--- license: mit --- # MS MARCO Distillation Scores for Translate-Distill This repository contains [MS MARCO](https://microsoft.github.io/msmarco/) training query-passage scores produced by MonoT5 reranker [`unicamp-dl/mt5-13b-mmarco-100k`](https://huggingface.co/unicamp-dl/mt5-13b-mmarco-100k) and [`castorini/monot5-3b-msmarco-10k`](https://huggingface.co/castorini/monot5-3b-msmarco-10k). Each training query is associated with the top-50 passages retrieved by the [ColBERTv2](https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01488) model. Files are gzip compressed and with the naming scheme of `{teacher}-monot5-{msmarco, mmarco}-{qlang}{plang}.jsonl.gz`, which indicates the teacher reranker that inferenced using `qlang` queries and `plang` passages from MS MARCO. For languages other than English (eng), we use the translated text provided by mmarco and [neuMarco](https://ir-datasets.com/neumarco.html). ## Usage We recommand downloading the files to incorporate with the training script in the [PLAID-X](https://github.com/hltcoe/ColBERT-X/tree/plaid-x) codebase. ## Citation and Bibtex Info Please cite the following paper if you use the scores. ```bibtext @inproceedings{translate-distill, author = {Eugene Yang and Dawn Lawrie and James Mayfield and Douglas W. Oard and Scott Miller}, title = {Translate-Distill: Learning Cross-Language \ Dense Retrieval by Translation and Distillation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)}, year = {2024}, url = {tba} } ```