be used as drug; Explanation .\/uni2015 The drugs, other than drugs referred to in sub-cla uses (iv) and (v), shall continue to be new drugs for a period of four years from the date of t heir permission granted by the Central Licencing Authority and the drugs referred to in sub-clauses (iv) and (v) shall always be deemed to be new orphan drug means a drug intended to treat a cond ition which affects not more than five lakh persons in India; pharmaceutical formulation means any preparation for human or veterinary use containing one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients, with or without pharmac eutical excipients or additives, that is formulated to produce a specific physical form, such as, tablet, capsule or solution, suitable for administration to human o r animals; pharmacovigilance means the science and activitie s relating to detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug- re lated problem; phytopharmaceutical drug means a drug of purified and standardised fraction, assessed qualitatively and quantitatively with defined minimum four bio- activ e or phytochemical compounds of an extract of a med icinal plant or its part, for internal or external use on human beings or animals, for diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of any disease or disorder but does not include drug administered through parenteral route; means an inactive substance visually iden tical in appearance to a drug being tested in a cli nical trial; post-trial access means making a new drug or inve stigational new drug available to a trial subject a fter completion of clinical trial through which the said drug has been found beneficial to a trial subject during clinical trial, for such period as considered neces sary by the investigator and the Ethics Committee; registered pharmacist shall have the meaning as a ssigned to it in clause(i) of section 2 of the Phar macy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948); means the Schedule annexed to these rule s; serious adverse event means an untoward medical o ccurrence during clinical trial resulting in death or permanent disability, or hospitalisation of the tri al subject where the trial subject is an outdoor pa tient or a healthy person, prolongation of hospitalisation whe re the trial subject is an indoor-patient, persiste nt or significant disability or incapacity, congenital an omaly, birth defect or life threatening event; similar biologic means a biological product which is similar in terms of quality, safety and efficac y to reference biological product licenced or approved in India, o r any innovator product approved in International Council of Harmonisation (ICH)member countries; includes a person, a company or an instit ution or an organisation responsible for initiation and management of a clinical trial; State Licencing Authority means Licencing Authori ty appointed by a State Government having qualifica tions specified in rule 49A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Ru les, 1945; 150 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] trial subject means a person who is either a pati ent or a healthy person to whom investigational pro duct is administered for the purposes of a clinical trial. (2) Words and expressions used in these rules but n ot defined herein but defined in the Drugs and Cosm etics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) shall have the meaning assigned to the m in the Act. CHAPTER II AUTHORITIES AND OFFICERS 3. Central Licencing Authority. \/uni2015 The Drugs Controller, India appointed by the Centr al Government in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare shall be the Central Lice ncing Authority for the purposes of these rules. 4. Delegation of powers of Central Licencing Author ity.\/uni2015 (1) The Drugs Controller, India, with the prior ap proval of the Central Government, may, by an order in writing , delegate all or any of powers of the Central Lice ncing Authority to any other officer of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation not below the rank o f Assistant Drugs Controller (India). (2) The officer to whom the powers have been delega ted under sub-rule (1) shall exercise all or any of the powers of the Central Licencing Authority under its name a nd seal. 5. Controlling Officer. \/uni2015 (1) The Drugs Controller, India may designate any officer not below the rank of Assistant Drugs Controller (India) as Controlling Officer. (2) The Drugs Controller, India shall, by order, specif y the areas and powers of the Controlling Officer. (3) The Controlling Officer, designated under sub-rule (1) shall supervise the work of subordinate officer s and shall exercise powers and perform functions which may be assigned to that Officer. CHAPTER III ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR CLINICAL TRIAL, BIOAVAILABILIT Y AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY 6. Requirement of the Ethics Committee. \/uni2015 (1) Whoever intends to conduct clinical trial or bi oavailability study or bioequivalence study shall be required to have appr oval of an Ethics Committee for clinical trial regi stered under (2) The Ethics Committee shall apply for registrati on with the Central Licencing Authority under rule 8. 7. Constitution of Ethics Committee for clinical tr ial.\/uni2015 (1) The Ethics Committee shall have a minimum of se ven members from medical, non-medical, scientific and n on-scientific areas with at least ,\/uni2015 (i) one lay person; (ii) one woman member; (iii) one legal expert; (iv) one independent member from any other related field such as social scientist or representative of non-governmental voluntary agency or philosopher or ethicist or theologian. (2) The Ethics Committee referred to in sub-rule(1) shall consist of at least fifty percent of its mem bers who are not affiliated with the institute or organization in w hich such committee is constituted. (3) One member of the Ethics Committee who is not a ffiliated with the institute or organization shall be the Chairperson, and shall be appointed by such institu te or organisation. (4) One member who is affiliated with the institute or organization shall be appointed as Member Secretary of the Ethics Committee by such Institute or organization. (5) The committee shall include at least one member who se primary area of interest or specialisation is no n-scientific and at least one member who is independe nt of the institution. (6) The members of the Ethics Committee shall follow th e provisions of these rules, Good Clinical Practice s Guidelines and other regulatory requirements to saf eguard the rights, safety and well-being of trial s ubjects. (7) Every member of the Ethics Committee shall be requi red to undergo such training and development programmes as may be specified by the Central Licen cing Authority from time to time: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 151 Provided that any member, who has not successfull y completed such training and developmental programmes, shall be disqualified to hold the post of member of the Ethics Committee and shall cease t o be a member of such committee. (8) The members representing medical scientists and cli nicians shall possess at least post graduate qualif ication in their respective area of specialisation, adequate e xperience in the respective fields and requisite kn owledge and clarity about their role and responsibility as committee me mbers. (9) As far as possible, based on the requirement of res earch area such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HI V) or genetic disorder, specific patient group may also b e represented in the Ethics Committee. (10) No member of an Ethics Committee, having a conflic t of interest, shall be involved in the oversight o f the clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study protocol being reviewed by it and all member s shall sign a declaration to the effect that there is no conflict of interest. (11) While considering an application which involves a c onflict of interest of any member of the Ethics Com mittee, such member may voluntarily withdraw from the Ethic s Committee review meeting, by expressing the same in writing, to the Chairperson. (12) The details in respect of the conflict of interest of the member shall be duly recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Ethics Committee. 8. Registration of Ethics Committee relating to cli nical trial, bioavailability and bioequivalence stu dy.\/uni2015 (1) Every Ethics Committee, constituted under rule 7, s hall make an application for grant of registration to the Central Licencing Authority in Form CT-01. (2) The Ethics Committee shall furnish such information and documents as specified in Table 1 of the Third Schedule along with the application made in Form CT -01. (3) The Central Licencing Authority, \/uni2015 (i) shall scrutinise the information and documents furn ished with the application under sub-rule (2); and (ii) make such further enquiry, if any, considered necessary and after being satisfied, that the requi rements of these rules have been complied with, may grant regi stration to Ethics Committee in Form CT-02; and if the Central Licencing Authority is not satisfied wi th the compliance of these rules by the applicant Ethics Committee, it may, reject the application, f or reasons to be recorded in writing, within a peri od of forty-five working days, from the date of the re ceipt of the application made under sub-rule (1). (4) An applicant Ethics Committee aggrieved by the deci sion of rejection of the application by the Central Licencing Authority under clause (ii) of sub-rule ( 3), may file an appeal before the Central Governmen t in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare within sixty working days from the date of the receipt of order of such rejection. (5) The Central Government may, after such enquiry, as considered necessary, and after giving an opportuni ty of being heard to the appellant referred to in sub-rul e (4), shall dispose of the appeal filed under that sub-rule within a period of sixty working days from the date on which the appeal has been filed. 9. Validity period of registration of Ethics Commit tee for clinical trial. \/uni2015 The registration granted in Form CT-02 shall remain valid for a period of five years from the date of its issue, unless suspended or cancelle d by the Central Licencing Authority. 10. Renewal of registration of Ethics Committee for clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) On expiry of the validity period of registration granted under rule 9, an Ethics Commit tee may make an application for renewal of registra tion in Form CT-01 along with documents as specified in Table 1 of the Third Schedule ninety days prior to the date of the expiry of the registration: Provided that if the application for renewal of reg istration is received by the Central Licencing Auth ority ninety days prior to the date of expiry, the regist ration shall continue to be in force until an order is passed by the said authority on such application: Provided also that fresh set of documents shall not be required to be furnished, if there are no chang es in such documents furnished at the time of grant of registr ation, and the applicant renders a certificate to t hat effect indicating that there is no change. (2) The Central Licencing Authority shall, after sc rutiny of information furnished with the applicatio n and after taking into account the inspection report, if any, and after such further enquiry, as considered neces sary, and on being satisfied that the requirements of these rules have \/uni2015 (i) been complied with, renew the registration of Ethic s Committee in Form CT-02; 152 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (ii) not been complied with, reject the application, for reasons to be recorded in writing, within a period of forty-five working days from the date of renewal ap plication made under sub-rule (1). 11. Functions of Ethics Committee. \/uni2015 The Ethics Committee for clinical trial shall perfo rm the following functions for a person, institution or organization; namely: \/uni2015 (i) review and accord approval to a clinical trial, bio availability or bioequivalence study protocol and o ther related documents, as the case may be, in the format specif ied in clause (B) of Table 1 of the Third Schedule and oversee the conduct of clinical trial to safeguard the rights, safety and wellbeing of trial subjects in accordance with these rules, Good Clinical Practice s Guidelines and other applicable regulations; (ii) make at appropriate intervals, an ongoing review of the clinical trials for which it has accorded a pproval and such review may be based on periodic study progress reports furnished by the investigators or monitori ng and internal audit reports furnished by the sponsor or by visiting the study sites; (iii) indicate the reasons that weighed with it while rej ecting or asking for a change or notification in th e protocol in writing and a copy of such reasons shall also be made available to the Central Licencing Authority; (iv) where any serious adverse event occurs to a trial s ubject or to study subject during clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, the Ethics Committee shall analyse the relevant documents per taining to such event and forward its report to the Central Licencing Authority and comply with the provisions of Chapter VI; (v) where at any stage of a clinical trial, it come s to a conclusion that the trial is likely to compr omise the right, safety or wellbeing of the trial subject, the commi ttee may order discontinuation or suspension of the clinical trial and the same shall be intimated to the head o f the institution conducting clinical trial and the Central Licencing Authority; (vi) allow any officer authorised by the Central Licenci ng Authority to enter, with or without prior notice , to inspect the premises, any record, or any documents related to clinical trial, furnish information to a ny query raised by such authorised person, in relation to th e conduct of clinical trial and to verify complianc e with the requirements of these rules, Good Clinical Practice s Guidelines and other applicable regulations for safeguarding the rights, safety and well-being of t rial subjects; (vii) comply with the requirements or conditions in addit ion to the requirements specified under the Act and these rules as may be specified by the Central Licencing Authority with the approval of the Central Governme nt, to safeguard the rights of clinical trial subject or b ioavailability or bioequivalence study subject. 12. Proceedings of Ethics Committee for clinical tr ial.\/uni2015 (1) No clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequi valence protocol and related documents shall be reviewed by an Ethics Committee unless at least five of its me mbers as detailed below are present, namely: \/uni2015 (i) medical scientist (preferably a pharmacologist); (ii) clinician; (iii) legal expert; (iv) social scientist or representative of non-governmen tal voluntary agency or philosopher or ethicist or theologian or a similar person; (v) lay person. (2) The Ethics Committee may constitute one or more sub -committees of its members to assist in the functio ns assigned to it. (3) The Ethics Committee may associate such experts who are not its members, in its deliberations but such experts shall not have voting rights, if any. (4) Any change in the membership or the constitution of the registered Ethics Committee shall be intimated in writing to the Central Licencing Authority within t hirty working days. 13. Maintenance of records by Ethics Committee for clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) The Ethics Committee shall maintain data, record, registers and other documents related to th e functioning and review of clinical trial or bioav ailability study or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, for a per iod of five years after completion of such clinical trial. (2) In particular and without prejudice to the gene rality of the sub-rule (1), the Ethics Committee sh all maintain the following records for a period of five years after completion of every clinical trial or bioavailabili ty study or bioequivalence study, namely:- (i) the constitution and composition of the Ethics Comm ittee; [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 153 (ii) the curriculum vitae of all members of the Ethics C ommittee; (iii) standard operating procedures followed by the Ethic s Committee; (iv) national and international guidelines followed by t he Ethics Committee; (v) copies of the protocol, data collection formats, ca se report forms, investigators brochures, etc., submitted for review; (vi) all correspondence with committee members and inves tigators regarding application, decision and follow up; (vii) agenda of all Ethics Committee meetings and minutes of all Ethics Committee meetings with signature of the Chairperson; (viii) copies of decisions communicated to applicants; (ix) records relating to any order issued for premature termination of study with a summary of the reasons thereof; (x) final report of the study including microfilms, com pact disks or video recordings; (xi) recommendation given by Ethics Committee for determ ination of compensation; (xii) records relating to the serious adverse event, medi cal management of trial subjects and compensation paid. (3) The Ethics Committee shall furnish the informat ion maintained under sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), as and when required by the Central Licencing Authority or any other officer authorised on its behalf. 14. Suspension or cancellation of registration of E thics Committee for clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) Where Central Licencing Authority is of the opinion that any Ethics Committ ee fails to comply with any provision of the Act or these rules, it may issue show cause notice to such Ethics Committe e specifying therein such non-compliances and the p eriod within which reply shall be furnished by such Ethic s Committee. (2) On receipt of reply for the show cause notice with in a period specified in the show cause notice, the Central Licencing Authority may give an opportunity of bein g heard, in person to such Ethics Committee. (3) After consideration of the facts and reply given by the Ethics Committee under sub-rule (2), the Centr al Licencing Authority, may take one or more of the fo llowing actions, namely:- (i) withdraw show cause notice issued under sub-rule(1) ; (ii) issue warning to the Ethics Committee describing th e deficiency or defect observed during inspection o r otherwise, which may adversely affect the rights or well-being of the trial subject or the validity of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study be ing conducted; (iii) reject the results of clinical trial or bioav ailability and bioequivalence study; (iv) suspend for such period as considered appropri ate or cancel the registration issued under rule 8; (v) debar its members to oversee any clinical trial in future for such period as may be considered app ropriate by the Central Licencing Authority. (4) Where the Ethics Committee or any member of the Eth ics Committee is aggrieved by an order of the Centr al Licencing Authority under sub-rule (3), such aggrie ved Ethics Committee or member, may, within a perio d of sixty working days of the receipt of the order, fil e an appeal to the Central Government. (5) Where an appeal has been filed under sub-rule (4), the Central Government may, after such enquiry, as it thinks necessary, and after giving an opportunity of being heard, pass such order in relation thereto as it t hinks appropriate in the facts and circumstances of the c ase within a period of sixty working days from the date of filing of the appeal. CHAPTER IV ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH RESEARCH 15. Ethics Committee for biomedical and health rese arch.\/uni2015 Any institution or organisation which intends to co nduct biomedical and health research shall be required to have an Ethics Committee to review and oversee the conduct of such research as detailed in National Ethical Guide lines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants. 154 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 16. Constitution of Ethics Committee for biomedical and health research. \/uni2015 (1) The Ethics Committee referred to in rule 15, relating to biomedical and health research shall be constituted in accordance with the Nation al Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Invol ving Human Participants as may be specified by the Indian Council of Medical Research from time to time and s hall function in accordance with said guidelines. (2) The Ethics Committee referred to in sub-rule (1), s hall review the work of the biomedical and health r esearch centre before initiation and oversee throughout the duration of the biomedical and health research as per National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Resear ch Involving Human Participants. (3) An institution or organisation or any person shall conduct any biomedical and health research with the approval of the Ethics Committee for biomedical and health r esearch registered under rule 17. (4) Any biomedical and health research shall be conduct ed in accordance with the National Ethical Guidelin es for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Part icipants as may be specified by the Indian Council of Medical Research from time to time. (5) Institutions desirous of conducting biomedical and health research as well as clinical trials or bioav ailability or bioequivalence study shall require obtaining regist ration from specified authorities as provided in ru le 8 and rule 17. 17. Registration of Ethics Committee related to bio medical and health research. \/uni2015 (1) An Ethics Committee constituted under rule 16, shal l be required to register with the authority design ated by the Central Government in the Ministry of Health and Fa mily Welfare, Department of Health Research under these rules for which an application shall be made in For m CT-01 to the said authority. (2) The application referred to in sub-rule (1) shall b e accompanied with the information and documents as specified in Table 1 of the Third Schedule. (3) On receipt of application in Form CT-01 under sub-r ule (1), the authority designated under sub-rule (1 ) shall grant provisional registration which shall remain v alid for a period of two years. (4) After the grant of provisional registration under s ub-rule (3), the authority designated under sub-rul e (1) shall scrutinise the documents and information furnished with the application, and if satisfied that the req uirements of these rules have been complied with, grant final registration to Ethics Committee in Form CT-03; or if not satisfied, reject the application, for reasons to b e recorded in writing and the final registration in Form CT-03 shall supersede the provisional registration grante d under sub-rule (3). (5) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision of th e authority designated under sub-rule (1), may file an appeal within sixty working days from the date of receipt of such rejection before the Central Government in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and the Cent ral Government, may, after such enquiry as is consi dered necessary in the facts and circumstances of the cas e, and after giving an opportunity of being heard t o the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty working days. (6) The Ethics Committee shall make an application for renewal of registration in Form CT-01 along with documents as specified in sub-rule (2) at least nin ety days prior to the date of the expiry of its fin al registration: Provided that if the application for renewal of reg istration is received by the authority designated u nder sub-rule (1), ninety days prior to the date of expi ry, the registration shall continue to be in force until an order is passed by the said authority on the application: Provided further that fresh set of documents shall not be required to be furnished, if there are no ch anges in such documents furnished at the time of grant of fi nal registration, and if the applicant renders a ce rtificate to that effect indicating that there is no change. (7) The authority designated under sub-rule (1) shall a fter scrutiny of information furnished with the app lication and after such further enquiry, as considered neces sary and on being satisfied that the requirements o f these rules have been complied with, renew the registrati on of Ethics Committee in Form CT-03, or if not rej ect the application, for reasons to be recorded in writing. (8) The authority shall take a decision under sub-rule (7) within a period of forty-five working days, fro m the date of application made under sub-rule(1). (9) The registration granted in Form CT-03 shall remain valid for a period of five years from the date of its issue, unless suspended or cancelled by the authority desi gnated under sub-rule (1). (10) The function, proceedings of ethics committee and m aintenance of records shall be as per the National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Invol ving Human Participants. (11) In case there is a change in composition of registe red Ethics Committee in an institution it shall be reported to the authority designated under sub-rule (1). [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 155 18. Suspension or cancellation of registration of E thics Committee for biomedical and health research. \/uni2015 (1) Subject to provisions of rule 17, where the Ethics Committee fails to comply with any provision of the se rules, the authority designated under sub-rule (1), may, after giving an opportunity to show cause and after aff ording an opportunity of being heard, by an order in writing, take one or more of the following actions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) issue warning to the Ethics Committee describing th e deficiency or defect observed, which may adversely affect the rights or well-being of the st udy subjects; (ii) suspend for such period as considered appropriate o r cancel the registration issued under rule 17; (iii) debar its members to oversee any biomedical h ealth research in future for such period as may be considered appropriate. (2) Where the Ethics Committee or its member, as th e case may be, is aggrieved by an order of the auth ority designated under sub-rule (1), it may, within a per iod of forty-five working days of the receipt of th e order, make an appeal to the Central Government in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and that Government may, after such enquiry, as deemed necessary, and after giving an opportunity of being heard, pass such ord er in relation thereto as may be considered appropriate i n the facts and circumstances of the case. CHAPTER V CLINICAL TRIAL, BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OF NEW DRUGS AND INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS CLINICAL TRIAL 19. Clinical trial of new drug or investigational n ew drug.\/uni2015 (1) No person or institution or organisation shall conduct clinical trial of a new drug or investigational new drug, \/uni2015 (i) except in accordance with the permission granted by the Central Licencing Authority; and (ii) without the protocol there of having been approved by the Ethics Committee for clinical trial register ed in accordance with the provisions of rule 8. (2) Every person associated with the conduct of clinica l trial of a new drug or investigational new drug s hall follow the general principles and practices as specified i n the First Schedule. (3) No person or institution or organisation shall cond uct clinical trial of a new drug or investigational new drug except in accordance with the procedure prescribed under the provisions of the Act and these rules. 20. Oversight of clinical trial site. \/uni2015 The work of every clinical trial site shall be over seen by an Ethics Committee for clinical trial registered under rule 8, before initiation and throughout the duration of the condu ct of such trial. 21. Application for permission to conduct clinical tria l of a new drug or investigational new drug. \/uni2015 (1) Any person or institution or organisation which intends to conduct clinical trial of a new drug or an inve stigational new drug shall make an application to the Central Licen cing Authority duly filled in Form CT-04. (2) The application made under sub-rule (1) shall b e accompanied with the information and documents as specified in the Second Schedule and fee as specifi ed in the Sixth Schedule: Provided that no fee shall be payable for conduct o f a clinical trial by a person of an institution or organisation funded or owned, wholly or partially b y the Central Government or by a State Government. 22. Grant of permission to conduct clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scru tiny of the information and documents furnished with the applic ation in Form CT-04 and such further enquiry, if an y, as may be considered necessary, \/uni2015 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant the permission to co nduct clinical trial for a new drug or investigational ne w drug in Form CT-06; (ii) in case, where the Central Licencing Authority cons iders that there are some deficiencies in the application and the same may be rectified, the said Authority shall inform the applicant about the deficiencies; (iii) if not satisfied that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, reject the application, f or the reasons to be recorded in writing. (2) The decision under sub-rule (1) shall be taken within ninety working days. 156 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (3) The applicant, after being informed, as referre d to in clause (ii) of sub-rule (1), by the Central Licencing Authority, may, \/uni2015 (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specified by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency, as re ferred in sub-rule (1), and provides required information and document s, the Central Licencing Authority shall scrutinize the application again and if satisfied, grant permission to conduct clinical trial of the n ew drug or investigational new drug, or if not satisfi ed, reject the application within a period of ninet y days reckoned from the day when the required inform ation and documents were provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant may request the Central Licencing Authority, to reconsider the application within a period of sixty working days from the date of rejection of the app lication on payment of fee as specified in the Sixth Schedul e and submission of required information and docume nts. (4) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1 ) or sub-rule (3), may file an appeal before the Central Governme nt in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare wit hin forty-five days from the date of receipt of such decision and the that Government, may, after such enquiry, and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the appella nt, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty working days. 23. Permission to conduct clinical trial of a new d rug or investigational new drug as part of discover y, research and manufacture in India. \/uni2015 (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these ru les, where any person or institution or organisation make an application under rule 21 t o conduct clinical trial of a new drug or an invest igational new drug which is complete as per these rules and fulfills t he following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the drug is discovered in India; or (ii) research and development of the drug are being done in India and also the drug is proposed to be manufactured and marketed in India, such application shall be disposed by way of grant of permission or rejection or processed by way of c ommunication to rectify any deficiency of the application, as th e case may be, as specified in rule 22, by the Cent ral Licencing Authority within a period of thirty working days fr om the date of the receipt of the application by th e said authority: Provided that, where no communication has been rece ived from the Central Licencing Authority to the applicant within the said period, the permission to conduct clinical trial shall be deemed to have bee n granted by the Central Licencing Authority and such permission sha ll be deemed to be legally valid for all purposes a nd the applicant shall be authorised to initiate clinical trial in accordance with these rules. (2) The applicant who has taken deemed approval und er the proviso to sub-rule (1) shall before initiat ing the clinical trial, inform the Central Licencing Au thority in Form CT-4A and the Central Licencing Aut hority shall on the basis of the said information, take on recor d the Form CT-4A which shall become part of the off icial record and shall be called automatic approval of the Centr al Licencing Authority. 24. Permission to conduct clinical trial of a new d rug already approved outside India. \/uni2015 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, where any person or insti tution or organisation makes an application under r ule 21 to conduct clinical trial of a new drug which is alrea dy approved and marketed in a country, as specified under rule 101,the application, shall be disposed of by way of grant of permission or rejection or processed by w ay of communication to rectify any deficiency, as the cas e may be, as specified in rule 22, by the Central L icencing Authority within a period of ninety working days fr om the date of the receipt of the application by th e said Authority. 25. Conditions of permission for conduct of clinica l trial.\/uni2015 The permission granted by the Central Licencing Authority to conduct clinical trial under this Chap ter shall be subject to following conditions, namel y:\/uni2015 (i) clinical trial at each site shall be initiated afte r approval of the clinical trial protocol and other related documents by the Ethics Committee of that site, reg istered with the Central Licencing Authority under rule (ii) where a clinical trial site does not have its own E thics Committee, clinical trial at that site may be initiated after obtaining approval of the protocol from the E thics Committee of another trial site; or an indepe ndent Ethics Committee for clinical trial constituted in accordance with the provisions of rule 7: Provided that the approving Ethics Committee for cl inical trial shall in such case be responsible for the study at the trial site or the centre, as the c ase may be: Provided further that the approving Ethics Committe e and the clinical trial site or the bioavailabilit y and bioequivalence centre, as the case may be, shal l be located within the same city or within a radiu s of 50 kms of the clinical trial site; [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 157 (iii) in case an ethics committee of a clinical trial sit e rejects the approval of the protocol, the details of the same shall be submitted to the Central Licensing Authori ty prior to seeking approval of another Ethics Committee for the protocol for conduct of the clini cal trial at the same site; (iv) the Central Licencing Authority shall be informed a bout the approval granted by the Ethics Committee within a period of fifteen working days of the gran t of such approval; (v) clinical trial shall be registered with the Clinica l Trial Registry of India maintained by the Indian Council of Medical Research before enrolling the first subject for the trial; (vi) clinical trial shall be conducted in accordance wit h the approved clinical trial protocol and other re lated documents and as per requirements of Good Clinical Practices Guidelines and the provisions of these ru les; (vii) status of enrolment of the trial subjects shall be submitted to the Central Licencing Authority on qua rterly basis or as appropriate as per the duration of trea tment in accordance with the approved clinical tria l protocol, whichever is earlier; (viii) six monthly status report of each clinical trial, a s to whether it is ongoing, completed or terminated , shall be submitted to the Central Licencing Authority electr onically in the SUGAM portal; (ix) in case of termination of any clinical trial the de tailed reasons for such termination shall be commun icated to the Central Licencing Authority within thirty wo rking days of such termination; (x) any report of serious adverse event occurring durin g clinical trial to a subject of clinical trial, sh all, after due analysis, be forwarded to the Central Licencing Aut hority, the chairperson of the Ethics Committee and the institute where the trial has been conducted within fourteen days of its occurrence as per Table 5 of the Third Schedule and in compliance with the procedure s as specified in Chapter VI; (xi) in case of injury during clinical trial to the subj ect of such trial, complete medical management and compensation shall be provided in accordance with C hapter VI and details of compensation provided in such cases shall be intimated to the Central Licenc ing Authority within thirty working days of the rec eipt of order issued by Central Licencing Authority in acco rdance with the provisions of the said Chapter; (xii) in case of clinical trial related death or permanen t disability of any subject of such trial during th e trial, compensation shall be provided in accordance with C hapter VI and details of compensation provided in such cases shall be intimated to the Central Licenc ing Authority within thirty working days of receipt of the order issued by the Central Licencing Authority in accordance with the provisions of the said Chapter; (xiii) the premises of the sponsor including his represent atives and clinical trial sites, shall be open for inspection by officers of the Central Licencing Authority who may be accompanied by officers of the State Licenci ng Authority or outside experts as authorised by the C entral Licencing Authority, to verify compliance of the requirements of these rules and Good Clinical Pract ices Guidelines, to inspect, search and seize any r ecord, result, document, investigational product, related to clinical trial and furnish reply to query raised by the said officer in relation to clinical trial; (xiv) where the new drug or investigational new drug is f ound to be useful in clinical development, the spon sor shall submit an application to the Central Licencin g Authority for permission to import or manufacture for sale or for distribution of new drug in India, in a ccordance with Chapter X of these rules, unless oth erwise justified; (xv) the laboratory owned by any person or a company or any other legal entity and utilised by that person to whom permission for clinical trial has been granted used for research and development, shall be deemed to be registered with the Central Licensing Authority and may be used for test or analysis of any drug fo r and on behalf of Central Licensing Authority; (xvi) the Central Licencing Authority may, if considered necessary, impose any other condition in writing wi th justification, in respect of specific clinical tria ls, regarding the objective, design, subject popula tion, subject eligibility, assessment, conduct and treatment of s uch specific clinical trial; (xvii) the sponsor and the investigator shall maintain the data integrity of the data generated during clinic al trial. 26. Validity period of permission to initiate a cli nical trial. \/uni2015 The permission to initiate clinical trial granted under rule 22 in Form CT-06 or automatic approval u nder rule 23 in Form CT 4A shall remain valid for a period of two years from the date of its issue, unl ess extended by the Central Licencing Authority. 27. Post-trial access of investigational new drug o r new drug. \/uni2015 Where any investigator of a clinical trial of investigational new drug or new drug has recommende d post-trial access of the said drug after completi on of clinical trial to any trial subject and the same ha s been approved by the Ethics Committee for clinica l trial, the post-trial access shall be provided by the sponsor of such clinical trial to the trial subject free of cost, \/uni2015 158 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (i) if the clinical trial is being conducted for an ind ication for which no alternative therapy is availab le and the investigational new drug or new drug has been found to be beneficial to the trial subject by the inves tigator; (ii) the trial subject or legal heir of such subject, a s the case may be, has consented in writing to use post-trial investigational new dr ug or new drug; and the investigator has certified and the trial subject or his legal heir, as the case may be, has declared in writing that the sponsor shall have no liability for post-trial use of investigational new drug or new drug. 28. Academic clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) No permission for conducting an academic clinic al trial shall be required for any drug from the Central Licencing Authority where, \/uni2015 (i) the clinical trial in respect of the permitted drug formulation is intended solely for academic resear ch purposes for a new indication or new route of admin istration or new dose or new dosage form; and (ii) the clinical trial referred to in clause (i) has be en initiated after prior approval by the Ethics Com mittee for clinical trial; and (iii) the observations generated from such clinical trial are not required to be submitted to the Central Licencing Authority; and (iv) the observations of such clinical trial are not use d for promotional purposes. (2) In the event of a possible overlap between the academic clinical trial and clinical trial or a dou bt on the nature of study, the Ethics Committee concerned shall inform the Central Licencing Authority in writing indicati ng its views within thirty working days from the receipt o f application to that effect. (3) The Central Licencing Authority shall, after receiv ing the communication from the Ethics Committee ref erred to in sub-rule (2), examine it and issue necessary cla rification, in writing, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of such communication: Provided that where the Central Licencing Authority does not send the required communication to such Ethics Committee within thirty working days fr om the date of receipt of communication from the sa id Ethics Committee, it shall be presumed that no perm ission from the Central Licencing Authority is requ ired. (4) The approved academic clinical trial shall be condu cted in accordance with the approved clinical trial protocol, ethical principles specified in National Ethical Gu idelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involvi ng Human Participants, notified by the Indian Council of Med ical Research with a view to ensuring protection of rights, safety and wellbeing of trial subject during conduc t of clinical trial of licenced and approved drug o r drug formulation for any new indication or new route of administration or new dose or new dosage form for a cademic research purposes. 29. Inspection of premises relating to clinical trial. \/uni2015 The person or the institution or the organisation p ermitted to conduct clinical trial under rule 22 in Form CT-06 or rule 23 in Form CT -4A including his representa tives and investigator, shall allow any officer authorised by the Central Licencing Authority, who may, if consi dered necessary, be accompanied by an officer authorised by the State L icencing Authority, to enter the premises and clini cal trial site with or without prior notice to inspect, search or seize, a ny record, statistical result, document, investigat ional drug and other related material; and reply to queries raised by th e inspecting authority in relation to conduct of su ch clinical trial. 30. Suspension or cancellation of permission to conduct clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) Where any person or institution or organisation to whom permission has been granted un der rule 22 in Form CT-06 or rule 23 in Form CT-4A fails to comply with any provision of the Act and these rule s, the Central Licencing Authority may, after givin g an opportunity to show cause and after affording an opportunity of being heard, by an order in writing, take one or m ore of the following actions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) issue warning in writing describing the deficiency or defect observed during inspection or otherwise, which may affect adversely the right, or well- bein g of a trial subject or the validity of clinical tr ial conducted; (ii) reject the results of clinical trial; (iii) suspend for such period as considered appropriate o r cancel the permission granted under rule 22 in Form CT-06 or rule 23 in Form CT-4A; (iv) debar the investigator or the sponsor inclu ding his representatives to conduct any clinical tr ial in future for such period as considered appropriate by the Ce ntral Licencing Authority. (2) Where a person or an institution or an organisa tion to whom permission has been granted under rule 22 in Form CT-06 or rule 23 in Form CT-4A or the sponsor is aggri eved by the order of the Central Licencing Authorit y, the person or the institution or the organisation may, within a p eriod of sixty working days of the receipt of the o rder, make an appeal [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 159 to the Central Government and that Government may, after such enquiry, as deemed necessary, and after affording an opportunity of being heard, pass such order in rela tion thereto as may be considered appropriate in th e facts and circumstances of the case. BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY 31. Bioavailability or bioequivalence study of new drug or investigational new drug. \/uni2015 (1) No bioavailability or bioequivalence study of any new drug or investigati onal new drug shall be conducted in human subjects by any person or institution or organisation except in acc ordance with the provisions of the Act and these ru les. (2) No person or institution or organisation shall conduct bioavailability or bioequivalence st udy of a new drug or investigational new drug in human subjects except i n accordance with the permission granted by the Cen tral Licencing Authority and without the protocol thereo f having been approved by the Ethics Committee regi stered under rule 8. (3) Every person associated with the conduct of bioavai lability or bioequivalence study of a new drug or investigational new drug shall follow the general p rinciples and practices as specified in the First S chedule. 32. Oversight of bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre. \/uni2015 The work of every bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre shall be overseen by an Ethics Committee registered under rule 8, before i nitiation and throughout the duration of the conduct of such stud y. 33. Application for permission to conduct bioavailabili ty or bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 (1) Any person or institution or organisation which intends to conduc t bioavailability or bioequivalence study of a new drug or an investigational new drug in human subjects shall ob tain permission for conducting bioavailability or bioequivalence study from the Central Licencing Aut hority by making an application in Form CT-05. (2) An application for grant of permission to cond uct bioavailability or bioequivalence study of any new drug or investigational new drug shall be accompanied by a fee as specified in Sixth Schedule and such other i nformation and documents as specified in the Table 2 of the Fo urth Schedule: Provided that no fee shall be payable for condu cting a bioavailability or bioequivalence study by an institution or organisation owned or funded wholly and partially by the Central Government or a State Government. 34. Grant of permission to conduct bioavailability or b ioequivalence study. \/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information an d documents furnished with the application in Form CT-05 and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered necessary, \/uni2015 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these ru les have been complied with, grant permission to co nduct bioavailability or bioequivalence study for a new d rug or investigational new drug in Form CT-07; or i f not satisfied reject the application, for reasons t o be recorded in writing within a period of ninety working days from the date of receipt of the applic ation in Form CT-05; (ii) in case, where the Central Licencing Authority considers that there are some deficiencies in the application and the same may be rectified, the said authority shall inform the applicant of the defici encies within the stipulated period referred to in clause (i). (2) The decision under sub-rule (1) shall be taken within ninety working days. (3) The applicant, after being informed as referred to in clause (ii) of sub-rule (1) by the Central L icencing Authority, may,- (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specified by the Central Licencing Authority; and (ii) where the applicant rectifies such deficiencies and provides required information and documents, the Central Licencing Authority shall scrutinise th e application again and if satisfied, grant permission to conduct bioavailability or bioequival ence study of the new drug or investigational new drug; or if not satisfied, reject the applicati on within a period of ninety working days reckoned from the day when the required information and documents were provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority, to reconsider the application within a period of si xty working days from the date of rejection of the application on payment of fee as specified in the S ixth Schedule and resubmission of required information and documents. (4) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1 ) and sub-rule (3), may file an appeal before the Central Gov ernment within forty-five working days from the dat e of receipt 160 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] of such decision and that Government, may, after su ch enquiry, and after giving an opportunity of bein g heard to the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a perio d of sixty working days. 35. Conditions of permission for conduct of bioavai lability or bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 The permission granted by the Central Licencing Authority to conduct bioavailabil ity or bioequivalence study under rule 34 shall be subject to following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) bioavailability or bioequivalence study at each sit e shall be initiated after approval of bioavailabil ity or bioequivalence study protocol, as the case may b e, and other related documents by the Ethics Committee of that site, registered under rule 8; (ii) where a bioavailability or bioequivalence study cen tre does not have its own Ethics Committee, bioavailability or bioequivalence study at that sit e may be initiated after obtaining approval of the protocol from the Ethics Committee registered under rule 8: Provided that the approving Ethics Committee shall in such case be responsible for the study at the centre: Provided further that both the approving Ethics Com mittee and the centre, shall be located within the same city or within a radius of fifty km s of the bioavailability or bioequivalence study (iii) in case an Ethics Committee of a bioavailability o r bioequivalence study centre rejects the approval of the protocol, the details of the same should be submitted to the Central Licensing Authority prior to seeking approval of another Ethics Committee for the protocol for conduct of the bioavailability or bioequivalence study at the same site; (iv) the Central Licencing Authority shall be informed a bout the approval granted by the registered Ethics Committee within a period of 15 working days of the grant of such approval; (v) bioavailability or bioequivalence study of new drug or investigational new drug shall be conducted only in the bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre registered with the Central Licencing Authority under rule 47; (vi) bioavailability or bioequivalence study of investig ational new drug shall be registered with the Clinical Trial Registry of India maintained by the Indian Council of Medical Research before enrolling the first subject for the study; (vii) bioavailability or bioequivalence study shall be c onducted in accordance with the approved bioavailability or bioequivalence study protocol an d other related documents and as per requirements of Good Clinical Practices Guidelines and provision s of these rules; (viii) in case of termination of any bioavailability or bi oequivalence study, the detailed reasons for such termination shall be communicated to the Central Li cencing Authority within thirty working days of such termination; (ix) any report of serious adverse event occurring duri ng bioavailability or bioequivalence study to a subject of such study, shall, after due analysis, b e forwarded to the Central Licencing Authority, the chairperson of the Ethics Committee and the institu te or the centre where the bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, has been conducted within fourteen days of its occurrence as per Table 5 of the Third Schedule and in complia nce with the procedures as specified in Chapter (x) in case of an injury during bioavailability or bioe quivalence study to the subject of such study, complete medical management and compensation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI and details of compensatio n provided in such cases shall be intimated to the Central Licencing Authority within thirty days of t he receipt of order issued in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter; (xi) in case of bioavailability or bioequivalence study related death or permanent disability of any subje ct of such study during the study, compensation shall be provided in accordance with Chapter VI and details of compensation provided in such cases shal l be intimated to the Central Licencing Authority within thirty days of receipt of the order issued i n accordance with the provisions of said Chapter; (xii) the premises of the sponsor including his represen tatives and bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre shall be open for inspection by office rs of the Central Licencing Authority who may be accompanied by officers of the State Licencing Auth ority or outside experts as authorised by the Central Licencing Authority, to verify compliance o f the requirements of these rules and Good Clinical Practices Guidelines, to inspect, search a nd seize any record, result, document, investigational product, related to bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, and [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 161 furnish reply to the queries raised by the said off icer in relation to bioavailability or bioequivalen ce (xiii) the bioavailability or bioequivalence study shall be initiated by enrolling the first subject within a period of one year from the date of grant of permis sion, failing which prior permission from the Central Licencing Authority shall be required. 36. Validity period of permission to conduct bioava ilability or bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 (1) The permission to conduct bioavailability or bioequivalence study gra nted under rule 34 in Form CT-07 shall remain valid for a period of one year from the date of its issue, unless susp ended or cancelled by the Central Licencing Authori ty. (2) In exceptional circumstances, where the Central Licencing Authority is satisfied about the necessi ty for an extension beyond one year, the said authority may, on the request of the applicant made in writing, ex tend the period of permission granted for a further period o f one year. 37. Inspection of premises relating to bioavailabil ity or bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 The person or the institution or the organisation permitted to conduct bioavailability o r bioequivalence study under rule 34 in Form CT-07 including his representatives and investigator, shall allow a ny officer authorised by the Central Licencing Auth ority, who may, if considered necessary, be accompanied by an officer authorised by the State Licencing Authority , to enter the premises and bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre with or without prior notice to inspec t, search or seize, any record, statistical result, document, in vestigational drug and other related material and r eply to the queries raised by the inspecting authority in relation to c onduct of such bioavailability or bioequivalence st udy. 38. Suspension or cancellation of permission to con duct bioavailability or bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 (1) Where any person or institution or organisation to whom permi ssion has been granted under rule 34 in Form CT-07 fails to comply with any provision of the Act and these rules, the Central L icencing Authority may, after giving an opportunity to show cause and after affording an op portunity of being heard, by an order in writing, t ake one or more of the following actions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) issue warning in writing describing the deficiency or defect observed during inspection or otherwise, which may affect adversely the rights, or well- bei ng of a subject enrolled in the study or the validi ty of bioavailability or bioequivalence study conducte d; (ii) reject the results of bioavailability or bioequival ence study, as the case may be; (iii) suspend for such period as considered approp riate or cancel the permission granted under rule 3 4 in Form CT-07; (iv) debar the investigator or the sponsor includi ng his representatives, to conduct any bioavailabil ity or bioequivalence study in future for such period as c onsidered appropriate by the Central Licencing Authority. (2) Where a person or an institution or an organisa tion to whom permission has been granted under rule 34 in Form CT-07or the sponsor is aggrieved by the order of th e Central Licencing Authority, the person or the in stitution or the organisation may, within a period of sixty days of the receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Cen tral Government and that Government may, after such enquiry, as dee med necessary, and after affording an opportunity o f being heard, pass such order in relation thereto as may b e considered appropriate in the facts and circumsta nces of the case within a period of sixty days from the date of rece ipt of the appeal. CHAPTER VI COMPENSATION 39. Compensation in case of injury or death in clin ical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence stu dy of new drug or investigational new drug. \/uni2015 (1) Where any death of a trial subject occurs duri ng a clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, the legal heir of the trial subject shall be provided financi al compensation by the sponsor or its representative, who has obtained permission to conduct the clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, in accorda nce with the procedure specified in rule 42. (2) Where permanent disability or any other injury occu rs to a trial subject during a clinical trial or bi oavailability or bioequivalence study, the trial subject shall be pr ovided financial compensation by the sponsor or its representative, who has obtained permission to conduct the clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, in accordance with the procedure specified in rule 42. (3) The financial compensation referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) shall be in addition to any exp enses incurred on medical management of the trial subject. (4) In the event of an injury, not being permanent in n ature, the quantum of compensation shall be commens urate with the loss of wages of the subject as provided in the Seventh Schedule. 162 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (5) The sponsor or its representative shall give an und ertaking along with the application for clinical tr ial permission to the Central Licencing Authority to provide compensa tion in the case of clinical trial related injury o r death for which subjects are entitled to compensation. (6) Where the sponsor or its representative, who has ob tained permission to conduct clinical trial or bioa vailability or bioequivalence study, fails to provide financial co mpensation, as referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-r ule (2), the Central Licencing Authority shall, after affording an oppor tunity of being heard, by an order in writing, susp end or cancel the clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or restrict the sponsor including its repres entative, who has obtained permission to conduct clinical trial or bi oavailability or bioequivalence study, to conduct a ny further clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or take any other action for such period as considere d appropriate in the light of the facts and circumstances of the case. 40. Medical Management in clinical trial or bioava ilability and bioequivalence study of new drug or investigational new drug. \/uni2015 (1) Where an injury occurs to any subject during c linical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study of a new drug or an investigat ional new drug, the sponsor, shall provide free med ical management to such subject as long as required as p er the opinion of investigator or till such time it is established that the injury is not related to the clinical tria l or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as th e case may be, whichever is earlier. (2) The responsibility for medical management as referr ed to in sub-rule (1), shall be discharged by the s ponsor or the person who has obtained permission from the Cen tral Licencing Authority. (3) Where the sponsor or its representative, who has ob tained permission to conduct clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, fails to p rovide medical management, as referred to in sub-ru le (1), the Central Licencing Authority shall after affording a n opportunity of being heard, by an order in writin g, suspend or cancel the clinical trial or bioavailability or bio equivalence study or restrict the sponsor including its representative, who has obtained permission to cond uct clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequival ence study, to conduct any further clinical trial or bioavailabili ty or bioequivalence study or take any other action for such period as considered appropriate in the light of the facts and circumstances of the case. 41. Consideration of injury or death or permanent d isability to be related to clinical trial or bioava ilability and bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 Any injury or death or permanent disability of a t rial subject occurring during clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study due to a ny of the following reasons shall be considered as clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study related inj ury or death or permanent disability, namely:- (a) adverse effect of the investigational product; (b) violation of the approved protocol, scientific misc onduct or negligence by the sponsor or his represen tative or the investigator leading to serious adverse even t; (c) failure of investigational product to provide inten ded therapeutic effect where, the required standard care or rescue medication, though available, was not provid ed to the subject as per clinical trial protocol; (d) not providing the required standard care, though av ailable to the subject as per clinical trial protoc ol in the placebo controlled trial; (e) adverse effects due to concomitant medication exclu ding standard care, necessitated as part of the app roved protocol; (f) adverse effect on a child in-utero because of the p articipation of the parent in the clinical trial; (g) any clinical trial procedures involved in the study leading to serious adverse event. 42. Procedure for compensation in case of injury o r death during clinical trial, bioavailability and bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 (1) The investigator shall report all serious adve rse events to the Central Licencing Authority, the sponsor or its representative, who h as obtained permission from the Central Licencing A uthority for conduct of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, and the Ethics Committee that accorded approval to the study proto col, within twenty-four hours of their occurrence; and if the investigator fails to report any serious advers e event within the stipulated period, he shall have to furnish the reasons for delay to the satisfaction of the Ce ntral Licencing Authority along with the report of the serious adverse event. (2) A case of serious adverse event of death shall be examined in the following manner, namely:- (i) the Central Licencing Authority shall constitut e an independent expert committee to examine the ca ses and make its recommendations to the said authority for arriving at the cause of death and quantum of compensation in case of clinical trial related deat h; [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 163 (ii) the sponsor or its representative and the inve stigator shall forward their reports on serious adv erse event of death after due analysis to the Central Licencing A uthority and the head of the institution where the clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study has been conducted within fourteen days of t he knowledge of occurrence of serious adverse event of death; (iii) the Ethics Committee for clinical trial shall forward its report on serious adverse event of dea th after due analysis along with its opinion on the financial co mpensation, if any, determined in accordance with t he formula specified in the Seventh Schedule, to be pa id by the said sponsor or its representative, who h as obtained permission from the Central Licencing Auth ority for conduct of clinical trial or bioavailabil ity or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, to the Ce ntral Licencing Authority within a period of thirty days of receiving the report of the serious adverse event of death from the investigator; (iv) the Central Licencing Authority shall forward the report of the investigator, sponsor or its represen tative and the Ethics Committee to the Chairperson of the expert committee; (v) the expert committee shall examine the report of se rious adverse event of death and make its recommendations available to the Central Licencing Authority for the purpose of arriving at the cause of the serious adverse event of death within sixty day s from the receipt of the report of the serious adv erse event, and the expert committee while examining the event, may take into consideration, the reports of the investigator, sponsor or its representative and the Ethics Committee for clinical trial; (vi) in case of clinical trial or the bioavailability o r bioequivalence study related death, the expert co mmittee shall also recommend the quantum of compensation, d etermined in accordance with the formula specified in the Seventh Schedule, to be paid by the sponsor or his representative who has obtained the permissi on to conduct the clinical trial or the bioavailabilit y or bioequivalence study, as the case may be; (vii) the Central Licencing Authority shall consider the recommendations of the expert committee and shall determine the cause of death with regards to the re latedness of the death to the clinical trial or the bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as the cas e may be; (viii) in case of clinical trial or the bioavailability or bioequivalence study related death, the Central Licencing Authority shall, after considering the re commendations of the expert committee, by order, decide the quantum of compensation, determined as p er the formula specified in the Seventh Schedule, t o be paid by the sponsor or its representative and sh all pass orders as deemed necessary within ninety d ays of the receipt of the report of the serious adverse event; (ix) the sponsor or its representative shall pay the co mpensation in case the serious adverse event of dea th is related to clinical trial or the bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as specified in the order re ferred to in clause (viii) of the Central Licencing Authority within thirty days of the receipt of such order. (3) Cases of serious adverse events of permanent d isability or any other injury other than deaths sha ll be examined in the following manner, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the sponsor or its representative, and the Inve stigator shall forward their reports on serious adv erse event, after due analysis, to the Central Licencing Author ity, chairperson of the Ethics Committee for clinic al trial and head of the institution where the trial or bioa vailability or bioequivalence study has been conduc ted within fourteen days of the reporting of serious ad verse event; (ii) the Ethics Committee for clinical trial shall forwa rd its report on serious adverse event of permanent disability or any other injury other than deaths, a s the case may be, after due analysis along with it s opinion on the financial compensation, if any, determined i n accordance with the formula specified in the Seve nth Schedule, to be paid by the sponsor or its represen tative who has obtained permission to conduct clini cal trial or the bioavailability or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, within thirty days of receiving th e report of the serious adverse event; (iii) the Central Licencing Authority shall determine the cause of the injury and pass order as specified in clause (iv), or may constitute an independent exper t committee, wherever it considers necessary, to ex amine such serious adverse events of injury, and such ind ependent expert committee shall recommend to the Central Licencing Authority for the purpose to arri ve at the cause of the serious adverse event and al so the quantum of compensation, as determined in accordanc e with formula as specified in the Seventh Schedule in case of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequ ivalence study related injury, within a period of s ixty days of receipt of the report of the serious adverse event; (iv) in case of clinical trial or the bioavailability or bioequivalence study related injury, the Central L icencing Authority shall, by order, decide the quantum of co mpensation, determined in accordance with the formu la specified in the Seventh Schedule, to be paid by th e sponsor or his representative who has obtained th e 164 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] permission to conduct the clinical trial or the bio availability or bioequivalence study, as the case m ay be, within a period of ninety days of receipt of the re port of the serious adverse event; (v) the sponsor or its representative, who has obtained permission to conduct the clinical trial or bioava ilability or bioequivalence study, as the case may be, shall pay the compensation in case of clinical trial or bioa vailability or bioequivalence study related injury, as specifie d in the order of the Central Licencing Authority r eferred to in clause (iv) within thirty days of receipt of suc h order. 43. Medical management and compensation for injury or d eath relating to biomedical and health research overseen by an Ethics Committee for biomedical and health research as referred to in Chapter IV. \/uni2015 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, medical management and compensation for injury or d eath relating to biomedical and health research, oversee n by an Ethics Committee for clinical trials as ref erred to in Chapter IV, shall be in accordance with the Nationa l Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Rese arch Involving Human Participants specified by the India n Council of Medical Research from time to time. CHAPTER VII BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY CENTRE 44. Registration of bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre. \/uni2015 No bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre shall conduct any bioavailability study or b ioequivalence study of a new drug or investigationa l new drug in human subjects except in accordance with the regist ration granted by the Central Licencing Authority u nder these 45. Application for registration of bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre. \/uni2015 (1) Application for registration of any bioavailability and bioequivale nce study centre with the Central Licencing Authori ty shall be made to the said authority in Form CT-08. (2) The application under sub-rule (1) sha ll be accompanied by a fee as specified in the Sixt h Schedule and such other information and documents as specified in the Fourth Schedule. 46. Inspection of bioavailability and bioequivalence st udy centre. \/uni2015 On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) of rule 45, any officer authorised by the Centr al Licencing Authority who may be accompanied by th e officers authorised by the State Licencing Authority, may ca use an inspection of the bioavailability and bioequ ivalence study centre to verify the facility of the centre a nd the capacity of the applicant to comply with the requirements of these rules. 47. Grant of registration to bioavailability and bioequ ivalence study centre. \/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information an d documents furnished with the application in Form CT-08 and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered necessary, and if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant registration to the applicant in Form CT-09 within a period of ninety w orking days from the date of receipt of its application in Form CT-08; or if not satisfied, reject the applic ation, for reasons to be recorded in writing, from the date the applic ation was made under sub-rule (1) of rule 45; (2) In case, where the Central Licencing Authority cons iders that there are some deficiencies in the appli cation and the same are to be rectified, said authority sh all inform the applicant of the deficiencies within the period as provided in sub-rule (1); (3) The applicant may, after being informed by the Cent ral Licencing Authority as specified in sub-rule(2) ,\/uni2015 (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period spec ified by the Central Licencing Authority; and (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency w ithin the period referred to in clause (i) and prov ides required information and documents, the Central Lic encing Authority shall scrutinise the application again and if satisfied, grant registrat ion to the applicant in Form CT-09 or if not satisfied, reject the application within a period o f ninety days reckoned from the day when the required information and documents were provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority, to reconsider the application within a p eriod of sixty days from the date of rejection of t he application on payment of fee as specified in the S ixth Schedule and submission of required information and documents. (4) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision of t he Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1) o r sub-rule (3), may file an appeal within forty-five days from the date of receipt of such rejection before the Central Government and that Government may, after such enqu iry and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty days. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 165 48. Validity period and renewal of registration of bioavailability and bioequivalence centre. \/uni2015 (1) The registration granted under rule 47 in Form CT-09 shall remain va lid for a period of five years from the date of its issue, unless suspended or cancelled by the Central Licencing Aut hority. (2) The bioavailability or bioequivalence centre shall make an application for renewal of registration in Form CT-08 along with documents as specified in the Fourth Sch edule at least ninety days prior to date of expiry of its registration: Provided that if the application for renewal of reg istration is received by the Central Licencing Auth ority ninety days prior to date of expiry, the registrati on shall continue to be in force until orders are p assed by the said authority on the application. (3) The Central Licencing Authority shall, after scruti ny of information enclosed with the application and after taking into account the inspection report, and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered nece ssary, if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules, \/uni2015 (i) have been complied with, grant registration or rene w registration in Form CT-09; (ii) have not been complied with, reject the application , for reasons to be recorded in writing, within a p eriod of forty-five days, from the date the application was made under sub-rule (2). 49. Conditions of registration. \/uni2015 The registration granted under rule 47 in Form CT-0 9 shall be subject to following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the centre shall maintain the facilities and ade quately qualified and trained personnel as specifie d in the Fourth Schedule for performing its functions; (ii) the centre shall initiate any bioavailability study or bioequivalence study of any new drug or investigational new drug in human subjects after ap proval of the protocol and other related documents by the Ethics Committee for clinical tria l and permission of such study granted by the Central Licencing Authority; (iii) where the bioavailability or bioequivalence study c entre does not have its own Ethics Committee, bioavailability or bioequivalence study at that sit e may be initiated after obtaining approval of the protocol from another Ethics Committee for clinical trial registered under rule 8: Provided that the approving Ethics Committ ee accepts the responsibility for the study at the centre and, both the approving Ethics Committee and the centre, are located within the same city or within a radius of fifty kms of the centre; (iv) the Central Licencing Authority shall be informed a bout the approval of the Ethics Committee for clinical trial; (v) bioavailability or bioequivalence study of investig ational new drug shall be registered with the Clinical Trial Registry of India before enrolling t he first subject for the study; (vi) study shall be conducted in accordance with the ap proved protocol and other related documents and as per requirements of Good Clinical Practices Guid elines and provisions of the Act and these rules; (vii) in case of termination of any such study prematurely, the detailed reasons for such termination shall be communicated to the Central Licencing Authority immediately; (viii) any report of serious adverse event occurring during s tudy to the subject of such study shall, after due analysis, be forwarded to Central Licencing Aut hority within fourteen days of its occurrence in the format as specified in Table 5 of the Third Sch edule and in compliance with the procedures as specified in rule 42; (ix) in case of an injury to the study subject during st udy, the complete medical management and compensation in the case of study related injury sh all be provided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI and details of compensation paid to t he trial subject in such cases shall be intimated t o the Central Licencing Authority within thirty days of receipt of the order; (x) in case of death, permanent disability, injury othe r than death and permanent disability, as the case may be, of a study subject, compensation shall be p rovided in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI and details of compensation paid to the trial subject or his legal heir, as the case may be , in such cases shall be intimated to the Central Lic encing Authority within thirty days of receipt of the order; (xi) if there is any change in constitution or ownership of the bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre, the centre shall intimate about the change in writing to the Central Licencing Authority within thirty days of such change; 166 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (xii) the study centre shall maintain data, records, and oth er documents related to the conduct of the bioavailability or bioequivalence study for a perio d of five years after completion of such study or for at least two years after the expiration date of the batch of the new drug or investigational new drug studied, whichever is later; (xiii) the bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre shall allow any officer authorized by the Central Licencing Authority who may be accompanied by an officer authorised by State Licencing Authority to enter the premises with or without pri or notice, to inspect any record, statistical observation or results or any documents related to bioavailability study and bio-equivalence study and furnish information to the queries raised by su ch authorised person, in relation to the conduct of the said study; (xiv) the Central Licencing Authority may, if considered necessary, impose additional condition, in writing with justification, in respect of specific bioavailability and bioequivalence study regarding the objective, design, subject population, subject eligibility, assessments, conduct and treatment of such specific study. 50. Inspection of bioequivalence and bioavailabilit y study centre registered with Central Licencing Au thority.\/uni2015 The bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre registered by the Central Licencing Authority unde r Rule 47 in Form CT-09, including his representatives and inves tigator, shall allow any officer authorised by the Central Licencing Authority, who may be accompanied by an o fficer authorised by the State Licencing Authority, to enter the premises of the bioavailability and bioequivale nce study centre with or without prior consent, to inspect, search or seize, any record, document, investigational pro duct and other related material and reply to querie s raised by the inspecting authority in relation to functioning of the centre. 51. Suspension or cancellation of registration of b ioavailability and bioequivalence study centre. \/uni2015 (1) Where any bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre inc luding his representatives or investigator, fails t o comply with any provision of the Act and these rules, the Centr al Licencing Authority may, after giving an opportu nity to show cause and after affording an opportunity of being h eard, by an order in writing, take one or more of t he following actions, namely: \/uni2015 (a) issue warning in writing describing the deficiency or defect observed during inspection or otherwise, which may affect adversely the right or well-being of trial subject or the validity of any study conducted; (b) reject the results of the study; (c) suspend the conduct of a study; (d) suspend for such period as considered appropriate o r cancel the registration granted under rule 47 in Form CT-09; and (e) debar the centre including its representatives to c onduct any bioavailability and bioequivalence study in future for such period as considered appropriate by the Central Licencing Authority. (2) Where a bioavailability and bioequivalence stud y centre registered under Form CT- 09 against whom an order has been made under sub-ru le (1) is aggrieved by the order of the Central Lic encing Authority, the bioavailability and bioequivalence s tudy centre may within a period of sixty days of th e receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Central Government and that Government may, after such enquiry, as deemed necessary and after affording an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders in relation thereto as may be cons idered appropriate in the facts and circumstances of the c ase. CHAPTER VIII MANUFACTURE OF NEW DRUGS OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRU GS FOR CLINICAL TRIAL, BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OR F OR EXAMINATION, TEST AND ANALYSIS 52. Application for permission to manufacture of ne w drug or investigational new drug for clinical tri al or bioavailability and bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis. (1) No person shall manufacture a new drug or an invest igational new drug to conduct clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for exam ination, test and analysis without obtaining permis sion to manufacture such new drug or investigational new dr ug from the Central Licencing Authority. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 167 (2) Any person who intends to manufacture a new drug or an investigational new drug to conduct clinical tr ial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study or for exa mination, test and analysis shall make an applicati on in Form CT-10 to the Central Licencing Authority to ob tain the permission referred to in sub-rule(1). (3) The application referred in sub-rule (2) shall be a ccompanied with such documents and information as specified in the Fourth Schedule along with fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. 53. Grant of permission to manufacture new drugs or investigational new drugs for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, or for exa mination, test and analysis. \/uni2015 (1)The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information an d documents furnished with the application in Form CT-10 and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered necessary, if satisfied, that the requirements of t hese rules have been complied with, grant permission to manufacture the new drug or investigational new drug for condu ct of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis, as the case ma y be, the new drug or investigational new drug, in Form CT-11 within a period of ninety working days from the date of rec eipt of its application in Form CT-10; or if not satisfied that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, reject the application, for reasons to be recorded in writing, within a period of ninety working days from the da te the application was made under sub-rule (2) of rule 52. (2)In case, where the Central Licencing Authority c onsiders that there are some deficiencies in the ap plication and the same may be rectified, the said authority shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies within th e period specified in sub-rule (1) (3) The applicant may, after being informed by the Central Licencing Authority as specified in sub-rul e (2),\/uni2015 (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specified by the Central Licencing Authority; and (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency within the period referred to in clause (i) and provides required information and documents, the Central Lic encing Authority shall scrutinise the application again and if satisfied, grant permissio n to manufacture for conduct of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, or for exa mination, test and analysis, as the case may be , for the new drug or investigational new drug; or if not satisfied, reject the application within a period of ninety working days reckoned from the day when the required information and documents were provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority to reconsider the application within a pe riod of sixty working days from the date of rejecti on of the application on payment of fee as specified in t he Sixth Schedule and submission of required information and documents. (4) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1 ) or sub-rule (3), may file an appeal before the Central Government wi thin forty-five days from the date of receipt of su ch decision and that Government, may, after such enquiry, and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the appell ant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty days from the d ate of filing the appeal. 54. Validity period of permission to manufacture of new drug or investigational new drugs for clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study, or for ex amination, test and analysis. \/uni2015 (1) The permission granted under rule 53 in Form CT-11 shall remain valid for a period of three years from the date of its issue, unless suspended or cancelled by the Central Licencing Aut hority. (2) In exceptional circumstances, where the Central Licencing Authority is satisfied about the necessi ty and exigency, it may, on the request of the applicant made in writin g, by order, and for reasons to be recorded, extend the period of the permission granted for a further period of one year. 55. Condition of permission. \/uni2015 The grant of permission under rule 53 in Form CT-1 1 shall be subject to the following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the permission holder shall make use of new drug ma nufactured under Form CT-11 only for the purposes of conducting clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study o r for examination, test and analysis and no part of i t shall be sold in the market or supplied to any ot her person or agency or institution or organisation; (ii) the permission holder shall manufacture new drugs for the purposes of clinical trial or bioavailabil ity and bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis in small quantities in accordance with the provisions of these rules and at places specified i n the permission and in accordance with the princip les of Good Manufacturing Practices; (iii) the permission holder shall keep a record of new dr ugs manufactured and persons to whom the drugs have been supplied for clinical trial or bioavailab ility and bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis; 168 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (iv) where new drug manufactured for purposes of clinica l trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis is left over or remains unused or gets damaged or its specified shelf life has expired or has been found to be of s ub- standard quality, the same shall be destroyed a nd action taken in respect thereof shall be recorded. 56. Licence to manufacture new drugs or investigati onal new drugs for clinical trial or bioavailabilit y or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. \/uni2015 (1) After obtaining permission under rule 53, the perso n, who intends to manufacture the new drug or inves tigational new drugs for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis of new drugs or investigational new drugs, shall make an a pplication for grant of licence to manufacture new drug or investigational new drugs in accordance with the pr ovisions of the Act and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rul es, 1945. (2) The application referred in sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by the permission under rule 53 in F orm CT-11 obtained by the applicant from the Central Licen cing Authority to manufacture the new drugs for cli nical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis. 57. Inspection of new drugs or investigational new drugs manufactured for clinical trial or bioavailab ility and bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis.\/uni2015 The permission holder or the person, to whom new drugs have been supplied for conducting clinica l trial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis, shall allow any off icer authorised by the Central Licencing Authority or the State Licencing Authority to enter, the premises where th e new drug is being manufactured or stored, with or without prior notice, to inspect such premises and records, investigate the manner in which the drugs are bein g manufactured or stored or used and to take sample t hereof. 58. Suspension or cancellation of manufacturing per mission for new drug or investigational new drugs. \/uni2015 (1) Subject to provisions of rule 55, where the permiss ion holder, fails to comply with any provision of t he Act and these rules, the Central Licencing Authority may, a fter giving that person an opportunity to show caus e and after affording an opportunity of being heard, by an orde r in writing, take one or more of the following act ions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) suspend the permission for such period as considere d appropriate; (ii) cancel the permission granted under rule 53 in Form CT-11. (2) Where the permission holder whose permission ha s been suspended or cancelled under sub-rule (1) is aggrieved by an order of the Central Licencing Auth ority, he may, within sixty days of the receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Central Government and that Government may, after such enquiry, as deemed necessary and after affording an opportunity of bei ng heard, pass such order in relation thereto as ma y be considered appropriate in the facts and circumstanc es of the case. 59. Application for permission to manufacture unapp roved active pharmaceutical ingredient for developm ent of pharmaceutical formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalenc e study.\/uni2015 (1) Where a manufacturer of a pharmaceutical formul ation intends to procure active pharmaceutical ingr edient, which is not approved under rule 76 or rule 81, for development of formulation and to manufacture batc hes for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavaila bility and bioequivalence study of such formulation , the application for permission to manufacture such drug shall be made to the Central Licencing Authority b y the manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulation in Form CT-12 and manufacturer of the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Form CT-13 . (2) The application under sub-rule (1) shall be acc ompanied by such other particulars and documents as are specified in Form CT-12 or For m CT-13, as the case maybe. 60. Grant of permission to manufacture unapproved a ctive pharmaceutical ingredient for development of pharmaceutical formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalenc e study.\/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information and documents furnished with th e application under rule 59 in Form CT-12 or CT-13, as the case m ay be, and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered necessary: \/uni2015 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant the permission to th e manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredient in Form CT-15 to manufacture the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient and to the manufac turer of pharmaceutical formulation in Form CT-14 for development of pharmaceutical formulation fo r test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study within nin ety working days; or (ii) if not satisfied that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, reject the application, f or reasons to be recorded in writing, within a period of ninety working days, from the date, the application was made under sub-rule (1) of rule 59; or [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 169 (iii) if the Central Licencing Authority considers that t here are some deficiencies in the application and t he same may be rectified, the said Authority shall inf orm the applicant of the deficiencies within the stipulated period referred to in clause (i). (2) The applicant may, after being informed, by the Central Licencing Authority as referred to in clau se (iii) of sub-rule (1),- (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specified by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency, as re ferred in sub-rule (1), within the period referred to in clause (i) and provides required information and do cuments, the Central Licencing Authority shall scrutinise the application again and if satisfied, grant permission to the manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredient in Form CT-15 to manufact ure the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient and to the manufacturer of pharmaceutica l formulation in Form CT-14 for development of pharmaceutical formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalenc e study; or if not satisfied, reject the application within a period of ninety working days reckoned fro m the day when the required information and documents wer e provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority, to reconsider the application within a period of sixty days from the date of rejection of the application on payment of fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule a nd submission of required information and documents . (3) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1 ) or sub-rule (2), may file an appeal before the Central Gov ernment within sixty days from the date of receipt of such rejection and that Government, may, after such enqu iry, and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty days from the date of filing the appeal. 61. Validity period of the permission to manufacture un approved active pharmaceutical ingredient and its formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 (1) The permission granted under rule 60 in Form CT-14 or F orm CT-15, as the case may be, shall remain valid f or a period of three years from the date of its issue, u nless suspended or cancelled by the Central Licenci ng Authority. (2) In exceptional circumstances, where the Central Licencing Authority is satisfied about the necessi ty and exigency, it may, on the request of the applicant m ade in writing, by order and for reasons to be reco rded extend the period of permission granted for a further peri od of one year. 62. Suspension or cancellation of permission to manufac ture unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient fo r development of formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability and bioequivalenc e study.\/uni2015 (1) Subject to provision of rule 60, where the for mulation manufacturer or an active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturer fails to comply with any pr ovisions of the Act and these rules, the Central Li cencing Authority may, after giving an opportunity to show cause and after affording an opportunity of being h eard, by an order in writing, take one or more of the following actions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) suspend the permission for such period as considere d appropriate; (ii) cancel the permission granted under rule 60 in Form CT-14 or Form CT-15. (2) Where the formulation manufacturer or active ph armaceutical ingredient manufacturer whose permissi on has been suspended or cancelled under sub-rule (1), is aggrieved by an order of the Central Licencing Auth ority, such manufacturer may, within forty-five days of th e receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Centr al Government and that Government may, after such enqu iry, as deemed necessary and after affording an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders in rel ation thereto as may be considered appropriate in t he facts and circumstances of the case. 63. Conditions of permission. \/uni2015 The permission granted under rule 60 in Form CT-14 or Form CT-15 shall be subject to following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulation or the active pharmaceutical ingredient shall make use of the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient manufac tured on the basis of permission issued under rule 60, only for the purposes specified in the said permission, and no part of it shall be sold in the market; (ii) the permission holder shall manufacture such a ctive pharmaceutical ingredient or its pharmaceutic al formulation for the purposes as specified in permis sion in accordance with the provisions of these rul es and at places referred to in such permission and, in case, the manufacture of such drugs is for clinical tria l or bioavailability and bioequivalence study, it should be manufactured in accordance with the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices; 170 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (iii) the manufacturer of a pharmaceutical formulat ion and active pharmaceutical ingredient referred t o in clause (i), shall keep all necessary records to indicate the qu antity of drug procured, manufactured, used, dispos ed of in any manner and other matters related thereto; (iv) where unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredi ent and pharmaceutical formulation manufactured in accordance with the permission issued under rule 60 is left over or remains, unused or gets damaged or its shelf life has expired or has been found to be of sub-sta ndard quality, the same shall be destroyed and acti on taken in respect thereof shall be recorded. 64. Licence to manufacture unapproved active pharmaceut ical ingredient for development of formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailabili ty and bioequivalence study under the Drugs and Cos metics Rules, 1945. \/uni2015 (1) After obtaining permission under rule 60, the person intending to manufacture unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient or pharmaceutical formulation of the new drug or investigational new drug for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis, shall make an application for grant of licence to manufacture una pproved active pharmaceutical ingredient or pharmac eutical formulation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability in accordance with the provision s of the Act and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. (2) The application referred in sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by the permission granted under rule 60 in Form CT-14 or Form CT-15, as the case may be, obtained b y the applicant from the Central Licencing Authorit y to manufacture unapproved active pharmaceutical ingred ient for development of formulation for test or ana lysis or clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study. 65. Inspection of manufacturer of unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient for development of formu lation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavaila bility and bioequivalence study. \/uni2015 The manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredient or formulation, referred to in rule 60, shall allow any officer authorised b y the Central Licencing Authority or the person authorised by the State Licencing Authority to enter the premises wh ere the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient is bein g manufactured, stored and used, with or without pr ior notice, to inspect such premises and records, inspect the m anner in which the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient is being manufactured and stored or used and to tak e sample thereof. 66. Manner of labelling. \/uni2015 (1) Any new drug or investigational new drug manuf actured, for the purpose of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study, shall b e kept in containers bearing labels, indicating the name of the drug or code number, batch or lot number, wherever appli cable, date of manufacture, use before date, storag e conditions, name of the institution or organisation or the cent re where the clinical trial or bioavailability or b ioequivalence study is proposed to be conducted, name and address of the manufacturer, and the purpose for which it has been manufactured. (2) Where a new drug or an investigational new drug is manufactured by the permission holder on behalf of another person, the permission holder shall indicat e on the label of the container of such drug, the n ame and address of the manufacturer and the person to whom it is be ing supplied along with the scientific name of such drug, if known, or the reference which shall enable such dru g to be identified and the purpose for which it is manufactured. (3) No person or manufacturer shall alter, obliterate o r deface any inscription or mark made on the contai ner, label or wrapper of any new drug manufactured witho ut permission of the Central Licencing Authority. CHAPTER IX IMPORT OF NEW DRUGS AND INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS F OR CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALANCE STUDY OR FOR EXAMINATION, TEST AND ANALYSIS 67. Application for import of new drug or investiga tional new drug for clinical trial or bioavailabili ty or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis.\/uni2015 (1) No person shall import a new drug or any substance relating thereto for conducting clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis except in accordance with the lic ence granted by Central Licencing Authority. (2) Any person or institution or organisation who i ntends to import a new drug or any substance relati ng thereto for conducting clinical trial or bioavailability or bio equivalence study or for examination, test and anal ysis shall make an application in Form CT-16 to the Central Licenci ng Authority. (3) The application under sub-rule (2) shall be acc ompanied by a fees specified in the Sixth Schedule and such other information and documents as specified in Form CT-1 6. 68. Grant of licence for import of new drug or inve stigational new drug for clinical trial or bioavail ability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis.\/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information and documents furnished with the application in Form CT-16 and such furthe r enquiry, if any, as may be considered necessary, \/uni2015 [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 171 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant the licence to impor t of new drug or investigational new drug for clinica l trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis in Form CT-17 within a period of ninety days from the date of receipt of its application in FormCT-16; (ii) in case, where the Central Licencing Authority cons iders that there are some deficiencies in the application and the sa me may be rectified, the said Authority shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies within the stipulated period referred to in clause (i); (iii) if not satisfied that the requirements of these rul es have been complied with, reject the application, for reasons to be recorded in writing, within a per iod of ninety days, from the date of the applicatio n made under sub-rule (2) of rule 67; (2) The applicant may, after being informed, by the Central Licencing Authority as referred to in clau se (ii) of sub-rule (1), \/uni2015 (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specif ied by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency, as r eferred in clause (i) and provides required information and documents, the Central Licencing Au thority shall scrutinise the application again and if satisfied, grant licence to import of new drug or investigational new drug for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis; or if not satisfied, reject the application within a p eriod of ninety working days reckoned from the day when the required information and documents wer e provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority, to reconsider the application within a period of sixty days from the date of rejection of the application on payment of fee a s specified in the Sixth Schedule and submission of required information and documents. (3) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1 ) or sub-rule (2), may file an appeal before the Central Government within sixty days from the date of receipt of such rejection and that Government, may, after such enquiry, and after giving an opportunit y of being heard to the appellant, dispose of the app eal within a period of sixty working days. 69. Validity period of licence for import of new dr ugs for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequ ivalence study or for examination, test and analysis. \/uni2015 (1) The licence granted under rule 68 in Form CT-1 7 shall remain valid for a period of three years from the date of its issue, u nless suspended or cancelled by the Central Licenci ng Authority. (2) In exceptional circumstances, where the Central Licencing Authority is satisfied about the necessi ty and exigency, it may, on the request of the applicant m ade in writing, extend the period of the licence gr anted under rule 68 for a further period of one year. 70. Condition of licence. \/uni2015 The licence granted under rule 68 in Form CT-17 is subject to the following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) it shall be the responsibility of the licencee to e nsure that the new drug has been manufactured in accordance with the provisions of the Act, these ru les and principles of Good Manufacturing Practices; (ii) the licencee shall make use of a new drug or substa nce relating thereto imported on the basis of licence granted under rule 68 in Form CT-17 only fo r the purposes of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test an d analysis and no part of such new drug or substance relating thereto shall be sold in the mar ket or supplied to any other person or agency or institution or organisation; (iii) the licencee shall maintain records of imported new drug or substance relating thereto to indicate the quantity of drug imported, used, disposed of in any manner and other matters related thereto; (iv) where the imported new drug or substance relating t hereto is left over or remains unused or gets damaged or its specified shelf life has expired or has been found to be of sub-standard quality, the same shall be destroyed and details of action taken in such cases shall be recorded. 71. Inspection of imported new drug for clinical tr ial or the bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis. \/uni2015 The person licenced to import a new drug for clini cal trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis shall allow any officer authorised by the C entral Licencing Authority to enter the premises where a new drug or substances relating thereto has been manufactured or imported, is stocked or is being used, with or without prior not ice, to inspect such premises and records, investig ate the manner in which such drug is being stocked or used or to take sample thereof if so required by the Central Licen cing Authority or his authorised person. 172 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 72. Suspension or cancellation of import licence of new drug for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis. \/uni2015 (1) Where the person to whom a licence has been gr anted under rule 68, fails to comply with any provisions of the Act and these rules, the Central Licencing Authority may, after g iving an opportunity to show cause and after affording an op portunity of being heard, by an order in writing, s uspend or cancel the licence for such period as considered appropria te either wholly or in respect of some of the subst ances to which the violation relates and direct the imported new drugs to be disposed of in the manner specified in the s aid order. (2) Where the person whose licence has been suspend ed or cancelled under sub-rule (1), is aggrieved by an order of the Central Licencing Authority, such person may, w ithin a period of forty-five days of the receipt of the order of suspension or cancellation, make an appeal to the C entral Government and that Government may, after su ch enquiry, as deemed necessary and after affording an opportunity of being heard, pass such order in rel ation thereto as considered appropriate within a period of sixty working days from the date of filing the appeal. 73. Manner of labelling. \/uni2015 (1) Any new drugs or investigational new drugs imp orted for the purpose of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for exam ination, test and analysis shall be kept in contain ers bearing labels, indicating the name of the drug or code num ber, batch or lot number, wherever applicable, date of manufacture, use before date, storage conditions, n ame of the institution or organisation or the centr e where the clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis is pro posed to be conducted, name and address of the manufacturer, an d the purpose for which it has been imported. (2) Where a new drug or an investigational new drug is imported by the licencee on behalf of another p erson, the licencee shall indicate on the label of the contain er of the such drug, the name and address of the im porter and the person to whom it is being supplied along with the scientific name of such drug, if known, or the refe rence which shall enable such drug to be identified and the pur pose for which it is manufactured. (3) No person or importer shall alter, obliterate o r deface any inscription or mark made on the contai ner, label or wrapper of any new drug imported without permission of the Central Licencing Authority. CHAPTER X IMPORT OR MANUFACTURE OF NEW DRUG FOR SALE OR FOR D ISTRIBUTION 74. Regulation of new drug. \/uni2015 No person shall import or manufacture for sale or for distribution any new drug in the form of active pharmaceutical ingredient or pharmac eutical formulation, as the case may be, except in accordance with the provisions of the Act and these rules. 75. Application for permission to import new drug for s ale or distribution. \/uni2015 (1) Any person who intends to import new drug in the form of active pharmaceutica l ingredient or pharmaceutical formulation, as the case may be, for sale or for distribution in India, shall ma ke an application to obtain a permission from the C entral Licencing Authority in Form CT-18 along with a fee as specifi ed in the Sixth Schedule: Provided that an application for grant of permissio n to import a new drug, in the form of active pharmaceutical ingredient which is a new drug not a pproved earlier, shall be accompanied by an applica tion for grant of permission to manufacture pharmaceutical f ormulation of that new drug. (2) Where a new drug proposed to be marketed by any person is a new drug having unapproved new molecul e, the application in Form CT-18 shall be accompanied by d ata and other particulars including result of local clinical trial as specified in the Second Schedule along with data specified in Table 1 of the Second Schedule and ac companied with fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. (3) Where a new drug is proposed to be marketed whi ch has been approved as a new drug in the country, the application in Form CT-18 shall be accompanied by d ata and other particulars as specified in the Secon d Schedule along with data specified in Table 2 of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in t he Sixth Schedule. (4) Where a new drug which is already permitted for certain claims, is now proposed to be marketed by any person for new claims, new indication or new dosage form or new route of administration or new strengt h, application in Form CT-18 shall be accompanied by d ata and other particulars including result of local clinical trial as specified in the Second Schedule along wit h data specified in Table 3 of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in the Sixth Sche dule. (5) In case a new drug which is a fixed dose combin ation, the application in CT-18 shall be accompanie d by data and other particulars including result of local cli nical trial as the case may be, as specified in the Second Schedule along with data specified in Table 1 or Table 2 or Table 3, as the case may be, of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in the Sixth Sche dule. (6) A person intends to market phyto-pharmaceutical drugs shall make an application in CT-18 to the Ce ntral Licencing Authority along with data specified in Ta ble 4 of the Second Schedule and it shall be accomp anied with a fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 173 (7) The local clinical trial may not be required to be submitted along with the application referred t o in sub-rule (1) if, \/uni2015 (i) the new drug is approved and marketed in countries specified by the Central Licencing Authority under rule 101 and if no major unexpected serious a dverse events have been reported; or (ii) the application is for import of a new drug for whi ch the Central Licencing Authority had already granted permission to conduct a global clinical tri al which is ongoing in India and in the meantime su ch new drug has been approved for marketing in a count ry specified under rule 101; and (iii) there is no probability or evidence, on the basis o f existing knowledge, of difference in Indian population of the enzymes or gene involved in the m etabolism of the new drug or any factor affecting pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, safety and e fficacy of the new drug; and (iv) the applicant has given an undertaking in writing t o conduct Phase IV clinical trial to establish safety and effectiveness of such new drug as per design approved by the Central Licencing Authority: Provided that the Central Licencing Authority may r elax this condition, where the drug is indicated in life threatening or serious diseases o r diseases of special relevance to Indian health sc enario or for a condition which is unmet need in India suc h as XDR tuberculosis, hepatitis C, H1N1, dengue, malaria, HIV, or for the rare diseases for which dr ugs are not available or available at a high cost o r if it is an orphan drug. (8) The submission of requirements relating to anim al toxicology, reproduction studies, teratogenic st udies, perinatal studies, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity in the application referred to in sub-rule (1), ma y be modified or relaxed in case of new drugs approved and market ed for more than two years in other countries, if t he Central Licencing Authority is satisfied that there is adeq uate published evidence regarding the safety of the drug, subject to other provisions of these rules. 76. Grant of permission for import of new drugs for sale or distribution. \/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information and document s furnished with the application in Form CT-18 and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered neces sary, \/uni2015 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant the permission to import new drug, in the form of active pharmaceutic al ingredient for sale or for distribution in Form CT-19 or pharmaceutical formulation for sale or for distribution in Form CT-20, as the case may be, within a period of ninety working days from the dat e of receipt of its application in Form CT-18; (ii) in case, where the Central Licencing Authority cons iders that there are some deficiencies in the application and the sa me may be rectified, said Authority shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies within the stipul ated period referred to in clause (i); (iii) if not satisfied that the requirements of these rul es have been complied with, reject the application, for that reasons to be recorded in writing, within a period of ninety working days, from the date of the application made under rule 75. (2) The applicant may, after being informed by the Central Licencing Authority as referred to in claus e (ii) of sub-rule (1), \/uni2015 (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specified by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency, as re ferred in clause (i), within the period referred to in clause (i) and provides required information and do cuments, the Central Licencing Authority shall scrutinise the application again and if satisfied, grant permission to import new drug, in the form of active pharmaceutical ingredient for sale or for di stribution in Form CT-19 or pharmaceutical formulation for sale or for distribution in Form CT -20, as the case may be; or if not satisfied, rejec t the application within a period of ninety days reck oned from the day when the required information and documents were provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority, to reconsider the application within a p eriod of sixty days from the date of rejection of t he application on payment of fee as specified in the S ixth Schedule and submission of required information and documents. (3) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), may file an appeal before the Central Government within sixty days from the date of rece ipt of such rejection and that Government, may, after such enqu iry, and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty working days from the date of filing the app eal. 174 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 77. Condition of permission for import of new drugs for sale or distribution. \/uni2015 The permission for import of new drugs for sale or for distribution under rule 76 sh all be subject to the following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the new drugs shall conform to the specifications a pproved by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) the labeling of the drugs shall conform to the requ irements specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945; (iii) the label on the immediate container of the drug as well as the packing in which the container is enclosed should contain the following warning: \"WAR NING: To be sold by retail on the prescription only\" which shall be in red box; (iv) as post marketing surveillance, the applicant shall submit Periodic Safety Update Reports as specified in the Fifth Schedule; (v) all reported adverse reactions related to drug shal l be intimated to the Central Licencing Authority a nd regulatory action resulting from their review shall be complied with; (vi) no claims except those mentioned above shall be mad e for the drug without prior approval of the Central Licencing Authority; (vii) specimen of the carton, labels, package insert that will be adopted for marketing the drug in the country shall be got approved from the Central Lice ncing Authority before the drugs is marketed; (viii) in case of import, each consignment shall be accomp anied by a test or analysis report; (ix) if long-term stability data submitted do not cover the proposed shelf-life of the product, the stabil ity study shall be continued to firmly establish the sh elf-life and the complete stability data shall be submitted. 78. Suspension or cancellation of import permission for new drug. \/uni2015 (1) Where the importer fails to comply with any provision of the Act and these Rules, the Centr al Licencing Authority may, after giving show cause notice and an opportunity of being heard, by an order in writi ng, may suspend the permission for such period as c onsidered appropriate or cancel the permission. (2) Where the importer whose permission has been su spended or cancelled under sub-rule (1), is aggriev ed by an order of the Central Licencing Authority, such impo rter may, within forty-five days of the receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Central Government and that G overnment may, after such enquiry, as deemed necess ary and after giving an opportunity of being heard, pass su ch order as may be considered appropriate in the fa cts and circumstances of the case. 79. Licence to import new drug for sale or for distribu tion under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. \/uni2015 (1) After obtaining permission under Rule 76, the perso n intending to import new drug for sale shall make an application to the Central Licencing Authority as p er provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 194 5 to obtain a licence for import of new drug for sale or for di stribution. (2) The application referred in sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by the permission in Form CT-19 or F orm CT-20, as the case may be, obtained by the applicant from the Central Licencing Authority to import the new d rugs. 80. Application for permission to manufacture new drug for sale or distribution. \/uni2015 (1) A person who intends to manufacture new drug in the form of active pharmace utical ingredient or pharmaceutical formulation, as the case may be, for sale or distribution, shall make an app lication for grant of permission to the Central Lic encing Authority in Form CT-21 along with a fee as specifi ed in the Sixth Schedule: Provided that no fee shall be required to be paid a long with the application for manufacture of a new drug based on successful completion of clinical trials f rom Phase I to Phase III under these Rules in India , where fee has already been paid by the same applicant for conduct of such clinical trials: Provided further that an application for grant of p ermission to manufacture a new drug for sale or dis tribution in the form of active pharmaceutical ingredient hav ing a new drug molecule not approved earlier shall be accompanied by an application for grant of permissi on to manufacture for sale or distribution of pharm aceutical formulation of the said new drug. (2) Where a new drug, proposed to be manufactured, is a new drug having unapproved new molecule, the application in Form CT-21 shall be accompanied by d ata and other particulars including results of loca l clinical trial as specified in the Second Schedule along wit h data specified in Table 1 of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in the Sixth Sche dule. (3) Where a new drug, proposed to be manufactured which has been approved as a new drug, the application in Form CT-21 shall be accompanied by d ata and other particulars as specified in the Secon d Schedule [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 175 along with data specified in Table 2 of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in S ixth Schedule. (4) Where a new drug which is already permitted for cer tain claims, is now proposed to be manufactured for new claims, namely new indication or new dosage form or new route of administration or new strengt h, application in Form CT-21 shall be accompanied by d ata and other particulars including results of loca l clinical trial as specified in the Second Schedule along wit h data specified in Table 3 of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in the Sixth Sche dule. (5) In case of a new drug which is a fixed dose combina tion, the application in Form CT-21 shall be accompanied by data and other particulars including results of local clinical trial as specified in th e Second Schedule along with data specified in Table 1 or Ta ble 2 or Table 3, as the case may be, of the Second Schedule and accompanied with fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. (6) A person who intends to market phyto -pharmaceutica l drugs shall make an application in Form CT-21 to the Central Licencing Authority along with data specified in Table 4 of Second Schedule and it shal l be accompanied with a fee as specified in the Sixth Sc hedule. (7) The local clinical trial may not be required to be submitted along with the application referred t o in sub-rule (1) (i) the new drug is approved and marketed in countries specified by the Central Licencing Authority under rule101 and if no major unexpected serious adverse events have been reported; or (ii) there is no probability or evidence, on the basis o f existing knowledge, of difference in Indian popul ation of the enzymes or gene involved in the metabolism o f the new drug or any factor affecting pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, safety and e fficacy of the new drug; and (iii) the applicant has given an undertaking in writing t o conduct Phase IV clinical trial to establish safe ty and effectiveness of such new drug as per design ap proved by the Central Licencing Authority: Provided that the Central Licencing Authority may r elax this condition, where the drug is indicated in life threatening or serious diseases or diseases of special relevance to Indian health scenario or for a condition which is unmet need in India such as XDR tuberculos is, hepatitis C, H1N1, dengue, malaria, HIV, or for the rare diseases for which drugs are not available or available at a high cost or if it is an orphan drug . (8) In the application referred to in sub-rule (1), the submission of requirements relating to animal toxicology, reproduction studies, teratogenic studies, perinata l studies, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity may be modified or relaxed in case of new drugs approved and marketed for several years in other countries, if the Centra l Licencing Authority is satisfied that there is adequate publi shed evidence regarding the safety of the drug, sub ject to other provisions of these rules. 81. Grant of permission for manufacture of new drug for sale or distribution. \/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scrutiny of the information an d documents furnished with the application in Form CT-21 and such further enquiry, if any, as may be considered necessary, \/uni2015 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant permission to manufa cture new drug, in the form of active pharmaceutical ingr edient for sale or for distribution in Form CT-22 o r pharmaceutical formulation for sale or for distribu tion in Form CT-23, as the case may be, within a pe riod of ninety working days from the date of receipt of its application in Form CT-21; (ii) if not satisfied that the requirements of these rul es have been complied with, reject the application, for reasons to be recorded in writing, within a period of ninety working days, from the date, the applicat ion made under rule 80; and (iii) in case, where the Central Licencing Authority cons iders that there are some deficiencies in the application and the same may be rectified, said Aut hority shall inform the applicant of the deficienci es within the stipulated period referred to in clause (i). (2) The applicant may, after being informed by the Central Licencing Authority as referred to in claus e (iii) of sub-rule (1), \/uni2015 (i) rectify the deficiencies within a period specified by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) where the applicant rectifies the deficiency within the period referred to in clause (i) and provides required information and documents, the Central Lic encing Authority shall scrutinise the application again and if satisfied, grant permission to manufac ture new drug, in the form of active pharmaceutical ingredient for sale or for distribution in Form CT- 22 or pharmaceutical formulation for sale or for 176 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] distribution in Form CT-23, as the case may be; or if not satisfied, reject the application within a p eriod of ninety working days reckoned from the day when the required information and documents were provided: Provided that in case of rejection, the applicant m ay request the Central Licencing Authority, to reco nsider the application within a period of sixty working da ys from the date of rejection of the application on payment of fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule and submi ssion of required information and documents. (3) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision o f the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1 ) or sub-rule (2), may file an appeal before the central Gov ernment within sixty days from the date of receipt of such rejection and that Government, may, after such enqu iry, and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty working days from the date of filing the app eal. 82. Condition of permission for manufacture of new drugs for sale or distribution. \/uni2015 The permission granted under rule 81 in Form CT-22 or in Form CT-23 shall be sub ject to following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the new drugs shall conform to the specifications a pproved by the Central Licencing Authority; (ii) the labeling of the drugs shall conform to the requ irements specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules , 1945; (iii) the label on the immediate container of the drug a s well as the packing in which the container is enc losed should contain the following warning: \"WARNING: To be sold by retail on the prescription of a __________________________ Only and it shall be in box with red back ground. (iv) as post marketing surveillance, the applicant shall submit Periodic Safety Update Reports as specified in the Fifth Schedule; (v) all reported serious unexpected adverse reactions r elated to the drug shall be intimated to the Centra l Licencing Authority and regulatory action resulting from their review shall be complied with; (vi) no claims except those mentioned above shall be mad e for the drug without prior approval of the Central Licencing Authority; (vii) specimen of the carton, labels, package insert tha t will be adopted for marketing the drug in the country shall be got approved from the Central Lice ncing Authority before the drugs is marketed; (viii) if long-term stability data submitted do not cover the proposed shelf-life of the product, the stabili ty study shall be continued to firmly establish the sh elf-life and the complete stability data shall be s ubmitted. 83. Licence to manufacture a new drug for sale or for d istribution under Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. \/uni2015 (1) After obtaining permission granted under rule 81, t he person intending to manufacture a new drug for s ale shall make an application for grant of licence to manufac ture for sale or for distribution in accordance wit h the provisions of the Act and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. (2) The application referred in sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by the permission in Form CT-22 or F orm CT-23, as the case may be, obtained by the applicant from the Central Licencing Authority to manufacture the new 84. Suspension or cancellation of permission. \/uni2015 (1) Where the manufacturer fails to comply with an y provisions of the Act, these rules and any condition of the permi ssion, the Central Licencing Authority may, after a ffording an opportunity of being heard, suspend or cancel the p ermission for such period as considered appropriate either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to w hich the violation relates. (2) Where the manufacturer whose permission has bee n suspended or cancelled under sub-rule (1) is aggr ieved by an order of the Central Licencing Authority, such m anufacturer may, within thirty days of the receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Central Government and that Government may, after such enquiry, as deemed necessary and after affording an opportunity of bei ng heard, pass such orders in relation thereto as c onsidered appropriate. 85. Responsibility of importers or manufacturers in mar keting of new drugs. \/uni2015 The manufacturer or importer of new drugs shall be responsible for marketing a new drug for the approved indication and in only such d osage form for which it has been permitted: Provided that the manufacturer or importer of new d rug shall not be punished for the consequences resulting from use of the drug for an indication ot her than for which the drug has been approved where the manufacturer proves that he has not been involved i n any manner in the promotion of use of the new dru g for other than approved indication. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 177 CHAPTER XI IMPORT OR MANUFACTURE OF UNAPPROVED NEW DRUG FOR TR EATMENT OF PATIENTS IN GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL AND GOVERNMENT MEDICAL INSTITUT ION 86. Application for import of unapproved new drug by Go vernment hospital and Government medical institution. \/uni2015 (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these ru les, a medical officer of a Government hospital or a Government medical institution, may import new dr ug, which has not been permitted in the country und er Chapter X of these rules, but approved for marketin g in the country of origin for treatment of a patie nt suffering from life threatening disease or disease causing se rious permanent disability or disease requiring the rapies for unmet medical needs, by making an application duly certified by the Medical Superintendent of the Gove rnment hospital or Head of the Government medical institut ion, as the case may be, to the Central Licencing A uthority in Form CT-24. (2) The application under sub-rule (1) shall be acc ompanied by such other particulars and documents as are specified in Form CT-24 along with fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. 87. Grant of licence for import of unapproved new d rug by Government hospital and medical institution. \/uni2015 (1)The Central Licencing Authority, after scrutiny of information and documents enclosed with the appl ication and such further enquiry, if any, as considered necessa ry, may, \/uni2015 (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant licence for import o f an unapproved new drug by Government hospital and Gove rnment medical institution in Form CT-25; (ii) if not satisfied with the requirements as referred to in sub-clause (i), reject the application, for r easons to be recorded in writing, within a period of ninety days , from the date of application made under sub-rule (1) of (2) An applicant who is aggrieved by the decision of th e Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1), m ay file an appeal before the Central Government within forty-f ive days from the date of receipt of such rejection and that Government, may, after such enquiry, and after givi ng an opportunity of being heard to the appellant, dispose of the appeal within a period of sixty working days fr om the date of filing the appeal. (3) The quantity of any single drug imported on the bas is of licence granted under sub-rule (1), shall not exceed one hundred average dosages per patient but in exceptio nal circumstances and on being satisfied about the necessity and exigency the Central Licencing Authority may al low import of unapproved new drugs in larger quanti ties depending on the condition and requirement of such patient. 88. Conditions of licence. \/uni2015 The import licence granted under rule 87 in Form C T-25 shall be subject to the following conditions, namely: \/uni2015 (i) the licence shall remain valid for a period of thre e years from the date it has been issued; (ii) the licence shall be displayed in the premises of t he medical institution including where the unapproved new drug is being stocked and used in th e office of the Medical Superintendent of the Government hospital or Head of Government medical i nstitution; (iii) the licencee shall stock the unapproved new drug im ported under this licence under proper storage conditions; (iv) the unapproved new drug imported under this licence shall be exclusively used for treatment of the patient and supplied under the supervision of a reg istered pharmacist and no part of such unapproved new drug shall be sold in the market or supplied to any other person, agency, institution or place; (v) the registered pharmacist shall maintain a record a s specified in Annexure of Form CT-25, countersigned by the Medical Superintendent of the Government hospital or Head of the Government medical institution which shall be produ ced, on demand by the officer authorised by the Central Licencing Authority under these rules; (vi) the Government hospital and Government medical inst itution referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 87, shall submit to the Central Licencing Authority a h alf yearly report about the status and stock of unapproved new drugs imported, utilised and destroy ed; (vii) where the unapproved new drugs imported under licen ce granted under sub-rule (1) of rule 87, are left over or remain unused or get damaged or its sp ecified shelf life has expired or has been found to be of sub-standard quality, the same shall be destr oyed and the action taken in respect thereof be recorded as referred to in clause(iv) by the regist ered pharmacist. 178 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 89. Suspension or cancellation of import licence for un approved new drug of Government hospital or Government medical institution. \/uni2015 (1) Where any licencee referred to rule 87, fails to comply with any provision of the Act and these rules, the Central Licencing A uthority, may after affording an opportunity of bei ng heard, by an order in writing, suspend or cancel the permissi on for such period as considered appropriate either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to which the viol ation relates. (2) Where the licencee, whose licence has been susp ended or cancelled under sub-rule (1) is aggrieved by an order of the Central Licencing Authority, he may, w ithin a period of forty-five days from the receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Central Government and that G overnment may, after such enquiry, as deemed necess ary and after affording an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders in relation thereto as considered appropriate. 90. Inspection of unapproved new drug imported by Gover nment hospital or Government medical institution. \/uni2015 The licencee referred in rule 87, shall allow any person authorised by the Central Licencing Authority who may be accompanied by an officer auth orised by the State Licencing Authority, to enter t he premises where the unapproved new drugs are stored and is being used, with or without prior notice, an d records, to inspect such premises, store and record, investi gate the manner in which the drugs are being used a nd stocked and to take sample thereof. 91. Application for permission to manufacture unapprove d new drug but under clinical trial, for treatment of patient of life threatening disease. \/uni2015 (1) Where any medical officer of a Government hosp ital or Government medical institution prescribes in special circumsta nces any new drug for a patient suffering from seri ous or life threatening disease for which there is no satisfact ory therapy available in the country and which is n ot yet approved by the Central Licencing Authority but the same is under clinical trial in the country, then, such new drug may be approved to be manufactured in limited quant ity subject to provisions of these rules. (2) Where any manufacturer intends to manufacture n ew drug referred to in sub-rule (1), he shall obtai n the consent in writing from the patient to whom the una pproved new drug has been prescribed under sub-rule (1) or his legal heirs and make an application to the Ethi cs Committee of the Government hospital or medical institution, as the case may be for obtaining its s pecific recommendation for manufacture of such unap proved new drug. (3) After obtaining the recommendation of the Ethic s Committee under sub-rule (2), the manufacturer sh all make an application in Form CT-26 to obtain the permissi on to the Central Licencing Authority for manufactu ring specific new drug. (4) The application under sub-rule (3) shall be acc ompanied by consent in writing from the patient ref erred to in sub-rule (1) or his legal heirs regarding use of such unapproved new drug and such other particulars and documents as are specified in Form CT-26 along with fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. 92. Grant of permission to manufacture unapproved n ew drug but under clinical trial, for treatment of patient of life threatening disease. \/uni2015 (1) The Central Licencing Authority may, after scr utiny of information and documents enclosed with the application and such fu rther enquiry, if any, as considered necessary,- (i) if satisfied, that the requirements of these rules have been complied with, grant permission to manufa cture unapproved new drug but under clinical trial for tr eatment of patient of serious or life threatening d isease in Form CT-27; (ii) if not satisfied with the requirements as referred to in clause (i), reject the application, for reaso ns to be recorded in writing, within a period of ninety days , from the date of application made under rule 91. (2) The quantity of any single new drug manufacture d on the basis of permission granted under sub-rule (1) shall not exceed one hundred average dosages per patient but in exceptional circumstances on the basis of th e prescription of the medical officer referred to in sub-rule (1) and the recommendation of the Ethics C ommittee, the Central Licencing Authority may allow the manuf acture of such new drug in larger quantity. 93. Condition of permission. \/uni2015 The permission granted under rule 92 in Form CT-27 , is subject to the following conditions, namely:- (i) the permission shall remain valid for a period of o ne year from the date it has been issued; (ii) the patient to whom the unapproved new drug is pres cribed under sub-rule (1) of rule 92 shall use such unapproved new drug under the supervision of t he medical officer at the place specified in the permission or at such other places, as the Central Licencing Authority may authorise; [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 179 (iii) the manufacturer to whom the permission is granted und er sub-rule (1) of rule 92, shall make use of the unapproved new drug only for the purposes speci fied in the permission and no part of it shall be sold in the market or supplied to any other person, agency, institution or place; (iv) the manufacturer referred to in clause (iii) shall keep record of the unapproved new drugs manufactured, stored and supplied by him to the pat ient in a register in the format as specified in annexure of Form CT-27; (v) the manufacturer referred to in clause (iii), shall submit to the Central Licencing Authority a half yearly report about the status of the unapproved ne w drugs manufactured, supplied to the authorised (vi) the manufactured unapproved new drugs shall be kept and stored in accordance with the storage conditions specified on its label and supplied to t he patient under the supervision of the medical officer referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 91 or a registered pharmacist duly authorised by him; (vii) the registered pharmacist shall maintain a record of t he full name and address of the patients, diagnosis, dosage schedule, total quantity of drugs received and issued, countersigned by the Medical Superintendent of the Government hospital o r Head of the medical institution which shall be produced, on demand by the officer authorised by the Central Licencing Authority under the (viii) where the unapproved new drug manufactured in accor dance with the permission issued under sub-rule (1) of rule 92, is left over or remain unused or get damaged or its specified shelf life has expired or has been found to be of sub-standard qua lity, the same shall be destroyed by the manufacturer and the action taken in respect thereo f shall be recorded; (ix) the permission holder shall inform the Central Lice ncing Authority of the occurrence of any serious adverse event and action taken thereon including an y recall within fifteen days of occurrence of such event. 94. Inspection of unapproved new drug but under clinica l trial manufactured for patient of life threatenin g disease.\/uni2015 The manufacturer referred to in rule 92, shall all ow persons authorised by the Central Licencing Authority including the person authorised by the St ate Licencing Authority to enter the premises where the unapproved new drug is being manufactured, stored a nd supplied, with or without prior notice, to inspe ct such premises and records, investigate the manner in whi ch the unapproved new drug is being manufactured, s upplied and to take sample thereof. 95. Suspension or cancellation of permission to manufac ture unapproved new drug but under clinical trial. \/uni2015 (1) Where the manufacturer to whom permission is gr anted under rule 92 fails to comply with any provis ion of the Act and these rules, the Central Licencing Authorit y, may, after giving an opportunity of being heard, by an order, in writing, suspend or cancel the permission for su ch period as considered appropriate either wholly o r in respect of some of the substances to which the violation re lates. (2) Where the manufacturer whose permission is susp ended or cancelled under sub-rule (1) is aggrieved by an order of the Central Licencing Authority, he may, within a period of forty-five days from the receipt of the order, make an appeal to the Central Government in respect of susp ension or cancellation of the permission and that G overnment, may, after such enquiry, as deemed necessary and af ter affording an opportunity of being heard, pass s uch orders in relation thereto as considered appropriate. 96. Licence to manufacture an unapproved new drug but u nder clinical trial, for treatment of patient of li fe threatening disease under the Drugs and Cosmetics R ules, 1945. \/uni2015 (1) After obtaining permission under rule 92, the person intending to manufacture an unapprov ed new drug, which is under clinical trial, for tre atment of patient of serious or life threatening disease, sha ll make an application for grant of licence to manu facture the unapproved new drug under the provisions of the Act and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. (2) The application referred in sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by the permission in Form CT-27 obta ined by the applicant from the Central Licencing Authority to import the new drugs. 180 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] CHAPTER XII AMENDEMENTS OF DRUGS AND COSMETICS RULES, 1945 97. In the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945, after rule 1 22DA the following new rule shall be inserted, namely: \/uni2015 122DAA. Non-application of certain rules for new d rugs and investigational new drugs for human use. \/uni2015 Part XA and Schedule Y shall not be applicable in re spect of new drugs and investigational new drugs for human use from the da te of coming into force of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019, and the references in respect of human use made in the these rules shall respectively be omitted, and the construction there of shall be construed accordingly and shall stand amended with all cogent meaning of the grammarCHAPTER XIII MISCELLANEOUS 98. Pre-submission meeting. \/uni2015 (1) Any person who intends to make an application for grant of licence or permission for import or manufacture of new drugs o r to conduct clinical trial may, request by making an application in writing, for a pre-submission meetin g with the Central Licencing Authority or any other officer authorised by the Central Licencing Authority for s eeking guidance about the requirements of law and p rocedure of such licence or permission of manufacturing proc ess, clinical trial and other requirements. (2) The application for pre-submission meeting unde r sub-rule (1) may be accompanied by particulars an d documents referred to in the Second Schedule, as av ailable with the applicant to support his proposal along with fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule. (3) Where the applicant intends to seek guidance ab out the sale process of new drugs or import licence , in addition to the purposes referred to in sub-rule (2 ), the fee as specified in the Sixth Schedule shall be submitted along with the application. (4) Where the Central Licencing Authority is satisf ied that the application is incomplete or the infor mation or the documents submitted along with the same are inadequ ate, he may within a period of thirty days from the receipt of the same intimate the facts to the applicant in wri ting and direct him to furnish such further informa tion or documents as are necessary in accordance with the p rovisions of the Act and these rules. (5) In the pre-submission meeting, the Central Lice ncing Authority or any other person authorised by i t shall provide suitable clarification to the applica nt. 99. Post-submission meeting. \/uni2015 (1) If the applicant desires to seek clarification in person in respect of pending application and queries related thereto, the applic ant may make an application for a post-submission m eeting with the officer designated by the Central Licencing Aut hority within a period of fifteen days from the dat e the query was received for seeking guidance with regards to t he queries concerning pending application. (2) The applicant shall clearly state the points on which clarification is required and after receipt of such application, the designated officer shall inform th e time and date scheduled for post submission meeti ng. (3) The summary of the clarification provided by th e designated officer shall be made available to the applicant. (4) The application for post-submission meeting und er sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied with the fee a s specified in the Sixth Schedule. (5) In the post submission meeting, the officer des ignated by the Central Licencing Authority shall pr ovide suitable clarification to the applicant. 100. Constitution of expert committee or group of exper ts by Central Licencing Authority. \/uni2015 The Central Licencing Authority may, when so required, constitu te one or more expert committee or group of experts with specialisation in relevant fields, with the approva l of Central Government, to evaluate scientific and technical matters relating to drugs and such committee or g roup may, give its recommendations to that authorit y on matters referred to it within a period of sixty day s from the date of reference. 101. Name of countries for purpose of new drug approval .\/uni2015 The Central Licencing Authority, with the approval of the Central Government, may specify, by an order , the name of the countries, from time to time, for considering [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 181 waiver of local clinical trial for approval of new drugs under Chapter X and for grant of permission f or conduct of clinical trial under Chapter V. 102. Mode of payment of fee. \/uni2015 The fees prescribed under these rules, in case of application made to the Central Licencing Authority, shall be paid through challan or by electronic mode, in the Bank of Baroda, Kastu rba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 or any other branch of Bank of Baroda, or any other bank, notified by the Minis try of Health and Family Welfare in the Central Government , to be credited under the Head of Account 0210- M edical and Public Health, 04-Public Health, 104-Fees and F ines. 103. Debarment of applicant. \/uni2015 (1) Whoever himself or, any other person on his be half, or applicant is found to be guilty of submitting misleading, or fake, or fabric ated documents, may, after giving him an opportunit y to show cause as to why such an order should not be made, i n writing, stating the reasons thereof, be debarred by the Central Licencing Authority for such period as deem ed fit. (2) Where an applicant is aggrieved by an order mad e by the Central Licencing Authority under sub-rule (1), such applicant may, within thirty days from the rec eipt of the order, make an appeal to that Governmen t and that Government, may, after such enquiry as it considers necessary, and after affording an opportunity of b eing heard, pass such orders as considered appropriate. 104. Order of suspension or revocation in public domain .\/uni2015 In case, the Central Licencing Authority issue any order of suspension or revocation or cancellation of any permission or licence or registration granted under these rules, such order shall be made available in the public do main immediately by uploading it in the website of Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation. 105. Digitalisation of Forms. \/uni2015 The forms prescribed under these rules may be suit ably modified for conversion into digital forms by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation and such modification shall not requi re any amendment in these rules. 106. Applicability in case of inconsistency. \/uni2015 If there is any inconsistency between these rules and any other rule made under the Act, the provisions of these rules s hall prevail over such other rules. 107. Savings.\/uni2015 (1) Notwithstanding the non-applicability of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, the approvals or permissions or licences or certificates issued unde r the provisions of the Act and the said rules in r espect of new drugs and investigational new drugs for human use, prior to commencement of these rules, shall be deem ed to be valid till its expiry under the corresponding provi sions of said rules; (2) Any things done or any action taken or purporte d to have been done or taken, including any rule, n otification, inspection, order or notice made or issued or any a ppointment or declaration made or any operation und ertaken or any direction given or any proceedings taken or any penalty, punishment, forfeiture or fine imposed un der the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 shall, be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules and shall always remain v alid for all purposes. FIRST SCHEDULE (See rules 19 and 31 ) GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES FOR CLINICAL TRIAL 1. General Principles. \/uni2015 (1) The principles and guidelines for protection of trial subjects as described in Third Schedule as well as Good Clinical Practices guideli nes shall be followed in conduct of any clinical tr ial. (2) The sponsor and investigator share the responsibili ties for the protection of trial subject together w ith ethics committee. The responsibilities of sponsor, investi gator and ethics committee are described in the Thi rd Schedule. (3) The results of non-clinical studies or previous cli nical trials should be sufficient to ensure that th e new drugs or investigational new drug is safe for the proposed c linical trial. (4) Throughout the clinical trial and drug development process, the animal toxicological data and clinical data generated should be evaluated to ensure their impac t for the safety of the trial subject. 2. Approach in design and analysis. \/uni2015 (1) Clinical trial should be planned, designed, con ducted, analysed and reported according to sound scientific and ethical principle s. Following important principles should be followe d: 182 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (a) The primary objective of any clinical trial should be clearly and explicitly stated which may include exploratory or confirmatory characterisation of safety, efficac y, assessment of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynami c parameters; (b) The clinical trial should be designed appropriatel y so that it provides the desired information; (c) Appropriate comparator may be utilised to achieve the objective with respect to primary and secondary end points. Comparison may be made with placebo, no tre atment, active controls or of different doses of th e new drug or investigational new drug; (d) The number of subjects to be included in the clini cal trial should be adequate depending on the natur e and objective of the clinical trial. 3. Development Methodology: (1) Non clinical studies,- (a) The nature of non-clinical studies and their timing in respect of conduct of clinical trial should be determined taking following aspects in to consideration: (i) characteristics of the new drug or investigational new drug; (ii) disease of conditions for which the new drug or inv estigational new drug is intended to be indicated; (iii) duration and exposure in clinical trial subject; (iv) route of administration. (b) The detailed requirements of non-clinical studies h ave been specified in the Second Schedule. (c) For first in human studies the dose should be calcu lated carefully based on the non-clinical pharmacol ogical, toxicological data generated. (2) Phases in Clinical Trial: Clinical drug develop ment generally consists of four phases (Phase I-IV) . The details of these phases are described as under. (a) Phase I. \/uni2015 The objective of studies in this phase is the estim ation of safety and tolerability with the initial administration of an investigational new drug into humans. Studies in this phase of development usuall y have non-therapeutic objectives and may be conducted in healthy subjects or certain types of patients. Drug s with significant potential toxicity e.g. cytotoxic drugs are usually studied in patients. Phase I trial sho uld preferably be carried out by investigators trained in clinical pharmacology with access to the necessa ry facilities to closely observe and monitor the subje cts. Studies conducted in Phase I, usually intended to involve one or a combination of the following objec tives: - (a) Maximum tolerated dose: To determine the tolerabil ity of the dose range expected to be needed for later clinical studies an d to determine the nature of adverse reactions that can be expected. These studies include both single and mul tiple dose administration. (b) Pharmacokinetics, i.e., characterisation of a drug 's absorption, distribution, metabolism and excreti on: Although these studies continue throughout the deve lopment plan, they should be performed to support formulation development and determine pharmacokinet ic parameters in different age groups to support dosing recommendations. (c) Pharmacodynamics: Depending on the drug and the en dpoints studied, pharmacodynamic studies and studies relating to drug blood levels (pharmacokine tic or pharmacodynamic studies) may be conducted in healthy volunteer subjects or in patients with the target disease. If there are appropriate validated indicators of activity and potential efficacy, pharmacodynamic data obtained from patients may guide the dosage a nd dose regimen to be applied in later studies. (d) Early measurement of drug activity: Preliminary st udies of activity or potential therapeutic benefit may be conducted in Phase I as a secondary objective. S uch studies are generally performed in later phases but may be appropriate when drug activity is readily me asurable with a short duration of drug exposure in patients at this early stage. (b) Phase II. \/uni2015 (i) The primary objective of Phase II trials is to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug for a particular indication or indications in patients wi th the condition under study and to determine the c ommon [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 183 short-term side-effects and risks associated with t he drug. Studies in Phase II should be conducted in a group of patients who are selected by relatively narrow crit eria leading to a relatively homogeneous population . These studies should be closely monitored. An important g oal for this phase is to determine the dose and reg imen for Phase III trials. Doses used in Phase II are usuall y (but not always) less than the highest doses used in Phase I. (ii) Additional objectives of Phase II studies can include evaluation of potential study endpoints, therapeutic regimens (including concomitant medicat ions) and target populations (e.g. mild versus seve re disease) for further studies in Phase II or III. Th ese objectives may be served by exploratory analyse s, examining subsets of data and by including multiple endpoints in trials. (c) Phase III. \/uni2015 (i) Phase III studies have primary objective of dem onstration or confirmation of therapeutic benefits. Studies in Phase III are designed to conf irm the preliminary evidence accumulated in Phase I I that a drug is safe and effective for use in the intended indication and recipient population. These studies should be intended to provide an adequate basis for marketing approval. Studies in Phase III may also further ex plore the dose-response relationships (relationships among do se, drug concentration in blood and clinical respon se), use of the drug in wider populations, in different stag es of disease, or the safety and efficacy of the dr ug in combination with other drugs. (ii) For drugs intended to be administered for long periods, trials involving extended exposure to the drug are ordinarily conducted in Phase III, although they ma y be initiated in Phase II. These studies carried o ut in Phase III complete the information needed to support adeq uate instructions for use of the drug (prescribing information). (iii) For new drugs approved outside India, Phase I II studies may need to be carried out if scientific ally and ethically justified, primarily to generate evidence of efficacy and safety of the drug in Indian patie nts when used as recommended in the prescribing information. Prio r to conduct of Phase III studies in Indian subject s, Central Licencing Authority may require pharmacokinetic stu dies to be undertaken to verify that the data gener ated in Indian population is in conformity with the data al ready generated abroad. In case of an application of a new drug already app roved and marketed in other country, where local cl inical trial in India is waived off or not found scientifi cally justified for its approval for manufacturing first time in the country, the bioequivalence studies of such dru g, as appropriate, is required to be carried out an d the test batches manufactured for the purpose shall be inspe cted before its approval. (d) Phase IV. \/uni2015 Phase IV or post marketing trial of new drugs are p erformed after the approval of the drug and related to the approved indication. Such trials go beyond the prior demonstration of the drugs safety , efficacy and dose definition. Such trial might not have been considered essential at the time of new drug appro val due to various reasons such as limitation in terms of pati ent exposure, duration of treatment during clinical development of the drug, need for early introductio n of the new drug in the interest of patients etc. Phase IV trials include additional drug-drug interaction, do se response or safety studies and trials design to support use under the approved indication e.g. mortality or mor bidity studies, epidemiological studies, etc. (3) Studies in special populations .\/uni2015 Information supporting the use of the drug in chil dren, pregnant women, nursing women, elderly patients, patients with renal or oth er organ systems failure, and those on specific con comitant medication is required to be submitted if relevant to the clin ical profile of the drug and its anticipated usage pattern. (A) Geriatrics .\/uni2015 Geriatric patients should be included in Phase III clinical trials (and in Phase II trials, at the Sponsor's option) in meaningful numbers, if \/uni2015 (a) the disease intended to be treated is characteristi cally a disease of aging; or (b) the population to be treated is known to include su bstantial numbers of geriatric patients; or (c) when there is specific reason to expect that condit ions common in the elderly are likely to be encountered; or (d) when the new drug is likely to alter the geriatric patient's response (with regard to safety or effica cy) compared with that of the non-geriatric patient. (B) Paediatrics .\/uni2015 (i) The timing of paediatric studies in the new drug de velopment program will depend on the medicinal product, the type of disease being treate d, safety considerations, and the efficacy and safe ty of available treatments. For a drug expected to be use d in children, evaluations should be made in the ap propriate 184 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] age group. When clinical development is to include studies in children, it is usually appropriate to b egin with older children before extending the trial to younge r children and then infants. (ii) If the new drug is for diseases predominantly or exclusively affecting paediatric patients, clini cal trial data should be generated in the paediatric population ex cept for initial safety and tolerability data, whic h will usually be obtained in adults unless such initial safety st udies in adults would yield little useful informati on or expose them to inappropriate risk. (iii) If the new drug is intended to treat serious or life-threatening diseases, occurring in both adu lts and paediatric patients, for which there are currently no or limited therapeutic options, paediatric popul ation should be included in the clinical trials early, following assessment of initial safety data and reasonable e vidence of potential benefit. In circumstances where this is n ot possible, lack of data should be justified in de tail. (iv) If the new drug has a potential for use in pae diatric patients paediatric studies should be con ducted. These studies may be initiated at various phases of clini cal development or after post marketing surveillanc e in adults if a safety concern exists. In cases where there is limited paediatric data at the time of submission of application, more data in paediatric patients would be expected after marketing authorisation for use in children i s granted. (v) The paediatric studies should include \/uni2015 (a) clinical trials, (b) relative bioequivalence comparisons of the paed iatric formulation with the adult formulation performed in adults, and definitive pharmacokinetic studies for dose selection across the age ranges o f paediatric patients in whom the drug is likely to b e used. These studies should be conducted in the paediatric patient population with the disease unde r study. (vi)If the new drug is a major therapeutic advance for the paediatric population the studies should be gin early in the drug development, and this data should be submi tted with the new drug application. (vii) For clinical trials conducted in the paediatr ic population, the reviewing ethics committee shoul d include members who are knowledgeable about paediatric, eth ical, clinical and psychosocial issues. (C) Pregnant or nursing women. \/uni2015 (i) Pregnant or nursing women should be included in clinical trials only when the drug is intended for use by pregnant or nu rsing women or fetuses or nursing infants and where the data generated from women who are not pregnant or nursin g, is not suitable. (ii) For new drugs intended for use during pregnanc y, follow-up data (pertaining to a period appropria te for that drug) on the pregnancy, foetus and child will be re quired. Where applicable, excretion of the drug or its metabolites into human milk should be examined and the infant should be monitored for predicted pharmacological effects of the drug. 4. Conduct of Clinical Trial. \/uni2015 Clinical trial should be conducted in accordance wi th the principles as specified in Third Schedule. Adherence to the clinical trial pro tocol is essential and if amendment of the protocol becomes necessary the rationale for the amendment shall be provided i n the form of a protocol amendment. Serious adverse events shall be reported during clinical trial in accordance with t hese Rules. 5. Analysis.\/uni2015 The results of a clinical trial shall be analysed a ccording to the plan specified in the clinical tria l protocol. Safety data should be appropriately tabul ated and all adverse events should be classified ac cording to their seriousness and causal relationship with the study drug. 6. Reporting. \/uni2015 Report of clinical trial shall be documented in acc ordance with the approaches specified in Table 6 of the Third Schedule. The report shall be certified b y the principal investigator or if no principal inv estigator is designated then by each of the participating investigators of the study. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 185 SECOND SCHEDULE (See rules 21, 75, 80 and 97 ) REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES FOR PERMISSION TO IMPOR T OR MANUFACTURE OF NEW DRUG FOR SALE OR TO UNDERTAKE CL INICAL 1. Application for permission. \/uni2015 (1) Application for permission to import or manufac ture new drug for sale or to undertake clinical trials under these Rules shall b e made to the Central Licencing Authority accompani ed with following data in accordance with the Table 1 or Table 2 or T able 3 or Table 4 of this Schedule, as the case may be, namely:- (i) chemical and pharmaceutical information; (ii) animal pharmacology data; (a) specific pharmacological actions and demonstrating, therapeutic potential for humans shall be described according to the animal models and specie s used. Wherever possible, dose-response relationships and ED 50 shall be submitted. Special studies conducted to e lucidate mode of action shall also be described; (b) general pharmacological actions; (c) pharmacokinetic data related to the absorption, dis tribution, metabolism and excretion of the test substance. Wherever possible, the drug effects shall be co-related to the plasma drug concentrations; (iii) animal toxicology data; (iv) human clinical pharmacology data as prescribed and as stated below:- (a) for new drug substances discovered or developed in India, clinical trials are required to be carried out in India right from Phase I and data sh ould be submitted as prescribed; (b) for new drug substances discovered or developed in countries other than India, Phase I data should be submitted along with the application. Aft er submission of Phase I data generated outside India to the Central Licensing Authority, permissio n may be granted to repeat Phase I trials or to conduct Phase II trials and subsequently Phase III trial concurrently with other global trials for tha t drug. For a drug going to be introduced for the fir st time in the country, Phase III trial may be required to be conducted in India before permission to market the drug is granted unless otherwise exempted; (c) the data required will depend upon the purpose of t he new drug application. The number of study subjects and sites to be involved in the cond uct of clinical trial will depend upon the nature a nd objective of the study. Permission to carry out the se trials shall generally be given in stages, considering the data emerging from earlier phases; (d) application for permission to initiate specific pha se of clinical trial should also accompany investigator's brochure as per Table 7 of Third Sch edule, proposed protocol as per Table 2 of Third Schedule, case record form, trial subject's informe d consent document as per Table 3 of Third Schedule, investigator's undertaking as per Table 4 of Third Schedule and ethics committee clearance, if available as per Table 1 of Third Schedule; (e) reports of clinical studies submitted should be in consonance with the format specified in Table 6 of Third Schedule. The study report shall be cert ified by the principal investigator or, if no princ ipal investigator is designated, then by each of the inv estigators participating in the study. The certific ation should acknowledge the contents of the report, the accurate presentation of the study was undertaken, and express agreement with the conclusions. Each pa ge should be numbered; (v) regulatory status in other countries as prescribed including information in respect of restrictions imposed, if any, on the use of the drug in other co untries, e.g. dosage limits, exclusion of certain a ge groups, warning about adverse drug reactions etc. Likewise, if the drug has been withdrawn in any country by t he manufacturer or by regulatory authorities, such inf ormation should also be furnished along with the re asons and their relevance, if any, to India. This information must continue to be submitted by the sponsor to th e Central Licencing Authority during the course of marketing of the drug in India; (vi) the full prescribing information should be submitte d as part of the new drug application for marketing . The format of prescribing information is specified in Table 8 of Third Schedule. 186 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (vii) all package inserts, promotional literature and pat ient education material subsequently produced are required to be consistent with the contents of the approved full prescribing information. The drafts o f label and carton texts should comply with provisions of rule 96 and rule 97 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 19 45. After submission and approval by the Central Licencing Au thority, no changes in the package insert shall be effected without such changes being approved by the Central Licencing Authority; (viii) complete testing protocol for quality control testi ng together with a complete impurity profile and release specifications for the product as prescribe d should be submitted as part of new drug applicati on for marketing. Samples of the pure drug substance and f inished product are to be submitted when desired by the regulatory authority; (ix) if the application is for the conduct of clinical t rials as a part of multi-national clinical developm ent of the drug, the number of sites and patients as well as the justification for undertaking such trials in India should be provided to the Central Licencing Authority alon g with the application. (2) Special situations for a new drug where relaxat ion, abbreviations, omission or deferment of data m ay be considered. (i) Depending on categories and nature of new drugs to be imported or manufactured for sale or clinical trial to be undertaken (viz. New Chemical Entity, b iological products, similar biologics, approved new drug or new dosage form or new indication or new route of admin istration or new strength of already approved drugs , etc.,) requirements of chemical and pharmaceutical informa tion, animal pharmacology and toxicology data, clin ical data may differ. The requirements may also differ depending on the specific phase of clinical trial proposed to be conducted as well as clinical parameters related to the specific study drug. (ii) For drugs intended to be used in life threaten ing or serious disease conditions or rare diseases and for drugs intended to be used in the diseases of special relevance to Indian scenario or unmet medical need in India, di saster or special defence use e.g. haemostatic and quick wound healin g, enhancing oxygen carrying capacity, radiation sa fety, drugs for combating chemical, nuclear, biological infliction etc., following mechanism may be followed to expedi te the development of new drug and approval process. (A) Accelerated Approval Process: Accelerated approval process may be allowed to a ne w drug for a disease or condition, taking into account its severity, rar ity, or prevalence and the availability or lack of alternative treatments, provided that there is a prima facie ca se of the product being of meaningful therapeutic b enefit over the existing treatment. (a) In such case, the approval of the new drug may be b ased on data generated in clinical trial where surrogate endpoint shall be considered rather than using standard outcome measures such as survival or disease progression, which are reasonab ly likely to predict clinical benefit, or a clinica l endpoint. These should be measurable earlier than i rreversible morbidity or mortality (IMM) and reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit. (b) After granting accelerated approval for such drug, the post marketing trials shall be required to validate the anticipated clinical benefit. (c) Accelerated approval may also be granted to a new d rug if it is intended for the treatment of a serious or life-threatening condition or disease of special relevance to the country, and addresses unmet medical needs. This provision is intended to facilitate and expedite review of drugs so that an approved product can reach the therapeutic armament arium expeditiously. (d) If the remarkable efficacy is observed with a defin ed dose in the Phase II clinical trial of investigational new drug for the unmet medical need s of serious and life threatening diseases in the country, it may be considered for grant of marketin g approval by the Central Licencing Authority based on Phase II clinical trial data. In such case s, additional post licensure studies may be require d to be conducted after approval to generate the data on larger population to further verify and describ e the clinical benefits, as per the protocol approved by the Central Licencing Authority. (e) The type of information needed to demonstrate the p otential of a drug to address an unmet medical need will depend on the stage of drug devel opment. Early in development, such potential should be sufficiently demonstrated based on noncli nical models, a mechanistic rationale and pharmacologic data. Later in development, prior to new drug approval such potential should be demonstrated through clinical data to address an un met medical need. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 187 Explanation. - For the purpose of this clause, an unmet medical ne ed is a situation where treatment or diagnosis of disease or condition is not address ed adequately by available therapy. An unmet medical need includes an immediate need for a defin ed population (i.e., to treat a serious condition with no or limited treatment) or a longer-term need for society (e.g., to address the development of resistance to antibacterial drugs). (B) Situations where quick or expeditious review pr ocess can be sought for approval of a new drug afte r clinical development: - (i) In situation where the evidence for clinical sa fety and efficacy have been established even if the drug has not completed the all or normal clinical trial phases, the sponsor or applicant may apply to the licencing authority for expedited review process wherein the licencing authority will examine and satisfy the following co nditions. - (a) it is for a drug that is intended to treat a serio us or life threatening or rare disease or condition; (b) if approved, the drug would provide a significant advantage in terms of safety or efficacy; (c) there is substantial reduction of a treatment-limi ting adverse reaction and enhancement of patient compliance that is expected to lead to an i mprovement in serious outcomes; (ii) the sponsor or applicant may also apply to the licencing authority for expedited review process f or new drugs developed for disaster or defence use in extraordinary situation, such as war time, the radiation exposure by accident or intention, sudden deployment of forces at areas with higher health r isk, where specific preventive and treatment strategy is required, where new intervention in the form of ne w drug, route of delivery or formulation has been dev eloped and where real life clinical trial may not b e possible. The permission for manufacture of such ne w drug may be granted if following conditions are satisfied: - (a) The preclinical data makes a case for claimed effic acy; (b) there is no possibility of obtaining informed conse nt from the patient or his legally acceptable representative, as the case may be, adop ting inclusion and exclusion criteria and strict protocol adherence by each subject; (c) there is no established management or therapeutic s trategy available as on date and proposed intervention has clear possible advantage; (d) such approval can be used only for one time. The su bsequent approval shall only be granted once detailed efficacy report of such intervention is generated. (iii) the new drug is an orphan drug as defined in clause (x) of rule 2 of these Rules. (3) Requirements of data and information for permis sion to import or manufacture of a drug already app roved which is now proposed to be clinically tried or marketed wit h certain new claims. (i) In case a drug already approved by the Central Licencing Authority for certain claims, whi ch is now proposed to be clinically tried or market ed with modified or new claims, namely, indications, dosage, dosage for m (including sustained release dosage form) and rou te of administration or novel drug delivery system (NDDS) , the requirements of data and information for perm ission to import or manufacture of such new drug for sale or to unde rtake clinical trial shall depend on nature and reg ulatory status of the drug for the new claim in other country. Applicatio n for approval of manufacture or import of such new drug or to undertake Clinical trial may differ from applicatio n for a new drug molecule in that they allow the ap plicant and regulatory authority to rely at least in part, on t he safety or efficacy data of drug formulation alre ady approved. However, additional non-clinical or clinical data may be nec essary to substantiate the new claims considering t he following:- (A) Chemical and pharmaceutical information will be sam e as prescribed in this Schedule. However, the data requirements may be omitted depending on whether th e drug formulation is already approved and marketed in the country by the applicant in the same dosage for m for certain indication. If it is approved and mar keted, no further chemical and pharmaceutical data is require d to be submitted. (B) The animal pharmacological and toxicological data a nd clinical data needed in such cases will usually be determined on case-by-case basis depending on the t ype of new claims being made by the applicant as we ll as the mechanism of action, patho-physiology of the diseas e or condition, safety and efficacy profile in the respective conditions or population and clinical data already generated with the drug in the approved claim. The 188 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] requirements may be abbreviated or relaxed or omitt ed as considered appropriate by the Central Licenci ng Authority under following conditions: (a) the drug is already approved and marketed in other country for the proposed new claim; (b) clinical data supporting the benefit-risk ratio in favour of the drug in the proposed new claim is available; (c) the clinical trial doesnt involve a route of admi nistration, dose, patient population that significantly increases the risk associated with th e use of the drug. (ii) In case of an application for permission to un dertake clinical trial of a new drug formulation, w hich is already approved in the country, no chemical and pharmaceut ical data and non-clinical and clinical data is req uired to be submitted provided the clinical trial is proposed t o be conducted with a new drug manufactured or impo rted by a firm under necessary new drug permission or import regis tration and licence, as the case may be granted by the Central Licencing Authority. Note: The data requirements stated in this Schedule are expected to provide adequate information to ev aluate the efficacy, safety and therapeutic rationale of new d rugs prior to the permission for sale. Depending up on the nature of new drugs and diseases, additional information may be r equired by the Central Licencing Authority. The app licant shall certify the authenticity of the data and documents submitted in support of an application for new drug . The Central Licencing Authority reserves the right to reject an y data or any documents if such data or contents of such documents are found to be of doubtful integrity. 2. Animal toxicology (Non-clinical toxicity studies ).- (1) General principles. - Toxicity studies should c omply with the norms of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). Brief ly, these studies should be performed by suitably t rained and qualified staff employing properly calibrated and s tandardized equipment of adequate size and capacity . Studies should be done as per written protocols with modifications (if any) verifiable retrospectively. Standard oper ating procedures (SOPs) should be followed for all managerial and la boratory tasks related to these studies. Test subst ances and test systems (in-vitro or in-vivo) should be properly ch aracterised and standardized. All documents belongi ng to each study, including its approved protocol, raw data, draft re port, final report, and histology slides and paraff in tissue blocks should be preserved for a minimum of five years after mark eting of the drug. Toxicokinetic studies (generation of pharmacokineti c data either as an integral component of the condu ct of non-clinical toxicity studies or in specially desig ned studies) should be conducted to assess the syst emic exposure achieved in animals and its relationship to dose le vel and the time course of the toxicity study. Othe r objectives of toxicokinetic studies include obtaining data to rel ate the exposure achieved in toxicity studies to to xicological findings and contribute to the assessment of the relevance o f these findings to clinical safety, to support the choice of species and treatment regimen in nonclinical toxicity studies a nd to provide information which, in conjunction wit h the toxicity findings, contributes to the design of subsequent n on-clinical toxicity studies. (1.1) Systemic toxicity studies,- (1.1.1) Single-dose toxicity studies .\/uni2015 These studies (see Table 1) should be carried out in 2 rodent species (mice and rats) using the same route as int ended for humans. In addition, unless the intended route of administration in humans is only intraveno us, at least one more route should be used in one of the species to ensure systemic absorption of the drug. This route should depend on the nature of the drug. A limit of 2g\/kg (or 10 times the normal dose that is intended in humans, whichever is higher) is recommended for oral dosing. Animals sho uld be observed for 14 days after the drug administration, and Minimum Lethal Dose (MLD) and M aximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) should be established. If possible, the target organ of toxic ity should also be determined. Mortality should be observed for up to seven days after parenteral admi nistration and up to 14 days after oral administration. Symptoms, signs and mode of death s hould be reported, with appropriate macroscopic and microscopic findings where necessar y. LD 10 and LD 50 should be reported preferably with 95 percent confidence limits. If LD 50 cannot be determined, reasons for the same should be stated. The dose causing severe toxic manifestations or dea th should be defined in the case of cytotoxic anticancer agents, and the post-dosing observation period should be up to 14 days. Mice should first b e used for determination of MTD. Findings should then be confirmed in rat for establishing linear relationship between toxicity and body surface area . In case of nonlinearity, data of the more sensiti ve species should be used to determine the Phase I sta rting dose. Where rodents are known to be poor [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 189 predictors of human toxicity (e.g., antifolates), o r where the cytotoxic drug acts by a novel mechanis m of action, Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) should be e stablished in non-rodent species. (1.1.2) Repeated-dose systemic toxicity studies .\/uni2015 These studies (see Table 1) should be carried out in at least two mammalian species, of which one should be a non-rodent. Dose ranging studies should precede the 14-, 28-, 90- or 180- day toxicity stud ies. Duration of the final systematic toxicity stud y will depend on the duration, therapeutic indication and scale of the proposed clinical trial. If a spe cies is known to metabolise the drug in the same way as humans, it should be preferred for toxicity studies . In repeated-dose toxicity studies the drug should b e administered seven days a week by the route intended for clinical use. The number of anim als required for these studies, i.e. the minimum number of animals on which data should be available . Wherever applicable, a control group of animals giv en the vehicle alone should be included, and three other groups should be given graded doses of the drug. The highest dose should produce observable toxicity; the lowest dose should not cau se observable toxicity, but should be comparable to the intended therapeutic dose in humans or a multip le of it. To make allowance for the sensitivity of the species the intermediate dose should cause some sym ptoms, but not gross toxicity or death, and should be placed logarithmically between the other two dos es. The parameters to be monitored and recorded in long -term toxicity studies should include behavioural, physiological, biochemical and microsc opic observations. In case of parenteral drug administration, the sites of injection should be su bjected to gross and microscopic examination. Initi al and final electrocardiogram and fundus examination should be carried out in the non-rodent species. In the case of cytotoxic anticancer agents dosing a nd study design should be in accordance with the proposed clinical schedule in terms of days of expo sure and number of cycles. Two rodent species may be tested for initiating Phase I trials. A non-rode nt species should be added if the drug has a novel mechanism of action, or if permission for Phase II, III or marketing is being sought. For most compounds, it is expected that single dose tissue distribution studies with sufficient sensitivity and specificity will provide an adequat e assessment of tissue distribution and the potenti al for accumulation. Thus, repeated dose tissue distri bution studies should not be required uniformly for all compounds and should only be conducted when app ropriate data cannot be derived from other sources. Repeated dose studies may be appropriate u nder certain circumstances based on the data from single dose tissue distribution studies, toxicity a nd toxicokinetic studies. The studies may be most appropriate for compounds which have an appare ntly long half-life, incomplete elimination or unanticipated organ toxicity. Notes: (i) Single dose toxicity study. - Each group should contain at least five animals of either sex. At least four graded doses should be given. Animals should be exposed to the test substance in a single bolus or by continuous infusion or several d oses within 24 hours. Animals should be observed for 14 days. Signs of intoxication, effect on body weight, gross pathological changes should be reported. It is desirable to include histo-patholog y of grossly affected organs, if any. (ii) Dose-ranging study. - Objectives of this study include the identification of target organ of toxicity and establishment of Maximum Tole rated Dose (MTD) for subsequent studies. (a) Rodents. - Study should be performed in one rod ent species (preferably rat) by the proposed clinical route of administration. At least four gra ded doses including control should be given, and each dose group as well as the vehicle control should consist of a minimum of five animals of each sex. Animals should be exposed to the test substance daily for 10 consecutive days. Highest dose should be the maximum tolerated dose o f single-dose study. Animals should be observed daily for signs of intoxication (general a ppearance, activity and behavior etc), and periodically for the body weight and laboratory par ameters. Gross examination of viscera and microscopic examination of affected organs should b e done. (b) Non-rodents. - One male and one female are to b e taken for ascending Phase Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) study. Dosing should start aft er initial recording of cage-side and laboratory parameters. Starting dose may be three t o five times the extrapolated effective dose or Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) (whichever is less), a nd dose escalation in suitable steps should be done every third day after drawing the sa mples for laboratory parameters. Dose should 190 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] be lowered appropriately when clinical or laborator y evidence of toxicity are observed. Administration of test substance should then contin ue for 10 days at the well-tolerated dose level following which, samples for laboratory parameters should be taken. Sacrifice, autopsy and microscopic examination of affected tissues should be performed as in the case of rodents. (iii) 14-28 Day repeated-dose toxicity studies. - O ne rodent (6-10\/sex\/group) and one non-rodent (2-3\/sex\/group) species are needed. Dail y dosing by proposed clinical route at three dose levels should be done with highest dose having obse rvable toxicity, mid dose between high and low dose, and low dose. The doses should preferably be multiples of the effective dose and free from toxicity. Observation parameters should include cag e side observations, body weight changes, food or water intake, blood biochemistry, haematology, and gross and microscopic studies of all viscera and (iv) 90 Days repeated-dose toxicity studies. - One roden t (15-30\/sex\/group) and one non-rodent (4-6\/sex\/group) species are needed. Daily dosing by pr oposed clinical route at three graded dose levels should be done. In addition to the control a high- dose-reversal group and its control group should b e also included. Parameters should include signs of i ntoxication (general appearance, activity and behavior etc), body weight, food intake, blood bioc hemical parameters, haematological values, urine analysis, organ weights, gross and microscopic stud y of viscera and tissues. Half the animals in groups (treated and control) should be s acrificed after 14 days of stopping the treatment. The remaining animals should be sacrificed after 28 day s of stopping the treatment or after the recovery o f signs or clinical pathological changes whichever comes later, and evaluated for the parameters used for the main study. (v) 180-Day repeated-dose toxicity studies. - One roden t (15-30\/sex\/group) and one non-rodent (4-6\/sex\/group) species are needed. At least four g roups, including control, should be taken. Daily dosing by proposed clinical route at three graded d ose levels should be done. Parameters should include signs of intoxication, body weight, food in take, blood biochemistry, hematology, urine analysis, organ weights, gross and microscopic exam ination of organs and tissues. (1.2) Male fertility study: One rodent species (pre ferably rat) should be used. Dose selection should be done from the results of the previous 14 days or 28 days toxicity study in rat. Three dose groups, the high est one showing minimal toxicity in systemic studies, and a control group should be taken. Each group should c onsist of six adult male animals. Animals should be treated w ith the test substance by the intended route of cli nical use for minimum 28 days and maximum 70 days before they are paired with female animals of proven fertility in a ratio of 1:2 for mating. Drug treatment of the male animals should continue during pairing. Pairing sh ould be continued till the detection of vaginal plug or 10 days, whichever is earlier. Females getting thus pr egnant should be examined for their fertility index after day 13 of gestation. All the male animals should be sacrificed at the end of the study. Weights of each testis and epididymis should be separately recorded. Sperms f rom one epididymis should be examined for their motility an d morphology. The other epididymis and both testes should be examined for their histology. (1.3) Female reproduction and developmental toxicit y studies: These studies need to be carried out for all drugs proposed to be studied or used in women of child be aring age. Segment I, II and III studies (see below ) are to be performed in albino mice or rats, and segment II st udy should include albino rabbits also as a second test species. On the occasion, when the test article is not compatible with the rabbit (e.g. antibiotics wh ich are effective against gram positive, anaerobic organism s and protozoas) the Segment II data in the mouse m ay be substituted. (1.3.1) Female fertility study (Segment I). - The study should be done in one rodent species (rat preferred). The drug should be administered to both males and females, beginning a sufficient number of days (28 days in males and 14 days in females) b efore mating. Drug treatment should continue during mating and, subsequently, during the gestati on period. Three graded doses should be used, the highest dose (usually the Maximum Tolerated Dose (M TD) obtained from previous systemic toxicity studies) should not affect general health of the pa rent animals. At least 15 males and 15 females should be used per dose group. Control and the trea ted groups should be of similar size. The route of administration should be the same as intended for t herapeutic use. Dams should be allowed to litter and their medicati on should be continued till the weaning of pups. Observations on body weight, food intake, clinical signs of intoxication, mating behaviour, progress o f [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 191 gestation or parturition periods, length of gestati on, parturition, postpartum health and gross pathol ogy (and histopathology of affected organs) of dams sho uld be recorded. The pups from both treated and control groups should be observed for general signs of intoxication, sex-wise distribution in differen t treatment groups, body weight, growth parameters, s urvival, gross examination, and autopsy. Histopathology of affected organs should be done. (1.3.2) Teratogenicity study (Segment II). - One rodent (preferably rat) and one non-rodent (r abbit) species are to be used. The drug should be administ ered throughout the period of organogenesis, using three dose levels as described for segment I. The h ighest dose should cause minimum maternal toxicity and the lowest one should be proportional to the pr oposed dose for clinical use in humans or a multipl e of it. The route of administration should be the sa me as intended for human therapeutic use. The control and the treated groups should consist of at least 20 pregnant rats (or mice) and 12 rabbits, on each dose level. All foetuses should be subjected to gross examination, one of the foetuse s should be examined for skeletal abnormalities and t he other half for visceral abnormalities. Observati on parameters should include: (Dams) signs of intoxica tion, effect on body weight, effect on food intake, examination of uterus, ovaries and uterine contents , number of corpora lutea, implantation sites, resorptions (if any); and for the foetuses, the tot al number, gender, body length, weight and gross or visceral or skeletal abnormalities, if any. (1.3.3) Perinatal study (Segment III). - This study is specially recommended if the drug is to be given to pregnant or nursing mothers for long periods or where there are indications of possible adverse effects on foetal development. One rodent species ( preferably rat) is needed. Dosing at levels comparable to multiples of human dose should be don e by the intended clinical route. At least four groups (including control), each consisting of 15 d ams should be used. The drug should be administered throughout the last trimester of pregn ancy (from day 15 of gestation) and then the dose that causes low foetal loss should be continued thr oughout lactation and weaning. Dams should then be sacrificed and examined as described below. One male and one female from each litter of F1 gene ration (total 15 males and 15 females in each group) should be selected at weaning and treat ed with vehicle or test substance (at the dose leve ls described above) throughout their periods of growth to sexual maturity, pairing, gestation, parturitio n and lactation. Mating performance and fertility of F1 generation should thus be evaluated to obtain th e F2 generation whose growth parameters should be mon itored till weaning. The criteria of evaluation should be the same as described earlier. Animals should be sacrificed at the end of the stud y and the observation parameters should include (Dams) body weight, food intake, general si gns of intoxication, progress of gestation or parturition periods and gross pathology (if any); a nd for pups, the clinical signs, sex-wise distribut ion in dose groups, body weight, growth parameters, gro ss examination, survival and autopsy (if needed) and where necessary, histopathology. (1.4) Local toxicity.- These studies are required w hen the new drug is proposed to be used by some spe cial route (other than oral) in humans. The drug should be applied to an appropriate site (e.g., skin or va ginal mucous membrane) to determine local effects in a su itable species. Typical study designs for these stu dies should include three dose levels and untreated or v ehicle control, preferably use of two species, and increasing group size with increase in duration of treatment. Where dosing is restricted due to anatomical or hum ane reasons, or the drug concentration cannot be increa sed beyond a certain level due to the problems of s olubility, pH or tonicity, a clear statement to this effect sh ould be given. If the drug is absorbed from the sit e of application, appropriate systemic toxicity studies will also be required. Notes: (i) Dermal toxicity study . - The study may be done in rabbit and rat. The init ial toxicity study shall be carried out by non-animal alternative tests as give n in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Deve lopment Guidelines. In rabbit and rat studies, daily topica l (dermal) application of test substance in its cli nical dosage form should be done.; Test material should be appli ed on shaved skin covering not less than 10% of the total body surface area. Porous gauze dressing should be used to hold liquid material in place. Formulations with different concentrations (at least 3) of test subst ance, several fold higher than the clinical dosage form should be used. Period of application may vary from seven to 90 days depending on the clinical duration of use. Where skin irritation is grossly visible in the initial s tudies, a recovery group should be included in the subsequent 192 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] repeated-dose study. Local signs (erythema, oedema and eschar formation) as well as histological exami nation of sites of application should be used for evaluation of results. (ii) Photo-allergy or dermal photo-toxicity . - It should be tested by Armstrong or Harber test in guinea pig. This test should be done if the drug or a metabolit e is related to an agent causing photosensitivity o r the nature of action suggests such a potential (e.g., drugs to be used in treatment of leucoderma). Pretest in ei ght animals should screen four concentrations (patch applicatio n for two hours 15 min.) with and without UV expos ure (10 J\/cm2). Observations recorded at 24 and 48 hours sh ould be used to ascertain highest non-irritant dose . Main test should be performed with 10 test animals and f ive controls. Induction with the dose selected from pretest should use 0.3 ml\/patch for 2 hour 15 min. followe d by 10 J\/cm2 of UV exposure. This should be repeat ed on day 0, 2,4,7,9 and 11 of the test. Animals should b e challenged with the same concentration of test su bstance between day 20 to 24 of the test with a similar 2-h our application followed by exposure to 10 J\/cm2 of UV light. Examination and grading of erythema and oedema form ation at the challenge sites should be done 24 and 48 hours after the challenge. A positive control like musk ambrett or psoralin should be used. (iii) Vaginal toxicity test . - Study is to be done in rabbit or dog. Test substanc e should be applied topically (vaginal mucosa) in the form of pessary, cream or o intment. Six to ten animals per dose group should b e taken. Higher concentrations or several daily applications of test substance should be done to achieve multip les of daily human dose. The minimum duration of drug treatment is seven days (more according to clinical use), sub ject to a maximum of 30 days. Observation parameters should include swelling, closure of in troit us and histopathology of vaginal wall. (iv) Rectal tolerance test .- For all preparations meant for rectal administrat ion this test may be performed in rabbits or dogs. Six to ten animals per dose group should be taken. Formulation in volume comparable t o human dose (or the maximum possible volume) should be app lied once or several times daily, per rectally, to achieve administration of multiples of daily human dose. Th e minimum duration of application is seven days (mo re according to clinical use), subject to a maximum of 30 days. Size of suppositories may be smaller, but the drug content should be several fold higher than the prop osed human dose. Observation parameters should incl ude clinical signs (sliding on backside), signs of pain , blood or mucus in faeces, condition of anal regio n or sphincter, gross and (if required) histological exa mination of rectal mucosa. (v) Parenteral drugs .- For products meant for intravenous or intramuscular or subcutaneous or intradermal injection the sites of injection in systemic toxici ty studies should be specially examined grossly and microscopically. If needed, reversibility of advers e effects may be determined on a case to case basis . (vi) Ocular toxicity studies (for products meant for ocu lar instillation). - These studies should be carried out in two species, one of which should be the albi no rabbit which has a sufficiently large conjunctiv al sac. Direct delivery of drug onto the cornea in case of animals having small conjunctival sacs should be ensured. Liquids, ointments, gels or soft contact lenses (saturated w ith drug) should be used. Initial single dose appli cation should be done to decide the exposure concentrations for r epeated-dose studies and the need to include a reco very group. Such initial toxicity studies shall be carri ed out by non-animal alternative tests as given in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines . Duration of the final study will depend on the proposed length of human exposure subject to a maxi mum of 90 days. At least two different concentratio ns exceeding the human dose should be used for demonst rating the margin of safety. In acute studies, one eye should be used for drug administration and the othe r kept as control. A separate control group should be included in repeated-dose studies. Slit-lamp examin ation should be done to detect the changes in corne a, iris and aqueous humor. Fluorescent dyes (sodium fluorescein , 0.25 to 1.0%) should be used for detecting the de fects in surface epithelium of cornea and conjunctiva. Chang es in intra-ocular tension should be monitored by a tonometer. Histological examination of eyes should be done at the end of the study after fixation in D avidson's or Zenker's fluid. (vii) Inhalation toxicity studies . - The studies are to be undertaken in one rodent and one non-rodent species using the formulation that is to be eventua lly proposed to be marketed. Acute, subacute and ch ronic toxicity studies should be performed according to t he intended duration of human exposure. Standard sy stemic toxicity study designs (described above) should be used. Gases and vapours should be given in whole bo dy exposure chambers; aerosols are to be given by nose -only method. Exposure time and concentrations of t est substance (limit dose of 5mg\/l) should be adjusted to ensure exposure at levels comparable to multiple s of intended human exposure. Three dose groups and a co ntrol (plus vehicle control, if needed) are require d. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 193 Duration of exposure may vary subject to a maximum of 6 hours per day and five days a week. Food and w ater should be withdrawn during the period of exposure t o test substance. Temperature, humidity and flow rate of exposure cha mber should be recorded and reported. Evidence of exposure with test substance of particle size of 4 micron (especially for aerosols) with not less t han 25% being 1 micron should be provided. Effects on respi ratory rate, findings of bronchial lavage fluid exa mination, histological examination of respiratory passages an d lung tissue should be included along with the reg ular parameters of systemic toxicity studies or assessme nt of margin of safety. (1.5) Allergenicity or Hypersensitivity. - Standard tests include guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) and local lymph node assay (LLNA) in mouse. Any one of the two may be done. Notes: (i) Guinea pig maximization test. - The test is to be performed in two steps; first, determinat ion of maximum non-irritant and minimum irritant doses, an d second, the main test. The initial study will als o have two components. To determine the intradermal induct ion dose, four dose levels should be tested by the same route in a batch of four male and four female anima ls (2 of each sex should be given Freund's adjuvant ). The minimum irritant dose should be used for induction. Similarly, a topical minimum irritant dose should be determined for challenge. This should be establishe d in two males and two females. A minimum of six ma le and six female animals per group should be used in the main study. One test and one control group shou ld be used. It is preferable to have one more positive co ntrol group. Intradermal induction (day 1) coupled with topical challenge (day21) should be done. If there is no response, re-challenge should be done 7 to 30 days after the primary challenge. Erythema and oedema (individ ual animal scores as well as maximization grading) should be used as evaluation criteria. (ii) Local lymph node assay. - Mice used in this te st should be of the same sex, either only males or only females. Drug treatment is to be given on ear skin. Three graded doses, the highest being maximum non- irritant dose plus vehicle control should be used. A minimum of 6 mice per group should be used. Test material should be applied on ear skin on three consecutive days an d on day 5, the draining auricular lymph nodes shou ld be dissected out 5 hours after i.v. H-thymidine or bro mo-deoxy-uridine (BrdU). Increase in H-thymidine or BrdU incorporation should be used as the criterion for e valuation of results. (1.6) Genotoxicity .\/uni2015 Genotoxic compounds, in the absence of other data, shall be presumed to be trans-species carcinogens, implying a hazard to humans. S uch compounds need not be subjected to long term carcinogenicity studies. However, if such a drug is intended to be administered for chronic illnesses or otherwise over a long period of time - a chronic toxicity stu dy (up to one year) may be necessary to detect earl y tumorigenic effects. Genotoxicity tests are in vitr o and in vivo tests conducted to detect compounds w hich induce genetic damage directly or indirectly. These tests should enable a hazard identification with r espect to damage to De-oxy Ribonucleic Acid (DNA) and its fix ation. The following standard test battery is generally ex pected to be conducted: (i) A test for gene mutation in bacteria. (ii) An in vitro test with cytogenetic evaluation of chr omosomal damage with mammalian cells or an in vitro mouse lymphomatic assay. (iii) An in vivo test for chromosomal damage using rodent haematopoietic cells. Other genotoxicity tests e.g. tests for measurement of De-oxy Ribonucl eic Acid (DNA) adducts, De-oxy Ribonucleic Acid (DNA) strand breaks, De-oxy Ribonucleic Acid (DNA) repair or recombination serve as options in addition to the standard battery for further invest igation of genotoxicity test results obtained in th e standard battery. Only under extreme conditions in which one or more tests comprising the standard battery cannot be employed for technical reasons, a lternative validated tests can serve as substitutes provided sufficient scientific justification should be provided to support the argument that a given standard battery test is not appropriate. (iv) Both in-vitro and in-vivo studies should be done. I n-vitro studies should include Ames Salmonella assay and chromosomal aberrations (CA) i n cultured cells. In-vivo studies should include micronucleus assay (MNA) or chromosomal aberrations (CA) in rodent bone marrow. Data analysis of chromosomal aberrations (CA) should include analysi s of (v) Cytotoxic anticancer agents. - Genotoxicity data ar e not required before Phase I and II trials. But these studies should be completed before applyi ng for Phase III trials. 194 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] Notes: Ames Test (Reverse mutation assay in Salmonella): S. typhimurium tester strains such as TA98, TA100, TA102, TA1535, TA97 or Escherichia col i WP2 uvrA or Escherichia coli WP2 uvrA (pKM101) should be used. (vi) In-vitro exposure (with and without metabolic activ ation, S9 mix) should be done at a minimum of 5 log dose levels. control should be used. Positive control may include 9-amino-acridine, 2-nitrofluorine, sodium a zide and mitomycin C, respectively, in the tester strains mentioned above. Each set should consist of at least three replicates. A 2.5 fold (or more) increase in number of revertants in comparison to s pontaneous revertants would be considered positive. (vii) In-vitro cytogenetic assay. - The desired level of toxicity for in vitro cytogenetic tests using cell lines should be greater than 50% reduction in cell number or culture confluency. For lymphocyte cultures, an inhibition of mitotic index by greater than 50% is considered sufficient. It should be performed in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells or o n human lymphocyte in culture. In-vitro exposure (with and without metabolic activation, S9 mix) should be done using a minimum of 3 log control should be i ncluded. A positive control like Cyclophosphamide with metabolic activation and Mitomycin C for witho ut metabolic activation should be used to give a reproducible and detectable increase clastogenic ef fect over the background which demonstrates the sensitivity of the test system. Each set should con sist of at least three replicates. Increased number of aberrations in metaphase chromosomes should be used as the criteria for evaluation. (viii) In-vivo micronucleus assay. - One rodent species (p referably mouse) is needed. Route of administration of test substance should be the same as intended for humans. Five animals per sex per dose groups should be used. At least three dose lev els, plus control should b e tested. A positive control like mitomycin C or cycl ophosphamide should be used. Dosing should be done on day one and two of study followed by sacrif ice of animals six hours after the last injection. Bone marrow from both the femora should be taken ou t, flushed with fetal bovine serum (20 min.), pelletted and smeared on glass slides. Giemsa-May G ruenwald staining should be done and increased number of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes (minimum 1000) should be used as the evaluation criteria. (ix) In-vivo cytogenetic assay. - One rodent species (pr eferably rat) is to be used. Route of administration of test substance should be the same as intended for humans. Five animals\/sex\/dose groups should be used. At least three dose levels, plus control should be tes ted. Positive control may include cyclophosphamide. Dosi ng should be done on day one followed by intra-peritoneal colchicine administration at 22 hours. A nimals should be sacrificed two hours after colchicine administration. Bone marrow from both th e femora should be taken out, flushed with hypotonic saline (20 minutes), pelletted and resusp ended in Carnoys fluid. Once again the cells shoul d be pelletted and dropped on clean glass slides with a Pasteur pipette. Giemsa staining should be done and increased number of aberrations in metaphase ch romosomes (minimum 100) should be used as the evaluation criteria. (1.7) Carcinogenicity.- Carcinogenicity studies sho uld be performed for all drugs that are expected to be clinically used for more than six months as well as for drugs used frequently in an intermittent manne r in the treatment of chronic or recurrent conditions. Carci nogenicity studies are also to be performed for dru gs if there is concern about their carcinogenic potential emana ting from previous demonstration of carcinogenic po tential in the product class that is considered relevant to humans or where structure-activity relationship su ggests carcinogenic risk or when there is evidence of pren eoplastic lesions in repeated dose toxicity studies or when long-term tissue retention of parent compound or me tabolites results in local tissue reactions or other pathophysiological responses. For pharmaceuticals d eveloped to treat certain serious diseases, Central Licencing Authority may allow carcinogenicity testing to be c onducted after marketing permission has been grante d. In instances where the life-expectancy in the indic ated population is short (i.e., less than 2 - 3 yea rs) no long-term carcinogenicity studies may be required. In cases where the therapeutic agent for cancer is generally successful and life is significantly prolonged ther e may be later concerns regarding secondary cancers . When such drugs are intended for adjuvant therapy in tum our free patients or for prolonged use in non-cance r indications, carcinogenicity studies may be needed. Completed rodent carcinogenicity studies are not n eeded in advance of the conduct of large scale clinical tria ls, unless there is special concern for the patient population. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 195 Carcinogenicity studies should be done in a rodent species (preferably rat). Mouse may be employed only with proper scientific justification. The sele cted strain of animals should not have a very high or very low incidence of spontaneous tumors. At least three dose levels should be used. The high est dose should be sub-lethal, and it should not reduce the life span of animals by more than 10% of expected normal. The lowest dose should be compara ble to the intended human therapeutic dose or a multiple o f it, e.g. 2.5x; to make allowance for the sensitiv ity of the species. The intermediate dose to be placed logarit hmically between the other two doses. An untreated control and (if indicated) a vehicle control group should b e included. The drug should be administered seven d ays a week for a fraction of the life span comparable to the fraction of human life span over which the drug is likely to be used therapeutically. Generally, the period of d osing should be 24 months for rats and 18 months fo r mice. Observations should include macroscopic changes obs erved at autopsy and detailed histopathology of organs and tissues. Additional tests for carcinogen icity (short-term bioassays, neonatal mouse assay o r tests employing transgenic animals) may also be done depe nding on their applicability on a case to case basi s. Note: Each dose group and concurrent control group not in tended to be sacrificed early should contain at lea st 50 animals of each sex. A high dose satellite group for evaluation of pathology other than neoplasia s hould contain 20 animals of each sex while the satellite control group should contain10animals of each sex. Observation parameters should include signs of into xication, effect on body weight, food intake, clini cal chemistry parameters, hematology parameters, urine analysis, organ weights, gross pathology and detail ed histopathology. Comprehensive descriptions of benig n and malignant tumour development, time of their detection, site, dimensions, histological typing et c. should be given. (1.8) Animal toxicity requirements for clinical tri als and marketing of a new drug. Systemic Toxicity Studies administration Duration of proposed human administration Human Phase(s) for which study is proposed to be conducted Long term toxicity requirements Oral or Parenteral Transdermal Single dose or several doses in one day, up to 1 week I, II, III 2 species; 2 weeks >1 week but upto 2 weeks I, II, III 2 species; 2weeks Upto 2 weeks Marketing permission 2 species; 4weeks >2 weeks but upto 4 weeks I, II,III 2 species; equal to duration of human exposure Marketing permission 2 species; 12 weeks > 4 weeks but upto 12 weeks I,II,III 2 species; equal to duration of human exposure Marketing permission 2 species; 24 weeks > 12 weeks but upto 24 weeks I,II,III 2 species; equal to duration of human exposure Marketing permission 2 species; Rodent 24 weeks, non-rodent 36 weeks > 24 weeks I,II,III 2 species; Rodent 24 weeks, non-rodent 36weeks 196 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] Marketing permission 2 species; Rodent 24 weeks, non-rodent 36 weeks Inhalation (general Anaesthetics, aerosols) Up to 2 weeks I, II, III 2 species; I month (Exposure time 3h\/d, 5d\/week) Up to 4 weeks I, II, III 2 species; 12 weeks (Exposure time 6h\/d, 5d\/week) >14 weeks I, II, III 2 sp; 24 weeks (Exposure time 6h\/d, 5d\/week) Local Toxicity Studies Dermal Up to 2 weeks I, II 1 species; 4 weeks III 2 species; 4 weeks > 2 weeks I, II, III 2 species; 12 weeks Ocular or Optic or Nasal Up to 2 weeks I, II 1 species; 4 weeks III 2 species; 4 weeks > 2 weeks I, II, III 2 species; 12 weeks Vaginal or Rectal Up to 2 weeks I, II 1 species; 4weeks III 2 species; 4 weeks > 2 weeks I, II, III 2 species; 12 weeks Special Toxicity Studies Male Fertility Study: Phase III in male volunteers or patients Female Reproduction and Development Toxicity Studie s: Segment II studies in 2 species; Phase II, III invo lving female patients of child bearing age. Segment I study; Phase III involving female patient s of child-bearing age. Segment III study; Phase III for drugs to be given to pregnant or nursing mothers for long periods or where there are indications of possible adverse effects on foet al development. Allergenicity or Hypersensitivity: Phase I, II, III - when there is a cause of concern or for parenteral drugs (including dermal applicat ion) Photo-allergy or dermal photo-toxicity: Phase I, II, III - if the drug or a metabolite is r elated to an agent causing photosensitivity or the nature of action suggests such a potential. Genotoxicity: In-vitro studies Both in-vitro and in-vivo Phase II, III Carcinogenicity: Phase III when there is a cause for concern, or when the drug is to be used for more than 6 months. Abbreviations: d -day; h-hour; I, II , III - Phase of clinical trial; Note: (1) Animal toxicity data generated in other countri es may be accepted and may not be asked to be repeated or duplicated in India on a case to case b asis depending upon the quality of data and the cre dentials of the laboratory where such data has been generated. (2) Requirements for fixed dose combina tions are given in clause 4 of this Schedule. (1.9) Number of animals required for repeated-dos e toxicity studies [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 197 14 to 28 days 84 to 182 days Group Rodent (Rat) Non-rodent (Dog or Monkey) Rodent (Rat) Non-rodent Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Control 6 to10 6 to10 2 to3 2 to3 15 to30 15 to30 4 to6 4 to6 Low dose 6 to10 6 to10 2 to3 2 to3 15 to30 15 to30 4 to6 4 to6 Intermediat e dose 6 to10 6 to10 2 to3 2 to3 15 to30 15 to30 4 to6 4 t o6 High dose 6to10 6 to10 2 to3 2 to3 15 to30 15 to30 4 to6 4 to6 (1.10) Laboratory parameters to be included in toxi city studies: Haematological parameters Haemoglobin Total Red Blood Cell count Haematocrit Reticulocyte Total White Blood count Differential White Blood Cell Count Platelet count Terminal Bone Marrow Examination Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (Non- rodents only) General Blood Picture: A Special mention of abnorma land immature cells should be made Coagulation parameters (Non-rodents only): Bleeding Time, coagulation Time, prothrombin time, Activated partial Thromboplastin Time Urinalysis Parameters Colour Appearance Specific Gravity 24 hours urinary output Reaction(pH) Albumin Sugar Acetone Bile pigments Urobilinogen Occult Blood Microscopic examination of urinary sediment Blood Biochemical parameters Glucose Cholesterol Triglycerides High density lipo proteins (HDL) cholesterol ( Non-rodents only) Low density lipoproteins (LDL) Bilirubin Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) (Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase Cholesterol( Non-rodents only) Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) GGT (Non-rodents only) Blood urea Nitrogen Creatini ne 198 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] proteins Albumin Globulin (Calculated values) Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium Gross and Microscopic Pathology Brai n*: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Midbrain (Spinal cord) Eye (Middle Ear) Thyroid (Parathyroid) Spleen Thymus Adrenal* (Pancreas) (Trachea) Lung* Heart* Aorta Oesophagus Stomach Duodenum Jejunum Terminal ileum Colon (Rectum) Liver* Kidney* Urinary bladder Epididymis Testis* Ovary Uterus* Skin Mammary gland Mesenteric lymph node Skeletal m uscle * Organs marked with an asterisk should be weighed. ( ) Organs listed in parenthesis should be examined if indicated by the nature of the drug or observed effects. Non-clinical toxicity testing and safety evaluatio n data of an Investigational New Drug (IND) needed for the conduct of different phases of clinical tri als. Note: Refer clause 2 of Second Schedule for essential fea tures of study designs of the non- clinical toxicity studies listed below. For Phase I Clinical Trials: Systemic Toxicity studies:- (I) Single dose toxicitystudies (II) Dose Ranging Studies (III) Repeat-dose systemic toxicity studies of appropriat e duration to support the duration of proposed human exposure. Male fertility study: In-vitro genotoxicity tests, Relevant local toxicity studies with proposed route of clinical application (duration depending on proposed length of clinical exposure). Allergenicity or Hypersensitivity tests (when there is a cause for concern or for parenteral drugs, including dermal application). Photo-allergy or dermal photo-toxicity test (if the drug or a metabolite is related to anagent causing photosensitivity or the nature of action suggests s uch a potential). For Phase II Clinical Trials: Provide a summary of all the non-clinical safety da ta (listed above) already submitted while obtaining the permissions for Phase I trial, with appropriate references. In case of an application for directly starting a P hase II trial - complete details of then on clinica l safety data needed for obtaining the permission for Phase I trial, as per the list provided above must be submitted. Repeat-dose systemic toxicity studies of appropriat e duration to support the duration of proposed huma n exposure. In-vivo genotoxicity tests. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 199 Segment II reproductive or developmental toxicity s tudy (if female patients of child bearing age are going to be involved). For Phase III Clinical Trials: Provide a summary of all the non-clinical safety da ta (listed above) already submitted while obtaining the permissions for Phase I and II trials, with appropriate references. In c ase of an application for directly initiating a Phase III tri al - complete details of the non-clinical safety da ta needed for obtaining the permissions for Phase I and II trials , as per the list provided above must be provided. Repeat-dose systemic toxicity studies of appropriat e duration to support the duration of proposed huma n exposure. Reproductive or developmental toxicity studies Segment I (if female patients of child bearing age are going to be involved), and Segment III (for drugs to be given to pregnant or nursing mothe rs or where there are indications of possible adverse effects on foetal development). Carcinogenicity studies (when there is a cause for concern or when the drug is to be used for more tha n 6 For Phase IV Clinical Trials: Provide a summary of all the non-clinical safety da ta (listed above) already submitted while obtaining the permissions for Phase I, II and III trials, with appropriate references. In case an application is made for initiating the P hase IV trial, complete details of the non-clinical safety data needed for obtaining the permissions for Phase I, I I and III trials, as per the list provided above mu st be submitted. Application of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) The animal studies be conducted in an accredited la boratory. Where the safety pharmacology studies are part of toxicology studies, these studies should also be co nducted in an accredited laboratory. (2) The animal toxicology requirements as referred abov e should be viewed as general guidance for drug dev elopments. Animal toxicology studies may be planned, designed and conducted as per the International Council of H armonization (ICH) guidelines to promote safe, ethical developme nt and availability of new drugs with reduced use o f animals in accordance with the 3R (reduce\/refine\/replace) prin ciples. 3. Animal Pharmacology.- (1) General Principles .- Specific and general pharmacological studies should be conducted to support use of therapeutics in humans. In the early stages of drug development enough inf ormation may not be available to rationally select study des ign for safety assessment. In such a situation, a g eneral approach to safety pharmacology studies can be applied. Safety pharmacology studies are studies that investigate p otential undesirable pharmacodynamic effects of a substance on physiological functions in relation to exposure within the therapeutic range or above. 1.1 Specific pharmacological actions,- Specific pha rmacological actions are those which demonstrate th e therapeutic potential for humans. The specific studies that should be conducted and t heir design will be different based on the individu al properties and intended uses of investigational drug. Scientifical ly validated methods should be used. The use of new technologies and methodologies in accordance with sound scientific p rinciples should be preferred. 1.2 General pharmacological actions,- 1.2.1 Essential safety pharmacology.- Safety pharma cology studies need to be conducted to investigate the potential undesirable pharmacodynamic effects of a substance on physiological functions in relation to exposure within the therapeutic range and above. Th ese studies should be designed to identify undesirable pharmacodynamic properties of a substan ce that may have relevance to its human safety; to evaluate adverse pharmacodynamic or pathophysiologi cal effects observed in toxicology or clinical stud ies; and to investigate the mechanism of the adverse pha rmacodynamic effects observed or suspected. The aim of the essential safety pharmacology is to study the e ffects of the test drug on vital functions. Vital o rgan systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory and central ner vous systems should be studied. Essential safety pharmacology studies may be excluded or supplemente d based on scientific rationale. Also, the exclusio n of certain tests or exploration(s) of certain organs, systems or functions should be scientifically justi fied. Cardiovascular system: Effects of the inves tigational drug should be studied on blood pressure , heart rate, and the electrocardiogram. If possible in vitro, in vivo and\/or ex vivo methods including electrophysiology should also be considered. Central nervous system: Effects of the inve stigational drug should be studied on motor activit y, behavioural changes, coordination, sensory and moto r reflex responses and body temperature. 200 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] Respiratory system: Effects of the investig ational drug on respiratory rate and other function s such as tidal volume and haemoglobin oxygen saturat ion should be studied. 1.3 Follow-up and supplemental safety pharmacology studies.- In addition to the essential safety pharm acological studies, additional supplemental and follow-up safe ty pharmacology studies may need to be conducted as appropriate. These depend on the pharmacological properties or c hemical class of the test substance, and the data g enerated from safety pharmacology studies, clinical trials, pharm acovigilance, experimental in vitro or in vivo stud ies, or from literature reports. 1.3.1 Follow-up studies for essential safety pharma cology: Follow-up studies provide additional information or a better und er stand ing than that pr o vid ed b y the essential safety pharmacology. Cardiovascular system: These include ventri cular contractility, vascular resistance and the effects of chemical mediators, their agonists and a ntagonists on the cardiovascular system. Central nervous system: These include behav ioural studies, learning and memory, electrophysiology studies, neurochemistry a nd ligand binding studies. Respiratory system: These include airway re sistance, compliance, pulmonary arterial pressure, blood gases and blood pH. 1.3.2 Supplemental safety pharmacology studies: The se studies are required to investigate the possible adverse pharmacological effects that are not assess ed in the essential safety pharmacological studies and are a cause for concern. Urinary system: These include u rine volume, specific gravity, osmolality, pH, prot eins, cytology and blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and plasma prot eins estimation. Autonomic nervous system: These include bin ding to receptors relevant for the autonomic nervous system, and functional response to agonist or antagonist responses in vivo or in vitro, and effects of direct stimulation of autonomic nerves a nd their effects on cardiovascular responses. Gastrointestinal system: These include stud ies on gastric secretion, gastric pH measurement, gastric mucosal examination, bile secretion, gastri c emptying time in vivo and ileocaecal contraction in Other organ systems: Effects of the investi gational drug on organ systems not investigated elsewhere should be assessed when there is a cause for concern. For example, dependency potential, skeletal muscle, immune and endocrine functions may be investigated. 1.4 Conditions under which safety pharmacology stud ies are not necessary: Safety pharmacology studies are usually not required for locally applied agents e.g. dermal or ocular, in cases when the pharmacology of the i nvestigational drug is well known, and\/or when systemic absorption from the site of application is low. Safety pharma cology testing is also not necessary, in the case of a new derivat ive having similar pharmacokinetics and pharmacodyn amics. 1.5 Timing of safety pharmacology studies in relati on to clinical development : 1.5.1 Prior to first administration in humans: The effects of an investigational drug on the vital fun ctions listed in the essential safety pharmacology should be studied prior to first administration in humans. Any follo w-up or supplemental studies identified, should be conducte d if necessary, based on a cause for concern. 1.5.2 During clinical development: Additional inves tigations may be warranted to clarify observed or s uspected adverse effects in animals and humans during clinic al development. 1.5.3 Before applying for marketing approval: Follo w-up and supplemental safety pharmacology studies s hould be assessed prior to approval unless not required, in which case this should be justified. Available i nformation from toxicology studies addressing safety pharmacol ogy endpoints or information from clinical studies can replace such studies. 1.6 Application of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP): The animal studies be conducted in an accredited l aboratory. Where the safety pharmacology studies are part of t oxicology studies, these studies should also be con ducted in an accredited laboratory. 4. Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs). - Fixed dose combinations refer to products containin g one or more active ingredients used for a particular indication. Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) can be divided into the f ollowing groups and data required for approval for marketing is des cribed below: (a) The first group of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) i ncludes those in which one or more of the active in gredients is a new drug. For such Fixed Dose Combinations (FD Cs) to be approved for marketing data to be submitt ed will be similar to data required for any new drug (includin g clinical trials). [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 201 (b) (i) The second group Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) includes those in which active ingredients already approved or marketed individually are combined for the first time, for a particular claim and where th e ingredients are likely to have significant interaction of a pharmac odynamic or pharmacokinetic nature. If clinical tri als have been carried out with the Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) i n other countries, reports of such trials should be submitted. If the Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) is marketed abroad , the regulatory status in other countries should b e stated. (ii) For marketing permission, appropriate chemical and pharmaceutical data will be submitted. In case such a combination is not marketed anywhere in the world b ut these drugs are already in use concomitantly (no t as a Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) but individually) for the sa id claim, marketing permission may be granted based on chemical and pharmaceutical data. Data showing the stability of the proposed dosage form will also hav e to be submitted. (iii) For any other such Fixed Dose Combinations (F DCs), clinical trials may be required. For obtainin g permission to carry out clinical trials with such Fixed Dose Comb inations (FDCs) a summary of available pharmacologi cal, toxicological and clinical data on the individual i ngredients should be submitted, along with the rati onale for combining them in the proposed ratio. In addition, acute toxicity data (Lethal Dose 50 (LD 50)) and ph armacological data should be submitted on the individual ingredie nts as well as their combination in the proposed ra tio. (c) The third group of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) i ncludes those which are already marketed, but in which it is proposed either to change the ratio of active ingredients or to make a new therapeutic cla im. For such Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs), the appropriate rat ionale including published reports (if any) should be submitted to obtain marketing permission. Permission will be granted depending upon the nature of the claim and data submitted. (d) The fourth group of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) in cludes those whose individual active ingredients (or drugs from the same class) have been widely use d in a particular indications for years, their conc omitant use is often necessary and no claim is proposed to be made other than convenience. It will have to be demonst rated that the proposed dosage form is stable and the ingredients are unlikely to have significant interaction of a p harmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic nature. No additional animal or human data are generally required for these Fixed D ose Combinations (FDCs), and marketing permission may b e granted if the Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) has a n acceptable rationale. 5. Stability Testing of New Drugs. - Stability testing is to be performed to provide evi dence on how the quality of a drug substance or formulation varies with time unde r the influence of various environmental factors su ch as temperature, humidity and light, and to establish shelf life for the formulation and recommended storage conditions . Stability studies should include testing of those a ttributes of the drug substance that are susceptibl e to change during storage and are likely to influence quality, safety or efficacy. In case of formulations the testing s hould cover, as appropriate, the physical, chemical, biological, an d microbiological attributes, preservative content (e.g., antioxidant, antimicrobial preservative), and functionality test s (e.g., for a dose delivery system). Validated stability-indicating analytical procedure s should be applied. For long term studies, frequen cy of testing should be sufficient to establish the stability profile of the drug substance. In general, a drug substance should be evaluated un der storage conditions that test its thermal stabil ity and, if applicable, its sensitivity to moisture. The storage conditions and the length of studies chosen should be suffici ent to cover storage, shipment and subsequent use. Stress testing of the drug substance should be cond ucted to identify the likely degradation products, which in turn establish the degradation pathways, evaluate the in trinsic stability of the molecule and validate the stability indicating power of the analytical procedures used. The nature of the stress testing will depend on the individua l drug substance and the type of formulation involved. Stress testing may generally be carried out on a si ngle batch of the drug substance. It should include the effect of temperatures), humidity where appropriate, oxidatio n, and photolysis on the drug substance. Data should be provided for (a) Photostability on at least one primary batch of the drug substance as well as the formulation, as the case may be; and (b) the susceptibility of the drug substance to hyd rolysis across a wide range of pH values when in so lution or suspension. Long-term testing should cover a minimum of six mon ths duration if there is no significant change at a ny time during six months testing at accelerated storage condition or twelve months duration if there is significant chan ges in the six months accelerated stability testing on at least three pri mary batches of the drug substance or the formulati on at the time of submission and should be continued for a period of time sufficient to cover the proposed shelf life. A ccelerated testing should cover a minimum of six months duration at th e time of submission. 202 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] In case of drug substances, the batches should be m anufactured to a minimum of pilot scale by the same synthetic route and using a method of manufacture that simulates th e final process to be used for production batches. In case of formulations, two of the three batches should be at least pilot scale and the third one may be smaller . The manufacturing process used for primary batches should simulate that to be applied to production ba tches and should provide products of the same quality and meeting the same specifications as that intended f or marketing. The stability studies for drug substances should be conducted either in the same container - closure s ystem as proposed for storage and distribution or in a conta iner - closure system that simulates the proposed f inal packaging. In case of formulations, the stability studies should be conducted in the final container - closure syste m proposed for marketing. Stability testing of new drug substances and formul ations: (i)Study conditions for drug substances and formula tions intended to be stored under general condition s Study Study conditions Duration of study Long-term 30 C\/75% RH 5% RH 6 months or 12 months Accelerated 40 C\/75% RH 5% RH 6 months (ii) If at any time during 6 months testing under the ac celerated storage condition, such changes occur tha t cause the product to fail in complying with the prescribed st andards, additional testing under an intermediate s torage condition should be conducted and evaluated against significa nt change criteria. (iii) Study conditions for drug substances and formulatio ns intended to be stored in a refrigerator. Study Study conditions Duration of study Long-term 5 C 6 months or 12 months Accelerated 25 C\/60% RH 5%RH 6 months (iv) Study conditions for drug substances and formulatio ns intended to be stored in a freezer Study Study conditions Duration of study Study Study conditions Durations of study Long-term -20 C 6 months or 12 months (v) Drug substances intended for storage below -20 C s hall be treated on a case-by-case basis. (vi) Stability testing of the formulations after constit ution or dilution, if applicable, should be conduct ed to provide information for the labelling on the preparation, s torage condition, and in-use period of the constitu ted or diluted product. This testing should be performed on the constituted or diluted product through the proposed in- use pe riod. DATA TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION TO CONDUCT CLINICAL TRIALS OR IMPORT OR MANUFACTURE OF NEW DRUGS FOR SALE IN THE COUNTRY 1. Introduction: A brief description of the drug and the therapeutic class to which it belongs. 2. Chemical and pharmaceutical information 2.1. Information on active ingredients.- Drug info rmation (Generic Name, Chemical Name or Internation al Nonproprietary Names (INN)) 2.2. Physicochemical data.- (a) Chemical name and Structure Empirical formula Molecular weight (b) Physical properties Description Solubility [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 203 Partition coefficient Dissociation constant. 2.3. Analytical data Elemental analysis Mass spectrum NMR spectra IR spectra UV spectra Polymorphic identification. 2.4. Complete monograph specification including Identification Identity or quantification of impurities Enantiomeric purity 2.5. Validations Assay method Impurity estimation method Residual solvent\/other volatile impurities (OVI) es timation method. 2.6. Stability studies (for details refer clause 5 of this Schedule) Final release specification Reference standard characterization Material safety data sheet. 2.7. Data on formulation (i) Dosage form (ii) Composition (iii) Master manufacturing formula (iv) Details of the formulation (including inactive ingr edients) (v) In process quality control check (vi) Finished product specification (vii) Excipient compatibility study (viii) Validation of the analytical method (ix) Comparative evaluation with international brand or approved Indian brands, if applicable. (x) Pack presentation (xi) Dissolution assay (xii) Impurities (xiii) Content uniformity pH (xiv) Force degradation study (xv) Stability evaluation in market intended pack at pro posed storage conditions (xvi) Packing specifications 204 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (xvii) Process validation When the application is for clinical trials only, t he international non-proprietary name (INN) or gene ric name, drug category, dosage form and data supporting stab ility in the intended container-closure system for the duration of the clinical trial (information covered in item numbers 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7) are required. 3. Animal pharmacology (for details refer clause 3 of this Schedule) 3.1. Summary 3.2. Specific pharmacological actions 3.3. General pharmacological actions 3.4. Follow-up and supplemental safety pharmacolog y studies 3.5. Pharmacokinetics: absorption, distribution; m etabolism; excretion 4. Animal toxicology (for details refer clause 2 of th is Schedule) 4.1. General aspects 4.2. Systemic toxicity studies 4.3. Male fertility study 4.4. Female reproduction and developmental toxicity studies 4.5. Local toxicity 4.6. Allergenicity or Hypersensitivity 4.7. Genotoxicity 4.8. Carcinogenicity Note: Where the data on animal toxicity as per the specif ications of clause 2has been submitted and the same has been considered by the regulatory authority of the count ry which had earlier approved the drug, the animal toxicity studies shall not be required to be conducted in India exce pt in cases where there are specific concerns recor ded in writing. 5. Human or Clinical pharmacology (Phase I) 5.1. Summary 5.2. Specific Pharmacological effects 5.3. General Pharmacological effects 5.4. Pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, me tabolism, excretion 5.5. Pharmacodynamics \/ early measurement of drug a ctivity 6. Therapeutic exploratory trials (Phase II) 6.1. Summary 6.2. Study report as given in Table 6 of Third Sch edule 7. Therapeutic confirmatory trials (Phase III) 7.1. Summary 7.2. Individual study reports with listing of sites and investigators. 8. Special studies 8.1. Summary 8.2. Bio-availability or Bio-equivalence. 8.3. Other studies e.g. geriatrics, paediatrics, pr egnant or nursing women 9. Regulatory status in other countries 9.1. Countries where the drug is (a) Marketed (b) Approved (c) Approved as Investigational New Drug (IND) [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 205 (d) Withdrawn, if any, with reasons 9.2. Restrictions on use, if any, in countries wher e marketed\/approved 9.3. Free sale certificate or certificate of analys is, as appropriate. 10. Prescribing information 10.1. Proposed full prescribing information 10.2. Drafts of labels and cartons 11. Samples and Testing protocol\/s 11.1. Samples of pure drug substance and finished p roduct (an equivalent of 50 clinical doses, or more number of clinical doses if prescribed by the Central Licenci ng Authority), with testing protocols, full impurit y profile and release specifications. 12. New chemical entity and Global clinical trial: 12.1Assessment of risk versus benefit to the patien ts 12.2Innovation vis--vis existing therapeutic optio n 12.3 Unmet medical need in the country. 13. Copy of license to manufacture any drug for sal e granted by State Licencing Authority (in case the application is for manufacture for sale of new drug ) Note: (1) All items may not be applicable to all drugs. For explanation, refer text of this First Schedule, Second Schedule and Third Schedule. (2) For requirements of data to be submitted with a pplication for clinical trials refer text of the Fi rst Schedule, Second Schedule and Third Schedule. DATA REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED BY AN APPLICANT FOR G RANT OF PERMISSION TO IMPORT OR MANUFACTURE A NEW DRUG ALREADY APPROVED IN THE COUNTRY 1. Introduction A brief description of the drug and the therapeutic class 2. Chemical and pharmaceutical information 2.1 Chemical name, code name or number, if any; non -proprietary or generic name, if any, structure; physico-chemical properties 2.2 Dosage form and its composition 2.3 Test specifications (a) active ingredients (b) inactive ingredients 2.4 Tests for identification of the active ingredie nts and method of its assay 2.5 Specifications of finished product 2.6 Outline of the method of manufacture of active ingredient and finished product 2.7 Stability data 3. Marketing information 3.1 Proposed package insert or promotional literatu re 3.2 Draft specimen of the label and carton 4. Special studies conducted with approval of Centr al Licencing Authority 4.1 Bioavailability or Bioequivalence and comparati ve dissolution studies for oral dosage forms 4.2 Sub-acute animal toxicity studies for intraveno us infusions and injectables. 206 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] DATA REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED BY AN APPLICANT FOR C ONDUCT OF CLINICAL TRIAL OF AN APPROVED NEW DRUG WITH NEW CLAIMS, NAMELY, NEW INDI CATION OR NEW DOSAGE FORM OR NEW ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION OR NEW STRENGTH OR T O IMPORT OR MANUFACTURE SUCH NEW DRUG FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 1. Number and date of permission or license already gr anted for the approved new drug. 2. Therapeutic justification for new claim- new indica tion or modified dosage form\/new route of administr ation Chemical and Pharmaceutical information 3.1 Chemical name, code name or number, if any; non -proprietary or generic name, if any, structure; ph ysico-chemical properties 3.2 Dosage form and its composition 3.3 Test specifications (a) active ingredients (b) inactive ingredients 3.4 Tests for identification of the active ingredie nts and method of its assay 3.5 Specifications of finished product 3.6 Outline of the method of manufacture of active ingredient and finished product 3.7 Stability data 4. Therapeutic justification for new claim or modified dosage form 5. Animal pharmacological and toxicological data as re ferred in clause 1, clause 2 and clause 3 of this S chedule. 6. Clinical trial data as referred in clause 1 of this Schedule. 7. Regulatory status in other countries 8. Marketing information: 8.1 Proposed package insert or promotional literatu re 8.2 Draft specimen of the label and carton DATA TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH APPLICATION TO COND UCT CLINICAL TRIAL OR IMPORT OR MANUFACTURE OF A PHYTOPHARMACEUTICAL DRUG IN THE COUNTRY 1. Data to be submitted by the applicant: 1.1.A brief description or summary of the phyto pha rmaceutical drug giving the botanical name of the p lant (including vernacular or scriptural name, wherever applicable), formulation and route of administratio n, dosages, therapeutic class for which it is indicated and the claims to be made for the phytopharmaceutical prod uct. 1.2.Published literature including information on p lant or product or phytopharmaceutical drug, as a t raditional medicine or as an ethno medicine and provide refere nce to books and other documents, regarding composi tion, process prescribed, dose or method of usage, propor tion of the active ingredients in such traditional preparations per dose or per days consumption and uses. 1.3.Information on any contraindications, side effe cts mentioned in traditional medicine or ethno medi cine literature or reports on current usage of the formulation. 1.4.Published scientific reports in respect of safe ty and pharmacological studies relevant for the phy topharmaceutical drug intended to be marketed,- (a) where the process and usages are similar or same to the product known in traditional medicine or ethno medicine; and (b) where process or usage is different from that known in traditional medicine or ethno medicine. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 207 1.5.Information on any contraindications, side effe cts mentioned or reported in any of the studies, in formation on side effects and adverse reactions reported during curre nt usage of the phytopharmaceutical in the last thr ee years, wherever applicable. 1.6.Present usage of the phytopharmaceutical drug - to establish history of usages, provide details of the product, manufacturer, quantum sold, extent of exposure on h uman population and number of years for which the p roduct is being sold. 2. Human or clinical pharmacology information: 2.1.Published scientific reports in respect of phar macological studies including human studies or clin ical studies or epidemiological studies, relevant for the phytophar maceutical drug intended to be marketed,- (a) where the process and usages are similar or same to the product known in traditional medicine or ethno medicine; and (b) where process or usage is different from that known in traditional medicine or ethno medicine. 2.2. Pharmacodynamic information (if available). 2.3.Monographs, if any, published on the plant or p roduct or extract or phytopharmaceutical. (Copies o f all publications, along with English translation to be attached.) DATA GENERATED BY APPLICANT 3. Identification, authentication and source of pl ant used for extraction and fractionation: 3.1 Taxonomical identity of the plant used as a sou rce of the phytopharmaceutical drug giving botanica l name of genus, species and family, followed by the authorit y citation (taxonomists name who named the species ), the variety or the cultivar (if any) needs to be mentio ned. 3.2 Morphological and anatomical description giving diagnostic features and a photograph of the plant or plant part for further confirmation of identity and authe nticity. (Furnish certificate of confirmation of bo tanical identity by a qualified taxonomist). 3.3 Natural habitat and geographical distribution o f the plant and also mention whether the part of th e plant used is renewable or destructive and the source whether cul tivated or wild. 3.4 Season or time of collection. 3.5 Source of the plant including its geographical location and season or time of collection. 3.6 A statement indicating whether the species is a ny of the following, namely:- (a) determined to be endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species (CITES) o f wild Fauna and Flora; (b) entitled to special protection under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 (18 of 2003); (c) any known genotypic, chemotypic and ecotypic variab ility of species. 3.7. A list of grower or supplier (including names and addresses) and information on the following ite ms for each grower or supplier, if available or identified alre ady, including information of primary processing, n amely: - (a) harvest location; (b) growth conditions; (c) stage of plant growth at harvest; (d) harvesting time; (e) collection, washing, drying and storage conditions; (f) handling, garbling and transportation; (g) grinding, pulverising of the plant material; and (h) sieving for getting uniform particle size of powder ed plant material. 3.8. Quality specifications, namely:- 208 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (a) foreign matter; (b) total ash; (c) acid insoluble ash; (d) pesticide residue; (e) heavy metal contamination; (f) microbialload; (g) chromatographic finger print profile with phytochem ical reference marker; (h) assay for bio-active or phytochemical compounds; an d (i) chromatographic fingerprint of a sample as per test method given under quality control of the phytopharmaceutical drug (photo documentation). 3.9 An undertaking to supply specimen sample of pla nt duly labelled and photocopy of the certificate o f identity confirmation issued by a qualified taxonomist along with drawings or photographs of the diagnostic morphological and histological features of the bota nical raw material used for the confirmation of aut henticity. 4. Process for extraction and subsequent fractionat ion and purification: 4.1. Quality specifications and test methods for st arting material. 4.2. Steps involved in processing. (a) details of solvent used, extractive values, solvent residue tests or limits, physico-chemical tests, microbial loads, heavy meta l contaminants, chromatographic finger print profil e with phytochemical reference markers, assay for act ive constituents or characteristic markers, if acti ve constituents are not known; (b) characterisation of final purified fraction; (c) data on bio-active constituent of final purified fr action; (d) information on any excipients or diluents or stabil iser or preservative used, if any. 4.3. Details of packaging of the purified and chara cterised final product, storage conditions and labe lling. 5. Formulation of phytopharmaceutical drug applied for: 5.1. Details of the composition, proportion of the final purified fraction with defined markers of phytopharmaceutical drug per unit dose, name and pr oportions of all excipients, stabilisers and any ot her agent used and packaging materials. 5.2. Test for identification for the phytopharmaceu tical drug. 5.3.Quality specifications for active and inactive phytopharmaceutical chromatographic finger print pr ofile with phytochemical reference marker and assay of active constituent or characteristic chemical marker. 6. Manufacturing process of formulation: 6.1.The outline of the method of manufacture of the dosage form, along with environmental controls, in -process quality control tests and limits for acceptance. 6.2.Details of all packaging materials used, packin g steps and description of the final packs. 6.3.Finished product's quality specifications, incl uding tests specific for the dosage form, quality a nd chromatographic finger print profile with phytochem ical reference marker and assay for active constitu ent or characteristic marker, if active constituents are n ot known. 7. Stability data: 7.1. Stability data of the phytopharmaceutical drug described at 4 above, stored at room temperature o r 40+\/- 2 deg. C and humidity at 75%RH +\/-5%RHfor 0, 1, 2, 3 and 6 months. 7.2 Stability data of the phytopharmaceutical drug in dosage form or formulation stored at room temper ature or 40 +\/- 2 deg. C and humidity at 75%RH +\/-5%RH for 0, 1 , 2, 3 and 6 months, in the pack intended for marke ting. 8. Safety and pharmacological information: 8.1. Data on safety and pharmacological studies to be provided. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 209 8.2. Animal toxicity and safety data: (a) 28 to 90 days repeat dose oral toxicity on two spec ies of animals; (b) In-vitro genotoxicity data (Ame's test and Chromoso mal aberration test); (c) dermal toxicity tests for topical use products; (d) teratogenicity study (only if phytopharmaceutical d rug is intended for use during pregnancy). 9. Human studies: 9.1.Clinical trials for phytopharmaceutical drugs t o be conducted as per applicable Rules and guidelin es for new drugs. 9.2.For all phytopharmaceutical drugs data from pha se I (to determine maximum tolerated dose and assoc iated toxicities) and the protocols shall be submitted pr ior to performing the studies. 9.3.Data of results of dose finding studies perform ed and the protocols shall be submitted prior to pe rforming the Provided that in the case of phytopharmaceutical dr ug already marketed for more than five years or whe re there is adequate published evidence regarding the safety of the phytopharmaceutical drug, the studies may be abbreviated, modified or relaxed. 10. Confirmatory clinical trials: 10.1. Submit protocols for approval for any specifi c or special safety and efficacy study proposed specific to the phytopharmaceutical drug. 10.2. Submit proposed protocol for approval for hum an clinical studies appropriate to generate or vali date safety and efficacy data for the phytopharmaceutical dosag e form or product as per applicable Rules and guide lines. 10.3. Submit information on how the quality of the formulation would be maintained during the above st udies. 11. Regulatory status: 11.1. Status of the phytopharmaceutical drug market ed in any country under any category like functiona l food or dietary supplement or as Traditional medicine or as an approved drug. 12. Marketing information: 12.1. Details of package insert or patient informat ion sheet of the phytopharmaceutical drug to be marketed. 12.2. Draft of the text for label and carton. 13. Post marketing surveillance(PMS): 13.1. The applicant shall furnish periodic safety u pdate reports every six months for the first two ye ars after approval the drug is granted. 13.2. For subsequent two years the periodic safety update reports need to be submitted annually. 14. Any other relevant information: Any other relevant information which the applicant considers that it will help in scientific evaluatio n of the application. THIRD SCHEDULE (See rules 8, 10, 11, 25, 35, 42 and 49) CONDUCT OF CLINICAL TRIAL 1. Conduct of clinical trial. - (i) Clinical trial shall be conducted in accordance wit h the provisions of the Act and these Rules and pri nciples of Good Clinical Practice Guidelines. (ii) Clinical trial on a new drug shall be initiated onl y after the permission has been granted by the Cent ral Licencing Authority and the approval obtained from the respective ethics committee. (iii)The Central Licencing Authority shall be infor med of the approval of the respective institutional ethics committee in accordance with these rules. 210 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (iv) All trial investigator should possess appropriate q ualifications, training and experience and should h ave access to such investigational and treatment facilities as are relevant to the proposed trial protocol. A qua lified physician (or dentist, when appropriate) who is an investigator or a sub-investigator for the trial, s hould be responsible for all trial-related medical (or denta l) decisions. Laboratories used for generating data for clinical trials should be compliant with good laboratory pra ctices. (v) Protocol amendments, if become necessary before ini tiation or during the course of a clinical trial, a ll such amendments should be submitted to the Central Licen cing Authority in writing along with the approval b y the ethics committee, if available, which has granted t he approval for the study. (vi) No deviations from or changes to the protocol shoul d be implemented without prior written approval of the ethics committee and Central Licencing Authority ex cept when it is necessary to eliminate immediate ha zards to the trial subject or when change involves only logi stic or administrative or minor aspects of the tria l. All such exceptions must be immediately notified to the ethi cs committee as well as to the Central Licencing Au thority. Administrative or logistic changes or minor amendme nts in the protocol should be notified to the Centr al Licencing Authority within thirty days. 2. Informed Consent. (a) In all trials, a freely given, informed, written co nsent is required to be obtained from each study su bject. The Investigator must provide information about the stu dy verbally as well as using a patient information sheet, in a language that is nontechnical and understandable by the study subject. (b) The subject's consent must be obtained in writing u sing an Informed Consent Form. Both the patient information sheet as well as the informed consent f orm should have been approved by the ethics committ ee and furnished to the Central Licencing Authority. Any c hanges in the informed consent documents should be approved by the ethics committee and submitted to the Central L icencing Authority before such changes are implemen ted. (c) Where a subject is not able to give informed c onsent (e.g. an unconscious person or a minor or th ose suffering from severe mental illness or disability), the same may be obtained from a legally acceptable represen tative a legally acceptable representative is a person who is able t o give consent for or authorise and intervention in the patient as provided by the law of India). (d) If the trial subject his or her legally accepta ble representative is unable to read or write an im partial witness should be present during the entire informed consen t process who must append his or her signature to t he consent (e) In case of clinical trials on paediatrics, the subjects are legally unable to provide written info rmed consent, and are dependent on their parent or legal guardian to assume responsibility for their participation in cl inical studies. In such case,- (i) Written informed consent should be obtained from th e parent or legal guardian. However, all paediatric participants should be informed to the fullest exte nt possible about the study in a language and in te rms that they are able to understand. (ii) Where appropriate, paediatric participants should a dditionally assent to enrol in the study. Mature minors and adolescents should personally sign and d ate a separately designed written assent form. (iii)Although a participant's wish to withdraw from a study must be respected, there may be circumstan ces in therapeutic studies for serious or life-threatening diseases in which, in the opinion of the Investiga tor and parent or legal guardian, the welfare of a paediatr ic patient would be jeopardized by his or her faili ng to participate in the study. In this situation, contin ued parental or legal guardian consent should be su fficient to allow participation in the study. (f) A checklist of essential elements to be include d in the study subject's informed consent document as well as a format for the informed consent form for trial subj ect is given in Table 3of this Schedule. (g) An audio-video recording of the informed consen t process in case of vulnerable subjects in clinica l trials of New Chemical Entity or New Molecular Entity including p rocedure of providing information to the subject an d his understanding on such consent, shall be maintained by the investigator for record: Provided that in case of clinical trial of anti-HIV and anti-leprosy drugs, only audio recording of th e informed consent process of individual subject including the procedu re of providing information to the subject and his understanding on such consent shall be maintained by the investigato r for record. 3.Responsibilities. - (1) Sponsor.- (i) The clinical trial sponsor is responsible for i mplementing and maintaining quality assurance syste ms to ensure that the clinical trial is conducted and data generated, documented and reported in complian ce with the protocol and Good Clinical Practices Guidelines as well as with all applicable statutory provisions. Standard operating procedures should be documented to ensure compliance with Good Clinical Practices Guidelines and applicable regulations. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 211 (ii) Sponsors are required to submit a status report on the clinical trial to the Central Licencing Authori ty at the prescribed periodicity. (iii) In case of studies prematurely discontinued for any reason including lack of commercial interest in pu rsuing the new drug application, a summary report should be su bmitted within 3 months. The summary report should provide a brief description of the study, the number of patie nts exposed to the drug, dose and duration of expos ure, details of adverse drug reactions, if any, and the reason for discontinuation of the study or non-pursuit of the new drug application; (iv) Any report of the serious adverse event, after due analysis shall be forwarded by the sponsor to the C entral Licencing Authority, the Chairperson of the ethics committee and the head of the institution where the trial has been conducted, within fourteen days of knowledge of occ urrence of the serious adverse event as specified i n Table 5 of this Schedule; (v) In case of injury or death occurring to the trial s ubject, the sponsor (whether a pharmaceutical compa ny or an institution) or his representative or the investiga tor or the institution or centre where the study wa s conducted, as the case may be, shall make payment for medical managem ent of the subject and also provide financial compe nsation for the clinical trial related injury or death in accor dance with the procedure as prescribed in Chapter V I of these rules (vi) The sponsor (whether a pharmaceutical company or an Institution) or his representative, whosoever had obtained permission from the Central Licencing Authority for conduct of the clinical trial, shall submit detail s of compensation provided or paid for clinical trial related injury or death, to the Central Licencing Authority thirty days of the receipt of the order of the Central Licencing Authority. (vii) The sponsor shall provide post-trial access of the investigational drug by giving the drug free of cos t to the trial subject as per directions of the Central Licencing Authority in special circumstances on the recommend ations of the investigator and the ethics committee and written c onsent of the patient in accordance with rule 27. (2) Investigator.- (i) The investigator shall be responsible for the c onduct of the trial according to the protocol and the Good Clinical Practices Guidelines and also for compliance as per the undertaking given in Table 4 . Standard operating procedures are required to be documented by the investigators for the tasks performed by the m. (i) During and following a subjects participation in trial, the investigator should ensure that adequat e medical care is provided to the participant for any adverse events. (ii) Investigator shall report all serious adverse event s to the Central Licencing Authority, the sponsor o r his representative, whosoever had obtained permission f rom the Central Licencing Authority for conduct of the clinical trial, and the ethics committee that accorded appro val to the study protocol, within twenty-four hours of their occurrence. (iv) In case, the investigator fails to report any serio us adverse event within the stipulated period, he s hall have to furnish the reason for the delay to the satisfactio n of the Central Licencing Authority along with the report of the serious adverse event. The report of the serious ad verse event, after due analysis, shall be forwarded by the investigator to the Central Licencing Authority, th e Chairperson of the ethics committee and the Head of the institution where the trial has been conducted with in fourteen days of the occurrence of the serious a dverse event. (v) The investigator shall provide information to the trial subject through informed consent process as provided in Table 3about the essential elements of the clinical trial and the subject's right to claim compensation in case of trial related injury or death. He shall als o inform the subject his or her nominee of their ri ghts to contact the sponsor or his representative whosoever had obtaine d permission from the Central Licencing Authority f or conduct of the clinical trial for the purpose of making claims in the case of trial related injury or death. (3) Ethics committee.- (i) It is the responsibility of the ethics committee th at reviews and accords its approval to a trial prot ocol to safeguard the rights, safety and well-being of all trial subjects. (ii) The ethics committee should exercise particular car e to protect the rights, safety and well-being of a ll vulnerable subjects participating in the study, e.g ., members of a group with hierarchical structure ( e.g. prisoners armed forces personnel, staff and students of medic al, nursing and pharmacy academic institutions), pa tients with incurable diseases, unemployed or impoverished pers ons, patients in emergency situation, ethnic minori ty groups, homeless persons, nomads, refugees, minors or other incapable of personally giving consent. (iii) Ethics committee should get documented standard operating procedures' and should maintain a record of its proceedings. (iv) Ethics committee should make, at appropriate interv als, an ongoing review of the trials for which they have reviewed the protocol. Such a review may be ba sed on the periodic study progress reports furnishe d by the investigators or monitoring and internal audit repo rts furnished by the sponsor or visiting the study sites. (v) In case an ethics committee revokes its approval accorded to a trial protocol, it must record the re asons for doing so and at once communicate such a decisio n to the Investigator as well as to the Central Lic encing Authority. 212 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (vi) In case of serious adverse event occurring to the t rial subject, the ethics committee shall forward it s report or order on the event, after due analysis, a long with its opinion on the financial compensation , if any, to be paid by the sponsor or his representative or instit ution or centre, as the case may be, in accordance with Chapter VI of these rules. INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY AN APPLICANT FOR GRA NT OF REGISTRATION OF ETHICS COMMITTEE AND FORMAT FOR ACCORDING APPROVAL (A) Information required to be submitted by the app licant for registration of ethics committee: (a) Name of the ethics committee. (b) Authority under which the ethics committee has been constituted, membership requirements, the term of reference, conditions of appointment and th e quorum required. (c) The procedure for resignation, replacement or remov al of members. (d) Address of the office of the ethics committee. (e) Name, address, qualification, organisational title, telephone number, fax number, email, mailing address and brief profile of the Chairperson. (f) Names, qualifications, organisational title, teleph one number, fax number, e-mail and mailing address of the members of the ethics committee. The informa tion shall also include member's specialty (primary, scientific or non-scientific), member's a ffiliation with institutions and patient group representation, if any. (g) Details of the supporting staff. (h) The standard operating procedures to be followed by the committee in general. (i) Standard operating procedures to be followed by the committee for vulnerable population (j) Policy regarding training for new and existing comm ittee members along with standard operating procedures. (k) Policy to monitor or prevent the conflict of intere st along with standard operating procedures. (l) If the committee has been audited or inspected befo re, give details. (B) Format for according approval to clinical trial protocol by the ethics committee Dear Dr.___________ The Institutional ethics committee or independent e thics committee (state name of the committee, as ap propriate) reviewed and discussed your application to conduct the clinical trial entitled .(date). The following documents were reviewed: (a) Trial protocol (including protocol amendments), dated.version No.(s) (b) Patient information sheet and informed consent form (including updates, if any) in English or vernacul ar language. (c) Investigator's brochure, dated .................... ................................................... . , Version no Proposed methods for patient accrual including advertisement s etc. proposed to be used for the purpose. (d) Principal investigator's current Curriculum Vitae. (e) Insurance policy or compensation for participation and for serious adverse events occurring during the study participation. (f) Investigator's agreement with the sponsor. (g) Investigator's undertaking (Table 4). The following members of the ethics committee were present at the meeting held on (date, time, place). Chairperson of the ethics committee; .Member-Secretary of the ethics committee; [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 213 .Name of each member with designation; We approve the trial to be conducted in its present ed form. The ethics committee to be informed about the progr ess of the study, any Serious Adverse Events (SAE) occurring in the course of the study, any changes in the protocol an d patient information or informed consent and to be provided with a copy of the final report. Yours sincerely, Member Secretary, Ethics Committee CONTENTS OF THE PROPOSED PROTOCOL FOR CONDUCTING CLINICAL TRIALS Title Page (a) Full title of the clinical study, (b) Protocol, Study number, and protocol version nu mber with date. (c) The Investigational New Drug (IND) name\/number of the investigational drug. (d) Complete name and address of the Sponsor and co ntract research organization if any. (e) List of the investigators who are conducting the study, their r espective institutional affiliations and site locations (f) Name of clinical laboratories and other departm ents and\/or facilities participating in thestudy. Table of Contents 1. Background and introduction (a) Preclinical experience (b) Clinical experience Previous clinical work with the new drug should be reviewed here and a description of how the current protocol extends existing data should be provided. If this i s an entirely new indication, how this drug was con sidered for this should be discussed. Relevant information regarding pharmacological, toxicological and other biologica l properties of the drug\/biologic\/medical device, and previous effi cacy and safety experience should be described. 2. Study rationale: This section should describe a brief summary of the background information relevan t to the study design and protocol methodology. The reasons for pe rforming this study in the particular population in cluded by the protocol should be provided. 3. Study objective (primary as well as secondary) a nd their logical relation to the study design. 4. Study design (a) Overview of the study design: Including a descr iption of the type of study (i.e., double-blind, mu lticentre, placebo controlled, etc.), a detail of the specific treatme nt groups and number of study Subjects in each grou p and investigative site, Subject number assignment, and the type, sequence and duration of study periods. (b) Flow chart of the study (c) A brief description of the methods and procedur es to be used during the study. (d) Discussion of study design: This discussion det ails the rationale for the design chosen for this s tudy. 5. Study population: the number of subjects require d to be enrolled in the study at the investigative site and by all sites along with a brief description of the nature of the subject population required is also mentioned. 6. Subject eligibility (a) Inclusion criteria (b) Exclusion criteria 7. Study assessments plan, procedures and methods to be described in det ail. 214 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 8. Study conduct stating the types of study activit ies that would be included in this section would be : medical history, type of physical examination, blood or urine testin g, electrocardiogram (ECG), diagnostic testing such as pulmonary function tests, symptom measurement, dispensation a nd retrieval of medication, Subject cohort assignme nt, adverse event review, etc. Each visit should be described separately as Visit 1, Visit 2, etc. Discontinued subjects: Describes the circumstances for Subject withdrawal, dropouts, or other reasons for discontinuation of Subjects. State how drop outs wo uld be managed and if they would be replaced descri be the method of handling of protocol waivers, if any. The person wh o approves all such waivers should be identified an d the criteria used for specific waivers should be provided. Describes how protocol violations will be treated, including conditions where the study will be termin ated for noncompliance with the protocol. 9. Study treatment- (a) Dosing schedule (dose, frequency, and duration of t he experimental treatment) Describe the administrat ion of placebos and\/or dummy medications if they are part of the treatment plan. If applicable, concomitant d rug(s), their doses, frequency, and duration of concomitant treatment should be stated. (b) Study drug supplies and administration: A statement about who is going to provide the study medication and that the investigational drug formulation has been manufactured following all regulations Details of t he product stability, storage requirements and dispensing requ irements should be provided. (c) Dose modification for study drug toxicity: Rules fo r changing the dose or stopping the study drug shou ld be provided. (d) Possible drug interactions (e) Concomitant therapy: The drugs that are permitted d uring the study and the conditions under which they may be used are detailed here. Describe the drugs that a S ubject is not allowed to use during parts of or the entire study. If any washout periods for prohibited medications a re needed prior to enrolment, these should be descr ibed here. (f) Blinding procedures: A detailed description of the blinding procedure if the study employs a blind on the Investigator and\/or the Subject (g) Un-blinding procedures: If the study is blinded, th e circumstances in which un-blinding may be done an d the mechanism to be used for un-blinding should be give n 10. Adverse Events: Description of expected adverse events should be gi ven. Procedures used to evaluate an adverse event should be described. 11. Ethical considerations: Give the summary of: (a) Risk\/benefit assessment: (b) Ethics committee review and communications (c) Informed consent process (d) Statement of subject confidentiality including ownership of data and coding procedures. 12. Study monitoring and supervision: A description of study monitoring policies and proc edures should be provided along with the proposed f requency of site monitoring visits, and who is expected to perform m onitoring. Case Record Form (CRF) completion requirements, inc luding who gets which copies of the forms and any s pecific required in filling out the forms Case Record Form correction requirements, including who is authorize d to make corrections on the Case Record Form and how queries about study data are handled and how errors, if an y, are to be corrected should be stated. Investigator study files, including what needs to b e stored following study completion should be descr ibed. 13. Investigational Product Management: (a) Give investigational product description and packag ing (stating all ingredients and the formulation of the investigational drug and any placebos used in the s tudy) (b) The precise dosing required during the study (c) Method of packaging, labelling, and blinding of stu dy substances (d) Method of assigning treatments to subjects and the subject identification code numbering system [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 215 (e) Storage conditions for study substances (f) Investigational product accountability: Describe in structions for the receipt, storage, dispensation, and return of the investigational products to ensure a complete a ccounting of all investigational products received, dispensed, and returned or destroyed. (g) Describe policy and procedure for handling unused i nvestigational products. 14. Data Analysis: Provide details of the statistical a pproach to be followed including sample size, how t he sample size was determined, including assumptions made in makin g this determination, efficacy endpoints (primary a s well as secondary) and safety endpoints. Statistical analysis: Give complete details of how the results will be an alysed and reported along with the description of statistical tests to be used to analyse the primary and secondary endpoints defined above. Describe th e level of significance, statistical tests to be used, and the methods used for missing data; method of evaluatio n of the data for treatment failures, non-compliance, and Subject wit hdrawals; rationale and conditions for any interim analysis if planned. Describe statistical considerations for Pharmacokin etic (PK) analysis, if applicable. 15. Undertaking by the Investigator (see Table 4) 16. Appendices: Provide a study synopsis, copies of the informed consent documents (patient information sh eet, informed consent form etc.); Case Record Form (CRF) and other data collection forms; a summary of rele vant pre-clinical safety information and any other documents referenced in the clinical protocol. INFORMED CONSENT 1. Checklist of informed consent documents for clin ical trial subject, 1.1 Essential elements: (i) Statement that the study involves research and expl anation of the purpose of the research. (ii) Expected duration of the participation of subject. (iii) Description of the procedures to be followed, inclu ding all invasive procedures. (iv) Description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the Subject. (v) Description of any benefits to the Subject or o thers reasonably expected from research. If no bene fit is expected Subject should be made aware of this. (vi) Disclosure of specific appropriate alternative procedures or therapies available to the Subject. (vii) Statement describing the extent to which conf identiality of records identifying the Subject will be maintained and who will have access to Subject's me dical records. (viii) Trial treatment schedule and the probability for random assignment to each treatment (for rando mized (ix) Statement describing the financial compensatio n and the medical management as under: (a) In case of an injury occurring to the subject d uring the clinical trial, free medical management s hall be given as long as required or till such time it is e stablished that the injury is not related to the cl inical trial, whichever is earlier. (b) In the event of a trial related injury or death , the sponsor or his representative or the investig ator or centre, as the case may be, in accordance with the rule 39, as the case may be, shall provide financia l compensation for the injury or death. (x)An explanation about whom to contact for trial r elated queries, rights of Subjects and in the event of any injury. (xi) The anticipated prorated payment, if any, to t he subject for participating in the trial. (xii) Responsibilities of subject on participation in the trial. (xiii) Statement that participation is voluntary, t hat the subject can withdraw from the study at any time and that refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherw ise entitled. (xiv) Statement that there is a possibility of fail ure of investigational product to provide intended therapeutic (xv) Statement that in the case of placebo controll ed trial, the placebo administered to the subjects shall not have any therapeutic effect. 216 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (xvi) Any other pertinent information. 1.2 Additional elements, which may be required: (a) Statement of foreseeable circumstances under which the participation of the subject may be terminated by the Investigator without his or her consent. (b) Additional costs to the subject that may result fro m participation in the study. (c) The consequences of a Subject's decision to withdra w from the research and procedures for orderly termination of participation by Subject. (d) (d) Statement that the Subject or Subject's represe ntative will be notified in a timely manner if sign ificant new findings develop during the course of the research which may affect the Subject's willingness to conti nue participation will be provided. (e). A statement that the particular treatment or p rocedure may involve risks to the Subject (or to th e embryo or foetus, if the Subject is or may become pregnant), which are currently unforeseeable. (f) Approximate number of Subjects enrolled in the study. 2. Format of informed consent form for Subjects par ticipating in a clinical trial Informed Consent form to participate in a clinical trial Study Title: Study Number: Subject's Initials: ________________________ Subj ect's Name: _____________________ Date of Birth\/Age: _________ Address of the Subject ___ Qualification _____________ Occupation: Student or Self-Employed or Service or Housewife or Others (Please click as appropriate) . Annual Income of the subject: Name and address of the nominees and his relation t o the subject (for the purpose of compensation in c ase of trial related death). Place Initial box (Subject) (i) I confirm that I have read and understood the infor mation [ ] Sheet dated ___________ for the above study and hav e had the opportunity to ask questions. (ii) I understand that my participation in the study is voluntary and [ ] that I am free to withdraw at any time, without gi ving any reason, without my medical care or legal rights being affe cted. (iii) I understand that the Sponsor of the clinical trial , others working on the Sponsor's behalf, the Ethics Committ ee and the regulatory authorities will not need my per mission to look at my health records both in respect of the current study and any further research that may be conducte d in relation to it, even if I withdraw from the trial. I agree to this access. However, I understand that my identity will not be revealed in any information released to third parties or published. [ ] (iv) I agree not to restrict the use of any data or resu lts that arise from this study provided such a use is only for sci entific purposes [ ] (v) I agree to take part in the above study. [ ] Signature (or Thumb impression) of the Subject\/Lega lly Acceptable Representative: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 217 Date: _____\/ ____ \/ s Name: _________________________________ _________________ Signature of the Investigator: _____________ Date: __ __ \/ ____ \/ Study Investigators Name: ___ ___________________ Signature of the Witness __________________________ ____ Date: __ __ \/ ____ \/ Name of the Witness:________________________ Copy of the Patient Information Sheet and duly fill ed Informed Consent Form shall be handed over to th e subject his or her attendant. UNDERTAKING BY THE INVESTIGATOR 1. Full name, address and title of the Principal Inves tigator (or Investigators when there is no Principa l Investigator). 2. Name and address of the medical college, hospital o r other facility where the clinical trial will be c onducted: Education, training & experience that qualify the I nvestigator for the clinical trial (Attach details including Medical Council registration number, or any other s tatements of qualifications) 3. Name and address of all clinical laboratory facilit ies to be used in the study. 4. Name and address of the Ethics Committee that is re sponsible for approval and continuing review of the study. 5. Names of the other members of the research team (Co -or sub-Investigators) who will be assisting the In vestigator in the conduct of the investigations. 6. Protocol Title and Study number (if any) of the cli nical trial to be conducted by the Investigator. 7. Commitments: (i) I have reviewed the clinical protocol and agree tha t it contains all the necessary information to cond uct the study. I will not begin the study until all nec essary ethics committee and regulatory approvals ha ve been obtained. (ii) I agree to conduct the study in accordance with the current protocol. I will not implement any deviati on from or changes of the protocol without agreement b y the Sponsor and prior review and documented appro val or favourable opinion from the ethics committee of the amendment, except where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to the trial subject or when the c hanges involved are only logistical or administrati ve in nature. (iii) I agree to personally conduct or supervise t he clinical trial at my site. (iv) I agree to inform all trial subject, that the drugs are being used for investigational purposes and I will ensure that the requirements relating to obtaining informed consent and ethics committee review and ap proval specified in the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rule s, 2019 and Good Clinical Practices guidelines are met. (v) I agree to report to the Sponsor all adverse experi ences that occur in the course of the investigation (s) in accordance with the regulatory requirements and Good Clinical Practices guidelines. (vi) I have read and understood the information in the I nvestigator's brochure, including the potential ris ks and side effects of the drug. (vii) I agree to ensure that all associates, colleagues a nd employees assisting in the conduct of the study are suitably qualified and experienced and they have be en informed about their obligations in meeting thei r commitments in the trial. (viii) I agree to maintain adequate and accurate records a nd to make those records available for audit or inspection by the Sponsor, ethics committee, Centra l Licencing Authority or their authorised represent atives, in accordance with regulatory provisions and the Good Clinical Practices guidelines. I will fully coopera te with any study related audit conducted by regulatory officia ls or authorised representatives of the Sponsor. (ix) I agree to promptly report to the ethics committee all changes in the clinical trial activities and al l unanticipated problems involving risks to human sub jects or others. (x) I agree to inform all serious adverse events to the Central Licencing Authority, sponsor as well as th e ethics committee within twenty-four hours of their occurrence. In case, of failure to do so, I shall f urnish the reason for the delay to the satisfaction of the Cen tral Licencing Authority along with the report of t he serious adverse event. 218 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (xi) The report of the serious adverse event, after due analysis, shall also be forwarded by me to the Cent ral Licencing Authority, the Chairperson of the ethics committee and the Head of the institution where the trial has been conducted within fourteen days in accordance w ith the regulatory requirements. (xii) I will maintain confidentiality of the identificati on of all participating subjects and assure securit y and confidentiality of study data. (xiii) I agree to comply with all other requirements, guid elines and statutory obligations as applicable to clinical Investigators participating in clinical tr ials. 8. Signature of Investigator with date. DATA ELEMENTS FOR REPORTING SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS OCCURRING IN A CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY 1. Patient Details: Initials and other relevant identifier (hospital or out-patient department (OPD) record number etc)* Age or date of birth 2. Suspected Drug(s) : Generic name of the drug* Indication(s) for which suspect drug was prescribed or tested. Dosage form and strength. Daily dose and regimen (specify units - e.g., mg, m l, mg\/kg). Route of administration. Starting date and time of day. Stopping date and time, or duration of treatment 3. Other Treatment(s): Provide the same information for concomitant drugs (including non-prescription or Over the Counter OTC drugs) and non-drug therapies, as for the suspected drug(s ). 4. Details of Serious Adverse Event : Full description of the event including body site a nd severity, as well as the criterion (or criteria) for considering the report as serious. In addition to a description of the reported signs and symptoms, whenever possi ble, describe a specific diagnosis for the event* Start date (and time) of onset of event. Stop date (and time) or duration of event. Dechallenge and rechallenge information. Setting (e.g., hospital, out-patient clinic, home, nursing home). 5. Outcome Information on recovery and any sequelae; results o f specific tests or treatment that may have been conducted. For a fatal outcome, cause of death and a comment o n its possible relationship to the suspected event; Any post-mortem findings. Other information: anything relevant to facilitate assessment of the c ase, such as medical history including allergy, drug or alcohol abuse; family history; fin dings from special investigations etc. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 219 6. Details about the Investigator* Name and Address Telephone number Profession (specialty) Date of reporting the event to Central Licencing Au thority: Date of reporting the event to ethics committee ove rseeing the site: Signature of the Investigator or Sponsor Note: Information marked * must be provided. STRUCTURE, CONTENT AND FORMAT FOR CLINICAL TRIAL RE PORT 1. Title Page: This page should contain information ab out the title of the study, the protocol code, name of the investigational product tested, development Phase, indication studied, a brief description of the tria l design, the start and end date of patient accrual and the names of the Sponsor and the participating Institutes (I nvestigators). 2. Study Synopsis (1 to 2 pages): A brief overview of the study from the protocol development to the tria l closure should be given here. This section will only summar ise the important conclusions derived from the stud y. 3. Statement of compliance with the Good Clinical Prac tices Guidelines. 4. List of abbreviations and definitions 5. Table of contents 6. Ethics Committee: This section should document that the study was conducted in accordance with the eth ical principles of Declaration of Helsinki. A detailed d escription of the Ethics Committee constitution and dates of approvals of trial documents for each of the partic ipating sites should be provided. A declaration sho uld state that Ethics Committee (EC) notifications as per Good Cli nical Practice Guidelines and Ethical Guidelines fo r Biomedical Research on Human Subjects, issued by In dian Council of Medical Research have been followed . 7. Study Team: Briefly describe the administrative str ucture of the study (Investigators, site staff, Spo nsor or designates, Central laboratory etc.). 8. Introduction: A brief description of the product de velopment rationale should be given here. 9. Study Objective: A statement describing the overall purpose of the study and the primary and secondary objectives to be achieved should be mentioned here. 10. Investigational Plan: This section should describe the overall trial design, the Subject selection cri teria, the treatment procedures, blinding or randomisation tec hniques if any, allowed or disallowed concomitant t reatment, the efficacy and safety criteria assessed, the data quality assurance procedures and the statistical m ethods planned for the analysis of the data obtained. 11. Trial Subjects: A clear accounting of all trial Sub jects who entered the study will be given here. Men tion should also be made of all cases that were dropouts or pro tocol deviations. Enumerate the patients screened, randomised, and prematurely discontinued. State reasons for pre mature discontinuation of therapy in each applicabl e case. 12. Efficacy evaluation: The results of evaluation of a ll the efficacy variables will be described in this section with appropriate tabular and graphical representation. A brief description of the demographic characteristi cs of the trial patients should also be provided along with a listi ng of patients and observations excluded from effic acy analysis. 13. Safety Evaluation: This section should include the complete list 13.1 all serious adverse events, whether expected o r unexpected and 13.2 unexpected adverse events whether serious or n ot (compiled from data received as per Table 5 of t his Schedule). The comparison of adverse events across study group s may be presented in a tabular or graphical form. This section should also give a brief narrative of all important events considered related to the inve stigational 14 Discussion and overall Conclusion: Discussion o f the important conclusions derived from the trial and scope for further development. 220 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 15. List of References: 16. Appendices: List of Appendices to the Clinical Stud y Report (a) Protocol and amendments (b) Specimen of Case Record Form (c) Investigators names with contact addresses, phone, e-mail etc. (d) Patient data listings (e) List of trial participants treated with investigati onal product (f) Discontinued participants (g) Protocol deviations (h) Case Record Forms of cases involving death and life threatening adverse event cases (i) Publications from the trial (j) Important publications referenced in the study (k) Audit certificate, if available (l) Investigator certificate that he\/she has read the report and that the report accurately describe s the conduct and the results of the study. INVESTIGATOR'S BROCHURE The Investigator's Brochure should contain the vers ion number, release date along with the following s ections, each with literature references where appropriate: 1 Table of Contents 2 Summary: A brief summary (preferably not exceedi ng two pages) should be given, highlighting the sig nificant physical, chemical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological , toxicological, pharmacokinetic, metabolic, and cl inical information available that is relevant to the stage of clinical development of the investigational pro duct. 3 Introduction: A brief introductory statement sho uld be provided that contains the chemical name (an d generic and trade name when approved) of the investigational pr oduct, all active ingredients, the investigational product pharmacological class and its expected position wit hin this class (e.g. advantages), the rationale for performing research with the investigational product, and the anticipated prophylactic, therapeutic, or diagnosti c indication. Finally, the introductory statement should provide the general approach to be followed in evaluating t he investigational product. 4 Physical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Propertie s and Formulation: A description should be provided of the investigational product substance (including the ch emical or structural formula), and a brief summary should be given of the relevant physical, chemical, and pharm aceutical properties. To permit appropriate safety measures to be taken in the course of the trial, a description of the formulation to be used, including excipients , should be provided and justified if clinically relevant. Inst ructions for the storage and handling of the dosage form should also be given. Any structural similarities to other known compounds should be mentioned. 5 Nonclinical Studies 5.1 Introduction: The results of all relevant noncl inical pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacokinetic, a nd investigational product metabolism studies should b e provided in summary form. This summary should add ress the methodology used, the results, and a discussion of the relevance of the findings to the investigat ed therapeutic and the possible unfavourable and unintended effect s in human. The information provided may include th e following, as appropriate, if known or available: Species tested Number and sex of animals in each group Unit dose (e.g., milligram\/kilogram (mg\/kg)) Dose interval Route of administration Duration of dosing Information on systemic distribution [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 221 Duration of post-exposure follow-up Results, including the following aspects: Nature and frequency of pharmacological or toxic effects Severity or intensity of pharmacological or toxic effects Time to onset of effects Reversibility of effects Duration of effects Dose response Tabular format or listings should be used whenever possible to enhance the clarity of the presentation . The following sections should discuss the most importan t findings from the studies, including the dose res ponse of observed effects, the relevance to humans, and any aspects to be studied in humans. If applicable, the effective and nontoxic dose findings in the same animal speci es should be compared (i.e., the therapeutic index should be discussed). The relevance of this information to th e proposed human dosing should be addressed. Whenev er possible, comparisons should be made in terms of bl ood\/tissue levels rather than on a mg\/kg basis. (a) Nonclinical Pharmacology: A summary of the phar macological aspects of the investigational product and, where appropriate, its significant metabolites stud ied in animals, should be included. Such a summary should incorporate studies that assess potential therapeut ic activity (e.g. efficacy models, receptor binding , and specificity) as well as those that assess safety (e .g., special studies to assess pharmacological acti ons other than the intended therapeutic effect(s)). (b) Pharmacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Anim als: A summary of the pharmacokinetics and biologic al transformation and disposition of the investigation al product in all species studied should be given. The discussion of the findings should address the absorption and t he local and systemic bioavailability of the invest igational product and its metabolites, and their relationship to the pharmacological and toxicological findings in animal (c) Toxicology: A summary of the toxicological effe cts found in relevant studies conducted in differen t animal species should be described under the following hea dings where appropriate: Single dose Repeated dose Carcinogenicity Special studies (e.g. irritancy and sensitization ) Reproductive toxicity Genotoxicity (mutagenicity) 6 Effects in Humans: (a) A thorough discussion of t he known effects of the investigational products in humans should be provided, including information on pharma cokinetics, metabolism, pharmacodynamics, dose response, safety, efficacy, and other pharmacologic al activities. Where possible, a summary of each co mpleted clinical trial should be provided. Information shou ld also be provided regarding results of any use of the investigational products other than from in clinica l trials, such as from experience during marketing. (b) Pharmacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Humans A summary of information on the pharmacokinetics of the investigational products should be presented, including the following, if available: Pharmacokinetics (including metabolism, as approp riate, and absorption, plasma protein binding, distribution, and elimination). Bioavailability of the investigational product (a bsolute, where possible, or relative) using a reference dosage form. Population subgroups (e.g., gender, age, and impa ired organ function). Interactions (e.g., product-product interactions and effects of food). Other pharmacokinetic data (e.g., results of popu lation studies performed within clinical trial(s). (c) Safety and Efficacy: A summary of information shoul d be provided about the investigational product's o r products' (including metabolites, where appropriate ) safety, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and dose resp onse that were obtained from preceding trials in humans (heal thy volunteers or patients). The implications of th is information should be discussed. In cases where a n umber of clinical trials have been completed, the u se of 222 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] summaries of safety and efficacy across multiple tr ials by indications in subgroups may provide a clea r presentation of the data. Tabular summaries of adve rse drug reactions for all the clinical trials (inc luding those for all the studied indications) would be useful. Impor tant differences in adverse drug reaction patterns\/ incidences across indications or subgroups should be discussed . The Investigators Brochure IB should provide a de scription of the possible risks and adverse drug reactions to be anticipated on the basis of prior experiences with the product under investigation and with related products. A de scription should also be provided of the precaution s or special monitoring to be done as part of the investigationa l use of the products. (d) Marketing Experience: The Investigator's Brochure s hould identify countries where the investigational product has been marketed or approv ed. Any significant information arising from the ma rketed use should be summarised (e.g., formulations, dosages, routes of administration, and adverse product react ions). The Investigator's Brochure should also identify all th e countries where the investigational product did n ot receive approval or registration for marketing or was withd rawn from marketing or registration. 7 Summary of Data and Guidance for the Investiga tor: This section should provide an overall discuss ion of the nonclinical and clinical data, and should summarise the information from various sources on different aspects of the investigational products, wherever possible. In this way, the investigator can be provided with th e most informative interpretation of the available data an d with an assessment of the implications of the inf ormation for future clinical trials. Where appropriate, the publ ished reports on related products should be discuss ed. This could help the investigator to anticipate adverse drug re actions or other problems in clinical trials. The o verall aim of this section is to provide the investigator with a clear understanding of the possible risks and adverse re actions, and of the specific tests, observations, and precautions t hat may be needed for a clinical trial. This unders tanding should be based on the available physical, chemical, pharm aceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, and clin ical information on the investigational products. Guidan ce should also be provided to the clinical investig ator on the recognition and treatment of possible overdose and adverse drug a reaction that is based on previous h uman experience and on the pharmacology of the investiga tional product. PRESCRIBING INFORMATION 1. Generic Name 2. Qualitative and quantitative composition 3. Dosage form and strength 4. Clinical particulars 4.1 Therapeutic indication 4.2 Posology and method of administration 4.3 Contraindications 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use 4.5 Drugs interactions 4.6 Use in special populations (such as pregnant wo men, lactating women, paediatric patients, geriatri c patients etc.) 4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines 4.8 Undesirable effects 4.9 Overdose 5. Pharmacological properties 5.1 Mechanism of Action 5.2Pharmacodynamicproperties 5.3 Pharmacokinetic properties 6. Nonclinical properties 6.1 Animal Toxicology or Pharmacology 7. Description 8. Pharmaceutical particulars 8.1 Incompatibilities 8.2 Shelf-life [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 223 8.3 Packaging information 8.4 Storage and handing instructions 9. Patient Counselling Information 10. Details of manufacturer 11. Details of permission or licence number with date 12. Date of revision FOURTH SCHEDULE (See rules 33, 45, 48, 49 and 52) REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCT OF BIOAVAIL ABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OF NEW DRUGS OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS 1. General Principles: (1) Bioavailability or Bioequivalence focus on the release of an active drug from its dosage form and subsequent absorption into the systemic circula tion. Bioavailability or Bioequivalence study of a pharma ceutical formulation is one of the components to ensure effi cacy and safety of pharmaceutical product. (2) Bioavailability can be generally documented by a sy stemic exposure profile obtained by measuring drug or metabolite concentration in the systemic circulatio n overtime. (3) Bioequivalence study is conducted to ensure therape utic equivalence between two pharmaceutically equiv alent test product and a reference product. (4) Bioavailability or Bioequivalence study is conducte d to ensure therapeutic equivalence between an appr oved new drug formulation and reference product for subs equent applicant. (5) Bioavailability or Bioequivalence study is also con ducted to ensure therapeutic equivalence at any pha se of clinical trial of a new chemical entity for establi shing bioequivalence between two products of the ch emical entity, which is important for certain pharmaceutical formu lation or manufacturing changes occurring during th e drug development stages. (6) For drugs approved elsewhere in the world and absor bed systemically, bioequivalence with the reference formulation should be carried out wherever applicab le. These studies should be conducted under the lab elled conditions of administration. Data on the extent of systemic absorption may be required for formulatio ns other than those designed for systemic absorption. (7) Evaluation of the effect of food on absorption foll owing oral administration should be carried out. Da ta from dissolution studies should also be submitted for al l solid oral dosage forms. (8) Dissolution and bioavailability data submitted with the new drug application must provide information that assures bioequivalence or establishes bioavailabili ty and dosage correlations between the formulations sought to be marketed and those used for clinical trials during clinical development of the product. (9) All bioavailability and bioequivalence studies shou ld be conducted according to the Guidelines for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence studies issued b y Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, Mini stry of Health and Family Welfare. (10) Bioavailability and bioequivalence studies of a new drug or investigational new drug shall be conducte d in a bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre reg istered under rule 47 after obtaining permission fr om the Central Licencing Authority. 2. Bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre: 2.1 The Bioavailability and bioequivalence study ce ntre shall have following facilities for conducting bioavailability and bioequivalence study of any new drug or investi gational new drug: (2.1.1) Legal Identity: The organization, conducting the bioavailability or bioequivalence studies, or the parent organization to which it belongs, must be a legally constituted body with appropriate statutory regist rations. (2.1.2) Impartiality, confidentiality, independence and integrity: The organization shall: (a) have managerial staff with the authority and the re sources needed to discharge their duties. 224 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (b) have arrangements to ensure that its personnel are free from any commercial, financial and other pressures which might adversely affect the quality of their work. (c) be organised in such a way that confidence in its i ndependence of judgment and integrity is maintained at all times. (d) have documented policies and procedures, where rele vant, to ensure the protection of its sponsors' confidential information and proprietary rights. (e) not engage in any activity that may jeopardize the trust in its independence of judgment and integrity (f) have documented policies and procedures for protect ion of rights, safety and well -being of study subject in consistent with the Provisions of the Dr ugs and Cosmetics Act and these Rules and Good Clinical Practices Guidelines (g) have documented policies and procedures for scienti fic integrity including procedures dealing with and reporting possible scientific misconduct. (2.1.3) Organisation and management: The study centre must include the following: (a) An Investigator who has the overall responsibility to provide protection for safety of the study subject. The Investigator(s) should possess appropr iate medical qualifications and relevant experience for conducting pharmacokinetic studies. (b) The site should have facilities and identified adeq uately qualified and trained personnel to perform the following functions: (i) Clinical Pharmacological Unit (CPU) management (ii) Analytical laboratory management (iii) Data handling and interpretation (iv) Documentation and report preparation (v) Quality assurance of all operations in the cent re (2.1.4) Documented Standard Operating Procedures: (1) The center shall establish and maintain a quali ty system appropriate to the type, range and volume of its activities. All operations at the site must be conducted as per the authorised and documented stan dard operating procedures. (2) These documented procedures should be available to the respective personnel for ready reference. The procedures covered must include those that ensu re compliance with all aspects of provision of the Act and these rules, good clinical practices guidel ines and good laboratory practice guidelines. (3) A partial list of procedures for which docume nted standard operating procedures should be available includes: (a) maintenance of working standards (pure substances) and respective documentation; (b) withdrawal, storage and handling of biological samp les; (c) maintenance, calibration and validation of instrume nts; (d) managing medical as well as non-medical emergency s ituations; (e) handling of biological fluids; (f) managing laboratory hazards; (g) disposal procedures for clinical samples and labora tory wastes; (h) documentation of clinical pharmacology unit observa tions, volunteer data and analytical (i) obtaining informed consent from volunteers; (j) volunteer screening and recruitment and management of ineligible volunteers; (k) volunteer recycling (using the same volunteer for m ore than one study; (l) randomization code management; (m) study subject management at the site (including che ck-in and check-out procedures); [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 225 (n) recording and reporting protocol deviations; (o) recording, reporting and managing scientific miscon duct; (p) monitoring and quality assurance. (4) Wherever possible, disposable (sterile, whereve r applicable) medical devices must be used for making subject interventions. (5) If services of a laboratory or a facility other than those available at the site (whether with in India or outside the country) are to be availed its or the ir names, address and specific services to be used should be documented. 2.1.5) Clinical Pharmacological Unit (1) It must have adequate space and facilities to house at least 16 volunteers. Adequate area must be provided for dining and recreation of volunteers , separate from their sleeping area. (2) Additional space and facilities should also be prov ided for the following: (a) Office and administrative functions. (b) Sample collection and storage. (c) Control sample storage. (d) Wet chemical laboratory. (e) Instrumental Laboratory. (f) Library. (g) Documentation archival room. (h) Facility for washing, cleaning and Toilets. (i) Microbiological laboratory (Optional). (j) Radio Immuno-Assay room (optional). 3. Maintenance of Records: All records of in vivo or in vitro tests conducted on any batch of a new drug product to assure that the product meets a bioequivalence requ irement shall be maintained by the Sponsor for at l east five years after the completion of any study or for at least two yea rs after the expiration date of the batch of the ne w drug product whichever is later. 4. Retention of Samples: (1) All samples of test and reference drug products used in bioavailability or bioequivalence study should be retained by the organisation carryi ng out the bioavailability or bioequivalence study for a period of five years after the conduct of the study or one year af ter the expiry of the drug, whichever is later. (2) The study sponsor or drug manufacturer should p rovide to the testing facility batches of the test and reference drug products in such a manner that the reserve samples can be selected randomly. (3) This is to ensure that the samples are in fact representative of the batches provided by the study sponsor or drug manufacturer and that they are retained in their or iginal containers. Each reserve sample should consi st of a quantity sufficient to carry out twice all the in-vitro and in- vivo tests required during bioavailability or b ioequivalence study. (4) The reserve sample should be stored under condi tions consistent with product labeling and in an ar ea segregated from the area where testing is conducted and with access limited to authorised personnel. DOCUMENT REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION OF BIOAVAILABILI TY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE (1) Name and address of the organization to be regi stered along with its telephone no., fax no. and em ail address. (2) Document regarding legal identity of the centre (3) Name and address of the proprietors or partners or directors. (4) An organogram of the centre including brief Cur riculum Vitae of Key personnel (Refer para 2.1.3 of this Schedule) (5) Documents to ensure Impartiality, confidentiali ty, independence and integrity of the centre . Refer para 2.1.2 of this Schedule. 226 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (6) List of equipment in the firm. (7) List of staff in firm. (8) List of Standard Operating Procedures for vario us activities (refer 2.1.4 of this Schedule). (9) Layout of facility. (10) Details of Ethics Committee including its regi stration number. (11) Facilities for maintenance of records. (12) Details of Retention of samples. (13) All major tie ups for ancillary services like ambulance, hospital etc. DATA AND INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR GRANT OF PERMISSI ON TO CONDUCT BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OF A NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG 1. Introduction: A brief description of the drug and the therapeutic class to which it belongs. 2. Chemical and pharmaceutical information, Animal pharmacological and toxicological data, Clinical tr ial data - As per Second Schedule. 3. Published reports of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacody namics studies carried out in healthy subjects or p atients demonstrating safety and tolerability of the molecu le. 4. Regulatory status in other countries: Countries where the drug is,- (a) Marketed. (b) Approved. (c) Approved as Investigational New Drug. (d) Withdrawn, if any, with reasons. Restrictions on use, if any, in countries where mar keted or approved Free sale certificate or certificate of analysis, a s appropriate. 5. Prescribing information of the new drug in case the drug is approved for ma rketing in the country or other country. 6. Undertaking by the Investigator in original duly s igned on a company letterhead as per Table 4 of the Third Schedule. 7. Copy of registration certificate issued by Central Licencing Authority. 8. Sponsors Authorisation letter duly signed by the A uthorised Signatory on company letterhead. 9. The study protocols, informed consent form or patie nt information sheet along with audio-visual record ing system as per requirements of Second Schedule 10. Copy of approval of protocol from the Ethics commit tee, if available. Copy of registration of the Ethi cs Committee under rule 8 from the Central Licencing Authority. 11. The study synopsis. 12. Undertaking letter from the sponsor stating that co mplete medical management in accordance with rule 4 0 and an undertaking letter from the sponsor stating that co mpensation in case of study relate injury or death shall be provided in accordance with rule 39. 13. Certificate of Analysis (COA) of representative bat ches (both Test and Reference formulations) to be u sed in the BE study along with dissolution profile in case Oral S olid dosage forms. 14. For multiple dose BE study adequate supporting safe ty data and Pharamcokinetics or Pharmacodynamics sh ould be submitted covering the duration of period for wh ich the study has to be conducted. For all injectab le, the sub-acute toxicity should be submitted on the Test product of the sponsor, studied in at least two species for m inimum 14 days. If regulatory guidance is available provide a copy of the same. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 227 15. For conducting Bio-Equivalence studies with referen ce to Cytotoxic drugs, Hormonal preparations, Narco tic and Psychotropic substances and radioactive substances in Healthy Human subjects a Scientific justificatio n with special emphasis on safety of subjects with a proper risk m itigation strategy should be submitted. If regulato ry guidance is available provide a copy of the same. 16. For conducting Bio-Equivalence studies with referen ce to cytotoxic drugs, Hormonal preparations, Narco tic and Psychotropic substances and radioactive substances in Patients a scientific justification with special emphasis on Safety with a proper Risk Mitigation Strategy should be su bmitted. Note 1: All items may not be applicable to all drugs. For explanation, refer text of this First Schedule, Sec ond Schedule and Third Schedule. DATA AND INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR GRANT OF PERMISSI ON TO CONDUCT BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OF A NEW DRUG ALREADY APPROVED IN THECOUNTRY 1. Introduction: A brief description of the drug and t he therapeutic class to which it belongs. 2. Chemical and pharmaceutical information - As per Table 2 of Second Schedule 3. Published reports of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacody namics studies carried out in healthy subjects or p atients demonstrating safety and tolerability of the molecu le. 4. Prescribing information 5. Undertaking by the Investigator in original duly si gned on a company letterhead as per Table 4 of Thir d Schedule. 6. Copy of registration certificate issued by Central Licencing Authority. 7. Sponsors authorisation letter duly signed by the A uthorised Signatory on company letterhead. 8. The study protocols, Informed Consent Form or Patie nt Information Sheet along with audio-visual record ing system as per requirements of Second Schedule. 9. Copy of approval of protocol from the Ethics Commit tee, if available. 10. Copy of registration of the Ethics Committee under rule 8 from the Central Licencing Authority. 11. The study synopsis. 12. Undertaking letter from the sponsor stating that co mplete medical management in accordance with rule 4 0 and an undertaking letter from the sponsor stating that co mpensation in case of study relate injury or death shall be provided in accordance with rule 39. 13. Certificate of Analysis (COA) of representative bat ches (both Test and Reference formulations) to be u sed in the Bio-Equivalence study along with dissolution profil e in case Oral Solid dosage forms. 14. For multiple dose BE study adequate supporting safe ty data and Pharmacokinetics or Pharmacodynamics sh ould be submitted covering the duration of period for wh ich the study has to be conducted. 15. For all Injectable, the sub-acute toxicity should b e submitted on the Test product of the sponsor, stu died in at least two species for minimum 14 days. If regulatory guid ance is available provide a copy of the same. 16. For conducting Bio-Equivalence studies with referen ce to Cytotoxic drugs, Hormonal preparations, Narco tic and Psychotropic substances and radioactive substances in healthy human subjects a Scientific justificatio n with special emphasis on Safety of subjects with a proper risk m itigation strategy should be submitted. If regulato ry guidance is available provide a copy of the same. 17. For conducting Bio-Equivalence studies with referen ce to cytotoxic drugs, Hormonal preparations, Narco tic and Psychotropic substances and radioactive substances in Patients a scientific justification with special emphasis on Safety with a proper risk mitigation strategy shoul d be submitted. 228 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] FIFTH SCHEDULE POST MARKET ASSESSMENT (S ee rules 77 and 82 ) 1. Post marketing assessment of new drug. - (1) When a new drug is approved for marketing, asse ssment of safety and efficacy of the drug are generally based on dat a from a limited number of patients, many studied u nder the controlled conditions of randomized trials. Often, high risk patients and patients with concomitant il lnesses that require use of other drugs are excluded from clinical trial s, and long-term treatment data are limited. Moreov er, patients in trials are closely monitored for evidence of advers e events. (2) In actual clinical practice, monitoring is less int ensive, a broader range of patients are treated (ag e, co-morbidities, drugs, genetic abnormalities), and events too rare to occur in clinical trials may be observed. Theref ore, subsequent to approval of a new drug, the drug shall be closely m onitored and post marketing assessment of its benef it-risk profile shall be carried out once it is marketed. (3) A person intending to import or manufacture any new drug for sale or distribution shall have a pharmac ovigilance system in place for collecting, processing and forw arding the adverse drug reaction report to the Cent ral Licencing Authority emerging from the use of the drug importe d or manufactured or marketed by the applicant in t he country. (4) The pharmacovigilance system shall be managed by qu alified and trained personnel and the officer in-ch arge of collection and processing of data shall be a medica l officer or a pharmacist trained in collection and analysis of adverse drug reaction reports. (5) Post marketing assessment of new drug may be carrie d out, in different ways as under:- (A) Phase IV (Post marketing) trial .- Phase IV (Post marketing) trial include additional drug-drug interactions, dose-response or safety studies and trials designed to support use under the approved indications, e.g . mortality or morbidity studies etc. Such trial will be conducted under an approved protocol with defined scientific objectives, inclusion and exclusion criteria, safety efficacy a ssessment criteria etc. with the new drug under app roved conditions for use in approved patient population. In such trial the ethical aspects for protection of rights, safety and well-being of the trial subject s shall be followed as per the regulatory provisions including that for compensation in case of clinical trial re lated injury or death and good clinical practices guidelines. In such study, the study drug may be provided to th e trial subject free of cost unless otherwise there is specific concern or justification for not providing the drug free of cost, to the satisfaction of the Central L icencing Authority and the ethics committee. (B) Post marketing surveillance study or observatio nal or non-interventional study for active surveill ance.- Such studies are conducted with a new drug under ap proved conditions of its use under a protocol appro ved by Central Licencing Authority with scientific objecti ve. Inclusion or exclusion of subject are decided a s per the recommended use as per prescribing information or a pproved package insert. In such studies the study drugs are the part of tre atment of patient in the wisdom of the prescriber i ncluded in the protocol. The regulatory provisions and guideli nes applicable for clinical trial of a new drug are not applicable in such cases as drugs are already approved for mar keting. (C) Post marketing surveillance through periodic safety update reports.- As part of post marketing surveillance of new drug the applicant shall furnish periodic sa fety update reports (PSURs) in accordance with the procedures as follows; (i) The applicant shall furnish periodic safety upd ate reports (PSURs) in order to- (a) report all relevant new information from appropriat e sources; (b) relate the data to patient exposure; (c) summarise the market authorisation status in diffe rent countries and any significant variations related to safety; and (d) indicate whether changes shall be made to product information in order to optimise the use of (ii) Ordinarily all dosage forms and formulations as wel l as indications for new drugs should be covered in one periodic safety update reports. Within the single p eriodic safety update reports separate presentation s of data for different dosage forms, indications or sep arate population need to be given. (iii) All relevant clinical and non-clinical safety data should cover only the period of the report (interva l data). The periodic safety update reports shall be submitt ed every six months for the first two years after [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 229 approval of the drug is granted to the applicant. F or subsequent two years the periodic safety update reports need to be submitted annually. Central Lice ncing Authority may extend the total du ration of submission of periodic safety update reports if it is considered necessary in the interest of public h ealth. Periodic safety update reports due for a period mus t be submitted within thirty calendar days of the l ast day of the reporting period. However, all cases involvi ng serious unexpected adverse reactions must be reported to the licencing authority within fifteen days of initial receipt of the information by the a pplicant. If marketing of the new drug is delayed by the appl icant after obtaining approval to market, such data will have to be provided on the deferred basis beginning from the time the new drug is marketed. (iv) New studies specifically p la nned or conducted to examine a safety issue should be described in the periodic safety update reports. (v) A PSUR should be structured as follows: (a) Title Page: The title page of periodic safety u pdate reports should capture the name of the drug; reporting interval; permitted indication of such dr ug; date of permission of the drug; date of marketing of drug; licencee name and address. (b) Introduction: This section of periodic safety u pdate reports should capture the reporting interval ; drugs intended use, mode of action, therapeutic cla ss, dose, route of administration, formulation and a brief description of the approved indication and population. (c) Current worldwide marketing authorisation statu s: This section of periodic safety update reports should capture the brief narrative over view includ ing details of countries where the drug is currently approved along with date of first approva l, date of marketing and if product was withdrawn in any of the countries with reasons ther eof. (d) Actions taken in reporting interval for safety reasons: This section of periodic safety update reports should include a description of significant actions related to safety that have been taken during the reporting interval, related to either in vestigational uses or marketing experience by the licence holder, sponsor of a clinical trial, regula tory authorities, data monitoring committees, or ethics committees. (e) Changes to reference safety information: This s ection of periodic safety update reports should capture any significant changes to the reference sa fety information within the reporting interval. Such changes might include information relating to contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse events, and important findings from ongoing and completed clinical trials and significant non-clinical findings. (f) Estimated patient exposure: This section of per iodic safety update reports should provide the estimates of the size and nature of the population exposed to the drug. Brief descriptions of the methods used to estimate the subject or patient exp osure should be provided,- (i) Cumulative and interval subject exposure in clinica l trial. (ii) Cumulative and interval patient exposure from Marke ting Experience from India. (iii) Cumulative and interval patient exposure from Marke ting Experience from rest of the (g) Presentation of individual case histories: This section of periodic safety update reports should include the individual case information available t o a licence holder and provide brief case narrative, medical history indication treated with suspect drug, causality assessment. Provide following information: (i) Reference prescribing information (ii) Individual cases received from India (iii) Individual cases received from rest of the w orld (iv) Cumulative and interval summary tabulations of serious adverse events from clinical investigations. (v) Cumulative and interval summary tabulations fro m post-marketing data sources (h) Studies: This section of periodic safety update reports should capture the brief summary of clinically important emerging efficacy or effective ness and safety findings obtained from the licence holder, sponsored clinical trials and published saf ety studies that became available during the reporting interval of the report which has potentia l impact on product safety information. 230 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] (i) Summaries of significant safety findings from clini cal trials during the reporting period; (ii) Findings from non-interventional Studies; (iii) Findings from non-Clinical Studies; (iv) Findings from literature. (i) Other information: This section of periodic saf ety update reports should include the details about signals and Risk Management Plan in place by licenc e holder (if any). (a) Signal and risk evaluation: In this section licence holder will provide the details of signal and risk identified during the reporting period and evaluation of signals identified during the reporting period. (b) Risk management plan: In this section licence holde r will provide the brief details of safety concern and necessary action taken by him to mitigate these safety concerns. (j) Overall Safety Evaluation: This section of per iodic safety update reports should capture the overall safety evaluation of the drug based upon it s risk benefit evaluation for approved indication. (i) Summary of safety concerns (ii) Benefit evaluation (iii) Benefit risk analysis evaluation (k) Conclusion: This section of periodic safety update reports should provide the details on the safety profile of drug and necessary action taken b y the licence holder in this regards. (l) Appendix: The appendix includes the copy of marketi ng authorisation in India, copy of prescribing information, line listings with narrati ve of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR). SIXTH SCHEDULE (S ee rules 21, 22, 33, 34, 45, 47, 52, 53, 60, 67, 68 , 75, 76, 80, 81, 86, 91, 97 and 98 ) FEE PAYABLE FOR LICENCE, PERMISSION AND REGISTRATIO N CERTIFICATE Number Rule Subject In rupees Indian National Rupee (INR) except specified in 01 21 Application for permission to conduct clinical trial (i) Phase I 3,00,000 (ii) Phase II 2,00,000 (iii)Phase III 2,00,000 (iv) Phase IV 2,00,000 02 22 Reconsideration of application for permission to conduct clinical trial 50,000 03 33 Application for permission toconduct bioavailability or bioequivalence study 2,00,000 04 34 Reconsideration of application of permission to con duct bioavailability or bioequivalence study 50,000 [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 231 05 45 Application for registrationof bioavailability and bioequivalence study centre 5,00,000 07 47 Reconsideration of application for Registration of bioavailability and bio- equivalence study centre 1,00,000 08 52 Application for permission to manufacture new dr ugs or investigational new drugs for clinical trial or bio availability or bioequivalence study 5000 per 09 53 Reconsideration of application to manufacture new drugs or investigational new drugs for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study 2000 per 10 59 Application for permission to manufacture unapprove d active pharmaceutical ingredient for development of formul ation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability or bi oequivalence study 5000 per 11 60 Reconsideration of permission to 2000 Manufacture unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient for development of formul ation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability or bi oequivalence study 12 67 Application for import of new drugs or investigatio nal new drugs for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis 5000 per 13 68 Reconsideration of application for Import of new dr ugs or investigational new drugs for clinical trial or bio availability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and a nalysis 1000 75 Application for permission to import new drug (Fini shed Formulation) for marketing 5,00,000 15 Application for permission to import new Drug (Finished Formulation) already approved in the country for marketing 2,00,000 16 Application for permission to import new drug (Acti ve Pharmaceutical Ingredient) for marketing 5,00,000 232 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 17 Application for permission to import new drug (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) already approved in the country for marketing 2,00,000 18 Application for permission to import approved new drug for new claims, new indication or new dosage form or new route of administration or new strength for marketing 3,00,000 19 Application for permission to import fixed dose com bination having one or more of the ingredients as unapproved new mo lecules for marketing 5,00,000 20 Application for permission to import fixed Dose combination having approved ingredients for marketing 4,00,000 21 Application for permission to import fixed dose combination already approved for marketing 2,00,000 22 Application for permission to import fixed dose com bination for new claims, new indication or new dosage form or new ro ute of administration or new strength for marketing 3,00,000 76 Reconsideration of application for permission to import new drug for marketing 50,000 80 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Finished Formulation or Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) fo r sale or distribution 5,00,000 25 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) already approved in the country for sale or distribution 2,00,000 26 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Finished Formulation) for sale or distribution 5,00,000 27 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Finished Formulation) already approved in the country for sa le or distribution 28 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) for sa le or distribution 5,00,000 [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 233 29 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) alread y approved in the country for sale or distribution 2,00,000 30 Application for permission to manufacture approved new drug for new claims, new indication or new dosage form or new ro ute of administration or new strength for sale or distribu tion 3,00,000 31 Application for permission to manufacture fixed dos e combination having one or more of the ingredients as unapproved new molecules for sale or distribution 5,00,000 80 Application for permission to manufacture fixed dos e combination ha ving approved ingredients for sale or distribution 3,00,000 33 Application for permission to manufacture fixed dos e combination already approved for sale or distribution 2,00,000 34 Application for permission to manufacture fixed dos e combination for new claims, new indication or new dosage form or ne w route of administration or new strength for sale or distribu tion 3,00,000 80 Application for permission to manufacture new drug (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) or to m anufacture finished formulation 5,00,000 36 Application for permission to import or to manufact ure phyto-pharmaceutical drugs 2,00,000 Reconsideration of application for 37 81 permission to manufacture new drug for sale o r distribution 50,000 Application for Import of unapproved new 38 86 drug by Government hospital and medical insti tution 10,000 Application for permission to manufacture unappro ved new drug but under clinical 39 91 trial, for treatment of patient of life threa tening disease 5,000 40 98 Pre-submission meeting 5,00,000 41 99 Post-submission meeting 50000 42 - Any other application which is not specified above 50000 Note 1: No fee shall be chargeable in respect of ap plication for conduct of clinical trial for orphan drugs as defined in clause (x) of rule 2. Note 2: In case of application received from Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) firms for conduct o f clinical trial, approval of new drug and pre and post submis sion meeting, the fee payable shall be half of the fee specified above. 234 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] SEVENTH SCHEDULE (See rules 39, 40, and 42 ) FORMULAE TO DETERMINE THE QUANTUM OF COMPENSATION I N THE CASES OF CLINICAL TRIAL RELATED INJURY OR DEATH 1. Formula in case of clinical trial related death: Compensation = (B x F x R) \/ 99.37 B = Base amount (i.e. 8 lacs) F = Factor depending on the age of the trial subjec t as per Annexure 1 (based on Workmen Compensation Act) R = Risk Factor depending on the seriousness and se verity of the disease, presence of co-morbidity and duration of disease of the trial subject at the time of enro lment in the clinical trial between a scale of 0.5 to 4 as under: (1) 0.5 terminally ill patient (expected survival not m ore than (NMT) 6 months) (2) 1.0 Patient with high risk (expected survival betwe en 6 to 24months) (3) 2.0 Patient with moderate risk (4) 3.0 Patient with mild risk (5) 4.0 Healthy Volunteers or trial subject of no risk. However, in case of patients whose expected mortali ty is 90% or more within 30 days, a fixed amount of Rs. 2 lacs should be given. 2. Formula in case of clinical trial related injury (other than death): For calculation of quantum of compensation related to injury (other than death), the compensat ion shall be linked to the criteria considered for calculation of compensation in cases of death of the trial subject as referred to in section of this Schedule. The qu antum of compensation in case of Clinical Trial related SAE should not exceed the quantum of compensation which would have been due for payment in Case of death of the trial subject since the loss of life is the maximum injur y possible.As per the definition of SAE, the following sequelae other than death are possible in a clinical trial subjec t, in which the trial subject shall be entitled for compensation in case the SAE is related to clinical trial. (i) A permanent disability: In case of SAE causing permanent disability to the trial subject, the quantum of compensation in case of 100% disability shall be 90 % of the compensation which would have been due for payment to the nominee (s) in case of death of the trial subje ct. The quantum for less than 100% disability will be p roportional to the actual percentage disability the trial subject has suffered. Accordingly, following formula shall be applicable for determination of compensation: Compensation = (C x D x 90) \/ (100 x 100) W h e r e : D = Percentage disability the trial subject has suf fered. C = Quantum of Compensation which would have been d ue for payment to the trial subject's nominees) in case of death of the trial subject. (ii) Congenital anomaly or birth defect: The congenital anomaly or birth defect in a baby ma y occur due to participation of anyone or both the parent in clini cal trial. Following situations may arise due to co ngenital anomaly or birth defect. (a) Still birth; (b) Early death due to anomaly; (c) No death but deformity which can be fully corrected through appropriate intervention; (d) Permanent disability (mental or physical). The compensation in such cases would be a lump sum amount such that if that amount is kept by way of f ixed deposit or alike, it shall bring a monthly interest amount whi ch is approximately equivalent to half of minimum w age of the [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 235 unskilled worker (in Delhi). The quantum of compens ation in such cases of SAE shall be half of the bas e amount as per formula for determining the compensation for SAE re sulting into death. In case of birth defect leading to sub-clause (c) a nd (d) of this clause to any child, the medical man agement as long as required shall be provided by the Sponsor or his re presentative which will be over and above the finan cial compensation. (iii) Chronic life-threatening disease; and (iv) Reversible SAE in case it is resolved. In case of clinical trial related SAE causing life- threatening disease and reversible SAE in case it i s resolved, the quantum of compensation would be linked to the numb er of days of hospitalisation of the trial subject. The compensation per day of hospitalization shall be equal to the wa ge loss. The wage loss per day shall be calculated based upon the minimum wage of the unskilled worker (in Delhi). Since, in case of hospitalisation of any patient no t only the patient loses his\/her wage, there will b e direct or indirect losses of various kind including inconvenience, wag e loss of attendant, etc. The compensation per day of hospitalisation in such case shall be double the minimum wage. Accordingly, following formula shall be applicable for determination of compensation: Compensation = 2 X W X N. W = Minimum wage per day of the unskilled worker (i n Delhi) N = Number of days of hospitalization Annexure 1 Factor (F) for calculating the amount of compensati on Age Factor Not more than... 16 228.54 17 227.49 18 226.38 19 225.22 20 224.00 21 222.71 22 221.37 23 219.95 24 218.47 25 216.91 26 215.28 27 213.57 28 211.79 29 209.92 30 207.98 31 205.95 32 203.85 33 201.66 34 199.40 35 197.06 36 194.64 37 192.14 38 189.56 39 186.90 40 184.17 41 181.37 42 178.49 43 175.54 44 172.52 45 169.44 46 166.29 47 163.07 236 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 48 159.80 49 156.47 50 153.09 51 149.67 52 146.20 53 142.68 54 139.13 55 135.56 56 131.95 57 128.33 58 124.70 59 121.05 60 117.41 61 113.77 62 110.14 63 106.52 64 102.93 65 or more 99.37 EIGHTH SCHEDULE FORM CT-01 (See rules 8, 10 and 17 ) APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION\/RENEWAL OF ETHICS COMM ITTEE RELATING TO CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALNENCE STUDY OR BIOMEDICAL HEALTH I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... .............................. (name, designation and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ . ( name and full address with contact details of the ethics committee ) hereby apply for grant of registration of ethics committee. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, company, society, trust, independe nt, institutional, other to be specified) 3. (i) Applicant address including telephone number , mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Address for correspondence: corporate or registered office or clinical trial si te or bioavailability and bioequivalence study cent re or biomedical health research 4. Details of accreditation, if any (self-attested copy of certificate to be attached): 5. I have enclosed the documents as specified in th e Table 1 of the Third Schedule of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 237 6. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the D rugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . Place: Digital Signature Date: (Name and designation) FORM CT-02 (See rules 8, 9, 10 and 14) GRANT OF REGISTRATION OF ETHICS COMMITTEE RELATING TO CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALNENCE STUDY Registration No. The Central Licencing Authority here by registers a nd permits (Name and full address with contact deta ils of the ethics committee) to perform duties of ethics committee as specified in the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rul es, 2019. 2. The ethics committee shall observe the condition s of registration specified in Chapter III of the N ew Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 and the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. Cen tral Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp FORM CT-03 (See rules 17 and 18) GRANT OF REGISTRATION OF ETHICS COMMITTEE RELATING TO BIOMEDICAL HEALTH Registration No. The designated authority is hereby register and per mit (Name and full address with contact details of the ethics committee) to perform duties of ethics commi ttee as specified in the Regulation of New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rul es, 2019. 2. The ethics committee shall observe the condition s of registration specified in Chapter IV of the Ne w Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 and the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. Cen tral Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp 238 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] FORM CT-04 (See rule 21 ) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO CONDUCT CLIN ICAL TRIAL OF NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ...................... (name and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ .............. hereby apply for grant of permission to conduct clinical trial on new drug or investigational new drug. The details of the application are as under: 1.Name of Applicant: 2. Nature and constitution: proprietorship, partnership including limited liability partnership, comp any, society, trust, other to be specified. 3. (i) Sponsor address, telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Clinical trials site address, telephone number, mob ile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Name and address of person responsible fo r payment of compensation, if any: (iv) Address for correspondence: [corporate or registered office or clinical trial s ite] 4. Details of new drugs or investigational new drug s and clinical investigation site [As per Annexure] . 5. Phase of the Clinical Trial 6. Clinical trial protocol number with date: 7. Fee paid on Rs. Receipt or Challan or transaction ID . 8. I have enclosed the documents as specified in th e Second Schedule of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 9. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the D rugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . . Digital Signature ......... (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of new drugs or investigational new drugs: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 239 Composition: Indications: Details of clinical trial site: Names and address of clinical trial site Ethics committee details: Name of investigator: FORM CT-4A (See rule 23 ) INFORMATION TO INITIATE CLINICAL TRIAL OF NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG AS PART OF DISCOVERY, RESEARCH AND MANUFACTURE IN I NDIA I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ...................... (name and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ .............. hereby inform to initiate the conduct clinical trial on new drug or investigational new drug. The details of the application areas under: 1.Name of Applicant: 2. Nature and constitution: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be specified) 3. (i) Sponsor address, telephone number, mobile numbe r, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Clinical trials site address, telephone number, mob ile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Name and address of person responsible for payment of compensation, if any: (iv) Address for correspondence: [corporate or registered office or clinical trial s ite] 4. Details of new drugs or investigational new drug s and clinical investigation site [As per Annexure] . 5. Phase of the Clinical Trial 6. Clinical trial protocol number with date: 8. I hereby declared that I have already submitted the application under rule 21 of these rules and gr anted automatic approval under rule 23(2) and enclosed the document s as specified in the Second Schedule of the New Dr ugs and Clinical Trials rules, 2019. 9. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the D rugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019. 240 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] . Digital Signature ......... (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of new drugs or investigational new drugs: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: Composition: Indications: Details of clinical trial site: Names and address of clinical trial site Ethics committee details: Name of investigator: FORM CT-05 (See rule 33) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO CONDUCT BIOA VAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ................................ (name and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ .............. hereby apply for grant of permission to conduct bioavailability or bioequivalence study ( strike off whichever is not applicable ) of new drug or investigational new drug, the deta ils of which are as under: 1.Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3. (i) Sponsor address, telephone number, mobile numbe r, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Study address, telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: [corporate or registered office or bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre] [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 241 4. Details of new drug or investigational new drug and study centre [As per Annexure]. 5. Study protocol number with date: 6. Fee paid on Rs. Receipt or challan or transaction ID . 7. I have enclosed the documents as specified in th e Fourth Schedule of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 8. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the D rugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . . Digital Signature ......... (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of new drug or investigational new drugs: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: Composition: Indications: Details of study centre: Names and address of study centre Ethics committee details: FORM CT-06 (See rules 22, 25, 26, 29 and 30) PERMISSION TO CONDUCT CLINICAL TRIAL OF NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG The Central Licencing Authority hereby permits (Name and full address with contact details of the applicant) to conduct clinical trial of the new dru g or investigational new drug as per protocol number in the below men tioned clinical trial sites. dated 2. Details of new drug or investigational new drug and clinical trial site [As per Annexure]. 3. This permission is subject to the conditions prescr ibed in part A of Chapter V of the New Drugs and Cl inical Trials Rules, 2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 . . Central Licencing Authority Date: .................. Stamp 242 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] Annexure: Details of new drug or investigational new drug: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: Composition: Indications: Details of clinical trial site: Names and address of clinical trial site Ethics committee details: Name of principal investigator: FORM CT-07 (See Rules 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38) PERMISSION TO CONDUCT BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVAL ENCE STUDY OF NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG The Central Licencing Authority hereby permits (Name and full address with contact details of the applicant) to conduct bioavailability or bioequival ence study ( strike off whichever is not applicable ) of the new drug or investigational new drug as pe r protocol number dated in the below mentioned study centre. 2. Details of new drug or investigational new drug and study centre [As per Annexure]. 3. This permission is subject to the conditions prescr ibed in part B of Chapter V of the New Drugs and Cl inical Trials Rules, 2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 . . Central Licencing Authority Date: .................. Stamp Annexure: Details of new drug or investigational new drug: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: Composition: Indications: Details of study centre: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 243 Names and address of study centre: Ethics committee details: Name of principal investigator: FORM CT-08 (See rule45 ) APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION\/RENEWAL OF BIOAVAILABI LITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ..................... (name, designation and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ . hereby apply for grant of registration of bioavai lability or bioequivalence study centre. The details of the app lication are as under: 1.Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, company, society, trust, independe nt, institutional, other to be specified) 3. (i) Applicant address including telephone number , mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Address for correspondence: [corporate or registered office or bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre] 4. Details of accreditation, if any (self-attested copy of certificate to be attached): 5. Fee paid on Rs. Receipt or challan or transaction ID . 6. I have enclosed the documents as specified in th e Table 1 of Fourth Schedule of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . 7. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the D rugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . .. Digital Signature (Name and designation) 244 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] FORM CT-09 (See rules 47, 48, 49, 50and 51 ) GRANT OF REGISTRATION OF BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUI VALENCE STUDY CENTRE Registration No. The Central Licencing Authority hereby register (Name and full address with contact details of the applicant) for conduct of bioavailability and bioeq uivalence studies of new drugs and investigational new drugs as specifie d in the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019. 2.This registration is subject to the conditions pr escribed in Chapter VII of the New Drugs and Clinic al Trials Rules, 2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. . Central Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp FORM CT-10 (See rule 52) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG FOR CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OR FOR EXAM INATION, TEST AND ANALYSIS I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... .............................. (name and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ .............. hereby apply for grant of permission to manufacture new drug or investigation al new drug for clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study or for examination, test and analysis. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3.(i) Corporate or Registered office address, telep hone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Applicants address, telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of new drugs and investigational new dru gs to be manufactured [As per Annexure]. 5. Particulars of Manufacturer, Manufacturing sites [As per Annexure]. 6. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transacti on ID .[k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 245 7. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Chapter VIII of New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . (ii) The new drug to be manufactured from M\/s........... ...................... shall be used exclusively fo r the purpose of clinical trial and no part of it shall b e diverted to the domestic market. Date: ................. Digital Signature (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of new drug or investigational new drug: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: Composition: Indications: Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site: Name and address of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredien t and formulation manufacturer (full address with telepho ne, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing sites of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient and formulation (full add ress with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufactur ing site). FORM CT-11 (See rules 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58) PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATION AL NEW DRUG FOR CLINICAL TRIAL, BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OR F OR EXAMINATION, TEST AND Licence Number The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion (Name and full postal address with contact details of the applicant) to m anufacture the new drug or investigational new drug for conduct of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study as per protocol number dated in the below mentioned clinical trial sites or bioavailabi lity and bioequivalence study centre [As per Annexu re] or for examination, test and analysis. 246 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] Number Name of the new drug or investigational new drug to be manufactured. Class of new drug or investigational new drug. Quantity to be manufactured. 2. This licence is subject to the conditions specified in the Chapter VIII of New Drugs and Clinical Tria ls Rules,2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. 3. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of three years fr om the date of its issuance. 4. Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site unde r this licence. Number Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site). . Central Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp Annexure: Details of clinical trial site: Names and address of clinical trial site Ethics committee details: Name of investigator: FORM CT-12 (See rule 59) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE FORMULATION OF UNAPPROVED ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT FOR TEST OR ANALYS IS OR CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... .............. (name and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ .............. hereby apply for grant of permission to manufacture formulations of unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient for tes t or analysis or clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of formulation manufacturer: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3.(i) Corporate or registered office address teleph one number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Formulation manufacturers address including telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-m ail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 247 4. Details of unapproved Active pharmaceutical ingr edient and its formulation [As per Annexure]. 5. Details of Manufacturer, Manufacturing sites of formulation [As per Annexure]. 6.Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transact ion 7. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Chapter VIII of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . (ii) The formulation of the unapproved active pharmaceut ical ingredient to be manufactured shall be used for the mentioned purpose only and no part of it sh all be sold in the market. Place: Digital Signature Date: (Name and designation ) Annexure: Details of Active pharmaceutical ingredient and its formulation: Name of the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Quantity Name of the formulation\/test Batches to be developed for test\/analysis or clinical trial Quantity Name of the formulation to be manufactured Quantity Composition Indication Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of f ormulation: number Name and address of manufacturer of formulation (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site of formulati on (full address with telephone, fax and e- mail address of the manufacturing site) Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of A ctive pharmaceutical ingredient: number Name and address of manufacturer of Active pharmaceutical ingredient (fu ll address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site of Active pharmaceutical ingredient (full address with teleph one, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) 248 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] FORM CT-13 (See rule 59 and 60) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE UNAPPROVED ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF FORMUL ATION FOR TEST OR ANALYSIS OR CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALE NCE STUDY I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... .............. (name and full postal address of the applicant) of ................................................ .............. hereby apply for grant of permission to manufacture unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient for development of formul ation for test or analysis or clinical trial or bio availability or bioequivalence study. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of manufacture: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3.(i) Corporate or registered office address teleph one number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Formulation manufacturers address including telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-m ail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of unapproved active pharmaceutical ingr edient to be manufactured [As per Annexure]. 5. Details of formulation to be manufactured [As pe r Annexure]. 6. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transaction ID (i) I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comp ly with all the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmeti cs Act, 1940 and Chapter VIII of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . (ii) The unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient to be manufactured shall be supplied to M\/s only and no part of it shall be sold in the market. Place: Digital Signature Date: (Name and designation ) [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 249 Annexure: Details of Active pharmaceutical ingredient and its formulation: Name of the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) to be obtained Quantity Name of the formulation or test batches to be developed for test\/analysis or clinical trial Quantity Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of f ormulation: number Name and address of manufacturer of formulation (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site of formulati on (full address with telephone, fax and e- mail address of the manufacturing site) Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of A ctive pharmaceutical ingredient: number Name and address of manufacturer of Active pharmaceutical ingredient (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site of Active pharmaceutical ingredient (full address with teleph one, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) FORM CT-14 (See rules 60, 61, 62, 63and64 ) PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE FORMULATION OF UNAPPROVED ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT FOR TEST OR ANALYSIS OR CLINICAL TRIAL O R BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY Licence Number: The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion to (Name and full postal address with contact details of the formulation manufacturer) to manufacture the formulation of the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient specifi ed below for test or analysis or for conduct of cli nical trials bioavailability or bioequivalence study. Name of the formulation or test batches to be devel oped for test or analysis or clinical trial Quantity 2. Details of manufacturer, manufacturing site of form ulation [As per Annexure]. number Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full addres s with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) 250 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 3. This licence is subject to the conditions prescribe d under Chapter VII of the New Drugs and Clinical T rials Rules,2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940. 4. Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of a ctive pharmaceutical ingredient to be supplied. number Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full addres s with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) 5. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force fora period of ............... ......... from the date of its issuance. . Central Licencing Authority Date: .................. Stamp FORM CT-15 (See rules 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 ) PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE UNAPPROVED ACTIVE PHARMAC EUTICAL INGREDIENT FOR THE DEVELOPEMNT OF FORMULATION FOR TEST OR ANALYSIS OR CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY Licence Number: The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion to (Name and full address of the active ingredient man ufacturer) to manufacture the unapproved active pha rmaceutical ingredient specified below to manufacture its formu lation for test or analysis or for conduct of clini cal trials or bioavailability or bioequivalence study. Name of the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingred ient (API) to be manufactured Quantity 2. Details of Manufacturer, Manufacturing site of acti ve pharmaceutical ingredient. number Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e- mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) 3. Details of Manufacturer, Manufacturing site of form ulation manufacturer to be supplied. number Name and address of formulator (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of site where the manufact ured unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient to be used (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) 4. This permission is subject to the conditions specif ied in Chapter VIII of the New Drugs and Clinical T rials Rules,2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 251 5. This permission shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of ........... ............. from the date of its issuance. . Central Licencing Authority Date: .................. Stamp Annexure Details of record of unapproved active pharmaceutic al ingredient manufactured: manufacture Licence number Name of the unapproved active pharmaceutical ingredient Quantity manufactured Manufactured for Details of reconciliation of unapproved active phar maceutical ingredient manufactured: Date Name of the unapproved pharmaceutical ingredient Licence number Quantity manufactured Quantity supplied Quantity remained Supplied to Quantity over or remain unused or got damaged or expired or found of sub- standard quality Action * Write NA where not applicable. FORM CT-16 (See rule 67 ) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF LICENCE TO IMPORT NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG FOR CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVAL ENCE STUDY OR FOR EXAMINATION, TEST AND ANALYSIS I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ............................... (name and address of the applicant) of M\/s ............................................ .................. hereby apply for grant of licenc e to import new drug or investigational new drug for clinical trial bioavailability or bioequiv alence study or for examination, test and analysis. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 252 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 3.(i) Corporate or registered office address includ ing telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-m ail id: (ii) Applicants address including telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e- mail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of new drugs to be imported [As per Anne xure]. 5. Particulars of overseas Manufacturer, Manufactur ing sites [As per Annexure]. 6. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transaction ID . 7. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Chapter IX of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . (ii) The new drug to be imported from M\/s............... .................. shall be used exclusively for th e purpose of clinical trial and no part of it shall be diverted to the do mestic market. Place: Digital S ignature Date: (Name an d designation) Annexure: Details of new drug or investigational new drug: Names of the new drug or investigational new drug: Therapeutic class: Dosage form: Composition: Indications: Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site: Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full addres s with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 253 FORM CT-17 (See rules 68, 69, 70, 71 and 72 ) LICENCE TO IMPORT NEW DRUG OR INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLINICAL TRIAL OR BIOAVAILABILITY OR BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY OR FOR EXAMINATION, TEST AND ANALYSIS Licence Number: The Central Licencing Authority hereby grants licen ce to (Name and full address with contact details of the applicant) to import new drug or inv estigational new drug for conduct of clinical trial or bioavailability or bioequivalence study as per protocol number d ated or for examination, test and analysis in the below mentioned clinical trial sites or bioavailability or bioequivalence study centre. [As per Annexure]. number Name of the new drug or investigational new drug to be imported Therapeutic class of new drug or investigational new drug Quantity to be imported 2. This licence is subject to the conditions prescribe d in Chapter IX of the New Drugs and Clinical Trial s Rules, 2019. 3. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of three years fr om the date of its issuance. 4. Details of overseas manufacturer and manufacturing site under this licence. number Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site) 5. The licencee shall maintain the record of imported new drug or investigational new drugs [As per Annex ure]. . Central Licencing Authority Date: .................. Stamp Annexure: Details of clinical trial site or bioavailability o r bioequivalence study centre: Names and address: Ethics committee details: Name of investigator: FORM CT-18 (See rule 75 ) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO IMPORT NEW D RUG FOR SALE OR FOR DISTRIBUTION I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ............................... (name and address of the applicant) of M\/s ............................................ .................. hereby apply for grant of permis sion to import new drug for sale. 254 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 1. Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3.(i) Corporate or registered office address includ ing telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-m ail id: (ii) Manufacturers address including telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of new drug to be imported (Active pharm aceutical Ingredient or Finished Formulation) [As p er Annexure]. 5. Details of the manufacturer and manufacturing si te [As per Annexure]. 6. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transaction ID . 7. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Chapter X of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . Place: Digital S ignature Date: (Name an d designation) Annexure: Details of new drug: Name of the new drug: Dosage form: Composition of the formulation: Therapeutic class of the new drug: Indications for which proposed to be used: Manufacturer of the raw material (active pharmaceutical ingredient): Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of n ew drug: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 255 Name and address of manufacturer (fu ll address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full addres s with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturing site). FORM CT-19 (See rules 76, 77 and 78 ) PERMISSION TO IMPORT NEW ACTIVE PHARMCEUTICAL INGRE DIENT FOR SALE OR FOR DISTRIBUTION The Central Licencing Authority hereby grants permi ssion to (Name and full postal address of authorised agent w ith contact details of the organization) to import new active pharmaceutical ingredient manufactured by an overse as manufacturer specified below for sale. 2. Details of overseas manufacturer and its manufactur ing site under this licence. number Name and address of overseas manufacturer (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturing site) 3. This permission is subject to the conditions prescr ibed in Chapter X of the New Drugs and Clinical Tri als Rules,2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940. 4. Details of active pharmaceutical ingredient to be i mported. Name of the active pharmaceutical ingredient to be obtained. Quantity. . Central Licencing Authori ty Date: .................. Stamp FORM CT-20 (See rules 76, 77 and 78 ) PERMISSION TO IMPORT PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS OF NEW DRUG FOR SALE OR FOR DISTRIBUTION The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion to (Name and full postal address of authorised agent w ith contact details of the organisation) to import pharmaceutical formulation manufactured by an overseas manufacture r specified below for sale. 2. Details of overseas manufacturer and its manufactur ing site under this licence. number Name and address of overseas manufacturer (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturing site) 256 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 3. Details of pharmaceutical formulation: Name of the new drug to b e imported: Dosage form: Composition: Indication: 4. This permission is subject to the conditions prescr ibed in Chapter X of the New Drugs and Clinical Tri als Rules,2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940. . Central Licencing Authorit y Date: .................. Stamp FORM CT-21 (See rule 80) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE NEW DRUG FORMULATION FOR SALE OR FOR DISTRIBUTION I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ............................... (name and full postal address of the applicant) of M\/s ............................................ .................. hereby apply for grant of permis sion to manufacture new drug for sale or distribution. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (i.e. proprietorship, partnership including limited liability partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3.(i) Corporate or registered office address includ ing telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-m ail (ii) Manufacturers address including telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of new drug to be manufactured (Active p harmaceutical Ingredient or Finished Formulation or both) [As per Annexure]. 5. Details of the manufacturer and manufacturing si te [As per Annexure]. 6. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transaction ID. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 257 7. I hereby state and undertake that: (i) I shall comply with all the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Chapter X of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 . .. Digital Signature (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of new drug: Name of the new drug: Dosage form: Composition of the formulation: Therapeutic class of the new drug: Indications for which proposed to be used: Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site of n ew drug: Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufactur ing site). FORM CT-22 (See rules 81, 82, 83 and 84 ) PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE NEW ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT FOR SALE OR FOR DISTRIBUTION The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion to (Name and full address with contact details of the manufacturer) to manufa cture for sale the new active pharmaceutical ingred ient manufactured by manufacturer specified below. 2. Details of manufacturer and its manufacturing site under this permission. number Name and address of manufacturer (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturer) Name and address of manufacturing site (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturing site) 3. This is subject to the conditions specified in Chap ter X of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules,20 19 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940. 258 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 4. Details of the new active pharmaceutical ingredient to be manufactured------. . Central Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp FORM CT-23 (See rules 81, 82, 83 and 84 ) PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIO N OF NEW DRUG FOR SALE OR FOR DISTRIBUTION The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion to (Name and full address of authorised agent with contact details of the man ufacturer) to manufacture for sale of pharmaceutica l formulation manufactured by an manufacturer specified below. 2. Details of manufacturer and its manufacturing site under this licence. number Name and address of manufacturer (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full name and address with telephone and e-mail address of manufacturing site). 3. Details of pharmaceutical formulation: Name of the new drug to be imported: Dosage form: Composition: Indication: Shelf life with storage condition: 4. This is subject to the conditions prescribed in Cha pter X of the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940. . Central Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp FORM CT-24 (See rule 86 ) APPLICATION FOR LICENCE TO IMPORT OF UNAPPROVED NEW DRUG FOR TREATMENT OF PATIENTS OF LIFE THREATENING DISEASE IN A GOVERNMEN T HOSPITAL OR GOVERNMENT MEDICAL INSTITUTION I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ............................... (name and full postal address of the applicant) of M\/s ............................................ .................. hereby apply for grant of licence to import unapproved new drug but under cli nical trial for treatment of patients of life threa tening disease in a government hospital or medical institution. The details of the application are as under: [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 259 1. Name of Medical officer: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (Government Hospital or Medical Institution) 3.(i) Aaddress including telephone number, mobile n umber, fax number and e-mail id of the Government Hospital or Medical Institution: (ii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of unapproved new drug pharmaceutical fo rmulation to be imported [As per Annexure]. 5. Details of the manufacturer and manufacturing si te [As per Annexure]. 6. Details of the patient and disease [As per Annex ure]. 7. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transac tion 8. A legal undertaking stating that the unapproved new drug to be imported shall be used for the treat ment of the patient for the disease mentioned below only and no part of it shall be sold in the market is enclosed herewith. Digital Signature . (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of unapproved new drug to be imported: Name of the new drug: Dosage form: Quantity: Indications for which proposed to be used: Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site: Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full addres s with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufactur ing Details of patient: Name of the patient: Disease name: 260 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] Certificate Certified that the unapproved new drug specified ab ove for import is urgently required for the treatme nt of patients suffering from... and that the said drug is not available in India. Place............ Signature Date................. Medical Superintendent of the Government Hospital or Head of Medical Institution [Stamp ] FORM CT-25 (See rules 87, 88, 89 and 90 ) LICENCE TO IMPORT UNAPPROVED NEW DRUG FOR TREATMENT OF PATIENTS OF LIFE THREATENING DISEASE IN A GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL OR MED ICAL INSTITUTION Licence Number: The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant licens e to (Name and full postal address with contact details of the Governme nt Hospital or Government Medical Institution) to i mport the unapproved new drug specified below for the purpose of treatment of the patient for the disease (Name of the disease). 2. This permission is subject to the conditions prescr ibed in Chapter XI of the New Drugs and Clinical tr ials Rules,2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. 3. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of .............. .......... from the date of its issuance. 4. Details of the new drug to be imported Name of new drug: Quantity to be imported: . Central Licencing Authority Date: ................. Stamp Details of new drug imported: number Date of import. Licence number Name of the imported. Imported through (Port office name). Consignment number Quantity imported. Details of record of patient history: Licence number Name of the new drug. Patient name Diagnosis detail with date. Disease name. Dosage schedule. [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 261 Details of reconciliation of new drug to be importe d: Date Nam e of drug. Licence number. Initial quantity. Quantity used. Quantity remained. Quantity left over or remain unused or got damaged or expired or found of sub-standard quality Action *Write NA where not applicable. FORM CT-26 (See rule 91 ) APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE UNAPPROVED NEW DRUG BUT UNDER CLINICAL TRIAL FOR TREATMENT OF PATIENTS OF L IFE THREATENING DISEASE IN A GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL OR MEDICAL INSTITUTION I\/We, ............................................. ................................................... ............................... (name and full postal address of the applicant) of M\/s ............................................ .................. hereby apply for grant of permis sion to manufacture unapproved new drug but under clinical trial for treatment of patients of life threatening disease in a governmen t hospital or medical institution. The details of the application are as under: 1. Name of applicant: 2. Nature and constitution of applicant: (proprietorship, partnership including limited liab ility partnership, company, society, trust, other to be s pecified) 3.(i) Corporate or registered office address includ ing telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (ii) Manufacturers address including telephone number, mobile number, fax number and e-mail id: (iii) Address for correspondence: 4. Details of unapproved new drug to be manufacture d [As per Annexure]. 5. Details of the manufacturer and manufacturing si te [As per Annexure]. 6. Details of the Medical officer and Government Ho spital and Medical Institution 7. Copy of recommendation of the ethics committee a nd consent from the patient in accordance with Rule 81 of the Regulation of New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rul es 2019 are hereby enclosed. 262 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] 8. Fee paid on Rs receipt or challan or transact ion ID .9. A legal undertaking stating that the unapproved new drug to be manufactured shall be used for the treatment of the patient for the disease mentioned below only and no part of it shall be sold in the m arket is enclosed herewith. . Digital Signature . (Name and designation) Annexure: Details of unapproved new drug to be manufactured: Name of the new drug: Quantity: Indications: Details of manufacturer and manufacturing site: Name and address of manufacturer (full address with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufacturer). Name and address of manufacturing site (full addres s with telephone, fax and e-mail address of the manufactur ing site). Details of the government hospital or government me dical institution and patient: Name of the government hos pital or government medical institution: Address of the government hospital or government medical institution: Name and address of the patient: Disease name: Certificate Certified that the unapproved new drug but under cl inical trial specified above for manufacture is urg ently required for the treatment of patients suffering from and that the said drug(s) is\/are not available in India. Place............ Signature Date................. Medical Superintendent of the Government Hospital or Head of Medical Institution [Stamp ] [k.M 3 (i) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk\/kj.k 263 FORM CT-27 (See rules 92, 93, 94 and 95 ) PERMISSION TO MANUFACTURE UNAPPROVED NEW DRUG BUT U NDER CLINICAL TRIAL FOR TREATMENT OF PATIENTS OF LIFE THREATENING DISEASE I N A GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL OR MEDICAL INSTITUTION Licence Number The Central Licencing Authority hereby grant permis sion to . (Name and full postal address with contact details of the organiza tion) to manufacture the unapproved new drug specif ied below on the premises situated at ...... (ful l postal address with contact details of the manufacturing site) for supply to (n ame of the medical officer and address of the Government hospital or medical institution) for the treatment of the patient for the disease of the disease). 2. This licence is subject to the conditions prescribe d in Chapter XI of the New Drugs and Clinical Trial s Rules, 2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940. 3. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of one year from the date specified below:4. Details of the new drug to be manufactured Quantity: . Central Licencing Authority and Stamp Date: .................. Annexure: Details of unapproved new drug manufactured: number Date of manufacture Licence number Name of the unapproved new drug Quantity manufactured Manufactured for Details of record of patient history: Licence number Name of the new drug Patient name Diagnosis detail with date Disease name Dosage schedule Details of reconciliation of unapproved active phar maceutical ingredient manufactured: Date Name of the unapproved new drug Licence No. Quantity manufactured Quantity supplied Quantity remained Supplied to Quantity left over or remain unused or got damaged or expired or found of sub-Action taken 264 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART IIS EC . 3(i)] standard quality * Write NA where not applicable. [F.No.X.11014\/10\/2017- DRS -Part (1)] Dr. MANDEEP K. BHANDARI, Jt. Secy. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Del hi-110054. ","Summary":"The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has proposed certain additions to the\u00a0New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019, on which they are seeking our feedback.The changes are as follows:A medical officer can import drugs used for compassionate use for patients suffering from a life-threatening disease or a disease causing a serious permanent disability or disease requiring therapy for unmet medical need, even if this drug was not permitted in India by submitting a form called the\u00a0Form CT-28. This form shall also be accompanied by:The rationale for using the drug;Patient\u2019s disease and medical history;Method for administrating the drug;The chemical, manufacturing and controls of the drug to ensure quality and purity;Information to ensure the drug is safe to use;Description of the procedure to use the drug and to minimise the risk.This form would be scrutinised by the Central Licensing Authority (\u201cCLA\u201d). The grant for import of this drug would be made under\u00a0Form CT-29\u00a0and the quantity of import, in normal circumstance, should not exceed 100 dosages per patient. However, if the information is found to inadequate, the application would be rejected and reasons would be provided within 30 days to the applicant. The aggrieved applicant can then appeal to the Central Government within 45 days to review the application. The appeal decision would be finalised within 60 days.The license of importing the drug under the above-mentioned form (Form CT-29) is subject to the following conditions:The license would be valid for 1 year;The license would have to be displayed in the premises of the medical institution where the drug is stored and is used;The drug would have to be stored properly and should be exclusively used for a compassionate purpose. The expired or substandard drugs would have to be destroyed;The usage and administration of this drug would have to be appropriately recorded and presented to the CLA every 3 months;\n\nIf these requirements are not followed, the CLA will cancel or suspend the license of the importer. The imported, however, has an option to appeal to the Central Government within 45 days.The manufacturer who has been granted permission to manufacture new drugs for compensating use shall allow the authorities to enter the premises for inspection.\u00a0This drug can also be manufactured in limited quantity subject to the following reasons:Consent of the patient or their legal heirs should be provided in an application to the hospital\u2019s Ethics Committee;After the verdict of the Ethics Committee, the manufacturer would have to make an application in a form called the\u00a0Form CT-30\u00a0to the CLA. This would be accompanied by the same particulars as Form CT-28, which is provided above;The CLA if satisfied, would grant permission to manufacture under\u00a0Form CT- 31, if not, CLA would notify its rejection with reasons within reasons. The permission to manufacture is limited to 100 dosages per patients under normal circumstance.The Ministry is seeking our feedback on these changes. The full notification can be read\u00a0here."},"18":{"Title":"Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs)","Text":"Consultation Paper September, 2021 Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies Last date for receipt of comments 10 November 2021 National Financial Reporting Authority 8th Floor, Hindustan Times House 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi -110001 https:\/\/nfra.gov.in NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) This document of 29 September 2021 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) is issued by National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) for comments by its stakeholders . T he last date for receipt of the comments is 10 November 2021. The comments should be submitted in writi ng either by email (comments -tac.paper @nfra.gov.in ) or by post . Disclaimer : NFRA do es not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss caused to any person or any entity, howsoever arising from the use of , or refraining from the use of , the contents of this Consultation Paper . Copyrights: All rights reserved. No part of this Cons ultation Paper can be reproduced, translated or circulated without the permission of NFRA, except for the purpose of making comments on this Consultation Paper. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # List of Abbreviations and Acronyms1 Executive Summary and List of Questions to Respondents2 Introduction : Setting the Context s research on MSMCs and pr elimin ary findings4 Issues related to audit of MSMCs5 Annexures Annexure 1 Audit Exemption Th resholds in Global Jurisdictions 19 Annexure 2 Data Tables used by NFRA for Research Annexure 3 Estimated Cost of Audit using Standard Cost Model A pproach 28 6 Appendices Appendix I NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 1 of 39 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS and ACRONYMS ASs Accounting Standards notified under the Companies (A ccounting Standards) Rules AFS Annual Financial Statements CARO Companies Auditors Report Order, 2020 issued by MCA EU European Union GPFR General Purpose Financial Reporting GPFS General Purpose Financial Statements IAASB International Auditing and Assurances Standards Board IASB International Accounting Standards Board of IFRS Foundation ICAI The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ICFR Internal Controls over Financial Reporting Ind ASs Indian Accounting Standards substantially converged with IFRS Standards MCA Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India MSMCs Micro, Small and Medium -size Companies MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium -size Enterprises NBFCs Non -Banking Finance Compani es NFRA National Financial Reporting Authority PIE Public Interest Entity SA Standards of Auditing SMC Small and Medium -sized Company UK United Kingdom US United States of America NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 2 of 39 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND LIST OF QUESTIONS TO RESPONDENTS 1.1 An important function of NFRA under 132 (2)(a) of the Companies Act 2013 is to make recommendation to Central Government on the formulation and laying down of accounting and auditing policies and standards for adoption by companies or class of companies or the ir auditors. 1.2 In view of the significant role played by companies in India in the economic growth and development of the Nation, it is essential that the regulatory environment is conducive to support, and not burden, the growth in business and economic activities of these entities. The regulations relating to financial reporting and auditing should not impose undue burden s and cost on the regulated entities , and the overall regulatory framework should be proportional to the size and type of the entities that are subject to such regulations. 1.3 In order to understand issues related to compliance with the regulatory framework specifically by smaller size companies, NFRA has done a prelimina ry analysis on the key financial parameters of the companies registered in India which have made MCA -21 filings. The focus of the analysis is companies with Net worth below Rs. 250 crores . These companies are referred to as Micro, Small and Medium companies (MSMCs) for the purpose of this Consultation Paper. Different regulations define Small and Medium companies differently depending upon the purpose and intention of the regulation. MSMC as a category used by NFRA in this Consultation Paper is mainly for research purposes keeping in mind that net worth thresh old of Rs. 250 crores are a critical threshold differentiating AS and Ind AS companies. The data on MSMCs analysed by NFRA includes key features of their financial statements , and the primary users of the General Purpose of Financial Statements (GPFS) of such Companies . A large proportion of these MSMCs are likely to belong to the Micro, Small and Medium -size Enterprises (MSME) sector, which sector plays a significant role in the economic growth and development of the Nation. NFRA now seek s stakeholder responses to issues thrown up by the data o n MSMCs obtained by NFRA. The se responses will be useful in evaluating the requir ement of audit and minimum thresholds for MSMCs . 1.4 Questions related to Issue s about the Auditing Areas of MSMCs 1.4.1 Question No. 1 - Do you think that Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) depending upon some criteria and threshold should be exempted from the mandatory statutory audit under Companies Act, 2013? If not, why not and if yes, what would be the criteria and thresholds for exemption? NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 3 of 39 Question No. 2 - Do you think there is a requirement for a separate set of auditing standards for MSMCs as it exists for accounting standards? If no, why not and if yes, what should be the basis for the same? Question No. 3 The cost of conducting an audit as per t he prescribed standards is an important input for the responses to Questions 1 and 2. Do you agree with the approach for estimating standard cost of audit computed by NFRA? If not, which areas\/ assumptions need changes? Question No. 4 - Do you think the c urrent exemption thresholds for CARO, ICFR and statutory audit applicability need to be standardised and made uniform? If no, why not and if yes, what would be the criteria and thresholds? 1.5 Invitation to Comment 1.5.1 NFRA invites comments on 4 specific questions listed in Section 4 of the Consultation Paper. In particular, the comments and responses would be useful if : a) those specific ally and precisely answer the questions listed; b) the comments\/suggestions are supported by a clear rationale; and c) the comments\/suggestions contain alternative options that can be evaluated by NFRA. Last date for receiving the comments is 10 November 2021. The comments can be provided as per the following contact details, and not later than 10 November 2021. Mode Details Email comments -tac.paper @nfra.gov.in Postal The Secretary, National Financial Reporting Authority 7th -8th Floor, Hindustan Times House, 18 -20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110001. 1.6 Structure of the Consultation Paper 1.6.1 The Consultation Paper is organised as follows: Section 1 : Executive Summary and List of Questions to Respondents Section 2 : Introduction Setting the Contex t Section 3 : NFRA s research on MSMC s and pr elimin ary findings Section 4 : Issues related to audit of MSMCs NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 4 of 39 Annexures and Appendices 2 INTRODUCTION SETTING THE CONTEXT 2.1 About NFRA 2.1.1 National Financial Reporting Authority (), was constituted as an independent regulator for accounting and auditing in India in October 2018 . NFRAs Charter positions it as an organisation that should be known for Objectivity, Integrity, Impartiality, Independence, Fairness, and Transparency. In making any recommendations, NFRA attempts to keep in mind the implications of such recommendati ons on the Ease of Doing Business. Section 132(2)(a) of Companies Act, 2013 requires NFRA to make recommendations to the Central Government on the formulation and laying down of accounting and auditing policies and standards for adoption by companies or cl ass of companies or their auditors, as the case 2.2 History of Company Law in India 2.2.1 India has, since long, em braced the Corporate (Company) Structure for the organisations engaged in trade and commerce. The Company Structure came into existence with the enactment of Joint Stock Companies Act , 1857. Thereafter, the Companies Act was passed in the year 1866 which later got replaced by the Indian Companies Act , 1913. It underwent some major changes in 1930s and also in subsequent years, separate laws for Insurance, Banking and Electricity Companies were enacted. After independence, the Government appointed a Committee under the chairmanship of Shri H.C. Bhab ha in the year 1950 to revise the Indian Companies Act of 1913. Based on the recommendation s of the committee, the Companies Act , 1956 came into force on 1st April, 1956. The Indian Companies Act , 2013 replaced the Indian Companies Act, 1956 and is currently in force . It is pertinent to note that f rom the year 1857 till date, all the se Companies Act enactments have recognised the mandatory requirement relating t o Accounts and Audit of accounts of the companies in India . Further, all the Companies Act enactments from 1913 onwards have recognised the need for segregation of Companies into Private and Public for various regulatory purposes and mandated filing of ann ual financial statements (AFS s) of the Companies and Audit of such AFSs. 2.3 Audit Requirement in Present Indian Company Law 2.3.1 Chapter X Audit and Auditors (Section 139 to Section 148) of Companies Act, 2013 contains provisions related to audit of financial statements of companies . This chapter includes provisions , inter alia, regarding appointment, resignation, removal, rights and duties of the NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 5 of 39 statutory auditors. The requirement of statutory audit is mandatory for all companies , without any exception. Section 139 (1) prescribes that every Company shall appoint an individual or a firm as an auditor who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of its sixth annual general meeting and thereafter till the conclusion of every sixth meeting. The manner and procedure for selection of auditors by the members shall be as prescribed and the matter relating to such appointment for ratification by members at every annual general meeting. 2.3.2 Section 143 (2) casts a duty on the auditor to make a report to the members of the company on the accounts examined by him and on every financial statements which are required by or under th e Act to be laid before the company in general meeting and requires that the report shall after taking into account the provisions of th e Act, the accounting and auditing standards and matters which are required to be included in the audit report under the provisions of th e Act or any rules made thereunder or under any order made u nder sub -section (11)1 and to the best of his information and knowledge, state that the said accounts and , financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the companys affairs as at the end of its financial year and profit or loss and cash flow for the year and such other matters as may be prescribed . 2.3.3 Section 143(3) casts some additional reporting requirements on the auditor. One such requirement is that the auditor report shall state as to whether the company has adequate internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR) with reference to financial statements in place and the operating effectiveness of such contr ols. 2.3.4 Section 143(11) empowers the Central Government in consultation with NFRA, to specify vide an order , certain matters to be included in the Auditors Report . Accordingly, the Companies s Report) Order (CARO ) has been issued. The CARO reporting origin dates back to 1975 and its scope was expanded in 1988 when the Central Government introduced Manufacturing and Other Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 1988 (MAOCARO 1988which was superseded by CARO 2003, CARO 2015, CARO 2016 and the current Companies s Report) Order, 2020 ( 1 The Central Government may, in consultation with the National Financial Reporting Authority, by general or special order , direct, in respect of such class or description of companies, as may be specified in the order, that the auditors report shall also include a statement on such matters as may be specified therein. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 6 of 39 2.3.5 Auditing Standards applicable in India2 Section 143 (9) of Companies Act, 2013 , requires that every auditor shall comply with auditing standards. Section 143 (10) of Companies Act, 2013 , states that the Central Government may prescribe the standards of auditing or any addendum thereto, as recommen ded by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, constituted under section 3 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, in consultation with and after examination of the recommendations made by the National Financial Reporting Authority , provided that until any auditing standards are notified, any standard or standards of auditing specified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) shall be deemed to be the auditing standards. As of date, there is a single set of auditing standards issued by ICAI which is applicable for all type of companies viz. private, or public or large, medium or small. 2.4 Accounting Requirement in Present Indian Company Law 2.4.1 Chapter IX Account of Co mpanies (Section 128 to Section 138) of Companies Act, 2013 , contains provisions related to accounts of companies. Amongst other provisions, this Chapter includes requirements for maintenance of books of account ; preparation of financial statement and adop tion of the same by Board of Directors of the Companies. Section 129 of the Companies Act , 2013 lays down certain important requirements which are summarised below : a) Section 129 (1) of the Companies Act , 2013 , requires that the financial statements shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company or companies, comply with the accounting standards notified under section 133 and shall be in the form or forms as may be provided for different class or classes of companies in Schedule III. b) Section 129 (2) of the Companies Act , 2013 , requires the Board of Directors of every company to lay at every annual general meeting of a company, such financial statements for the financial year. c) Section 129 (3) of the Companies Act , 2013 , requires a Company which has one or more subsidiaries, to prepare a consolidated financial statement of the Company and of all the subsidiaries in the same form and manner as that of its own which shall also be la id before the annual general meeting of the Company in addition to financial statements provided under sub -section (2). 2 In June 2021, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has issued an EXPOSURE DRAFT, PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ON AUDITING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF LESS COMPLEX ENTITIES and the comment period ends on 31 Jan, 2022. Indias position on this reform project is not yet clear. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 7 of 39 As per Section 2 (40) of Companies Act, 2013, the financial statement in relation to a company, includes - (i) a balance sheet as at the end of the financial year; (ii) a profit and loss account, or in the case of a company carrying on any activity not for profit, an income and expenditure account for the financial year; (iii) cash flow statement for the financial year; (iv) a statement of changes in equity, if applicable; and (v) any explanatory note annexed to, or forming part of, any document referred to in sub -clause (i) to sub -clause (iv)3 2.4.2 Accounting Standards applicable in India Section 133 of Companies Act, 2013 , states that the Central Government may prescribe the standards of accounting or any addendum thereto, as recommended by the ICAI, constituted under Section 3 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, in consultation with and after examination of the recomme ndations made by the National Financial Reporting Authority. Currently, there are two sets of accounting standards notified in India. Type Particulars Based on MCA notification 1 Ind AS (Indian Accounting Standards) IFRS based standards with carve outs Companies (Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS )) Rules 2015 and amendments thereafter (Ind AS Rules 2015) 2 AS (Accounting Standards) Traditional accounting standards applicable in India before notification of Ind AS Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2021 (AS Rules 2021)4 Every company, other than a compan y to which Indian Accounting Standards as notified under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 are applicable , shall comply with the Accounting Standards notified under Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2021. 3 Provided that the financial statement, w ith respect to One Person Company, small company and dormant company, may not include the cash flow statement 4 These Accounting Standards were originally notified in 2006 under Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 8 of 39 The Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2021 define Small and Medium Sized (SMC) as a company: - (i) whose equity or debt securities are not listed or are not in the process of listing on any stock exchange, whether in India or outside India; (ii) which is not a bank, financial institution or an insurance company; (iii) whose turnover (excluding other income) does not exceed two hundred and fifty crore rupees in the immediately preceding accounting year; (iv) which does not have borrowings (including public deposits) in excess of fifty crore rupees at any time during the immediately pre ceding accounting year; and (v) which is not a holding or subsidiary company of a company which is not a small and medium -sized company. Such companies are eligible for some minimal exempt ions from Accounting Standards. 2.5 Financial Reporting and General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR) 2.5.1 Fina ncial Reporting generally means supply of financial information about an entity or reporting unit to the users or stakeholders, who could be an internal party or external party. In case of the form er, it is commonly referred to as Management Reporting (or Accounting) and in case of latter it is known as External Financial Reporting . The more widely used and understood term is General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR) or General Purpose Financial Statements (GPFS). 2.5.2 The objective of GPF S5 is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions relating to providing resources to the entity. Those decisions involve decisions about: (a) buying, selling or holding equity and debt instruments; (b) providing or settling loans and other forms of credit; or (c) exercising rights to vote on, or otherwise influence, managements actions that affect t he use of the entitys economic resources. It may be noted that GPFS contain financial information that is useful and relevant to a wide set of external parties such as Regulators, Tax Authorities, Suppliers, Employees and the public at large . However, in recent times, the accounting standard -setting bodies whose standards form the primary bases for preparing GPF S, have consciously decided that the Primary Users 5 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting under Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), 2020 -21 6 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in March 2018 and Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 8 issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) , United States of Ameri ca (US) . NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 9 of 39 GPFS will be only those listed above in this para 2 .5.2.What needs emphasis is that both such Primary Users and the information needs for the kind of decisions detailed above, are not likely to be found in a preponderant majority of MSMCs. Therefore, both Accounting and Auditing Standards, and the requirement of mandatory statutory audit, as applicable to other (i.e. non MSMCs or large) companies would be both unnecessary and unjustified on cost -benefit considerations . 2.5.3 Contents and Characteristics of G PFS The GPF Ss are intended to provide financial information about the reporting entitys economic resources, claims against the entity and changes in resources and claims. This information is provided in the form of a set of financial reports or statements as listed below: (a)Statement of financial position or Balance Sheet which provides information about the s economic resources and the claims against the reporting entity. (b)Statement of financial performance or Statement of Comprehensive Income which depicts the information a bout changes in entitys resources and claims due to transactions or events other than those with the owners or shareholders of the entity. (c)Statement of Cash Flows which gives the information about the changes in the entitycashflows during a particul ar period which is turn is intended to enable users to assess the s ability to generate future net cash inflows and to assess managements stewardship of the entitys economic resources. (d)Notes to financial statements to aid the understanding of t he financial information summarised in the above financial statements and enhance the value of that financial information. 2.5. 3.2 In order for the financial information supplied through GPF S to be useful and meet the needs of the primary users of GPF S, the accounting standard -setters have laid down certain underlying ground rules or concepts in the form of Conceptual Framework7 for Financial Reporting and one of the key components is about the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information. These qualitative characteristics have been broadly divided into following two 7 Ibid footnote 1 & 2 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 10 of 39 Fundamental qualitative characteristics Enhancing qualitative characteristics Relevance* Comparability Materiality Verifiability Faithful representation* Timeliness Understandability *These two aspects have been considered as two of the seven alignment principles to be considered in developing the IFRS for SMEs Standards.8 2.5. 3.3 The providers as well as users of financial information incurs costs in generating and consuming the financial information supplied. The benefits of the financial information provided should justify the costs incurred by both the provider and users. Cost is considered to be a pervasive constraint in the financial information that can be provided through GPF S. Cost is, therefore, a critical aspect to consider for justifying the nature, complexity and extent of financial information that is required to be provided by the GPF S. 2.6 Profile at a Glance of companies registered in India 2.6.1 Based on the statistics published by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India (MCA), the total number of active companies was in the range of 11,59,945 to 12,99,710 during the period 2018 -2021 . The preponderant share is of private limited and one person companies; 93.85%, 94.43%, 94.66% and 94.93% of the total number of active companies wer e private limited companies and one person companies as of 31 March 2018, 31 March 2019, 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2021, respectively. The below table gives the broad category -wise details of the total number of companies : Table 1: Total Population Size -Total number of Active Companies limited by Shares9 Type 31 March 2018 31 March 2019 31 March 2020 31 March 2021 Number % Number % Number % Number % Limited 10,88,657 93.85 10,85,178 94.43 11,28,300 94.66 12,33,768 94.93 Of which Limited 10,71,944 - 10,62,418 - 11,00,235 - 11,97,244 - 8 Comprehensive Review of IFRS for SMEs Standards, Request for Information - January 2020 of IASB. 9 Source: Monthly Information Bulletin of Corporate Sector of MCA, GOI. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 11 of 39 Type 31 March 2018 31 March 2019 31 March 2020 31 March 2021 Number % Number % Number % Number % One Person Company 16,713 - 22,760 - 28,065 - 36,524 - Public 71,288 6.15 63,989 5.57 63,592 5.34 65,942 5.07 Of which Listed 7,239 - 6,915 - 6,802 - 6,740 Unlisted 64,049 - 57,074 - 56,790 - 59,202 Total 11,59,945 100 11,49,167 100 11,91,892 100 12,99,710 100 S RESEARCH ON MSMCs AND PR ELIMIN ARY FINDINGS Key data parameters viz. payment to auditors, turnover, net worth, and indebtedness of companies with net worth below Rs. 250 crore were analysed by NFRA to understand the nature and size of such companies and the related public interest involved. The payment to auditors made by the Companies as reported in their filings is compared with the estimated standard cost of audit for a reasonably good quality audit, performed in compliance with the letter and spirit of the SAs . Further, the auditing requirement in Indias tax laws, and the exemptions from the statutory audit requirement as existing in developed economies is provided in this consultation paper so that respondents can consider those aspects as well while giving their responses. s Findings from MCA 21 Data 3.1.1 Of the total number of companies as per Table 1 in Para 2.6.1 above, only 52.48% (6,03,055 Companies) of the total number of active companies have filed their AFSs and MGT -7 for the financial year (FY) 2018 -1910 as of June 2021 (Refer Table 1.1 in Annexure 2 for details ). Such a low percentage of compliance with a critical statutory filing even after two years fr om the end of the reporting period indicates perhaps a lack of adequate accounting professionals with many of these companies. It may also be relevant to note that there are only 4,349 List ed Companies that have filed their AFS s & MGT -7 so far. Of the total number of companies that have filed AFS s for the FY 2018 -19, 97.09% (5,85,535 Companies) have submitted their financial statements prepared under Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2 006 (AS Framework) and 2. 91% (17,520 Companies) have submitted 10 In view of the on -set of global pandemic COVID -19 in March 2020, there are likely to be delays in filings by the companies during FY 2019 -20. Hence, the FY 2018 -19 has been considered for analysis. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 12 of 39 financial statements prepared under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015 (Ind AS Framework) (Refer Table 1.2 in Annexure 2). Out of the total companies which have made filings, 9 9.41% (5,99,487 Companies)11 have reported Net Worth below 250 Crores (MSMCs for the purpose of this consultation paper ). 3.1.2 The above data indicates the following key features of MSMCs : (i) Payments to Auditors12 ((Refer Table 1.6 in Annexure 2 and Annexure 3 ) There are a large number of Companies (1,81,392 Companies, nearly 30.26%) that have reported NIL Payments to Auditors. This perhaps could be data input error indicating lack of adequate accounting professionals with many of these companies. A large majority of Companies (2,48,218 Companies accounting for 41.41%) have reported small amounts of Payments to Auditors i.e., below 25 Thousand. Of these Companies, 40,708 Companies have reported extremely small amounts of payments to Auditors i.e., below 5 Thousand . The e stimated standard cost to perform a reasonably good quality audit, in compliance with the letter and spirit of the SAs, for an MSMC , with Turnover below 50 Crores , is in the range of 1.50 lakhs to 8.43 lakhs (Refer Annexure 3). This e stimated audit cost is several multiples higher as compared to the presently reported audit fee ranges i.e., a very large percentage of MSMCs have reported Payment to Auditors of less than 25 thousand. (ii) Turnover (Refer Table 1.4 in Annexure 2 ): Of the total number of 5,99, 487 MSMCs considered in NFRAs preliminary research, there are a large number of Companies (2,09,122 Companies accounting for 34.8 8%) that have reported Nil Turnover (in some case s, there could be data input errors in MCA21 ). Among the MSMCs that have reported Turnover, a large number of Companies ( 3,67,019 ) i.e., nearly 61.22% have very low turnover i.e., below 50 Crores. (iii) Indebtedness (Refer Table 1.5 in Annexure 2) Of the total number of 5,99, 487 MSMCs considered in NFRA s prelimin ary research, a significant number of Companies (2,66,832 Companies accounting for 44. 51%) have reported NIL Indebtedness. Of these debt -free Companies, 1,12,043 Companies, nearly 41.99%, have also reported NIL Turnover. 11 A small percentage of these companies (14,581 out of 5 ,99,487 companies) have made Ind AS filings perhaps due to voluntary adoption of Ind AS or for the reason of these companies being holding, subsidiary, associates or JVs of Ind AS companies. 12 This includes fees to auditors for other services also as separ ate data for statutory audit fee is not available. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 13 of 39 Further, out of remainin g companies having indebtedness, there are a large number of companies (3, 15,803 Companies, nearly 52.68%) that have low Indebtedness i.e., below 25 Crores. (iv) Net Worth Size (Refer Table 1.3 in Annexure 2): Of the total number of MSMCs, there are 4,76,536 Companies with cumulative positive Net Worth of 21,37,302 Crores and 1,22,951 Companies with cumulative negative Net 9,50,457 Crores. Among the MSMCs with positive Net Worth, there are a large number of Companies (4,57,170) i.e., nearly 95.93% that have very low Net Worth i.e., Net Worth below Needless to say, t he above analysis clearly brings out that a preponderant majority of these companies is very small in size in terms of key financial parameters . Payment to auditors by such companies is miniscule and far below the minimum standard audit fees cost estimates . 3.2 Limited Users of GPFSs of MSMCs As depicted in Table 1.2 in Annexure 2 , 94.57% of MSMCs which have made filings for FY 2018 -19 are Private Limited Companies or One Person Companies. A large m ajority of Companies ha s very low or NIL Indebtedness, which indicates low risk to the larger public interest . There is likely to be a very limited number of users of GPFSs of these Companies. T he Primary U sers of GPFSs of these companies would be Owners or Shareholders of these Private Limited Companies, who are unlikely to depend upon GPF Ss for much of the financial information they need. Lenders, if any, such as banks have special requirements that are no t within the purview of GPFSs. 3.3 Auditing thresholds already available in 3.3.1 Indian Tax Laws The Indian Tax Authorities have substantially done away with the requirement of audit by Chartered Accountants up to certain threshold amounts . By the Finance Act, 2021, Income Tax audit has been dispensed with for businesses with turnover of up to Rs 10 crores, provided not more than 5 % of the total transactions are in cash. GST Audit has also been completely done away with. In view of the above, the extent of public interest involved in the financial reporting of these Companies is most likely to be minimal. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 14 of 39 3.3.2 Reporting on CARO and ICFR 13 CARO is not applicable to a banking company as defined in clause (c) of section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949); (ii) an insurance company as defined under the Insurance Act,1938 (4 of 1938); (iii) a company licensed to operate under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 Nature of Company CARO13 ICFR One Person Company as per section 2 (63) of the Companies Act , 2013 Exempt No reporting required Exempt No reporting required Small Company as per section 2(85) of the Companies Act , 2013 Exempt No reporting required Exempt No reporting required Private Limited Company as per section 2(68) of the Companies Act , 2013 not being a subsidiary or holding company of a public company , having a paid up capital and reserves and surplus not more 1 crores as on the balance sheet date and which does not have total borrowings exceeding 1 crores from any bank or financial institution at any point of time during the financial year and which does not have a total revenue as disclosed in Scheduled III to the Companies Act (inclu ding revenue from discontinuing operations) exceeding 10 crore s during the financial year as per the financial statements. which has a turnover of less than 50 Crore as per the latest Audited Financial Statements or which has an aggregate borrowing from Banks or FIs or any Body Corporate at any point of time during the financial year less than Rs. 25 Crore NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 15 of 39 3.3.3 Global jurisdictions The auditing ecosystem of developed economies such as EU, UK, Singapore, Australia, USA and Japan allows for exemptions to certain class es of companies depending upon thresholds based on various parameters. The following is the country \/ region wise summary. Full details of country -wise exemptions are given in Annexure 1. (i) European Union (EU) The directive of EU states that the small undertak ings should not be covered by the audit obligation, as audit can be a significant administrative burden for that category of undertakings. It also states that in many small undertakings the same persons are both shareholders and managers and, therefore, have limited need for third -party assurance on financial statements. The criteria for exemption set by EU is satisfaction of 2 out of 3 thresholds on basis of crit eria viz. balance sheet total, net turnover and average number of emplo yees during the financial year . The thresholds are categorised for micro, small and medium sized entities. Based on such directive, EU member countries have set their country specific t hresholds . (ii) United Kingdom Small companies are exempt from audit and the criter ia for exemption is on basis of satisfying 2 out of 3 thresholds on basis of balance sheet total, turnover and number of employees. The thresholds are: - Criteria Amount (in Pound) Turnover Not more than 10.2 million Balance Sheet Total Not more than 5.1 million Number of employees Not more than 50 UK Companies Act also extends exemption to parent company provided the group headed by it qualifies as a small group (for which there are similar exemption thresholds) . (iii) Singapore Small companies are exempt from audit and the criteria for exemption is on basis of satisfying 2 out of 3 thresholds on basis of balance sheet total, turnover and number of employees. The threshold s are: - NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 16 of 39 Criteria Amount (in Singapore Dollar ) Revenue Not more than $ 10 million Total Assets Not more than $ 10 million Number of employees Not more than 50 Singapore Companies Act also extends exemption to parent company provided the group headed by it qualifies as a small group (for which there are similar exemption thresholds). (iv) Australia Small companies are exempt from audit and the criteria for exemption is on basis of satisfying 2 out of 3 thresholds on basis of balance sheet total, turnover and number of employees. The thresholds are: - Criteria Amount (in Australian Dollar) Revenue Not more than $ 25 million Total Assets Not more than $ 12.5 million Number of employees Not more than 50 The exemption is also available to companies limited by guarantee provided revenue is less than Australia dollar 2,50,000. (v) United States of America (USA) A company which is not issuer of securities and not listed on a US Stock Exchange, is regulated by Corporate Law of that particular state where it is incorporated. A m ajority of the states in USA have adopted the model law Model Business Corporation Act recommended by the American Bar Association. This model law does not prescribe any mandatory requirements for audit of financial statements of corporates. It states that if the annual financial statements are re ported upon by a p ublic accountant, his report must accompany them. If no t, the statements must be accompanied by a declaration of the president or the person responsible for the corporations accounting records stating that the financial statements are prepared on accepted accounting principles and if not, describing the basis of preparation. (vi) Japan Under Japanese Act, only certain large Companies must be audited by an independent CPA. The requirements are as follows: NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 17 of 39 (i) Large companies: Capital stock of 500 million or more, or liabilities of 20 billion or more, as of the latest fiscal year -end; (ii) companies which adopt a Company with Committees corporate governance system; and (iii) other companies which appoint an accounting auditors on a voluntary The above requirements ar e subject to certain PIEs covered under The Financial Instrument and Exchange Act. 4 ISSUES RELATED TO AUDIT OF MSMCs 4.1 The above analysis clearly brings out the mismatch between the current payment made to auditors as reported by the companies and the estimated cost for conducting an audit in compliance with the letter and true spirit of SAs. The inference that is inescapable is that such audit as is being carrie d out is perhaps only a sham. In many small companies, the same persons are both owners and manag ers (as also pointed out by EU D irective mentioned in Annexure 1 ) and, therefore, have limited third -party users of GPFSs. A m ajority of these MSMCs is essentially family -owned enterprises formed as companies for the sake of limited liability, or to get bank loans, bus route permits, mining licences, and the like. They are effectively glorified proprietorships or partnerships. There is no public interest in foisting external audit on them. In any event, it is clear that such audit as is being carried out cannot boast of any quality at all. Banks or external investors, if any, can direct them to have an audit as a condition for giving them loans, but that c an be a private matter. In the above circumstances, questions would naturally arise whether compulsory statutory audit of GPFSs is necessary, or even desirable in the case of the vast majority of companies who do not seem to be able to afford such an audit . 4.2 Exempting small companies from mandatory audit would result in furthering ease of doing business for MSM Cs and reducing the compliance burden and costs on such enterprises. The audit requirement threshold exemption in tax laws of India also clearly point out the need for doing away with audit of MSMCs depending upon certain thresholds. Exemptions are also already available in CARO and ICFR Reporting depending upon certain thr esholds as mentioned in Para 3.3.2 . The same thought can be leveraged for overall approach towards statutory audits . Further, the criteria and basis for threshold exemptions for statutory audit, CARO and ICFR reporting can be considered for being streamlin ed. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 18 of 39 4.3 NFRA requests views\/comments of stakeholders on specific questions mentioned below in relation to the key issues mentioned above. No. Particulars 1 Do you think that Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) depending upon some criteria and threshold should be exempted from the mandatory statutory audit under Companies Act, 2013 ? If not, why not and if yes, what would be the criteria and thresholds for exemption? 2 Do you think there is a requirement for a se parate set of auditing standards for MSMCs as it exists for accounting standards? If no, why not and if yes, what should be the basis for the same? 3 The cost of conducting an audit as per the prescribed standards is an important input for the responses to Questions 1 and 2. Do you agree with the approach for estimating standard cost of audit computed by NFRA? If not, which areas\/ assumptions need chan ges? 4 Do you think the current exemption thresholds for CARO, ICFR and statutory audit applicability need to be standardised and made uniform? If no, why not and if yes, what would be the criteria and thresholds? NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 19 of 39 Annexure 1 Audit Exemption Th resholds in Global Jurisdictions A. European Union (EU) - Exemptions from Audit of Financial Statements of Companies In EU, the requirements relating to annual financial statements of Companies are prescribed in DIRECTIVE 2013\/34\/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 June 201314. Article 34 in Chapter 8 of this Directive requires its member states to ensure that annual financial statements of public interest entities, medium -sized and large undertakings are audited by one or more stat utory auditors or audit firms approved by Member States to carry out statutory audits on the basis of Directive 2006\/43\/EC. Further, clause 43 of introductory part of the Directive states that Annual financial statements and consolidated financial stateme nts should be audited. However, this clause also states that the annual financial statements of small undertakings should not be covered by this audit obligation, as audit can be a significant administrative burden for that category of undertaking, while f or many small undertakings the same persons are both shareholders and managers and, therefore, have limited need for third -party assurance on financial statements. Article 3 of the EU Directive defines Micro, Small and Medium -sized Undertakings as entitie s that do not exceed the limits of at least two of the three following criteria. Particulars Micro Small Medium -sized Individual Individual Group (Parent Co. Level) Individual Group (Parent Co. Balance Sheet Total Euro 350,000 4,000,000* 4,000,000* 20,000,000 20,000,000 Net Turnover - Euro 700,000 8,000,000* 8,000,000* 40,000,000 40,000,000 Average number of employees during the financial year 10 50 250 250 *Member States can increase these limits to Euro 6,000,000 and 12,000,000, for Balance Sheet Total and Net Turnover, respectively. 14 https:\/\/eur -lex.europa.eu\/legal -content\/EN\/TXT\/PDF\/?uri=CELEX:32013L0034&from=EN NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 20 of 39 Table below provide s an overview of the current audit exemption thresholds applicable in 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom15. 15 Source: https:\/\/www.accountancyeurope.eu\/wp -content\/uploads\/Audit -exemption -thresholds -in-Europe.pdf NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 21 of 39 B. United Kingdom (UK) - Exemptions from Audit of Financial Statements of Companies According to Section 477 & 479 of the UK Companies Act 2006, certain category of Companies or Group of Companies are exempt from the requirements related to audit of accounts. Key prescriptions are summarized16 below. Section 477 Small companies: conditions for exemption from audit - (1) A company that qualifies as a small company in relation to a financial year is exempt from the requirements of this Act relating to the audit of accounts for that y ear. 16 For more details, https:\/\/www.legislation.gov.uk\/ukpga\/2006\/46\/contents NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 22 of 39 (4) For the purposes of this section whether a company qualifies as a small company shall be determined in accordance with section 382(1) Section 382 Companies qualifying as small: general - (1) A company qualifies as small in relation to its first financial year if the qualifying c onditions are met in that year. (3) The qualifying conditions are met by a company in a year in which it satisfies two or more of the following requirements 1. Turnover Not more than 10.2 million 2. Balance sh eet total Not more than 5.1 million 3. Number of employees Not more than 50 Section 383 Companies qualifying as small: parent companies - (1) A parent company qualifies as a small company in relation to a financial year only if the group headed by it qualifies as a small group. (2) A group qualifies as small in relation to the parent company's first financial year if the qualifying conditio ns are met in that year. (4) The qualifying conditions are met by a group in a year in which it satisfies two or more of the following requirements 1. Aggregate turnover Not more than 10.2 million net (or 12.2 million gross) 2. Aggregate balance sheet total Not more than 5.1 million net (or million gross) 3. Aggregate number of employees Not more than 50 Section 478 Companies excluded from small companies exemption - A company is not entitled to the exemption conferred by section 477 (small companies) if it was at any time within the financial year in question (a) a public company, (b) a company that (i) is an authorised insurance company, a banking company, an e -money issuer, MiFID investment firm or a UCITS management company, (ii) carries on insurance market activity, or NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 23 of 39 (iii) is a scheme funder of a Master Trust scheme within the meanings given by section 39(1) of the Pension Schemes Act 2017(interpretation of Part 1), or (iv)a special register body as defined in section 117(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (c. 52) or an employers' association as defined in sect ion 122 of that Act or Article 4 of the Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 (S.I. 1992\/807 (N.I. 5)). Section 479 Availability of small companies exemption in case of group company (1) A company is not entitled to the exemption conferred by section 477 (small companies) in respect of a financial year during any part of which it was a group company unless (a) the group (i) qualifies as a small group in relation to that financial year, and (ii) was not at any time in that year an ineligibl e group, or (b) subsection (3) applies. (3) A company is not excluded by subsection (1) if, throughout the whole of the period or periods during the financial year when it was a group company, it was both a subsidiary undertaking and dormant. C. Singapore - Exemptions from Audit of Financial Statements of Companies According to Section 205C of the Singapore Companies Act, certain category of Companies or Group of Companies are exempt from the requirements related to audit of accounts. Key prescriptions are summarized17 below. Small company exempt from audit requirements Section 205C. (1) Subject to subsections (3), (4) and (6), a company that is a small company in respect of a financial year shall be exempt from audit requirements for that financial year. (2) Section 205B(4), (6) and (7) shall apply, with the necessary modifications, to a small company so (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a parent company unless the parent company (a) is a small company; and (b) is part of a small group. (4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a subsidiary company unless the subsidiary company (a) is a small company; and (b) is part of a small group. (5) In this section, small companysmall group have the same meanings as in the Thirteenth Schedule. 17 For more details, https:\/\/sso.agc.gov.sg\/Act\/CoA1967 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 24 of 39 Thirteenth schedule - criteria for small company and small group 2. A company is a small company from a financial year if (a) it is a private company throughout the financial year; and (b) it satisfies any 2 of the following criteria for each of the 2 financial years immediately preceding the financial year: (i) the revenue of the company for each financial year does not exceed $10 million; (ii) the value of the companys total assets at the end of each financial year does not exceed $10 million; (iii) it has at the end of each financial year not more than 50 employees. 7. A group is a small group from a financial year if the group satisfies any 2 of the following criteria for each of the 2 consecutive financial years immediately preceding the financial year: (a) the consolidated revenue of the group for each financial year does not exceed $10 million; (b) the value of the consolidated total assets of the group at the end of each financial year does not exceed $10 million; (c) the group has at the end of each financial year an aggregate number of employees of not more than D. Australia - Exemptions from Audit of Financial Statements of Companies According to Section 301 Corporation Act 2001, certain category of Companies are exempt from the requirements related to audit of accounts. Key prescriptions are summarized18 below. Section 301 Audit of annual financial report Small proprietary companies (2) A small proprietary companys financial report for a financial year does not have to be audited if: (a) the report is prepared in response to a direction under section 293; and (b) the direction did not ask for the financial report to be audited. Section 293 Small proprietary company shareholder direction (1) Shareholders with at least 5% of the votes in a small proprietary company may give the company a direction to: (a) prepare a financial report and directors report for a financial year; and (b) send them to all shareholders. 18 For more details, https:\/\/www .legislation.gov.uk\/ukpga\/2006\/46\/contents NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 25 of 39 Section 45A Proprietary companies Small proprietary company (2) A proprietary company is a small proprietary company for a financial year if it satisfies at least 2 of the following paragraphs: (a) the consolidated revenue for the financial year of the company and the entities it controls (if an y) is less than $25 million, or any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph; (b) the value of the consolidated gross assets at the end of the financial year of the company and the entities it controls (if any) is less than $12.5 million, or any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph; (c) the company and the entities it controls (if any) have fewer than 50, or any other number prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this p aragraph, employees at the end of the financial year. Companies limited by guarantee (4) A small company limited by guarantees financial report for a financial year does not have to be audited or reviewed if: (a) the report is prepared in response to a member direction under section 294A; and (b) the direction does not ask for the audit or review. 294A Small company limited by guarantee member direction (1) Members with at least 5% of the votes in a small company limited by guarantee may give the compan y a direction to: (a) prepare a financial report and directors report for a financial year; and (b) send them to members who have elected to receive them under section 316A. Section 45B defines Small company limited by guarantee and quantitative threshol d is revenue of less than $250,000. E. United States of America (US) - Exemptions from Audit of Financial Statements of Companies In US, the governing law and regulations depend upon whether the Company is an issuer of securities on US Stock Exchanges and therefore governed by SEC, US. If not, the Company will be primarily governed by the Corporate Law of the State where it is incorporated. Majority of the States in US have adopted a model law called Model Business Corporation Act prepared\/recommended by The American Bar Association19, which was reportedly revised recently in 2017. This model law does not prescribe any mandatory requirements for audit of financial statements of corporates. Following are the specimen texts of clauses relating to audit of fin ancial statements. 19 https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Model_Business_Corporation_Act NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 26 of 39 Model Business Corporation Act CHAPTER 16 RECORDS AND REPORTS 16.20. Financial statements for shareholders (a) A corporation shall furnish its shareholders annual financial statements, which may be consolidated or combined statements of the corporation and one or more of its subsidiaries, as appropriate, that include a balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year, an income statement for that year, and a statement of changes in shareholders equity for the year unless that informatio n appears elsewhere in the financial statements. If financial statements are prepared for the corporation on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles, the annual financial statements must also be prepared on that basis. (b) If the annual fina ncial statements are reported upon by a public accountant , his report must accompany them. If not, the statements must be accompanied by a statement of the president or the person responsible for the corporations accounting records: (1) stating his reaso nable belief whether the statements were prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and, if not, describing the basis of preparation; and (2) describing any respects in which the statements were not prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with the statements prepared for the preceding year. Washington State Act (3) If the annual financial statements are reported upon by a public accountant, the accountant's report must accompany them. If not, the statements must be accompanied by accountant's a statement of the president or the person responsible for the corporation's accounting records: (a) Stating the person's reasonable belief whether the statements were prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and, if not, describing the basis of preparation; and of and (b) Describing any respects in which the statements were not prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with the basis used for statements prepared for the preceding year. Florida State Act 607.1620 Financial statements for shareholders. -- (1) Unless modified by resolution of the shareholders within 120 days of the close of each fiscal year, a corporation shall furnish its shareholders annual financial statements which may be consolidated or combined statements of the corporation and one or more of its subsidiaries, as appropriate, that include a balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year, an income statement for that year, and a statement of cash flows for that year. If financial stateme nts are prepared for the corporation on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles, the annual financial statements must also be prepared on that basis. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 27 of 39 (2) If the annual financial statements are reported upon by a public accountant , his or her report must accompany them. If not, the statements must be accompanied by a statement of the president or the person responsible for the corporation's accounting records: (a) Stating his or her reasonable belief whether the statements were prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and, if not, describing the basis of preparation; and (b) Describing any respects in which the statements were not prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with the statements prepared for the preceding year. F. Japan The exemptions available in Japan Companies A ct can be accessed at below link: - http:\/\/www.hp.jicpa.or.jp\/english\/accounting\/system\/archive01.html NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 28 of 39 Annexure 2 Data Tables used by NFRA for its Research 1 Population size of Companies & Status of Filing of AFSs\/MGT 7 Before identifying and analysing the certain key features of MSMCs , it is considered appropriate to identify the population size of the companies with net worth below 250 crores and the status of filing of Annual Financial Statements by these Companies. The data sources used for this purpose are as follows. a) Population Size: This data is obtained from Monthly Information Bulletins published by Ministry o f Corporate Affairs, Government of India (MCA). b) Status of Filing of AFSs\/MGT 7: This data is obtained from annual returns (viz. MGT 9) and AOC -4 filed with MCA and stored I the MCACorporate Data Management (CDM). Filings are for the financial year 2018 -1920 and cut -off date for filings is June 2021. Table 1.1. Summary Status of Filing of Annual Financial Statements \/MGT -7 for FY 2018 -19 Company Type Total Active Companies AFS \/MGT -7 Filing Data Total number of filings Companies with Net Worth 250 crores Companies with Net Worth 250 crores Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Private Limited of which 10,85,178 94.43% 5,68,556 52.39% 5,66,935 94.57% 1,621 45.43% Private Limited 10,62,418 - 5,60,405 5,58,784 - 1,621 - One Person 22,760 - 8,151 8,151 - - - 20 In view of the on -set of global pandemic COVID -19 in March 2020, there are likely to be delays in filings by the companies during 2019 -20. Hence, the previous filing year has been considered. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 29 of 39 Company Type Total Active Companies AFS \/MGT -7 Filing Data Total number of filings Companies with Net Worth 250 crores Companies with Net Worth 250 crores Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Public Limited Of which 63,989 5.57% 34,499 53.91% 32,552 5.43% 1,947 54.57% Listed 6,915 - 4,349 3478 - 871 Unlisted 57,074 - 30,150 29,074 - 1,076 Total 11,49,167 100% 6,03,055 52.48% 5,99,487 100% 3,568 100% NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 30 of 39 Table 1.2 AFS\/MGT 7 Filings by Type of Filings for 2018 -19- Companies with A) Net Worth below 250 crores Company Type Total number of filings Type of Filings AOC 4 XBRL -Ind AS AOC 4 XBRL -AS AOC 4 -AS Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Private Limited Of which 5,66,935 94.57% 8,517 58.41% 23,404 78.58% 5,35,014 96.38% Private Limited 558784 8,517 23,401 - 5,26,866 - One Person Company 8151 0 3 - 8,148 - Public Limited Of which 32,552 5.43% 6,064 41.59% 6,379 21.42% 20,109 3.62% Listed 3478 2,491 655 332 Unlisted 29074 3,573 5724 19,777 Total (A) 5,99,487 100% 14,581 100% 29,783 100% 5,55,123 100% B) Net Worth above 250 crores Company Type Total number of filings Type of Filings AOC 4 XBRL -Ind AS AOC 4 XBRL -AS AOC 4 -AS Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Private Limited Of which 1,621 45.43% 1,261 42.91% 228 76.51% 132 39.88% Private Limited 1,621 - 1,261 228 - 132 - One Person 0 - 0 0 - 0 - NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 31 of 39 Company Type Total number of filings Type of Filings AOC 4 XBRL -Ind AS AOC 4 XBRL -AS AOC 4 -AS Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Number of Companies % Public Limited Of which 1,947 54.57% 1,678 57.09% 70 23.49% 199 60.12% Listed 871 - 812 5 - 54 Unlisted 1,076 - 866 65 - 145 Total (B) 3,568 100% 2,939 100% 298 100% 331 100% Grand Total (A+B) 6,03,055 17,520 30,081 5,55,454 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 32 of 39 Net Worth Based Analysis Table 1.3 Companies with Net Worth below 250 crores (all amount in crores except no. of companies) No. of Companies Turnover Analysis Indebtedness Analysis Net Worth Range Crores) Private Public Total No. Companies Total Net Crores) No. of companies with +ve Turnover No. of companies with zero Turnover Turnover range (Min &Max) (Crores) No. of companies Indebtedness No. of companies with Zero Indebtedness Indebtedness Range (Min Positive Net Worth >=200 -<250 497 246 743 1,65,888 678 65 0 & 5,960 496 247 0 & 2,771 >=100 -<200 2,192 1086 3,278 4,58,021 2,928 350 0 & 16,780 2,272 1,006 0 & 18,413 >=50 -<100 4,383 1,514 5,897 4,12,461 5,031 866 0 & 19,538 3,801 2,096 0 & 8,525 >=25 -<50 7,501 1,947 9,448 3,32,026 7,878 1,570 0 & 14,081 6,208 3,240 0 & 8,236 >=10 -<25 18,032 3,233 21,265 3,31,823 17,193 4,072 0 & 21,260 13,743 7,522 0 & 9,959 >=5 -<10 22,274 2,675 24,949 1,76,764 19,893 5,056 0 & 10,468 16,158 8,791 0 & 1,779 >=1 -<5 79,570 5,992 85,562 2,03,538 66,039 19,523 -0.03 & 64,265 54,987 30,575 0 & 6,540 >=0.5 -<1 39,584 1,868 41,452 29,880 31,016 10,436 0 & 5,145 25,571 15,881 0 & 1,507 >=0.2 -<0.5 49,762 1,997 51,759 17,132 37,977 13,782 -0.47 & 4,242 30,165 21,594 0 & 1,600 >=0 -<0.2 2,25,471 6,712 2,32,183 9,770 1,32,787 99,396 0 & 5,223 91,043 1,41,140 0 & 4,833 Subtotal (A) 4,49,266 27,270 4,76,536 21,37,302 3,21,420 1,55,116 - 2,44,444 2,32,092 - Negative Net Worth >=50000 & above 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >=25000 -<50000 0 4 4 -1,41,290 4 0 2,720 & 54,900 4 0 113 & 72,700 >=10000 -<25000 0 11 11 -1,53,176 11 0 11.8 & 17,300 11 0 55.2 & >=5000 -<10000 4 10 14 -1,02,959 9 5 0 & 23,900 12 2 0 &19, 800 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 33 of 39 No. of Companies Turnover Analysis Indebtedness Analysis Net Worth Range Crores) Private Public Total No. Companies Total Net Crores) No. of companies Turnover No. of companies with zero Turnover Turnover range (Min &Max) (Crores) No. of companies Indebtedness No. of companies with Zero Indebtedness Indebtedness Range (Min >=1000 -<5000 25 72 97 -2,05,983 80 17 0 & 21,500 94 3 0 & 28, 600 >=250 -<1000 112 154 266 -1,25,867 193 73 0 & 9,110 251 15 0 & 9,330 >=200 -<250 41 26 67 -14,916 42 25 0 & 2,240 65 2 0 & 5,590 >=100 -<200 186 137 323 -45,557 232 91 0 & 1,770 299 24 0 & 3,750 >=50 -<100 340 193 533 -37,743 358 175 0 & 12, 900 479 54 0 & 5,620 >=25 -<50 622 265 887 -30,712 562 325 0 & 36,800 789 98 0 & 3,820 >=10 -<25 1,588 456 2,044 -31,779 1,328 716 0 & 2,400 1,787 257 0 & 2,840 >=5 -<10 2,205 419 2,624 -18,602 1,731 893 0 & 3,150 2,237 387 0 & 1,750 >=1 -<5 11,004 1,056 12,060 -26,908 7,857 4,203 0 & 7, 960 10,228 1,832 0 & 2,230 >=0.5 -<1 8,340 464 8,804 -6,280 5,826 2,978 0 & 287 7,308 1,496 0 & 567 >=0.2 -<0.5 14,881 582 15,463 -4,983 10,050 5,413 0 & 540 12,366 3,097 0 & 678 >=0 -<0.2 78,321 1,433 79,754 -3,702 40,665 39,089 0 & 249 52,282 27,472 0 & 1,610 Subtotal (B) 1,17,669 5,282 1,22,951 -9,50,457 68,948 54,003 - 88,212 34,739 - Total 5,66,935 32,552 5,99,487 11,86,845 3,90,368 2,09,119 - 3,32,656 2,66,831 - NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 34 of 39 Table 1.4 Turnover Analysis of Companies with Net Worth below 250 crores (all amount in crores except no. of companies) No. of Companies Net Worth Analysis Indebtedness Analysis Turnover Range Crores) Private Public Total No. of Companies Total Crores) No. of companies with +ve Net Worth No. of companies with negative Net Worth Net Worth range (Min Crores) No. of companies Indebtedness No. of companies with zero Indebtedness Indebtedness Range (Min >=25,000 & above 1 4 5 2,13,295 1 4 -48,720 & 3.83 5 0 8.97 & 72,709 >=10,000 -<25,000 10 17 27 4,12,707 14 13 -19,831 & 191 24 3 0 & 20,494 >=5,000 -<10,000 11 17 28 2,01,554 19 9 -11,476 & 211 25 3 0 & 16,131 >=1,000 -<5,000 254 159 413 7,23,512 340 73 -35,300 &249 358 55 0 & 29,569 >=800 -<1,000 165 78 243 2,14,200 220 23 -3,468 & 243 219 24 0 & 28,598 >=500 -<800 640 251 891 5,47,526 831 60 -3,337 & 249 775 116 0 & 13,452 >=200 - <500 3,321 1,083 4,404 13,29,059 4,170 234 -6,556& 249 3782 622 0 & 9,959 >=100 - <200 5,760 1,288 7,048 9,82,077 6,653 395 -14,375 &249 6045 1,003 0 & 20,445 >=50 - <100 8,790 1,497 10,287 7,22,440 9,663 624 -9,716 & 249 8706 1,581 0 & 6,224 >=25 - <50 14,212 1,615 15,827 5,59,003 14,864 963 -1,053 & 247 13,354 2,473 0 & 6,540 >=10 - <25 26,509 2,011 28,520 4,54,875 26,267 2,253 -15,108 & 248 23,459 5,061 0 & 15,313 >=5 - <10 25,756 1,529 27,285 1,95,221 24,678 2,607 -3,050 & 248 21,350 5,935 0 & 6,833 >=1 - <5 73,648 3,197 76,845 1,86,180 65,893 10,952 -2,314 & 248 54,171 22,674 0 & 14,000 >=0.5 - <1 34,359 1,339 35,698 26,072 28,613 7,085 -942 & 242 21,842 13,856 0 & 3,357 >=0.2 - <0.5 38,900 1,593 40,493 13,420 31,048 9,445 -2,406 & 248 22,214 18,279 0 & 1,577 >0 - <0.2 1,36,914 5,437 1,42,351 8,064 1,08,143 34,208 -950 & 241 59,247 83,104 0 & 4,833 <=0 1,97,685 11,437 2,09,122 -1 1,55,119 54,003 -9,369 & 249 97,080 1,12,042 -0.72& 9,332 Total 5,66,935 32,552 5,99,487 67,89,203 4,76,536 1,22,951 3,32,656 2,66,831 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 35 of 39 Table 1.5 Indebtedness Analysis of Companies with Net Worth below 250 crores (all amount in crores except no. of companies) No. of Companies Net Worth Analysis Turnover Analysis Indebtedness Range Crores) Private Public Total No. of Companies Total Indebtedness No. of companies Net Worth No. of companies negative Net Worth Net Worth range (Min &Max) (Crores) No. of companies Turnover No. of companies with zero & turnover Turnover Range (Min >=25,000 & above 0 5 5 64082 0 5 -35,300 & -2,640 5 0 907 & 31,800 >=10,000 -<25,000 3 13 16 1,14,005 1 15 -19,800 & 154 16 0 1.1 & 21,500 >=5,000 -<10,000 10 27 37 1,27,628 8 29 -9,940 & 195 33 4 0 & 23,900 >=1,000 -<5,000 173 185 358 2,81,595 139 219 -6,120 & 249 302 56 0 & 36,800 >=800 -<1,000 74 55 129 37,066 74 55 -3,810 & 249 103 26 0 & 15,179 >=500 -<800 273 146 419 98,914 256 163 -6,790 & 247 332 87 0 & 5,960 >=200 - <500 1,060 502 1,562 3,43,633 1037 525 -4,770 & 249 1,243 319 0 & 13,124 >=100 - <200 1,695 676 2,371 5,39,871 1744 627 -48,700 & 249 1,949 422 0 & 54,945 >=50 - <100 3,300 1,003 4,303 6,86,302 3330 973 -10,649 & 247 3,534 769 0 & 14,683 >=25 - <50 6,251 1,401 7,652 7,38,248 6066 1586 -1,850 & 249 6,307 1,345 0 & 9,466 >=10 - <25 16,081 2,354 18,435 9,13,833 14514 3921 -614 & 248 15,137 3,298 0 & 7,960 >=5 - <10 20,165 1,950 22,115 5,99,014 17404 4711 -424 & 246 18,004 4,111 0 & 64,265 >=1 - <5 69,559 4,026 73,585 7,73,869 55671 17914 -304 & 249 56,366 17,219 0 & 19,384 >=0.5 - <1 35,007 1,554 36,561 1,61,512 26408 10153 -544 & 245 26,671 9,890 -0.956 & 3,614 >=0.2 - <0.5 45,284 1,775 47,059 1,63,897 33440 13,619 -121 & 239 33,294 13,765 -0.476 & 10,468 >0 - <0.2 1,14,310 3,738 1,18,048 1,79,524 84351 33,697 -2,050 & 249 72,280 45,768 0 & 5,145 <=0 2,53,690 13,142 2,66,832 9,66,210 232093 34,739 -9,720 & 249 1,54,789 1,12,043 -0.032 & 14,434 Total 5,66,935 32,552 5,99,487 67,89,203 4,76,536 1,22,951 3,90,365 2,09,122 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 36 of 39 Payments to Auditors Analysis Table 1.6 Payments to Auditors Analysis of Companies with Net Worth 250 crores (all amount in actuals except no. of companies) No. of Companies Auditors Payments Range Actuals) Private Public Total No. of Companies >=50,00,000 177 87 264 >=10,00,000 -<50,00,000 3,818 1,004 4,822 >=5,00,000 -<10,00,000 4,887 1,185 6,072 >=1,00,000 -<5,00,000 33,357 4,966 38,323 >=50,000 -<1,00,000 34,272 2,977 37,249 >=25,000 -<50,000 78,430 4,714 83,144 >=10,000 -<25,000 1,23,390 6,336 1,29,726 >=5,000 -<10,000 74,694 3,090 77,784 >=1,000 -<5,000 38,127 1,764 39,891 >0-<1,000 754 63 817 0 1,75,025 6,367 1,81,392 Total 5,66,932 32,555 5,99,487 NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 37 of 39 Annexure 3 Estimated Cost of Audit using Standard Cost Model A pproach 1) Key Assumptions for estimating the standard audit cost. a) Audit relates to statutory audit of GPFR of an SMC. b) Audit is performed by either a Small or Medium Practitioner, (SMP CA) located in one of three categories of cities i.e., small cities, mid -tier cities and metro cities. c) Audit is in accordance with the existing set of Standards on Auditing (SAs)21 as required under the Companies Act, 2013. d) GPFR are prepared in accordance with the revised set of ASs, which are largely al igned with high -quality Ind AS Framework relevant and useful for large PIEs. 2) Using the audit cost estimation approach described above, expected cost of audit across different size of MSMCs will be as fo llows. 21 Recently in June 2021, International Assurance and Auditing Standards Board has issued exposure draft for public consultation of a set of standards called INTERNATIONAL STANDA RD ON AUDITIN G OF FINANCIAL STATE MENTS OF LESS COMPLE X ENTITIES. I t is expected to be issued in Dec 2022. Indiaposition on this reform project is not yet clear. NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 38 of 39 Table 1.7: Estimated Cost of Audit Turnover Range (in Rs. crores) Estimated Audit Fees Avg PBT per Company (in Rs. Lakhs)* Avg. of Estimated Fees as % to PBT # Small Lakhs) Small Firm - City (in Rs. Lakhs) Small Firm - Metro City >=25,000 -<50,000 37.09 62.43 106.19 2,144 4.95% >=10,000 -<25,000 33.95 57.15 97.22 22,132 0.44% >=5,000 -<10,000 22.07 37.15 63.20 10,969 0.58% >=1000-<50 00 13.80 23.23 39.51 4,798 0.82% >=8 00-<10 00 8.11 13.65 23.21 3,535 0.66% >=500 -<800 6.47 10.89 18.52 2,308 0.80% >=200 - <500 4.03 6.78 11.53 1,560 0.74% >=100 - <200 3.62 6.10 10.38 770 1.35% >=50 - <100 3.26 5.49 9.34 398 2.34% >=25 - <50 2.94 4.95 8.43 203 2.68% >=10 - <25 2.64 4.44 7.56 105 4.65% >=5 - <10 2.38 4.00 6.80 53 8.25% >=1 - <5 2.14 3.60 6.13 25 15.86% NFRA Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) Page 39 of 39 Turnover Range (in Rs. crores) Estimated Audit Fees Avg PBT per Company (in Rs. Lakhs)* Avg. of Estimated Fees as % to PBT # Small Lakhs) Small Firm - Mid Tier City (in Rs. Lakhs) Small Firm - Metro City >=0.5 - <1 1.94 3.27 5.56 12 31.11% >=0.2 - <0.5 1.75 2.95 5.02 8 39.32% >0 - <0.2 1.50 2.68 4.57 5 58.53% *For Average PBT calculation, the data is based on 2,36,983 company filings. The companies with NIL turnover has been exclude d and only the Companies which have positive PBT have been considered. # Avg. of Estimated Audit Fees as % to PBT for companies with turnover upto 50 crores has been calculated on basis of avg. of estimated audit fees in small town, mid - tier city and metro city. The Avg. of Estimated Audit Fees as % to PBT for companies with turnover above 50 crores has been calculated on basis of estimated audit fees in metro city assuming companies with turnover above 50 crores are more likely to exist in metro cities. 3) Supporti ng details for the above cost estimation. (Refer Appendix I) Supporting Details for Cost EstimationTab:- Costing Regular AuditParticulars Reference TabFor cost per hour calculationsTab Estimated Cost For estimated hours Tab Estimated HoursParticulars Cost per hour of staff (Rs.\/hour)Cost per hour of (Rs.\/hour)Small Firm - Small Town 241 686 Small Firm - Mid Tier City 468 1,145 Small Firm - Metro City 885 1,971 Revenue (in crores) Field Hours (Ref tab Estimated Hours)Partner Hours @ 45% over and above field hoursTotal Hours Total Cost (in Rs.)Field Hours (Ref Estimated Hours)Partner hoursTotal HoursTotal Cost (in Rs.)Field Hours (Ref Estimated Hours)Partner hoursTotal HoursTotal Cost (in >=25000 - <50000 6,743 3,034 9,777 37,08,633 6,743 2,697 9,440 62,42,573 6,743 2,360 9,103 1,06,18,800 >=10000 - <25000 6,174 2,778 8,952 33,95,485 6,174 2,469 8,643 57,15,465 6,174 2,161 8,334 97,22,173 >=5000 - <10000 4,013 1,806 5,819 22,07,153 4,013 1,605 5,618 37,15,200 4,013 1,405 5,418 63,19,665 >=1000 - <5000 2,509 1,129 3,638 13,79,952 2,509 1,004 3,513 23,22,810 2,509 878 3,387 39,51,168 >=800 - <1000 1,474 663 2,137 8,10,701 1,474 590 2,064 13,64,616 1,474 516 1,990 23,21,252 >=500 - <800 1,176 529 1,705 6,46,801 1,176 470 1,646 10,88,731 1,176 412 1,588 18,51,963 >=200 - <500 732 329 1,061 4,02,601 732 293 1,025 6,77,679 732 256 988 11,52,752 >=100 - <200 659 297 956 3,62,451 659 264 923 6,10,096 659 231 890 10,37,792 >=50 - <100 593 267 860 3,26,150 593 237 830 5,48,994 593 208 801 9,33,855 >=25 - <50 535 241 776 2,94,250 535 214 749 4,95,298 535 187 722 8,42,517 >=10 - <25 480 216 696 2,64,000 480 192 672 4,44,380 480 168 648 7,55,903 >=5 - <10 432 194 626 2,37,600 432 173 605 3,99,942 432 151 583 6,80,313 >=1 - <5 389 175 564 2,13,950 389 156 545 3,60,133 389 136 525 6,12,596 >=0.5 - <1 353 159 512 1,94,150 353 141 494 3,26,804 353 124 477 5,55,904 >=0.2 - <0.5 319 144 463 1,75,450 319 128 447 2,95,327 319 112 431 5,02,361 >=0 - <0.2 290 116 406 1,49,551 290 116 406 2,68,479 290 102 392 4,56,691 Small Firm - Small Town Small Firm - Mid Tier City Small Firm - Metro CitySupporting Details for Cost EstimationTab:- Estimated Cost per hourAssumption9 hours per day with 22 working days in a monthCost rate of partner has been determined on basis of his monthly salary and profit of the firmCost rate of staff has been determined on basis of his monthly salary and overheads of the firmNo. of resourcesSmall Firm - Small Town\/ CitySmall Firm - Mid Tier CitySmall Firm - Metro CityPartner 3 6 10Staff-Senior 4 8 16Staff-AM 1 2 4Staff-Manager 0 2 4Article 20 60 80Partner 80,000 1,20,000 1,80,000 Staff - Senior 22,000 30,000 55,000 Staff-AM 30,000 40,000 70,000 Staff-Manager 40,000 70,000 1,00,000 Article (Avg) 1,500 2,000 2,500 Area (sq feet)Per Partner 100 100 100 Per Staff 50 50 50Total Area for Partner 300 600 1,000 Total Area for Staff (other than Article) 250 600 1200Total Area for Article 500 1500 2000Total 1,050 2,700 4,200 Per Square Ft Rent per month 35 100 315Total Rent per month 36,750 2,70,000 13,23,000 ParticularsSmall Firm - Small TownSmall Firm - Mid Tier CitySmall Firm - Metro CitySalaries - Partner 2,40,000 7,20,000 18,00,000 Staff - Senior 88,000 2,40,000 8,80,000 Staff-AM 30,000 80,000 2,80,000 Staff-Manager - 1,40,000 4,00,000 Salaries - Article 30,000 1,20,000 2,00,000 Rent 36,750 2,70,000 13,23,000 Electricity@20% of rent 7,350 54,000 2,64,600 Office Expense@25% of rent 9,188 67,500 3,30,750 Depreciation @ 10% of rent 3,675 27,000 1,32,300 Printing @ 10% of rent 3,675 27,000 1,32,300 Internet @ 10% of rent 3,675 27,000 1,32,300 Mobile 1,500 3,000 8,000 Travel @ 5% of Partner Salary 12,000 36,000 90,000 Software 10,000 15,000 25,000 Subscriptions @ 30% of Software 3,000 4,500 7,500 Total Cost per month 4,78,813 18,31,000 60,05,750 Profit @ 35% 1,67,584 6,40,850 21,02,013 Total 6,46,397 24,71,850 81,07,763 Total partner Hours in a month594 1,188 1,980 Cost per hour of partner 686 1,145 1,971 Total Staff hours in a month 990 2,376 4,752 Cost per hour of staff 241 468 885 Supporting Details for Cost EstimationTab:- Estimated HoursThe below sheet gives budget (in terms of hours) depending upon size of the Company for audit.\"Illustrative Audit Planning Schedule\" as per \"Implementation Guide to Standard on Auditing (SA) 300, Planning an Audit of Financial Statements\" issued by ICAI for putting worksteps required for an audit has been used for hours estimation.Turnover (in Rs. Crores) (Horizontal)Work Steps (Vertical) >=25000 - <50000>=10000 - <25000>=5000 - <10000>=1000 - <5000>=800 - <1000 >=500 - <800 500 >=200 - <500>=100 - <200>=50 - <100>=25 - <50>=10 - <5>=0.5 - <1>=0.2 - <0.5>=0 - Meetings with management to understand entitys operations and significant developments, update progress 83 76 69 43 25 20 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 5Deployment of engagement team and team meetings 371 338 307 192 113 90 62 56 50 45 41 37 33 30 27 24 22Meetings with Those Charged with Governance sharing audit strategy and conclusions 145 132 120 75 44 35 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9Perform risk assessmentPerform preliminary analytics and other planning procedures 211 192 120 75 44 35 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9Identify and assess key risk 173 157 98 61 36 29 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7Determine audit strategy 278 253 158 99 58 46 32 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 14 13 12Develop responses to risks through detailed audit plan 540 491 307 192 113 90 62 56 50 45 41 37 33 30 27 24 22Perform tests of controlsIdentify key controls 521 474 296 185 109 87 60 54 49 44 40 36 32 29 26 23 21Review work of others (Internal audit, Type 1\/2 reports) 102 93 58 36 21 17 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 5 5Perform tests as designed 1,045 950 594 371 218 174 120 108 97 87 78 70 63 57 51 46 41Evaluate deficiencies and impact on substantive procedures 211 192 120 75 44 35 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9Perform Substantive Procedures Determine procedures responsive to key risks 278 253 158 99 58 46 32 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 14 13 12Perform substantive analytical procedures or tests of details as planned and obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence 1,306 1,187 742 464 273 218 150 135 122 110 99 89 80 72 65 59 53Evaluate appropriateness and sufficiency of audit evidence 437 397 248 155 91 73 50 45 41 37 33 30 27 24 22 20 18Execute changes to audit strategy and plan if circumstances require 211 192 120 75 44 35 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9ConclusionsPerform final analytics and other closing procedures 349 317 198 124 73 58 40 36 32 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 14Review by Engagement Partner and conclude on evidences obtained Consultations with Quality Review PartnerShare draft results and discuss with management 240 240 150 94 55 44 30 27 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11Finalise and Issue opinion, discuss with Those Charged with Governance 240 240 150 94 55 44 30 27 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11Total 6743 6174 4013 2509 1474 1176 810 732 659 593 535 480 432 389 353 319 290The Engagement Partner hours and consultations with Quality Review Partner will depend upon firm location. This is based on the assumption that partner of small firm in small city will invest more time in reviews as compared to partner of small firm in metro city. For details of these hours refer \"Costing Regular Audit\" tab","Summary":"The data provided in NFRA\u2019s report helps us understand the following about Micro, Small and Medium-sized Companies (MSMCs): Every company has been mandated to present the GPFR no matter the size of the company. The estimated cost of carrying out an audit of good quality for a company below 50 crore turnover is in the range of 1.5 lakhs - 8.43 lakhs. As per the survey of NFRA, the payment to auditors 30.26% pay nil to their auditors and 41.41% pay below 25,000 to their auditors which is much lower than the estimated cost. This analysis reflects the fact that most of these MSMCs have a very limited scope when it comes to important financial parameters. There are a large number of companies that have reported small amounts to nil payments to auditors, indicating a lack of adequate accounting professionals with many of these companies. A large number of companies have reported nil turnovers to the auditors and a significant number of companies have reported nil indebtedness as well. The limitations of General-Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR) are pointed out throughout the analysis. Primary users and the information needed in the working of GPFR, are not likely to be found in a majority of MSMCs. Exempting MSMCs from the mandatory audit would not only reduce the compliance burden these companies have to carry but also facilitate greater ease in doing business. This report also provides us with crucial findings regarding the question of a requirement for a separate set of auditing standards for MSMCs. Auditing thresholds in India, apart from tax laws, are given through the Companies\u2019 Auditors Report Order, 2020 (CARO) issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR). These standards differ as given below: Indian Tax Laws: Income Tax Audit exempted for businesses with a turnover of up to Rs 10 crores (provided not more than 5 % of the total transactions are in cash) and GST audit is exempted. CARO: Exempts OPCs and Small Companies, and private companies which are of holding or subsidiaries of public companies and fulfil the other conditions as prescribed. ICFR: Exempts OPCs and Small Companies, and private companies based on a turnover limit of less than Rs. 50 crores or aggregate borrowings less than Rs. 25 crores. Through this consultation paper, the NFRA is seeking to understand:\n1. If MSMCs should be exempted from mandatory audits.\n2. If there should be separate auditing standards for MSMCs.\n3. If the current exemptions from provisions such as CARO, ICFR, AS need to be standardised."},"12":{"Title":"Comments invited on the need to ban or regulate the online gambling in Tamil Nadu","Text":"P.R.No:1351 Date: 07.08.2022 HOME, PROHIBITION & EXCISE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU The need to ban\/regulate the Online gam bling has been brought to the attention of the Government . Leaders across the Political Parties, Psychologists, Social activists etc. have been highlighting the ill effects of addiction to online games and gambling . About 20 deaths have been reported in the recent past due to the financial distress caused because of online rummy etc. It has also come to the notice of the Government that unregulated playing of online games is leading to learning disorders and many other social disorders. Many countries ha ve Laws on online games ranging from regulation to total ban. The State Government has constituted a Committee under the chairmanship of Justice (Rtd.) K.Chandru for advising on enacting fresh legislation on online games. The Committees report is under the active consideration of the State Government. It is now proposed to invite inputs from all the Stakeholders, viz . General Public, Parents, Teachers, Students, Youth, Psychologists, Social Activists, Online Gaming Service Providers , etc. on the propose d legislation on online games . The Stakeholders may give their input on homesec@tn.gov.in before 12.08.2022. Organizations desirous of making personal representation to the concerned authority send their reque st by 05.00 pm on 0 9.08.2022. The Stakeholders Consultation will be held on 1 1.08.2022 from 04.00 pm onwards. Separate time slots will be given for organizations. These organizations may only attend the Consultation Meeting after receipt of their time slots. Additional Chief Secretary to Govt., Home, Prohibition & Excise Department ******** Issued By: - DIPR, Secretariat, Chennai - 9 ","Summary":"\u200b\u200bThe State Government of Tamil Nadu is considering the need to ban or regulate online gambling in its State. The State government had constituted a Committee under the chairmanship of Justice (Rtd.) K. Chandru for advising on enacting fresh legislation on online games. The Committee submitted its report to the State government and it is now under active consideration. The State Government is now proposing to invite inputs from all the Stakeholders, viz. General Public, Parents, Teachers, Students, Youth, Psychologists, Social Activists, Online Gaming Service Providers, etc. on the proposed legislation on online games. To read the press release inviting comments, click here."},"9":{"Title":"Cinematograph Act (Amendment) Bill","Text":"Public comments sought on Cinematograph Act (Amendment) Bill Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India Dated: 3rd January, 2019 Film piracy, particularly release of pirated version of films on internet, causes huge losses to the film industry and government exchequer. It is therefore felt necessary to have enabling provision in the Cinematograph Act, 1952 in order to check film pir acy. Penalties for contravention of provisions for certification of films for public exhibition are given under Section 7 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 . The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting proposes for introduction of Cinematograph Act (Amendme nt) Bill for inclusion of a new Sub -Section (4) of Section 7 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 with the following text: Notwithstanding any law for the time being in force including any provision of the Copyright Act, 1957, any person who, during the exhibit ion of an audiovisual work, cinematographic in an exhibition facility used to exhibit cinematograph films or audiovisual recordings and without the written authorization of the copyright owner, uses any audiovisual recording device to knowingly make or tra nsmit or attempt to make or transmit or abet the making or transmission of a copy or visual recording or sound recording embodying a cinematograph film or audiovisual recording or any part thereof or a copy of sound recording accompanying such cinematograp h film or audiovisual recording or any part thereof during subsistence of copyright in such cinematograph film or sound recording, shall be punishable with imprisonment not exceeding three years and shall also be liable to fine not exceeding Rs.10 Lakhs, o r to a term of imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or The Cinematograph Act, 1952 is available on MIB website, i.e. https:\/\/mib.gov.in\/ << Documents << Acts & Rules and can be directly accessed on the following URL: https:\/\/indiacode.nic.in\/bitstream\/123456789\/2170\/3\/A1952 -37.pdf . MIB solicits comments from General Public on the Draft Cinematograph Act (Amendment) Bill by 2nd February, 2019 . The comments may be submitted at the following email address: jsfilms.inb@nic.in . In exceptional cases, submissions by post may be sent to: Joint Secretary (Films) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Room No. 545, Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi - 110001 ","Summary":"The Amendment's aim is to combat film piracy.\n\nSection 7 of the Cinematograph Act prescribes the penalties for behaviour that violates the Act.\n\nUnder the draft amendment, any person who exhibits any audiovisual work, or cinematorgraphic work in an exhibition facility without express permission from the copyright owner can be punished. If s\/he makes a recording of the film or of the sound in a film - s\/he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years and liable to a fine not exceeding 10 lakhs or merely imprisonment or both.\n\nThe draft amendment criminalises recording or short clips made from electronic devices like mobile phones. Sending these short clips through applications such as Whatsapp, is also an offence."},"82":{"Title":"Draft Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility Amendment) Rules, 2022","Text":"1679 GI\/2022 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section ( i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY , 1989, 1988 (1988 04.03.2022 : comments -morth@gov.in . 189] 10, 2022\/ 19, 1943 No. 189] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2022\/PHALGUNA 19, 1943 .-11032022-234089CG-DL-E-11032022-2340892 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] , 2021 ( 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ) ( ........... 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ............ 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ( i+ii+ii i+ iv = -23013\/01\/2018 -MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 10th March, 2022 G.S.R. 192(E) .The following draft of certain rules, further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by sub -section (4) of section 59 and clause (p) of section 64 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988) is hereby published as required by sub -sectio n (1) of section 212 of the said Act for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which the cop ies of this notification as published in the Official Gazette are made available to the public; these draft rules are being published to supersede the draft rules published vide draft GSR 172(E) dated 04.03.2022. Objections or suggestions, if any, may be sent to the Joint Secretary (Transport), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110 001 or by email at within the period specified above; Objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules before the expiry of the period aforesaid will be considered by the Central Government. 1. Short title and commencement - (1) These rules may be called the Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility Amendment) Rules, 2022. (2) These rules shall come into force on the date of final publication in the official Gazette. 2. In the Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021, (hereinafter referred as said rules), in rule 3 sub rule (1) for clause (c), the following shall be substituted, namely: Certificate of Deposit means the certificate issued by the Registered Vehicle Scrapping Fac ility (RVSF) to recognise the submission of the vehicle from the registered owner to the RVSF for further treatment.3. In rule 4 for subrule (2), the following shall be substituted, namely: The Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility must have necessary cybe r security certifications for the IT Systems before start of operation for safe access to the VAHAN database.4. In rule 4 subrule (3), the following words, as well as with the local Police shall be omitted 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 5. In rule 5 for sub rule (h) clause (i), the follow ing shall be substituted, namely: The entity shall have necessary cyber security certifications specified under sub -rule (2) of rule 4 before start of operation6. In rule 6, sub rule (1) clause (ii), the following words, plus ninety days shall be omitted 7. In rule 7, for subrule (5), the following shall be substituted, namely: The registration issued under this rule and rule 6 shall not be transferable8. For rule 10 and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be substituted, namely: - Scrapping P rocedure: - (1) The scrapping of vehicles shall be carried out by an RVSF in respect of all End -of-Life Vehicles, by the following procedure, namely: - i. The registered owner shall apply digitally on Vahan as per Form -2 to the RVSF or the designated Collecti on Centre for deposit and further treatment of the vehicle. The RVSF and the designated Collection Centre shall also act as facilitation centres to support citizens with digital application of Form -2. ii. Vehicles impounded by an enforcement agency shall be ha nded over to the RVSF, if they meet the criteria for vehicle scrapping as per rule (8). iii. The RVSF shall verify the records of the vehicles produced for scrapping with the database of the stolen vehicles held by National Crime Records Bureau through the Vaha n portal. iv. The Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility shall also digitally verify through the Vahan portal - a. that the hire -purchase, lease or hypothecation agreement in the certificate of registration of a motor vehicle required under sub -section (1) of sect ion 51 of the Act has been duly discharged for the concerned vehicle, b. that there are no pending dues on the vehicle, and c. that the vehicle has not been blacklisted If the vehicle fails any of these checks, the owner shall not be allowed to submit the digita l application as per v. The following documents shall be uploaded along with Form -2 by the registered owner for verification by the a. copy of the Permanent Account Number card of the owner; b. cancelled cheque of the bank account of the owner; c. lette r of authorization on stamp paper for the authorized representative as per para 5 of Form -2, applicable if the vehicle is not to be submitted by the owner d. identity proof of the authorized representative (if applicable) such as passport, voter card, Aadhar card, driving license or photo identity card issued by the State Government or the Central Government; e. address proof of the owner such as electricity bill, water bill, land line telephone bill or piped cooking gas bill etc; and f. digital photograph of the ow ner or authorized representative with the End -of-Life Vehicle g. an undertaking, as per para 4 of Form -2 from the owner acknowledging that all information furnished in digital Form -2 application is true as per his knowledge vi. Once the digital application as per Form -2 is submitted on Vahan, it shall be sent digitally to the regional transport office for no dues for vehicle scrapping as per rule 58A of CMVR. vii. On receiving the no dues for vehicle scrapping from the regional transport office, the RVSF shall accept t he digital application as per Form -2 and inform the owner to submit the vehicle for scrapping. If the no dues for vehicle scrapping is not provided by the regional transport office, the RVSF cannot accept the application for scrapping. [viii. The owner or his aut horized representative shall submit the vehicle along with the original certificate of registration to the RVSF and sign a digital undertaking as per Form -2A. The RVSF shall also sign a digital undertaking as per Form -2B. In case of no action by the vehicl e owner after acceptance of digital application as per Form -2 by the RVSF, the application shall expire along with the no dues for vehicle scrapping as per Rule 58A of CMVR. The RVSF shall digitally remit or pay by an account payee cheque, the agreed consi deration for the vehicle and obtain a receipt for the same from the owner or his authorized representative for record. ix. The RVSF shall deface or punch the certificate of registration in the presence of the owner or his authorized representative and issue a digitally signed Certificate of Deposit in Vahan, as per Form 2C, as evidence of acceptance of vehicle for scrapping. x. The RVSF established in a State may accept and scrap the vehicles registered in any of the State or Union Territory under the jurisdiction of any Registration Authority. xi. The whole process shall be seamlessly linked with VAHAN on pan India basis irrespective of the location of any vehicle registering authority. xii. The Certificate of Deposit shall be a necessary and sufficient document for the ow ner to avail incentives and benefits for purchase of a new vehicle as may be declared from time to time. The validity of this certificate shall be 2 years from the date of issuance. xiii. The Certificate of Deposit shall be electronically tradeable. The transfer Certificate of Deposit shall be generated on the trading platform for each new owner as per Form 2D. The Certificate of Deposit once utilised shall be marked in the Vahan database by the regional transport office or dealer providing the benefi ts to the bearer of the said certificate. xiv. The regional transport office\/dealer registering the new vehicle purchased against the Certificate of Deposit shall verify and authenticate the Certificate of Deposit digitally. xv. The RVSF shall facilitate the proces s of transmission of original certificate of registration (defaced or punched) along with Certificate of Vehicle Scrapping to road transport or regional transport office, in the state of registration of the vehicle, to get the vehicle registration cancelle d as per rule 52B of CMVR. xvi. The RVSF shall have the cut piece of the chassis number in safe custody for a period of six months from the date of issue of Certificate of Vehicle Scrapping issued under rule 11. xvii. The RVSF shall maintain digital scanned copy of a ll documents for a period of ten years for record and examination during inspection. xviii. The RVSF shall ensure that removal or re -cycling or disposal of hazardous parts of the scrapped vehicle is done as per CPCB guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of End -of-Live Vehicles and AIS -xix. Vehicles shall not be scrapped until the fuel, oil, antifreeze, and other gases, fluids etc. are drained and collected in certified standard containers. xx. A digital register of vehicles scrapped shall be maintained in Fo rm-3.9. In rule 11 subrule 1, the following shall be substituted, namely: - The RVSF, after completing the necessary treatment, shall issue a digital Certificate of Vehicle Scrapping including a digital photograph of the cut out of the chassis, in Form -4 to update the VAHAN Database and inform the competent authority of the State Government or Union territory Government for updating of records as per rule 52B of CMVR.10. In rule 13 subrule 12, the following shall be substituted, namely: Collection centre may be established by an RVSF at any other place as well, other than the Scrapping Yard. If collection centre undertakes activities such as depollution and dismantling, then the requirements applicable for RVSF shall also be applicable to such collection cent re11. Form -1 shall be substituted with the following, namely: 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (Refer rule 6(1)) APPLICATION FOR REGISTERED VEHICLE SCRAPPING FACILITY (RVSF) 1. FOR OFFICE USE Application for Please tick as applicable Registration for a new RVSF Renewal of Registration for existing RVSF Modification in existing registration APPLICATION NO APPLICATION DATE SECURITY DEPOSIT 2. GENERAL INFORMATION ii Short name (max 35 chars) iii Address vi Email vii CIN viii PAN x Status Company Firm Trust Society Proprietor Govt JV PPP xi Attach MoA AoA xii Existing Activities of the Company (National Industrial Classification Code) 3. PLANT DETAILS a Location (Provide Map) b Area (sq m) c Possession Details Owned Lease\/Period Years d State e District [f Category of industrial zone 4. Proposed Activities of the Company L Vehicles Yes No Capacity Nos M Vehicles Yes No Capacity Nos N Vehicles Yes No Capacity Nos Other Yes No Capacity Nos 5. Proposed Capital Structure (INR Lakh) Authorized Subscribed Paid -Up 6. Proposed No of Employees 7. Availability of Space a Plant Design and Layout, showing following spaces and areas (sqm): - b Earmarked area for the safe and environmentally compliant parking of waste vehicles (sqm) c Designated areas for storing the segregated scrap (sqm) d Space for processed scrap and usable parts (sqm) e Designated space for temporary storage of automotive hazardous waste f Provision of space for parking of safe transportation of spares, scrap and waste products (sqm) 8. Availability of Equipment a Certified de -polluting equipment Yes No b Certified de -risking equipment Yes No c Safety and occupational health equipment Yes No 9. Environmental Clearance a Consent to Establish b Consent to Operate 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 10. Undertaking The Applicant hereby undertakes to a Comply with CPCB Guidelines for the Safe Disposal of scrapped vehicles Yes No b Obtain the Quality Certifications within 12 Months of Issue of Registration i ISO 9001 Yes No ii ISO 14001 Yes No iii ISO 45001 Yes No c Comply with the Hazardous Waste Management Rules (2016) Yes No d Security certifications for the IT Systems for safe access to VAHAN database Yes No Digital Signature\/ Company Seal in case on offline form Date For Form -1A, entry 12 shall be substituted with the following, namely: 12. CONDITIONS a Registration is Non -Transferable b Undertaking are to be liquidated by Date c Submit Compliance Self -Certification by Date d Facility Inspection Due Date e First Test Audit Due Date f Security certifications for the IT Systems for safe access to VAHAN database Date 13. Form -2 shall be substituted with the following, namely: [(Refer rule 10(1)) APPLICATION FOR VEHICLE SCRAPPING 1. OWNER DETAILS A NAME B ADDRESS C MOBILE NO D E MAIL F BANK ACCOUNT i NAME OF BANK ii BRANCH iii ACCOUNT NUMBER iv IFSC v CONSIDERATION RECEIVED vi RECEIPT NO AND DATE 2. VEHICLE DETAILS REGISTRATION NO VEHICLE CATEGORY CHASSIS NO ENGINE NO MONTH\/YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 3. DOCUMENTS A Original Certificate of Registration. B Pan card of registered owner. C Authorization from the registered owner on stamp paper D Cancelled cheque of the bank account of the owner E Identity Proof of the authorized representative, if applicable F Address proof of the owner G Digital photograph of authorized representative or owner 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 4. UNDERTAKING BY APPLICANT AT TIME OF FORM -2 SUBMISSION Resident of ........................................................ hereby declare that all the particulars furnished by me \/ us in this form are true and correct; the subject vehicle is not engaged in any kind of criminal activ ity\/litigation and realize that I\/WE are fully liable for any false declaration furnished above. 5 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION 1. I.son\/daughter of.resident of.owner of vehicle registration do hereby authorize. son\/ daugh ter of. resident .as my legal authority to deposit the above stated vehicle for the purpose of scrapping at the 2. That the above stated vehicle deposited by the above stated authorized person shall be deemed as if deposited by me only for all legal purposes and intents Signature Signature (Authorized Representative) (Registered vehicle owner) Signature attested The following Form -2A, Form -2B, Form -2C and Form -2D shall be added after Form -2, namely: UNDERTAKING BY APPLICANT AT THE TIME OF VEHICLE SUBMISSION (Refer rule 10(1)) .. Resident of ........................................................ hereby declare th at all the particulars furnished by me \/ us in Form 2 application are true and correct; the subject vehicle with registration number.. is not engaged in any kind of criminal activity\/litigation and realize that I\/We are fully liable for any false decl aration furnished in Form -2. I\/We hereby declare that there are no pending dues on the said vehicle; the hire -purchase, lease, or hypothecation agreement in the certificate of registration of the said vehicle has been duly discharged and that I\/We shall be fully liable for any such dues and charge pending before this and I\/We fully indemnify the Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility from all such charges. [UNDERTAKING BY RVSF AT THE TIME OF VEHICLE SUBMISS ION (Refer rule 10(1)) .on behalf of ........................................................ hereby declare that I\/We are fully liable for any kind of criminal a ctivity\/litigation charges and financial dues such a s challans, motor vehicle tax etc. accrued on the subject vehicle with registration ... after this and I\/We fully indemnify the registered vehicle owner . from all such charges. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (Refer rule 10(1)) 24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (Refer rule 10(1)) [ 15. Form -3, entry 3A (v) shall be substituted with the following, namely: GRAND TOTAL (i+ii+iii+iv =X)16. Form -3, entry 3B (ix) shall be su bstituted with the following, namely: SUB -TOTAL (a)17. Form -3, entry 3C (vi) shall be substituted with the following, namely: SUB -TOTAL (b)18. Form -3, entry 3D (iii) shall be substituted with the following, namely: SUB -TOTAL (c)19. Form -3, entry 3 E shall be substituted with the following, namely: GRAND TOTAL (a+b+c =Y)20. Form -3, entry 3F shall be substituted with the following, namely: MASS BALANCE (X -Y) 26 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 21. In Form -4, entry 4 (d) shall be substituted with the following, namely: Year of Man ufacture (YY)22. In Form -4, entry 6 shall be substituted with the following, namely: It is requested that the records in respect of above -mentioned vehicle may be updated. [F. No. RT -23013\/01\/2018 -T] AMIT VARADAN, Jt. Secy. Note . - The principal rul es were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part -II, Section 3, Sub -section (i), vide notification number G.S.R. 653 (E), dated the 23rd September, 2021 Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has proposed the draft Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility Amendment) Rules, 2022. The rules largely amend the procedure in place to scrap vehicles, amending the Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021. They ensure that any registered vehicle scrapping facility should have the necessary cyber certifications. The Vahan Portal is to be used for digital verification of any registered vehicle scrapping facility. Registrations further have been deemed to be non-transferrable. The scrapping procedure has also been changed to show that vehicles impounded by an enforcement agency would have to be handed over to the authority for scrapping should they meet the adequate criteria. The Rules also provide for certain documents to be uploaded by the registered owner for verification by the scrapping facility, like the PAN, address proof, digital photo etc. The rules specify the procedure after submission, and the circumstances under which the application shall be accepted. This process necessitates as a certificate of deposit that shall be electronically tradable. Additionally, the duties of the scrapping facility are also specified. Such scrapping facilities can be established in places other than scrap yards. The rules specify that a digital certificate shall be issued after completing the treatment. Furthermore, the rules lay down the format for submission of the application for registration, vehicle scrapping, certificate of deposit etc. To read the complete document, please click here."},"98":{"Title":"Draft Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions (Tamil Nadu) Rules, 2022","Text":"Ex-III 1(a)-(216)[ 1 ]TAMIL NADUGOVERNMENT GAZETTEEXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY [Regd. No. TN\/CCN\/467\/2012-14.GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197\/2009. 2022 [Price: Rs. 96.00 Paise. No. 216] CHENNAI, MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022 Panguni 28, Pilava, Thiruvalluvar AanduSection 1(a)General Statutory Rules, Notifications, Orders, Regulations, etc.,issued by Secretariat Departments.NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENTLABOUR WELFARE AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTOCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, HEALTH AND WORKING CONDITIONS (TAMIL NADU) RULES, 2022[G.O. Ms. No. 38, Labour Welfare and Skill Development (H2), 11th April 2022,No. SRO A-8(c)\/2022.The following draft rules, which the Government of Tamil Nadu proposed to make in the exercise of powers conferred by, sections 133 and 135 of the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 (Central Act 37 of 2020) read with section 23 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (Central Act X of 1897) and in supersession of-1. The Tamil Nadu Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1975;2. The Tamil Nadu Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1983;3. The Tamil Nadu Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Rules, 1968;4. The Tamil Nadu Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Rules, 5. The Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950;6. The Tamil Nadu Safety O cers (Duties, Quali cations and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2005;7. The Tamil Nadu Factories (Welfare O cers) Rules, 1953;8. The Tamil Nadu Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Rules, 1994;9. The Tamil Nadu Plantations Labour Rules, 1955; and10. The Tamil Nadu Motor Transport Workers Rules, 1965;except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, are hereby noti ed as required by sub-section (1) of said section 133 and sub-section (1) of section 135 of the said Code, for information of all persons likely to be ected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules will be taken into consideration after the expiry of a period of 45 days from the date on which the copies of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette in which this Noti cation is published are made available to the public;2 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYObjection or suggestion, if any, may be addressed to the Secretary to Government, Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department, Government of Tamil Nadu through the Director of Industrial Safety and Health, Guindy, Chennai 32. (e-mail id: cif@tn.gov.in). The objection or suggestion should be sent in a proforma containing columns, (i) specifying the name and address of the persons and organisations (ii) specifying the rule or sub-rule which is proposed to be modi ed and (iii) specifying the revised rule or sub-rule proposed to be substituted and the reasons therefor;Objections and suggestions, which may be received from any person or organisation with respect to the said draft rules before expiry of the period of 45 days, speci ed above, will be considered by the Government of Tamil Nadu.OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, HEALTH AND WORKING CONDITIONS (TAMIL NADU) RULES, 2022.DRAFT RULES.CHAPTER I.PRELIMINARY.1. Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions (Tamil Nadu) Rules, 2022. (2) They extend to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu. (3) They shall come into force on the date of their nal publication in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette. nitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- means Tamil Nadu State Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board constituted by the Government under sub-section (1) of section 17; means the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 (Central Act 37 of 2020);electronically means any information submitted by email or uploaded on the portal or making digital payment through any mode for the purposes of the Code; means a form annexed to these rules;Government means the Government of Tamil Nadu;Inspector-cum-Facilitator means a person appointed by the Government by noti cation under sub-section (1) of section 34;Licensing Authority means authority appointed by the Government by noti cation under the sub-section (1) of section 119;hazardous substance means any chemicals and substances as speci ed in column (2) along with the quantity mentioned in column (3) of Schedule II and Schedule III undertheManufacture,StorageandImportofHazardous CemicalRules,1989, as amended from time to time; means a member of the Board and includes its Chairperson; means electrical energy, or any other form of energy which is mechanically transmitted and is not generated by human or animal agency; ed person means a person designated by the occupier, who by his experience and knowledge of necessary precautions against risks of danger or hazard, is t to undertake such work;Registering officer means the registering officer appointed by the Government under sub-section (1) of section 3; means the Schedule to these rules; means the section of the Code;Standard Safe Operating Practices means the practice followed for the safety and health of workers and safe operation of machinery, process and equipment used in such practices and such practices conform to all or any of the following, namely:- (i) relevant standards approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards or International Standards; (ii) National Building Code; (iii) manufacturers instruction on safe use of equipment and machinery; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 3 (iv) code of practice on safety and health practices published by the International Labour Organisation and amended from time to time.(2) The words and expressions used in these rules and are not de ned therein, but are in the Code, shall have respectively meaning assigned to them in the Code.CHAPTER II.Registration.3. Application for registration under section 3.- (1) No establishment shall function without a valid certi cate of registration.(2) (i) The employer seeking registration for an establishment not already registered under any other labour law shall apply in FORM I to the Registering o cer appointed by the Government under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Code, within sixty days from the date of such applicability of the Code along with the fee prescribed in this rule:- (a) in case of factory or building and other construction works, electronically through the Online Portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health; (b) in case of establishments other than factory or building and other construction works, electronically through the Online Portal of Labour Welfare Department,by giving details about the establishment, and uploading documents related to registration of the establishment, proof of identity and address of the employer(s) as speci ed in the FORM I . The Form shall be signed digitally or electronically or in any other manner as may be required on the portal. The applicant shall be responsible for veracity of all informations submitted in the application.(ii) The fees to be paid for the grant of a Registration Certi cate shall be as speci ed in the Table below, namely:-THE TABLE.Serial No.(1)Number of workers(2)Fees in (1) Upto 9 workers 200(2) 10 to 49 workers 500(3) 50 to 100 workers 1000(4) 101 to 250 workers 2000(5) 251 to 500 workers 3000(6) 501 to 1000 workers 5000(7) 1001 to 5000 workers 10000(8) 5001 and above 20000(iii) If the application for registration is submitted after expiry of the prescribed period speci ed in clause (i), the application may be entertained only on payment of the late fee speci ed below in addition to the fee payable under clause (i).No.Period Late fee(1) If the Registration application submitted within a period of 3 months after expiry of the prescribed time mentioned in clause (i)25% of fee payable under clause (ii) of this sub-rule(2) If the Registration application submitted after expiry of 3 months but within 6 months of the prescribed time mentioned in clause (i)50% of fee payable under clause (ii) of (3) If the Registration application submitted after expiry of 6 months of the prescribed time mentioned in clause (i)100% of fee payable under clause (ii) of sub-rule4 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(3) The Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the applicant or the establishment allotted under Income Tax Act, 1961 (Central Act 43 of 1961) or any other unique number allotted to the establishment under any other Act for the time being in force or any other particular furnished in the form, may be veri ed online.4. Appeal under section 4 .- (1) The employer aggrieved by the order of the registering o cer issued under section 3, may appeal against such order before the appellate o cer appointed by the Government for such purpose within thirty days from the date of receipt by him of such order, electronically.(2) Where the memorandum of appeal is in order, the appellate o cer shall admit the appeal, acknowledge it and intimate admission of such appeal, and shall register the appeal in electronic form to be kept for the purpose called the register of appeals.(3) When the appeal has been admitted, the appellate o cer shall send the notice of the appeal to the registering oagainst whose order the appeal has been preferred and the registering o cer shall thereupon send the records of the case to the appellate o cer online electronically.(4) On receipt of the appeal, the appellate o cer shall send a notice electronically or by registered post to the appellant to appear before him on such date and time as may be speci ed in the notice for the hearing of the appeal.(5) If on the date xed for hearing, the appellant does not appear, the appellate o cer may dismiss the appeal for default of appearance of the appellant by sending the copy of the order to the applicant electronically.(6) Where an appeal has been dismissed, the appellant may apply electronically to the appellate o cer for the restoration of the appeal within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order and if the appellate o cer is satis ed that the appellant was prevented by su cient cause from appearing, the appellate o cer shall restore the appeal.(7) The order of the Appellate O cer shall be communicated electronically or by registered post to the appellant and copy thereof shall be sent to the registering o cer against whose order the appeal has been preferred and shall be disposed of within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of appeal.5. Notice of commencement and cessation of operation under section 5.- The employer of every establishment being factory, building or other construction work or relating to contract labour, shall within thirty days of the commencement or cessation of operation, submit to the Registering O cer in FORM II , electronically and the notice of cessation of operation shall be enclosed with a certi cate that the payment of all dues to the workers employed in the establishment have been made and the premises are kept free from storage of hazardous chemicals and substances.CHAPTER III.Duties of Employer and Employee.6. Annual Health Examination of employees under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 6.- Every employer, shall arrange to conduct free of cost, medical examination for every worker annually, that is within 120 days from the commencement of the every calendar year who has completed 45 years of age. The medical examination shall be conducted by a qualimedical practitioner as per proforma in the FORM III .7. Letter of appointment to employee under clause (f) of sub-section (1) of section 6.- No employee shall be employed in any establishment unless he has been issued a letter of appointment in the format hereunder:-(1) Name of employee:(2) Father(3) Aadhar number of employee:(4) Labour Identi cation Number (LIN) of the establishment:(5) Universal Account Number (UAN)\/Insurance Number (ESIC) of employee (if available):(6) Registration number of the establishment (DISH\/COL):(7) Name and address of the establishment:(8) Designation:(9) Category of skill:(10) Date of joining (if already joined):(11) Wages, Basic Pay & Dearness Allowance: TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 5(12) Other allowances including accommodation whichever is\/are applicable:(13) Avenue for achieving higher wages\/higher position:(14) Applicability of social security Employees Provident Fund Organisation and Employees State Insurance Scheme ts (if applicable):(15) Registration number issued by the Tamil Nadu Construction Workers Welfare Board:(16) Registration number issued by the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board:(17) Health check-up details:(18) Broad Nature of duties to be performed:(19) Any other information: Signature Occupier\/employer\/owner\/agent\/manager8. Notice of accidents and dangerous occurrences under sub-section (1) of section 10 and section 11.- (1) Where at any place in an establishment, an accident occurs which results in the death of any person, the employer of the establishment shall forthwith inform by telephone or special messenger or electronically to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator, Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, District Collector or Sub-Collector \/ Revenue Divisional O cer, the O cer-in-charge of the nearest police station and the family members or kin of the deceased person and shall forthwith send a notice thereof in FORM IV electronically or through special messenger within 12 hours of the occurrence of the accident.(2) Where at any place in an establishment, an accident occurs which results in bodily injury by reason of which the person injured is prevented from working for a period of forty eight hours or more immediately following the accident, the employer of the establishment shall forthwith send a notice in FORM IV within twenty four hours after the completion of forty eight hours, electronically or through special messenger or through post to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Wherein an establishment there is any dangerous occurrence as speci ed in the list annexed hereto, whether causing any bodily injury or disability or not, a notice in FORM IV shall within twelve hours be sent to: (a) The Inspector-cum-Facilitator; (b) District Collector or Sub-Collector \/ Revenue Divisional O Provided that if in the case of an accident or dangerous occurrence, death occurs to any person injured by such accident or dangerous occurrence after the notices and reports referred to in the foregoing sub-rules have been sent, the employer of the establishment shall forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone and electronically to the authorities and persons mentioned in sub-rules (1) and (2) and also have this information con rmed in writing within 12 hours of the death: Provided further that, if the period of disability from working for 48 hours or more referred to in sub-rule (2) does not occur immediately following the accident, or the dangerous occurrence, but later, or occurs in more than one spell, the report referred to shall be sent to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator in the prescribed form within 24 hours following the hours when the actual total period of disability from working resulting from the accident or the dangerous occurrence becomes 48 hours.(4) No injured person shall be allowed to return to work without a tness certi cate issued by a quali ed medical practitioner.(5) Wherever the person injured does not return to work in the establishment before the expiry of 21 days after the occurrence of the accident with or without disablement and wherever the person injured returns to work in the establishment after sustaining compensable disablement as a result of the accident, the employer of the establishment shall send to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator within28 days of the occurrence of the accident, a written report in the prescribed FORM V and follow it up as necessary with further reports in the same FORM V once every fortnight thereafter, until the nal report on the date of return to work of the person injured is made. In the event of the person injured not returning to work of his own accord or otherwise the full circumstances of the same should also be reported to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator by the employer of the establishment within seven days of his name being removed from muster roll of the establishment. Even if the person injured were to be covered by the Employees' State Insurance Scheme, it shall be the responsibility of the employer of the establishment to obtain the relevant information for the purpose of this rule in FORM V and report the same to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.LIST OF DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES The following classes of dangerous occurrences, whether or not they are attended by personal injury or disablement, (i) Bursting, of any plant or pipeline or equipment containing petroleum, steam, compressed air or other substance at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure;6 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (ii) Collapse or failure of a crane, derrick, winch, hoist or other appliances used in raising or lowering persons or goods, or any part thereof, or the overturning of a crane; (iii) Fire, Explosion, leakage or release of harmful toxic gases, bursting out, leakage or escape of any molten metal, or hot liquid or gas and implosion; (iv) Explosion of a receiver or container used for the storage at pressure greater than atmospheric pressure of any gas or gases (including air) or any liquid or solid resulting from the compression of gas; (v) collapse or failure of lifting appliances or hoist or conveyors or other similar equipment for handling building or construction material or breakage or failure of rope, chain or loose gears; overturning of cranes used in building or other construction work; falling of objects from height; (vi) collapse of any wall, oor, gallery, roof bridge, tunnel, chimney, wall, building or subsidence of soil or any other structure, platform, staging, sca olding or any means of access including formwork; contact work, excavation and collapse of transmission; (vii) Spillage or leakage of hazardous substances and damage to their container; collapse, capsizing, toppling or collision of transport equipment within the establishment; (viii) fall from height of any excavation, loading or transport machinery; (ix) an instantaneous failure of a pillar, part of a pillar or several pillars of coal (i.e., a bump) in working below ground; (x) a rock-burst in working belowground; a premature collapse of any part of the working; (xi) a breakage, fracture or failure of an essential part of any machine or apparatus whereby the safety of persons may be endangered; (xii) a slide causing injury to any person, damage to any machinery, or interruption of normal mining operations; (xiii) failure of dump or side in opencast working; a blowout; (xiv) a failure of any structure or installation whereby the safety of persons may be endangered; or spark generated due to electrical ash-over causing burn injury to any person; (xv) a major uncontrolled emission of petroleum or chemical spillage; (xvi) Excessive radioactive emission.9. Notice of disease under sub-section (1) and (2) of section 12.- (1) A notice in the following format shall be sent forthwith electronically or through special messenger or through post , to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator , by the employer of an establishment in which there occurs any disease as noti ed under the Third Schedule of the Code.NOTICE OF DISEASE1. Name, address and registration number of establishment:2. Nature of establishment:3. Details of Patient:a. Name of Patient:b. Universal Account Number (UAN) \/ Insurance Number (ESIC) of Patient (if available):c. Address of Patient:d. Precise occupation of Patient:4. Nature of disease from which the patient is su5. Date of Detection of disease:6. Details of Medical Practitioner:7. Has the case been reported to the Medical ODate: Signature of employer or occupier or manager TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 7(2) If any quali ed medical practitioner attends on a person who is or has been employed in an establishment and who is or is believed by the quali ed medical practitioner to be su ering from any disease speci ed in the Third Schedule to the Code, ed medical practitioner shall send a report in writing within 48 hours to the o ce of the Chief Inspector-cum- facilitator (i) the name and full postal address of the patient; (ii) the disease from which he believes the patient to be su ering; and (iii) the name, address and registration number of the establishment in which the patient is or was last employed.10. Duties of employee under clauses (d) and (g) of section 13.- If an employee comes to know that of any unsafe or unhealthy condition in the establishment, he shall report to the employer, supervisor or safety o cer and Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as soon as practicable, electronically or in writing or telephonically.11. Rights of Employee under sub-section (3) of section 14.- On receipt of information from the employee relating to the existence of an imminent danger to their safety and health, the employer shall take immediate remedial action in this regard. The employer, whether satis ed or not, shall send a report forthwith of such actions taken, to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator electronically or by registered post or speed post within forty eight hours of receipt of information.CHAPTER IV.Occupational Safety and Health.12. Constitution of Tamil Nadu State Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board under sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 17.-(1) The members of the Board will be as follows:- (i) The Secretary to Government, Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department, Government of Tamil Nadu -Chairperson ex-o (ii) The Director of Industrial safety and health, Government of Tamil Nadu - member Secretary ex-o (iii) The Commissioner of Labour, Government of Tamil Nadu- member ex-o (iv) The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board or his representative - member ex-o (v) Regional Director - Employees State Insurance Corporation, Chennai - member ex-o (vi) Director of Medical Services, Government of Tamil Nadu or his representative - member ex-o ve representatives of employers to be nominated by the Government- members; ve representatives of employees to be nominated by the Government - members; ve eminent persons connected with the eld of Occupational Safety and Health, or representatives from reputed institutions \/ organisations of similar discipline to be nominated by the Government - members; (x) The Chairperson of the Board may invite persons as special invitees for seeking inputs on speci c matters - (2) The Board shall meet to discharge the functions as speci ed in sub-section(1) of section 17 of the Code.(3) The term of o ce of the members referred to in clauses (vii) to (ix) of sub-rule (1) shall be of three years. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, members referred to in clauses (vii) to (ix) of sub-rule (1) will continue ce during the pleasure of the Government.(5) If a member changes his address, he shall notify his new address to the Member-Secretary of the Board who shall thereupon enter his new address in the o cial records.(6) When a vacancy occurs or is likely to occur on completion of the term of the member in the membership of the Board or resignation of a member or due to removal, the Member Secretary shall submit a report to the Government to nominate a person to ll the vacancy. (7) (i) The Board shall meet at such places and at such times as may be decided by the Chairperson and it shall meet at least once in six months.8 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (ii) Ordinarily two week notice shall be given to the members of the Board of a proposed meeting. Notice together with a list of business proposed to be transacted approved by the Chairperson shall be sent to every member of the State Board, through e-mail or registered post or speed post or by special messenger. (iii) In case when the Chairperson calls an emergency meeting of the Board for considering any matter which is urgent, a notice with such reasonable time shall be sent to every member through e-mail or by registered post or speed post or special messenger. (iv) No business other than for which the meeting of the Board has been convened shall be transacted at the meeting except with the permission of the Chairperson.(8) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board unless at least seven members are present in that meeting which shall include at least one non-o cial member: Provided that if at a meeting, less than seven members are present, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting to another date informing the members present and giving notice to the other members that he proposes to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting whether there is prescribed quorum or not, and it shall there upon be lawful for him to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting irrespective of the number of members attending.(9) Every matter which the Board is required to take into consideration shall be considered at a meeting of the Board, or if the Chairperson so directs, by sending the necessary papers to every member for opinion, and the matter shall be disposed of in accordance with that decision of the majority: Provided that where there is no opinion of majority on a matter and the members of the Board are equally divided, the Chairperson shall have a second or a casting vote.(10) (i) The minutes of each meeting showing inter-alia the names of the member present there, shall be forwarded to each member of the Board and to the Government as soon as possible and in any case not later than four weeks after the meeting. (ii) The minutes of each meeting of the Board shall be signed by the Chairperson. (iii) The minutes of the meeting shall be con rmed, with such modi cation if any, at the next meeting. (iv) The minutes of a meeting of the Board shall be kept in separate Book.(11) The Member Secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairperson, issue notice to convene meetings of the Board and keep record of minutes and shall take necessary steps for carrying out the decision of the Board.13. Resignation.- (1) A member of the Board, not being an ex-o cio member, may resign by a letter in writing addressed to the Government. (2) The seat of such a member shall fall vacant from the date on which his resignation is acceptedby the Government or on the expiry of thirty days from the date of receipt of intimation of resignation, whichever is earlier.14. Cessation of membership.- (1) If any member of the Board, not being an ex-o cio member, fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board, without obtaining the leave sanctioned by the Chairperson of the Board for such absence, he shall cease to be a member of the Board: Provided that the Chairperson may, if it is satis ed that such member was prevented by su cient cause from attending three consecutive meetings, direct that such cessation shall not take place and on such direction being made, such member shall continue to be a member of the Board. (2) A member nominated shall cease to be a member of the Board if he ceases to represent the category of interest from which he was so nominated.15. Disquali cation for membership.- A person shall be disquali ed for being a member of the Board- (i) if he is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent authority; (ii) if he is an un-discharged insolvent; or (iii) if he has been convicted for an o ence, having a penalty of imprisonment of three months or more.16. Removal from membership.- The Government may remove any member of the Board, if in its opinion such member has ceased to represent the interest which he purports to represent the Board. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 917. Travelling Allowances of Members. - (1) The travelling allowance of an o cial member of the Board shall be governed by the rules applicable to him for journey performed by him on o cial duties and shall be paid by the authority paying his salary as approved by the Board. (2) The Board shall be treated as a rst class committee and members of the Board other than the o cial members shall be paid travelling allowance and daily allowance at such rates admissible to the non-o cial members of the rst class committee.18. Safety Committee under section 22. - (1) In every establishment,- (i) wherein two hundred and fty workers or more are ordinarily employed; or (ii) which carries on any hazardous process as de ned in clause (za) of section 2 or carries operation declared to be dangerous under the Code and employs fty or more workers; or (iii) which handles an hazardous substance as de ned in clause (h) of rule 2 and employs fty or more workers;shall constitute a safety committee consisting of representatives of employers and workers. (2)The tenure of the safety committee shall be two years. The safety committee shall meet at least once in every (3) The employer shall, within a period of fteen days from the date of receipt of the recommendations of the Safety Committee shall take action to implement the recommendations.19. Composition of Safety Committee .-(1)The representatives of the management on Safety Committee, shall consist of,- (i) A senior o cial, who by his position in the organisation can contribute e ectively to the functioning of the Committee, shall be the Chairman; (ii) A Safety O cer wherever available; and (iii) A representative each from the production, maintenance, human resource and purchase departments.(2) The workers representatives on this committee shall be as equal to the number of representatives of the management, as elected by the workers: Provided that there shall be adequate representation of the women workers in the committee.(3) The minutes of the meeting of the Safety Committee shall be recorded and produced to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator on demand.(4) Safety Committee shall have the right to be adequately and suitably informed of,- (i) potential safety and health hazards to which the workers may be exposed at workplace; (ii) data on accidents as well as data resulting from surveillance of the working environment and of the health of workers exposed to hazardous substances.(5) Function and duties of the Safety Committee shall include,- (i) assisting and co-operating with the management in achieving the aims and objectives outlined in the Safety and Health Policy (ii) dealing with all matters concerning health, safety and environment and to arrive at practicable solutions to problems encountered; (iii) creating safety awareness amongst all workers; (iv) undertaking educational, training and promotional activities; (v) discussing reports on safety, environmental and occupational health surveys, safety audits, risk assessment, emergency and disaster management plans and implementation of the recommendations made in the reports; (vi) carrying out health and safety surveys and identifying causes of accidents; (vii) looking into the matters likely to cause danger to the safety and health of the workers and suggest corrective measures; and (viii) reviewing the implementation of the recommendations made by it.10 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY20. Safety O cer for Factory and Building and Other Construction Works.- (1) A person shall not be eligible for appointment as a safety o cer relating to factory or building or other construction work unless he possesses (i) a recognised degree in any branch of engineering or technology and has had practical experience in a supervisory capacity for a period of not less than two years; or (ii) a recognised degree in physics or chemistry and has had practical experience in a supervisory capacity for a period of not less than ve years; or (iii) a recognised diploma in any branch of engineering or technology and has had practical experience in a supervisory capacity for a period of not less than ve years; and (iv) possesses any Diploma in Industrial Safety conducted by any Institute under Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI), Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India (or) possesses a degree (or) a Diploma in Industrial Safety with equivalent syllabus and duration of not less than one year awarded by any university incorporated under the Central or State Acts or Department of Technical Education or Board of Technical Education of any State \/ Union Territories \/ Government of India; and (v) has adequate knowledge of Tamil Language:Provided that the employer shall ensure that the safety o cer appointed shall acquire adequate knowledge of the language spoken by majority of workers within one year from the date of such appointment.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), any person who (i) possesses a recognised degree or diploma in engineering or technology and has had experience of not less than ve years in a department of the Central or State Government which deals with the administration of the Factories, Building or other Construction Workers; or (ii) possesses a recognised degree or diploma in engineering or technology and has had experience of not less than ve years, full time, on training, education, consultancy, or research in the eld of accident prevention in industry or in any institution, shall also be eligible for appointment as a safety o21. Recruitment of Safety o cer.- (1) The post of Safety O cer to be lled in any factory or building and other construction work shall be advertised by the concerned employer in a prominent online job portal or at least in two newspapers having wide circulation in the State, out of which one newspaper shall be in Tamil and other in English: Provided that the vacancies in the post of Safety O cers in the Government establishments, Quasi-government establishments and Public undertakings shall be lled up based on the concerned establishments recruitment policy: Provided further that the o cers from the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, Government, may be posted as cers on deputation basis in which the procedures laid down in sub-rule (1) need not be followed: Provided also that when the post is proposed to be lled by transfer or promotion from among the members of stain the establishment or group of establishments belonging to the same employer, the Government Public Sector Undertaking or Government Establishment or Quasi Government Establishment, the vacancy shall be widely published among the prospective by suitable methods.(2) Selection for appointment to the post of Safety O cer by direct recruitment or by transfer or promotion or nomination shall be made from among the candidates applying for the post, through a selection committee appointed by the employer of the establishment.(3) The appointment of the Safety O cer, when made, shall be noti ed by the employer of the establishment to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, giving full details about the quali cations, age, pay and allowances, previous experience and other relevant particulars of the o cer appointed and the terms and conditions of the service applicable to him.22.Filling up of the vacancy of the post of Safety O cer. - Every vacancy in the post of Safety O cer caused by death, dismissal or discharge of the person holding such post or by any other cause, shall be forthwith noti ed by the Employer to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator and shall be lled up within three months of the occurrence of such vacancy.23. Number of safety o cers and conditions of service. - (1) The number of Safety O cers shall be appointed in an establishment as per the table below:- TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 11THE TABLE.No.Number of workers ordinarily employed in an EstablishmentNumber of Safety cers to be 1. Not exceeding 2000 1 (one)2. Above 2000 but not exceeding 50002 (Two)3. Above 5000 but not exceeding 80003 (Three)4. Above 8000 but not exceeding 100004 (Four)5. Above 10000 5 (Five)(2) When more than one Safety O cers are appointed, any one among them shall be designated as the Chief Safety Oand shall have the status higher than that of others. The Chief Safety O cer shall be in overall charge of the safety functions, ed in rule 24 and other Safety O cers shall work under his control.(3) The Chief Safety O cer or the Safety O cer in the case of the establishments where only one Safety O cer is required to be appointed, shall be given the status of a senior executive equivalent to the Head of Department and he shall work directly under the control of the Chief Executive of the establishment. All the Safety O cers shall be given appropriate status to enable them to discharge their functions e ectively.(4) The scale of pay and allowance to be granted to the Safety O cers including the Chief Safety O cer and the conditions of their service shall be the same as those of the other o cers of corresponding status in the establishment.(5) In the case of dismissal or discharge, the concerned Safety O cer shall have the right to appeal to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, whose decision thereon shall be nal and binding upon the employer of the establishment.(6) The appeal shall be preferred within thirty days from the date of the receipt of the order of dismissal or discharge by the Safety O cer concerned.24. Duties of Safety O cer.- The duties of the Safety O cers shall be to advise and assist the Establishment in the llment of its obligations, statutory or otherwise, concerning prevention of personal injuries and maintaining a safe working environment. These duties shall include the following, namely:- (1) to advise the concerned departments in planning and organising measures necessary for the e ective control of personal injuries;(2) to advise on safety aspects in all job studies and to carryout detailed job safety studies of selected jobs;(3) to check and evaluate the e ectiveness of the action taken or proposed to be taken to prevent personal injuries;(4) to advise the purchasing and stores departments in ensuring high quality and availability of personal protective equipment;(5) to advise on matters relating to carrying out of plant safety inspections ;(6) to carry out plant safety inspections in order to observe the physical conditions of work and the work practices and procedures followed by workers and to render advise on measures to be adopted for removing the unsafe physical conditions and preventing unsafe actions by workers;(7) to render assistance on matters relating to reporting and investigation of industrial accidents and occupational diseases ;(8) to investigate all accidents and near-miss incidents ;(9) to render assistance for the cases of industrial diseases contracted and in respect of dangerous occurrences speciin rule 8;(10) to render assistance on the maintenance of such records as are necessary relating to accidents, dangerous occurrences and industrial diseases ;(11) to organise in association with the concerned department or campaigns, competitions, contests and other activities which will develope and maintain the interest of the workers in establishing and maintaining safe conditions of work and procedure ; and(12) to design and conduct either independently or in collaboration with the training department, suitable training and educational programs for the prevention of personal injuries and for the propagation of safety awareness.12 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY25. Facilities to be provided to Safety O cer.- An employer of the establishment shall provide each Safety O cer with adequate technical and secretarial sta and other facilities, equipment and information as are necessary to enable him to discharge his duties e ectively and e ciently.26. Prohibition of performance of other duties.- No Safety O cer shall be required or permitted to do any work which is inconsistent with or detrimental to the performance of the duties prescribed in rule 24.CHAPTER V.Hours of Work and Annual Leave with Wages.27.Daily and weekly working hours under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section25.- (1) No worker shall be required or allowed to work in an establishment for more than forty eight hours in any week.(2) The period of work of a worker shall be so arranged that inclusive of his intervals for rest, shall not spread over for more than twelve hours in a day.(3) The periods of work of workers shall not exceed ve hours continuously and that no worker shall work for more than ve hours continuously before he has had an interval for rest of at least half an hour.28.Weekly day of rest under section26.- (1) For the purpose of section 26, there shall be posted up in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance or published in the website of every establishment a notice in Tamil, English and the language understood by majority of the workers showing the weekly day of rest. Where the weekly day of rest is not the same day for all persons employed in the establishment, the notice shall show the day of rest allowed to each relay, or set of persons or individual.(2) No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in an establishment on the weekly day of rest (hereinafter referred to as the said day), unless- (i) he has or will have a holiday for a whole day on one of the three days immediately before or after the said day; (ii) the employer of the establishment has, before the said day or the substituted day under clause (i), whichever is (a) delivered a notice at the o ce of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator of his intention to require the worker to work on the said day and of the day which is to be substituted; and(b) displayed a notice to that e ect in the establishment: Provided that no substitution shall be made which will result in any worker working for more than ten days consecutively without a holiday for a whole day.(3) Notices given under sub-rule (2) may be cancelled by a notice delivered at the o ce of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator and a notice displayed in the establishment or published in the website of establishment not later than the day before the said day or the holiday to be cancelled, whichever is earlier.(4) Where, in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (2), any worker works on the said day and has had a holiday on one of the three days immediately before it, the said day shall, for the purpose of calculating his weekly hours of work, be included in the preceding week.29. Compensatory holidays .-(1) Where, a worker is deprived of any of the weekly holidays for which provision is made under section 26, except in the case of worker engaged in any work which for technical reasons must be carried on continuously throughout the day, the compensatory holidays to be allowed under sub-section (3) of section 26 of the Code shall be so spaced that not more than two compensatory holidays are given in one week.(2) The employer of the establishment shall display, on or before the end of the month in which holidays are lost, a notice in respect of workers allowed compensatory holidays during the following month and of the dates thereof, at the place at which the notice of periods of work prescribed under section 31 is displayed. Any subsequent change in the notice in respect of any compensatory holiday shall be made not less than three days in advance of the date of that holiday.(3) Any compensatory holiday or holidays to which a worker is entitled shall be given to him before he is discharged or dismissed and shall not be reckoned as part of any period of notice required to be given before discharge or dismissal.30. Extra Wages for overtime under section 27.- (1) In pursuance of section 27 of Code, wherein an establishment a worker works for more than eight hours in any day or for more than forty-eight hours in any week, as the case may be, he shall in respect of such overtime work be entitled to wages at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of wages and shall be paid at the end of each wage period.(2) In calculating overtime on any day, a fraction of an hour between 15 to 30 minutes shall be counted as 30 minutes and in case of more than 30 minutes it shall be rounded and shall be counted as an hour on actual basis. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 13(3) In calculating the wages or earnings in the case of a worker paid by the month, the daily wages shall be 1\/26th of his monthly wages; and in the case of any other worker it shall be the daily wages or earnings as the case may be.(4) Total number of hours of work in any day shall not exceed twelve and the spread over for the workers shall not exceed fourteen hours in any one day under the following works and circumstances, namely:- (i) urgent repairs; (ii) work in the nature of preparatory or complimentary work; (iii) work which is necessarily so intermittent that the intervals during which they do not work while on duty ordinarily amount to more than the intervals for rest; (iv) work which for technical reasons must be carried on continuously; (v) engaged in making or supplying articles of prime necessity which must be made or supplied every day; (vi) engaged in a process which cannot be carried on except during xed seasons; (vii) engaged in a process which cannot be carried on except at times dependent on the irregular action of natural (viii) engaged in an engine-rooms or boiler-houses or in attending to power-plant or transmission machinery; (ix) engaged in process on account of the break-down of machinery; (x) engaged in the loading or unloading of railway wagons or lorries or trucks; (xi) exceptional pressure of work; and (xii) engaged in any work, which is noti ed by the Central Government in the O cial Gazette as a work of national importance. Provided that no worker shall be allowed to work overtime exceeding one hundred twenty ve hours in any quarter of a year.31. Restriction of double employment under section 30.- An adult worker may be employed in more than one factory on the same day with the previous approval of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator, subject to the following conditions:-(1) He shall not be employed for more than eight hours in all on any one day;(2) He shall receive a weekly holiday in accordance with the provisions of section 26;(3) Every worker who is required to work in another factory on the same day shall carry with him a card in which the following particulars shall be entered by the occupier of the rst factory:- (i) His normal periods of work as the notice of period of work, for the day. (ii) The period or periods he has worked in the rst factory for the day.(4) The occupier of the second factory in which he is to work for the rest of the day shall enter in the card the period or periods he has worked for the day in his factory. The occupier of both the factories in which the worker has worked for the day on the same day shall send to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator, an extract of the card mentioned above not later than three days from the date on which the worker has so worked in the two factories on the same day.32. Notice of periods of work under sub-section (2) of section 31.- The notice referred to insub-section (2) of section 31 shall be displayed at conspicuous places on a notice board or electronic board in Tamil, English and language understood by the majority of the employees in FORM VI and copy of such notice shall be sent to Inspector-cum-Facilitator electronically or by registered post.CHAPTER VI.Maintenance of Registers, Records and Returns.33. Maintenance and production of reports registers and other records under section 33.- (1) Every employer shall maintain register of workers, wages, overtime, ne, deduction for damage or loss in FORM VII electronically or manually and shall be kept available at an o ce or the nearest convenient building within the precincts of the establishment.(2) The employer or the contractor, as the case may be, shall maintain a muster roll of all the persons employed by him in the establishment in FORM VIII electronically or manually and entries shall be made at the commencement and completion of each period of work. The employer shall make it readily available for inspection to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator at all times during working hours.14 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(3) In case of manual registers and other records, entry shall be made with indelible ink in English or Tamil.(4) All reports, registers and other records shall be preserved in original for a period of three calendar years after the date of the last report or entry: Provided that when the original record is lost or destroyed before the expiry of three years period, true copies thereof, if available, shall be preserved for the prescribed period.(5) All reports, registers and other records shall be produced, electronically or manually or by registered post, on demand before the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or an Inspector-cum-Facilitator or any person authorised in that behalf of the Government.34. Display of notice board.- Every employer shall cause to display at the conspicuous place of the workplace or publish in the website of the establishment under his control, notice showing the name, address and registration number of the establishment, hours of work, wage period, date of payment of such wages, name, address and contact number of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction to such establishment and date of payment of unpaid wages to such workers in Tamil or English.35. Return.- Every employer of an establishment shall electronically submit annually a return relating to such establishment in FORM IX to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction through the Online Portal of Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health or Labour Department, as the case may be, so as to reach him not later than 31stJanuary following the end of each calendar year with a copy to Director General, Labour Bureau.36. Register of accidents and dangerous occurrences .-The registers of accidents and dangerous occurrences required by sub-clause (v) of clause (a) of section 33 of the Code shall be maintained electronically or manually in FORM X.37. Register of leave with wages under clause (a) of section33.- (1) The employer of every establishment shall maintain in respect of every worker thereof a record of leave with wages electronically or manually in FORM XI.(2) The register mentioned in sub- rule (1) shall be preserved for a period of three years after the last entry in them has been made and shall not be destroyed even after the expiry of that period unless it has been properly transferred to the new register.CHAPTER VII.Inspector-cum-Facilitator and other Authority.38. Power to take samples of any articles or substances under clause (x) of sub-section (1) of section 35.- (1) An Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall take samples or substances in an establishment after informing the employer \/ employerrepresentative of the establishment, taken in the manner hereinafter provided a su cient sample of any substance used or intended to be used in the establishment, such use being (i) in the belief of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator in contravention of any of the provisions of this Code or the rules made thereunder, or (ii) in the opinion of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator likely to cause bodily injury to, or injury to the health of employee in the establishment.(2) Where the Inspector-cum-Facilitator takes a sample under sub-rule (1), he shall, in the presence of the employer or s representative informed under that sub-rule unless such person willfully absents himself, divide the sample into three portions and e ectively seal and suitably mark them, and shall permit such person to add his own seal and mark thereto.(3) The person informed as aforesaid shall, if the Inspector-cum-Facilitator so requires, provide the appliance for dividing, sealing and marking the sample taken under this rule.(4) The Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall,- (i) forthwith give one portion of the sample to the employer or employer representative; (ii) forthwith send the second portion to a Government laboratory or National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) accredited laboratory for analysis and report thereon; and (iii) retain the third portion for production to the Court before which proceedings, if any, are instituted in respect of the substance.(5) Any document purporting to be a report under the hand of any Government Analyst or NABL accredited laboratory upon any substance submitted to him for analysis and report under this rule, may be used as evidence in any proceeding instituted in respect of the substance.39. Powers and duties of Inspector-cum-Facilitator under clause (xiv) of sub-section (1) of section 35.- (1) If it appears to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator that any building or part of a building or any part of the ways, machinery or plant in a factory or any building or other construction work is in such a condition that it is dangerous to human life or safety or health, he may serve on the occupier of the factory or employer of the building or other construction work, an order in writing specifying the measures which in his opinion should be adopted and requiring them to be carried out before a speci ed date. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 15(2) If it appears to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator that the use of any building or part of a building or any part of the ways, machinery or plant in a factory or any building or other construction work involves imminent danger to human life or safety or health, he may serve on the occupier of the factory or employer of the building or other construction work an order in writing prohibiting its use until it has been properly repaired or altered.(3) Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall, after every inspection, as may be deemed necessary, issue improvement notice pointing out the non-compliance of provisions of safety, health and working conditions under the Code, and rules and regulations framed there under, to the employer of the establishment.40. Appointment of Medical o cer under sub-section (1) of section 42.- The Medical O cer shall be a medical practitioner who possesses any recognised medical quali cation as de ned in the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 (Central Act 30 of 2019) and who is enrolled on a Indian Medical Register as de ned in clause (e) and on a State Medical Register as dein clause (l) of section 35, 36, 37 and 40 of the said Act.41. Duties of Medical O cer under sub-section (2) of section 42.- (1) On receipt of a reference under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 42 of the Code, the Medical O cer shall, after giving prior notice regarding date, time and place for medical examination and upon examining the person sent for such examination, prepare the age and tness certi cate and deliver the same to the employer of the establishment concerned after retaining a copy thereof.(2) The medical o cer may seek opinion of specialists like radiologist, dentist and orthopaedic surgeon as the case may be.(3) Medical O cer shall carry out such examination and furnish such report as the Director of Industrial Safety and Health or Commissioner of Labour may direct- (i) for examination and certi cation of workers in an establishment in such dangerous occupation or hazardous processes ed in the First Schedule to the Code; (ii) for medical supervision of any establishment or class of establishment where cases of chronic occupational illness have occurred due to arduous nature of any process carried on or hazardous condition of work; (iii) in respect of any establishment or class of establishment or description of establishment in which operations involve any risk of injury to the health of any person or class of persons employed therein; (iv) to undertake occupational health survey for any or class of an establishment, where cases of illness have occurred or there is prevalence of diseases as prescribed in the Third Schedule of the Code; and (v) to assess the age and issue tness of adolescent for employment in an establishment or class of establishment.CHAPTER VIII.Special Provision relating to Employment of Women.42. Employment of Women in establishment under section 43.- The following conditions shall be met for employment of women before 6.00 a.m. and beyond 7.00 p.m in any day, namely:-(1) the consent of women employee shall be taken;(2) No women shall be employed against the maternity bene t provisions laid down under the Social Security Code, 2020 (Central Act 36 of 2020);(3) Adequate transportation facilities shall be provided to women employee to pick-up and drop such employee at her residence;(4) The workplace including passage towards conveniences or facilities concerning toilet, washrooms, drinking water, entry and exit of women employee should be well-lit;(5) The toilet, washroom and drinking facilities should be near the workplace where such women employees are employed;(6) Sanitary napkins of adequate quantity conforming to relevant Indian Standards formulated by Bureau of Indian Standards shall be provided and maintained in the womens toilets for their use, and the same shall be replenished on daily basis;(7) Disposable bins with lids shall be provided within the womens toilets for the collection of the used sanitary napkins. The used sanitary napkins shall be disposed o in a safe, hygienic and eco-friendly process by using suitable electrical incinerator;(8) Provide safe, secure and healthy working condition such that no women employee is disadvantaged in connection with her employment; and(9) The provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (Central Act 14 of 2013), as applicable to the establishments, shall be complied with.16 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY43. Adequate safety of employment of women under section 44.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any rule made under the Code, every woman employed in manufacturing process wherein dust or fume or other impurity is given oshall be provided with suitable respirator, nose mask etc.,(2) No woman worker shall be engaged to work near the machinery in motion without wearing head cap, apron and suitable overcoat so as to avoid the risk of bodily injury from any moving part.(3) Notwithstanding the provisions under clause (iv) of sub-section (1) of section 24, suitable arrangements for sitting shall be provided and maintained separately for all women obliged to work in the standing position, in order that they may take advantage of any opportunities for rest which may occur in the course of their work.(4) As far as practicable woman worker shall not be engaged in any workplace involving poor ergonomics detrimental to the safety and health.(5) The employer carrying on hazardous process and dangerous operations shall disseminate the information to every woman in relation to dangers, physical and health hazards arising from the exposure, handling, transportation, storage and other processes involved therein and such information shall be in Tamil and in the language understood by every woman.CHAPTER IX.Contract Labour.44. Conditions of Licence under sub-section (3) of section 47.- (1) The contractor shall ensure that- (i) the hours of work shall conform to section 25 of the Code. (ii) the wages shall be paid in accordance with the Code on Wages, 2019 (Central Act 29 of 2019).(2) The contractor shall intimate within fteen days of the receipt of a contract work order about the details of the contract work order and in the manner as under rule 51.(3) (i) If contract worker of the contractor is working at the premises of the principalemployer then it shall be the responsibility of the principal employer to maintain in his establishment health, safety and working conditions and to provide the welfare facilities speci ed under sections 23 and 24 of the Code. (ii) All other facilities and entitlements shall be provided by the contractor.(4) In case, the contractor fails to make payment of minimum wages to the contract worker, then the authority notiunder sub-section (1) of section 45 of the Code on Wages, 2019 (Central Act 29 of 2019), who shall cause such payment to be made to the contract workers.45. Form and manner of application for common licence under sub-section (1) of section 48.- Every application by a contractor for the grant of a common licence shall be made,-(1) in case of factory or building and other construction works, electronically through the Online Portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health;(2) in case of establishments other than factory or building and other construction works, electronically through the Online Portal of Labour Department,in FORM XII to the licensing authority noti ed under sub-section (1) of section119 of the Code along with online payment of the appropriate licence fee speci ed in rule 47.46. Forms, terms and conditions of licence.- (1) Every licence granted shall be in FORM XIII .(2) Every licence granted or renewed is subject to the following conditions, namely: (i) the licence shall be non-transferable; (ii) the number of workers employed as contract labour by the contractor shall not, on any day, exceed the maximum number speci ed in the licence; (iii) save as provided in these rules, the fees paid for the grant, or as the case may be, for renewal of the licence shall be non-refundable; (iv) the rates of wages payable to the workers by the contractor shall not be less than the rates prescribed under the Code on Wages, 2019 (Central Act 29 of 2019) and where the rates have been xed by agreement, settlement or award, not less than the rates so 47. Procedure for issue of licence under sub-section (2) of section 48.- (1) Before a licence is issued, an amount calculated at the rate of Rupees Five hundred for each of the workmen to be employed as contract labour, in respect of which TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 17the application for licence has been made, shall be deposited as security deposit by the contractor for due performance of the conditions of the licence and compliance with the provisions of the Code or the rules made there under.(2) The amount of security deposit to be deposited under sub-rule (1) shall be paid through the Online Portal of Directorate Of Industrial Safety and Health or Labour Department.(3) Wherein the issued contract licence had expired, based on the request of the applicant inFORM XII , the licensing o cer may adjust the security deposit in respect of his application for new licence.(4) The fees to be paid for the grant of a licence shall be as speci ed in the table below, namely:-(1)Number of contract labour(in rupees)1 50 to 100 150002 101 to 250 200003 251 to 500 300004 501 to 1000 400005 1001 to 5000 500006 5001 and above 6000048. Renewal of licence under section 48.- (1) Every contractor shall apply electronically to the appropriate licensing authority for renewal of the licence in FORM XII .(2) Every such application shall be submitted on the said portal under rule 47, at least thirty days prior to expiry of licence (3) The security deposit and the fee chargeable for renewal of the licence shall be the same as for the grant of licence under rule 47: Provided that if the application for renewal is not received within the time speci ed in sub-rule (2), an additional fee of twenty ve per cent, shall be payable for such renewal.(4) Licence issued under this rule shall be valid for a period of ve consecutive calendar years commencing from the year in which the licence is renewed.49. Refund of security deposit.- (1) On expiry of the period of licence the contractor may, if he does not intend to have his licence renewed further, make an application electronically to the licensing authority for the refund of the security deposited by him along with copy of licence and notice of completion of work.(2) If the Licensing Authority is satis ed that there is no breach of the conditions of licence or there is no order for the forfeiture of security deposit or any portion thereof, he shall direct the refund of the security deposit to the applicant.(3) If there is any order directing the forfeiture of any portion of contractors security deposit, the amount to be forfeited shall be deducted from the security deposit, and balance, if any, shall be refunded to the contractor.(4) Any application for refund shall, as far as possible, be disposed of within 30 days of the receipt of the application.50. Responsibility of contractor under sub-section (4) of section 48.- (1) The rates of wages payable to the workers by the contractor shall not be less than the rates prescribed under the Code on Wages, 2019 (Central Act 29 of 2019) and where the rates have been xed by agreement, settlement or award, not less than the rates (2) In case where the worker employed by the contractor perform the same or similar kind of work as the worker directly employed by the principal employer of the establishment, the wage rates, holidays, hours of work and other conditions of service of the workers of the contractor shall be the same as applicable to the workers directly employed by the principal employer of the establishment on the same or similar kind of work. In case of any dispute whether the work is of similar kind, the matter be referred to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator whose decision shall be (3) In other cases the wage rates, holidays, hours of work and conditions of service of the workers of the contractor shall be such as speci ed under the Code and rules made thereunder.(4) All contract labour shall be made member of Employees Provident Fund Organisation and Employees State Insurance Scheme subject to applicability as under respective provisions of the Code on Social Security, 2020 (Central Act 36 of 2020).18 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (5) The contractor shall notify in FORM XII any change in the number of workers or conditions of work or any other particulars already furnished to the Licensing Authority, electronically.51. Intimation of work order and time limit for intimation under sub-section (1) of section 50.- (1) Every contractor shall within fteen days of the receipt of a contract work order shall intimate about the contract work order containing the details such as the name of the principal employer, address of the premises where work is being undertaken, date of commencement of the contract work, the number of contract labour employed under that work order, duration of work orders.(2) The details of work order shall be sent by the contractor or his authorised representative.(3) The intimation shall be sent electronically on the Online Portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health or Labour Department as the case may be.52. Manner of suspending or cancelling the Licence of contractor under sub-section (2) of section 50.- Whenever it comes to the knowledge of the appropriate licensing authority that any contractor has not given intimation as required under sub-section (1) of section 50, it may start the proceeding to cancel or suspend the licence following the procedure herein after mentioned: -(a) the licensing authority shall issue a show cause notice to the contractor, electronically or otherwise, to explain his conduct;(b) the contractor shall reply to the notice given under clause (a) within the time limit speci ed in such notice; and(c) the licensing authority shall examine such reply and shall pass speaking orders.53.Amendment of licence under sub-section (2) of section 51.- Every contractor shall apply to the appropriate licensing authority for the amendment of licence in FORM XII through the online portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health or Labour Department as the case may be along with an additional fee payable as per the Table in sub-rule (4) of rule 47 and an additional amount of security deposit at the rate of ve hundred rupees for every additional workman employed as Contract 54. Single Licence for Contractor in more than one establishment in the State.- (1) The contractor opting for a single licence for supplying or engaging contract labour undertaking or executing the contract works under sub-sections (1) or sub-section (2) of section 47,-(i) in case of more than one factory or building and other construction works located in di erent locations in the State, shall apply electronically on the Online Portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health;(ii) in case of more than one establishments other than factory or building and other construction works located in dilocations in the State, shall apply electronically on the Online Portal of Labour Department,in FORM XII to the licensing authority as noti ed by the Government under sub-section (1) of section 119 of the Code along with the licence fees of each establishment involved therein.(2) All the provisions of rules 44 to 53shall mutatis mutandis apply in case of the single licence granted under sub-rule (1).55. Responsibility of Payment of wages under section 55.- (1) The contractor shall x the wage periods in respect of which wages shall be payable and no wage period shall exceed one month. (2) The wages of every person employed as contract labour in an establishment or by a contractor shall be paid before the expiry of seventh day after the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable.(3) The wages shall be disbursed through bank transfer or electronic mode only.56. Making payment of wages from the security deposit amount under sub-section (4) of section 55.- If the contractor or principal employer does not pay the wages to the contract labour employed by him, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or his representative or the competent o cer as may be noti ed by the Government shall conduct or cause to conduct, an inquiry and after giving an opportunity to be heard to the contractor shall pass an order to make payment if any, of such wages from the amount deposited by the contractor as security deposit. The contractor shall re-furnish the security deposit within a period fteen days or else his licence will be liable to be suspended.57. Experience Certi cate under section 56.- Every concerned contractor shall issue on demand, experience certiin FORM XIV to the contract labour giving details of the period, work performed, experience gained in various elds performed by such contract labour.58. Prohibition of employment of contract labour under sub-section (2) of section 57.- (1)If a question arises as to whether any activity of an establishment is a core activity or otherwise, the aggrieved party may make an application in FORM XV giving reasons along with supporting documents to the Secretary, Labour Welfare and Skill Development Department of the Government.(2) The Government shall refer the matter to the designated authority. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 19(3) The designated authority shall examine and report to the Government within fteen days from the date of receipt.(4) The Government shall pass an order based on the report received from the authorities referred in sub-rule (2), within fteen days.CHAPTER X.Inter-State Migrant Worker.59. Journey allowance to Inter-State Migrant Worker under section 61.- The employer shall pay to every inter-state migrant worker employed in his establishment, in a year a lump sum amount of fare for to and from journey to his native place from the place of his employment based on the following conditions, namely:- (1)The minimum service of the worker entitled for journey allowance shall be one hundred and eighty days; (2) The journey allowance shall be provided for minimum sleeper fare by train; and (3) The employer shall pay a lump sum amount of one hundred rupees per family member per day for the period of travel of the worker (if family is staying with him at the location of his workplace) for food during the journey.60. Setting up of a Toll Free helpline number to the inter-state migrant worker under section 63 .-A Toll-Free help-line number shall be provided by the Government to address queries and grievances of the inter-state migrant workers.61. Study of inter-state migrant workers under section 64.- The Government may identify the studies to be carried out to promote safety, health and welfare of inter-state migrant workers.CHAPTER XI.Audio-Visual Workers.62. Authority to whom the copy of the agreement for Audio- Visual worker shall be forwarded by the producer under sub-section (3) of section 66.- The agreement for the audio-visual workers with the producer shall be registered with the competent authority as may be noti ed by the Government. A copy of the agreement with respect to the employment of the audio-visual worker shall, if such audio-visual worker is covered under the provision of any enactment for the time being in force for providing the bene t of provident fund to him, also be forwarded by the producer of the audio-visual program electronically on the designated portal of the Government, or by registered post, to the Joint Commissioner of Labour having jurisdiction.63. Procedure for reference of disputes to a Conciliation O cer or a Tribunal under sub-section (4) of section 66.-The procedure for reference of disputes to a Conciliation O cer or a Tribunal shall be in conformity with the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (Central Act 35 of 2020) and rules framed thereunder.CHAPTER XII.Beedi and Cigar Workers.64. Application for grant of Licence under sub-section (2) of section 74.- (1) Every application under sub-section (2) of section 74 for a Licence to use or allow to be used in any place or premises as an industrial premises for Beedi and Cigar establishments shall be made electronically to the Licensing Authority as noti ed by the Government through Online Portal of Labour Department in FORM XVI .(2)The applicant shall ll the application and upload the following documents namely:-(a) Plans showing,- (i) the site of such place or premises, the areas therein to be used for manufacturing processes and the immediate surroundings of such place or premises, including adjacent buildings, structures, roads, drains and the like ; and (ii) the plan, elevation and necessary cross-sections of the details relating to natural lighting, ventilation, means of escape in case of re, position of the plant and machinery, if any, used aisles and passage ways in or in relation to the various buildings which are intended to be used for manufacturing processes ; and(b) Appropriate fee for the licence as speci ed in sub-rule (1) of rule 68 should be paid online.(3) Before granting a licence, the Licencing Authority shall also take into consideration whether the site of any industrial premises is proposed to be altered or whether any industrial premises has been closed, by the applicant during the period of twelve months immediately preceding the date of the application with a view to causing prejudice to the interests of the labour.65. Form and terms and conditions of licence .-(1) A licence granted under this Chapter shall be in FORM XVII .(2)The terms and conditions subject to which such licence may be granted or renewed shall be the following, namely:-20 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (i) The manufacturing process shall be carried on only in that part of the premises speci ed in the licence; (ii) The total number of employees employed in the premises shall not on any day, during the period of the licence, exceed that speci ed in the licence; (iii) No machinery or power which has not been speci ed in the licence shall be used in the manufacturing process in the premises; (iv) No industrial premises reconstructed or extended subsequent to the grant or renewal of the licence shall be used as industrial premises except with the written permission of the Licensing Authority; (v) The licence shall not be transferable from one employer to another except in the cases and in accordance with the procedure speci ed in rule 69; (vi) The fees paid shall not be refunded except in the cases speci ed in sub-rule (2) of rule 68; (vii) The Licensing Authority shall, before granting the licence, satisfy himself that new branches were opened by management by way only to expand business, and shall take into account the history of such management closing and opening business in that area; (viii) The Licensing Authority may, in addition to the foregoing terms and conditions, determine and specify in the licence such other terms and conditions, in individual cases as it may deem necessary. (ix) Licence issued under this rule shall be valid for a period of ve consecutive calendar years commencing from the year in which the licence is granted.66. Renewal of licence. -(1) (i) Every application for the renewal of licence shall be in FORM XVII and apply electronically on the Online Portal of Labour Department to the Licencing Authority as noti ed for renewal of the licence. (ii) Every such application shall be submitted on the said portal atleast thirty days prior to expiry of licence period: Provided that if the application for renewal is not received within the time speci ed in sub-rule (2), an additional fee of 25% for renewal is sent within a period of one month from the date of expiry of licence, an additional fee of 50% for renewal is sent after the expiry of one month but within two month of date of the expiry of the licence, and an additional fee of 100% for renewal is sent after the expiry of two months and within three months from the date of expiry of licence in addition to the fees prescribed under sub-rule(1) of rule 68for the renewal of the licence shall be payable for such renewal.(2) Refusal to grant a licence in certain cases.- Subject to the provisions of section 74(4) of the Code, the concerned Inspector-cum-Facilitator may refuse to grant a licence if he is satis (i) that an online application is not accompanied by the documents; or (ii) that the conditions subject to suitability of the place or premises have not been complied with; or (iii) if not having the su nancial resources or nancial capacity to meet the demands arising out of the provisions of the laws for the time being in force relating to welfare of labour; (iv) if benami of any other person.67. Appeals under section 75. - (1) An appeal under section 75 of the Code shall be made electronically to the appellate authority as noti ed by the Government within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of the order sought to be appealed (2) The fees payable in respect of an appeal under section 75 of the Code shall be Rs.500\/-68. Fees.- (1) The fees to be paid for the grant or renewal of a licenc e under section 74 shall be as speci ed in the Table below:- TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 21THE TABLE.Fees for Industrial premises in which power driven machinery is used (in Rupees)Fees for Industrial premises in which power driven machinery is not used(in Rupees)SerialNumber 20 2,000 1,400(b) 21-50 5,500 3,400(c) 51-100 10,000 6,800 (d) 101-250 20,000 17,000 (e) 250 and above37,000 34,000(2) (i) If the Licensing Authority refuses to grant or renew any licence under section 74, it shall order the refund of the fees paid thereof. (ii) If no industry or manufacturing process connected with the making of beedi or cigar is carried on in an industrial premises at any time during the period of validity of the licence in respect thereof, the licence may within a period of three months from the last date of the nancial year for which the licence was granted or renewed, apply to the competent authority for the refund of the fee paid by him for such Licence and the competent authority shall, after making such enquiry as he may deem necessary and after satisfying himself about the correctness of the statements made in the application, order refund of (3) (i) A licence granted or renewed under the Code and these rules may be amended by the licensing authority on an application from the licensee; (ii) The application for the amendment of a licence shall be accompanied by.- (a) A statement indicating the nature of the amendment required; (b) A statement showing the change in particulars already furnished in FORM XVI under rule 64 which necessitate the application for amendment; (c) Fresh plans as provided in rule 64 in cases where the plans submitted with the original application no longer hold good; (d) the licence granted to be uploaded. (iii) The amount that would have been payable if the licence had originally been issued in the amended form deducting the fee originally paid for the licence. (iv) An application for the amendment of the licence shall be dealt with by the Licensing Authority in the same manner as an application for grant of a licence.69. Procedure on death or insolvency of Licensee.- (1) If a licensee dies or becomes insolvent, the person carrying on the business of such licensee shall apply through the online portal of the Labour Department for grant of licence in his own name for the unexpired period of the original licence within thirty days from date of death or insolvency.(2) The licensing authority shall, if approves it, enter the licence under his signature and endorsement to the e ect that the licence has been granted to the applicant.(3) An application for the licence under this rule shall be dealt with by the Licensing Authority in the same manner as an application for the grant of a licence.22 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY70. Single Licence for more than one beedi and cigar establishment in Tamil Nadu.- (1) The beedi and cigar establishment opting for a single licence under section 74, for engaging labour in more than one Beedi and cigar establishments located in various locations in Tamil Nadu, shall apply electronically on the Online Portal of Labour Department, in FORM XVI to the Licensing Authority as noti ed by the Government under sub- section (1) of section 119 of this Code along with the cumulative licence fees of each establishment involved therein.(2) All the provisions of rules 64to 69 shall apply mutatis mutandis in case of the single licence granted under sub-rule (1)71.Permission to work by employees outside industrial premises under section 76.- (1) The employer on behalf of the employees, who are engaged in wetting or cutting of beedi or tobacco leaves outside the industrial premises shall apply for permission to the licensing authority in the Online Portal of Labour Department.(2) The Licensing Authority on receipt of the application electronically in FORM XVIII may consider the following and issue permission electronically within seven days from the date of receipt of application:- (i) The employer who applies for the above permission shall have valid licence issued under section 74 for such (ii) The suitability of the place where it is proposed to be used for wetting or cutting of beedi or tobacco leaves. (iii) Wetting or cutting of beedi or tobacco leaves shall be carried on only in that place where permission is granted. (iv) The total number of employees employed by the employer for wetting or cutting of beedi or tobacco leaves outside the industrial premises shall not exceed the total number of workers for which issued under section 74. (v) The Licensing Authority may, in addition to the foregoing terms and conditions, determine and specify in the permission such other terms and conditions, in individual cases as it may deem necessary.(3) The employer shall maintain the record of the work permitted under sub-rule (2) to be carried outside the industrial premises inFORM XVIII-A , Home workers Log Book in FORM XVIII-B , Service Book in FORM XVIII-C , Register of Service Book inFORM XVIII-D , Home worker-Employment Register in FORM XVIII-E and Home worker-Overtime register in FORM XVIII-F.CHAPTER XIII.Factories.72. Approval of site, construction or extension of a factory.- (1) (i) No site shall be used for the location of a factory or no building in a factory be constructed, reconstructed extended or taken into use as a factory or part of a factory, or no installation of plant or machinery carried out in a factory without the previous permission in writing of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator as the case may be. The previous permission of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator as the case may be shall also be obtained for the installation of additional machinery or for the installation of prime movers exceeding the horse-powers already installed in the factory. (ii) The ChiefInspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator as the case may be may require, for the purpose of the Code, submission of plans of building\/premises to be taken in use as a factory which was either in existence on the date of commencement of the Code or which had been constructed or extended since then.(2) Application for such permission or submission of plans shall be made in FORM XIX through Online Portal of Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health. It shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely:- ow chart of the manufacturing, process supplemented by a brief description of the process in its various stages, including the chemicals used, if any, in the various stages of the process and the steps proposed to be taken for eremoval of dust, fumes, gases and regarding the proper and e ective disposal of trade wastes and e (ii) plans drawn to scale showing,- (a) the site of the factory and immediate surroundings including adjacent buildings and other structures, roads, drains, and the like ; and (b) the plan elevation and necessary cross sections of various buildings indicating all relevant details relating to natural lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of re. The plans shall also clearly indicate the position of the plant and machinery, aisles and Passageways. (iii) a certi cate from the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, to the e ect that the arrangements made for disposal of industrial liquid wastes, e uents and air pollutants in the case of complex chemical factories and regarding the steps taken for proper disposal of wastes and e uents are e (iv) such other particulars as the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be, may require. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 23(3) After examination of the documents referred to in sub-rule (2), the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be, may accord the permission applied for: Provided that the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator as the case may be, may call for such other particulars as he may require before according such permission: Provided further that the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be, may accord such permission electronically subject to such conditions as considered necessary.(4) The fact that the permission applied for is accorded shall be noted on the plans and speci cations and shall be signed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be. One copy of each of the said plans and speci cations shall be returned electronically to the applicant.(5) (i) A factory or part of a factory constructed, reconstructed, extended or taken into use, shall be in accordance with the plans approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be and shall satisfy the conditions subject to which the plans have been approved. (ii) No machine or prime mover or a permanent xture not shown in the plans approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be, shall be installed, xed or used in any factory except in replacement of any machine, prime mover or a permanent xture not occupying oor area than that already shown in the approved plans.(6) Plans which have already been approved by the Chief \/ Joint Chief \/ Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator under the Factories Act, 1948 (Central Act 63 of 1948) before the coming into force of these rules, shall be deemed to have been approved under these rules.(7) The plans approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be, shall be readily available in the factory for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(8) The plans and layouts of factory buildings sent to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Joint Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator or Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, as the case may be for approval under this rule shall be prepared by a person possessing a diploma or degree in Engineering.(9) No manufacturing process shall be carried on in any factory constructed, extended or taken in to use as a factory or part of a factory until a Certi cate of Stability in FORM XX in respect of the buildings has been sent by the occupier of the factory to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.Provided that the Certi cate of Stability sent by the occupier to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator as required in this rule shall be valid only for a period of three years from the date of its issue and within thirty days after the expiry of the said period, a fresh certi cate of stability shall be sent to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. cate of stability referred to in sub-rule (9) shall be signed by a competent person recognised by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator under rule 158 for that purpose. (10) An occupier shall not use any premises as a factory or carry on any manufacturing process in a factory unless a licence has been issued in respect of such premises and is in force for the time being73. Grant of licence for a factory.- (1) No premises shall be used as factory nor any manufacturing process carried on in any factory except under, and in accordance with, the licence granted under these rules.(2) An application for grant of a licence to a factory shall be submitted electronically to the jurisdictional Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator in FORM XXI through Online Portal of Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health.(3) The online application in FORM XXI shall be made with e-Payment of appropriate licence fee speci ed in the table appended hereto.(4) If the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator is satis ed that the licence may be granted, such licence shall be issued electronically in FORM XXII: Provided that the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may call for such other particulars as may be required before grant of such licence: Provided further that the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may grant licence subject to such conditions as considered necessary and which shall be speci ed in the licence.(5) The Occupier of a factory may opt to remit the licence fees for obtaining initial licence for a period up to fteen consecutive calendar years, instead of getting it renewed for every calendar year. Occupier shall make a speci c request in FORM XXI indicating the number of years for which licence is sought for. In such cases the fees payable for the grant of licence to a factory shall be proportionate to the annual fees as per the table multiplied by the number of years for which the licence is sought for.(6) If the licence fee is enhanced, the di erence between the enhanced fee and the fee already paid for the licence shall be paid from the date on which the amendment come into force.24 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (7) Every licence granted or renewed under this chapter shall remain in force up to and inclusive of the 31st December of the year for which the licence is granted or renewed.installed inclusive of Mobile EquipmentNumber of Persons employed on any day during the calendar yearto 910 to 100101 to 250251 to 500501 to 10001001 to 20002001 to 50005001 to 10000Above (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)(Fees Payable in Rupees)Nil Horse Power800 1600 2400 3200 7200 10800 24000 36000 66000 96000 120000Power1600 2400 3200 4800 10800 18000 48000 72000 108000 144000 180000Power2400 3200 4800 7200 18000 28800 72000 108000 144000 180000 216000Power3200 4800 7200 12000 28800 48000 108000 144000 180000 216000 240000Power4800 7200 12000 19200 48000 72000 144000 180000 216000 240000 264000Power7200 12000 16000 25600 72000 96000 180000 216000 240000 264000 288000Power12000 12800 25600 48000 96000 120000 216000 240000 264000 288000 312000Power12800 25600 48000 64000 120000 144000 240000 264000 288000 312000 336000 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 25installed inclusive of Mobile EquipmentNumber of Persons employed on any day during the calendar yearto 910 to 100101 to 250251 to 500501 to 10001001 to 20002001 to 50005001 to 10000Above (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)(Fees Payable in Rupees)Power25600 48000 64000 80000 144000 168000 264000 288000 312000 336000 360000Power48000 64000 80000 96000 168000 192000 288000 312000 336000 360000 384000Power64000 80000 96000 112000 192000 216000 312000 336000 360000 384000 408000Power80000 96000 112000 128000 216000 240000 336000 360000 384000 408000 43200074. Amendment of licence.- (1) The limits speci ed in the licence granted to a factory in regard to horse power or the number of persons employed shall not be altered or the name of the factory changed unless the licence has been amended by the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction over the area where the factory is situated.(2) An application for the amendment of a licence granted to a factory shall be submitted through Online Portal of Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health to the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction over the area where the factory is situated, specifying the nature of the amendment sought and the reasons therefor, prior to the date on which the applicant desires the amendment to take e ect, along with an additional fee payable as per the Table in sub-rule (7) of rule 73.(3) On the receipt of such application, the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may amend the licence suitably: Provided that the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may call for such other particulars as he may require before amending the licence: Provided further that the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may amend the licence subject to such conditions as he may consider necessary and which shall be speci ed in the licence.(4) The amendment made shall be incorporated in the licence.75. Renewal of licence.- (1) No premises shall be used as a factory nor any manufacturing process carried on in any factory except under, and in accordance with, the licence renewed under these rules.(2) The occupier of every factory licenced under rule 73, shall submit to the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction over the area where the factory is situated, an application in FORM XXI through Online Portal of Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, for the renewal of the licence. The online application for such renewal shall be made not less than two months before the date on which the licence expires.(3) The same fee shall be charged for the renewal of a licence as for the grant thereof: Provided that if the online application for renewal is not received within the time speci ed in sub-rule (2), the licence shall be renewed only on payment of Late fee of,-26 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (i) ten percentum of the fee payable, if the online application for the renewal is received in the month of November of the year for which the licence is granted or renewed; (ii) twenty percentum of the fee payable, if the online application for renewal is received in the month of December of the year for which the licence is granted or renewed; (iii) thirty percentum of the fee payable, if the online application for renewal is received after the expiry of the licence: Provided further that if the occupier of the factory opts to remit the fee for the renewal of licence for a period upto fteen consecutive calendar years instead of getting it renewed for every calendar year he shall indicate in FORM XXI , the number of years for which the licence is required.(4) If the online application has been made in accordance with this rule, the premises shall be held to be duly licenced until such date as the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may pass orders on the online application for the renewal.(5) If the licence fee is enhanced, the di erence between the enhanced fee and the fee already paid for the licence shall be paid from the date of on which the amendment come into force.76. Refusal to grant a licence in certain cases.- (1) Subject to the provisions of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 79 of the Code, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may refuse to grant a licence if he is satis (i) that an online application is not accompanied by the documents referred to in rule 73; or (ii) that the conditions subject to which permission was accorded under rule 72 have not been complied with; or (iii) that there is imminent danger to human life in the factory due to explosive or in ammable dust, gas or fumes and ective measures, in his opinion, have not been taken to remove such danger; or (iv) that there is imminent danger to human life due to the building or the entrances thereto or exists there from being in a dangerous or structurally unsound condition, and e ective measures in his opinion, have not been taken to remove the (2) Where a Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator is of the opinion that there is prima facie case to refuse to grant a licence for all or any of the reasons stated in sub-rule (1), he shall forward to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator the online application for grant of licence received from an occupier of the factory to pass such orders as he deems 77. Transfer of licence.- (1) The holder of a licence or any person carrying on the business of such licensee may, before expiry of the licence, apply through Online Portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health to transfer the licence to another person or to himself, as the case may be.(2) The Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator concerned, if he approves of the transfer, enter upon the licence under his signature, an endorsement to the e ect that the licence has been transferred to the person named: Provided that the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator concerned may call for such other particulars as he may require before e ecting the transfer: Provided further that the Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator concerned may e ect such transfer subject to such conditions as he may consider necessary and which shall be speci ed in the licence.(3) No person shall carry on the business unless the licence is transferred as per sub-rule (2) and the person carrying on the business shall be liable for penalty under the Code.78. Procedure on death or insolvency of Licensee.- ( 1) If a licensee dies or becomes insolvent, the person carrying on the business of such licensee shall apply through the online portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health for grant of the licence in his own name for the unexpired period of the original licence within thirty days from date of death or insolvency.(2) The Licensing Authority shall, if approves it, enter the licence under his signature and endorsement to the e ect that the licence has been granted to the applicant.(3) An application for the licence under this rule shall be dealt with by the Licensing Authority in the same manner as an application for the grant of a licence.79. Common Licence for Factories located in di erent locations in the State.- (1) The occupier opting for a common licence for more than one factory located in di erent locations in Tamil Nadu, shall apply electronically on the Online Portal of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health in FORM XXI to the licensing authority as noti ed by the Government under sub- section (1) of section 119 of this code along with the cumulative licence fees of each factory involved therein.(2) All the provisions of rules 73 to 78 shall mutatis mutandis apply in case of the common licence granted under sub-rule (1). TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 2780. Liability of owner of the premises under section 80.- The owner of the premises and the occupiers of the factories utilizing common facilities shall be jointly and severally responsible for provision and maintenance of.-(1) Latrines, urinals, washing facilities and drinking water in so far as the maintenance of the common supply of water for these purposes is concerned;(2) Safe maintenance of machinery and plant such as hoists and lifts, pressure plant belonging to the owner and not cally entrusted to the custody or use of an occupier;(3) Prevention of Overcrowding and provision for Disposal of wastes and e(4) Safety of buildings, internal roads, pits, sumps and openings in 81. Dangerous operations.- (1) The following operations when carried on in any factory are declared to be dangerous operations under section 82.-(1) Manufacture of aerated waters and other bottling processes;(2) Phosphating, Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by use of an electrolyte containing acids, bases or salts of metals such as chromium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver, gold etc;(3) Manufacture and repair of Electric Accumulators;(4) Glass manufacture;(5) Grinding or glazing of metals and processes incidental thereto;(6) Manufacture and treatment of Lead and certain compounds of Lead;(7) Generation of gas from dangerous petroleum;(8) Cleaning, Smoothing, Roughening etc., of articles by a jet of sand metal shot or grit or other abrasive propelled by a blast of compressed air or steam;(9) Liming and Tanning of raw hides and skins, Wet Leather nishing and processes incidental thereto;(10) Painting, Powder Coating and process incidental thereto;(11) Graphite Powdering;(12) Printing Press And Type Foundries - Certain Lead process carried on therein;(13) Cashew nut processing; (14) Dyeing, Stenciling, Printing and incidental processes;(15) Pottery;(16) Chemical Works;(17) Manufacture of Dichromates;(18) Compression of Oxygen and Hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water;(19) Manipulation of stone or any other material containing free silica;(20) Handling and processing of Asbestos, Manufacture of any article or substance of Asbestos and any other process of manufacture or otherwise in which asbestos is used in any form;(21) Handling and manipulation of Corrosive Substances;(22) Manufacture or Manipulation of Carcinogenic Dye Intermediates;(23) Process of Extracting Oils and Fats in Solvent Extraction Plants;(24) Fire Works Manufactories and Match Factories;(25) Manufacture or Manipulation of Manganese and its Compounds;(26) Carbon-Disulphide Plants;(27) Manufacture, handling and use of Benzene;(28) Operations involving High Noise and Vibration Levels;28 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(29) Manufacture or manipulation of dangerous pesticides;(30) Manufacture of Rayon by Viscose Process;(31) Flammable Lique ed or Compressed Gases and Highly Flammable Liquids;(32) Operations in Foundries and Furnaces;(33) Operations Involving Compressed Air Working Environment;(34) Welding, Soldering and Brazing;(35) Manufacturing and processing of textiles;(36) Processing of Rubber and plastic compounds;(37) Forging, Forming, Heat Treatment and incidental processes; and(38) Manufacturing of Paper, Paper boards and allied products.(2) (i) The fee for medical examination of employees by the Medical O cer as required by the Schedules annexed to this rule, shall be Rs.200\/- (Rupees two hundred only) for each examination of any such employee. (ii) The fee charged in clause (i) shall be exclusive of any charges for biological, radiological or other tests which may have to be carried out in connection with the medical examination. Such charges shall be paid by the occupier. (iii) The Occupier shall pay the fees through the Online Portal of Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health (DISH).(3) The provisions speci ed in the Schedules annexed hereto shall apply to any class or description of factories wherein dangerous operations speci ed in each schedule are carried out.(4) If in respect of any factory or a part thereof, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator is satis ed that owing to the exceptional circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or any of the schedules is not necessary for protection of the employees in the factory, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may by a certi cate in writing, which he may at his discretion revoke at any time, exempt such factory from all or any of such provisions subject to Such conditions, if any, as he may specify (5) Notwithstanding the provisions speci ed in the Schedules annexed to this rule, the Inspector-cum-Facilitator may by issue of orders in writing to the occupier, direct them to carry out such measures, and within such time, as may be specisuch order with a view to remove conditions dangerous to the health of the employees, or to suspend any process, where such process constitutes, in the opinion of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator, imminent danger of poisoning or toxicity.(6) Any register or record of medical examinations and tests connected therewith required to be carried out under any of the annexed Schedules I to XXXVIII in respect of any employee shall be kept readily available to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator and shall be preserved till the expiry of one year after the employee ceases to be in employment of the factory.(7) First employment means employment for the rst time in a hazardous process or operation so speci ed under section 82, or re-employment therein after cessation of employment in such process or operation for a period exceeding three calendar (8) Without prejudice to the medical examination mentioned in rule 6, the employees above 45 years of age shall be subjected to the medical examination as per the provisions of the annexed Schedules I to XXXVIII.(9) No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in the process area covered under the Schedules II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII,XIII,XIV,XV,XVI,XVII,XIX,XX,XXI,XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII, XXXIV and XXXVII withoutprejudice to the provisions contained in the schedules.82. Site appraisal committee.- (1) The Government may, for purposes of advising it to consider applications for grant of permission for the initial location of a factory involving a hazardous process or for the expansion of any such factory, constitute a Site Appraisal Committee consisting of-(a) the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator- Chairman;(b) a representative of the Central Pollution Control Board for the Prevention and Control of Water and Air Pollution under section 3 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Central Act 6 of 1974) and section 3 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981(Central Act 14 of 1981)(c) a representative of the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board for the Prevention and Control of Water and Air Pollution under section 4 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Central Act 6 of 1974) and section 5 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (Central Act 14 of 1981)- Member; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 29(d) a representative of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Forest in the State - Member;(e) a representative of the Meteorological Department of the Government of India- Member;(f) a representative of the Directorate of Town and Country Planning of the Government(g) an expert in the eld of occupational safety and health nominated by Government- Member;and not more than four other members who may be co-opted by the Chairman on the need basis who shall be-(h) two experts having specialised knowledge of the hazardous process which will be involved in the factory;(i) a representative of the local authority within whose jurisdiction the factory is to be established;(j) a representative nominated by the Central Government if any process relates to a factory owned or controlled by the Central Government or to a corporation or a company owned or controlled by the Central Government.(2) No member of the Site Appraisal Committee unless required to do so by a Court of Law, shall disclose otherwise than in connection with the purpose of Act, at any time any information relating to manufacturing or commercial business or any working process which may come to his knowledge during his tenure as a Member on this Committee.(3) The Site Appraisal Committee shall have power to call for any information from the person making an application for the establishment or expansion of a factory involving a hazardous process.(4) Applications for appraisal of sites- (i) Applications for appraisal of sites in respect of the Factories covered under the First Schedule under Section 2 (za) of the code shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Site Appraisal Committee. (ii) The application for site appraisal along with fteen copies thereof shall be submitted in the FORM XXVI . The Committee may dispense with furnishing information on any particular item in the Application Form if it considers the same to be not relevant to the application under consideration.(5) Functions of the Committee: (i) The Chairman shall arrange to register the applications received for appraisal of site in a separate register and acknowledge the same within a period of seven days. (ii) The Chairman shall x up meeting in such a manner that all the applications received and registered are referred to the Committee within a period of one month from the date of their receipt. (iii) The Committee may adopt a procedure for its working keeping in view of the need for expeditious disposal of applications. (iv) The Committee shall examine the application for appraisal of a site with reference to the prohibitions and restrictions on the location of industry and the carrying on of processes and operations in di erent areas as per the provisions of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Central Act 29 of 1986). (v) The Committee may call for documents, examine experts, inspect the site if necessary and take other steps for formulating its views in regard to the suitability of the site.83. Disclosure of information to workers.- (1) The Occupier of a factory carrying on a hazardous process shall supply to all workers the following information in relation to handling of hazardous materials or substances in the manufacture, transportation, storage and other processes:- (i) Requirements of sections 84 and 85 of the Code; (ii) A list of hazardous processes carried on in the factory; (iii) Location and availability of all Material Safety Data Sheets as per the annexed Schedule XXXIX; (iv) Physical and health hazards arising from the exposure to or handling of substances; (v) Measures taken by the occupier to ensure safety and control of physical and health hazards; (vi) Measures to be taken by the workers to ensure safe handling, storage and transportation of hazardous substances; (vii) Personal Protective Equipment required to be used by workers employed in hazardous process or dangerous operations; (viii) Meaning of various labels and markings used on the containers of hazardous substances;30 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (ix) Signs and symptoms likely to be manifested on exposure to hazardous substances and to whom to report; (x) Measures to be taken by the workers in case of any spillage or leakage of a hazardous substance; (xi) Role of workers vis-a-vis the emergency plan of the factory in particular the evacuation procedures; and (xii) Any other information considered necessary by the occupier to ensure safety and health of workers.(2) The information required by sub-rule (1) shall be compiled and made known to workers individually through supply of booklets or lea ets and display of cautionary notices at the work places.(3) The booklets, lea ets and the cautionary notices displayed in the factory shall be in the language understood by the majority of the workers, and also explain to them.(4) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may direct the Occupier to supply further information to the workers as deemed necessary.84. Disclosure of information to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.- (1) The Occupier of every factory carrying on \"hazardous process\" shall furnish in writing to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator a copy of all the information furnished to the (2) A copy of compilation of Material Safety Data Sheets in respect of hazardous substances used, produced or stored in the factory shall be furnished to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator and the local Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) The Occupier shall also furnish any other information asked for by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator from time to time for the purpose of this Code and these rules.85. Disclosure of information to the local authority.- The Occupier of every factory carrying on a hazardous processshall furnish the following information in writing to the Panchayat Unions, Townships, Municipalities or Corporations having jurisdiction over the target area in which the factory is situated,- (i)The information furnished to general public as prescribed in rule 86; (ii)A statement of the names and the quantities generally stored or in process of hazardous substances included in the list of chemicals prescribed under clauses (vi) and (vii) of sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act,1986 (Central Act 29 of 1986):Explanation.- The target area mentioned under this rule means the area which might be a ected by an accident.86. Disclosure of information to general public.- (1) The Occupier of every factory carrying on a hazardous process shall in consultation with the District Emergency Authority designated by the Government, take appropriate steps to inform the general public who are likely to be in the area which may be a ected by an accident. Such information shall include,- (i) Name of the factory and address where situated; (ii) Identi cation, by name and position of the person giving the information; (iii) Con rmation that the factory has approval from the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health and Pollution control board; (iv) An explanation in simple terms of a hazardous process (es) carried on in the premises; (v) The common names of the hazardous substances used which could give rise to an accident likely to a ect them, with an indication of their principal harmful characteristics; (vi) Brief description of the measures to be taken to minimize the risk of such an accident in compliance with its legal obligations under relevant safety statutes; (vii) Salient features of the approved disaster control measures adopted in the factory; (viii) Details of the factorys emergency warning system for the general public; (ix) General advice on the action, members of the public should take on hearing the warning; (x) Brief description of arrangements in the factory, including liaison with the emergency services, to deal with the foreseeable accidents of such nature and to minimize their e ects; and (xi) Details of where further information can be obtained.(2) The occupier shall also supply any further information,- (i) to general public as directed by the District Emergency Authority from time to time; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 31 (ii) to the elected representatives of the general public on request(3) The occupier shall endeavour to enter an agreement with the District Emergency Authority for the area, with in whose jurisdiction the factory is situated, for the District Emergency Authority to take appropriate steps to inform the general public outside the factory who are likely to be a ected by an accident as required in sub-rule (1).(4) The information in sub-rule (1) shall be in Tamil, English and in the language understood by majority of the public in the vicinity.87. Health and Safety Policy.- (1) The occupier of every factory, except as provided for in sub-rule (2), shall prepare a written statement of his policy in respect of health and safety of workers at work.(2) All factories,- (i) covered under section 2 (w) (i) of the Code but employing less than fty workers; (ii) covered under section 2 (w) (ii) but employing less than one hundred workers are exempted from requirements of sub-rule (1): Provided that they are not covered under the First Schedule under section 2 (za) or carrying out processes or operations declared to be dangerous under section 82 of the Code.(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may require the occupiers of any of the factories or class or description of factories to comply with the requirements of sub-rule (1), if, in his opinion, it is expedient to do so.(4) The Health and Safety Policy should contain or deal with,- (i) declared intention and commitment of the top Management to health, safety and environment and compliance with all the relevant statutory requirements; (ii) organisational set up to carry out the declared policy clearly assigning the responsibility at di erent levels; and (iii) arrangements for making the policy e(5) In particular, the policy should specify the following:- (i) arrangements for involving the workers; (ii) intention of taking into account the health and safety performance of individuals at di erent levels while considering their career advancement; xing the responsibility of the contractors, sub-contractors, transporters and other agencies entering the premises; (iv) providing a resume of health and safety performance of the factory in its Annual Report; (v) relevant techniques and methods, such as safety audits and risk assessment for periodical assessment of the status on health, safety and environment and taking all the remedial measures; (vi) stating its intentions to integrate health and safety, in all decisions, including those dealing with purchase of plant, equipment machinery and material as well as selection and placement of personnel; and (vii) arrangements for informing, educating and training and retaining its own employees at di erent levels and the public, wherever required;(6) A copy of the declared Health and Safety Policy signed by the occupier shall be made available to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator having jurisdiction over the factory and to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(7) The policy shall be made widely known by - (i) making copies available to all workers including contract workers, apprentices, transport workers, suppliers, etc.; (ii) displaying copies of the policy at conspicuous places; and (iii) any other means of communication in a language understood by majority of workers.(8) The occupier shall revise the Safety Policy as often as may be appropriate, but it shall necessarily be revised under the following Circumstances:- (i) Whenever any expansion or modi cation having implications on safety and health of persons at work is made; or (ii) Whenever new substance(s) or articles are introduced in the manufacturing process having implications on health and safety of persons exposed to such substances.32 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY88. Information on Industrial Wastes.- (1) The information furnished under rules 84 and 85 shall include the quantity of the solid and liquid wastes generated per day, their characteristics and the method of treatment such as incineration of solid wastes, chemical and biological treatment of liquid wastes, and arrangements for their nal disposal.(2) It shall also include information on the quality and quantity of gaseous waste discharged through the stacks or other openings and arrangements such as provision of scrubbers, cyclone separators electrostatic precipitators or similar such arrangement made for controlling pollution of the environment.(3) The Occupier shall also furnish the information in the sub-rules (1) and (2) to the State Pollution Control Board.89. Cautionary Notice to Public.- Notwithstanding anything contained on the information furnished by the occupier, a Cautionary notice showing all the information regarding danger, physical and health hazards and the measure to overcome such hazards arising from the exposure to hazardous substance like solid, liquid and gaseous products evolved by the hazardous process or discharged as waste or accidental release, quantity of hazardous chemicals shall be prominently displayed near the factory entrance gate. Such display shall be in Tamil and in the language understood by the majority of the general public in the vicinity.90. Making available Health Records to Workers.- (1) The Occupier of every factory carrying out an \"hazardous process\" shall make accessible the health records including the record of worker's exposure to hazardous process or, as the case may be, the medical records of any worker for his perusal under the following conditions:- (i) Once in every six months or immediately after the Medical examination whichever is earlier; (ii) If the Factory Medical Practitioner is of the opinion that the worker has manifested signs and symptoms of any able disease as speci ed in the Third Schedule of the Code; (iii) If the worker leaves the employment; (iv) If any one of the following authorities so direct- (a) An Inspector-cum-Facilitator noti ed under the code (b) District Health O (c) The Commissioner of Workmen's Compensation (d) The Director General, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (e) The Director, Employees' State Insurance Corporation (Medical Bene (f) The Director-General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes.(2) A copy of the up to-date health records including the records of worker's exposure to hazardous process or as the case may be, the medical records shall be supplied to the worker, on receipt of an application from him. X-ray plates and other medical diagnostic reports may also be made available for reference to his medical practitioner.91. Medical Examination.- (1) Workers employed in a \"hazardous process\" shall be medically examined by a qualimedical practitioner hereinafter referred to as Factory Medical Practitioner in the following manner: (i) Prior to employment, to ascertain the physical tness of the person to do the particular job. (ii) Once in a period of six months, to ascertain the health status of all the workers in respect of occupational health hazards to which they are exposed; and in cases where in the opinion of the Factory Medical Practitioner\/Inspector-cum-Facilitator it is necessary to do so at a shorter interval in respect of any workers. (iii) The details of pre-employment and periodical examinations carried out as aforesaid shall be recorded in the Health Register in FORM XXIV.(2) No person shall be employed for the rst time without a Certi cate of Fitness in FORM XXIII granted by the Factory Medical Practitioner. If the Factory Medical Practitioner declares a person un t for being employed in any process covered under sub-rule (1), such a person shall have the right to appeal to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator who shall refer the matter to the Medical O cer whose opinion shall be nal in this regard. If the Inspector-cum-Facilitator is also a Medical O cer, he may dispose of the application himself. ndings of the Factory Medical Practitioner revealing any abnormality or unsuitability of any person employed in the process shall immediately be reported to the Medical O cer who shall in turn, examine the concerned worker and communicate ndings to the occupier within thirty days. If the Medical O cer is of the opinion that the workers examined is required to be taken away from the process for health protection, he will direct the occupier accordingly, who shall not employ the said worker in the same process. However, the worker so taken away shall be provided with alternate placement unless he is in the opinion of the Medical O cer, fully incapacitated in which case the worker a ected shall he suitably rehabilitated. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 33(4) A Medical O cer on his own motion or on a reference from an Inspector-cum-Facilitator may conduct medical examination of a worker to ascertain the suitability of his employment in a hazardous process or for ascertaining his health status. The opinion of the Medical O cer in such a case shall be nal. The fee required for this medical examination shall be paid by the occupier.(5) The worker taken away from employment in any process under sub-rule (2) may be employed again in the same process only after obtaining the Fitness Certi cate from the Medical O cer and after making entries to that e ect in the Health Register.(6) The worker required to undergo medical examination under these rules and for any medical survey conducted by or on behalf of the Central or the State Government shall not refuse to undergo such medical examination.92. Occupational Health Centers.- (1) In respect of any factory carrying on \"hazardous process\" there shall be provided and maintained in good order an Occupational Health Centre with the services and facilities as per scale laid down hereunder:-(i) For factories employing upto one hundred workers.- (a) the services of a Factory Medical Practitioner on retainership basis, in his clinic to be noti ed by the occupier. He will carry out the pre employment and periodical medical examination as stipulated in rule 91 and render medical assistance during any emergency; (b) to have a minimum of ve persons trained in rst-aid procedure amongst whom at least one shall always be available during the working period; and (c) to have a fully equipped rst aid box.(ii) For factories employing hundred and one to two hundred and fty workers- (a) shall have an occupational health centre. It is suggested that it shall have a room with a oor area of fteen square meters with oors and walls made of smooth and imperious surface and adequate illumination and ventilation. It is suggested to have the equipments given in the Schedule annexed to this rule; (b) a part-time Factory Medical Practitioner shall be in overall charge of the centre who shall visit the factory atleast twice in a week and whose services shall be readily available during medical emergencies; (c) to have one quali ed and trained dresser-cum-compounder on duty throughout the working period; and (d) to have a fully equipped rst-aid box in all the departments.(iii) For factories employing above two hundred and fty workers- (a) one full time Factory Medical Practitioner for factories employing up to ve hundred workers and one more Medical Practitioner for every additional thousand workers or part thereof; (b) shall have an Occupational Health Centre. It is suggested that it shall have two rooms with a oor area of fteen sq. meters with oors and walls made of smooth and impervious surface and adequate illumination and ventilation. It is suggested to have the equipments given in the annexed Schedule XL; (c) there shall be one nurse, one dresser-cum-compounder and one sweeper-cum-ward boy throughout the working period; and (d) the Occupational Health Centre shall be suitably equipped to manage medical emergencies;(2) The Factory Medical Practitioner required to be appointed under sub-rule (1) shall possess any recognised medical cation as de ned in the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 (Central Act 30 of 2019) and who is enrolled on a Indian Medical Register as de ned in clause (e) and on a State Medical Register as de ned in clause (l) of section 35, 36, 37 and 40 of the Act and possess a certi cate of Training in Industrial Health of minimum three months duration recognised by the Government:Provided that- (i) a person possessing a Diploma in Industrial Health or equivalent shall not be required to possess the certi cate of training as aforesaid; (ii) the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may subject to such conditions as he may specify, grant exemption from the requirement of this sub-rule, if in his opinion a suitable person possessing the necessary quali cation is not available for appointment; (iii) in case of a person who has been working as a Factory Medical Practitioner for a period of not less than three years on the date of commencement of this rule, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may, subject to the condition that the said person shall obtain the aforesaid certi cate of training within a period of three years, relax the quali(3) The syllabus of the course leading to the above certi cate, and the organisations conducting the Course shall be approved by the Directorate-General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes or the Government in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Directorate-General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI).34 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(4) Within one month of the appointment of a Factory Medical Practitioner, the occupier of the factory shall furnish to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator the following particulars:- (i) name, address and enrollment number of the Factory Medical Practitioner; (ii) quali cations; (iii) experience, if any; and (iv) the sub-rule under which appointed.93. Ambulance Van.- (1) In any factory carrying on \"hazardous process\" there shall be provided and maintained in good condition, a suitably constructed ambulance van equipped with item as per sub-rule (2) and manned by a full-time Driver-cum-Mechanic and a Helper trained in rst-aid for the purpose of transportation of serious cases of accidents or sickness. The ambulance van shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose stipulated herein and will normally be stationed at or near to the Occupational Health Centre:Provided that a factory employing less than two hundred and fty workers, may make arrangements for procuring such facility at short notice from a nearby hospital or other places to meet any emergency.(2) It is suggested that the ambulance may have the following equipments:- (i) General,- (a) A wheeled stretcher with folding and adjusting devices with the head of the stretcher capable of being tilted (b) Fixed suction unit with equipment; (c) Fixed oxygen supply with equipment; (d) Pillow with case, Sheets, Blankets, Towels, Emesis bags, Bed pan, Urinal, Glass: (ii) Safety equipment,- (a) Flares with life of thirty minutes, Flood lights, Flash lights; (b) Fire Extinguisher dry powder type, Insulated gauntlets; (iii) Emergency Care Equipment,- (a) Resuscitation,-- Portable suction unit, portable oxygen units, Bag, Valve, Mask, and operated arti cial ventilation unit;- Airways, Mouthgags, Tracheotomy adapters, Short spine board, I.V. Fluids with administration unit;- B.P. Manometer, Cup, Stethoscope; (b) Immobilization,-- Long and short padded boards, Wire ladder splints;- Triangular bondage, Long and short spine boards; (iv) Dressings,- Gauze pads 4 x 4, Universal dressing 10 x 36; Roll of aluminum foils, soft roller bandages 6 x 5\" yards, Adhesive tape in 3 \"roll, Safety pins;Bandage Sheets; Burn sheet; (v) Poisoning,-Syrup of Ipecac, Activated charcoal pre-packeted in dozes, Snake bite kit, Drinking Water; (vi) Emergency Medicines,-As per requirement (under the advice of Medical Practitioner only).94. Decontamination facilities.- In every factory, carrying out hazardous process the following provisions shall be made to meet emergency:- TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 35 (i) Fully equipped rst-aid box; (ii) readily accessible means of water for washing by workers as well as for drenching the clothing of workers who have been contaminated with hazardous and corrosive substance; and such means shall be as per the scale shown in the Table THE TABLE.Number of Persons employed at any timeNumber of drenching showers(i) Up to 50 workers 2(ii) Between 51 to 200 workers2 + 1 for every additional 50 or part thereof.(iii) Between 201 to 500 workers5 +1 for every additional 100 or part thereof(iv) 501 workers and above8+1 for every additional 200 or part thereof (iii) A su cient number of eye wash bottles lled with distilled water of suitable liquid kept in boxes or cup-boards conveniently situated and clearly indicated by distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times. cations of Supervisors.- (1) All persons who are required to supervise the handling of hazardous substances shall possess the following quali cations and experience:- (i) (a) A degree in Chemistry or Diploma in Chemical Engineering or Technology with ve years experience; or (b) A Master Degree in Chemistry or a Degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology with two years experience.The experience stipulated above shall be in process operation and maintenance in the Chemical Industry. (ii) Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may require the supervisor to undergo training in Health and Safety.(2) The syllabus and duration of the above training and the organisations conducting the training shall be approved by the Director-General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes or the Government in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Director-General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes.96. Permissible levels of certain chemical substances in work environment.- Without prejudice to the requirements in any other provisions in the Code or these rules, requirements speci ed in the annexed Schedule XLI shall apply to all factories.97. Procedure in appeals.- An appeal presented under section 90 shall lie to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, or in cases where the order appealed against is an order passed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, to the Government and shall be in the form of memorandum setting forth concisely the grounds of objection to the order and bearing court fee stamp in accordance with Article 11 of Schedule II to the Court-fees Act, 1870 (Central act XVIII of 1870), and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against certi ed correct and attested by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator concerned and duly stamped under the same Code.98. Rule prescribed under sub-section (1) of section 91:(1) Person de ned to hold positions of supervision or management: (a) The following categories of persons shall be deemed to hold positions of supervision or management; (1) Directors; (2) Managers; (3) Assistant Managers; (4) Engineers; (5) Weaving Masters And Spinning Masters; (6) Head Electricians; (7) Labour Welfare O (8) Chief Chemist;36 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (9) Chief Metallurgists; (10) Chief Production Engineers; (11) Work Superintendents ; (12) Chief Security O (13) Fire O (14) Chief Accounts O (15) Chief Personnel O (16) Chief Public Relations O (17) Foreman; (18) Charge man; (19) Chief Draftsman; (20) Head Store-Keepers (21) Safety O (22) Human Resources Development O (23) Quality Assurance Personnel; (24) Sales Personnel; (25) Material Issue Personnel; and (26) Systems Analysts or Operators in Electronic Data Processing Section.(b) Any other person, who, in the opinion of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator of Factories, holds position of supervision or management.(2) Person de ned to hold con dential positions:(a) The following categories of persons shall be deemed to be employed in con (1) Stenographers; (2) Personal Assistants or Secretaries of Managers of Factories; (3) Time-Keepers; (4) Telephone Operators; (5) Personnel O (6) Human Resources Development Personnel; (7) Security O (8) Industrial Engineers; (9) Quality Assurance Personnel; (10) Sales Personnel; (11) Material Issue Personnel; and (12) Systems Analysis or Operators in Electronic Data Processing Section.(b) Any other person, who, in the opinion of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator of Factories, is employed in con dential (3) List to be maintained of persons holding con dential positions or supervision or management.- A list showing the names and designations of all persons referred to in this rule shall be maintained in every factory. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 37(4) Exemptions under sub-section (1) of Section 91.- Adult workers engaged in factories in column (2) of Schedule XLII on the work speci ed in column (3) of the said Schedule shall be exempted from the provisions of the sections speci ed in the column (4), subject to the conditions, if any, speci ed in the column (5) of the said Schedule.CHAPTER XIV.Plantation.99. Housing accommodation for plantation workers. -Every employer shall provide for every worker and his family residing in a plantation, housing accommodation as near as possible to the place of work.100. Standard and speci cation of housing accommodation.- All housing accommodation for workers in a plantation shall conform to such standards and speci cations as may be approved by the Government on the recommendation of the Plantation Advisory Committee constituted as per sub-section (3) of section 17 of the Code.101. Sites for housing accommodation .- (i) The housing accommodation shall be provided on dry well drained land which, consistent with the requirement regarding distance from the plantation, has supplies of wholesome drinking water within a reasonable distance. In malarial tracts, the house shall be provided at a safe distance from the swamps and marshes and above the highest ood level. (ii) Adequate electric lighting arrangements shall be provided by the employer in the houses provided for the workers and also in and around the area in which housing accommodation is provided. (iii) The employer shall maintain in good condition the approach roads and parts to the area where houses are located as also the sewers and drains in that area. (iv) The employer shall not deny the public free access to those parts of the plantation where the workers are housed. (v) The employer shall cause the vicinity of all houses to be kept clear of refuse and excreta and the latrines and drains to be cleaned out daily and all refuse in or near them to be collected, removed and disposed of hygienically. (vi) Adequate facilities of toilets with sewage, disposal shall be ensured by the employer.102. Constitution of Tamil Nadu State Plantation Advisory Committee under sub-section (3) of section 17.- (1) The member of the Tamil Nadu State Plantation Advisory Committee will be as follows:-A. OFFICIAL MEMBERS.- (i) The Commissioner of Labour, Chennai-6 Chairperson. (ii) The Chief Engineer (Buildings), Public Works Department, Chennai-5. (iii) The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Chennai. (iv) The Chief Inspector-cum- facilitator- Member Secretary.B. EMPLOYERS REPRESENTATIVES,- Seven representatives of employers to be nominated by the Government.C. EMPLOYEES REPRESENTATIVES ,- Seven representatives of Employees to be nominated by the Government.(2) The Tamil Nadu State Plantation Advisory Committee shall meet to advise the Government on issues mentioned in section 92 and 93 of the Code, and rules made there under relating to Plantation workers.(3) The tenure of non-o cial members referred in clause B will be three years.(4) The Plantation Advisory Committee will be treated as First Class Committee for the travelling allowances applicable to cial members.(5) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator for plantations, Chennai is the Counter Signing Authority for the travelling allowance bills for non-o cial members.(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, a member of the Committee will continue to hold o ce during the pleasure of the State Government.(7) If a member changes his address, he shall notify his new address to the Member Secretary of the Committee who shall there upon enter his new address in the o cial records.(8) When a vacancy occurs or is likely to occur on completion of the term of the member in the membership of the Committee or resignation of a member or due to removal, the Member Secretary shall submit a report to the Government to nominate a person to ll the vacancy.38 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (9) (i) The Committee shall meet at such places and at such times as may be decided by the Chairperson and it shall meet at least once in six months. (ii) Ordinarily two week notice shall be given to the members of the Committee of a proposed meeting. Notice together with a list of business proposed to be transacted approved by the Chairperson shall be sent to every member of the State Committee, through e-mail or registered post or speed post or by special messenger. (iii) In case when the Chairperson calls an emergency meeting of the Committee for considering any matter which is urgent, a notice with such reasonable time shall be sent to every member through e-mail or by registered post or speed post or special messenger. (iv) No business other than for which the meeting of the Committee has been convened shall be transacted at the meeting except with the permission of the Chairperson.(10) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Committee unless at least seven members are present in that meeting which shall include at least one non-o cial member: Provided that if at a meeting, less than seven members are present, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting to another date informing the members present and giving notice to the other members that he proposes to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting whether there is prescribed quorum or not, and it shall there upon be lawful for him to dispose of the business at the adjourned meeting irrespective of the number of members attending.(11) Every matter which the Committee is required to take into consideration shall be considered at a meeting of the Committee, or if the Chairperson so directs, by sending the necessary papers to every member for opinion, and the matter shall be disposed of in accordance with that decision of the majority: Provided that where there is no opinion of majority on a matter and the members of the Committee are equally divided, the Chairperson shall have a second or a casting vote.(12) (i) The minutes of each meeting showing inter-alia the names of the member present there, shall be forwarded to each member of the Committee and to the State Government as soon as possible and in any case not later than four weeks after the meeting. (ii) The minutes of each meeting of the Committee shall be signed by the Chairperson. (iii) The minutes of the meeting shall be con rmed, with such modi cation if any, at the next meeting. (iv) The minutes of a meeting of the Committee shall be maintained.(13) The Member Secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairperson, issue notice to convene meetings of the Committee and keep record of minutes and shall take necessary steps for carrying out the decision of the Committee.103. Resignation.- (1) A member of the Tamil Nadu State Plantation Advisory Committee, not being an ex-o cio member, may resign by a letter in writing addressed to the Government.(2) The seat of such a member shall fall vacant from the date on which his resignation is accepted or on the expiry of thirty days from the date of receipt of intimation of resignation, whichever is earlier.(3) The power to accept the resignation of a member shall vest with the Government.104. Cessation of membership.- (1) If any member of the State Plantation Advisory Committee, not being an ex-omember, fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the State Plantation Advisory Committee, without obtaining the leave sanctioned by the Chairperson of the State Plantation Advisory Committee for such absence, he shall cease to be a member of State Plantation Advisory Committee: Provided that the Chairperson may, if it is satis ed that such member was prevented by su cient cause from attending three consecutive meetings, direct that such cessation shall not take place and on such direction being made, such member shall continue to be a member of State advisory Committee. (2) A member nominated shall cease to be a member of the Committee if he ceases to represent the category of interest from which he was so nominated.105. Disquali cation for membership.- A person shall be disquali ed for being a member of the State Plantation Advisory Committee,- (i) if he is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent authority; (ii) if he is an un-discharged insolvent; or (iii) if he has been convicted for an o ence, having a penalty of imprisonment of three months or more; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 39106. Removal from membership.- The Government may remove any member of the State Plantation Advisory Committee, if in its opinion such member has ceased to represent the interest which he purports to represent on such State Plantation Advisory Committee.107. Construction of houses in accordance with scheme and submission of annual return progress report in relation thereto .-All houses shall be built in accordance with the scheme approved in writing by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator of Plantations. Every employer shall submit annual return prescribed, to Inspector-cum-Facilitator of Plantations having jurisdiction over the area and also to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator of Plantations.108. Maintenance of houses.- (1) The employer shall, at his own expense, execute such repairs to the houses as may be required from time to time and maintain the houses in t and safe condition for occupation.(2) A worker occupying a house may, and Inspector-cum-Facilitator appointed under this Code shall bring to the notice of the employer any defects in the condition of a house which make it dangerous to the health and safety of the worker. Where an Inspector-cum-Facilitator so brings any such defects to notice, it shall be the duty of the employer to rectify the same at the (3) The employer shall get all the houses lime-washed at least once every year and all the doors, windows and other wooden structure varnished or painted once in three years. A record of dates on which lime-washing or painting was carried out shall be maintained in FORM XXVII .(4) If any employer fails to comply the requirements of sub-rules (1), (2) or (3), the Chief Inspector- cum-facilitator may cause repairs to be done and realise the cost thereof from the employer as arrears of land revenue.109. Accommodation to be rent free .-No rent shall be charged by an employer for the housing accommodation provided to workers and their families residing in his plantation.110. Occupation of Houses.- (1) Houses shall be allotted on the basis of one house for a worker and his family: Provided that if there are two or more workers in a family, only one house shall be allotted in respect of any such family in the name of any worker in the family: Provided further that in the case of termination of services of a worker, in whose name a house is allotted under the preceding proviso, the said house or any other standard house shall be re allotted in the name of any other member of his family, who is a worker: Provided also that it shall be open to the employer to allot houses to workers not having families at the rate of one house for not more than four such workers.(2) The occupant of a house shall not make any unauthorised additions to or alterations in the house.(3) The occupant shall not exchange the house with the occupant of another house except with the written permission of the employer.(4) The occupant shall not let the house or any portion thereof to any person.(5) All workers and members of their families occupying the houses shall use the latrines provided and shall not pollute the soil and shall keep the houses and the precincts thereof clean and tidy and shall not waste drinking water.(6) No cattle or goats shall be kept in the living rooms or verandahs and no windows or air spaces shall be blocked up.(7) The employer shall bring to the notice of each worker to whom housing accommodation has been provided, the conditions governing the occupation of such accommodation, in writing, in a language which the latter can understand.111. Occupation of accommodation after termination of employment .-(1) When a worker dies in the service of the employer, or retires or goes on transfer, or resigns, or goes on leave or when his services are terminated he or his family may retain the house up to the period as detailed below:- (i) in the case of death, a period not exceeding three months, and in the case of transfer or termination of service, a period not exceeding two months ; (ii) in the case of retirement or resignation, a period not exceeding one month ; (iii) in the case of leave, for the period of leave ; and (iv) in the case where discharge or dismissal of a worker results in an industrial dispute, for so long as the same is nally disposed of.(2) If the employer makes an application to the Industrial Tribunal having jurisdiction over the area and if the Industrial Tribunal is satis ed that a worker or any member of his family refuses to vacate the house allotted to such workers, after the 40 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYexpiry of the period speci ed in sub-rule (1) , the Industrial Tribunal may, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, by notice served (a) by post, or any form of electronic mode; xing a copy of it on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of such house, or require such worker or a member of his family or any other person who may be in occupation of the whole or any part of the house to vacate in within one month of the date of service of such notice. (3) In the event of the failure of the worker or a member of the family or any other person who is in occupation of the house to comply with the notice under sub-rule (2) the Industrial Tribunal may, by order, evict such worker, member of the family or other person and take possession of the house and may, for that purpose, use such force as may be necessary: Provided that before taking such possession, a copy of the order of eviction shall be served on the worker or a member of the family or other any other person in occupation of the said house.112. Facilities for harvesting standing crops on termination of employment.- In the case of termination of his employment, a worker shall where possible, be given facilities to harvest the standing crops in his garden plot.113. Drinking water.- An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water shall be made available in every plantation at worksites or at a place or places to be approved by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator at all times, during working hours.114. Source of supply.- The water provided for drinking shall be supplied,- (a) from the taps connected with a public water supply system; or (b) from any other source approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator of Plantations.115. Storage of water.- If drinking water is not supplied from taps connected with a public water supply system, it shall be kept in suitable vessels and renewed atleast daily. All practicable steps shall be taken to preserve the water and vessels from contamination and keep the vessels scrupulously clean.116. Cleanliness of well or reservoir.- (1) Drinking water shall not be supplied from any open well or reservoir unless it is so constructed, situated protected and maintained as to be free from the possibility of pollution by chemical or bacterial and extraneous impurities.(2) Where drinking water is supplied from such well or reservoir, the water in it shall be sterilized periodically as required by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator by written order and the date on which sterilizing is carried out shall be recorded: Provided that this requirement shall not apply to any such well or reservoir if the water therein is ltered and treated before it is supplied for consumption.117. Report from the Medical practitioner.- The Inspector-cum-Facilitator may, by an order in writing, direct the employer to obtain at such time or at such intervals, (i.e., once in six months) as he may direct, a report either from the quali ed medical practitioner or from the Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage Board Testing Laboratories or any other laboratory approved by Government for this purpose, as to the tness for human consumption of the water supplied to workers, and in every case to submit to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator a copy of such report as soon as it is received.118. Toilet facilities.- ( 1)Toilet facilities shall be provided in every plantation on the scale of one toilet for every fty hectares of the area under cultivation or part thereof in addition to the toilet provided to the houses of workers: Provided that there shall be atleast one toilet for all genders.(2) The toilet shall be conveniently situated and shall have exclusive access for all genders.119. Toilets to conform to public health requirements.- The toilet should conform to public health requirements and toilets other than those connected with an e cient water-borne sewage system, shall comply with the requirements of the Public Health authorities. (i) Privacy of Toilets:- Every toilet shall be under cover and so partitioned o as to secure privacy and shall have a proper door and fastenings. (ii) Sign Boards to be displayed:- Where workers of both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed outside each toilet each toilet or toilet block, a notice in the language understood by the majority of workers For men onlyFor Women , as the case may be. The notice shall also bear the gure of a man or of a woman as the case may be. (iii) Water taps in toilet:- a. Where piped water supply is available, a su cient number of water taps, conveniently accessible, shall be provided in or near such toilet accommodation. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 41b. If piped water-supply is not available, su cient quantity of water shall be kept stored in suitable receptacles near the toilet.120. Urinal Facilities.- Urinal facility shall be provided on the scale of one urinal for every twenty hectares of the area under cultivation or part thereof. The urinals shall be conveniently situated for all genders.121. Urinals to conform to public health requirements.- Urinals shall conform to public health requirements. Urinals other than those connected with an e cient water-borne sewage system shall comply with the requirements of the Public Health authorities.122. Construction and maintenance of drains.- All drains carrying waste of sullage water shall be constructed in masonry or other impermeable materials and shall be regularly ushed and the e uent disposed of by connecting such drains with a suitable drainage line: Provided that, where there is no such drainage line, the e uent shall be deodorized and rendered innocuous and then disposed of in a suitable manner to the satisfaction of the Health O123. Creches.- (1) In every plantation wherein fty or more workers (including workers employed by any contractor) are employed or were employed on any day of the preceding twelve months, the employer shall provide and maintain a creche or creches for the use of their children who are below the age of six years according to the standards laid down in these rules.(2) Every creche shall be conveniently accessible to the mothers of the children accommodated therein.(3) There shall be not less than 1.5 square metres of the oor area for each child to be accommodated in a creche.(4) The building in which the creche is situated shall be of sound construction with a good plinth.(5) The plan of the creche building shall be in accordance with the standard plan or plans laid down by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator: Provided that where no standard plan has been laid down or where it is proposed to deviate from a standard plan, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitators approval shall be obtained.(6) The creche shall be furnished with suitable furniture and a cradle for each child below the age of two and provided with playing materials such as sliding chutes, see-saws, dummy horses, toys etc.(7) A suitable fenced and shady open air playground shall be provided for the older children.(8) The employer shall appoint (i) a woman trained in the care of children and infants as creche-in-charge to look-after children during the absence of their mothers, and (ii) other sta on scale approved by the Government.124. Wash room .-(1) There shall be in or adjoining creche a suitable wash room for the washing of the children and their (2) There shall be provided a toilet for the use of the children in the creche.125. Supply of milk and refreshment. -At least 300 ml of clean pure milk if possible, otherwise, powdered milk approved by the Medical O cer shall be made available for each child on every day it is accommodated in the creche and the mother of such child shall be allowed in the course of her daily work, two intervals of su cient time to visit the creche and feed the child. For children above two years of age, there shall be provided in addition an adequate supply of wholesome refreshment.126. Supply of clothes, soaps and oils .-(1) The creche sta shall be provided with suitable clean clothes for use while on duty in the creche.(2) (a) Two sets of clothing once a year shall be made available for each child while it is in the creche. The clothing for boys will consist of a shirt and a half-trouser and for girls a blouse and a skirt or a frock or gown. Measurement should be taken and the clothing must be stitched accordingly to suit every child in the creche. The cost of the cloth and stitching thereof including washing charges for washing the clothes once in a week shall be borne by the employer. (b) One cake of soap weighing 100 gms. and 100 ml. oil shall be made available for the use of each child per month while it is in the creche:Provided that,- (i) an establishment may avail common creche facility of the Central, State Government, Municipality, Town Panchayath, Village Panchayath or private entity or provided by Non-Governmental Organisation or by any other organisation; (ii) a group of establishments may agree to pool their resources for establishing a common creche.127. Educational facilities for workers children.- (1)Every employer shall, if the number of workers children between the ages of 6 and 12, in his plantation exceeds 25, provide and maintain a primary school or schools for imparting primary education to the children: Provided that an employer may not provide and maintain a primary school if there is one under the direct management of the Government or of any local body for imparting free education to the children up to the primary or higher 42 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYstandard, with enough seats to admit the children between the ages of six and twelve of the workers in his plantation and within a distance of 1.6 kilometres from the place where workers reside in his plantation; or if under any other law, he is required to pay a cess or tax for primary education: Provided further that subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), a group of employers may jointly provide and maintain a primary school and share its expenses.(2) Every school to be provided and maintained under sub-rule (1) shall be conveniently situated and within a distance of 1.6 kilometres from the workers quarters.(3) The school building shall be constructed in accordance with the standard plan or plans which may be laid down by the Government: Provided that where there is no standard plan or where it is proposed to deviate from a standard plan, the Governmentapproval of the plan of the school building shall be obtained(4) Where adequate space is available, an open air playground with suitable accessories shall also be provided for the children attending the school.(5) The employer or employers, as the case may be, shall provide for every primary school maintained under sub-rule (1)such educational and other equipment as may be considered necessary by the Government.(6) (i) The employer or employers concerned shall appoint one teacher for every forty children attending the primary (ii) The teacher shall possess the quali cations prescribed by the Government for teachers in Government primary Provided that in the case of any person who is working as a school teacher in a plantation at the commencement of these rules the Government may, subject to such conditions as it may specify, relax any of the quali (iii) The curriculum, duration, standard and syllabus of the course of instruction to be imparted in the primary school shall be such as may be approved by the Government. (iv) No fees shall be charged from the workers children attending the primary school.128. Medical facilities under sub-section (1) (d) of section 92.- The employer shall provide health facilities as provided in rules 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136 to every worker employed in the plantation (including his family) or provide coverage under the Employees State Insurance Scheme of Social Security Code.129. Types of Hospitals. -There shall be two types of hospitals in plantations namely, garden hospitals and group hospitals:-(1) Garden hospitals will deal with out-patients, in-patience not requiring any elaborate diagnosis and treatment, infectious cases midwifery, simple pre-natal and postnatal care, care of infants and children and periodical inspection of workers.(2) Group hospitals shall be capable of dealing e ciently, with all types of cases normally encountered but will not be used for routine treatment. Admission to group hospitals except in emergency shall be only on the recommendation of a garden hospital doctor.130. Garden hospitals .-(1) Every employer of plantations speci ed in column(1) of the Table below shall provide the medical facilities speci ed in the corresponding entries in column (2) thereof:-THE TABLE.numberClass of plantations Nature of medical facilities to be 1 Plantations which employ 1,000 or more workersOwn garden hospital.2 Plantations employing more than 200 workers but less than 1,000 workersCombined garden hospital and own dispensary3 Plantations employing 200 or less workers.Dispensary either individually or in groups with necessary equipment and arrangements for visiting doctors (The employers shall ensure that the doctor visits the dispensary at least thrice a week) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 43(2) Each garden hospital shall be under a quali ed Medical Practitioner as assisted by at least one trained nurse, one trained maternity assistant, a quali ed pharmacist, one man and one woman Nursing Orderly, one scavenger and one sweeper. The services of the sta shall be readily available during all hours: Provided that in the case of doctors, nurses, maternity assistants and pharmacists employed in plantation at the commencement of these rules, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitators of plantations may in consultation with the Director of Medical Services grant exemption from possessing the quali cations prescribed for them.(3) Medical and auxiliary personnel shall be appointed according to the following scale:- (i) one quali ed medical practitioner for every 1750 workers or part thereof. (ii) nurse\/number of workers not less than 1\/1750. (iii) maternity assistants\/number of workers not less than 1\/1750. (iv) pharmacist \/ number of workers not less than 1\/1750. (v) men nursing orderly \/number of workers not less than 1\/1750. (vi) women nursing orderly \/number of workers not less than 1\/1750 (vii) scavenger \/number of workers not less than 1\/1750. (viii) sweeper \/number of workers not less than 1\/1750: Provided that where the number of workers does not exceed 2000, no additional practitioner need to be appointed: Provided further that where the number of women workers employed in any plantation is not less than 750, a woman medical practitioner also shall be appointed.(4) (a) A minimum of fteen beds shall be provided in every garden hospital per one thousand workers served and each bed shall be allowed at least six square metres of oor space. (b) Every hospital shall be of sound permanent construction with impermeable washable walls to a height of at least 1.5 metres on the inside with proper water supply and e cient sanitary arrangements. (c) Every hospital shall have pure piped water supply and the wards, consulting room, operation theatre and dispensary shall each have a water point over a suitable glazed sink. (d) The following departments shall be provided with:- (i) general ward for male; (ii) general ward for female; (iii) maternity with separate labour room; (iv) family planning centre; (v) infectious ward with separate sanitary arrangements; (vi) out-patient department (with su cient waiting space for patients to wait under cover) preferably situated in a separate block form general wards; (vii) consulting room so arranged that patients can be examined in privacy; (viii) minor operation in dressing room; (ix) dispensary and drug store; (x) general store; and (xi) kitchen for cooking. (e) In every hospital, transport facilities shall be provided for carrying patients to and from group hospitals.131. Group hospitals.- (1) Group hospitals shall be established.(2) Plans for the establishment of group hospitals containing details as regards their location and size, areas of plantations served, the number of workers employed thereon, etc., shall be approved by the Government.(3) Every group hospital shall have a minimum of one hundred beds and there shall be at least three beds per seven hundred workers, every bed having 7.5 square metres of oor space:44 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Provided that the Government may x a lesser number of beds to be provided in a group hospital and exempt a group of plantation from providing a group hospital, if it is satis ed that adequate alternative arrangements exist for treatment of patients intended to be treated at a group hospital: Provided further that no exemption shall be allowed without the previous approval of the Central Government.(4) The hospital shall be built according to such speci cations as may be approved by the Government.(5) There shall be provision for piped supply of pure water, electricity, modern methods of sanitation and water closets. Each ward, labour room, surgical dressing room, consulting room and dispensary, shall have a water point over a suitable glazed sink: Provided that with the approval of the Government suitable alternative arrangements may be made in regard to supply of pure water, electricity and other modern methods of sanitation.(6) Each hospital shall have provision for,-(i) Operating theatre block;(ii) X-ray block;(iii) Physical treatment block;(iv) Dental treatment block;(v) Labour room;(vi) T.B. and V.D.clinics;(vii) Consulting and examination room;(viii) Clinical Laboratory fully equipped;(ix) Dispensary;(x) Administrative and o ce block;(xi) Kitchen and Laundry blocks;(xii) Lavatories and bath-rooms;(xiii) Stores; and(xiv) Mortuary and post-mortem room.Out-patient block which should preferably be at some little distance from the wards. Separate wards shall be provided for male, female, maternity cases and small isolated wards for infectious diseases: Provided that X-ray and physical Therapy blocks may not be provided if satisfactory arrangements are made by employers to provide these facilities with some hospital approved by the chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(7) (a) Every group hospital shall have such medical and other sta as may be speci ed by the Government. All doctors in a group hospital shall be quali ed medical practitioners. (b) There shall be fteen nurses for one hundred bedded hospital of whom one shall be senior trained, ve junior trained and nine assistant nurses. Such classi cation may be made according to their quali cations and experience.(8) A properly equipped ambulance shall be maintained every group hospital.132. Equipments and drugs.- (1) Every dispensary\/garden hospital and group hospital shall maintain such equipments and drugs, etc., as may be speci ed by the Government.(2) The District Medical O cer concerned or (an Assistant surgeon nominated by District Medical O cer or a Medical cer appointed by the Labour Department) shall visit the dispensaries, garden hospitals and group hospitals at least once a year to see whether they are su ciently equipped and stocked with drugs, and send a report to the management and to the chief Inspector-cum-Facilitators of plantations.133. Medical records.- The medical o cer in charge of each dispensary, garden or group hospital shall maintain the following records namely:- (i) Admission and Discharge register; (ii) Case sheets; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 45 (iii) Referrals; (iv) Infectious and communicable diseases register; (v) Immunization particulars; (vi) Family welfare services; (vii) Medico Legal records; (viii) Maternal death record; (ix) Infant death record; (x) one to ve years child death record; and (xi) Any other record as may be required by the Government from time to time.134. Standard of medical facilities .-(a) Out-patients treatment,-it shall include,- (i) detention for observation and treatment; (ii) preventive treatment such as vaccination and inoculation; (iii) free provision of all drugs including those needed for injections and dressings and appliances that may be considered necessary; (iv) ante-natal and post-natal advice; and (v) provision of certi cates, free of cost in respect of maternity and sickness bene t claims.(b) In patients Treatment,-it shall include,- (i) The hospital treatment shall include maintenance, food and medicines including treatment at con nement as may be available at the hospital and the said facilities shall subject to the provisions of clause(ii) be free of cost to workers and shall be paid for by the plantations. (ii) notwithstanding anything contained in clause(i), workers and their families admitted as in-patients in the hospital shall be entitled to the supply of free diet, only where any award, agreement of contract of service provides for the supply of free diet or where they were already enjoying the bene t of free diet under any custom usage and past practice and such supply shall be in accordance with the terms of the said award, agreement, contract, custom, usage and last practice, but where there is no such award, agreement, contract, custom, usage and past practice the diet charges shall be paid for by the workers at such rate as the Government may, from time to time, (iii) workers and members of their families undergoing treatment as in-patients in the Garden or Group hospitals in plantations shall be required during their period of stay in the hospitals to wear only the uniforms supplied by the Garden or Group hospitals free of cost.135. Failure to provide and maintain medical facilities as required in these rules.- (1) If any employer does not provide and maintain medical facilities as required in these rules to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, the Government upon request by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator will cause to be provided and maintained these facilities in the nearest garden hospital or dispensary or in a Primary Health Centre or other similar hospital or dispensary.(2) The defaulting employer shall be liable to pay the cost of such medical facilities including charges, if any, in respect of (a) a medical os visit to the plantations for the purpose of attendance on any sick worker or workers and his or their families respectively; (b) The maintenance of sick workers or a member of his family in a hospital\/dispensary for each days maintenance; (c) Transport to and fro provided to the sick worker or a member of his family.136. Recovery of sum due under rule 135. -When any sum of money is due from any employer underrule 135, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall give him notice in writing requiring the payment of the amount to the collector, who may recover the same as an arrear of land revenue137. Recreational Facilities.- Every employer shall provide and maintain,- (i) a recreation centre or centres for workers with provision for indoor games suitable for adult workers and child; and46 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(ii) where adequate at open space is available within a reasonable distance, a playground or playgrounds for adult workers and child with necessary sports equipment for outdoor games: Provided that subject to the provisions of rule 138, a group of employers may, with the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitators, provide and maintain joint recreation centres and playgrounds and share their expenses.138. Every recreation centre to be provided and maintained under rule 137 shall be conveniently situated as near as possible to the workers quarters.139. Restriction on employment of women and adolescent worker in handling insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances.- No pregnant women or adolescent worker shall be allowed to handle any hazardous substance.140.Appointment and quali cation of Supervisors.- The use, handling, storage and transportation of insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances shall be supervised by a competent person who should possess the following quali cations:- (i) he shall be a graduate in Agriculture or chemistry or he shall possess a Certi cate Course on handling of chemicals and toxic substances conducted by the United Planters Association of Southern India (UPASI); (ii) he should be given training from a designated Training Institute; and (iii) he should also possess valid certi cate from St. Johns Ambulance Institute for giving rst aid treatment to workers.141. Training.- (1)The persons involved in handling insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances shall be arranged for suitable training in observing safety precautions and handling safety equipment provided to them in the institutes noti ed by the Government from time to time.(2) All the workers who apply, handle, transport or come into contact with agro-chemicals or other chemical substances must be trained in at least in the following subjects:-(i) General occupational health;(ii) Formulations, names, and the bin code action of the substances used in the case of pesticides;(iii) Correct use of personal protective clothing and equipmeant;(iv) Preventive measures and measures for reducing damage to health and the environment, caused by the chemical substances, equipment, techniques, signage, medical examination etc.;(v) Emergency procedures, rst aid and medical attention for cases involving poisoning or undue contact with chemical substances;(vi) Techniques for handling chemical substances and for the correct application of agro-chemicals;(vii) Secure handling and transportation of agro-chemicals for drivers; and(viii) Other necessary training suitable for the plantation.142. Medical examination to the workers .-(1) Without prejudices to clause (c) of section 6 of the Code and rule 6, every worker who is engaged in the work of handling, dealing, or spraying or mixing insecticides, chemical and toxic substances shall be medically examined initially at the time of employment and thereafter once in year in Group Hospital or Garden or any other hospitals noti ed in this regard.(2) The medical examination and tests shall be in FORM XXVIII.(3) Any person showing symptoms of poisoning shall be immediately examined and given proper treatment.(4) Every employer shall maintain health record of every worker such as annual medical examination or any other examination when required, shall be kept in plantation and every such worker shall have access to such record.143. Washing, bathing, cloak room, protective clothing and equipment facilities.- (1) Every employer shall provide washing bathing and cloak room facilities to the workmen, who are employed in handling insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances.(2) (a) Persons handling insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances during its operation, distribution, mixing, spraying shall be adequately protected with appropriate clothing.(b) The protective clothing shall be made of materials which prevent or resist the penetration of any form of insecticide, chemical and toxic formulations. The materials shall also be washable so as to remove the toxic elements after each use. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 47(c) A complete suit of protective clothing shall consist of the following dresses, namely:-(i) Protective outer garment with hat;(ii) Rubber gloves or such other protective gloves extending of way upto the fore arm made of materials impermeable to liquids;(iii) Dust proof goggles;(iv) Boots;(v) Reusable cloth masks.144. Precautionary notices.- Every employer in the plantations shall display the following precautionary notices at or near the place where the insecticides chemicals and toxic substances are handled:-(i) Use protective clothings like overalls, gloves, goggles, rubber gum-boots and wide-rimmed hats;(ii) Do not wear clothes contaminated with insecticides and pesticides;(iii) Clean the protective clothing by washing with soap and water;(iv) Do not allow children, sick persons and pregnant women and nursing mothers to handle insecticides and pesticides;(v) Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew while handling insecticides and pesticides;(vi) Never blow out clogged nozzles with mouth;(vii) Do not use leaking sprayers. Avoid contamination of the skin, mouth (viii) Do not inhale the insecticides unattended in the (ix) Never spray insecticides and pesticides against the wind;(x) Do not leave insecticides and pesticides unattended in the (xi) Do not allow humans and livestock to enter the insecticides and pesticides sprayed elds for a period of time, suggested by the manufacturers;(xii) Do not wash insecticides and pesticides containers near a well or running stream;(xiii) Keep clean water, soaps and towels ready for use;(xiv) Wash hands and exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water before eating, drinking, smoking or, chewing and after work;(xv) Keep the insecticides and pesticides locked in store room and out of reach of children and other unauthorized persons;(xvi) Do not enter sprayed eld. Follow the re-entry periods for all insecticides and pesticides including herbicides, suggested by the manufactures;(xvii) Keep insecticides and pesticides in their original, labelled containers;(xviii) Do not decant insecticides and pesticides into unlabelled containers except for immediate use;(xix) Dispose the containers safely after thoroughly emptying and washing. They may be buried in a place away from water source;(xx) Never reuse the container for any other purposes if it is impossible to remove the traces and pesticides from the containers.48 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY145. Transport and storage of insecticides within the plantation.-(1) No insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances shall be transported or stored in such a way as to come into direct contact with food stu s or animal feeds or drinking water.(2) If any insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances are found to be leaked out in transport or storage, it shall be the responsibility of the employer to take such measures urgently to prevent poisoning and pollution of soil or water, if any.(3) The packages containing insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances shall be stored in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing such articles or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticides.(4) The rooms or premises meant for storing insecticides, chemical and toxic substances shall be well built, dry, well lit and ventilated with su cient dimension.146. List of insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances.- Every employer shall display in plantations the list of insecticides, chemicals and toxic substances as noti ed by the Central Government, from time to time under the Insecticides Act, 1968 (Central Act 46 of 1968).CHAPTER XV. ences and Penalties.147. Fee to prefer appeal under sub-section (3) of section 111.- An appeal shall be accompanied by a fee at the rate of two percent of the penalty imposed under sub-section (2) of section 111 of the Code, which shall be paid through the online portal in Form XXIX.148. Manner of compounding of offences by the authorized officer specified under sub-section (1) ofsection 114.- (1) The o cer shall be noti ed by the Government for the purposes of compounding of o ences under sub-section (1) of section 114 of the Code.(2) Any person seeking composition of penalty or o ence as speci ed in sub-rule (1) shall le an application in FORM XXX to the concerned o cer mentioned in sub-rule (1).(3) The concerned o cer mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall take decision and issue notice within fteen days from receipt of application under sub-rule (2).(4) The person applied as per sub-rule (2) shall deposit the entire compounding amount by electronic transfer or otherwise, fteen days of the receipt of the notice.(5) The Compounding O cer shall issue a composition certi cate within seven days of receipt of the composition amount, to such person from whom such amount has been received in satisfaction of the composition notice.(6) The concerned o cer mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall duly send the copy of composition certi cate to the o cer who imposed penalty or the court where prosecution is instituted.(7) If a person so noticed fails to deposit the composition amount within one month, the prosecution shall be proceeded with before the competent Court.(8) No prosecution shall be instituted without giving an opportunity to the employer to comply with such provisions subject to proviso of sub-section (1) of section 110 and compounding as under section 114 of the Code. (9) The amount of composition received during the month shall be credited to the fund mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 115 for the unorganized workers, before the 7th day of the succeeding month.(10) The amount of composition received and credited shall be recorded in a register to be maintained in FORM XXXI.CHAPTER XVI.Social Security Fund.149. (1) The amount received from composition of the o ence as speci ed in sub-section (4) of section 114 and the amount of the penalty as speci ed in sub-section (6) of section 111 of the Code, shall be credited to the Tamil Nadu Unorganised workers Social Security Fund established under sub-section (5) of Social Security Code 2020 (Central Act 36 of 2020).(2) The fund shall be expended for the Welfare of the Unorganised Workers, under the Social Security Schemes framed under section 109 of the Social Security Code 2020 and the rules made thereunder. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 49CHAPTER XVII.Special Rules.150. Appeal under sub-section (6) of section 119.- (1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the authority notiby the Government under section 119 (1) shall prefer an appeal before the Director of Industrial Safety and Health in case of Factories, contract workers engaged in factories and Building and other Construction Works, or Commissioner of Labour for Beedi and Cigar Establishments, contract workers engaged in establishments other than factories and Building and other Construction Works.(2) The application for the appeal shall be accompanied with the rejection order of the Licensing Authority and fee receipt of Rs 1000\/- to be deposited in the o cial account of the appellate authority.151. Safety of machinery and plant.- (1) Without prejudice to the matters listed in the Second Schedule, no machinery, plant or equipment shall be constructed, situated, operated or maintained in any factory in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury.(2)Wherever practicable and considered necessary by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator, service platforms and gangways shall be provided for overhead shafting and when required by him these shall be securely fenced with guards, rails and toe boards.(3) Safe access shall be provided to all bearing clutches, belt shifting levers and all such other appliances which are required to be handled or operated while the machinery is at work.(4) All ladders used in replacing belts or in attending similar overhead machinery shall be specially made for that work and provided with books or an e ective non-skid device.(5) No transmission machinery in motion shall be cleaned with cotton waste, rags or similar materials held in hand.(6) All belts shall be regularly examined to ensure that the joints are safe and the belts are kept in proper tension.(7) Each water gauge glass of a boiler shall be tted with an e cient guard.(8) All condenser pipes of steam engines and exhaust pipes of oil engines; shall be adequately guarded.152. Methods of work.- Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rule, no process or work shall be carried on in any factory in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily Injury.153. Fragile roofs.- In any factory no person shall be required or allowed to stand on or pass over or walk on or near any roof or ceiling covered with fragile material through which he is liable to fall, in case it breaks or gives way, a distance of more than three meters, unless,(i) suitable and su cient ladders, duck ladders or crawling boards which shall be securely supported, are provided and (ii) a permit to work on the fragile roof is issued to him each time he is required to work thereon, by a responsible person of the factory concerned, such as Supervisor, Foreman, Engineer or Occupier.154. Ovens and driers.- (1)This rule shall apply to ovens and driers, except those used in laboratories or kitchens of any establishment and those which have a capacity below 325 liters.(2) For the purpose of this rule, oven or drier means any enclosed structure, receptacle, compartment or box which is used for baking, drying or otherwise processing of any article or substance at a temperature higher than the ambient temperature of the air in the room or space in which the oven or drier is situated and in which a ammable or explosive mixture of air and a ammable substance is likely to be evolved within the enclosed structure, receptacle, compartment or box or part thereof on account of the article or substance which is baked, dried or otherwise processed within it.(3) Electrical power supplied to every oven or drier shall be by means of separate circuit provided with an isolation switch.(4) (i) Every oven or drier shall be properly designed on sound engineering practice and be of good construction, sound materials and adequate strength, free from any patent defects and safe if properly used. (ii) No oven or drier shall be taken into use in a factory for the rst time unless a competent person has thoroughly examined all its parts and carried out the tests as are required to establish that the necessary safe systems and controls provided for safety in operation for the process for which it is to be used and a certi cate of such examination and tests signed by that competent person has been obtained and is kept available for inspection. (iii) All parts of an oven or drier which has undergone any alteration or repair which has the e ect of modifying any of the design characteristics shall not be used unless a thorough examination and tests as have been mentioned in clause (ii) has been carried out by a competent person and certi cate of such examination and tests signed by that competent person has been obtained and is kept available for inspection.50 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(5) (i) Every oven or drier shall be provided with a positive and e ective safety ventilation system using one or more motor driven centrifugal fans so as to dilute any mixture of air and any ammable substance that may be formed within the oven or drier and maintain the concentration of the ammable substance in the air at a safe level of dilution. (ii) The safe level of dilution referred to in clause (i) shall be so as to achieve a concentration of the concerned ammable substance in air of not more than 25 percent, of its lower explosive limit: Provided that a level of concentration in air up to 50 per cent of the lower explosive limit of the concerned substance may be permitted to exist subject to installation and maintenance of an automatic device which (a) shows continuously the concentration of the ammable substance in air present in the oven or drier at any (b) sounds an alarm when the concentration of the ammable substance in air in any part of the oven or drier, reaches a level of 50 percent of its lower explosive limit; and (c) shuts down the heating system of the oven or drier automatically when the concentration in air of the ammable substance in any part of the oven or drier reaches a level of 60 per cent of its lower explosive limit, is provided to the oven or drier end maintained in e cient working condition. (iii) No oven or drier shall be operated without its safety ventilation system working in an e cient manner. (iv) Exhaust ducts of safety ventilation system should be so designed and placed that their ducts discharge the mixture of air and ammable substance away from the work rooms and not near windows or doors or other openings from where the mixture could re-enter the work rooms. (v) The fresh air admitted into the oven or drier by means of the safety ventilation system shall be circulated adequately by means of circulating fan or fans through all parts of the oven or drier so as to ensure that there are no locations where the ammable substance can accumulate in the air or become pocketed to any dangerous degree. (vi) Throttling dampers in any safety ventilation system should be so designed by cutting away a portion of the damper or otherwise, that the system will handle at least the minimum ventilation rate required for safety when they are set in their maximum throttling position.(6) (i) Every oven or drier having an internal total space of not less than half cubic meter shall be provided with suitably designed explosion panels so as to allow release of the pressure of any possible explosion within the oven or drier through explosion vents. The area of openings to be provided by means of such vents together with the area of openings of any access doors which are provided with suitable arrangements for their release in case of an explosion, shall be not less than 2,200 square centimeters for every one cubic meter of volume of the oven or drier. The design of the explosion panels and doors as above said shall be such as to secure their complete release under an internal pressure of 0.25 kilogram per square centimetre. (ii) The explosion releasing panels, shall, as for as practicable, be situated at the roof of the oven or drier or at those portions of the walls where persons do not remain in connection with operation of the oven or drier.(7) In each oven or drier, e cient interlocking arrangements shall be provided and maintained to ensure that, - (i) all ventilating fans and circulating fans whose failure would adversely a ect the ventilation rate of ow pattern, are in operation before any mechanical conveyor that may be provided for feeding the articles or substances to be processed in the oven or drier is put into operation; (ii) failure of any of the ventilating or circulating fans will automatically stop any conveyor as referred to in clause (i) as may be provided, as well as stop the fuel supply by closing the shut o valve and shut o the ignition in the case of gas or red ovens and in the case of electrically heated ovens switch o the electrical supply to the heaters; (iii) the above said mechanical conveyor is set in operation before the above said shut o valve can be energized; (iv) the failure of the above said conveyor will automatically close the above said shut o valve in the case of ovens and driers heated by gas, oil or steam and deactivate the ignition system, or cut o the electrical heaters in the case of electrically heated ovens or furnaces.(8) Every oven or drier heated by oil, gas, steam or electricity shall be provided with an e cient arrangement for automatic pre-ventilation consisting of at least 3 volume changes with fresh air by operation of the safety ventilation fans and the circulating fans (if used so as to e ect purging of the oven or drier of any mixture of air and a ammable substance before the heating system can be activated and before the conveyor can be placed in position)(9) Every oven or drier shall be provided with an automatic arrangement to ensure that the temperature does not exceed a safe upper preset limit to be decided in respect of the particular processing being carried on. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 51(10) Wherever materials are to be processed in ovens or driers in successive operations, suitable arrangement should be provided to ensure that the operating temperatures necessary for safe operation at each stage are maintained within the design limits. ective arrangements shall be provided in every oven or drier to prevent dripping of combustible substances on electric heaters or burner ame used for heating.(12) (i) All parts of every oven and drier shall be properly maintained and thoroughly examined and the various controls as mentioned in this rule and the working of the oven or drier tested at frequent intervals to ensure its safe operation by a qualiperson designated by the occupier, who by his experience and knowledge of necessary precautions against risks of explosion, t to undertake such work. (ii) A register shall be maintained in which the details of the various tests carried out from time to time under clause (i) shall be entered and every entry made shall be signed by the person making the tests.(13) No person shall be assigned any task connected with operation of any oven or drier unless he has completed 18 years of age and he is properly trained.(14) (i) Printed fabric shall be thoroughly dried by passing them over drying cans or through hot ue or other equally emeans before the same is allowed to pass through polymerizing machines. (ii) Infra-red ray heaters of polymerizing machines shall be cut o while running the prints.155. Reaction Vessels and Kettles.- (1) This rule applies to reaction vessels and kettles (hereinafter in this rule referred to as reaction vessels) which normally work at a pressure not above the atmospheric pressure, but in which there is likelihood of pressure being created above the atmospheric pressure due to reaction getting out at control or any other circumstances.(2) In the event of the vessel being heated by electrical means, a suitable control device shall be provided to prevent the temperature exceeding the safe limit.(3) Where steam is used for heating purposes in reaction vessel it shall be supplied through a suitable pressure reducing valve or device.(4) A suitable safety valve or rupture disc of adequate size and capacity shall be provided to e ectively, prevent the pressure being built up in the reaction vessel beyond the safe limit. E ective arrangements shall be made to ensure that the released gases, fumes, vapors, liquids or dusts, as the case may be, are led away and disposed of through suitable pipes without causing any hazard. Where ammable gases or vapors are likely to be vented out from the vessel, the discharge end shall be provided with a ame arrestor.(5) Every reaction vessel shall be provided with a pressure gauge having the appropriate range.(6) In addition to the devices as mentioned in the fore-going provisions, means shall be provided for automatically stopping the feed into the vessel as soon as process conditions deviate from the normal limits to an extent which can be considered as dangerous.(7) Where necessary, an e ective system for cooling, ooding or blanketing shall be provided, for the purpose of controlling the reaction and process conditions within the safe limits of temperature and pressure.(8) An automatic auditory and visual warning device shall be provided for clear warning whenever process conditions exceed the present limits. This device, wherever possible, shall be integrated with automatic process correction systems.(9) A notice pointing out the possible circumstances in which pressures above atmospheric pressure may be built up in the reaction vessel, the dangers involved and the precautions to be taken by the operators shall be displayed at a conspicuous place near the vessel.156. Examination of eye sight of certain workers.- (1) No person shall be employed to operate a crane, locomotive, fork lift truck or other vehicles or to give signals to crane or locomotive operator unless his eye sight and colour vision have been examined and declared t by a quali ed ophthalmologist to work whether with or without use of corrective glasses.(2) The eye sight and colour vision of the person employed as referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be examined at least once in every two years.(3) Any fee payable for an examination of a person under this rule and the cost of corrective glasses shall be paid by the occupier and shall not be recoverable from that person.(4) The record of examination or re-examination carried out by the concerned ophthalmologist shall be produced on demand.157. Thermic Fluid Heaters.- (1) All heaters shall be of such construction that coils are removable for periodic cleaning, visual inspection and hydraulic test.52 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) Suitable arrangements shall be made for cooling the furnace e ectively in case of power failure.(3) Before restarting the furnace, it shall be e ectively purged.(4)Velocity of ow of the thermic uid shall not be allowed to fall below the minimum recommended by the manufacturers while the heater is in operation.(5)The thermic uid shall be circulated in closed circuit formation with an expansion-cum-deaerator tank. This tank shall be of suitable capacity and located outside the shed where the heater is installed. ective arrangements shall be provided to prevent dripping of thermic uid on heaters, burner, any other source used for heating or any other in ammable or combustible material.(7) Every heater shall be provided with a Photo-register actuated Audio-Visual alarm to indicate ame failure and automatic burner cut o(8) The stack temperature monitor-cum-controller with Audio-Visual alarm shall be provided so as to warn the operator in case the outlet temperature exceeds the speci ed minimum.(9) Where inspection doors are provided on the furnace they shall be inter-locked with the burner itself so that they cannot be opened until burner is shut o and furnace is cooled su ciently.(10) All heaters shall also be provided with the following safety devices: (i) Level control in the expansion tank; (ii) Temperature control of thermic erential pressure switch on the outlet line of the heater tubes; and (iv) Temperature control device for the fuel oil supply to the burner.(11) All devices mentioned in sub-rule (10) shall have interlocking arrangement with burner so that in case of any predetermined limits being crossed the supply of fuel and air to burner shall automatically be cut-o(12) All safety interlocks when operated shall be indicated on the control panel of the heater by a suitable audio-visual alarm.(13) Every heater unit shall be provided as a standard accessory an arrangement for sti ing with low pressure steam or nitrogen for putting out the (14) Electric panel for the heater shall be located near the heater but not so close as to be exposed to spilling or leaking oil.(15) The heater shall be located in a place partitioned o re proof material from other manufacturing activities.(16) Explosion vent shall be so installed that release takes place at safe location.(17) The heater coil shall be subjected to pressure test by competent person once atleast in every 12 months. The test pressure shall not be less than twice the operating pressure.(18) If repairs are carried out to the coil, it shall be tested before taking it into use.(19) The thermic uid shall conform to the speci cations prescribed by the manufacturers and shall be tested by competent person for suitability atleast once in every three months period. Such test shall include test for acidity, suspended matter, ash contents, viscosity and ash point.(20) Cleaning of internal surface of the heater or soot and check up of refractory surface on the inside shall be carried out every month or as often as required depending upon working conditions. The coils shall be removed and surface of the coils cleaned thoroughly once at least in a period of six months. The burner, nozzles, oil lters and pumps shall be cleaned once a week during the periods of use.(21) A separate register containing the following information shall be maintained:- (i) weekly checks carried out con rming the e ectiveness of the interlock, (ii) weekly checks con rming that all accessories are in good state of repairs, and (iii) information regarding fuel oil temperature, pressure, thermic uid inlet\/outlet pressure and temperature, fuel gas temperature, recorded at four hourly interval.(22) The heater when in operation shall always be kept in charge of a trained operator.158. Competent Person .- (1) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may recognize any person as the competent person within such area and for such period as may be speci ed for the purposes of carrying out tests, examination, inspections and cations for such buildings, ventilation system, conveyors, power presses, con ned spaces, thermic uid heaters, centrifugal TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 53machines, oven and driers, dust extraction system, blasting enclosures and such other processes of plant and equipment as stipulated in the Code and the rules made thereunder located in an establishment, if such person possesses the quali cations, experience and other requirements speci ed in the Schedule XLIII: Provided that the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may relax the requirements of quali cations in respect of competent person if such a person is exceptionally experienced and knowledgeable but not the requirements in respect of the facilities at his command: Provided further that where it is proposed to recognise a person employed under the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator Competent Person concurrence of the Government shall be taken and such a person after being so recognised shall not have the powers of an Inspector-cum- facilitator Provided also that the Competent Person to be recognised under this rule shall not be above the age of sixty-two years and shall be physically and medically t for the purpose of carrying out the requisite tests, examinations and inspections.(2) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may recognise an institution of repute, having persons possessing quali cations and experience as speci ed in the Schedule XLIII, for the purposes of carrying out tests, examinations, inspections and certifor buildings, ventilation system, conveyors, power presses, con ned spaces, thermic uid heaters, centrifugal machines, oven and driers, dust extraction system, blasting enclosures and such other processes of plant and equipment as stipulated in the Code and the rules made thereunder as a competent person within such area and for such period as may be speci(3) A person or institute seeking recognition under the Code shall apply in FORM XXXII or FORM XXXIII , respectively.(4) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator on receipt of an application in the prescribed form from a person or an institution intending to be recognised as a Competent Person for the purposes of this Code and rules made there under shall register such application and within a period of sixty days of the date of receipt of the application either after having satis ed himself as regards competence and facilities available at the disposal of the applicant, recognise the applicant as a Competent Personand issue a certi cate of competency in FORM XXXIV or reject the application specifying the reasons therefor.(5) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may after giving an opportunity to the Competent Person of being heard, revoke cate of competency, (i) if he has reason to believe that a Competent Person(a) has violated any condition stipulated in the certi cate of competency; or(b) has carried out a test examination and inspection or(c) has acted in a manner inconsistent with the intent or the purpose of this Act or the rules made thereunder; or(d) has omitted to act as required under the Act and rules made thereunder (ii) for any other reason to be recorded in writingExplanation: For the purpose of this rule, an institution includes an organisation.159.Testing or Examination of certain machineries, equipments and accessories.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rules, the Government may notify the scheme of testing or examination of certain machineries, equipments and accessories for securing the safety and health of the workers employed therein.(2)The scheme mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall include,- (i) Type of machinery\/equipment (ii) Nature of testing or examination (iii) Periodicity of testing or examination (iv) Persons noti ed to conduct testing or examination (v) Fees for such testing or examination(3) The Occupier shall apply for testing or examination in the prescribed form along with the online payment of the specifees for such testing or examination one month in advance from the date on which the validity of the certi cate expires. ed person shall issue the certi cate of testing or examination in the prescribed form within the speci ed timeline.160. Precautions in case of Conveyors.- (1) For the purposes of this rule, Conveyor \" means a horizontal, inclined, or vertical device for moving or transporting material of any kind, in a path determined by the design of the device, and having points of loading or discharge and the device shall include skip hoists, but shall not include devices like cranes, hoists, monorails, bucket drag lines, platform elevators, plant railways, cableways and tramways.54 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) Design, construction and maintenance, etc.- (i) Conveyor shall be of good design, proper construction, sound material, adequate strength and free from defects and shall be properly maintained. (ii) 'In running nips ' shall be securely fenced by safeguard of substantial construction or by any other suitable device. (iii) Conveyor shall be installed in such a way that a clearance of at least 45 centimeters shall be provided between the conveyors side of the passage way and the conveyor. Hand rails or railings shall be provided on open sides of the walkway all along the belt. (iv) When workers have to cross over conveyor, regular crossing facilities a ording safe passage shall be provided. (v) Suitable device like gongs, whistles or signal lights shall be provided to the operator to warn the workers before starting the conveyor. (vi) (a) The starting button or switch for the conveyor shall be so located that the operator can see as much of the conveyor as possible. The starting and stopping devices shall be marked distinctly and so located that they can be clearly seen and safely approached. (b) All personnel working on or around the conveyor shall be made to have knowledge about the location and operation of all stopping devices. (vii) Side guard of su cient height and strength shall be provided to prevent falling of material from the conveyor. (viii) (a) conveyors shall be tested and the parts thereof thoroughly examined by a competent person before being taken into use for the rst time or after it has undergone any alteration or major repairs liable to a ect its strength or stability. (b) A certi cate of such tests and examinations signed by the competent person making the tests and examinations specifying the maximum safe conveying load shall be obtained and made available to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator on demand. (c) Conveyors shall be thoroughly examined at least once in every twelve months by the competent person and report of the competent person shall be made available to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator on demand. (ix) Belt conveyors carrying materials which might stick to tail drums or belts, shall be provided with xed scrappers or revolving brushes for removing the deposits to avoid the hazards in cleaning the moving parts or pulleys by hand or shovels while the belts are in motion. (x) Conveyors shall be provided with automatic and continuous lubrication systems or with lubricating facilities so arranged that oiling and greasing can be performed without the oils coming within the dangerous proximity to moving pans. (xi) Before commencing any maintenance work, electrical or mechanical, ' permit ' to work shall be obtained from the Occupier or any person so authorized by the Occupier for the purpose and the procedure laid down in the permit shall be strictly followed. (xii) The workers working on conveyor shall be adequately trained. (xiii) No person shall be required or allowed to ride on conveyors.(3) Conveyor Guarding.- (i) The Underpasses of the conveyor shall be securely guarded. (ii) All the transfer points of conveyors system shall be adequately enclosed. (iii) Where the top of hopper for feeding conveyor is less than 90 centimeters above oor, the opening shall be adequately guarded. (iv) All the areas underneath the counterweight of the conveyor system shall be suitable (sic) barricaded so as to prevent any person getting injured due to accidental fall of the ' counterweight '. (v) Gears, sprockets, sheaves and other moving parts shall be either adequately guarded or positioned in such a way as to protect workers against personal injuries.(4) Safety Devices.- (i) A conveyor shall,-(a) stop when its driving power is cut-o and remain stopped until the power is reconnected;(b) have a provision at each point of loading or delivery of the conveyor, to stop the conveyor;(c) not be capable of being restarted after having been stopped until the device, if any ,by which it is stopped is reset in the running position; and(d) where the conveyor can be stopped by means of a push button have provision whereby the push button can be secured in the stop position. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 55 (ii) (a) Chord shall be provided on both sides of the belt along the walkway covering the entire length of the belt when pulled shall stop the conveyor and the distance between two consecutive emergency stopping devices of the chords shall not exceed 23 (twenty three) meters.(b) For conveyers other than belt conveyors emergency stopping devices shall be provided at the accessible points throughout the length of the conveyors and distance between the two consecutive devices shall not be more than 8 (eight) meters. (iii) Overload protection device shall be provided so that when overloaded all starting devices shall get automatically . In addition to such overload protection customarily provided for electric motors, there shall be an overload device designed to protect the conveyor and mechanical drive parts. In the event of an overload, the device shall shut o the electric power quickly, disconnect the conveyor or drive parts from the motive power, or limit the applied torque. (iv) When a conveyor has stopped because of an overload, all starting devices shall be locked out and the cause of the overload removed. The entire conveyor shall be inspected before it is restarted. (v) If two or more conveyers are operated in series, conveyors shall be interlocked in such a way that if one conveyor is stopped all other conveyors fed by it shall be stopped simultaneously. (vi) Conveyors which carry loads up inclines shall be provided with mechanical devices that will prevent machinery from reversing and carrying the loads back towards the loading point in the event of the power being cut-o (vii) The precautions necessary to avoid the accumulation of the static electricity shall be taken.(5) Personal Protective Equipment.- The worker engaged in the operation of conveyors shall wear tight tting clothing and use appropriate personal protective equipment.(6) Gravity Conveyers.- (i) The delivery ends of the conveyors shall be provided with electrically or mechanically operated devices to give warning that a package is about to be delivered. (ii) To prevent the spread of re, the chute conveyors shall be,- (a) enclosed in shafts made of re resisting materials, with a door at each charging station and at the delivery (b) provided with automatic re doors or with draught checks where the chutes pass through the (iii) The gravity roller conveyors shall be provided with guides or guard rails on each side of the conveyor way at corners or turns and on each side of those portions of the conveyor way which are more than 5( ve) feet above the (7) Chain Conveyor.- (i) Overhead chain conveyor systems shall be so designed and installed that ample clearance is provided between the material transported and any xed or moving objects. (ii) Apron conveyors used for carrying unpacked bottles, jars or other glass containers shall be provided with side rails at a suitable distance above the conveying surfaces to prevent the containers from tipping over or falling o (iii) Return portion of a chain conveyor shall be adequately guarded.(8) Bucket Conveyors.- (1) Inclined bucket conveyors shall be enclosed with solid guards which,(a) are not less than 7 (seven) feet in height, but preferably extend to the full height of the machinery, so as (i) to prevent anything being pushed or thrown into the shaft ways; and (ii) to hold any material which might drop from the buckets; and(b) are provided with wire-glass windows or doors or with removable sections to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs.(2) Controls of movable tripping devices for bucket conveyors shall be so located that they can be operated from a safe (9) Screw Conveyors.- (i) Screw conveyors shall be placed in steel or steel-lined trough tted with well secured tight covers of not less than 3 (three) mm (1\/8 inch) steel plates in removable sections and should be provided with second covers of heavy wire mesh in corresponding removable sections underneath the solid top covers so as to guard the screw when the solid cover is removed for inspection of the interior.(ii) Inside cover of screw conveyors, or outside covers where so inside covers are provided, should be mechanically or electrically interlocked with the control units or driving mechanisms in such a manner that the power is automatically shut owhenever a section of the cover is removed.(iii) No person shall be allowed\/required to stand or walk on housings of screw conveyors.56 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(10) Pneumatic Conveyors.- (i) Blower or exhaust fans for pneumatic conveyors systems shall be(a) of non-combustible construction;(b) of adequate but not greatly excessive capacity properly to perform the functions required; rmly secured to substantial supports or foundations;(d) so located and arranged as to a ord ready and safe access for cleaning, inspection, lubrication and repairing; and(e) provided with remote control in addition to any controls located close to the systems. (ii) Where readily ignitable materials are passed through fans for pneumatic conveyor systems, the blades and spiders of the fans shall be of non-ferrous material; or the casings shall be lined with non-ferrous material. (iii) Blades or runners of blower or exhaust fans for pneumatic conveyor systems shall be of su cient strength to prevent contact with casings or distortion under conditions of deposit loading or other operating factors. (iv) Housing or casings of blower or exhaust fans for pneumatic conveyors shall be so constructed as to prevent distortion and loss of alignment under operating conditions. (v) Intake openings of blowers or exhaust fans for pneumatic conveyors shall be protected with substantial metal screens or gratings. (vi) Bearing of blower or exhaust fans for pneumatic conveyors shall be self-lubricating, dust-tight, and located outside casings and ducts. (vii) Ducts for pneumatic conveyor systems shall be constructed of steel plate of adequate strength or other metal equal in strength to steel plate. (viii) Ducts for pneumatic conveyor systems shall be (a) reasonably tight throughout, with no openings other than those required for the proper operation and maintenance of the systems;(b) substantially supported by metal brackets or hangers, and thoroughly braced where required ;and(c) kept open and unobstructed throughout their entire length with no screens inside them. (ix) Hand holes for cleaning purposes in ducts for pneumatic conveyors shall be equipped with tight- tting sliding or swinging doors provided with substantial latches. (x) Where material is fed by hand into pneumatic conveyors through openings 30 (thirty) centimeters 12 (twelve) inches or larger, provision shall be made to prevent worker from being drawn into the ducts, such as by installing feed hoppers extending at least 1 (one) meter-40 (forty inches) from the ducts. (xi) Doors of a pneumatic conveyor shall be so interlocked that they cannot be opened when there is positive internal pressure and the conveyor cannot be started unless all the doors are closed.161. Precautions against ionizing radiation: Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rules, all ionizing radiation exposures shall be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and suitable control measures shall be employed to minimize radiation exposure of workers subject to the following dose limits.Dose limitsPart of the body(1)Occupational exposureWhole body ective dose)20 mSv \/yearaveraged over 5 consecutive years30 mSv in any single yearLens of eyes(Equivalent dose)150 mSv in a year(Equivalent dose)500 mSv in a yearExtremities- Hands and Feet(Equivalent dose)500 mSv in a year TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 57Manufacture of Aerated Waters and other Bottling Processes(see rule 81)1. Fencing of machines.- All machines for lling bottles or syphons shall be so constructed, placed or fenced as to prevent at far as may be practicable, a fragment of a bursting bottle or syphon from striking any person employed in the factory.2. Face-guards and gauntlets.- (1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all persons engaged in lling bottles or siphons -(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and(b) suitable gauntlets for both arms to protect the whole hands and arms.Provided that,- (i) paragraph 2 (1) shall not apply where bottles are lled by means of an automatic machine so constructed that no fragment of a bursting bottle can escape, and (ii) where a machine is so constructed that only one arm of the bottle at work upon it is exposed to danger, a gauntlet need not be provided for the arm which is not exposed to danger.2) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all persons engaged in corking, crowning, screwing, wiring, foiling, capsuling, sighting, handling or labeling bottles or syphons(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and(b) suitable gauntlets for both arms to protect the arm and atleast half of the palm and the space between the thumb and 3. Wearing of face-guards and gauntlets.- All persons engaged in any of the processes speci ed in paragraph (2) shall, while at work in such processes, wear the faceguards and gauntlets provided under the provisions of the said paragraph.Phosphating, Electrolytic Plating or Oxidation of Metal Articles by use of an Electrolyte containing Acids, Bases or Salts of Metals such as Chromium, Nickel, Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, Silver, Gold etc.(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all factories in which Phosphating, Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles is carried on. nitions.- For the purposes of this schedule,-electrolytic process means the electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by the use of an electrolyte containing acids, bases or salts of metals such as chromium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver, gold, etc.Phosphating process means a chemical process for the surface treatment wherein soluble metal phosphate layers are formed. means any vessel used for an electrolytic process or for any subsequent process.3. Exhaust draught.- An e cient exhaust draught shall be provided by mechanical means and shall operate on the vapour or spray given o in the process as near as may be at the point of origin. The exhaust draught appliance shall be so constructed, arranged and maintained as to prevent the vapour or spray entering into any room or place in which work is carried on.4. Floor or workrooms.- The oor of every workroom containing a bath shall be impervious to water. The oor shall be maintained in good and level condition and shall be washed down at least once a day.5. Protective devices.- (1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition the following articles of protective devices for the use of all persons employed on any process and such devices shall be worn by the persons concerned.(a) water proof aprons and bibs;(b) for persons actually working at a bath, loose- tting rubber gloves and rubber boots or other waterproof footwear, and chemical goggles; and(c) suitable and e cient respirator.58 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed suitable accommodation for the storage and drying of protective devices.6. Water facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained in good repairs for the use of all persons employed in electrolytic process and processes incidental to it -(a) a wash place under cover, with either -(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe, and of su cient length to allow at least 60 cms. for every 5 persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the trough intervals of not more than 60 cms; or(ii) at least one wash basin for every ve such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and having a constant supply of water laid on; cient supply of clean towels renewed daily, and soap or other suitable cleaning material.(2) In addition to the facility in sub-paragraph (1) an approved type of emergency shower with eye fountain shall be provided and maintained in good working order. Wherever necessary, in order to ensure continuous water supply, storage tank of 1,500 liters capacity shall be provided as a source of clean water for emergency use.7. Cautionary placard.- A cautionary placard in the form speci ed below and printed in the language of the majority of the employees employed shall be a xed in a prominent place in the factory where it can be easily and conveniently read by the employees.CAUTIONARY NOTICE1. Chemicals handled in this plant are corrosive and poisonous.2. Smoking, chewing tobacco, eating food or drinking in this area is prohibited. No food stu or drink shall be brought in this area.3. Some of these chemicals maybe absorbed through the skin and may cause poisoning.4. A good wash shall be taken before meals.5. Protective devices supplied shall be used while working in this area.6. Spillage of the chemicals on any part of the body or on the oor shall be immediately washed away with water.7. All employees shall report for the prescribed medical tests regularly to protect their own health.8. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which this Schedule applies shall -(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a); and(c) maintain a su cient supply of suitable barrier cream, ointment and impermeable water proof plaster in a separate box readily accessible to the employees and used solely for the purpose of keeping these substances. In case cyanides are used in the bath, the box shall also contain an emergency cyanide kit.(2) The medical practitioner shall examine all employees before they are employed in electrolytic processes. Such examination in case of chrome plating shall include inspection of hands, forearms and nose and will be carried out once at least in every fortnight.(3) The record of the examinations referred to in sub-paragraph (2) shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.9. Medical examination by the Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in the electrolytic processes shall be examined by a Medical O cer before his rst employment. Such examination shall include X-ray of the chest and -(a) in case of chromium plating, include examination for nasal septum perforation and test for chromium in urine;(b) in case of nickel plating, test for nickel in urine; and(c) in case of cadmium plating, test for cadmium in urine and Beta-2 microglobulin in urine.(2) No employee shall be employed in any electrolytic process unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O cer. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 59(3) Every employee employed in the electrolytic processes shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every year except in case of the employees employed in cadmium, chromium and nickel plating processes for whom this examination shall be carried out once in every six months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include tests as speci ed under sub-paragraph (1) excluding the X- ray of the chest which shall not be required normally to be carried out earlier than once in three years.(4) The Medical O cer after examining an employee shall issue a Certi cate of Fitness in FORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a health register in FORM XXIV .(5) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(6) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the electrolytic processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person declared un t in such circumstances shall be provided with alternate placement facility unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical cer, in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(7) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (6) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination again certi t for employment in those processes.10. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in the process area wherein Phosphating, Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles is carried on.Manufacture and Repair of Electric Accumulators(see rule 81)1. Savings.- This Schedule shall not apply to the manufacture or repair of electric accumulators or parts thereof not containing lead or any compound of lead; or to the repair on the premises, of any accumulator forming part of a stationary battery. nitions.- For the purposes of this schedule:(a) \"Lead process\" means the melting of lead or any materials containing lead, casting, pasting, lead burning, or any other work, including trimming, or any other abrading or cutting of pasted plates, involving the use, movement or manipulation of, or contact with, any oxide of lead.(b) \"Manipulation of raw oxide of lead\" means any lead process involving any manipulation or movement of raw oxides of lead other than its conveyance in a receptacle or by means of an implement from one operation to another.3. Separation of certain processes.- Each of the following processes shall be carried on in such a manner under such conditions as to secure e ectual separation from one another, and from any other process;(a) Manipulation of raw oxide of lead;(b) Pasting;(c) Drying of pasted plates;(d) Formation with lead burning (\"tacking\") necessarily carried on in connection therewith;(e) Melting down of pasted plates.4. Air-space.- In every room in which a lead process is carried on, there shall be at least 14.2 cubic meters of air space for each person employed therein, and in computing this air space no height over 3.7 meters shall be taken into account.5. Ventilation.- Every workroom shall be provided with inlets and outlets of adequate size as to secure and maintain eventilation in all parts of the room.6. Distance between employees in pasting room.- In every pasting room the distance between the centre of the working position of any paster and that of the paster working nearest to him shall not be less than 1.5 meters.7. Floor of work-rooms.- (1) The oor of every room in which a lead process is carried on shall be -(a) of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious to water;(b) maintained in sound condition;60 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(c) kept free from materials, plant, or other obstruction not required for, or produced is the process carried on in the room.(2) In all such rooms other than grid casting shops the oor shall be cleansed daily after being thoroughly sprayed with water at a time when no other work is being carried on in the room.(3) In grid casting shop the oor shall be cleansed daily.(4) Without prejudice to the requirements of sub- paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) where manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on, the oor shall also be(a) kept constantly moist while work is being done;(b) provided with suitable and adequate arrangements for drainage ;(c) thoroughly washed daily by means of a hose pipe.8. Work-benches.- The work benches at which any lead process is carried on shall -(a) have a smooth surface and be maintained in sound condition;(b) be kept free from all materials or plant not required for, or produced in, the process carried on thereat;and all such work-benches other than those in grid casting shops shall(c) be cleaned daily either after being thoroughly damped or by means of a suction cleaning apparatus at a time when no other work is being carried on thereat; and, all such work-benches in grid casting shops shall(d) be cleansed daily;and every work-bench used for pasting shall -(e) be covered throughout with sheet lead or other impervious material;(f) be provided with raised edges;(g) be kept constantly moist while pasting is being carried on.9. Exha ust draught.- The following processes shall not be carried on without the use of an e cient exhaust draught;(a) Melting of lead or materials containing lead.(b) Manipulation of raw oxide of lead, unless done in an enclosed apparatus so as to prevent the escape of dust into the (c) Pasting(d) Trimming, brushing, ling or any other abrading or cutting of pasted plates giving rise to dust.(e) Lead burning, other than(i) \"tacking\" in the formation room;(ii) chemical burning for the making of lead linings for cell cases necessarily carried on in such a manner, that the application cient exhaust is impracticable.Such exhaust draught shall be e ected by mechanical means and shall operate on the dust or fume given o as nearly as maybe at its point of origin, so as to prevent its entering the air of any room in which persons work.10. Fumes and gases from melting pots.- The products of combustion produced in the heating of any melting pot shall not be allowed to escape into a room in which persons work.11. Container for dross.- A suitable receptacle with tightly tting cover shall be provided and used for dross as it is removed from every melting pot. Such receptacle shall be kept covered while in the workroom, except when dross is being deposited therein.12. Container for lead waste.- A suitable receptacle shall be provided in every workroom in which old plates and waste material which may give rise to dust shall be deposited.13. Racks or shelves in drying room.- The racks or shelves provided in any drying room shall not be more than 2.4 meters from the oor not more than 61 centimeters in width: provided that as regards racks or shelves set or drawn from both sides the total width shall not exceed 1.2 meters. Such racks or shelves shall be cleansed only after being thoroughly damped unless an e cient suction cleaning apparatus is used for this purpose. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 6114. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory in which manufacture and repair of electric accumulators is carried on shall.-(a) Employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein, whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.15. Medical examination by Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in lead processes shall be examined by a Medical O cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for lead in urine and blood, Aminolevulinic Acid in urine, hemoglobin content stippling of cells and steadiness test. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every three calendar months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include tests speciin sub-paragraph (1).(3) The Medical O cer after examining an employee shall issue a Certi cate of Fitness in FORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the certi cate and the certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub- paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical Officer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV .(4) The Certi cate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above shall be re- employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.16. Protective clothing.- Protective clothing shall be provided and maintained in good repair for all persons employed in(a) Manipulation of raw oxide of lead;(b) pasting;(c) the formation room ;and such clothing shall be worn by the persons concerned. The protective clothing shall consist of a waterproof apron and waterproof footwear; and, also as regards persons employed in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting, head coverings. The head coverings shall be washed daily.17. Mess-room.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in a lead process and remaining on the premises during the meal intervals, a suitable mess-room which shall be furnished with (a) su cient tables and benches, and (b) adequate means for warming food.The mess-room shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person, and shall be kept clean.18. Cloak-room.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in a lead process,-(a) A cloak-room for clothing put o during working hours with adequate arrangements for drying the clothing if wet. Such accommodation shall be separate from any mess-room.(b) Separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing provided underparagraph 16.19. Washing facilities.- There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in a lead process(a) A wash place under cover, with either62 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug, and of su cient length to allow of at least 61 centimeters for every ve such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters ; or (ii) at least one wash basin for every live such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water laid on; (iii) a su cient supply of clean towels made of suitable materials renewed daily, which supply, in the case of pasters and persons employed in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead, shall include a separate marked towel for each such employee; (iv) a su cient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material and of nail brushes.(b) There shall in addition be provided means of washing in close proximity to the rooms in which manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on if required by notice in writing from the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.20. Time to be allowed for washing.- Before each meal and before the end of the days work, at least ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be allowed for washing to each person who has been employed in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting: Provided that if there be one basin or 61 centimeters of trough for each such person this rule shall not apply.21. Facilities for bathing.- Su cient bath accommodation to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be provided for all persons engaged in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting, and a su cient supply of soap and clean towels.22. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be consumed or brought by any employee into any workroom in which any lead process is carried on.23. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any Lead process or in any room in which the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on.Glass Manufacture(see rule 81) nitions.- (1)For the purpose of this schedule - cient exhaust draught\" means localized ventilation e ected by mechanical means, for the removal of gas, vapour, dust or fumes so as to prevent them (as far as practicable under the atmospheric conditions usually prevailing) from escaping into the air of any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed e cient which fails to remove smoke generated at the point where such gas, vapour, fume, or dusts originate.(b) \"Lead compound\" means any compound of lead other than galena which, when treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding when calculated as lead monoxide, 5 percent of the dry weight of the portion taken for analysis.(2) The method of treatment shall be as follows: A weighed quantity of the material which has been dried at 100C and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour, at the common temperature with 1,000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 percent by weight of hydrogen chloride. This solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then ltered. The lead salt contained in the clear ltrate shall then be precipitated as lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate.2. Exhaust draught.- The following processes shall not be carried on except under an e cient exhaust draught or under such other conditions as may be approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator: -(a) The mixing of raw materials to form a \"batch\".(b) The dry grinding, glazing and polishing of glass or any article of glass.(c) All processes in which hydro uoric acid fumes or ammonical vapors are given o(d) All processes in the making of furnace moulds or \"pots\" including the grinding or crushing of used \"pots\"(e) All processes involving the use of a dry lead compound.(f) All furnaces, heating ovens and driers. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 63(g) All machineries involving the secondary processing on glass material3. Floors and work-benches.- The oor and work- benches of every room in which a dry compound of lead is manipulated or in which any process is carried on giving o silica dust shall be kept moist and shall comply with the following requirements oor shall be --(a) of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious to water ;(b) maintained in sound conditions ; and(c) cleansed daily after being thoroughly sprayed with water at a time when no other work is being carried on in the room.The work-benches shall (a) have a smooth surface and be maintained in sound condition, and(b) be cleansed daily either after being thoroughly damped or by means of a suction cleaning apparatus at a time when no other work is being carried on thereat.4. Use of Hydro uoric Acid.- The following provisions shall apply to rooms in which glass is treated with hydro uoric acid:(a) There shall be inlets and outlets of adequate size so as to secure and maintain e cient ventilation in all parts of the room; oor shall be covered with gutta-percha and be tight and shall slope gently down to a covered drain;(c) the work places shall be so enclosed in projecting hoods that openings required for bringing in the objects to be treated shall be as small as practicable ; and cient exhaust draught shall be so contrived that the gases are exhausted downwards.5. Storage and transport of Hydro uoric acid.- Hydro uoric acid shall not be stored or transported except in cylinders or receptacles made of lead or rubber.6. Suitable facilities shall be readily available for sterilizing the blow-pipes used by the glass blowers and such blow-pipes shall be sterilized at the beginning of the operations of blowing, each day.7. Work near furnaces.- ( i) No person shall carry out any work near furnace within the distance dangerous to the health and safety.(ii) All precautions shall be taken to prevent de-hydration to the employees employed near-by.8. Provision of safety arrangements.- (i) Suitable interlock arrangement shall be provided and maintained in all the machines so as to ensure the safety of persons employed therein. (ii) No process or work shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury to the persons employed.9. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any employee in any room or work place wherein any process speci ed in paragraph 2 is carried on.10. Protective clothing.- The occupier shall provide, maintain in good repair and keep in a clean condition for the use of all persons employed in the processes speci ed in paragraph 3 suitable protective clothing, footwear and goggles according to the nature of the work and such clothing, footwear, etc., shall be worn by the persons concerned.11. Washing facilities.- There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in the processes speci ed in paragraph 3,-(a) a wash place with either - (i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe, without plug and of su cient length to allow of at least 61 centimeters for every ve such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters ; or (ii) at least one wash basin for every ve such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having an adequate supply of water laid on or always readily available ; and cient supply of clean towels made of suitable materials renewed daily with a su cient supply of soap or other suitable cleansing material and of nail brushes ; and cient number of stand pipes with taps - the number and location of such stand pipes shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.64 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY12. Medical facilities and record of examinations and tests.- (1) The Occupier of every factory in which glass manufacturing processes are carried out, shall -(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The records of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.13. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the processes speci ed in paragraph 2 are carried on.Grinding or Glazing of Metals and Processes Incidental thereto(see rule 81) nitions.- For the purposes of this schedule-(a) \"Grindstone\" means a grindstone composed of natural or manufactured sandstone but does not include a metal wheel or cylinder into which blocks of natural or manufactured sandstone are (b) \"Abrasive wheel' means a wheel manufactured of bonded emery or similar abrasive;(c) \"Grinding\" means the abrasion, by aid of mechanical power of metal, by means of a grindstone or abrasive wheel;(d) \"Glazing\" means the abrading, polishing or nishing by aid of mechanical power of metal, by means of any wheel, bumop or similar appliance to which any abrading or polishing substance is attached or applied;(e) \"Racing\" means the turning up, cutting or dressing of a revolving grindstone before it is brought into use for the rst time;(f) \"Hacking\" means the chipping of the surface of a grindstone by a hack or similar tool;(g)\"Rodding\" means the dressing of the surface of a revolving grindstone by the application of rod, bar or strip of metal to such surface.2. Safety precautions regarding grinding and glazing machinery.- (1) All collars, set screws, shafts, couplings, clutches, keys, pulleys, keys and belts in polishing and grinding machines shall be e ectively guarded.(2) (i) Defective wheels shall not be used. (ii) Grinding wheels shall t freely on their spindles. They shall never be forced on, nor shall they be let loose on (iii) The soft metal bushings at the centre shall not extend beyond the sides of the wheels. Wheels shall be kept as true as practicable and work rests shall be kept adjusted close to wheels. (iv) Wherever possible a compressible medium such as blotting paper, rubber or similar material, at least as large III diameter as that of the anges, shall be tted between a wheel and each of its (v) Projecting arbor ends of grinding and polishing wheels shall be e ectively guarded.(3) Every emery or abrasive wheel shall be provided with a strong iron cover guard that shall enclose the wheel as far as practicable to retain fragments in the event of bursting. The guard shall be securely attached to the frame of the machine or other solid foundation.(4) Wheels shall not be operated at a speed in excess of that which is recommended by the manufacturer.3. Equipment for removal of dust.- No racing, dry grinding or glazing shall be performed without-(a) a hood or other appliance so constructed, arranged, placed, and maintained as substantially to intercept the dust thrown o(b) a duct of adequate size, air-tight and so arranged as to be capable of carrying away the dust, which dust shall be kept free from obstruction and shall be provided with proper means of access for inspection and cleaning, and where practicable, with a connection at the end remote from the fan to enable the Inspector-cum-Facilitator to attach thereto any instrument necessary for ascertaining the pressure of air in the said duct; and(c) a fan or other e cient means of producing a draught su cient to extract the dust : TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 65 Provided that the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may accept any other appliance that is, in his opinion, as efor the interception, removal and disposal of dust thrown o as a hood, duct and fan would be.4. Restriction on employment on grinding operations.- Not more than one person shall at any time perform the actual process of grinding, or glazing upon a grindstone, abrasive wheel or glazing appliance: Provided that this paragraph shall not prohibit the employment of persons to assist in the manipulation of heavy or bulky articles at any such grindstone, abrasive wheel or glazing appliance.5. Glazing.- Glazing or other processes, except processes incidental to wet grinding upon a grindstone shall not be carried on in any room in which wet grinding upon a grindstone is done.6. Hacking and rodding.- Hacking or rodding shall not be done unless during the process either (a) an adequate supply of water is laid on at the upper surface of the grindstone or (b) adequate appliances for the interception of dust are provided in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.7. Examination of dust equipment.- (a) All equipment for the extraction or suppression of dust shall at least once in every six months be examined and tested by a competent person, and any defect disclosed by such examination and test shall be ed as soon as practicable.(b) A register containing particulars of such examination and test shall be kept in FORM XXVII8. Personnel Protective Equipment:- The occupier of every factory to which this schedule applies shall provide to employees personnel protective equipments such as breathing apparatus, hand gloves, shoes, helmets, goggles, earplug, aprons, etc, as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards and maintained in good conditions for use of every person employed.9. Medical facilities and record of examinations and tests.- (1) The Occupier of every factory in which grinding or glazing of metals are carried out, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Every employee employed in grinding or glazing of metal and processes incidental thereto shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within 15 days of his rst employment and re-examined at least once in every 12 calendar months.Manufacture and Treatment of Lead and Certain Compounds of Lead(see rule 81)1. Definitions.- For the purposes of this schedule(a) \"Lead compound\" means any compound of lead other than galena which, when treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding, when calculated as lead monoxide, ve per cent. of the dry weight of the portion taken for analysis. In the case of paints and similar products and other mixtures containing oil or fat the \"dry weight\" means the dry weight of the material remaining after the substance has been thoroughly mixed and treated with suitable solvents to remove oil, fats, varnish or other media.The method of treatment shall be as follows:- A weighed quantity of the material which has been dried at 100C and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour, at the common temperature with 1,000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 per cent. by weight of hydrogen chloride. This solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then ltered. The lead salt contained in the clear ltrate shall then be precipitated as lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate. cient exhaust draught\" means localized ventilation e ected by heat or mechanical means, for the removal of gas, vapour, dust or fumes so as to prevent them (as practicable under the atmospheric conditions usually prevailing) from escaping into the air of any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed e cient which fails to remove smoke generated at the point where such gas, vapour, fumes or dust originate.Manipulation means mixing, blending, lling, emptying, grinding, sieving, drying, packing, sweeping, handling, using, etc.66 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY2. Application.- This schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which any of the following operations are carried on:(a) Work at a furnace where the reduction or treatment of zinc or lead ores is carried on.(b) The manipulation, treatment or reduction of ashes containing lead, the de-silverising of lead or the melting of scrap lead or zinc.(c) The manufacture and manipulation of solder or alloys containing more than ten percent of lead.(d) The manufacture of any oxide, carbonate, sulphate, chromate, acetate, nitrate, or silicate of lead.(e) Handling or mixing of lead tetraethyl.(f) Any other operation involving the use of a lead compound.(g) The cleaning of workroom where any of the operations aforesaid are carried on.3. Requirements to be observed.- No person shall be employed or permitted to work in any process involving the use of lead compounds if the process is such that dust or fume from a lead compound is produced therein, or the persons employed therein are liable to be splashed with any lead compound in the course of their employment unless the provisions of paragraphs 4 to 11 are complied with.4. Exhaust draught.- Where dust, fume, gas or vapour is produced in the process, provision shall be made for removing them by means of any e cient exhaust draught so contrived as to operate on the dust, fume, gas or vapour as closely as possible to the point of origin.5. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The Occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Every employee employed in the processes referred to in paragraph 3 shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for lead in blood and urine, Aminolevulinic Acid in urine, hemoglobin content, stippling of cells and steadiness tests. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical practitioner.(4) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical practitioner at least once in every three calendar months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical practitioner considers appropriate, include tests speciin sub-paragraph (3).6. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workrooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any employee in any workroom or workplace wherein any process speci ed in paragraph 2 is carried on and no person shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.7. Protective clothing.- Suitable protective overalls and head coverings shall be provided, maintained and kept clean by the factory occupier and such overalls and head coverings shall be worn by the persons employed.8. Cleanliness of workrooms, tools, etc.- The rooms in which the persons arc employed and all tools and apparatus used by them shall be kept in a clean state.9. Washing facilities.- (1) The Occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed, suitable washing facilities consisting of(a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug and of su cient length to allow at least 61 centimeters for every ten persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters ; or(b) atleast one wash-basin for every ten persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of clean water, together with, in either case, a su cient supply of nail brushes, soap or other suitable cleansing material and clean towels. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 67(2) The facilities so provided shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.10. Mess-room or Canteen.- The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of the persons employed suitable and adequate arrangements for taking their meals. The arrangement shall consist of the use of a room separate from any workroom which shall be furnished with su cient tables and benches and unless a canteen serving hot meals is provided, adequate means for warming food. The room shall be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.11. Cloak-room.- The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of persons employed, suitable accommodation for clothing not worn during working hours, and for the drying of wet clothing.12. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 2.Generation of Gas from Dangerous Petroleum(see rule 81)1. Flame traps.- The plant for generation of gas from dangerous petroleum and associated piping and ttings shall be tted with atleast two e ame traps so designed and maintained as to prevent a ash back from any burner to the plant. One of these traps shall be tted as close to the plant as possible. The plant and all pipes and valves shall be installed and maintained free from leaks.2. Generating building or room.- All plants for generation of gas from dangerous petroleum erected after the coming into force of the provisions speci ed in this schedule shall be erected outside the factory building proper in a separate well ventilated building (hereinafter referred to as the \"generating building\"). In the case of such plant erected before the coming into force of the provisions speci ed in this schedule there shall be no direct communication between the room where such plants are erected (hereinafter referred to as the \"generating room\"), and the remainder of the factory building. So far as practicable, all such generating rooms shall be constructed of re-resisting materials.3. Fire Extinguishers.- An e cient means of extinguishing petrol res shall be maintained in an easily accessible position near the plant for generation of gas from dangerous petroleum.4. Plant to be approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.- Gas from dangerous petroleum shall not be manufactured except in a plant for generating gas from dangerous petroleum, the design and construction of which has been approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.5. Escape of dangerous petroleum.- E ective steps shall be taken to prevent dangerous petroleum from escaping into any drain or sewer.6. Prohibition relating to smoking, etc.,- No person shall smoke or carry matches, re or naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark in the generating room or generating building or in the vicinity thereof and a warning notice in the language understood by the majority of the employees shall he pasted in the factory prohibiting smoking and the carrying of matches, re or naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark into such room or building.7. Access to dangerous petroleum or container.- No unauthorized person shall have access to any dangerous petroleum or to vessel containing or having actually contained (dangerous) petroleum.8. Electric ttings.- All electric ttings shall be of ame-proof construction and all electric conductors shall either be enclosed in metal conduits or be lead sheathed.9. Construction of doors.- All doors in generating room or generating building shall be constructed to open outwards or to slide and no door shall be locked or obstructed or fastened in such a manner that it cannot be easily and immediately opened from the inside while gas is being generated and any person is working in the generating room or generating building.10. Repair of containers.- No vessel that has contained petroleum shall be repaired in a generating room or generating building and no repairs to any such vessel shall be undertaken unless live-steam has been blown into the vessel and until the interior is thoroughly steamed out or other equally e ective steps have been taken to ensure that it has been rendered free from dangerous petroleum or in ammable vapour.11. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work or enter in any building in which the generation of gas from dangerous petroleum is carried on.68 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYCleaning, Smoothing, Roughening etc., of Articles by a Jet of Sand Metal Shot or Grit or other Abrasive Propelled by a Blast of Compressed Air or Steam(see rule 81) nitions.- For the purposes of this schedule(a) \"Blasting\" means cleaning, smoothing, peening, roughening or removing of any part of the surface of any article by the use as an abrasive of a jet of sand, metal shot, or grit or other material, propelled by a blast, of compressed air or steam.(b) \"Blast enclosures\" means a chamber, barrel cabinet or any other enclosure designed for the performance of blasting Blasting chamber\" means a blasting enclosure in which any person may enter at any time in connection with any work or otherwise.(d) \"Cleaning of castings\", where done as an incidental or supplemental process in connection with the making of metal castings, means, the freeing of the casting from adherent sand or other substance and includes the removal of dross and the general smoothing of a casting, but does not include the free treatment.2. Prohibition of sand blasting.- Sand or any other substance containing free silica shall not be introduced as an abrasive into any blasting apparatus and shall not be used for blasting.3. Precautions in connection with blasting operations.- (1) Blasting to be done in blasting enclosure: Blasting shall not be done except in a blasting enclosure and no work other than blasting and any work immediately incidental thereto and cleaning and repairing of the enclosure including the plants and appliances situated therein, shall be performed in a blasting enclosure. Every door, aperture and joint of blasting enclosure, shall be kept closed and air-tight, while blasting is being done therein.(2) Maintenance of blasting enclosure: Blasting enclosure shall always be maintained in good condition and emeasures shall be taken to prevent dust escaping from such enclosures and from any apparatus connected therewith, into the air of any room.(3) Provision of separating apparatus: There shall be provided and maintained for and in connection with every blasting enclosure, e cient apparatus for separating, so far as practicable, abrasive which has been used for blasting and which is to be used again as an abrasive, from dust or particles or other materials arising from blasting; and no such abrasive shall be introduced into any blasting apparatus and used for blasting until it has been so separated: Provided that this clause shall not apply, except in the case of blasting chambers, to blasting enclosures constructed or installed before the coming into force of this Schedule, if the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator is of the opinion that it is not reasonably practicable to provide such separating apparatus.(4) Provision of ventilating plant: There shall be provided and maintained in connection with every blasting enclosure cient ventilating plant to extract, by exhaust draught e ected by mechanical means, dust produced in the enclosure. The dust extracted and removed shall be disposed of by such method and in such a manner that it shall not escape into the air of any room; and every other ltering or settling device situated in a room in which persons are employed, other than persons attending to such bag or other ltering or settling device, shall be completely separated from the general air of that room in an enclosure ventilated to the open air.(5) Operation of ventilating plant: The ventilating plant provided for the purpose of sub- clause (4) shall be kept in continuous operation wherever the blasting enclosure is in use whether or not blasting is actually taking place therein, and in the case of a blasting chamber, it shall be in operation even when any person is inside the chamber for the purpose of cleaning.(6) No person shall be required or allowed to work in blasting enclosure unless he is provided with suitable breathing apparatus capable of continuous supply of fresh air.(7) No process or work shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury to the persons employed.4. Inspection and examination.- (1) Every blasting enclosure shall be examined by a quali ed person once in every week and specially tested by a competent person once in every six months, in which it is used for blasting. Every blasting enclosure, the apparatus connected therewith and the ventilating plant shall be thoroughly examined and in the case of ventilating plant, examined by a quali ed person once in every month and tested by a competent person once in every six months.(2) Particulars of the result of every such inspection, examination and test shall forthwith be entered in a register in FORM XXV, which shall be kept in a form approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator and shall be available for inspection by any workman employed in, or in connection with, blasting in the factory. Any defect found on any such inspection, examination or test shall be immediately reported by the person carrying out the inspection, examination or test to the Occupier or other appropriate person and without prejudice to the foregoing requirements of this Schedule, shall be removed without avoidable delay.5. Provision of protective helmets, gauntlets and overalls.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons who are employed in a blasting chamber, whether in blasting or in any work connected therewith or in cleaning such TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 69a chamber, protective helmets of a type approved by a certi cate of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and every such person shall wear the helmet provided for this use whilst he is in the chamber and shall not remove it until he is outside the chamber(2) Each protective helmet shall carry a distinguishing mark indicating the person by whom it is intended to be used and no person shall be allowed or required to wear a helmet not carrying his mark or a helmet which has been worn by another person and has not since be thoroughly disinfected.(3) Each protective helmet when in use shall be supplied with clean and not unreasonably cold air at a rate of not less than 0.17 cubic meter per minute.(4) Suitable gauntlets and overalls shall be provided for the use of all persons while performing blasting or assisting at blasting and every such person shall, while so engaged, wear the gauntlet and overall provided.6. Precautions in connection with cleaning and other work.- (1) Where any person is engaged upon cleaning of any blasting apparatus or blasting enclosure or of any apparatus or ventilating plant connected therewith or the surroundings thereof or upon any other work in connection with any blasting apparatus or blasting enclosure or with any apparatus or ventilating plant connected therewith so that he is exposed to the risk of inhaling dust which has arisen from blasting, all practicable measures shall be taken to prevent such inhalation.(2) In connection with any cleaning operation referred to in clause 5 and the removal of dust from ltering or settling devices all practicable measures shall be taken to dispose of the dust in such manner that it does not enter the air of any room. Vacuum cleaners shall be provided and used wherever practicable for such cleaning operations.7. Storage accommodation for protective wear.- Adequate and suitable storage accommodation for the helmets, gauntlets and overalls required to be provided by clause 5 shall be provided outside, and conveniently near to, every blasting enclosure and such accommodation shall be kept clean. Helmets, gauntlets and overalls when not in actual use shall be kept in this accommodation.8. Maintenance and cleaning of protective wear.- All helmets, gauntlets, overalls, and other protective devices or clothings provided and worn for the purpose of this Schedule, shall be kept in good condition and so far as is reasonably practicable shall be cleaned on every week day in which they are used. Where dust arising from the cleaning of such protective clothing or devices is likely to be inhaled, all practicable measures shall be taken to prevent such inhalation. Vacuum cleaners shall, wherever practicable, be used for removing dust from such clothing and compressed air shall not be used for removing dust from any clothing.9. Maintenance of vacuum cleaning plant.- Vacuum cleaning plant used for the purpose of this Schedule shall be properly maintained.10. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall,-(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator ; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Every employee employed in any of the processes to which this Schedule applies shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within 15 days of his rst employment and re-examined at least once in every 12 calendar months.11. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any operations directly or indirectly connected with blasting.Liming and Tanning of Raw Hides and Skins, Wet Leather Finishing and Processes Incidental thereto(see rule 81)1. Cautionary notices.- (1) Cautionary notices as to anthrax in the form speci ed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be a xed in prominent positions in the factory where they may be easily and conveniently read by the persons employed.(2) A copy of a warning notice as to anthrax in the form speci ed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be given to each person employed when he is engaged, and subsequently if still employed, on the rst day of each calendar year.(3) Cautionary notices as to the e ects of chrome on the skin shall be a xed in prominent positions in every factory in which chrome solutions are used and such notices shall be so placed as to be easily and conveniently read by the persons employed.(4) Notices shall be a xed in prominent places in the factory stating the position of the \"First-aid\" box or cupboard and the name of the person in charge of such box or cupboard.70 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(5) If any person employed in the factory is illiterate, e ective steps shall be taken to explain carefully to such illiterate person the contents of the notices speci ed in paragraphs 1, 2, and 4 and if chrome solutions are used in the factory the contents of the notice speci ed in Paragraph 3.2. Protective clothing.- The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition the following articles of protective clothing:-(a) water-proof foot-wear, leg coverings, aprons and gloves for persons employed in process involving contact with chrome solutions, including the preparation of such solution;(b) gloves and boots for persons employed in lime-yard; and(c) protective foot-wear, aprons and gloves for persons employed in processes involving the handling of hides or skins, other than in processes speci ed in clauses (a) and (b):Provided that, (i) the gloves, aprons, leg coverings or boots may be of rubber or leather, but the gloves and boots to be provided under sub-clauses (a) and (b) shall be of rubber; (ii) the gloves may not be provided to persons eshing by hand or employed in processes in which there is no risk of contact with lime, sodium sulphide or other caustic liquor.3. Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases, etc.- (1) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, ue or other con ned space in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapour or dust is likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby, unless it is provided with a manhole of adequate size or ective means of egress.(2) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any con ned space as is referred to in sub-paragraph (1), until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any gas, fume, vapour or dust, which may be present so as to bring its level within the permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fume, vapour or dust and unless-(a) a certi cate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a test carried out by himself that the space is reasonably free from dangerous gas, fume, vapour or dust; or(b) such person is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope the free end of which is held by a person outside the con ned space.4.Ventilation.- Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided and maintained at all times in the process area where dangerous or toxic or ammable or explosive substances could be present. These arrangements shall ensure that concentrations, which are either harmful or could result in explosion, are not permitted to be built up in the work environment.5. Washing facilities, mess-room and cloak-room.- There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed(a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug, and of su cient length to allow at least 61 centimeters for every ten persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters ; or(b) at least one wash-basin for every ten such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water together with, in either case, a su cient supply of nail brushes, soap or other suitable cleansing material, and clean towels ;(c) a suitable mess-room, adequate for the number remaining on the premises during the meal intervals, which shall be furnished with su cient tables and benches and adequate means for warming food and for boiling water.The mess-room shall (1) be separate from any room or shed in which hides or skins are stored, treated or manipulated, (2) be separated from the cloak-room and (3) be placed under the charge of a responsible person ;(d) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed, suitable accommodation for clothing put during working hours and another accommodation for protective clothing and shall also make adequate arrangements for drying up the clothing in both the cases, if wet. The accommodation so provided shall be kept clean at all times and placed under the charge of a responsible person.6. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in work-rooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any employee in any work room or shed in which hides or skins are stored, treated or manipulated.7. Medical facilities and records of examination and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 71(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a);(c) arrange for inspection of the hands of all the persons keeping in contact with the Chromium substances to be made twice a week ; and(d) provide and maintain and supply suitable ointment and plaster in a box readily accessible to the employees and solely used for the purpose of keeping the ointment and the plaster.(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.8. Medical Examination by Medical o cer.- (1) Every employee employed in any of the processes to which this Schedule applies shall be examined by a Medical o cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include skin test for dermatoses and detection of anthrax bacillus from local lesion by gram stain. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical o(2) Every employee employed in the said process shall be re-examined by a Medical o cer at least once in every 12 calendar months and such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical o cer considers appropriate, include tests as speciin sub-paragraph (1).(3) The Medical officer after examining an employee, shall issue a certificate of fitness inFORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certishall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under subparagraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical o cer in a Health Register in FORM XXIV .(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical o cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying Surgeon, in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above shall be re- employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical o cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes .Painting, Powder Coating and Process Incidental thereto(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which Painting, Powder Coating and incidental processes is carried on. nitions.- For the purposes of this Schedule.-Powder Coatingmeans electrostatic spray deposition of dry powder on to the surface of the substrate; and includes varnishing, lacquering and incidental processes.3.Ventilation.- (1) Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided and maintained at all times in the process area referred in paragraph (1) where dangerous or toxic or ammable or explosive dust, fumes and vapours could be present. These arrangements shall ensure that concentrations, which are either harmful or could result in re or explosion, are not permitted to be built up in the work environment.(2) No person shall be required or allowed to work inside the chamber or booth unless he is provided with suitable breathing apparatus capable of continuous supply of fresh air.(3) No process or work shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury to the persons employed.4. Position of spray operators.- Arrangement shall, as far as practicable, be made so as to render it unnecessary for the person operating the spray to be in a position between a ventilating out t and the article being sprayed.5. Precautions against ignition.- Wherever there is danger of re or explosion from accumulation of ammable or explosive dust, fumes or vapours in air:-72 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of their being a source of ignition; ective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static charges to a dangerous extent;(c) employees shall wear shoes without iron or steel nails or any other exposed ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction;(d) smoking, lighting or carrying of matches, lighters or smoking materials shall be prohibited ;(e) transmission belts with iron fasteners shall not be used; and(f) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open ames, frictional sparks overheated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical chemical reaction and radiant heat.6. Washing facilities.- There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed(a) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug, and of su cient length to allow at least 61 centimeters for every ten persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters ; or(b) at least one wash-basin for every ten such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water together with, in either case, a su cient supply of nail brushes, soap or other suitable cleansing material, and clean towels7. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in work-rooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be brought into or consumed by any employee in any work room or shed in which any process speci ed in paragraph 2 is carried on and no person shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.8. Medical facilities and records of examination and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall,-(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a);(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Every employee employed in any of the processes to which this Schedule applies shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within fteen days of his rst employment. No employee shall be allowed to work after fteen days of his employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical practitioner.(4) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical practitioner at least once in every 12 calendar months.9. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in the process area wherein painting or powder coating process is carried on.Graphite Powdering(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which the grinding and sieving of graphite and the processes incidental thereto are carried on.2. Medical certi cates and examinations.- ( 1) No person shall be employed in any factory for more than fteen days in the year upon any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 1 above unless a special certi tness in FORM XXIII , granted to him by a Medical O cer, is in the custody of the Occupier of the factory.(2) The Inspector-cum-Facilitator may require that any person in respect of whom a certi cate referred to in sub-paragraph (1) has been granted shall carry with him while at work a token giving reference to such certi(3) Every person so employed shall be medically examined by a Medical O cer at intervals of not more than six months and a record of such examination shall be entered in the special certi cate granted under sub-paragraph (1). TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 73(4) if at any time a Medical O cer is of opinion that any person is no longer t for employment upon any of the operations ed in paragraph 1 above he shall cancel the special certi cate of tness granted to that person.(5) No person whose special certi cate of tness has been can-celled shall be employed upon any of the operations ed in paragraph 1 above unless a Medical O cer again certi es him to be 3. Exhaust draught.- Provisions shall be made for removing the dust produced in any of the operations speciparagraph 1 above by means of an e cient exhaust draught so contrived as to operate on the dust as closely to the point of origin as possible: Provided that where the provision of an exhaust draught is not reasonably practicable the Inspector-cum-Facilitator may require(a) respirators of a type approved by him to be provided and maintained in a clean and e cient condition by the occupier and worn by every person working under such conditions ; and(b) the damping of oors, apparatus and material to prevent the raising of dust.4. Floor and work benches.- (1) The oor of every room in which any person is employed upon any of the operations ed in paragraph 1 above shall be of cement or other impervious material.(2) The top of every work-bench in every such room shall be of impervious material.(3) The said oors and work-benches shall be kept clean and in good condition.(4) The Inspector-cum-Facilitator may, by order in writing, require the said oors and work-benches to be kept wet in such manner as he may deem suitable, in order to reduce dust.5. Washing facilities.- The occupier shall provide and maintain in a clean state and in good repair for the use of persons employed upon any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 1 above either (a) a trough with smooth impervious surface with a waste-pipe without plug, and of su cient length to allow at least 61 centimeters for every ve such persons employed at any one time and having a constant supply of water, from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters, or (b) at least one lavatory basin for every ve such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug having a constant supply of water, together with, in either case a su cient supply of nail brushes, soap or other suitable cleaning material and clean towels.6. Food, drink, and tobacco.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be brought into, or consumed, in any room in which any person is employed upon any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 1 above.7. Protective equipments.- Adequate protective clothing, such as over-alls in a clean condition and dust masks shall be provided by the occupier to every person employed upon any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 1 above.8. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 1.Printing Press and Type Foundries - Certain Lead Process carried on therein(see rule 81) nitions.- In these regulations - (1)'Lead material' means material containing not less than 5 Percent of lead.(2) 'Lead process' means(a) the melting of lead or any lead material for casting and mechanical composing;(b) the recharging of machines with used lead material; or(c) any other work including removal of dross from melting pots, cleaning of plungers ; and(d) Manipulation, movement or other treatment of lead material. cient exhaust draught' means localized ventilation e ected by heat or mechanical means for the removal of gas, vapour, dust or fumes so as to prevent them from escaping into the air of any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed e cient which fails to remove gas, vapour, fume or dust at the point where they originate.2. Exhaust draught.- None of the following process shall be carried on except with an e cient exhaust draught:(a) melting lead material or slugs ;(b) heating lead material so that vapour containing lead is given o ; or74 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY unless carried on in such a manner as to prevent free escape of gas, vapour, fumes or dust into any place in which work is carried on ; or unless carried on in electrically heated and thermostatically controlled melting pots. Such exhaust draught shall be e ected by mechanical means and so contrived as to operate on the dust, fume, gas or vapour given o as closely as may be at its point of origin.3. Separation of certain processes.- Each of the following processes shall be carried on in such a manner and under such conditions as to secure e ectual separation from one another and from any other process:(a) melting of lead or any lead material;(b) casting of lead ingots ;(c) mechanical composing.4. Container for dross.- A suitable receptacle with tightly tting cover shall be provided and used for dross as it is removed from every melting pot. Such receptacle shall be kept covered while in the work-room near the machine except when the dross is being deposited therein.5. Floor of workroom.- The oor of every work- room where lead process is carried on shall be(a) of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious to water;(b) maintained in sound condition ; and(c) shall be cleansed throughout daily after being thoroughly damped with water at a time when no other work is being carried on at the place.6. Mess room.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in a lead process and remaining on the premises during the meal intervals, a suitable mess -room which shall be furnished with su cient tables and benches.7. Washing facilities.- There shall be provided and maintained in a cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in a lead process,(a) a wash place with either(i) a trough with smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug, and of su cient length to allow at least 61 centimeters for every ve such persons employed at any one time and having a constant supply of water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 61 centimeters , or(ii) at least one wash basin for every ve such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having an adequate supply of water laid on or always readily available ; and cient supply of clean towels made of suitable material renewed daily with a su cient supply of soap or other suitable cleaning material.8. Medical facilities and records of examination and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.9. Medical Examination by Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in a lead process shall be examined by a Medical cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for lead in urine and blood, Aminolevulinic Acid in urine, hemoglobin, stippling of cells and steadiness tests. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every six calendar months. Such re- examination shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include tests as specisub-paragraph (1).(3) The Medical Officer after examining an employee, shall issue certificate of fitness in FORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certificate and the Certificate shall be kept in TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 75the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub- paragraphs (I) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV.(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical O cer, in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above shall be re- employed or permitted to work in the said process unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.10. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in work rooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be consumed or brought by any employee into any work-room in which any lead process is carried on.11. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any lead Cashew-Nut Processing(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all factories in which roasting, scrubbing or shelling of cashew-nuts or extracting oil from cashew- nuts or cashew-nuts shells is carried on.2. Protective clothing and equipment.- The occupier shall provide and maintain --(i) for the use of all persons employed in roasting or scrubbing of cashew-nuts or extracting oil from cashew-nuts or cashew- nuts shells(a) suitable rubber or washable leather gloves,(b) suitable impervious aprons with sleeves to cover the body down to the knees and shoulders, and(c) suitable foot-wear to a ord protection to the feet and legs against cashew-nut oil ; (ii) for the employees employed in cashew- nut shelling, either,(a) protective ointment containing 10 per cent of shellac, 55 percent of alcohol, 10 per cent. of sodium perborate, 5 percent of carbitol and 20 percent of talc, or cient quantity of kaolin and coconut oil ; and (iii) any other material or equipment which the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may deem to be necessary for the protection of the employees.3. Use of protective clothing and equipment.- Every person employed in the processes speci ed in paragraph 1, shall make use of the protective clothing and equipment supplied and arrangement shall be made by the occupier to supervise their maintenance and cleanliness.4. Disposal of shells, ashes or oil of cashew-nut.- (i) Shells, ashes or oil of cashew-nut shall not be stored in any room in which employees are employed and shall be removed atleast twice a day to any pit or enclosed place in the case of shells and ashes and to closed containers kept in a separate room in the case of oil. (ii) No employee shall be allowed to handle shells or oil of cashew-nut without using the protective measures provided in paragraph 3.5. Floors of work-rooms.- The oor of every work-room in which the processes speci ed in paragraph 1 are carried on shall be of a hard material so as to be smooth and impervious and of even surface and shall be cleaned daily ; and spillage of any cashew- nut oil in any work-room shall be washed with soap and cleaned immediately.6. Seating accommodation.- Employees engaged in shelling of cashew-nuts shall be provided with adequate seats of work benches which shall be cleaned daily.76 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY7. Mess-room.- (a) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in the processes speciin paragraph 1, a suitable rest room furnished with a su cient number of tables and chairs or benches ;(b) Separate lockers shall be provided where food, etc., shall be stored by employees before it is consumed in the rest room.8. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in work-rooms.- No food, drink, pan, supari or tobacco shall be brought or consumed by any employee in any room in which the processes speci ed is paragraph 1 are carried out and no person shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.9. Washing facilities.- Where roasting, scrubbing and shelling of cashew- nuts or extracting oil from cashew-nuts or cashew-nuts shells is carried on, there shall be provided and maintained, in clean and good repair, washing facilities, at the scale of one tap or stand pipe for every ten employees the taps or stand pipes being spaced not less than 4 feet apart and also a susupply of soap, coconut oil, nail brushes and towels.10. Time allowed for washing.- Before each meal and before the end of the day's work at least ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be allowed to any person employed in the process speci ed in paragraph 1, for the purpose of washing.11. Smoke or gas produced by roasting cashew-nuts.- Where smoke or gas is produced in the operation of roasting, provision shall be made for removing the smoke or gas through a chimney of su cient height and capacity or by such other arrangements as may be necessary to prevent the gas or smoke from escaping into the air or any place in which employees are employed.12. Storage of protective equipment.- A suitable room or a portion of the factory suitably partitioned o , shall be provided exclusively for the storage of all the protective equipment supplied to the employees and no such equipment shall be stored in any place other than the room or place so provided.13. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed Medical Practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the Medical Practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to inclause (a).(2) The said Medical Practitioner shall inspect daily the hands and feet of all the persons employed in the process speciin paragraph 1.(3) The record of such examinations carried out by the Medical Practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. rst-aid box maintained shall also contain Burrough's Solution (1:20) and aqueous solution of tannic acid (10%) for treatment of cases of dermatitis.14. Medical Examination by Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in the processes speci ed in paragraph (1) shall be examined by a Medical O cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examinations shall include skin test for dermatitis and no employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certisuch employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every three calendar months. Such examinations shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include asking test for dermatitis.(3) The Medical O cer after examining anemployee, shall issue a certi tness in FORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV .(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of employee, he shall make a record of his ndings in the said certi cate and the Health Register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t to work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 77(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.15. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the processes speci ed in paragraph 1 except in shelling of roasted cashew-nuts.Dyeing, Stenciling, Printing and Incidental Processes(see rule 81)1. Application.- These provisions shall apply to any factory or such parts of any factory in which dyeing, stenciling, printing and incidental processes is carried on.2. Ventilation.- (1) Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided and maintained at all times in the process area referred in clause (1) where dangerous or toxic or ammable or explosive dust, fumes and vapours could be present. These arrangements shall ensure that concentrations, which are either harmful or could result in re or explosion, are not permitted to be built up in the work environment.(2) No process or work shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury to the persons employed.3.Protective measures.- (1)The occupier shall provide free of cost and maintain in a good condition for use of all persons engaged in the operations speci ed in clause 1;(a) suitable rubber gloves of durable quality for both hands;(b) rubber boots of durable quality for both legs ;(c) goggles, apron and;(d) any other material or appliance which in the opinion of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be necessary for the protection of employees.(2) All persons engaged in any of the operations speci ed in clause 1, shall while at work in those processes, make use of the materials and appliances provided under sub-clause (1).4. Precautions against ignition.- Wherever there is danger of re or explosion from accumulation of ammable or explosive dust, fumes or vapours in air:-(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of there being a source of ignition; ective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static charges to a dangerous extent;(c) Employees shall wear shoes without iron or steel nails or any other exposed ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction;(d) smoking, lighting or carrying of matches, lighters or smoking materials shall be prohibited ;(e) transmission belts with iron fasteners shall not be used; and(f) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open ames, frictional sparks overheated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical chemical reaction and radiant heat.5. Food and drink.- No food or drink shall be brought into or consumed in, in any room in which any of the operations ed in clause 1 is carried on.6. Floor of work-rooms.- The oor of every room in which any of the operations speci ed in clause 1 is carried on shall be(a) of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious to water ;(b) maintained in sound condition; and(c) provided with suitable and adequate arrangement for drainage.7. Washing facilities.- (i) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed in operations speciin clause 1, suitable washing facilities consisting of :(a) a masonry or steel water tank capable of holding su cient water and having taps at the rate of one tap for every ten persons employed at any one time, the oor around the tank and below the taps being cement plastered and maintained in 78 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYsound and clean condition and suitable and adequate arrangements for drainage being provided around the tanks and the taps ; cient supply of nail brushes, non-irritable soap or other suitable cleansing materials and clean towels. (ii) The facilities so provided shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean. (iii) The following method shall be adopted in removing dye from the hands of employees and the occupier shall make readily available in the premises of the factory all the chemicals required for the purpose in the speci ed proportion:(a) wash with sulphonated oil followed by water ;(b) wash in 1 to 2000 solution of potassium permanganate;(c) wash in two per cent. solution of sodium hydrosulphite or in two percent solution of sodium bisulphite;(d) wash in water; and(e) application of lanolim cream.Note : No person shall be allowed to use turpentine, petroleum, distillates, bleaching powder and other bleaches for removing dirt and dye from his hands.8. Medical examination.- (1) Every person employed in any of the operations speci ed in clause 1 shall be medically examined by a Medical O cer within fteen days of his rst employment in such operations and thereafter shall be examined by the Medical O cer at intervals of not more than twelve months and a record of such examinations shall be entered by the cer in the Health Register in FORM XXIV .(2) A Health Register in FORM XXIV containing the names of all persons employed in the operations speci ed in clause 1 shall be kept.(3) No person after suspension shall be employed unless the Medical O cer after re-examination again certi es him to t for employment.Explanation: 'Suspension' means suspension from employment in any of the operations speci ed in clause 1 by written cate in the Health Register signed by the Medical O cer who shall have power to suspend any person employed in any such operation.9. Dermatitis.- (i) The occupier shall make arrangements to give suitable jobs to employees a ected by chronic dermatitis;(ii) The occupier shall notify to the Medical O cer all cases of dermatitis.10. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the operations speci ed in clause 1.(see rule 81) nitions.- For the purposes of this Schedule(a) 'pottery' includes earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, china tiles and any other articles made from clay or from a mixture containing clay, any other materials such as quartz, int, feldspar and gypsum. cient exhaust draught' means localized ventilation a ected by mechanical or other means, for the removal of dust or fume so as to prevent it from escaping into the air or any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed cient which fails to remove e ectively dust or fume generated at the point where dust or fume originates;(c) 'fettling includes scalloping, towing, sand papering, sand sticking, brushing or any other process of cleaning of pottery-ware in which dust is given oleadless glaze' mean a glaze which does not contain more than one percent of its dry weight of a lead compound calculated as lead monoxide ;(e) 'low solubility glaze' means a glaze which does not yield to dilute hydrochloric add more than ve per cent. of its dry weight of a soluble lead compound calculated as lead monoxide when determined in the manner described below: A weighed quantity of the material which has been dried at 100C and thoroughly mixed shall be continuously shaken for one hour at the common temperature with 1,000 times its weight of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid containing 0.25 per cent. by weight of hydrogen chloride. This solution shall thereafter be allowed to stand for one hour and then ltered. The lead salt contained in the clear ltrate shall then be precipitated as lead sulphide and weighed as lead sulphate; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 79(f) 'ground or powdered int or quartz' does not include natural sands ;(g) 'potter's shop' includes all places where pottery is rmed by pressing or by any other process and all places where shaping, fettling or other treatment of pottery articles prior to placing for the biscuit re is carried on. cient exhaust draught.- The following processes shall not be carried on without the use of an e cient exhaust draught: (i) All processes involving the manipulation or use of a dry and unfritted lead compound; (ii) The fettling operations of any kind, whether on green ware or biscuit, provided that this shall not apply to the wet fettling, and to the occasional nishing of pottery articles without the aid of mechanical power; (iii) The sifting of clay dust or any other material for making tiles or other articles by pressure, except where(a) this is done in a machine so enclosed as to e ectively prevent the escape of dust ; or(b) the material to be sifted is so damp that no dust can be given o(iv) The pressing of tiles from clay dust, an exhaust opening being connected with each press ; this clause shall also apply to the pressing from clay dust of articles other than tiles, unless the material is so damp that no dust is given o(v) (a) The fettling of tiles made from clay dust, by pressure. except where the fettling is done wholly on, or with, damp (b) The fettling of other articles made from clay dust, unless the material is so damp that no dust is given o (vi) The process of loading and unloading of saggars, where handling and manipulation of ground and powdered quart, alumina or other materials are involved ; (vii) The brushing of earthenware biscuit, unless the process is carried on in a room provided with e cient general mechanical ventilation or other ventilation which is certi ed by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator as adequate, having regard to all the circumstances of the case ; (viii) Fettling of biscuit ware which has been red in powdered int or quartz except where this is done in machines so enclosed as to e ectively prevent the escape of dust; (ix) Ware cleaning after the application of glaze by dipping or other process; (x) Crushing and dry grinding of materials for pottery bodies and saggars, unless carried on in machines so enclosed ectively prevent the escape of dust or is so damp that no dust can be given o (xi) Sieving or manipulation of powdered int, quartz, day grog or mixture of these materials unless it is so damp that no dust can be given o (xii) Grinding of tiles on a power- driven wheel unless an e cient water spray is used on the wheel ; (xiii) Lifting and conveying of materials by elevators and conveyors unless they are e ectively enclosed and so arranged as to prevent escape of dust into the air in or near any place in which persons are employed ; (xiv) The preparation or weighing out of ow material, awning of dry colours, colour dusting and colour blowing; (xv) Mould making, unless the bins or similar receptacles are used for holding plaster of paris and provided with suitable covers; (xvi) The manipulation of calcined materials unless the material has been made and remain so wet that no dust is 3. Certain processes to be carried on so as to secure e ective separation from one another.- Each of the following processes shall be carried on in such a manner and under such conditions so as to secure e ectual separation from one another, and from wet processes:(a) Crushing and by grinding or sieving of materials, fettling, pressing of tiles, drying clay and green ware, loading and unloading of saggars; and(b) all processes involving the use of a dry lead compound.4. Restriction on the use of glaze.- No glaze which is not a leadless glaze or a low solubility glaze shall be used in a factory in which pottery is manufactured.5. Potter's wheel.- The potter's wheel (Jolly and Jiggar) shall be provided with screens or so constructed as to prevent clay scrapings being thrown o beyond the wheel.80 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY6. Prevention of dust.- (1) All practical measures shall be taken by damping or otherwise to prevent dust arising during cleaning of (2) Damp saw dust or other suitable materials shall be used to render the moist method e ective in preventing dust rising into the air during the cleaning process which shall be carried out after work has ceased.7. Floors.- The oors of potters' shops, slip houses, dipping houses and ware cleaning rooms shall be hard, smooth and impervious and shall be thoroughly cleaned daily by a moist method by an adult male.8. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory in which manufacture of pottery is carried on, shall --(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.9. Medical Examination by Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in any process mentioned under paragraph 2, shall be examined by a Medical O cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for lead in urine and blood, ALA in urine, hemoglobin content, stippling of cells and pulmonary function test and chest X-ray for employees engaged in processes mentioned in clauses (i) and (xiv) of paragraph 2 and pulmonary function tests and chest X-rays for the others. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) All persons employed in any of the processes included under sub-paragraph 2 (i) and (xiv) shall be examined by a cer once in every three calendar months. Those employed in any other processes mentioned in the remaining sub-paragraphs of paragraph 2 shall be examined by a Medical O cer once in every twelve calendar months. Such examinations in respect of all the employees shall include all the tests as speci ed in sub-paragraph (1) except chest X-ray which will be once in three years(3) The Medical O cer, after examining an employee, shall issue certi cate of tness in FORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register in FORM XXIV.(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process, shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.10. Protective equipment.- (1) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable overalls and head coverings for all persons employed in any process speci ed in paragraph 2.(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable aprons of water-proof or similar material, which can be sponged daily for the use of the dippers, dippers' assistants, throwers, jolly employees, casters, mould makers and lter press and pug mill employees.(3) Aprons provided in pursuance of sub- paragraph (2) shall be thoroughly cleaned daily by the wearers by sponging or other wet process. All overalls and head coverings shall be washed, cleaned and mended atleast once a week and the occupier shall provide facilities for such washing, cleaning and mending.(4) No person shall be allowed to work in emptying sacks of dusty materials, weighing out and mixing of dusty materials and charging of ball mills and blungers without wearing a suitable and e cient dust respirator. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 8111. Washing facilities.- The occupier shall provide and maintain, in a cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in any of the processes speci ed in paragraph 2 a wash place under cover with --(a) either a trough with smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe, without plug, and of su cient length to allow atleast 60 centimeters for every ve such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 60 centimeter ; oratleast one tap or stand pipe for every ve such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water, the tap or stand pipe being spaced not less than 1.22 meters apart ; and cient supply of clean towels made of suitable materials changed daily, with su cient supply of nail brushes and soap.12. Time allowed for washing .- Before each meal and before the end of the day's work at least ten minutes, in addition to the regular meal times, shall be allowed for washing to each person employed in any of the processes speci ed in paragraph 2.13. Mess-room.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained for use of all persons remaining within the premises during the rest intervals, a suitable and an adequate mess room providing accommodation at the rate of 0.93 square meters per head and furnished with the following, namely: cient number of tables and chairs or benches with back rests ; (ii) arrangements for washing utensils; (iii) adequate means for warming food ; and (iv) adequate quantity of drinking water.(2) The room shall be adequately ventilated by the circulation of fresh air and placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.14. Food drinks, etc., prohibited in work- rooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be brought into, or consumed by any employee in any work-room in which any process speci ed in paragraph 2 is carried on and no person shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.15. Cloak-room, etc.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in any process speciin paragraph 2(a) a cloak-room for clothing put o during working hours and such accommodation shall be separate from any mess (b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective equipment provided under paragraph 10.16. Savings.- Nothing contained in this Schedule shall apply to a factory in which any of the following articles, but no other article of pottery are made:(a) unglazed or salt glazed bricks and tiles ; and(b) Architectural terra-cotta made from plastic clay and either unglazed or glazed with leadless glaze only.17. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the operations speci ed in paragraph 2 are carried on.Chemical Works(see rule 81)1. Application.- This schedule shall apply to all manufacture and processes incidental thereto carried on in chemical works. nition.- For the purpose of this Schedule(a) \"chemical works\" means any factory or such parts of any factory as are listed in Appendix 'A' to this schedule; cient exhaust draught\" means localized ventilation e ected by mechanical or other means for the removal of gas, vapour, fume or dust to prevent it from escaping into the air of any place in which work is carried on;(c) \"bleaching powder\" means the bleaching powder commonly called chloride of lime ;(d) \"chlorate\" means chlorate or perchlorate;82 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(e) \"caustic\" means hydroxide of potassium or sodium;(f) \"chrome process\" means the manufacture of chromate or bi-chromate of potassium or sodium, or the manipulation, movement or other treatment of these substances;(g) \"nitro or amino process\" means the manufacture of nitro or amino derivatives of phenol and of benzene or its homologues and the making of explosives with the use of any of these substances;(h) the term 'permit to work' system means the compliance with the procedures laid down under paragraph 20 of Part II ;(i) \"toxic substances\" means all those substances which when they enter into the human body, through inhalation or ingestion or absorption through skin in su cient quantities cause fatality or exert serious a iction of health or chronic harmful ects on the health of persons exposed to it due to its inherent chemical or biological e ects in respect of substances whose TLV is speci ed in rule 97 , exceeding the concentration speci ed therein would make the substance toxic ;(j) \"emergency\" means a situation or condition leading to a circumstance or set of circumstances in which there is danger to the life or health of persons or which could result in big re or explosion or pollution to the work and outside environment, ecting the employees or neighborhood in a serious manner, demanding immediate action;(k) \"dangerous chemical reactions\" means high speed reactions, run-away reactions, delayed reactions, etc., and are characterized by evolution of large quantities of heat, intense release of toxic or ammable gases or vapors, sudden pressure build-up, etc;(l) \"manipulation\" means mixing, blending, lling, emptying, grinding, sieving, drying, packing, sweeping, handling, using, etc. ;(m) \"approved personal protective equipment\" means items of personal protective equipment conforming to the relevant cations or in the absence of it, personal protective equipment approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;(n) \"appropriate personal protective equipment\" means that when the protective equipment is used by the employee, he shall have no risk to his life or health or body ; and ned space\" means any space by reason of its construction as well as in relation to the nature of the work carried therein and where hazards to the persons entering into or working inside exist or are likely to develop during working.General RequirementsApplying to all the works in Appendix 1. House keeping.- (1) Any spillage of materials shall be cleaned up before further processing.(2) Floors, platforms, stairways, passages and gangways shall be kept free of any obstructions.(3) There shall be provided easy means of access to all parts of the plant to facilitate cleaning.2. Improper use of chemicals.- No chemicals or solvents or empty containers containing residual chemicals, solvents or vapours shall be permitted to be used by employees for any purposes other than in the processes for which they are supplied.3. Prohibition on the use of food, etc.,.- No food, drink, tobacco, pan or any edible item shall be stored or heated or consumed on or near any part of the plant or equipment.4. Cautionary notices and instructions.- (1) Cautionary notices in a language understood by the majority of employees shall be prominently displayed in all hazardous areas drawing the attention of all employees about the hazards to health, hazards involving re and explosion and any other hazard such as consequences of testing of material or substances used in the process or using any contaminated container for drinking or eating, to which the employees' attention should be drawn for ensuring their safety and health.(2) In addition to the above cautionary notice, arrangement shall be made to instruct and educate all the employees including illiterate employees about the hazards in the process including the speci c hazards to which they may be exposed to, in the normal course of their work. Such instructions and education should also deal with the hazards involved in unauthorized and unsafe practices including the properties of substances used in the process under normal conditions as well as abnormal conditions and the precautions to be observed against each and every hazard. Further, an undertaking from the employees shall be obtained within one month of their employment, to the e ect that they have read the contents of the cautionary notices and instructions, understood them and would abide by them. The training and instructions to all employees and all supervisory personnel shall include the signi cance of di erent types of symbols and colors used on the labels struck or painted on the various types of containers and pipelines.5. Evaluation and provisions of safeguards before the commencement of process.- (1) Before commencing any process or any experimental work, or any new manufacture covered under Appendix 'A', the occupier shall take all possible TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 83steps to ascertain de nitely all the hazards involved both from the actual operations and the chemical reactions including the dangerous chemical reactions. The properties of the raw materials used, the nal products to be made, and any by-products derived during manufacture, shall be carefully studied and provisions shall be made for dealing with any hazards including eon employees, which may occur during manufacture.(2) Information in writing giving details of the process, its hazards and the steps taken or proposed to be taken from the design stage to disposal stage for ensuring the safety as in sub-paragraph (1) above should be sent to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator at the earliest but in no case less than 15 days before commencing manufacture, handling, or storage of any of items covered underAppendix 'A' whether on experimental basis, or as pilot plant or as trial production, or as large-scale manufacture.(3) The design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and disposal of the buildings, plant and facilities shall take into consideration e ective safeguards against all the safety and health hazards so evaluated.(4) The requirements under the sub-paragraphs (1) to (3) shall not ad in lieu of or in derogation to, any other provisions contained in any Act governing the work.6. Authorised entry.- Authorised persons only shall be permitted to enter any section of the factory or plant where any dangerous operations or processes are being carried on or where dangerous chemical reactions are taking place or where hazardous chemicals are stored.7. Examination of instruments and safety devices.- (1) All instruments and safety devices used in the process shall be tested before taking into use and after carrying out any repair to them and examined once in a month, by a quali ed person and once in every six months, by a competent person. Records of such tests and examinations shall be maintained in a register.(2) All instruments and safety devices used in the process shall be operated daily or as often as it is necessary, to ensure ective and e cient working at all times.8. Electrical Installations.- All electrical installations used in the process covered in Appendix 'A' shall be of an appropriate type to ensure safety against the hazard prevalent in that area such as suitability against dust, dampness, corrosion, ammability and explosion, etc., and shall conform to the relevant ISI speci cations governing their construction and use for that area.9. Handling and storage of chemicals.- (1) The containers for handling and storage of chemicals shall be of adequate strength taking into consideration the hazardous nature of the contents. They shall also be provided with adequate labeling and colour coding arrangements to enable identi cation of the containers and their contents indicating the hazards and safe handling methods and shall conform to the respective BIS standards. The instructions given in the label shall be strictly adhered to. Damaged containers shall be handled only under supervision of a knowledgeable and responsible person and spillage shall be rendered innocuous in a safe manner using appropriate means.(2) The arrangements for the storage of chemicals including charging of chemicals in reaction vessels and containers shall be such as to prevent any risk of re or explosion or formation of toxic concentration of substances above the limits speciin rule 97.(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the requirements in sub-paragraph (2) above, the arrangements shall have suitable ventilation facilities and shall enable the maintenance of safe levels in vessels and containers. Such arrangements shall also take into consideration, the type of ooring and the capacity of ooring and the compatibility requirements of substances with other chemicals stored nearby.(4) (a) Storage of chemicals and intermediate products, which are highly unstable or reactive or explosive shall be limited to the quantities required for two months use.(b) Whenever the quantities laid down in the above clause (a) are to be exceeded, the permission of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be obtained.(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a) and (b) above, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may direct any factory carrying out processes covered in Appendix 'A' to further limit the storage of hazardous substances to quantities less than two months on considerations of safety.(5) Standby arrangements equal to the biggest container shall always be available to transfer the toxic substances quickly into the standby storage facility if any defect develops in any of the containers resulting in the release of toxic substances.(6) Any storage facility constructed using non-metallic material such as Fiber glass Reinforced Plastics (FRP), all glass vessels, etc., shall have adequate strength to withstand the stress, if any, exerted by the contents and shall be properly anchored. Working platforms, access ladders, pipe lines, etc., used in such storage facility shall not have any support on the structure of the storage facility and shall be independently supported.10. Facility for isolation.- The plant and equipment shall be so constructed and maintained as to enable quick isolation of plant or part of plant or equipment, with appropriate indication. One copy of the layout plan indicating the isolation facilities shall always be available with the security personnel, the maintenance and the Health and Safety personnel and these isolation facilities shall be checked for its e ectiveness once in a month.84 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY11. Personal protective equipment.- (1) All employees exposed to the hazards in the processes covered by this schedule shall be provided with appropriate and approved type of personal protective equipment. Such equipment shall be in a clean, sterile and hygienic condition before issue.(2) The occupier shall arrange to inform, educate and supervise all the employees in the use of personal protective equipment while carrying out the job.(3) As regards any doubt regarding the appropriateness of any personal protective equipment, the decision of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator will be 12. Alarm systems.- (1) Suitable alarm and e ective alarm systems giving audible and visible indications, shall be installed at the control room as well as in all strategic locations where process control arrangements are available so as to enable corrective action to be taken before the operational parameters exceed the predetermined safe levels or lead to conditions conducive for an outbreak of re or explosion to occur. Such alarm systems shall be checked daily and tested every month at least once to ensure its performance e ciency at all times.(2) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may direct such systems to be installed in case of plants or processes where toxic materials are being used and spillage or leakage of which may cause widespread poisoning in or around the plant.13. Control of escape of substances into the work atmosphere.- (1) E ective arrangements such as enclosure, or by- cient exhaust draught, maintenance of negative pressure, etc., shall be provided in all plants, containers, vessels, sewers, drains, ues, ducts, culverts and buried pipes and equipments, to control the escape and spread of substances which are likely to give rise to re or explosion or toxic hazards during normal working and in the event of accident or emergency.(2) In the event of the failure of the arrangements for control resulting in the escape of substances in the work atmosphere immediate steps shall be taken to control the process in such a manner, that further escape is brought down to the safe level.(3) The substances that would have escaped into the work atmosphere before taking immediate steps as required in sub-paragraph (2), shall be rendered innocuous by diluting with air or water or any other suitable agent or by suitably treating the substances.(4) The level of concentration of toxic substances in the work atmosphere shall be monitored by suitable devices and shall not exceed the permissible levels speci ed in rule 97.14. Control of dangerous chemical reactions.- Suitable provisions, such as automatic and or remote control arrangements, shall be made for controlling the e ects of \"dangerous chemical reactions\". In the event of failure of control arrangements automatic ooding or blanketing or other e ective arrangements shall come into operation.15. Testing, examination, repair and maintenance of plant and equipment.- (1) All parts of plant, equipment and machinery used in the process which in the likely event of their failure may give rise to an emergent situation shall be tested by a competent person before commencing process and retested at an interval of two years or after carrying out repairs to it. The competent person shall identify the parts of the plant, equipment and machinery required to be tested as aforesaid and evolve a suitable testing procedures. In carrying out the test as mentioned above in respect of pressure vessels or reaction vessels the following precautions shall be observed, namely:(a) before the test is carried out, each vessel shall be thoroughly cleaned and examined externally, and as far as practicable, internally also for surface defects, corrosion and foreign matter. During the process of cleaning and removal of sludge, if any, all due precautions shall be taken against re or explosion, if such sludge is of pyrophoric nature or contains spontaneously combustible chemicals;(b) as soon as the test is completed, the vessel shall be thoroughly dried internally and shall be clearly stamped with the marks and gures indicating the person by whom testing has been done and the date of test ; and(c) any vessel which fails to pass the test or which for any other reason is found to be unsafe for use shall be destroyed or rendered unusable under intimation to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(2) All parts of plant, equipment, machinery which in the likely event of failure may give rise to an emergent situation shall be examined once in a month by a quali ed person and tested by a competent person once in every six months.(3) Records of testing and examination referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be maintained as long as that part of the plant, equipment and machinery are in use.(4) All repair work including alteration, modi cation and addition to be carried out to the plant, equipment and machinery shall be done under the supervision of a quali ed person who shall evolve a procedure to ensure safety and health of persons doing the work. When repairs or modi cation is done on pipelines and joints are required to be welded, but welding of joints shall be preferred. Wherever necessary, the quali ed person shall regulate the aforesaid work through a 'permit to work system'.(5) No machinery, plant or equipment shall be operated or maintained in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 8516. Staging.- (1) All staging that is erected for the purpose of maintenance work or repair work or for work connected with entry into con ned spaces and used in the processes included in Appendix 'A shall be stable, rigid and constructed out of substantial material of adequate strength. Such staging shall conform to the respective Indian Standard Speci cations.(2) Staging shall not be erected over any closed or open vessel unless the vessel is so constructed and ventilated to prevent exposure of persons working on the stages.(3) All the staging constructed for the purpose of this paragraph shall have appropriate access which are safe and shall tted with proper hand rails to a height of one meter and toe board.17. Seating arrangements.- The seating arrangements provided for the operating personnel working in processes covered in Appendix 'A' shall be located in a safe manner as to prevent the risk of exposure to toxic, ammable and explosive substances evolved in the work environment in the course of manufacture or repair or maintenance, either due to failure of plant and equipment or due to the substances which are under pressure, escaping into the atmosphere.18. Entry into or work in con ned space.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the provision of this schedule apply, shall ensure the observance of the following precautions before permitting any person to enter or work inside the con ned spaces:(a) identify all con ned spaces and the nature of hazards that are encountered in such spaces, normally or abnormally and arrange to develop the most appropriate safeguards for ensuring the safety and health of persons entering into or working inside, the con ned spaces;(b) regulate the entry or work inside the con ned spaces through a 'permit to work system' which should include the safeguards so developed as required under sub-clause (a) above;(c) before testing the con ned space for entry into or work, the place shall be rendered safe by washing or cleaning with neutralizing agents or purging with steam or inert gases and making adequate forced ventilation arrangements or such measure which will render the con ned space safe;(d) shall arrange to carry out such tests as are necessary for the purpose by a competent person and ensure that the ned space is safe for the persons to enter or work. Such testing shall be carried out as often as is necessary during the course of work to ensure its continued safety;(e) shall arrange to educate and train the personnel who would be required to work in con ned spaces about the hazards involved in the work. He shall also keep in readiness the appropriate and approved personal protective equipment including arrangements for rescue, resurrection and rst aid, and shall arrange supervision of the work at all times by a responsible and knowledgeable person.(2) The Occupier shall maintain a log of all entry into or work in, con ned spaces and such record shall contain the details of persons assigned for the work, the location of the work and such other details that would have a bearing on the safety and health of the persons assigned for this work. The log book so maintained shall be retained as long as the concerned employees are in service and produced to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator when demanded.19. Maintenance work, etc.- (1) All the work connected with the maintenance of plants and equipment including cleaning of empty containers which have held hazardous substances used in the processes covered in this Schedule, shall be carried out under 'permit to work system' employing trained personnel and under the supervision of responsible person, having knowledge of the hazards and precautions required to deal with them.(2) Maintenance work shall be carried out in such a manner that there is no risk to persons in the vicinity or to persons who pass by. If necessary, the place of such work shall be cordoned o or the presence of unconnected persons e ectively controlled.20. Permit to work system.- The permit to work system shall inter alia include the observance of the following precautions while carrying out any speci ed work to be subjected to the permit to work system.(a) all work subject to the permit to work system shall be carried out under the supervision of a knowledgeable and responsible person;(b) all parts of plant or machinery or equipment on which permit to work system is carried out, shall remain isolated from other parts throughout the period of permit to work and the place of work including the parts of plant, machinery shall be rendered safe by cleaning, purging, washing, etc.;(c) all work subject to the permit to work system shall have pre-determined work procedures which integrate safety with the work. Such procedures shall be reviewed whenever any change occurs in material or equipment so that continued safety is ensured;(d) persons who are assigned to carry out the permit to work system shall be physically t in all respects taking into consideration the demands and nature of the work before entering into the con ned space. Such person shall be adequately informed about the correct work procedure as well as the precautions to be observed while carrying out the permit to work system;86 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(e) adequate rescue arrangements wherever considered necessary and adequate rst-aid, rescue and resurrection arrangements shall be available in good working condition near the place of work while carrying out the permit to work system, for use in emergency ;(f) appropriate and approved personal protective equipment shall be used while carrying out the 'permit to work system';(g) after completion of work subject to the 'permit to work system', the person responsible shall remove all the equipment and tools and restore to the original condition so as to prevent any danger while carrying out regular process.21. Safety sampling personnel.- The occupier shall ensure the safety of persons assigned for collecting samples by instructing them on the safe procedures. Such personnel shall be provided with proper and approved personal protective equipment, if required.22. Ventilation.- Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided and maintained at all times in the process area where dangerous or toxic or ammable or explosive substances could be evolved. These arrangements shall ensure that concentrations, which are either harmful or could result in explosion, are not permitted to be built up in the work environment.23. Procedures for meeting emergencies.- (1) The occupier of every factory carrying out the works covered in Appendix 'A', shall arrange to identify all types of possible emergencies that could occur in the processes during the course of work or while carrying out maintenance work or repair work. The emergencies so identi ed shall be reviewed every year.(2) The occupier shall formulate a detailed plan to meet all such identi ed emergencies including arrangements for summoning outside help for rescue and ghting and arrangements for making available urgent medical facilities.(3) The occupier shall send the list of emergencies and the details of procedures and plans formulated to meet the emergencies to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(4) The occupier shall arrange to install distinctive and recognizable warning arrangements to caution all persons inside the plant as well as the neighboring community, if necessary, to enable evacuation of persons and to enable the observance of emergency procedures by the persons who are assigned emergency duties. All concerned must be well informed about the warning arrangement and their meaning. The arrangement must be checked for its e ectiveness every month.(5) Alternate power supply arrangements shall be made and inter-locked with the normal power supply system so as to ensure constant supply of power to the facilities and equipment meant for compliance with requirements of paragraphs 10,11,12,13,14,18,22 and this paragraph of Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V of this Schedule.(6) The occupier shall arrange to suspend the further process work in a place where emergency is established and shall forthwith evacuate all persons in the area except employees who have been assigned emergency duties.(7) All the employees of the factory shall be trained about the action to be taken by them including evacuation procedures during emergencies.(8) All emergency procedures must be rehearsed every three months and de ciencies, if any, in the achievement of the objectives shall suitably be corrected.(9) The occupier shall arrange to have ten percent of the employees trained in the use of First-Aid Fire Fighting appliances and in the rendering of speci c First-Aid measures taking into consideration the special hazards of the particular process.(10) The occupier shall furnish immediately on request the speci c chemical identity of the hazardous substances to the treating physician when the information is needed to administer proper emergency or rst-aid treatment to exposed persons.24. Danger due to e uents.- (1) Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the mixing of e uents from diprocesses and operations which may cause dangerous or poisonous gases to be evolved uents which contain or give rise in the presence of other e uents to poisonous gases shall be provided with independent drainage systems to ensure that they may be trapped and rendered safe.Fire and Explosions Risks1. Source of ignition including lighting installation.- (1) No internal combustion engine and no electric motor or other electrical equipment and ttings and xtures capable of generating sparks or otherwise causing combustion or any other source of ignition or any naked light, shall be installed or permitted to be used in the process area where there could be explosion hazards.(2) All hot exhaust pipes shall be installed outside a building and other hot pipes or hot surface or surfaces likely to become hot shall be suitably protected. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 87(3) The classi cation of work areas in terms of its hazard potential and the selection of electrical equipment or other equipment that could constitute a source of ignition shall be in accordance with the respective Indian Standard.(4) Where ammable atmosphere may be prevalent or could occur, the soles of footwear worn by employees shall have no metal on them, and the wheels of trucks or conveyers shall be conductive type.(5) All tools and appliances used for work in this area shall be of non-sparking type.(6) Smoking in process areas where there are risks of re and explosion shall be prohibited, and warning notices in the language understood by majority of employees shall be posted in the factory prohibiting smoking in the speci ed areas.2. Static Electricity.- (1) All machinery and plant, particularly pipe lines and belt drives, on which static charge is likely to accumulate, shall be e ectively earthed. Receptacles for ammable liquids shall have metallic connections to the earthed supply tanks to prevent static sparking. Where necessary, humidity shall be regulated.(2) Mobile Tanker-wagons shall be earthed during lling and discharge, precautions shall be taken to ensure that earthing ective before suck lling or discharge takes place.3. Lightning protection.- Lightning protection arrangement shall be tted where necessary, and shall be maintained.4. Process heating.- The method of providing heat for a process likely to result in re and explosion shall be as safe as possible and where the use of naked ame is necessary, the plant shall be so constructed as to prevent any escaping ammable gas, vapour, or dust coming into contact with the ame, or exhaust gases, or other sources likely to cause ignition. Wherever possible, the heating arrangement shall be automatically controlled at a pre-determined temperature below the danger temperature.5. Leakage of ammable liquids.- (1) Provision shall be made to con ne by means of suitable bund walls, dykes, sumps, etc., possible leakages from storage vessels containing ammable liquids.(2) Waste material in contact with ammable substances shall be disposed o suitably under the supervision of knowledgeable and responsible person.(3) Adequate and suitable ghting appliances shall be installed in the vicinity of such vessels.6. Safety valves.- Every still and every closed vessel in which gas is evolved or into which gas is passed, and in which the pressure is liable to rise above the atmospheric pressure, shall have attached to it a pressure guage and a proper safety valve or other equally e cient means to relieve the pressure. These appliances shall be maintained in good condition.7. Installation of pipe lines, etc.- All pipe lines carrying ammable or explosive substances shall be protected from mechanical damage and shall be examined by a responsible person once in a week to detect any deterioration or defects, or accumulation of ammable or explosive substances, and record kept of any defects found and repairs made. ghting system.- (1) Every factory employing 500 or more persons and carrying out processes listed in Appendix 'A' shall provide(a) Trained and responsible ghting squad so as to e ectively handle the ghting and life saving equipment in the re or other emergency. Number of persons in this squad will necessarily depend upon the size of risk involved, but in no case shall be less than eight such trained persons to be available at any time. The squad shall consist of watch and ward personnel, re pump man and departmental supervisors and operators trained in the operation of re and emergency services.(b) Squad leaders shall preferably be trained in a recognised Government institution and their usefulness enhanced by providing residence on the premises.(c) Squad personnel shall be provided with clothing and equipment including helmets, boots and belts.(2) A muster roll showing the duties allocated to each member of the squad shall be prepared and copies supplied to each leader as well as displayed in prominent places so as to be easily available for reference in case of emergency.(3) The pump man shall be thoroughly conversant with the location of all appliances. He shall be responsible for maintaining ghting equipment in proper working order. Any defect coming to his notice shall be immediately brought to the notice of squad leader.(4) As far as is practicable, the re pump room and the main gate(s) of the factory be connected to all manufacturing or storing areas through telephone interlinked and placed in a convenient location near such areas.(5) Fire hydrant system shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 4,500 liters per minute at a pressure of not less than 7 kilograms per square cm.(6) Adequate provision of water supply for ghting shall be made with static storage capacity of not less than 2 hours aggregate pumping.88 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYRisks of Toxic Substances1. Leakage.- (1) All plants shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent the escape of toxic substance. Where necessary, separate buildings, rooms, or protective structures shall be used for the dangerous stages of the process and the buildings shall be so designed as to localize any escape of toxic substances.(2) Catch pits, bund walls, dykes, or other suitable safeguards shall be provided to restrict the serious e ects of such leakages. Catch pits shall be placed below joints in pipelines where there is danger involved to maintenance and other employees from such leakage.2. Drainage.- Adequate drainage shall be provided and shall lead to collection tanks speci cally provided for this purpose wherein deleterious material shall be neutralized, treated or otherwise rendered safe before it is discharged into public drains or sewers.3. Covering of vessels.- (1) Every xed vessel or structure containing any toxic substance and not so covered as to eliminate all reasonable risk of accidental contact of any portion of the body of an employee, shall be so constructed as to avoid physical contact.(2) Such vessel shall, unless its edge is atleast 90 centimeters above the adjoining ground or platform, be securely fenced to a height of atleast 90 centimeters above such adjoining ground or platform.(3) Where such vessels adjoin and the space between them, clear of any surrounding brick or other work is either less than 45 centimeters in width or is 45 or more centimeters in width, but is not securely fenced on both sides to a height of atleast 90 centimeters, secure barriers shall be so placed as to prevent passage between them: Provided that sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph shall not apply to -(a) saturators used in the manufacture of sulphate of ammonia ; and(b) that part of the sides of brine evaporating pans which require raking, drawing or 4. Continuous exhaust arrangement.- (1) Any process evolving toxic vapour, gas, fume and substance shall have econtinuous exhaust draught. Such arrangement shall be interlocked in the process control wherever possible.(2) In the event of failure of continuous exhaust arrangement, means shall be provided to automatically stop the process.5. Work bench.- All the work benches used in process involving the manipulation of toxic substances, shall be waded properly and shall be made of smooth impervious surface which shall be washed daily after the completion of work.6. Waste disposal.- (1) There shall be provided a suitable receptacle made of non-absorbable material with a tightly cover for depositing waste material soiled with toxic substances and the contents of such saturators shall be destroyed by burning or using other suitable receptacle methods under the supervision of a responsible person.(2) During the course of manufacture, whenever any batch or intermediate products having toxicity is rejected on considerations of quality, su cient precautions shall be taken to render them innocuous or otherwise treat them or inactivate them, before disposal.(3) The empty containers of toxic substances shall be cleaned thoroughly before disposal under the supervision of a responsible person.Special Provisions1. Special precautions for Nitro or Amino Processes.- (1) Unless the crystallized nitro or amino substances or any of its liquor is broken or agitated in a completely enclosed process so as not to give rise to dust or fume, such process shall be carried on under an e cient exhaust draught or by adopting any other suitable means in such a manner as to prevent the escape of dust or fume in the working atmosphere.(2) No part of the plant or equipment or implements which was in contact with intro or amino compounds shall be repaired, or handled unless they have been emptied and thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated.(3) Filling of containers with nitro or amino compounds shall be done only by using a suitable scoop to avoid physical contact and the drying of the containers in the stove shall be done in such a manner that the hot and contaminated air from the stove is not drawn into the work room.(4) Processes involving the steaming into or around any vessel containing nitro or amino compounds or its raw materials shall be carried out in such a manner that the steam or vapour is e ectively prevented to be blown back into the working atmosphere. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 89(5) Suitable antidotes such as methylene blue injections shall always be available at designated places of work for use during emergency involving the poisoning with nitro or amino compounds.2. Special precautions for chrome processes.- (1) Grinding and sieving of raw materials in chrome processes shall be carried on in such a manner and under such condition as to secure e ective separation from any other processes and under cient exhaust draught.(2) There shall be washing facilities located very near to places where wet chrome processes such as leaching, acidi cation, sulphate settling, evaporation, crystallization, centrifugation or packing are carried out, to enable quick washing of a ected parts of body with running water.(3) Weekly inspection of hand and feet of all persons employed in chrome process shall be done by a quali ed nurse and record of such inspections shall be maintained in a form approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(4) There shall be always available at designated places of work, suitable ointment such as glycerine, Vaseline, etc., and water proof plaster in a separate box readily accessible to the employees so as to protect against perforation of nasal septum.3. Special precautions for processes carried out in all glass vessels.- (1) Processes and chemical reactions such as manufacture of vinyl chloride, benzyl chloride, etc., which are required to be carried out in all glass vessels shall have suitable means like substantial wire mesh covering to protect persons working nearby in the event of breakage of glass vessel.(2) Any spillage or emission of vapour from all glass vessel due to breakage, shall be immediately inactivated or rendered innocuous by suitable means such as dilution with water or suitable solvents so as to avoid the risk of re or explosion or health 4. Special precautions for processes involving chlorate manufacture.- (1) Crystallization, grinding or packing of chlorate shall not be done in a place used for any other purpose and such places shall have hard, smooth and impervious surface made of non-combustible material. The place shall be thoroughly cleaned daily.(2) The personal protective equipment like overall, etc., provided for the chlorate employees shall not be taken from the place of work and they shall be thoroughly cleaned daily.(3) Adequate quantity of water shall be available near the place of chlorate process for use during re emergency.(4) Wooden vessels shall not be used for the crystallization of chlorate or to contain crystallized ground chlorate.5. Special precautions in the use of plant and equipment made from reinforced plastics.-(1) All plant and equipments shall conform to appropriate Indian or any other National Standard.(2) Care shall be taken during storage, transport, handling and installation of plant and equipments to avoid accidental (3) All plant and equipments shall be installed in such a way as to ensure that loads are distributed as intended in design or as per the recommendations of the manufacturers.(4) All pipe work shall be supported so that total loads local to the branches on the vessel or tank do not exceed their design values.(5) After erection, all plant and equipments shall be subjected to a pressure test followed by a thorough examination by a competent person. The test and examination shall be as per relevant standard. A certi cate of test and examination by competent person shall be obtained and kept available at site.(6) All plant and equipments shall be subjected to periodical test and examination and record maintained as per paragraph 15 in Part II of this schedule.(7) Plant and equipments during their use shall not be subjected to over lling or overloading beyond rated capacity.6. Special precautions for fumigation process.- The occupier shall ensure the health and safety of the employees required to enter into the con ned space where fumigation process is carried on, which includes personal protective equipments, supervision, testing procedures to ensure the suitability of the workspace for human health and safety.Medical Requirements1. Decontamination facilities.- In all places where toxic substances are used in processes listed in Appendix 'A', the following provisions shall be made to meet an emergency:(a) Fully equipped rst-aid box.90 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(b) Readily accessible means of drenching with water persons, part of body of persons, and clothing of persons who have been contaminated with such toxic and corrosive substances, and such means shall be as shown in the table below:Number of persons employed at any timeNumber of drenching showersUpton 50 persons 2between 51 to 100 3101 to 200 3+ 1 for every 50 persons thereafter201 to 400 5+ 1 for every100 persons thereafter401 and above 7+ 1 for every 200 persons thereafter cient number of eye wash bottles lled with distilled water or suitable liquid, kept in boxes or cupboards conveniently situated and clearly indicated by a distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times.2. Occupational health centre.- In all the factories carrying out processes covered in Appendix 'A' there shall be provided and maintained in good order an occupational health centre with facilities as per scale laid down hereunder(1) For factories employing up to 100 employees(a) the services of a quali ed medical practitioner, available on retainer ship basis, in his noti ed clinic near to the factory for seeking medical help during emergency. He will also carry out the pre-employment and periodical medical examinations as stipulated in paragraph 4 of this part.(b) A minimum of ve persons trained in rst-aid procedures, amongst whom atleast one shall always be available during the working period.(c) A fully equipped rst-aid box.(2) For factories employing 101 to 250 employees(a) The occupational health centre shall have a room having a minimum oor area of 15square meter with oors and walls made of smooth, hard and impervious surface and shall be adequately illuminated, ventilated and equipped.(b) A part-time medical practitioner will be in overall charge of the Centre who shall visit the factory minimum twice in a week and whose services shall be readily available during emergencies.(c) There shall be one quali ed and trained dresser-cum-compounder on duty throughout the working period.(d) A fully equipped rst aid box.(3) For factories employing above 250 employees(a) There shall be one full-time medical practitioner for factories employing up to 500 employees and one more medical practitioner for every 1,000 employees or part thereof.(b) The occupational health centre in this case shall have a minimum of 2 rooms each having a minimum oor area of 15 square meter with oors and walls made of smooth, hard and impervious surface and shall be adequately illuminated, ventilated and equipped.(c) There shall be one trained nurse, one dresser-cum-compounder and one sweeper-cum-ward boy throughout the working (d) The occupational Health Centre in this case shall be suitably equipped to manage medical emergencies.3. Ambulance Van.- (1) In every factory carrying out processes covered in Appendix 'A', there shall be provided and maintained in good condition, a suitably constructed and fully equipped ambulance van as per Appendix 'C' manned by a fulltime driver-cum-mechanic and a helper, trained in rst-aid for the purposes of transportation of serious cases of accidents or sickness unless arrangements for procuring such facility at short notice during emergencies have been made with the nearby hospital or other places. The ambulance van shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose stipulated herein and will always be available near the occupational health centre.(2) The relaxation to procure Ambulance Van from nearby places provided for in sub-paragraph (1) above will not be applicable to factories employing more than 500 employees.4. Medical examination.- (1) Employees employed in processes covered in Appendix 'A' shall be medically examined by a Medical Practitioner in the following manner:(a) Once before employment, to ascertain physical suitability of the person to do the particular job; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 91(b) Once in a period of 6 months, to ascertain the health status of the employees; and(c) The details of pre-employment and periodical medical examinations carried out as aforesaid shall be recorded in the register in FORM XXIV. nding of the Medical Practitioner revealing any abnormality or unsuitability of any person employed in the process shall immediately be reported to the Medical O cer who shall in turn, examine the concerned employees and communicate his ndings within 30 days. If the Medical O cer is of the opinion that the person so examined is required to be suspended from the process for health protection he will direct the occupier accordingly, who shall not employ the said employee in the same process. However, the person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical O cer in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated: Provided that the Medical O cer on his own or in the opinion of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator may examine any other employee whom he feels necessary to be examined for ascertaining the suitability of his employment in the process covered in Appendix 'A' or for ascertaining the health status of any other employee and his opinion shall be (3) No person shall be newly appointed without the Certi cate of Fitness in FORM XXIII granted by the Medical Practitioner. If the Medical Practitioner declares a person un t for being appointed to work in the process covered in Appendix 'A', such person shall have a right of appeal to the Medical O cer, whose opinion shall be nal in this regard.(4) The employee suspended from the process owing to the circumstances covered in sub-paragraph (2) shall be employed again in the same process only after obtaining the tness certi cate from the Medical O cer and after making entries to that ect in the health register.Additional Welfare Amenities1. Washing facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained in every factory for the use of all the employees taps for washing, at the rate of one tap for every 15 persons including liquid soap in a container with tilting arrangements and nail brushes or other suitable means for e ective cleaning. Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a clean and hygienic condition.(2) If washing facilities as required above are provided for women, such facilities shall be separate for them and adequate privacy at all times shall be ensured in such facilities.2. Mess-room facilities.- (1) The occupier of all the factories carrying out processes covered in Appendix 'A' and employing 100 employees or more shall provide for all the employees working in a shift, mess room facilities which are well ventilated and provided with tables and sitting facilities along with the provision of cold and hygienic drinking water facilities.(2) Such facilities shall include suitable arrangements for cleaning and washing and shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.3. Cloak room facilities.- (1) The occupier of every factory carrying out any process covered in appendix 'A' shall provide for all the employees employed in the process, cloak room facilities with lockers. Each employee shall be provided with two lockers, one for work clothing and another separately for personal clothing and the lockers should be such as to enable the keeping of the clothing in a hanging position.(2) The cloak room facilities so provided in pursuance of sub-paragraph (1) shall be located as far as possible near to the facilities provided for washing in pursuance of paragraph 1 (1). If it is not possible to locate the washing facilities, the cloak room facilities shall have adequate and suitable arrangements for cleaning and washing.4. Special bathing facilities.- (1) The occupier of any factory carrying out the process covered under Appendix provide special bathing facilities for all the employees employed and such facilities shall be provided at the rate of 1 for 25 employees and part thereof, and shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.(2) The occupier shall insist all the employees employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'B' to take bath after the completion of the day's or shift work using the bathing facilities so provided and shall also e ectively prevent such of those employees taking bath in any place other than the bathing facilities.(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-paragraph (1) above, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may require in writing the occupier of any factory carrying out any other process for which in his opinion bathing facilities are essential from the health point of view, to provide special bathing facilities.1. Duties of employees.- (1) Every employee employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'A' and Appendix ' B' shall not make safety device or appliance or any guarding or fencing arrangement, inoperative or defective and shall report the defective condition of the aforesaid arrangement as soon as he is aware of any such defect.92 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) Before commencing any work, all employees employed in processes covered in Appendix 'A' shall check their work place as well as the machinery, equipment or appliance used in the processes and report any malfunction or defect immediately to the supervisor or any responsible person of the management.(3) All employees shall co-operate in all respects with the management while carrying out any work or any emergency duty assigned to them in pursuance of this schedule and shall always use all the personal protective equipments issued to them in a careful manner.(4) All employees employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'A' or Appendix 'B' shall not smoke in the process area or storage area. If special facilities are provided by the management, only such facilities should be used.(5) All employees employed in the processes covered in Appendix 'A' shall not remain in unauthorized place or carry out unauthorized work or improvise any arrangements or adopt short cut method or misuse any of the facilities provided in pursuance of the Schedule, in such a manner as to cause risk to themselves as well as or to others employed.(6) The employees shall not refuse undergoing medical examination as required under these rules.1. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the processes covered in Appendix of this schedule.Any works or that part of works in which(a) the manufacture, manipulation or recovery of any of the following is carried on :(i) Sodium, potassium, iron, aluminium, cobalt, nickel, copper, arsenic, antimony, chromium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, cadmium, mercury, beryllium and their organic and inorganic salts, alloys, oxides and hydroxides;(ii) ammonia, ammonium hydroxide and salts of ammonium;(iii) the organic or inorganic compounds of sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric, nitrous, hydrochloric, hydro uoric, hydroiodic, hydrosulphuric, hydrobromic, boric ;(iv) cynagen compounds, cyanide compounds, cyanate compounds;(v) Phosphorous and its compounds, other than organic phosphorous insecticides;(vi) chlorine.(b) Hydrogen sulphide is evolved by the decomposition of metallic sulphides, or hydrogen sulphide is used in the production of such sulphides;(c) bleaching powder is manufactured or chlorine gas is produced in chloroalkali plants;(d) (i) gas tar or coal tar or bitumen or shale oil, asphalt or any residue of such tar is distilled or is used in any process of chemicals manufacture;(ii) tar based synthetic colouring matters or their intermediates are produced;(e) nitric acid is used in the manufacture of nitro compounds;(f) explosives are produced with the use of nitro compounds;(g) aliphatic or aromatic compounds or their metallic and non-metallic derivatives or substituted derivatives, such as chloroform, ethylene, glycol, formaldehyde, benzyl, chloride, phenol, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, cobalt carbonyl, tungsten carbide etc, are manufactured, manipulated or recovered.APPENDIX 'B'Concerning Special Bathing Accommodation in Pursuance of Paragraph 4 of Part IV1. Nitro or amino processes.2. All chrome processes.3. Processes of distilling gas or coal tar or processes of chemical manufacture in which tar is used.4. Processes involving manufacture, manipulation, handling or recovery of cyanogen compound, cyanide compound, cyanate compounds. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 935. Processes involving manufacture of bleaching powder or production of chlorine gas in chloro alkali plants.6. Manufacture, manipulation or recovery of nickel and its compounds.7. All processes involving the manufacture, manipulation or recovery of aliphatic or aromatic compounds or their derivatives or substituted derivatives.APPENDIX 'C'Ambulance - Ambulance should have the following equipments (i) A wheeled stretcher with folding and adjusting devices, head of the stretcher must be capable of being tilted upwards; (ii) Fixed suction unit with equipments; (iii) Fixed oxygen supply with equipments; (iv) Pillow with case; (v) Sheets; (vi) Blankets; (vii) Towels; (viii) Emesis bag; (ix) Bed pan; (x) Urinal; (xi) Glass.Safety equipment- (i) Flares with life of 30 minutes; (ii) Flood lights; (iii) Flash lights; (iv) Fire extinguisher dry powder type; (v) Insulated gauntletsEmergency care equipments -Resuscitation - (i) Portable suction unit; (ii) Portable oxygen unit; (iii) Bag valve-mask, hand operated arti cial ventilation unit; (iv) Airways; (v) Mouth gags; (vi) Tracheostomy adaptors; (vii) Short spine board; (viii) I.V. Fluids with administration unit; (ix) B.P. Manometer; (x) Cugg; (xi) Stethoscope94 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYImmobilization - (i) Long and short padded boards ; (ii) Wire ladder splints ; (iii) Triangular bandage; (iv) Long and short spine boards.Dressings - (i) Gauze pads 4 inches x 4 inches; (ii) Universal dressing 10 inches x 36 inches; (iii) Roll of aluminum foils; (iv) Soft roller bandages 6 inches x 5 yards; (v) Adhesive tape in 3 inches roll; (vi) Safety pins; (vii) Bandage sheets; (viii) Burn sheetPoisoning - (i) Syrup of Ipecac and Activated charcoal Pre-packeted in doses (ii) Snake bite kit ; (iii) Drinking water.Emergency medicines -As per requirement (under the advice of Medical Practitioner only).Manufacture of Dichromates(see rule 81)(1) Application.- The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which the manufacture of dichromates is carried on.(2) Provision of protective clothing.- The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition, suitable protective clothing, loose- tting rubber gloves of suitable length for the use of all persons coming into contact with chrome solution and also for persons handling the crystals or immersing their hands in chrome solutions or handling textile materials saturated with chrome solution.(3) First aid boxes or cupboards.- (a)The occupier shall provide in readily accessible positions a su cient number of special \"First-Aid\" boxes or cupboards. (b) Each box or cupboard shall be distinctly marked, and shall contain, besides any other medical appliances or requisites, a supply of: (i) Collodion and Brushes. (ii) Impermeable Waterproof Plaster (iii) Ointment, Lint, Bandages and Scissors. (iv) A 2 percent alcoholic solution of Iodine. (c) Nothing except appliance or requisites for First-Aid shall be kept in a \"First-Aid\" box or cupboard. (d) Each \"First-Aid\" box or cupboard shall be placed under the charge of a person who possesses the cate granted by the St. John Ambulance Association, for rendering rst-aid and such person shall be readily available during working hours of the factory. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 95 (e) A notice or notices shall be a xed in every workroom stating the name of the person in charge of a box or cupboard provided in respect of that room.(4) Cautionary notice and inspection of workmen.- The occupier shall ensure that the O cial Cautionary Notice as to ects of chrome on the skin is kept posted up in the works and shall arrange for an inspection of the ngers and toes of all persons coming into contact With chrome solutions to be made at the works twice a week by the person in charge of the \"First-Aid\" box or cupboard. If any person whose work brings him into contact with chrome solution or crystals shows a tendency to develop, or is known to be susceptible to chrome eczema he shall, if practicable, be transferred to other work not exposing him to such (5) Accommodation for clothing.- The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all the persons employed suitable accommodation of clothing, put o during working hours, with adequate arrangements for drying the clothing, if wet. The accommodation so provided shall be placed in the charge of an o cial not lower in rank than a member of the supervisory sta and shall always be kept clean.(6) Provision and maintenance of mess-rooms.- The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all the persons employed and remaining on the premises during the meal intervals a suitable mess-room, which shall be furnished as follows: cient tables and chairs or benches with back-rests;(b) adequate means of warming food and boiling water;(c) suitable facilities for washing, comprising a su cient supply of clean towels, soap and warm water.(7) Processes relating to noxious dust, fume, etc.- Processes that give rise to noxious dust, fume, vapour or mist shall be isolated from others and shall either be totally enclosed or provided with hoods and suitable exhaust ventilation.(8) Operations which set free vapors containing particles of chromium.- The operations which set free vapors containing particles of chromium are - (i) fusing of raw materials ; (ii) dyeing the melted mass before cooling ; and (iii) concentration and evaporation methods to obtain crystals of bichromates;The operations referred to in the rst paragraph shall be carried out by(a) using a closed apparatus furnished with e cient exhaust, and(b) using an automatic system to eliminate manual handling.(9) Collection of roast batch.- A separate space shall be set apart to collect the \"roast batch\" when it is drawn out from the furnace. If the cooled \"roast batch\" has to be transported, it shall be done in covered receptacles.(10) Processes relating to solution at temperature higher than 50C.- The following processes, where solutions at temperature higher than 50C arc carried out shall be provided with exhaust ventilating cowls to carry away the vapors: (i) Vats for lixiviation (ii) Evaporating tanks. (iii) Acidifying vats.(11) Receptacles containing corrosive liquids.- Receptacles containing corrosive liquids shall be e ectively dosed to prevent spillage of solutions.(12) Circulation of salines.- The circulation of salines shall be carried out in a water-tight system of pipes.(13) Dusty operations.- The following dusty operations shall be carried out under exhaust ventilation or in separate rooms with adequate ventilation: (i) Grinding of raw materials; (ii) emptying of containers; (iii) furnace cleaning and withdrawal of roast ;96 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (iv) sifting of ingredients; (v) mixing of ingredients ; (vi) drying of crystals ; and (vii) packing of products.(14) Provision of respiratory protection.- All workmen shall be provided with e cient respiratory protection.(15) Maintenance and supervision of protective equipment.- Proper maintenance and supervision of all protective clothing equipment shall be provided.(16) Collection of waste materials.- All waste materials shall be collected in tanks or store-houses and protected from rain so that the soil may not be contaminated.(17) Cautionary notices.- Cautionary notices as to the dangers associated with \"Chromates shall be conspicuously displayed in the factory where they may be easily and conveniently read by the employees.(18) Examination of workmen.- The employee shall be examined daily to see that they do not have any lesions of the skin.(19) Examination of workmen by the Medical O cer.- Every workman shall be examined once in a month by the Medical cer and the result entered in the Health Register in FORM XXVI.(20) Supply of protective ointment or cream.- Protective ointment or cream for application on limbs and in the nose shall be supplied to all employees.(21) Provision of washable working clothes and washing facilities.- All workmen shall be provided with washable working clothes; kept in good order. Adequate provision of washing facilities shall also be provided.(22) Maintenance of tools.- All tools issued to the maintenance sta shall be washed daily and kept clean. No fee or charge shall be realized from any employee for this purpose.(23) Provision of protective footwear.- All employees on furnaces shall be provided with protective footwear such as wooden sandals.(24) Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any factory on the operation speci ed in paragraph 8 and 13.Compression of Oxygen and Hydrogen produced by the Electrolysis of Water(see rule 81)1. The room in which electrolyser plant is installed shall be separate from the plant for storing and compressing the oxygen and hydrogen and also the electric generator room.2. The purity of oxygen and hydrogen shall be tested by a competent person at least once in every shift at the following points (i) in the electrolysis room; (ii) at the gas-holder inlet ; and (iii) at the suction end of the compressor. The purity gures shall be entered in the register and signed by the persons carrying out such tests: Provided, however, that if the electrolyser plant is tted with automatic recorded to purity of oxygen and hydrogen with alarm lights, it shall be su cient if the purity of the gases is tested at the suction end of the compressor only.3. The oxygen and hydrogen gases shall not be compressed if their purity as determined under clause 2 above falls below 98 percent at any time.4. The bell of any gas-holder shall not be permitted to go within 30 cms of its lowest position when empty and a limit switch tted to the gas-holder in such a manner as to switch o the compressor motor when this limit is reached.5. In addition to the limit switch in the gas-holder, a sensitive negative pressure switch shall be provided in, or adjacent to the suction main for hydrogen, close to the gas-holder and between the gas-holder and the hydrogen compressor to switch othe compressor motor in the event of the gas-holder being emptied to the extent as to cause vacuum.6. The water and caustic soda and caustic potash used for making electrolytes shall be of standards suitable for electrolysis. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 977. Electrical connections at the electrolyser cells and at the electric generator terminals shall be so constructed as to preclude the possibility of wrong connections leading to the reversal of polarity and in addition an automatic device shall be provided to cut o power in the event of reversal of polarity owing to wrong connections either at the switch board or at the electric generator terminals.8. Oxygen and hydrogen gas pipes shall be painted with distinguishing colors. Whenever an hydrogen pipe is opened for repairs or any other work, on re-connection the pipe shall be purged of all air before hydrogen is allowed to pass through that Provided that after repairs, hydrogen pipes shall preferably be purged by an inert gas like nitrogen, whenever possible, before introducing hydrogen for nal purging.9. All electrical wiring and apparatus in the electrolyser room and hydrogen compression room shall be of ame-proof construction or enclosed in ame-proof ttings and no naked light or ame shall be allowed to be taken either in the electrolyser room or where compression and lling of the gases is carried on and such warning notices shall be exhibited in prominent places.9. No part of the electrolyser plant and the gas-holders and compressor shall be subjected to welding, bracing, soldering or cutting until steps have been taken to remove any explosive substance from that part and render the part safe for such operations and after the completion of such operation no explosive substance shall be allowed to enter that part until the metal has cooled su ciently to prevent risk of explosion.10. No work of operation, repair or maintenance shall be undertaken except under the direct supervision of a person who by his training, experience and knowledge of the necessary precautions against risk of explosion is competent to supervise such work. No electric generator after erection or repairs shall be switched on to the electrolysers unless the same is certiby the competent persons under whose direct supervision erection or repairs arc carried on to be in a safe condition and the terminals have been checked for the polarity as required by clause 6.11. Every part of the electrolyser plant and the gas-holders and compressor shall have a regular schedule of overhaul and checking and every defect noticed shall be recti ed forthwith.Manipulation of Stone or any other Material containing free Silica(see rule 81)1. Application.- This Schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of factories in which manipulation of stone or any other material containing free silica is carried on. This shall include the manufacturing processes pertaining to Stone Crushers, Gem and Jewellery, Slate Pencil Making, Agate Industry, Cement Industry, Pottery and Glass Manufacturing. nitions .- For the purpose of this Schedule -manipulation means crushing, breaking, chipping, dressing, grinding, sieving, mixing, grading or handling of stone or any other material containing free silica or any other operation involving such stone or material;stone or any other material containing free silica means a stone or any other solid material containing not less than 5 percent by weight of free silica.3. Preventive Control Measures.- No manipulation shall be carried out in a factory or part of a factory unless the following preventive control measures are adopted, namely:-(1) Engineering Control Measures:(a) Wet Methods: (i) Airborne Silica Dust should be minimized or suppressed by applying water to the process or cleanup; (ii) Water should be provided for drilling or sawing of concrete or masonry,(b) Ventilation: ective Local exhaust system should be provided and maintained to control\/remove silica dust from industrial processes. (ii) Dilution \/ ventilation may be used to reduce free silica dust concentration to below the permissible limits in large (iii) Dust collectors \/ High E ciency Particle Air lter (HEPA) should be set up so that dust shall be removed from the source and all transfer points to prevent contaminating work areas. (iv) Ventilation systems should be kept in good working conditions.98 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(c) Isolation: (i) Containment methods should be used while carrying out sand blasting. (ii) Cabins of vehicles or machinery cutting and drilling that might contain free silica should be enclosed and sealed.(d) Dust Control: (i) Vacuum System with High E ciency Particle Air (HEPA) lter shall be used to remove dust from work areas and at all transfer points. (ii) The belt conveyors transferring crushed material shall be totally enclosed throughout its length. Provided that such control measures as above said are not necessary if the process or operation itself is such that the level of dust created and prevailing does not exceed the permissible limit of exposure speci ed in rule 97.(2) Medical Control Measures.- (1) The occupier of every factory in which an employee employed in the processes ed in paragraph 1, shall ensure that every employee employed be examined by a Medical o cer within fteen days of rst employment. Such medical examination shall include pulmonary function test and chest X ray-Posterior Anterior (PA) view to be compared with standard International Labour Organisation (I.L.O) Radiographs on Pneumoconiosis which shall be read by a radiologist specialized \/ trained in the said eld. No employee shall be allowed to work after fteen days of his employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical o(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical o cer at least once in every twelve months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical o cer considers appropriate, include the test as specisub-paragraph (1) that is, pulmonary function test except chest X-ray-Posterior Anterior (PA) view to be compared with standard International Labour Organisation Radiographs on Pneumoconiosis which shall be read by a radiologist specialized \/ trained eld of reading International Labour Organisation Radiographs on Pneumoconiosis and the chest X-ray which shall be carried out at least once in three years.(3) Every employee employed in any of the aforesaid processes shall be radiological examined by the quali ed Radiologist at the cost of the occupier using a standard size X-ray plates and the power of the X-ray machine shall be more than 300 milli ampere (mA) such radiological examination shall be examined as stated in sub-paragraph-1.The report of such X-ray shall be submitted to the Medical o cer within three months of the said date.(4) The Medical officer after examining an employee, shall issue a Certificate of Fitness inFORM XXIII. The record of re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the certi cate and the certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests shall also be entered by the medical o cer in a Health register in FORM XXIV . The cate of Fitness and the Health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator and produced on demand.(5) If at any time the Medical o cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee he shall make a record ndings in the said Certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in these documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the processes shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he fully is incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical cer, in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub- paragraph (5) above shall bere-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical o cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.(7) If an employee already in employment and declared un t by the Medical o cer shall not be allowed to work on any of the processes speci ed in paragraph 1, unless he has been examined again along with standard size chest X-ray plate from ed Radiologist and such Radiological examination shall be examined as stated in sub-paragraph 1, at the cost of the occupier and has been certi ed to be t to work on the said processes again.(8) For the purpose of medical supervision by the Medical practitioner so appointed by the occupier shall be provided for his exclusive use a room in the factory premises which shall be properly cleaned, adequately lighted ventilated and furnished with a screen, a table with o ce stationary, chairs and other facilities and other instruments including X-ray arrangements for such examinations and such other equipments as may be prescribed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator for time to time. The medical practitioner so appointed shall perform the following duties.(a) maintain health register in FORM XXIV ;(b) undertake medical supervision of persons employed in the factory;(c) look after health, education and rehabilitation of sick, injured or a ected employees; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 99(d) carry out inspection of work rooms where dangerous operations are carried out and advise the management on the measures to be adopted for the protection of health of the employees employed therein.(9) The Health Records of the employees exposed to silicosis, shall be maintained by the Occupier and kept up to a minimum period of 40 years from the beginning of the employment or 15 years after retirement or cessation of the employment, whichever is later and shall be accessible to employees concerned or their representatives.(10) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a Health register in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator and produce on demand.(3) Administrative Control Measures.- (a) Work place \/ Environment Monitoring: The occupier to ensure work place \/ environment monitoring to be performed to determine magnitude of exposure \/ concentration to evaluate engineering controls, selecting respiratory protection, work practices and the need for medical surveillance. (i) Exposure \/ concentration measurements should be made in the employees actual breathing zone. (ii) Total sampling time shall be at least seven hours. (iii) Work place \/ Environment Monitoring shall be repeated quarterly. (iv) The report of dust sampling by occupier shall be made available to the public.(b) Training \/ Awareness: Employees shall be trained in the following:- (i) Health e ects of free silica dust exposure. (ii) Operations and material that produce free silica dust hazards. (iii) Engineering controls and work practice controls that reduce dust concentration. (iv) The importance of good housekeeping and cleanliness. (v) Proper use of personal protective equipment such as respirators etc. (vi) Personal hygiene practices to reduce exposure.(c) Maintenance of oors or places where ne dust is likely to settle on and whereon any person has to work or pass shall be of impervious material and maintained in such condition that they can be thoroughly cleaned by a moist method or any other method which would prevent dust being airborne in the process of cleaning once at least during each shift. (ii) For this purpose dry sweeping or compressed air shall be used for cleanup of dust or wet methods or vacuum system with a High E ciency Particle Air (HEPA) lter shall be used. (iii) Dust on over head ledges and equipment should be removed before it becomes air borne due to vibration traand random air current.(d) Change room and washing facilities: (i) Washing and bathing facilities shall be conveniently located at a place easily accessible to the employees. (ii) Cloak room with individual lockers shall be provided for employees to store uncontaminated clothing. (iii) Employees shall take bath and change the work clothes before they leave the work site. (iv) Work clothes shall not be cleaned by blowing or shaking. (v) Eating\/lunch areas shall be located away from exposed areas.(e) Display of Notices: (i) Warning signs \/ Posters shall be displayed conspicuously in a prominent place. (ii) The Warning signs \/ Poster shall contain the Hazards and precautions to be taken. (iii) The display of notice shall be in the local language and also in the language understood by the majority of the employees.(f) Personal Protective Equipment:The occupier of the every factory to which this schedule apply shall provide the following Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) as per relevant National Standards or International Standards and as applicable to a given work place:-100 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (i) Dust respirator (ii) High E ciency Particle Air (HEPA) lter respirator or fume respirator. (iii) High E ciency Particle Air (HEPA) lter respirator with full face piece. (iv) Self contained breathing apparatus ((SCBA) (v) Supplied air respirator with a full face piece, helmet or hood. (vi) Self contained breathing apparatus ((SCBA) with full face piece. (vii) Powered air purifying respirator with a High E ciency Particle Air (HEPA) (4) Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work wherein operations speci ed in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 are carried on.Handling and Processing of Asbestos, Manufacture of any Article or Substance of Asbestos and any other Process of Manufacture or otherwise in which Asbestos is used in any form.(see rule 81)1. Application.- This Schedule shall apply to all manufacturing process as de ned under clause (zi) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the code, carried on in a factory involving exposure of employees to asbestos and\/or product containing Asbestos.2. The Government may, at any time, for the purpose of giving e ect to any scienti c proof obtained from specialised institutions or experts in the eld, by noti cation in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, make suitable changes in the said 3. The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all employees exposed to asbestos in the factory and it shall be the responsibility of the occupier of the factory to comply with the provisions of this schedule in respect of the employees.4. (a) The occupier of the factory wherein asbestos or substances containing asbestos are in use, shall prepare work procedures and practices, in the light of scienti c research and technological progress for approval by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator and shall follow only such approved procedures.(b) Notwithstanding anything mentioned in sub-paragraph (1), use of asbestos is prohibited in the manufacturing process as may be noti ed by the Government in this behalf.(c) (i) spraying of all forms of asbestos is prohibited in a factory. (ii) The prohibition in respect of spraying of asbestos referred to in item(c) (i) may be exempted by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator if the Occupier represents that such spraying is inevitable for certain purposes provided adequate measures for ensuring the safety and health of employees are undertaken by the occupier to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator. nitions.- For the purpose of this Schedule,- means any brous silicate mineral and any admixture containing actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite or any mixture thereof, whether crude, crushed or opened;asbestos textiles means yarn or clothes composed of asbestos or asbestos mixed with any other materials; means approved for the time being in writing by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;breathing apparatus means a helmet or face piece with necessary connection by means of which a person using it breathes air free from dust, or any other approved apparatus; cient exhaust draught means a localised ventilation by mechanical means for the removal of dust so as to prevent dust from escaping into air of any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed to be e cient which fails to control dust produced at the point where such dust originates; means crushing, disintegrating any other processes in or incidental to the opening or asbestos;protective clothing means overalls and head covering, which (in either case) will when worn exclude asbestos dust;asbestos dust means, airborne particles of asbestos or settled particles of asbestos which are liable to become air borne in the factory; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 101airborne asbestos dust means, for the purposes of measurement, dust particles measured by gravimetric assessment or other equivalent method;repairable asbestos means asbestos bers having diameter of less than 3 micrometer and a length to diameter ratio greater than 3:1;exposure to asbestos means exposure to airborne repairable asbestos bers or asbestos dust; whether originating from asbestos or from minerals, materials or products containing asbestos in the factory.3. Demolition of plants or structures.- No person shall carry out any demolition of plants or structures containing friable asbestos insulation material and removal of asbestos from building or structures in which asbestos is liable to become air-borne, unless he is recognized and duly empowered by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator as quali ed to carry out such work in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule.4. Tools and equipment.- Any tools or equipment used in processes to which this schedule applies shall be such that they do not create asbestos dust above the permissible limit or are equipped with e cient exhaust draught.5. Exhaust draught.- (1) An e ective exhaust draught shall be provided and maintained to control dust from the following processes and machines as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standard:-a) manufacture and conveying machinery, such as - i) preparing, grinding, or dry mixing machines; ii) carding, card waste and ring spinning machines, and looms; iii) machines or other plant fed with asbestos; iv) machines used for the sawing, grinding, turning, drilling, abrading or polishing, in the dry state of articles composed wholly or partly of asbestos;b) cleaning and grinding of the cylinders or other parts of a carding machine;c) chambers, hoppers or other structures into which looses asbestos is delivered or passes;d) work-benches for asbestos waste sorting or for other manipulation or asbestos by hand;e) workplaces at which the lling or emptying of sacks, skips or other portable containers, weighing or other process incidental thereto which is e ected by hand, is carried on;f) sack cleaning machines;g) mixing and blending of asbestos by hand; andh) any other process in which dust is given o into the work environment.2) Exhaust ventilation equipment provided in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) shall, while any work of maintenance or repair to the machinery, apparatus or other plant or equipment in connection with which it is provided is being carried on, be kept in use so as to produce an exhaust draught which prevents the entry of asbestos dust into the air of any workplace.3) Arrangements shall be made to prevent asbestos dust discharged from exhaust apparatus being drawn into the air of any workroom.4) The asbestos bearing dust removed from any workroom by the exhaust system shall be collected in suitable receptacles lter bags which shall be isolated from all work areas.6. Testing and examination of ventilating systems.- (1) All ventilating systems used for the purpose of extracting or suppressing dust as required by this schedule shall be as per the standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards, examined and inspected once every week by a responsible person. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person once in every period of twelve months. Any defects found by such examinations or test shall be recti ed forthwith.(2) A register containing particulars of such examination and tests as shown in FORM XXVII and the state of the plant and the repairs or alterations, if any, found to be necessary shall be kept and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.7. Segregation in case of certain process.- Mixing or blending of asbestos by the hand, or making or repairing of insulating mattresses composed wholly or partly of asbestos shall not be carried on in any room in which any other work is done.8. Storage and distribution of loose asbestos.- All loose asbestos shall, while not in use be kept in suitable closed receptacles which prevent the escape of asbestos dust there from. Such asbestos shall not be distributed within a factory except in closed receptacles or in a totally enclosed system of conveyance.102 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY9. Asbestos sacks.- (1) All sacks used as receptacles for the purpose of transport of asbestos within the factory shall be constructed of impermeable materials and shall be kept in good repair.(2) A sack which has contained asbestos shall not be cleaned by hand beating but by a machine, complying with paragraph 5.(3) Asbestos sacks or receptacles which contain asbestos shall be disposed o in a safe manner.10. Maintenance of oors and workplaces.- (1) In every room in which any of the requirements of this schedule apply - oors, work-benches, machinery and plant shall be kept in a clean state and free from asbestos debris and suitable arrangements shall be made for the storage of asbestos not immediately required for use; and oors shall be kept free from any materials, plant or other articles not immediately required for the work carried on in the room, which would construct the proper cleaning of the (2) The cleaning as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) shall so far as is practicable, as carried out by means of vacuum cleaning equipment so designed and constructed and so used that asbestos dust neither escapes nor is discharged into the air of any work place.(3) When the cleaning is done by any method other than that mentioned in sub-paragraph (2), the persons doing cleaning work and any other person employed in that room shall be provided with respiratory protective equipment and protective clothing.(4) The vacuum cleaning equipment used in accordance with provisions of sub-paragraph (2), shall be properly maintained and after each cleaning operation, its surfaces kept in a clean state and free from asbestos waste and dust.(5) Asbestos waste shall not be permitted to remain on the oors or other surfaces at the work place at the end of the working shift and shall be transferred without delay to suitable receptacles. Any spillage of asbestos waste occurring during the course of the work at any time shall be removed and transferred to the receptacles maintained for the purpose without delay.(6) (i) The occupier shall replace asbestos or of certain types of asbestos or products containing asbestos by other materials or products or shall use alternative technology, scienti cally evaluated as harmless or less harmful, wherever is possible.(ii) The occupier shall take all the measures to prevent or control the release of asbestos in to the air and to ensure that the exposure limits or other exposure criteria are complied with and also reduce exposure to as low as a level as is reasonably practicable.11. Breathing Apparatus, Personnel Protective Equipment and Clothing.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which this schedule applies shall provide to employees personnel protective equipments such as hand gloves, shoes, helmets, goggles, earplug, aprons, safety belt, overall suit, etc, as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The approved breathing apparatus and appropriate work clothing as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards in consultation with the employees representatives and maintained in good conditions for use of every person employed -(a) in chambers containing loose asbestos;(b) in cleaning, dust settling or ltering chambers of apparatus;(c) in cleaning the cylinders, including the defer cylinders, or other parts of a carding machine by means of hand-stickles; lling, beating or leveling in the manufacture or repair of insulating mattresses; and(e) in any other operation or circumstances in which it is impracticable to adopt technical means to control asbestos dust in the work environment within the permissible limit.(2) Suitable accommodation in conveniently accessible position shall be provided for the use of persons when putting on or taking o breathing apparatus and protective clothing provided in accordance with this schedule and for the storage of such apparatus and clothing when not in use.(3) All breathing apparatus and protective clothing not in use shall be stored in the accommodation provided in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) above.(4) All protective clothing in use shall be de-dusted under an e cient exhaust draught or by vacuum cleaning and shall be washed at suitable intervals. The cleaning schedule and procedure should be such as to ensure the e ciency in protective the wearer.(5) All breathing apparatus shall be cleaned and disinfected at suitable intervals and thoroughly inspected once in every month by a responsible person.(6) A record of the cleaning and maintenance and of the condition of the breathing apparatus shall be maintained in a register provided for that purpose which shall be readily available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 103(7) No person shall be employed to perform any work speci ed in sub-paragraph (1) for which breathing apparatus is necessary to be provided under that sub-paragraph unless he has been fully instructed in the proper use of that equipment.(8) No breathing apparatus provided in pursuance of sub-paragraph (1) which has been worn by a person shall be worn by another person unless it has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected since last being worn and the person has been fully instructed: in the proper use of that equipment.(9) No employee shall take home any work clothing or special protective clothing or personal protective equipment provided him for protection against exposure to asbestos.12. Separate accommodation for personal clothing.- A separate accommodation shall be provided in a conveniently accessible position for all persons employed in operations to which this schedule applies for storing of personal clothing. This shall be separated from to accommodation provided under sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 11 to prevent contamination of personal clothing.13. Washing and bathing facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the use of all employees employed in the processes covered by this schedule, adequate washing and bathing places having a constant supply of water under cover at the rate of one such place for every 15 persons employed.(2) The washing places shall have standpipes placed at intervals of not less than one metre.(3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided with bathrooms. cient supply of clean towels made of suitable material shall be provided: Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each employee if so ordered by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. cient supply of soap and nail brushes shall be provided.14. Mess Room.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all employees employed in the factory covered by this schedule, remaining on the premises during the rest intervals, a suitable mess room which shall be furnished with cient tables and benches with back rest; and(b) adequate means for warming food.15. Prohibition relating to smoking.- No person shall smoke in any area where processes covered by this schedule are carried on. A notice in Tamil and the language understood by majority of the employees shall be posted in the plant prohibiting smoking at such areas.16. Pictorial Cautionary notices.- Cautionary notices in the form speci ed in appendix and printed in Tamil and the language easily read and understood by the majority of the employees shall be displayed in prominent places in the workrooms where asbestos or substances containing asbestos are manufactured, handled or used.17. Air monitoring.- To ensure the e ectiveness of control measures in continuous or repetitive processes, the monitoring of asbestos bres in air as well as personal monitoring of employees shall be carried out at least once in every shift and the result so obtained shall be entered in register and(a) there shall be no substantial change in workplace conditions;(b) the results of the two (2) preceding measurements have not exceeded half the relevant control limit.(c) all factories should adopt membrane lter test as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards without fail. Explanation.- Membrane Filter Test ned as the method of determination of airborne asbestos ber concentration in work environment by light microscopy (Membrane Filter Method).18. Medical control measures.- (1) The occupier of every factory in which an employee employed in the processes speciin Sub paragraph (1) of paragraph 1, shall ensure that every employee employed be examined by a Medical o cer within days of his rst employment. Such medical examination shall include sputum examination for asbestos bodies, pulmonary function test and chest X rayPosterior Anterior (PA) view to be compared with standard International Labour Organisation Radiographs on Pneumoconiosis. No employee shall be allowed to work after fteen days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical o(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical o cer at least once in every twelve months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical o cer considers appropriate, include all the tests as speci ed in sub-paragraph (1) except chest X-ray which shall be read by a radiologist specialized\/ trained in the eld of reading International Labour Organisation Radiographs on Pneumoconiosis and the chest X-ray which shall be carried out at least once in three years.104 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(3) Every employee employed in any of the aforesaid processes shall be radiological examined by the quali ed Radiologist at the cost of the occupier using a standard size X-ray plates and the power of the X-ray machine shall be more than 300 milli ampere (mA). The report of such X-ray shall be submitted to the Medical o cer within three months of the said date.(4) The Medical o cer after examining an employee, shall issue a Certi cate of Fitness in FORM XXIII. The record of re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the certi cate and the certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests shall also be entered by the Medical o cer in a Health Register in FORM XXIV. The Certi cate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator and produce on demand.(5) If at any time the Medical o cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said process on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee he shall make a record of ndings in the said Certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in these documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he fully is incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical o cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.(7) If an employee already in employment and declared un t by the Medical o cer shall not be allowed to work on any of the processes speci ed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 1, unless he has been examined again along with standard size chest X-ray plate from a quali ed Radiologist, at the cost of the occupier and has been certi ed to be t to work on the said processes again.(8) For the purpose of medical supervision by the Medical Practitioner so appointed by the occupier shall be provided for his exclusive use a room in, the factory premises which shall be properly cleaned, adequately lighted ventilated and furnished with a screen, a table with o ce stationary, chairs and other facilities and other instruments including X-ray arrangements for such examinations and such other equipments as may be prescribed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator for time to time. The Medical Practitioner so appointed shall perform the following duties:-(a) maintain health register in FORM XXIV.(b) undertake medical supervision of persons employed in the factory.(c) look after health, education and rehabilitation of sick, injured or a ected employees.(d) carry out inspection of work rooms where dangerous operations are carried out and advise the management on the measures to be adopted for the protection of health of the employees employed therein.(9) The Health Records of the employees exposed to asbestos, shall be maintained by the occupier and kept up to a minimum period of 40 years from the beginning of the employment or 15 years after retirement or cessation of the employment, whichever is later and shall be accessible to employees concerned or their representatives.(10) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said Medical Practitioner shall be maintained in separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator and produce on demand.19. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the process covered by this schedule.Pictorial Cautionary Notice1. Asbestos\/asbestos dust which is used, handled or manipulated in this factory is a very hazardous to health.2. Prolonged exposure to asbestos dust may lead to serious diseases like lung brosis (Asbestosis) and lung cancer.3. Entry is prohibited without protective equipment.4. Wear the Protective Equipments to safeguard your health.5. No food stu s or drinks shall be brought into this area.6. Smoking, eating food or drinking and chewing tobacco in this area is prohibited.7. Scrupulous cleanliness shall be maintained in this area.8. Dry sweeping in this area is prohibited. Any spillage of asbestos shall be cleaned by vacuum cleaning only. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1059. A sack or container contaminated with asbestos shall not be cleaned by hand and is to be disposed o by an appropriate 10. All protective equipments and clothing shall be re-dusted by vacuum cleaning and stored in an appropriate place provided for the purpose.11. Entry of unauthorized persons or authorized persons without proper protective equipments is prohibited.12. Report for the prescribed medical examinations and tests regularly, to protect your own health.13. Report to your doctor immediately if you su er from persistent breathlessness, chest tightness or cough.SCHEDULE XXIHandling and Manipulation of Corrosive Substances(see rule 81)1. Application:- Without prejudice to the provisions contained in schedule XVI, this Schedule shall apply in respect of all factories or any part thereof in which handling and manipulation of Corrosive substances is carried on. nitions.- For the purpose of this Schedule(a) \"Corrosive operation\" means any manufacturing process, storing, handling, processing, packing or using any corrosive substance in a factory.(b) \"Corrosive substance\" includes sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydro uoric acid, carbolic acid, phosphoric acid, liquid chlorine, liquid bromine, ammonia, sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide and a mixture thereof, and any other substance which the Government by noti cation in the O cial Gazette specify to be corrosive substance.3. Flooring.- The oor of every workroom of a factory in which corrosive operation is carried on shall be made of impervious, corrosion and re resistance material and shall be so constructed as to prevent collection of any corrosive substance. The surface ooring shall be smooth and cleaned as often as necessary and maintained in a sound condition.4. Protective equipment.- (a) The occupier shall provide for the use of all persons employed in any corrosive operation suitable protective wear for hands and feet, suitable aprons, face shields, chemical safety goggles and respirators. The equipments shall be maintained in good order and shall be kept in clean and hygienic condition by suitably treating to get rid of the ill-e ects of any absorbed chemicals and by disinfecting. The occupier shall also provide suitable protective creams and other preparations wherever necessary.(b) The protective equipment and preparations provided shall be used by the persons employed in any corrosive operations.5. Water facilities.- Where any corrosive operation is carried on, there shall be provided as close to the place of such operation as possible, a source of clean water at a height of 210 cm. (7 feet) from a pipe 1.25 cm. (1\/2 inch) diameter and with a quick acting valve so that in case of injury to the employee by any corrosive substance the injured part can be thoroughly ooded with water. Whenever necessary, in order to ensure continuous water supply, a storage tank having minimum length, breadth and height of 210 cm, 120 cm., and 60 cm. respectively or such dimensions as are approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be provided as the source of clean water.6. Cautionary notice.- A cautionary notice in the following form and printed in the language which is understood by majority of the employees employed, shall be displayed prominently and close to the place where any corrosive operation is carried out and where it can be easily and conveniently read by the employee. If any employee is illiterate, e ective steps shall be taken to explain carefully to him the contents of the notice so displayed.CAUTIONARY NOTICE Corrosive substances cause severe burns and the vapors thereof, may be extremely hazardous. In case of contact, immediately ood the part a ected with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical-attention quickly.7. Transport.- (a) Corrosive substances shall not be lled, moved or carried except in containers or through pipes and when they are to be transported in containers, they shall be included in crates of sound construction and of su cient strength.(b) a container with a capacity of 11.5 liters (2- 1\/2 gallons) or more of a corrosive substance shall be placed in receptacle or crate and then carried by more than one person at a height below the waist line unless a suitable rubber wheeled truck is used for the purpose.(c) Containers for corrosive substance shall be plainly labeled.106 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY8. Devices for handling corrosives.- (a) Tilting, lifting or pumping arrangements shall be used for emptying jars, carboys and other containers of corrosives.(b) Corrosive substances shall not be handled by bare hands but shall be handled by means of a suitable scoop or other 9. Opening of valves.- Valves tted to containers holding a corrosive substance shall be -opened with great care. If they do not work freely, they shall not be forced open. They shall be opened by an employee suitably trained for that purpose.10. Cleaning tanks, stills, etc.- (a) In cleaning out or removing residues from stills or other large chambers used for holding any corrosive substance, suitable implements made of wood or other material shall be used to prevent production of arseniuretted hydrogen (Arsine).(b) Whenever it is necessary for the purpose of cleaning or other maintenance work for any employee to enter chamber, tank, vat, pit or other con ned space where a corrosive substance had been stored, all possible precautions shall be taken to ensure the employee's safety.(c) Wherever possible, before repairs are undertaken to any part of equipment in which a corrosive substance was handled, such equipment or part thereof shall be freed of any adhering corrosive substance by adopting suitable methods.11. Storage.- (a) Corrosive substances shall not be stored in the same room with other chemicals, such as turpentine, carbides, metallic powders and combustible materials, the accidental mixing with which may cause a reaction which is either violent or gives rise to toxic fumes and gas.(b) Pumping or lling overhead tanks, receptacles, vats or other containers for storing corrosive substances shall be so arranged that there is no possibility of any corrosive substance over owing and causing injury to any person.(c) Every container having a capacity of twenty liters or more on every pipe line, valves, and tting used for storing or carrying corrosive substances shall be thoroughly examined every year for nding out any defects and defects shall be removed forthwith. A register shall be maintained of every such examination made and shall be produced before the Inspector-cum-Facilitator whenever required.12. Fire extinguishers and ghting equipment.- An adequate number of suitable type of re extinguishers or other ghting equipment, depending on the nature of chemicals stored shall be provided. Such extinguishers or other equipment shall be regularly tested and re lled. Clear instructions as to how the extinguishers or other equipment should be used printed in the language which majority of the employees employed understand, shall be a xed near each extinguisher or other equipment.SCHEDULE XXIIManufacture or Manipulation of Carcinogenic Dye Intermediates(see rule 81)1. Application.- This Schedule shall apply in respect of all factories or any part thereof in which process of manufacturing or manipulation of a Carcinogenic Dye Intermediates (hereinafter referred to as the said manufacturing process) is carried on: Provided that paragraphs 24 and 25 shall only apply to a process involving manufacture or manipulation of compounds mentioned in Appendix B (hereinafter referred to as the said manufacturing process B). nitions.- For the purposes of this Schedule(a) \"Air Line Respirator\" means a helmet or face piece with necessary connections by means of which a person using it in a poisonous, or irritant atmosphere breathes ordinary air or any other suitable apparatus approved in writing by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator ;(b) \"Approved\" means approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; cient Exhaust Draught\" means localized ventilation e ected by mechanical means for the removal of gas, vapour, dust or fume so as to prevent them from escaping into the air or any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed to be e cient which fails to remove smoke generated at the point where such gas, vapour, fumes or dust originates;(d) \"First employment\" means rst employment in the said manufacturing process and also re- employment in such manufacturing process following any cessation of employment for continuous period exceeding three calendar months ;(e) \"Manipulation\" includes mixing, blending, lling, emptying. grinding, sieving, drying, packing, sweeping, handling, using or chemical processing of a Nitro or amino compound ;(f) \"Nitro or amino compound\" means a nitrated or aminated compounds of aromatic hydrocarbons mentioned in Appendix A or B attached thereto. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1073. Cautionary Placard.- Cautionary placard in the form speci ed in Appendix C attached to this Schedule and printed in the language of the majority of the employees employed shall be a xed in prominent places frequented by them in the factory where the placards can be easily and conveniently read by the employees; and arrangement shall be made by the occupier to instruct periodically all employees employed in the said manufacturing process regarding the precautions contained in the cautionary placard.4. Air space.- In every room in which the said manufacturing process is carried on there shall be at least 15 centimeters of air space excluding any space occupied by machinery, equipments or any other article for each person employed therein and in computing this air space no height over 4.25 meters shall be taken into account. cient exhaust draught.- Unless the said manufacturing process is completely enclosed so as not to give rise to dust or fume it shall not be carried on without the use of an e cient exhaust draught when a nitro or amino compound -(a) is introduced into a tank, hopper, machine or container or lled into cartridge ; or(b) is ground, crushed, mixed, sieved or blended.6. Floor of workrooms.- The oor of every workroom in which the said manufacturing process is carried on shall be (a) smooth and impervious to water provided that asphalt or tar shall not be used in the composition of the oor, (b) maintained in sound condition, (c) slope and provided gutters and (d) thoroughly washed daily by means of hose pipe and drain water shall be led into a sewer through a closed channel.7. Work-benches.- Work-benches on which a nitro or amino compound is manipulated shall (a) have a smooth impervious surface preferably of stainless steel ; and (b) shall be washed daily with a hose-pipe or cleaned by means of a suction cleaning apparatus at a time when no other work is being carried on there.8. Waste.- (1) A suitable receptacle made of non-absorbable material with a tightly tting cover shall be provided and used for depositing waste, like cloth, paper or other material soiled with a nitro or amino compound.(2) All such contaminated waste material shall be destroyed by burning at least once a week.9. Empty containers.- Empty containers used for holding com-pounds included under Appendix A shall be thoroughly cleaned of their contents and treated with an inactivating agent before being discarded.10. Decontamination of pit, tank, etc.- (a) Before an employee enters a tank, pit, kettle or any other con ned space which contained a nitro or amino compound, it shall be thoroughly washed and decontaminated.(b) No part of the plant which has contained a nitro or amino compound shall be repaired or opened for repairs unless it has emptied of such compound, thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated.(c) Records of such treatment shall be maintained in a register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator and the register shall be made available for inspection when required by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.11. Manual handling.- A nitro or amino compound shall not be required or allowed to be mixed, lled, emptied or handled except by means of a scoop with a handle which shall be thoroughly cleaned daily.12. Protective wear.- The occupier shall provide, maintain clean and in good repair protective clothing and other equipments ed in the table below:-Process Protective clothing and other equipmentFor manipulation of compounds mentioned in Appendices A and B(a) Long pants and shirts or overalls with long sleeves and head coverings. The shirt or overalls shall cover the neck completely(b) Rubber gloves, rubber gum boots, rubber aprons and air line respiratorFor manipulation of compounds mentioned in Appendix B(c) White clean clothing mentioned in (a) Above, in addition to white clean shirts, singlet and protective equipment as in (b) above(d) White long sleeved aprons13. Instructions as regard risks.- Every employee on his rst employment shall be fully instructed on the properties of the chemical he has to handle and of the dangers involved. Employees shall also be instructed in the measures to be taken to deal with any emergency.14. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall -108 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(a) employ a quali ed Medical Practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said Medical Practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.15. Medical Examination by the Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be examined by a Medical O cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for detection of methemoglobin in blood (Heamatological tests), paranitrophenol in urine, pulmonary function tests and C.N.S tests. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every six calendar months and such re-examinations shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include all the tests ed in sub-paragraph (1).(3) The Medical O cer after examining an employee, shall issue a certi tness in FORM XXV . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub- paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV .(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the Health Register. The entry of his ndings in these documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t to work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process, shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said process unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.16. Washing and bathing facilities.- (1) The following washing and bathing facilities shall be provided and maintained in cleanly state and in good repair for the use of all persons employed in the said manufacturing process:(a) A wash place under cover with clean towels, soap and nail brushes and with atleast one stand- pipe for every ve such persons having constant supply of water.(b) Fifty percent of the stand-pipes provided under item (a) above shall be located in bathroom where both hot and cold water shall be made available, during the working hours of the factory and for one hour thereafter.(c) The washing and bathing facilities shall be within a radius of 15 meters from the area housing the said manufacturing (d) Clean towels shall be provided individually to each employee if so ordered by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(e) In addition to taps mentioned under item (a), one stand-pipe in which warm water made available shall be provided (2) Arrangement shall be made to wash factory uniforms clothes compulsorily every day.17. Washing and bathing.- (a) All employees employed in the said manufacturing process shall carefully wash their hands and face before partaking of food or leaving the factory.(b) Bath Register. Employees employed in the said manufacturing process shall take a bath daily at the factory premises and enter their names in the bath register in token of having done so.18. Food, drinks, etc., prohibited in workroom.- No employee shall consume food, drink, pan, supari or tobacco or shall smoke in any workroom in which the said manufacturing process is carried on and no employee shall remain in any such room during intervals for meals or rest.19. Cloak-room.- There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the use of the persons employed in the said manufacturing process (a) a cloak-room with lockers having two compartments, one for street clothes and the other for factory clothes and (b) a place separate from the locker room and from the mess-room for the storage of protective equipment provided under paragraph 13. The accommodation so provided shall be under the care of a responsible person and shall be kept clean. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 10920. Mess-room.- There shall be provided and maintained for use of all persons employed in the factory and remaining in the premises during the meal intervals, a mess-room which shall be furnished with (a) tables and benches, and (b) means for warming food. The mess-room shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.21. Time allowed for washing.- Before each meal and before the end of the day's work at least ten minutes in addition to the regular intervals shall be allowed for washing to each person who has been employed in the said manufacturing process.22. Drying stoves. - (1) Every drying stove shall be e ciently ventilated to the outside air in such a manner that hot air from the stove shall not be drawn into any workroom.(2) No person shall enter stove to remove the contents until a free current of air has been passed through it by mechanical 23. Non-sparking tools.- Non-sparking tools shall be provided for the purpose of cleaning or repairing machinery or operating any process where vapors of betanaphthylamine are evolved.24. Testing of atmosphere, etc.- Aminos in the atmosphere of the workroom where the manufacturing process is carried on shall be estimated once every week and records of results of such estimations shall be made available when required by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.25. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in the area wherein operations speci ed in sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph 2 are carried on.26. Separation of processes.- The said manufacturing process in Appendix B shall be carried on in rooms which shall not communicate with any other room except through a passage open entirely to outside atmosphere.27. Limitation of exposure.- (1) No employee under the age of 40 years shall be engaged in the factory for the said manufacturing process in Appendix B for the rst time. (2) Before the end of the day's work at least one hour shall be allowed for bathing to each person, who is employed in the said manufacturing process in Appendix B including the time allowed under paragraph 19.APPENDIX A(see paragraphs 2, 9, 12 and 14)The benzenes, toluenes, xylenes, having undergone nitration once or several times (nitro, dinitro and trinitro benzene and its homologues) and their chlorinated compounds, naphthalenes, having undergone nitration once or several times, aniline, and its homologues (toludine, syncline, cumidine) anisdine, phenetidine and their chlorinated, nitrated and alkeylated compounds (demethylenillintoluylendiamine, toludine, phynylhydrazine, toluylhydrazin).APPENDIX B(see paragraphs 2, 12, 14, 24 and 26)Alphanaphthylamine.Betanaphthylamine.Henozidine and its saltsDianisidinc.Dichlorobenzidine.APPENDIX C(see paragraph 3)Cautionary placardAdvice to employees:-(1) Nitro and amino compounds or aromatic hydrocarbons are dangerous. In this factory you have to handle them frequently.(2) All items of protective wear provided should be made use of to safeguard your health.110 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(3) Maintain scrupulous cleanliness at all times. Before meal, wash hands and feet. A bath before leaving the factory is essential, taking care to wash the head well.(4) If any chemical falls on your body, wash it o immediately with soap and water, change clothing at once, if soaked with a cyanotic nitro or amino compound. Contact the appointed doctor immediately.(5) Do not handle any nitro or amino compound with bare hands. Use a long handled scoop.(6) Avoid alcoholic drinks as these increase risk of poisoning.(7) In case of illness contact the Occupier and the appointed doctor.(8) Do not chew, eat, drink or smoke in the workroom or with soiled hands. Keep food and drink away from the workplace.(9) If you work with Betanaphthylamine or benzidine or its salts, alphanaphthylamine or dianisidine-(a) remember the serious e ects will follow after a number of years if great care is nor taken to observe absolute cleanliness of body, clothes, machinery and tools;(b) at mealtime, wash face and hands twice with soap and water to remove all chemicals ; wear along-sleeved clean apron while eating;(c) before leaving the factory take a bath using soap and water twice ; after this put on your home clothes.SCHEDULE XXIIIProcess of Extracting Oils and Fats in Solvent Extraction Plants(see rule 81) nitions.- (a) \"Competent Person\" for the purpose of this Schedule shall be at least a member or an Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (India) with ten years experience in a responsible position as may be approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator: Provided that a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Technology with specialized knowledge of Oils and Fats and with a minimum experience of ve years in a solvent extraction plant shall also be considered to be a competent Provided further that the Government may accept any other quali cations, if in its opinion, they are equivalent to the cations aforesaid;Flame-proof enclosure as applied to electrical machinery or apparatus means an enclosure that will withstand, when covers or other access doors are properly secured, an internal explosion of the in ammable gas or vapour which may enter or which may originate inside the enclosure without su ering damage and without communicating the internal in ammation (or explosion) to the external ammable gas or vapour.(c) \"Solvent\" means an in ammable liquid such as Pentane and Hexane and Heptane used for the extraction of vegetable oils;Solvent Extraction Plant \", means a plant in which the process of extracting oils and fats by the use of solvents is carried on.2. Location and lay out.- (a) No solvent extraction plant shall be permitted to be constructed or extended within a distance of thirty meters from the nearest residential locality.(b) A continuous wire fencing shall be provided around the solvent extraction plant up to a minimum distance of 15 meters from the plant and the fencing so provided shall be not less than 1.5 meters in height.(c) No person shall be allowed to carry any matches or an open re inside the area bound by the fencing.(d) Boiler houses and other buildings where open ame processes are carried on shall be located at least thirty meters away from the solvent extraction plant.(e) If godowns and preparatory processes are within a distance of thirty meters from the solvent extraction plant, these shall be at least fteen meters distance from the plant, and a continuous barrier wall of non-combustible material of a height of 1.5 meters from ground level shall be erected at a distance of not less than fteen meters from the solvent extraction plant so that it extends to at least thirty meters of vapour travel around its ends from the plant to the possible sources of ignition.3. Electrical Installation.- (a) All electrical motors, electrical wiring system, the electric lamps, switches, circuit breakers and all other electrical equipment used within the premises of a factory where extraction of oil is being carried on with the help of solvents shall be of ame proof construction and should be suitable for use in areas where Hexane or similar types of solvents or vapors are likely to exist. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 111(b) All metal parts of the plant and building including various tanks and containers where solvents are stored or are likely to be present and all parts of electrical equipments not required to be energized shall be properly connected to earth so as to avoid accidental rise in the electrical potential of such parts above the earth potential.4. Restriction on smoking.- Smoking shall be strictly prohibited within a distance of 15 meters from the solvent extraction plant. For this purpose 'No Smoking' signs shall be permanently displayed in the area.5. Precautions against friction.- (a) All tools and equipment including ladders, chains and other lifting tackle required to be used in the solvent extraction plant shall be of non-sparking type ;(b) No machinery or equipment in any solvent extraction plant shall be belt driven unless the belt used is of such a type that it does not permit accumulation of static electricity to a dangerous level;(c) No person shall be allowed to enter and work in the solvent extraction plant wearing clothes made of nylon or such ber that can generate static electrical charge or wear footwear which is likely to cause sparks by friction. ghting apparatus.- (a) An adequate number of portable re extinguishers suitable for use against ammable liquid re shall be provided in the solvent extraction plant;(b) An automatic water spray sprinkler system on a wet pipe or open head deluge system with a su cient supply of storage water shall be provided over the solvent extraction plant and throughout the building housing such plant.7. Precautions against power failure.- Provision shall be made for the automatic cutting o of steam in the event of power failure and also for emergency overhead water supply for feeding water by gravity to condensers which shall come into play automatically upon a power failure.8. Magnetic separators.- Oil-cake shall be fed to the extractor by a conveyor through a hopper and a magnetic separator shall be provided to remove any piece of iron during its transfer.9. Venting.- (a) Tanks containing solvents shall be protected with emergency venting to relieve excessive internal pressure in the event of (b) All emergency relief vents shall terminate at least six meters above the ground and be so located that the vapors will not re-enter the building in which the solvent extraction plant is located.10. Waste-water.- Process waste water shall be passed through a ash evaporator to remove any solvent before it is discharged into a sump which should be located within the fenced area but should not be closer than eight meters to the fence.11. Ventilation.- The solvent extraction plant shall be well ventilated and if the plant is housed in a building, the building shall be provided with mechanical ventilation with provision for at least six air changes per hour.12. House-keeping.- (a) Solvent shall not be stored in an area covered by the solvent extraction plant except in small quantities which shall be stored in approved safety cans;(b) Waste materials such as oily rags, other wastes and absorbents used to wipe o solvent and paints and oils shall be deposited in approved containers and removed from the premises at least once a day ;(c) Space with the solvent extraction plant and within 15 meters from the plant shall be kept free from any combustible materials and any spills of oils or solvent shall be cleaned up immediately.13. Examination and repairs.- (a) The solvent extraction plant shall be examined by the competent person to determine any weakness or corrosion and wear once in every 12 months. Report of such examination shall be supplied to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator with his observation as to whether or not the plant is in safe condition to work.(b) No repairs shall be carried out to the machinery or plant except under the direct supervision of the competent person.(c) Facility shall be provided for purging the plant with inert gas or steam before opening for cleaning or repairs and before introducing solvent after repairs.14. Operating personnel.- The operation of the plant and machinery in the solvent extraction plant shall be in the charge of such duly quali ed and trained persons as are certi ed by the competent person to be t for the purpose and no other person shall be allowed to operate the plant and machinery.15. Vapour detection.- A suitable type of ame- proof and portable combustible gas indicator shall be provided and maintained in good working order and a schedule of routine sampling of atmosphere at various locations as approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator shall be drawn out and entered in a register maintained for the purpose.16.Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in the solvent extraction plant.112 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYSCHEDULE XXIVFire Works Manufactory and Match Factories(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this Schedule shall apply to all manufactories and processes incidental thereto carried on in any Fire Works Manufactory or a match works and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any provisions contained in other rules. nition.- (a) \"Fire Works Manufactory\" means any factory or such parts of any factory wherein the following chemicals or combination of chemicals and materials are being used for the manufacture or crackers, sparklers, caps, fuses, blasting powder and reworks -Saltpetre; Pyrotechnic aluminium Powder;Magnesium Powder; Charcoal;Potassium chloride; Red Phosphorus;Gum; Dextrine;Strontium Nitrate; Gun Powder (Black Powder);Copper Coated Wires; Steel lings or iron G.I. Wire;(b) \"Match works\" means any establishment which manufactures safety matches or colour matches by the use of chemicals mentioned in clause (a).(c) \"Breathing apparatus\" means a device covering mouth or nose with necessary connections by means of which a person using it in a poisonous asphyxiating or irritant atmosphere breathes ordinary air or any other suitable apparatus approved in writing by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator in this behalf.3. Buildings.- (a) The building of any reworks manufactory or match factory shall conform to the standards prescribed under the Indian Explosives Act 1884 (Central Act IV of 1884), and the height of such buildings shall at no time be less than 3 meters;(b) No building inside a reworks manufactory shall have a oor at any time;(c) In Match works, provided with a oor, there shall be 2 staircases leading from the oor to the ground irrespective of the number of persons employed in the oor and one of the staircases shall be of masonry construction or ammable materials;(d) All doors shall open outwards and all the doorways shall be kept free from obstructions;(e) All doors of workrooms shall not be less than 1.2 meters in width or less than 2 meters in height; oors of all work rooms including mixing sheds shall be completely covered by a rubber sheet having a smooth surface and having a thickness of atleast 3 mm. If the oor cannot be covered by a single rubber sheet, more than one rubber sheet may be used, so that each sheet is overlapped by the other atleast 150 mm; and(g) Mixing sheds in a reworks manufactory shall be at a distance of 18 meters away from all other sheds if the quantity of chemical stored, handled or used in the mixing shed is less than 50 kilograms and be separated by ba e walls opposite to each exit of the mixing shed: Provided that the distance shall be at least 21 meters, if the quantity of chemical stored, handled or used in the mixing shed exceeds 50 kilograms.4. House-keeping.- (a)Every part of ways, works, machinery and plant shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition;(b) Any spillage of materials shall be cleaned without delay;(c) Close platforms, passages and gangways shall be kept free of temporary obstructions.5. Electrical Equipment.- (a) If at any time, use of electricity is allowed in the factory, all leads, etc., shall be in conduits ame-proof junctions;(b) Electrical supply shall never be through a lamp even with a non-conducting handle.6. Protective clothing.- (a) Under no circumstances clothes made of arti ber like terelene, etc., be allowed inside the factory; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 113(b) All employees shall be supplied with asbestos aprons especially to cover the chest, gonads and thighs;(c) Breathing apparatus shall be used in mixing sheds to avoid employees inhaling poisonous fumes in the event of an untoward reaction;(d) In mixing sheds where aluminium and magnesium powders are used \"anti-stat\" foot-wear to combat static electricity shall be supplied;(e) All protective equipments shall be maintained in an e cient condition and also shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.7. Match Factories.- In match factories,-(i) the residue of the head composition shall not in any way be mixed with the residue of the friction composition ;(ii) the rooms comprising the two mixing departments, namely, (a) head composition and (b) friction composition shall be entirely separated from each other and the drains from these two departments shall be kept entirely separate ;(iii) rubbish containing the residues of the head composition and friction composition shall be kept and burnt separately ;(iv) department in which completed matches (matches with heads on) are stored shall be separated from all other departments by means of re-proof walls and doors providing adequate means of escape in case of Provided that the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may, subject to such conditions, as he may deem necessary, exempt any factory in existence on the rst January 1935, from the provisions of this clause;(v) Splints, veneers and other materials in excess of the quantity required for the day's manufacture shall be kept in separate rooms of the factory where no manufacturing process is carried on. No manufactured material shall be stored anywhere in the factory compound for more than ve days after the manufacture except in the storage godowns; Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply to splints and veneers in cases stored in peeling and box making departments;(vi) Store room for matches shall be entirely separated by re-proof walls from the buildings used for manufacture(vii) The racks in the dipped splints room shall have sides top and the rear part provided with non-in ammable materials.(viii) The process of packing shall be done in an area away from the place of manufacture to the satisfaction of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(ix) No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any process directly connected with the manufacturing process up nal production of match sticks.8. Precautions to be taken in connection with manufacture of fuses used in crackers, etc.-(a) Bundles of fuses shall be handled by carrying and not dragging them on the (b) Drying of fuses after wrapping shall be carried out on platforms away tram workrooms;(c) Cutting shall be done by experienced employees employed only for this purpose and under proper supervision;(d) Cutting shall be done on a large masonry platform covered with a tarpaulin and kept free from grit and pebbles;(e) Cutting shall be done on a raised platform so that employees can work standing. Cutting must be done by placing the fuse on wooden sleepers kept over blocks of wood. Brick shall not be used beneath the wooden reapers; and(f) Employees, while on dangerous operations, shall not wear clothing sewn with ferrous or steel buttons, buckles or attachments. They shall not carry on their persons, iron knives, keys, etc.9. General.- (a) No person other than a factory employee and\/or an inspecting o cer or others connected with the manufacturing process shall be allowed to enter the working area;(b) Cardboard containers and trays without steel nails shall be used for storage and day-to-day working purposes;(c) During the manufacture of fuses only brass or non-ferrous knives shall be used and drying of nes shall be away from all workrooms;(d) Door mats shall be provided outside the workroom and near all drying platforms and where fuses are cut for the employees to clean their feet;(e) At no time, mixing materials shall exceed the quantity that is required for the manufacture of mixing for half an hour operation only;114 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY lling up chemicals in the inner tubes of crackers, only aluminium or plastic rings shall be used and not galvanized iron rings;(g) Buckets, containers, hoops, locks, nails, screws, bolts, nuts, knives, scissors, hinges, latches etc., made up of iron shall not be used within the factory premises;(h) Wooden racks without iron nails shall be used for drying paper cap sheets, in amorces factories;(i) Wooden racks used for drying paper cap sheets shall be provided with asbestos or other re resistant sheets on the three sides leaving the front side open;(j) Dried paper cap sheets shall be carried in wooden trays with four compartments (partitions) each compartment (partition) carrying a single sheet;(k) Each manufacturing shed of reworks shall have atleast two doors facing each other. The doors provided to the work sheds of adjacent rows shall not face each other;(l) Not more than four persons shall be employed or allowed at any one time in any one building in which explosive is being manufactured;(m) Copper plates shall be xed on the ba e wall of the chemical mixing shed and chemical lling shed; and the employees before entering those sheds, shall place their hands on the copper plates in order to discharge the electrostatic charges from their body and to protect them from any untoward re or explosion;(n) Employees aged above 55 years shall be employed only in non-explosive areas;(o) No person, aged 50 years and above shall be employed in Fireworks Manufactory unless his eyesight including colour vision and his hearing capacity are examined and declared t by a quali ed ophthalmologist and ENT specialist, respectively, to work whether with or without use of corrective appliances. Such examinations shall be made atleast once in every two years. Record of examination or re-examination carried out shall be produced on demand to Inspector-cum-Facilitator at the time inspection;(p) Work benches and tables shall be provided for mixing and lling operations;(q) Blast walls shall be provided around the drying platform at a distance of 2 meters away from the drying platform. The height of the blast wall shall be atleast one foot more than that of the height of the drying platform;(r) In every Fireworks Factory, there shall be appointed a Supervisor with minimum quali cation of B.Sc. (Chemistry) or Diploma in Chemical Engineering or its equivalent. He shall be fully conversant with the process of manufacture of and the associated hazards. These Supervisors shall undergo special training of reworks safety as approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator. Number of Supervisors shall be at the rate of 1 for every 50 employees. Manufacture of shall be carried out under the supervision of such Supervisors;(s) Factories which make fancy crackers shall have,- (i) separate colour pellet machine shed; (ii) separate colour pellet drying shed; and (iii) separate transit rock for storing colour pellets.(t) Not more than one manufacturing activity at any one item of crackers shall be allowed or required to be done in any working shed at a time;(u) The employees involved in mixing and lling operations shall have an education quali cation of at least tenth standard;(v) The drying platform meant for Rockets and Fire Works of ying nature shall be provided with a temporary roof of a strong aluminium mesh cover resting on the ba e walls, for protection from direct sunlight;(w) There shall be provided at least two burning pits in every factory and each burning pit shall be at a minimum distance of 62 meters away from the working sheds;(x) The collected waste shall be disposed in the burning pit after the working hours of the factory on the same day in the presence of the Foreman by a trained employee;(y) Wind direction indicator shall be provided in each factory;(z) No electronic appliances such as mobile phones, transistors etc., shall be allowed in the premises, where reworks are manufactured, handled, stored or used; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 115(aa) The mixed chemicals shall be used on the same day. No mixed chemical ( reworks) composition, dry or wet shall be kept in the factory at the close of any working day. Such residual composition shall be safely destroyed at the close of the day;(ab) Fireworks factory ordinarily employing 250 employees or more shall appoint a quali ed Safety O cer as per the Code;(ac) No manufacturing activity shall be carried on in Fireworks factory between 6.00 pm. to 6.00 am.10. Display of notices.- The following notices in the local language understood by the majority of employees shall be displayed at a conspicuous place in the factory,-(a) Smoking is strictly prohibited.(b) No one shall carry matches or other igniting materials into the factory.(c) No employee shall be in a workroom or area where no work has been assigned to him.(d) If anything untoward happens in any shed all employees shall dash to the gates which serve as outgates of the factory and in no circumstances be curious to see what has happened in the a ected shed.(e) Any spillage of materials should be cleaned without any delay.(f) Wearing of clothes made of arti ber like terene, etc., is prohibited. Clothings sewn with ferrous or steel buttons or buckles or attachments should not be worn.(g) Foot wears with iron nails should not be used.(h) employees should not carry with themselves iron knives and iron keys, etc.11. First-aid boxes.- (a) The required materials shall be kept in the First-Aid Box. In addition, four stretchers shall be available for every twenty persons employed in the premises.(b) Adequate amount of burn dressings and 24 ounces of coconut oil to be used as the rst remedy for burns shall be kept in the First-Aid Box.(c) Persons who are in charge of First-Aid Boxes shall be those who possess the certi cate granted by the St. John's Ambulance Association for rendering 12. Medical Examination by Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in the process of mixing, lling and handling of chemicals in the re-works factories shall be medically examined by a Medical O cer within fteen days of his rst employment. Such medical examination shall include skin test for Dermatitis, Pulmonary Function Test and Chest X-ray. No employee shall be allowed to work after fteen days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical (2) Every employee employed in the said process shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every six months. Such re-examination shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include all the tests speci ed in sub-paragraph (1) except Chest X-ray which will be done once in three years.(3) The Medical O cer after examining an employee shall issue a Certi cate of Fitness in FORM XXIII . The record of re-examination carried out shall be entered in the certi cate and the certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register in FORM XXIV.(4) The Certi cate of Fitness and the Health Register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in those documents and should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical O cer, in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above, shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.13. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work on operation where chemicals are mixed and where fuses are cut.116 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYManufacture or Manipulation of Manganese and its Compounds(see rule 81) nitions.- For the purpose of this Schedule,-(a) \"Manganese Process\" means processing, manufacture or manipulation of manganese or any compound of manganese or any ore or any mixture containing manganese.(b) \"First employment\" means rst employment in any manganese process and includes also re- employment in any manganese process following any cessation of employment for a continuous period exceeding 3 calendar months ;(c) \"Manipulation\" means mixing, blending, lling, emptying, grinding, sieving, drying, packing, sweeping or otherwise handling of manganese or a compound of manganese or any mixture containing manganese ; cient exhaust ventilation\" means localized ventilation e ected by mechanical means for the removal of dust or fume or mist at its source of origin so as to prevent it from escaping into the atmosphere of any place where any work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed to be e cient which fails to remove the dust or fume or mist at the point where it is generated and fails to prevent it from escaping into and spreading into the atmosphere of a work place.2. Application.- The Schedule shall apply to every factory in which or in any part of which any manganese process is carried on.3. Isolation of a process.- Every manganese process which may give rise to dust, vapour or mist containing manganese shall be carried on in a totally enclosed system or otherwise e ectively isolated from other processes so that other plants and process and other parts of the factory and persons employed on other work or process may not be a ected by the same.4. Ventilation of process.- No process, in which any dust, vapour or mist containing manganese is generated, shall be carried out except under a e cient exhaust ventilation which shall be applied as near to the point of generation as practicable.5. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.6. Medical Examination by Medical o cer.- (1) Every employee employed in any manganese processes shall be examined by a Medical o cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for detection of serum calcium, serum phosphate and manganese in blood and urine and also include steadiness tests and other neuromuscular co-ordination tests. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in a manganese process shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every three calendar months and such examinations shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include all the tests in sub-paragraph (1).(3) The Medical O cer after examining an employee shall issue a certi tness in FORM XXIII. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub- paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV.(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical o cer is of the opinion that the employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the Health Register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t to work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process, shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said process unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1177. Personal Protective Equipment.- (1) The Occupier of the factory shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition suitable overalls and head coverings for all persons employed in any manganese process and such overalls and head coverings shall be worn by the persons while working on a manganese process.(2) The Occupier of the factory shall provide suitable respiratory protective equipment for use by employees in emergency to prevent inhalation of dusts, fumes or mists su cient number of complete sets of such equipment shall always be kept near the workplace and the same shall be properly maintained and kept always in a condition to be used readily.(3) The Occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed, suitable accommodation for the storage and make adequate arrangements for cleaning and maintenance of personal protective equipment.8. Food, drinks prohibited in the workrooms.- No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be allowed to be brought into or consumed by any employee in any work room in which any manganese process is carried on.9. Mess-room.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of the persons employed in a manganese process a suitable mess-room which shall be furnished with su cient tables and benches and adequate means for warming of food. The mess room shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.10. Washing facilities.- There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good condition, for the use of persons employed on manganese process a wash place under cover, with either(1) a trough with a smooth impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug. The trough shall be of su cient length to allow at least 60 centimeters for every ten such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of water from tap or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 60 centimeters, or at least one wash basin for every ve such persons employed at any one time, tted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of water; and cient supply of soap or other suitable cleaning material and nail brushes and clean towels.11. Cloak-room.- If the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator so requires there shall be provided and maintained for the use of persons employed in manganese process a cloak-room for the clothing put o during working hours with adequate arrangement for drying the clothing.12. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any Manganese process.13. Cautionary placard instructions.- Cautionary notices in the following form and printed in the language of the majority of the employees employed, shall be a xed in prominent places in the factory where they can be easily and conveniently read by the employees and arrangements shall be made by the occupier to instruct periodically all employees employed in a manganese process regarding the health hazards connected with their duties and the best preventive measures and methods to protect themselves. The notices shall always be maintained in a legible condition.CAUTIONARY NOTICEManganese and Manganese Compounds-1. Dust fumes and mists of Manganese and Compounds are toxic when inhaled or when ingested.2. Do not consume food or drink near the work place.3. Take a good wash before taking meals.4. Keep the working area clean.5. Use the protective clothing and equipments provided.6. When required to work in situations where dusts, fumes, or mists are likely to be inhaled, use respiratory protective equipments provided for the purpose.7. If you get severe headaches, prolonged sleeplessness or abnormal sensations on the body, loose gait, speech interference and loss of virility, report to the Occupier who would make arrangements for your examination and treatment.SCHEDULE XXVICARBON DISULPHIDE PLANTS(see rule 81)1. Application.- This Schedule shall apply to all electric furnaces in which carbon disulphide is generated and all other plants where carbon disulphide, after generation is condensed, re ned and stored. These rules are in addition to and not in derogation of any of the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder.118 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY2. Construction, installation and operation.- (a) The buildings in which electric furnaces are installed and carbon disulphide after generation is condensed and re ned shall be segregated from other parts of the factory and shall be of open type to ensure optimum ventilation and the plant layout shall be such that only a minimum number of employees are exposed to the risk of re or explosion at any one time.(b) Every electric furnace and every plant in which carbon disulphide is condensed, re ned and stored with all their and attachments shall he of good construction, sound material and of adequate strength to sustain the internal pressure to which the furnace or the plant may be subjected and shall be so designed that carbon disulphide liquid and gas are in closed system during their normal working.(c) The electric furnace supports shall be rmly grouted about 61 centimeters in concrete or by other e ective means.(d) Every electric furnace shall be instilled and operated according to manufacturers' instructions and these instructions shall be clearly imparted to the personnel in charge of construction and operation.(e) The instructions regarding observance of correct furnace temperature, sulphur dose, admissible current\/power consumption and periodical checking of charcoal level shall be strictly complied with.3. Electrodes.- (a) Where upper ring electrodes made of steel or used in the electric furnace, they shall be of seamless tube construction and shall have arrangement for being connected to cooling water system through a siphon builts in the electrodes or through a positive pressure water-pump.(b) The arrangement for cooling referred to in clause (a) shall be connected with automatic alarm system which will actuate in the event of interruption of cooling water in the electrodes and give visible and audible alarm signals in the control room and simultaneously stop power supply for the furnace operation and to stop the further supply of water. The alarm system and the actuating device shall be checked every day.4. Maintenance of charcoal level.- When any electric furnace is in operation, it shall be ensured that the electrodes are kept covered with charcoal bed.5. Charcoal separator.- (a) Cyclone type of charcoal separator shall be tted on the o take pipe between the electric furnace and sulphur separator to prevent entry of pieces of char-coal into the condensers and piping.(b) Any other design for gas o take pipe which does not allow charcoal pieces into the condensers and piping may be 6. Rupture Discs and Safety Seal.- (a) At least two rupture discs of adequate size which shall blow o at a pressure twice the maximum operating pressure shall be provided on each furnace and shall either be mounted directly on the top of the furnace or each through an independent pipe as close as possible to the furnace.(b) A safety water seal shall be provided at the best possible location to ensure the maximum and e ective operation of the rupture discs mentioned in (a) above.7. Pyrometer and Manometers.- (a) Each electric furnace shall be tted with adequate number of pyrometers (to give an indication of the temperature as correctly as reasonably practicable) at various points in the furnace. The dials for reading the temperature shall be located in the control room.(b) Manometers or any other suitable devices shall be provided for indicating pressure(i) in the o take pipe before and after the sulphur separator ; and(ii) in primary and secondary condensers.8. Check Valves or Water Seals.- All piping carrying carbon disulphide shall be tted with check valves or water seals at suitable positions so as to prevent gas from owing back into any electric furnace in the event of its shut down.9. Inspection and maintenance of Electric Furnaces.- (a) Every electric furnace shall be inspected internally by a competent person(i) before being placed in service after installation;(ii) before being placed in service after reconstruction or repairs; and(iii) periodically every time the furnace is opened for cleaning or replaced electrodes. In respect of item (iii) if it is felt by operators that during dashing it is not necessary to inspect internally so as to conserve the heat in the furnace, internal inspection can be done away with.(b) When an electric furnace is shut down for cleaning,-(i) if removal of any part of the lining is resorted to, the condition of the shell shall be closely inspected, and TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 119 (ii) any plates forming shell found corroded to the extent that safety of the furnace is endangered shall be replaced:10. Maintenance of Records.- The following hourly records shall be maintained in a logbook (i) Manometer reading at the points speci ed in sub-clause (b) of clause 7. (ii) Gas temperature indicated by pyrometers and all other vital points near the sulphur separator and primary and secondary condensers. (iii) Water temperature and ow of water through the siphon in the electrodes. (iv) Primary and secondary voltages and current and energy consumed.11. Electrical apparatus, wiring and ttings.- All buildings in which carbon disulphide is re ned or stored shall be provided with electrical apparatus, wiring and ttings which shall a ord adequate protection from re and explosion.12. Prohibition relating to smoking.- No person shall smoke or carry matches, re or naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark in buildings in which carbon disulphide is re ned or stored, and a notice in the language under-stood by a majority of the employees shall be posted in the plant prohibiting smoking and carrying of matches, re or naked light of other means of producing naked light or spark into such rooms.13. Means of escape.- Adequate means of escape shall be provided and maintained to enable persons to move to a safe place as quickly as possible in case of an emergency. At least two independent staircases of adequate width shall be provided in every building housing the furnaces at reasonable intervals at opposite ends. These shall always be kept clear Mall obstructions and so designed as to a ord easy passage.14. Warnings in case of re.- There shall be adequate arrangements for giving warnings in case of re or explosion which shall operate on electricity and, in case of failure of electricity, by some mechanical means. ghting equipment.- (a) Adequate number of suitable re extinguishers or other ghting equipment shall be kept in constant readiness for dealing with risks involved and depending on the amount and nature of materials stored:(b) Clear instructions as to how the extinguishers or other equipment should be used shall be printed in the language which the majority of the employees employed understand. The instructions shall be a xed to each extinguisher or other equipment and the personnel trained in their use shall be supplied with the instructions.16. Bulk sulphur.- ( a) Open or semi-enclosed space for storage of bulk sulphur shall be sited with due regard to the dangers which may arise from sparks given o by nearby locomotive, etc., and precautions shall be taken to see that ames, smoke and matches and other sources of ignition do not come in contact with the clouds of dust arising during handling of bulk sulphur.(b) All enclosures for bulk sulphur shall be of non-combustible construction, adequately ventilated and so designed as to provide a minimum of ledges on which dust may lodge.(c) The bulk sulphur in the enclosures shall be handled in such a manner as to minimize the formation of dust clouds and ame, smoke and matches or other sources of ignition shall be employed during handling and non-sparking tools shall be used whenever sulphur is shovelled or otherwise removed by band.(d) No repairs involving ames, beat or use of hand or power tools shall be made in the enclosure where bulk sulphur is 17. Liquid sulphur.- Open ames, electric sparks and other sources of ignition, including smoke and matches, shall be excluded from the vicinity of molten sulphur.18. Training and supervision.- (a) All electric furnaces and all plants in which carbon disulphide is condensed, restored shall be under adequate supervision at all times while the furnaces and plant are in operation.(b) Employees in charge of operation and maintenance of electric furnaces and the plants shall be properly qualiadequately trained.19. Washing facilities.- The occupier shall provide and maintain in a clean state and in good repair, for the use of all persons employed a wash-place under cover with atleast one tap or stand-pipe, having a constant supply of clean water for ve such persons, the taps or stand-pipes being spaced not less than 120 centimeters apart with a su cient supply of soap and clean towels, provided that towels shall be supplied individually to each employee if so ordered by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. All the employees employed in sulphur storage handling and inching operations shall be provided with a nail brush.20. Personal Protective equipment.- (a) Suitable goggles and protective clothing consisting of overalls without pockets, gloves and foot-wear shall be provided for the use of operatives: (i) when operating valves or cocks controlling uids, etc;120 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY (ii) drawing o of molten sulphur from sulphur pots; and (iii) handling charcoal or sulphur.(b) Suitable respiratory protective equipment shall be provided and stored in the appropriate place for use during abnormal conditions or in an emergency.(c) Arrangements shall be made for the proper and e cient clearing of all such protective equipment.21. Cloak-rooms.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons employed in the processes a suitable cloak-room for clothing put o during work hours and a suitable place separate from the cloak-room for the storage of overalls or working clothes The accommodation so provided shall be placed in the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.22. Unauthorized persons.- Only maintenance and repair personnel, persons directly connected with the plant operation and those accompanied by authorized persons shall be admitted into the plant.SCHEDULE XXVIIManufacture, Handling and use of Benzene(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this Schedule shall apply to all factories or parts thereof in which Benzene or substances containing Benzene are manufactured, handled or used. nitions.- For the purpose of this Schedule,-(a) 'Substances containing benzene' means substances wherein benzene content exceeds 1 percent by volume;Substitute' means a chemical which is harmless or less harmful than benzene and can be used in place of benzene;(c) 'Enclosed system' means a system which will not allow escape of benzene vapors to the working atmosphere; cient exhaust draught ' means localized ventilation e ected by mechanical means for the removal of gases, vapors, dusts or fumes so as to prevent them from escaping into the air of any workroom. No draught shall be deemed to be eif it fails to remove smoke generated at the point where such gases, vapors, fumes or dusts originate.3. Prohibition and substitution.- (a) Use of benzene and substances containing benzene is prohibited in the following processes:-(i) Manufacture of varnishes, paints and thinners; and(ii) cleaning and degreasing operations.(b) Benzene or substances containing Benzene shall not be used as a solvent or diluent unless the process in which it is used is carried on in an enclosed system or unless the process is carried on in a manner which is considered equally safe as if it were carried out in an enclosed system;(c) Where suitable substitutes are available, they shall be used instead of Benzene or substances containing Benzene. This provision, however, shall not apply to the processes speci ed in Appendix A;(d) The Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator may, subject to con rmation by the Government, permit exemptions from the percentage laid down in clause 2 (a) and also from the provisions of sub-clause (b) temporarily under conditions and within limits of time to be determined after consultation with the employers and employees concerned.4. Protection against inhalation.- (a) The process involving the use of Benzene or substances containing Benzene shall as far as practicable, be carried out in an enclosed system;(b) Where, however, it is not practicable to carry out the process in an enclosed system, to workroom in which Benzene or substances containing Benzene are used, shall be equipped with an e cient exhaust draught or other means for the removal of Benzene vapors to prevent their escape into the air of the workroom so that the concentration of Benzene in the air does not exceed 25 parts per million by volume or 80 mg\/m3;(c) Air analysis for the measurement of concentration of Benzene vapors in air shall be carried out every 8 hours or at such intervals as may be directed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator at places where process involving use of Benzene is carried on and the result of such analysis shall be recorded in a register specially maintained for this purpose. If the concentration of Benzene vapors in air as measured by air analysis, exceeds 25 parts per million by volume or 80 mg\/m3 the Occupier shall forthwith report the concentration to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator stating the reasons for such increase;(d) Employees who for special reasons are likely to be exposed to concentration of Benzene in the air of the workroom exceeding the maximum referred to in clause (b) shall be provided with suitable respirators or face masks. The duration of such exposure shall be limited as far as possible. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1215. Measures against skin contact.- (a) Employees who are likely to come in contact with liquid Benzene or liquid substances containing Benzene shall be provided with suitable gloves, aprons, boots and where necessary, vapour-tight chemical goggles made of material not a ected by Benzene or its vapors.(b) The protective wear referred to in sub-clause (a) shall be maintained in good condition and inspected regularly.6. Labeling.- Every container holding Benzene or sub-stances containing Benzene shall have the word Benzene\" and approved danger symbols clearly visible on it and shall also display information on Benzene content, warning about leaky and warning about in ammability of the chemical.7. Improper use of Benzene.- (a) The use of Benzene or substances containing Benzene by employees for cleaning their hands or their work clothing shall be prohibited;(b) Employees shall be instructed on the possible dangers arising from such misuse.8. Prohibition of consuming food, etc., in workrooms.- No employee shall be allowed to store or consume food or drink in the workroom in which Benzene or substances containing Benzene are manufactured, handled, or used. Smoking and chewing tobacco or pan shall be prohibited in such workrooms.9. Instruction as regards risks.- Every employee on his rst employment shall be fully instructed on the properties of Benzene or substances containing Benzene which he has to handle and of the dangers involved. Employees shall also be instructed on the measures to be taken to deal with in an emergency.10. Cautionary notices.- Cautionary notices in the form speci ed in Appendix B and presented in the language easily read and understood by the majority of the employees shall be displayed in prominent places in the workrooms where Benzene or substances containing Benzene are manufactured, handled or used.11. Washing facilities, cloak-room and mess-room.- In factories in which Benzene or substances containing Benzene are manufactured, handled or used, the Occupier shall provide and maintain in clean state and in good repair(a) Washing facilities under cover of the standard of at least one tap for every 10 persons having constant supply of water with soap and a clean towel provided individually to each employee if so ordered by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator ;(b) A cloak-room with lockers for each employee, having two compartments - one for street-clothing and one for work-clothing;(c) A mess-room furnished with tables and benches with means for warming food, provided that where a canteen or other proper arrangements exist for the employees to take their meals, the requirements of mess-room shall be dispensed with.12. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall -(a) employ a quali ed Medical Practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.13. Medical Examination by the Medical o cer.- (1) Every employee employed in processes mentioned in paragraph 1, shall be examined by a Medical o cer within 15 days of his rust employment. Such examination shall include tests for detection of Phenol in urine and determination of urinary sulphide ratio and C.N.S. and Haemotologyical tests. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical o(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical o cer at least once in every twelve calendar months and such examinations shall, wherever the Medical o cer considers appropriate, include all the tests speciin sub-paragraph (1). Further, every employee shall also be examined once in every three months by the factory Medical O(3) The Medical o cer after examining an employee, shall issue a certi tness in FORM XXIII. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certi cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Medical o cer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV.(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical o cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employees, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the Health Register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t to work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the 122 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYprocess shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical o cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.14. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any workroom involving exposure to Benzene or substance containing Benzene.APPENDIX A[see clause 3(b)]1. Production of Benzene.2. Process where Benzene is used for chemical synthesis.3. Motor spirits (used as fuel).APPENDIX B(see clause 10)(a) The hazards (i) Benzene and substances containing Benzene are harmful; (ii) Prolonged or repeated breathing of Benzene vapors may result in acute or chronic poisoning; (iii) Benzene can also be absorbed through skin which may cause skin and other diseases(b) The preventive measures to be taken- (i) Avoid breathing of benzene vapors; (ii) Avoid prolonged or repeated contact of benzene with the skin; (iii) Remove benzene soaked or wet clothing promptly; (iv) If any time you are exposed to high concentration of benzene vapors and exhibit the sign and symptoms such as dizziness, di culty in breathing, excessive excitation and losing of consciousness, immediately inform your occupier; (v) Keep all the containers of benzene closed; (vi) Handle, use and process benzene and substances containing benzene carefully in order to prevent their spillage (vii) Maintain good house-keeping;(c) The protective equipment to be used - (i) the respiratory protective equipment in places where benzene vapors are present in high concentration; (ii) In emergency, use self-generating oxygen mask or oxygen or air cylinder masks; (iii) Wear hand gloves, aprons, goggles and gum boots to avoid contact of benzene with your skin and body parts. rst-aid measure to be taken in the case of acute benzene poisoning - (i) Remove the clothing immediately if it is wetted with benzene. (ii) If liquid benzene enters eyes, ush thoroughly for at least fteen minutes with clean running water and immediately secure medical attention. (iii) In case of usual exposure to benzene vapour, call a physician immediately. Until he arrives do the followingIf the exposed person is conscious:-(A) Move him to fresh air in open;(B) Lay down without a pillow and keep him quiet and warm.If the exposed person is unconscious:-(a) Lay him down preferably on the left side with the head low; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 123(b) Remove any false teeth, chewing gum, tobacco or other foreign objects which may be in his mouth;(c) Provide him arti cial respiration in case di culty is being experienced in breathing;(d) In case of shallow breathing or cyanosis (blueness of skin, lips, ears, nger nails beds) he should be provided with medical oxygen or oxygen carbon di oxide mixture. If needed, he should be given arti cial respiration. Oxygen should be administered by a trained person only.Operations involving High Noise and Vibration levels(see rule 81)High Noise Levels1. Application. - This Part of the schedule shall apply to all operations in any manufacturing process having high noise level. nitions .- For the purpose of this schedule, - means any unwanted sound;High noise level means any noise level measured on the A-weighted scale is 85dB or above; means one-tenth of which is the fundamental divisions of a logarithmic scale used to express the ratio of ed or implied quantities, the number of denoting such a ratio being the logarithm to the base the of 10 of this ratio. The noise level (or the sound pressure level) 6 corresponds to a reference pressure of 20 x 10 Newton per square meter or 0.0002 dynes per square centimeter which is the threshold of hearing, that is, the lowest sound pressure level necessary to produce the sensation of hearing in average healthy listeners. The decibel in abbreviated form is dB; is the rate of pressure variations expressed in cycles per second or hertz; refers to sound level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter operating on the A-weighting net work with slow meter response; andA-weighting means making graded adjustments in the intensities of sound of various frequencies for the purpose of noise measurement, so that the sound pressure level measured by an instrument re ects the actual response of the human ear to the sound measured.3. Protection against noise. - (1) In every factory, suitable engineering control or administrative measures shall be taken to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that no employee is exposed to sound levels exceeding the maximum permissible noise exposure levels speci ed in Tables 1 and 2.PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE IN CASES OF CONTINUOUS NOISE.Total time of exposure (continuous or a number of short term exposures) per day, in hours.Sound pressure level in dBA Explanation.- (1) No exposure in excess of 110 dBA is to be permitted.124 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) For any period of exposure falling in between any gure and the next higher or lower gure as indicated in column 1, the permissible sound pressure level is to be determined by extrapolation on a proportionate basis.PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LEVELS OF IMPULSIVE OR IMPACT NOISE.Peak sound pressure level in dB Permitted number of impulses or impact per day.120 10,000 Explanations.- 1. No exposure in excess of 140 dB peak sound pressure level is permitted.2. For any peak sound pressure level falling in between any gure and the next higher or lower gure as indicated in column 1, the permitted number of impulses or impacts per day is to be determined by extrapolation on a proportionate basis.(2) For the purposes of this part of the schedule, if the variations in the noise level involve maximum at intervals of one second or less, the noise is to be considered as a continuous one and the criteria given in Table 1would apply. In other cases, the noise is to be considered as impulsive or impact noise and the criteria given in Table 2 would apply.(3) When the daily noise exposure is composed of two or more periods of noise exposure at di erent levels their combined ect should be considered, rather than the individual e ect of each. The mixed exposure should be considered to exceed the limit value if the sum of the fractions.C1\/T1 + C2\/T2+.+Cn\/Tn............. exceeds unit P-1Where the C1, C2 etc. indicate the total time of actual exposure at a speci ed noise level and T1, T2, etc. denote the time of exposure permissible at that level. Noise exposure of less than 90 dBA may be ignored in the above calculation.(4) (a) Where it is not possible to reduce the noise exposure to the levels speci ed in the Tables in sub paragraph 1 of paragraph 3 by reasonably practicable engineering control or administrative measures, the noise exposure shall be reduced to the greatest extent feasible by such control measures, and each employee so exposed shall be provided with suitable ear protectors as per relevant National or International Standards so as to reduce the exposure to noise to the levels specithe Tables in sub - paragraph 1 of paragraph 3.(b) The Occupier shall provide personal hearing protectors to the employees.- (i) so as to eliminate the risk to hearing or to reduce the risk to as low a level as is reasonably practicable. (ii) after consultation with the employees concerned or their representative. (iii) ensure the hearing protectors is full and properly tted, periodically checked for the e ectiveness, used and maintained in good working order and repair. (iv) ensure that employees are given periodical training in the use, care and maintenance of the Personal hearingprotectors.(5) Where the ear protectors provided in accordance with sub-paragraph 3 of paragraph 4 and worn by an employee cannot Sill attenuate the noise reaching near his ear, as determined by subtracting the attenuation value in dBA of the ear protectors concerned from the measured sound pressure level, to a level permissible under as the case may be, the noise exposure period shall be suitably reduced to correspond to the permissible noise exposures speci ed in the Tables in sub - paragraph 1 of paragraph 3.(6) (a) In all cases where the prevailing sound levels exceed the permissible levels speci ed in the Tables in sub - paragraph 1 of paragraph 3 there shall be administered an e ective hearing conservation program which shall include among other hearing conservation measures, pre-employment and periodical auditory surveys conducted on employees exposed to noise exceeding the permissible levels, and rehabilitation of such employees either by reducing the exposure to the noise levels or by transferring them to places where noise levels are relatively less or by any other suitable means.(b) Every employee employed in areas where the noise exceeds the maximum permissible exposure levels specithe Tables in sub - paragraph 1 of paragraph 3 shall be subjected to an auditory examination by a Medical o cer within 14 days of his rst employment and thereafter, shall be re-examined at least once in every 12 months. Such initial and periodical examinations shall include tests which the Medical o cer may consider appropriate and shall include determination of auditory thresholds for pure tones of 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000,4000 and 8000 cycles per second. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 125High Vibration Levels1. Applications .-This Part of the Schedule shall apply to all operations in a manufacturing part of the process having high undesired vibrations. nition.- (a) daily exposure means the quantity of mechanical vibration to which an employee is exposed during a working day, which takes account of the magnitude and duration of the vibration; means a mechanical phenomenon where by oscillations occur about equilibrium point. The oscillations may be periodic or random;high vibration means any exposure greater than the exposure limit value and action value speci ed in paragraph - 3;exposure action value means the level of daily exposure set out in paragraph-3 for any employee which, if reached or exceeded, requires speci ed action to be taken to reduce risk;exposure limit value means the level of daily exposure for any employee which must not be exceeded, as speciin paragraph-3;hand-arm vibration means mechanical vibration which is transmitted into the hands are arms during a work activity as described in sub - paragraph-(1) of paragraph 3 ;mechanical vibration means vibration occurring in a piece of machinery or equipment or in a vehicle as a result of its operation; andwhole-body vibration means mechanical vibration which is transmitted into the body, when seated or standing, through the supporting surface, during a work activity or as described in sub - paragraph-(2) of paragraph 3.3. Exposure limit values and action values.- (1) For hand-arm Vibration.-(a) the daily exposure limit value is 5 m\/s 2A(8);(b) the daily exposure action value is 2.5 m\/s2 A(8), and daily exposure shall be ascertained on the basis set out in the relevant National\/International Standards speci ed in table below.(2) For whole body vibration.-(a) the daily exposure limit value is1.15 m\/s2 A(8);(b) the daily exposure action value is 0.5 m\/s2 A(8),and daily exposure shall be ascertained on the basis set out in the relevant National \/ International Standards.The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for exposure of the hand to vibration in X, Y or Z direction of axes in the three dimensional system shall be as given below:Total Daily Exposure Duration (hours)Maximum value of frequency weighted acceleration (m\/s2) in any direction4 to less than 8 hours 42 to less than 4 hours 61 to less than 2 hours 8less than 1 hour 12(3) Assessment of vibration exposure shall be made for each applicable direction (X, Y, Z) since vibration is a vector quantity (magnitude and direction). In each direction, the magnitude of the vibration during normal operation of the power tool, machine or work piece should be expressed by the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the frequency - weighted component acceleration, in units of meter per second squared (m\/s2).4. Assessment of risk to health due to vibration at the work Place.- (1) An occupier who carries out work which is liable expose any employee from vibration to shall make a suitable and su cient assessment of the risk created by that work to the health and safety of those and the risk assessment shall identify the control measures that need to be taken.(2) The risk assessment should be reviewed whenever it is felt the changes in the process makes the earlier risk assessment no longer valid.126 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY5. Engineering Control measures.- (1) The occupier shall ensure that risk from the exposure of employees to vibration is either eliminated at source or, where this is not reasonably practicable, reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.(2) Where it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risk at source pursuant to sub - paragraph 1 and an exposure action value is likely to be reached or exceeded, the employer shall reduce exposure to as low a level as is reasonably practicable by establishing and implementing a program of engineering control measures which are appropriate to this type of activity.(3) The occupier shall ensure that the employees are provided with the following measures:-(a) work equipment of appropriate ergonomic design which, taking account of the work to be done, produces the least possible vibration;(b) the provision of auxiliary equipment which reduces the risk of injuries caused by vibration; and install appropriate maintenance programmes for work equipment, the workplace and workplace systems;(4) Subject to above sub -paragraphs, the employer shall ensure that his employees are not exposed to vibration above an exposure limit value; and shall take necessary to identify the reasons for the limit being exceeded and take appropriate steps to reduce the exposure to vibration to below limit value. Provided that where the exposure of an employees to vibration is usually below the exposure action value but varies markedly from time to time and may occasionally exceed the exposure limit value. Provided further that any exposure to vibration averaged over one week is less than the exposure limit value and there is evidence to show that the risk from the actual pattern of exposure is less than the corresponding risk from constant exposure at the exposure limit value; and that the risk is reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable, taking into-account the special circumstances.6. Medical Examination.- (1) The occupier shall ensure that the employees who are likely to be exposed to vibration at above exposure action value are subjected to periodical medical examination once in a year. The medical examination shall include general and physical examination as well as special test for Reynauds phenomenon.(2) The health record of employees shall be maintained by the occupier for a period of ve years from the date of last test and produce to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator on demand.(3) If at any time the Medical o cer is of the opinion that the employee is no longer t to work in the said process on the ground that continuance daring would involve danger to the health of the employee he shall make a record of his tness in cate in FORM XXIII and the health register in FORM XXIV . The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person declared unin such circumstances shall be provided with alternate placement facility unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the cer in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.7. Personal Protective equipment.- (1) The occupier shall ensure that the employees who are likely tobe exposed to high level of vibration are provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and protective clothing conto national or international standards. Such Personal Protective Equipment should include hand gloves arid safety shoes. The protective clothing shall be able to protect the employees from cold and dump.2) The Occupier shall ensure that employees are given periodical training in the use care and maintenance of the Personal Protective Equipment.8. Administrative Control Measures. - (1) The occupier shall ensure that as far as reasonably practicable as all necessary control measures are taken to ensure that the unwanted vibrations do not a ect the health of the employees employed in the process to which this part of schedule apply.(2) The occupier shall provide all employees with information, instruction and training to be adopted to limit the exposure limit values and action values as set out in paragraph -3.(3) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph 2 above, the information, instruction and training provided under that the said sub - paragraph shall include.-(a) the exposure limit values and action values set out in paragraph 3;(b) safe working practices to minimise exposure to vibration;(c) suitable and su cient information and training for employees, such that work equipment may be used correctly and safety, in order to minimise their exposure to vibration;(d) limitation of the duration and magnitude of exposure to vibration;(e) appropriate work schedules with adequate rest periods; and TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 127(f) The information, instruction and training required by sub - paragraph (2) shall be updated to take accounted signichanges in the type of work carried out or the working methods used by the employer.(4) The Occupier shall display pictorial cautionary notices\/warning signs at conspicuous places where there are possibilities of employees being exposed to undesired high vibrations.9. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in the operations ed in paragraph 1 ofPart-B of this schedule.Manufacture or Manipulation of Dangerous Pesticides(see rule 81)1. Application.- This schedule shall apply in respect of all factories or any part thereof in which the process of manufacture or manipulation of dangerous pesticide (thereinafter referred to as the said manufacturing process) is carried on. nition.- For the purpose of this schedule -(a) \"dangerous pesticides\" means any product proposed or used for controlling, destroying or repelling any pest or for preventing growth or mitigating e ects of such growth including any of its formulations which is considered toxic under and is covered by the Insecticides Act, 1968 and the rules made thereunder and any other products as may be noti ed from time to time by the Government;(b) \"manipulation\" includes mixing, blending, formulating, lling, emptying, packing or otherwise handling ; cient exhaust draught\" means localized mechanical ventilation for removal of smoke, gas, vapour dust, fume or mist so as to prevent them from escaping into the air of any workroom in which work is carried on. No exhaust draught shall be considered e cient if it fails to remove smoke generated at the point where such gas, fume, dust, vapour or mist originates from the processes; and rst employment\" shall mean rst employment in any manufacturing process to which this schedule applies and shall also include re-employment in the said manufacturing process following any cessation of employment for a continuous period exceeding three calendar months.3. Instruction to employees.- Every employee on his rst employment shall be fully instructed on the properties including dangerous properties of the chemicals handled in the said manufacturing process and the hazards involved. The employees shall also be instructed in the measures to be taken to deal with any emergency. Such instructions shall be repeated periodically.4. Cautionary notice and placards.- Cautionary notices and placards in the form speci ed in the Appendix to this Schedule and printed in the language of the majority of the employees shall be displayed in all work places in which said manufacturing process is carried on so that they can be easily and conveniently read by the employees. Arrangements shall be made by the occupier of the factory to periodically instruct the employees regarding the health hazards arising in the said manufacturing proem and methods of protection. Such notices shall include brief instructions regarding the periodical clinical tests required to be undertaken for protecting health of the employees.5. Food, drink and smoking prohibited.- (1) No food, drink, tobacco, pan or supari shall be brought into or consumed by any employee in any workroom in which the said manufacturing process is carried out.(2) Smoking shall be prohibited in any workroom in which the said manufacturing process is carried out.6. Protective clothing and protective equipment.- (1) Protective clothing consisting of long pants and shirts or overalls with long sleeves and head coverings shall be provided for all employees employed in the said manufacturing process.(2) (a) Protective equipment consisting of rubber gloves, gum boots, rubber aprons, chemical safety goggles and respirators shall be provided for all employees employed in the said manufacturing process.(b) Gloves, boots, aprons shall be made from synthetic rubber where a pesticide contains oil.(3) Protective clothing and equipment shall be worn by the employees supplied with such clothing and equipment.(4) Protective clothing and equipment shall be washed daily from inside and outside if the employees handle pesticides containing nicotine or phosphorous and shall be washed frequently if handling other pesticides.(5) Protective clothing and equipment shall be maintained in good repair.7. Floors and work-benches.- (1) Floors in every work-room where dangerous pesticides are manipulated shall be of cement or other impervious material giving a smooth surface.128 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) Floor shall be maintained in good repair, provided with adequate slope leading to a drain and thoroughly washed once a day with hose pipe.(3) Work-benches where dangerous pesticides are manipulated shall be made of smooth,non-absorbing material preferably stainless steel and shall be cleaned at least once daily.8. Spillage and waste.- (1) If a dangerous pesticide during its manipulation splashes or spills on the work-bench, on the protective clothing worn by an employee, immediate action shall be taken for thorough decontamination of such areas or articles.(2) Cloth, rags, paper or other material soaked or soiled with a dangerous pesticide shall be deposited in a suitable receptacle with tight tting cover. Contaminated waste shall be destroyed by burning at least once a week.(3) Suitable deactivating agents, where available shall be kept in a readily accessible place for use while attending to a (4) Easy means of access shall be provided to all parts of the plant for cleaning, maintenance and repairs.9. Empty containers used for dangerous pesticides.- Containers used for dangerous pesticides shall be thoroughly cleaned of their content and treated with an inactivating agent before being descended or destroyed.10. Manual handling.- (1) A dangerous pesticide shall be required or allowed to be manipulated by and except by means of a long handled scoop.(2) Direct contact of any part of the body with a dangerous pesticide during its manipulation shall be avoided.11. Ventilation.- (1) In every workroom or area where a dangerous pesticide is manipulated, adequate ventilation shall be provided at all times by the circulation of fresh air.(2) Unless the process is completely enclosed, the following operations during manipulation of a dangerous pesticide shall not be undertaken without an e cient exhaust draught(a) emptying a container holding a dangerous pesticide;(b) blending a dangerous pesticide;(c) preparing a liquid or powder formulation containing a dangerous pesticide; and(d) changing or lling a dangerous pesticide into a container, tank hopper or machine or small sized containers.(3) In the event of a failure of the exhaust or draught provided on the above operation, the said operations shall be stopped forthwith.12. Time allowed for washing.- (1) Before each meal and before the end of the day's work at least ten minutes in addition to the regular rest interval shall be allowed for washing to each employee engaged in the manipulation of dangerous pesticide.(2) Every employee engaged in the manipulation of dangerous pesticides shall have a thorough wash before consuming any food and also at the end of the day's work.13. Washing and bathing facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained in a dean state and in good repair for the use of all employees employed in the factory where the said manufacturing process is carried on, adequate washing and bathing places having a constant supply of water under cover at the rate of one such place for every 5 persons employed.(2) The washing places shall have stand pipes placed at intervals of not less than one meter.(3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided with bathrooms. cient supply of clean towels made of suitable material shall be provided : Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each employee if so ordered by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. cient supply of soap and nail brushes shall be provided.14. Cloakroom.- There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all employees employed in the factory where the said manufacturing process is carried on:(a) a cloakroom for clothing put o during working hours with adequate arrangements for drying clothing, if wet and(b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing provided underparagraph 7.15. Mess-room.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all employees employed in the factory in which the said manufacturing process is carried on and remaining on the premises during the rest intervals, a suitable mess-room which shall be furnished with -- TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 129 cient tables and benches with back rest, and(b) adequate means for warming food.(2) The mess room shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person and shall be kept clean.16. Manipulation not to be undertaken.- Manufacture or manipulation of a pesticide shall not be undertaken in any factory unless a certi cate regarding its dangerous nature or otherwise is obtained from the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.17. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed Medical Practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.18. Medical Examination by Medical O cer.- ( 1) Every employee employed in the processes mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be examined by a Medical O cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination in respect of Halogenated Pesticides, shall include tests for determination of the chemical in blood and in fat tissues, EEG abnormalities and memory tests, in respect of organo phosphorous compounds, such examination shall include test for depression of cholinesterase in plasma and red blood cells. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every six calendar months. Such examinations shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include the tests specisub-paragraph (1). Further every employee employed in the said processes shall also be examined once in every three months by the factory Medical O(3) The Medical Officer after examining an employee, shall issue a certificate of fitness inFORM XXIII. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certishall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of these tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register inFORM XXIV.(4) The Certi cate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the Health Register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t to work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.19. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any room in which manufacture or manipulation of dangerous pesticide is carried on.(see paragraph 4)CAUTIONARY NOTICEInsecticides and Pesticides1. Chemicals handled in this plant are poisonous substances2. Smoking, eating food or drinking, chewing tobacco in this area is prohibited. No food stu or drink shall be brought in this area.3. Some of these chemicals maybe absorbed through skin and may cause poisoning.130 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY4. A good wash shall be taken before meals.5. A good bath shall be taken at the end of the shift.6. Protective clothing and equipment supplied shall be used while working in this area.7. Containers of pesticides shall not be used for keeping food stu8. Spillage of the chemicals on any part of the body or on the oor or work bench shall be immediately washed away with 9. Clothing contaminated due to splashing shall be removed immediately.10. Scrupulous cleanliness shall be maintained in this area.11. Do not handle pesticides with bare hands; use scoops provided with handle.12. In case of sickness like nausea, vomiting, giddiness, the Occupier should be informed who will make necessary arrangements for treatment.13. All employees shall report for the prescribed medical tests regularly to protect their own health.Manufacture of Rayon by Viscose Process(see rule 81) nitions.- For the purpose of this schedule(a) \"approved\" means approved for the time being in writing by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator ;(b) \"breathing apparatus\" means a helmet or face piece with necessary connections by means of which the person using it in a poisonous, asphyxiating or irritant atmosphere breathes unpolluted air ; or any other approved apparatus ;(c) \"churn\" means the vessel in which alkali cellulose pulp is treated with carbon disulphide;(d) \"dumping\" means transfer of cellulose xanthate from a dry churn to a dissolver ; cient exhaust draught\" means a localized ventilation by mechanical means for the removal of any gas or vapour, so as to prevent it from escaping into the air or any place in which work is carried on. No draught shall be deemed to be eif it fails to control e ectively any gas or vapour generated at the point where such gas or fume originates;(f) \"fume process\" means any process in which carbon disulphide or hydrogen sulphide is produced, used or given o(g) \"life belt\" means a belt made of leather or other suitable material which can be securely fastened round the body with a suitable length of rope attached to it, each of which is su ciently strong to sustain the weight of a man ;(h) \"protective equipment\" means apron, goggles, face shields, footwear, gloves and overalls made of suitable materials.2. Ventilation.- (1) In all workrooms where a fume process is carried on, adequate ventilation by natural or mechanical means shall be provided so as to control, in association with other control measures, the concentration of carbon-disulphide and hydrogen sulphide in the air of every work environment within the permissible limits.(2) Notwithstanding the requirements in sub-paragraph (1), an e cient exhaust draught shall be provided and maintained to control the concentration of carbon-disulphide and hydrogen sulphide in the air at the following locations :(a) dumping hoppers of dry churns;(b) spinning machines;(c) trio rollers and cutters used in staple ber spinning ;(d) hydro-extractors for yarn cakes;(e) after treatment processes ; and(f) spin baths.(3) In so far as the spinning machines and trio rollers and cutters used in staple ber spinning are concerned, they shall be, for the purpose of ensuring the e ectiveness of the exhaust draught to be provided as required in sub-paragraph (1), enclosed as fully as practicable and provided with suitable shutters in sections to enable the required operations to be carried out without giving rise to undue quantities of carbon-di-sulphide and hydrogen sulphide escaping to the work environment TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 131(4) No dry churn shall be opened after completion of reaction without initially exhausting the residual vapors of carbon-di-sulphide by operation of a suitable and e cient arrangement for exhausting the vapors which shall be continued to be operated as long as the churn is kept opened.(5) Whenever any ventilation apparatus normally required for the purpose of meeting the requirements in sub-paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) is ine ective, fails, or is stopped for any purpose whatsoever, all persons shall be required to leave the work areas where the equipment or processes speci ed in the above said sub- paragraphs are in use, as soon as possible, and in any case not later than 15 minutes after such occurrence.(6)(i) All ventilating systems provided for the purposes as required in sub-paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) shall be examined and inspected once every week by a responsible person. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person once in every period of 12 months. Any defects found by such examinations of test shall be recti ed forthwith.(ii) A register containing particulars of such examinations and tests, and the state of the systems and the repairs or alterations (if any) found to be necessary shall be kept and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.3. Waste from spinning machines.- Waste yarn from the spinning machines shall be deposited in suitable containers provided with close tting covers. Such waste shall be disposed o as quickly as possible after decontamination.4. Linking of dry churns.- The inside surface of all dry churns shall be coated with a non-sticky paint so that cellulose xanthate will not stick to the surface of the churn, such coating shall be maintained in good condition.5. Air monitoring.- (1) To ensure the effectiveness of the control measures, monitoring ofcarbon-disulphide and hydrogen sulphide in air shall be carried out once at least in every shift and the record of the results so obtained shall be entered in a register specially maintained for the purposes.(2) For the purpose of the requirement in sub-paragraph (1), instantaneous gas detector tubes shall not be used. Samples shall be collected over a duration of not less than 10 minutes and analyzed by an approved method. The locations where such monitoring is to be done shall be as directed by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) If the concentration of either carbon disulphide or hydrogen sulphide exceeds the permissible limits for such vapour or gas as laid down in rule 97 suitable steps shall be taken for controlling the concentrations in air of such containers. A report of such occurrences shall be sent to the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator forthwith.6. Prohibition to remain in fume process room.- No person during his intervals for meal, or rest shall remain in any room wherein fume process is carried on.7. Protective equipment.- (1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition protective equipment as speciin the Table for use of persons employed in the processes referred to therein.Process Protective equipment1. Dumping. Overalls, face-shields, gloves and footwear - all made of suitable material.2. Spinning. Suitable aprons, gloves and footwear.3.Process involving or likely to involve contact with viscose solution.Suitable gloves and footwear.4. Handling of Sulphur. Suitable Chemical goggles.5. Any other process involving contact with hazardous chemicals.Protective equipment as may be directed by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator by an order in writing.2) A suitable room, rooms or lockers shall be provided exclusively for the storage of all the protective equipment supplied to employees and no such equipment shall be stored at any place other than the room, rooms or lockers so provided.8. Breathing apparatus.- (1) There shall be provided in every factory where fume process is carried on, su cient supply of,(a) breathing apparatus;(b) oxygen and suitable appliances for its administration ; and(c) life belts.132 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) (i) The breathing apparatus and other appliances referred to in sub-paragraph (1) shall be maintained in good condition and kept in appropriate locations so as to be readily available.(ii) The breathing apparatus and other appliances referred to in clauses (a) and (b) ofsub-paragraph (1) shall be cleaned and disinfected at suitable intervals and thoroughly inspected once every month by a responsible person.(iii) A record of the maintenance and of the condition of the breathing apparatus and other appliances referred to in sub- clause (1) shall be entered in a register provided for that purpose which shall be readily available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator. cient number of employees shall be trained and periodically re-trained in the use of breathing apparatus and administering arti cial respiration so that at least two such trained persons would be available during all the working hours in each room in which (tune process is carried on.(4) Breathing apparatus shall be kept properly labeled in clean, dry, light proof cabinets and if liable to be a ected by fumes, shall be protected by placing them in suitable containers.(5) No person shall be employed to perform any work speci ed in sub-paragraph (1) for which breathing apparatus is necessary to be provided under that sub-paragraph unless he has been fully instructed in the proper use of that equipment.(6) No breathing apparatus provided in pursuance of subparagraph (1) which has been worn by a person shall be worn by another person unless it has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected since last being worn and the person has been fully instructed in the proper use of that equipment.9. Electric ttings.- All electric ttings in any room in which carbon-disulphide is produced, used or given o or is likely to be into the work environment, other than a spinning room, shall be of ame-proof construction and all electric conductors shall either be enclosed in metal conduits or be lead sheathed.10. Prohibition relating to smoking, etc.- No person shall smoke or carry matches, re or naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark in a room in which fume process is carried on. A notice in the language understood by the majority of the employees shall be posted in prominent locations in the plant prohibiting smoking and carrying of matches, or naked light or other means of producing naked light or spark into such rooms. Provided that re, naked light or other means of producing a naked light or spark may be carried on in such room only when required for the purpose of the process itself under the direction of a responsible person.11. Washing and bathing facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the use of all employees employed in the processes covered by the schedule, adequate washing and bathing places having a constant supply of water under cover at the rate of one such place for every 25 persons employed.(2) The washing places shall have stand pipes placed at intervals of not less than one meter.(3) Not less than one half of the total number of washing places shall be provided with bathrooms. cient supply of clean towels made of suitable material shall be provided: Provided that such towels shall be supplied individually for each employee if so ordered by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. cient supply of soap and nail brushes shall be provided.12. Rest room.- (1) A rest room shall be provided for the employees engaged in do ng operations of lament yarn spinning (2) Such rest room shall be provided with fresh air supply and adequate seating arrangement.13. Cautionary notice and instructions.- (1) The following cautionary notice shall be prominently displayed in each fume process room: -CAUTIONARY NOTICE1. Carbon disulphide (CS) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) which may be present in this room are hazardous to health.2. Follow safety instructions.3. Use protective equipment and breathing apparatus as and when required.4. Smoking is strictly prohibited in this area. This notice shall be in a language understood by the majority of the employees and displayed where it can be easily and conveniently read. If any employee is illiterate, e ective steps shall be taken to explain carefully to him the contents of the notice so displayed. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 133(2) Arrangements shall be made to instruct each employee employed in any room in which a fume process is carried on regarding the health hazards connected with their work and the preventive measures and methods to protect themselves. Such instructions shall be given on his rst employment and repeated periodically.(3) Simple and special instructions shall be framed to ensure that e ective measures will be carried out in case of emergency involving escape of carbon disulphide and hydrogen sulphide. Those instructions shall be displayed in the concerned areas and employees shall be instructed and trained in the actions to be taken in such emergencies.14. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of each factory to which the schedule applies, shall -(a) employ a quali ed medical o cer for medical surveillance of the employees employed in the fume process whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical officer all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to inclause (a).(2) The record of medical examination and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical o cer shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.15. Medical examination by the Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in the nite process shall be examined by a Medical O cer within 15 days of his rst employment. Such examination shall include tests for estimation of exposure cient (iodine azide test in urine) and cholesterol, as well as Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Central Nervous System (CNS) tests. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the fume process shall be re-examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every twelve calendar months. Such examination shall wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include all the tests as speciin sub-paragraph (1).(3) The Medical O cer after examining anemployee, shall issue a certi tness in FORM XXV . The record of re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the certificate and the certificate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The record of each examination carried out shall be entered in the certificate and the cate shall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the factory. The records of each examination carried out undersub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a health register in FORM XXIV.(4) The Certi cate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that anemployee is no longer t for employment in the fume process on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the fume process. The persons so suspended from the process shall be provided with alternative placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical O cer in which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above shall bere-employed or permitted to work in the fume process unless the Medical O cer, after further examination again certi t for employment in such process.Flammable Lique ed or Compressed Gases and Highly Flammable Liquids(see rule 81)1. Application.- Provisions of this Schedule shall apply to all factories where ammable lique ed or compressed gases or ammable liquids are manufactured, stored, handled used (sic.). nitions.- For the purposes of this Schedule,-(a) \"bulk storage \" means bullet or Horton sphere or mounded vessel or portable cylinders used for storage of ed or compressed gases or highly ammable liquids, which are having cumulative water storage capacity exceeding one thousand liters;(b) \"bullet\" means a horizontal cylindrical pressure vessel with hemispherical or dished ends used for storage of ammable ed or compressed gas;134 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYexplosive mixture means a mixture of combustion agent (oxidizing substance in gaseous, liquid or solid state) and a fuel (oxidisable substance in gaseous, liquid or solid state) in such proportions that it could give rise to a very rapid and violent oxidation reaction, liberating more kinetic energy than is dissipated through conduction and convection, ultimately causing practical e ect of explosion ; re proof \" means a passive means of protection of a structure or equipment or vessel from exposure to direct ame impingement or prolonged exposure to high intensity radiant thermal ux, by the application of a coating of certain heat-resistant substance or mixture of a speci ed rating ; re safe \" means a provision of dual seating to control leakage to acceptable level, even after damage, due to as applied to valves ; ammable compressed gas \" means ammable compressed gas as de ned in rule 2 of the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Un red) Rules, 1981 framed under the Explosives Act, 1884 (Central Act IV of 1884) ; ammable lique ed gas \" means a ammable gas kept in lique ed state by the application of pressure at normal ambient temperature, 13% (thirteen percentage) or less of which by volume with air forms a ammable mixture or which has a ammable range with air of atleast 12% (twelve percentage) points regardless of the lower ammable limits;(h) \"gas free \" means a condition when the concentration of a ammable gas in an equipment or a vessel is well below the threshold limits (lower explosive limit), so, that it is safe for a man to enter into the equipment or vessel or to conduct \"hot work \" there, as the case may be ;(i) \"highly ammable liquid \" means any liquid including its solution, emulsion or suspension which when tested in a manner speci ed by sections 14 and 15 of the Petroleum Act, 1934 (Central Act XXX of 1934) gives o ammable vapors at a temperature less than 32 degrees Centigrade;(j) \"Horton sphere\" means a spherical Pressure Vessel, supported vertically and is used for the storage of ammable ed' or compressed gas;(k) \"hot work \" means an activity which may produce enough heat or spark to ignite a ammable or explosive mixture;(l) \"Mounded vessel\" means a pressure vessel for the storage of ammable lique ed or compressed gas, which is sited above ground and is completely covered by a mound of earth or similar inert material except for nozzles, manhole covers, inspection covers tted on the top of the vessel ;(m) \"purging\" means an act of replacing the atmosphere inside a vessel or a container by an inert gas in such a manner as to prevent the formation of an explosive mixture;(n) \"purging into service\" means the replacement of air in a closed system by an inert gas and then replacement of the inert gas by the ammable gas, vapour or liquid;(o) \"purging out of service\" means the replacement of normal ammable content of a closed system by an inert gas and then replacement of the inert gas by air to such an extent that it is gas free and safe for any person to work ;(p) \"remote operated emergency valve\" means a shut-o valve capable of remote operation which closes automatically on loss of the actuating power or re engulfment and which is re-safe.3. Storage.- Every highly ammable liquid, ammable lique ed or compressed gas used in every factory shall be stored in bulk in suitable xed storage tank made of adequate re-resistant construction and located in a safe position under the ground or in the open.4. Location and spacing.- Before selecting the location of any storage vessel, risk analysis study shall be carried out. Based on the risk analysis study, every storage vessel shall be located in the manner speci ed below:-(a) the location shall not interfere with the movement of vehicles. The Risk Contour shall not intercept the public places such as assembly points, canteen, rest sheds and similar other locations;(b) before locating any storage vessel, the soil- condition shall be assessed for the suitability of the superstructure;(c) the storage vessel shall be sited above ground in open air and well-ventilated place;(d) mounded vessels shall be so located that the manholes and pressure relief valves are in a well-ventilated position;(e) the minimum safety distance between the storage vessels and from buildings, boundary or xed ignition source shall be in accordance with the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Un red) Rules, 1981, as amended from time to time ;(f) the storage vessels shall not be installed one above the other ; TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 135(g) the bullets shall be so located that their longitudinal axes do not points towards other vessels, vital process equipment, control rooms, loading stations, nearby buildings or storage tanks containing hazardous materials;(h) weeds, long grass, deciduous shrubs and trees and any combustible materials shall be removed from the storage vessel area within the licenced premises;(i) the storage vessels shall not be located within the bunded enclosure of any heat source or other ammable liquids, gases or oxidizers ;(j) the storage vessels, pumping equipment, loading and unloading facilities and vaporizers shall be located in an exclusive fenced compound of atleast 2 meters high along the perimeter of the safety zone'; such fenced compound shall have atleast two gates for the safe exit of persons and vehicles in case, of any emergency ;(k) the number of storage vessels in one group shall not exceed six ;(l) storage vessels within a group shall be so located that their longitudinal axes are parallel to each other;(m) spheres and bullets shall not be grouped together and shall be provided with separate piping manifold, so as to avoid lling of a vessel due to gravitation from the other;(n) the top surface of the storage vessels installed in a group shall be on the same plane so that the pressure safety valve blow-out from them do not a ect the other; ooring of the bullets or spheres shall be sloped in such a way that the spilled liquid or gas from any vessel shall not pass through any other vessel;(p) the storage vessels shall not be located in such a way that the high tension electrical cables shall not pass through or near the licenced premises;(q) storage vessels shall not be located in places which are susceptible to (r) the grade for the storage vessels shall be elevated slightly above the surrounding terrain in order to ensure complete drainage of water from beneath the bottom of the vessels; and(s) every container, vessel or tank used for storing highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gas shall be clearly and in bold letters marked Highly Flammable Liquid \" or Flammable lique ed or Compressed Gas\", as the case may be.5. Design of storage vessels.- (1) General .- Each static vessel for the storage of ammable lique ed or compressed gas shall be provided with the following ttings and instruments which are suitable for use at pressures not less than the design pressure of the vessel and for the temperatures appropriate to the worst operating conditions namely: -(a) at least two pressure safety valves connected independently to the vapour space;(b) two independent liquid level indicators;(c) a high level switch with alarm;(d) a pressure gauge, connected to the vapour space; and(e) a temperature gauge for measuring the temperature of the contents of the vessel.(2) Vessel connections.- In every ammable lique ed or compressed gas storage vessel (i) all the connections to the vessel shall be designed and tted in accordance with the Design Code of Indian Standard-2825 or equivalent duly approved by the Chief Controller of Explosives; (ii) not more than one nozzle shall be provided at its bottom for inlet and outlet purpose, apart from the drainage pipe; (iii) the nozzle shall be a full-welded pipe and shall extend to a minimum distance of 3 (three) meters from the shadow of the vessel. A combination of manual and remote operated shut-down valve shall be provided on this bottom nozzle at a distance of atleast 3 (three) meter beyond the shadow of the vessel. The nozzle shall have a slope of 1.5 degree; (iv) the nozzle shall be stress-relieved along with the vessel ; (v) (sic) there shall not be any ange, instrument tapping or manhole tted on this nozzle up to the combination of manual and remote operated valve ; and (vi) an excess ow valve shall be provided for the nozzle on the body of the vessel.136 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(3) Pressure Safety Valve .- In every storage vessel (i) the pressure safety valves provided shall be of spring-loaded type (weight-loaded safety valves shall not be used). Each of the pressure safety valves shall have 100% (hundred percent.) relieving capacity; (ii) the pressure safety valves shall be set to discharge at a pressure not more than 110 (one hundred and ten) per cent. of the design pressure of the vessel and shall have a total relieving capacity adequate for limiting the pressure build-up in the vessel not more than 120 (one hundred and twenty) per cent. of the design pressure; (iii) the discharge of the pressure safety valves shall be connected to are system. if available. In case the are system is not available, the discharge from the pressure safety valve shall be vented vertically upwards to atmosphere at a minimum elevation of 3 meter above the top of the vessel for e ective dispersion of the discharge. A loose- tting rain cap with a non-sparking chain attached to the vent pipe shall be tted on top of the pressure safety valve; (iv) an isolation valve shall be provided in between each pressure safety valve and the vessel. The arrangement of such isolation valve shall be so designed as to a ord full required capacity ow through atleast one of the pressure safety valves (v) each pressure safety valve shall be visibly marked with the \"set pressure\" in Kg\/Sq.Cm. (gauge) at which it will discharge, with its actual rate of discharge in cubic meter per minute of the gas at a pressure of 120 (one hundred and twenty) per cent. of the design pressure of the vessel.(4) Emergency shut-o valve .- In every storage vessel (i) all liquid and vapour connections, except those for pressure safety valves and the drainage connections of diameter less than 25 (twenty ve) mm., shall have an emergency shut-o valve, such as an excess ow check valve or a remote operated Provided that the emergency shut-o valve is not required in cases where the connection to a vessel is not greater than three centimeter in diameter for liquid and eight centimeter in diameter for vapour;(ii) where the emergency shut-o valve provided is of 'excess ow check valve' type, its closing rate of ow shall be below the rate which is likely to result due to a fracture of the line which it is protecting, calculated under the worst conditions. Excess ow check valve shall have a ow capacity su ciently above the normal ow requirements to prevent valve chatter.(5) Bottom water draw-o or drain valve.- In every storage vessel (i) there shall be provided two drain valves at the bottom of the vessel between the remote operated valve and the rst isolation valve. The length of the pipeline between the two drain valves shall be atleast 0.5 meter to minimize the risk of simultaneous obstruction of both valves due to freezing of any water present in the lique ed gas. The drain connections shall be not more than 50 ( fty) millimeter in diameter; (ii) the rst drain valve from the vessel shall be of gate type (throttle type), while the second drain valve shall be of quick shut-o (iii) the material of construction for the drain pipeline and the related connections shall be suitable for cryogenic application.(6) Sampling valve .- In every storage vessel, two valves with suitable distance-pipe of not less than 0.5 meter in length between them shall be tted at its bottom between the remote operated valve and the rst isolation valve for sampling purpose. (The provision of a distance-pipe is for the purpose of avoiding icing problem in the upstream valve)(7) Liquid level gauging device .- In every storage vessel, out of two level indicators provided, one shall be of \" oat\" type and the other shall be of \"di erential pressure\" type in case of Horton Spheres. Magnetic oat type gauge shall be used for bullets in the place of \"di erential pressure\" type \"High Level\" alarm shall be set on the level indicators to operate at not more than 85% (eighty ve percent.) of the volumetric capacity of the vessel. An audio-visual indication as regards the high level alarm shall be provided at the normal place of operator's seat.(8) Pressure gauge .- In every storage vessel, there shall be provided atleast one pressure gauge, duly calibrated and having a dial range not less than 1.5 times the design pressure, easily visible and designed to show the correct internal pressure at all times. It shall be provided in the vapour space at the top. A suitable stop valve shall be provided in between the vessel and the pressure gauge.(9) Gas sensors .- In every storage vessel for ammable lique ed or compressed gas, gas sensors with alarm shall be provided at vulnerable areas and in the event of gas leakage, such sensor shall trip the compressor or pump if in operation.(10) Bonding. - Electrical continuity shall be maintained between the anges by means of bonding in every storage vessel and its pipe lines. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 137(11) Pop o valves .- \" valves shall be provided in between isolation valves on the pipelines carrying ammable ed or compressed gases.(12) Capacity of vaporizer .- The vaporizer, connected to the ammable lique ed gas storage vessels shall have adequate capacity to meet the required ow rate of ammable lique ed gas in the process.6. Prevention of ignition.- In every location where highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gas is stored, conveyed, handled or used or where there is danger of re or explosion from accumulation of highly ammable liquid ed compressed gas in air, all practicable measures shall be taken to exclude the sources of ignition. Such precautions shall include the following: -(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of their being a source of ignition; ective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static charges to a dangerous extent;(c) no person shall wear or be allowed to wear any footwear having iron or steel nails or any other exposed ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction;(d) smoking, lighting or carrying of matches, lighters or smoking materials shall be prohibited;(e) transmission bolts with iron fasteners shall not be used ; and(f) all other precautions, as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open ames, frictional sparks, over heated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical-chemical reaction and radiant heat.7. Enclosed system for conveying highly ammable liquids.- Wherever it is reasonably practicable, highly ammable liquids shall be conveyed within a factory in totally enclosed system consisting of pipe lines, pumps and similar appliances from the storage tank or vessel to the point of use. Such enclosed system shall be so designed, installed, operated and maintained as to avoid leakage or the risk of spilling.8. Prohibition of smoking.- No person shall smoke in any place where a highly ammable liquid or ammable liquecompressed gas is present in circumstances that smoking would give rise to a risk of re. The occupier shall take all practicable measures to ensure compliance with this requirement including display of a bold notices indicating prohibition of smoking at every place where this requirement applies.9. Fire protection.- In every factory,-(1) no vehicular tra c shall be permitted within the risk area of lower ammable limit of the highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gas stored. When required, vehicles lled with approved spark arrestors shall only be allowed with valid vehicle entry permit.(2) all the vessels used for bulk storage or handling of highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gases shall be protected against the hazards of re as follows:(a) medium velocity water spray system shall be provided for all above ground storage vessels, cylinder storage or or repair sheds, pump houses, bulk lorry and tank wagon gantries;(b) detection of re for automatic actuation of medium velocity water sprinkler system shall be provided at all critical locations. such as bulk storage, tank truck or tank wagon gantry, pump or compressor house and vapourisers ;(c) medium velocity water sprinkler system shall be based on heat and other detection.(d) Quartzoid Bulb protection designed to blow at 79 (seventy nine) degree centrigrade (maximum) shall be provided in open areas or in the sheds ;(e) medium velocity water sprinkler system shall function in such a way that the actuation of re detectors shall initiate the following: - (i) opening of deluge valve ; (ii) audio-visual alarm at the re pump house or control panel ; re siren ; and (iv) the diesel pump will get started based on the \"Set pressure\" to supplement or to maintain the re water pressure in the ring main; and(f) The medium velocity water sprinkler system shall have a minimum spray density of ten liters per minute per square meter in the case of ammable lique ed or compressed gas and in the case of highly ammable liquid it shall have minimum 138 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYspray density of 3 (three) liters per minute per square meter for the single largest risk area.For the purpose of calculation of a single risk area, the following shall be taken into account:-(i) in case of bulk storage, adjoining vessels within the distance of R + 30 (thirty) meter, where R is the radius of the vessel and 30 (thirty) meter shall be measured from the periphery of the vessel;(ii) in case of tank lorry gantry, a maximum of 8 (eight) bays shall be taken as a single risk area ; and(iii) in case of tank wagon gantry, a minimum of one gantry (600 (six hundred) Metric Tonnes) shall be taken as a single risk area.(3) (a) a re water ring main shall be provided all around the locations of storage and handling of ammable liquecompressed gases with hydrants or monitors spaced at 30 (thirty) meter centre to centre. Fire hydrants and monitors shall be installed outside the licenced premises; re water pressure system shall be designed for a Minimum residual pressure of 7 (seven) Kgf\/Sq. Cm. (gauge) at the remotest place of application in the plant; re hydrant network shall be provided in closed loops to ensure multi-directional ow in the system. Isolation valves shall be provided to enable isolation of any section of the network without a ecting the ow in the rest; and re water system in the plant shall be designed to meet the highest re-water ow requirement of medium velocity water sprinkler for a single largest risk area at a time plus 288 (two hundred and eighty eight) meter\/hour for operating 2 (two) re water monitor or supplementary hose requirements.(4) (a) water for the hydrant service shall be stored in any easily accessible surface of underground concrete reservoir or above ground tank of steel or concrete; re water storage capacity available for ghting shall be for four hours ; and(c) storage tank or reservoir for re water shall be in two interconnected compartments to facilitate cleaning and repair.(5) Portable re extinguishers as approved by Bureau of Indian Standards shall be located at convenient places as indicated in the Table below : -Area Portable Fire Extinguisher1. Flammable lique ed gas or storage vessels (each)2 Numbers 10 Kg. DCP2. Tank wagon loading or unloading gantries 1 Number 10 Kg. DCP. extinguisher for every 15\/20 meters of gantry3. Tank truck loading or unloading gantries 1 Number 10 Kg. DCP, re extinguisher in each Bay and1 Number 50 Kg. Mobile DCP unit\/gantry The dry chemical powder used in the extinguishers shall be potassium or Urea based or Sodium Bicarbonate as per IS: 4308. The expellant gas i.e., N2\/CO2 should be of good quality.10. Loading and unloading facilities for ammable lique ed or compressed gas.- (1)Loading : In every factory, where the loading of ammable lique ed or compressed gas is carried on, the loading station shall consist of the following:- lling line with an isolation valve and check valve ;(b) a vapour return line with a check valve and an isolation valve to be connected back to the storage vessel from which the loading pump is drawing ammable lique(c) suitable loading arm or exible hoses shall be provided at the end of lling line and vapour return line for connecting to the tank truck vessels or tank wagons ; and(d) suitable thermal pressure relief valve(s) shall be provided between the shut-o valves to protect against excessive pressure which may develop due to thermal expansion of the trapped liquid .(2) Unloading .- In every factory, where unloading of ammable lique ed or compressed gas is carried on, the compressor used for unloading of ammable lique ed gases by means of a di erential pressure between the receiving and discharging TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 139vessels by withdrawing vapour from the receiving vessel and forcing it at high pressure into the discharging vessel shall have the following facilities:-(a) liquid unloading check valve line with isolation valve; and(b) vapour line with isolation valves.(3) Loading and unloading operations .- In every factory, where the loading or unloading of ammable liquecompressed gas is carried on(a) written operating procedures for loading or unloading operation, clearly de ning the safety checks and precautions to be observed as well as the responsibilities of the personnel involved in such operation, shall be prepared both in English and in Tamil and shall be given to them and also displayed at the site; exible hoses used for transfer of ammable lique ed or compressed gas to or from a tank truck or tank wagon shall be, (i) designed and constructed in accordance with the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Un red) Rules, 1981; (ii) having a means of identi cation ; (iii) periodically checked for electrical and mechanical continuity and recorded in the register;(c) for connecting and disconnecting hoses, only non-sparking type of tools shall be used;(d) the tank truck shall have the starter motor which shall be of non-sparking or ame-proof type;(e) the tank truck shall be positioned on a leveled ground and blocks (checks) shall be placed at front and rear wheels in order to prevent the risk of accidental vehicle movement;(f) the engine of the vehicle shall be stopped and all the electrical equipment shall be switched o , before commencing the loading or unloading operation;(g) before commencing the loading or unloading operation, static charge shall be e ectively discharged by bonding and earthing of the storage vessels and the road tankers or wagons;(h) the road tanker or wagon shall be electrically bonded at, speci ed point to the xed grounding system;(i) an authorised person shall supervise the transfer operation and respond immediately in the event of an emergency;(j) during loading operation, the pressure within the receiving tank truck vessel shall be observed to ensure that it does not approach the \" start-to-discharge \" pressure of the relief valve. Filling rate shall be regulated as required;(k) the receiving vessel which is having an internal pressure of less than 1(one) Kg\/Sq.cm (g) shall not be permitted to be lled, such vessel shall be checked for Oxygen content or explosive mixture and purged, if necessary ; lling or transfer operation shall be done only during day time ; lling or transfer operation shall be stopped immediately in the event of(a) uncontrolled leakage occurring; re occurring in the vicinity;(c) lightning and thunder-storm; and(n) the \"Safe Operating Procedure \" for unloading shall be displayed conspicuously in English and Tamil near the unloading 11. Maintenance and Inspection.- In every factory where highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gas is stored in bulk,-(1) the storage vessels and the safety ttings and instruments shall be tested periodically as per the requirements under various statutes as applicable and relevant records with the particulars of such testing shall be maintained ;(2) loading or unloading hoses shall be tested atleast once in every six months ;(3) the earth pits shall be maintained well and the earth resistance shall be measured atleast once in every 12 (twelve) months ; and records shall be maintained in this regard ;(4) the foundation and supports of the storage vessels shall be checked once in a year for di erential settlement due to disturbance in the sub-soil ;(5) the cathodic protection, if provided, shall be monitored periodically and maintained well for its e ectiveness ;140 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(6) the gas detection system shall be checked and calibrated periodically ; and re water system which includes re water pumps, re hydrant or monitor, piping network and water sprinkler or deluge system shall be checked periodically and maintained well for its fail-safe operation.12. Training.- The occupier of every factory in which highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gas is stored in bulk shall ensure that -(1) the supervisory or managerial personnel are adequately trained in all aspects of safe storage and handling of highly ammable liquid or ammable lique ed or compressed gas as well as disaster control or preparedness and response.(2) regular raining programmes are conducted in loading or unloading operation, drafting procedure, commissioning and decommissioning procedures, permit system, ghting or emergency combat operation, health hazards etc., for -(a) regular employees;(b) contract employees; and(c) security sta(3) Full-scale emergency mock drill, simulating leakage of ammable gas and the consequent major re, are conducted in the plant atleast once in every six months in order to assess the level of preparedness and the adequacy of combat measures. Any deviations or defects observed during such mock-drill shall be recti ed forthwithOperations in Foundaries and Furnaces(see rule 81)1. Application.- Provisions of this schedule shall apply to all parts of factories where any of the following operations or process are carried on: -(a) The production of iron casting or, as the case may be, steel castings by casting in moulds made of sand, loam, moulding composition or other mixture of materials, or by shell moulding or by centrifugal casting and any process incidental to such production;(b) the production of non-ferrous castings by casting metal in moulds made of sand, loam, metal, moulding composition or other material or mixture or materials, or by shell mouldings, die-casting (including pressure die-casting), centrifugal casting or continuous casting and any process incidental to such production ;(c) the melting and casting of non-ferrous metal and\/or ferrous metal for the production of ingots, billets, slabs or other similar products and the stripping thereof ; but shall not apply with respect to - (i) any process with respect to the smelting and manufacture of lead and the Electric Accumulators ; (ii) any process for the purposes of printing works ; or (iii) any smelting process in which metal is obtained by a reducing operation or any process incidental to such operation (iv) any process in the course of the manufacture of solder or any process incidental to such manufacture; or (v) the melting and casting of lead or any lead-based alloy for the production of ingots, billets, slabs or other similar products or the stripping thereof, or any process incidental to such melting, casting or stripping. nition.- For the purpose of this Schedule,-(a) \"approved respirator means a respirator of a type approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;(b) \" Cupola or furnace\" includes a receiver associated there with;(c) \"dressing or fettling operations \"includes stripping and other removal of adherent sand, corers, runners, risers, ash and other surplus metal from a casting and the production of reasonably clean and smooth surface, but does not include (i) the removal of metal from a casting when performed incidentally in connection with the machining or assembling of castings after they have been dressed or fettled, or (ii) any operation which is a knockout operation within the meaning of this Schedule ;(d) \"foundry\" means those parts of a factory in which the production of iron or steel or non-ferrous castings (not being the production of pig iron) is carried on by casting in moulds made of sand, loam, moulding composition or other mixture of TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 141materials, or by steel moulding or by centrifugal casting in metal moulds lined with sand, or die-casting including pressure die-castings, together with any part of the factory in which any of the following processes arc carried on as incidental processes in connection with and in the course of, such production, namely, the preparation and mixing of materials used in foundry process, the preparation of moulds and cores, knock-out operations and dressing or fettling operations ;(e) \"knock-out operations\" means all methods of removing castings from moulds and the following operations, when done in connection therewith, namely, stripping, coring out and the removal of runners and risers ;(f) \"pouring aisle\" means an aisle leading from a main gangway or directly from a cupola or furnace to where metal is poured into moulds ; ed supervisors means a person possessing a Bachelors Degree in Science or Diploma or Degree in Engineering with Certi cate in ferrous\/non-ferrous technology from any institution recognised by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator.3. Prohibition of use of certain materials as parting materials.- (1) A material shall not be used as a parting material if it is a material containing compounds of silica calculated as silica to the extent more than ve per cent, by weight of the dry material: Provided that this prohibition shall not prevent the following being used as a parting material if the material does not contain an admixture of any other silica:(a) Zirconium silicate (zircon).(b) Calcined china clay.(c) Calcined Aluminious (d) Sillimanite.(e) Calcined or fused Alumina.(f) Olivine.(g) Natural sand.(2) Dust or other matter deposited from a fettling or blasting process shall not be used as a parting material or as a constituent in a parting material.4. Arrangement and storage.- For the purposes of promoting safety and cleanliness in workrooms, the following requirements shall be observed:-(a) moulding boxes, loam plates, ladles, patterns, pattern plates, frames, boards, box weights, and other heavy articles shall be so arranged and placed as to enable work to be carried on without unnecessary risk ;(b) suitable and conveniently accessible racks, bins or other receptacles shall be provided and used for the storage of other gear and tools;(c) where there is bulk storage of sand, fuel, metal scrap or other materials or residues, suitable bins, bunkers or other receptacles shall be provided for the purpose of such storage.5. Construction, Installation and Operation.- (1) The precinct in which induction furnace is installed shall be of adequate strength and shall be segregated from the other parts of the factory in such a way so that minimum number of employees is exposed to the risk of any re or explosion at any time;(2) Furnace shed shall be well ventilated;(3) All the tting and attachment of Induction furnace shall be of good construction, sound material and adequate strength;(4) Adequate arrangements shall be made to avoid tilting of the ladles while transportation;(5) Ladle shall not be lled with molten metal more than 3\/4th of its volume to avoid spillage of molten metal while being carried by the crane;(6) The refractory material of the induction furnace shall be strong at high temperature, resistant to thermal shock, chemically inert, low thermal conductivity and co-e cient of expansion and of adequate uniform thickness;(7) The lining of the induction furnace shall be checked by quali ed supervisor every week for any wear and tear and damage as per relevant Bureau of Indian Standards;(8) Adequate precautions shall be taken during repair of induction furnace as per relevant bureau of Indian Standards.6. Construction of oors.- (1) Floors of indoor workplaces in which the processes are carried on, other than parts which are of sand, shall have an even surface of hard material;142 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(2) No part of the oor of any such indoor workplace shall be of sand except, where this is necessary by reason of the work done;(3) All parts of the surface of the oor of any such indoor workplace which are of sand shall, so far as practicable, be maintained in an even and rm condition.7. Means of escape.- There shall be atleast two ways of escape with adequate width at opposite ends of the furnace platforms.8. Display of Notice.- Notice regarding non-use of water, etc. near induction furnace shall be displayed.9. Charging of scrap in Induction Furnace.- (1) No scrap material with close cavities shall be charged in the induction furnace. Scrap to be charged shall be dry and shall not contain oil or any other liquid or moisture;(2) No scrap material shall be fed into induction furnace unless it is thoroughly checked in the presence of quali ed Supervisor;(3) Sealed or closed container or part made by centrifugal casting shall not be fed into the furnace unless it is cut into pieces, such container shall be rendered safe by suitable means;(4) No employee shall be engaged in charging of scrap material in induction furnace unless practical measures such as substantial safeguards against splash of hot metal, splatter etc., are provided; and(5) Scrap received in the form of pressed bundle should be opened, sorted and only then fed into furnace.10. Cleanliness of Indoor workplaces.- (1) All accessible parts of the walls of every indoor workplace in which the processes are carried on and of everything a xed to those wall shall be e ectively cleaned by a suitable method to a height of not less than 4.2 meters from the oor at least once in every period of fourteen months. A record of the carrying out of every ective cleaning in pursuance of this paragraph including the date (which shall be not less than ve months nor more than nine months after the last immediately preceding washing, cleaning or other treatment). ective cleaning by a suitable method shall be carried out atleast once every working day of all accessible parts of the oor of every indoor workplace in which the processes arc carried on, other than pans which are of sand; and the parts which are of sand shall be kept in good order.11. Manual operations Involving molten metal.- (1) There shall be provided and properly maintained for all persons employed on manual operations involving molten metal with which they are liable to be splashed, a working space for that operation.-(a) which is adequate for the safe performance of the work; and(b) which, so far as reasonably practicable, is kept free from obstruction.(2) Any operation involving the carrying by hand of a container holding molten metal shall be performed on a oor all parts of which were any person walks while engaged in the operation shall be on the same level : Provided that, where necessary to enable the operation to be performed without undue risk, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the occasional or exceptional use of a working space on a di erent level from the oor, being a space provided with a safe means of access from the oor for any person while engaged in the operation.12. Gangways and pouring aisles.- (1) In every workroom to which this paragraph applies constructed, reconstructed or converted for use as such after the making of this schedule, and, so far as reasonably practicable, in every other workroom to which this paragraph applies, su cient and dearly de ned main gangways shall be provided and properly maintained which-(a) shall have an even surface of hard material and shall, in particular, not be of sand or have on them more sand than is necessary to avoid risk of ying metal from accidental spillage ;(b) shall be kept, so far as reasonably practicable, free from obstruction ;(c) if not used for carrying molten metal, shall be atleast 920 millimeters in width ;(d) if used for carrying molten metal shall be,-(i) Where truck ladles are used exclusively, atleast 600 millimeters wider than the overall width of the ladle; (ii) Where hand shanks are carried by not more than two men, atleast 920 millimeters in width ; (iii) Where hand shanks are carried by more than two men, atleast 1.2 meters in width ; and(iv) Where used for simultaneous travel in both directions by men carrying hand shanks, atleast 1.8 meters in width.(2) In workroom to which this paragraph applies constructed, reconstructed or converted for use as such after the making of this Schedule, su cient and clearly de ned pouring aisles shall be provided and properly maintained which - TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 143(a) shall have an even surface of hard material and shall, in particular, not be of sand or have on them more sand than is necessary to avoid risk of ying metal from accidental spillage;(b) shall be kept so far as reasonably practicable free from obstruction ;(c) if molten metal is carried in hand ladles or bull ladles by not more than two men per ladle, shall be atleast 460 millimeters wide, but where any moulds alongside the aisle arc more than 510 millimeters above the oor of the aisle, the aisle shall be not less than 600 millimeters wide;(d) if molten metal is carried in hand ladles or bull ladles by more than two men per ladle, shall be atleast 760 millimeters (e) if molten metal is carried in crane, trolley or truck ladles, shall be of a width adequate for the safe performance of the work.(3) Requirements of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not apply to any workroom or part of a workroom if, by reason of the nature of the work done therein, the oor of that workroom or, as the case may be, that part of a workroom has to be of sand.(4) In this paragraph \"workroom to which this paragraph applies\" means a part of a ferrous ornon-ferrous foundry in which molten metal is transported or used.13. Work near cupolas and furnaces.- No person shall carry out any work within a distance of four meters from a vertical line passing through the delivery and of any spout of a cupola or furnace, being a spout used for delivering molten metal, or within a distance of 2.4 meters from a vertical line passing through the nearest part of any ladle which is in position at the end of such a spout, except in either case, where it is necessary for the proper use or maintenance of a cupola or furnace that work should be carried out within that distance of that work is being carried out at such a time and under such conditions that there is no danger to the person carrying it out from molten metal which is being obtained from the cupola or furnace or is in a ladle in position at the end of the spout.14. Dust and fumes.- (1) Open coal, coke or wood res shall not be used for heating or drying ladles inside a workroom unless adequate measures are taken to prevent, so far as practicable, fumes or other impurities from entering into or remaining in the atmosphere of the workroom.(2) No open coal, coke or wood res shall be used for drying moulds except in circumstances in which the use of such res is un-avoidable.(3) Mould stoves, core stoves and annealing furnaces shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and worked as to prevent, so far as practicable, o ensive or injurious fumes from entering into any workroom during any period when a person is employed therein(4) All knock-out operations shall be carried out -(a) In a separate part of the foundry suitably partitioned o , being a room or part in which, so far as reasonably practicable, ective and suitable local exhaust ventilation and a high standard of general ventilation are provided ; or(b) In an area of the foundry in which, so far as reasonably practicable, e ective and suitable local exhaust ventilation is provided, or where compliance with this requirement is not reasonably practicable, a high standard of general ventilation is (5) All dressing or fettling operations shall be carried out -(a) in a separate room or in a separate part of the foundry suitably partitioned o(b) in an area of the foundry set apart for the purpose ; and shall, so far as reasonably practicable, be carried out with ective and suitable local exhaust ventilation or other equally e ective means of suppressing dust, operating as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust.15. Maintenance and examination of exhaust plant.- (1) All ventilating plant used for the purpose of extracting, suppressing or controlling dust or fumes shall be properly maintained.(2) All ventilation plant used for the purpose of extracting, suppressing or controlling dust or fumes shall be examined and inspected once every week by a responsible person. This shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person atleast once in every period of twelve months; and particulars of the results of every such examination and test shall be entered in a register inFORM XXV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator. Any defect found on any such examination and test shall be immediately reported in writing by the person carrying out the examination and test to the Occupier of the Factory.16. Protective equipment.- (1) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable protective equipment speci ed for the protection of employees,-144 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(a) suitable gloves or other protection for the hands for employees engaged in handling any hot material likely to cause damage to the hands by burn, scald or scar, or in handling pig iron, rough castings or other articles likely to cause damage to the hands by cut or abrasion;(b) approved respirators for employees carrying out any operations creating a heavy dust concentration which cannot be dispelled quickly and e ectively by the existing ventilation arrangements.(2) No respirator provided for the purposes of sub-paragraph (1) (b) has been worn by a person shall be worn by another person if it has not since, been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.(3) Persons who for any of their time -(a) work at a spout of or attend to, a cupola or furnace in such circumstances that material there from may come into contact with the body, being material at such a temperature that its contact with the body would cause a burn ; or(b) are engaged in, or in assisting with, the pouring of molten metal ; or(c) carry by hand or move by manual power any ladle or mould containing molten metal ; or(d) are engaged in knocking-out operations involving material at such a temperature that its contact with the body would cause a burn; shall be provided with suitable footwear and gaiters which worn by them prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, risk of burns to his feet and ankles.(4) Where appropriate, suitable screens shall be provided for protection against ying materials (including splashes of molten metal and sparks and chips thrown o in the course of any process).(5) The occupier shall provide and maintain suitable accommodation for the storage and make adequate arrangements for cleaning and maintaining of the protective equipment supplied in pursuance of this paragraph.(6) Every person shall make full and proper use of the equipment provided for his protection in pursuance of sub-paragraphs (1) and (4) and shall without delay report to the Occupier, or other appropriate person any defect in, or loss of, the same.(7) Employees working in the furnace\/casting pit area shall be provided with cotton clothes. Safety shoes, leg guards, apron, face shield, hand gloves and safety helmet.(8) Employees employed for segregation of scrap shall be provided with safety shoes and hand gloves(9) Five retardant and heat retardant clothing shall be provided to all the employees working on platform of induction furnace17. Training and Supervision.- (1) All operations under this Schedule shall be carried out under the supervision of qualisupervisors at all times.(2) Employees carrying out operations and maintenance activities in foundries and furnaces shall be adequately trained18. Washing and bathing facilities.- (1) There shall be provided and maintained in clean state and good repair for the use of all employees employed in the foundry,-(a) a wash place under cover with either -(i) a trough with impervious surface tted with a waste pipe without plug, and of su cient length to allow at least sixty centimeters for every 10 such persons employed at any one time and having a constant supply of clean water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than sixty centimeters ; or(ii) atleast one tap or stand pipe for every ten such persons employed at any one time, and having a constant supply of clean water, the tap or stand pipe being spaced not less than 1.2 meters apart ; and(b) not less than one-half of the total number of washing places provided under clause (a) shall be in the form of bathrooms ; cient supply of clean towels made of suitable material changed daily, with su cient supply of nail brushes and soap.(2) The facilities provided for the purposes of sub-paragraph (1) shall be placed in-charge of a responsible person or persons and maintained in a clean and orderly condition.19. Disposal of dross and skimming.- Dross and skimmings removed from molten metal or taken from a furnace shall be placed forthwith in suitable receptacles.20. Disposal of waste.- Appropriate measures shall be taken for the disposal of all waste products from shell moulding (including waste burnt sand) as soon as reasonably practicable after the castings have been knocked-out.21. Material and equipment left out of doors.- All material and equipment left out of doors (including material and equipment so left only temporarily or occasionally) shall be so arranged and placed as to avoid unnecessary risk. There shall be safe means of access to all such material and equipment and, so far reasonably practicable, such access shall be by roadways or TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 145pathways or which shall be properly maintained. Such roadways or pathways shall have a rm and even surface and shall, so far as reasonably practicable be kept free from obstruction.22. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall -(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in sub-paragraph (a);(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.23. Medical Examination by Medical O cer.- (1) Every employee employed in a foundry shall be examined by a Medical cer within fteen days of his rst employment. Such medical examination shall include pulmonary function tests and chest X- ray. No employee shall be allowed to work after fteen days of his rst employment in the factory, unless certi t for such employment by the Medical O(2) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re- examined by a Medical O cer at least once in every six months. Such examination shall, wherever the Medical O cer considers appropriate, include all the tests as speci ed in sub- paragraph (1) except chest X-ray which will be once in three years.(3) The Medical Officer after examining an employee, shall issue a certificate of fitness inFORM XXIII . The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be entered in the Certi cate and the Certishall be kept in the custody of the Occupier of the Factory. The record of each examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) including the nature and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Medical O cer in a Health Register in FORM XXIV.(4) The certi cate of tness and the health register shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(5) If at any time the Medical O cer is of the opinion that an employee is no longer t for employment in the said processes on the ground that continuance therein would involve special danger to the health of the employee, he shall make a record of ndings in the said certi cate and the health register. The entry of his ndings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is un t for work in the said processes. The person so suspended from the process, shall be provided with alternate placement facilities unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Medical Oin which case the person a ected shall be suitably rehabilitated.(6) No person who has been found un t to work as said in sub-paragraph (5) above shall be re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Medical O cer, after further examination, again certi t for employment in those processes.Operations involving Compressed Air Working Environment(see rule 81)1. Application.- The provisions of this schedule shall apply to all factories or parts of factories wherein employees are employed in compressed air working environment. nitions.- For the purpose of this schedule,-Working chamber means a part of the factory where work in a compressed air environment is carried out, but does not include a medical lock.working pressure means pressure in a working chamber to which an employee is exposed;medical lock means a double compartment lock used for the therapeutic recompression and de-compression of persons ering from the ill-e ects of decompression;lock attendant means the person in-charge of the medical lock and who is immediately responsible for controlling the compression, recompression or decompression of persons in such lock; means air pressure in bars above the atmospheric pressure.3. Ventilation.- The Occupier shall ensure that the amount of fresh air supplied by mechanical means of ventilation in an hour shall be equivalent to at least six times the cubic capacity of the work chamber and shall be distributed evenly throughout the work chamber without dead air pockets or undue draughts caused by high inlet velocities.146 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY4. Air Supply intake point.- The Occupier shall ensure that the air intake points for all air compressors are located at places where such intake air does not get contaminated with dust, fumes, vapour and exhaust gases or other contaminants.5. Emergency generator.- The Occupier shall ensure that,(a) every compressed air system is provided with emergency power supply system for maintaining continued supply of compressed air; and(b) the emergency power supply system is maintained and is readily available at all times.6. Air mains.- The Occupier shall ensure that every air main supplying air to the working chamber, medical-lock is protected against accidental damage and where it is not practicable to provide such protection, a stand-by air main is provided.7. Quality and quantity of air.- The Occupier shall ensure that.(a) without prejudice to requirement of paragraph 3, every working chamber is maintained with the supply of compressed air at the rate of not less than zero point three cubic metres per minute per person working therein;(b) a reserve supply of compressed air is made available at all times for medical lock; and(c) the air supplied in a compressed air environment is as far as practicable free from odour and other contaminants, namely, dust, fumes and other toxic substances.8. Working temperature.- The Occupier shall ensure that the temperature in any working chamber does not exceed twenty-nine degree centigrade and keep a record of the temperature measured by dry bulb and wet bulb inside such working chamber once in every hour and to produce such records for inspection on demand to the inspector-cum- facilitator having jurisdiction.9. Working in compressed air environment.- The Occupier shall ensure that.(a) de-compression of all employees to atmospheric condition is carried out through quali ed and trained lock attendants in accordance with a de-compression procedure approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;(b) an employee who had undergone three de-compressions from a pressure exceeding one bar in a period of eight hours in a working chamber is not allowed to enter a compressed air environment except for the purpose of carrying out rescue work;(c) an employee employed in a compressed air environment for a period of eight hours in a day is not employed again in such environment unless he has spent not less than twelve consecutive hours of rest at atmospheric pressure;(d) no employee is engaged in a compressed air environment at a pressure which exceeds three bars unless prior permission in writing has been obtained from the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator for such engagement;(e) no employee is employed in a compressed air environment without providing suitable personal protective equipments;(f) no employee is employed in a compressed air environment for more than fourteen consecutive days in a month;(g) a register of employment of all employees employed in compressed air environment, is maintained;(h) an identi cation badge is supplied to an employee employed in compressed air environment;(i) the badge of an employee referred to in sub-clause (h) contains particulars of his name, location of the medical lock allotted to him for work, the telephone number of the medical practitioner concerned for his treatment and the instructions in case of his illness of unknown and doubtful causes;(j) record of all identi cation badges supplied to employees under sub- clause (h), is kept in a register; and(k) every employee whose name appears in the register referred to in sub- clause (j) wears the badge supplied to him under sub-clause (h) at all times during his duty hours.10. Safety instructions.- The Occupier shall ensure that all employees employed in compressed air environment follow the instructions issued for their safety in the course of such employment.11. Medical lock: The Occupier shall ensure that,(a) a suitably constructed medical lock is maintained where employees are employed in a working chamber at a pressure exceeding one bar; and(b) where more than one hundred employees are employed in a compressed air working environment exceeding one bar , one medical lock is provided for every one hundred employees or part thereof and such medical lock is situated as near as possible to the work chamber. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 14712. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.-(1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in sub-paragraph (a);(2) Every employee employed in a compressed air working environment shall be examined by medical practitioner within fteen days of his rst employment. Such medical examination shall include pulmonary function tests and chest X- ray. No employee shall be allowed to work after fteen days of his rst employment in the factory, unless certi t for such employment by the Medical practitioner.(3) Every employee employed in the compressed air working environment shall be re- examined by a Medical practitioner at least once in every 12 months. Such examination shall, wherever the Medical practitioner considers appropriate, include all the tests as speci ed in sub- paragraph (2) except chest X-ray which will be once in three years.(4) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in Form XXVI, which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.Welding, Soldering and Brazing(see rule 81)1. Application.- The Schedule shall apply to every factory in which or in any part of which any Welding, soldering and brazing process is carried on. nitions.- For the purpose of this Schedule,-(a) \"Welding\" means a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool, causing fusion. means a joining process used to join di erent types of metals together by melting solder.Brazing\" means a metal-joining process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and ller metal into the joint, the ller metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metals cient exhaust draught.- An e cient exhaust draught shall be provided by mechanical means and shall operate on the dust, fumes or smoke given o in the process as near as may be at the point of origin. The exhaust draught appliance shall be so constructed, arranged and maintained as to prevent the dust, fumes or smoke entering into any room or place in which work is carried on.4. Testing and examination of ventilating systems.- (1) All ventilating systems used for the purpose of extracting or suppressing fumes as required by this schedule shall be as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards, examined and inspected once every week by a responsible person. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person once in every period of twelve months. Any defects found by such examinations or test shall be rectiforthwith.(2) A register containing particulars of such examination and tests and the state of the plant and the repairs or alterations, if any, found to be necessary shall be kept and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.5. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.7. Protective clothing and equipment.- (1) The Occupier of the factory shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition suitable ame resistant gauntlet gloves and shirts with sleeves of su cient length and construction to protect the arms from heat, UV radiation and sparks.148 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY re- resistant aprons, coveralls and safety shoes. re-resistant shoulder covers (e.g., capes), head covers(e.g., skull caps), and ear covers for welders performing overhead works.(iv)welding helmets with UV lter plates and safety spectacles with side shields or goggles.(v) Face shield and Suitable Respirators where ever necessary8.Electrical Hazards.- (1) The Occupier of the factory shall provide and maintain - (i) a suitable circuit breaker in the primary circuit;(ii) a suitable disconnecting switch or controller should be located near the welding equipment;(iii) insulated cables with proper power rating;(iv) welding machines with Voltage Reduction Device to prevent any electrical hazard to employees;(v) proper Earthing of equipment and Continuity to be ensured; and(vi) working area insulation.9.Prevention of ignition.- (a) E ective steps shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of ammable dust, gas, fume or vapour in the working area.(b) Any material of ammable nature shall not be kept near the working area. ective Screening Arrangements .- Suitable screening arrangement shall be provided to prevent any weld-spatter near pathways and other work areas.11. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the process speci ed in paragraph 1.12. Cautionary placard instructions.- Cautionary notices in the following form and printed in the language of the majority of the employees employed, shall be a xed in prominent places in the factory where they can be easily and conveniently read by the employees and arrangements shall be made by the occupier to instruct periodically all employees employed in a Welding, Soldering, Brazing process regarding the health hazards connected with their duties and the best preventive measures and methods to protect themselves. The notices shall always be maintained in a legible condition.CAUTIONARY NOTICEWelding, Soldering, Brazing produces hazardous fumes and Gases1. Dust fumes and metal fumes of Welding, Soldering, Brazing are toxic when inhaled or when ingested.2. Do not consume food or drink near the work place.3. Do not keep in ammable materials near the working area.4. Use proper protective clothing and equipments provided.Manufacturing and Processing of Textiles(see rule 81)1. Application.- The requirements of this schedule shall apply to factories engaged in the manufacture or processing of textiles other than jute textiles. The schedule would not apply to factories engaged exclusively in the manufacture of synthetic nitions.- For the purposes of this schedule,-(a)Textile manufacturing process\" means it involves production or conversion of textile bre through a de ned process into a product. This includes ginning, spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing and other processes incidental thereto.(b)\"Operation in centrifugal machines \" means operations that use centrifugal force for separation, ltration and other related operations therein.(c) \"Calendar\" means a set of heavy rollers mounted on vertical side frames and arranged to pass cloth between them. Calendars may have two to ten rollers, or bowls, some of which can be heated. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 149(d) \"Embossing calendar means a calendar with two or more tolls, one of which is engraved for producing of various kinds on a fabric.(e) \"card\" means a machine consisting of cylinders of various sizes and in certain cases ats covered with card clothing and set in relation to each other so that bers to staple form maybe separated into individual relationship. The speed of the cylinders and their direction of rotation varies. The nished product is delivered as a sliver. Cards of di erent types are: the revolving at card, the roller and clearer card, etc.(f) \"card clothing\" means the material with which the surfaces of the cylinder, do ats, etc , of a card are covered and consists of a thick foundation material made of, either textile fabrics through which are pressed many ne closely spaced specially bent wires, or mounted saw toothed wire.(g) \"Comber means a machine for combing bers of cotton, wool, etc. The essential parts are device for feeding forward a fringe of bers at regular intervals and an arrangement of combs or pins, which, at the right time pass through the fringe. All bers, shore bers, and nibs are removed and the long bers are laid parallel.(h) \"combined machinery\" means a general classi cation of machinery including combers sliver lab machines, ribbon lab machines and gill boxes, but excluding cards.(i) \"Rotary staple cutter\" means a machine consisting of one or more rotary blades used for the purpose of cutting textile bers into staple lengths.(j) \"Garnett machine \" means any of a number of types of machines for opening hard twisted waste of wool, cotton, silk, etc Essentially, such machines consist of a licker-in ; one or more cylinders, each having a complement employee and stripper rolls ; and a fancy roll and do er. The action of such machines is somewhat like that of a wool card, but it is much more severe in that the various rolls are covered with garnet wire instead of clothing.(k) \"Gill box\" means a machine used in the worsted system of manufacturing yarns. Its function is to arrange bers in parallel order. Essentially, it consists of a pair of feed rolls and a series of followers where the followers move at a faster surface speed and perform a combing action.In-running rolls\" means any pair of rolls or drums between which there is a \"nip \".Interlocking arrangement \" means a device that prevents the setting in motion of a dangerous part of a machine or the machine itself while the guard cover or door provided to safeguard against danger is open or unlocked, and which will also hold the guard cover or door closed and locked while the machine or the dangerous part is in motion.(n) \"Kier\" means a large metal vat, usually a pressure type, in which fabrics may be boiled out, bleached, etc.(o) \"Ribbon lapper\" means a machine or a part of a machine used to prepare laps for feeding a cotton comb; its purpose is to provide a uniform lap in which the bers have been straightened as much as possible.Silver Lapper\" means a machine or a part of a machine in which a number of parallel card covers are drafted slightly, laid side by side in a compact sheet and wound into a cylindrical package.(q) \"Loom\" means a machine for e ecting the interlocking of two series of yarns crossing one another at right angles. The warp yarns are wound on a warp beam and pass through beadles and reeds. The lling it shot across in a shuttle and settled in place by reeds and slay, and the fabric is wound on a cloth beam.(r) \"Starch mangle\" means a mangle that is used speci cally for starching cotton goods. It commonly consists of two large rolls and a shallow open vat with several immersion rolls. The vat contains the starch solution.(s) \"Water mangle\" means a calendar having two or more rolls used for squeezing water from fabrics before drying. Water mangles also may be used in other ways during the nishing of various fabrics(t) \"Mule\" means a type of spinning frame having a bead stock and a carriage as its two main sections. The head stock is stationary. The carriage is movable and it carries the spindles which draft, and spin the rovine into yarn. The carriage extends over the whole width of the machine and moves slowly towards and sway from the head stock during the spinning operation.(u) \"Nip\" is the danger zone between two rolls or drums which by virtue of their positioning and movement create a nipping (v) \"Openers and pickers\" means a general classi cation of machinery which includes breaker pickers, intermediate pickers, nisher pickers, single process pickers, multiple process pickers, willow machines, card and picker waste cleaners, thread extractors, shredding machines, roving waste openers, shoddy pickers, bale breakers, feeders, vertical openers, lattice cleaners, horizontal cleaners and any similar machinery equipped with either cylinders, screen section, calendar section, rolls, or beaters used for the preparation of stock for further processing.(w) \"Paddler\" means a trough for a solution and two or more squeeze rolls between which cloth passes after being passed through a mordant or dye bath.150 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(x) \"Plaiting machine\" means machine used to lay cloth into folds or regular length for convenience or subsequent process (y) \"Roller printing machine\" means a machine consisting of a large central cylinder or pressure bowl, around the lower part of the perimeter of which is placed a series of engraved color rollers (each having a color through), a furnisher roller, doctor blades, etc., The machine is used for printing fabrics.(z) \"Continuous bleaching range\" means a machine for bleaching of cloth in rope or open-width form with the following arrangement. The cloth after wetting out pass through a squeeze roll into a saturator containing solution of caustic soda and then to an enclosed J-Box. A V-shaped arrangement is attached to the front part of the J-Box for uniform and rapid saturation of the cloth with steam before it is packed down in the J-Box. The cloth, in a single strand rope form passes over a guide roll rst arm of the 'V' and up the second. Steam is injected into the V' at the upper end of the second arm so that the cloth is rapidly saturated with steam at this point. The J-Box capacity is such that cloth will remain hot for a su cient time to complete the scouring action. It then passes a series of washers with a squeeze roll in-between. The cloth then passes through a second set of saturator, J-Box, and washer, where it is treated with the peroxide solution. By slight modi cation of the form of the unit, the same process can be applied to open-width cloth.(aa) \"Mercerizing range\" means a 3-bowl mangle, a tentee frame, and a number or boxes for washing and scourging. The whole set up is in a straight line and all parts operate continuously. The combination is used to saturate the cloth with sodium hydroxide, stretch it while saturated, and washing out most of the caustic before releasing tension.(ab) \"Sanforizing machine\" means a machine consisting of a large steam-heated cylinder, and endless, thick, woolen felt blanket which is in close contact with the cylinder for most of its perimeter, and an electrically heated shoe which presses the cloth against the blanket while the latter is in a stretched condition as it curves around feed-in roll,(ac) \"Shearing machine\" means a machine used for shearing cloth. Cutting action is provided by a number of steel blades spirally mounted on a roller. The roller rotates in close contact with a xed ledger blade. There may be from one to six such rollers on a machine.(ad) \"Singeing machine\" means a machine which comprises of a heated roller, plate, or an open gas ame. The cloth or yarn is rapidly passed over the roller or the plate or through the open gas ame to remove fun or hairiness by burning.(ae) \"Slasher\" means a machine used for applying a size mixture to warp yarns. Essentially, it consists of a stand for holding section beams, a size box, one or more cylindrical dryers or an enclosed hot air dryer, and a beaming end for winding they are on the loom beams.(af) \"Tenter frame\" means a mashing for drying cloth under tension. It essentially consists of a pair of endless travelling tted with clips of n pins and carried on tracks. The cloth is rmly held at the selvages by the two chains which diverge as they move forward so that the cloth is brought to the desired width.(ag) \"Wrapper\" means a machine for preparing and arranging the yarns intended for the warp of a fabric speci cally a beam warped.3. General safety requirements.- (1) Every textile machine shall be provided with individual mechanical or electrical means for starting and stopping such machines. Belt shifter on machines driven by belts and shifting should be provided with a belt shifter lock or an equivalent positive locking device.(2) Stopping and starting handles or other controls shall be of such design and so positioned as to prevent the operator's ngers from striking against any moving part or any other part of the machine.(3) All belts, pulleys, gears, chains, sprocket wheels, and other dangerous moving parts of machinery which either form part of the machinery or arc used in association with it, shall be securely guarded.4. Openers and pickers.- (1) In all opening or picker machinery, beaters and other dangerous parts shall be securely fenced by suitable guards so as to prevent contact with them. Such guards and doors or covers of openings giving access to any dangerous part of the machinery shall be provided with interlocking arrangement; Provided that in the case of doors or covers of openings giving access to any dangerous part other than heater covers, instead of the interlocking arrangement, such openings may be so fenced by guards which prevent access to any such dangerous part and which is either kept positively locked in position or xed in such a manner that it cannot be removed without the use of hand tools.(2) The feed rolls on all opening and picking machinery shall be covered with a guard designed to prevent the operator from reaching the nip while the machinery is in operation.(3) The lap forming roller shall be tted with a guard or cover which shall prevent access to the nip at the intake of the lap roller and uted roller as long as, the weighted rack is down. The guard or cover shall be so locked that it cannot be raised until the machine is stopped, and the machine cannot be started until the cover or guard is closed: TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 151 Provided that the foregoing provision shall not apply to the machines equipped with automatic lap forming devices: Provided further that any such machine equipped with an automatic lap forming device shall not be used unless the automatic lap forming device is in e cient working order.5. Cotton cards.- (1) All cylinder doors shall be secured by an interlocking arrangement which shall prevent the door being opened until the cylinder has ceased to revolve and shall render it impossible to restart the machine until the door has been closed. Provided that the latter requirement in respect of the automatic locking device shall not apply while stripping or grinding operations are carried out: Provided further that stripping or grinding operations shall be carried out only by specially trained adult employees wearing tight tting clothing.(2) The licker-in shall be guarded so as to prevent access to the dangerous parts.(3) Every card shall be equipped with an arrangement that would enable the card cylinder to be driven by power during stripping\/grinding operations without having to either shift the main belt to the fast pulleys of the machine or to dismantle the interlocking mechanism. Such an arrangement shall be used only for stripping or grinding operations.6. Garnett machines.- (1) Garnett licker-ins shall be enclosed.(2) Garnett fancy rolls shall be enclosed by guards. These shall be installed in a way that keep employee rolls reasonably accessible for removal or adjustment.(3) The underside of the garnets shall be guarded by a screen mesh or other form of enclosures to prevent access.7. Gill boxes.- (1) The feed end shall be guarded so as to prevent ngers being caught in the pins of the intersecting fallers.(2) All nips of in-running rolls shall be guarded by suitable nip guards conforming to the following speci cations: Any opening which the guard may permit when tted in position shall be so restricted with respect to the distance of the opening from any nip point through that opening and in any circumstances, the maximum width of the opening shall not exceed the following:Distance of opening from nip point Maximum width from of opening0 to 38 mm 6 mm39 to 63 mm 10 mm64 to 88 mm 13 mm89 to 140 mm 15 mm141 to 165 mm 19 mm166 to 190 mm 22 mm191 to 219 mm 32 mm8. Silver and ribbon tappers (cotton).- The calendar drums and the lap spool shall be provided with a guard to prevent access to the nip between the in-running rolls.9. Speed frames.- Jack box wheels at the head stock shall be guarded and the guard shall have interlocking arrangement.10. Spinning mules.- Wheels on spinning mule carriages shall be provided with substantial wheel guards, extending to within 6mm of the rails.11. Warpers.- Swiveled double-bar gates shall be installed on all warpers operating in excess of 410 meters\/min. These gates shall have interlocking arrangement, except for the purpose of inching or jogging: Provided that the top and bottom bars of the gate shall be at least 1.05 and 0.53 meters high from the oor or working platform, and the gate shall be located 38mm from the verti altangement to the beam head.12. Slashers.- (1) Cylinder Dryers,-(a) All open nipe of in-running rolls shall be guarded by nip guards conforming to the requirements in paragraph 2.(b) When slashers are operated by control levers, these levers shall be connected to a horizontal bar or treadle located not more than 170 cm. above the oor to control the operation from any point.(c) Slashers operated by push button control shall have stop and start buttons located at each end of the machine and additional buttons located on both sides of the machine at the size box and the delivery end. If calendar rolls are used, additional 152 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYbuttons shall be provided at both sides of the machine at points near the nips, except when slashers are equipped with an enclosed dryer as in paragraph (b)(2) Enclosed hot air dryer.- (a) All open nips of the top squeezing rollers shall be guarded by nip guards conforming to the requirements in paragraph 7 (2).(b) When slashers are operated by control levers, these levers shall be connected to a horizontal bar or treadle located not more than 170 cm. above the oor to control the operation from any point.(c) Slashers operated by push button control shall have stop and start buttons located at each end of the machine and additional stop and start buttons located on both sides of the machine at intervals spaced notmore than 1.83 meters on centers.13. Looms.- (1) Each loom shall be equipped with suitable guards designed to minimize the danger from ying shuttles.(2) Beam weights for tension in beam shall be of such construction so as to prevent it falling during its adjustment.14. Valves of kiers, tanks and other containers.- (1) Each valve controlling the ow of steam, injurious gases or liquids into a kier or any other tank or container into which a person is likely to enter in connection with a process, operation, maintenance or for any other purpose, shall be provided with a suitable locking arrangement to enable the said person to lock the valve securely in the closed position and retain the key with him before entering the kier, tank or container.(2) Wherever boiling tanks, caustic tanks and any other containers from which liquids which are hot; corrosive or toxic may ow or splash, are so located that the operator cannot see the contents from the oor or working area emergency shut ovalves which can be controlled from a point not subject to danger or splash shall be provided to prevent danger.15. Shearing machines.- All revolving blade on shearing machine shall be guarded so that the opening between the cloth surface and the bottom of the guard will not exceed 10 mm.16. Continuous bleaching range (Cotton and rayons).- The nip of all in-running rolls onopen-width bleaching machine rolls shall be protected with a guard to prevent the employee from being caught at the nip. The guard shall extend across the entire length of the nip.17. Mercerizing range (piece goods).- (1) A stopping device shall be provided at each end of the machine.(2) A guard shall be provided attach end of the frame between the in-running chain and the clip opener.(3) A nip guard shall be provided for the in-running rolls of the mangle and washers and the guard shall conform to the requirements in paragraph 7 (2).18. Tenterframe.- (1) A stopping device shall be provided at each end of the machine.(2) A guard shall be provided at each end of the machine frame at the in-running chain and the clip opener.19. Paddels.- Suitable nip guard conforming to the requirement in paragraph 7 (2) shall be provided to all dangerous in-running rolls.20. Centrifugal extractors.- (1) Each extractor shall be provided with a guard for the basket and the guard shall have inter-locking arrangement.(2) Each extractor shall be equipped with a mechanically or electrically operated brake to quickly stop the basket when the power driving the basket is shuto21. Squeezer or wringer extractor water mangle, starch mangle, backwasher (worsted yarn crabbing machines and decating machines).- All in-running rolls shall be guarded with nip guards conforming to the requirements in paragraph 7 (2).22. Sanforizing and palmer machines.- (1) Nip guards shall be provided on all accessible in-running rolls and these shall conform to the requirements in paragraph 7 (2).(2) Access from the sides to the nips of in-running rolls should be fenced by suitable side guards.(3) A safety trip rod cable or wire centre cord shall be provided across the front and back of all palmer cylinders extending the length of the fact of the cylinder. It shall operate readily whether pushed or pulled. The safety trip shall not be more than 170 cm above the level at which (sic) the from splashing the operator, the oor or working surface.23. Rope washers.- (1) Splash guards shall be installed on all rope washers unless the machine is so designed as to prevent the water or liquid from splashing the operator, the oor, or working surface.(2) A safety rip rod, cable or wire centre cord shall be provided across the front and the back of all rope washers extending the length of the face of the washer. It shall operate readily whether pushed or pulled. This safety trip shall be not more than 170 cm. above the level on which the operator stands and shall be readily accessible. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 15324. Laundry washer, tumbler or shaker.- (1) Each drying tumbler, each double cylinder shaker or clothes tumbler, and each washing machine shall be equipped with an inter-locking arrangement which will prevent the power operation of the inside cylinder when the outer door on the case or shell is open, and which will also prevent the outer door on the case or shell from being opened, without shutting o the power and the cylinder coming to a stop. This should not prevent the movement of the inner cylinder by means of a hand operated mechanism or an inching device.(2) Each closed barrel shall also be equipped with adequate means for holding open the doors or covers of the inner and outer cylinders or shells while it is being loaded or unloaded.25. Printing machine (Roller type).- (1) All in-running rolls shall be guarded by nip guards conforming to the requirement in paragraph 7 (2).(2) The engraved roller gears and the large crown wheel shall be guarded.26. Calendars.- The nip at the in-running side of the rolls shall be provided with a guard extending across the entire length of the nip and arranged to prevent the ngers of the employees from being pulled in between the rolls or between the guard and the rolls, and so constructed that the cloth can be fed into the rolls safely.27. Rotary staple cutters.- The cutter shall be protected by a guard to prevent hands reaching the cutting zone.28. Plating machines.- Access to the trip between the knife and card bar shall be prevented by a guard.29. Hand baling machine.- An angle iron handle-stop guard shall be installed at right angle to the frame of the machine. The stop guard shall be so designed and so located that it will prevent the handle from travelling beyond the vertical position should the handle slip from the operator's hand when the pawl has been released from the teeth of the take up gear.30. Flat work ironer.- Each at-work or collar ironer shall be equipped with a safety bar or other guard across the entire front of the seed or rst pressure rolls, so arranged that the striking of the bar or guard by the-hand of the operator or other person will stop the machine. The guard shall be such that the operator or other person cannot reach into the rolls without removing the guard. This may be either a vertical guard on all sides or a complete cover. If a vertical guard is used, the distance from oor or working platform to the top of guard shall be not less than1.83 meters.31. General safety requirements in a centrifugal machine.- 1.Centrifugal machine shall be provided with su cient inter-locking devices that will physically prevent the lids from being opened whilst the rotating drums or baskets are in motion under power or due to power derived earlier and by then switched o and also prevent the starting of the drums or baskets under power while the lids are open.2. The above requirements shall not apply while charging, ploughing and discharging operations are carried out when the drums or the baskets are rotated at lower speed.3. Centrifugal machines shall not be operated at a speed in excess of the manufacturer's rating which shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturers both on the inside of the basket and on the outside of the machine casing at easily visible places.4. All centrifugal machines shall be provided with e ective breaking arrangements for bringing the cage, drum or basket to rest within a reasonable short period of time after the power to drive the motor is cut o5. The cages, drums or baskets shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person once in every twelve months to check their balance and in case balance at high speed is not observed, e ective steps shall be taken to restore their balance before re-commissioning the machines.32. Precautions against ignition.- Wherever there is danger of re or explosion from accumulation of ammable or explosive dust, fumes or vapours in air:-(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of their being a source of ignition; ective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static charges to a dangerous extent;(c) employees shall wear shoes without iron or steel nails or any other exposed ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction;(d) smoking, lighting or carrying of matches, lighters or smoking materials shall be prohibited ;(e) transmission belts with iron fasteners shall not be used; and(f) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open ames, frictional sparks overheated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical chemical reaction and radiant heat.154 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY33. Spontaneousignition.- Where materials are likely to induce spontaneous ignition, care shall be taken to avoid formation of air pocket and to ensure adequate ventilation. The material susceptible to spontaneous ignition should be stored in dry condition and should be in heaps of such capacity and separated by such passage which will prevent re. The materials susceptible to ignition and stored in the open shall be at a distance not less than 10 meters away from process or storage buildings. ghting system.- (1) In every factory to which this schedule applies ghting arrangement shall be made wherein: re hydrant system shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 4,500 liters per minute at a pressure of not less than 7 kilograms per square cm.(ii) adequate provision of water supply for ghting shall be made with static storage capacity of not less than 2 hours aggregate pumping.(2) Every factory employing ve hundred or more persons shall provide(a) Trained and responsible ghting squad so as to e ectively handle the ghting and life saving equipment in the re or other emergency. Number of persons in this squad will necessarily depend upon the size of risk involved, but in no case shall be less than eight such trained persons to be available at any time. The squad shall consist of watch and ward personnel, re pump man and departmental supervisors and operators trained in the operation of re and emergency services.(b) Squad leaders shall preferably be trained in a recognised Government institution and their usefulness enhanced by providing residence on the premises.(c) Squad personnel shall be provided with clothing and equipment including helmets, boots and belts.(d) A muster roll showing the duties allocated to each member of the squad shall be prepared and copies supplied to each leader as well as displayed in prominent places so as to be easily available for reference in case of emergency.(e) The pump man shall be thoroughly conversant with the location of all appliances. He shall be responsible for maintaining ghting equipment in proper working order. Any defect coming to his notice shall be immediately brought to the notice of squad leader.(f) As far as is practicable, the re pump room and the main gate(s) of the factory be connected to all manufacturing or storing areas through telephone interlinked and placed in a convenient location near such areas.35. Personnel Protective Equipment.- The occupier shall provide suitable personnel protective equipments such as respirators, hand gloves, shoes, helmets, goggles, earplug, aprons, etc, as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards to the employees.36. Exhaust draught.- (1) An e cient exhaust draught shall be provided by mechanical means and shall operate on the dust given o in the process as near as may be at the point of origin. The exhaust draught appliance shall be so constructed, arranged and maintained as to prevent the dust entering into any room or place in which work is carried on.(2) All equipment for the extraction or suppression of dust shall at least once in every six months be examined and tested by a competent person, and any defect disclosed by such examination and test shall be recti ed as soon as practicable. A register containing particulars of such examination and test shall be kept in FORM XXV .37. Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases, etc.- (1) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, ue or other con ned space in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapour or dust is likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby, unless it is provided with a manhole of adequate size or ective means of egress.(2) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any con ned space as is referred to in sub-paragraph (1), until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any gas, fume, vapour or dust, which may be present so as to bring its level within the permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fume, vapour or dust and unless-(a) a certi cate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a test carried out by himself that the space is reasonably free from dangerous gas, fume, vapour or dust; or(b) such person is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope the free end of which is held by a person outside the con ned space.38. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1)(a) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator ; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 155(3) Every employee employed in any of the processes to which this Schedule applies shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within 15 days of his rst employment and re-examined at least once in every 12 calendar monthsProcessing of Rubber and Plastic Compounds(see rule 81)1. Application.- The requirements of this schedule shall apply to factory or part thereof wherein manufacture or processing of rubber and plastic compounds is carried on. nitions.- For the purpose of this Schedule,-Processing of Rubber and plastic compounds means breaking down, cracking, washing, grating, mixing, remoulding, extruding, handling, vulcanizing and warming rubber or plastic compounds; shall mean machine with rolls used for frictioning, sheeting, coating and spreading of rubber compounds and plastic or plastic compounds;Injection moulding machine shall mean a moulding machine wherein a heat-softened rubber or plastic material if forced from a cylinder into a relatively cool cavity, which gives the article the desired shape.3. Installation of machines .- Rubber and Plastic Mills shall be so installed that top of the front roll is not less than one metre above the oor or working level, provided that in existing installations where the top of the front roll is below this height, a strong rigid distance bar guard shall be tted across the front of the machine in such position that the operator cannot reach the nip of the roller from the normal working position of the operator.4. Safety Devices .- (1) (a) Rubber and Plastic Mills shall be equipped with hoppers so constructed or guarded that it is impossible for the operators to come into contact in any manner with the nip of the rolls or horizontal safety-trip rods or tight wire cable across both front and rear, which will when pushed or pulled operate instantly to disconnect the power and apply the brakes or to reverse the rolls.(b) Safety- trip rods or tight wire cable on rubber Mills shall extend across the entire length of the face of the rolls and shall be located not more than 170 centimeters above the oor or working level.(2) (a) Calendar machines shall be equipped with horizontal safety-trip rods or tight wire across both front and rear, which will when pushed or pulled, operate instantly to disconnect the power and apply the brakes or to reverse the roll;(b) Safety-trip rods or tight wire cables on calendar machines shall extend across the entire length of the face of the rolls and shall be located not more than 170 centimeters above the oor or working level.(c) On each side of all calendars and near both ends of the face of the rolls there shall be a vertical tight wire cable connecting with the bar tripping mechanism at the top and fastened to the frame within 30 centimeters of the oor. These cables should be positioned at a distance of not more than 30 centimeters from the face of the roll and at a distance of not less than 25 millimeters from the calendar frame.5. Maintenance and Safety Devices .- Safety-trip rods and tight wire cables on all rubber mills and calendars shall be examined and tested daily in the presence of the occupier or other quali ed person and if any defect is disclosed by such examination and test, the mill or calendars shall not be used until such defect has been remedied. Record of such examination and testing shall be maintained.6. Injection Moulding Machine and Extruders .- (1) A Suitable interlock arrangement shall be provided and maintained so that moulds cannot be closed unless the front safety gate is fully closed and on opening the front safety gate, the movement of moulds will stop automatically. No access shall be available to the moulds through the safety gate.(2) In addition to the above, a hydraulic safety arrangement shall also be incorporated with the front safety gate. This shall prevent the tail stock mould plate from moving forward on opening of the front safety gate.(3) At the rear of the machine there shall be provided either an e xed guard or a sliding gate which shall be suitably inter-locked with the movement of the mould plates in the manner of the front safety gate as required under (1) above so as to prevent access to the danger zone of the moulds in motion from the rear.(4) The injection unit and all other accessible parts shall be adequately insulated or guarded and warning signs shall be displayed where hot parts are necessarily exposed.(5) The electrical safety of the machine shall be ensured through proper insulation of heating elements and provision of ground fault current breaker systems.7. Ventilation.- (1) Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided and maintained at all times in the process area referred in paragraph (1) where dangerous or toxic or ammable or explosive dust, fumes and vapours could be present. These 156 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYarrangements shall ensure that concentrations, which are either harmful or could result in re or explosion, are not permitted to be built up in the work environment.(2) By suitable means, ventilation arrangements shall provide adequate supply of fresh air along with the maintenance of workplace temperature without detrimental to the health of the employees employed therein.8. Safety Precautions .- (1) Written safe system of work shall be developed and followed for safety of all employees working on the machine, mould changing and maintenance work and all such employees shall be adequately trained and instructed in the safe method of work before being employed.(2) No process or work shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury to the persons employed.9. Personal protective equipments.- (1) Employees shall be provided with suitable personal protective equipment to prevent burns from contact with hot surfaces or splatters of hot plastic and gases.(2) An approved breathing apparatus and protective clothing shall be provided and maintained in good condition for use of every person employed in process area.10. Medical facilities and records of examination and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator;(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a);(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Every employee employed in any of the processes to which this Schedule applies shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within 15 days of his rst employment. No employee shall be allowed to work after 15 days of his rst employment in the factory unless certi t for such employment by the Medical practitioner.(4) Every employee employed in the said processes shall be re-examined by a Medical practitioner at least once in every 12 calendar months.Forging, Forming, Heat Treatment and Incidental Processes(see rule 81)1. Application.- The schedule shall apply to all types of operations involved in Forging, Forming, Heat Treatment and other incidental processes. nition.- For the purpose of this Schedule,(a) \"approved\" means approved by the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; includes all kinds of manufacturing processes involving the application of force by power press, rollers etc.,Heat treatment includes annealing, normalizing, hardening, tempering, marquenching, ausforming, carburizing, nitriding xed fencing\" means fencing provided for the tools of a power press being fencing which has no moving part associated with or dependent upon the mechanism of a power press and includes that part of a closed tool which acts as a guard;(e) \"power press\" means a machine used for moulding, pressing, blanking, raising, drawing and similar purposes;3. Starting and stopping mechanism.- (1) The starting and stopping mechanism shall be provided with a safety stop so as to prevent over running of the press.(2) Suitable arrangements shall be made to arrest the movement of ram during power failure, changing of dies, tool setting and other maintenance work etc.4. Safety provisions on power press.- (1) Each power press shall be provided with suitable xed fencing on all sides so as to safeguard the employees engaged nearby.(2) The design, construction and mutual position of the safeguards referred to in sub paragraph (1) shall be such as to preclude the possibility of the employees hand or ngers reaching the danger zone.(3) The machine shall be fed through suitable means so as to ensure the safety of the employees. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 157(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-paragraph (1) an automatic or an inter-locked guard with photo-electric sensors, proximity sensors etc, may be used in place of a xed guard, but where such guards are used they shall be maintained cient working condition and if any guard develops a defect, the power press shall not be operated unless the defect of the guard is removed.5. Appointment of persons to prepare power presses for use.- (1) Except as provided in paragraph 6, no person shall set, re-set, adjust or try out the tools on a power press or install or adjust any safety device thereon, being installation or adjustment preparatory to production of proving, or carry out an inspection and test of any safety device thereon required by paragraph 8 unless he (a) has attained the age eighteen;(b) has been trained in accordance with the sub-paragraph (2) ; and(c) has been appointed by the Occupier of the Factory to carry out those duties in respect of the class or description of power press or the class or description of safety device to which the power press or the safety device (as the case may be) belongs;(2) The training shall include suitable and su cient practical instruction in the matters in relation to each type of power press and safety device in respect of which it is proposed to appoint the person being trained.6. Examination and testing of power-presses and safety devices.- (1) No power press or safety device shall he taken into use in any Factory for the rst time in that factory or in case of a safety device for the rst time on any power press, unless it has been thoroughly examined and tested, in the case of a power press, after installation in the factory, or in the case of a safety device, when in position on the power press in connection with which it is to be used.(2) No power press shall be used unless it has been thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person, within the immediately preceding period of twelve months.(3) No power press shall be used unless every safety device (other than xed fencing) thereon has within the immediately preceding six months when in position on that power press been thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person.(4) The competent person carrying out an examination and test under the foregoing provisions shall make a report of the examination and test containing the following particulars and every such report shall be kept readily available for inspection, (a) name of the occupier of the Factory;(b) address of the Factory;(c) identi cation number or mark su cient to identify the power press or the safety device;(d) date on which the power press or the safe device was rst taken into use in the Factory;(e) the date of each periodical thorough examination carried out as per requirements of sub-paragraph (2) above;(f) particulars of any defects a ecting the safe working of the power press or the safety device found at any such thorough examination and steps taken to remedy such defects.7. Defects disclosed during a thorough examination and tests.- (1) Where any defect is disclosed in any power press or in any safety device by any examination and test under paragraph 6 and in the opinion of the competent person carrying out the examination and test, either(a) the said defect is a cause of danger to employees and in consequence the power press or safety device (as the case may be) ought not to be used until the said defect has been remedied ; or(b) the said defect may become a cause of danger to employees and in consequence the power press or the safety device (as the case may be)ought not to be used after the expiration of a speci ed period unless the said defect has been remedied ; such defect shall, as soon as possible after the completion of the examination and test, be noti ed in writing by the competent person to the occupier of the Factory and, in the case of a defect falling within clause (b) of this paragraph such notishall include the period within which, in the opinion of the competent person, the defect ought to be remedied.(2) In every case where noti cation has been given under this paragraph, a copy of the report made under sub-paragraph (4) of paragraph 6 shall be sent by the competent person to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator for the area within fourteen days of the completion of the examination and test.(3) Where any such defect is noti ed to the Occupier in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this paragraph the power press or safety device (as the case may be) having the said defect shall not be used(a) In the case of a defect falling within clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1) until the said defect has been remedied; and158 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(b) In the case of defect falling within clause (b) of sub-paragraph (1), after the expiration of the said defect has been (4) As soon as is practicable after any defect of which noti cation has been given under sub-paragraph (1) has been remedied, record shall be made by or on behalf of the occupier stating the measures by which and the date on which the defect was remedied.8. Inspection and test of safety devices.- (1) No power press shall be used after the setting, resetting or adjustment of the tools thereon unless a person appointed or authorised for the purpose under paragraph 5 has inspected and tested every safety device thereon while it is in position on the said power press; Provided that an inspection, test and certi cate as aforesaid shall not be required where any adjustment of the tools has not caused or resulted in any alteration to or disturbance of any safety device on the power press and if, after the adjustment of the tools, the safety devices remain, in the opinion of such a person as aforesaid, in e cient working order.(2) Every power press and every safety device thereon while it is in position on the said power press shall be inspected and tested by a trained person every day.9. Defects disclosed during an inspection and test.- (1) Where it appears to any person as a result of any inspection and test carried out by him under paragraph 8 that any necessary safety device is not in position or is not properly in position on a power press or that any safety device which is in position on a power press is not in his opinion suitable, he shall notify the occupier forthwith.(2) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (3) of this paragraph where any defect is disclosed in a safety device by any inspection and test under paragraph 8, the person carrying out the inspection and test shall notify the Occupier forthwith.(3) Where any defect in a safety device is the subject of a noti cation in writing under paragraph7 by virtue of which the use of the safety device may be continued during a speci ed period without the said defect having been remedied, the requirement in sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph shall not apply to the said defect until the said period has expired.10. Identi cation of power presses and safety devices.- For the purpose of identi cation every power press and every safety device provided for the same shall be distinctively and plainly marked.11. Safety precautions in forging and rolling operations.- (1) Employees shall be provided with suitable personal protective equipment to prevent burns from contact with hot surfaces or splatters of hot material.(2) Material handling equipments involved in forging and rolling operations shall be of adequate strength, size and suitable (3) Substantial safeguards shall be provided to ensure the safety of the persons employed in forging and rolling operations ying scales, splatter and other materials.(4) No process or work shall be carried on in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury to the persons employed.12. Precautions against ignition.- Wherever there is danger of re from accumulation of ammable or explosive dust, fumes or vapours or any combustible materials in air:-(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of their being a source of ignition; ective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static charges to a dangerous extent; and(c) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open ames, frictional sparks, overheated surfaces etc.,(d) safe level of quenching medium shall be ensured in the heat treatment furnaces.(e) alternate power supply arrangements shall be made and interlocked with the normal power supply system so as to ensure constant supply of power during quenching operations.13. Training and Instructions to operators.- The operators shall be trained and instructed in the safe method of work before starting work on any power press.14.Ventilation.- E cient ventilation shall be provided by mechanical means and shall operate on the dust, fumes or smoke in the process as near as may be at the point of origin. The ventilation system shall be so constructed, arranged and maintained as to prevent the dust, fumes or smoke entering into any room or place in which work is carried on.15. Testing and examination of ventilating systems.- (1) All ventilating systems used for the purpose of extracting or suppressing fumes as required by this schedule shall be as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 159Standards. It shall be thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person once in every period of twelve months. Any defects found by such examinations or test shall be recti ed forthwith.(2) A register containing particulars of such examination and tests and the state of the plant and the repairs or alterations, if any, found to be necessary shall be kept and shall be available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator.16. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall(a) employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.17. Prohibition relating to Pregnant Women.- No pregnant women shall be employed or permitted to work in any area wherein heat treatment process is carried on.Manufacturing of Paper, Paper Boards and Allied Products(see rule 81)1. Application.- The requirements of the Schedule shall apply to factories and parts thereof engaged in manufacturing of paper, paper board, allied products and also to the corresponding operations involved in pulp production. nitions.- For the purpose of this schedule,-(a) \"approach safety stop\" means a safety device which automatically removes a hazardous function when part of a body comes within dangerous proximity of the danger zone;(b) \"broke\" means paper or paper board wasted out during processing;(c) \" broke Guilletine \" means a machine with a straight knife for cutting up broke or paper reels ;(d) \"Calendar \"means a machine for glazing paper or paper board;(e) \"Calendar work platform\" means a lifting platform at a Calendar;(f) \"Constant Pressure Switch\" means a start and stop switch automatically returning to the stop position when not actuated;(g) \"Crosscutting knife\" means a knife mounted on a cylinder roll cross cutting the web;(h) \"drum reel up\" means a machine (pope reel) for reeling up the web on an empty spool, friction-driven;(i) \"nip point \" means roll nip or any other place where face converge or run so close together that part of the body is in danger of being caught and injured;(j) \"pulper\" means a machine for making ber suspension by mechanical treatment of pulp or paper broke;(k) \"reeling Drum or Spool\" means a roll for reeling up the web in full machine width at the drum reel-up;(l) \"threading\" means (feeding a narrower pointed web (tail end) through a machine;web\" means pulp paper or paper-board in the shape of a continuous carpet during manufacturing or processing;allied products means all kinds of materials involving paper.3. Safety Measures against Nip Hazards.- (1) General: Nip points shall, when possible be inaccessible from oor level or from any other surface that can easily be stepped on. If this requirement cannot be satis ed the risk must be avoided in some other way, like air jet\/chute, carrier ropes, carrier belt or felt. The platforms should have the board of at least 100 millimeters high and two handrails al a height of 400 millimeters and at 900 millimeters. The vertical members of the platform should be spaced at 1 meter for cross platform and 2 meters for longitudinal platform. (2) Threading: Threading shall be done without manual interference when feasible. If threading must be done manually, measures must be taken to achieve adequate safety as in paragraph (1) above.4. Reeling Drum Exchange.- Feeding during spool exchange at the drum reel up shall be e ected only by using air jet or air hose, if the speed of the paper machine exceeds 100 meters per minute. If the speed of the machine is less than 100 meters per minute the feeding may be done manually, but measures must be taken to safety during the operation.160 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY5. Safety measures against risks of being squeezed or knocked down.- The movement of machine pan or other technical device must not expose anybody to the risk of being squeezed, knocked down or injured. If it cannot be ensured that the danger zone is in accession when a risk is present, the moving device must be equipped with an approach safety stop. Its movement controlled by a hand-operated constant pressure switch or the risk avoided.6. Web Reeling.- (1) Web reeling shall be arranged so that the reel cannot cause injury by moving without control from its intended position by providing a cradle or a protection barrier.(2) When a reel is carried by a through shaft, a device must if necessary, be arranged to keep the shaft ends in their intended position.(3) When a reel is carried and substantially governed by resting on two rolls, an ejection shield must be arranged to stop any reel, ejection when the web speed exceeds 15 meters per minute. If the shield is movable, a web speed exceeding 15 meters per minute must not be attainable unless the shield is in its protective position. The shield must not be removable from that position if the web speed exceeds the above value.7. Handling of reels.- (1) A reel must not be automatically put in free motion on a oor level or surface that can easily be stepped on unless this can be done with adequate safety.(2) A reel discharger shall be arranged and handled so that nobody can be injured by its function or by the discharge reel.(3) The discharger must not come into operation unless measures are taken to receive the discharger reel safety, if necessary, the discharger shall be controlled by a hand-operated constant pressure switch from a place where the operator can supervise both the zone of movement of the discharger and the course of the discharged reel.(4) A reel lifted by the ends of a through shaft must not rotate unless the shaft ends and the lifting equipment can stand the stress caused by the rotation.8. Cutting of paper.- (1) A power-driven sharp edged tool for cutting paper shall be shielded against inadvertent contact and as far as possible, inaccessible while in operation.(2) A cross-cutting knife shall be shielded so that the tool is inaccessible when in operation. It must not be possible to start the tool unless the shield is in its protective position and it must not be possible to open the shield unless the tool is inoperative and its energy supply has been cut o by a safety switch which can be locked in its o -position.9. Pulpers, pulp chests. Etc.- (1) The opening of a pulper, a pulp chest another reservoir of a feeding service shall be arranged so that nobody is in danger of falling or stepping down through the opening.(2) A pulper and its feeding device shall have a joint emergency stop and if possible a joint energy cut-o device, lockable position.(3) Broke holes should not be allowed to become covered by paper or broke which may hide them from operating personnel.10. Certain devices moving vertically.- (1) Calendar work plats, pallet table, rider rolls, ejection shields, reel lowering devices, lids of driving section covers broke guillotine knives or other stationery devices, which for functional reasons arc regularly manoeuvred to considerably di erent heights, shall be constructed, handled and maintained in such a way that they do not cause any risk of injury by falling down or in any other way and must notbe liable to fall down as a result of interruption or variation in the energy supply.(2) An operating movement that can cause risk of injury shall be controlled by a constant pressure switch from a place where the operator can supervise the zone of movement.(3) A device as referred to in paragraph (I) above carried by a wire rope or chain shall have the requisite derailment protection and a breaker to stop the movement if the wire rope or chain should slacken or burst.(4) If operationally stopped in a position where it could cause a risk of injury by falling down, the device shall be automatically (5) The hoisting equipment of a device as referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be readily available for full inspection.11. Calendar Work Platform.- (1) Calendar work platform shall be longer than the width of the calendar roll and provided with a gate or opening bar. The gate may only be openable inward or the bar may only be openable upwards and it must not be capable of staying open. The bar shall contain at least two rails.(2) A calendar super work platform shall be controlled by a constant pressure switch, located on the platform.(3) Along the work side of the platform there shall be on emergency stop controlling the movement of the platform as well as the calendar bowl rotation. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 161(4) The hoisting and lowering speed must not exceed 0.15 meter per second.(5) A hydraulic cylinder being part of the hoisting gear of a calendar work platform shall have a valve which, in the event of a hose or pipe fracture or considerable leakage, prevents the platform from moving downwards or retards its descent. Such a valve shall be mounted in or directly on the cylinder.(6) A calendar super work platform carried by wire rope or chain shall have a reliable catch.(7) An elevating screw of a calendar wait platform shall be self broking bearing nuts and safety nuts shall serve as load-carrying devices.12. Examination and Inspection.- (1) A device as referred to in paragraph 10 (1) above, shall when needed and at least twice a year, and in case of a calendar work platform once a month, is subjected to thorough examination by a quali ed person as long as it is being used. If a calendar work platform has been out of use for more than three months, thorough examination shall be carried out before it is used again.(2) In the course of examination, a check shall be made to ensure that safety devices are in working order and also that the hoisting and towering speed of the calendar work platform does not exceed the permitted value.(3) An examination log book shall he maintained and made readily available.13. Hose Pipes.- (1) A hose pipe used for cleaning near a rotating pair of rolls shall have a rounded nozzle or otherwise be arranged so that the nozzle cannot be caught in the nip.(2) A hose used for ushing liquid at a pressure exceeding 25 Kilogram\/ Square centimeter shall have a constant pressure actuated valve for ow control. If needed for safety during handling the nozzle shall be mounted on a stand or the hose designed for two operators.14. Space inside a machine.- Any opening leading to a walkable passage into or through a machine must be blocked. This does not apply if the passage must be accessible for operational or maintenance purpose on condition that entering does not involve any risk.15. Inching.- If it is necessary, to operate a machine temporarily without the protective devices otherwise provided, the speed of the web shall be as low as possible and shall not exceed 15 meters per minute. The machine shall he governed by a hand operated constant pressure switch from a place where the operator can supervise those places where protective devices have been rendered inoperative.16. Emergency stop.- An emergency stop must not break the energy supply to any device needed in an emergency or provoke any movement that might aggravate the situation. Braking provoked by the emergency stop must not be so violent as to cause any risk of injury.17. Auxiliary measures.- In place where large quantities of pulp or broke are frequently handled, measures shall he taken to facilitate the work. Special attention shall he paid to the need for such measures in places where there are high temperatures.18. Work Instructions.- (1) Instructions shall be provided for the work routines necessary to promote safety during normal operation as well as during maintenance, cleaning operation and similar kinds of periodically recurrent tasks.(2) Work permit system should be adopted for maintenance and cleaning operations.19. Other Safety Precautions.- (1) Wherever risk of injury prevails, necessary caution boards or symbols should be displayed like moving equipments, Nip points, slippery area, men at work, etc.(2) Adequate training in safe operations should be imparted to employees at the time of induction into the factory and at periodical intervals not exceeding a year and whenever there is a job rotation or operational changes.(3) For paper machine speeds exceeding 200 meters per minute, start up alarm should be provided before crawl and before being put to run.(4) All rotating elements should indicate direction of rotation.(5) Wherever nip is there, indication in bold letter to be provided.20. Precautions against ignition.- Wherever there is danger of re from accumulation of ammable or explosive dust, fumes or vapours or any combustible materials in air:-(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the danger of their being a source of ignition; ective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static charges to a dangerous extent;162 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(c) employees shall wear shoes without iron or steel nails or any other exposed ferrous materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction;(d) smoking, lighting or carrying of matches, lighters or smoking materials shall be prohibited ;(e) transmission belts with iron fasteners shall not be used; and(f) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken to prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open ames, frictional sparks overheated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical chemical reaction and radiant heat.21. Spontaneous ignition.- Where materials are likely to induce spontaneous ignition, care shall be taken to avoid formation of air pocket and to ensure adequate ventilation. The material susceptible to spontaneous ignition should be stored in dry condition and should be in heaps of such capacity and separated by such passage which will prevent re. The materials susceptible to ignition and stored in the open shall be at a distance not less than 10 meters away from process or storage buildings. ghting system.- (1) In every factory to which this schedule applies ghting arrangement shall be made wherein: re hydrant system shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 4,500 liters per minute at a pressure of not less than 7 kilograms per square cm.(ii) adequate provision of water supply for ghting shall be made with static storage capacity of not less than 2 hours aggregate pumping.(2) Every factory employing ve hundred or more persons shall provide(a) Trained and responsible ghting squad so as to e ectively handle the ghting and life saving equipment in the re or other emergency. Number of persons in this squad will necessarily depend upon the size of risk involved, but in no case shall be less than eight such trained persons to be available at any time. The squad shall consist of watch and ward personnel, re pump man and departmental supervisors and operators trained in the operation of re and emergency services.(b) Squad leaders shall preferably be trained in a recognised Government institution and their usefulness enhanced by providing residence on the premises.(c) Squad personnel shall be provided with clothing and equipment including helmets, boots and belts.(d) A muster roll showing the duties allocated to each member of the squad shall be prepared and copies supplied to each leader as well as displayed in prominent places so as to be easily available for reference in case of emergency.(e) The pump man shall be thoroughly conversant with the location of all appliances. He shall be responsible for maintaining ghting equipment in proper working order. Any defect coming to his notice shall be immediately brought to the notice of squad leader.(f) As far as is practicable, the re pump room and the main gate(s) of the factory be connected to all manufacturing or storing areas through telephone interlinked and placed in a convenient location near such areas.23. Personnel Protective Equipment.- The occupier shall provide suitable personnel protective equipments such as respirators, hand gloves, shoes, helmets, goggles, earplug, aprons, etc, as per the relevant standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards to the employees.24. Ventilation.- In all workrooms adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air shall be provided so as to maintain reasonable conditions of comfort and prevent injury to health of the employees employed therein.25. Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases, etc.- (1) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, ue or other con ned space in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapour or dust is likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby, unless it is provided with a manhole of adequate size or ective means of egress.(2) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any con ned space as is referred to in sub-paragraph (1), until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any gas, fume, vapour or dust, which may be present so as to bring its level within the permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fume, vapour or dust and unless-(a) a certi cate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a test carried out by himself that the space is reasonably free from dangerous gas, fume, vapour or dust; or(b) such person is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope the free end of which is held by a person outside the con ned space. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 16326. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests.- (1)(a) The occupier of every factory to which the schedule applies, shall employ a quali ed medical practitioner for medical surveillance of the employees employed therein whose employment shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator; and(b) Provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for the purpose referred to in clause (a).(2) The record of medical examinations and appropriate tests carried out by the said medical practitioner shall be maintained in FORM XXIV , which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.(3) Every employee employed in handling chemicals involved in the processes shall be examined by a Medical practitioner within 15 days of his rst employment and re-examined at least once in every 12 calendar months.Material Safety Data Sheet(see rule 83(ii))1.IDENTITY OF MATERIALSProduct Name Chemical DesignationTrade Name SynonymsFormula Label:ClassCategory CASIdentificationShipping Name\/Codes\/Label HAZCHEM CodeIdentificationWaste NumberHazardous Ingredients CAS Number2. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State:(Gas,Liquid, Solid)Boiling point in degree C Vapourpressureat35degreeC--mmHg.Appearance Melting\/Freezing point indegree CEvaporationrateat30Odour Vapour Density (air-1) Solubility in Water at 30Others (Corrosivity) etc Specific Gravity(Water-1)PH3. FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS DATAExplosion\/ FlammabilityFlash Point (deg.)CLEL % Auto ignition TemperatureFlash Point (deg.)CUEL% TDC Flammability(Classification)4. REACTIVE HAZARDSStability toImpact ( Hazardous Combustion products)Static Discharge (Hazardous Decomposition product)Reactivity (Conditions to avoid)164 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYHazardous Polymerization May\/May not occur (Conditionsto avoid)Incompatibility (Materials to avoid)5. HEALTH HAZARDS DATARoutes of Entry:(Inhalation, skin, mucous membranes, eye contact and ingestion)Effects of Exposure\/SymptomsLD 50 (in rat) (mg\/kg bodyweight)(Orally or percutaneousabsorption)LC50(inrat)(mg\/1)Permissible Exposure Limitmg\/cu. m.Short TermExposure Limit(STEL)ppm.Threshold Limit Value(TLV)ofACGIHppm.mg\/cu. m.OdourThresholdppm.Emergency Treatment:6. HAZARD SPECIFICATIONHazardSignal Health Flammability Stability SpecialKnown Hazards:Combustible Liquid Water Reactive MaterialFlammable Material Oxidizer SensitizerPyrophoric Material Organic Peroxide CarcinogenExplosive MaterialUnstable MaterialCorrosive Material Compressed Gas Mutagen Other7. SAFE USAGE DATAVentilation General\/Mechanical Local ExhaustProtective EquipmentRequiredEyes (Specify)Respiratory (Specify)Gloves (Specify)Clothing (Specify)Others (Specify)Precautions Handling & Storage Others (speedy)8. EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATAFire Fire Extinguishing Media TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 165Special proceduresUnusual HazardsExposure First Aid Measures(inhalation, skin, eye contactand ingestion)Spills Step to be taken Waste DisposalMethod9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION10. SOURCES USED :Reference to books, journals, etc.11. MANUFACTURERS\/SUPPLIER DATAFirm's Name Standard packingMailing AddressTelephone NumberTelex Number OthersTelegraphic AddressContact person in Emergency OthersEmergency Telephone in Transit AreasAcronyms- and Glossary of terms:CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number.UN Number : United Nations NumberHAZCHEM CODE : Emergency Action Code (EAC),allocated by the Joint Committee of Fire Brigade Operations, UK.TDG Flammability : Transport of Dangerous Goods --Flammability Classi cation by United Nations.NFPA : National Fire Protection Association, USA. LD 50 and LC 50 represent the dose in mg\/kg of body weight and the concentration in mg\/1 for 4 hours having lethal e ect on 50% of the animals (rats) treated.PEL: Permissible Exposure Limit as laid down in the Statutes.TLV: Threshold Limit Value as laid down by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. (ACGIH), USA.STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit as laid down in the statutes or by the ACGIH.GUIDELINES : All e orts should be made to ll in all the columns. No column should be left blank. In case certain information is not applicable or available. N\/APP or N\/AV sign may be used.Suggestive List of Equipment for Occupational Health Centre in Factories(see rule 92(1)(iii)(b))1. A glazed sink with hot and cold water always available.2. A table with a smooth topatleast180 cmx105 cm.3. Means for sterilizing instruments.4. A couch.5.Two buckets or containers with close tting lids.6. A kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water.7. One bottle of spirit ammonia aromatics (120 ml.)166 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY8. Two medium size sponges.9. Two \"Kidney\" trays.10. Four cakes of toilet, preferably antiseptic soap.11. Two glass tumblers and two wine glasses.12. Two clinical thermometers.13.Two teaspoons.14. Two graduated (120 ml.) measuring glasses.15. One wash bottle (1000 cc) for washing eyes.16. One bottle (one liter) carboliclotion1 in 20.17. Three chairs18. One Screen19. One electric hand-torch.20. An adequate supply of tetanus toxoid.21. Coramine liquid (60 ml.)22. Tabletsanti histaminic antispasmodic (25each.)23. Syringes with needles - 2 cc., 5 cc. and 10 cc.24. Two needle holders, big and small.25. Suturing needles and materials.26. One dissecting forceps.27. One dress in forceps.28. One scalpel.29. One stethoscope.30. Rubber bandage -- pressure bandage.31. Oxygen cylinder with necessary attachments.32. One Blood Pressure Apparatus.33. One Patellar Hammer.34. One Peak-Flow meter for lung function measurement.35. One stomach washout.36. Any other equipment recommended by the Factory Medical O cer according to speci c need relating to manufacturing 37. In addition(1) For Factories employing fty one to two hundred1. Four plain wooden splints 900mm x 100mm x 6mm:2. Four plain wooden splints 350mm x 75mm x 6mm;3. Two plain wooden splints 250mm x 50mm x 12mm;4. 0ne pair artery forceps;5. Injections -- morphia, pethidine, atropine, adrenaline, coramine, Novocain (2 each);6. One surgical scissor;(2) For Factories employing above two hundred workers TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1671. Eight plain wooden splints 900mm x 100mm x 6mm;2. Eight plain wooden splints 350mm x 75mm x 6mm;3. Four plain wooden splints 250mm x 50mm x 12mm:4. Two pairs artery forceps;5. Injections Morphia, pethadine, atropine, adrenaline, ceramine, novacain (4 each):6. Two Surgical scissors.Permissible Level of Certain Chemical Substances(see rule 96) nitions.- For the purpose of this schedule,-(a) \" mg\/m3 \" means milligrams of a substance per cubic meter of air ;(b) \"mppcm\" means million particles of a substance per cubic meter of air ;(c) \"ppm\" means parts of vapour or gas per million parts of air by volume at 250 C and 760 mm of mercury pressure;(d) \"Time weighted average concentration\" means the average concentration of a substance in the air at any work location in a factory computed from evaluation of adequate number of air samples taken at that location spread over the entire shift on an day, after giving weight age to the duration for which each such sample is collected and the concentration prevailing at the time of taking the sample.Time weighted average concentration = [(C1T1+ C2T2 +.+CnTn)\/(1+T2+Where C1 represents the concentration of the substance for duration T1 (in hours);C2 represents the concentration of the substance for duration T2 (in hours); andCn represents the concentration of the substance for duration Tn (in hours);(e) \"Work location\" means a location in a factory at which a worker works or may be required to work at any time during any shift on any day.2.Limits of concentrations of substance at work locations.- (1) The time weighted average concentration of any substance listed in Table 1 or 2 of the schedule, at any work location in a factory during any shift on any day shall not exceed the limit of the permissible time weighted average concentration speci ed in respect of that substance: Provided that in the case of a substance mentioned in Table 1 in respect of which a limit in terms of short term maximum concentration is indicated, the concentration of such a substance may exceed the permissible limit of the time weighted average concentration for the substance for short periods not exceeding 15 minutes at a time, subject to the condition that(a) such periods during which the concentration exceeds the prescribed time weighted average concentration are restricted to not more than 4 per shift;(b) the time interval between any two such periods of higher exposure >hail not be less than 60 minutes ; and(c) at no time the concentration of the substance in the air shall exceed the limit of short term maximum concentration.(2) In the case of any substance given in Table 3, the concentration of the substance at any work location in a factory at any time during any day shall not exceed the limit of exposure for that substance speci ed in the Table.(3) In the cases where the word \"skin\" has been indicated against certain substance mentioned in Tables 1 and 3, appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent absorption through cutaneous routes particularly skin, mucous membranes and eyes as the limits speci ed in these Tables are for conditions where the exposure is only through respiratory tract.(4) (a) In case, the air at any work location contains a mixture of such substances mentioned in Tables 1, 2 or 3, which have similar toxic properties, the time weighted concentration of each of these substances during the shift should be such, that when these time weighted concentration divided by the respective permissible time weighted average concentration speciin the abovementioned tables, and the fractions obtained are added together, the total shall not exceed unity, i.e. C1\/L1+C3 \/Cn \/Ln should not exceed unity whenWhen CI, C2,.,Cn are the time weighted concentration of toxic substances 1,2 and in respectively, determined after measurement at work location;168 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYand LI, L2 Ln are the permissible time weighted average concentration of the toxic substances 1, 2...... and in respectively.(b) In case the air at any work location contains a mixture of substances mentioned in Table 1, 2 or 3, and these do not have similar toxic properties, then the time weighted concentration of each of these substances shall not exceed the permissible time weighted average concentration speci ed in the above mentioned tables, for that particular substance.(c) The requirements in clauses (a) and (b) shall be in addition to the requirements in paragraphs 2 (1) and (2).3. Sampling and evaluation procedures.- (1) Notwithstanding provisions in any other paragraphs, the sampling and evaluation procedures to be adopted for checking compliance with the provisions in the schedule shall be as per standard procedures in vogue from time to time.(2) Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5, the following conditions regarding the sampling and evaluation procedure to be adopted checking compliance with the provision in this schedule are speci(a) For determination of the number of particles per cubic meter in item 1 (a) (i) (1) in Table 2, samples are to be collected by standard or midget impringer and the counts made by light eld technique.(b) The percentage of quartz in the 3 formulae given in item 1 (A) (i) of Table 2 is to be determined from airborne samples.(c) For determination of number of bers as speci ed in item 2(A) of Table 2, the membrane lter method at 430 x cation (4 mm objective) with phase contrast illumination should be used.(d) Both for determination of concentration and percentage of quartz for use of the formula given in item 1 (a) (i) (2) of Table 2, the fraction passing through a size selector with the following characteristics should only be considered.Aerodynamic diameter (Unity density sphere)Percentage allowed by size-selector4. Power to require assessment of concentration of substances.- (1) An Inspector-cum-Facilitator may, by an order in writing, direct the occupier of a factory to get before any speci ed date the assessment of the time weighted average concentration at any work location of any of the substances mentioned in tables 1, 2 or 3 carried out.(2) The results of such assessment as well as the method followed for air sampling and analysis for such assessment shad be sent to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator within three days from the date of completion of such assessment and also a record of the same kept readily available for inspection by an Inspector-cum-Facilitator5. Exemption.- If in respect of any factory or a part of a factory, the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator is satis ed: that, by virtue of the pattern of working time of the workers at di erent work locations or on account of other circumstances, no worker is exposed, in the air at the work locations, to a substance or substances speci ed in Tables I, 2 or 3 to such an extent as is likely to be injurious to his health, he (the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator) may by an order in writing, exempt the factory or a part of the factory from the requirements in paragraph 2, subject to such conditions, if any, as he may specify therein.Sl.No SubstancesPermissible limits of exposureTime weightedaverage concentration(TWA) (8 hrs)Short term maximum concentration(STEL) 15 min).*ppm Mg\/m3** ppm Mg\/m3**(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)1 Acetaldehyde 100 180 150 2702 Acetic acid 10 25 15 373 Acetone 750 1,780 1,000 2,3754 Acrolein 0.1 0.25 0.3 0.85 Acrylonitrile-skin (S.C) 2 4.5 - -6 Aldrin-skin - 0.25 - - TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 169Sl.No SubstancesPermissible limits of exposureTime weightedaverage concentration(TWA) (8 hrs)Short term maximum concentration(STEL) 15 min).*7 Allyl Chloride 1 3 2 68 Ammonia 25 18 35 279 Anilline-skin 2 10 - -10 Anisidine(o,p-isomers)-Skin 0.1 0.5 - -11 Arsenic & soluble compounds (as As)- 0.2 - -12 Benzene (HC) 0.5 1.5 25 7.513 Beryllium & compounds (as Be) (S.C.)- 0.002 - -14 Boron tri uoride-C 1 3 - -15 Bromine 0.1 0.7 0.3 216 Butane 800 1,900 - -17 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl Ketone-MEK)200 590 300 88518 n-Butyl acetate 150 710 200 95019 n-Butylalcohol-Skin-C 50 150 - -20 Sec\/Tert Butyl acetate 200 950 - -21 Butyl mercaptan 0.5 1.5 - -22 Cadmium Dusts and salts (as Cd)- 0.05 - -23 Calcium Oxide - 2 - -24 Carbaryl (Sevin) - 5 - -25 Carbofuran (Furadan) - 0.1 - -26 Carbon disulphide-Skin 10 30 - -27 Carbon Monoxide 50 55 400 44028 Carbon tetrachloride-Skin(S.C) 5 30 - -29 Chlordane-Skin - 0.5 - 230 Chlorine 1 3 3 931 Chlorobenzene(Mono chlorobenzene)75 350 - -32 Chloroform (S.C) 10 50 - -33 Bis (Chlororomethyl) ether (H.C.) 0.001 0.005 - -34 Chromic acid and chromates (as Cr)- 0.05 - -35 Chromous salts (as Cr)- 0.5 - -36 Copper Fume - 0.2 - -37 Cotton dust, raw - 0.2+ - -38 Cresol, all isomers-Skin 5 22 - -39 Cyanides(as CN)-Skin- 5 - -40 Cyanogen 10 10 - -41 DDT (Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane)- 1 - -42 Demeton Skin 0.01 0.1 - -43 Diazinon Skin - 0.1 - -44 Dibutyl phthalate - 5 - -45 Dichlorvos (DDVP)-Skin 0.1 1 - -170 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYSl.No SubstancesPermissible limits of exposureTime weightedaverage concentration(TWA) (8 hrs)Short term maximum concentration(STEL) 15 min).*46 Dieldrin-Skin - 0.25 - -47 Dinitrobenezene (all isomers)-Skin0.15 1 - -48 Dinitrotoluene-Skin - 1.5 - -49 Diphenyl (Biphenyl) 0.2 1.5 - -50 Endosulfan (Thipdan)-Skin - 0.1 - -51 Endrin-Skin - 0.1 - -52 Ethyl acetate 400 1,400 - -53 Ethyl alcohol 1,000 1,900 - -54 Ethylamine 10 18 - -55 Flurorides (as F) - 2.5 - -56 Fluorine 1 2 2 457 Formaldehyde (S.C) 1.0 1.5 2 358 Formic acid 5 9 - -59 Gasoline 300 900 500 1,50060 Hydrazine-Skin(S.C) 0.1 0.1 - -61 Hydrogen Chloride-C 5 7 - -62 Hydrogen cyanide Skin C 10 10 - -63 Hydrogen Fluoride (as F)-C 3 2.5 - -64 Hydrogen peroxide 1 1.5 - -65 Hydrogen sulphide 10 14 15 2166 Iodine C 0.1 1 - -67 Iron Oxide Fume (Fe2O3) (as Fe)- 5 - -68 Isoamyl acetate 100 525 - -69 Isomylalchohol 100 360 125 45070 Isobutyl alcohol 50 150 - -71 Lead, inorg dusts and fumes (asPb)- 0.15 - -72 Lindane-Skin - 0.5 - -73 Malathion -Skin - 10 - -74 Manganese (as Mn) dust and compounds-C- 5 - -75 Manganese fume(as Mn)- 1 - 376 Mercury(as Hg)-Skin(i)Alkyl compounds - 0.01 - 0.03(ii)All forms except alkyl vapour - 0.05 - -(iii)Aryl and inorganic compounds - 0.1 - -77 Methyl alcohol (Methanol)-Skin 200 260 350 31078 Methyl cello solve(2-Methoxy ethanol)-Skin5 16 - -79 Methyl isobutyl ketone 50 205 75 30080 Methyl isocyanate-Skin 0.02 0.05 - -81 Nephthalene 10 50 15 75 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 171Sl.No SubstancesPermissible limits of exposureTime weightedaverage concentration(TWA) (8 hrs)Short term maximum concentration(STEL) 15 min).*82 Nickel carbonyl(as Ni)0.05 0.35 - -83 Nitric acid 2 5 5 1084 Nitric oxide 25 30 - -85 Nitrobenzene-Skin 1 5 - -86 Nitrogen dioxide 3 6 5 1087 Oil mist mineral - 5 - 1088 Ozone 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.689 Parathion skin - 0.1 - -90 Phenol-skin 5 19 - -91 Phorate (Thimet)-Skin - 0.05 - 0.292 Phosgene(Carbonyl chloride)0.1 0.05 - 0.293 Phosphine 0.3 0.4 1 194 Phosphoric acid - 1 - 395 Phosphorous (yellow) - 0.1 - -96 Phosphorous Pentechloride 0.1 1 - -97 Phosphorous trichloride 0.2 1.5 0.5 398 Picric acid Skin - 0.1 - 0.399 Phridine 5 15 - -100 Silane(Silicon tetrahydride)5 7 - -101 Sodium hydroxide-C - 2 - -102 Styrene, monomer (phenylethlene)50 215 100 425103 Sulphur dioxide 2 5 5 10104 Sulphur hexa uoride 1,000 6,000 - -105 Sulphuric acid - 1 - -106 Tetraethyl lead(as Po)-Skin- 0.1 - -107 Toluene (Toluol) 100 375 150 560108 O-Toludine-Skin (S.C) 2 9 - -109 Tributyl Phosphate 0.2 2.5 - -110 Trichloroethylene 50 270 200 1080111 Uranium, natural (as U)- 0.2 - 0.6112 Vinyl chloride (H.C) 5 10 - -113 Welding fumes - 5 - -114 Xylene (o-, m-, p-isomers)100 435 150 655115 Zinc Oxide(i) Fume - 5.0 - 10(ii) Dust (Total dust) - 10.00 - -116 Zicronium compounds (as Zr) - 5 - 10ppm : Parts of vapour or gas per million parts of contaminated air by volume at 250C and 760 (mm of mercury)mg\/m3 : milligram of substance per cubic meter of air172 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY* : Not more than 4 times a day with at least 60 min. interval between successive exposure** : mg\/m3= (Molecular weight X ppm)\/24.45Lint : free dust as measured by the vertical elutriator cotton-dust samplerC : denotes ceiling limitskin : denotes potential contribution to the overall exposure by the cuteous route including mucous membrane and eyeS.C : denotes suspected human carcinogensH.C : denotes con rmed human carcinogensSubstancePermissible time weighed average concentrationSilica, Si O2(a) Crystalline (i) Quartz (1) In terms of dust count (10600)\/(%Quartz+10) mppcm (2) In terms of respirable dust 10\/(% respirable Quartz+2) mg\/m3 (3) In terms of total dust 30\/(% Quarts+3) mg\/m3 (ii) Cristobalite Half the limits given against quartz (iii) Tridymite Half the limits given against quartz (iv) Silica, fused Same limits as for quartz (v) Tripoli Same limit as in formula in item (2) given against quartz.10 mg\/m3, total dust(b) AmorphousAsbestos (H.C) (a) Amosite (b) Chrystolite (c) Crocidolite0.5 ber\/cc*** ber\/cc *** ber\/cc ****** (i) For bre greater than 5m in length and less than 5m in breadth with length to breath ratio equal to or greater than 3:1 (ii) As determined by the membrane lter method at 400-450 x magni cation (4mm objective) phase contrast illumination.Portland cement 10mg\/m3, Total dust containing less than 1% quartz.Coal dust 2mg\/m3 respirable dust fraction containing less than 5% quartz.Mppcm = Million particles per cubic metre of air, based on impinge samples by light- eld techniques.* As determined by the membrane lter method at 400-450 x magni cation (4mm objective) phase contrast illumination.Respirable Dust:-Fraction passing a size selector with the following characteristics:Aerodynamic Diameter (m)(unit) (density sphere) % passing selector10.0 0 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 173[see rule 98(4)]Section of empoweringexemptionClass of factory Nature of exempted work Extent of exemptionRemarks(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)91(1)(b) All factories Urgent repairs Sections 25, 26 &31(i) No worker shall be employed on such repairs for more than 15 hours on any one day, 39 hours during any three consecutive days, or 66 hours during eachperiod of seven consecutive days commencing from his employment on such repairs.(ii)Within 24 hours of the commencement of the work, notice shall be sent to the Inspector describing the nature of the urgent repairs and the period probably required for their completion.(iii)Exemption from the provisions of section 25 shall apply only in the case ofadult male workers.1(1)(b) (1) Oil tank installationsWork performed by, workers connected with pumping operationsSections 25, 26& 31In the absence of a worker who has failed to report for duty, a shift worker shall be allowed to work the whole or of a subsequent shift provided that(i) the next shift of the shift workershall not commence before a period of 16 hours has elapsed;(ii) within 24 hours of the commencement of the subsequent shift, notice shall be sent to the Inspector describing the circumstances under which the worker is required to work in the subsequent shift;(iii) the exemption will be restricted to only male adult workers; and(iv)the limits of work inclusive of overtime shall not exceed those mentioned in section 91.(2) Public hydro-supply factoriesOperation and Maintenance of Prime movers and auxiliaries, transformers and switches.Sections 25 &(3)Public electric supply companiesgenerating electricity from oil in internalcombustion engines.Work of engine drivers and assistants, generator attendants, oilers and greasers, switch board operators and pump men.-do- -do-174 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYSection of empoweringexemptionClass of factory Nature of exempted work Extent of exemptionRemarks(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(4)Electrical transforming factoriesWork of operation and maintenance of the transformingplant, switches and synchronous condensers.-do- -do-(5)Distilleries Work on the extraction of sugar fromvarious bases, fermentation of sugar Distillation of fermented wash.-do- -do-(6)Sugar factories Extraction of the juice from the cane, cation, evaporation and Boiling of the juice; curing of the massecuite and bagging.-do- -do-(7) Chemical factoriesWork on the sulphur burners, chambers, concentrators,and pumps roasting furnaces, manufacture of hydrochloric andnitric acid, sulphates, sulphides, nitrates, superphosphates and chlorides; andwork on the steam service.-do- -do-91(1)(b) (8) Vegetable factories.Work on rehydrogenation bleaching, ltering, generation of hydrogen; hydrogenating; deodorizing processes; compression of oxygen and cylinder lling; andWork on the electrical power plant.-do- -do-91(1)(b) (9) Ice factories Work on the engine and compressor drivers and assistants and oilers.-do- -do-91(1)(b) (10) Oil mills All work. section 25 -do-91(1)(b) (11) Flourmills All work. sections 25 and26-do- TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 175Section of empoweringexemptionClass of factory Nature of exempted work Extent of exemptionRemarks(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)91(1)(b) (12)Glass factories (a) Work in attending to furnace.(b) All work and processes from mixing of batch to removal of the manufacturedGlass ware from the lears.sections 25 §ion 25-do-91(1)(b) (13)Paper factories (a) All work on paper making machinery and on the generation and supply of power connected the rewith.(b) Work on choppers, digesters, kneaders, strainers and washers ,beaters, paper making machines, pumping plan treelers, cutters and power plant.sections 25sections 25 &(14)Rubber tyre All work on curing process.section 25 -do-(15)Iron and steel All work on steel furnaces.sections 25 &(16)All factories Work on automatic equipment engaged in galvanizing, an odizingand enamelling.sections 25, 26 & 29(1)The limits of work inclusive of overtime shall not exceed those mentioned insection 91.(2)The exemption shall be granted only in respect of adult male workers.91(1)(b) Newspaper printing factoriesTele printer service sections 25 &91(1)(b) All factories Loading and unloading of railway wagons Lorries or truckssections25 &26-do-176 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(see rule 158)Sl. No.Section or rule under which competency isrecognisedQuali cation required Experience for the purpose Facilities at his (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)1 Rules made underSection79 cate of Stability for buildingsDegree in Civil or Structural Engineering or Equivalent(i) A minimum of ten years experience in the design of construction or testing or repairs of structures(ii) Knowledge of non-destructive testing, various codes of practices that are current and the effect of the vibrations and natural forces on the stability of the buildings and(iii) Ability to arrive at a reliable conclusion with regard to the safety of the structure or the 2 Pre-cautions against dangerous fumes as required under various Schedules framed under section 82 and rule 81 -Master's degree in Chemistry or a degree in Chemical Engineering(i) A minimum of seven years in collection and analysis of environmental sample sand calibration of monitoring equipment;(ii) He shall(a)be conversant with the hazardous properties of Chemicals and their permissible limit values;(b)be conversant with the current techniques of sampling and analysis of the environmental contaminants and(c) be able to arrive at are liable conclusion as regards the safety in respect of entering and carrying out hot workOxygen level meters, meters, instruments and devices as applicable to the Chemical gases or fumes duly calibrated and ed for carrying out the tests and certiof safety in working in ned spaces.3 Ventilation and dust extraction system, blasting enclosures as required under various Schedules framed underSection82 and rule 81.Degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or Equivalent.(i) A minimum of seven years in the design, fabrication, installation. testing or ventilation system and systems used for extraction and collection of dusts, fumes and vapors and other ancillary equipment;(ii) He shall be conversant with relevant codes of practice and tests procedures that are current in respect of ventilation and extraction system for fumes, and shall be able to arrive at are liable conclusion with regard to e ectiveness of the systemFacilities for testing the ventilation system, i n s t ru m e n t s a n d gauges for testing the effectiveness of the extraction systems for dusts, vapors and fumes, and any other equipment needed for determining the ciency and adequacy of the systems. He shall have the assistance of a suitable quali ed technical person who can come to a reasonable conclusion as to the adequacy of the system TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 177Sl. No.Section or rule under which competency isrecognisedQuali cation required Experience for the purpose Facilities at his (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)4 Rule 154 -Examination and Testing of oven sand driers.Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or its equivalent(i) A minimum experience of seven years in design or maintenance or operation or testing and examination of ovens and driers.(ii) Knowledge of relevant codes of practices and test procedures that are current.(iii) Conversant with statutory requirements regarding the safety of ovens and driers.(iv) Conversant with safety devices and their proper functioning to ensure the safety of oven sand driers(v) Be able to identify defects and other causes leading to failure of ovens and driers(vi) Ability to arrive at are liable conclusion as to the safety of oven sand driers.(i) Meters,Instruments and devices duly calibrated and ed for carrying out tests and certi cation of (ii) Facilities for carrying out non-destructive test5 Rule 157(i) sub-rule(17) Testing of heater (ii) sub-rule(19) Testing of uid.Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or its equivalentMaster's degree in Chemistry or Bachelors degree on EngineeringA minimum experience of seven years in design or operation or maintenance or testing and examination of uid heaterA minimum experience of seven years in testing of uidsFacilities for pressure Laboratory facilities to test acidity, suspended matter, ashcontents, viscosity and ash point of thermic 6 Rule 81, ScheduleXVI,PartII,Para7, Examination of instruments and safety devicesBachelors degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology or Instrumentation Engineering or Techno-logy or Mechanical Engineering.(i) A minimum experience of seven years in( a )O p e r a t i o n o f maintenance;(or)(b)testing, examination and inspection of the process instruments and safety (i) Must be thoroughly conversant with the relevant codes of practices and test procedures that are current, and be able to arrive at are liable conclusionasregards there liability and proper function ingofthe process Instruments and safety devicesMeters, instruments, devices and other appropriate facilities duly calibrated and certicarrying out the tests of process instruments and safety devices.178 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYSl. No.Section or rule under which competency isrecognisedQuali cation required Experience for the purpose Facilities at his (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)7 (i) Rule 81, ScheduleXVI.PartII,ParaI5, Testing, Examination and repair of plant sand equipments,(ii) Rule 81 Schedule XXIII, Para Examination of Solvent Extraction PlantBachelors degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology or Instrumentation Engineering or Technology or Mechanical Engineering(i) A minimum experience of seven years in(a)the operation or maintenance of process plant in a chemical industry:(or)(b)testing examination and inspection or plant equipment and machinery in a chemical process industry(ii) He shall-(c)Be thoroughly conversant with the process of hazard (d)Be able to identify the defects and other causes which may be lead to failure of the plant equipment and machinery in chemical process (e) Have ability to arrive at are liable conclusion with regard to the safety and integrity of the plant equipment and machineryNon-destructive testing equipment such as ultrasonic thickness gauging instrument and flaw detector hydraulic pump portable toxic and ammable gas detectors (Multi gas detector)8 Rule81, ScheduleXVI.PartV,Para5, Testing and examination of plant and equipment made from rein forced plastics.Bachelors degree in Plastic Technology or Chemical Engineering or Technology or Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering(i) A minimum experience of seven years in(a)Operation or maintenance of process plant in a chemical industry (or)(b) Testing examination and inspection of plant and equipment made from rein forced plastics in a chemical (ii) He shall(c)Be thoroughly knowledge able about the Indian Standards or any other National Standards as regards the plant and equipment made of reinforced plastics(d) Be fully conversant with the chemical compatibility of rein force plastics;(e) Be able to identify the defect sand other caused which may lead to failure of the plant and equipment made of reinforced plastics(f) Have ability to arrive at are liable conclusion with regard to the safety and integrity of the plant and equipment made of reinforced plastics.Non-destructive testing equipment such as ultrasonic thickness gauginge equipment, detector and hydraulic pump. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 179Sl. No.Section or rule under which competency isrecognisedQuali cation required Experience for the purpose Facilities at his (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)9 (i) Rule160-Testing and examination of (ii) Rule 81, ScheduleXXXV,Para 31, Testing and examination of Centrifugal (iii) Rule 81, ScheduleXXXVII, Para 6, Testing and examination of Power pressesDegree in Electrical or Mechanical or Textile Engineering or Equivalent(i) A minimum of seven years experience in-(a)design or operation or maintenance; or(b)Testing, examination and inspection of relevant machinery, their guards; safety devices and appliances.(ii) He shall(c) be conversant with safety devices and their proper functioning(d) be able to identify defects and any other cause leading to failure; and(e) have ability to arrive at a reliable conclusion with regard to proper functioning of safety device and appliance and machine guard.Gauges for measurement; i n s t r u m e n t s f o r measurement of speed and any other equipment or device to determine the safety in the use of the dangerous machines.(see rule 3)APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION FOR EXISTING ESTABLISHMENTS\/NEW ESTABLISHMENTA. Establishment Details:-1. Retrieve details of Establishment throughLIN:2. Name ofEstablishment:3. Registration number (DISH\/COL) (if available):4. Address of the Establishment:5. Others details of Establishment:a. PAN numberb. Total Number of employees engaged directly in the establishment:c. Total Number of the contract employees engaged:d. Total Number of Inter-State Migrant workers employed:6(a) For Factories:Name, Date of Birth and number of the OccupierAddress, Email ID, Telephone number with STD code and Mobile number of OccupierFull postal address and situation of the factory along with plan approval detailsDetails of the manufacturing processMaximum number of workers to be employed on any dayParticulars of power actually installed in H.P(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)180 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(b) For Building and Other Construction Works:Name, Date and Aadhar EmployerAddress, Email ID, Telephone number with and Mobile number of EmployerFull postal address and situation construction siteType of Construction workMaximum number of workers to be employed on any dayProbable period of workExpected period for completion of workDetails of approval of the local (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)(c) For Beedi and Cigar work:Sl.No.Name of the beedi and cigar establishment with full postal address \/e-mail ID \/ contact numberMaximum number of employees to be employed on any one day during the calendar yearWhether the employer is a trade mark owner registered under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act 43 of 1958)Whether the beedies or cigars or both manufactured by the applicant will be sold and marketed by himself or through proprietor or a registered user of a trade mark registered under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 (Central Act, 43 of 1958) or any other personWhether the plans of the premises are enclosedAmount of fee (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)(d) For Motor Transport establishments:Sl.No.Name of the motor transport undertaking with full postal address \/e-mail ID \/ contact numberNature of motor transport service (passenger for ight)Total number of motor transport vehicles (with particulars of registration number)Maximum number of motor transport workers to be employed on any day during the calendar dayAmount of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)(e) For Plantations:Sl.No.Name of the plantation with full postal address \/e-mail ID \/ contact numberNature of the estate (Whether cotea, rubber, cinchona, cardamom, etc.,) with hectare of each division.Maximum number of employees employed and Maximum hectares of land used for plantation on any one day during the calendar yearName and communication address of the employer \/ the person other than the employer who manages the plantationAmount of fee paid Maximum number of employees employedMaximum hectares of land used for plantation(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 181(f) For Sales Promotion Establishments:No.Name of the sales promotion establishment with full postal e-mail ID \/ contact numberMaximum number of sales promotion employees to be employed on any dayName and Communication address of the employer\/ the person other than the employer who manage as the establishmentAmount of fee paid(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(g) For Working Journalist and other Newspaper Establishments:Sl.No.Name of the Working Journalist and other newspaper establishment with full postal address \/e-mail ID \/ contact numberMaximum number of working journalist workers to be employed on any dayName and Communication address of the employer\/ the person other than the employer who manage as the establishmentAmount of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(h) For Audio Visual Establishments:Sl. No.Name of the Audio Visual establishment with full postal address \/e-mail ID \/ contact numberMaximum number of Audio visual employees to be employed on any dayName and Communication address of the employer\/ the person other than the employer who manage as the establishmentAmount of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)7. Ownership Type\/Sector:8. Activity as per National Industrial Classi9. Details of Selected NIC Code:10. Identi cation of the establishment e-sign\/ digital sign of employer\/representative:B. Details of Employer:-1. Name of the Employer \/ Occupier \/ Owner\/Agent\/ Chief Executive\/ port authority etc :2. Designation :s\/ Husbands Name of the Employer :4. Date of Birth of the employer:5. Address of the employer:6. Email ID, Telephone number with STD code & Mobile No :7. Aaadhar number of the employer:C. Manager\/ Agent Details:-1. Full name & Address of Manager\/ Agent or person responsible for supervision and control of the Establishment2. Address of Manager\/ Agent:3. Email ID, Telephone number with STD code & Mobile No :182 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYD. Details of Contractors:-NoName, FatherDate of Birth and Aaadhar number of the ContractorAddress, Email ID, Telephone number with STD code and Mobile number of ContractorNature of WorkMaximum No. of Contract labour engagedDate of Commencement \/ Probable date of Completion of workNo. of Inter-state migrant workmen (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)E. Details of payment of fees:-1. Fees in rupees:2. Transaction number:3. Date of payment:4. Name of the bank:F. Other Details:-Dated:- Signature\/ E-sign\/digital sign of employer [see rule 5]NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT \/ CESSATION OF ESTABLISHMENT:1. Registration No:2. Name and Address of Establishment:3. Name and Designation of employer who has ultimate control over the a airs of the establishment:4. Full address to which communication relating to the establishment to be sent:5. Nature of work of the establishment:6. In case of the notice is for commencement of work the approximate duration of work:7. In case of cessation, the date of cessation:I\/We hereby intimate that the work of establishment having registration No...dated is likely toCommence\/cessation is likely to be completed with e ect from.(Date)\/On (Date)In case of cessation of work:I\/we hereby certify that the payment of all dues to the workers employed in the establishment has been made and the premises are kept free from storage of hazardous chemicals and substances. Signature of the EmployerThe Inspector-cum-Facilitator TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 183(see rule 6)The medical examination shall be conducted by a quali ed medical practitioner as per following proforma:A. Demographics:Question Answer RemarksName of the Worker:Permanent Address:Total Number of family Members:Total monthly family Income:Is the employee under ESI (EmployeesInsurance) Scheme? If yes, provide IP Number.Yes\/NoIs the employee under any other health scheme apart from ESI-Scheme? (If yes, provide the name of the scheme)Yes \/ NoB. Occupational HistoryQuestion Answer RemarksPresent Designation:Duration of service in the present work proWorking Hours per shift:Night Shift Per Week:Night Shift per Month:C. Brief Review of Medical History: Diagnosed previously or currently under treatment or Currently su ering fromQuestion Answer (Yes\/No) RemarksHistory of Any other Lung Disease: (If Yes, Please Specify)Vertigo\/DizzinessDiabetes MellitusHypertensionAny Cancer (If Yes, Please Specify the Cancer)Chronic Low Back PainChronic Pain in hand or ElbowHernia184 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYQuestion Answer (Yes\/No) RemarksVaricose VeinHaemorrhoidsHistory of amputation\/fracture\/dislocation injury during work (If Yes, please Dermatitis (If Yes, specify Site)Hearing ImpairmentVisual ImpairmentAny Major Illness requiring hospitalization in last 1 year (If Yes, Name of the Disease)Occupational Injury in Last 1 year: if yes Specify the Location of injury and frequencyD. Current Symptoms-Diseases ModuleQuestion Answer (Yes\/No) RemarksSmoking habitChewing Tobacco or Pan Masala or Gutkha:Alcohol AddictionDermatosis (Irritant Contact Dermatitis\/Eczema\/Chloracne\/Allergic Contact Dermatitis):Mucosal Irritation of eyes\/Nose\/Throat with response to chemical agent or biological agent:Symptoms like Respiratory Di culty\/ Chest Tightness\/ Dry Cough at beginning of shift:Currently su ering from TB:Jaundice or Hepatitis:Currently su ering from Low Back PainCurrently su ering from Pain in hand or Elbow:Currently su ering from Visual ProblemsCurrently su ering from Hearing ProblemsAny current injury (amputation\/ fracture\/ dislocation)Any current musculoskeletal sprains\/ strainsE. PhysicalExaminationDate of ExaminationQuestionAnswer (Yes\/No) or as appropriateRemarksGeneral Skin Condition: (If Any Dermatitis, please mention its location)Weight (in Kg):Height (in Meter) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 185Temperature (0F):Respiratory Rate:Examination of Breast of female-employeeF. InvestigationReport Routine Blood Investigation: Attach the photocopy of the report Blood Grouping & Rh Typing and HB Electrophoresis Once in lifetimeParameter Answer (Normal\/Increase\/Decrease) ValueTotal WBC Count and Di erential Count:Platelet Count:HBA1C levelCreatinine:Total ProteinProstate Speci c Antigen (PSA)G. Standard Chest X Ray (PA) View: attach the photocopy of the report Date:Parameter Answer (Normal\/Abnormal) Value (if any importance)H. Spirometry: attach the photocopy of the report (For mine employee) Date:Parameter Answer (Normal\/Increase\/Decrease) ValueObserved:186 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYPredicted:Predicted:Final Report: Normal \/ Obstructive Lung Disease\/ Restrictive Lung Disease\/ Mixed Lung DiseasesI. Audiometry (Pure Tone \/ BERA): attach the photocopy of the report Date:Parameter Value\/Result\/InterpretationVisual inspection of Eye for any abnormality like wax in external ear, infection etc.,Right Ear Hearing Threshold:Left Ear Hearing Threshold:Final Report preferable based on BERA:Right Ear:J. Eye Examination: attach the photocopy of the report Date:Parameter Value\/Result\/InterpretationVisual inspection of Eye for any abnormality like corneal opacity\/scaring, cataract etc.Visual Acuity: RightVisual Acuity: LeftColour VisionField of VisionBinocularityLateral PhoriaVertical PhoriaStereoscopic Vision and Depth Perception TestingFundus (Retina) examinationK. 12 lead ECG and Echocardiography:Final Report:L. MEDICAL FITNESS TESTS FOR PERSONS WORKING AT HEIGHT (as may be applicable):1. Detailed Medical History and in-Depth General Medical Examination including tests for Vision, Hearing, Musculoskeletal System, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular Systemetc .As applicable to all employees2. Special Examinationa) CardiovascularUncontrolled hypertension or ischemic heart disease will be a contraindication. In the presence of hypertension and abnormal ndings, the employee should be referred to a Cardiologist for tness. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 187b) Tests for Labyrinthine functions and for sense of position Eye Examination for Bilateral Nystagmus, Rombergsign. The presence of bilateral nystagmus and a positive Romberg sign will be an absoluteecontra-indication.c) Neurological examination Evaluate seizure disorders: CT Scan of Brain and E.E.G if indicatedd) Assessment of Diabetic Control Status:(in case of employees su ering from Diabetes Mellitus)e) Assessment of Phobia (Acrophobia) and any other Mental Health Disorder like Anxiety or Depressionf) Evaluation for Vertigo and DizzinessFor use of Industrial Safety Section:Walking freely over a horizontal bar at 1 ft. height: PASS \/ FAIL Wearing a safety belt and tying the rope knot: PASS\/ FAILWalking over a horizontal structure at 9 ft. height wearing a belt: PASS\/ FAIL General physique (O.K.\/NOT O.K): PASS\/ FAILM. Any other information\/examination\/biological investigation\/test as mutually agreed by the employer and quali ed medical practitioner.188 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(see rule 8(1)(2) and (3))NOTICE OF ACCIDENT OR DANGEROUS OCCURRENCEE.S.I.C. Employers Code number:1. Name of employer :2. Address of works \/ premises where the accident or dangerous occurrence took place :3. Nature of industry:4. LIN of the establishment:5. Registration number (DISH\/COL):6. Branch or department andexact place where the accident ordangerous occurrence took place :7. Details of the person injured or killed:Sl. No.Name, Sex, Age, Aaadhar number of the person injured or killedAddress of the person injured or killedOccupation of the person injured or killedMonthly wages of the person injured or killedE.S.I.C. Insurance Number of the person injured (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)8. Local E.S.I.C. O ce to which thePerson injured or killed is attached :9. Date, shift and hour of accidentor dangerous occurrence :10. (a) Hour at which the person injured or killed started work on the day ofaccident or dangerous occurrence :(b) whether wages in full or part are payable to him for the day of theaccident or dangerous occurrence :11. (a) Cause or nature of accidentor dangerous occurrence :(b) If caused by machinery-(i) Give the name of machine and the part causing the accidentor dangerous occurrence :(ii) state whether it was movedby mechanical power at the time of accident or dangerous occurrence :(c) State exactly what the person injured or killed was doing at the time of accidentOr dangerous occurrence :(d) In your opinion, was the person injured or killed at the time of accident or dangerous occurrence-(i) acting in contravention of provisions of any law applicable to him or TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 189(ii) acting in contravention of any orders given by or on behalf of his employeror(iii) acting without instructions from hisemployer?(e) In case reply to (d) (i), (ii) or (iii) is in the a rmative, state whether the act was done for the purposeof and in connection with the employers trade or business. :12. In case the accident or dangerous occurrence took place whiletravelling in the employers transport, state whether -(a) the person injured or killed was travelling as a passenger to or from his place of works;:(b) the person injured or killed was travelling with the express or impliedpermission ofhisemployer;:(c) the transport is being operated by or on behalf of the employer or some other person by whom it is provided in pursuance of arrangements made with the employer and :(d) the vehicle is being\/not being operated in the ordinarycourse of publictransportservice:13. In case the accident or dangerous occurrence took place while meeting emergency, state-(a) its nature ;and(b) whether the person injured or killed at the time of accident or dangerous occurrence was employed for the purpose of his employers trade or business in or about the premises at which the accident or dangerous occurrencetookplace. :14. Describe brie y how the accident or dangerous occurrencetookplace :15. Names and addressesof witnesses :(1)16. (a) Nature and extent o njury (e.g. fatal, loss of fracture of leg, scald, scratchfollowed bysepsis,etc.) :(b) Location of injury (e.g. right leg, left hand, left eye, etc.)17. (a) If the accident or dangerous occurrence was not fatal, state whether the injured person wasdisabled for more than48 hours :(b) date and hour of return of work :18. (a) Physician, dispensary or hospital from whom or which the injured personreceived or isreceivingtreatment :(b) Name of dispensary\/panel doctorelected by the injured person :19. (a) Has the injured person died? :(b) If so, date, time and placeofdeath :I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above particulars are correct in every respect.Date of dispatch of report:Place: Signature\/ E-sign\/digital sign of employer Signature and Name and Designation of owner\/ employer \/manager\/agent190 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY[see rule 8(5)]REPORT OF FURTHER DETAILS OF ACCIDENTE.S.I.C. EmployersCodenumber:1. Name of employer :2. Address of works \/ premises where the accident tookplace :3. Nature of industry :4. LIN of the establishment:5. Registration number (DISH\/COL):6. Running serial number of the accident in the factory andcalendar year in respect of which this further report is now sent:7. Local E.S.I.C. O ce to which thePersoninjured or died is attached:8. Date, shift and hour of accident :9. Details of the person injured:Sl. No.Name, Aaadhar number of the person injuredE.S.I.C. Insurance Number of the person injuredDate of return to workNumber of days the person injured was away from workDetails of the disablement, if anyParticulars of practitioner, date and place of 1 2 3 4 5 6 710. Percentage loss of earning capacity, if any: (Give reference to the medical certi cate and enclose copy of the same)11. Details of payment of disablement bene t where such payment is made by the employer himself: (If the person injured is covered by Employees State Insurance Scheme, state so.) 12. If the person is still undergoing treatment, state the present position, where he is undergoing treatment, when he is likely to be t to resume work, etc. Even if the person injured is under treatment under the ESI Scheme the relevant information shall be obtained and furnished to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator by the Employer:13. Any other relevant informationI certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above particulars are correct in every respect.Date of the report. Signature\/ E-sign\/digital sign of employer TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 191(see rule 32)NOTICE OF PERIODS OF WORKName of the EstablishmentRegistration number (DISH\/ COL)RelaysMen Women DescriptionofNature ofworkRemarksTotal no. of men employed Total no. of women employedA B C D E F G H1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3On workingdaysWorking hours Overtime hoursOn partial workingdaysWorking hours Overtime hoursDate on which this notice is first exhibited: Signature ofemployer :Date :192 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY[see rule 33(1)]REGISTER OF WORKERS EMPLOYED IN AN ESTABLISHMENT, WAGES, OVERTIME, FINE,DEDUCTION FOR DAMAGE OR LOSSName of the Establishment: Name of the Employer:Labour Identification Number (LIN): PAN\/TAN of the Employer:Registration number (DISH\/COL):RegisterName ofemployeeDesignationDepartmentDuration ofPayment of WagesFortnightly\/Weekly\/Daily\/Piece rated)WageperiodTotalproduction incase of pieceworkers)Rates of wagesBasic DA Allowances1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10earningNature of actsand omissionsfor which fineimposed withdateAmount offine imposedDamage or losscaused to theemployer byneglect ordefault of theemployeeAmount offrom wagesTotalwages paidDate of11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 193[see rule 33 (2)]MUSTER ROLL OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN AN ESTABLISHMENTName oftheEstablishment: Name of the Employer:Labour Identification Number (LIN):Registration number (DISH\/COL):RegisterName ofpersonDesignation In\/OuttimingsDates Total no.periodTotal(hours)RemarksA b C d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ..30 31 F g HOUT194 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(1)This return is to be filled-up and furnished on or before 31st January every year.(2)The term Establishment shall have the same meaning as under the Occupational Safety, Health andWorking Conditions Code,2020.(3)This return is to be filled-up in case of Contractor or manpower supplier who has engaged more than50 workers.Single Integrated Return to be filed On-line under the Occupational Safety, Health and WorkingConditions Code, 2020, the Code on Industrial Relations, 2020, the Code on Social Security , 2020,and the Code on Wages,2019FORM IX(see rule 35)ANNUALRETURNUNIFIED ANNUAL RETURN FORMA. General Information:Sl. No. Instructions for filling thecolumn1. Labour IdentificationNumberEPFO, ESIC, MCA, MoLE (LIN)2. Registration number(DISH\/COL)(i) Occupational Safetyand workingconditions code, 2020(ii) Code on SocialSecurity code, 20203. Name of theEstablishment4. Email ID5. Telephone No.6. Mobile number7. Premise name8. Sub-locality9. District11. Pin code12. Geo Co-ordinates TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 19513. Details of employer(ii) Email id(iii) Telephone number(iv) Mobile number14. Details of manager (ifapplicable)(ii) Email id(iii) Telephone number(iv) Mobile number15. Date of opening of theestablishment16. Date of closure of theestablishment (ifB(i). Number of ShiftsB (ii). Number of daysestablishmentworked in thecalendar yearC. Details of Manpower DeployedDetails Directly employed Employed through Contractor GrandSkill Category HighlySkilledSkilled Semi-SkilledUn-SkilledHighlySkilledSkilled Semi-SkilledUn-(i) Maximum No. ofemployees employed inthe establishment inany day during the yearMale Female Transgender Total Male Female Transgender Total(ii) Average No. ofemployees employed inthe establishmentduring the yearMale Female Transgender Total Male Female Transgender Total(iii) Migrant Worker(ii) aboveMale Female Transgender Total Male Female Transgender Total(iv)Number of fixedterm employee engagedMale Female Transgender Total Male Female Transgender Total196 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYD. Details of contractors engaged in the Establishment :Sl no Name, address andLIN\/Licence number(DISH\/COL) of thecontractorPeriod ofcontractNature ofworkNumber ofdays workedNumber ofworkedMaximum(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)E. Details of various Health and Welfare Amenities provided.No.Nature of various welfare amenitiesprovidedStatutory (specifythe statute )Instructions for filling1. Whether facility of Canteenprovided (as per section 24(v) ofOSH Code, 2020)Yes \/ No Applicable to all establishments whereinone hundred or more workers includingcontract labour are ordinarily employedches (as per section 67 ofCode on Social Security Code,2020 and Section 24 and Sec.92(1) (b) of the OSH Code2020)Yes \/ No Applicable to all establishments whereinfifty or more workers are employed3. Ambulance Room (as per section24(2)(i) of OSH Code, 2020)Yes \/ No Applicable to Factories, Building andOther Construction Works wherein morethan five hundred workers are ordinarily4. Safety Committee (as per Section22(1) of OSH Code, 2020.Yes \/ No Applicable to factories and Building andother construction works employing twohundred and fifty workers or more.Applicable to factories carrying onhazardous process employing fifty workers5. Safety Officer (as per section22(2) of OSH Code, 2020)No. of safety officersappointedApplicable to factories employing 500workers or more, factory carrying onhazardous process and BOCW employing250 workers or more.6. Qualified Medical Practitioner(as per Section 12 (2) of OSHCode 2020.No. of QualifiedMedical Practitionerappointed.There is no specification for minimumnumber of Qualified Medical Practitioneremployed in establishment. However, thisdetail is required to have data onoccupational health.7 Appointment of Welfare Officeras per Sec.24 (2) (iv) of OSHCode, 2020Yes\/No Applicable to Factories andPlantations8 Details of Housing facilitiesprovided as per Sec.92 (1) (a)(i) Number of housesto be constructed(ii) So farconstructed(iii) No. of stdhousesApplicable to Plantations TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 1979 Details of Educational facilitiesprovided as per Sec.92 (1) (c)(i) Own school(ii) Other schoolApplicable to Plantations10 Details of Medical facilitiesprovided as per Sec.92 (1) (d)Specify Applicable to PlantationsF. The Industrial Relations: Instructions for filling1. Is the Works Committee has been functioning.(section 3 of IR Code, 2020)Yes\/No Industrial establishment inwhich 100 or moreworkers areemployed(a) Date of its constitution.2. Whether the Grievance Redressal Committeeconstituted (section 4 of IR Code, 2020)Yes\/No Industrial establishmentemploying 20 or moreworkers are employed3. Number of Unions in the establishments. (i) Authorised (Specifythe name of the union)(ii) Others4.Whether any negotiation union exist (Section 14 ofIR Code, 2020)Yes\/No5. Whether any negotiatingcouncil is constituted(Section 14 of IR Code, 2020)Yes\/No6. Number of workers discharged, dismissed, retrenched or whose serviceswere terminated during the year:Discharged Dismissed Retrenched Terminated orRemovedGrand7.Man-days lost during the year on account ofNo.Reasons Period \/DateNo. of man -days lostLoss in term of(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(a) Strike(b) Lockout(c) Others (Specify)198 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY8. Details of retrenchment \/ lay offretrenchedduring thePeriodDetails ofpayment paidtoretrenchedemployeesNo.ofworkers laidoff duringthe periodNo. of man-days lost due to(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)G.(1) Details pertaining to maternity benefit:Sl.No. No. ofesNo. of femaleemployees availedmaternity leaveNo. of femaleemployees paidmedical bonusNo. of deduction of wages,if any made from female(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(2) Number of Employees received the Benefits as given below :(1)Miscarriage(2)Confinement(3)Illness(4)Medical Bonus(3) Number of women who gave notice under Section 72of the Code on Social Security, 2020:(4) Number of women who were granted permission to absent on receipt of notice of confinement:(5) Cases in which payment was made to persons other than the woman concerned:(6) Cases in which payment was made on the order of the Appellate Authority or Inspector-cum-Facilitator:(7) Cases in which additional leave for illness under Section 72was applied for but was rejected:(8) Total Number of Women deprived of maternity benefit and or medical bonus under proviso to of Section72of the Code on Social Security, 2020:(9) Number of cases where prenatal confinement and postnatal care was provided by the management free ofcharge under Section 72of the Code on Social Security, 2020:H. Details of payment of bonus:(1)No. of employees coveredunder the Bonus provision(2)Total amount of bonusactually paid(3)Date on which the Bonus paid(4) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 199I. Details of accidents, dangerous occurrence and notifiable diseases:No.Total number of non -fatal accidents by whicha person injured isprevented from workingfor a period of 48 hoursor more asper Section 10of the OSH Code, 2020.Total number of fatalaccidents and names of thedeceased as per Section 10of the OSH Code, 2020.Total number ofOccurrences asdefined under Section11 of the OSH Code,2020Total number of casesof Notifiable Diseasesspecified in ThirdSchedule of the OSHCode, 2020 along withthe details of affected(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)J. Man days and Production Lost due to accidents \/ dangerous occurrence(1)Accident\/DangerousOccurrence(2)Man days lost(3)Production LostK.Particulars of Employment:(1)(2)Numberof Man daysduring the(3)Number of Manhours worked during the(4)AverageHours workedamount of Salary\/wages paidallowancesIn Cash In HandTransgenderL. Particulars of Earned Leave with Wages:(1) (2)Totalof Personseligible forearned leaveearned leave(5)Number of employeesdischarged\/ dismissed\/terminated\/ resigned\/retired\/ died during the(6)Number ofemployees paidwages \/ salaryin lieu ofearned leaveTransgenderTotal200 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYM.(i) Particulars of Deductions made from Salary(1) (2)Number ofemployees involved(3)Total amount ofdeductions madeDamage or loss(ii) Total wages including deductions:(2)Dearness(3)Over time(4)Non-profitsharing bonusallowance in(6)Arrears of payin respect of previousyear paid during the yearN. Particulars of Product and Manufacturing process (Applicable to Factories only)1.Nature\/ Type of Industry :a. Manufacturing process-b. NIC code-2. Particulars ofProducts Manufactured\/ Services Rendered:(1)Name of theProduct \/ Service(2)Capacity (in(3)QuantityManufactured(in relevant terms)(4)Value (in Indian Rupees)3. (a) Does the establishment carry out,--(i) any process or operation declared dangerous under section 82 of the Code?(ii) Any Hazardous Process under section 2(za) of the Code?(b) Name of the dangerous processes or operations\/ hazardous process carried on\/ average number ofpersons employed daily in each of the processes or operations.Certified that the tables in prescribed format are duly filled in and information and \/figures given in all thetables are correct to the best of my knowledge.Place: Signature of the Employer\/OccupierDated: TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 201(see rule 36)REGISTER OF ACCIDENTS AND DANGEROUS OCCURRENCESSl No. Name and ESINumber of theInjured\/diedDate ofAccident oroccurrenceDate of report toInspector- cum -facilitatorNature ofaccident oroccurrenceDate of returnof injuredworkNumber ofinjured personwas absent(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)202 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(see rule 37)REGISTER FOR LEAVE WITH WAGESName of the Establishment: Name of worker:Registration Number (DISH\/COL): FatherDepartment:NoSl. No. inregisterDateserviceInterruptions LeavefromWhethermonthsDateleaveWagesPaid inDischarged worker Rem ar(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)Note:- Separate page shall be allotted to each worker TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 203(see rules 45, 48, 53 and 54)APPLICATION FOR LICENCEOnline Application for Licence\/ Renewal of Licence\/Amendment of Licence (including single licence)ESTABLISHMENT PROFILE:Labour Identification Number DateLicence Number (DISH\/COL) DateAcknowledgement Number: Date of Application:I. Particulars of Establishment for which licencerequired:1. Name of Establishment:2. Address of establishment(a) Head Office address along with email Id :(b) Corporate office address along with email Id:3. Telephone Number :4. Activity as per National Industrial Classification : (Select all applicable activities given)5. Details of selected NIC Code:6. Nature of work carried on in main establishment :7. Identifier of the Establishment : (Select) : esign\/digital signII. Details of Employer:1. Full Name ofEmployer:................................................................relationship withestablishment.2. Full Address of Employer:3. Registration Number of the Establishment (DISH\/COL) :4. Email Id of employer:5. Mobile No. of employer:III. Particulars of the Contract Labour to be employed \/ is employed (If licence is required workLocations ofworksitesName ofworksActivity as pernational industrialclassificationDate ofentDate ofcompletionName ofEstablishments inwhich contractis\/proposed to beemployedName(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)204 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY5. Maximum number of workmen proposed to be employed on the Establishment on any date:6. Amount of Licence Fee: INR TransactionNo : Date of Payment:7. Amount of Security Deposit: INR Transaction No : Date of Payment:IV.DETAILS OF ESTABLISHMENTS FOR WHICH SINGLE LICENCE IS REQUIRED (IFAPPLYING FOR)NoName and address of theestablishments and therespective licencenumbers of the contractorName of eachworkMaximumnumber of labouremployedDate ofcommencementProbable date ofcompletion(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)Signature of Contractor(eSign\/DSC)Note: This is an online application summary applied on Online Portal of the Directorate of IndustrialSafety and Health\/ Labour Welfare Department.APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LICENCE1.LicenceNo. (DISH\/COL) Date :2. LIN & PAN:2. Name and address of theestablishment:3. Date of expiry of previous licence :4. Whether the licence of the employer\/contractor was suspended or revoked:5. Details of Fees paid: (Enclose e- payment receipt):Amount. date of payment:E-sign \/digital sign ofthe employer\/contractor date:APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF LICENCE :1.LicenceNo (DISH\/COL) Date:2. LIN & PAN3. Name and address of the establishment:4.Details for which amendment is sought :(a). Maximum number of worker presently employed : (If there is increase in the maximum number ofworkers to be employed, then additional fees\/security deposit as per law needs to be deposited:(b). Details of fees paid through e payment date on which made :(c). Other details requiring amendment in the licence issued (Necessary documents may be uploaded insupport of change required)E-sign \/digital sign oftheemployer\/contractor date of application. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 205(see rule 46)Licence No.------------- Reg.No.----------- Date of Reg.----------Fees: Security Deposit:Licence is herebygrantedto under Section 48 of theOccupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 for engaging contract labour in theestablishments and nature of work as mentioned hereunder.(1)Name and address of theestablishments(2)Name of each work(3)Maximum number ofContract labour \/workerson any one dayThis licence shall remain in force tillDated: IssuingAuthorityAMENDMENTS:(1)Name and addressestablishment(2)Name of each work(3)Maximum number ofContract labour \/workers onany one dayDated: IssuingAuthority206 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(see rule 57)EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE OFCONTRACT LABOURTo whom so ever concerned1.Name of contractor\/employer*:2.LIN\/PAN No. of the contractor\/employer * :3.Email Id of the contractor \/employer*:4.MobileNo. of the contractor\/employer *:5.Nature and location of work:6.Name of Principal Employer*:7.LIN\/PAN No. of the Principal Employer :*8.Registration number of the establishment(DISH\/COL)9.Email Id of the Principal Employer : *10.Mobile No. of the PrincipalEmployer :*11.Name of the worker*:12.UAN \/ Aadhar No.:13.Mobile No. :14.Serial Number in the Employee Register:15.Registration number, date and name of the Board if the building and other construction worker isregistered asa beneficiary:16.Period of Employment:17.Designation:Seal and Signature of Contractor\/employer*Please strike off whichever is not applicable. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 207(see rule 58)APPLICATION FORMa) Name of aggrieved party:b) Address for communication:c) Details of grievance:d) Reasons of claim:e) Details of documents attached:Signature of aggrieved party208 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(see rules 64, 66, 68 and 70)APPLICATION FOR LICENCE TO BEEDI AND CIGAR ESTABLISHMENTSOn Line Application for Licence\/ Renewal of Licence\/Amendment of Licence(including Common\/singleLabour DepartmentESTABLISHMENT PROFILE:Labour Identification Number DateAcknowledgement Number: Date of Application:I. Particulars of Establishment for which licence required:1. Name ofEstablishment:2. Address of establishment(a) Head Office address along with email Id :(b) Corporate office address along with email Id:3. Telephone Number :4. Activity as per National Industrial Classification : (Select all applicable activities given)5. Details of selected NIC Code:6. Nature of work carried on in main establishment :7. Identifier of the Establishment : (Select) : esign\/digital signII. Details of Employer:1. Full Name of Employer:..........................................................................relationship with establishment.2. Full Address of Employer:3. Email Id of employer:4. Mobile No. of employer:III. DETAILS OF ESTABLISHMENTS FOR WHICH SINGLE LICENCE IS REQUIRED (IF APPLYING FOR)Name and Address of theestablishmentsRC No andDateTrade MarkdetailsMaximum number of employeesproposed to be employedPeriod ofLicenceAmount ofLicence FeeIndustrialWorkersHome Worker(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)IV. DETAILS OF ESTABLISHMENTS FOR WHICH COMMON LICENCE REQUIRED , (IF APPLYING FOR)Name and Address of theestablishmentsRC No andDateTrade MarkdetailsMaximum number of employeesproposed to be employedPeriod ofLicenceAmount ofLicence FeeIndustrialWorkersHome Worker(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 209V. PARTICULARS OF THE CONTRACT LABOUR TO BE EMPLOYED \/ IS EMPLOYED (IF LICENCE IS REQUIREDAddress ofof Site In-ChargeName ofworksActivity as pernational industrialclassificationDate ofcommencementDate ofcompletionName ofEstablishments inwhich contractis\/proposed to beemployedDetails ofproposed to(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)6. Amount of Licence Fee: INR ( Transaction Id : )7. Amount of Security Deposit: INR ( Transaction Id : )Signature of employer(eSign\/DSC)Note: This is an online application summary applied on Online Portal of Labour Welfare Department .VI. APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LICENCE -1.a. Licence No. Date :b. Registration No. Date :2. LIN & PAN2. Name and address of the establishment:3. Date of expiry of previous licence :4. Whether the licence of the employer\/contractor was suspended or revoked:5. Details of Fees paid : (Enclose e- payment receipt):Amount. date of payment:E-sign \/digital sign ofthe employer\/contractor date:VII. APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF LICENCE :1.a.Licence No Date:b. Registration No. Date :2. LIN & PAN3. Name and address of the establishment:4.Details for which amendment is sought :(a). Maximum number of worker presently employed : (If there is increase in the maximum number of workers to beemployed, then additional fees\/security deposit as per law needs to be deposited:(b). Details of fees paid through e payment date on which made :(c). Other details requiring amendment in the licence issued (Necessary documents may be uploaded in support ofchange required)210 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYVIII. APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENCE :1. Licence No Date:2. LIN & PAN3. Name and address of the establishment:4.Details for which transfer is sought :(a). Maximum number of worker presently employed : (If there is increase in the maximum number of workers to beemployed, then additional fees\/security deposit as per law needs to be deposited:(b). Details of fees paid through e payment date on which made :(c). Other details requiring transfer in the licence issued (Necessary documents may be uploaded in support of changeIX. APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO WORK BY EMPLOYEES OUTSIDE INDUSTRIALPREMISES :1. Licence No Date:2. LIN & PAN3. Name and address of the establishment:4.Details of employees( work outside the industrial premises for wetting or cutting of a beedi or tobacco leaves):ii. Female :iii. Total :5. Details of places of work to be carried out in the place outside the licencedpremises :6. Other details if anyE-sign \/digital sign of the employer\/contractor Date of application. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 211(see rules 65 and 66)LICENCE \/ RENEWALFOR BEEDI AND CIGAR ESTABLISHMENTSLicence No.------------- Reg. No.----------- Date of Reg.----------Licence is here by granted to for the premises known assituated atfor use as an establishment within the limits stated herein after, subject to provisions of the Occupational Safety, Health and WorkingConditions Code, 2020, and the rules made there under.Sl.No. Period of issue Valid ForFeeDate ofPaymentExcess fee forPaymentDate ofpaymentSignature of theAuthorityMaximum number ofbeedi and cigar workerson any one day(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)AMENDMENT \/ TRANSFER :Date and Yearwhen AmendedMaximumnumber of beedi and cigarworkers on any one dayDate of payment ofamendment feeDate of Payment Signature of theIssuing Authority(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)Date: Issuing Authority:212 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYFORM XVIII[see rule 71 (2)]GRANTING PERMISSION FOR BEEDI AND CIGAR ESTABLISHMENTS ENGAGING EMPLOYEESOUTSIDE THE INDUSTRIAL PREMISESLicence No.------------- Reg. No.----------- Date of Reg.----------Permission is here by granted for wetting and cutting of beedi and tobacco leave by employees outside the industrial premisesknown as situated atsubject to provisions of theOccupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020, and the rules made there under.Sl.No. Name and addressestablishmentpermissionPlace where wettingand cutting operationto be carried outMaximumnumber of beedi and cigarworkers engaged on anyone daySignature of the(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)Date: Issuing Authority: TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 213FORM XVIII-A[see rule 71 (3)]EMPLOYMENT REGISTER FOR WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT SIDE THE INDUSTRIAL PREMISESLicenceNo.------------- Reg. No.----------- Date of Reg.----------Month ending------------Sl.No. Name of theemployeeAddress of thelocation whereworkers engagedoutside the industrialpremisesDetails ofwetting andcarried outWages paid Dates1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Date: Employer Signature: FORM XVIII-B(see rule71(3))HOME-WORKERS LOG BOOK1. Name of the home 2. Name and address of theemployer.3. Address of the home where manufacturing process is carried on.4. Month of Account of the work done at homes.DateWhether workwas doneNumber ofmanufacturedWagesreceivedDeductionsFundFamily(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)5. Total number of days worked in the month.Signature of the employer or hisrepresentative or his authorisedContractor with the seal of theemployerDate and signature or thumb-impression of theHome-Worker.214 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYFORM XVIII-C(see rule71(3))SERVICE BOOK1. Name and address of the Beedi and Cigar Establishment.2. Full name and address of the employer of the Beedi and Cigar Establishment3. Full name and address of the employee.4.(a) Father(b) Family members of the employee.5. (a) Date of entry into service(b) Date of birth of the employee.6. Designation of the employer on his entry into service and any subsequentchange therein with its date.7. Details of basic wages and allowances and any subsequent changes thereinwith dates ofsuch change.8.Employees passport size photo with signature or thumb -impression thereto.Signature of the employer of the Beediand Cigar Establishment with date.FORM XVIII-D[see rule 71(3)]REGISTER OF SERVICE BOOK(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)FORM XVIII-E[see sub-rule 71(3)]HOME WORKERS EMPLOYMENT REGISTERMonth ending---------( Beedis Manufactured should be shown in respect of each home-worker below the appropriate date)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 215FORM XVIII-F[see sub-rule 71(3)]REGISTER OF OVERTIME WORKMONTH ENDING------------------(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)216 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY[see rule 72(2)]APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, EXTEND OR TAKE INTO USE ANY BUILDING AS1. Particulars of the OccupierPhoto of the OccupierName : AgeGender : Dateof Birth :Present Address Permanent AddressEmail ID : PhoneNumberMobile Number : FaxNumber :DIN Number(if applicable) :Proof of Address Furnished : Address ProofNumberNationality : AadharNo.(UID)Passport Number ( if foreigner) : Visa Type ( if foreigner ) :Visa valid upto :2. Particulars of the Owner of the Building \/ Premises :Photo of the OwnerName : AgeGender Dateof Birth :Father Name :Present Address Permanent AddressEmail ID : Phone NumberMobile Number : Fax Number :Proof of Address Furnished : Address proofNumberNationality : Aadhar No.(UID)3. Particulars of the FactoryName of the factory:Nature \/ Typeof Industry :Registration number :Postal AddressEmail ID :Mobile NumberPhone Number :Fax number :CIN Number ( if applicable) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 2174.Situation of the factory and survey number \/ Door number of the factory with relevant documentary proof of the Occupancy \/Ownership of the factorySurvey No. : Door No. \/ Plot No.\/RS :Street\/Road : Area\/ Locality :Town \/ Village : LocalBody name :LocalBodyType : Ward No.Taluk : District :State : NearestRailway Station :NearestPoliceStation : Natureof occupation :5.Purpose for which plans are submittedState whether initialapproval \/ additional installation \/ additional construction \/ changes in installation.6.Particulars of previous plan approvalsNo.Approved By Approval Number Date of Approval(1) (2)(3) (4)7. Total proposed capacity in Horse Power ( in case of initial approval )State the maximum quantity (in H.P.) of theproposedmachinery :8. Total installed capacity in Horse Power ( in case of additional installation \/ changes in installation )Approved H.P. in Earlier Plans :Deletion(if any) :Addition :Total Horse Power :9. Maximum number of workers proposed to be employed on any one day in the factoryNumber ofmaleworkers :Number off the maleworkers :Total number of workers :10. Details of manufacturing processDescribe the manufacturing process in brief ( Attach \/ enclose process flow chart )11.Details of the chemicals with storage quantityNo.Name of the chemical Place of storage Storage type Storage capacityCapacity under process TotalMaximumStorage Capacity(1)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)-- -- - - - - --12.Details of Dangerous OperationsWhether the factory is engaged in any dangerous operations prescribed under Rule 81 of Tamil Nadu Occupational safety, health and working conditionsrules, 2022. (Specify if applicable)218 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY13.Details of Hazardous ProcessesWhether the factory is engaged in any hazardous process defined under Section 2(za) of Occupational safety, health and workin g conditions Code, 2020(Specify if applicable)Submitted To Signature of the occupier TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 219[see rule72(9)]STABILITY CERTIFICATE1. Name of the factory and registration number:2. Address of factory:3. Name of occupier of the factory:4. Nature of manufacturing process to be carried on in the factory:5. Number of floors of the factory:I certify that I have inspected the building\/buildings on the _____ in which _____ is housed and examined, the various parts includingthe foundations as shown in the complete plans approved by the Chief \/ Joint Chief \/ Deputy Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator in his letterNo____ dated ______with special reference to the machinery, plant, etc. that have been installed. I am of the opinion that thebuilding\/buildings which has\/have been constructed\/reconstructed\/extended\/taken into use is\/are in accordance with the plans approvedby the Chief\/ Joint Chief \/ DeputyChief Inspector-cum-Facilitatorin his letterNo____ dated ______,that it\/they is\/are structurally sound and thatits\/their stability will not be endangered by its use as a factory\/part ofthe factory for the manufacture of ______ for which themachinery,plant etc.installed are intended.Signature of competent person(Name, designation and qualification)Date: Address:Place:220 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(see rules 73, 75 and 79)APPLICATION FOR GRANT OR RENEWAL OF LICENCE FOR THE YEAR ________1Particulars of the Occupier[Person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory and in whose name the licence is to be issued - Referred to in Section 2(zs) ]Name : AgeGender : Dateof Birth :Present Address Permanent Address:Email ID : Phone NumberMobile Number : Fax Number :DIN Number(ifapplicable) :Proof of AddressFurnished : Address Proof NumberNationality : Aadhar No.(UID)Passport Number ( if foreigner) : Visa Type ( if foreigner ) :Visavalid upto :Please provide the following particulars for every factory if common licence is required under Rule 792. Particulars of the FactoryFull name of the factory : Nature \/ Type of Industry:RegistrationNumber:Sector :( if already registered )3. (a) Situation of the factory ( Door No., Survey Nos., etc. )Survey No. : Door No. \/ Plot No.\/RS :Street\/Road : Area\/ Locality :Town \/ Village : Local Body name :Local Body Type : Ward No.Taluk : District :State : NearestPoliceStation :(b) Address for communicationsPhoneNumber :Mobile NumberFax Number :Email ID :CIN Number ( ifapplicable) :4. Particulars of the Owner of the Premises or BuildingType of Ownership : Organisation :Designation : Name :: Gender : Age:Date of Birth :Present Address Permanent AddressPhoto of the Owner.Photo of theOccupier TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 221Email ID : PhoneNumber :MobileNumber : FaxNumber :Address Proof Furnished : Address Proof :Nationality : Aadhar (UID) :5. Nature of manufacturing process \/ processes(a) Carried on during preceding calendar year ( in case of factories already in existence ).Manufacturing process descriptionNational Industrial Classification(b) To be carried onduring the calendar year for which this application for licence is submitted.Manufacturing process descriptionNational Industrial Classification6. Particulars of products manufactured during preceding calendar year7. Particulars of the Power in H.P.(a) Particulars of power actually installedQuantityinH.P. : Stand by H.P. :(b) Particulars of power proposed to be additionally installed[ If any during the calendar year for which this application for licence is made ]QuantityinH.P. : Stand by H.P. :(c) Maximum quantity in H.P. that can be used.[ At any one time during the calendar year for which this application for licence is made ]Maximum quantityin H.P. :8. Particulars of the number of workers(a) Maximum number of workers proposed to be employed on any one day during the calendar year for which this application is[See slab limits in table to Rule 74 of Tamil Nadu Occupational safety, health and working conditions rules, 2022]Maximum number of workers:(b) Maximum number of workers actually employed on any one day during the preceding calendar yearMaximum number of workers(c) Number of workers ordinarily to be employedNumberofworkers9. Period for which grant \/ renewal of licence application is submittedIndicate theexactcalendar:year \/ yearsNumber of calendar years :10. Particulars of the plan approval[ Reference number and date of the latest approved plan]Approved By Approval Number Date of Approval222 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY11. Particulars of the licence fee paymentInitial \/ renewal licence fee paid in Rupees ( INR ) :12. Particulars Of PaymentOnline PaymentPayment Reference Number :Date of payment :Bank Name :13. Particulars of the contribution to Tamil Nadu labour welfare fund[ For the previous year ]Amount remittedtowardslabour:welfare fund in Rupees ( INR )Paymentreferencenumber :Mode of payment :Dateofpayment :Signature of the OccupierSubmitted to : TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 223[see rule 73(4)]LICENCE TO WORK A FACTORY \/ FACTORIESLicence is hereby granted \/ renewed to ______ valid for the premises detailed below for use as a factory \/ factories employing notmore than the number of workers on any one day during the year and using installed horse power inclusive of mobile equipmentnot exceeding the horse power mentioned in column (4) and (5) of the table appended below, subject to the provisions of theTamil Nadu Occupational safety, Health and working conditions Rules, 2022.This licence shall remain in force till the 31st day of December,____Description of Licenced PremisesRegistrationnumberName andaddress ofthe factoryPlanapprovalnumber and dateMaximumemployed onany one dayMaximuminstalled Horsepower inclusiveequipmentLicence(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)Date: Signature of the Licensing authority224 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYFORM XXIII(Prescribed under the schedules of rules 81 and 91)CERTIFICATE OF FITNESSCertificate number:1.Serial Number and employee code in employee register:2.Name of the person examined:4.Process or department in which the personis employed or to be employed:5.Descriptive marks:6.Whether certificate granted : (i) I Certify that I have personallyexamined...........(name) s\/oresiding at.(address ) who is desirous of beingemployed in or employed in (department and process)of (name of the factory) and that as nearly as can beascertained from my examination is fit \/ unfit foremployment at the above noted factory. He is fit to beemployed and may be employed on some other non-hazardous operation such as..........7.Whether declared unfit and certificate refused: He may be produced for further examination after aperiod of......8.Reason for:(1) refusal of certificate......or(2) certificate being revoked.He is advised the following further examination.........9.Reference number of previous certificate granted orL.T.I.\/Signature of person examined:He is advised the following treatment. The serialnumber of the previouscertificate is......Signature of the Medical officer:Exact details of cause of physical disability should be clearly stated. The Counterfoil should be retained bythe Medical officer and maintained in a bound book or in a file. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 225FORM XXIV(Prescribed under the schedules of rule 81 and 91)HEALTH REGISTER(In respect of persons employed in occupations declared to be dangerous operations under section 82)(i) Column (7)-Detailed summary of reasons for transfer or discharge should be stated(ii) Column (10)-Should be expressed as fit\/unfit\/ suspendedSl. No. EmployeeregisterName ofemployeeGender Date ofworkDate ofleaving ortransfer toother workReason fortransfer ordischargeNature ofoccupation(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)material orby-producthandledDates of medicalexamination byMedical Officerand Results ofexaminationIf suspendedstate period ofsuspensionwith detailedreasonsRe-certifiedfit to resumeduty on (withsignature ofofficer)If certificateof unfitnessor suspensionworkersName andSignature withdate of Medical(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)226 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY(Prescribed under the schedules of rule 81)1 . Description of system Design value Actual value(a) Serial number of hood(b) Contaminant captured(c) Capture velocities (at points to be specified)(d) Volume exhausted at hood(e) Hood static pressure3. Total pressure drop at -(a) Joints(b) Other points of system (to be specified)4. Transport velocity in duct (at points along ducts to be specified) -5. Air cleaning device-(a) Type used(b) Velocity at inlet(c) Static pr. at inlet(d) Velocity at outlet(e) Static pr. at outlet(a) Type used(b) Volume handled(c) Static pressure(d) Pressure drop at outlet7. Fan Motor-(b) Speed and horse-power TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 2278. Particulars of defects, if any disclosed during test in any of the above components.I certify that on this the above dust extraction system was thoroughly cleanedand (so far as its construction permits) made accessible for thorough examination. I further certifythat on the said date, I thoroughly examined the above dust extraction system including itscomponents and fittings and the above is true report of my examination.Signature:Qualification:Date:228 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY[see rule 82(4)]FORMATOF APPLICATION TO THE SITE APPRAISAL COMMITTEE1. Name and address of the applicant2. Site Ownership Data2.1 Revenue details of site such as Survey No. Plot No. etc.2.2 Whether the site is classified as forest and if so, whether approval by the Central Governmentunder Section 5 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 has been taken.2.3 Whether the proposed site attracts the provisions of Section 3 (2) (v) of the Environment(Protection) Act, 1986 (Central Act 29 of 1986).If so the nature of the restrictions.2.4 Local authority under whose jurisdiction the site is located.3. Site Plan3.1 Site Plan with clear identification of boundaries and total area proposed to be occupied andshowing the following details nearby the proposed site.(a) Historical monument, if any, in the vicinity(b) Names of neighboring manufacturing units and human habitats, educational and traininginstitutions, Petrol Installations, storages of LPG and other hazardous substances in the vicinity andtheir distances from the proposed unit.(c) Water sources (rivers, streams, canals, dams, water filtration plants, etc.) in the vicinity.(d) Nearest hospitals, fire stations, civil defense stations and Police Stations and their distances.(e) High tension electrical transmission lines, pipe lines for water, oil, gas or sewerage, railwaylines, roads, stations, jetties and other similar installations.3.2 Details of soil conditions and depth at which hard strata obtained.3.3 Contour map of the area showing nearby hillocks and differences in levels3.4 Plot Plan of the factory showing the entry and exit points roads within water drains, etc.4. Project Reports4.1 A summary of the salient features of the project4.2 Status of the organisation (Government, Semi-Government, Public or Private, etc.)4.3 Maximum number of persons likely to be working in the factory4.4 Maximum amount of power and water requirements and source of their supply4.5 Block diagram of the buildings and installations in the proposed supply.4.6 Details of housing colony, hospital, school and other infrastructural facilities proposed.5. Organisations structure of the proposed manufacturing unit\/factory TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 2295.1 Organisation diagrams of proposed enterprise in general Health, Safety and EnvironmentProtection Departments and their linkage to operation and technical departments5.2 Proposed Health and Safety Policy5.3 Area allocated for treatment of wastes and effluent5.4 Percentage outlay on safety, health and environment protection measures6. Meteorological datarelating to the Site:6.1 Average, minimum and maximum of Temperature Humidity Wind velocities during theprevious ten years6.2 Seasonal variations of wind directions6.3 Highest water level reached during the floods in the area recorded so far6.4 Lightening and seismic data of the area7. Communication Links7.1 Availability of telephone\/telex\/wireless and other communication facilities for outsidecommunication7.2 Internal Communication facilities proposed8. Manufacturing Process Information8.1 Process flow diagram8.2 Brief write-up on process and technology8.3 Critical process parameters such as pressure build-up temperature rise and run-away reactions8.4 Other external effects critical to the process having safety implications, such as in grass ofmoisture or water, contact with incompatible substances, sudden power failure.8.5 Highlights of the built-in safety\/pollution control devices or measures incorporated in themanufacturing technology9. Information of Hazardous Materials9.1 Raw materials, intermediates, products and by-products and their quantities (enclose MaterialSafety Data Sheet in respect of each hazardous substance).9.2 Main and intermediate storages proposed for raw materials intermediate\/products \/by-products(maximum quantities to be stored at any time).9.3 Transportation methods to be used for materials in. flow and outflow, their quantities and likelyroutes to be followed9.4 Safety measures proposed for---Handling materials---internal and external transportation---disposal (packing and forwarding of finished products)230 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY10. Information on Dispersal\/Disposal of wastes and Pollutants10.1 Major pollutants (gas, liquid, solid) their characteristics and quantities (average at peak loads)10.2 Quality and quantity of solid wastes generated, method of their treatment and disposal10.3 Air, Water and Soil Pollution problems anticipated and the proposed measures to control thesame, including treatment and disposal of effluents.]11. 135[Process Hazard Information].11.1 Enclose a copy of the report on environmental impact assessment11.2 Enclose a copy of the report on Risk Assessment Study.11.3 Published (open or classified) reports, if any, on accident situations\/occupational healthhazards or similar plants elsewhere (within or outside the country).12. Information of proposed safety and Occupational Health Measures12.1 Details of fire fighting facilities and minimum quantity of water, CO2 and or other fire-fighting measures needed to meet the emergencies.12.2 Details of In-house medical facilities proposed.13. Information on Emergency Preparedness.13.1 On-site emergency plan.13.2 Proposed arrangements, if any, for mutual aid scheme with the group of neighboring factories.14. Any other relevant information.I certify that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing ofimportance has been concealed while furnishing it.Name and Signature of the Applicant TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 231FORM XXVII[see rule 108(3)]RECORD OF LIME WASHING, PAINTING ETC.Date on which lime-washing, painting orvarnishing was carriedout (according to theEnglish Calendar)Date Month Year(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)232 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYFORM XXVIII(see rule 142(2))PERSONS ENGAGED IN PLANTATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH INSECTICIDES,CHEMICALS AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES, AND THEIR PERIODICAL MEDICALEXAMINATION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 20___.1. NAME OF EMPLOYER AND ADDRESS:1A. Employee Details :S. No. Particulars1. Name of the employee3. Father\/Husband Name4. Full address5. Identification Marks6. Date of appointment7. Designation2. PAST HISTORYillness poisoning allergy exposure ofpesticideno.of years\/seasonsremarks if(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)3. FAMILY HISTORYAllergy Psychological disorders Haemorrhagic disorder(1) (2) (3)4. PERSONAL HISTORYSmoking Alcohol Other addiction(1) (2) (3)5. OBSERVATIONExaminationPre-employmentexaminationEnd ofyearRemarks(1) (2) (3) (4) TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 233I. GENERAL EXAMINATIONGeneral Body Limit :Weightand Height :Blood Pressure :Respiration :Jaundice :Skin condition :Body Temperature :Fatigability :Sweating :Urination :II. GASTRO INTESTINALPain in abdomen:Bowel movement:III.CARDIO-RESPIRATORYNasal discharge:Expectoration:Tightness of chest:Palpitation:Tachycardia:IV.NEURO-MASCULARDizziness:Irritability:Twitching:Convulsion:Pasesthesia:234 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYV.URINE ROUTINE EXAMINATIONVI.URINE MICROSCOPIC;VII. X -RAY of Chest:VIII. Any other medical examination requiredAdvice given to1.The Patient :2.The employerSteps taken by the employer as per doctor2.Employer TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 235[see rule 147]PROFORMAFOR APPEAL BEFORE THE APPELLATE AUTHORITY AGAINSTORDER OF IMPOSING PENALTYSir,Appellate Authority[Under section 111(2) of the Code]I undersigned with following details prefer an appeal against order of-----------------(details of officer imposing penalty) under section111(2) of theOccupationalSafety, Health and Working Conditions Code 2020.1. Name and address of the establishment.2. Name of the person preferring appeal and address details3. Amount of penalty imposed by the officer.4. Ground forAppeal with supporting documentsDeclarationI\/We hear by declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my\/ourknowledge and belief and I\/We hereby declare that nothing has been concealed orany fact has been mis-represented in the above calculation made by me\/us.Signature of person preferring appeal Name:Mobile No. :E-mail(ifany):236 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY[see rule 148 (2)]APPLICATION UNDER SUB-SECTION(1) OF SECTION 114FORCOMPOSITION OFThe authorised officer [under Section 114(1)]1.Name of applicants name of the applicant3.Address of the applicant.....................4. Name and Address of establishment in relation to applicant......................5.Particulars of the offence...........6. Section of the Code under which theoffence is committed........................7.Maximum fine provided for the offence under the Code.................8.Whether prosecution against the applicant is pending or not9. Whether the offence is first offence or the applicant had committed any other offence prior to theoffence, if had committed, then, full detail of the offence10. Any otherinformation which the applicant desires toprovide (Name and signature)Dated: TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 237[see rule148 (10)]COMPOUNDING \/ COMPOSITION REGISTEROffice of the _______________ (Address of office)For the month of ____________ (Name of month with year)S.No Name andaddress of theperson on whomcompoundedName and address ofestablishment inrelation to person onwhom offencecompoundedDate and number ofreference ofCompounding\/CompositionOffencescompounded(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)penaltyDate of deposit WhetherappealpreferredSignature ofofficerRemarks(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)(a) Total penalty collected at the end of month:(b) Details of transfer of amount to the fund:(d) Amount:(e) Bank details of transfer:Signature and seal of the concerned officer238 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY[seerule 158 (3)]APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF COMPETENCY TO A PERSON2. Date of birth3. Name of the organization (ifnotself-employed)4. Designation5. Educational qualifications (copies oftestimonials to be attached)6. Details of professional experience (in chronological order)Name of the Period of Designation Area ofOrganization Service Responsibility7. Memberships, if any, of professional bodies8. (i) Details of facilities (examination, testingetc.) at his disposal(ii) Arrangements for calibrating and maintaining the accuracy of these facilities)9. Purpose for which competency certificate is sought (specify the Schedule\/rule)10. Whether the applicant has been declared as a competent person under any other state orstatute(if so furnish details)11. Any other relevant information12. Declaration by the applicantI,----------------------------------------------------------------hereby declare that the informationfurnished above is true.I undertake(a)That in the event of any change in facilities at my disposal (either addition or deletion) or myleaving the aforesaid organization, I will promptly inform the ChiefInspector cum Facilitator.(b)to maintain the facilities in good working order, calibrated periodically as per manufacturerinstructions or as per National standards; and(c)to fulfill and abide by all conditions stipulated in the certificate of competency and instructionsissued by Chief Inspector cumfacilitator from time to time.Place Signature of the applicantDate TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 239FORM XXIII[see rule 158(3)]APPLICATION FOR GRANTOF COMPETENCY TO AN INSTITUTION1. Name and full address of the organization.2.Organizations status (specify whether Government, autonomous, co -operative, corporate or3. Purpose for which competency certificateissought (specify the Schedule \/ rule)4. Whether the organization has been declared as a competent person under this or any other statute(ifso furnish details)5. Particulars of persons employed and possessing qualification and experience as set out in theSchedule annexed to ruleSl. Name and Qualification Experience Schedule(s) \/rule(s)No. designation Under which persons competency6. Details of facilities and arrangements made for their maintenance and calibration periodically.7. any other relevant information8. Declaration9.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I -----------------------------certify thatThiru--------------------------------------------------------------------------whosedetails are furnished above, is in our employment and nominate on the behalf of organization for thepurpose of being declared as competent person under the Code; I also undertake that I will-(a) Notify to theChief Inspector-cum-Facilitatorin casethe competent personleaves our institution.(b) To maintain the facilities in good working order calibrating periodically as per manufacturerinstructions or as perNational standards;(c) notify to Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator any change in facilities (either addition or deletion)(d) to fulfill and abide by all conditions stipulated in the certificate of competency and instructionsissued by Chief Inspector of Factories from time to timeI----------------------------------------hereby declare that the information furnished above are correct tothe best of my knowledgeDate SignaturePlace Head of InstitutionMobile numberEmail240 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARYFORM XXXIV[see rule 158(4)]CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCYISSUED TO A PERSON OR AN INSTITUTIONI,---------------------------------------in exercise the powerconferred on me underSection2(l)of The Occupational Safety, Health And Working Conditions Code2020 and the rules madethere under, hereby recognize _____ (Name of the Institution) or Thiru.-------------------- (Name of the person) employed in ------ (Name of organisation) to be a Competent person for thepurpose of carrying out tests, examinations, inspections and certifications for such buildings,ventilation system ,conveyors, power presses, confined spaces, thermic fluid heaters, centrifugalmachines, oven and driers, dust extraction system, blasting enclosures and such other processes of plantand equipment as the case may be used in a factory located in ________ under section [ ] of the Codeand the rules made there under.This certificate is valid from toThis certificate is issued subject to the conditions stipulatedthere under-1. Tests, examinations and inspections shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of theCode and the rules made there under.2. Tests, examinations and inspections shall be carried out under the direct supervision of thecompetent person or by a person so authorized by an institution recognised to be a competent person.3. The certificate of competency issued in favour of a person shall stand cancelled if the personleaves the organization mentioned in his application. The institution recognised as a competent personshall keep the Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator informed of the names, designations and qualificationsof the person authorized by it to carry out tests, examinations and inspections.(Strike out the words not applicable)Office seal: Signature of theDate Chief Inspector-cum-Facilitator, R. KIRLOSH KUMAR, Secretary to Government. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING, CHENNAI ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU","Summary":"The Tamil Nadu government released the Draft Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions (Tamil Nadu) Rules, 2022 that looks to provide a safe work environment for both workers and employers, along with a special emphasis on provisions for women employees. Some of the important provisions of the draft rules are as under:The business owners should:Do a free medical test for all the workers of age 45 and above.\u00a0Inform the authorities and the relatives of workers if accidents involving deaths\/bodily injuries occurred, within 12 hours.\u00a0The injured worker will require a fitness certificate from a doctor to resume work.\u00a0The Workers should:\u00a0Inform the higher authorities about any unsafe conditions in the workplace\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Not work for more than\u00a048 hours a week\u00a012 hours a day and\u00a0not more than 5 hours continuously.\u00a0\u00a0Get a compensatory holiday if they had worked during an actual holiday.\u00a0The contract workers should also get EPF benefits and be included in the state insurance schemesThe wages of the workers should be paid within seven days after the last day of the workThe migrant labours will be paid for their travels (sleeper train fare) if he works for a minimum of 180 days\u00a0Each of the migrant labour's family members will also receive Rs. 100 per day during the worker\u2019s journey (If they stay with him in the workplace)Conditions for employing women before 6 am and after 7 pm:Their consent is a must\u00a0During the pregnancy period they should not be employedTransport should be arranged for them\u00a0The workplace and the toilet facilities should have bright lights and a safe environment\u00a0Menstrual pads should be available in their washrooms\u00a0Protective equipment should be providedPossible comforts should be provided like chairs, to avoid continuous standing\u00a0They should be informed of the risks involved while working\u00a0Safety of machinery and plant:The factory\/machines should be built in a safe and secure manner\u00a0Service platforms and safety passages should be constructed and securedSafe access to the tools for work should be provided.\u00a0\u00a0The machines, ladders, and conveyor belts are to be checked regularly\u00a0 Read the full document of the draft rules here."},"76":{"Title":"Draft Mediation Bill, 2021","Text":"Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 1 of 51 Draft Mediation Bill, 2021 NO. THE MEDIATION BILL, 2021 1. Short title, extent and commencement DOMESTIC MEDIATION CHAPTER 1 Applicability and Definitions 2. Applicability 3. Definitions CHAPTER 2 MEDIATION 4. Mediation 5. Mediation Agreement 6. Pre Litigation Mediation and Settlement 7. Cases not fit for mediation 8. Interim relief by Court or Tribunal 9. Power of Court or Tribunal to refer parties to mediation CHAPTER 3 MEDIATOR 10. Appointment of mediator 11. Preference 12. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure 13. Termination of mandate of mediator 14. Replacement of mediator CHAPTER 4 MEDIATION PROCESS 15. Territorial Jurisdiction 16. Commencement of mediation 17. Conduct of mediation 18. Role of Mediator 19. Parties alone responsible for taking decision. 20. Time -limit for completion of mediation 21. Mediated Settlement Agreement 22. Confidentiality 23. Admissibility, Privilege against Disclosure 24. Termination of Mediation 25. Depository of mediated settlement agreements. 26. Court annexed mediation 27. Mediation by Lok Adalat and Permanent Lok Adalat CHAPTER 5 STATUS OF MEDIATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 28. Status of mediated settlement agreement Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 2 of 51 29. Challenge to mediated settlement agreement 30. Costs 31. Exclusion of limitation CHAPTER 6 ONLINE MEDIATION 32. Online mediation 33. Use of online mediation 34. Service and production of documents CHAPTER 7 MEDIATION COUNCIL OF INDIA 35. Establishment and Incorporation of Mediation Council of India 36. Composition of the Mediation Council of India 37. Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of Council. 38. Resignation of Members. 39. Removal of Chairperson or Member. Appointment of experts and constitution of Committees thereof. 41. Secretariat of the Council 42. Duties and Functions of the Mediation Council of India CHAPTER 8 MEDIATION SERVICE PROVIDER AND MEDIATION INSTITUTES 43. Mediation Service Providers 44. Functions of Mediation Service Providers 45. Mediation Institutes 46. Functions of Mediation Institutes PART II COMMUNITY MEDIATION 47. Community mediation 48. Procedure for c ommunity mediation PART III ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS RESULTING FROM MEDIATION CHAPTER 1 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS -THE SINGAPORE CONVENTION 49. Definitions 50. International Mediation Settlement Agreement 51. Enforcement 52. Conditions For Enforcement o f Settlement Agreement 53. Saving PART IV Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 3 of 51 MISCELLANEOUS 54. Mediation Fund 55. Power of The Central Government to Issue Directions 56. Protection of Action Taken in Good Faith 57. Power to Make Rules 58. Power to Make Regulations 59. Rules and Regulations to be laid before Parliament 60. Power to remove difficulties 61. Act not in derogation 62. Appointed Dates, Repeal And Savings 63. Amendment To Indian Contract Act, 1872 64. Amendment To Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 65. Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 66. Amendments to the Commercial Courts Act, 2015 67. Amendments to Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 SCHEDULE - I SCHEDULE - II SCHEDULE - III SCHEDULE - IV SCHEDULE - V SCHEDULE - VI SCHEDULE - VII Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 4 of 51 THE MEDIATION BILL, 2021 No. Remarks An Act to promote, encourage and facilitate mediation especially institutional mediation for resolution of disputes commercial and otherwise, enforce domestic and international mediation settlement agreements, provide for a body for registration of mediators, to encourage community mediation and to make online mediation as an acceptable and cost effective process and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto 1 Whereas the practice of mediation for resolving a wide range of disputes has gained popularity worldwide over the last few decades amongst individuals, corporate users, governments, judiciary, lawyers etc. 2 And whereas it is accepted that the use of mediation results in better resolution, fosters collaborative problem solving, reduces the burden on the courts, is cost and time effective, and preserves relationships amongst disputants 3 Whereas India has a long history of consensual dispute resolution and has in recent years made rapid advances in the use of structure d mediation, especially in the court annexed mediation schemes of the Supreme Court, High Courts and Subordinate courts. 4 Whereas the United Nations Commission on International Trade And Law (UNCITRAL) has adopted UNCITRAL model law on International Com mercial Mediation and United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements resulting from Mediation, on 20 December 2018. 5 Whereas to strengthen the legal framework on international dispute settlement, India on 7th August 2019 became one of the first signatories to the United Nations Convention on Enforcement of International Settlement Agreements resulting from Meditation, also known as \"The Singapore Convention\". 6 And whereas UNCITRAL has brought a Model Law for giving eff ect to the Singapore Convention, it is considered expedient that India gives effect to the Singapore Convention by providing for provisions under a standalone mediation law for enforcement of 7 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 5 of 51 international settlement agreements resulting from mediation. And whereas a robust and effective mediation system greatly enhances the ease of doing business in India thus improving the country's attractiveness as a destination for foreign investment and collaboration. 8 And whereas there is a strong need for a comprehensive uniform legislation for mediation in India which will cover the multiple aspects of its practice, encourage mediation including community mediation, and provide the platform of mediation for settling a wide range of disputes including domesti c and cross -border commercial disputes, matrimonial, and other personal disputes. 9 And whereas it is also expedient to enact legislation to give mediation settlements the status of an order, judgment and decree besides establishing the Mediation Council of India and provide for recognition of mediation service providers. 10 Be it enacted by Parliament in the Seventy -Second Year of the Republic of India as follows: - 11 Short title, extent and commencement 1. (1) This Act may be called the Mediation Act, 2021. 12 (2) The provisions of this Act shall come into force on such date(s) as the Central Government may, by notification(s) in the official gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act and any reference in any such provision to the commencement of this Act shall be construed as a reference to the coming in to force of that provision. 13 (3) It extends to the whole of India. 14 DOMESTIC MEDIATION CHAPTER 1 Applicability and Definitions 15 Applicability 2. (1) This Part shall apply where mediation is conducted in India and 16 (i) all or both parties habitually reside in or are incorporated in or have their business in India; or 17 (ii) the mediation agreement provides that this Act (or any other domestic law or procedure thereunder providing for mediation) will apply to 18 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 6 of 51 the mediation; or (iii) is an international mediation as defined in this Part. 19 \"Explanation I: If a party has more than one place of business, the place of business is that which has the closest relationship to the mediation agreement.\" 20 (2) A mediated settlement agreement made under this Part shall be considered a domestic mediated settlement agreement. 21 Definitions 3. In this Part unless the context otherwise requires: 22 means the Mediation Council of India established under section 35 of this Act. 23 (b) (i) \"Court\" for the purpose of mediation under this Part means the principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction in a district, and includes the High Court in exercise of its Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction, having jurisdiction to decide the disputes forming the subject matter of mediation if the same had been the subject matter of a suit. (ii) in the case of international mediation. the High Court in exercise of its ordinary original civil jurisdiction, having jurisdiction to decide the questions forming the subject -mat ter of the mediation if the same had been the subject -matter of a suit, and in other cases. a High Court having jurisdiction to hear appeals from decrees o[ courts subordinate to that High Court.\" 24 (c) International Mediation\" means a mediation undertaken under this Act and relates to a commercial disputes arising out of legal relationships contractual or otherwise under the law in force in India and where at least one of the parties , at the time of co nclusion of that agreement, is- (i) an individual who is a national of, or habitually resides in, any country other than India; or 26 (ii) a body corporate including Limited Liability Partnership of any nature , with its place of business outside India ; or 27 (iii) an association or body of individuals whose 28 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 7 of 51 place of business is outside India ; or (iv) the Government of a foreign country. 29 Explanation - If a party has more than one place of business, the place of business is that which has the closest relationship to the mediation agreement. means mediation as referred to in section 4. 31 (e) \"Mediator\" means an individual who is appointed to be a mediator to undertake mediation and includes a person registered as mediator with the Council. 32 Explanation : Where more than one mediator is appointed for a mediation, reference to a mediator under this Act is a reference to all the mediators. 33 Mediation agreement means mediation agreement as referred to in section 5 34 (g) \"Mediation Communication\", whether made electronically or otherwise, means (i) anything said or done; (ii) any document prepared; or (iii) any information provided, for the purposes of or in relation to or in the course of mediation and includes a Mediation Agreement or a Mediated Settlement Agreement. 35 (h) \"Mediation Institutes\" means a body or organization that provides training and continuous education and certification of mediators and carry out such other functions as may be specified by the Council by way of regulations. 36 (i) \"Mediation Service Provider\" means a body or organization that provides for the conduct of mediation and have in place procedures an d Rules to govern the conduct of mediation in conformity with this Act and are recognised by the Council. 37 Explanation: the term mediation service provider includes Lok Adalats and Permanent Lok Adalats constituted under the National Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 or mediation centre annexed to court, tribunal and such other bodies as may be specified by the Council b y way of regulations. 38 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 8 of 51 Mediated Settlement Agreement\" means settlement agreement as referred to in sub -section (1) of section Online mediation means online mediation as referred to in section 32. 40 (l) \"Participants\" means persons other than the parties who participate in the mediation and includes advisors, consultants and counsel, and any technical experts and observers. 41 (m) \"Party\" means a party to a mediation agreement or mediation proceedings whose agreement or consent is necessary to resolve the dispute and includes their successors. 42 Pre litigation Mediation means a process of undertaking mediation, as provided under section 6 of this Act, for settlement of disputes before the filing of a suit or proceedings of any nature in resp ect thereof, before the Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction. 43 (o) \"Prescribed\" means prescribed by the Rules under this Act. 44 (p) \"Regulations\" means regulations made by the Council. 45 Secure Electronic Signature with reference to online mediation means electronic signatures as provided for under section 15 of the Information Technology Act 2000 (Act no. 21 of 2000) 46 (r) Ad-hoc mediation means a mediation which is not administered by any mediation service provider . 47 means a tribunal constituted under any special law including an arbitral tribunal to hear the dispute in first instance but does not include an app ellate tribunal. 48 CHAPTER 2 MEDIATION 49 Mediation 4. means a process, whether referred to by the expression mediation, pre -litigation mediation, online mediation, conciliation or an expression of similar import, whereby parties request a third person or the mediator) to assist them in their attempt to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute. 50 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 9 of 51 Mediation Agreement 5. (1) Mediation Agreement means an agreement in writing, by or between parties or any one claiming through them, to submit to mediation all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise in respect of any relationship whether contractual or otherwise. 51 (2) A mediation agreement may be in t he form of a mediation clause in a contract or in the form of a separate agreement. 52 (3) Mediation Agreement is in writing, if it is contained in or recorded as: (a) Any document signed by the parties; (b) An exchange of communications\/letters including through electronic and digital means as provided for by the Information Technology Act, 2000. (c) Any pleadings in a suit or any other proceedings in which existence of mediation agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by the other; (d) Reference in any agreement containing a mediation clause would constitute a mediation agreement if the agreement is in writing and the reference is such as to make the mediation as part of the Agreement. 53 (5) The parties to a dispute may agree to submit to mediation an y dispute arising between them under an agreement whether executed prior to arising of dispute or subsequent thereto. 54 (6) A mediation agreement in case of international mediation shall refer to an agreement for resolution in matters of commercial disputes referred to in clause (c) of section 3. 55 Pre litigation Mediation and Settlement 6. (1) Subject to other provisions of this Act, irrespective of the existence of any mediation agreement or otherwise, any party before filing any suit or proceeding in any Court or Tribunal shall, take steps to settle the disputes by pre litigation mediation in accordance with the provi sions of this Act. 56 (2) Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, a mediator registered with the Mediation Council of India 57 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 10 of 51 or a Court Annexed Mediation Center or a Mediation Service Provider recognized under the provisions of this Act are authorized to conduct pre -litigation mediation. Cases not fit for mediation 7. (1) Mediation under this Part shall not be conducted for resolution of any dispute in relation to matters listed in Schedule -II of this Act. 58 (2) If the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, amend the Second Schedule and thereupon the Second Schedule shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly. 59 (3) A copy of every notification proposed to be issued under sub -section (2), shall be laid in draft before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive se ssions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in disapproving the issue of the notification or both Houses agree in making any modification in the notification, t he notification shall not be issued or, as the case may be, shall be issued only in such modified form as may be agreed upon by the both Houses of Parliament. 60 Interim relief by Court or Tribunal 8. (1) If exceptional circumstances exist, a party may, before the commencement of or during the continuation of mediation proceedings under this Part, file an application before a Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction for seeking urgent interim measures. 61 (2) The Court or Tribunal shall after granting or rejecting urgent interim relief, as the case may be, refer the parties to undertake mediation to resolve the dispute, if deemed appropriate. 62 Power of Court or Tribunal to refer parties to mediation 9. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, a Court or Tribunal, before which an action is brought in a matter which is the subject of an agreement to submit to mediation sh all, if a party to such agreement or any person claiming through or under him, so applies not later than the date of submitting his first statement on the substance of the dispute, refer the parties to mediation as per the 63 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 11 of 51 provisions of this Act, unless it finds that prima facie no valid agreement exists, or there is good reason why, notwithstanding such agreement, the parties should not be referred to mediation. (2) If the Court or Tribunal directs the parties to go through the process of mediation, it may pass suitable interim orders to protect the interest of the parties. 64 (3) A direction to the parties to go through the process of mediation shall not impose any obligation on them to come to a settlement in the mediation. 65 (4) The settlement arrived at under this Section shall have the same status and effect as if it was an order, judgment or decree of a Court or Tribunal and shall be there upon executable as such. 66 CHAPTER 3 MEDIATOR 67 Appointment of mediator 10. (1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a person of any nationality may be a mediator. Provided that mediator of any foreign nationality shall possess such equivalent qualification, experience and accreditation as may be specified for domestic mediators by the Council by way of regulations. 68 (2) The parties are free to agree on a procedure for appointing the mediator or mediators. 69 (3) If the parties reach no agreement on a procedure referred to in sub -section (2), then the party seeking to initiate mediation shall make an application to a mediation service provider for the appointment of a mediator. 70 (4) Upon receiving application under sub -section (3), the mediation service provider shall, within a period of 7 days, appoint (i) the mediator as agreed by the parties; or (ii) the mediator from the panel maintained by it, in case the parti es are unable to reach agreement as to the appointment of mediator or mediator agreed by the parties refuses to act as a mediator. 71 (5) Where the mediator is appointed under clause (i) of sub section (4), the mediation service provider shall seek acceptance of appointment from the person so 72 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 12 of 51 appointed as mediator within 7 days of the appointment. (6) The person appointed under clause (i) of sub section (4) shall communicate his willingness within 7 days from the date of receipt of notice of such appointment under sub -section (5). 73 Preference 11. The mediation service provider shall, while appointing any person from the panel of mediators maintained by it, consider his suitability and views of the parties for resolving the subject -matter of dispute. 74 Conflict of Interest and Disclosure 12. (1) When a person is appointed as a mediator, that person shall, prior to the commencement of the mediation, disclose in writing to the parties about any circumstances or potential circumstances, personal, professional or financial, that may constitute conflic t of interest or that is likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to such mediators independence or impartiality in the conduct of the mediation process. 75 (2) From the time of appointment and during the mediation proceeding, the mediator shall, without delay, disclose to the parties in writing any conflict of interest that has newly arisen or come to his knowledge as stated in sub -section (l). 76 (3) Upon disclosure under sub -section (1) or (2), the parties have t he option to waive any objection if all of them express the same in writing and the same shall be construed as the consent of parties to continue with the same mediator and if he is willing to so continue. 77 (4) Upon disclosure under sub -section (1) or (2) if the parties agrees to replace the Mediator then in case of: - (i) institutional mediation, parties shall apply to the mediation service provider for termination of the mandate of mediator; or (ii) ad-hoc mediation, the parties shall terminate the mandate of mediator. 78 Termination of mandate of mediator 13. (1) A mediation service provider, may terminate the mandate of a mediator: (i) upon the receipt of application from the parties 79 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 13 of 51 under clause (i) of sub -section (4) of section 12; (ii) upon the receipt of information about the mediator being involved in a matter of conflict of interest from participants or any other person ; or . (iii) Where he withdraws from office for any Provided that termination under clause (ii) shall be effected only if, after giving a hearing to the mediator, mediation service provider finds that there is a justifiable doubt as to the mediators independence or impartiality and that the same has been brought to the notice of parties and the parties agrees to replace t he mediator. (2) Upon the receipt of information under sub -section (1), the parties have the option to waive any objection if all of them express the same in writing and the same shall be construed as the consent of parties to continue with the same mediator and if he is willing to so continue. 80 Replacement of mediator 14. Upon termination of mediator - (i) in case of ad-hoc mediation under clause (ii) of sub -section (4) of section 12, the parties may, by mutual consent, appoint another mediator within a period of 7 days from such termination; and (ii) in case of institutional mediation under section 13 the mediation service provider shall appoint another mediator from the panel maintained by it within 7 days from such termination. 81 CHAPTER 4 MEDIATION PROCESS 82 Territorial Jurisdiction 15. The Mediation under this Act shall take place within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction to decide the subject matter of dispute. Provided that on the mutual consent of the parties mediation proceedings can be conducted at any place 83 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 14 of 51 outside the territorial jurisdiction referred to in this section. (2) In case the mediated settlemen t agreement is reached between the parties as specified under sub -section (2) of section 21 then the same shall be registered within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction to decide the subject matter of dispute in accordance with the sub -section (7) of section Commencement of mediation 16. The mediation proceedings under this part with respect to a particular dispute shall be deemed to have commenced from the date fixed for the first appearance of the parties before the mediator. 85 Conduct of mediation 17. (1) Mediation under this Act, whe ther institutional or ad-hoc, shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Act. 86 (2) The mediator shall assist the parties in an independent, neutral and impartial manner in their attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute. 87 (3) The mediator shall at all times be guided by the principles of objectivity and fairness and protect the voluntariness, confidentiality, and self -determination of the parties, and the standards for professional, ethical conduct specified by the Cou ncil. 88 (4) The mediation process may include the mediator taking such measures as may be considered appropriate, taking into account the circumstances of the case, including meeting with parties and\/or participants, jointly and\/or separately, as fre quently as deemed fit by the mediator, both in order to convene the mediation, and during the mediation for the orderly conduct of the process and to maintain its integrity . 89 (5) The mediator shall not be bound by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) or the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872). 90 (6) The mediator with the consent of the parties shall determine the language or languages to be used in the mediation process. 91 Role of Mediator 18. The mediator shall attempt to facilitate voluntary resolution of the dispute(s) by the parties, and 92 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 15 of 51 communicate the view of each party to the other to the extent agreed to by them, assist them in identifying issues, reducing misunderstandings, clarifying priorities, exploring areas of compromise and generating options in an attempt to resolve the dispute(s), emphasizing that it is the responsibility of the parties to take decision which affect them. Parties alone responsible for taking decision. 19. (1) The parties shall be informed expressly that the mediator only facilitates in arriving at a decision to resolve the dispute(s) and that he may not impose any settlement nor give any assurance that the mediation will result in a s ettlement. 93 (2) Subject to other provisions of this Act, a party may withdraw from the mediation at any time. 94 Time -limit for completion of mediation 20. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, mediation under this Act shall be completed within a period of ninety days from the date of commencement of mediation. 95 (2) The period for mediation prescribed under sub -section (1) may be extended for a further period of nine ty days with the consent of parties. 96 Settlement Agreement 21. (1) Mediated Settlement Agreement means and includes an agreement or interim agreement in writing between some or all of the parties resulting from mediation, settling some or all of the disputes between such parties, and authenticated by the mediator. Provided that the terms of the mediated settlement agreement may extend beyond the disputes referred to mediation. Explanation . A mediated settlement agreement which is void under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (9 of 1872), shall not be deemed to be lawful settlement agreement within the meaning of mediated settlement agreement. 97 (2) Wher e a Mediated Settlement Agreement referred to in sub -section (1) is reached between the parties in regard to all the issues or some of the issues, the same shall be reduced in writing and signed by the parties. 98 (3) Subject to provisions of section 26 and 27, the 99 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 16 of 51 agreement of the parties so signed (i) in case of institutional mediation shall be submitted to the mediator who shall, after authenticating the settlement agreement, forward the same with a covering letter signed by him, to the mediation service provider and also provide a copy of the same to the parties. (ii) in all other cases , shall be submitted to the mediator who shall, after authenticating the settlement agreement, provide a copy of the mediated settlement agreement to all the parties . (4) Subject to provisions of section 26 and 27, where no agreement is arrived at between the parties, within the time period specified in section 20 or where, the mediator is of the view that no settlement is possible, - (i) The Mediator shall submit a report to this effect to the mediation service provider in writing in case of institutional mediation. (ii) In all other cases the mediator shall prepare a report to this effect and provide a signed copy to all the parties . Provided that the report referred to in clause (i) or (ii) above shall not disclose the clause for failure of the parties, to reach a settlement, or any other matter or thing referring to their conduct, during mediation. 100 (5) The parties, may, at any time during the mediation process, make an interim or partial agreement with respect to any of the issues forming part of the subject matter of the mediation. 101 (6) Any mediated Settlement Agreement under this section shall also include a settlement agreement resulting from online mediation and duly signed by the parties by way of secure electronic signature or otherwise and a uthenticated by the mediator in the like manner. 102 (7) For the purpose of record, mediated settlement agreement arrived at between the parties other than those arrived in Court annexed mediation centres or 103 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 17 of 51 under section 21 and 22E of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 shall be registered with the Authorities constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 and such Authorities shall issue a unique registration number to such settlements as specified by reg ulations to be made by the Authorities. Provided that the mediated settlement agreement reached between the parties under sub -section (2) shall be registered within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction to decide the subject matter of dispute. (8) Registration referred to in sub -section (7) shall be made by either of the parties, mediator or mediation service provider within a period of ninety days from the date of receipt of copy of mediated settlement agreement: Provided that mediated settlement agreement may be registered after expiry of period of ninety days on payment of such fee as may be specified by the Authorities by way of regulations. 104 Confidentiality 22. (1) Subject to the exceptions provided in this Act, the mediator, the parties and participants in the mediation shall keep confidential the following matters relating to the mediation proceedings: 105 (i) acknowledgements, opinions, suggestions, promises, proposals, apologies and admissions made during the mediation; 106 (ii) acceptance of or willingness to accept proposals made or exchanged in the mediation; 107 (iii) documents prepared solely for the purpose of mediation. 108 (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the mediator, the mediation service provider and the parties to the mediation agreement shall maintain confidentially of all mediation proceedings except mediated settlement agreement. 109 (3) Any audio or vide o recording of the mediation proceedings shall be kept confidential by the parties and the participants including the mediator. 110 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 18 of 51 (4) No party to the mediation shall in any proceedings before a C ourt or Tribunal , rely on or introduce as evidence any information or communication set forth in clauses (i) to (iii) of sub -section (1), including any information in electronic form, or verbal communication and the Court or Tribunal shall not take cogni zance of such information or evidence. Provided that evidence or information that is otherwise admissible or subject to discovery in proceedings will not become inadmissible or protected from discovery solely by reason of its disclosure or use in a mediation. 111 Admissibility, Privilege against Disclosure 23. (1) No mediator or participant in the mediation, including experts and advisors engaged for the purpose of the mediation and persons i nvolved in the administration of the mediation, shall at any time be permitted, or compelled to disclose to any Court or Tribunal, or in any adjudicatory proceedings by whatsoever description, any communication in mediation, or to state the contents or con ditions of any document or nature or conduct of parties during mediation including the content of negotiations or offers or counter offers with which they have become acquainted during the mediation. Provided that nothing in this section and section 22 shall protect from disclosure information sought or provided to prove or dispute a claim or complaint of professional misconduct or malpractice based on conduct occurring during the mediation. 112 (2) The provisions of this section will not prevent the mediator from compiling or disclosing general information concerning matters that have been subject to mediation, for research, reporting or training purposes, if the information does not expressly or indirectly identify a party or participants or the specific disputes in the mediation. 113 (3) There is no privilege or confidentiality that will attach to: 114 (a) a threat or statement of a plan to commit an 115 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 19 of 51 offence punishable under law; (b) information relating to domestic violence or child abuse; and 116 (c) statements made during a mediation showing a significant imminent threat to public health or safety. 117 Termination of Mediation 24. (1) The mediation proceedings under this part shall terminate: 118 (a) On the date of signing and authentication of the Mediated Settlement Agreement; or 119 (b) By a declaration of the mediator, after consultation with the parties, to the effect that further efforts at mediation are no longer justified, on the date of the declaration; or, 120 (c) On the date of the communication by a party or parties to the mediation in writing, addressed to the mediator and the other parties to the effect that the party wishes to opt out of mediation. Provided that the parties have to attend at least one mediation session before giving such communication. 121 (a) On completion of time period as provided under section 20 without parties reaching any settlement agreement. 122 Depository of mediated settlement agreements. 25. Deleted 123 Court annexed mediation 26. For the purpose of court annexed mediation the procedure of conducting mediation shall be such as may be determined under the practice directions or rules framed by the Supreme Court or the concerned High Courts. 124 Mediation by Lok Adalat and Permanent Lok Adalat 27. Mediation conducted by Lok Adalat and Permanent Lok Adalat shall be in accordance with the provisions of Legal Services Authorities Act, 198 7 and the rules or regulations made thereunder. 125 CHAPTER 5 STATUS OF MEDIATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 126 Status of mediated settlement agreement 28. (1) A mediated settlement agreement resulting from a mediation under this part signed by the parties and 127 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 20 of 51 authenticated by the mediator shall be final and binding on the parties and persons claiming under them respectively and enforceable in law. (2) Subject to the provisions of section 29, it shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in the same manner as if it were a judgment and\/ or decree passed by a court, and may accordingly be relied on by any of parties or persons claiming through them, by way of defense, set off or otherwise in any legal proceedings. Challenge to mediated settlement agreement 29. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, in any case in which the mediated settlement agreement is arrived between the parties and is sough t to be challenged by either of the parties, he may apply to the Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction before which the subject -matter of dispute or other proceeding would lie. 128 (2) A mediated settlement agreement can be challenged only on all or any of the following ground of: (i) Fraud; or (ii) Corruption; or (iii) Gross impropriety; or (iv) Impersonation. 129 (3) An application for challenging the mediated settlement agreement may not be made after three months have elapsed from the date on which the party making that application has received the copy of mediated settlement agreement under section 21(3) of this Act. Provided that if the Court is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause from making the application within the said period of three months it may entertain the application within a further period of thirty days, but not thereafter. 130 Costs 30. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties all costs of mediation, includi ng the fees of the mediator and the charges of the mediation service provider shall be borne equally by the parties. 131 Exclusion of limitation 31. Notwithstanding anything contained in the 132 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 21 of 51 Limitation Act, 1963 or in any other law for the time being in force, in computing the period of limitation specified for any proceedings in respect of which a mediation has been undertaken under this Part, the period from the date of commencement of mediation under section 16 until (i) termination of the mandate of mediator under clause (ii) of sub -section (4) of section 12 in case of ad-hoc mediation; or (ii) termination of the mandate of mediator under sub -section (1) of section 13 in case of institutional mediation; or (iii) submission of report under sub -section (4) of section 21 shall be excluded. CHAPTER 6 ONLINE MEDIATION 133 Online mediation 32.(1) Online Mediation means conducting mediation including pre -litigation mediation as defined in this Act by the use of applications and computer networks but not limited to an encrypted email service, secure chat rooms and conferencing by video or audio mod e or (2) The process of online mediation shall be in such manner as may be specified by the Council by way of regulations, in the light of provisions of Information Technology Act, 2000. (3) The conduct of online mediation shall be in circumstance s, which ensure that the essential elements of integrity of proceedings and confidentiality are maintained at all times and Mediator may take such appropriate steps in this regard as the circumstances may require to achieve such end. (4) All provisions of this Act shall apply to online mediation proceedings . 134 Use of online mediation 33. Online mediation may be resorted to either wholly or in part at any stage of mediation process with the written consent of the parties. 135 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 22 of 51 Service and production of documents 34. Mediation communications in the case of online mediation shall, unless othe rwise specified by Council by way of regulations, be as provided by the provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000 or any other law for the time being in force and shall ensure the basic principles of party autonomy and confidentiality. 136 CHAPTER 7 MEDIATION COUNCIL OF INDIA 137 Establishment and Incorporation of Mediation Council of India 35. (1) The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official gazette, establish for the purposes of this Act, a Counci l to be known as Mediation Council of India to perform duties and discharge functions specified under this Act. 138 (2) The Council shall be a body corporate by the name aforesaid, having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power, subject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both moveable and immoveable, and to enter into contract, and shall, by the said name, sue or be sued. 139 (3) The head office of the Council shall be at Delhi or at such other place as may be notified by the Central Government. 140 (4) The Council may, in consultation with the Central Government, establish offices at other places in India and abroad. Composition of the Mediation Council of India 36. (1) The Council shall consist of the following members: 142 (a) A person who has been, a Judge of the Supreme Court or, Chief Justice of a High Court or, a Judge of a High Court or an eminent person, having special knowledge and experience in the conduct or administration of mediation, to be appointed by the Central Government Chairperson; 143 (b) a person having knowledge and experience in law related to alternate dispute resolution mechanisms, to be appointed by the Central Government Full Time Member; 144 (c) an eminent academician having experience in research and teaching in the field of mediation and alternate dispute resolution laws, to be appointed by the 145 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 23 of 51 Central Government - Full Time Member; (d) Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary Member, ex officio ; 146 (e) Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary Member, ex officio ; and 147 (f) Chief Executive Officer -Member -Secretary, ex officio . 148 (2) The Chairperson and Members of the Council, other than ex officio Members, shall hold office as such, for a term of four years from the date on which they enter upon their office and sha ll be eligible for re -appointment: Provided that no Chairperson or Member, other than ex officio Member, shall hold office as such after he has attained the age of seventy years in the case of Chairperson and sixty -seven years in the case of Member. 149 (3) The salaries, allowances and other terms and conditions of the Chairperson and Members referred to in clauses (b) and (c) of sub -section (1) shall be such as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 150 Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of Council. 37. No act or proceeding of the Council shall be invalid merely by reason of (a) any vacancy or any defect, in the constitution of the Council; (b) any defect in the appointment of a person acting as a Chairperson or Member of the Council; or (c) any irregularity in the procedure of the Council not affecting the merits of the case. 151 Resignation of Members. 38. The Chairperson or the Full -time Member may, by notice in writing, under his hand addressed to the Central Government, resign his office: Provided that the Chairperson or the Full -time Member shall, unless he is permitted by the Central Government to relinquish his office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiry of three months from the date of receipt 152 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 24 of 51 of such notice or until a perso n duly appointed as his successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of his term of office, whichever is earlier. Removal of Chairperson or Member. 39. (1) The Central Government may, remove a Chairperson or Member from his office if he (a) is an undischarged insolvent; or (b) has engaged at any time, during his term of office, in any paid employment without the permission of the Central Government; or (c) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Central Government, involves moral turp itude; or (d) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a Chairperson or Member; or (e) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public interest; or (f) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a Chairperson or Member. 153 Provided that where a Chairperson or Member is proposed to be removed on any ground, he shall be informed of charges against him and given an opportunity of being heard in respect of those charges. 154 Appointment of experts and constitution of Committees thereof. 40. The Council may, appoint such experts and constitute such Committees of experts as it may consider necessary to discharge its functions on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the regulations. 155 Secretariat of the Council 41. (1) There shall be a Chief Executive Officer of the Council, who shall be responsible for day -to-day administration of the Council. 156 (2) The qualifications, appointment and other terms and conditions of the service of the Chief Executive Officer shall be such as may be specified by regulations by the Council. 157 (3) The Chief Executive Officer shall discharge such functions and perform such duties as may be specified by the regulations. 158 (4) There shall be a Secretariat to the Council consisting of such number of officers and employees as may be 159 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 25 of 51 prescribed by the Central Government. (5) The qualifications, appointment and other terms and conditions of the service of the employees and other officers of the Council shall be such as may be specified by Council by way of regulations.. 160 Duties and Functions of the Mediation Council of India 42. (1) The Council shall have the powers and functions, as provided in sub -section (2), for the purposes of this Act. 161 (2) For the purposes of performing the duties and discharging the functions under this Act, the Council (a) endeavor to develop India to be a robust centre for domestic and international mediation; (aa) endeavor to promote domestic and international mediation in India through appropri ate policies and guidelines. (b) frame regulations and guidelines for the conduct of mediation; 162 (c) perform the following functions with regard to Mediators: (i) frame policies and lay down norms, qualification and experience for accreditation of mediators as may be specified by regulations ; (ii) lay down the guidelines for the continuous education, certification and assessment of mediators by the recognised mediation institutes; (iii) lay down norms for registration of mediators. (iv) reg ister mediators and renew, withdraw, suspend or cancel such registrations on the basis of conditions as may be specified in the regulations; (v) lay down by way of regulations standards for professional ethical conduct of mediators; 163 (d) perform the following functions with regard to 164 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 26 of 51 training and education of mediators: (i) hold training workshops and courses in the area of mediation in collaboration with mediation service providers, law firms and universities both Indian and International, and any other mediation institutions; and (ii) enter into MoUs\/ agreements with domestic a nd international bodies or organisations or institutions in this regard; (e) perform the following functions with regard to Mediation Institutions and Mediation Service Providers: (i) recognition of Mediation Institutions and Mediation Service Providers and renew, withdraw, suspend or cancel such recognition ; (ii) specify the criteria for recognition of Mediation Institutions and Mediation Service Providers; (iii) lay down norms for the grading of Mediation Service Providers; (iv) call for any information or record of Medi ation Institutions and Mediation Service Providers; (v) lay down standards for professional ethical conduct of the Mediation Institution, and Mediation Service Provider; 165 (f) publish such information, data, research studies and such other information as may be required; 166 (g) To maintain an electronic depository of the mediated settlement agreements made in India and for such other records related thereto in such manner as may be specified by the regulations. 167 (h) perform any other act or function as may be decided by the Central Government or in furtherance of the objectives of the Act. 168 CHAPTER 8 MEDIATION SERVICE PROVIDER AND MEDIATION INSTITUTES 169 Mediation Service Providers 43. The mediation service provider recognised by the Council as per the provisions of this Act shall be graded by the Council in accordance with the Regulations made by it in this behalf. 170 Functions of Mediation Service 44. The Mediation Service Providers shall perform the 171 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 27 of 51 Providers following functions, namely - (a) Accreditation of mediators and maintain panel of mediators. (b) to provide the services of mediator for conduct of mediation. (c) to prov ide all facilities, secretarial assistance and infrastructure for the efficient conduct of mediations. (d) to promote good professional and ethical conduct amongst mediator. (e) Registration of mediated settlement agreement in accordance with the provi sions of section 21. (f) Filing of mediated settlement agreement in depository as per the provisions of section 25 of this Act. (g) Such other functions as may be provided by the Council by way of regulations. Mediation Institutes 45. The Council shall recognise Mediation Institutes in accordance with the regulations made by it in this behalf. 172 Functions of Mediation Institutes 46. The Mediation Institutes shall function as per the regulations made by the Council. 173 PART II COMMUNITY MEDIATION 174 Community mediation 47. (1) Any dispute likely to affect peace, harmony and tranquility amongst the residents or families of any area or locality may be settled through community mediation. 175 (2) In order to facilitate settlement of a dispute under sub -section (1), following authorities shall have power to notify panel of mediators which may be revised from time to time as per need: (i) The State Legal Service Authority, District Legal Service Aut hority or Taluka Legal Service Authority, as the case may be ; (ii) For the purpose of settling the disputes through community mediation, on an application filed by any party of community dispute, the District Magistrate or Sub -Divisional Magistrate may constit ute a panel of mediators for facilitating the 176 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 28 of 51 binding settlement of such dispute. (3) The following persons may be included in the panel notified pursuant to sub -section (2); (a) persons of standing and integrity who are respected in the community. (b) Any local person including a state awardee whose contribution to the society has been recognised by the State (c) Representative of area\/resident welfare associations. (d) Any other person deemed appropriate . 177 (4) While making panel pursuant to sub -section (3) the representation of women may also be considered. 178 Procedure for Community mediation 48. (1) The mediators shall endeavor for resolving disputes through community based mediation and provide assistance to parties for resolving disputes amicably. 179 (2) Any community based mediation shall be conducted by a panel of community mediators who shall devise suitable procedure for the purpose of resolving the dispute. 180 (3) In every case where a mediated settlement agreement is arrived at through mediat ion the same may be recorded in writing with signature of the party or parties and authenticated by the mediators and in other cases a failure report may be submitted to State\/District\/ Taluka Legal Services Authority \/ District Magistrate\/ Sub Divisional Magistrate, as the case may be. 181 (4) The mediated settlement agreement signed by the parties and authenticated by the Mediators shall be dealt in the manner as provided under sub -section (7) of section 21 of this Act. 182 PART III ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS RESULTING FROM MEDIATION CHAPTER 1 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS -THE 184 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 29 of 51 SINGAPORE CONVENTION Definitions 49. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, mediated settlement agreement means an settlement agreement on differences between persons arising out of legal relationships, whether contractual or not, considered as commercial under the law in force in India, made on or after the_ (date of ratification of UNISA) in pursua nce of an agreement in writing for mediation to which the Convention set forth in the First Schedule applies. 185 Provided that the provisions of this Part shall not apply to settlement agreements to which Union of India is a party, or to which any governmental agencies or any person acting on behalf of a governmental agency is a party. 186 International Mediation Settlement Agreement 50. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 52 settlement Agreements shall be treated as binding for all purposes and shall be enforceable under this Part against the persons or any person claiming through or under them, as between whom it was made. 187 (2) The Settlement Agreement be relied upon by any of the said persons by way of defence, set -off or otherwise in any l egal proceedings in India and any reference in this Part to enforce the International Commercial Mediation Settlement Agreement shall be construed and include reference to the same. 188 Enforcement 51. (1) The Party applying for the enforcement of a Settlement Agreement shall, at the time of the application, produce before the High Court - (a) the Settlement Agreement or a copy thereof duly attested by the institution that administered the mediation i n any of the manner required by law of the country in which it was made; and (b) such other evidence as may be required by the High Court to prove that the Settlement Agreement is covered under the Convention. 189 (2) If the Settlement Agreement and other evidence to be produced in terms of sub -section (l) is in a foreign language, the parties seeking to enforce the Settlement Agreement shall produce a translation into English duly 190 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 30 of 51 certified as correct by a diplomatic or consular agent of the country to which that party belongs; or certified as correct in such other manner as may be sufficient according to the law in force in India. (3) Subject to sub -section (1) and (2) above a party to an international settlement agreement may (a) apply to the Hi gh Court to record the agreement as an order of court for the purposes of invoking the agreement in any court proceedings in India involving a dispute concerning a matter that the party to the international settlement agreement claims was already resolved by the agreement, in order to prove that the matter has already been resolved; or 191 (b) in any proceedings in the High Court, (i) to which the party to the international settlement agreement is a party; and (ii) which involves a dispute concerning a matter that the party claims was already resolved by the agreement, apply to the High Court to take the agreement on record in the proceedings in order to prove that the matter has already been resolved. 192 Explanation - In this Part, \"High Court\" means the High Court having original jurisdiction to decide the questions forming the subject matter of the Settlement Agreement if the same had been subject matter of a suit on its original civil jurisdiction and in other cases, in the High Court having jurisdiction to hear a ppeals from judgments and decrees of Courts subordinate to such High Court. 193 Conditions For Enforcement of Settlement Agreement 52. (1) Enforcement of a Settlement Agreement may be refused at the request of the party against whom it is sought to be enforced only if that party furnishes to the High Court proof that - (a) parties to the Mediation Agreement were, under the law applicable to them, under some incapacity or the said Agreement was null and v oid, inoperative or incapable of being performed under the law to which the parties have subjected it; or 194 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 31 of 51 failing any indication thereon, under the law of the country where the International Mediation Settlement Agreement is sought to be enforced ; (b) Is n ot binding, or is not final, according to its terms; or (c) Has been subsequently modified; or (d) The obligations in the settlement agreement have been performed or are not clear or comprehensible; or (e) Granting relief would be contrary to the terms of the settlement agreement; or (f) There was a serious breach by the mediator of standards applicable to the mediator or the mediation without which breach that party would not have entered into the settlement agreement; or (g) There was a failure by the mediator to dis close to the parties, circumstances that raise justifiable doubts as to the mediator's impartiality or independence and such failure to disclose had a material impact or undue influence on a party without which failure that party would not have entered int o the settlement agreement; Provided that, if decisions on the matters submitted to mediation can be separated from those not submitted, that part of the Settlement Agreement which contains settlement on matters submitted to Mediation shall be enforced; (2) Enforcement of the Settlement Agreement may also be refused if the High Court finds - (a) the subject matter of disputes is not capable of settlement by mediation under the law of India; or (b) the Settlement Agreement was induced or effected by fraud or corruption (c) It is in contravention with the public policy of India; 195 Explanation 1 .For the avoidance of any doubt, it is clarified that a mediated settlement agreement is in conflict with the public policy of India, only if, 196 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 32 of 51 (i) the making of the settlement agreement was induced or affected by fraud or corruption; or (ii) it is in contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian law; or (iii) it is in conflict with the most basic notions of morality or justice. Saving 53. Nothing in this Part shall prej udice any rights of any person under the Settlement Agreement or pending enforcement proceedings in India of any Settlement Agreement or of availing the said remedy as if this chapter had not been enacted. 197 PART IV MISCELLANEOUS 198 Mediation Fund 54. (1) There shall be a fund to be called 'Mediation Fund' (hereinafter referred to as 'Fund') for the purposes of promotion, facilitation and encouragement of mediation under this Act. The fund shall be administered by the Council. 199 (2) There shall be cr edited to the fund the following, (a) grants made by the Central Government or the State Government for the purposes of the Fund; (b) amounts deposited by persons as contributions to the Fund; (c) amounts received in the Fund from any other (d) interest on the above or other income received out of the investment made from the Fund. 200 (3) The accounts of the Council shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and any expenditure incurred by him in connection with such audit shall be p ayable by the Council to the Comptroller and Auditor -General of India. 201 Power of the Central Government to Issue Directions 55. (1) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the Council shall, in exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions under this Act, be bound by such directions on questions of policy as the Central Government may give in writing to it from time to time : Provided that the views of the Council shall be taken 202 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 33 of 51 into consideration before any direction is gi ven under this sub -section. (2) The decision of the Central Government whether a question is one of policy or not shall be final. 203 Protection of Action taken in Good Faith 56. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Government of India or any of its officer, or the Chairperson, Member or Officer of the Council or the Mediator, Mediation Institutes, Mediation Service Providers which is done or is in tended to be done in good faith under this Act or the rules or regulations made there under. 204 Power to make rules 57. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the official gazette, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act. 205 (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may make provision for (a) the terms and conditions and the salaries and allowances payable to the Chairperson and Full -time Members under section 36(3); (b) the number of officers and employees of the Secretariat of the Council under section 41(4); (c) any other matter in respect of which provision is to be made under this Act. 206 Power to make Regulations 58. (1) The Council may, with the previous approval of the Central Government, by notification, make regulations consistent with this Act and the rules made thereunder to carry out the provisions of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such regulations may make provision for (a) Bodies that may be specified mediation service provider under 3 (i). (b) Specify qualification, experience and accreditation for mediators of foreign nationality under section 10( 1). (c) Maintenance of Depository of mediated settlement agreements under section 25 . (d) Specify manner of process of conducting online mediation under section 32. 208 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 34 of 51 (e) Mediation communication under section 34. (f) Terms and conditions of Committees of experts under secti on 40. (g) qualifications, appointment and other terms and conditions of the service of the Chief Executive Officer under section 41(2). (h) Functions of Chief Executive Officer under section 41(3). (i) the qualifications, experience, method of selection and the funct ions of the employees and other officers of the Council under section (j) Manner of conduct of mediation under section 42(2)(b). (k) frame policies and lay down norms, qualification and experience for accreditation of mediators under section 42(2)(c)(i). (l) Specify conditions for registration of mediators and renewal, withdrawal, suspension or cancellations of such registrations under section 42(2)(c)(iv). (m) lay down standards for professional ethical conduct of mediators under section 42(2)(c)(v). (n) Norms for g rading of mediation service provider under section 43. (o) Recognition of mediation institutes under section 45. (p) Functions to be performed by mediation institutes under section 46. (q) any other matter in respect of which provision is necessary for the performance of functions of the Council under this Act. Rules and Regulations to be laid before Parliament 59. Every rule and regulation made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or regulation or both Houses agree that the rule or 209 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 35 of 51 regulation should not be made, the rule or regulation shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done unde r that rule or regulation. Power to remove difficulties 60. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to it to be necessar y for removing the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of a period of three years from the date of commencement of this Act. 210 (2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament. 211 Act not in derogation. - 61. The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law providing for mediation for the time being in force. 212 Appoint ed Dates, Repeal and Savings 62. This Act shall not apply to, or in relation to, any mediation commenced before the coming into force of this Act. 213 Amendment to Indian Contract Act, 1872 63. The Indian Contract Act, 1872, shall be amended in the manner specified in the Schedule III appended to this Act. 214 Amendment to Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 64. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall be amended in the manner specified in the Schedule IV appended to this Act. 215 Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 65. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 shall be amended in the manner specified in the Schedule V appended to this Act. 216 Amendments to the Commercial Courts Act, 2015 66. The Commercial Courts Act, 2015 shall be amended in t he manner specified in the Schedule VI appended to this Act. 217 Amendments to the Legal Service Authorities Act, 1987 67. The Legal Service Authorities Act, 1987 shall be amended in the manner specified in the Schedule VII appended to this Act. 218 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 36 of 51 SCHEDULE I United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (See Section 49) Preamble The Parties to this Convention, Recognizing the value for international trade of mediation as a method for settling commercial disputes in which the parties in dispute request a third person or persons to assist them in their attempt to settle the dispute amicably, Noting that mediation is increas ingly used in international and domestic commercial practice as an alternative to litigation, Considering that the use of mediation results in significant benefits, such as reducing the instances where a dispute leads to the termination of a commercial relationship, facilitating the administration of international transactions by commercial parties and producing savings in the administration of justice by Convinced that the establishment of a framework for international settlement agreements resulting from mediation that is acceptable to States with different legal, social and economic systems would contribute to the development of harmonious international economic relations, Have agreed as follows: 219 Article 1. Scope of application 1. This Convention applies to an agreement resulting from mediation and concluded in writing by parties to resolve a commercial dispute (settlement 220 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 37 of 51 agreement) which, at the time of its conclusion, is international in that: (a) At least two parties to the settlement agreement have their places of business in different States; or (b) The State in which the parties to the settlement agreement have their places of business is different from eit her: (i) The State in which a substantial part of the obligations under the settlement agreement is performed; or (ii) The State with which the subject matter of the settlement agreement is most closely connected. 2. This Convention does not apply to settlement agreements: (a) Concluded to resolve a dispute arising from transactions engaged in by one of the parties (a consumer) for personal, family or household purposes; (b) Relating to family, inheritance or employment law. 221 3. This Convention does not apply to: (a) Settlement agreements: (i) That have been approved by a court or concluded in the course of proceedings before a court; and (ii) That are enforceable as a judgment in the State of that court; (b) Settlement agreements that have been recorded and are enforceable as an arbitral award. 222 Article 2. Definitions 1. For the purposes of article 1, paragraph 1: (a) If a party has more than one place of business, the relevant place of business is that which has the closest relationship to the dispute resolved by the settlement agreement, having regard to the circumstances known to, or contemplated by, the parties at t he time of the conclusion of the settlement agreement; (b) If a party does not have a place of business, reference is to be made to the partys habitual residence. 223 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 38 of 51 2. A settlement agreement is in writingcontent is recorded in any form. The requi rement that a settlement agreement be in writing is met by an electronic communication if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. 224 means a process, irrespective of the expression used or the basis upon which the process is carried out, whereby parties attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute with the assistance of a third person or persons (the mediator) lacking the authority to impose a solution upon the parties to th e dispute. 225 Article 3. General principles 1. Each Party to the Convention shall enforce a settlement agreement in accordance with its rules of procedure and under the conditions laid down in this Convention. 226 2. If a dispute arises concerning a matter that a party claims was already resolved by a settlement agreement, a Party to the Convention shall allow the party to invoke the settlement agreement in accordance with its rules of procedure and under the conditions laid down in this Convention, i n order to prove that the matter has already been resolved. 227 Article 4. Requirements for reliance on settlement agreements 1. A party relying on a settlement agreement under this Convention shall supply to the competent authority of the Party to the Co nvention where relief is sought: (a) The settlement agreement signed by the parties; (b) Evidence that the settlement agreement resulted from mediation, such as: (i) The mediators signature on the settlement agreement; (ii) A document signed by the mediator indicating that the mediation was carried out; (iii) An attestation by the institution that administered the mediation; or 228 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 39 of 51 (iv) In the absence of (i), (ii) or (iii), any other evidence acceptable to the competent authority. 2. The requirement that a settlement agreement sha ll be signed by the parties or, where applicable, the mediator is met in relation to an electronic communication if: (a) A method is used to identify the parties or the mediator and to indicate the parties or mediatorintention in respect of the information contained in the electronic communication; and (b) The method used is either: (i) As reliable as appropriate for the purpose for which the electronic communication was generated or communicated, in the light of all the circumstances, including any relevant agreement; or (ii) Proven in fact to have fulfilled the functions described in subparagraph (a) above, by itself or together with further evidence. 229 3. If the settlement agreement is not in an official language of the Party to the Convention where relief is sought, the competent authority may request a translation thereof into such language. 230 4. The competent authority may require any necessary document in order to verify that the requirements of the Convention have been complied with. 231 5. When considering the request for relief, the competent authority shall act expeditiously. 232 Article 5. Grounds for refusing to grant relief 1. The competent authority of the Party to the Convention where relief is sought under article 4 may refuse to grant relief at the request of the party against whom the relief is sought only if that party furnishes to the competent authority proof that: (a) A party to the settlement agreement was under some incapacity; (b) The settlement agreement sought to be relied upon: (i) Is null and void, inoperative or incapable of 233 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 40 of 51 being performed under the law to which the parties have validly subjected it or, failing any indication thereon, under the law deemed applicable by the competent authority of the Party to the Convention where reli ef is sought under article 4; (ii) Is not binding, or is not final, according to its terms; or (iii) Has been subsequently modified; (c) The obligations in the settlement agreement: (i) Have been performed; or (ii) Are not clear or comprehensible; (d) Granting relief would be contr ary to the terms of the settlement agreement; (e) There was a serious breach by the mediator of standards applicable to the mediator or the mediation without which breach that party would not have entered into the settlement agreement; or (f) There was a failure by the mediator to disclose to the parties circumstances that raise justifiable doubts as to the mediators impartiality or independence and such failure to disclose had a material impact or undue influence on a party without which failure that party woul d not have entered into the settlement agreement. 2. The competent authority of the Party to the Convention where relief is sought under article 4 may also refuse to grant relief if it finds that: (a) Granting relief would be contrary to the public policy of that Party; or (b) The subject matter of the dispute is not capable of settlement by mediation under the law of that Party. 234 Article 6. Parallel applications or claims If an application or a claim relating to a settlement agreement has been made to a court, an arbitral tribunal or any other competent authority which may affect the relief being sought under article 4, the competent authority of the Party to the Convention where such relief is sought may, if it considers it proper, adjourn the 235 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 41 of 51 decision and may also, on the request of a party, order the other party to give suitable security. Article 7. Other laws or treaties This Convention shall not deprive any interested party of any right it may have to avail itself of a settlement agreement in th e manner and to the extent allowed by the law or the treaties of the Party to the Convention where such settlement agreement is sought to be relied upon. 236 Article 8. Reservations 1. A Party to the Convention may declare that: (a) It shall not apply this Convention to settlement agreements to which it is a party, or to which any governmental agencies or any person acting on behalf of a governmental agency is a party, to the extent specified in the declaration; (b) It shall apply this Convention only t o the extent that the parties to the settlement agreement have agreed to the application of the Convention. 237 2. No reservations are permitted except those expressly authorized in this article. 238 3. Reservations may be made by a Party to the Convention at any time. Reservations made at the time of signature shall be subject to confirmation upon ratification, acceptance or approval. Such reservations shall take effect simultaneously with the entry into force of this Convention in respect of the Party to the Convention concerned. Reservations made at the time of ratification, acceptance or approval of this Convention or accession thereto, or at the time of making a declaration under article 13 shall take effect simultaneously with the entry into force of t his Convention in respect of the Party to the Convention concerned. Reservations deposited after the entry into force of the Convention for that Party to the Convention shall take effect six months after the date of the deposit. 239 4. Reservations and the ir confirmations shall be deposited with the depositary. 240 5. Any Party to the Convention that makes a 241 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 42 of 51 reservation under this Convention may withdraw it at any time. Such withdrawals are to be deposited with the depositary, and shall take effect six mont hs after deposit. Article 9. Effect on settlement agreements The Convention and any reservation or withdrawal thereof shall apply only to settlement agreements concluded after the date when the Convention, reservation or withdrawal thereof enters into force for the Party to the Convention concerned. 242 Article 10. Depositary The Secretary -General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary of this Convention. 243 Article 11. Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval, accession 1. This Convention is open for signature by all States in Singapore, on 7 August 2019, and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York. 244 2. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatories. 245 3. This Convention is open for accession by all States that are not signatories as from the date it is open for signature. 246 4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession are to be deposited with the depositary. 247 Article 12. Participation by regional economic integration organizations 1. A regional economic integration organization that is constituted by sovereign States and has competence over certain matters governed by this Convention may similarly sign, ratify, accept, approve or acced e to this Convention. The regional economic integration organization shall in that case have the rights and obligations of a Party to the Convention, to the extent that that organization has competence over matters governed by this Convention. Where the nu mber of Parties to the Convention is relevant in this Convention, 248 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 43 of 51 the regional economic integration organization shall not count as a Party to the Convention in addition to its member States that are Parties to the Convention. 2. The regional economic integration organization shall, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, make a declaration to the depositary specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to that organization by its member States. The regional economic integration organization shall promptly notify the depositary of any changes to the distribution of competence, including new transfers of competence, specified in the declaratio n under this paragraph. 249 3. Any reference to a Party to the ConventionParties to the ConventionConvention applies equally to a regional economic integration organization where the context so requires. 250 4. This Co nvention shall not prevail over conflicting rules of a regional economic integration organization, whether such rules were adopted or entered into force before or after this Convention: (a) if, under article 4, relief is sought in a State that is member of such an organization and all the States relevant under article 1, paragraph 1, are members of such an organization; or (b) as concerns the recognition or enforcement of judgments between member States of such an organization. 251 Article 13. Non -unified legal systems 1. If a Party to the Convention has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convention, it may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that this Convention is to extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them, and may amend its declaration by submitting another declaration at any time. 252 2. These declarations are to be notified to the depositar y and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends. 253 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 44 of 51 3. If a Party to the Convention has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convent ion: (a) Any reference to the law or rule of procedure of a State shall be construed as referring, where appropriate, to the law or rule of procedure in force in the relevant territorial unit; (b) Any reference to the place of business in a State shall be construed as referring, where appropriate, to the place of business in the relevant territorial unit; (c) Any reference to the competent authority of the State shall be construed as referring, where appropriate, to the competent authority in the relevant t erritorial unit. 254 4. If a Party to the Convention makes no declaration under paragraph 1 of this article, the Convention is to extend to all territorial units of that State. 255 Article 14. Entry into force 1. This Convention shall enter into force six months after deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. 256 2. When a State ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention shall enter into force in respect of that State six months after the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. The Convention shall enter into force for a territorial unit to whi ch this Convention has been extended in accordance with article 13 six months after the notification of the declaration referred to in that article. 257 Article 15. Amendment 1. Any Party to the Convention may propose an amendment to the present Conventio n by submitting it to the Secretary -General of the United Nations. The Secretary -General shall thereupon communicate the proposed amendment to the Parties to the Convention with a request that they indicate whether they favour a 258 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 45 of 51 conference of Parties to th e Convention for the purpose of considering and voting upon the proposal. In the event that within four months from the date of such communication at least one third of the Parties to the Convention favour such a conference, the Secretary -General shall con vene the conference under the auspices of the United Nations. 2. The conference of Parties to the Convention shall make every effort to achieve consensus on each amendment. If all efforts at consensus are exhausted and no consensus is reached, the amendment shall, as a last resort, require for its adoption a two -thirds majority vote of the Parties to the Convention present and voting at the conference. 259 3. An adopted amendment shall be submitted by the depositary to all the Parties to the Convention for ratification, acceptance or approval. 260 4. An adopted amendment shall enter into force six months after the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. When an amendment enters into force, it shall be binding on those Parties to the Convention that have expressed consent to be boun d by it. 261 5. When a Party to the Convention ratifies, accepts or approves an amendment following the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, the amendment shall enter into force in respect of that Party to the Convention six months after the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. 262 Article 16. Denunciations 1. A Party to the Convention may denounce this Convention by a formal notification in writing addressed to the depositary. The denunciation may be limited to certain territorial units of a non -unified legal system to which this Convention applies. 263 2. The denunciation shall take effect 12 months after the notification is received by the depositary. Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the notification, the denunciation shall take 264 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 46 of 51 effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary. The Convention shall continue to apply to settlement agree ments concluded before the denunciation takes DONE in a single original, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic. SCHEDULE II [Refer section 7] DISPUTES WHICH MAY NOT BE FIT FOR RESOLUTION THROUGH MEDIATION UNDER (i) Disputes of serious and specific allegations of fraud, fabrication of documents, forgery, impersonation, coercion. (ii) Disputes relating to claims against minors, deities, persons with intellectual disabilities, [under clause (2) of the schedule and persons with disability having high support needs (as defined in Section 2 (t)] of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, persons with mental illness, as defined by Section 2 (s) of the Mental Health Care Act, 2017, persons of unsound mind, in relation to whom proceedings are to be conducted under Order 32 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and suits for declaration of title against government. (iii) Disputes involving prosecution for no n-compoundable criminal offences except with the permission of the court. (iv) Disputes matters which are prohibited under any law or is in conflict with public policy or is opposed to basic notions of morality or justice; (v) Complaints or proceedings, initiated before any statutory authority or body, in relation to registration, discipline, misconduct of any practitioner, or other registered professional, of whatever description, such as legal practitioner, 265 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 47 of 51 medical practitione r, dentist, architect, chartered accountant, or any in relation to any other profession, which is regulated by provisions of (vi) Disputes which have the effect on rights of a third party who are not a party to the mediation proceedings . (vii) Any dispute rela ting to the validity of a patent, or proceedings relating to applications for compulsory licensing under the Patent Act, (viii) Any dispute or proceeding in relation to validity of registration under the Copyright Act, 1957, or application for grant of lice nse, or fixation of any fee under the said Act; (ix) Any proceeding in relation to any subject matter, falling within any enactment, over which the tribunal constituted under the National Green Tribunals Act, 2010, has jurisdiction; (x) Any dispute relating to levy , collection, penalties or offences, in relation to any direct or indirect tax or refunds, enacted by any state legislature or the Parliament of India; (xi) Any investigation, inquiry or proceeding, under the Competition Act, 2002, including proceedings before the Director General, under the Act; proceedings before the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, under the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 or T elecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT ), (xii) Proceedings before appropriate Comm issions, and the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, under the Electricity Act, 2003; (xiii) Proceedings before the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board, and appeals therefrom before the Appellate Tribunal under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Boar d Act, 2006; (xiv) Proceedings before the Securities Exchange Board of India, and the Securities Appellate Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 48 of 51 Tribunal, under the Securities Exchange Board of India Act, 1992; (xv) Land acquisition and determination of compensation under land acquisition laws, or any p rovision of law providing for land acquisition; (xvi) Any other subject -matter of dispute which may be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette . Explanation: The above list is indicative and not exhaustive. SCHEDULE -III (See Section 63) Contract Act, 1872: For Exception 1 to Section 28 of the Contract Act, 1872 the following shall be substituted: Exception I: Saving of contract to refer to mediation or arbitration dispute that may arise: This secti on shall not render illegal a contract, by which two or more persons agree that any dispute which may arise between them in respect of any subject or class of subject shall be referred to resolution through arbitration or mediation. 266 SCHEDULE - IV (See Section 64) Amendments to Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 1. Part III of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 containing Section 61 -81 shall be substituted as follows: 61. (1) Any provision, in any other enactment for the time being in force, providing for resolution of disputes through conciliation in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall be construed as 267 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 49 of 51 reference to mediation as provided for under the Mediation Act, 2021. (2) The Conciliation as provided for under this Act or the code of Civil procedure shall be construed as mediation as defined in the Mediation Act, 2021. 62. Saving. - Notwithstanding anything contained in section 61 any conciliation proceedings initiated under part III of the Ar bitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 before the commencement of the Mediation Act, 2021 shall be continued as such and the Mediation Act, 2021 shall not have any bearing on status and effect of any settlement arrived through such conciliation proceedings. SCHEDULE - V (See Section 65 ) Amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. 1. For section 89 following shall be substituted: 89. Settlement of disputes outside the Court. (1) Where it appears to the Court that there exist elements of a settlement which may be acceptable to the parties, the Court may at the first instance or at any stage thereafter, refer the parties for a possible settlement through -:(a) arbitration; (b) conci liation or mediation; (c) judicial settlement including settlement through Lok Adalat. (2) Were a dispute has been referred (a) for arbitration, the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) shall apply as if the proceedings for a rbitration were referred for settlement under the provisions of that Act; (b) for conciliation or mediation, the provisions of the Mediation Act, 2021 shall apply as if the 268 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 50 of 51 proceedings for conciliation or mediation were referred for settlement under the provi sions of that Act; (c) to Lok Adalat, the Court shall refer the same to the Lok Adalat in accordance with the provisions of sub -section (1) of section 20 of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 (39 of 1987) and all other provisions of that Act shall .apply in respect of the di spute so referred to the Lok (d) for judicial settlement, the Court shall effect a compromise between the parties and shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed by the Central Government. SIXTH SCHEDULE (See Section 66) Commercial Courts Act, 2015 1. After sub -section (1) of Section 12 -A following sub -section shall be inserted as follows: (1A) Pre institution mediation may be conducted online or otherwise.2. Sub -section (2) of the Section 12 -A shall be substituted and read as follows : (2) For the purposes of pre -institution mediation, the Central Government may, by notification, authorise (i) the Authorities constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (39 of 1987); or (ii) any other mediation service provider as defi ned under the Mediation Act, 2021. SEVENTH SCHEDULE (See Section 67) Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 1. Clause (f) of section 4 of the Act shall be substituted as follows: 270 Draft Mediation Bill dated 2 9.10.2021 Page 51 of 51 (f) encourage the settlement of disputes, including by online mode, by way of negotiations, arbitration, mediation and conciliation;2. After clause (f) following clause may be inserted: (fa) provide for registration of mediated settlement agreement arrived at between parties under the provisions of Mediation Act, 2021.3. In sub -section (2) of section 7 of the Act after clause (c) following clause shall be inserted: (ca) pr ovide by way of regulation for registration of mediated settlement agreement arrived at between parties under section 21 (7) of Mediation Act, 2021. (cb) specify, by way of regulation, fee for registration of mediated settlement agreement under section 2 1 (8) of Mediation Act, 20214. In sub -section (2) of section 10 of the Act after clause (b) following clauses shall be inserted: (ba) provide, by way of regulation, for registration of mediated settlement agreement arrived at between parties under s ection 21 (7) of Mediation Act, 2021. (bb) specify, by way of regulation, fee for registration of mediated settlement agreement under section 21 (8) of Mediation Act, 2021","Summary":"The Draft Mediation Bill, 2021 seeks to enact a uniform law covering various aspects of mediation as a dispute resolution mechanism. By giving effect to the Singapore Convention related to mediation, the bill also intends to further the purpose of ease of doing business. Thus, the Ministry of Law and Justice has invited suggestions and comments on the draft. There is a specific portion on domestic mediation wherein conditions for the applicability of clauses have been provided. This will be relevant in a scenario where both parties reside in India or have their business incorporated in India. Further, relevant definitions regarding international mediation, mediation communication and mediation service providers are stipulated. Mediation has been defined as a process, where parties request for a third party, that is, a mediator, for resolution of their disputes. The subsequent clauses discuss elements integral to mediation, for example, what will be considered as a mediation agreement, what cases cannot be referred to mediation, and what is the status of interim reliefs and measures which can be provided by a Court or a tribunal. Moreover, a person of any nationality can be a mediator and it is necessary for them to disclose any personal interests or bias which can impact their independence. They have to be guided by the principles of objectivity and fairness while ensuring the confidentiality of the process. In the circumstance that a mediator is removed from the mandate of a mediation service provider, a replacement mediator will be provided. Additionally, parties can mutually consent to conduct mediation proceedings at a place outside the territorial jurisdiction mentioned in the bill. \n Moreover, the mediator will not be bound by the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act or the Code of Civil Procedure. They have a facilitative role and cannot give an assurance of reaching a settlement. Additionally, the process of mediation has to be completed within a period of 90 days. Different methods for terminating mediation have also been specified. For instance, if the mediator declares termination since further mediation proceedings are not justified. Further, a different method of computing the period of limitation is stipulated in the bill. Under the specific chapter on online mediation, it can be resorted to at any stage of the mediation process with the written consent of the parties. A Mediation Council of India would also be established under the Act. It would be a body corporate, functioning to promote domestic and international mediation, and framing regulations and guidelines. Lastly, a mediation fund will also be set up for promoting, facilitating and encouraging mediation."},"55":{"Title":"Draft E-Commerce Guidelines for Consumer Protection, 2019","Text":"Government ofIndiaMinistry ofConsumer Affairs, Food &Public Distribution(Department ofConsumer Affairs)TheDepartment ofConsumer Affairs proposes toissue guidelines one-Commerce forprotection oftheinterests oftheconsumers. Adraftoftheproposed guidelines isavailable atthegiven link. Views\/comments\/suggestions areinvited from thestakeholders onvariousaspects ofthedraftguidelines within 45days, latest by16th September, 2019.2. Theviews\/comments\/suggestions onthedraftguidelines maybesentbyemail todscpu-ca@nic.in.(G.C. Rout)Deputy Secretary totheGovernment ofIndiaTel.No.23389936Email: dscpu-ca@nic.in1 | P a g e Advisory to State Governments \/ Union Territories: Mod el Framework for Guidelines on e-Commerce for consumer protection These guidelines, may be called the e-Commerce Guidelines for consumer protection 201 9. These are issued as guiding principles for e commerce business for preventing fraud, unfair trade practices and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. These Guidelines apply to the Business -to-Consumer e-Commerce , including goods and services, which also include digital contents products (hereafter goods and services1. Short Title & Commencement (1) These Guidelines may be cal led the Consumer Protection ( e-Commerce ) Guidelines , (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Definitions (1) In these Guidelines unless the context otherwise requires, - a. \"Act\" means the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986) shall have the same meaning as provided under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986) E-Commerce entity means a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 or the Companies Act, 2013 or a foreign company covered under section 2 (42) of the Companies Act, 2013 or an office, branch or agency in India as provided in Section 2 (v) (iii) of FEMA 1999, own ed or controlled by a person resident outside In dia and includes an electronic s ervice provider or a partnership or proprietary f irm, whether inventory or market place model or both and con ducting the e-Commerce business; Provided t hat e-Commerce Entity does not include any entity or business notified otherwise by the Government for the said purpose from time to time. Electronic Record\" means data, record or data generated, image or sound stored, received or sent in an electronic form or micro film or comp uter generated micro fiche; (as per Information Technology Act); 2 | P a g e Electronic Service Provider means a person who provides technologies or processes to enable a product seller to engage in advertising or selling of goods or services to a consumer and includes any online market place or online auction sites; means goods as defined in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Inve ntory based model of e-Commerce means an e-Commerce activity where inventory of goods and services is owned by e-Commerce entity and is sold to the consumers dire ctly; h. \"Information\" includes data, message, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programmes, software and databases or micro film or co mputer generated micro fiche; ( as per Information Technology Act ); Market place mode l of e-Commerce means providing of an information technology platform by an e-Commerce entity on a digital & electronic network to act as a facili tator between buyer and seller; means product seller as defined in the Sale of Goods Act 1930 and includes a Serv ice Provider; means Service as defined in th e Consumer Protection Act, 1986; (2) Words and expressions used in these guidelines and not defined but defined in the CP Act shall have the meaning s respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3. General Conditions for carrying out e-Commerce business (a) Every e-Commerce entity carrying out or intending to carry out e-Commerce business in India subsequent to the publication of this notification in the Gazette, shall within 90 days comply with the following set of conditions for the conduct of e-Commerce business: i. It shall be a registered legal entity under the laws of India; ii. It shall submit a self -declaration to this Department stating that it is in compliance with these Guidelines ; iii. The promoter or key management personnel should not have been convicted of any criminal offence punishable with imprisonment in last 5 years by an y Court of competent jurisdiction; iv. It s hall comply with the provisions of Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011. v. Payments for sale may be facilitated by the e-Commerce entity in conformity with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India . vi. Details about the sellers supplying the goods and services, including identity of their business, legal name, principal geographic address, name of website, e -mail address, 3 | P a g e contac t details, including clarification of their business identity, the products they sell, and how they can be contacted by customers shall be displayed in the web site . 4. Liabilities of E Commerce entity An E- commerce Entity shall not, i. directly or indirectly influence the price of the goods or services and shall maintain a level playing field ; ii. adopt any trade practice which for the purpose of promoting the sale, use or supply of any goods or for the provision of any service, or composite supply, ado pts any unfair methods or unfair or deceptive practice that may influence transactional decisions of consumers in relation to products and services; iii. falsely represent themselves as consumers or post reviews about goods and services in their name; or misrepresent or exaggerate the quality or the features of goods and services. An E-Commerce Entity shall, i. display terms of contract between e -Commerce entity and the seller relating to return, refund, exchange, warranty \/ guarantee, delivery \/ shipment, mode of payments, grievance redressal mechanism etc. to enable consumers to make informed decisions. ii. ensure that the advertisements for marketing of goods or s ervices are consistent with the actual characteristics, access and usage conditions of such of goods or services; iii) mention safety and health care information of the goods and service advertised for iv) provide information on available payment met hods; the security of those payment methods, how to use those methods; how to cancel regular payments under those methods; charge back options and any costs applicable to those payment methods; vi) Ensure that personally identifiable information of custome rs are pro tected, and that such data collection and storage and use comply with provisions of the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008. 4 | P a g e vii) Accept return of goods if delivered late from the stated delivery schedule or delivery of defective, wrong or spurious products, and\/or not of the characteristics\/features as advertised; viii) Effect all payments towards accepted refund requests of the customers within a period of maximum of 14 days . ix) if the ecommerce entity is informed by the co nsumer or comes to know by itself or through another source about any counterfeit product being sold on its platform , and is satisfied after due diligence, it shall notify the seller and if the seller is unable to provide any evidence that the product is genuine, it shall take down the said listing and notify the consumers of the same x) be held guilty of contributory or secondary liability if it makes an assurance vouching for the authenticity of the goods sold on its market place or if it guarantee s that goods are authentic. 5. Liabilities of Sellers Any seller selling or advertising his pr oducts or services through an e-Commerce platform shall, - a) have prior written contract with the respective e-Commerce entity in order to undertake or solicit such sale or offer; b) provide all information required to be provided either by law or by any other mandatory regime for disclosing contractual information and compliance with that regime will be treated as sufficient ; c) display single -figure total and break up price for the goods or service, that includes all compulsory charges such as delivery, postage, taxes and handling and conveyance charges ; d) comply with mandatory display requirements as per Legal Metrology (amendme nt) rules 2017 for pre -packaged commodities; e) provide mandatory safety and health care warnings and shelf life that a consumer would get at any physical point of sale; f) Provide fair and reasonable, delivery terms, or to directly reference the shipping g) Be responsible for any warranty\/guara ntee obligation of goods and services sold . h) Be upfront about how exchange, returns and refund process works, and who bares the costs of return shipping . 5 | P a g e 6. Consumer grievance redress procedure Every e-Commerce entity shall, - i) Publish on its website the name of the Grievance Officer and his contact details as well as mechanism by which users can notify their complaints about products and services availed through their web site. ii) The Grievance Officer shall redress the complaints within one month from the date of receipt of complaint iii) provide facility to consumers to register their complaints over phone, email or website and shall provide complaint number for tracking the complaint ; iv) Provide consumers with transparent and effective consumer protection that is not less than the level of protection offered in other forms of commerce; v) Provide mechanism\/ system to converge with NCH in grievance redress process -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ","Summary":"The aim of the draft policy is to safeguard the interests of the consumer by preventing e-commerce companies from influencing pricing, adopting unfair promotion methods or misrepresenting the quality of goods and services.\u00a0\n\nAccording to the draft policy, e-commerce companies have to display details of the sellers supplying the goods and services that includes their business identity, geographic address, name of website, e-mail address, contact details and clarifications on their business identity.\u00a0\n\nThe draft policy forbids the e-commerce entities from influencing the price of goods and services in order to maintain a level playing field, adopt any trade practice that influences the transactional decisions of the buyers or falsely represent themselves as consumers and post reviews about their goods and services, exaggerate the quality or the features of goods and services.\u00a0\n\nThe e-commerce entities have to provide information on available payment methods, the cancellation methods and charge-back options. It has to be ensured that the personally identifiable information of customers are protected and such data is within the provisions of the Information Technology Act.\u00a0\n\nAll payments towards accepted refund requests of the customers have to be affected within 14 days. The e-commerce entities have to take down the listing of a particular seller selling counterfeit products. The entities will be held liable if it makes an assurance vouching the authenticity of the goods sold or takes guarantee for it.\u00a0\n\nThe entities shall have detailed and exhaustive contracts with the sellers selling or advertising the products on the e-commerce platform and such a contract have to be in consonance with the other laws that are in place like packaging, taxation, shipping etc.\u00a0\n\nIt is mandatory for the e-commerce entities to publish the name of their grievance officers who have to address complaints within one month from the date of receipt. Each complaint will have a complaint number for the ease of the customers."},"42":{"Title":"Draft Central Motor Vehicles (....Amendment) Rules, 2021","Text":"3090 GI\/2022 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDH xxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section ( i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY , 1988 (19 88 comments -morth@gov.in; (....... . 325 ] 5, 202 2\/ 15, 194 4 No. 325 ] NEW DELHI, THURS DAY, MAY 5, 202 2\/VAISAKHA 15, 194 4 .-06052022-235589CG-DL-E-06052022-2355892 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] \"(3) 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 34(1), 5, 6, 7 3 , 4, 6 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] **** . - ..... ......................................... .................................. ....................................... ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------- 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [ 11036\/193\/2021 -. ....... , .......... ...........( ...........MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, t he 5th May , 2022 G.S.R. 340 (E).The following draft of certain rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicle s Rules, 1989, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 39 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), is hereby published as required by sub -section (1) of section 212 of the said Act for information o f all persons l ikely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of thirty days from the date on which the copies of this notification as published in the Official Gazette, are made avail able to the public. Objections and suggestions to these draft rules, if any, may be sent to the Joint Secretary (MVL, Transport & Toll), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi -110 001 or on the email: commen ts-morth@gov.in; The objections or suggestions which may be received from any person in respect of the said draft rules before the expiry of the aforesaid period will be considered by the Central Government. Draft Rules 1. (1) These rules may be called as Central Motor Vehicles (. Amendment) Rules, 2021. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), for Rule 33, followin g rule shall be substituted, namely: - 33. Necessity of Trade certificate - Trade certificate is necessary for those manufacturers of motor vehicles or dealers of motor vehicles or test agencies specified in rule 126 or importers of motor vehicles or any entity(s) specified by central government , who possess vehicles which are neither registered nor temporarily registered.3. In the said rules, after Rule 33, following Rules shall be inserted, namely 33A. Condition for exemption from registration. For the purpose of the proviso to section 39, a motor vehicle in the possession of any of the entity(s) referred in rule 33, shall be exempted from the necessity of registration subject to the condition that such entity(s) obtain a trade certificate from the registering authority having jurisdiction in the area in which entity(s) have places of business, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter . 4. In the said rules, in Rule 34, - (i) in sub rule (1), - (a) after the words trade certificate sh all be made the words electronically on the VAHAN portal shall be inserted. (b) after the words fee as specified in rule 81 the words submitted electronically on the VAHAN Portal shall be inserted. (ii) in sub rule (2), the words shall be omitted. (iii) after sub rule (2), following sub rule shall be inserted, namely: - (3) Numbers of Trade registration marks required shall be specified in the application.5. In the said rules, for Rule 35, following rule shall be s ubstituted, na mely: - 35. Grant or renewal of trade certificate. (1) On receipt of an application for the grant or renewal of a trade certificate in respect of a vehicle, the registering authority may, if satisfied, issue to the applicant Trade certific ate, electroni cally on portal, in downloadable and printable form, in Form 17 within fifteen days from the date of receipt of such an application. Trade certificate number shall be as follows - AB 12 A 1234 TC Represents State Code, Represents RTO Code, A. - Repres ents serial number of class of vehicle as prescribed in Rule 34(2) i.e. from A to J, 1234 - Represents four digit unique identification number to be assigned by the concerned authority to the holder of a trade certificate, Represent trade certificate, A trade registration mark will be trade certificate number followed by four digit numerals starting from 0001 to 9999 as follows - AB 12 A 1234 TC 0001 (2) No application for trade certificate shall be refused by the registeri ng authority unless the applicant is given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for such refusal are given in writing.6. In the said rules, after rule 35, the following rules shall be inserted, namely: - 35A. Application for additional Trad e registration mark. 1. An applica tion for the grant of additional Trade registration mark shall be made electronically on portal in Form 17A to the registering authority which granted the trade certificate and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee as specified in rule 81. The fees s hall be submitted electronically on portal. 2. On receipt of an application for the grant of additional Trade registration mark in respect of a Trade certificate, the registering authority may, if satisfied that the applicant holds a valid Trade certificate a nd requires additional Trade registration mark, issue to the applicant additional Trade registration mark, in Form 17B within seven days from the date of receipt of such an application 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 35B. Intimation of ch ange of address of place of business in trade certificate 1. If the place of business specified in the trade certificate is changed, then the holder of trade certificate shall immediately intimate to the authority which granted the trade certificate, about s uch change, electronically on portal in Form 17C accompanied by the appropriate fee as specified in rule 81. 2. On receipt of intimation of change of place of business, the registering authority may, if satisfied that the applicant holds a valid Trade certifi cate, record new address in the trade c ertificate.7. In the said rules, in Rule 37, for the words twelve months the words five years shall be inserted. 8. In the said rules, rule 38 shall be omitted. 9. In the said rules, in Rule 39, - (i) in sub rule (1), for the words the dealer or manufacturer of automobiles or automobiles ancillaries or a test agency specified in rule 126 the words the holder of trade certificate shall be substituted. (ii) for sub rule (2), the following sub rule shall be substituted, namely: - (2) The t rade registration mark shall be in white colour on red background as per dimensions specified in rule 51 and shall be exhibited on front and rear of motor vehicle.10. In the said rules, in the heading of Rule 40, fo r the words Restrictions on use of tra de certificate or trade registration mark and number the words Restrictions on use of trade registration mark shall be substituted. 11. In the said rules, in Rule 40, (a) for the word certificate the words registration mark shall be substituted. (b) for the words certificate or the number the words trade registration mark shall be substituted. 12. In the said rules, in the heading of Rule 41, for the words Purposes for which motor vehicle with trade c ertificate may be used the words Purposes for which motor vehicle with trade registration mark may be used shall be substituted. 13. In the said rules, in Rule 41, (a) for the words trade certificate, the words trade registration mark shall be sub stituted. (b) for clause (h) following clau se shall be substituted, namely: - (h) for proceeding to or returning from the place of demonstration of vehicle for sale purpose or for keeping vehicle for display at such place of demonstration.14. In the sa id rules, in the heading of Rule 43, for th e words Register of trade certificate the words Register of trade registration marks shall be substituted. 15. In the said rules, after rule 43, the following rules shall be inserted, namely: - 43A. Register of inventory Every dealer of motor vehicle holding a trade certificate shall maintain a register of inventory of motor vehicles electronically in Form 19A on the portal.16. In the said rules, for rule 44, the following rules shall be substituted, namely: - 44. Suspension or cancellation of trade certificate. - If the registering authority has reason to believe that the holder of any trade certificate has not complied with the provisions of rules 39 to 43A, it shall report the fact of non -compliance of th e said provisions along with reasonable pro of, to the head of the Motor Vehicles Department established under section 213. The head of the department may, after giving the holder of trade certificate an opportunity of being heard, suspend or cancel the tra de certificate held by him.17. In the sai d rules, in Rule 45, for the words head of the Motor Vehicles Department established under section 213the words state transport appellate tribunal or any authority decided by the respective states\/UTs in this respectbe substituted. 18. In t he said rules, in rule 81, a. in the table, for serial no.1, the following entries shall be substituted, namely: 1 Grant or renewal of trade certificate in respect of each trade registration mark or additional grant of each trade registration mark : 34(1), 35A(1) (a) Motorcycle Two thousand five hundred rupees (b) Adapted vehicle Five hundred rupees (c) Others Five thousand rupees b. in the table, for serial no.2, the following serial number shall be substituted, namely: 2 Intimatio n for change of address of place of business in trade certificate One thousand rupees 35B (1)19. In the said rules, in Form 16, - (a) in the heading, after the words FORM OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OR RENEWAL OF TRADE CERTIFICATE the words AND TRA DE REGISTRATION MARKS shall be inserted. (b) in para 1, for the words certificate(s) the words certificate shall be substituted. (c) after seria l no. 3, the following serial no. shall be inserted, namely: - 3A. Address of place of business(d) In se rial no. 4, for the words manufacturer or dealer of automobiles the words manufacturer of motor vehicles or dealer of motor vehicles shall be sub stituted (e) in serial no. 4, before the words a test agency specified under rule 126 of the said rules t he words automobile ancillary shall be omitted. (f) in serial no. 4, after the words a test agency specified under rule 126 of the said rules the words and bracket or importer of motor vehicles or any entity specified by central government, (In cas e applicant is dealer of motor vehicles letter of authority issued by vehicle manufacturer shall be submitted with application) shall be inserted. (g) in serial no. 4, the words and figure in motor vehicles, approved repairer of vehicles, engaged in buil din g bodies to vehicles, engaged in the business of hire purchase \/ lease \/ hypothecation of vehicles. shall be omitted. (h) serial no. 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall be omitted. (i) before the words Declaration following table shall be inserted namely: - Sr. No. Cla ss of Vehicle No. of Trade registration marks required Fee amount paid Receipt number (j) after the words signature of applicant the words and figure or digital\/e signature of applicant shall be inserted. 20. In the said rules, in Form 1 7, - (a) in the heading, after the words FORM OF TRADE CERTIFICATE the words AND TRADE REGISTRATION MARKS shall be inserted. (b) in the heading, the words, figures and brackets (To be printed in diameter shape of 70 millimetres) shall be omitted. 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (c) in serial no. 1, for the words Serial number of certificate the words Trade certificate number shall be substituted. (d) after serial no. 2, following serial no. shall be inserted, namely: - 2A. Address of place of business(e) serial no. 3, 4, 6 a nd 7 shall be omitted. (f) after serial no. 5, following table shall be inserted, namely: - Sr. No. Class of Vehicle No. of Tr ade registration marks allotted Fee amount paid Receipt number 0001 to **** (g) the words, figures shall be o mit ted. (h) after the words Registering Authority of State, the words and brackets (Digitally signed) shall be inserted (i) QR code shall be inserted in Form 17 21. In the said rules, in Form 17, SCHEDULE, and corresponding entries under it, shall be o mit ted. 22. In the said rules, after Form 17, the following Forms shall be inserted, namely: - FORM 17A [See Rule 35A (1)] FORM OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF ADDITIONAL TRADE REGISTRATION MARKS The Registering Authority, I\/We her eby apply for grant of additional Trade registration marks - 1. Applicant2. Son \/ Wife \/ Daughter of: 3. Applicants full address 4. Address of place of business No. Trade Certificate number Validity of trade certificate Class of vehicle Number of trade registration marks allotted Additional trade registration marks required Amount of fee paid Receipt From Serial no. serial no. - Signature of the applicant or digital\/ e signature of applicant FORM 17B [See Rule 35A (2)] GRANT OF ADDITIONAL TRADE REGISTRATION MARKS 1. Full name and address of certificate holder .............................................. 2. Address of place of business - Sr. No. Trade Certificate number Class of vehicle Additional trade re gistration marks allotted Amount of fee paid Receipt number From Serial no. to serial no. - Station................................... Date. ...................................... Registering Authority Digitally signed Valid throughout India FORM 17C [See Rule 35B (1)] INTIMATION FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OF PLACE OF BUSINESS The Registering Authority, Addres s of place of Business recorded in trade certificate has been changed, I\/We hereby request for recording changed address in trade certificate - 1. Applicant2. Son \/ Wife \/ Daughter of: 3. Appli cants full address 4. Address of place of Business -- 5. Trade certif icate number ---------------------------------------- 6. Validity of Trade certificate ----------------------------------- Sig nature of the Applicant or digital signature\/ e signature of applicant 22. In the said rules, Form 18 shall be omitted. 23. In the said rules, after Form 19, the following Form shall be inser ted, namely: - FORM 19A [See Rule 43A] Digital Register of inventory to be maintained on VAHAN portal Sr. No. Trade certificate number Name of dealer of motor vehicles District State Vehicle 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engine Number Date of recei pt of vehicle from manufacturer Date of submission of application for registration\/ TR Registration number \/TR Number 7 8 9 10 11 [No.RT -11036\/193\/2021 -MVL] MAHMOOD AHMED , Jt. Sec y. Note: The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part -II, Section 3, Sub -section (i), vide notification number G.S.R, dated the and last amended vide notification number ..(E), dated the Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Pres s, Ring Road, Mayapu ri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi -110054. ","Summary":"The Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways has issued the Draft Central Motor Vehicles (...Amendment) Rules, 2021 to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. Below is a brief summary of the changes that the notification is proposing: When a manufacturer or a dealer has a vehicle, there is no need to register it. But, a \u2018trade certificate\u2019 is compulsory and it should be obtained from the registering authority. The authority should verify the application and will provide a trade certificate within 15 days. If the application is rejected, then the authority should provide a written reply Additional trade registration marks can also be obtained online after applying within Seven days. If the business owner or the dealer changes the address of his business, then it should be informed to the authority immediately The list of vehicles should be maintained by the dealers in the form which is available online If the rules are not followed by the business owner, then the authority may cancel the \u2018trade certificate\u2019 after an inquiry To read the full document, click here."},"56":{"Title":"Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020","Text":"Draft for discussion THE ELECTRICITY (AMENDMENT) BILL , 20 20 A Bill further to amend the Electricity Act, 2003 Be it enacted by Parliament in the Seventy Oneth Year of the Republic of India as follows: 1. (1) This Act may be called the Electricity ( Amendment) Act , 20 20. (2) It shall come into force on such date , as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint and any reference in any such provision to the commencement of this Act shall be construed as a reference to the coming into force of that provision . 2. In sub -section (2) of section 1 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (hereinafter referred as the principal Act ), the words except the State of Jammu and shall be omitted. 3. In section 2 of the principal Act , - (i) in clause ( 11), after the words or Appropriate Commission and before the words or the Appellate Tribunal, the words or Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be inserted; (ii) after clause ( 15), the following new clause shall be inserted, namely: Cross border trade of electricity means transactions involving import or export of electricity between India and any other country and includes transactions related to passage of electricity through our country in transit between two other countries ;(iii) after clause (17), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - Distribution sub -licensee means a person recognized as such and authorized by the distribution licensee to distribute electricity on its behalf in a particular area within its area of supply , with the permission of the appropriate State Commission . Any reference to a distribution licensee under the Act shall include a reference to a sub -distribution licensee ;(iv) after clause ( 24), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority means a n Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority referred to in sub -section (1) of section 109 A;(v) for clause (27), the following clause shall be substituted, namely: - franchisee means a person recognized as such and authorized by a distribution licensee to distribute electricity on its behalf in a particular area within his area of supply , under information to the appropriate State Commission . Subject to the provisions of the Short title and commencement Amendment of Section 1 Amendment of Section 2 Draft for discussion agreement entered into between the distribution licensee and the franchisee , any reference to a distribution licensee in the Act shall include a franchisee ;(vi) for clause (43) , the following shall be substituted, namely: - (43) \"Member\" means the Member of the Appropriate Commission or Authority or Joint Commission, or Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or the Appellate Tribunal, as the case may be, and includes the Chairperson of such Commission or Electricity Contra ct Enforcement Authority or Authority or Appellate Tribunal; 4. After section 3 of the principal Act , the following section shall be inserted, namely: - 3A National Renewable Energy Policy - The Central Government may, from time to time, after such consultation with the State Governments , as may be considered necessary, prepare and notify a National Renewable Energy Policy for the promotion of generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy and prescribe a minimum perce ntage of purchase of electricity from renewable and hydro sources of energy.5. In section to section 14 of the principal Act, - i) for the seventh proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely: - Provided also that a franchisee shall not be required to obtain any sepa rate license from the appropriate State Commission and such distribution licensee shall continue to remain responsible for distribution of electricity in its area of suppl y:ii) After the seventh proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted , namely: - Provided also that a distribution sub -licensee shall not be required to obtain any separate license from the appropriate State Commission :6. In section 26 of the p rincipal Act, after sub -section (3), the following sub -section s shall be inserted , namely: - (4) the National Load Despatch Centre shall (a) be responsible for optimum scheduling and despatch of electricity in the country across different regions in accordance with the contracts entered into with the licensees or the generating companies; (b) monitor grid operations; Amendment of Section 3 Amendment of Section 1 4 Amendment of Section 26 Draft for discussion (c) exercise supervision and control over the inter -regional and i nter -state transmission network; and (d) have overall authority for carrying out real time operations of the national grid. (5) The National Load Despatch Centre may giv e such directions and exercise such supervision and control as may be requir ed for the safet y and security of the national grid and for ensuring the stability of grid operation throughout the country . (6) Every Regional Load Despatch Centre, S tate Load Despatch Centre, licensee, generating company , generating station, sub -station and any other person connect ed with the operation of the power system shall comply with the directi ons issued by the National Load Despatch Centre. 7. In section 28 of the principal Act, the following proviso shall be inserted in clause (a) of sub -section (3), namely: - \"Provided that no electricity shall be scheduled or despatched under such contract unless adequate security of payment, as agreed upon by the parties to the contract, has been provided.\". 8. In section 32 of the principal Act, the following proviso shall be inserted in clause (a) of sub -section (2), namely: - Provided that no electricity shall be scheduled or despatched under such contract unless adequate security of payment, as agreed upon by the parties to the contract, has been provided. 9. In section 38 of the principal Act, for sub -clause (ii) of clause (d) of sub -section (2) including the provisos, the following shall be substituted, namely: - (ii) any consumer as and when such open access is provided by the State Commission under sub -section (2) of section 42, on payme nt of the transmission charges, as may be specified by the Central Commission and a surcharge, as may be specified by the State Commission under sub -section (2) of section 42, if required by the Appropriate Commission to be collected by it .10. In section 39 of the principal Act, for sub -clause (ii) of clause (d) of sub -section (2) including the provisos, the following shall be substituted, namely: - (ii) any consumer as and when such open access is provided by the State Commission under sub -section (2) of section 42, on payment of the transmission charges , as may be specified by the State Commission and a surcharge, as may be specified by the State Commission under sub -section (2) of section 42 , if required by the State C ommission to be collected by Amendment of Section 32 Amendment of Section 38 Amendment of Section 39 Amendment of Section 28 Draft for discussion 11. In section 40 of the principal Act, for sub -clause (ii) of clause (d) of sub -section (2) including the provisos, the following shall be substituted, namely: - (ii) any consumer as and when such open access is provided by the State Commission under sub -section (2) of section 42, on payment of the transmission charges and a surcharge, as may be specifie d by the Appropriate Commission .12. In section 42 of the principal Act, i) for the first proviso to sub -section (2), the following shall be substituted, namely: - Provided that such open access shall be allowed on payment of a surcharge , and charges for wheeling, as may be determined by the State Commission in addition to the charges for intra -state transmission, as determined under section 39, if applicable, and charges for inter -state transmission, as determined by the Central Commission und er section 38, if applicable :ii) for the third proviso to sub -section (2), the following shall be substituted, namely: - Provided also that such surcharge and cross subsidies shall be progressively reduced by the State Commission in the manner as may be pro vided in the Tariff Policy:iii) after the fourth proviso to sub -section (2), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely: - Provided also that the manner of payment and utilization of the surcharge shall also be specified by the State Commission:13. For section 49 of the principal Act, the following shall be substituted, namely :- 49. Agreement with respect to supply or purchase or transmission of electricity). -(1)A generating company or a licensee may enter into an agreement with a licensee for supply, purchase or transmission of electricity on such terms and conditions, as may be agreed upon by them, including tariff and adequate security of payment consistent wit h the provisions of this Act. (2) Where the Appropriate Commission has allowed open access to certain consumers under section 42, such consumers, notwithstanding the provisions contained in clause (d) of sub -section (1) of section 62, may enter into an agreement with any person for supply or purchase of electricity on such terms and conditions (including tariff) as may be agreed upon by them.14. After section 49 of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, namely: - Amendment of Section 42 Amendment of Section 49 Amendment of Section 40 Draft for discussion 49A: Cross Border Trade of Electricity - (1) The Central Government may prescribe rules and issue guidelines for allowing and facilitating cross border trade of electricity in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (2) The Central Government may require the Central Commission to make regulations for cross border trade of electricity.15. In section 61 of the principal Act - i) in clause (g) , the word progressively shall be omitted and for the words specified by the Appropriate Commission the words as provided in the Tariff Policy shall be substituted; ii) in clause (h), after the word s from renewable and before the words sources of energy, the words and hydro shall be inserted . iii) In clause (i) , after the word s tariff policy, the words and National Renewable Energy Policy shall be inserted . 16. In section 62 of the principal Act - i) in sub -section (1) after clause (d) , the following proviso shall be inserted before the existing provisions , namely :- Provided that the Appropriate C ommission shall fix tariff for retail sale of electricity without accounting for subsidy , which, if any, under section 65 of the Act , shall be provided by the government directly to the consumer ;(i) in sub -section (1), after the word in the existing proviso, the shall be inserted ; (ii) in sub -section (3), after the words , the words ,subject to provisions of the Tariff Policy, shall be inserted. 17. Section 63 of the principal Act shall be numbered as sub -section (1) thereof and after sub -section (1) as so numbered, the following sub -section shall be inserted, namely: - (2) The Appropriate Commission shall, after receipt of application complete in all respects, adopt the tariff so determined under sub -section (1), in a timely manner but not later than sixty da ys from the date of application: Provided that on expiry of sixty days from the date of application, if it is not decided by the Approp riate Commission, the tariff shall be deemed to have been adopted by the Appropriate Commission. 18. In section 65 of the principal Act - Amendment of Section 61 Amendment of Section 62 Amendment of Section 63 Amendment of Section 65 Amendment of Secti on 49 Draft for discussion i) for the words and in such manner as may be specified, the amount to compensate the person a ffected by the grant of subsidy in the manner the State Commission may direc t, as a condition for the licenc e or any other person concerned to implement the subsidy provided for by the State Government :, the words the amount of subsidy directly to the co nsumer and the licensee shall charge the consumers as per the tariff determined by the Commission . shall be substituted; ii) proviso to section 65 shall be omitted . 19. In section 77 of the principal Act i) In sub -section (1), after the words commerce, finance and before the or, management and, the words , public policy shall be inserted ; ii) In clause (b) of sub -section (1), for the word , the word shall be substituted ; iii) In clause (c) of sub -section (1), after the words , the word shall be inserted and for the word ,the words , public shall be substituted; iv) sub-section (2) shall be omitted. 20. Section 78 of the principal Act shall be substituted by the following, 78. Constitution of Selection Committee to recommend Members : - (1) The Central Government shall, for the purposes of selecting the Members of the Appellate Tribunal and the Chairperson and Members of the Central C ommission, Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , State Commis sion s and Joint Commission s constitute a Selection Committee consisting of (a) A person who is, or has been, a Judge of the Supreme Court to be nominated by the Chief Justice of India .Chairperson; (b) Secretary -in-charge of the Ministry of the Central Government to be nominated by the Central Government (c) Chief Secretaries of two State Governments in accordance with sub -section (2) Member; (d) Secretary -in-charge of the Ministry of the Central Government dealing with power.Member. (2) For the purposes of clause (c) of sub -section ( 1), the Chief Secretary of the State Government s in alphabetical order of the states starting with Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh shall be the members of the Selection Com mittee for a period of one year. (3) Secretary -in-charge of the Ministry of the Central Government dealing with Power shall be the Convener of the Selection Committee. Amendment of Section 77 Amendment of Section 78 Draft for discussion (4) The Central Government shall, within a period of one month from the date of occurrence of any vacancy by reason of death, resignation or removal of a Member of the Appellate Tribunal, or the Chairperson or a Member of the Central Commission or the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority and within a period of twelve months before the superannuation or end of tenure of the Member of the Appel late Tribunal or Chairperson or Member of the Central Commission or Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , make a reference to the Selection Commit tee for filling up of the vacancy. (5) The State Government shall, within a period of one month from the date of occurrence of any vacancy by reason of death, resignation or removal of the Chairperson or a Member and withina period of twelve mo nths before the superannuation or end of tenure of the Chairperson or Member, make a reference to the Selection Committee for filling up of the vacancy. (6) The proceedings of the Selection Committee shall be held in Delhi or such other places as th e Cent ral Government may notify. (7) The Selection Committee shall finalise the selection of the Chairperson and Members referred to it under sub -sections (4) and (5) and make a recommendation for every vacancy referred to it within three months of the receipt of the reference. (8) Before recommending any person for appointment as Member of the Appellate Tribunal, or the Chairperson or other Member of the Appropriate Commission or Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , the Selection Committee shall satisfy itself that such person does not have any financial or other interest which is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as the Chairperson or Member. (9) No appointment of the Chairperson or other Member shall be invalid merely by reason of any vacancy other than that of the Chairperson in the Selection Committee. 21. In section 79 of the principal Act i) in clause (f) of sub -section (1) of section 79 of the principal Act , after the word s to adjudicate upon disputes, the words except matters referred to in section 109A shall be inserted; ii) after clause (j) in sub -section (1), the following clause shall be inserted , namely: - (ja)To regulate cross border trade of electricity in accordance with the provisions of this Ac t and rules made there under; . Amendment of Section 79 Draft for discussion iii) In sub section (4) after words tariff policy published under section 3 the words and Nation al Renewable Energy Policy under section 3Abe inserted. 22. In section 82 of the principal Act - i) in the second proviso to sub -section (1), for the words section 85 section 78 shall be substituted; ii) in sub -section (4), for the word appe aring after the words , the word shall be substituted; iii) in sub -section (5), for the words section 85 appearing after the words the Committee referred to in, the words section 78 shall be substituted ; iv) after sub -section (6), the following sub -section shall be inserted , (7) If there is no chairperson and member in a State Commission to perform its functions, the Central Government may, in consultation with the state government concerned, entrust its functions to any other State Commission or Joint Commission, as it deems proper.23. In section 84 of the principal Act i) sub-section (1) shall be substituted by the following , namely :- (1)The Chairperson and the Members of the State Commission shall be persons having adequate knowledge of, or experience in, or shown capacity in, dealing with, problems relating to engineering, law, economics, commerce, finance, public policy or management and shall be appointed in the following manner, namely: - (a) one person having qualifications and experience in the field of engineering with specializatio n in generation, transmission or distribution of electricity; (b) one person having qualifications and experience in the field of (c) two person s having qualifications and experience in the field of finance, economics, commerce, public policy or management.ii) sub-section (2) shall be omitted . 24. Section 85 of the principal Act shall be omitted. 25. In section 86 of the principal Act Amendment of Section 82 Amendment of Section 84 Deletion of Section 85 Amendment of Section 86 Draft for discussion i) in clause (f) of sub -section (1) after the words to adjudicate upon ,the words except matters referred to in section 109A shall be inserted; ii) in clause (e) of sub -section (1), after the words from renewable shall be inserted and after the words a distribution , the words as may be prescribed by the Centr al G overnment from time to time shall be inserted. iii) In sub section (4) after words tariff policy published under section 3the words and National Renewable Energy Policy under section 3Abe inserted. 26. In s ection 90 of the principal Act, the proviso to sub section (3) shall be omitted . 27. In section 92 of the principal Act, after sub -section (5), the following sub -section shall be added , namely : (6) Where before or during the course of a proceeding,the Appropriate Commission comes to a conclusion that the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority has the sole authority and jurisdiction to adjudicate a matter, it shall refer the same to the Electricit y Contract Enforcement Authority for its orders 28. After PART X of the principal Act, the following part shall be inserted, namely: - ELECTRICITY CONTRACT ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY 109A. Establ ishment of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority .- (1)The Central Government shall, by notification, establish an Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority to exercise the powers conferred on, and discharge the functions assigned to, it under the Act. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other law in force, the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall have the sole authority and jurisdiction to adjudicate upon matters regarding performance of obligations under a contract related to sale, purchase or transmission of electricity, provided that it shall not have any jurisdiction over any matter related to regulation or determination of tariff or any dispute involving tariff. (3) Every contract between a generation company and a licensee shall be filed with the Appropriate Commission within 30 days of the said contract having been concluded . 109B. Application to Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority and order thereon - (1) Any person aggrieved in any matter referred to in section 109A may prefer an application to the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority . Amendment of Section 90 Insertion of new Chapter Amendment of Section 92 Draft for discussion (2) Every application under sub -section (1) shall be filed within a period of six months from the non -performance of th e obligation under the contract: Provided that the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may entertain an application after the expiry of the said period of six months if it is satisfied that there is sufficient cause for not filing it within that per iod. (3) Every application received under sub section (1) shall be in such form, verified in such manner and be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed. (4) On receipt of an applicatio n or matter under sub -section (6 ) of section 92 , the Electricity Co ntract Enforcement Authority may, after giving the parties to the application an opportunity of being heard, determine whether a valid contract subsists between the parties and whether any party is in violation of any of its obligations under the contract. (5) Upon a finding that there has a violation\/breach of obligation under a contract by a party or parties, the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall direct that the said parties immediately perform their obligation under the contract and may direct the payment of costs on account of the breach of contract or non -fulfilment of obligations of the contract and any further amount it may deem fit as compensation. (6) The Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall send a copy of every order made by it to the parties to the application as the case may be. (7) The Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall deal with the application filed before it under sub -section (1) and any matter referred to it under sub -section (6) of section 92 as expeditiously as possible and endeavor to dispose it finally within one hundred and twenty days from the date of its receip t: Provided that where any application could not be disposed of f within the said period of one hundred and twenty days, the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall record its reasons in writing for not disposing of the matter within the said peri od. 109C. Composition of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority - (1) The Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall consist of the following a) a Chairperson; b) two or more Judicial Members as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time t o time; and c) three or more Technical Members, as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time. (2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a) the jurisdiction of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may be exercised by Benches thereof ; b) a Bench may be constituted by the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority with two or more Members of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority as the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may deem fit: Provided that every Bench shall include at least one Judicial Member and one Technical Member; Draft for discussion c) the Benches of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall ordinarily sit in Delhi and such other places as the Central Government may, in consultati on with the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , notify; (d) the Central Government shall , in consultation with the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , notify the areas in relation to which each Bench of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may have exercise jurisdiction. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -section (2), the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authorit y may transfer a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority from one Bench to another Bench. Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, a Judicial Member shall include the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority . 109D. Qualification for appointment of Chairperson and Members of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority .- (1) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority unless he - (a) in the case of the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , is, or has been a Judge of a High Court ; and (b) in the case of a Judicial Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , is, or has been a District Judge or Additional District Judge for a minimum period of seven years; and (c) in the case of a Technical Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority ,- i. is, or has been, an officer of the rank of Additional Secretary or above for at least one year in the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with power or any other sector of infrastructure; or ii. is, or has been, a person of ability and standing, having adequate knowledge or e xperience in dealing with the matters relating to electricity generation, transmission, distribution and regulation, or economics, finance, public policy, commerce, or management with experience in infrastructure related matters. (2) The Chairperson and M embers of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be appointed by the Central Government on the recommendation of the Selection Committee referred to in section 78. (3) Before appointing any person for appointment as Chairperson or other Mem ber of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , the Central Government shall satisfy itself that such person does not have any financial or other interest which is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as such Chairperson or Member. 109E. Te rm of Office and Terms and Conditions of service. - The Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall hold office as such for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office: Draft for discussion Provided that such Chairperson or other Member shall not be eligible for reappointment in the same capacity as the Chairperson or a Member in the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority ; Provided further that no Chairperson of t he Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall h old office after attaining the a ge of sixty -seven years. 109F. Vacancies. -If, for reason other than temporary absence, any vacancy occurs in the office of the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , the Central Government shall appoint another p erson in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill the vacancy and the proceedings may be continued before the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority from the stage at which the vacancy is filled. 109G. Resignation and Removal. - (1) The Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may, by notice in writing under his hand addressed to the Central Government, resign his office: Provided that the Chairpe rson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall, unless he is permitted by the Central Government to relinquish his office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appointed as his successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of term of office, whichever is the earliest. (2) The Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authorit y or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the Central Government on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity after an inquiry made by Chairperson of the Appellate Tribun al in which the Chairperson or a Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority concerned has been informed of the charges against him and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of such charges. 109 H. Member to act as Chairper son in certain circumstances. - (1) In the event of the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority by reason of his death, resignation or otherwise, the senior -most Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall act as the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority until the date on which a new Chairperson, appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill such vacancy, enters upon his office. (2) When the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority is unable to discharge his functions owing to absence, illness or any other cause, the senior -most Member of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall discharge the func tions of the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority until the date on which the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority resumes his duties. 109I. Officers and other employees of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority .- (1) The Central Government shall provide the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority with such officers and other employees as it may deem fit. Draft for discussion (2) The officers and other employees of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall discharge their functions under the general superintendence of the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority . (3) The salaries and allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be such as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (4) The Chairperson of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall exercise such financial and administrative powers as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 109 J. Procedure and powers of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority .- (1) The Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall not be bound by the procedure laid down by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908but shall be guided by the p rinciples of natural justice and, subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall have powers to regulate its own procedure. (2) The Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall have, for the purposes of discharging its functions under this Act, the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters, namely: - a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; b) requiring the discovery and production of documents; c) receiving evidence on affidavits; d) subject to the provisions of sections 123 and 124 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, requisitioning any public record or document or copy of such record or document from any office; e) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; f) reviewing its decisions; g) dismissing an application on default or deciding it ex parte; h) setting aside any order of dismissal o f an applica tion on default or any order passed by it ex parte; i) pass an interim order (including granting an injunction or stay) after providing the parties concerned an opportunity to be heard; and j) any other matter which may be prescribed by the Central Gover nment. (3) An order made by the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority under this Act shall be executable by it as a decree of civil court and, for this purpose, the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall have all the powers of a civil court including but limited to powers of attachment and sale of property, arrest and detention in prison and appointment of a receiver . (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -section (3), the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may transmit any order made by it to a civil court having local jurisdiction and such civil court shall execute the order as if it were a decree made by that court. (5) All proceedings before the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be deemed to be judicial proceedings within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code and the Electricity Contract Enforcement Draft for discussion Authority shall be deemed to be a civil court for the purposes of section 345 and 346 of the Code of Cr iminal Procedure, 1973. 109 K. Distribution of business amongst Benches and transfer of cases from one Bench to another Bench. - (1) Where Benches are constituted, the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may, from time to time, by notification, make provisions as to the distribution of the business of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority amongst the Benches and also provide for the matters which may be dealt with by each Bench. (2) On the application of any of the parties and after notice to the parties, and after hearing such of them as he may desire to be heard, or on his own motion without such notice, the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority may transfer any case pending before one Bench, for d isposal, to any other Bench. 109 L. Decision to be by majority. - If the Members of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority of a Bench consisting of two Members differ in opinion on any point, they shall state the point or points on which they diffe r, and make a reference to the Chairperson of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority who shall either hear the point or points himself or refer the case for hearing on such point or points by one or more of the other Members of the Electricity Con tract Enforcement Authority and such point or points shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority of the Members of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority who have heard the case, including those who first heard it. 109 M. Right of pa rties to take assistance of legal practitioner .- A person preferring an application to the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority under this Act and any other party to the case may either appear in person or take the assistance of a legal practitioner of his choice to present his case before the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , as the case may be. 109 N. Appeal to Appellate Tribunal. -Any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority , may, file an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal within sixty days from the date of communication of the decision or order of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority to him: Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevent ed by sufficient cause from filing the appeal within the said period, allow it to be filed within a further period not exceeding sixty 29. In section 110 of the principal Act , after the words or the Appropriate Commission and before the words under this Act, the words Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be inserted. 30. In s ub-section (1) of section 111 of the principal Act , after the words the Appropriate Commission and before the words under this Act, the words or an order made by the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be inserted . 31. In sub -section (1) of section 112 of the principal Act, for the word s other Members, the words such number of other Members, not less than seven, as may be prescribed by the Central Government shall be substituted . Amendment of Section 110 Amendment of Section 1 11 Amendment of Section 1 12 Draft for discussion 32. In section 119 of the principal Act, after sub -section (3), the following sub -section shall be added, namely: - (4) The Chairperson of Appellate Tribunal shall exercise such financial and administrative powers as may be prescribed by the Central Government.33. For clauses (g) and (h) to sub -section (2) of section 120 of the principal Act, the following clauses shall be substituted, namely: - (g) dismissing an appeal or an application on default or deciding it ex-(h) setting aside an order of dismissal of an appeal or an application on default or an order passed by it ex-parte ;34. (1) Section 121 of the principal Act shall be numb ered as sub -section (1) thereof. (2) In the sub -section (1) as so numbered, after the words the Appropriate Commission or and before the words or other interested party, the words Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority or shall be inserted and after the words to any Appropriate Commission and before the words performance, the words or Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority shall be inserted ; (3) After sub -section (1) as so numbered, the following sub -section shall be inserted, namely: - (2)The Appellate Tribunal shall have th e same jurisdiction, powers and authority to take action on wilful disobedience to any of its judgment, decree, direction, order or other process or wilful breach of an undertaking given to a it, as a High Court under the provisions of the Contempt of Cour ts Act, 1971 (70 of 1971) on its own motion or on a motion made by the Advocate General or such Law Officer as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, or any other person, with the consent in writing of such Law Officer or the Advocate General, and a reference in the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 to a High Court shall be construed as including a reference to the Appellate Tribunal. 35. (1) S ection 142 of the principal Act shall be numbered as sub -section (1) thereof. (2) In the sub -section (1) as so numbered - (i) after the words thereunder, or any direction , the words or order shall be inserted ; (ii) for the word , the word shall be substituted; Amendment of Section 1 19 Amendment of Section 1 21 Amendment of Section 1 20 Draft for discussion (iii) for the words to six thousand rupees , the words upto one lakh shall be substituted . (3)After sub -section (1) as so numbered in section 142 , the following shall be inserted , namely: - (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub -section (1), in c ase any complaint is filed before the Appropriate Commission by any person or if that Commission is satisfied that any person, with effect from such date as may be notified by the Central Government , has not purchased power from renewable or hydro sources of energy as specified by it using its powers under the Act, the Appropriate Commission shall after giving such person an opportunity of being heard in the matter, by order in writing, direct that, w ithout prejudice to any other penalty to which he may be liable under this Act, such person shall pay, by way of penalty, a sum calculated at the rate of fifty paise per kilowatt -hour for the shortfall in purchase in the first year of default, one rupees per kilowatt -hour for the shortfall in purchase in the second successive year of default and at the rate of two rupees per unit for the shortfall in purchase continuing after the second year.36. In section 146 of the principal Act, for the word s , the word and for the words five thousand rupees , the words one lakh rupees shall be substituted. 37. In sub -section (2) of section 176 of the principal Act - i) after clause ( a), the following clause s shall be inserted, namely: - (aa) the minimum percentage of purchase of electricity from renewable and hydro sources of energy unde r section 3 A; (ab) allowing and facilitating cross border trade of electricity and any matter related to it under sub section (1) of section 49A ; (ac) laying down th e modalities of bundling of r enewable energy (inclu ding hydro) with thermal energy; (ad) Renewable Generation Obligation ; (ae) regarding maintaining adequate capacity resources ;ii) after clause (d), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - (da) payment security mechanism under section 49 ;iii) after clause (p), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely: - Amendment of Section 1 46 Amendment of Section 1 76 Draft for discussion (pa) the form, the manner of verifying the form, and fee for filing the application under sub -section (4) of section 109B; (pb) the number of Judicial and Technical Members to be included in the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority under sub -section (1) of section 109C; (pc ) the salaries and allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority under sub -section (3) of section 109I ; (pd) the exercise of financial and admini strative powers by the Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority under sub -section (4) of section 109I;iv) after clause (q) , the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - (qa) the number of Members to be included in the Appellate Tribunal under sub section 1 of section 112;v) after clause (s) , the following clause shall be inserted , namely: - (sa ) exercise of financial and administrative powers by the Chairperson of Appellate Tribunal under sub section 4 of section 11938. (1) In section 178 of the principal Act, for sub -section (1), the following shall be substituted, namely: - (1) The Central Commission may, by notification, make regulations in respect of the functions assigned to it in the Act. (2) In sub -section (2) of section 178 of the principal Act - i) after clause (a) , the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - (aa) Cross border trade of electricity, if any , under sub section (2) of section 6A; ii) in clause (j), the words and a surcharge shall be omitted; iii) clause (k) shall be omitted; iv) in clause (l ), the words and a surcharge shall be omitted; v) clauses (m), (r) and (ze) shall be omitted. 39. (1)In section 181 of the principal Act, for sub -section (1), the following shall be substituted, namely: - Amendment of Section 1 78 Draft for discussion (1) The State Commission s may, by notification, make regulations in respect of the functions assigned to it in the Act.(2) In sub -section (2) ofsection 181 of the principal Act - i) in clause (i ), the words and a surcharge shall be omitted; ii) clauses (j ), (k), (l), (m) and (n) shall be omitted; iii) after clause (o), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - (oa) determination and payment of surcharge and wheeling charges under the first proviso to sub -section (2) of section 42;iv) for clause (p), the following shall be substituted, namely: - reduction in surcharge and cross subsidies, as may be provided for in the Tariff Policy under the third proviso to sub -section (2) of section v) after clause (p), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: - (pa) the manner of payment and utilization of the surcharge under the fifth proviso to sub -section (2) of section 42;vi) clause s (zc) and (zp) shall be omitted. Statement of Objects and Reasons to The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 20 20The Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) (hereinafter referred as the 2003 Actenacted to consolidate the earlier Electricity Laws, namely, the Indian Electricity Act, 1910, the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998. It contains provisions inter-alia measures conducive to the development of electricity industry promoting competition therein, protecting interest of consumers and supply of electricity to all areas, rationalization of electricity tariff, ensuring transparent policies, constitution of Central Electricity Authority, Regulatory Commission and establishment of Appellate Tribunal and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. 2. Electricity is one of the most critical components of infrastructure which is essential for sustained growth of the Indian economy and welfare of nations. The 2003 Act have brought in huge direct investments, public private partnerships, market development, transparent tariff mechanism etc.; which have enables several reforms, laws and regulations, multifarious contracts and complex disputes. But the electricity sector is seized with few critical issues which have weakened the commercial and investment activities in the electricity sector that needs to be addressed immediately to ensure sustainable growth of the country. It has been felt that the few provisions of the Act are unable to cope with the rapid development of the electricity. Establishment of Electricity Tribunal and strengthening of APTEL 3. The 2003 Act recognizes the contracts for supply and purchase of electricity but it is not specifically dealing with the issues related to performance of the contract. Strength of contracts enables investment in the electricity sector . Non-performance of the contract may create uncertainty, upset investment decisions and adversely affect investment environment and ease of doing business. Electricity Regulatory Commissions established have been entrusted with multiple responsibilities under the Electricity Act such as regulatory functions, tariff fixation issues, grant of licenses etc with limited powers for adjudication of dispute. Consequently, enforceability of performance of the contracts remains an issue to be addressed. In view of above, it is proposed to establish a Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority having which shall be sole authority and having original jurisdiction to adjudicate upon matters regarding specific performance of contracts related to purchase or sale of power between a generating company and a licensee or between licensees; and contracts related to transmission of electricity between a generating company and a licensee or between licensees. Orders of the Electricity Authority shall be executable as a decree of civil court. The Appeal against orders of the Electricity Tribunal shall be heard by Appellate Tribunal for Electricity. It is proposed to strengthen the Appellate Tribunal in terms of strength of Members and powers of Tribunal. Selection Committee for Chairperson and Members of Commission and Qualifications 4. As per existing provisions of Electricity Act there are multiple Committees for selection to the posts of Chairpersons and members of APTEL, the Central Commission and State Commission. This requires constitution of multiple selection committees for every vacancy occurs. It is proposed to have a single selection committee for sele ction for the posts of Chairperson and Members of the Appellate Tribunal and all Regulatory Commissions. This will bring uniformity in selection process. Appointments shall continue to be done by respective State Governments or Central Government. Further, the q ualification for appointments of Chairperson and Members of Central and State Commission are proposed to be made uniform as they are entrusted with the s imilar responsibilities under the Act. National Renewable Energy Policy 5. It is proposed that th e Central Government may after consultation with the State Governments, as may be considered necessary, prepare and notify a National Renewable Energy Policy for the promotion of generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy and prescribe a mi nimum percentage of purchase of electricity from renewable and hydro sources of energy . Payment Security Mechanism 6. Unlike other commodity delivered by the contracted parties, the dispatch of electricity is being undertaken by load dispatch centre through scheduling. The 2003 Act do not recognizes the any watch or monitoring on payment security mechanism for such disp atch of electricity. The load dispatch centre is scheduling electricity without payment security mechanism . Presently, there is huge accumulation of unrealized revenues. It is proposed to empower load dispatch centre to oversee the payment security mechani sm before scheduling dispatch of electricity and to be made mandatory considering sanctity of the existing contracts unless it is waived by the parties to contract themselves . Further, it is pertinent to note that unrealized revenues will cause impediments in economic cycle in the country. Cost reflective Tariff, Simplification of Tariff Structure & Cross Subsidy 7. The 2003 Act mandated the regulatory Commissions to determine the tariff after receipt of the subsidies but there is no provision for fixation tariff with fair cost. Over the period, the regulatory Commissions have been recognizing cost but defer it to recover in future period and also factoring the subsidies based on commitment. Consequently, the tariff determined is not cost reflective and result ed in weakening the financial health of the distribution companies due to under recovery of the prudent cost. It also ha mpers the transparenc y in cost reflective tariff as mandated under the 2003 Act . In view of above, it is felt that provisions related to tariff determination may be expanded and strengthen by imposing certain restriction on deferring revenue recovery . Henc e the tariff should reflect the cost of supply of electricity and c ross -subsidies to be reduced. 8. Section 65 mandate s the state government to grant subsidy to any consumer or class of consumers, but there is no corresponding provisions about the treatment of subsidies in the tariff determined by the state commissions. It is proposed that state commissions to determine tariff for retail sale of electricity wit hout any subs idy under section 65 of the Function to CERC related to Cross Border Trade of Electricity 9. In view of the emerging requirement to regulate the cross border transactions of electricity with other countries, the central commission has been empower to oversee the cross border transactions. Dealing situations in case of Non Functional SERC due to vacancies 10. In order to address the issue of non -functioning due to vacuum in the state commission it i s proposed to empower other state commissions including joint commissions to discharge functions of such state commission. Deemed adoption of Tariff discovered through competitive Bid 11. Timely adoption of tariff discovered under competitive bids as per s ection 63 of the Act is important to avoid cost escalations and impacts sustainability of the project. It is propose to address the time taken for adoption of tariff and identify time line for the Penalties and RPO - HPO 12. In order to ensure strict compliance of the provisions of the Electricity Act and orders of the commission, it is to strengthen section 142 and section 146 of the Electricity Act with increased penalties. Hydro sources of energy have been recognized as ren ewable sources of energy. It is proposed to expand the scope of renewable power purchase obligations to include Hydro sources. To harmonize the national level commitments for environment protection, it is proposed to empower the State Commissions to specif y the RPO as per RPO trajectory prescribed by the Central government from time to time; Distribution sub -license and Fran chise 13. The Distribution licensee can recognize and authorize a person as Distribution sub - to distribute electricity on i ts behalf in a particular area within its area of supply, with the permission of the appropriate State Commission. Enabling provisions have been made to address the situations to deal the issues in sections 126, 135, and 164, when a distribution licensee proposes to undertake distribution of electricity for a specific area within his area of supply through another person . The proposed amendment seeks to achieve the above objectives. ","Summary":"The Electricity Act, 2003 had introduced reforms in the electricity sector, this 2020 Amendment proposes changes to electricity sector laws, to bridge gaps which arose after the 2003 Act.\u00a0\nTo address challenges arising from enforcement of contracts, the amendment proposes the establishment of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority which will have the sole responsibility of acting as a judge on matters related to contracts in the electricity sector. The Amendment further states that any application regarding non-performance of the contract must be filed within 6 months.\n\nThe Amendment also simplifies the process of selection for the Chairperson and Members of the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, as well as State Commissions and the Central Commission by appointing a single selection committee for all selections.\n\nTo address challenges in collecting payments, the Amendment gives more authority to the load dispatch center to collect payments. Over the years, Regulation Commissions have been deferring costs to future periods, creating an imbalance between tariff demand and expenditure. To prevent this, recommendations have been made to expand provisions related to tariff determination and strengthen restrictions on deferring revenue recovery. It is also proposed to incorporate subsidies in the tariff determination made by the State Commissions.\nWith emerging requirements to regulate cross-border electricity transactions, the Central commission has also been given the power to oversee such transactions.\u00a0 Additional provisions have been proposed to allow a \u201cdistribution licensee\u201d to authorize a person as \u201cdistribution sub-licensee\u201d to undertake distribution of electricity for a specific area within his area of supply through another person.\nThe Amendment proposes a new authority which will have the power to adjudicate matters relating to the sale, purchase and transmission of electricity but will not have jurisdiction to deal with matters relating to determination and regulation of tariff. Details of the composition, tenure and jurisdiction of this authority are detailed in the Amendment.\nThe Amendment also proposes to increase the amount of penalty for non-compliance of directions given by an appropriate commission or under the Act from \u2018Rupees One Lakh\u2019 to \u2018Rupees One Crore\u2019 in certain instances.\nThe Amendment adds new components to the existing rule making powers of State and Central Governments, with respect to electricity rules."},"150":{"Title":"Registration of Press and Periodicals Bill, 2019","Text":"MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING SHASTRI BHAVAN , NEW DELHI New Delhi, the 25th November, 2019 PUBLIC NOTICE ON WEBSITE OF MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING SOLICITING SUGGESTION S\/ COMMENTS \/ INPUTS FROM THE STAKEHO LDERS ON THE DRAFT REGISTRATION OF PRES S AND PERIODICALS BI LL, 2019 The regulation of printing presses and newspapers printed in India and their registration is governed by the Press and Registrati on of Books (PRB)Act, 1867 amended from time to time . 2. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has prepared a draft Bill titled Registration of Press and Periodicals (RPP) Bill, 2019 to replace the existing PRB Act,1867 . A copy of the draft Bill is attached herewith . 3. The salient features of the draft Bill are Annexed. 4. As a part of pre -legislative consultative process, the suggestions \/ comments \/ inputs from the stakeholders are solicited, preferably as per following format within a month from the date of issue of the notice on e -mail id: jspna -moib@nic.in . Section\/ Sub -Section\/ Clause \/ Proviso of the Bill Suggestion\/ Comment \/ Input Joint Secretary (P&A) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Room No. 552, A -Wing, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi -110001 Email: jspna -moib@nic.in . ANNEXURE Salient features of the draft Registration of Press and Periodicals Bill, (i) The Bill proposes to remove the existing provisions relating to registration of Books and matters connected thereto. (ii) The Bill proposes to do away with the existing procedure of furnishing of declaration by publishers\/ printers before the District Magistr ate and its subsequent authentication. (iii) The process of title and registration of periodicals including newspapers is proposed to be effected centrally by the Press Registrar General as a simultaneous process. (iv) The Bill enables the Central Government and the State Government to frame appropriate rules\/ regulations to regulate the criteria\/ conditions for issuing Government advertisements in newspapers, accreditation of newspapers and such other facilities for newspapers. (v) The Bill proposes to have a simpl e system of registration of e -papers. (vi) The Bill proposes to do away with the earlier provision under the PRB Act, 1867 of prosecution of publishers. DRAFT REGISTRATION OF PRESS AND PERIODICALS BILL, 2019 Contents Page No. PART 1 ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. -1-3 PRELIMINARY ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 4 Short title, extent and commencement ................................ ................................ ..................... 1 Definitions. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 2-3 PRINTING PRESSES AND PUBLICATIONS Printer to furnish intimation Printer to file an Annual Statement ..................... . AUTHORITIES Appointment of Press Registrar General and other officers PART IV ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... Page 6-9 REGISTRATION OF PERIODICALS Registration of Periodicals Revision of Certificate of Regis trationTransfer of Ownership of a peri odicalCeasing of a Periodica lRestarting of a PeriodicalCancellation \/Suspension of Registrat ionAnnual statement, etc., to be furnished by publisher. Annual Report ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 9 PART V ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 9 PENALTIES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 9 Penalty for printing or publishing perioidcal without conforming to provisions of Ac t ......... 9 Penalty for non -compliance regarding printing press PART VII................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 11 GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENT AND ACCREDITATION PART VIII REGI STRATION OF PUBLISHERS OF NEWS ON DIGITAL MEDIAMISCELLANEOUS ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 11 Power of Central Government ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 11 Press Registrar General and other officers to be public servants. ................................ .................... 11 Protection of action taken in good faith. ................................ ................................ .......................... 11 Power of Central Government to make rules 12 Power to remove difficulties ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 12 Repeal and saving. ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 13-14 REGISTRATION OF PRESS AND PERIODICALS BILL, 201 9 An Act for the registrat ion and regulation of printing presses and periodicals, and matters connected thereto Be it enacted by Parliament in the Seventieth Year of the Republic of India as follows: PRELIMINARY 1. (1) This Act may be called the Registration of Press a nd Periodicals Act, 2019. (2) It extends to the whole of India: (3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, appr opriate Government means the Central Government or the State Government or the Government of the Union Territories having their own legislatures. authorised person means a Gazetted officer subordinate to the Press Registrar General and authorized by t he Press Registrar General in writing to function as his representative for discharging various functions from time to time as the case may be; of a periodical means an individual, whether called editor, chief editor, group editor or editor -in-chief or by any other name called, being a citizen of India and is ordinarily resident in India responsible for the selection and finalization of the content of a periodical ; facsimile edition of a publication means an exact replica in full or in part of t he original edition of a foreign publication in so far as the content is concerned , subject to the condition that any page is not published in part ; financial year means the year beginning on the 1st April and ending on the 31st March next followi ng; foreign periodical means any periodical published and printed in a country outside means a periodical publication, other than a magazine, which carries content related to a particular subject or professional activity; mea ns the authorized person to manage the day -to day operations of a printing press in case the owner of the press is a non -individual entity; means a periodical publication, other than a journal, containing comments or write -ups on general subject s, including public news or comments on public news; new edition means another version of the existing newspaper with a change in the content or language or periodicity ; news on digital media is the news in digitized format that can be transmitted ove r the internet, computer or mobile networks and includes text, audio, video and graphics ; means a periodical of loosely -folded sheets usually printed on newsprint and brought out daily or at least once in a week, containing information on curre nt events, public news or comments on public news ; of a publication means an individual, firm or any such legal entity owning a publication . periodical means any publication including newspaper, which is published and printed at regular interv als and contain write -ups on general or specialized subjects ; 6 prescribed means prescribed by rules made under this Act; means the owner of the printing press Press Reg istrar General means the Press Registrar General of India, appointed by th e Central Government under Section 4 of this Act ; means reproduction of a periodical through any technology involving mass production of copies but does not include photocopying; publication means anything which is printed on paper and is mea nt for public distribution including periodicals, newspapers & books. means the process of making a work available to the public in the form of issuing copies ; means a person authorized in this regard to publish any publication; means the register of periodical s maint ained under Sub -Section 2 of Section 4 of this Act ; specified authority means a District Magistrate or Collector or Deputy Commissioner of a district, as the case may be, or any other executive magistrate or an officer exercising the powers of an Execut ive Magistrate authorised in writing by the District Magistrate or Collector or Deputy Commissioner of a District or by the State Government or Union territory Administration ; means name of the periodical as verified by the Press Registrar General, printed prominently and legibly as the masthead on the front page of the periodical by which the periodical will be known or identified. PRINTING PRESSES AND PUBLICATIONS 3. (1) Printer to furnish an intimation : - Any person or the keeper pos sessing a printing press for printing of any kind of publication shall furnish an intimation before the Specified Authority within whose local jurisdiction such press may be, in such manner and setting forth such particulars as may be prescribed. (2) The person referred to in sub -section (1) shall submit any information\/document relating to the intimation as may be required by the specified authority. (3) Printer to file an Annual Statement : - Any person or the keeper possessing a printing 7 press for print ing of any p eriodical including newspaper , shall submit to the Press Registrar General an Annual Statement by the 30th April of every year regarding printing of such periodicals , containing such particulars and in such manner as may be prescribed. 4. A p erson, being an entity incorporated and registered in India under any law for the time being in force, or a citizen of India, may bring out a publication; Provided that no person who has been convicted by any court for an offence - (i) Involving terror ist act or unlawful activity; (ii) For having done anything against the security of the State, shall bring out a publication. Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, the expression terrorist act shall have the meanings respective ly assigned to them in clauses (k) and (o) of sub -section (1) of Section 2 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. PART III AUTHORITIES 5 (1) Appointment of Press Registrar General and other officers: The Central Government may appoint Press Registrar General of India and such other officers under the general superintendence and control of the Press Registrar General as may be necessary for the purpose of performing the functions assigned to them by or under this Act and may, by general or spe cial order, provide for the distribution or allocation of functions to be performed by them under this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, t he Press Registrar General shall perform the following func tions, namely (i) Issue a Certificate of Registration to a Publication; (ii) Maintain a register of registered newspapers and periodicals; (iii) Frame guidelines for admissibility and availability of title of a periodical; ; (iv) Levy fees, as applicable , with regard to applications received by it under the Act; (v) Receive funds from the Central Government and disburse the same for implementation of the Act; (vi) Any function incidental to or connected with clauses (i) to (v); and 8 (vii) Any other functio n as may be assigned to it by the Central Government consistent with the provisions of the Act. (3) The Press Registrar General in exercise of his functions under the Act shall have the following powers, namely (i) To obtain Annual Statements from a pri nter and a p eriodical ; (ii) To verify the circulation figure of a newspaper ; (iii) To revise, revoke or suspend registration of a p eriodical (iv) to requisition the services of an officer and such other person as may be specified by him for undertaking ve rification of circulation figure of a newspaper or for any other function under the Act; (v) to call for records, documents and such other information from a publication as may be required in discharge of his function. (vi) to have access to any relevant r ecord or document relating to a periodical in the possession of the publisher or printer thereof, and may enter at any reasonable time any premise where he believes such record or document to be and where the periodical is being printed and may inspect or take copies of the relevant records or documents or ask any question necessary for obtaining any information required to be furnished under this Act. (vii ) to impose fine and penalty . PART IV REGISTRATION OF PERIODICALS 6 . Registration of periodicals (1) A periodical shall be printed or published in India only in accordance with the manner la id down hereunder; (2) Every owner of a periodical , whether free or paid, shall obtain a certificate of registration from the Press Registrar General by makin g an application in such manner , by furnishing such documents , setting forth such particulars and payment of such fee as may be prescribed ; (3); The application under sub section (2) shall also contain the title which the owner of 9 periodical intends to as sign to the periodical, and for that purpose the owner may suggest one or more names for the title, in an order of preference, which is not the same or similar to a title already held by any other periodical either in the same language anywhere in India or in any other language in the same State, and which conforms to the guidelines framed for this purpose by the Press Registrar General from time to time ; (4) A copy of the application for registration shall be forwarded by the Press Registrar General to th e specified authority, within whose local jurisdiction the publisher is, calling for his no -objection or otherwise for registration of the said periodical by the said publisher, to be provided by the specified authority within 60 days. (5) The Press Registrar General shall, upon receipt of application from the owner of the periodical for issuance of certificate of registration , satisfy himself regarding its correctness and completeness and after taking into account the comments , if any, received fr om the specified authority under whose jurisdiction the periodical is to be published and the guidelines relating to admissibility of titles and issue a Certificate of Registration along with the title of the periodical, preferably within a period of 60 days of such application ; Provided that the Press Registrar General may,for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to grant Certificate of Registration. Provided further that no such refusal shall be made unless an opportunity of being heard has been pro vided to the owner of the periodical. (6) The owner of the periodical shall, on receipt of the certificate of registration, commence publication of the periodical within three months of such receipt . Provided that if the owner of the periodical fails to publish the periodical within 12 months from the end of the month in which the certificate of registration was granted, the Press Registrar General may cancel the certificate and withdraw the title. Explanation : For the purpose of this proviso failure to publish a periodical will mean publishing of a periodical less than three fourth of what should have been published as per the application made. 10 7. Revision of Certificate of Registration: (1) A publisher of a periodical may apply for revision of par ticulars of the Certificate of Registration in such manner and setting forth such particulars as may be prescribed. (2) The Press Registrar General may issue a revised Certificate of Registration to the publisher , and intimate the same to the specified a uthority . 8. (1) Transfer of Ownership of a periodical: Transfer of Ownership of a periodical shall be done only after the periodical is registered under Section 5(5) of this Act. (2) The periodical shall obtain a Revised Certificate of Registration afte r change of ownership in a manner laid down in Section 6 . 9 (1) Ceasing of Periodical: The owner, of a periodical, on deciding to cease the periodical, shall within six months of such ceasing, intimate the Press Registrar General and the specified au thority within whose local jurisdiction such periodical was published about such ceasing of periodical. (2) The Press Registrar General, on receipt of such intimation from the publisher shall cancel the registration of the ceased periodical and remove the periodical along with its title from the register maintained under Section 4(2) of this Act. 10 Restarting of a P eriodical : Where any periodical has stopped or discontinued the publication of periodical for a period exceeding three months but not ex ceeding twelve months the publisher shall make an application to the Press Registrar General for restarting the periodical in such manner and alongwith such documents as prescribed. 11 (1) Cancellation or suspension of Registration: The Press Registrar General may, on the basis of information received from the Government or its organization, or on the recommendations of the Press Council of India or the specified authority, or obtained by it, may suspend or cancel the Certificate of Registration if he is satisfied that : (a) the periodical is being published in contravention of the provisions of this Act or rules made there under; (b) the registration was obtained on false representation or on the concealment of any material fact; (c) the periodical m entioned in the Certificate of Registration bears a title, which is the same 11 or similar to that of any other periodical, published either in the same language or in the same (d) the periodical has stopped publishing for a period exceeding twelve mo nths from the date of last published issue; (e) The periodical of any periodicity has published issues less than three -fourth of what should have been published in accordance with the application made in respect thereof. (f) the Publisher has given any wro ng or false particulars in his Application for Registration or Annual Statement; (g) The publisher has failed to furnish the annual statement within twelve months of the end of a financial year. (h) The publisher has been convicted by any court for an of fence - (i) Involving terrorist act or unlawful activity; (ii) For having done anything against the security of the State, Provided that no order for cancellation or suspension of Certificate of Registration may be passed unless an opportunity has been grant ed to the publisher. (2) A copy of order of cancellation passed under this Section shall be made available to the appropriate Government and the Specifi ed Authority for their records; 12. Annual statement to be furnished by publisher or owner: (1) The publisher of a periodical shall furnish to the Press Registrar General an annual statement in respect of the periodical, at such time and containing such particulars as may be prescribed; (2) If the publisher fails to comply with provision of Section 12 (1), he shall be charged with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees, along with mandatory submission of annual statement for the defaulted year\/s and is also liable for suspension\/cancellation of registration . (3) If the publisher or owner in the a bsence of the publisher furnishes any false particulars or details in the annual statement submitted under provision of Section 11 (1), he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees, Provided that no order for imposition of pe nalty shall be passed without providing an 12 opportunity of being heard to the publisher. 13. Annual Report: The Press Registrar General shall prepare and publish an annual report containing information in respect of the periodicals in India in such f orm and at such time as may be prescribed . PENALT IES 14. Penalty for printing or publishing periodical without conforming to provisions of Act: Whoever owns, prints, publishes or edits any periodical without conforming to the provisions of Sect ion 5, Section 6 and Section 7 of this Act and rules made thereunder, or causes to be owned, printed, published or edited any periodical knowing that the provisions of Section 5, Section 6 and Section 7 of this Act or the rules made there under have not been complied with, shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees, and the periodical may also be liable for cancellation of Registration. 15. Penalty for non -compliance of provisions regarding Printing Press : (1) Non complian ce in terms of provisions of Section 3 for starting a printing press without furnishing an intimation or by furnishing false particulars in the intimation or for not furnishing information called for by the specified authority shall invite such fine and penal action as may be considered appropriate by the specified authority concerned. (b) Non compliance in terms of provisions of Section 3(3) for not filing annual statement by the printer or the keeper shall attract a fine upto fifty thousand rupees and recommendation to the specified authority for taking appropriate penal action . 16 (1) There shall be an Appellate Board to be called the Press and Registration Appellate Board consisting of Chairman, Press Council of India and one member to be nominated by the Press Council of India, from among its members. (2) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Press Registrar General with regard to refusal of registration under sub -section ( 5) of Section 6, or cancellation or suspension of registr ation 13 under Section 11, or imposition of penalty and orders of suspension\/cancellation of registration under Section 14, may, within sixty days from the date on which such order is communicated to him, prefer an appeal to the Appellate Board. Provided that the Appellate Board may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring the appeal on time. (3) On receipt of an appeal under this section, the Appellate Boa rd may, after calling for the records and after making such further inquiries as it deems fit, confirm, modify or set aside the order appealed against. (4) The decision of the Appellate Board shall be final. Part VII GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENT AND ACCR EDITATION 17. (1) The appropriate Govern ment may prescribe the condition under which it may issue advertisements, grant accreditation, and provide any other benefit to the periodical or its owners\/employees; (2) The condition referred to in sub -section (1 ) may take into consideration the age of the publication, its circulations, compliance to various provisions of this Act, and such other criteria as it may specify . Part VIII REGISTRATION OF PUBL ISHERS OF NEWS ON DI GITAL MEDIA 18. The publishers of ne ws on Digital Media shall register themselves with the Registrar of Newspapers of India in such manner and giving such particulars as may be prescribed. MISCELLANEOUS 19. Powers of the Central Government (1) In discharge of its functions und er the Act, the 14 Press Registrar General shall be bound by such directions on question of policy as the Central Government may give in writing from time to time. (2) The decision of the Central Government as to whether a question is one of policy or not sha ll be final. 20. Press Registrar General and other officers to be public servants: The Press Registrar General and all officers appointed under this Act shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code ( 45 of 1860). 21. Protection of action taken in good faith: No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Central Government or a State Government or the Press Registrar General or any officer or employee authorized by the Press Registrar General, for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or the rules made there under. 22. (1) Power of Central Government to make rules : The Central Government, may, by notification in the Official Gazette , make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely: - (a) the form, fees and manner of making an application under Section 6; (b) the other particulars of registration of periodicals under Section 6; (c) the form in which a Certificate of Registration will be issued under Section 6 (5) (d) the manner in which the register of periodicals shall be maintained under section 5(2) (e) Pre scribing the particulars which an annual statement to be furnished by the publisher of a periodical to the Press Registrar , may contain; (f) Prescribing the form and manner in which an annual statement under section 12, or any returns, statistics or other info rmation under this Act , may be furnished to the Press Registrar; (g) the manner in which circulation verification of newspapers may be conducted by an authorised person under Section 5(3) (h) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, prescribed; (3) E very rule made under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before each House of Parliament while it is in session. 23 (1) Power to remove difficulties : If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions 15 of this Act, the Centra l Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty. Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of three years from the commencement of this Act. (2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament. 24 (1) Repeal and saving: The Press and Regist ration of Books Act, 1867 is hereby repealed. (25 of 1867.) (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, - (a) anything done or any action taken or purported to have been done or taken including any rule, notification, inspection, order or declaration made or any doc ument or instrument executed or any direction given or any proceedings taken or any penalty or fine imposed under the Act hereby repealed shall, in so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of this Act; (b) any declaration, including title thereof, so made and authenticated under the provisions of the Act hereby repealed, shall be deemed to have been made and authenticated under the corresponding provisions of this A ct; (c) any proceeding pending in any court at the commencement of this Act may be continued in that court as if this Act has not been passed; (d) the Press Registrar General and other officers appointed under Section 4(1) of the Act hereby repealed and holding o ffice as such immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall, on the commencement of this Act, continue to hold their respective offices under the corresponding provisions of this Act, unless and until they are removed or superannuated; (e) the Press a nd Registration Appellate Board established under the Act hereby repealed shall, continue to function under the corresponding provisions of this Act, unless and until the Appellate Authority is constituted under this Act; (f) any appeal preferred to the Press and Registration Appellate Board here by repealed and not disposed of before the commencement of this Act may be disposed of by the 16 Appellate Authority constituted under this Act; (g) any penalty payable under the Act hereby repealed may be recovered in the ma nner provided by or under this Act, but without prejudice to any action already taken for the recovery of such penalty under the Act so repealed; (h) any certificate of registration issued or granted under the Act hereby repealed shall continue to have effect after the commencement of this Act under the same conditions as if this Act had not been passed. (3) The mention of the particular matters in sub -section (2) shall not be held to prejudice or affect the general application of section 6 of the General Clau ses Act, 1897 with regard to the effect of repeal. (10 of 1897) . ","Summary":"This Bill was drafted, to replace the existing Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867.\n\nUnder the Bill, printers will send an annual disclosure with the publications being printed at their press and the details of their press, to the authorities. It creates the office of a Press Registrar General and an appellate authority to administer this Bill.\n\nPeriodicals can be printed in India, in the following manner:\n\u2022 Owners of media houses will get a certificate of registration from the Press Registrar General.\n\u2022 The application for the certificate will need a 'no-objection certificate' from the local authorities, which must be given within 60 days.\n\u2022 The owner will begin publishing, 3 months after they receive the certificate of registration.\n\n\nThis certificate can be cancelled or suspended by the authorities, if they receive information from the Government or recommendations from the Press Council of India. Licenses can also be cancelled if the publisher has been convicted for an unlawful activity, terrorist act or has done anything against the security of the state.\n\nIf the publication is going against provisions of this Bill, it can lose it's license and be fined up to Rs. 50,000\/-.\u00a0\n\nPublishers of news on digital media will also need to be registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India, and follow provisions of this Act."},"111":{"Title":"Draft Rules on Industrial Relations Code, 2020","Text":"5287 GI\/2020 (1) .- 33004\/99 REGD. No . D. L. -33004\/99 xxxGIDHxxx xxx GIDE xxx EXTRAORDINARY Section 3 Sub -section (i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY , 189 7 (1897 , 2020 (2020 , 1946 ; -110001 - sanjeev.dom@nic.in 29, 2020 \/ 7, 194 2 No. 560] NEW DELHI, THURS DAY , OCTOBER 29, 2020\/ KARTIKA 7, 1942 .-29102020-222829CG-DL-E-29102020-2228292 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] , 2020; : - (1) 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ( 1), (5), (6), (8) ; 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 2,25,000\/ - 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] , 1908 (1908 2,25,000\/ - ( 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] , 1908 (1908 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] , 1908 (1908 , 1973 (1974 345, 346 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ( 3), (5), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11) 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ................................................................................. ................................... ................................................. ...... ...............................20 .............. .............................. ........................ (ii) : ) 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ............................. .................................20...... ------------------------------------ ------------- ------------------ 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ---------------------------------------- -------------- ------------------- ( ----------------- --------- ( ------------------- ( ------------------------------------ --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ( 75 (1) * ---------------------- 28, 29, 31 :..................... 78 (2)*\/ 24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- : ----------------------------- : ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- ------------ -------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------ --------------- 20 --------------------------- ------------ ------------- 20 ------------------ ---------------- ----------- -20025\/26\/2015 -MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 29th October, 2020 G.S.R . 684 (E).The following draft rules, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 99 of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (35 of 2020) read with section 24 of the General Clauses Act, 1897(10 of 1897) and in supersession of the (i) the Industrial Tribunal (Procedure) Rules , 1949; (ii) the Industrial Tribunal (Central Procedure) Rules, 1954; (iii) the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957; and (iv) the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules,1946 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersessi on, are hereby notified, as required by sub -section (1) of said section 99, for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft notification will be taken into consideration after the expiry of a peri od of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Official Gazette in which this notification is published are made available to the public; Objections and suggestions, if any, may be addressed to Shri Sanjeev Nanda, Under Secretary to the Governm ent of India, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Room No. 17, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi -110001 or by email sanjeev.dom@nic.in . The objections and suggestions should be sent in a proforma contain ing columns (i) specifying the name and address of the person\/organization and column (ii) specifying the rule or sub -rule which is proposed to be modified and column (iii) specifying the revised rule or sub -rule proposed to be substituted and reasons ther efor; Objections and suggestions, which may be received from any person or organization with respect to the said draft notification before expiry of the period specified above, will be considered by the Central Government. DRAFT RULES CHAPTER - I PRELIMIN ARY 1. Short title, application and commencement - (i) These rules may be called The Industrial Relation (Central) Rules, 2020 . (ii) They extend to whole of India including Union territories except Union Territories which have their respective legislatur e in respect to the industrial establishments and matters for which the Central Government is the appropriate Government. (iii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 1A. Definition. - (1) In these rules, unles s the context otherwise requires, - means the Industrial Relations Code, 2020; means the section of the Code; electronically means any information submitted by email or uploading on the designated portal or digital payment in any mode for the purpose of Code; (2) The words and expressions used in these rules which are not defined therein, but are defined in the Code, shall have their respective meaning as assigned to them in the Code. 2. Written Agreement for the settlement before the Con ciliation Officer under clause (zi) of Section 2.- The Agreement under clause (zi) of Section 2 for written agreement between the employer and worker shall be in the form specified in Form -I and shall be signed by the parties in the agreement and a copy thereof shall be sent to the concerned Conciliation Officer. Chapter II BI-PARTITE FORUMS 3. Constitution of Works Committee etc. under Section 3. - (1) Every employer to whom an order made under sub -section (1) of section 3 relates, shall forthwith procee d to constitute a Works Committee in the manner as is specified in the following sub -rules: - 28 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (2) The number of members constituting the Committee shall be fixed so as to afford representation to the various categories, groups and class of workers engaged in, and to the sections, shops or departments of the establishment: Provided that the total number of members of the Works Committee shall not exceed twenty: Provided further that the number of representatives of the worker in the Works Committee shall no t be less than the number of representatives of the employer therein. (3) Subject to the provisions of this rule, the representatives of the employer in the Works Committee shall be nominated by the employer and shall, as far as may be possible, be offi cials in direct touch with, or associated with, the working of the industrial establishment. (4) (a) Where any workers of the industrial establishment are members of a registered Trade Union, the employer shall ask such Trade Union to inform him in writing as to (i) How many of the workers are members of such Trade Union; and (b) Where an employer has reason to believe that the information furnished to him under clause (a) by the registered Trade Union is false, he may, after informing such Trade Union, refer the matter to the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), who shall, after hearing the parties, shall decide the matter and his decision shall be final. (5) On receipt of the information called for under sub -rule (4), the employer shall provide fo r the selection s representative on the Committee in two following groups, namely: - (a) registered Trade Union may choose their representatives as members for works committee in the proportion of their membership. (b) where there is no registered Trade u nion, workers may choose amongst themselves representatives for works committee. (6) (a) The Works Committee shall have among its office -bearers a Chairman, a Vice -Chairman, a Secretary and a Joint -Secretary. The Secretary and the Joint -Secretary shall be elected every year. (b) the Chairman shall be nominated by the employer from amongst the employers representatives on the Works Committee and he shall, as far as possible, be the head of the industrial establishment; (c) the Vice -Chairman shall be elec ted by the members, on the Works Committee representing the workers, from amongst themselves: Provided that in the event of equality of votes in the election of the Vice - Chairman, the matter shall be decided by draw of a lot: (d) the Works Committee shall elect the Secretary and the Joint Secretary provided that where the Secretary is elected from amongst the representatives of the employers, the Joint Secretary shall be elected from amongst the representatives of the worker and vice versa: Provided that t he post of the Secretary or the Joint Secretary, as the case may be, shall not be held by a representative of the employer or the worker for two consecutive years: Provided that the representatives of the employer shall not take part in the election of the Secretary or Joint Secretary, as the case may be, from amongst the representatives of the worker and only the representatives of the worker shall be entitled to vote in such elections. (e) In any election under clause (d), in the event of equality of vote s, the matter shall be decided by a draw (7) (a) the term of office of the representatives on the Works Committee other than a member chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall be two years; (b) A member chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall hold offic e for the unexpired term of his predecessor; (c) A member who without obtaining leave from the Works Committee, fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee shall forfeit his membership. (8) In the event of workers representative ceasing to be a member under clause (c) of sub -rule (7) or ceasing to be employed in the establishment or in the event of his resignation, death or otherwise, his successor shall be chosen in accordance with the provisions of this rule from the same group to which t he member vacating the seat belonged. [(9) The Works Committee shall have the right to co -opt in a consultative capacity, persons employed in the industrial establishment having particular or special knowledge of a matter under discussion. Such co-opted mem ber shall not be entitled to vote and shall be present at meetings only for the period during which the particular question is before the Works Committee. (10)(a) the Works Committee may meet as often as necessary but not less often than once in three (b) the Works Committee shall at its first meeting regulate its own procedure. (11) (a) the employer shall provide accommodation for holding meetings of the Works Committee. He shall also provide all necessary facilities to the Works Committee and to t he members thereof for carrying out the work of the Works Committee. The Works Committee shall ordinarily meet during working hours of the industrial establishment concerned on any working day and the representative of the worker shall be deemed to be on duty while attending the meeting; (b) the Secretary of the Works Committee may with the prior concurrence of the Chairman, put up notice regarding the work of the Works Committee on the notice board of the industrial establishment. 4. Manner of choosing members from the employers and the workers for Grievance Redressal Committee under sub -section (2) of section 4 .- The Grievance Redressal Committee shall consist of equal number of members representing the employer and the workers, which shall not exceed ten. (2) The representatives of the employer shall be nominated by the employer and shall, as far as may be possible, be officials in direct touch with or associated with the working of the industrial establishment, preferably the heads of major departmen ts of the industrial establishment. (3) The representatives of the workers shall be chosen by the registered Trade Union. In case where there is no registered Trade union the member may be chosen by the workers of the industrial establishment: Provided that there shall be adequate representation of women workers in the Grievance Redressal Committee and such representation shall not be less than the proportion of women workers to the total workers employed in the industrial establishment: Provided furth er that the tenure of the members of the Grievance Redressal Committee shall be co -terminus with the tenure of the members of the registered Trade Union. Provided further that in the absence of registered Trade Union, the tenure of members of Grievance Redressal Committee shall be for a period of two years from the date of the constitution of the Grievance Redressal Committee. (4) Where any workers of the industrial establishment are members of a registered Trade Union, the employer shall ask such Trad e Union to inform him in writing as to (a) how many of the workers are members of such Trade Union; (b) Where an employer has reason to believe that the information furnished to him under clause (a) by the registered Trade Union is false, he may, afte r informing such Trade Union, refer the matter to the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) who shall, after hearing the parties, shall decide the matter and his decision shall be final. (5) On receipt of the information called for under sub -rule (4), the employer shall provide for the selection s representative on the Committee by two following groups, namely: - (a) registered Trade Union may choose their representatives as members for Grievance Redressal Committee in the proportion of their membership. (b) such workers those who are not member of registered Trade Union, may choose amongst themselves representatives for the Grievance Redressal Committee. 5. Application in respect of any dispute to be filed before the Grievance Redressal Committee by any aggrieved worker under sub -section (5) of section 4. - Any aggrieved worker may file an application stating his dispute therein before the Grievance Redressal Committee giving his name, d esignation, employee Code, Department where posted, length of service in years, category of worker, address for correspondence, contact number, details of grievances and relief sought. Such application may be sent electronically or otherwise. The Grievance may be raised within one year from the date on which the cause of action of such dispute arises. 30 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 6. Manner of filing application for the conciliation of grievance as against the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee to the conciliation officer un der sub -section (8) of section 4. - Any worker who is aggrieved by the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee or whose grievance is not resolved by the said Committee within thirty days of receipt of the application, may file an application through Samadhan Portal of the Ministry of Labour and Employment or by registered post or speed post within a period of sixty days from the date of the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee or from the date on which the period specified in sub -section ( 6) of section 4 expires, as the case may be, to the conciliation officer through the Trade Union, of which he is a member or otherwise: Provided that in case of manual receipt of such application through registered post or speed post, the conciliation offi cer shall get the same digitized and enter the particulars of the application in the online mechanism under intimation to the concerned worker. Chapter III STANDING ORDERS 7. Manner of forwarding information to certifying officer under sub -section (3) of section 30 .- (1) If the employer adopts the model standing order of the Central Government referred to in section 29 with respect to matters relevant to his industrial establishment or undertaking, then, he shall intimate the concerned certifying offi cer electronically the specific date from which the provisions of the model standing order which are relevant to his establishment have been adopted. (2) On receipt of information in sub -rule (1) the certifying officer within a period of thirty days fr om such receipt may give his observation that the employer is required to include certain provisions which are relevant to his establishment and indicate those relevant provisions of the model standing orders which have not been adopted and shall also dire ct the employer to amend the standing order so adopted, by way of addition, deletion or modification within a period of thirty days from the date of the receipt of such direction and ask for compliance report only in respect of provisions which the certify ing officer seeks to get so amended and such report shall be sent electronically by the employer. (3) If no observation is made by certifying officer within a period of thirty days of the receipt of the information as specified in sub -rule (1) and (2), th en, the standing order shall be deemed to have been adopted by the employer. 8. Manner of choosing representatives of workers of the industrial establishment or undertaking for issuing notice by certifying officer where there is no Trade Union operating, under clause (ii) of sub -section (5) of section 30. Where there is no such Trade Union as is referred to in clause (i) of said sub -section (5), then, the certifying officer shall call a meeting of the workers to choose three representatives, to whom he s hall, upon their being chosen, forward a copy of the standing order requiring objections, if any, which the workers may desire to make to the draft standing order to be submitted within fifteen days from the receipt of the notice. 9. Manner of authenticat ion of certified standing orders under sub -section (8) of section 30. - Standing orders or modification in the standing orders, certified in pursuance of sub -section (8) of section 30 or the copies of the order of the appellate authority under sub -section ( 1) of section 33 shall be authenticated by the certifying officer or the appellate authority, as the case may be, and shall be sent electronically within a week to all concerned, but there shall not be any requirement of certification in cases of deemed certification under sub -section (3) of section 30 and in cases where the employer has certified adoption of model standing orders. 10. Statement to be accompanied with draft standing orders under sub -section (9) of section 30.- A statement to be accompanie d with - (i) draft standing order shall contain, the particulars such as name of the industrial establishment or undertaking concerned, address, e -mail address, contact number and strength and details of workers employed therein including particulars of Tra de union to which such workers belong; and (ii) draft modification in the existing standing orders, shall contain the particulars of such standing orders which are proposed to be modified along with a tabular statement containing details of each of the re levant provision of standing order in force and proposed modification therein and reasons thereof and such statement shall be signed by a person authorized by the industrial establishment or undertaking. 11. Conditions for submission of draft standing ord er in similar establishment under sub -section (10) of section 30 .- In cases of group of employer engaged in similar industrial establishment may submit a joint draft standing order under section 30 and for the purpose of proceedings specified in sub -secti ons (1), (5), (6), (8) and (9) thereof after consultation with the concerned Trade union. [ Provided that the joint draft standing orders, in cases of group of employers engaged in similar industrial establishments, will be drafted and submitted to the Chie f Labour Commissioner (Central) who shall, in consultation with the concerned certifying officers, certify or refuse to certify the said joint draft standing order, after recording reasons therefor. 12. Manner of disposal of appeal by appellate authorit y under section 32: - (1) An employer or Trade Union desirous of preferring an appeal against the order of the certifying officer given under sub -section (5) of section 30 shall within sixty days of the receipt of such order shall draw up a memorandum of appeal in tabular form stating therein the provisions of the standing orders which are required to be altered or modified or deleted or added and reasons thereof and shall be filed electronically to the appellate authority. (2) The appellate authority sh all fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and direct notice thereof to be (a) where the appeal is filed by the employer or a worker, to Trade Union of the workers of the industrial establishment or to the representative body of the workers concerned or to the employer, as the case may be; (b) where the appeal is filed by a Trade Union, to the employer and all other Trade Unions of the workers of the industrial establishment; and (c) where the appeal is filed by the representative of the workers, to the emplo yer and any other worker whom the appellate authority joins as a party to the appeal. (3) The appellant shall furnish each of the respondents with a copy of the memorandum of appeal. (4) The appellate authority may at any stage of the proceeding call for a ny evidence, if it considers necessary for the disposal of the appeal. (5) On the date fixed under sub -rule (2) for the hearing of the appeal, the appellate authority shall take such evidence as it may have called or consider to be relevant if produced and after hearing the parties dispose of the appeal. 13. The language and the manner of maintaining standing order under sub -section (1) and (2) of section 33. - (1) The standing order finally certified by certifying officer shall be sent electronically exce pt in the case of deemed certification under section 30. (2) The text of the standing order as finally certified or deemed to have been certified or adopted model standing order under this Chapter shall be maintained by the employer in Hindi or in English and in the official language of the State where the industrial establishment is situated. 14. Register for final certified copy of Standing Order under section 34. - (1) The certifying officer shall maintain electronically, a register of all standing orders certified or deemed to have been certified or adopted model standing orders of all the concerned industrial establishments, inter -alia, containing the details of (a) the unique number assigned to each standing order; (b) name of industrial es tablishment; (c) nature of industrial establishment; (d) date of certification or deemed certification or date of adoption of model standing order by each establishment or undertaking; (e) the areas of the operation of the industrial establishment; a nd (f) such other details as may be relevant and helpful in retrieving the standing orders and create a data base of such of all standing orders. (2) The certifying officer shall furnish a copy of the certified standing orders or deemed certifying orders to any person applying there for on payment of two rupees per page of the certified standing orders or deemed certified standing orders, as the case may be. The payment for such purpose can also be made through electronic mode. 15. Application for modif ication of Standing Order under sub -section (2) of section 35 .- The application for modification of an existing standing order under sub -section (2) of section 35 shall be submitted electronically and contain the particulars of such standing orders which a re proposed to be modified along with a tabular statement containing details of each of the relevant provisions of standing order in force, and proposed modifications therein, reasons thereof and the details of registered Trade union(s) operating therein, and such statement shall be signed by a person authorized by the industrial establishment or undertaking. 32 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] Chapter IV NOTICE OF CHANGE 16. The manner of giving of notice for change proposed to be effected under clause (i) of section 40 .- (1) Any employer i ntending to effect any change in the conditions of service applicable to any worker in respect of any matter specified in the Third Schedule to the Code, shall give notice in Form -II to such worker affected by such change. (2) The notice referred in sub -rule (1) shall be displayed conspicuously by the employer on the notice board at the main entrance of the industrial establishment and the office of the concerned Manager of the industrial establishment: Provided that where there is a registered Trade Union or registered Trade Unions relating to the industrial establishment a copy of such notice shall also be served on the Secretary of such Trade Union or each of the Secretaries of such Unions, as the case may be. Chapter V VOLUNTARY REFERENCE OF DISPUTES T O ARBITRATION 17. Form of arbitration agreement and the manner thereof under sub -section (3) of section 42 . - (1) Where the employer and workers agree to refer the dispute to arbitration, the Arbitration Agreement shall be in Form -III and shall be signed b y the parties to the agreement. The agreement shall be accompanied by the consent either in writing or electronically of arbitrator or arbitrators. (2) The Arbitration Agreement referred to in sub -rule (1) shall be signed. - (i) In case of an employer, by the employer himself, or when the employer is an incorporated company or other body corporate, by the agent, manager or other officer of the corporation authorized for such purposes; (ii) In the case of the workers by the officer of the registered Trad e Union authorized in this behalf or by three representatives of the workers duly authorized in this behalf at a meeting of the concerned workers held for such purpose; (i) In the case of an individual worker, an individual worker by the worker himself or by a n officer of registered Trade Union of which the worker is a member: Explanation. - (1) In this rule, the expression means any officer of a registered Trade Union or an association of the employer authorized for such purpose; (2) In this rule means any of the following officers, namely: - a) the President; b) the Vice -President; c) the Secretary (including the General Secretary); d) a Joint Secretary; and e) any other officer of the Trade Union authorized in this behalf by the President and Secretary of the union. 18. Manner of issue of notification under sub -section (5) of section 42 .- Where an industrial dispute has been referred to arbitration and the Central Government is satisfied that the persons making the reference represent the majority of e ach party, it shall publish a notification in this behalf in the Official Gazette and electronically for the information of the employers and workers who are not parties to the arbitration agreement but are concerned in the dispute and they may present the ir case before the arbitrator or arbitrators appointed for such purpose. 19. Manner of choosing representatives of workers where there is no Trade Union under sub -section (5) of section 42 .- Where there is no Trade Union, t he representative of workers to p resent their case before the arbitrator or arbitrators in pursuance of clause (c) of the proviso to sub -section (5) of section 42, shall be chosen by a resolution passed by the majority of concerned workers in Form -IV authorizing therein to represent the c ase. Such workers shall be bound by the acts of representatives who have been authorized to represent before the arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be. Chapter VI MECHANISM FOR RESOLUTION OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES 20. Manner of filling up of the v acancy under sub -section (9) of Section 44 and procedure for selection, salaries and allowances and other terms and condition of Judicial Member of the National Industrial Tribunal under sub -section (6) of Section 46. - (1) The qualification for appointmen t of the Judicial Member of the National Industrial Tribunal (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as the judicial Member) shall be such as provided in sub -section (3) of section 46. (2) The Judicial member shall be appointed by the Central Government o n the recommendation of a Search Cum Selection Committee (SCSC) specified in sub -rule (3). (3) The Search Cum Selection Committee shall comprise of the following members, namely: - (i) Chief Justice of India or a Judge of Supreme Court nominated by him -Chairper son; (ii) Sitting Judicial Member of the other National Industrial Tribunal Member; (Presently, there are two National Tribunals, one at Kolkata and the other at Mumbai) (iii) Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Labour and Employment -Member; and (iv) Secre tary to the Government of India, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade Member, (4) The Search -cum -Selection Committee (SCSC) shall determine its procedure for making its recommendation and, after taking into account qualification, suit ability, record of past performance, integrity as well as adjudicatory experience keeping in view of the requirement of the National Industrial Tribunal recommend a panel of two or three persons as it deems fit for appointment to each post. (5) No appointm ent of a Judicial Member shall be declared invalid merely by reason of a vacancy or absence of any member in the Search -cum -Selection Committee. (6) A Judicial Member shall hold office for a term of four years from the date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier. (7) In case of casual vacancy in the office of Judicial Member, the Central Government shall appoint the Judicial Member of the other National Industrial Tribunal to officiate as Judi cial Member. (8) (a) A Judicial Member shall be paid a salary of rupees 2,25,000\/ - (fixed) per month and shall be entitled to draw allowances as are admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (b) In ca se of appointment of retired High Court Judge, his pay shall be reduced by the gross amount of pension drawn by him. (9) (a) In case of serving High Court Judges, the service rendered in the National Industrial Tribunal shall be counted for pension to be drawn in accordance with the extant rules of the service to which they belong and they shall be governed by the provisions of General Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules, 1960 and the rules for pension applicable to them. (b) In case of retired High Cou rt Judges, they shall be entitled to join Contributory Provident Fund Scheme as per rules during the period of their re -employment and additional gratuity shall not be paid for the service rendered in the National Industrial Tribunal. (10) A Judicial Membe r shall be entitled for rent free furnished accommodation or house rent allowance at the rate as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (11) (a) In case of serving High Court Judges, leave shall be a dmissible as admissible to the serving High Court Judges. (b) In case of retired High Court Judges, leave shall be admissible as are admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (12) (a) The Central Govern ment shall be the leave sanctioning authority for the Judicial Member. (b) The Central Government shall be the sanctioning authority for foreign travel to the Judicial Member. (13) Central Government Health Scheme facilities as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay shall be applicable. (14) (a) Travelling allowance to a Judicial member shall be admissible as per entitlement of an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the sam e pay. 34 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (b) In case of retired High Court Judges, transfer travelling allowance for joining the National Industrial Tribunal from home town to head quarter and vice -versa at the end of assignment shall also be admissible as entitlement of an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (15) A Judicial Member shall be entitled for leave travel concession as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (16) A Judicial Member s hall be entitled for transport allowance as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (17) No person shall be appointed as Judicial Member unless he is declared medically fit by an authority specified b y the Central Government in this behalf. (18) (a) If a written and verifiable complaint is received by the Central Government, alleging any definite charge of misbehavior or incapacity to perform the functions as Judicial Member, it shall make a preliminar y scrutiny of such complaint. (b) If on preliminary scrutiny, the Central Government is of the opinion that there are reasonable grounds for making an inquiry into the truth of any misbehaviour or incapacity of a Judicial Member, it shall make a reference to the Search -Cum -Selection Committee to conduct the inquiry. (c) The Search -Cum -Selection Committee shall complete the inquiry within six months time or such further time as may be specified by the Central Government. (d) After conclusion of the inquiry, the Search -Cum -Selection Committee shall submit its report to the Central Government stating therein its findings and the reasons therefor on each of the charges separately with such observations on the whole case as it may think fit. (5) The Search -Cum -Selection Committee shall not be bound by the procedure laid down by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) but shall be guided by the principles of natural justice and shall have power to regulate its own procedure, including the fixing of date, pla ce and time of its inquiry. (19) A Judicial Member may, resign his office at any time by giving notice to this effect in writing under his hand addressed to the Central Government: Provided that the Judicial Member shall, unless he is permitted by the Ce ntral Government to relinquish office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appointed as a successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of his term of the off ice, whichever is earlier. (20) (a) The Central Government shall, on the recommendation of Search -Cum -Selection Committee, remove from office any Judicial Member, who, - (a) has been adjudged as an insolvent; or (b) has been convicted of an offence which, involves moral turpitude; or (c) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as such a Judicial Member; or (d) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a Judicial Member; or (e) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public interest: Provided that where a Judicial Member is proposed to be removed on any ground specified in clauses (b) to (e), he shall be informed of the charges against him and given an opportunit y of being heard in respect of those charges. (21) Every person appointed as Judicial Member shall, before entering upon his office, make and subscribe an oath of office and secrecy in the Form -V annexed to these rules. (22) Matter relating to the terms an d conditions of services of the Judicial Member with respect to which no express provisions has been made in these rules, shall be referred by the Central Industrial Tribunal to the Central Government for its decision, and the decision of the Central Gover nment thereon shall be binding. (23) The Central Government shall have power to relax the provision of any of these rules in respect of any class or categories of persons for the reasons to be recorded in writing. 21. Manner of filling up of the vacancy un der sub -section (9) of Section 44 and procedure for selection, salaries and allowances and other terms and condition of Administrative Member of the National Industrial Tribunal under sub -section (6) of section 46. - (1) The qualification for appointment of the Administrative Member of the National Industrial Tribunal (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as Administrative Member) shall be such as given in sub -section (4) of section 46. [(2) (a) The Administrative Member shall be appointed by the Central Government on the recommendation of a Search Cum Selection Committee (SCSC) specified in sub -rule (3) of this rule. (3) The Search Cum Selection Committee shall comprise of the following members, namely: - I. Chief Justice of India or a Judge of Supreme Court nominated by him -Chairperson; II. Sitting Administrative Member of the other National Industrial Tribunal Member; (presently there are two National Tribunals, one at Kolkata and the other at Mumbai) III. Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Labour an d Employment -Member; and IV. Secretary to the Government of India, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Member, (4) The Search -cum -Selection Committee (SCSC) shall determine its procedure for making its recommendation and, after taking in to account qualification, suitability, record of past performance, integrity as well as experience keeping in view of the requirement of the National Industrial Tribunal and recommend a panel of two or three persons as it deems fit for appointment to said post. (5) No appointment of Administrative Member shall be declared invalid merely by reason of one vacancy or absence of any Member in the Search -cum -Selection Committee. (6) An administrative Member shall hold office for a term of four years or till he a ttains the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier. (7) In case of casual vacancy in the office of Administrative Member, the Central Government shall appoint the Administrative Member of the other National Industrial Tribunal to officiate as Adminis trative Member. (8) The Administrative Member shall be paid a salary of rupees 2,25,000\/ - (fixed) per month and shall be entitled to draw allowances as are admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. In case of retired Government Officer, his pay shall be reduced by the gross amount of pension drawn by him. (9) (a) In case of serving Government Officer, the service rendered in National Industrial Tribunal shall be counted for pension to be drawn in accor dance with the extant rules of the service which he belong and shall be governed by General Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules, 1960. (b) In case of retired Government Officers, they shall be entitled to join Contributory Provident Fund Scheme as per extant rules during period of their re -employment. Additional gratuity shall not be admissible for the service rendered by the Administrative Tribunal in National Industrial Tribunals. (10) Administrative Member shall be entitled for rent free furnished a ccommodation or house rent allowance at the rate as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (11) (a) In case of serving Government Officer, leave shall be admissible in accordance with the extant rule s of the service which he belongs. (b) In case of retired Government Officers, leave shall be admissible as are admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (12) (a) The Central Government shall be the lea ve sanctioning authority for the Member. (b) The Central Government shall be the sanctioning authority for foreign travel to the Administrative (13) Central Government Health Scheme facilities as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay shall be applicable. (14) (a) Travelling allowance to an Administrative Member shall be admissible as per entitlement an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (b) In case o f retired Government Officer, transfer travelling allowance for joining the National Industrial Tribunal from home town to head quarter and vice -versa at the end of assignment shall also be admissible as entitlement of an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (15) An Administrative Member shall be entitled for leave travel concession as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (16) An Administrative Member shall be entitled for transport allowance as admissible to an officer of the Government of India holding Group A post carrying the same pay. (17) No person shall be appointed as an Administrative Member, unless he is declared medically fit by an authority specif ied by the Central Government in this behalf. 36 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (18) (a) If a written and verifiable complaint is received by the Central Government, alleging any definite charge of misbehaviour or incapacity to perform the functions as Administrative Member, it shall make a preliminary scrutiny of such complaint. (b) If on preliminary scrutiny, the Central Government is of the opinion that there are reasonable grounds for making an inquiry into the truth of any misbehaviour or incapacity of an Administrative Member, it shal l make a reference to the Search -Cum -Selection Committee to conduct the inquiry. (c) The Search -Cum -Selection Committee shall complete the inquiry within six months time or such further time as may be specified by the Central Government. (d) After conclus ion of the inquiry, the Search -Cum -Selection Committee shall submit its report to the Central Government stating therein its findings and the reasons therefor on each of the charges separately with such observations on the whole case as it may think fit. (e) The Search -Cum -Selection Committee shall not be bound by the procedure laid down by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) but shall be guided by the principles of natural justice and shall have power to regulate its own procedure, including the fixing of date, place and time of its inquiry. (19) An Administrative Member may, resign his office at any time by giving notice to this effect in writing under his hand addre ssed to the Central Government: Provided that the Administrative Member shall, un less he is permitted by the Central Government to relinquish office sooner, continue to hold office until the expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice or until a person duly appointed as a successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of his term of the office, whichever is earlier. (20) The Central Government shall, on the recommendation of the Search -Cum -Selection Committee, remove from office any Administrative Member, who - (a) has been adjudged as an insolvent; or (b) has been conv icted of an offence which, involves moral turpitude; or (c) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as such Member; or (d) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as an Administrative Member; o r (e) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in office prejudicial to the public interest: Provided that where an Administrative Member is proposed to be removed on any ground specified in clauses (b) to (e), he shall be informed of the charg es against him and given an opportunity of being heard in respect of those charges. (21) Every person appointed as Administrative Member shall, before entering upon his office, make and subscribe an oath of office and secrecy in the Form -V annexed to these rules. (22) Matter relating to the terms and conditions of services of the Administrative Member with respect to which no express provisions has been made in these rules, shall be referred by the National Industrial Tribunal to the Central Government for its decision, and the decision of the Central Government thereon shall be binding. (23) The Central Government shall have power to relax the provision of any of these rules in respect of any class or categories of persons for the reasons to be recorded in writing. 22. Manner of holding conciliation proceedings under sub -section (1), full report under sub -section (4), and application and the manner of deciding such application under sub -section (6) of section 53. - (1) Where any industrial dispute exists or is apprehended or a notice under section 62 has been given, the conciliation officer on receipt of such application shall examine the application and if he finds that the dispute pertains to the jurisdiction of State Government shall transfer the dispute t o the concerned authority. In other cases, he will issue first notice to the parties concerned declaring his intention to commence conciliation proceedings. (1) The employer or the workers representative in the first meeting shall submit their respective stat ement in the matter of said dispute. (2) The conciliation officer shall hold conciliation proceedings for the purpose of bringing about a settlement of the dispute and may do all such things as he thinks fit for the purpose of inducing the parties to come to a fair and amicable settlement. [(2) If no such settlement is arrived at in the conciliation proceeding referred to in sub -rule (1), the conciliation officer shall submit a report on Samadhan Portal of the Ministry of Labour and Employment within seven days from the date on which the conciliation proceedings are concluded and made available on the said Samadhan Portal. (3) The report referred to in sub -rule (2) shall be accessible to the parties concerned on the said Samadhan (4) The report referred to in sub -rule (2) shall contain inter -alia the submissions of the employer, worker or Trade union, as the case may be, and it shall also contain the efforts made by the conciliation officer to bring the parties to the amicable settlement, reasons for refusal of the parties to resolve the dispute and the conclusion of the conciliation officer. (5) Any dispute which is not settled during the conciliation proceedings, then, either of the concerned party may make an application in Form -VI, before th e Tribunal through Samadhan portal of the Ministry of Labour and Employment within ninety days from the date of the report under sub -rule (2). (6) In case of an industrial dispute which has not been settled during the conciliation proceedings, an applicati on may be made before the Tribunal by either of the parties concerned for adjudication. The Tribunal shall direct the party raising the dispute to file a statement of claim with complete details along with relevant documents, list of supporting documents a nd witnesses within thirty days from the date on which application is filed. A copy of such statement may be sent electronically or uploaded on the Samadhan portal for service on each of the opposite parties in the dispute. (7) The Tribunal after ascerta ining that the copies of statement of claim and other related documents are furnished to the other side by the party raising the dispute, the Tribunal shall fix the first hearing as soon as possible and within a period of one month from the date of re ceipt of the application. The opposite party or parties shall file their written statement together with supporting documents and the list thereof and list of witnesses, if any, within a period of thirty days from the date of first hearing and simultaneo usly forward a copy thereof to the opposite party or parties for service. (8) Where the Tribunal finds that the party raising the dispute, despite its directions, did not forward the copy of the statement of claim and other documents to the opposite party or parties, it shall give directions to the concerned party to furnish the copy of the statement to the opposite party or parties, granting extension of fifteen days for filing the statement, if the Tribunal finds sufficient cause for not filing the statem ent of claim and other documents within time. (9) Evidence shall be recorded either in Tribunal or, as the case may be, National Industrial Tribunal or may be filed on affidavit but in the case of affidavit the opposite party shall have the right to cros s-examine each of the deponents filing the affidavit. Where the oral examination of each witness proceeds, the Tribunal or the National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, shall make a memorandum of the substance of what is being deposed. While record ing the oral evidence the Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal shall follow the procedure laid down in rule 5 of Order XVIII of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908). (10) On completion of evidence, arguments may be heard immediately or a date may be fixed for arguments, which shall not be beyond a period of fifteen days from the closure of evidence. (11 ) The Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, shall not ordinarily grant an adjournment for a period exceeding a week at a time, but not in any case more than three adjournments in all, at the instance of the parties to the dispute, shall be granted: Provided that the Tribunal or the National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, for reasons to be rec orded in writing, grant an adjournment exceeding a week at a time but not in any case more than three adjournments, at the instance of any one of the parties to the dispute, shall be granted. (12) In case any party defaults or fails to appear at any stage, the Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, may proceed with the case ex -parte, and decide the application in the absence of the defaulting party: Provided that the Tribunal or as the case may be, the National Industrial Tribunal may on the application of either party filed before the submission of the award, revoke the order that the case shall proceed ex - parte, if it is satisfied that the absence of the party was on justifiable grounds, and proceed further to decide the matter as c ontested. (13) The Tribunal or the National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, shall communicate its Award electronically to the parties concerned and the Central Government and upload on the Samadhan portal within one month from the date of the pro nouncement of the award. 38 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (14) The Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal may summon and examine any person whose evidence appears to it to be material for deciding the case and shall be deemed to be a civil court within the meaning of sections 345, 346 and 348 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (1 of 1974). (15) Where assessors are appointed to advise a Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal under sub -section (5) of section 49 in relation to proceeding before it, the Tribunal or National Indust rial Tribunal shall obtain the advice of such assessors, but such advice shall not be binding on such Tribunals. (16) A party in an award, who wants to obtain a copy of the award or other document, may obtain a copy of the award or other document after dep ositing the fee electronically in the Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, in the following manner, namely : - (a) fee for obtaining a copy of an award or the document filed in any proceedings of Tribunal or National Tribunal be charge d at the rate of Rs. T wo per page. (b) For certifying a copy of any such award or order or document, a fee of Re. T wo per page shall be payable. (c) Copying and certifying fees shall be payable electronically. (d) Where a party applies for immediate delivery of a copy of any such award or document, an additional fee equal to one -half of the fee leviable under this rule shall be payable. (17) The representatives of the parties appearing before a Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal shall have the right of examinati on, cross -examination and of addressing the Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal when evidence has been called. (18) The proceedings before Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal shall be held in open court: Provided that the Tribunal or National In dustrial Tribunal may direct any proceeding before it to be held by video conferencing. Provided further that Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal may at any stage direct that any witness shall be examined or its proceedings be held in -camera. Chapter VII STRIKES AND LOCK -OUTS 23. Number of persons by whom the notice of strike shall be given, the person or persons to whom such notice shall be given and the manner of giving such notice under sub -section (4) of section 62. - The notice of strike refer red to in sub -section (1) of section 62 shall be given to the employer of an industrial establishment in Form -VII which shall be duly signed by the Secretary and five elected representatives of the registered Trade Union relating to such industrial establi shment endorsing the copy thereof electronically or otherwise to the concerned conciliation officer, Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) and the Central Government. 24. Manner of giving notice of lock -out under sub -section (5) and authority under sub -section (6) of section 62. (1) The notice of lock -out referred to in sub -section (2) of section 62 shall be given by the employer of an industrial establishment in Form -VIII to the Secretary of every registered Trade Union relating to such industrial esta blishment endorsing a copy thereof to the concerned conciliation officer, Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) and the Central Government electronically. The notice shall be displayed conspicuously by the employer on a notice board or on electronic board a t the main entrance to the industrial establishment. (2) If the employer of an industrial establishment receives from any person employed by him any notice of strike as referred to in sub -section (1) of section 62 then he shall within five days from the da te of receiving of such notice, intimate the same electronically to the concerned conciliation officer and Chief Labour Commissioner (Central). (3) If the employer gives to any person employed by him a notice of lock -out, then he shall within five days from the date of such notice, intimate electronically the same to the concerned conciliation officer and the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central). Chapter VIII LAY -OFF, RETRENCHMENT AND CLOUSURE 25. Manner of serving notice before retrenchment of the worker under clause (c) of section 70 . - If any employer desires to retrench any worker employed in his industrial establishment who has been in continuous service for not less than one year under him then, such employer shall give notice of such retrenchment, in Form -IX to the Central Government, and the concerned Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) through e -mail or, by registered or speed post. 26. Manner of giving an opportunity for re -employment to the retrenched workers under Section 72.- Where any vacancy occurs in an industrial establishment and there are workers of such industrial establishment retrenched within one year prior to the proposal for filling up such vacancy, then, the employer of such industrial establishment shall offer an opportuni ty at least 10 days before by registered post or speed post and through e -mail to such retrenched workers who are citizens of India. If such workers give their willingness for employment then, the employer shall give them preference over other persons in filling up of such vacancy. 27. Manner of serving notice by the employer for intended closure under sub -section (1) of section 74. If an employer intends to close down an industrial establishment he shall give notice of such closure in Form -IX to the Cent ral Government and a copy thereof to the concerned Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), by e -mail or registered post or speed post. Chapter IX SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO LAY -OFF, RETRENCHMENT AND CLOSURE IN CERTAIN ESTABLISHMENTS 28. Manner of making application to the Central Government by the employer for the intended lay-off and the manner of serving copy of such application to workers under sub -section (2) of section 78. - An application for permission under sub -section (1) of section 78 sha ll be made by the employer in Form - X stating clearly therein the reasons for the intended lay off and a copy of such application shall be served simultaneously to the worker concerned electronically and by registered post or speed post. Such application s hall also be displayed conspicuously by the employer on a notice board or on electronic board at the main entrance of the industrial establishment. 29. Manner for applying for permission from the Central Government to continue the lay -off under sub -section (3) of section 78. - The employer shall in case of an industrial establishment being a mine specified in sub -section (3) of section 78 where the workers (other than Badli workers or casual workers) have been laid -off under sub -section (1) of section 78 for reasons of fire, flood or excess of inflammable gas or explosion, within a period of thirty days from the date of commencement of such lay -off, apply to the Central Government in Form X electronically and by registered or speed post with a copy to th e concerned Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) for permission to continue the lay -off specifying the number of days; intimating the number of workers to be laid off, the total number of workers employed in the industrial establishment, the date of layoff and the reasons for continuation of such lay off. 30. Time -limit for review under sub -section (7) of section 78. - The Central Government may, either on its own motion or on the application made by the employer or any worker, review its order grantin g or refusing to grant permission under sub -section (4) of the section 78 within a period of thirty days from the date on which such order is made. 31. Manner of making application to the Central Government by the employer for the intended retrenchment an d manner of serving copy of such application to workers under sub -section (2) of section 79. - An application for permission referred to in sub -section (1) of section 79 shall be made by the employer in Form - X stating clearly therein the reasons for the intended retrenchment electronically and a copy of such application shall also be sent to workers electronically and by registered post or speed post. Such application shall also be displayed conspicuously by the employer on a notice board or on electron ic board at the main entrance to the industrial establishment. 32. Time -limit for review under sub -section (6) of section 79. - The Central Government may, either on its own motion or on the application made by the employer or any worker, review its order g ranting or refusing to grant permission under sub -section (3) of section 79 within a period of thirty days from the date on which such orders is made. 40 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 33. Manner of making application to the Central Government by the employer for intended closing down of an industrial establishment and the manner of serving copy of such application to the representatives of workers under sub -section (1) of section 80. - An employer who intends to close down an industrial establishment to which Chapter X of the Code applies shall apply electronically in Form X for prior permission at least ninety days before the date on which intended closure is to become effective to the Central Government, stating clearly therein the reasons for the intended closure of the industrial establishment and simultaneously a copy of such application shall also be sent to the representatives of the workers electronically and by registered post or speed post. 34. Time -limit for review under sub -section (5) of section 80. - The Central Government may, either on its own motion or on the application made by the employer or any worker, review its order granting or refusing to grant permission under sub -section (2) of section 80 within a period of thirty days from the date on which such order is made. Chapter X WORKER RE -SKILLING FUND 35. Manner of utilization of fund under sub -section (3) of section 83 .- Every employer who has retrenched a worker or workers under this Code, shall, within ten days, at the time of retrenching a worker or workers shall electronically transfer an amount equivalent to fifteen days of last drawn wages of such retrenched worker or workers in the account (name of the account shall be displayed on the website of the Ministry and Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)) to be main tained by the Central Government. The fund so received shall be transferred by the Central Government to each worker or workerselectronically within forty five days of receipt of funds from the employer and the worker shall utilize such amount f or his re -skilling. The employer shall also submit the list containing the name of each worker retrenched, the amount equivalent to fifteen days of wages last drawn in respect of each worker along with their bank account details to enable the Central Gover nment to transfer the amount in their respective account. Chapter XI OFFENCES AND PENALTIES 36. Manner of composition of offence by a Gazetted Officer specified under sub -section (1) of section 89 and the manner of making application for the compoundin g of an offence specified under sub -section (4) of section 89. - (1) The officer notified by the Central Government for the purposes of compounding of offences under sub -section (1) of section 89 (hereinafter referred to as the compounding officer), shall in the offences in which prosecution is not instituted, if the compounding officer is of the opinion that any offence under the Code for which the compounding is permissible under section 89, he shall send a notice through Samadhan Portal to the accused in Form XI consisting of three parts. In part I of such Form, the compounding officer shall inter -alia specify the name of the offender and his other particulars, the details of the offence and in which section the offence has been committed, the compounding amount required to be paid towards the composition of the offence. Part II of the Form shall specify the consequences if the offence is not compounded and part III of the Form shall contain the application to be filed by the accused if he desires to compo und the offence. Each notice shall have a continuous unique number containing alphabets or numeric and other details such as officer sending notice, year, place, type of inspection for the purpose of easy identification. (2) The accused to whom the no tice referred to in sub -rule (1) is served, may send the part III of the Form duly filled by him to the compounding officer electronically and deposit the compounding amount electronically or otherwise, within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice, in the account specified by the compounding officer in the notice. (3) Where the prosecution has already been instituted against the accused in the competent Court, he may make an application to the Court to compound the offence against him and the Court, af ter considering the application, may allow composition of the offence by the compounding officer in accordance with provisions of section 89. (4) If the accused complies with the requirement of sub -rule (2), the compounding officer shall compound the offe nce for the amount of money deposited by the accused and - (a) if the offence is compounded before the prosecution, then no complaint for prosecution shall be instituted against the accused; and [(b) if the offence is compounded after institution of prosecution unde r sub -rule (3) with the permission of the Court, then, the compounding officer shall treat the case as closed as if no prosecution had been launched and will proceed in accordance with composition as under clause (a) and intimate the composition of offence to the competent Court in which the prosecution is pending and after receiving such intimation, the Court shall discharge the accused and close the prosecution. (5) The compounding officer shall exercise the powers to compound the offence under this rule, subject to the direction, control and supervision of the Central Government. Chapter XII MISCELLNEOUS 37. Protected workers under sub -section (3) and (4) of section 90 .(1) Every registered Trade Union connected with an industrial establishment, t o which the Code applies, shall communicate to the employer before the 30th April of every year, the names and addresses of such of the officers of the Union who are employed in that establishment and who, in the opinion of the Union should be recognised a s protected workers. Any change in the incumbency of any such officer shall be communicated to the employer by the union within fifteen days of such change. (2) The employer shall, subject to sub -section (3) and sub -section (4) of section 90, recognise such workers protected workers for the purposes of section 90 and communicate to the Union, in writing, within fifteen days of the receipt of the names and addresses under sub -rule (1), the list of workers recognised as protected workers for the pe riod of twelve months from the date of such communication. (3) Where the total number of names received by the employer under sub -rule (1) exceeds the maximum number of protected workers, admissible for the industrial establishment, under sub -section (4) of section (90), the employer shall recognise as protected workers only such maximum number of workers: Provided that where there is more than one registered Trade Union in the industrial establishment, the maximum number shall be so distributed by the em ployer among the Unions that the numbers of recognised protected workers in individual Unions bear practicably by the same proportion to one another as the membership figures of the Unions. The employer shall in that case intimate in writing to the Preside nt or the Secretary of the each concerned Union the number of protected workers allotted to it: Provided further that where the number of protected workers allotted to a Union under this sub -rule falls short of the number of officers of the Union seeking protection, the union shall be entitled to select the officers to be recognised as protected workers. Such selection shall be made by the Union and communicated to the employer within five days of the receipt of the employers letter in this regard. (4) W hen a dispute arises between an employer and any registered Trade Union in any matter connected with the recognition of protected workers under this rule, the dispute shall be referred to the any Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) or Regional Lab our Commissioner (Central) or Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) concerned, whose decision thereon shall be final. 38. Manner of making complaint by an aggrieved worker under section 91 .- (i) Every complaint under section 91 of the Code shall be made electronically and by registered post or speed post in Form -XII and shall be accompanied by as many copies as there are opposite parties mentioned in the complaint. (ii) Every complaint under sub -rule (1) shall be verified by the worker making the complain t or by authorized representative of the worker proved to the satisfaction of the conciliation officer, arbitrator, Tribunal or the National Industrial Tribunal, as the case may be, to be acquainted with the facts of the case. 39. Manner of authorization of worker for representing in any proceeding under sub -section (1) of section 94. - Where the worker is not a member of any Trade Union, then, any member of the executive or other office -bearer of any Trade Union connected with or by any other worker employ ed in the industry in which the worker is employed may be authorized by such worker to represent him in any proceeding under the Code relating to a dispute in which the worker is a party in Form -IV. 40. Manner of authorization of employer for representing in any proceeding under sub -section (2) of Section 94 .- Where the employer, is not a member of any association of employers, may authorize in Form -IV an officer of any association of employers connected with, or by any other employer engaged in, the indust ry in which the employer is engaged to represent him in any proceeding under the Code relating to a dispute in which the employer is a party. 42 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 41. Manner of holding an enquiry under sub -section (1) of section 85. - Complaint . (1) On receipt of a comp laint of the offence committed under sub -sections (3), (5), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11) and (20) of section 86 and sub -section (7) of section 89, the same shall be enquired by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India unde r sub -section (1) of section 85 (hereinafter referred to as the enquiry officer). (2) Issue of Notice . If the complaint filed is admitted by the Enquiry officer, he shall call upon the person or persons through a notice to be sent electronically a nd a copy of the same to be posted on Samadhan Portal to appear before him on a specified date together with all relevant documents and witnesses, if any, and shall inform the complainant of the date so specified. (3) If the person or his representative f ails to appear on the specified date, the Enquiry Officer may proceed to hear and determine the complaint ex -parte. (4) If the complainant fails to appear on the specified date without any intimation to the Enquiry officer on two consecutive dates, the com plaint may be dismissed . Provided that not more than three adjournments may be given on the joint application made by complainant and the opposite party. Provided further that the enquiry officers shall at his discretion permit hearing the parties or an y of the party, as the case may be, through video conferencing. (5) Authorisation. The authorisation to appear on behalf of any person, under section sub -section (2) of section 85 shall be given by a certificate or electronic certificate, as the case ma y be, which shall be presented to the Enquiry Officer during the hearing of the complaint and shall form part of the record. (6) Permission to appear. Any person who intends to appear in the proceeding on behalf of complainant shall present before the E nquiry Officer and submit a brief written statement explaining the reason for his appearance. The Enquiry officer shall record an order on the statement and in the case of refusal shall include reasons for the same, and incorporate it in the record. (7) Presentation of documents. Complaint or other documents relevant to the complaint may be presented in person to the Enquiry Officer at any time during hours fixed by the Enquiry Officer, or may be sent to him electronically or by registered post or spe ed post. (8) The Enquiry Officer shall endorse, or cause to be endorsed, on each document the date of the presentation or receipt, as the case may be. If the documents have been submitted electronically, no such endorsement shall be necessary. (9) Refusa l to entertain complaint . (i) The Enquiry Officer may refuse to entertain a complaint presented under sub -section (1) of section 85 if after giving the complainant an opportunity of being heard, the Enquiry Officer is satisfied, for reasons to be reco rded in writing that (a) the complainant is not entitled to present the complaint; or (b) the complainant is barred by limitation under the provisions of this Code (c) the complainant fails to comply the directions given by the Enquiry Officer un der sub -section (2) of section 85. (ii) The Enquiry Officer may refuse to entertain complaint which is otherwise incomplete. He may ask complainant to rectify the defects and if the Enquiry Officer thinks that the complaint cannot be rectified he may retu rn the complaint indicating the defects and, if he, so refuses shall return it at once indicating the defects. If the complaint is presented again, after the defects have been rectified, the date of representation shall be deemed to be the date of presenta tion for the purpose of sub -section (1) of section 85. (10 ) Record of proceedings. The Enquiry Officer shall in all cases mention the particulars at the time of passing of order containing the details, i.e., date of complaint, name and address of the c omplainant, name and address of the opposite party or parties, section -wise details of the offence committed, plea of the opposite party, findings and brief statement of the reason and penalty imposed with signature, date and (11) Exercise of pow ers. In exercise of the powers of a Civil Court, conferred under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Enquiry Officer shall be guided in respect of procedure by relevant orders of the First Schedule of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, with such alterat ions as the Enquiry Officer may find necessary, not affecting their substance, for adapting them to the matter before him, and save where they conflict with the express provisions of this Code or these rules. [(12) Order or direction when to be made. The E nquiry Officer, after the case has been heard, shall make the order or direction on a future date to be fixed for this purpose. (13) Inspection of documents. Any person, who is either a complainant or an opposite party or his representative, or any pers on permitted under sub -rule (3) shall be entitled to inspect any complaint, or any other document filed with the Enquiry Officer be, in a case to which he is a party . 42. Submission of a copy each of the Form to the office of Director General, Labour Bur eau under clause (zzf) of sub -section 2 of section 99 . A copy each of Form VII (notice of strike), Form VIII (notice of lockout), Form IX (notice for intimation of retrenchment or closure to the Central Government), Form X (Application for permission of lay-off or retrenchment or closure), and Form XI (compounding of offences), shall be shared electronically with Director General, Labour Bureau in auto -mode . (See Rule 2) (Memorandum of settlement arrived at during conciliation\/ or settlement arr ived at between the employer and his workers otherwise than in the course of conciliation proceeding) Names of Parties: . Representing employer(s); . Representing workers; Short recital of the case Terms of settlement Signature of the parties Witnesses: *Signature of Conciliation Officer In case the settlement arrived at between the employer and his workers otherwise than in the course of conciliation proceeding the copy of the memorandum shall be marked to the concerned Deputy chief Labour Commissioner (c). (See Rule 16) (Notice of change of service conditions proposed by an employer) Name of employer................................................................................................ Address............................................................................................................... Dated the .. .......................................... day of ................................. 20.............. In accordance with section 40(1) of Industrial Relation code I\/We hereby give notice to all concerned that it is my\/our intention to effect the change\/cha nges specified in the annexure, with effect from ............. in the conditions of service applicable to workers in respect of the matters specified in the Third Schedule to this Signature..................... Designation ................. 44 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ANNEXURE (Here specify the change\/changes intended to be effected) Copy forwarded to: 1. The Secretary of registered Trade Union, if any. 2. Concerned Deputy Chief Labour commissioner. FORM -III (Agreement for voluntary arbitration ) (See Rule 17) Nam e of the parties representing employer (s) .Representing worker It is hereby agreed between the parties to refer the following dispute to the arbitration of ........................ [here specify the name(s) and address(es) of the arbitrator (s). (i) Specific matters in dispute. (ii) Details of the parties to the dispute including the name and address of the establishment or undertaking involved. (iii) Name of the worker in case he himself is involved in the dispute or the name of the union, if any, repres enting the worker or workers in question. (iv) Total number of workers employed in the undertaking affected. (v) Estimated number of workers affected or likely to be affected by the dispute. *We further agree that the majority decision of the arbitrators) shall be binding on us in case the arbitrator(s) are equally divided in their opinion they shall appoint another person as umpire whose award shall be binding on us. The arbitrator (s) shall make his (their) award within a period of ........................ (h ere specify the period agreed upon by the parties) from the date of publication of this agreement in the Official Gazette by the central Government or within such further time as is extended by mutual agreement between us in writing. In case, the award is not made within the period afore mentioned, the reference to the arbitration shall stand automatically cancelled and we shall be free to negotiate for fresh arbitrator. Signature of the parties Representing employer] Representing worker\/ workers. Witnes ses 1. .................................. 2. .................................. Copy to: (i) The Conciliation Officer [here enter office address of the Conciliation Officer for the area concerned]. . (ii) The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Labour. (See Rule 19, Rule 39 and Rule 40 ) (Authorization by a worker, group of worker, employer, group of employer to be represented in a proceeding before the authority under this Code). Before the Authority (Here mention the authority concerned) In the matter of:. (mention the name of the proceeding ) .............................................workers ............................................................. ....................................Employer I\/we hereby authorise Shri \/ Sarvashri (if representatives are more than one) 1.........2............3.............. to represent me\/us in the above matter. Dated this......................day of.............. ................20.......... Signature of person(s) nominating the representative(s) Address Accepted (See Rule 20 and 21) Form of Oath of Office for Judicial Member or Administrative Member (whichever is applicable) of National Industrial Tribunal I, A, B., having been appointed as Judicial Member\/Administrative Member (whichever is applicable) of National Industrial Tribunal (Name of the Tribunal) do solemnly affirm\/ do swear in the name of God that I will faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as the Judicial Member\/Administrative Member of National Industrial Tribunal (Name of the Tribunal) to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment, without fear or favour, affection or ill -will and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws of the (Signature) (See Rule 22 ) (Application to be submitted before the Tribunal in the matter not settled by the Conciliation Officer ) (here mention the name of the Tribunal having jurisdiction over the are a) In the matter of: ............................................ Applicant Address................................................. .............................................................. .... Opposite party (ies) Address...................................................... The above mentioned applicant begs to state as follows : - (Here set out the relevant facts and circumstances of the case). The applicant prays that the instant dispute may please be admitted for adjudication and request to pass appropriate Award. Place ......... 46 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] Form -VII (See Rule 23 ) (Notice of Strike to be given by Union(Name of Union)\/ Group of Work ers) Name of five elected representatives of workersDated the...............day of................20............ (The name of the employer). Dear Sir\/Sirs, In accordance with the provisions contained in sub -section (1) of section 62 of the Industrial Relation code I\/We hereby give you notice that I propose to call a strike \/ we propose to go on strike on for the reasons explained in the annexure. Yours faithfully, (Secretary of the Union) Five representatives of the workers duly elected at a meeting held on ............................... (date), vide resolution attached.] ANNEXURE Statement of the Case. Copy to; 1) Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central),of the concerned area . 2) Chief Labour Commissioner (central) New Delhi FORM -VIII (See Rule 24 ) (Notice of Lock -out to be given by an e mployer of an industrial establishment) Name of employer .......................................................................................................... Address..................................................................................... ..................................... Dated the...............day of................20................... In accordance with the provisions of 62(6) of this code, I\/we hereby give notice to all concerned that it is my\/our intention to e ffect lock out in..,......................................................department(s), section(s) of my\/our establishment with effect from.......................for the reasons explained in the annexure. Signature........................................ ............. Designation............................................ ANNEXURE 1. Statement of reasons Copy forwarded to: (1) The Secretary of the Registered Union, if any (2) Conciliation officer .......... [Here enter office address of the Assistant Labour Commissioner \/ Regional Labour commissioner\/ Deputy Chief Labour commissioner (Central) of the concerned (3) Chief Labour Commissioner (central) New Delhi (4) To the office of DG Labour Bureau. Form - IX (See Rule 25 and 27) (Notice of Intimation of Retren chment\/ Closure to be given by an employer to the Central Government under the provisions of Chapter IX of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 and rules made there under) ( To be submitted online. In case of exigencies, on paper in the prescribed format be low) Name of Industrial Establishment \/Undertaking\/ Employer......................................... Labour Identification Number ....................................................................................... Dated................. ( Note: The i ntimation for Closure\/Retrenchment to the appropriate government shall be served 60 days and 30 days before commencement of Closure\/Retrenchment respectively ) The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment New Delhi 1. *(Ret renchment) (a) Under Section 70(C) of this Code, I\/ we* hereby intimate you that I*\/we* have decided to retrench.................................. workers** out of a total of . Workers** with effect from.................... (DD\/MM\/YYYY) *(Closure) (b) Under Section 74(1) of this Code, I \/ we* hereby intimate you that I*\/we* have decided to close down,............................................(name of the industrial establishment or undertaking) with effect from......................... (DD\/MM\/YYYY ). The number of workers whose services would be terminated on account of the closure of the undertaking is................. (number of workers) 2. The reason for Retrenchment \/ Closure is 3. * The worker(s)* concerned were given on the.................. (DD\/MM\/YYYY) one months notice in writing as required under section 70(a)*\/ section 75(1)* of this Code. * The worker(s) concerned have been give n on the. (DD\/MM\/YYYY) one months pay in lieu of the notice as required under section 70(a)*\/ section 75(1)* of this Code. 4. * I*\/We* hereby declare that the worker(s) concerned have been*\/will be* paid all their dues along with the compensation due to them under section 70* \/ section 75* of this Code before or on the expiry of the notice period. *I\/We* hereby state that currently Insolvency proceedings are on in respect of the said Industrial Establishment\/Undertaking\/Employer, and that I*\/we* will pay all the dues along with the compensation due to them under concerned laws. 5. (Retrenchment) I\/we* hereby declare that the worker(s) concerned have been* \/ will be* retrenched in compliance to the Section 71 and section 72 of this Code. 48 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] 6. I*\/ we* hereby declare that no court case is pending before any Court in the matter, and if yes, the details thereof have been Annexed. 7. I*\/ we* hereby declare that the above information given by me*\/us* in this notice and the Annexures is true, I*\/ we* am*\/ are* solel y responsible for its accuracy and no facts\/ materials has been suppressed in the matter. Yours faithfully, (Name of Employer\/ ***Authorized Representative with Seal) (* Strike off wh ich is not applicable.) (** Indicate number in figures and words both) (***Copy of Authorization letter issued by the employer shall be enclosed) Copy to : (1) To the Office of DG Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment, (Only for statistical p urpose.) (2) DY. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) of the concerned area. (3) To the Registered Unions\/ Authorised Representatives of Workers operating in the establishments or undertakings. X [See Rule 28, 29, 31 and 33] [Application for permission of Lay -off\/ Continuation of Lay -off\/ Retrenchment\/ Closure to be given by an employer \/ Industrial establishment \/Undertaking to the Central Government under the provisions of Chapter X of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020 and rules made there under ] (To be submitted online. In case of exigencies on paper in the prescribed format below) Name of Industrial Establishment or Undertaking or Employer........ ............................. Labour Identification Number......................................................................................... Dated................. ( Note: The application to the Central Government shall be served as indicated belo w: Lay -off : at least 15 days before the intended Lay -off Continuation of Lay -off at least 15 days before the expiry of earlier Lay -off Retrenchment at least 60 days before the intended date of Retrenchment at least 90 days before the intend ed date of Closure) The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment New Delhi 1. *(Lay -off) (a). Under section 78(2) of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, I*\/we* hereby apply for permission to lay -off .workers** out of t otal of .. workers** employed in my*\/our* establishment (details to be given in Annex -I) with effect from .. (DD\/MM\/YYYY). *(Continuation of lay -off) (b) Under section 78(3) of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, I*\/we* hereby apply for permission to continue the Lay -off .........workers** out of total of .. laid off workers** in my*\/our* establishment (details to be given in Annex -I) with effect from .. (DD\/MM\/YYYY). *(Retrenchment) (c) Under section 79(2) of the Industrial Relations Code , 2020, I*\/we* hereby apply for permission for intended retrenchment of................. workers out of total of .. workers** employed in my*\/our* establishment (details to be given in Annex -I) with effect from .. (DD\/MM\/YYYY). *(Closure) (d) Under section 80(1) of the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, I \/ we* hereby inform you that I*\/we* intended to close down the undertaking........................................ (name of the industrial establishment or undertaking or employer) (details to be giv en in Annex -1) with effect from............. (DD\/MM\/YYYY). The number of workers whose services would be terminated on account of the closure of the undertaking is................. (number of workers) 2. * (Lay -off\/Continuation of Lay -off) The worker(s) c oncerned were given on .................. (DD\/MM\/YYYY) notice in writing as required under section 78(2)*\/ section 78(3)* of this Code. *(Retrenchment\/ Closure) The worker(s) concerned were given on... (DD\/MM\/YYYY) one monthnotice in writing as req uired under section 79*\/ section 80* of this Code. *(Retrenchment\/ Closure) The worker(s) have been given on... (DD\/MM\/YYYY) one months pay in lieu of notice as required under section 79*\/ section 80* of this Code. 3. The details of affected worker(s) i s at Annexure II. 4. (Retrenchment) I*\/we* hereby declare that the workers concerned will be retrenched in compliance to the Section 71 and section 72 of this Code. 5. *I\/We* hereby declare that the worker(s) concerned have been*\/will be* paid all the dues and compensation due to them under section 67, read with section 78(10)*\/ section 79* \/ section 80* of this Code before or on the expiry of the notice period. *I\/We hereby state that currently Insolvency proceedings are on in respect of the said Industrial Establishment\/Undertaking\/Employer, and that I*\/we* will pay all the dues along with the compensation due to them under concerned laws. 6. I\/ we* hereby declare that no court case is pending before any Court in the matter, and if yes, the details thereof have been Annexed. 7. I\/ we hereby declare that the above information given by me\/ us* in this notice and enclosures is\/ are* true, I\/ we am\/ are solely responsible for its accuracy and no facts\/ materials has been suppressed in the matter. The permission sought for may please be granted. Yours faithfully, (Name of Employer\/ ***Authorised Representative with Seal) (* Strike off which is not applicable.) (** Indicate number in figures and word both) (***Copy of Authorization letter issued by the employer shall be enclosed) 50 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] ANNEXURE I (Please give replies against each item) ANNEXURE II (Details of affected workers) CMPFO Name of the Worker Category ( Highly Skilled \/ Skilled\/ Semi -skilled \/ Unskilled ) Date from which in service in\/with the said establishment \/Undertaking\/ Employer Wage as on Application Remark 1 Name of the undertaking with complete postal address, email, mobile and land line. 2 Status of undertaking (i) Whether Central public sector\/State public sector\/ etc, (ii) Whether a private limited company\/ partnership firm\/ partnership firm (ii) Whether the undertaking is Licensed\/registered and if so, name of licensing\/ registration authority and licence\/registration ce rtificate numbers. 3 (a) MCA Number (b) GSTN Number 4 (i) Annual production, item wise for preceding three years - (ii) Production figures, month -wise, for the preceding twelve months, 5 Audit report of establishment\/ undertaking including Balance sheets, profit and loss accounts for the last three years. To be annexed 6 Names of the inter -connected companies or companies under the same management. 7 Details of lay -off\/ Retrenchment resorted to in the last three years including the periods of s uch lay -offs\/ Retrenchment the number of workmen involved in each such lay -off\/ Retrenchment \/ continuation of lay off 8 Any other relevant details which have bearing on lay -off\/ continuation of lay off\/ retrenchment\/ closure. (See Rule 36) Notice to the Employer who committed an offence for the first time under this code, for compounding of offence under sub -section (4) of section 89, The undersigned and the Compounding Officer under sub -section 1 of section 89 of the Industrial Relation Code, 2020 hereby intimates that the allegation has been made against you for committing offence for the violation of various provision of this Code as per the details given below; - 1. Name and Address of the offender Employer - 2. Address of the Establishment 4. Particulars of the offence 5. Section of the Code under w hich the offence is committed 6. Compounding amount required to be paid towards composition of the You are advised to deposit the above mentioned amount within fifteen days from the d ate of issue of this notice for compounding the offence as per section 89 (1) of the Industrial Relation Code, 2020, alongwith an application dully filled in part III of this notice. In case you fail to deposit the said amount within the specified time , no further opportunity shall be given and necessary direction for filing of prosecution under section ----- shall be issued. (Signature of the Compounding Officer) Application under sub -section (4) of section 89 for compounding o f offence 1. Name of applicant (name of the employer who committed the offence under the Industrial Relation Code 2020 to be mentioned2. Address of the applicant 3. Particulars of the offence 4. Section of the Code under which the offence has been committed 5. Details of the compounding amount deposited (electronically generated receipt to be 6. Details of the prosecution, if filed for the violation of above mentioned offences may be given 7. Whether the offence is first offence or the applicant had committed any other offence prior to th is offence, if committed, then, full details of the offence 8. Any other information which the applicant desires to provide Applicant (Name and signature) Place: 52 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3( i)] (See Rule 38 ) (Complaint under Section 91 of the Industrial Relation Code, 2020) Before the Conciliation officer\/ Arbitrator\/ Tribunal or, National Tribunal ------ , In the matter of :................................... Referenc e No A...................... Complainant(s); Versus B...................... Opposite Party(ies). Address: The petitioner(s) begs\/beg to complain that the Opposite Party(ies) has\/have been guilty of a contravention of the provisions of section 90 of the Industrial Relation code, as shown below: (Here set out briefly the particulars showing the manner in which the alleged contravention has taken place and the grounds on which the order or act of the management is challenged.) The complainant(s) accordingly prays\/pray that the Conciliation officer\/ Arbitrator\/ Industrial T ribunal or National Tribunal may be pleased to decide the complaint set out above and pass such order or orders thereon as it may deem fit and proper. The number of copies of .the complaint and its annexure required under rule 91 of the Industrial Relation Code are submitted herewith. Dated this............day of............20..... Signature of the Complainant(s) Verification I do solemnly declare that what is stated in paragraph.......... above is true to my knowledge and that what is stated in paragraphs. ............. .... above is stated upon information received and believed by me to be true. This verification is signed by me at........... .............. on ....... .................... .....day of....................20..................... Signature or Thum b impression of the person verifying. [F. No. Z -20025\/26\/2015 -LRC] R. K. GUPTA , Jt. Secy. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi -110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, D elhi -110054. ","Summary":"This summary is with regards to the Draft Rules framed under the Industrial Relations Code 2020 where the Central Government has proposed to replace the already existing 29 labour laws with 4 codes in order to modernise them as well as simplify them in nature. These rules will be called The Industrial Relation (Central) Rules, 2020. The rules have been specified below: Constitution of Works Committee: which talks about the total no. of the Work Committee members shall not exceed the fixed limit so as to ensure representation of various categories of people and the employer nominates their representative in the Work Committee. It also talks about the nomination of the chairman, vice chairman, secretary and joint secretary which shall be elected every year. The Grievance Redressal Committee Rules: which must consist of workers and employees in equal number within the limit of total 10 members. It also talks about how an aggrieved worker must file an application before the committee and if they are not satisfied by the decision taken by the committee then they can further file an application through Samadhan Portal or via registered post\/speed post. Standing Orders: which talks about the language (English, Hindi or Official Language of the State) and the manner for maintaining the standard orders and mentions the application for modification of any standing orders. Form II has been shared with regards to the Notice of Change that can be submitted by any worker who wants to make any changes in an existing service conditions. With regards to matter between an employer and workers Form III has been provided for when they decide to refer the dispute to arbitration. It specifies that the term \u2018officer\u2019 refers to \u201cany officer who is a part of the Trade Union or an association of the employer authorized for such purpose\u201d. Provides a mechanism for Resolution of Industrial Disputes and states the members that would comprise of the Search Cum Selection Committee and their tenure as well as salary. This Committee will decide the procedure for making recommendations based on qualification and past records and thus they will recommend a panel of 2-3 people who will be further appointed to a post. Chapter 7 talks about measures to be taken in situation of strike and lock- outs which is with regards to the manner in which the employees must submit Form VIII and they inform their employees of so in the mentioned manner. It also covers data showing measures to be taken with regards to the lay-off, retrenchment and closure in certain establishments as well as states Special Provisions regarding the same under which the employer must communicate the reason for removal of the employee giving a notice in Form IX and Form X via certain means of communication. Chapter X allows the Central Government to directly put 15 days\u2019 worth of wage in the account of the worker(s) that have been laid off by the employee within 10 days of removing the worker."}}